Last May, the New York Times tried to take down David Carpenter, a public health physician and the country’s most prominent 5G critic. Veteran science writer William Broad painted Carpenter as a willing tool of a disinformation campaign promoted by RT America, a TV network which he described as “the cat’s paw of Russian president, Vladimir Putin.” The page-one story ran under the headline, “Your 5G Phone Won’t Hurt You But Russia Wants You To Think Otherwise.”

Two months later, on July 16, Broad was back for another hit on Carpenter. This time, he was given most of the front page of the Times’ Tuesday science section, to portray Carpenter as a fringe player working “hard to revise established science.”

Much of what Broad wrote was fiction. (See “A Fact-Free Hit on a 5G Critic.”)

Now Scientific American has ambushed Joel Moskowitz, one of the few other academics willing to state the obvious: No one knows whether 5G is safe. Moskowitz, based at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health, runs the widely read blog, Electromagnetic Radiation Safety. This new attack, written by David Grimes, an Irish physicist and science columnist, is vicious. Grimes labels Moskowitz a scaremonger —it’s in the headline: “Don’t Fall Prey to Scaremongering about 5G.”

But that’s just the beginning. Grimes goes on to portray Moskowitz as falling victim to “illusory truth,” accusing him of “alarming ignorance” and disseminating “groundless falsehoods.” Moskowitz’s outlook is “most certainly a fringe view” which pivots on “fatally flawed conjecture,” according to Grimes. He saves the worst for last, comparing Moskowitz and anti-5G activists to liars and anti-vaxxers:

“One need only look to the alarming renaissance of once-conquered diseases, driven by anti-vaccine disinformation online —the human cost when superstition and mendacity outpace science.”

But it’s Grimes who gets the science all wrong. He claims that the cancer findings of the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) are a “canard.” This is simply not so. We may argue about the strength of the link between cell phone radiation and cancer but not whether the NTP found one. The NTP concluded, without qualification, that its $30 million animal study found “clear evidence” of an association. Grimes calls this claim “profoundly misguided,” citing as backup only an isolated blog post from May 2016, two-and-a-half years before the final NTP report was released.

Grimes is also wrong about Interphone: this 13-country epidemiological study shows a link, according to an expert panel convened by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Grimes touts the Danish cohort study as a “most reliable” example of a study showing cell phones are safe, but, in fact, it’s of dubious quality, again according to the IARC panel, as well as just about everyone who has read beyond the abstract. Radar radiation has not been exonerated from cancer risks, as Grimes would have us believe —his claim is based on a literature review by a group of industry consultants.

On and on it goes, one distortion after another, most taken from industry’s propaganda playbook.

A Rebuttal to a Rebuttal to a Rebuttal

Grimes’s piece is the third on 5G radiation and health to appear in Scientific American in just the last few months. The first was by Ken Foster, an emeritus professor of bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania, in mid-September. Foster has long maintained that microwaves have not been shown to cause injury —including cancer— other than by heating tissue. Moskowitz wrote to Scientific American and asked for permission to reply. The editors agreed and his rebuttal was posted on October 17.

During the negotiations over his response to Foster, Moskowitz asked Mike Lemonick, the chief opinion editor at the magazine, whether anyone would be allowed to rebut him, and, if so, whether Lemonick would then give him, Moskowitz, the opportunity to respond. “Since your piece is already a rebuttal to an earlier piece,” Lemonick wrote back, “No, I don’t plan to publish a rebuttal to your rebuttal. And the idea that I would then publish a rebuttal to a rebuttal to a rebuttal is, frankly, absurd.”

Then Lemonick changed his plans and published Grimes’s hatchet job. While it took the editors close to a month to run Moskowitz’s rebuttal to Foster, Grimes’s piece appeared just 11 days after Moskowitz’s.

“I asked Lemonick what had changed his mind,” Moskowitz told me over Skype. “He replied that Grimes had contacted him and made what he called a persuasive case that my piece needed to be rebutted.”

Not long afterwards, I picked up the thread and asked Lemonick what Grimes had told him that he found so persuasive. “Grimes’s arguments were essentially the same as those that appeared in his essay,” Lemonick wrote back.

Grimes has a history of writing polemical attacks on those who reject the industry’s rosy picture that cell phone radiation is unquestionably safe. Last year, he went after two American journalists —Mark Hertsgaard and Mark Dowie— who accused the cell phone industry of a coverup. Their story, “How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe,” originally ran as a “special investigation” in the Nation. A couple of months later, the U.K. Observer, a major Sunday newspaper, published an abridged version of their exposé. Grimes hit back in the Guardian, the Observer’s sister paper. There he covered much of the same ground as what he would later present in Scientific American, including accusations of scaremongering and the nightmare of “vaccine panic.”

Why Did Scientific American Publish Grimes’s Hit Piece?

The Foster and Moskowitz opinion pieces were a standard pro/con exchange. Neither wrote anything surprising. Each made his case in a civil, respectful manner. Indeed, Foster coauthored a similar argument about microwaves (but of course not 5G) in an article for Scientific American magazine more than 30 years ago! Anyone who follows Moskowitz’s blog would be familiar with his point of view.

Why did Lemonick cave to Grimes and allow the conversation to degenerate into name-calling and science fiction? Perhaps he couldn’t say no to someone who presents himself as a visiting cancer researcher at the University of Oxford, even if his day job is being a postdoc at Queen’s University, Belfast. Was it a lack of fact-checking? Maybe both?

I asked Lemonick again what made him do it. He quickly replied that he would take “another look,” adding, “I certainly don’t want to mislead our readers or give Dr. Moskowitz unfair treatment.”

As it happened, at the same time Lemonick and I were exchanging emails about Grimes and Moskowitz, Scientific American came under fire over another opinion piece. This one was on the subject of women’s health. The article criticized a gynecologist, Jennifer Gunter, the author of The Vagina Bible, who became a star on social media after taking on Gwyneth Paltrow and her Goop business empire. In this case, Scientific American buckled and, within four days, removed the piece from its website. (It is still accessible in the Internet Archive.)

In the press reports that followed, Lemonick was quoted as saying the magazine had “failed in our responsibility to do a thorough fact-check.” Whatever its faults, the now-deleted text is less strident than Grimes’s assault on Moskowitz. That Gunter has more than 270,000 politically active Twitter followers no doubt helped her side draw Scientific American’s attention. Moskowitz has fewer than 2,000 followers.

My best guess is that the decision to publish Grimes’s diatribe can be attributed to the success of the industry campaign to discredit anyone who even suggests that cell phone radiation may have negative effects. As a result, otherwise thoughtful editors are willing to spike the most vanilla statement that more research is needed. It appears that they don’t think it matters, because claims of microwave health effects are nothing more than junk science.

Still, that doesn’t explain why Scientific American, in an Orwellian move, deleted Moskowitz’s article from its listing of opinion pieces. If you search the magazine’s website for “Joel Moskowitz” all you get is Grimes’s attack on him.

Note: As I was finishing this story, Lemonick wrote to tell me that he is “going to reconsider” his decision about not running a rebuttal to a rebuttal to a rebuttal and might now allow Moskowitz to respond to Grimes.

As to whether Grimes had been fact-checked, Lemonick said, “Our fact-checking of opinion pieces has traditionally been less rigorous than that of reported pieces, but we’re reviewing that policy.”


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The External Costs of Human Activity Are Killing the Planet

December 30th, 2019 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Humans are exterminating themselves by exterminating other life forms. As a person committed to free thought, I sometimes catch myself wondering if what is really needed is a form of Borg Star Trek mind control to stop us from destroying the planet for the sake of profits for the few.

External costs are neglected by economists, and the unintended consequences of laws and political decisions—indeed, any decision, even those that seem highly rational—can be surprising. I am convinced that the external costs of capitalist production exceed the profits and in instances exceed the value of the output. The most carefully considered law and the most carefully planned corporate undertaking can result in disastrous consequences. Essentially, when humans make decisions, they seldom have any idea of what they are doing.

The situation worsens when a financialized, jobs offshored economy multiplied by other economies doing the same thing finds that it is more profitable for public corporations to buy back their own stock, even indebting the corporations for the purpose of decapitalizing the corporations, than to invest in new plant, equipment, and labor. Buy-backs are the main use of corporate investment today in the US. In recent years, the entirety of corporate profits and borrowing has been used for stock buy-backs, which reward executives and shareholders. Central banks in Japan and the European Union now support equity prices by stock purchases. The Japanese central bank is the largest holder of Exchange Traded Funds (ETF). I am convinced that the Federal Reserve prevents crashes of the US stock market by purchasing S&P futures.

The loss of jobs destroys the ladders of upward mobility, thus increasing social and political instability, and the concentration of all wealth and income gains in corporate executives and shareholders skews the income distribution to that of the aristocracy and serfs in pre-modern times. The elevation of stock and bond prices from central banks injecting liquidity creates asset bubbles that are accidents waiting to happen.

As little attention as the external costs of production receives from economists, the external costs of human activity on the planet gets even less.

I was reminded of this when I received as a Christmas gift a copy of Joel Sartore’s magnificent photographs of Earth’s vanishing species. (See this) It is heartbreaking, and it makes one wonder why God gave dominion to humans who have no regard for the disastrous consequences of their actions. Consider the extinct and vanishing species of animals, insects, reptiles, birds. Why did we do this? For no other reason than a few rich people could be a bit richer. They didn’t need the money that erased animals, plants, forests, clean water, fish and marine life, birds, butterflies, bees and large numbers of insects.

Ever since Dick Cheney was US Vice President, effectively President, the Environmental Protection Agency has been an agent for mining, timber, and energy interests. Most other environmental and wildlife protections have also been set aside. National forests are being cut down, national monuments are being defaced, wolves are being slaughtered, and rare species are being poached and trophy hunted. It seems humans won’t be happy until every species is exterminated.

The private environmental organizations are now so dependent on corporate money and corporate trustees that they are largely ineffectual. They can’t effectively lobby against their corporate donors’ interests in Washington.

Consider the Pebble Mine. A Canadian mining company, Constantine Metal Resources, has, with US EPA approval, received a permit to begin a mining operation at the headquarters of Bristol Bay in Alaska, an American state. These waters are the place of salmon spawning and where Eagles and Grizzlies that exist on the salmon find their food. As the clothier, Orvis, makes clear in its ads, what is to be gained from the Pebble Mine is foreign company profits, 2,000 temporary jobs, and a measely 1,000 full-time jobs during opeartion. What is to be lost is a $1.5 billion fishing industry and the 14,000 associated jobs, 417 square miles of pristine habitat, 4 world-class fishing rivers, 60 lineal miles of prime salmon spawning habitat, and the destruction of pristine waters by 360,000 gallons of toxic effluent daily passing into the Chilkat River, bringing with it the destruction of salmon, eagle, and grizzly life along with that of 14,000 people.

This is the way capitalism makes decisions. Those who count for the life of the planet do not count. Those who count for profits are massive corporations who can lobby their will and their profits through the Congress and the regulatory agencies that are supposed to protect the environment and the life that depends on a protected environment.

When capitalism is seen in the real light of its operation and not in the romanticism that free market economics paints it, it is seen as a destructive force. The less regulated it is, the more destructive force it is. But can it be regulated? All efforts have failed. University of Chicago economist George Stigler said that all regulatory agencies become the captives of those they are supposed to regulate, and, thereby, the regulatory agencies become the agents of those they are supposed to control.

The Amazon rain forest is being destroyed by people who, in effect, are criminals destroying a world resource and only get in exchange one or two crops from the denuded land. The corrupt Brazilian government put into office by Washington to serve American interests is a party to the crime against life on earth. The same thing is happening in Indonesian forests thanks to Chinese timber corporations. Good-bye Sumatran Tiger. Good-bye native populations dependent on the forests.

In the Foreword to Santore’s Vanishing Animals Elizabeth Kolbert makes the point that humans today are the equilavent of the asteroid 66 million years ago that wiped out the dinosaurs, only we are wiping out everything, ourselves included.

When we wipe out an animal or an insect, a species’ genome is lost. In effect, we are wiping out libraries, making ourselves more ignorant.

It seems to me that the advocates of diversity could do much more good if they redirected their emphasis on replacing white people to saving the life of diversity on planet Earth. But this would require intelligence and empathy for all life, traits that are not abundant in the human population.


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Dr. Paul Craig Roberts writes on his blog, Paul Craig Roberts Institute for Political Economy, where this article was originally published.

Featured image is from Charleston’s TheDigitel | CC BY 2.0

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So much confusion and bad faith prevails in the current global information chaos that getting back to basics sometimes seems impossible. But fundamentals never change and merit constant repetition. Above all, anti-imperialist defense of majority world peoples’ right to development against the fascist onslaught of the corporate and political power of the United States and Europe demands resolute unity. There is no third way in a global conflict between the rights of the world’s peoples to peace, justice and well-being and the all consuming militarist greed of the Western corporate elites and their allies. The acid test of this in Latin America is whether people support Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela against US sanctions and threats of military aggression.

We need to realize more clearly, that we are not in a “normal” context of relative peace but in a war context. The empire not only puts forward ideas denying the liberation of our peoples, but has openly declared war on us at all levels. We must be clear that empire (the power elites of the US and EU financial, economic and military complex) is not only opposed to our vision: It does not want that vision even to exist and seeks to annihilate it through so-called “full spectrum domination” (military, economic-financial, technological, cultural).

This situation of total media and cultural warfare today has similarities to that same phenomenon during the Cold War. At that time the world had been divided in two by the West using the “Iron Curtain”. We see this situation more and more clearly today, this time not as a contradiction between capitalism and socialism, but rather as the contradiction between an imaginary Western civilization and an imaginary menacing barbarism, especially represented by, among others, China, Russia, Iran, the ALBA countries. In synthesis, the media-cultural war today should be posed in the terms of totalitarian Western capitalist hegemony in terminal crisis, threatened by the emergence of a new, more democratic multi-polar world order.

A well established diagnosis

Key to the US and European Union onslaught attacking the majority world is their control of global digital media, especially via multinational monopolies like Google, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. But more traditional media, also extremely highly concentrated in a handful of global corporations, continue to play a key role, for example well established news agencies like Reuters, Associated Press, EFE or Agence France Press or undeservedly prestigious news outlets like CNN, the BBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Le Monde, Die Welt, El País, The Guardian, La Stampa and others. Over the last 20 years, that tightly controlled capitalist media network has been reinforced by misnamed alternative media, mainly funded one way or another by corporate interests to serve both as gatekeepers of permissible news and as disinformation saboteurs.

All these fake news and misinformation outlets feed the false belief that North America and Europe are bastions of freedom of expression. In fact, both mainstream and alternative media in the US and Europe apply heavy censorship especially to world news but also increasingly to domestic news. An extra component reinforcing this censorship has been government and corporate cooptation of non-governmental organizations especially in relation to human rights and the environment. NGOs funded by corporate sources and governments act within the UN system of international governance serving both the short term political goals and the long term ideological agenda of US and European corporate elites.

It is here that a discussion of what constitutes reporting becomes crucial. Popular majority world news outlets like Russia’s RT, Iran’s Press TV and Venezuela’s TeleSur are persistently suppressed and attacked by Western governments claiming to defend freedom of expression. In fact, these targeted news outlets’ generally report more rigorously than their North American and European counterparts. By contrast, Western governments and media outlets give a free pass to demonstrably dishonest reporting by institutions like the Organization of American States’ electoral observer missions, the Inter-American Human Rights Commission, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons or cynically disingenuous NGOs like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch or Global Witness among a plethora of others.

All of this, the repression of rival rationalities, the promotion of absurd falsehoods, are aspects of the current “Cold War” environment (which is not cold at all, one would have to look for a more adequate term to describe what is happening today). That is why non-Western media are criminalized, especially RT, teleSUR, HispanTV and others. With total impudence and impunity, their journalists are persecuted, falsely accused of “interference”, “propaganda”, “destabilization” and even “rebellion” while the Western media complex and civil society manipulation organizations (NGOs) routinely practice and have always practiced those same dark arts against any government not to their liking. Moreover, citizens’ activity in cyberspace is routinely and comprehensively monitored, persecuted and criminalized both by Western States and by the corporate monopolies controlling Internet information flows. These are two dimensions of the same war by imperial elites against people everywhere.

Reporting and physical infrastructure

The meaning of “reporting standards” is so well established it seems redundant to state what they are. But it is essential to do so insistently because North American and European controlled news outlets, NGOs and public institutions have debased and practically abandoned fundamental reporting norms. Western reporting goes back to the Greek historian Herodotus and beyond and has developed since then on extremely clear criteria. A bona fide report needs to be based on well sourced material open to public appraisal, be it first hand witness testimony, documentation with clear provenance, official records of all kinds as well as other forensic or similar scientific evidence. But that is only the starting point. On the basis of that material, the authors of a genuine report compare and contrast all the available evidence and explain very openly why, based on those sources, they reach the conclusions they make in their report.

None of that happens in the overwhelming majority of contemporary reporting of almost any kind in North American and European news outlets, NGOs or the heavily politicized Western dominated institutions of international governance. Obvious recent examples of this reality are the phoney reports on the alleged chemical attack on Douma in Syria or the grotesque media assassination of Julian Assange or the downright lies published about Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. For decades, North American and European media, NGOs and institutions have very deliberately excluded any witness testimony, documentary or scientific evidence contradicting their propaganda line. That normality inculcates completely insane false beliefs among whole populations which over time constitute mass false memories.

To protect that systemic mendacity, North American and European authorities and their regional allies cynically accuse media like RT, Telesur or Press TV, among many other genuine information sources, of being propaganda outlets. In effect all reporting and information is now either propaganda or counter-propaganda. The Western machinery manufacturing false beliefs and false memories runs on the corrupt reporting and disinformation role of Western news outlets, NGOs and academic institutions and their symbiotic osmosis with the North American and European entertainment industry. The false beliefs and contrived memories all feed off assumptions generated by Western cultural production including films, television programs, books, magazines and video games which in turn generate fresh feedback of well designed memes and carefully framed images.

A necessary condition for the successful generation and perpetuation of mass false beliefs and false memories is absolute control of the physical media transmitting them. As the digital world conquers the flow of information and ideas in the world, the medium through which these information and ideas are transmitted is no longer neutral and has become a highly monopolised socio-economic medium: the Internet. Countries such as China can afford to have a national Internet, while others such as Russia have a technological infrastructure that allows them to stand up significantly to the attacks of the empire.

But in our Latin American and Caribbean countries we are totally under the communications control of the United States. To understand this, it is enough to look at the global map of fiber optic cables: All telephone calls and all computer connections between any of our countries pass first through Miami and are controlled by the US National Security Agency. If the physical support of telecommunications is in the hands of the empire, the same is almost equally true with regard to its software, that is, in the applications used for communication: The hegemonic social networks, the various content publishing platforms, the mass use applications, the databases in which information is hosted, etc., are overwhelmingly under Western control.

There does exist a vigorous free software movement (which in part expresses popular resistance to imperial hegemony and in part is also necessary for the functioning of capitalism and the hegemony of the West itself). But that movement is destined to continue playing a subordinate role unless our peoples support it politically. Western control over hardware and software, through which information circulates, allows the imperial elites not only to spread their propaganda globally, but also to be the self-selected arbiters of “global debate” and to be a sinister global panopticon without parallel. The empire not only has the power to spread its message, but also to keep opinions carefully compartmentalized in a way that prevents the least possible damage to its interests, along with the power to use those same opinions as a source of intelligence for political-military purposes.

And what then?

This very well established diagnosis self-evidently has strong implications for anti-imperialist majority world media outlets and their allies in the US and Europe. The main elements of that response were articulated most recently in the International Communications Congress in Venezuela in December this year. The Congress identified key needs including a coordinating structure derived from and linked to the Sao Paolo Forum so as to “articulate an International Network of Communication Networks constituted by all the delegates as well as by all the political parties, social movements and organizations of the People’s Power present in this Congress.” That network should enhance and facilitate the creative and comprehensive exchange of news and information across all kinds of regional anti-imperialist media

Additionally, in the Congress final session President Nicolás Maduro announced the formal creation of an International University of Communication as a platform for promoting a community of knowledge and information via training, research and elaboration of materials in the service of the emancipation and liberation of the region’s peoples. The Congress envisages the design of communication campaigns based on all the meetings and congresses of the Sao Paolo Forum so as to overcome and circumvent the Western media blockade. One fundamental task is to make a census of all the anti-imperialist media supporting this initiative, partly so as to identify strengths and weaknesses but also to optimize interaction between all these hugely diverse media and communicators.

Within that process, our experience in Nicaragua both generally over the last three decades and more specifically since the failed coup attempt of 2018, leads us to stress the importance of not allowing the enemy to dictate the media agenda. So rather than criticising the failings-on-purpose of enemy reporting by imperialist media and NGOs, we should expose and demonstrate their corruption and bad faith by practicing truthful reporting with scrupulous care in relation to sources, provenance of documentary and audio-visual material and appraisal of technical or scientific resources. We should try and learn from Venezuela’s bolivarian support for grass roots local news networks and their articulation with regional news and information outlets, especially among youth communicators.

As we responded to the failed coup attempt in 2018 here, we created task-focused information networks for the purposes of defining among other essential media chores what news-sharing to prioritize, how to address anti-government media lies, what material to translate and how to distribute the burden of that work, what direct reporting to do, what research needs we should process. Learning from other examples of successful resistance, like Venezuela’s experience during repeated US sabotage of its energy generating capacity, is also essential. Sharing those experiences effectively and efficiently adapting them to different contexts will be an indispensable part of enhancing anti-imperialist media workers’ skills, knowledge and vision.

Also fundamental to any successful implementation of follow up to the International Communciations Congress will be the genuine intellectual humility necessary to build unity within diversity among the peoples under attack by the United States and the European Union. Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, South America all have very different and specific national and historical experiences despite their common history of genocidal imperialism and sadistic neocolonialism. The revolutions in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela are all different in important ways. As President Comandante Daniel Ortega said in 2013 “All Processes have diverse timelines, in the conditions each Process has to address.”

To work together successfully, regional media workers and communicators need to be especially sensitive and alert to that reality. In the contemporary global media environment, State and corporate capitalist marketing and public relations have practically swallowed conventional reporting credibility. The anti-imperialist majority world response must be solidarity-based media committed to honesty and sincerity, focused on the rights and needs of the human person and the world’s peoples and unwavering in united support for the region’s diverse revolutionary processes.

But we should also recognize the two-fold political-military nature of the unrelenting US and European communications offensive. So our peoples must develop by all possible means their capacities in relation to physical and logical communications infrastructure. It is not only a matter of winning the battle of ideas but also of developing our hardware and software capabilities, so as to manage more successfully the technologies through which those ideas circulate. There can be no policy of democratizing access to telecommunications which does not at the same time involve mass education and awareness campaigns about how digital media work. Political and social activists and communicators must seek to reach out to every citizen claiming the rights of their people against US and European aggression.


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Cuba’s Revolutionary Beginning Started 61 Years Ago

December 30th, 2019 by Nino Pagliccia

Some time ago in another late December my partner in life commented that she liked beginnings in reference to the approaching new year. I became immediately aware that other traditions may have a calendar different from the Gregorian calendar and the beginning of their new year may take place at a different time. But the notion of “beginning” intrigued me, especially because I had another upcoming beginning in my political mind.

A beginning can mark any event, like for instance the start of a special day that we acknowledge with some ritual. There may be beginnings that are ominous like those of natural disasters or traumatic experiences; others can be unique and personal like the beginning of life at birth; yet others are uplifting like the beginning of a relationship. Whichever event we go through, often we remember its beginning as an anniversary or worthy of celebration.

For me at this time of the year it is inevitable to remember the momentous day when the protracted revolutionary process in Cuba came to fruition on January 1, 1959 marking the triumph of the Cuban Revolution with the ousting of the dictator Fulgencio Batista and the attaining of the long overdue independence from foreign and oligarchy dominance.

That is an historic beginning that I inevitably remember and personally celebrate every year. My celebration is not with fireworks or public display but more like a time for introspection and reflection on some of the events that led to that new start. Although I was too young to have been aware of that historical moment at the time, I am quite acquainted with Cuba and I have come to know some of the historical leaders of the Cuban Revolution. I consider myself privileged to be a contemporary of those personalities.

The modern history of Cuba is quite rich and full of human episodes. Its retrospective study gives an insight in the determination of Cubans to resist any foreign intervention. After long years of fighting the Spanish colonisation in the 19th Century, Cuba was close to achieving its independence goal militarily, but a false flag incident of the explosion of the US battleship Maine in the Havana Bay in February 1898 – blamed to the Spanish – was used by the US as a pretext to intervene in the Spanish-Cuban war. “False flag” acts are frequently used today but it’s an old military tactic. There is another infamous false flag act committed later in April 1961 when the US-sponsored invasion of Cuba at Bay of Pigs was carried on with planes painted with the colours of the Cuban air force to deceive the population and the revolutionary government itself as if it were a mutiny. The invading mercenaries were eventually defeated and taken prisoners in less than 72 hours.

In 1898, despite the Cuban troops’ advantage over the Spanish, and despite the Cuban troops’ protection of the US landing of its army, Cubans did not receive any recognition. They were in fact ignored. Spain surrendered to the US in the Paris Treaty of December 1898. On January 1, 1899 the possession of Cuba was transferred from Spain to the United States. An inauspicious beginning that would rather be forgotten, but history is there so we don’t forget. And Cubans didn’t.

The importance of Cuba for the US was, and still is, mostly strategic for its geographic position as a virtual protective gate to the gulf of Mexico. Cuba also was used for economic exploitation of its vast sugar cane and other produce plantations mostly in the hands of US corporations. That was sufficient for the US government to turn a blind eye to the extensive mafia gambling activities, tax haven and other illegal dealings taking place in Cuba. The different puppet regimes governing the country had a total disregard for the well-being of Cubans who lived in extreme poverty and abject conditions especially in the rural areas.

This was the social situation under the corrupt regime of Fulgencio Batista that the revolutionary movement of Cuba in the mid-20th century was attempting to overturn. The first major attempt took place on July 26, 1953 when Fidel Castro led an attack at the military garrison in Santiago de Cuba that failed. The struggle continued including more than two years of guerrilla warfare. In the words of Fidel Castro “five years, five months and five days” passed from that day until victory was finally achieved liberating the whole country of six million Cubans.

In my personal reflections I always respect the moral qualities of Fidel Castro exemplified by his modesty. He always discouraged the personal idealisation towards him and I think that he set the standard from the very beginning. While revolutionary commanders Ernesto “Che” Guevara and Camilo Cienfuegos entered into Havana on January 1 and took over the two large military garrisons without resistance winning over the majority of the soldiers, Fidel was still in Santiago de Cuba, almost a thousand kilometers away. He did not rush to the capital to be acclaimed. He took the trip by road stopping at every major Cuban city to connect with the people who had been his supporters and had been the most ignored historically. He arrived in Havana eight days later.

Following his death in November 2016 a funeral procession carried the casket with his ashes symbolically travelling the same route back from Havana to Santiago de Cuba. Large crowds stood along the way to pay their final respects. His brother, Raul Castro, stated one of Fidels dying wishes: that his image and name never be used in public places, from streets and parks to government institutions. Legislation to that effect was passed by the Cuban National Assembly.

January 1, 2020 will mark the 61st anniversary of this legendary revolutionary beginning, and the term beginning is very appropriate because it indicates a continuous process of transformation of what is called today: a Revolution in motion. At every step, a true social advancement is made. The human and social development of this small nation is outstanding by any stretch of the imagination while subjected to the most crushing economic and financial blockade by the United States from 1962 to this day. The UN Human Development Report of 2019 states,

“Cubas HDI [Human Development Index] value for 2018 is 0.778— which puts the country in the high human development category— positioning it at 72 out of 189 countries and territories…above the average of 0.750 for countries in the high human development group and above the average of 0.759 for countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.”

I am truly convinced that be it a personal change or a social revolution a true transformative beginning must be marked by a creative process and a radical change with the profound conviction that a better world is possible.


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Nino Pagliccia is an activist and freelance writer based in Vancouver. He is a retired researcher from the University of British Columbia, Canada. He is a Venezuelan-Canadian who follows and writes about international relations with a focus on the Americas. He is the editor of the book “Cuba Solidarity in Canada – Five Decades of People-to-People Foreign Relations” (2014). He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Tribune

Selected Articles: Establishment of a U.S. Space Force

December 30th, 2019 by Global Research News

We have made some progress in our campaign to meet our running costs and put an end to our monthly deficit, but we still need your help. As grateful as we are to those who have given so far, the total number of donations and membership subscriptions we have received over the past year still only amounts to a very small fraction of the tens of thousands of people who read our website on a daily basis. If you can make a contribution to help secure the future of, please click below.

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We Are the Majority; We Must Turn that into Power

By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, December 30, 2019

Over the last decade, a national consensus has developed for a progressive left agenda on the economy, social services, the climate crisis and ending wars but the movement has not yet built the power to make that a reality. The next decade will be ripe with opportunities for transformational change due to a combination of expanding popular movements as well as escalating crisis situations.

Syria Considers Suing Washington for Syrian Oil Theft and Violating Syria’s Sovereignty

By Sarah Abed, December 30, 2019

Six years ago, at the age of 95, the revolutionary, outspoken, anti-apartheid former president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela passed away. During his lifetime Mandela was a fierce skeptic of American power, U.S. imperialism, policies and ideology.

When the United States was preparing to invade Iraq in 2002 Mandela said, “If you look at those matters, you will come to the conclusion that the attitude of the United States of America is a threat to world peace.” Seventeen years later, multiple wars and “regime change” operations have proven that U.S. administrations have since continued to threaten world peace.

Holding Pens for the Homeless

By John Clarke, December 30, 2019

Homelessness is spinning out of control in many places, not least right here in Toronto. However, in California, the situation is now generating an acute political crisis. So great is the problem of mass destitution in that state that whole urban areas are facing a threat to public health and a level of social dislocation that undermines public order and the basic level of social stability needed for capitalism to conduct business. Trump’s Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is reporting an increase in the homeless population of California of 16.4% over the course of the last year and alarm bells are ringing the corridors of power. The human misery of destitution has now reached such levels that the cash registers are being affected.

Russia’s Newborn Avangard Hypersonic Weaponry. Towards a New Perilous Arms Race?

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, December 30, 2019

Of late, treaties restraining the deployment of weapons that gallop ahead of such a balancing act have been confined to shredders and dustbins.  There was the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty(INF), a reminder of a thawing period between the Soviet Union and the United States from 1987.  It prohibited the fielding of land-based missiles with ranges between 500 and 5,500 kilometres.  But President Donald J. Trump has never been a man for history, treating it as an encumbrance on the United States.  Violations by Russia were cited, with the 9M729 missile singled out as a stand out culprit.  Russia duly countered; the United States’ Aegis Ashore facility based in Romania could technically be used to launch missiles in breach of the treaty.  Both countries have now confined the document to oblivion.

Georgia and Ukraine Joining NATO Will Likely Have the Opposite Effect Against Russia

By Paul Antonopoulos, December 30, 2019

Both Ukraine and Georgia are Black Sea states, along with Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey who are already NATO members. The Black Sea is the location of Russia’s warmwater ports, i.e. its access for year-round trade with the international community.

Although Russia’s Kaliningrad Oblast is completely surrounded by NATO members Poland and Lithuania, and fellow NATO members Norway, Estonia and Latvia share small land borders with Russia, a Ukrainian admittance into the alliance will be the biggest encroachment by NATO against Russia since the infamous February 1990 promise made by then-U.S. Secretary of State James Baker who made “iron-clad guarantees” to Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not expand “one inch eastward,” if the Soviets supported the reunification of Germany. This was obviously a lie.

Pro-Coup Venezuelan Soldiers Who Fled to the US Now Locked Up in ICE Immigration Detention Center

By Alan MacLeod, December 30, 2019

The Venezuelan soldiers who participated in the U.S.-backed coup attempt in April of this year and subsequently fled to the U.S. have been incarcerated in ICE detention camps ever since. Telemundo, a subsidiary of NBCUniversal, secured an interview with Major Hugo Parra, the highest-ranking of the handful of soldiers who answered self-declared President Juan Guaidó’s call to overthrow the government of Nicolas Maduro. After the coup ended in spectacular failure, Parra revealed that he fled the country, ending up in the United States on April 11, where he expected to be given a hero’s welcome for his part in the Trump-approved insurrection.

Trump Signs Measure Enabling Establishment of a U.S. Space Force

By Prof. Karl Grossman, December 30, 2019

President Trump has signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2020 that establishes a U.S. Space Force as the sixth branch of the U.S. armed forces—despite the Outer Space Treaty designating space as a global commons to be used for peaceful purposes.

Reported Space News: “Trump signed the NDAA flanked by top defense and military officials at a ceremony at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland.” It quoted Trump saying: “Today marks a landmark achievement as we officially inaugurate the newest branch or our military, the U.S. Space Force. This is very big and important moment.”


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This was originally published in October 2019.

Some updates were added: December 5, December 17.

The telecommunications companies and the mainstream media would have you believe that the race to roll out 5G is unstoppable. That you are nothing and no one in the face of a lethal multi-trillion-dollar agenda imposed by some of the most powerful entities on the planet.

They thought that if they called their new, alleged “communications technology”, adapted from the military Active Denial Technology, “5G” or fifth generation, the public would just assume that it was more of the same as 4G, 3G or 2G. And if they could characterise the rollout as a race, the public would not have enough time to find out what a killer technology 5G is. How wrong they were! Not only has the public found out, but now they know how lethal previous generations of wireless technology – to be used concurrently with 5G – are as well.

Below is the evidence from a number of different countries that the pushback is huge and growing. The telcos have lost the propaganda war, despite their control of the mainstream media, from which not a whisper of the dangers of 5G is heard, and of social media and Youtube, who have been desperately deleting millions of accounts to silence the naysayers.

As this article went to press, support arrived from an unexpected source. In an impassioned speech before the United Nations General Assembly on 24 September 2019, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson stated that digital authoritarianism is not the stuff of dystopian fantasy but of an emerging reality. He described the Internet of Things, “smart” cities and AI as a giant, dark thundercloud lowering ever more oppressively over the human race, a gathering force reshaping the future of humanity over which the human race has no control and from which, in future, there may be nowhere to hide.

He asked if algorithms could be trusted with our lives and hopes and whether machines should be allowed to doom us to a cold and heartless future in an Orwellian world designed for censorship, repression and control. He recalled the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and endorsed its ideals of upholding freedom of opinion and expression, the privacy of home and correspondence, and the right to seek and impart information and ideas

He exhorted the academic committees, company boards and industry standards groups who are writing the rulebooks of the future, making ethical judgements, and choosing what will or will not be rendered possible to find the right balance between freedom and control, between innovation and regulation, between private enterprise and government oversight. He insisted that the ethical judgements inherent in the design of new technology must be made transparent to all and that joint efforts must be made to agree a common set of global principles to shape the norms and standards that will guide the development of emerging technology.

What follows is a citizen journalist’s list of the actions taken to halt 5G and reports and complaints that have discredited this Machiavellian attempt to foist a disastrous technology on the world in 2019. It is not an exhaustive list and I extend my apologies to all those whose efforts I may have overlooked here and much gratitude to all who have contributed to making this pushback so successful.

However, we cannot afford to be complacent and, in particular, we must work to stop the use of the Earth orbits and the stratosphere to beam 5G down to Earth, for this puts the ionosphere and the entire planet at risk. We must also work to ensure that the use of street lights with blue light for this anti-life agenda is rapidly reversed.

The effort to stop 5G is still gathering momentum and we must continue to work together and tirelessly to protect all life on Earth and the planet itself until this demented plan is relegated to the history books as the most Mephistophelian scheme in the history of humankind.

1 International


International Telecommunication Union urges harmonisation of exposure limits. International RF-EMF exposure guidelines refer to the guidelines of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) [b-ICNIRP 1998], or of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [b-IEEE C95.1]. These limits are currently under review [b-ICNIRP]. A small group of countries, regions or even cities within the same country, especially in Europe (e.g., Poland, Russia, Italy, Switzerland, Paris city and regions in Belgium), use limits that are ten to a hundred times lower. China [25 times lower than the EMF recommendations of the Council of Europe (1999/519)] and India, amongst others, also adopted limits below ICNIRP guidelines. International exposure limits for radio-frequency fields.


Exposure to Cell Phone and Wireless WiFi Radiation Can Reduce Impulse Control and Cause Violence. A pilot study on six California fire fighters working and sleeping in stations with towers showed symptoms including slowed reaction time, lack of focus, lack of impulse control, severe headaches, anesthesia-like sleep, sleep deprivation, depression, and tremors. Exposure can also increase acts of violence and homicide.


Scientist Says 1 in 2 children born in 2025 will be autistic – something is clearly causing this health crisis of historic proportions. “If you take the data that the CDC has provided since 1975 and plot it, you can see that it’s an exponential growth curve. You can extend the line. … My feeling is that things are worse than the line. So I think that 1 in 2 in 2025 is not an unreasonable prediction.”

24 June 18

Author Naomi Wolf reports EMF reactions, cloud anomalies and their correlation with irritable and stressed behaviour in New York.
5 Taiwan

28 Dec 18

Taiwan’s five wireless carriers say that they will not rush to roll out 5G services in the absence of a profitable business model to sell the revolutionary technology, in spite of all the use cases that have been suggested.
6 Switzerland


The government appoints a group of experts to probe the risks involved with introducing 5G, whose findings should be published by the end of 2019. The Swiss Federation of Doctors also urges caution, maintaining that “as long as there is no scientific proof that raising the radiation limits will not impact health, one must refrain from raising them.”
7 Austria

4 January 19

After 5G is officially switched on in Vienna in November 2018, former UN staff member reports Vienna’s first EMF injuries.
8 Austria

11 January

Court of Auditors slams corrupt “smart” meter contract award for defrauding electricity and gas customers. Concerns about data protection and about power disruption were ignored, energy savings were exaggerated and customers were assured that they would have no extra costs, but left to pick up a 1 billion euro bill for the installation.
9 Europe

13 January

Journalist group Investigate Europepublishes “The ICNIRP Cartel: Who’s Who in the EMF Research World, an interactive graphic”, exposing conflicts of interest among ICNIRP members.
10 USA

14 January

Congresswomen Eshoo and Speier introduce BillHR530 to block FCC cell tower pre-emption and preserve local government control and invalidate the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) 26 September 2018 ruling to accelerate the deployment of 5G small cells throughout the US.
11 USA

14 January

Russia Today (RT) Americaairs the first of 7 reports on the dangers of 5G: 5G Wireless: A Dangerous ‘Experiment on Humanity’. “Is there a catch?”, asks the presenter. “Just a small one”, comes the reply, “It just might kill you”. The segment is viewed 1.8 million times.
12 European Commission

14 January

The Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) rates the potential effects on wildlife of increases in electromagnetic radiation from 5G a maximum 3 in terms of scale, urgency and interactions with other ecosystems and species, stating that “The lack of clear evidence to inform the development of exposure guidelines to 5G technology leaves open the possibility of unintended biological consequences”.
13 Italy

16 January

The Lazio regional administrative court decrees that the ministries of environment, health and education have six months to launch information campaigns on the risks associated with the use of mobile phones.
14 USA

25 January

The Illinois Supreme Court rules that a woman can sue Six Flags Great America for fingerprinting her childwithout telling her how the data would be used in violation of the state’s biometric law. “This is no mere ‘technicality,'” Chief Justice Lloyd Karmeier writes in the opinion. “The injury is real and significant.”
15 Italy

30 January

An Italian Court in the city of Monza rules the acoustic neuroma brain tumour of an airport employee to be an occupational disease caused by exposure to the radiation from a cell phone he used for over 10 years for his work.
16 USA

6 February

US Senator Blumenthal definitively establishes that no safety studies have been done on 5G.
17 USA


At least 21 US cities/regions pass ordinances restricting “small cell” installation, and many are charging “recertification fees” to make it unprofitable for the wireless industry.
18 USA

9 February

Sierra Club California Conservation Committee adopts resolution to ask the National Sierra Club to take an oppose position to the deployment of 5G and small cell technology without local input and environmental review. The Sierra Club was founded in 1892 and is the oldest and largest grassroots environmental organization in the US.
19 Switzerland

18 February

Study: Radiation From Smartphones May Impair Memory In Teens. A research team at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute says that radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) may negatively affect an adolescent’s brain from cellphone exposure, causing potentially harmful effects on his or her memory performance. The authors say having the device close to one’s head lead to the greatest amount of radiation exposure.
20 UN

22 February

The Planetary Association for Clean Energy (PACE) submits a statement to the UN revealing that allowable international “radiation limits will have to be increased by 30 to 40%” in order to make 5G deployment technologically feasible and calls 5G “an experiment on humanity that constitutes cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment” in violation of more than 15 international treaties and agreements.

3 March

Eric Van Rongen, Chair of ICNIRP [self-proclaimed international commission on non-ionizing radiation protection, but actually just a German NGO], the organisation whose non-transparent pronouncements on the international limits at which phones can emit radiofrequency are strangely adopted by UN bodies, calls 5G “a public health experiment”, stating that “It will be necessary to gain more information about the exposure and any health problems that might come from an effect of that exposure”.
22 UK

3 March

The Daily Telegraph asks, Do smartphones cause cancer? World Health Organisation to assess brain tumour link.
23 USA

7 March

A class action lawsuit is filed against the FCC by 62 entities and municipalities across the USA. aimed at first slowing down and then vacating the FCC “order and declaratory ruling purporting to streamline the deployment of wireless facilities by pre-empting local government authority”.
24 Netherlands

9 March

Utrecht City Council decides unanimously to postpone decision-making on 4G and 5Ginfrastructure on new lamp posts until the risks to health and privacy are better understood.
25 France

10 March

Popular French astrophysicist and philosopher Aurélien Barrau causes a storm In France when he announces on Twitter “5G kills … We have already killed 70% of the living (with almost no global warming). Do we want to choose life or the speed of the telephone network?”
26 Guernsey

11 March

Call to halt 5G technology in Guernsey due to health fears, ITV News.
27 UK

17 March

Insurers announce premature death trend. British insurer Legal & General CEO says: “There’s been a long discussion about whether this is a blip or a trend, and sadly it’s looking like a trend.”
28 Germany

20 March

Without invoking the precautionary principle, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) admits that the effects of the higher frequencies of 5G are not yet well researched and advises that 5G should be developed cautiously. It states that consideration needs to be given to whether people will be exposed to much higher radiation.
29 UK

23 March

Sacha Stone publishes documentary 5G Apocalypse: The Extinction Event. (565,354 views as at 3 October 2019).
30 USA

24 March

Portland, Oregon city officials state clear opposition to the installation of 5G networks around the city, supported by the mayor and two commissioners.
31 Italy

28 March

Florence applies the precautionary principle, refusing permissions for 5G and referring to “the ambiguity and the uncertainty of supranational bodies and private bodies (like ICNIRP)”, which “have very different positions from each other, despite the huge evidence of published studies”.
32 Italy

28 March

One Roman district votes against 5G trials, with others expected to follow. Other motions to Stop 5G are expected in the four regional councils, one provincial council and other municipal councils of Italy.
33 Russia

28 March

The Russian Ministry of Defence refuses to transfer frequencies for 5G, which effectively delays any 5G rollout there for several years.
34 USA

28 March

New Jersey Congressman Andy Kim sends a letter, noting that, “Current regulations governing radiofrequency (RF) safety were put in place in 1996and have not yet been reassessed for newer generation technologies.”
35 Belgium

31 March

Belgian Environment Minister announces that Brussels is halting the 5G rollout, saying, “The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit.” It turns out that there is now no methodology to effectively measure the radiation of MIMO antennas, which have the characteristic of varying field in time, space and intensity, unlike antennas used for 2G, 3G and 4G, which emit radiation of constant intensity and space. Celine Fremault therefore asserted that, as this technical obstacle was not resolved, she would not go further in the legislative process.
36 USA


The Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance association reports that millennials – the first generation to grow up using cell phones – are experiencing an unprecedented decline in their health when they reach their late 20s.
37 EU


An EU report admits that 5G is a massive experiment, lamenting that “it is not possible to accurately simulate or measure 5G emissions in the real world” and stating that “complex interference effects … may result, especially in dense urban areas.”
38 International

2 April

Avid traveller, 33, dies on a Los Angeles to Melbourne flight she had flown many times before – as friends say they’re at a ‘complete loss’ as to what killed the ‘happy and healthy’ tech executive. Aviation health & safety in the digital age – radio-frequency (RF) exposure from mobile devices and in flight WiFi : A new human factor?
39 Germany

4 April

54,600 Germans sign a petition to force the German Bundestag to debate 5G.
40 Netherlands

4 April

Members of Parliament in the Netherlands insist that radiation research must be carried out before any approval of the 5G network.
41 USA

4 April

The California Supreme Court publishes an opinionsupporting municipal authority to make regulations on so-called ‘small cell’ PROW (public right of way) towers and uses of the public’s right-of-way. This opinion affirms the 2016 appellate court ruling.
42 USA

5 April

The California Supreme Court Justices unanimously uphold a 2011 San Francisco ordinancerequiring telecommunications companies to get permits before placing antennas on city infrastructure.
43 Switzerland

9 April

The Canton of Vaud adopts a resolution calling for a moratorium on 5Gantennas until the publication of a report on 5G by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment.
44 Switzerland

10 April

Geneva adopts a motion for a moratorium on 5G, calling on the Council of State to request WHO to monitor independent scientific studies to determine the harmful effects of 5G.
45 France

11 April

French lawmaker Jean-Paul Lecoq raises the wide range of risks posed by the 5G deployment in the National Assembly.
46 USA

15 April

Oregon Representative Peter A. DeFazio, House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman, writes a letter to FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and acting FDA Commissioner Sharpless regarding the status of the government’s research into the potential health effects of RF radiation and its relation to the FCC’s guidelines for safe human RF exposure levels.
47 USA

16 April

New York Congressman Thomas Suozzi sends a letter to the FCC seeking answers about the technology. “Small cell towers are being installed in residential neighborhoods in close proximity to houses throughout my district. ,,, My constituents are worried that should this technology be proven hazardous in the future, the health of their families and value of their properties would be at serious risk.”
48 Switzerland

17 April

The Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) sends a 7-page information letter to all cantonal governments for the purpose of “calming the situation”. It claims that the new 5G adaptive (directional) antennas would mean much lower exposures for the population: “The beam cone is now aligned directly to the user and in all other radiation directions the radiation is lower [sic].”
49 Switzerland

17 April

The Swiss government announces the introduction of a monitoring system to assuage concerns about the potential health impact of fifth-generation (5G) mobile frequency emissions and smooth the cutting-edge technology’s rollout. The move comes as some Swiss cantons baulk at authorizing new antennas needed to support 5G services after a spectrum auction in February that raised 380 million Swiss francs ($377 million).
50 US

22 April

Energy sector says 5G network could exponentially increase energy consumption. Two recent studies (by UTC and the Electric Power Research Institute) unearth possible problems with 5G technologies, including but not limited to, cyberthreats to the electric grid, lack of infrastructure to accommodate the network of small cells and sensors needed to expand 5G access, lack of private networks, and potential health concerns since 5G microwave bands are 10 times the frequency of previous mobile devices. 5G portends more devices, which increases power demand, which increases the need for more spectrum among utilities.
51 International

April 2019

The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) announces that reassessment of the classification of non-ionising radiation (radiofrequency) in the list of agents carcinogenic to humanity is to be given a high priority.
52 USA

26 April

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and NASA clash with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which oversees US wireless networks, saying that next-generation mobile technology could interfere with crucial satellite-based Earth observations.
53 France

26 April

French farmers sue the state over mystery cow deaths they blame on electromagnetic fields. A group of French cattle farmers is suing the state over the mysterious death of hundreds of cows, which they believe are the victims of harmful electromagnetic fields. Several studies have shown that livestock, particularly cattle, are affected by even low-level electromagnetic fields
54 Swiss Re


Insurance company Swiss Re’s report on New Emerging Risk Insightsstates that “Existing concerns regarding potential negative health effects from electromagnetic fields (EMF) are only likely to increase. An uptick in liability claims could be a potential long-term consequence. … interruption and subversion of the 5G platform could trigger catastrophic, cumulative damage.”
55 Denmark

4 May

A legal opinion by a Danish law firm states that rolling out 5G is illegal under EU and international law: It is the conclusion of this legal opinion that establishing and activating a 5G-network, as it is currently described, would be in contravention of current human and environmental laws enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, EU regulations, and the Bern- and Bonn-conventions. … This also applies when the radiation remains within the limits recommended by ICNIRP and currently used in Denmark as well as broadly within the EU.
56 Denmark

4 May

Danish group Landsindsamlingen mod5G announces it is suing the Danish state for having planned the implementation of the new 5G mobile network throughout Denmark by the year 2020 without conducting any kind of health test in relation to the long-term exposure of people or consideration of the harmful effects on the unborn, children and nature.
57 International

4 May

Meteorologists warn that the introduction of 5G mobile phone networks could seriously affect weather forecasters’ ability to predict major storms by disrupting the delicate satellite instruments they use to monitor changes in the atmosphere. The result will be impaired forecasts, poorer warnings about major storms, and loss of life, they say.
58 Germany

9 May

Minister for the Environment believes continued digitalisation will fuel future environmental problems. “Information technology’s impact on the environment and nature has been underestimated. It will further increase consumption of energy and raw materials and lead to greater consumption and increased traffic”.
59 France

15 May

French health authority ANSES warns in a 400-page report that LED lights in your house can cause irreversible damage to the eyes and lead to a vision-robbing condition.
60 USA

22 May

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) criticize FCC plans for opening a 24 GHz spectrum band to 5G telecommunications providers, stating that US weather forecasting capabilities would be set back decades. The matter is on the agenda for international treatynegotiations at the International Telecommunication Union’s World Radio Conference (WRC) in the fall of 2019, but with respect to 24 GHz, the Department of State has already submitted the FCC’s out-of-band emission limits as the US position during preliminary negotiations.
61 USA

25 May

Apple is selling your iTunes listening data despite its privacy claims, a lawsuit alleges. Apple Inc. was sued by customers who claim the company is unlawfully disclosing and selling information about people’s iTunes purchases as well as their personal data, contrary to the company’s promise in advertising that “What happens on your iPhone stays on your iPhone.”
62 USA

29 May

The US state of Louisiana unanimously votes to stop 5G, calling for study of effects on health and environment before 5G is launched (Resolution 145).
63 France

31 May

An LED lamp post is destroyed in France.
64 International

31 May 2019

Global Disinformation Index shows success of Stop 5G pushback: total number of followers of 123 Facebook pages and 74 groups swelled from 7,005 to 59,094 by third week of May 2019.
65 USA

June 2019

Ongoing lawsuits against the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) over the constitutional overreachin the rollout of 5G:

  • National League of Cities (19,000 cities & towns)
  • US Conference of Mayors (1,192 cities)
  • National Association of Counties (3,069 counties)
  • National Association of Regional Councils (500 councils and metropolitan & regional planning organizations)
  • National Association of Towns and Townships (10,000 towns)
  • National Association of Telecommunications Officers & Advisers (local government officials)
  • Colorado Communications Utility Alliance
  • League of Arizona Cities and Towns
  • League of California Cities
  • League of Oregon Cities
  • Michigan Coalition to Protect Public Rights of Way
  • Michigan Municipal League
  • Michigan Townships Association
  • Texas Coalition of Cities for Utility Issues
  • 7 Counties
  • 45 Cities
66 Europe


EMFOff publishes an exposé of corruption at the World Health Organization: The WHO Cover-Up That is Costing Us the Earth. Video and PDF document.
67 Canada


In Toronto, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association files a court application to stop (Alphabet/Google subsidiary) Sidewalk Labs’ “smart city” project as “unconstitutional” because it would allow “historically unprecedented, non-consensual, inappropriate mass-capture surveillance and commoditization of personal data.”
68 Australia


Step-by-Step Action Plan: We say No to 5G in Australia: devised by barrister Raymond Broomhall, who has stopped 25K antenna projects across Australia.
69 Switzerland

4 June

The Canton of Fribourg introduces a licensing requirement for 5G antennas in order to give those affected a chance to object.
70 Russia

6 June

A man living in the Tver region saws down a cell tower because he believes the radiation from it is destroying the vegetable, berry and fruit crops growing on his land located nearby.
71 Switzerland

10 June

A telephone antenna is destroyed by an explosionin Vaud, Switzerland.
72 UK

11 June

Glastonbury Town Councilopposes the introduction of 5G technology in Glastonbury until further information has been obtained on the health effects on residents, adopting the following motion: “This council has a social responsibility to protect the public and environment from exposure to harm, albeit unpredictable in the current state of scientific knowledge, and therefore opposes the roll-out of 5G in the Parish of Glastonbury – based on the precautionary principle – until further information is revealed from a newly convened 5G advisory committee (working group).”
73 UK

11 June

Shadow Minister (Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) David Drew asks the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, what discussions he has had with the providers of 5G on whether they have made any provision for personal liability on health and safety grounds and whether any provision has been made for white zones. He also asks the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what investigations the Government has commissioned on the health and safety implications of the 5G rollout.
74 USA

12 June

5G installer discusses the consequences of 5G. Current radiofrequency emitted by cell towers uses relatively low power (1.5-2.8 MHz), which at short range superheats the water molecules in your brain, eyes and testicles. It dissipates over distance as it has a long wave trough. 5G will be up close, in offices, outside homes, everywhere, including in the back of self-driving cars. It broadcasts in GHz not MHz — 30 GHz is 15,000 times more powerful than current previous levels.
75 Ireland

18 June

A motion calling on Clare County Council to oppose the rollout of 5G on health grounds is backed by the elected representatives.
76 USA

18 June

Pennsylvania lawmakers cancel a vote on proposed legislation to facilitate infrastructure next-generation 5G wireless services. It is the third defeat for the Verizon- and AT&T-backed legislation.
77 US

20 June

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that US suicide rates are at the highest level since World War II. Life expectancy, perhaps the broadest measure of a nation’s health, has fallen for three straight years, the first three-year drop since 1915 to 1918.
78 UK

25 June

UK parliamentary committee discusses concerns about the health effects of electromagnetic fields and 5G, especially with regard to electrohypersensitivity. Tonia Antoniazzi, MP, asks why the inaccurate and discredited 2012 report of AGNIR is still on the Public Health England website. Transcript. Video (from 16. 35).
79 France

25 June

“Bees are producing nothing!” French beekeepers announce a catastrophic year for French honey.
80 USA

27 June

The state of New Hampshire asks a series of questions about 5G in Bill HB 522.
81 USA

27 June

US Senator Dianne Feinstein introduces SB 2012, ‘‘Restoring Local Control Over Public Infrastructure Act of 2019’’, to repeal FCC rules that limit state and local government control over telecom infrastructure. The bill is supported by the US Conference of Mayors, National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors, American Public Power Association, Communications Workers of America, National Association of Counties, League of California Cities and American Public Works Association.
82 France

27 June

After victories for “electrohypersenstive” (EHS) people in Toulouse (March) and Bordeaux (May), the Tribunal de grande instance of FOIXissues a decision protecting EHS people who cannot tolerate dirty electricity diffused by “smart” meters.
83 Glastonbury, UK

29 June

Glastonbury festival-goers are used as guinea pigs in a 5G trial and document multiple injuries online.
84 Europe

29 June

The European Stop 5G Alliance comprising representatives from 19 European countries is officially founded at an international conference in Mendrisio, Switzerland.
85 France


French baby-clothing firm Petit Bateau decides not to wait for the “conclusive” data and launches clothing line to protect babies from electromagnetic radiation.
86 USA

1 July

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirms the City of Berkeley’s right to require cell phone retailers in the city to notify prospective customers about cell phone manufacturers’ safety guidelines to ensure consumer safety, adopted in May 2015.
87 Russia

1 July

In the Urals, police detain a woman who tried to burn down a communications tower because of concerns about health. The woman believed that her malaise and insomnia related to the fact that this tower was located directly near her home.
88 USA

3 July

Prof. Em. Martin L. Pall states that 5G effects will take months, not years, and he expects a breakdown in mental function, sterility, damaged heart function and societal collapse.
89 Italy

4 July

60 regions, autonomous provinces and municipalities question 5G, a moratorium is established in Italy and 14 municipalities approve Stop 5G city council resolutions or motions. The Mayor of Marsaglia issues Italy’s first Stop 5G ordinance: It “has been shown in four studies (Rea 1991, Havas 2006, 2010, McCarty et al. 2011) that it is possible to identify people with electromagnetic hypersensitivity and demonstrate that they can be tested using objective, measurable responses, demonstrating that these subjects truly are hypersensitive when compared with normal controls; that other studies show that there are true and proper physiological changes in subjects with electrosensitivity and that two studies (De Luca, Raskovic, Pacifico, Thai, Korkina 2011 and Irigaray, Caccamo, Belpomme 2018) demonstrated that electrosensitive people have high levels of oxidative stress and a prevalence of certain genetic polymorphisms, which may suggest a genetic predisposition; that the European Parliament in its 2009 Resolution and the Assembly of the Council of Europe with Resolution No. 1815 of 2011 called on member states to recognize electrosensitivity as a disability, in order to give equal opportunities to those affected”. The Mayor of San Gregorio Matese bans the installation of 5G antennas on the municipal territory.
90 Switzerland

2 July

Renowned Swiss law firm provides legal opinionstating that the Swiss Federal government’s modification of its ordinance to privilege directional antennas is not legally admissible because it would undermine health protection.
91 Switzerland


As a result of the above legal opinion, the Swiss Canton of Zug suspendsongoing licensing procedures.
92 USA

8 July

California Assembly Bill 272 asks all school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools to come up with smartphone policies to limit or prohibit student use at school.
93 Australia

8 July 2019


Australian telcos brace for a possible public backlash against the rollout of 5Gmobile networks. Some local councils have received expressions of concern about 5G even before the network has been rolled out in their areas.
94 Russia

9 July

President Putin emphasizes the environmental risks of new technologies, saying “Hopes that the new technologies themselves will save the planet from the growing anthropogenic influence turned out to be illusions. Nature and climate degradation continues.”
95 EU

14 July

Galileo, the EU global navigation satellite system, is non-operational for at least four days as of 11 July following a mysterious outage. The Galileo satellite system was launched in 2016 and was funded by the EU as an alternative to the US Air Force’s Global Positioning System (GPS) and the Russian  global navigation satellite system GLONASS.
96 International

16 July

The telcos belatedly realise that the public has found out about the dangers of 5G and launches a propaganda war of fake news, starting with The New York Times. It blames all the bad news on 5G on the Russians, and this meme is taken up and repeated obediently by major media outlets around the world, including the BBC, Le Monde (owned by Xavier Niel who owns telco “Free”) The Guardian, The Infographics Show, Yahoo Australia and Wired Online.
97 France

18 July

French NGO Alert Phonegate launches class action lawsuit against telco Nokia for selling “smart” phones that were shown by the French National Frequency Agency (ANFR) to exceed the European specific absorption rate (SAR) limit. This deception is facilitated by the entry into force of the new European Directive (2014/53/EU), which has relaxed controls by allowing manufacturers to self-certify their products.
98 Ireland

22 July

Roscommon County Council opposes the testing of 5G and the rollout of 5G in County Roscommon.
99 Switzerland

26 July

The Green party in Lausanne (Vaud) insists on the precautionary principle, saying that 5G antennas are being installed while the consequences of these new technologies are not known. Green representatives call for a moratorium in Vaud and commit to opposing all new antennas until they receive clear and satisfactory answers  relating to the impact of 5G.
100 USA

28 July

Bees dropping out of the sky near two 5G cell towers, California.
101 Europe

6 August

5G: Implications on the Battlefield. Finabel (informal international de facto association comprising ministries of defence of France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg & Germany) reports that 5G real time potential will enhance military communications; provide “smart” military bases and command posts; is needed to react in real time to hyper- and supersonic weapons (coming as of 2022); battlefield information; augmented reality devices; unmanned aerial vehicles commonly known as drones; 4K videos, object detection, faster data processing and artificial intelligence; and mMTC (massive, Machine Type Communication), allowing the connection of up to one million devices per km2. Smartwatches and wearables will enable real-time monitoring of soldiers’ vital parameters, such as heart rate, blood pressure and fatigue, and geographical position.
102 Austria

8 August

The Austrian parliament commissions a study on the health effects of 5G networks in response to concern from the public, without invoking the precautionary principle, which is enshrined in EU law.
103 Switzerland

5 August

Swiss mainstream magazine L’Illustré reports on the injuries of Geneva’s first 5G victims: “With 5G, we feel like guinea pigs“.
104 USA

9 August

The US Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit finds that the FCC did not adequately address the potential harms of deregulation or the benefits of environmental and historic-preservation reviews.
105 USA

9 August

The Oregon state legislative assembly declares a health emergency in Senate Bill 283 and directs the state health authority to review studies of the health effects of exposure to RF-radiation in schools and to recommend how to reduce children’s exposure in schools and to report back not later than 2 January 2021.
106 USA

9 August

The Natural Resources Defense Council, joined by various American Indian tribes, as well as the National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers and the National Trust for Historic Preservation, win a victory when the federal appeals court in D.C. ruled that the FCC illegally eliminated historic-preservation and environmental review—and important opportunities for public participation—for 5G wireless infrastructure projects. Emphasizing the importance of such review, the court held that that the FCC’s attempted explanations for the elimination “did not meet the standard of reasoned decision-making.”
107 United Nations

19 August

The UN Human Rights Council invites inputs on the possible impacts, opportunities and challenges of new and emerging digital technologies with regard to the promotion and protection of human rights, with a view to preparing a report and holding a panel discussion at its 44th session.
108 USA

21 August

The Chicago Tribune finds that popular cell phones tested for radiofrequency radiation measure over the legal safety limit, in some cases more than double what Apple reported to federal regulators from its own testing. The FCC is investigating.
109 USA

23 August

Cardiology Magazinereports on smart phones and obesity. A poster abstract, presented at the Latin America Conference 2019, found that university students who used their smartphones five or more hours a day had a 43 percent increased risk of obesity.
110 Russia

26 August

Oleg Gregoriev, Chairman of the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, states that “5G may be like a slow Hiroshima”.
111 Spain

26 August

Ombudsman says that National 5G Plan has not undergone environmental assessment. The Secretary of State for Digital Advancement ignored a number of articles of Law 21/2013 on Environmental Assessment, and ongoing pilot 5G projects use a band of frequencies for which the limits for safe exposure have not been fixed, which is contrary to the precautionary principle.
112 USA

26 Aug-1 Sept

The 5G Crisis Awareness and Accountability Summitattracts 200,000+ viewers from around the world, who send over 200,000 liability letters to their government representatives.
113 USA

28 August

Medical doctor Dietrich Klinghardt warns that “Cell phone use of teenagers and children is limiting brain development: certain aspects of humanity, like compassion and considering others, are the first parts of the brain that are getting disabled.”
114 USA

30 August

Tesla solar panels are catching fire. Amazon and Walmart have both been burned. Walmart is suing. Installations at all 29 Walmart stores showed signs of gross negligence and many were unsafe.
115 Australia


Australian barrister Ray Broomhall reveals that children are being exposed to magnetic fields from cell phones that breach WHO’s recommended 0.3μT safety limit by a factor of 20,000. (Slide show.)
116 Russia

1 Sept

The Russian Defence Ministry refuses to hand over 3.4–3.8 GHz for 5Gbecause these frequencies are used for satellite communicatioins, instead suggesting that 4.4–4,99 GHz be used, which are popular only in China and Japan.
117 Kuwait

1 Sept

The Kuwait Times publishes an article on the threats to health from 5G technology, recommending that cell towers be distanced from homes, daycare centers, schools, and places frequented by pregnant women, men who wish to father healthy children, and the young”.
118 Ireland

2 Sept

Leitrim Councillors vote to oppose 5G rollout across the county.
119 USA

3 Sept

T-Mobile cancels 5G installation nationwide. Anonymous employee blames 15 states’ lawsuits against the Sprint merger.
120 Canada

3 Sept

On learning that Montreal would serve as a “living laboratory” designed to test 5G technology (50-60K antennas planned for Montreal), Guy Boulianne calls it a criminal act and calls for a people’s movement to oppose the deployment of 5G in Montreal and elsewhere. François Croteau, Director of the “Smart” city project, said that this “urban laboratory” would “enable the different branches of public health, federal and provincial, to come in and do analyses to see the potential impacts on public health”, adding that the studies conducted to date on the subject had been “contradictory”.
121 Canada

3 Sept

The NGO Action Judiciaire contre la 5G (Legal Action Against 5G) intends to use all the legal means at its disposal to demand from all the authorities concerned an urgent halt to the deployment of the 5G wireless network, including from satellites in space: the Nuremberg Code, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act, human rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Charte des droits et libertés de la personne (Charter of Rights and Freedoms of the Person).
122 Ireland

7 Sept

Sligo County Council votes to delay the testing and rollout of 5G in the county.
123 USA

11 Sept

Cellphone Users Sue Apple and Samsung Over Radiation Exposure. Andrus Anderson in San Francisco is representing 16 plaintiffs against Apple and Samsung in a controversy some in the medical and scientific community are allegedly calling “Phone Gate.”
124 International

12 Sept

Based on data from a 2017 survey of a 6th floor apartment in Stockholm with a GSM/3G/4G LTE base station just 12 metres away, it is extrapolated that 666,000 such base stations would be needed before ICNIRP’s ludicrously high so-called safety guidelines were breached.
125 International

13 Sept

Edward Snowdon describes his role in the creation of the totalitarian surveillance state, enabling the new wave of authoritarianism by the political and commercial classes that are realizing they can use technology to influence the world on a massive scale, bringing societies’ systems under attack.
126 Switzerland

13 Sept

5G opponents block applications on 320 out of 326 antennas. 5G opponents have raised objections to almost all of the applications for planning permission for antennas.
127 UK

16 Sept

Smart meter rollout delayed by four years. The government’s deadline to have smart meters in 30 million homes by the end of 2020 has been pushed back to 2024.
128 Australia

17 Sept

TPG (Total Peripherals Group) abandons mobile network due to health fears. Chief operating executive Craig Levy says TPG had become nervous about community concerns over its small-cell 4G network rollout, concerns that he considers “rational”.
129 International

18 Sept


Hits on a single popular music video burn as much energy as 40,000 US homes use in a year. Despacito set an Internet record in April 2018 when it became the first video to hit five billion views on YouTube. The 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership (5G PPP), a joint initiative between the European Commission and European ICT industry, promises savings of up to 90% of energy per service provided. Will that be enough, since they are “facilitating very dense deployments of wireless communication links to connect over 7 trillionwireless devices”?
130 United Nations

24 Sept

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson describes the Internet of Things, “smart” cities and AI as a giant, dark thundercloud lowering oppressively over the human race, threatening a cold and heartless future in an Orwellian world designed for censorship, repression and control. He appeals for joint efforts on agreeing a common set of global principles to shape norms and standards to guide the development of emerging technology.
131 International

24 Sept

Energy demand could triple with 5G. 5G will connect billions of things and accommodating these new connections might mean masts with as many as 128 antennas, versus just four or eight on a typical 4G mast.
132 Cyprus

26 Sept

The Parliamentary Committees on Health and Environment in Cyprus hold discussions on the negative aspects of 5G. Proposals are put forward to freeze 5G deployment and keep Cyprus radiation-free as a detoxing zone attractive for tourism.
133 USA

26 Sept

Ornithologists, birdwatchers uncover staggering magnitude of bird population decline. An international team of 12 scientists analysed decades of data on bird population to find that in the last 50 years, one in four birds in North America has disappeared.
134 US


Journal Municipal Lawyerpublishes article entitled Putting the Cart Before the Horse – The FCC’s ‘5G First, Safety Second’ Policy, which states that the FCC should have completed the review of its RF standards before opening the floodgates for the deployment of hundreds of thousands of small cell transmitters for 5G. The rules adopted by the FCC in 1996 were designed to protect only against the thermal effects of RF exposure.
135 International


The authors of 5G Wireless Communication and Health Effects—A Pragmatic Review Based on Available Studies Regarding 6 to 100 GHz, funded by Deutsche Telekom, state that “The available studies do not provide adequate and sufficient information for a meaningful safety assessment, or for the question about non-thermal effects and conclude that, “In summary, the majority of studies with MMW exposures show biological responses”.
136 USA

25 Sept

Lawsuit filed over cell phone radiation. A new lawsuit claims that cell phone companies may try to hide how much radiation their devices emit. West Des Moines Iowa Attorney Bart Goplerud files lawsuit claiming that Apple and Samsung misrepresent safety risks.
137 Czech Republic

26 Sept

In the Czech parliament, Ing. Pavel Jelínk addresses the Minister of Healthregarding the dangers of 5G technologies for the health of citizens.
138 Germany


Manager magazine reports that protests by hundreds of protest groups aiming to stop 5G are hindering the multibillion 5G rollout. Mast-Hass: Wie Proteste das Multimilliardenprojekt bremsen.
139 European Parliament

1 October

MEPs Philippe Lamberts, Michèle Rivasi and Klaus Buchner invite Dr. Marc Arazi of Phonegate, Prof. Em. Martin Pall and European Stop 5G Alliance promoter Maurizio Martucci to a press conference to discuss the health risks of 5G and the precautionary principle.
140 South Africa

1 October

The Supreme Court of Appeal affirms Cape Town’s constitutional mandate to regulate and control the use of land within its municipal borders. The judgement sets an important precedent that all telecommunications service providers, inclusive of state-owned Telkom, must obtain the City’s approval prior to installing cell phone masts in Cape Town.
141 International

1 October

The first IoT privacy studyexamines the data-sharing activities of 81 different “smart” devices commonly found in people’s homes, finding that 72 of the 81 IoT devices shared data with third parties completely unrelated to the original manufacturer (and not just in the U.S. or UK).
142 France

2 October

A group of French NGOs calls for a moratorium on the rollout of 5G, saying it could “push the planet and our society into a world with out-of-control consequences”.
143 China

2 October

From 1 December 2019, Chinese citizens must pass a facial-recognition test to use the Internet as part of Beijing’s social credit system. China is due to be equipped with 626 million CCTV cameras by 2020.
144 UK

2 October

Stop 5G campaigner John Kitson addresses UKIP party conference.
145 USA

3 October

Erin Brockovich firm joins citizens 5G lawsuit brought by People’s Initiative Foundation against the FCC and the 1996 Telecom Act.
146 France

3 October

France is set to become the first European country to use facial recognition technology to give citizens a secure digital identity in a move critics say is premature given the privacy stakes.
147 UK

6 October

Town of Totnes, Devon bans installation of 5G. Totnes mayor Jacqi Hodgson, a Green Party county councillor, said: “Our concern is that there will be a much higher blanket of radiation all around us.”
148 Russia

7 October

New Russian list of EMF hazard and prohibition signs for wireless users and general public. The Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection is calling for the release of new EMF hazard warning signs for wireless users of mobile phones and other EMF sources. (Examples of stickers for wireless devices, including for pregnant women.)
149 USA

10 October

Liability claims from fires force Pacific Gas & Electric to turn off power to 700K customers. Five out of the 10 most destructive wildfires in California history were at least in part the fault of equipmentbelonging to PG&E, the utility company that delivers power to 16 million people in the top half of the state. In part because of liability claims from victims of past fires, $8.4 billion worth, PG&E is in the midst of bankruptcy.
150 UK

10 October

British household-products maker Dyson says it can’t produce an electric vehicle that’s commercially viable. Even the most established automakers have had trouble making money from electric vehicles. Research suggests automakers’ heavy investments in electrification could lead to a $60 billion drop in pre-tax profits through 2023.
151 USA

10 October

Internet service providers in the United States have spent more than $1.2 billion on lobbying since 1998, and 2018 was the biggest year so far, with a total spend of more than $80 million.
152 UK

11 October

Kingsbridge Town Council passes 5G resolution in response to requests for them to stand together with councils from Totnes, Glastonbury, and Frome and adopt a moratorium on 5G infrastructure.
153 France

11 October

French National Frequencies Agency (ANFR) announces the withdrawal from the marketand the recall of the ECHO Horizon Lite phonefollowing measures to control the specific absorption rate (SAR) “trunk”, which revealed that the authorized regulatory limit had been exceeded. This is the 18th smartphone model to be identified in France by ANFR for exceeding the SAR “trunk” or “head”.
154 UK

11 October

EM Radiation Research Trust puts UK government on notice regarding 5Gamidst profound worldwide health concerns, calling for an outright ban for risky untested 5G technology in response to the UK Government’s consultation calling for proposed reforms to the permitted development rights for the deployment of 5G to extend mobile coverage. Click here to download letter of notice.
155 USA

11 October

Telecoms want to hide detailed 5G installation maps from the public and the Feds. AT&T misled consumers about 5G availability by renaming a large portion of its 4G network “5G E”. Reporting detailed 5G maps would show just how sparse the networks are, even in cities where it’s been rolled out. Outside densely populated areas, Verizon says that 5G will be more like “good 4G.”
156 Canada

12 October

Want to curb climate change? Then get off the internet! Every day, people watch more than a billion hours of video on YouTube. Researchers at the University of Bristol calculated that in 2016, people watching videos on YouTube resulted in about 11.13 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, a standard unit of measure that indicates carbon footprint. That’s similar to the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by a city the size of Frankfurt, Germany, or Glasgow, Scotland, over a year.
157 USA

13 October

Massachusetts utility regulators investigate why one of their utility companies is not keeping its promises on solar power, electric vehicles, and cybersecurity despite significant customer rate increases.
158 UK

13 October

Council bosses argue against Government’s 5G mast-planning proposals. Blackburn with Darwen Council officials have voiced concern that local planning authorities are seeing their powers reduced.
159 Hawaii

14 October

5G drone project over Hawaii halted. Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii (RCUH) withdraws its Use Determination Application from the Lana’i Planning Commission.
160 UK

15 October

EM Radiation Research Trust sends a second letter to the British government: 5G to be or not to be? – that is the question.
161 Switzerland

15 October

Jura parliament decides to apply the precautionary principle and re-establish its moratorium on 5G.
162 Switzerland

15 October

The Swiss Federal Chancellery approves the launch of a people’s initiative, the text of which requests that the limit values set by the Ordinance on Protection against Non-Ionising Radiation should not be increased. Supporters have until 15 April 2021 to gather 100,000 signatures.
163 USA

16 October

Microsoft Says 30% of IoT projects fail in proof-of-concept stage. Security experts warn IoT’s vulnerability and 74% failure rate can cause catastrophic events.
164 Netherlands

17 October

Multi-billion-dollar liability action launched against 5G telecom companies. The Nationale Bond tegen Overheidszaken (NBO; National Union Against State Affairs) has launched a liability suit with 4,000 claimants to date. A charge is payable of €1,000 per day on which 5G is active, together with a charge of €2,000 when a 5G antenna is located within a radius of 250 metres of a claimant’s home. Each claimant may be legally entitled to an annual fee of up to €730,000 if the 5G network is activated. The action is based on earlier NBO litigation successes against the health insurance companies. The liability action is operating from 27 September to 31 October 2019.
165 France

24 Sept


The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) has been mandated to examine “the possible health impact of new technological developments, starting from the trial phase” of 5G. The results should be published before the end of 2019.
166 UK

14 October

Brighton and Hove City Council join growing list of local authorities banning 5G masts. Brighton and Hove City Council is the latest local authority in the UK to ban the installation of new 5G masts because of a perceived risk to public and ecological health.
167 France

21 October

Recommendations made by the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES)  call upon the public authorities and industry to face their health responsibilities. “Given that the SAR limit value (2W/kg) has been exceeded for a large number of phones placed on the market under the previous European directive (R&TTE) when used in contact with the trunk, the evolution of practices has led to increasing use close to the body (very small or no distance between the device and the body), and uncertainties about various long-term health effects …”
168 UK

21 October

Shepton Mallet will not see 5G rolled out in the foreseeable future after the Council blocked the idea over apparent health concerns. At a town development and planning meeting held on 8 October, Shepton Mallet Town Council invoked the precautionary principle and decided to delay any decision on 5G coming to the area.
169 UK

28 October

Did Coventry’s 5G “smart” ambulance knock birds out of the sky? (video)
170 Germany


Mayor of Bad Wiessee in Bavaria, Germany invokes precautionary principle and rejects 5G rollout. (Deutsche)
171 Australia

5 November

Smartphones and tablets are having a detrimental effect on toddlers’ speech, thinking, and reading skills.
172 USA

7 November

Six lawsuits against FCC’s 5G idiocy – that $2bn windfall for telcos – is bundled into one appeals court sueball. State and local governments are challenging the FCC’s recent imposition of a single flat-fee of $270 per site per year for installing new 5G cell nodes, as well as standardized national processes and contracts for approving new sites, thereby giving wireless carriers a $2bn discount. The FCC is also being sued by three telecoms operators – AT&T, Verizon and Sprint – because they wanted the automatic right to install their equipment once the imposed application timelines had passed.
173 Ireland

12 November

Sinn Féin supports calls for a government review into the health impacts of 5G rollout.
174 France

18 November

4 times more new cases of glioblastoma in 2018according to Public Health France. Dr. Marc Arazi, President of Alert Phonegate, says, “Over the last two decades, nearly 50,000 people have been affected in France by this extremely aggressive brain tumour, which has a very high mortality rate. It was also during this period that mobile telephony exploded and industrialists knowingly over-exposed us to the waves of our mobile phones. … Public authorities can no longer deny the evidence and must urgently protect the health of tens of millions of users.
175 Australia

19 November

Telco Telstra has called on the government to help combat a misinformation campaign on the health risks of 5G that has been carried out “on a scale we have not seen” before, driven by social media. Mike Wood, Telstra’s principal for electromagnetic energy strategy, governance and risk, said, “[People] often don’t trust Telstra”.
176 Spain

19 November


Spain starts tracking mobiles but denies spying. Millions of Spanish mobile phone users are being tracked this week as part of the government’s census, in a move that critics fear is a step closer towards spying on the population. Statistics agency INE insists the eight-day project is anonymous and aimed at getting a better idea of where Spaniards go during the day and night. The three biggest mobile companies are taking part in the scheme. They say that by handing over the data they are not breaking any laws.
177 Russia

20 November


Federation Council announces preparation of a law governing electromagnetic radiation. “We are now starting work on a law that would regulate electromagnetic radiation, said Senator Vladimir Krugly. Earlier, Russian scientists completed a 14-year study on the effects of radiation from smartphones and cell phones on children and concluded that they negatively affect the health of the younger generation.
178 US

20 November

Sacopee Valley (Maine) 8th grade science class investigates WiFi. Proof of the danger to life of WiFi.
179 International

21 November

Amnesty International: “Surveillance giants” Facebook & Google “threaten human rights” with data-grabbing. Tech titans Google and Facebook employ “surveillance-based business models” that threaten human rights and erode privacy worldwide, Amnesty International said in a new report, calling for an end to the data-grabs.
180 Russia

24 November

Crew calls for help as co-pilot falls ill mid-flight in Russia and dies just after emergency landing. Aviation health & safety in the digital age – radio-frequency (RF) exposure from mobile devices and in flight WiFi : A new human factor?
181 France

24 November

France issues decree and order on exposure to waves emitted by radioelectric equipment. “Tablets, connected watches, radio-controlled toys… From 1 July 2020, the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) will be displayed on all radioelectric equipment likely to be used in the vicinity of the human body (up to 20 centimetres). To date, this display requirement only applies to mobile phone devices.” The permissible SAR limit values are:

·       2 W/kg (watts per kilogram) for head and trunk

·       4 W/kg for limbs

Reminder: In an opinion dated 21 October 2019, the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) states that some expert reports highlight biological effects on brain activity when exposed to a SAR level above 2 W/kg.

182 US

24 November

Cell tower company President tells child she will not get cancer if tower is installed at her school even though his son got leukemia and his school had a tower (video). [Note that he does not say that there is no evidence – he says that there is no “credible evidence that his son got cancer from that cell tower.] Cancer clusters near cell towers have been reported at locations all over the world.  It’s not unreasonable that people everywhere – including elected officials – are trying to prevent them from being installed near schools.
183 Australia

24 November

City of Sydney’s submission to government 5G enquiry: “We will not be willing to sacrifice trees in favour of network performance. Similarly, we need to consider the aesthetic and physical impacts of a potentially large volume of physical infrastructure which is located based on network performance only.”
184 US

25 November

Veteran investigative journalist shows how “astroturf” or fake grassroots movements, funded by political, corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages.
185 Ireland

27 November

Laois County to suspend 5G deployment due to health concerns and non-coverage by insurance companies.
186 Switzerland

27 November

Glaciologist and climatologist Célia Sapart: using “smart” phones connected to the Internet two hours daily produces twice as much greenhouse gases as a return flight Europe/New York.
187 Greece

2 December

Town of Kalamata in Greece votes to not renew the contract for a 5G pilot programme on its expiry at the end of 2019.
188 USA

4 December

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) declines to amend existing radiofrequency (RF) limits.
189 USA

9 December

European Union Agency for Cybersecurity describes a taxonomy of threats. Legal (LEG): This threat category is defined as “legal actions of third parties … in order to prohibit actions or compensate for loss based on applicable law”. [Does this cover Stop 5G activists?]
190 Italy

10 December

100 Italian municipalities officially stop densified 4G/5G by adopting the precautionary principle according to article 32 of the Italian constitution and moratoria.
191 USA

11 December

As 5G rolls out, troubling new security flaws emerge. Researchers have identified 11 new vulnerabilities in 5G—with time running out to fix them.
192 UK

11 December

Hundreds of dead birds found in North Wales, where 5G is now available. About 225 starlings were discovered with blood on their bodies in a lane on Anglesey, North Wales. A witness said it was as if “they had dropped down dead from the sky”.
193 France

12 December

French lawmakers pass amendment to inform broadband users of data usage carbon footprint. The Internet’s energy and carbon footprints are estimated to exceed those of air travel.
194 UK

12 December

“5G genocide” message finally penetrates BBC propaganda wall. Independent candidate in UK election John Kitson exposes the 5G genocide on BBC television.
195 USA

12 December

San Diego suspends face recognition program, limits Immigration and Customs Enforcement access to criminal justice data. A new law in California, A.B.1215 creates a three-year moratorium on law enforcement use of face recognition connected with cameras carried by police officers.
196 USA

14 December

Lawsuit Irregulators vs. FCC alleges theft and redirection of estimated $1 trillion in funds by the US telecom industry and FCC to enable 5G rollout. America’s households and businesses have been charged at least nine times for broadband/fiber optic services, including the wiring of schools, libraries, and hospitals — about $4000-$7000 per household, and the total is way over ½ trillion dollars by 2016. (Book)
197 Russia

14 December

Russian Ministry of Education reports that 25% of Russian schools have banned cell phone use during class. 61% of students, 89% of parents and 90% of teachers expressed support for limiting the use of mobile phones in the classroom.
198 UK

16 December

Taiwan has removed 1,700 towers from a heavily populated area due to miscarriages, cancers, neurological damage, depression and suicide. (Conference with Barrie Trower: The truth about 5G and WiFi)

Subject index: 2019 5G-related news

For easy reference, you may download the PDF version of this article here.

5G called “a public health experiment” 21 ICNIRP Chair: 5G a public health experiment
120 Canada: François Croteau, Director of the “Smart” city project in Montreal calls 5G rollout “urban laboratory” enabling experimentation on humans
5G not economically viable 5 Taiwan’s five wireless carriers not rushing to roll out 5G – no profitable business model
149 US: Liability claims from fires force Pacific Gas & Electric to turn off power to 700K customers
150 UK: British household-products maker Dyson cannot produce commercially viable electric vehicle
163 US: Microsoft says 30% of IoT projects fail in proof-of-concept stage. Security experts warn IoT’s vulnerability and 74% failure rate can cause catastrophic events
Aviation 38 33 year-old dies inexplicably on long-haul flight
180 Russia: Co-pilot falls ill mid-flight and dies just after emergency landing
Bad news for 5G 11 Russia Today America airs 7 reports on 5G dangers
20 PACE to UN: 30-40% increase in radiation limits for 5G
29 Release of documentary 5G Apocalypse: The Extinction Event
33 Russian Ministry of Defence refuses to transfer 5G frequencies
52 USA: NOAA & NASA criticize FCC over 5G: US weather forecasting capabilities would be set back decades
74 US: 5G installer: 5G 15,000 times more powerful
85 France: Baby-clothing firm launches clothing line to protect babies from EMFs
92 California Assembly Bill 272 asks schools to limit or prohibit student smartphone use
116 Russian Defence Ministry refuses to hand over frequencies for 5G
124 International: article estimates 666,000 base stations would be needed to breach ICNIRP’s ludicrously high guidelines
148 New Russian list of EMF hazard and prohibition signs for wireless users and general public
167 French Agency calls on public authorities and industry to face their health responsibilities
177 Russia prepares new law on electromagnetic radiation
181 France issues decree and order on exposure to waves emitted by radioelectric equipment.
194 “5G genocide” message finally penetrates BBC propaganda wall
197 Russian Ministry of Education reports that 25% of Russian schools have banned cell phone use during class.
191 As 5G rolls out, troubling new security flaws emerge
Corruption 9 Investigate Europe reports on ICNIRP corruption
66 Europe: EMFOff exposé of corruption at WHO
151 US: Internet service providers spent over $1.2 billion on lobbying since 1998
Excessive energy usage / climate change implications 50 US: two studies: 5G network could exponentially increase energy consumption
58 Germany: Minister for Environment: digitalisation will fuel environmental problems
129 5 billion Youtube hits on 1 music video burn as much energy as 40,000 US homes use in 1 year
131 Energy demand could triple with 5G
156 In 2016, people watching videos on YouTube consumed same amount of greenhouse gases as city of Frankfurt, Germany in 1 year
186 Using “smart” phones twice as bad for climate as return flight Europe/New York
193 French lawmakers pass amendment to inform broadband users of data usage carbon footprint
Fake news on 5G 96 Telcos launch international propaganda war of fake news, starting with New York Times, blaming Russians
184 US: Veteran investigative journalist shows how political, corporate, or other special interests manipulate news
Health consequences of wireless technology and 5G 3 Autism
2 Exposure to Cell Phone and Wireless WiFi Radiation Can Reduce Impulse Control and Cause Violence
4 Irritable behaviour
7 Vienna EMF injuries
15 Italian Court: brain tumour caused by cell phone
16 US Senator Blumenthal: no safety studies on 5G
19 Swiss  study: “smart” phones may impair memory in teens
27 Insurers announce premature death trend
77 US suicide rates at highest level since World War II; life expectancy – first three-year drop since 1915-1918
83 UK: Glastonbury festival-goers guinea pigs in 5G trial
103 Swiss mainstream magazine L’Illustréreports first 5G injuries
109 US: Cardiology Magazine: “smart” phones promote obesity
115 Children’s exposure to magnetic fields from cell phones breaches WHO safety limit by a factor of 20,000
113 Medical doctor warns that cell phone use of teenagers and children is disabling compassion and empathy
117 Kuwait Timeshighlights 5G health threats
171 Smartphones and tablets detrimental to toddlers’ speech, thinking, and reading skills
174 France: 4 times more new cases of glioblastoma in 2018
182 US: Cell tower company President tells child she will not get cancer if tower is installed at her school
198 Taiwan has removed 1,700 towers from a heavily populated area due to miscarriages, cancers, neurological damage, depression and suicide
Lawmakers questioning 5G 10 US: Congresswomen introduce Bill to block FCC cell tower pre-emption
34 US: Congressman Kim sends a letter re noting radiofrequency regulations
45 France: Lawmaker Lecoq raises risks posed by the 5G
46 US: Representative DeFazio writes to FCC & FDA re health effects of RF radiation
47 US: Congressman Suozzi writes to FCC re 5G hazards
73 UK: Shadow Minister Drew asks about 5G liability & health and safety implications
76 US: Pennsylvania lawmakers cancel vote on proposed legislation to facilitate 5G infrastructure
78 UK: parliamentary committee discusses health effects of 5G
80 US: State of New Hampshire asks questions 5G
81 US: Senator Feinstein introduces bill to repeal FCC rules limiting state and local government control over telecom infrastructure
107 United Nations: Human Rights Council invites inputs on impacts of digital technologies on human rights
137 Czech Republic: Lawmaker addresses Minister of Health on 5G dangers
139 European Parliament: MEPs hold press conference on health risks of 5G
161 Jura parliament re-establishes moratorium on 5G
162 Swiss Federal Chancellery approves launch of a people’s initiative to prevent increase in exposure limits
Legal cases against 5G / liability 13 Italy: Ministries have six months to launch information campaigns on mobile phone risks
17 US: 21 US cities/regions restrict “small cell” installations
23 Class action lawsuit against the FCC by 62 entities and municipalities across US
41 US: California Supreme Court supports municipal authority to make regulations
42 US California Supreme Court Justices unanimously uphold a 2011 San Francisco ordinance requiring telecommunications companies to get permits before placing antennas on city infrastructure
53 French farmers sue state over cow deaths linked with EMFs
55 A legal opinion by a Danish law firm states that rolling out 5G is illegal under EU and international law
56 Denmark: Danish group sues Danish state over 5G
65 US: Thousands of lawsuits against FCC) over the constitutional overreach in 5G rollout
82 France: Court issues decision protecting EHS people from “smart” meters
86 US: Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirms City of Berkeley’s right to require cell phone retailers to warn customers about cell phone safety guidelines
97 France: NGO Alert Phonegate launches class action lawsuit against telco Nokia for exceeding SAR
104 US: US Court of Appeals for D.C. Circuit blasts FCC
105 US: Oregon state legislative assembly declares health emergency over RF-radiation in schools and demands report
106 US: Natural Resources Defense Council, & others win victory against FCC for illegally eliminating historic-preservation and environmental review for 5G rollout
111 Spain: Ombudsman: National 5G Plan needed environmental assessment
112 US: Viewers of the 5G Crisis Awareness and Accountability Summit send over 200,000 liability letters to lawmakers
119 US: T-Mobile cancels 5G installation nationwide, blaming lawsuits
121 Canada: NGO Action Judiciaire contre la 5Gprepares legal action over 5G rollout
123 US: Cell phone users sue Apple and Samsung over radiation exposure
136 US: Lawsuit filed over cell phone radiation
140 South Africa: Supreme Court of Appeal:  telcos service must obtain the Cape Town’s approval prior to installing cell phone masts
145 US: Erin Brockovich firm joins citizens 5G lawsuit against FCC and 1996 Telecom Act
153 French National Frequencies Agency (ANFR) announces recall of ECHO Horizon Lite phone
164 Netherlands: Multi-billion-dollar liability action launched against 5G telecom companies
154 UK: EM Radiation Research Trust puts UK government on notice regarding 5G
160 UK: EM Radiation Research Trust sends 2nd letter to UK government
172 Six lawsuits against FCC’s $2bn windfall for telcos bundled into one appeals court sueball
196 Lawsuit Irregulators vs. FCC alleges theft and redirection of estimated $1 trillion in funds by the US telecom industry and FCC to enable 5G rollout
Local councils opposing 5G 24 Netherlands: Utrecht City Council
26 Guernsey: Call to halt 5G technology
30 US: Portland, Oregon
31 Italy: Florence applies precautionary principle
32 Italy: Roman district
35 Belgium: Brussels
43 Switzerland: Canton of Vaud adopts moratorium on 5G
44 Switzerland: Geneva adopts motion for moratorium on 5G
75 Ireland: Clare County Council
183 Australia: Sydney not willing to sacrifice trees for 5G
185 Ireland: Laois County
187 Greece: Kalamata
62 US: State of Louisiana
69 Switzerland: Canton of Fribourg introduces a licensing requirement for 5G antennas
72 UK: Glastonbury Town Council
89 Italy: 60 regions, autonomous provinces and municipalities question 5G, 14 municipalities approve Stop 5G resolutions or motions
91 Switzerland: Canton of Zug suspends 5G licensing
98 Ireland: Roscommon County Council
99 Switzerland: Green party in Lausanne insists on precautionary principle
118 Ireland: Leitrim County Council
122 Ireland: Sligo County Council votes to delay 5G rollout
126 Switzerland: 5G opponents block applications on 320 out of 326 antennas
127 UK: “Smart” meter rollout delayed four years
132 Cyprus: Proposals to freeze 5G deployment
142 Ireland: Councillor calls for more debate on 5G
144 UK: Stop 5G campaigner John Kitson addresses UKIP party conference
147 UK: Totnes, Devon
152 UK: Kingsbridge Town Council
158 UK: Blackburn with Darwen Council officials voice concern over reduced local planning powers
159 Hawaii: 5G drone project halted
166 UK: Brighton and Hove City Council
168 UK: Shepton Mallet Town Council invokes precautionary principle and delays any decision on 5G
170 Germany: Bad Wiessee
173 Ireland: Sinn Féin party supports call for a government review into the health impacts of 5G rollout
190 100 Italian municipalities adopt 5G moratoria
Mistrust 1 International Telecommunication Union (ITU) urges harmonisation of exposure limits
64 Global Disinformation Index shows success of Stop 5G pushback
93 Australian telcos brace for public backlash against 5G
105 5G: Implications on the Battlefield: Finabel reports why 5G is vital to the military
108 US: Chicago Tribune: popular cell phones over legal safety limit for radiofrequency radiation
114 US: Tesla solar panels catching fire
155 US: Telcos want to hide detailed 5G installation maps from the public and the Feds
175 Australia: Telco Telstra asks for government help to sell 5G to public because people don’t trust them
189 European Union Agency for Cybersecurity describes legal actions of third parties as a threat. [Does this apply to Stop 5G activists?]
101 5G: Implications on the battlefield
188 FCC declines to amend existing radiofrequency (RF) limits.
189 European Union Agency for Cybersecurity defines a threat category as “legal actions of third parties”. [Does this cover Stop 5G activists?]
Official health reports commissioned – failure to invoke precautionary principle 6 Swiss government commissions health report for publication by end of 2019
22 WHO to assess brain tumour link
28 German Federal Office for Radiation Protection: 5G will expose people to much higher radiation
36 US: Unprecedented 3in millennials’ health in late 20s
40 Netherlands: Radiation research needed before approval of 5G
102 Austrian government commissions health study on 5G
Official reports criticising 5G 8 Austria: Court of Auditors slams corrupt “smart” meter contract award
18 US: Sierra Club California Conservation Committee opposes 5G
37 EU report: 5G: complex interference effects … in dense urban areas
48 Swiss Federal Office for Environment sends letter to all cantonal governments
49 Swiss government announces monitoring system on 5G impact
59 France: Health authority: LED lights cause blindness
51 WHO: International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) announces reassessment of radiofrequency in list of carcinogenic agents
54 Swiss Re insurer expects increase in liability claims and potential catastrophic damage from 5G
90 Swiss legal opinion: Government’s modification of ordinance for 5G illegal
55 Danish legal opinion: 5G illegal under EU and int. law
134 Journal Municipal Lawyer: FCC should have completed review of its RF standards before allowing 5G
135 Study funded by Deutsche Telekom: majority of studies with MMW exposures show biological responses
157 US: Massachusetts utility regulators investigate utility companies empty promises despite customer rate increases
165 French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) to report on health impacts of 5G by end of 2019
Pushback against 5G 39 Germany: 54,600 Germans sign stop 5G petition
68 Australia: Stop 5G Action Plan unveiled
84 European Stop 5G Alliance founded with 19 country members
128 Australia: TPG abandons mobile network due to health fears
138 Germany: Managermagazine: 5G protests hindering multibillion 5G rollout
Space 95 EU: Galileo, the EU global navigation satellite system, non-operational for at least four days
Surveillance / Privacy implications 14 US court: mother can sue over fingerprinting of her child
61 Lawsuit over Apple selling iTunes listening data
67 Canadian Civil Liberties Association files court application to stop “smart city” mass-capture surveillance and commoditization of personal data
125 Edward Snowdon describes creation of totalitarian surveillance state
141 IoT privacy study: 72 of the 81 IoT devices shared data with third parties
143 China: Chinese citizens must pass a facial-recognition test to use the Internet
146 France to become first European country to use facial recognition technology
176 Spain starts tracking mobile phones but denies spying
179 Amnesty International: Surveillance giants Facebook & Google threaten human rights with data-grabbing
195 San Diego suspends face recognition program, limits Immigration and Customs Enforcement access to criminal justice data. A new law in California, A.B.1215 creates a three-year moratorium on law enforcement use of face recognition connected with cameras carried by police officers.
Vigilantism 63 France: LED lamp post destroyed
70 Russia: Man saws down cell tower
71 Switzerland: Telephone antenna destroyed
87 Russia: Woman in Urals tries to burn down communications tower
Warnings 25 Astrophysicist Aurélien Barrau: 5G kills
57 Meteorologists warn 5G could affect weather forecasting
88 Prof. Em. Martin L. Pall 5G warns: societal collapse within months of 5G rollout
94 Russia: President Putin emphasizes environmental risks of new technologies
110 Chairman of Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection warns: 5G a slow Hiroshima
130 United Nations: UK Prime Minister warns re Internet of Things, “smart” cities and AI
142 France: NGOs call for 5G moratorium, warn of “out-of-control consequences”
Wildlife / flora and fauna 12 EU SCHEER report rates the potential effects on wildlife of increases in electromagnetic radiation from 5G a maximum 3 in terms of scale, urgency and interactions with other ecosystems and species
79 France: Catastrophic year for French honey
100 US: video: Bees dropping out of sky near cell towers
133 US: In the last 50 years, one in four birds in North America has disappeared
178 US: 8th grade science class proves danger to life of Wi-Fi
169 UK: Birds drop out of sky after hospital starts “smart” ambulance service
192 Hundreds of dead birds found in North Wales, where 5G is now available.


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Claire Edwards, BA Hons, MA, worked for the United Nations as Editor and Trainer in Intercultural Writing from 1999 to 2017. Claire warned the Secretary-General about the dangers of 5G during a meeting with UN staff in May 2018, calling for a halt to its rollout at UN duty stations.  She part-authored, designed, administered the 30 language versions, and edited the entirety of the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space ( and vigorously campaigned to promote it throughout 2019. In January 2020, she severed connection with the Appeal when its administrator, Arthur Firstenberg, joined forces with a third-party group, stop5ginternational, which brought itself into disrepute at its foundation by associating with the Club of Rome/Club of Budapest eugenicist movement. She is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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We Are the Majority; We Must Turn that into Power

December 30th, 2019 by Kevin Zeese

Over the last decade, a national consensus has developed for a progressive left agenda on the economy, social services, the climate crisis and ending wars but the movement has not yet built the power to make that a reality. The next decade will be ripe with opportunities for transformational change due to a combination of expanding popular movements as well as escalating crisis situations.

Positive change will only occur if these movements evolve into an organized popular movement that truly represents the people’s interests against the elites. The movement must protect the planet at this critical time of climate crisis against the profiteering of the planet-plundering capitalist class. We must stand against continued militarism, bloated and wasteful weapons spending, military conflict and regime change imperialism.

The movement must be clear about which side we are on, the people’s side, put forward a vision of a future that draws the masses — including members of the power structure — and be organized to fight for our vision.

People have the power; protest in Ferguson City Hall in 2014.

We Have Built National Consensus

Since the Occupy-era of 2011, the movement has grown, not disappeared as many in the media would lead you to believe. People have been working more deeply on multiple fronts of struggle building national consensus.  Below we review some key issues where consensus has been achieved but where we still need to build the power to enact change.

Reducing Inequality

The Occupy Movement highlighted the 99 percent vs. the 1 percent. It was a class war, out in the open, with the people fighting back for the first time in decades. The US has become one of the most unequal societies in history resulting in movements against inequality growing. There is now support for taxing the wealthy with Gallup data showing that 62 percent of people in the US say “upper-income people” pay too little in taxes. Further, 69 percent say that corporations are paying too little in taxes. Other polling shows that over three-quarters of US workers believe that CEOs make too much and that about the same percentage of all people (74 percent) say that CEOs are overpaid.

The support for progressive policies confronting inequality is expressed not only in the campaigns of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren but even Joe Biden, a corporate centrist Democrat, has had to at least rhetorically agree, saying: “Economic inequality is pulling this country apart. We need stronger labor laws and a tax code that rewards a middle class that’s been cut out of decades of economic growth — not just the wealthy, who have gotten too many tax breaks for too long.” And, Donald Trump won the election in part by playing to the economic insecurity of working people, unfair corporate trade and against the elites in DC.

Despite this, over the last decade, the wealthy have benefitted under Democrats and Republicans, while the workers have struggled. Donald Trump and the Republicans have put in place the most regressive tax policy in US history. Last year, ninety-one Fortune 500 Companies paid $0.00 in federal income taxes.  Over the last decade, the 400 wealthiest people’s fortunes doubled while tax rates dropped. This has led to the unjust reality that the 400 richest US families paid a lower tax rate than working people. When looked at through a racial prism, inequality is worse than it was in 1979, when it was already a crisis. This is not just Trump, the wealthiest have not paid their fair share in decades. For workers, a so-called booming economy has meant more bad jobs and a faster race to the bottom.

In the last year, the world’s 500 richest people gained $1.2 trillion in wealth.  Sam Pizzigati writes if we confronted inequality and put in place policies like Japan, the third wealthiest country in the world, the median net worth of people in the US “would triple, from $66,000 to $199,000.” We need to build political power to create a more fair economy. The Next Systems project highlights some of the places where that is happening.

Nurses, doctors, and medical students demonstrated outside the annual meeting of the American Medical Association in Chicago on Saturday, demanding the group “get out of the way” in the fight for a Medicare for All program. (Photo: National Nurses United/Twitter)

Putting in Place Improved Medicare for All

Another issue that has popular political support and is a top concern of people is the crisis in US healthcare. National Improved Medicare for all has transformative potential that will shrink inequality and cut poverty by 20 percent while providing high-quality healthcare to everyone.

The scam of the Affordable Care Act formalized an unequal health system, giving names to inequality — platinum, gold, silver, and bronze plans — while giving hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies to the corrupt insurance industry and allowing pharmaceuticals and hospitals to charge exorbitant prices. Although the power structure has tried to confuse the issue, polls show majority support for ‘Medicare for All’ even when they say it will replace private plans. No poll accurately describes improved Medicare for all as cutting healthcare costs for people or says that people will never lose their healthcare again, instead, the media and bi-partisan insurance-funded politicians spew false information. Improved Medicare for all has gone from a pipe dream to mainstream as the movement has made the issue a litmus test for their presidential nomination with 84 percent of Democratic voters saying it is a priority issue.

No matter who is elected, the improved Medicare for all movement will need to continue to build its power. The insurance industry and others who profit from the status quo are resisting change in a classic battle of corporate money vs. the people. The single-payer movement has a strategy to win and has successfully turned attacks against those who oppose us. If we continue to organize, Medicare for all has the potential to become an unstoppable political issue.


Confronting the Climate Crisis

The last decade was the Earth’s hottest ever, marked by extreme storms, and deadly wildfiresThousands of scientists have been issuing emergencywarnings about irreversible changes as they see tipping points are approachingwith frightening prospects, especially for those who are young and will live through escalating storms, floods, droughts, fires and more.  Youth rank responding to the climate crisis as the most vital issue of our times.

Despite this, the staggering failure of political leadership continues as we saw at the most recent UN climate meeting. The crisis emanates from the US where two-thirds of new oil and gas is produced. Failed bi-partisan US leadership on the climate crisis makes resistance imperative. People have been responding in the US and globally with escalating protests including days of action involving the largest protests ever involving more than six million people.Now we need to move from protest to power.

Responding to the climate crisis requires major transformations in the US economy as multiple sectors — energy, transportation, housing, manufacturing, agriculture, banking, among others — will have to transition. There is a growing understanding of what needs to be done with the most detailed plan coming from Green candidate, Howie Hawkins’ ecosocialist Green New Deal. Last week, Stanford researchers put forward Green New Deal plans for 143 countries. Here are ten immediate steps for the next president.

We need to defeat the illusion that corporations and corporate governance can solve the climate crisis. Once again, it is a battle of the people vs. corporate power. To save the planet we must overcome the ruling elites.

Ending Militarism

US militarism is exacerbating the climate crisis. While we can’t confront climate change while lavishly funding the Pentagon that is not the only reason to end US militarism.  The recent release of the Afghan Papers showed us that the longest war in US history, Afghanistan, has been a lie. Pentagon spending, now over 60 percent of discretionary spending, has been escalating for decades and most recently a record bi-partisan Pentagon budget was passed while the people were distracted with impeachment.

The US military is planning a war with ChinaNATO is looking for new enemiesto justify its existence and the US is expanding its weapons race to outer space. While human needs go unmet and underfunded, the military is given a blank check despite failing its only financial audit.

It is not only wars and militarism that must be dismantled, but the US foreign policy of domination and empire must come to an end. This includes regime change campaigns as currently being attempted in Venezuela, Iran, and Bolivia, and recent years in Nicaragua, Ukraine, and Syria. The illegal use of unilateral coercive measures, which the US calls sanctions but which are another form of war, kill tens of thousands annually.

US empire is failing. It has resulted in militarized police and led to racist policekillings. The movement to end war is growing and having victories like stopping the Trump military parade but we need to put forward a vision for a peace economy that ends the era of global military bases. A better jobs program than the military is putting in place a Green New Deal, building urgently needed housing, remaking infrastructure and providing for human needs. The era of wasteful spending on a bloated and unnecessary military must come to an end.

An Era of Transformation is Upon Us

These are just some of the issues where consensus is being achieved and where change is urgently needed. Crises are resulting in movement building over the resurgence of racism, racist mass incarceration and drug wars as well as police violence in black and brown communities, the mistreatment of workers leading to record days on strike, the crises in homelessness, poverty and housing, deep student debt, environmental degradation beyond the climate crisis, and the crisis in US democracy, are some others.

One could look at today and be depressed at seeing no opportunity for change. In reality, these crises are opportunities for transformational changes to build a better world for ourselves and future generations. This contradiction is highlighted in a recent dialogue between long-time activist George Lakey and a young organizer Yotam Marom. Marom had a hard time accepting Lakey’s claim that “There’s no other time I’d rather be alive.” Lakey explains why we are in a better position than movements were in the 60s and 70s to make deeper transformational change. He sees current polarization as an opportunity, as well as the issues discussed in this article, the state of the movement, training available to activists and how crises will force change. Of course, there is no guarantee regarding our success but there is potential — potential we can realize.

We are building toward being a movement that can make transformational changes over the next decade. There are opportunities to organize in our communities, connect with others throughout the country and around the world. The potential of a movement of movements linking issues that seem unrelated is being realized. We are building solidarity from person-to-person across movements and across borders. Together we can build the power to create a new world.


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Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers co-direct Popular Resistance where this article was originally published.

All images in this article are from Popular Resistance

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Six years ago, at the age of 95, the revolutionary, outspoken, anti-apartheid former president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela passed away. During his lifetime Mandela was a fierce skeptic of American power, U.S. imperialism, policies and ideology.

When the United States was preparing to invade Iraq in 2002 Mandela said, “If you look at those matters, you will come to the conclusion that the attitude of the United States of America is a threat to world peace.” Seventeen years later, multiple wars and “regime change” operations have proven that U.S. administrations have since continued to threaten world peace.

In 2003, just a few months before the Iraq war Mandela said,

“It is a tragedy, what is happening, what Bush is doing. But Bush is now undermining the United Nations. If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America. They don’t care for human beings. Who are they now to pretend that they are the policemen of the world, the ones that should decide for the people of Iraq what should be done with their government and their leadership?”

Mandela would agree that although U.S. administration may change, their desire to destroy countries in order to pillage their oil and natural resources is a constant characteristic deeply imbedded in American exceptionalism.

When the Obama administration set out to unseat Syria’s President, Bashar al Assad in 2011, destroying Syria for Israel’s sake was just one of the many intentions, others included installing a puppet leader who would allow the United States full access to Syria’s oil reserves and undermine pipeline plans.

When it became clear that their “regime change” mission had failed even with hundreds of thousands of NATO-US-Saudi-Israeli-Turkish backed terrorists being deployed to fight against the Syrian Arab Army and their allies, the Trump administration shifted their focus on illegally controlling and stealing Syrian oil, claiming they were “protecting” it from terrorists, how ironic.

Syria is now considering suing the United States for stealing Syrian oil. Last week political and media advisor to President Bashar al Assad, Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban mentioned how the United States has a long history of plundering other nation’s resources, although they do not admit it. She also said that President Trump has been transparent in his desire to pillage Iraqi and Syrian oil with a total lack of respect for their sovereignty and the fact that Syrian oil belongs to the Syrian people. She said that Syrian oil and land will be liberated from the Americans, Turks, and everyone else.

This has been a consistent message coming from Damascus for years now, that every inch of Syria will be liberated of terrorists, occupiers, and foreign invaders. Most of the country has already been liberated just as promised, it’s only a matter of time before the last terrorist stronghold Idlib will be liberated as well. Once this happens the US-backed Kurdish militias in the northeastern region will be dealt with in a diplomatic and political way or militarily. The United States has made it clear that they do not support their separatist ambitions, they are simply being used to control the oil fields and supposedly keep an eye on Daesh prisoners.

Dr. Shaaban also explicitly mentioned that the Syrian government is considering taking possible legal measures on an international level and file a suit against the United states for stealing Syrian oil and violating Syrian sovereignty. Syrian oil is important for funding reconstruction efforts in Syria and shouldn’t be sold by the Kurdish militias (with US consent) to Israel at a bargain.

In a just and fair world where Kangaroo courts didn’t reign supreme, not only would Syria be able to sue the United States and all the other nations that have tried to destroy it’s historical existence during this western-manufactured war, but culprits would be charged with war crimes for the over half of a million deaths that have ensued in Syria.

In 2017, the United States committed numerous documented war crimes in Syria. On March 21st a US airstrike on a school in Raqqa province killed at least thirty Syrian civilians. A week prior, US warplanes fired on al-Jinah, a village in western Aleppo province, killing forty-nine people in a mosque where people were having their weekly prayer. On April 4th, following the Khan Sheikhoun chemical attack which was carried out by the Al Qaeda white helmets and pinned on the Syrian government, President Trump ordered an airstrike of 59 tomahawk cruise missiles to be fired at the Shayrat airbase. Starting in June of 2017 the US-backed coalition used white phosphorus on civilians in Raqqa.

In November 2019, Wikileaks published a leaked email from an OPCW whistleblower stating that the US fabricated evidence about the Syrian government using chemical weapons against its own citizens in Douma, to justify launching 100 joint airstrikes with the UK and France on April 14, 2018 that hit three targets in Syria.

This is just a glimpse into the war crimes committed by the United States in Syria and doesn’t take into consideration the massive amounts of financial support, weaponry, training, etc. that Free Syrian Army terrorists and their affiliated counterparts received from their American sponsors nor the support that the Kurdish militias who have worked with these terrorist militias in Syria continue to receive.

If the International Criminal Court (ICC) wasn’t plagued with corruption like all other United Nations related organizations, then the intergovernmental organization and international tribunal in The Hague, would prosecute individuals for their international crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocidal crimes, and crimes of aggression. Unfortunately, when the judge and jury are bought and paid for, justice is nothing more than an illusion.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Sarah Abed is an independent journalist and analyst.

Featured image is from Al Masdar News

Holding Pens for the Homeless

December 30th, 2019 by John Clarke

Homelessness is spinning out of control in many places, not least right here in Toronto. However, in California, the situation is now generating an acute political crisis. So great is the problem of mass destitution in that state that whole urban areas are facing a threat to public health and a level of social dislocation that undermines public order and the basic level of social stability needed for capitalism to conduct business. Trump’s Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is reporting an increase in the homeless population of California of 16.4% over the course of the last year and alarm bells are ringing the corridors of power. The human misery of destitution has now reached such levels that the cash registers are being affected.

When a hard right champion of the austerity agenda like HUD Secretary Ben Carson says that he wants to ensure homeless people “go to the places that are designed to help them get out of that situation,” it is very necessary to anticipate what he might have in mind. The Trump Administration is “considering moving homeless people in California off the streets and into unused federal buildings.” This could be interpreted in several ways but the political character of those involved leads to a very strong suspicion that what is being contemplated is not a supply of social housing but, rather, a round up of those who have been thrown on the streets, so as to place them against their will in holding pens for homeless people.

The above mentioned Mr. Carson is not known for the depth of his social analysis. To him, broken and sinful misfits are getting in the way of profitable business dealings and need to be taken somewhere where no one will see them. His moral assumptions are quite impervious to any consideration of the actual factors driving this homeless crisis. If he were presented with an explanation of “the rising cost of housing, coupled with wage stagnation at the lower end of the income spectrum that has led to a housing affordability crisis across Southern California” the HUD Secretary’s eyes would simply glaze over.

The same factors, that have put 36,300 people onto the streets of Los Angeles, are playing out across North America and on the other side of the Atlantic. The British Medical Journal is clear that, “Austerity policies lie at heart of soaring homelessness and related health harms.” The US Coalition for the Homeless informs usthat “an estimated one third of homeless families in New York City are working but unable to afford market-rate rents” and that the number of shelter residents who are employed has shot up. The role of “soaring housing prices” in putting people onto the streets of Vancouver is abundantly clear. Escalating homelessness is, in fact, an inevitable effect of the convergence of the agenda of austerity, coupled with the extreme commodification of housing in what has come to be known as the “neoliberal city.”

Repression vs Concession

Margaret Thatcher’s infamous suggestion that there’s no such thing as society was the product of some highly selective reasoning on her part. She certainly was not signalling an intention to disband the police forces or military. Nor did she intend to fling open the doors of the prisons. What she actually meant was that the state’s secondary role in the area of social provision needed to be drastically reduced in line with the needs of the neoliberal agenda. The state has always ensured public order by way of some mix of meeting peoples’ needs and applying physical coercion. If the social infrastructure is to be weakened, the readiness and ability to resort to the billy club must be increased. The neoliberal decades have seen hugely increased rates of incarceration (most strikingly in the US) and the favouring of police budgets over social spending.

This increased use of the repressive power of the state has certainly been brought to bear on the homeless populations that the agenda of neoliberal austerity has produced. As destitution has assumed ever more serious proportions, governing authorities devoted to the neoliberal reordering of urban space, have predictably favoured the authoritarian option when it comes to trying to contain the problem. So, with Toronto’s homeless shelters bursting at the seams, and people forced to try and survive outside, City Hall has put a premium on raiding and dispersing homeless encampments. When a right wing Tory government in Ontario introduced the Safe Streets Act in the 1990s, it was rightly regarded as a draconian attack on people forced to ask for spare change on the street. No one would have imagined, however, that this legislation would survive fifteen years of Liberal rule and be used far more extensively today than its original sponsors ever anticipated. Meanwhile, in British Columbia, the Mayor of Nanaimo publicly ruminates on the forced institutionalization of homeless people.

So it is that, in California, where the intensity of the homeless crisis runs ahead of the grim situation in other parts of North America, the neoliberal agenda’s ‘collateral damage’ creates a defining moment. It appears that the Trump Administration favours the razing of the extensive network of homeless camps and the placing of those driven from them in “temporary government facilities.” Some local politicians, however, are alarmed at the prospect of such rampant authoritarianism and favour a significant concession that would ensure a significant part of the homeless population are housed. The dilemma really comes down to the limitations of how far austerity and social abandonment can be taken within the framework of a liberal democracy.

The capitalist state has come a full circle from the days when the Elizabethan authorities, deciding they must stave off unrest and social dislocation, came up with the first model of social provision in 1601, in the form of a Poor Law. On the streets of California’s cities, the same stark choice is now placed before modern day state officialdom. The homeless population there is vast and, with the global economy moving towards a slump, the even greater numbers of people precariously poised on the edge of destitution are at risk of losing their housing. Unless a significant concession is made that partly reverses the austerity agenda, the choice will be between tolerating destitution on a scale that threatens the social order or a sweep of the streets that takes on the features of selective martial law.

The authoritarian option can only be seen as a very real threat. In Hungary, the hard right regime of Viktor Orban has passed legislation making it illegal for people to be homeless. Trump’s political instincts are striking similar to the ‘illiberal’ Orban and, no doubt, there would be a base of support for a crackdown on California’s homeless. Once removed from the streets and out of sight, those swept up would find that their ‘temporary’ holding facilities became horribly permanent and a strict prohibition of camping outside, coupled with a complete lack of housing options, would turn these facilities into de facto prisons. It would be a return to the labour camp approach that was adopted by governments during the Great Depression and that was challenged by the unemployed movements of that period, including with the great On to Ottawa Trek of 1935.

As the economy sinks into global slump, and the already dreadful homeless crisis intensifies dramatically, it is very likely that the ‘solutions’ coming from the Trumps and Orbans will become the ‘policy options’ of the neoliberal centre. It will be more important than ever to bring the fight against homelessness into a broader struggle against austerity. We must stop the attempt to drive out homeless people and demand, instead, the social housing, living income and decent wages that can tackle the homeless crisis. Instead of a society that sweeps people from the streets when they have nowhere to go, we need one that considers housing a human right and that acts accordingly.


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John Clarke is a writer and retired organizer for the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP). Follow his tweets at @JohnOCAP and blog at

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First published in May 2019

“The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of public information.” — Henry Wallace, New York Times, April 9th 1944.

Journalism has never been free of propaganda. News has always been produced and marketed like any other commodity, satisfying and shaping consumers’ opinions, loyalties and taste. Over the last thirty years, the US elites and their allies have effectively eliminated conventional journalism in favor of propaganda and counter-propaganda serving their relentless war on the majority world. Integral to that war in recent years has been the purposeful manipulation of social media so as to usurp and compromise any remnants of orthodox news reporting.

But these are only two components of the Western elites’ malevolent abuse of information and communications resources. Perhaps they are not even the most important. Ever-more-tawdry corruption of academic research; systematic corporate and government co-option of non governmental organizations; cynical abuse of fundamental norms in international legal and human rights institutions : these and others are all interconnected, fundamental components of the West’s war on humanity.

Western power elites, and the governments they own, organize and police all these information resources, generally mediated through journalism, via a system of patronage and policy. A minority of honest writers, film makers and journalists challenge that system, acknowledging their own loyalties and prejudices while attempting to report the facts as best they can. But they are vastly outnumbered by mercenary phonies who every day poison Western information sources with one falsehood after another because their careers depend on it.

The essential task of the Western information, education and entertainment industries is to poison and corrode people’s minds, creating and maintaining false memories so as to induce and sustain false beliefs. Since World War Two, political approaches to that task ranged between social democrat varieties and outright fascist varieties, but all were deeply imbued with imperialist presuppositions. US and European genocidal wars from Korea and Vietnam to Algeria and Iraq have now been mostly superseded by proxy wars, no less deadly but easier to falsify.

In the majority world, for example in Latin America, false memories are harder to create and sustain because the majority remember what their elites, on behalf of those elites’ foreign owners, did to them. That is why US and European aid programs in Latin America target youth via phony democratization and human rights education projects, implanting false beliefs in benign US intentions. But in Venezuela and Nicaragua not only do the majority still remember but, after the murderous failed coup attempts in those countries, a new generation now have their own memories of sadistic imperialist cynicism and deceit.

Cuba over the last year has engaged in the deepest experience of direct democracy anywhere in the world to reform its Constitution. In Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro’s government maintains majority popular support despite Western theft of its resources driving its people into poverty. In Nicaragua, the government of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo has even stronger majority support. In all these countries life goes on as normal despite Western sanctions.

Little or none of this reality reaches Western populations, but for their ruling elites this reality’s existence is a bitter, chastening defeat. As the West’s predatory corporate elites find it harder and harder to devour the majority world as freely as they once did, they have begun to feed even more greedily than before on their own peoples. The European Union’s 2015 crushing of Greece was just for starters. France’s current popular uprising shows what is likely to come.

As the corporate elites extend and deepen repression of their own peoples, they are creating fresh memories uncontaminated by phony Western journalism. The West’s big false memory is that the West has been a force for civilization, not a system of genocidal enslavement and pillage. The West’s big false belief is that the West means well and is a force for good. People across Europe are learning to know better, as the majority world has done for centuries.

The West is dying of full spectrum dementia. What happens to dementia patients is that, as their brains degenerate, the individual loses the ability to eat and, finally, the ability to swallow. Then they quickly die. The West will soon be unable to devour the majority world any more.

Like Goya’s Saturn the Western elites will then devour their own peoples, until they can’t. Towards the end, their populations will be unable to swallow the increasingly irrational lies they are fed each day by their education systems, their NGOs and their bogus news media. And then the West as we know it will be dead.


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This article was originally published on Tortilla con Sal.

Featured image: Western civilization – also known as “Saturn devouring his children” by Francisco Goya

Wikileaks has published shocking leaked documents from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in which they covered up a dissenting report that concluded chemical weapons were not used in the Syrian city of Duoma last year.


The latest release is the fourth batch of leaked documents that WikiLeaks has published from OPCW.

In one of the leaked e-mail exchanges, from February 27-28, between members of the fact finding mission (FFM) deployed to Douma and senior officials of the OPCW, the watchdog’s Chief of Cabinet Sebastien Braha ordered the removal of “all traces” of a report by Ian Henderson.

“Please get this document out of DRA [Documents Registry Archive]… And please remove all traces, if any, of its delivery/storage/whatever in DRA,” the email reads.

Henderson had inspected the sites in Douma and two cylinders that were found on the site of the alleged attack. In his report, he had concluded that the cylinders were more likely placed there — not dropped. His findings heavily indicated that the “attack” was staged.

US media and politicians uncritically claimed that the cylinders were dropped from the air by the Syrian government, killing civilians.

Since the cylinders appeared to be placed by hand, and the area was under the control of anti-government forces, Henderson’s findings lend credence to theories that the attack was staged to set up the Syrian president and prompt the US to attack.

WikiLeaks also released minutes from a meeting on June 6, 2018 where members of OPCW met with “three Toxicologists/Clinical pharmacologists, one bioanalytical and toxicological chemist” who all specialize in chemical weapons.

The purposes of this meeting were “to solicit expert advice on the value of exhuming suspected victims of the alleged chemical attack in Douma on 7 April 2018” and “to elicit expert opinions from the forensic toxicologists regarding the observed and reported symptoms of the alleged victims.” They were particularly interested in “…whether the symptoms observed in victims were consistent with exposure to chlorine or other reactive chlorine gas.”

During the meeting, the experts informed OPCW that “with respect to the consistency of the observed and reported symptoms of the alleged victims with possible exposure to chlorine gas or similar, the experts were conclusive in their statements that there was no correlation between symptoms and chlorine exposure.”

The OPCW team who met with the experts concluded from the meeting that “with respect to the consistency of the observed and reported symptoms of the alleged victims with possible exposure to chlorine gas or similar, the experts were conclusive in their statements that there was no correlation between symptoms and chlorine exposure.”

The attack in question, and the OPCW findings, lead to a barrage of missiles being fired at Syria by the US, UK and France.


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Featured image is from Hürriyet Daily News

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Britain Dutifully Bows Down to the Ruling Elite

December 30th, 2019 by Left in New Zealand

Congratulations to the people of ‘Great’ Britain for voting the ruling elite into power yet again. You certainly do know your place. Now they have a mandate to treat people with disdain and contempt, for the next five years. I always thought people in the US were dumb, but there is a new kid on the block vying for the title. How can a party offering no credible policies, with a history of inflicting misery on millions, with a leader who hides in a fridge when things get mildly difficult remain in power. I could glibly say you get what you deserve, but that would be grossly unfair to the millions who can see through this charade of thinly veiled fascism.

It would appear that many people from where I grew up in the north have had a lobotomy, believing all that the billionaire controlled media had to say pre-election, because surely they wouldn’t lie to the peasants. Would they? Or is it Brexit that swayed them? Now that you have your country back, so you say, is it suddenly going to become compulsory to sing “Ing…….err…….land” at nauseatingly high volumes while consuming copious amounts of beer? Is having a tattoo of a bulldog on your arse from the age of 10, going to be a new kind of branding?

Well done, you are now free, from what, I’m not entirely sure. The Conservatives will continue destroying workers rights at a frenzied pace. Expect full steam ahead with zero hour contracts, bogus self-employment, underemployment, all topped off with an ever eroding safety net. So when the walls come tumbling down following a job loss, nothing will exist to help you out of the mess. Well done, you must be very proud. “But we’ve got our country back”, you may cry. Have you, have you really?

The result would suggest that large portions of the populace have little capacity to critically think. “But we’ve got our country back” I hear once more. “But clearly not the NHS for much longer” I reply. I’m sure some people will complain that I’m calling people stupid for their political beliefs. To clarify this, yes, that’s exactly what I am doing. If only some of these people could have put their crayons down or possibly read a book without pictures at least once in their lives, maybe things might have turned out differently.

In contrast to the US, where they were voting for change, regardless of what that looked like, it was ultimately a vote against the establishment, albeit misguided. Conversely, the UK have voted overwhelmingly for the establishment. I’m sure the Tories are delighted you all know your place in the societal pecking order. At the bottom, with a very expensive Oxford lace up shoe, made by peasants, kicking you repeatedly in the balls, while you ask for more. After 9 years of crippling cuts to public services, austerity, a decrease in wages and a health system which is about to be privatised, you still voted for a Conservative government. Amazing!!! But not in a good way.

Admittedly, the ruling elite’s propaganda machine has been running on all cylinders and it’s clearly worked like a dream. In contrast, vast swathes of people are about to enter a dystopian nightmare, orchestrated by people who just couldn’t care about you any less. Put a fork in the UK, it’s done! Scotland will rightly feck off into the sunset, as England will be led by a man who can barely form a coherent sentence. Supported by a cabinet who know nothing outside of their privileged, privately educated, corporate run universe from which they rarely venture out of.

You could have made it more difficult for the establishment, a glimmer of resistance protecting yourself from the bombardment of excrement raining down from billionaire penthouses would have been nice. Maybe more people could have searched behind the headlines of the Sun and the Mail to dig a little for the truth. Instead the population by in large responded to a hollow slogan, “Get Brexit Done”. At which point you ran in like a little puppy dog hoping your master would tickle your tummy. Instead of fighting for something better, you gave up, handing the nation to psychopaths, billionaires, millionaires and right wing ideologues.

The establishment will be laughing their collective cocks off, sat in their private London clubs drinking brandy and smoking cigars. Patting each other on their backs for getting the working class plebs to vote for the abstract construct of Brexit, over real issues such as; healthcare, education, public services and increasing poverty. The people of Leigh, Bolsover, Blyth Valley, and Durham among others should be disgusted with themselves, scoring an own goal of monumental proportions.

You had a chance to elect a decent man, who has fought for peace and fairness all his life, who wanted a better place for everyone. But you blew it Britain. Now you will have to live with the consequences, while explaining to your children and grandchildren what you did on that fateful day in December 2019. My sincere condolences for those who chose wisely, who could see behind the slurs and right wing bile. Good luck in the future, I suspect you will need it.


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Russia, China, and the US are each promoting three separate integration models emphasizing conservatism, connectivity, and competitiveness, respectively, but each of their defining characteristics don’t make them mutually exclusive of one another, and it would be to the benefit of every country that they incorporate parts of all three as they navigate the ongoing global systemic transition.

One of the megatrends of contemporary International Relations is the consolidation of regional and trans-regional blocs, with the EU being the perfect (or rather, imperfect) example of this in practice. There seems to be no alternative to countries teaming up with one another in order to collectively improve their prospects of economically succeeding against their larger peers, with the most popular argument being that comparatively smaller countries would eventually stand no chance of surviving if they indefinitely opt out of this framework. The EU model masquerades as an egalitarian community of equal states but has been exposed as nothing more than a structural means for Germany to conquer the continent without a shot and seize control of its many countries’ economies, which has thus discredited this approach in the eyes of average citizens across the world and created the demand for alternative models to emerge elsewhere.

The three most far-reaching and all-inclusive ones being promoted at the present time are led by Russia, China, and the US, with each Great Power’s approach emphasizing conservatism, connectivity, and competitiveness, respectfully, while each also eschews any overtly political agenda such a creating an analogue to the European Parliament.

Russia’s vision of a Greater Eurasian Partnership is for every country in the supercontinent to retain its national traditions and culture while simultaneously promoting the free movement of goods and people across their borders, with no one state being able to impose its ideological vision of society onto others like Germany has attempted to do with the rest of Europe as regards its hyper-liberal ideas. China, meanwhile, places its focus on promoting physical connectivity through large-scale infrastructure projects that collectively constitute its worldwide Belt & Road Initiative (BRI), whereas the US under Trump nowadays believes in what he describes as free but fair trade that safeguards the competitiveness of strategic industries.

While they prioritize different spheres of importance, these three models’ defining characteristics don’t make them mutually exclusive of one another, and it would be to the benefit of every country that they incorporate parts of all three as they navigate the ongoing global systemic transition. In fact, it can even be argued that they complement one another and form separate parts of the same global development whole. The most sustainable solution to Huntington’s fearmongering prediction about a supposedly inevitable “Clash of Civilizations” is to preserve each one’s uniqueness by not allowing any given country to impose its ideological views onto others, ergo the importance of Russia’s social conservative model. As for China’s, it fulfills the unquestionable need of providing long-term financing for ambitious connectivity projects that otherwise couldn’t be afforded by most of the host states, all with a view towards bringing the world closer together with time. Concerning the US, there’s certainly wisdom in promulgating some degree of protectionist policies in order to protect strategic industries.

Taken together, the ideal scenario would be if the seemingly inevitable outcome of several megablocs eventually sprouting up across the world resulted in each of them respecting one another’s cultures (both between themselves and between their own members), connecting with each other through state-of-the-art transport infrastructure, and preserving the competitive edge of their most strategic industries. Thus far, the most likely chance of this happening in the coming future will probably occur through the planned pairing of the Eurasian Union and BRI, which would create the structural basis of the Greater Eurasian Partnership that envisages connecting with ASEAN, the EU, the SCO, and beyond. It’s unrealistic to expect that its many disparate members will ever truly agree to the free trade of all goods and services between them owing to their preexisting socio-economic disparities, so it should be taken for granted that some degree of protectionism will remain in accordance with the American model, while the Russian and Chinese ones will see the preservation of national cultures and their linkage through newly constructed physical infrastructure.

Looking forward, it can therefore be said that the Eurasian Union’s Central Asian, Siberian, and Far Eastern frontiers along the Chinese periphery will become the test cases for implementing this vision in practice upon that bloc’s pairing with BRI, after which the experiences that are learned can then be applied elsewhere throughout the supercontinent as this unprecedented process expands beyond its dual cores to eventually encompass the rest of the hemisphere. The US, however, will likely regard this historic development as a threat to its global standing per the strategic precept first put forth by former National Security Advisor Brzezinski in his 1997 book about “The Grand Chessboard”, so it’s expected that it’ll do whatever it can to stop it ahead of time, likely relying on Kissingerian “triangulation” between itself, China, and India to drive a deeper wedge between these two nominal BRICS and SCO partners in the New Cold War the same way as it did between China and the USSR in the Old Cold War, all to divide and rule Eurasia for its own benefit once again.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Unz Review

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Weapons of dazzling murderousness have always thrilled military industrial establishments.  They make money; they add to the accounts; and they tickle the pride of States who manufacture them.  From time to time, showy displays of restraint through arms limitation agreements are made.  These can apply to either the offensive element of such weapons, or their defensive counters.

The calculus of death is often premised on ensuring that, for every destructive advance made, some retarding force accompanies it.  By way of example, nuclear warheads spraying a country can be countered by anti-defence missiles.  However, the nature of such a defence should never be impregnable.  The balance of terror must be maintained in these acts of amoral accounting.

Of late, treaties restraining the deployment of weapons that gallop ahead of such a balancing act have been confined to shredders and dustbins.  There was the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), a reminder of a thawing period between the Soviet Union and the United States from 1987.  It prohibited the fielding of land-based missiles with ranges between 500 and 5,500 kilometres.  But President Donald J. Trump has never been a man for history, treating it as an encumbrance on the United States.  Violations by Russia were cited, with the 9M729 missile singled out as a stand out culprit.  Russia duly countered; the United States’ Aegis Ashore facility based in Romania could technically be used to launch missiles in breach of the treaty.  Both countries have now confined the document to oblivion.

The last nuclear arms control treaty existing between Russia and US is the lonely 2010 New START treaty, dealing with the number of strategic nuclear missile launchers.  Expiring in February 2021, the sense that it will go the way of others is genuine.

Withdrawing from such arms control treaties has led to a widening in the field of experimentation, and few are as exciting for the merchants of death than the hypersonic missile, best described as a form of gonzo weaponry.  Hypersonic weaponry emphasises unstoppable speed, travelling, at the minimum five times the speed of sound, but are noted for their infuriating agility in the face of defences.  The military accountants are smacking their lips; sales for such weapons are predicted to reach $5 billion in the next decade.  Such armaments inclined outfits as JP Morgan see money-making opportunities or, in the sanitised words of one of its analysts Seth Seifman, “substantial growth potential by the mid-2020s.”

Russia, China and the United States have active programs in the field, but it is Russia that claims to have stolen a march on everybody else.  As Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu announced as hospital staff announce the delivery of a prized newborn, the “Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle entered service at 10:00 Moscow time on 27 December”.  Strategic missile forces chief Gen. Sergei Karakaev has revealed that the Avangard has been deployed in the Orenburg region in the southern Urals.

In contrast, US Defense Secretary Mark Esper claimed in August that “its probably a matter of a couple of years” before the US could obtain such a system.  Reaction from Washington to the announcement was one of quiet acceptance.

Russian president Vladimir Putin is enthusiastic, and confident enough, to proclaim the Avangard system as singular. “Not a single country possesses hypersonic weapons, let alone continental-range hypersonic weapons.”  This is the true chest-thumping bravado of the old Cold War days, when the Soviet Union could claim to be streets ahead of others in the field of missile technology. “The Avangard is invulnerable to intercept by any existing and prospective missile defence means of the potential adversary.”

The Avangard system is a toy of some joy for those who admire the attributes of deliverability, flexibility and manoeuvrability.  It is nuclear capable, able to carry a nuclear weapon with a yield of two megatons.  And it is blisteringly fast, coming in at 27 times the speed of sound.  As Putin said in March 2018 during his state-of-the-nation address, “It heads to target like a meteorite, like a fireball.”

A new race has opened up and the field is looking increasingly crowded.  Lockheed Martin is being commissioned “to design and build a hypersonic vehicle”.  It notes the “complex engineering and physics challenges” involved in reaching speeds of Mach 5.  “As one of the Department of Defense’s highest technical priorities, our scientists and engineers are developing game-changing hypersonic solutions.”

Reading the inventory of the company’s dizzying array of systems is candy to the militarist baby.  There is the Hypersonic Conventional Strike Weapon (HCSW), a “hypersonic boost glide vehicle” designed to be launched from the B52.  Then comes the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW), leveraging “the common hypersonic glide body” which will include “a new class of ultrafast and manoeuvrable long-range missiles with the ability to launch from ground mobile platforms.”

Boeing is intent on adding to the run, keen to invest in a British company specialising in “advanced propulsion systems that could power a hypersonic vehicle.”  A slew of other outfits are also sinking their teeth into the market.  Raytheon and Northrop Grumman announced in June that a joint team was “quickly developing air-breathing hypersonic weapons to keep our nation ahead of the threat.”

For all the bravado one tends to see in the defence industry across countries, worries are discernible in the Pentagon.  The hypersonic system supposedly mocks and scorns current defences; the fear that they will be fully operational before credible deterrents are put in place is the sort of thing analysts lose sleep over.  As US Air Force General John Hyten explained to the Senate Armed Services Committee on March 20, “We don’t have any defence that could deny the employment of such a weapon against us.”

Michael Griffin, undersecretary for research and engineering, is intent on making his mark.  “I did not take this job to reach parity with adversaries.  I want to make them worry about catching up with us again.”  But he finds himself, and the United States, short in the field.  “The United States is not yet doing all that we need to do to respond to hypersonic missile threats.”  A few ideas are being floated, including the placement of detecting sensors in space.

Whatever the merits of Putin’s expansive claims on the Avangard system – and these remain hard to test – they furnish the military establishments across the globe a boon to seek further funding and experimentation.  The balance of terror, the ledger of doom, is set for a shake-up.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image: Moscow’s breakthrough Avangard missile system with the hypersonic boost-glide vehicle will be deployed on combat duty with the Strategic Missile Force in December 2019 (Indian Punchline)

2020: The Year of the Oil Bankruptcies

December 30th, 2019 by Alex Kimani

A bankruptcy boom has hit the oil and gas industry, and it’s just getting started. Investors have lost their appetite for shale, and energy debt has become among the least desirable in the market.

The industry has been teetering on the verge of mass hysteria for much of 2019 as a record number of energy companies folded.

According to Energy and Restructuring law firm Hayes and Boone’s, a grand total of 50 energy companies filed for bankruptcy during the first nine months of the year, including 33 oil and gas producers, 15 oilfield services companies and two midstream companies.

In contrast, 43 oil and gas companies filed for bankruptcy for the whole of 2018.

The biggest oil and gas bankruptcy of the year–indeed, the biggest since 2016–was EP Energy, which filed for bankruptcy in October, unable to pay back some $5 billion in debt.

Now, some observers are warning that the shakeout will pick up serious momentum in 2020.

Bingeing on Debt

During the latest shale boom, the putative class valedictorian of the modern energy industry, American drillers binged on mountains of readily available debt as they capitalized on investors and financiers willing to gamble on the premise that fracking operations could be significantly cheaper and more efficient than conventional drillers.

Before long, oil markets were flooded with a deluge of the commodity far outstripping demand. In what few could have foreseen, the US became the world’s largest oil producer, with its nearly 13 million b/d output turning it from a net importer to a net exporter of crude. Predictably, prices tanked by a sizable margin, dropping to levels well below the breakeven points of many drillers.

Suddenly, investors became wary of the shale industry and energy debt became anathema.

They have good reason to be scared.

Companies with junk-rated bonds have been defaulting on interest payments at record levels, while dozens of smaller drillers that had saddled themselves with too much debt have been dropping like flies.

Now analysts see this taking an even sharper turn, with more mergers and more debt restructurings required to get the industry back in shape.

As Ken Monaghan, Amundi Pioneer co-director of high yield, has told CNBC:

We’re at the early stages [of the shakeout]. The problem is some of these companies still have a bit of rope to go. they don’t have [debt] maturities that are coming up in 2020 and 2021. They’re going to try to outrun the clock and hope that oil prices move higher.”

Michael Bradley, energy strategist with Tudor, Pickering, Holt, has expressed a similar sentiment, saying that the market is no longer rewarding energy companies with aggressive expansion schemes, preferring instead to see profits and money returned to shareholders.

“Most people are saying we don’t want you to spend money on growth. We want you to give the money back because you guys are dummies.”

Monaghan says there are more distressed companies in the energy sector than in any other, with energy bonds only recently moving to the green after remaining in losing territory for much of the year thanks to the latest oil price mini-rally.

Bradley estimates that about $30 billion- $40 billion of high-yield energy debt [bonds] is now at risk. These companies have little choice but to seek bankruptcy protection and restructure if they hope to live to see another oil boom.

Catch 22

Shale drillers face a catch 22 situation because of the very nature of their business. Young shale wells decline at notoriously fast clips, with many depleting 70 percent to 75 percent of their reserves in the first year, thus forcing shale drillers to continue drilling new wells to replace lost supply. But with a freeze-out in debt and oil prices still low, they are bound to find it increasingly hard to keep up production.

Bradley sees many mid-cap oil companies resorting to mergers in order to survive with an estimated $2B-$7B in M&A deals over the next two years.

These won’t be the usual gilt-edged mergers with fat premiums, though, as the tie-up between WPX Energy and Felix Energy has proved. This was a smart and sober $2.5-billion tie-up that reflects the fact that investors have soured on the sector.

In other words, the consolidation wave that everyone seems to expect is going to focus on smart deals, or none at all.

This also means that large-cap independent players such as Concho Resources Inc. (NYSE:CXO) and Diamondback Energy Inc. (NASDAQ:FANG) are likely to see their market shares grow.

Ultimately, the ongoing shakeout is likely to leave the industry in a much better patch, though not so much for the consumer who will have to contend with higher oil prices thanks to higher levels of production discipline.


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In an earlier article (, 12/18/19) regarding the Washington Post’s Afghanistan Papers (12/9/19), I discussed how the Post’s exposé also exposed the Post as one of the primary vehicles US officials use to spread their lies, and why it’s impossible for corporate media outlets like the Post to raise more substantive questions about the deceptive nature of US foreign policy.

But those aren’t the only significant takeaways. The Afghanistan Papers should also be considered an excellent case study of contemporary colonial propaganda, and yet another example of corporate media criticizing US wars without opposing US imperialism.

Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky’s famous analysis of media coverage of the Vietnam War, in Manufacturing Consent, found that questions of the invasion’s “tactics and costs”—to the US—dominated the debate, because the media absorbed the framework of government propaganda regarding the “necessity” of military intervention, the “righteousness of the American cause” and the US’s “nobility of intent.” Decades later, Herman and Chomsky’s propaganda model of corporate media is still a useful tool in understanding the Post’s Afghanistan Papers.

The Post advanced the centuries-old colonial narrative of the empire’s good intentions gone awry when it argued that the US “inadvertently built a corrupt, dysfunctional Afghan government,” and that this illustrated that “even some of the most well-intentioned projects could boomerang.” In fact, the Post dedicated a whole section of the Afghanistan Papers to propagating this standard colonial narrative, called “Stranded Without a Strategy,” which argued at length:

US and allied officials admitted they veered off in directions that had little to do with Al Qaeda or 9/11. By expanding the original mission, they said they adopted fatally flawed warfighting strategies based on misguided assumptions about a country they did not understand….

Diplomats and military commanders acknowledged they struggled to answer simple questions: Who is the enemy? Whom can we count on as allies? How will we know when we have won?

Their strategies differed, but Bush and Obama both committed early blunders that they never recovered from, according to the interviews.

The Post is so eager to push this colonial narrative of noble incompetence that a later report (12/11/19) on “key takeaways” from the Afghanistan Papers claimed that US officials “failed to align policy solutions with the challenges they confronted,” having “strategic drift” in place of “coherent US policy for Afghanistan.” As noted earlier, one method of discerning whether US officials are being dishonest, not incompetent, is to check whether the pretexts for invading and occupying another country are constantly changing.

But the imperial utility of a cost/benefit or tactical “critique” of US wars is the implication that immoral and illegal invasions like the Afghanistan War are justifiable if the US can achieve its goals, and it enables future invasions, provided US wars are better fought next time. It’s an intentionally nebulous criterion, since there are always tactical and cost/benefit questions to be raised for any military endeavor, which is why this kind of critique can enable perpetual interventions in the service of US imperialism. Indeed, the Post actually admits this when it mentioned that the Afghanistan inspector general’s secretive “Lessons Learned” project was

meant to diagnose policy failures in Afghanistan so the United States would not repeat the mistakes the next time it invaded a country or tried to rebuild a shattered one.

Furthermore, at several times the Post parroted statements from US officials claiming that some of the “lessons learned” about their “strategic failures” were that the US should have killed more people in Pakistan and threatened to stay in Afghanistan indefinitely—without any pushback.

The Post parroted claims that “Obama’s strategy” of imposing “strict deadlines” and promising to “bring home all troops by the end of his presidency” was “destined to fail,” because the Taliban could just “wait him out.” Why was Obama’s broken promise an “artificial” date for “ending the war before it was over”? If the US truly prioritized preserving taxpayer dollars and the lives of US troops and Afghans, the open secret is that the US could simply end the Afghanistan War any time it wanted to, by announcing an unconditional, unilateral withdrawal without negotiating with the Taliban.

In another “Lessons Learned” interview cited in the Afghanistan Papers (12/9/19), regarding the “strategic challenge” of Pakistan supporting the Taliban and sheltering their leaders despite receiving billions of dollars a year to “fight terrorism,” the Post uncritically cited a US official’s bloodthirsty support for indefinite occupation and killing Taliban members anywhere in Pakistan:

In his December 2016 Lessons Learned interview, Crocker said the only way to force Pakistan to change would be for Trump to keep US troops in Afghanistan indefinitely and give them the green light to hunt the Taliban on Pakistani territory.

“It would allow him to say, ‘You worry about our reliability, you worry about our withdrawal from Afghanistan, I’m here to tell you that I’m going to keep troops there as long as I feel we need them, there is no calendar.’

“ ‘That’s the good news. The bad news for you is we’re going to kill Taliban leaders wherever we find them: Baluchistan, Punjab, downtown Islamabad. We’re going to go find them, so maybe you want to do a strategic recalculation.’ ”

While pushing this colonial narrative, the Post actually tried to make the absurd case that some of the US’s strategic failures stemmed from being too generous to Afghans, and lying to the American public about not wanting to do “nation-building,” asserting that “nation-building is exactly what the United States has tried to do in war-battered Afghanistan—on a colossal scale.”

Americans praising their own generosity is a hallmark feature of American colonialism—which extended to framing atrocities like slavery, the displacement of Native Americans and the extermination of Vietnamese people as “generous”—and the Post continues this long tradition by parroting US officials who believed that “Congress and the White House made matters worse by drenching the destitute country with far more money than it could possibly absorb.” Apparently the problem is not that the US intentionally funnels money to enrich US investors and prop up puppet governments subservient to the US, but that the US engages in thoughtless charity:

The scale of the corruption was the unintended result of swamping the war zone with far more aid and defense contracts than impoverished Afghanistan could absorb. There was so much excess, financed by American taxpayers, that opportunities for bribery and fraud became almost limitless, according to the interviews.

The Post (12/9/19) claimed that “no nation needed more building than Afghanistan” following “continuous warfare since 1979,” when it was invaded by the Soviet Union. The Post cited frustrated statements from officials working for USAID and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) complaining that the US was wasting too much money on nation-building for primitive people in a largely non-market society who “bartered for items” instead of using currency, and lacked the education and “technical expertise” necessary to maintain “huge infrastructure projects,” with officials claiming “We were bringing 21st-century stuff to a society living in a different time period.”

Left unmentioned were US efforts in 1979 to sabotage an indigenous Afghan Communist movement, that was making strides toward ostensible US goals like the education of girls, eradicating opium production and expanding access to healthcare, by “knowingly increasing the probability” of luring “the Russians” into their own “Vietnam War.” (Carter’s national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski later defended this ruthless strategy: “That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it?”)

Nor was there any mention of USAID and the NED being corrupt propaganda arms of the US State Department to subvert leftist governments, often serving as a pipeline of taxpayer dollars into investors’ pockets under the guise of promoting “development” and “democracy.” Some US officials even argued that the rampant fraud and waste from American “aid” contractors were so parasitic that it would be better to funnel contracts to corrupt Afghans, who “would probably take 20% for their personal use or for their extended families and friends,” than “‘a bunch of expensive American experts’ who would waste 80 to 90% of the funds on overhead and profit.”

And despite the Post’s attempts to portray the US as “inadvertently” building a “corrupt, dysfunctional Afghan government that remains dependent on US military power for its survival,” it’s hard to see how other candid statements about the US military and agencies like the CIA “giving cash” to “purchase loyalty” from Afghan government officials, religious leaders and warlords viewed by many Afghans as “cruel despots,” don’t contradict that assertion. In fact, Herman and Chomsky’s study The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism found that corruption is a primary feature of US client states—like the corrupt Afghan government—with US aid and a favorable foreign investment climate being negatively related to the condition of human rights in these countries. Hence the numerous reports of Afghanistan being “open for business.”

Tellingly, US officials in the Afghanistan Papers remarked that while the US actively replaced officials seeking to combat corruption, or knowingly “looked away and let the thievery become more entrenched than ever,” and retained support for US-installed CIA assets like Hamid Karzai who committed mass voter fraud, US officials had a “dogmatic adherence to free-market principles.” This is supposed to explain why, despite their “good intentions,” they consciously imposed economic policies that enriched foreign investors and increased poverty, instead of policies that would help Afghanistan, because US officials considered them “incompatible with capitalism.”

This is consistent with Michael Parenti’s study of US foreign policy (The Sword and the Dollar) finding that US commitments to “democracy” and “anti-corruption” are dispensable and easily abandoned (indicating insincerity), while commitments to opening countries like Afghanistan to foreign investment and free-market capitalism are uncompromisable. What explains the refusal to put Afghanistan on the State Department’s list of states sponsoring terrorism—despite knowing the Taliban were sheltering bin Laden—other than the fact that it would prevent US oil and construction companies from entering into an agreement with Kabul to construct pipelines to Central Asian oil and gas fields?

The immediate construction of US military bases and the resulting private businesses servicing them generated massive corporate profits for the military/industrial complex, and served as guardians for US corporations extracting mineral wealth—indications of a planned long-term occupation and a launching pad for attacks within and beyond Afghanistan’s borders. Explicit statements from the Bush doctrine—which continued to guide the Obama and Trump administrations’ national security strategy—explained that “real freedom” means free trade, the “moral principle” that “if others make something that you value, you should be able to buy it.” These are the serious, logically consistent explanations for the US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan.

The Washington Post’s Afghanistan Papers and trove of documents are worth reading through, but it’s also a contradictory mess containing many distortions and lies by omission. The scandal of the Afghanistan War is not that the US entered into and prolonged an “unwinnable” war; the scandal is that the US empire’s invasion of Afghanistan is a war crime in violation of international law, and has inflicted imperial violence on the Afghan people, and it would remain a scandal even if the US accomplished all of its ostensible goals. Even as the Post’s scoop exposes US officials as liars—and highlights the danger of credulously accepting their ideological framework—because they rely so heavily on those officials’ narratives, the Afghanistan Papers still manage to propagate the old colonial narrative of the empire’s good intentions thwarted by backwards foreigners.


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Joshua Cho is a writer based in Virginia.

Featured image is from FAIR

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Iraqi President Barham Salih has shown that he is in control of the country and has made a show of his contempt for the Iraqi constitution. In a dramatic gesture, Salih made a play for public support by declaring his willingness to resign. He then departed for Suleimaniya, after rejecting the decision of the largest Parliamentary coalition, in accordance with article 76 of the constitution, to nominate their chosen candidate. Only he will decide who can be nominated as the future Prime Minister of the country, notwithstanding the constitution’s provisions for respecting the will of the parliamentary majority.

The resignation of caretaker Prime Minister Adil Abdel Mahdi and the struggle to nominate a new Prime Minister have shown the divisions between political parties and above all among the Shia majority in Parliament. It has also shown Iran’s handicap in attempting to unite these groups and bring them together to agree on a single Shia Iraqi personality! The limits of Iran’s influence in Iraq are evident. What does the future hold for Iraq?

The Iraqi constitution gives the largest parliamentary coalition the right to choose its candidate for prime minister, and then forward the name to the President, who announces it publicly. However, in this case, the constitution was not followed: President Barham Salih tried to delay the nomination of the largest coalition, Al-Bina’, asking the Parliament to confirm the identity of this coalition. He managed to gain some time by responding to al-Bina’ that “he would rather wait until the Friday sermon of the Marjaiya in Najaf, to make the announcement later”.

Salih was aware that the Marjaiya had taken a clear decision not to intervene in favour of or against any candidate or parliamentary coalition. The Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sistani has set the road map for any future candidate: an end to corruption, early elections with a new law, an independent judiciary system, together with the creation of job opportunities, listening to people’s requests, protecting protestors, and ending foreign intervention in the country’s internal affairs.

All politicians and heads of political coalitions have interpreted the Marjaiya’s guidelines according to their own lights.

Hadi al-Ameri, the head of al-Bina’ coalition told others in Baghdad that “the Marjiaiya rejected Qusey al-Suheil as future Prime Minister”. But sources in Najaf described all politicians as “liars who are avid for power, and unwilling to listen to protestors’ requests”.  Hadi al-Ameri did propose himself as a candidate but the offer was spurned by his allies, who saw his candidacy as a provocation for the protestors.

President Barham Salih delayed the announcement of al-Suheil in the hope that protestors would reject him. Saleh saw in al-Suheil a threat to his own candidate, Mustafa al-Kazemi, and to his political agenda. Any candidate can be timed out in Iraq by letting the clock run since it is nearly impossible to select a candidate agreeable to all political parties, the Sunni, the Shia and the Kurds.

Qusey al-Suheil, told political party leaders, as al Suheil told me, that he “rejected the distribution of power and ministerial positions among the political parties who had made this a pre-condition to supporting him”. His ploy is to claim, “I shall offer my resignation and leave with dignity. Political parties want to hold on to their corrupt style of governance, and that is unsuitable for me. I refuse to divide the cake among those who are unwilling to reconstruct the country”, as a rationalization for defying the constitution.

Al Bina’ letter asking the Parliament to adopt legal measures against President Barham Salih for violating the constitution

Well-informed sources in Baghdad told me that “President Salih repeatedly asked why Adel Abdil Mahdi doesn’t remain in power like Nouri al-Maliki who was a caretaker for 7 months? The country can wait”.

After Qusey al-Suheil withdrew his candidacy, the dominant al-Bina’ coalition decided to back the governor of Basra Asaad al-Idani as Prime Minister. However, President Salih wanted to wait for the Marjaiya’s Friday Sermon to decide but was told that Sayyed Sistani would take no position. Salih then again rejected the most significant parliamentary coalition’s choice and, in a letter to the Parliament, expressed his readiness to resign (but without resigning, of course).

President Salih has delayed announcing a new Prime Minister; this temporizing has led protestors on the street to rejecting any candidate offered by the largest coalition. He is taking his time to announce the name of the new Prime Minister. The constitution seems irrelevant and each politician expounds on its articles as he sees fit. Each coalition is asking for its share of power using the terms “agreement”, “balance’, “understanding” – and each is ignoring constitutional procedures. Even within the same coalition, great differences have been manifested. The impotence of the Iraqi judiciary to impose respect for the constitution is evident.

Another important aspect is the position of Sayyed Moqtada al-Sadr, the leader of the largest single parliamentary group, which does not belong to the larger Parliamentary coalition. Moqtada said he was not willing to intervene and pulled out from the consultation to form a new Prime Minister. In reality, he reminded candidates and political leaders of the power of his share. He tweeted his refusal to Mohammad al-Sudani and to al-Suheil and reminded the Basra governor of his share in the new cabinet, and General Directors’ positions. Moqtada has not only the largest number of MPs but also the largest number of Ministers and General Directors.

Moqtada offered three names as candidates: Mustafa al-Kadhemi, Raheel al Ukeili and Fair al-Sheikh Ali. In reality, according to sources within Moqtada’s office, he supports the head of the intelligence service Mustafa al-Kadhemi. President Barham Salih followed Moqtada’s wish and supported al-Kadhemi.

‘Hezbollah Iraq’ harshly criticises the President Barham Salih ‘irresponsible behaviour violating the constitution”.

Iran failed to unite all coalitions or even the largest number of political groups under one candidate. Iraqi politicians showed how divided they really are, and that Iran’s effort to support a chosen Iraqi candidate was doomed to failure. The current impasse recalls 2017 when Hadi al-Ameri opposed the Lebanese-Syrian decision to remove ISIS militants from Iraq’s common borders with Deir-Ezzour. On another occasion, al-Ameri rejected Qassem Soleimani’s suggestion that he combine forces with those of Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi before the parliamentary elections.

Today al-Ameri wants to become Prime Minister again; he rejected Qusey al-Suheil secretly after initially promoting him, signed the document approving al-Suheil and now supports al-Idani.

The US has been somewhat distant from the political dynamic of choosing a Prime Minister for the first time since 2003 and did not intervene. This is an indication that President Donald Trump is not deeply engaged with events in the Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. He seems preoccupied with domestic affairs and the Chinese-Russian economic threat. Trump is busy imposing sanctions on his enemies and allies alike and seems unconcerned with Iraq.

Iraq is now in the hands of President Salih, who is using the demonstrations as a pretext for expanding his power: He openly tells Parliament “the decision is mine or I resign.” President Salih has abused the constitution while hiding behind the protestors. His offer to resign is a ruse to ask for the support of the protestors; he means to show the public that he stands against the political parties. Salih is aware that the Iraqi population is very emotional and may well stand behind him.

The people can and will reject any political candidate for the position of Prime Minister. It is likely that Adil Abdel Mahdi will remain as the caretaker for some time, perhaps until a new military personality takes over. Iraq in 2020 is heading towards an uncharted territory and an uncertain future.


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The movie “Love Actually” has some good advice: At Christmas, you tell the truth. It’s the perfect day to be honest about what you’ve done in the past year, what that says about who you are, and what it means about where you’re heading.

So, let’s tell the truth about America. The truth is that, through a worldwide drone war we commenced two decades ago, we’ve invented a new form of terror for millions of people across the world. The truth is that we continued to escalate this war in 2019, yet there’s no way to say exactly how much, because the U.S. government refuses to tell its citizens the basic facts about it. The truth is that the best sources of information on this war are two underfunded outfits — the Bureau of Investigative Journalism and Airwars— that aren’t even based in the United States.

The truth is that these journalists can’t be sure which airstrikes are being carried out by drones and which by conventional manned aircraft. The truth is that our drone war is like some underseas leviathan, the nature and size of which we can only guess at when parts of it briefly surface.

The truth that is our fleet of killer drones is likely aloft on Christmas Day, right now, circling endlessly as intelligence analysts decide whether to pronounce a death sentence on people thousands of miles away. The truth is that, as we open presents, these death machines might as well — for all the space they occupy in our consciousness — not exist at all. The truth is that there have been six Democratic presidential debates this year, and during these six debates, the number of times our worldwide drone war was debated is zero.

It’s possible that you heard about a U.S. drone strike a few weeks ago in the Khost District in eastern Afghanistan. A 25-year-old Afghan woman there named Malana had recently given birth to her second child. When Malana developed postpartum complications at home, her father-in-law, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law took her in a car to a clinic. On their way back home, all four family members, plus the car’s driver, were killed by an American missile launched from a weaponized drone. All were burned to ashes. Al Jazeera reported that Malana’s father, Gulu, is now looking after her two young children.

This was horrific enough to merit a brief article in the New York Times. It was so bad, in fact, that the article included Malana’s name. It was not bad enough for it to include the names of America’s four other victims.

Eighteen years after September 11, 2001, this is the pattern with our drone war: The worst of the atrocities briefly make an appearance in the media. “We are aware of the allegations of civilian casualties and working with local authorities to determine the veracity of these claims,” Col. Sonny Leggett, a military spokesperson, said about Malana’s death. The news flits across the screen that 30 Afghan pine-nut farmers were killed by a U.S. drone strike. “We are aware of allegations of the death of noncombatants and are working with local officials to determine the facts,” Leggett said about them.

Then for Americans, the murders subside into the electronic maelstrom, never to be heard of again. (The Pentagon did not respond to a request for comment on whether any progress has been made in the investigation of the death of Malana.)

For the most part, our drone war grinds on with no notice taken here at all. Meanwhile, people in an uncertain number of countries live under the unblinking gaze of drones. We can say that the military’s overt program has conducted drone strikes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Syria, and Libya. In addition, the CIA has a classified program that it does not acknowledge. Through news coverage, we know of alleged CIA strikes in Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, and beyond. (Oddly, the New York Times reported in 2017 that the CIA, sensing opportunity as the Trump administration began, sought to expand its operations into Afghanistan for “the first time.”) CIA strikes may be spreading further into West Africa, as the CIA runs counterterrorism missions out of Niger and Somalia.

Once upon a time, humans killed each other with rocks, close up. Then swords, then guns, then planes. But even with bombing campaigns of the past, there were humans up there, and eventually they had to fly away. Today, swaths of countries live under drones monitoring them around the clock. Their constant, distant humming quietly informs the people beneath them that they and everyone around them might be killed at any time by invisible strangers across an ocean.

“From the ground, it is impossible to determine who or what they are tracking as they circle overhead,” according to David Rohde, who was kidnapped and held captive for months by the Taliban. “The buzz of a distant propeller is a constant reminder of imminent death. Drones fire missiles that travel faster than the speed of sound. A drone’s victim never hears the missile that kills him.”

“When [children] hear the drones, they get really scared, and they can hear them all the time so they’re always fearful that the drone is going to attack them,” explained a man in Pakistan who collected his cousin’s body after a drone strike. “Because of the noise, we’re psychologically disturbed — women, men, and children. … Twenty-four hours, [a] person is in stress and there is pain in his head.”

One of the first attacks by an armed U.S. drone took place in Afghanistan in February 2002 — near Khost, as it happens. Three men were walking in the mountains. One of them looked tall, and someone at the CIA thought he might be Osama bin Laden. So we killed all three of them. It turned out they were extremely poor local civilians looking for scrap metal from previous American airstrikes.

The use of drones strikes grew slowly for the rest of President George W. Bush’s administration. Then Barack Obama took office and dramatically escalated the program. Just three days after taking office, Obama approved two strikes in Pakistan. One of them, according to the book “Kill or Capture,” hit the wrong target: the home of a village elder who belonged to a “pro-government peace committee.” He was killed, along with four other members of his family, two of them his children.

This did not dissuade Obama. He authorized as many CIA drone attacks during his initial nine and a half months in office as Bush did in his final three years.

Four years ago, in 2015, The Intercept published “The Drone Papers,” based on a large cache of leaked classified documents. That reporting provided, for the first time, a glimpse into Obama’s secretive kill list and assassination program. It was shocking, for anyone with the capacity to be shocked.

The Obama administration eventually released official numbers for its drone program. Between the time Obama took office until the end of 2015, it said, the U.S. killed 2,436 people in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya. Between 64 and 116 were civilians. That official civilian death toll appears low, and that was the point. From the “Drone Papers” reporting, we learned that the U.S. policy was to declare anyone killed in those strikes as an “enemy killed in action,” or EKIA. They remained on the books as such, unless posthumously proven otherwise. One of the leaked documents revealed that according to the Pentagon’s own numbers, nine out of 10 people killed in “Operation Haymaker” in Afghanistan during a five-month period were not the “intended targets.”

The Bureau of Investigative Journalism estimated a somewhat higher total toll: 2,753 people. But the number of civilians killed, it determined, was six times higher than what the Obama administration claimed.

Most significantly, Obama did not create a legal framework that placed any outside restrictions on the executive branch’s use of drones. The president, according to Obama, could even kill American citizens by drone with no judicial review. The theory, to the degree there was one, held that U.S. presidents would always be trustworthy enough to use this power wisely. Then Donald Trump was elected — and inherited all that power.

On November 11, 2016, the week after Trump became president-elect, a documentary on U.S. drone warfare, “National Bird,” was released. A young man, only called Daniel, is prominently featured in the film. As a former signals intelligence analyst, he describes on camera his deep frustration with the inability to really tell who was killed in these drone strikes.

“When it comes to high-value targeting, every mission is to go after one person at a time. But anybody else that’s killed in that strike is just blatantly assumed to be an associate of the targeted individual,” Daniel explains. Under the rules of engagement, he says, anyone who appears to be male and over the age of 16 is a legitimate target: “If that strike occurs and kills all of them, they just say that they got ’em all.”

This past May, Daniel Everett Hale was charged in an Alexandria, Virginia court under the Espionage Act with sharing classified material regarding the drone program with a reporter. While the indictment does not name a news organization, Trump administration officials, in leaks to reporters, linked Hale to The Intercept’s reporting. Hale sought to have the case dismissed by arguing that the Espionage Act suppressed the freedom of the press. This month, the Associated Press reported that a judge has allowed prosecutors to move forward with their case against him.

Under his current charges, Hale faces up to 50 years in prison.

To the degree that we can say what Trump has done with his power, it is exactly what you would expect. He has formally lowered the necessary threshold of evidence needed to justify drone strikes. The Air Force received a 63 percent increase in Hellfire missiles, the main weapon used by drones, in Trump’s 2017 budget.

Through executive order, Trump has made drone strikes less transparent by eliminating an Obama-era mandate that compelled the Defense Department to report its civilian death toll estimate every year. The New York Times described this as a move that increases “the secrecy that cloaks one of the most contentious aspects of the fight against terrorists.”

What we do know is that the Bureau of Investigative Journalism estimates that the U.S. carried out about 1,000 airstrikes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen in 2016 — that is, strikes by both drones and manned aircraft. So far in 2019, they believe that the U.S. has conducted 5,425 airstrikes, five times as many. In the month of September, the U.S. upped the pace to almost 40 airstrikes per day.

That brings us to where we are today.

Even the left wing of the leading presidential hopefuls would keep at least some parts of the status quo alive. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has not ruled out drone strikes. In 2015, he endorsed their use to assassinate “important terrorists.” This year, in response to an American Civil Liberties Union survey, Sanders answered that he would issue an executive order prohibiting the CIA from conducting drone strikes, giving the responsibility exclusively to the military.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., went further, explaining that “we must also dramatically curtail their use, institute protections to prevent civilian casualties; and provide maximum transparency when they do occur.” South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg responded that he would not forbid the CIA from conducting drone strikes because “it is imprudent to be unflinchingly categorical when it comes to dynamic national security challenges.” Former Vice President Joe Biden did not answer the survey at all.

During last week’s Democratic presidential debate, the candidates were asked specifically about U.S. foreign policy in Afghanistan. Not a single question or response mentioned increased drone strikes and conventional airstrikes, the loss of civilian life, or recent reporting on abuses seen at the hands of CIA-backed Afghan militia units.

Enjoy the twinkling lights today — the gingerbread houses, carols, gifts, and being around those you love. That’s part of the truth of America.

Please, though, do what you can to consider other truths about ourselves. Try to face the reality that there are people on the other side of the world today that, because of us, are experiencing a type of dread that has never existed in America. Try to imagine being surrounded by your family, all of you filled with acid anxiety about the buzzing far overhead, the persistent staring eye above your home, that may at any moment obliterate you and everything you love.

That likely won’t make it a merry Christmas. But it will make it something far more meaningful: an honest one.


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Back in April, during a ministers of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) meeting in Washington, it was agreed that a package of measures to strengthen support for Georgia and Ukraine, particularly in the area of ​​maritime defense, would be made.

“We agreed on a package of measures to improve our situational awareness and to step up our support for both Georgia and Ukraine in areas such as the training of maritime forces and coast guards, port visits and exercises and sharing information,” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said, while NATO ships were simultaneously conducting naval exercises with Ukraine and Georgia in the Black Sea.

There is little doubt that there is the long-term goal of bringing Ukraine and Georgia into the NATO alliance as a three-pronged attack against Russia in the attempt to isolate and pressure the Eurasian Giant:

Both Ukraine and Georgia are Black Sea states, along with Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey who are already NATO members. The Black Sea is the location of Russia’s warmwater ports, i.e. its access for year-round trade with the international community.

Although Russia’s Kaliningrad Oblast is completely surrounded by NATO members Poland and Lithuania, and fellow NATO members Norway, Estonia and Latvia share small land borders with Russia, a Ukrainian admittance into the alliance will be the biggest encroachment by NATO against Russia since the infamous February 1990 promise made by then-U.S. Secretary of State James Baker who made “iron-clad guarantees” to Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not expand “one inch eastward,” if the Soviets supported the reunification of Germany. This was obviously a lie.

Georgia will become a Caucasian salient, on the fringes of where Europe becomes Asia, in the attempt to surround and isolate Russia.

However, both Ukraine and Georgia face significant obstacles as they have unresolved territorial dispute: Ukraine with the Lugansk People’s Republic and the Donetsk People’s Republic, and Georgia who does not recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia despite the reality that these states have achieved sovereignty. So long as the sovereignty and independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and the status quo of Donbass remains unresolved, there is little chance Ukraine and Georgia will be able to join NATO with European member states unwilling to go to war with Russia for the sake of these two countries.

As L. Todd Wood, a former special operations helicopter pilot, said in an opinion piece published in the Washington Times in November last year,

“Ukrainians and Georgians are good people and deserve our support to realize their dreams. But it’s time to stop with the creeping borders of the alliance. Moscow […] declared that if Georgia or Ukraine joined NATO, Russia would be “forced to act.” I take that threat at face value. Frankly, they have no choice. Any self-respecting Russian leader would have to react or resign.”

Perhaps this is exactly what the U.S. wants though? The Soviet Union, the reason for the establishment of NATO to begin with, is long gone and will not return. This calls into question the purpose of NATO today, and it comes down to two U.S. self-serving reasons:

The desperate prevention of a new Multipolar World Order, which Russia plays a critical part in. It is for this reason that China has now also been identified by NATO as a “very strong competitor.” However, Russia’s defense of South Ossetia in 2008 and the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative has already indicated that the era of unipolarity has come to an end.

To ensure that the U.S. Military Industrial Complex maintains a monopoly on arms sales to the 29-member alliance. The addition of Georgia and Ukraine to NATO will force these countries to spend at least 2% of their GDP on their military, in which U.S. military manufacturers will benefit from.

Any Ukrainian-Georgian admittance into NATO will undoubtably create problems for Russia as it will have to increase its defense spending and it would signal the final eastward expansion onto large swathes of Russia’s European borders. Realistically though, NATO is fractured as never seen before. It is unlikely that Georgia and Ukraine will join the alliance anytime soon, especially as mentioned, it is unlikely European states will want to risk a conflict with Russia over them despite what Washington may want.

In turn, Moscow has its own options to utilize against Georgia and Ukraine such as deepening military support and ties to Donbass, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Also, as done in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the local government of Sevastopol in 2014, referendums could be conducted in Donbass, Abkhazia and South Ossetia to determine if these republic’s want to join Russia. With this trump card (trump being used unironically), by Ukraine and Georgia joining NATO, they could be further weakened by the potential expansion of Russian territory through legal means.

In this light, although Georgia and Ukraine have the goal of joining NATO in the belief that it will help defend their interests against a so-called Russian aggression, it is likely to have the opposite outcome.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Paul Antonopoulos is a Research Fellow at the Center for Syncretic Studies.

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Nestlé and the Privatization of Water: A Tale of Many Cities

December 30th, 2019 by Franklin Frederick

On November 14th the Canadian group Wellington Water Watchers organized the “All Eyes on Nestlé” conference in the city of Guelph, Ontario, bringing together indigenous’ peoples and citizens’ movements fighting Nestlé’s water takings from Canada, the US, France and Brazil.

Following this public event, the representatives of the organizations involved met for a workshop to exchange information and discuss possible common strategies of resistance to this giant corporation water grabbing. From the experiences and stories shared by groups as different as the Collectif Eau 88 – from the city of Vittel, France – Save Our Water – from Elora, Canada – or the Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation -from the  US – it became clear that there is a common pattern in all these places where Nestlé takes water for its bottling facilities, contrary to this companies’ claim that any problem  is always just a local issue. This common pattern shows, for instance, that the amounts of water taken – for which Nestlé pays close to nothing – usually causes groundwater levels to sink, affects ecosystems and endangers the water supply of the local citizens. In Vittel, for instance, Nestlé and the community take water from the same aquifer and French state institutions recognized that this situation put at risk the aquifer, since the water takings went faster than its natural replenishing. The solution proposed by the French authorities? To build a pipeline of about 14 km to bring water from another place for the inhabitants of Vittel, so that Nestlé could continue undisturbed its business pumping the groundwater from Vittel!!!

Thanks to the resistance of the Collectif Eau 88, the pipeline project was politically defeated and another solution has to be found to protect the aquifer. But if it were not for this citizens’ movement, the pipeline project would have been built with tax payers money. In Wellington County, Nestlé Waters Canada has permission to extract 4,7 million litres of water a day in wells at Hillsburgh and Aberfoyle and according to Mike Balkwill from Wellington Water Watchers, “ the company has applied to renew those permits , while it extracts water without the consent of Six Nations, on whose territory it operates, and despite public opposition from several indigenous organizations.” And again, thanks to the resistance of both Six Nations and other citizens’ movements, the moratorium on water permits that would end on next January 1stwas recently extended by the authorities to October 2020.

The situation is the same in Florida where although the local water authority considers that the water system is in recovery from overexploitation, Nestlé still wants to pump water from Ginnie Springs. The common pattern emerging from these and other cases – in the State of Michigan or in the small city of São Lourenço in Brazil – also shows that it is always local groups that defend water, not the State’s water or environmental authorities. On the contrary, another pattern that repeats itself in most of the cases, governments very often side with the corporation against the citizens.

Even worse, in many places Nestlé “merges” with the local authorities, as in Maine where a Nestlé manager was on the State’s environmental protection agency board or in Vittel where a deputy mayor was sued for a conflict of interest concerning the pipeline project: this deputy, departmental councillor Claudie Pruvost, was married to a Nestlé executive from Vittel, president of an association that had been chosen to bring the Water Development and Management Project to the Local Water Commission that Mrs Pruvost chaired. The trial was delayed because the case had to be moved from the court in the city of Epinal – the closest to Vittel – to the city of Nancy because the vice-president of the court in Epinal was also married to the Director of Nestlé Waters in Vittel!

Nestlé always tries to establish alliances or partnerships with Governments to protect itself and its bottling operations, especially in its home country, Switzerland, where its image has to be more carefully protected. Recently, the ex-Nestlé’s Head of Public Affairs, Christian Frutiger, was appointed Vice-Director of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation – SDC, the Swiss Government Agency responsible for Development Aid programmes – where he will be responsible for SDC’s Global WATER program!

The ecological damage caused by Nestlé’s water takings and bottling facilities are not locally limited either. PET water bottles are one of the main sources of plastic waste worldwide. One single example suffices to give an idea of the contribution of Nestlé to this problem: according to Wellington Water Watchers, if the Government approves Nestlé’s permits to take water from commercial bottling in Wellington County, the company will produce more than 3 billion 500 ml. of plastic bottles per year – laid end-to-end, that number would circle the earth 16 times! And this amount of plastic comes just from two sites in Wellington County! Nestlé has dozens of such bottling facilities all over the world, using huge amounts of fossil fuels to produce more billions of plastic bottles. If we add to that all the fuel consumed to transport all these bottles – mainly by truck – we can also see the significant impact of Nestlé on climate change.

Image from the author

Such patterns are intrinsic to Nestlé’s bottling operations worldwide and to the economic and political power of this giant multinational corporation. Countries such as Canada, the US or France are among  the wealthiest and  most traditional democratic societies in our planet and still their citizens have to fight very hard and for very long just to achieve some minimum  level of protection of ground and surface waters, ecosystems and for  their access to water in the future – things that in a democracy we would take for granted as an obligation of the State. But if Nestlé can manage to have governments on its side and against the citizens even in such traditional democracies as the US, Canada and France, what then may happen to communities facing Nestlé’s water grabbing in much less democratic and much more vulnerable societies in Africa, Latin America or Asia?

In our time, multinational corporations became the main source of economic and political power, as explained by Paul A. Baran and Paul M. Sweezy in their classic work “Monopoly Capital”:

“Votes are the nominal source  of political power and money is the real source: the system, in other words, is democratic in form and plutocratic in content.(…) Suffice it to say that all the political activities and functions which may be said to constitute the essential characteristics of the system – indoctrinating and propagandazing the voting public, organizing and maintaining political parties, running electoral campaigns – can be carried out only by means of money, lots of money. And since in monopoly capitalism the big corporations are the source of big money, they are also the main source of political power.”

In fact, some transnational corporations have profits bigger than the GNP of the large majority of the countries in the world. One example may give a better view of the economic power of such corporations as compared to other international institutions: in 2017 Nestlé spent 7.2 billion US dollars on global advertising efforts. The World Health Organization proposed budget for 2016-2017 was US$ 4.384.9 million. It is important to understand as well that the modern transnational corporation is also the ‘natural’ successor of the old colonial powers, with the difference that while the old colonial powers concentrated in exploiting the global south, their contemporary heirs are able to exploit the global NORTH as well, when the resources they need are located there, as  Paul Sweezy explained in this quote from “Modern Capitalism and Other Essays”:

“(…) there is no reason to suppose that a corporation would willingly exempt foreign markets and sources of supply from its planning horizon just because they happen to be outside a particular set of national boundaries.”

In fact, communities in Canada, France and the US trying to protect their water resources from Nestlé are fighting the same battles that communities in the global south always had to fight in order to protect their own resources from colonial grabbing. The old colonial powers used local oligarchies submissive to their politics and economic views as rulers in their colonies, which became the “governance model” in most of the global south. Under neoliberalism, this model has been exported to the global north where transnational corporations are gradually taking over the democratic space and the political power, turning many places in the north into mirror images of colonised communities in the global south. Under this new colonial power, governments in the south as in the northbecome willing servants of the corporate sector, making sure that despite environmental and social damage the corporations get access to the resources they need.

But this fact creates an important new opening for communication, solidarity, understanding and common action between citizens’ groups fighting water privatization in the global north and in the global south. The fight, south or north, is the same: to keep water in public hands under democratic control. And to fight for water is also to fight for our endangered democracies under the authoritarian threat of corporate control, south or north. A new alliance between south and north can emerge that will be a powerful movement challenging the corporate sector and its servants. The corporations, of course, will fight back and Nestlé, again, has already a long and successful history of fighting civil society.

In the 1970s an international boycott was launched against Nestlé due to its practices of promotingbottle feeding and discouraging breast feeding, causing infant illness and death in southern poorer countries.This campaign, known at the time as “Nestlé kills babies”, had an unprecedented impact on the company, much damaging its image. To fight this campaign Nestlé hired Raphael Pagan, an Army Intelligence Officer at the US Department of Defence. Pagan advised US Presidents Nixon, Reagan and Bush on Third World Policies – which means, on how to fight back Third World Liberation movements. In fact, Nixon was the US President who gave support to General Pinochet coup d’état against elected President Salvador Allende in Chile, throwing this country in a murderous military dictatorship that lasted for years. Pagan received a Life Achievement Award from President Reagan – the US President waging war against the Nicaraguan Sandinista Government, killing and terrorizing thousands of people in Central America. Raphael Pagan was very effective in fighting back the international boycott against Nestlé, mainly by designing a strategy to divide the civil society groups organizing the campaign. This partnership with military intelligence to fight civil society organizations was so successful that Nestlé went deeper in this collaboration.

In 2002 Nestlé hired John Hedley, an ex-MI6 agent – British military intelligence – as Head of Security. Among other things, Hedley was responsible for organizing an operation to spy civil society groups critical to Nestlé in Switzerland, mainly the ATTAC group. When this operation was unveiled by a Swiss investigative journalist that denounced it in the Swiss TV, Nestlé had to face a court case and was condemned by the Swiss justice for it. Nestlé also developed what is known as the “War Room”, a high-tech communication centre that tracks in real time any mention to Nestlé in social media, so that the company can react fast to any “threats” posed by people.  In 2011 Nestlé organized its annual “Creating Shared Values” conference in Washington in partnership with “The Atlantic Council” – a US based organization that brings together big business, politicians and the military. The Atlantic Council – hence its name – is a member of NATO – the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (more about it here).

The main panel discussion at this event was with Nestlé’s CEO Peter Brabeck and the President and CEO of The Atlantic Council Frederick Kempe, with the title:

‘Creating Shared Value in Latin America: Opportunities, Obstacles and Future Directions in Nutrition, WATER , Rural Development’

I guess that what the panel called ‘obstacles’ was – and still is – civil society movements trying to keep their natural resources – including water – in public hands. When challenged with this kind of resistance from society, corporations like Nestlé may find it very useful to have NATO at their side to help “convincing” rebel governments to give away their natural resources for the corporate sector profit – not for the development of the country.

Nestlé also has a special program to hire ex-US military men and women, see this and this.

Maybe just to keep the close links with the US military, since, as far as I know, there is no Nestlé special program to hire ex-Swiss or ex-French military people, just US ones…

These examples suffice to show that Nestlé has a leadership position  in imposing corporate control  over democratic institutions in order to have access to natural resources like water. The examples also show that Nestlé is far ahead in developing strategies and partnerships to fight back civil society resistance.

Only united, north and south, can we hope to protect our waters from corporate grabbing and our democracies from corporate control. There is no other way.


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The US recently announced its intent to stay in the Arab Republic in order to “keep the oil” and channel revenues from it to the local Kurdish militia, despite protests from Damascus.

Syria is considering filing an international suit against the American government over its actions in the eastern part of the country, Syrian presidential adviser Bouthaina Shaaban said in an interview with Al-Mayadeen TV.

“Syria is looking into the possibility of filing an international lawsuit against the United States, due to the fact that they steal Syrian oil”, she said.

Previously, Syrian Ambassador to UN Bashar al-Ja’afari accused the US of stealing the country’s national resources during one of the international body’s meetings, also slamming the UN’s lack of action on the matter.

“The US occupies Syrian oil wells and plunders the Syrians’ revenues in the shadow of the UN Security Council’s silence”, the ambassador said.

US President Donald Trump announced in October 2019 that the US will be withdrawing its forces from the Arab Republic, but eventually backtracked. He stated that a “small” US contingency would stay behind to “keep the oil”. POTUS also claimed that the revenues from the oil would go to fund the Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces and their militia.

The decision was harshly condemned by Damascus and Moscow, who accused Washington of illegally seizing the oil fields and stealing the country’s natural resources.


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The Venezuelan soldiers who participated in the U.S.-backed coup attempt in April of this year and subsequently fled to the U.S. have been incarcerated in ICE detention camps ever since. Telemundo, a subsidiary of NBCUniversal, secured an interview with Major Hugo Parra, the highest-ranking of the handful of soldiers who answered self-declared President Juan Guaidó’s call to overthrow the government of Nicolas Maduro. After the coup ended in spectacular failure, Parra revealed that he fled the country, ending up in the United States on April 11, where he expected to be given a hero’s welcome for his part in the Trump-approved insurrection.

Instead, he was immediately detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), first kept in a facility in Texas, then later transferred to the Winn Correctional Center in Louisiana. He has been refused all requests for bail or appointments to see a judge, one of nearly 42,000 people, most of them from Latin America, currently locked up in ICE prisons.

Parra told the pro-coup Telemundo:

I have fallen to rock bottom. I have lost everything: my family, my house. My actions were worth nothing. I don’t see any way out.”

Thus, his attempts to bring about a U.S.-backed far-right military regime in Venezuela ended ironically with him in the custody of a militarized authoritarian system he was trying to establish.

While top U.S. officials like Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Senator Marco Rubio specifically called on the military to rebel against Maduro, Parra said he felt totally abandoned by both the U.S. government and by Juan Guaidó, Washington’s handpicked successor to Maduro. Guaidó had promised to protect all military defectors, but, despite using Parra for public relations purposes, has diligently ignored his pleas for help. Guaidó’s ambassador to the U.S., Carlos Vecchio, likewise shunned the detained soldiers, according to Parra. “All the steps have been taken” the detained soldier lamented, so that Vecchio could support them with a lawyer but he has not been able to elicit anything.

Hugo Parra

Major Hugo Parra, left, and first lieutenant Erick Molina cross the border into the United States where they surrendered themselves to immigration authorities on April 11, 2019. Photo | Raynell Martínez

When asked for a response, Guaidó’s Director of Consular Affairs in Washington, Brian Fincheltub, distanced himself from Parra: “Every day in Venezuela there are millions of emergencies and hundreds of cases like this that are happening,” adding that the resources of the diplomatic mission of the interim president in the country are limited and that they have restrictions to act “especially on immigration issues.”

Guaidó has attempted three coups this year, in January, April and November. All were backed by the United States. The last of the three was so unsuccessful that it was barely noticed even inside the country. Guaidó, someone that over 80 percent of Venezuelans had not heard of in January, has seen his popularity wane throughout the year as his increasingly desperate attempts to seize power continued to fail.

He had previously convinced Vice President Mike Pence that he commanded the loyalty of the majority of the armed forces in the country, but when Pence and Guaidó joined forces to call on them to rebel, only about 0.1 percent did so. Guaidó’s mentor Leopoldo Lopez also told international media at a press conference that if his party succeeded in ousting Venezuala’s government, they would ask the U.S. to come in and govern Venezuela formally.

Despite being generously bankrolled by the American taxpayer, their Popular Will party remains the sixth-largest in the country. Guaidó has also been the subject of multiple embezzlement scandals totaling over $90 million this year alone. It appears, therefore, that the U.S. government increasingly sees him as something of a charlatan who tricked them into supporting a series of hare-brained schemes bound for failure. As a result, media depictions of him have fallen from glowing in January to frosty by December.

Nicolas Maduro, the handpicked successor of late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez,  won the country’s re-election in May 2018 in a vote that, on U.S. government orders, the more radical wing of the Venezuelan opposition refused to participate in. Since then, Washington has increased its economic warfare on the country.

Trump’s sanctions were declared illegal by the United Nations, who implored every member state to break them. In September of 2018, former special rapporteur for the United Nations, Alfred de Zayas criticized the US for engaging in “economic warfare” against Venezuela which he said is hurting the economy and killing Venezuelans. De Zayas compared the sanctions to medieval siege warfare.

The U.S. has had moderate success in drumming up international support for its handpicked successor to Maduro, convincing around a quarter of the world’s countries to support Guaidó. Three-quarters of the world’s countries still recognize Maduro as the legitimate president of Venezuela.

If throwing key collaborators in their coup attempts in ICE prison camps becomes a common policy, the U.S. might find even fewer Latin Americans willing to risk overthrowing their own governments.


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Alan MacLeod is a MintPress Staff Writer as well as an academic and writer for Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting. His book, Bad News From Venezuela: Twenty Years of Fake News and Misreporting was published in April 2019

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Syria’s Idlib province in the country’s northwest borders Turkey.

Infested with US-supported jihadists, the Erdogan regime lets them move back and forth cross-border between both countries while pretending to oppose them — supplying them with heavy and other weapons, along with the US, NATO and Israel.

Idlib is the last terrorist stronghold in Syria, its liberation essential to free the country and its people from their menace.

A year ago, Putin and Erdogan agreed on establishing a 15 – 20 km-wide demilitarized zone in Idlib along the Turkish border.

An agreed on ceasefire failed straightaway because of Turkey’s aggression in Syria and support for jihadists Erdogan pledged to oppose — despite joint Russian/Turkish patrols along border areas between both countries.

Despite pledging to withdraw US forces from Syria, Trump reneged, his word never his bond, why he and other top US officials can never be trusted.

Thousands of Pentagon troops, paramilitaries, and private military contractors (PMCs) remain in northern and southern parts of the country, including in most Syrian oil-producing areas.

Stolen oil is smuggled cross-border into Turkey for sale on the black market, Washington, private US interests, and the Erdogan regime profiting from grand theft.

US involvement in Syria is all about seeking regime change, wanting Assad replaced by pro-Western puppet rule, the country transformed into a client state, Iran isolated regionally, greater “maximum pressure” exerted on its ruling authorities — a failed agenda.

Iran is currently holding joint military exercises with Russia and China in the Gulf of Oman ad Indian Ocean.

Head of Russia’s Center for Contemporary Iran Studies Recep Safarov said these first ever joint drills show the importance of the Islamic Republic as a regional security “superpower.”

Joint military coordination among these countries is all about establishing security in these waterways, protecting them for international trade, combatting US-supported terrorists, along with showing that Russia, China and Iran comprise a military coalition — for defense, not offense the way US-dominated NATO operates.

Syrian forces supported by Russian airpower are battling to liberate Idlib from US-supported terrorists.

According to Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, jihadists in Idlib increased their number of artillery strikes throughout December on government forces and residential areas to 60 daily, double their earlier numbers — killing Syrian troops and civilians.

Ignoring Pentagon mass slaughter and destruction in Syria throughout years of US aggression, Trump tweeted last week:

“Russia, Syria, and Iran are killing, or on their way to killing, thousands of innocent civilians in Idlib Province (sic). Don’t do it! Turkey is working hard to stop this carnage (sic).”

US-supported jihadists and Pentagon terror-bombing are responsible for hundreds of thousands of casualties since Obama regime aggression was launched in March 2011 — along with the severest refugee crisis since WW II from what’s gone on in all US war theaters.

Since mid-December fighting began to liberate Idlib, government forces regained control over southern areas, major battles remaining to free its millions of residents from the scourge of US supported terrorists.

On Saturday, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported that government forces entered Al Halba in southeast Idlib.

They forced al-Nusra terrorists near Jarjanaz to retreat, dozens of their fighters killed or wounded.

According to the Beirut-based Arabic-language Al Akhbar broadsheet, (US-supported) jihadists in Idlib ignored a days earlier agreed on ceasefire near the Damascus/Aleppo highway.

In the past two weeks, government forces liberated 46 Idlib province towns and villages, Tass reported, adding:

“They regained control over the territory of 320 square kilometers, which had been controlled by the (US-supported) Jabhat al-Nusra terror group and armed groups collaborating with it.”

On Saturday, AMN News reported that a counter-offensive (including suicide attacks) by al-Nusra jihadists in southeastern Idlib was “repelled by the Syrian Arab Army…west of Jarjanaz.”

On Friday, Southfront cited Abkhazian Network News video, documenting advances by Syrian forces “in the southeastern Idlib countryside,” retaking areas held by al-Nusra and allied terrorists.

The video “show(ed) dozens of Russian and Syrian airstrikes targeting militants’ battle tanks, armored vehicles, rocket launchers and positions in southeast Idlib,” said Southfront, adding:

Weapons captured by government forces included “an armored vehicle and a Turkish-made HY 12 120 mm mortar.”

US-supported ISIS cells remain active in Syria. Last week their fighters shelled southeastern Deir Ezzor.

Video posted on social media showed anti-government jihadists firing a US TOW anti-tank missile at a Russian-made Syrian T-62 tank, failing to pierce its heavy armor.

The US also supplied jihadists in Syria with shoulder-launched, man-portable, surface-to-air (SAMS) missiles, able to down helicopters and low-flying aircraft.

Government forces reportedly advanced to about two miles from Maaret al-Numan on the strategic M5 highway, linking Damascus with Aleppo.

Assad vowed to liberate all Syrian territory. Fighting continues in Idlib and elsewhere.

As long as the US occupies northern and southern Syrian territory, restoration of peace to the country and its long-suffering people remains unachieved.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

A fourth round of leaked internal documents from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) was published by WikiLeaks Friday, further exposing the official report on an alleged 2018 chemical weapons attack in Douma—a suburb of Damascus then held by CIA-backed Islamist forces—as having been doctored to justify an attack by the United States, Britain and France against the Syrian government.

The documents point to a systematic effort to suppress evidence uncovered by investigators that cast significant doubt on the official line pushed by Washington and its imperialist allies that the government of Bashar al-Assad had conclusively carried out a chemical weapons attack which killed as many as 49 people.

Without presenting any evidence to prove that Assad’s military had indeed carried out the alleged attack, purported video of children suffering in its aftermath pushed by the mainstream media was seized on by the US, UK and France to launch an assault on Syrian government targets just one week later. The official OPCW report was published this March, nearly one year after President Donald Trump ordered the series of airstrikes which threatened to spark a wider war with Iran and Russia, Assad’s main allies.

The series of leaks published by the media outlet founded by journalist Julian Assange, currently imprisoned by the British government while awaiting extradition to the US for exposing imperialist war crimes in the Middle East, have exposed the fact that key evidence along with dissent by investigators who were on the ground in Douma was omitted from the final report in order to give the impression that the OPCW had concluded that Assad had carried out a chlorine gas attack on April 7, 2018. The initial round of emails was verified as authentic by Reuters at the end of November.

Just as extraordinary as the leaks themselves is the fact that they have been completely blacked out by the mainstream media in the United States and Europe. Despite the explosive character of the documents that have been published so far, exposing the ostensibly objective and neutral OPCW as a tool of the US and its imperialist allies, there has been no significant coverage in the mainstream media nor any effort by the New York Times, Washington Post or any other major outlet to debunk the documents or their contents.

Last month, Newsweek reporter Tareq Haddad resigned in protest after his editors forcefully rebuffed his efforts to report on the leaks. Given the apparently enforced silence about these now publicly available documents, the question must be asked if the equivalent of a British-style D-notice has been sent by the CIA and the State Department to editorial boards in the US, Europe and elsewhere in an effort to bury any exposure of the lies whipped up in the years-long effort to overthrow Assad.

The latest round of documents includes an email from the head of the OPCW, Sebastien Braha, sent on February 28, 2019, just ahead of the release of the final report on the investigation of the Douma incident, demanding the removal of any trace of the report produced by veteran OPCW inspector and ballistics expert Ian Henderson from the organization’s internal registry. Henderson’s investigation had concluded it was more likely that the cylinders which had been identified as the source of chlorine gas had been placed where they were found, rather than being dropped from the air.

“Please get this document out of DRA [Documents Registry Archive]… And please remove all traces, if any, of its delivery/storage/whatever in DRA,” Braha wrote, referring to Henderson’s report.

The final report omitted any reference to Henderson’s findings, which were not made public until they were leaked to the press, and did not include any other dissenting opinions from investigators who had examined evidence in Douma. An investigator from the Fact Finding Mission (FFM) in Syria noted in an email from a previous tranche released by WikiLeaks that the final report had been so changed that it “no longer reflects the work of the team.”

Other critical details uncovered by investigators, including that only trace amounts of chlorinated organic chemicals had been found by investigators, were omitted from the report, giving the impression that conclusive evidence was uncovered of a chlorine gas attack.

Another email published by WikiLeaks was sent by Sami Barrek, the team leader of the FFM, to Henderson and several others at the end of July 2018. It noted that all but one of the eight investigators who had been on the ground in Douma would be excluded from further discussion on the final report. Jonathan Steele, former senior foreign correspondent for the Guardian, reported in Counterpunch last month that an OPCW whistleblower known as “Alex” relayed an incident that same month in which three unidentified American officials met with dissenting investigators to declare that there was no question that Assad was responsible for the alleged chlorine gas attack in Douma.

The latest leak also includes the minutes from a meeting on June 6, 2018 between a team of OPCW investigators and three toxicologists/clinical pharmacologists and one bioanalytical/toxicological chemist, who were all experts in medical chemical weapons protection. The purpose of the meeting with the four experts was to ask for their advice on the efficacy of exhuming purported victims of the attack to seek evidence of exposure to chlorine gas and to analyze video and photos of alleged victims to determine if their symptoms aligned with exposure to chlorine or other reactive chlorine gas.

On the first point, the experts agreed that, given the conditions of burial of the alleged victims, the likelihood of finding evidence of chlorine exposure was low, and exhumation would not prove useful. More significantly, on the second point, according to the minutes, “the experts were conclusive in their statements that there was no correlation between symptoms and chlorine exposure,” based on the video and photos they were shown by the investigators.

The chief expert laid out two possibilities for the OPCW team—that there was, in fact, a real chemical weapons attack, or that the event had been a propaganda exercise. The experts were insistent that victims of a chlorine gas attack would not have gathered in piles in the middle of their apartments, as they had been found. Instead, they would have rushed to close-by exits in search of clean air.

The OPCW team concluded after their meeting with the four experts “that the symptoms observed were inconsistent with exposure to chlorine and no other obvious candidate chemical causing the symptoms could be identified.”

Marc-Machael Blum, then head of the OPCW laboratory, noted in an email sent on August 28, 2018 after reviewing the minutes that speculation by the chief expert during the meeting that the Douma incident was staged “was mainly fueled by the fact that the circumstances of death for the victims do not match chlorine rather than corpses arranged for propaganda purposes.”

These observations from the investigators and experts, countering the official narrative, were likewise excluded from the final OPCW report.


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The Globalization of War: America’s “Long War” against Humanity

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“This decision upholds protections for one of the most fragile and scientifically important areas in the North Atlantic from destructive activities like oil drilling and industrial fishing.”


Defenders of ocean habitats celebrated Friday after a federal court upheld a lower court ruling defending the right of the U.S. executive branch to set aside marine areas as national monuments.

Citing the authority found under the Antiquities Act of 1906 to establish marine national monuments, the U.S. Court of Appeals in the District of Columbia sided against a lawsuit brought by large fishing industry interests that challenged President Barack Obama’s designation of the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument, which encompases 4,913 square miles of the Atlantic Ocean off the nation’s northeast coast, as a protected area.

Conservation groups like the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the Conservation Law Foundation (CLF)—which had intervened in the case—applauded the court’s ruling.

“Today’s decision is a clear victory for our oceans and for the Atlantic’s only marine national monument,” said Peter Shelley, Senior Counsel at CLF. “This decision upholds protections for one of the most fragile and scientifically important areas in the North Atlantic from destructive activities like oil drilling and industrial fishing. Safeguarding the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts ensures that we are leaving a proud legacy for the people of New England.”

Kate Desormeau, senior attorney for the NRDC, also celebrated the ruling as a victory.

“Like one of America’s very first national monuments, the Grand Canyon, the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts is a natural treasure,” Desormaeu said in a statement. “It provides habitat for a wide range of species, from endangered whales to Atlantic puffins to centuries-old deep-sea corals.”

The court’s decision, she added, “affirms that presidents have the authority to protect marine areas like this for the benefit of current and future generations. Preserving ocean areas like this one will be absolutely key to ensuring the resilience of our oceans in a changing climate.”

Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Feel free to republish and share widely.


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Christmas: A Casualty of War

December 30th, 2019 by Dr. Camillo Mac Bica

I remember being far from home, family, and loved ones. Thrust into an alien and hostile land I didn’t even know existed. Christmas dinner choppered in to a desolate LZ. The space on the chopper where the cold turkey and warm beer had been, quickly filled with the still-warm bodies of comrades who had experienced their last Christmas.

I remember a Catholic priest, a Franciscan, offering Christmas mass on a makeshift altar of spent ammo boxes. Pragmatists all, we prayed for survival or at the least to die quickly. His sermon celebrating the birth of Christ, our “savior,” and the eternal joy and peace of heaven cut short by the urgency of war and his determination not to miss the last chopper out of hell.

I remember the body of a dead Viet Cong splayed upright, impaled in the layers of concertina wire, its barbs his crown of thorns, marking the no-man’s land surrounding the perimeter of a firebase north of Danang. Killed trying to breach the base’s defenses, his catatonic face frozen forever in a final exclamation of horror and pain. His decaying remains adorned by war-hardened holiday revelers, with Christmas decorations and a sign, soiled with blood and entrails, wishing all joy, happiness, and good will from the 26th Marines. As we passed and entered the base, few even took notice. I heard one young Marine; newly arrived in Country, whisper to no one in particular, “Ho, fucking ho, fucking ho.”

Those who know little of war, except what they have seen in a Hollywood film or read in a book, can’t understand why intrusive memories of war linger and negatively impact our lives so profoundly. Nor can they understand why, even after so many years, we remain haunted by war, believing as they do, that when the killing is done, the horror will end. That coming home and time will cleanse us of our sins and help us to mend. With the best of intentions, they are quick to offer a simple cure for what they see as war insanity, our mental illness. “Put the past behind you,” they tell us, “look to the future, and go on with your lives.”

We who have been there, however, the crazy ones, the insane, know the truth that there are some wounds even time can’t heal, and the memories of war remain, forever alive and toxic. Wherever you “look” or not, eyes wide opened or closed . . . it’s there. The innocence of youth dies quickly when killing becomes a rite of passage.

When the smells of Christmas pine and the sounds of Christmas bells become forever tainted by the screams of those waiting to die, Christmas too becomes a casualty of war.


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Camillo “Mac” Bica, Ph.D., is an author, activist, and Professor of Philosophy at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. His focus is in Social and Political Philosophy and Ethics particularly as it applies to war. Mac is former Marine Corps Officer, Vietnam Veteran, long time activist for peace and social justice and coordinator of Veterans For Peace Long Island. He can be contacted through his website at

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It is perhaps the least reported media scandal about the least reported international controversy in recent times—the resignation of Tareq Haddad, a well-regarded journalist from Newsweek, a mainstay of the mainstream media. 

At issue was what he said regarding the magazine’s refusal to cover the scandal unfolding within the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). Evidence has been building for some time that the OPCW cooked the books in its investigation of alleged chemical weapons use in the Syrian town of Douma on April 7, 2018. These allegations served as the justification for a subsequent joint U.S.-U.K.-France attack against suspected chemical weapons targets inside Syria, despite the fact that the OPCW had yet to inspect the Douma location, let alone issue a report on its findings.

In an announcement on Twitter, Haddad declared,

“I resigned from Newsweek after my attempts to publish newsworthy revelations about the leaked OPCW letter were refused for no valid reason,” adding, “I have collected evidence of how they [the OPCW] suppressed the story in addition to evidence from another case where info inconvenient to US govt was removed, though it was factually correct.”

Haddad further noted that he had been threatened by Newsweek with legal action if he sought to publish his findings elsewhere.

The OPCW’s Douma investigation has been under a cloud of controversy since shortly after its interim report was released to the public in early March 2019. The document was prepared by Ian Henderson, an engineer working for the OPCW. It challenged the conclusions of the inspection team regarding the provenance of two chlorine canisters located at the incident scene, and was leaked to the press.

The document, which the OPCW subsequently declared to be genuine, raised the probability that the canisters had been manually placed at the scene, as opposed to having been dropped by the Syrian Air Force, raising the question as to whether the entire Douma incident had been staged.

Haddad’s story, however, was not about Ian Henderson’s report, but rather a series of new documents, backed up by an inspector-turned-whistleblower known only as “Alex,” that accused the OPCW leadership of ignoring the findings of its own inspectors in favor of a revisionist report prepared by another team of inspectors based out of Turkey. This second group allegedly relied heavily on data and witnesses provided by the Syrian Civil Defense (the “White Helmets”) and the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS), two ostensibly humanitarian organizations opposed to the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Haddad’s new sources emerged after the publication of the OPCW’s final report on the Douma incident in July 2019. That document concluded that chlorine had been used as a weapon at Douma, likely via chlorine canisters dropped from aircraft—making the Syrian government solely responsible and legitimizing the U.S.-led aerial attacks.

The leaked material was verified by interviews to select reporters (possibly including Haddad, who is seeking whistleblower-like protection from Newsweek) by “Alex,” who claims to have been part of the Douma investigation. The narrative that emerges from a cursory examination of this new data is damning—the OPCW suppressed the findings of the investigation team, which concluded that chlorine had notbeen used as a weapon at Douma. The OPCW management then conspired with the U.S. government to manufacture another report, based on an alternate set of facts, which sustained the notion that the Syrian government had, in fact, used chlorine as a weapon.

The OPCW management has largely ignored the leaks. The current director general, Fernando Arias, defended the work of his organization, declaring,

“While some of these diverse views continue to circulate in some public discussion forums, I would like to reiterate that I stand by the independent, professional conclusion [of the investigation].”

For its part, Newsweek, through a spokesperson, told a reporter,

“The writer [Haddad] pitched a conspiracy theory rather than an idea for objective reporting. Newsweek editors rejected the pitch.”

Under normal circumstances, the leaked documents and first-hand testimony of a whistleblower like “Alex” would have garnered the attention of the mainstream media, especially given their link to the Trump administration. There was a time when the media wasn’t afraid to take a controversial story and run with it, even one that involved multilateral arms control. In August 1998, I resigned from my position as a chief weapons inspector with the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM), which had been charged with the removal, destruction, or dismantling of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in accordance with relevant UN Security Council resolutions. My resignation was front-page news at both The New York Times and The Washington Post (among others), and I was called to testify before the both the Senate and the House about my allegations, which centered on American interference with the work of UNSCOM.

In retrospect, I’d be delusional to believe that the sole reason the media had taken an interest in my story was that they found the intricacies of disarming Iraq fascinating. The reality was that, at least from the perspective of the mass media, my resignation had served as a means to play the story off against competing domestic political power bases, which in my case consisted of an incumbent Democratic president, Bill Clinton, and a Congress where both houses were controlled by Republicans.

My story had relevance not because I was empowered with fact-based truth (I was), but because my cause was taken up by one side (congressional Republicans) and used as a political cudgel against the other (President Clinton). The moment both the president and Congress came together of one mind, choosing military-backed regime change over legitimate disarmament, my utility was eliminated, and the media dropped me like a bad habit. The demonization of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq precluded any meaningful discussion of issues of disarmament, with the end result the unquestioning embrace of the notion that Iraq had retained WMD, despite there being no evidence to sustain this, and an acceptance of war as the only viable solution, despite the fact that weapons inspections had proven they could be useful.

While conventional wisdom eventually evolved to accept the fact that the UN disarmament process had worked, and that I was correct when I’d reported that Iraq had been qualitatively disarmed and no longer posed a threat worthy of war, the fact remains that the issue of Iraqi WMD was always secondary to the issue of Saddam Hussein. Even once there was agreement that the WMD had been nonexistent, there was never any rethinking of how we had collectively pigeonholed Saddam into the “evil dictator” category, with the merits of his removal rarely questioned.

There are many similarities between my case and that of the OPCW inspectors, especially when it comes to their defending the integrity of the institution they represent and resisting the corruption of outside influences. The OPCW matter, however, remains a matter of internal dispute, denied the grand stage of American politics and the media attention that would garner.

There are several reasons for this. First, it is hard to rally people around a case where the central debate is over the relevance of particles per billion, or engineering equations concerning the tensile strength of concrete and steel. While the underlying science and math appears to be on the side of Ian Henderson and “Alex,” the refusal of the OPCW to engage in any substantive discussion means that what passes for a “debate” has been hijacked by social media personalities. They’re led by Eliot Higgins and his cohort of Bellingcat “specialists” who back up their questionable science with well-worn tropes designating all who oppose them as “pro-Assad” conspiracy theorists and/or Russian-controlled trolls who are simply regurgitating “Kremlin talking points.”

Newsweek’s suppression of the reporting of Tareq Haddad is disturbing; the failure of the mainstream media to pick up the metaphorical ball and run with it is a damning indictment of the current state of journalism today. There was a time when an intrepid investigative reporter like Seymour Hersh would have sunk his teeth into a story such as this. But Hersh’s one-time outlet of choice—the New Yorker—and its editor, David Remnick, have foregone the pursuit of truth in favor of publishing stories that demonize Assad and Putin. The same can be said of The New York Times, The Washington Post, and other major media outlets.

The OPCW whistleblower scandal has all the elements of a blockbuster—heroes, villains, scandal, lies, and cover-up. But fact-based truth is no longer the fuel of the media business that modern journalism is supposed to sustain, especially when the truth can so easily be fobbed off as “pro-Assad” or “pro-Russia.” As long as this model remains in place, and the work of genuine journalists such as Tareq Haddad is suppressed by editors, the American people will remain prisoners of their own ignorance.


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Scott Ritter is a former Marine Corps intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union implementing arms control treaties, in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm, and in Iraq overseeing the disarmament of WMD. He is the author of several books, most recently, Deal of the Century: How Iran Blocked the West’s Road to War (2018).

Trump Signs Measure Enabling Establishment of a U.S. Space Force

December 30th, 2019 by Prof. Karl Grossman

President Trump has signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2020 that establishes a U.S. Space Force as the sixth branch of the U.S. armed forces—despite the Outer Space Treaty designating space as a global commons to be used for peaceful purposes.

Reported Space News: “Trump signed the NDAA flanked by top defense and military officials at a ceremony at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland.” It quoted Trump saying: “Today marks a landmark achievement as we officially inaugurate the newest branch or our military, the U.S. Space Force. This is very big and important moment.”

The Space News article quoted U.S. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper saying at the signing December 20:

“Our reliance on space-based capabilities has grown dramatically and today outer space has evolved into a warfighting domain of its own. Maintaining American dominance in that domain is now the mission of the United States Space Force.”

Bruce Gagnon, the coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, headquartered in Maine, said of what happened:

“The words ‘warfighting domain’ and US ‘dominance in space’ indicate that the Pentagon is actively planning to fight a war in space. This misguided notion is probably the most dangerous and frightening development of my lifetime—and I had thought the Cold War-era was bad. The idea that the U.S. thinks it can fight and ‘win’ a war in space is indeed the height of insanity.”

The U.S. Congress joining with the Trump administration “to push forward with this ‘US exceptionalism to the max’ notion indicates just how much the aerospace industry has taken control of Washington,” Gagnon, of Brunswick, Maine, continued.

“It is clear to me that what the Pentagon has long called ‘the largest, and most expensive industrial project in human history—‘Star Wars,’ will drive our nation’s economy over the cliff,” said Gagnon. “There will be rockets and weapons in space and more homeless across the nation than anyone could ever imagine. Yes, we should call it Pyramids to the Heavens. The aerospace industry is the contemporary version of the Pharaohs of Egypt and the taxpayers will be the slaves. But everything has an Achilles Heel and the enormous cost of Star Wars could just be it.”

He stated:

“It’s more than the right time for the public to declare a resounding NO.”

The formation of a U.S. Space Force and the U.S. drive for “American dominance” of space will inevitably turn space into a war zone because other nations, China and Russia and then more, will respond in kind. There will be an arms race in space.

The landmark Outer Space Treaty of 1967 was put together by the U.S., the former Soviet Union, and the U.K., and since signed by most nations on Earth. It was spurred, as Craig Eisendrath, as a U.S. State Department officer involved in its creation, by the Soviet Union launching Sputnik, the first space satellite, as he noted in the 2001 TV documentary I wrote and narrate, “Star Wars Returns.” It’s online. See this. Eisendrath said “we sought to de-weaponize space before it got weaponized…to keep war out of space.”

The Outer Space Treaty prohibits the placement of weapons of mass destruction in space, and although the Trump administration and U.S. military have been claiming a Space Force is necessary because of Russia and China moving into space militarily, in fact Russia and China —and U.S. neighbor Canada—have been leaders for decades in pushing for an expansion of the Outer Space Treaty. They have been advocating the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS) treaty under which the placement of any weapons in space would be barred. The U.S.—under both Republican and Democratic presidential administrations—has opposed the PAROS treaty and has effectively vetoed it at the United Nations. (I’ve been there to see this.)

“’Today is an historic moment for our nation as we launch the United States Space Force,’” Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett told reporters Dec. 20,” said the Space News article. “The Space Force is the first new military service created since 1947, when the Air Force was born from the U.S. Army Air Corps,” it continued.

“The Space Force authorization marks a huge political victory for Trump, who started championing the idea of a space service in early 2018 and directed the Pentagon in June 2018 to figure out a plan to make it happen,” said Space News, quoting Barrett as saying: “The president’s vision has become a reality with overwhelming bipartisan and bicameral support from Congress.” Raymond: “We do have a plan to rename the principal Air Force bases that house space units to be space bases.”

In a subsequent article, Space News reported that with the establishment of a U.S. Space Force, there is a plan to rename U.S. Air Force bases as U.S. Space Force bases. The piece said:

“Air Force installations that primarily do space work would be renamed Space Force bases. Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, for example, could become Peterson Space Force Base. Other candidates for re-designation include Colorado-based Schriever Air Force Base and Buckley Air Force Base, Patrick Air Force Base in Florida and Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.”

The article quoted General John “Jay” Raymond, who has been commander of the U.S. Space Command and has become commander of the new U.S. Space Force, as saying: “We do have a plan to rename the principal Air Force bases that house space units to be space bases.” See this.

Meanwhile, the U.S. military immediately unveiled an “official” U.S. Space Force website.

In the U.S. House of Representatives, the vote for NDAA on December 11 was 377 to 48. Some 189 Republicans and 188 Democrats voted for it. Six Republican House members voted no along with 41 Democrats and one independent. The vote was reported to be a result of a trade-off for 12 weeks of paid parental leave for civilian federal employees. The New York Times’ article on the vote said Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and advisor, was pivotal. “It was Mr. Kushner who helped broker a deal to create the Space Force, a chief priority of the president’s, in exchange for the paid parental leave, a measure championed by his wife, Ivanka Trump, also a senior advisor to the president,” said The Times.  See this.

The vote in the U.S. Senate on December 17 was 86 to 8. Some 48 Republicans and 37 Democrats and one independent voted for it. Four Republicans and four Democrats voted no.

Trump tweeted after the House vote: “Wow! All our priorities have made it into the final NDAA: Pay Raises for our Troops, Rebuilding our Military, Paid Parental Leave, Border Security, and Space Force!” See this.

The Space News article went on:

“Getting Congress to go along with the Space Force authorization took significant cajoling from the White House.” The House Armed Services Committee “unsuccessfully tried to pass a bill in the 2018 NDAA to establish a Space Corps. The Pentagon, the Air Force and the Senate at the time were adamantly opposed but all came around after Trump took up the cause.”

“To get Democrats to vote for the NDAA,” Space News said, “Trump went along with one of their top priorities to grant federal workers 12 weeks of paid time off after the birth or adoption of a child or to handle family health emergencies.”

It was a trade-off of the most profound historic proportions: paid parental leave for government employees, common in countries all over the world, for a measure that would turn space into an arena of war.

Effective as of December 2019, reported Space News, “The Air Force re-names the Air Force Space Command the U.S. Space Force….As many as 16,000 military and civilian personnel from Air Force Space Command will be assigned to the U.S. Space Force….Air Force Gen. John “Jay” Raymond, the commander of U.S. Space Command, will serve as the first Chief of Space Operations…chief of staff of the Space Force” and “become a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff by December 2020. The Office of the Chief of Space Operations—aka the Space Force headquarters—will be stood up at the Pentagon over the next 60 days.”

Further, there will be “a new Senate-confirmed position of assistant secretary of the Air Force for space acquisition and integration” and a “Space Force Acquisition Council”….The space acquisition executive will oversee the Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC), the Space Rapid Capabilities Office and the Space Development Agency.”

Space News said General “Raymond told reporters Dec. 20 that the establishment of a Space Force ‘truly launches us into a new era.’ However, there are still ‘thousands of actions will have to take place’ over the coming months and years.”

“’The uniforms, the patch, the song, the culture of a service, that work will continue,’ Raymond said,” the article went on. “We’re not going to be in a rush. That’s not something that we’re going to roll out on day one. Communicating to the public the importance of the Space Force to national security will be a priority, he said. Raymond is aware that the Space Force is mocked and called a ‘Space Farce’ and he thinks that is a problem. ‘This is not a ‘farce,’ he said. ‘This is nationally critical.’”

As to: “Will there be ‘spacemen’?” asked Space News, a trade journal. “How the members of the Space Force will be designated will be debated for some time before the service settles on a name. For now, the new branch will be formed with airmen assigned to serve under the Space force. A new name will be given to members of the Space Force eventually. ‘We want to develop our own identity,’ a senior official said. ‘We don’t want to say on day one ‘they’re going to be called x.’ Eventually, airmen will be asked to permanently transfer to the Space Force. The estimated 16,000 people who will be expected to transfer include 3,400 officers, 6,200 enlisted personnel and the rest civilians.”

“Graduates of the military academies of the other services will be allowed to commission into the Space Force,” reported Space News. “The actual transfer of airmen to the Space Force will be a laborious process that will require standing up a new personnel and compensation system. Each airman individually will have to volunteer to be separated from the Air Force. Officers would have to be reappointed and enlisted personnel would have to be re-enlisted to serve under the Space Force.”

“The Army is of special importance because it has a large cadre of space operators and experts estimated at more than 2,000 people,” the Space News article continued. “Barrett said the plan is to eventually bring them on. ‘Naturally the Amy and Navy will be partners,’ she said. ‘Over time they will be fully engaged.’ She said Army and Navy officials have been involved in the planning and rollout of the Space Force. Barrett also wants to figure out a plan for National Guard and Reserve units to serve on the Space Force.”

As to “how much money will the Space Force have”—what Bruce Gagnon of the Global Network calls the “Achilles Heel” of the scheme—Space News said “Congress approved $40 million for Space Force operations and maintenance in the fiscal year 2020 appropriations. That is less than the $72.4 million requested by the Trump administration, although Barrett said Dec. 20 that the funding would be enough to get started…In a Dec. 2 memo, a copy of which was obtained by SpaceNews,” the article went on, “Barrett requested the following transfers to the Space Force for fiscal year 2020: $9.3 billion from Air Force space-related weapons systems and operations, $1.4 billion from weapons system sustainment, $275 million from major command support, $26.3 million from education and training, $95 million from headquarters spending. Barrett said the personnel costs associated with all these programs also will transfer to the Space Force.”

National Public Radio has reported that Trump’s advocacy of a Space Force “started as a joke.” NPR’s Claudia Grisales in August related: “Early last year President Trump riffed on an idea he called ‘Space Force’ before a crowd of Marines in San Diego. It drew laughs, but the moment was a breakthrough for a plan that had languished for nearly 20 years.” She continued: “’I said maybe we need a new force, we’ll call it the Space Force,’ Trump said at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in March 2018. ‘And I was not really serious. Then I said, ‘What a great idea, maybe we’ll have to do that.’”

Gagnon recounts a protest he organized against the weaponization of space at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida in 1989 at which Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon participated, told those present that “any war in space would be the one and only. By destroying satellites in space massive amounts of space debris would be created that would cause a cascading effect and even the billion-dollar International Space Station would likely be broken into tiny bits. So much space junk would be created, Mitchell told us, that we’d never be able to get a rocket off the planet again because of the minefield of debris orbiting the Earth at 15,000 mph. That would mean activity on Earth below would immediately shut down—cell phones, ATM machines, cable TV, traffic lights, weather prediction and more—all hooked up to satellites, would be lost. Modern society would go dark.”

As to the weapons a Space Force might use, proposed for Reagan’s “Star Wars” program were hypervelocity guns, particle beams and laser weapons onboard orbiting battle platforms with onboard nuclear reactors or “super” plutonium systems providing the power for the weapons. General James Abramson, head of “Star Wars,” or as it was officially termed Strategic Defense Initiative, said at a Symposium on Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1988 that “without reactors in orbit” there would need to be “a long” extension cord bringing up power up from Earth.

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This article was originally published on Common Dreams.

Karl Grossman is a professor of journalism at the State University of New York/College at Old Westbury, is the author of Weapons In Space and wrote and narrated the TV documentary Nukes In Space: The Nuclearization and Weaponization of the Heavens. 

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US Strategy and What the Gas Pipeline War Is Costing Us

December 30th, 2019 by Manlio Dinucci

Although they were locked in a convoluted struggle concerning the impeachment of President Trump, Republicans and Democrats in the Senate laid down their arms in order to vote, in quasi-unanimity,  for the imposition of heavy sanctions on the companies participating in the construction of North Stream 2, the doubling of the gas pipeline which delivers Russian gas to Germany across the Baltic Sea. The main victims were the European companies which had helped finance the 11 billion dollar project with the Russian company Gazprom.

The project is now  80 % finished. The Austrian company Omy, British/Dutch Royal Dutch Shell, French Engie, German companies Uniper and Wintershall, Italian Saipem and Swiss Allseas are also taking part in the laying of the pipeline.

The doubling of North Stream increases Europe’s dependence on Russian gas, warn the United States. Above all, they are preoccupied by the fact that the gas pipeline – by crossing the Baltic in waters belonging to Russia, Finland, Sweden and Germany – thus avoids the Visegrad countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary), the Baltic States and Ukraine. In other words, the European countries which have the closest ties to Washington through NATO (to which we must add Italy).

Rather than being economic, the goal for the USA is strategic. This is confirmed by the fact that the sanctions on North Stream 2 are included in the National Defense Authorization Act, the legislative act which, for fiscal year 2020, hands the Pentagon the colossal sum of 738 billion dollars for new wars and new weapons (including space weapons), to which must be added other posts which bring the US military expenditure to approximately 1,000 billion dollars. The economic sanctions on North Stream 2 are part of a politico-military escalation against Russia.

An ulterior confirmation can be found in the fact that the US Congress has established sanctions not only against North Stream 2, but also against the Turk-Stream, which, in its final phase of realisation, will bring Russian gas across the Black Sea to Eastern Thrace,the small European area of Turkey. From there, by another pipeline, Russian gas should be delivered to Bulgaria, Serbia and other European countries. This is the Russian riposte to the US action which managed to block the South Stream pipeline in 2014. South Stream was intended to link Russia to Italy across the Black Sea and by land to Tarvisio (Udine). Italy would therefore have become a switch platform for gas in the EU, with notable economic advantages. The Obama administration was able to scuttle the project, with the collaboration of the European Union.

The company Saipem (Italian Eni Group), once again affected by the US sanctions against North Stream 2, was severely hit by the blockage of South Stream – in 2014, it lost contracts to the value of 2.4 billion Euros, to which other contracts would have been added if the project had continued. But at the time, no-one in Italy or in the EU protested against the burial of the project which was being organised by the USA. Now German interests are in play, and critical voices are being raised in Germany and in the EU against US sanctions against North Stream 2.

Nothing is being said about the fact that the European Union has agreed to import liquified natural gas (LNG) from the USA, an extract from bituminous shale by the destructive technique of hydraulic fracturation (fracking). In order to damage Russia, Washington is attempting to reduce its gas exports to the EU, obliging European consumers to foot the bill.

Since President Donald Trump and the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, signed in Washington in July 2018 the Joint Statement of 25 July: European Union imports of U.S. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), the EU has doubled its importation of LNG from the USA, co-financing the infrastructures via an initial expenditure of 656 million Euros. However, this did not save European companies from US sanctions.


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This article appeared on the Italian web newspaper, Il Manifesto. Translation is by Pete Kimberley

Manlio Dinucci is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Featured image is from Stefan Sauer/dpa

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It appears likely. According to Turkey’s Anadolu news agency, President Erdogan will send troops to Libya to support the Tripoli-based/UN-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA).

It’s combatting Trump-supported/longtime CIA asset/warlord Khalifa Haftar for control of the country.

Anadolu news said in late November, “Ankara and the Tripoli-based GNA signed two separate agreements, one on military cooperation and another on maritime boundaries of the countries in the Eastern Mediterranean.”

On Thursday, Erdogan said the following:

“Since there is (a Libyan GNA) invitation right now, we will accept it. We will present the motion to send troops (to the country) as soon as (Turkey’s) parliament resumes.”

“God willing, we will pass it in parliament on January 8-9 and thus respond to an invitation.”

Libyan GNA interior minister  Fathi Bashagha said his government will officially request military support from Turkey, adding:

“If the situation escalates then we have the right to defend Tripoli and its residents” with foreign help.

In late November, GNA Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj signed a memorandum of understanding on security and military cooperation with Turkey.

His ministers and Turkish parliamentarians OK’d the deal, a separate GNA request needed to send troops — what apparently is forthcoming.

Moscow expressed concern about escalating the conflict further, urging diplomatic resolution to end it.

Reports of Russian mercenaries involved are greatly exaggerated. Moscow strongly denies them.

According to Bloomberg News, Erdogan and Libya’s Sarraj approved a maritime deal last month in contested gas-rich eastern Mediterranean waters, saying:

The “preliminary agreement demarcates an 18.6-nautical mile line that will form the maritime boundary separating what will be the two countries’ respective exclusive economic zones,” adding:

Libya’s (GNA) “presidential council and Turkey’s parliament approved the memorandum of understanding.”

According to Turkish official in charge of maritime and aviation boundary affairs Catagay Erciyes, the deal “amounts to a political message that Turkey can’t be sidelined in the eastern Mediterranean and nothing can be really achieved in the region without Turkey’s participation.”

Waters in question are contested by Greece, Cyprus and Egypt, these countries criticizing what they call a brazen Turkish bid to control them.

Libya and Greece disagree over offshore exploration licenses Athens and Crete (the most populous Greek island) agreed on — the waters located between Turkey and Libya.

According to risk analyst Anthony Skinner, “Erdogan’s strategy has been to intensify tensions to such an extent as to force serious concessions from Greek Cyprus during future negotiations on the status of the island and how its natural gas wealth will be distributed,” adding:

“Standing up strongly for Turkish Cypriots constitutes part of Erdogan’s nationalist credentials, but also forms a key part of Turkey’s political identity and will remain a priority national interest.”

Bloomberg said Greece claims Erdogan’s deal with Libya “violate(s) continental shelf and economic exclusive zones of its own islands, including Crete.”

According to Erciyes, the Greek islands in question lie “on the wrong side of the median line between mainlands.”

Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, Egypt and Israel are contesting for control of gas-rich eastern Mediterranean waters.

Turkish drilling ships operate off Cyprus in waters Ankara claims as its exclusive economic zone per agreements with northern Cyprus it controls.

On Thursday, Erdogan said “(a)s long as the (GNA) government in Libya stands firm on its feet,” he’ll go all-out to secure what he and Sarraj agreed on.

His interest in getting involved in the Libyan conflict appears all about wanting control of resource-rich eastern Mediterranenan waters.

And where’s there’s gas, there’s likely oil.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

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It will be up to you, the clueless American citizen, to fight and pay for Israel’s war against its neighbors. This coming war was announced this week by Aviv Kochavi, the Israel Defense Force chief of staff. 

Max Blumenthal distills Kochavi’s threat. 



Kochavi’s “lecture at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya seemed to be aimed at both the ears of Israeli citizens and the ears of Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas,” reports Ynet, the online outlet for Yedioth Ahronot propaganda. 

Kochavi “sought to adjust the public’s expectations, while simultaneously sending a message of deterrence to the enemy,” the newspaper continues. 

This was an attempt to convey to the Israeli public that the home front will come under intense fire and the army will suffer great losses. 

All of this plays an important part in preparing for a wide-scale military conflict. It’s important to remember, however, one of the vital parts in waging a military conflict is setting clear and achievable goals, and that is the job of the IDF and the political echelon. 

In other words, the IDF has told the Israeli public to prepare for the destruction if its civilian infrastructure in response to the IDF destroying the civilian infrastructure in Iran, Syria, and Iraq (the latter two underwent the systematic destruction of civilian infrastructure and the murder of millions of innocent people; Iraq was destroyed at the behest of Israel-first neocons in the Bush administration, not because it posed a threat to America, but rather Israel). 

Part of the current propaganda effort is to prepare the Israeli people to live in bomb shelters while their homes, schools, and hospitals are bombed—little different than what Israel has done in Gaza and did in the past to Lebanon—and “allocate hundreds of millions of shekels to obtain air defense systems that are able to thwart any potential missile attack Iran may launch at Israel.” The track record on the effectiveness of these so-called defense systems is dismal. 

Last year, Israel’s David’s Sling missile defense system failed stupendously to intercept missiles fired from Syria, a neighbor obsessively bombed by Israel over the last few years. “This has been a recurring problem for nations with substantial investments in interceptor missiles. The costly missiles have tended to perform poorly in even the most favorable tests, and using them against perceived threats, as today, risks very public failures,” writes Jason Ditz. 

So, basically, Kochavi has told the Israeli people they will suffer inestimable losses in human life and property and their children will be conscripted to fight and die in order to pound Iran to dust, something the little country of Israel—which would not exist without American largess dispensed under what amounts to a voodoo trance—is unable to do on its own. 

This means, of course, the US military will be obliged to finish what Israel has long itched to start—a regional war to reduce Iran, Gaza, Syria, and Lebanon to smoldering ruins similar to those created by the psychopathic “creative destruction” neocons during the years of Bush the Lesser. 

Kochavi played fast and loose with the lives of Israeli citizens, who are as brainwashed and oblivious to their destruction as millions of Americans. 

“Although such actions could lead to an escalation in violence and casualties, they put Israel back in the driver’s seat and allow it to redirect the dynamics in the needed direction [in the direction of Zionist domination of the region and the continued dispossession of the Palestinian people],” Kochavi summarized. 

The willingness to act sends a message to the enemy that contrary to Israel’s image as a country that only launches airstrikes and is not prepared to absorb casualties, the willingness to exert force and risk that price to ensure peace for its citizens, reinforces Israel’s deterrence and may delay a major confrontation, or alternatively allow us to control one when it finally happens.

This message—prepare for immense suffering, standby and witness your relatives and friends blown to bloody pieces in the name of Zionist domination—is not simply intended for the fat and happy living in the racist and ethnic cleansing state of Israel. It is, as well, a message to the American people—you will be required to fight the Zionist war of domination, a war Israel knows it cannot win, never mind the fantasy Israel will win any contest due to its “skilled and deadly ground forces.” 

Congress has repeatedly, over successive decades, promised that it will not only subsidize Israel, but fight its wars as well. This would be impossible if not for endless propaganda portraying tiny Israel locked in am existential battle with a world of antisemites. 

“Indeed, one might argue that there is a tendency in Washington to see the world and even domestic policies through Israel’s eyes,” writes Philip Giraldi. “One might even suggest that the United States government is being progressively Zionized because of the free hand that Israel and its supporters have, which gives them the ability to seek benefits for Israel that they would be unlikely to pursue for the United States.”

The remarks of Colonel Pat Lang, a former special ops officer and head of the Defense Humint Service, are worth quoting at length. 

It’s an open question but I think the answer is probably yes. The U.S. military now seems to be totally focused on Israeli policy goals in Iran, Syria and Iraq… Israel wants Iran neutered and eliminated as a power rival in the Middle East. The putative Iranian nuclear weapons program is just one target of Israeli policy toward Iran. To reach the goal of Morgenthau-style comfort with regard to Iran, Israel wants to destroy Syria and Hizbullah as allies of Iran… The process of conditioning American officers to make them Zionists has been ongoing for a long time… Americans are mentally driven by aggressive sports analogies and Israel was a winner [of the 1967 “Six Day War”]. That made a big difference in spite of the repeated day long attacks by the Israeli air force and navy against U.S.S. Liberty, an American SIGINT collector positioned off the Egyptian coast…  The indoctrination and conditioning program described by Shoshana Bryen began in earnest after that and has carried through to the present under the umbrella of AIPAC and its galaxy of linked organizations especially JINSA. This program has been wildly, incredibly successful. As a result, there is an unthinking willingness among senior, and not so senior American officers to support Israeli policy in Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and now Saudi Arabia. The handful of M[iddle] E[ast] trained and educated U.S. officers are ignored, treated as technical experts or shoved out the door when they speak up.

This control of the US military by a foreign power was admitted by Shoshana Bryen. She is an ardent neocon involved in the indoctrination of US military personnel, a former director of the Jewish Policy Center, and a senior director of Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs. “The United States military… is a Zionist institution,” she said, according to Pat Lang. 

This means that a fight initiated by Israel against Iran and its “proxies” will certainly involve the US military. Criticism of this war by the people who will pay and die for it will be censored, denounced as antisemitism, and declared to be treason (recall the corporate media talking heads excoriating antiwar activists during Bush’s illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003, most notably Bill O’Reilly at Fox News). 

I hate to end this post on a sour note, but there really is no other choice. Israel has long prepared to attack Iran—and Hezbollah in Lebanon (the 2006 effort failed)—and has demanded the US do the dirty work despite the fact there is no chance Iran will bomb the US with its intermediate missiles. Chants of “Death to America” are rhetorical and hardly a threat. 

But then, as the arch neocon above admitted, the Pentagon is Zionist occupied territory. Add to this the unswerving support of Congress for Israel’s crimes against humanity—and its tireless effort to shut down any opposition to the endless violence of Zionists (including subverting what is left of the Bill of Rights)—and you can bet your bottom dollar we will be sucked into another catastrophic war. 


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Kurt Nimmo writes on his blog, Another Day in the Empire, where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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British Democracy on Death Row

December 29th, 2019 by True Publica

It’s all over the internet – you must have read about it by now. It’s all about Page 48 – and it is here that democracy dies in Britain. It was in the Conservative Manifesto. But the country voted for it – so that’s OK then. No need to make a thing of it in the mainstream media then.

Boris Johnson has declared this government to be a ‘people’s government’ as if somehow parliament was an enemy of the state. Unable to think of his own words – the prime minister quoted Margeret Thatcher’s idol Ronald Reagan as he addressed his new cabinet for the first time since the general election. Johnson told his ministers: ‘We should have absolutely no embarrassment about saying we are a people’s government, this is a people’s cabinet, and we are going to be working on delivering the priorities of the British people. And that’s what they want us to do.’

The ‘people’s government’ he refers to is a government soon to be digging away at the foundations of our democracy.

Boris Johnson then announced that he will amend the Brexit Bill to outlaw any extension beyond the end of 2020. The markets took the news badly and Sterling lost all of its gains since the announcement was made that Boris Johnson had won the election. One wonders if Johnson’s hedge-fund backers were tipped off in advance.

During the election campaign, there was little in the way of scrutiny by the mainstream media (and by that I mean none) during the election campaign, about the protection of parliamentary democracy. One sentence on Page 48 of the Conservative Manifesto said it all. “After Brexit, we also need to look at the broader aspects of our constitution: the relationship between the government, parliament and the courts.

These words – just two dozen are the most sinister to have emerged from this campaign. Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings were not at all happy when MPs stood up to the PM in parliament and prevented him from carrying out what he arrogantly wanted, and he was similarly antagonistic towards the senior judges who declared that his proroguing of parliament was not legal. And Johnson is soon to take vengeance for such affrontery.

He will not just take steps to reduce the powers of MPs and therefore increase his own – but will take action to reduce the power of Supreme Court judges so that similar situations cannot occur in the future.

Also on buried on Page 48 – a single mention of the party’s pledge to “update” the 1998 Human Rights Act, which brings the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) into domestic law. You won’t be surprised to know that it doesn’t actually specify what this update is made up of, or when it will happen. The language is deliberately vague, indicating that the update will “ensure that there is a proper balance between the rights of individuals, our vital national security and effective government.” This is not a pledge designed to draw the attention of scrutiny. Again, the mainstream media completely passed on it as if it meant nothing. It means that the state will legislate in favour of itself and disadvantage the nation in prejudice.

The HRA passed with overwhelming cross-party support in 1998. Yes – the Conservatives overwhelmingly backed it then. And why wouldn’t they – the ECHR itself was crafted by Winston Churchill and Conservative lawyer David Maxwell-Fyfe.

The word ‘update’ is interesting,” said Shreya Atrey, Associate Professor in International Human Rights Law at Oxford. “They are really relying on not being clear so that later they can do what they want. We can say that repeal is off the table. That is a good thing, and we should hold them to account, dare they cross that line. But given their past record, we can say that they mean to ‘weaken’ the commitments that we have to the ECHR.”

Nadia O’Mara, policy and campaigns officer at Liberty, an advocacy group, also warned that although an “update” “might sound innocuous, even progressive, given the Conservatives “history of trying to ‘scrap’ the HRA, it could lead to something far more sinister.”

While the manifesto pledge is scant on detail, recent Conservative announcements suggest the proposal is likely to be aimed at when and where those rights can be enjoyed and who can be held to account for their violation,” she said.

We shouldn’t forget that Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal has new executive powers baked into it giving executive authority not seen in Britain for 400 years aside of World Wars. It’s all very Trump-like. The difference is that America – for all its failings has a constitution to protect the people from state overreach.

In the end, whatever the eventual form of the HRA, the systematic attacks on it and on democracy itself are symptomatic of a troubling trend and trajectory in Britain: these are populist attempts to undermine the perceived legitimacy of the rule of law. And as we have seen, it has become the norm to attack supreme court judges, backed up by the right-wing press who use inflammatory language such as “enemies of the people.” This has now morphed into “we are the people’s government” and somehow that’s OK. Britain’s institutions – those organisations that uphold civil society are to be taken apart piecemeal.

Democracy is now being threatened by the loose language of a manifesto that proves that the gentleman’s agreement of Britain’s unwritten constitution means nothing in the 21st century. Democracy is on death row and the government intends to be its judge, jury and then executioner. We’re facing an alliance of the mainstream right and the far right: what the philosopher Hannah Arendt called “the alliance of the elite and the mob”.

It’s not just me saying this, look at the comments coming thick and fast now that Johson’s government is playing fast and loose with our democratic principles.

Josiah Mortimer – Electoral Reform Society:Westminster’s voting system is not just bust. It’s bankrupt, decrepit, discredited. Trust in politics is at rock bottom. It’s no wonder why.”

Rafael Behr – Prospect: “For onlookers, it (parliament) has been an impenetrable struggle, with arcane procedures and ancient ceremonial powers revived and weaponised. The whole spectacle has raised doubts about the relevance and fitness of parliament as the host venue for British democracy.”

Mary Fitzgerald – openDemocracy: “This year we’ve also won court cases to force transparency from the government – and seen off countless legal threats from bullies armed with expensive lawyers.”

Willie Sullivan – “It’s time for an overhaul to sort out this political stitch-up – we need a fairly elected second chamber to replace this archaic boys club we have now.”

Naomi Smith – CEO Best for Britain campaign, there are “We must be hyper-vigilant to any chipping away of the checks and balances that keep our democracy functioning. We have already seen that Johnson is prepared to bend the law to his will – further subversion by stealth cannot be allowed.

Green Party MP Caroline Lucas warned: “Judicial independence is critical to our democracy. The prime minister has already fallen foul of the Supreme Court. So I find his proposed constitution, democracy and rights commission very worrying. There must be no attack on our judiciary.

Outgoing Supreme Court president Lady Hale – who famously ruled against Mr Johnson’s five-week prorogation of parliament – used her retirement speech last week to warn Mr Johnson against political appointment of senior judges in another distortion of Britain democracy. “Judges have not been appointed for party political reasons in this country since at least the Second World War, we do not want to turn into the Supreme Court of the United States – whether in powers or in process of appointment.”

More democratic principles are being immediately challenged. Forcing new Voter ID requirements is just one of them. Electoral boundary changes will soon be another. Postal voting will be reformed with re-registration required every 36 months, and then there’s the Brexit Withdrawal Bill, which will substantially erode and diminish Britain’s democracy. Over 2020, we will see hundreds of years of democratic stability undone and many warnings of political overreach as civil society becomes the target of this governments disdain for the rule of law.


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Researchers in the United States and elsewhere are paying a lot of attention to the prospect that in the coming years new nuclear weapons—and the infrastructure built to operate them—will include greater levels of artificial intelligence and automation. Earlier this month, three prominent US defense experts published a comprehensive analysis of how automation is already involved in nuclear command and control systems and of what could go wrong if countries implement even riskier forms of it.

The working paper “A Stable Nuclear Future? The Impact of Autonomous Systems and Artificial Intelligence” by the team of Michael Horowitz, Paul Scharre, and Alexander Velez-Green comes on the heels of other scholarly takes on the impact artificial intelligence (AI) will have on strategies around using nuclear weapons. All this research reflects the fact that militaries around the world are incorporating more artificial intelligence into non-nuclear weaponry—and that several countries are overhauling their nuclear weapons programs. “We wanted to better understand both the potentially stabilizing and destabilizing effects of automation on nuclear stability,” Scharre, a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security, told the Bulletin.

“In particular, as we see nations modernize their nuclear arsenals, there is both a risk and an opportunity in how they use automation in their nuclear operations.”

The report notes that nuclear weapons systems already include some automated functionality: For example, warning systems automatically alert nuclear weapons operators of an attack. After the Cold War, Russian missiles were programmed to automatically retarget themselves to hit US targets if they were launched without a flight plan. For its part, the United States at one point designed its entire missile arsenal so that it could be retargeted in seconds from its peacetime default of flying into the ocean. Even these forms of automation are risky as an accidental launch could “spark a nuclear war,” the report says. But some countries, the report warns, might resort to riskier types of automation.

Those risks could come from a variety of different sources. Countries could develop unmanned vehicles carrying nuclear weapons; with no one on board and responsible for deploying a nuclear weapon, the systems could be hacked or otherwise “slip out of control,” the authors say. In fact, the report notes, Russia is already reportedly developing an autonomous nuclear torpedo. Horowitz, a University of Pennsylvania political science professor, told the Bulletin that the weapon, called Poseidon or Status-6, could be the start of a trend, though it’s not yet clear how or if AI will be included. “While so much about it is uncertain, Russia’s willingness to explore the notion of a long-duration, underwater, uninhabited nuclear delivery vehicle in Status-6 shows that fear of conventional or nuclear inferiority could create some incentives to pursue greater autonomy,” Horowitz said.

Countries might also build more artificial intelligence into the so-called early warning systems that indicate whether a nuclear attack is underway, or insert more powerful AI into the strategic decision support systems they use to keep tabs on other militaries and nuclear forces. Even simple forms of automation in such systems have, in the past, exacerbated nuclear tensions. The report cites a famous 1983 incident where a Soviet officer, Lt. Col. Stanislav Petrov, had to disregard automated audible and visual warnings that US nuclear missiles were inbound. Fortunately, Petrov chose not to trust what his systems were telling him and defied the powerful cognitive phenomenon known as automation bias.

Another problematic form of early automation was the Soviet strategic decision support system known as VYRAN. It was a computer program in place to warn Soviet leaders when the United States had achieved a level of military superiority that required Moscow to launch a nuclear attack. But Soviet intelligence agents were inputting information that often confirmed their pre-existing beliefs about US intentions. “This feedback loop amplified and intensified those perceived threats, rather than providing Soviet leaders with a clearer understanding of US intentions,” the report notes. There is evidence that countries including Russia and China are placing more emphasis on developing these sorts of so-called computational models for analyzing threats.

The US military tests a missile in the ocean.

A Trident II D5 missile test. The US military, along with others around the world, is upgrading its nuclear weapons systems. Credit: US Navy/Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Ronald Gutridge.

Despite all these drawbacks, however, the report’s authors believe there could be reasons to implement more AI and automation into nuclear weapons systems. They note how artificial intelligence systems could process more data and allow officials in charge of nuclear weapons greater situational awareness. Automation could also be useful in communicating commands in “highly contested electromagnetic environments,” as the report dryly puts it—perhaps, say, during a war. But, the report says, “many of these ways that autonomous systems could increase the resiliency and accuracy of [nuclear command and control systems] are speculative.”

The countries most likely to take on the risks of incorporating greater levels of artificial intelligence and automation in their nuclear weapons systems are the ones that are less certain of their ability to retaliate after an attack on their nuclear arsenal. As the report notes, that’s because the consequences of missing signs of an actual incoming attack—a false negative–would be relatively lower in more confident countries.

Horowitz believes that incorporating artificial intelligence in nuclear weapons systems themselves poses mostly low probability risks. In fact, what concerns him most is how AI in non-nuclear military systems could affect nuclear weapons’ policies.  “The risk I worry most about is how conventional military applications of AI, by increasing the speed of war, could place pressure on the early warning and launch doctrines of nuclear weapons states that fear decapitation in conventional war,” Horowitz told the Bulletin.

Or, as the report puts it, AI-induced time pressure could lead to a chain of decision-making that, in the worst cases, could result in a country launching a pre-emptive nuclear attack. “Fear of losing quickly could create incentives for more rapid escalation to the nuclear level.”

The report predicts that there’s a pretty strong likelihood that more automation will “creep its way” into nuclear operations over time—especially as nations modernize their nuclear forces. The United States has already embarked on a multi-decade, trillion-dollar-plus plan to upgrade its nuclear forces; Russia and China are similarly modernizing theirs.

“What is interesting, though, is that both the United States and Russia—and the Soviet Union before that—have had elements of automation in their nuclear operations, early warning, command-and-control, and delivery systems for decades,” Scharre said. “So it is an issue worthy of deeper exploration.”

Maybe that’s even a bit of an understatement.


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Featured image: A US Air Force commander simulates launching a nuclear weapon during a test. Nuclear command and control systems already incorporate various forms of automation. As countries build new systems, will they insert more artificial intelligence? Credit: US Air Force/Staff Sgt. Christopher Ruano.

Israel has said that an attack on the Gaza Strip which killed nine Palestinians from the same family happened after the premises were mistakenly categorised as a “military compound” used by Islamic Jihad.

In November, Israel conducted a series of air strikes on the Gaza Strip after it assassinated a senior Islamic Jihad commander and his wife.

The Palestinian armed group retaliated to the assassination by launching a barrage of rockets into Israel, before the two parties agreed on a ceasefire following joint Egyptian and UN mediation.

During the two days of air strikes, at least 34 Palestinians were reported killed and more than 100 wounded.

No Israelis were killed during the same time period.

The deadliest of these attacks was carried out on the home of the al-Sawarka family, killing eight members of the family, including children.

A week after the strike, a ninth member of the family, Mohammed al-Sawarka, died from injuries sustained in the bombing.

“I was sleeping when the house was bombarded,” 11-year-old Diyaa Rasmi al-Sawarka, one of the survivors, told Middle East Eye at the time.

“I tried to run away but my foot was stuck under the rubble. I started screaming but no one heard me, all my family members were under the rubble.”

When Diyaa, who sustained minor injuries to his leg and head, was transferred to hospital, he found out that he had lost his father and a number of his cousins in the raid.

‘No justification’

At the time, the United Nations special coordinator for the Middle East peace process said “there is no justification to attacking civilians in Gaza”.

Israeli military spokesman Jonathan Conricus said a day after the strike that the army’s intelligence had indicated “no civilians were expected to be harmed”.

But on Tuesday, the Israeli army said that while the intelligence it obtained showed that the family home was part of an Islamic Jihad “compound”, the premises should have been marked as a civilian complex “with some military activity.”

According to a previous report by MEE, the victims’ family had rejected the Israeli army’s claims.

The al-Sawarka family home consisted of two shacks covered with corrugated metal sheets in an impoverished area of the Deir al-Balah refugee camp in the southern Gaza Strip.

Israel has imposed a crippling blockade of the Gaza Strip since 2007, after Hamas won contested Palestinian legislative elections a year earlier.

It holds Hamas, the de facto ruling party in Gaza, responsible for all fire coming from the small Palestinian territory, even though other armed factions also operate in the area.

Since 2008, it has  carried out three wars with Gaza killing thousands of Palestinians and creating major infrastructural damage.

The United Nations warned in 2012 that Gaza would become unliveable by 2020.*

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Featured image: Israel said a day after the strike that “no civilians were expected to be harmed” (MEE/Mohammed al-Hajjar)

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The so-called OPCW chemical watchdog lost all credibility, breaching its mandate time and again, operating as a pro-Western imperial agent, not a Chemical Weapons Convention implementing body.

The Nobel committee should order the organization to return its 2013 peace prize, awarded “for its extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons,” adding:

“The conventions and the work of the OPCW have defined the use of chemical weapons as a taboo under international law.”

Reality Check: The OPCW manufactured a nonexistent CW incident in Douma, Syria, Damascus falsely blamed for what didn’t happen.

In Syria, it’s serving as a implementing body for US-led Western and Israeli interests, abandoning hard truths for fake news.

In mid-December, WikiLeaks released evidence on how the organization doctored its report on an alleged April 7, 2018 CW attack in Douma, Syria.

The so-called incident was fake news, a US/NATO-staged false flag, Syria wrongfully blamed for a victimless nonevent.

Douma eyewitnesses and medical personal confirmed that no one in Douma was hospitalized or became ill from exposure to chemical or other toxins.

In 2018, Russian technical experts experts found no evidence of chemical or other toxins in Douma soil samples and other analysis of the site.

Documents obtained by WikiLeaks showed that the OPCW doctored information in a redacted version of its initial Douma report.

On Friday, WikiLeaks released more internal OPCW documents it obtained on Douma, saying the following:

“One of the documents is an e-mail exchange dated 27 and 28 February between members of the fact finding mission (FFM) deployed to Douma and the senior officials of the OPCW,” adding:

“It includes an e-mail from Sebastien Braha, Chief of Cabinet at the OPCW, where he instructs that an engineering report from Ian Henderson should be removed from the secure registry of the organization,” saying:

“ ‘Please get this document out of DRA (Documents Registry Archive).’ ”

“ ‘And please remove all traces, if any, of its delivery/storage/whatever in DRA.”

Henderson’s inspection of the alleged Douma incident site found two cylinders (allegedly containing toxic chlorine) he believed were manually placed there — not dropped from an aircraft or helicopter as falsely reported.

WikiLeaks: “His findings were omitted from the official final OPCW report on the Douma incident.”

A second new document Wikileaks obtained details minutes from a June 6, 2018 meeting attended by four OPCW staff members together with toxicologists, pharmacologists, a bioanalytical and a toxicological chemist — “all specialists in chemical weapons (analysis), according to the minutes.”

The meeting’s purpose was “(t)o  solicit expert advice on the value of exhuming suspected victims of the alleged chemical attack in Douma on 7 April 2018.”

Participating experts advised the OPCW team that exhumations would be of little value, the leaked minutes adding:

“With respect to the consistency of the observed and reported symptoms of the alleged victims with possible exposure to chlorine gas or similar, the experts were conclusive in their statements that there was no correlation between symptoms and chlorine exposure.”

The OPCW team members’ “take-away message” from the meeting was that “symptoms observed were inconsistent with exposure to chlorine and no other obvious candidate chemical causing the symptoms could be identified.”

A third document obtained by WikiLeaks includes emails from August 20 – 28, 2018 that discuss the meeting between the OPCW’s team and participating toxicological experts.

A fourth document includes late July 2018 emails between these individuals.

According to WikiLeaks, information in them “state(s) that  the eight OPCW inspectors deployed to Douma during the fact finding mission (except one, a paramedic) should be excluded from discussions on the project.”

In its doctored report, the OPCW falsely claimed that toxic chlorine was used in an alleged Douma April 2018 CW incident — no evidence suggests happened.

Earlier OPCW documents released by WikiLeaks showed “internal disagreement within the (organization) about how facts were misrepresented in a redacted version of” its initial Douma report.

OPCW misrepresentation substituted for factual accuracy, the US and its imperial partners falsely blaming Damascus for a nonevent.

Yet days after the staged incident (with no casualties), US, UK, and French warplanes terror-bombed Syrian sites.

Then US war secretary James Mattis falsely claimed the mission was to “destroy (Syria’s)  chemical weapons research, development and production capabilities.”

Nothing of the kind existed then or now – what was and remains

well known to Washington, Britain and France.

One facility struck at the time was a Barzeh district research lab involved in development of cancer drugs.

Then-Joint Chiefs chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford falsely called it a “military facility…for the research, development, production and testing of chemical and biological warfare technology.”

Days before the facility was struck, OPCW inspectors visited the Barzeh lab site. Analysis of samples collected showed no evidence toxic chemical substances, nothing indicating the facility was involved in developing, producing or testing CWs.

At the time, Russian General Staff Gen. Sergey Rudskoy explained that if the US, UK and France “really believed that chemical weapons stockpiles actually existed (at the facility), then their air strikes would have led to a large-scale contamination and as far as Damascus goes, tens of thousands of people would have been killed.”

Eliminating CWs requires destroying them under carefully controlled conditions so toxins can’t enter the environment and spread.

Blowing them up amounts to conducting a massive CW attack.

“Immediately after the (airstrike), people who worked at (Barzeh and two other) destroyed facilities and just bystanders without any protective equipment visited them. None of them got poisoned with toxic agents,” Rudskoy explained.

The April 14 terror-bombing mission had nothing to do with destroying Syrian CW facilities – everything to do with weakening its military capabilities.

Syrian air defense systems downed most missiles fired, including dozens aimed at military bases, aiming to inflict significant damage.

The fake April 2018 Douma incident was staged by al-Qaeda-linked White Helmets, masquerading as civil defense workers.

After nearly nine years of US-orchestrated aggression, the struggle for Syria’s soul continues at yearend and in the new year.

Liberation has a long way to go because the US came to Syria to stay indefinitely, occupying northern and southern parts of the country.

Eliminating its presence, along with Turkey’s occupation of northern Syrian territory, is essential for Syrians again to be free.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Featured image is from Syria News

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The landlocked West African nation of Burkina Faso is a time bomb that’s about to explode as evidenced by the drastic increase in terrorist-related violence there over the past year and its attendant humanitarian consequences, yet both the region and the rest of the world as a whole seem powerless to prevent what the UN warned last month might become “another Syria”.

Burkinabe Backgrounder

The word “Syria” has become a euphemism for many things to different people, but practically everyone can agree that it’s a buzzword for one of the worst humanitarian crises this century, which is why the world should take notice when the UN warned last month that the landlocked West African nation of Burkina Faso is at risk of becoming “another Syria“. That country has been experiencing a drastic increase in terrorist-related violence all throughout the past year as a result of its Malian neighbor’s security challenges finally spilling across its border and destabilizing this fragile but geostrategically significant state, exactly as the author foresaw would inevitably happen in a series of three articles that he published in just as many years. The reader is encouraged to skim through them at the very least in order to better acquaint themselves with the genesis of this crisis:

Long story short, the 2011 NATO War on Libya led to an outflow of heavily armed and highly trained Tuaregs back to their Malian homeland where they restarted their separatist insurgency a year later that was quickly subverted by the Islamist Ansar al-Dine, which in turn paved the way for France’s ongoing anti-terrorist intervention there since January 2013. The region’s former colonial power then organized a multinational coalition called the G5 Sahel in 2014 in an ultimately failed effort to contain the chaotic processes that were unleashed several years prior. One of its members, Burkina Faso, experienced a People’s Revolution in October of that year which unseated its long-serving leader Blaise Compaore, the man who notoriously killed Burkinabe revolutionary icon Thomas Sankara. Compaore’s loyalists in the security sector staged an unsuccessful coup nearly a year later in September 2015, and since then, the country’s situation has been worsening.

From Slow-Motion Destabilization To Accelerated Crisis

It was therefore only a matter of time before the transregional terrorist threats emanating from Mali spread across the border and began to fill the Burkinabe security vacuum. The past year saw this process unfolding in full force as terrorists went on a slaughtering spree all across the northern provinces and also started specifically targeting Christians too. Nearly half a million people have fled from their homes, which is what prompted the UN to issue its dire warning about Burkina Faso becoming “another Syria”. Last month, terrorists killed several dozen local workers on their way to a foreign-owned gold mine, which also attracted widespread international attention for perhaps the first time since the country’s previously slow-motion but increasingly accelerated destabilization began over half a decade ago. The consequences of this crisis continuing to go unchallenged could catalyze a large-scale regional refugee outflow to the EU.

That obvious observation makes it all the more surprising why the rest of the world hasn’t yet stepped up to help the Burkinabe people, though it should also be said that no so-called “humanitarian intervention” or anti-terrorist one should be commenced without the permission of the country’s internationally recognized authorities. Even if more concerted multilateral efforts are undertaken, that might still not solve the problem as seen by France’s humiliating failure over nearly the past 7 years. It’s not enough to just put “boots on the ground” since the most sustainable solution lies in more comprehensive measures that include socio-economic support to the locals and assistance to the government in restoring its writ over the border provinces. On top of that, the host state’s security forces must be reformed in order to ensure that they can adequately respond to terrorist threats as they emerge.

The New “Syraq”

Thus far, nothing of the sort has happened on the level needed to make a noticeable difference, which is why the country continues to descend further into destabilization and is now at risk of becoming just as much of an exporter of regional terrorist threats as neighboring Mali is. Niger, too, is slowly but steadily getting sucked into this black hole of chaos too, which is why the author described their tri-border region earlier this year as being the new “Syraq”. Libya used to be regarded as the greatest security threat to the continent since the 2011 NATO war, though that country has comparatively stabilized over the past year as General Haftar’s forces progressively restored law and order over vast swathes of it whereas West Africa has gone in the opposite direction. The geographic enormity of the space that’s been adversely affected by this trend is astounding and should alone imbue the international community with a sense of urgency for getting involved.

Alas, seeing as how that hasn’t yet happened, the dire prediction can be made that this regional security crisis will continue to worsen over the next year until it attracts enough attention to finally become the global issue that it deserves to have been in the first place. There’s no ideal solution for dealing with it because the security challenges are so asymmetric and involve a mix of terrorism, insurgency, rebellion, and the disastrous socio-economic and political conditions that exacerbate all of the aforementioned. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that a process of so-called “nation-building” is needed, though not at all in the form that the word has come to embody since the end of the Old Cold War. What’s meant by this is that the locals in each afflicted community and the nations as a whole that they’re a part of must come together to decide what exactly is needed to restore stability and to what extent they should rely on foreign assistance to this end.

The Time For Non-Traditional Partners Has Arrived

It’s difficult to imagine this campaign succeeding if it’s waged without any international support whatsoever, though therein lies one of the most pressing questions, and that’s whether or not the regional states’ foreign backers can be trusted to not abuse their intervention invitation to promote their own interests at their hosts’ expense. History indicates that West Africa’s traditional French and American partners can’t be fully relied upon, which opens up the possibility of inviting non-traditional ones like Russia, China, Turkey, and even Pakistan playing different roles depending on their specific expertise. None of them should commit ground forces, but they can still assist with security training, economic development, and the restoration of governance in previously terrorist-afflicted areas. Therefore, the ideal solution would be if the West Africa region prioritized reaching out to those multipolar countries for support instead of their traditional partners.

That’s not to say that those previously mentioned states will necessarily succeed with this gargantuan effort — whether individually, collectively, or jointly — but just that it presents the best chance for changing the dynamics for the better after it’s been proven that French and American support has hitherto been ineffective in countering regional security threats. Doubling down by requesting even more assistance from their traditional partners could very well be counterproductive because they have a track record of failure that indirectly contributed to worsening the regional crisis. It’s debatable why they haven’t yet succeeded, but the fact of the matter is that they simply haven’t, so it’s time to explore other options if the regional stakeholders are serious about dealing with this crisis. They certainly seem to be, so it’ll remain to be seen what relevant developments might occur on this front next year.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from OneWorld

This article was originally published on June 9, 2016.

The former editor of the Tribune de Genève, [Guy Mettan-RI] visited Moscow and presented his new book Russia and the West: A Thousand Year War, which reviews the phenomenon of Russophobia: its roots, historical evolution and modern incarnations.

Izvestia had a chance to interview him.

Izvestia What inspired you to write about this?

Guy Mettan: There are two reasons why I began this work. The first is a personal, family reason. In 1994, my wife and I adopted a Russian girl, who now is now 25. Her name is Oksana, and she is from the Vladimir region. After we adopted her, I became interested in learning as much as possible about Russia and becoming familiar with this large country. In the 1990’s, one could obtain Russian citizenship after adopting a Russian child. So we did that: my wife and I are citizens of Russia and Switzerland, and Russia became part of our family’s life and history. I am a citizen of Russia, but I pay taxes in Switzerland.

The second reason why I started this work is professional. My trips to Russia gave me an opportunity to learn what this country was all about. I understood how big the difference was between the Russia presented in the Western media and the one I saw myself. I just couldn’t bear to watch this situation, and decided to investigate the reasons.

What made me actually start this project was the events in Ukraine in 2014. I saw the Western press systematically supporting one side, expressing only one point of view – that of the government that usurped power in Kiev. And I decided to figure out why this happened.

It’s important to understand that I wasn’t trying to answer the question of who was to blame for the events in Ukraine. I was interested in why the Western media presented this story in their own way. What was at the root of such a heightened negative relation to Russia?

Izv  Could you tell us a little about the main thrust of your book?

GM: I looked at history and concluded that all this Russophobia started when Charlemagne created the Western Empire 1,200 years ago, laying the foundation for the Great Religious Split in 1054. Charlemagne created his empire in opposition to the existing situation, when the center of the civilized world was Byzantium.

The most shocking thing I realized was that everything they taught us in school was wrong. They claimed that the dissidents belonged to the Eastern Church, who split from Rome. Now I know that what happened was just the opposite: it was the Western Catholic Church that dissented from the universal church, while the Eastern Church remained and still is Orthodox.

In order to shift the blame from themselves, Western theologians of that time launched a campaign to justify putting the onus on the Eastern Church. They used arguments that returned again and again as part of the confrontation between the West and Russia. Back then, in the Middle Ages, they began referring to the Greek world, i.e. Byzantium, as a “territory of tyranny and barbarism” in order to disavow responsibility for the schism.

After the fall of Constantinople, when Byzantium ended, and Russia took the place of Byzantium as the Third Rome, all those superstitions, all those lies about the desacralization of the Hellenic World, were automatically transferred to Russia.

It’s strange to see the notes of Western travelers through Russia starting in the 15th century: they all describe Russia in the same terms they had used to describe Byzantium. These fabrications, this criticism considerably increased after the reforms of Peter the Great and Catherine the Great, when Russia became powerful on the European political scene. And by the end of the 18th century, it had become Russophobia.

Born in France under Louis XV, it was used for a while by Napoleon to justify animosity toward Russia, which stood in the way of France’s expansionist policy. The “Will of Peter the Great” was used by Napoleon as a justification for his Russian campaign.

We can compare this with modern times, when in order to achieve their goals, Americans invented the lie that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Russophobia existed in France as a political ideology up until the 19th century, when after losing the Franco-Prussian War, France realized that its main enemy was no longer Russia but Germany, becoming Russia’s ally.

As for England, Russophobia appeared there around 1815, when Great Britain, in alliance with Russia, beat Napoleon. Once the common enemy defeated, England reversed course and made Russia its enemy, feeding Russophobia. Since the 1820’s, London has used an anti-Russian ideology to mask its expansionist policies, both in the Mediterranean and in other regions – Egypt, India and China.

In Germany, the situation didn’t change until the end of the 19th century, when the German Empire was created. It had no colonies, and there was no place to get any from, since England, France, Spain and Portugal had got a head start. All the colonies having been allocated without Russia, a political movement appeared in Germany that sought “‘expansion toward the East”, i.e., modern Ukraine and Russia. This attempt failed during the First World War, and later, Hitler used the same ideology.

It’s no accident that German historians were at the origin of what is known as “revisionism”, the tendency to understate the USSR’s contribution to the victory over the Third Reich, overestimating the contribution of the US and Britain.

The third type of Russophobia is American, and it began in 1945. As soon as they defeated Germany through joint efforts with the USSR, at the cost of millions of Soviet lives, the same story born after the victory over Napoleon in 1815 was disseminated. The US reversed course and yesterday’s ally became its major enemy. This is how the Cold War started.

The Americans used the same arguments as the English in 1815, claiming that they “fought against communism, tyranny, expansionism”, their arguments hardly differing, except for the so-called fight against communism. This turned out to be a gimmick, because when the Soviet Union collapsed, the confrontation between the West and Russia didn’t end.

The nineteenth century story is repeating itself: the US keeps talking about a “threat” supposedly emanating from Russia, in order to achieve its own goals, promote its own interests, and pursue its own expansion. Today it demonizes Russia in order to place NATO missiles in Poland, using the same words and arguments that Napoleon used 200 years ago.

Izv Once at an international conference in the mid 1990s, I spoke to a journalist from Denmark. He told me why Europe was so afraid of Russia: “See how big Russia is, and how small Denmark is. We were always afraid of you. We are still afraid of your aggression.”

GM: If you look at the map, you will see that the territory of Russia dominates all of Europe. So when Europeans look at the map, they feel anxious and concerned, because “such a huge country cannot be anything other than a threat.” Besides, European maps deliberately depict Russia as even bigger than it really is, increasing Russophobia. Its immense size is great for European cartoonists, who traditionally draw Russia as a huge bear standing over a tiny Europe.

Izv: Recently, I read the following statement by a French author: “Europe is a peninsula in Eurasia.”  What would you say to that?

GM: Today Europe is frustrated. As a colonial power, it dominated the world for two and a half centuries. Today the situation is totally different, and Europe is uneasy. It’s used to playing a different role. That’s why it’s anxious. On the one hand, the European ego finds itself in this uncomfortable situation; on the other, the European Union has reached the limits of its development and has internal problems. That’s why it’s easy to blame Russia for everything.


Originally published by Izvestia (Russian)

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The Key to the Environmental Crisis Is Beneath Our Feet

December 29th, 2019 by Ellen Brown

The Green New Deal resolution that was introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives in February hit a wall in the Senate, where it was called unrealistic and unaffordable. In a Washington Post article titled “The Green New Deal Sets Us Up for Failure. We Need a Better Approach,” former Colorado governor and Democratic presidential candidate John Hickenlooper framed the problem like this:

The resolution sets unachievable goals. We do not yet have the technology needed to reach “net-zero greenhouse gas emissions” in 10 years. That’s why many wind and solar companies don’t support it. There is no clean substitute for jet fuel. Electric vehicles are growing quickly, yet are still in their infancy. Manufacturing industries such as steel and chemicals, which account for almost as much carbon emissions as transportation, are even harder to decarbonize.

Amid this technological innovation, we need to ensure that energy is not only clean but also affordable. Millions of Americans struggle with “energy poverty.” Too often, low-income Americans must choose between paying for medicine and having their heat shut off. …

If climate change policy becomes synonymous in the U.S. psyche with higher utility bills, rising taxes and lost jobs, we will have missed our shot.

The problem may be that a transition to 100% renewables is the wrong target. Reversing climate change need not mean emptying our pockets and tightening our belts. It is possible to sequester carbon and restore our collapsing ecosystem using the financial resources we already have, and it can be done while at the same time improving the quality of our food, water, air and general health.

The Larger Problem – and the Solution – Is in the Soil

Contrary to popular belief, the biggest environmental polluters are not big fossil fuel companies. They are big agribusiness and factory farming, with six powerful food industry giants – Archer Daniels Midland, Cargill, Dean Foods, Dow AgroSciences, Tyson and Monsanto (now merged with Bayer) – playing a major role. Oil-dependent farming, industrial livestock operations, the clearing of carbon-storing fields and forests, the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and the combustion of fuel to process and distribute food are estimated to be responsible for as much as one-half of human-caused pollution. Climate change, while partly a consequence of the excessive relocation of carbon and other elements from the earth into the atmosphere, is more fundamentally just one symptom of overall ecosystem distress from centuries of over-tilling, over-grazing, over-burning, over-hunting, over-fishing and deforestation.

Big Ag’s toxin-laden, nutrient-poor food is also a major contributor to the U.S. obesity epidemic and many other diseases. Yet these are the industries getting the largest subsidies from U.S. taxpayers, to the tune of more than $20 billion annually. We don’t hear about this for the same reason that they get the subsidies – they have massively funded lobbies capable of bribing their way into special treatment.

The story we do hear, as Judith Schwartz observes in The Guardian, is, “Climate change is global warming caused by too much CO2 in the atmosphere due to the burning of fossil fuels. We stop climate change by making the transition to renewable energy.” Schwartz does not discount this part of the story but points to several problems with it:

One is the uncomfortable fact that even if, by some miracle, we could immediately cut emissions to zero, due to inertia in the system it would take more than a century for CO2 levels to drop to 350 parts per million, which is considered the safe threshold. Plus, here’s what we don’t talk about when we talk about climate: we can all go solar and drive electric cars and still have the problems – the unprecedented heat waves, the wacky weather – that we now associate with CO2-driven climate change.

But that hasn’t stopped investors, who see the climate crisis as simply another profit opportunity. According to a study by Morgan Stanley analysts reported in Forbes in October, halting global warming and reducing net carbon emissions to zero would take an investment of $50 trillion over the next three decades, including $14 trillion for renewables; $11 trillion to build the factories, batteries and infrastructure necessary for a widespread switch to electric vehicles; $2.5 trillion for carbon capture and storage; $20 trillion to provide clean hydrogen fuel for power, cars and other industries, and $2.7 trillion for biofuels. The article goes on to highlight the investment opportunities presented by these challenges by recommending various big companies expected to lead the transition, including  Exxon, Chevron, BP, General Electric, Shell and similar corporate giants – many of them the very companies blamed by Green New Deal advocates for the crisis.

A Truly Green New Deal

There is a much cheaper and faster way to sequester carbon from the atmosphere that doesn’t rely on these corporate giants to transition us to 100% renewables. Additionally, it can be done while at the same time reducing the chronic diseases that impose an even heavier cost on citizens and governments. Our most powerful partner is nature itself, which over hundreds of millions of years has evolved the most efficient carbon sequestration system on the planet. As David Perry writes on the World Economic Forum website:

This solution leverages a natural process that every plant undergoes, powered by a source that is always available, costs little to nothing to run and does not cause further pollution. This power source is the sun, and the process is photosynthesis.

A plant takes carbon dioxide out of the air and, with the help of sunlight and water, converts it to sugars. Every bit of that plant – stems, leaves, roots – is made from carbon that was once in our atmosphere. Some of this carbon goes into the soil as roots. The roots, then, release sugars to feed soil microbes. These microbes perform their own chemical processes to convert carbon into even more stable forms.

Perry observes that before farmland was cultivated, it had soil carbon levels of from 3% to 7%. Today, those levels are roughly 1% carbon. If every acre of farmland globally were returned to a soil carbon level of just 3%, 1 trillion tons of carbon dioxide would be removed from the atmosphere and stored in the soil – equal to the amount of carbon that has been drawn into the atmosphere since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution 200 years ago. The size of the potential solution matches the size of the problem.

So how can we increase the carbon content of soil? Through “regenerative” farming practices, says Perry, including planting cover crops, no-till farming, rotating crops, reducing chemicals and fertilizers, and managed grazing (combining trees, forage plants and livestock together as an integrated system, a technique called “silvopasture”). These practices have been demonstrated to drive carbon into the soil and keep it there, resulting in carbon-enriched soils that are healthier and more resilient to extreme weather conditions and show improved water permeability, preventing the rainwater runoff that contributes to rising sea levels and rising temperatures. Evaporation from degraded, exposed soil has been shown to cause 1,600% more heat annually than all the world’s powerhouses combined. Regenerative farming methods also produce increased microbial diversity, higher yields, reduced input requirements, more nutritious harvests and increased farm profits.

These highly favorable results were confirmed by Paul Hawken and his team in the project that was the subject of his best-selling 2016 book, “Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming.” The project involved evaluating the 100 most promising solutions to the environmental crisis for cost and effectiveness. The results surprised the researchers themselves. The best-performing sector was not “Transport” or “Materials” or “Buildings and Cities” or even “Electricity Generation.” It was the sector called “Food,” including how we grow our food, market it and use it. Of the top 30 solutions, 12 were various forms of regenerative agriculture, including silvopasture, tropical staple trees, conservation agriculture, tree intercropping, managed grazing, farmland restoration and multistrata agroforestry.

How to Fund It All

If regenerative farming increases farmers’ bottom lines, why aren’t they already doing it? For one thing, the benefits of the approach are not well known. But even if they were, farmers would have a hard time making the switch. As noted in a Rolling Stone article titled “How Big Agriculture Is Preventing Farmers From Combating the Climate Crisis”:

[I]implementing these practices requires an economic flexibility most farmers don’t have, and which is almost impossible to achieve within a government-backed system designed to preserve a large-scale, corporate-farming monoculture based around commodity crops like corn and soybeans, which often cost smaller farmers more money to grow than they can make selling.

Farmers are locked into a system that is destroying their farmlands and the planet, because a handful of giant agribusinesses have captured Congress and the regulators. One proposed solution is to transfer the $20 billion in subsidies that now go mainly to Big Ag into a fund to compensate small farmers who transition to regenerative practices. We also need to enforce the antitrust laws and break up the biggest agribusinesses, something for which legislation is now pending in Congress.

At the grassroots level, we can vote with our pocketbooks by demanding truly nutritious foods. New technology is in development that can help with this grassroots approach by validating how nutrient-dense our foods really are. One such device, developed by Dan Kittredge and team, is a hand-held consumer spectrometer called a Bionutrient Meter, which tests nutrient density at point of purchase. The goal is to bring transparency to the marketplace, empowering consumers to choose their foods based on demonstrated nutrient quality, providing economic incentives to growers and grocers to drive regenerative practices across the system. Other new technology measures nutrient density in the soil, allowing farmers to be compensated in proportion to their verified success in carbon sequestration and soil regeneration.

Granted, $20 billion is unlikely to be enough to finance the critically needed transition from destructive to regenerative agriculture, but Congress can supplement this fund by tapping the deep pocket of the central bank. In the last decade, the Fed has demonstrated that its pool of financial liquidity is potentially limitless, but the chief beneficiaries of its largess have been big banks and their wealthy clients. We need a form of quantitative easing that actually serves the local productive economy. That might require modifying the Federal Reserve Act, but Congress has modified it before. The only real limit on new money creation is consumer price inflation, and there is room for a great deal more money to be pumped into the productive local economy before that ceiling is hit than is circulating in it now. For a detailed analysis of this issue, see my earlier articles here and here and latest book, “Banking on the People.”

The bottom line is that saving the planet from environmental destruction is not only achievable, but that by focusing on regenerative agriculture and tapping up the central bank for funding, the climate crisis can be addressed without raising taxes and while restoring our collective health.


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This article was first posted on Truthdig. com.

Ellen Brown chairs the Public Banking Institute and has written thirteen books, including her latest, Banking on the People: Democratizing Money in the Digital Age.  She also co-hosts a radio program on PRN.FM called “It’s Our Money.” Her 300+ blog articles are posted at

Global Warming: “Fixing the Climate Data around the Policy”

December 29th, 2019 by Prof Michel Chossudovsky


More than 15,000 people gathered in Copenhagen in December 2009 for COP 15: the 15th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). 

MADRID COP 25. Ten Years Later. Plus Ça Change plus c’est la même chose. 

Climate Activists fail to recognize that powerful corporate interests including Big Oil and the Rockefellers are financing the climate debate.

The objective is to “promote ‘green financial instruments’,  led by Green Bonds, to redirect pension plans and mutual funds towards green projects.” . (F. William Engdahl)

What is at stake is a multi-trillion dollar endeavor to promote “climate friendly” investment portfolios including projects in nuclear energy (by the same companies that produce nuclear weapons).

I wrote this article ten years ago.

What is important in assessing today’s climate debate is that ten years ago leading up to Copenhagen COP15 in December 2009 there was evidence of manipulation of the data.

The Global Warming Emails.  

In November 2009, barely a few weeks before the inauguration of the Copenhagen Summit, a vast data bank of over 3000 email exchanges between key Climate Change scientists and researchers was revealed.

While the emails do not prove that the entire data base was falsified, they nonetheless point to scientific dishonesty and deceit on the part of several prominent scientists who are directly linked to the UNPCC.

Read carefully.

Michel Chossudovsky, December 29, 2019


This article was first published on November 30, 2009


Official delegations from 192 nations will mingle with “observers” from major business organizations.  The Business Roundtable, The Rockefeller Foundation, The US Chamber of Commerce, The International Chamber of Commerce, among others, are registered as observer non-governmental organizations. (Individual financial institutions and multinational corporations are not formally registered. They will be partipating under the sponsorship of their respective umbrella business organizations, which have observer status.)

The representatives of environmental and civil society organizations will also be in attendance.Parties & Observers

Heads of state and heads of government are slated to be in appearance in the later part of the Summit event. (See The essentials in Copenhagen – COP15 United Nations Climate Change Conference Copenhagen 2009)

It is worth noting that key decisions and orientations on COP15 had already been wrapped up at the World Business Summit on Climate Change (WBSCC) held in May in Copenhagen, six months ahead of COP15.

The WBSCC brought together some of the World’s most prominent business executives and World leaders including Al Gore and UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon. (The World Business Summit on Climate Change, includes webcast)

The results of these high level consultations were forwarded to the Danish government as well as to the governments of participating member states. A so-called summary report for policymakers was drafted by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, on behalf the corporate executives participating in the event. This report has very little to do with environmental protection. It largely consists in a profit driven agenda, which uses the global warming consensus as a justification. (For details see Climate Council: The World Business Summit on Climate Change)

“The underlying ambition of the Summit was to address the twin challenges of climate change and the economic crisis. Participants at the Summit considered how these risks can be turned into opportunity if business and governments work together, and what policies, incentives, and investments will most effectively stimulate low-carbon growth.” (Copenhagen Climate Council)

The agenda of the Copenhagen Climate Summit (7-18 December 2009), is upheld both by the governments, the business executives and the NGO community as “one of the most significant gatherings in history. It is being called the most complex and vital agreement the world has ever seen.”

CO2 emissions are heralded as the single and most important threat to the future of humanity.

The focus of the Summit is on strictly environmental issues. No mention of the word “war” –i.e. the US-NATO led war and its devastating environmental consequences.

No mention of the pre-emptive use of nuclear weapons as an instrument of “peacemaking”.

No mention, as part of an environmental debate, of the radioactive fallout resulting from the Pentagon’s humanitarian nuclear bombs. Tactical nuclear weapons, according to scientific opinion commissioned by the Pentagon are “safe for the surrounding civilian population”.

No mention of “weather warfare” or “environmental modification techniques” (ENMOD) and climatic warfare.

No mention in the debate on climate change of the US Air Force 2025 project entitled “Owning the Weather” for military use. (See FAS, AF2025 v3c15-1 | Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning… | (Ch 1) see also — U.S. Military Wants to Own the Weather)

Despite a vast body of scientific knowledge, the issue of deliberate climatic manipulations for military use is no longer part of the UN agenda on climate change. It was, however, part of the agenda of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. (See Michel Chossudovsky, Environmental Warfare and Climate Change, Global Research, 27 November 2005, See also Michel Chossudovsky,  Weather Warfare: Beware the US military’s experiments with climatic warfare, The Ecologist, December 2007)

CO2 is the logo, which describes the Worldwide crisis. No other variable is contemplated.

Moreover, no meaningful anti-pollution clean air policy directed against CO2 emissions can be formulated as an objective in its own right, because the reduction of CO2 emissions is subordinate to the Global Warming consensus.

The words “poverty”, “unemployment” and “disease” resulting from a global economic depression are not a matter of emphasis because authoritative financial sources state unequivocally: “the economic recession is over”.

And the war in the Middle East and Central Asia is not a war but “a humanitarian operation directed against terrorists and rogue states.”

The Real Crisis

The Copenhagen Summit not only serves powerful corporate interests, which have a stake in the global multibillion dollar carbon trading scheme, it also serves to divert public attention from the devastation resulting from the “real crisis” underlying the process of economic globalization and a profit driven war without borders, which the Pentagon calls “the long war”.

We are at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. War and economic depression constitute the real crisis, yet both the governments and the media have focused their attention on the environmental devastation resulting from CO2 emissions, which is upheld as the greatest threat to humanity.

The Multibillion Dollar Carbon Trading System

The carbon trading system is a multibillion money-making bonanza for the financial establishment. The stakes are extremely high and the various lobby groups on behalf of Wall Street have already positioned themselves.

According to a recent report, “the carbon market could become double the size of the vast oil market, according to the new breed of City players who trade greenhouse gas emissions through the EU’s emissions trading scheme…  The speed of that growth will depend on whether the Copenhagen summit gives a go-ahead for a low-carbon economy, but Ager says whatever happens schemes such as the ETS will expand around the globe.” (Terry Macalister, Carbon trading could be worth twice that of oil in next decade, The Guardian, 28 November 2009)

The large financial conglomerates, involved in derivative trade, including JP Morgan Chase, Bank America Merrill Lynch, Barclay’s, Citi Bank, Nomura, Société Générale, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs are actively involved in carbon trading.( FACTBOX: Investment banks in carbon trading | Reuters, 14 September 2009)

The legitimacy of the carbon trading system rests on the legitimacy of the Global Warming Consensus, which views CO2 emissions as the single threat to the environment. And for Wall Street the carbon trading system is a convenient and secure money-making safety-net, allowing for the transfer of billions of dollars into the pockets of a handful of conglomerates.

“Every major financial house in New York and London has set up carbon trading operations. Very big numbers are dancing in their heads, and they need them to replace the “wealth” that evaporated in the housing bust. Louis Redshaw, head of environmental markets at Barclays Capital, told the New York Times, “Carbon will be the world’s biggest market over all.” Barclays thinks the current $60 billion carbon market could grow to $1 trillion within a decade. Four years ago Redshaw, a former electricity trader, couldn’t get anyone to talk to him about carbon.” (Mark Braly, The Multibillion Dollar Carbon Trading,, 5 March 2008)

The Global Warming Data Base

Is the Global Warming Consensus based on reliable data?

There are indications that both the concepts and the data on temperature and greenhouse gas emissions including CO2 have been adjusted and shaped to fit the agenda of the UN Panel on Climate Change.

For several years, the claims of the UN Panel on Climate Change (UNPCC) including the data base have been questioned. (See Global Research’s Climate Change Dossier: Archive of more than 100 articles) 

Critical analysis of the climate change consensus has been conveyed in reports by several prominent scientists.

There has been, in this regard, a persistent attempt to silence the critics as conveyed in the writings of MIT meteorologist Richard S. Lindzen (See  Richard Lindzen, Climate of Fear: Global-warming alarmists intimidate dissenting scientists into silence., Global Research, 7 April 2007)

Scientists who dissent from the alarmism have seen their grant funds disappear, their work derided, and themselves libelled as industry stooges, scientific hacks or worse. Consequently, lies about climate change gain credence even when they fly in the face of the science that supposedly is their basis. (Ibid)

ClimateGate and the Emails’ Scandal 

In November 2009, barely a few weeks before the inauguration of the Copenhagen Summit, a vast data bank of over 3000 email exchanges between key Climate Change scientists and researchers was revealed.

While the emails do not prove that the entire data base was falsified, they nonetheless point to scientific dishonesty and deceit on the part of several prominent scientists who are directly linked to the UNPCC.

The emails suggest that the data was shaped, with a view to supporting a predetermined policy agenda. “Fixing the climate data to fit the policy” is the modus operandi as revealed in the email messages of top scientists, directly linked to the work of the UN Panel on Climate Change?

The British media has acknowledged that the scientists were intent upon manipulating the data on Climate Change as well as excluding the critics:

[the comments below the quotes are by The Telegraph].

From: Phil Jones. To: Many. Nov 16, 1999
“I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature [the science journal] trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie, from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.”

Critics cite this as evidence that data was manipulated to mask the fact that global temperatures are falling. Prof Jones claims the meaning of “trick” has been misinterpreted

From Phil Jones To: Michael Mann (Pennsylvania State University). July 8, 2004
“I can’t see either of these papers being in the next IPCC report. Kevin and I will keep them out somehow — even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!”

The IPCC is the UN body charged with monitoring climate change. The scientists did not want it to consider studies that challenge the view that global warming is genuine and man-made.

From: Kevin Trenberth (US National Center for Atmospheric Research). To: Michael Mann. Oct 12, 2009

“The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t… Our observing system is inadequate”

Prof Trenberth appears to accept a key argument of global warming sceptics – that there is no evidence temperatures have increased over the past 10 years.

From: Phil Jones. To: Many. March 11, 2003
“I will be emailing the journal to tell them I’m having nothing more to do with it until they rid themselves of this troublesome editor.”

Prof Jones appears to be lobbying for the dismissal of the editor of Climate Research, a scientific journal that published papers downplaying climate change.

From Phil Jones. To: Michael Mann. Date: May 29, 2008
“Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR4? Keith will do likewise.”

Climate change sceptics tried to use Freedom of Information laws to obtain raw climate data submitted to an IPCC report known as AR4. The scientists did not want their email exchanges about the data to be made public.

From: Michael Mann. To: Phil Jones and Gabi Hegerl (University of Edinburgh). Date: Aug 10, 2004
Phil and I are likely to have to respond to more crap criticisms from the idiots in the near future.”

The scientists make no attempt to hide their disdain for climate change sceptics who request more information about their work

(University of East Anglia emails: the most contentious quotes – Telegraph, 23 November 2009).

The complete list of contentious emails can be consulted at Alleged CRU Emails – Searchable published by

What is significant is that the authors of the emails are directly involved in the UN Panel on Climate Change:

“[They are] the small group of scientists who have for years been more influential in driving the worldwide alarm over global warming than any others, not least through the role they play at the heart of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Professor Philip Jones, the CRU’s director, is in charge of the two key sets of data used by the IPCC to draw up its reports. Through its link to the Hadley Centre, part of the UK Met Office, which selects most of the IPCC’s key scientific contributors, his global temperature record is the most important of the four sets of temperature data on which the IPCC and governments rely – not least for their predictions that the world will warm to catastrophic levels unless trillions of dollars are spent to avert it.

Dr Jones is also a key part of the closely knit group of American and British scientists responsible for promoting that picture of world temperatures conveyed by Michael Mann’s “hockey stick” graph which 10 years ago turned climate history on its head by showing that, after 1,000 years of decline, global temperatures have recently shot up to their highest level in recorded history. (Prof. Christopher Booker, Climate Change: This is the Worst Scientific Scandal of our Generation, The Telegraph, 28 November 2009)

One of the contentious emails by Dr Jones (published by points to the deliberate manipulation of the data:

Dear Ray, Mike and Malcolm,
Once Tim’s got a diagram here we’ll send that either later today or
first thing tomorrow.
I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps
to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd from
1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline. Mike’s series got the annual
land and marine values while the other two got April-Sept for NH land
N of 20N. The latter two are real for 1999, while the estimate for 1999
for NH combined is +0.44C wrt 61-90. The Global estimate for 1999 with
data through Oct is +0.35C cf. 0.57 for 1998.
Thanks for the comments, Ray.


Prof. Phil Jones
Climatic Research Unit Telephone +44 xxx xxxx xxxx
School of Environmental Sciences Fax +44 xxx xxxx xxxx
University of East Anglia
Norwich Email [email protected]

Source: Alleged CRU Emails – Searchable published by

US Congressional Probe

Barely two weeks before the inauguration of the Copenhagen Summit, the US Congress is now probing into “the Global Warming Emails”:

“U.S. congress has begun investigating climate scientists whose emails and documents were hacked into to see if their global warming theories have misrepresented the truth behind the cause of climate change.

Investigators have begun “studying” the 1,079 e-mails and over 3,800 documents that hackers stole last week from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at East Anglia University in the U.K, Rep. Darrel Issa from California told the Wall Street Journal.

Some of the leaked e-mails and files – which were posted on sites like  and – show growing tensions between scientists and skeptics. Others are mundane announcements of upcoming conferences or research trips.

According to his website, Rep. James Inhofe from Oklahoma said on Monday the leaked correspondence suggested researchers “cooked the science to make this thing look as if the science was settled, when all the time of course we knew it was not.”

The White House Science Adviser John Holdren has also come under investigation, after one of his emails written in 2003 to Michael Mann of Pennsylvania State University, was hacked.

“I’m happy to stand by my contribution to this exchange. I think anybody who reads what I wrote in its entirety will find it a serious and balanced treatment of the question of ‘burden of proof’ in situations where science germane to public policy is in dispute,” Holdren said.

Meanwhile, The University of East Anglia said it will cooperate with police and proceed with its own internal investigation. The University posted a statement calling the disclosure “mischievous” and saying it is aiding the police in an investigation.

The statement also quotes Jones, CRU’s director, explaining his November 1999 e-mail, which said: “I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (i.e. from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.”

Jones said that the word trick was used “colloquially as in a clever thing to do” and that it “is ludicrous to suggest that it refers to anything untoward.”

The leaked data comes just two weeks before the U.N. climate conference in Copenhagen will begin on Dec. 7 -18, when 192 nations will meet to discuss a solution on how to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases worldwide. (International Business Times, November 24, 2009)

Meanwhile, the “international community” (supported by the mainstream media) has launched a counteroffensive, accusing the critics of waging a smear campaign:

The chairman of the IPCC, Rajendra Pachauri, stood by his panel’s 2007 findings last week. That study is the foundation for a global climate response, including carbon emission targets proposed this week by both the US and China.

So far, climate scientists say nothing in the leaked emails [that] takes away from the fact that the climate change evidence is solid. In fact, a new study in the journal Science shows the polar ice cap melting is happening at a faster rate than predicted just a few years ago.

In a teleconference call with reporters this week, one of the scientists whose emails were leaked, Pennsylvania State University paleoclimatologist Michael Mann, said that “regardless of how cherry-picked” the emails are, there is “absolutely nothing in any of the emails that calls into the question the deep level of consensus of climate change.”

This is a “smear campaign to distract the public,” added Mann, a coauthor of the Copenhagen Diagnosis, the report on climate change released this week ahead of the Copenhagen. “Those opposed to climate action, simply don’t have the science on their side,” he added.

Professor Trevor Davies of the East Anglia CRU called the stolen data the latest example of a campaign intended “to distract from reasoned debate” about global climate change ahead of the Copenhagen summit. (As Copenhagen summit nears, ‘Climategate’ dogs global warming debate |, Christian Science Monitor, 28 November 2009, emphasis added)

But what is significant in this counteroffensive, is that the authenticity of the emails has not been challenged by the IPCC scientists.

The scientists are not saying “we did not do it”. What they are saying is that the Global Warming Consensus holds irrespective of their actions to selectively manipulate the data as well as exclude the critics from the scientific debate on climate change.

What is the Stance of the Civil Society and Environmentalist Organizations

Civil society organisations are currently mobilizing with a view to pressuring the official governmental delegations:

 “Two years ago, at a previous UN climate conference in Bali, all UN governments agreed on a timetable that would ensure a strong climate deal by the time of the Copenhagen conference. The implications of not achieving this goal are massive, and nearly unthinkable. Turn to our great partners film – the Age of Stupid – if you need to be convinced why.

The meeting – which should include major heads of state for the last three days, will attempt to reach a massively complex agreement on cutting carbon, providing finance for mitigation and adaptation, and supporting technology transfer from the North to the South.

This is a major milestone in history, and one where civil society must speak with one voice in calling for a fair, ambitious and binding deal. We are ready, but we need to let the leaders know the world is ready too. Are you? (COP-15 Copenhagen Climate Conference | TckTckTck)

Where do civil society activists stand in relation to the climate change email scandal?

Will these civil society organizations, many of which are funded by major foundations and governments, continue to unreservedly endorse the Global Warming consensus?

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Greenpeace are among several key civil society organizations which are pushing the Copenhagen agenda. Their position is unchanged.

Environmentalist organizations are demanding a reduction in CO2 emissions, not as a means to tackling polution, but as an instrument to reverse the process of global warming. For many of these organizations, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the “bible”. It cannot be challenged even if the climate data base which supports the Global Warming Consensus turns out to be questionable or contentious.

While the mainstream NGO lobby groups including Greenpeace and WWF continue to support the consensus, there is a small and growing movement which challenges the legitimacy of  the Copenhagen CO15 Summit agenda, while also accusing the UNPCC of manipulating the data. This manipulation of the data also serves the profit driven carbon trading scheme.

The Alternative Summit: KlimaForum09

The NGOs will be meeting in a parallel alternative summit, KlimaForum09. More than 10,000 people a day are expected to attend the sessions of KlimatForum09

Major international NGOs and environmentalist groups will be in attendance including Friends of the Earth, Campaign against Climate Change among others.

Klimaforum09 is to finalize a draft declaration which “will put forth a vision of a more socially just world society, [while]  emphasizing  the need to create substantial changes in the social and economic structures of society in order to meet the challenges of global warming and food sovereignty.” (See  Declaration · Klimaforum09)

While there is fierce opposition to the multibillion carbon trading system within the NGO community, the Alternative Summit will not challenge the Global Warming consensus and its underlying data base. (All events · Klimaforum09).

While critical and active voices will emerge from within the various sessions of the Alternative Forum, the organizational envelope of KlimaForum09 remains compliant to the official agenda. In many regards, the rhetoric of the KlimaForum09’s Danish organizers ties in with that of the host government of the official Summit, which coincidentally also funds the Alternative Summit. (Political Platform · Klimaforum09“). What this means is that the boundaries of dissent within the Alternative Summit have been carefully defined.

There can be no real activism unless the falsehoods and manipulations underlying the activities of the UNPCC, including the data base and the multibillion profit driven carbon trading scheme, are fully revealed, debated and understood.


If the free-traders cannot understand how one nation can grow rich at the expense of another, we need not wonder, since these same gentlemen also refuse to understand how within one country one class can enrich itself at the expense of another.” – Karl Marx, 1848 [1]


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This week’s Global Research News Hour features audio from two keynote lectures presented at the 14th Forum of the World Association for Political Economy, held this year in Winnipeg, Canada July 19-21.

The World Association for Political Economy is an international academic organization founded by Marxist economists and related groups around the world. The mission of WAPE is to utilize modern Marxist economics to analyse and study the world economy, reveal its laws of development, and offer policies to promote economic and social progress on the national and global levels. Past forums have been held in Shanghai, Shimane (Japan), Beijing, Paris, Suzhou (China), Amherst (USA), Mexico City (Mexico), Florianopolis (Brazil) and Hanoi (Vietnam), among other world centres.

This year’s theme was Class, State and Nation in the 21st Century. Over the course of three days, a heavy emphasis of the various papers presented by participants was on the rise of China’s economy, and its model of economic development versus the model of financialization favoured by the U.S. goliath. Other topics included the ‘greening’ of economics, the Venezuelan crisis, extractivism in Canada and world impact and context of the 1919 General Strike in Winnipeg.

The lectures excerpted from the conference were the opening keynote by Utsa Patnaik, and the closing keynote by renowned economist, writer and political advisor Michael Hudson.

Dr. Patnaik’s presentation, entitled, ‘Austerity’ and its Consequences in the Advanced and Developing Worlds: The Present in the Light of the Inter-War Depression makes a direct comparison between the finance-dominated globalization policies of the last four decades, and the period between the First and Second World Wars, and notes similar trends towards austerity and income-deflation policies, unemployment, financial speculation and bubbles and the rise of the fascist right in the wake of left capitulation on the dominance of global free trade and financialization of global capital. She points to the particular case of India and the devastation of its farmers and working class, and to the rise of farmers, workers, and women as a positive sign of resistance. An abbreviated version of her talk airs in the first half hour.

Michael Hudson’s presentation is entitled, America Threatens to Self-destruct if Other Countries don’t Obey it. The distiguished economist marks the rise of the United States after the war into a ‘pro-rentier’ economy which has turned it into a high cost, financialized economy wherein wealth is increasingly derived through investment and financial instruments as opposed to trade, commodity production, and industrial activity. Mr. Hudson outlines how rival economies may escape the trap of financialization and debt servitutde the U.S. is attempting to impose on the world. An abbreviated version of his talk airs in the second half hour of the program. The unabridged talk was filmed and appears below.

Video courtesy of Paul Graham.


Utsa Patnaik is a graduate of Oxford University. She served at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning in the School of Social Sciences at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in New Delhi as a Professor from 1973 until 2010. Her special areas of interest are in the problems of transition from agriculture and peasant predominant societies to industrial society, both in a historical context and at present in relation to India; as well as questions relating to food security and poverty.

Michael Hudson is President of The Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends (ISLET), a Wall Street Financial Analyst, and Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri in Kansas City. He is also the author of J is for Junk Economics from (2017), Killing the Host from (2015), and his 1968 classic Super-Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire. His website is


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The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at .

The Global Research News Hour now airs Fridays at 6pm PST, 8pm CST and 9pm EST on Alternative Current Radio (

Community Radio Stations carrying the Global Research News Hour:

CHLY 101.7fm in Nanaimo, B.C – Thursdays at 1pm PT

Port Perry Radio in Port Perry, Ontario –1  Thursdays at 1pm ET

Burnaby Radio Station CJSF out of Simon Fraser University. 90.1FM to most of Greater Vancouver, from Langley to Point Grey and from the North Shore to the US Border.

It is also available on 93.9 FM cable in the communities of SFU, Burnaby, New Westminister, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Surrey and Delta, in British Columbia, Canada. – Tune in  at its new time – Wednesdays at 4pm PT.

Radio station CFUV 101.9FM based at the University of Victoria airs the Global Research News Hour every Sunday from 7 to 8am PT.

CORTES COMMUNITY RADIO CKTZ  89.5 out of Manson’s Landing, B.C airs the show Tuesday mornings at 10am Pacific time.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 6am pacific time.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 10am.

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday Morning from 8:00 to 9:00am. Find more details at

RIOT RADIO, the visual radio station based out of Durham College in Oshawa, Ontario has begun airing the Global Research News Hour on an occasional basis. Tune in at

Radio Fanshawe: Fanshawe’s 106.9 The X (CIXX-FM) out of London, Ontario airs the Global Research News Hour Sundays at 6am with an encore at 3pm.

Los Angeles, California based airs the Global Research News Hour every Monday from 6-7pm Pacific time.


  1. Speech to the Democratic Association of Brussels at its public meeting of January 9, 1848,  MECW Volume 6, p. 450; first published as a pamphlet in Brussels, February 1848;

Depleted Uranium and Radioactive Contamination in Iraq: An Overview

December 28th, 2019 by Prof Souad N. Al-Azzawi

First published on August 22, 2017, this authoritative report by Dr. Al- Azzawi addresses the war crimes committed by the US and its allies through the use of  depleted uranium (radioactive) ammunition, resulting in countless deaths attributable to the spread of leukemia among children, congenital malformations, breast cancer. etc. Dr. Al-Azzawi is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).


The amount of devastation caused by the Depleted Uranium (DU) weaponry used against Iraq during the consecutive US led wars is historically unprecedented in modern warfare. The devastating magnitude of the complications and damage caused as a result of the use of such radioactive and toxic weapons on the environment and the human population was intensified as a result of the intentional concealment, denial and misleading information released by the Pentagon about the quantities, characteristics, and Iraqi area’s within which these weapons were used.

Information revealed about a severe illness known as the ‘Gulf War Syndrome’ which spread amongst US Army veterans who were exposed to DU while using these weaponry, helped Iraqi researchers and Medical Doctors to understand the nature of the effect of these weapons, and the means required to investigate further into this issue.

DU is a chemically toxic and radioactive heavy metal produced as waste by the nuclear power industry. It is used in weapons because it is an extremely hard material capable of piercing armor.

The synergistic impact on health due to the 1991 post-Gulf War1 economic sanctions, and DU related radioactive and toxic contamination, raised the number of casualties in contaminated areas such as in Southern Iraq.

During 2003, the invading forces used additional rounds of DU in heavily populated areas such as Baghdad, Samawa, Fallujah, Diyala, Najaf, Salahuddin, Basra and Nasiriya (again), and other cities.

The continual use of DU after-Gulf War I in 1991, then during and after the US led military operations in 2003 invasion of Iraq increased the total contamination area with DU in Iraq. Consequently, civilians in previously contaminated areas received an extra dose of radioactivity after 2003. An action that can only be interpreted as committing unseen genocide against the unarmed civilian population in these areas.

Accordingly, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have received higher doses of radioactivity than those received from standard natural sources of radiation. As a result, a multifold increase of diseases related to Low Level Radiation (LLR) exposure have been registered amongst Iraqis since 1995, including an increase of children’s leukemia, congenital malformations, breast cancer etc…

The leukemia incidence rates for instance, shifted towards younger children during these recent years, and its association with geographically distributed contaminated areas, offers strong evidence of the correlation between LLR exposure, and the resulting health damages.

Through this paper, an overview of major scientific DU conclusions will be presented, drawn from investigations and research conducted since the year 1991 by Iraqi researchers and MDs. This research was never published outside Iraq because of the comprehensive sanctions imposed on Iraq from (1991-2003). They were published only in Iraqi University peer reviewed journals and two related conferences.  Schemes of the research papers can be classified into three categories:

  1. DU contamination detection and exploration programs.
  2. DU effects on human body cells.
  3. DU related epidemiological studies.

1.0 Introduction:

Depleted Uranium (DU) weaponry has been used against Iraq since the Gulf War 1 in 1991. An estimated (DU) expenditure of 320 – 800 tons were shot mainly on the withdrawing Iraqi troops from Kuwait to the north of Basra City [ 1].

The use of (DU) ammunition on Iraqi territory never stopped since 1991. Different generations of (DU) supported Tomahawk missiles & Bunker Buster Bombs [1] have been used during the 90’s on what were known as the No-Fly Zones (Northern & Southern regions of Iraq), and during the attack on Iraq in 1998. Bombing Iraq with DU continued during the military operations of the invasion of Iraq in 2003, then afterwards in other cities which resisted the occupation of Iraq [2].

With the comprehensive sanctions imposed on Iraq in 1991, the United States & its allies used radioactive & toxic weapons to exhaust Iraq’s institutions & population to prepare for the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Using extra hundreds of tons of (DU) expenditure   during the invasion of Iraq made the radioactive contamination situation more complicated.

For many years the US-UK led armed forces avoided any release of information about the amounts, types, and locations of the targets destroyed by these weapons within Iraqi territories [2]. As a result, thousands of Iraqi children and their families in West Basra were repeatedly exposed for extended durations to DU low-level radiation (LLR) and toxic effects. Many researchers have found a direct correlation between this exposure, and the significant increase of certain diseases such as congenital malformations, malignancies, congenital heart diseases, chromosomal aberration, and multiple malformations in Basra [3].

Right after Gulf War 1, European and American Anti-DU activists and NGO’s issued many publications identifying the harmful effects of DU on-Gulf War veteran health and Iraqi population. These publications helped Iraqi researchers start a series of exploration research programs to define DU contaminated areas in Iraq, and to estimate the radiation doses the civilian population in Southern Iraq and the Iraqi troops located there were exposed to during military operations in 1991. The programs also set out to assess the risk level related to contamination levels in the surrounding environment.

These exploration research programs were performed under severely constrained conditions allowing very limited technical resources because of the US imposed economic sanctions on Iraq during the 90’s posing a serious scientific challenge at the time.

Conducting these researches under the tight conditions and very limited technical and other resources under the economic sanctions was a serious scientific challenge at the time since the American and British occupation forces:

  • Forbidding any release of information related to types, amounts, and locations of targets destroyed by DU projectiles, and any statistics related to Iraqi army and civilian casualties after the occupation of 2003 [4].
  • Refusal to clean up contaminated areas (as was performed by the same named troops) in Kuwait [5].
  • International agencies were prohibited the right to conduct full (DU) related exploration programs and risk assessments by US led occupying forces [6] the way they did in Kosovo [7]. Such an act indicates that these forces are relying on time to dissipate these contaminants with the purpose that the evidence of this crime be lost. Such assessment with proper resources, experts, and technology would link, with conclusive evidence, the harmful health impacts with exposure to DU oxidesamong the population of the contaminated areas.

Using such weapon and related misleading information can be considered as war crimes. They represent grave breach of the Geneva Convention and international law becausethese weapons have caused and continue to cause undifferentiated harm and suffering to civilian populations in all contaminated areas long after the end of the military operations [8].

DU contamination mechanism and health impacts

Dr Rosalie Bertell, a radiology scientist wrote in 2006 [9]; when DU munitions hit the target, they ignite prophetically and generate heat that reaches a temperature of (3000-6000°C). This heat causes a sublimation of DU and other metals to form a gas or aerosol in the forming DU nanoparticles. The nanoparticles can cross the lung-blood barrier and gain entrance to the cells resulting in the creation of free radicals. This is an effect of ionizing radiation. The other effect of DU comes from the fact that it is classified as a toxic heavy metal. Heavy metal toxicity attacks the proteins in the human tissue cells which normally fights the free radicals and creates additional free radicals [9]. This causes an oxidative stress that leads to failure of protective enzymes, damaging the cellular communication system and the mitochondria. Free radicals can also disrupt the protein’s folding process of (DNA). This misrouting of proteins causes certain diseases such as cystic fibrosis, diabetes insipidus and cancer. The amassing and accumulation of misfolded proteins leads to neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s disease. Gulf veterans have manifested many of the symptoms of these neurodegenerative diseases. Other effects are:

  • Immune and Hormonal systems’ damage
  • Distribution of thyroid function
  • Mycoplasmal Invasion to human body
  • Teratogenic Toxicity, where soluble DU oxides crosses the placenta to the fetus. As a result, damages might range from behavioral problems to mental retardation and congenital malformations.

Studies have shown that the Gulf War1 male veterans were twice as likely- and female veterans almost three times as likely- to report children with birth defects than counterparts who did not serve in the first Gulf War [9].

In her analysis, Dr. Bertell further emphasized that the carcinogenic properties of Uranium are linked the weakening the immune system of individuals, and showing that a depressed immune system often changes the status of subclinical cancer into clinically diagnosable cancer. Other related important studies related to these aspects are of Miller, A. et al [10] [11], Hindin et al [12], and Schroder [13].

The existence of radioactive DU oxides in these areasis considered ascontinuous source of exposure to both toxins and harmful radioactivity. It also represents a continuous and systematic attack on the civilian population each time DU oxide contaminated dust storm blow on the city of Basra and all surrounding areas tens of years to come.

In this paper, the genuine scientific efforts of the Iraqi scientists and researchers who tried hard to define DU contaminated areas in Southern Iraq after Gulf War 1 of 1991, and to show a correlation with its perceived consequences on general population health, all while under the US-UK led economic sanctions imposed on Iraq will be reviewed.

Most of these studies couldn’t find their way to internationally peer-reviewed journals because of the comprehensive sanctions imposed on Iraq, even though they have been published in Iraqi University peer-reviewed scientific journals in addition to the proceedings of two DU and War Consequences scientific conferences (1998, 2002).

It is also an obligation to let the world know that some of these studies cost the authors their lives after the occupation of Iraq in 2003. One of them is Dr. Alim Abdul Hameed Yacoub (Dean of Basra Medical College) who was killed, along with his son, when his car was forced off the highway on the way to his home town of Basra after being attacked and threatened twice at his home by pro-occupation militias two weeks before his death. They cost other researchers their freedom, such as Dr. Huda Ammash who was accused of being (Lady Anthrax) and imprisoned without any real accusation for 3 years just because she conducted very important research on Iraqi Armed Forces veterans who were exposed to DU weapons.

In addition to the assassination of about 500 Iraqi scientists after the US led invasion of Iraq by US trained Death Squads and pro-occupation militias, in what appears to be measures taken to discontinue any kind of scientific research in Iraq including DU-related research [14] in occupied Iraq.

2.0 Schemes of DU related research that have been conducted and published in Iraq (1991-2003):

Studies in this paper are classified into the following schemes:

  1. Detection and modeling of DU contaminated areas through site measurements and laboratory tests
  2. Epidemiological Studies Related to (DU) Contamination Health Effects.
  1. Pathological Studies of DU Effects on Human Health

2.1 Detection and modeling of DU contaminated areas through site measurements and laboratory tests

In 1993 the first Iraqi team of researchers from the Iraqi Atomic Commission and the College of Science in University of Baghdad [15][16] investigated with very limited information and a Sampling Program the increase of DU related radioactivity in selected areas West of Basra. Destroyed Iraqi tanks and vehicles contaminated upon destruction with DU ammunition were still laying around these areas. The areas included: Northern Rumaila oil fields, Al-Shamia, Kharanje, Southern Rumaila oil field, and Jabal Sanam. Exposure measurements revealed the existence of DU contamination in the studied areas. Tables 1, 2, and 3 show the results of these measurements. As we can see from the results not allsampled tanks and Iraqi artilleries have been destroyed by DU projectiles.

Table (1) Field Measurements of 1993 at North Rumela Area [15]

Table (2): Field Measurements of 1993 at Shamia Airfield /Khudairat al-Audhaimi Area [15]

Table (3): Field Radioactivity Measurements of 1993 at DMZ and Surrounding Area [15]

In 1996 Al-Azzawi, S.N. and her team conducted a comprehensive exploration program through the Environmental Engineering Department in University of Baghdad [17] [18] [19][20][21] [22][23].  The program involved taking hundreds of exposure measurements, soil and destroyed targets smear samples, surface water and channels sediments samples, bio-samples from vegetation cover, fish, and grazing animal tissues.  Sampling included areas of heavy military engagement during the first Gulf War of 1991 such as Safwan, Jabal Sanam, al-Zubair, Northern Rumaila oil fields, and Southern Rumaila Oil Fields (Figures 1 and 2). The measurements and tests were part of the academic requirements of three Masters of Engineering degree thesis in Environmental Engineering.

A BGS-4 gamma-ray scintillation counter was used to measure onsite exposure. The counters were used for 124 field exposure measurements in and around the destroyed tanks and other military vehicles. High purity germanium detectors were used to test 124 soil and sediment samples, 58 surface and groundwater samples and 158 bio-samples in the Laboratory of Environmental Radiation in the Iraqi Atomic Organization. All field measurements were supervised and by specialists from Iraqi atomic energy organization and according to IAEA related standards. Also, all laboratory tests were conducted during continuous visits and checking of UN/US inspection teams to all the latter organization’s activities.

Selected measurements from 1996 exploration program results are shown in (Table 5). Modeling pollution transport from hundreds of destroyed artilleries to surrounding areas till 1996 shows the spreading of DU contamination in the area from 1991 – 1996 [17] [18] [19]:

  • 1,718 km² of soil contaminated with DU oxides and particles,
  • 140,000 m² of channel sediments,
  • 845,100 tons of vegetation cover

Table 5: Selected Exposure and Soil Radioactivity Measurements From the 1996 exploration program [17] [18]

T: Destroyed Tank        A: Destroyed Armored Vehicle

Risk assessment related to previous measurements showed that people in the Western part of Basra City, and the Iraqi and American troops received a total whole body radioactive dosage of (442 – 577) mSv [24], mostly during the first six months of the 1991 Gulf War military operations. Comparing this value with the background annual radioactivity vlue of (2.4 mSv) we can see that this amount is about 200 times more than normal natural radioactivity the human body receives. Findings of  the predicted health damages related to these doses were defined and published at the time[25].

In 1999 – 2000 a follow-up exploration program in the same contaminated area of West Basra was conducted by (Al-Azzawi and Al Nuiamy, 2002) [24] [25]. The program included radioactivity measurements of site exposure, soil sediments, water samples, and laboratory tests. Samples were collected from previously studied areas plus areas where most of the DU contaminated tanks and wreckage were collected and unfortunately placed on the banks of Wafaa Al Qaied waterway causing further contamination.

Results of this program indicated the existence of higher than natural background radioactivity in some of the soil samples and sediments from nearby surface water channels sediments in the areas but in general the radioactivity was less than that of 1996. Sand and dust storms with the weathering process contributed to the dispersion of these contaminants to nearby populated areas.More than (127) days of dust storms used to hit that area since the Nineties of last century [26].

Also in 1999-2000 Al-Azzawi, Maarouf and Al-Mousori conducted an exploration program to check of the possibility of radiological contamination in Ninevah Governorate and its center Mosul City, after being attacked in 1998 by new generations of Cruise missiles (AGM 154 J50W) on three targets on the Eastern bank of Tigris River in Mosul city. The program also involved checking the extension of The Chernobyl Plume on Iraqi territories after 13 years [27].

The field measurements using Portable Scintillation Counter have proved that there is clear radiological pollution in the study area. The measured average exposure rate was 11.38 µR.h-1 in Mosul city and 10.11 µR.h-1 in Nineveh governorate which are more than the background level of the study area that amounted to 7.0 µR.h-1.

The laboratory tests have also shown an increase in Ra-226 concentrations which is one daughter of the decay series of U-238. The tested maximum concentration of Ra-226 is 146 in Mosul City and 107 in Nineveh governorate, while the background level calculated in these regions should be 55 This is an indication that the increase can be attributed to the pollution of the study area by Uranium weaponry and that the missiles used to destroy these targets contain Uranium radioisotopes.

The Pentagon kept denying the existence of radiological contamination and the harmful effects of DU on human population and environment. They also accused the findings of the Iraqi research teams during the Nineties as (Iraqi regime propaganda).

After 4 years under the US occupation of Iraq comes the proof from the occupation assigned Iraqi government that all our work was genuine and scientifically credible.

During the National Meeting on Radiological Pollution in Iraq, held in Mansur Melia Hotel in Baghdad, the Minister of Environment in Iraq Narmeen Othman presented the results of the environmental radiological assessment that were conducted in 2007 in some areas of Iraq including Northern and Southern Oil Fields in Southern Iraq after a significant increase of registered cancer cases (as being mentioned in that meeting) [28]. Results of that assessment shows the following:

  • In Rumaila Oil Fields 48 sites were found radiologically contaminated
  • Among the 17 stations of Northern Rumaila Oil Fields, eight sites were found contaminated with radioactive radionuclide
  • Also Phase one of that environmental radiological assessment showed 264 radiologically contaminated samples as follows:
  • In Samawa area 202 samples were collected. 71 soil samples, 10 water samples, 106 dust smear samples. And one vegetation cover sample. Contaminated samples were 36 sample.
  • In Zubair area, 62 samples. 41 of them contaminated.
  • In Basra area, 103 samples. 62 samples were radiologically contaminated.
  • In Nasrya area, 153 samples. 49 of them were contaminated.

It is noteworthy to highlight the fact that these findings come after 15 years of the original exploration programs we have conducted in these areas [ ] [ ].

Tawfiq, N. F. et al in 2000 [29] measured alpha-emitters concentrations in soil samples from different Iraqi cities using Solid State Nuclear Track detectors CR-39 and CN-85. Her team found high concentration radioisotopes measurements of (7.8) ppm in Muthana governorate (Samawa City).

The Dutch troops later in 2003 refused to camp in Samawa City, due to high DU related radioactivity detected by those troops [30]. After few days, they finally moved to a nearby desert area. It was also confirmed that New York Guardsmen serving in Samawa city during 2003 were exposed to DU [31].

Tawfiq research team also confirmed that other cities with higher radioisotope concentrations in soil than that of the area’s background levels which typically range in (1.02-2.2) PPM were: Basra (7.2) ppm, Nasirya (Al-Shatra city) (6.2) ppm. These locations fell on withdrawing Iraqi troops withdrawal route from Kuwait in Jan 1991. The same route the Iraqi troops were intercepted and destroyed by US DU weapons.

In 2000, Al-Gurabi, S. and her team measured DU related increases in radioactivity along the areas bordering Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. They also measured Northern Rumaila Oil Field and areas to the Northwest of Basrah City [32]. Results showed higher activity concentrations of DU related radioisotopes in all investigated areas except the center of Basrah City.

Butras, Wartan and Butras in (2000-2001) [33] measured radioactivity in three different areas of Basrah using Alpha and Beta measuring LB1200 detectors. The measured areas:

A: Iraqi-Saudi-Kuwaiti borders

B: Qurna city, Zubair city, Faw and Umm Kasir seaports.

C: Shatt Al-Arab district in Basra

Results proved the existence of higher radioactivity measurements than background levels of (18*10-3) mRem/hr in area (A) after 10 years of the war. Umm Kasir area registered (10 * 10-3) mRem/hr, compared to normal background levels in the area are within the range of (7 * 10-3) mRem/hr [33].

During the year 2000, Al-Kinani, et al [34] collected (11) soil samples from Safwan, Southern Rumaila and the unarmed border zone using a gamma radiation detector. Results indicated that (7) of these samples were contaminated with DU radioisotopes. Sample (SSI) U235/U238 ratio was found to be (0.00351) which indicates high DU contamination a destroyed tank in that area. Other ratios ranged between (0.0041-0.0037).

Dozens of other studies were conducted and published in Arabic or English peer-reviewed scientific journals of various Iraqi universities. Those published investigation programs were all conducted by well-known professors and researchers who followed the IAEA and other international scientific standards’ procedures.  Researches and radiological laboratory tests that were done in conjunction with the environmental department of the Iraqi Atomic Commission were searched and reviewed by periodic UN inspection teams’ visits and the IAEA teams. These teamswere inspecting all the activities throughout the nineties until the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

The Radiation Protection Centre (RPC) has also identified between 300 and 365 contaminated sites by 2006. Most of them located in the Basra region in Southern Iraq [35 ]

2.2 Epidemiological Studies Related to (DU) Contamination Health Effects:

Many epidemiological studies were conducted in contaminated cities to define the correlation between (DU) contamination and the increase of malignancy incidence rates and congenital malformation in Basra Governorate for example. Most of these studies were performed by faculty members of Al-Basra College of Medicine since 1995. Some of these studies were published in the University of Basra Medical Journal. Others were presented in the two Iraqi conferences about the effect of economic sanction and (DU) weaponry used against humans and the environment in Iraq, held in 1998 and 2002 respectively.

Results of these studies pointed out a very clear trend concerning the existence of correlation between contamination and the resulted increase of the related diseases in geographically contaminated areas. Among others, the following studies are specifically important:

  • Alim Yacoub et al, 1998 [36] [37] presented an analysis of recorded cases of registered malignant diseases among children under 15 years of age in Basra for the period (1990 – 1997). This analysis showed a rise of 60% in children’s leukemia from 1990 to 1997. Also, a 120% increase in all malignant cases among children under the age of 15 for the same period were registered. The study also showed the shift of age distribution of leukemia cases towards younger than 5 years of age from 13% in 1990 to 41% of total cases in 1997.
  • Al-Sadoon, et al, 1998 [38] showed a threefold increase in congenital malformations registered cases in 1998 compared to 1990 in Basra city. Congenital heart diseases, chromosomal aberrations, and multiple malformations all indicate exposure to teratogenic environmental factor.
  • Alim Yacoub, et al, 1999 [39] also introduced an analysis of the incidence and pattern of malignant diseases in Basra from the analysis of the histopathological reports of Basra University Teaching Hospital for the period 1990-1997.

The study indicated that there was a rise of about 160% in reported cases of uterine cancer in 1997 compared to 1990 and an increase of 143% in thyroid cancer cases in 1997 compared to 1990 recordings. Also, a 102% increase in breast cancer and 82% rise in lymphomas in 1997 compared to 1990.

The records also indicated a shift in the types of the five major leading malignancies in Basra in 1997 such as breast, bladder, lymphomas, uterine, and skin cancers. While those of 1990 were malignant diseases of bladder, skin, breast, lung, and larynx.

  • Alim Yacoub, Imad Al-Sadoon and Jenan Hasan, 2002 presented a paper [40] that examines the association between exposure to DU radiation and the rising incidence of malignancies among children in Basra through time sequence criteria, and dose-response criteria through the geographical shift of the increase of incidence rates in Al-Zubair and other Western areas from less than 5/100,000 prior to 1993 to 22/100,000 in 2000  compared to only Al-Hartha area (North of Basrah) only prior to 1993 (with the highest incidence rates of 10/100,000 in 1993). They also tested the biological plausibility criteria through the shift of the increase of leukemia incidence rate towards younger ages of less than 5 years old after 1995.

Yacoub et al, 2002, couldn’t explain the reason behind the constant increase of malignancies incidence rates among children in Al-Hartha district in Northern Basra City, figure from (10 incidents / 100,000) to (42.7 / 100,000) in the year 2000.

This increase can be attributed to the existence of the largest electrical power generation and transformation facilities in Iraq of 800 MW. This power plant was destroyed during air raids several times first week of bombing in 1991. Nobody measured the radioactivity in Al-Hartha power plant, which might be also destroyed with DU expenditure.

We must be aware that these epidemiological studies were limited to Basra General Hospital, which is the education hospital of Basra Medical College. The mentioned number of cancer incidence cases and congenital malformations would be a lot higher if the studies involved all hospitals of Basra.

  • Abbas Ali & Jawad al Ali, 2002 [41] presented an evaluation of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) annual incidence which started to rise from 1995 up to the year 2000, when the increase began to plateau.
  • Pathological Studies of DU Effects on Human Health

Dr. Huda Ammash- Professor of Molecular Biology in the College of Science in University of Baghdad, 1998, presented a paper on the mechanisms of toxicity induced by free radicals resulting from irradiation with DU and ionization of the atmosphere in Iraq [42] [43]. This paper pinpointed the need for DU toxicity studies on enzymes (SOD), Caralase, hydrogenates and Glyceraldehydes Dehydrogenates levels. She also presented the multi aborative cases on the DNA level where out of 50 studied cases, 29 cases were found with DNA abnormalities (with no hereditary evidence). Other multi aborative cases investigating the toxoplasmosis effect showed that out of 130 cases, over 65% more were infected than those recorded in 1989.

Muhammed, Z.T. et al, 2002, [44] published a paper about the effects of DU radiation on the human immune system enzyme. A group of (26) Iraqi veterans who were exposed to DU radiation with (43) control individuals were all subjected to tests for Adenosine DA Amines (ADN) enzyme activity. Results indicated mean activity of the enzyme of the exposed individuals of (0.184 ±0.016) U/gm protein, while the unexposed individual’s enzyme activity (0.291 ±0.022) U/gm protein.

ADA enzyme activity in the exposed individuals were found to be significantly lower than the control group. P<0.05 significant correlation coefficient was found between ADA activity as an important immune enzyme and related clinical signs and symptoms related to defective cellular immune functions.

Ammash, H., Alwan, L. and Marouf, B.A.,2002, published a paper (in Arabic) [45] about the results of Genetic hematological analysis for a group of individuals who live in DU contaminated areas in Southern Iraq. Blood tests for the (47) individuals who lived in Basra contaminated areas and other (30) individuals as a control group who lived in Baghdad. The research included other clinical and correlated factors.

Blood tests included hemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume test (PCV), total count (WBC) test and chromosomal changes and defects tests. Factors such as exposure type and exposure time due to nature of work were taken into consideration (45% of the studied groups are from Iraqi troops who were involved in military engagements of the Gulf War 1). The others were civilians who lived in contaminated areas.

The test results of the study clearly showed that a 21% of the studied individuals in Basra group suffered a reduction in hemoglobin concentration of (9-13) g/dl.

The other 79% of the individuals from Al-Basrah studied groups with normal hemoglobin concentrations of (12-15) g/dl and (13-18) g/dl for males and females in the group respectively.

The blood Packed Cell Volume (PCV) test results showed that 25.5% of the Basrah study group showed abnormal (PCV) rates of (30-39) % less than the normal rate. One male’s individual blood (PCV) was 3% higher than normal. Other individuals’ blood (PCV) in the studied group had normal rates ranging between (40-54) %.

Total count of white blood cells (WBC) test results showed that 8% of the individuals in the Basrah study group had less than normal (WBC) which is 4000 c/ml or higher than the normal rate or (11000) c/ml. Control group individuals all had normal (WBC).

Compound chromosomal changes in the lymphocytes of peripheral blood of the individuals of the Basra study group had been found to have a ratio of (0.1118) % which is significantly higher than that of the control group. The ratio of dicentric and ring centric chromosomal abnormality fraction was found to be (0.04479) which is also higher than the ordinary ratio. Chromosomal damages were mostly in male veteran individuals. One case was that of a 13-year-old at the time of exposure in Al-Zubair contaminated area.

From the Veterinary College of Basra University, Khadier, A.A. et al, 2000[46] conducted a study to detect levels of DU related radioactivity in pastures and animals within the contaminated areas of Safwan, Al-Zubair, N. Rumaila, Jabal Sanam, Kharanj Village, etc.

Blood samples from sheep and other grazing animals were collected. Analysis of blood samples using Lyoluminescence and Track Detectors proved the existence of very small concentrations of radioisotopes in a few sheep that fed from and around the destroyed artillery and tanks within the studied areas. It is believed the polluted dust on the leaves was the source of radioisotopes in the tested blood samples.

Al-Sadi, H.I. and Sawad, A. 2002 [47] from the Veterinary College of the University of Basrah also presented a study about the pathological conditions of the animals in Basrah. The study reported the existence of three types of animal neoplasm; seminoma in rams, mesotheliomas in buffalo, and ovarian cystadenomas in female dogs.

These types of neoplasms have never been reported in these regions before the Nineties. Also, some types of congenital defects in farm animals have been described.

2.4 Other related studies after the occupation of Iraq (post 2003)

The American and British armed forces used Depleted Uranium weapons during the military operations of Iraq’s invasion and occupation in 2003. As usual they wouldn’t admit or release information where and the amounts they have used to prevent the civilian population the extra exposure to more of these toxic and radioactive munitions. The UK government in 2010 admitted that British forces fired less than three tons of DU in 2003 [48].

The American armed forces kept lying and misleading the public until the findings of a DU related research published by the European organization PAX in collaboration with the ICBDUW and George Mason University of America. The research confirmed the use of about 181000 shells of depleted uranium or about 200 tons (Wim Zwijnenburg and Doug Weir, 2016). The research also identified the places where it was used [2]. Maps and illustrations showed that US forces fired these DU projectiles in most densely populated cities this at the time, including Basra, Baghdad, Najaf, Amarah, Tikrit, Karbala, Falluja and Baquba, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Areas bombed by DUweapons during the 2003 Iraqi occupation in 2003[2].

In 2006 and 2007 technical staff from the Iraqi Radiation Protection Centre collected environmental samples at four selected sites in Southern Iraq, namely As Samawah, Al Nassiryah, Al Basrah and Al Zubayr [49]. Since no information from US/UK armed forces defines where they used the DU ammunition in 2003!!because this information wasreleased in 2016 [2]. It seems clear that the samples were collected from previously identified DU contaminated areas of 1991.

A total of 520 samples of soil, water, vegetation, and smear tests, were taken. collected samples were shipped from Iraq to the Spiez Laboratory in Switzerland, which, on behalf of UNEP, analyzed them using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS). The radioanalytical results were then made available to the IAEA to make a prospective estimation of the radiation doses to the Iraqi population living in the above-mentioned four locations and the associated radiological risks [49].

The results of that very limited investigation program stated that:

“annual radiation doses to the public that could arise from the various types of exposure scenarios were calculated. based on the measurements carried out on the samples collected in this study. The radiation doses from DU were found sufficiently low not pose a radiological hazard to the population living at the four studied locations” [49 ].

That meansIAEA built their dose calculations on measured radioactivity in 2006, while contamination in these areas exist since 1991 (because all these areas were included in our exploration programs and researches in the Nineties as mentioned previously) [17] [18 ] [29] The risk assessment should have included cumulative radiation doses of all paths for the period 1991 to 2006,  and not as they calculated from the instant they measured in 2006 (as an isolated event).

Soil concentration and activity values of the contaminants also should have been calculated back to their 1991 values and not its value in 2006 where its been dissipating and decaying for more than 15 years.

The risk assessment calculations IAEA adopted, depending on the following pathways [49 ]:

I Inhalation of soil re-suspended by the action of wind or human activities;

II Inhalation of re-suspended dust inside military vehicles hit by DU munitions;

III. Ingestion of soil;

  1. Ingestion of vegetables;
  2. Ingestion of and drinking water.”

Remember that in IAEA risk calculations they considered the exposed population live above these areas??, while dominant wind direction in Iraq and during dust storms is NW-SE [50].  That means they should have measure additional doses from contaminants blowing down from Samawa city on Nasiriya, Basra, and Zubair cities from 1991-2006, and so on of all other cities, check locations of these cities in figure.

Figure 5: Map of Iraq showing locations of cities involved in IAEA risk assessment(Samawa, Nasiriya, Basra, and Zubair).

IAEA risk assessment missed two other important pathways:

  1. Ingestion of contaminated meat, milk, and other items of food chain.
  2. Absorption of DU oxides through skin and immersion in emitted Radon cloud.

If we take all these factors in the calculation of the risk assessment the value would be hundreds of times higher than what IAEA team calculated.

During 2004 and 2005, after the US military assault on Falluja and the destruction of more than 50% of it, tests on city residents who had children or lost embryos suffered from congenital malformations showed that there were more concentrations of uranium than normal in their bodies (Alaani et al.,2012) [51]

Alaani et al, 2012 [52] published results have drawn attention to increases in congenital birth anomalies and cancer in Fallujah Iraq blamed on teratogenic, genetic and genomic stress thought to result from depleted Uranium contamination following the battles in the town in 2004.  Hair samples from 25 fathers and mothers of children diagnosed with congenital anomalies were analyzed for Uranium and 51 other elements suggest the enriched Uranium exposure is either a primary cause or related to the cause of the congenital anomaly and cancer increases. Thus, raised about the characteristics and composition of weapons now being deployed in modern battlefields.

Chris Busby, Malak Hamdan, and Entesar Ariabi, 2010 [53] Published a paper that concludes  results confirm the reported increases in cancer and infant mortality which are alarmingly high in Falluja. Also, the paper confirms a remarkable reduction in the sex ratio in the cohort born one year after the fighting in 2004 identifies that year as the time of the environmental contamination.

Samira T. Abdulghani, et al. [54] paper about “Perinatal and neonatal mortality in Fallujah General Hospital, Fallujah City, Anbar Province, west of Iraq.” Scientific Research, Open Access.

Dr Jawad al Ali, 2005 [55] published a paper about variable degrees of increased rates of cancers in Basra, particularly breast cancer, lymphomas, lung, colo-rectal ovaries, soft tissues and kidneys.

He added that Cancers which show no increase include the cancers of stomach, uterus and skin cancers. The overall incidences over the year showed tangible increase particularly during the year 2005.

Geographical distribution: the highest rate was in the west of Basra followed by the center of Basra, eastern area and the lowest is at the northern area. The age risk: the data showed massive increase in risk with age. The lowest rate is for the children less than five years (11.4/100.000). The highest rate was for the age group more than 65 years

(541.9/100.000). The total incidence rate was 59.1/100.000.


  • The USA and UK continuously used Depleted Uranium weapons against the population and environment in Iraq from 1991 until today.
  • Occupation intentionally denied and covered up the types, locations and amounts of DU projectiles that have been used in Iraq to prevent taking measures that could have reduce health damages on civilians resulting from the exposure to cumulative doses of these contaminants.
  • Occupation forces prohibited UNEP, WHO and other international agencies to conduct any exploration programs to detect DU contamination and assess the health risks and clean up remedies during the way it has been conducted in Serbia and Kosovo.
  • Forbidding the release of any casualties statistics by the health ministry of the occupation assigned government in Iraq right after the occupation of Iraq is another crime to cover up the magnitude of human lives losses related to the occupation of Iraq.
  • Exploration programs and site measurements proved without a doubt that the existence of DU related radioactive contamination all over most of Iraq (except the northern area of Kurdistan).
  • Published epidemiological studies in Basrah introduced a clear correlation between DU related exposure and the multifold increase of malignancies, congenital malformations, and multiple malformations among the population in DU contaminated areas.
  • Other pathological and hematological studies indicated the existence of chromosomal and DNA aberrations and abnormalities in the 1991 Iraqi Gulf War veterans. Other studies proved their effects on lowering the activities of the human immune system in exposed individuals.
  • Intentional continuous use of DU against the people and environment of Iraq is a crime against humanity due to its undifferentiated harmful health impacts on civilian long times after the military operations. Existing DU contamination in the surrounding environment is a continuous source of exposure to civilian’s population, and can be considered as systematic attacks on civilians in each DU contaminated dust storm blown on these cities. Article 4 of the official regulations and Article 7 of the ICC.


[1] William, Dai. 2002. “Hazards of Uranium weapons in proposed war on Iraq”, sept. 22nd, 2002. The Eos life-work resource center.

Updated 27 October 2002.

[2] Wim Zwijnenburg and Doug Weir, 2016. Targets of Opportunity; Analysis of the use of depleted uranium by A-10s in the 2003 Iraq War. A joint investigation by PAX and ICBUW. Published on website.

[3] Asaf Durakoviæ.1999.” Medical Effects of Internal Contamination with Uranium”. CMJ online. March 1999 (Volume 40, Number 1).

[4] USA Today, 2003, Iraq’s Health Ministry ordered to stop counting civilian dead from war, Dec. 12 2003.

[5] Kirby, A., 2003, “US rejects Iraq DU clean-up”, BBC news online, April 14th 2003.

[ 6] Sunday Herald, “WHO suppressed scientific study into depleted uranium cancer fears in Iraq”. Feb 22, 2004.

[7] Depleted Uranium sites in Kosovo detailed by UNEP.

[8] Karen Parker,  2007.”War Crimes Committed by the United States in Iraq and Mechanisms for Accountability”. Consumers for peace. Oct.10, 2007.

[9] Rosalie Bertell, 2006. “Depleted Uranium: All the Questions about Du and Gulf War Syndrome are Not Yet Answered”. International journal of Health services.

[10] Miller, A. et al. “Genomic instability in human osteoblast cells after exposure to depleted Uranium: Delay lethality and micronuclei formation”. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. vol.64(2-3), 2003 (PP 247-259).

[11] Miller, A. et al, “Effect of the military-relevant heavy metal, depleted uranium and heavy metal tungsten-alloy on gene expression in human liver carcinoma cells (HepG2).” Mol. Cell Biochem. vol. 255(1-2). Jan. 2004 (PP. 247-56).

[12] Hindin, R., Brugge, D. and Panikkar, B. (2005), ‘Teratogenicity of Depleted Uranium aerosols: A review from an epidemiological perspective’, Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source, 4:17,

[13] Chroder, H. et al. “Chromosome aberration analysis in peripheral lymphocytes of Gulf War and Balkans War veterans”. Radiation Prot. Dosimetry. Vol. 103(3) 2003 (PP. 211-219).

[14] Spanish Campaign against the Occupation and for the Sovereignty of Iraq.

Iraq Solidaridad 2005-2013. “The killing of Iraqi Academics: A War to Erase the Future and Culture of Iraq.” List of Iraqi academics assassinated in Iraq during the US-led occupation.

[15] International Conference on DU, 2000, “Health, ecological, legal, and economic aspects of conventional radioactive weapons”, Committee of Solidarity   with the Arab Cause, Nov. 26-2, 2000, Gehone, Spain.

[16] Iraq Foreign Affairs Ministry, 1995, “Radiation effects”, an official paper submitted by the Iraqi delegation to the briefing meeting on nuclear liability during the 42nd Session of the General Conference, Vienna, 1995.

[17] Al-Azzawi, S., Maarouf, B., Seleh, M.J., Al-Saji, M., Al-Hilli, W., and Maguar, A., 1997.  “Damages resulted from the use of DU weaponry against Iraq”. Technical Report published in Arabic, Environmental Engineering Dept. College of Engineering, University of Baghdad. Baghdad, Iraq, 157pp.

[18] Al-Azzawi, S.N., Ma’arof, B.A., Mahmmod, M.A., Al-Hili, W.M., Al-Saji,, M., Jada’an, A.M. 1999. “Environmental Pollution Resulting from The Use of Depleted Uranium Weaponry Against Iraq in 1991.” Journal of Arabic Universities Association. College of engineering. University of Baghdad, vol. 6, no. 2, Baghdad, Iraq. Published in Arabic. Pp.47-62.

[19] Al-Azzawi, S. et al, “Environmental Pollution Resulting from the Use of Depleted Uranium Weaponry Against Iraq During 1991, World International Conference on DU, Hamburg, Germany, 2003.

[20] Al-Azzawi, S., and Al-Saji, M., 1998. “Effects of DU radioactive pollution on surface and ground water in selected regions in southern Iraq”. Journal of Arabic Universities Association, vol. 6, no. 1, Baghdad. Iraq. (Arabic language).

[21] Al-Hilli, W., 1998. “Effects of radioactive weapons on soil and air quality in Iraq”, M. Sc. Thesis in environmental engineering. College of Engineering. University of Baghdad. Baghdad, Iraq, 1998.

[22] Al-Saji, M., 1998, “Effects of radiological weapons on surface and groundwater quality in selected areas southern Iraq”. M. Sc. thesis in environmental engineering. College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.

[23] Maguar, A.,1998. “Effects of radiological pollution on human and living environment in southern Iraq”. MSc. thesis, environmental engineering. College of engineering. University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.

[24] Al-Azzawi, S., and Al Naemi, A. 2002, “Assessment of radiological doses and risks resulted from DU contamination in the highway war zone in al-Basrah governorate”. Proceedings of the conference on the effects of the use of DU weaponry on human and environment in Iraq. March 26-27/ 2002. Baghdad, Iraq.

[25] Al-Azzawi, S., and Al Naemi, A., 2002, “Risk assessment related to radiological contamination resulted from the use of DU ammunition in al-Basrah war zone”, proceedings of the conference on the effects of the use of DU weaponry on human and environment in Iraq, March 26-27, 2002, Baghdad, Iraq.

[26] TW, 2016.” Significant increase in frequency and intensity of sandstorms in the Middle East over the past 15 years”. The Watchers Website (WT). June 17, 2016.

[27] Al-Azzawi, S., Maarouf, B., and Mazouri, N., 2002. “Environmental radiological pollution from the use of DU weaponry against Ninevah governorate during the war”, proceedings of the conference on the effects of the use of DU weaponry on human and environment in Iraq, March 26-27 2002, Baghdad, Iraq.

[28] Hadi al Rubaiay, 2009. “Depleted Uranium is Innocent until Prove its Guilt”. National meeting of the consultants committee of Prime Minister Office on radiological pollution in Iraq. Mansour Melia hotel. Iraqi Media Network Report in Arabic.

file:///H: ف%20الندوة%20الوطنية%20للوقاية%20من%20التلوث%20الاشعاعي..%20اليورانيوم%20الhtml.

[29] Tawfiq, N.,, 2002, Determination of Alpha-emitters in Iraqi soil samples using solid state nuclear track detectors CR-39 and CN-85, Proceeding of Conference on the Effects of DU Weaponary on Human and Environment in Iraq, March 26-27, 2002, Baghdad, Iraq.

[30] ICBUW, 2006.” Dutch military in Iraq delays troop transfer from suspected DU contaminated area”. International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons. Sept. 29. 2006.

[31] Joanne, L., 2004, “Testing of New York guardsmen: first confirmed cases of Iraq war depleted Uranium exposure”, World Scientist web-site;

[32] Al Ghurabi, S. et. al., 2002, “DU pollution in southern Iraq after ten years”. Proceedings of the Conference on the effects of the use of DU weaponry on human and environment in Iraq. published in Arabic. Vol. 1, March 26-27, 2002, Baghdad, Iraq

[33] Butrus, S., Wartan, K., and Butrus, L., 2002, “Assessing radioactive contamination levels in Basrah governorate”. Proceedings of the conference on the effects of the use of DU weaponry on human and environment in Iraq, March 26-27, 2002, Baghdad, Iraq, published in Arabic.

[34] Alkinany, A., Twege, D., and Abdul Allah, K., 2002, “Investigating DU radioactivity in selected locations in Basrah”. Proceedings of the conference on the effects of the use of DU weaponry on human and environment in Iraq, March 26-27, 2002, Baghdad, Iraq, published in Arabic.

[35]The Guardian, 2013. “Iraq’s depleted uranium clean-up to cost $30m as contamination spreads”. March 6, 2013.

[36] Yaqoub, A.A., Al-Sadoon, I., and Hassan, J., 1998. “Incidence and pattern of malignant diseases among children in Basrah with specific reference to leukemia during the period of 1990-1998”. Proceeding of the conference on health and environmental consequences of DU used by U.S. and British forces in the 1991 Gulf War, Dec. 2-3, 1998, Baghdad, Iraq.

[37] Yaqoub, A.,, 1999. “Depleted Uranium and health of people in Basrah: an epidemiological evidence; 1-The incidence and pattern of malignant diseases among children in Basrah with specific reference to leukemia during the period of 1990-1998”.  Medical journal of Basrah University (MJBU). Vol.17, no.1&2, 1999, Basrah, Iraq.

[38] Al-Sadoon, I., Hassan, J., and Yaqoub, A., 1998. “Incidence and pattern of congenital anomalies among birth in Basrah during the period 1990-1998”. Proceeding of the conference on health and environmental consequences of DU used by U.S. and British forces in the 1991 Gulf War. Dec. 2-3, 1998. Baghdad, Iraq.

[39] Yaqoub, A., Ajeel, N., and Al-Wiswasy, M., 1998. “Incidence and pattern of malignant diseases (excluding leukemia) during 1990-1997”. Proceeding of the conference on health and environmental consequences of DU used by U.S. and British forces in the 1991 Gulf War. Dec. 2-3, 1998. Baghdad, Iraq.

[40] Yaqoub, A., Al-Sadoon, I., and Hassan, J., 2002. “The evidence of casual association between exposure to DU and malignancies among children in Basrah by applying epidemiological criteria of causality”. Proceedings of the conference on the effects of the use of DU weaponry on human and environment in Iraq. March 26-27, 2002. Baghdad, Iraq.

[41] Ali, A., and Al-Ali, J., 2002. “Chronic myeloid leukemia in Basrah after the Gulf War II”. Proceedings of the conference on the effects of the use of DU weaponry on human and environment in Iraq. March 26-27, 2002. Baghdad, Iraq.

[42] Ammash, H., 1998. “Mechanism of toxicity induced by free radicals resulting from irradiation with DU and ionization of atmosphere in Iraq”. Proceeding of the conference on health and environmental consequences of DU used by U.S. and British forces in the 1991 Gulf War.Dec. 2-3, 1998. Baghdad, Iraq.

[43] Ammash, H., 2000. “Toxic pollution, the Gulf War, and sanctions, the impact on the environment and health in Iraq”. Iraq under Siege, editor: Anthony Arnove, South End Press, Cambridge, Mass, 2000.

[44]Mohammed, Z.,, 2002. “Detection of DU effects on human by use of immune system enzyme”. Proceedings of the conference on the effects of the use of DU weaponry on human and environment in Iraq. March 26-27, 2002. Baghdad, Iraq.

[45] Ammash, H., Alwan, L., and Maarouf, B., 2002. “Genetic hematological study for a selected population from DU contaminated areas in Basrah”. Proceedings of the conference on the effects of the use of DU weaponry on human and environment in Iraq. March 26-27, 2002. Baghdad, Iraq.

[46] Khudair, A., Abdul Kader, K., and Al-Taha, T., 2002. “Study of the radiological pollution level in pastures of Basrah in 2000”. Proceedings of the conference on the effects of the use of DU weaponry on human and environment in Iraq. March 26-27, 2002. Baghdad, Iraq.

[47] Al-Sadi, H., and Sawad, A., 2002. “Some interesting pathological conditions in animals in Basrah and the possible etiological role of DU used in 1991 aggression against Iraq”. Proceedings of the conference on the effects of the use of DU weaponry on human and environment in Iraq. March 26-27, 2002. Baghdad, Iraq.

[48] RT, 2010.” Reports emerge the UK used depleted uranium weapons in Iraq”. Russia Today New. July 23. 2010.

[49] Danesi1,P.R.,and Telleria2, D.M ,2006. “Radiological Conditions at Four Selected Sites in South Iraq with Residues of Depleted Uranium”. 1, International Atomic Energy Agency Consultant, Vienna, Austria.  2International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria.


[50] Tara Mohamed Anwar. “ Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile. Iraq”.

[51] Alaani, S., Tafash, M., Busby, C., Hamdan, M., and Blaurock-Busch, E., 2011.  Uranium and Other Contaminants in Hair from the Parents of Children with Congenital Anomalies in Fallujah, Iraq. Conflict and Health, V.5; 2011, PMC3177876.

[ 52] Busby C, Hamdan M, Ariabi E. 2010. Cancer, Infant mortality and birth sex ratio in Fallujah, Iraq 2005-2009. Int. J. Environ Res. Public Health 7, 2828-2837.

[53] Alaani S, Savabieasfahani M, Tafash M, Manduca P. 2011. Four polygamous families with congenital birth defects from Fallujah, Iraq. Int. J. Environ Res Public Health 8, 89-96.

[ 54] Al-Ali, Jawad, 2005. “Epidemiological study at Southern Iraq, Basra city”. Proceeding of the Cancer trend in Basra, Iraq. Depleted uranium – 4.5-billion-year health risk meeting. At 17-20 Auditorium in the Parliament House, Japan. Sept 12. 2006.

All images in this article are from the author.

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ISIS Is a US-Israeli Creation. Top Ten “Indications”

December 28th, 2019 by Makia Freeman

Relevant article first posted on GR in April 2016.

ISIS is a US-Israeli creation, a fact as clear as the sky is blue. It’s a truth as black and white as the colors on their flag. For many alternative news readers, this may be patently obvious, but this article is written for the large majority of people in the world who still have no idea who is really behind the rise of ISIS. No matter which name they go by – ISIS, ISIL, IS or Daesh – the group has been deliberately engineered by the US and Israel to achieve certain geopolitical goals. They are a religious, fundamentalist, Sunni terrorist organization created to terrorize and overthrow certain secular or Shiite Arab nations such as Syria and Iraq, but they are not just “Islamic”. They may be Muslims, and they may be advocating an Islamic State, but they are very much working towards the goals of Zionism. 

It’s amazing how many people still struggle to get that point. We have been inundated with propaganda surrounding the fraudulent war on terror, notably terms such as Islamic terrorism and radical Islam, but more accurate phrases would be Zio-Islamic terrorism and radical Zio-Islam. Secret military agencies such as the CIA and the Mossad pull the strings. Here is a list of the top 10 ‘indications’ that ISIS is a US-Israeli creation.

ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #1: ISIS Foreknowledge via Leaked DIA Doc

The DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) is 1 of 16 US military intelligence agencies. According to a leaked document obtained by Judicial Watch, the DIA wrote on August 12, 2012 that:

“there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist Principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime …”

This was written before ISIS came on to the world stage. Clearly ISIS was no random uprising, but rather a carefully groomed and orchestrated controlled opposition group.

The “supporting powers to the opposition” referred to are Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the GCC nations such as Qatar, who are in turn being supported by the US-UK-Israeli axis in their struggle to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad. As I outlined in this article Syrian Ground War About to Begin? WW3 Inches Closer, the US is backing the Sunni nations while Russia, China and Iran are backing the Shia nations, so there is the definite potential for this to erupt into World War 3. Below are screenshots of the actual DIA document:



ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #2: ISIS Never Attacks Israel

It is more than highly strange and suspicious that ISIS never attacks Israel – it is another indication that ISIS is controlled by Israel. If ISIS were a genuine and independent uprising that was not covertly orchestrated by the US and Israel, why would they not try to attack the Zionist regime, which has attacked almost of all of its Muslim neighbors ever since its inception in 1948? Israel has attacked Egypt, Syria and Lebanon, and of course has decimated Palestine. It has systemically tried to divide and conquer its Arab neighbors. It continually complains of Islamic terrorism. Yet, when ISIS comes on the scene as the bloody and barbaric king of Islamic terrorism, it finds no fault with Israel and sees no reason to target a regime which has perpetrated massive injustice against Muslims? This stretches credibility to a snapping point.

ISIS and Israel don’t attack each other – they help each other. Israel was treating ISIS soldiers and other anti-Assad rebels in its hospitals! Mortal enemies or best of friends?

ISIS US Israeli creation toyota akbar

ISIS US-Israeli creation toyota

ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #3: Toyota Trucks

Where did ISIS get an entire fleet of matching Toyota pick-up trucks? Why do so many of its photo shots feature a fleet of matching Toyotas – matching in both model and color? As this Information Clearing House article humorously states:

“The official story is ISIS stole them from the “Good Terrorists” (Al Nusra), who were originally given their cool wheels by the US government. Which would seem to beg a couple of enquiries. Not least of which is – why are the US giving any terrorists matching fleets of luxury SUVs? And for that matter, how many fleets are we talking about?

So, exactly how many trucks did the US supply? Where are ISIS currently garaging this impressive collection? And why do they all have to be Toyotas? Is it a terrorist thing, or simply a US Govt preference? Do Toyota mind the brand-association? Or the fact that so many of the ISIS drive-by photo-ops look like perverted car ads?”

Some of these trucks were actually used vehicles that got sent from the US and Canada over to Syria. This Texan plumber discovered to his horror that his old truck was being used in the war, replete with his business name still on the door!

ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #4: ISIS’ First Class Social Media Skills

The issue of the Toyotas leads us to the next question about ISIS. Who’s handling their publicity? How have they managed to get so many photos of Toyota truck drive bys? How have they managed to master Western social media so well to spread their message, propaganda and threats? How have they managed to produce slick videos depicting (fake) beheadings? How does a barbaric group of killers, who speak a language very different to English, who espouse fundamentalist, religious ideals (such as Sharia law), and often criticize all things Western, manage to develop such excellent social media skills?

ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #5: Israeli Group SITE First to Release ISIS Footage

Another key giveaway that ISIS is a US-Israeli creation is that the Israeli group SITE (Search for International Terrorist Entities) are often the first to find and publicly release the video (as their co-founder Rita Katz has let slip on occasion). SITE was involved in the slew of fake green screen ISIS beheadings of 2014. Speaking of fake beheadhings, why did this fictional Turkish TV drama show a beheading just like that of ISIS?

ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #6: ISIS Leader Baghdadi a Mossad Agent

Although this indication is hard to confirm, there were reports apparently originating from Edward Snowden that the leader of ISIS (Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi) was actually an Israeli Mossad agent by the name of Simon Elliot or Elliot Shimon: [GR Editor’s note: this source and quotation are yet to be fully verified, including the source originating from Eduard Snowden]

“Simon Elliot (Elliot Shimon) aka Al-Baghdadi was born of two Jewish parents and is a Mossad agent. We offer below three translations that want to assert that the Caliph Al-Baghdadi is a full Mossad agent and that he was born Jewish father and mother:

The real name of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is “Simon Elliott.” The so-called “Elliot” was recruited by the Israeli Mossad  and was trained in espionage and psychological warfare against Arab and Islamic societies. This information was attributed to Edward Snowden …”

Bashar Assad, President of Syria. The US has been actively plotting strategies to destabilize and overthrow his government.

ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #7: Leaked Cables Showing US Plotting Syrian Overthrow

Julian Assange of Wikileaks did a great job in capturing information about what was happening in Syria years before the “Arab springs” and current war started in 2011. He reveals how William Roebuck, then chargé d’affaires at the US embassy in Damascus, was plotting to destablize the Syrian government. The following quotes from Roebuck’s cables to Washington show how he was outlining the vulnerabilities of Assad:

“– Vulnerability:

— THE ALLIANCE WITH TEHRAN: Bashar is walking a fine line in his increasingly strong relations with Iran, seeking necessary support while not completely alienating Syria,s moderate Sunni Arab neighbors by being perceived as aiding Persian and fundamentalist Shia interests. Bashar’s decision to not attend the Talabani ) Ahmadinejad summit in Tehran following FM Moallem,s trip to Iraq can be seen as a manifestation of Bashar’s sensitivity to the Arab optic on his Iranian alliance.

— Possible action:

— PLAY ON SUNNI FEARS OF IRANIAN INFLUENCE: There are fears in Syria that the Iranians are active in both Shia proselytizing and conversion of, mostly poor, Sunnis. Though often exaggerated, such fears reflect an element of the Sunni community in Syria that is increasingly upset by and focused on the spread of Iranian influence in their country through activities ranging from mosque construction to business. Both the local Egyptian and Saudi missions here, (as well as prominent Syrian Sunni religious leaders), are giving increasing attention to the matter and we should coordinate more closely with their governments on ways to better publicize and focus regional attention on the issue.”

ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #8: Russia Bombs ISIS, US Protects ISIS

Before Russia militarily entered Syria, the US claims it was “attacking” ISIS, yet Russia was able to do in a few months what the US has been unable to do for years. Why? Is the US military that incompetent, or this is further proof that the US has been funding and supporting ISIS all this time? At one point there were even reports that US soldiers were told not to fire on ISIS targets, even if they had a clear view of them, as this Free Beacon article reports:

“U.S. military pilots who have returned from the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq are confirming that they were blocked from dropping 75 percent of their ordnance on terror targets because they could not get clearance to launch a strike, according to a leading member of Congress.”

Why did US State Department spokesman Mark Toner struggle to celebrate the fact that ISIS had lost Palmyra recently?

ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #9: ISIS Always the Excuse for Further Intervention

Finally, consider this: why is ISIS always the perfect excuse for further military intervention in Syria? Given the history of foreign meddling in Syria, particularly by the US and Israel in the last 70 years, isn’t it rather convenient that the specter of ISIS is the justification offered for proposed no-fly zones, air strikes and ground troops? How would the US and Israel conquer the Middle East without their pet Frankenstein ISIS?

Share this article with those who haven’t yet awoken to the truth about ISIS. Many have already seen through the propaganda. Once enough of us do, the usefulness of this ridiculous, dangerous and vaudevillian terrorist group will expire – and maybe a critical mass of people will pull back the curtain and, for once, get a glimpse of the true puppetmasters.

Concluding Note

ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Indication #10: ISIS is an Acronym for Mossad. [The Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Interesting Coincidence] 

ISIS itself is an acronym, not just for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, but for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service! This is another way to describe the Mossad, the shady Zionist spy agency whose motto is “by way of deception, thou shalt do war”. In this video (below), the 2 authors being interviewed (Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman) admit that the acronym ISIS = Mossad.


Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative news / independent media site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at (FaceBook here), writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.

Minor Editing by Global Research






No Joy in a World at War

December 27th, 2019 by Stephen Lendman

Joy to the world is a mirage — during the holiday season and throughout the year.

Reality is polar opposite in US war theaters. Post-9/11 alone, millions died. Countless millions more suffer from injuries, displacement, lack of essentials to life and despair.

Who’s celebrating amidst mass slaughter and destruction? What joy exists along side human misery on an appalling scale?

Who’s enjoying a winter wonderland upon a midnight clear in times of endless war, human suffering and injustice?

How can the worst of all possible worlds be joyous for countless tens of millions in US theaters of war and by other means?

Where’s the joy in growing poverty, unemployment, and mass underemployment in America and other Western societies?

Hypocrisy, not democracy defines how they’re governed — increasingly totalitarian, plutocratic, and debauched, democracy of, by, and for the privileged few alone.

On Chicago’s mean winter streets, homeless military veterans and countless others unable to afford shelter huddle in doorways, on benches, along the city’s upscale Magnificent Mile, and elsewhere, hoping passers-by will offer loose change to help them make it through another day.

An uncaring nation doesn’t give a damn about its most disadvantaged — its discretionary revenue going mainly for militarism, warmaking, corporate handouts, and tax breaks for the rich.

A nation permanently at war on humanity at home and abroad hurdles recklessly toward full-blown tyranny —  on the phony pretext of protecting national security at a time its only threats are invented.

Bipartisan hardliners running things threaten everyone everywhere — during the holiday season and all other times of the year.

They’re the mortal enemy of peace, equity and justice, of speech, press and academic freedoms — all of the above eroding or nonexistent to make the world safe for wealth, power and privilege.

Where’s the joy in a world perpetually at war under police state rule enforcing state terror on nonbelievers, in carving up whole continents for profit, in seeking dominance by brute force, in believing mass casualties are a small price to pay for pursuing imperial goals.

Book of Matthew passages, saying “(b)lessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth…Blessed are the merciful…the pure of heart…the peacemakers” ignore a violent, chaotic, merciless world with no signs of change.

Festiveness is meaningless when survival is at stake, when the American way tramples on the rights of ordinary people at home and abroad, when mass incarceration replaced freedom, when impoverished US inner cities resemble Occupied Palestine, when killer cops operate with impunity, when plunder is considered economic development, when obscene wealth for the few comes at the expense of the vast majority.

Where is the joy in a world ravaged by pain, torment, and anguish, where life and liberty are threatened, where governance of, by, and for the privileged few alone comes at the expense of most others.

That’s the state of things in the US, the West, and most other countries — unsafe and unfit to live in for their ordinary people during the holiday season and throughout the year.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Featured image is from The Unz Review

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Last December 16 both houses in the US approved the appropriation bill to be signed by president Trump. Aside from the mind-boggling amount of $1.4 trillion that was approved in total our interest was in looking at the details concerning Venezuela.

A press release issued by the organization Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) is quite misleading in its over optimism suggesting that the appropriations bill “rejects the use of force in Venezuela and endorses a negotiated solution to the countrys crisis”. Another interpretation may be more realistic.

The full bill of 1773 pages includes a section about Venezuela. The first reference to the country is to state that “not less than $30 million shall be made available for democracy programs for Venezuela” and that the funds “shall be made available for assistance for communities in countries supporting or otherwise impacted by refugees from Venezuela, including Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Curacao, and Trinidad and Tobago”. It is not possible to know if this is above the previously reported $52 million announced by Mark Green, the administrator of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) last September. To make it more confusing the same report states that this “is in addition to hundreds of millions of dollars already committed by the US to support the more than 4 million vulnerable Venezuelans who have fled the country’s crisis.”

The 50-page-long section of the bill that codifies legislation about Venezuela is titled ‘‘Venezuela Emergency Relief, Democracy Assistance, and Development Act of 2019’’ or ‘‘VERDAD Act of 2019’’.

The legislation co-sponsored by senators Robert Menendez and Marco Rubio, was introduced last April in the Senate, and later referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. That same April self-appointed interim president Juan Guaidó staged (another) coup at La Carlota air base in eastern Caracas and called for the military to rise up against Maduro in the hope that the military would defect in mass and join him. The timing of the legislation and the attempted coup may have been carefully planned to coincide, but the coup never happened.

Aside from the $30 million for democracy programs, the VERDAD Act authorises a whopping $400 million for fiscal year 2020 to carry out “humanitarian relief” activities such as humanitarian assistance to individuals and communities in Venezuela and humanitarian aid to Venezuelans and hosting communities in neighboring countries. The US Secretary of State is mandated to provide within 180 days an update to the Venezuela humanitarian assistance strategy in coordination with USAID. Aside from this proviso, the allocation of the expenditures is very vague and leaves the door open to any interpretation or act of faith. For instance, it is not obvious that humanitarian assistance from the US can be provided within Venezuela. What then?

The legislation with the misnomer VERDAD, which means TRUTH in Spanish, is a repetition of untruths to justify the need to provide humanitarian relief. It has the standard US government recognition for the president of the National Assembly Juan Guaidó who was “sworn in” (read, self-appointed) as interim president on January 23, 2019 following the “fraudulent” (read, not suitable to the US) election of May 20, 2018. It further states the US full support for the International Contact Group on Venezuela (European Union, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Uruguay), the OAS and the Lima Group (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, and Saint Lucia). Relevant comparison here is the almost 120 countries that have recognised the Maduro government.

Moreover, the VERDAD Act calls for new presidential election in Venezuela that complies with international standards” (read, accepted by the US), with international observers like the OAS (read, the organization that contributed to the military coup in Bolivia), and boosting “independent media outlets” (read, corporate media). To carry out this activity the bill grants an extra $17.5 million to the office of the Secretary of State.

In a nutshell we can safely say that the US government will make large amounts of US tax payers money available for regime change in Venezuela under the guise of “humanitarian relief” for a crisis that the US government created to start with.

The VERDAD Act of 2019 has nothing new that we had not heard or reported before with the exception, perhaps, of the statement referred to by WOLA, “Nothing in this title [Title I – Venezuela Assistance] may be construed as an authorization for the use of military force.” But that does not give any reassurance to Venezuelans because in a Hybrid Warfare scenario it is very easy to create a situation where new conditions – likely fabricated under the pretence of national security – may be used on a whim to trigger a military intervention.

Indeed, a Hybrid Warfare uses some means that are readily recognisable such as infowar, discredit of leadership, recognition of an opposition, implementation of sanctions, financial and economic blockade, among others. These have all been utilised in the case of Venezuela, and the VERDAD Act spells them out with a dollar amount. But there are many other means of a Hybrid Warfare to achieve regime change that are not announced or perceptible, at least not until we see the resulting impact. For instance, the triggering of protests and riots, the arming of the opposition, acts of sabotage, promises of bribery for treason, and others.

If the US premises that Nicolas Maduro is a dictator and that there is no democratic process in Venezuela are false in order to justify its ideological goal, how can we trust Washington’s accountability process in the management of those funds appropriated for “humanitarian relief”? Wouldn’t it be more cost effective to end the sanctions? What if those funds are used to co-opt other governments in the region, the Lima Group countries, the OAS, or to create a paid mercenary group such as that proposed by private security firm Blackwater to topple Maduro?

The ultimate question is, is the US government using its legislative power to legitimize a Hybrid Warfare against Venezuela with the VERDAD Act of 2019?


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Nino Pagliccia is an activist and freelance writer based in Vancouver. He is a retired researcher from the University of British Columbia, Canada. He is a Venezuelan-Canadian who follows and writes about international relations with a focus on the Americas. He is the editor of the book “Cuba Solidarity in Canada – Five Decades of People-to-People Foreign Relations” (2014). He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Activists gather in front of the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, DC in March, 2019.

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On an ugliness scale of one to ten, if the U.S. Guantanamo prison is 7, the French military in Algeria 8, Pinochet’s controls of Chile 9, and the Inquisition 10, the severity, scale and number of Cameroon military human rights violations is possibly 4 and a half. Still, is the suffering of any victim ever forgotten.

The Republic of Cameroon continues to endure a low intensity conflict with its English minority. After Anglophone attorneys struck for better legal and civil rights in 2016 and were joined by teachers and students, there were arrests and some expectable government violence. The movement rekindled historical grievances and spread. In Anglophone regions armed militia began attacking government facilities and closing schools, kidnapping uncooperative teachers and students while the government military responded as militaries do. There are alleged war crimes by both sides.

English and French are languages imposed by colonial rule and an addition to the peoples’ tribal languages and vernacular pidgeon. The conflict of “English” and “French” concerns who controls the money, jobs, schools, laws. To some degree it is a conflict between power elites. It’s certainly of no help at all to the half a million Anglophones who have fled from their homes and are internally displaced. This is not a freedom struggle.

With the world public aware of the military’s human rights violations Cameroon’s President Biya (democratically elected by a substantial majority), was persuaded to negotiate with the Anglophone leaders. Anglophone militant leaders finding support outside the country speak with an authority that exceeds the power and numbers of their constituencies. An Anglophone secessionist state of “Ambazonia” has been declared on the border of Nigeria and includes Cameroon’s only oil refinery which is currently inoperable. The local militias do not want “their” oil sold by the state. Ambazonia’s militias and enforcers, the “Amba boys” are generally feared. A diverse rebel military is at war with Cameroon’s military.

Ambazonia is also likely to include the Bakassi peninsula oilfields, a resource rich section of coast abutting Nigeria assigned to Cameroon by the International Court of Justice in 2002 and with its own history of attempted secession (“The Republic of Bakassi”). The Peninsula had its own armed resistance movements. Negotiations between Nigeria and Cameroon were able to avoid war in 2006. The Peninsula’s Anglophone fishing people remain Nigerians but under the caretaking of Cameroon. Cameroon’s exploration and development of the Bakassi oilfields relied on the use of the country’s only oil refinery (Cameroon is the 12th largest African oil producer, Nigeria the first) it is quite possible that the current struggle for Anglophone rights has more to do with international oil interests than Cameroon’s languages.

President Biya’s efforts to appease the Anglophone cause include freeing many political prisoners as well as a willingness to negotiate anything but the breakup of the country. He has encouraged negotiations in preference to using military force. But the twenty percent Anglophone minority leadership is increasingly intransigent. Militant Anglophone forces have refused to negotiate without additional conditions, the freeing of leading political prisoners and withdrawal of Cameroon’s military forces from their regions. Now the government has passed legislation assigning the two predominantly Anglophone regions of the country “special status,” addressing issues of the judicial and educational systems raised by the strike, placing these and control of the regions’ cultural life in Anglophone hands. Anglophone militant leadership rejects the new plans saying it wants nothing less than full independence as initially represented by the declared state of “Ambazonia.” This would grant it control of and profit from sale of oil. This position makes negotiations difficult and is only tenable with foreign country support.

To the far North the Cameroon military tries to improve its response time as villages are attacked by Boko Haram raiders, from Nigeria usually. Following the killing of New Testament translator Angus Fung in Wum last September, Benjamin Tem was killed in his home October 20th. Both were involved in the project of translating the New Testament into the northern Cameroon language of Aghem. (1) In December by the 17th, Boko Haram killed seven Camerounais Christians and took twenty-one boys and girls age 12 to 21 prisoner.(2)Last November 6th Boko Haram attacked a Christian church in Moskota killing a former pastor and a deaf child. Others escaped as the church was destroyed. Much of the village was burned after its food supplies were removed. The motive for the Boko Haram attacks is guessed to be part of a program to eliminate Christians and so move the region toward the rebirth of the Sokoto Caliphate which the British destroyed some centuries ago. (3) Boko Haram is also attacking Christians in neighboring Nigeria and Chad.

Christians in the region are under a threat of genocide which NGO reports on human rights violations in Cameroon strangely but consistently ignore. Fortunately the government is making some effort to protect Christian villages. And there is a U.N. presence. Despite Anglophone leadership’s orders to close schools, UNICEF reports that school attendance for students in the Northwest and Southwest (Anglophone) regions increased from 4% last September to a current 38.49%, while teachers working rose from 2% to 30%. (4)

The gears of very large machinery are turning but risk crushing the lives of the Anglophone community.

To remember accounts of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, General Romeo Dallaire would write of the “third force” moving among the catastrophic events. There are accounts of militia away from the cities, young men with new cellphones, modern communications and functioning cellphone services.

Several other things seem strange or out of place here. The Anglophone diaspora’s representatives are well connected. With exception the wealthy and privileged are allowed to become the diaspora while a low income and oppressed population stays at home or joins the half a million current refugees in Cameroon.

The human rights atrocities of the Eastern Congo took many years to be noticed by the world public while millions died. In Cameroon alleged human rights violations have been raised repeatedly with a death toll of three thousand since the attorney strike of 2016. The U.S. cut military aid to Cameroon’s armed forces due to reports of human rights abuses. This may have simply been an excuse as part of the professed U.S. policy change to withdraw troops throughout the continent. Some Anglophones attempt to blame government forces for the destruction of government built hospitals and schools. In poor communities people are not likely to burn their own hospitals, or schools, or community centers. These policies are made by the elite. Anglophone leadership has forbidden state education to proceed and so closed down regional schools damaging a generation of Anglophone youth. Any teachers and students standing for their right to education are endangered.

When a government hospital serving an Anglophone region is burned down, the report goes into a file collected by a University of Toronto’s “Database of Atrocities on Cameroon’s Anglophone Crisis,” as in the instance of the burning of Muyuka District Hospital at the end of March(5): the event is verified by the database which avoids assessing responsibility for this attack. The report’s material unrealistically accuses the “terrorist Republic of Cameroun military.” Reports of atrocities are submitted anonymously. Toronto teams in this effort with a variety of English, U.S. and former Commonwealth universities. Not one of them is Francophone.

This kind of information collection is usually the domain of the United Nations. It is unclear just who will control or censor the data collected by the University of Toronto. The public will have access to news reports from global media sources such as Deutsch Welle and Voice of America. For instance, currently the Separatists are kidnapping election candidates for government positions in Anglophone areas. (6) Neither corporate media nor NGOs point out that there is no indication at all of consensus or democracy in the management of the Anglophone policies.

An important information source for troubles in Cameroon is the International Crisis Group,(7) providing verifiable information with good depth, continuity and minimal slanting, except in the areas it neglects, such as tribal identifications or factors of income. Its faults as an information source reflect the wealth of its donors (such as Canada, France, the Henry Luce Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund etc.), and lack of noticeable African representation.

In a previous essay(8) I’ve noted the extensive joint report of Canada’s Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa & Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights on “Cameroon’s Unfolding Catastrophe, Evidence of Human Rights Violations and Crimes against Humanity.”(9) The report discusses the crisis in Cameroon as if unaware of the country’s war with ISIS and the government’s attempts to protect the Christian villagers from slaughters by foreign forces. The report provides a source for the International Crisis Group as well as Lawyers Rights Watch Canada which I’ve resigned from to maintain impartiality. The CHRDA founder, an attorney among those initiating the Cameroon Anglophone lawyers strike of 2016 which precipitated the current struggle for Anglophone Independence in Cameroon, spoke for Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada, in General Debate at the UN Human Rights Council, September 13th, 2019.

I find LRWC’s recent “Open Letter to President Macron about Human Rights Abuses in Cameroon,”(10) unwise in attributing to France the power to arrange Cameroon’s submission to Swiss-led talks. It denigrates African independence and is a disingenuous request since objections to any serious negotiations rest with the Anglophone leaders. A line – “We trust that France does not want to be complicit in another genocide in Africa after Rwanda,” is ominous. The letter is signed by fifty primarily Anglophone experts on genocide and human rights, and NGOs, of various stature and weight including Lawyers Rights Watch Canada.

The difference of language is being used to remind groups of their difference, to insist on their difference, to occasion casualties and destruction of the social fabric, for more casualties, and I worry for the survival of the Anglophone community in Cameroon.

With a thought to history, in the 1961 UN administered plebiscite of British Cameroons the south voted to join what is now the Republic of Cameroon. The north which was heavily Muslim, voted to join Nigeria. Some attributed the vote in the south to the people’s difficulties in getting along with the Igbo peoples who lived on the Nigerian side of the border. In the late Sixties, the forced or contrived secession from Nigeria of the Igbo state of Biafra was attempted, right across the border from the Anglophones’ current creation of “Ambazonia.” Biafra’s formation and secession as an independent state led to the deaths of possibly two million Biafrans by the extremes of starvation. The British as primary supporters of the victorious Nigerian government were vulnerable to charges of genocide. France’s interests generally supported Biafra. I think the Anglophone minority in Cameroon is much too small a minority to risk such adamant stands – without substantial foreign support. So this attempt at secession should be looked at very carefully. If you consider what the ‘game plan’ of the major powers is with yet another resource-rich sliver of Africa, and what the independence of an Anglophone region could mean for the lives of its people, the amount of pure hatred for Africans is astounding.

A genocide warning continues then for the Anglophone population of Cameroon. Their adversary isn’t necessarily the Francophone government but rather a consensus of non-African states, corporations, individuals, motivated by greed or the arrogance of technological superiority (perhaps these have become the same), who have openly and covertly managed country after African country into the abyss of insecurity, conflict, loss of life, to be followed by corporate pillage.


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1. “Second Bible Translator Killed in Northern Cameroon,” October 24, 2019, Persecution.

2. “Boko Haram Targets Cameroonian Christians,” Dec. 17, 2019, Persecution.

3. “Retired Pioneer Pastor and Others Killed in Latest Boko Haram Attacks,” Nov. 16, 2019, Persecution.

4. “UNICEF Cameroon Humanitarian Situation Report, November 2019,” UN Childrens Fund, reliefweb.

5. “BREAKING NEWS-MUYUKA HOSPITAL BURNT DOWN BY LRC THUGS AFTER THAT OF KUMBA,” YouTube: TOP10NEWS, March 30/31, 2019, Open Source Investigations Lab, Human Rights Center, UC Berkeley School of Law; “Universities to track atrocities in Anglophone Cameroon,” Dec. 11, 2019, DW; “A Household Name in Cameroon,” April 24, 2019, International Crisis Group.

6. “Cameroon: Separatists Kidnap Candidates to Protest Election,” Moki Edwin Kindzeka, Dec. 17, 2019, VOA.

7. “A Household Name in Cameroon,” April 24, 2019, International Crisis Group.

8. “Genocide Warnings for Three African States,” J.B.Gerald, Sept. 17, 2019,

9. “Cameroon’s Unfolding Catastrophe, Evidence of Human Rights Violations and Crimes against Humanity,” June 3, 2019, Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa & Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights.

10. “Cameroon: Open Letter to President Macron about Human Rights Abuses in Cameroon,” November 19, 2019, Lawyers Rights Watch Canada.

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Trump wished the Syrian Arab Republic a belated Merry Christmas by tweeting yet another threat, warning the Syrian Armed Forces not to liberate Idlib from the approximately 10,000 al Qaeda terrorists who have occupied this area of the country, since the beginning of the crisis.

Surely the 45th President of the USA knows these stats, supported even by the same UN that also wails for al Qaeda on a regular basis. Surely Trump heard Special Presidential Envoy to the alleged anti-Daesh Global Coalition, Brett McGurk when he emphatically stated that  Idlib province is the largest al Qaeda safe haven since 9/11.

The Trump threat comes on the heels of his signing the new NDAA law, which includes the Qatar-funded Caesar Hoax legislation, unprecedented peak colonialism which attempts to forbid Syria from protecting its citizenship from terrorists armed by NATO, within its own borders. The nasty Trump threat comes as Syria militarily enforces the Astana Agreement, already liberating more than 30 villages from the criminally insane al Qaeda savages.


Perhaps Trump is seeking a bump in his approval ratings; the only time that he was revered, cheered, practically fellated, was when he bombed Syria for al Qaeda, based on the criminal lies of the British illegal whose medical license was permanently revoked due to his terrorism ties, via fake news! CNN, on 7 April 2017.

British undoctor illegal, Shajul Islam was the source of the Khan Sheikhoun chemical hoax, 4 April 2017.

In the tweet where the POTUS threatens to again use the US military as al Qaeda’s second air force, Trump again gave his support to the caliph wannabe, rabid Erdogan, lying that the leader of Turkey — the country through which most of the 350,000 foreign killers entered, and without stepping on any of the almost 200,000 land mines still not cleared — was working to stop the carnage (“carnage” is a word he likes, having used it in his inaugural speech, when he promised that ”American carnage” would stop, though soon after, he flexed those “American carnage” muscles, bombing two bridges in Syria).

Though Trump has been consistent in supporting Erdogan’s war crimes against Syria — in late January 2017 he announced his support for Turkey’s invasion and occupation of Jarabulus — it is possible that the kissy faces in the tweet were meant as a request for Turkey to stop recycling its al Qaeda militias from Syria into Libya.

The above quote from Laureate Najib Mahfouz is appropriate for the tripartite aggressors running the UN; it is also applicable to Trump’s menacing tweet, given that two prominent members of al Qaeda are on the US Treasury Department’s SDN list. Terrorist al Jolani has been designated since 2013 and also has a ten million dollar bounty on his head (again, the US taxpayer pays and pays: Pays for the weapons to arm takfiri in Syria, pays for the bombing of Syria, pays for the 501(c) ‘charities’ and think tanks that function as press liaisons for al Qaeda in Syria.).


Jolani donned Trump wig 7 April 2017.

Nusra Front Commander Jolani Meets Commanders of FSA Moderate Rebels in Idlib with help of Erdogan

Nusra Front Commander Jolani Meets Commanders of FSA Moderate Rebels in Idlib with help of Erdogan. [Trump does not know this?]

Saudi Muhaysini is also on the SDN list.

al Muhaysini is on the US Specially Designated Nationals list. Here he is with child soldiers he has trained.

Despite the ongoing economic terrorism inflicted on Syria, by the Trump regime, terrorists continue to have exceptional telecommunications access, courtesy of Trump’s pal, Erdogan. Saudi illegal and designee Muhaysini has recently condemned Christmas celebrations, enjoyed throughout the Syrian Arab Republic, except in al Qaeda occupied areas of Idlib.

How very odd that the great Christian President Donald J. Trump wishes to protect these violent Al Qaeda criminals.


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Libya is the next destination for the anti-Islamic Wahhabi and Muslim Brotherhood terrorists loyal to the Turkish pariah Erdogan, meanwhile, the Syrian Arab Army gives the terrorists 24 hours to leave Maraat Noman.

Erdogan is now shifting to North Africa, there’s oil and there’s a new task assigned to the Zionist stooge: Cut off the road for China, keep Europe under check, and weaken Russia in that part of the world.

Mad at the Russian President Putin who didn’t notify him of the swift Syrian Arab Army operation in southeastern Idlib, Erdogan lashing out at Russia and trying his luck with the remnant of the international Muslim Brotherhood organization elsewhere. The terrorists who came to Syria and became part of the ‘Syrian Moderate Opposition’ will now be recycled into ‘Libyan Moderate Opposition.’

The Syrian leadership has waited more than 1 year and 1 month before deciding to implement the Astana Agreement by force, the agreement signed between Erdogan and Putin should have secured the vital arteries of M5 and M4 and reopened them between Aleppo and northeast Syria and the coastal side, and also with the southern provinces of Damascus and Daraa through Homs and Hama. These highways are literally the artery of the Syrian economy.

Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad decided to not give Erdogan any further excuse after the latter started his military invasion into the northern parts of Syria. In a message to the Syrian Arab Army units positioned in southern Idlib, Dr. Assad gave them order to deploy north and northeast: ‘Every inch of Syria should be liberated.’

After swiftly penetrating the territories and cleaning more than 40 villages and towns from al-Qaeda Levant (aka HTS and Nusra Front), the SAA is on the outskirts of the strategic town of Ma’rat al-Numan.

The Syrian Arab Army gave the terrorists in control of the city a 24 hours ultimatum to ‘leave or will never’. Tomorrow is a new day.

The following report by the Syrian Ikhbariya news channel provides an overview of the situation and also mentions the airlifting of Trump forces from northeast Syria to northern Iraq:

Transcript of the English translation of the above report:

The Turkish occupation forces withdrew groups of their terrorist organizations from the northern countryside of Hasakeh in preparation for their transfer to Libya, these forces continue to withdraw groups of their mercenaries from Ras al-Ain and its surroundings in the northern countryside of Hasakeh at the rate of approximately 60 terrorists from each terrorist group to send the terrorists to Libya through Turkish territory to get them into the battles that are taking place there.

The Turkish occupation forces have moved about 100 terrorists from Jaysh Al-Islam organization from their areas of deployment in the northern countryside of Hasakeh, to use them in the battles in Idlib’s southern countryside, in an attempt to support the terrorist organizations that have collapsed in front of the Syrian Arab Army.

On another front, two US coalition helicopters landed at the illegal Kharab al-Jir airport in al-Malikia countryside near the Iraqi border and withdrew US officers towards northern Iraq.

Since the beginning of the Turkish aggression on Syrian territory, the United States occupation forces transported hundreds of their soldiers and military equipment from several areas of Syria to Iraq through illegal corridors and airports.


At first, NATO invaded Libya and destroyed the state there turning it into a hub to export anti-Islamic Wahhabi and Muslim Brotherhood takfiri terrorists, it used the terrorists in a number of countries notably in Syria. Now after their defeat in Syria, it’s not possible to move on the previous plan and deploy them into Iran, that failed with the Iranians foiling the ‘protests’ plot there, and in Iraq which turned out more difficult than expected, and in Lebanon where the Hezb Allah – President Aoun’s alliance turned the tide against the plotter.

The only vulnerable place where the US can still stretch its last muscles is back to North Africa, where it can endanger the Mediterranean and cause endless worries for the EU, the AU, AL, and the rest of the world. (EU: European Union, AU: African Union, AL: what’s left of the Arab League). Not to serve any interests of the US or its people, on the contrary, it’s creating endless enemies for them while impoverishing them, it’s to serve the same old project: Greater Israel.

The ropes jumper who played Europe and Russia is a faithful servant for those who appointed him in a project they still think is viable, Erdogan also still thinks he can have a place in it. The mystery remains: Why did Putin save Erdogan from a confirmed end in 2016?


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GR Editor’s Note: This report by Yeni Şafak, a conservative Turkish daily newspaper has not been corroborated by other news sources.

New developments in war-torn Libya have come to light since the capture of Amar Youssef Al-Jakam, Assistant Air Force Commander of Haftar’s forces, who has spilled the beans of the extent of international actors’ involvement in the country’s civil war.

Al-Jakam, who was captured after his plane was downed during a mission for east Libyan commander Khalifa Haftar, stated that French soldiers provided technological support, while Egyptian putschist leader Abdel Fattah el-Sisi deployed F-16 warplanes to the African nation.

“A team made up of French specialists is conducting reconnaissance, tapping and logistics activities,” he said.

Noting that Sisi deployed warplanes such as the F-16 fighter jet and the Rafale found in the Egyptian military’s inventory, he confessed that these planes took off from the Al-Barani air base in Egypt and struck targets in Misrata and Tripoli.

Russian mercenaries belonging to the Wagner paramilitary group support Haftar’s forces in Tarhuna, southeast of Tripoli, providing aerial backup and using jamming systems, according to Al-Jakam.

“Emirati officers operate all drones from Al-Kharouba base; in the area of al-Majra, located 25 kilometers east of Benghazi, they have their own operation command,” he said.

Turkey backs Libya’s internationally recognized government and has said it could deploy troops there if it receives such a request. Libya’s Tripoli-based government has been fighting off a months-long offensive by Khalifa Haftar’s forces based in the east of the country. Haftar’s Libyan National Army has received support from Russia, Egypt, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates.

In April, Haftar’s forces launched a military campaign to capture Tripoli from the GNA but have so far failed to progress beyond the city’s outskirts.

According to UN data, over 1,000 people have been killed since the start of the operation and more than 5,000 injured.

Since the ouster of late leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, two seats of power have emerged in Libya: one in eastern Libya supported mainly by Egypt and the United Arab Emirates and another in Tripoli, which enjoys UN and international recognition. [as well as support by Turkey]


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Boeing shareholders just can’t catch a break.

Barely three days after now-former Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg’s termination at the hands of the company’s board of directors, another top-ranking company official has retired been pushed out.

According to a press release published shortly after American markets closed on Thursday, Boeing revealed that the company’s top legal official, former federal judge J Michael Luttig, has decided to “retire” after just over six months in a position that was created by Muilenburg specifically for Luttig.

Here’s more from the press release:

The Boeing Company announced today that J. Michael Luttig, 65, valued Counselor and Senior Advisor to the Boeing Board of Directors, has informed the Board of his long-considered retirement at year end.

Luttig, who served as Boeing’s General Counsel from 2006 until assuming his current responsibilities in May 2019, has been managing legal matters associated with the Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 accidents, and advising the Board on strategic matters.

Boeing interim President and CEO Greg Smith praised Luttig in a quote included with Boeing’s press release.

“Judge Luttig is one of the finest legal minds in the Nation and he has expertly and tirelessly guided our company as General Counsel, Counselor, and Senior Advisor,” said Interim Boeing President and CEO Greg Smith. “We are deeply indebted to Judge Luttig for his extraordinary service to Boeing over these nearly 14 years, especially through this past, challenging year for our company,” said Smith. “The Board and I will always be grateful for the Judge’s remarkable service to The Boeing Company – and I will personally always be grateful for his friendship.”

According to the Seattle Times, during his brief tenure at Boeing, Luttig assembled a deeply connected defense team of outside lawyers to represent Boeing executives and employees in a criminal investigation launched by federal authorities after the second 737 MAX crash, which occurred just minutes after a Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 took off from Addis Ababa Bole International Airport on March 10, 2019.

Luttig’s appointment signaled that Boeing was planning to aggressively combat any criminal charges or civil lawsuits tied to the two 737 crashes, which killed 346 people, including all of the passengers and crew.

Luttig was named to the newly created position in May, as the Chicago-based company faced an onslaught of lawsuits and a federal criminal investigation arising from the crashes. Until then, Luttig had served as Boeing’s general counsel since 2006.

His duties regarding the 737 MAX will now fall to Brett Gerry, who replaced Luttig as general counsel.

Luttig’s appointment to the new position last spring reflected the complex and costly fallout stemming from the crashes, coming on the heels of statements indicating Boeing planned to take an aggressive stance in responding to lawsuits and any potential criminal allegations

The Department of Justice, aided by the Department of Transportation’s Inspector General and the FBI, is investigating the design and certification process for the MAX to try and determine whether the FAA’s decision to certify the 737 MAX 8 amounted to criminal negligence.

It’s possible that Luttig’s departure is simply a natural consequence of Muilenburg’s ouster. It’s also possible that his departure is tied to recent revelations that Boeing withheld critical internal text messages from the FAA.

Still, given Luttig’s crucial role within Boeing’s legal department, something about the timing of Luttig’s departure doesn’t sit right.And with Boeing shares on track to finish the year above the 2019 lows reached in March, we imagine shareholders will soon be asking themselves: ‘what does this guy know that I don’t?’


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The ongoing mass transit and public sector strike which is paralyzing much of transport in France to protest Macron’s pension cuts entered its fourth week today. Despite attempts by the union bureaucracies to impose a “Christmas truce” by suspending all action beyond the local level, strikers continue to march and protest against the pension cuts, knowing that they have a broad majority of the population behind them.

Yesterday, as strike committee meetings of rail and mass transit workers voted to continue the action, strikers spoke to WSWS journalists in Paris. They demanded stepped-up action against Macron in order to definitively crush the state’s ability to impose such socially regressive cuts on the workers. At the same time, they all stressed workers’ growing mistrust towards the trade union bureaucracies, who are negotiating with the state behind the backs of the workers.

Raphaël, a machinist at the Paris mass transit network (RATP), said:

“This is what we call a rank-and-file protest. Yes, you will see some trade union stickers here and there, but for three-quarters of us, it has gone beyond the question of union membership, it is really the workers who are speaking. Today the rank-and-file called this demonstration. We are sending a message to the government and the union heads: there will be no holiday truce.”

Raphaël stressed that workers are in a struggle against not only the state but also its maneuvers with the union bureaucracy:

“Today we are protesting because we do not want this cut. It is absolutely not that the union leaders called these strikes, it was very much on our own initiative. We did it ourselves, as worker-citizens. So we are sending a message to both the union bureaucrats and to the government: no, this package will not pass. We will not tolerate it, and we will not tolerate you.”

Such sentiments underscore the basic need for workers to form their own committees of action, independent of the unions. With workers in France entering into a political struggle with the state and with the major banks and financial aristocracy around the world, it is critical for workers to be able to unify these struggles and organize them independently of such nationally-based bureaucracies, which are closely tied to Macron.

Raphaël stressed that as they strike, RATP workers are conscious of representing the interests of workers and of the broad majority of the French population. Beyond a tiny majority of super-rich individuals, he noted, no one will benefit from the reform:

“If you look at everything, the passage to a system of pensions by ‘points’ of indeterminate value, encouraging retirement investment accounts, increasing the pension age—it is not good for the French citizen, for the worker.”

Above all, strikers are increasingly conscious that they are participating in an international resurgence of class struggle that is exposing the great objective conflicts within society. After decades in which austerity policies were imposed across Europe after the Stalinist restoration of capitalism in the Soviet Union in 1991, the working class is launching its first major, international counteroffensive.

“Of course we are defending our people, our wages, our conditions in the entire world,” Raphaël said. “It is a free market policy that did not start yesterday. It has lasted 20, 30 years. And yes, for now, the wealthy have won. But we also can win … We get up each morning, by the sweat of our brow, and we all go work. We are honest people, we make the economy run, we pay our taxes, we buy things, all that.”

Asked about this international resurgence—with auto and teachers strikes in America and Poland, and mass protests against dictatorships in Algeria, Iraq, Bolivia and Chile—Raphaël stressed that the awareness of this broader international struggle was steeling workers in France.

He said,

“We produce, produce, and we are to receive less even as we produce more. After a while, it is just not possible anymore. So I support workers in the entire world. I know already that what happened with the ‘yellow vests’ over the last year has had an impact on the entire world. I know that the strikes we are carrying out are reported all the way to South America, we get many videos from South American rail workers who support us and tell us not to give up, because you are showing the way … So we do not want to give up.”

A class confrontation is rapidly emerging between the workers and the Macron government, which has declared that it will ram its pension cuts through Parliament in February. In this struggle, the only viable strategy for the workers is to struggle to bring down Macron, appealing to the solidarity of workers around the world for a fight to transfer state power to bodies of struggle created by the working class. In France and worldwide, the dynamic of the class struggle is drawing workers into a revolutionary confrontation with the financial aristocracy.

Raphaël stressed the anger building among the workers at the class arrogance of Macron, a former investment banker, and of ruling circles more broadly.

He said,

“They lack respect, we have seen this for some time in the way they speak about workers and French citizens as a general rule. They call us toothless people, undisciplined primitives. Macron said there are many illiterates and alcoholics. This is class arrogance. Listen to Gérald Darmanin (a member of Macron’s party), who advises him to get closer to the people, to see people who drink beer and eat with their hands. We have now had enough of this.”

Pascal, a photographer and “yellow vest,” also stressed the class arrogance of French ruling circles, including the union bureaucrats. “No, they did not help us,” he said. “The union bureaucracies now they are quote-unquote calling the ‘yellow vests’ to come support the strike. But … the unions in fact do not really want to hear anything about us. There is a class rejection on their part. The ‘yellow vests’ are really as low as they are willing to go speak to, they say we are violent, that we are neo-fascists, and on and on.”

Pascal stressed his deep distrust of the “dialog” between the state and employers’ organizations with the union leaders: “It is a power game, individuals trying to get power. After they all end up owing each other things and they cut deals. Now it is the rank-and-file, the citizens and the workers to participate in decision-making.”

Raphaël explained,

“I am a worker, I started working at sixteen. Now I do not intend to continue working until I am 66, 68, 70. That is inappropriate. I want a decent retirement and to have time to enjoy it, as well. We are not here just to work endlessly for a few people who will take all the wealth that we produce.”


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By the evening of December 25, government forces have repelled a counter-attack by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its Turkish-backed allies on the town of Jarjnaz in southern Idlib and have resumed their advance on the town of Maarat al-Numan.

The militant counter-attack started on December 24 evening with at least two suicide bombing attacks on positions of the Syrian Army. Despite this, the terrorists were not able to break the army defense line. Pro-militant sources claim that they destroyed at least 5 units of military equipment belonging to the army and killed over 12 soldiers. Despite this, Idlib militants appear to be unable to stop the army advance in an open battle.

On December 25, the Russian Aerospace Forces bombed a military convoy of Ahrar al-Sham moving near the town of Kafr Nubl in southern Idlib, according to reports by Arab media. The terrorist group’s General Commander Abu Jaber al-Sheikh was reportedly injured in the strike. Several other influential Ahrar al-Sham commanders and members were killed.

Ahrar al-Sham is the radical Turkish-backed militant group. It is the core of the pro-Turkish militant alliance known as the National Front for Liberation.

Leader of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Abu Muhammed al-Jolani released an official video statement on the recent developments in southern Idlib. The terrorist blamed Iran and Russia for the recent setbacks of the “revolution” in Greater Idlib and threatened the region with consequences.

He also claimed that his forces achieved many of their goas against the “regime” (mostly destroying Syrian economy and killing civilians) and is about to achieve the victory. However, Russia and Iran stand on their way. The Russian motivation, according to al-Jolani, is to restore “the glory of the USSR”. It is interesting to note that this remark reflects the mainstream propaganda that often paints the current situation around the world as the Second Cold War and Russia as the USSR 2.0.


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It’s Something About the U.S. Trumps

December 27th, 2019 by Jan Oberg

It’s something about their eyes – and not only that they are reading.

It’s something about the main celebration – the longest sequence – of the military, armed forces, police and all in law enforcement, all in uniform and all around the world.

It’s something about soldiers being shown when the word “peace” is mentioned.

It’s something about that flag on his lapel and the American flag-coloured outfit.

It’s something about the underlying theme of goodness versus evil – America represented by the Red Cross.

It’s something about giving aid rather than creating the good society where nobody needs aid.

It’s something about not saying anything about the future but seeing only six days ahead, visionlessly.

It’s something about these two having no contact with each other, joylessly.

It’s something about their fixed, starry gaze that reveals that they don’t speak from their hearts but perform their role.

Yes, what is that something?

See and listen here to The First Lady’s speech to the armed forces.


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Defend the Silao Seven! Fired Mexican GM Workers

December 27th, 2019 by World Socialist Web Site

The WSWS Autoworker Newsletter urges workers to support the General Motors workers at the Silao, Mexico factory who were fired for supporting the 40-day strike by GM workers in the United States in September and October.

In the weeks leading up to the walkout, GM sought to increase production at the Silao complex, where 6,000 workers manufacture the company’s most profitable vehicles, the Silverado and Sierra pickup trucks, for $2.25 an hour. But GM’s strikebreaking plans were disrupted when the Silao workers refused to accept speedup and forced overtime. Fearing that resistance would spread to other GM plants in Mexico, corporate executives in Detroit quickly shut down the Silao plant.

For their courageous act of solidarity, GM and the gangster-ridden Confederation of Mexican Workers union tracked down the leaders of the rebellion and fired them. The victimized workers included several who had more than 20 years of seniority at GM.

After the end of the strike, GM refused to reinstate the workers. Exploiting the economic hardship workers would face without a job or an income, GM pressured several to accept “voluntary” severance packages instead of fighting their terminations. The remaining workers have been blacklisted by GM and area employers have refused to hire them.

The Silao workers have set up a defense fund to support their families and pay for legal assistance while they fight to get their jobs back. In an open letter to US workers, the Silao workers, who called their group the “Generating Movement,” have appealed for support.

To donate: visit, select a currency and amount and enter your payment information.

Left to right: Mauricio Negrete Pérez, Arturo Martínez and Israel Cervantes Córdova

The following is their statement:

We, the group of fired workers at General Motors Silao Complex who joined hand in hand and strongly supported our fellow workers in the strike at General Motors in the United States, are continuing our struggle against the employer and our union leaders, resisting their pacts and alliance with the authorities. Our struggle is not over, and we are not willing to take a step back, which is why we are requesting your solidarity and your support for our defense fund. The economic situation is hitting us hard, and the main purpose we are asking for your help is to keep going, fighting for our reinstatement and for a democratic movement of workers at GM Silao.

The labor authorities in Mexico have not shown any willingness to address the lawsuits we have filed against the transnational corporation General Motors at the Silao Complex. Those same authorities have deals with the conciliation and arbitration boards to obstruct our lawsuits and close our path. That is why we request your support for our workers’ movement and our fight for the livelihood of those workers fired at General Motors Silao Complex.

In advance, we thank you for your solidarity and understanding.
We are still fighting!
For the international unity of workers at GM!
Not one step back!

Dolores Israel Cervantes Córdova
Pilar de la Luz Torres Rosales
Ramón Rodríguez Gutiérrez
Arturo Martínez Fernández
Javier Martínez Mosqueda
Mauricio Negrete Pérez
María Guadalupe Ibarra Ramírez
Generating Movement


The United Auto Workers union has not said a thing about the fired Mexican GM workers. That is because the corrupt criminals who run the UAW fear nothing more than US, Canadian and Mexican workers coming together to fight the attack on jobs, wages and conditions that all autoworkers confront. For years, the UAW depicted the Mexican workers as little more than industrial slaves who were supposedly stealing “American jobs.” But now it is clear that the Mexican workers, just as much as their US brothers and sisters, want to join together and fight the efforts by the corporations and the unions to pit workers against each other in a race to the bottom.

For 40 days, GM workers in the US fought on the picket lines. Far from unifying GM workers with Ford, Fiat Chrysler and other workers, in the US and internationally, the UAW deliberately isolated GM workers, put them on starvation-level strike pay, and then rammed through a concessions contract that will close plants, force out thousands of higher-paid workers and replace them with temps who, as one Lordstown worker said, “are treated no better than Mexican workers.”

Like the Silao workers, dozens of GM workers in US plants were also fired for “strike-related activity.” This includes 61-year-old Juan Gonzales, a Flint Assembly worker with more than 20 years at GM, who was terminated the first day back after the strike, allegedly for statements he made on social media. “They want to force those workers into poverty, just like us, in order to shut us up,” Juan told the Autoworker Newsletter. “We are all building the same cars for the same companies. These cars have parts from all over the world. We need to get together and unite no matter what country we are from.”

All over the world, workers increasingly understand that it is impossible to organize an effective strike, let alone a broader social movement against inequality and capitalist exploitation, without collaborating across national borders. Earlier this year, 70,000 auto parts and electronics workers in the maquiladora sweatshops in Matamoros, Mexico, revolted against the corrupt unions, carried out wildcat strikes to demand higher wages and shorter working hours, and marched to the US border to appeal to American workers to join their fight.

The Mexican workers stood up for American workers. Now it is the duty of American autoworkers to defend their courageous class brothers and sisters in Mexico. The fight to support these workers and demand their reinstatement will only strengthen US workers.

This means organizing independently of the UAW, which is nothing but a bribed tool of corporate management, and building rank-and-file factory committees, led by the most class conscious and militant workers, who are democratically elected and accountable to workers, not the profit interests of the corporations.

To fight the global strategy of the auto companies, workers need to reject the nationalism of the UAW, Trump and the Democrats, and adopt an international strategy to unify autoworkers around the world.

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Who are the Silao Seven?

Dolores Israel Cervantes Córdova, 13 years at the plant, fired on August 28, 2019

After winning several acknowledgements for repair work in final assembly, Cervantes, an outspoken opponent of the company-controlled union, was fired after GM falsely claimed that he had failed a drug test. He used his own money to take an independent test, which proved that he had no drugs in his system. Afterwards, Cervantes refused to sign a “voluntary” severance package management told him to sign and instead decided to fight for reinstatement. “I have three children, one who is trying to go to the university, one who is in high school, and one in kindergarten,” Cervantes told the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter. “I’m still paying for my home through Infonavit [state loan], while helping my 86-year-old mother and 83-year-old father.”

Pilar de la Luz Torres Rosales, 8 years at the plant, fired on September 13, 2019

Rosales, who was active in the militant Generating Movement, was fired by GM after she returned from a medical leave due to a shoulder injury she sustained at work. In a statement to US workers shortly after her firing, Rosales said, “I join you in your strike, fellow GM workers, to fight together and in support of each other against unjustified firings. Let’s do this through an independent workers’ commission and not through the same unions.”

Strikers at GM’s Flint Assembly plant

Ramón Rodríguez Gutiérrez, 23 years at the plant, fired on September 20, 2019

Before being terminated, Gutiérrez was a co-worker of Israel Cervantes in the same work area and one of the first participants in the militant workers group. “Two people depend on my income, my wife and a daughter who is studying in Irapuato, where we live,” Gutiérrez told the Autoworker Newsletter .

Arturo Martínez Fernández, 23 years at the plant, fired on September 20, 2019

Fernández was among those fired summarily the day after the Silao workers group announced they would oppose speed-ups and forced overtime in order to support the strike by US GM workers. “I worked in final repairs, paint and final processing. We worked in a shop in the back called the ‘fleet’ where we re-painted pieces, did ‘spots’ and the final repairs on any imperfections. I have five dependents: my wife, an 18-year-old son, a 13-year-old daughter, a 10-year-old son and a 5-year-old daughter,” Fernández said.

Javier Martínez Mosqueda, 24 years at the plant, fired on September 24, 2019

Before being fired Mosqueda worked in the final assembly area and was a team leader of seven workers. Two supervisors began harassing him for organizing with other Silao workers in the Generating Movement group, compelling him to file a complaint. Rather than addressing his grievance, management demoted Mosqueda and sent him to an area of the plant with heavier workloads. “I was unable to move and stuck doing one single operation,” he said, adding that management’s aim was to force him to resign. Unable to break him, management fired Mosqueda after four weeks and the union refused to help him. That day, Mosqueda sent the following appeal to US workers, “Today, I’m laid off but in solidarity with you and your strike and my fellow GM workers in any part of the world. I’m convinced that we must fight together.” Since being terminated, Mosqueda has been unable to find another job because he has been blacklisted.

Mauricio Negrete Pérez, 21 years at the plant, fired on October 1, 2019

After years of discussions, Pérez and Israel Cervantes co-founded the militant rank-and-file group in April 2019 to break free from the company-controlled trade union. Pérez received several warnings from supervisors after he refused to work overtime during the GM strike in the US and was ultimately fired. “My activities in the plant were assisting the assembly people when they had issues with the machinery,” he told the Autoworker Newsletter. “As maintenance workers, we had to do preventative care on any day of the week, even Sundays and holidays. I’m from Salamanca, so I would wake up at 3:45 a.m. and return home at 7:30 p.m. I have two children. One is sick with a severe cognitive deficit. My wife and I need medical care, but we lost that right when I got fired.”

María Guadalupe Ibarra Ramírez, 8 years at the plant, fired on June 5, 2019

A member of the Generating Movement and an outspoken critic of GM and the company union, Ramírez was terminated without compensation while on medical leave for a severe back injury sustained when she picked up a heavy box in the transmission area. Ramírez worked in several areas of the Silao complex, including bodywork, general assembly, paint, machinery and transmissions. “They claimed there was no operational area where I could work and that they couldn’t relocate me since they are running 12-hour shifts,” she told the newsletter. “I’m the head of a household, in charge of two children and my mother and I’m now selling candies to cover part of the daily expenses.”

Silao GM complex

GM workers in US speak out to defend victimized Mexican workers

During the historic 40-day GM strike, workers on the picket lines in Flint, Detroit and Ft. Wayne, Indiana expressed their support for the fired Silao workers. A veteran Flint engine worker said, “I believe it’s going to be the workers of the world that have to unite against the corporations to protect ourselves. It’s not just the US anymore or the Canadian workers, it’s all of us in the same fight.”

A third-generation autoworker at the Detroit-Hamtramck plant said, “All my brothers and sisters in Mexico, we are all fighting for the same thing. We, American workers, are fighting for you who were fired to get your jobs back. We stand in solidarity with you.”

A worker at the Ft. Wayne, Indiana plant, which produces the same Silverado and Sierra pickup trucks as the Silao factory, said, “It is awesome that the Mexican workers took a stand with us. We are one, it’s one company and GM should treat everybody equally no matter what country we work in. The Mexican workers are trying to provide for their families too. We’re tired of being treated like crap no matter where we’re working, in the US or outside. It’s wrong.” Asked what she would say to the victimized Silao workers, she said, “Keep up the good fight. We are proud of you and thank you for taking a stand for us, and we will stand with you.”


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Bolsonaro in 2019: A Year of False Hope and Failures for Brazil

December 27th, 2019 by Paul Antonopoulos

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, accompanied by First Lady Michelle Bolsonaro, made a Christmas address to their country on Tuesday night. The address was just as comical as Bolsonaro’s year of failures, with the most interesting part being the president claiming that the year ended “without any denunciation of corruption.” No corruption scandals?

Perhaps he forgot that the Minas Gerais Electoral Public Prosecution Service prosecuted Tourism Minister Marcelo Álvaro Antônio and ten others on charges of setting up fake congressional candidates in Minas Gerais with the aim of collecting more public campaign funding. Even after the minister was indicted by the Federal Police and denounced, the government decided to keep him in government.

But more shockingly, as explained by David Miranda, all three of Bolsonaro’s politically active sons, along with his wife, have been implicated in corruption scandals. The most serious of these investigations is how senator Flávio Bolsonaro, the eldest son of Jair, spearheaded a corruption racket during his 15 years as a Rio congressman, while maintaining links with ”The Untouchables,” a notorious death squad called Rio’s “most lethal and secretive phalanx of hired guns.” The Bolsonaro family has well-documented social ties to members of Rio’s mafia, yet the Brazilian president has the audacity to claim during Tuesday’s address, next to his wife donning a Jesus t-shirt, that the year ended without any corruption scandals that consistently plagues Brazil?

Even away from the blatant lie of finishing the year without a corruption scandal, surrounded by expectations, Economic Minister Paulo Guedes failed to deliver the great economic promises for Brazil that were expected in 2019. Bolsonaro’s electoral victory in October 2018, defeating Fernando Haddad of the Worker’s Party in the presidential runoff, made the Brazilian financial market very comfortable. The reason for this excitement? Paulo Guedes, a neoliberal Chicago Boy, would lead the economy.

Brazil was projected for a 2.5% growth rate at the beginning of the year but ended with 1%. Investors postponed their investments because of the political fragility and confusion that the Bolsonaro government itself created, for example, his inconsistent China policy. As a part of Guedes neoliberal agenda, he began to be more politically active in Brasília – attempting to ensure Bolsonaro’s confused and faltering rhetoric would not disrupt his plans of downsizing the Brazilian state’s role in the economy to the benefit of the mega-rich and the detriment of the poor. Guedes’ Security Reform had a vision of reducing debt by reducing pensions, including against the most vulnerable and poor in Brazil.

Willing to appease the Christian Zionist Evangelical support, accounting for at least a third of the population, Bolsonaro even before taking office promised that, like U.S. President Donald Trump had, he would transfer the Brazilian embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This again affected investments in Brazil as Bolsonaro was trying to prioritize his theological worldview rather than the recovery of his economically ruined country that has an unemployment rate of 11.6%, and many of the employed in informal or part-time work, and a poverty rate of about a quarter of the population. The Arab League and Iran did not shy away from confronting Bolsonaro’s attempt to move the embassy in Israel, breaking a promise to the Evangelicals as he was forced to back down, and instead decided to only open a trade office in Jerusalem.

This threat by the Arab League and risking relations with China, Brazil’s largest trading partner, has forced Bolsonaro to be less theologically motivated and more pragmatic in recent months. This will likely carry on into 2020 as Trump shot down a U.S. backing for the South American country to join the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) back in October. This came despite Bolsonaro enthusiastically embracing the moniker of “Tropical Trump” and consistently saying one of the biggest achievements of his government was securing Washington’s support for Brazil to join the OECD.

In a further headache for the Brazilian president, the U.S. dollar strengthened over the first year of the Bolsonaro administration, to the extent that Guedes declared that Brazilians should get used to the high value of the U.S. currency. The political insecurity generated by Bolsonaro, coupled with the difficulties of implementing proposals from the Ministry of Economy, as a series of high-impact privatizations did not bring about the expected investments. Foreign investments into Brazilian infrastructure would relieve pressure on the Brazilian Real, but the dollar has skyrocketed now because of this investment frustration. There was an expectation that foreign investors would bring dollars into Brazil, pushing the dollar market lower, which has not happened.

And as a final blow from Trump to Bolsonaro, let’s forget the announcement that tariffs will not be placed by the U.S. against Brazil.

So, in a year that was full of promise, Bolsonaro’s first year of administration has been an abject failure – full of corruption and controversies, economic stagnation, failure to keep the Evangelicals happy with an embassy move to Jerusalem, and hostile actions by Trump despite Bolsonaro’s enthusiasm for the U.S. president. Perhaps slowly in 2020 he will remember his country’s membership in BRICS.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Paul Antonopoulos is a Research Fellow at the Center for Syncretic Studies.

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The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled a meeting that was supposed to discuss the annexation of the Jordan Valley, following the decision of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to launch a probe into Israeli war crimes in Gaza, West Bank, and Jerusalem.

The meeting had been scheduled to take place last week, but was called off last minute once ICC chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda announced intention on Friday to investigate Israeli crimes.

Netanyahu announced in September, during Israeli elections, that the occupation state will annex the Jordan Valley if his Likud party would win the elections.

With another election that will take place next March, Netanyahu is believed to have intended to double down on his promise. The occupation state, however, was concerned the annexation would provide further proofs of Israel’s crimes.

“Because of the prosecutor’s decision in the Hague, the issue of the Jordan Valley annexation will be put on a long hold,” an Israeli government source told Yedioth Ahronoth.

In her recommendation, Bensouda said Israel has not only failed to stop settlement building in the West Bank, the Jewish state also intends to annex some parts of the territory.


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Featured image is from The Duran

Israel is considering preventing the entry of officials from the International Criminal Court (ICC) in response to the chief prosecutor’s decision to investigate its possible war crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories, the Middle East Monitor reported.

Israel Hayom published, on Monday, that representatives from the Israeli ministries of Foreign Affairs, Justice and National Security, have discussed practical ways to respond to the ICC chief prosecutor’s decision to investigate Israeli actions in the occupied Palestinian Territories.

The paper said representatives from the three ministries met, on Sunday, in the office of Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and discussed the possibility of preventing the entry of ICC staff into Israel.

Israel is considering taking steps similar to the ones taken by the US administration, which refuses to grant entry visas for ICC employees, in response to the court’s intention to investigate American soldiers who participated in the war in Afghanistan.

Netanyahu is to transfer all deliberations on the matter to the Israeli security cabinet, and impose a gag order to prevent the disclosure of Israel’s future actions on the issue, the paper said.

On Friday, ICC chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda announced her intention to open a full investigation into possible Israeli war crimes in the Palestinian territories.


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On December 26, units of the Syrian Army liberated the villages of Khuwayn al-Sha’r, Judaydat Nawaf, Samkeh and Delim, as well as several nearby points in southern Idlib.

During the past few days, the speed of the Syrian Army advance in the region decreased in comparison of the first days of the operation launched on December 19. This is linked to the ongoing behind-the-scenes negotiations on the fate of Maarat al-Numan and bad weather. Taking into account reports that Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its allies rejected a surrender proposal from Damascus, a new round of full-scale hostilities will likely take place soon.

According to pro-militant media outlets, up to 200 members of militant groups were killed or injured since December 19. At the same time, they claim even a bigger number of casualties among Syrian Army troops. Both these numbers seem to be overestimated.

Early on December 26, at least 85 Turkish military vehicles and trucks entered the Greater Idlib region in northwestern Syria, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

The SOHR claimed that a part of the vehicles headed towards a Turkish observation post near the town of al-Eis in southwestern Aleppo, while the rest moved to a second observation post in the district of al-Rashidin west of Aleppo’s city center.

Earlier, on December 2, about 100 Turkish military vehicles entered Greater Idlib. They were intended for observation posts in southern Idlib and northwest Hama.

Ankara is once again intensifying its diplomatic, propaganda and even military efforts in order to rescue radical groups operating in northwestern Syria.


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US War Budget Targets China

December 27th, 2019 by Stephen Lendman

A previous article discussed how the US FY 2020 war budget targets Russia, Turkey and Syria.

Euphemistically called annual National Defense Authorization Acts (NDAAs), they’re all about advancing America’s imperium, along with enriching corporate America by waging endless wars of aggression on invented enemies and other hostile actions, costing trillions of dollars.

This fiscal year’s war budget through September 30, 2020 imposes illegal sanctions on companies involved in constructing Russia’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to European countries if they don’t cease and desist operations.

Sales of US stealth F-35 warplanes to Turkey are prohibited over its purchase of Russian S-400 air defense missiles.

The measure also calls on Trump to sanction the country for its action under the so-called Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA).

Syria is targeted as well, new illegal sanctions imposed on President Bashar al-Assad, members of his government, and individuals supporting it — for heroic efforts to free the country from US-supported terrorists, unlawful occupation of northern and southern areas by Pentagon and Turkish troops, along with wanting Trump regime theft of Syrian oil stopped.

A section of the war budget focuses on China, targeting the country over actions by Hong Kong authorities to end months of orchestrated riots, violence, vandalism, and chaos in the city with US dirty hands all over them.

The so-called Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act passed by the House and Senate this month calls for sanctioning China over alleged mistreatment of these people.

Credible evidence backing claims about China’s alleged detention of millions of Uyghurs in Xinjiang is sorely lacking.

Beijing rejects the charge, saying there’s no mass internment, no so-called “re-education camps.”

Yet unsubstantiated claims are in the US war budget to punish China over this alleged issue.

The measure also requires the director of national intelligence (DNI) to report regularly on the alleged threats of Chinese hegemony over the global 5G wireless infrastructure buildout, falsely claiming it poses a threat to US national security.

A war budget provision calls for protecting Chinese-Americans from (nonexistent) Beijing pressure or interference in their affairs.

It addresses allegations of Chinese efforts to interfere in Taiwan’s 2020 elections, citing no evidence that a threat exists.

It reaffirms restrictions on China’s telecom giant Huawei and calls for increasing ties to Taiwan.

It suggests foreign interference in US elections will increase ahead. No evidence indicates meddling by Russia or any other countries in the US electoral process at any time in memory, nothing suggesting a future threat.

The US war budget establishes a so-called Social Media Data and Threat Analysis Center run by the DNI.

Its mission may end up inventing threats and so-called malign behavior, not countering any of the above to US security because no evidence suggests they exist online or in other forms.

In response to the anti-China provision in the US war budget, Beijing’s Defense Ministry’s spokesperson Wu Qian said the measure violates the One-China Policy and meddles in its internal affairs, adding:

The US “pursues unilateralism and protectionism. This behavior makes it clear to the international community that (its government is) the saboteur of the current international order.”

Hostile US policy toward China is all about wanting its economic, industrial, financial, technological, and political advances undermined, its sovereign rights subordinated to US interests.

Washington treats all nations the same way, allies and adversaries alike, wanting them controlled, doing its bidding.

What’s going on risks confrontation with China, Russia, Iran, and other nations the US doesn’t control if hardball tactics short of war don’t work.

That’s why US rage for unchallenged global dominance threatens everyone everywhere.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

The tiny Baltic nation of Estonia is attempting to revive a so-called “border dispute” with Russia in order to position itself as one of NATO’s “frontline states” against the Eurasian Great Power, which Tallinn expects will result in more military support from the bloc that its ruling party could then leverage for domestic political purposes, though this plan could very easily backfire if Trump demands that the country — which is experiencing a population decline and economic slowdown — pay its “fair share” just like the US’ other “allies” in exchange for the selfsame support.

Estonia surprised Russia after its Foreign Minister said last month that the border treaty between the two countries was unlikely to be ratified because of Tallinn’s unhappiness with Moscow’s lack of adherence to the outdated and legally void Treaty of Tartu. This 1920 agreement established the interwar border between the two but was replaced by a slightly modified territorial status quo following Estonia’s accession to the USSR in 1940. Although it’s since become popular in Estonian society after the end of the Old Cold War to claim that the country’s incorporation into the Soviet Union was done under duress and was therefore “illegal”, the fact remains that Estonia tacitly agreed to retain its USSR-era borders after investing substantial sums of money in developing infrastructure along the joint frontier with Russia, something that the Russian Embassy in Tallinn was quick to point out following the Estonian Foreign Minister’s provocative statement. Observers should also be reminded that the two countries already signed a border treaty in 2014, but it’s the subsequent ratification process that’s now suddenly being politicized by the Estonian side.

This begs the question of why that is, especially at this present moment in time, and the answer is that Estonia most likely believes that it can leverage its refusal to ratify the treaty and the media publicity related to this decision in order to receive more military support from NATO that the country’s leaders can then manipulate for domestic political purposes. It’s unrealistic to expect Russia to make any concessions on its internationally recognized territory in order to avoid this possible escalation scenario, so the intention behind Tallinn’s move must have more to do with NATO and domestic politics than any serious desire to reclaim its so-called “lost territories” that are now almost entirely populated by Russians as it is. In fact, considering that Estonia literally regards the over one-quarter of its population that are ethnic Russians as second-class citizens by making it extremely difficult for them to receive the civic rights that they’re entitled to by international law, as well as regularly suspecting them of being “fifth columnists”, it wouldn’t make sense for Tallinn to want to increase the numbers of this demographic through the annexation of Russian-populated land unless it planned to ethnically cleanse those people immediately afterwards.

All of that’s unrealistic though but is being brought up just to show the insincerity behind Estonia’s territorial demands and prove that even the state itself knows that Russia won’t budge a single inch on this issue, not that it actually even wants it to anyhow for the reason that was just explained. Rather, the ruling party hopes that it can exploit this manufactured dispute for the purpose of receiving more military support from NATO that it can then manipulate through perception management tactics to improve its own domestic political standing. On the surface, it’s not exactly implausible that the bloc and its American hegemon would be receptive to this since they have an interest in “containing” Russia, even though the speculative outcome of a more muscular military presence in this former Soviet Republic would violate the (at this point mostly symbolic) NATO-Russia Founding Act of 1997. Regional heavyweight Poland, which is one of the most pro-American states in the world, also envisages expanding its influence throughout the “Three Seas Initiative” (TSI) by making the “Baltic Brothers” its “junior partners” in a de-facto modern-day revival of the former Commonwealth, which could function as the US’ “Lead From Behind” proxy in the region.

Having said that, Poland has also set a new precedent by offering to pay at least $2 billion for the “honor” of hosting more American servicemen, which conforms to Trump’s demands that his country’s “allies” pay their “fair share” in exchange for continued military support. Washington is already in negotiations about this with Seoul, Tokyo, and soon even Berlin, so it’s unlikely that it’ll compromise on its own policy with Tallinn just for the sake of scoring a “cheap shot” by “containing” Russia via a new deployment there. The US knows that Estonia wants an American military base since the country literally asked for one last year and recently bragged in early November about how it “punches above its weight” in NATO because of how committed it is to the bloc. It’s therefore not unbelievable that Tallinn might have chosen this exact time to manufacture a “border dispute” with Russia in order to create the so-called “publicly plausible” pretext for the US to satisfy its request, but there are a couple of problems associated with this, not even counting the regional security one for Moscow if Washington finally agrees to its Baltic “ally’s” proposal.

The first is that the US and NATO already acknowledge the uncontested legality of Estonia’s borders with Russia because otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to accept the country’s membership into the bloc. NATO doesn’t allow members with current territorial disputes to join, which is one of the reasons why both Georgia and Ukraine have yet to do so. It’s indeed possible that the Trump Administration might unilaterally announce a change of policy in this respect that could throw the bloc into even more confusion than it’s already in following Macron’s dramatic declaration that it’s “brain dead“. Even in the event that the US and/or some NATO countries agree to acknowledge Estonia’s “border dispute” with Russia as “legitimate”, then the next problem is whether or not this tiny country with a declining population and in the midst of an economic slowdown can even afford to pay Trump’s prospective “protection fee”, which might further contribute to its economic problems that could in turn accelerate its out-migration and thus jeopardize its already fraught strategic stability as a state. Should this scenario come to pass, then it would essentially amount to the ruling party sacrificing the state’s long-term strategic interests in exchange for short-term political benefits, which would inevitably destabilize the country and ironically do what Russia is regularly accused of wanting to do without any evidence whatsoever.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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Selected Articles: Trump’s Multibillion Dollar Military Budget

December 26th, 2019 by Global Research News

Lying is a money making activity and lies are commodities. There is a profitable global market for media and public figures committed to spreading disinformation.

Needless to say, “Telling the Truth”, on the other hand, Is Not a Money-Making Proposition. The monthly deficit we have been faced with over the past year is proof of this concept.

With this in mind, can you spare a dollar a day to keep disinformation away? Your support could make the difference and ensure that is here for a long time to come!

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‘Atrocious’: 188 Democrats Join GOP to Hand Trump $738 Billion Military Budget that Includes ‘Space Force’

By Jake Johnson, December 26, 2019

More than 180 House Democrats joined a nearly united Republican caucus Wednesday night to pass a sweeping $738 billion military spending bill that gives President Donald Trump his long-sought “Space Force,” free rein to wage endless wars, and a green light to continue fueling the humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen.

Just 48 members of the House, including 41 Democrats, voted against the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which increases the Pentagon budget by $22 billion. The final vote was 377-48.

Fireworks Instead of Mortar Shells: Syrian Christians Flood the Streets in Spiritual Unity of Christmas Celebrations

By Mark Taliano and RT News, December 26, 2019

Mainstream media perpetrates huge deceptions and promulgates criminal war propaganda as policy. Often the omission is worse than the direct lie. Regularly, mainstream messaging omits context and ROOT CAUSES of events that it claims to be describing. The root cause of the Christmas celebrations in Syria is the FACT that Syria and its allies LIBERATED these areas from WESTERN-SUPPORTED terrorists. If this root cause is not stated clearly, then the messaging intentionally leaves itself open to misinterpretation. It becomes war propaganda that serves to vilify Syria and Syrians as it exonerates the war criminals from their heinous war crimes.

You Say You Want a (Russian) Revolution?

By Pepe Escobar, December 26, 2019

Once in a blue moon an indispensable book comes out making a clear case for sanity in what is now a post-MAD world. That’s the responsibility carried by “The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs,” by Andrei Martyanov (Clarity Press), arguably the most important book of 2019.

Martyanov is the total package — and he comes with extra special attributes as a top-flight Russian military analyst, born in Baku in those Back in the U.S.S.R. days, living and working in the U.S., and writing and blogging in English.

Nord Stream 2, US Sanctions and Trump’s “Economic Suicide”?

By Peter Koenig, December 26, 2019

Nord Stream 2 is an under-water pipeline crossing from Kingisepp in Russia to Greifswald in Germany, under the Baltic sea. Its cost is estimated at more than US$ 100 billion. It parallels Nord stream 1 (see map), and is supposed to make Germany energy secure, especially once Germany exits from nuclear energy. After the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, Germany has already permanently shut down eight of its 17 reactors and pledged to close the rest by the end of 2022.

Fast Food Nations and Global Nutrition

By Colin Todhunter, December 26, 2019

Daniel Maingi works with small farmers in Kenya and belongs to the organisation Growth Partners for Africa. He remembers a time when his family would grow and eat a diversity of crops, such as mung beans, green grams, pigeon peas and a variety of fruits now considered ‘wild’.

Following the Structural Adjustment Programmes of the 1980s and 1990s, the foods of his childhood have been replaced with maize. He says that in the morning you make porridge from maize. For lunch, it’s boiled maize and a few green beans. In the evening, a dough-like maize dish is served with meat. He adds that it is now a monoculture diet.

In the United Kingdom: Do Subjects Deserve Their Rulers?

By Andre Vltchek, December 24, 2019

Just put Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn next to each other, and listen to each of them for ten minutes, and it would appear that anyone who would vote for the leader of the Conservative Party should be ripe for the mental asylum.

Trump Administration and Moscow Shoot Down Bipartisan DASKA “Sanctions Bill from Hell”

By Sarah Abed, December 24, 2019

In August of 2018, Senators Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) first introduced what Graham referred to as a “sanctions bill from hell” targeting Russia and President Vladimir Putinand making it harder for the United States to leave NATO. Despite bipartisan grievances with Moscow the bill didn’t gain much traction.

The measure to push President Trump to take a tougher stance against Russia over alleged election interference, aggression towards Ukraine and involvement in Syria’s proxy war is titled the Defending American Security from Kremlin Aggression Act (DASKA) and would impose strict and broad penalties.


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