This month marks 31 years since the U.S. Navy ship, the USS Vincennes, shot down Iran Air flight 655, killing 290 Iranian civilians, including 66 children. The downing of the airliner on July 3, 1988 remains one of the deadliest flight disasters of all time. Although Americans have largely forgotten the tragedy, Iran commemorates its anniversary each year, and the incident still hangs over U.S.-Iran relations.

One aspect of the Iran Air flight 655 story that has been completely unknown until now is the FBI’s actions immediately after the incident.

According to formerly secret documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, in the days immediately following the downing of an Iran Air flight 655, the FBI conducted an effort it labeled “Winter Campaign,” which included surveillance of Iranians and Iranian groups in the United States, and extended to Muslims abroad.

The FBI documents dated beginning July 4, 1988—just one day after the flight was shot down—describe “Winter Campaign” as an effort to collect information to prevent any retaliation from Iran for the downing of flight 655. However, the FBI documents repeatedly call for surveillance of Iranians and Iranian groups engaging in constitutionally protected activities like attending protests and belonging to political and religious organizations.

Large portions of the documents are redacted, but there is enough detail to get a strong sense of the surveillance operation the FBI conducted in the weeks following the downing of flight 655.

In a July 5, 1988 communication sent to all FBI field offices and legal attaches abroad, the FBI director’s office instructs FBI offices in major U.S. cities to begin “physical surveillance, spot checks, etc.” of Iranian groups and individuals. “These measures will remain in effect until notified by FBIHQ,” the communication reads.

The U.S. cities specifically named in the document for monitoring are Boston, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, Newark, New York, and the Washington D.C. area. Unfortunately, the lines describing the type of measures the FBI offices were instructed to take in these cities is redacted.

Protests in the city of San Diego were also deemed by the FBI to be a particular concern, given that the USS Vincennes—the U.S. Navy vessel that shot down the airliner—was based out of San Diego.

A July 28, 1988 communication from the FBI office in San Diego asks all FBI offices to monitor any Iranian activists traveling to San Diego, as well as any plans for protests in San Diego.

The communication also states:

San Diego [San Diego FBI office] continues to monitor the activities of key Pro-Khomeini Iranians and will provide the Bureau and recipients with timely updates as to investigative results, asset reporting, and assessments in regard to this matter.

This same July 28 communication from the FBI’s San Diego field office also indicates that the FBI was keeping tabs on the International Muslim Student Association/Persian Speaking Group (MSA/PSG). The FBI described the group’s weekly meeting as

both a religious meeting and a political forum for PLO-Khomeini Shites Moslems who are predominantly the members/supporters of the local Anjoman Islamie (AI) Chapter.

Surveillance of Muslims Abroad

The FBI documents indicate that the FBI’s “Winter Campaign” also extended to Muslims abroad.

A communication sent from the FBI legal attaché in Barbados to the FBI director’s office on July 19, 1988, describes the surveillance of Muslims on the Caribbean island of Curacao on July 3, 1988, just one day after the downing of flight 655.

The communication reads:

On the day following the incident in the Persian Gulf, the local Muslims held a meeting, after their hour of prayer, during this meeting the incident was discussed and heavily criticized.

The FBI legal attaché in Barbados was also monitoring the statements and travel of the public relations representative of Iran in Barbados, noting that he traveled to Venezuela to give his condolences to the Iranian consul.

Mujahedin-E-Khalq and Monarchist Groups

In addition to monitoring other Iranian groups, the FBI was interested in gathering the opinions of American-based Iranian opposition groups to the downing of Iran Air flight 655.

The San Diego branch of the Iranian opposition group, Mujahedin-E-Khalq (MEK), which was formerly listed by the U.S. State Department as a terror organization, is quoted in the document as “applauding” the U.S. Navy’s downing of the Iranian airliner.

The July 28 San Diego FBI field office communication states:

The San Diego MEK chapter does not blame the U.S. but rather applauds the event as it serves to “bloody the nose of Iran” and cause greater disharmony between the U.S. and Iran. Either case is seen by them to benefit the MEK cause.

The San Diego branch of the MEK also believed conspiracie theories that the downing of the airliner was an Iranian propaganda operation.

The San Diego MEK appears to generally believe that bodies recovered from the crash sight were planted either aboard the jet before a suicide mission or were planted at the scene by design.

The FBI documents indicate that the group believed that Iranian search-and-rescue units were “fully equipped and in position to arrive on the scene ahead of any other party to control the scene and maximize the propaganda value.”

The section of the documents on the MEK is particularly interesting because the group is still very active, and John Bolton, President Trump’s national security advisor, has given paid speeches at MEK gatherings where he pledged to overthrow Iran’s government.

The documents also mention other Iranian dissident groups based in the United States. An FBI asset in the pro-monarchy (pro-Shah) element of the Iranian community in the United States is quoted as saying the monarchist community didn’t blame the United States for downing the airliner.

It would not appear that the Pro-Monarchy (Pro-Palavi) segment of the local Iranian community blames the U.S. for its action or fosters any ill will due to the tragedy.

Trita Parsi, co-founder of the Quincy Institute, reacted to the opinions expressed by the MEK and monarchist groups in the FBI documents, telling Lobe Log:

The fact that the MEK, and to a lesser extent the Monarchists, at the time were absolving Washington of responsibility and even claimed the tragedy was a publicity stunt by Tehran, only goes to show how marginalized these groups are and how tremendously disconnected they are from mainstream opinion among Iranians. Their lack of empathy for innocent Iranians killed shows why they have had such difficulty getting traction among Iranians, in spite of the immense unpopularity of the current government.

One-Year Anniversary of Flight 655

On the one-year anniversary of the downing of the flight, July 3, 1989, a communication from the FBI Director’s office went out to all FBI field offices and legal attaches abroad instructing all FBI offices conducting “technical surveillances” of Iranian groups or individuals to remain alert.

The FBI communication instructed all field officers to:

Report any information pertaining to organized efforts or planned activity by Iranian groups or individuals to protest or demonstrate against the United States in connection with the anniversary of the incident.

FBI field offices with Iranian assets were also asked to canvass their assets for “any information pertinent to the anniversary date” and report any “unusual activity with the Iranian community.”

The July 3 communication also details that the FBI headquarters learned of a yet-to-be-aired CBS TV report on the downing of Iran Air flight 655, which was to be broadcast on the anniversary of the incident.

The FBI communication states, “the mere topic could increase the threat potential in the U.S.” 

Current Tensions

The FBI documents revealed here are of historic importance. However, they are particularly interesting given the renewed tension between the United States and Iran since President Trump took office in 2017.

The downing of flight 655 came at the tail end of the Iran-Iraq war, and by 1988, the United States was directly involved in assisting Saddam Hussein’s war effort against Iran. During this period, oil tankers were regularly being attacked in the waters off Iran’s coast, and there was an increasing risk of a direct U.S.-Iran military confrontation. There are some concerning similarities between then and now, and the United States has even voiced concerns tensions with Iran could once again pose a threat to civilian air traffic.

The United States appears to be playing a less-than-helpful role in preventing a future incident like flight 655. On July 3, 2019, the anniversary of the downing of flight 655, observers noted that a U.S. surveillance aircraft off the coast of Iran had changed its transponder number and was impersonating an Iranian aircraft. It’s possible this was done to confuse Iranian air defenses, putting civilian aircraft in the area at risk. Immediately after the downing of flight 655, the United States claimed that the Iranian airliner had a transponder signaling it was an Iranian military aircraft, but this turned out to be untrue.

Discrimination and Harassment of Iranian-Americans Today

It is not yet known if the FBI under Trump has instituted anything like “Winter Campaign” to target Iranians and Iranian groups with increased surveillance. However, the Trump administration’s harsh anti-Iran attitudes have certainly extended beyond rhetoric and into government-directed policies, which are harming Iranian-Americans.

The Trump administration’s most obvious act of institutional discrimination against Iranians is the travel ban, which targets Iranians more than any other group.

“Sixty percent of the people affected by the travel ban are Iranians,” Toossi of NIAC said. “Now our families and our loved ones can’t come to see us, there’s countless cases of people’s spouses from Iran who aren’t allowed to come here.”

The Trump administration has also been behind a harassment campaign that operated under the name “The Iran Disinformation Project,” which received money from the State Department to launch social media attacks on Iranians, journalists, human rights groups, and even an Iranian-American running for public office.

“The goal of Iran Disinfo was to craft a narrative that anyone who is critical of Trump’s Iran policy is illegitimate or connected to Iranian regime and try to push the narrative that Iranian-Americans support Trump’s harsh policy towards Iran,” said Toossi.

Toossi stated that NIAC has received reports of Iranian-Americans and Iranians with valid visas facing trouble entering the United States at airports. Just this week, an Iranian volleyball team was detained at Chicago’s O’Hare airport for four hours when they arrived to participate in a Nation’s League Tournament.

Trump’s anti-Iran rhetoric and policies have also fueled other forms of discrimination against Iranian-Americans. According to a survey conducted by the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans, Iranian-Americans have seen an increase in discrimination since 2016, and more than three-quarters of Iranian-Americans surveyed express fear that they will be discriminated against in the future.

Leila Austin, executive director for the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans, told Lobe Log,

PAAIA has been receiving more phone calls from individuals across the country who have experienced discrimination due to their ethnicity. We’ve heard from people about workplace discrimination, property discrimination, and even police discrimination.

U.S. banks and technology companies have also been treating Iranian-Americans unfairly by shutting down their accounts. Toossi said,

“There are many cases of Iranian Americans banks accounts being closed down, citing vague sanctions reasons when there is no legitimate sanction reason.”

The messaging app Slack and the money-transferring app Venmo have closed accounts and blocked transactions that mention the word “Iran,” according to Toossi. “It’s really ridiculous and we’ve had to write letters to these companies,” Toossi continued.

As has been the case since Iran’s revolution in 1979, Iranians and Iranian-Americans suffer most at times of heightened tension between the United States and Iran.

“The overall climate of anti-Iran hysteria is really impacting Iranian-Americans in their day-to-day life here in the United States. Whether it’s the fear of war or any of the Trump administration’s other very hostile, aggressive policies towards Iran, many people in the community have become afraid of even speaking out,” Toossi said.


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Paul Gottinger is an independent journalist based in Chicago and Istanbul.

Featured image is from Iran Review

The modern way to overthrow a government the capitalist world doesn’t like is by claiming to do it in the name of supporting ‘human rights’. This requires that the target be portrayed as a rights violator.

As part of their effort to overthrow Nicolas Maduro’s government, Ottawa has funded and promoted a slew of groups and individuals critical of human rights in Venezuela. And a recent report by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) gave a boost to Canada’s faltering coup bid in that South American country. Overseen by former social democratic Chilean president Michelle Bachelet, the report paints Venezuelan security forces as extremely violent and the government as politically repressive.

While the Hugo Chavez/Maduro government’s failure to address insecurity/police violence in the country is condemnable, some context is required. Neighbours Colombia and Brazil also have significant problems with police and other forms of violence. As do countries such as Mexico, El Salvador, Jamaica, Honduras, etc.

Instead of offering a roadmap for remedying the scourge of violence and divisions in the country, the one-sided OHCHR report offers a public relations triumph to those pursuing regime change, which would likely plunge the country into greater violence. As former OHCHR Independent Expert Alfred de Zayas pointed out, Bachelet “should have clearly condemned the violence by extreme right opposition leaders and the calls for foreign intervention in Venezuela.” The human rights law expert, who produced a report on Venezuela last year, added that the “report should also have focussed on the criminality of the repeated attempts at a coup d’etat [because] there is nothing more undemocratic than a coup.”

On Saturday thousands marched in Caracas and other Venezuelan cities to reject the OHCHR report. For its part, the Venezuelan government responded with a 70-point rebuttal and Maduro wrote an open letter challenging the OHCHR report. According to Caracas, more than 80% of the 558 individuals interviewed by the OHCHR were not in Venezuela and Maduro asked, “can a political project legitimized 23 times at the ballot box in the last twenty years be called a dictatorship?” The Venezuelan government also criticized the OHCHR for failing to call for the lifting of unilateral sanctions, which the Center for Economic and Policy Research recently found responsible for 40,000 deaths from August 2017 to the end of 2018. The sanctions have become more extreme since. A Financial Times story last week titled “Venezuela sanctions fuel famine fears” and a New York Times op-ed titled “Misguided sanctions hurt Venezuelans” highlight their growing impact.

Canada has adopted four rounds of unilateral sanctions against Venezuela. It also contributed to the one-sided OHCHR report. In mid-June Bachelet met Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and foreign minister Chrystia Freeland. They reportedly discussed Venezuela. Bachelet also participated in a panel with Freeland on “the global fight for human rights.” It was moderated by former Canadian Ambassador in Venezuela Ben Roswell, who has been Canada’s most vocal advocate for overthrowing Maduro’s government.

Even more dubious, Bachelet met self-declared Venezuelan president Juan Guaidó’s “ambassador” in Canada Orlando Viera Blanco. Accompanied by Chile’s ambassador, Alejandro Marisio, Viera-Blanco gave Bachelet a dossier of purported human rights abuses in Venezuela. In a sign of how seriously he took the report and Bachelet’s then upcoming visit to Venezuela, Viera-Blanco posted two dozen tweets related to meeting Bachelet.

The statement released by Bachelet’s office at the end of her two-day visit to Montreal and Ottawa reflects what could be described as an ‘imperialistic human rights agenda’. In a press release titled “Canada ‘a welcome ally’ in advancing human rights around the world”, Bachelet declared,

“Canada is a leader in promoting the international human rights agenda and the benefits of the rules-based international order.”

That’s a Trudeau government talking point that doesn’t withstand minimal scrutiny. During their mandate the Liberals have cozied up with repressive Middle East monarchies, backed brutal mining companies, justified Israeli violence against Palestinians, enabled a corrupt, illegitimate and murderous Haitian president to remain in power, allied with an unconstitutional Honduran government, deployed troops on various NATO missions, failed to end Canada’s ‘low level war’ on Iran, refused to supportnuclear weapons controls, increased military spending, etc.

Why would Bachelet and the OHCHR lend themselves to the US-led campaign against Venezuela’s government? The anti-Maduro Lima Group and Chilean president Sebastián Piñera have pressured Bachelet to criticize the Maduro government. In fact, Bachelet’s government joined the Lima Group of countries opposed to the Maduro government.

The OHCHR is dependent on countries hostile to Maduro for its funding. About 45% of its budget comes from general UN funds and most of the rest from discretionary state contributions. Norway, Britain, European Commission, Sweden, Denmark and the US are its top donors. Canada was the OHCHR’s ninth biggest national funder in 2018 and the tenth biggest in the first six months of this year.

What prompted me to dissect the OHCHR report was an email sent to my mother from a politically sympathetic family member who asked whether it was a mistake to dog Trudeau on Venezuela. (At a public event last month I repeatedly yelled “Hands off Venezuela”, “end illegal Canadian sanctions”, “non a l’intervention Canadien au Venezuela” a few feet from the Prime Minister and a week ago I yelled “hands off Venezuela” and “end the Illegal Canadian sanctions” as Trudeau left a press conference. In a similar vein, some 50 individuals confronted Freeland about Venezuela at a Canada Day barbecue and last week activists in London, Ontario, challenged Trudeau on Venezuela at a music festival.) My relative wrote that he supported countries’ right to self-determination but felt that Bachelet’s report was a credible indictment of the Maduro government.

But if the attempts to overthrow the Venezuelan government were really about human rights violations how do you explain the lack of similar Canadian (or other Western nations) action against dozens of countries with terrible human rights records but that do not challenge capitalism?

Even those inclined to believe some of the more extreme criticisms leveled against the Venezuelan government should support the protesters, not our government. The likely result of Canada succeeding in its current path is a civil war in Venezuela. Moreover, it would set a bad precedent if Canada were to succeed in its brazen coup mongering. (In a further sign of the brashness of their campaign, the Professional Association of Foreign Service Officers gave Patricia Atkinson, Head of the Venezuela Task Force at Global Affairs Canada, its Foreign Service Officers award last month. The write up explained, “Patricia, and the superb team she assembled and led, supported the Minister’s engagement and played key roles in the substance and organization of 11 meetings of the 13 country Lima group which coordinates action on Venezuela. She assisted in developing three rounds of sanctions against the regime.”)

Whatever one thinks of Maduro, Canada’s interference in Venezuela’s internal affairs and unilateral sanctions contravene the “rules-based international order” Trudeau, Freeland and Bachelet claim Ottawa upholds. But, Parliament and the media largely play along so it’s only through grassroots activism that we can hope to pry open the discussion and rein in our government.


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Featured image: Chrystia Freeland, Michelle Bachelet and Ben Roswell (Source: Yves Engler)

Israeli police forced out the Siyam family from their home in the heart of occupied East Jerusalem last week, the final chapter in their 25-year legal battle against a powerful settler organisation. 

The family’s defeat represented much more than just another eviction. It was intended to land a crushing blow against the hopes of some 20,000 Palestinians living in the shadow of the Old City walls and Al Aqsa mosque. 

Dozens of families in the Silwan neighbourhood have endured the same fate as the Siyams, and the Israeli courts have approved the imminent eviction of many hundreds more Palestinians from the area. 

But, unlike those families, the Siyams’ predicament briefly caught public attention. That was because one of them, Jawad Siyam, has become a figurehead of Silwan’s resistance efforts. 

Mr Siyam, a social worker, has led the fight against Elad, a wealthy settler group that since the early 1990s has been slowly erasing Silwan’s Palestinian identity, in order to remake it as the City of David archeological park.

Mr Siyam has served as a spokesman, drawing attention to Silwan’s plight. He has also helped to organise the community, setting up youth and cultural centres to fortify Silwan’s identity and sense of purpose in the face of Israel’s relentless oppression.

However, the settlers of Elad want Silwan dismembered, not strengthened.

Elad’s mission is to strip away the Palestinian community to reveal crumbling relics beneath, which it claims are proof that King David founded his Israelite kingdom there 3,000 years ago. 

The history and archeological rationalisations may be murky, but the political vision is clear. The Palestinians of Silwan are to be forced out like unwelcome squatters.

An Israeli human rights group, Peace Now, refers to plans for the City of David as “the transformation of Silwan into a Disneyland of the messianic extreme right wing”. 

It is the most unequal fight imaginable – a story of David and Goliath, in which the giant fools the world into believing he is the underdog.

It has pitted Mr Siyam and other residents against not only the settlers, but the US and Israeli governments, the police and courts, archaeologists, planning authorities, national parks officials and unwitting tourists.

And, adding to their woes, Silwan’s residents are being forced to fight both above and below ground at the same time.

The walls and foundations of dozens of houses are cracking and sinking because the Israeli authorities have licensed Elad to flout normal safety regulations and excavate immediately below the community’s homes. Several families have had to be evacuated.

Late last month Elad flexed its muscles again, this time as it put the finishing touches to its latest touristic project: a tunnel under Silwan that reaches to the foot of Al Aqsa. 

On Elad’s behalf, the US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, and Donald Trump’s Middle East envoy, Jason Greenblatt, wielded a sledgehammer to smash down a symbolic wall inaugurating the tunnel, which has been renamed the Pilgrimage Road.

Elad claims – though many archaeologists doubt it – that in Roman times the tunnel was a street used by Jews to ascend to a temple on the site where today stands the Islamic holy site of Al Aqsa.

The participation of the two US envoys in the ceremony offered further proof that Washington is tearing up the peacemaking rulebook, destroying any hope the Palestinians might once have had of an independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Mr Friedman called the City of David complex – at the core of occupied Palestinian Jerusalem – “an essential component of the national heritage of the State of Israel”. Ending the occupation there would be “akin to America returning the Statue of Liberty”.

While Israel, backed by the US, smashes Silwan’s foundations, it is also dominating the sky above it.

Last month Israel’s highest planning body approved a cable car from Israeli territory in West Jerusalem into the centre of Silwan.

It will connect with the City of David and a network of boardwalks, coffee shops and touristic tunnels, such as like the Pilgrimage Road, all run by Elad settlers, to slice apart Silwan. 

And to signal how the neighbourhood is being reinvented, the Israeli municipality enforcing the occupation in East Jerusalem recently named several of Silwan’s main streets after famous Jewish rabbis. 

Former mayor Nir Barkat has said the goal of all this development is to bring 10 million tourists a year to Silwan, so that they “understand who is really the landlord in this city”. 

Few outsiders appear to object. This month, the tourism website TripAdvisor was taken to task by Amnesty International for recommending the City of David as a top attraction in Jerusalem. 

And now, Elad has felled the family of Jawad Siyam in a bid to crush the community’s spirits and remaining sense of defiance.

As it has with so many of Silwan’s homeowners, Elad waged a decades-long legal battle against the family to drain them of funds and stamina. 

The Siyams’ fate was finally sealed last month when the Israeli courts extended the use of a 70-year-old, draconian piece of legislation, the Absentee Property Law, to Silwan. 

The law was crafted specifically to steal the lands and homes of 750,000 Palestinian refugees expelled in 1948 by the new state of Israel.

Ownership of the Siyams’ home is shared between Jawad’s uncles and aunts, some of them classified by Israel as “absentees” because they now live abroad. 

As a result, an Israeli official with the title Custodian of Absentee Property claimed ownership of sections of the house belonging to these relatives, and then, in violation of his obligations under international law, sold them on to Elad. Police strong-armed the family out last week.

To add insult to injury, the court also approved Elad seizing money raised via crowdfunding by more than 200 Israeli peace activists, with the aim of helping the Siyams with their legal costs.

Palestinians such as Jawad Siyam exist all over the occupied territories – men and women who have given Palestinians a sense of hope, commitment and steadfastness in the face of Israel’s machinery of dispossession.

When Israel targets Jawad Siyam, crushes his spirits, it sends an unmistakeable message not only to other Palestinians, but to the international community itself, that peace is not on its agenda.


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A version of this article first appeared in the National, Abu Dhabi. 

Jonathan Cook won the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His books include “Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East” (Pluto Press) and “Disappearing Palestine: Israel’s Experiments in Human Despair” (Zed Books). His website is

Featured image: Police remove the Siyam family from their East Jerusalem home, July 10, 2019. (Source: Free Jerusalem)

If there’s one thing real estate moguls understand it’s the value of land. Which begs the question why Donald Trump’s plan to broker peace in the Middle East is so spectacularly ignorant of reality. Stuart Rees weighs in.

The Trump/Kushner Israeli/Palestinian Peace Plan, ‘the deal of the century’ was presented in a workshop held in the Manama Hotel, Bahrain on June 25. Criticized because it put economic proposals before political considerations, this US deal has a more sinister policy objective: the crafting of every conceivable cruelty towards Palestinians.

The Nature of Cruelty

Cruelty occurs when one group maintains superiority over another, sustains inequalities and, as the means of control, uses force and creates fear. The US and Israeli governments have heeded Machiavelli’s lesson that cruelty never occurred between equals, that inferior groups should be treated as of no consequence and kept unequal. Despite Kushner’s claims about economic development to promote ‘peace to prosperity’, and contrary to Judaism’s ideals about justice, cruelty as policy has been a consistent Zionist/Israeli theme.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir said that Palestinians did not exist, but if they did, she claimed that Jews always had a ‘supreme morality’. Her infamous contention,

“Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us,” displayed a belief that Palestinian Arabs were barely human.

Cruelty towards Palestinians was maintained first by a British military government in Arab areas, then with a military dictatorship in the occupied territories. The ultra-nationalist and racist Netanyahu government now competes with Israeli political parties in their racist statements against Palestinians, lepers to be stigmatized, abhorred and discarded.

The cruelty of discrimination became explicit in the Jewish Nation State Law of August 2018, which says this state actualizes its national, religious and historical rights for self-determination. The distinguished Israeli journalist Gideon Levy concluded that through this law, Israel had adopted apartheid as a form of government, bolstered by the ‘moral rot’ of a ‘legal system far removed from fundamental principles of equality and justice.’

The latest demand to maintain the superiority of one people over another comes from the Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon. In a New York Times Opinion piece, he wrote as a leader of a master race. Armed with his assumptions about the merits of top down abuses of power, about humiliation as a policy and cruelty to inferiors taken for granted, he advised that the best the Palestinians could do is surrender.

They should negotiate without any prospect of a State: “A national suicide of Palestinians’ current political and cultural ethos is what is needed for peace.”

Danon associated himself with what he calls Western Liberalism, as illustrated by the “natural right of the Jewish people to be masters of their own fate in their own sovereign state”. By contrast, an inferior people such as Palestinians could not have rights to self-determination, even though those rights are made clear in Article 1 of the Charter of the UN.

Real Estate Techniques – A Rich Man’s World

Consistent with a New York real estate agent’s technique for softening up powerless tenants before evicting them, Trump had already humiliated Palestinians, yet asked them to accept his deal. The US Embassy in Israel had been moved to Jerusalem, Palestinian diplomatic offices in Washington were closed, most funds for the refugee agency UNRWA terminated, so too crucial financial support for Palestinian hospitals in East Jerusalem; then the Golan was annexed and renamed Trump Heights.

The New York Real Estate agency had become Cruelty Inc. There would be no withdrawal of settlements, no end to Israeli control of Palestinians’ lives and nothing to address the injustices to refugees. The Bahrain workshop was told the Palestinians could not secure a better offer.

Deception is another key ingredient in the cruelty mix. Kushner made fraudulent claims even as he appeared to be generous. Fifty billion dollars would generate recovery of the Palestinian economy even though any Palestinian economic development has been restricted by the occupation of the West Bank, the siege of Gaza and other military controls. The $50 billion would be pledged largely by Arab States but no pledges had been made.

In Bahrain, Kushner delivered his father-in-law’s notion that life is about deals and deals are about money.

Fragile but significant Lebanon could receive $6 billion from a plan geared mostly towards connecting Lebanon with Gaza and the West Bank. But the Lebanese rejected this as a shameless bribe. They know that money will come and go whereas Palestinians will always pursue their human rights and ownership of their lands.

Hidden in the offer to the Lebanese was the long-held Israeli view that by making Palestinians citizens of other countries – Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt – they could be made to disappear, and Lebanon could also be bullied. Home to 450,000 Palestinian and 1.5 million Syrian refugees, the Lebanese might welcome money, but they know that without politically just solutions to conflict, no economic initiatives could succeed.

Like fraudulent advertising to increase prospective home owners’ interest, the Kushner deal was presented as the carrot to attract all prospective buyers, even though Palestine was not for sale. Bill Law in the Journal Middle East Eye says that as with other Trump frauds, the deal of the century was not meant to work. The purpose was to pretend peace until more land had been stolen, more checkpoints erected, more night raids made on Palestinians’ homes and more weapons tested over Gaza. Ghassan Khatib from the Jerusalem Media and Communication Centre says,

“Its purpose was to buy time, kick dust, shift blame and thereby guarantee permanent Israeli control of the West Bank.”

Post Truth or Justice?

In this post truth era when ideas about US domestic and foreign policy flow from a President’s tweets, there’s an inherent cruelty in a deal of the century which ignored decades old injustices, the occupation of Palestinian lands, the siege of Gaza, the continued containment of millions of refugees.

To pursue peace with justice for Palestinians and Israelis, politicians and other policymakers should cease being intimidated by a toxic Zionist lobby, and instead ponder Dr. Hanan Ashrawi’s judgement that the Kushner plan is “… totally divorced from reality. The elephant in the room is the occupation itself”.

In addition, we could all learn from Palestinian delegations’ reasons for boycotting the Bahrain workshop. They know that you don’t fight for freedom by giving it up.


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Emeritus Professor Stuart Rees AM is a regular New Matilda contributor, an Australian academic and author who is the founder of the Sydney Peace Foundation and Emeritus Professor at the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney in Australia.

Featured image is from Palácio do Planalto, Flick

The discussion surrounding the surprise meeting at the DMZ between US President Donald Trump and DPRK State Affairs Commission Chairman Kim Jong Un has shown a remarkable ignorance of the fact that North Korea is by no means desperate to strike a deal with the Americans. Pyongyang would certainly appreciate the lifting of sanctions, a peace treaty, investment and trade, but it has other options, too. The emerging bipolar world dominated by the US and China opens new maneuvering space for North Korea. China is now again inclined to support its neighbor economically and politically. Washington needs to understand this to avoid overplaying what is still a strong hand. The arrest of Australian student Alek Sigley implies a renewed readiness of some circles in North Korea to challenge the West, and marks an end to the relatively open access that was granted to Western visitors as long as they followed a few simple rules. This change can only be rooted in a heightened confidence that China, and perhaps also to a lesser degree Russia, will have North Korea’s back. Although it is not clear whether President Trump understands it, he has for the second time slowed down this process and brought the US back into the game on the Korean Peninsula. For how long, however, remains to be seen.

Misinterpreting North Korea’s situation is dangerous. If talks are based on the assumption that Pyongyang needs a deal, and that it believes it can only reach one with Trump, then it would be tempting to believe that concessions can be extracted from the North Koreans before the 2020 US presidential election. If he is not reelected, and that is a big “if,” the window of opportunity will have closed. That much is true: the recent remarks by Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden imply that a new US administration would return to the previous policies of “dismantle first, then we talk,” (also known as complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization, or CVID), and “let’s do nothing and hope the problem will solve itself” (strategic patience).

But this judgment is based on the expectation that North Korea, like any other country in the world, will be technically unable to achieve high economic growth if the US does not want that. The logic behind this is, more or less, that no company or country of any significant size would dare violate a US or US-backed embargo on trade, financial transactions, and technology transfer. This argument, however, might not hold true for that much longer in a changing geopolitical landscape. North Korea could well become a pioneer in this regard. From its founding until around 1990, it had already been able to benefit greatly from a bipolar world order. Cold War 2.0 is coming between the US and China. For Europe, with its dependency on global supply chains and free trade, this will be catastrophic. But North Korea might once again be able to benefit from such a situation, like it did under Kim Jong Un’s grandfather, Kim Il Sung, who was, as even his opponents agree, a master in extracting concessions from economically and militarily superior partners.

This is not hypothetical. If South Korean figures are correct, Pyongyang has accumulated a trade deficit of a remarkable 26.6 billion US dollars since 1990, according to the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Corporation’s (KOTRA) annual trade reports. That is ten times the country’s export volume of the fairly successful year 2015. North Korea has been, even under the complicated conditions of the last three decades of a unipolar world order, able to find someone who was willing to pay its bills. Imagine what would happen if support for North Korea, no matter what a difficult ally it might be, becomes a matter of principle again for a great power, as was the case before the Soviet Union imploded.

The pink elephant in the room is, of course, China. Under Xi Jinping, Beijing is giving up its long-standing “hide your strength, bide your time” policy. If there is only a grain of truth in realist international relations theory, then a massive clash of interests with the US is inevitable. In fact, it is happening already. The cases of the trade war and of Huawei in the economic field, of the South China Sea in foreign policy, and of Hong Kong in domestic policy are exemplary. China is willing to openly confront and challenge the West and its values.

The effects of US policy need to be seen against this background. China is trying to push the United States out of East Asia, which it regards as its backyard. The Korean Peninsula could become the first manifest example of that strategic ambition, and a test case for how Washington and the rest of the world will react. For the second time after 2018, Trump has brought the US back into the game. His unconventional and seemingly erratic approach has for now saved China from having to openly act against the hitherto tough and uncompromising US and United Nations line on North Korea, and it saved the US from having to respond to such an open challenge. The contrast could not be bigger between the behavior of US Vice President Mike Pence during the Pyeongchang Olympics, when he refused to even look at Kim Jong Un’s sister and remained seated ostentatiously when the two Korean teams marched in, and President Trump’s forthcoming and friendly way of dealing with Kim Jong Un.

Trump and Kim meet Sunday before Trump became first US president to step on North Korean territory. (White House photo)

The handshake at the DMZ on June 30, 2019 was only arranged a day or so before it happened. It came less than two weeks after the first official state visit in 14 years by a Chinese leader to North Korea, and only a few days after the arrest of a Westerner who had been tweeting about everyday stuff in North Korea. At that time, four months after the failed Hanoi Summit, Pyongyang was running out of patience. The political cost of having Western visitors in the country was, correctly, calculated to be higher than the minuscule economic benefit they created. Even if each of the roughly 5,000 Western tourists who visit North Korea annually spends 2,000 US dollars per visit on average (usually it is less), that amounts to no more than 10 million US dollars of revenue in exchange for letting in, from North Korea’s perspective, 5,000 potential spies and journalists every year. That is now obviously deemed too little by North Korea’s decision makers, especially with the expectation of exploding numbers of Chinese tourists after the return to a cooperative relationship. North Korea is moving away from the West and towards China, where it has also recently become complicated and dangerous to conduct research without being accused of espionage, as shown, for example, in the cases of Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig.

For the time being, this shift has been slowed down by the DMZ handshake. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that anything that the West would consider field research will now likely be seen by the North Korean authorities as espionage, and treated accordingly. The speed and relative ease of the release of Australian Kim Il Sung University student Alek Sigley, who had been detained in Pyongyang on June 25, suggests a still strong interest of North Korea in a positive relationship with the West and in particular the US. At this point, the last thing North Korea needed was another Otto Warmbier case that would not match the smiling faces at Panmunjom.

Kim Jong Un’s attempt at maintaining a close relationship with both superpowers is a reasonable approach. Ever since the days of his grandfather, North Korea disliked depending too much on only one side. But this is a strategic line, not a sign of desperation. Heavy dependency on China is clearly not preferred by anyone in North Korea, but it is not a disaster. If the US overestimates its own value for North Korea, and overplays its hand, then China is available as a backup option or a “new way,” as Kim Jong Un hinted in his 2019 New Year’s speech.


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Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas, minority leader of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, is struggling to keep Bush’s unconstitutional AUMF in place. If the no-end-in-sight “war on terror” is to continue and the AUMF is to remain embedded in the NDAA, McCaul must defeat the enemies of forever war.




In other words, a single committee, not a majority of Congress, will decide what country to invade and under what false pretext, never mind the presence on the committee of that troublesome freshwoman, Rep. Ilhan Omar, the Somali woman Trump told to get the hell out of his version of a MAGA-ified America.

If we follow the logic here, the power to declare war is reserved for the majority leader, Rep. Eliot Engel, your standard liberal on social issues and a “hawk” (read: neocon) on foreign policy. Engel is one of Israel’s boldest advocates of theft and human rights abuse.

Back in January during a fundraiser hosted by Helene and Robert Rothenberg in Woodmere, New York, Engel “reassured the some 40 attendees that bipartisan support for Israel would be maintained in the 116th Congress” and said the “Golan Heights is part of Israel and should remain part of Israel for strategic purposes,” according to The Times of Israel.

Robert Rothenberg is an executive board member of of the America–Israel Friendship League, a “non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening ties between Americans and Israelis based on [selectively] shared democratic values. The AIFL brings Americans of all faiths to Israel, and Israelis of all faiths (Jews, Christians and Muslims) to the United States,” according to Wikipedia. It was created by neocon mentor Senator “Scoop” Jackson and Nelson Rockefeller.

So there is no question about the loyalty of the financial elite in regard to Israel, it should be noted that “AIFL leaders were among those who rang the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange when the exchange celebrated its fifth annual Israel Day.”

This is a standard boilerplate— “enemies that continue to threaten our nation, our people, and our allies,” a supposed threat to the people of America being virtually nonexistent (despite efforts by the FBI) and the allies in question happen to be Israel and its unlikely partner, Saudi Arabia.

Both al-Qaeda and its ancestor the Islamic State were handcrafted by the CIA and US military intelligence. I’ve covered this territory on numerous occasions, but if you need a primer, read Garikai Chengu’s “America Created Al-Qaeda and the ISIS Terror Group.

With Engel in the majority position and McCaul in the minority, we can expect some rickety unconstitutional framework to be slapped into place to keep the war on terror (the war against Israel’s enemies) going until it finally and inevitably crashes, either through economic collapse or a final and decisive military defeat. I believe the former will arrive before the latter. Either way, the American people will be spectators in the bleachers.

Finally, so as there isn’t a question of where McCaul’s loyalty lies, consider the following tweet.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site: Another Day in the Empire.

Kurt Nimmo is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

Greece and the Refugee Crisis. Squatting at Athens’ City Plaza

July 16th, 2019 by Economic and Political Refugee Solidarity Initiative

On July 10th, 2019, the keys of squatted City Plaza, Athens, Greece, were handed back to the former employees of the hotel, to whom the mobile equipment in the building belongs. All refugees living at City Plaza have been moved to safe housing within the city.

On 22 April 2016, the Economic and Political Refugee Solidarity Initiative squatted the empty City Plaza building with a two-fold goal: to create, on the one hand, a space of safety and dignity in which to house refugees in the centre of the city and, on the other, to create a centre of struggle against racism, borders, and social exclusion; for the freedom of movement and for the right to stay.

The decision to squat was taken at a critical political juncture. On 18th March 2016, one month before the squat opened, the EU-Turkey deal to restrict the movement of refugees to Europe was signed. It was the deal that marked the end of the “summer of migration” – the period which began in July 2015 when, under pressure from approximately one million people, the European borders “opened.” This was the deal that turned the islands of the Aegean into a sort of prison for migrants, and which turned mainland Greece into a trap for over 60,000 people.

The SYRIZA-ANEL government of the time, following its capitulation to the neoliberal management of the economic crisis, took on the implementation of a policy of control, deterrence and discouragement of migration. With the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) and NATO patrolling the Aegean, with detention centres such as Moria on the islands, with awful camps as the only policy for housing refugees on the mainland, by punishing solidarity and the struggle of refugees. During that time, the housing issue was very pressing. The refugees who had arrived in Athens were either homeless or were being housed in the awful camps of Elliniko, Malakasa, or the port of Piraeus, while hundreds of people slept in tents or cardboard boxes in city streets and squares.

Squatting at City Plaza

It was while this was happening that a discussion began within the Economic and Political Refugee Solidarity Initiative, which led to the decision to squat City Plaza, a hotel on Acharnon street which remained shut for seven years. The decision had certain features of voluntarism, and was not justified by the forces at our disposal, nor by the state of the anti-authoritarian movement at the time. Yet it was a move which addressed the political situation and the great struggle of the refugees who had, over the previous months, opened the borders of Fortress Europe and thus won their right to freedom of movement. It also matched the massive and spontaneous social solidarity movement which developed along the length of the migration route.

City Plaza (CP) became an example of dignified housing, space for social solidarity and cooperation between locals and migrants. From its inception, City Plaza was organized around two key goals:

  • to create a space for safe and dignified housing for migrants in the centre of the city, a space of solidarity and cooperation between locals and migrants.
  • to function as a centre of struggle in which political and social demands by migrants and locals will interweave and complement each other.

CP proved in practice that the state policy of “hospitality” toward refugees is a mixture of harshness, incompetence, and political expediency. Where the solidarity movement, without any funding from formal institutions, without any “experts” or employees, managed to create one of the best housing spaces in the centre of the city, the state continued to abide by the trapping of refugees in makeshift camps and tents in the mainland, and by imposing a regime of refuting the rights of refugees and detaining them in hot spots on the islands, at the threat of deportation.

This contrast was the key element which led to mass support for CP at the beginning of its operation, by individual activists, organizations/collectives of the left, as well as by people who joined the movement for the first time there. Of course, because of the ownership status of the hotel, there were several attacks “from the left” which, fully aligned with the narrative of the owner and the petty bourgeois rhetoric on the “supreme human right to property,” attempt to belittle the effort, by spreading conspiracy theories (ranging from claims that we’re being funded by Soros, SYRIZA, the German State, to claims that we traffic drugs, firearms, children, and sex workers), slandering the collective and the activists who are part of it.

City Plaza proved in practice that refugees and locals can live together when, instead of isolation, punishment, and hatred, there is solidarity, struggle, and community. At the opposite pole from the camps, located outside the cities and in awful conditions, CP managed, in a difficult neighbourhood, until recently patrolled by neonazis, to brighten the formerly dark corner between Acharnon and Katrivanou, by giving it the character of security truly valued by those from below: the security of dignified housing, community, solidarity, and vitality of the people selflessly fighting for better lives.

At the same time, dozens of people showed their solidarity around the world. Through their daily presence, their participation in shifts, positive attitude and a large-scale international campaign for the financial support of the project. Dozens of crates of food and other essentials were sent to Plaza, thousands of people and groups made donations to support the project, which relied solely on donations for its survival.

City Plaza also served as a centre for struggle. Aiming to internationally denounce the anti-refugee policies of the SYRIZA-ANEL government and the EU, we brought to the fore topics such as criminal responsibility for shipwrecks and loss of human life, the delay or obstruction of sea rescue, the practice of illegal pushbacks in Evros and the Aegean, the conditions of imprisonment in hotspots. City Plaza hosted dozens of open discussions on the border regime, racism, the struggle for rights, often featuring contributions by well-known intellectuals from around the world, such as Judith Butler, Angela Davis, David Harvey, Alain Badiou, Sandro Mezzandra, among others. Yet the goal was not just to highlight issues relating to migrant struggles, but also to link them to the struggles of locals. In the rallies for International Worker’s Day, the Polytechnic Uprising, antifascist and feminist protests, the City Plaza block was present throughout the three years.

The City Plaza Community: Practices, Rights, Cooperation

The answer to the question of what is City Plaza, is known to the thousands of people who passed through its doors: CP is a project for the realisation of a conception of everyday life which aims to empower those “from below,” in the constitution of a space of freedom, which practically realises an aspect of the society we envision.

Its mode of operation expressed a politics of everyday life which is in opposition to the dominant model of managing migration, especially to its “NGO-ization.” At the core of this voluntary contribution of time, effort, and emotion was not the “provision of services” to “the vulnerable” but the attempt to combat insecurity and fear, to empower and encourage confidence and trust in the collective. Help to refugees was re-politicized – and became solidarity and common struggle. Self-organization, shared responsibility and decision making were central, as was a constant reflection on the inequalities permeating relations within the project: localization, class, gender, language, education, etc.

Despite the inherent contradictions and difficulties, the collective experience of organizing everyday life was the foundation for building a strong community of solidarity. At the same time, in this context, and in contrast to dominant victimizing narratives, refugees and migrants became dynamic subjects with an active role on social and political life.

Daily life at CP was based on the principle of participatory organization and collective decision making and operations, processes particularly complex in a community of 350 people speaking different languages, and with different ethnic, class, and social backgrounds, and different plans for the future. Regular coordination meetings became the space in which equal discussion took place on issues of operation and organization, while House meetings were – especially in the beginning – a real lesson in how we can and should discuss, operate, and co-implement, as refugees and as locals. The organization of residents and solidarians into working groups was a component of organizing the project but also an essential basis for developing personal and political relationships amongst ourselves. The working groups were: Reception, Education, Children’s Activities, Health Centre, Kitchen, Security, Economics, Cleaning, Communications, as well as a self-organized Women’s Space.

In its 36 months of operation, City Plaza hosted over 2,500 refugees from 13 different countries. About 100 of the 126 rooms of the hotel hosted 350 refugees at any one time, while the remaining 26 either served as communal spaces (classrooms, women’s space, storage space) or to host solidarians from around the world. It was, after all, City Plaza’s political choice to not serve as a housing space for refugees but as a space of cohabitation and shared everyday life.

Yet we will not provide statistics referring to countries of origin, ages or ‘vulnerable’ cases. In contrast, we will provide ‘statistics’ on the enormous amount of resources that the movement was able to mobilize in order to keep City Plaza going:

  • 812,250 hot meals were prepared by the kitchen team
  • 74,500 work hours on security shifts
  • 28,630 hours of shifts at reception
  • 5,100 hours of language teaching and creative educational activities
  • 69,050 rolls of toilet paper

However, the most important things cannot be counted. They have to do with human relationships, mutual respect and solidarity, emotions and experiences, optimism born out of common struggle.

The end of an era, the beginning of a new one

Such a project demands enormous resources. It is not a political squat which can stay closed for a couple of days in August without any problems. It is a space which demands a daily commitment, responsibility, and presence. Besides, the way we see it, self-organization is not automatic. To the contrary, it requires many hours of work, often endless processes of shared decision making, and interminable difficulties. In other words, self-organization and solidarity are not theory. They are action in the here and now. Action full of contradictions and life’s problems. In a society in which authoritarianism, war, capitalism, and competition between the subjugated is considered normal, while multiple divisions and hierarchies permeate us all, because of our origins, genders, and class backgrounds, self-organization is not a slogan. It is a struggle.

Unfortunately, as often happens in many self-organized projects, enthusiasm, commitment, and participation dwindle over time – especially when circumstances are so demanding. The fact that the overwhelming majority of City Plaza residents are in transit made it impossible to hand the operation of the squat completely over to the refugees as most of them, sooner or later, left for Europe. At the same time, the material resources required for a project of such size – for food, hygiene products, medications, building maintenance – became harder to come by, despite the fact that comrades throughout Europe have demonstrated extraordinary commitment.

On the basis of all of the above, shortly before City Plaza celebrated its two-year anniversary, and following calls to collectives and spaces which supported the project from its inception, there opened a difficult and contradictory discussion on how long City Plaza can carry on, or whether and how it should adapt, given that we did not wish to see the project decline. There was a dilemma on whether we would move toward the direction of “normalizing/legalizing” the squat or toward completing the project, while also looking for new ways to keep the community it created alive in a different context.

The first option was found to be politically undesirable, as it clashes with City Plaza’s character as a political alternative to NGO-ization, and leads to a disconnect between the issues of safe housing and collective struggle and rights demands more generally.

We decided that, despite it being a difficult choice, City Plaza should rightly close the way it began and operated: as a political project, by protecting the central element which turned it into a example, that is organization from below, safe and dignified living, community of struggle, and addressed to society as a whole.

During the House meeting of 26th May 2018, we jointly decided on this direction – not without contradictions and disagreements – and there was an extensive discussion about how to implement such a decision. Beginning in June 2018, City Plaza did not accept new residents, while there was a collective commitment that the project would not wind down until every resident had found acceptable accommodation. This commitment was not at all simple to implement. The wider circumstances of dealing with the refugee question – both from the point of view of the SYRIZA-ANEL government and from the point of view of NGOs, did not provide an opportunity to provide institutionally guaranteed housing to residents, while other spaces and squats could not house such a large number of refugees, despite positive attempts to support this.

One year on, and while the project was winding down, the expected change in the political landscape, with the imminent re-election of New Democracy, made it imperative to once more address the pace at which the project is progressing toward its close, taking into account the fact that, over the past several months, several refugees had gradually moved to safe housing. Plaza has two pending court orders for its evacuation, while high-ranking New Democracy members made daily references to the “destruction of private property” and the “lawlessness” at City Plaza. In this respect, evacuation could be used as a deterrent, while many refugees, especially those with no fixed legal status, could face disproportionate consequences (deportation, detention, etc.). Even though, for some, an evacuation by New Democracy could be seen as a “heroic exit,” for which few political explanations would need to be given, nevertheless most City Plaza residents would be put in danger, especially in view of their already vulnerable and unstable status.

This reconfirmed the decision to bring City Plaza to a close, on a collective basis and on our own terms. All refugees found safe housing. In the almost eighteen months between the decision to shut down and its implementation, most refugees moved on toward Northern Europe. Out of those who remained at City Plaza, some had the opportunity to rent their own place, as they had since found employment, while others still resorted to collective solutions. Through shared spaces and other housing projects which we have already put in place, along with the impossibly persistent network of all the people who actively participated in the project (refugees and solidarians), the community will continue to exist long after the building has been abandoned.

City Plaza’s closure is linked to the wider movement’s inability to develop effective forms of organization, mobilization, and discourse on the refugee questions, which match the demands of the time. It is true that many parts of the wider social movement decided on different degrees of involvement, being unable to support the project and/or develop similar ones, which would galvanize our efforts through a new dynamic. This position is not apportioning blame, but highlights the project as part of a wider social and political process, reflecting the ideological-political and organizational crisis within the movement, with which we will have to deal in the next phase.

City Plaza was an invaluable political experience for all who took part, but also a political event far greater than the sum of its parts. Without exaggeration, CP was the pan-European symbol which concentrated resistance to the racist and repressive migration regime of the EU, following the closure of the borders after the EU-Turkey deal was signed. Equally, it served as a strong counter-example at a time of pessimism and demobilization for the left, and a time of resurgence for the far right.

City Plaza was a great struggle which, like all great struggles, cannot be counted as a clear victory or a clear defeat. It is a chapter in anti-racist and migration struggles and, at the same time, an experiment in social movements, an unexpected mix of different needs, sociopolitical, gendered, and class experiences. This meeting, like every mixture, needs some time for the multiple experiences to settle and leave their trace on our individual and collective consciousness. In this milieu, new forms of resistance, struggle, and relationships of cooperation and solidarity will form – in Athens as well as in the dozens of cities at which City Plaza residents will arrive, as well as in the daily struggles against the barbarism or racism and repressive policies.

The City Plaza collective was, from the beginning, aware of its contradictory makeup. The alternative it proposed could not but be incomplete, dependent on the circumstances in which it was born and the subjective capacities of the movement and its people, with their brains, hearts, and bodies. Yet it was also restricted, like every struggle for rights and equal participation, which impinges on the power of capitalist exploitation, the imposition and reproduction of nationalist, racist, and gendered hierarchies and divisions.

City Plaza is a link in a chain of struggles for social emancipation. A peculiar struggle, as it began from the small and the everyday, from how to cook the food and how to clean the building, and extended to resistance to the border regime and to multiple levels of discrimination. For those of us who took part in it, CP was an opportunity to redefine and to reflect on political thought and practice, relations of power, everyday life, cohabitation and its terms, self-organization and its contradictions. We say goodbye to S(p)iti (home) Plaza with one promise: to transfer this rich experience, to continue to enrich and broaden the ways and the places of common struggle.

Solidarity will win!


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This article was originally published in Greek on website.

As America fumbles around for a way out of “forever wars,” can we draw inspiration from an alternative vision that once was mainstream?

Following twenty years of decay, US foreign policy has spun out of control since Donald Trump’s ascension to the presidency. It appears that the traditional post-war US foreign policy goals of free trade, collective security and foreign aid, meant to cement worldwide US geopolitical and economic dominance, have crumbled and the crude pursuit of raw economic power has become the primary game in town.

Washington insiders dismiss Trump as a comic, even pathetic, figure. They are vaguely amused by how one moment the world is teetering on the brink of catastrophe, and the next a sudden breakthrough brings us back from the precipice. But the dangerous truth is that Trump’s reality TV style has ushered in a complete breakdown of the rules of diplomacy and the end of a balance between the executive, judicial and legislative branches of government. Whatever constraints on the raw exercise of executive power that may have existed have gone by the wayside. We face the real possibility of a complete collapse of governance that, in an age of hypersonic missiles, could result in nuclear war in less than an hour.

Hard-line ideologues John Bolton and Mike Pompeo have swept away all remnants of multilateralism, and commitment to international treaties and organizations, making the United States simultaneously the world’s most militarily aggressive country, with hundreds of military bases on all continents and engaged in numerous wars, and at the same time a profoundly isolated country, the leadership of which has little understanding of anything other than their own aggrandizement.

Although the Democrats present a different vision of social welfare at home, “progressives” like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez have done virtually nothing to stop the frightening increases in military spending. They buy into the campaigns to demonize Russia and China which are part of a build up for war. The Democratic and Republican parties are unable to offer anything but an ever-expanding military. And although the Democrats sometimes say something about US interventionism, they then attack Trump from the right on North Korea, suggesting that the egregious lack of diplomatic relations with that country should continue on to the end of time. That bankrupt Democratic response has given Trump’s overtures to North Korea, which serve as a political ploy rather than real diplomacy, greater legitimacy than they deserve.

Nor are the think tanks that spread across Washington DC capable of offering an alternative to the forever wars in the Middle East and South Asia. And they have embraced the catastrophic new Pentagon policy of preparing for large-scale military conflict with China and/or Russia— casting diplomacy and dialogue aside.

So great is the general alienation from this insane foreign policy that the establishment has rushed in to offer an alternative in the form of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. This big-budget think tank advertises a new foreign policy that promotes “a decent respect for the rights and dignity of humankind” and does not deploy the military “in a costly, counterproductive, and indiscriminate manner, normalizing war and treating armed dominance as an end in itself.”

Could it be that, at last, a voice will be heard that does not scream out for war as a “one size fits all” solution to economic and social problems, at home and abroad?

Sadly, a closer examination reveals that once again we are being offered a false choice. The Quincy Institute is backed by two multi-billionaires who are expert puppet masters at home and abroad. One is George Soros, who has supported various “progressive” identity politics campaigns at home and abroad, but makes his billions through currency manipulation, repackaging privatization, which fuels governmental corruption, as the route to “freedom and democracy.” Although the media suggests that Soros’ alliance with the “conservative” contributor Charles Koch, is an odd coupling, they have plenty in common. Koch has also been engaged in big-budget political fights to promote climate change denial through a network of NGOs run out of empty offices within the beltway, and around the world.

Thus the “new vision” of the Quincy Institute is entirely bought and paid for by key players in the domination of American foreign policy by the super-rich focused on wealth extraction abroad and the promotion of political conflicts for profit.

As things now stand there is no one set to lead Washington D.C. in the right direction. Yet there are traditions in American foreign policy that can nourish and inspire us.

There was a moment after the Second World War, before the “Washington consensus” was formed, when the mandate of the United Nations and the US dominated World Bank to eliminate poverty was real, and not a public relations ploy, when there were major political figures who argued that the United States should be committed to global peace and mutually beneficial cooperation between nations with differing political and economic systems.

In the immediate post-war period there were a significant number of Americans who saw the Soviet Union as a partner in the battle against fascism, and for universal equality. The Progressive Party and Communist Party USA played a significant role in the political debate in Washington D.C. and championed “peaceful co-existence” as a counterweight to the divisive “Cold War” policies pushed by mainstream Republicans and Democrats.

Image on the right is from US History

Image result for henry wallace + FDR

The highest profile figure who articulated an alternative vision for American foreign policy was the politician Henry Wallace, who served as vice president under Franklin D. Roosevelt from 1940-1944 and ran for president in 1948 as the candidate of the Progressive Party.

Although Wallace’s campaign is separated from us by seventy years, his vision for the United States is still there in American’s political DNA. Rather than compromise and accept “progressive” Democrats like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, who allude to the great progressive tradition but do not seriously question the military-industrial congressional complex, let alone the corporate and financial interests backing perpetual wars, we must put forth a project to fundamentally transform America’s approach to foreign affairs. It has been done before.

Wallace’s vision for American Foreign Policy

Tremendous efforts have been made to airbrush Henry A. Wallace out of American history, as he was the champion of a left-wing internationalism and egalitarianism that was made political anathema during the Cold War.

As Secretary of Agriculture under Roosevelt, Wallace made the elimination of poverty and a long-term scientific approach to farming, rather than the stock market and corporate profits, his chief concern. After he became vice president in 1940, as Roosevelt was increasingly ill, Wallace promoted a new vision for America’s role in the world that suggested that rather than playing catch up with the imperial powers, the United States should work with partners to establish a new world order that eliminated militarism, colonialism and imperialism.

Wallace gave a speech in 1942 that declared a “Century of the Common Man.” He described a post-war world that offered “freedom from want,” a new order in which ordinary citizens, rather than the rich and powerful, would play a decisive role in politics.

That speech made direct analogy between the Second World War and the Civil War, suggesting that the Second World War was being fought to end economic slavery and to create a more equal society. Wallace demanded that the imperialist powers like Britain and France give up their colonies at the end of the war.

Wallace supported a partnership between the United States and the nations of Latin America. His 1943 tour of the region included unprecedented efforts to engage with ordinary citizens and his thoughtful speeches in Spanish laid out plans for an age of mutual respect and cooperation.

Most significantly, Wallace recognized the contribution of the Soviet Union to the defeat of fascism and envisioned a post-war order in which Washington and Moscow would cooperate to create a better world for ordinary people. That perspective led Harry Truman, following his ascension to the presidency after FDR’s death, to dismiss Wallace as Secretary of Commerce for his efforts to engage the Soviet Union.

Wallace found his own voice in the Progressive Party. No longer weighed down by the Southern segregationists of the Democratic Party he further developed the “New Bill of Rights” first put forth by FDR in his 1944 State of the Union Address, which declared that the “political rights” guaranteed by the Constitution were “inadequate to assure us equality in the pursuit of happiness” because they did not address structural inequalities of the economy. Wallace fleshed out this platform, demanding full employment, adequate food, clothing and leisure time, farmers’ rights to a fair income, freedom from unfair competition and monopolies and the right to adequate housing, medical care, social security and education for all Americans.

In diplomacy, Wallace imagined a multi-polar world founded on the United Nations Charter with a focus on peaceful cooperation. In contrast, in 1941 Henry Luce, publisher of Time Magazine, had called for an ‘American century,’ suggesting that victory in war would allow the United States to “exert upon the world the full impact of our influence, for such purposes as we see fit and by such means as we see fit.”

Wallace responded to Luce with a demand to create a world in which “no nation will have the God-given right to exploit other nations. Older nations will have the privilege to help younger nations get started on the path to industrialization, but there must be neither military nor economic imperialism.” Wallace took the New Deal global. His foreign policy was to be based on non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries and mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Image below is from US History

Wallace campaign poster

Wallace was replaced by Truman as VP for FDR’s fourth term in office. If Wallace had been the VP in 1944 and 2nd in line to the presidency, the course of American foreign policy might have followed a quite different path than it eventually did. He was immensely popular and had he assumed the presidency would have carried on the New Deal tradition both domestically and internationally. He would not have assumed that the Soviet Union and the Chinese Communist Party were threats, but rather partners in creating a world order founded on economic justice.

Sadly, since then, despite occasional efforts to head in a new direction, the core constituency for US foreign policy has been corporations, rather than the “common man” either in the United States, or the other nations of the world, and United States foreign relations have been dominated by interference in the political affairs of other nations. As a result the military was transformed from an “arsenal for democracy” during the Second World War into a defender of privilege at home and abroad afterwards.

Foreign aid for Wallace was not a tool to foster economic dominance as it was to become, but rather “economic assistance without political conditions to further the independent economic development of the Latin American and Caribbean countries.” He held high “the principle of self-determination for the peoples of Africa, Asia, the West Indies, and other colonial areas.” He saw the key policy for the United States to be based on “the principles of non-interference in the internal affairs of other nations and acceptance of the right of peoples to choose their own form of government and economic system.”

But the United States was ultimately seduced by the glory of taking over the British imperial mantle. The Progressive Party and the American Communist Party were subject to unrelenting attacks as US politicians increasingly used Roosevelt’s anti-fascist rhetoric to justify blatantly imperialist coups and colonial wars in East Asia, Iran, Central America, Africa, and later in Vietnam, in such a hypocritical manner that the scope for political debate became so circumscribed and delimited as to drive many self-respecting intellectuals out of the political mainstream.

What does Wallace mean for us today?

We find ourselves today facing political dangers equivalent to those faced by Wallace in 1941, with the rise of fascistic forces, at home and abroad, combined with a continued drive to make the military the primary engine for endless growth. We see dissentious politicians like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren trying to channel progressivism into a soft neo-liberalism, but refusing to address the contradiction between their ideals of social and economic justice and the reality that a coterie of international investment bankers, and a class of corporatist and financial billionaires, dominate the US economy and pursue an agenda of war preparations and global hegemony for their own narrow pecuniary interests.

“Progressive” icons like Sanders and Warren seem incapable of even questioning why the US has over 700 military bases around the world and uses the tax dollars of working class Americans to promote a petroleum economy that benefits US oligarchs and their allies in Israel and Saudi Arabia, let alone calling for the troops to be brought home.

Under successive administrations, culminating with the Trump presidency, the US ruling elite labels all nations capable of opposing them, such as Russia, Iran and China, as authoritarian, a new buzzword similar to the one-size-fits-all label of communist used to dismiss domestic and foreign critics during the Cold War.

All the progressives in the Democratic Party accept this argument and are incapable of presenting a vision of a United States which spends its resources to promote peace, rather than war. Nor can they question the assumption that the stock market is essential to the US economy, and that growth is the primary indicator of national well-being, let alone point out how military spending underlies both.

Wallace’s legacy suggests that it is possible to put forth a vision of an honest internationalism in US foreign policy that is in essence American. His approach was proactive not reactive. It would go far beyond anything Democrats propose today, who can only suggest that the United States should not start an unprovoked war with Iran or North Korea, but who embrace sanctions and propagandist reports that demonize those countries.

Rather than ridiculing Trump’s overtures to North Korea, they should go further to reduce tensions between the North and the South by pushing for the eventual withdrawal of troops from South Korea and Japan (a position fully in line with Wallace and many other politicians of that age).

Rather than demonizing and isolating Russia (as a means to score political points against Trump), progressives should call for a real détente, that recognizes Russia’s core interests, proposes that NATO withdraw troops from Russia’s borders, ends sanctions and reintegrates Russia into the greater European economy. They could even call for an end to NATO and the perpetuation of the dangerous global rift between East and West that it perpetuates.

Rather than attempt to thwart China’s rise, and attack Trump for not punishing it enough, progressives should seek to create new synergies between China and the US economically, politically and socioculturally.

Is China a future enemy, or a model for the road not taken?

Central to the rhetoric of the Democratic Party and the progressives within it, is the alleged China threat. They attack President Trump from the right, demanding that he properly punish China for its supposed trade violations which are the inevitable product of a maturing economy. They interfere in China’s internal affairs by weaponizing “human rights” in order to stigmatize and demonize it, although China does not reciprocate by focusing on the multitude of human rights violations in the US. They are all on board with treating China as a military threat even though it is the United States that continually invades one country after another. The People’s Republic of China has not had a single military conflict since a short border war with Vietnam in 1979 that did not question the legitimacy of the Vietnamese to self-determination.

What we see in the criticism of China by the Republicans and Democrats is “psychological projection,” a process whereby one’s own unethical actions and behaviors are projected onto another as a means of displacing anxiety about misdeeds that they themselves refuse to consciously address.

It seems that we excuse our own transgressions as policy “mistakes” or faulty execution, absolving ourselves of the responsibility for millions of deaths, countless injuries, the destruction of whole nations, and the creation of millions of refugees resulting from preemptive war and “humanitarian intervention,” but we only hold accountable other nations for their slightest transgressions against the “international rule of law” that the US interprets for the entire world. The dictum has become what is best for the US is best for the world.

China has been singled out as the bête noire of our geopolitical nightmares upon which are projected the authoritarianism and military aggression which the United States is actually carrying out at home and around the world. The reason is simple: the People’s Republic of China is not simply an economic or technological competitor, but much more seriously offers an alternative paradigm in international relations that draws into question US prerogatives. China represents for the Washington establishment the “path not taken” that was offered by Wallace at the end of World War II.

Chinese foreign policy programs like the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) are interpreted as an existential threat to the status quo because the United States is slipping rapidly into imperial collapse and can no longer rally its economic and military might to cover up its lack of legitimacy.

While the United States builds real concentration camps aimed at specific minorities (whether the internment camps for indigenous Americans fleeing from failed nations of Central America or the privatized prison industrial system of mass incarceration which puts people of color back into slavery), American newspapers are filled with hyperbolic articles about Chinese vocational camps for Uyghurs, replete with unverified hearsay accounts of abuses which pale in comparison to the real abuses suffered by millions in the outposts of Gulag Americana.

In contrast to the US policy of perpetual war and “destroying nations in order to save them,” China’s BRI proposes an open plan for development that is not grounded in the models of French and British imperialism. It has proposed global infrastructure and science projects that include participants from nations in Africa, Asia, South and Central America previously ignored by American and European elites—much as Wallace proposed an equal engagement with Latin America. When offering developmental aid and investment China does not demand that free market principles be adopted or that the public sector be privatized and opened up for global investment banks to ravish.

China’s campaign for a “Community of Common Destiny” launched in 2017 harkens back to the roots of the United Nations as an institution for cooperation based on the principles of peace and mutual development along the lines of Wallace’s vision.

Interestingly, the Chinese economy today resembles that of the United States in 1948 more than the bloated and privatized beast that the US has since become. China encourages market relations, entrepreneurship and private initiative, but insists on strict government regulation of finance and keeps other critical fields like energy, transportation and communications under carefully regulated public monopolies.

The United States should be emulating China, its Belt and Road Initiative and Community of Common Destiny, as a means of revitalizing its political culture and kicking its addiction to a neo-colonial concept of economic development and growth. Rather than relying on militarization and its attendant wars to spark the economy, progressives should demand that the US work in conjunction with nations such as China and Russia in building a sustainable future rather than creating one failed state after another. Learning from China does not mean “eating with chopsticks.” It means returning to our New Deal roots not only domestically but overseas as well.


Compared with the original progressives of 1948, today’s crop sound more like the cold warrior Harry S Truman. We have to face the fact that the abandonment of the New Deal foreign policy and the choice of perpetual war as stimulus is what has brought us to the brink of economic and political disaster. The policy of “Guns and Butter” that worked in 1950s-70s has been downsized to “Guns without Butter” from the 1980s onward as the military has only increased its grip on our society.

Although the names may have changed, the strategy of domestic retrenchment, foreign intervention, anti-communism (now anti-authoritarianism) and global hegemony have held sway ever since.

Ironically, the principles of non-intervention, the promotion of mutually beneficial economic relations and the right of each nation to choose their own form of government and economic system espoused by the Progressive Party in 1948 was then enunciated at the Bandung Conference of Non-Aligned Nations in 1955 and has gone on to be the policy of the People’s Republic of China, and other nations that seek an alternative to the prevailing G-7 world order.

Unfortunately, the current progressives have eschewed that legacy, opting rather to sugarcoat neo-liberal policies like weaponized “human rights” policy and the practice of “humanitarian intervention.”

The concern with “human rights,” “development aid” and “humanitarianism” articulated in earnest in the 1940s has become a total travesty. The only political rights the US promotes are those of the compradores vying for power and fortune in countries the US hopes to control.

By contrast, the human rights that Wallace spoke of, peace, security, health care, education and economic development, are given short shrift, if they are considered at all. US promotion of human rights today is a code word for destabilization operations in countries it has targeted for regime change. More often than not, US “humanitarian intervention” in places like Libya or Syria has led to humanitarian catastrophes, the creation of failed states and millions of displaced people and refugees.

We have to ask whether those carrying the debased label of “progressive” today, like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, would be any better than Hillary Clinton if they were elected.

Absolutely not!

They are just the same old neo-liberal human rights warriors who march to the orders of the corporate elite. You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig. As inspiring as their speeches may sound to the uninformed, they are quick to defame, and to conspire against, any country that even hints at a new global consensus based on equality and mutual benefit.

Although Trump’s bluff and bluster will not save the US from catastrophe, he has inadvertently opened the door for a fundamental reassessment of US foreign affairs and its destructive contradictions.

We can revive the true progressive creed of Henry Wallace, that advocated for “the principles of non-interference in the internal affairs of other nations and acceptance of the right of peoples to choose their own form of government and economic system.” Then, and only then, does the US have a chance to create a more peaceful and more secure world which is dedicated, in word and in deed, to creating the conditions for all its people to thrive and prosper.

Following Wallace’s legacy, we must demand that our government end its imperialist policies of regime change, militarism and economic warfare in a definitive manner. Only then will we be able to work together with China, and other nations, to build a better world.


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Dennis Etler holds a doctorate in anthropology from the University of California, Berkley. He conducted archaeological and anthropological research in China throughout the 1980s and 1990s and taught at the college and university level for over 35 years.

Nuclear Experimentation: Year 74

July 16th, 2019 by Ethan Indigo Smith

Nuclear experimentation began with the first detonation of the Manhattan Project. The first detonation began the unstable and unceasing chain reaction that is the nuclear era. The scientists involved in the detonation experiment actually debated on whether or not it would start a chain reaction of total planetary atmospheric ignition. Numerous detonations afterwards would also experiment with atmospheric influence. The atmosphere did not ignite, but the experiment began with a boom unlike any before in a New Mexico valley fittingly called El Journada del Muerte (The Journey of Death).

I’ll try to be brief because radiation impacts mental capacity, limits attention span and impacts decision making capability – and I have started to wonder, as I observe the world, if it is causing our mental decline along with social media, and so on. The atmosphere did not ignite, but the atmosphere and every strata of the planet has been saturated by and is being continuously being inundated with increasing radiation, nuclear experimentation pollution to the detriment of the world!

Nuclear experimentation continues to be the most taboo and obfuscated subject matter, overtly and covertly, the world over. The experiment is one of the most taboo subjects not only because of cultural (read military industrial complex) influence, but also because of the following rule which I call the Idiocy Certainty Principle: the less mental capacity, the more one muddles or denies the actuality of any and all things one has not seen themselves. This rule is most notable with near invisible subject matter such as nuclear experimentation and indeed with another matter of mostly invisible subjects; spirituality. If you cannot hold it, wear it, eat it, or spend it, how can it be worth anything or even real? And so, perhaps depending on one’s exposure to nuclear experimentation pollution and subsequently affected mental capacity, nuclear experimentation is either a very big deal or it’s out of sight/out of mind.

You can’t see radiation. Which, the aforementioned Idiocy Certainty Principle tells us, may be why most people ignore the topic of nuclear experimentation. Perhaps part of the reason I am fascinated with the subjects of nuclear experimentation and spirituality is because of the invisible nature shared by the diverse matters.

Since the journey of death that is nuclear experimentation began, there has already been a vast nuclear war on terra. There have been over 2,000 experimental detonations and the production, refinement, and storage of the elements of the deadly journey continue leaking into the planetary environment the world over, from Fukushima, to Hanford, to Chernobyl, to The West Lake Landfill, and back again.

A waste site fittingly called a “coffin” of waste is leaking radioactive material into the Pacific Ocean, United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres warned. “The Pacific was victimized in the past as we all know,” said Guterres, according to AFP. The structure is on the Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands; Guterres described the dome as “a kind of coffin” designed to contain nuclear material. The world needs secure above ground storage facilities and yet there is no such developed place and the contamination continues: see this and this.

On the 74th anniversary of the journey of death that is nuclear experimentation, we also have the 40th anniversary of the Three Mile Island meltdown and the 33rd anniversary of the Chernobyl meltdown. A major milestone too this year is that the Japanese are reopening some of the formerly closed off zones impacted by the Fukushima event. Japan is to host The Olympics in 2020 and is obviously showing off how exceptional they are at cleaning up radiation beforehand. The Secrecy Law implemented post-Fukushima in Japan admittedly might have been to hide how they clean radiation so efficiently rather than to hide how dirty it remains…but probably not!

The Three Mile Island nuclear experiment is planning on ceasing power production by September, 2019. The owner, Exelon, will have to look after the spent fuel, the cooled reactor next to the melted reactor for decades to come. The frightening prospect of nuclear experimentation is that even when we discontinue the power generation,  we  still have to deal with the storage of waste. Can we count on Exelon for even the next 100 years? Can we count on any institution for the next 1,000?

For the radiologically mentally impaired who otherwise would dare not research the 74 Year old nuclear experiment on their planet, HBO is airing a miniseries devoted to the Chernobyl event. From the part of the horrorshow I did see it looks quite outrageous and expositional. This year a parallel funny sprouted: a  lost sequel to the Burgess novel ‘A Clockwork Orange’ was  discovered. It is said to be a thematic look at the impairment of visually stimulated ‘cultures.’

For the not so radiologically impaired, there are ways for individuals to implement change. Anyone in US can submit a Memorial Bill to State Congress by being a United States citizen with some signatory assistance. Anyone can put together and implement a Memorial Bill and The Bill itself can be toward anything. There are innumerable requirements and bureaucratic loopholes to go through, but it is possible. With a little understanding of history, one can conceptualize anything, and one can certainly easily conceptualize reasons to cease global nuclear experimentation. The visible plastic waste of the petrolithic era being is accompanied by invisible radiation of the nuclear age, and we must act.

Perhaps there is someone in The Greater Los Angeles area who lived near Santa Susana nuclear waste site who would be inspired. This nuclear experimentation site experienced the first known nuclear power generation experimentation meltdown in the USA! When there were radiological releases from accidents, residents in nearby Simi Valley and beyond were not informed. The workers at the experiment were not allowed to inform their own families to take precautionary measures -to their demise. This was an era when even normal procedures without accidental releases were as uncaring to the surrounding environment as possible.

Standard operation of disposal of barrels of waste by gunfire in Los Angeles Hills. The bullet caused a chain reaction and dispersal.

Another interesting event in nuclear experimentation this the 74th year since Time 0 of the journey of death was the clandestine use of the disputed Yucca Mountain waste site in Nevada. The DOE secretly brought one half metric ton of disposal to the site. Side note: there have been 928 nuclear experimentation detonations in Nevada since the fateful day we embarked from El Journada del Meurte.

“The Justice Department notified a federal judge in Reno the government had already trucked the radioactive material to the site 70 miles north of Las Vegas when Nevada filed a request for an injunction to block the move in November.” ~Reno Gazette Journal 

Let us hope and pray that the saturation of the environment does not stupefy us all and that we can raise awareness of the global nuclear experiment. We simply must change our focus from our current cultural predicament of war to pursuing having clean water. Speaking of water, Russia set sail a floating nuclear power generation experiment. What could possibly go wrong?

And in all seriousness if something does go wrong – or hell, even when standard operation procedure goes “right” – where will the nuclear age institutions of our global “culture” be? Perhaps they will lend a hand. Perhaps they will fight in order to not have to help.

Peace on Earth.


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This article was originally published on Wake Up World.

Activist, author and Tai Chi teacher Ethan Indigo Smith was born on a farm in Maine and lived in Manhattan for a number of years before migrating west to Mendocino, California. Ethan’s work is both deeply connected and extremely insightful, blending philosophy, politics, activism, spirituality, meditation and a unique sense of humor.

Featured image is from WUW

These are the demented Gang of Four who are determined to destroy 74 years of international cooperation for peace by waging a completely unwarranted war against Iran in a bid for global supremacy, and oil, that will provoke nuclear war and potentially millions of deaths.

Today, the world stands at the crossroads where peaceful cooperation between the nation states of the world faces the prospect of nuclear war instigated by a small group of highly dangerous, political aggressors with a defined leadership and internal organisation that is intent on engaging collectively in an illegal and violent attempt at global domination.

We should not fall into the trap of believing that it will never actually happen because common sense will prevail. These men are not driven by logic or reason. They are driven, individually and collectively, by a desire for personal power.

They will use whatever means are available and that translates into weapons of mass destruction – nuclear, chemical and biological – that will potentially destroy the Middle East and turn much of Europe into a contaminated wasteland.

The world, particularly Europe, must awake. The current White House administration is an existential threat to all of us wherever we live. The clock is one minute to midnight, right now. The United Nations Security Council needs to convene in emergency session and act, regardless of the US veto. If not, the demented four will bring global disaster.

As you read this, the US 5th Fleet (NAVCENT) based in Bahrain, is on high alert awaiting Trump’s instructions to attack, with deep-penetration missiles, major underground targets as well as conurbation centres, in Iran. Once that order is given, there can be no turning back. Co-ordinated and long-planned nuclear attacks from Israel, by air and sea, will follow, and death and destruction will fall upon the entire region.

Global oil prices will immediately multiply by a factor of from 3 -10 as all Gulf supplies are cut and stock markets around the world go into freefall. The die will have been cast and darkness will then be upon the face of the deep.

The international community, and in particular the US Congress, must not let this happen but must act decisively now to render their president and the other warmongers impotent before it is too late.


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Hans Stehling (pen name) is an analyst based in the UK. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102
Print Edition: $10.25 (+ shipping and handling)
PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

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Heard “Trader Joe’s” podcast yet? I don’t know who might listen to a 22-minute corporate ad. But, given how cool podcasts have become: hey, that sounds inviting. The idea is also an implicit endorsement for radio — because that’s where podcasting originated. Yes.

I don’t want to disenchant young progressives for whom podcasts are their go-to listening medium today. It likely wouldn’t concern them in any case that in fact these phone-friendly popular audio items are little more than archived radio productions. They follow basic principles developed by radio hosts and editors over the years — many years.

I’m not here to knock podcasting; not at all; podcasts are a welcome advance, a real boon for radio broadcasting. Still evolving, radio has conscripted a generation who twenty-five years ago listened to sound productions only in a car, or (as teenagers) from a boom box at the beach.

Today’s listeners don’t dial into 99.5 FM or 8:00 AM. Through iTunes or another app, they locate an amusing podcast among a list of hundreds (thousands?) of podcast subjects or sites. Many of those are original radio productions adapted to a podcast format, packaged into serials that can be subscribed to, listened to, stopped, then picked up later. Everything’s portable—not only in your car, but in your pocket phone while traveling to work by train or subway car.

So the medium of radio not only survives; it’s evolving too, using the latest technology to reach into every phone.

How has radio’s appeal endured? Simply because radio builds on its quintessential feature — intimacy. Besides its proven versatility, radio invites us in. Yes, it may stimulate us with flute solos, sitar ragas, blues and R&B, Brahms sonatas or inventive hip-hop poetry. More poignantly, radio taps our deep human need for the voices of others. It’s often a very private experience, affirmed by the ubiquity of slinky earbuds and chunky wireless headphones that envelope each wearer in his and her personal world.

You may be unfamiliar with a piece of household furniture known as an FM radio receiver — like Jackson Bell 1930s ‘cathedral’ style countertop item. But you’ll find classics such as Bakelite radios and transistors on vintage radio sites for broadcasting aficionados from the era bypassed by the current generation — like the dial-up phone that had to be plugged into a wall!

Image on the right: Cathedral Model Radio 1830

I learned about the dispensability of these FM home receivers when visiting the apartment of a fellow producer thirteen years ago. She quietly answered my challenge — How can a radio producer not possess a radio, the medium we work in? — by opening her computer and tuning into our station’s webpage! “It’s called streaming”, she informed this old-timer.

Today every station live-streams and offers a phone app through which you can subscribe to listen live and search archived shows and podcasts. Thanks to phone apps radio’s reach extends far beyond the kitchen table model or the car receiver. (For a few intervening years when television dominated home entertainment, the car was where most radio programs reached listeners. Then cars acquired SiriusXM (launching 22 podcasts soon, I’m informed) whose plethora of channels competes with television.

Sixty years ago, apart from the toaster, a radio was the only electronic device in regular use in a home. When television came along, oh the woes and warnings: radio was finished. How would it complete with live picture transmissions? Chatty comedians like Arthur Godfrey eschewed radio for TV, as did sportscasters. (Imagine fans gathering around a sitting room audio receiver cheering on their team! But they did.) Then there’s drama; drama was once a mainstay of radio, offering employment for writers, actors and sound effects specialists. “The Lone Ranger” and “The Shadow” were two serialized shows I recall hearing as a child. (One can still find those early dramas on programs like “The Golden Age of Radio” which my WBAI colleague Max Schmid began producing in 1976.)

Radio dramas provided evening family entertainment and were adapted for children too. I belong to the generation of schoolchildren who walked home for lunch where we heard a daily episode of some short children’s drama airing at 12:30. This was in Canada where radio always had a special status. (Maybe it still does.)

The still popular broadcast “Selected Shorts” based on recorded performances began in 1985. Today radio drama is enlivened by productions like “The Moth Radio Hour” launched in 2010 (from Woods Hole, MA) inspired by Atlantic Media’s commitment to “the art of the story, in the power of sound and spoken word”. (Atlantic Media introduced a fresh ambiance into radio broadcasting.)

For decades after television was a household fixture, in defiance of expectations, radio held his own. Television sets were initially one per household, dominating the sitting room, with the radio receiver consigned to the kitchen for morning news and weather.

Radio’s role in the music industry was advanced by American Top 40 Countdown introduced in 1970 by Casey Kassem.

Image below: Radio Unnamable’s Bob Fass

And what about political radio? Perhaps as a corollary to growing opposition to the Vietnam War, alternative voices carved out their space on the FM dial. The Pacifica Network (founded in 1949 surged in popularity during the 1960s (which in 1996 gave birth to Democracy Now which largely eclipsed the mother network). Pacifica’s early commitment to vigorous debate and a space for dissenting voices fostered the talk-radio format where lively hosts brought listeners on-air by phone. Talk radio’s widening influence is now associated with extreme conservative advocates Rush Limbaugh, MichaelSavage and Mark Levin. Their radical views may appear risible to some and frightening to others, but their deep impact into American politics is unarguable. One of the founders of talk-radio lies at the other end of the political spectrum — Radio Unnamable’s  Bob Fass who originated  free-form radio which also revolutionized late night FM listening.

The Podcast revolution notwithstanding, regular FM broadcasting is attracting print news sources to the air, from “Counterpunch”  to “The New Yorker Radio” and New York Times’ “The Daily”.

Stay tuned for more.


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Barbara Nimri Aziz is a New York based anthropologist and journalist. In addition to books on Tibet and Nepal, she is author of “Swimming Up the Tigris: Real Life Encounters with Iraq” based on her work in Iraq and the Arab Homelands. For many years a producer at Pacifica-WBAI Radio in NY, her productions and current articles can be found at  

Featured image: Radio Host Arthur Godfrey; all images in this article are from the author

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Israel is the only nation without official borders. From its inception it was planned this way to extrajudicially annex more territory.

A territorial expansion plan was drawn up in the 1980s as part of the US/Israel plan to redraw the Middle East map to their advantage, wanting subservient puppet regimes installed in partitioned Syria, Lebanon, Iran, and other Arab countries.

In 2006, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya wrote about “(t)he (US-Israeli) Project for a New Middle East.”

Their objectives remain unchanged, including the creation of “arc of instability, chaos, and violence extending from Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria to Iraq, the Persian Gulf, Iran, and borders of” Central Asia and North Africa.

Endless US-led NATO wars rage in this broader region, no end of them in prospect. Beginning weeks after 9/11, what followed was well planned in advance.

The mother of all false flags launched Washington’s escalated imperial agenda in this oil and other resource-rich part of the world.

US forever wars are part of its divide, conquer and control strategy, the human cost of no consequence. Israel shares the same objective regionally that Washington aims for worldwide.

In 1982, Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs senior advisor Oded Yinon published a document for regional conquest and dominance — titled “A Strategy for Israel in the 1980s.”

Israel Shahak (1933 – 2001) published a translated/edited version titled “The Zionist Plan for the Middle East.”

It’s considered the most explicit, detailed statement of Zionist rage for redrawing the Middle East map to serve Israeli interests.

Its two essential premises include the following:

To survive, Israel must dominate the region and become a world power.

Achieving its imperial aims requires dividing Arab nations into small, easily controlled states – partitioning them along ethnic and sectarian lines as weakened Israeli satellites.

According to Yinon,

“(t)he existence, prosperity and steadfastness of (Israel) depend(s) upon its ability to adopt a new framework for its domestic and foreign affairs,” based on securing its material needs through winnable resource wars and Arab world divisions.

“All the Arab States east of Israel are torn apart, broken up and riddled with inner conflicts even more than those of the Maghreb” (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Mauritania, and Western Sahara).”

Gulf states are “built upon a delicate house of sand in which there is only oil.” Jordan is in reality Palestine, Amman the same as Nablus.

Other regional states are similar, including Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and others.

The US, NATO, Israeli scheme is all about creating endless regional violence and chaos, exploited to their advantage for gaining control over regional nations and their valued resources.

In 1948, Israel stole 78% of historic Palestine, siezing the rest in June 1967, including Jerusalem, a UN-designated international city the US and Israel consider the exclusive Jewish state capital, no matter how contrary to international law.

Israel illegally occupies most all valued West Bank land and Jerusalem. It always aimed for maximum Jews and minimum Arabs throughout historic Palestine.

On Friday, UN Special Rapporteur for human rights in Occupied Palestine Michael Lynk said actions of the Jewish state “occupying power (are) bent on further (illegal) territorial annexation.”

During a visit to Amman, Jordan, the Netanyahu regime denied him permission to enter Occupied Palestine.

My earlier articles about Israel/Palestine explained the following:

Occupied Palestinians live in limbo, controlled by a repressive foreign army and a system of institutionalized and codified racism.

They’re denied self-determination, the right of citizenship, and control over their daily lives, what’s fundamental for all free socities.

Living in a constant state of fear, they suffer from economic strangulation, collective punishment, denial of free movement and expression, along with enduring virtually every form of indignity, degradation, and crime against humanity imaginable.

Their population centers are isolated from each other for easier control and theft of their land.

They endure curfews, roadblocks, checkpoints, electric fences, other barriers, mass arrests, imprisonments, torture, separation walls, bulldozed homes, and targeted killings.

Their fundamental rights affirmed under international law are denied by oppressive Israeli regimes, ruling by what Edward Said called “refined viciousness.”

They’re punished by inadequate or denied vital services, punitive taxes, regular neighborhood incursions, land, sea and air attacks, imprisonment of lawmakers for belonging to the wrong party, ethnic cleansing, and slow-motion genocide for praying to the wrong God.

Challenging Israeli authority verbally, in writing, or by peaceful demonstrations risks arrest, injury, or death.

Israel is to Palestinians what Nazi Germany was to Jews, slow-motion extermination compared to industrial scale.

Two million besieged Gazans endure the world’s largest open-air prison, an entire population enduring mass suffocation.

Lynk slammed the Netanyahu regime for failing to fulfill its “obligations as a UN member to cooperate fully with Experts of the United Nations.”

He expressed special concern for Gazans, enduring protracted humanitarian crisis conditions enforced by Israel.

“Palestinians seeking redress through the Israeli legal system face a multitude of obstacles such that ultimately, justice is elusive and largely impossible to obtain,” he stressed, adding:

“Israel’s conduct of the 52-year-old occupation is an affront to modern international law.”

“The United Nations has stated on numerous occasions that the Israeli settlements are illegal, its annexation of East Jerusalem is unlawful, and its violations of the human rights of the Palestinians breach international covenants and treaties.”

“Now is the time for the international community to hold Israel fully accountable for its actions, and to determine whether (its) role as the occupying power has crossed the bright red line into illegality.”

There’s no ambiguity about Israeli high crimes of war and against humanity, its vicious persecution of defenseless Palestinians.

Yet the world community has done nothing to hold the Jewish state accountable, nothing to seek redress for the Palestinian people.

As long as Israel has US support, it’ll continue getting away with mass murder and a whole lot more. They’ll be no end to Palestinian suffering.

Fulfillment of Netanyahu’s campaign pledge to annex illegal settlements if implemented will be the latest Israeli affront to their fundamental rights.

Israel has never been held accountable for “its prolonged occupation, annexation and defiance of international (laws, norms, and standards) with respect to settlements, the separation wall, and collective punishment,” said Lynk.

Nor is it likely ahead unless international tribunals fulfill their obligations to hold serial lawbreaker Israel and its officials accountable for their high crimes.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Five years after the “umbrella revolution”, Hong Kong residents took to the streets with the new force. This time they are struggling against the law on the extradition to mainland China.

As in 2014, the Chinese authorities blame the West for organizing the protests. And they have a point. Against the background of the rising of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) on the world stage and the escalation of Chinese-American relations, attempts to destabilize this region will become more frequent.

However, China provided these opportunities for destabilization to its “overseas friends” back in 1997.

Spectre Of British Colonialism Is Haunting Hong Kong

2019 protests (L), 2014 protests (R)

For more than hundred years, Hong Kong was a British colony and served a purely economic function. The authoritarian consultative regime was as far from liberal democracy as the regime in Beijing. The local population was seen as a trading post service class, and political rights the province of various key personnel: lawyers, financiers, traders, and others.

The colony served as a financial staging post between the PRC and the capitalist world. Stable financial flows were formed, a significant part of them is still controlled and used by the UK.

In 1997, the British authorities transferred the city back to China. Favoring Hong Kong’s Western system of government, the Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping formed a special autonomous region there and granted a 50-year transition period before Hong Kong fully comply with Chinese rule. The idea known as “one country – two systems”, according to which Hong Kong can have its own capitalist economic and political system while maintaining the principle of united China.

Spectre Of British Colonialism Is Haunting Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Today, Hong Kong is one of the largest Asia-Pacific financial centers. It has its own laws and currency, and the rights and freedoms of its residents are protected better than mainland Chinese.

Image on the right: Carrie Lam

Spectre Of British Colonialism Is Haunting Hong Kong

Despite this, locals repeatedly protested against the Beijing authorities.

Unlike the 2014 events, this year the protests were more violent, and for the first time the colonial flag has been hung in the parliament. On June 16, almost two million citizens took to the streets, according to the organizers – more than a quarter of the autonomy’s population. It is noteworthy that the demands of the protesters are inconsistent with their actions. They demanded the withdrawal of the bill, but it had been postponed “for an indefinite period” on June 15, the day before the so-called protests peaked. They demanded apologies from Carrie Lam – she did it twice, through the press office and to the camera directly. They demanded her resignation, but it would not help their cause. Anyone who would replace her would also be selected by Beijing.

Obviously, the case is connected with the West’s discontent with the growing power of PRC and its independent policies. The US is expressing its discontent by sending clear and unequivocal signals like the “umbrella revolution” and the latest protests in Hong Kong. By “exposing authoritarian tendencies” and human rights abuses, the West wants to undermine China’s image as an international actor. In addition, the decline in democracy in Hong Kong would make the financial sector less transparent and manageable for foreign capital. The imperialists hope to embolden the capitalist class to become more aggressive and demand the abolition of socialist norms, including the overturn of the leading role of the Communist Party.

Non-governmental organizations traditionally are used to destabilize the socio-political situation. China has allowed them almost unlimited access in Hong Kong for decades. Unrest has been imminent since 1995, when the US State Department substantially enhanced the number of diplomatic missions in the city. After the years of preparation, NGOs managed to bring the people into the streets in 2014, who initially advocated universal suffrage and then moved on to demand independence from the PRC.

Among entities (including NGOs) that finance subversive activities in Hong Kong, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is the most prominent. [The NED is funded primarily through an annual allocation from the U.S. Congress.]

In 2018, NED granted $200,000 to the National Democratic Institute (NDI) to “facilitate engagement on Hong Kong’s growing threats to guaranteed rights”, $155,000 to the Center of Solidarity (SC) to “raise public awareness and promote participation in worker rights issues” and $90,000 to Hong Kong Justice Center (HKHRM) to “increase the international community’s awareness of human rights abuses in Hong Kong through advocacy”.

Months before the “umbrella revolution” in 2014 one of its leaders Martin Lee spoke in Washington to NED calling for material and political support for the upcoming demonstrations. The same took place on the eve of recent protests – on May 14 and on June 3, 4 and 11 NED held conferences on “new threats to civil society in Hong Kong” and “challenging the spread of China’s repression model within and beyond its borders”.

“Promoting democracy” has become a cover for attacks on the sovereignty of countries all around the world. Before analyzing the Hong Kong protests, let’s turn to history and consider the times when the so-called authoritarian regimes compromised with the West. When Gaddafi agreed to negotiations, this was used to spread agents inside Libya who began funding of opposition networks. Soon the middle class of the large cities of Libya began to consider their gains to be insufficient and Gaddafi as an obstacle. Artificially inflating social problems helped to raise the masses and overthrow the Libyan government. When in 2011 the Western coalition began to bomb government forces, Muammar Gaddafi recalled how he had met the international community voluntarily in 2003. The same happened to Iraq. Despite the Iraqi command accepted the terms of peace, uprisings began in the country. Saddam Hussein provided open access to foreign agents when he let a UN Special Commission into the country. The Commission was to find out whether Iraq possesses WMD, but as UN admitted later, the inspectors passed on information to American intelligence services. It is not surprising that now Iran and the DPRK are refusing to make concessions to the West.

The United States and Great Britain hope to use Hong Kong for political gains against China as they did 150 years ago. However, today they are not facing a backward feudal dynasty.

Given the scale and diversity of China, as well as the traditional endurance of the authorities, there is no doubt the Hong Kong’s integration into the PRC will be implemented. Representatives of local businesses are strongly associated with mainland China and are in favor of subsequent integration, and without the support of business structures the ardor of the protesters will inevitably subside. In 2047 Hong Kong will become completely Chinese while retaining its own specifics. The question is, will Anglo-Saxon influence remain there?


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Since the Iranian revolution took power in 1979, the world stood against Iran because it is an “Islamic Republic”, unwilling to acknowledge and bow to US dominance of the Middle East and the entire world. I say the world because the revolution was followed by the Russian Perestroika and the fall of the Soviet union that had been a countervailing superpower to the US.

Furthermore, Iran has been ruining US arms sales — notwithstanding the exuberant amount invested by Middle Eastern countries whose leaders consider a protection fee to the US rather than a necessity — to the Middle East, establishing unheard of rules of engagement and spoiling US plans for a “new Middle East”. It is responsible for jeopardising the security and expansion plans of the chief US ally in the region, Israel.

Although many experts (and dual national) officials and academics in the West have in-depth knowledge of Iran, decision-makers have been unable to find the right policy and words to bring Iran to a negotiation table.

Sanctions on Iran are nothing new. The “Islamic Republic” took over the country 40 years ago and the Iranians have lived under sanctions ever since. President Carter banned imports of Iranian oil, froze $12 billion in Iranian accounts, and banned all US trade with and travel to Iran in 1980. President Reagan declared Iran a state sponsor of terrorism, opposed international loans, authorised naval escorts for ships in the Persian Gulf, and imposed an embargo against Iranian imports. President Clinton (executive order 12959) expanded sanctions, banned all kinds of US investment and any involvement in the Iranian petroleum industry. President George W. Bush froze assets of people, groups, foreign entities and businesses dealing with, helping or supporting Iran. President Obama banned Iranian foodstuffs and carpets, imposed sanctions on the IRGC and ceased dealing with financial institutions that do business with Iran’s central bank.

Despite all these sanctions, the leader of the revolution is said to be in control of assets worth tens of billions of dollars. Sayyed Ali Khamenei dug into the pot of the National Development Fund (NDF) not long ago, withdrawing four billion for missile capability development. In a real crisis, Iran can survive by selling a part of its oil to countries who have rejected the unilateral US sanctions, smuggling hundreds of thousands of barrels daily to the “grey market” in order to augment its oil exports.

Sanctions are thus nothing new for Iran, despite their harsh effects on Iranian society, and will not affect the regime itself. Moreover, Iran has taken upon itself a vow to support the “just struggle of all downtrodden peoples” and rejects all forms of imperial domination. Its constitution (articles 3, 152 and 154) calls for the complete elimination of imperialism and foreign influence over Iran. The Iranian leadership has clear limits and objectives.

Iranian Leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei has enough financial power to continue supporting all groups and partners in the Middle East regardless of how long the sanctions persist. The US-Israeli threats have consolidated the goal of Iran to finance, arm and support all its partners in the Middle East so that, in case of war threatening Iran’s national security and existence, it will not be alone and can significantly harm its enemies.

Iran precision missiles , cruise missiles, and drone capabilities have harmed US arms sales in the region in the long term by showing that US weapons do not work as advertised. Iranian drones have even hit a US Patriot missile, showing the limitations of the US competitor to the Russian S-400 system.

By sending missiles to Lebanon, Iran has helped Hezbollah develop the capacity to cause severe damage to Israeli oil platforms, harbours, civilian and military infrastructure, its tanks, airports, boats, and to create new rules of engagement notwithstanding the overwhelming superiority of the Israeli Air Force, navy, infantry, and advanced military hardware.

Moreover, Iran’s fast intervention in Iraq in 2014 following the fall of Mosul and 40 per cent of Iraqi provinces, spoiled US plans to divide the country. Iran helped turn the Iranian popular mobilisation group, Hashd Al-Shaabi, into a dominant force on the model of the Sepah-e Pasdaran (Revolutionary Guard Corps – IRGC). The Sepah was created to protect the country and the “value of the revolution” when the west controlled half of the Iranian army under the shah. Today Iraq faces a similar situation, where the US controls many elements within the Iraqi army. Even so, the Hashd Al-Shaabi, with its robust ideological commitment, will stand by Iran for decades to come.

Also, in Syria, dozens of nations (including the US, Europe, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey) failed to effect regime-change, notwithstanding massive financial and military hardware investments. The support of Iran and its allies and Russia’s intervention after September 2015 proved more effective than the terrorist forces drawn from some one hundred countries and sponsored by the West and its allies. A stable government in Damascus spoiled the US-Israeli plan to create a failed state and divide Syria. Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Ya’alon said that he would “prefer that IS (Islamic State terror group) be in control of the territory (Syria)”.

The costly and sophisticated US weapons sold to Saudi Arabia and the UAE proved incapable of overpowering Yemen and the Houthis. They failed to secure the safety of tankers which suffered sabotage in the UAE, and they failed to prevent attacks on other tankers navigating in the Gulf, to prevent the bombing of two Aramco pumping stations in Saudi Arabia, and to prevent target Saudi airports and Patriot missiles battery.

Iran is today a major dominant Middle Eastern player and, by strengthening its allies, it has managed to prevent the US from imposing a “New Middle East”. It negotiated and signed a non-binding nuclear agreement with Western powers in 2015 when the Obama administration realised that sanctions were useless and wanted to slow down Iran’s fast progress towards full nuclear capability, including military-grade material.

Iran was not so gullible as to sign an agreement based on blind trust between the signatories. The agreement created a balance between Iranian hardliners and pragmatists by including clauses allowing it to partially and fully withdraw in case of non-compliance. Iran has shown its patience in waiting for 14 months before taking its first warning step, increasing its uranium enrichment percentage from 3.67 to 4.5  per cent purity. Whether Iran reaches 20 per cent (considered Lower Enriched Uranium, but the most challenging target to reach) or 70 per cent (Highly Enriched Uranium), this progress will be a gradual warning, allowing Europe enough time to distance itself from the US, while still not reaching levels adequate for producing a bomb. The weapons-grade level is 80-90 per cent.

European governments base their notion of law and order on Enlightenment principles and use these to appear legitimate. The European states are caught between their relationships with the US and the commitments they have made to Iran. Its leaders will be challenged to stick to the JCPOA agreement they have signed (France, Germany and the United Kingdom).

Iran doesn’t want to project weakness in any of its negotiation discussions or in the steps it is taking. It is in no position to pull back from the responses to the US embargos it has promised unless Europe offers meaningful relief – a significant economic facility to bypass some of the US sanctions. It is crucial for Iran to show it is saving its face, that it is preserving national pride and the dignity of its people and not backing down on its gradual withdrawal decision, mainly since it was the US president who revoked the nuclear agreement.

President Donald Trump is offering the world a new model of hooliganism: I grab anything I want, I take what I wish, everything is mine without consideration for any other nation or individual, and everybody has to pay us for protection. US values are no longer respected in the world at large and Washington is no longer considered a partner or potential intermediary in any world crisis.

As the UK ambassador to Washington Sir Kim Darroch described Trump “radiating insecurity” and the White House as “a uniquely dysfunctional environment”, it is clear that the US will be incapable of any reliable and stable deal with Iran as long as Trump remains in office. From the day Trump ends his first or second mandate, a long interval will be necessary before nuclear talks with Iran can be resumed. Iran’s only remaining interlocutor is Europe, even if little can be expected from the divided Old Continent. However, the possibility of war between the US and Iran (and the rest of the Middle East) increases dramatically if Trump is re-elected. Iran is awareof this, considers Trump has good chances to win a second mandate and is preparing along with its allies for a possible future war.


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While the partisan, fake faction fight over usage of concentration camp persists domestically, American politicians and US media continue to ignore the US Rukban concentration camp in Syria. US occupation criminals continue as illicit armed guards, dictating which Syrians may or may not be allowed their freedom.

The entire concentration camp was to have been emptied in October, but it was not until November that illicit US troops allowed entry of a humanitarian convoy.

Since May, the criminal occupiers have begun to allow Syrian families to trickle out (though not reporting on the sporadic benevolence).

Three days ago, an undisclosed number of Syrians were given their freedom, utilizing the Jlaighem corridor in Homs countryside. They were greeted with health care provided by the Syrian Arab Red Crescent and given temporary housing. This release followed the American occupiers’ release of tens of Syrian families on 3 July.

In addition to the release of Syrians from US captivity in Rukban concentration camp, busloads of Syrian refugees returned home from Lebanon, via the al Zamrani, Jdeidet Yabous, and al Dabbousyia crossings.

At this writing, the United Nations appears to be too occupied with propaganda in support of strategic depopulation to comment on these good stories. In the past, members of this organization attempted to convince Syrian refugees to not return home.

un and merc msm tyring to strat depopulate syria

We do not anticipate any ‘conservative,’ ‘liberal,’ or ‘neutral’ US medium to report on the US illegal occupation of the Rukban concentration camp.

Here is what some temporary housing for Syrian IDPs and returning refugees looks like:

temporary shelter in harjaleh

Temporary shelter in Harjaleh for Syrians forced to flee their homes by west funded terrorists.

temporary shelter

Syrian government providing temporary housing for our internal refugees.


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Inspired by the 1962 Twilight Zone episode How to Serve Man this writer uses that to make some cogent points about our corporate and political system. We have (too) large corporations that do as little as possible to make we working stiffs’ life easier. Instead, they continue to attack our pocketbooks and our bodies with inferior products and services.

Imagine how the banking system overcharges for us keeping our money with them, or using our money through them. An overdraft or stop payment fee should be a few dollars, instead of the average of $34 and $32 for both. Overdraft fees hit consumers for over $34 billion a year at last count. Where were out great politicians to stop this? Recently, with the prime rate at around 5.5 %, the average interest rate charge for an overdue card balance is at 17+%! The aforementioned Shylock charges have been going on for decades! Yet, the politicians from both parties , especially those who get uber donations from the banking industry, do squat!

We have military spending at over 50% of our federal tax revenue. Recently, most of the Republican Senators and 38 Democratic Senators just passed an over $750 billion military spending bill. The Democratic controlled House said ‘Too much’ and suggested an increase over last year’s bill to $733 billion. Real progressive, right, when it comes to holding the Pentagon’s hand down the rabbit hole of fiscal insolvency. Meanwhile, the roads and bridges, railroads, schools, health care and ALL safety nets remain broken… along with the futures for working stiffs nationwide.

All the embedded in empire mainstream media cares about is how much this new crop of presidential pretenders and current ‘Reality TV‘ president are raising for their campaigns. When there is any new crisis like this Tropical Storm Barry, they are always all over it. Yet, they always fail to mention that ALL the major hurricanes and tornadoes which devastate our cities could have been better received if our infrastructure in those areas was better secured. After such devastation, as with Katrina, Sandy, Mathew, Maria and Irma, if Uncle Sam didn’t spend most of our tax dollars in keeping our military in the ‘hornet’s nest’ of the Middle East (it cost taxpayers over $1,000,000 a year to keep ONE soldier in Afghanistan) the poor survivors of said hurricanes would be properly cared for. Bush Jr. telling his buddy Michael Brown “Good job Brownie” when the Katrina aftermath was boldly mishandled, and Trump throwing toilet paper to the Puerto Rican survivors of Hurricane Maria were examples of how NOT to serve man.

Like serfs on some feudal estate, most of my fellow Americans continue to be, in the words of the late, great Malcolm X, to be ‘Conned, Hoodwinked, Bamboozled, Led Astray and Run Amuck’. The narcotic effect of thinking we are a democracy has seeped into their psyches. Many have already, for generations of families, just given up. Others are more concerned with the 24/7 sports and media driven gossip to care about their own future and that of their kids and grandkids. Then we have those who crave a leader to show them the way. Regardless of all the above, the end of this Amerikan culture will be like the end of that Twilight Zone Episode. As the people file onto the spaceship of ‘friendly‘ alien visitors, the code breaker runs up and shouts to them “I found out that their book ‘How to Serve Man‘ is a cookbook!


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Philip A Farruggio is a contributing editor for The Greanville Post. He is also frequently posted on Global Research, Nation of Change, World News Trust and Off Guardian sites. He is the son and grandson of Brooklyn NYC longshoremen and a graduate of Brooklyn College, class of 1974. Since the 2000 election debacle Philip has written over 300 columns on the Military Industrial Empire and other facets of life in an upside down America. He is also host of the ‘It’s the Empire… Stupid‘ radio show, co produced by Chuck Gregory. Philip can be reached at [email protected].

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Trump started his trade war with China over a year ago.  After a year of escalations, two high-profile G20 meetings and months of on-off-on again negotiations, the trade war has the world tittering on the edge of a global recession.

In the run-up to last month’s G20 meeting, Trump had boasted that “it’s me right now that’s holding up” a deal with China.  Rejecting Beijing’s pleas for a “balanced” deal, Trump’s top trade advisor Lighthizer declared that any deal must involve China making up for its’ “past transgressions.”[1]

The notion that the U.S. has long been the victim of unfair trade practices, especially at the hand of China, thus is no longer just election rhetoric, but the raison d’être of America’s trade war.

In the past, U.S. politicians often accused China of manipulating its currency to steal American jobs.  The fact that China never developed a “freely convertible” currency was not a result of cheating per se, but of the country focusing on developing its Main Street over Wall Street economy first.

Historical data shows that China has actually kept rates stable and steady over many decades.  There is no evidence of China ever artificially lowering its currency only to raise it later purely for trade gains.

With an almost 300% increase in wages over the last decade, China is no longer a low wage nation in Asia.  Yet the average Chinese worker last year – working on average 6-day weeks and 12-hour days – still earns only around 1/10th of his American counter-part, at around $2.86/hr vs. $22.04/hr.[2]  Is China still “stealing” American jobs?  If so, what about nations like Vietnam or India that now command even lower wages?

Americans face the same – albeit reverse – conundrum with its European and Japanese trading partners. Today the U.S. stands almost alone among developed nations without Universal health care.  This can be great drag and major source of trade disadvantage for American companies.  Trump recently provoked an uproar when he commented that Britain’s NHS should be part of free trade negotiations post Brexit, with British leaders biting back: the NHS is not “for sale”![3]

So is universal healthcare a “basic right” … or an “unfair” “subsidy”?

U.S. officials have long called out China’s state subsidies to its industries even though the U.S. itself has long used subsidies throughout its history.

The development of semiconductor technology, the Internet, and many blockbuster drugs in the U.S., for example, all arose from government-sponsored research in America’s Universities or corporate labs.  Silicon Valley grew out of generous subsidies strewn to in the aftermath of WWII.[4] Some of its most prominent companies – Apple, Google and Facebook included – received billions of dollars in subsidies just this past decade alone![5]

Recently, based in part on a 2018 American Chamber of Commerce survey, the Trump administration has taken to berating China for engaging in rampant IP “theft” of American companies through “forced” joint partnerships.[6]  China has challenged the U.S. to provide concrete evidence, but to no avail.

Over the last several decades, many American businesses have indeed flocked to China and sought out local partners to help them make products to sell around the world and establish critical beachheads in the Chinese market.  The American partners would bring know-how and technology while China would provide cheap, dependable labor and critical manufacturing infrastructure. This was all a very public and welcomed part of China’s opening up.

Perhaps some U.S. companies have recently felt “pressured” by the breaks and incentives offered by some local governments to partner with local businesses and bring technologies and high-skill jobs to their localities. But if so, what of the deal that Trump announced with much fanfare in 2017 offering billions in tax incentives to Foxconn to partner with local businesses and universities to build advanced factories, run R&D facilities, employ high-skill workers, and jointly share and develop intellectual property in Wisconsin?[7]

Global trade was never meant as a platform to structurally suppress the development of another nation. Even with IP concessions, China rightly understood that liberalization would bring unprecedented opportunities for its citizens and businesses to learn from the outside – to copy, imitate, and improve as the case may be – the many “unprotected” ideas that would inevitably flood in.  As China moves up the technological value chain, it seems only natural to up the ante and offer top businesses from around the world special incentives and breaks to bring to or develop in China the newest, breakthrough technologies.

It is ironic that Trump today would make “IP theft” such a focal point of his trade war.  Over the last couple of decades, China has become a top producer as well as top paying consumer of intellectual property.  In 2018 alone, China filed around 1.4 million patents, more than double that of the U.S.[8]  China now ranks second only to the U.S. in global IP royalty payments.  Even Microsoft, the poster child of American companies being “ripped off” in the 1990’s and early 2000’s, has found success in China: developing a dominant market share for its products and running a world-class R&D program there.

Besides berating China of systemic “IP theft,” the Trump Administration has also alleged Chinese companies posing national security risks to nations around the world by potentially working with the Chinese military; criticized Chinese restrictions of direct foreign investments as unfair, illegal, and unacceptable; and slammed China uniquely for carrying out and benefiting from global industrial espionage and cyberattacks.

But if the Trump administration were truly honest about the global national security risks that partnerships between companies and military posed, what of the long list of U.S. companies – from Google to Cisco to Boeing – that have worked – secretively or publicly – with the U.S. military?  What of the companies that WikiLeaks have disclosed to have spied on the world on behalf of U.S. intelligence?

As for restrictions on foreign direct investments, it is the U.S. that has by far the most stringent restrictions on foreign direct investments in the world, with a Committee on Foreign Investment that has categorically rejected all major Chinese investments in its technological sectors for over a decade in the name of “national security.” Recently, at the urging of the U.S., the EU has also raised restrictions on its so-called “strategic sectors”[9] and Japan’s restrictions on its technology sectors earlier this year with an eye toward China.[10]

Industrial espionage and cyberattacks is a complex global issue. Traditionally, the world’s biggest practitioners of industrial espionage have been associated with the world’s biggest economies.[11]  In 2018, China, Japan, and the U.S. all ranked amongst the hardest hit of countries by cyberattacks,[12] but it was China that ranked among the least prepared against such attacks while the U.S. the best.[13]  The claim that China is the chief provocateur and beneficiary of espionage and cyberattacks is simply not grounded in fact.

China today represents a $600 billion market for the American economy. Several American companies including GM and Qualcomm already sell more in China than anywhere else in the world.[14] China is willing to discuss ways to make trade more sustainable and fair, but that discussion must be grounded in principles of equality and reciprocity.

Many Americans are taught today to think that America’s inequality is a result of international trade. But how many really believe getting back $1-2/hr jobs from China (or elsewhere) is the key to reviving America’s Middle Class and solving America’s gaping inequality problem?

America’s revitalization cannot start in Beijing.  It must start at home with Americans confronting long-ignored structural problems, such as its perpetual runaway military budget, dysfunctional healthcare system, a government long captured by special interests, just to name a few.  A prosperous China – like a prosperous Europe or Japan – can raise the water for all.  An insecure America that sees a threat in everyone else’s successes will make the world less prosperous and less safe.


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Allen Yu is a blogger at and an IP attorney in the Silicon Valley.



[2] and













Just when you thought President Trump couldn’t get any more absurd, out comes a series of tweets telling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came.” 

Omar was born in Mogadishu, Somali and immigrated with her family to the US when she was ten years old. Ocasio-Cortez was born in The Bronx and is of Puerto Rican ancestry. 

This one is going to stick to Trump like flypaper. It has already outraged progressives and Democrats, but then that’s why Trump said it like he says so many things—to create controversy and piss people off. This is fantastic for the artificial political divide manufactured by the financial ruling elite in its largely successful effort to keep Americans away from real issues like a crushing national debt and wars designed to last forever. Democrats will be ranting about this all the way through the election next year.

Not realizing when to quit—does he ever?—Trump then attacked Rep. Omar directly. 

The Donald is obviously elaborating on talking points made the other day by his buddy Tucker Carlson. 

In fact, Omar is pretty much your garden variety progressive Democrat and her stand on immigration is largely that of many if not most America-born progressives. 

The ruling elite that control Fox News and the rest of the government megaphone media have another problem with Omar—she’s an outspoken critic of the “special (and vastly expensive and deadly) relationship” between the US government and Israel. 

In regard to Somalia, there might be a reason Omar “hates” the United States. 

Jeffrey Gettleman fills in what the Swanson frozen-food baby left out:

Somalia won independence in 1960 [previously colonies of British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland], but it quickly became a Cold War pawn, prized for its strategic location in the Horn of Africa, where Africa and Asia nearly touch. First it was the Soviets who pumped in weapons, then the United States. A poor, mostly illiterate, mainly nomadic country became a towering ammunition dump primed to explode. The central government was hardly able to hold the place together. Even in the 1980s, Maj. Gen. Mohamed Siad Barre, the capricious dictator who ruled from 1969 to 1991, was derisively referred to as “the mayor of Mogadishu” because so much of the country had already spun out of his control.

Many Americans remember the Hollywood film “Black Hawk Down,” but have at best a dim understanding of the story behind it. In 1992, President George H.W. Bush completely misread the tribal composition of the country and tried to abduct Mohammed Farah Aidid, a warlord creating problems for the distribution of international food aid. Bush sent in the calvary and they had their asses handed to them on a platter—two helicopters shot down and 16 US soldiers killed, their bodies dragged through the streets by triumphant Somalis. 

After 9/11, Somalia played a peripheral role in the national security state manufacture of the war on terror. Minus any evidence whatsoever, the US said Somalia would “blossom into a jihad factory like Afghanistan,” and despite the tribal warfare-torn country was too chaotic even for al-Qaeda, “the administration of George W. Bush devised a strategy to stamp out the Islamists on the cheap. CIA agents deputized the warlords, the same thugs who had been preying upon Somalia’s population for years, to fight the Islamists.” 

The outcome was predictable: hated warlords flush with US cash resulted in many Somalis supporting radical Islamists, thus making the fantasy of an al-Qaeda foothold a reality. “Somalia may indeed have sheltered a few unsavory characters, but the country was far from the terrorist hotbed many worry it has now become,” writes Gettleman. 

President Obama ramped up drone strikes in Somalia, purportedly against al-Shabab. In addition, the US introduced AFRICOM combat operations in the country as part of its effort to expand dominance in sub-Saharan Africa. “Under the false pretext of fighting terrorism, US imperialism is striving to secure its hegemony over Africa, launching ever more wars of aggression in an effort to exclude the European colonial powers from their former spheres of influence,” notes Thomas Gaist. 

Months after taking office, the campaign trail non-interventionist Donald Trump conducted a number of airstrikes in Somalia. 

The presence of US troops stationed in the famine-wracked country went from 50 under Obama to 500 under Trump. “Before President Trump, the US military has always maintained a small presence in the region. Now it seems with the geographical spread larger and a new enemy in the region defined; the endless wars will most certainly continue further enriching the US-military industrial complex,” Zero Hedge remarked. 


None of this, of course, finds its way into Carlson’s commentary on the “hatred” of Rep. Omar and the opposition to American foreign policy on the part of folks who live in countries Trump has described as “shit-holes,” many made that way by the legacy of colonialism and US foreign policy. 

Carlson is simply putting a new spin on the US as the exceptional and indispensable nation—exceptional in mass murder and inflicting endless misery—and this makes him little different than the neocons he occasionally criticizes while promoting his own “conservative” version of the same. 


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site: Another Day in the Empire.

Kurt Nimmo is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Another Day in the Empire

The illegal seizure of an Iranian oil tanker off Gibralter by the British Navy last Friday is fast acquiring farcical character. Britain acted at the behest of the US; in turn, the US probably acted at the behest of the ‘B Team’. So far, only one top US official has expressed joy over the incident — National Security Advisor John Bolton, who is of course the member-secretary of the B Team. None of the other three members of the B Team — Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu or either of the two Gulf Crown Princes (bin Salman and bin Zayed)) has waded into the controversy. 

The original intention behind the Anglo-American operation was clearly to provoke the Iranians into some retaliatory action. But Iran refused to be provoked and is biding its time. Had Iran acted impulsively or rashly, a military conflagration might have ensued, which would have provided just the alibi for a large-scale US military strike at Iranian targets. Even Article 5 of the NATO Charter on collective security might be invoked. The B Team has been angling for just such a window of opportunity. The US defence secretary’s last visit to Brussels was a mission to rally NATO support for a military strike against Iran. 

Now, Iran is savvy enough to figure out the Anglo-American game plan. Tehran is indignant and has warned of consequences, but all in good time. Since Iran refused to be provoked, Britain made a false allegationthat Tehran made an abortive attempt to “intimidate” a British oil tanker. Tehran, of course, furiously denied the allegation. Meanwhile, there is a parallel move by the US to assemble a ‘coalition of the willing’ ostensibly to protect oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz, an Iranian waterway. Therein hangs a tale.

The false allegation by Britain has been promptly seized by the US Navy to press ahead with its master plan to establish military escorts for shipping in the Strait of Hormuz. General Mark Milley, who has been nominated to become chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, has bene quoted as saying on July 11 during a testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee in Washington that the Pentagon is working to put together a coalition “in terms of providing military escort, naval escort to commercial shipping.” In his words, “I think that that will be developing over the next couple weeks.” Milley characterised the project as an assertion of a fundamental principle of “freedom of navigation”, a coinage Washington uses arbitrarily in its “Indo-Pacific” rule book.

The Strait of Hormuz, located betweenIran and Oman connects the Persian Gulf with the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea and is the world’s most important oil chokepoint.

It doesn’t need much ingenuity to figure out that the US intends to take control of the Strait of Hormuz — although the strait is Iranian-Omani waters under international law. As the narrowest point of the Strait of Hormuz is twenty-one nautical miles, all vessels passing through the Strait must traverse the territorial waters of Iran and Oman. The rights of passage for foreign vessels under international law will consequently be subject to either the rules of non-suspendable innocent passage or transit passage depending on the applicable legal regime. 

The topic has come before the International Court of Justice. The ICJ confirmed the customary international law rule, used in international navigation, that foreign warships have the right of innocent passage in straits during peacetime, which means that during peacetime the coastal state could only prohibit the passage of any foreign-flagged vessel if its passage was non-innocent. 

However, the grey area here (which the US wants to challenge) is that Iran has the legal right as a coastal state to prevent transit or non-suspendable innocent passage of ships if the ship that is in engaged in passage through the strait constitutes a threat or actual use of force against Iran’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, or political independence, or could be acting in any other manner in violation of the principles of international law embodied in the Charter of the United Nations.

In strategic terms, therefore, by precipitating the seizure of the Iranian oil tanker, the US and Britain are proceeding on a track to create a pretext to challenge Iran’s rights over the Strait of Hormuz and to take control of the strait. This is also contingency planning in advance insofar as under international law, if the US were to attack Iranian territory without a decision of the UN Security Council, the question would arise whether the provisions for transit passage under UNCLOS would continue to apply to the Strait of Hormuz or whether Iran could invoke the laws of war and take action against tankers, especially if they are deemed to be assisting the enemy. 

Suffice to say, it is possible to see that what might have appeared as a  maverick or silly act by Britain off Gibralter when it seized the Iranian tanker could actually be the tip of a calibrated project aimed at imposing effectively a naval blockade against Iran. Indeed, this forms the latest chapter in the US’‘maximum pressure’ policy against Iran. 

By the way, a second leg of the current project is also to seize control of the strategic shipping lanes via the the Bab al-Mandab (off Yemen), which leads to the Suez Canal. (The narrow Bab al-Mandab connects the Red Sea with the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea.)

The chokepoint of Bab el-Mandab off Yemen connecting Indian Ocean to the Suez Canal via Red Sea

The US control of the Bab al-Mandab will mean that Iran’s use of the Suez Canal will come under intense US monitoring. The US has a military base in Djibouti facing the Bab al-Mandab. (Against this backdrop, the bitterly-fought war in Yemen falls into perspective, too.)

Of course, all this constitutes acts that are in gross violation of international law and the UN Charter and India should keep miles away from the Anglo-American project to impose naval blockade against Iran on whatever pretext. 

Indeed, India will be called upon to take some tough decisions in the period ahead vis-a-vis the emergent situation in the Persian Gulf. First and foremost, India should stay clear of the US-led project to establish military escorts for ships in the Persian Gulf. There are reports that the Indian Navy has deployed two ships with helicopters in the Gulf of Oman. Presumably, this deployment will not form part of the US-led naval flotilla to intimidate and blockade Iran. 

Second, there is a strong likelihood of the US invoking its privileges under the Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement to gain access to Indian military facilities for the purpose of refuelling and replenishment of its ships. At the signing of the LEMOA in 2016, much criticism was expressed by Indian experts that it was a “strategic mistake”. In an impassioned plea, Bharat Karnad wrote in August 2016: “It (LEMOA) is, perhaps, the most serious strategic mistake made by the country in its nearly seven decades of independent existence.” Karnad’s criticism forewarning the serious consequences has turned out to be prescient. (here) 

The LEMOA’s text remains secret. The Indian public doesn’t even know if India has an option to reject any US demarche for access to our military bases for their ships in a situation such as today’s when war clouds are gathering in our extended neighbourhood and Washington is stepping up preparations for a military operation against Iran, a friendly country with which India has had profound civilisational ties and common concerns in the contemporary regional setting. 

The government will be betraying India’s medium and long-term national interests if it provides the US Navy with back-up facilities in its military bases at present under the LEMOA. 

Third, most important, Delhi is maintaining deafening silence — for reasons best known to the policymakers — over the gathering storms in the Persian Gulf region. Damn it, over 7 million Indians live and work in that region. Even if one were to overlook that these Gulf-based NRIs give significant budgetary support to the Indian economy, running into billions of dollars annually through their remittances, the government owes it to its citizens to leave no stone unturned to ensure their physical safety and security. Tens of millions of their relatives in India depend on them critically for livelihood. 

Shouldn’t the government say something to the effect that India opposes a war situation in the Persian Gulf and that the Trump administration should act with utmost restraint? If this is not a foreign policy issue of consequence for the Prime Minister to articulate, what else could be? Other countries such as Russia, China and the US’ close allies have spoken on the Persian Gulf crisis.

What explains the government’s cowardice? Fear of Trump? Are our elites far too compromised with the B Team? Faustian deal with Netanyahu (who is reportedly heading for Delhi to meet PM)? Or, plain Ostrich Approach of  seeing no evil, hearing no evil or speaking no evil if it is about Uncle Sam? At any rate, what kind of impression of a regional power of India is it that the government is projecting? Shame on India!  


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Thursday marked three months since WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange was dragged out of the Ecuadorian embassy and into London’s Belmarsh Prison, where he is being held pending extradition to the United States and a drumhead trial on Espionage Act charges that carry a prison sentence of 175 years.

Assange’s only “crime” is exposing war crimes, subversion and corruption by the US and British governments. Chelsea Manning, the courageous whistleblower who leaked the information to WikiLeaks, has been sent back to jail for refusing to give false testimony against Assange before a US grand jury.

Assange’s jailing by the government of Prime Minister Theresa May, at the behest of the United States, has been followed by a near-total media blackout, including the burying of a United Nations statement calling his treatment a form of torture.

It was against the backdrop of this grim milestone that the British government convened a two-day “Global Conference for Media Freedom” in London this week. The 1,000 carefully vetted attendees, including political dignitaries, representatives of the corporate press and professional “civil liberties” activists, gathered to proclaim their commitment to unfettered freedom of the press and their unyielding defence of persecuted journalists.

The conference will be remembered only as a grotesque example of the boundless cynicism of the British ruling elite. It was held some seven miles from Belmarsh Prison, where the world’s most famous persecuted journalist is being held in a maximum-security facility designed for murderers and terrorists.

WikiLeaks supporters noted that Assange might have been able to smell the stench of hypocrisy from the conference in his prison cell.

Since Assange’s brutal arrest by the British police on April 11, he has been imprisoned on bogus bail-skipping charges while the British government works for his extradition to the United States, where he is to be destroyed for publishing documents that exposed mass surveillance, war crimes and global diplomatic conspiracies.

British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt presided over the arrest. In April, the self-styled champion of press freedom congratulated the corrupt Ecuadorian government for illegally terminating Assange’s political asylum. He declared that the WikiLeaks founder was “no hero” and stated he would be willing to send Assange to the US, where the courageous journalist could face the death penalty for his lawful publishing activities.

Over the past three months, Hunt has combined these venomous attacks against Assange with a campaign supposedly aimed at defending press freedom. In June, he was the featured speaker at official “World Press Freedom” events, just days after United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer found that Hunt’s government was a party to the “psychological torture” of Assange, along with the denial of his fundamental legal rights.

This double-dealing was again on display in the foreign minister’s keynote address on Wednesday. Predictably, he did not mention the WikiLeaks founder. Hunt’s remarks, however, stood as a damning indictment of his own government’s actions.

He declared:

“The strongest safeguard against the dark side of power is accountability and scrutiny—and few institutions fulfill that role more effectively than a free media.”

He went on to say that “Real accountability comes from the risk of exposure by a media that cannot be controlled or suborned.” He hailed “the sunlight of transparency” as “the greatest deterrent to wrongdoing.”

Hunt should have added that such exposures are permissible only if they do not threaten the imperialist interests of Britain and its allies.

The foreign minister’s hypocrisy was outdone only by his “special envoy on media freedom,” Amal Clooney. The lawyer was on Assange’s legal defence team in 2012 as he battled attempts to extradite him to Sweden, on concocted sexual assault allegations, aimed at creating an alternate route for his rendition to the US.

Clooney has long since abandoned the WikiLeaks founder. In the interim, she has married actor George Clooney and become a celebrated member of the political and legal establishment. During the 2016 US presidential election, the Clooneys held $176,000 per head fundraisers for Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton, who has played a central role in the persecution of Assange.

Amal Clooney was appointed Hunt’s “special envoy” less than a week before British police snatched Assange from London’s Ecuadorian embassy. As Clooney was doubtless aware, the timing could hardly have been coincidental. The British government hired Assange’s former lawyer as its mouthpiece on “press freedom” as part of its effort to legitimise its attack on the WikiLeaks founder’s legal rights.

Clooney made the only reference to Assange at the conference, stating that the Trump administration’s “indictment against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has alarmed journalists at newspapers around the world… because, as the editor of the Washington Post has put it, it… ‘criminalises common practices in journalism that have long served the public interest.’”

The lawyer, however, said nothing about the role of the British government, whose foreign secretary was sitting just metres away from her. Even this mealy-mouthed reference to Assange was more than the corporate journalists could handle. Most of the reporters present simply suppressed Clooney’s mention of Assange in their articles on the conference, proving the hypocritical character of their own proclamations about “media freedom.”

The journalists in attendance had already been carefully scrutinised by the British government and adjudged to be faithful servants of the status quo. Those who were not were simply banned.

Reporters from the Russian-owned RT, Ruptly and Sputnik News outlets were denied entrance. The British Foreign Office declared that they were excluded “because of their active role in spreading disinformation,” i.e., because they have featured reportage critical of US and British-led wars and the persecution of Assange.

The real character of the conference was captured in footage of Hunt, surrounded by a phalanx of security personnel and minders, entering the conference and refusing to answer questions from Ruptly journalists about why they had been banned and what he thought of Assange.

It was also summed up by Hunt’s statement to a journalist that Saudi Arabia had already “paid the price” for its brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi, because it had suffered “reputational damage.” In other words, allies and purchasers of British arms are permitted to chop up dissident journalists with bone saws, provided they are willing to bear the “price” of mealy-mouthed denunciations and a bit of bad press.

Hunt’s bogus media freedom campaign serves to create a “human rights” pretext for military intrigues against Russia, China and other countries in the crosshairs of British imperialism, while covering up the anti-democratic actions of the British ruling elite and its allies.

At the same time, it is aimed at intensifying the censorship of the internet on the Orwellian grounds of combating “fake news” and “disinformation.” This is of a piece with measures imposed by Google and Facebook over the past two years aimed at reducing traffic to progressive, socialist and anti-war websites including the World Socialist Web Site and WikiLeaks.

The “media freedom” conference again demonstrated that there will be no defence of Assange from any faction of the political or media establishment.

As the WSWS and the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI) have insisted, what is required is the development of a mass movement of the international working class, to defeat the international political conspiracy against Assange, secure his freedom and defend all democratic rights.

Last month, the WSWS and the Socialist Equality Parties affiliated with the ICFI published a call for the formation of a Global Defense Committee to stop Assange’s extradition to the US and secure both his and Chelsea Manning’s freedom.

“The aim of this campaign,” the statement said, “must be to politically arouse and mobilize the international working class—the overwhelming majority of the population and the most powerful social force on the planet—in defense of Julian Assange and, in fact, the democratic and social rights of all workers.”

The WSWS urges all those who are seriously committed to the defense of democratic rights to sign up now and join the fight to defend Julian Assange.


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In any civilised society no one will resort to violence, or the threat of violence, to stifle the voices that one does not want to hear.  Unfortunately, this is what happened in Malaysia a few days ago when some bigots managed to force the cancellation of a public seminar on ‘The Amman Message’ organised by certain civil society groups scheduled to be held in Kuala Lumpur on the 13th of July 2019. A Facebook Account holder threatened to bomb the venue of the seminar, the International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS).

Threatening to bomb a place constitutes an act of terror. While there have been instances in the past when force has been employed by groups to disrupt peaceful public gatherings, this is perhaps one of those rare occasions where an individual blatantly links himself and the group he is representing, Gerakan Banteras Syiah (the movement to stop the spread of Syiah) to a terrorist threat. It suggests a degree of boldness which we have not witnessed before.

What is shocking about this brazen act is that it is driven by a stark lie. It projects the Amman Message as a devious instrument to propagate Syiah teachings when anyone who has a basic understanding of the Message knows that it merely recognises the validity of all 8 Mathhabs (legal schools) of Islam and forbids takfir (declarations of apostasy) between Muslims. Aimed at creating unity and harmony within the Muslim Ummah, the message was initiated by a Sunni Ruler, King Abdullah of Jordan in 2004. The majority of those involved in drafting and endorsing the document were Sunnis. Besides, the Amman Message was unanimously adopted by the summit of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (now Cooperation) in Mecca in December 2005. It is undoubtedly true that the Amman Message is one of the most important documents produced by the Muslim world in the last 100 years.

Manufacturing a lie in order to tarnish a noble effort and then deploying that lie to whip up popular emotions is becoming quite pervasive in our society. Of course, the manipulation of the lie is so much a part of politics in Malaysia and most other countries. Nonetheless, in a situation in which fears are exaggerated and uncertainties are exploited even more than in the past, the lie becomes even more impactful — and therefore more dangerous.

It is a pity that so few Malaysians including human rights advocates are prepared to expose the lies that are churned out.  Even the threat of violence to silence the truth has not elicited as much condemnation from sane and rational people as it should. When the people are not doing enough, it becomes imperative for those in authority to act with courage and firmness.

In the case of the aborted Amman Message seminar since names and identities are known it is assumed that the police have not encountered insurmountable difficulties in their investigation. As one of the three organisers of the seminar, the International Movement for a Just World (JUST) would like to know what action has been taken against the individual and group that threatened to bomb the venue. The public has a right to know.

It is only when prompt and effective action is taken against those who threaten peace and peaceful dialogue that we will be convinced that the rule of law is supreme in our society and that we uphold civilised norms of human behaviour.


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Dr. Chandra Muzaffar is the President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST), Malaysia. He is Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is not willing to send back the diplomats to the country’s embassy in Baghdad after they were evacuated earlier this year in May, according to several State Department officials.

The evacuation came after tensions between Iran and US escalated in the Gulf, at the result of which Washington said its forces, diplomats, and citizens were under threat of being targeted by Iran or Iranian-backed militias in Iraq.

According to several officials who spoke to Foreign Policy on Friday, the staffing levels at the Baghdad embassy reached after the evacuation in May are being treated as a de facto permanent cap on State Department personnel in Iraq.

“They’ve already quietly made the policy decision that they’re not sending these people back,” a senior State Department official familiar with internal deliberations told Foreign Policy. “But they’re not actually calling it a drawdown, they’re just saying they’re reviewing the ordered departure.”

Another State Department official, who has been impacted by the decision, said it felt like the State Department was “abandoning Iraq”, Foreign Policy reported.

The State Department officials say many of the personnel forced to evacuate are now effectively in limbo, some sitting in hotels or Airbnbs in Washington area.

Some officials who were nearing the end of their duty in Iraq when the order to evacuate came, now have their next assignments.

Others, either those who just started their office duty in Iraq or were about to go, are in limbo and are “effectively unemployed employees at this point,” as one State Department official put it.


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The international corporate media have long displayed a peculiar creativity with the facts in their Venezuela reporting, to the point that coverage of the nation’s crisis has become perhaps the world’s most lucrative fictional genre. Ciara Nugent’s recent piece for Time(4/16/19), headlined “‘Venezuelans Are Starving for Information’: The Battle to Get News in a Country in Chaos,” distinguished itself as a veritable masterpiece of this literary fad.

The article’s slant should come as no surprise, given Time’s (and Nugent’s) enthusiastic endorsement (2/1/19) of the ongoing coup led by self-proclaimed “interim president” Juan Guaidó. Time’s report is based on a trope oft-repeated by corporate journalists for over a decade (Extra!, 11–12/06), namely that Venezuela’s elected Chavista government is an “authoritarian” regime that brutally suppresses freedom of expression. Corporate outlets frequently speak of “Chávez’s clampdown on press freedom” (New York Times, 4/30/19), “a country where critical newspapers and broadcast media already have been muzzled” and “much of Venezuela’s independent press has disappeared” (NBC, 2/3/19, 5/16/19), or the Maduro “regime” controlling “almost all the television and radio stations” (Bloomberg, 1/29/19).

Time (4/16/19) joined in on the corporate media’s literary fad of fictionalized accounts of the Venezuelan crisis.

However, the Time journalist’s nightmarish narrative of Orwellian state censorship flies in the face of basic empirical facts that are readily apparent to anyone who has spent any time in Venezuela. While Nugent claims that, for Venezuelans, “finding out what’s going on around them has become a struggle,” it’s in fact quite common to witness informed political debates in bars, shops and public plazas. The idea Nugent tries to sell that it takes some photogenic gimmick of someone standing on a bus with a cardboard “television” to inform the public is ridiculous.


“Most television is state-run, and authorities ban the few independent TV and radio stations from covering Venezuela’s crisis as it unfolds,” Nugent assures readers. It is unclear whether Nugent has ever watched television in Venezuela, because few statements could be farther from the truth. In fact, Venezuela has three major private television stations (Venevision, Televen and Globovisión), each with millions of viewers.

As of 2013, when the last audience study was conducted by AGB Nielsen, billionaire media mogul Gustavo Cisneros’ Venevisiondominated the national news market, with 36 percent of the total viewing public. Venevision was followed by state-run VTV, at 25 percent, with Televen and Globovision coming in third and fourth at 22 percent and 15 percent, respectively. While no new studies have been conducted since, evidence suggests private media’s dominance has strengthened, not weakened, over the last six years.

First, while coming in way behind Venevision and Televen in terms of overall ratings, for years VTV undoubtedly had its news viewership buoyed by the charismatic presence of the late President Hugo Chávez, who even had his own highly popular weekly talkshow, Aló Presidente, on the network. It’s a reasonable bet that VTV’s news ratings have taken a significant dip in the six years since Chávez’s death, with the gradual onset of a deep economic and political crisis that has sapped vital resources and political morale from the state channel.

An AGB Nielsen study shows that the privately owned Venevision dominates Venezuela’s television news market.

Secondly, data from Venezuela’s telecommunications watchdog, CONATEL, shows a steady increase in private television subscribers, which rose from 17 percent in 2000 to a peak of 68 percent in 2015. As of last year, over 60 percent of Venezuelan households paid for a private cable or satellite subscription.

Subscriptions are highly affordable, with top satellite provider Direct TV offering packages beginning at the equivalent of just 70 cents per month on the parallel market rate, or about the price of a cold beer.

In the case of Direct TV, which controls 44 percent of the paid subscription market, plans include a host of international news channels, including Fox News, CNN, BBC and Univisión—none of which could be mistaken for pro-Chavista mouthpieces.

Contrary to Nugent’s story of a state-run media monopoly, the available data suggests that under Chavismo, Venezuelans have progressively expanded their access to private international news channels, most of which display a decidedly right-wing, anti-government slant in their coverage.

Even aside from US-based networks like Fox and CNN, Venezuela’s private TV news spectrum is dominated by pro-opposition perspectives. The only exception is Globovisión, which a 2015 American University study found to have “no significant bias in favor of the government or the opposition”—contrary to claims by the New York Times (2/21/19) that the private network “changed its editorial line to support Mr. Maduro” following its ownership change.

Despite opposition allegations that Venevision has likewise become a “pro-regime” outlet, the channel frequently interviews leaders of opposition parties; for example, it recently ran a sympathetic, 12-minute interview (5/2/19) with Sergio Vergara G., leader in the National Assembly of Guaidó’s ultra-militant right-wing Popular Will party. Needless to say, spotlighting the views of a party actively engaged in trying to overthrow the government is not a hallmark of “state-run” television.

Nugent’s claim is also false with regards to radio, with numerous opposition-aligned stations filling the airwaves, including most notably Radio Caracas Radio, while Union Radio is popular nationwide for its independent, even-handed coverage.

Print media

Nugent matter-of-factly talks about newspapers and magazines having “all but disappeared,” as if amidst a severe economic downturn, Venezuela was expected to buck the worldwide trend of declining print media.

Nonetheless, Venezuela does still have a number of national circulation papers, which Nugent could confirm with a visit to any Venezuelan newspaper kiosk. Moreover, as in other countries, newspapers that no longer circulate in print have continued their operations on digital platforms and social media.

Today, Venezuela has five nationwide dailies still in print, the majority of which are anti-government. While Últimas Noticias and of course state-run Correo del Orinoco take a pro-government line, any cursory glance at El Universal, Diario 2001 and La Voz will find them all to be staunchly anti-Chavista.

El Universal has a weekday circulation of 35,000, which relative to population is comparable to the Washington Post.  Considered the voice of the so-called “moderate” opposition, the paper has been grossly misrepresented by the New York Times’ Nick Casey (1/16/16), among others, as “toe[ing] a largely pro-government line.”

El Universal (2/17/19) published an op-ed, headlined “Venezuelan Scenarios,” that positively contemplates the outcomes of a US invasion of Venezuela.

On February 17, the newspaper published an op-ed by one of its frequent contributors, Datanalisis pollster Luis Vicente León, who nonchalantly weighs the pros and cons of a military coup, a negotiated transition “pressured” by criminal US sanctions and military threats, and an outright invasion. Leon regards that last scenario favorably, so long as it takes the form of a “Panama-style intervention” that topples Maduro “without greater consequences” (translation: collateral damage limited to poor brown people, as in El Chorrillo).

More recently in the same paper, columnist Pedro Piñate (4/4/19) argues that Venezuela needs to be rid of “Castro-communist” ideas, Francisco Olivares (4/27/19) claims Maduro’s ouster is “vital for the Western democratic world,” while Antonio Herrera (4/25/19) sounds alarm bells about the presence of “Cubans, Russians, Iranians, Middle Eastern terrorists and guerrillas from Colombia.”

Not only do Venezuela’s anti-government newspapers exercise unfettered freedom to publish, including opinion articles explicitly calling for military coups, they have a long history of publishing explicitly racist cartoons caricaturing Chavez and other Chavista leaders that would scandalize liberals in any Western country.

Social media

Nugent’s allegations of draconian government censorship extend to the digital realm as well, as she writes:

Venezuela’s Internet freedom has been weakening for several years, with the country finally dropping from “partly free” to “not free” in annual reports by global democracy monitor Freedom House in 2017.

The Time reporter fails to disclose that Freedom House is almost entirely funded by the US government, which is currently spearheading a coup d’etat in Venezuela. Bracketing that minor detail, it must be asked, is the internet really any less free in Venezuela than in the Global North?

Freedom House, a US government–funded think tank, labeled Venezuela “not free” in their 2017 annual world freedom report.

It is true that Venezuela’s state phone and internet provider, CANTV, does block some Venezuelan anti-government news sites, including El Nacional, La Patilla and El Universal, which can only be accessed via VPN, cable or cellular data.

While such a policy is indefensible and perhaps self-defeating, it must be placed in context. Would any Western government tolerate news outlets that openly serve as mouthpieces for a violent, foreign-backed opposition that is currently in the middle of its sixth major coup attempt (the 2002 Carmona coup, the 2002–o3 oil lockout, the 2013 post-election opposition violence, the 2014 and 2017 street blockades having failed) in the past 20 years?

Given the lengths the US and UK are going to prosecute Chelsea Manning and WikiLeaks, without any of them posing a real national security threat, the short answer is “no.”

Although Venezuela is hardly immune from state censorship, it is a gross distortion to claim the country is “now subject to frequent information blackouts.” In addition to having a decisive, if not dominant, presence in television and print media, Venezuela’s right-wing opposition exerts considerable influence in social media, which has even allowed it to circulate fake news among the public. While Nugent disingenuously writes that “it’s not clear who is behind the false stories,” it is very obvious who stands to gain from baseless rumors of “the military conscripting minors” or “Russian troops arriving in Venezuela.”

Furthermore, an extensive independent investigation revealed the rampant use of “automation, coordinated inauthentic behavior and cyborgs” to position anti-government hashtags on Twitter, with some accounts tweeting hundreds of thousands of times per day and generating billions of daily impressions. The Venezuelan opposition has consistently looked to fire up social media ahead of potential flashpoints, while, on the other hand, official or pro-government accounts have routinely been shut down by Western social media giants, including seven Venezuelan government accounts being suspended by Twitter just recently.

A recent example of Washington and its opposition clients’ capacity to shape the corporate media narrative via social media is the February 23 “humanitarian aid showdown” on the Venezuelan/Colombian border (, 2/9/19). Following a controversial incident involving a USAID truck catching fire, top US officials and opposition leaders immediately took to Twitter to blame the Maduro government. The claim was repeated by corporate outlets, despite the existence of readily available evidence, which the New York Times only reportedtwo weeks later, proving a Molotov cocktail–wielding opposition militant set fire to the truck. The Times’ (largely ignored) retraction notwithstanding, February 23 was a clear cut case of US/opposition social media dominance allowing a false narrative to be put in place unquestioned.

Press freedom via coup d’etat?

The narrative of a Venezuelan government crackdown on press freedom is by no means a recent invention, harkening back to the Chavez government’s 2007 decision not to renew RCTV’s (Radio Caracas Televisión) broadcasting concession. RCTV had played a crucial role in the 2002 coup, when the opposition removed Chávez from power for 47 hours—unleashing a wave of terror—and later in the 2002–03 oil lockout. RCTV was merely removed from the public spectrum, and continued broadcasting via cable and satellite.

Nevertheless, the episode opened the way for a fresh wave of anti-government protests, led by a new generation of middle-class right-wing student leaders, funded and trained by Washington. Among the new opposition cohort was George Washington University–educated Juan Guaidó, himself a veteran of the violent 2014 opposition street protests known as “the Exit,” which left 43 people dead.

The Nation (2/8/19) reported the role the US government played in building the latest right-wing opposition movement in Venezuela.

The myth of a sustained assault on media freedom in Venezuela forms the ideological touchstone of Venezuela’s anti-Chavista opposition, for whom “freedom of expression” stands for unfettered private control over mass media. Given their own privileged position in a global media sphere monopolized by a tiny handful of conglomerates, corporate journalists like Nugent instinctively defend this viewpoint to absurd degrees.

The Time correspondent writes, “Venezuelan authorities regularly detain journalists, claiming that they have entered the country illegally or breached ‘security zones.” There are currently over 50 foreign news agencies with correspondents on the ground in Venezuela, where they need to get a special visa to report. As in the US, one cannot sneak around restricted security areas near Miraflores Presidential Palace in the middle of the night without proper identification and accreditation. The outrage over Venezuelan government efforts to regulate media amidst a foreign-backed coup effort is grossly hypocritical, given Western journalists’ failure to speak out against their own governments’ crackdown on whistleblowers.

FAIR (4/30/19) has previously reported that zero percent of elite US newspaper and talkshow pundits challenged the idea of regime change in Venezuela.  More than a considered or even clear-eyed view of Venezuela’s media landscape, fairy tales like Nugent’s about totalitarian state censorship in Venezuela reflect US corporate media regime’s own self-censorship, which is far more efficacious than any so-called “authoritarian” leader could imagine. Without deliberate constriction of the spectrum of “acceptable opinion,” after all, the Trump administration would never be able to get away with its brazenly illegal coup and an economic blockade that has already killed 40,000 Venezuelans in the past two years with total impunity.


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Lucas Koerner is an editor and political analyst at Venezuelanalysis.

Ricardo Vaz is a political analyst and editor at Venezuelanalysis.

Washington is waterboarding Iran then asks for talks, said former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency Mohamed ElBaradei, adding that no country will cooperate under such ‘humiliating conditions’.

“They are applying a waterboarding method to Iran, drowning Iran and then looking and then asking them: let’s have a dialogue without any preconditions … No country is going to cooperate under these humiliating conditions,” he told BBC Radio 4, The Telegraph reported on Friday.

“If they (the US) want to go to war they are doing a perfect job,” he also added.

The United States unilaterally pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal in May 2018 and imposed sanctions on Iran in several stages. The move was politically condemned by the international community, especially by other signatories to the deal namely UK, France, Germany, Russia and China, yet, during the next one year, no practical measure was taken to shield Iran’s economy from harsh US sanctions.

Exactly one year after the US withdrawl, Iran announced that it would reduce its commitments to the deal within some 60-day stages. So far Iran’s enriched uranium stockpile and enrichment level has exceeded those agreed in the deal. Tehran says all its measure are according to paragraphs 26 and 36 of the deal while IAEA endorsing that all of Iran’s steps are taken in a transparent manner. Iran says all these steps are reversible if other parties safeguard Iran’s economic interests, including its oil export and banking relations which are under US sanctions.

At the same time, US officials repeatedly say that they are ready for talks without preconditions while the Iranian officials say that there will be no talks with the US under pressure.

ElBaradei went on to say that Iran’s actions are a ‘cry for help’ noting that ‘they are not an imminent threat’. He said that Iran is too far from 90% uranium enrichment needed for a nuclear bomb while Iran has always reiterated that nukes have no place in its defense doctrine and that uranium enrichment is solely done for peaceful purposes.

“It’s a symbolic reaction from a country that can’t even import medicines because of sanctions imposed by the US,” he said, also describing President Donald Trump’s decision to back out of the nuclear accord when it was “working” as “lacking rationale, legal basis and any common sense”.


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June 19 marked the 66th anniversary since the execution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, a young Jewish-American couple from New York City, whose alleged guilt as Soviet “atomic spies” has never been proved—in spite of the numerous lies, forgeries and other hoaxes of white, gray and black propaganda thrown against them since then. Moral absolutists believe that all killing is immoral—except in cases of justified self-defense or perhaps in cases of mercy killings and medically-assisted suicides (“euthanasia”). It is for this reason that all European nations have abolished the death penalty. Except in the ex-Communist countries of Eastern Europe, Europe’s violent crime rate (including its murder rate) has not increased as a result of such a dramatic legal reform (Rachels & Rachels 149-150).

The death penalty is especially controversial and morally indefensible as punishment when applied to bloodless crimes such as military desertion in time of war or “high treason” (espionage) in peacetime. A particularly outrageous “high treason” case was that of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, who were falsely accused of being Moscow’s “atomic spies” and electrocuted on June 19, 1953 for what FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover bombastically called “the Crime of the Century.” Many years later, an eminent, Harvard Law School-educated legal expert unequivocally concluded that

“The Rosenberg case, as controversial as it was, was also a major miscarriage of justice. No one can be proud of what American justice did in the Rosenberg case. It deserves a special place in the conscience of our society” (Sharlitt 256).

Yet, the “patriotic” zealots, who once railroaded and murdered the Rosenbergs, now want to prosecute and put to death for “high treason” Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency (NSA) employee and fugitive whistleblower. Thanks to Mr. Snowden we know now that the NSA has been spying on Americans by secretly recording and storing all their private communications. Another possible future target is Julian Assange, the celebrated yet controversial Wikileaks editor and founder—if the Australian journalist of Russiagate fame is ever extradited from Britain to stand trial in the U.S. This article is about the government’s misuse of the death penalty as quasi-legal punishment and a political weapon, as happened in the unjust trial and execution of the Rosenbergs for peacetime espionage—an event which has historically become known as “the peak of the McCarthy Era” (Wexley xiii).

The McCarthy era

The year 1948 marked the beginning of the era of McCarthyism, the notorious Red-baiting hysteria in postwar America. The term “McCarthyism” was coined from the name of the junior Republican Senator from Wisconsin, Joseph McCarthy. As a member of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Senator McCarthy was pursuing Communists allegedly operating from inside President Harry Truman’s Democratic Administration, especially in General George C. Marshall’s Department of State, which was blamed for having “lost China” to Mao Tze-Tung’s Soviet-backed Chinese Communists in 1948-1949. With the help of the U.S. House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), Joe McCarthy wanted to prove that the Truman Administration, which had many “New Dealers” and some left-wing holdovers from the earlier FDR presidency, was riddled with “Communists” secretly spying for Moscow. Even the Truman Administration itself had set up the Federal Employee Loyalty Program and numerous groups like the American Committee for Cultural Freedom to ferret out alleged Communists in government and the mass media (Carmichael 1-5, 41-46).

What made Senator McCarthy especially infamous was his active role in the persecution and imprisonment of thousands of real or suspected American Communists—including nearly 150 leading members of the Communist Party (CPUSA)—for allegedly conspiring to overthrow the U.S. constitutional system in a violent Communist revolution. Under the draconian Smith Act, any American who was a member of the CPUSA could be prosecuted as a traitor and a Soviet spy. Even Hollywood was not spared the nationwide anti-Communist witch-hunts, as hundreds of movie actors and actresses, directors, screenwriters, producers, music composers, publicists and even stage hands were “blacklisted,” fired from their jobs or—like the “unfriendly” Hollywood Ten—imprisoned for their “Communist” sympathies and affiliations (Carmichael 46-47). Some “Dream Factory” celebrities like Charlie Chaplin and Bertolt Brecht chose to flee abroad rather than end up in prison.

Image on the right: Ethel and Julius Rosenberg (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Image result for ethel and julius rosenberg

President Truman had repeatedly assured Americans that the USSR could not acquire a nuclear weapon for the next 10-20 years, so when the Russians tested an atom bomb in August 1949, the hunt was on for domestic traitors and atomic spies working for Moscow. Senator McCarthy and the equally infamous assistant prosecutor Roy Cohn, who served as chief counsel to the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, publicly accused many known and unknown “Communists” of atomic spying for the Soviet Union. One of the accused was the obscure owner of a small machine shop in New York City named David Greenglass. Mr. Greenglass had been a young army sergeant assigned to the Manhattan Project in Los Alamos, New Mexico, where America’s first atom bombs were being developed during World War II. Cohn’s accusations against him were totally unsubstantiated, as there was “not a single witness or a shred of supporting evidence that Greenglass had committed any espionage” (Wexley 113-114). But panicked and fearful for his life, Greenglass falsely implicated his sister Ethel and her husband Julius—as he woefully admitted many years later—at the urging of prosecutors and in order to shield himself and especially his beloved wife Ruth from possible criminal charges of atomic espionage and high treason (Roberts 479-484).

Relying solely on Greenglass’s suspect testimony, government prosecutors had Julius and Ethel Rosenberg arrested, jailed and tried for stealing America’s atom bomb secrets and passing them on to Moscow. In gross violation of the code of judicial conduct, Cohn, trial prosecutor Irving Saypol, and presiding Judge Irving Kaufman illegally consulted each other nearly every day and secretly conspired with other high-ranking officials of the Justice Department, including U.S. Attorney-General Herbert Brownell Jr., to subvert the defendants’ legal defense.

The prosecution fabricated most of the evidence against the Rosenbergs with the cooperation of David Greenglass, who became a government witness in exchange for leniency for his own and his wife’s alleged past activities as Soviet spies (Roberts 476-477). A relatively recent book written by a prominent New York Times editor reveals how Greenglass perjured himself in his damaging court testimony against the Rosenbergs which ultimately led to the conviction and execution of his sister and brother-in-law (Roberts 482-483). Worse still, “no documentary evidence supporting the government claims regarding Julius and Ethel was available to the Rosenbergs or to their defense counsel during the trial” (Carmichael 109). This deliberate omission was a travesty of justice which ”was also an abuse of the Rosenbergs’ fundamental right to know the evidence against them, under the Fourteenth Amendment” (Carmichael 109).

Due to heavy political pressure, especially from Chief Justice Fred Vinson, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to review the Rosenbergs’ convictions for espionage and denied the stay of their executions ordered by Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas for the purpose of reopening their controversial case (Sharlitt: 46-49, 80-81). Though obviously innocent of the charge of being atomic spies, the Rosenbergs were electrocuted at New York’s dreaded Sing Sing Prison on June 19, 1953 despite national and world-wide protests and appeals for clemency on their behalf. Just two months later, a Soviet heavy bomber plane dropped the world’s first operational hydrogen (thermonuclear) bomb in an above ground test, which demonstrated the absurdity of the idea that Moscow needed to steal America’s atomic secrets in order to produce its own nuclear weapons. A revelatory new book summarizes the rather sordid legal details of the Rosenbergs case:

“…a young American Jewish couple declined to make counterfeit confessions to having committed treason against the United States. The husband, out of misplaced idealism, had committed a crime for which his indictment made no claim that he had harmed the United States. That crime was inflated to “treason” by reckless and opportunistic officials, prosecutors and the judge to satisfy a political agenda. To have confessed to the uncommitted crime, for which Justice officials cynically demanded the names of accomplices who would likewise face the threat of execution for an uncommitted crime, was beyond the Rosenbergs’ capacity to satisfy. They would be sending family members and friends to their deaths, making orphans of their children and burdening their futures with an unearned shame.” (David & Emily Alman 377)

Since then, much new evidence has come to light (some of which was previously suppressed by the government or withheld by the prosecution) that confirms the innocence of the Rosenbergs. It is by now widely accepted that Ethel Rosenberg was never a Soviet spy and that the prosecutors knew very well of this exculpating fact. The mother of two young children, she was arrested, jailed and held as hostage by J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI and later sentenced to death in order to blackmail her husband into confessing his alleged guilt and naming other Soviet espionage agents. Apart from a lot of courtroom “hearsay evidence,” never did the prosecution and the trial judge produce in court any hard facts that “proved the existence of a spy ring headed by Julius Rosenberg,” claiming conveniently that all such documentary evidence “had to remain secret for national security reasons” (Carmichael 109).

Julius tried unsuccessfully to defend himself by insisting that his alleged spying during World War II—even if the espionage charges against him were indeed true—was on behalf of America’s wartime Soviet ally and had absolutely nothing to do with stealing any atom bomb information. But the sentencing judge’s legally and factually ridiculous argument that the Rosenbergs had put the atom bomb in Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin’s “bloody hands” which later led to the death of 54,000 U.S. servicemen in the Korean War (1950-1953), carried the day at least in the eyes of the enraged American public and sealed the accused couple’s fate.

But the most tragic thing in the entire trumped-up affair was that the British had already arrested and imprisoned the German-born nuclear scientist Klaus Fuchs, who had admitted to them sending secret information about the American atom bomb to Moscow, while working for the top-secret Manhattan Project in Los Alamos during World War II. The witch-hunting McCarthyites obviously needed a few domestic scapegoats to blame for the development of Stalin’s nuclear arsenal.

If the death penalty for a “bloodless crime” like high treason in peacetime (which President Dwight Eisenhower refused to commute to life imprisonment in their case) had not been on the books at that time, the Rosenbergs would have been later exonerated and freed from prison given the gradual waning of the anti-Communist hysteria. This is exactly what happened to the convicted and incarcerated leaders of the Communist Party, all of whom were—one by one—released from prison by the courts: “By the beginning of 1958, the former Communist Party leaders convicted in 1948 under the Smith Act had been freed; the Supreme Court had overturned their convictions” (Roberts 453).


The case of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg is a glaring example of the corruption and politicization of America’s court system and judicial process in the highly charged Cold War atmosphere of the Fifties. Despite their courage and indomitable will to live as well as strong public support for them at home and abroad, the Rosenbergs did not survive the unconstitutional injustices visited upon them by the politically prejudiced and morally dishonest judicial authorities. The latter were determined to achieve their anti-Communist goals by all possible means, both legal and illegal. The Justice Department had forged much of the damning evidence against the Rosenbergs, while key witnesses in the trial had repeatedly changed their stories after coaching from the prosecutors. As a seasoned trial analyst later wrote about the “unwarranted” conviction and execution of the Rosenbergs: “Given the fear of communism that overtook the United States in the 1950s, it is questionable whether there could have been another outcome…. [T]heir deaths remain a blemish on American society…. [W]hen a nation is swept by paranoia, the innocent suffer along with the guilty” (Moss 97).

Notorious court cases like the Rosenbergs continue to remind the informed public that the death penalty cannot and should never be considered legally justified or morally defensible, especially in non-violent cases like peacetime espionage. Because capital punishment makes it practically impossible to reverse past miscarriages of justice by presenting new or previously suppressed evidence that exonerates the executed defendants. In the case of the Rosenbergs, the prosecution and the courts have stubbornly refused to this day to acknowledge the proven innocence of the defendants and to overturn their wrongful convictions and death sentences.


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Rossen Vassilev Jr. is a journalism senior at the Ohio University in Athens, Ohio.


Alman, David, and Emily Alman. Exoneration: The Trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and Morton Sobell. Seattle, WA: Green Elms Press, 2010. Print.

Carmichael, Virginia. Framing History: The Rosenberg Story and the Cold War. Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, 1993. Print.

Moss, Francis. The Rosenberg Espionage Case. (Famous Trials series). San Diego, CA: Lucent Books, 2000. Print.

Rachels, James, and Stuart Rachels. The Elements of Moral Philosophy (8th edition). McGraw-Hill Education, 2015. Print.

Roberts, Sam. The Brother: The Untold Story of Atomic Spy David Greenglass and How He Sent His Sister, Ethel Rosenberg, to the Electric Chair. New York: Random House, 2001. Print.

Sharlitt, Joseph H. Fatal Error: The Miscarriage of Justice that Sealed the Rosenbergs’ Fate. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1989. Print.

Wexley, John. The Judgment of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. New York: Ballantine Books, 1977. Print.

Turkey’s purchase of state-of-the-art Russian S-400 air defense equipment at the expense of less capable US Patriot and Terminal High Altitude Air Defense (THAAD) missiles is of much greater significance than has been reported. More on this below.

The White House, State Department, and Pentagon were uncharacteristically quiet after the first delivery of S-400 equipment arrived in Turkey on Friday.

A planned Pentagon briefing on the delivery was delayed without explanation. On July 9, the State Department said little more than acknowledge that “taking control of the S-400 (system is) not very new,” adding:

The Trump regime’s “position…as it relates to Turkey and the S-400 has not changed. We – again, everybody knows – the Turkish authorities know – the legislation that has been passed in Congress (on imposing sanctions), and all of that remains the same.”

“We have said that Turkey…will face real and negative consequences if they accept the S-400.”

All of the above and much more was stated by Trump regime officials numerous times before, a failed effort to dissuade Turkey from going its own way in purchasing military-related equipment, especially from Russia, its sovereign right.

Former Aerospace Industries Association vice president, longtime Washington insider, acting Trump regime war secretary Mark Esper only said he’s “aware of Turkey taking delivery of the S-400,” adding: “Our position” on the purchase has not changed.

Last week, Esper spoke to his Turkish counterpart Hulusi Akar, reportedly cut short after 30 minutes. A customary readout didn’t follow, showing both countries are world’s apart on this issue.

Following the June 28 – 29 Osaka, Japan G20 summit, Turkish President Erdogan said Trump assured him of no sanctions for buying Russian S-400s.

“We have heard from him personally that this would not happen,” said Erdogan adding: “We are strategic partners with the United States. As strategic partners, nobody has the right to meddle in Turkey’s sovereign rights. Everyone should know this.”

Around the same time, after Esper met with his NATO counterparts in Brussels, he said Turkey would be removed from the F-35 program and face sanctions for buying Russian S-400s.

An unnamed NATO official said “we are concerned about the potential consequences of Turkey’s decision to acquire the S-400 system” when combined with alliance air operations in and around Turkey.

On Friday, a joint leadership statement by GOP and Dem Senate Armed Services and Foreign Relations Committees said the following in response to delivery of S-400 equipment to Turkey:

“On a strong bipartisan basis, Congress has made it clear that there must be consequences for President Erdogan’s misguided S-400 acquisition (sic), a troubling signal of strategic alignment with Putin’s Russia and a threat to the F-35 program (sic),” adding:

“As a result, we urge President Trump to fully implement sanctions as required by” the US Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA).”

The legislation violates international and constitutional law under its Supremacy Clause (Article VI, Clause 2), stating all International laws, treaties, conventions, and agreements are automatically US law.

Congressional measures countering the above have no legal standing. Security Council members have exclusive authority to impose sanctions, not individual nations against others.

No matter, US Senators Inhofe, Reed, Risch and Menendez urged Trump to impose sanctions on Turkey, adding:

“(C)ooperation (with Turkey) will not be possible as long as President Erdogan remains fixated on deepening ties with Vladimir Putin at the expense of…security of the NATO alliance (sic).”

Separately, Senators Lankford, Shaheen, Tillis, and Van Hollen said

“Turkey cannot have both Russian and American defense equipment sitting side by side,” adding:

“As long as President Erdogan insists on putting US and NATO assets at risk by acquiring Russian defense technology, the US will withhold our fifth-generation fighter jets and apply our normal restrictions on any government that purchases Russian military equipment” — meaning sanctions and possible other hostile actions.

Geopolitical analyst Jean Perier explained what’s really behind US angst over Turkey’s purchase of Russian S-400s.

On the one hand, it’s about US military contractors losing out to foreign competitors in the sale of weapons, munitions, and related equipment.

Once bought, nations become captive to the White House, congressional, media supported US military, industrial, security complex.

An unnamed European source said the US “seek(s) to establish a distribution network that puts their customers in a position when they have no choice other than purchasing the constant ‘upgrades,’ ” adding:

“All this resembles the deadly grip of an octopus or a swamp, that you just cannot outrun no matter how fast you go.”

Perier explained what most observers following this issue may not understand, saying:

“Even if Ankara chose to purchase Patriot missiles via NATO, upon delivery its armed forces wouldn’t have come into direct control of those systems, as those could only be manned by NATO crews operating on a rotational basis left up to the Pentagon,” adding:

“Turkey has already had this sort of experience with its previous purchases from Washington, and at some point its leadership realized that this layout wasn’t ensuring its national security, as it wasn’t designed for this purpose.”

“Ankara couldn’t use any of the weapons that it paid for as they could only be used when the Pentagon said so” — making Turkey a US vassal state.

No longer willing to put up with this affront was key to Erdogan’s S-400 purchase, perhaps shifting more to Russian weapons over US ones when their superiority is clear — though Ankara still wants US F-35s it partly paid for, some of its pilots undergoing training to fly them.

Turkey’s S-400 purchase,  followed by India already having paid Russia $5.2 billion for five S-400 systems to be delivered early next year, will likely also be followed by other nations going the same way.

A dozen or more other countries expressed interest in buying S-400s, including the Saudis, Iraq, Qatar, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, and Vietnam.

China was Russia’s first foreign buyer, its military saying it “saw that the S-400 system by its capabilities today is unparalleled in the world in its armament class” — including its ability to overcome heavy enemy fire and electronic countermeasures at altitudes up to 23 miles, its range up to 250 miles.

Purchase of the system by enough countries that appears forthcoming will be a major blow to US military contractors, fearing increasing loss of their international dominance to Russia.

Perier called S-400s sales to foreign buyers “a symbol of…resistance (to) vassal submission to Washington.”

It’s why bipartisan US policymakers are frantic to try countering what they’re losing control over.

Russia’s gain over the US is a blow to its war machine.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Featured image is from Zero Hedge

The UN’s Free Speech Problem

July 15th, 2019 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

Anyone willing to consult the international law book on the subject of free speech will find it heavy with protections for free speech.  The UN Declaration of Human Rights features, in its preamble, the ideal that “human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want”, nothing less than “the highest aspiration of the common people”.  Article 19 re-emphasises the point that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression including the “freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” 

International law did, however, come with its onerous, stifling limits.  The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights gives nodding approval to legitimate injunctions “as are provided by law and are necessary… (c) for respect of the rights or reputation of others; (d) for the protection of national order (ordre public), or of public health or morals”.  Such limits have provided governments with fertile ground to target the contrarian happy to march to a different tune.

In recent years, the pendulum has shifted its ponderous way from such notions of untrammelled expression – if, indeed, it could ever be said to exist – to one of regulation.  There are opinions best not expressed, let alone held.  They constitute threats to social order, harmony, offending sensibilities and minds alike.  A global policing effort against inappropriate content on the Internet and on social media is receiving a number of enthusiasts from purported liberal democracies and authoritarian states alike.  A war on hate speech, and words in general deemed disorderly to the social fabric, has been declared, and anyone having views suitably labelled will be targeted.   

Social media platforms figure heavily in this regard.  Call it hate, call it an inspiration to terrorism: the lines blend and blur, rubbed out before the censor and the legislator. At the G20 summit in Osaka this year, Australia’s Pentecostal Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, was busy moralising about the dangers posed by online content that might be considered terroristic in nature.  In what he regarded as a personal victory of sorts, he encouraged G20 leaders to issue a joint statement urging “online platforms to meet our citizens’ expectations that they must not allow use of their platforms to facilitate terrorism and [violent extremism conducive to terrorism].”

The United Nations has not been exempted from such outbursts of moral regulation.  Last month, the UN Secretary General António Guterres indicated a shift of sorts. 

“Hate speech may have gained a foothold, but it is now on notice.” 

Sounding like a figure taking to the barricades, bayonet at the ready, Guterres insisted that,

“We will never stop confronting it.”

On looking at global conditions, the Secretary General saw “a groundswell of xenophobia, racism and intolerance, violent misogyny, anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim hatred”.

In his foreword to the United Nations Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech, the Secretary General points the finger to such culprits as social media “and other forms of communication”.  (No surprise there.) 

“Public discourse is being weaponized for political gain and incendiary rhetoric that stigmatizes and dehumanizes minorities, migrants, refugees, women and any so-called ‘other’.” 

It does not take long for matters to get murky.  Freedom of expression is straight forward enough: usually, states and authorities will always control it citing some general prevailing interest.  Punishing hate speech, however, is an exercise doomed to endless manipulations.  Spot the hate; spot the authoritarian wising to prevent it.   

Even the UN strategy document on the subject acknowledges an absence of any international legal definition of hate speech.  A working definition is offered: “any kind of communication in speech, writing, or behaviour, that attacks or uses pejorative or discriminatory language with reference to a person or a group on the basis of who they are, in other words, based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, colour, descent, gender or other identity factor.”

The document seems to take issue with thresholds.  Hate speech is not prohibited in international law per se, preferring to focus on “the incitement to discrimination, hostility and violence”.  Despite States not being required to prohibit hate speech, it was “important to underline that even when not prohibited, hate speech may be harmful.”  We are left to the unruly world of hurt feelings and taking offence. 

The UN strategy struggles to find coherence.  Meaningless assertions are made.  “The UN supports more speech, not less, as the key means to address hate speech.”  Hardly.  The more important point is the urge “to know to act effectively” involving various commitments to address “root causes, drivers and actors of hate speech”, the “monitoring and analysing of hate speech” and examining “the misuse of the Internet and social media for spreading hate speech and the factors that drive individuals towards violence.”  We have been warned. 

Roping in hate within a regime of punishment is a dangerous legislative or regulatory game to play.  Given the distinctly omnivorous nature of the digital world, the very idea of seeking some retributive model against the spouters of bile has all the hallmarks of failure and scattergun zealotry.  States pounce on such instances, taking issue with anything contrarian that might be deemed hateful.  Political, cultural and religious practices are elevated to realms of the unquestioned. The UN should be the last body to take such a road, but finds itself in rather unfortunate company in doing so.   

As Frank La Rue, UN special rapporteur on the promotion of protection of freedom of opinion and expression noted in 2012,

“The right to freedom of expression implies that it should be possible to scrutinize, openly debate and criticize, even harshly and unreasonably, ideas, opinions, belief systems and institutions, including religious ones, as long as this does not advocate hatred that incites hostility, discrimination or violence against an individual or a group of individuals.”

Danish lawyer and human rights activist Jacob Mchangama makes the sensible point that,

“The UN should and must fight racism and hate speech.  But any attempt at widening the definition and strengthening the enforcement of hate speech bans under international law creates a clear and present danger for freedom of expression already under global attack.” 

The inner authoritarian in governments has been encouraged.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne.  He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Turkey has a long history of criminal aggression against Syria. Even before the NATO Spring was imposed in March 2011, Turkey had built tent cities for refugees, before they felt the need to flee. It has housed various terrorists, fraudulent humanitarian gangs, and seems to have given maps locating the almost 200k landmines on the border with Syria to all the foreign terrorists who have invaded. Now, the country of caliph wannabe Erdogan is bulldozing archaeological sites in Afrin.

From SANA, 10 July:

General Directorate of Antiquities and Museums appealed to international organizations, legal and academic figures who are interested in culture to intervene and protect the Syrian cultural heritage, putting an end to the unjust aggression of the Turkish occupation forces on archaeological sites in Aleppo countryside.

The directorate said in a statement on Wednesday that the latest information coming from Afrin area refer that the Turkish occupation forces and their mercenary terrorists bulldozed archeological hills in Afrin plain to excavate the treasures and archaeological findings stored in the hills, which date back to thousands of years, leading to the destruction of the archaeological layers and the destruction of illuminated pages of the history and civilization of the Syrian people.

The photos received from the area show that rare statues and sculptures were found, dating back to the first millennium BC and to the Roman era, the statement said , adding that the Turkish aggressions are taking place in most of Afrin archaeological sites registered on the list of national heritage, among them Tal Birj Abdalo, Tal Ayn Darah, Tal Jinderous and site of Nabi Huri.

The Hague Protocols of 1954 and 1999 provide for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict:


These Protocols are not worth the paper on which they are written, as they are not enforced. Israel has bragged about its part in the looting of the Eliyahu Hanav Synagogue in Jobar, with not a single word of condemnation from the UN. Western imperial media do not consider newsworthy when Syria arrests smugglers of antiquities, such as occurred a few months ago, in Daraa.


Syrian Antiquities Dept. & local police saved treasures from being smuggled out of the country.

Turkey is not a signatory to these Protocols, not that it would matter; Erdogan’s invasion of Syria and his facilitation of entry of foreign takfiri into Syria are breaches of International Law, and the UN does nothing to reign him in, as it does nothing to stop the ongoing war crimes by the most powerful countries in the world, against Syria.

That Turkey has not cleaned up its landmines from its border with Syria, despite being a signatory to the Mine Ban Treaty, has resulted in no consequences.

Are there any civilized people left in this world to put an end to the cultural genocide against Syria?


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America, The Incredible Disappearing Country

July 15th, 2019 by Helen Buyniski

Americans celebrating Independence Day last week did so amidst levels of domestic discord unprecedented in their lifetimes. With the media establishment openly scoffing not merely at the “founding fathers,” who could stand to be removed from their pedestals once in a while, but at the Declaration of Independence itself and even at the notion of declaring that independence, Americans who never thought of themselves as patriots were nevertheless placed on the defensive. One need not believe in “my country right or wrong” to bristle at the idea that said country shouldn’t exist. But would-be defenders of the American Way are finding themselves increasingly at a loss for words. What does America actually stand for now that the “freedoms” once guaranteed its citizens are rapidly fading into the rearview mirror?

The New York Times led the parade of mainstream outlets sneering at America on its birthday, posting a sarcastic video showing the US’ poor performance against other developed countries on metrics like education and healthcare. But as usual, the Times left out the most important parts — the parts that would implicate it as guilty in the full-on plundering of the American dream. The Fourth Estate — the self-appointed watchdog of the people’s freedoms — was bribed with CIA steaks to lie down while craven opportunists dismantled the country and left a second-rate replica in its place. The Times went one better, actually aiding and abetting the neocon warmongers who lied the US into war — in Iraq, but also in SyriaLibya, and, they hope, Iran. For the Times to complain now that the country, out $6 trillion thanks to the “War on Terror” it enabled and cheered at the top of its lungs, is broke and broken, is hypocritical in the extreme.

Bill of rights, or bill of goods?

Freedom of speech, so important to the national identity it leads the Bill of Rights, has been so vilified in the media that the very notion of “defending free speech” has come to be associated with the extreme Right in establishment reporting. This is no accident, of course — truth is the first casualty of war, and anyone who speaks it has been told in no uncertain terms that they are next on that casualty list. The looming extradition of Julian Assange is a warning to all adversarial journalists and publishers that they are no longer protected by the laws that once enshrined press freedom in the country’s heart, and even those who never set foot in the US can be treated as disposable if they oppose its imperial project. The internet, once a refuge for those silenced by the bought establishment organs, has been quietly scrubbed of those same troublemakers thanks to private corporations doing the government’s dirty work. And the only group more enthusiastic about the police state than the government itself is the clique of Big Tech bandits that receive fat government contracts to enable it.

Private corporations can get away with a lot that governments can’t, even beyond the legal restrictions on the state imposed by the Bill of Rights. Thanks to “free market” orthodoxy, regulation of the private sector is considered borderline criminal, un-American even, allowing companies to do whatever they want — financially, legally and ethically. And Americans have a certain reverence for successful corporations that they have never had for their government. They were livid when they learned their government was spying on their phone calls and emails through the NSA’s StellarWind program, but when it’s Amazon doing the spying through an Alexa “smart” speaker, they not only don’t mind — they’ll pay $100 for the privilege.

Increasingly, corporations are the intelligence services. At least a quarter of American intelligence work is done by private contractors, most of whom work for 5 companies. The CIA has run off Amazon servers since 2014, while the DHS is rolling out an ultra-Orwellian new biometric database that will allow agents to cross-reference facial scans, fingerprints, DNA, and even social relationships(!) — using Amazon servers. Amazon is competing with Microsoft to host the entire Defense Department computing infrastructure in a process riddled with conflicts of interest. Even as the #Resistance flings around the word “fascist” with gusto, they never seem to apply it where it fits — to describe a system in which large corporations work hand in hand with an authoritarian state to suppress dissent and perpetuate the (myth of) national greatness.

Nor is the First Amendment the only one to go AWOL when most needed. The Fourth Amendment, protecting Americans against unreasonable search and seizure, was gutted by the PATRIOT Act under the reasoning that if the terrorists truly hate us for our freedoms, it’s best to just be safe and chuck those freedoms altogether. What the post-9/11 police state started, civil asset forfeiture exacerbated, institutionalizing the practice of confiscating the possessions of individuals merely suspected of committing a crime. While the Supreme Court decided earlier this year that the procedure violated the Constitution’s prohibition against excessive fines, police departments have already found a way around that problem — they simply classify the desired property as “evidence,” allowing them to hold it in the station indefinitely and, after four months, sell it.

The right to a speedy and public trial was destroyed for good under the watchful eye of Obama, whose 2011 National Defense Authorization Act allowed indefinite detention of Americans without charge or trial around the world. Someone clearly got a chuckle out of having a president who convinced voters he would close Guantanamo instead take the model global. Meanwhile, overcrowded courts and backlogged public defenders mean the Sixth Amendment is violated as often in practice as in letter, with innocent defendants urged to plead guilty just to get out of jail with a conviction that will follow them the rest of their lives — often not knowing they have any other options, let alone a constitutional right to them. Likewise, protection against excessive fines and bail has been superseded by systematic greed. Predatory courts have learned that offering impoverished defendants alternatives to jail like electronic monitoring can be just as lucrative as civil asset forfeiture, without the bad press — even if the target is eventually found innocent, he still has to pay to have the monitor removed, and if he doesn’t keep up with the payments mandated by the extortionate contract he signed to keep himself out of prison, he ends up there anyway.

Cruel and unusual punishment, meanwhile, has been renamed “enhanced interrogation” and embraced by unreconstructed thugs. Leaked vetting documents from Trump’s cabinet selection process revealed that “opposition to torture” was actually considered a “red flag” among those being considered for administration positions, suggesting the US has learned nothing from the horrors of the Bush years and Abu Ghraib. Or perhaps it has — the US’ “War on Terror” and the torture it enabled have been a terrorist recruiter’s wet dream, quadrupling the number of extremist Salafi Islamic militants since 2001 and ensuring a constant supply of propaganda-ready enemies.

So what’s left?

Americans still have the right to vote and the right to bear arms, but the first is a bad joke and the second we’ve primarily turned against ourselves. Suicides are at an all-time high, part of a phenomenon commentators have termed “deaths of despair” when combined with steep rises in deaths from alcohol and drug abuse, both of which are also at record or near-record highs. The pursuit of happiness has been replaced by the pursuit of oblivion. And given the future spread out before us, it’s not difficult to understand why.

Millennials and Generation Z are confronting an even wider gap than the previous generation between their expectations — the Shining City on a Hill conservatives unironically insist the US is, the example the rest of the world supposedly envies and wants to emulate — and reality. More than ever, Americans coming of age are finding it impossible to square the crippling debt, decaying infrastructure, impossible expenses, and absence of basic services that characterize their own experience with the propaganda they’ve internalized since their first day in school.

Whether they blame themselves for failing to measure up or blame the system that sold them a bill of goods depends on their programming. Americans are taught to think of poverty as punishment for personal shortcomings, a Calvinistic safeguard against socialist sentiment taking root in the working classes, but traps have been set even for those who realize the problem is larger than themselves. Too many fall for simplistic scapegoat-based explanations of the US’ problems: on the Right, immigrants and foreigners are blamed for stealing jobs without so much as a glance for the private equity firms and CEOs who actually shipped those jobs overseas. On the Left, the entire white race is presumed responsible, ensuring a working class that should be united is instead divided along racial lines, reenacting centuries-old oppression.

Even those who have managed to eke out a position of economic comfort are plagued by a nagging awareness that their country is not what it seems, but most are unwilling to peek behind the façade and admit something has gone drastically wrong with the whole American experiment. Instead, they keep their panic in check with the politically amnesiac view that it’s the fault of the current inhabitant of the White House. Orange-Man-Bad and Obama-the-Secret-Muslim are two sides of the same coin: these figureheads, not decades of neoliberal leprosy, are blamed for the country’s misfortunes.

What we once understood as “America” has been packaged off and sold, and not even to the highest bidder — just the best-connected one. In its place has arisen a series of gated communities that require a certain income level for entry. Those who do not meet the restrictions — “You must make this much money to matter” — are relegated to the few dilapidated public services that remain, the leftovers too unappealing to privatize. Flint’s water system, Washington DC’s metro, Stockton’s police force, Puerto Rico’s electrical grid. The middle class that might once have relied on these services has been erased, literally and figuratively — robbed of their assets during the crash of 2008, they have been written off as irredeemable as “middle class” was itself redefined as six-figure incomes. Meanwhile, private companies, unfettered by regulation in Milton Friedman’s free-market wet dream, can do everything the government can’t. The state of Alabama signed a law last month allowing schools and churches to operate private police forces, opening the door to Blackwater (or Xe, or Academi, or whatever bad press has forced it to change its name to now) operating in the US with the full complicity of the government.

The Pentagon is so overrun by contractors like Blackwater doing the jobs the military is no longer capable of doing that it admits it doesn’t know how many of them are lined up at the government trough, but in 2016 three quarters of US forces in Afghanistan were contractors. Which isn’t so strange — the Pentagon doesn’t know (or care) where most of its moneygoes, because there’s always more where that came from when you’re the world’s reserve currency. America’s once-mighty military-industrial complex — the last heavy industry standing post-NAFTA — has been picked over by predatory monopolies to the point where despite unprecedented levels of military spending, America can no longer compete on the global stage. The F-35 — the most expensive fighter plane ever produced — performs so poorly Washington has to threaten its allies with sanctions to get them to buy it (and presumably stash it in the back of the closet), while Russian and Chinese missile developments have rendered the US’ multibillion dollar aircraft carriers a flotilla of overpriced sitting ducks. Even Big Tech — the last great hope for American capitalism — is quietly migrating to Israel, sucking up subsidies from both US and Israeli governments and laughing all the way to the bank.

All the US can still “make” is deals — Wall Street gets fat on Main Street’s misfortunes. When the mortgage bubble popped in 2008, financiers turned to student debt, packaging and marketing loans as “Student Loan Asset Backed Securities” (SLABS). Over the last decade, as SLABS have become a $200 billion market, the total amount of debt held by American students has more than doubled, surpassing $1.47 trillion. It’s no coincidence that college costs more than twice what it did 20 years ago. Student debt is even more attractive than mortgage debt, because it can’t be forgiven or dismissed through bankruptcy, and its bearers are too young when they sign the papers to fully comprehend that they may never pay it off.

Colleges have turned students into “investments” with exploitative income-sharing agreements in which the student agrees to give a percentage of their future income to the school after graduation in order to guarantee loan payback, a model uncannily similar to indentured servitude (and, perhaps unsurprisingly, developed by Milton Friedman). Debtors’ prisons are back with a vengeance, too — SWAT teams and US Marshals are arresting people over unpaid student loan debts and predatory court fee systems have widened the pool of potential “criminals” the state can count on as a renewable financial resource. Broke municipalities are so excited when private prison corporations like GEO Group come knocking that they willingly sign agreements pledging to keep the facility a certain percentage full, offering their citizens up on a silver platter to appease their new corporate overlords.

What’s the government to do when there’s no “America” left to sell? How do you define yourself when you’ve sold your ideals, your heavy industry, your technological advancements, your land, and even your citizens? The American dream has always somewhat resembled a fairytale, and that has been part of its persistent attraction. People fleeing war-torn countries or economic wastelands believed they would live happily ever after if they just made it to the United States. But there was once something, however flawed, to back up the fantasy. Now, Americans celebrating their country’s independence are hard-pressed to find any traces of it left. No wonder we’re setting off more fireworks than ever — nothing banishes an existential crisis like a big explosion.


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Helen Buyniski is a journalist and photographer based in New York City. Her work has appeared on RT, Global Research, Ghion Journal, Progressive Radio Network, and Veterans Today. Helen has a BA in Journalism from New School University and also studied at Columbia University and New York University. Find more of her work at and, or follow her on Twitter @velocirapture23. She is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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Why Austerity?

July 15th, 2019 by Bryant Brown

We’ve all heard ‘government spending must be cut back to live within our means’.

We’ve heard it for decades; we’ve endured sell offs of national assets and budget cutbacks. But for what purpose? Was it necessary? Is it necessary? And if not necessary, why do governments do it? Politicians say we don’t have the money to do as we once did, but that just doesn’t sound right. How can we not afford some things in this more advanced age that we could afford a generation ago?

I give politicians this much credit; they are correct. We do need more money to pay our interest bill! This is one item that has grown out of control, the amount of money we pay to the banks. As our debt has grown so have our loans. The interest due must come from somewhere. Let’s ask first, why has the debt grown?

This question is covered in some depth in my book An Insiders Memoir, you can read what I wrote here but its essentially what follows.

If you look at national debt in the US and Canada from about 1940 through to today, the charts for the two countries are similar; both are shown below, the US above, Canada below. Note that debt is all but flat through the second world war, building the St. Lawrence Seaway, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and taking man to the moon (1969). Then in the mid seventy’s debt starts to soar, in both countries! What happened?

What happened was that both countries at the same time stopped using their federal bank to finance projects and started borrowing from the private banks. The effect was that now there were interest payments to the banks. Before, if there was interest charged, it came back to the people.

Only one chart is necessary to show what happened, two charts makes it clear that it had to be coordinated. I have tried to find out how that change came about but failed. There is little doubt that it was designed to happen below the radar.

To understand how this came about, we need to go back a few years to the Bretton Woods Agreements which were international monetary agreements agreed to in 1944. Those ended when the United States arbitrarily went off the gold standard in 1971. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision was established in 1974 and was located within the Bank for International Settlements (the ‘Bankers Bank’) in Basel Switzerland. At essentially the same time Canadian and American federal borrowing practices changed!

Today, when members of government look at their budgets, they see that the government is short of money, but they move into clichés rather than trying to figure out why.

Their clichés may be sincere, but they are more often wrong. For example, they say a nation is like a family. But families don’t pay unemployment insurance in which payments go up as tax income goes down. Nor do families get to print money nor do they need to stimulate the economy. As a consequence of the steadily increasing debt, we have been subject, in election after election, to hand wringing and finger pointing. Lots of anguish and no action – no matter who wins the election. National debt exists and much like John Kenneth Galbraith wrote about Money; debt too is hard to explain as to Whence it came and Where it went.

We can learn about ways to deal with debt by looking at how it was handled differently during the economic collapse of 2008 in Iceland and Greece. 2008 was the major global economic collapse in which north America bailed out the ‘too big to fail’ banks!

All three of Iceland’s commercial banks failed. The country was bankrupt. In the end they rejected IMF proposals, they jailed bankers, sold one of the banks and gave the money to the people. Instead of being defeated by debt, the country has come back and the people were treated fairly.

By contrast, the Greeks suffered, as their ex Minister of Finance explained in the title of his book, And The Poor Must Suffer What They Must. When Greece went broke the International Monetary Fund came in. At first, the Greeks rejected their proposals but, in the end, capitulated. The nation that could not pay for its loans, was lent more money. That is as stupid as it sounds. But the IMF in so doing, kept the banks solvent as they sunk the Greek people deeper into debt. No amount of austerity, and they were forced to swallow lots, ever helped them.

And here in 2018 Ontario elected a conservative government that has been making austerity cutbacks to everything that serves the people; cuts to childcare, education, public health, the environment. The cutbacks are unnecessary and are making the province poorer.

When I started researching my book, finding good material on economics was difficult. Today it’s different. There are dozens of books explaining why austerity was never a good idea and increasingly there are books about the nearing end of capitalism. If you want a reading list, I would be pleased to suggest one. You can click here to request it.

Austerity does not work and has never worked to help the people.


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The Commander of US SOUTHCOM shared the US’ official view of strategic rivalry in the Western Hemisphere last week when speaking before the Senate Armed Services Committee’s Emerging Threats subcommittee, revealing that his country considers China to pose the greatest threat to its interests while simply dismissing Russia as a “spoiler” despite its much more heavily publicized involvement in the region.

The New Cold War has spread to the Western Hemisphere in recent years despite the rapid success of Trump’s “Fortress America” strategy for restoring the US’ uncontested hegemony over this half of the world. Although many of the “Pink Tide” governments of the 2000s have since fallen as a result of “Operation Condor 2.0‘s” Hybrid War regime changes that were carried out via “constitutional coups” and other underhanded methods such as as the actual US-backed coup that took place in 2009 Honduras, the socialist ones in Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba (the so-called “Troika of Tyranny“) that still remain provide strategic points of access for America’s Chinese and Russian adversaries. Furthermore, the People’s Republic has made impressive advancements in courting many otherwise pro-US states to join its Belt & Road Initiative (BRI), thus representing the most serious competition in the region since the spread of communism during the Old Cold War.

The Commander of US SOUTHCOM insightfully shared the US’ official view of this strategic rivalry in the Western Hemisphere last week when speaking before the Senate Armed Services Committee’s Emerging Threats subcommittee, revealing that his country considers China to pose the greatest threat to its interests while simply dismissing Russia as a “spoiler” despite its much more heavily publicized involvement in the region. The reason for this is clear, and it’s that the US is concerned that China will instrumentalize its economic influence in the region for political, military, and ultimately strategic ends, strongly hinting that BRI is its backdoor for replacing America’s control over these many countries’ permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (“deep states”), something that Russia’s “shows-of-force” are incapable of doing. According to Admiral Craig Faller, Beijing’s over 50 port projects could conceivably be used for military logistics functions even though he failed to mention even a single scenario where this could realistically occur.

Together with the spread of Chinese information-communication technologies (Huawei-driven 5G and its related “Smart And Safe Cities” initiative) that he says will make it more difficult for the recipient nations to cooperate with the US in this sphere and the no-strings-attached approach to security cooperation, the US SOUTHCOM chief thinks that the People’s Republic is luring the regional states away from the US. He’s also worried about what he described as his premier rival’s “uneven capacity and will to stop illegal shipments” of fentayl, which he implies is being deliberately exported to the Western Hemisphere with the grand strategic intent of flooding the American marketplace and killing its citizens through unconventional means. By comparison, Admiral Faller thinks that Russia is all bark and no bite, prioritizing so-called “disinformation” campaigns and military diplomacy but achieving close to nothing in practical terms except for helping the Venezuelan government resist the US’ regime change efforts.

If there’s one country besides Venezuela to watch, however, it’s Nicaragua, in which he says Russia has been successful in creating a “Counter Transnational Organized Crime Training Center (CTOC) that could “potentially provide Moscow with a regional platform to recruit intelligence sources and collective information”. Conspicuously left out of this threat assessment briefing is the legacy of the US’ Old Cold War-era conflicts in Central America that set the structural basis for regional state failure and these governments’ susceptibility to the same corruption that he accuses China and Russia of exploiting. Nor, for that matter, does he make any mention of the threat posed by “Weapons of Mass Migration” emanating from this region for those very same reasons that the US is ultimately responsible for, especially in the contemporary context of the ongoing Honduran Crisis caused by his country’s support for its unpopular strongman. This glaring omission confirms that Admiral Fuller’s briefing is heavily politicized and thus fails to address the root causes of the US’ security challenges there.

The military official’s suggested solutions are also bereft of substance, too. While parroting the popular catchphrase of a “whole-of-government approach”, he fails to elaborate on exactly what this should entail. Instead, he simply spoke in very general terms about the importance of strong partnerships, emphasizing the need for “engagements and presence”, “information & intelligence sharing” (curiously in spite of his prospective partners’ information-communication cooperation with China that he earlier said could preclude this very development from happening for “security” reasons), and “education and training” (with the mentioning of the School of the Americas-rebranded “Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation” hinting at a will to once again assemble death squads). If that’s all that the US plans to do to counter China’s economic attractiveness and Russia’s behind-the-scenes “democratic security” support, then “Fortress America” might fall before Trump has any idea what happened.


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Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

The resignation of Trump’s Labor secretary, Alex Acosta, is only the most recent in a string of such scandals for Trump. In fact, what with all the things Trump himself has done plus those around him, his is surely the most scandal-ridden presidency in history. Let us just review the record, because it gets hard to remember them all after a while.

1. Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta resigned because when he was a South Florida federal prosecutor, he gave accused pedophile and Trump party-buddy Jeffrey Epstein an incredibly soft plea deal in 2008. Also a scandal: he was no friend of labor.

2. Scott Pruitt is former secretary of the EPA (which in the age of Trump does not stand for Environmental Protection Agency but for Environmental Protection Abolition). He accepted a $50 a night sweet condo deal from an oil and gas lobbyist for his pied-a-terre when he was occasionally in DC, and charged taxpayers $4.8 million for his security detail and made it a point always to fly first class on the taxpayer dime, amid other financial irregularities too numerous to mention. Oh, and the real scandal was that he destroyed the environment, including allowing the pesticide chlorpyrifos, even small amounts of which can damage babies’ brains.

3. Former Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is under scrutiny for a Montana land deal and fully 17 other possibly illegal activities while in office. Oh, and he also helped destroy the environment.

4. Nominee to be secretary of defense, Patrick Shanahan, withdrew over a 2010 domestic abuse investigation launched by the FBI. But the real scandal was that Shanahan had been a career high executive of Boeing and so would have been running the US government agency that buys all those shiny weapons Boeing produces.

5. Not a cabinet secretary, but former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn had to resign over repeated calls before Trump was sworn in to the Russian ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak, which he lied about. But Flynn’s security company also developed a harebrained scheme to kidnap Turkish religious figure Fethullah Gulen, who was granted asylum in the US in 1998, and render him back to Turkey. Flynn may also have been an agent of Turkish influence in Ankara’s attempt to help elect Trump and defeat Hillary Clinton.

There is so much more, I just have to go to bed sometime and this subject of Trump administration scandals is fit for a multi-volume book set, not a little blog entry.

And we haven’t even gotten into Trump himself.


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The S-400: Turkey Calls Trump’s Bluff

July 15th, 2019 by Eric Margolis

Turkey has just called Donald Trump’s bluff by going ahead with the purchase of Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missiles. The outrage in Washington is volcanic. Trump is vowing to rain fire and brimstone sanctions down on the disobedient Turks.

The S-400 is Russia’s premier anti-air missile. It is believed highly effective against all forms of aircraft – including stealth planes – cruise missiles, medium range ballistic missiles, drones, and some other types of missiles. It offers the choice of a self-directing version with its own radar seeker, or a less expensive, ‘semi-active’ version that is guided by its launch-battery radar.

What makes this AA missile (SS-21 in NATO terminology) particularly deadly is its remarkable 400 km range. The S-400 is said by Russia to be able to unmask stealth aircraft. I’ve been told by Soviet security officials as far back as 1990 that their radars could detect US stealth aircraft.

The missile’s remarkable range and detection capability puts at risk some of the key elements of US war fighting capability, notably the E-3 AWACS airborne radar aircraft, US electronic warfare aircraft, tankers and, of course, fighters like the new stealth F-35, improved F-15’s, F-22’s and B-1, B-2 and venerable B-52 heavy bombers used to carry long-ranged cruise missiles.

The Russian AA system can ‘shoot and scoot’ – firing and then quickly moving. Even more important, the S-400 system costs about half the price of its leading competitor, the US Patriot PAC-2 system. The S-400 may also be more reliable and accurate. The Great White Father in Washington is not happy.

The Trump administration brought heavy pressure on Turkey not to buy the S-400, threatening to cancel Turkey’s order for 100 of the new, stealthy F-35’s. Few thought the Turks would defy the US on this issue, but they failed to understand the depths of Turkey’s anger at the US.

Most Turks believe that the US engineered the failed 2016 coup against the democratic government in Ankara working through a shadowy religious organization run by the spiritual-political leader, Fethullah Gulen, who lives in exile in the United States. Turkey’s elected president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, had been too independent-minded for Washington, clashing over US policy to Syria and the Gulf. He had also incurred the wrath of America’s Israel lobby for demanding justice for the Palestinians.

Turkey is now under economic attack by Washington. President Trump is threatening sanctions (read economic warfare) against Turkey, an old, loyal US ally. During the Korean War, Turkish troops saved American soldiers from Chinese encirclement. But Turks are mostly Muslim, and Muslims are hated by Trump and his allies.

S-400 missiles are now arriving in Turkey. What will Trump do? Cancel sale to Turkey of the F-35 and other military equipment or spare parts. Threaten to oust Turkey from NATO. Get Israel and Greece to menace Turkey.

Turkey can live without the F-35. It’s too expensive and may be more vulnerable than advertised. The Turks can get similar, less expensive warplanes from Russia. India and China are both buying the S-400. Even the Saudis may join them though Moscow is delaying the sale. S-400’s are also stationed in Syria with Russian forces and are slated to go to sea in a naval version.

If the US reacts with even more anger, Turkey could threaten to withdraw from NATO and kick the US out of its highly strategic air base in southeast Turkey at Incirlik. It’s worth recalling that Turkey provided NATO’s second largest army after the US. Someone has to remind the deeply unknowing Trump that NATO without Turkey will be declawed. Equally important, that a Turkey unconstrained by NATO membership, will seek sources of oil which it lacks and desperately needs, and new alliances.

Only a century ago, Iraq’s rich oil fields used to be part of the Ottoman Empire until taken away by the British and French imperial powers. The days of a subservient, tame Turkey may be ending.


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House Democrats and a few Republicans have approved an amendment to the fiscal 2020 National Defense Authorization Act that they say will prevent President Trump from violating the Constitution by bombing the daylight out of Iran without approval from Congress. 




The attempt to prevent Trump from engaging in the same illegal behavior as his predecessors was championed by the so-called Congressional Progressive Caucus. 

You have to wonder where these guys were when Obama was sending his drones to kill women and children, assisting the venal Saudis in producing one of the largest humanitarian crises in modern history in Yemen, overseeing the destruction of Libya and the murder of its leader, and maintaining for eight years interventions in seven countries, as Paul Craig Roberts noted on the eve of Trump’s ascension to the imperial presidency throne. 

Dr. Roberts hoped Trump would be different and live up to his campaign promise to end the wars and bring the troops home. We know how that turned out. 

Now we’re told Trump didn’t dump the Iran deal at the behest of a cabal of vicious neocons, but rather to get back at Obama. 

In other words, Iran isn’t about the desire of Israel to annihilate—starve, sabotage, murder—the competition, but rather a reflection of Trump’s opprobrious ego and his desire to take down by crude tweet attack anyone who disses him. 

No doubt this is true, but it completely avoids the larger issue—the Israel-first neocons exploited Trump’s pathology to get him to attack Iran for the Zionist cause. Trump, at the last moment, backed down, no doubt after realizing this would really screw up his image and place in history.

As the late Justin Raimondo and others noted a decade ago, the progressives are only progressive when a Republican is bombing innocents. Obama and crew—later including the entirely reprehensible Hillary Clinton—did a fine job of destroying what remained of the antiwar movement formed during Republican Bush’s neocon-infested reign as Constitution violator. 

“The entire 11-member leadership of the U.S. Congressional Progressive Caucus has voted in favor of a House resolution that calls for isolation of Russia, urges the shipment of military weapons to the Ukrainian government, and encourages the United States and NATO to step up preparations for military confrontation with Russia,” critical commentary on the Progressive Caucus website points out. 

Missing from the Congressional resolution is the background of NATO expansion eastward to Russia’s border in violation of the promise the United States made to Russia in 1989, as well as the U.S. support for a coup government in Ukraine and the attacks of that government’s militias on ethnic Russians.

H. Res 758 denounces Russia for purchasing weapons, arming dictatorships, and allegedly invading sovereign nations—all actions in which the United States routinely engages.

The resolution calls on President Obama “to provide the Government of Ukraine with lethal and non-lethal defense articles, services, and training,” and demands that NATO prepare for war in defense of Ukraine as a NATO member. Ukraine is not a NATO member, but NATO is pushing hard for its inclusion.

Arming ethno-fascists in Ukraine and flirting with a nuclear war capable of ending life on planet earth is now “progressive.” 

The CPC and establishment liberals are not opposed to war, they merely want a Democrat to do the bombing and killing, not boastfully as the intellectual tree stump currently planted in the White House does, but smoothly and suavely like Obama the ruling elite groomed teleprompter reader. 


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site: Another Day in the Empire.

Kurt Nimmo is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Gage Skidmore

New statistics released last month by the UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) reveal a disturbing trend. The world now has the most refugees ever. At the end of 2018, there were a total of 70.8 million refugees, asylum-seekers and internally displaced people – including 13.6 million newly displaced people in 2018 alone. With all the tension around the topic of immigration in first world nations, you would think that the governments of those countries would be careful not to cause situations which would lead to more migration. You would think that they’d be careful not to enact policies which could potentially cause more refugees, especially if those refugees then look to emigrate to the country making those policies (blowback). But consistency has never been a strong point of US foreign policy.

What the UN Report Didn’t Tell You

The UN Report Global Trends Forced Displacement in 2018 is full of stats, but it doesn’t really tell you the reason for those stats. You can learn about the what but not the why. In the image below, taken from the report, we learn the top 5 nations from which people are fleeing. But why? The UN says it is due to conflict; to put it more bluntly, from war. So who’s initiating these wars?

US Wars and Regime Change Operations Causing Most Refugees Ever

Image on the right: Global Trends: Forced Displacement in 2018

Out of these top 5 nations, the US has invaded and/or occupied 4 of them: Syria, Afghanistan, South Sudan and Somalia. Afghanistan has become infamous for US military waste (it was reported in 2013 that the US Army was to leave $7 billion in equipment behind there), not to mention brutality and ineffectiveness. The Taliban now control more territory than they did in 2011 when the US first invaded. The war in Syria has dragged on for years, becoming something of a stalemate, although at one point Russia helped the Syrian Government by getting rid of a lot of ISIS soldiers (since the US was unwilling to truly take on its own proxy army). All this took – and continues to take – a great toll on the Syrian people, many of whom became homeless in their own country and fled. Some people may not be aware of the US troop presence in South Sudan, but they’ve been there since before the country split into two. See the article How the United States Kept Arms Flowing into South Sudan for a very brief background to US intervention in Sudan. As for Somalia, the US entered in 1992 (part of a UN ‘peacekeeping’ force) for the purposes of humanitarian aid (‘humanitarian intervention’). In 1993, elite US special operations forces conducted a failed raid (leading to the deaths of 18 American troops). President Clinton pulled them out afterwards. The US military returned to Somalia in 2013, when they sent a small number of advisers to Mogadishu to help African Union troops.

The US in Myanmar

The only one the US Military hasn’t invaded (yet) is Myanmar, probably because it’s so close to China, another giant Empire and Superpower on the rise. However, there is more to the story in Myanmar than the public relations narrative that poor Rohingya Muslims are being chased out of the country by militant Buddhists. As I covered in the article Radical Islamic Terrorists: The Best Bad Guys Money Can Buy, the US and Saudi Arabia (and Israel too) are behind the funding of radical Islamic terrorism all around the world. There is evidence of US-Saudi interference in Myanmar, inciting jihad to hinder China’s geopolitical projects in Asia, notably the BRI (Belt and Road Initiative), the ‘New Silk Road’ joining Asia and Europe by rail and seafaring lines.

What About Venezuela? Didn’t a Lot of People Flee the Bolivarian Republic?

Yes they did. The US has been targeting Venezuela for awhile, especially from 2002 onwards, the year of the failed coup against Chavez. US neocons and hawks ramped up regime change operations significantly at the start of this year 2019 when they began promoting their stooge Guaido and trying to claim this puppet of a man was the legitimate president! Venezuela only has around 32 million people, and a shocking 2.6 million have fled (mostly to Columbia) – the most refugees by far in the history of the Bolivarian Republic. Some of this is undoubtedly due to internal mismanagement and corruption by the Madruo Administration, but a large part is due to aggressive US sacntions, economic warfare and attempts to overthrow the legitimately elected government there.

Sanctions Kill – Former UNHRC Secretary Alfredo de Zayas

Alfred de Zayas (a former secretary on the UN Human Rights Council and an expert in international law) wrote a report for the UN in September 2018. In it, he laid out why, to put it bluntly, “sanctions kill.” He wrote:

“The effects of sanctions imposed by Presidents Obama and Trump80and unilateral measures by Canada and the European Union havedirectly and indirectly aggravated the shortages in medicines such as insulin and anti-retroviral drugs. To the extent that economic sanctions have caused delays in distribution and thus contributed to many deaths, sanctions contravene the human rights obligations of the countries imposing them.”

Sanctions tend to become a collective punishment which affect the poorest people in society the most. Sanctions provably lead to sickness and death through food and medicine shortages. There are many heartbreaking stories of Venezuelans who have had to leaves their homes, property and ancestral lands due to food and medicine shortages. For more background, you can watch this brief report by the Real News Network Sanctions Block Medicine from Venezuela, Killing Thousands.

Most Refugees Ever: A Quick Summary of the Stats

Here are some quotes and images with the official statistics from the UNCHR report:

“At the end of 2018, Syrians continued to be the largest forcibly displaced population, with 13.0 million people living in displacement, including 6,654,000 refugees, 6,184,000 internally displaced people (IDPs) and 140,000 asylum-seekers.”

Top 10 nations from where most refugees (asylum-seekers) originated. Image credit: UNCHR Report “Global Trends: Forced Displacement in 2018”

Figure 18 above shows the major source countries of new asylum-seekers for 2017-2018. In 2018, the highest number of new asylum-applicants were from Venezuela, the 2nd highest were from Afghanistan, the 3rd highest were from Syria and the 4th highest were from Iraq. Guess what? The US has either conducted outright invasion, regime change operations or sanctions/economic warfare against all these countries.

Final Thoughts

This refugee situation is yet another reason for all of us to take off blinders, look squarely at the US-led NWO Empire and realize the terrible destruction it wreaks all over the world. If you care about illegal immigration, look at the US Military. If you care about the environment and reducing pollution, look at the US Military (the DoD/Pentagon is the biggest polluter on Earth). If you care about peace and avoiding war, look at the US Military. How much death and destruction is it going to take before more people wake up to this?


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This article was originally published on The Freedom Articles.

Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance. Makia is on Steemit and FB.


How the United States Kept Arms Flowing into South Sudan

Radical Islamic Terrorists: The Best Bad Guys Money Can Buy

Is a New ‘Kosovo’ Brewing in Myanmar?

Venezuelan Economic Crisis: The Real Cause is Not Socialism

Is This the Most Blatant US Coup Ever?

All images in this article are from TFA unless otherwise stated

On July 11, President Trump gave up his fight to ask people about their citizenship on the 2020 census.

The question, which the administration has been trying to add to the census since 2017, would have resulted in a significant undercount by dissuading people in households with undocumented residents from responding to the census. An estimated 6.5 million people could be uncounted if the question were included, according to the Census Bureau.

The census is used to calculate how many seats each state will have in the House of Representatives, the number of Electoral College votes each state will get in the presidential elections beginning in 2024, and how $900 billion in federal funds will be distributed to the states annually for hospitals, schools, health care and infrastructure for the next 10 years.

There is no doubt the administration knew that a question asking about citizenship would result in an undercount of Latinos and benefit Republicans. GOP strategist Thomas Hofeller had urged that the question be included in the census as it would “be a disadvantage to the Democrats” and “advantageous to Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites” in redistricting.

In finally throwing in the towel, Trump tried to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, stating,

“We are not backing down on our effort to determine the citizenship status of the United States population.”

Trump then declared he was ordering federal agencies to immediately provide citizenship information from their “vast” databases, belatedly embracing a suggestion made by the Census Department last year in a memo suggesting that the government could collect citizenship data more efficiently from federal agency records that already exist.

“Trump’s attempt to weaponize the census ends not with a bang but a whimper,” according to Dale Ho, director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Voting Rights Project. Ho, who argued the case in the Supreme Court, said in a statement that, “Now he’s backing down and taking the option that he rejected more than a year ago. Trump may claim victory today, but this is nothing short of a total, humiliating defeat for him and his administration.”

Playing to his base, Trump blamed “far-left Democrats” who, he claimed, “are determined to conceal the number of illegal aliens in our midst,” adding, “This is part of a broader left-wing effort to erode the right of the American citizen and is very unfair to our country.”

The Supreme Court Called Trump’s Reason for Adding the Question “Contrived”

It was the Supreme Court that found the Trump administration’s stated rationale for adding the citizenship question deficient.

On June 27, in a 5-4 decision, Chief Justice John Roberts had joined the four liberals on the Supreme Court to halt the administration from adding the question to the census. The Court characterized the administration’s stated reason for wanting to include the question — to better enforce the Voting Rights Act — as “contrived.” Indeed, that reason doesn’t pass the straight-face test given the Trump administration’s attempts at voter suppression.

The high court sent the case back to the federal district court to determine whether the administration could come up with an acceptable rationale for adding the question. The administration had urged the district courts and the Supreme Court on numerous occasions to expedite the case because the deadline for completing the census materials was June 30. After the Supreme Court decision, it appeared the administration had capitulated. Lawyers from the Department of Justice told the judge that the government would print the census forms without the citizenship question.

But the following day, Trump tweeted, “we are absolutely moving forward, as we must.” The Justice Department lawyers then informed the judge that they were trying to find a way to add the question to the census. The lawyers who had been handling the citizenship question litigation for the administration sought to withdraw from the case. Two district judges refused to allow their withdrawal.

The administration finally saw the writing on the wall, realizing that the deadline to print the census materials foreclosed a protracted legal battle. After Trump spoke on July 11, Attorney General William Barr said, “The Supreme Court closed all paths to adding the question. We simply cannot complete the litigation in time to carry out the census.”

Trump’s announcement that his administration will instead use information from federal databases to gather citizenship information raises its own civil rights concerns. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is developing the largest database of biographic and biometric data on both citizens and non-citizens in the United States. DHS plans to share the data with federal, state and local agencies.

The database that DHS currently uses has produced false positives in identifying people violating the immigration laws 42 percent of the time. Moreover, the FBI and Immigration and Customs Enforcement are utilizing driver’s license databases for facial recognition in investigations, without consent. Inaccuracies in this system lead to misidentification and false arrests.

Trump’s intent in pursuing the citizenship question was never about enforcing the Voting Rights Act. “It is clear he simply wanted to sow fear in immigrant communities and turbocharge Republican gerrymandering efforts by diluting the political influence of Latino communities,” Ho said.

The confusing machinations in the case may still deter immigrants from answering the census even though they will not be asked about their citizenship. Moreover, Trump’s retreat on the citizenship question came three days before his administration plans to conduct mass raids on immigrants around the country. In chilling fashion, the Trump administration is reminding us that adding a citizenship question to the census is not its only tool for instilling fear and terror in immigrant communities.


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Copyright Truthout. Reprinted with permission.

Marjorie Cohn is professor emerita at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, former president of the National Lawyers Guild, deputy secretary general of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers and a member of the advisory board of Veterans for Peace. Her most recent book is Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues. She is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Iran Faces US Aggression and European Hypocrisy, but this Time It’s Ready

July 15th, 2019 by Prof. Seyed Mohammad Marandi

Western cultural arrogance rears its Medusa-like head each time US President Donald Trump rails about obliterating Iran.

Leaders and politicians of the self-proclaimed free and civilised world – along with some human rights organisations, major media outlets, and state-affiliated public figures – express their unique form of collective inhumanity through absolute silence. After all, repeated threats of a nuclear holocaust and genocide by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Trump are deeply imbedded in western civilization’s centuries-old tradition of colonisation, mass slaughter and moral absence.

The global net of starvation sanctions, bullying, and military interventionism led by the US, is glossed over with mammoth globs of humanitarian jargon and moral righteousness.

Lagging behind

Nevertheless, despite endless provocations and collaborations, the US still finds itself lagging behind its allies in the realm of hypocrisy, where the European Union and other western regimes continue to reign supreme.

While the US frequently and erratically turns to crude aggressiveness, Europeans passionately engage in endless dialogue, unofficial so-called Track II endeavours, and rebuke their “unsophisticated and reckless” American allies in private and semi-private conversations with Iranian scholars and officials. However, when push comes to shove, they faithfully stand by the US.

As soon as Trump withdrew from the nuclear deal, European Union leaders pleaded for Iran not to retaliate, promising an acceptable solution within weeks. For well over a year, despite mounting internal opposition, Iran demonstrated strategic patience in the face of a constant escalation in the US economic war on the Iranian people.

Facing mounting costs, many cancer patients, among others facing life-threatening diseases, went without medication in order to spare their loved ones from financial destitution. This is economic terrorism and a war crime.

A tribal integrity

Although the European Union formally remained committed to the nuclear deal, they demonstrated nonchalance towards their obligations by permitting each and every unilateral sanction imposed by Washington to be fully implemented across Europe.

Meanwhile, they repeatedly warned Iran to fully adhere to its nuclear commitments. Even as they made a mockery of the deal, they audaciously mimicked US demands for more nuclear and non-nuclear related concessions; thus, exposing their tribalistic conceptualisation of integrity.

While Iran’s patience (combined with Trump’s brazen behaviour) significantly dented many anti-Iranian western narratives, this was simultaneously misinterpreted by the Empire as a mark of weakness.

Hence, the upsurge in US aggressive posturing, ultimately leading to the humiliating downing of a $200m US drone in Iranian territorial waters, with a $20,000 Iranian-designed surface-to-air missile.

Ironically, just days before the RQ-4A Global Hawk came crashing down, the US special representative to Iran, Brian Hook, in typical orientalist fashion, claimed that Iranians photoshopped images of their defence capabilities.

Racist disposition

The Iranians and their resourceful allies have repeatedly demonstrated that they are sophisticated enough to outwit and outmanoeuvre their imperial tormentors across the region. However, this particular technological achievement was not even envisaged in the Eurocentric world of western intelligence services.

It is imperative that European and American policymakers confront their racist dispositions and carefully reflect upon the future before forging ahead with plans and provocations to undermine Iran. In Virgil’s Aeneid, Anchises says to Aeneas: “Remember, Roman, it is for you to rule the nations with your power, (that will be your skill) to crown peace with law, to spare the conquered, and subdue the proud.”

Cultural chauvinism aside, during the height of empire, western powers have left behind no legacy where subjugated peoples were spared and nowhere have they shown respect towards native populations. Thus, there is no reason to expect that a declining and desperate empire will conduct itself in a civilised manner today.

In their incurable ignorance, western-affiliated “Iran experts” paradoxically claim that the Iranian “regime” is both fanatical and apocalyptic as well as corrupt and self-preserving. While this analysis is far more self-revelatory than enlightening, it is the foundation of a potentially fateful miscalculation.

Asymmetrical capabilities

Iran has been constructing a vast network of underground military facilities alongside its southern shores from Iraq to Pakistan in anticipation of possible western aggression since the illegal US occupation of Iraq.

As the downing of the drone has demonstrated, it is also empowered with very sophisticated military capabilities and has both the will and means to confidently engage forcefully with a belligerent power.

Iran has said that it will confront any aggression. Be confident that it will respond to any military strike with a massive and disproportionate counterstrike targeting both the aggressor and its enablers.

All-out war would mean the obliteration of all oil and gas installations as well as all oil tankers and cargo ships on both sides of the Strait of Hormuz. Under such circumstances, the closure of the Strait would be a sideshow.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said last month that Iran does not welcome confrontation nor does it desire war. It has, nonetheless, worked hard to establish military deterrence specifically to prevent such circumstances, as history has shown western inclination towards violence can only be constrained through strength.

Western establishment politicians and pundits seem to thrill at threatening to send nations back to the stone age. But be sure that if there is war, this time around Iran and its allies will make sure they come along for the ride.


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Seyyed Mohammad Marandi is a Professor of English Literature and Orientalism at the University of Tehran

China’s recent building-spree of schools in its underdeveloped and remote region of Xinjiang – in a saner world – would be good news. But for editors at the BBC it is being depicted as sinister and dystopian.

The BBC’s article, “China Muslims: Xinjiang schools used to separate children from families,” attempts to depict boarding schools – a concept popular in the UK itself – as a “form of internment” and “cultural re-engineering.”

The BBC’s article claims:

China is deliberately separating Muslim children from their families, faith and language in its far western region of Xinjiang, according to new research. At the same time as hundreds of thousands of adults are being detained in giant camps, a rapid, large-scale campaign to build boarding schools is under way.

The “new research” conducted by the BBC is admittedly not even being done in China itself. The BBC admits:

China’s tight surveillance and control in Xinjiang, where foreign journalists are followed 24 hours a day, make it impossible to gather testimony there. But it can be found in Turkey.

“Testimony” gathered in Turkey – one of the nations that used to support US efforts to fuel radicalism and separatism in Xinjiang in the first place – is accompanied by satellite photos taken from outer space of vacant lots in Xinjiang being transformed into newly built schools complete with football pitches and jogging tracks.

The images are only proof that China is building schools in Xinjiang. Not of any of the claims being made by the BBC of “internment” or “cultural re-engineering.” The inclusion of the images is meant to serve as convincing stand-ins where actual evidence of the BBC’s otherwise baseless accusations should be.

The BBC Omits the Real “Cultural Re-Engineering” in China’s Xinjiang 

The BBC has been one of the leading voices promoting claims of Xinjiang “concentration camps,” “one million Muslims” being detained, and now the “internment” of children in schools.

The BBC – however – has been relatively quiet for years over genuine cultural re-engineering taking place in Xinjiang – funded by the United States, Saudi Arabia, and abetted by nations like Turkey and even the UK itself through its propaganda and political support of such efforts.

The LA Times in a 2016 article titled, “In China, rise of Salafism fosters suspicion and division among Muslims,” would reveal:

Salafism is an ultra-conservative school of thought within Sunni Islam, espousing a way of life and prayer that harks back to the 6th century, when Muhammad was alive. Islamic State militants are Salafi, many Saudi Arabian clerics are Salafi, and so are many Chinese Muslims living in Linxia. They pray at their own mosques and wear Saudi-style kaffiyehs.

The article also noted (emphasis added):

Experts say that in recent years, Chinese authorities have put Salafis under constant surveillance, closed several Salafi religious schools and detained a prominent Salafi cleric. A once close-knit relationship between Chinese Salafis and Saudi patrons has grown thorny and complex.

And that:

…Saudi preachers and organizations began traveling to China. Some of them bore gifts: training programs for clerics, Korans for distribution, funding for new “Islamic institutes” and mosques.

This pervasive radicalism has translated directly into real violence – another fact omitted completely from the BBC and other Western media coverage of events in Xinjiang.

China’s efforts to reverse the growing influence of Salafism – such as collecting deliberately mistranslated copies of the Koran published and distributed by Saudi Arabia to promote radicalism – have been depicted by the Western media as religious oppression with all context intentionally omitted.

That the BBC claims China building schools teaching Mandarin and Chinese culture in China is “cultural re-engineering” while overlooking Saudi Arabia building Salafist networks thousands of miles away from its borders fuelling very real extremism in western China to begin with – helps fully reveal recent BBC reports on Xinjiang and China’s Muslim community as pure propaganda.

Salafism as a Geopolitical Tool 

Not only does the BBC intentionally omit mention of extremism and violence in regions like Xinjiang or how it came to be, the BBC is also omitting the fact that Salafism itself was admittedly spread worldwide by Saudi Arabia as a geopolitical tool.

In the pages of the Washington Post, the Saudi Crown Prince would recently admit:

Asked about the Saudi-funded spread of Wahhabism, the austere faith that is dominant in the kingdom and that some have accused of being a source of global terrorism, Mohammed said that investments in mosques and madrassas overseas were rooted in the Cold War, when allies asked Saudi Arabia to use its resources to prevent inroads in Muslim countries by the Soviet Union.

Wahhabism is closely related to Salafism and the terms are often used interchangeably. The Crown Prince’s admission refers specifically to the Cold War and the Soviet Union, but it is abundantly clear that these networks didn’t simply vanish with the collapse of the Soviet Union, they evolved.

They are now used to help feed extremists into Washington’s many proxy wars around the globe including in Libya and Syria. They are also being used to pressure nations across Asia and to create a pretext for a continued US military presence in Asia-Pacific.

And clearly they are being used to fuel US-backed separatism inside China.

Just as the Western media deliberately misrepresented terrorists waging proxy war on the West’s behalf against Libya and Syria – the Western media is deliberately misrepresenting China’s Uyghur minority, the extremists within that minority, who funds and encourages them, and why.

We’re left with articles like the BBC’s – attempting to undermine China’s global standings by depicting very real efforts to confront very real extremism as “oppressive” and “authoritarian.” It is partly to help provide cover for ongoing efforts to divide China from within, but also to demonize China among global Muslim communities.

Never mentioned by the BBC in its efforts to depict China as persecuting all Muslims – rather than a minority of extremists who just so happen to be Muslims – is the fact that China’s oldest and most important ally in Eurasia is Pakistan – a Muslim-majority nation. Also omitted is the fact that China has many other Muslim minority groups within its borders who live without conflict.

These facts – along with ham-handed attempts by the BBC and others to depict newly constructed schools in a previously underdeveloped and remote region as “oppressive” – help one understand the true obstacles impeding global stability and progress. It is not Beijing – it is those claiming Beijing building schools and confronting real radicalism through reform rather than perpetual war are “villains.”


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Tony Cartalucci is a Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook” where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.  

Featured image is from NEO

Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, tweeted on Saturday that MEK is a viable alternative to the rule of the mullahs in Iran. 

Rudy, of course, didn’t bother to point out that NCRI is a front organization for  MEK, short for Mojahedin-e Khalq, the terrorist organization that wants, with the help of the neocons, to rule Iran. 


According to research conducted by Ivan Kesić, a freelance writer for The Iranian, MEK is a terrorist organization on par with the Islamic State. 

Kesić writes that

“based on the facts and figures, due to the terrorist attacks committed by the Mujahedin-e Khalq more than 16,000 people have been killed in Iran alone, not counting their atrocities against Iranian and Iraqi civilians during the Iran-Iraq war and the 1991 uprisings in Iraq. Their tactics included bomb attacks, targeted assassinations, aircraft hijackings, and so on. Only from 26 August 1981 to December 1982, the MEK conducted 336 terrorist attacks against targets in Iran.”

Americans were not immune from violence, according to Kesić: 

Mujahedin-e Khalq has also conducted attacks against numerous Western targets, both in Europe, North America and elsewhere. In the early 1970s, MEK members killed several US soldiers and civilians working on defense projects in Tehran. Such victims included US Army Lt. Col. Lewis L. Hawkins who was assassinated in June 1973, US Army officers Col. Paul Shaffer and Lt. Col. Jack Turner killed in May 1975, an Iranian employee at the US Embassy in Tehran two months later, and US civilian contractors Robert R. Krongrad, William C. Cottrell Jr. and Donald G. Smith assassinated by four gunmen in August 1976. Furthermore, in May 1972 US Air Force General Harold L. Price was seriously wounded in attempted assassination. Several hours later, the MEK had a plan to assassinate US President Richard Nixon and they blasted a bomb at mausoleum where Nixon was scheduled to attend a ceremony just 45 minutes after the explosion. In November 1970, a failed attempt was made to kidnap the US Ambassador to Iran, Douglas MacArthur II. MEK gunmen ambushed MacArthur’s limousine while he and his wife were en route their house. Shots were fired at the vehicle and a hatchet was hurled through the rear window, however, MacArthur remained unharmed. During the same period, MEK operatives also committed bombing of facilities of Pan-Am Airlines, Pan-American Oil, Shell Oil, and of gates of British Embassy.

Even Wikipedia, the establishment’s online encyclopedia of spin and historical omission, admits NCRI is a front for MEK. 

The organization has appearance of a broad-based coalition; however many analysts consider NCRI and the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MEK) to be synonymous, taking the former to be an umbrella organization or alias for the latter, and recognize NCRI as an only “nominally independent” political wing or front for MEK. Both organizations are considered to be led by Massoud Rajavi and his wife Maryam Rajavi. 

Not surprisingly, one of the most ardent Zionists to ever sit in Congress, Joe Lieberman, supports NCRI-cum-MEK and likely feeds at same MEK trough as Giuliani. 

None other than establishment propaganda paragon Politico reported the former New York mayor’s affection for MEK cash. 

According to a financial disclosure reported on by The New York Times, Giuliani has been speechifying at hyperspeed for years, collecting $11.4 million for 124 appearances in just one year—and that was before signing up for the MeK gravy train around 2011. Perhaps he just didn’t have time to consider the character of his paymaster.

The euphonious sounding “2019 Free Iran conference” will be held this weekend at the MEK compound in Albania. The terrorist organization has produced a video announcing the arrival of the wined-and-dined, many undoubtedly on the payroll. 

The NCRI née MEK proudly announced the following participants: 

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former United States Senator Joe Lieberman, Foreign French Foreign Ministers Michèle Alliot-Marie and Bernard Kouchner, former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, former Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird, former US Senator Robert Torricelli and hundreds of other international lawmakers, official and dignitaries attend the Iranian opposition’s 2019 Free Iran conference in ‘Ashraf 3’, the headquarters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK or PMOI) in Albania. Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi is the event’s keynote speaker.

The chief neocon warmonger and Trump national security adviser, John Bolton, was not included on the above list. 

“There have been quite a few former officials, politicians, and retired military officers that have been cheerleading for the MEK over the last few years, but Bolton is one of their oldest and most consistent American supporters,” writes Daniel Larison. 

Bolton, like Giuliani, is slimy with MEK blood money. 


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site: Another Day in the Empire.

Kurt Nimmo is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

A series of events have unfolded, which dates back to the U.S. President Trump’s decision to break the U.S. participation in the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal, which was signed by the U.S., Iran, China, the EU, France, Germany, Russia, and the U.K.  The 2018 one-sided decision got the ball rolling into a possible U.S. military involvement, and all-out Middle East regional war, which would pull in Europe and Asia as well.

A series of mysterious attacks on ships unfolded, with no proof of responsibility, then a U.S. drone shot down by Iran, and finally, the U.S. ordered the seizure of an Iranian super-tanker in the Mediterranean Sea, carried out by the U.K.  The world is waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Iran has made it clear it is going above the uranium-enriching guidelines, and this is obviously a tactic on their part to get negotiations started, with the goal of a final U.S.–Iran nuclear deal acceptable to both sides.  Iran needs to be able to sell its oil, which is now brought to a standstill by U.S. sanctions, which Iran calls ‘economic warfare’.

Oil prices are sensitive to Arab Gulf tensions, and given the fact that most of the world’s oil passes through the Strait of Hormuz, any military escalation, or all-out war, would affect the global business community.  In response, we have seen oil prices rise.  Is this yet another U.S. engineered “Oil War”? It would appear, the recent rise in oil prices benefits everyone who has oil, except Iran.

Experts and those involved will all tell you the 2003 U.S. war on Iraq was all about oil.  In an excellent piece by Juhasz, she wrote the following:

“Of course it’s about oil; we can’t really deny that,” said Gen. John Abizaid, former head of U.S. Central Command and Military Operations in Iraq, in 2007.

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan agreed, writing in his memoir,

“I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil.”

Then-Sen. and now Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said the same in 2007:

“People say we’re not fighting for oil. Of course, we are.”

Pres. Donald Trump is a consummate businessman, with very strong ties to the oil industry, and a great deal of his domestic business outlook is tied to oil prices.  He is facing a re-election process in November 2020 and needs the American economy to be at its best, as votes for him will be cast depending on the economy.  He is generally seen to be a man of peace; however, Secretary of State Pompeo, and National Security Advisor Bolton who are both seen as hawks, with a specific eye on Iran, as that is the goal of Pres. Netanyahu of Israel.  The Trump administration, in general, can be characterized as taking their Middle East foreign policy directly off the table in Tel Aviv.

U.S. State Department spokesperson Judd Deere said Thursday that President Donald Trump spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“The two leaders discussed cooperation between the United States and Israel in advancing shared national security interests, including efforts to prevent Iran’s malign actions in the region,” Deere said.

Netanyahu’s office said Thursday,

“the two discussed regional developments and security issues, first and foremost Iran,”

Higher oil prices tend to improve investment in petroleum-exporting countries in the Middle East while promoting opportunities for U.S. exports.  However, they also tend to curb export to petroleum-importing countries such as China, India, Japan, and Europe.   China and Russia are both urging the U.S. and Iran to act with utmost restraint, and are encouraging diplomacy to be used to calm the tensions.

The current tension between Iran and the U.S. has driven oil prices up.

“Brent is pricing in more of the geopolitical risk than WTI,” said Phil Flynn, an analyst at Price Futures Group in Chicago.

The Brent oil price is not calibrated as a commodity, but rather now reflecting the risk of war.

The current ‘powder-keg’ tensions may last until after the 2020 U.S. election.  Likely, military actions will not begin, but prices could remain high, or even go higher, which will be a benefit to many and creating more suffering for others.


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Steven Sahiounie is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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Almost every day we read about the latest outbursts in Europe, targeting pro-immigration policies. There are protests, even riots. Right-wing governments get voted in, allegedly, because the Europeans “have had enough of relaxed immigration regulations”.

That is what we are told. That’s what we are supposed to understand, and even sympathize with. Anti-immigration sentiments are even pitched to the world as something synonymous with the desire of Europeans “to gain independence from Brussels and the elites”. The right-wing, often racist, spoiled and selfish proletariat is portrayed by many as a long-suffering, hard-working group of people, with progressive aspirations.

If seen from a distance, such arguments are outrageous and even insulting; at least to the billions of those who have already lost their lives, throughout history; victims of the European and North American expansionist genocides. And to those individuals who have, until this day, had their motherlands ruined, livelihoods destroyed, political will violated, and in the end, free and unconditional entry denied; entry into those very countries that keep violating all international laws, while spreading terror and devastation to virtually all corners of the world.


In this essay, let us be as concrete as possible. Let us be brief.

I declare from the start, that every African person, every Asian, every citizen of the Middle East and every Latin American (how perverse this very name “Latin” and “America” is, anyway) should be able to freely enter both Europe and North America. Furthermore, he or she should be then allowed to stay for as long as desired, enjoying the free benefits and all those goodies that are being relished by Westerners.

To back this statement, here are several (but not all) basic moral and logical arguments:

First of all, Europe and North America do not belong to their people. They belong to the people from all corners of the globe. In order to build the so-called West, close to one billion (cumulatively, according to my friends, the UN statisticians) had to die, throughout modern and the not so modern history. Virtually everything, from theatres, schools, hospitals, parks, railroads, factories and museums, have been built, literally, on the bones and blood of the conquered peoples. And nothing much has really changed, to these days. Europe and later North America invaded almost the entire planet; they looted, killed, enslaved and tortured. They robbed the world of everything, and gave back nothing, except religion and a servile and toxic bunch of ‘elites’, who are continuously plundering their countries, on behalf of the West. Therefore, Europe and North America were built on credit, and now this credit is due.

Secondly, the Western culture, without any competition, is the most violent civilization on earth. I repeat, without any competition. It cannot be defeated militarily, without further losses; losses which could be easily counted in billions of human lives. Therefore, the only possibility of how to reduce the scale of further global tragedies, is to ‘dilute’ the West and its fundamentalist culture of racial and cultural superiority. The fact that Westerners are now in minority in such cities like London or New York, has not fully stop the U.K. and U.S.A. from committing monstrous crimes, attacking and pillaging foreign countries. But were Europe and North America still homogeneous, there would hardly be any free, independent country left anywhere in the world. Migration to the West is helping, at least to some extent, to save the world. Migrants, from the first and oldest generations, demand that the voices of non-westerners, would be listened to, at least some extent.

Migrant boat spotted by Moonbird aircraft on May 29 in the Mediterranean. (Source: Moonbird/Sea-Watch)

Furthermore, and this is of a course well-known argument: the only reason why people from previously wealthy countries like Iraq, Libya, Venezuela, Iran or Syria are forced to emigrate, is because their nations were either bombed back to the Stone Age, or destroyed through sadistic sanctions. Why? So, there would be change of the government, and instead of local citizens, the profits from natural resources would benefit Western corporations. Also, of course, in order to prevent the “Domino Effect”. The West hates the idea of the “Domino Effect”: read, the regional or global influence of Communist, socialist or progressive governments which would be determined to improve the lives of their people. West needs obedient, frightened slaves, not great heroes and bright thinkers! To stop the “Domino Effect”, millions had to die in the 1965 coup in Indonesia, in Indochina (Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia), in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, to name just a few unfortunate nations. If you come to a rich, socially-balanced nation, rob it of everything, overthrow its government, and reduce it to a ‘failed state’, in order for your own nation and people to prosper, would you be shocked if some of its people were to decide to try to follow the resources that you have stolen; meaning, moving to your own country?

The reason why people in the West do not follow this train of logic is simply because they are thoroughly ignorant; trying extremely hard, for decades and centuries, to remain blind. If they claim ignorance, they don’t have to act. They can just enjoy the loot, without paying the price. It is simple, isn’t it?


Are those right-wing voters in the U.K., in Hungary, in Greece, France and Italy, as well as in other EU countries, really so blind, or so morally corrupt, that they do not see the reality?

Do they expect to have a ‘free ride’ for another century or two?

Do they teach history in European schools? I wonder. And if they do, what kind of history? I was shocked to realize that even some of my Spanish friends who are working for the United Nations, have absolutely no clue about the barbarity their country had committed in Central and South America. Or Portugal, in what is now Brazil or Cape Verde.

Now, the Italians with their Northern League (oh yes, “anti-establishment”, they love to say) firmly in government, are criminalizing people who are helping the ‘boat people’ sailing from Libya and other devastated African countries (mainly ruined by France and other EU nations) to reach Italian shores. Good ‘working people’ would rather if the refugees sank in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, as hundreds and thousands already have. And this anti-immigration rhetoric is actually being glorified as ‘brave’ and ‘anti-establishment’. How beastly, how low, the European culture continues to be. It was always ultra-violent and aggressive, but now it is also shallow, illogical and fanatic. It is not racist, anymore. It is far beyond that. It is turbo-racist, monstrously selfish. I often describe it as ‘fundamentalist’, not unlike what one encounters in the so-called ‘logic’ of movements such as ISIS and al Nusra.

In the U.S.A., the situation is not much better. Wall on the Mexican border? Study your history! The United States robbed half of Mexico, through expansionist wars. Most of migrants who are crossing the border illegally, are actually not Mexicans (Mexico is, with all its social problems, an OECD country), but from impoverished Central American nations. And why are these nations impoverished? Every time they democratically elect their progressive governments which would be ready to work on behalf of the people, the U.S. immediately applies its fascist dictatorial “Monroe Doctrine”, overthrows the government, injects right-wing death-squads, forces privatization, and strips the country of everything, like a locust. Don’t the people from Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras or Dominican Republic, have the full right to follow the loot, too, and settle near it, in the United States?


The Western doctrine is simple and at the same time, absolutely irrational. It is not defined, but if it were, it would read like this: “We can attack, rob, migrate wherever we choose to. Because we are white, Christian people with a superior culture and much better weapons than everyone else. No other reason, but this should suffice. Other people have to stay away, far away. Or else! If they disobey, they will be sunk by the Italians, beaten with rubber hoses on the open seas by the Greeks. Walls will be built, and people concentrated in repulsive camps, like what is being done if refugees try to cross from the south to North America.”

Oh, North America, where predominately first but also second and other generations of Europeans hunted down local native people like animals. Where the great majority of the First Nation died horrible deaths. Where the native people, in the U.S.A. and Canada, are often forced to live, to this day, in total destitution. North America, but also Australia – the same culture, same pattern, same ‘logic’.

And after murdering native people, what came next? Millions of Africans, in chains, brought as slaves by the Europeans, to build “the new world”. Men tortured and robbed of their dignity. Women tied in the fields and raped, day after day, by white plantation owners. Democracy. Freedom. Western-style.

Does such a ‘nation’, like the United States, have any moral right to decide who should cross its borders, and who to settle on its territory?

I don’t think so. Do you?


Things can be very different. Look at Russia during the Soviet Union. It never occupied the Central Asian republics. They joined voluntarily, and if you talk to people in Uzbekistan or Kyrgyzstan, a great majority would happily join Russia, again; almost all feel nostalgic about the Soviet Union.

During the USSR, Moscow made sure that the standards of living in Tajikistan or Kirgizstan were almost the same as in Russia.  Instead of plundering, Russia provided great subsidies and internationalist support.

And then, after the Soviet Union was destroyed by external forces, (the arms race with the West and by Western propaganda), the country broke into several independent states. And the flow of migrants began.

Russia never closed its borders. Travel from Central Asia (destabilized by Washington) to now rich Russia is easy. Millions of people from the former Soviet republics are happily working all over the Russian Federation. And there is no ‘moral obligation’ that the Russian state has towards them. All this is actually just common sense, respect for shared history and values, and normal human kindness.


Some will say, what the West did, it all happened long time ago. But no, it did not. It is still happening now, right now.

Of course, if you are frying your brains in some pub or club in London, or if you are sitting in a posh café in Paris, you would never think so. All you want is to be left alone, and to live your suave European life. A life built on the bones and blood of hundreds of millions of victims.

Huge and super-rich Europe cannot accommodate even one million of people flowing from the ruined Middle East? Seriously? Tiny Lebanon managed to survive an influx of 2 million refugees at the height of so-called “Syrian crises”. Crime rate did not skyrocket, country did not collapse. You know why? Because Lebanese people have heart and decency. While the West has nothing of that nature.

If your family became rich because it was robbing and murdering, would you want to return the booty? Would you open the doors to those whom your parents and brothers tortured and pillaged? Some would. After opening their eyes, they would. But not the West. It only takes. It never gives. It hates those who give. It smears, even attacks all decent nations.

The horrors are still happening right now, in devastated Afghanistan, a country reduced to ashes, after being designated as a training base for the fundamentalists ready to infiltrate and damage China, Russia, former Soviet Central Asia republics, Iran and Pakistan. I work there, I know. Or Syria. I work there too. Or Venezuela, one of my favorite countries on earth. And the list goes on and on.

I cannot anymore read those self-righteous, hypocritical outbursts, coming from the British, French, Italian, North American and Greek voters who only want benefits, while choosing to remain blind to the global genocides their regime is committing all over the world.

These people could not care less about who pays for their welfare, or how many millions die supplying them with their privileges.

They want more. They always complain “how poor and exploited they are”. They do not want to stop neo-colonialism. They only desire more money and better living conditions for themselves. “We are all humans”, they say. “We are all victims”. And then they vote in the extreme right-wing, and demand that the “refugees” be kept out.

They have blood on their hands. And most of them are not victims, but victimizers. They are not internationalists. Just mini-imperialists, selfish products of their culture of colonialism.

The West has to open the doors to the world which has been devastated during the long centuries.

Some people ‘outside’ have been literally turned into beggars, so the West could thrive.

‘Political correctness’ in London or New York lies, saying how wonderful the world outside is. No! It is not. Much of it is poor, gangrenous, horrid! Disgusting. Because it was made like that. Because it was beaten, violated, and robbed for centuries.

These people, the true victims, are demanding only two things: to be left alone and to be allowed to build their own nations, without Western military interventions, without self-serving NGO’s and Western-controlled U.N. agencies. That’s one.

Two, to go when they want to go, where their stolen riches are!

Either they will be let in, compensated and asked for forgiveness, or they will do what is their right: break the gates!


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This article was originally published on New Eastern Outlook.

Andre Vltchek is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He has covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. Four of his latest books are China and Ecological Civilization with John B. Cobb, Jr., Revolutionary Optimism, Western Nihilism, a revolutionary novel “Aurora” and a bestselling work of political non-fiction: “Exposing Lies Of The Empire”. View his other books here. Watch Rwanda Gambit, his groundbreaking documentary about Rwanda and DRCongo and his film/dialogue with Noam Chomsky “On Western Terrorism”. Vltchek presently resides in East Asia and the Middle East, and continues to work around the world. He can be reached through his website and his Twitter. His Patreon

Featured image is from Susan Melkisethian/Flickr

Former UN special rapporteur Alfred de Zayas slams UN High Commissioner Bachelet’s report on Venezuela as a politicized collection of baseless accusations by “advocates of regime change”


When United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet traveled to Venezuela earlier this year, she met with an array of citizens who lost family members to right-wing violence in the country.

Among them was Inés Esparragoza, whose 20-year-old son, Orlando Figuera, was doused with gasoline and lit on fire by an opposition mob during violent anti-government riots, known as guarimbas, in May 2017.

“He was stabbed, beaten and cruelly burnt alive,” Esparragoza declared before Bachelet in March. “Simply because of the color of his shirt, the color of his skin, and because he said he was Chavista.”

While Esparragoza poured her family’s torment out before the former Chilean president, Bachelet scribbled notes and glanced down at horrific photos which captured the moment masked men attacked Figuera. As the young man knelt to the ground, a gang of anti-government thugs poured petrol over his body before lighting a match.

“I call on the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to make justice,” she said. “These are not peaceful protesters, they are bloodthirsty.”

Yet shockingly, when Bachelet released her long-anticipated report on the situation in Venezuela on July 5, it was as though that meeting never took place.

Apparently unmoved by the testimony of Figuera’s grieving mother, or anyone else’s story of injury and suffering, Bachelet made no mention of opposition violence in her report. Her failure to properly detail the plight of Venezuelans who have suffered at the hands of anti-government rioters was just one of many glaring omissions which has one of the top international legal experts to have served at the UN calling the high commissioner’s objectivity into question.

Alfred de Zayas became the first UN rapporteur to visit Venezuela in 21 years, traveling to the country in 2017 to examine the social and economic impact of unilateral coercive measures applied by the US. He determined US-led sanctions were largely to blame for the country’s hardship, accusing Washington of waging “economic warfare,” and comparing its harsh measures to “medieval sieges of towns.”

De Zayas was no less scathing towards Bachelet’s report, slamming it as a politicized document that depended heavily on unfounded claims by activists dedicated to Maduro’s removal.

“The new Bachelet report is methodologically flawed, as were indeed the earlier reports, relying overwhelmingly on unverified allegations by opposition politicians and advocates of regime change who are only interested in weaponizing human rights,” the former special rapporteur told The Grayzone.

“The same occurred with the reports of [former UNHCHR] Zeid [Raad Al Hussein],” de Zayas continued, referring to Bachelet’s predecessor. “The lack of professionalism on the part of the UN secretariat is a disgrace and should be exposed by civil society.”

“I was not a UN employee with a salary, and no one could give me instructions,” de Zayas noted,  “A high commissioner is not independent and is subject to political pressures. I endured pre mission, during mission and post mission mobbing.  A rapporteur is obliged to be independent. Sure enough, I was pressured, intimidated, insulted by non governmental organizations and even colleagues, but I was able to proceed with my investigation and reflect what I saw and learned on the ground.  I am not an ideologue. There are many in the U N secretariat.”

Prior to serving as UN high commissioner, Bachelet was a career politician in Chile, where she became the country’s first female president in 2006. She was the most centrist figure among the leaders of the progressive “pink tide” that momentarily washed across Latin America. This January, a years-long corruption investigation into her son’s land deals was closed.

Conveniently ignoring the impact of US sanctions

Just three short paragraphs in Bachelet’s 16-page document are dedicated to the crushing sanctions the US and its allies have imposed against Venezuela since 2015. She went on to write off the claim “that due to over-compliance, banking transactions have been delayed or rejected, and assets frozen, [hindering] the State’s ability to import food and medicines” as the government merely “assign[ing] blame” for its difficulties.

Bachelet’s dismissal of the destructive impact of sanctions on the Maduro government overlook years of sustained economic attack on the Venezuelan economy by the most powerful nation on earth. With the Obama administration’s move to declare Venezuela’s government a “national security threat” in March of 2015, Venezuela’s economy and its ability to restructure its debt have been under systematic attack.

As the independent Venezuelan outlet Mision Verdad reported,

“Venezuela was catalogued by the French financial company Coface as the country with the highest risk in Latin America, similar to African countries that are currently in situations of armed conflict… From 2015 onwards, the country-risk variable began to increase artificially in order to hinder the entry of international financing”.

Even mainstream outlets like The Wall Street Journal have acknowledged that the measures applied by the US “have made banks more reluctant to touch accounts that might relate to Venezuela for fear of sanctions violations.”. WSJ even noted that Goldman Sachs was criticized in 2017 “when it was revealed that the company bought about $2.8 billion in Venezuelan bonds, which were seen as a lifeline to the Maduro government”.

According to the US government’s own summary of Venezuela related sanctions, unilateral measures introduced by the Trump Administration in 2017 and 2018 “restrict the Venezuelan government’s access to U.S. debt and equity markets” and “[prohibit] transactions related to the purchase of Venezuelan debt”.

Considering these restrictions and Washington’s move to freeze what National Security Advisor John Bolton estimated to be $7 billion worth of Venezuela’s US-based assets, it’s hard to understand how Bachelet so easily dismissed the idea that sanctions have contributed to the economic crisis. As The Grayzone reported this May, the US State Department openly bragged about its ability to destroy Venezuela’s economy in a factsheet published on its own website, which it quickly deleted out of apparent embarrassment.

Among the “key outcomes of US policy” listed in the document was the fact that oil production in the country had been drastically reduced.

“If I were the State Department I wouldn’t brag about causing a cut in oil production to 763,000 barrels per day,” Mark Weisbrot, Co-Director of the Center for Economic and Policy research told The Grayzone at the time. “This means even more premature deaths than the tens of thousands that resulted from sanctions last year.”

In April, Weisbrot co-authored a report which documented 40,000 preventable deaths that occurred between 2017 and 2018 as a direct result of US sanctions. This groundbreaking report was also ignored by Bachelet, who had far more resources at her disposal to investigate its disturbing conclusions and perhaps prevent thousands more deaths.

While Bachelet did concede “sanctions are exacerbating” Venezuela’s economic woes, she argued that the current crisis predated those measures, thus transferring blame onto the policies of a besieged government.


The author of this article recently participated in a panel discussion during which Venezuela’s ambassador to the United Nations, Samuel Moncada, addressed accusations like these.

Responding to the widely repeated accusation of economic mismanagement, Moncada asked,

“If we are committing [economic] suicide, what do you need sanctions for? The problem is they are applying sanctions as never before. So they actually think that sanctions have an aim and an end result, and they are trying to implode the country.”

Moncada also explained how the 2015 oil crash impacted Venezuela’s economy, insisting that “we tried, perhaps erroneously, to keep the very same social support policies going without the oil” wealth on which the government traditionally depended. The international oil market collapsed in 2015, just months after Reuters reported US Secretary of State John Kerry met with Saudi King Abdullah in order to discuss plans to increase petrol production.

Former special rapporteur de Zayas agreed with that determination, telling The Grayzone,

“the initial cause of the economic crisis was, of course, the dramatic fall in oil prices. The current crisis is ‘made in the USA’ and corresponds directly to the sanctions and financial blockade.”

Bachelet claimed Venezuela’s oil industry was “already in crisis before any sectoral sanctions were imposed,” discounting the ebb and flow of the international market. She also noted a “drastic reduction of oil exports” between the years 2018 and 2019, but stunningly failed to connect the decline to US sanctions unleashed in January 2019 which specifically aimed to prevent Venezuela’s oil industry from exporting products to the outside world.

By the logic of High Commissioner Bachelet, Maduro is so incredibly incompetent or evil that he refused to pay his country’s bills and destroyed its entire oil industry singlehandedly in an effort to starve his own people.

Attacking Venezuela’s food distribution program with baseless claims

In 2016, the government of Maduro introduced the Local Committees for Supply and Food Distribution program, or CLAP, to offset the impact of sanctions and the economic crisis brought on by falling oil prices. Today, the program provides food and sanitary supplies at almost no cost to six million families – a whopping slice of Venezuela’s population.

According to Bachelet, Maduro did not initiate this program to feed the most vulnerable among his country’s population, but in order to promote “intelligence gathering and defence tasks.” She provided no supporting evidence for her claim.

Bachelet also baselessly claimed that the food delivery program was used in a politically prejudicial manner, asserting that some families “were not included in the distribution lists… because they were not government supporters.”

Bachelet’s attack on CLAP came just as the Trump administration threatened to target the food delivery program with sanctions.

The claims made by Bachelet during an abbreviated tour of Venezuela stood at stark odds with the findings of multiple media outlets, Venezuelan citizens and foreigners who recently traveled to Venezuela to witness CLAP distribution.

Terri Mattson of CODEPINK spent three months living with a family in Venezuela earlier this year and was also on the aforementioned panel with this author and Ambassador Moncada.

“It’s a fantastic program and it’s helping people who would not otherwise have access to food,” Mattson remarked. “My neighborhood… was predominantly opposition. Those people got food just as we in the chavista household got food. The food was distributed through the community council, the community council was majority opposition… everyone got food, everybody participated in the weekly community council meetings.”

Bachelet’s assault on CLAP will undoubtedly be used to justify the US government’s attempts to sanction the program and further contribute to the starvation of Venezuelans. If a critical food distribution program is undermined from the outside, what other outcome can be expected but more hunger?

Ironically, Bachelet’s critique of CLAP directly contradicts the recommendation at the end of her report, which requested that the government “take all necessary measures to ensure availability and accessibility of food, water, essential medicines and healthcare services,” to average Venezuelans. Yet she did not demand the US government end the sanctions it has imposed against the country, this rendering the fulfillment of her recommendation nearly impossible.

“The government of Venezuela has demonstrated that it is already doing its utmost to ensure availability and accessibility of food and medicine,” former special rapporteur de Zayas said in response, “what the high commissioner should have demanded is the immediate lifting of US and EU sanctions.”

Bachelet’s recommendations amount to an all-out attack on the structure of Bolivarian revolution. If implemented, they would not only amount to the dismantling of the government’s structure, but would likely lead to society-wide chaos and mass starvation.

Echoing US propaganda on Venezuela’s colectivos

Besides assailing the CLAP program, Bachelet called for the government to “disarm and dismantle pro-government armed civilian groups” known as colectivos, accusing them of “exercising social control”.

Her comments echoed sensationalist US corporate media headlines as well as allegations by John Bolton and Florida Senator Mark Rubio, who have attempted to brand colectivos as violent gangs personally controlled by President Maduro.

This March, The Canary’s John McEvoy spent two weeks living with a colectivo in Caracas. The British reporter found that the groups serve an entirely different purpose than the one relayed back to the Western public by corporate media and centrist leadership.

“After the election of Hugo Chávez in 1998, colectivos mushroomed across Venezuela with the wide scale devolution of power to local communities,” McEvoy explained, “their demonisation in the corporate media serves a distinct purpose: to delegitimize Venezuela’s grassroots democratic movements.”

“As across Latin America, social organisations in Venezuela are deemed incompatible with the opposition’s US-backed neoliberal project,” the reporter continued. “They are consequently dehumanised, delegitimize, and attacked by a compliant media that categorically ignore their roots, popularity, and social value.”

With this context, Bachelet’s call for the colectivos to disarm appears to equal a demand that the country surrender its last line of defense against an ongoing regime change operation that has featured assassination attempts and threats of a full scale military invasion.

When Bachelet met with victims of guarimba violence this March, many hoped it meant those voices ignored by mainstream western media would finally be heard on the international stage. Yet the high commissioner decided their stories were unworthy, instead offering up a document which reads like a hand out from the US State Department.

And like clockwork, the State Department seized on Bachelet’s report to drive its unilateral campaign for regime change, but this time with the stamp of UN approval and behind the guise of a respectable center-left political leader.


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Anya Parampil is a journalist based in Washington, DC. She previously hosted a daily progressive afternoon news program called In Question on RT America. She has produced and reported several documentaries, including on-the-ground reports from the Korean peninsula and Palestine.

US and UK military sources claim that Iranian boats intercepted a British oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz Wednesday, before a British warship, the HMS Montrose, chased them off.

None of the reports about this incident can be taken at face value. Iran has flatly denied that it took place, and US officials making allegations have not posted videos they claim to have of it. It comes amid a US-led war drive targeting Iran, after Washington unilaterally suspended the 2015 Iranian nuclear accord, launched a major military buildup in the region, and demanded that US allies support it. Yet before anything firm is known about this incident, a press campaign has started in Europe, demanding that the European powers back Washington against Iran.

Wednesday night, European time, US Central Command spokesman Captain Bill Urban accused Iranian Fast-Attack Craft/Fast Inland-Attack Craft (FAC/FIAC) of harassing the tanker. He stated that the Pentagon was “aware of the reports of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy’s FAC/FIAC harassment and attempts to interfere with the passage of the UK-flagged merchant vessel British Heritage today near the Strait of Hormuz.”

The HMS Montrose “pointed its guns at the Iranian boats,” who then allegedly fled. “It was harassment and attempt to interfere with the passage,” US military officials contacted by Britain’s Independent newspaper said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

A UK Ministry of Defense statement alleged:

“Contrary to international law, three Iranian vessels attempted to impede the passage of a commercial vessel, British Heritage, through the Strait of Hormuz.”

It said the HMS Montrose “was forced to position herself between the Iranian vessels and British Heritage and issue verbal warnings to the Iranian vessels, which then turned away.”

Iranian authorities flatly denied the incident took place. Iranian Revolutionary Guard naval forces issued a statement to the Fars News Agency, claiming: “During the last 24 hours, there were no encounters with foreign vessels…”

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif dismissed the allegations as an attempt by US and European officials to escalate tensions with Iran, telling the ISNA News Agency:

“They make such claims to create tension, yet these claims are worthless and they have made many such claims. They say such things to cover up their own weaknesses.”

It is for now impossible to determine what happened Wednesday in the Straits of Hormuz; by all accounts, no shots were fired. However, a push for another military escalation is underway. Despite the unpopularity of Middle East wars and of Trump and his administration among workers in Europe and beyond, and explosive foreign policy conflicts between Washington and the European Union (EU), powerful voices in the European ruling class are demanding Europe back a US war drive against Iran.

Asked whether London would escalate its naval presence in the Persian Gulf, a spokesman at the UK prime minister’s office indicated it would:

“We have a longstanding maritime presence in the Gulf. We are continuously monitoring the security situation there and are committed to maintaining freedom of navigation in accordance with international law.”

With stunning hypocrisy, the fact that UK troops acting on US orders seized a tanker July 4 off Gibraltar, allegedly taking Iranian oil to Syria, an act of piracy after which Tehran warned of “repercussions,” is being cited as proof that the US-UK allegations against Iran are credible.

On Tuesday, the US magazine Foreign Policy reported that Britain and France had agreed to a 10-15 percent increase in their troop presence in Syria. This bucked Berlin’s temporary refusal Monday to send more troops to fight alongside US troops working with Syrian Kurdish militias against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime, which is backed by Russia and Iran.

It added that London and Paris “also expressed interest in contributing to Sentinel, a maritime partnership designed to enhance security for commercial ships traversing the Strait of Hormuz and other choke points.” Both London and Paris declined to comment on this decision, citing the secrecy of special forces operations. Their war drive thus is developing behind the back of the British and French people.

Calls are rapidly emerging particularly in Germany for an about-face on its previous opposition to an escalation in Syria and across the Middle East. After Wednesday’s incident, a wave of articles appeared in the German press calling for Berlin to join the US-led war drive against Iran.

In a comment titled, “On the Iran question, Europe must back Trump,” Die Weltargued that Berlin should support Trump’s unilateral ripping-up of the 2015 Iranian nuclear accord.

“The atomic treaty with Iran was originally correct,” it writes. “But its ostensible goal, to pacify the region, has failed. The regime is more aggressive than ever. So the US president’s critique of the treaty is justified.”

A similar outlook emerged in the Süddeutsche Zeitung ’s comment, headlined, “Europe and Asia must protect trade ships better.” It stated, “Freedom of navigation is a major priority, especially for an export-dependent nation like Germany.” It similarly called for the formation of an international flotilla of warships to patrol off Iranian waters, “even if this plays into US President Trump’s hand.”

The newspaper wrote,

“An international flotilla would also internationalize the conflict, which could well be a goal of the US strategy. But that should not be a reason to rule it out. Warships from Europe or Asia would be less provocative for Iran than US or Saudi patrol boats. They would also be a further signal to Tehran, that while Europe also wants to preserve the nuclear treaty, it will not quietly accept the aggressive regional policy of the Islamic Republic.”

The strategies outlined by representatives of the leading European imperialist powers do indeed play directly into the Pentagon’s plans. On Tuesday, the day before the Strait of Hormuz incident, General Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, called on US military allies worldwide to join a US-led battle fleet that would surround Iran.

Dunford said,

“We’re engaging now with a number of countries to see if we can put together a coalition that would ensure freedom of navigation both in the Strait of Hormuz and the Bab al-Mandab. And so I think probably over the next couple of weeks we’ll identify which nations have the political will to support that initiative, and then we’ll work directly with the militaries to identify the specific capabilities that’ll support that.”

He said the Pentagon would provide “command and control” ships to direct operations. America’s allies would provide escort vessels to follow US command ships’ orders.

Dunford left unsaid that this plan would leave the US Navy with a death grip over not only Iran’s economy, but the oil supply of its main imperialist “allies” in Europe and East Asia, and of Asia’s two most populous countries, China and India.

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) notes,

“In 2018, [the Strait of Hormuz’s] daily oil flow averaged 21 million barrels per day, or the equivalent of about 21 percent of global petroleum liquids consumption. … EIA estimates that 76 percent of the crude oil and condensate that moved through the Strait of Hormuz went to Asian markets in 2018. China, India, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore were the largest destinations for crude oil moving through the Strait of Hormuz to Asia, accounting for 65 percent of all Hormuz crude oil and condensate flows in 2018.”

Approximately 4 million barrels pass daily through the Bab al-Mandab straits towards Europe.

Such figures lay bare the bitter inter-imperialist struggle for profits and strategic-military influence that have underlain three decades of war in the Middle East since the Soviet bureaucracy dissolved the USSR in 1991. As Trump threatens major Asian and European powers with hundreds of billions of dollars in trade-war tariffs, these tensions are reaching unprecedented intensity. For now, it appears that, fearing a clash with a militarily superior US imperialism, the European powers are deciding to bide their time and abet Washington’s war drive.

This policy, which shows that the EU powers are fundamentally no less predatory than Washington, also exposes the bankruptcy of illusions that workers can rely on rival capitalist powers to restrain Washington from a new, even greater bloodbath. Desperate to seize their share of the plunder, and to continue shoveling hundreds of billions of euros into military budgets despite mounting strikes and protests, the EU powers do not oppose US wars. They respond to US pressure by intensifying their drive to remilitarize and repress protest against austerity and militarism at home.


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The Pakistani Premier’s upcoming trip to the US is the next logical step in the global pivot state’s geopolitical balancing act and is expected to greatly contribute to the ongoing peace process in Afghanistan that’s of importance for the entire world.


Pakistani Prime Minister Khan will be paying a three-day trip to the US starting from July 22. This will be his first official visit as the head of the South Asian state, as well as his first face-to-face meeting with US President Trump. This is the next logical step in the global pivot state’s geopolitical balancing act after he already visited the Saudi Arabia, Gulf Kingdoms, China, Turkey, and Iran, as well an interaction with Russian President Putin during last month’s SCO Summit in the Kyrgyz capital of Bishkek.

The common thread linking all of these interactions together is that Pakistan is using its geostrategic location at the crossroads of the supercontinent to position itself as the “Zipper of Eurasia” whose value to other powers derives from its CPEC-facilitated economic linkages with China and its ability to neutrally mediate regional problems, first and foremost among them the conflict in Afghanistan.

Pakistani-American relations were previously under stress after President Trump discontinued military aid to Islamabad last year, which wasn’t “aid” in the traditional sense but rather previously agreed compensation for Pakistan’s sacrifices during the Global War on Terror.

This move was part of the US’ strategy of pressure on Pakistan and coincided with India’s pivot to the West, with these concurrent processes heralding what can only be described as a polar reorientation of regional geopolitics. Nevertheless, the US came to realize that it needs Pakistan more than the reverse after it became impossible to make progress on bringing peace to Afghanistan without its behind-the-scenes assistance in encouraging the Taliban to re-enter into talks in this respect. Islamabad’s goodwill in contributing to the unprecedented success of the latest round of negotiations was well appreciated by Washington and has therefore led to a relative thaw of sorts in their relations.

It’s against this strategic backdrop that Prime Minister Khan will be visiting the US and meeting with Trump, during which time it’s expected that the ongoing Afghan peace process will figure prominently on the agenda.

From this important starting point of common interests, it’s possible for Pakistan to explore the options for resuming the US’ promised “aid” to the country as well as securing American support to avoid potential sanctions by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) ahead of the upcoming October deadline in this respect.

Moreover, depending on how much the Pakistani and American leaders agree to cooperate in bringing peace to Afghanistan (and given that their joint efforts are successful), Prime Minister Khan might be able to see whether Trump could lift the sanctions waiver on Chabahar as a quid-pro-quo for indirectly rewarding Islamabad by hamstringing the strategic competitiveness of its Indian rival in the region.

Of course, a lot will depend on the chemistry between Prime Minister Khan and Trump despite their strategists already working on various aspects of their countries’ bilateral relations ahead of their summit.

Prime Minister Khan and Trump have a lot in common on a personal level because they’re both populists who are trying to make their nations great again through far-reaching domestic reforms, so there’s little chance that they’ll butt heads with one another like Trump does with Trudeau, May, and other liberal leaders who he doesn’t like.

All in all, Prime Minister Khan’s trip to the US is immensely important because of the likelihood that he’ll leverage Pakistan’s geostrategic position through his nation’s new balancing act to advance the Afghan peace process and receive positive dividends from America in return, even if they’re not immediately noticeable or made public by the time his talks with Trump end.

Pakistani-American relations occupy a special place in Eurasian geopolitics that will remain enduringly relevant despite the growing US-Indian alliance, the latter of which actually inspired Islamabad to begin balancing across the hemisphere in the first place in order to showcase its irreplaceable strategic significance and get America to realize that it’ll have much more difficulty achieving its long-sought goal of withdrawing from Afghanistan if it doesn’t have Pakistan on its side to help it craft the “face-saving” conditions for doing so.


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This article was originally published on Dispatch News Desk.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Rarely do ambassadors resign after an intense self-assessment of worth.  Diplomatic immunity does not merely extend to protecting the official from the reach of local laws; it encourages a degree of freedom in engaging as a country’s representative.  Sir Kim Darroch, as UK ambassador to the United States, felt that any freedom afforded him in that capacity had ended. 

“The current situation is making it impossible for me to carry out my role as I would have liked.”

The storm between Darroch’s good offices and the Trump administration was precipitated by the publication in the Mail on Sunday of content drawn from leaked diplomatic cables.  Darroch expressed a view both unsurprising as it was prosaic. 

“We don’t really believe this administration is going to become substantially more normal; less dysfunctional; less unpredictable; less faction riven less diplomatically clumsy and inept.”

Specific foreign policy areas were singled out.  Regarding Tehran, a memorandum from June 22 notes that it was “unlikely that US policy on Iran is going to become more coherent anytime soon.  This is a divided Administration.”  Future British-US relations are in for a heady time. 

“As we advance our agenda of deepening and strengthening trading agreements,” comes Darroch’s warning in a June 10 memorandum, “divergences of approach on climate change, media freedoms and the death penalty may come to the fore.”

Darroch’s assessment might have been withering, but he was keen to provide his superiors a portrait on how best to approach Trump.  All importantly, emphasise concentrated repetition. 

“It’s important to ‘flood the zone’: you want as many as possible of those who Trump consults to give them the same answer.” 

It was important to keep up his interest on the phone: speak two or three times a month, maybe more.  Flatter him and treacle-glaze words. 

“You need to start praising him for something that he’s done recently.” 

Be blunt; if critical of Trump, be sure it is not personal and not a matter or surprise. Throw him parties, roll out the red carpet, and entertain the beast. 

UK Prime Minister Theresa May, while caught off guard, did not flinch in backing her man in Washington.  What mattered was not the content of the correspondence but the fact of its revelation. (Ignore the substance; punish the leaker.) 

“Contact has been made with the Trump administration, setting out our view that we believe the leak is unacceptable,” came the view of May’s spokesman. “It is, of course, a matter of regret that this has happened.”

Such regret tends to take the form of safe, internally orchestrated inquiries.  At their conclusion, amnesia would have set in, making no one the wiser.  UK Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt has promised “serious consequences” for the source, but he was also open to the default position of Anglo-US politics when matters sour: the Russians might have done it. 

“Of course,” he told The Sun, “it would be massively concerning if it was the act of a foreign, hostile state.” 

Feeling some unnatural urge for balance, he felt it necessary to tell the paper that he had “seen no evidence that’s the case, but we’ll look at the leak inquiry very carefully.”    

Former British ambassador to Washington, Christopher Meyer, cast the net wider. 

“It was clearly somebody,” he opined on BBC radio, “who set out deliberately to sabotage Sir Kim’s ambassadorship, to make his position untenable and to have him replaced by somebody more congenial to the leaker.”

On July 8, Trump issued a spray on Twitter designed to sink the ambassador’s continued appointment.

“I do not know the Ambassador, but he is not well liked or well thought of within the US.  We will no longer deal with him.” 

The comment was a prelude to his usual self-congratulatory view on such matters as Brexit.

“I have been very critical about the way the UK and Prime Minister Theresa May handled Brexit.  What a mess she and her representatives have created.” 

May, he felt, had refused to accede to this all shaking wisdom.

Darroch’s exposure to the Trump show was never going to have unqualified shielding.  May will shortly vacate the prime minister’s office, leaving the way for either Boris Johnson or Hunt to take the reins.  Given that the UK is set – at least as things stand – to leave the European Union on October 31, being in the Trump administration’s good books for a US-UK trade deal is a matter of distracting importance.  To illustrate the point, UK trade minister Liam Fox made a note on a visit to Washington to issue an apology to Trump’s daughter, Ivanka. 

Darroch’s remarks, to that end, assumed another degree of importance.  Would Britain’s representative in Washington have the support of May’s successor?   The stance taken by the main contender for the Tory leadership in a debate on Tuesday cast doubt on that position.  Johnson’s opponent, Jeremy Hunt, failed to receive a clear answer after questioning Johnson on whether he would stick with the ambassador should he become prime minister. 

On Friday, the BBC’s Andrew Neil got closer, but received a good deal of waffle by way of response. 

“I stood up completely for the principle that civil servants should be allowed to say what they want for their political masters without fear or favour.” 

Not quite.  An old tradition was broken with, and Trump, as he continues to do, had gotten his way – again.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Britain’s Betrayal: Siding with Trump Against Iran

July 14th, 2019 by Stephen Lendman

The US/UK special relationship is longstanding. Throughout the post-WW II era, both nations have been imperial partners, the US calling the shots, Britain saluting and obeying.

During his March 1946 Fulton, MO “Iron Curtain” address, Winston Churchill noted the special relationship, saying the following:

“Neither the sure prevention of war, nor the continuous rise of world organization will be gained without what I have called the fraternal association of the English-speaking peoples…a special relationship between the British Commonwealth and Empire and the United States.”

In November 1945, he said “(w)e should not abandon our special relationship with the United States…”

In 1930, British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald affirmed it long before Churchill. It dates from the 19th century, notably after America’s Civil War, its modern form emerging post-WW II.

The imperial record of both countries, hostile to peace an stability, stands in sharp contrast to their lofty rhetoric, including support for global terrorist groups instead of combatting them, using them as proxies to advance their common agenda, Britain assuming a junior partner role to dominant America.

When the US goes to war against nations threatening no one, or engages in other hostile actions against them like imposing illegal sanctions, Britain virtually always partners in its criminality.

That’s how things are playing out in the run-up to possible US aggression against Iran, a lunatic action if occurs.

Based on its hostile actions against Iran after Trump illegally pulled out of the JCPOA, it’s increasingly clear that Britain only pretends to support the landmark agreement while siding with the White House against it.

The US/UK partnership against Iran increases the likelihood of dooming the JCPOA, negating years of negotiations to produce the landmark agreement if things turn out this way.

At the behest of the Trump regime, Britain seized Iran’s Grace 1 supertanker on July 4, a hostile act of maritime piracy, likely timed with DJT’s militarized Independence Day commemoration.

Impounding the vessel, seizing its documents and electronic devices, along with arresting its captain, chief officer, and two other crew members were bandit actions, flagrant violations of international maritime law.

Britain compounded its hostility toward Iran in deference to the White House by falsely accusing the IRGC of attempting to seize a UK tanker passing through the Strait of Hormuz, its transponder improperly turned off, the vessel followed by a British frigate.

In cahoots with the Trump regime, Britain likely aimed to entrap Iran, wanting it to commit a hostile action its political and military authorities were too savvy to fall for.

They surely won’t give the White House a pretext to unjustifiably justify war on the country, just the opposite by consistently following international laws, norms, and standards in dealings with other nations — polar opposite how the US, Britain, Israel, and their imperial partners operate.

On Friday, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi explained the following:

“We have told the British authorities that their move would increase tensions and is in line with those hostile policies of the US,” adding:

“From the first day the oil tanker was seized, Iran started taking legal and diplomatic measures. We summoned the UK ambassador twice, and he appeared at the Iranian foreign ministry for several other meetings to provide some explanations.”

“We have given the case to a lawyer who is currently taking legal and judiciary procedures.”

Sino/Russian “(s)ignatories to the JCPOA, as well as other countries, have done their best to preserve the deal.”

“Iran’s next step, within the two-month deadline to Europe, is planned and will be implemented” if Britain, France, Germany, and the EU remain in breach of their JCPOA obligations — binding international law they violated by their unacceptable actions, siding with the Trump regime against Iran.

On Friday, Iran again demanded the release of its Grace 1 supertanker, calling Britain’s action a “dangerous game under the influence of the Americans with no end in sight.”

President Rouhani warned Britain that it “initiat(ed) insecurity, (unspecified) consequences in the future” to follow if they remain in breach of maritime and other international law.

Foreign Minister Zarif slammed Britain for “creat(ing) tension.” Its fabricate “claims (against Iran) have no value,” he stressed.

Through his spokesman, one-sidedly pro-Western/pro Israel UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres issued his typical unacceptable response to Britain’s hostile action against Iran in cahoots with the Trump regime, calling for “maximum restraint” — while suggesting Iranian responsibility for their unacceptable actions, adding:

“We want…everyone to allow for the freedom of movement of vessels, and we’re hopeful that they will abide by that” — instead of squarely laying blame where it belongs.

Because of US-led hostility toward Iran, on top of its endless wars in multiple theaters, the Middle East remains a tinder box of possible greater US, NATO, Israeli aggression than already.

Note: Four Grace 1 crew members unlawfully arrested by Britain were released on Friday uncharged, with unexplained “conditions.”

The vessel remains illegally impounded — its status unlikely to change unless permitted by Trump regime hardliners, Britain submissive to its unacceptable demands.

Separately, a second UK warship is en route to the Persian Gulf. Will its mission be to push the envelope toward war on Iran?

The US, UK, other NATO nations, Israel, and their imperial partners are archenemies of world peace!


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

China’s military has predictably slammed Washington’s recent approval to send $2.2 billion in arms to Taiwan, announced Monday. The PLA warned among other things that the move “severely undermined Sino-US military-to-military relations” at an already sensitive juncture in relations. Additionally, as we reported previously, Beijing authorities are preparing potential sanctions against any US firms found to be involved in future Taiwan weapons sales. 

“The People’s Liberation Army is strongly dissatisfied by and resolutely opposes Washington’s recent approval of a $2.2 billion arms deal for Taiwan, an action that has seriously undermined Sino-US military relations,” according to Senior Colonel Wu Qian, a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, as reported in Chinese state media.

Earlier this week the US State Department approved the possible sale to Taiwan of M1A2T Abrams tanks, Stinger missiles and related equipment at an estimated value of $US2.2 billion despite vocal Chinese criticism of the deal.

The PLA’s Friday statements continued:

“China’s adamant opposition against US arms sales to Taiwan has always been clear and consistent,” Colonel Qian said.

“The wrongful actions by the US have seriously violated the one-China principle and the three Sino-US joint communiques, and they have interfered with China’s domestic affairs and violated its sovereignty and security interests.”

As a reminder, one month ago China’s Foreign Ministry urged the United States to halt the sales to avoid harming bilateral ties, saying it was “seriously concerned”.

And now Beijing appears to be taking more aggressive action:

Beijing said on Friday it will issue sanctions against the US companies involved in the latest arms sale to Taiwan, as tensions between China and the United States continue to rise.

The foreign ministry said in a brief statement that the move by Washington had violated China’s territorial sovereignty and national security.

“To protect our national interest, China will impose sanctions on the US companies involved in the arms sale,”ministry spokesman Geng Shuang was quoted as saying.

And separately, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi said during a state visit to Budapest on Friday that the US must stop “playing with fire”.

“We urge the US to fully recognise the gravity of the Taiwan question … [and] not to play with fire on the question of Taiwan,” the foreign minister told a news conference.

The proposed sale also comes at a perilously sensitive moment: at the start of June, during the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, China’s Defense Minister Wei Fenghe warned the United States not to meddle in security disputes over Taiwan and the South China Sea.

He had also launched into a bellicose attack on opponents to China’s expansionist plans towards the South China Sea and Taiwan, declaring: “If they want to fight, we will fight till the end”.

Though long seen by Beijing as China’s “renegade province,” the United States remains Taiwan’s primary arms supplier, despite having no “official” or formal ties other than the crucial Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), which has loomed large in Sino-US relations of the past decades.


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Shifting Alliances: Is Turkey Now “Officially” an Ally of Russia? Acquires Russia’s S-400. Exit from NATO Imminent?

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 13, 2019

Turkey is taking delivery of Russia’s S 400 missile defence system. What this signifies is that Turkey and Russia are now “officially” allies. The first shipment of the S-400 landed in Ankara on July 12, according to Turkey’s Ministry of Defense.

Europe and the JCPOA: International Hypocrisy, Will the US Start a Disastrous War in the Middle East?

By Robert Fantina, July 13, 2019

The U.S. hoped, naively, to gain widespread support for additional sanctions against Iran, but found itself the target of criticism for creating the entire issue by abrogating the agreement in May of 2018.

From Enlightenment to “Enfrightenment”: Romanticism as a Tool for Elite Agendas

By Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin, July 13, 2019

Romanticism is an eighteenth century artistic, literary, musical and intellectual movement which emerged as a reaction to Enlightenment ideas of science, reason and human progress. Its effect on politics has been to reassert conservative ideas about society based on hierarchy and individualism as the Romantics looked back to medieval times and monarchism for inspiration.

Were the Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki a War Crime and a Crime Against Humanity?

By Rossen Vassilev Jr., July 13, 2019

Was President Harry Truman “a murderer,” as the renowned British analytic philosopher Gertrude Elizabeth Anscombe once charged? Were the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki indeed a war crime and a crime against humanity, as she and other academic luminaries have publicly claimed?

Iran vs. Spineless Europe. How far will US-western Threats Go?

By Peter Koenig, July 12, 2019

Iran announced the second step in reducing her commitment under the 2015 so-called Nuclear Deal, officially known as The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), by exceeding the limit set by agreement of 3.67% uranium enrichment and 300 kg of enriched uranium accumulation.

5G Threatens Weather Forecasting. Devastating Health Impacts

By Renee Parsons, July 12, 2019

In its haste to win, the telecom industry, its friends in Congress and the Federal bureaucracy are intent on foisting 5G on a largely unsuspecting American public before all the technological kinks have been worked out.

Political Agreement in Sudan Sets Stage for Interim Governing Council

By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 12, 2019

What has been hailed as an historic pact between the Forces for Freedom Change (FFC) and the Transitional Military Council (TMC) in the Republic of Sudan, the two major entities vying for state power, has left out some important interests which could derail any attempt to bring peace and stability to the country of over 41 million people.


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60 years ago today the largest nuclear accident in U.S. history occurred above the Southern California community of Simi Valley when the Santa Susanna Field Laboratory (SSFL) site suffered a partial nuclear meltdown. That accident, kept secret for two decades, has resulted in ongoing local health effects that persist to this day and has pitted the community health and wellbeing against corporate financial interests and captured government agencies.

SSFL, a 2850 acre site, currently owned by the Department of Energy, NASA and the largest owner being Boeing, is a former nuclear reactor and rocket engine testing site. It is located in the hills above the Simi and San Fernando Valleys, at the headwaters of the Los Angeles River. Located about 25 miles from downtown Los Angeles, originally far from population areas, the area now has around 500,000 people within 10 miles of the site. Over its years of operation, there were 10 non-contained nuclear reactors that operated on the site as well as plutonium and uranium fuel fabrication facilities and a “hot lab” where highly irradiated fuel from around the U.S. nuclear complex was shipped for decladding and examination. In addition there were tens of thousands of rocket engine tests conducted over the many years of operation.

The Sodium Reactor Experiment or SRE was the first reactor to provide commercial nuclear power to a U.S. city in Moorpark. Then on July 13, 1959, a partial meltdown occurred in which a third of the fuel experienced melting. Dr. Arjun Makhijani estimated the incident released 260 times the amount of radioactive iodine as was released from the 1979 Three Mile Island accident.

As a result of this partial meltdown and numerous other reactor accidents, radioactive fires, massive chemical contamination in handling of the radioactive and chemically contaminated toxic materials that were routinely burned in open pits through the years at the site, it remains one of the most highly contaminated sites in the country. It has widespread contamination with radionuclides such as cesium-137, strontium-90, plutonium-239 and toxic chemicals perchlorate, trichloroethylene (TCE), heavy metals and dioxins.

In 2012, the U.S. EPA released the results of an extensive radiological survey of Area IV and the Northern Buffer Zone at SSFL, and found 500 samples with radioactivity above background levels, in some cases, thousands of times over background.

These toxins are associated with a multitude of health risks. Many are cancer causing, others are neurotoxins causing a host of issues including learning disabilities, birth defects and many other health effects. The most vulnerable tend to be women and children.  Through the years, there have been many health studies performed. In 2006, a cluster of retinoblastoma cases, a rare eye cancer affecting young children, was identified within an area downwind of the site. The retinoblastoma mothers meeting at Los Angeles’s Children’s Hospital ultimately formed a chemo carpool.

The Public Health Institute’s 2012 California Breast Cancer Mapping Project found that the rate of breast cancer is higher in Thousand Oaks, Simi Valley, Oak Park and Moorpark than in almost any other place in the state.

In addition, studies by cancer registries found elevated rates of bladder cancer associated with proximity to SSFL.

There have been numerous additional studies including one by the UCLA School of Public Health that found significantly elevated cancer death rates among both the nuclear and rocket workers at SSFL from exposures to these toxic materials. Another study by UCLA found offsite exposures to hazardous chemicals by the neighboring population at levels exceeding EPA levels of concern.

A study performed for the Federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry found the incidence of key cancers, those types known to be associated with the contaminants on site, were 60% higher in the offsite population within 5 miles of the site compared to further away.

Unfortunately, these contaminants do not stay on site. When it rains, they wash off site to the Valleys below. When it blows, they become airborne and migrate offsite. The 2017 Woolsey fire is a most recent example. After initially denials, officials finally admitted the fire actually started on the field lab site burning across almost the entire site and potentially spreading toxic chemicals over the basin. Unfortunately, no adequate monitoring was performed and only began days after the flames had moved on.

Ultimately, the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), has regulatory oversight of the cleanup and of the responsible parties which include NASA, the Department of Energy (DOE), and Boeing. In 2010, the Department of Energy and NASA signed historic agreements with DTSC that committed them to cleaning up all detectable contamination. The agreements, or Administrative Orders on Consent (AOC), specified that the cleanup was to be completed by 2017. Boeing, which owns most of the SSFL property, refused to sign the cleanup agreements. Nevertheless, DTSC said that its normal procedures require it to defer to local governments’ land use plans and zoning, which for SSFL allow agricultural and rural residential uses. DTSC said SSFL’s zoning would thus require Boeing to conduct a cleanup equivalent to the NASA/DOE requirements.

In response, Boeing, currently under scrutiny after the 737 MAX crashes, launched a massive “greenwashing” campaign in an attempt to convince the public that SSFL’s contamination was minimal, never hurt anyone, and that the site doesn’t need much of a cleanup because it is going to be an open space park. Boeing prefers a re-designation to recreational cleanup standards that are based on someone being on the site infrequently limited to a few hours per week . But people who live near SSFL don’t live in recreational areas, they live in residential areas and as long as the site isn’t fully cleaned up, they will still be at risk of exposure to SSFL contamination.

Recently, both the Dept. of Energy and NASA, following Boeing’s lead, have said that they too want to break out of their legal cleanup agreements and also cleanup to a weak recreational standard. So, all three responsible parties are completely disregarding the state of California’s regulatory authority. In effect they are asserting that they, the polluters, get to decide how much of their contamination gets cleaned up. That violates federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act laws as well as the AOC cleanup agreements. Now more than ever, we need our elected representatives to stand up and demand the existing cleanup agreements be upheld.

Melissa Bumstead, an adjacent West Hills resident whose daughter has twice survived a rare leukemia and who has mapped over 50 other rare pediatric cancers near SSFL, is bringing fresh energy and new voices into the cleanup fight. Her petition has now been signed by over 650,000 people and is helping to galvanize the community to fight for the full, promised cleanup.

Thus far, almost all local and federal elected officials have voiced concern that the cleanup agreements are being broken, especially in the wake of the Woolsey Fire. What is needed now is action. People ask how to protect themselves. The best thing people can do is fight for the full cleanup of SSFL. Each of has an opportunity to help this effort. We must contact all of our local officials and demand action today for a full cleanup of SSFL.


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Robert Dodge is a family physician practicing in Ventura, California. He is the Co-Chair of the Security Committee of National Physicians for Social Responsibility. He is the President of Physicians for Social Responsibility Los Angeles.

Featured image: The Sodium Reactor Experiment (SRE) nuclear facility at the the Santa Susanna Field Laboratory (SSFL) site in 1958. (Image: DOE, cc)

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Venezuelan communication minister announces arrests of Guaido security members trying to sell army weapons stolen the day of the opposition member’s failed coup.


Venezuelan Minister of Communication Jorge Rodriguez reports that two security guards of the self-declared interim president, Juan Guaido have been captured for trying to sell weapons stolen from the National Guard in the run up to Guaido’s failed coup d’état attempt of the government April 30.

At a press conference, Rodriguez presented “overwhelming” evidence of the direct involvement of Guaido in the theft of official weapons used in his failed overthrow of President Nicolas Maduro.

Security personnel of Guaido carried weapons during the April 30 attempted putsch, similar to the ones stolen the same day from the National Guard Park located in the Federal Legislative Palace.

Rodriguez reported that Erick Sanchez and Jason Parisi, in charge of security for the U.S.-backed opposition member, were carrying weapons similar to the ones stolen from the nation’s military.

The minister says the two were arrested while attempting to sell the arms for US$35,000. Along with the Sanchez and Parisi arrests, Eduardo Javier Garcia, cousin to Sanchez, was also taken into custody for aiding the failed transactions.

Investigators confiscated five AK-103 rifles with the serials matching those stolen from the National Guard Park in Caracas.

“This investigation continues its course and in the coming hours we will know more details,” said Rodriguez during the Saturday press conference.

“It can’t be that we are in a permanent dialogue toward peace (with Guaido) and it turns out those in his closest circle are in possession of weapons that belong to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to protect the people, not to attack them,” asserted the communications director.

“Play clean or play fair” Rodriguez stated to the opposition that the Venezuelan government has been in talks with since late May, mediated by Norway, in order to come to accords and stabilize the nation.

In 2018, the opposition abandoned years-long dialogues between Maduro and opposition parties mediated by former Spanish Prime Minister Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, former Dominican Republic President Leonel Fernandez, former Panamanian head of state, Martin Torrijos.


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Turkey is taking delivery of Russia’s S 400 missile defence system. What this signifies is that Turkey and Russia are now “officially” allies. The first shipment of the S-400 landed in Ankara on July 12, according to Turkey’s Ministry of Defense. (see image below)

Two more shipments are due, with the third delivery of “over 120 anti-aircraft missiles of various types… [scheduled] tentatively at the end of the summer, by sea.” 

Reports confirm that the “Turkish S-400 operators will travel to Russia for training in July and August. About 20 Turkish servicemen underwent training at a Russian training center in May and June, …” (CNN, July 12, 2019)

How will the US respond?

In all likelihood, Erdogan’s presidency will be the object of an attempted regime change, not to mention ongoing financial reprisals directed against the Turkish Lira as well as economic sanctions. 

Bloomberg screenshot

What is unfolding is an all out crisis in the structure of military alliances. Turkey cannot reasonably retain its NATO membership while at the same time entering into a military cooperation agreement with the Russian Federation. 

Reminiscent of World War I, shifting alliances and the structure of military coalitions are crucial determinants of history.

Today’s military alliances, including “cross-cutting coalitions” between “Great Powers” are markedly different and exceedingly more complex than those pertaining to World War I. (i.e  the confrontation between “The Triple Entente” and “the Triple Alliance”).

Turkey’s de facto exit from NATO points to a historical shift in the structure of military alliances which could potentially contribute to weakening US hegemony in the Middle East as well as creating conditions which could lead to a breakup of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

NATO constitutes a formidable military force composed of 29 member states, which is largely controlled by the Pentagon. It is a military coalition and an instrument of modern warfare. It constitutes a threat to global security and World peace. 

Divisions within the Atlantic Alliance could take the form of one or more member states deciding to “Exit NATO”. Inevitably an NATO-Exit movement would weaken the unfolding consensus imposed by our governments which at the this juncture in our history consists in threatening to wage a pre-emptive war against Iran and the Russian Federation.  

Sleeping with the Enemy

While Turkey is still “officially” a member of NATO, president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (right) has for the last two years been developing “friendly relations” with two of America’s staunchest enemies, namely Iran and Russia.

US-Turkey military cooperation (including US air force bases in Turkey) dates back to the Cold War.

Turkey by a long shot has the largest conventional forces (after the US) within NATO outpacing France, Britain and Germany,


Broadly speaking, the US-Turkey rift and its implications for the Atlantic Alliance have sofar been ignored or trivialized by the media.

NATO is potentially in a shambles. The delivery of the S-400 almost a year ahead of schedule will contribute to further destabilising the structure of  military alliances to the detriment of Washington.

Turkey is also an ally of Iran. Inevitably, Turkey’s possession of the S-400 will affect ongoing US war plans directed against Iran (which will also be acquiring the s-400).

Does this mean that Turkey which is a NATO member state will withdraw from the integrated US-NATO-Israel air defense system? Such a decision is tantamount to NATOExit.

Moreover, Turkey’s long-standing alliance with Israel is no longer functional. In turn, The US-Turkey-Israel “Triple Alliance” is defunct.

In 1993, Israel and Turkey signed a Memorandum of Understanding leading to the creation of (Israeli-Turkish) “joint committees” to handle so-called regional threats. Under the terms of the Memorandum, Turkey and Israel agreed “to cooperate in gathering intelligence on Syria, Iran, and Iraq and to meet regularly to share assessments pertaining to terrorism and these countries’ military capabilities.”

Image on the right: Sharon and Erdogan in 2004

The triple alliance was also coupled with a 2005 NATO-Israeli military cooperation agreement which included “many areas of common interest, such as the fight against terrorism and joint military exercises.”  These military cooperation ties with NATO were viewed by the Israeli military as a means to “enhance Israel’s deterrence capability regarding potential enemies threatening it, mainly Iran and Syria.”

The “triple alliance” linking the US, Israel and Turkey was coordinated by the US Joint Chiefs of Staff. It was an integrated and coordinated military command structure pertaining to the broader Middle East. It was based on close bilateral US military ties respectively with Israel and Turkey, coupled with a strong bilateral military relationship between Tel Aviv and Ankara. In this regard, Israel and Turkey were close partners with the US in planned aerial attacks on Iran since 2005. (See Michel Chossudovsky, May 2005). Needless to say, that triple alliance is defunct.

With Turkey siding with Iran and Russia, it would be “suicide” for US-Israel to even consider waging aerial attacks on Iran.

Moreover, the NATO-Israel 2005 military cooperation agreement which relied heavily on the role of Turkey is dysfunctional. What this means is that US-Israeli threats directed against Iran are no longer supported by Turkey which has entered into an alliance of convenience with Iran.

The broader Realignment of Military alliances

The shift in military alliances is not limited to Turkey. Following the rift between Qatar and Saudi Arabia, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is in disarray with Qatar siding with Iran and Turkey against Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Qatar is of utmost strategic significance because it shares with Iran the world’s largest maritime gas fields in the Persian Gulf. (see map below)

The Al-Udeid military base near Doha is America’s largest military base in the Middle East, which hosts US Central Command’s forward headquarters in the Middle East. In turn, Turkey has now established its own military facility in Qatar.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

A profound shift in geopolitical alliances is also occurring in South Asia with the instatement in 2017 of both India and Pakistan as full members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).  Inevitably, this historic shift constitutes a blow against Washington, which has defense and trade agreements with both Pakistan and India. “While India remains firmly aligned with Washington, America’s political stranglehold on Pakistan (through military and intelligence agreements) has been weakened as a result of Pakistan’s trade and investment deals with China.”  (Michel Chossudovsky, August 1, 2017)

In other words, this enlargement of the SCO weakens America’s hegemonic ambitions in both South Asia and the broader Eurasian region. It has a bearing on energy pipeline routes, transport corridors, borders and mutual security and maritime rights.

Pakistan is the gateway to Afghanistan and Central Asia, where US influence has been weakened to the benefit of China, Iran and Turkey. China is involved in major investments in mining, not to mention the development of transport routes which seek the integration of Afghanistan into Western China.

Where does Turkey fit in? Turkey is increasingly part of the Eurasian project dominated by China and Russia. In 2017-18, Erdogan had several meetings with both president Xi-Jinping and Vladimir Putin. Turkey is currently a dialogue partner of the SCO.

The Antiwar Movement: #NATOExit People’s Movement

Of crucial significance, the crisis within NATO constitutes a historic opportunity to develop a #NATOExit people’s movement across Europe and North America, a people’s movement pressuring governments to withdraw from the Atlantic Alliance, a movement to eventually dismantle and abolish the military and political apparatus of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Image right; logo of the No Guerra No Nato Florence Movement to Exit NATO

Part of this updated article was taken from an earlier text by the author.

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On Thursday evening, social media posts claimed the UK flagged and Japanese owned crude oil tanker Atlantic Pioneer had crossed over into Iranian territorial waters. According to the Marine Traffic website, on Friday morning the tanker was in the Gulf of Oman.



I don’t know if these social media reports are accurate, but considering the recent behavior of the US and Britain, I cannot discount it. The US, with the help of the UK, is attempting to goad the Iranians into taking action and thus providing a pretext to get the next neocon war going.

Around the same time reports about the Atlantic Pioneer appeared on Twitter, Trump’s secretary of state posted the following about an earlier incident which was not independently verified and therefore in doubt. The US and UK governments—both with considerable track records for pathological lying—are the only sources for this supposed violation of (economic warfare) sanctions.

Iran has denied the incident.

The corporate propaganda media dutifully regurgitated what the British defense media said about the alleged incident.

The neocon-infested Trump administration will ultimately have its war against Iran and the consequences will be catastrophic. The US and UK have increased their “military presence” in the Persian Gulf ahead of the inevitable.

Meanwhile, on Trump’s favorite neocon war propaganda network, Sean Hannity and the detestable Rudy Giuliani—his pockets bulging with terrorist MEK cash—continue to distract from core issues with lies (“cash on the tarmac”) and the never-ending and completely irrelevant dickering between the two sides of the one-sided corporate state political party.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site: Another Day in the Empire.

Kurt Nimmo is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

The special meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency, called by the hypocritical United States due to Iran’s announcement that it had ‘breached’ part of its commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), has come and gone. The U.S. hoped, naively, to gain widespread support for additional sanctions against Iran, but found itself the target of criticism for creating the entire issue by abrogating the agreement in May of 2018.

But hypocrisy isn’t limited to the United States, although that is one of the hallmarks of that violent, racist nation. On July 9, France, Germany, the UK and the High Representative issued a most astonishing statement. This writer was astounded by its blatant hypocrisy, which certainly rivals that of the U.S. That statement follows, in its entirety, with this writer’s comments after each sentence.

From the statement:

“The Foreign Ministers of France, Germany, and the United Kingdom and the High Representative express deep concern that Iran is pursuing activities inconsistent with its commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).”

Comment: Those very countries have pursued ‘activities inconsistent with (their) commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).’ This includes buckling under to U.S. pressure to cease all trade with Iran.

From the statement:

“The IAEA has now confirmed that Iran has started enriching uranium above the maximum allowed limit stipulated in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.”

Comment: There is no reason for Iran not to enrich uranium at any level it chooses. Once the United States withdrew from the agreement, it was null and void. Iran agreed to reduce its uranium-enrichment levels in exchange for certain economic benefits from the other signatories to the agreement. When those signatories ceased to honor the agreement, Iran was in no way obligated to continue.

And why was there no expression of concern that the other nations have abandoned their commitments as ‘stipulated in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of action’?

From the statement:

“We express deep concern that Iran is not meeting several of its commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.”

Comment: Before these countries cry and weep about Iran not meeting its commitments, why don’t they meet their own? How dare they point an accusing finger at Iran for not keeping the commitments it made in the JCPOA, when they haven’t kept those they made? Perhaps they need to be reminded that, in an act of exceeding good faith, Iran kept its commitments for over a full year after the other participants to the agreement had violated theirs.

From the statement:

“Iran has stated that it wants to remain within the JCPOA. It must act accordingly by reversing these activities and returning to full JCPOA compliance without delay.”

Comment: France, Germany, the U.K. and the European Union have all stated that they want to remain within the JCPOA. Why don’t they ‘act accordingly’ by reversing their decisions to end trade with Iran? Doing so would put them in compliance with the agreement. Iran’s government officials have repeatedly said that Iran would return to compliance, once the other nations did so.

From the statement:

“These compliance issues must be addressed within the framework of the JCPOA, and a Joint Commission should be convened urgently.

Comment: There is no reason for a Joint Commission to be ‘convened urgently’. All that is required for Iranian compliance is the compliance of the other signatories. As mentioned above, by complying for a full year after the U.S. and the other participants ceased to comply, the Iranian government demonstrated great good faith. It is the other countries in the agreement that have not done so.

From the statement:

“We call on all parties to act responsibly towards deescalating ongoing tensions regarding Iran’s nuclear activities.”

Comment: France, Germany, the UK and the EU need to ‘act responsibly towards deescalating ongoing tensions’ by complying with the agreement that their government leaders signed in 2015. This is not hard to do. When international commitments are made, they have the weight of law behind them. The leaders of each of these nations should be ashamed at having demonstrated to the world that they can’t be trusted.


It is easy to see the source of this issue as the United States’ dishonest and illegal withdrawal from the JCPOA, but that is only one piece of the larger problem. The U.S. president, the irrational and dangerous Donald Trump, threatened the other signatories, including some of the U.S.’s oldest and strongest allies, with economic sanctions if they continued to trade with Iran. The leaders of those nations had a choice: stand up to the U.S., allow the sanctions to be implemented and watch the impact they had on the U.S. economy, while maintaining their commitment to the JCPOA, or buckle under and bow and scrape to the illegal and immoral demands of the United States. That they chose the latter underscores the lack of strength of character of those nations’ leaders.

And what is Iran’s ‘crime’? It has moved uranium enrichment past the 3.67% level agreed upon, to about 4%. Iran’s government spokesman said that, by the end of the year, that could increase to 20%. The Iranian government has always said that uranium enrichment is for peaceful purposes, not for weaponry. And now, horror of horrors, they are enriching it above 4%! And what level is required for a nuclear bomb? 5%? 10%? The anticipated 20% by the end of the year? No, for uranium enrichment to be at the level at which a nuclear bomb could be created, it must be at 90%!

This writer agrees that the fewer nuclear weapons in the world, the better it is for all of us. However, the United States is in no position to determine what other nations can or cannot have such weapons. It is the only nation on the planet ever to have used them, and against cities with no military or strategic importance. It supports apartheid Israel, which, unlike Iran, has not signed onto the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.  It seems to make sense that if two nuclear-powered nations are threatening Iran, Iran must have all the means necessary to defend itself and its 81,000,000 people. The government has said it will not develop nuclear weapons; doing so would be a violation of Islamic principles. The U.S. wants to deprive it of any means of protecting itself, or of assisting its allies, things the U.S. insists on for itself.

What will be the outcome? Will the United States start a disastrous war in the Middle East, one that would surely spread to Europe, and would jeopardize the ‘sacred’ national security of the U.S? Will Donald Trump, a man of no judgment, who disdains the expert advise of even his most right-wing, erratic advisors, believing that he knows best about everything, bring the world to the very edge of extinction, and possibly into the abyss?

This can only be prevented if the rest of the world acts to stop it. Sadly, there doesn’t seem to be much motivation within the short-sighted world ‘leaders’ currently riding Trump’s train to ultimate disaster.


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On July 10, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and its allies launched a surprise attack on positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in northern Hama and captured the town of al-Hamameyat and the nearby hill.

According to the group’s news agency, Iba’a, militants destroyed a battle tank and a Shilka self-propelled gun belonging to the SAA. The loss of al-Hamameyat became the first serious SAA setback since April, when pro-government forces launched a limited operation in the area.

On July 11, the SAA and the National Defense Forces, backed up by Russian and Syrian warplanes, launched an attack to take back the town. According to pro-government sources, SAA and NDF units successfully broke the militants’ defense and recaptured al-Hamameyat.

Some 5 militants were killed in the clashes. Pro-militant sources also claimed that 2 SAA battle tanks were destroyed, but there was no video evidence to confirm this claim.

On the same day, the Turkish-backed National Syrian Army claimed that it had shot down a Russian Orlan-10 unmanned aerial vehicle near Maraanaz in northern Aleppo.

Pro-government sources say that poor organization of the defenses and repeated ceasefires allowing militant groups to regroup and resupply their forces were among the reasons behind the crisis in northern Hama. Nonetheless, it remains unlikely that the SAA and its allies will carry out a large-scale operation in the Idlib zone anytime soon because of the complicated military and political situation in the region.

Therefore, security issues around it will continue to appear.

According to the UK, Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps attempted to stop oil tanker British Heritage in the Strait of Hormuz. The Royal Navy’s HMS Montrose allegedly “pointed its guns at the boats and warned them over radio, at which point they dispersed”.

The IRGC rejected the British claims saying that there was “no encounter with foreign ships, including British ones” in the region at that time. Despite this, the British media has already labeled the situation a major victory of British arms over Iran.

On July 4, British marines seized an Iranian oil tanker in the Strait of Gibraltar under the pretext that the vessel was suspected of carrying crude oil to Syria in violation of EU sanctions. The July 10 situation will likely be used by the US-led bloc to increase sanctions pressure on Iran.


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Tax cuts for the rich and near-rock bottom low interest rates don’t stimulate economic growth. 

Corporations have been using the windfall for executive pay increases and bonuses, stock buybacks raising their valuations, mergers and acquisitions to reduce competition, dividends to shareholders, and offshore activities, including stashing trillions of dollars in tax havens.

Easy money and lots of it encourages speculation, a key driver to high equity valuations.

Productive investments stimulate economic growth and jobs creation, what’s been lacking in the US for years. When people have money they spend it.

A virtuous cycle of prosperity follows. The industrial America I grew up in was prosperous, a land of opportunity and its dream long gone.

Today the nation is in decline, thirdworldized for most of its people, an increasingly plutocratic, kleptocratic, police state, democracy for its privileged few alone.

In December 2008, the Fed cut its benchmark interest rate to near-zero (a range of zero to 0.25%).

From then to December 2015, the Fed funds rate remained at near-zero — seven years of unprecedented accommodative monetary policy, benefitting Wall Street and other monied interests at the expense of main street.

The current Fed Funds rate stands at 2.375%, harming savers and others on fixed incomes, especially retired individuals no longer employed.

According to, over a decade of low interests cost savers about half a trillion dollars, back door grand theft from the pockets of ordinary Americans.

Loss of needed income for most people means enduring a lower standard of living or going into debt to maintain a normal level.

Paul Craig Roberts explained that  US monetary policy produced little economic growth since alleged recovery from the great recession began in 2009 — because inflation is understated.

People who eat, drive cars, pay rent or service mortgages, have medical bills, heat and/or air condition homes, and have kids in college know inflation better than talking head tout TV economists paid to deceive, not inform viewers.

In 1988, Fed economists Seth Carpenter and Selva Demiralp explained in somewhat technical language that quantitative easing (QE) doesn’t stimulate economic growth as falsely claimed.

Boosting aggregate demand is needed. Helicopter Ben Bernanke dropped lots of money on Wall Street when it should have gone to main street to grow the economy.

Financial asset prices soared while most Americans have endured protracted Depression conditions for over a decade, no end of it in prospect, and worse times ahead when the economy turns south.

Lower interest rates will compound the problem for savers and fixed income households, not alleviate it economically overall. Fed chairman Jerome Powell is ideologically similar to his recent predecessors.

David Stockman earlier called him “a Wall Street-coddl(er),” saying as Fed governor since May 2012, he voted “approximately 44 times to drastically falsify interest rates and to recklessly and fraudulently monetize trillions of the public debt…asphyxiating…prosperity in America.”

He’s “deep in the tank for the speculative classes…(T)here is really no hope at all that the era of Bubble Finance will end” – short of “a thundering financial crash” baked in the cake ahead eventually.

NYT editors are “in the tank for speculative classes”, headlining: “Time for the Fed to Cut Interest Rates.”

What followed was polar opposite reality, a recitation of deception, economic ignorance, or most likely both.

The Times falsely claimed the Fed “engineered the nation’s recovery from the 2008 financial crisis,” ignoring main street, mired in longterm Depression conditions.

The Times: “Fed officials have lived in fear that too much job growth, too much wage growth — too much prosperity — would spark dangerous inflation. That is one reason there has not been enough job growth, wage growth or prosperity.”

Lack of productive investment and wrongheaded monetary policy is to blame, what the Times didn’t explain.

Most jobs created are rotten part-time or temp, low-pay, few or no benefit ones — because millions of high-pay good jobs were offshored to low-wage countries, why America’s high trade deficit exists, what the Times and other establishment media don’t explain.

Real unemployment exceeds 20%, not the official meaningless 3.7% rate. Underemployment is overwhelming, affecting most working Americans — their households impoverished or bordering it.

At 2.375%, there’s no justification to begin cutting rates, perhaps heading them back to near-zero as the economy weakens.

The Times: “(T)he argument for a rate cut is that the Fed should try to extend this economic expansion, which is now the longest period of uninterrupted growth in American history.”

“It would send a message that the Fed stands ready to do more to extend the economic expansion.”

“(I)t would demonstrate that Mr. Powell and his colleagues are serious when they talk about the importance of job growth and wage growth.”

One or more rate cuts will accomplish none of the above. They’ll perpetuate wrong-headed monetary policy since Alan Greenspan was Fed chairman, especially what the Fed pursued since 2008.

The economy needs what it’s not getting — productive investments to create growth and high-paying jobs, not more of the same failed monetary policy benefitting investors, not ordinary Americans.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at


Romanticism is an eighteenth century artistic, literary, musical and intellectual movement which emerged as a reaction to Enlightenment ideas of science, reason and human progress. Its effect on politics has been to reassert conservative ideas about society based on hierarchy and individualism as the Romantics looked back to medieval times and monarchism for inspiration. Enlightenment ideas focused on the laws as a counter to monarchical privilege and looked to concepts of citizenship and republicanism as the way forward, ideas which were taken up by workers movements the world over. However, Romantic ideas of the exclusivist nation are coming to the fore again in a world altered by the positive and negative effects of international worker mobility, immigration and desperate refugees.

The Enlightenment and politics – ‘You were, crucially, a citizen, not a subject’

In the early 18c in Europe the power of the monarchical system began to wane and enlightenment ideas about the running and ruling of society began to take hold. Those ideas focused on the idea of the ‘patrie’. Like many enlightenment ideas, patria was a word derived from pater [father] from ancient Rome and would later be equated with republicanism. Louis chevalier de Jancourt (the biographer of Leibniz) wrote in the the Encyclopédie that patrie “represents a father and children, and consequently that it expresses the meaning we attach to that of family, of society, of a free state, of which we are members, and whose laws assure our liberties and our well-being.” [1] This new emphasis was based on equality of all before the law rather than on the narrow definitions of ethnicity used in definitions of the nation.

In the pre-modern polity, society was made up of separate feudal sovereignties that were at the same time local power centres. Different ethnic groups lived in insular, heterogeneous communities with local and agrarian independent economies. The economy developed as kingdoms expanded into other ethnic areas. The transition from ethnicity to nationhood happened when the members of different ethnic groups developed a common culture making them into a ‘nation’.

However as Anthony Pagden writes:

“Unlike the nation, the patria was a community, a group. You owed it your love and your life, but you were also a part of it. You were, crucially, a citizen, not a subject.” [2]

Image on the right: Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu (1689–1755), generally referred to as simply Montesquieu, was a French judge, man of letters, and political philosopher.

The patria was loosely connected to the concept of a republican government where the citizen, as Montesquieu wrote, would be asked to love the laws and the homeland (patrie) and that this love would require “continuing preference of the public interest over one’s own.” [3]

These ideas about the patrie have “come to be called modern civic patriotism. It was benign, generous, outward-looking, and in principle at least excluded no one”. [4] They can be seen as universal in that they described a form of politics, republicanism, that was not concerned with language, religion or ethnicity but with the idea that all were citizens and equal before the law.

Equality before the law is the principle that each person must be treated equally by the law (principle of isonomy) and that all are subject to the same laws of justice (due process). This principle arose out of the discontent that prevailed under monarchical rule whereby the king or queen was above the law, so that equality guaranteed that no one or group of individuals could be privileged or discriminated against by the rulers.

This principle was enshrined in Article 7 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) which states that:

“All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law”.

Photograph of the Great Chartist Meeting on Kennington Common, London in 1848

Equality before the law is a basic principle of legal documents like the Irish Constitution, for example:

“All citizens shall be held equal before the law (Article 40 of the Constitution). This means that the State cannot unjustly, unreasonably or arbitrarily discriminate between citizens. You cannot be treated as inferior or superior to any other person in society simply because of your human attributes or your ethnic, racial, social or religious background.”

The universal aspect of such principles is an important aspect in that universalism accepts universal principles of most religions and is inclusive of others regardless of other persons ethnic, religious or racial background.

As an approach to ethnic difference in society, universalism is similar to instrumentalist approaches which accepts a minimal set of qualifications for membership of a community, unlike the primordialism of conservative nationalism which tries to fix exclusivist kinship, historical traditions and homeland of the ‘nation’.

The Romantic reaction – ‘from patriotism to tribalism’

It was in Germany that nationalism came to emphasise the ethnic basis of the nation with the ancient origins of the German language symbolising the German Volk stretching back into pre-history. In his essay On the Origin of Language [1772], Johann Herder argued for the national origin of language. He wrote,

“[i]t [the urge to express] is alive in all unpolished languages, though, to be sure, according to the degree of each nation’s culture and the specific character of its way of thinking.” [5]

La République universelle démocratique et sociale, painted by Frédéric Sorrieu in 1848. Top left: Le Pacte, Top right: Le Prologue, Bottom left: Le Triomphe, Bottom right: Le Marché. He was notable for his works testifying the liberal and nationalist revolutions in France and in Europe.

Herder’s influence could be seen in the widespread cultural and linguistic movements that swept Europe from the 1780s to the 1840s. Influenced by the Romantic Movement, the cultural nationalists emphasised the volksgeist of the peasantry as the true basis of the nation. Language became the target and the site for conflicting political ideologies as definitions of the nation were formed on ethno-linguistic grounds.

However, the early nineteenth century also saw the rise of workers movements such as the Saint-Simonians and Fourierists in France and the Chartists and Owenites in the United Kingdom. The industrial revolution had caused a profound change in the social and economic make up of society internally which resulted in the creation of self-conscious classes and heightened class antagonism.

Thus the workers movements took Enlightenment ideas of equality to their logical conclusion in the form of class struggle and social revolution while the Romantics looked to the peasantry for their ideal, reasserting the primacy of the older vertical structure of society (containing all classes).

The rise of nationalism saw the growth of exceptionalism as ethnic exclusivity became the norm. Under the influence of Romanticism and ideas of ethnic purity, and in parallel with the rise of the centralised nation state, the ethnic homogenisation of the populace meant the (near) destruction of indigenous local languages and local foreign language communities.

For example, there existed in France about thirty patois or popular Romance languages. In A Cultural History of the French Revolution, Emmet Kennedy describes a report to the Convention on 16 prairial Year II (4 June 1794) where the abbé Grégoire lists the extensive range of patois, dialects and languages in France as “Bas-Breton, Bourguinon, Bressan, Lyonnais, Dauphinois, Auvergnat, Poitevin, Limousin, Picard, Provençal, Languedocien, Velayen, Catalan, Béarnais, Basque, Rouergat, and Gascon.” According to Kennedy, “[o]nly about a sixth (fifteen) of the departments around Paris spoke French exclusively. Elsewhere bilingualism was common.” [6]

Yet, in another report to the Convention in 1794, Barère links the areas where “foreign” languages are to be found, such as Basque, German, Flamand and Breton, with the areas of insurrection and counterrevolution. Barère writes,

“[f]ederalism and superstition speak Bas-Breton; emigration and hatred of the Republic speak German; counterrevolution speaks Italian, and fanaticism speaks Basque. Let us break these harmful instruments of terror.” [7]

In post-revolutionary France linguistic redefinition took on serious political overtones as the question of self/other was redrawn along linguistic lines. Already the interests of the state were taking precedence over the rhetoric of the democratic nation.

Image on the left: Nur für Deutsche (Eng. “Only for Germans”) on the tram number 8 in occupied Kraków

Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762 – 1814) took exceptionalist and chauvinist ideas of the nation even further. He wrote:

“the German, if only he makes use of all his advantages, can always be superior to the foreigner and understand him fully, even better than the foreigner understands himself, and can translate the foreigner to the fullest extent. On the other hand, the foreigner can never understand the true German without a thorough and extremely laborious study of the German language, and there is no doubt that he will leave what is genuinely German untranslated.” [8]

Fichte, like Herder, shifted cultural value from the elites to the common people (volk). According to Tim Blanning in The Romantic Revolution:

“Folk art, folk dancing and folk songs were not to be despised for their roughness but treasured for their authenticity. They were the ‘archives of a nationality’, the ‘ national soul’ and ‘the living voice of the nationalities, even of humanity itself’.” [9]

The Romantics promoted popular ballads which had been seen as “the dregs of fairy-tales, superstitions, songs, and crude speech”. [10] Of particular note was the Ossian cycle of epic poems published by the Scottish poet James Macpherson from 1760. The work was an international success and was translated into all the literary languages of Europe. Even though Ossian was soon realised to be a creation of its author and not from ancient sources it was highly influential both in the development of the Romantic movement and the Gaelic revival.

As in other forms of culture the Romantics emphasised all that was backward-looking and medieval in opposition to Enlightenment figures who had tried to create a new culture based on reason and science. Moreover, Romantic folk culture was very different from working class culture which developed during the Industrial Revolution. With the influence of socialist ideas and movements over the following decades, working class authors and poets produced many fine poems, ballads and novels about the struggles of ordinary people.

It is interesting to note that in the late seventeenth century and the early eighteenth century, the cultural elites of Europe were more interested in French than their own languages and went on the Grand Tour of Europe to broaden their horizons and learn about language, architecture, geography, and culture.

Also, it is ironic that the  the thrill of romanticism often came from the safety of modernity (in the form of enlightenment science) as the development of steamboats and railway systems allowed the new middle classes to experience the sublime in the beauty of dramatic landscapes like the Alps.

Nationalism – ‘countering the worst excesses of neoliberalism’

The influence of Romanticism on politics shifted revolutionary thinking from burgeoning socialist movements to nationalism instead. Nationalism is the perfect class conciliatory ideology in that it retained the full social order/hierarchy (i.e. it includes the elites) and homogenised the people by excluding other national languages and foreign communities while putting the elites into positions of leadership and control.

Using divide and rule tactics and stirring up xenophobic attitudes and fears, the elites ran the new homogenised nations and used them for their old purposes: war. Modern global power struggles of the twentieth century started with nation set against nation in the First World War.

A postcard from 1916 showing national personifications of some of the Allies of World War I, each holding a national flag

Throughout the twentieth century the rise of globalism and neoliberalism led to a breakdown in nationalist ideology as the world became more and more economically interconnected leading some to believe that we had moved on to an era of postnationalism. However, postnationalism is an internationalistic processs whereby power is partially transferred from national authorities to supernational entities like the European Union. Power is transferred from local elites to the super elite of the European Commission.

However, nationalist sentiments are still used to allow elites to consolidate power and new nationalist movements have risen in many parts of the world as people turn to local elites to try and counter the worst excesses of neoliberalism. This has led to Hindu nationalism in India, Trump’s “Make America Great Again” and “America First” campaigns, the United Kingdom’s Brexit, anti-immigration rhetoric in Hungary, Germany’s Pegida, France’s National Front, and the UK Independence Party.

Douaumont French military cemetery seen from Douaumont ossuary, which contains remains of French and German soldiers who died during the Battle of Verdun in 1916


Romanticist sentiments are still used and manipulated to keep the masses on board with the agendas of the elites thereby diverting people away from questioning the social and political systems under which they live and work. As the global economic and financial crises deepen there is the worrying possibility that more and more people will be dragged into the national and international power struggles of elites rather than examining and fighting for their own social, economic and political interests, i.e. a revival of political and social consciousness.


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Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin is an Irish artist, lecturer and writer. His artwork consists of paintings based on contemporary geopolitical themes as well as Irish history and cityscapes of Dublin. His blog of critical writing based on cinema, art and politics along with research on a database of Realist and Social Realist art from around the world can be viewed country by country here. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.


[1] The Enlightenment: And Why it Still Matters by Anthony Pagden (Oxford Uni Press, 2015)  p259

[2] The Enlightenment: And Why it Still Matters by Anthony Pagden (Oxford Uni Press, 2015)  p259

[3] The Enlightenment: And Why it Still Matters by Anthony Pagden (Oxford Uni Press, 2015)  p260

[4] The Enlightenment: And Why it Still Matters by Anthony Pagden (Oxford Uni Press, 2015)  p261

[5] On the Origin of Language: Two Essays by Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Johann Gottfried Herder (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986) p149.

[6]  A Cultural History of the French Revolution by  Emmet Kennedy (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989) 325-6. See also Peasants into Frenchmen: The Modernization of Rural France, 1870-1914 by  Eugen Weber (London, Chatto & Windus, 1979) p326

[7]  A Cultural History of the French Revolution by  Emmet Kennedy (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989) 325-6. See also Peasants into Frenchmen: The Modernization of Rural France, 1870-1914 by  Eugen Weber (London, Chatto & Windus, 1979) p326

[8] Addresses to the German Nation [1808] by Johann Gottlieb Fichte, trans. R.F. Jones and G.H. Turnbull (Chicago and London: The Open Court Publishing Company, 1922) p130

[9] The Romantic Revolution by Tim Blanning (Phoenix, Great Britain, 2010) p119

[10] The Romantic Revolution by Tim Blanning (Phoenix, Great Britain, 2010) p120

All images in this article are from Wikimedia Commons

U.S. Eyes Sri Lanka as Its Military Logistics Hub

July 13th, 2019 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

The Easter Sunday terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka on 21st April in which 259 people were killed and over 500 injured were initially attributed to the Islamic State (IS). But no hard evidence is available to substantiate such a reading and it remains an open question as to the perpetrators. 

The Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena may have somewhat de-mystified the topic this week. On July 1, Sirisena charged at a public function that drug traffickers are behind the Easter Sunday bomb attacks. The following day he ordered the arrest of former Defense Secretary Hemasiri Fernando and the Inspector General of Police Pujith Jayasundara for their failure to prevent the Easter Sunday attacks despite prior knowledge of the attacks. 

What lends enchantment to the view is that the United States had brilliantly succeeded in deploying to Sri Lanka the personnel of the Indo-Pacific Command within a couple of days of the Easter Sunday attacks on the pretext of investigating and assisting in Colombo’s upcoming fight against the IS. Historically, Sri Lanka is chary of allowing foreign military presence on its soil, but in this case Washington pressed home the deployment, since the ruling elite in Colombo was on the back foot, incoherent and in disarray in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attacks. 

In political terms, what Sirisena may have done this week is to reverse the ‘internationalisation’ of Sri Lanka’s terrorism problem. Indeed, for tackling a local drug mafia, Sri Lanka doesn’t need the expertise of the US’ Indo-Pacific Command. 

This is just as well because in the downstream of the Easter Sunday attacks in April, Washington also began pushing hard for the signing of a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with Sri Lanka, which Pentagon has traditionally demanded as the pre-requisite of establishment of military bases in foreign countries. (The SOFA establishes the rights and privileges of American personnel present in a host country in support of a larger security arrangement.) 

Unsurprisingly, the Sri Lankan opinion militated against the SOFA project and suspected its real intentions. A huge uproar followed in the Sri Lankan media. Without doubt, the SOFA became yet another template of the power struggle between the staunchly nationalistic Sirisena and the famously ‘pro-western’ prime minister Ranil Wickremesinghe.

The net result is that the project which the US hoped to conclude in absolute secrecy, got derailed once the draft SOFA document under negotiation got somehow leaked to a Colombo newspaper. Interestingly, the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who was scheduled to travel to Colombo following his recent visit to New Delhi was compelled to cancel the visit once it became apparent that the SOFA project has become a hot potato. 

Meanwhile, the Empire strikes back. A case has been filed in the US District Court in central California by an American law firm claiming damages on behalf of alleged victims of human rights abuse during the war against separatist LTTE ten years ago. The plaintiffs have targeted Gotabaya Rajapaksa, then wartime defense chief and the younger brother of former president Mahinda Rajapaksa, as well as several government agencies, including military intelligence, the Criminal Investigation Department, the Terrorism Investigation Division, and the Special Intelligence Service, including some serving officials. 

Sri Lankan presidential aspirant Gotabaya Rajapaksa with the radical Buddhist monk Gnanasara Thera of Bodu Bala Sena. File photo

Of course, this is a blatant American attempt to put into jeopardy Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s plan to run for president in the upcoming Sri Lankan election in December. Gotabaya was a US citizen at the time of the war against the LTTE. He has dual citizenship and his request renouncing American citizenship is pending with Washington. Now, the catch is, the lawsuits in California could delay his bid to renounce his US citizenship, in which case he would not qualify to run for president under Sri Lankan electoral laws. Washington has tripped Gotabaya. 

The US is making sure that the Rajapaksa family will not regain the calculus of power in Colombo following the December poll. Equally, the trial in California can expose former President Mahinda Rajapaksa as well — and even entangle Sirisena who had a direct role as acting defence minister in the final stages of the war. Clearly, Washington is interfering in the December election in Sri Lanka in a calibrated manner with a view to strengthen the prospects of a pro-American candidate such as Wickremesinghe or the Finance Minister Mangala Samaraweera who can be trusted to put the signature on the SOFA. 

The US is determined to push ahead with the signing of the SOFA leading to the establishment of long-term American military presence in Sri Lanka. In August 2018, USS Anchorage, a Seventh Fleet vessel, and a unit of Marines visited the port of Trincomalee. In December 2018, the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis visited Trincomalee as part of the Pentagon’s plans to establish a logistic hub there for the US Navy. A Mass Communication Specialist on board USS John C. Stennis in a dispatch to the US Navy official web portal wrote: 

“The primary purpose of the operation is to provide mission-critical supplies and services to U.S. Navy ships transiting through and operating in the Indian Ocean. The secondary purpose is to demonstrate the U.S. Navy’s ability to establish a temporary logistic hum ashore where no enduring U.S. Navy logistic footprint exists.”

The US disclaims any intention to set up military bases in Sri Lanka. This is factually true — except that it is sophistry. The US plan to use Sri Lanka as a ‘military logistics hub’ involves supportive measures that facilitate any American military operation in the Asia-Pacific region. Actually, this is well beyond the solitary use of a particular harbour such as Trincomalee as a military base. The point is, the entire island nation is being transformed into a ‘military logistics hub’. 

Never before has there been such blatant US interference in Sri Lanka’s internal affairs. Washington tasted blood in the successful regime change project in January 2015 and it never looked back. The interference is so very extensive today that it is destabilising the Sri Lankan situation which is already highly polarised.

This is happening only due to India’s passivity bordering on acquiescence. The containment strategy against China in the Indian Ocean has become a common endeavour for Washington and Delhi. Is it in India’s long term interests that Sri Lanka is being destabilised, even if in the short term the Chinese Navy might be put to some difficulties in the Indian Ocean?

India’s medium and long term interests lie in regional stability. Its influence as a regional power is linked to regional stability. India cannot overlook that China has legitimate interests in our region. The US is a faraway power and is also in decline. It doesn’t make sense for India to bandwagon with the US in South Asia. A far more realistic approach will be to work with China and expand and deepen the common interests in regional security and stability.


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Featured image: Sri Lankan presidential aspirant Gotabaya Rajapaksa with the radical Buddhist monk Gnanasara Thera of Bodu Bala Sena. File photo

This article was first published in September 2018.

Reports confirm that: “Mueller’s investigation did not find evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump 2016 presidential campaign. It made no final recommendation on whether there was obstruction of justice by President Donald Trump.”

Let us recall the history of the RussiaGate affair and the Rosenstein-Mueller intrigue.


Deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein was slated to be fired by President Trump on Thursday September 27 [2018].   That meeting has been postponed until next week to avoid an overlap with the Senate hearings on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. In the meantime, Rosenstein has agreed to meet privately with Republican lawmakers. 

The outcome of the Rosenstein affair is uncertain. It is intimately related to the history of Russia-Gate which was launched prior to the November 2016 elections. Russia-Gate consisted in presenting Trump as a Manchurian candidate controlled by the Kremlin.

Already prior to his inauguration, the media had described “Trump as sleeping with the enemy”. The underlying political narrative focussed on “Impeachment”.

Belleville National Democrats, Jan 13, 2017,

The objective from the very outset during the 2016 election campaign was to discredit Trump, presenting him as a Manchurian candidate serving the interests of the Kremlin.

Prior to the November 8 elections, former Secretary of Defense and CIA Director Leo Panetta had already intimated that Trump represented a threat to National Security. The Atlantic (October 8, 2016),  described Trump is a “Modern Manchurian Candidate”.

Vanity Fair November 1 2016

The Atlantic October 8 2016

This anti-Trump campaign continued unabated in the wake of the elections. Ironically, Rod Rosenstein who had been nominated for the position of Deputy Attorney General by president Trump in February 2017, acted against Trump almost immediately following his confirmation on April 27, 2017.

Trump’s Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s mandate was to organize the so-called Russia Probe pertaining to alleged Kremlin interference in the November 2016 elections. Rosenstein’s first step consisted in the firing of FBI Director James Comey and appointing former FBI Director Robert Mueller as Special Council to lead the Russia Probe.

Fast Track Chronology

  • February 1, 2017, Rod Rosenstein is nominated by President Trump for the position of Deputy Attorney General;
  • April 27, 2018: Rod Rosenstein assumes office as Deputy Attorney General;
  • May 9, 2017 Rosenstein fires FBI Director James Comey. Upon his firing, Andrew McCabe, a Hillary Clinton crony is appointed Acting FBI Director;
  • May 19, 2017. Ten days later the Attorney General’s office appoints former FBI Director Robert Mueller as Special Council to lead the Russia Probe.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was largely instrumental in the firing of FBI Director James Comey. That decision did not emanate from president Trump.

Rod Rosenstein (image right) prepared a three page memorandum, which  criticized James Comey for his handling of the Clinton email investigation and the release of his October 28, 2016 Second Letter to Congress 11 days before Election Day.

This action by Comey referred to as “October Surprise” (2016)  was largely detrimental to Clinton’s candidacy. It certainly did not go against the interests of Donald Trump.  In this regard,  Comey could not be accused of coverup of the corruption and fraud within the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

What was the purpose of the May 9, 2017 firing of FBI Director James Comey: Cui Bono?  Who was behind it?

While Trump reluctantly endorsed the firing of Comey, based on Rosenstein’s recommendation, that decision was largely detrimental to Trump. It provided a greenlight to Rosenstein to appoint Mueller and initiate the Russia probe.

Screenshot of CNN and Trump twit, September 24, 2018

In practice, the decision was taken by the Attorney General’s office overriding the Presidency, precisely with a view to removing potential obstacles in the conduct of the alleged “Trump-Moscow collusion” investigation. With Comey out of the way, the corruption and fraud underlying the Democratic Party’s DNC including Clinton’s emails would not be addressed by the Russia Probe.

In this regard, Comey was slated to be removed. He was viewed as unpredictable and uncooperative. Moreover, the decision was also intended to weaken the presidency of Donald Trump.

And in the immediate wake of Comey’s dismissal, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed former FBI Robert Mueller to serve as special counsel for the United States Department of Justice to investigate the alleged interference of the Kremlin in the November 2016 presidential elections. That appointment was conducive to establishing the so-called Russia-probe. It was explicitly intended to sustain the Russia-Gate legend as well as undermine the Trump presidency.

Image left. Comey and Mueller

The Mueller investigation under the auspices of the Department of Justice had a mandate to “exploring any coordination between Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Russian government as part of the alleged Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections”.

Rosenstein was the architect behind that process. Who was behind him?

At this juncture, the firing of Rosenstein is in limbo. If he is fired, it opens up a can of worms. The Russia Probe led by Special Council Robert Mueller would potentially be in jeopardy.

What this means is that if Rosenstein is fired by Trump, Mueller’s mandate as Special Council in the Russia Probe could be aborted with far-reaching implications for US foreign policy.

Will that take place? A power struggle against Trump is ongoing with a view to maintaining Rosenstein in office and protecting Robert Mueller.

The Democrats have called upon Republicans in the US Congress “to pass legislation to protect special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference”.

The stakes are high. The power struggle pertains to “protecting” the Russia-Gate narrative of alleged Kremlin interference not only in the US, but also  among America’s closest allies including Britain, France and Canada (where the issue of Russian meddling has been raised). It also pertains to an ongoing  battle to impeach Donald Trump.

Cue the shots, take the snaps: US President Donald Trump was back entertaining his fetish with firm handshakes proclaiming the making of history in the last round of discussions with Kim Jong-un.  The press were, despite periodic attacks of bafflement, ever obliging.  The meeting of Trump with the leader of the DPRK was deemed historic, because everything the president does these says has to be, by definition, shatteringly historic.  Respective handshaking took place across the demarcation line of North and South Korea before Trump “briefly crossed into North Korea, a symbolic milestone,” noted the BBC.

Kim, in turn, crossed into South Korea alongside Trump, cheeks bunched and aglow:

“I believe this is an expression of his willingness to eliminate all the unfortunate past and open a new future.”

An hour-long discussion followed in the Freedom House.  At one point, South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in joined the gathering for a collegial cameo.  Again “unprecedented”, came the observations.

Trump and Kim meet Sunday before Trump became first US president to step on North Korean territory. (White House photo)

Trump’s diplomatic copy book is an untidy compilation of zigs and zags; amidst the lack of neatness lies a scratchy pattern.  Each accommodating approach must come with its selective targets of incoherent demonization.  Every hand shake on one side of the diplomatic ledger must be accompanied by the cold shoulder on the other, if not a good deal of spiked bile.  There is Iran, which serves the purpose for potential military engagement and cartoon gangster pose, and China, which supplies the Trump administration with a target for hard bargaining.

As each day goes by, military digs and pokes are being directed at Tehran by US officials now more accustomed to poking tongues than using them.  This is far from a bright move, but serves the object of brinkmanship Trump has managed to cultivate in Washington.

US policy on that front is that of the bull acting in disregard of the precious china.  The china, for one, involved adherence by Iran to the restrictive nuclear agreement that saw the destruction of its plutonium reactor and an opening up to the peering eyes of inspectors for a period ranging between ten and twenty-five years.  Economic losses would be made up by a more liberal trade regime with European powers.  But Trump, consistently with his campaign promises on redrafting, if not tossing various agreements out altogether, was determined to find a marketable enemy.  Evidence was less important than necessity, however confused.

The confusion towards Iran can be gathered by a stance that suggests criticism without sense or context; what is needed is the dangerous power, and any necessary accusation will be made to fit.  A White House statement on July 1 reads like a patient after electric shock treatment, more than a touch addled.

It is holed with regrets and scolding references, striking a catty note.

“It was a mistake under the Iran nuclear deal to allow Iran to enrich uranium at any level.”

Then the head scratching moment follows.

“There is little doubt that even before the deal’s existence, Iran was violating its terms.”

Trumpland allows such plasticine-like flexibility: terms can be violated before they come into existence.

It also leads to such grand theatrical gestures as the President’s claim that the loss of 150 Iranian lives in US military strikes would have been disproportionate measures undertaken in response to the downing of a US drone.  Good sense prevailed, so he says, leading to them being called off at the last moment.  As Zvi Bar’el writing in Haaretz noted sourly,

“Such a humanitarian explanation would have been heartwarming if it hadn’t come from the president still arming the Saudi military that’s killing thousands in Yemen.”

Far better, in the supposedly more reserved approach of the administration, to strangle the nation with the noose of sanctions, a form of economic warfare that is guaranteed to add to the butcher’s bill while doing little to influence the leaders.  (Economists Mark Weisbrot and Jeffrey Sachs claimed in an April paper for the Center for Economic and Policy Research that an estimated 40,000 deaths were caused by US sanctions imposed on Venezuela.)

Then there is China, whose relationship is one that moves between boiling anger and simmer filled resentment.  Beijing is being given pride of place as the future enemy of the US imperium.  The People’s Republic is being beefed up to the status of ultimate threat.

On July 3, an open letter organised by Michael D. Swaine and signed by some 150 former officials and scholars insisted that Beijing was not “an economic enemy or an existential national security threat that must be confronted in every sphere.”  Beijing replacing the United States “as the global leader” was a matter of exaggeration.  “Most other countries have no interest in such an outcome, and it is not clear that Beijing itself sees this goal as necessary or feasible.”

The anti-China squad is ballooning in popularity on the Hill and elsewhere, making such reserved scepticism indigestible for the soft-headed members of the imperium.  Democrat Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer made his enthusiasm for Trump’s position clear in May. “Strength is the only way to win with China,” he tweeted.  The naïve assumption of turning Beijing’s authoritarians into liberal capitalists has been replaced by another: that US power is indefinitely enduring.

The central theme to Trump’s copy book can be said to be this: to conserve a cosy position with one authoritarian regime necessitates a punitive approach to another.  A calculus for the voter comes into play: you can only fool the electors some of the time.  To that end, much has been leveraged on the anti-China sentiment and chest thumping before the Iranian mullahs.  Just as much has been expended on the idea of Trump the peace maker in Northeast Asia, a situation that has yielded more ceremony than substance.  If Trump can keep his weapons holstered, cool heads will prevail.  Now that would be historic.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is from the White House

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