“Having thrown away the United Nations and trampled its Charter under foot, NATO has proclaimed before the world for the coming century an old law, that of the jungle: the strongest is always right. If your high technology permits it, surpass a hundred times in violence the adversary you condemn. And it is in this world that you invite us to live henceforth. Under the eyes of humanity they are destroying a magnificent European country, and the civilized governments applaud it.” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (Moscow, 8 April 1999) [1]


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On March 24th 1999, following the failure of peace talks brokered by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the people of Yugoslavia writhed and screamed under a shower of deadly bombs raining down from the skies. [2][3]

Over the course of a 78 day campaign, NATO would dispatch 35,000 combat operations over the sovereign state involving over 1,000 warplanes (including F-15, F-16 and F-117), 206 helicopters, more than 20,000 laser and satellite-guided weapons, 79,000 tons of explosives, including 152 containers for 35,450 cluster bombs, and other weaponry prohibited under international conventions.[4]

According to research conducted by a July 1999 Independent Commission of Inquiry, overseen by the International Action Center, thousands of people were killed and 6000 injured as a direct result of the bombings. Thirty percent of the casualties were children.

In her report, Vivian Martin stated:

“Belgrade suffered the most hits during the entire two months of NATO’s aggression. On May 20,1999 at 12:55 am NATO directly hit the “Dragisa Misovic” hospital in the neurological ward, the gynecological ward and the children’s ward for lung diseases were completely destroyed. NATO admitted that one of the laser-guided bombs overshot it’s target by about 1,500 feet. Four patients were killed and several women in labor were wounded.

“The Chinese Embassy Building also suffered numerous direct hits as well. One half of the building was destroyed. Four Chinese citizens were killed and 20 were injured…. A transmitter used by foreign journalists situated in Belgrade was also destroyed. More than 15 civilian employees of the TV station were killed.” [5]

The war was fought, allegedly, in the name of stopping violence by ethnic Serbs against Kosovo Albanians. The ‘Responsibility to Protect’ doctrine was invoked as a justification for launching an aggressive attack in violation of the United Nations Charter, and indeed even the NATO Charter. The result was the dissolution of Yugoslavia, and the creation of an ‘independent’ Kosovo. [6]

The 20th anniversary of this historic event was largely drowned out by other news stories, in spite of its significance, both in terms of human lives and in terms of the precedent it said for launching future ‘humanitarian wars.’ [7][8]

The Global Research News Hour commemorates the last major conflict of the 20th century with a special program highlighting the less talked about aspects of the War on Yugoslavia and its aftermath with four analysts with more than a passing interest in the tragedy.

Professor Michel Chossudovsky provides some of the historical and geopolitical context of the 1999 war. We next get the perspective of Živadin Jovanović, Yugoslavia’s Foreign Affairs Minister during the conflict, who details his government’s perspective on what happened 20 years ago.

In the second half hour, we are joined by James Bissett, Canada’s former Ambassador to Yugoslavia, who deconstructs some of the humanitarian arguments advanced to justify the war, and the precedent it set for the institutions of world order. Finally, former soldier and journalist Scott Taylor breaks down his on the ground observations of what he saw and experienced during and after the war.

Professor Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, Editor of Global Research. In May of 1999 he published the in depth analysis of the conflict in Yugoslavia in the article NATO’s War of Aggression against Yugoslavia: Who are the War Criminals? For these and related writings he received the 2014 Gold Medal for Merit of the Republic of Serbia.

Živadin Jovanović served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia between 1998 and 2000. Since 2005, he has served as President of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, a non-profit organization which is a member of the World Peace Council. The Forum supports world peace and non-interventionism and opposes “humanitarian wars”.

James Bissett is a Canadian diplomat with a 36 year track record of public service in the Departments of Citizenship and Immigration and Foreign Affairs. He was Canada’s ambassador to Yugoslavia from 1990 until 1992, with responsibility for Albania and Bulgaria. A consistent critic of the West’s policies in the former Yugoslavia, Bissett testified at the Trial of Slobodan Milošević as a defence witness.

Scott Taylor is a former soldier, a journalist, and the Publisher/Editor of the Canadian military magazine Esprit de Corps. Taylor reported from the ground during and after NATO’s 1999 assault on the former Yugoslavia. He is the author of several books including Diary of an Uncivil War: The Violent Aftermath of the Kosovo Conflict (2002).

(Global Research News Hour Episode 253)

Find an extensive archive of in depth reports on Yugoslavia, Kosovo and the NATO War on Global Research.


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1. http://www.conservativeusa.net/solzhenitsyn.htm

2. http://www.spacewar.com/afp/190324225409.erhjutuu.html

3. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/nato-bombs-yugoslavia

4. http://iacenter.org/warcrime/25_civil.htm

5. ibid

6. http://www.peace.ca/blunderkosovo.htm

7. (For example: Guardian Top stories for March 24, 2019: https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/mainsection/topstories/2019/mar/24/all)

8. https://www.commondreams.org/views/2019/03/24/killing-credibility-look-back-1999-nato-air-war-serbia

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A neutered, “controlled Left/Progressive” opposition is a necessary adjunct to the prevailing neocon ideology. If we are to be effective, rather than complicit opposition, the Canadian and U.S. governments need to be exposed as the international rogue states that they are.

The controlled-Left “enablers” are experts at denying, negating, and obscuring foundational issues. The neutered Left might ostensibly oppose imperialism and the commission of supreme international war crimes, but if its opposition is rooted in elements of the Big Lie, then it inadvertently helps to advance prevailing neocon rogue elements.

The Big Liars insist that wars of aggression and threatened wars of aggression are based upon humanitarian concerns, freedom and democracy, and/or a war on terror. All of these pretexts are empty vessels, evidence-free, ridiculous, yet the controlled Left maintains the illusion in its opposition, and in so doing provides cover for the foundational lie.

When seemingly progressive politicians reinforce the “humanitarian” war propaganda lies, they enable the neocon warmongers by creating a false sense of opposition and “democratic” discourse. Humanitarian lies fabricate consent, and therefore provide a useful service to all warmongers. Criminal wars of aggression are bipartisan.

Evidence-based reality inverts Rep Omar’s war lies[1]. In fact, the CIA and assorted “intelligence agencies” displaced peaceful protests 8 years ago in a Regime Change operation aiming to destroy the overwhelmingly popular, democratically-elected government led by President Assad. In fact, terrorist-supporting people from around the world — including the Canadian government — stand in solidarity with the struggles of ISIS and al Qaeda.

Everything that the Canadian government does and does not do in foreign policy is anti-democratic, anti-feminism, anti-homosexuality, anti-all human rights. The Syrian government, for example, is secular and pluralist, but that is exactly what Trudeau and the Canadian government are destroying in favour of Wahhabi sectarianism where women have no rights and all human rights are obliterated. If the Trudeau government supported human rights and humanitarian concerns abroad, it would be supporting the Assad government, the Maduro government, legitimate governments in Kiev, and Libya, and Iraq etc. and it would oppose criminal wars of aggression. But it does not.

Instead, the Canadian government and its agencies are exploiting human rights issues so that they can better perpetrate supreme international war crimes against humanity in foreign countries.

A seemingly bruised and battered permanent war policy is strengthened when it is perceived to have withstood the rigours of “democratic” opposition.

We need to generate an effective, legitimate opposition, by countering the war lies – all of them — with the truth.


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Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017.


[1] Stephen Sahiounie, “The day before Deraa: How the war broke out in Syria.” American Herald Tribune, 10 August, 2016. (https://ahtribune.com/world/north-africa-south-west-asia/syria-crisis/1135-day-before-deraa.html) Accessed 24 March, 2019.

Featured image is from Zero Hedge

Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria” directly from Global Research.

Mark Taliano combines years of research with on-the-ground observations to present an informed and well-documented analysis that refutes  the mainstream media narratives on Syria. 

Voices from Syria 

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-1-6

Author: Mark Taliano

Year: 2017

Pages: 128 (Expanded edition: 1 new chapter)

List Price: $17.95

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The UK is facing tough days ahead as British Prime Minister Theresa May presses forward with Brexit. Citizens have been warned to begin stockpiling basic supplies, such as food and medicine, in the event that no deal is made between the European Union and the UK.

While it might seem a bit extreme to those who live in the far western world, many people believe that if no deal is reached there will be widespread civil unrest. A Brexit doomsday plan has been put into action.

Brexit Doomsday Plan Includes Troops

Reuters reports that the UK has activated troops and deployed them to a special nuclear bunker beneath the Ministry of Defence. The action has been dubbed Operation Redfold, and it is a key part of the UK’s Brexit doomsday plan. According to the report, a total of 3,500 troops will be put on standby as the government begins to enter “very high readiness mode.”

Sky News, claiming a government insider as their source, said that key departments that would most likely be disrupted by a no deal Brexit will be manning posts 24 hours a day to try and keep things under control. The departments of Health, Transport, and Defence were among key departments the report listed as being at the ready.

Source; Screenshot, Sky NewsMarch 22, 2019

What Is Operation Redfold?

Operation Redfold is the military arm of Operation Yellowhammer, which is a Brexit doomsday contingency plan set in place by Whitehall in case of a no deal exit. The troops involved in this massive effort to help ensure the country continues to operate will provide valuable infrastructure to reduce chaos and panic. They will help drive fuel tankers to deliver much needed fuel and also help provide services like overflow parking lots for trucks when shipments at ports are delayed by customs.

Action Being Taken By The UK Government

A spokesman for the Ministry of Defence was quoted as saying,

“we are always willing to support wider government planning for any scenario, and we have committed to holding 3,500 troops at readiness to aid contingency plans.”

At the moment there is much activity taking place to ensure a Brexit doomsday plan is not only in place, but is also a viable method for controlling and supporting the country in the event a deal is not reached.

The military is also making major preparation for this scenario. They have reportedly stockpiled weapons, fuel, ammunition, and spare parts both overseas and in the UK. In the event that supply lines are interrupted there will still be supplies to carry on daily operations.

Nuclear Bunker Only Used In Emergency Situations

The bunker from which Operation Redfold troops will be activated is called “Pindar.” It is located below the Ministry of Defence and is reportedly used only in times of emergency or all out war. It would seem the UK government is seriously considering that a no deal scenario is indeed serious enough to call for a Brexit doomsday plan to be put into action.

No Deal Could Have Serious Consequences

ValueWalk reported in January that a no deal scenario could paralyze air traffic in the UK, and will no doubt affect other means of travel as well. Mobilization of troops, widespread preparation by government departments, and warnings about civil unrest are all signs that a no deal exit from the EU could be detrimental to the short term health of the UK.

We will keep you updated on this story as it unfolds.


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On December 2, 1823 in the wake of rebellions in Latin America that had ended Spanish rule in the Western Hemisphere, US President James Monroe announced that European colonial powers that attempted to assert influence in the region would be an overt threat to the national security of the US.  Monroe claimed that European monarchies and colonialism were incompatible with the notions of democracy and republicanism that were featured in the New World.  Monroe’s proclamation set the stage for US foreign policies for nearly 200 years: US hegemony over Latin America was a natural extension of the messianic visions of Manifest Destiny and US exceptionalism.

Beginning in the twentieth century US President Theodore Roosevelt, desiring to flex the muscles of the nation’s burgeoning policies of imperialism, added the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine (1905) that stated the US would use its might to ensure the countries in the Western Hemisphere would remain “stable, orderly and prosperous.”  The US began policies of intervention in Latin America that became routine for three decades into the twentieth century.  After a hiatus during President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Good Neighbor Policy,” the Organization of American States was formed in 1948 to protect the Western Hemisphere from dangerous, i.e. communist, elements abroad.  As Cold War fears against the “red menace” escalated into the 1950s, US President Harry S. Truman approved a National Security Agency (NSA) memorandum that asserted in typical breathless tones of the era “the Cold War was in fact a real war in which the survival of the free world is at stake.”

Meanwhile, as Latin America became an increasingly important trading partner, the US poured $6 billion into the region by the late 1950s.  Latin American nations in the region imported nearly 50 percent of their imports from the US.  The US imported about 35 percent of the goods like sugar, coffee, bananas and wool that it consumed from Latin American nations.  When Guatemalan President Jacobo Árbenz partially nationalized holdings without compensation of the US-based United Fruit Company, the largest landowner in Guatemala, US President Dwight D. “Ike” Eisenhower ordered the CIA to orchestrate the overthrow of the democratically-elected Árbenz government.  Working with reactionary elements in Guatemala in 1954 the CIA installed Carlos Castillo Armas a military dictator who rolled back Árbenz’s reforms and began a repressive purge of Árbenz supporters.  The message to reformers in Latin America was clear: Even the most moderate social reforms that effected US corporate interests would be met with the crushing might of the US and its allies in the oligarchies that dominated Latin America.  This action set the groundwork for US policy in Latin America for the next 65 years to the present day.  In the following passage, Zanchetta quotes from a secret CIA report that attempted to justify the US actions in Guatemala.1 This justification would appear in various iterations in subsequent US misadventures around the globe too numerous to list in this offering.

“It is clear that we are facing an implacable enemy whose avowed objective is world domination by whatever means and at whatever cost.  There are no rules to such a game… long-standing rules American concepts of “fair-play” must be reconsidered.  We must develop effective espionage and counter espionage services and must learn to subvert, sabotage and destroy our enemies by more clever, more sophisticated and more effective methods than those used against us.  It may become necessary that the American people be made acquainted with, understand and support this fundamentally repugnant philosophy.”

In 1959, when the Cuban revolution led by Fidel Castro forced the right-wing government of Fulgencio Batista a US ally out of power, panic erupted in Washington as fears of a communist toehold in the US sphere of influence became a reality.  Meanwhile, reverberations were occurring in Latin America that included both left-wing and right-wing ideologies.  On the left, workers, peasants, students, intellectuals and the clergy were politicized and began calling for an end to the pernicious lack of democracy, wealth inequality and government repression and brutality.  Simultaneously, the dominate class including US corporations, the oligarchs and the military and intelligence agencies began to worry about “another Cuba” and “subversives” seeking to end the status quo.  What emerged was a national security doctrine that yielded a messianic mission led by the military to secure Latin American states and eradicate the radicals that advocated communist subversion.

When President John F. Kennedy began his occupancy of the White House on January 20, 1961, his administration desired to approach Latin America in a more conciliatory tone than his predecessors by establishing the Alliance for Progress.  The Alliance for Progress proposed to form a basis for the growth and development on democratic ideals throughout the Western Hemisphere.  By establishing programs to enhance economic conditions, the need would decline for covert actions that fostered repressive regimes that toppled democratically-elected governments in Latin America

Yet, the Kennedy administration did not abandon covert activities to thwart communist influence in the region.  Kennedy continued with plans born in the Eisenhower administration to overthrow and assassinate Fidel Castro in Cuba.  The CIA was training right-wing Cuban exiles for an April 1961 invasion of the island nation to instigate a counterrevolution to eliminate the Marxist Castro government.  The Bay of Pigs invasion was the result of CIA policymakers that ended in abject humiliation for the US intelligence service.  A more successful ending to a major threat that threatened nuclear war between the US and Soviet Union was the Cuban missile crisis when the Soviets began a missile buildup in Cuba.  As the crisis brought tensions between the two superpowers to a head, Kennedy invoked the long-standing Monroe Doctrine in an address to the nation on October 22, 1962:

“This secret, swift and extraordinary buildup of communist missiles—in an area well-known to have a special and historical relationship to the United States and the nations of the Western Hemisphere, in violation of Soviet assurances and in defiance of American and hemispheric policy—this sudden, clandestine decision to station strategic weapons for the first time outside of Soviet soil—is a deliberately provocative and unjustified change to the status quo which cannot be accepted by this country.”

The Kennedy administration and the Soviet Union’s skillful negotiations that largely occurred through back-channel diplomacy successfully tamped down a serious threat to humanity’s existence and reasserted the US hegemony in the Western Hemisphere.

US interventions that established repressive military dictatorships in Latin America continued apace under the guise of “fighting communism” as the thinly veiled cover of establishing profit centers for US corporations and their allies among the ruling elites in the Americas.  Beginning in the 1960s and escalating to a frenzy in the 1970s, the US government had its blood-soaked hands in regime changes that surged in countries like Brazil (1964), Bolivia (1971), Uruguay (1973), Chile (1973) and Argentina (1976).

When in 1970 Marxist Salvador Allende was elected president of Chile, President Richard Nixon and national security adviser Henry Kissinger were alarmed that Chile would become an expansion of the Soviet Union’s influence in the region that Kissinger described as America’s “backyard.”  The Nixon administration feared that Chile would lead to other nations falling like dominoes to the threat of communism.  The outsized obsession of containing communism led to a fanatical and messianic fervor to let the ends justify the means—Operation Condor would supply the means (McSherry, Predatory States 2005, 2-4; Zanchetta 2016,1084-1086).

After General Augusto Pinochet toppled the Allende coalition government in Chile on September 11, 1973, Pinochet ordered the warrantless arrests by plain-clothes agents of the clandestine, blood-soaked Directorate of National Intelligence (DINA) of political opponents.  They were incarcerated in the national stadium in Santiago that was converted to a concentration camp with 40,000 prisoners.  The following year the International Commission of Jurists in Geneva, Switzerland published a report of human-rights violations including torture (Zanchetta 2016, 1090).

Operation Condor was a covert transnational organization that was formed in the 1970s in repressive military dictatorships as a bulwark to halt “subversive” elements from establishing socialist (and socio-democratic) governments in Latin America.  Key members were Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil; Ecuador and Peru were added later with a more limited participation.  Operatives were selected for their fervor to crush what they believed to be a threat from godless communists and their fellow travelers.  The operatives came from the military, local police departments, clandestine intelligence services and select right-wing civilian groups.  Condor operated secretly under a centralized military command structure that was independent of the mainstream command hierarchy of disparate nations.  Condor’s mission was to exterminate political enemies not just among the collection of member nations in South America, but the entire planet.  Condor was the quintessential transnational criminal enterprise that by the 1990s led to prosecutions in Latin American and European courts of numerous Condor officers.2

Torture techniques used during the Cold War in Latin America were supported covertly by US policymakers at the highest levels of government and the military.  As early as 1948, the CIA had clandestine prisons in Germany, Japan and the Panama Canal Zone.  The prison at the Panama Canal Zone was described in 2005 by Tom Polgar, who was the CIA station chief in Buenos Aires during the runup to the 1973 overthrow of the Salvador Allende government in Chile.  Polgar said, “(The Canal Zone was) like Guantánamo, it was anything goes.”  The Panama prison was the largest of the three facilities that functioned as lawless torture chambers to interrogate suspected double agents.  Under a program called “Project Artichoke” prisoners were injected with drugs including LSD and tortured—these prisoners were among the “guinea pigs” in the CIA’s 15-year search for methods of mind control known as Project MKUltra.  The brutal methods that originated in China and the Soviet Union were widely adopted by US instructors by the 1960s at the School of the Americas in the US where torture manuals illustrated the techniques.  During the 1970s and 1980s, these techniques were applied to “subversives” during Operation Condor in Latin America.

President G. W. Bush boasted in his State of the Union Address on January 28, 2003 that approximately 3,000 captives had been seized and incarcerated without criminal charges or benefit of legal counsel in detention centers chosen for their invulnerability to scrutiny in the courts and agencies responsible for monitoring human-rights violations.  The captives were denied prisoner of war (POW) status that would entitle the prisoner certain legal rights.  Instead, the Bush administration called them “enemy combatants” and claimed they had no legal rights whatsoever.

By 2005, the Bush administration and the CIA began to publicly justify so called “enhanced interrogations,” i.e. torture, at myriad offshore “black sites.” The techniques of torture and rendition that appeared in Guantánamo, Iraq, Afghanistan and the so-called CIA black sites were identical to those used Latin America’s “dirty wars” under the rubric of Operation Condor: near drowning (submarino), forced standing (plantón), confinement in coffin-size boxes as stinging insects were introduced, forced nudity, sexual violence, hanging in contorted positions and others. Additionally, the policies of disappearance, “rendition” to countries participating in the Operation Condor network and extrajudicial execution reappeared during the Bush administration.  CIA Director Porter Goss claimed the torture of forcing water into a prisoner’s airway known as “waterboarding” was “a professional interrogation technique.”  In 2004 the US Army appointed General Antonio M. Taguba to investigate procedures initiated in US detention sites.  Taguba concluded, “There is no longer any doubt as to whether the current (George W. Bush) administration has committed war crimes.” (McSherry, Counterterror Wars and Human Rights 2009; Fitzpatrick, 2003; Weiner 2008 72-73).

Condor’s sinister structure offered several functions:

(1) the military could eliminate political opponents without the pesky inconvenience of due process of law or legal elections as the organization operated under the veneer of legitimacy portrayed to domestic and international audiences;

(2) Condor shielded and disguised its criminality, that, if uncovered, could interfere with relationships with less fervent allies and effect economic benefits;

(3) Condor’s clandestine operations and outright atrocities could be attributed to rogue elements outside governmental control, thus avoiding scrutiny of survivors, human rights organizations or others who might seek to bring justice to the military dictatorships and their sponsors that countenanced the terror state;

(4) Condor instilled terror and disorientation among populations where Condor operated (McSherry, Predatory States 2005, 23-24)

Operation Condor formalized its structure as early as 1973, but its paradigm existed from the late 1940s as the US began to jockey against the USSR for military and economic superiority.  The CIA was formed when the National Security Act was signed into law in 1947 during the Truman administration.  The legislation initiated paramilitary operations throughout Europe and Asia in its obsession to quell the red menace of communism as the Cold War blossomed.

McSherry cites research by Michael McClintock and D.H. Berger regarding clandestine actions under the CIA and its agents that moved aggressively to remove perceived threats from left-wing advocates.  During the early years of World War II, the CIA’s predecessor, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) led by William “Wild Bill” Donovan incorporated special operations that included physical subversion, sabotage and guerrilla warfare to support convential military actions.  From its early days, the US intelligence apparatus plunged enormous resources in its frenzied attempts to develop anticommunist systems around the globe.  A major feature of these programs included “stay-behind armies” troughout Western Europe.  The “stay-behind armies” served as resistance forces that financed and conducted terrorist actions to create a “strategy of tension” to parry potential communist threats (Marshall 2016).

By the 1960s, the US Army, working with the CIA, established counterguerrilla forces of paramilitary irregulars, i.e death squads, led by military officers to employ terrorism and wholesale murder.  In Central America, they created  the Democratic National Organization (ORDEN) in El Salvador and the Civil Patrols in Guatemala.  These military operations were binary in their character: Either choose to support the insurgents or choose to support the government.  Neutrality indicated to the regime that one was a subversive; the reader can easily guess the deadly implications.  This simplistic tribalism became publicly mainstream and global, when nine days after the September 11, 2001 attacks in the US, President George W. Bush warned in his address to the US Congress, “You are either with us or you are with the terrorists.”

A March 1961 article in Military Review illustrated that by the early 1960s extralegal and blatantly illegal actions including terrorism and murder were mainstream among US military and covert intelligence apparatchiks:

“Political warfare, in short, is warfare… (that) embraces diverse forms of coercion and violence including strikes and riots, economic sanctions, subsidies for guerrilla or proxy warfare and, when necessary, kidnapping or assassination of enemy elites.”

Operation Condor functioned on three levels:

(1) Reciprocity among the military-intelligence apparatuses to establish surveillance and information networks to dissidents;

(2) Clandestine paramilitary actions that included cross-border operations to arrest exiles, often in broad daylight, and deliver them to their country of origin where they would be interrogated, tortured and usually permanently disappeared;

(3) The most covert of these operations was known as “Phase III” that was comprised of assassination squads that travelled worldwide to liquidate “subversives.”  Targets were high-profile political leaders whom Condor policymakers deemed a threat to mobilize public opinion and assert policies not in accordance with the right-wing political dogma of the military dictatorships.  Often these killings were completed by teams from a nation that ostensibly was not associated with the target or the nation that ordered the murder to ensure plausible deniability (McSherry, Predatory States, 2005, 4-5; 13-14).

Among the assassinations ordered under Phase III was the Washington DC remote-controlled carbombing in 1976 of Chilean Orlando Letelier and his US collegue Ronni Moffit.

This audicious broad-daylight killing occurred just 14 blocks from the White House.  Letelier was the foreign minister in the Salvador Allende government in Chile.  Subsequently, he became a leading spokesman for sanctions againt the Pinochet regime for human-rights abuses, enraging the right-wing Chilean dictator (Zanchetta 2016, 1091-1092).

Pinochet snatched power from the Allende government in a bloody coup d’état on September 11, 1973.  The Pinochet regime lasted 17 years.  Pinochet died in December 2006 while under indictment for murder.  Contreras would be convicted in a Chilean court of the Letelier-Moffit murders, he served seven years in prison.  The multinational character of Condor is illustrated in the Letelier-Moffit atrocity: Chile’s barbaric Directorate of National Intelligence (DINA), led by Colonel Manual Contreras, a paid CIA asset who contracted two neo-fascist Italian oranizations the Ordine Nuovo and Avanguardia Nazional along with right-wing Cuban exile extremists in the US.

Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet shaking hands with Henry Kissinger in 1976

Other Phase III death-squad assassinations included the murder of Chilean General Carlos Prats and his wife Sofia in Buenos Aires (1974); Bernard Leighton and his wife, Ana Fresno in Rome, Italy (1975); former Bolivian President José Torres in Buenos Aires (1976).  Prats opposed the 1973 military coup d’état that deposed Salvador Allende in Chile; his murderers comprised neofascists tied to the Milicia in Argentina’s military-intelligence apparatus and Michael Townley, a DINA assassin with links to the CIA.  In a classic example of plausable deniability, each covert agency denied that Townley worked for them, but insisted he worked for the other intelligence service. (McSherry, Predatory States 2005, 5-6; Weiner 2008, 365-366).

The US and the French governments were actively involved in counterinsurgency tactics along with practitioners of unconventional warfare.  The French especially pioneered and perfected these techniques that included torture during the Algerian War of Independence (1954-1962).  In 2003, former director of the dreaded DINA Manuel Contreres admitted that French operatives trained DINA agents in “dirty war” methods and counterrevolution.  Paul Aussaresses a French military officer who tortured Algerian revolutionaries trained US military at Fort Bragg in North Carolina and in the Panama Canal Zone during the 1960s.  He also taught his dark craft of interrogation techiques to Latin American military at Manaus, Brazil in the 1970s.  Aussaresses’s training included torture techniques and death squad formation.  One of his proteges was Robert Komer who would later become a lead protagonist in the infamous blood-drenched paramilitary Operation Phoenix in Vietnam that included a campaign of arrest, interrogation, torture and murder.  Phoenix led to the deaths of at least 20,000 Viet Cong suspects.

The US military and intelligence apparatus proved to be apt pupils.  With the tremendous resources of the US government tens of thousands of Latin American military officers were trained in these vile and despicable methods at US Army training centers e.g. Army School of the Americas (now known as Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation) at Fort Benning, Georgia.  During the 1990s, declassified US military and CIA training manuals documented that military and CIA personnel gave detailed instruction of torture that included electroshock; the use of drugs and hypnosis to induce psychological regression; sensory deprivation and physical pain.  Additionally, the curriculum included assassination methods and threats against and the abduction of family members to destroy prisoner resistance.  In Latin America, a sense of a global holy-war crusade against subversives and communists was indoctrinated into most sectors of the military (McSherry, Predatory States 2005, 16-17; Weiner 2008, 394).

Various studies show that torturers can be otherwise ordinary individuals regardless of any specific emotional, psychological or personality pathology.  Dr. Robert Jay Lifton, known for his theory of “thought reform,” i.e. brainwashing, reported that ordinary individuals can be adapted to committing atrocities as long as their indoctrination carefully avoids naming their behaviors as atrocities.  They must be imbued with the idea that the acts they commit are for a greater good; that they improve the world morally, spiritually or politically.  The claim of a virtuous cause is required for one who kills large numbers of people in the name of a government, religion or other societal institution.

Stanley Milgram illustrated that obedience to authority is ingrained in social behavior.  His famous experiments included a man who wore a white lab-coat would order the subject of the experiment to deliver what the subject believed to be a painful “electric shock” to another person for answering a test question incorrectly.  Whenever, the subject hesitated to employ the “shock” amid the screams of the “victim,” the man in the white coat would calmly say, “The experiment must continue.”  In most cases the subject of the experiment would comply, even as he believed the “shock” was at a level to cause death.

Other studies show that specific personality types are more prone to become torturers through their own personal choices or by the institutions, e.g. military, intelligence services, law enforcement or organized crime, that recruit them.  Repressive governments or other institutions look for people who display a certain proclivity for ferocity and callousness.  Other torturers have a need for personal power and a tendency toward violence that might be satisfied by joining groups that seek to utilize and exploit such individuals.

However, most individuals reject the idea of inflicting pain on others; for them a specialized system of institutional training is required to mold them into torturers and killers.  Future torturers and assassins in the military, intelligence services or police departments must go through a desensitization and dehumanization process, even enduring torture themselves.  They are told that torture proves their virility and commitment to the organization and their belief in the “mission.”  They are told that if they feel empathy, then they are weak.  They are shown films of torture; they also practice torture on prisoners.  Their mental conditioning includes indoctrination that their victims are subhuman, dangerous killers and a threat to society, therefore, they deserve the torture.  The members of the military, intelligence services and police departments are told repeatedly by the superiors that they are a member of the elite force that cleanses evil and purifies society.

Sarcasm, scorn, laughter and cruelty are merged to facilitate dehumanization of the torturer’s victims.  Mocking and laughing at their victims as the torturer inflicts pain is part of the process.  The recruits are conditioned to a system that relieves them of feelings of empathy and remorse that would inhibit their ability to inflict pain or death on others.

The larger importance of the state institutions cannot be overemphasized.  The institutions provide the structure and encouragement of behaviors of the officers and the rank and file.  The institutions produce the professional torturers; they are trained to get information without killing the victim.  The torturers are instructed in the human anatomy to ensure their goals of gathering intelligence from the victims.  Torture is more likely if the prisoners are held for long periods and the facility is shrouded in secrecy.

In the Southern Cone abductions and torture were assigned to units within the Directorate of National Intelligence (DINA) in Chile; the Department of Social and Political Order (DOPS) in Brazil; Battalion 601 in Argentina; and the Coordinating Organ of Antisubversive Operations (OCOA) that specialized in these actions against political opponents and “subversives” (McSherry, Predatory States 2005, 178-180).

In substance Operation Condor was exercising its chaos and tyranny for at least two years before its formal beginning on January 30, 1976, after signatories finalized a formal agreement dated December 28, 1975 .  By 1976 Condor was functioning at full throttle as it intensified its transnational coordination of disappearances and extrajudical executions of dissidents and subversives.  On March 24, 1976, the entire Southern Cone was in the clutches after military forces in Argentina toppled the government of President Isabel Perón and assumed complete control of the nation.  This coup d’état inaugurated the bloodfest that topped all records in South America’s history, as 30,000 persons “disappeared” during the 1970s and 1980s.  During the 1970s, Argentine officers with assistance from the CIA opened a Condor base in Florida to facilitate channeling funds and weapons through front companies to Latin American allies.

In Argentina, the seizure of children, even infants, was commonplace after their parents were murdered.  For example, the case of the Rutrilo family highlights the placement of children with military or police families to counter the “subversive” upbringing of innocent children.  In many cases, these children were taken to other Condor nations with altered identity records.  Estimates of hundreds of these victims were subjected to child trafficking; some of the children were reunited with their families of origin.

In 1976, Condor agents arrested Graciela Rutilo Artes along with her nine-year-old daughter, Carla.  Graciela’s huband, Enrique Lucas, was a member of the Tupamaro guerrillas, an urban leftist revolutionary force in Uruguay.  Graciela was tortured with electroshocks, beatings and cigarette burns.  Sometimes, her torturers, who were federal police from Bolivia and Argentina, brought in her daughter, stripped her clothes off and hung her upside down to further traumatize Graciela.  Carla was housed in an orphanage.  In August Graciela and Carla were taken to the notorious Orletti Motors detention center under the command of the rabid Argentine Secretariate of Intelligence (SIDE).  The following month her husband was captured, tortured and murdered in Cochabamba.  Graciela was “disappeared” and her daughter, Carla, was taken by one of Orletti’s most horrendous torturers, Eduardo Ruffo.  Carla received terrible beatings while living as his adopted child.

Another sinister operation was founded by German immigrant Paul Schaefer in a remote region in central Chile, a four-hour drive south of Santiago and 35 kilometers southeast of the city of Parral, on the north bank of the Perquilauquén River.  Schaefer’s quasi-religious utopian 32,000-acre settlement called Colonia Dignidad (Dignity Colony) operated from the 1960s until 2006.  Schaefer dressed in modern clothes to project his higher status, but the rest of the community dressed in traditional German peasant clothing: the men wore wool trousers with suspenders and the women were clothed in homemade dresses and headscarves.  An outsider would only see the veneer of bucolic life replete with bright sunshine, lush green fields, pristine flowing rivers and snow-capped mountains in the distance.  Fresh pastries were baked in a warm kitchen.  Modern buildings dotted the landscape, accented by flower gardens and fountains.  There was even a modern hospital.

Yet, a much darker picture would emerge of the tyrannical and sadistic Schaefer, who called himself the “Permanent Uncle.”  He ruled his docile and robotic flock by employing means of social control to manipulate the mostly German immigrants who inhabited the colony.  Schaefer’s methods included an elaborate system of mutual betrayal.  Community members were encouraged to confess their transgressions to not only Schaefer, but to each other.  Every day members wrote names of sinners on a blackboard before they sat for lunch and dinner.  If one denied an accusation, consequences were severe; members became adroit of manufacturing sins to avoid extra punishment.  Schaefer exhorted the community that all women were temptresses, whose uncontrolled sexually drove men wild and destroyed their relationship with God.

After Pinochet came to power in 1973, Schaefer allowed the DINA to use the colony as a detention center for political prisoners, where they were incarcerated, tortured and disappeared.  Schaefer participated in instructing others in methods of torturing prisoners.  Evidence suggests that mass killings occurred at the Colony, but no bodies were found.

In July 2005, police found stockpiles of military hardware: 92 machine guns; 104 semi-automatic rifles; 18 antipersonnel mines; 18 cluster grenades; 1,893 hand grenades; 67 mortar rounds; 176 kilograms of TNT; an unspecified number of rocket launchers, surface-to-air missiles and telescopic sights, German-language instruction manuals and a large cache of ammunition.

That year a journalist Carola Fuentes, who spent 13 months following leads, tracked Schaefer to a townhouse in a tony, gated community in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  She reported her findings to police who sent a 24-man SWAT unit to the location where they burst into the townhouse followed by Fuentes and her film crew.  Fuentes described the scene: “I saw this old guy, very lost in space, lying on the bed.  He was absolutely not dangerous….  He didn’t match the image of this evil and bad guy.”  Schaefer did not resist the officers who placed him in handcuffs.  As they led him away, Schaefer groaned and repeatedly mumbled, “Why? Why?”

Schaefer was extradited to Chile.  BBC News reported that on May 24, 2006, Schaefer was convicted on 25 counts of child sexual abuse and five counts of child rape.  He was sentenced to 33 years in prison.  The BBC reported that Schaefer died at 88 of heart failure on April 24, 2010 (Falconer 2008).

The US intelligence apparatus and the US military establishment were instumental in providing Condor sophisticated and state-of-the-art computers and communications equipment that facilitated its systematic repression.   In 1987, declassified documents confirm, the US Ambassador in Buenos Aires, Robert Hill, reported that on June 10, 1976, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger acknowledged the US government’s affirmation of Condor’s heinous methods.  At a meeting of the Organization of America States (OAS) that year, Argentina’s foreign minister, Admiral Cesar Guzzetti, advised Kissinger of the full extent of Condor’s crimes.  Kissinger with apparently no concern for human-rights crimes urged Guzzetti to do them quickly.  “The quicker you succeed, the better,” Kissinger declared.  Kissinger also met with foreign ministers of Panama, Guatemala, Paraguay and Chile; despite his public utterances to the contrary, in private Kissinger greenlighted Condor’s human-rights abuses.  Kissinger is being pursued by courts in Chile, Argentina, Spain and France by survivors of the Caravan of Death, the execution operation where political prisoners in Chile were murdered  (McSherry, Predatory States 2005, 96, 107-112, 253; Weiner 2008, 366).

As the Argentine military dictatorship had Condor operating at full-blast in their own nation, they along with the US intelligence apparatus moved into Central America.  They began training El Salvador and Honduras military personnel and paramilitary forces known as Contras in Nicaragua tactics for the repression of counterrevolutionaries.  New methods were introduced and refined including abduction of key members of revolutionary groups, e.g. student leaders, unionists, peasant leaders, leftist activists and exiles; hunter-killer squads comprised of Contras and plain-clothes operatives; secret transfers of prisoners across national borders (later called renditions in the George W. Bush administration); torture using electroshock, asphyxiation (capucha) and throwing victims while alive from helicopters; prisoner interrogations by officers from other nations and detention centers for foreign disappeared prisoners.  These atrocities impacted the societies where they were employed and had enormous psychological effects on the inhabitants.  The stunning numbers of people who were tortured, disappeared and slaughtered in genocidal campaigns were beyond the scope of any mass atrocities experienced in the three countries in modern history: Guatemala—150,000 dead or disappeared; El Salvador—100,000; Nicaragua—50,000.  These bloody horrors occurred under the full knowledge and involvement of members among the highest reaches of the Reagan White House in Washington, including hardliner Elliott Abrams, who ironically held the post of assisstant secretary of state for human rights in Reagan’s White House (LeoGrande 1998, 458).  Abrams would reappear in January 2019 as President Donald Trump’s special envoy to Venezuela, advocating the overthrow of the democratically-elected Nicolás Maduro government.  As of this writing the Trump administration is threatening Venezuela’s socialist-led government of Nicolás Maduro with regime change.

A special unit known as Batallion 3-16 was formed in Honduras to conduct torture and assassinations.  The CIA financed, organized and trained this state-terrorist organization.  Additionally, US officials financed operations including abductions and disappearances as well as the construction of clandestine detention centers.  CIA and Argentine officers trained Batallion 3-16 members in combat maneuvers, surveillance, explosives, interrogation and interchange of prisoners.  US advisers instructed “psychological methods” to terrorize prisoners including placing rats in cells, forced standing for long periods, sleep deprivation and throwing icy water on prisoners.  The CIA flew some of the batallion to a secret base in Texas that did not appear on any maps for training in counterinsurgency and interrogation.  Purportedly, Batallion 3-16 was disbanded in 1998.  However, it was merely transferred to the control of the Honduras Department of Counterintelligence.  Targeted killings continued in the country into the 1990s. (McSherry, Predatory States 2005, 207-208, 220-222).

The Vietnam War, writes Freeman, “must be remembered and condemned for the debacle it actually was.” (Image: vietnamfulldisclosure.org)

When President Jimmy Carter assumed his duties as the US chief executive on January 20, 1977, he sought to turn away from the Cold War paradigm that became the de rigueur of the nation’s foreign policy.  Instead, Carter intoned that the “inordinate fear of Communism” that emerged in the wake of World War II would be replaced by encouraging ideological diversity and ensuring a high priority of protecting human rights.  Carter promised to undo legacy of brutality in Vietnam that tarnished the reputation of the US on the world stage.

In the wake of the 1980 election in the US, the hardliners in the Reagan administration saw Carter’s ineptitude as evidence of the requirement to adopt the century-old policy of alliance with the oligarchy-controlled dictatorships in Central America.  Human rights would be placed on the back burner in an administration that catered to the big-business interests in the region.  The acerbic college professor Jeane Kirkpatrick, before she joined the Reagan administration, wrote a piece titled “Dictatorships and Double Standards” that was published in Commentary magazine in November 1979.  Kirkpatrick argued that Carter’s policies of promoting human rights were ineffective and dangerous.  She justified the US government cozying up with dictators when she wrote that dictators were more “moderate” than revolutionaries.  Bringing the skill of hairsplitting to a fine art, she asserted that a “moderately authoritarian” could possibly evolve into a democratic government.  Whereas, a “totalitarian” government would never change.  Moderate governments, she concluded, usually favored US policies (LeoGrande 1998, 16, 52-56).

As early as January 1981, following the end of the Carter administration and its hiatus from the less than humane policies of the Cold War, President Ronald Reagan reasserted the interventionist and coercive policies of previous decades in an undeclared war in Central America.  Reagan, often by citing presidential emergency powers that circumvented congressional approval, poured tens of millions of dollars into aid to brutal counterinsurgency armies in El Salvador, Guatemala and the Contras in Nicaragua.  The Contras were a paramilitary force that initiated atrocities against civilians as a routine strategy of terrorism.   Reagan and his cadre of hardliners in the White House eschewed policies of negotiation with leftist forces in the region.  Instead, Reagan pursued a “low-intensity” conflict that relied on proxy forces with limited use of US troops.

Reagan, who came into the Oval Office by promising to get the government “off the backs of the American people,” did not have any qualms of having the government’s boot on the neck of the Central American people.  Reagan was especially hostile to the Nicaraguan Sandinistas, a Marxist guerrilla force that had in July 1979 overthrown the Anastasio Somoza Debayle regime; the Somoza family dynasty ruled the nation during various periods since before the beginning of the twentieth century.  This was the first successful popular revolution since Fidel Castro assumed power in Cuba in 1959.

At the direction of the Reagan White House, US personnel trained, financed and collaborated with death squads in Honduras that operated under the dreaded Battalion 3-16 structure.   Additionally, US officials directed the paramilitary Contra operations in Honduras.  US and Argentina encouraged joint training among Contras and Honduran forces in extralegal operations together with cooperative intelligence sharing and communications.  By 1980, the Operation Condor patterns of hunter-killer squads were operating in Central America as abductions and assassinations became commonplace.  Extreme right-wing elements in Latin America were paramount in the Reagan administration’s clandestine strategies and barbarous methods.  During the 1980s, Washington’s cabal rabidly hated anything that had the slightest whiff of even modest social reform.  Their vision was a crusade to end any opposition to the neoliberal notion of what they called “free trade,” i.e. the unregulated and unrestrained corporate exploitation of workers and natural resources around the globe.  The path of devastation these ideologues cut through Central America poisoned any notions among the people of Latin America that the US offered any democratic solutions.  The US government’s belief in the right of the ruling class to plunder was and remains its primary directive (McSherry, Predatory States 2005, 225, 231-232).

The research spearheaded in the investigative journalism of McSherry and others has opened a Pandora’s box of truths that brought the cleansing light of disclosure that rebuffed the typical narrative of the US government and its lickspittles in the corporate press that the nation stands for truth, justice and democracy.  Much of the research extant is the result of declassified government documents that has given journalists and the public a glimpse of the nefarious deeds that the occupants of the White House and the myriad alphabet-soup of three-letter agencies that operate in the shadows without even a modicum of oversight to loose atrocities that generally target the poor to the benefit of the most vile dictatorships of the enormously rich.  While these tranches of declassified documents are enlightening, they often contain large blocks of redacted material that serves to hide and distort.  Journalist I.F. Stone is credited with saying, “All governments lie.”  Indeed, every shred of information the government releases about its policies and motivations serves to shade or obstruct the true nature if its actions.

The misadventures of the US in Latin America have been ongoing for centuries.  The US acquiescence and direct involvement in the horrors of Operation Condor has at least partially come to light.  Condor is but a needle in a pile of needles that typifies the US countenance and encouragement and direct partnership of soulless brutality against poor and indigenous peoples for the endless lust for capitalist profit for the few.  The US is no longer a republic; it is an empire.  The atrocities that the empire has committed continue to mount with no end in sight.

Since the George W. Bush cadre of neoconservatives adopted the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) recipe for US global hegemony through manufactured public consent for the Iraq invasion in 2003, the government and its stooges in the corporate media recite the same rhetoric and protocol.  In every instance when the empire decides to bring “democracy” at the barrel of a gun to exploit weaker nations’ natural resources it follows the same scheme: (1) It declares the democratically elected leader is a dictator who is starving his people, while it issues illegal threats of regime change; (2) the US empire manipulates the world price of various commodities and access to international lending institutions to weaken the subject country’s economy; (3) the empire issues bribes, blackmails or threatens leaders of other nations to invoke a trade embargo that further collapses the economy; (4) the US and its allies seize assets of the targeted nation; (5) the CIA forms paramilitary forces to disrupt the targeted nation internally by creating false-flag operations and sabotage; (6) the CIA attempts to initiate a coup d’état within the targeted country’s military in the hope that the hardship created by propaganda and sanctions will cause a popular uprising.

Since the dawn of the new millennium, the US has been involved in at least nine wars: Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, the Indian Ocean, Libya, Uganda, Syria and Yemen.  Currently, the Trump administration, through Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and national security adviser John Bolton, is making overt threats of the use of force to topple the Nicolás Maduro government in Venezuela, a violation of the US Constitution, UN charter and international laws.  Special envoy to Venezuela, Elliott Abrams, who backed death squads in Central America during the Reagan administration, is now Trump’s point man in the US efforts to topple the Maduro government.

The citizens of the world and the US must hold responsible the perpetrators of genocide, torture, manufactured economic destruction and outright thievery against less powerful nations to account for what they continue to escalate around the globe in our name.  If the US public does not have the stomach to rein in the actions of its own government, it will fall to a coalition of civilized nations—just as the Allies assembled during World War II—to end the dangerous policies of what has become a rogue state.


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Edward B. Winslow is a freelance writer in Illinois.  Email: [email protected]


Falconer, Bruce. 2008. “The Torture Colony.” American Scholar 77 (4): 33-53.

Fitzpatrick, Joan. 2003. “Rendition and Transfer in the War Against Terrorism: Guantanamo and Beyond.” Loyola of Los Angeles International and Comparative Law Review 25 (457): 457-492.

LeoGrande, William M. 1998. Our Own Backyard: The United States in Central America, 1977-1992. Chapel Hill and London: The University of North Carolina Press.

Marshall, Andrew Gavin. 2016. “Operation Gladio: CIA Network of Stay Behind Secret Armies.” The Millennium Report. Accessed February 17, 2019. http://themillenniumreport.com/2016/07/operation-gladio-cia-network-of-stay-behind-secret-armies/.

McSherry, J. Patrice. 2009. “Counterterror Wars and Human Rights: From Operation Condor to the Present.” NACLA Report on the Americas 42 (1): 65-72.

—. 2005. Predatory States: Operation Condor and Covert War in Latin America. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc.

Weiner, Tim. 2008. Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA. New York: Anchor Books, a division of Random House Inc.

Zanchetta, Barbara. 2016. “Between Cold War Imperatives and State-Sponsored Terrorism: The United States and ‘Operation Condor’.” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 39 (12): 1084-1102.


[1] Zanchetta cites Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA (2007) by Tim Weiner as her source.

[2] Spanish Judge Baltasar Garzón brought charges against Chile’s dictator Augusto Pinochet along with dozens of other alleged human rights violators from Argentina, Uruguay and Chile during the 1990s.  Several judges requested Henry Kissinger, former national security adviser and secretary of state during the Nixon and Ford administrations to testify about his knowledge of Operation Condor.  

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Ari Fleischer, the former White House Press Secretary under President George W. Bush, ignited a firestorm of controversy Wednesday when, while commenting on the 16th  anniversary of the U.S invasion of Iraq, he sought to defend the reputation of his boss when it came to the veracity of the claims about Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) that underpinned President Bush’s case for war.

“The Iraq war began sixteen years ago tomorrow,” Fleischer tweeted on March 19. “There is a myth about the war that I have been meaning to set straight for years. After no WMDs were found, the left claimed ‘Bush lied. People died.’ This accusation itself is a lie. It’s time to put it to rest.”

Fleischer goes on to declare that “The fact is that President Bush (and I as press secretary) faithfully and accurately reported to the public what the intelligence community concluded,” before noting that

“The CIA, along with the intelligence services of Egypt, France, Israel and others concluded that Saddam had WMD. We all turned out to be wrong. That is very different from lying.”

As a Chief Weapons Inspector with the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) in Iraq from 1991 through 1998, I was intimately familiar with the intelligence used by the U.S.  Intelligence Community to underpin the case for war (which I debunked in June 2002 in an article published in Arms Control Today). Armed with the unique insights that came from this experience, I can state clearly and without any reservation that Ari Fleischer, once again, has misrepresented the facts when it comes to the Bush administration’s decision to invade Iraq in March 2003.

The fact is, the Iraq War was never about WMD. Rather, it was waged for one purpose and one purpose only—regime change. Getting rid of Saddam Hussein was the sole focus of this effort, and the so-called “intelligence” used to justify this act was merely an excuse for action. Ari Fleischer knows this, and to contend otherwise—as he does via twitter—is simply a continuation of the lies he told from the very beginning about the U.S.  case for war with Iraq.

UNSCOM had, by the fall of 2002, been relegated to the pages of history, replaced by a new inspection organization, the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC). It is through the work of UNMOVIC that Ari Fleischer’s defense of George W. Bush collapses. In November 2002 the Bush administration pushed for the UN Security Council to pass Resolution 1441, which found Iraq to be in “material breach” of its disarmament obligations. Inspectors from UNMOVIC were dispatched to Iraq shortly thereafter in a last-ditch effort to account for the totality of Iraq’s WMD.

The work of the inspectors was undermined from the start by the Bush administration, led by Ari Fleischer.

“It is very well true that the inspectors who are working as diligently as they can in an environment made very difficult for them by Iraqi actions, may not be giving notice,” Fleischer explained in a press conference, “but that does not mean Iraq is not receiving notice as a result of their electronic means and other means to know what the inspectors are doing. Which puts the inspectors in a very hard position.”

But Fleischer had no evidence that Iraq was getting advance notice, and the experience of UNMOVIC inspectors on the ground suggested otherwise. When asked by a reporter about the possibility of giving the UN weapons inspectors more time to complete their task, Fleischer fired back, asking “More time for what? More time to be run-around by a regime that has not complied, that has concealed its weapons, and that has grown throughout the years—particularly the four years when no one was in the country—extraordinarily good at hiding what they have and deceiving those who are there to do their level best.”

Left unsaid was the fact that the inspectors had repeatedly asked the U.S.  for access to the very intelligence being used to underpin the American claims that Iraq was holding on to prohibited WMD and were denied.

“If the UK and the U.S. are convinced and they say they have evidence,” Hans Blix, the head of UNMOVIC, had noted on December 20, 2002, “then one would expect they would be able to tell us where is this stuff.” When asked if they were getting cooperation from U.S.  and Western intelligence agencies, Blix replied, “Not yet. We get some, but we don’t get all we need.”

In 2010, Blix commented on the provisions of Security Council resolution 1441, which had declared Iraq to be in “material breach” of its obligation to disarm, and which was cited by Ari Fleischer to justify the invasion and occupation of Iraq in March 2003.

“The declaration, I felt, might give Iraq a chance for a new start,” Blix noted, “except that it was very hard for them to declare any weapons when they didn’t have any.

This is the conclusion that anyone taking umbrage with Ari Fleischer over his attempt to whitewash the role he played—as an extension of President George W. Bush—in facilitating the Iraq War should rely on. Deflecting blame onto the U.S.  intelligence community ignores the fact that the decision to go to war was the exclusive purview of the Executive Branch that Fleischer served. Iraq’s alleged retention of proscribed WMD were merely an excuse to achieve the higher goal of regime change. The inspection process initiated in November 2002 to investigate Iraq’s WMD programs was, from the U.S. perspective, a façade created to justify a decision to go to war that was made long before the inspectors ever set foot on the ground.

“Intelligence,” therefore, was an artifice manufactured by the Bush administration as a smoke screen. A memorandum prepared by the head of the British MI-6 intelligence service, Richard Dearlove, following a July 23, 2002 meeting in Washington, DC, underscores this truth: “There was a perceptible shift in attitude. Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.”

Bush knew that the engagement with the United Nations, including the crafting of resolution 1441 and the dispatch of inspectors to Iraq, was simply an elaborate charade, cruel theatrics meant to dangle the prospects of peace, all the while preparing for war—something Ari Fleischer knew all along, as this exchange with the press aptly demonstrates:

Question: “Does regime change mean that you want to change the leader of Iraq, or you want to change the nature of the regime?”

Fleischer: “The objective is for Saddam Hussein’s Iraq to disarm, to stop threatening its neighbors, to stop repressing minorities within its own country. And that’s why Congress passed the policy of regime change.”

Press: “Well, which of those definitions is correct?”

Fleischer: “Well, let’s do it—let me cut to the bottom line on it. What I would propose is that in the event Saddam Hussein gives the order, and under his leadership and direction disarms Iraq, gives up its weapons of mass destruction, has no more chemical weapons, no more biological weapons, stops using hostility as a way to deal with its neighbors, stops repression of minorities with his own country, give me a call. After you cover Saddam Hussein doing these things, let’s talk about it. Until then, the president is focused on making sure that these developments take place as a result either of the UN resolutions being enforced, or by whoever in Iraq taking these actions to make it happen. But this is probably the mother of all hypotheticals. Give me a phone call when it happens.”

Press: “So Saddam could stay in power if those objectives were carried out?”

Fleischer: “Again, call me up when Saddam Hussein gives the directions for all those factors to take place.”

Press: “So, that’s a yes?”

Fleischer: “I think this is a question of how many devils can dance on the head of a pin.”

Press: “It’s not. Can he stay in power and have regime change?”

Fleischer: “You’re asking the mother of hypotheticals. And I think it’s a rather…”

Press: “Does it refer to a leader or a government regime change?”

Fleischer: “It refers to actions that have to be taken to keep the peace.”

Press: “So it’s a question of policy, not personnel?”

Fleischer: “That’s a good way to put it.”

Press: “So he could stay in power if those things happen?”

Fleischer: “If you want to fool yourselves into believing that that’s what Saddam Hussein would do in policy, that’s an interesting way to approach it.”

The fact of the matter is that Saddam did, in fact, do everything listed by Ari Fleischer to effect a change in the policies of Iraq in order to preserve his regime. But President Bush—whom Fleischer represented—never had any intention of recognizing such change, even when it occurred. President Bush, Ari Fleischer and every representative of the U.S.  administration involved in formulating and implementing U.S. policy on Iraq was being dishonest in the extreme when dangling the possibility of a peaceful resolution to the Iraq problem.

In short, they all lied, and Ari Fleischer was the mouthpiece for disseminating these lies, a task he continues to perform to this day.


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Scott Ritter is a former Marine Corps intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union implementing arms control treaties, in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm, and in Iraq overseeing the disarmament of WMD. He is the author of Deal of the Century: How Iran Blocked the West’s Road to War.

Featured image: Ari Fleischer and President George W. Bush in the hours after learning of the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.(Photo by Eric Draper, Courtesy of the George W. Bush Presidential Library)

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When North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said in his annual address that “a nuclear button is always on my desk” and that the U.S. was within range, it was only a matter of time before President Trump responded to “Rocket Man” in kind.

And did he ever.


Translation: Mine is bigger than yours.

We’ll leave it to the punditocracy to discuss the implications of two world leaders with nuclear weapons publicly questioning each other’s manhood. For us, the big, girthy question is whether there’s a “nuclear button” at all.

It turns out the “nuclear button” is actually a nuclear football.

Well, not literally a football. But a briefcase.

The nuclear football is a 45-pound briefcase that travels with the president when he is away from a command center. It contains a book of retaliatory options, a list of classified site locations, protocols for the Emergency Broadcast System, and a list of authentication codes.

The Code

To authorize a nuclear attack, the president must verify his identity by providing a code he has on him at all times. The code is typically described as a card that’s referred to as “the biscuit.” Once the president confirms he is in fact the president, he may authorize launches at will without the approval of Congress, the military, or anyone.

While the biscuit is supposed to be on the president’s person all the time, sometimes it doesn’t work out that way. According to the former chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, President Clinton once lost his code and went months before telling anyone.

After President Reagan was shot in 1981, the code became momentarily lost when emergency room staffers cut his clothes off before surgery. It was eventually found in his shoe on the ER floor.

The current incarnation of the nuclear football dates to President Kennedy, who once remarked, “It is insane that two men, sitting on opposite sides of the world, should be able to decide to bring an end to civilization.”

The term “nuclear button” seems to derive from “finger on the button,” which according to the late New York Times columnist and lexicographer William Safire, refers to panic-buttons in World War II bombers. The pilot was supposed to press the button to alert the plane’s crew that the craft had been irreparably damaged, but occasionally the buttons were pressed unnecessarily by panicked pilots.

Later, the phrase would be used in political contexts – notably by President Lyndon Johnson who told his 1964 Republican challenger Barry Goldwater that he must “do anything that is honorable to avoid pulling that trigger, mashing that button that will blow up the world.”

Johnson’s admonition was dramatically encapsulated in his famous campaign “Daisy ad” against Goldwater. That spot depicted a nuclear explosion obliterating a pastoral landscape in which a little girl was picking a daisy.

It is unclear what procedures North Korea has in place for a nuclear launch of its own. If in fact there is an actual nuclear button on Kim Jong-un’s desk, this is incredibly reckless. On the other hand, the nature of the country’s nuclear arsenal makes an instantaneous strike impossible. Although there is much uncertainty surrounding the program, it’s believed that North Korea’s long-range missiles are powered by liquid rocket fuel and therefore must be loaded with fuel directly prior to launch. And that can take hours.

As for the United States, it possesses some 900 fire-ready nuclear weapons – a fact which should continue to deter North Korea and other actors who might think twice or thrice before acting impulsively.

And hopefully there’s something or someone deterring the man in the White House from acting in a similarly impulsive fashion.


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When it comes to the art of deception, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is a genius worthy of the worst nightmares of Eric Blair (known more commonly by his pen name George Orwell). But while Eric Blair once wrote that “war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength”, as a warning to future generations about how the manipulation of langue can be used to create a numbing of critical thinking among the masses, Tony Blair not only took the fiction of Eric Blair and turned it into real life, but he did so with even less resistance than that portrayed in the Orwell novel 1984.

At its fundamental core, Blairism is neither a coherent nor an intelligent ideology. It is merely an avaricious lust for power that is cloaked in liberal sloganeering designed to trick people throughout the world into thinking that Blair’s declaration of war was somehow a declaration of a new kind of peace. In spite of his infamous dishonesty, Blair was actually quite forthcoming about his own doctrine for world domination in a post Cold War era. At a time when the wider world knew little if anything about George W. Bush, Tony Blair spoke in Chicago in April of 1999 and outlined his vision for how the western powers could not just economically, but militarily and politically dominate the world as never before.

Like most of Blair’s rhetoric, in his Chicago speech there is more fluff than substance, there are contradictions disguised as linear thinking and there are more grandiose adjectives than in an American Super Bowl commercial. But if one is willing to take the journey through the heart of darkness that is Blair’s rhetoric, one can clearly see that in his famous Chicago speech, Britain’s then Prime Minister advocated a doctrine of hegemonic military domination that would have made the warriors of the Cold War blush – either with envy or with shock.

During Blair’s speech, in the section headed international security, Blair presents a typically pontificating argument in which he seems to outline both the pros and cons of military invasion (aka intervention) against a sovereign nation that had not threatened Blair’s own nation, nor the safety and security of Britain’s allies (the US in particular). Yet in his cunning way, by daring to question the long established concept Westphalian sovereignty, Blair’s meandering words had already opened Pandora’s Box when it came to the concept of imperialism with liberal justifications.

Yet in spite of the jargon, Blair did not ultimately conceal whether he thought that the doctrine of Westphalian sovereignty was fit for the scrap heap of international legal history or whether he was merely engaging in a pseudo-intellectual thought exercise. In the following sentences, he made his intentions all too clear:

“No longer is our existence as states under threat. Now our actions are guided by a more subtle blend of mutual self interest and moral purpose in defending the values we cherish. In the end values and interests merge. If we can establish and spread the values of liberty, the rule of law, human rights and an open society then that is in our national interests too. The spread of our values makes us safer”.

Thus one sees that far from simply adhering to the old imperial idea of invading nations for self-declared economic self interests, let alone adhering to the old Cold War idea of competing ideological spheres of geopolitical influence, Blair admits that while the US and its NATO allies were not under any direct threat in 1999, it was the duty of the US, UK and NATO more widely to make war upon other nations in order to spread so-called western values – perhaps better defined as liberal values as defined by late 20th century westerners.

Furthermore, when Blair says that “the spread of our values makes us safer“, by that he meant that it makes the victors of the old Cold War safer from future geo-economic competition at the hands of both the vanquished power of the Cold War, let alone the emerging markets of the members of the Non Aligned Movement, as well as China.

In this sense, Blair’s seemingly ultra-modern doctrine of so-called “humanitarian intervention” (often called “right to protect”) was actually an updated version of a school or warfare that not only predated the Cold War and the imperialism of the 19th century, but one which predated the 17th century Westphalian system. Blair’s ideology is fundamentally that of the crusader and the Mujahideen (aka the jihadist). The system involves waging war in order to cultivate or otherwise co-opt the resources of other clearly defined sovereign entities under the guise that it is justified by a power greater than man. But instead of justifying this new jihad on holy doctrine, Blair justified it based on the unilateral worship of liberal values – a pagan deity by any other name.

While Donald Trump’s personal style and seemingly somewhat anti-war attitudes contrast sharply with that of Tony Blair, in many ways, the current US led Twitter Coup against Venezuela is the crowning achievement of Blairism. Blair once famously said that “it is not a day for soundbites” before delivering a classic soundbite in which he said that he felt the hand of history was on his shoulder.

Thus, as society becomes more numb to the narratives once used to justify Blair’s own wars (aka the fake news regarding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq), today’s Twitter Coup in Venezuela is one where blood may soon flow as the result of banal sound bites being Tweeted across the world.

The US and European attempt at fomenting regime change in Venezuela is as Blair would put it “all about values”. In this case, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro does not value being a classic Latin American puppet president whose strings are pulled by policy makers in Washington. Since this clearly clashes with the “values” of Blairism, the US simply found a Venezuelan who putatively shares Blair’s values and after such a man declared himself to be president of Venezuela, rather than laugh at him in the way that a man proclaiming he is Jesus would be laughed at on the streets of New York City, the pretender president has been recognised by the US and its allies as the legitimate leader of Venezuela.

The moral of this story is that it is no longer national sovereignty that matters, it is now just a question of using soundbites to install a leader in a foreign land who shares one’s values. Respecting sovereignty as defined in the Westphalian system is out and the selection of leaders in foreign countries based on “shared values” is very much in. It naturally helps that the spreading of such values is backed up by the threat of unilateral military aggression. Thankfully for Blair however, those with antithetical values to him are not yet so keen on enforcing their values at gun point.

The world is going through a period far darker than the original Cold War. This is because the Cold War had a set of half written and half de-facto rules. Today there are no rules, there are only values. These values have killed civilians from Yugoslavia to Libya, Ukraine to Iraq, Syria to Afghanistan and now Venezuela may be next.


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Relations between Japan and Russia have long been the subject of discussion within international-relations circles. The meetings between Prime Minister Abe and President Putin have been going on for years, yet the situation regarding the peace treaty between the two countries, never signed since the conclusion of the Second World War, is difficult to resolve. While the discussions appear to be about the status of the Kuril islands, they are in reality more profound, covering the role that Japan and Russia play in Asia, especially with regard to the other two regional superpowers, namely China and the United States.

Vladimir Putin and Shinzo Abe have met 25 times over five years, an average of five meetings a year, one every two-and-a-half months. Such an active relationship not only demonstrates the closeness between the two leaders but also their difficulty in trying to reach an agreement to solve the longstanding territorial dispute surrounding the Kuril Islands.

Understandably, Moscow does not intend in any way to renounce its sovereignty over the islands, especially given the geostrategic significance of the port city of Vladivostok. This important Russian city hosts Russia’s Pacific Fleet; and when one looks at the map, it is easy to understand the importance of the Kuril Islands. If these islands were militarized against the Russian Federation, then they could effectively block the Russian fleet’s access to the Pacific. Moscow faces the same problem with the Black Sea Fleet, where it needs to navigate through the Turkish Straits to reach the Mediterranean; the same is the case with the Baltic Fleet, located in St Petersburg and Kaliningrad, with Russian naval vessels having to navigate between Finland and Estonia, if coming from St Petersburg, and then through the Danish straits, between Sweden and Denmark, to reach the Atlantic Ocean.

For military and strategic reasons, unfettered access to the oceans is an absolute necessity for a major power like the Russian Federation; hence the importance of the Northern Fleet’s position in Severomorsk, and of the naval base in Tartus, Syria, which effectively allows Moscow to have access to the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Seas without having to worry about Turkey or the Nordic countries vis-a-vis St Petersburg and Kaliningrad.

The question is more complex with regard to Vladivostok, given that Russia has little other option other than to sail through the Kuril Islands to gain access to the Pacific Ocean, making it imperative for Moscow to maintain control over these islands. Leaving aside the historical results of the Second World War, which conferred on the Russian Federation full sovereignty over the islands in question, today this dispute prevents the two countries from further deepening their economic and even political ties. Putin has repeatedly reiterated in Abe’s presence the need for both countries to sign the peace agreement and reach a compromise over the disputed islands. Putin proposed a mutual use of the islands by Japan and Russia in terms of ports and the free trade for goods and even proposed the issuing of a dual passport to the citizens of the islands in order to guarantee maximum freedom of movement.

Whenever Abe and Putin meet, the Russians make several overtures that only see their Japanese counterparts respond with such unacceptable proposals as the return of sovereignty over the entire Habomai, Shikotan, Kunashir and Iturup islands (as they are known in Japan). Russian diplomacy has even tried to separate the question of the islands from the post-WWII peace agreement between Tokyo and Moscow in order to accelerate one of the crucial aspects in the relations between the two countries, but to no avail.

Abe in particular seems to prefer to use the issue of the Kuril Islands and the peace treaty as a means of balancing himself between various regional powers. The South China Morning Post, which does not exactly represent a disinterested perspective, recounts the latest developments between the Russian and the Japanese premier:

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sparked outrage in Moscow when he spoke of the need to help Russians on the islands “accept and understand that the sovereignty of their homes will change hands.” The Russians furiously summoned the Japanese ambassador to complain that Abe’s statements were an “attempt to artificially raise the temperature” over the issue of a possible peace treaty.

In addition to Russia’s national-security considerations surrounding the Pacific Fleet, there is an important aspect of Japan-Russia relations that needs to be mentioned. The trade between the two countries has increased by 18% in 2018 in comparison to the previous year, reaching almost $15 billion. This, in an environment where many agreements are not ratified for lack of a peace agreement, severely limits cooperation in certain strategic sectors.

There is also the regional and global aspect of this relationship, which is of considerable importance for several reasons. First of all, the geographical position of the two countries determines their influence in the Asian region, which is going to constitute the center of gravity for geopolitics in the 21st century. The second factor is the privileged relations Tokyo has with Washington and Moscow has with Beijing respectively.

To fully understand the multipolar revolution in progress, the quadrilateral scenario involving Japan, Russia, China and the United States seems to be the most suitable. Washington’s move to abandon the Trans-Pacific Partnership and impose sanctions and tariffs on allies and enemies alike has left few weapons available to Japan to offset China’s economic weight, thus forcing Abe to engage in constructive dialogue with Xi Jinping. The recent meetings between the two leaders have laid the foundations for a future economic cooperation that until a few years ago seemed practically unthinkable.

The progress being made between the two rival powers of Japan and China has prompted Putin and Russian diplomacy to bring about strong economic cooperation for the future. To this end, the Eastern Economic Forum held in Vladivostok saw the participation of Abe and Xi Jinping, together with Vladimir Putin, aimed at reaffirming how cooperation and economic development is an achievable goal for all parties involved.

Abe stated, “We will push bilateral ties to a new stage so as to construct a foundation for peace and prosperity in north-east Asia”, expressing the intentions of the three leaders to advance mutually beneficial cooperation.

Washington, as usual, is the elephant in the room, now relegated to a vanishing past where the superpower made the decisions and others obeyed. From Washington’s unipolar perspective, the rapprochement between Russia and China is seen as a nightmare, not to mention Japan’s dialogue with Russia over a peace treaty.

Abe seems to have adopted Erdogan’s ambiguous style, ready to balance himself against multiple powers to extract the most advantage for Japan. It is a strategy that often does not pay and may in fact only end up exasperating the other parties.

Japan, like the Europeans, should abandon its undue deference to the United States and the accompanying status as a colonial outpost. The pressing need to develop peaceful and fruitful relations with such neighbors as Russia and China should override Washington’s desire to sabotage them.

The emerging international multipolar reality is based on dialogue, cooperation, development, mutual respect, and deterrence. The Asian region is the place where important interests of regional and global powers will intersect in the immediate future. The need for China, Russia, India and Japan to put aside their differences and conflicting strategies will become imperative as Washington demonstrates its readiness to exacerbate existing differences for the purposes of preventing regional integration in a multipolar context.

The prospect of a peace agreement between Russia and Japan represents the first step in this direction, but it also requires a strong spirit of independence to resist Washington. The trade policies implemented by Trump, and his approach towards international relations, offers Washington’s allies like Tokyo the opportunity to advance an independent foreign policy free of Washington’s diktats. This can already be seen in such commercial partnerships as those involving Huawei and such technology fields as those involving 5G technology.


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Federico Pieraccini is an independent freelance writer specialized in international affairs, conflicts, politics and strategies. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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“A dinosaur with a bird’s brain”. This is how the ex-President of Iran Hashemi Rafsanjani described the United States of America, evoking its great military strength but lack of strategic intelligence in foreign policy. Indeed, the very unusual meeting of the chiefs of staff of Syria, Iraq and Iran in Damascus this week would not have been possible without the latest US action in Syria. The US establishment has done a favour for the three countries aligned with the “Axis of resistance” by eliminating the “Islamic State” group (ISIS) in its last stronghold east of the Euphrates. The US attack on Baghuz (east of Syria), done in conjunction with its Kurdish proxies, has led the three military commanders to decide to re-open the land road between Syria and Iraq, paving the way for a safe Iranian land passage to Iraq and Syria. This means the Tehran-Baghdad-Damascus-Beirut road is now clear. This is not the first time the US establishment has rendered substantial strategic support to Iran with its clumsy planning.

When US President Donald Trump decided to pull out of Syria, describing it as a land of “sand and death”, he was serious about his plan. However, the US could not leave without first eliminating the ISIS pocket in the area under US control in the east of Syria, which would have meant leaving in place what has been the sole pretext for its occupation of the area. This is why Trump was advised to eliminate ISIS first and then withdraw his troops. He finally ordered his forces to do so after long months of inaction, during which the US effectively offered protection to the terror group and allowed tens of thousands of ISIS militants to move freely to attack the Syrian Army and its allies along the Deir-ezzour al-Bukamal axis.

The significance of Trump’s decision to finally move against ISIS cannot be overestimated. Since 2014 the US has been engaged in a phoney war against ISIS, pretending to fight this brutal takfiri group while in fact allowing it to expand and killing Syrian Army soldiers who actually fought the group. Throughout this time the US has used ISIS as a pretext for the US military presence in Syria. The US did bomb ISIS occupied Raqqah and destroyed it; it then made a deal to deport many thousands of ISIS partisans. But the ongoing Battle of Baghuz marks the first time the US has really fought ISIS. To his credit, Trump is now doing what the US has only pretended to do for five years: actually fighting ISIS. This spectacular and drawn out campaign allows Trump to take credit for defeating ISIS, although for half a decade the forces actually fighting ISIS have been the Syrian Army, Russia, the Iraqi PMU/Hashed al-Shaabi, the Iraqi Army, Lebanese Hezbollah, and Iran.

In Baghuz, US forces (and European allies) have bombarded ISIS to squeeze it into a small confined city. They succeeded in opening a safe passage for women, children, elderly, wounded ISIS militants, and many of those willing to surrender. Over 35,000 ISIS and families have come out of that small place. 9,000 militants have been wounded or killed. The US and their Kurdish proxy forces have managed to corner the remnants of the terrorist group in a small area less than 1 square km and are about to launch the final assault in the coming days. It is only a matter of time before ISIS gives up its last stronghold east of the Euphrates.

The imminent removal of the ISIS threat provided the occasion for an unusual meeting. Iranian chief of staff Major general Mohammad Baqeri, Syrian defence minister Ali Abdullah Ayyoub, and the Iraqi Chief of Staff Lt General Othman al-Ghanmi met in the Syrian capital Damascus and decided to re-open the borders between Iraq and Syria.

Trump and his generals recognised their mistake in creating a safe passage for Iran and Iraq into Syria by removing ISIS from that area. The presence of ISIS made it impossible for Iranian and Iraqi nationals and goods to travel safely to Syria. This realisation led to the US decision to leave several hundred US members of the armed forces behind.

Thanks to the US move, Iran can now send all needed support and resume commerce with Syria, at a time when Israel has been bombing Damascus airport to try and slow down the re-supply of the Syrian army with precision missiles and other military equipment needed to rebuild the Army’s defence force. With the opening of a new border crossing between Iraq and Syria, the US occupation of the al-Tanf crossing becomes less significant. If the US tries to pressure Iraq to stop its commerce with Iran or Syria, Baghdad will ask for the departure of Trump’s forces from Mesopotamia.

Trump’s decision also means that Syria’s economy will be able to regain some strength once the land road reopens into Iraq. The three military commanders had a good laugh about US policy and action in Syria. They have benefitted from continuous strategic mistakes by Washington since its occupation of Iraq in 2003 and the removal of Iran’s fiercest enemy, Saddam Hussein.

ISIS remains a security danger but not a military threat. Its remnants can still carry out attacks against convoys or soft targets even after the joint agreement of the three countries to patrol the borders and help with their technology, intelligence, and soldiers to protect the al-Bu Kamal border crossing and join the efforts to combat ISIS. The US generally looks at the big picture, as its thinkers and planners plan to redraw borders, change regimes and create failed states. However, they sometimes disregard details that can turn a situation in favour of their supposed enemies, in this case, Iran. As Rafsanjani once commented, the US is “a dinosaur with a bird’s brain”.

Not only Rafsanjani has made such caustic remarks. At a recent Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps – Quds brigade event celebrating Commander Major General Qassem Soleimani’s success in Iraq and Syria, the leader of the revolution Sayyed Ali Khamenei said, with reference to the US (and Saudi Arabia): “we thank Allah, who rendered our enemies imbeciles”.


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According to Reuters on Sunday, Russia sent around 100 troops to Caracas, saying the following:

“A flight-tracking website showed that two planes left from a Russian military airport bound for Caracas on Friday, and another flight-tracking site showed that one plane left Caracas on Sunday.”

“That comes three months after the two nations held military exercises on Venezuelan soil that President Nicolas Maduro called a sign of strengthening relations, but which Washington criticized as Russian encroachment in the region.”

Reportedly Colonel General Vasily Tonkoshkurov, Main Command of Russian Land Forces chief, is leading whatever purpose lies behind its Defense Ministry’s mission.

Tonkoshkurov is a senior military figure. From October 2013 to May 2018, he was General Staff of Russia’s Armed Forces subcommander – currently head of Russian ground forces.

Reportedly he was onboard one of two military aircraft sent to Caracas with other Russian forces. The second aircraft carried equipment for their mission.

Reuters: “An Ilyushin IL-62 passenger jet and an Antonov AN-124 military cargo plane left for Caracas on Friday from Russian military airport Chkalovsky, stopping along the way in Syria, according to flight-tracking website Flightradar24.”

“The cargo plane left Caracas on Sunday afternoon, according to Adsbexchange, another flight-tracking site.”

An unnamed Russian embassy source said officials arrived for “exchange consultations” with the Bolivarian Republic, likely with its senior military staff, according to Sputnik News, the source adding:

“Russia has various contracts that are in the process of being fulfilled, contracts of a technical military character.”

So far, neither Russian nor Venezuelan officials commented on the above report. Moscow has been supplying the Bolivarian Republic with hundreds of tons of medicines.

In January, both countries held joint military exercises in Venezuela. Two Russian Tu-160 strategic bombers flew to the country.

At the time, Sputnik News said “(d)uring their visit to Venezuela, two Russian strategic bombers (capable of carrying nuclear and conventional weapons) carried out a planned flight over the Caribbean Sea and held military drills in the equatorial area, including joint flights with the Venezuelan Air Force jets.”

Venezuelan Minister of Defense Vladimir Padrino Lopez said both countries will continue to create a “productive and energetic team of brotherhood and effective cooperation…We are getting prepared to defend Venezuela when it is needed.”

Around 100 Russia troops are far short of a Kremlin peacekeeping mission to the Bolivarian Republic I’ve been urging – something similar to combatting US-supported terrorists in Syria, short of conducting military operations unless needed.

Trump regime hardliners aren’t likely to risk harming them by direct or proxy military intervention – why I believe it’s the most effective way to defeat their coup plot.

Is a token Russian force in Venezuela prelude to sending greater numbers?

Maduro exposed a US paramilitary plot against him and his government, arrests made, indicating more to come.

In a Saturday address, he said “American imperialists want to kill me. We just exposed the plan that the devil’s puppet (Guaido) personally directed to kill me,” adding he has “evidence,” revealing the plot against him and his government.

Detained Guaido henchman Roberto Marrero’s cell phone reportedly has information about plans for eight to 10 paramilitary hit squads, each with at least eight anti-government mercenaries – trained in Colombia to carry out assassinations, sabotage, and other terrorist actions against Maduro and the Bolivarian Republic.

According to Communications Minister Jorge Rodriguez,

“(a)ssassins and paramilitaries have been recruited, using large amounts of money so that they can be sent to Colombia to receive training.”

“Marrero was involved in contracting people from Guatemala and Colombia to comply with the recruitment and training plan for assassins.”

“At least 30 paramilitaries hired from El Salvador, Honduras or Guatemala, trained in Colombia, entered Venezuela. We are looking for them. We have already identified some.”

Has Russia drawn a red line to preserve and protect the Bolivarian Republic it won’t permit Trump regime hardliners to cross?

A small contingent of troops to the country headed by a senior commander is an encouraging sign.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

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It’s self-explanatory why everyone will remember that the media made a mockery of itself over Russiagate, but the implications will be far-reaching and deserve to be elaborated upon.

It’s official – Trump and his team didn’t “collude” with Russia, and the entire Mainstream Media fake news narrative about the Russiagate witch hunt was just exposed as worse than McCarthyism. “At least” that hysteria claimed a few communist scalps whether they truly were guilty or not, while McCarthyism’s modern-day manifestation didn’t catch anyone at all for what they set out to do, which was to prove that Americans betrayed their country in order to put a foreign-backed proxy into power. It’s now known that that this investigation was nothing more than a preemptive false flag “insurance policy” launched by the Obama Administration’s “deep state” Clintonite supporters in order to “hack” the election in their favor and then subsequently delegitimize its results after the fact once their candidate of choice suffered her historic loss.

The Mainstream Media was weaponized against the American people by unelected bureaucrats in order to push this regime change narrative, ironically making the very same inquisitors the ones who should be investigated for treason on that very fact alone. The tens of millions of Americans who fell under the spell of the “deep state’s” infowar narratives are experiencing cognitive dissonance after “Saint Mueller” didn’t turn out to be Trump’s “political executioner” after all, and none of them will forget how their country’s leading information apparatuses were turned against them in order to advance a storyline that ultimately wasn’t true whatsoever. It should be taken for granted that some so-called “true believers” will continue to cling to the Russiagate conspiracy theory because they’ve since formed their entire worldview around it, but they’ll eventually move to the margins of society.

By and large, it can be expected that the vast majority of Americans will become increasingly cynical of the Mainstream Media and anything that they associate with the discredited “Establishment”, though that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ll automatically support Trump in his crusade to “drain the swamp”. Rather, this suggests that his opposition will begin to embrace more (superficially?) anti-systemic views and support candidates who would have been regarded as ideologically fringe less than a decade ago. That will naturally lead to an even more heightened partisan political climate ahead of the 2020 elections and improve the odds of a so-called “anti-Trump” facing the eponymous incumbent, though provided that the Democratic primaries are free and fair (which can’t be guaranteed). Either way, there’s no going back from this epochal moment after the Mainstream Media just died a dishonorable death.


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This article was originally published on Eurasia Future.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

US occupier forces again show their ugly political face in recreating the SS at al Rukban Camp in Syria, holding approximately 40,000 Internally Displaced Persons hostages, despite the opening of two humanitarian corridors for their safe passage. US temp ‘diplomat’ Jonathan Cook made this threat at the UN on 30 January — and though the US never keeps its promises, it always keeps its threats.

Plans to dismantle the Rukban concentration camp were reported last October. The existence of this open air prison received massive western coverage in November, when the US finally permitted a convoy of 78 trucks filled with humanitarian aid, to safely enter. The source of the anti-Syria colonialist propaganda was “Terrorist Barbie,” al Qaeda’s press liaison, who omitted the facts of joint SAA, UN, & SARC convoys previously being bombed during each attempt to bring food and medicine during a 10 month period.


Rukban Concentration Camp for Syrian Displaced Refugees

SANA reports on the current war criminal activity against Syrians in Rukban, using diplomatic euphemisms:

“Damascus, SANA — The United States continues to adopt hypocrisy and misleading methods in its international policies, especially in the humanitarian issue.

“It has appointed itself a policeman for the world to put lists of states that violate human rights while it should be on the top of this list due to  its black history in violating the peoples’ rights and trading with the tragedy of thousands of people around the world.

“The issue of thousands of displaced Syrians trapped in al-Rukban camp in al-Tanf area on the Syrian-Jordanian border for nearly five years is one of the humanitarian catastrophes that the United States alone is responsible for .

“It has been blocking  the exit of civilians held as hostages by terrorist groups and preventing them from returning to their homes in the state-controlled safe areas which have been cleared of terrorism by the Syrian army.

“US forces prevent displaced from exiting the camp, while militants are forcibly holding them inside, demanding large sums of money in US dollars to let them out.

“This openly uncovers the claims of Washington and its allies about their keenness on protecting civilians and divulges their support for the terrorist groups which control the camp, treat the people inside the camp as hostages, and put hands on the relief aid sent to the displaced.

“Days ago, The Russian and Syrian Joint Coordination Committees on Repatriation of displaced Syrians confirmed that situation of the besieged civilians in al Rukban Camp remains disastrous.

“They emphasized that Washington should take steps to disband the camp and pull its forces out of the area.

“The committees said in a joint statement that the US-backed terrorist organizations have been forcibly keeping thousands of  civilians for 1773 days, adding that the situation in the camp remains disastrous and its residents have to survive in the most difficult conditions, facing militant violence on a daily basis

“The Russian Defense Ministry, for its part, asserted that ‘the US forces prevented the buses prepared by Syria and Russia to reach al Rukban camp to evacuate the Syrian civilians, denouncing this behavior.’

“The Syrian government, in cooperation with its allies and international humanitarian organizations, did its best  to secure the return of the displaced and provide them with basic services.

“On February 19, Syria, in cooperation with Russia, opened two humanitarian corridors in the towns of Jaleeb and Jabal Al-Ghorab on the outskirts of al-Tanf, but the US occupation forces foiled the operation and prevented vehicles from reaching the camp to transport those willing to leave.

“The ministry said in a statement that despite these measures, however, the exit of from al Rukban camp remains complicated. The US side prevents buses from evacuating the displaced people and refuses to ensure safety of the humanitarian convoys within the 55-km radius around its base in al-Tanf.

“It called on the international community not to believe Washington false claims, open its eyes to the situation in the camp and to believe only facts and real deeds instead of pure words by the U.S. side.

‘“We have repeatedly pointed to the hypocrisy of the American side, which declares its commitment to recognize humanitarian values, but at the same time does nothing to implement them.’

“The ministry refuted  allegation of the representative of ‘International Coalition’ Command that no obstacles were set to the free movement of displaced persons while the First Secretary of the U.S. Embassy in Amman, Alex Hawke, outlined a number of conditions for departure from the camp.

“The fate of thousands of displaced Syrians remains suspended and controlled by terrorists backed by US forces deployed in the camp area and by the political blackmail practiced by Washington without taking into account the humanitarian situation for those people.”

To hell with the overly polite language; the “International Coalition” launched by Obama and accelerated by Trump is a gang of war criminals. Most are signatories to the Geneva Treaties on International Law, which these perpetrators of genocide flaunt with impunity.


Let us be earsplitting with our screams for accuracy: The US is illegally in Syria, as unlawful as were the Nazis in Poland, Hungary, The Netherlands, et al. US occupation forces keeping Syrians imprisoned in al Rukban are recreating the brutal actions of the Nazi Schutzstaffel (“Protection Squadron” [!!!]), better known as the “SS.”

US strikes in Syria may be lawful if Syria consents to the use of force in their territory.  If Syria does not consent, the strikes would violate international law, unless the US demonstrates that the strikes were taken in self-defense.  — Sarah Knuckey, international lawyer and Professor at Columbia Law School

Do not expect the UN to condemn these crimes against the Syrians held hostage in Rukban. The UN is run by the P3 mafioso clique, and is silent on atrocities — including against their own personnel, including when Turkey was shelling the UN-OPCW as it was removing Syria’s chemical weapons, in 2013.

The UN “is a place to demolish peace and security, to destabilize societies.” It has averted its gaze as its own General Assembly breaches its Charter. It supports terrorism in Syria, and it repugnant imperialist fashion, it has attempted to sabotage return of Syrian refugees from the diaspora.

Back in 2017, UNHCR head Andrej Mahecic ‘warned’ the almost 500,000 returning Syrians that it was not yet safe (for some of the most putrid of the UN’s neocolonialist arrogance against Syria, read Syria News reports on terrorist-lover and criminal liar, de Mistura).


Do not expect western serfs to even notice these crimes against Rukban concentration camp; fake liberal and fake conservative are still — in excellent Mockingbird fashion — fighting over the rights of the world’s human garbage dumped into Syria, while ignoring Syria’s rights.

Nonetheless, the facts are clear: The United States occupiers in Syria have recreated the SS at Rukban Camp.


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All images in this article are from Syria News unless otherwise stated

Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria” directly from Global Research.

Mark Taliano combines years of research with on-the-ground observations to present an informed and well-documented analysis that refutes  the mainstream media narratives on Syria. 

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The geostrategically pivotal Central African country of Chad is dangerously losing control of the region after recent developments despite having one of Africa’s most powerful militaries, with Boko Haram’s deadliest-ever attack against its forces last Friday proving why the government of long-serving leader Idriss Deby depends on being a joint Franco-Zionist protectorate in order to survive, but even that might not be enough to ride out of the wave of change that’s sweeping the region.  

Boko Harm Strikes Back

Boko Haram brazenly inflicted its deadliest-ever attack against Chadian forces last Friday after killing 23 soldiers along the northeastern shores of Lake Chad and causing long-serving leader Idriss Deby to replace the chief of staff of his armed forces and two other deputies in response.  Most of the world assumed that the regional terrorist group was defeated after a concerted multinational effort by the four countries of the Lake Chad region over the past few years, but the organization is nevertheless very much alive and as dangerous as ever as recent events in Chad and neighboring Niger prove. All of this is somewhat surprising, however, since Chad is regarded as having one of Africa’s most powerful militaries and is even capable of projecting power as far west as Mali as part of the French-led “Operation Barkhane” anti-terrorist mission across the Sahel, making one wonder whether this geostrategically pivotal Central African country is finally losing control of the region after recent developments.

What A Difference A Decade Makes!

The regional security situation used to be markedly different a decade ago than it is today. The state-to-state Hybrid War in Sudan’s Darfur had finally been defused and Chad’s northern and southern flanks were secured by friendly long-serving Libyan and Central African Republic (CAR) strongmen Gaddafi and Bozize respectively. Cameroon, which functions as Chad’s energy and commercial outlet to the rest of the world, was stable under President Biya’s then-uncontested rule, while neither Niger nor Nigeria were seriously threatened by Boko Haram at that point in time.

Nowadays everything is altogether different. Sudan is destabilized from within by an incipient Hybrid War, while Libya has been a failed state and haven for Chadian rebel groups since the 2011 NATO war on the country, though General Haftar is progressively restoring stability there. The Central African Republic is emerging from its previous failed state status of the past half-decade but with Russia replacing the influence of Chad’s French patron there. As for Cameroon, it’s in an unofficial low-intensity state of civil war, while both the Nigerien and Nigerian borderlands have become heated battlefields against Boko Haram.

The Franco-Zionist Protectorate

In the context of the many non-electoral regime changes that have taken place across the continent over the past decade (the “African Spring”) and the deteriorating security environment all along its periphery (both in terms of unconventional challenges like rebels/terrorists and general strategic ones such as Hybrid Wars and Russia’s rising influence in the CAR and Sudan), it’s little wonder that Chad has clung even tighter to its French patron and sought the help of its in-country military forces from time to time. Paris has a history of militarily intervening at crucial moments in order to support its political proxies in the country, which has been Deby for nearly the past three decades since he seized power in a 1990 coup and expanded his nationwide patronage network throughout the entire armed forces.

Still, the neo-imperial policy of Françafrique is under unprecedented strain after suffering enormous strategic setbacks by Russia in the CAR. It’s also seriously challenged by the rising terrorist threats that have emerged in West Africa (specifically Mali) as a direct result of the 2011 NATO War on Libya and which are now spilling over into Burkina Faso and beyond. This could explain why Deby thought it fitting to seek “Israel’s” security assistance in exchange for coming under its joint protectorate influence. The majority-Muslim country broke ranks with most of the “Ummah” by hosting the “Israeli” earlier this year and signing several security, intelligence, and other deals with his political entity. Evidently not having full faith in the long-term prospects of Françafrique, Deby is betting that his government would have better prospects of survival by becoming a Franco-Zionist protectorate instead.

Destabilization Scenarios

Even with the support of both France and “Israel”, Deby might not be able to ride out the wave of change that’s sweeping the region since foreign military assistance might not suffice for dealing with the multifaceted challenges that Chad could potentially face in the near future. Putting aside the serious danger posed by Boko Haram and its increasingly brazen attacks inside of the country within relative proximity to the capital city, there are three interconnected scenarios that could unfold to catalyze a “phased leadership transition”, some of which were touched upon two years ago in the author’s Hybrid War analysis on Chad. These are a worsening of the Cameroonian Hybrid War, the creation of a Color Revolution movement (especially one that gives off the optics of a North-South Muslim-Christian “Clash of Civilizations”), and a “deep state” coup.

To explain, Chad is almost entirely dependent on Cameroon for access to the outside world, so the deteriorating situation in its neighbor could eventually lead to a disruption in trade (especially if Color Revolution unrest paralyzes its main ports) that would immediately spike prices in the landlocked country that’s ignobly regarded as one of the world’s poorest states. This could naturally provoke protests that might quickly turn into a Color Revolution, particularly if the state disproportionately reacts with lethal force and singles out certain ethno-religious communities for punishment. In the worst-case scenario of rapidly spiraling instability, possibly accelerated by an uptick in Boko Haram and rebel attacks during this time, the Chadian “deep state” might conclude that their nation’s interests are best served by initiating a “phased leadership transition” against their elderly leader such as the one underway in Algeria and possibly soon in Sudan too.

Concluding Thoughts

Regardless of what happens in the coming future, it’s undoubtable that Chad has found itself in a more challenging regional security environment than ever before, especially after Boko Haram’s brazen attack last Friday. The country’s de-facto status as a joint Franco-Zionist protectorate might be enough to thwart most conventional and unconventional threats, but would be irrelevant in safeguarding the state if its Cameroonian lifeline is abruptly cut off by a worsening of the Hybrid War in the neighboring nation. The chain reaction of consequences that this could quickly trigger might be enough to bring superficial change to the country, though any “deep state”-driven “phased leadership transition” probably wouldn’t change the substance of the Chadian system or remove France and “Israel’s” influence within it. Rather, it might lead to Chad losing control over the Central African pivot space and refocusing its attention inwards in the aftermath, which could irreversibly alter the regional balance of power in unpredictable ways.


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This article was originally published on Eurasia Future.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

She’s been a colossal failure by any standard. She affronted UK allies and adversaries alike. In response to her twice rejected no-Brexit/Brexit deal, one critic called her “the prime minister of humiliation.”

Another called her “mean…crude (and) stupid,” adding it’s a commonly expressed view about her in Britain and the EU.

She lied about supporting Brexit while privately opposing it all along, going all-out to undermine the popular will, perhaps her undoing in the coming days.

After vowing last fall to stick with a deal only Brexit opponents could love, seven of her high-profile ministers resigned, scores of Tories and most other MPs saying they reject her no-deal/deal.

She’s lost everything over the issue overwhelmingly except a vote of no confidence so far. Politically damaged beyond repair, it’s astonishing she’s held n this long, her days as PM looking increasingly numbered.

Her idea of leaving Britain half in and half out of the EU angered most parliamentarians, along with Brussels and majority Brits.

Some Tories think she may be forced out this week, her leadership no longer respected. A no confidence vote, if passed, means loss of her premiership and political career likely along with it.

According to UK media, virtually cabinet members turned against her, urging her to stand down voluntarily. Last week, she angered fellow Tories and opposition parties by blaming MPs for her ineptness and affrontery over the Brexit impasse.

According to the London Times, at least 11 cabinet ministers will demand she resign on Monday, the broadsheet saying: “The end is nigh.”

With majority MPs certain to overwhelmingly reject another Brexit vote if taken for the third time, her tenure as prime minister appears coming to an end – an interim leader replacing her ahead of general elections Tories could lose.

According to former MP, sharp critic of politics as usual, George Galloway in mid-March, twice overwhelmingly defeated in parliament, May’s “Brexit plan surely cooks the goose of the plan but also bastes her ready for roasting,” adding:

“In any normal polity the leader at least would already be gone…(It’s) obvious (that Tories) must get rid of” her.

Last week, an unnamed EU diplomat said “there is a complete lack of confidence (by Brussels in May) to deliver on this deal.”

On March 24, the London Sunday Times said she’s “at the mercy of a full-blown cabinet coup last night as senior ministers moved to oust…and replace her with her deputy, David Lidington,” adding:

“(S)enior minsters agreed (she) must announce she is standing down, warning that she has become a toxic and “erratic” figure whose judgment has “gone haywire.”

A Daily Mail report was similar, adding even her chief whip Julian Smith “advised her to set out her departure plans…”

Cabinet Brexiteers want Michael Gove to succeed her as interim PM, calling Lidington a Brexit opponent.

If both of the above reports are right, there’s virtual “unanimity” among Tory cabinet ministers for May to step down as soon as possible.

Her resignation appears imminent.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Featured image is from TruePublica

At the end of March, the first round of the presidential elections will take place in Ukraine, and not everyone is happy about it. The international petition called ”Stop Fake Elections in Ukraine!” was launched on 12.3 and over 5,500 people have signed the petition by the site’s public counter, but the total number of signatures are already well over 10,000 signatures in the petition starters database.

The western mainstream media are relaying a positive image of the situation in Ukraine and persuading that ”fair and democratic elections” are taking place there, but for many, the narrative of the western news propaganda fails in face of truth and reality.

”You can cheat everyone for a while, but you can’t cheat everyone all the time,” says the starter of the popular petition, ”Stop Fake Elections in Ukraine!”, a finish journalist, Janus Putkonen. “Unfortunately, elections in Ukraine are fake elections”, he says.

By the end of the first week, the private voluntary action has grown to the international level and the English petition has already been translated to nine (9) languages by activists. The message of the petition is loud and clear:

”We don’t recognize the fake elections in Ukraine!”

”Is it democracy when millions of Ukrainian citizens have been denied their basic civil right to vote in the elections?” Putkonen reminds that millions of Ukrainian citizens living in Russia and Donbass have no right to vote.

He also expresses concern about the safety of all Ukrainians.

”Ultranationalist troops are patrolling the streets of Ukrainian cities. The notorious ”Azov” Batallion, which was accused of war crimes and carries Nazi symbols, has received an official accreditation to observe the elections. The commander of these election observers announced in public, that his troops will not hesitate to use violence, in the name of justice. And at the same time international observers, even members of OSCE, have been denied accreditation”, Putkonen says.

According to the Finnish journalist, every day something new and alarming appears in the mass media about the coming elections. The main problems are related to the overwhelming corruption.

”60 million voting ballots have been printed by the Ukrainian Central Election Commission(*1), but there are only 35 million people voters, in contrast with several millions of Ukrainians who were denied their right to vote. So, question is, how these tens of millions of extra ballots will be used?”, Putkonen asks.

Putkonen says, that there are 39 presidential candidates, but according to the widely known information, most of them are paid to support some of the leading candidates, who are oligarchs or are put forward by oligarch-billionaires. At the same time, poor people are paid to show their support and vote for particular candidates. Organization of paid campaigning is at the top of the election show around Ukraine.

”And who are these leading presidential oligarch-candidates, who own and control the Ukrainian media? They all serve western geopolitical interests, anti-Russian agenda, which is dictated mainly by American globalist agents in occupied Kiev”, Putkonen says.

It should be noted, that according to the results of a survey of Kiev International Institute of Sociology (*2), 57 % of Ukrainians have a good or very good attitude towards Russia, and 77 % to the Russians. But none of the presidential candidates represents the major views of Ukrainians.

Putkonen says, that the elections in Ukraine are not meant to make any changes to the issue that is the biggest concern of all Ukrainians – the civil war in Donbass.

”Most of the presidential candidates are anti-Russians and are connected to the Kiev’s ‘war-party’, led by Petro Poroshenko, who is responsible for killing thousands of peaceful people and children in Donbass. As we know, and the international observers and organizations also know (*3), there have never been Russian armed forces in Donbass. But as the political orders and geopolitical agenda rules still exist, that is why the civil war against the Russian population in Ukraine continues”, Putkonen says.

The petition demands from the Ukrainian government to make diplomatical efforts in order to resolve the conflict in Donbass in accordance with the signed Minsk Agreements and commitment of all the presidential candidates to it.

”It’s time to stop the bloody civil war in Donbass, which has seriously undermined the stability of Europe. To achieve peace, we must restore democracy and civil rights by creating international pressure to get the necessary changes in the government of Ukraine. For this purpose, Poroshenko and his junta must leave!”, Putkonen concludes.

Click here to read the petition.


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Janus Putkonen is a Finnish journalist and author of the popular international petition, “Stop Fake Elections in Ukraine!”.


1) https://strana.ua/news/188891-tsik-sobiraetsja-napechatat-v-dva-raza-bolshe-izbiratelnykh-bjulletenej-chem-neobkhodimo.html

2) https://www.kiis.com.ua/?lang=rus&cat=reports&id=795

3) https://ria.ru/20190213/1550770869.html

Trump Is America’s First Zionist President

March 25th, 2019 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

It is impossible not to feel some sympathy for President Donald Trump.  His agenda to restore normal relations with Russia and to end Washington’s gratuitous wars has been frustrated by the “Russiagate hoax” that the military/security complex and corrupt Democratic Party used in the effort to remove Trump from the presidency. 

He and his wife have been embarrassed by the fake “Steele Dossier” paid for by the Clinton campaign and used by a corrupt FBI leadership to illegitimately obtain spy warrants on Trump and his associates.  Accused of cavorting with prostitutes in Moscow and confronted with claims by a porn star of an affair in order to boost the recognition value of her name, Trump and his wife have experienced uncomfortable times. 

Now that the lies the presstitutes have told since 2016 have been exposed by Mueller’s inability, despite his use of every dirty trick, to come up with any indictable offense connected to “Russiagate,” the psychopathic liars who comprise the presstitute media are on the verge of tears.  Mueller has betrayed them, they claim, by letting Trump off the hook. (See this)

In other words, there will be no apology to Trump.  Don’t be surprised to see the deranged accusation that Mueller himself was part of the Russian collusion and was appointed for the purpose of covering it up. 

Weakened by “Russiagate” accusations, Trump was forced to back off his agenda of ending the wars.  He put policy in the hands of neoconservative warmongers like John Bolton and Pompeo, and expanded the prospect of wars into Iran and Venezuela.  Trump in office bears little resemblance to Trump campaigning for the presidency.

Under such pressure Trump has broken American diplomatic precedent and international law with respect to Jerusalem and the Syrian Golan Heights in his effort to seek the protection of the powerful Israel Lobby.  He recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moved the US Embassy there, and on March 22 he said it is time to accept the reality of Israel’s occupation of Syria’s Golen Heights as Israeli territory.  This extreme pandering to Israeli Zionism is a disgrace to the United States. (See this)

It is not clear how Trump has benefited from his groveling. If polls can be believed, Trump’s pandering has done him no good with American Jews, 70% of whom disapprove of Trump.  Moreover, the Israel Lobby failed to use its influence to silence the presstitutes false “Russiagate” accusations against Trump.  Perhaps the Lobby wanted to keep Trump in a weak position in order to extract more concessions from him.  

Nevertheless, by terminating US aid to Palestinians and by being the only head of state to fully recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli capital and to assign Syrian territory to Israel, Trump has established a US relationship with Israeli Zionism that the US has with no other state and that Israel has with no other state.  On any issue that pertains to Israel’s interest, Trump has placed US foreign policy into Israel’s hands.  

Various diplomats and analysts are saying that Trump gifted the Golan Heights to Israel in order to help out Netanyahu who faces indictment for corruption.  I think the explanation is that the neoconservatives running US foreign policy are Zionists and that the only ally Trump has, other than the remnants of the American working class now dismissed as “white supremacists,” is the Israel Lobby. 

The hostility of the Trump regime toward Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Syria, and Venezuela does America no good (except for the shareholders of the military/security complex). But the hostility toward Iran, Syria, and their protector—Russia—does benefit Israel. Israel has been frustrated in its desire to occupy southern Lebanon by the Hezbollah militia, which is supported by Syria and Iran.  If Washington can destabilize Syria and Iran, as it did Iraq and Libya, Hezbollah would be cut off from support. Moreover, Washington’s accusations against Russia and missile bases on Russia’s border can distract Russia’s attention and resources away from the Middle East and leave Syria and Iran less able to resist the US/Israeli pressures.

Trump, who campaigned on peace so that America’s attention and resources could be focused on America’s own situation, now has the US more embroiled than ever in the affairs of foreign countries, principally Israel, a Zionist state.  This fact makes it reasonable to conclude that Trump is America’s first Zionist president, a development that bodes more ill for the world.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site: Paul Craig Roberts Institute for Political Economy.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: President visit the Western Wall, Jerusalem, May 22, 2017. Credit: Photo credit: Matty Stern/U.S. Embassy Tel Aviv.

There’s a credible chance that the ruling FRELIMO party that’s been in power since Mozambique’s 1975 independence could lose this October’s general elections as a result of a multibillion-dollar corruption scandal that might have inadvertently worsened the humanitarian consequences of the country’s recent cyclone tragedy.

Disaster Strikes

90% of the fourth-largest Mozambican city of Beira was destroyed as a result of Cyclone Idai which ravaged the country less than two weeks ago, with the international community extremely worried that the death toll in one of the world’s poorest countries might exceed 1,000 and possibly be much worse than expected in the long term if many more die from disease and famine in its aftermath. Mozambique was totally unprepared for this natural disaster, not least because of its war-torn civil war past which impeded national development for decades, but its humanitarian consequences might have inadvertently been made worse by a multibillion-dollar corruption scandal that saw politicians stealing upwards of $2 billion through a system of fraudulent international loans from a country where the average person only makes slightly more than $400 a year according to the World Bank’s official 2017 estimate.

Corruption Kills

The only reason why Mozambique was able to procure the loans that it did was because of its copious offshore gas reserves that are poised to be extracted by two US-based energy companies and which gave naïve international lenders confidence in its ability to pay back its debts. While it would be amiss to directly attribute the increasing death toll from Cyclone Idai to the corrupt members of the ruling FRELIMO party that’s been in power since Mozambique’s 1975 independence, it’s hard not to imagine how differently everything could have unfolded had the authorities invested some of the $2 billion that they defrauded into national development programs and disaster relief supplies in the event of an emergency such as this one. Moreover, the cascading effect that this massive corruption investigation’s public revelation had was that international aid groups became reluctant to continue contributing to the country, further compounding its current difficulties.

Security Concerns

FRELIMO is in the process of progressively implementing a peace deal with the RENAMO opposition and former rebel organization that will see its rivals gain gradual control over some state apparatuses after decades of fighting against the government and alleging fraudulent elections that they say unfairly deprived them of power, and it’s also simultaneously working to suppress a rising terrorist insurgency in the northern region which is “coincidentally” in close proximity to its offshore gas reserves. Both of these security issues present their own challenges, but they also collectively contribute to the larger impression that the ruling party is under unprecedented pressure following its corruption scandal and that voters might finally opt for a change of leadership during the October 2019 elections given all that’s happened thus far. In fact, that development would perfectly correlate with the larger trend of the decade-long “African Spring” that’s seen the removal of entrenched parties and power structures.

Aid Saves The Day?

That outcome could nevertheless be partially offset, however, if FRELIMO is successful in courting substantial international aid from its main South African, Indian, and Chinese trading partners (in that order) and convincing the public that the corruption scandal isn’t due to the party’s nature but was just the fault of a few individuals. While people might not believe the latter narrative, it might not matter much if New Delhi and Tokyo find a way to involve their joint “Asia-Africa Growth Corridor” (AAGC) in reconstruction efforts and/or Beijing does the same with what the author previously suggested should be the comprehensive aid program of “BRI-Aid”. In addition, the US might seek to make Mozambique a positive example of the efforts that it plans to advance through its so-called “Global Fragility Act” of comprehensively assisting fragile states like Mozambique in such a way as to institutionally embed American influence all throughout their state structures.

Concluding Thoughts

FRELIMO is fighting for its political life ahead of this year’s general elections in a little more than half a year’s time, largely delegitimized as it is after decades of administrative mismanagement, disputed elections with RENAMO, and now a multibillion-dollar corruption scandal that might have worsened the country’s humanitarian suffering after the Cyclone Idai tragedy. The only thing that might be able to save it and convince the people to let them manage the country’s impending financial windfall from future LNG sales is if the public is distracted by tangible post-disaster aid that might flow into their communities from Mozambique’s top South African, Indian, and Chinese trading partners. Even that, however, might be insufficient to make up for years of underwhelming rule that could have infused  the members of the population who don’t directly benefit from FRELIMO’s patronage system with deep-seated cynicism that they might unleash later this year at the polls.


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This article was originally published on Eurasia Future.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Direct Relief

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The US coup with the self-proclaimed Venezuelan puppet president Juan Guaidó has been failing. Right-wing Latin American countries and the European Union, while willing to go along with the charade farce president have not been willing to take military action against Venezuela.

This week the US was caught seeking to create violent chaos with imported mercenaries disguised as Venezuelan military, funded by assets seized from Venezuela as part of the US economic war. Telesur reports the government unveiled telephone conversations and other evidence between leaders of the right planning violence against the country that came from a Guaidó aide.

Earlier this week Guaido’s ‘chief of staff,’ Roberto Marrero was arrested along with his bodyguard. In announcing the arrest, Minister of Interior Justice and Peace Nestor Reverol, Venezuela had dismantled a “terrorist cell” that planned to attack and destabilize Venezuela. As a result of that arrest evidence has been uncovered about a terror campaign planned against Venezuela.

The arrest uncovered new evidence about the terror campaign planned by the US and the Venezuelan opposition. Mission Verdad reports  on a press conference by Jorge Rodríguez, Minister of Communication and Information which described how the arrest of the arrest Marrero led to the discovery of widespread terrorist plans.  The new evidence points to a plot funded by assets seized by the United States from Venezuela and channeled into bank accounts through Colombia.

Reporting on the Rodríguez press conference, Mission Verdad describes how eight to ten teams of assassins were being brought to Venezuela from Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador and being trained in Colombia to carry out terrorist acts in Venezuela. They planned selective assassinations of high-profile figures of the Venezuelan State and attacks on the country’s public services. Half these groups had entered the country, while others were blocked by the shutdown of the borders over the phony attempt to deliver humanitarian aid.

The objectives of the terrorist plot were shown in a slide by Jorge Rodríguez. Mission Verdad reports the slide described how Operation Libertad (or Operation Freedom) planned:

  • Selective killings of government officials
  • New sabotage to the Caracas Metro, the Cable Car and the electric service
  • False-positive operations or false flags by people disguised as military deserters
  • A general strike, an assault on Miraflores and terrorist actions such as the assassination of President Maduro

The mercenary teams planned to conduct their terrorist acts disguised as deserters of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces to portray them as “military deserters.”  They sought to show a non-existent conflict between the Venezuelan military and the legitimately elected government.

They also report that among the material seized from Marrero were cell phones that allowed investigators access to conversations, which showed $500,000 and $700,000 being spent per day to pay these assassins and to bribe members of the military to desert and join them. The money was deposited by NGOs created in January and February in accounts of Banesco and Bank of America by the government of Iván Duque after a request from Juan Guaidó. The communications indicate the funds came from money seized from Venezuelan companies by the United States. The money stolen from Venezuela that would be used to finance this operation would amount to $1 billion.  

To add further to the hypocrisy of the United States, the Department of the Treasury sanctioned the Economic and Social Development Bank of Venezuela when Guaidó’s terrorist aid was arrested on suspicion of terrorism.

Mission Verdad reports Guaidó himself and right-wing leader, Leopoldo Lopez, who is under house arrest for previous violence, were implicated, writing,

“On Marrero’s phone, conversations were also found in a group called ‘the General Staff,’ made up of members of the Voluntad Popular party. Among them, Leopoldo López is identified, in charge of his leadership; Freddy Guevara, in charge of advising on the discursive line of Guaidó; Marrero, the deputies Freddy Superlano and Sergio Vergara, and Juan Guaidó himself.”

Guaidó has described “Operation Freedom” which is consistent with these plans. Freddy Guevara describes how the operation is moving “from a strategy of siege to one of assault” with selective assassinations and attacks against public services. This is all consistent with Guaidó comments at a rally on March 22 in El Tigre, Anzoátegui state, where he said: “Venezuelans do not beg for our rights, so soon we are going together to Miraflores to rescue the office of all Venezuelans,” and told his followers “we must organize because the dictator will not go out kindly.”

In a speech at the Mobilization for Peace outside of the Miraflores Palace on Saturday, President Maduro described how the country is facing “the strongest imperialist aggressions that the Republic has ever survived in 200 years.” Maduro said the people continue to be “the greatest guarantee of peace, democracy, and sovereignty of the Fatherland” against the attacks perpetrated by the Venezuelan right-wing and the US. Regarding the plans of the terrorist cell described in the article below, he assured the people: “We are going to capture them and hand them over to Justice.”

The long-time US effort to put in place a US friendly government in Venezuela is reaching new aggressiveness and violence under the Trump administration led by National Security Advisor John Bolton, Special Assistant Elliot Abrams and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. President Trump has openly called for military action since August 2017. Those opposed to US intervention in Venezuela will be holding a mass protest at the White House on August 30 to kick-of a week of action against NATO and the war against Venezuela.


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Kevin Zeese co-directs Popular Resistance where this article was originally published. He just returned from Venezuela with a peace delegation organized by the US Peace Council.

Mahathir: Israel Is a State of Thieves

March 25th, 2019 by The Palestinian Information Center

Dubbing Israel as “a state of thieves”, Malaysian premier Mahathir Mohamed on Friday said his country enjoys friendly relations with every country in the world except for Israel.

“We are not against Jews, but we cannot recognize Israel because of its occupation of the Palestinian land,” Mahathir said in his remarks, aired by local broadcasters, during his three-day visit to Pakistan on Friday.

“You cannot seize others’ land, and establish a state on it. It’s like a state of thieves”, he went on to say.

His remarks came one day after US president Donald Trump said it was time for the US to recognize Israel’s control of the Syrian Golan Heights.


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Il 24 marzo 1999, la seduta del Senato riprende alle 20,35 con una comunicazione dell’on. Sergio Mattarella, allora vice-presidente del governo D’Alema (Ulivo – Pdci – Udeur): «Onorevoli senatori, come le agenzie hanno informato, alle ore 18,45 sono iniziate le operazioni della Nato».

In quel momento, le bombe degli F-16 del 31° stormo Usa, decollati da Aviano, hanno già colpito Pristina e Belgrado. E stanno arrivando nuove ondate di cacciabombardieri Usa e alleati, partiti da altre basi italiane.

In tal modo, violando la Costituzione (artt. 11, 78 e 87), l’Italia viene trascinata in una guerra, di cui il governo informa il parlamento dopo le agenzie di stampa, quando ormai è iniziata.

Venti giorni prima dell’attacco alla Jugoslavia, Massimo d’Alema – come racconterà lui stesso in un‘intervista a Il Riformista (24 marzo 2009) – era stato convocato a Washington dove il presidente Clinton gli aveva proposto: «L’Italia è talmente prossima allo scenario di guerra che non vi chiediamo di partecipare alle operazioni militari, è sufficiente che mettiate a disposizione le basi».

D’Alema gli aveva orgogliosamente risposto «ci prenderemo le nostre responsabilità al pari degli altri paesi dell’Alleanza», ossia che l’Italia avrebbe messo a disposizione non solo le basi ma anche i propri cacciabombardieri per la guerra alla Jugoslavia. Ai bombardamenti parteciperanno infatti 54 aerei italiani, attaccando gli obiettivi indicati dal comando Usa.

«Era moralmente giusto ed era anche il modo di esercitare pienamente il nostro ruolo», spiega D’Alema nell’intervista. «Per numero di aerei siamo stati secondi solo agli Usa. L’Italia è un grande paese e non ci si deve stupire dell’impegno dimostrato in questa guerra», aveva dichiarato nel giugno 1999 in veste di presidente del consiglio, sottolineando che, per i piloti, era stata «una grande esperienza umana e professionale».

L’Italia assume così un ruolo di primaria importanza nella guerra alla Jugoslavia. Dalle basi in Italia decolla la maggior parte dei 1.100  aerei che, in 78 giorni, effettuano 38 mila sortite, sganciando 23 mila bombe e missili (molte a uranio impoverito) sulla Serbia e il Kosovo.

Viene in tal modo attivato e testato l’intero sistema delle basi Usa/Nato in Italia, preparando il suo potenziamento per le guerre future. La successiva sarà quella contro la Libia nel 2011.

Mentre è ancora in corso la guerra contro la Jugoslavia, il governo D’Alema partecipa a Washington al vertice Nato del 23-25 aprile 1999, che rende operativo il «nuovo concetto strategico»: la Nato viene trasformata in alleanza che impegna i paesi membri a «condurre operazioni di risposta alle crisi non previste dall’articolo 5, al di fuori del territorio dell’Alleanza».

Da qui inizia l’espansione della Nato ad Est. In vent’anni, dopo aver demolito la Federazione Jugoslava, la Nato si estende da 16 a 29 paesi (30 se ora ingloba anche la Macedonia), espandendosi sempre più a ridosso della Russia.

Oggi l’«area nord-atlantica» si estende fin sulle montagne afghane. E i soldati italiani sono là, confermando quello che D’Alema definiva con orgoglio «il nuovo status di grande paese», conquistato dall’Italia vent’anni fa partecipando alla distruzione di un paese che non aveva attaccato né minacciato l’Italia o suoi alleati.

Manlio Dinucci

il manifesto, 22 marzo 2019



Il tema «Jugoslavia: 20 anni fa la guerra fondante della nuova Nato» viene trattato, anche con documentazione video, nel Convegno internazionale «I 70 anni della Nato: quale bilancio storico? Uscire dal sistema di guerra, ora», che si svolge  domenica 7 aprile a Firenze (Cinema Teatro Odeon, Piazza Strozzi, ore 10:15-18). Tra gli altri temi «L’Europa in prima linea nel confronto nucleare».

Intervengono: M. Chossudovsky, direttore di Global Research (Canada): V. Kozin, esperto politico-militare del Ministero degli Esteri (Russia); Ž. Jovanović, presidente del Forum di Belgrado (Serbia); D. Johnstone, saggista (Usa); P. Craig Roberts, editorialista (Usa). Tra i relatori italiani: A. Zanotelli, G. Strada, F. Cardini, F. Mini, G. Chiesa, A. Negri, T. Di Francesco, M. Dinucci.

Promotori: Comitato No Guerra No Nato e Global Research, insieme a Pax Christi, Comboniani, Wilpf e altre associazioni. Per partecipare al Convegno (ad ingresso libero) comunicare nome e luogo di residenza a G. Padovano: Email [email protected] / Cell. 393 998 3462


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Selected Articles: “Profit over People”

March 24th, 2019 by Global Research News

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Water Is Life – They Are Stealing Our Livelihood and We Aren’t Even Noticing

By Peter Koenig, March 24, 2019

Today, Jair Bolsonaro, is Brazil’s President, pushed in by Washington, a fascist with no respect for human life, as long as it is not his own, or that of his cronies, and even less respect for the environment, the beautiful planet earth which gives us all life.

Scientists from Around the World Call for Immediate Halt to ‘Genetically Altered Children’

By Derrick Broze, March 24, 2019

Scientists and ethicists from around the world are warning of the consequences of failing to implement a temporary global halt on gene editing of human eggs, embryos, and sperm.

China-Africa Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): Africa Sees the Way Forward

By Wang Linggui, March 23, 2019

As the first global initiative proposed by China, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) s a striking example of the country’s new diplomatic concepts of promoting global development and governance, and maps out new routes and focus of future cooperation between China and Africa.

Interest Rates and the US Economy. The Capitulation of Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell

By Dr. Jack Rasmus, March 23, 2019

The Fed’s benchmark rate, called the Fed Funds rate, is thus frozen at 2.375% for the foreseeable future–i.e. leaving the central bank virtually no room to lower rates in the event of the next recession, which is now just around the corner.

Is Beijing Losing Its Footing in the South China Sea?

By Haley Zaremba, March 23, 2019

The United States military launched nuclear-capable B-52H Stratofortress bombers over the heavily disputed South China Sea last week, where they “conducted routine training”. In these contested waters, the Chinese government has claimed ownership over reserves containing trillions of dollars worth of oil and gas.

What Can We Do? They Are Insane!

By Philip Giraldi, March 23, 2019

This report from the BBC regarding American Secretary of State Mike Pompeo‘s view of the possible divine origin of the 2016 election result as a necessary intervention to “save the Jews” is possibly the most frightening bit of commentary to come out of the Trump national security team.

“Frankenfoods”: US FDA Lifts Ban on GMO “Frankensalmon”

By F. William Engdahl, March 23, 2019

Frankenfoods is a term developed by consumer groups questioning the health and safety of genetically modified plants or GMO. The US Food and Drug Administration has just lifted an earlier ban on commercialization of the first genetically modified food, Salmon.


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The NATO war on Yugoslavia which culminated in the 78-days bombing of historic cities and infrastructures – as usual under atrocity propaganda and pretexts – is on its 20th anniversary.

The grim anniversary is admirably recognized by Science for Peace members to remember and to prevent who-knows-what NATO war crime next as “humanitarian intervention”.
From Yugoslavia to Iraq to Libya, where does it stop? Observe that Trump is now seeking a NATO alliance with Bolsonaro Brazil (see image below)  -to perhaps back the bombing of Venezuela, or any other society, including the Brazilian people, not bowing to US-led global corporate colonization. Socialist genocide is the unspeakable logic of the serial war crimes under international law.

So it is important to remember the long war of economic and financial destabilization that occurred over years before and after the bombing to destroy federal Yugoslavia’s market socialism in every workers-control and social infrastructure it had evolved after 1945 to solve the endless Balkan ethnic wars of its past history.

This larger design is taboo to state – US-led genocide of any socialist society as covert state policy. Instead ‘freedom’ and ‘human rights’ is the reverse-mask every time which is relentlessly dinned into people’s heads. In this way, again and again, the non-stop succession of US international crimes under law is covered up into the present day. So too, federal Yugoslavia, once the envy of the world in democratic social progress, was destroyed step by step. Its bonding social infrastructures were dismantled by unceasing, all-fronts US financial war in which NATO bombing in 1999 was only the most evident event of the socialist genocide.

Repressed Witness of the Killing of a Multi-Cultural Socialism

Below are excerpts from Ottawa University Professor of Economics (emeritus) Michel Chossudovsky’s long-leading analysis which provides a minimalist through-line of the effectively genocidal war against all not-for-profit institutions of a socialist society in which Yugoslavia is a paradigm case. The selected text excerpts below are from Michel Chossudovsky’s 1996 article  (updated in 2002) published as a chapter in The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order, Global Research, Montreal, 2003.

“As heavily-armed US and NATO troops enforced the peace in Bosnia, the press and politicians alike portrayed Western intervention in the former Yugoslavia as a noble response to an outbreak of ethnic massacres and human rights violations. In the wake of the November 1995 Dayton peace accords, the West was eager to touch up its self-portrait as savior of the Southern Slavs and get on with “the work of rebuilding” the newly ‘sovereign states.’

“But following a pattern set early on, the plight of the Balkans was promoted as the outcome of deep-seated ethnic and religious tensions rooted in history.1 Likewise, much was made of the “Balkans power-play” and the clash of political personalities: “Tudjman and Milosevic are tearing Bosnia-Herzegovina to pieces.

“Lost in the barrage of images and self-serving analyses are the economic and social causes of the conflict. The deep-seated economic crisis which preceded the civil war had long been forgotten. The strategic interests of Germany and the US in laying the groundwork for the disintegration of Yugoslavia go unmentioned, as does the role of external creditors and international financial institutions. In the eyes of the global media, Western powers bear no responsibility for the impoverishment and destruction of a nation of 24 million people. Thus Yugoslavia’s war-ravaged successor states are left to the mercies of the international ‘financial community’.

“As the world focused on troop movements and cease-fires, the international financial institutions were busily collecting former Yugoslavia’s external debt from its remnant states, while transforming the Balkans into a safe-haven for free enterprise. With a Bosnian peace settlement holding under NATO guns, the West had in late 1995 unveiled a “reconstruction” program that stripped that brutalized country of sovereignty to a degree not seen in Europe since the end of World War II.

The Genocide of Market Socialism

“The new ‘Constitution’ included as an Appendix to the Dayton Accords handed the reins of economic policy over to the Bretton Woods institutions and the London based European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The IMF was empowered to appoint the first governor of the Bosnian Central Bank, who, like the High Representative, ‘shall not be a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina or a neighboring State. … it may not extend credit by creating money, operating in this respect as a currency board.’

“While the Central Bank was in IMF custody, the London-based EBRD heads the Commission on Public Corporations, which supervises since 1996, operations of all public sector enterprises in Bosnia, including energy, water, postal services, telecommunications, and transportation. The EBRD president appoints the commission chair and is in charge of public sector restructuring, i.e., the sell-off of state- and socially-owned assets and the procurement of long-term investment funds. Western creditors explicitly created the EBRD ‘to give a distinctively political dimension to lending.’

“As the West proclaimed its support for democracy, actual political power rests in the hands of a parallel Bosnian ‘state’ whose executive positions are held by non-citizens. Western creditors have embedded their interests in a constitution hastily written on their behalf. The neocolonization of Bosnia was a logical step of Western efforts to undo Yugoslavia’s experiment in ‘market socialism’ and workers’ self-management and to impose the dictate of the ‘free market’.

Yugoslavia’s Success before System Destabilization by US Financial War

“Multi-ethnic, socialist Yugoslavia was once a regional industrial power and economic success. In the two decades before 1980, annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth averaged 6.1 percent, medical care was free, the rate of literacy was 91 percent, and life expectancy was 72 years.11. But after a decade of Western economic ministrations and a decade of disintegration, war, boycott, and embargo, the economies of the former Yugoslavia were prostrate, their industrial sectors dismantled.

“Despite Belgrade’s non-alignment and its extensive trading relations with the European Community and the US, the Reagan administration had targeted the Yugoslav economy in a “Secret Sensitive” 1984 National Security Decision Directive (NSDD 133) entitled “US Policy towards Yugoslavia.” A censored version declassified in 1990 elaborated on NSDD 64 on Eastern Europe, issued in 1982. The latter advocated “expanded efforts to promote a ‘quiet revolution’ to overthrow Communist governments and parties,” while reintegrating the countries of Eastern Europe into a market-oriented economy.

“The US had earlier joined Belgrade’s other international creditors in imposing a first round of macroeconomics reform in 1980, shortly before the death of Marshall Tito. That initial round of restructuring set the pattern.

“Secessionist tendencies feeding on social and ethnic divisions, gained impetus precisely during a period of brutal impoverishment of the Yugoslav population. The economic reforms “wreaked economic and political havoc… Slower growth, the accumulation of foreign debt and especially the cost of servicing it as well as devaluation led to a fall in the standard of living of the average Yugoslav… The economic crisis threatened political stability … it also threatened to aggravate simmering ethnic tensions”.

“These reforms accompanied by the signing of debt restructuring agreements with the official and commercial creditors also served to weaken the institutions of the federal State creating political divisions between Belgrade and the governments of the Republics and Autonomous Provinces. A Reaganomics arsenal ruled. And throughout the 1980s, the IMF and World Bank periodically prescribed further doses as the Yugoslav economy slowly lapsed into a coma.

“From the outset, successive IMF sponsored programs hastened the disintegration of the Yugoslav industrial sector, lunging to zero in 1987-88 and to a negative 10 percent growth rate by 1990.15 This process was accompanied by the piecemeal dismantling of the Yugoslav welfare state, with all the predictable social consequences. Debt restructuring agreements, meanwhile, increased foreign debt, and a mandated currency devaluation also hit hard at Yugoslavs’ standard of living.

“Shock therapy” began in January 1990. Although inflation had eaten away at earnings, the IMF ordered that wages be frozen at their mid November 1989 levels. Prices continued to rise unabated, and real wages collapsed by 41 percent in the first six months of 1990 .17

“The IMF also effectively controlled the Yugoslav central bank. Its tight money policy further crippled the country’s ability to finance its economic and social programs. State revenues that should have gone as transfer payments to the republics went instead to service Belgrade’s debt with the Paris and London clubs. The republics were largely left to their own devices. The economic package was launched in January 1990 under an IMF Stand-by Arrangement (SBA) and a World Bank Structural Adjustment Loan (SAL II). The budget cuts requiring the redirection of federal revenues towards debt servicing, were conducive to the suspension of transfer payments by Belgrade to the governments of the Republics and Autonomous Provinces.

“In one fell swoop, the reformers had engineered the final collapse of Yugoslavia’s federal fiscal structure and mortally wounded its federal political institutions. By cutting the financial arteries between Belgrade and the republics, the reforms fueled secessionist tendencies that fed on economic factors as well as ethnic divisions, virtually ensuring the de facto secession of the republics. The IMF-induced budgetary crisis created an economic fait accompli that paved the way for Croatia’s and Slovenia’s formal secession in June 1991.

Crushed by the Invisible Hand

“The reforms demanded by Belgrade’s creditors also struck at the heart of Yugoslavia’s system of socially-owned and worker-managed enterprises. By 1990, the annual rate of growth of GDP had collapsed to -7.5 percent. In 1991, GDP declined by a further 15 percent, industrial output collapsed by 21 percent.19

“The restructuring program demanded by Belgrade’s creditors was intended to abrogate the system of socially owned enterprises. The Enterprise Law of 1989 required abolishing the “Basic Organizations of Associated Labor (BAOL)”. The latter were socially-owned productive units under self-management with the Workers’ Council constituting the main decision making body. The 1989 Enterprise Law required the transformation of the BOALs into private capitalist enterprises with the Worker’s Council replaced by a so-called “Social Board” under the control of the enterprise’s owners including its creditors.20

“The assault on the socialist economy also included a new banking law designed to trigger the liquidation of the socially-owned Associated Banks. Within two years, more than half the country’s banks had vanished, to be replaced by newly-formed “independent profit-oriented institutions.” 24 By 1990, the entire “three-tier banking system” consisting of the National Bank of Yugoslavia, the national banks of the eight Republics and autonomous provinces and the commercial banks had been dismantled under the guidance of the World Bank. A Federal Agency for Insurance and Bank Rehabilitation was established in June 1990 with a mandate to restructure and “reprivatize” restructured banks under World Bank supervision.25

“In less than two years the World Bank’s so-called “trigger mechanism” (under the Financial Operations Act) had led to the lay off of 614,000 (out of a total industrial workforce of the order of 2.7 million). The largest concentrations of bankrupt firms and lay-offs were in Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia and Kosovo.

“Many socially owned enterprises attempted to avoid bankruptcy through the non payment of wages. Half a million workers representing some 20 percent of the industrial labor force were not paid during the early months of 1990, in order to meet the demands of creditors under the “settlement” procedures stipulated in the Law on Financial Organizations. Real earnings were in a free fall, social programs had collapsed, with the bankruptcies of industrial enterprises, unemployment had become rampant, creating within the population an atmosphere of social despair and hopelessness

Shock Therapy to Take Over Natural Resources

“In the wake of the November 1995 Dayton Accords, Western creditors turned their attention to Yugoslavia’s “successor states”. Yugoslavia’s foreign debt had been carefully divided and allocated to the successor republics, which were strangled in separate debt rescheduling and structural adjustment agreements.46

“The consensus among donors and international agencies was that past IMF macroeconomics reforms inflicted on federal Yugoslavia had not quite met their goal and further shock therapy was required to restore “economic health” to Yugoslavia’s successor states. – – The neocolonial administration imposed under the Dayton accords and supported by NATO’s firepower had ensured that Bosnia’s future would be determined in Washington, Bonn, and Brussels rather than in Sarajevo.

“Western governments and corporations showed most interest in gaining access to strategic natural resources. With the discovery of energy reserves in the region, the partition of Bosnia between the Federation of Bosnia- Herzegovina and the Bosnian-Serb Republika Srpska under the Dayton Accords has taken on new strategic importance. Documents in the hands of Croatia and the Bosnian Serbs indicate that coal and oil deposits have been identified on the eastern slope of the Dinarides Thrust, retaken from Krajina Serbs by the US-backed Croatian army in the final offensives before the Dayton accords. Bosnian officials had reported that Chicago-based Amoco was among several foreign firms that subsequently initiated exploratory surveys in Bosnia.

“Substantial” petroleum fields also lie “in the Serb-held part of Croatia” just across the Sava River from Tuzla, the headquarters for the US military zone.55 Exploration operations went on during the war, but the World Bank and the multinationals that conducted the operations kept local governments in the dark, presumably to prevent them from acting to grab potentially valuable areas. 56

“With their attention devoted to debt repayment and potential energy bonanzas, both the US and Germany have devoted their efforts –with 70,000 NATO troops on hand to “enforce the peace – – – “.

History repeats itself in patterns not events.

The pattern of criminal US destabilization and destruction of social states to loot them of their sovereign resources is the unseen history of the last century of the world.

Yugoslavia provides the cornerstone example since the Nazis inside Europe with Ukraine taken down since in the same pattern still taboo to see.

US-led NATO is the transnational war machine of the world devouring all public wealth it can extort to terrorize all into conformity to the global-carcinomic regime. The NATO that bombed Yugoslavia 20 years ago and Iraq and Libya since is also the greatest polluter, waster, and destroyer of the global environment beneath all notice of it.

The US-NATO borderless armed-force maw invisibly leads the climate chaos upon us across continents. It is the greatest rising carbon spewer of all time, but not once mentioned even by the UN International Panel on Climate Change.

The US-led post-Nazi incubus of NATO may be the most wasteful black-hole despoliation of the earth and its future possibility ever, with oil its blood and mass-killing its method. Yet the official world remains blind to it in “we did not know” sanctimony and accusation all life resistance as the problem.

The twentieth anniversary of the US-led NATO bombing of Yugoslavia as NATO ‘humanitarian intervention’ should be a tragic self-recognition for the ages.

In this expanded and updated edition of Chossudovsky’s international best-seller, the author outlines the contours of a New World Order which feeds on human poverty and the destruction of the environment, generates social apartheid, encourages racism and ethnic strife and undermines the rights of women. The result as his detailed examples from all parts of the world show so convincingly, is a globalization of poverty.

Click to order Michel Chossudovsky’s Book directly from Global Research


This book is a skillful combination of lucid explanation and cogently argued critique of the fundamental directions in which our world is moving financially and economically.

In this new enlarged edition – which includes ten new chapters and a new introduction — the author reviews the causes and consequences of famine in Sub-Saharan Africa, the dramatic meltdown of financial markets, the demise of State social programs and the devastation resulting from corporate downsizing and trade liberalisation.


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In recent developments, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo intimated (invoking the Old Testament) that God had sent Trump to save Israel against Iran, According to Philip Giraldi:

“Mike Pompeo‘s view of the possible divine origin of the 2016 election result as a necessary intervention to “save the Jews” is possibly the most frightening bit of commentary to come out of the Trump national security team.”

But there is another dimension to this issue which must be addressed: Religious discourse has always been embedded in US politics.

A twisted and shameful interpretation of the “Voice of God” has been a driving force behind US Foreign Policy pronouncements for more than half a century. In 1945, President Truman intimated in the immediate wake of  the bombing of Hiroshima, that God stands on the side of “Us Americans” with regards to the use of nuclear weapons. “We pray that He may guide us to use it [nuclear weapons] in His ways and for His purposes” (August 9, 1945)

Will Mike Pompeo, Bolton et al, follow suit, advising Trump, by invoking a similar twisted divine concept to that put forth by Harry Truman in 1945?

The “Lord is at Work” says Pompeo. Lest we forget: As Secretary of State, he is the guy who is advising Trump on the use of nukes:

“To Press or Not To Press the ‘Big Button'”. That is the question!

We are certainly at a dangerous crossroads in our history

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, March 24, 2019


First published by Global Research on Hiroshima Day, August 6, 2017

On August 9, 1945 on the day the second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, president Truman, in a radio address to the American people, concluded that God is on the side of America with regards to the use of nuclear weapons and that “He May guide us to use it [nuclear weapons] in His ways and His purposes”. A somewhat contradictory discourse which seems embedded in US nuclear doctrine.

According to Truman: God is with us, he will decide if and when to use the bomb:

[We must] prepare plans for the future control of this bomb. I shall ask the Congress to cooperate to the end that its production and use be controlled, and that its power be made an overwhelming influence towards world peace.

We must constitute ourselves trustees of this new force–to prevent its misuse, and to turn it into the channels of service to mankind.

It is an awful responsibility which has come to us.

We thank God that it [nuclear weapons] has come to us, instead of to our enemies; and we pray that He may guide us to use it [nuclear weapons] in His ways and for His purposes

Harry Truman, August 9, 1945

Truman’s statement is diabolical. It intimates that nuclear weapons are a “Gift of God” to Us Americans.

According to the Vatican Council of Bishops:  “Any act of war aimed indiscriminately at the destruction of entire cities or of extensive areas along with their population [Hiroshma and Nagasaki] is a crime against God and man himself.” (Gaudium et Spes, “Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World,” Second Vatican Council).

We must understand that:  “Crime against God and man himself” is now part of a Pentagon military agenda which consists in using nuclear weapons on a preemptive basis (self defense) against alleged enemies of America. In Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, “one hundred thousand people were killed or doomed within 9 seconds”, on the orders of President Truman. And the Americans were told that Hiroshima was a “military base”.

“His Ways and His Purposes” 

Theologians can ponder on the implications of  Truman’s words which are embedded in the mindset of US foreign policy makers from George Kennan who formulated the “Truman doctrine” to the Neocons.

A word of hope from Bob Dylan:

“If God’s on our side, He’ll stop the next war”.


I have a dream, we have a dream: criminalize war, abolish nuclear weapons, unseat the war criminals in high office, restore “sanity” in US foreign policy…

Rise up against the dangers of nuclear war.

Spread the word far and wide.

Michel Chossudovsky, Hiroshima Day, August 6, 2017

Bob Dylan, With God on Our Side

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Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro will auction Friday contracts to operate 12 airports, a measure which is expected to raise about US$921 million in [so-called] private investments. 

The auction will be carried out at the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange and concession contracts will be valid for 30 years, according to the National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac).

At least 10 companies submitted on Feb. 12 auction proposals for the 12 airports, public infrastructures which account for 9.5 percent of the domestic market and manage almost 20 million passengers per year.

According to the local newspaper Terra, among the interested companies are the Brazilian Patria, Socicam and Construcap; the French Vinci and Aeroports de Paris; the Swiss Zurich AG; the Spanish Aena; and the German AviAlliance and Fraport.

Some of these foreign companies already have a presence in Brazilian airports. For instance, Zurich manages the Florianopolis and Confins contracts; Vinci runs the terminal of Salvador, and Fraport operates in Porto Alegre and Fortaleza airports.

In order to perform the action, the Brazilian Federal government distributed the 12 airport terminals in three privatization packages.

“Betrayal & bribes – Neoliberalism: Privatization of all airports until 2023: Bolsonaro and his administration surrender public patrimony.”

The Northeast group, which is the most attractive due to its intense flow of tourists, comprises airports in Recife (Pernambuco), Maceio (Alagoas), Aracaju (Sergipe), Juazeiro do Norte (Ceara), Joao Pessoa and Campina Grande (Paraiba).

The Midwest group includes airports in Cuiaba, Sinop, Rondonopolis and Alta Floresta, all of which are in the State of Mato Grosso and are closely related to agribusiness activities.

Finally, the Southeast group oversees two terminals: Vitoria (Espirito Santo) and Macae (Rio de Janeiro).

The Brazilian Federal government will also action 22 more terminals in this fiscal quarter, as reported by Terra.

This new privatization deal will include terminals in Foz do Iguacu, Navegantes, Londrina, Joinville, Pelotas, Uruguaiana, Bage, Manaus, Porto Velho, Rio Branco, Boa Vista, Cruzeiro do Sul, Tabatinga, Tefe, Goiania, Sao Luis, Teresina, Palmas, Petrolina and Imperatriz.

The airport privatization package may even increase in the future as Bolsonaro’s administration continues to talk with Brazilian local authorities to convince them to enter into its concession contracts plan.

Under Michael Temer administration (2016-2018), more than 50 infrastructure privatization projects were planned, although they were not finalized. These proposals were inherited by Bolsonaro, who assumed power on Jan. 1, 2019 and vowed to privatize “everything possible” so as to downsize the Brazilian State.


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Ongoing Torture and Abuse of Chelsea Manning

March 24th, 2019 by Stephen Lendman

For heroically revealing US high crimes of war and against humanity in Afghanistan and Iraq, Manning was subjected to appalling affronts to her dignity and fundamental rights.

For nearly seven years as a political prisoner, US authorities ruthlessly violated her 8th Amendment protection against cruel and unusual punishment.

A genuine heroic figure, she’s one of America’s best, earlier proceedings against her shrouded in secrecy.

She was unjustly convicted on multiple phony counts of long ago outdated 1917 Espionage Act violations.

Detained for over 1,000 days prior to sentencing and imprisonment, she was horrifically mistreated – tortured in solitary confinement, kept nude in her cell at night and outside for morning inspections, denied virtually every right free people take for granted.

Her years of detention and near-seven-year imprisonment resembled a living death like in Plato’s Cave. People chained to a wall – remaining there throughout their lives, shadows replacing reality.

Wrongful charges and proceedings against Manning were rigged to convict. Doing the right thing was no defense – nor heroism above and beyond the call of duty.

Her horrific mistreatment is happening all over again. For justifiably resisting the Trump regime’s attempt to incriminate her, along with wanting to use her grand jury testimony against Julian Assange, she invoking her constitutional rights, refusing to respond to unjust questioning.

Refusal got her remanded into federal custody once again as a political prisoner, falsely charged with contempt – detained indefinitely for refusing to give grand jury testimony. In the US, constitutional rights don’t matter, nor protection under international and US statute laws.

A statement by her support committee said she’s been placed in solitary confinement – torture by other means. Isolating people in cages for days or longer is a flagrant 8th Amendment violation – reflecting brutal mistreatment of the nation’s most vulnerable.

Societies are best judged by how they treat children, the elderly, the infirm, their most disadvantaged and prisoners. The US fails on all counts.

Human and civil rights don’t matter. US prisons are notoriously harsh. Isolated prisoners lack constructive activities. Visits are rare, direct contact with others denied – lousy food delivered through cell door slots, treatment designed to inflict emotional and physical harm.

The full Support Committee statement said the following:

“We condemn the solitary confinement that Chelsea Manning has been subjected to during her incarceration at William G. Truesdale Adult Detention Center.”

“Since her arrival at Truesdale on March 8th, Chelsea has been placed in administrative segregation, or ‘adseg,’ a term designed to sound less cruel than ‘solitary confinement.’ However, Chelsea has been kept in her cell for 22 hours a day. This treatment qualifies as Solitary Confinement.”

“Chelsea can’t be out of her cell while any other prisoners are out, so she cannot talk to other people, or visit the law library, and has no access to books or reading material.”

“She has not been outside for 17 days. She is permitted to make phone calls and move about outside her cell between 1 and 3 a.m.”

Sunday is day 17. “Chelsea is now in ‘Prolonged Solitary, as defined by Juan Mendez, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture (saying):

“I have defined prolonged solitary confinement as any period in excess of 15 days. This definition reflects the fact that most of the scientific literature shows that, after 15 days, certain changes in brain functions occur and the harmful psychological effects of isolation can become irreversible.”

“Prolonged solitary confinement must be absolutely prohibited, because it always amounts to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, and may even constitute torture…”

“The jail says keeping ‘high-profile’ prisoners in adseg is policy for the protection of all prisoners, but there is no reason to believe jail officials view Chelsea as either a target or a risk.”

“If Truesdale wants to prioritize Chelsea’s health and welfare, as they consistently claim, then they should make sure she is able to have contact with other people in the jail.”

“We have worked to monitor Chelsea’s well-being since her arrival at Truesdale. In her first week, she contracted a bacterial infection which has since been resolved by antibiotics.”

“More recently, she experienced the shift between the prolonged under stimulation of 22-hour lock-down and a 45-minute social visit as so jarring that she threw up.”

“Although the facility has accommodated Chelsea’s medical needs, including hormone medications and daily post-surgery treatment, keeping her under these conditions for over 15 days amounts to torture, possibly in an attempt to coerce her into compliance with the Grand Jury.”

“The Mendez Report notes this tactic (saying): ‘I have observed that solitary confinement…is often used as a deliberate method to obtain information or confessions.’ ”

“‘In such conditions, confinement amounts to a coercive tool and constitutes a cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, and possibly torture.’”

“Chelsea is a principled person, and she has made clear that while this kind of treatment will harm her, and will almost certainly leave lasting scars, it will never make her change her mind about cooperating with the grand jury.”

“It bears repeating that while solitary confinement should not be used for anyone, it is especially immoral to place Chelsea in solitary, when she has not been accused of, charged with, nor convicted of any new crime.”

“We call upon the William G. Truesdale Adult Detention Center to remove Chelsea from ‘Administrative Segregation’ and these conditions which effectively constitute solitary confinement immediately.”

Clearly, Trump regime hardliners ordered her cruel and unacceptable mistreatment. Ideally they want her eliminated. Maybe they’ll arrange it while having her in custody.

More on her mistreatment ahead when further information is known.

A Final Comment

The Truesdale Adult Detention Center’s “inmate’s handbook” said the following about so-called “administrative segregation” – prison-speak for cruel and unusual solitary confinement:

“In administrative segregation, you will be housed in your cell for a maximum of 22 hours per day. You will receive breaks according to an established break schedule.” Manning gets only what’s explained above.

“You will use your break — usually two hours long — to make personal phone calls and attend to your hygiene needs.”

“You will be able to go to three programs per week and will receive all detention center services unless by doing so you will cause safety or security problems.”

Denied contact with others at all times, Manning is prohibited from involvement in detention center programs.

“You do not have to choose between your break and program participation, unless the program you choose is being held during your scheduled break time. You can be placed in administrative segregation for the following reasons:

  • Your participation in incidents occurring during prior incarcerations.
  • You are a safety risk to other inmates, staff or yourself.
  • You are a security risk.
  • There are concerns about how well you handle being in jail.
  • You have an extensive criminal history or a serious charge.
  • The Detention Center does not have enough information about you.

“This can occur if you fail to cooperate with the intake/admission process, or if the Detention Center staff are unable to obtain the necessary information about you in order to make an informed housing decision.”

None of the above reasons apply to Manning. Yet she’s abusively isolated anyway, denied contact with others 24 hours a day, every day.

Guilty of nothing since charged and imprisoned earlier, she’s again incarcerated as a political prisoner by a nation contemptuous of democratic values and rule of law principles it abhors.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Twenty years Ago: The Tragedy of Kosovo

March 24th, 2019 by Prof. Philip Hammond

Twenty years ago this week, NATO launched its first major military campaign. The US, Britain and other NATO powers pounded Serbia for 78 days. This was not a purely military operation: NATO also destroyed what it called ‘dual-use’ targets, such as factories, city bridges, and even the main television building in downtown Belgrade, in an attempt to terrorise the country into surrender.

The Kosovo War was the final chapter in the break-up of what was then Yugoslavia. The province’s ethnic-Albanian majority faced rising repression throughout the 1990s, while most of Yugoslavia’s constituent republics broke away — through protracted bloody conflicts in the cases of Croatia and Bosnia. Although the official policy of Kosovo-Albanian leaders was non-violence, the growing influence of the armed separatists of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) led to increasing attacks on the central state authorities and on Kosovo’s Serbian minority.

As they had done in Croatia and Bosnia, Western governments threw fuel on the flames by supporting the separatists, while portraying themselves as peacemakers. NATO leaders were fully aware that, as the UK’s then defence secretary George Robertson admitted on the day the bombing began, until early 1999 ‘the KLA were responsible for more deaths in Kosovo than the Yugoslav authorities had been’. As NATO also knew, the KLA strategy was to escalate conflict, precisely in order to precipitate Western action. One Kosovo-Albanian leader told the BBC afterwards: ‘The more civilians were killed, the chances of international intervention became bigger, and the KLA of course realised that.’

So it was that the world’s most powerful military alliance could present its assault on a small European country as a ‘humanitarian’ operation. Initially, the idea was that bombing would prevent a refugee crisis. As then prime minister Tony Blair put it at the time: ‘Fail to act now, and [we]… would have to deal with the consequences of spiralling conflict and hundreds of thousands of refugees.’ Predictably, the effect was the opposite: the bombing itself led to exactly these consequences as conflict within Kosovo intensified.

NATO’s response was to ratchet up the propaganda, denouncing the Serbs as ‘Nazis’ committing ‘genocide’ in Kosovo. NATO leaders were helped by sycophantic media coverage, since most journalists were already fully on-board with the idea that the West was a force for ‘good’ against ‘evil’ in the post-Cold War world. It is a story we have heard many times since: NATO’s Kosovo campaign was held up as a supposedly successful model by those arguing for military action against Iraq in 2003, Libya in 2011, and Syria in 2018.

But this idea is well past its sell-by date. The argument for ‘humanitarian military intervention’ is always that the ends justify the means: that the risk of death and destruction in the short term will be vindicated by the ultimate goal. At the end of the Kosovo conflict, Blair pledged that the international community would ‘build a Kosovo which, in the end, will be a symbol of how the Balkans should be’. Twenty years on, they have had ample time to make good on that promise.

How the Balkans should be?

The distance between rhetoric and reality gapes widest in relation to the claim that, as Kosovo’s EU-approved constitution proclaims repeatedly, it is ‘a multi-ethnic society’. This, after all, is supposedly what the war was all about: Blair claimed at the time that ‘it was fought for [the] fundamental principle… that every human being, regardless of race, religion or birth, has the inalienable right to live free from persecution’.

As he spoke, tens of thousands of Kosovo Serbs were fleeing the pogroms that immediately followed the war. Many thousands more have left in the years since, because NATO intervention did not resolve the underlying conflict. Serbia still claims jurisdiction over the province, but constant low-level violence, intimidation and harassment continue to make normal life impossible for Kosovo’s Serbs and other minorities. Eruptions of serious violence occurred in 2004, 2008, 2009 and 2011.

Post-war Kosovo is not a peaceful place, and – despite being the only place in the world where you can meet someone named Tonibler walking down Bill Clinton Boulevard – in recent years it has exported more militant jihadis per capita than anywhere else in Europe. According to a 2017 report by the UN Development Programme, over 300 young men from Kosovo went to join Islamic State in Syria, some climbing ‘to the top of the ISIS hierarchy’, while others have ‘carried out attacks on Western Europe and in the USA’.

Some commentators have blamed the influence of the Saudi-funded Islamic charities who set up in Kosovo after the war, possibly unaware that the KLA used to be an importer of jihadis. As the British author Mark Curtis has pointed out, Western intelligence agencies knew about the KLA’s active collaboration with al-Qaeda before the war. The response of NATO governments at the time was to supply arms and training.

Many analysts point to stalled economic development as a key ‘push factor’ driving a rise in extremism, and indeed Kosovo has the lowest per-capita GDP in the region. Unemployment is at over 30 per cent (around four times the European average and worse than Greece at the height of its recent economic crisis), rising to over 55 per cent for youth unemployment. Yet many more people have left Kosovo in search of jobs than have travelled abroad in pursuit of martyrdom. Rather than straightforward economic immiseration, probably the more significant factor is a wider sense of disenchantment with the reality of ‘independent’ Kosovo.

The ‘failed state’ built by the West

Kosovo today is the product of years of intensive international intervention. It was ruled directly by the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) from the end of the war in June 1999. In 2008, Kosovo declared itself an independent state – but this was ‘supervised independence’ under the auspices of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX). Even since formal supervision officially ended in 2012, extensive international oversight has continued: a recent study noted that the US and EU are ‘vigorously and persistently intervening in [Kosovo’s] internal affairs’. There are still around 4,000 NATO troops and over 500 EULEX staff in Kosovo, plus the office of the European Union, the 500-strong Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe mission, and the United Nations Kosovo Team comprising 19 agencies and hundreds of staff.

Kosovo, in other words, is a showcase for Western state-building efforts – it has received more aid per capita than anywhere else – just as the 1999 NATO intervention was itself a showcase for what Blair called the ‘doctrine of international community’. Yet the outcome, according to international relations academic Aidan Hehir, was that ‘the West built a failed state in Kosovo’. Or as another scholar, Arolda Elbasani, puts it: ‘Even when endowed with massive resources and unlimited powers, the international community has not been able to deliver on its own set of goals: a multi-ethnic, functional and democratic state.’

Instead, it has delivered a virtually mono-ethnic, dysfunctional state where minorities have either fled or live in precarious enclaves, and where voters have become disillusioned by the corruption and criminality at the highest levels of the ruling institutions.

A 2005 UN report highlighted ‘organised crime and corruption’ as the ‘biggest threats to the stability of Kosovo’, noting that ‘the government has not taken the necessary… action to fight organised crime and to prevent corruption’. Yet this was during the period of direct UNMIK rule, so if anyone was going to take action it would presumably have been the UN itself. Matters did not improve under the supervision of the EU. A 2010 Council of Europe report on ‘Inhuman treatment of people and illicit trafficking in human organs in Kosovo’ documented ‘shady, and in some cases open, connections between organised crime and politics, including representatives of the authorities’. Its findings were confirmed by another investigation in 2014.

‘State capture’ and Western evasion

Many of these problems are personified by former KLA leader Hashim Thaçi. Immediately after the war, the KLA became the ‘Kosovo Protection Corps’: Thaçi commanded it, as well as heading the provisional government. He led Kosovo to self-declared independence as prime minister in 2008, and since 2016 he has been Kosovo’s president. Once fêted in the West as ‘the George Washington of Kosovo’, Thaçi was identified in the 2010 Council of Europe investigation as the boss of the ‘Drenica Group’ – former KLA leaders turned ‘criminal entrepreneurs’ who have engaged in murder, kidnap and unlawful imprisonment, who exert ‘violent control over the trade in heroin’, and who have ‘designs on a form of “state capture”’.

Even sympathetic analysts have acknowledged the problem of ‘state capture’ in Kosovo, whereby ‘state resources and institutions are used for private ends’, involving ‘pervasive’ networks of corruption and patronage that hold back development. Understandably, many are frustrated with the lack of progress. Yet ultimate blame for Kosovo’s problems lies with the West.

The mayor of Priština, Shpend Ahmeti, is surely right when he argues that the local problem of ‘state capture’ is the outcome of the EU’s preference for ‘stability over democracy’. As Hehir also suggests, it is precisely because Kosovo has been a showcase for international state-building that the Western supervisors of Kosovo have been reluctant to confront its problems. Certainly in the period of direct rule, the priority was to maintain a façade of stability rather than risking the conflict that would result from tackling the sordid reality of Kosovo’s mafia-style politics. Given the lack of improvement, it seems likely that the EU’s belated ‘discovery’ of the KLA’s extremely well-known criminal connections, and their increasing preoccupation with ‘state capture’ by the very people they groomed to take charge, are just further attempts to dodge responsibility.

Ironically, one consequence of this evasive approach is that the EULEX mission – set up with the express purpose of fighting corruption and upholding the rule of law – has itself become mired in corruption scandals. In 2014, EULEX prosecutor Maria Bamieh demanded a corruption inquiry against her own colleagues, but EULEX responded by sacking her. Bamieh says she had been told by the UK Foreign Office to ignore evidence of corruption. In 2017, chief EULEX judge Malcolm Simmons resigned, alleging corruption and political interference, but then became the subject of counter-accusations of criminal conduct, and revelations that he had never been qualified to act as an international judge in the first place.

Whatever the truth of these various allegations, it seems clear that, as one former EULEX employee reportedly said of the mission, ‘there’s little demand for accountability, because there is ultimately more concern for job protection’. Others have also identified the relationship between international organisations with ‘expansive powers’ but no ‘line of authority or accountability’, and the wider ‘sense of general malaise and malfunctioning’ in Kosovo society. In Elbasani’s damning description: ‘International staff travelled around Kosovo in luxury cars, frequented upmarket cafés that catered specifically to them and lived exclusive lifestyles [which] set them a world apart from the impoverished and dysfunctional polity they helped to create.’

The people attacked by NATO in 1999 certainly won’t be celebrating this month, but it seems equally unlikely that the anniversary will generate much enthusiasm among those whom the intervention was supposedly designed to help.


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Philip Hammond is professor of media and communications at London South Bank University and is co-editor, with Edward Herman, of Degraded Capability: The Media and the Kosovo Crisis.

A newly-leaked audio recording reveals that oil and gas executives in a private meeting were “giddy” with laughter in the summer of 2017 as they rejoiced over the “unprecedented access” they were being given to the highest levels of the Trump administration, boasting about their ability to have closed-door meetings with top officials and the ascendance of their own industry colleagues to some of the most powerful seats of government.

Among the topics in the recording, reports Reveal at the Center for Investigative Reporting—which was provided the audio—the oil and gas executives who belong to the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) “are heard discussing David Bernhardt, now deputy secretary of the Interior and a former industry lobbyist.” Notably, Bernhardt—described by the executives in the recording as a close friend and industry operative—has now been nominated by President Trump to be the next Secretary of Interior, with his confirmation hearings scheduled for next week.

Lance Williams, a senior reporter for Reveal, detailed the contents of the recorded June 2017 meeting, which took place inside a Ritz-Carlton hotel conference room in Southern California, with an extensive piece for Politico‘s weekend magazine published Saturday. Williams said the “recording gives a rare look behind the curtain of an influential oil industry lobbying group” congratulating itself on their political fortunes under a friendly administration.

Williams reports:

Dan Naatz, the association’s political director, told the conference room audience of about 100 executives that Bernhardt’s new role meant their priorities would be heard at the highest levels of Interior.

“We know him very well, and we have direct access to him, have conversations with him about issues ranging from federal land access to endangered species, to a lot of issues,” Naatz said, according to an hourlong recording…

To a room full of laughter, IPAA’s CEO Barry Russell in the recording described one meeting with Scott Pruitt, the president’s EPA administrator at the time. What was expected to be a simple meet-and-greet, Russell explained, quickly became a friendly opportunity for the fellow industry insiders to provide Pruitt with a wish list for deregulation and agency rule changes. “What was really great is there was about four or five EPA staffers there, who were all like, ‘Write that down, write that down,’ all the way through this,” Russell stated. “And when we left, I said that was just our overview.”

Russell, with the room reportedly still laughing, subsequently bragged: “It’s really a new world for us and very, very helpful.”

Specifically, the IPAA and other allies were holding meetings during that period with the Interior Department, the EPA, and other agencies to reduce regulations on fracking, public lands restoration, methane restrictions, and species protection. From Politico:

At the meeting, the association’s leaders distributed a private “regulatory update” memo that detailed environmental laws and rules that it hoped to blunt or overturn. The group ultimately got its way on four of the five high-profile issues that topped its wish list.

Trump himself was a driving force behind deregulating the energy industry, ordering the government in 2017 to weed out federal rules “that unnecessarily encumber energy production.” In a 2017 order, Zinke called for his deputy secretary—Bernhardt—to make sure the department complied with Trump’s regulatory rollbacks.

The leaked recording comes in the wake of reporting by journalist Andrew Perez of Maplight on Friday revealed that Bernhardt and the lobbying firm he once worked for, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, have donated almost a million dollars over the last five years to the very senators who will soon vote on his confirmation.

According to Perez:

A MapLight review of campaign finance data found that Bernhardt, Brownstein Hyatt employees and the firm’s political action committee contributed more than $225,000 to members of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee between 2013 and 2018. The panel will hold a hearing on his nomination next week.

The firm and its employees also donated more than $960,000 to current members of the Senate, who will cast the final vote on Bernhardt’s confirmation.

Colorado’s senators, Democrat Michael Bennet and Republican Cory Gardner, were the top recipients of cash from Brownstein Hyatt, which has a major lobbying presence in Denver. The third-biggest haul went to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. Bennet voted to confirm Bernhardt as deputy secretary but has announced he will oppose his nomination to lead the agency.

Asked to comment on the audio recording of the IPAA meeting, Nada Culver, senior counsel for the Wilderness Society, told Politico that the lobby group’s access ultimately resulted in attaining much of what it wanted from the Trump administration. “The IPAA’s wish list was granted as asked, in the executive order, and in the actions taken by the Department of the Interior,” Culver said. “It pains me to say it.”

With Bernhardt’s confirmation hearing set for next week, environmental groups are rallying constituents to call their senators to reject the nominee.

As Anne Hawke of the NRDC told her group’s members this week,

“Bernhardt’s sorry record in protecting America’s natural resources, wildlife and waters makes him uniquely unfit for the job, and we urge you to call on lawmakers to reject his nomination.”

President Trump, the Hawke further warned, “is handing over the future of our public lands, wildlife, waters and all they support to a man who has made a living for decades attacking all of that to benefit some of the biggest industrial polluters on the planet.”


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US Has a Plan for Eastern Syria, and It Relies on ISIS

March 24th, 2019 by Ahmad Al Khaled

After over a month of fierce clashes in the last stronghold of Islamic State in Baghuz village, Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have announced “final defeat” of the terror group.

SDF, a force comprised of Kurdish and Arab units that is considered the closest ally of the US in the fight against ISIS in Syria, managed to overcome ISIS defenses with the support of the US-led International Coalition. The clashes resulted in severe casualties on both sides, while hundreds of terrorists as well as their wives and children surrendered to SDF.

The terrorists in SDF custody were presented a deal which involves fighting against the Syrian government forces in oil-rich desert area in eastern Syria, informed sources reported.

US military offered the terrorists an opportunity to “redeploy” to Al Tanf area located on the Syria-Iraq border where US maintains a small contingent of forces, according to the sources. Holding the families of the captured ISIS members hostage, the US demanded that the terrorists launch an offensive against the Syrian army and establish control over Al Shaer, Al Maghara, Al Jazal and Tuwaynan oil fields. Another goal of the offensive is capturing Khunayfis phosphate mine and forcing the Syrian troops to abandon the checkpoints on the strategic Damascus – Deir Ezzor highway.

First batches of ISIS terrorists have already arrived to Al Tanf and were positioned at the training camps in the area. They have already set up ambushes and executed surprise attacks against the Syrian troops, killing at least 20 soldiers during the past few days, sources added.

The terrorists are benefiting from difficult terrain and establish hide-outs and weapon stashes in caves and wadis that are abound in this desert region. They also enjoy continuous support and reinforcement from Al Tanf.

However, informed sources claimed that this clandestine operation is only a part of a bigger long-term plan of the US command to preserve American influence in this resource-rich area. According to the plan, after ISIS succeeds in capturing territory from the government forces, the SDF will intervene to “liberate” and seize control of the desert areas acting under the pretext of fighting terrorism.

These claims are supported by the rumors that the SDF command rejected appeals to relieve the fighters of their duties hinting at a possibility of another “large-scale” operation in the near future.

This scenario is painfully reminiscent of the path the Pentagon took in northern Syria, where SDF overcame ISIS after the terror group had captured the area from the government forces. Should this plan succeed, the US will get to keep its military presence in Al Tanf.


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Ahmad Al Khaled is Syrian journalist, Official Representative of Special Monitoring Mission to Syria

On Saturday, Venezuelan President Maduro announced the capture of a Colombian paramilitary head of a (Trump regime) plot to oust him by brute force. More on this below.

So far, everything Trump regime hardliners threw at Venezuela to topple its democratically elected government failed.

It notably includes continued efforts to turn the country’s military against President Maduro and Bolivarian governance – by pressure, false promises, perhaps threats and bribes.

It aims for gaining overwhelming popular opposition to Maduro, for acceptance of Guaido to replace him as interim president – despite nothing in Venezuela’s Constitution permitting the scheme.

Two false flags failed – notably the February 23 Trojan horse “humanitarian aid” PR stunt, fooling no one but establishment media, portraying out-of-date/unsafe to use food and meds as Trump regime concern for the welfare of ordinary Venezuelans it doesn’t give a hoot about.

The US March 7 cyberattack on the nation’s electricity grid, causing blackout in most of the country, failed to arouse public anger against Maduro as planned.

Plan C apparently involves using armed anti-government mercenaries to stoke violence in Caracas and other parts of the country, including likely attempts to assassinate Maduro – a plot similar to the 1980s Contra war.

Trump regime point man for transforming Venezuela into a US vassal state, Elliot Abrams, headed what went on in Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala – responsible for over 300,000 deaths, countless thousands more brutally tortured, and millions forced into exile.

In June 1986, an International Tribunal on Genocide in Central America called the period a time of intense violence – made in the USA by Abrams and his co-conspirators, saying:

Things “verg(ed) on a near total break-down of the state institutions and open warfare between state governments, competing rebel forces challenging state authorities and indigenous” peoples.

“In the course of resurgent violence, acts of genocide and ethnocide (were) committed against indigenous groups.”

Accusations “of state sponsored and rebel force sponsored genocide against indigenous peoples (were) repeatedly made throughout the course of …” the decade, including massacres, torture, forced military service, land seizures, arbitrary arrests and imprisonments, population relocations, and attacks amounting to genocide under the UN Convention.

“That there is sufficient evidence to warrant the convening of a (genocide) tribunal goes without question.”

Abrams was likely brought on by Trump regime hardliners for an encore – for something similar to what went on in the 1980s against Venezuela.

On Saturday, Maduro said Venezuelan security forces “captured the head of the Rastrojos gang in Carabobo state (with links to Guaido) and he is giving testimony…about who hired him and why he was brought to Venezuela,” adding:

Arrested and detained Guaido henchman Roberto Marrero revealed the scheme in custody.

“The American imperialism wants to assassinate me,” Maduro stressed, adding: “We have just foiled a plot that the diabolic puppet (Guaido) personally directed to kill me. We have proof, but they could not prevail.”

Venezuela’s Minister of Communications Jorge Rodriguez explained that the (Trump regime) plot involved smuggling Central American hitmen into Venezuela, adding:

Other planned operations include  assassinations of targeted Bolivarian officials, sabotaging public transportation networks, disseminating anti-government fake news through Venezuelan corporate media and social media, inciting labor sector unrest, assaulting the presidential palace, and other terrorist actions – waging US proxy war on Bolivarian rule.

Rodriguez stressed that anti-government paramilitary elements will be hunted down, rounded up, and arrested “wherever they are.”

Venezuela’s Culture Minister Ernesto Villegas said telephone communications between elements plotting violence were intercepted.

He named Guaido, convicted coup plotter Leopoldo Lopez under house arrest, opposition political figure Freddy Guevara, and others, plotting anti-government terrorist actions.

Foiling the Trump regime’s latest coup plot doesn’t end its efforts to topple Maduro and eliminate Bolivarian social democracy.

More of the same is likely to continue indefinitely – at least as long as Trump remains in office.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Featured image is from Cancillería del Ecuador via Flickr

Scientists and ethicists from around the world are warning of the consequences of failing to implement a temporary global halt on gene editing of human eggs, embryos, and sperm. 

In a letter to the journal Nature, 18 scientists and ethicists from seven countries called for a global moratorium on the type of gene editing that can result in genetically altered babies. The letter was prompted by a 2018 announcement by a Chinese scientist declaring the birth of the world’s first gene-edited twin babies.

The 18 signatories of this call include scientists and ethicists who are citizens of 7 countries. Many of us have been involved in the gene-editing field by developing and applying the technology, organizing and speaking at international summits, serving on national advisory committees and studying the ethical issues raised.”

Fears of “designer babies” have been on the rise in the last decade as scientists move closer to producing embryos which have been genetically modified to produce children with specific, desirable characteristics. This vision was once the exclusive domain of Hollywood movies like Gattaca, but now, a future where parents are able to pick and choose exactly how their child’s genes express themselves is eerily close.

Specifically, the group is calling for a moratorium on germline cells—in this case egg or sperm cells—that can then be inherited and “could have permanent and possibly harmful effects on the species.”

To begin with, there should be a fixed period during which no clinical uses of germline editing whatsoever are allowed,” the scientists write. “As well as allowing for discussions about the technical, scientific, medical, societal, ethical and moral issues that must be considered before germline editing is permitted, this period would provide time to establish an international framework.”

From that point on, individual nations will choose their own paths. The scientists predict that some nations may choose to continue a moratorium indefinitely or a permanent ban. They also call on any nation that chooses to allow specific applications of germline editing to first give public notice and engage in an “international consideration about the wisdom of doing so.” The group also calls for a “transparent evaluation” to determine if germline editing is justified and for a nation to gain a “broad societal consensus” over the appropriateness of the editing.

No clinical application of germline editing should be considered unless its long-term biological consequences are sufficiently understood—both for individuals and for the human species,” the group urges.

In a separate letter to the journal Nature, Dr. Francis Collins, director of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), stated that the NIH strongly agrees that a moratorium should begin immediately and last until nations commit to international rules to determine “whether and under what conditions such research should ever proceed.”

This is a crucial moment in the history of science: a new technology offers the potential to rewrite the script of human life. We think that human gene editing for reproductive purposes carries very serious consequences—social, ethical, philosophical and theological,” Collins wrote. “Such great consequences deserve deep reflection. A substantive debate about benefits and risks that provides opportunities for multiple segments of the world’s diverse population to take part has not yet happened. Societies, after those deeper discussions, might decide this is a line that should not be crossed. It would be unwise and unethical for the scientific community to foreclose that possibility.”

In a response to both letters, the editors of Nature released an editorial describing their viewpoint. “Whether or not a moratorium receives more widespread support, several things need to be done to ensure that germline gene-editing studies, done for the purposes of research only, are on a safe and sensible path,” the editors wrote. The editors called for all proposals and basic research studies using gene-editing tools in human embryos to be deposited in an open registry. Certain countries will have lax laws which could be exploited by “would-be mavericks” and thus there is a need for global laws to prevent and penalize unacceptable research, the editors state.

The right decisions on human germline modification can be reached only through frank and open discussion, followed by swift action. With so much at stake, that must happen now.”


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Pompeo: God Sent Trump to Invade Iran

March 24th, 2019 by Kurt Nimmo

Reading recent remarks made by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, it is obvious we have crossed over from light to dark into the twilight zone.

This must be the Old Testament God, because it has nothing to do with Christ, the Sermon of the Mount, and Christ’s teaching that one should turn the other cheek. 


Indeed, the Old Testament, taken from the Jewish Tanakh, is chock full of violence, revenge, genocide, and acts of terrible punishment and cruelty:  slaughter of the Sodomites, eradicating the Canaanites with leprosy, sending a plague into Egypt, …  and make slaves out of neighboring tribes. There are dozens of other references in the Old Testament to horrific acts of violence, most of it retributive. 

Pompeo made his remarks on Purim, the celebration of the Jewish exodus from the ancient Achaemenid Persian Empire, today known as Iran. 

From the BBC:

[Pompeo] was asked if “President Trump right now has been sort of raised for such a time as this, just like Queen Esther, to help save the Jewish people from an Iranian menace.”

The former tank commander declared,

“I am confident that the Lord is at work here.”

For America’s top diplomat to say God has sent Trump to save the Jews (who are not threatened by Iran) is a new milestone in absurdity for the “indispensable nation.” It demonstrates apocalyptic Christian Zionists like Pompeo have undue influence on a largely clueless president. 

For Christian Zionists, the return of the Jews to the Holy Land and the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 followed biblical prophecy envisioning the return of Christ as King of the Earth. They believe in a dispensationalist view of the Bible, that is to say they believe the Old Testament foreshadows Christ and the New Testament. 

Pompeo’s remarks are extremely dangerous. His commentary anchors the Trump effort to destroy Iran directly within the context of biblical prophecy—and such religious fanaticism, as history repeatedly demonstrates, often results in war and mass murder. 

The Trump administration is now fully and unapologetically embracing Christian Zionism following the move of the US embassy from Tel Aviv in Israel proper to a divided (and increasingly ethnically cleansed) Jerusalem. Trump’s VP is an evangelical Christian and his daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner are Orthodox Jews. 

There has been a sea change. President Obama, according to the Zionists, was not sufficiently loyal to the tiny renegade state of Israel, never mind he continued to send billions of dollars a year to the Israeli government. Donald Trump has shown he is a dedicated Christian Zionist, although I don’t believe he is capable of serving Christ (his over-the-top narcissism won’t let him). He was shrewdly manipulated into this position by his son-in-law, a man who avidly supports illegal settlements and the murder of children, medics, journalists, and endless terror campaigns launched by Orthodox Jews against the Palestinians. 

Finally, Pompeo’s remarks made in Israel serve as further indicators of things to come—not only the wholesale theft of Syria’s Golan Heights (al-Jawlān in Arabic), but ongoing efforts to destabilize and destroy Israel’s neighbors (a constant since the establishment of the Jewish state), the likelihood of an annexation of the West Bank, further ethnic cleansing, and a war with Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Of course, none of this will be possible without the direct involvement of the United States and its Pentagon war machine. 

Trump’s neocons are moving the nation in the direction of once again bombing the daylights out of a sovereign nation that poses no threat to the United States. The injection of religious fanaticism is, to say the least, a worrisome prospect. 


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site: Another Day in the Empire.

Kurt Nimmo is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102
Print Edition: $10.25 (+ shipping and handling)
PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website www.globalresearch.ca . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

WWIII Scenario

Citing the forecast by the United Nations’ Population Division, recently published Green Book of Population and Labor (2019) edited by Institute of Population and Labor Economics, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences announced that China’s population will reach its peak in 2029 with 1.44 billion people. This means that China’s population will then enter an era of negative growth, as a result of long-term slow growth of population. Such a prediction however should not surprise us too much.

Based on international experience of population development, the demographic transition theory asserts that a country’s fertility rate tends to follow a reverse U-shaped curve. In the early stages, population development is characterized by a low birth rate, a high death rate, and as a result, low growth rate. But as per capita income increases, the death rate first declines while the birth rate remains unchanged, so the growth rate rises. But eventually, the birth rate declines as economic and social developments move forward, and population development enters its highest stage characterized by a low birth rate, a low death rate, and low growth rate.

China is no exception.

China’s total fertility rate (read as the number of children given birth to by a woman in her entire life) dropped from 2.5-3.0 in the late 1970s and early 1980s to 2.0 in the first half of the 1990s. As the result of the fertility below replacement level of 2.1 – namely, minimum level for number of children to replace their parents — it is inevitable for the Chinese population to shift from a rise to a fall at a certain point of time.

Long prior to the total population peak, in 2010, the working age population aged between 15 and 59 had already reached a turning point, from an increase to a decrease. Such a dramatic change in the population age structure has significant implications to China’s economic growth.

For most of the reform period, the rapid growth of the working age population relative to the non-working age population, which is also represented by the decline of the population dependence ratio, has helped the high-speed growth of the Chinese economy through a sufficient supply of labor; improvement of human capital; high savings rate; high return on investment, and efficient reallocation of resources. Therefore, the economic growth in the period benefited from the population dividend.

The shrinkage of the working age population and increase of the dependence ratio, which began in 2010, therefore indicate the disappearance of the population dividend, resulting in a slowdown in economic growth.

The experience of the past 40 years of reform have taught us that following the laws of economic development matters for a country to reach its goal of getting rich. And the same can be said of laws of demographic transition. So, it is natural that low fertility and moderate economic growth become a new normal as China transitions from middle-income to high-income.

In most cases, the population dividend is only a transient driver of economic growth when an economy is in transition from low-income to middle-income. The fact that the Chinese economy will grow at a slower rate, therefore, doesn’t mean the economy loses its driving forces of growth. Instead, this is a tipping point for the transformation of the Chinese economy from high-speed growth to high-quality development.

In general, economic growth is driven by accumulation and allocation of factors of production, which include inputs of labor, human capital (embodied in workers’ education attainment and skills) and physical capital, and improvement of productivity. In particular, at different stages of development, countries tend to more reply on certain factors of growth than others.

As far as the Chinese economy is concerned, whereas the absolute amount of labor force becomes limited because of its dependence on the magnitude of the working age population, labor reallocation – namely, from agriculture to non-agricultural sectors — can still transfer surplus laborers from agricultural engagement to non-agricultural employment, and other factors can be better mobilized, and productivity can be enhanced.

Since all these new drivers of growth require further reform, the expected effects of the reform to strengthen potential growth rate of the Chinese economy can be attributed to reform dividend.

The first reform is to exploit the potential of the population dividend. The household registration system reform is an area in which reform dividend measured by increase in potential growth rate is most apparent.

By eliminating the institutional barriers preventing agricultural laborers from mobility in the first place and then migrant workers from settling down in urban areas will expand labor supply for urban sectors and bolster productivity improvement resulting from the reallocation of resources.

As the result of more sufficient supply and more efficient allocation of labor, potential growth rate of the Chinese economy can be significantly raised.

The second reform should be to take advantage of the talent dividend. So, reforms of education system should aim to accumulate overall human capital through improving quality of education at all levels; expanding quantity of education and providing on-the-job training, which are vital of sustaining long-term growth.

When breaking down the sources of economic growth, economists find that years of schooling attained by workforce as an indicator of human capital can directly expand quantity of factors input and indirectly increase productivity, thus contributing to economic growth.

For one thing, the extension of compulsory education to pre-schooling and senior high schooling is necessary way to augment years of schooling at the stage of development where China stands.

A third reform is to gain dividend from supply-side structural reforms such as reducing debt ratio, deleveraging, letting “zombie firms” go bankrupt, mitigating transaction costs facing enterprises and startups in obtaining resources, and creating level playing field for all market players.

By building a mechanism for destructive creation that is necessary for increasing return to capital input and enhancing productivity, these reforms will help accomplish the transformation of China’s economic growth from an inputs-driven pattern to an innovation-driven pattern, replacing population dividend with reform dividend.


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This article was originally published on China Watch.

Cai Fang is the vice-president of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, chairman of the National Institute for Global Strategy of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

As the first global initiative proposed by China, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) s a striking example of the country’s new diplomatic concepts of promoting global development and governance, and maps out new routes and focus of future cooperation between China and Africa. Since the BRI was announced in 2013, it has propelled China-Africa cooperation in terms of breadth and depth toward a new historical period.

Since the initiative was proposed, China-Africa cooperation has seen all-round progress and presented new features. In March 2013, when visiting three African countries, Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed to build a China-Africa community with a shared future and summarized new concepts of future cooperation between the two sides as “sincerity, real results, amity and good faith”.

At the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, Xi stressed again that China and Africa need to develop a community of shared future by sharing responsibilities and gains, achieving win-win cooperation and common cultural prosperity as well as improving security and harmonious coexistence. The proposal has gained wide wide support from African leaders.

Second, cooperation has been pushed ahead steadily along mapped-out routes. The Beijing Declaration — Toward an Even Stronger China-Africa Community with a Shared Future, the FOCAC Beijing Action Plan (2019-2021) and the eight major initiatives China implements with African countries have provided new road maps for bilateral cooperation. The two sides also signed nearly 150 cooperation-related protocols.

Third, China-Africa cooperation has been strengthened across the board. With ongoing expansion of the initiative, it has seen tangible progresses. China has been Africa’s largest trading partner for 10 consecutive years. In 2018, trade between the two sides reached a record high of $203.54 billion, in which China’s imports from Africa were $98.97 billion and its exports to Africa reached $104.57 billion.

China’s trade with Africa rose by 16.4 percent year on year with imports and exports rising by 27.3 percent and 7.7 percent respectively, both much higher than the growth of the country’s overall foreign trade during the same period. From January to October 2018, China’s investment in non-financial areas in Africa was $2.463 billion, a year-on-year increase of 4 percent. The value of newly signed project contracts between two sides reached $59.8 billion, up 19 percent year on year. Infrastructure construction projects such as the Mombasa–Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway and the Karuma Hydroelectric Power Station have brought considerable economic benefits to local people. In other areas such as finance, China-Africa cooperation has also been advanced such as signing a memorandum on funding infrastructure construction in Africa.

The vitality of Africa’s economy is being unleashed as the continent is expected to become a key area in the next wave of industrialization in the world. With abundant natural resources, Africa also enjoys a young labor forces and it is projected that the number of African workers will surpass those of China and India by 2034. Meanwhile, accelerating urbanization and increasing consumption have also made its economic growth prospects brighter.

The Belt and Road blueprint has created favorable conditions for Africa to overcome difficulties facing its development and provide opportunities for further growth. The eight major initiatives lay great focus on the needs of African countries and aspirations of local people, highlighting that measures for cooperation need to be targeted and effective and projects should be inclusive and forward-looking. Apart from areas already bearing fruits, the initiatives have also explore new room for China-Africa cooperation: China will enhance vocational training for African talents, improve local security.

Still, challenges facing the BRI cannot be ignored. First, the capacity of African countries in registering stable development needs to be improved. Although Africa has seen initial growth, issues such as regional conflicts, weak drivers of development, limited capacity of national governance and inadequate high-end talents are still blocking the promotion of the initiative.

Second, the business environment in Africa needs further improvement. The initiative focusing on economic cooperation has posed urgent needs a favorable business environment, while problems still loom up in African countries because local laws and regulations that can attract and protect foreign investment are not yet full-fledged. Moreover, preferential policies and government services are not fully in place.

Third, better international public opinion environment is needed. Currently, there are still groundless murmurs that the China-Africa cooperation can lead to a debt crisis, plunder of resources and dependence, attempting to drive a wedge between China and Africa and undermine the cooperation.

Looking into to the future, China-Africa cooperation will continue to maintain sound momentum. Many African countries have expressed their intention of supporting and participating in the initiative.

First, China will adhere to new concepts of China-Africa cooperation by maintaining sincere and friendly relations, treating African partners as equals, adhering to righteousness, pursuing people-centered development in a pragmatic and efficient manner and carrying forward openness and inclusiveness. It will not interfere in African countries’ affairs, impose its will on the countries, attach political conditions to assistance or seek political interests through investment and financing.

Second, it will continue to promote cooperation through imrpoved policy-related exchanges. China will uphold the principles of achieving common benefits through consultation and collaboration, pursuing openness, transparency and inclusiveness as well as advocating green and sustainable development. By combining the BRI, the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the African Union Agenda 2063 with development strategies of African countries, China aims to achieve higher-level, complementary and common development with its African partners.

Third, the initiative will be further implemented in Africa. China will work with African countries to launch the eight major initiatives including industrial promotion, facility connectivity, trade facilitation, green development, capacity building, health and hygiene, people-to-people exchanges and peace and security. Focusing on helping Africa to develop growth impetus, it will bolster China-Africa cooperation to a higher level by innovating relevant concepts and modes.

Fourth, it will introduce third parties to strengthen cooperation with Africa. To propel cooperation which cannot be achieved by China alone, participation of third-party economies can be conducive.

Fifth, it will make more efforts to improve the public opinion environment. China is willing to co-host exhibitions with Africa on achievements of cooperation under the BRI, which can improve the confidence of African countries in cooperating with China and resolve unfavorable international public opinions.

Overall, China will continue to strive for more and better cooperation with Africa through tangible efforts to provide an exemplary case and contribute experiences to building a community of shared future.


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This article was originally published on China Watch.

Wang Linggui is Senior Research Fellow, Executive Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Secretary-General of the National Institute for Global Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Featured image is from African Leadership Magazine

Video: The Mysterious Death of Dr. David Kelly

March 23rd, 2019 by Norman Baker

Introduction by Richard Galustian

As we contemplate the 16th anniversary this week of the start of the Iraq war, we are forced to ponder on the insanity of that decision by the US and UK in anticipation very soon of a similar disaster developing, again no doubt for oil, this time though in Venezuela.

However what many will consider ‘a side show’ by comparison to the more than a million dead Iraqis and thousands of dead and wounded American and British soldiers, needs further investigation and reflection. That is the case of one of Britain’s foremost scientists, Dr. David Kelly, who allegedly committed suicide.

The justification used by the US and UK, of the existence of WMDs in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq was that Iraq posed an immediate and imminent threat to the West – now known to be an absolute falsehood; a complete lie.

We must never forget the demise of Dr. Kelly in 2003, whose mysterious death in woods near his home, as he was, amongst other things, one of the most senior weapons inspectors that visited Iraq on numerous occasions on behalf of the UN prior to its invasion.

Before giving more detail, two comments are important to mention at this point. First one by John Scurr, a world renowned vascular surgeon is reported as saying that he does not believe it possible that Dr Kelly died in the manner officially stated.

And second a report that a former British Ambassador, David Broucher was called to give evidence to the Hutton Inquiry into Dr, Kelly’s death, after telling Foreign Office colleagues of an extraordinary remark Dr Kelly made to him shortly before he died. Dr Kelly told him he thought he would be ‘found dead in the woods’ if Iraq was ever invaded.

Some of the more outrageous ‘conspiracy theorists’ claim Kelly was assassinated by a foreign intelligence service, some name the CIA or Private Military Contractors at the behest of the CIA but predictably can provide no evidence.

It is worth revisiting again the narrative provided by the UK Government as regards the death of Dr. Kelly because of its potential relevance to a repeat of ‘regime change’ that might occur soon in Venezuela and the justifications that may follow such an action.

For the record Dr. Kelly worked at various MoD facilities in the UK and frequently at Porton Down, as head of microbiology.

Kelly worked with other scientists at Porton Down in Salisbury who have also died under questionable circumstances, for instance, Dr. Richard Holmes, whose body was found in the same woods as Dr. Kelly, in 2012, two days after going for a walk, and one month after resigning from Porton Down; and to Vladimir Pasechnik’s death in November 2001, another Russian defector, who allegedly died of a stroke. His death was not publicly announced until a month later. Dr. Kelly had been involved in his debriefing when Pasechnik left Russia.

I defer to Norman Baker who provides us with a more forensic examination of the facts as we know them today.

So below is a video of approximately one hour length presented by British MP, Norman Baker, who articulates brilliantly many specific inconsistencies related to the claims that Dr. Kelly killed himself.

The video speaks for itself and I hope stimulates readers to consider the many ramifications should it be proven Kelly was murdered.

This video was published on 1 Jun 2018 on YouTube.

Norman Baker, a UK Member of Parliament for many years and author of The Strange Death of David Kelly, explains why questions over the mysterious death of UN weapons inspector Dr David Kelly won’t go away. The official ‘Hutton Report’ on his death was a whitewash and the conclusion that the government weapons inspector took his own life is not supported by the facts. Norman says: “Dr Kelly was a good man, who served the world well. We owe it him to get to the bottom of what happened that fateful day in July 2003.’


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The UK national debt is the total amount of money the British government owes to the private sector and other purchasers of UK gilts.

In Nov 2018, UK public sector net debt was £1,7951.3 billion equivalent to around 84% of GDP.

However, due to other distractions such as Brexit, Britain’s national debt recently rocketed passed the £2 trillion mark and is already sitting at close to £2.2 trillion – £2.17 trillion to be precise.

Politicians may say the budget deficit (the amount the government borrows each year) is coming down, which of course could be right but often get these two terms wrong because they rarely mention that at the same time, the national debt is still rising. So if annual borrowing falls from say £80bn to £50bn, the annual deficit is lower – but, at the same time, the national debt (total debt) is still rising.

In 1987 the national debt was 38% of GDP, in 1997 it was 41%, in 2007 it was 37% and by 2017 it had rapidly risen to 83%.

The reduction in debt as a % of GDP in 1950-1980 was primarily due to a prolonged period of economic growth.

The financial crisis caused by the banks added an extra £500bn of potential liabilities. Austerity was the outcome. In addition, economic growth stalled causing the government to increase borrowing.

In 1997 debt interest was £28bn,  in 2017-18 it was £68bn. In 1997 the interest rate was 7.25 per cent, today it is 0.5 per cent. Long term interest rates look set to rise – it’s not hard to see a big problem with this in future.

Public sector debt interest payments have already reached the 4th highest department for spending after social security, health and education.

The structure of how both the government’s borrowing and national debt – could well only get worse as an ageing population places greater strain on the UK’s pension liabilities – called the demographic time bomb.

Brexit could also place a greater burden of debt upon future generations as economic activity slows – assuming that Brexit causes an economic slowdown. One concern is that various predictions from the Bank of England to economic advisors to the government have stated a hard Brexit could see GDP fall by as much as 9 per cent. This would have a dramatic effect on tax receipts, whilst increasing expenditure such as benefits. Another concern is the number of younger aged people may well be forced into leaving the UK, thereby increasing the burden upon everyone else.

£2.2 trillion is difficult to work out. A million takes the average person about a month to count. A billion takes about 31 years and a trillion about 32,000 years.

Another way of looking at the national debt is this:

Debt per person is £34,676

Debt per taxpayer is £59,643

According to the National Debt Clock, the debt increases at the rate of £5,170 per second.

Or £310, 200 per minute

Or £18,612,000 per hour

Or £446.6 million per day

Visit the National Debt Clock HERE.

For more information on the national debt click HERE.

Annual interest rate tables HERE.


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This past week, on March 20, 2019, Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell announced the US central bank would not raise interest rates in 2019. The Fed’s benchmark rate, called the Fed Funds rate, is thus frozen at 2.375% for the foreseeable future–i.e. leaving the central bank virtually no room to lower rates in the event of the next recession, which is now just around the corner.

The Fed’s formal decision to freeze rates follows Powell’s prior earlier January 2019 announcement that the Fed was suspending its 2018 plan to raise rates three to four more times in 2019. That came in the wake of intense Trump and business pressure in December to get Powell and the Fed to stop raising rates. The administration had begun to panic by mid-December as financial markets appeared in freefall since October. Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin, hurriedly called a dozen, still unknown influential big capitalists and bankers to his office in Washington the week before the Christmas holiday. With stock markets plunging 30% in just six weeks, junk bond markets freezing up, oil futures prices plummeting 40%, etc., it was beginning to look like 2008 all over again. Public mouthpieces for the business community in the media and business press were calling for Trump to fire Fed chair Powell and Trump on December 24 issued his strongest threat and warning to Powell to stop raising rates to stop financial markets imploding further.

In early January, in response to the growing crescendo of criticism, Powell announced the central bank would adopt a ‘wait and see’ attitude whether or not to raise rates further. The Fed’s prior announced plan, in effect during 2017-18, to raise rates 3 to 4 more times in 2019 was thus swept from the table. So much for perennial academic economist gibberish about central banks being independent! Or the Fed’s long held claim that it doesn’t change policy in response to developments in financial markets!

This week’s subsequent March 20, 2019 Fed announcement makes its unmistakenly official: no more rate hikes this year! And given the slowing US and global economies, and upcoming election cycle next year, there’s essentially no rate hikes on the horizon in 2020 as well.

Central bank interest rate policy is now essentially ‘dead in the water’, in other words, locked into a ceiling at 2.375%, which makes it now a useless tool to address the next economic downturn around the corner.

The US Economic Slowdown Has Arrived

For those who believe the business press and government ‘spin’ that the US economy is doing great, and recession is not just around the corner, consider that US retail sales have fallen sharply in recent months. In December they declined by -1.6%, the biggest since September 2009. Residential and commercial construction has been contracting throughout 2018. In January, manufacturing, led by autos, dropped by -0.9%. The manufacturing PMI indicator has hit a 21-month low. Despite Trump’s early 2018 multi-trillion dollar business-investor tax cuts, investment in plant and equipment growth by year end slowed by two thirds over the course of 2018. Recent surveys show CEO business confidence has declined the last four quarters in a row—i.e. a bad omen for future business spending on equipment and inventories. Despite Trump’s ‘trade wars’, the US trade deficit finished the year at a record $800 billion in the red. Service sector revenues rose a paltry 1.2% in the fourth quarter 2018 compared to the same period a year earlier.

And word is out that the US GDP for fourth quarter 2018 will soon be revised downward. Initially posted at 3.1%, in February it was reduced to 2.6%. Next week, in April, it will be reduced still further, to 1.8% or less, according to JP Morgan researchers. Meanwhile various bank research and other independent sources are predicting a 1st quarter 2019 US GDP of only 1.1%, and possibly even less than 1%. The economic scenario predicted by this writer a year ago is thus materializing.

Trump’s economy is clearly in trouble. And now he’s on an offensive to get the central bank not only to halt rate hikes, but to start lowering interest rates before the end of this year. And if Powell doesn’t comply, watch for the Trump and right wing to push for firing Fed chair, Powell, as well.

To head off Trump-Investor offensive against the central bank, Fed chairman Powell held an historically unprecedented public interview with the national 60-minutes TV show in early March. He attempted to placate Trump and the growing attacks. Only Fed chairman, Ben Bernanke, held a similar public interview—during the worst depths of the collapse of the US economy in 2008. Trump’s latest tactic has been to nominate Steven Moore as a Fed governor. Moore is one of those right winger economists affiliated with the Heritage think tank. He publicly called for Trump to fire Powell during the December near-panic over the US stock market’s plunge. Watch Powell and the Fed therefore drift over the course of 2019, toward not just freezing Fed rates, but lowering them as well by year end.

Monetary Policy Tools Collapsing?

The current peaking of the Fed’s rate at 2.375% compares to a Fed peak interest rate of 5.25% in 2007 just before the onset of the last recession; a 6.5% peak on the eve of the preceding recession in 2000; and the 8% peak rate just before the 1991 recession. In other words, Fed rate policy effectiveness has been deteriorating over the longer run for some time, and not just recently.

That deterioration is traceable to Fed policy since the 1980s, which has been shifting from using interest rates to stabilize the economy (low rates to stimulate economic growth/higher rates to dampen inflation) to a policy of ensuring long term low interest rates as a means for subsidizing banks, businesses and capital incomes in general.

Chronic, low rates subsidize business profits by lowering borrowing costs and, in addition, by incentivizing corporations to also issue trillions of dollars of new (low cost to them) corporate bond debt. Money capital from the record profits and the cheap debt raised are then distributed to shareholders and managers via stock buybacks and dividend payouts—which have averaged more than $1 trillion a year every year since 2010 and in 2018 alone hit a record $1.3 trillion. But the chronic, low rates are the originating source of it all, i.e. the ‘enabler’.

While Fed (low) rate policy has become a major means for subsidization of capital incomes, after each business cycle the rates cannot be restored to their pre-recession levels—leaving the Fed now with its mere 2.375% rate level as it enters the next recession. The rate level at the end of the cycle ratchets down. In other words, the Fed’s interest rate gun is reloaded with fewer bullets. It is now close to being out of ammunition.

Beyond Quantitative Easing, QE

The declining effectiveness of interest rate policy has forced the Fed, at least in part, to develop another monetary tool the past decade, so-called Quantitative Easing (QE). The introduction of QE in 2009 in the US (and earlier by the Bank of Japan which originated the idea) should be viewed in part, therefore, as a desperate attempt to create a new tool as interest rates have become increasingly ineffective at stopping or even slowing a business cycle contraction or at stimulating an economic recovery from recession. With QE the central bank goes directly to investors and buys up their bad debt by providing them virtually free money at ultra-low (0.1%) rates. QE is therefore about the Fed transferring the bad debt from investors and banks’ balance sheets directly onto the Fed’s own balance sheet. But that subsidization via debt off loading and low long term rates also reduces the effectiveness of monetary policy performing its historic role of economic stabilization—i.e. stimulating economic growth or dampening inflation.

During the period 2009 to 2016 the Fed’s QE program transferred between $4.5 trillion to $5.5 trillion from investors to its own balance sheet. And if one counts other major central banks in Europe, Japan, and China the amount of debt offloaded from bankers and investors to central banks amounted to between $20 to $25 trillion.

To prepare for the next business cycle crash and recession, the Fed and other central banks in recent years announced they would begin to ‘sell off’ their bloated balance sheet debt. The purpose was to ‘clean up’ the central bank’s balance sheet so it could absorb and transfer even more corporate-investor bad debt to itself during the next crash. (This debt sell off was called ‘Quantitative Tightening’ or QT). The Fed was first among central banks to begin the sell off, with a token $30 billion a month. Other central banks in Europe declared they too would do so but have since abandoned the pretense. The Bank of Japan with its $T to $5T debt never even pretended. So the world’s central banks remain bloated with tens of trillions of dollars equivalent in off-loaded corporate-investor debt from the last crisis of 2008-09 and face the prospect of even tens of trillions more—and possibly much more—in the next crisis.

However, Powell further announced on March 20 that the Fed will also halt, by September 2019, its QT sell off. Like interest rate policy, QE/QT policy, is also likely now ‘dead in the water’.

Can the Fed add $5T to $10T more in QE come the next crisis? (And the world’s major central banks add another $30T more in addition to their current $20T?) Perhaps, but not likely.

Doubling QE and Fed balance sheet debt is not any more likely than the Fed significantly lowering interest rates come the next crisis. Even less so for the Europeans and Japanese, whose interest rates are already less than zero—i.e. negative.

Central Banks as Capital Incomes Subsidization Vehicles

What’s becoming increasingly clear is that in the 21st century capitalist economies—the US and others—are having increasing difficulty generating profits and real investment from normal business activity. Consequently, they are turning to their Capitalist States to subsidize their ‘bottom line’. Central banks have become a major engine of such subsidization of profits and capital incomes. But that ‘subsidization function’ is in turn destroying central banks’ ability to perform their historic role to stimulate economic growth and/or dampening inflation. The latter historic functions deteriorate and decline as the new subsidization of profits and capital incomes become increasingly paramount. The historic functions and the new function of central banks as engines of capital subsidization are, in other words, mutually exclusive.

The same subsidization by the State is evident in fiscal policy, especially tax policy. Once the Fed started raising rates in late 2016 the policy shifted from monetary tools to subsidize capital in comes to fiscal tax policy as primary means of subsidization.

Since 2001 in the US alone business and investor and wealthy households have been provided by the Capitalist State with no less than $15 trillion in tax reductions. Like low rates & QE, that too has mostly found its way into stock buybacks, dividend payouts, mergers & acquisitions, etc. which have fueled in turn unprecedented financial asset market bubbles in stocks, bonds, derivatives, foreign exchange speculation, and property values since 2000. And by such transmission mechanisms, the accelerating income and wealth inequality trends in the US and elsewhere.

Business-Investor Tax Cutting as Subsidization Vehicle

While subsidization via tax cutting has been going on since Reagan, it accelerated since 2000 under Bush and continued under Obama. But it has accelerated still further under Trump. The impact of the Trump tax cuts is most evident on 2018 Fortune 500 profits. No less than 22% of the 27% rise in 2018 in Fortune 500 profits has been estimated as due to the windfall of the Trump tax cuts for businesses and corporations. The total subsidization of business-investors over the next decade due to the Trump tax cuts is no less than $4.5 trillion—offset by $1.5 trillion increase in taxes on middle class households and Trump’s phony assumptions about GDP growth that reduces the $4.5 trillion further to a fictitious $1.5 trillion negative hit to the US budget.

The subsidization via tax cutting has also generated record US budget deficits and national debt levels that have been doubling roughly every decade—from roughly $5 trillion in 2000 to $10-$11 trillion by 2010, to $22 trillion by 2019, with projections to $34-$37 trillion or more by 2030. Roughly 60% of the US budget deficits and debt are attributable to tax policy and loss of tax revenues.

Bail-Ins: Next Generation Monetary Tool?

Long touted by mainstream economists as ‘tools of stabilization and growth’, in reality both central bank monetary policy (rates, QE, etc.) and government fiscal policy (business-investor tax cuts) have been steadily morphing into means of subsidization of capital incomes. Having become so, the ability of both monetary (central bank) and fiscal policy to address the next major crisis could prove extremely disappointing.

Monetary policies of low interest rates and even QE are now ‘played out’, as they say. And with US debt at $22.5 trillion, going to $34 trillion or more by 2027, fiscal policy as means to stimulate the economy is also seriously compromised.
So what are the likely policy responses the next recession? On the monetary side, watch for what is called ‘bail ins’. The banks and investors will be bailed out next time by forcing depositors to convert their cash savings in the banks to worthless bank stock. That’s a plan in the US and UK already ‘on the books’ and awaiting implementation—a plan that has already been piloted in Europe.

On the fiscal-tax side, watch for a renewed intensive attack on social security, medicare, education, food stamps, housing support and all the rest of social programs that don’t directly boost corporate profits. The outlines are clear in Trump’s just released most recent budget, projecting $2.7 trillion in such cuts. And of course Trump & Co. will continue to propose still more tax cuts, which has already begun in a number of forms.

In other words, as both monetary and fiscal policy become increasingly ineffective in the 21st century as means to address recessions and/or restore economic growth, they are simultaneously being transformed instead into tools for subsidizing capital incomes–during, before, and after economic crises!


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site: Jack Rasmus.

Jack Rasmus is author of the just published book, ‘Alexander Hamilton and the Origins of the Fed’, Lexington books, March 2019; and its sequel, ‘Central Bankers at the End of Their Ropes: Monetary Policy and the Coming Depression’, Clarity Press, 2017. He blogs at jackrasmus.com, hosts the radio show, Alternative Visions, on the Progressive Radio Network. His website is htttp://kyklosproductions.com and his twitter handle is @drjackrasmus

Is Beijing Losing Its Footing in South China Sea?

March 23rd, 2019 by Haley Zaremba

The United States military launched nuclear-capable B-52H Stratofortress bombers over the heavily disputed South China Sea last week, where they “conducted routine training”. In these contested waters, the Chinese government has claimed ownership over reserves containing trillions of dollars worth of oil and gas.

The South China Sea is one of the most heavily trafficked maritime routes in the entire world. However, the conditions that make it so valuable–its location on the coasts of a considerable number of Asian countries–have also led to major regional tensions over ownership. Vast, overlapping swaths of this valuable body of water are currently being claimed by Brunei, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam. China, which has staked the largest claims to the South China Sea and has been the most aggressive in its position with an ever-expanding military presence on the waters, has stirred up a large amount of political discontent in the region.

While China has been bolstering its military presence in and around the South China Sea, its positioning doesn’t come close to competing with the vast military presence of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region, where the Pentagon already holds an estimated and unrivalled 279 bases. The U.S. hasn’t been keeping idly by, either. This latest B-52 flyover is just one more military exercise of many, all of which are in open defiance of Chinese policy and warnings to the international community.

In a statement to the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post, a spokesperson for the Pacific Air Force said that “two B-52H Stratofortress bombers took off from Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, and conducted routine training in the vicinity of the South China Sea on March 13, before returning to base.” In the same statement the spokesperson added that the launch was nothing out of the ordinary and that, “U.S. aircraft regularly operate in the South China Sea in support of allies, partners and a free and open Indo-Pacific.” Concurrently with the flyover of the B-52s on Wednesday, the Seventh Fleet flagship USS Blue Ridge amphibious command ship sailed directly through the South China Sea’s contested waters before anchoring in the Philippines.

This display of U.S. military might came just one day after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo decried Beijing for what he said was “illegal island-building in international waterways” with the purpose of cutting off rival claimants to the South China Sea “from accessing more than $2.5 trillion in recoverable energy reserves.” In response to these comments, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang shot back on Wednesday that “it serves the interests of regional countries that those countries can manage and handle differences in their own way, and jointly uphold regional peace, stability, development and prosperity,” adding an additional jab that “Meanwhile, some non-regional country has repeatedly stirred up troubles in an attempt to ruin the harmony. Such attempts are irresponsible to regional countries.”

The military exercise came also just about a week after a separate pair of U.S. B-52s flew over South China Sea islands claimed by China as a part of the COPE North 2019 exercise. COPE is a “long-standing exercise…designed to enhance multilateral air operations among the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, Koku Jieitai (Japan Air Self-Defense Force) and Royal Australian air force (RAAF).”

When it comes to the South China Sea, the one thing that the U.S. and the Chinese definitely agree upon is its massive geopolitical value. According to a February 2013 report by the U.S. Environmental Information Agency, “the South China Sea contains approximately 11 billion barrels of oil and 190 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in proved and probable reserves.” Meanwhile, according to the same 2013 report, the official Chinese National Offshore Oil Company “estimated the area holds around 125 billion barrels of oil and 500 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in undiscovered resources.” With these numbers, it’s safe to say that the South China Sea won’t be fading from the headlines any time soon.


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Haley Zaremba is a writer and journalist based in Mexico City. She has extensive experience writing and editing environmental features, travel pieces, local news in the Bay Area, and music/culture reviews.

Featured image is from OilPrice.com

The 31st U.S. Marine Expeditionary Unit (31st MEU) seized a tiny island and airfield with special operations airmen and soldiers as part of a new island-hopping strategy.

Last week, 31st MEU, backed by the 3rd Marine Division, 3rd Marine Logistics Group and 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, members of the Air Force 353rd Special Operations Group, and Army soldiers with 1st Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group, conducted a series of simulated military exercises attacking and seizing Ie Shima Island located off the northwest coast of Okinawa Island in the East China Sea, reported Task Purpose.

The new military strategy, known as Expeditionary Advanced Base (EAB) Operations, will allow Marine units to seize, establish, and operate multiple small bases across the Pacific Ocean, a tactic that will be beneficial in a high-end fight with China.

During the exercise, special forces seized the island’s airport, 31st MEU then established a Forward Arming and Refueling Point. Marine Corps F-35B stealth fighters patrolled the island’s perimeter while C-130J Super Hercules transport aircraft delivered heavy artillery pieces.

M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems were hauled in by the transport aircraft, carried out simulated long-range precision fire missions while stealth fighter jets conducted strikes with guided munitions.

“This entire mission profile simulated the process of securing advanced footholds for follow-on forces to conduct further military operations, with rapid redeployment,” the Marines said in a statement.

Task & Purpose said the EAB exercise is an updated version of the WWII-era island-hopping strategy.

“It is critical for us to be able to project power in the context of China, and one of the traditional missions of the Marine Corps is seizing advanced bases,” Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Marine Corps Gen. Joseph Dunford told the Senate Armed Services Committee last week. “If you look at the island chains and so forth in the Pacific as platforms from which we can project power, that would be a historical mission for the Marine Corps and one that is very relevant in a China scenario.”

As the National Defense Strategy makes clear, the U.S. military has entered a new phase of power competition with rival China. In the South China Sea, China has constructed military bases on artificial islands to extend its reach, while the U.S. Navy continues to use freedom of navigation operations to sail its destroyers within ten or so miles from these islands to telegraph that the US will not allow Chinese expansion in the world’s busiest naval transit route to continue unimpeded.

Without a doubt, the latest island hopping strategy from the Marines is the clearest indication the Pentagon is preparing for military conflict with China in the South China Sea.


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Weaponizing the World Bank and the IMF

March 23rd, 2019 by Peter Koenig

This is a transcript of the full interview with PressTV for their Program “Economic Divide”, of which sections were aired in this broadcast – U.S. military use of IMF, World Bank.



Wikileaks revelation

Here is the link to the news story.

The U.S. Army states that major global financial institutions — such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) — are used as unconventional, financial “weapons in times of conflict up to and including large-scale general war,” as well as in leveraging “the policies and cooperation of state governments.”

PressTV: Are these so-called financial institutions guilty of that, and how do they do it? – If so, this would  point to the fact that these organizations are NOT independent.

Peter Koenig: Let me start with the fact that indeed these organizations are not independent at all. The World Bank and IMF are fully controlled by the US. The US has a de factoveto power, since it possesses about 17% of the votes, and it takes 85% to overrule the veto – impossible.

OECD is an organization of some 34 so-called industrialized countries, also dominated by the US and her mostly vassal states of the European Union, Canada, Australia, Japan, New Zealand — so of course, they are controlled by the US, or simply, the West.

You could add to these organizations also WTO – the World Trade Organization, also dominated by the US and Europe to the detriment of developing countries, especially since the latter are too weak in general to impose their trade conditions, or even simply get a fair deal.

And yes, these institutions, WB and IMF, can and have used in the past, financial means as “weapons” – for example, the World Bank’s use of structural type adjustment loans, or so-called “rescue packages” by the IMF – a glaring example is Greece, and lately Argentina. These loans come with strong austerity conditions attached, meaning privatization of public properties, of natural resources – all to the benefit of foreign corporations – and to the detriment of the countries and local populations concerned. At home, in Greece and Argentina – there are growing tariffs for all services, reduction of pensions, education and health services are being privatized and unemployment is rampant, leading to poverty.

In the case of Argentina, in 2015 in November, just a month before the neoliberal Macri was pushed in by Washington as Argentina’s new President – the Kirchner regimes were able to reduce poverty from close to 70% in 2001/2002, when Argentina’s economy collapsed, then also as a result of the IMF, they, the Kirchner Governments, managed to reduce it to about 14%. Today Argentina’s poverty rate is above 35% – and rising, especially with the largest ever IMF loan made in the history of the IMF, granted to Argentina late last year, of US$ 57 billion.

So yes, lending instruments of these organizations can and are being weaponized. Imagine, Argentinians cannot take it any longer and resort to a civil war —- I don’t even want to think about it.

PressTV: It is said the US is not only using this against Venezuela, but it has also exercised this on countries, like Ecuador and Argentina. Isn’t the sovereignty of these countries being violated, and aren’t the economic rights of its citizens also violated due to the actions of the government, like exercising austerity and budget cuts?

PK: Yes, very clearly the sovereignty of these nations is being violated. Not only that, interfering in another nations economic affair is an international crime. However, all international courts of justice in The Hague and elsewhere are bought by Washington. A recent statement by US Foreign secretary Pompeo, couldn’t have been blunter – he threatened any judge if the ICC with sanctions or harsh actions, if they would dare pursuing any US or Israeli citizens, adding that this would apply to other allies too.

The US has not used the IMF and the World Bank in Venezuela, simply because Venezuela under Chavez has exited both Institutions and they are not a member of OECD. However, they have used another – let’s say “money tool” to attempt bringing Venezuela to her knees – economic and financial sanctions. Sanctions can only be imposed to countries that are linked to the dollar-based western monetary system, that also includes the Euro and currencies in Canada, Australia NZ, Japan. But no longer Russia and China and much of the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) countries.

Under this western system any monetary transaction has to go through a transfer scheme, called SWIFT, and it is automatically channeled through a US, usually Wall Street bank, in either New York or London. Therefore, every transaction is being subject to control and can be blocked and funds can even be confiscated. In the case of Venezuela, the US Government has practically confiscated US$ 35 billion in US banks, and through CITGO – the Venezuela gasoline corporation in the US, from whom profit and cash flows were blocked in US banks.

That’s how the US is punishing Venezuela for not giving it free reign to steal its natural resources, the largest known oil reserves in the world, and for being a socialist country.

On top of it, the US propaganda is such that the majority of the people around the world believe that Venezuela is mismanaged, is suffering from hunger and needs regime change. All of this is a flagrant lie. Fortunately, this is now changing, since about 60 nations, including China, Russia and India in the UN have expressed their disgust with this coercive US policy and stand firmly behind Venezuela – that means more than 50% of the world population supports the current, freely and fully democratically elected Venezuelan Government, headed by Nicolás Maduro.

But the US has used the IMF and the World Bank’s “Money Weapons” in Argentina and also to some extent on Ecuador. The case of Argentina I described earlier, and in an example of Ecuador, the government proposed a motion at the UN, preferring breast feeding over artificial milk, à la Nestlé. The US – followed by her European vassals – threatened Ecuador with trade sanctions, if they would not withdraw their motion – so, they did. And that’s only one example.

PressTV: Another point of interest is that these financial weapons are largely governed by the National Security Council (NSC), which is currently headed by the US national security advisor John Bolton. The document notes that the NSC “has primary responsibility for the integration of the economic and military instruments of national power abroad.” John Bolton is an avid advocate of regime change, like in Iran: why has he been given these broad powers?

PK: John Bolton has been known since the Bush Administration and even earlier as a ruthless character that finds hardly a match among the many ruthless politicians the US has in stock. So, they let him lose, because his pathological psychopathic behavior is intimidating to many countries.

First you bring down countries by intimidation, once that has been achieved, it is easier to put other coercive measures in place, like more sanctions, as in the case of Iran – and finally, if nothing works, they threaten and demonstrate US / NATO military intervention by putting the weapons at a country’s doorstep. Like in the case of Russia. However, I doubt very much that the US really intends to intervene militarily in Russia and Iran – or in Venezuela for that matter. There is too much at risk. Washington knows that the Russian modern missiles – that can fly at speeds in excess of 20 Mach – and the S-400 missile defense systems, are far superior to anything the US has in store.

In addition to a big-mouth, Bolton is a very good sable-rattler.

PressTV: It appears that countries who counter US policies can be economically pressured in order to have financial assistance, and if they don’t walk Washington’s line, then these financial instruments can be used against them to bring about regime change: Is this an accurate scenario? Are many countries forced to be financially weak to then be subservient to the US?

PK: Yes, this is a plausible scenario, especially in the case of a country that has natural resources, like oil, and especially, if the country does not have a corrupt leader that easily bends to the wishes of Washington. There are reasons invented to punish the country with “sanctions” – case in point is Iran – the negation of the Nuclear Deal for no good reason whatsoever, other than to weaken Iran’s economy – and once the country is weak enough, the IMF and WB come in and offer “help” in the form of bail-out loans, or structural adjustments as they were called in the 80’s and 90’s.

If the government falls for these loans – often the ministry of finance in such countries are infiltrated by “Fifth Columnists” or Atlantists – the IMF and World Bank come in with large loans, i.e. huge debt, that at the end leaves the country totally enslaved to the masters of Washington – ready for privatization of all public goods, natural resources. – Iran has a lot of oil and gas – and other resources.

If that doesn’t work, the Fifth Columnists create civil unrest in the hope of bringing about regime change– which then would allow Washington to put in a puppet regime and come in to steal what it wants to steal, and control a country’s strategic position – like in the case of IRAN. – So, Iran beware. – I think Iran is fully aware of the game – and the departure of Iran’s Foreign Minister, Mr. Javad Zarif, may just be the beginning.


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Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organization around the world in the fields of environment and water. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for Global Research; ICH; RT; Sputnik; PressTV; The 21st Century; TeleSUR; The Vineyard of The Saker Blog, the New Eastern Outlook (NEO); and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

What Can We Do? They Are Insane!

March 23rd, 2019 by Philip Giraldi

A few days ago I was seriously asking myself whether Donald Trump was insane after he spent a weekend tweeting/lambasting a dead John McCain. Today I have confirmation that he is not the only insane one on the national security team… We are doomed! 

This report from the BBC regarding American Secretary of State Mike Pompeo‘s view of the possible divine origin of the 2016 election result as a necessary intervention to “save the Jews” is possibly the most frightening bit of commentary to come out of the Trump national security team.

Pompeo by virtue of his office has great power to do good or ill and he has clearly chosen to make decisions based not on American interests but rather on his own personal interpretation of a religious text. Further, he is promoting American interference in an election in Israel which might have led to a rejection of the extreme right wing philosophy that guides its current government.

The move yesterday to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights was part and parcel of a plan to promote Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as the candidate who would be best able to secure unlimited support from Washington.

More might be coming in the form of some recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Palestinian West Bank prior to the April 9th election or even some military action against Iran.

Pompeo clearly believes that this is all part of some divine plan. Anyone who persists in thinking that nations should pursue policies that are rational and based on genuine interests should be appalled by the Pompeo comments and fearful of what the consequences might be.


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Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is www.councilforthenationalinterest.org, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected]. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from US State Department

Brexit Is Dead

March 23rd, 2019 by Stephen Lendman

Only its obituary remains to be written. In her heart of hearts, UK Prime Minister Theresa May opposed Brexit – overtly as home secretary, covertly as PM while pretending otherwise.

Majority UK parliamentarians rejected her no-Brexit/Brexit deal twice, agreeing only to extend the March 29 deadline – beyond when negotiating a withdrawal agreement is supposed to end, provided Brussels goes along.

It doesn’t matter either way. Brexit was dead before put to the first parliamentary vote, more easily understood in hindsight than earlier.

May’s request for extending the March 29 deadline for a further three months was rejected by Brussels.

According to one EU diplomat,

“May 22 has to be the limit. The reason is that there has got to be a very clear message from the European Council.”

“Yes, to a short extension on condition that the prime minister passes her deal through the Commons. But beyond that it is utterly complicated. It cannot be done without British MEPs having been elected.”

European parliament Brexit coordinator Guy Verhofstadt also rejected the June deadline, saying

“(i)t is absolutely not in the interests of the European Union for it to be beyond the date of the (late May) European elections.”

Reality will unfold ahead, leaving virtually no doubt that Brexit is dead, one observer saying it’s “time to read the last rites.” UK parliamentarians killed May’s no-deal/deal only Brexit opponents could love.

“It’s over,” the observer added, entering into history “as the deadest of dead (deals) beyond resuscitation.”

May manipulated things to turn out this way all along, still pretending otherwise, trying to save face she long ago lost, along with her premiership she’ll likely lose ahead, maybe her political future with it.

Her scheme was all about staying in the EU, pretending she wanted out. Instead of supporting the popular will to leave, she manufactured endless delays to assure otherwise.

Her Brexit scheme was structured to exist in name only, largely leaving the status quo in place. On Thursday in Brussels for an EU summit, May discussed an extension with European leaders.

Virtually nothing she says publicly is credible. She lied saying

“(w)hat is important is that parliament delivers on the result of the referendum and that we deliver Brexit for the British people (she covertly opposes),” adding:

“I sincerely hope that we can do that with a deal (sic). I’m still working on ensuring that parliament can agree a deal so that we can leave in an orderly way (sic).”

“What matters is that we deliver on the vote of the British people (sic). What matters is that we recognize that Brexit is the decision of the British people (sic).”

“We need to deliver on that (sic). We are nearly three years on from the original vote. It is now the time for parliament to decide.”

MPs “decide(d)” overwhelmingly against May’s no-Brexit/Brexit deal twice. She betrayed majority Brits supporting it by national referendum.

She lied claiming support for what she clearly rejects. She’s a serial liar like Trump. Nothing she says can be believed. Commenting on her no-Brexit/Brexit deal, political analyst Konrad Renkas slammed her, saying:

“British society clearly voted in favor of Brexit,” obligating May to deliver what the public called for. “But the British elite, led by Theresa May” believed the referendum would be defeated, keeping the UK an EU member.

May structured a deal acceptable to Brussels, not majority Brits, so the result would “either (be) Brexit without…consequences, or the UK” would remain in the EU “with most of its membership duties” and privileges, including duty-free trade with other European countries.

May and other UK ruling authorities would like Brexit to disappear. They say: “Good, you voted for Brexit, but you don’t really want it, do you? (W)e will arrange this for you,” said Renkas.

The public circus since June 2016 turned off Brexit supporters. They’re fed up with May’s shenanigans, accomplishing nothing but endless delays.

Is leaving the EU without a deal possible, a so-called hard Brexit? Despite its short-term disruptiveness, mainly because it never happened before, so the consequences are largely unknown – it’s the way Britain should have gone straightaway in my judgment.

The UK isn’t Greece, an easy to shove around small country, powerless against Big Brothers in Berlin and other major EU capitals. Britain is a major European player.

May’s option was Brexit in name only, not the real thing, why nothing was accomplished following the June 2016 referendum – nor will things change ahead to deliver what Brits voted for.

Britain, I believe, will remain an EU member. The only other options are a no-Brexit/Brexit deal or another referendum – likely to be defeated by fed up Brits, if held, wanting the circus to end sine die.

A Final Comment

Overnight in Brussels, EU leaders agreed to push back the March 29 deadline to May 22 – provided UK parliamentarians accept the twice rejected deal or significant movement toward acceptance within two weeks.

If not, May was given an April 12 deadline to leave the bloc, what won’t happen without a deal approved by UK MPs and Brussels.

Following Thursday talks, European Council President Donald Tusk sounded Trump-like, saying “all options will remain open,” adding: If UK/Brussels agreement isn’t reached by April 12, Britain not expressing willingness to take part in late May European Parliament elections, “the option of a long extension will automatically become impossible.”

There you have it. Chances for Britain to leave the EU with no deal are virtually nil – chances for the UK and Brussels to reach an agreement acceptable to the bloc and Britain’s parliament no better.

After nearly three years of achieving nothing, things are virtually back to square one – why I believe Brexit is dead, its obituary alone remaining to be written.

Note: A Wednesday-posted petition in the UK to revoke Article 50, preventing Britain from leaving the EU, was swamped with hundreds of thousands of signatures – pouring in at the rate of about 1,500 per minute.

Does it reflect public anger over May’s delaying tactics achieving nothing, or did she rig things to make it appear most Brits now oppose Brexit, giving her an easy option to remain in the bloc with the appearance of public approval?


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Since the start of the Syrian war and until September 2015, when the Russians officially joined the conflict, the Syrian Army and its allies were suffering from a wide range of issues related to maintenance of their military equipment. The lack of spare parts, destruction of infrastructure and a wide-scale economic blockade established by the US-led block were among the key reasons behind this situation. Iran contributed significant efforts to ease the pressure faced by Syria, but it lacked the necessary resources to introduce and implement a system, which would allow the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) to restore its exhausted capabilities.

These factors as well as the overwhelming role played by urban warfare during the conflict forced the SAA to find a way to maintain the combat efficiency of its tank fleet at an acceptable level by whatever means were at hand. This led to various DIY-style modifications of battle tanks. Many of these modifications varied from unit to unit. Nonetheless, at least some of them resulted from centralized and consistent work by the Syrian military.

These battle tank modifications can be divided into three groups: passive measures, active protection measures and improvements related to electronics.

Armour modifications were mostly a result of experiments by the Republican Guard and the 4th Armored Division.

In August 2014, the 4th Armored Division began to upgrade T-72M1s, as well as military bulldozers, and even Shilka self-propelled guns in their workshop in Adra. The battle tanks upgraded there got the name T-72 Adra but are more widely known as the T-72 Mahmia (Shielded).

The initial T-72 Mahmia had cages with what appears to be spaced armor bolted and welded onto the tank with support beams. Chains with steel balls were added to new hull side-skirts below the turret’s cage armor. In some cases, the frontal part of the added armour was filled with an unknown material.

This armor is supposed to stop enemy rockets and explosives from penetrating the tank’s hull or turret. The idea is that an RPG would hit the cages and explode away from the tank armour thus keeping the tank safe. However, this kind of protection is not enough to stop an ATGM strike.

Another version of the T-72 Mahmia appeared in 2016. It used thicker girders to apply and hold cage armor to the vehicle, the ball and chain armor was removed,  a larger hull bumper, with spaced armor added onto it was included, the cage armor was heightened, and more, apparently thicker, spaced armor was added to the glacis plates.

There were versions, which featured full cages, however they appeared to be unsuccessful.

Another modification was the T-72 Shafrah (Razor), which was employed by the Republican Guard’s 105th Mechanized Division. It appeared to be aimed at resisting ATGMs.

Numerous brackets are placed on the tank’s turret, which have a number of angled plates welded onto them. Some tanks have sideskirts, which follow a similar pattern.

The T-72 Shafrah is equipped with composite armor, which looks like that which can be seen on the Iraqi T-55 Enigima.  This armour is supposed to stop some ATGMs, especially the older generation.

The T-72 Shafrah was first documented in combat in Eastern Ghouta on February 27, 2017, when it was hit by an ATGM. The driver was wounded and the turret was damaged, but the tank was not destroyed. There were 7 documented T-72 Shafrahs and all of them appeared to have been successfully used in combat.

Some active protection systems were also developed. The most prominent example is the Sarab (Mirage) developed by the Syrian Scientific Research Center (SSRC). This is a jamming device against all SACLOS (semi-automatic command to line of sight) guided ATGMs. It utilized either classical IR emitters or LEDs depending on the production model and could work for 6 straight hours and be easily mounted on all vehicles as well as stationary checkpoints and defensive points.

The Sarab-2 utilized newer emitters and was fitted with new more powerful batteries. This increased its operation time to 10 hours before requiring a recharge. The system also got a more durable external container for added protection. It was widely used in the battle for Aleppo in 2016. In many cases, shots fired from BGM-71 TOW ATGMs landed barely any hits on infantry fighting vehicles or battle tanks protected with the Sarab-2.

After addressing the Sarab-1’s design issues in the Sarab-2, the SSRC focused on developing a complete soft-kill, or passive-countermeasure system rather than only a jamming system. The Sarab-3 covered 360 degrees, instead of 180.

Besides this, SAA T-55 tanks were upgraded with North Korean fire Control systems. The modernization included a 4km rangefinder as part of a sensor complex, which includes a barometer, a hygrometer, and a thermometer. A new ballistic computer, which makes calculations based on the data it receives from the meters and the rangefinder, was added with a digital screen showing environment measurements and range to the target.

Some T-55s upgraded with North Korean systems were also fitted with a KPV 14.5mm heavy machine gun and smoke screen launchers. Some of them also had thermal sights.

Some T-72 main battle tanks were equipped with TPN-3-49 night vision sight, which turned out to be unreliable and unsuitable for urban warfare. The main issue was that protecting the IR lamps from enemy fire was barely possible as was the idea of fixing it repeatedly. Therefore, the TPN-3-49 was replaced with the Viper-72 thermal sight. Its outer design was similar to the TPN-3-49 but with an arch shaped protection. It also used many TPN-3-49 components.

The Viper-72 has a range of up to 4km for large objects. In reality, the aiming range appears to max out at 1.5-2km. The tank gunner aims through an electronic scope, but an LCD can also be attached. It was much more successful than the night vision, since firearm nozzle flash is more visible in thermal imagery. The Viper-72 is being used even in daylight to detect snipers in urban areas.

In general, the introduction of these modifications allowed the SAA to partially reduce losses of equipment and casualties among tank crews. It should be noted that many of these modifications were not a result of a tank crew simply upgrading their own hardware, but rather of a focused upgrade program, which introduced new changes based on an ongoing history of trial and error (errors which quite often had had fatal consequences).

At this point in the conflict, they are largely unnecessary and outdated, mostly due to the Russian military’s assistance in supply and maintenance. While most of the Russian efforts in this field remain underreported, the technical assistance and supplies Russia provided  have played an important role in restoring SAA combat capabilities since 2015. Nevertheless, these DIY-style upgrades played their own role in the course of the conflict.


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The State Department’s just issued annual Human Rights Report for 2018 is a disgrace, a document so heavily politicized by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his crew of hardliners that it might be regarded as a model in how to make something that is black appear to be white.

Which is not to say that it is not cleverly composed, quite the contrary, but it uses its choice of words and expressions to mitigate or even dismiss some actual human rights abuses while regarding as more grave other lesser offenses to make political points. And then there is what it does not say, deliberate omissions intended to frame situations in terms favorable to America and its dwindling number of friends in the world.

Not surprisingly, the region that has received the most massaging by the authors of the report is the Middle East, where an effort has been made to depict Israel in a positive light while also denigrating the Palestinians and Iranians. The language used regarding Israel’s occupation of much of the West Bank and the Golan Heights has been particularly welcomed by the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and also by the Israeli media. The word “occupation” or “occupied” to describe the status quo of those areas administered by the Israeli military has been dropped in favor of “Israeli controlled.” The difference is important as occupation has specific legal implications defined by the Geneva Conventions in terms of what the occupying power can and cannot do. To starve and dispossess the Arab inhabitants of the occupied area, as the Israelis are doing to build their settlements, is a war crime. Also, an occupation must have a terminus ante quem date whereby the occupation itself must end. It cannot be permanent.

The new language is a gift to Israel on the eve of its April 9th election and it allows incumbent Benjamin Netanyahu to claim that he is the candidate best able to obtain concessions from Washington. America’s so-called Ambassador to Israel is a former Trump bankruptcy lawyer named David Friedman who is more involved in serving up Israeli propaganda than in supporting the actual interests of the United States. He probably believes that what is good for Israelis is good for Americans.

Friedman personally supports the view that the illegal Jewish settlements are legitimately part of Israel, choosing to ignore their expansion even though it has long been U.S. policy to oppose them. He has also long sought to change the State Department’s language on the Israeli control of the West Bank and Golan Heights, being particularly concerned about the expression “occupied” which has previously appeared in U.S. government texts describing the situation in the Israel-Palestine region. Friedman now appears to have won the fight over language, to the delight of the Netanyahu government.

And the elimination of “occupied” will apparently be only the first of several gifts intended to bolster Netanyahu’s chances. Senator Lindsey Graham, who also boasts of his close ties to the Israeli Prime Minister, recently stated his intention to initiate legislative action to go one step further and compel the United States to actually recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, the Syrian territory that was annexed after fighting in 1967, but which has not been recognized as part of Israel by any other country or international body.

Last Thursday, President Donald Trump announced that the Senate vote promoted by Graham would not be necessary, that he would order the State Department to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the area.  This will hugely benefit Bibi and further damage America’s standing in the Middle East and beyond. Some sources are already predicting that recognition of the annexation of the Golan Heights will soon lead to U.S. government recognition of Israel’s sovereignty over much of the West Bank, both ending forever any prospect for a Palestinian state and making it clear that the United States is running a foreign policy to benefit Israel.

There is, of course, much more in the Human Rights Report. The executive summary and first section on Israel and Palestine include text that could easily have come from an Israeli government press release or been featured as an editorial in the New York Post, Washington Post or Wall Street Journal:

“Human rights issues included reports of unlawful or arbitrary killings, including Palestinian killings of Israeli civilians and soldiers…From March 30 to December 5, Palestinian militant groups launched more than 1,150 rockets and mortars from the Gaza Strip toward arbitrary or civilian targets in Israel. Gaza-based militants shot and killed one Israeli soldier, and a rocket launched by Gaza-based militants killed one Palestinian laborer in Ashkelon. More than 200 Israelis required treatment from these attacks, mostly for shock. Beginning on March 30, Israeli forces engaged in conflict with Palestinians at the Gaza fence, including armed terrorists, militants who launched incendiary devices into Israel, and unarmed protesters. This occurred during mass protests co-opted by terrorist organization Hamas and dubbed a ‘March of Return.’ The government stated that since March 30 it had been ‘contending with violent attempts led by Hamas to sabotage and destroy Israel’s defensive security infrastructure separating Israel from the Gaza Strip, penetrate Israel’s territory, harm Israeli security forces, overrun Israeli civilian areas, and murder Israeli civilians.’”

A separate report section on Gaza adds

“On March 30, Palestinians in Gaza launched the ‘March of Return,’ a series of weekly protests along the fence between Gaza and Israel. The protests, some of which drew tens of thousands of people, and included armed terrorists, militants who launched incendiary devices into Israel, and unarmed protesters, continued throughout the year. Hamas took control of the weekly protests, and many of the protests were violent as encouraged by Hamas.”

Interestingly, the Report does not even have a dedicated section on Iran, only providing a link to a separate document: “Read the State Department’s new report detailing the magnitude of the Iranian regime’s destructive behavior at home and abroad. The report covers Iran’s support for terrorism, its missile program, illicit financial activities, threats to maritime security and cybersecurity, human rights abuses, as well as environmental exploitation.” A second link is to a speech by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo given before the neocon group United Against Nuclear Iran: “The Iranian regime’s track record over the past 40 years has revealed it as among the worst violators of the UN Charter and UN Security Council resolutions – perhaps, indeed, the worst violator. It is truly an outlaw regime.”

Exonerating perpetual victim Israel of all its misdeeds and blaming the Israel-Palestine problem on the Palestinians while also labeling them as “terrorists” is both delusional and propaganda, not responsible analysis. Nor is damning Iran when speaking before a partisan group and falsely calling it a “worst violator of the U.N. Charter and U.N. Security Council resolutions” exactly informative. It is actually Israel that is the worst violator of U.N. Security Council resolutions, a fact that is not mentioned in the Human Rights Report.

One might well question why to write a Human Rights Report at all, but that is something that can be blamed on Congress, which ordered the State Department to prepare it. And one should note the key omission in the document: there is no admission of causality. The United States foreign and national security policies over the past twenty years have created a “human rights” disaster mostly in Asia but also elsewhere, a virtual tsunami rolling over ruined countries that has killed millions of people while also displacing millions more. In reckoning the terrible circumstances being endured by many in so many places there is no mention of the American role. And, unfortunately, there is no section in the Human Rights Report for “United States of America.


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This article was originally published on American Herald Tribune.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is www.councilforthenationalinterest.org, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected]. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from TruePublica

John McCain: From War Criminal to National Hero

March 23rd, 2019 by Kurt Nimmo

Anyone who has read this blog knows I’m not a Donald Trump supporter. Donald Trump is clueless on many issues and it is an understatement to say he’s unqualified for the job. 

But he’s right on at least one thing.

The late John McCain isn’t a hero. 

Trump trashed “Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran” McCain at a tank factory on March 20. He criticized the dead senator for pushing “so hard” for war in the Middle East. 

“He was calling Bush, President Bush all the time, ‘Get into the Middle East, get into the Middle East.’ So now we’re into that war for $7 trillion, thousands and thousands of our people have been killed, millions of people overall, and frankly, we’re straightening it out now but it has been a disaster for our country,” Trump said. 

The Golden Golem of Greatness, as James Howard Kunstler sarcastically characterizes the president, said the war was “worse than it was 19 years ago.” The invasion and occupation of Iraq began 16 years ago this month. 

But let’s skip over this careless error and get to the crux of the issue. 

John McCain, worshipped by Republicans and Democrats alike, is a war criminal, not a national hero. He bombed civilian targets in North Vietnam prior to being shot out of the sky and spending five years in a POW camp. 

On the day he was shot down, McCain targeted a light bulb factory in Hanoi. This was a civilian target and the bombing a violation of international law. I’m not sure how many civilians died there, or how many died in McCain’s previous bombing raids. McCain was, of course, “only following orders,” the same excuse Nazi war criminals made during the Nuremberg Tribunal. For their crimes, many of the Nazis went to the gallows. McCain, on the other hand, went to Congress. 

As for Trump, he is responsible for a number of war crimes in Somalia and Syria. Many of us expect lies and factual distortions from this president and he never seems to disappoint on that account. 

“If Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump are the aces in the card deck of war criminals, John McCain would be the king of no hearts,” writes Teodrose Fikre. “This man can’t get enough of wars—he is a mix of a Dr. Strangelove and a war drum major. For close to four decades, he has stood at the Senate dais and cheered on a continuous stream of wars. Lebanon, Grenada, Panama, Iraq I, Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq II, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, these are just some of the wars that our war-drunk government keeps declaring for the sake of profiteering and bloodletting.”

On average, Americans are only dimly aware of the role John McCain played, first in Vietnam as a Navy bomber pilot, and then in the Senate as an advocate of endless war. 

A search of Twitter reveals a host of plaudits for McCain and condemnation of President Trump:

Prior to the eight year presidency of Barack Obama, many Democrats went into the street to protest the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Like Trump, Obama lied during his campaign about bringing the troops home, but that false promise was all but forgotten by the time Obama led the invasion of Libya and the arming of jihadi fanatics in Syria. 

During the reign of Obama, millions of Democrats, previously opposed to the Republican Bush’s wars, made a miraculous transformation—they became “humanitarian interventionists” fully supporting the murder of thousands in Libya and the rape-murder of Muammar Gaddafi at the hands of NATO’s “rebels,” including Abdelhakim Belhadj, a LIFG (Libyan Islamic Fighting Group) jihadist. The LIFG was founded in 1995 by a group of mujahideen veterans who had fought against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. The mujahideen operation was run by the CIA, Pakistan’s ISI, and the Saudis. It eventually became al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and assorted jihadists.

Obama supporters didn’t have any use for gruesome details. Hillary Clinton’s paraphrase of Caesar—“We came, we saw, he died,” followed by a chortle—went right over their heads. Gaddafi was portrayed as an evil autocrat by the corporate propaganda media and this made it easier for intellectually lazy Democrats and Republicans to accept mass murder in the name of humanitarian intervention. 

The bounty of praise for McCain upon his death reveals perfectly the effectiveness of propaganda, lies, distortions, and fabrications in the name of endless war. In the twisted Bizarro world of American politics, McCain is a hero while the presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard is trashed in the corporate media for her call to end the wars and lower nuclear tensions between Russia, China, and the US. 

The wars, however, will continue so long as the establishment controls the political process in America. Gabbard doesn’t stand a chance. The current crop of Democrat candidates will not call for an end to forever war and the war profiteering racket that feeds upon it. 

The ruling elite will continue to push empire and the perverse concept of the “indispensable nation” so long as Democrats and Republicans control the House, Senate, and the Executive. 


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site: Another Day in the Empire.

Kurt Nimmo is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Unz Review

Frankenfoods is a term developed by consumer groups questioning the health and safety of genetically modified plants or GMO. The US Food and Drug Administration has just lifted an earlier ban on commercialization of the first genetically modified food, Salmon. This is the first time ever permission to sell GMO animals for human consumption in the US has been allowed. It should raise alarm bells not only in the USA.

On March 8, the FDA, responsible for food safety, lifted an earlier ban on sale of GMO salmon by the Massachusetts biotech company, AquaBounty. Until now the company had been prevented from importing its GMO eggs to its salmon tanks in Indiana.

The reason given by the FDA for now removing the ban is not reassuring. They state that a new regulation labeling disclosure that a food is “bioengineered” gives consumers enough information to make an informed choice. For most people, even if the small print is readable, bioengineered may not be understood as a euphemism for controversial genetic manipulation.

The company, which was prevented in 2015 to sell its genetically altered salmon pending resolution of labeling court cases, has patented a method to modify Atlantic salmon with DNA from other fish species to create a sterile Atlantic salmon female that grows up to twice as fast. The process genetically modifies farmed Atlantic salmon with a growth-hormone gene from the Chinook salmon and a piece of DNA from the ocean pout. The corporate driver seems to be cutting costs, not health or safety. The company plans to send its GMO salmon eggs from its facility in Canada to its Indiana growing tanks where it would take around 18 months to reach 10 pounds.

AquaBounty Technologies is majority-owned by Intrexon Corporation of Maryland, which also owns a company developing controversial gene-drive technology.

Big Outcry

The FDA approval of GMO salmon from AquaBounty is being met with major protest from various interest groups. George Kimbrell, Legal Director at the Center for Food Safety, points out that the new labeling guidelines do not require the salmon to be clearly labeled “genetically modified.” As Kimbrell notes,

“These guidelines… instead allow producers to use QR codes or 1-800 numbers for more information.” 

Good luck, consumers.

The AquaBounty GMO salmon project has a history and it’s not all reassuring. In a bizarre decision, some years ago the FDA announced that the agency would rule on genetically modified animals such as GMO salmon under the category of “new animal drugs.”?… That goes back to at least 2013 and the Obama era when the leading figures at FDA were a de facto revolving door to the GMO industry corporations. By so doing, it avoids having to seriously consider environmental risks such as escape of GMO salmon to interact with natural salmon or other fish species.

Currently the company states it will grow the eggs to full size at their inland facility in Indiana. However the company also announces it plans to expand. Four years ago the same company had a facility in Panama that had documented security defects that could allow the GMO salmon to escape into the Ocean and potentially contaminate natural salmon or other fish in unknown ways. Once they begin production in Indiana and sales start to boom, will they be tempted to add more risky facilities such as in Panama?

The FDA, in approving the AquaBounty GMO salmon, argued that the GMO farmed salmon is just as nutritious as eating non-GMO farmed salmon. The problem is that that is not a healthy benchmark, as modern salmon farms, typically with half a million fish at a time, use significant chemicals and antibiotics in production. Studies have found that for example a type of cancer-causing pesticide, polychlorinated biphenyls, exists in farm-raised salmon at 16 times the rate of wild salmon.

Another issue with the GMO farmed salmon is that aquaBounty acknowledges they will be fed soymeal, which in the USA almost guarantees it is GMO soymeal. And according to Jaydee Hanson, the Senior Policy Analyst at the Center for Food Safety, the GMO salmon have fewer desirable Omega-3s. Key he says, is the ratio of desirable Omega-3 to undesirable inflammatory Omega-6 fatty acids. He states, “The ratio of 3s to 6s in this AquaBounty fish is the worst of any farm fish, and this is in AquaBounty’s own data.”

Astonishingly, despite a failed allergy-reaction test by AquaBounty the FDA did not apparently require them to make a serious retest. As well the GMO salmon requires abnormally high levels of growth hormones. Such hormones in beef have been shown to create a hormone called IGF that leads to higher levels of cancer. This apparently was not considered by FDA officials to be a serious problem.

Now, simply to be able to grow such farmed fish twice as fast we are told to ignore basic considerations of health and safety. Further, what is not known is whether AquaBounty uses gene-driver gene editing technologies in its GMO salmon.

AquaBounty also stated it wasn’t going to test for human reactions, as the FDA didn’t require it. Isn’t the health of the population paramount especially when it involves something as radical as the first genetically modified animal approved for human consumption?


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F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook” where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from NEO


Seeds of Destruction: Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation

Author Name: F. William Engdahl
ISBN Number: 978-0-937147-2-2
Year: 2007
Pages: 341 pages with complete index

List Price: $25.95

Special Price: $18.00


This skilfully researched book focuses on how a small socio-political American elite seeks to establish control over the very basis of human survival: the provision of our daily bread. “Control the food and you control the people.”

This is no ordinary book about the perils of GMO. Engdahl takes the reader inside the corridors of power, into the backrooms of the science labs, behind closed doors in the corporate boardrooms.

The author cogently reveals a diabolical world of profit-driven political intrigue, government corruption and coercion, where genetic manipulation and the patenting of life forms are used to gain worldwide control over food production. If the book often reads as a crime story, that should come as no surprise. For that is what it is.

We keep hearing it.  Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is firm on the view that the Yemen conflict should conclude. “We all want this conflict to end,” he never tires of saying. “We all want to improve the dire humanitarian situation.”  Then comes the nub, poking, irritating and undeniable: “But the Trump administration fundamentally disagrees that curbing assistance to the Saudi-led coalition is the way to achieve these goals.”

The Yemenis might be suffering and heading to oblivion, but the issue of resolving the conflict was not to handicap the Saudi-led coalition.  Certain allies need succour and encouragement.  To that end, the US would continue to give “the Saudi-led coalition the support needed to defeat Iranian backed rebels and ensure a just peace.”  Such an attitude sits poorly in the humanitarian stakes, given that US assistance to the Saudi and Emirati aerial campaign has been indispensable in targeting civilian objects (schools, funerals, weddings, water treatment plants and medical clinics).  An enforced coalition naval blockade has also sparked a broader crisis of starvation and disease, a famine that may prove to be one of the worst in living memory.  These are not exaggerations.  

A further absurdity also arises.  Not only does continued US backing of Saudi Arabia in Yemen’s travails fail to pass the test of national interest, an argument can be made that it is distinctly against it.  Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has profited from the conflict, receiving sponsorship from Coalition forces.  In short, a sworn enemy of US influence is being subsidised by Washington’s dizzyingly daft policy on the subject, one supposedly designed to combat those very same foes.

The blood-soaked logic of Pompeo and company has not done so well in Congress.  Of late, enthusiasm has waned for the US sponsored effort which has remained, as many before, unauthorised by legislators.  US lawmakers, who tend to pass their time in hibernation on the subject of controlling executive power, have generally been all too indifferent in making referrals to the War Powers Act of 1973. 

In recent times, a certain change has taken place.  The House and Senate have been going through the process of passing respective resolutions that, when finalised, may well see a halt in US funding to the war effort in Yemen.  It is, in truth, ordinary rather than audacious, but in President Donald Trump’s America, the ordinary is now proving remarkable. 

Moves began with the passage of H.J. Res. 37 on February 13 directing President Donald Trump “to remove US Armed forces from hostilities in or affecting Yemen within 30 days unless Congress authorizes a later withdrawal date, issues a declaration of war, or specifically authorizes the use of the Armed forces.”  The resolution does not affect continued operations against Al Qaeda, but expressly prohibits the provision of inflight fuelling for non-US aircraft that perform any functions related to the conflict. 

The Senate resolution, S.J. Res. 7, is of similar wording.  As Senator Bernie Sanders, who co-sponsored the resolution in the Senate along with Utah Republican Mike Lee, explained to fellow members,

“The bottom line is that the United States should not be supporting a catastrophic war led by a despotic regime with an irresponsible foreign policy.” 

What is different about the approaches this time around is the availing of procedures by Congress that were added to the War Powers Resolution in 1983.  In the Senate, the provision enables resolution sponsors to neutralise filibusters, force votes and remove obstruction.  All this, despite opposition from the leadership in Congress or individual senators.

The resolutions in question have also been amended to permit the US president to continue sharing intelligence if deemed in the national interest.  This provision, in of itself, permits Trump a back door to continue supporting the Saudi coalition.  The Defense Department has also put forth the view that US support in the conflict hardly falls within the definition of “hostilities” pursuant to the War Powers Resolution.  The joint resolutions, to that end, would have no legal consequence, and would, as the General Counsel of the DoD iterated in February, also “undermine our ability to foster long-term relationships, increase interoperability, promote burden sharing, and build strong security architectures throughout the world.”  Such torturous words are fittingly confessional, demonstrating the sheer depth of the US commitment to the conflict even as officials seek to deny it.

The scene is now set for President Trump to consider a veto.  This he has made clear, with the White House claiming that the premise of H.J. Res 37 is flawed.  The statement issued in rebuking supporters of the resolution insist that US support to the Saudi-led coalition is minimal at best.  “The provision of this support has not caused United States forces to be introduced into hostilities.”  Ever slippery, though, the statement goes on to acknowledge that “support is provided pursuant to licenses and approvals under the Arms Export Control Act, statutory authorities for Department of Defense to provide logistics support to foreign countries, and the President’s constitutional powers.”

As ever, when the executive fears a curb on its broad powers, the threat of constitutional instability is thrown about.  Given that US support for Saudi Arabia and allied countries in the Yemen conflict is premised on the use of executive constitutional powers, the resolution “would raise serious constitutional concerns to the extent it seeks to override the President’s determination as Commander in Chief.”  More to the point, it is time for Congress to step up to the plate and be counted in matters of war.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne.  He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

The Russian Aerospace Forces have continued their strikes on terrorist infrastructure in the Idlib de-escalation zone, according to reports appearing from the ground.

On March 21, alleged Russian warplanes delivered strikes on militant targets near the city of Jisr al-Shughur and the town of Frikeh in northwestern Idlib and the towns of Sheikh Mustafa, Kafr Rumah, Maar Tahroma, al-Hamidiah, Hish, Bsida, Faqie, Qasabiyeh and Tal’as in the southern part of the governorate.

Separately, two Mi-24P attack helicopters of the Russian Aerospace Forces stuck several militant positions near the town of al-Lataminah in northern Hama.

Pro-militant sources provided little details regarding casualties among militants and destruction of their facilities. According to them, all such attacks hit bakeries and hospitals only. In turn, sources close to the Syrian military say that the strikes were aimed at fortifications, headquarters, communication centers and ammo depots belonging to radical groups, such Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, Jaysh al-Izza and the Turkistan Islamic Party.

According to the Russian media, a prototype of the Mi-28NM attack helicopter was deployed at Hmeimim airbase in Syria for testing purposes. The Mi-28NM is a modernized variant of the original Mi-28N “Night Hunter.” The new variant features new nose hull, new weapon control systems and new radar. It is also designed to use advanced precision-guided weaponry.

According to reports, the Russian military plans to tests the helicopter’s new equipment and weapons in the high temperatures and dust storms of the Syrian desert.

A recent report by the Russian TASS news agency revealed that the Mi-28NM will be armed with a new guided missile, dubbed “Article 305.” The missile features electro-optical seeker, an internal navigation system (INS) and will has a range of more than 25 km. It’s unclear if the new missile will be also tested in Syria.

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the US-led coalition have in fact suppressed all ISIS resistance in the Euphrates Valley. A security operation is ongoing in the recently captured area near Baghuz. In the coming days, it is possible to expect a formal declaration on this issue from the SDF or the US-led coalition.

President Donald Trump said on March 21 that it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

“After 52 years it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and Regional Stability,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

Several U.S. politicians, including Senator Lindsey Graham, already vowed their support to this idea. Taking account the previous actions of the Trump administration, the recognition of the occupied Golan Heights as a part of Israel is a possible move. It will likely lead to the further growth of tensions in the region.


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The International Criminal Court (ICC) is not international nor a legitimate court, but is most certainly criminal.

It is an institutionalized tool – one of many – used by Western corporate-financier interests to coerce and control nations across the developing world.

In a recent charade aimed to boost its otherwise nonexistent credibility, the ICC has claimed it seeks to investigate the United States for war crimes regarding Afghanistan. It also claims it is investigating the United Kingdom regarding Iraq.

However, the ICC has – since its first case in 2003 – been used primarily against targets of Western interests – with a particular emphasis on Africa and Eastern Europe. Not a single Western government or individual has been prosecuted by the ICC despite having committed the worst war crimes of the 21st century.

Looked Good on Paper…  

On paper, the International Criminal Court seems like a good idea. This is probably why many nations signed and ratified the statute giving it its supposed mandate. However, as with many good ideas in theory, in practice the ICC falls tragically short.

Unsurprisingly, the ICC’s shortcomings stem from its little-discussed but very lopsided funding and the obvious resulting conflicts of interest.

An African Business article titled, “Who Pays For the ICC?” would explain it best, noting (emphasis added):

The maximum amount a single country can pay in any year is limited to 22% of the Court’s budget. The ICC spent 80.5 million euros in 2007. The Assembly of States Parties approved a budget of 90.38 million euros for 2008 and 101.23 million euros for 2009. By April 2009, the ICC employed 743 people. 

 There are two points of immediate concern regarding the ICC budget. The first that while the Court theoretically sets a cap on funding at 22% of its budget from any one country, considerably more than 50% of its 2009 budget funding came from EU member countries. Thus, the contributions to the ICC’s 2009 budget clearly illustrated the continuing European hold on the Court’s funding.

The article would also explain (emphasis added):

The EU, through its member states, paid 60% of the 2009 budget of €94.17m. If one includes – as the EU does in its statements regarding the ICC – those other European states which it says are candidate or potential candidate members of the EU and those other European nations that associate themselves with the EU position, the European contribution comes to a cool 63%. The EU, therefore, clearly, and probably unconstitutionally, financially dominates the ICC.

A look at the ICC’s finances in the form of a chart further highlights the disparity in funding and reveals the ICC not as an “international” court, but a political tool of Western Europe and in particular – the European Union. When three of the “Five Eyes” nations are included and considering Japan’s geopolitical subordination to Washington – the disparity is even more obvious.

If these nations collectively wage war and commit war crimes together, why would they not also abuse the ICC’s mandate to redirect the court’s efforts away from them, and toward yet other targets of their own self-serving interests?

The disparity, conflicts of interest, and demonstrable impropriety resulting from this lopsided funding has prompted nations to leave the ICC – with many more remaining, but demanding reform.

In a BBC article titled, “African Union backs mass withdrawal from ICC,” it was reported that:

The African Union has called for the mass withdrawal of member states from the International Criminal Court (ICC).

The article would also explain:

South Africa and Burundi have already decided to withdraw, accusing the ICC of undermining their sovereignty and unfairly targeting Africans. 

The ICC denies the allegation, insisting it is pursuing justice for victims of war crimes in Africa.

Since the BBC’s article was written, the Filipino government has also decided to withdraw from the ICC.

Nations have left and rejoined it – not because of a perceived rectification of injustice – but because Western-backed political circles took power and predictably rejoined.

Is it really fair to characterize the ICC as “international” when entire continents seek to withdraw from it and some of the largest, most populous nations on Earth (India and China) never joined in the first place? Is it fair to characterize the ICC as a “court” when it depends on funding from nations involved in the very war crimes it is supposedly tasked with investigating and prosecuting?

Even with a perceived split between the US and EU – and the EU-dominated ICC seeking to investigate the US – it must be remembered that the EU itself aided and abetted not only the US’ war in Afghanistan the ICC seeks to “investigate,” it also participated in US war crimes in Iraq, Libya, Syria, and beyond.

While it is tempting to believe the ICC now seeks to hold the US accountable – it is much more likely the US and the EU are attempting to rehabilitate the ICC’s credibility in order to further exploit it against developing nations – and to do so together.

US-funded NGOs and the ICC 

While the US claims it opposes the ICC, having never ratified the statute putting the court into effect – it uses the ICC nonetheless. It does so in concert with the EU and through fronts – specifically through nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) funded by the US government via the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and partner corporate foundations like George Soros’ Open Society Foundation (OSF).

A perfect example of this is unfolding in the Southeast Asian state of Myanmar where US and European interests seek to reassert themselves over the former British colony and displace growing Chinese influence there.

To accomplish this, the US and Europe have been fomenting ethnic violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine state where an essential leg of China’s One Belt, One Road initiative (OBOR) passes through.

US-funded NGOs have inserted themselves on both sides of the conflict and are attempting to overwrite Myanmar’s sovereignty and the government’s ability to deal with the growing crisis itself.

One such NGO – US-based Fortify Rights – co-founded by Americans and funded by both the US NED and Soros’ OSF (PDF) – has regularly worked with the ICC and UN to place pressure on Myanmar’s government.

In a Twitter post, Fortify Rights co-founder Matthew Smith would claim:

In its latest efforts to evade international justice, the Myanmar military today created a 3-person “investigation court” to “scrutinize and approve incidents related to terror attacks of extremist Bengali terrorists…”

By “international justice,” Smith is referring to US and European intervention and specifically through fronts like the ICC of which Myanmar is not even a signatory.

A similar pattern is seen in Syria amid what is essentially a US-led proxy war. Despite the US’ supposed aversion to the ICC – the ICC is used to undermine, threaten, and coerce the Syrian government – directly aiding and abetting the US war effort.

As in Myanmar, the ICC’s intervention in Syria is fed directly by NGOs – many of which are enthusiastically funded and supported by the US government – including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

A Modern Day “White Man’s Burden” 

The poem, “The White Man’s Burden: The United States and the Philippine Islands” written in 1899 by Rudyard Kipling, cited Western racial and cultural superiority to make a case for the US colonization of the Philippines.

Source: author

It proposed that Western hegemony was necessary to lift inferior races and civilizations from “savagery.” Graphic and racist illustrations of the poem – while certain to shock most – might still resonant with modern-day Western NGO workers who honestly believe they are spreading superior aspects of “civilization” through their work and lifting up the “backward” and “uncivilized.”

The ICC and the NGOs that feed into it – including those funded and directed by the US – pose as modern-day, barely sanitized manifestations of “The White Man’s Burden.” Western NGOs assume Western values and institutions are superior and that it is their obligation to impose both upon the rest of the world.

Through institutions like the ICC which are Western-directed and only “international” in the sense of the reach of their ambitions, nations targeted by the West are pressured from above, while Western-funded NGOs undermine targeted nations from below.

In truth – the divide between West and East during Kipling’s time was socioeconomic and technological, not racial. That divide has since been bridged and the notion of “racial superiority” fully extinguished by nations like China escaping out from under the West’s shadow, and eclipsing the West.

Fronts like the ICC are now endangered and struggle for legitimacy – charades like the recent US-ICC row will remain unconvincing as long as the fundamental flaws of the ICC itself remain unaddressed – and this includes its thinly disguised role in abetting Western – and more specifically – American hegemony.


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Tony Cartalucci is Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook” where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from NEO

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Since reform and opening-up policy was launched 40 years ago, China has recorded average annual growth rate of 9.5 percent and created an unprecedented economic miracle in human history. In 2010, with a $6.07 trillion economy (at market exchange rate), China surpassed Japan as the world’s second-largest economy in 2010. And in 2017, China’s economy was about 60 percent that of the US. Although it has slowed in recent years, China still maintains a medium-high growth rate which is higher than the global average.

Considering these phenomenal achievements, some countries have started questioning China’s status as a developing country.

However, from the perspective of global economic governance, China is still at a disadvantaged position. The existing global economic governance institutions and rules were established by developed countries which are playing dominating roles, so the rule-making process takes into full consideration the development stages of these countries. In many cases, China has no choice but accept these arrangements.

What’s more, when it comes to making new rules for global economic governance, developed countries still have an upper hand. China still faces many restrictions in market access, environmental protection and intellectual property rights, which makes it impossible for China to follow the same rules and undertake the same responsibilities and obligations as developed countries.

Based on these facts, there is no fundamental change to the fact that China is still a developing country. It should integrate safeguarding its own interests with protecting the common interests of the developing world as a whole. China should also not neglect the expectations on itself from the international community, developing countries in particular.

But at the same time China is also a responsible major country with considerable weight. As the world’s second-largest economy, it should gradually shoulder reasonable international responsibilities, and take a more active role in global governance.

China’s unique role in the global economic governance system makes it a bridge linking the developed with the developing economies and bigger countries with smaller ones. So China’s beliefs and propositions better accommodate interests and concerns of more parties and strike a balance among different types of economies to reach consensus.

However, as the bellwether of developing countries, China should vigorously promote changes in the global economic governance system to better reflect changes in the international political and economic order, enhance the representation and voices of emerging and developing countries, and protect the interests of the least developed countries from being impaired.

In terms of development governance, China has accumulated abundant experience in the past 40 years of rapid growth. Since the international financial crisis in 2008, China has been the biggest contributor to global growth, contributing more than 30 percent, which has won high recognition from the international community. Kim Yong, then president of the World Bank, expressed at the G20 Hanghzou Summit that many countries wish to learn from China’s experience and make remarkable achievements in a short time, that China’s experience is being widely discussed, studied and is exerting influence on many countries’ policies and reforms. The journey China has traveled shows that the right reforms generate quick results in poverty reduction, job creation and increasing income. So China’s experience is greatly relevant and inspiring to developing countries.

China is now making changes to the mode of economic development, transforming the manufacturing-, exports- and investment-driven economy to one that is propelled by innovation, service industries and high-tech manufacturing. These endeavors could also provide reference to those struggling with economic upgrading and sluggish internal growth drivers. Taking development governance as the focus of increasing China’s voice in international institutions can not only fully demonstrate its status as a developing country, but also show its strengths as a major developing country.

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is the solution proposed by China to current challenges the world faces. The initiative aims to make economic globalization more inclusive and beneficial to all, and promote win-win cooperation and common prosperity of all participating countries. Its global appeal has made this initiative far transcend regional cooperation, and has made it an important approach to fostering new growth drivers, promoting changes in global governance and building a community with shared future for mankind.

First, the BRI boosts development and innovation in global governance philosophies. At the sixth ministerial meeting of China-Arab Cooperation Forum, President Xi Jinping put forward the Silk Road Spirit of peace, cooperation, openness, inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit and the principles of wide consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits that the BRI should uphold.

The Silk Road Spirit deals a blow to some countries’ unilateralism and protectionism and sets up an example for countries to engage in global governance with a new philosophy.

Second, BRI produces new achievements in major areas of global governance. In policy coordination, countries are synergizing development strategies. By the end of 2018, China signed BRI cooperation agreements with 122 countries and 29 international organizations.

In infrastructure connectivity, many major achievements have been made covering railways, roads, ports, aviation, pipelines and information expressways.

In trade facilitation, the Initiative on Promoting Unimpeded Trade Cooperation along the Belt and Road is being executed and generating tangible results. In 2018, total volume of trade in goods between China and BRI countries reached $1.3 trillion, up 16.3 percent year-on-year and 3.7 percentage points higher than China’s foreign trade growth in the same period.

In financial sector, financial cooperation is deepened and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the Silk Road Fund are playing more important roles. In the first three years of operation, AIIB granted $7.5 billion in loans and boosted nearly $40 billion investment in infrastructure. In the four years of the Silk Road Fund’s existence, it pledged investments of $10 billion and completed capital increase by 100 billion yuan ($14.9 billion).

In people-to-people connectivity, fruitful cooperation is being implemented in education, culture and tourism with many specific plans in place.

Last but not least, the BRI has enhanced coordination and innovation of global governance mechanisms. The BRI has consolidated existing mechanisms by promoting dialogue and interactions at various bilateral, regional and multilateral systems. The BRI has made innovations to the system by creating new highlights, such as the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, the China International Import Expo, to build more platforms for dialogue and cooperation.


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This article was originally published on China Watch.

Xu Xiujun is senior researcher of the National Institute for Global Strategy and Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Featured image is from New Eastern Outlook

Dear Mel,

I wish you to bring these facts in front of Mr Hunt on behalf of Susan and myself, the Palestinian people who have no voice, and to reverse the ‘vortex of ever increasing violence in our world’.  Canterbury, NZ where I worked, and homicide with knives etc are symbolic. 

HMGs of several colours have helped this descent towards hell.



It was last year that the centenary of the Balfour ‘Declaration’ was celebrated here, all 110 words – attached.  We will not discuss its legality nor morality, nor how Christ might have judged it.  Oppression of the native people was already well underway.  Ethnic cleansing reached a peak in Plan Dalet, in 1948, when about 100,000 Palestinians were slayed, and 800,000, two thirds of the population, were  driven by force of arms and terror (1 – an example Deir Yassin – no memorial there) from their homes and their land, and thus their living.  Most fled to Gaza, the resident population of which was 60,000.  Now 2 million – median age 17.


Statehood of the nascent ‘Israel’ depended on UN Resolution 194 (III)  (2) – …..“refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, …”.  Returning men were shot.  But the Jewish State as it is now called, was treated as a state, albeit a de facto one.  The latter fact is hardly ever mentioned.

What happened at Deir Yassin, and at least twenty other massacres then, has been repeated many times.  Those times include Qibya, Sabra and Shatila (several thousand killed by the ‘Christian’ Phalange whilst Sharon watched, and with the bellies of women slashed open), and the repeated killing, and the most cruel bombing and collective punishment of 2 million souls in Gaza.  I have been to Gaza 10 times. I know the people and I know their great suffering.  I have stood at the graves of over 3000, largely British soldiers, in the immaculately kept Commonwealth War grave in Gaza.  Many died in the ‘Second Battle of Gaza’ on the 2nd of November 1917. This was the day, ironically, that the ‘Declaration’ was made in Whitehall. (See this)

The most recent convulsion of evil has been the Great Return March that started a year ago.  A demonstration which has a sound legal basis and which has been pursued every Friday since without firearms.  In return snipers of the Israeli Occupation Force have treated these humans, often families, like a shooting gallery at a fair.  Their sniper rifles contain some of the millions of parts that the UK sends the oppressor.  (I believe I saw two British SAS men disembarking from an El Al plane at Ben Gurion airport in c. 2007.  I had been sitting close to them.  With their gun cases, I wondered if they were there to instruct in very accurate targeting.)  These IOF snipers have been ordered by the high command to kill and to maim.  The torso of a female paramedic aet 23, or the knees or hips of others destroyed, thus maiming for life.  I have been involved with one man who cannot walk due to a destroyed lateral tibial condyle.  He is stranded in Egypt having been refused a visa to enter Germany for an unwise operation.  One speck of the suffering.

HMG is shown to be bankrupt in law and morality since it has not intervened to stop these many crimes.  They are, in effect, British crimes both in history and complicity.   I omit many others.  Hypocrisy is all about.

Example – ” A UK government spokesman said the death of any child (the loss of Shamima Begum’s third baby) was “tragic and deeply distressing for the family”. As it was to the hundreds of dear children and their mothers who fleeing from the manufactured war in Syria drowned in the Mediterranean Sea. Or those that were blown apart or maimed by the ‘jihadis’ as ordered by Saudi Arabia and Qatar and its western slaves to money.

I demand, along with many others including senior doctors and surgeons, that HMG accepts the preliminary report (3) below, and the subsequent full report (Summary below).  It is the very least that HMG is bound to do.  Knife crime, and the rest, is part of the descent into hell.

Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. — John Donne



Submitted as a supplement to A/HRC/40/74, this text sets out the detailed findings of the independent international Commission of inquiry mandated to investigate the demonstrations that began in Gaza on 30 March, 2018, the response of Israeli security forces thereto, as well as the impact on civilians in Gaza and Israel.

The Commission found reasonable grounds to believe that during these weekly demonstrations, the Israeli Security Forces (ISF) killed and gravely injured civilians who were neither participating directly in hostilities nor posing an imminent threat to life. Among those shot were children, paramedics, journalists, and persons with disabilities. 183 people were shot dead, another 6,106 were wounded with live ammunition.

The demonstrations were organized by a ‘Higher National Committee,’ whose members came from all sectors of Palestinian society, including civil society, cultural and social organizations, students unions, women’s groups, eminent persons, members of clans and representatives of several political parties.

While the demonstrations were civilian in nature, bringing them under a law enforcement legal paradigm, they were at times violent, including throwing stones, cutting through the separation fence, and launching incendiary kites and balloons. The Commission found, however, that the use of lethal force in response was rarely necessary or proportionate. For lethal force to be permissible, the victim must pose an imminent threat to life or limb. The ISF violated international human rights law in most instances the Commission investigated.

ISF conduct also violated international humanitarian law, which permits civilians to be targeted only when they ‘directly participate in hostilities.’ This purposefully high threshold was not met by demonstrators’ conduct, in the view of the Commission, with one possible exception on 14 May.

The Commission found that twenty-nine people killed during demonstrations were members of organized armed groups, with another 18 of undetermined status. The Commission took the view, however, that is unlawful to shoot unarmed demonstrators based solely on their membership in an armed group, and not on their conduct at the time. It is equally unlawful to target them based on political affiliation.


1,576 people were wounded by bullet or bone shrapnel that resulted from ricochets, bullet fragmentation and shots going through one body into another – clearly illustrating the danger of firing high-velocity live ammunition into a crowd of demonstrators.

The Commission found that the content and the application of the Israeli forces’ rules of engagement contributed to the unlawful approach. The rules permitted status-based targeting in the legs of individuals deemed to be “key inciters/key rioters”, defined by conduct such as burning tyres, cutting or breaching the fence, exhorting/leading the crowd. Under these rules, 4,903 persons were shot in the lower limbs – many while standing hundreds of meters away from the snipers, unarmed.

Unless undertaken lawfully in self-defense, intentionally killing a civilian not directly participating in hostilities is a war crime. Serious human rights violations were committed which may amount to crimes against humanity.

The Commission found Hamas, as Gaza’s de facto authority, responsible for failing to stop indiscriminate incendiary and explosive kites and balloons, which spread fear and caused significant material destruction within Israel.

The Commission also found that the Palestinian Authority and the Gaza de facto authorities bear responsibility for failing to uphold the right to peaceful assembly in connection with demonstrations policed by their respective security forces in June 2018.

Israel chose not to cooperate with the Commission.



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David Halpin FRCS is a retired orthopaedic and trauma surgeon who yearns for peace and especially in Palestine. He has also spent much time, with a few others, pleading for an inquest on Dr David Kelly, which uniquely has never happened. The NHS is his other major concern. His woodlands that he planted give some peace.


(1) https://www.deiryassin.org/mas.html
(2)  https://www.unrwa.org/content/resolution-194
(3)  https://www.un.org/unispal/document/un-independent-commission-of-inquiry-on-protests-in-gaza-presents-its-findings-press-release/

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Donald Trump. Consistently showing one-sided support for Israel, it appears so. In May 2018, his regime moved the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem – a world body-designated international city, recognized by nearly all UN member states.

Israel illegally usurped it as its capital. The US under Trump is the only nation with its embassy in the city. Guatemala announced its intention to make a similar move.

On June 30, 1980, Security Council members unanimously passed Resolution 476 (the US abstaining), declaring

“all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which purport to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem have no legal validity and constitute a flagrant (Fourth Geneva) violation.”

Security Council Resolution 478 affirmed

“that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purport to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, and in particular the recent ‘basic law’ on Jerusalem, are null and void and must be rescinded forthwith;”

“Affirm(ed) also that this action constitutes a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East;

The resolution called on “(a)ll Member States to accept this decision…(T)hose States that have established diplomatic missions at Jerusalem (must) withdraw such missions from the Holy City.”

Israel claiming the city, “complete and united, as (its) capital” has no legal standing. East Jerusalem is illegally occupied territory – along with the West Bank, Gaza, and historic Palestine entirely.

Security Council Res. 497 (December 1981) said the following about Syria’s Golan – illegally seized by Israeli forces in June 1967:

“(T)he Israeli decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights is null and void and without international legal effect.”

“Demands that Israel, the occupying Power, should rescind forthwith its decision;”

‘Determines that all the provisions of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War…apply to the Syrian territory occupied by Israel since June 1967.”

Golan is sovereign Syrian territory, illegally occupied by Israel. Russia slammed Trump’s tweet, saying:

“Changing the status of the Golan Heights bypassing the Security Council is in direct violation of UN decisions.”

Damascus issued a statement, calling Trump’s tweet “irresponsible…confirm(ing) (his regime’s) commitment to Israel and support for its aggressive behavior,” expressing a “determin(ation)” to regain control over its sovereign territory.

The US and Israel ignore all Security Council resolutions and other binding international laws, conflicting with their imperial aims.

The Trump regime’s envoy to Israel David Friedman got the State Department to stop calling Palestinian territories occupied, falsely saying “settlements are part of Israel.”

In December 2016, Security Council 2334 was adopted by a 14 – 0 vote, Washington abstaining.

It said settlements have “no legal validity and constitute a flagrant violation under international law.”

It demanded “Israel immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem.”

It recognized no territorial changes “to the 4 June 1967 lines, including with regard to Jerusalem, other than those agreed by the parties through negotiations.”

It “(c)alled upon all States, to distinguish, in their relevant dealings, between the territory of the State of Israel and the territories occupied since 1967.”

It “(c)alled for immediate steps to prevent all acts of violence against civilians, including acts of terror, as well as all acts of provocation and destruction, calls for accountability in this regard…”

Last week, the State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices referred to the West Bank, Gaza, and Syria’s Golan as “Israeli-controlled,” no longer calling these territories “occupied” or under “occupation” as of last year’s report.

On Thursday, Trump tweeted:

“After 52 years it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and Regional Stability!”

He ignored Security Council Res. 497 and all others discussed above. Golan is sovereign Syrian territory, illegally occupied by Israel since June 1967.

The same goes for the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem. Was Trump’s tweet about Syria’s Golan prelude to formally and illegally recognizing it as Israeli territory?

Will similar recognition of the Occupied Palestinian Territories follow – illegally declaring them part of the state of Israel?

Note: The US Constitution grants presidents power to determine relations with other nations. It includes negotiating agreements – not subject to Senate approval.

Supreme Court rulings affirmed this power. Trump used it to recognize Guaido as interim Venezuelan president – despite acting in flagrant violation of Bolivarian Republic constitutional law, rendering his action null and void.

He can also use this power to declare Syria’s Golan Israeli territory – even though the action would conflict with international and US constitutional law under its Supremacy Clause, stating international laws, treaties, conventions, and agreements are automatically US law (Article VI, Clause 2).

Israel occupies Syria’s Golan illegally. Security Council resolutions are binding international law.

Trump’s tweet suggests he’ll recognize Golan as Israeli territory – ignoring its illegality, perhaps thinking it’ll help Netanyahu remain Israeli prime minister following April 9 elections, paying no heed to his coming indictment for bribery, fraud, and breach of trust.

If tried and convicted of one or more of these charges, he’ll be replaced as prime minister if reelected, his political career likely over.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Featured image is from IMEMC

The link between Priti Patel, her running mate Boris Johnson, and the Right-wing Likud party of nuclear Israel’s embattled Prime Minister Netanyahu (currently facing corruption charges) is no secret. However, stranger things have come to pass.  In the United States, a 72 year-old misogynist property developer and hotelier with no political experience whatsoever was elected the most powerful man in the world!

That political linkage poses, of course, a serious security problem for the United Kingdom because Britain should under no circumstances be seen to be associated with an extremist government in gross breach of UN Security Council Resolution 2334 that demands the removal of all 650,000 illegal Israeli settlers in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The state of Israel – funded and armed by the Trump administration – is now reportedly also contemplating a forced annexation of the Golan Heights, the West Bank and East Jerusalem  – which ethnic cleansing would violate the provisions of the Geneva Conventions and of international law.

Apart from the above serious considerations, Britain now urgently needs a statesman (or woman) to take control at this extraordinary time in our political and economic life, in order to manage the turmoil and uncertainty of Brexit – and that individual must be a competent leader of undoubted integrity whose sole objective is the security of the United Kingdom and the economic and social welfare of all its citizens – and not a lobbyist for a foreign power.

Should there be a General Election in which the Labur Party is asked to form a government, then the leader of the Conservative Party will still be of interest because, as the official opposition, its role should be in challenging the government in power and not in working for the interests of a foreign state.

However, if in the unlikely event that the Conservatives win the next General Election, then they should elect a leader truly representative of the current 67 million strong population of the United Kingdom and who will work exclusive in its interests.


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Hans Stehling (pen name) is an analyst based in the UK. He is a  frequent contributor to Global Research.

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When Washington announced the return of economic sanctions against Iran, the main idea was pretty clear: cut exports of vital oil to zero to paralyze the economy and prompt a change in government. Waivers followed, however, as well as reports that, despite the sanctions, Iran was shipping more oil abroad than the amounts allowed under the waivers.

Oil data provider TankerTrackers.com first reported last year that Iranian tankers were turning off their transponders to hide the destination of their journeys. At the time, most tanker tracking data came precisely from transponders and port authorities, which made most Iranian tanker movement reports unreliable. This, in turn, contributed to the October-December oil price drop when it emerged that Iran was shipping more crude abroad than previously believed.

No wonder, then, that the United States is now targeting vessels transporting Iranian crude oil in violation of sanctions, a senior State Department official told VOA this week.

“We are closely tracking ship-to-ship transfers of [Iranian] oil to evade our oil sanctions,” said Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Counter Threat Finance and Sanctions David Peyman. “And we’re working closely with foreign governments to ensure they are monitoring ship-to-ship transfers off their coasts.”

Peyman also said everyone involved in the transport and ship-to-ship transfer of Iranian oil in defiance of sanctions will be held accountable by Washington.

“If you are engaged in evasive action, which is really the worst kind of violation when it comes to U.S. sanctions, we will hold you accountable,” the official said.

In fact, oil and fuel traders are resorting to measures that they already used during the previous term of Iranian sanctions when those were enforced by not just one country but the United Nations. Reuters reports, quoting industry sources from Asia, that since the sanction waivers do not extend to oil products, even countries granted waivers may be buying products such as fuel oil from Iran.

“Some buyers…will want Iranian oil regardless of U.S. strategic objectives to deny Tehran oil revenue, and Iran will find a way to keep some volumes flowing,” the agency quoted Economist Intelligence Unit analyst Peter Kiernan as saying.

VOA quoted TankerTrackers co-founder Samir Madani as saying the service had detected two such transfers in February alone, with one taking as long as three months to complete and the other a month. In both cases, Madani told VOA, the transferred fuel was then moved to a third vessel that shipped it to a port.

As for Washington’s call to foreign governments to join the effort of cutting access to Iranian oil to markets, for now only Panama has responded. VOA reports that the country took away the right of 59 tankers linked to Iran to fly the Panamanian flag.

“Panama really led the way for other countries to follow suit by pulling their own flags and for other countries to commit to the U.S. that they will not reflag those ships that the Panamanians withdrew their flag from,” Peyman commented to VOA.

Yet tackling these sanction evasion moves might prove to be tricky as other nations may not be as willing to follow Panama’s example. According to TankerTrackers’ Madani, “Given that these are unilateral sanctions (not by the UN), I don’t see much of a willingness by other countries to intervene in order to prevent such activity in their waters, especially if the other party is not Iranian. The easiest and safest way would be to deal with it after the fact via phone calls and/or fines. Nobody wants an incident out at sea involving 2 million barrels.”


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Irina Slav is a writer for the U.S.-based Divergente LLC consulting firm with over a decade of experience writing on the oil and gas industry.

Featured image is from OilPrice.com

Overnight Thursday, Venezuelan police arrested and detained three Guaido henchmen, two now released, the third still held.

Interior Minister Nestor Reverol accused Roberto Marrero of planning armed terrorist attacks in the country, saying the following:

An “investigation carried out by intelligence agencies together with the office of the prosecutor general…led to the detention of (Guaido henchman) Roberto Eugenio Marrero, 49, who is a lawyer and is directly responsible for the organization of criminal groups. A batch of weapons and cash money in foreign currency were seized from him.”

Roberto Eugenio Marrero Borgas and Luis Alberto Paez Salazar were also detained (later released) in the overnight raid, Reverol adding:

“Facing the failure of the entrance through our border of the so-called humanitarian aid last February 23, wanting to violate our sovereignty and facing the victory that the people of Venezuela gave against the electric attacks, these groups continue with their spiral of violence.”

Maduro “will continue fighting any demonstration and elements associated with organized crime to continue guaranteeing the peace of the people of Venezuela.”

The discovered “terrorist cell would have hired Colombian and Central American mercenaries to attack the lives of political leaders, military men, magistrates of the TSJ (Supreme Justice Court), and to carry out acts of sabotage to public services to create chaos in the Bolivarian society.”

According to Maduro, more arrests could follow, efforts underway to dismantle an anti-government “terrorist” network in the country.

During the overnight raid, assault rifles and grenades were discovered in the El Cafetal neighborhood of the Baruta municipality in the Metropolitan District of Caracas.

Guaido accused Venezuelan security forces of “planting” the seized weapons and “kidnapping” the detained individuals. Marrero alone remains in custody.

In early February, Venezuela’s Deputy Minister for Prevention and Citizen Security Endes Palencia said the country’s National Guard and National Integrated Service of Customs and Tax Administration (SENIAT) personnel seized 19 rifles, 118 rifle chargers, 4 rifle holders, 3 gun sights, 90 radio antennas, and 6 mobile telephones.

They were covertly flown from Miami to Valencia state’s Arturo Michelena International Airport – likely disguised as humanitarian aid, found at a storage facility, he explained.

The Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office ordered an investigation to identify individuals responsible for trying to escalate violence in the country. Security was tightened at all entry points.

Longstanding US coup tactics include political, economic, financial and sanctions war, targeted assassinations, orchestrated street violence, establishment media-supported propaganda war, supplying coup plotters with weapons, and military intervention if all else fails.

Imperialism is all about seeking dominance over other nations, doing whatever it takes to achieve objectives extrajudicially.

In response to the overnight action, Bolton tweeted:

“Maduro has made another big mistake (sic). The illegitimate arrest (sic) of Roberto Marrero…Guaido’s aide, will not go unanswered. He should be released immediately and his safety guaranteed,” adding:

“…Trump says US has not yet imposed toughest sanctions on #Venezuela.”

Pompeo tweeted the following:

“The United States condemns raids by Maduro’s security services and detention of Roberto Marrero, (henchman) to…Guaido. We call for his immediate release. We will hold accountable those involved.”

Deputy State Department spokesman Robert Palladino said Marrero’s detention “will not stand. There will be consequences for a continued crackdown.”

Guaido tweeted:

“They have kidnapped (Marrero), my chief of staff (sic),” his whereabouts unknown.

Michelle Bachelet, more imperial tool than chief UN human rights representative, tweeted:

“We urge the (Venezuelan) government to strictly respect due process and immediately reveal (Marrero’s) whereabouts.”

A Brussels statement said

“(t)he European Union urges Mr. Marrero to be released immediately and unconditionally, and holds the relevant authorities responsible for his safety and integrity.

Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland tweeted:

“Appalled by the news that @jguaido’s chief of staff (sic), @ROBERTOMARRERO, has been illegally detained (sic) by the Maduro (government). Intimidation and fear (sic) will not stop the return of democracy to #Venezuela (sic). Those responsible must be held accountable.”

All of the above remarks by foreign authorities reflect subservience to Washington’s imperial agenda – ignoring its flagrant violation of international law.

The State Department named five Venezuelan officials involved in Marrero’s detention: Judge Carol Padilla, prosecutors Farid Mora Salcedo and Dinora Bustamante, along with intelligence officials Danny Contreras and Angel Flores.

The US formed Lima Group of regional nations issued a statement, saying Maduro “is responsible for the security and physical integrity of Roberto Marrero and Sergio Vergara. We demand the end of harassment of Venezuelan democrats (sic) and of the systematic practice of arbitrary detention (sic) and torture (sic) in Venezuela.”

OAS Secretary-General Luis Almagro made similar comments against what he called Marrero’s “arbitrary arrest (sic).”

According to the Venezuelan chief prosecutor’s office, Marrero is being investigated for crimes, including a plot to kill Maduro.

He’ll likely remain in custody until formally charged or released if exonerated.

Washington’s only options are further sanctions and/or stoking violence and chaos by armed proxies or direct military intervention, the latter possibility highly unlikely – unless all else fails.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

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Who really cares what Trump says when nobody’s words one way or the other are going to change the reality that “Israel” probably won’t be dislodged from the occupied Golan Heights anytime soon, especially not when Russian troops are enforcing an anti-Iranian “buffer zone” there and Moscow itself strongly suggested that Damascus surrender this territory in the Russian-written “draft constitution” that it’s been incessantly “encouraging” Syria to promulgate since January 2017. 

Words Matter…As Distractions!

Practically everyone except for the “Israelis” themselves are furious about Trump’s announcement that the US will “recognize” “Israel’s” annexation of the Golan Heights, but this is yet another example of the “chattering class” thinking that their words will make any difference whatsoever in changing this de-facto geopolitical reality.

It’s certainly true that Washington’s move violates international law, but nobody should have been under any impression at this point that the US — let alone Trump — would let the so-called “rules of the game” agreed upon in the bygone era of “feel good” post-war multilateralism hamstring its behavior.

Many will probably mock this decision as embodying the policy of “Israel First” more than “America First” but that will just distract from the fact that Syria was unable to liberate its occupied territory for nearly half a century and certainly isn’t in any shape to do so in the indefinite future, especially not when Russian troops are presently enforcing an anti-Iranian “buffer zone” there.

The Russian-Enforced Anti-Iranian “Buffer Zone”

Most of Alt-Media ignored this “politically inconvenient” development last summer or arrogantly dismissed it as a “pro-Zionist” conspiracy theory because it contradicted their fake news assumption that President Putin is an “anti-Zionist crusader”, but it was officially recognized by the Russian Ministry of Defense in September (and reported on by RT at the time) that Moscow “managed to secure the withdrawal of all Iran-backed groups from the Golan Heights to a ‘safe distance for Israel,’ more than 140 kilometers to the east of Syria, the spokesperson said, adding that this was done at the request of Tel Aviv.”

The outlet quoted Defense Ministry spokesman Konsashenkov as adding that “a total of 1,050 personnel, 24 MLRSs and tactical missiles, as well as 145 pieces of other munitions and military equipment were withdrawn from the area”, confirming that he wasn’t just saying this “for the sake of it” like some have wishfully imagined but that there are hard facts to prove that the “buffer zone” was indeed implemented to ensure “Israel’s” security.

Curiously, despite Moscow expectedly condemning Trump’s move, the Russian-written “draft constitution” for Syria that was unveiled in January 2017 at the first Astana Summit strongly implies that Damascus would inevitably surrender the Golan Heights to “Israel” as part of its externally “encouraged” post-war policy of refusing to resort to war against its neighbors no matter the reason may be.

The Russian-Written “Draft Constitution” For Syria 

Here’s what I wrote at the time in my in-depth legal analysis of that document for 21st CenturyWire.com titled “SYRIA: Digging Into The Details Of The Russian-Written ‘Draft Constitution’”:

“Are The Golan Heights Part Of Syria’s State Borders?

Article 9 briefly states that “the territory of Syria is indivisible, inviolable and integral” and that “state borders may be changed only after a referendum among all Syrian citizens, as the expression of the will of the Syrian people”, which makes perfect sense but doesn’t expressly mention whether the disputed Golan Heights – presently occupied and annexed by “Israel” in contravention of international law – would presumably be part of the country’s state borders at the time of the “draft constitution’s” passing.

This is an exceedingly important detail which mustn’t be overlooked, because Article 85 says that “the Constitution shall come into force on the day of its promulgation after the referendum”, which in practice means that if there isn’t any clear reference to the Golan Heights being part of the “indivisible, inviolable and integral” territory of Syria, that the case can be made that Damascus must abide by Article 8’s decrees that it “maintain good neighborly relations with other countries based on cooperation, mutual security and other principles stipulated by international legal rules” and also “denounce war as an infringement on other countries’ sovereignty and a means to resolve international conflicts.”

In practice, this might constitute a legal quandary whereby Syria de-facto, if not de-jure, ends up withdrawing its claims to the Golan Heights. If Syria is forced to enter into “good neighborly relations” with “Israel” and “denounce war” as ever being an option whatsoever to liberate the occupied Golan Heights, then it’s essentially ceding this territory even if the people aren’t fully aware of it.”

As such, Trump actually seems to be getting a head start (or possibly “jumping the gun”) on the “Yinon Plan”-inspired future that Russia itself seems to also envision, albeit that he’s doing so unilaterally in his typical attention-grabbing manner of trolling the world instead of waiting for Syria to (be “encouraged” by Russia to) go through the “democratic” motions of “legitimizing” its surrender of the Golan Heights through the promulgation of the Russian-written “draft constitution” that Damascus has hitherto refused to accept.

Ignorance Or Agenda?

Practically everyone criticizing Trump’s move is either unaware of these facts or deliberately ignoring them in order to virtue signal support for international law and the anti-Zionist cause, all while implying that his decision tangibly changes anything (irrespective of its morality and international legality) and pretending the Russia didn’t “passively facilitate” this through its strong suggestion in the “draft constitution” that it’s been incessantly “encouraging” Syria to implement and the anti-Iranian “buffer zone” that it’s currently enforcing along the occupied Golan Heights, the latter of which indisputably prevents either Tehran and/or Damascus from militarily liberating this territory.

Whatever one’s views are about this issue, these are the facts as they objectively exist, and no amount of condemnation from the “chattering class” is going to change them. Nor, for that matter, will Trump’s “recognition” of “Israel’s” annexation change anything either since it’s actually surprising in and of itself that the US waited so long to do so since it was never the “friend of Palestine” that its decades-long lack of this “recognition” implied, let alone an adherent to international law after regularly violating it on countless other occasions.

The Putin-Bibi-Trump Brotherhood 

The only possible consequence that this decision could have is that it might give Netanyahu a boost ahead of next month’s early elections because he could predictably portray it as a foreign policy success that could be leveraged to woo voters from his far-right rival. Interestingly, his potential victory would also be to Russia’s interest as well since President Putin has met Netanyahu more times than any other leader in the past four years and is known to be very close friends with him.

In fact, the Russian leader just recently invited him to visit to the opening of a synagogue in Crimea, during which time he also spoke a few words of Hebrew in demonstrating his extremely close connection to the Jewish religion that is one of Russia’s four constitutionally recognized traditional faiths (the video evidence of which is embedded in the previous hyperlink). It also suggests that President Putin might be investing some of his precious free time into studying the language so as to personally deepen Russia’s strategic partnership with “Israel” to the point where the true polities truly feel as though they’re “two states, one nation” like I suggested they’re becoming in the piece that I published about this topic at the beginning of the year.

Concluding Thoughts 

In any case, it should be acknowledged by all that while Trump broke a taboo, he hardly broke the news, like geopolitical analyst Adam Garrie observed. All that he did was unilaterally lend the US’ “legal legitimacy” to “Israel’s” annexation of the Golan Heights, which shouldn’t bother the “chattering class” unless they secretly think that America’s support really matters in “winning hearts and minds” over this issue, something that they regularly swear isn’t the case but which might actually matter more than they’ve publicly let on judging by their overreaction to this move.


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This article was originally published on Eurasia Future.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Israel’s Merkava Tank in the Golan Heights. (By ChameleonsEye /Shutterstock)

A defense report, revised in March 2019 for fiscal year 2017, shows what states benefit the most from defense spending.

Please the US department of Defense report on Defense Spending by State for fiscal year 2017 as revised in March of 2019.

Conducted between June 2018 and November 2018, the analysis primarily entailed an examination of DoD prime and sub-contract award data and of defense personnel and payroll figures, which become reliable for analysis in March of each year. This report’s findings are drawn from numerous sources, including the DoD’s Defense Manpower Data Center; the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Economic Analysis and Census Bureau; and USASpending.gov, which is managed by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.


In FY 2017, DoD spent $407 billion on contracts and payroll in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, approximately $1,466 per U.S. resident. This spending accounted for 2.3 percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2017, and was higher as a share of GDP than the $378.5 billion spent in FY 2016. Of these funds, $271.7 billion (67 percent) was spent on contracts for various products and services, while the remaining $135.3 billion (33 percent) paid the salaries of DoD personnel. Most contract spending went to supplies and equipment (51 percent) or services (38 percent). The remainder supported research and development (8 percent) or construction (3 percent).

Personnel pay was allocated fairly equally amongst active duty military (41 percent), the National Guard and the Reserves (31 percent), and civilians (28 percent). With regard to total defense spending by state, funding varied from $393.6 million in Wyoming to $49 billion in California, averaging $7.98 billion per state. Almost 59 percent of that funding ($239.7 billion) went to 10 states.

If this funding is examined as a component of the states’ economies, a slightly different picture emerges. On average, defense spending accounted for 2.3 percent of all states’ GDP in FY 2017, ranging from 0.5 percent in Oregon to 8.9 percent in Virginia. The defense spending of $1.3 billion in Oregon, for example, was a small portion of its $240.7 billion GDP, while Virginia’s $46.2 billion in defense spending accounted for a relatively larger segment of its $517.6 billion GDP.

Top Defense Contractors

​Top Spending Locations

​There are 128 pages by state, down to the county level.

Vote Buying

This is how and why people support perpetual war.

Anyone who does not support perpetual war is labeled “weak on defense”. And of course, no Congressmen ever turn down projects in their own district.

Finally, much defense spending is hidden. Homeland security costs are not considered “defense”.

Perpetual War

In reality, hardly any of this spending is “defense”. It’s primarily “offense”.

We need to make enemies to support perpetual war.


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The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has brought new opportunities to countries along the route to participate in global value chains.

In recent years, many developed economies have implemented the strategies of re-industrialization and reshoring of manufacturing industries to gain an edge through technological innovation in emerging fields and remain at the higher end of global manufacturing value chains. By reconstructing value chains, these countries have striven to promote transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industries and accelerate the development of emerging industries to reinvigorate the real economy.

Against such backdrop, competition between emerging economies on absorbing relocated industries and transferred capital and exploring international markets has become increasingly fierce as they vie to participate in global value chains. In this regard, the BRI will bring new opportunities to economic and trade cooperation between China and the countries in terms of facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade and financial integration.

However, value chains in countries along the route only contribute a small share of added value in global value chains due to imbalanced industrial structure, lack of infrastructure, inadequate regional integration, imperfect business environment and insufficient innovation capabilities.

Aiming to promote regional economic cooperation, the BRI is in line with needs of countries participating in global value chains and improving their competitiveness. Since China is moving toward higher end of value chains, it can help the developing BRI countries further integrate into global value chains through direct investment and trade.

Participating in global value chains can help countries along the route increase added value of local industries, while simply getting involved does not necessarily lead to gains.

Multinational companies from developed countries often occupy the high end of industrial value chains — R&D of products and brand marketing — due to their advantages in capital, technologies and management playing a leading role. However, comparative advantages of developing countries are mostly derived from cheaper labor force and various natural resources. As a result, the countries can only export primary products and resource-based products of low technological level and value added. Since multinational corporations tend to contain profit growth, technological catch-up and value chain upgrade of developing countries through various technological standards and limiting patent grants, the latter are unable to focus on R&D and innovation but rely on advanced technologies from developed countries, therefore remaining at the low end of value chains and facing risks caused by over reliance on imported technologies.

To benefit from participation in global value chains, countries along the Belt and Road need to improve their competitiveness steadily. At present, most of them need to promote domestic economic development and improve people’s livelihood by taking full advantage of China’s technologies, capital and market.

Meanwhile, China also focuses on such countries to deepen international cooperation in manufacturing, striving to develop advanced manufacturing industries, promote the industries toward medium-to-high end and encourage and guide Chinese enterprises to invest in and support the establishment of local industrial systems. Therefore, China’s participation in re-industrialization of these countries can help enhance their competitiveness, improve their status in terms of division of labor in global value chains, optimize the industrial structure and develop regional value chains.

In essence, the BRI can help countries along the route to participate in global value chains and upgrade local industrial value chains, in which improving capacity cooperation can diversify production and trade in the countries, and allow them to benefit from technological transfer and knowledge spillover. By absorbing transferred industries, creating profits through economies of scale, utilizing technological spillover and optimizing the allocation of production elements, the status of the countries in global value chains can be enhanced and local modern service industries will be improved. China proposes to strengthen international capacity cooperation and improve industrial upgrading in the countries for mutual benefits and win-win cooperation,. As cooperation based on the initiative sees huge room for growth, it has gained increasing support from the countries.

From a global perspective, industrial transfer can promote developing countries as destinations of offshore industries to accelerate domestic industrialization and move faster toward industrial upgrading. For long-term development, developing countries needs to edge toward the high end such as R&D, which is necessary to improving their status in global value chains.

However, the upgrade of global value chains cannot be achieved overnight, especially for least developed countries along the route. Since rushing to the high end of value chains such as R&D and brands while giving up comparative advantages may lead to ineffective results, developing countries need to pursue step-by-step development and adopt their comparative advantages to carry out international capacity cooperation and integrate into global labor division networks.

In view of this, China needs to further adapt to the trend of international industrial transfer and continuously drive participation in global value chains through technological innovation cooperation as it moves toward a higher-level and open-oriented economy. Although the strengths of Chinese-funded enterprises on technologies and management are not prominent enough across the board as the companies go global, China’s role in economic globalization is shifting from a follower to a champion as the global geo-economic landscape faces changes. Many countries along the route experiencing initial or middle stages of industrialization and urbanization are in urgent need of optimizing industrial structures and developing industrial systems in line with their demand for development in the current stage.

In the initial stage of capacity cooperation, the countries can improve the share of production elements in global value chains through learning and innovation while maintaining the edge of low costs. In the medium-to-high level stage, China and countries along the route need to innovate modes of industrial cooperation, promote innovation, ensure steady operation of industrial supply chains, provide platforms for technologies and transformation of driving forces for industrial development and drive industrial restructuring in the countries to push them toward the high end of global value chains.


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This article was originally published on China Watch.

Zhang Zhongyuan is a senior researcher at the National Institute for Global Strategy, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

March 24, 1999, Twenty years ago. NATO’s War on Yugoslavia

Bill Clinton supported Al Qaeda in Bosnia and Kosovo in the 1990s as confirmed by RPC Congressional documents;  Hillary Clinton has supported Al Qaeda and the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh) in Syria.

This article was first published in 2002.

*       *      *

Known and documented, since the Soviet-Afghan war, recruiting Mujahideen (“holy warriors”) to fight covert wars on Washington’s behest has become an integral part of US foreign policy.

A 1997 Congressional document by the Republican Party Committee (RPC), while intent upon smearing President Bill Clinton, nonetheless sheds light on the Clinton administration’s insidious role in recruiting and training jihadist mercenaries with a view to transforming Bosnia into  a “Militant Islamic Base”.

In many regards, Bosnia and Kosovo (1998-1999) were “dress rehearsals” for the destabilization of the Middle East (Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen). 

With regard to Syria, the recruitment of jihadists (according to Israeli intelligence sources) was launched prior to 2011 under the auspices of NATO and the Turkish High command in liaison with the Pentagon. 

The RCP report reveals how the US administration – under advice from Clinton’s National Security Council headed by Anthony Lake –  “helped turn Bosnia into a militant Islamic base” leading to the recruitment through the so-called “Militant Islamic Network,” of thousands of Mujahideen from the Muslim world: 

Perhaps most threatening to the SFOR mission – and more importantly, to the safety of the American personnel serving in Bosnia – is the unwillingness of the Clinton Administration to come clean with the Congress and with the American people about its complicity in the delivery of weapons from Iran to the Muslim government in Sarajevo. That policy, personally approved by Bill Clinton in April 1994 at the urging of CIA Director-designate (and then-NSC chief) Anthony Lake and the U.S. ambassador to Croatia Peter Galbraith, has, according to the Los Angeles Times (citing classified intelligence community sources), “played a central role in the dramatic increase in Iranian influence in Bosnia.


Along with the weapons, Iranian Revolutionary Guards and VEVAK intelligence operatives entered Bosnia in large numbers, along with thousands of mujahedin (“holy warriors”) from across the Muslim world. Also engaged in the effort were several other Muslim countries (including Brunei, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Turkey) and a number of radical Muslim organizations.

For example, the role of one Sudan-based “humanitarian organization,” called the Third World Relief Agency, has been well documented. The Clinton Administration’s “hands-on” involvement with the Islamic network’s arms pipeline included inspections of missiles from Iran by U.S. government officials… the Third World Relief Agency (TWRA), a Sudan-based, phoney humanitarian organization … has been a major link in the arms pipeline to Bosnia. … TWRA is believed to be connected with such fixtures of the Islamic terror network as Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman (the convicted mastermind behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombing) and Osama Bin Laden, a wealthy Saudi émigré believed to bankroll numerous militant groups. [Washington Post, 9/22/96] emphasis added

The Republican Party Committee report quoting official documents as well as US media sources confirms unequivocally the complicity of the Clinton Administration with several Islamic fundamentalist organisations including Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda.

What was the ultimate purpose of this report?

The Republicans wanted at the time to undermine the Clinton Administration. However, at a time when the entire country had its eyes riveted on the Monica Lewinsky scandal, the Republicans no doubt chose not to trigger an untimely “Iran-Bosniagate” affair, which might have unduly diverted public attention away from the Lewinsky scandal.

The Republicans wanted to impeach Bill Clinton “for having lied to the American People” regarding his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. On the more substantive “foreign policy lies” regarding covert operations involving the recruitment of “Jihadists” in the Balkans, Democrats and Republicans agreed in unison, no doubt pressured by the Pentagon and the CIA not to “spill the beans”. Clinton’s support of “jihadist” terrorist organizations in Bosnia and Kosovo was a continuation of the CIA sponsored recruitment of Mujahideen implemented throughout the 1980s in Afghanistan, under the helm of the CIA.

The “Bosnian pattern” described in the 1997 Congressional RPC report was then replicated in Kosovo. Among the foreign mercenaries fighting in Kosovo (and Macedonia in 2001) were Mujahideen from the Middle East and the Central Asian republics of the former Soviet Union as well as “soldiers of fortune” from several NATO countries including Britain, Holland and Germany.

Confirmed by British military sources, the task of arming and training of the KLA had been entrusted in 1998 to the US Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) and Britain’s Secret Intelligence Services MI6, together with “former and serving members of 22 SAS [Britain’s 22nd Special Air Services Regiment], as well as three British and American private security companies”. (The Scotsman, Glasgow, 29 August 1999)

The US DIA approached MI6 to arrange a training programme for the KLA, said a senior British military source. `MI6 then sub-contracted the operation to two British security companies, who in turn approached a number of former members of the (22 SAS) regiment. Lists were then drawn up of weapons and equipment needed by the KLA.’ While these covert operations were continuing, serving members of 22 SAS Regiment, mostly from the unit’s D Squadron, were first deployed in Kosovo before the beginning of the bombing campaign in March. (ibid)

While British SAS Special Forces in bases in Northern Albania were training the KLA, military instructors from Turkey and Afghanistan financed by the “Islamic jihad” were collaborating in training the KLA in guerilla and diversion tactics. (Truth in Media, April 2, 1999)

Bin Laden had visited Albania himself. He was one of several fundamentalist groups that had sent units to fight in Kosovo, … Bin Laden is believed to have established an operation in Albania in 1994 … Albanian sources say Sali Berisha, who was then president, had links with some groups that later proved to be extreme fundamentalists. (Sunday Times, London, 29 November 1998, emphasis added).

Below is the complete text of the RPC congressional document, which confirms that the Clinton administration was collaborating with Al Qaeda. The actions taken by the Clinton administration were intended to create ethnic and factional divisions which eventually were conducive to the fracturing of the Yugoslav Federation.

In retrospect,  the Obama Administration’s covert support of the ISIS in Syria and Iraq bears a canny resemblance to the Clinton administration’s support of the Militant Islamic Base in Bosnia and Kosovo. What this suggests is that US intelligence rather than the White House and the State Department determine the main thrust of US foreign policy, which consists in supporting and financing “Jihadist” terrorist organizations with a view to destabilizing sovereign countries. 

Michel Chossudovsky, September 13, 2015, March 22, 2019

Note: the original Congressional document published by the office of Senator Larry Craig (ret) is no longer available

*      *      *

Help Turn Bosnia into Militant Islamic Base

Republican Party Committee, US Congress, September 1997

“‘There is no question that the policy of getting arms into Bosnia was of great assistance in allowing the Iranians to dig in and create good relations with the Bosnian government,’ a senior CIA officer told Congress in a classified deposition. ‘And it is a thing we will live to regret because when they blow up some Americans, as they no doubt will before this … thing is over, it will be in part because the Iranians were able to have the time and contacts to establish themselves well in Bosnia.”‘

“Iran Gave Bosnia Leader $ [“Iran Gave Bosnia Leader $ 500,000, CIA Alleges: Classified Report Says Izetbegovic Has Been ‘Co-Opted,’ Contradicting U.S. Public Assertion of Rift,” Los Angeles Times, 12/31/96. Ellipses in original. Alija Izetbegovic is the Muslim president of Bosnia.] “‘If you read President Izetbegovk’s writings, as I have, there is no doubt that he is an Islamic fundamentalist,’ said a senior Western diplomat with long experience in the region. ‘He is a very nice fundamentalist, but he is still a fundamentalist. This has not changed. His goal is to establish a Muslim state in Bosnia, and the Serbs and Croats understand this better than the rest of us.”‘ [“Bosnian Leader Hails Islam at Election Rallies,” New York Times, 9/2/96]

Introduction and Summary

In late 1995, President Bill Clinton dispatched some 20,000 U.S. troops to Bosnia-Hercegovina as part of a NATO-led “implementation force” (IFOR) to ensure that the warning Muslim, Serbian, and Croatian factions complied with provisions of the Dayton peace plan. [NOTE: This paper assumes the reader is acquainted with the basic facts of the Bosnian war leading to the IFOR deployment. For background, see RPC’s “Clinton Administration Ready to Send U.S. Troops to Bosnia, “9/28/95,” and Legislative Notice No. 60, “Senate to Consider Several Resolutions on Bosnia,” 12/12/95] Through statements by Administration spokesmen, notably Defense Secretary Perry and Joint Chiefs Chairman General Shalikashvili, the president firmly assured Congress and the American people that U S. personnel would be out of Bosnia at the end of one year. Predictably, as soon as the November 1996 election was safely behind him, President Clinton announced that approximately 8,5 00 U.S. troops would be remaining for another 18 months as part of a restructured and scaled down contingent, the “stabilization force” (SFOR), officially established on December 20, 1996.

SFOR begins its mission in Bosnia under a serious cloud both as to the nature of its mission and the dangers it will face. While IFOR had successfully accomplished its basic military task – separating the factions’ armed forces – there has been very little progress toward other stated goals of the Dayton agreement, including political and economic reintegration of Bosnia, return of refugees to their homes, and apprehension and prosecution of accused war criminals. It is far from certain that the cease-fire that has held through the past year will continue for much longer, in light of such unresolved issues as the status of the cities of Brcko (claimed by Muslims but held by the Serbs) and Mostar (divided between nominal Muslim and Croat allies, both of which are currently being armed by the Clinton Administration). Moreover, at a strength approximately one-third that of its predecessor, SFOR may not be in as strong a position to deter attacks by one or another of the Bosnian factions or to avoid attempts to involve it in renewed fighting: “IFOR forces, despite having suffered few casualties, have been vulnerable to attacks from all of the contending sides over the year of the Dayton mandate. As a second mandate [Dayton mandate. As a second mandate [i.e., SFOR] evolves, presumably maintaining a smaller force on the ground, the deterrent effect which has existed may well become less compelling and vulnerabilities of the troops will increase.” [“Military Security in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Present and Future,” Bulletin of the Atlantic Council of the United States, 12/18/96]

The Iranian Connection

Perhaps most threatening to the SFOR mission – and more importantly, to the safety of the American personnel serving in Bosnia – is the unwillingness of the Clinton Administration to come clean with the Congress and with the American people about its complicity in the delivery of weapons from Iran to the Muslim government in Sarajevo.

That policy, personally approved by Bill Clinton in April 1994 at the urging of CIA Director-designate (and then-NSC chief) Anthony Lake and the U.S. ambassador to Croatia Peter Galbraith, has, according to the Los Angeles Times (citing classified intelligence community sources), “played a central role in the dramatic increase in Iranian influence in Bosnia.”

Further, according to the Times, in September 1995 National Security Agency analysts contradicted Clinton Administration claims of declining Iranian influence, insisting instead that “Iranian Revolutionary Guard personnel remain active throughout Bosnia.” Likewise, “CIA analysts noted that the Iranian presence was expanding last fall,” with some ostensible cultural and humanitarian activities “known to be fronts” for the Revolutionary Guard and Iran’s intelligence service, known as VEVAK, the Islamic revolutionary successor to the Shah’s SAVAK. [[LAT, 12/31/96] At a time when there is evidence of increased willingness by pro-Iranian Islamic militants to target American assets abroad – as illustrated by the June 1996 car-bombing at the Khobar Towers in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, that killed 19 American airmen, in which the Iranian government or pro-Iranian terrorist organizations are suspected [“U.S. Focuses Bomb Probe on Iran, Saudi Dissident,” Chicago Tribune, 11/4/96] – it is irresponsible in the extreme for the Clinton Administration to gloss over the extent to which its policies have put American personnel in an increasingly vulnerable position while performing an increasingly questionable mission.

Three Key Issues for Examination

This paper will examine the Clinton policy of giving the green light to Iranian arms shipments to the Bosnian Muslims, with serious implications for the safety of U.S. troops deployed there. (In addition, RPC will release a general analysis of the SFOR mission and the Clinton Administration’s request for supplemental appropriations to fund it in the near future.) Specifically, the balance of this paper will examine in detail the three issues summarized below:

  1. The Clinton Green Light to Iranian Arms Shipments (page 3): In April 1995, President Clinton gave the government of Croatia what has been described by Congressional committees as a “green light” for shipments of weapons from Iran and other Muslim countries to the Muslim-led government of Bosnia. The policy was approved at the urging of NSC chief Anthony Lake and the U.S. ambassador to Croatia Peter Galbraith. The CIA and the Departments of State and Defense were kept in the dark until after the decision was made.
  2. The Militant Islamic Network (page 5): Along with the weapons, Iranian Revolutionary Guards and VEVAK intelligence operatives entered Bosnia in large numbers, along with thousands of mujahedin (“holy warriors”) from across the Muslim world. Also engaged in the effort were several other Muslim countries (including Brunei, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Turkey) and a number of radical Muslim organizations. For example, the role of one Sudan-based “humanitarian organization,” called the Third World Relief Agency, has been well documented. The Clinton Administration’s “hands-on” involvement with the Islamic network’s arms pipeline included inspections of missiles from Iran by U.S. government officials.
  3. The Radical Islamic Character of the Sarajevo Regime (page 8): Underlying the Clinton Administration’s misguided green light policy is a complete misreading of its main beneficiary, the Bosnian Muslim government of Alija Izetbegovic. Rather than being the tolerant, multiethnic democratic government it pretends to be, there is clear evidence that the ruling circle of Izetbegovic’s party, the Party of Democratic Action (SDA), has long been guided by the principles of radical Islam. This Islamist orientation is illustrated by profiles of three important officials, including President Izetbegovic himself; the progressive Islamization of the Bosnian army, including creation of native Bosnian mujahedin units; credible claims that major atrocities against civilians in Sarajevo were staged for propaganda purposes by operatives of the Izetbegovic government; and suppression of enemies, both non-Muslim and Muslim.

The Clinton Green Light to Iranian Arms Shipments

Both the Senate Intelligence Committee and the House Select Subcommittee to Investigate the United States Role in Iranian Arms Transfers to Croatia and Bosnia issued reports late last year. (The Senate report, dated November 1996, is unclassified. The House report is classified, with the exception of the final section of conclusions, which was released on October 8, 1996; a declassified version of the full report is expected to be released soon.) The reports, consistent with numerous press accounts, confirm that on April 27, 1994, President Clinton directed Ambassador Galbraith to inform the government of Croatia that he had “no instructions” regarding Croatia’s decision whether or not to permit weapons, primarily from Iran, to be transshipped to Bosnia through Croatia. (The purpose was to facilitate the acquisition of arms by the Muslim-led government in Sarajevo despite the arms embargo imposed on Yugoslavia by the U.N. Security Council.) Clinton Administration officials took that course despite their awareness of the source of the weapons and despite the fact that the Croats (who were themselves divided on whether to permit arms deliveries to the Muslims) would take anything short of a U.S. statement that they should not facilitate the flow of Iranian arms to Bosnia as a “green light.”

The green light policy was decided upon and implemented with unusual secrecy, with the CIA and the Departments of State and Defense only informed after the fact. [“U.S. Had Options to Let Bosnia Get Arms, Avoid Iran,” Los Angeles Times, 7/14/96] Among the key conclusions of the House Subcommittee were the following (taken from the unclassified section released on October 8):

  • “The President and the American people were poorly served by the Administration officials who rushed the green light decision without due deliberation. full information and an adequate consideration of the consequences.” (page 202)
  • “The Administration’s efforts to keep even senior US officials from seeing its ‘fingerprints’ on the green light policy led to confusion and disarray within the government.” (page 203)
  • “The Administration repeatedly deceived the American people about its Iranian green light policy.” (page 204)

Clinton, Lake, and Galbraith Responsible

Who is ultimately accountable for the results of his decision – two Clinton Administration officials bear particular responsibility: Ambassador Galbraith and then-NSC Director Anthony Lake, against both of whom the House of Representatives has referred criminal charges to the Justice Department. Mr. Lake, who personally presented the proposal to Bill Clinton for approval, played a central role in preventing the responsible congressional committees from knowing about the Administration’s fateful decision to acquiesce in radical Islamic Iran’s effort to penetrate the European continent through arms shipments and military cooperation with the Bosnian government.” [“‘In Lake We Trust’? Confirmation Make-Over Exacerbates Senate Concerns About D.C.I.-Desipate’s Candor, Reliability,” Center for Security Policy, Washington, D.C., 1/8/97]

His responsibility for the operation is certain to be a major hurdle in his effort to be confirmed as CIA Director: “The fact that Lake was one of the authors of the duplicitous policy in Bosnia, which is very controversial and which has probably helped strengthen the hand of the Iranians, doesn’t play well,” stated Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Shelby. [“Lake to be asked about donation,” Washington Times, 1/2/97]

For his part, Ambassador Galbraith was the key person both in conceiving the policy and in serving as the link between the Clinton Administration and the Croatian government; he also met with Imam Sevko Omerbasic, the top Muslim cleric in Croatia, “who the CIA says was an intermediary for Iran.” [“Fingerprints: Arms to Bosnia, the real story,” The New Republic, 10/28/96; see also LAT 12/23/96] As the House Subcommittee concluded (page 206): “There is evidence that Ambassador Galbraith may have engaged in activities that could be characterized as unauthorized covert action.” The Senate Committee (pages 19 and 20 of the report) was unable to agree on the specific legal issue of whether Galbraith’s actions constituted a “covert action” within the definition of section 503(e) of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. Sec. 413(e)), as amended, defined as “an activity or activities … to influence political, economic, or military conditions abroad, where it is intended that the role of the United States Government will not be apparent or acknowledged publicly.”

The Militant Islamic Network

The House Subcommittee report also concluded (page 2):

“The Administration’s Iranian green light policy gave Iran an unprecedented foothold in Europe and has recklessly endangered American lives and US strategic interests.” Further – ” … The Iranian presence and influence [” … The Iranian presence and influence [in Bosnia] jumped radically in the months following the green light. Iranian elements infiltrated the Bosnian government and established close ties with the current leadership in Bosnia and the next generation of leaders. Iranian Revolutionary Guards accompanied Iranian weapons into Bosnia and soon were integrated in the Bosnian military structure from top to bottom as well as operating in independent units throughout Bosnia. The Iranian intelligence service [intelligence service [VEVAK] ran wild through the area developing intelligence networks, setting up terrorist support systems, recruiting terrorist ‘sleeper’ agents and agents of influence, and insinuating itself with the Bosnian political leadership to a remarkable degree. The Iranians effectively annexed large portions of the Bosnian security apparatus [known as the Agency for Information and Documentation (AID)] to act as their intelligence and terrorist surrogates. This extended to the point of jointly planning terrorist activities. The Iranian embassy became the largest in Bosnia and its officers were given unparalleled privileges and access at every level of the Bosnian government.” (page 201)

Not Just the Iranians

To understand how the Clinton green light would lead to this degree of Iranian influence, it is necessary to remember that the policy was adopted in the context of extensive and growing radical Islamic activity in Bosnia. That is, the Iranians and other Muslim militants had long been active in Bosnia; the American green light was an important political signal to both Sarajevo and the militants that the United States was unable or unwilling to present an obstacle to those activities – and, to a certain extent, was willing to cooperate with them. In short, the Clinton Administration’s policy of facilitating the delivery of arms to the Bosnian Muslims made it the de facto partner of an ongoing international network of governments and organizations pursuing their own agenda in Bosnia: the promotion of Islamic revolution in Europe. That network involves not only Iran but Brunei, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan (a key ally of Iran), and Turkey, together with front groups supposedly pursuing humanitarian and cultural activities.

For example, one such group about which details have come to light is the Third World Relief Agency (TWRA), a Sudan-based, phoney humanitarian organization which has been a major link in the arms pipeline to Bosnia. [“How Bosnia’s Muslims Dodged Arms Embargo: Relief Agency Brokered Aid From Nations, Radical Groups,” Washington Post, 9/22/96; see also “Saudis Funded Weapons For Bosnia, Official Says: $ 300 Million Program Had U.S. ‘Stealth Cooperation’,” Washington Post, 2/2/96] TWA is believed to be connected with such fixtures of the Islamic terror network as Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman (the convicted mastermind behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombing) and Osama Binladen, a wealthy Saudi emigre believed to bankroll numerous militant groups. [WP, 9/22/96] (Sheik Rahman, a native of Egypt, is currently in prison in the United States; letter bombs addressed to targets in Washington and London, apparently from Alexandria, Egypt, are believed connected with his case. Binladen was a resident in Khartoum, Sudan, until last year; he is now believed to be in Afghanistan, “where he has issued statements calling for attacks on U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf.” [on U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf.” [WP, 9/22/96])

The Clinton Administration ‘s “Hands-On ” Help

The extent to which Clinton Administration officials, notably Ambassador Galbraith, knowingly or negligently, cooperated with the efforts of such front organizations is unclear. For example, according to one intelligence account seen by an unnamed U.S. official in the Balkans, “Galbraith ‘talked with representatives of Muslim countries on payment for arms that would be sent to Bosnia,’ … [would be sent to Bosnia,’ … [T]he dollar amount mentioned in the report was $ 500 million-$ 800 million. The U.S. official said he also saw subsequent ‘operational reports’ in 1995 on almost weekly arms shipments of automatic weapons, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, anti-armor rockets and TOW missiles.” [TNR, 10/28/96] The United States played a disturbingly “hands-on” role, with, according to the Senate report (page 19), U.S. government personnel twice conducting inspections in Croatia of missiles en route to Bosnia. Further —

“The U.S. decision to send personnel to Croatia to inspect rockets bound for Bosnia is … subject to varying interpretations. It may have been simply a straightforward effort to determine whether chemical weapons were being shipped into Bosnia. It was certainly, at least in part, an opportunity to examine a rocket in which the United States had some interest. But it may also have been designed to ensure that Croatia would not shut down the pipeline.” (page 21)

The account in The New Republic points sharply to the latter explanation: “Enraged at Iran’s apparent attempt to slip super weapons past Croat monitors, the Croatian defense minister nonetheless sent the missiles on to Bosnia ‘just as Peter [i.e., Ambassador Galbraith] told us to do,’ sources familiar with the episode said.” [episode said.” [TNR, 10/28/96] In short, the Clinton Administration’s connection with the various players that made up the arms network seems to have been direct and intimate.

The Mujahedin Threat

In addition to (and working closely with) the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and VEVAK intelligence are members of numerous radical groups known for their anti-Western orientation, along with thousands of volunteer mujahedin (“holy warriors”) from across the Islamic world. From the beginning of the NATO- led deployment, the Clinton Administration has given insufficient weight to military concerns regarding the mujahedin presence in Bosnia as well as the danger they pose to American personnel. Many of the fighters are concentrated in the so-called “green triangle” (the color green symbolizes Islam) centered on the town of Zenica in the American IFOR/SFOR zone but are also found throughout the country.

The Clinton Administration has been willing to accept Sarajevo’s transparently false assurances of the departure of the foreign fighters based on the contention that they have married Bosnian women and have acquired Bosnian citizenship — and thus are no longer “foreign”! or, having left overt military units to join “humanitarian,” “cultural,” or “charitable” organizations, are no longer “fighters.” [See “Foreign Muslims Fighting in Bosnia Considered ‘Threat’ to U.S. Troops,” Washington Post, 11/30/95; “Outsiders Bring Islamic Fervor To the Balkans,” New York Times, 9/23/96; “Islamic Alien Fighters Settle in Bosnia,” Pittsburgh PostGazette, 9/23/96; “Mujahideen rule Bosnian villages: Threaten NATO forces, non-Muslims,” Washington Times, 9/23/96; and Yossef Bodansky, Offensive in the Balkans (November 1995) and Some Call It Peace (August 1996), International Media Corporation, Ltd., London. Bodansky, an analyst with the House Republican Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, is an internationally recognized authority on Islamic terrorism.] The methods employed to qualify for Bosnian citizenship are themselves problematic: “Islamic militants from Iran and other foreign countries are employing techniques such as forced marriages, kidnappings and the occupation of apartments and houses to remain in Bosnia in violation of the Dayton peace accord and may be a threat to U.S. forces.” [“Mujaheddin Remaining in Bosnia: Islamic Militants Strongarm Civilians, Defy Dayton Plan,” Washington Post, 7/8/96]

The threat presented by the mujahedin to IFOR (and now, to SFOR) – contingent only upon the precise time their commanders in Tehran or Sarajevo should choose to activate them has been evident from the beginning of the NATO-led deployment. For example, in February 1996 NATO forces raided a terrorist training camp near the town of Fojnica, taking into custody 11 men (8 Bosnian citizens – two of whom may have been naturalized foreign mujahedin and three Iranian instructors); also seized were explosives “built into small children’s plastic toys, including a car, a helicopter and an ice cream cone,” plus other weapons such as handguns, sniper rifles, grenade launchers, etc. The Sarajevo government denounced the raid, claiming the facility was an “intelligence service school”; the detainees were released promptly after NATO turned them over to local authorities. [“NATO Captures Terrorist Training Camp, Claims Iranian Involvement,” Associated Press, 2/16/96; “Bosnian government denies camp was for terrorists,” Reuters, 2/16/96; Bodansky Some Call It Peace, page 56] In May 1996, a previously unknown group called “Bosnian Islamic Jihad” (Jihad means “holy war”,) threatened attacks on NATO troops by suicide bombers, similar to those that had recently been launched in Israel. [“Jihad Threat in Bosnia Alarms NATO,” The European, 5/9/96]

Stepping-Stone to Europe

The intended targets of the mujahedin network in Bosnia are not limited to that country but extend to Western Europe. For example, in August 1995, the conservative Paris daily Le Figaro reported that French security services believe that ,Islamic fundamentalists from Algeria have set up a security network across Europe with fighters trained in Afghan gerrilla camps and [[in] southern France while some have been tested in Bosnia.” [[(London) Daily Telegraph, 8/17/95]

Also, in April 1996, Belgian security arrested a number of Islamic militants, including two native Bosnians, smuggling weapons to Algerian guerrillas active in France. [in France. [Intelligence Newsletter, Paris, 5/9/96 (No. 287)] Finally, also in April 1996, a meeting of radicals aligned with HizbAllah (“Party of God”), a pro-Iran group based in Lebanon, set plans for stepping up attacks on U.S. assets on all continents; among those participating was an Egyptian, Ayman al- Zawahiri, who “runs the Islamist terrorist operations in Bosnia- Herzegovina from a special headquarters in Sofa, Bulgaria. His forces are already deployed throughout Bosnia, ready to attack US and other I-FOR (NATO Implementation Force) targets.” [“States- Sponsored Terrorism and The Rise of the HizbAllah International,” Defense and Foreign Affairs and Strategic Policy, London, 8/31/96 Finally, in December 1996, French and Belgain security arrested several would-be terrorists trained at Iranian-run camps in Bosnia.[“Terrorism: The Bosnian Connection,” (Paris) L’Express, 12/26/96]

The Radical Islamic Character of the Sarajevo Regime

Underlying the Clinton Administration’s misguided policy toward Iranian influence in Bosnia is a fundamental misreading of the true nature of the Muslim regime that benefited from the Iran/Bosnia arms policy.

“The most dubious of all Bosniac [i.e., Bosnian Muslim] claims pertains to the self-serving commercial that the government hopes to eventually establish a multiethnic liberal democratic society. Such ideals may appeal to a few members of Bosnia’s ruling circles as well as to a generally secular populace, but President Izethbegovic and his cabal appear to harbor much different private intentions and goals.” [“Selling the Bosnia Myth to America: Buyer Beware,” Lieutenant Colonel John E. Sray, USA, U.S. Army Foreign Military Studies Office, Fort Leavenworth, KS, October 1995]

The evidence that the leadership of the ruling Party of Democratic Action (SDA), and consequently, the Sarajevo-based government, has long been motivated by the principles of radical Islam is inescapable. The following three profiles are instructive:

Alija Izetbegovic: Alija Izetbegovic, current Bosnian president and head of the SDA, in 1970 authored the radical “Islamic Declaration,” which calls for “the Islamic movement” to start to take power as soon as it can Overturn “the existing non- Muslim government…[Muslim government…[and] build up a new Islamic one,” to destroy non-Islamic institutions (“There can be neither peace nor coexistence between the Islamic religion and non-Islamic social institutions’), and to create an international federation of Islamic states. [The Islamic Declaration: A Programme for the Islamization of Muslims and the Muslim Peoples, Sarajevo, in English, 19901 Izetbegovic’s radical pro-Iran associations go back decades:

“At the center of the Iranian system in Europe is Bosnia-Hercegovina.” President, Alija Izetbegovic, . . . who is committed to the establishment Of an Islamic Republic in Bosnia- Hercegovina.” [“Iran’s European Springboard?”, House Republican Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, 9/1/92

The Task Force report further describes Izetbegovic’s contacts with Iran and Libya in 1991, before the Bosnian war began; he is also noted as a “fundamentalist Muslim” and a member of the “Fedayeen of Islam” organization, an Iran-based radical group dating to the 1930s and which by the late 1960s had recognized the leadership of the Ayatollah Khomeini (then in exile from the Shah). Following Khomeini’s accession to power in 1979, Izetbegovic stepped-up his efforts to establish Islamic power in Bosnia and was jailed by the communists in 1983. Today, he is open and unapologetic about his links to Iran:

“Perhaps the most telling detail of the [detail of the [SDA’s September 1, 1996] campaign rally … was the presence of the Iranian Ambassador and his Bosnian and Iranian bodyguards, who sat in the shadow of the huge birchwood platform…. As the only foreign diplomat [platform…. As the only foreign diplomat [present], indeed the only foreigner traveling in the President’s [only foreigner traveling in the President’s [i.e., Izetbegovic’s] heavily guarded motorcade of bulky four-wheel drive jeeps, he lent a silent Islamic imprimatur to the event, one that many American and European supporters of the Bosnian Government are trying hard to ignore or dismiss.” [trying hard to ignore or dismiss.” [NYT, 9/2/96]

During the summer 1996 election campaign, the Iranians delivered to him, in two suitcases, $ 500,000 in cash; Izetbegovic “is now ‘literally on their [on their [i.e., the Iranians’] payroll,’ according to a classified report based on the CIA’s analysis of the issue.” LAT, 12/31/96. See also “Iran Contributed $ [LAT, 12/31/96. See also “Iran Contributed $ 500,000 to Bosnian President’s Election Effort, U.S. Says,” New York Times, 1/l/97, and Washington Times, 1/2/97] Adil Zulfikarpasic, a Muslim co- founder of the SDA, broke with Izetbegovic in late 1990 due to the increasingly overt fundamentalist and pro-Iranian direction of the party. [See Milovan Djilas, Bosnjak: Adil Zulfikarpasic, Zurich, 1994]

Hassan (or Hasan) Cengic: Until recently, deputy defense minister (and now cosmetically reassigned to a potentially even more dangerous job in refugee resettlement at the behest of the Clinton Administration), Cengic, a member of a powerful clan headed by his father, Halid Cengic, is an Islamic cleric who has traveled frequently to Tehran and is deeply involved in the arms pipeline. [“Bosnian Officials Involved in Arms Trade Tied to Radical States,” Washington Post, 9/22/96] Cengic was identified by Austrian police as a member of TWRA’s supervisory board,

“a fact confirmed by its Sudanese director, Elfatih Hassanein, in a 1994 interview with (lazi Husrev Beg, an Islamic affairs magazine. Cengic later became the key Bosnian official involved in setting up a weapons pipeline from Iran…. Cengic … is a longtime associate of Izetbegovic’s. He was one of the co- defendants in Izetbegovic’s 1983 trial for fomenting Muslim nationalism in what was then Yugoslavia. Cengic was given a 10- year prison term, most of which he did not serve. In trial testimony Cengic was said to have been traveling to Iran since 1983. Cengic lived in Tehran and Istanbul during much of the war, arranging for weapons to be smuggled into Bosnia.” [WP, 9/22/961

According to a Bosnian Croat radio profile:

“Hasan’s father, Halid Cengic … is the main logistic expert in the Muslim army. All petrodollar donations from the Islamic world and the procurement of arms and military technology for Muslim units went through him. He made so much money out of this business that he is one of the richest Muslims today. Halid Cengic and his two sons, of whom Hasan has been more in the public spotlight, also control the Islamic wing of the intelligence agency AID [Agency for Information and Documentation]. Well informed sources in Sarajevo claim that only Hasan addresses Izetbegovic with ‘ti’ [second person singular, used as an informal form of address] while all the others address him as ‘Mr. President,”‘ a sign of his extraordinary degree of intimacy with the president.

[BBC Summary of World Broadcasts, 10/28/96, “Radio elaborates on Iranian connection of Bosnian deputy defense minister,” from Croat Radio Herceg-Bosna, Mostar, in Serbo-Croatian, 10/25/96, bracketed text in original] In late 1996, at the insistence of the Clinton Administration, Hassan Cengic was reassigned to refugee affairs. However, in his new capacity he may present an even greater hazard to NATO forces in Bosnia, in light of past incidents such as the one that took place near the village of Celic in November 1996. At that time, in what NATO officers called part of a pattern of “military operations in disguise,” American and Russian IFOR troops were caught between Muslims and Serbs as the Muslims, some of them armed, attempted to encroach on the cease-fire line established by Dayton; commented a NATO spokesman: “We believe this to be a deliberate, orchestrated and provocative move to circumvent established procedures for the return of refugees.” [“Gunfire Erupts as Muslims Return Home,” Washington Post, 11/13/96]

Dzemal Merdan:

“The office of Brig. Gen. Dzemal Merdan is an ornate affair, equipped with an elaborately carved wooden gazebo ringed with red velvet couches and slippers for his guests. A sheepskin prayer mat lies in the comer, pointing toward Mecca. The most striking thing in the chamber is a large flag. It is not the flag of Bosnia, but of Iran. Pinned with a button of the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, Iran’s late Islamic leader, the flag occupies pride of place in Merdan’s digs — displayed in the middle of the gazebo for every visitor to see. Next to it hangs another pennant that of the Democratic Action Party, the increasingly nationalist Islamic organization of President Alija Izetbegovic that dominates Bosnia’s Muslim region…. Merdan’s position highlights the American dilemma. As head of the office of training and development of the Bosnian army, he is a key liaison figure in the U.S. [liaison figure in the U.S. [arm and train] program…. But Merdan, Western sources say, also has another job — as liaison with foreign Islamic fighters here since 1992 and promoter of the Islamic faith among Bosnia’s recruits. Sources identified Merdan as being instrumental in the creation of a brigade of Bosnian soldiers, called the 7th Muslim Brigade, that is heavily influenced by Islam and trained by fighters from Iran’s Revolutionary Guards. He has also launched a program, these sources say, to build mosques on military training grounds to teach Islam to Bosnian recruits. In addition, he helped establish training camps in Bosnia where Revolutionary Guards carried out their work.” [“Arming the Bosnians: U.S. Program Would Aid Force Increasingly Linked to Iran,” Washington Post, 1/26/96, emphasis added]

General Merdan is a close associate of both Izetbegovic and Cengic; the central region around Zenica, which was “completely militarized in the first two years of the war” under the control of Merdan’s mujahedin, is “under total control of the Cengic family.” [“Who Rules Bosnia and Which Way,” (Sarajevo) Slobodna Bosna, 11/17/96, FBIS translation; Slobodna Bosna is one of the few publications in Muslim-held areas that dares to criticize the policies and personal corruption of the ruling SDA clique.] Merdan’s mujahedin were accused by their erstwhile Croat allies of massacring more than 100 Croats near Zenica in late 1993. [“Bosnian Croats vow to probe war crimes by Moslems,” Agence France Presse, 5/12/95]

The Islamization of the Bosnian Army

In cooperation with the foreign Islamic presence, the Izetbegovic regime has revamped its security and military apparatus to reflect its Islamic revolutionary outlook, including the creation of mujahedin units throughout the army; some members of these units have assumed the guise of a shaheed (a “martyr,” the Arabic term commonly used to describe suicide bombers), marked by their white garb, representing a shroud. While these units include foreign fighters naturalized in Bosnia, most of the personnel are now Bosnian Muslims trained and indoctrinated by Iranian and other foreign militants – which also makes it easier for the Clinton Administration to minimize the mujahedin threat, because few of them are “foreigners.”

Prior to 1996, there were three principal mujahedin units in the Bosnian army, the first two of which are headquartered in the American IFOR/SFOR zone: (1) the 7th Muslim Liberation Brigade of the 3rd Corps, headquartered in Zenica; (2) the 9th Muslim Liberation Brigade of the 2nd Corps, headquartered in Travnik (the 2nd Corps is based in Tuzla); and (3) the 4th Muslim Liberation Brigade of the 4th Corps, headquartered in Konjic (in the French zone). [Bodansky, Some Call It Peace, page 401 Particularly ominous, many members of these units have donned the guise of martyrs, indicating their willingness to sacrifice themselves in the cause of Islam. Commenting on an appearance of soldiers from the 7th Liberation Brigade, in Zenica in December 1995, Bodansky writes: “Many of the fighters … were dressed in white coveralls over their uniforms. Officially, these were ‘white winter camouflage,’ but the green headbands [bearing Koranic verses] these warriors were wearing left no doubt that these were actually Shaheeds’ shrouds.” [Some Call It Peace, page 12] The same demonstration was staged before the admiring Iranian ambassador and President Izethbegovic in September 1996, when white winter garb could only be symbolic, not functional. [[NYT, 9/2/96] By June 1996, ten more mujahedin brigades had been established, along with numerous smaller “special units’ dedicated to covert and terrorist operations; while foreigners are present in all of these units, most of the soldiers are now native Bosnian Muslims. [native Bosnian Muslims. [Some Call It Peace, pages 42-46]

In addition to these units, there exists another group known as the Handzar (“dagger” or 94 scimitar”) Division, described by Bodansky as a “praetorian guard” for President Izetbegovic. “Up to 6000-strong, the Handzar division glories in a fascist culture. They see themselves as the heirs of the SS Handzar division, formed by Bosnian Muslims in 1943 to fight for the Nazis. Their spiritual model was Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who sided with Hitler. According to LJN officers, surprisingly few of those in charge of the Handzars … seem to speak good Serbo-Croatian. ‘Many of them are Albanian, whether from Kosovo [the Serb province where Albanians are the majority] or from Albania itself.’ They are trained and led by veterans from Afghanistan and Pakistan, say LTN sources.” [“Albanians and Afghans fight for the heirs to Bosnia’s SS past,” (London) Daily Telegraph, 12/29/93, bracketed text in original]

Self-Inflicted Atrocities

Almost since the beginning of the Bosnian war in the spring of 1992, there have been persistent reports — readily found in the European media but little reported in the United States — that civilian deaths in Muslim-held Sarajevo attributed to the Bosnian Serb Army were in some cases actually inflicted by operatives of the Izetbegovic regime in an (ultimately successful) effort to secure American intervention on Sarajevo’s behalf. These allegations include instances of sniping at civilians as well as three major explosions, attributed to Serbian mortar fire, that claimed the lives of dozens of people and, in each case, resulted in the international community’s taking measures against the Muslims’ Serb enemies. (The three explosions were: (1) the May 27, 1992, “breadline massacre.” which was reported to have killed 16 people and which resulted in economic sanctions on the Bosnian Serbs and rump Yugoslavia; (2) the February 5, 1994, Markale “market massacre,” killing 68 and resulting in selective NATO air strikes and an ultimatum to the Serbs to withdraw their heavy weapons from the area near Sarajevo; and (3) the August 28, 1995 “second market massacre,” killing 37 and resulting in large-scale NATO air strikes, eventually leading to the Dayton agreement and the deployment of IFOR.) When she was asked about such allegations (with respect to the February 1994 explosion) then-U.N. Ambassador and current Secretary of State-designate Madeleine Albright, in a stunning non sequitur, said: “It’s very hard to believe any country would do this to their own people, and therefore, although we do not exactly know what the facts are, it would seem to us that the Serbs are the ones that probably have a great deal of responsibility.” [“Senior official admits to secret U.N. report on Sarajevo massacre,” Deutsch Presse-Agentur, 6/6/96, emphasis added]

The fact that such a contention is difficult to believe does not mean it is not true. Not only did the incidents lead to the result desired by Sarajevo (Western action against the Bosnian Serbs), their staging by the Muslims would be entirely in keeping with the moral outlook of Islamic radicalism, which has long accepted the deaths of innocent (including Muslim) bystanders killed in terrorist actions. According to a noted analyst: “The dictum that the end justifies the means is adopted by all fundamentalist organizations in their strategies for achieving political power and imposing on society their own view of Islam. What is important in every action is its niy ‘yah, its motive. No means need be spared in the service of Islam as long as one takes action with a pure niy’ Yah.” [Amir Taheri, Holy Terror, Bethesda, MD, 1987] With the evidence that the Sarajevo leadership does in fact have a fundamentalist outlook, it is unwarranted to dismiss cavaliery the possibility of Muslim responsibility. Among some of the reports:


“French peacekeeping troops in the United Nations unit trying to curtail Bosnian Serb sniping at civilians in Sarajevo have concluded that until mid-June some gunfire also came from Government soldiers deliberately shooting at their own civilians. After what it called a ‘definitive’ investigation, a French marine unit that patrols against snipers said it traced sniper fire to a building normally occupied by Bosnian [i.e., Muslim] soldiers and other security forces. A senior French officer said, ‘We find it almost impossible to believe, but we are sure that it is true.”‘ [“Investigation Concludes Bosnian Government Snipers Shot at Civilians,” New York Times, 8/l/951

The 1992 “Breadline Massacre”:

“United Nations officials and senior Western military officers believe some of the worst killings in Sarajevo, including the massacre of at least 16 people in a bread queue, were carried out by the city’s mainly Muslim defenders — not Serb besiegers — as a propaganda ploy to win world sympathy and military intervention…. Classified reports to the UN force commander, General Satish Nambiar, concluded … that Bosnian forces loyal to President Alija Izetbegovic may have detonated a bomb. ‘We believe it was a command-detonated explosion, probably in a can,’ a UN official said then. ‘The large impact which is there now is not necessarily similar or anywhere near as large as we came to expect with a mortar round landing on a paved surface.” [“Muslims ‘slaughter their own people’,” (London) The Independent, 8/22/92]

“Our people tell us there were a number of things that didn’t fit. The street had been blocked off just before the incident. Once the crowd was let in and had lined up, the media appeared but kept their distance. The attack took place, and the media were immediately on the scene.” [Major General Lewis MacKenzie, Peacekeeper: The Road to Sarajevo, Vancouver, BC, 1993, pages 193-4; Gen. MacKenzie, a Canadian, had been commander of the U.N. peacekeeping force in Sarajevo.]

The 1994 Markale “Market Massacre”:

“French television reported last night that the United Nations investigation into the market-place bombing in Sarajevo two weeks ago had established beyond doubt that the mortar shell that killed 68 people was fired from inside Bosnian [Muslim lines.” [people was fired from inside Bosnian [Muslim] lines.” [“UN tracks source of fatal shell,” (London) The Times, 2/19/94]

“For the first time, a senior U.N. official has admitted the existence of a secret U.N. report that blames the Bosnian Moslems for the February 1994 massacre of Moslems at a Sarajevo market…. After studying the crater left by the mortar shell and the distribution of shrapnel, the report concluded that the shell was fired from behind Moslem lines.”

The report, however, was kept secret; the context of the wire story implies that U.S. Ambasador Albright may have been involved in its suppression. [DPA, 6/6/961 For a fuller discussion of the conflicting claims, see “Anatomy of a massacre,” Foreign Policy, 12/22/94, by David Binder; Binder, a veteran New York Times reporter in Yugoslavia, had access to the suppressed report. Bodansky categorically states that the bomb

“was actually a special charge designed and built with help from HizbAllah [“Party of God,” a Beirut-based pro-Iranian terror group] experts and then most likely dropped from a nearby rooftop onto the crowd of shoppers. Video cameras at the ready recorded this expertly-staged spectacle of gore, while dozens of corpses of Bosnian Muslim troops killed in action (exchanged the day before in a ‘body swap’ with the Serbs) were paraded in front of cameras to raise the casualty counts.” [Offensive in the Balkans, page 62]

The 1995 “Second Market Massacre”:

“British ammunition experts serving with the United Nations in Sarajevo have challenged key ‘evidence’ of the Serbian atrocity that triggered the devastating Nato bombing campaign which turned the tide of the Bosnian war.” The Britons’ analysis was confirmed by French analysts but their findings were “dismissed” by “a senior American officer” at U.N. headquarters in Sarajevo. [“Serbs ‘not guilty’ of massacre: Experts warned US that mortar was Bosnian,” (London) The Times, 10/i/95 A “crucial U.N. report [(London) The Times, 10/i/95]

A “crucial U.N. report [stating Serb responsibility for] the market massacre is a classified secret, but four specialists – a Russian, a Canadian and two Americans – have raised serious doubts about its conclusion, suggesting instead that the mortar was fired not by the Serbs but by Bosnian government forces.” A Canadian officer “added that he and fellow Canadian officers in Bosnia were ‘convinced that the Muslim government dropped both the February 5, 1994, and the August 28, 1995, mortar shells on the Sarajevo markets.”‘

An unidentified U.S. official “contends that the available evidence suggests either ‘the shell was fired at a very low trajectory, which means a range of a few hundred yards – therefore under [a range of a few hundred yards – therefore under [Sarajevo] government control,’ or ‘a mortar shell converted into a bomb was dropped from a nearby roof into the crowd.”‘ [“Bosnia’s bombers,” The Nation, 10/2/95 ]. At least some high-ranking French and perhaps other Western officials believed the Muslims responsible; after having received that account from government ministers and two generals, French magazine editor Jean Daniel put the question directly to Prime Minister Edouard Balladur: “‘They [i.e., the Muslims] have committed this carnage on their own people?’ I exclaimed in consternation. ‘Yes,’ confirmed the Prime Minister without hesitation, ‘but at least they have forced NATO to intervene. “‘ [“No more lies about Bosnia,” Le Nouvel Observateur, 8/31/95, translated in Chronicles – A Magazine of American Culture, January 1997]

Suppression of Enemies

As might be expected, one manifestation of the radical Islamic orientation of the Izetbegovic government is increasing curtailment of the freedoms of the remaining non-Muslims (Croats and Serbs) in the Muslim-held zone. While there are similar pressures on minorities in the Serb- and Croat-held parts of Bosnia, in the Muslim zone they have a distinct Islamic flavor. For example, during the 1996-1997 Christmas and New Year holiday season, Muslim militants attempted to intimidate not only Muslims but Christians from engaging in what had become common holiday practices, such as gift-giving, putting up Christmas or New Year’s trees, and playing the local Santa Claus figure, Grandfather Frost (Deda Mraz). [“The Holiday, All Wrapped Up; Bosnian Muslims Take Sides Over Santa,” Washington Post, 12/26/96] hi general:

“Even in Sarajevo itself, always portrayed as the most prominent multi-national community in Bosnia, pressure, both psychological and real, is impelling non-Bosniaks [i.e., non- Muslims] to leave. Some measures are indirect, such as attempts to ban the sale of pork and the growing predominance of [to ban the sale of pork and the growing predominance of [Bosniak] street names. Other measures are deliberate efforts to apply pressure. Examples include various means to make nonBosniaks leave the city. Similar pressures, often with more violent expression and occasionally with overt official participation, are being used throughout Bosnia.” [“Bosnia’s Security and U.S. Policy in the Next Phase A Policy Paper, International Research and Exchanges Board, November 1996]

In addition, President Izetbegovic’s party, the SDA, has launched politically-motivated attacks on moderate Muslims both within the SDA and in rival parties. For example, in the summer of 1996 former Prime Minister Haris Silajdzic. (a Muslim, and son of the former imam at the main Sarajevo mosque) was set upon and beaten by SDA militants. Silajdzic claimed Izetbegovic himself was behind the attacks. [was behind the attacks. [NYT, 9/2/96] h-fan Mustafic, a Muslim who cofounded the SDA, is a member of the Bosnian parliament and was president of the SDA’s executive council in Srebrenica when it fell to Bosnian Serb forces; he was taken prisoner but later released. Because of several policy disagreements with Izetbegovic and his close associates, Mustafic was shot and seriously wounded in Srebrenica by Izetbegovic loyalists. [[(Sarajevo) Slobodna Bosna, 7/14/96]

Finally, one incident sums up both the ruthlessness of the Sarajevo establishment in dealing with their enemies as well as their international radical links:

“A special Bosnian army unit headed by Bakir Izetbegovic, the Bosnian president’s son, murdered a Bosnian general found shot to death in Belgium last week, a Croatian newspaper reported … citing well-informed sources. The Vjesnik newspaper, controlled by the government, said the assassination of Yusuf Prazina was carried out by five members of a commando unit called ‘Delta’ and headed by Ismet Bajramovic also known as Celo. The paper said that three members of the Syrian-backed Palestinian movement Saika had Prazina under surveillance for three weeks before one of them, acting as an arms dealer, lured him into a trap in a car park along the main highway between Liege in eastern Belgium and the German border town of Aachen. Prazina, 30, nicknamed Yuka, went missing early last month. He was found Saturday with two bullet holes to the head. ‘The necessary logistical means to carry out the operation were provided by Bakir Izetbegovic, son of Alija Izetbegovic,, who left Sarajevo more than six months ago,’ Vjesnik said. It added that Bakir Izetbegovic ‘often travels between Brussels, Paris, Frankfurt, Baghdad, Tehran and Ankara, by using Iraqi and Pakistani passports,’ and was in Belgium at the time of the assassination. Hasan Cengic, head of logistics for the army in Bosnia- Hercegovina, was ‘personally involved in the assassination of Yuka Prazina,’ the paper said.” [Yuka Prazina,’ the paper said.” [Agence France Presse, 1/5/94]


The Clinton Administration’s blunder in giving the green light to the Iranian arms pipeline was based, among other errors, on a gross misreading of the true nature and goals of the Izetbegovic regime in Sarajevo. It calls to mind the similar mistake of the Carter Administration, which in 1979 began lavish aid to the new Sandinista government in Nicaragua in the hopes that (if the United States were friendly enough) the nine comandantes would turn out to be democrats, not communists, despite abundant evidence to the contrary. By the time the Reagan Administration finally cut off the dollar spigot in 198 1, the comandantes — or the “nine little Castros,” as they were known locally — had fully entrenched themselves in power.

To state that the Clinton Administration erred in facilitating the penetration of the Iranians and other radical elements into Europe would be a breathtaking understatement. A thorough reexamination of U.S. policy and goals in the region is essential. In particular, addressing the immediate threat to U.S. troops in Bosnia, exacerbated by the extention of the IFOR/SFOR mission, should be a major priority of the of the 105th Congress.

RPC staff contact: Jim Jatras, 224-2946

Copyright Republican Party Committee of the US Congress,  1997

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Daniel Ellsberg Calls Chelsea Manning “an American Hero”

March 22nd, 2019 by Prof. Marjorie Cohn

Two years after being released from prison where she had served seven years for exposing U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, Chelsea Manning was jailed once again for refusing to answer questions before a grand jury investigating WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange.

“I will not comply with this, or any other grand jury,” Manning declared in a written statement. “Imprisoning me for my refusal to answer questions only subjects me to additional punishment for my repeatedly-stated ethical objections to the grand jury system.”

Noted whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg praised Manning.

“Chelsea Manning is in jail again, this time for resisting a grand jury system whose secrecy and lack of witness rights makes it prone to frequent abuse,” Ellsberg told Truthout. “She is also resisting its current abuse, as it is used to attack freedom of the press by pursuing criminal charges for publication of the very war crimes and corruption she courageously revealed to WikiLeaks nine years ago.”

Manning wrote,

“The grand jury’s questions pertained to disclosures from nine years ago, and took place six years after an in-depth computer forensics case, in which I testified for almost a full day about these events. I stand by my previous public testimony.”

Prosecutors inadvertently disclosed last summer that they had a sealed indictment against Assange. Since 2010, when WikiLeaks published the documents Manning leaked, the U.S. government has been gunning for Assange.

“The Obama administration had decided against trying to charge him because of fears that establishing a precedent that his actions were a crime could chill investigative journalism,” Charlie Savage wrote in The New York Times.

Manning told the judge at her guilty plea hearing that no one at WikiLeaks asked or encouraged her to give them documents.

“No one associated with WLO [WikiLeaks Organization] pressured me into sending any more information,” she said.

Before contacting WikiLeaks, Manning tried to interest The Washington Post in publishing the documents, but she received no response. She was also unsuccessful in contacting The New York Times.

At the age of 22, Pfc. Manning, who was an Army intelligence analyst, gave hundreds of thousands of classified Pentagon and State Department documents about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to WikiLeaks. In 2013, Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison. She ultimately served seven years, including time in pretrial custody, after Obama commuted the remainder of her sentence as he was leaving office.

Manning, a transgender woman, suffered in a male military prison and attempted suicide on two occasions in 2016. She was held in solitary confinement and was humiliated by being subjected to forced nudity during inspection for the first 11 months of her incarceration. United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture Juan Méndez characterized her treatment as cruel, inhuman and degrading. He couldn’t determine whether it amounted to torture because he was not permitted to visit her under acceptable conditions.

Manning Refuses to Cooperate With the Grand Jury

On March 8, U.S. District Judge Claude M. Hilton in the Eastern District of Virginia held Manning in contempt and jailed her for refusing to cooperate with the grand jury. The prosecution had offered her immunity from prosecution if she testified, but she declined. Manning will remain in custody until she agrees to answer questions or when the term of the grand jury expires, whichever comes first.

Since she was offered immunity, Manning could not claim the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination. But in refusing to answer questions, she invoked her rights under the First, Fourth and Sixth Amendments.

“I will not participate in a secret process that I morally object to, particularly one that has been historically used to entrap and persecute activists for protected political speech,” she said in a statement.

Indeed, prosecutors have utilized the grand jury as a tool to serve those in power.

“In periods of great turmoil and dissent, when the exploited and oppressed vocally expressed their views, often for the first time, the grand jury, rather than protecting the rights of the dissenters, stood on the side of the rich and powerful, to protect the status quo,” civil rights attorney Michael Deutsch wrote in a law review article tracing the history of abuse by grand juries.

During the pre-Civil War, Civil War and Reconstruction periods, the grand jury was enlisted to enforce slavery laws, Deutsch noted. Southern grand juries often indicted outspoken abolitionists for sedition or inciting slaves. They charged people with harboring runaways or helping fugitives escape. Reconstruction-era grand juries were used to deny political participation and suffrage to Black people.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, grand juries assisted the government in quelling the militant labor movement, indicting “thousands of labor organizers, union leaders, and activists on framed-up charges, ranging from unlawful assembly to murder and bombings,” according to Deutsch.

Grand juries indicted hundreds of socialists, Wobblies and antiwar activists for espionage and sedition during World War I, Deutsch wrote. The government also used the grand jury to suppress the Black nationalist movement.

Alleged communists were investigated and indicted during the redbaiting of the Cold War period. Nixon-era grand juries targeted opponents of the Vietnam War and participants in women’s liberation and Black nationalist movements.

Former Sen. Edward M. Kennedy described the Nixon grand jury as “a new breed of political animal — the kangaroo grand jury — spawned in a dark corner of the Department of Justice, nourished by an administration bent on twisting law enforcement to serve its own political ends, a dangerous modern form of Star Chamber secret inquisition that is trampling the rights of American citizens from coast to coast.”

In 1972, the National Lawyers Guild founded the Grand Jury Project and wrote a comprehensive manual on representing witnesses before grand juries. Subpoenaed witnesses developed a coordinated strategy of “non-collaboration” where they would refuse to answer questions even after being granted immunity and facing contempt. Once a witness answers a question, he or she cannot then refuse to answer others.

People who are subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury cannot have counsel present. The prosecutor holds all the cards. Federal grand juries failed to indict in only 11 of 162,000 cases in 2010, the Bureau of Justice Statistics reported.

Manning Follows in the Valiant Tradition of Daniel Ellsberg

In 1969, Daniel Ellsberg, who was a high-ranking Pentagon official, smuggled out of his office at the RAND Corporation and made public a 7,000-page top secret report documenting the decision-making during the Vietnam War. It was the Pentagon Papers. Ellsberg knew he would probably spend life in prison for his exposé.

The release of the Pentagon Papers led to the end of the Nixon presidency, and also the Vietnam War, in which 58,000 Americans and 3 million Vietnamese died. Ellsberg’s courageous act helped to hold accountable leaders who had begun and conducted an illegal and deadly war.

Manning follows in the valiant tradition of Ellsberg. The reports she leaked contain evidence of U.S. war crimes. One notable example is the “Collateral Murder” video, shot from inside a U.S. helicopter gunship as it fired on 12 unarmed civilians, including two Reuters journalists, who were walking down a street in Baghdad. The U.S. soldiers then killed a man who was rescuing the wounded and they injured two children in his van. An American jeep drove over a body on the ground.

The actions of the U.S. soldiers depicted in that video amount to war crimes under the Geneva Conventions and the Army Field Manual, which prohibit the targeting of civilians, preventing rescue of the injured and defacing the dead.

Manning told the military tribunal during her guilty plea proceeding she was frustrated by her inability to convince her chain of command to investigate the Collateral Murder video and what she called “war porn” that was documented in the files she provided to WikiLeaks. “I was disturbed by the response of the discovery of injured children at the scene,” she said. Manning was troubled by the attitude of the soldiers depicted in the video, who “seemed to not value human life by referring to [their targets] as ‘dead bastards.’”

The “Afghan War Diary” documents, which Manning also leaked, were posted on WikiLeaks in coordination with The New York Times, the German magazine Der Spiegel and the U.K. Guardian.

“I believe that if the general public, especially the American public, had access to the information … this could spark a domestic debate on the role of the military and our foreign policy … as it related to Iraq and Afghanistan,” Manning said while pleading guilty.

It “might cause society to reevaluate the need and even desire to engage in counterterrorism and counterinsurgency operations that ignore the complex dynamics of the people living in the [a]ffected environment everyday,” she added.

Like Ellsberg’s disclosures, Manning’s revelations actually saved lives.

“After WikiLeaks published [her] documentation of Iraqi torture centers established by the United States, the Iraqi government refused Obama’s request to extend immunity to U.S. soldiers who commit criminal and civil offenses there. As a result, Obama had to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq,” I wrote in 2013.

“Manning knowingly risked her freedom then for truth-telling and actually suffered seven-and-a-half years in prison. I regard her as an American hero, and I admire her for what she is doing, risking and enduring right now,” Ellsberg said.

No one understands better than he does.


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Copyright Truthout. Reprinted with permission.

Marjorie Cohn is professor emerita at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, former president of the National Lawyers Guild, deputy secretary general of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers and a member of the advisory board of Veterans for Peace. Her most recent book is Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues. She is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from RadarOnline.com

Education Minister Lisa Thompson, walked up to the podium at the Ontario Science Centre on Friday to tell Ontarians about her plan for education.  But first, she took a shot at the Liberal Party. Liberal “ideology” she claimed, got it wrong on education from the “social experiment” of the 2015 sexual education curriculum to Discovery Math.  It was “not a moment too soon” she said, that the government of Doug Ford stepped in to set Ontario schools on a new “sustainable path.”

Sustainable for whom?

Let’s face it, Ontario schools sinking under twenty years of Liberal and Tory cuts and underfunding are in for something much worse.

Here’s an outline of what Ms. Thompson is planning:

Sexual Education

During the election last May, the so-called “sex-ed curriculum” had to go as far as the Tories were concerned. Doug Ford said the Liberals had introduced a “sex curriculum based on ideology.” Once elected, he immediately shut it down and even introduced a “snitch line” so people could call and rat out teachers if they taught the banned curriculum.

Turns out it was only an election ploy, after all. Ms. Thompson isn’t going to do much to change the curriculum. It will introduce the idea of consent in grades 2 and 3 and kids will still learn about their body parts in grade 1. But she’ll push gender identity to grade 8 since younger boys and girls are still considered to be too young to learn that there are a variety of families in the community, including those with two moms or two dads, one mom, one dad and so on.

She has introduced an opt-out plan for parents who don’t want their children to learn about certain topics. This was already in place, so she didn’t introduce anything.

Curriculum of Indigenous Peoples

Curriculum writing for Indigenous peoples’ history was one of the first things the Ford government stopped last summer when it sent home the writing team of native people from across the province who were supposed to develop it. It’s now somehow reappeared ready for a May release – though, as recently as September, the Ministry wasn’t planning to recall the writing team.So, file this one under the category: Believe it when you see it


From a government that gave up $3 billion in potential funds from a cap and trade agreement for greenhouse gases, it’s rich that Ms. Thompson wants to introduce financial literacy in the classroom as part of the Ministry’s new math strategy. Mind you, it’s already threaded through the existing math curriculum as part its practical applications and the minister wasn’t providing many details  about how things are going to be different. The Tories are also going to introduce Ontario students to “back to basics” math. There’s no mention of what that means or how they are going to do it.

Ms. Thompson plans to have teachers spend more time on Science Technology Engineering and Math, (STEM) though she didn’t go into any detail. Again, it’s already taught throughout the Science curriculum, though the backgrounder to her announcement mentions a grade 10 career studies course geared to STEM in industry.

Banning Cell Phones

You know a government is up to something, when it sets out to distract people with non-issues like banning cell phones. School boards already have strategies to keep them out of classrooms when they’re just going to distract kids. Ryan Bird, spokesperson for the TDSB, says that the board encourages the use of technology like smartphones in the classrooms. It “might make sense in one classroom and not in another.” That’s why decisions to ban them depend on circumstances at each TDSB school. The same is true at the Toronto Catholic Board. Principals and teachers are quite capable of making the call.

Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO)

Having just appointed failed PC candidate Cameron Montgomery to head EQAO at a salary of $140 000 per year (previous stipend was about $5 000 per year) it’s no surprise that the Ministry won’t be doing the right thing and dumping the testing agency, which has for so long misrepresented skills of students across the province.

What’s interesting here though is that the government wants to the EQAO to delve into more personal areas than reading, writing and math: “transferrable skills like collaboration, problem solving and citizenship.” The research group People for Education, with backing from the Liberals, has been pushing this bad idea for some time. It’s called “Measuring What Matters,” and is based on the illusion that qualities like compassion, social responsibility, reflection and collaboration may be distilled into bullet points and assessed in some valid way. Put that idea into the hands of a business-driven Tory government and it takes on an even more sinister meaning.

But, here’s that part that must have motivated Lisa Thompson to show up for an 8:30 a.m. announcement. This is where we get into lowering expectations and cutting education.

Hiring Practices

Too many young teachers she explained, have been passed over for jobs because hiring prioritizes seniority not skills – something that she’s going to change. It’s just not true. Ontario regulation 274/12 does outline rules for seniority, but it’s also clear about the interview process and required qualifications. Nonetheless, seniority matters to education workers of all kinds who don’t want their careers decided by whether or not some school board administrator likes them or not.

And this from a government blazing new trails for cronyism. See EQAO above.

Are Ms. Thompson and her boss  getting ready to take on the unions representing teachers and education workers?


Starting in 2021 the Ministry will phase in the requirement that students go online to take four out of the 30 credits they need to get their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). The press backgrounder said this is because the government is “committed to modernizing education and supporting students and families in innovative ways to enhance their success.”  Really? How does sitting alone in front of a computer, enhance anything?

How will the Ministry or school boards monitor learning? What will happen to students who can’t afford up-to-date computers? There wasn’t any information about that.

Let’s just read this as the Ministry wanting to cut teachers by putting kids online, not in classrooms. Maybe this is the way, the Ford government plans to handle the school repair backlog.

Skilled Trades

There’s already programme called Specialist High Skills Majors for grade 11 and 12 students who might be interested in “apprenticeship training, college, university or the workplace.” They can get credits towards their diploma while earning industry certifications and skills.

Ms. Thompson managed to keep a straight face when she proclaimed that the Liberals were “elitist” focusing only on university preparation. Then she went on to introduce this programme as her own. She might as well say that the Tories are “for the people.”

To underscore such cynicism, you only have to remember that just a few weeks ago the Ford government made it more expensive for students to attend post-secondary schools

Class Size

This is the big one:

  • Kindergarten to grade 3 class size caps will remain the same. The school board average class size for these grades will be the same.  All day kindergarten will continue. This is most likely the result of parent groups pushing back hard  after Minister Thompson mused about doing away with class size caps.
  • Grades 4 to 8 will have 1 more student on average per class.
  • Secondary schools’ average class size will jump from 22 to 28. Since this is negotiated locally by the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation (OSSTF), the Ministry simply cut funds to the school boards to support a ratio of 1 teacher for every 28 students not 1 for 22.

How many teachers will be lost? According to Lisa Thompson, “not one teacher will lose their job (sic).”

She doesn’t mention attrition – retirements, people looking for other work and so on. So, the real figure, according to OSSTF President Harvey Bischoff, looks more like 3 630 teaching jobs lost to education across the province – 800 to 1 000 here in Toronto. NDP education critic Marit Stiles estimates that in 4 years Ontario will have 10 000 less teachers and other educators working with students across the province.


The Local Priorities Fund established in 2017 is gone. It came out of labour negotiations to provide $325.4 million (2018 figures) for more special education staff to help kids with special needs. According to an April 2017 memo from the assistant deputy minister in charge of finance, it would provide 875 special education teachers cross the province along with up to 1 800 education workers (2017 figures)

Cutting this program is bizarre. The Ministry is pushing kids on the autism spectrum into the schools on April 1. True, they’re getting the $12 300 every child gets to attend school. But, there’s no sign of stable money for the future and given these students’ massive need for support, principals and teachers are left scrambling to cope with the changes. By cutting this special fund for kids, it just makes a bad situation worse.

The Cost Adjustment Allocation is gone as well. It was supposed to provide supplemental funding for education workers, but the Ministry has downloaded that task to school boards. The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario estimates this to be a loss of $63.6 million.

The Human Resource Transition Supplement that also came from the 2017 negotiated settlements to help school boards meet the resulting staffing changes, is also history. That’s another $10 million gone, according to CUPE.

By Ms. Thompson’s own reckoning, there will be a 1 percent cut to the education budget  –  that comes to $250 million dollars. Over 4 years that sort of cut could  add up  to $1 billion – that’s the 4 per cent slice the Tories were talking about three months ago

Let’s not forget the $25 million cut to Education Program – Other (EP-O) funds back in January. Then there’s the matter of $16 billion in repairs that schools need to keep operating properly. No mention of those items anywhere in Ms. Thompson’s announcement.

Look at this mess and you might recall that night a few weeks ago when Doug Ford’s Tories fed themselves a $1 250 a plate dinner and raised $4 million for the party in one evening. It was furious parents and educators on one side of the line, well-off Tories seeking a place at the trough on the other – epitomising narcissism and greed.

This is the result of that massive egotism – destruction dressed up as concern for children and hypocrisy masquerading as policy from a government that is nothing more than an empty bag to hold power for business interests. They alone will profit from this government.


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