Olympism and other major international sports events are all about profiteering, exploiting athletes, scandalous wheeling, dealing, collusion, and bribery, marginalizing the poor, other disenfranchised groups, and affected communities, sticking taxpayers with the bill, and providing nothing in return but hype and the illusion of amateur athletics at their best.

International sports competition is also highly politicized.

In December 2017, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), complicit with US hostility toward Moscow, banned Russian athletes from participating under their nation’s flag — despite no evidence of state-sponsored doping.

The practice occurs in amateur and professional sports, athletes on their own using performance enhancing drugs.

Banning clean athletes from countries for actions of rules violators breaches the letter and spirit of international sports competition.

On Monday, Tass reported the following:

“The Executive Committee of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has approved recommendations of the Compliance Review Committee (CRC) to strip Russia of the right to participate in major international sports tournaments, including the Olympics and World Championships, for the period of four years” — citing a WADA press statement, adding:

“WADA has also banned Russian state officials, ROC and RPC officials, from attending global sports tournaments.”

They include the Olympics, Paralympics, and FIFA World Cup. RT reported that Russian athletes not accused of doping will be allowed to compete as “neutrals.”

Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) championships games scheduled for St. Petersburg and the 2021 EUFA Champions League final in the city aren’t affected by the ban.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry slammed WADA for “squeez(ing) Russia out of international sports,” a politicized action.

Last month, WADA’s Compliance Review Committee called for punitive actions against Russia’s Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA), along with banning the country from hosting major international sporting events for four years.

Individual athletes should be held accountable for their actions, along with personal trainers or others if found to be complicit – not entire teams or nations without what’s known as evidentiary standards and burdens of proof required in credible legal proceedings.

These standards require “clear and convincing evidence,” beyond a reasonable doubt, the highest evidentiary standard.

Arbitrarily banning Russia from participating in major international sports competition is a politicized move, unrelated to legal standards — part of unacceptable US-sponsored Russia bashing.

In 2016, WADA claimed over 1,000 Russian athletes were involved in state-sponsored doping – credible evidence proving the allegation not provided.

WADA’s latest politicized action is further evidence of international sports competition’s dark side, polar opposite the spirit of amateur athletics at their best.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

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As should be expected, the government is attempting to stage-manage the shooting at the Pensacola Naval Base. The Pentagon said sailors killed by a Saudi student reportedly angry over the serial murder of Muslims by the US government “showed exceptional heroism and bravery in the face of evil.”

The alleged shooter, Mohammed Alshamrani, shot dead by police, was a Saudi national said to be enrolled in pilot training the Florida naval base. It is the same naval base linked to the supposed 9/11 hijackers.

Sources told ABC News that investigators are working to determine if the shooter was acting out because of religious or ideological reasons or if there was some sort of problem or hostility that developed in the course of the training at Pensacola.

We certainly can’t expect in-depth and omission-free reporting from ABC News and the rest of the state’s propaganda corporate media. It can be said without a doubt Alshamrani had “ideological reasons” for killing Americans. He was a 2nd Lt., an aviation officer in the Saudi military. Although we are told Saudi Arabia is now in the process of modernization, it still clings to its medieval religion, Wahhabism. 

Since the fall of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the First World War and the rise of Ibn Saud, essentially an agent working for British imperial interests in the Middle East, radical Sunni Wahhabism, and its variants have spread around the world, often with the assistance of the CIA. The Saudi people have been relentlessly indoctrinated, not only in regard to fellow Muslims failing to follow the puritanical Wahhabi creed, but also includes non-believers, including Christians and secular Westerners. 

The US national security state exploited Saudi Wahhabism as part of its anti-Soviet fear campaign during the so-called Cold War. “Due to its anti-atheistic and pro-capitalist tenets, Islam in general and Saudi Islam (Wahhabism) in particular became an effective tool in US foreign policy in combating pro-Soviet and anti-Western secular and nationalistic ideologies in the Middle East and the Muslim world at large,” writes the Middle East Institute. 

In pursuing its Cold War agenda in the Middle East, the United States supported the creation of ideologically motivated regional groupings such as the Muslim World League in 1962 (to replace the ill-fated Baghdad Pact), the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) in 1969, and the Islamic Development Bank in 1976—all headquartered in the Saudi province of Hijaz, the home of Islam’s holiest sites. The United States also supported the importation en masse into Saudi Arabia of a large number of Islamist political activists, including members of the Muslim Brotherhood and its offshoot, hizb al-tahrir (the Party of Liberation), who had fled the secular, pro-Soviet regimes in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Algeria. The late Saudi King Faysal, the main architect of the pro-Western Islam-inspired policy in the Middle East, put these Muslim émigrés, assisted by some influential scholars from Pakistan, in charge of all levels of the Saudi educational system. 

Meanwhile, the corporate propaganda media would have us believe Alshamrani was “self-radicalized” online, never mind education and public life in Saudi Arabia are dominated by fanatical Sunni Muslims as described and emphasized above. 

This narrative was posted at The New York Times. “U.S. officials are reportedly investigating whether the shooting was an act of terrorism. An official told the Times that Alshamrani did not appear to have any ties to international terror groups and seemed to have self-radicalized,” Daily Beast reported. 

Saudi Arabia is the nexus of international Islamic terrorism, a fact you will not see mentioned in The New York Times, a newspaper infamous for telling lies about Saddam Hussein’s nonexistent WMDs and responsible in part for the murder of a million and a half Iraqis. 

The pattern here is a well-tread path through the carnage of false flag terrorism. The alleged perp was killed by the cops, while other Saudis documenting the murders—visions of dancing Israelis filming the 911 inferno—were arrested and are now under investigation, that is if we can take a twisting and lying corporate propaganda media at its word. 

Recall the hush-hush flights of Saudis out of the country within two days of the 9/11 attacks. The neocon-infested Bush administration refused to answer questions on why possible suspects in the deadliest terror attack on US soil were not held and investigated. Prince Ahmed bin Salman was among them. He was best known, prior to his untimely demise, as a horse racing aficionado and owner of the Kentucky Derby winner War Emblem. He was also connected to al-Qaeda, the US-Saudi-Pakistani nurtured group that got the lucrative—for the military-industrial complex—endless war on manufactured terror rolling. 

The handpicked 9/11 commission, of course, gave the Bush neocons a free pass, stating that they had properly handled the evacuation of the “six chartered flights that rushed scores of Saudi citizens out of the United States after the attacks,” according to The New York Times. 

President Trump allowed Saudis to wriggle off the hook. “King Salman of Saudi Arabia called President Donald Trump to express his condolences over the attack at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida, the president said Friday,” reported USA Today. 

Trump’s initial remarks are a routine formality of the sort we hear in the wake of terror attacks and mass shootings. A subsequent tweet, however, truly entered the realm of the bizarre. 

If we consider the above—Saudi society has been indoctrinated in hate for non-believers, including Americans, for nearly a hundred years—then it makes perfect sense large numbers of Saudis not only hate Americans but are “radicalized” to the point they want to kill them, just like they are killing Zaidi sect Shias in Yemen. 

According to the SITE Intelligence Group, a staunchly pro-Zionist “nonprofit” linked to Israeli intelligence, a “manifesto” was posted prior to the attack. 

Investigators have found what purports to be an online screed written by the shooter and are working to determine if it is legitimate. In it, the writer expresses hatred toward Americans because of crimes against Muslims and humanity as well as US support for Israel.

As the narrative shapes up, Mohammed Alshamrani will be portrayed as a lone wolf terrorist, the six Saudis subsequently arrested will be forgotten, and missing Saudi nationals supposedly connected to the event and reportedly on the radar of the FBI will disappear from a permutational news cycle designed to indoctrinate and distract. 

There appears to be but a lone voice in government calling out Saudi Arabia. The state is now in the process of making certain this “isolationist” never sees the inside of the Oval Office. 


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Kurt Nimmo writes on his blog, Another Day in the Empire, where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

There was international jubilation when Montenegro seceded from its union with Serbia in 2006 after a controversial referendum. The Referendum Law prevented Montenegrins living and registered in Serbia from voting in the referendum, ensuring that tens of thousands of Montenegrins, in a country of only 622,000, who would have voted to remain the union could not vote in favour of maintaining it.

It must be remembered that state-paid workers like teachers and police were told by the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) leader Miodrag Vuković before the referendum May 2006, that someone “cannot work for the state and vote against it,” something objectively untrue. The pressure for independence was strong and in 2007, Jovan Markuš, a politician, journalist and historian, published a 1,290-page document that revealed the irregularities of the referendum.

There is little doubt that the dislocation of Montenegro from its Serbian motherland is part of a wider and continued effort to surround and isolate Serbia for its continued defiance against NATO and maintaining strong relations with Russia. This is why the Prime Minister of occupied Kosovo, Agim Çeku, announced that Kosovo would follow Montenegro’s example to achieve independence, saying “This is the last act of the historic liquidation of Yugoslavia.” Kosovo ultimately declared on February 17, 2008 in its pursuit of a Greater Albania.

Immediately the people of the Serbian-majority autonomous Republika Srpska in Bosnia and Herzegovina demanded their own referendum for independence or union with Serbia. However, this was ultimately withdrawn because according to Milorad Dodik, the prime minister of Republika Srpska, there was significant international pressure and opposition, demonstrating that Serbia is always to be isolated and pressurized, so long as it continues its close relations with Russia.

Although Montenegro became independent in 2006, it took only until December 2009 for the country to reach the final process of becoming a NATO member, the Membership Action Plan, before officially becoming a full-fledged member on June 5, 2017. This was a rapid process that has not been afforded to other aspiring members like Georgia. This is on top of working towards the goal of becoming a European Union member. It appears peripherally that everything is going well in integrating Montenegro into Atlanticist and European interests and projects, particularly those against Russia. But the country has been embroiled in constant political turmoil since 2015 with strong anti-government protests and corruption cases.

The protests were spearheaded by the opposition Democratic Front, demanding a transitional government which would organise next parliamentary elections, to end corruption and the resignation of then Prime Minister Milo Đukanović, who has held leadership positions, either as prime minister or president, in an authoritarian manner since 1990. The anti-government movement finally culminated into anti-NATO protests, with the wider anti-government movement continuing into 2016.

Đukanović and his proxies refused to submit to the anti-NATO movement and on October 16, 2016 on the day of the parliamentary elections, launched a mass arrest of Serbian and Montenegrin citizens on the accusation that they were planning a coup d’état, in which Russian individuals, without evidence as has become standard in Western anti-Russian rhetoric, were allegedly involved. By February of the following year, Montenegrin officials accused Russia of orchestrating the supposed coup attempt that allegedly had the goal of assassinating Đukanović. This was immediately rejected by Moscow.

Although Đukanović left his post in late 2016, a reconciliation between the government and opposition has not been achieved as he continued to chair the DPS, controlling the party with an iron fist. Unsurprising since Đukanović is alleged to have strong links to the mafia and was listed in 2010 as one of the richest world leaders, who is “mysteriously wealthy” with an estimated £10 million. There was little surprise when the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project announced Đukanović as ‘Person of the Year in Organized Crime’ in 2015 as he “built one of the most dedicated kleptocracies and organized crime havens in the world” despite portraying “himself as a progressive, pro-Western leader who recently helped his country join NATO and is on track to join the European Union.”

Although he ruled out the possibility of running as President in 2018, claiming the DPS had strong candidates, he of course lied, and was elected President in April 2018, allowing him to continue his corrupt practises like smuggling, organized crime, privatizations that go to his family like the Prva Banka. It is for this reason that a 2018 Freedom House report classified Montenegro as a Semi-Consolidated Democracy and Received A democracy Score of 3.93 out of 7.

For this reason, the independence of Montenegro is rather just a creation of a mafia state, similarly to neighboring Kosovo. This demonstrates that NATO does not care for authoritarianism and corruption, and rather, its current manifestation is just a continuation of anti-Russianism that is being continued nearly 30 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Đukanović had created the Adriatic seaside state into his own personal fiefdom and has never ventured far from complete ownership over Montenegro. NATO, and clearly the EU, simply do not care.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Paul Antonopoulos is a Research Fellow at the Center for Syncretic Studies.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

For several weeks now, much of the Lebanese population has turned on the country’s traditional political leaders and wrought havoc on the corrupt domestic political system. Those who have ruled the country for decades have offered little in the way of reforms, have paid little attention to the infrastructure, and done little or nothing to provide job opportunities outside the circle of their clients. The protestors were also driven into the street by the US measures strangling the Lebanese economy and preventing most of the 7-8 million expatriates from transferring financial support (around $8 billion per year) to their relatives back home. This is how the US administration has conducted its policy in the Middle East in its failed attempt to bring Iran and its allies to their knees. The US seems to believe that a state of chaos in the countries where the “Axis of the Resistance” operates may help curb Iran and push it into the US administration’s arms. The US seeks to break Iran’s back and that of its allies and impose its own conditions and hegemony on the Middle East. What has the US achieved so far?

In Lebanon, since the beginning of protests, the price of merchandise has gone sky-high. Medicines and goods are lacking from the market and the Lebanese Lira has lost more than 40% of its value to the US dollar. Many Lebanese have either lost their jobs or found themselves with a salary reduced to half. Lebanon came close to civil war when pro-US political parties closed the main roads and tried mainly to block the Shia link from the south of Lebanon to the capital, around the suburb of Beirut and from Beirut to the Bekaa Valley.

War was avoided when Hezbollah issued a directive instructing all its members and supporters to leave the streets, asking its members to stop and persuade any ally members to come off the streets and to avoid using motorcycles to harass protestors. The instructions were clear: “If anyone slaps you on the right cheekturn to him the other also.”

Hezbollah understood what the corners of Beirut are hiding: an invitation to start a war, particularly when for over a month the Lebanese army refused to open the main roads, allowing not only legitimate protestors but also thugs to rule.

The situation today has changed: the Lebanese President is using the constitution to his advantage, equally to the practice of the Prime Minister who has no deadline in forming a government. President Michel Aoun gave the Christians what they have lost after the Taif Agreement: he refused to ask a Prime Minister candidate to form a new government unless he offers a successful and harmonious cabinet membership that pleases all political parties and has strong chances of success.

Aoun was about to offer the mandate to a new candidate, Samir al-Khatib, had the caretaker the Sunni Saad Hariri – who nominated al-Khatib initially – avoided to boycott him at the last moment or did not ask the ex-prime Ministers, the religious Sunni authority and political parties who support him to nominate Hariri in person. The nomination of the Prime Minister is most likely postponed to an unknown date.

However, the protestors have not achieved much because the traditional political parties will hold onto their influence. The new government, once and if formed, will not be able to lift US sanctions to relieve the domestic economy. On the contrary, the US administration is willing to resume its sanctions on Lebanon and impose further sanctions on other personalities, as Secretary Mike Pompeo sated a couple of months ago.

Today, no Lebanese citizen is able to dispose of his own saving or company assets in banks due to restrictions on withdrawals, effective “capital controls”. Only small amounts are allowed to be delivered to account holders–around $150-300 per week in a country where cash payments prevail. No one is allowed to transfer any amount abroad unless for university fees or special demands of goods import of first necessities.

However, Hezbollah, the US-Israel main target, was not affected directly by the US sanctions and by the new financial restrictions. Militants were paid, as is the case monthly, in US dollars with an increase of 40% (due to the local currency devaluation) with the compliments of “Uncle Sam”.

Hezbollah not only has avoided civil war but also has managed to boost the position of its allies. President Aoun and the leader of the “Free Patriotic Movement” (FPM) the foreign Minister Gebran Bassil were in a confused state in the first weeks of the protests. Hezbollah leadership played a role in holding on to his allies and supporting them. Today, the situation is back under control and the President and the FPM leader are holding the initiative over their political opponents.

Hezbollah will be part of the new government with new personalities and perhaps one traditional minister. The “Axis of the Resistance” believes if “Hezbollah’s presence in the new government disturbs the US administration, then why it should comply and leave? Quite the opposite. It should stay or appoint Ministers on its behalf”.

The “Axis of the Resistance” is convinced that the exit of Hezbollah from the cabinet would trigger further US demands. It is Hezbollah’s legitimate right to be represented in the government since it holds a large coalition in the Parliament. Besides, who will stop any attempt by the US to allow Israel to annex the disputed Lebanese water borders? Who will campaign for the return of Syrian refugees back home? What about the US request to deploy UN forces on the borders with Syria?

Hezbollah enjoys large amount of popular support and this from a society that is behind it and that suffers as much as everybody else from the country of the corrupted Lebanese system. Notwithstanding its poverty, the society of Hezbollah stands with the “Axis of the Resistance” against the US sanctions and attempts to corner it.

The US administration failed to achieve its objectives, even when riding the wave of protestors’ legitimate demands. It has also failed to drag Hezbollah to street fighting. It is about to fail to exclude Hezbollah and its allies, determine to be part of the new government regardless of the names of individual ministers. The US failed to corner Hezbollah – as was possible with Hamas – because Lebanon is open to Syria and from it to Iraq and Iran. Lebanon has also the seafront on the Mediterranean open to the outside world to import much needed goods. However, the “Axis of the Resistance” has asked its friends and supporters to cultivate the land in order to soften the increase of prices of food.

The “Axis of the Resistance’ also has lines open to Russia and China. Hezbollah continues trying to convince political parties to diversify the resources and cease depending on the US and Europe only. Russia is proving itself on the political international arena – even if still not enjoying influence in Lebanon – and is able to stand firm against US hegemony. Europe is also happy to see Hezbollah and its allies in power, afraid of seeing millions of Syrian and Lebanese refugees flocking to the old continent. China is willing to open a bank in Lebanon, collect and recycle the bins, offer drinkable water and construct electricity generators. The total of what China is ready to invest in Lebanon is close to $12.5 billion, much more than the $11 billion offered by CEDRE that is linked to the privatisation of Lebanese infrastructure.

Doors in Lebanon are open for an alternative to the US. Therefore, the more Washington is willing to corner the Lebanese government and its inhabitants, the more certainly they move towards Russia and China.

The Lebanese have lost much since the protests began. The US has gained a society ready to keep at a distance whihc is further from its hegemony and its allies have failed to trap Hezbollah. However, protestors did manage to sound an alarm and warn politicians that their corruption can’t continue forever and that they may someday be brought to justice. Once again, the agents of chaos have failed and the “Axis of the Resistance” has the upper hand in Lebanon.


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Selected Articles: Target Iran!?

December 9th, 2019 by Global Research News

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The Holocaust, “The Evil One”, Fascism and the Bush Family

By Bill Van Auken, December 09, 2019

The cause of the Holocaust, Bush suggested, was “evil.” For the US president, the word “evil” serves to cover up a multitude of sins. He has used it repeatedly to describe the Islamic fundamentalist group that carried out the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. On numerous occasions he has referred to the leader of Al Qaeda as “the evil one.” This particular expression serves a very immediate political purpose, since it avoids naming Osama bin Laden and thereby calling to mind the longstanding business association between the Bushes and the wealthy bin Laden family of Saudi Arabia.

Winston Churchill and “the Indian Holocaust”: The Bengal Famine of 1943

By Great Game India, December 09, 2019

A new study by Indian and American researchers confirm how Winston Churchill caused the Bengal Famine and starved over 3 million Indians to death. Glorified as the “Saviour of the World” in the west and dubbed the “Butcher of Bengal” by Indians, the streets of eastern Indian cities were lined with corpses as a direct result of Churchill’s policies. Yet, the story of this Indian Holocaust remain unspoken to this day.

George H. Walker Bush: The Bush Family and the Mexican Drug Cartel

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 01, 2019

Donald Trump has offered to intervene in Mexico, i.e. “to go after the Drug Cartels” following “the brutal killing of an American family in Mexico”. The Mexican president has turned down Trump’s generous offer.

In a recent interview, President Trump confirmed that his administration is now considering categorizing “drug cartels” as “terrorists”,  akin to Al Qaeda (with the exception that they are “Catholic terrorists”).

Bush Family Links to Nazi Germany: “A Famous American Family” Made its Fortune from the Nazis

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 16, 2019

The Bush family links to Nazi Germany’s war economy were first brought to light at the Nuremberg trials in the testimony of Nazi Germany’s steel magnate Fritz Thyssen. Thyssen was a partner of George W. Bush’s grandfather Prescott Bush: 

From 1945 until 1949 in Nuremberg, one of the lengthiest and, it now appears, most futile interrogations of a Nazi war crimes suspect began in the American Zone of Occupied Germany.

Target… Iran!? 74,000 U.S. Troops in the Middle East

By Steve Brown, December 09, 2019

In June of this year we examined why the United States will not attack Iran subsequent to raised tensions in the region. Six months later on the cusp of 2020, the United States has not attacked Iran militarily … yet. However, Defense Secretary Esper just threatened to deploy 14K more US mercenary[1] troops to the Middle East. So, let’s examine current US / Israeli intent regarding Iran again by looking at individual tactical elements which may contribute to an overall strategic picture.

Kerry’s Endorsement of Biden Fits: Two Deceptive Supporters of the Iraq War

By Norman Solomon, December 09, 2019

On Thursday afternoon, the Washington Post sent out a news alert headlined “John Kerry Endorses Biden in 2020 Race, Saying He Has the Character and Experience to Beat Trump, Confront the Nation’s Challenges.” Meanwhile, in Iowa, Joe Biden was also touting his experience. “Look,” Biden said as he angrily lectured an 83-year-old farmer at a campaign stop, “the reason I’m running is because I’ve been around a long time and I know more than most people know, and I can get things done.”

What Really Happened in Iran? Wave of Protests in 100 Cities

By Pepe Escobar, December 09, 2019

On November 15, a wave of protests engulfed over 100 Iranian cities as the government resorted to an extremely unpopular measure: a fuel tax hike of as much as 300%, without a semblance of a PR campaign to explain the reasons.

Iranians, after all, have reflexively condemned subsidy removals for years now – especially related to cheap gasoline. If you are unemployed or underemployed in Iran, especially in big cities and towns, Plan A is always to pursue a second career as a taxi driver.


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Jews, Antisemitism and Labour – A Letter to the BBC

December 9th, 2019 by Jewish Voice for Labour

To Tony Hall, Director General of the BBC
cc: Fran Unsworth and Tracey Henry

URGENT – “Is the BBC Antisemitic?”

We need to register with you our deep concern that, once again, and in the closing stages of an acrimonious election campaign, the BBC’s coverage of antisemitism charges against the Labour Party has been both unbalanced and uncritical. Your reporting today of the Jewish Labour Movement (JLM)’s repetition of its flimsily-based charges against the Party that it used to support falls disastrously short of the Corporation’s own formal standards of accuracy and balance.

This represents what we can only call a flagrant breach, and of all times during a general election campaign, of the BBC’s legal commitment to due impartiality and fairness.

Over recent months, and with no remission during the election campaign, coverage of allegations of Labour antisemitism has featured repeatedly in the BBC News, and often as the lead item. In news programmes the allegations have been reported as quasi-factual, with no indication that they are fiercely contested. In more discursive formats such as the Today programme or Newsnight, presenters have consistently adopted a negative, attacking stance towards anyone who questions the basis of the allegations. In complete contrast, those making the allegations, usually based on hearsay rather than personal experience, are supplied with leading questions and softball follow-up.

Jews are as diverse as any other substantial group in society. Yet people whose representative status is highly doubtful are routinely presented by the BBC as ‘representatives of the Jewish community’. Surely you can ensure that your broadcasting staff know the facts and convey them appropriately. The Board of Deputies, for example, has no supervised electoral process – and in any case its synagogue-based membership covers no more than one third of the UK’s Jewish population.  Secular Jews make up at least 50% of British Jews and have no voice through the Board of Deputies.

In particular the voices of the large numbers of Jews who are Party members, who know how atypical the quite rare examples of antisemitic behaviour in the party are, and who are enthusiastic supporters of a Corbyn-led Labour government have been almost entirely ignored. The BBC has allowed itself to be used as a megaphone for deeply contested charges.

The BBC’s Guidelines state that when a partisan political position is put forward, an opposing one, if it exists, should be broadcast too. The Labour Party does have many Jews who support it and who are prepared to speak out, notably in the organisation Jewish Voice for Labour. Our many requests to be able to present our experience and our perspective  are routinely ignored, and in the rare exceptions have never been given equal weighting with the negative voices.

The BBC’s coverage of the JLM’s release of its evidence to the Equalities and Human Rights Commission’s inquiry (into any discrimination in Labour’s processes for handling complaints of antisemitism) is a prime example of the BBC’s systematic imbalance. This deliberately-timed attempted destabilisation of the Labour Party’s position by JLM has appeared in virtually every main news bulletin today, including live coverage – uncontested – of the JLM news conference on BBC News Channel.

The evidence that Jewish Voice for Labour gave to the EHRC inquiry was made public at the time and is publicly available on our web-site. This evidence is directly relevant to your news item but was not even mentioned in today’s extended BBC coverage. It seems that the BBC is treating us as the ‘wrong sort of Jew’.

All Jews are not the same. Asserting that they are is an aspect of antisemitism. The BBC should be ashamed of its record in openness to the multiple voices of British jewry.

By behaving in the way that it has (and today’s JLM coverage is only the latest example) the BBC has, constructively, been contributing to an assiduously promoted anti-Labour agenda.

We look forward to immediate corrective action.

This letter will be published on our website.


Leah Levane and Jenny Manson, co-chairs JVL


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Artificial Intelligence is generally seen as a great advance and benefit for mankind. Smart humans, however, see it as our undoing and even possibly our extermination.

Much of modern technology has far more prospect for harm than for good.

Consider nuclear weapons.

Consider Monsanto’s glysophate.

Consider 5G.

There are a large number of technologies that impose massive costs on life on Earth.

A recent article from Crime & Power, entitled “A Hard Look At Artificial intelligence” by Jerry Day, sounds like a horror science fiction story.

I don’t think AI is sentinent or has consciousness and do not see how it can think and make decisions in a human sense. I think the author, Jerry Day, is influenced by a false concept of mind, as is philosophy in general.

On the other hand, if this is a real possibility, we should bring a halt to AI, execute the AI geeks, and go back to a paper and analog system of operating.

I don’t like the digital revolution. One reason is that it makes it so easy for information to disappear.

In effect, the digital revolution is Big Brother’s Memory Hole. Look at how much information is wiped out because controllers regard it as offensive to the ever growing array of “victim groups” or contrary to the interest of ruling elites. Another reason is that it makes it so easy to violate privacy and steal identity. Another reason is that it has eliminated jobs that can be performed by people of average and below intelligence. In effect, the digital revolution is making people superfluous.

The notion that the Internet brings freedom and freedom of information is, I believe, a great delusion.

This passage from Jerry Day sounds like China’s Social Credit System:

“Once the state is able to put out trillions of bits of personal data together with millions of legal codes, we will all be exposed as criminals, every last one of us. We will all be subject to the control and penalty by the state. It is AI that will make that possible. Suddenly one day, we will find that what people used to do to us, machines will be doing to us. Automation can find you, automation can send you notice on your cell phone, or computer, automation can exercise liens and levies of your property, automation can take possession of your property, bank accounts, your investments, automation can terminate your employment, automation can prosecute you, convict you, and penalize you as the IRS does, without due process.

“All of that can be done to you without any human involvement at all. The only reason we will need police is to clean up those few belligerent souls who try to resist what the automation is doing to them. There will be only one crime: resisting the automation, and there will be no humans left to help you sort out any misunderstanding, just like Google, YouTube, Facebook. Soon there will be no humans anywhere to help you fix a problem.”


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Dr. Paul Craig Roberts writes on his blog, Paul Craig Roberts Institute for Political Economy, where this article was originally published.

The first international Communication Congress of the People was held in Caracas Venezuela from the second to the fourth of December 2019, with the motto! It is the Time for the people to speak!

The idea for this Congress took place in the 2019 XXV Forum of Sao Paulo celebrated in Caracas in the month of July of this year 2019.

It aims to create a powerful popular international communication network that can compete with the corporate media and defeat the propaganda machinery that aims to suppress freedom of speech and information and freedom of thinking.

There were around 140 international communication activists and about 500 Venezuelan popular media organisations, many intellectuals and political thinkers from Latin America and the world amongst who were Atilio Boron, Fernando Buen Abbad and Ignacio Ramonet.

The International University of communication an idea that Fernando Buen Abbad, a Mexican academic and political thinker, has been building from Argentina to Mexico took off in Venezuela during this Congress. Its first gathering is planned for next year in Nicaragua. Diosdado Cabello, who has been the victim of a defamatory campaign by various national and international newspapers, sued ‘El Nacional’, once the most serious newspaper in Venezuela and now converted into a propaganda machine for the opposition. Cabello won the demand and will receive the headquarters building of El Nacional as compensation. He will donate it to the International University of Communication.

The congress was a mix of conferences, workshops and Bolivarian Revolutionary media entertainment.

The first conference was a panel of journalists amongst which were Madeleine Garcia the journalist from Telesur that reported from the battle of Cucuta and was almost run over by a military tank stolen by two deserting soldiers.

This was on the 23rd of February this year when the US plotted an invasion to Venezuela from Cucuta disguised as humanitarian aid delivered by force and distracted by a live aid concert sponsored by people such as Richard Branson the English billionaire owner of the Virgin corporation business.  They almost got Peter Gabriel to endorse them but he was warned by Roger Waters of the intentions of such concert. Amongst the panellists was also Erika Ortega Sanoja reporter for RT in Venezuela who reported from the scene when the extreme right wing opposition burnt a young man alive.  Orlando Figuera was a young man of 22 years that was passing by an opposition demonstration and was lynched, stabbed and burnt alive because of his skin colour and the mistake of walking on white people’s territory.

The workshops were divided in 8 tables with the following topics.

Panel of journalists: Reporting from conflicts zones with a vision of classes, the view of the peoples!

  1. Journalism that deal with hegemony and decolonization
  2. Psychological operations and the cultural bonding
  3. Communication freedom in the face of the structural crisis of capitalism
  4. International University of Communication – content factory
  5. Communication and digital networks in Latin America and the Caribbean challenges and labyrinths
  6. Ethics of communication in Venezuela and our America
  7. Media in times of war
  8. Communication network – we are the Network.

The Revolutionary entertainment was a two hours TV programme run by Diosdado Cabello the second Vice-president of the PSUV the Socialist Party of Venezuela and the second strong man of the Bolivarian Revolution after the president Nicolas Maduro.

Diosdado Cabello’s programme has a party atmosphere with the assistants, the people from the barrios and politicians, joining in dancing and chanting energetically popular political slogans that empower their regional social movements. It could be for this reason that the European Union included this TV programme within the sanctions that it is imposing on Venezuelans.


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In some ways, it is a very British thing: fair play is expected; the reasonable person with all faculties intact, going about the business of living and voting.  Little thought is given to the fact that these assumptions are as much constructions, façades of rhetorical merit rather than reality.  Voters need not be reasonable, and often vote against their interests.  As for fair play?  Perish the thought. 

No election takes place in a vacuum, and for all the assertions of fact-checkers, monitors and gatekeepers of order, some agency, be it corporate, national or international, is involved.  To persuade is to interfere.  The intensity of this has become more relevant with the saturation, and velocity, of information spread.  Often, it is impossible to assess how that distortion in an election might have changed results.  The information age was meant to produce the informed voter; arguably, it has given us a different form of misinformed voter, drowning in the data sea.

In Britain, the distortions sowed by The Sun have been far more significant than any single Russian bot or “rogue” site.  The famous headline of April 11, 1992 should still chill readers: “It’s The Sun Wot Wont It.”  That, in reference to ensuring the re-election of a Conservative government, despite internal bloodletting that saw the deposing of Margaret Thatcher.  The ripe target of Rupert Murdoch’s spear carrier of trash and demagoguery was the Labour opposition leader, Neil Kinnock.  “If Kinnock wins today will the last person to leave Britain please turn out the lights.” 

Such splendid garbage has been combed through by psephologists, with the conclusion that the Murdoch Empire, a far more sinister enterprise than most keyboard manipulators and bogus sites in the pay of foreign regimes, has much truck in the way it convinces its readers to vote.  Electoral swings of 2% for The Sun alone have been suggested. 

This is the stuff of distant memory.  The media moguls might well be fiddling and diddling in the background but the mantle of chief meddler these days is regularly given to President Vladimir Putin.  Those on the losing side of the Brexit referendum in 2016 have been anxious to explain it away as the handiwork of dark forces inspired by the Kremlin.   

Much of this crippling anxiety comes from across the pond, with many US politicians and officials keen to keep Russian influence in the headlines.  A report prepared for the Committee on Foreign Relations of the US Senate in 2018 made its intention clear in the title: “Putin’s Asymmetric Assault on Democracy in Russia and Europe: Implications for US National Security.” The letter of transmittal observes that “Putin’s Kremlin employs an asymmetric arsenal that includes military invasions, cyberattacks, disinformation, support for fringe political groups”. 

The Russian bogeyman has again reared its head of convenience in the 2019 UK election.  Here come the fair play spoilers, we are told.  And they come from accounts on the sharing site Reddit.  On Friday, the site released a statement claiming that a post “included leaked documents from the UK.”  The documents were drawn from the account u/gregoriator, which was subsequently reposted by the account u/ostermaxnn.  “Additionally, we were able to find a pocket of accounts participating in vote manipulation on the original post.”  A “pattern of coordination” was detected, similar in nature to a previous effort mounted on Facebook by a purported Russian-sponsored campaign called “Secondary Infektion”.  An investigation by Reddit resulted in banning 1 subreddit and 61 accounts. 

The leaked document in question purported to cover UK-US trade negotiations, coming to a hefty 451 pages.  The Labour Party duly capitalised, claiming that this showed that the National Health Service would be up for sale to US private pharmaceutical and health insurance companies should the Conservative Party be re-elected.  “We have now got evidence,” a confident leader Jeremy Corbyn trumpeted, “that under Boris Johnson the NHS is on the table and will be up for sale.  He tried to cover it up in a secret agenda and today it has been exposed.”   

The anger that followed seemed directed, not at any misinformation, but at the fact that it had been revealed to begin with.  (The authenticity of the document has not been openly questioned.)  This showed, again, the rattled nature of the Russia-interference argument: either they sow seeds of doubt through misinformation, or they dare leak documents that disclose the inner machinations of government.  Either way, the elector is treated as an ignoramus best kept ignorant and incapable.  

For Corbyn, this was all fair game, the Russia argument a mere sideshow.  “When we released the documents, at no stage did the prime minister or anybody deny that those documents were real, deny the arguments that we put forward.  And if there has been no discussion with the USA about access to our health markets, if all that is wrong, how come after a week they still haven’t said that.”  To date, Corbyn has declined to reveal the source of the documents. 

The thrust of the government’s argument was one of shifting focus.  A British government spokesman told NBC News Sunday that “online platforms should take responsibility for content posted on them, and we welcome the action Reddit has taken.”  As for the contents disclosed, “We do not comment on leaks, and it would be inappropriate to comment.”

Nor, indeed, has the Johnson government been very keen on commenting about anything that might show Russian connections, notably to the Conservative Party.  The trail of donors is a rich one.  To date, the Parliamentary intelligence committee report on suspected Russian interference in British politics remains under a lock and key, a factor that has led to concerns that intelligence oversight in the UK is becoming heavily politicised. 

What has become increasingly normal is the sense that Russian interference has been plugged into the political weaponry of parties and the politics of many states.  This UK election sees virtually all sides sniping and snarling at each other over being the Kremlin’s favoured choice while also building arguments over leaked documents.  It serves to distract from the obvious ailing and disaffection in an electorate disgusted and disenchanted at their political representatives.     

Russia baiting, at some level, serves the purpose of pre-empting votes and altering elections which may have very little to do with actual Russian influence.  Even when such influence yields information that is hard to impeach, the fact that it issued from the actions of a foreign source, as it did in the 2016 US elections, is a sore point.  Be it the NHS or Hillary Clinton’s true political colours, electors were not entitled to know.  The issue of evidence remains less relevant than the acceptance by parties that this is happening.  The result is magnification and paranoia, and a very bargain price method of making policy.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

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Israel’s War Minister Naftali Bennett Threatens Iran

December 9th, 2019 by Stephen Lendman

Israeli ruling authorities are the most extremist in Jewish state history. Arab MKs aside, the vast majority of Knesset members are militantly hardline racists, threatening regional peace and stability.

New Right party head Naftali Bennett earlier held various ministries, including Education, Economy, Religious Services and Diaspora Affairs.

In early November, Netanyahu appointed him war minister, giving up the portfolio he held, a way for the embattled prime minister to buy Bennett’s loyalty, the move unrelated to security issues at a time Israel’s only foreign threats are invented. No real ones exist.

At the time, Haaretz said Netanyahu and Bennett struck “a cynical bargain” even for Israel’s extreme politics, a move the PM hoped would aid his political survival.

Bennett represents settler interests. The son of US immigrants, he’s one of Israel’s super-rich class.

Earlier he led the Jewish state’s hardline Yesha Council umbrella group, representing settler interests. It replaced Gush Emunim (Block of the Faithful).

GE adherents believed all Judea, Samaria, and Gaza land belongs exclusively to Jews, the view shared by Yesha Council hardliners.

Expanding settlements and displacing their longtime Palestinian residents reflects core Israeli policy.

Bennett earlier encouraged settlers to shoot Palestinians, saying “(a)gainst the cowardly Arab terrorism, a wave of Jewish courage is rising to defeat it.”

He bragged about “kill(ing) lots of Arabs in my life (during military service). There’s no problem with that,” he stressed.

Earlier he said “(t)he time has come to say Israel is ours to go from strategic defense to a process of initiating the implementation of Israeli sovereignty over the territories under Israeli control in Judea and Samaria,” adding:

“We need to mark this as a strategic objective and stop the misunderstood message sent from Israel abroad.”

“The approach that I’m promoting is reasonable, sane. In the Middle East, we don’t have the luxury to indulge in fantasy.”

Seeing no prospect of Israeli/Palestinian peace, he called for “realism” on what’s achievable – regardless of world opinion, international law and fundamental Palestinian rights.

He opposes a two-state solution and Palestinian self-determination, wanting occupation harshness maintained.

In an earlier NYT op-ed, he said the following:

“(A) Palestinian state, if established, would be taken over by ISIS, Hamas and Islamic Jihad (as) a launching pad for attacks against our citizens…It is a risk Israel cannot take (sic).”

Over the weekend he threatened Iran, saying:

“We are telling the Iranians: Syria will become your Vietnam. If you don’t leave, you will become entrenched and you will bleed because we will work without hesitation to remove aggressive forces from Syria (sic),” adding:

“It is no secret that Iran is trying to establish a ring of fire around our country (sic). It is already based in Lebanon and is trying to establish in Syria, Gaza and more (sic).”

“We need to move from containment to attack.”

His remark followed Israel’s latest preemptive airstrike on Syrian targets near the Iraqi border on Saturday, an area struck many times before.

Separately, Israeli foreign minister Israel Katz said terror-bombing Iran is “an option — threatening to “launch hundreds of Tomahawk missiles at Tehran,” adding:

“We will not allow Iran to acquire or stockpile nuclear weapons” it doesn’t have or seek in stark contrast to nuclear armed and dangerous Israel.

“If that is the last option, we will act militarily. The threat of sanctions is not enough. The only deterrent is a military threat directed against” Tehran, said Katz.

The myth of an Iranian nuclear or other threat is a longstanding canard. Left unexplained is that Iran hasn’t attacked another country in centuries.

It threatens none now except in self-defense if attacked, it legal right under binding international law the US, NATO, Israel, and their imperial allies breach time and again with impunity.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

In June of this year we examined why the United States will not attack Iran subsequent to raised tensions in the region. Six months later on the cusp of 2020, the United States has not attacked Iran militarily … yet. However, Defense Secretary Esper just threatened to deploy 14K more US mercenary[1] troops to the Middle East. So, let’s examine current US / Israeli intent regarding Iran again by looking at individual tactical elements which may contribute to an overall strategic picture.

One case in point is al Tanf in southeast Syria which lies near the Jordanian and Iraqi borders. The US illegally occupies al Tanf in its claim to prevent resurgence of the ‘caliphate’ – an ISIS construct indirectly created by the United States by proxy – and the truth is quite otherwise.

Pompeo states,

“We’re watching the space once occupied by this fraudulent caliphate like a hawk. That’s why we’re maintaining our residual presence at Tanf, in southern Syria, and our capacity to conduct air operations”. But that’s not true.

Israel’s Netanyahu gives the true reason for the US occupation of al Tanf:

“We have been fortunate that President Trump has led a consistent policy of pressure against Iran. Iran is increasing its aggression as we speak even today in the region. They’re trying to have staging grounds against us and the region from Iran itself, from Iraq, from Syria, from Lebanon, Gaza and Yemen, and we are actively engaged in countering that aggression.”

The irony is as apparent as the falsity of Pompeo’s assertion, the truth being that the United States is opposing Iran here – not ISIS. Especially ironic since Iran has been forced to fight the ISIS monster that the United States created in Syria and in Iraq.

Thus, Netanyahu admits the true purpose for US troops being present in al Tanf: to prevent Iran from holding the Anbar region that Iran cleared subsequent to the destruction wrought by the United States and its ISIS proxy there.

Even though the US /Israeli-led attempt to change the regime in Syria failed by 2016, the long-delayed US decision to remove US troops from the Northeast corridor remains a mystery. A number of theories about the withdrawal exist, most likely being US cooperation at the request of Mr Erdogan. However, the bloodbath in the northeast envisaged by Washington pundits did not occur and the situation has remained relatively stable there subsequent to the cease fire.

Now enter the strange coincidence of renewed unrest in Iraq – mainly from Sadr City, where the surprising turn of the US screw was the turning of Muqtada al-Sadr for Saudi, the United States CIA, and for Israel in Iraq.

The split seems to have occurred since 2009 when the Mahdi army was militarily defeated in Iraq. Armed militias such as Asaib Ahl al-Haq, instrumental in defeating ISIS in Anbar, and aligned with Iran, openly fought Sadr’s men at times. The result was that al Sadr was forcibly set adrift by Iran and it appears Sadr chose to preserve his own hide rather than preserve his honor. According to an expert in impressive tradecraft, Sadr was “for rent”.

Subsequent to his visit with Saudi Crown Prince bin Salman in the summer of 2017, the influential al Sadr reinvented himself as a friend to Iraqi Kurds and to the Saudi pocketbook while lately invoking his troops to protest the “corrupt regime” in the capital.

After inciting the riots, al Sadr demanded an end to them by removal of Prime Minister Abdul Mahdi as the titular head of Iraq’s corrupt government. Al Sadr’s move and the departure of al Mahdi is mission accomplished for US State, where the United States demands that the failed states it creates remain failed.

A successful Iraq is not acceptable to US State since the predilection for a failed State in Iraq is Israel’s goal too, since Israel has been at war with Iraq for as long as it has been at war with Syria.

Besides the US-inspired chaos in Iraq, the US withdrawal from northeast Syria — as forced by its NATO ally Turkey — has exposed Iraq’s Anbar and the Iraqi Kurd flank to Russian and Syrian cooperation, potentially compromising three secret Israeli intelligence bases which operate out of Erbil, and the US military intention to maintain a covert presence in Iraq.

US Troops to Deploy to… Iraq??

Approximately 14,000 more troops will elevate the overall US total in the Middle East and Eurasia to about 74,000. Not so covert, and making no bones about the re-direction in US State policy, on December 5th the United States did indeed announce its true goal in the Middle East is to confront Iran.

US State’s aim is not to stabilize the region, or to fight ISIS, or even to protect US interest. It seems the ISIS menace has gone and the “new” enemy is Iran… even if the United States (like Israel) has been at war with Iran in some form since 1979. Interestingly, articles about the proposed troop deployment  do not speculate about where the troops might go.

Kurd Erbil is the logical choice since Iraq’s government is in a state of chaos and cannot resist an influx of new US troops there. But sending troops to the Kurdish region will only highlight US State’s true ambition to wipe Iran off the map and may provoke reaction in Anbar, and will certainly look bad for the ever-dimming “light on the hill”.

But first, one must consider where the push for more troops in the Middle East is coming from. From Mr Trump? Possible, if unlikely. So… the majority of the people of the United States wish to attack Iran? No. And even Macron has offered to mediate between the US and Iran, however Macron significantly kept quiet about this effort at the December 3rd NATO get together. So, who or whom is pushing for war with Iran?

The recent NATO debacle looked more like an airing of Days of Our Lives than a meeting of world leaders and provided an interesting insight. Netanyahu, nebulous and presumed leader of Israel, was evidently desperate to meet with Mr Pompeo at the NATO meeting on the 3rd of December. But to no avail.

Rumours abound regarding Netanyahu’s subject for discussion, whether annexing the West Bank and Jordan Valley or a “secret plan” to get the US to confront Iran on Israel’s behalf, according to one source. That such a plan to militarily confront Iran in Iraq would coincide with Esper’s announcement regarding more US troops to the Middle East, does lend credence to the report. The fact that Netanyahu insisted on personally meeting with these leaders gives weight to the idea that the game is afoot — at least where Israel’s militarists are concerned.

Iran Protests

The protests in Iran – based on Iran’s “own goal” in raising petrol and fuel prices – also lend credence to the theory that Israel and Elites believe now is the time to strike Iran.

But as in Hong Kong, no matter how deep the Deep State reaches, US State just cannot pull off the coup it intends; whether in Syria, Libya, Venezuela, Iran, Yemen or with regard to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Now the United States appears almost as humiliated in the Middle East as it appeared at the end of the Vietnam war. US State desperately needs a “win” in the Middle East to maintain face, and the voices from US State exhorting a strike – like Israel’s – are louder than ever. Meanwhile the unrest in Iran appears to continue to abate.

Concluding Remarks

The above is intended to shed light on an extremely complex collage of issues especially in Iraq and Iran, ever-developing, and seen here through the prism of the US-Israeli Axis.

Washington is convinced that its role and only its role as hegemon matters, all else in the world be damned. Israel is frustrated too that its wish to see Iran destroyed by the west has not been granted. These Deep State goals may seem unachievable right now but the perceived threat to Iran is greater now than in June, and possibly greater than it has ever been before, whether from within or without.

Interestingly, this week may be the first ever that the EU Blocking Statute gets a chance and one INSTEX transaction actually takes place. That INSTEX may actually become functional and pose a challenge to the global hegemonic has certainly outraged Bloomberg and the US Treasury.

Meanwhile the hedge fund managers who own and operate the west are beating the drums for war, ever louder. The only one apparently not listening is Mr Trump. However with impeachment, Ukrainegate, Russiagate and every other kind of gate, the Rulers of the Planet have made it clear that they want to see not just Iran annihilated, but the evolutionary clock of Civilization turned backward regardless of the will of the people or even rational thought.


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Steve Brown is the author of “Iraq: the Road to War” (Sourcewatch) editor of “Bush Administration War Crimes in Iraq” (Sourcewatch) “Trump’s Limited Hangout” and “Federal Reserve: Out-sourcing the Monetary System to the Money Trust Oligarchs Since 1913”; Steve is an antiwar activist, a published scholar on the US monetary system, and has appeared as guest contributor to The Duran, Fort Russ News, Herland Report, Lew Rockwell Report, The Ron Paul Institute, and Strategika51.


[1] These troops are not ‘protecting’ the former United States from any threat to the United States thus a mercenary force paid for by the US government just as Rome employed mercenary forces.

Featured image is from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

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The spectacle of Kerry praising Biden as a seasoned leader amounts to one supporter of the Iraq catastrophe attesting to the character and experience of another supporter of the same catastrophe.


On Thursday afternoon, the Washington Post sent out a news alert headlined “John Kerry Endorses Biden in 2020 Race, Saying He Has the Character and Experience to Beat Trump, Confront the Nation’s Challenges.” Meanwhile, in Iowa, Joe Biden was also touting his experience. “Look,” Biden said as he angrily lectured an 83-year-old farmer at a campaign stop, “the reason I’m running is because I’ve been around a long time and I know more than most people know, and I can get things done.”

But Kerry and Biden don’t want to acknowledge a historic tie that binds them: Both men were important supporters of the Iraq war, voting for the invasion on the Senate floor and continuing to back the war after it began. Over the years, political winds have shifted—and Biden, like Kerry, has methodically lied about his support for that horrendous war.

The spectacle of Kerry praising Biden as a seasoned leader amounts to one supporter of the Iraq catastrophe attesting to the character and experience of another supporter of the same catastrophe.

The FactCheck.org project at the Annenberg Public Policy Center has pointed out:

“Kerry agreed that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and should be overthrown, and defended his war authorization vote more than once—including saying in a May 2003 debate that Bush made the ‘right decision to disarm Saddam Hussein.’ . . . Kerry also told reporters in August 2004 that he would have voted for the resolution even if he had known that the U.S. couldn’t find any weapons of mass destruction.”

As for Biden, he can’t stop lying about his major role in pushing the war authorization through the Senate five months before the March 2003 invasion. During his current presidential campaign, more than 16 years after the invasion, Biden has continued efforts to conceal his pro-war role while refusing to admit that he was instrumental in making possible the massive carnage and devastation in Iraq.

Three months ago, during a debate on ABC, Biden claimed that he voted for the war resolution so it would be possible to get U.N. weapons inspectors into Iraq—saying that he wanted “to allow inspectors to go in to determine whether or not anything was being done with chemical weapons or nuclear weapons.” But that’s totally backwards.

It was big news when the Iraqi government announced on September 16, 2002—with a letter hand-delivered to U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan—that it would allow the U.N. weapons inspectors back in “without conditions.” The announcement was a full 25 days before Biden joined with virtually every Republican and most Democratic senators voting to approve the Iraq war resolution.

That resolution on October 11 couldn’t rationally be viewed as a tool for leverage so that the Iraqi government would (in Biden’s words) “allow inspectors to go in.” Several weeks earlier, the Iraqi government had already agreed to allow inspectors to go in.

Biden keeps trying to wriggle out of culpability for the Iraq war. But he won’t be able to elude scrutiny so easily. In a mid-October debate, when Biden boasted that he has a record of getting things done, Bernie Sanders (who I actively support) made this response:

“Joe, you talked about working with Republicans and getting things done. But you know what you also got done? And I say this as a good friend. You got the disastrous war in Iraq done.”

Indeed, Biden—as chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee—presided over one-sided hearings that greased the war-machine wheels to carry the war resolution forward. He was the single most pivotal Senate Democrat for getting the Iraq invasion done. While sometimes grumbling about President George W. Bush’s diplomatic performance along the way, Biden backed the invasion with enthusiasm.

Now, dazzled by Kerry’s endorsement of Biden, mainstream news outlets are calling it a major boost. Media hype is predictable as Kerry teams up with Biden on the campaign trail.

“The Kerry endorsement is among Mr. Biden’s most significant to date,” the New York Times reports. “His support provides Mr. Biden the backing of the Democratic Party’s 2004 presidential nominee and a past winner of the Iowa caucuses.” Kerry praised Biden to the skies, declaring that “I believe Joe Biden is the president our country desperately needs right now, not because I’ve known Joe so long, but because I know Joe so well.”

This year, many progressives have become accustomed to rolling their eyes at the mention of Biden’s name. A facile assumption is that his campaign will self-destruct. But that may be wishful thinking.

The former vice president has powerful backers in corporate media, wealthy circles and the Democratic Party establishment. Deceitful and hidebound as he is, Joe Biden stands a good chance of becoming the party’s nominee—unless his actual record, including support for the Iraq war, catches up with him.

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Norman Solomon is co-founder and national coordinator of RootsAction.org. His books include “War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death” and “Made Love, Got War: Close Encounters with America’s Warfare State.” He is the founder and executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy.

OPCW was used before to justify the invasion of Iraq, providing a temporary cover before exposed, to the pariah states in the world is at it again, this time willingly and without death threats to its teams, and this time in refusing to cooperate with the Syrian state on legitimate concerns and real chemical attacks, instead coordinating with al-Qaeda affiliated groups with the supervision of a number of NATO member states, and finally rewriting the report of its teams to suit the narrative of the pariah states.

Refusing to fall preys to the same criminals to justify their illegal attack on yet another Arab state to serve Israel regurgitating the same textbook lie, Syria and its allies, and most of the civilized world, the world with real civilizations, stood up to the newest attempts.

Syria paying the biggest price will refuse to cooperate with the newly formed OPCW team which did not get proper approval from member states of the international organization itself, the Syrian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Faisal al-Mekdad told Kamal Khalaf of Al-Mayadeen in this interview.


Transcript of the English translation of the interview

The Syrian war is full of undisclosed secrets, perhaps the most prominent of which is the use of chemical weapons.

The case has come to the fore after leaked reports from within the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) about the famous Duma incident indicating the falsification and manipulation of the results, the incident that prompted the Trilateral Alliance of Britain, France, and the USA, to carry out a military aggression against Syrian army positions in April 2018, which raised questions about carrying out the triple aggression before the investigation.

Another remarkable development in the file, the total budget of the international organization for 2020, with an increase of 1.8%, which includes the funding of the new fact-finding team and exceeding its task from documenting to issuing accusations, what exactly is the task of this team?

Moscow has accused Washington and the West of changing the results of the Douma investigation based on leaked emails published by WikiLeaks.The United States defended itself and asserted that it had solid evidence without revealing it, while Syrian President Bashar al-Assad stressed that there is no single evidence so far that the Syrian army has used chemical weapons.

What is the truth about what is going on within the international organization concerned and what are the political objectives behind this file?

Welcome to The Game of Nations program.

Q. Dr. Faisal, God bless your time, we are talking about a sensitive file for you, a serious one as well, and a major diplomatic battle you are now fighting in Syria.

If, Dr. Faisal, you allow me to begin with the recent leaks in the file in WikiLeaks, the leaked mail of a member of the investigation team, caused a strong sensation because of what this expert said was manipulation of the report.

What is your position, and how do you view what is said in this leak?

Dr. Faisal Al Meqdad: Thank you, brother Kamal, for hosting, and I salute your viewers everywhere. As you mentioned, this file is very sensitive and delicate, and it has not really begun since yesterday or before yesterday, it started as part of the grand conspiracy against Syria.

Before I touch on what you wanted to talk about, which is the recent WikiLeaks leaks, I would like to say that this file began in 2013, after the terrorist attacks on Syria began and some Western countries began to think about how it could affect Syria’s steadfastness and sacrifices, and it’s confronting the terrorist war waged against it…

On March 19, 2013, armed terrorist groups fired chemical weapons in Khan al-Asal, south of Aleppo, in which 25 members of the Syrian Arab Army were martyred.

On that day, we were following up on this very serious issue at the Foreign Ministry, we immediately informed the United Nations of the use of chemical weapons in Syria.

What happened next? We began to follow up on the procedures that the United Nations can take only to discover that western countries have prevented the United Nations under its Charter and under its resolutions, by obstructing any role of the United Nations in this file. A period of delay and procrastination began until we reached August 21, 2013, meaning from March until August of that year, until the international mission we were calling for arrived, five complete months passed since this incident, while western countries claim they’re morally committed to preventing any use of chemical weapons.

Q. In this particular attack, there were Russian investigations, Russian experts referred to the launch of the “unguided missile” by what was then known as the “Victory Promises”, and the missile was called “Promises 3” and contained banned chemicals, but at that time the United States refused to acknowledge there were any chemical attacks, later the investigation blamed the Syrian government?

Dr. Faisal Al-Meqdad: No, in that incident, the Syrian state was not blamed, we were the ones who called for an investigation in that incident, but the commission of inquiry headed by Professor Silitström, a Norwegian, arrived after five complete months as I said. What happened was, I was leading the Syrian negotiating team with Professor Siliström and his team from the United Nations, we negotiated for 8 days and decided that on August 21, 2013, the delegation should travel to Aleppo to investigate this incident.

That morning, instead of telling me that he was traveling to Aleppo, Professor Silström told me that there had been an incident of using a chemical weapon in Eastern Ghouta, and that he had been instructed by the United Nations not to go investigate the Khan al-Asal incident and to go to the area where the chemical attack was alleged. Frankly, we were stunned, but as long as the main objective is that the Syrian Arab Republic agrees to investigate any chemical attacks because we consider it a war crime and a crime against humanity, and by the way these (chemical) weapons were used only during the First World War in a restricted manner and were used in the Second World War, The Americans used it, as you know, in the Vietnam War and in a way that still affects, and here I’m talking about chemical weapons and I’m not talking about the nuclear weapons they used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but the chemical weapons that killed the forests and the people of Vietnam and the Vietnamese people are still suffering from their effects up to this moment. We didn’t go to Khan al-Asal and we went to Ghouta. At that time, the task was not to determine who used chemical weapons, but we were surprised by that use.

Now I go back to the story of the leaks, these leaks came right after the Douma incident, and by the way we also invited an OPCW investigative team because we joined the OPCW at that time in 2013, and kindly allow me to elaborate on some answers, but I’ll answer all the questions you’re asking. We joined the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and allowed all the inspection teams decided by the OPCW and you know that Mrs. (Sigrid) Kaag, a Dutch national, headed the inspection teams, and at the end of her mission declared the Syrian Arab Republic free of chemical weapons, where we delivered all of these weapons to the OPCW.

There is a secret that I would like to report that we were given an option to destroy these weapons on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic or to transfer them outside the Syrian Arab Republic? Our view at the time was not to destroy it (inside Syria) because if we destroyed it inside Syria, they will say, “You didn’t destroy it.” So we decided to move all the so-called components of this program out of Syria and onboard Western ships, there were Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish and American.

Q. The main accusation today against the Syrian Government, as you know, that it has retained part of this stockpile.

Dr. Faisal Al-Meqdad: This is crazy, so let them tell us where is this part? This is crazy. And all the quantities that were used and that we have records of when they entered Syria and when it was destroyed in Syria we presented them to the OPCW but the United States and western countries, especially France and Britain, the countries that committed war crimes by using this type of weapon, saw in these charges a milking cow you can use.

Imagine that we now want, for example, to liberate Idlib from terrorists, they tell us: ‘You have to be careful, because if you use chemical weapons in Idlib, we will take the necessary measures,’ i.e. commit attacks on Syria, i.e., they have decided to use the subject of chemical weapons as a means of military and political blackmail, military and political, and they attacked us, once on the Shayrat Airbase and once on the scientific research center in Damascus Under these pretexts, they only destroyed what the Syrian people built with their sweat to defend their homeland, but I emphasize as chairman of the Syrian National Committee to implement the commitments to Syria under this agreement that Syria is free of all these types of chemical weapons and other weapons of mass destruction 100% and 1 Million percent, to those who listen to this, and that those who possess these weapons in our region are Israel, which possesses nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. If these countries are sincere in wanting to rid the Middle East of these weapons, the only address of these weapons is Israel.

And if they want to maintain what remains of their credibility, they must go to Israel.

However, we have fulfilled our commitments within the framework of our accession to the OPCW.

Q. Allow me to go back to the work of the organization and your opinion of the work of the organization but I referred to the leaks and I would like to go back to it to hear the comment from your on it, but before that allow me, doctor, to show the viewer what exactly we are talking, what is in the email?

– The British daily Daily Mail published about the whistleblower, a member of the team, published a startling e-mail, sent as an objection to senior officials of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, The e-mail indicates that the official report, written by independent scientists on what happened in Douma, large parts of it have been omitted and shortened to the extent the facts have been distorted by deleting basic information of the report to obscure the fact that the traces of chlorine found on the site were only traces and in forms that could be found in any household bleach.

– The original report by impartial experts was significantly distorted and turned into a completely different report.

– Covering the mismatch between the symptoms alleged to have appeared on the victims at the site and the effects of chemicals that were already found simply do not correspond to the symptoms that appeared in the horrific video clips with the symptoms that may be caused by any of the substances found on the site.

This may be, Dr. Al-Meqdad, the summary of the leaks, but in your estimation, is there a split within the OPCW that a member of the team is leaking such information about the report?

Dr. Faisal Al-Meqdad: There must be a split. Several reports have been submitted on Syria’s implementation of its obligations under its accession to the Chemical Weapons Convention and this person has participated in several investigative missions where Syria has provided unlimited scope for investigating all these events. We have been sending documented information, sometimes almost daily, to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, to the Security Council in New York, to friendly and unfriendly parties about security information about the preparations made by terrorist organizations, whether in northern Syria, in the Aleppo area, in Ghouta Damascus, or in Yarmouk camp and elsewhere where terrorist groups were present, they used chemicals in their war, sometimes against each other. We have given the Organization and its investigators a way to investigate.

But in Douma, it seems that some OPCW investigators can no longer tolerate the lies, in fact, this is what we have come to conclusion in the Syrian National Committee and in the authorities involved in dealing with this issue because the truth was clear.

Q. Do you know who is the owner of the email account?

Dr. Faisal Al-Meqdad: There is a master whose name is clearly announced as British, Mr. Jan Anderson, and the Chemical Weapons Organization summoned and interrogated him, as well as investigated others from the same investigation team who said that their views on the Incident Douma were not properly reflected (in the report), because the decision that the organization has is always to comply with American and Western pressures, otherwise this administration and these investigators who have stood in the other side will not have the opportunity to work in the organization, will be dismissed from their jobs.

At the last conference held a few days ago on 25-27 last month, we raised the possibility of holding a meeting of this team that investigated the events of Douma, and we were surprised by the refusal of all Western countries to agree to conduct this investigation.

Q. Have you requested a hearing on the investigation team in accordance with Article 62 of the Organization?

Dr. Faisal Al-Meqdad: Exactly, for every member of this team to talk about what he saw and what he had investigated, but if the organization was sure that it would not expose it and other team members who were always biased in their investigations, they would have agreed to it.

In addition to all this, I may see in the leak afterward as you mentioned the Daily Mail comes and publishes extensive reports about these lies and false conclusions made by the organization, not produced by the investigators, but by the leadership of the organization, and we know the people who distorted this report and give the impression that American public opinion, especially after the bombing of the Scientific Research Center by the United States, France, and Britain.

Q. Time is running out, there are some very important questions: the quarrel that took place a few days ago between the United States and Russia and you were present in the corridors of the OPCW, the Western countries have confirmed the team and increased its budget, but it has given the investigation team an additional task of identifying the names of those responsible for the chemical attacks, how are you going to deal with this development, which seems to be given to an investigative team as a precedent for the first time, perhaps?

Dr. Faisal Al-Meqdad: This file has sadness, my brother Kamal, as I mentioned began in 2013, but there are attempts in which the United States has been hit, to accuse the Syrian state of using chemical weapons, for example they formed a team they called JIM – Joint Investigation Mechanism- the joint investigation mechanism between the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the Security Council. Eventually, a lot of friends in the Security Council discovered that this team was a liar. The members of the team came to us saying that it’s not possible to accuse Syria of anything, and then when they go to New York and tell some friendly countries in the Security Council that they didn’t find anything, we were all surprised that the report that was being issued was different from what the investigators were saying.

They used this in a way to denote their hatred and to demonstrate their falsification and dosing over the international organization. When did this team end? It ended when the Russian Federation vetoed twice at the Security Council and eliminated this group.

Now that this team has been eliminated, the United States has come and formed another team in the OPCW, and I was present at the fourth extraordinary emergency conference held for this purpose, which means what you said about the identification of the people who directed, ordered and used chemical weapons. This resolution, for the first time since the founding of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in 1992, there was a vote in this organization, for the first time, in the sense that weapons of mass destruction pose a great danger to the world and should not be voted on because the whole world agrees that it must be terminated, What happened in that meeting? The number states of OPCW are 193, only 106 of which were present at the emergency meeting, 82 of those voted in favor of this resolution and 24 against, among them were large countries, this resolution did not even receive half of the members of the Chemical Weapons Organization, meaning that it is a fallen and unrecognized decision. We have said that we will not recognize this decision, nor will we cooperate in its implementation because we believe that the reports have been issued, the charges have been issued…

Q. – I understand that you will not receive this team and will not cooperate with it?

Dr. Faisal Al-Meqdad: We will not receive it, we will not cooperate with it, we will not recognize it, and Syria’s position in this area is clear for the OPCW, yet they will now submit a report.

Why don’t we recognize it? All the investigations conducted by this team were sending two teams, one team to areas controlled by the Syrian state and we are dealing with it, and another team was going to Turkey to meet with terrorist groups and with the militants and with the White Helmets that were fabricating all these charges, which were adopted by the United States, Britain and Germany as coordinator of the use of chemical weapons and blame the Syrian state.

The teams were taking into account the investigations that are being conducted in Turkey which accuse the Syrian state of using chemical weapons and did not take a single letter from what we were informing them with, so how do we recognize it and all these investigations are false and unreliable.

Q. Time is running out, but there is a question: the Syrian government accuses armed and terrorist groups of using chemical weapons, do you have information from where it got it and by who? Is there cooperation between them and regional parties or forces to introduce such weapons?

Dr. Faisal Al-Meqdad: Yes, even some terrorist organizations have filmed videos about the method of testing some chemical weapons and we have found barrels that came from regional countries, especially the Turkish regime, which was supplying these organizations with these substances and there are some Arab countries, I do not want to re-mention its scandal now, but Saudi Arabia is one of the countries that supplied these terrorists with chemical substances and we have evidence of that, and the Western countries were not short of support, they were the ones who ordered these countries to deliver these chemicals to justify their attacks on the Syrian state and to make the terrorist war on Syria a success.

– Dr. Faisal Al-Meqdad, Deputy Foreign Minister of Syria, the chemical dossier and allegations of the use of chemical weapons is in your custody, and you are following up on this file, thank you very much for this participation in the Game of Nations program.


The OPCW has turned itself from the watchdog organization against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction to a dog watching for those proliferating and using the weapons of mass destruction and later on accusing the victims.


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Featured image is from Syria News

A Beautiful but Deceptive Documentary: “For Sama”

December 9th, 2019 by Rick Sterling

The documentary movie “For Sama” has won a host of awards in Europe and North America. Its producers and protagonists, Syrians Waad Kateab and her husband Dr. Hamza Kateab plus English film-maker Edward Watts, have received gushing praise. And the awards will probably keep coming.

Unfortunately, behind a human interest story, the movie “For Sama”is propaganda: biased, misleading, and politically partisan.

Hiding Basic Facts about Aleppo

“For Sama” is a full length documentary with a moving personal story. It combines a story of young love and the birth of a child – Sama –  in the midst of war. That makes it compelling and personal. But the movie fundamentally distorts the reality of east Aleppo in the years 2012 – 2016.  While the personal narrative may be true, the context and environment is distorted and hidden. The viewer will have no idea of the reality:

  • Most residents of east Aleppo did not want the militants to take over their neighborhoods.  The short video, Nine Days from my Window,  shows the takeover in one neighborhood. Many civilians fled the east side of Aleppo after the “rebels” took over. Those who stayed on were mostly militants (and families) plus those who had nowhere else to go or thought they could wait it out.  .
  • The militants who took over east Aleppo became increasingly unpopular.AsAmerican journalist James Foley wrote, Aleppo, a city of about 3 million people, was once the financial heart of Syria. As it continues to deteriorate, many civilians here are losing patience with the increasingly violent and unrecognizable opposition — one that is hampered by infighting and a lack of structure, and deeply infiltrated by both foreign fighters and terrorist groups.” Foley’s honest reporting may have contributed to his ultimate death.
  • The opposition group which came to dominate east Aleppo was the Syrian version of Al Qaeda, Jabhat al Nusra. “For Sama” ignores their domination, extremism and sectarian policies. There is only one fleeting reference and no video showing who exactly was ruling east Aleppo.
  • In fact, the militants (also known as “rebels”) were incredibly violent and vicious. A few examples are when they threw postal workers off the building roof, when they sent suicide truck bomb into Al Kindi Hospital, when they slaughtered Syrian soldiers defending the hospital and when they video-recorded themselves beheading a boy.
  • 85% of the civilians in Aleppo were living in government controlled west Aleppo. Thousands were killed by “rebel” snipers, mortars and hell cannon missiles launched from east Aleppo.  This short video describes the situation in west Aleppo, completely ignored by For Sama.

Al Quds Hospital was NOT destroyed

“Al Quds Hospital” is featured in the documentary “For Sama”. This is where Hamza worked and Sama was born. According to the movie, the hospital was destroyed in February 2016. At the time there was enormous publicity about the hospital and allegations the Russians purposely bombed the hospital. Doctors without Borders (Medecins sans Frontieres) tweeted “We are outraged at the destruction of Al Quds hospital in #Aleppo. These claims are repeated in the documentary. At the time, there were questions and challenges about the authenticity of the account. It turned out “Al Quds Hospital” did not exist before the conflict and was one or two floors of an apartment building. It turned out Doctors Without Borders did not have any staff on site and simply accepted the account told to them. After east Aleppo was liberated, a prominent medical doctor from west Aleppo,  Dr. Nabil Antaki, visited the location to find out the truth. He was a long time doctor but had never heard of Al Quds Hospital. He reported,

“I went Sunday February 12, 2017 visiting the Ansari-Sukari neighborhood in order to see Zarzour and Al Quds Hospitals. My guide was a young man who lived there and knows very well the area.

My first stop was Zarzour hospital (mentioned in MSF report) and I found out that it was burned. My guide told me that the rebels burned it the day before the evacuation (information confirmed by a high position responsible in the Syrian Red Crescent). On the side walk, I found hundreds of burned new blood bags (for collection of blood donation). A man met there invited me to visit his building just next to the hospital. His building was also burned and on the floors, I found hundreds of IV solution bags.

Then, we moved to Ain Jalout school. In fact, thereare 3 contiguous schools. Two are completely destroyed; one is partially. Behind the schools, there is a mosque called Abbas mosque with its minaret. Answering my surprise to see schools destroyed by air strikes, my guide told me that the mosque was a headquarters of the rebels and one school was an ammunition depot and the other one was a food depot. I noticed the flag of Al Nosra painted on the external wall of the school, and dozens of buildings in the surrounding partially destroyed.

Then, we moved to see Al Quds Hospital. Obviously, it is the most preserved building of the street. Obviously, it was not hit directly by bombs and probably received some fragments from bombs fallen on other building. I asked my guide if any restoration or repair were done. He said no.

My feeling is the following: Ain Jalout school was the target of the strikes, the surrounding destroyed buildings were collateral damages and Al Quds hospital was not directly hit by strikes.”

So we have an eye witness account, plus photographs and video, which show that it is untrue “Al Quds Hospital” was destroyed. This means that claims in the movie about the death of a doctor at Al Quds Hospital, supposedly captured by closed caption camera, are also untrue.

“Al Quds Hospital” (ground floor of apartment building on the corner)  (photo credit Dr. Nabil Antaki)

The armed opposition and their western supporters have been faking events to demonize the Syrian government from the start. One example which became public was the Richard Engels Kidnapping Hoax where the militants staged the kidnapping and “rescue” of Engels and team.

Paid and Promoted by the West

Waad had an expensive video camera and endless hard drives. She even had a drone to take video from the air. As confirmed by Hillary Clinton in her book “Hard Choices”, the US provided “satellite-linked computers, telephones, cameras, and training for more than a thousand activists, students, and independent journalists.” Waad claims she is a citizen journalist but she has been paid and supplied by governments which have long sought the overthrow of the Syrian government. Even in 2005, CNN host Christiane Amanpour warned Bashar al Assad that “the rhetoric of regime change is headed towards you from the United States. They are actively looking for a new Syrian leader … They’re talking about isolating you diplomatically and, perhaps, a coup d’etat or your regime crumbling.”

Since 2011, the West, Turkey, Israel and the Gulf monarchies have spent many BILLIONS of dollars trying to overthrow the Syrian government. Just the CIA budget for Syria was near a billion per year. The “soft power” component includes video equipment and training to people like Waad to support the armed insurrection, demonize the Syrian government and persuade the public to continue the war.

“We all suffered… The difference is that some wanted the war.”

The medical doctor from west Aleppo. Dr Antaki, does not deny there was suffering in east Aleppo. But he points out the discrepancy in media coverage where all the attention goes to the “rebels”. He also points out that all suffered, but not all were responsible. Some, especially the “revolution” supporters, initiated and continued the conflict. He said,

“There were a lot of stories like ‘For Sama’ in West Aleppo. Unfortunately, nobody had the idea to document them because we were busy trying to protect ourselves from the rockets, to find water to drink, to find bread and essential products which were not available because of the blockade of Aleppo by the armed groups. They cut off electrical power, heating etc.. Yes, people who were in the East neighborhoods suffered from the war as well as those who lived in the West neighborhoods. We, all, suffered. The difference is that some people wanted the war, initiated or supported it and they suffer. The others didn’t support it and suffered.”


Waad Al Kateab and her husband Hamza are now living in the UK. He is working for a money transfer company and involved with “Al Quds Hospital” in  Idlib. As indicated in the movie, Waad was never proud to be Syrian and she wanted to emigrate to the West. From afar, she claims to be proud of the “revolution” that has led to this destruction and human tragedy.

Meanwhile people are returning to Aleppo and rebuilding the city. There are even a few tourists. Although there are pockets of snipers in Aleppo, Al  Qaeda extremism is mostly confined to Idlib province.

Save Idlib?

The 2019 documentary movie “Of Fathers and Sons” is based on a film-maker who lived with militants in Idlib. Some of what is hidden in “For Sama” is revealed in this documentary. Itshows life in Idlib province dominated by Nusra. Women are restricted to the house and must be veiled. Boys as young as ten are sent to sharia school and military training, preparing to join Nusra. They believe in the Taliban, glorify 9-11 and expel or punish any people who do not subscribe to their fundamentalist religion. Youth are indoctrinated with extremist ideology and belief in violence. This is the regime that those who want to “Save Idlib” are protecting.

Nusra militants killing Syrian soldiers who tried to defend Al Kindi Hospital (Screengrab)

For decades the West has supported fanatic extremist organizations to overthrow or undermine  independent secular socialist states. Most people in the West are unaware of this though it is well documented in “Devil’s Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam” and the new book “The Management of Savagery: How America’s National Security State Fueled the Rise of Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Donald Trump”.

The Future

Unknown in the West, the majority of Syrians support their government, admire their president, and feel the Syrian Army is protecting them. Even those who are critical of the government prefer it to chaos or salafi fundamentalism. Waad and Hamza Al Kateab represent a tiny minority of Syrians. Their voices, and the perspective of Edward Watts, the film maker who has never been to Syria, are being widely projected and disseminated through “For Sama” while others are being ignored.

When Waad and Hamza departed Aleppo with Nusra militants,  the vast majority of Aleppans celebrated. On the surface, “For Sama” is about romance and childbirth. Underneath it is very political, as interviews with the producers confirm. I suspect it is being widely promoted precisely because it gives a distorted picture.  To continue the dirty war on Syria, public misunderstanding is required.



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Rick Sterling is an investigative journalist based in the SF Bay Area of California. He can be reached at [email protected]

Featured image: Ain Jalout School (Nusra ammunition and supply depot) that was bombed (photo credit Dr. Nabil Antaki)

West Seeks Control over Asian Rivers

December 9th, 2019 by Tony Cartalucci

At first glance the human rights and environmental issues surrounding a proposed dam seem like serious objections to their construction. In some cases they may be.

In other cases – these concerns are manufactured, promoted, and cynically exploited by foreign special interests who seek to impede dam construction and likewise impede the march forward of the developing nations seeking to build them.

The key to knowing the difference is following the money behind groups opposing construction – and in many cases – the same handful of opposition groups can be found protesting the construction of dams across the entire developing world.

“International Rivers” Seeks Western Control of “Rivers Internationally” 

Much of what is claimed and promoted in the West to be “international” often merely means Western fronts seeking to impose themselves and their interests “internationally.”

“International Rivers” is no different. As a supposed nongovernmental organization (NGO) – it claims to be “at the heart of the global struggle to protect rivers and the rights of communities that depend on them.” 

In reality, International Rivers is a Western corporate-funded foundation dedicated to imposing control over the use of rivers worldwide through a network of likewise Western-funded “local” NGOs.

International Rivers’ opposition to dam construction in the developing world is not predicated on any genuine concern for human rights or environmental issues surrounding rivers – or “the rights of communities that depend on them” – but instead is dictated by who is constructing the dam.

Dams financed by the likewise deceptively named World Bank receive only token attention from International Rivers – which was only created toward the end of the World Bank’s own dam building spree – while those financed and constructed jointly with China are now the target of years-long protest campaigns promoted endlessly across the Western corporate media.

International Rivers – over the years – has been funded by the following; The Sigrid Rausing Trust, Tides Foundation, Google, Open Society, the Ford Foundation, and many others.

Many of those contributing to International Rivers are in turn creations of corporate-financier interests themselves.

Direct sponsors, such as the Sigrid Rausing Trust, Ford Foundation, and Open Society, are also involved in funding policy think tanks such as the Brookings Institution – a pro-war, pro-corporate conglomeration that features alongside the Sigrid Rausing Trust as donors (.pdf), banking empires including JP Morgan, Bank of America, and Barclays Bank, big-oil interests including Exxon, Chevron, Shell, and Statoil, as well as big-defense corporations Boeing, Northrop Grumman, and Raytheon.

It is clear that these special interests are not concerned with the human or environmental impact of hydroelectric energy production – considering many are directly overseeing the global petroleum racket and the many much more serious human and environmental abuses that stem from it.

Instead, this objection to dam construction represents a desire to eliminate both potential competitors, as well as any semblance of independence in regions of the planet the West seeks to project its power into.

With think tanks like Brookings drawing up plans for literal wars as a means of projecting Western power across the globe, it is not difficult to understand lesser forms of projecting power – through co-opted NGOs operating under the guise of “human rights” and “environmentalism” – are also very much amongst their tools.

Not What is Being Built or Where, But Who is Building it and Why That is the “Problem” 

In fact, the notion that International Rivers and the Western media promoting their work are politically motivated – merely hiding behind human rights and environmentalism rather than upholding either – is buttressed by International Rivers itself in a post titled, “Banks and Dam Builders.” It admits:

Traditionally, the World Bank Group has been the most important financier of large dams. For decades, the World Bank funded the construction of mega-dams across the world. 

In recent years, however, Chinese financial institutions have taken over this role, and have triggered a new boom in global dam building. Other public sector national banks, including Brazilian banks, Thai banks, and Indian banks, have also financed an increasingly important share.

Here, International Rivers admits the real problem is not dams in and of themselves, but dams being financed and built independently of Western involvement and benefit. The recent surge in dam projects is taking place in a region of the world the West openly seek to influence, manipulate, exploit, and even use as a collective proxy against China. It cannot do so if the region is working together on massive multinational infrastructure projects with China and each other.

Fake News to the Rescue 

The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Thailand (FCCT) has already repeatedly been exposed taking money from the very same corporate-funded foundations underwriting International Rivers – and lying about it.

The FCCT – a front of Western corporate media organizations including the BBC, AFP, AP, Reuters, and others – poses as a journalist network but in reality functions as a public relations front promoting Western interests in both Thailand and wider Southeast Asia, merely under the guise of journalism.

That the FCCT recently hosted International Rivers and a panel discussion on, “Silencing the Mekong The making of Xayaburi dam,” targeting the joint Thai-Laotian project should come as no surprise. The idea of either nation let alone both cooperating in the construction of essential infrastructure independently of the West and its interests sets a precedent for both nations to continue doing so in the future and for other nations in the region to follow suit.

Many of the supposed concerns revolve around protecting remote impoverished villages whose inhabitants are actually the cause of overfishing and placing several species on the endangered list – rather than allowing the project to move forward, providing energy, flood control, and economic development that could provide better and more sustainable occupations for local communities.

The FCCT’s various individual media members have taken turns writing favorable articles promoting protesters opposed to this dam and others. The FCCT panel discussion itself includes several of these supposedly local “NGOs” including Salforest which is in fact also funded by Western corporate and government foundations.

Nothing about the funding of those opposed to the dams is mentioned, nor any critical questions regarding possible motivations of foreign-funded opposition groups beyond “human rights” and “environmental” concerns.

While there are obvious issues surrounding a dam’s construction that demand debate – it is a debate that must be had by the people and governments of the nation or nations to be impacted by a dam’s construction. The West – separated by oceans and continents – has no say in the dam’s construction anymore than Thailand or Laos has a say in construction projects built in the West.If the US and Western Europe believe Facebook ads allegedly funded by foreign interests and targeting their elections constitutes an “attack” on their sovereignty – what does an entire protest movement funded and directed from the other side of the planet constitute when it attempts to block massive and beneficial infrastructure projects tied to national and regional development in Southeast Asia?

Let the nations along the Mekong River decide themselves on whether or not to build dams – free of foreign interference and money tied to interests already guilty of serial offenses against both human rights and the environment – and offenses many times worse than the construction of any dam could possibly pose.

Since the FCCT represents Western media organizations guilty of aiding and abetting special interests in those serial abuses – no one is less qualified than the FCCT to host a panel discussion on affairs that are ultimately those of Thailand and Laos.


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Tony Cartalucci is a Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine New Eastern Outlook” where this article was originally published.

Featured image is from NEO

Days before Britain’s historic election, the UK’s military-intelligence apparatus is turning to the corporate media and US government-funded NATO cut-outs to smear Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn with evidence-free Russiagate allegations.


The popular socialist leader of Britain’s Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, could be on the verge of becoming prime minister of the United Kingdom. And the mere possibility is terrifying British intelligence services and the US government.

Since Corbyn was elected to the head of the Labour Party in 2015, in a landslide victory after running on a staunch leftist and anti-war platform, the corporate media has waged a relentless campaign to demonize and delegitimize him.

With just days remaining before UK’s national election on December 12, British intelligence agencies and US government-backed organizations have escalated their attacks on Corbyn, borrowing tactics from America’s Russiagate hysteria and going to great efforts to portray him — without any substantive evidence — as a supposed puppet of the dastardly Kremlin.

These government-sponsored attacks on Corbyn, a lifelong anti-imperialist and former chair of the Stop the War Coalition, are far from new. In December, The Grayzone reported on the Integrity Initiative, a UK government-funded secret network of spies, journalists, and think tanks that rehabilitated Cold War-era information warfare to demonize Corbyn and smear anti-war leftists as Vladimir Putin’s unwitting foot soldiers.

But as polls show more and more popular enthusiasm for Labour and its socialist program on the eve of the vote, and as the prospects of a Corbyn-led government become increasingly plausible, Western government spooks have rapidly laundered avalanches of disinformation through the press, desperately trying to undermine the party’s electoral efforts.

Dozens of misleading hit pieces are circulating in the press that treat PSYOP specialists and regime-change lobby groups funded to the hilt by Washington, NATO, and the weapons industry as trustworthy and impartial.

British journalist Matt Kennard has documented at least 34 major media stories that rely on officials from the UK military and intelligence agencies in order to depict Corbyn as a threat to national security.

A powerful trans-Atlantic disinformation network sponsored by NATO-related entities and dedicated to spreading fear about Russian meddling has set its sights on the leftist Labour leader.

Western intelligence cut-outs blame Corbyn’s exposure of NHS scandal on Russia

On November 27, the Jeremy Corbyn campaign revealed a 451-page dossier containing details of secret negotiations between the UK’s Conservative government and the US to privatize Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) as part of the Brexit deal. The explosive revelation put the lie to Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s promise that the NHS was not up for negotiation.

Less than a week later, a peculiar story dropped in the British media. A December 2 headline in the pro-Tory Telegraph blared that the NHS dossier deployed by Corbyn “points to Russia.” The liberal Guardian published a similar report asserting that the leaked papers had been “put online by posters using Russian methods.” And the story gravitated across the Atlantic thanks to the neoconservative Daily Beast tabloid.

In every case, the media relied on a single source to link the NHS dossier – and Corbyn himself – to Russian interference: a supposed data consulting firm called Graphika, and its director, supposed “information expert” Ben Nimmo.

Assuring the public that the leak of the documents “closely resembles… a known Russian operation,” Nimmo simultaneously conceded that “we do not have all the data that allows us to make a final determination in this case.”

Not one outlet covering story bothered to inform readers who Nimmo was, or offered any detail on the powerful state forces behind Graphika.

In fact, Nimmo is not a data expert or a journalist, but a former NATO press officer who previously consulted for the covert Integrity Initiative propaganda farm, which was funded by the UK Foreign Office and dedicated to spawning conflict with Russia.

Nimmo put his lack of journalistic precision on display when he launched a bungled 2018 witch-hunt against Twitter users whose postings diverged from the NATO line, branding several real live humans as Russian bots.

His victims included Mariam Susli, a well-known Syrian-Australian social media personality, the famed Ukrainian concert pianist Valentina Lisitsa, and a British pensioner named Ian Shilling.

This April, Nimmo was hired as Director of Investigations by Graphika. Humbly describing itself as “the best in the world at analyzing how online social networks form, evolve, and are manipulated,” Graphika’s partners include the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Pentagon’s Minerva Initiative, the Senate Select Intelligence Committee, and the Syria Campaign – the billionaire-funded public relations arm of the Syrian White Helmets.

Graphika funding DARPA

Nimmo also works as a senior fellow at the Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab) at the Atlantic Council, NATO’s unofficial think tank in Washington.

As The Grayzone has reported, the Atlantic Council is a corruption-stained money dump for Ukrainian and Middle Eastern oligarchs, as well as Gulf monarchies, the arms industry, the British Foreign Office and the US State Department.

Its DFRLab was enlisted by Facebook to “identify, expose, and explain disinformation during elections around the world,” and subsequently received $1 million from Mark Zuckerberg’s social media empire to carry out its work.

Last October, with guidance from Nimmo and the Atlantic Council’s DFRLab, Facebook and Twitter deleted the accounts of hundreds of users, including many alternative media outlets maintained by American citizens.

Among those targeted in the coordinated purge were popular alternative news sites that scrutinized police brutality and militarism, along with the pages of professional journalists.

Now, in the UK, the Atlantic Council is injecting itself into a national election campaign, exploiting an atmosphere of Russia hysteria that its self-styled “information experts” have helped to stoke.

On December 6, Reddit announced that its platform had been used by “suspected” Russian actors to publish the scandalous NHS dossier that become a centerpiece of Corbyn’s campaign against Johnson. As usual, the primary source for Reddit’s claim was the Atlantic Council, which it credited with “provid[ing] us with important attribution.”

Reddit’s Director of Policy, Jessica Ashooh, is the Atlantic Council’s former Middle East Strategy Task Force Deputy Director, and an ex-official of the government of the United Arab Emirates. She was hired by the social media giant in 2017, at around the same time that Senate Select Intelligence Committee co-chair Sen. Mark Warner was demanding more government control over Reddit on the grounds that it was a potential vehicle for Russian influence.

In a 2016 column for Foreign Policy, Ashooh likened Donald Trump to self-proclaimed ISIS Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and appeared to lament that “drone strikes on Trump Tower are probably not coming any time soon.”

She complained that Trump was “giving voice to troubling narratives of marginalization and disenchantment with the status quo,” and chided the “elite class” for underestimating him.

Those same elite grievances have animated the campaign to destroy Corbyn, a left-wing populist whose political views are alternately opposed to Trump’s. And the same cynical tactics honed in the paranoid passion play of Russiagate have been redeployed against the Labour leader.

In the most recent intelligence-backed assault on Corbyn, corporate media outlets have even relied on Nazis and neo-fascist blogs as sources.

Using literal Nazi blog posts to smear Corbyn as a terrorist sympathizer

One of the most shockingly dishonest smears of Jeremy Corbyn was published in the British tabloid The Sun on December 7.

The story, hyperbolically titled “‘HIJACKED LABOUR’ Ex-British intelligence officers say Jeremy Corbyn is at the centre of a hard-left extremist network,” claimed the “Labour leader’s spider’s web of extensive contacts stretch from Marxist intellectuals to militant groups and illegal terror organisations.”

The piece uncritically echoes the opinions of a right-wing lobby group called Hijacked Labour, which was founded by former military intelligence officers with the express goal of ousting Corbyn and purging the Labour Party’s anti-imperialist faction.

In lieu of any actual evidence, the report relied on a graphical web created by these conservative disgruntled ex-spies, which attempts to link Corbyn to terrorism through many degrees of separation — and cites neo-Nazis to do so.

The conspiratorial web does not show any tangible ties between these figures, and impugns Corbyn with vague far-right buzzwords like “global Marxism” and “postmodern neo-Marxism.” The latter term is a non-existent and paradoxical concoction of ultra-conservative pundit Jordan Peterson, based on the fascist anti-Semitic myth of “Cultural Marxism,” which is itself rooted in Nazi Germany’s propaganda on “Cultural Bolshevism.”

In fact, the Hijacked Labour website directly references the right-wing pundit, recommending a Jordan Peterson lecture titled “Postmodernism and Cultural Marxism.” The Peterson screed was published by The Epoch Times, a right-wing media outfit run by the fascist Chinese cult Falun Gong, which maintains that science and race-mixing are demonic and insists Donald Trump was sent by God to destroy the Communist Party of China.

The anti-Corbyn group of British spooks also implored readers to watch a video by Thomas DiLorenzo, a right-wing neoliberal economist at the libertarian Mises Institute, which Hijacked Labour claims “works against the deconstructive and destructive effects of Cultural Marxism.”

Hijacked Labour web Jeremy Corbyn postmodern neo-Marxism Jordan Peterson

Given the conspiratorial web’s reliance on far-right terminology, it might not have been a surprise that it also cited literal Nazis as a source.

Critics on Twitter quickly pointed out that the Hijacked Labour website used by the British media to attack Corbyn cited a neo-Nazi website called Aryan Unity.

Together with this white supremacist page, the former British military intelligence officers cited a critique of antifascists published by the far-right website The Millennium Report. This blog has run blatantly anti-Semitic posts with titles like, “Why are the Jews so reviled worldwide? Have they brought this judgment on themselves?”, “New World Order Pledged To Jews,” and “This is how the ‘Court Jews’ have been strategically placed into power families over millennia.”

After facing backlash on social media, The Sun article was removed from the website. And the new URL for the post includes the term “legal-removal,” suggesting that the publication may have been threatened with legal action for publishing the absurd story.

But this was far from the only corporate media attack on Corbyn that relied on military intelligence apparatus as a source.

British journalist Mark Curtis has expanded his colleague Matt Kennard’s tally and shown that some 40 media stories have been published in major corporate media outlets smearing Jeremy Corbyn with the unsubstantiated claims of British spies.

The UK’s military intelligence apparatus has demonstrated a striking ability to influence the mainstream media, stirring pseudo-scandals almost every week. Desperate to prevent the election of the first authentically left-wing British prime minister, it is no longer disguising its role in the assault on Corbyn.

But there is one weapon Corbyn boasts that this unelected, opaque element can only hope for: the hearts and minds of masses of British people. And this December 12, the people get to decide.


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Ben Norton is a journalist, writer, and filmmaker. He is the assistant editor of The Grayzone, and the producer of the Moderate Rebels podcast, which he co-hosts with editor Max Blumenthal. His website is BenNorton.com and he tweets at @BenjaminNorton.

On November 15, a wave of protests engulfed over 100 Iranian cities as the government resorted to an extremely unpopular measure: a fuel tax hike of as much as 300%, without a semblance of a PR campaign to explain the reasons.

Iranians, after all, have reflexively condemned subsidy removals for years now – especially related to cheap gasoline. If you are unemployed or underemployed in Iran, especially in big cities and towns, Plan A is always to pursue a second career as a taxi driver.

Protests started as overwhelmingly peaceful. But in some cases, especially in Tehran, Shiraz, Sirjan and Shahriar, a suburb of Tehran, they quickly degenerated into weaponized riots – complete with vandalizing public property, attacks on the police and torching of at least 700 bank outlets. Much like the confrontations in Hong Kong since June.

President Rouhani, aware of the social backlash, tactfully insisted that unarmed and innocent civilians arrested during the protests should be released. There are no conclusive figures, but Iranian diplomats admit, off the record, that as many as 7,000 people may have been arrested. Tehran’s judiciary system denies it.

According to Iran’s Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli, as many as 200,000 people took part in the protests nationwide. According to the Intelligence Ministry, 79 people were arrested in connection with the riots only in Khuzestan province – including three teams, supported by “a Persian Gulf state,” which supposedly coordinated attacks on government centers and security/police forces.

The Intelligence Ministry said it had arrested eight “CIA operatives,” accused of being instrumental in inciting the riots.

Now compare it with the official position by the IRGC. The chief commander of the IRGC, Major General Hossein Salami, stressed riots were conducted by “thugs” linked to the US-supported Mujahedin-e Khalq (MKO), which has less than zero support inside Iran, and with added interference by the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Salami also framed the riots as directly linked to “psychological pressure” from the Trump administration’s relentless “maximum pressure” campaign against Tehran. He directly connected the protests degenerating into riots in Iran with foreign interference in protests in Lebanon and Iraq.

Elijah Magnier has shown how Moqtada al-Sadr denied responsibility for the burning down of the Iranian consulate in Najaf – which was set on fire three times in November during protests in southern Iraq.

Tehran, via government spokesman Ali Rabiei, is adamant:

“According to our information, the attack on the consulate was not perpetrated by the Iraqi people, it was an organized attack.”

Predictably, the American narrative framed Lebanon and Iraq – where protests were overwhelmingly against local government corruption and incompetence, high unemployment, and abysmal living standards – as a region-wide insurgency against Iranian power.

Soleimani for President?

Analyst Sharmine Narwani, based on the latest serious polls in Iran, completely debunked the American narrative.

It’s a complex picture. Fifty-five percent of Iranians do blame government corruption and mismanagement for the dire state of the economy, while 38% blame the illegal US sanctions. At the same time, 70% of Iranians favor national self-sufficiency – which is what Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has been emphasizing – instead of more foreign trade.

On sanctions, no less than 83% agree they exerted a serious impact on their lives. Mostly because of sanctions, according to World Bank figures, Iranian GDP per capita has shrunk to roughly $6,000.

The bad news for the Rouhani administration is that 58% of Iranians blame his team for corruption and mismanagement – and they are essentially correct. Team Rouhani’s promises of a better life after the JCPOA obviously did not materialize. In the short term, the political winners are bound to be the principlists – which insist there’s no possible entente cordiale with Washington at any level.

The polls also reveal, significantly, massive popular support for Tehran’s foreign and military policy – especially on Syria and Iraq. The most popular leaders in Iran are legendary Quds Force commander Gen. Soleimani (a whopping 82%), followed by Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif (67%) and the head of the Judiciary Ebrahim Raisi (64%).

The key takeaway is that at least half and on some issues two-thirds of Iran’s popular opinion essentially support the government in Tehran – not as much economically but certainly in political terms. As Narwani summarizes it, “so far Iranians have chosen security and stability over upheaval every time.”


What’s certain is that Tehran won’t deviate from a strategy that may be defined as  “maximum counter-pressure” – on multiple fronts. Iranian banks have been cut off from SWIFT by the US since 2018. So efforts are intensifying to link Iran’s SEPAM system with the Russian SPFS and the Chinese CIPS – alternative interbank paying systems.

Tehran continues to sell oil – as Persian Gulf traders have repeatedly confirmed to me since last summer. Digital tracking agency Tankertrackers.com concurs. The top two destinations are China and Syria. Volumes hover around 700,000 barrels a day. Beijing has solemnly ignored every sanction threat from Washington regarding oil trading with Iran.

Khamenei, earlier this month, was adamant:

“The US policy of maximum pressure has failed. The Americans presumed that they can force Iran to make concessions and bring it to its knees by focusing on maximum pressure, especially in the area of economy, but they have troubled themselves.”

In fact “maximum counter-pressure” is reaching a whole new level.

Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi confirmed that Iran will hold joint naval drills with Russia and China in the Indian Ocean in late December.

That came out of quite a significant meeting in Tehran, between Khanzadi and the deputy chief of the Chinese Joint Staff Department, Major General Shao Yuanming.

So welcome to Maritime Security Belt. In effect from December 27th. Smack on the Indian Ocean – the alleged privileged territory of Washington’s Indo-Pacific policy. And uniting the three key nodes of Eurasia integration: Russia, China and Iran.

Khanzadi said that, “strategic goals have been defined at the level administrations, and at the level of armed forces, issues have been defined in the form of joint efforts.” General Yuanming praised Iran’s Navy as “an international and strategic force.”

But geopolitically, this packs a way more significant game-changing punch. Russia may have conducted naval joint drills with Iran on the Caspian Sea. But a complex drill, including China, in the Indian Ocean, is a whole new ball game.

Yuanming put it in a way that every student of Mahan, Spykman and Brzezinski easily understands: “Seas, which are used as a platform for conducting global commerce, cannot be exclusively beneficial to certain powers.”  So start paying attention to Russia, China and Iran being quite active not only across the Heartland but also across the Rimland.


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This article was originally published on Asia Times.

Pepe Escobar is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from OneWorld

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A new study by Indian and American researchers confirm how Winston Churchill caused the Bengal Famine and starved over 3 million Indians to death. Glorified as the “Saviour of the World” in the west and dubbed the “Butcher of Bengal” by Indians, the streets of eastern Indian cities were lined with corpses as a direct result of Churchill’s policies. Yet, the story of this Indian Holocaust remain unspoken to this day.

The Indian Holocaust

The Bengal famine of 1943 was the only one in modern Indian history not to occur as a result of serious drought, according to a study that provides scientific backing for arguments that Churchill-era British policies were a significant factor contributing to the catastrophe.

Researchers in India and the US used weather data to simulate the amount of moisture in the soil during six major famines in the subcontinent between 1873 and 1943. Soil moisture deficits, brought about by poor rainfall and high temperatures, are a key indicator of drought.

Forgotten Indian Holocaust 1

Indian citizens waiting in line at a soup kitchen. Photograph: Bettmann/Bettmann Archive

Five of the famines were correlated with significant soil moisture deficits. An 11% deficit measured across much of north India in 1896-97, for example, coincided with food shortages across the country that killed an estimated 5 million people.

However, the 1943 famine in Bengal, which killed over 3 million people, was different, according to the researchers. Though the eastern Indian region was affected by drought for much of the 1940s, conditions were worst in 1941, years before the most extreme stage of the famine, when newspapers began to publish images of the dying on the streets of Kolkata, then named Calcutta, against the wishes of the colonial British administration.

India in Cognitive Dissonance Book by GreatGameIndia

In late 1943, thought to be the peak of the famine, rain levels were above average, said the study published in February in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

“This was a unique famine, caused by policy failure instead of any monsoon failure,” said Vimal Mishra, the lead researcher and an associate professor at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar.

Food supplies to Bengal were reduced in the years preceding 1943 by natural disasters, outbreaks of infections in crops and the fall of Burma – now Myanmar – which was a major source of rice imports, into Japanese hands.

But the Nobel prize-winning economist Amartya Sen argued in 1981 that there should still have been enough supplies to feed the region, and that the mass deaths came about as a combination of wartime inflation, speculative buying and panic hoarding, which together pushed the price of food out of the reach of poor Bengalis.

More recent studies, including those by the journalist Madhushree Mukerjee, have argued the famine was exacerbated by the decisions of Winston Churchill’s wartime cabinet in London.

Mukerjee has presented evidence the cabinet was warned repeatedly that the exhaustive use of Indian resources for the war effort could result in famine, but it opted to continue exporting rice from India to elsewhere in the empire.

Rice stocks continued to leave India even as London was denying urgent requests from India’s viceroy for more than 1m tonnes of emergency wheat supplies in 1942-43. Churchill has been quoted as blaming the famine on the fact Indians were “breeding like rabbits”, and asking how, if the shortages were so bad, Mahatma Gandhi was still alive.

Mukerjee and others also point to Britain’s “denial policy” in the region, in which huge supplies of rice and thousands of boats were confiscated from coastal areas of Bengal in order to deny resources to the Japanese army in case of a future invasion.

During a famine in Bihar in 1873-74, the local government led by Sir Richard Temple responded swiftly by importing food and enacting welfare programmes to assist the poor to purchase food.

Almost nobody died, but Temple was severely criticised by British authorities for spending so much money on the response. In response, he reduced the scale of subsequent famine responses in south and western India and mortality rates soared.

Though India’s population has vastly increased since the British colonial era, the country has largely eliminated famine deaths owing to more efficient irrigation practices, improvements in seed yields, a stronger food distribution and welfare system and better transport links, which allow emergency food stocks to be moved quickly to deprived areas.

Charles Darwin – The Godfather of Eugenics

Charles Darwin is regarded as the father of the science of evolution in India and many other countries. He gave us the Theory of Evolution and his thesis later became fodder for Spencer’s Survival of the Fittest theory – a basis for free-market capitalism followed by the East India Company then as Free-Trade and as Globalization now by the Multinational corporations.

John G. West, senior fellow at the Discovery Institute in his path breaking study reveals how Darwin prepared the way for eugenics. Indeed, his immediate family would soon be involved in that movement — his sons George and Leonard became active in promoting it (Leonard serving as “president of the Eugenics Education Society, the main eugenics group in Great Britain”), and his cousin Francis Galton became the founder of the “eugenics crusade.” Evidently, Darwin was sympathetic to eugenics: West quotes him as vowing “to cut off communication” with his disciple Mivart when the latter “criticized an article by Darwin’s son George that advocated eugenics.”

The Darwinian basis for eugenics is often down played, West observes, yet it is a fact that eugenicists drew their “inspiration” directly from Darwinian biology. A number of the chief eugenicists of the early 20th century declared that natural selection was the “law” they followed to improve the race. Moreover, the American leaders in eugenics, who were “largely university-trained biologists and doctors” affiliated with places like Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, Stanford, and the Museum of Natural History, presented eugenics as biologically “justified.” Between 1920 and 1939, West shows, Darwin’s theory was constantly used in high-school biology textbooks to support eugenics, something that shows how much mainstream science accepted this form of population control.

By having  their racial superiority supported by Darwin’s theories, these Oligarchs for nearly 200 years, have gone on a rampage against what they consider to be inferior races leading to the Indian Holocaust and genocide of entire populations—including the indigenous peoples of the America’s, Africa, Asia, Australia, along with those of Jewish heritage.

Population Control or Depopulation Policy

Population Control Law is actually Agenda 21 which is a British policy to reduce the population of former colonies like India through various sterilization projects and other policies implemented through the United Nations and popularised by Hollywood to effectively keep nations under Anglo-American orbit.

On Dec. 10, 1974, the U.S. National Security Council under Henry Kissinger completed a classified 200-page study, “National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.” The study falsely claimed that population growth in the so-called Lesser Developed Countries (LDCs) like India was a grave threat to U.S. national security. Adopted as official policy in November 1975 by President Gerald Ford, NSSM 200 outlined a covert plan to reduce population growth in those countries including India through birth control, and also, implicitly, war and famine. Brent Scowcroft, who had by then replaced Kissinger as national security adviser, was put in charge of implementing the plan. CIA Director George Bush was ordered to assist Scowcroft, as were the secretaries of state, treasury, defense, and agriculture.

The bogus arguments that Kissinger advanced were not original. One of his major sources was the Royal Commission on Population, which King George VI had created in 1944 “to consider what measures should be taken in the national interest to influence the future trend of population.” The commission found that Britain was gravely threatened by population growth in its colonies – the biggest being India, since “a populous country has decided advantages over a sparsely-populated one for industrial production.” The combined effects of increasing population and industrialization in its colonies, it warned, “might be decisive in its effects on the prestige and influence of the West,” especially effecting “military strength and security.

NSSM 200 similarly concluded that the United States was threatened by population growth in the former colonial sector. It paid special attention to 13 “key countries” in which the United States had a “special political and strategic interest”: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Turkey, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia. It claimed that population growth in those states was especially worrisome, since it would quickly increase their relative political, economic, and military strength.

This policy, known infamously as ‘Depopulation Policy’ and now being normalised through Hollywood movies, the latest being Mission Impossible: Fallout and most aptly personified by Thanos in Marvel’s Infinity War was imported to India via the United Nations’ Agenda 21.

This 1974 memorandum drafted by Henry Kissinger led directly to the unleashing of experimental vaccines on the unsuspecting public. It sighted countries as targets for “initial population reduction experimentation to be implemented around the year 2000″. They identified India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia & Columbia for study. 3 million Filipinos ages 12-48 were given a test vaccine that ruined their health. North American black & native American women were each given the same vaccine resulting in sterility rates of 25% & 35% respectively. The directive came from the WHO and was directly tied to Kissinger’s report.

The Bloodline

These deadly theories were prevalent among the high circles of the British Empire and the East India Company. Winston Churchill the Saviour of the World from the Nazis not only promoted Darwinian eugenics in words and deeds but was directly related to Charles Darwin – they share the same bloodline. It is in the context of this guiding philosophy that Churchill said, “I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion. The famine was their own fault for breeding like rabbits.”

However it was the series of Churchill’s decisions between 1940 and 1944 that directly and inevitably led to the deaths of over three million Indians. The streets of eastern Indian cities were lined with corpses as a direct result of these policies. Yet, the story of this Indian Holocaust remain unspoken to this day. What is more is that the people of India are a long way to acknowledge the role of Darwinian theories in causing the Indian Holocaust. While countries around the world are starting to realize and reject these dubious and deadly theories of eugenics and taking it off from their school textbooks, why are we Indians still teaching our kids about them and praising this Godfather Of Eugenics?

This historical conflict between the British, the Church, the FreeMasonic Orders and the French — in the context of which India became a victim is explained in the book India in Cognitive Dissonance.


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This article was originally published on GreatGameIndia.

All images in this article are from GGI

This article was originally published in 2003.

“History is a reminder of what’s possible.” These were the words spoken by President George W. Bush as he emerged from a guided tour of the gas chambers at Auschwitz. The former Nazi death camp in Poland was one of the first stops on his seven-day tour of Europe and the Middle East.

What precisely the US president meant by this banal comment is not clear. However, given Bush’s political record—assembly-line executions in Texas, Guantanamo’s Camp X-Ray, the indefinite imprisonment of US citizens without charges, two preemptive wars—it could be open to the most sinister of interpretations.

There is no doubt that the visit to Auschwitz was choreographed to serve immediate policy objectives: invoking the horrors of Hitler’s concentration camps to further an agenda of militarism and domestic repression. Perhaps no greater disservice could be done to the memory of the six million Jews and the millions of others who were murdered by the Nazis.

In a speech delivered in Krakow that same day, Bush declared that the concentration camps “remind us that evil is real and must be called by name and must be opposed.” He continued: “Having seen the works of evil firsthand on this continent, we must never lose the courage to oppose it everywhere.”

The cause of the Holocaust, Bush suggested, was “evil.” For the US president, the word “evil” serves to cover up a multitude of sins. He has used it repeatedly to describe the Islamic fundamentalist group that carried out the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. On numerous occasions he has referred to the leader of Al Qaeda as “the evil one.” This particular expression serves a very immediate political purpose, since it avoids naming Osama bin Laden and thereby calling to mind the longstanding business association between the Bushes and the wealthy bin Laden family of Saudi Arabia.

The existence of “evil” constitutes the only explanation given by the Bush administration for the emergence of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism. Such a semi-mystical and religious presentation (which, of course, assumes that the United States government embodies “good”) has the advantage of precluding any consideration of politics or history. In particular, it obscures the role played by US foreign policy—Washington’s alliance with despotic oil-rich regimes such as the one in Saudi Arabia, US sponsorship of the Afghan Mujahadeen, the CIA’s covert war against secular nationalist and socialist groups in the Middle East, the unconditional support for Israel against the Palestinians—in creating the social and political conditions in which retrograde tendencies like Al Qaeda could grow.

The use of the word “evil” serves a similar function in the case of the Holocaust. This attempt to obscure the social, political and economic roots of the rise of fascism in Europe in the 1930s and the horrific crimes that followed is not unique to Bush. The adoption of anti-communism as the core of the post-World War II US ideology made any analysis of the anti-socialist roots of fascism inconvenient. Rather, communism and fascism were equated as “totalitarian” and “evil.”

“Fascism is the continuation of capitalism, an attempt to perpetuate its existence by the most bestial and monstrous measures,” wrote Leon Trotsky on the eve of his assassination in 1940. “Capitalism obtained an opportunity to resort to fascism only because the proletariat did not accomplish the socialist revolution in time.”

This was not just the opinion of Trotsky. It was widely understood that the Nazis, like Mussolini’s fascist party, had been elevated to power with the backing of big business for the purpose of smashing the socialist workers’ movement and eradicating the threat of revolution. The “final solution” that Hitler’s regime developed against the Jews was bound up with this essential mission.

In his authoritative biography of Hitler, Ian Kershaw, describing the path taken by the Third Reich to the “final solution,” noted that the war in the East—and ultimately the Holocaust itself—was portrayed in Nazi propaganda as a “crusade against Bolshevism.” Kershaw wrote:

“The more ideologically committed pro-Nazis would entirely swallow the interpretation of the war as a preventive one to avoid the destruction of western culture by the Bolshevik hordes. They fervently believed that Europe would never be liberated before ‘Jewish Bolshevism’ was utterly and completely rooted out. The path to the Holocaust, intertwined with the showdown with Bolshevism, was prefigured in such notions. The legacy of hatred towards Bolshevism, fully interlaced with anti-Semitism, was about to be revealed in its full ferocity.” (Hitler 1936-1945: Nemesis, New York and London, 2001, p. 389).

In the immediate aftermath of the war, the US occupation authorities found themselves obliged to recognize the culpability of German big business in the crimes carried out by the Nazi regime. Gen. Telford Taylor, one of the principal prosecutors in the Nuremberg war crimes trials, pressed for the conviction of some of the top German industrialists. One of these was Friedrich Flick, the co-owner of the German Steel Trust with Fritz Thyssen. From 1932 on, he was one of the main financial contributors to the Nazis and the SS.

Taylor declared in his summation to the court:

“We are dealing with men so bent on the attainment of power and wealth that all else took second place. I do not know whether or not Flick and his associates hated the Jews; it is quite possible that he never gave the matter much thought until it became a question of practical importance, and not their inner feelings and sentiments.”

He continued:

“The defendants were men of wealth; many mines and factories were their private property. They will certainly tell you that they believed in the sanctity of private property, and perhaps they will say that they supported Hitler because German communism threatened that concept. But the factories of Rombach and Riga belonged to someone else.”

So, one might well add, did the oil wells of Iraq.

The description given by General Taylor of the German ruling elite could, with little alteration, be applied to the predatory layer of multi-millionaires that constitutes the principal base of the Bush administration.

General Taylor, it should be noted, found himself out of step with the subsequent anti-communist historical revisionism until his death in 1998. He was among the earliest figures to publicly confront Senator Joseph McCarthy’s witch-hunt. And he was a prominent opponent of the US war in Vietnam, arguing that the trial of Lt. William Calley for the massacre of some 500 women and children at My Lai should have been extended right up the US military chain of command.

Prescott Bush and the Nazis

In Bush’s case, covering up the historical origins of fascism in Germany serves a particular, indeed personal, function. While the president’s father had dealings with the bin Ladens, his grandfather made a considerable share of the family fortune through his dealings with Nazi Germany. Some have suggested that the Bushes’ assets have their ultimate source, in part, in the exploitation of slave labor at Auschwitz itself.

From the 1920s into the 1940s—after the Second World War had begun—Prescott Bush was a partner and executive in the Brown Brothers Harriman holding company on Wall Street and a director of one of its key financial components, the Union Banking Corporation (UBC).

Together with his father-in-law George Herbert Walker—the current president’s great grandfather—Prescott Bush controlled another asset of the holding company, the Hamburg-Amerika shipping line, which was utilized by the Nazi regime to transport its agents in and out of North America.

Another subsidiary of the Harriman group, Harriman International Co., struck a deal with Hitler’s regime in 1933 to coordinate German exports to the US market.

UBC, meanwhile, managed all of the banking operations outside of Germany for Fritz Thyssen, the German industrial magnate and author of the book I Paid Hitler, in which he acknowledged having financed the Nazi movement from 1923 until its rise to power.

In October 1942, 10 months after it had entered the Second World War, the US government seized UBC and several other companies in which the Harrimans and Prescott Bush had interests. In addition to Bush and Roland Harriman, three Nazi executives were named in the order issued by Washington to take over the bank.

An investigation carried out in 1945 revealed that the bank run by Prescott Bush was linked to the German Steel Trust run by Thyssen and Flick, one of the defendants at Nuremberg. This gigantic industrial firm produced fully half the steel and more than a third of the explosives, not to mention other strategic materials, used by the German military machine during the war years.

On October 28, 1942, the US government confiscated the assets of two firms that served as fronts for the Nazi regime—the Holland-American Trading Corporation and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation, both controlled by UBC. A month later, it seized Nazi interests in the Silesian-American Corporation (SAC), directed by Prescott Bush and his father-in-law, George Walker.

The seizure order, issued under the Trading with the Enemy Act, described Silesian-American as a “US holding company with German and Polish subsidiaries” that controlled large and valuable coal and zinc mines in Silesia, Poland and Germany. It added that, since September 1939 (when Hitler unleashed the Second World War) these properties had been under the control of the Nazi regime, which had utilized them to further its war effort.

Among SAC’s assets was a steel plant in Poland in the same district as Auschwitz. The plant reportedly used the concentration camp’s inmates as slave labor.

Among those who have investigated the links between the Bushes and the Nazis is John Loftus, a former prosecutor in the Justice Department’s War Crimes Unit, who now heads the Florida Holocaust Museum in Saint Petersburg. Loftus has charged that the Bush family received $1.5 million from its interest in UBC, when the bank was finally liquidated in 1951. “That’s where the Bush family fortune came from: It came from the Third Reich,” Loftus said in a recent speech.

Loftus argues that this money—a substantial sum at that time—included direct profit from the slave labor of those who died at Auschwitz. In an interview with journalist Toby Rogers, the former prosecutor said: “It is bad enough that the Bush family helped raise the money for Thyssen to give Hitler his start in the 1920s, but giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war is treason. The Bush bank helped the Thyssens make the Nazi steel that killed Allied soldiers. As bad as financing the Nazi war machine may seem, aiding and abetting the Holocaust was worse. Thyssen’s coal mines used Jewish slaves as if they were disposable chemicals. There are six million skeletons in the Thyssen family closet, and a myriad of criminal and historical questions to be answered about the Bush family’s complicity.”

Prescott Bush was by no means unique, though his financial connections with the Third Reich were perhaps more intimate than most. Henry Ford was an avowed admirer of Hitler, and together GM and Ford played the predominant role in producing the military trucks that carried German troops across Europe. After the war, both auto companies demanded and received reparations for damage to their German plants caused by allied bombing.

Standard Oil and Chase Bank, both controlled by the Rockefellers, invested heavily in Nazi Germany, as did many of Wall Street’s leading brokerage houses. These business dealings continued after the war had begun, with Standard Oil shipping fuel to the Nazis through Switzerland as late as 1942 and collaborating with I.G. Farben, the firm that manufactured Zyklon B gas for the Nazi death chambers and operated a synthetic rubber plant using slave labor from Auschwitz.

In his book Trading with the Enemy: The Nazi American Money Plot, former New York Times reporter Charles Higham noted that the US government sought to cover up the role played by Prescott Bush and many other leading US financiers and industrialists in supporting Hitler.

He wrote that the government feared that any attempt to prosecute these figures would only provoke a “public scandal” and “would have drastically affected public morale, caused widespread strikes and perhaps provoked mutinies in the armed services.” Moreover, Higham wrote, the government believed “their trial and imprisonment would have made it impossible for the corporate boards to help the American war effort.” (Trading with the Enemy—The Nazi American Money Plot 1933-1949, New York, 1983, p. xvii).

The Roosevelt administration and powerful political figures in both parties did their best to smooth over Prescott Bush’s problems arising from his business dealings with the Nazis. He was installed as chairman of the National War Board, helping raise private funds for war-related charities. Shortly after receiving his $1.5 million payout from UBC, he ran successfully for the US Senate from Connecticut, a position he held until 1963.

A considerable section of the leading American capitalists sympathized with Nazism and shared its anti-Semitic outlook, even if not as vocally as Henry Ford. These sentiments continued to inform US policy after the war had begun, with the Roosevelt administration refusing to alter its immigration policies in the slightest to admit Jewish refugees fleeing the Holocaust, and the military rejecting requests that the rail lines to Auschwitz be bombed, on the grounds that they constituted a “non-military target.”

While Bush’s speech writers like to portray US policy in terms of moral absolutes—the struggle of good against evil—the record of complicity of the American ruling class, and the Bush family in particular, with Nazi Germany demonstrates that the only constant is the defense of the power and privilege of the ruling oligarchy by whatever means are required.

In the 1930s and 1940s this overriding consideration led George W. Bush’s grandfather to establish a profitable commercial relationship with the Nazis. In the 1980s, it underlay the alliance forged—in no small part by George W. Bush’s father, the senior President Bush—with the Islamic fundamentalists in the war against the Soviet-backed regime in Afghanistan. Today it is at the heart the younger Bush’s policies of militarism and colonialism abroad and repression and social attacks at home.


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On Those Questionable US Jobs Numbers… Again!

December 9th, 2019 by Dr. Jack Rasmus

This past friday, December 6, the BLS reported a jobs gain in November of 266,000, surprising just about every estimated forecast. At least 70,000 or so were not actually ‘new’ jobs, but the return to work of GM auto workers and related auto industry suppliers. But the 190-200,000 net jobs gain reported was nonetheless way above any expectations.

What’s the contrary evidence?

The independent enterprise payroll company, ADP, which reports out job numbers a few days before the BLS every month, based on its tens of thousands of companies it gathers data from, had estimated a mere 67,000 jobs net gain. 266,000 v. 67,000 was perhaps the biggest gap ever between the two reports–one private and the other government. Thus far no explanation has been provided for the massive gap in job forecast, by either ADP or the government.

Also worth noting is that the bLS, the government, this past summer adjusted its total jobs number for 2018 by reducing the total job creation in 2018 by a massive 500,000. How reliable are the monthly numbers when they have to be adjusted by 40-50,000 a month on average? Recently the government announced it expected that 2019 total jobs would likely have to be reduced by at least 500,000 when it did its annual adjustment and reductions again this coming February 2020. Again, that makes the monthly numbers suspect. Why the massive adjustments the past two years? Are the monthly numbers not reliable for some reason? What’s the reason?

It’s important that readers understand that the monthly jobs numbers don’t represent actual jobs. They are a statistic. That means the raw actual number of jobs are not what’s reported. It’s a statistical manipulation–based on a series of complex assumptions and even more complex mathematical formula adjustments of the raw jobs data–that gets reported monthly as the job numbers.

Moreover, the monthly numbers reflect jobs, not actual workers getting new employment. There may be workers adding second and third jobs, reflecting the jobs increase, but not actual new employment increase. The US Labor Dept. claims it captures added jobs by those already employed, but the numbers suggest its methodology may not be that accurate. The US labor markets have radically changed since the late 1990s and the BLS methods may no longer be accurate for picking up 2nd and 3rd jobs. The changes also suggest that maybe the government’s statistical adjustments for seasonality are not that accurate any more.

There has been greatly volatility in the monthly jobs numbers this past year. Some months well below 100,000, representing the fact that more new workers are entering the job market and not finding jobs. It takes at least 125,000 to 150,000 to absorb all new entrants. The great volatility suggests the BLS is not picking up the seasonal changes month to month very well; and only does so with its annual adjustments to the prior year’s data–hence the 500,000 annual reduction in the total numbers of jobs for the year.

Then there’s the adjustments in the statistical manipulation of the raw jobs data for what’s called ‘New Business Formation’. This is the adding of jobs to the raw data numbers by assumptions of new business formation. It’s assumed every month that several hundred thousand net new businesses are formed. Each has a number of new jobs assumed associated with the formation. Problem is that the New Business Formation is from 6-9 months previous to the current month. In other words, the BLS assumes a net gain of jobs from March-May 2019, adds that to the raw jobs data for November, then does a number of statistical manipulations on the combined actual jobs for November plus 9 month lagged jobs from New Business Formation, and that’s what is reported out as the November jobs number. Except in times of deep recession the added jobs from business formation are always positive. So the raw jobs data is always increased for the month–even before other statistical manipulations of the combined raw data are performed for that month, i.e. for seasonality and other reasons.

It’s difficult to assume that’s all OK with the monthly jobs numbers reporting for these and related additional reasons.

Jobs and employment lagged the general direction of the economy. But that real economy has been contracting in various dimensions. For example, net new business investment has been contracting ever since the 2nd quarter of 2019. Manufacturing has been contracting for four consecutive months. Commercial construction for longer. Residential housing construction contracted for most of 2018-19, rose slightly for several months due to interest rate cuts, but is contracting once again. Export driven job creation is unchanged, as net exports (exports minus imports) has hovered steadily around a negative $50b a month throughout the period of Trump’s trade war for the past 20 months. So where’s the real economic growth coming from that would produce 200,000 plus jobs? If employment is a lagging indicator, it’s certainly lagging as never before.

We’re told that it’s the service sector and household consumption that’s holding up the real economy. But services growth has been slowing its growth rate in recent months as well. Consumption is being driven by the wealthiest 10% of the labor force (where wage gains for professionals, tech, healthcare, managers, etc. are concentrated) and by record credit creation for the rest of consumers. But that hardly explains the unexpected big surge of 266,000 jobs last month. Neither services nor consumption explains companies hiring by that big an increase in one month. Some argue that its the government growth in census workers, but reportedly that was largely concluded by October.

So where’s the explanation for the big gap in BLS November jobs numbers from the private payroll estimates of ADP? The ADP numbers are actual payroll data. The BLS government numbers are the result of statistical operations and manipulations piled on one another to get a ‘statistic’ and thus estimate of actual jobs.

This writer still argues that the labor market changes in the US have caused the BLS government methods and statistical manipulations to become less accurate and more volatile from month to month (only adjusted more accurately when the annual reductions are made by half a million jobs or m ore). The BLS seasonality and New Business Formation assumptions are less and less accurate. And its methods for estimating 2nd and 3rd jobs taken on by the already employed over-estimate the job numbers monthly, and the government still grossly underestimates the effect of millions it dumps into its ‘catch-all’ category of the ‘missing labor force’.

For the real jobs numbers we’ll have to wait until February 2020 when the BLS does its annual adjustment for 2019–and likely reduces again the job number reported for November and 2019 by another 500,000 or more!


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site: Jack Rasmus.

Dr. Jack Rasmus is author of the just published book, ‘The Scourge of Neoliberalism: US Economic Policy from Reagan to Trump’, Clarity Press, January 2020. The book is available at 20% discount from his blog, jackrasmus.com, and website, http://kyklosproductions.com.

Cimeira NATO, reforça-se o partido da guerra

December 8th, 2019 by Manlio Dinucci

Macron falou de “morte cerebral” da NATO, outros definem-na como “moribunda”. Será que estamos, portanto, diante de uma Aliança que, sem uma cabeça pensante, está a desmoronar-se devido a fracturas internas? As brigas na Cimeira de Londres parecem confirmar tal cenário. No entanto, é necessário olhar para o âmago, para os interesses reais em que se fundamentam as relações entre os aliados.

Enquanto, em Londres, Trump e Macron discutem sob o olhar das objectivas, no Níger, sem tanta publicidade, o US Army Africa (Exército dos EUA para a África) transporta nos seus aviões de carga, milhares de soldados franceses e os seus armamentos, para vários postos avançados na África Ocidental e Central, para a Operação Barkhane, em que Paris lança 4.500 soldados, sobretudo das forças especiais, com o apoio das forças especiais dos EUA, também em acções de combate. Ao mesmo tempo, os drones armados Reaper, fornecidos pelos EUA à França, operam a partir da Base Aérea 101, em Niamey (Níger). Da mesma base, levantam voo os Reaper da US Air Force Africa (Força Aérea dos EUA para África), que estão agora redistribuídos na nova base 201, de Agadez, no norte do país, continuando a operar em conjunto com os franceses.

O caso é emblemático. Os Estados Unidos, a França e outras potências europeias, cujos grupos multinacionais competem para conquistar mercados e matérias primas, convergem quando os seus interesses comuns estão em jogo. Por exemplo, aqueles que têm no Sahel, riquíssimo em matérias primas: petróleo, ouro, coltan, diamantes, urânio. Mas agora os seus interesses nesta região, onde as taxas de pobreza estão entre as mais elevadas, estão ameaçados pelos levantamentos populares e pela presença económica chinesa. Daí o Barkhane que, apresentado como uma operação antiterrorista, força os aliados numa guerra de longa duração com drones e forças especiais.

O aglutinador mais forte que mantém a NATO unida é o interesse comum do complexo industrial militar de ambos os lados do Atlântico. Ele sai fortalecido da Cimeira de Londres. A Declaração final fornece a principal motivação para um aumento adicional da despesa militar: “As acções agressivas da Rússia constituem uma ameaça à segurança euro-atlântica”. Os Aliados comprometem-se não só a elevar a sua despesa militar a, pelo menos, 2% do PIB, mas a destinar, no mínimo, 20% dessa verba para a compra de armamentos. Objectivo já alcançado por 16 dos 29 países, entre os quais, a Itália. Os USA investem, para esse fim,  mais de 200 biliões de dólares em 2019. Os resultados podem ser vistos. No mesmo dia em que se desenrolava a Cimeira da NATO, a General Dynamics assinou com a US Navy, um contrato de 22,2 biliões de dólares, ajustável a 24 biliões, para o fornecimento de 8 submarinos da classe Virgínia, para operações especiais e missões de ataque com Mísseis Tomahawk, também com ogiva nuclear (40 por submarino).

Acusando a Rússia (sem nenhuma prova) de ter instalado mísseis nucleares de alcance intermédio e de ter, assim, destruído o Tratado INF, a Cimeira decide “o reforço adicional da nossa capacidade de nos defendermos com uma combinação apropriada de capacidades nucleares, convencionais e anti-mísseis, que continuaremos a adaptar: enquanto houver armas nucleares, a NATO permanecerá uma aliança nuclear”. Neste contexto, insere-se o reconhecimento do Espaço como o quinto campo operacional; por outras palavras, anuncia-se um programa espacial militar da Aliança, extremamente caro. É um cheque em branco dado em unanimidade, pelos Aliados, ao complexo industrial militar.

Pela primeira vez, com a Declaração da Cimeira, a NATO fala do “desafio” proveniente da crescente influência e da política internacional da China, sublinhando “a necessidade de enfrentá-la como uma Aliança”. A mensagem é clara: a NATO é mais do que nunca necessária a um Ocidente cuja supremacia está hoje a ser desafiada pela China e pela Rússia. Resultado imediato: o Governo japonês anunciou ter comprado, por 146 milhões de dólares,  a ilha desabitada de Mageshima, a 30 km das suas costas, para usá-la como um local de treino de caça-bombardeiros americanos instalados contra a China.

Manlio Dinucci


Artigo original em italiano :

Summit Nato, si rafforza il partito della guerra

il manifesto, 6 de Dezembro de 2019

Tradutora : Luisa Vasconcellos

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Pearl Harbor Revisited: Dispelling Surprise Attack Mythology

December 8th, 2019 by Stephen Lendman

December 7, 2019 is the 78th anniversary of what Franklin Roosevelt called “a date which will live in infamy (when) the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.”

“I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire.”

Around one hour after Roosevelt’s December 8 address before a joint congressional session, the body declared war on Japan with one dissenting vote, signed into law by FDR the same day.

All wars are unjustifiably justified based on Big Lies and deception, WW II is no exception. Roosevelt wanted involvement in Europe’s war. He wanted legislation requiring US neutrality reversed.

On July 4, 1941, he said:

“(S)olemnly (understand) that the United States will never survive as a happy and fertile oasis of liberty surrounded by a cruel desert of dictatorship.”

His July 25 Executive Order froze Japanese assets, claiming

it was “(t)o prevent the use of the financial facilities of the United States in trade between Japan and the United States in ways harmful to national defense and American interests, to prevent the liquidation in the United States of assets obtained by duress or conquest, and to curb subversive activities in the United States.”

In 1937, he planned a naval blockade of Japan, the idea dropped because of opposition. In 1938, it resurfaced because he knew strangling Japan economically assured war he wanted.

From 1933 to late 1941, he spurned Japanese peace overtures that would have protected all American interests in the Pacific.

By November 25, 1941, the die was cast. War Secretary Henry Stimson said war depended only on how to maneuver Japan to attack with the lowest number of US casualties.

Roosevelt encouraged an attack on Pearl Harbor by stationing the Pacific Fleet there — against the advice of its commander and chief of naval operations.

After the Japanese code was broken, intercepted cables confirmed an attack was coming. The US tracked its fleet from the Kurile Islands to its North Pacific refueling point en route to Pearl Harbor on or about December 7.

At a December 5 cabinet meeting, Navy Secretary Frank Knox said: “Well, you know Mr. President, we know where the Japanese fleet is?”

“Yes, I know,” said Roosevelt, adding: “Well, you tell them what it is Frank.” Naval intelligence reports indicated it was in Pacific waters heading toward Hawaii. On December 6, the attack was imminent. It came the next morning at 7:55AM Hawaii time.

Pearl Harbor commander Admiral HE Kimmel got no intelligence about what was coming. Roosevelt wanted isolationist congressional members and the public transformed into raging Japan haters. He got the war he wanted.

Ahead of the attack, Red Cross officials were secretly told to send large amounts of medical supplies and personnel to Hawaii. By November 1941, they were in place.

Japan’s December 7 “surprise attack” was no surprise. On November 29, Secretary of State Cordell Hull told the UK envoy to Washington that “the diplomatic part of our relations with Japan was virtually over and the matter will now go to the officials of the Army and Navy.”

Ahead of the attack, three US Pacific Fleet aircraft carriers were at sea on maneuvers to avoid the coming attack.

Around 3,500 US military personnel were killed or wounded, 68 civilians killed, others wounded.

Nineteen US warships were destroyed or damaged, including eight battleships, along with 188 aircraft destroyed, another 159 damaged.

US blockade and embargo toughness on Japan during the preceding months pushed its ruling authorities to war.

In his book, “The Good War: An Oral History of World War II,” the late Studs Terkel explained its good and bad sides through people experiencing it.

The good was America “was the only country among the combatants that was neither invaded nor bombed. Ours were the only cities not blasted to rubble,” said Terkel.

The bad was WW II “warped our view of how we look at things today, (seeing them) in terms of war” and the notion that they’re good or why else fight them.

This “twisted memory…encourages (people) to be willing, almost eager, to use military force” to solve problems, never mind how they exacerbate them.

Wars are never just or good. In the nuclear age they’re “lunatic” acts – horrific by any standard.

December 8, 1941 was the last time the US waged war legally, declared by Congress as constitutionally required.

Today, Security Council members alone may authorize war by one nation against others — not heads of state, legislatures or courts.

It’s permitted only in self-defense if attacked, never preemptively, how all US post-WW II wars were and continue to be waged — flagrant UN Charter and constitutional violations under its Supremacy Clause (Article VI, Clause 2).

Commenting on WW II, the late historian Howard Zinn, who served aboard a US bomber in Europe during the war, said “war brutalizes everyone involved, begets a fanaticism in which the original moral factor (like fighting fascism) is buried at the bottom of a heap of atrocities committed by all sides,” later adding:

“(W)hile there are certainly vicious enemies of liberty and human rights in the world, war itself is the most vicious of” all.

“And that while some societies can rightly claim to be more liberal, more democratic, more humane than others, the difference is not great enough to justify the massive, indiscriminate slaughter of modern warfare.”

Atrocities are weapons of war. In his book titled “War Without Mercy,” John Dower documented viciousness by both sides in the Pacific — the US as unprincipled as the Japanese.

US forces mutilated its war dead for body part souvenirs. They sank hospital ships, shooting sailors abandoning them.

Japanese pilots bailing out of warplanes were killed in cold blood. So were wounded enemy soldiers.

Prisoners were tortured and killed, other combatants buried alive, civilians slaughtered as mercilessly as military personnel.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were two of history’s greatest crimes — gratuitous mass murder months after Japan sought surrender, the war lost to superior US military might.

The Big Lie that won’t die is that nuking both cities hastened war’s end and saved many lives. Harry Truman falsely claimed that bombing Hiroshima “destroyed its usefulness to the enemy,” adding:

“It was to spare the Japanese people from (further) utter destruction…If they do not now accept our terms they may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the likes of which has never been seen on this earth.”

Ignored by Truman was War Secretary Stimson saying “Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary.”

Calling the atomic bomb “a barbarous weapon” after the attacks, Joint Chiefs chairman Admiral William Leahy said: “The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender.”

WW II launched Washington’s permanent war policy, an agenda contributing to its decline.

In his book titled “The World in Crisis,” Gabriel Kolko said it “began after the Korean War, was continued in relation to Cuba, and was greatly accelerated in Vietnam – but (Bush/Cheney did) much to exacerbate it further,” the Obama and Trump regimes escalating what they inherited.

US power is declining, said Kolko, “the world…no longer dependent on its economic might.” At the same time, China, Russia, India and other nations are rising.

America’s “century of domination is now ending,” Kolko added. Others share similar views.

The US was at the height of its power post-WW II, maintained for some years in the post-war era, decline beginning and continuing in recent decades, notably post-9/11.

It’s the same dynamic that doomed other empires – a nation in decline because of its imperial arrogance and rage for dominance, waging endless wars against invented enemies, and its unwillingness to change.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Featured image: A destroyed Vindicator at Ewa field, the victim of one of the smaller attacks on the approach to Pearl Harbor (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

December 7, 1941. Pearl Harbor. 78 Years Ago.  

Incisive analysis by Award Winning author Prof. James Petras

(Article first published by GR in August 2008)

Wars in an imperialist democracy cannot simply be dictated by executive fiat, they require the consent of highly motivated masses who will make the human and material sacrifices. Imperialist leaders have to create a visible and highly charged emotional sense of injustice and righteousness to secure national cohesion and overcome the natural opposition to early death, destruction and disruption of civilian life and to the brutal regimentation that goes with submission to absolutist rule by the military.

The need to invent a cause is especially the case with imperialist countries because their national territory is not under threat. There is no visible occupation army oppressing the mass of the people in their everyday life. The ‘enemy’ does not disrupt everyday normal life – as forced conscription would and does. Under normal peaceful time, who would be willing to sacrifice their constitutional rights and their participation in civil society to subject themselves to martial rule that precludes the exercise of all their civil freedoms?

The task of imperial rulers is to fabricate a world in which the enemy to be attacked (an emerging imperial power like Japan) is portrayed as an ‘invader’ or an ‘aggressor’ in the case of revolutionary movements (Korean and Indo-Chinese communists) engaged in a civil war against an imperial client ruler or a ‘terrorist conspiracy’ linked to an anti-imperialist, anti-colonial Islamic movements and secular states. Imperialist-democracies in the past did not need to consult or secure mass support for their expansionist wars; they relied on volunteer armies, mercenaries and colonial subjects led and directed by colonial officers. Only with the confluence of imperialism, electoral politics and total war did the need arise to secure not only consent, but also enthusiasm, to facilitate mass recruitment and obligatory conscription.

Since all US imperial wars are fought ‘overseas’ – far from any immediate threats, attacks or invasions – -US imperial rulers have the special task of making the ‘causus bellicus’ immediate, ‘dramatic’ and self-righteously ‘defensive’.

To this end US Presidents have created circumstances, fabricated incidents and acted in complicity with their enemies, to incite the bellicose temperament of the masses in favor of war.

The pretext for wars are acts of provocation which set in motion a series of counter-moves by the enemy, which are then used to justify an imperial mass military mobilization leading to and legitimizing war.

State ‘provocations’ require uniform mass media complicity in the lead-up to open warfare: Namely the portrayal of the imperial country as a victim of its own over-trusting innocence and good intentions. All four major US imperial wars over the past 67 years resorted to a provocation, a pretext, and systematic, high intensity mass media propaganda to mobilize the masses for war. An army of academics, journalists, mass media pundits and experts ‘soften up’ the public in preparation for war through demonological writing and commentary: Each and every aspect of the forthcoming military target is described as totally evil – hence ‘totalitarian’ – in which even the most benign policy is linked to demonic ends of the regime.

Since the ‘enemy to be’ lacks any saving graces and worst, since the ‘totalitarian state’ controls everything and everybody, no process of internal reform or change is possible. Hence the defeat of ‘total evil’ can only take place through ‘total war’. The targeted state and people must be destroyed in order to be redeemed. In a word, the imperial democracy must regiment and convert itself into a military juggernaut based on mass complicity with imperial war crimes. The war against ‘totalitarianism’ becomes the vehicle for total state control for an imperial war.

In the case of the US-Japanese war, the US-Korean war, the US-Indochinese war and the post-September 11 war against an independent secular nationalist regime (Iraq) and the Islamic Afghan republic, the Executive branch (with the uniform support of the mass media and congress) provoked a hostile response from its target and fabricated a pretext as a basis for mass mobilization for prolonged and bloody wars.

US-Japan War: Provocation and Pretext for War

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt set high standards for provoking and creating a pretext for undermining majoritarian anti-war sentiment, unifying and mobilizing the country for war. Robert Stinnett, in his brilliantly documented study, Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor, demonstrates that Roosevelt provoked the war with Japan by deliberately following an eight-step program of harassment and embargo against Japan developed by Lt. Commander Arthur H. McCollum, head of the Far East desk of the Office of Naval Intelligence. He provides systematic documentation of US cables tracking the Japanese fleet to Pearl Harbor, clearly demonstrating that FDR knew in advance of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor following the Japanese fleet virtually every step of the way. Even more damaging, Stinnett reveals that Admiral H.E. Kimmel, in charge of the defense of Pearl Harbor, was systematically excluded from receiving critical intelligence reports on the approaching movements of the Japanese fleet, thus preventing the defense of the US base.

The ‘sneak’ attack by the Japanese, which caused the death over three thousand American service men and the destruction of scores of ships and planes, successfully ‘provoked’ the war FDR had wanted. In the run-up to the Japanese attack, President Roosevelt ordered the implementation of Naval Intelligence’s October 1940 memorandum, authored by McCollum, for eight specific measures, which amounted to acts of war including an economic embargo of Japan, the shipment of arms to Japan’s adversaries, the prevention of Tokyo from securing strategic raw materials essential for its economy and the denial of port access, thus provoking a military confrontation.

To overcome massive US opposition to war, Roosevelt needed a dramatic, destructive immoral act committed by Japan against a clearly ‘defensive’ US base to turn the pacifist US public into a cohesive, outraged, righteous war machine. Hence the Presidential decision to undermine the defense of Pearl Harbor by denying the Navy Commander in charge of its defense, Admiral Kimmel, essential intelligence about anticipated December 7, 1941 attack. The United States ‘paid the price’ with 2,923 Americans killed and 879 wounded, Admiral Kimmel was blamed and stood trial for dereliction of duty, but FDR got his war. The successful outcome of FDR’s strategy led to a half-century of US imperial supremacy in the Asia-Pacific region. An unanticipated outcome, however, was the US and Japanese imperial defeats on the Chinese mainland and in North Korea by the victorious communist armies of national liberation.

Provocation and Pretext for the US War Against Korea

The incomplete conquest of Asia following the US defeat of Japanese imperialism, particularly the revolutionary upheavals in China , Korea and Indochina , posed a strategic challenge to US empire builders. Their massive financial and military aid to their Chinese clients failed to stem the victory of the anti-imperialist Red Armies. President Truman faced a profound dilemma – how to consolidate US imperial supremacy in the Pacific at a time of growing nationalist and communist upheavals when the vast majority of the war wearied soldiers and civilians were demanding demobilization and a return to civilian life and economy. Like Roosevelt in 1941, Truman needed to provoke a confrontation, one that could be dramatized as an offensive attack on the US (and its ‘allies’) and could serve as a pretext to overcome widespread opposition to another imperial war.

Truman and the Pacific military command led by General Douglas Mac Arthur chose the Korean peninsula as the site for detonating the war. Throughout the Japanese-Korean war, the Red guerrilla forces led the national liberation struggle against the Japanese Army and its Korean collaborators. Subsequent to the defeat of Japan , the national revolt developed into a social revolutionary struggle against Korean elite collaborators with the Japanese occupiers. As Bruce Cumings documents in his classic study, The Origins of the Korean War , the internal civil war preceded and defined the conflict prior to and after the US occupation and division of Korea into a ‘North’ and ‘South’. The political advance of the mass national movement led by the anti-imperialist communists and the discredit of the US-backed Korean collaborators undermined Truman’s efforts to arbitrarily divide the country ‘geographically’. In the midst of this class-based civil war, Truman and Mac Arthur created a provocation: They intervened, establishing a US occupation army and military bases and arming the counter-revolutionary former Japanese collaborators. The US hostile presence in a ‘sea’ of anti-imperialist armies and civilian social movements inevitably led to the escalation of social conflict, in which the US-backed Korean clients were losing.

As the Red Armies rapidly advanced from their strongholds in the north and joined with the mass revolutionary social movements in the South they encountered fierce repression and massacres of anti-imperialist civilians, workers and peasants, by the US armed collaborators. Facing defeat Truman declared that the civil war was really an ‘invasion’ by (north) Koreans against (south) Korea . Truman, like Roosevelt, was willing to sacrifice the US troops by putting them in the direct fire of the revolutionary armies in order to militarize and mobilize the US public in defense of imperial outposts in the southern Korean peninsula.

In the run-up to the US invasion of Korea , Truman, the US Congress and the mass media engaged in a massive propaganda campaign and purge of peace and anti-militarist organizations throughout US civil society. Tens of thousands of individuals lost their jobs, hundreds were jailed and hundreds of thousands were blacklisted. Trade unions and civic organizations were taken over by pro-war, pro-empire collaborators. Propaganda and purges facilitated the propagation of the danger of a new world war, in which democracy was threatened by expanding Communist totalitarianism. In reality, democracy was eroded to prepare for an imperial war to prop up a client regime and secure a military beachhead on the Asian continent.

The US invasion of Korea to prop up its tyrannical client was presented as a response to ‘North’ Korea invading ‘South’ Korea and threatening ‘our’ soldiers defending democracy. The heavy losses incurred by retreating US troops belied the claim of President Truman that the imperial war was merely a police action. By the end of the first year of the imperial war, public opinion turned against the war. Truman was seen as a deceptive warmonger. In 1952, the electorate elected Dwight Eisenhower on his promise to end the war. An armistice was agreed to in 1953. Truman’s use of military provocation to detonate a conflict with the advancing Korean revolutionary armies and then using the pretext of US forces in danger to launch a war did not succeed in securing a complete victory: The war ended in a divided Korean nation. Truman left office disgraced and derided, and the US public turned anti-war for another decade.

The US Indochinese War: Johnson’s Tonkin Pretext

The US invasion and war against Vietnam was a prolonged process, beginning in 1954 and continuing to the final defeat in 1975. From 1954 to 1960 the US sent military combat advisers to train the army of the corrupt, unpopular and failed collaborator regime of President Ngo Dinh Diem. With the election of President Kennedy, Washington escalated the number of military advisers, commandos (so called ‘Green Berets’) and the use of death squads (Plan Phoenix). Despite the intensification of the US involvement and its extensive role in directing military operations, Washington ’s surrogate ‘ South Vietnam ’ Army (ARNV) was losing the war to the South Vietnamese National Liberation Army (Viet Cong) and the South Vietnamese National Liberation Front (NLF), which clearly had the support of the overwhelming majority of the Vietnamese people.

Following the assassination of President Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson took over the Presidency and faced the imminent collapse of the US puppet regime and the defeat of its surrogate Vietnamese Army.

The US had two strategic objectives in launching the Vietnam Was: The first involved establishing a ring of client regimes and military bases from Korea, Japan, Philippines, Taiwan, Indochina, Pakistan, Northern Burma (via the KMT opium lords and Shan secessionists) and Tibet to encircle China, engage in cross border ‘commando’ attacks by surrogate military forces and block China’s access to its natural markets. The second strategic objective in the US invasion and occupation of Vietnam was part of its general program to destroy powerful national liberation and anti-imperialists movements in Southeast Asia, particularly in Indochina , Indonesia , the Philippines . The purpose was to consolidate client regimes, which would provide military bases, de-nationalize and privatize their raw materials sectors and provide political and military support to US empire building. The conquest of Indochina was an essential part of US empire-building in Asia . Washington calculated that by defeating the strongest Southeast Asian anti-imperialist movement and country, neighboring countries (especially Laos and Cambodia ) would fall easily.

Washington faced multiple problems. In the first place, given the collapse of the surrogate ‘ South Vietnam ’ regime and army, Washington would need to massively escalate its military presence, in effect substituting its ground forces for the failed puppet forces and extend and intensify its bombing throughout North Vietnam , Cambodia and Laos . In a word convert a limited covert war into a massive publicly declared war.

The second problem was the reticence of significant sectors of the US public, especially college students (and their middle and working class parents) facing conscription, who opposed the war. The scale and scope of military commitment envisioned as necessary to win the imperial war required a pretext, a justification.

The pretext had to be such as to present the US invading armies as responding to a sneak attack by an aggressor country ( North Vietnam ). President Johnson, the Secretary of Defense, the US Naval and Air Force Command, the National Security Agency, acted in concert. What was referred to as the Gulf of Tonkin Incident involved a fabricated account of a pair of attacks, on August 2 and 4, 1964 off the coast of North Vietnam by naval forces of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam against two US destroyers the USS Maddox and the USS Turner Joy. Using, as a pretext, the fabricated account of the ‘attacks’, the US Congress almost unanimously passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution on August 7, 1964, which granted President Johnson full power to expand the invasion and occupation of Vietnam up to and beyond 500,000 US ground troops by 1966. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution authorized President Johnson to conduct military operations throughout Southeast Asia without a declaration of war and gave him the freedom ‘to take all necessary steps, including the use of armed force to assist any member or protocol state of the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty requesting assistance in defense of freedom.’

On August 5, 1964 Lyndon Johnson went on national television and radio announcing the launching of massive waves of ‘retaliatory’ bombing of North Vietnamese naval facilities (Operation Pierce Arrow). In 2005, official documents released from the Pentagon, the National Security Agency and other government departments have revealed that there was no Vietnamese attack. On the contrary, according to the US Naval Institute, a program of covert CIA attacks against North Vietnam had begun in 1961 and was taken over by the Pentagon in 1964. These maritime attacks on the North Vietnamese coast by ultra-fast Norwegian-made patrol boats (purchased by the US for the South Vietnamese puppet navy and under direct US naval coordination) were an integral part of the operation. Secretary of Defense McNamara admitted to Congress that US ships were involved in attacks on the North Vietnamese coast prior to the so-called Gulf of Tonkin Incident .

So much for Johnson’s claim of an ‘unprovoked attack’. The key lie, however, was the claim that the USS Maddox ‘retaliated’ against an ‘attacking’ Vietnamese patrol boat. The Vietnamese patrol boats, according to NSA accounts released in 2005, were not even in the vicinity of the Maddox – they were at least 10,000 yards away and three rounds were first fired at them by the Maddox which then falsely claimed it subsequently suffered some damage from a single 14.5 mm machine gun bullet to its hull. The August 4 ‘Vietnamese attack’ never happened. Captain John Herrick of the Turner Joy cabled that ‘many reported contacts and torpedoes fired appear doubtful…No actual visual sightings (of North Vietnamese naval boats) by Maddox”.

The consequences of the fabrication of the Tonkin Gulf incident and provocation was to justify an escalation of war that killed 4 million people in Indochina, maimed, displaced and injured millions more, in addition to killing 58,000 US service men and wounding a half-million more in this failed effort in military-driven empire-building. Elsewhere in Asia, the US empire builders consolidated their client collaborative rule: In Indonesia, which had one of the largest open Communist Party in the world, a CIA designed military coup, backed by Johnson in 1966 and led by General Suharto, murdered over one million trade unionists, peasants, progressive intellectuals, school teachers and ‘communists’ (and their family members).

What is striking about the US declaration of war in Vietnam is that the latter did not respond to the US-directed maritime provocations that served as a pretext for war. As a result Washington had to fabricate a Vietnamese response and then use it as the pretext for war.

The idea of fabricating military threats (the Gulf of Tonkin Incident ) and then using them as pretext for the US-Vietnam war was repeated in the case of the US invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan . In fact Bush Administration policy makers, who launched the Afghan and Iraq wars, tried to prevent the publication of a report by the top Navy commander in which he recounted how the NSA distorted the intelligence reports regarding the Tonkin incident to serve the Johnson Administration’s ardent desire for a pretext to war.

Provocation and Pretext: 9/11 and the Afghan-Iraq Invasions

In 2001, the vast majority of the US public was concerned over domestic matters – the downturn in the economy, corporate corruption (Enron, World Com etc..), the bursting of the ‘dot-com’ bubble and avoiding any new military confrontation in the Middle East . There was no sense that the US had any interest in going to war for Israel , nor launching a new war against Iraq , especially an Iraq , which had been defeated and humiliated a decade earlier and was subject to brutal economic sanctions.

The US oil companies were negotiating new agreements with the Gulf States and looked forward to, with some hope, a stable, peaceful Middle East, marred by Israel ’s savaging the Palestinians and threatening its adversaries. In the Presidential election of 2000, George W, Bush was elected despite losing the popular vote – in large part because of electoral chicanery (with the complicity of the Supreme Court) denying the vote to blacks in Florida. Bush’s bellicose rhetoric and emphasis on ‘national security’ resonated mainly with his Zionist advisers and the pro-Israeli lobby – otherwise, for the majority of Americans, it fell on deaf ears.

The gap between the Middle East War plans of his principle Zionist appointees in the Pentagon, the Vice President’s office and the National Security Council and the general US public’s concern with domestic issues was striking. No amount of Zionist authored position papers, anti-Arab, anti-Muslim rhetoric and theatrics, emanating from Israel and its US based spokespeople, were making any significant impact on the US public. There was widespread disbelief that there was an imminent threat to US security through a catastrophic terrorist attack –which is defined as an attack using chemical, biological or nuclear weapons of mass destruction. The US public believed that Israel ’s Middle East wars and their unconditional US lobbyists promotion for direct US involvement were not part of their lives nor in the country’s interest.

The key challenge for the militarists in the Bush Administration was how to bring the US public around to support the new Middle East war agenda, in the absence of any visible, credible and immediate threat from any sovereign Middle Eastern country.

The Zionists were well placed in all the key government positions to launch a worldwide offensive war. They had clear ideas of the countries to target (Middle East adversaries of Israel ). They had defined the ideology (“the war on terror”, “preventive defense”). They projected a sequence of wars. They linked their Middle East war strategy to a global military offensive against all governments, movements and leaders who opposed US military-driven empire building. What they needed was to coordinate the elite into actually facilitating a ‘catastrophic terrorist incident’ that could trigger the implementation of their publicly stated and defended new world war.

The key to the success of the operation was to encourage terrorists and to facilitate calculated and systematic ‘neglect’ – to deliberately marginalize intelligence agents and agency reports that identified the terrorists, their plans and methods. In the subsequent investigatory hearings, it was necessary to foster the image of ‘neglect’, bureaucratic ineptness and security failures in order to cover up Administration complicity in the terrorists’ success. An absolutely essential element in mobilizing massive and unquestioning support for the launching of a world war of conquest and destruction centered in Muslim and Arab countries and people was a ‘catastrophic event’ that could be linked to the latter.

After the initial shock of 9/11 and the mass media propaganda blitz saturating every household, questions began to be raised by critics about the run-up to the event, especially when reports began to circulate from domestic and overseas intelligence agencies that US policy makers were clearly informed of preparations for a terrorist attack. After many months of sustained public pressure, President Bush finally named an investigatory commission on 9/11, headed by former politicians and government officials. Philip Zelikow, an academic and former government official and prominent advocate of ‘preventative defense’ (the offensive war policies promoted by the Zionist militants in the government) was named executive director to conduct and write the official ‘9-11 Commission Report’. Zelikow was privy to the need for a pretext, like 9/11, for launching the permanent global warfare, which he had advocated. With a prescience, which could only come from an insider to the fabrication leading to war, he had written: “Like Pearl Harbor , this event would divide our past and future into a before and after. The United States (sic) might respond with draconian measures, scaling back civil liberties, allowing wider surveillance of citizens, detention of suspects and use of deadly force (torture)”, (see Catastrophic Terrorism – Tackling the New Dangers , co-authored by Philip Zelikow and published by Foreign Affairs in 1998).

Zelikow directed the commission report, which exonerated the administration of any knowledge and complicity in 9/11, but convinced few Americans outside of the mass media and Congress. Polls conducted in the summer of 2003 on the findings of the Commission proceedings and its conclusions found that a majority of the American public expressed a high level of distrust and rejection – especially among New Yorkers. The general public suspected Government complicity, especially when it was revealed that Zelikow conferred with key figures under investigation, Vice President Cheney and Presidential ‘Guru’ Karl Rove. In response to skeptical citizens, Zelikow went on an insane rage, calling the sceptics ‘pathogens’ or germs whose ‘infection’ needed to be contained. With language reminiscent of a Hitlerian Social Darwinist diatribe, he referred to criticisms of the Commission cover up as ‘a bacteria (that) can sicken the larger body (of public opinion)’. Clearly Zelikow’s pseudoscientific rant reflects the fear and loathing he feels for those who implicated him with a militarist regime, which fabricated a pretext for a catastrophic war for Zelikow’s favorite state – Israel .

Throughout the 1990’s the US and Israeli military-driven empire building took on an added virulence: Israel dispossessed Palestinians and extended its colonial settlements. Bush, Senior invaded Iraq and systematically destroyed Iraqi’s military and civil economic infrastructure and fomented an ethnically cleansed Kurdish client state in the north. Like his predecessor Ronald Reagan, President George H.W. Bush, Senior backed anti-communist Islamic irregulars in their conquest of Afghanistan via their ‘holy wars’ against a leftist secular nationalist regime.. At the same time Bush, Senior attempted to ‘balance’ military empire building with expanding the US economic empire, by not occupying Iraq and unsuccessfully trying to restrain Israeli colonial settlements in the West Bank .

With the rise of Clinton , all restraints on military-driven empire building were thrown over: Clinton provoked a major Balkan war, viciously bombing and dismembering Yugoslavia , periodically bombing Iraq and extending and expanding US military bases in the Gulf States . He bombed the largest pharmaceutical factory in Sudan , invaded Somalia and intensified a criminal economic boycott of Iraq leading to the death of an estimated 500,000 children. Within the Clinton regime, several liberal pro-Israel Zionists joined the military-driven empire builders in the key policy making positions. Israeli military expansion and repression reached new heights as US-financed colonial Jewish settlers and heavily armed Israeli military forces slaughtered unarmed Palestinian teenagers protesting the Israeli presence in the Occupied Territories during the First Intifada. In other words, Washington extended its military penetration and occupation deeper into Arab countries and societies, discrediting and weakening the hold of its client puppet regimes over their people.

The US ended military support for the armed Islamic anti-communists in Afghanistan once they had served US policy goals by destroying the Soviet backed secular regime (slaughtering thousands of school teachers in the process). As a consequence of US-financing, there was a vast, loose network of well-trained Islamic fighters available for combat against other target regimes. Many were flown by the Clinton regime into Bosnia where Islamic fighters fought a surrogate separatist war against the secular and socialist central government of Yugoslavia . Others were funded to destabilize Iran and Iraq . They were seen in Washington as shock troops for future US military conquests. Nevertheless Clinton ’s imperial coalition of Israeli colonialists, armed Islamic mercenary fighters, Kurdish and Chechen separatists broke up as Washington and Israel advanced toward war and conquest of Arab and Muslim states and the US spread its military presence in Saudi Arabia , Kuwait and the Gulf States .

Military-driven empire building against existing nation-states was not an easy sell to the US public or to the market-driven empire builders of Western Europe and Japan and the newly emerging market-driven empire builders of China and Russia . Washington needed to create conditions for a major provocation, which would overcome or weaken the resistance and opposition of rival economic empire builders. More particularly, Washington needed a ‘catastrophic event’ to ‘turn around’ domestic public opinion, which had opposed the first Gulf War and subsequently supported the rapid withdrawal of US troops from Iraq in 1990.

The events, which took place on September 11, 2001, served the purpose of American and Israeli military-driven empire builders. The destruction of the World Trade Center buildings and the deaths of nearly 3,000 civilians, served as a pretext for a series of colonial wars, colonial occupations, and global terrorist activities, and secured the unanimous support of the US Congress and triggered an intense global mass media propaganda campaign for war.

The Politics of Military Provocations

Ten years of starving 23 million Iraqi Arabs under the Clinton regime’s economic boycott, interspersed with intense bombing was a major provocation to Arab communities and citizens around the world. Supporting Israel ’s systematic dispossession of Palestinians from their lands, interspersed with encroachment on the Islamic holy sites in Jerusalem was a major provocation, which detonated scores of suicide bomb attacks in retaliation. The construction and operation of US military bases in Saudi Arabia , home of the Islamic holy city of Mecca , was a provocation to millions of believers and practicing Muslims. The US and Israeli attack and occupation of southern Lebanon and the killing of 17,000 Lebanese and Palestinians were a provocation to Arabs.

Ruled by pusillanimous Arab regimes, servile to US interests, impotent to respond toward Israeli brutality against Palestinians, Arabs and devout Muslim citizens were constantly pushed by the Bush and especially Clinton regime to respond to their continued provocations. Against the vast disproportion in fire-power between the advanced weaponry of the US and Israeli occupation forces (the Apache helicopter gun ships, the 5,000 pound bombs, the killer drones, the armored carriers, the cluster bombs, Napalm and missiles) the secular Arab and Islamic resistance had only light weaponry consisting of automatic rifles, rocket propelled grenades, short-range and inaccurate Katusha missiles and machine guns. The only weapon they possessed in abundance to retaliate was the suicidal ‘human bombs’.

Up to 9/11, US imperial wars against Arab and Islamic populations were carried out in the targeted and occupied lands where the great mass of Arab people lived, worked and enjoyed shared lives. In other words, all (and for Israel most) of the destructive effects of their wars (the killings, home and neighborhood destruction and kinship losses) were products of US and Israeli offensive wars, seemingly immune to retaliatory action on their own territory.

The precise timing of 9/11 coincides with the highly visible takeover of US Middle East war policy by extremist Zionists in the top positions of the Pentagon, the White House and National Security Council and their dominance of Congressional Middle East policies. Arab and Islamic anti-imperialists were convinced that military-driven empire builders were readying for a frontal assault on all the remaining centers of opposition to Zionism in the Middle East, i.e. Iraq , Iran , Syria , Southern Lebanon, the West Bank, Gaza , as well as in Afghanistan in South Asia and Sudan and Somalia in North-East Africa .

This offensive war scenario had been already spelled out by the American Zionist policy elite headed by Richard Pearl for the Israeli Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies in a policy document, entitled A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm. This was prepared in 1996 for far-right Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu prior to his taking office.

On September 28, 2000, despite the warnings of many observers, the infamous author of the massacre of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon , General Ariel Sharon profaned the Al Aqsa Mosque with his huge military entourage – a deliberate religious provocation that guaranteed Sharon ’s election as Prime Minister from the far right Likud Party. This led to the Second Intifada and the savage response of the Israelis. Washington ’s total support of Sharon merely reinforced the worldwide belief among Arabs that the ‘Zionist Solution’ of massive ethnic purges was on Washington ’s agenda.

The pivotal group linking US military-driven empire builders with their counterparts in Israel was the major influential Zionist public policy group promoting what they dubbed the ‘Project for a New American Century” (PNAC). In 1998 they set out a detailed military-driven road map to US world domination (the so-called ‘Project for a New American Century’), which just happened to focus on the Middle East and just happened to coincide exactly with Tel Aviv’s vision of a US-Israel dominated Middle East. In 2000 the PNAC Zionist ideologues published a strategy paper ‘Rebuilding America’s Defenses’, which laid down the exact guidelines which incoming Zionist policy makers in the top spheres of the Pentagon and White House would follow. PNAC directives included establishing forward military bases in the Middle East, increasing military spending from 3% to 4% of GNP, a military attack to overthrow Saddam Hussein in Iraq, and military confrontation with Iran using the pretext of the threats of ‘weapons of mass destruction’.

The PNAC agenda could not advance without a catastrophic ‘Pearl Harbor’ type of event, as US military-driven empire builders, Israelis and US Zionist policy makers recognized early on. The deliberate refusal by the White House and its subordinate 16 intelligence agencies and the Justice Department to follow up precise reports of terrorist entry, training, financing and action plans was a case of deliberate ‘negligence’: The purpose was to allow the attack to take place and then to immediately launch the biggest wave of military invasions and state terrorist activities since the end of the Indochina War.

Israel , which had identified and kept close surveillance of the terrorists, insured that the action would proceed without any interruption. During the 9/11 attacks, its agents even had the presumption to video and photograph the exploding towers, while dancing in wild celebration, anticipating Washington’s move toward Israel’s militarist Middle East strategy.

Military-Driven Empire Building : The Zionist Connection

Militaristic empire building preceded the rise to power of the Zionist Power Configuration (ZPC) in the George W. Bush Administration. The pursuit of it after 9/11 was a joint effort between the ZPC and long-standing US militarists, like Rumsfeld and Cheney. The provocations against Arabs and Muslims leading up to the attacks were induced by both the US and Israel . The current implementation of the militarist strategy toward Iran is another joint effort of Zionist and US militarists.

What the Zionists did provide, which the US militarists lacked, was an organized mass-based lobby with financing, propagandists and political backing for the war. The principle government ideologues, media ‘experts’, spokespeople, academics, speechwriters and advisers for the war were largely drawn from the ranks of US Zionism. The most prejudicial aspects of the Zionist role was in the implementation of war policy, namely the systematic destruction and dismantling of the Iraqi state. Zionist policymakers promoted the US military occupation and supported a massive US military build-up in the region for sequential wars against Iran , Syria and other adversaries of Israeli expansion.

In pursuit of military –driven empire building in accord with Israel’s own version, the Zionist militarists in the US government exceeded their pre-9/11 expectations, raising military spending from 3% of GNP in 2000 to 6% in2008, growing at a rate of 13% per year during their ascendancy from 2001-2008. As a result they raised the US budget deficit to over $10 trillion dollars by 2010, double the 1997 deficit, and driving the US economy and its economic empire toward bankruptcy.

The Zionist American policy makers were blind to the dire economic consequences for US overseas economic interests because their main strategic consideration was whether US policy enhanced Israel ’s military dominance in the Middle East . The cost (in blood and treasure) of using the US to militarily destroy Israel ’s adversaries was of no concern.

To pursue the Zionist-US military-driven imperial project of a New Order in the Middle East, Washington needed to mobilize the entire population for a series of sequential wars against the anti-imperialist, anti-Israeli countries of the Middle East and beyond. To target the multitude of Israeli adversaries, American Zionists invented the notion of a ‘Global War on Terrorism’. The existing climate of national and international opinion was decidedly hostile to the idea of fighting sequential wars, let alone blindly following zealous Zionist extremists. Sacrificing American lives for Israeli power and the Zionist fantasy of a US-Israeli ‘Co-Prosperity Sphere’ dominating the Middle East could not win public backing in the US, let alone in the rest of the world.

Top policymakers, especially the Zionist elite, nurtured the notion of a fabricated pretext – an event which would shock the US public and Congress into a fearful, irrational and bellicose mood, willing to sacrifice lives and democratic freedoms. To rally the US public behind a military-driven imperial project of invasion and occupation in the Middle East required ‘another Pearl Harbor ’.

The Terror Bombing: White House and Zionist Complicity

Every level of the US government was aware that Arab extremists were planning a spectacular armed attack in the United States. The FBI and the CIA had their names and addresses; the President’s National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rice publicly admitted that the Executive branch knew that a terrorist hijacking would occur…only they had expected, she claimed, a ‘traditional hijacking’ and not the use of ‘airliners as missiles’. The Attorney General John Ashcroft was acutely aware and refused to fly on commercial airliners. Scores of Israeli spies were living blocks away from some of the hijackers in Florida , informing headquarters on their movements. Overseas intelligence agencies, notably in Germany , Russia , Israel and Egypt claimed to have provided information to their US counterparts on the ‘terrorist plot’. The President’s office, the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the FBI allowed the attackers to prepare their plans, secure funding, proceed to the airports, board the planes and carry out their attacks…all carrying US visas (mostly issued in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia – once a prominent site for processing Arabs to fight in Afghanistan) and with ‘pilots’ who were US-trained. As soon as the terrorists took control of the flights, the Air Force was notified of the hijacking but top leaders ‘inexplicably’ delayed moves to intercept the planes allowing the attackers to reach their objectives…the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

The military-driven empire builders and their Zionist allies immediately seized the pretext of a single military retaliatory attack by non-state terrorists to launch a worldwide military offensive against a laundry list of sovereign nations. Within 24 hours, ultra-Zionist Senator Joseph Lieberman, in a prepared speech, called for the US to attack ‘ Iran , Iraq and Syria ’ without any proof that any of these nations, all full members of the United Nations, were behind the hijackings. President Bush declared a ‘Global War on Terror’ (GWOT) and launched the invasion of Afghanistan and approved a program of extraterritorial, extrajudicial assassinations, kidnappings and torture throughout the world. Clearly the Administration put into operation a war strategy, publicly advocated and prepared by Zionist ideologues long before 9/11. The President secured nearly unanimous support from Congress for the first Patriot Act, suspending fundamental democratic freedoms at home. He demanded that US client-states and allies implement their own versions of authoritarian anti-terrorist laws to persecute, prosecute and jail any and all opponents of US and Israeli empire building in the Middle East and elsewhere. In other words, September 11, 2001 became the pretext for a virulent and sustained effort to create a new world order centered on a US military-driven empire and a Middle East built around Israeli supremacy.

Provocations and Pretexts: the Israeli-US War Against Iran

The long, unending, costly and losing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan undermined international and national support for the Zionist-promoted New American Century project. US militarists and their advisers and ideologues needed to create a new pretext for the US plans to subdue the Middle East and especially to attack Iran . They turned their propaganda campaign on Iran ’s legal non-military nuclear energy program and fabricated evidence of Iran ’s direct military involvement in supporting the Iraqi resistance to US occupation. Without proof they claimed Iran had supplied the weapons, which bombed the American ‘Green Zone’ in Baghdad. The Israeli lobby argued that Iranian training and weapons had been instrumental in defeating the American-backed Iraqi mercenaries in the major southern city of Basra. Top Zionists in the Treasury Department have organized a worldwide economic boycott against Iran . Israel has secured the support of top Democrat and Republican Congressional leaders for a military attack on Iran . But is Iran ’s existence a sufficient pretext or will a ‘catastrophic’ incident be necessary?

Conclusion: Provocations and Imperial Wars:

‘Behind every imperial war there is a Great Lie’ One of the most important political implications of our discussion of the US government’s resort to provocations and deception to launch imperial wars is that the vast majority of the American people are opposed to overseas wars. Government lies at the service of military interventions are necessary to undermine the American public’s preference for a foreign policy based on respect for self-determination of nations. The second implication however is that the peaceful sentiments of the majority can be quickly overturned by the political elite through deception and provocations amplified and dramatized through their constant repetition through the unified voice of the mass media. In other words, peaceful American citizens can be transformed into irrational chauvinist militarists through the ‘propaganda of the deed’ where executive authority disguises its own acts of imperial attacks as ‘defensive’ and its opponent’s retaliation as unprovoked aggression against a ‘peace loving’ United States.

All of the executive provocations and deceptions are formulated by a Presidential elite but willingly executed by a chain of command involving anywhere from dozens to hundreds of operatives, most of whom knowingly participate in deceiving the public, but rarely ever unmask the illegal project either out of fear, loyalty or blind obedience.

The notion, put forward by upholders of the ‘integrity’ of the war policy, that given such a large number of participants, ‘someone’ would have ‘leaked’ the deception, the systematic provocations and the manipulation of the public, has been demonstrated to be false. At the time of the ‘provocation’ and the declaration of ‘war’ when Congress unanimously approved ‘Presidential Authority’ to use force, few if any writers or journalists have ever raised serious questions: Executives operating under the mantle of ‘defending a peaceful country’ from ‘unprovoked treacherous enemies’ have always secured the complicity or silence of peacetime critics who choose to bury their reservations and investigations in a time of ‘threats to national security.’ Few academics, writers or journalists are willing to risk their professional standing, when all the mass media editors and owners, political leaders and their own professional cohorts froth over ‘standing united with our President in times of unparalleled mortal threat to the nation – as happened in 1941, 1950, 1964 and 2001.

With the exception of World War Two, each of the subsequent wars led to profound civilian political disillusion and even rejection of the fabrications that initially justified the war. Popular disenchantment with war led to a temporary rejection of militarism…until the next ‘unprovoked’ attack and call to arms. Even in the case of the Second World War there was massive civilian outrage against a large standing army and even large-scale military demonstrations at the end of the war, demanding the GI’s return to civilian life. The demobilization occurred despite Government efforts to consolidate a new empire based on occupation of countries in Europe and Asia in the wake of Germany and Japan ’s defeat.

The underlying structural reality, which has driven American Presidents to fabricate pretexts for wars, is informed by a military-driven conception of empire. Why did Roosevelt not answer the Japanese imperial economic challenge by increasing the US economic capacity to compete and produce more efficiently instead of supporting a provocative boycott called by the decaying European colonial powers in Asia ? Was it the case that, under capitalism, a depression-ridden, stagnant economy and idle work force could only be mobilized by the state for a military confrontation?

In the case of the US-Korean War, could not the most powerful post-World War US economy look toward exercising influence via investments with a poor, semi-agrarian, devastated, but unified, Korea, as it was able to do in Germany, Japan and elsewhere after the war?

Twenty years after spending hundreds of billions of dollars and suffering 500,000 dead and wounded to conquer Indochina, European, Asian and US capital entered Vietnam peacefully on the invitation of its government, hastening its integration into the world capitalist market via investments and trade.

It is clear that Plato’s not-so ‘noble lie’, as practiced by America’s Imperial Presidents, to deceive their citizens for ‘higher purposes’ has led to the use of bloody and cruel means to achieve grotesque and ignoble ends.

The repetition of fabricated pretexts to engage in imperial wars is embedded in the dual structure of the US political system, a military-driven empire and a broad-based electorate. To pursue the former it is essential to deceive the latter. Deception is facilitated by the control of mass media whose war propaganda enters every home, office and classroom with the same centrally determined message. The mass media undermine what remains of alternative information flowing from primary and secondary opinion leaders in the communities and erode personal values and ethics. While military-driven empire building has resulted in the killing of millions and the displacement of tens of millions, market-driven empire building imposes its own levy in terms of massive exploitation of labor, land and livelihoods.

As has been the case in the past, when the lies of empire wear thin, public disenchantment sets in, and the repeated cries of ‘new threats’ fail to mobilize opinion. As the continued loss of life and the socio-economic costs erodes the conditions of everyday life, mass media propaganda loses its effectiveness and political opportunities appear. As after WWII, Korea , Indochina and today with Iraq and Afghanistan , a window of political opportunity opens. Mass majorities demand changes in policy, perhaps in structures and certainly an end to the war. Possibilities open for public debate over the imperial system, which constantly reverts to wars and lies and provocations that justify them.


Our telegraphic survey of imperial policy-making refutes the conventional and commonplace notion that the decision making process leading up to war is open, public and carried out in accordance with the constitutional rules of a democracy. On the contrary, as is commonplace in many spheres of political, economic, social and cultural life, but especially in questions of war and peace, the key decisions are taken by a small Presidential elite behind closed doors, out of sight and without consultation and in violation of constitutional provisions. The process of provoking conflict in pursuit of military goals is never raised before the electorate. There are never investigations by independent investigatory committees.

The closed nature of the decision making process does not detract from the fact that these decisions were ‘public’ in that they were taken by elected and non-elected public officials in public institutions and directly affected the public. The problem is that the public was kept in the dark about the larger imperial interests that were at stake and the deception that would induce them to blindly submit to the decisions for war. Defenders of the political system are unwilling to confront the authoritarian procedures, the elite fabrications and the unstated imperial goals. Apologists of the military-driven empire builders resort to irrational and pejorative labeling of the critics and skeptics as ‘conspiracy theorists’. For the most part, prestigious academics conform closely to the rhetoric and fabricated claims of the executors of imperial policy.

Everywhere and at all times groups, organizations and leaders meet in closed meetings, before going ‘public’. A minority of policymakers or advocates meet, debate and outline procedures and devise tactics to secure decisions at the ‘official’ meeting. This common practice takes place when any vital decisions are to be taken whether it is at local school boards or in White House meetings. To label the account of small groups of public officials meeting and taking vital decisions in ‘closed’ public meetings (where agendas, procedures and decisions are made prior to formal ‘open’ public meetings) as ‘conspiracy theorizing’ is to deny the normal way in which politics operate. In a word, the ‘conspiracy’ labelers are either ignorant of the most elementary procedures of politics or they are conscious of their role in covering up the abuses of power of today’s state terror merchants.

Professor Zelikow – Where do we go from here?

The key figure in and around the Bush Administration who actively promoted a ‘new Pearl Harbor ’ and was at least in part responsible for the policy of complicity with the 9/11 terrorists was Philip Zelikow. Zelikow, a prominent Israel-Firster, is a government academic, whose expertise was in the nebulous area of ‘catastrophic terrorism’ – events which enabled US political leaders to concentrate executive powers and violate constitutional freedoms in pursuit of offensive imperial wars and in developing the ‘public myth’. Philip Shenon’s book, The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation pinpoints Zelikow’s strategic role in the Bush Administration in the lead up to 9/11, the period of ‘complicit neglect’, in its aftermath, the offensive global war period, and in the government’s cover-up of its complicity in the terror attack.

Prior to 9/11 Zelikow provided a‘blueprint’ for the process of an executive seizing extreme power for global warfare. He outlined a sequence in which a ‘catastrophic terrorist event’ could facilitate the absolute concentration of power, followed by the launching of offensive wars for Israel (as he publicly admitted). In the run-up to 9/11 and the multiple wars, he served as a member of National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rice’s National Security Council transition team (2000-2001), which had intimate knowledge of terrorist plans to seize US commercial flights, as Rice herself publicly admitted (‘conventional hijackings’ was her term). Zelikow was instrumental in demoting and disabling the counter-terrorism expert Richard Clark from the National Security Council, the one agency tracking the terrorist operation. Between 2001-2003, Zelikow was a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. This was the agency, which had failed to follow-up and failed to pursue the key intelligence reports identifying terrorist plans. Zelikow, after playing a major role in undermining intelligence efforts to prevent the terrorist attack, became the principle author of the 2002 National Security Strategy of the United States, which prescribed Bush’s policy of military invasion of Iraq and targeted Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas and other independent Arab and Muslim countries and political entities. Zelikow’s ‘National Security Strategy’ paper was the most influential directive shaping the global state terrorist policies of the Bush regime. It also brought US war policies in the closest alignment with the regional military aspirations of the Israeli state since the founding of Israel . Indeed, this was why the former Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu stated at Bar Ilan University that the 9/11 attack and the US invasion of Iraq were ‘good for Israel ’ (see Haaretz, April 16, 2008).

Finally Zelikow, as Bush’s personal appointee as the Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, coordinated the cover-up of the Administration policy of complicity in 9/11 with the Vice President’s office. While Zelikow is not considered an academic heavyweight, his ubiquitous role in the design, execution and cover-up of the world-shattering events surrounding 9/11 and its aftermath mark him as one of the most dangerous and destructive political ‘influentials’ in the shaping and launching of Washington’s past, present and future catastrophic wars.

James Petras’ forthcoming book, Zionism and US Militarism, is due from Clarity Press, Atlanta , in August 2008.

The European Union today confirmed it will ban the use of the pesticide chlorpyrifos on food crops early next year, citing the risk of brain damage to children – evidence the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ignored in scuttling a proposed ban on the chemical.  

In August, the European Food Safety Authority, or EFSA, said there is “no safe level” of exposure to the insecticide, which drove today’s decision. The EFSA also cited possible damage to DNA. Chlorpyrifos will no longer be allowed for sale in the 28 member countries of the EU after the end of January.

The EPA was poised to ban chlorpyrifos early in 2017. But after the 2016 election, Dow launched an aggressive campaign to block that decision.

Dow, the pesticide’s main manufacturer, donated $1 million to President Trump’s inauguration festivities, and its CEO met privately with then-EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. Soon after, Pruitt ignored his agency’s own scientists and aborted the scheduled ban.

Pruitt resigned in disgrace in July 2018 after a scandal-ridden 18-month tenure, but Andrew Wheeler, who took over as administrator of the agency, fought in federal court to keep chlorpyrifos legal. California has banned the use of chlorpyrifos on food crops after February.

“American children and farmworkers would not be exposed to this dangerous pesticide today if the Trump EPA had not ignored the advice of its scientists and kowtowed to the chemical agricultural industry,” said EWG President Ken Cook. “Why should kids in France, Germany and Italy be protected from a brain-damaging chemical while , ?”

A robust body of scientific evidence shows that even small doses of chlorpyrifos can damage parts of the brain that control language, memory, behavior and emotion. Multiple independent studies have found that exposure to chlorpyrifos impairs children’s IQs.

EPA scientists assessed those studies and concluded that the levels of the pesticide currently found on food and in drinking water are unsafe. The scientists estimate that typical exposures for babies are five times greater than the agency’s proposed “safe” intake, and 11 to 15 times higher for toddlers and older children. A typical exposure for a pregnant woman is five times higher than it ought to be to protect her developing fetus.

The most recent data from the U.S. Geological Survey show an estimated 5 million pounds of the weedkiller were sprayed on U.S. cropland in 2016.


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Summit Nato, si rafforza il partito della guerra

December 8th, 2019 by Manlio Dinucci

Macron ha parlato di «morte cerebrale» della Nato, altri la definiscono «moribonda». Siamo dunque di fronte a una Alleanza che, senza più una testa pensante, si sta sgretolando per effetto delle fratture interne? I litigi al Summit di Londra sembrano confermare tale scenario. Occorre però guardare alla sostanza, ai reali interessi su cui si fondano i rapporti tra gli alleati.  

Mentre a Londra Trump e Macron polemizzano sotto gli occhi delle telecamere, in Niger senza tanta pubblicità lo US Army Africa (Esercito Usa per l’Africa) trasporta con i suoi aerei cargo migliaia di soldati francesi e i loro armamenti in diversi avamposti in Africa Occidentale e Centrale per l’Operazione Barkhane, in cui Parigi impegna 4.500 militari, soprattutto delle forze speciali, con il sostegno di forze speciali Usa anche in azioni di combattimento. Contemporaneamente i droni armati Reaper, forniti dagli Usa alla Francia,  operano dalla Base aerea 101 a Niamey (Niger). Dalla stessa base decollano i  Reaper della US Air Force Africa (Forza aerea Usa per l’Africa), che vengono ora ridislocati nella nuova  base 201 di Agadez nel nord del paese, continuando a operare di concerto con quelli francesi. 

Il caso è emblematico. Stati uniti, Francia e altre potenze europee, i cui gruppi multinazionali rivaleggiano per accaparrarsi mercati e materie prime, si compattano quando sono in gioco i loro interessi comuni. Ad esempio quelli che hanno nel Sahel ricchissimo di materie prime: petrolio, oro, coltan, diamanti, uranio. Ora però i loro interessi in questa regione, dove gli indici di povertà sono tra i più alti, vengono messi in pericolo dalle sollevazioni popolari e dalla presenza economica cinese. Da qui la Barkhane che, presentata come operazione anti-terrorismo, impegna gli alleati in una guerra di lunga durata con droni e forze speciali

Il più forte collante che tiene unita la Nato è costituito dai comuni interessi del complesso militare industriale sulle due sponde dell’Atlantico. Esso esce rafforzato dal Summit di Londra. La Dichiarazione finale fornisce la principale motivazione per un ulteriore aumento della spesa militare: «Le azioni aggressive della Russia costituiscono una minaccia per la sicurezza Euro-Atlantica». Gli Alleati si impegnano non solo a portare la loro spesa militare almeno al 2% del Pil, ma a destinare almeno il 20% di questa all’acquisto di armamenti. Obiettivo  già raggiunto da 16 paesi su 29, tra cui l’Italia. Gli Usa investono a tale scopo oltre 200 miliardi di dollari nel 2019. I risultati si vedono. Il giorno stesso in cui si apriva il Summit Nato, la General Dynamics firmava con la US Navy un contratto da 22,2 miliardi di dollari, estendibili a 24, per la fornitura di 8 sottomarini della classe Virginia per operazioni speciali e missioni di attacco con missili Tomahawk anche a testata nucleare (40 per sottomarino).

Accusando la Russia (senza alcuna prova) di aver schierato missili nucleari a raggio intermedio e aver così affossato il Trattato Inf, il Summit decide «l’ulteriore rafforzamento della nostra capacità di difenderci con un appropriato mix di capacità nucleari, convenzionali e anti-missilistiche, che continueremo ad adattare: finché esisteranno armi nucleari, la Nato resterà una alleanza nucleare». In tale quadro si inserisce il riconoscimento dello spazio quale quinto campo operativo, in altre parole si annuncia un costosissimo  programma militare spaziale della Alleanza. È una cambiale in bianco data all’unanimità dagli Alleati al complesso militare industriale. 

Per la prima volta, con la Dichiarazione del Summit, la Nato parla della «sfida» proveniente dalla crescente influenza e dalla politica internazionale della Cina, sottolineando «la necessità di affrontarla insieme come Alleanza». Il messaggio è chiaro: la Nato è più che mai necessaria a un Occidente la cui supremazia viene oggi messa in discussione da Cina e Russia. Risultato immediato: il Governo giapponese ha annunciato di aver comprato per 146 milioni di dollari l’isola disabitata di Mageshima, a 30 km dalle sue coste, per adibirla a sito di addestramento dei cacciabombardieri Usa schierati contro la Cina.

Manlio Dinucci

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Sun Never Sets on Canadian Military

December 8th, 2019 by Yves Engler

Most Canadians would be surprised to learn that the sun never sets on the military their taxes pay for.

This country is not formally at war yet more than 2,100 Canadian troops are sprinkled across the globe. According to the Armed Forces, these soldiers are involved in 28 international missions.

There are 850 Canadian troops in Iraq and its environs. Two hundred highly skilled special forces have provided training and combat support to Kurdish forces often accused of ethnic cleansing areas of Iraq they captured. A tactical helicopter detachment, intelligence officers and a combat hospital, as well as 200 Canadians at a base in Kuwait, support the special forces in Iraq.

Alongside the special forces mission, Canada commands the NATO mission in Iraq. Canadian Brigadier General Jennifer Carrigan commands nearly 600 NATO troops, including 250 Canadians.

A comparable number of troops are stationed on Russia’s borders. About 600 Canadians are part of a Canadian-led NATO mission in Latvia while 200 troops are part of a training effort in the Ukraine. Seventy-five Canadian Air Force personnel are currently in Romania.

Some of the smaller operations are also highly political. Through Operation Proteus a dozen troops contribute to the Office of the United States Security Coordinator, which is supporting a security apparatus to protect the Palestinian Authority from popular disgust over its compliance in the face of ongoing Israeli settlement building.

Through Operation Foundation 15 troops are contributing to a US counter-terrorism effort in the Middle East, North Africa and Southwest Asia. As part of Operation Foundation General A. R. DAY, for instance, Directsthe Combined Aerospace Operations Center at the US military’s Al Udeid base in Qatar.

The 2,100 number offered up by the military doesn’t count the hundreds, maybe a thousand, naval personnelpatrolling hotspots across the globe. Recently one or two Canadian naval vessels — with about 200 personnel each — has patrolled in East Asia. The ships are helping the US-led campaign to isolate North Korea and enforce UN sanctions. These Canadian vessels have also been involved in belligerent “freedom of navigation” exercises through international waters that Beijing claims in the South China Sea, Strait of Taiwan and East China Sea.

A Canadian vessel is also patrolling in the Persian Gulf/Arabian Sea. Recently Canadian vessels have also entered the Black Sea, which borders Russia. And Canadian vessels regularly deploy to the Caribbean.

Nor does the 2,100 number count thecolonels supported by sergeants and sometimes a second officerwho are defence attachés based in 30 diplomatic posts around the world (with cross-accreditation to neighbouring countries). Another 150 Canadian military personnel are stationed at the North American Aerospace Defense Command headquarters in Colorado and a smaller number at NORAD’s hub near Tampa Bay, Florida. These bases assist US airstrikes in a number of places.

Dozens of Canadian soldiers are also stationed at NATO headquarters in Brussels. They assist that organization in its international deployments.

There may be other deployments not listed here. Dozens of Canadian soldiers are on exchange programs with the US and other militaries and some of them may be part of deployments abroad.Additionally, Canadian Special forces can be deployed without public announcement, which has taken place on numerous occasions.

The scope of the military’s international footprint is hard to square with the idea of a force defending Canada. That’s why military types promote the importance of “forward defence”. The government’s 2017 “Strong, Secure, Engaged: Canada’s Defence Policy” claims Canada has to “actively address threats abroad for stability at home” and that “defending Canada and Canadian interests … requires active engagement abroad.”

That logic, of course, can be used to justify participating in endless US-led military endeavors. That is the real reason the sun never sets on the Canadian military.


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Why the UK Establishment Hates Jeremy Corbyn

December 8th, 2019 by Johanna Ross

He’s been termed a ‘national security risk’ and an ‘enemy of the state’ by the mainstream media. On Sky News recently former Conservative and Times columnist Matthew Parris referred to his ‘mad’ conspiracy theories as he discussed with other journalists the danger of him being elected to power. One might think they were discussing a terrorist or criminal, but instead it was none other than Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the opposition, whose only crime has been to speak out against the harmful aspects of Britain’s foreign policy in recent years. Against regime change wars, against arms sales to Saudi Arabia and a supporter of Palestine – Corbyn has openly contradicted the establishment position for decades. Why? Because, like most conscious individuals, he deemed it to be immoral.

You see the problem with Jeremy Corbyn is that he tells the truth. Lord Finkelstein, writing in The Times on Wednesday, wrote a piece designed to send shivers down the spine of Britain’s most ardent capitalists. ‘How Lenin inspired Corbyn’s world view’ it was entitled, as he tried to persuade the public that the Labour leader threatens everything the UK establishment stands for. He quotes from a 2011 foreword written by Corbyn to the book Imperialism, in which he wrote,

“Since World War Two, the big imperial force has been the United States on behalf of global capitalism and the biggest, mostly US-based corporations. The propaganda for this has presented itself as a voice for ‘freedom’ and carefully and consciously conflated it with market economics.”

He goes further to suggest that Soviet expansionism was different from that of the US:

“The influence of the Soviet Union around the world was huge, but tempered by an inadequate industrial base in comparison to the United States and the ruinously expensive arms race that hastened its decline, and eventual collapse in 1990. But the Soviet influence was always different, and its allies often acted quite independently.”

These ‘dangerous’ opinions are of course opposed by the establishment, whose very existence depends on a flourishing capitalist order.

The reason this subject has resurfaced of late is, of course, because of the 70th anniversary of NATO. This military alliance, consistently portrayed in the West as a force only for good in the world, has been criticised by Corbyn in the past for its ‘obsession with Cold War politics’ and for provoking Russia through its expansion into Eastern Europe.  Describing it as a ‘US tool’ for shaping policy in Europe, in his 2014 Corbyn article entitled ‘NATO belligerence endangers us all’ has dared to venture into territory that no other UK politician would dare go into. Suggesting that there were ‘huge questions surrounding the West’s intentions in Ukraine’, that NATO has been wrongly allowed ‘to act outside its own area since the Afghan war’ and that ‘it’s time we talked with Russia’ are statements strong enough to raise more than a few eyebrows in Westminster. Dismissed as crackpot conspiracy theories, there are very few mainstream journalists and commentators willing to tolerate such views for a second, let alone work out what they might mean.

Thankfully there are some who have been able to see past the propaganda that Corbyn is some kind of ‘Soviet sleeper’ and terrorist sympathiser intent on undermining national security and destroying Britain’s ‘special relationship’ with the US, and as such he has got to the position he is in.  For the reality is that Corbyn’s mantra is essentially based on one basic principle: promote peace not war. And that is something which unfortunately is a huge threat to weapons manufacturers, from which the UK made £14bn last year, making it the world’s second largest arms exporter.

Therefore the ‘deep state’, will do everything it can to persuade the British public that Jeremy Corbyn is our enemy. Former MI6 head, Sir Richard Dearlove, writing in the Mail on Sunday last month warned ‘do not even think about taking the risk of  handing this politician the keys of No.10’ as he boasted that neither Corbyn nor many of his close allies would have passed security vetting in order to join the agency. He asserted that Corbyn and his strategist, Seamus Milne, were ‘compromised by their past’ as they had ‘embraced the interests’ of Britain’s enemies. Dearlove, whose resilience has survived the criticism he faced over his role in the Iraq war, is still be listened to it seems. Indeed, his anti-Corbyn articles have featured regular in the mainstream press in recent years, along with several television interviews. And he is not the only former intelligence officer to have spoken out against Corbyn, despite the fact that the security services are supposed to remain neutral.

A recent article by Mark Kennard illustrates the extent to which this principle is being flouted. He writes “The stories — which quote former or current members of the army, navy and special forces, as well as MI5, MI6 and an ex-senior civil servant — have averaged one every six weeks since Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party in September 2015. There have, however, been significant spikes in frequency during the 2017 and 2019 general election campaigns.” Kennard goes on suggest that intelligence officers have in fact provided journalists in the mainstream media with secret documents as part of what he terms a ‘campaign’. It’s not hard to agree that this is a strong possibility. In 2018 the government’s Integrity Initiative scheme – an intelligence operation involving journalists and academics, designed to counter ‘Russian propaganda’ – was exposed, and it was found to be openly tweeting against Corbyn. This was one of the first indications that the media campaign against Corbyn could be orchestrated. In a previous interview with Professor David Miller at the University of Bristol, he also told me of the ‘unconstitional animus’ towards the Labour leader which he said was operating in the same way as the Zinoviev case in 1924.

So the threat Corbyn poses is, in fact nothing new – we’ve been here before with previous potential socialist governments. With baited breath one awaits the result of next week’s election; for if indeed Jeremy Corbyn does gain the keys to No.10 Downing Street we can only imagine what turmoil the establishment will be in…


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Johanna Ross is a journalist based in Edinburgh, Scotland.

In early 2014 Washington staged a blatant coup d’etat in Ukraine breaking the historic relationship with Russia and setting the stage for the subsequent NATO demonization of Russia. The one in charge for the Obama Administration of the Ukraine coup was then-Vice President Joe Biden. Today a bizarre Democrat impeachment attempt aimed at President Donald Trump has curiously enough put the spotlight on the dubious role that Joe Biden played in Ukraine affairs in 2014 and after. That Biden-steered coup had the unintended effect of causing a 180 degree geopolitical pivot of Moscow from West to East. The opening of a massive new gas pipeline now is only one of those unintended consequences.

On December 2, Russian President Vladimir Putin participated in the official opening of the Power of Siberia natural gas pipeline to Asia, servicing the growing China gas market. It met the planned deadline punctually, to the month. This marked the first Russian pipeline gas deliveries to China. In a videolink with China President Xi Jinping, Putin remarked,

“This step is bringing Russian-Chinese strategic cooperation in energy to a whole new level.” Xi called it “a milestone project for the bilateral energy cooperation.”


The opening, a huge engineering feat, completes a pipeline through Russia’s Eastern Siberia north of Mongolia to the border with China, running more than 2,200 kilometers across Russia’s east territories. It is the largest gas pipeline project in the world to date.

The pipeline is designed to deal with temperatures as low as 62 C minus, and withstand earthquakes along its route. It begins in the Chayanda gas field in Yakutia and completes the Russian section at Blagoveshchensk on the Russia–China border. There, via two underwater pipelines under the Amur River, it connects with a Chinese gas line going south to Shanghai, the 3,371-kilometer-long Heihe–Shanghai pipeline in China. The world’s largest market demand increase for gas fuel in recent years has been China.


In May 2014, Gazprom and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) signed a $400 billion 30-year agreement for gas to be supplied via the Power of Siberia gas pipeline. The Russian gas deliveries to China will be 38 billion cubic meters per year when it reaches peak in 2025. In 2018 China natural gas consumption was 280 bcm, so the Siberian contribution is significant. It will eventually supply some 10% of China’s total gas needs for electricity and heating, to China’s underdeveloped northeast regions and south as far as Shanghai. But the project is about much more than gas to China.


Completion of the major Power of Siberia pipeline to China involves more than a pipeline running through 2,200 kilometers of remote Russia. It is also being used as a catalyst to develop major industry in the economically underdeveloped Russian Far East as well, a priority of the Russian government in recent years.

A little discussed parallel development tied to the construction of the Power of Siberia pipeline is Gazprom’s decision to build Russia’s largest gas-processing chemical facility, the Amur Gas Processing Plant, or the Amur GPP. The Amur GPP is the largest construction project in Russia’s Far East, a $14 billion complex near Svobodny on the Zeya River in Amur Oblast, some 170 kilometers from the gas pipeline’s China connection point. The Amur GPP scale is enormous, the size of 1,100 football fields.

The complex will use a portion of the huge gas reserves of the Power of Siberia fields in East Siberia to produce a mix of petrochemicals that will include ethane, propane, butane, pentane-hexane fraction and 60 million cubic meters of helium annually. These are all industrial chemical components in strong demand. Most important is the large production of helium, a byproduct of natural gas used in space industry, metallurgy, medicine and other areas. Amur GPP will be the largest helium production plant in the world. Ethane, propane, butane, pentane-hexane will be used to produce polymers, plastics, lubricants and other things including motor fuel.

Regional Development

The Amur GPP project when complete in 2025 will be the largest gas processing plant complex in Russia and second largest in the world, bringing major new economic activity to the underdeveloped Far East region, a priority of the Russian government. In August 2017 Russian President Putin was present for the first pouring of the concrete foundation for the complex. In his remarks he noted that,

“In the past 50 years, our country has not seen anything similar. Neither the Soviet Union nor Russia have implemented projects of this scale. This plant’s capacity will be 42 billion, which is a breakthrough not only for the industry but also in the overall development of the Russian Far East.”

Putin added,

“During peak periods, the construction will require several thousand people, or almost 25,000 workers, to be more precise. Once the plant is complete, it will employ 2,500 to 3,000 people, which will allow us not only to move forward in gas production but also to create conditions for building another giant plant in the country and one of the largest in the world.” 

The production from the Amur plant complex will be marketed for export to the Asian market as well as expanding the gas supply network for Yakutia and the Amur Region where until now commercial gas is almost non-existent.

The strategic partner of Gazprom responsible for the processing equipment and other engineering technology is the German company, Linde, a world leader in such specialized technology.

The Amur GPP complex will bring a major boost to Svobodny which like many towns in the remote Far East has been losing population following the collapse of the Soviet Union. The construction phase as noted is employing some 25,000 engineers and construction workers, most drawn from the region, adding a major economic boost. In addition Gazprom is building 42 new apartment buildings and 36 townhouses for some 5,000 people in Svobodny who will be permanently employed at the facility. There will also be a new school and kindergarten with a swimming pool, clinic, sports and cultural institutions. As well, Gazprom is cooperating with Amur State University and the Far Eastern Federal University, with new courses to train future specialists in chemical technology. The municipal government is already benefiting from tax payments from the presence of the project.

Pivot east

Ironically, we can title this the ‘Biden Memorial Pipeline.’ Had the Obama Administration not launched their coup d’etat in 2013 at Maidan Square in Kiev, with the subsequent ouster of the elected president in February 2014 in favor of literal neo-nazi parties and corrupt oligarchs under a US puppet regime, the completion of the Power of Siberia pipeline to China would likely not exist today. Negotiations with Beijing for the pipeline had been dragging on for more than ten years when the Ukraine coup took place. After that coup a final agreement was secured by Moscow with Beijing in a matter of weeks as Putin engineered a geopolitical pivot to the East away from NATO.

Vice President Joe Biden was named by Obama to oversee the Ukraine coup and its aftermath, which apparently included some corrupt sweetheart deals for Hunter Biden and possibly Joe Biden with Ukraine gas company Burisma.

The coup, carried out by then CIA head John Brennan, using sniper mercenaries from neighboring Georgia, together with neocon US State Department official Victoria “F**k the EU” Nuland, was one of the more foolish geopolitical blunders of Washington in recent decades. The pro-NATO coup was initiated when Viktor Yanukovich’s government had decided to accept generous Russian terms to join her Eurasian Economic Union rather than a vague promise of possible EU membership candidate status. Today Ukraine is treated with outcast status by the EU, and its economy is a shambles as a result of the break with Russia. In May, 2014, just weeks after the CIA toppled the duly elected government of Viktor Yanukovich in what Stratfor founder George Friedman called, “…the most blatant coup in (US) history,” Moscow signed the agreement with Beijing for the Gas Pipeline Deal of the Century, the Power of Siberia.


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F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook” where this article was originally published.

F. William Engdahl is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

Featured image is from NEO

As mentiras que o Ocidente cria e depois consome

December 8th, 2019 by Andre Vltchek

Depois de terminar o meu trabalho no Médio Oriente, pelos menos por agora, estava à espera do meu voo para Santiago do Chile. Em Paris. Podia contar com alguns dias “livres”, a processar o que ouvi e testemunhei em Beirute. Dia após dia, durante longas horas, sentei-me num lounge, a teclar e a teclar; a reflectir e a teclar.

Enquanto trabalhava, por cima de mim estava sintonizado o canal noticioso France 24, a emitir de um ecrã plano.

As pessoas em meu redor iam e vinham: as elites da África Ocidental nos seus frenéticos frenesins de compras, a berrar sem qualquer cerimónia para os seus telemóveis. Coreanos e japoneses a visitar Paris. Rudes alemães e norte-americanos do tipo encorpado, a discutir negócios, a rir vulgarmente, a ignorar os “inferiores”, na realidade todos os que se encontravam nas suas imediações.

Acontecesse o que acontecesse no meu hotel, a France 24 estava sempre, sempre e sempre ligada. Sim, precisamente; as 24 horas do dia, reciclando durante dias e noites as mesmas histórias, de quando em vez actualizando as notícias, com um ar de superioridade ligeiramente arrogante. Aqui, a França julgava o mundo; ensinando a Ásia, o Médio Oriente, África e América Latina sobre si mesmas.

Perante os meus olhos, acima de mim, naquele ecrã, o mundo estava a mudar. Durante muitos meses cobri o pesadelo dos motins dos traiçoeiros e violentos ninjas de Hong Kong. Estava a acontecer em todo o Médio Oriente, principalmente no Líbano, e agora estava a caminho do meu segundo lar, a América Latina, onde o socialismo continuava a ganhar eleições, mas estava a ser agredido, mesmo aterrorizado, pelo corrupto e malicioso Império ocidental.

Tudo o que a France 24 estava a mostrar, testemunhei regularmente com os meus próprios olhos. E mais, muito mais, de muitos ângulos diferentes. Filmei-o, escrevi acerca disso, analisei-o.

Em muitos países, mundo fora, as pessoas tinham partilhado as suas histórias comigo. Estive nas barricadas, fotografei e filmei corpos feridos, bem como o tremendo entusiasmo e ânimo revolucionário. Também testemunhei traições, deslealdades e cobardia.

Mas no lounge, à frente do aparelho de televisão, tudo parecia bastante na moda, com muita classe, e reconfortante. O sangue parecia uma paleta bem misturada, as barricadas um palco do musical mais recente da Broadway.

As pessoas estavam a morrer de um modo sublime, os seus gritos emudecidos, teatrais. A elegante apresentadora no seu vestido de estilista surgia benevolente, sempre que as pessoas no ecrã se atreviam a mostrar alguma emoção mais forte, ou torciam o rosto com dor. Era ela quem mandava, e estava acima de tudo isto. Em Paris, Londres e Nova Iorque, as emoções fortes, os compromissos políticos e os grandes gestos ideológicos estavam fora de moda, há já muito tempo.

Durante os poucos dias que passei em Paris, mudaram muitas coisas, em todos os continentes.

Os amotinados de Hong Kong estavam a evoluir; a começar a incendiar os seus compatriotas só por se atreverem a manifestar a sua fidelidade a Pequim. Mulheres eram agredidas sem cerimónia, com barras de metal, até ficarem com os rostos cobertos de sangue. No Líbano, o enorme punho cerrado do Otpor favorável a uma mudança de regime pró-ocidental estava subitamente no seio das manifestações antigovernamentais. A economia do país colapsava. Mas as “elites” libanesas estavam a torrar dinheiro, à minha volta, à volta de Paris e à volta do mundo. Os pobres miseráveis libaneses, bem como a classe média empobrecida, exigiam justiça social. Mas os ricos do Líbano gozavam com eles, exibindo-se. Tinham tudo pensado: tinham roubado o seu próprio país, depois abandonaram-no, e agora estavam a fazer um enorme baile aqui, na “cidade das luzes”.

Mas criticá-los no Ocidente tem sido tabu; proibido. O politicamente correcto, a todo-poderosa arma ocidental utilizada para manter o status quo, tornou-os intocáveis. Pois são libaneses; do Médio Oriente. Um belo acordo, certo? Roubam os seus conterrâneos médio-orientais, mas em Paris ou em Londres é tabu expor a sua “cultura” do deboche.

No Iraque, os sentimentos anti-xiitas, e como tal anti-iranianos, foram fortemente e claramente disseminados do estrangeiro. O segundo grande episódio da dita Primavera Árabe.

Os chilenos têm estado a lutar e a morrer, a tentar depor um sistema neoliberal, que lhes fora enfiado garganta abaixo desde 1973 pelos Chicago Boys.

O movimento socialista boliviano, bem-sucedido, democrático e racialmente inclusivo, foi derrubado, por Washington e pelos traiçoeiros quadros da elite boliviana. As pessoas também têm estado a morrer aqui, nas ruas de El Alto, La Paz e Cochabamba.

E lá está Israel outra vez, em Gaza. Em plena força.

Damasco foi bombardeada.

Fui filmar os argelinos, os libaneses e os bolivianos; pessoas que estavam a defender os seus programas na Place de la République.

Antecipei os horrores que esperavam por mim, brevemente; no Chile, na Bolívia e em Hong Kong.

Escrevia, febrilmente.

Enquanto murmurava o aparelho televisivo.

As pessoas entravam e saiam do lounge, encontravam-se e separavam-se, a rir, a gritar, a chorar e a fazer as pazes.

Nada a ver com o mundo.

Os rasgos de gargalhadas indecentes irrompiam periodicamente, mesmo enquanto as bombas explodiam no ecrã, mesmo enquanto as pessoas carregavam contra a polícia e os militares.


Então, um dia, percebi que toda a gente se estava nas tintas. Assim; tão simples.

Testemunhamos o que acontece, em todo o mundo; documentamo-lo. Arriscamos a nossa vida. Envolvemo-nos. Somos feridos. Por vezes ficamos perto, extremamente perto, da morte.

Não vemos televisão. Nunca, ou quase nunca. Aparecemos na televisão, isso sim; providenciamos histórias e imagens. Mas nunca testemunhamos os resultados; que emoções o nosso trabalho, palavras e imagens realmente evocam. Ou não evocarão sequer quaisquer emoções? Só trabalhamos para os órgãos de comunicação social anti-imperialistas, nunca para os da corrente dominante. Mas para quem quer que trabalhemos, nunca fazemos ideia das expressões faciais que os nossos relatos das zonas de guerra despertam. Ou as emoções que os relatos de qualquer zona de guerra agitam.

E depois, estamos em Paris, temos algum tempo para observar os nossos leitores, e subitamente compreendemos.

Compreendemos: porque tão poucos escrevem, apoiam a tua luta, ou se batem até pelos países que estão a ser destruídos, dizimados pelo Império.

Quando olhamos em volta, a observar as pessoas que estão sentadas no lounge de um hotel, percebemos claramente: não sentem nada. Não querem ver nada. Não compreendem nada. A France 24 está ligada, mas não é um canal de notícias como era suposto ser, há muitos anos. É entretenimento, o qual é suposto produzir um sofisticado ruído de fundo. E faz. Precisamente isso.

Tal como a BBC, a CNN, a Fox e o Deutsche Welle.


Enquanto o presidente legitimamente eleito da Bolívia era forçado ao exílio, de lágrimas nos olhos, peguei no comando e mudei de canal para um qualquer bizarro e primitivo canal de desenhos animados.

Nada mudou. As expressões nos rostos das cerca de vinte pessoas em meu redor não sofreram qualquer alteração.

Se no ecrã tivesse explodido uma bomba nuclear, algures no subcontinente, ninguém ia prestar qualquer atenção.

Algumas pessoas estavam a tirar selfies. Enquanto eu descrevia o colapso da cultura ocidental no meu MacBook. Estávamos todos ocupados, à nossa maneira.

Caxemira, Papua Ocidental, Iraque, Líbano, Hong Kong, Palestina, Bolívia e Chile estão a arder.

E depois?

A dez metros de distância, um empresário americano berrava ao telemóvel:

Vão convidar-me a voltar a Paris em Dezembro? Sim? Temos que tratar dos pormenores. Quanto é que vou receber por dia?

Golpes, insurreições, motins, no mundo todo.

E aquele sorriso profissional, plástico, da senhora, a apresentadora, no seu vestido retro azul e branco de estilista; tão confiante, tão francesa, e tão infindavelmente falsa.


Ultimamente, não deixo de indagar se os habitantes da Europa e da América do Norte terão algum direito moral a controlar o mundo.

A minha conclusão é: definitivamente não!

Eles não sabem, e não querem saber. Aqueles que detêm o poder é que têm a obrigação de saber.

Em Paris, Berlim, Londres, Nova Iorque, os indivíduos estão demasiado ocupados a admirarem-se, ou a “sofrer” com os seus problemas pequenos e egoístas.

Estão demasiado ocupados a tirar selfies e com a sua orientação sexual. E, claro está, com os seus “assuntos”.

É por isso que prefiro escrever para a comunicação social russa e chinesa, para me dirigir a pessoas que estão assustadas tal como eu, ansiosas quanto ao futuro do mundo.

Os editores desta revista, na distante Moscovo, na mesma medida sentem ansiedade e dedicação. Sei que sentem. Eu, e os meus relatos, para eles não somos mero “negócio”. As pessoas cujas cidades são esmagadas, arruinadas, não constituem qualquer tipo de entretenimento na redacção da NEO.

Em muitos países ocidentais, as pessoas perderam a sua capacidade de sentir, de se envolver, e de se bater por um mundo melhor.

Devido a esta perca, deviam ser obrigadas a abdicar do poder que possuem sobre o mundo.

O nosso mundo está estragado, cicatrizado, mas é extremamente belo e precioso.

Trabalhar para que se aperfeiçoe e sobreviva não é um negócio.

Só podemos confiar nos grandes sonhadores, poetas e pensadores para que o defendam, o façam avançar.

Existem muitos poetas e sonhadores entre os meus leitores? Ou assemelham-se, e comportam-se, como os hóspedes naquele lounge de hotel em Paris, perante o ecrã que emitia a France 24?

Andre Vltchek



 Versão Inglesa:

Lies Which the West Manufactures and Then Consumes

Este artigo foi publicado originalmente na New Eastern Outlook.

Tradução: Flávio Gonçalves


Andre Vltchek é jornalista de investigação, filósofo, romancista e cineasta. Já cobriu guerras e conflitos em dezenas de países. Em língua portuguesa tem publicado o livro “Por Lula: O Brasil de Bolsonaro – O Novo Tubarão Num Mar Infestado de Tubarões“, entre as restantes obras encontramos estas quatro: China and Ecological Civilization com John B. Cobb, Jr., Revolutionary Optimism, Western Nihilism, o romance revolucionário “Aurora” o e best seller de não ficção política, Exposing Lies Of The Empire”. Pode consultar aqui as restantes obras. Veja Rwanda Gambit, o seu documentário inovador sobre o Ruanda e a República Democrática do Congo e o seu filme/diálogo com Noam Chomsky “On Western Terrorism”. Vltchek reside actualmente no Oriente asiático e no Médio Oriente, continuando a trabalhar em todo o mundo. Pode ser contactado através do seu portal, do seu Twitter e do seu Patreon.

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Just as the world’s scientists warn us in the strongest language yet that nations must ratchet up commitments under the Paris Climate Agreement to reduce fossil fuel emissions, the climate-denying Trump administration rolls out yet more plans to make things even worse. The latest proposal: plunder Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve.

A complete disregard for science, conservation, and climate change

Originally created in 1923 to provide a source of emergency oil to the Navy, the 22.8-million-acre reserve is a critical preserve for a multitude of wildlife species. When Congress transferred the land to the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management in 1976, it decreed that any gas and oil exploration must assure “maximum protection” to recreational, fish, or wildlife areas. Taking that directive to heart, the Obama administration in 2013 limited oil and gas leasing to 11.8 million acres, setting aside nearly half the reserve for wildlife habit.

But now, the Trump administration, in a complete disregard for science, conservation, and climate change, proposes to roll back that directive with a draft plan that includes options to allow oil and gas operations on between 17 to 18.3 million acres, or up to 80 percent of the reserve.

Republican Representative Don Young said this would reverse Obama’s “overly-restrictive disaster.” But the real disaster, of course, is the one already befalling the Arctic as melting ice from global fossil fuel burning forces local wildlife far from traditional areas and feeds sea level rise on a planetary scale.

Pillaging Alaska’s natural treasures

In what amounts to a cruel mocking of this reality, the Trump administration’s draft plan says with a straight face that it is considering two other scenarios as well. One would leave the reserve as the Obama administration drew it up, to “protect crucial areas for sensitive bird populations and for the roughly 315,000 caribou” in two major herds. The other would actually slightly cut land for oil and gas leasing and increase protections for wildlife, “to prevent additional development in (caribou) habitat and molting goose habitat.”

No sane person is taking any bets on those two alternatives getting a fair scientific hearing, considering the administration’s other plans to pillage the natural treasures of Alaska. In September, it announced that it plans to open up to drilling all 1.56 million acres of coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

After going through the motions of considering multiple scenarios offering far more environmental protection, the administration chose the most rapacious plan, with the least protection for subsurface exploitation and surface infrastructure development. With no shame, the administration admitted in its plan that climate change combined oil development “may result in extinction” of many bird species, with 69 of the 157 species found on the coastal plain already of significant concern.

The administration also wants to open up the Tongass National Forest to full-scale logging. The Clinton administration banned logging roads in 9.2 million of the forest’s 16.7 million acres to protect the world’s most intact temperate rain forest. The administration wants to slice up the forest even as it admits in its draft plan that the Tongass contains “wildlife habitats, ecosystems, and visual characteristics, such as coastal islands facing the open Pacific, extensive beaches on inland saltwater, old-growth temperate rain forests, ice fields, and glaciers that exist nowhere else in the National Forest System.”

This blithe disregard is breathtaking even for an administration that is rolling back more than 80 environmental regulations.

What’s at risk

In the National Petroleum Reserve, the proposal for drilling presents a grave threat to wildlife in one of the world’s premier wilderness areas. To understand what might be lost, a good place to start is the assessments that led to the 2013 regulations, drawn up under Interior Secretary Ken Salazar. Among the major reasons given to prevent oil and gas exploration on nearly half the reserve were to:

  • Protect special habitat for nesting, breeding, molting, staging and migration for waterfowl and shorebirds and calving grounds for caribou in and around Teshekpuk Lake, the largest inland body of water on the reserve, and close to the ecologically sensitive North Slope
  • Protect breeding grounds for caribou in the Utukok River Uplands in the western part of the reserve
  • Protect haul-out areas and habitat for seals, walrus and polar bears
  • Protect habitat for peregrine falcons and other raptors;
  • Protect the “free flow, water quality, and outstandingly remarkable values” of several rivers essential to wildlife.

The Trump administration’s proposal would shrink the protected area around Teshekpuk Lake and potentially open the area to exploitation. This is despite a 2011 study finding that the lake had such a density of breeding birds that it should “be considered for permanent protection.”

A 2012 study led by researchers from the US Fish and Wildlife Service found that the density of shorebirds such as sandpipers and plovers was among the highest in the international Arctic. Combined with research on caribou and geese, their study concluded that permanent protection for the lake region “is certainly warranted.”

More specifically, Audubon Alaska says the Teshekpuk Lake wetlands complex provides breeding grounds for 600,000 shorebirds, has the highest-known nesting concentrations of near-threatened yellow-billed loons, a denning area for polar bears and hosts all four of the world’s species of eider sea ducks. It provides molting and post-nesting resting areas for up to 100,000 greater white-fronted geese, brant, cackling geese and snow geese. “There are no other known areas that support such large numbers of four species of molting geese across the Arctic,” Audubon says.

Of particular concern to conservationists is the fact that the number of caribou calling Teshekpuk Lake home fell from 69,000 in 2008 to 39,000 in 2014. The cause of the drop is uncertain, but some scientists say climate change is adversely affecting food sources. They predict that oil and gas development is likely to make things worse as there is evidence that industrial operations scare herds away from their most preferred areas.

A needless environmental disaster

It is not difficult to anticipate the overall effects of the Trump administration’s willful degradation of the Arctic. A 2003 study by a National Research Council committee unanimously agreed that expanding oil and gas operations was ill advised, “certain to exacerbate some existing effects and to generate new ones— possibly calling for regulatory revisions.”

This does not even begin to discuss the likely human costs in the area. The Obama administration concluded that opening up the entire National Petroleum Reserve to oil and gas development would reduce wildlife herds for subsistence hunting. The emissions, dust, and noise of operations and erosion of traditional diets and culture with development “will lead to worsened public health outcomes.”

In 2013, the Obama administration took that into consideration when it tried to strike a balance between the original purpose of the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska and the realization that there is much more than oil to preserve. Now, as the need to wean ourselves off fossil fuels is more urgent than ever, the arguments for protecting these already-threatened wildlife populations are stronger than ever.

In the thrall of the fossil fuel industry, the Trump administration pretends there is an Arctic in which no birds, seals, or caribou exist. If they are allowed to continue their needless and reckless environmental policies, that world may yet come to pass.

If the reserve is opened to mass plunder, wildlife will be sitting ducks for devastation. There are still opportunities for the public to raise its voice against this. The public comment period for opening up the Tongass is open until December 16; you can submit your comments here. The public comment period on the National Petroleum Reserve is open until January 21; submit your comment here.

There is time to act before Alaska’s goose, figuratively and literally, is cooked.


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Derrick Z. Jackson is a UCS Fellow in climate and energy and the Center for Science and Democracy. He is an award-winning journalist and co-author and photographer of Project Puffin: The Improbable Quest to Bring a Beloved Seabird Back to Egg Rock, published by Yale University Press (2015).

Featured image is from UCS

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Evo Morales and Eduardo Galeano in … Quebec!

December 8th, 2019 by Arnold August

As stated in a previous article in this series of five pieces on the impact of Evo-Bolivia in Canada: “No power anywhere in the world can make the people turn their anti-imperialist movement into an appendage of the Trudeau government’s foreign policy in Latin America and the Caribbean.”

That’s as true as ever.

The National Assembly is the legislative body of the province of Québec, in Canada. Québec is the only one of Canada’s provinces that possesses a national assembly as the legislature recognized by the Government of Canada.

The Québec Solidaire (QS) party was founded on February 4, 2006 in Montreal as the result of a merger of left and anti-globalization forces. Among other characteristics, such as its policies on women’s rights and the environment, QS defines itself as a party of the left and a supporter of Québec sovereignty.

On December 8, 2008, Québec Solidaire won its first seat in the National Assembly with the election of Amir Khadir to represent the Montreal riding of Mercier.

After two more elections, in 2018, the party won a major victory by adding 7 new seats for a total of 10, relegating the Parti Québecois— the old-line neoliberal sovereigntist party that formed three governments in its heyday — to non-official party status.

As a result of these developments, Québec Solidaire now has second opposition party status, behind the Liberal Party but ahead of the Parti Québecois.

At its congress on November 17, Québec Solidaire adopted the following “Urgent Resolution on Bolivia”:

“No punches can be pulled: what happened in Bolivia last week is a coup harkening back to the darkest hours in Latin American history.

“In the early 1970s, the great Uruguayan author Eduardo Galeano wrote:

“‘[Latin America] still works as a menial. It continues to exist at the service of others’ needs, as a source and reserve of oil and iron, of copper and meat, of fruit and coffee, the raw materials and foods destined for rich countries which profit more from consuming them than Latin America does from producing them.…[And so, this book] … present[s] in close proximity the caravelled conquistadors and the jet-propelled technocrats.’

“Unfortunately, those words remain as true as ever in 2019. The coup in Bolivia was planned by the Bolivian economic elite with the connivance of the Organization of American States (OAS). It should be remembered that the OAS is headquartered in Washington and that 44% of its funding comes from the United States. Simply put, the OAS is the diplomatic arm of U.S. imperialism.

“By calling into question the results of an election from which incumbent president Evo Morales emerged as the clear winner, the OAS has facilitated the taking of power by an illegitimate, deeply regressive government. Since the forced resignation of Evo Morales, the Wiphala, the seven-colored flag of the Indigenous peoples and the second official flag of Bolivia, has been removed from the presidential palace and burned in an act of brazen racism.

“With a view to denouncing this dramatic setback for democracy and human rights, Andrés Fontecilla, the member for Laurier-Dorion, and Zachary Williams, a delegate from the Verdun riding association, tabled the following urgent motion at the party congress of Québec Solidaire:


  • Bolivian president Evo Morales obtained an electoral majority in the Bolivian presidential election;
  • President Morales consented to a second round of balloting, even though this was not required under Bolivian electoral law due to his majority win;
  • the coup brought to power an illegitimate government in Bolivia that has fomented violence against Bolivian progressive activists and Indigenous peoples;

Be it resolved that:

  • Québec Solidaire formally denounces the coup d’état in Bolivia and the foreign interference wielded through the Organization of American States (OAS);

  • Québec Solidaire denounces the far-right violence against President Evo Morales, the progressive and people’s movements, and the Indigenous communities of Bolivia.’”

But there is more. The leader of another major Canadian trade, Unifor, visited Evo in Mexico. His conclusion? It led to a powerful statement that will be dealt with in the fourth in this series of articles.


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Originally published in the Cuban trade union central (CTC) newspaper Trabajadores in Spanish.

Arnold August is a Canadian journalist and lecturer, the author of Democracy in Cuba and the 1997–98 ElectionsCuba and Its Neighbours: Democracy in Motion and Cuba–U.S. Relations: Obama and Beyond. He collaborates with many web sites, television and radio broadcasts based in Latin America, Europe, North America and the Middle East. Twitter  Facebook.

I figured out why Republicans have become Democrats and are allowing the State Department to still be run by the Obama administration. To spite the Russians. For all the hate that each party has for each other, they hate the Russians more. Spite drives Washington D.C.

The ultimate goal of US foreign policy is to increase US imperialism (while ignoring the world decrying it) and, as icing on the cake, anger the “big, bad Russians.”

The latest ploy (and Macedonia is the toy) is to get Macedonia into NATO. Why not get a country that doesn’t need it and can’t afford it into an obsolete organization that should’ve died alongside the Soviet Union, yet only exists to fulfill the goals mentioned above?

The brutal side effect in this case (and there always is one when it comes to American foreign policy) is that Macedonia is being forced to change its name, identity, language, ethnicity and history in order to appease  Greece, so that Greece lifts its veto and “allows” Macedonia to get NATO membership.

The Republic of Macedonia’s new…everything, would be “North Macedonia” and “Northern Macedonian” and this changes the very definition of “Macedonian”. Of course, eradicating an ethnic group’s name and identity constitutes genocide and violates international law and human rights conventions, but this won’t stop the United States – the self-proclaimed and brutally ironic “greatest democracy in the world”.

And we are not just talking about the Republic of Macedonia being wiped out. The West, in its infinite racism, partitioned all of Macedonia in 1913 and handed pieces to Serbia/Yugoslavia (now the independent Republic of Macedonia), Bulgaria, Greece and later, Albania. The redefining of an age-old nationality plays right into the handbook of all of our oppressors – to eradicate our existence. Macedonians everywhere, with international support, who have been fighting Greek, Bulgarian, Albanian and Serbian oppression are now by being hung out to dry (with our ethnicity to die) all because the United States values NATO over human decency and democracy.

And let’s not forget – what the United States wants, the United States gets. Despite resistance, if any, from the international community.

Of course, a simple solution to satisfy the United States’ obsession with NATO enlargement while actually RESPECTING an entire people’s right to exist is to remove the one-country veto rule in NATO, something that even George Bush suggested. Donald Trump, are you going to allow George Bush to be your voice of reason?

Now, if changing NATO rules requires too much effort for this incompetent US administration, the US could easily direct (order) Greece to refrain from using its veto power as it would if say, Montenegro, were to threaten to veto a potential NATO member.

If only Donald Trump would notice – anything, he would put an immediate end to this debacle, even if it were only to save his best friend/boss Vladimir Putin from watching NATO gain another member-state.

God forbid (and remember that God apparently watches over Republicans) that Trump acts like a real president and institutes his own foreign policy as I called for after Trump took office in this op-ed in The Hill. The reasons range from common sense, respect for human rights and international law, the saving of millions of US-taxpayer dollars by ending the implementation of a Soros-run government in Macedonia, and spite – something that Trump should have eaten up like yet another Big Mac.

But since Trump is incapable and unwilling to act, can the Republicans who claim to be Trump’s “voice of reason” (or better yet, the anonymous New York Times Republican who claims to have Trump on a leash), implement their OWN foreign policy and save a country as a side effect? As opposed to typical US foreign policy which destroys countries as a main objective.

I wondered when Democrats became Republicans in this Hill op-ed when I blasted their foreign-interventionist policy that is destroying Macedonia. But it is now, ironically, the Republican-like Democratic foreign policy that the Republicans are enabling and executing. If that didn’t make you dizzy…

And this is the vicious cycle that drives US foreign policy. Macedonia is stuck right in the middle of it and going around and around like a carnival ride. But instead of waiting for Trump or any US politician to gain a conscience and act, the vicious cycle ends if the object in it stops moving. Macedonia – STOP. Stop allowing yourself to be a pawn in the United States’ twisted foreign policy game of Risk. But in this case, and as I explained in The Game of Macedonia, Macedonia owns this game and can choose to stop playing at any time.

So, Macedonian politicians, will you finally defend Macedonia, human rights and common sense and end this name change catastrophe? Defend yourselves and the world will defend you, instead of being yet another American doormat and a living example of the Seinfeld episode where the angry Ukrainian yells at Kramer and Newman: “You think Ukraine is weak?! Ukraine is game to you?!” Substitute “Ukraine” with “Macedonia” and Seinfeld would’ve hit the nail on the head.

And finally. With one last homage to Seinfeld (he should’ve been President). Will the Republican Party do what it’s best at and, based purely out of spite, return the US State Department’s policy to one that is not anti-Macedonian?


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This article was originally published on MHRMI.

Bill Nicholov is President of Macedonian Human Rights Movement International (MHRMI).


Israel is nuclear-armed and dangerous, developing these weapons since the mid-1950s, its well-known open secret the official narrative conceals.

Its ruling authorities refused to sign the NPT or abide by its provisions. Nor do they permit IAEA inspections of their nuclear facilities.

According to the Federation of American Scientists and other experts, its nuke warheads can be launched by air, ground, sea, or sub-surface — able to strike targets in the Middle East and elsewhere.

It’s believed the Jewish state also has 100 or more laser-guided mini-nuke bunker-buster bombs — able to penetrate and destroy underground targets.

According to the establishment front organization Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), “US inspections of Israeli nuclear sites in the 1960s proved largely fruitless because of restrictions placed on the inspectors.”

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s Joseph Circincione earlier said (e)veryone knows about Israel’s bombs in the closet.”

Yet the West fails to contest their threat to regional peace and security.

Iran’s nuclear program has no military component and never did, its ruling authorities wanting these weapons eliminated everywhere.

Unlike the US and Israel, permitting no inspections of their nuclear weapons sites, Iran’s legitimate nuclear facilities are the world’s most heavily monitored, its ruling authorities fully cooperating with IAEA inspectors.

Iran’s ballistic, cruise, and other missiles are solely for self-defense, its program fully complying with its obligations under Security Council Res. 2231, unanimously affirming the JCPOA nuclear deal.

No Iranian ballistic or other missiles are designed to carry nuclear warheads, conventional ones alone. No evidence suggests otherwise.

Neither SC 2231 or any other SC resolutions prohibit Tehran’s legitimate ballistic missile development, testing and production.

The right to self-defense is inviolable under international law, UN Charter Article 51 stating:

“Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security.”

The right of self-defense pertains solely to deterring armed attacks, preventing future ones after initial assaults, or reversing the consequences of enemy aggression.

At the same time, force must conform to the principles of necessity, distinction, and proportionality — what US-dominated NATO and Israel ignore when waging preemptive wars.

Necessity permits only attacking military targets. Distinction pertains to distinguishing between civilian and military ones.

Proportionality prohibits disproportionate force, likely to damage nonmilitary sites and/or harm civilian lives.

A fourth consideration requires prevention of unnecessary suffering, especially affecting noncombatants.

Anticipatory self-defense is permitted when compelling evidence shows likely imminent threats or further attacks after initial ones.

Iran hasn’t attacked another country in centuries — what US-dominated NATO and Israel do repeatedly.

According to Israeli media Friday, the IDF conducted a missile test, launched from a military base in central Israel, a statement saying:

“The defense establishment (sic) conducted a launch test a few minutes ago of a rocket propulsion system from (its  Palmachim airbase south of Tel Aviv). The test was scheduled in advance and was carried out as planned.”

The Times of Israel reported the following:

“Israel does not publicly acknowledge having ballistic missiles in its arsenals, though according to foreign reports, the Jewish state possesses a nuclear-capable variety known as the Jericho that has a multi-stage engine, a 5,000-kilometer range and is capable of carrying a 1,000-kilogram warhead.”

According to Haaretz, Friday’s test came “amid increasing tension between Israel and Iran and was intended to send a clear message.”

Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif slammed Israel’s test, saying the following:

“Israel today tested a nuke-missile, aimed at Iran. E3 (UK, France, and Germany) and US never complain about the only nuclear arsenal in West Asia – armed with missiles actually DESIGNED to be capable of carrying nukes.”

The West has “fits of apoplexy over our conventional and defensive” missiles, capable of carrying conventional warheads alone.

In response to Britain, France, and Germany falsely accusing Iran of breaching SC Res. 2231 by developing “nuclear-capable ballistic missiles” by letter to UN Secretary General Guterres, Zarif responded sharply, tweeting:

“Latest E3 (Britain, France and Germany) letter to UNSG on missiles is a desperate falsehood to cover up their miserable incompetence in fulfilling bare minimum of their own #JCPOA obligations.”

“If E3 want a modicum of global credibility, they can begin by exerting sovereignty rather than bowing to US bullying.”

On Monday, he tweeted:

“@SecPompeo once again admits that US #Economic Terrorism on Iran is designed to starve, and in the case of medical supplies, kill our innocent citizens.”

Earlier to the E3 and EU, he tweeted:

“To my EU/E3 Colleagues

“Fully upheld commitments under JCPOA…YOU? Really?

Just show ONE that you’ve upheld in the last 18 months”

On Wednesday, US under secretary of war for policy John Rood falsely accused Iran of building up a “hidden arsenal of short-range ballistic missiles in Iraq,” adding:

“We also continue to see indications, and for obvious reasons I won’t go into the details, that potential Iranian aggression could occur.”

A Wednesday NYT report, reading like a Pentagon press release, said:

“Iran has used the continuing chaos in Iraq to build up a hidden arsenal of short-range ballistic missiles in Iraq (sic), part of a widening effort to try to intimidate the Middle East and assert its power (sic)” — citing unnamed US military and intelligence officials, adding:

Iran “pose(s) a threat to American allies and partners in the region, including Israel and Saudi Arabia, and could endanger American troops (sic).”

Phony claims about any Iranian nuclear and regional threat posed by the nation were debunked time and again.

Tehran has military advisors in Syria and Iraq at the behest of their ruling authorities. They’re involved in combatting US-supported ISIS and likeminded jihadists.

The Islamic Republic threatens no other nations. US-dominated NATO and Israel threaten humanity.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

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Anglo-Zionist Plot Against Britain’s Jeremy Corbyn

December 8th, 2019 by Stephen Lendman

Anglo-Zionists and UK religious leaders in cahoots with Israeli hardliners are going all-out to prevent Jeremy Corbyn from becoming UK prime minister in December 12 elections — because of his anti-war, progressive agenda.

He advocates a peace and stability foreign policy, increased National Health Service spending, free higher education, free broadband for all UK residents, free childcare and early education, aid for disabled children and the homeless, higher public sector pay, and other social justice policies — polar opposite how Britain is governed under Tories and Labor Blairites.

He opposes austerity, wants public welfare cuts reversed, backs nuclear disarmament, supports greater spending for social justice, and stands for peace, equity and justice.

He’s smeared as anti-Semitic over his justifiable criticism of Israeli apartheid abuses and support for long-suffering Palestinians.

Anti-Zionism isn’t anti-Semitism. The long ago discredited canard still surfaces against Israeli critics, notably prominent figures like Corbyn.

At a 2018 Labor conference, Corbyn said the following to Britain’s Jewish community:

“This party, this movement, will always be implacable campaigners against antisemitism and racism in all its forms,” adding:

“We are your ally. And the next Labor government will guarantee whatever support necessary to ensure the security of Jewish community centers and places of worship, as we will for any other community experiencing hateful behavior and physical attacks.”

“We will work with Jewish communities to eradicate anti-Semitism, both from our party and wider society. And with your help I will fight for that with every breath I possess.”

“And let me next say a few words about the ongoing denial of justice and rights to the Palestinian people.”

“Our Party is united in condemning the shooting of hundreds of unarmed demonstrators in Gaza by Israeli forces and the passing of Israel’s discriminatory Nation-State Law.”

“The continuing occupation, the expansion of illegal settlements and the imprisonment of Palestinian children are an outrage.”

“We support a two-state solution to the conflict with a secure Israel and a viable and secure Palestinian state.”

Years ago, two states were possible, no longer. Israel controls over two-thirds of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, more land stolen daily.

The US and Israel won’t tolerate Palestinian self-determination, their deceptive rhetoric fooling no one aware of their aims.

According to the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD):

“The fiscal crisis in Palestine is very deep and very dangerous. (It’s) exclusively owed to the conditions created by the occupation, and if it continues, the very existence of the Palestinian Authority is at risk (because of) fiscal leakage.”

“Under the occupation, the economic self-sufficiency of Palestine is impossible.”

“(S)elective implementation of the (1994 Israeli/PLO Protocol on Economic Relations) makes matters worse because it subjects Palestine’s fiscal and monetary policies to (control by) the occupying power.”

PA revenues collected by Israel include taxes on imports, cross-border levies, property and income taxes on Palestinian individuals and enterprises.

According to UNCTAD, “the cumulative fiscal costs during the 18 years under consideration, without interest, are estimated at $19.5bn. Adding the interest increases the losses by $28.2bn, bringing the total valuation to $47.7bn.”

The amount is more than threefold Palestine’s 2017 economic output, UNCTAD calling these numbers conservative, the correct amount lost to Israeli withholding of revenues likely much greater.

The 1994 Protocol should have greatly improved the economy of the Occupied Territories. Israeli control over Palestinian revenues ruined it, the PA kept weak, Gaza isolated by blockade, and Palestinians divided for easier Jewish state control.

Zionism harms Jews and non-Jews alike. The late academic Joel Kovel explained how it fosters “imperialist expansion and militarism (with) signs of the fascist malignancy,” adding:

The ideology turned Israel “into a machine for the manufacture of human rights abuses.” It’s extremist, undemocratic, belligerent and hateful.

Days earlier, Corbyn launched Labor’s “race and faith manifesto, saying: “A Labour government will build a society and world free from all forms of racism, including anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.”

On November 25, Britain’s chief rabbi Ephraim Mirvis attacked him in a London Times op-ed headlined: “What will become of Jews in Britain if Labor forms the next government?”

Calling on Brits “to vote with their conscience (on) December 12” was an anti-Corbyn call to arms.

“Be in no doubt, the very soul of our nation is at stake,” he roared, citing a nonexistent “anti-Jewish racis(t)” threat to Britain.

“The Jewish community has watched with incredulity as supporters of the Labor leadership have hounded parliamentarians, members and even staff out of the party for challenging anti-Jewish racism,” he falsely claimed.

On the same day, Archbishop of Canterbury/Church of England head Justin Welby falsely tweeted that there’s a “deep sense of insecurity and fear felt by many British Jews.”

Mike Pompeo vowed to push back against Corbyn’s election as prime minister, saying:

“We will do our level best…It’s too risky and too important and too hard once it’s already happened.”

Corbyn is no anti-Semite. Nor does the notion pervade Labor under his leadership.

A London-based Institute for Jewish Policy Research report on “Antisemitism in contemporary Great Britain: A study of attitudes towards Jews and Israel (September 2017)” found the following:

“(O)nly a small proportion of British adults can be categorized as ‘hard-core’ antisemites – approximately 2%,” one of the lowest levels anywhere.

Corbyn threatens dirty business as usual, why he pilloried with false accusations. Polls show Labor trails Tories in the run-up to December 12 elections.

An Ipsos MORI poll released Friday showed Labor gaining support but still 12 points behind Tories, Brexit the biggest issue for voters. A PA Media poll has Labor trailing by 10 points.

On the same day, Corbyn attacked Boris Johnson. Calling his pledges fraudulent, he said his notion of Brexit will launch years of “painful negotiations and broken promises.”

He cited a leaked Tory document, showing what Johnson agreed to with Brussels contradicts his public rhetoric. The impact would be higher prices and that Northern Irish exporters will face higher costs.

“There will be other secret reports like this one in every government department that reveal the disastrous impact of Johnson’s damaging deal,” Corbyn stressed.

The choice for Brits is clear — continued dirty business as usual under Johnson or a chance for progressive change if Labor triumphs next week.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Featured image is from Global Justice

Clearing the FOG hosts Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese interviewed William Camacaro, a Venezuelan activist living in New York City who is active with the Solidarity Committee with Venezuela NYC and organizes food sovereignty tours to Venezuela, on the eve of the December 3 Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (TIAR) meeting in Colombia. This meeting is the next step in the escalation of aggression towards Venezuela by the United States and its lackey governments in South America. Camacaro explains why this step is being taken, how it relates to current events in Latin America and what people in the United States need to be doing. You can listen to the entire program on Clearing the FOG.

Update: At the TIAR meeting in Bogota, fifteen countries decided to restrict the travel of top members of the democratically-elected government of Venezuela, including President Nicolas Maduro, Vice President Delcy Rodriguez, Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza and National Constituent Assembly President Diasdado Cabello.



Clearing the FOG (CtF): William, this week, you put out an alert urging people in the United States to take action on Venezuela. Can you describe what you called for and why you took that action?

William Camacaro (WC): Colombia has convened a summit for the activation of the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, the TIAR, against the neighboring country Venezuela. This call constitutes a new danger to peace, democracy and the value of self-determination of the Venezuelan people.

Through this treaty, they can take military aggression against Venezuela, which will only benefit the regional planning of the ruling oligarchies and the so-called countries from the Lima group, countries that in the last two months, for example, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Panama and Peru, have been facing a very terrible situation thanks to the neoliberal measures that they have implemented and the repressive measures that have been taken to hundreds of people that have been in the streets protesting against neoliberalism.

On the other hand, Venezuela has been punished first by the Obama Administration, the first one to impose sanctions to Venezuela saying that Venezuela is an unusual and extraordinary threat to the security of the United States, and then the Trump Administration has imposed a series of sanctions against Venezuela. Venezuela has been under attack for 20 years from different USA administrations.

This treaty, called by the Colombian government, one of the strongest allies of the Trump administration in the region, is trying to basically intervene militarily in the country because they have already been intervening for two decades in different ways economically. They have been organizing coups against Venezuela, sabotaging the economy, but the last resource they have is the military. That’s why the Trump administration and everybody in his cabinet, from Trump, Pence, a big number of members of the Republican party, have been mentioning that the military option is on the table.

This January, the so-called self-proclaimed Venezuelan president Juan Guaido, the president of the National Assembly, is ending his time in that position. So it’s going to be very embarrassing for the United States to support someone as the Venezuelan president that has not been elected by anyone. And now, the ‘president’ they appointed in Venezuela is not going to be even the president of the National Assembly. That’s one of the reasons we will start to see a lot of pressure in the coming days against the Venezuelan government.

CtF: Juan Guaido, who proclaimed himself president of Venezuela this past January, was handpicked by the United States. He went to George Washington University in Washington, DC and was trained by the United States. He wasn’t actually even up to be the president of the National Assembly. Let’s talk a little bit about what the TIAR is. It’s also called the Rio treaty because it was formed in Rio de Janeiro in 1947, a post-world War II Treaty. Has it ever been used?

WC: Literally, it has never been used. The only time there have been several countries willing to use it was when the United Kingdom attacked Argentina. The United States supported the UK in the war against the Argentinian people. After that, the treaty has not been used at all. No one even wanted to call for the TIAR treaty because it was obvious the United States was never willing to use it, especially to defend anyone in South America from another superpower.

CtF: The TIAR is kind of like a junior NATO treaty, essentially a reciprocal defense agreement. There was an article in Venezuelanalysis about a leaked conversation involving the Colombian ambassador to the United States that mentioned the State Department supported the use of the Rio Treaty, the TIAR, and the White House didn’t. Do you have any insights into why there would be that kind divide in the Trump Administration?

WC: They can militarily intervene in Venezuela but they have to pay the price and they don’t want to pay the big price they’d have to pay to intervene militarily. That’s why the United States has been calling for other countries to intervene and to be in the front line in a war against Venezuela.

John Bolton, Mike Pence, Marco Rubio, even Donald Trump, have been calling the Venezuelan Army and asking them to “do the right thing” and the entire world will be happy and appreciate their work if they overthrow Maduro. They don’t want a military confrontation. Over the last month, the United States has been trying to fly over the Venezuelan air space more than a hundred fifty times and all the airplanes have been stopped. For the first time, the United States is confronting a country that they cannot fly over the airspace of that country.

They know that Venezuela has all these missiles from Russia and also from China, all this technology that’s coming from those countries, even from Iran, and they don’t want to pay the price. They want others to do the dirty work because it will be completely ridiculous for the entire planet to see the country that is spending more than 700 billion dollars on the military budget that it’s basically waging a war against a very small country in a very pathetic way.

CtF: Venezuela, in addition to its military and police and the assistance it’s gotten from other countries, also has a very strong civilian militia. Now President Maduro recently announced that he was putting his military on high alert at the Colombian border. Why is that happening?

WC: This is happening because Colombia is calling for this military treaty to be used against Venezuela. Also playing into the situation is that since the coup d’etat in Bolivia. Maduro has been basically putting weapons in the militias and they are already using the militias in several places in the country, something that has not happened before. Now it’s something that is getting to be normal.

We are getting into another level of aggression because we know this coming January is going to be tough. The United States really wants Juan Guaido to continue to be the president of the National Assembly but Juan Guaido has so many problems with his own people. His credibility among his own people is very low and no one wants him. By law, that position is rotated every year. They have been putting a lot of money in the hands of Juan Guaido to try to buy votes this coming January to change the rule in the National Assembly.

CtF: There is tremendous unrest in Colombia, massive anti-neoliberal protests against President Duque. His popularity is going way down. A wing of FARC guerillas has activated again. At the UN, Colombia claimed Venezuela was allowing paramilitary groups to organize inside Venezuela to attack Columbia, and that was shown to be a lie. There’s also a report of paramilitaries being ready to invade Venezuela from Colombia. In fact, the IDF, the Israeli Defense Force, reportedly had a hundred troops ready to participate in that. There is a lot going on at the Venezuelan-Colombian border. What is the potential for military conflict at the border?

WC: There is a very high possibility of conflict in that area. It’s not only paramilitaries from Colombia, but there is also a strong presence by regular groups from the United States, from Israel, that are operating along the border with Venezuela with permission from the Colombian government.

All these groups are trying to create a situation to justify USA intervention in Venezuela, and they are trying to create a similar situation like in Syria when you had a terror group financed by the United States getting into the country, taking over some of the resources of that country and selling it on the international market or trying to divide the country. Colombia doesn’t have enough oil, only for maybe five or six years. They have been selling their own reserves to the United States and they hope they can get that oil back or some resources back when Maduro is overthrown.

That’s basically what they are waiting for and they are getting desperate. In the United States’ economic warfare against Venezuela, the first thing the United States tried to do was to go to other countries like Colombia, Ecuador and ask them to sell them more oil. In that way, they didn’t have to get oil from Venezuela. Now those countries, like Colombia, don’t have enough oil. They are very worried because in the next coming years if Maduro is not overthrown, they will be facing a very big problem.

All these huge protests in Colombia against the economic system are occurring because they have not been able to use the war against the FARC, the guerrillas movement, as the excuse anymore. They need to face the real economic problems they have caused by the neoliberal measures that they implemented for all these years.

We need to understand that we are living in another period of time when we see the Chilean protests in the streets that have been taking place for almost two months. We see that neoliberalism has completely failed, that it’s a disaster. And Chile was an entire country that the Empire was showing to say that neoliberalism is working, at least in one place. Now we know that it’s not working anywhere. That’s why there are all these demonstrations and not only in Colombia, but also in Ecuador and Chile and Peru. The entire continent is completely chaotic because thousands and thousands of people are getting into the streets to demonstrate against the economic measures being imposed by the international bank, the International Monetary Fund and by the United States.

CtF: This is exactly what the United States has been trying to prevent for all of these years, ever since Hugo Chavez was elected in Venezuela and put in place the Bolivarian Process using the Venezuelan resources to help the people. The United States has been targeting Venezuela. And the US’ recent support for the coup in Bolivia is also a measure to counter what’s happening, this fight against neoliberalism in South America. How has the success of the coup in Bolivia impacted what the US is doing in Latin America?

WC: A lot of people have been mentioning that the coup has something to do with the lithium, with all the natural resources that Bolivia has. I don’t doubt it, but the coup d’etat against Evo Morales is because the Kirchners, Cristina Fernandez and Alberto Fernandez, won the elections in Argentina and the United States was looking at the possibility of the creation of a new leftist bloc in the region. They needed to intervene to make sure that we don’t have Argentina, Bolivia, Venezuela, and Mexico imposing an agenda for the entire region.

I think this is a horrible setback for the movement and the continent. It is something that we need to overcome as soon as possible. The dictatorship implemented in Bolivia is one of the most fundamentalist and fascist and it is connected with the richest people in Bolivia. Not only rich people but people that have been in Bolivia maybe two generations. They came from Germany, Croatia, South Africa, the rich people who were connected to the Neo-Nazi movement in their countries, with apartheid in South Africa.

These people are very racist. They hate the majority of the people in Bolivia that are indigenous, that are Aymaran, Quechuan, the Guaranis. Also, they are taking over the entire economy. This new figure, Luis Fernando Camacho, had a meeting with Duque, the president of Colombia, just two months ago in Bogota. The presence of paramilitary groups could be explained as Colombia supporting its partner in Bolivia.

Luis Fernando Camacho is a businessman. He is already running five different ministries in Bolivia. He is already in charge of three different state-owned enterprises like for example the airline of Bolivia that now is run by his company called Amaszonas. The director of Amaszonas airlines is now running Boliviana de Aviacion.

Basically these people are going to privatize the state-owned companies and they are giving them to all these right-wing people. It’s horrible what is taking place right now in Bolivia, not only the hate, not only that it’s racist, and not only that it is a plutocracy, but they are also attempting again the integration of the Latin American people and USA corporate interests in the region. So, it is a big setback for the movement in South America.

CtF: They certainly are behaving like fascists. The violence is intense and the racism against the majority indigenous people, 70 percent or so of the population, is just so outlandish and so overt. It’s really interesting that Camacho of Bolivia met with the president of Colombia when Colombia and Bolivia are blaming Venezuela and Cuba for the unrest of the coup. It’s such an upside-down Alice in Wonderland kind of reality. What are your thoughts on these claims by the Bolivian right-wing that Maduro is behind the protests against the coup?

WC: It’s completely laughable. You remember Lenin Moreno in Ecuador was also blaming Venezuela for what was happening in Ecuador. The same thing happened at the beginning of the protests in Chile and also some key figures from the State Department have been blaming Venezuela for all the disasters that have been taking place in the entire continent.

The reality is that all the neoliberal measures they have been putting in place for more than 30 years in the entire continent are causing this mobilization of people. People are more conscious about what neoliberalism is and how it’s affecting them in their life.

So, they really have been trying to stigmatize Venezuela and that’s what they tried with all these accusations against the Venezuelan government. It’s completely ridiculous. If we look a little bit at what happened before the coup d’etat against Evo Morales, we know that Ivanka Trump was visiting Jujuy. That is an area in the north of Argentina very close to the border of Bolivia. Just a month before the coup d’etat against Evo Morales, Ivanka Trump was in Jujuy in the company of the Vice Secretary of State John Sullivan and they delivered more than four hundred million dollars to build some roads in the north of Argentina. But the reality is that part of the money went to the hands of right-wing people in Bolivia to finance the coup d’etat.

They were able to mobilize thousands of people from Santa Cruz to La Paz to do all the disasters they organized in Bolivia. There are images of these people flying on airplanes and celebrating how successful they were in La Paz. It’s so incredible to see Camacho on one of those airplanes celebrating with all these people that they took from Santa Cruz to La Paz to go to Evo Morales’ house to destroy his house. to terrorize several people from the MAS Party, from the Movimiento al Socialismo, to terrorize key people from the government.

It’s important to know that when Evo Morales resigned, he resigned because his brother was beaten by the military and he was naked on the street and he was completely doused in gasoline. They said if you don’t resign, your brother will be killed.

CtF: They also set Evo Morales’ sister’s house on fire and were threatening members of the cabinet. And that mayor who was in the street with her hair cut and the red paint poured on her. They were really fascist in their approach. We reported last week on this show that US Southern Command was in Argentina prior to the coup and there were plans to have troops on the border between Argentina and Bolivia ready to go into Bolivia if necessary to support the coup effort. The United States is clearly involved in this coup. Evo Morales has been such a vocal and clear critic of US domination of Latin America of capitalism, it’s amazing that he didn’t have control of his military. It was a shocking reality. He had kicked NED out, kicked USAID out. Evo had done all that but his military…

WC: Yeah, it’s something that really surprised me because it’s completely naive to run a country and have a confrontation with the United States and not even have a group of people to protect yourself. Evo Morales didn’t have any military group to protect his house or to protect his life. It was a big, big mistake.

CtF: It’s so different from Venezuela where Chavez came from the military. They trained the military on US imperialism. They built the civilian militia. That was a major, major difference between Venezuela and Bolivia. So, William, you put out this urgent alert. What do you want people in the United States to be doing?

WC: It is very important for people in the United States to call their congresspeople in the Senate and House of Representatives. Tell them that they know the United States is looking for military intervention in Venezuela and that people completely disagree with the possibility of any military conflict with Venezuela. It’s very important to mention that people also completely disagree with the sanctions that have been causing a lot of damage to the economy of Venezuela and killing people in Venezuela.

That’s the real humanitarian crisis. The humanitarian crisis that Venezuela is living is caused by the United States government, by the State Department and by all the economic sanctions that have been imposed against the Venezuelan people just because the Venezuelan people decided to be free and decided to have their own country back.

CtF: The humanitarian crisis that the US is causing, the US then blames on Maduro’s policies. Maduro is fighting against an economic war and people in the United States are confused by that. They blame Maduro when the reality is the economic war against Venezuela is the real problem. Now, you’ve also done work on food sovereignty in Venezuela. Can you talk about those trips?

WC: We have been organizing delegations around sovereignty because that’s one of the targets of the USA sanctions against the Venezuelan people. The Trump Administration has been targeting all the social programs that the government has been implementing to help people have enough food on their plates. They have been attacking the program called CLAP. That is a program that provides assistance and cheap food to people in the entire country. And it’s also attacking other programs that are coming from the state that are related to food.

It’s important for us to see what the Venezuelan government is doing in terms of food sovereignty in the middle of this economic warfare on the country and to see what alternatives people are creating. I think that it’s very important also to be very close to the common Venezuelan and to see what they really think about what’s going on in the country.

CtF: As people who have visited Venezuela, we can say that what we hear and see in the United States corporate media is really the complete opposite of the reality on the ground in Venezuela. There is overwhelming support there for the Bolivarian Process and rejection of these US coup attempts. When you’re contacting your members of Congress, not only is it critical to say that we shouldn’t be intervening militarily in a sovereign nation of Venezuela – we have no justification for that – but we should not be imposing unilateral coercive economic measures on them. They violate international law. Also, if the US were to intervene militarily, this would become a regional conflict in South America and it would also have the potential to escalate into a global conflict because Russia has a relationship with Venezuela as does China and those are two targets of our national security strategy.

WC: That it is a very dangerous conflict because the United States went to Iraq looking for some weapons of mass destruction that never appeared and they destroyed the country. And they did the same thing in Libya and Syria. Most of the investments that were in Iraq, most of the money that was in Libya and Syria was coming from Russia, was coming from China and those countries lost billions of dollars in those wars that were organized by the United States. Basically, the same thing is happening in Venezuela.

I really believe that Russia and China are taking a strong stand and deciding that this time we’re not going to do the same thing. It’s a conflict that could really expand to a big level because what the United States is fighting right now is for control of the hemisphere. The United States has been losing power in the last years but especially in this administration because this administration has been confronting not only enemies, like political-economic enemies, Russia, China, but also their friends, allies, like Europeans, Germany, the French, UK, also India, that have been creating a lot of problems for the United States and a potential for international conflict.

CtF: Venezuela is a lynchpin for so many issues in Latin America that the US feels it’s losing control over and they’re acting in ways that are desperate and dangerous. Do you have any final thoughts for our readers?

WC: Basically, we deserve to have a planet without any conflict, not only people in South America but also people in the United States. And we deserve to have another kind of relationship especially when we are looking at all the threats that human beings are facing right now, climate change. We have a food crisis on the entire planet. We have a big threat that is weapons of mass destruction all over the planet. These are issues that we can resolve if we have the political will. If we are fighting among us, we will not be able to resolve any of those problems.


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Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers co-direct Popular Resistance where this article was originally published.

A Troubled Family: NATO Turns 70

December 8th, 2019 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

Summit anniversaries are not usually this abysmally interesting.  While those paying visits to Watford, England on the occasion of the seventieth anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation are supposedly signatories to the same agreement, a casual glance would have suggested otherwise.  This was a show of some bickering.

France, never the most comfortable member, suggested that NATO was “experiencing… brain death”.  While this observation by French President Emmanuel Macron last month would have carried little weight in another age, it struck a chord, not least because it signalled a role reversal of sorts.  The US, he warned, was retreating in its international role.  A vacuum had been created, and it was desperately in need of filling.  Such language, and affront, is usually the preserve of the current US president, Donald Trump.  In 2018, he suggested that the organisation was nothing less than “obsolete”, a relic.  Now it was left to France to assume the role of chief heckler.

NATO has been a body in search of a role for some time.  In the triumphant aftermath of the Cold War, it became the most visible reminder of US power and overstretch, a blunt instrument of deployment in such theatres as Afghanistan.  But the traditional sense that it remains a grouping marshalled against Russia and now, an emerging China, was not something Macron was having much truck with.  Beijing should not “be the object of our collective defence… in strictly military terms”.

In company with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Macron told assembled members of the press that identifying enemies was not within the purview of the alliance. “Is our enemy today Russia?  Or China?  Is it the goal of NATO to designate them enemies?  I don’t believe so.”  The more standard, if stale problem, was that of “terrorism, which has hit each of our countries.”

This has been seen as a form of ratting.  Trump, during the course of a 52-minute meeting on Tuesday morning with Stoltenberg, found the remarks “very insulting” and a “very, very nasty statement essentially to 28 countries.”  He instead pushed for drumming up the China threat.  Be careful, warned the US president, about the technology giant Huawei. “I spoke to Italy and they look like they are not going to go forward with [Huawei].” But just to make matters interesting, Britain has refused to play along, with Prime Minister Boris Johnson not wanting Britain “to be unnecessarily hostile to investment from overseas”.

Another NATO member was also proving problematic, having not played by the rules of the club.  Turkey is only a half-hearted subscriber to the Russian demonology, preferring to ink agreements for the purchase of such Moscow sponsored hardware as the antiaircraft missile system, the S-400.  President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was keen to leave his mark at this anniversary meeting, threatening a veto of NATO’s efforts to boost defences within the Baltic States and Poland should members not designate Kurdish fighters in Syria terrorists.

For Macron, Turkey’s stance was a sore in the relationship, a point assisted by Trump’s withdrawal of troops from northern Syria.  The gesture was sufficient to encourage the movement of Turkish units into territory once won by Kurdish-led forces in their fight against the zealots of Islamic State.  “When I look at Turkey, they are fighting against those who fight with us,” lamented Macron. “Who is the enemy today?”  Regarding the issue of designating Kurdish fighters terrorists, there could be no “possible consensus”.

Trump was less troubled. “The border and the safe zone is working out very well… and I gave a lot of credit to Turkey for that.  The ceasefire is holding very much so, and I think people are surprised, and maybe some day they’ll give me credit, but probably not.”

The US president kept to his usual 2 percent formula, namely, that member states needed to spend the equivalent of two percent of gross domestic product on defence to pass muster.  Germany remains stubbornly low in expenditure, though Canada has promised a spike.  But sandpit politics was just around the corner, and Canada’s Justin Trudeau proved the target of Trump’s barbs at a news conference alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel.  “I find him to be a very nice guy but you know the truth is that I called him out over the fact that he’s not paying 2 percent and I can see he’s not very happy about it.”

The comments were sparked by a recorded conversation between Trudeau, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Macron, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Queen Elizabeth’s daughter Anne.  Not that there was much to go by.  Some of the dignitaries had been running late.  Johnson duly inquired. “It was like a 40-minute press conference,” answered the Canadian leader.  “Yeah, yeah, yeah!  Forty minutes.”  Inaudible chatter followed.  “I just watched his team’s jaws drop to the floor,” come Trudeau’s words.  And so did the prime minister earned the ire of Freedom’s Land’s commander-in-chief.  “He’s two-faced,” stated Trump, almost pouting in indignation.

Stoltenberg was left to do the secretarial work and hammer out a position of sorts.  He suggested that China offered “both opportunities but also challenges.”  Being vague was the order of the day, and when asked about the squabbles, assumed the role of stern diplomat.   The Economist was troubled enough to suggest that there were reasons to celebrate.  In Trump’s company, Stoltenberg called NATO “the most successful alliance in history because we have been able to change when the world is changing.”  This was Macron’s point, though not necessarily one that has found a soft landing.  In Beijing and Moscow, it has probably caused pause for amusement.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

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The Israeli Air Force has carried out a new round of strikes on Iranian-linked targets near the Syrian-Iraqi border. The airstrikes reportedly hit at the al-Hamadan airport north of the town of al-Bukamal.

Pro-Israeli sources claimed that the strike destroyed a HQ of Iranian-backed militias, as well as ammunition and weapon depots. The U News agency, which is known for its close ties with Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Iranian forces in Syria, also shared reports on Israeli airstrikes, but did not confirm them.

Since the start of 2019, the Israel Air Force had conducted over a dozen of strikes on supposed Iranian targets near al-Bukamal. Despite this, the town and facilities around it remain a stronghold of Iranian-backed forces in the border area.

On December 5 morning, a large convoy of the Russian Military Police arrived in the Qamishli airport in northeast Syria. The convoy consisted of several armored vehicles and dozens of trucks loaded with different supplies and military equipment. It was escorted by attack helicopters.

In October, Russia already deployed Mi-8 and Mi-35 helicopters, and Pantsir-S air defense systems there. Pro-government sources speculate that the airport is being turned into a Russian military base.

Turkish-backed militants will withdraw from the town of al-Mabrukah and Syrian Army troops will be deployed there under a new deal reached by Moscow and Ankara, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights claimed on December 5. Russia’s state-run news agency Sputnik supported the claim by saying that army troops and Russian military police officers are now preparing to enter the town.

Al-Mabrukah is located south of the border town of Ras al-Ayn and hosts an electrical substation that was damaged during the recent Turkish-led attack on the region. The Damascus government will likely work to restore it.

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham repelled a Syrian Army attack on the village of Umm Jalal in southern Idlib, the terrorist group’s news agency reported on December 5. According to the report, up to 12 army troops were killed. Nonetheless, no photos or videos to confirm this claim was provided.

On December 4, militants attacked army positions south of the nearby town of Umm al-Tinah. The attack was repelled following several hours of heavy clashes.


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“A coup is underway, carried out by the right-wing with foreign support…what are the methods of this coup attempt?” – Evo Morales (October 23, 2019) [1]


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On Sunday November 10th, following 20 days of street protests and attacks on fellow party members, President Evo Morales, on the advice of the head of the armed forces and the air force, resigned from his position as Head of State of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.[2]

For 20 days, street protests, escalating in their violence and intimidation of members of Morales’s political party, MAS (Movement Toward Socialism) had ravaged the Andean republic. These demonstrations were sparked by accusations that election authorities had rigged the vote count in favour of a first round victory for Morales. [3][4][5]

The civil unrest that had gripped the country did not end with his departure. When a senator from an opposition party, Jeanine Añez, declared herself president during a contested session, Morales supporters began their own protests including blockades which blocked the delivery of fuel, food and other supplies to major population centres.[6]

Repression by this interim government, Añez is supposedly only acting as president until new elections can be held, has resulted in human rights abuses. A delegation of human rights observers from Argentina reported at a November 30th press conference that based on testimonies carried out in the city of El Alto:

“the repressive system set up by the de facto government has caused dozens of deaths, hundreds of arbitrary detentions, thousands of wounded, innumerable cases of apprehensions, torture, rape and other crimes against the physical, psychological and sexual integrity of the victims, who are men, women, children, elderly and members of groups.”[7]

There are differing points of view with regard to whether the events leading up to the November 10th departure of Morales constitute a coup d’etat and to what extent the U.S. and other outside agencies might have played a role. Some activists within Bolivia, however, such as Maria Galindo of the group Mujeres Creando, warn of the dangers of framing the crisis as a conflict between popular forces, personified by Evo Morales, and right wing forces currying favour with domestic and foreign elites. Decisions made and tactics employed by the ousted president had encountered popular opposition across the board and is at least partly to blame for the current crisis. Consequently, the role and agency of critical progressive movements in the country are being glossed over by international commentators both on the left and the right.

If that analysis is sound, and if foreign actors are mobilizing to undermine Bolivian democracy, then no clear resolution to the country’s troubles is likely to be realized as a result of a new election alone.

This week’s Global Research News Hour radio program endeavours to probe several of the factors and several of the players influencing the turn of events in Bolivia. Four guests, two from inside Bolivia, two from the U.S. will share their perspectives on the political upheaval rocking the landlocked South American country.

W.T. Whitney Jr. is a political journalist with a focus on Latin America and health care issues. He is a Cuba solidarity activist who formerly worked as a pediatrician. He is the author of the November 25th article: Evidence Talks: US Government Propelled Coup in Bolivia.

La Paz based Sara Jaurequi has been active as an anti-racism activist and is a former student. She outlines her disappointment with Evo Morales and her understanding of the dynamics shaping the political situation in her country, and shares some of her own experiences in the midst of these historic events.

Jeb Sprague is a Research Associate at the University of California, Riverside and the author of  Globalizing the Caribbean: Political economy, social change, and the transnational capitalist class” (Temple University Press, 2019),  He is also a co-founder of the Network for the Critical Studies of Global Capitalism. He outlines the basic premise of his recent article Top Bolivian Coup Plotters Trained by US Military’s School of the Americas, Served as Attachés in FBI Police Programs.

Cochabamba -born María Galindo is a Bolivian anarcha-feminist and founder of Mujeres Creando (Women Creating). She has also worked as a radio and television presenter and has authored three books. She recently wrote the article Kristallnacht in Bolivia, which is a reference to the events of November 10th as the release of racist, colonialist and fascist elements in Bolivian society.

(Global Research News Hour Episode 279)


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  1. https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Evo-Morales-Warns-Coup-Attempt-Underway-in-Bolivia-20191023-0002.html
  2. https://peoplesdispatch.org/2019/11/10/evo-morales-resigns-after-bolivian-army-backs-right-wing-coup/
  3. ibid
  4. Mat Youkee (Oct. 22, 2019) ‘Bolivia braces for fresh protests as officials say Evo Morales close to victory’, The Guardian; https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/oct/21/bolivia-confusion-over-election-results-sparks-fear-and-protests
  5. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-50360413
  6. https://www.news.com.au/world/breaking-news/food-shortages-hit-bolivia-amid-blockades/news-story/b9c6426a425a228726da08da3ff74b83
  7. https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Crimes-Against-Humanity-Are-Reported-in-Bolivia-20191130-0006.html

The two-day London NATO conference just ended – and calling it a NATO “crisis” is an understatement. The crisis is such that President Trump canceled the Press Conference at the end of the summit, officially saying that there was enough press briefing during the conference, but rather more honestly hinting at the all-pervading conflict-loaded ambiance between and among the NATO partners, that their disagreements should not be further exposed through a media event.

To start with, French President Emmanuel Macron at the onset of the Conference declared NATO unequivocally as “brain dead”. For once he is absolutely right. Trump chastised Macron as ‘unrespectful’. These remarks were not only inappropriate but they were outright insolent, he said. Trump was more critique at Macron and all those who expressed any kind of doubt about NATOs justification for further existence. Trump left the summit before the end. Some say that his early leaving had to do with ‘his’ audacious, agenda, to ask European NATO members to increase their military budget to at least 2% of GDP – for which he didn’t get much applause. It would be additional wasted defense money that most countries could rather use for much needed social programs.

The clear loser of this event was Trump, and NATO – and of course, Trump’s NATO-puppet, Jens Stoltenberg, the longest serving NATO chief in recent history (since 2014 – and ongoing). One wonders, Stoltenberg, a Norwegian career politician, must have some brains on his own – why does he fight for a lost cause? He, Stoltenberg, knows that Russia and China are not enemies of the west, that they are Washington-invented enemies, because the empire always needs an enemy to continue instigating and fighting wars and conflicts – for the service of its billion-profit-making Armament-Military Industrial complex.

Yes, friends, in our neoliberal, bending towards neo-fascist world, killing is good for business – in fact killing is the biggest single business in the western world.

Can you imagine? NATO has institutionalized killing as the new normal. Have you ever thought about it? – And in order to maintain this ‘eternal war on terror’ that sustains the US economy, we need ever-so-often a ‘fake’ terror attack – to keep the fear alive, to keep the arms flowing, the arms production running, to keep police and military abuse, brutality and repression increasing until we are under total military control, so much so that no ‘state of siege’ needs to be declared. It happens automatically. In fact, people, for fear of continuous false flags, ask for it. The condemned asks for the hangman to watch over them. That’s where we have ended up.

Take the latest London Bridge knife killer — well, like most other “random” terrorist killers around the globe, he was apparently known to the police, was released early for good behavior – and , despite the fact that he was subdued by passers-by on the bridge, made motionless on the pavement, hence no danger anymore to anyone, as photos show, he was killed, shot death by the police. Why? So, he won’t be able to talk?

That happens with almost all ‘random’ terrorist killers. They are silenced. Seems like nobody ever wonders why? – Why are they not taken into custody and questioned – and tried as they should be in a ‘state of law’, what we pretend to be in the west.

A knife-terrorist hitting The Hague simultaneously, escaped, for good order – the contrary would have been too suspicious. Problem is, people still buy these lies and overarching explanations by such liars as Boris Johnson. What is alive and well and may possibly be used when vulnerable detainees are released ‘early’, is MKUltra, CIA’s mind control program. It emerged from WWII intelligence and was further developed in the 1960s, but is still very much alive today – just more sophisticated today than yesterday. Surprisingly – Big Wonder – so far, to my knowledge, none of these “random knife or gun-swinging” terrorists have been traced to Russia.

Question: Are those who keep propagating and defending NATO “brainless”, leading to a “brain dead” NATO?

Not necessarily, because the NATO propagators and defenders have a clear agenda – or several agendas. The Washington based and directed, but Europe financed NATO serves none of the purposes it makes believe and lies about, being a defense force against the dangers of Russia invading Europe – and newly, because this argument has gradually served out its purpose and been discarded by most of the European NATO members, NATO is also a defense engine against the rapidly advancing belligerent China. – Now its China, that helps justify the nonsensical NATO. China is the most peaceful nation, seeking cooperation with the west, not war, nor conflict.

Maybe even European leaders start now thinking – yes, let them revive their sleeping brains. Let them wake up. The reality is that both China and Russia are offering Europe friendly, un-coerced trading and business relations – and the New Silk Road, alias, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is ultimately attractive – though still openly criticized to please the despots of Washington – Europe realized that participating in BRI is a long-term win-win proposition. As the Chinese with good reason say, “We are attempting to build a community with a common future for mankind.” By contrast, there is almost nothing that comes out of Washington that is not imposed or coerced on countries, under threat of sanctions. Relations with Russia and China are 180 degrees different; they are pacific, not bellicose.

Of course, intimidating Europe with the “Eastern Threat” is so weak and un-cool, that it looks like the last desperate move of the empire’s leaders, or rather those who pull the strings behind their designated leaders – of whom Trump is a master example. You may guess, who the “string-pullers” are, also often called the ‘deep state’. They are not as far away from your everyday life as you may think. They are omni-present among us.

A second item of the not-so brainless NATO commanders’ agenda is the reason behind the topping up to 2% (of GDP) of the European members’ defense budget. It is of course understood that all the armament related to the 2% must be bought from the US of A – not Russia, not China, beware! Otherwise you may have other NATO countries being in violation of the US-rules, like Turkey, buying Russian S-400 air-defense systems, rather the much inferior US Patriot systems.

The additional money spent on defense is supposedly spent in the US – further increasing the military complex’s profit – and at the same time weakening Europe, already oscillating at the margin of recession. A weak Europe is of lesser competition to the US, is better controllable, as we know – and can better be manipulated. European leaders should know so much by now. Every major FED-Wall Street banking-induced recession has hit Europe the most. Just look at the most recent one 2008/9 and ongoing. It’s not an accident.

Another full swing recession is in the making. Extra unnecessary military spending would make it worse. Maybe Europeans will think of spending this ‘extra’ money on opening new relations, new avenues, with the east, Russia, China, Central Asia, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) – an association of countries which will most certainly help prevent Europe from falling into yet another recessionary abyss. China’s Belt and Road may build bridges that will prevent a European recession.

And third, once Europe would be armed to the teeth on behalf of NATO, any talk about a proposed European defense system – Macron’s idea, supported openly or covertly by most EU members – would bite the dust. At least in the foreseeable future. And – having so many weapons and defense mechanisms – means Europe needs an enemy to justify her armament. In this case, Washington thinks, more pressure on Moscow and Beijing would be more palatable by Europe, bringing her again closer into Washington’s orbit.

On the other hand, if democracy would be democracy, and the people of Europe would be asked about their allegiance to NATO, the overwhelming majority, an  average close to 70% would say they want OUT of NATO.

In some countries, like Italy, this percentage is possibly in excess of 80%. It is clear, NATO is doomed, there is no need, no justification for NATO, as there are no real enemies for Europe, all enemies are invented to justify war – killing – production of weapons – for destruction. Washington is the only clear and present danger, not only for Europe, but for the entire globe. Washington’s creation of enemies leads to economic output based on destruction and killing. What a world we are living! – Isn’t it time we wake up and kill NATO?


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This article was originally published on New Eastern Outlook.

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organization around the world in the fields of environment and water. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for Global Research; ICH; RT; Sputnik; PressTV; The 21st Century; Greanville Post; Defend Democracy Press, TeleSUR; The Saker Blog, the New Eastern Outlook (NEO); and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Recent developments confirm that NATO is in crisis.

Turkey is a NATO heavyweight which is allied with Iran and Russia. 

The Pentagon’s policy of “encirclement” of Iran formulated in the wake of the 2003 Iraq War is defunct. Iran has good relations with neighbouring countries including Turkey, Iraq and Pakistan. All three countries have refused to collaborate with Washington.

Needless to say the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is in crisis. America can no no longer rely on its staunchest allies.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

What will be the outcome?  

Towards a movement to Exit-NATO leaving the Pentagon to “pick up the pieces?  

(Michel Chossudovsky, December 7, 2019). First published in March 2019


Reminiscent of World War I, shifting alliances and the structure of military coalitions are crucial determinants of history.

Today’s military alliances, including “cross-cutting coalitions” between “Great Powers” are equally dangerous, markedly different and exceedingly more complex than those pertaining to World War I. (i.e  the confrontation between “The Triple Entente” and “the Triple Alliance”).

Contemporary developments point to a historical shift in the structure of military alliances which could contribute to weakening US hegemony in the Middle East as well as creating conditions which could lead to a breakup of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

NATO constitutes a formidable military force composed of 29 member states, which is largely controlled by the Pentagon. It is a military coalition and an instrument of modern warfare. It constitutes a threat to global security and World peace. 

Divisions within the Atlantic Alliance could take the form of one or more member states deciding to “Exit NATO”. Inevitably an NATO-Exit movement would weaken the unfolding consensus imposed by our governments which at the this juncture in our history consists in threatening to wage a pre-emptive war against the Russian Federation.  


In this article, we will largely be addressing a concrete case of a NATO member state’s intent to exit the Atlantic Alliance NATO, namely Turkey’sNATO-Exit” and its evolving rapprochement with Russia as well as with Iran and China.

Turkey is contemplating a “NATO-Exit”, the implications of which are far-reaching. Military alliances are being redefined.

In turn, Turkey in Northern Syria is fighting against America’s proxy Kurdish forces, i.e. one NATO member state is fighting another NATO member state.

Russia’s stance in relation to Turkey’s military actions in Northern Syria is ambiguous. Russia is an ally of Syria, whose country has been invaded by Turkey, an ally of Russia.

From a broader military standpoint, Turkey is actively cooperating with Russia, which has recently pledged to ensure Turkey’s security. “Moscow underscores that Turkey can calmly withdraw from NATO, and after doing so Ankara will have guarantees that it will not face any threat [from US-NATO] in terms of ensuring its own security,” (According to statement of Turkish Air Force Major-general Beyazit Karatas (ret))

Moreover, Ankara will be acquiring in 2020 Russia’s state of the art S-400 air defense system while de facto opting out from the integrated US-NATO-Israel air defense system. The S-400 deal is said to have caused “concern” “because Turkey is a member of NATO and the [S-400] system cannot be integrated into NATO’s military architecture”.

Russia’s S-400 Triumf (NATO reporting name: SA-21 Growler) is the latest long-range antiaircraft missile system that went into service in 2007. It is designed to destroy aircraft, cruise and ballistic missiles, including medium-range missiles, and surface targets. The S-400 can engage targets at a distance of 400 kilometers and at an altitude of up to 30 kilometers. (Tass, December 29, 2017)

What does this mean?

Has NATO’s “heavyweight” (in terms of its conventional forces) namely Turkey chosen to exit the Atlantic Alliance? Or is Turkey involved in an alliance of convenience with Russia while sustaining its links with NATO and the Pentagon?

The Atlantic Alliance is potentially in shatters. Will this lead to a NATO Exit movement with other NATO member states following suit?

Moscow’s intent in this regard, through diplomatic channels is to build upon bilateral relations with selected EU-NATO member states. The objective is to contribute to NATO “military deescalation” on Russia’s Western frontier.

Apart from Turkey, several EU countries including Germany, Italy, Greece (which has established defense ties with Russia) as well as Bulgaria could contemplate a NATO-Exit.

Turkey’s “Rapprochement” with Russia is strategic. While playing a key role in the Middle East, Turkey also controls naval access to the Black Sea through the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus. (see image right)

In other words, Turkey’s withdrawal from NATO would have an immediate impact on NATO’s land and naval deployments in the Black Sea basin, which in turn would affect NATO military capabilities on Russia’s doorstep in Eastern Europe, The Baltic States and the Balkans.

Needless to say, the Moscow-Ankara alliance facilitates the movement of Russian and Chinese naval forces to and from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean via the Bosphorus.

Turkey’s realignment is not limited to Russia it also includes Iran as well as Pakistan, which is in the process of severing its military ties with the US, while extending its trade and investment relations with China. Pakistan as well as India are full members of the Shanghai Cooperation Agreement (SCO).

The broader structure of military as well trade/ investment alliances must also be addressed, including maritime routes and pipeline corridors.

US Influence and Hegemony in the Broader Middle East

These geopolitical shifts have served to weaken U.S. influence in the Middle East, Central Asia and South Asia.

Turkey has an alliance of convenience with Iran. And Iran in turn is now supported by a powerful China-Russia block, which includes military cooperation, strategic pipelines as well extensive trade and investment agreements.

In turn, the unity of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States is now in jeopardy, with Qatar, Oman and Kuwait building an alliance with Iran (as well as Turkey), to the detriment of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Saudi Arabia’s economic blockade directed against Qatar has created a rift in geopolitical alliances which has served to weaken the US in the Persian Gulf.

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is profoundly divided, with the UAE and Bahrain siding with Saudi Arabia against Qatar. In turn Qatar has the support of Oman and Kuwait. Needless to say, the GCC which until recently was America’s staunchest Middle East ally against Iran is in total disarray.

U.S. Central Command Military Base in Qatar 

While Turkey is deploying  troops in Qatar, it has also established the Tariq bin Ziyad military base in Qatar (in cooperation with the Qatari Ministry of Defense) under an agreement signed in 2014.

The Qatar based Al Udeid US military facility is the largest in the Middle East. Under USCentCom with headquarters in Tampa, Florida, Al Udeid  hosts CentCom’s “forward headquarters” of all US military operations in the entire Middle East-Central Asian region.

Al Udeid –which houses some 10,000 US military personnel–, has played a strategic role in the ongoing conduct of US air operations against Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria.

There is however a fundamental contradiction: America’s largest military base in the Middle East which hosts USCentCom is at present located in a country which is firmly aligned with Iran (i.e. an enemy of America). Moreover,  Qatar’s main partners in the oil and gas industry including pipelines are Iran and Turkey. In turn, both Russia and China are actively involved in the Qatari oil and gas industry. 

In response to Qatar’s rapprochement with Iran, the Pentagon has already envisaged moving its Central Command forward headquarters at the Al Udeid Air Force base (image left) to the Prince Sultan Air Force base in central Saudi Arabia, 80 km south of Riyadh.

The structure of military alliances pertaining to Qatar are in this regard strategic.

Why? Because Qatar is a Geopolitical Hot Spot, largely attributable to its extensive maritime reserves in natural gas which it shares with Iran.

Iran and Qatar cooperate actively in the extraction of  maritime natural gas under a joint Qatar-Iran ownership structure. These maritime gas fields are strategic, they constitute the World’s largest maritime gas reserves located in the Persian Gulf. (For further details, see Michel Chossudovsky, Middle East and Asia Geopolitical Alliances, Global Research, September 17, 2017)

In March 2018, Washington demanded that Qatar’s Al Jazeera News agency register in the U.S. as a “Foreign Agent” intimating that Doha has an “alliance” with enemies of America, including Iran and Russia.

Is this not a prelude to “Qatar-Gate” under the helm of Trump’s newly instated “war cabinet” (with Pompeo taking over from Tillerson at the State Department)?

Screen shot Middle East Monitor, March 9, 2018

In November 2017, Qatar’s Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani intimated during a visit to Washington that “Qatar does  not rule out the possibility of a Saudi-led military operation against it”. While this option is unlikely, a “regime change” in Doha sponsored by the US and its Saudi ally is a distinct possibility.

The Incirlik Air Force Base in Southern Turkey 

Meanwhile, the Pentagon is envisaging moving US Air Force facilities and personnel out of the Incirlik base in southern Turkey:

Earlier in March, Johnny Michael, the spokesperson for the US European Command (EUCOM), denied “speculative” reports that the US military reduced its operations at Incirlik base, adding that all military activities continued normally.

A day before Michael’s remarks, a Wall Street Journal report suggested that the US “sharply reduced” combat operations at the airbase and was considering permanent cutbacks there. (Al Jazeera, March 26, 2018)

Concluding Remarks: With NATO in shambles, America’s “war hawks” do not have a leg to stand on.

The alliance between Washington and Ankara is in crisis. NATO is in crisis. In turn, a Turkey NATO-Exit could potentially destabilize NATO.

We are at a dangerous crossroads. The US-NATO military agenda threatens the future of humanity.

How to reverse the tide of war? What concrete actions should be taken?

“NATO-Exit” could become a rallying call, a movement which could spread across the European landscape.

Both the European and North American anti-war movements should concretely focus their grassroots campaign on country-based “NATO-Exit” with a view to breaking the structure of military alliances required by Washington to sustain its global military agenda.

No easy task. This movement will not emanate from the governments. Most of the heads of State and heads of government of  NATO member countries have been coopted.

Moreover, many of the West’s civil society organizations and NGOs (financed by corporate foundations) are tacitly supportive of US-NATO “humanitarian wars”.

What this means is that the anti-war movement has to be rebuilt.

NATO Spending Pushes Europe from Welfare to Warfare

December 7th, 2019 by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

First published in April 2019

After a recent anti-NATO conference in Florence, we spoke with Michel Chossudovsky about the alliance’s problems. ‘NATO’s unspoken aim has been to implement a de facto “military occupation” of Western Europe, in all but name.’


On April 7, the Anti-NATO International Conference on the 70th Anniversary of NATO was held in Florence, with more than 600 participants from Italy and Europe. The keynote speaker was Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, the director of Global Research, a Canadian research center on globalization, which co-sponsored the conference along with the No War No NATO Committee and other Italian NGOs.

Chossudovsky is one of the leading international experts in economics and geopolitics, a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica and the author of 11 books, his writings have been published in over 20 languages.

Manlio Dinucci: What has been achieved at the Florence conference?

Michel Chossudovsky: It was a very successful event, with the participation of highly qualified speakers from the US, Europe and Russia. There were presentations on NATO’s history. Its crimes against humanity were highlighted and carefully documented. At the end of the conference, we published the Florence Declaration, which calls for an exit from the war system.

Manlio Dinucci: In your introductory address, you said that the North Atlantic Alliance was not an alliance at all.

Michel Chossudovsky: Under the guise of a multinational military alliance, the Pentagon is dominating NATO’s decision-making mechanism. The US controls NATO’s command structures, which are integrated into those of the US. The Supreme Allied Commander in Europe (SACEUR) is always an American general named by Washington. The NATO Secretary-General, currently Jens Stoltenberg, is essentially a bureaucrat who deals with public relations. He has no decision-making role.

Manlio Dinucci: Another issue you have raised is that of the US military bases in Italy and other European countries, including Eastern Europe, despite the Warsaw Pact having collapsed in 1991 and despite the promise made to Gorbachev that there would be no NATO enlargement towards the East. Why are they there?

Michel Chossudovsky: NATO’s unspoken aim—a prominent topic of our debate in Florence—has been to implement a de facto “military occupation” of Western Europe, in all but name. Not only does the United States continue to “occupy” the former “Axis countries” of the Second World War (Italy and Germany), but under the guise of the NATO flag, it has installed military bases in all of Western Europe, and, later on, in Eastern Europe as well, in the wake of the Cold War, and in the Balkans, in the wake of the NATO war against Yugoslavia (Serbia-Montenegro).

Manlio Dinucci: What has changed when it comes to a possible use of nuclear weapons?

Michel Chossudovsky: Immediately after the Cold War, a new nuclear doctrine was formulated, focused on the preemptive use of nuclear weapons, meaning a nuclear first strike as a means of self-defense. As part of the US-NATO interventions, framed as peacekeeping actions, a new generation of “low yield” and “more usable” nuclear weapons has been developed, which have been mischaracterized as “harmless to civilians.” US policy makers consider these to be “pacifying bombs.” The agreements of the Cold War, which put up certain restrictions against such weapons, have been abandoned. When it comes to the use of nuclear weapons, the concept of “Mutual Assured Destruction” has been abandoned in favor of the doctrine of preemptive nuclear war.

Manlio Dinucci: Earlier in Trump’s presidency, he had called NATO ”obsolete”—now, however, it has been embraced again by the White House. What is the relationship between the arms race and the economic crisis?

Michel Chossudovsky: War and globalization go hand in hand. The process of militarization calls for the imposition of macro-economic restructuring in the target countries. It demands military spending to sustain the war economy, to the detriment of the civilian economy. This leads to economic destabilization and a loss of power for national institutions.

As an example: recently, President Trump has proposed large cuts in health, education and social infrastructure spending, while calling for a large increase in the Pentagon’s budget. Early in his administration, President Trump approved an increase in spending for the military nuclear program—an initiative launched by Obama—from $1 trillion to $1.2 trillion, under the pretext that it would help keep the world safe.

Throughout the European Union, the increase in military spending, coupled with austerity measures, is leading towards the end of the “welfare state” as we have known it. Now, under US pressure, NATO is committed to increasing its military spending, and Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg recently said that this is the right thing to do in order to “keep [our] population safe.” Military interventions come together with concomitant acts of economic sabotage and financial manipulation.

The final aim is the taking over of resources, human and material, and of political institutions. The acts of war are taking place to support a process of complete economic conquest. The US’s hegemonic project is that of transforming sovereign countries and independent international institutions into structures that are receptive towards infiltration. One of the tools for achieving this is the imposition of highly restrictive constraints on indebted countries. That, together with the imposition of deadly macroeconomic reforms, is leading to the impoverishment of a large proportion of the global population.

Manlio Dinucci: What is the role of the media in all this—and what should it be doing instead?

Michel Chossudovsky: Without media disinformation and propaganda, the US-NATO military agenda would collapse like a house of cards. However, the impending dangers of a new war using the most modern weaponry and the danger of the use of nuclear weapons are not being treated as front page news. Outright war is depicted as a peace-making initiative.

War criminals are portrayed as peacemakers. War becomes peace. The lie becomes the truth, The truth is twisted into its opposite. When the lie becomes the truth, there is no turning backwards.


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This article was originally published on Il Manifesto. Translated by Pete Kimberley.

Manlio Dinucci is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Featured image is from Il Manifesto

How the US Tortures. Report

December 7th, 2019 by Stephen Lendman

Torture is a longstanding US policy, notably by the CIA and its henchmen.

The policy continues at secret global black sites under its new director Gina Haspel — earlier involved in running an offshore black site, notorious for torture during interrogations.

CIA human experiments began in the early 1950s, including sensory-deprivation ones – developing unlawful interrogation methods amounting to torture.

In his book titled “A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation from the Cold War to the War on Terror,” Alfred McCoy discussed a half-century of Langley efforts to develop torture techniques – no matter how heinous, immoral, illegal, or ineffective.

It’s well known that victims in severe pain say whatever interrogators want to hear to stop it.

The UN Convention against Torture is clear and unequivocal — banning the practice at all times, under all conditions, with no allowed exceptions.

The US Constitution’s 8th Amendment bans “cruel and unusual punishments” — clearly what torture is all about.

Seton Hall University School of Law’s Center for Policy and Research’s report on “How America Tortures” documents the lawless practice by the US — prepared under the direction of Law Professor Mark Denbeaux.

He’s “one of Seton Hall’s most senior faculty members…the Director of the Seton Hall Law School Center for Policy and Research…best known for its dissemination of the internationally recognized series of reports on (US torture and abuse at) the Guantanamo Bay” torture prison, still operating with no intention of closing it.

Information was provided by US victims, including Abu Zubaydah, a falsely accused al-Qaeda member, an individual with no involvement in or pre-knowledge of 9/11 events — the mother of all US false flags, wrongfully blamed on bin Laden and “crazed Arabs.”

Abducted in March 2002, unlawfully held at Guantanamo to this day uncharged and untried, Zubaydah and others endured sleep deprivation, waterboarding, painful stress positions, prolonged isolation, sensory deprivation and/or overload, severe beatings, electric shocks, induced hypothermia, and other measures that can cause irreversible physical and psychological harm, including psychoses.

He was confined in a box “so small (that) he had to double up his limbs in the fetal position” and stay that way, according to the ICRC.

He was also shackled naked by his wrists over his head so his toes barely touched the floor. Hooded and painfully handcuffed, his head was smashed against a wall — torture methods used against him depicted in drawings.

According to Seton Hall’s report, “virtually no attention has been paid to the specific details of the techniques that were used in America’s name and too little investigation has gone into the specific uses that the CIA made of these techniques,” adding:

“This report presents the specific details of what the torture memos permitted and most importantly, how the techniques were implemented and applied.”

In an accompanying press release, Denbaugh said the following:

“In many ways…illustrations of Abu Zubaydah are a testament to the triumph of the human will.”

“He was subjected to treatment so egregious that the CIA sought and received official governmental assurances that their prisoner would ‘remain in isolation and incommunicado for the remainder of his life.’ ”

“The CIA even arranged for his cremation in the event he died, assuring what they hoped would be his silence even beyond the grave. But with this report, he is silent no more.”

According to Seton Hall Law Center for Policy & Research Fellow Niki Waters, one of the report’s co-authors:

“What was officially approved was bad enough, but what we found was worse,” adding:

“The lack of clarity and seemingly purposeful ambiguity in defining what was allowed and what was not allowed during interrogations led to gross abuse.”

“The government failed to account for persistent and unapproved techniques alongside those that were approved. But willful blindness isn’t really much of a defense, is it?”

A Final Comment

Most Americans no longer believe the 9/11 whitewash commission’s official account of what happened.

A week after 9/11, congressional Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) declared open-ended war on invented enemies – on the phony pretext of combating forces “responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States” — legitimizing illegal naked aggression, smashing one nonbelligerent nation after another.

Bush/Cheney’s Military Order Number 1 let the regime usurp authority to capture, kidnap or otherwise arrest and indefinitely hold non-citizens (later citizens as well) at home or abroad, uncharged and untried, if accused of involvement in international terrorism – denying them due process and judicial fairness.

Obama further institutionalized indefinite detentions and military commission injustice, violating America’s Fifth Amendment protections.

Trump continues what his predecessors began, waging endless wars of aggression and by other means, along with other hostile actions at home and abroad.

State-sponsored 9/11 and its aftermath made the US and other Western societies unsafe and unfit to live in. Full-blown tyranny may be another major false flag away.

US rage for unchallenged dominance makes nuclear war against manufactured enemies by accident of design an ominous possibility.

Both right wings of the US war party threaten everyone everywhere.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

CPEC and Pakistan’s “Pivot To Africa”

December 7th, 2019 by Andrew Korybko

Last week’s Africa Envoys’ Conference in Islamabad saw Pakistani diplomats brainstorming the best ways for their country to pivot to the eponymous continent, with the key takeaways being to prioritize military diplomacy and entrepreneurial engagement along what could prospectively be described as S-CPEC+.

Pakistan’s “Pivot To Africa”

Pakistan is getting ready to expand its influence in Africa following last week’s Africa Envoys Conference in Islamabad. According to PakTribune, Prime Minister Imran Khan (PMIK) told his country’s dignitaries that the “promotion of relations with countries in Africa would be the new focus of Pakistan’s foreign policy operations”, with the outlet adding that he “regretted that ties with African countries did not get priority in Pakistan’s external relations in the past because of lack of innovation and creativity in running the foreign policy.” PMIK emphasized the need for “robust engagement with Africa”, citing his country’s Chinese and Turkish partners as examples to learn from. Pakistan Observer reported on the insight shared by one of the conference’s participants, Pakistani Ambassador to Morocco Hamid Asghar Khan, who said that Pakistan should concentrate on improving political, socio-cultural, economic, and military relations with African countries. Ambassador Hamid also made some proposals for bringing this about, such as opening up new diplomatic missions, tasking them with promoting Pakistan’s soft image and products, holding topical conferences, and engaging in military diplomacy.

The author published a piece back in May of this year in The Nation, one of Pakistan’s leading newspapers, urging the same as soon as possible, arguing that “CPEC Is The Perfect Opportunity For Pakistan To Pivot To Africa“. The article explained how CPEC, the flagship project of China’s Belt & Road Initiative (BRI), will improve Chinese-African trade and thus facilitate the expansion of Pakistan’s ties with the continent’s many countries if Islamabad has the political will and vision needed to seize the initiative, which is finally the case after last week’s conference. It was preceded by one of the author’s related pieces published by CGTN just days prior about how “CPEC+ Is The Key To Achieving Regional Integration Goals“, which proposed the expansion of CPEC along several geographic vectors, including the southern one directed towards Africa that was described as S-CPEC+. This vision strategically frames the future of Pakistani-African relations and thus provides decision makers with a better understanding of their many opportunities. The country should take advantage of the Chinese-African trade traversing CPEC and traveling across the Afro-Asian (“Indian”) Ocean in order to explore new markets for its own exports, and this could be aided through the creative practice of military diplomacy.

“Democratic Security”

To elaborate, most African governments require some degree of external security assistance, whether through training, arms exports, or the direct deployment of foreign military personnel (be they advisors, special forces, or otherwise). While eschewing the last-mentioned need, which is unnecessarily risky unless carried out under the aegis of a UN peacekeeping mission and oftentimes abused by countries like the US and France to infringe on their “partners'” sovereignty, Pakistan can work on selling more weapons there and very easily share its world-class experience in “Democratic Security” with any interested African countries. This concept refers to the effective efforts undertaken by the Pakistan Armed Forces over the years to counter Color Revolution and Unconventional Warfare (mostly terrorism in this case) threats, which collectively form the two pillars of modern-day Hybrid War. Pakistan could institutionalize its “Democratic Security” knowledge-sharing services by including them as required courses for the foreign military students who attend its National Defence University (NDU), to say nothing of establishing a new department or even a think tank focused exclusively on this cutting-edge science which could then position Pakistan as a world leader in this respect.

From Military Ties To Economic Deals

This isn’t just for reasons of simple prestige either, but has an extremely practical use since it could imbue the African and other foreign students with a deeper understanding of Hybrid War dynamics which in turn would enable them to better thwart these threats through the more confident employment of “Democratic Security” strategies customized for their specific situations (which could also be included in the proposed coursework). Those countries’ military representatives need to ensure basic security like all others (though usually with comparatively less capabilities), as well as combat separatist and terrorist threats (sometimes one and the same) on top of protecting BRI projects, so they certainly have their work cut out for them and therefore urgently need as much high-quality experience-sharing as they can get. This would in principle satisfy the security requirements of S-CPEC+, which could also in turn build the trust needed between Pakistan and its state-level partners to have them actively support Islamabad’s efforts to improve trade ties between them as a step towards eventually reaching a strategic partnership that would also dovetail perfectly with China’s vision of forging what it regularly describes as a “community of shared destiny” (made possible in this case by CPEC).

The “Gwadar Gathering”

Entrepreneurial engagement can occur even without being preceded by military diplomacy or running in parallel with it, but it’s the strategic military ties fostered through the proposed “Democratic Security” training to Pakistan’s African partners that could encourage those states to actively get involved in this process by organizing trade and investment fairs, as well as assisting Pakistani businessmen in all respects so as to improve their ease of doing business there. On the other side of the coin, Pakistan should definitely host its own trade-related functions that include Africa, such as the yearly “Gwadar Gathering” that the author proposed in his January 2017 analysis about “CPEC And The 21st-Century Convergence Of Civilizations” and later shared with NDU during an event that he was invited to a few months later to share his thoughts on “Pakistan In The 21st-Century — Perception Management“. As PMIK spoke about last week, Pakistan can learn a lot from the experiences of its Chinese and Turkish partners in this respect, and it’s not unforeseeable that they might also participate in these proposed events in a leading capacity. Without growing economic engagement, Pakistan’s security ties with Africa will never lead to the creation of strategic partnerships with its many countries.

Towards The Official Promulgation Of S-CPEC+

Pakistan has already acquired the hard-earned experience that can easily enable to to more than effectively practice military diplomacy with Africa, especially if it institutionalizes what it’s learned over the years about “Democratic Security” and creates customized courses for NDU’s African students (and others) to enroll in as part of their studies. On the economic front, PMIK’s advisor on finance, Mr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, spoke last month about how Pakistan is impressively opening up its economy to foreign investors, which coincides with global credit ratings agency Moody’s recently upgrading the country’s outlook and placing it above neighboring India, which was downgraded despite its vigorous attempts over the past few years to position itself as the leading destination for foreign investment in the region. Therefore, all that’s needed in order to take Pakistan’s “Pivot to Africa” to the next level is to conceptualize it in a catchy way that encapsulates its vision of engagement, ergo the author’s proposal for referring to it as S-CPEC+. Considering that Mr. Shaikh officially spoke about CPEC+ late last month in what the author believes might have been the government’s first use of this term, it’s sensible then to build upon this vision by framing Pakistan’s African strategy as S-CPEC+.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from OneWorld

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House Judiciary Committee Sham Ukrainegate Hearings

December 7th, 2019 by Stephen Lendman

Following House Intelligence Committee sham hearings, Judiciary Committee Dems began their own on Wednesday, the witch-hunt to continue days longer in the run-up to the yearend holiday break.

Wednesday’s hearing featured four law professors — three supporting the Ukrainegate scam, one opposed.

Witch-hunt supporters included Harvard Law School’s Noah Feldman, Stanford Law School’s Pamela Karlan, and University of North Carolina Law School’s Michael Gerhardt.

Testimony by George Washington University Law School’s Jonathan Turley stuck to the rule of law with plenty of hard facts backing his judgment.

The others, enlisted by undemocratic Dems, falsely claimed charges against Trump rise to the level of impeachable offenses.

Karlan said the US must keep (Obama’s installed coup d’etat regime in Ukraine with a new leader strong) “so they fight the Russians there and we don’t have to fight them here” — her remark sounding like a Pentagon press release about a Russian threat that doesn’t exist.

According to Gerhadt’s disinformation:

“If what we’re talking about is not impeachable, then nothing is impeachable (sic). This is precisely the misconduct that the framers created the Constitution, including impeachment, to protect against (sic).”

Feldman falsely claimed Trump’s dealings with Ukrainian President Zelensky “constitute high crimes and misdemeanors impeachable under the Constitution.”

Ignored were Zelensky’s remarks, saying:

“I never talked to (Trump) from the position of a quid pro quo. That’s not my thing. I don’t want us to look like beggars.”

He denied that he and Trump ever discussed withholding US aid to Ukraine for political favors.

The unredacted transcript of Trump’s conversation with Zelensky revealed no blackmail threat, no quid pro quo, no conspiracy.

Trump should be held accountable for real offenses, not politicized invented ones because of an election he won that he was supposed to lose.

Turley said the following:

“I have spent decades writing about impeachment and presidential powers as an academic and as a legal commentator.”

“I am not a supporter of President Trump. I voted against him in 2016, and I have previously voted for Presidents Clinton and Obama…I have been highly critical of President Trump, his policies, and his rhetoric…”

“Today, my only concern is the integrity and coherence of the constitutional standard and process of impeachment.”

“I am concerned about lowering impeachment standards to fit a paucity of evidence and an abundance of anger.”

“If the House proceeds solely on the Ukrainian allegations, this impeachment would stand out among modern impeachments as the shortest proceeding, with the thinnest evidentiary record, and the narrowest grounds ever used to impeach a president.”

“I previously wrote that the current incomplete record is insufficient to sustain an impeachment case…”

“The problem is not simply that the record does not contain direct evidence of the president stating a quid pro quo, as chairman Schiff has suggested.”

“The problem is that the House has not bothered to subpoena the key witnesses who would have such direct knowledge. This alone sets a dangerous precedent.”

“This misuse of impeachment has been plain during the Trump administration.”

“Despite my disagreement with many of President Trump’s policies and statements, impeachment was never intended to be used as a mid-term corrective option for a divisive or unpopular leader.”

The Dems’ case against Trump lacks “clear criminal act and would be the first such case in history if the House proceeds without further evidence.”

Accusing Trump of bribery “is undermined by the fact that (he) released the aid (to Ukraine) without the alleged pre-conditions.”

No evidence “establishes a plausible case of criminal obstruction (of justice) or a viable impeachable offense.”

“There is no evidence that President Trump acted with the corrupt intent required for obstruction of justice on the record created by the House Intelligence Committee.”

“If the House moves forward with this impeachment basis, it would be repeating the very same abusive tactics used against President Andrew Johnson.”

“(T)he House literally manufactured a crime upon which to impeach Johnson in the Tenure in Office Act. This was a clearly unconstitutional act…”

“The obstruction allegation is also undermined by the fact that many officials opted to testify, despite the orders from the president that they should decline.”

“(W)e have never impeached a president solely or even largely on the basis of a non-criminal abuse of power allegation.”

“Abuses of power tend to be even less defined and more debatable as a basis for impeachment than some of the crimes already mentioned.”

“(T)here needs to be clear and unequivocal proof of a quid pro quo. That is why I have been critical of how this impeachment has unfolded.”

“The current record does not establish a quid pro quo…Presidents often put pressure on other countries” to serve US interests.

By that standard, virtually all Trump’s predecessors should have been impeached and removed from office.

“Trump (can) point to three direct conversations on the record. His call with President Zelensky does not state a quid pro quo.”

Censure is an option in lieu of impeachment, Turley explained, adding:

“I have been a long critic of censure as a part of impeachment inquiries…Censure has no constitutional foundation or significance.”

Turley concluded saying: “(B)efore we cut down the trees so carefully planted by the framers, I hope you consider what you will do when the wind blows again…perhaps for a (Dem) president.”

“Where will you stand then ‘the laws all being flat?’ ”

Turley’s testimony was exhaustive and scholarly, with numerous historical references, his printed text exceeding 50 pages.

He opposes impeaching Trump based on charges claimed by Dems with no credible evidence backing them.

A Final Comment

On Thursday, House Speaker Pelosi instructed the Judiciary Committee to draft articles of impeachment against Trump.

Falsely claiming the “facts are uncontested,” she accused him of “abus(ing) his power for his own personal political benefit at the expense of our national security” — an untrue statement based on his dealings with Ukrainian President Zelinsky.

Claiming “(o)ur democracy is what is at stake” is false. Only the illusion of democracy in America exists, the real thing absent throughout the country’s history.

In her remarks, Pelosi omitted a timetable. Nor did she indicate what she wants Trump charged with.

What’s going on is a politicized scam, a shameful spectacle, Dems hoping to gain a political advantage in November 2020 elections.

The gamble could backfire given plenty of ammunition Republicans can use if a Senate trial is held.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Just over a decade ago, the prototype of an unmanned aircraft that would become the Bayraktar TB2 took off for its maiden flight at Sinop Airport on the Black Sea. There were few signs then that the mid-sized, twin-boom aircraft would become Turkey’s first indigenously produced armed drone and the backbone of its unmanned air force. At the time, domestic drone manufacturers struggled against technical difficulties and foreign competition. Ten years on, however, the situation is radically different: Ankara’s drone program has morphed into a successful industry that’s already exporting products. It’s also a potent military force that’s further straining the NATO alliance.

Turkey is wielding its new arsenal in a military campaign against Kurdish fighters in Syria, part of a long-standing conflict that has taken on new significance since US President Donald Trump announced a controversial decision to withdraw troops from northern Syria this fall, opening up allied Syrian Kurds to Turkish attacks. The president of France, another NATO ally of Turkey’s, recently accused Turkey of “fighting against those who fight with us.” Turkey’s drones have enabled a conflict in an already volatile region; more worrisome, Ankara’s successful drone program is an example that several other countries hope to emulate.

Drones have proliferated to militaries around the world at a dramatic rate. According to The Drone Databook, a study of military drone capabilities I published with the Center for the Study of the Drone in September, at least 95 countries have a military drone program. These programs are growing in size and complexity. Nearly 60 countries have activated at least 267 units to operate drones. Like many other countries, Turkey has prioritized the development of a domestic industry in order to reduce its dependency on systems made by the United States and Israel, the traditional drone-production powerhouses.

Building a domestic drone program. Ten years ago, Turkey still relied heavily on foreign-made drones. The military operated a handful of aging US General Atomics Gnat 750s it purchased in 1995, as well as several Israeli-made IAI Herons, which were introduced in 2010. But, in an early sign of Turkey’s keen interest in bolstering its own production capabilities, the country introduced the domestically-produced Bayraktar Mini, a handheld reconnaissance drone, in 2007.

Some of Turkey’s early efforts to develop domestic drones did not go smoothly. Ankara awarded Turkish Aerospace Industries a contract in 2004 to develop the Anka, a medium-altitude long-endurance drone. The Anka made its first flight in 2010, but reportedly crashed within 15 minutes. As Turkey was working on its domestic program, the country was also finding it harder to acquire foreign-made aircraft. Ankara’s efforts to import US-made Predators and, later, Reapers eventually stalled out amid congressional opposition.

In the past two years, Turkey’s drone program has ballooned. From the end of 2017 to today, the military’s inventory of Bayraktar TB2s more than doubled from around 38 to 94, about half of which are believed to be armed. Turkey’s fleet of Ankas, which have become another of the country’s mainstays, has grown to around 30. The two aircraft models are now in service with at least six military and security organizations: the Army, Air Force, Navy, Gendarmerie (national military police), the National Intelligence Organization, and the General Directorate of Security (national civilian police).

Turkish drone developers have achieved important technical milestones in recent years. In August 2018, the Anka carried out Turkey’s first satellite-controlled airstrike and in December, an Anka completed its first flight with a domestically-produced engine, a critical step towards creating a sustainable domestic manufacturing base. In 2019, both the Bayraktar TB2 and the Anka have broken their previous endurance records, with each flying longer than 24 hours. Two large drone producers, Baykar Makina and Turkish Aerospace Industries, have both unveiled new large unmanned aircraft, the Akinci and the Aksungur, respectively. Given the recent progress of Turkey’s drone program, it’s not surprising that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently committed $105.5 million in funding to support the continued development of the Bayraktar TB2.

To accommodate Turkey’s growing unmanned fleet, Ankara has been rapidly building out a network of drone outposts at airports in the southeast of the country, along the Syrian border, as well as on the Aegean and Mediterranean coastline. Since 2018, Turkey appears to have constructed drone facilities—aircraft hangars and shelters, aircraft aprons and taxiways, and communication towers—at seven airports, bringing the total number of drone bases to at least nine. These facilities are essential because the majority of Turkish Bayraktar TB2s and Ankas have an operational range limited to about 100 miles. (Only the Anka-S, a satellite-enabled variant of the Anka, is currently capable of flying beyond line of sight.)

A Turkish Anka drone

Turkey worked to develop military drones like the Anka during a time when the country faced difficulties acquiring US-made aircraft like Predator drones. Credit: N13s013 (cropped). (Creative Commons)

Turkish drones on the battlefield. One key factor behind Turkey’s efforts to develop drones and related infrastructure is Ankara’s ongoing fight against Kurdish organizations such as the Kurdistan Workers’ Party. As of June, Turkey’s Bayraktar TB2s have accumulated more than 100,000 operational flight hours in a little under four years, an indication of how important drones are to Turkish military officials. According to media reports, Turkish drones have participated in airstrikes against Kurdish organizations in at least 11 provinces in southeast Turkey. They’ve also been used in at least five cross-border operations into Syria and Iraq, targeting members of Kurdish organizations since 2016, including in Turkey’s recent military incursion into Syria dubbed Operation Peace Spring.

And these drones may not be targeting only fighters, as Turkey claims. Turkey’s Human Rights Association has documented several drone strikes in which it says that civilians have been killed. Amid Turkey’s ongoing invasion of northern Syria, the head of a Syrian Kurdish organization said that Turkish drones have continued to strike Kurdish military and civilian targets, despite a ceasefire. Kurdish fighters in Syria have been working alongside the United States in a campaign against the Islamic State.

Turkey’s other main drone operations are in the east, along its Aegean and Mediterranean coasts. These operations have also caused friction. Greek officials have reported that Turkish drones have repeatedly flown over Greek islands in the Aegean. In 2018, Greek F-16 fighters intercepted a Turkish drone over Rhodes. This year, Turkish Navy drones have accompanied Turkish gas drilling ships into territorial waters claimed by Cyprus. Cypriot officials said in September that Turkish drones had interfered with commercial aircraft landing at Paphos Airport.

Armed drones for sale. As Turkey’s drone program matures, Ankara has been eyeing opportunities to gain a foothold in the competitive global market for military drones; it has exported the Bayraktar TB2 to Qatar and Ukraine and is reportedly courting sales to Indonesia and Tunisia. In Libya, Turkish Bayraktar TB2 drones have reportedly been used by the UN-recognized Government of National Accord against the forces of Libyan National Army leader General Khalifa Haftar, who has his own supply of Chinese-made drones.

Turkey is not alone in its efforts to develop, acquire, and deploy unmanned aircraft. According to the Databook, the number of countries with military drones has increased by an estimated 58 percent between 2009 and 2019. Today, at least 31 countries operate heavy-class drones like the Bayraktar TB2 and Anka, up from 16 in 2009.

Ten years on from that first flight of the Bayraktar TB2 at Sinop Airport, Turkey has come to exemplify the significant trends in and consequences of military drone proliferation. It has a growing and increasingly diverse inventory of systems and has integrated these aircraft into the operations of multiple military and security organizations. Turkey’s drones are proving capable weapons on domestic and foreign battlefields alike, and the country has invested deeply in developing new drones, partly, at least, with a view to exporting them.

This example will likely be replicated by other countries in the next decade.


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Dan Gettinger founded the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College. He is the author of The Drone Databook, a comprehensive survey of military drone activities around the world.

Featured image: Turkey’s military drone program has ballooned in the past few years. It has a fleet of about 94 Bayraktar TB2 drones. Credit: Bayhaluk (cropped). (Creative Commons)

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70th NATO Anniversary Shows Alliance Is More Divided than Ever

December 7th, 2019 by Paul Antonopoulos

When U.S. President Donald Trump cancels a NATO press conference because the other NATO leaders are mocking him, you know that something is wrong. At the historic NATO Summit to commemorate 70 years of NATO earlier this week, the Alliance remembers how “brain dead”, as described by French President Emmanuel Macron, that the organization has become. This disastrous summit will be remembered in history as the beginning of the end for NATO as there was plenty of hostilities and controversies that were not even close to being resolved.

Theoretically the great loser of the summit was Turkey, with its magnificent and failed bluff. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan‘s threat to block the Alliance’s decision to “protect” the Baltic states and Poland “from possible Russian aggression” if NATO did not recognize the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Syria as a terrorist organization had resulted to nothing. The fact that NATO members have even refused to discuss the YPG, with the exception of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, as they carry out their provocative action to send forces to the Baltic is tantamount to a massive personal disappointment for Erdoğan.

But those who hastened to talk about Turkey’s international isolation have not noticed a slight laughter from the American president that changed everything. During a stormy joint press conference with his French counterpart, Trump appeared to offer an impressive friendly gesture to Erdogan, even though the Turkish leader bought the Russian S-400 missiles that received the scorn of Trump. In a complete reversal of roles, Macron wondered how a NATO member state could supply Russian missile defense systems while Trump just laughed it off. Trump has claimed incorrectly that he is not solely responsible for the Turkish purchase of the S-400 as his predecessor Barack Obama refused to sell the Patriot systems to Turkey.

Trump’s friendly attitude towards Erdoğan seems to once again disprove analysts who have predicted a complete split in U.S.-Turkish relations. It is now clear that the temporary withdrawal of U.S. forces from North Syria, which gave the “green light” for the Turkish invasion, is expressing a new page in Trump’s relations with the Turkish President.

However, one of the most interesting clashes between NATO leaders has provided material to journalists who covered the Summit, as there are clear and unprecedented gaps between Europe and the U.S. In a joint statement, NATO leaders appeared to agree that Russia’s supposed offensive actions pose a threat to Euro-Atlantic security and that China’s growing influence supposedly poses new challenges for the Alliance. However, both of these issues actually had dividing opinions, rather than united.

“The greatest danger,” said Emmanuel Macron, “is not a Russian invasion of the Baltic states, but terrorism, that is, the danger we face from the South and to which NATO has no answer,” adding “Is it the purpose of the Atlantic Alliance to identify one or the other [Russia or China] as our enemies?”

He had recently stated that he did not see China as a major threat to member countries of the Alliance. The French president may have seemed like a lonely knight within NATO, but in reality, he was still expressing the ideas of several European countries that were reacting silently to Washington’s attempt to drag Europe into an open confrontation with Moscow and Beijing. Countries such as Italy and Greece, which have opened their doors to Chinese investment in infrastructure such as 5G mobile networks and port developments, have no desire to see NATO become an opposition force to the Beijing.

But that is exactly what the Secretary General of the Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, wants to do on behalf of Washington. In recent statements, he made clear that not only Beijing’s increased defense spending is a concern, but even China’s foremost in economic and technological development.

Stoltenberg showed concern and in his own words said China is a leader in the development of new technologies, from 5G networks to facial recognition technology and from quantum computers to large data processing.

Stoltenberg said the alliance needed to start taking “into account that China is coming closer to us.”

“We see them in the Arctic, we see them in Africa, we see them investing heavily in European infrastructure and of course investing in cyberspace,” Stoltenberg said of China, adding that this was not “about moving NATO into the South China Sea.”

If the NATO Anniversary Summit reveals anything, it is that Washington wants to turn the Alliance into a weapon against Beijing.

“A challenge from China could be just the thing to pull NATO together” said a CNN analyst. Europe, however, is unlikely to fall into U.S. fearmongering about Russia and China. And if it does not, then this just leads to the question about what the purpose of NATO is.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Paul Antonopoulos is a Research Fellow at the Center for Syncretic Studies.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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On Thursday, hundreds of thousands of French workers, youths and others protested over former Rothschild banker/French President Macron’s pension reform scheme that’s all about further eroding social justice by slashing vital benefits.

Most rail, other public transportation, and many flights shut down on day one of the largest French mass action against neoliberal harshness in the last generation — what’s going on to continue for days, perhaps much longer over anti-Macron public anger.

Scores of demonstrations nationwide by students, teachers, firefighters, industrial, transportation, healthcare, energy, public sector, and other workers largely ground France to a halt.

Schools shut down. Police unions warned of symbolically closing certain stations in support of the strike action.

Macron wants a socially unjust/one size fits all uniform pension system, replacing individual ones that provide equitable benefits for retired workers.

He wants the legal retirement age raised from 62 to 64. He wants social justice in France more greatly eroded than already, part of a longterm plan in the country and West to eliminate it altogether.

His scheme is the most extremist change to France’s cherished pension system since its post-WW II creation. It’s all about greatly cutting benefits, leaving retirees far worse off than today.

France’s official single-digit poverty rate is the lowest in the West, far below other Western countries. Retirement reform is Macron’s latest scheme to erode social justice.

Earlier he slashed unemployment benefits and made it easier for companies to lay off or fire workers, while largely keeping wages for public workers stagnant and eroding universal healthcare benefits.

Nationwide strike action began before Macron released details of his scheme — to be debated in parliament and voted on next year.

A November Viavoice for Liberation poll found 89% of respondents believe France is experiencing a “social crisis.”

According to sociologist Steward Chau,

“we’re in a climate of real social tension today, which goes beyond pensions…(S)ocial crisis…hang(s) over this strike action.”

Mass protests begun Wednesday escalated anti-austerity Yellow Vest demonstrations begun over a year ago.

Actions yesterday blocked major thoroughfares, along with shutting down most public transportation and fuel depots.

At least one opinion poll showed around 70% support for the mass action, its strongest backing among individuals aged 18 – 34.

In 1995, large-scale nationwide protests shut down public transport for three weeks, forcing a government neoliberal policy reversal at the time.

What began Thursday goes beyond opposition to Macron’s pension reform scheme. It’s against years of forced-fed austerity, wealth and power interests benefitting by eroding social justice — the same thing going on throughout the West and elsewhere.

Public anger over repression, social inequality, and related issues a fueled other mass protests in Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Haiti, Honduras, Iraq, Algeria, Albania, Gaza, and elsewhere.

So far, they’re absent in the US where people power is badly needed.

Daily events should scare everyone. Peace in our time no longer exists, social justice in the country heading for the dustbin of history if things aren’t reversed by mass actions.

Ordinary people have power when they use it. Change requires longterm struggle.

Abolitionists ended slavery. Civil and labor rights were won. They’re lost because energy waned.

Former Supreme Court Justice William Douglas (1898 – 1980) once said:

“Power concedes nothing without a demand.”

Academic Frances Fox Piven earlier stressed that “(o)rdinary people have power when they rise up in anger and hope, defy the rules…disrupt (state) institutions (and) propel new issues to the center of political debate.”

When governments fail their people, the way things are today in the West and elsewhere globally, they forfeit their right to rule.

Civil disobedience becomes an essential tool for change, popular revolution the only solution.

Martin Luther King said “non-cooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good.” He championed “creative protest,” believing passivity is no option in the face of injustice.

Henry David Thoreau argued that no one is obligated to surrender their conscience to injustice. What’s fundamentally wrong should be challenged for change.

It’s the only thing that works. Entrenched power yields nothing unless pushed.

Long ago labor organizing in the US, taking to the streets, sustaining strikes, boycotts, and other work stoppages, battling monied interests, putting rank-and-file lives on the line for equitable treatment won important worker rights.

When energy waned and union bosses sold out to management, virtually everything gained was lost, organized labor today a shadow of its long ago peak strength.

Sustaining mass actions against social injustice in France is the only way for positive change.

If things wane in the coming days or weeks, all will be lost, the way things turned out in the West many times before.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

The current hearing will examine allegations that US troops and intelligence operatives tortured, raped and abused Afghan prisoners between 2003 and 2004.


The International Criminal Court (ICC) opened a three-day hearing in the The Hague, Netherlands on Wednesday at which prosecutors and Afghan torture victims are attempting to convince the court to overturn a previous decision to refuse to investigate war crimes committed by Taliban, Afghan government and US forces.

(Un)Folding Under Pressure

In April, the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber II announced it would not grant a request by ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda to open an investigation of alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity, including deliberate attacks on civilians and child soldier conscription by Taliban militants, torture and sexual violence by members of Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) and torture of prisoners held in US military and secret Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) prisons in Afghanistan, Poland, Romania and Lithuania. The decision was condemned by human rights advocates, many of whom accused the ICC of bowing to intense pressure from the Donald Trump administration after it barred Bensouda, a Gambian national, from entering the United States. The administration threatened further retaliation, including travel bans and economic sanctions, against the ICC.

President Donald Trump hailed the ICC’s April decision as “a major international victory,” while asserting that “the United States holds American citizens to the highest legal and ethical standards.” Critics countered by noting the president’s repeated pardoning of US war criminals, as well as America’s overall general impunity from war crimes accountability, as proof of the need for more robust international war crimes investigations and prosecution.

However, the United States is not a member of the ICC, despite having signed the Rome Statute establishing the court. Jay Sekulow, a member of Trump’s personal legal team, argued Wednesday at the ICC that this means court prosecutors had no legal basis upon which to build a case against US personnel. Sekulow also argued that under the “complementarity principle,” the ICC’s jurisdiction is limited to scenarios in which nations are unwilling or unable to prosecute war crimes.

“We have a very comprehensive system of military justice,” Sekulow insisted, even in the face of Trump’s recent war crimes pardons.

Tortured to Death

The current hearing will examine allegations that US troops and intelligence operatives tortured, raped and abused Afghan prisoners between 2003 and 2004. In December 2014 the US Senate released a 480-page summary of a previously classified 6,000-page report detailing how dozens of innocent individuals were wrongfully detained by the military and CIA due to mistaken identity and faulty intelligence, how these and other detainees were subjected to horrific and even deadly torture and abuse, and how the brutality and scope of the program were hidden from the Justice Department and even high-ranking members of the Bush administration, including President George W. Bush.

By 2006, at least 100 prisoners had died in US custody in Afghanistan and Iraq, most of them violently, according to government data. The most well-publicized detainee death happened at the notorious “Salt Pit,” a CIA black site, or secret prison, in Afghanistan, where Gul Rahman died of hypothermia after being severely beaten, stripped naked and chained to a wall in near-freezing temperatures. Abuse of prisoners, who were often kidnapped from third countries in a practice known as extraordinary rendition, was rampant at black sites around the world, including Detention Center Green in Thailand, which current CIA Director Gina Haspel ran in late 2002. Black site prisoners were hung by chains from ceilings for days on end, stuffed into boxes, deprived of sleep, shackled naked in near-freezing temperatures and subjected to mock executions. Prior to Haspel’s arrival, CIA torturers at Detention Center Green subjected cooperative prisoner Abu Zubaydah to the interrupted drowning torture known as waterboarding 83 times in a month. Haspel also played a key role in the destruction of videotaped CIA torture sessions.

Scores of friendly nations as well as some of the world’s most notorious dictators, including Bashar al-Assad in Syria, the late Muammar Gaddafi in Libya and the mullahs of Iran, cooperated with the CIA’s rendition program. The US also outsourced torture by sending abductees to these and other countries for interrogation knowing they would be abused, as well as by allowing agents from some of the world’s worst human rights violators, including China, Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia and Libya, to interrogate and even abuse detainees inside Guantánamo.

No Accountability

Despite numerous campaign promises to investigate Bush-era abuses and early executive orders banning torture and (unsuccessfully) closing GITMO, former president Barack Obama attempted to undermine publication of the Senate torture report. More importantly, not only did he fail to prosecute any of the Bush torturers, his administration actively shielded them from any accountability for their crimes. Furthermore, the administration prosecuted and jailed former CIA agent John Kiriakou for blowing the whistle on torture.

In December 2017 United Nations special rapporteur on torture Nils Melzer warned that the US continued to torture detainees—some of them imprisoned for the better part of two decades without any charge or trial — in its military prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. However, the Trump administration, led by a president who campaigned on a promise to “bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding,” has been a staunch apologist for torture and the war criminals who practice it. Trump has also followed through on promises to commit other war crimes, including one to “bomb this shit”out of Islamic State militants and “take out their families.” Civilian casualties from US bombing, drone strikes and ground raids subsequently soared in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Somalia.

Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Feel free to republish and share widely.


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Brett Wilkins is a San Francisco-based freelance author and editor-at-large for US news at Digital Journal. His work, which focuses on issues of war and peace and human rights, is archived at www.brettwilkins.com.

Featured image: By 2006, at least 100 prisoners had died in US custody in Afghanistan and Iraq, most of them violently, according to government data. (Photo: US torture Image by Witness Against Torture)

In the UK, we have a simple take on the US healthcare system as a for-profit, private system that fleeces its customers and fails the poor.

But here’s the secret: the US has its own ‘mini NHS’. Smaller than the UK’s system, but still a government funded, (mostly) publicly-run system that serves people according to their need. It’s called the Veterans Health Administration (VHA).

And Donald Trump wants to privatise it.

What’s more, to set the reforms in motion, the firm that’s been appointed to create and expand new private networks within the Veterans health system is Optum, the profitable ‘healthcare services’ arm of America’s biggest private health insurer, UnitedHealth Group.

Optum and UnitedHealth are familiar names to anyone who has been following the silent takeover of the NHS by private healthcare firms in recent years, though aspects of their involvement are fully exposed here for the first time.

Health privatisation, US-style – sounds familiar?

But first, it’s worth a closer look at what’s been happening to the US’s own ‘mini-NHS’ – because there are some remarkable parallels with what’s happening on this side of the Atlantic.

The Veterans Administration has a budget of $70billion with which it provides healthcare for some nine million US military veterans. It has experienced serious capacity issues in the past, but a study last year found the quality of care it provides is the same, or significantly better than the private sector.

Donald Trump pictured with US healthcare executives in 2017, including (second from right) the then CEO of UnitedHealth Group | Twitter

Regardless, Trump passed a law last year that allows extensive latitude for a significant proportion of this care to be outsourced to private healthcare corporations.

The President’s plan is backed by a small cabal of right-wing politicians and lobby groups on a crusade to talk down the care the Veterans Health Administration provides – and then to ‘fix’ it, through pushing veteran patients towards private providers. Trump began by replacing senior Veterans Administration officials that stood in the way and reportedly allowed his close political associates and donors to influence the reforms. All the while running a PR campaign, led by officials and their Koch-backed advisors, denying that funnelling billions of taxpayer dollars to private healthcare providers amounts to privatisation. On being appointed, Trump’s new VA secretary told senators: “I will oppose efforts to privatize the VA.”

Democrat Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says the real beneficiaries of Trump’s reforms are “pharmaceutical companies, insurance corporations and, ultimately… a for-profit health-care industry that does not put people or veterans first.” If he really wanted to “fix the VA so badly,” she added at a packed rally earlier this year, “let’s start hiring, and fill up some of those 49,000 [staff] vacancies.”

All of this will sound eerily familiar to campaigners defending the National Health Service against privatisation: from chronic understaffing to legislative reform in the face of massive opposition, and all the while strenuously denying that the changes amount to privatisation at all.

We’re told one thing about NHS privatisation – health firm investors are told another

“There is no privatisation of the NHS on my watch,” Matt Hancock assured MPs earlier this year. Boris Johnson has since echoed his words: “We are absolutely resolved. There will be no sale of the NHS, no privatisation.”

Look at the message US private healthcare firms are giving their investors, however, and a different story emerges.

“We’ve been planting seeds and I would say that we’re strong with the NHS,” US healthcare executive, Larry Renfro told investors in 2016. Renfro was then chief executive of Optum – the very same US company that’s recently been awarded huge contracts to take over the US’s ‘mini NHS’.

“We’re strong with [the regulator] NHS improvement. We are getting stronger with the Minister of Health, as well as the Secretary of Health,” Renfro said.

His colleague and Optum’s Executive Vice President, Jeffrey Berkowitz, spoke of the years Optum had spent building a “very strong foundation of work on the ground with the Department of Health”.

Investors and financial analysts were told this, but not the British public.

Official records show only that Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, held an ‘introductory’ meeting with Optum in March 2017 and that health minister Philip Dunne visited Optum in Boston and again, a couple of weeks later in London.

It is only because Renfro told investors that a health minister is “as we sit here today, with us… on tour”, that we know that Lord Prior, now chair of NHS England, also visited Optum at its headquarters in Minneapolis in October 2016.

Donald Trump, the private healthcare execs, and NHS senior officials

This was one of many visits in recent years made by politicians and senior health officials to Optum’s various US offices. This includes officials from NHS Digital – guardians of NHS patient data – whose head of data was given a tour of Optum’s capabilities at its Washington office in January 2018. As an Optum lobbyist said in 2014, the trips, some of which it paid for, are part of its efforts to “develop and mature” its relationship with the NHS.

It is also only through documents released under Freedom of Information law that we know that Ed Smith, the chair of the NHS’s powerful regulator NHS Improvement, held a series of ‘working dinners’ with UnitedHealth Group CEO, Stephen Hemsley – first in September 2016 and again in January the following year. Another ‘working dinner’ took place with Renfro in March 2017. The documents don’t reveal what these men discussed.

In February of that year, Hemsley visited the White House to meet Donald Trump [photos from the meeting: second right and slightly hidden here; leaning forward hands on table behind Mike Pence here]. The President tweeted:

“Great meeting with CEOs of leading U.S. health insurance companies who provide great healthcare to the American people.”

Once declared the highest paid CEO in the US, Stephen Hemsley is now executive chair of UnitedHealth Group. He earned a reported $65m last year. Fortune described him as the “corporate chief who’s arguably created more wealth for shareholders… than any sitting CEO”.

The secrecy of these trans-Atlantic meetings matters. It has allowed the UK government to tell one story to the public, while quietly inviting a giant, for-profit US corporation, bent on overseas expansion, to embed itself in our NHS.

Optum’s parent company, UnitedHealth Group, which reported earnings in 2018 of over $220 billion, is opposed to efforts in the US to introduce a universal, public health system like the NHS. Its current CEO said Medicare for All, as the proposals are known, would “destabilize” the American healthcare system. It goes without saying, they would also eliminate its industry.

Healthcare markets – why are we looking to US firms to help shape our healthcare?

As support rises in the US for an NHS-inspired ‘Medicare for All’ system to replace the current broken model, in contrast, the Conservative Party has spent the past decade rushing to adopt a US model in its reform of the NHS. This has involved taking our national health system and breaking it up into mini healthcare markets (known as Accountable Care Organisations, or ACOs) to be run, increasingly, with technology and expertise supplied by companies like Optum.

Optum specialises in using data and algorithms to predict and make decisions about who gets what care, something it has honed in America’s private health insurance system, where the more insurers cut costs and ration care, the more money they make. Optum’s algorithm was also recently found to show dramatic biases against black patients.

“Nationally, there are various things going on with data and information and digital that we are actually working with them [the UK] very, very closely right now,” Renfro told investors in April 2017. The health secretary and a “subset of the NHS board” were due to visit, he added: “So things seem to be breaking a lose [sic] right now.”

All of which adds up to quite a different picture to the one used by the Conservatives to sell the reforms to the public in 2010. Health secretary Andrew Lansley’s pitch back then was that his changes were about handing GPs control of the NHS budget to spend locally as they saw fit.

Optum had been involved in discussions from the start in 2010, as revealed in Lansley’s diary (which was released only after a court ruling). Four years later and documents released under FOI showed Optum in prime position to pick up some of the first wave of contracts. In April 2017 – by which time the NHS had been divided into 44 regional areas, each with a plan for reforming its region – Renfo updated investors on “what we’re doing in the UK” and Optum’s UK “44 market strategy”.

“So in February, we won our first business…. with one of those [regions]…. that’s where you’re going to manage with an ACO process. And so we’re tying in everything we do in the States into that win that we just received.” According to Renfro, it was “very, very close” to picking up another two regions and the firm had moved people over to the UK to manage the projects.

Since then, it has been hired by NHS England to “accelerate” these reforms across the country. In the West Midlands, for example, Optum has advised the region’s GPs, hospitals and local councils on their plans. With its partner, PwC, it provided a 12 week programme of training for senior health officials across Birmingham, Solihull, Coventry, Warwickshire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire. It has also gone into partnership with GP “super-practice”, Modality.

Among the other regions receiving Optum coaching and support are: Cumbria; Cambridge and Peterborough; South East London, Staffordshire and Norfolk, Optum was also brought in to help remodel health services in the region spanning Bedford, Luton and Milton Keynes.

Yeovil Hospital, which has led the reforms in Somerset, said:

“The ACO model born in the US market is new to the UK, and as such we have partnered with globally experienced Optum who are guiding our journey into this new world.”

At the same time, Optum has been on a hiring spree across the country of former NHS staff to undertake the work, led by former NHS England directors who have also passed through the revolving door. Ultimately, though, the man steering these reforms is Simon Stevens, CEO of NHS England. He previously, spent a decade at the top of UnitedHealth Group as Executive Vice President and president of its expanding global health businesses.

The health secretary will still deny that privatisation is occurring on his watch. And Boris Johnson will continue to insist that the NHS is not for sale. Meanwhile, the seeds that Optum has been planting for a decade under the Tories are beginning to bear fruit.


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Ukrainian fascists who previously fought in a US-backed neo-Nazi militia joined the anti-China protests in Hong Kong, sharing their tactics and showing off their tattoos.


Neo-Nazis from Ukraine have flown to Hong Kong to participate in the anti-Chinese insurgency, which has been widely praised by Western corporate media and portrayed as a peaceful pro-democracy movement.

Since March 2019, Hong Kong has been the site of often-violent protests and riots that have run the city’s economy into the ground. The US government has funded many of the groups leading the pro-Western and anti-Beijing movement, and opposition leaders have coordinated closely with conservative political figures in Washington like Marco Rubio and Steve Bannon, lobbying for sanctions and other punitive measures against China.

Numerous delegations of far-right groups from across the world have traveled to Hong Kong to join the violent insurgency against Beijing, in which secessionists have attacked police with bowsand arrows, shot gasoline bombs out of catapults, and burned numerous people alive.

With their flamboyant waving of US and British colonial flags and tendency to belt out the American national anthem on megaphones, anti-China separatists in Hong Kong have made themselves a magnet for the US far-right. Staff of the website InfoWars, right-wing social media personality Paul Joseph Watson, and the ultra-conservative group Patriot Prayer are among those who have made pilgrimages to the protests.

The latest collection of extreme-right activists to reinforce the ranks of the Hong Kong separatists are from Ukraine. They call themselves Gonor and have tattoos on their upper torsos with undeniable symbols of white supremacy and neo-Nazism.

These extremists previously fought in a notoriously brutal neo-Nazi militia called the Azov Battalion, in Ukraine’s war against pro-Russian militants.

The Azov Battalion is an explicitly fascist paramilitary group that organizes around neo-Nazi ideology. After a Western-backed 2014 coup against Ukraine’s democratically elected government, Azov was incorporated into the Ukrainian national guard. It has received support from the US government, which has armed and advised the neo-Nazis in their fight against Moscow.

Azov has also helped train American white supremacists, who have plotted terrorist attacks back at home in the United States.

While Western governments and corporate media outlets portray China as an authoritarian regime that treats Hong Kong like a colony, these violent Ukrainian fascists took advantage of the region’s autonomy to gain entry through its borders. It is unlikely they would have been admitted to mainland China, or to the Western European countries that routinely refuse visas to political extremists.

The presence of Ukrainian regime-change activists in the Hong Kong protests is further evidence of the alliances that anti-Chinese activists in Hong Kong are building with other right-wing, US-backed movements around the world, sharing tactics to weaken and destabilize countries targeted by NATO.

Ukrainian Nazi in Hong Kong flag

Ukrainian fascists join Hong Kong insurgency

On December 1, the far-right activist Serhii Filimonov posted photos on Facebook showing himself and three Ukrainian friends upon their arrival in Hong Kong. The images were accompanied by the anti-Beijing’s unofficial slogan: “Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong!!”

Stand With Hong Kong is also the name of a Western-backed organization that has been lobbying the governments of the US, Britain, Germany, Canada, and Australia to impose sanctions and take punitive action against China.

In a video they posted on social media, the Ukrainian white supremacists revealed that they had obtained a press pass, misleadingly portraying themselves as journalists.

Ukrainian Nazi in Hong Kong press pass

Joining Filimonov on the trip to Hong Kong was a notorious extreme-right Ukrainian activist who goes by the name Maliar. Maliar is popular on Instagram, under the name xgadzillax, where he has more than 23,000 followers. (Maliar has a distinctive scaron the left side of the neck, which makes him easy to recognize in photos.)

Ukrainian Nazi Maliar swastika tattoo ears

Besides the swastikas inked into his skull, Maliar had the Nazi symbols tattooed on his right leg, next to an algiz rune, another common white supremacist emblem.

Ukrainian Nazi Maliar swastika tattoo leg

Several photos show that at least two of the Ukrainian fascists in Hong Kong have tattoos reading “Victory or Valhalla,” the title of a compilation of writings by the notorious American white supremacist David Lane, whose neo-fascist terrorist group The Order murdered a liberal Jewish radio host and planned more assassinations of left-wing Jews.

Lane, who was convicted to 190 years in a US prison for numerous crimes, created the most famous white supremacist slogan, known as the 14 Words — which inspired the name of another Ukrainian neo-Nazi group called C14.

Filimonov, who also has a large following on Instagram, where he uses the name Sunperuna, published a photo showing the phrase “Victory or Valahalla” emblazoned on his chest.

Serhii Filimonov Instagram victory or Valhalla

The book “Victory or Valhalla” is dedicated to “Aryankind.” In its pages, its author says he is committed to preventing the “imminent extinction facing the White Race” and the “Judeo-American/Judeo-Christian murder of the White race.” The screed is replete with homages to Nazis, and the back cover shows a photo of Lane’s body in his coffin, wrapped in a Confederate flag.

These Ukrainian fascists were such fans of the book that they permanently tattooed its title on their bodies.

Maliar, the other member of Gonor who joined the Hong Kong protests, has “Victory or Valhalla” inscribed conspicuously on his neck.

Ukrainian Nazi in Hong Kong Victory or Valhalla neck

Journalist Morgan Artyukhina identified another member of the far-right Ukrainian contingent in Hong Kong as Serhii Sternenko. Artyukhina noted that Sternenko is a former leader of the Ukrainian fascist group Right Sector, which burned down a trade union building in Odessa during the 2014 coup, killing 42 people.

Neo-Nazis take campus

On December 2, the Ukrainian fascist visitors posted photos of themselves on the campus of Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), a site of violent protests.

PolyU has been a crucial base of operation for the separatist uprising. A total of 3,989 petrol bombs, 1,339 pieces of explosives, and 601 bottles of corrosive liquid were recovered at the school, as of December 2, according to reports.

Ukrainian Nazis Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Serhii Filimonov (the first on the left in the photo above) has faced legal troubles in the past, appearing in court for allegedly brawling with police.

The photos Filimonov posts on social media make two things abundantly clear: He is a Nazi and wants as many people as possible to see him shirtless while bearing heavy weapons.

Serhii Filimonov Instagram gun 2

Other members of Gonor have published photos on Instagram holding guns.

Serhii Filimonov Instagram guns

A video posted on Instagram in 2015 shows Maliar and a friend in a “White Rebel” Confederate flag t-shirt surrounded by guns and tasers.

Gonor’s symbol draws on many of the same far-right ultra-nationalist themes, with three white knives centered on a black flag.

Gonor’s Telegram channel offers members a front row seat to an orgy of violence. It has published dozens of videos of Hong Kong insurgents, heroizing them for shooting arrows and carrying out brutal attacks on state security forces.


Both Filimonov and Maliar previously fought in the US-backed neo-Nazi Azov Battalion. Maliar has posted photos on Instagram showing the two armed and in military uniform, wearing Azov patches.

Ukrainian Nazi Serhii Filimonov Maliar Azov Battalion

And Filimonov has published several photos showing him and his friends wearing Azov t-shirts.

Ukrainian Nazi Maliar Azov patch

Ukrainian regime-changers build networks with Hong Kong secessionists

Despite all of this publicly available evidence demonstrating the open fascism of the Ukrainian hooligans in Hong Kong, the Kiev-based Free Hong Kong Center published a statement on Facebook defending and whitewashing Gonor.

The organization confirmed that the extremists did indeed fight with Azov “during the first period of the war” against pro-Russian separatists, but claimed that they have been unaffiliated since 2015.

The Free Hong Kong Center described the neo-fascists as “activists of the Revolution of Dignity and as well as veterans of the defending war with Russia.” Absurdly, the center declared that they “assured us they are really against nazism and another kind of alt-right ideology.”

“A lot of people were disappointed by the tattoos of these guys,” the Free Hong Kong Center conceded. But they insisted “that all symbols are from Slavic paganism.”

The Free Hong Kong Center is a project of an NGO called the Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine. In addition to building links with anti-Beijing forces in Hong Kong, the project says its mission is to “counter Chinese threats to Ukraine.”

The Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine is a pro-European Union advocacy organization which is a member of the European Liberal Youth and the International Federation of Liberal Youth, both of which are funded by the EU.

The main coordinator of the Free Hong Kong Center is a Ukrainian activist named Arthur Kharytonov, who is also the president of the Liberal Democratic League of Ukraine. Kharytonov was deeply involved in the Euromaidan protests in Ukraine, which led to the 2014 US-backed coup. He then set up the league in 2015.

Kharytonov and his organization have been frequently amplified in US government-funded Ukrainian media outlets such as Hromadske. In these softball interviews with a highly sympathetic press, Kharytonov likens the anti-Russia protests in Ukraine to the anti-China protests in Hong Kong, and calls for closer bonds between them.

Kharytonov and these Western government-backed organizations are part of a growing network of Ukrainian regime-change activists who are organizing with secessionists in Hong Kong, holding and sharing insurgency tactics.

As the US and NATO-led unipolar hegemonic order that has dominated the world since the end of the Cold War begins to crumble, and as a rising China and Russia seek to restore a multipolar global system, Washington and European nations are constructing a latticework of movements to undermine their adversaries on their frontiers.

This global network is marketed as the advance guard of global liberalism, but as events from Ukraine to Hong Kong have revealed, fascism is festering at its base.


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Ben Norton is a journalist, writer, and filmmaker. He is the assistant editor of The Grayzone, and the producer of the Moderate Rebels podcast, which he co-hosts with editor Max Blumenthal. His website is BenNorton.com and he tweets at @BenjaminNorton.

All images in this article are from The Grayzone

Thoreau got it right: ‘Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new.’ (Thoreau, ‘Walden’, Penguin, 1983, p.68)

The same is certainly true of propaganda. We can laugh now at McCarthyite paranoia warning of Soviet tentacles threatening every aspect of Western life during the Cold War. In the 1940s and 1950s, Hollywood produced dozens of anti-communist films with titles like ‘I Married A Communist’ and ‘I Was A Communist For The FBI’. Large-circulation magazines were titled, ‘Communists Are After Your Child.’ Even children’s comics declared:

‘Beware, commies, spies, traitors, and foreign agents! Captain America, with all loyal, free men behind him, is looking for you.’ (Quoted, Howard Zinn, ‘A People’s History of the United States,’ Harper Colophon, 1990, p.428)

We can guess how future generations will view the current propaganda blitz depicting Jeremy Corbyn as a threat to Britain’s Jews. Not since 2002-2003, when sanctions-stricken Iraq, willing to allow months of no-notice UN weapons inspections, was said to be a ‘clear and present danger’ to the nuclear-packing US-UK, has the truth been so completely and shamefully distorted.

The level of madness is breathtaking, even by ‘mainstream’ standards. In July, the Sunday Telegraph columnist Simon Heffer claimed on LBC radio that Corbyn ‘wants to reopen Auschwitz’. When the interviewer responded that it was completely unacceptable to suggest that Corbyn was capable of such a thing, Heffer replied:

‘I’m sure, in 1933, they had similar conversations in Germany: “the Fuehrer’s never going to do that”.’

Jeremy Hunt, then Foreign Secretary, commented in July:

‘When I went to Auschwitz I rather complacently said to myself, “thank goodness we don’t have to worry about that kind of thing happening in the UK” and now I find myself faced with the leader of the Labour Party who has opened the door to antisemitism in a way that is truly frightening.’

Noam Chomsky summed up the shameful nature of these remarks:

‘The way charges of anti-Semitism are being used in Britain to undermine the Corbyn-led Labour Party is not only a disgrace, but also – to put it simply – an insult to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust…’.

In the i newspaper, former Independent editor Simon Kelner focused on the way Corbyn had ‘mispronounced’ the name of the sexual criminal Jeffrey Epstein, Prince Andrew’s former friend, in a TV debate: ‘He called him “EpSchtine”,’ Kelner noted.

Along with ITV political editor Robert Peston (see below), Kelner did not only dispense with the usual affectation of journalistic impartiality, he emphasised his subjectivity in lending weight to an attack on Corbyn:

‘My reaction was a visceral one: it’s not something I can explain easily, or even rationally, but a Jewish person does know when there is something that sounds wrong, or perjorative [sic], or even threatening. It was as if he was saying: “Are you aware this man is Jewish?”’

The idea, then, is that Corbyn – who has been subjected to relentless, highly damaging attacks on this issue for years, and who has done everything he can to distance himself from anti-semitism, taking a very tough line on the suspension of allies like Ken Livingstone and Chris Williamson from the Labour Party – was emphasising Epstein’s Jewishness in a deliberate – or, worse – unconscious effort to smear Jews. Of course, only a truly crazed racist would be unable to resist such a patently self-destructive impulse on national TV. And yet, the outgoing Speaker of the House of Commons, former Conservative MP, John Bercow, who is Jewish, said during an interview with British GQ magazine last month:

‘I myself have never experienced anti-semitism from a member of the Labour Party, point one. And point two, though there is a big issue and it has to be addressed, I do not myself believe Jeremy Corbyn is anti-semitic.

‘I’ve known him for the 22 years I’ve been in Parliament. Even, actually, when I was a right-winger we got on pretty well… I’ve never detected so much as a whiff of anti-semitism [from him].’

Our search of the ProQuest media database found no mention of Bercow’s comment in any UK national newspaper.

Remarkably, in July 2018, The Jewish Chronicle, Jewish News and Jewish Telegraph produced similar front pages and a joint editorial warning against ‘the existential threat to Jewish life in this country that would be posed by a Jeremy Corbyn-led government’.

Gideon Levy, an Israeli journalist and author who writes a weekly column for Israel’s Haaretz newspaper, commented on the smears last week:

‘The Jewish establishment in Britain and the Israeli propaganda machine have taken out a contract on the leader of the British Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn. The contract was taken out a long time ago, and it was clear that the closer Corbyn came to being elected prime minister, the harsher the conflict would get.’

This echoed the view of Professor Norman Finkelstein, whose mother survived the Warsaw Ghetto and the Majdanek concentration camp, and whose father was a survivor of both the Warsaw Ghetto and the Auschwitz concentration camp. Finkelstein said:

‘If Corbyn loses, a lot of people in the Labour Party are going to blame it on those Jews who fabricated this whole anti-semitism witch-hunt hysteria. And that will be a problem, which… you know what the bigger problem there is? It’s true! Jews were the spearhead of this campaign to stop Corbyn. And so, there’s going to be a lot of anger within the Labour Party – that’s not anti-semitism, that’s factually based.’

Finkelstein added:

‘The British elites could not have gotten away with calling Corbyn an anti-semite unless they had the support, the visible support, of all the leading Jewish organisations. You have to remember that during the summer, all three major British publications, for the first time in British Jewish history, they all took out a common editorial denouncing Corbyn as an anti-semite and saying that we’re now standing on the verge of another Holocaust. They are the enablers of this concerted conspiracy by the whole of British elite society to destroy Jeremy Corbyn.’

As Levy observed, the campaign reached its climax in an article last week in The Times by Britain’s chief rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis. Mirvis suggested that Corbyn should be ‘considered unfit for office’, adding:

‘I ask every person to vote with their conscience. Be in no doubt, the very soul of our nation is at stake.’

ITV’s political editor Robert Peston tweeted:

‘The Chief Rabbi’s intervention in the general election is without precedent. I find it heartbreaking, as a Jew, that the rabbi who by convention is seen as the figurehead of the Jewish community, feels compelled to write this about Labour and its leader. I am not… making any kind of political statement here.’

We responded:

‘What kind of journalistic neutrality is it for ITV’s political editor to use the fact that he is Jewish to support as sincere and even “heartbreaking” a bitterly disputed claim attacking the Labour Party in this way? In what universe is this impartial, objective journalism?’

The BBC’s political editor Laura Kuenssberg tweeted on the chief rabbi’s criticism an astonishing 23 times in 24 hours. Kuenssberg retweeted the following comment (screenshot here) from chat show host Piers Morgan in response to Labour shadow international development secretary Barry Gardiner’s refusal to field further questions on anti-semitism:

‘Wow. The breathtaking arrogance of this chump telling journalists what questions to ask. They should all ignore him & pummel Corbyn about anti-Semitism.’

Kuenssberg later apparently deleted this retweet.

Small glimpses of sanity were occasionally visible on social media. Glen Oglaza, former senior reporter at ITN and ex-political correspondent for Sky News, commented:

‘Don’t want to get involved in the #Labour #anti-semitism row, but worth pointing out that the #ChiefRabbi is a lifelong Conservative supporter and, in his own words, a “lifelong friend of Boris Johnson” Nuff said’

It was indeed ‘nuff said’. But, in fact, it was almost never said by corporate journalists.

Glenn Greenwald of The Intercept was typically forthright in responding to Mirvis:

‘This is utter bullshit.

‘The British Conservative Party is rife with anti-semitism, while there’s no evidence Corbyn is.

‘If you want the Tories to win, just say so. It’s incredibly dangerous to keep exploiting anti-semitism for naked political and ideological ends like this’

In 2014, during ‘Operation Protective Edge’ – the Israeli attack on Gaza in which 2,251 Palestinians were killed, including 299 women and 551 children – Mirvis wrote:

‘There is no “cycle of violence” in Gaza. There is Hamas trying to annihilate Israel, and Israel trying to defend itself…’

With hundreds of civilians lying dead, he added:

‘Israel has no desire to kill or injure civilians in Gaza. They are potential partners in peace whose death only serves the interests of Hamas’s PR war.’


‘To measure the morality of war by the military might of each party, the number of deaths or the amount of suffering on each side is not merely misguided; it plays into the hands of a ruthless and calculating aggressor.’

Levy commented on Mirvis’s smear:

‘As opposed to the horrid Corbyn, Mirvis sees nothing wrong with the continued occupation; he does not identify with the struggle for Palestinian freedom, and he doesn’t sense the similarity between the South Africa of his childhood, Har Etzion of his youth and Israel of 2019. That is the real reason that he rejects Corbyn. The Jews of Britain also want a prime minister who supports Israel – that is, supports the occupation. A prime minister who is critical of Israel is to them an exemplar of the new anti-Semitism.’

In contrast to the blanket coverage of the chief rabbi’s comments – it was the lead story on the BBC News website for half a day – there was only token notice given to the Muslim Council of Britain’s warning of ‘denial, dismissal and deceit’ of ‘endemic, institutional’ Islamophobia within the Conservative Party.

There was also virtual BBC silence in response to the blistering attack on Boris Johnson’s racial slurs by Stormzy, the British rap artist who was a huge success at this year’s Glastonbury Festival. In an Instagram post that has been ‘liked’ almost 300,000 times, Stormzy noted:

‘I think Boris Johnson is a sinister man with a long record of lying and policies that have absolutely no regard for the people that our government should be committed to helping and empowering. I also believe it is criminally dangerous to give the most powerful role in the country to a man who has said that the sight of a “bunch of black kids” makes him “turn a hair”, compared women in burqas to letterboxes and referred to blacks [sic] people as “picaninnies” with “watermelon smiles”. I think it’s extremely dangerous to have a man with those views as the sole leader of our country.’

He added:

‘I will be voting for Jeremy Corbyn… for me, he is the first man in a position of power who is committed to giving the power back to the people and helping those who need a helping hand from the government the most.’

A commenter said (forwarded to us via email, 27 November 2019):

‘I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but the BBC are seriously compromised in this election.

‘Yesterday, arguably *the* most influential black person in the UK, Stormzy, launched a blistering attack on Johnson, calling him “sinister” and deploring his history of racism. This has been shared tens of thousands of times on social media. In the same post, he applauded Jeremy Corbyn as a figure of trust.

‘The BBC have not covered this at all.’

In a letter to the Guardian, Professor Des Freedman of Goldsmiths, University of London, commented:

‘Rigorous academic research shows that, in the first three weeks of the election campaign, coverage of Labour in the press has been overwhelmingly negative, with the Conservatives receiving consistently positive coverage… The most powerful sections of the UK media are simply not prepared to let citizens freely make up their own minds on Labour policies, nor to scrutinise Conservative claims systematically.’

The Evidence – The Real Threat To Human Life

Our ProQuest database search of newspaper articles for ‘Corbyn’ and ‘anti-semitism’ shows how intensively the issue has been used to attack Corbyn prior to the looming election on December 12:

September = 337 hits

October = 222 hits

November  = 1,620 hits

While opinions in effect declaring Corbyn a Nazi are widely reported, opinions defending Corbyn by the likes of John Bercow, Gideon Levy, Norman Finkelstein, Glenn Greenwald, Noam Chomsky, Jonathan Cook, Michael Rosen and others reach a comparatively small audience on social media but are simply ignored by the establishment press reaching millions.

Exactly mirroring the fake claims justifying the 2003 Iraq war – also universally presented as serious and fact-based – it turns out that claims of an epidemic of anti-semitism within the Labour Party are completely bogus. Israel-based former Guardian journalist Jonathan Cook summarised a recent survey published in The Economist:

‘It showed that those identifying as “very left-wing” – the section of the public that supports Corbyn – were among the least likely to express antisemitic attitudes. Those identifying as “very right-wing”, on the other hand – those likely to support Boris “piccaninnies” Johnson – were three and a half times more likely to express hostile attitudes towards Jews. Other surveys show even worse racism among Conservatives towards more obviously non-white minorities, such as Muslims and black people. That, after all, is the very reason Boris “letterbox-looking Muslim women” Johnson now heads the Tory party.’

Other surveys have strongly supported these conclusions, including an October 2016 reportby the Commons home affairs committee and a September 2017 report by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research and a Labour Party report discussed here in February 2019.

In 2002-2003, credible evidence from former UN weapons inspectors arguing that Iraq had been ‘fundamentally disarmed’ of 90-95% of its weapons of mass destruction by December 1998 was almost completely ignored by the corporate press – it just didn’t fit the establishment narrative. The same is true of the above highly credible and consistent reports – they are simply not part of the discussion.

If we are serious about offering a moral calculus, then we should, of course, include the fact that Johnson would certainly support Trump in any future racist wars against Iran, Venezuela, or North Korea, whereas Corbyn would not. Does it matter to journalists, to the public, that we might elect a leader who would make it more difficult for the US to kill, injure and displace hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of people? How does that concern rank alongside Brexit, the fact that Johnson is a jovial fellow, or the fake claims of anti-semitism? We need only glance at Johnson’s track-record for evidence of the threat.

Since November 1, ProQuest finds 24 newspaper mentions containing the words ‘Boris Johnson’ and ‘Yemen’. Only one of them, in the Independent, focused on Johnson’s destructive role in the conflict:

‘The government has signed off nearly £2bn worth of arms sales to repressive regimes in the two years since the 2017 election, official figures show.’

These regimes include Saudi Arabia, ‘which has been widely condemned by the international community for its offensive in Yemen’ and ‘benefited from £719m in UK licences for bombs, missiles, fighter jets, sniper rifles, ammunition’.

Andrew Smith of Campaign Against Arms Trade said:

‘As foreign secretary, Boris Johnson played a central role in supporting the terrible Saudi-led bombardment of Yemen, which has created the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. Tens of thousands of people have been killed, but the arms companies only see it as a business opportunity.’

In 2017, defending the US-UK destruction of Libya in 2011, Johnson crassly commented that the Libyan city Sirte could be the new Dubai, adding, ‘all they have to do is clear the dead bodies away’. Johnson also voted for the devastating 2003 Iraq war.

By contrast, The Times reported:

‘Labour is pledging to put human rights and international law at the heart of foreign policy, in keeping with one of Jeremy Corbyn’s longest held passions. As well as attacking “failed military interventions”, the manifesto promises a War Powers Act to give parliament a legal veto on military action.’


‘Arms sales to Saudi Arabia would be suspended immediately after criticism of the country’s role in the civil war in Yemen.’

But even these horrors are trivial – we don’t use the word lightly – compared to Johnson’s Trump-like stance on climate collapse. Johnson, a notorious climate denier, has ‘Almost always voted against measures to prevent climate change.’ In 2015, Johnson wrote an article in the Telegraph titled: ‘I can’t stand this December heat, but it has nothing to do with global warming’. Johnson endorsed the completely discredited view that ‘it is all about sun spots’.

The reality is very different. Professor Tim Lenton at the University of Exeter, lead author of a recent article in Nature warning of ‘existential threat to civilisation’, said last week:

‘We might already have crossed the threshold for a cascade of interrelated tipping points. The simple version is the schoolkids [striking for climate action] are right: we are seeing potentially irreversible changes in the climate system under way, or very close.’

Phil Williamson at the University of East Anglia, concurred:

‘The prognosis by Tim Lenton and colleagues is, unfortunately, fully plausible: that we might have already lost control of the Earth’s climate.’

Most recently, Johnson refused even to participate in a Channel 4 leaders’ debate on climate change, instead sending his father and MP Michael Gove, who were turned away. BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg tweeted a defence and a humorous discussion on this no-show, but no criticism. We can only wonder at her response, and that of the rest of the establishment press, if Corbyn had refused to participate in a debate on a key area of vulnerability, instead sending his dad.

If we can see beyond the propaganda, it is quite obvious that it is Johnson who offers, and who has already offered, a very serious threat to human life, not Corbyn. Voting for Johnson will likely have deadly consequences, not just for the traditional victims of US-UK firepower, but for all of us as the last hopes of averting climate collapse rapidly slip away.


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Denied Entry to Gaza for Breast Cancer Mission

December 6th, 2019 by Palestine Post 24

Israeli occupation has denied permission for British lawmaker, Philippa Whitford, who is a doctor, from entering Gaza to offer help for patients of breast cancer.

Over the past two and half years[1], I have been working with Medical Aid for Palestine (MAP) to improve the provision of services and treatment for breast cancer patients in Palestine.

Last year, I travelled out with the specific aim of setting up a project to enable experienced professionals in breast cancer care to provide teaching and training to local Palestinian clinicians working with breast cancer patients.

Since my last visit, I have managed to recruit a team of specialists from all over Scotland to join the project, which will help improve breast cancer care – prevention, diagnosis and treatment – for women in Gaza and the West Bank.

Tragically, many Palestinian women are denied permits to travel from Gaza to Jerusalem to access radiotherapy so it is important to be able to access as much treatment as possible near their home.

The plan this year was to travel out with the whole team in September but, frustratingly, I was denied a visa. Moreover, two others did not receive their visas in time.

However, I travelled, but I had to completely change my schedule and work the entire time from a base in Jerusalem.

Nonetheless, I am still able to see significant improvements since my visit last year, which is fantastic given that local clinicians are working under very difficult circumstances, particularly in Gaza. Hopefully, things will continue to progress.

In October, I raised the issue of my visa being denied in Parliament with the Foreign Office Minister. To see my question click here

Following this, Commonspace asked to interview me about how this affected my trip, my past work in Gaza, my thoughts on the current situation and what needs to be done to resolve it, and what our project hopes to achieve.


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[1] This letter was written one year ago.

UN Officially Asks Israel to Leave The Golan Heights

December 6th, 2019 by Middle East Monitor

The UN General Assembly yesterday officially asked Israel to leave the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.

The request was made after the resolution was adopted after 91 UN member states voted in favour, nine rejected and 65 abstained.

The resolution stipulates that Israel leaves all the Syrian Golan Heights occupied in June 1967, stating this is an implementation of the UN Security Council’s resolution.

Regarding the Israeli decision to annex the Golan Heights made on 4 December 1981, the UN said this was “null and void”.

On 15 November 2018, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution asking Israel to stop exploiting the natural resources in the Palestinian territories, including the occupied East Jerusalem and Syrian Golan Heights.

In March the US announced that it was time to back Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.


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Featured image: Israel’s Merkava Tank in the Golan Heights. (By ChameleonsEye /Shutterstock)

The Vilification of Jeremy Corbyn

December 6th, 2019 by Leo Panitch

The vilification of the leader of the UK Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, as an antisemite has intensified in the run up to the December 12 election in Britain. What makes this especially troubling, not to say bizarre, is that since he first became a member of parliament in 1983 Corbyn has been the most consistent campaigner against all forms of racism.

In fact, while still a local councillor in London in 1977 Corbyn had already organized a defense of the Jewish population of Wood Green from a neo-Nazi march. A recent compilation of the number of early day motions he advanced in Parliament to defend Jewish people, alongside other public stances he took to tackle antisemitism – to denounce Holocaust deniers, to commemorate Jewish resistance to fascism, to pressure the police to do more to protect synagogues against vandalism – came to well over 50. And he did all this not only in support of Jewish communities in the UK but also in Iran, Turkey, France, Russia and Eastern Europe. Indeed, the recently retired Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, himself Jewish, unreservedly expressed his belief that Corbyn was in no way antisemitic, having in their 22 years in Parliament together “never detected so much as a whiff of anti-semitism” about him.

Smear Campaign

Indeed, there is no way that the antisemitic charge can be made any sense of except as a means of deflecting Corbyn’s support of Palestinian rights against actions by Israeli governments. The smear campaign has mainly involved pointing to intemperate language of others who spoke beside Corbyn at meetings about this over the decades. Scraping the barrel for anything he said himself, one comment Corbyn made about pro-Israeli government hecklers at one meeting not getting his “English irony” has been highlighted.

Given the weak reed this provides for the personal attack on Corbyn, attention has been focused on his allegedly not having done enough to weed out “institutionalized” antisemitism in his party, even though a parliamentary committee report on Antisemitism in the UK found “no reliable, empirical evidence to support the notion that there is a higher prevalence of antisemitic attitudes within the Labour Party than any other political party.”

To be sure, there are instances of antisemitic tropes (mainly on the ‘rich Jews’ theme) in some Labour-related social media circles, but much less than in parties of the right. In any case, Corbyn has done more to address this than any previous leader of any party.

Under his leadership, Labour grew to over 500,000 members; yet of some 1100 complaints of antisemitism the party received between April 2018 and January 2019 almost half were found to have nothing to do with the party, while another quarter were lacking in any basic evidence.

In Corbyn’s Own Words

In his leaders’ speech to the 2018 Labour conference, Corbyn spoke directly

“to all in the Jewish community: This party, this movement, will always be implacable campaigners against antisemitism and racism in all its forms. We are your ally. And the next Labour government will guarantee whatever support necessary to ensure the security of Jewish community centres and places of worship, as we will for any other community experiencing hateful behaviour and physical attacks. We will work with Jewish communities to eradicate antisemitism, both from our party and wider society. And with your help I will fight for that with every breath I possess.”

Later in the speech, when dealing with Labour’s foreign policy, he added:

“And let me next say a few words about the ongoing denial of justice and rights to the Palestinian people. Our Party is united in condemning the shooting of hundreds of unarmed demonstrators in Gaza by Israeli forces and the passing of Israel’s discriminatory Nation-State Law. The continuing occupation, the expansion of illegal settlements and the imprisonment of Palestinian children are an outrage. We support a two-state solution to the conflict with a secure Israel and a viable and secure Palestinian state.”

Rather than being traduced, Corbyn deserves to be praised for making it so clear that principled support for Palestinian rights does not preclude principled opposition to antisemitism.


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Leo Panitch is emeritus professor of political science at York University, co-editor (with Greg Albo) of the Socialist Register and co-author (with Sam Gindin) of The Making of Global Capitalism (Verso). His new book, co-authored with Colin Leys, Searching for Socialism: The Project of the Labour New Left from Benn to Corbyn, is forthcoming from Verso.

Featured image is from The Bullet

The Trump administration today announced it will reauthorize use of sodium cyanide in wildlife-killing devices called M-44s. These “cyanide bombs” received approval from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency despite inhumanely and indiscriminately killing thousands of animals every year. They have also injured people.

“This appalling decision leaves cyanide traps lurking in the wild to threaten people, pets and imperiled animals,” said Collette Adkins, carnivore conservation director at the Center for Biological Diversity. “The EPA imposed a few minor restrictions, but these deadly devices have just wreaked too much havoc to remain in use. To truly protect humans and wildlife from these poisonous contraptions, we need a nationwide ban.”

The EPA allows use of the devices by Wildlife Services, the animal-killing program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The EPA also authorizes M-44 use by state agencies in South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, New Mexico and Texas.

A federal court recently approved a ban on M-44 use by Wildlife Services across more than 10 million acres of public land in Wyoming. The Wyoming ban is as part of an agreement resulting from a lawsuit brought by the Center and other wildlife advocacy groups.

In August the EPA issued an interim decision renewing sodium cyanide registration. Then a week later, it withdrew that interim decision for more discussions with Wildlife Services. Today’s announcement reauthorizes use of the devices.

More than 99.9 percent of people commenting on the proposal asked the EPA to ban M-44s, according to analysis from the Center for Biological Diversity and Western Environmental Law Center.

In response to concerns raised by wildlife-advocacy groups and others, EPA added some modest restrictions. For example, the devices cannot be placed within 300 feet of a public road or pathway, increased from 100 feet. Two elevated warning signs must be placed within 15 feet of each device, decreased from 25 feet. And no devices can be placed within 600 feet of a residence unless the landowner gives permission.

None of the restrictions will prevent killing of nontarget wildlife, however.

“While it is encouraging that the EPA is taking at least some minimal action to protect the public from deadly M-44s, updating a few use restrictions –– nearly impossible to enforce and commonly ignored –– fails to meaningfully address the problem,” said Kelly Nokes, Shared Earth wildlife attorney with the Western Environmental Law Center. “EPA is blatantly ignoring its fundamental duty to protect the public, our pets and native wildlife from the cruel, lethal impacts of cyanide bombs lurking on our public lands. We will continue to hold our federal government accountable to the law, and will continue our fight for a ban on M-44s once and for all.”

“Tightening up use restrictions is turning a blind eye to the reality of M-44s,” said Brooks Fahy, executive director of Predator Defense. “In my 25 years working with M-44 victims I’ve learned that Wildlife Services’ agents frequently do not follow the use restrictions. And warning signs will not prevent more dogs, wild animals and potentially children from being killed. They cannot read them. M-44s are a safety menace and must be banned.”

“USDA’s rampant, well-documented noncompliance with existing use restrictions has made clear that additional restrictions will not adequately protect the public, pets and wildlife from these deadly cyanide bombs,” said Carson Barylak, campaigns manager at the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW).

According to Wildlife Services’ own data, M-44s killed 6,579 animals, mostly coyotes and foxes, in 2018, down from 13,232 animals in 2017. Of these, more than 200 deaths were nontarget animals, including a bear, foxes, opossums, raccoons and skunks. These numbers are likely a significant undercount of the true death toll, as Wildlife Services is notorious for poor data collection and an entrenched “shoot, shovel, shut up” mentality.


M-44 devices spray deadly sodium cyanide into the mouths of unsuspecting coyotes, foxes and other carnivores lured by smelly bait. Anything or anyone that pulls on the baited device can be killed or severely injured by the deadly spray.

In response to a 2017 lawsuit brought by the Center and its allies, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service agreed to analyze impacts of M-44s on endangered wildlife by the end of 2021. Another 2017 lawsuit by the wildlife advocates prompted Wildlife Services in Colorado to temporarily halt the use of M-44s while it completes a new environmental analysis on its wildlife-killing program.

Last year the EPA denied a 2017 petition authored by the Center for Biological Diversity and WildEarth Guardians that asked for a nationwide ban on M-44s.

M-44s temporarily blinded a child and killed three family dogs in two incidents in Idaho and Wyoming in 2017. A wolf was also accidentally killed by an M-44 set in Oregon that year. In response, Idaho instituted an ongoing moratorium on M-44 use on public lands, and Oregon this year passed legislation banning them in the state.


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Featured image: Dead wolf or coyote near POISON sign in New Mexico in 2016. Image available for media use. This image was gathered through a FOIA request by the Center for Biological Diversity and is public domain. Image is available for media use.

The nations of Southeast Asia have united in efforts to prevent a US-backed coup aimed at fellow-Southeast Asian state Cambodia.

Through a combination of travel bans and detentions across the region in late October and early November, Southeast Asia may have thwarted attempts by Washington-backed opposition front, the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), from “returning” from its US and European exile to Cambodia where it sought to stir up unrest and sow instability.

The US seeks to disrupt, divide and even destroy the growing list of nations in Asia building ties with Beijing at the expense of Washington’s fading primacy over the Asia-Pacific region.

Cambodia is among the staunchest of Beijing’s allies in Southeast Asia.

Under the Radar 

With multiple US wars raging across the globe, Washington’s ongoing trade war with China and Russophobic hysteria paralysing America’s domestic political landscape, the rarely-mentioned nation of Cambodia and its political affairs couldn’t be further from the global public’s attention.

Using this obscurity as cover, the US began low-key preparations ahead of what the US had hoped would end in much more widely reported protests, instability and, if other nations suffering US regime change efforts is anything to go by, extensive violence.

While these preparations were promoted by Western media organisations operating in Southeast Asia, they collectively omitted mention of US involvement or the much wider implications of the US organising what was essentially a coup attempt in Cambodia.

Preparations included moving CNRP members from their US and European homes-in-exile to neighbouring Southeast Asian states. There, Western media organisations and US-European funded fronts posing as rights organisations conducted conferences and published articles promoting their planned “return” to Cambodia.

Had the US succeeded in triggering chaos in Cambodia, it would have fed synergistically into ongoing US-fomented instability in Hong Kong, China as well as opened the door to other US-funded groups across Southeast Asia eager to engage in political unrest.

Thai political opposition party “Future Forward,” for example, appears to have been planning unrest timed to coincide with CNRP’s return to Cambodia.

Asia Unites Against US Coup Attempt 

However, these preparations appear to have been in vain.

In late October Thailand had denied CNRP deputy leader Mu Sochua entry into their territory where she had sought to then travel onward into Cambodia.

Al Jazeera would report in their article, “Questions over Rainsy’s Cambodia return after deputy turned back,” that:

The deputy leader of Cambodia’s opposition party has been denied entry to Thailand, casting doubt on party leader Sam Rainsy’s pledge to return from exile in Paris in early November. 

Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) Vice-President Mu Sochua was denied entry in Bangkok on October 20 and sent back to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. From there, she headed to the United States, where she is also a citizen.

The article also notes that:

CNRP President Kem Sokha was arrested for treason in September 2017, and Sochua fled the country the following month. By November the party was dissolved entirely, allowing long-time Prime Minister Hun Sen to claim all 125 parliament seats in last year’s election.

Souchua would eventually be detained in Malaysia as she attempted to proceed onward to Cambodia.

Thailand would next bar CNRP leader Sam Rainsy from his attempted return to Cambodia via Thai territory. Both Thailand and Malaysia cited the principles of non-interference and an unwillingness to abet the political destabilisation of a fellow ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) member state.

Associated Press and Reuters in their article, “Prayut bars Sam Rainsy as Asean spat spreads,” would claim:

Thailand would not allow entry to Cambodian opposition founder Sam Rainsy, Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha said on Wednesday, after the self-exiled dissident said he planned to return to Cambodia via Bangkok.

The article would also claim:

Hun Sen has accused the opposition of fomenting a coup, and his government has arrested at least 48 activists with Sam Rainsy’s banned opposition party this year. The party’s last leader remains under house arrest on treason charges. 

Missing from Al Jazeera, AP and Reuters’ reports and that of every other report from the Western media regarding Cambodia’s opposition CNRP is the fact that “the party’s last leader,” Kem Sokha, himself had openly admitted that he was conspiring with the US government to overthrow the current Cambodian government making him an obvious traitor by any and every definition of the word.

Cambodia’s Opposition Serves Washington’s War on China  

The Phnom Penh Post in a 2017 article titled, “Kem Sokha video producer closes Phnom Penh office in fear,” would go over the many admissions made by Kem Sokha.

He is quoted as admitting:

“…the USA that has assisted me, they asked me to take the model from Yugoslavia, Serbia, where they can changed the dictator Slobodan Milosevic,” he continues, referring to the former Serbian and Yugoslavian leader who resigned amid popular protests following disputed elections, and died while on trial for war crimes.

“You know Milosevic had a huge numbers of tanks. But they changed things by using this strategy, and they take this experience for me to implement in Cambodia. But no one knew about this.”

“However, since we are now reaching at this stage, today I must tell you about this strategy. We will have more to continue and we will succeed.”

Kem Sokha would elaborate further, claiming:

“I do not do anything at my own will. Their experts, professors at universities in Washington, DC, Montreal, Canada, hired by the Americans in order to advise me on the strategy to change the dictator leader in Cambodia.”

As previously reported, Kem Sokha’s daughter, Kem Monovithya, has also openly worked with the US for years seeking the overthrow of the Cambodian government.

When Cambodia began its crackdown on both CNRP and the US-funded organisations supporting it, the US threatened sanctions and other punitive measures. Kem Monovithya would play a central role in promoting these punitive measures in Washington.

The Phonom Post in a December 2017 article titled, “US says more sanctions on table in response to political crackdown,” would claim:

…in Washington, a panel of “witnesses” convened by the House Foreign Affairs Committee – including Kem Sokha’s daughter, Kem Monovithya – called for additional action in response to the political crackdown. In a statement, Monovithya urged targeted financial sanctions against government officials responsible for undermining democracy. She also called on the US to suspend “any and all assistance for the central Cambodian Government”, while “continuing democracy assistance programs for civil society, particularly those engaged in election-related matters”.

Like her farther, Kem Monovithya’s collaboration with the US government goes back much further. The Washington Post in a 2006 article titled, “While in U.S., Cambodians Get a Lesson on Rights From Home,” would first admit:

Kem Sokha, a former Cambodian senator and official, heads the Cambodian Center for Human Rights, which is supported by U.S. government funds. The center has held public forums to hear complaints about conditions in Cambodia.

Regarding Kem Monovithya herself, the Washington Post would note:

Monovitha Kem, a business school graduate and aspiring lawyer, said she would lobby U.S. and international institutions to fight Hun Sen’s decision. 

“I would like to see the charges dropped not just for my father, but for all other activists,” she said in an interview Monday. “I hope they will amend the defamation law.” 

Monovitha Kem has met with officials at the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, the International Republican Institute, the U.S. Agency for International Development and major human rights groups.

The National Democratic Institute (NDI) and International Republican Institute (IRI) are both subsidiaries of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) which, together with the US government itself, have supported myriad organisations engaged in subversive activities within Cambodia for years.

This includes Licadho, which is funded by both the UK government and the US via USAID. It also includes Radio Free Asia and Voice of America, both of which are funded by the US government and overseen by the Broadcasting Board of Governors chaired by US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo himself.

There is also the Cambodian Center for Independent Media, funded by NED subsidiaries Freedom House and IRI as well as the British Embassy and convicted financial criminal George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

Decades of US Meddling Coming to an End? 

Decades of US meddling in Cambodia’s politics, including the creation of  Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha’s opposition CNRP and organisations created and funded by the US government to support it, along with plans to overthrow the current Cambodian government to install CNRP into power, represents in reality political meddling many times worse than even the most imaginative accusations made against Russia or China in regards to their supposed meddling in US and European politics.

However, with Southeast Asia’s recent and united stand against US designs against Cambodia, we may be witnessing the beginning of the end of US meddling in Southeast Asia all together. But US meddling worldwide, including across Asia, is so extensive, embedded in local media, academia and politics, that it will take years more to fully uproot it from the region.

While the malign influence of Wall Street, Washington, London and Brussels persists well beyond its borders continuing a legacy of colonialism that exploited and suppressed Southeast Asia for centuries, the foiling of an attempted US-backed coup in Cambodia owed to a united stand by regional nations offers promising hope that this malign influence is now finally in terminal decline.


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Joseph Thomas is chief editor of Thailand-based geopolitical journal, The New Atlas and contributor to the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

Featured image is from NEO

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It continues to be very difficult for we US Americans to acknowledge that our political system and its capitalist economy is deeply corrupt and fixed, that we find it easier to always distract ourselves by demonizing others.

In some ways, it is irrelevant whether the Clinton and Podesta emails were leaked or hacked, as the Democrats created the hoax of Russiagate to avoid severe self-examination of their own corruption and deceptive practices.

The Democrats have ignored working people’s needs for at least 40 years as it became corporate. And the large amount of disenfranchisement among US voters due to Jim Crow revitalization, and excluding many felons for life, eliminate many citizens from voting.

Then to understand that our entire political system is one big financial scheme preserving an oligarchy of plutocrats, how can we even call ourselves a republic. We have never been a democracy. We are addicted to materialism. It is our stubborn belief in our validity as a nation, certainly as compared to others, that I believe preempts our capacity for the kind of popular revolt we need to be a nation with integrity and a true commitment to justice. This requires a nonviolent revolution that we have yet experienced, though the radical changes in the late 1960s threatened the system as never before with a break out of real democracy.

But how can we possibly ever believe what the US or its agencies say?

The basic principle is lying.

Since WWII, the US has militarily intervened in dozens of countries nearly 400 times, covertly thousands of times. It has attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments, attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders, attempted to suppress popular movements in 20 countries, dropped bombs on at least 30 countries, and has grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries and, according to a political science professor at Carnegie Mellon Univ, has attempted influence other country presidential elections 81 times between 1946 and 2000. Would the US ever willingly admit these interventionist deeds?  And we have no real, genuine free, investigative press, just a corporate one spewing the capitalist, US exceptional rhetoric. What is it we are believing in here in the USA?

Our official policy is Full Spectrum Dominance, to be militarily superior in all sea spaces, air spaces, and ground spaces, as well as outer space, cyber space, and mental space between our ears. Currently the US has special ops forces in 150 countries, and is dropping bombs and missiles on at least 7 countries. We preserve a capitalist, class society with now the largest disparity between rich and poor in the industrial world, and one of the worst disparities among all countries. Our capitalist neoliberal interests now cover every corner of the globe such that there is no safe place in the world from US intervention, often conniving, spewing deceit, and acting diabolically beyond most of our comprehension. And it is not possible now for US policy to possess any concern for human beings elsewhere, though we attempt to fool the public by manipulating scenarios with staged photos, while uttering the most ridiculous, self-serving, non-factual rhetoric to justify “humanitarian intervention.” We want control of everything.

Now we want a new cold war, threatening hot war with Russia, led by the Democrats. It is all about demonizing others “out there” to avoid honestly addressing the demons in our own history, our own oligarchic structures, and imperial policies. I just don’t understand how we can be so concerned about Putin, or Nicaragua, or Syria, etc., when our system is so globally destructive and undemocratic and unfair at home. Will we support an international movement to intervene into the affairs of the US because our policies are totally endangering all life on the planet. We seem not yet to able to organize a popular nonviolent revolution at home to arrest our own criminally corrupt system and the dangerous policies it imposes, while enriching a small few as war making is now the most lucrative path to obscene profits. Will we wake up? Or just continue to point fingers elsewhere and become extinct with no dignity whatsoever?


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, S. Brian Willson.

S. Brian Willson, Vietnam war veteran, renowned peace activist, human rights lawyer and award winning author, Managua, Nicaragua, Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. 

Featured image is from American Free Press

The Conquest of Space is Turning into a Nightmare

December 6th, 2019 by Aurélien Barrau

We are fascinated by space. Rockets and space shuttles are the stuff of our dreams. But the dream is rapidly turning to nightmare and we may justifiably wonder where it is taking us. Strangely, questioning the merits of space activities seems shocking, excruciating, outrageous. How can that be so if the spark of human genius is to be found uniquely in space activities? Perhaps we need to move beyond or debunk the myth of space. Without engaging in nihilism or provoking bitter controversy, we need to conjure another relationship with the idea of space.

Although far removed from the fairly abstract concerns of cosmology or astrophysics, the issue of borders has arisen with the conquest of space. Not in the sense that borders have been pushed back, for that is not the case, but rather in terms of their having finally disappeared from the Earth’s surface. It is quite striking that many astronauts have commented on how artifical our state borders seemed when they looked at the Earth from space, which makes them sound almost naïve given how obvious that is. It was strange to hear how astonished they were by the idea of national borders being invisible from space.

Rockets have not made the universe accessible to us. After all, the distance between the International Space Station and the Earth is comparable to that between the peel of an orange and its flesh. As for the the distance between the Earth and the Moon, compared to our galaxy it amounts to only a tenth of the thickness of a hair compared to the Earth … And our galaxy itself is nothing but a tiny “molecule” in the cosmic fluid. It would be quite ludicrous to take our limited forays into space as representing real access to the deep universe.

The frontier that has disappeared is not the one that separates us from interstellar space, for that indisputably remains. Rather it is the arbitrary boundaries of our countries, our states, our nations, the physical non-existence of which paradoxically astonished the various astronauts who have had the opportunity to observe the Earth from space. We seem to have so deeply internalised the idea of these fictional walls that their absence from the real landscape is seriously disturbing. We had forgotten the superficiality and obsolescence of this drab grid imposed on reality. The fact that highly-trained, ‑educated and ‑qualified men can be astounded by the continuity of land is deeply significant.

Especially since almost no one is affected by borders. Of course, they can be lethal. Refugees die at closed borders, as we are all too tragically reminded in the news. This brutal violence is all too real. But for most living creatures borders do not exist. Billions upon billions of them belonging to millions of species cross borders every day without any idea of their existence or the slightest pause for thought. None are aware of borders, not birds or bees, earthworms, mice, trees (which move from generation to generation) or microbes. Our partitioning of the world seems almost ridiculous in its arrogant stupidity, although we once believed it to be justified and virtually immutable.

But beyond just the simple issue of borders, space poses an eminently symbolic question. The human and financial resources expended on space activities exceed their meagre scientific interest. The endeavour is almost exclusively symbolic, but what does it symbolise?

Related image

Apollo 11 (Source: nasa.gov)

The Apollo missions held a certain fascination for people. A genuine spirit of adventure infused the pioneers of space. The first spacewalks were greeted with deference, even reverence. The encounter with the otherworldliness of the lunar surface was imbued with solemnity. Despite the fierce patriotism that inspired the process, which was aimed at catching up with the Russians, when the astronauts returned to Earth they were celebrated not so much as American heroes but as true ambassadors of humanity. Something powerfully moving was taking place, something that resonated with people.

The symbolism was soon eroded, however, as later Apollo missions revealed a significant shift in attitudes. The astronauts behaved like cowboys, made jokes that verged on bad taste,  played tricks on the mechanics, and relaxed in macho style. Some of the magic was already gone.

Today, an American company boasts about its feat of putting an automobile into orbit, while Donald Trump seems to wish to restart a frenetic lunar programme simply to challenge the Chinese … What sense is there in launching a lunar programme when life on Earth is dying? Not to mention that a few billionaires – themselves largely responsible for devastating our planet – are beginning to consider migrating to space when the Earth becomes unlivable. Of course they will not succeed, but the picture is not just ugly, it is intolerable, especially since those planning to flee are those most responsible for the shipwreck.

The possibility of building a space hotel for the super-rich was recently floated. Tens of thousands of satellites are set to be deployed – severely damaging the prospects for any astronomy worthy of the name – in pursuit of facilitating access to the Internet from the remotest corners of the globe. All this is taking place under the aegis of a man who wants to play Rambo and boasts of marketing a flamethrower and who is right now unveiling a semi-armoured, futuristic-looking pickup to entertain Californians in need of 2-ton gadgets (it also touts the wonders of a laser window-cleaning technology that is bringing tears to the eyes of Silicon Valley).

Rightly or wrongly, space flight has been associated with the notion of free-market heroism. The symbolism seems to me to have changed radically. To my mind, it has become a semiotics of arrogance. It has become a game of sterile domination and a factory churning out fictional heroes devoid of any scientific, ethical or aesthetic aim, devoid of any epistemic elegance.

As we are being threatened by a major ecological crisis that requires us to rapidly recover a sense of moderation for our very survival, how can it make any sense to rush mindlessly into a satellite constellation operated by a private company, which will exponentially increase the use of energy-devouring digital technologies?

Animal populations are collapsing, wilderness areas are disappearing before our very eyes, temperatures are skyrocketing, pollution is poisoning the air, water and soils … the Earth is ailing and needs our care and love. It is under major attack: a massive extinction that is tantamount to deliberate extermination. How incredibly cynical of us to want to “conquer” space when we are right now devastating our own world before we have ever really understood it. We know virtually nothing about the wonders that surround us, including the complex symbiotic relationships among trees, subtle insect behaviours and the emotions of small mammals. Are we destined to destroy every last bit of this fragile magnificence emanating from billions of years of uninterrupted evolution and instead set our sights on the drab and lifeless ochres of the surface of Mars?

Of course, the quest for knowledge must go on. There is no question of environmental awareness calling a halt to the adventure of human knowledge. Quite the contrary. We must acknowledge that some satellites help us understand climate change or answer astrophysical questions. But the conquest of space as it stands – especially manned flights – has little to do with the gentle and patient humility involved in real discovery of the world around us. The quest to conquer space now seems more like the cravings of an insatiable demiurge.

Like a final nihilistic erection, the immense phallic structures of the rockets signal the bankruptcy of humanity become blind and arrogant, bereft of awareness of the here and now as we lust after a never-neverland elsewhere. Humanity‘s craving for desacralization monstrously defiles a quest that might once have been noble.

The Western world’s inability to reflect on its own values ​​is staggering when, in addition to wreaking neocolonial havoc, they lead to its own extermination.

For me, the heroes of the world of today are the Indians who fight for the survival of the forests, the refugees who fight for the survival of their families, the animals that fight for the survival of their packs or herds in a devastated world. The astronaut has lost his glamour – he has unwittingly become a stereotyped, prefabricated and sanitized representation of the deadly hubris of our warped society. The planet that we need to learn to explore – and not conquer – is our own. Time is running out and the revolution we need is far more root and branch than just another mundane invention of a new technology or a superpowered engine: we need to rediscover what it is to love.


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This article was originally published in French, translated into English by Claire Edwards.

Aurélien Barrau is a French astrophysicist.

Trump regime economic terrorism on Venezuela includes multiple rounds of illegal sanctions and an embargo — war by other means.

Nations and media supporting hostile US actions against the Bolivarian Republic and other countries are complicit in its crimes against humanity.

These actions have nothing to do with promoting democracy the US deplores, nothing to do with protecting national security, everything to do with seeking control over other nations, their resources and populations — Venezuela a prime target because of its world’s largest oil reserves.

US war on the Bolivarian Republic by other means aims to install pro-Western puppet rule, replacing its model social democracy, the threat of a good example since established in 1999.

Nations engaging in legitimate political, economic, financial, and trade relations with Venezuela and other countries it wants isolated face harsh US recrimination.

Blacklisting 29 Venezuelan officials by the Trump regime was the latest shoe to drop.

Abandoning the rule of law in deference to US imperial interests, 15 so-called Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (TIAR) countries banned President Nicolas Maduro, Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza, Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino, and others in his government from traveling within their borders.

Along with the US, anti-democratic TIAR countries include Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic, and Trinidad and Tobago.

They falsely designated regional peace, equity and justice champion Bolivarian officials “a threat to the preservation of peace and security on the continent.”

The Washington-based/US-controlled Organization of American States (OAS) overseas TIAR.

Like NATO’s collective defense Article 5, TIAR states that “an armed attack by any State against an American State will be considered an attack against all American States.”

Venezuelan Defense Minister Padrino earlier called the treaty “an instrument of domination and interventionism that goes against the independence and sovereignty of the people, a product of the already obsolete imperialist doctrines that have done so much damage to Latin America.”

Months earlier, Venezuelan Law Professor Pablo Aure tweeted: TIAR “will be the instrument that allows the entry of a foreign military coalition” against the Bolivarian Republic.

In September, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Arreaza said

“(w)e are ready to protect ourselves. We are ready to react. We will let no one trample sacred Venezuelan soil. We will respond and hope that never happens.”

Only 16 of TIAR’s original 35 member states remain part of the treaty. In 2014, Latin American and Caribbean countries proclaimed their region a zone of peace — not as long as they surrender their sovereign interests to a higher power in Washington.

Since social democracy replaced fascist rule in Venezuela, the Clintons, Bush/Cheney, Obama and Trump targeted the country for regime change, wanting control over its world’s largest oil reserves under pro-Western puppet rule.

For over 20 years, establishment media cheerled the imperial aim, waging all-out propaganda war on Venezuela, notably the NYT — currently blaming Nicolas Maduro for Trump regime economic terrorism on the country.

Its latest hit piece ignored US war on the country by other means, its illegal sanctions and other forms of state terror, its rage to gain another imperial trophy and plunder its resources.

It blamed US high crimes against humanity, greatly escalated by Trump regime hardliners, on “misrule (sic),” falsely adding:

“Years of corrupt, incompetent and autocratic rule have left Venezuelans hungry and children dying for want of basic medical care (sic).”

Blaming victims of imperial crimes is longstanding US policy. Supportive establishment media operate the same way, notably the Times.

It never met a sovereign independent government unwilling to sell its soul to Washington it didn’t want forcefully toppled and transformed into US client state status.

Trump regime viciousness bears full responsibility for hard times in Venezuela, what the scourge of imperialism is all about — supported by the Times instead of denouncing it.

The record of the self-styled newspaper of record mocks what journalism the way it should be is all about — comforting the afflicted, touching the right nerves, featuring the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, especially when ugly.

A Final Comment

A new Meganalisis poll showed US-designated Guaido’s support is less than 10%. Only 11% “trust and support” the opposition-controlled National Assembly.

On December 3, Reuters reported that crowds turning out to hear Guaido are a small fraction of earlier in the year numbers, adding:

“(S)ome of his (National Assembly supporters are) jostling for…new leadership…Maduro’s grip on power seems to be strengthening.” Guaido “missed his moment.”

According to Caracas-based political analyst Dimitris Pantoulas, “(t)he political reality we have had in Venezuela for the last 10 months has finished.”


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Canadian Unions Condemn Bolivia Coup

December 6th, 2019 by Arnold August

Shortly after several social-democratic opposition members of the Parliament of Canada, a number of national and local unions, and members of the left-wing Quebec Solidaire party in Quebec’s National Assembly, took a position against the coup in Bolivia, another Canadian union issued a press release.

The release by the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW), representing 54,000 workers, is dated November 20 and titled: “CUPW condemns Bolivian coup.”

“CUPW [the Canadian Union of Postal Workers] is appalled to see international actors including Canada, the UK and the U.S.A. condoning a coup d’état in Bolivia, enacted by a group of military, police and right-wing politicians.

“Socialist Evo Morales was Bolivia’s first indigenous president. His social policies pulled many people out of poverty and leave a legacy of indigenous empowerment and improvements for the Bolivian working class. Bolivia adopted a new secular constitution in 2009 under his administration.

“Right-wing forces and the military refused to acknowledge Morales’ October 2019 re-election – by a resounding majority on the first-round ballot – and forced his resignation. He has been in exile [in Mexico] since.

“Though election ‘irregularities’ were alleged, there’s been no evidence of election fraud put forward.”

After mentioning the racist and classist nature of the violence resulting from the coup, the CUPW goes on to express its solidarity with Bolivian trade unions and social movements. It concludes:

“CUPW holds very dear the right to peoples’ self-determination and will never accept an undemocratic, violent coup against the clear and overwhelming democratic will of the people.”

While opposition to the coup grows in Canada, neither the Canadian government nor the capitalist media, which always support the so-called “opposition” (i.e., whoever the U.S. favors), as they have done in Venezuela, apparently have nothing to say.

Yet the workers and peoples of Canada are determined. No power anywhere in the world can make the people turn their anti-imperialist movement into an appendage of the Trudeau government’s foreign policy in Latin America and the Caribbean.


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This article was originally published in Spanish in Trabajadores, Newspaper of the Cuban Trade Union Central.

Arnold August is a Canadian journalist and lecturer, the author of Democracy in Cuba and the 1997–98 ElectionsCuba and Its Neighbours: Democracy in Motion and Cuba–U.S. Relations: Obama and Beyond. He collaborates with many web sites, television and radio broadcasts based in Latin America, Europe, North America and the Middle East. Twitter  Facebook, His trilingual

Featured image is from OneWorld