Pandemia do vírus do medo

February 25th, 2020 by Manlio Dinucci

Dado que o Coronavírus não deve ser subestimado e que as 10 regras preventivas do Ministério da Saúde devem ser seguidas, uma décima primeira regra fundamental deve ser adoptada: impedir a disseminação do vírus do medo.Ele é transmitido principalmente pela televisão, a partir da RAI, que dedica os telejornais quase inteiramente ao Coronavírus. O vírus do medo penetra assim em todas as casas, através dos canais de televisão.

Enquanto lançam o máximo alarme sobre o Coronavírus, eles silenciam o facto de que a gripe sazonal, epidemia muito mais mortal, provocou em Itália, durante a 6ª semana de 2020 – segundo o Instituto Superior da Saúde – em média 217 mortes por dia, devido também a complicações pulmonares e cardiovasculares ligadas à influenza. Omitem o facto de que – segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde – morrem em Itália num ano devido ao HIV/AIDS mais de 700 pessoas (em média 2 por dia), num total mundial de cerca de 770.000.

A propósito da campanha alarmista sobre o coronavírus, Maria Rita Gismondo – Directora de Macrobiologia Clínica, Virologia e Diagnóstico de Bioemergência, do Laboratório do Hospital Sacco de Milão, onde se analisam as amostras de possíveis contágios – declara: “A mim, parece uma loucura. Trocaram uma infecção apenas mais grave do que uma gripe, por uma pandemia letal. Vejam os números. Não é uma pandemia.”No entanto, a voz da cientista não chega ao grande público, enquanto todos os dias, da RAI – serviço que deveria ser público – os canais Mediaset e não só, espalham entre os italianos, o medo sobre o “vírus mortal que, da China, se espalha pelo mundo”.

De facto, a campanha funciona, de acordo com o que declara o Secretário de Comércio dos EUA, Wilbur Ross, numa entrevista à Fox Business: “Penso que o coronavírus contribuirá para o regresso de postos de trabalho da China para os EUA. Na China, primeiro houve a SARS, depois a peste suína, agora o coronavírus”. Assim, comenta o New York Times, “a perda para a China pode ser um benefício para a América”. Por outras palavras, o vírus pode ter um impacto destrutivo sobre a economia chinesa e, numa reacção em cadeia, sobre o resto da Ásia, da Europa e da Rússia, já afectadas pela queda nos fluxos comerciais e turísticos, para total vantagem dos EUA, que permaneceram economicamente disponíveis.

Global Research, o Centro de Pesquisa sobre Globalização, dirigido pelo Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, está a publicar sobre o tema da origem do vírus, uma série de artigos de especialistas internacionais. Eles demonstram que “não se pode excluir que o vírus tenha sido criado em laboratório”. É um campo cercado pelo segredo mais denso, frequentemente sobre a cobertura de pesquisa científica civil. No entanto, surgem factos:

A presença em Wuhan de um Laboratório Biológico, onde os cientistas chineses, em colaboração com a França, efectuam estudos sobre vírus letais, entre os quais, alguns enviados pelo Laboratório Canadiano de Microbiologia. Em Julho de 2015, o Instituto Pirbright  do governo britânico, patenteou um “coronavírus atenuado” nos EUA. Em Outubro de 2019, o Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security  efectuou, em Nova York,  uma simulação de pandemia de coronavírus prevendo um cenário que, se ocorresse, causaria 65 milhões de mortes.

Pelo contrário, a pandemia do vírus do medo, que se espalha com efeitos socio-económicos irreparáveis, não é simulada.

Manlio Dinucci


Artigo original em italiano :

Pandemia del virus della paura


Traductora : Maria Luísa de Vasconcellos

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Pandemia del virus della paura

February 25th, 2020 by Manlio Dinucci

Premesso che il Coronavirus non va sottovalutato e che si devono seguire le 10 regole preventive del Ministero della salute, occorre  adottare una 11a regola fondamentale: impedire il diffondersi del virus della paura. Esso viene sparso soprattutto dalla televisione, a partire dalla Rai che dedica i telegiornali quasi interamente al Coronavirus. Il virus della paura penetra così in ogni casa attraverso i canali televisivi.

Mentre  lanciano il massimo allarme per il Coronavirus, essi tacciono sul fatto che l’influenza stagionale, epidemia molto più mortale, ha provocato in Italia  durante la 6a settimana del 2020 – secondo l’Istituto superiore di sanità – in media 217 decessi al giorno, dovuti anche a complicanze polmonari e cardiovascolari legate all’influenza. Tacciono sul fatto che – secondo  l’Organizzazione mondiale della sanità – muoiono in Italia in un anno per Hiv/Aids oltre 700 persone (in media 2 al giorno), su un totale mondiale di circa 770.000.

A proposito della campagna allarmistica sul Coronavirus, Maria Rita Gismondo – direttore di Macrobiologia clinica, Virologia e Diagnostica Bioemergenze del laboratorio dell’Ospedale Sacco di Milano, dove si analizzano i campioni di possibili contagi – dichiara: «A me sembra una follia. Si è scambiata un’infezione appena più seria di un’influenza per una pandemia letale. Guardate i numeri. Non è una pandemia». La voce della scienziata non arriva però al grande pubblico, mentre ogni giorno, dalla Rai, servizio che dovrebbe essere pubblico,  ai canali Mediaset  e non solo, si diffonde tra gli italiani la paura per «il mortale virus che dalla Cina dilaga nel mondo». Campagna di fatto funzionale a quanto dichiara il segretario Usa al commercio Wilbur Ross  in una intervista a Fox Business: «Penso che il Coronavirus contribuirà al ritorno di posti di lavoro dalla Cina negli Usa. In Cina c’è stata prima la Sars, dopo la peste suina, ora il Coronavirus». Quindi, commenta il New York Times, «la perdita per la Cina potrebbe essere un guadagno per l’America». In altre parole, il virus potrebbe avere un impatto distruttivo sull’economia cinese e, in una reazione a catena, su quelle del resto dell’Asia, dell’Europa e della Russia, già colpite dal calo dei flussi commerciali e turistici, a tutto vantaggio degli Usa rimasti economicamente indenni.

Global Research, il centro di ricerca sulla globalizzazione diretto dal prof. Michel Chossudovsky, sta pubblicando sull’argomento dell’origine del virus  una serie di articoli di esperti internazionali. Essi  sostengono che «non si può escludere che il virus sia stato creato in laboratorio». Tale ipotesi non può essere considerata complottista ed esorcizzata come tale.  Perché? Perché gli Stati uniti, la Russia, la Cina e le altre maggiori potenze hanno laboratori in cui si conducono ricerche su virus che, modificati, possono essere usati quali agenti di guerra biologica anche su settori mirati di popolazione. È un campo circondato dal più fitto segreto, spesso sotto copertura di ricerca scientifica civile.

Emergono però dei fatti: la presenza a Wuhan di un biolaboratorio dove scienziati cinesi, in collaborazione con la Francia, effettuano studi su virus letali, tra cui alcuni inviati dal Laboratorio canadese di microbiologia. Nel luglio 2015 l’Istituto governativo britannico Pirbright ha brevettato negli Usa un «coronavirus attenuato». Nell’ottobre 2019 il Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security ha effettuato a New York una simulazione di pandemia da coronavirus prevedendo uno scenario che, se si verificasse, provocherebbe 65 milioni di morti. Non è invece simulata la pandemia del virus della paura, che dilaga con distruttivi effetti socio-economici.

Manlio Dinucci


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Huawei is China’s behemoth technology company that has recently come under fire by the Trump administration for violating sanctions against Iran and for providing network equipment that (allegedly) poses security risks for its customers. Both charges are baseless, but they’re being used as the pretext for launching a full-blown war on China’s telecom-equipment giant.

Huawei’s troubles stem from the fact that the company has taken the lead in fifth generation wireless technology (5-G) and left the US behind eating their dust. The situation creates an insurmountable problem for the US which wants to preserve its role as global superpower into the next century. That dream will not be realized if China dominates communications technology and continues to be the industry leader in next-generation mobile infrastructure. That’s why Trump has taken off the gloves and is preparing to do whatever it takes to sabotage Huawei and prevent its cutting edge infrastructure technology from being installed around the world.

It’s worth noting that the administration has abandoned any pretense that it is seeking a market-based solution for dealing with Huawei. Uncle Sam is not looking for ways to beat the Chinese colossus fair and square. If that was the case, the Trump team would provide a funding stream that would generate the innovations that would help US companies become more competitive in the future. So far, that hasn’t happened. Instead, Trump has taken the low road and imposed unilateral sanctions on Huawei for trading with Iran. The US is also aggressively harassing Huawei’s customers and threatening them with stiff penalties if they integrate the Chinese company’s products into their own systems. Lastly, Washington is warning of military action if China does not comply with US diktats and accept its role as the world’s biggest producer of cheap goods for grossly-indebted American consumers. The US wants China to ignore its historic destiny and meekly become a cog in Washington’s geriatric “rules-based” order. But China has no intention of becoming Washington’s lackey. China’s leaders are determined to defend the country’s sovereignty, implement its own economic model, and seize the opportunity to become the world’s biggest and most prosperous economic powerhouse.

According to author Thomas Hon Wing Polin: (Huawei) is far ahead of everyone else in the development of 5G. Any nation that doesn’t want to be left behind rolling out the game-changing, next-generation communications technology has little choice but to do business with Huawei.” (“Empire Unravelling: Will Huawei Become Washington’s Suez? Counterpunch)

Most of the experts in the field agree with Polin. Regardless of how much money and brainpower the US throws at 5-G, China will remain leaps and bounds ahead. This is from an article at CNBC:

“In an interview with CNBC, Paul Scanlan, chief technology officer of Huawei’s networking business, explained that the technical standards and actual implementation of 5G have taken about 10 years to create.

“So the U.S. will do what the U.S. does … that’s a very very long game and that has its own sort of complexity built into (it) and Huawei has been addressing and looking at those things ourselves,” Scanlan said.

When asked if the U.S. could create a new alternative to Huawei quickly, Scanlan said: “It would be a challenge.” (CNBC)

What this means is that Huawei is likely to dominate the 5-G space for the foreseeable future which is why the administration has been spreading malicious rumors that Huawei can’t be trusted because its infrastructure equipment may enable surveillance by the Chinese government. Aside from the fact that the US has been vacuuming up virtually all the electronic communications of its allies for years, there’s no proof to back up similar claims against Huawei. Besides China isn’t interested in espionage, they have bigger fish to fry. They want to rebuild the world using the markets and the existing system to expand their reach and increase their power-base. They want to use state of the art technology and high-speed rail to connect the four corners of the earth putting Beijing at the center of the world’s biggest free trade zone. They want to be a force to be reckoned with, a bustling behemoth whose infrastructure and influence stretches across continents and whose interests must be considered when shaping the global agenda. China’s aspirations even exceed its gigantic global development strategy, the Belt and Road Initiative, which is the largest infrastructure and investment project in history, covering more than 70 countries, including 65% of the world’s population and 40% of the global GDP.” Regrettably, the US now sees China as its mortal enemy and is determined to undermine their business relations, stifle their economic integration program, and rein terror down on Huawei for creating better products and playing by the rules. Here’s how author Diana Johnstone summed it up in a recent article. She said:

“As long as Western dominance was ensured, international trade was celebrated as the necessary basis for a peaceful world. But the moment a non-Western trader is doing too well, its exports are ominously denounced as means to exert malign influence over its customers.” (“The West displays its Insecurity Complex”, Diana Johnstone, Consortium News)

How true. Washington is a tireless cheerleader for the free market until American companies fall behind their foreign competitors. Then all the gushing praise for the market is shoved overboard while Uncle Sam goes on the warpath. That same rule applies here in spades. Trump even admitted as much in a statement he delivered in the Oval Office a few months ago. He said: “We cannot allow any other country to out compete the United States in this powerful industry of the future.”

“Out compete”? In other words, competition should only be permitted when it coincides with the political objectives of the state?? This is the worst type of hypocrisy and yet, sadly, it has become the guiding doctrine for the USG’s war on China.

Sec-Def Mark Esper Goes Ballistic

The 2020 National Defense Authorization Act, which was signed into law in December 2019, announced a dramatic shift in the Defense Department’s focus, from the war on terror to a “great power competition” between the US and its main rivals Russia and China. The NDAA also proposes banning government agencies from using Huawei’s products. That ban is now in place.

Underscoring these developments, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper gave the most flagrantly belligerent speech in recent memory at the Munich Security Conference last weekend. His presentation was aimed at China leaving no doubt that the US has abandoned its earlier approach of ‘peaceful negotiations with a valued ally’. The new strategy replaces diplomacy with coercion, and dialogue with brute force. Esper and his chums in the foreign policy establishment are planning another maximum pressure campaign that will increase the threats and provocations, including (very likely) the use of military force aimed at isolating Huawei and quashing China’s inexorable rise. Here’s a short excerpt from Esper’s incendiary presentation:

“I’d like to speak to you today about the number one priority of the United States Department of Defense: implementing the National Defense Strategy. The NDS states that we are now in an era of Great Power Competition, with our principal challengers being China, then Russia, and that we must move away from low intensity conflict and prepare once again for high-intensity warfare….

… the Chinese Communist Party is heading even faster and further in the wrong direction…The PRC’s growing economic, military, and diplomatic power often manifests itself in ways that are threatening, coercive, and counter to the rules-based international order. …

the PRC seeks to undermine and subvert this system, the same one that allowed them to rise and become what they are today…..Party leadership continues its rampant technology theft, while resolving to eventually end its reliance on foreign innovation altogether, independently develop its own systems, and then dominate critical sectors and markets…. Huawei and 5G are today’s poster child for this nefarious activity.

History has proven time and again, though, that authoritarianism breeds corruption, promotes conformity, smothers free thinking, and suppresses freedom….But Beijing’s bad behavior will only take them so far….The Chinese government needs to change its policies and behaviors. (or else)

(Sec-Def Mark Esper’s remarks at Munich Security Conference)

This is an important speech that accurately reflects current US policy towards China, so let’s summarize:

  1. China is a thief (“Party leadership continues its rampant technology theft”)
  2. “Huawei and 5G are today’s poster child for.. nefarious activity”
  3. China is a corrupt, authoritarian government that hates freedom. (“History has proven time and again, though, that authoritarianism breeds corruption, promotes conformity, smothers free thinking, and suppresses freedom.”)
  4. China is a threat to the western “rules-based” system. (“The PCR seeks to undermine and subvert this system.”)
  5. China “is heading …in the wrong direction.”
  6. The Pentagon’s “number one priority” is to “move away from low intensity conflict and prepare once again for high-intensity warfare.”
  7. The United States is preparing for a war with China (“The Chinese government needs to change its policies and behaviors” or else.)

These seven talking points show that Washington has entered a new phase in its perilous face-off with China. The US foreign policy establishment could calmly accept the emergence of other centers of power and ease the transition to a multipolar world or they can use all the tools at their disposal to stave off the rising tide and, perhaps, preserve the existing order for a decade-or-so longer. But the latter option is fraught with risk and could involve an unforeseen incitement that leads to a nuclear confrontation. In any event, judging by Esper’s speech, the decision has already been made and, once again, Washington has chosen war over peace.

Check out this 2 minute video with Secretary of Defense Mark Esper who levels the same accusations against China that he did in Munich.

Check out this 9 minute video from the conservative Economist magazine. The author draws the same conclusion that we have here, that the administration’s feigned concern over spying is a fraud used to conceal the real motive which is, “the desire to slow China’s explosive growth to preserve US dominant role in the world for as long as possible.” (The Economist)


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Information has come to light demonstrating that the chief magistrate overseeing the extradition proceedings against Julian Assange received financial benefits from organizations with close ties to the UK Foreign Office prior to her appointment.

According to a report on Friday in the South African-based Daily MaverickLady Emma Arbuthnot attended, along with her husband Lord Arbuthnot of Edrom, all-expenses-paid secretive gatherings of the organizations Tertulias and Tatlidil in 2014 that included numerous UK foreign policy officials. Lady Arbuthnot was appointed chief magistrate in Westminster in October 2016.

Although as of November 2019 Arbuthnot is no longer formally presiding over the Assange extradition proceedings, she has refused to recuse herself and remains in a supervisory role overseeing the trial with her subordinate District Judge Vanessa Baraitser on the bench. According to the UK court rules, the chief magistrate is “responsible for … supporting and guiding district judge colleagues.”

The Daily Maverick report states: “Tertulias, an annual forum held for political and corporate leaders in the UK and Spain, is regarded by the UK Foreign Office as one of its ‘partnerships’.” In attendance at the Tertulias conference in Bilbao, Spain in October 2014 was Conservative Party member Liz Truss, who is now UK Trade Secretary. The report says, “Liz Truss, then Justice Secretary, ‘advised’ the Queen to appoint Lady Arbuthnot in October 2016.”

The expenses of Lady Arbuthnot at the Bilbao conference were covered by the Tertulias organization, since her husband, “a former Conservative defense minister with extensive links to the British military and intelligence community exposed by WikiLeaks,” was the chairman of the organization.

Lady Arbuthnot was also present with her husband at the British-Turkish Tatlidil Forum in Istanbul in November 2014. Daily Maverick describes Tatlidil (Turkish for “sweet talk”) as “a forum established by the UK and Turkish governments for ‘high level’ individuals involved in politics and business.” Those present included Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

The report states that the UK delegation to the Tatlidil forum in Istanbul, “was led by Prince Andrew, who also hosted the Tatlidil in Edinburgh the previous year. Then foreign minister Tobias Ellwood spoke at the forum while former foreign secretary Jack Straw, who is a co-chair of Tatlidil, presided over one of the discussions. Erdoğan spoke at the meeting and reportedly called for the removal of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad.”

The report also states that it is possible that Lady Arbuthnot “may not have attended the discussions since there was a separate ‘spouses/partners programme’ involving local visits.” James and Emma Arbuthnot’s expenses of £2,426 for the trip were paid for by the organization.

Daily Maverick goes on to explain that the business offices of these two organizations, despite no obvious connection between them other than their connection to the UK Foreign Office, are located at the same address.

The report says that “both Tertulias and Tatlidil had been managed by the same person living at the addresses given by parliamentarians. She told Declassified that Tertulias is ‘independent’ but ‘works closely’ with the Foreign Office. When asked about the organisation’s funders or any personnel involved, including its current parliamentary chair, information was refused.”

These revelations provide further evidence that the long series of legal attacks on Julian Assange leading up to the present effort to extradite him to the US have been part of a coordinated international campaign by the UK and US military-intelligence establishment against the WikiLeaks founder and journalist in violation of his basic democratic rights.

The very same people from the UK Foreign Office with whom Chief Magistrate Arbuthnot had been hobnobbing before her appointment have made the most vociferous denunciations of Assange, calling him “a miserable little worm.” They refused to recognize his right to asylum in Ecuador, leaving him trapped inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for seven years before British police dragged him out and arrested him last April.

Arbuthnot repeatedly expressed animosity toward the WikiLeaks journalist in court and twisted the law to justify his continued persecution. This began with her first ruling in February 2018 against a motion by Assange’s defense team that his British arrest warrant be lifted on the grounds that the concocted Swedish allegations against him, on which the warrant was based, had been dropped.

Arbuthnot also defied the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention’s determination that Assange’s forced stay inside the Ecuadorian embassy was “arbitrary detention.” She ruled: “I give little weight to the views of the Working Group. I do not find that Mr. Assange’s stay in the Embassy is inappropriate, unjust, unpredictable, unreasonable, unnecessary or disproportionate.”

Last year, when the fact that her husband was a leading figure of British foreign policy was originally brought to light as a violation of the “Guide to Judicial Conduct” in England and Wales, Arbuthnot ignored calls for her recusal. Yet the activities of Lord Arbuthnot and his associates at the defense contractor Thales and British intelligence were the subject of thousands of WikiLeaks exposures, making the conflict of interest that much more obvious.

The role of the Arbuthnots in the persecution and imprisonment of Assange, and his extradition trial that is set to begin on Monday, is a critical indicator of the high-level conspiracy by powerful individuals in the British government, in cooperation with Washington DC, to punish and destroy the WikiLeaks founder.

The exposures published by WikiLeaks have dealt a devastating blow to the capitalist ruling elite by bringing the truth about imperialist and corporate crimes to the people of the world. The fight for the freedom of Julian Assange, who is guilty of nothing other than being a courageous journalist, must be taken up in every workplace, neighborhood and school.


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Featured image: Lady Emma and Lord James Arbuthnot of Edrom at Buckingham Palace in May 2017 [Source: Instagram]

Both right wings of the US war party support ISIS, Al-Qaeda, its offshoots, and likeminded terrorist groups in Syria and other countries where their fighters are deployed as Pentagon/CIA proxy troops.

Instead of explaining reality on the ground in US war theaters, establishment media blame nations victimized by its aggression for high crimes committed against them.

Syria is Exhibit A, US aggression ignored, government forces, greatly aided by Russian airpower, vilified for liberating cities, towns and villages from US-supported “jihadists” — what’s currently ongoing in Idlib province, the last stronghold in the country of these elements.

On Monday, Trump’s envoy for regime change in Syria James Jeffrey indirectly expressed support for Hayat Tahrir al-Sham — the al-Qaeda offshoot al-Nusra by another name.

Whatever its name, it’s labeled by the Security Council and State Department as a terrorist organization. It should be treated as one by all world community nations, clearly not the case.

Earlier this month, Jeffrey falsely claimed that Hayat Tahrir al-Sham is not “planning or carrying out international terrorism attacks” — what its fighters are doing multiple times daily.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov slammed his remarks and similar ones by other Trump regime officials, saying the following:

They “repeatedly made statements that mean that they consider Hayat Tahrir al-Sham to not be a terrorist organization as such, and that it would be possible under certain circumstances to enter into a dialogue with it,” adding:

“This is not the first time we hear such transparent hints, and we consider them completely unacceptable.”

Further talks between Russian and Turkish officials on the situation in Idlib will be held in the coming days.

Leaders of Russia, France, Germany and Turkey reportedly will meet on March 5 to discuss the situation in Idlib.

Moscow is committed to aiding Syria’s liberating struggle, focused in Idlib and surrounding areas at this time.

The US, NATO, Turkey, and the UN want it halted on the phony pretext of protecting Syrian civilians.

Government and Russian forces are freeing them from captivity as human shields — held by US/Turkish-supported jihadists.

In September 2018, Putin and Turkey’s Erdogan agreed on establishing a 15 – 20 km-wide demilitarized zone in Idlib along the Turkish border.

The plan was for Russian and Turkish forces to control it for an interim period ahead of delayed liberating efforts.

Things didn’t go as planned. Instead of opposing jihadists in Idlib, Turkey supports them, supplying them with heavy weapons, letting them use the demilitarized zone as a platform to attack Syrian forces and civilians.

Lavrov stressed that “the deescalation zone (is used as) an escalation zone,” (US-Turkish supported jihadists using it to attack) targets outside the zone,” adding:

“Nobody ever agreed, within the framework of the agreements reached between the Russian and Turkish presidents, that terrorists would not be retaliated against if they act in the way they began to act, so there was nothing unexpected for anyone.”

“I am sure that the Turkish military, who work on the ground, see and understand everything perfectly.”

Indeed because they’re actively aiding jihadists combat government forces.

Separately, Pentagon spokesman Col. Myles Caggins admitted on UK Sky News that “Idlib (is) a magnet for terrorist groups…a variety of (them), a menace and a threat to the civilians.”

On Sunday, Putin discussed the situation in Idlib, saying the following:

Russian forces aiding Syria’s military “wiped out large, well-equipped terrorist groups, prevented major threats to our Motherland on distant frontiers and helped the people of Syria preserve the country’s sovereignty.”

Putin thanked Russian military personnel for their professionalism, combat capabilities, and moral fiber during Syria’s liberating campaign.

On the same day, Russian center for reconciliation in Syria head Admiral Oleg Zhuravlev explained the following:

“In the past 24 hours, 22 episodes of shelling have been registered” by jihadists in Idlib, 25 shelling incidents the previous day — against government forces and civilians, adding:

Russian military police are patrolling areas in Aleppo and al-Hasakah provinces “in conformity with approved plans,” no incidents reported over the past weekend.

Russian aircraft control airspace over these areas and Idlib. Russian center for reconciliation in Syria continues to provide humanitarian aid to liberated Syrians in need.

Russian doctors are treating Syrian civilians in need of medical care. Considerable efforts are being made to help liberated Syrian refugees return to their home areas.

On Monday, AMN News reported that Syrian forces “captured more towns and villages near Kafr Sijnah amid the complete collapse of the jihadist defenses in the southern part of” Idlib.

Southfront reported that despite Erdogan regime threats, Syrian forces “continued offensive operations against terrorists in greater Idlib,” liberating more areas.

Turkey “continue(s) paying the price for (its) Idlib gamble.” Russian warplanes struck Turkish-supported jihadists in areas where Ankara established so-called observation posts.

Turkish soldiers and jihadists they support suffered casualties, Russia showing it intends to continue combatting anti-government terrorists.

The Erdogan regime is concerned that advancing Syrian forces will push defeated al-Nusra and likeminded jihadists cross-border into Turkey in large numbers with weapons they’re able to carry, a potentially destabilizing situation.

In cahoots with the US and NATO, Turkey created this monster, now reaping the consequences of its actions.

Erdogan refused to ally with Russia’s liberating campaign, opposing it instead.

As things now stand, Turkish-supported jihadists in Idlib are on their back foot as government forces continue liberating more areas — greatly aided by Russian airpower.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

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It is noted with concern that UK licences worth millions of pounds are still being granted for the export to Israel of categories of British arms and arms components including sniper and assault rifles, pistols, weapon sights, targeting equipment, ammunition for small arms and grenades, smoke canisters, tanks, combat and military helicopters, military support and combat aircraft, and civil riot control protection equipment notwithstanding that the leader and Prime Minister of the Israeli Likud government is now facing imminent trial on serious bribery and corruption charges.

Why is the British Government not accountable for the arms export licences it grants, particularly to suspect regimes?  Ministers have stated they do not collect data on the use of such equipment after sale but the Government is reminded that criteria 2 and 4 of the consolidated criteria on arms exports precludes licensing where there is a risk that items must be used for internal repression or in the commission of a serious violation of international humanitarian law.

Considering the need not to adversely affect regional stability in any significant way and in the light of the extensive use of live fire by Israeli forces against Palestinians in Gaza, why have UK arms sales to Israel not been suspended unless it can be demonstrated that weapons and components imported from the UK are used solely in accordance with the consolidated criteria?

Could it be explained by the verified fact that a current member of the present Cabinet together with a prominent lobbyist for Israel in the House of Lords, were discovered to have colluded together in clandestine negotiations with the Netanyahu government during the Theresa May administration in 2017 leading to the forced resignation of the then Cabinet minister for international development, now, astonishingly, Britain’s current Home Secretary?

It would appear that the UK, under the current government, has now abdicated any responsibility for maintaining an ethical export policy that was specifically adopted to ensure that Britain is not complicit in torture, killings or other violations of the Geneva Conventions and international humanitarian law.

How immeasurably sad that we have sunk to such a low level on the international stage that we are now no better than some banana republic selling arms indiscriminately to any regime around the globe, regardless of the consequential, inevitable killings and political instability resulting from such a disastrous foreign policy.


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Hans Stehling (pen name) is an analyst based in the UK. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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The Nevada Caucus and the Desperation of Democrat Elites

February 25th, 2020 by Dr. Jack Rasmus

The events of the past week—beginning with the TV debates of the candidates on February 19 and culminating in the Nevada Democrat Party caucus in Nevada on February 22 this past Saturday—show a growing desperation in the ranks of the Democratic Party’s corporate-driven leadership as the Sanders campaign has assumed a clear lead in the race for the Democratic Party nomination.

Having ascended in the late 1980s to a controlling role of the party through the Democrat Leadership Conference (DLC) faction, the Democratic party’s leadership now sees itself at a critical juncture.  If it has not yet crossed the political ‘Rubicon’, it at least has arrived at its opposite shore and is preparing to do so.

The choice the leadership faces is whether to transform itself into a Trump-like party, openly run by oligarchs and billionaires; or to return to a pre-1990 Democrat party—before the DLC faction takeover—and allow Bernie Sanders to become its presidential candidate.

The party leadership’s current actions clearly show it now leans heavily toward the former. Its plan is to unite itself around Bloomberg, rather than return to former, more democratic roots with Sanders.

In the worst case scenario, some of the wealthiest of the Democrat Party’s backers—like former Goldman Sachs CEO, Lloyd Blankfein ( a big financial backer of Hillary and Obama campaigns)—are  even suggesting a third way.  They have begun to say privately, and even publicly, they would vote for Trump instead of Sanders in November.  They’ve done that before: When progressive grass roots forces coalesced around the party’s nominee, George McGovern, in 1972 and the leadership turned to support Richard Nixon.  And before that in 1956 to some extent, when Adlai Stevenson was the nominee.

In other words, there’s a long standing history in the Democratic Party of the corporate wing sabotaging its candidate in a presidential election by supporting the Republican party’s candidate, either indirectly or directly.

Democrat Party As Indicator of Political Crisis 

Just as the traditional Republican party imploded in 2016 and thereafter became the Party of Trump—so too is a similar fundamental transformation now underway in the Democrat party.

It was a grass roots social movement that enabled the Republican party’s transformation. It’s no less a grass roots movement in the Democrat party today driving the transformation, the final outcome yet to be determined.  And in both cases, Democrat party leaders were (and are) unable to understand movement dynamics: in 2016 they couldn’t understand (or predict) why Trump won. And today, in 2020, they can’t understand how and why Sanders is gaining growing support within their party’s ranks.

Just take a look at the Democratic Party at present: Neither of the leading candidates to date are really ‘Democrats’: there’s Bernie Sanders, the independent running under the banner of the Democrat Party; and there’s Mike Bloomberg, a republican billionaire running in the primaries after having ‘bought his way into’ the debates and primaries by contributing tens of millions of dollars to the Democrat National Committee (DNC).  The DNC was more than glad to change the rules to allow Bloomberg to jump into the middle of the pack in exchange for Bloomberg’s millions in last minute party contributions

As Joe Biden, the prior ‘chose one’ has faded, and continues to fade, the DNC-corporate moneybag wing of the party has clearly opted for Mike Bloomberg. And, at the same time, are intensifying their attacks on Sanders.

The Sanders vs. Bloomberg contest represents the fundamental contest in the primaries. The rest is overlay. That primary two-candidate contest will become even clearer after Super Tuesday primaries are concluded in early March. And by the end of March, the lesser candidates will have been effectively cleared from the field.

What all this represents is a collapse of the traditional Democratic party center, in favor of the two ‘outliers’ (Sanders & Bloomberg).  The ‘outlier effect’ in turn reflects the fact that voters have little confidence in the leaderships’ various centrist choices to date—i.e. Biden, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, etc. The voters have lost confidence in the leadership’s political proposals and programs—i.e. the policies that have been pushed and promoted by the corporate wing for the past three decades since the late 1980s, when the corporate wing rallied around the faction called the Democratic Leadership Caucus (DLC) and took over the party and its policies.

Those policies pushed free trade treaties, allowed Reagan-George W. Bush multi-trillion dollar corporate-investor tax cuts to continue, bailed out bankers but not Main St. after 2009, refused to restore Union rights in organizing and bargaining, offered token minimalist market solutions to the healthcare crisis, allowed the government to rip off students by imposing interest rates on student loans even higher than private lenders, allowed pensions and retirement security to collapse, provided a tepid response to police brutality, failed to stop widespread Republican gerrymandering and voter suppression at the states level that’s given Trump and the radical right a near ‘lock-hold’ on the so-called red states in national elections. That’s just a short list.

Voters sense that these neoliberal policies of the mainstream Democrat party leadership have not, and cannot, reverse or resolve the growing economic—and now political—crises now deepening within the core of America.

The ‘Get Sanders’ Party Leadership Response 

As the party leaders’ former favorite, Joe Biden, fades at the polls and in the primaries, party campaign operatives—both former and current—are now being unleashed by party leaders to go after Sanders with gusto.

Meanwhile, across the country, more local party officials (mayors, party brokers, state legislators, governors, i.e. those folks comprising the majority of the so-called Special Delegates to the Democrat Party Convention) are busy increasingly endorsing publicly Bloomberg.

The ‘Get Sanders’ crowd includes some of the big names of the corporate wing of the party:

There’s Obama, who is already allowing his image and statements to be used by Bloomberg in his political ads (now totaling more than $450 million as of mid-February 2020). Expect Obama to come out more directly against Sanders soon, likely right after Super Tuesday or even before. There’s the Clintonites, from Hillary to hack hatched man, James Carville, former key campaign advisor to Bill, whose anti-Sanders slander is also rising.  (Watch Bill to stumble along in Hillary’s wake as well, once Obama comes out publicly directly opposing Sanders in the next few weeks).

Then there’s the analogue to Fox News on the Trump-Republican right—the TV news channel MSNBC (sometimes called MSDNC)—that has been escalating its anti-Sanders commentary. Its star talk show host, Chris Mathews, recently declared Sanders’ win in the Nevada Caucus is similar to the Nazi conquest of France in 1940.  The Mathews remark has released a flood of criticism from not only the Sanders organization, but the middle ranks of the party and independents as well, who point out that Sanders’ family members were actually murdered in the Nazi holocaust.

On the print news side, not to be forgotten, is the New York Times’ editorial page that is filled almost daily now with anti-Sanders’ screeds by writers Douthout, Leonhardt, Krugman and others.

Mathews, Hillary, Carville, the NY Times’ mouthpieces, and a growing crescendo of other Sanders slanderers together represent the forward scouting parties being sent under cover across the ‘political Rubicon’ early, in order to lay the land mines designed to implode rational public opinion and discussion of Sanders’ programs and proposals. They’re there, behind the lines, to prepare the main assault by the Democratic Party moneybags and leaders, as they deliberate when and where to best cross the river in force.

A new anti-Sanders theme launched this past week was the statement by the US intelligence bureaucracy that the Russians new prime target is to support Sanders. Russian interference in the 2020 elections thus will focus on Sanders. Somehow, the media spin goes, that’s supposed to help Trump get elected.  The argument being that Sanders will be the easiest candidate for Trump to defeat. But it’s an argument that fails to acknowledge that in various national polls, Sanders leads Trump by 49% to 45%, while all other Democrat candidates are either tied with Trump or losing to Trump!

Most important here, the ‘Russia favors Sanders’ slander is backed by no evidence whatsoever from US intelligence sources.  It’s just a leaked opinion by some bureaucrat, picked up by the party’s big media friends and thrown out there for the electorate to chew on.  When asked what’s the proof, the advocates simply hide behind the cover of ‘can’t tell you, it’s classified information’.

In the week(s) ahead, a flood of further fear-mongering ‘Sanders slanders’ are certainly to appear from the party’s Clinton-Obama hacks and their ‘in-house’ media sources like MSNBC. We’ll hear ad nauseam themes like “Sanders can’t defeat Trump”. “Sanders will result in losses ‘down ballot’” (i.e. Congress Reps & Senators). “Sanders has always been a friend of Russia and Putin”.  “Sanders is not really a Democrat”. “Sanders can’t attract the needed moderate Republicans and Independents in swing states”. And let’s not forget the even more direct charge, voiced by Bloomberg in the last debate, that “He’s a Commie”.  Fox News will no doubt stretch that one to the limit and beyond.

The Pre-Nevada TV Debate

Last week’s TV debates showed clearly the limits of Bloomberg as candidate. Warren and Biden know well that Bloomberg is there to steal their support. Warren’s scathing critique of Bloomberg in the pre-Nevada caucus TV debate, exposed him as a Trump retread. Like Trump, Bloomberg carries similar baggage of non-disclosure agreements involving abused women, refusal to release his tax returns, his stop & frisk unconstitutional policing in New York while mayor, and Bloomberg’s public statement and belief that the end of ‘red-lining’ in housing was the cause of the 2008-09 housing crash (yes, he said that!).

Bloomberg’s only message in the debate was only he could defeat Trump. Really? Polls show he performs worst against Trump than almost all the other candidates.  Meanwhile, as Warren went after Bloomberg in the debate, Buttigieg and Klobuchar engaged in an on-stage ‘food fight’ over who failed more to deliver results for their constituents. Not to be outdone, Biden on occasion awoke briefly from his deep political sleep, only to fall into a political coma onstage again.

The Meaning of the Nevada Caucus Results

According to the latest count, Sanders won 47% or more of the popular vote. Biden only 21%. Thus sleepy Joe’s much heralded ‘wall’ of union and Latino support in Nevada was breached and shattered by Sanders.  Despite Sanders’ overwhelming win, however, it is reported that he will receive only 9 of the potential 36 Nevada caucus delegates—i.e. another indicator how the caucus and primary rules have been rigged against him. While winning the popular vote in all three of the contests thus far in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada—a feat never before accomplished by any candidate in a Democratic party primary season—Sanders still has accumulated only 30 votes (+ the 9?), while Buttigieg reportedly has been awarded 27.

The Nevada caucus shows the under 35 youth vote—both union and minority—are moving to Sanders.   Biden’s campaign is now on life support. If he doesn’t win big by a wide margin in the next primary in South Carolina next weekend, he is campaign toast.  If the same dynamic occurs as did in Nevada, with the youth minority vote going to Sanders, then Biden’s ‘wall of black support’ will crash just as his union-Latino wall did in Nevada.

The South Carolina Primary

The Democrat voter base is 60% black in South Carolina.  Polls show Biden with only 27% black support to Sanders’ 23%. Biden can’t afford to win that narrowly. If he does, his money support—already dwindling—will collapse just as the Super Tuesday primaries begin. He must win big over Sanders in South Carolina or else his days in the primaries are numbered. But if Bernie has 23% support now and momentum, it’s clear he’s going to peel off much of the under-35 black vote in the South Carolina primary next weekend.

A second place by Sanders in North Carolina will be viewed as another big victory for him; a weak first place by Biden will be viewed as the last nail in his primary campaign coffin.

What the Democrat party leadership and their candidates don’t understand is the dynamics of movement politics.  Sanders has a movement behind him, focused around the youth, and increasingly minority, voter surge toward Sanders. Sanders’ support remains solid in the 35% or more range, steadily growing.  Bloomberg is siphoning off the support of the other candidates, not Sanders’. Warren and others know this. Thus her, and their, targeting Bloomberg in the last debate. What irks Elizabeth and the other candidates most, however, is that Bloomberg is buying his way into their base.

In some ways, the Sanders movement is beginning to show signs not unlike the Obama surge in 2008. There are also elements of similarity to Trump’s 2016 movement and campaign. But  Democrat Party leaders don’t understand the movement dynamic going on today in their own party—any more than they understood the movement dynamic that brought Trump to the top of the Republican ticket in 2016. They failed to predict Trump’s win; they’re failing to predict Sanders’.

The Super Tuesday (March 3) Primaries

The 15 state primaries to be held next week will reveal the fundamental contest behind the cacophony of the multiple candidates’ campaigns. That contest is between the money interests and leadership of the Democrat Party vs. the bottom-up surge demanding change and the re-direction of the party away from the neoliberal policies and those money interests dominating the party that has been the case at least since the early 1990s.

No less than 37% of all the party’s Milwaukee convention’s 1,991 delegates will be determined by Super Tuesday, a week from now. By the end of March, it will be 60%. That’s not counting, of course, the more than 500 Special Delegates the party leadership is holding in its back pocket. They will be released on the second ballot at the convention by the party leadership, in order to ensure their choice nominee gets the party’s presidential nod at the convention. And their choice is Bloomberg, not Sanders.

The party leadership’s prime strategic goal now is to stop Sanders. Their boy Biden can’t do it. So they’ve brought Bloomberg in from the wings (after reportedly taking a $50 million contribution from him to their general campaign fund). The other candidates are being kept in the race in order to split the votes in the primaries, to prevent Sanders from getting a clear majority on the first ballot at the convention. After that, the leadership will release the ‘kraken’ of the 500 Special Delegates to vote for their own billionaire in the presidential race, Bloomberg.

The Consequences of the Democrat Leadership’s Current Strategy

The leadership-corporate wing clearly believes they can win the November election even if they scuttle Sanders once again and prevent him from getting the nomination. One can almost hear them talking in the backrooms and cloakrooms at the primary city hotels: “We only lost in 2016 by 70 electoral votes in 3 swing states. We can take those states (Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin) in 2020 even without Bernie. The minorities have nowhere else to go. The Union top leaders are with us. Middle class white women hate Trump, especially in the swing state suburbs and exurbs. We’ll put a woman or a minority on the ticket as VP. That’ll keep the youth and progressives in tow. We’ll adopt Sanders’ programs in our campaign speeches, then drop them after the election. We can win without Sanders on the ticket!”.

But they are wrong. Sanders’ voters will largely abstain. Being prevented from the nomination twice, in 2016 and now 2020, they will mostly not vote. Trump will eat Bloomberg alive in the presidential debates. And the Democrats will lose in November with Bloomberg…once again. They will prove they are strategically inept and tactically incapable once again.

What the party’s leadership will accomplish should they scuttle Sanders in 2020, however, is to set in motion a process leading to the creation of a bona-fide third party. This time rising from a real grass roots movement base, not via some top-down declaration by left intellectuals or some ambitious politician. This time the real thing.

Should it lose in November, the Democrat Party leadership will be painted as having re-elected Trump by having maneuvered in Bloomberg and pushed out Sanders. Even if they win with Bloomberg in November, given the deep economic crisis that will erupt immediately after the election (if not sooner), they will once again propose Obama-like neoliberal policies that won’t resolve that crisis any better for Main St. in 2021 than had Obama in 2009. And unlike Obama in 2012, they won’t be given a second chance.

Should that joint political-economic crisis scenario emerge post-November 2020, what remains of the Democrat party will implode.  US politics in 2024 will thereafter be on a totally new plane.


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Dr. Rasmus is author of the just published book, ‘The Scourge of Neoliberalism: US Economic Policy from Reagan to Trump’, Clarity Press, January 2020.  He blogs at His website is and twitter handle @drjackrasmus.

This article was originally published in 2019.

For most people, toilet paper only becomes an issue when it unexpectedly runs out. Otherwise, it’s cheap and it’s convenient, something we don’t need to think twice about. But toilet paper’s ubiquity and low sticker price belie a much, much higher cost: it is taking a dramatic and irreversible toll on the Canadian boreal forest, and our global climate. As a new report from NRDC and outlines, when you flush that toilet paper, chances are you are flushing away part of a majestic, old-growth tree ripped from the ground, and destined for the drain. This is why NRDC is calling on Procter & Gamble, the manufacturer of Charmin, to end this wasteful and destructive practice by changing the way it makes its toilet paper through solutions that other companies have already embraced.

The Canadian boreal forest is the largest intact forest in the world, holding immense value for Indigenous Peoples, species, and the climate. It is home to over 600 Indigenous communities whose cultures have remained inextricably linked to the forest for millennia, and is habitat for iconic species like the boreal caribou, Canada lynx, and American marten. In addition, the forest is critical in the fight against climate change, storing the carbon equivalent of nearly twice the world’s recoverable oil reserves in its soil.

The boreal forest

Yet, this forest is under severe threat from industrial logging operations that push further into intact boreal forests each day. Between 1996 and 2015, more than 28 million acres of boreal forest were logged, an area roughly the size of Ohio. Each year, boreal logging emits hundreds of millions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere, dramatically accelerating the pace of climate change.

Much of this logging goes to feed global demand for tissue pulp–especially in the United States. The Canadian boreal is a major source of northern bleached softwood kraft (NBSK) pulp, the U.S.’s most favored grade of virgin softwood pulp for tissue products. The United States is a particularly voracious consumer of tissue. Over the last 150 years, since toilet paper was first invented, Americans have developed an insatiable demand for these coiled white rolls. The average four-person household in the U.S. uses over 100 pounds of toilet paper a year, far outpacing the rest of the world and driving a dangerous “tree-to-toilet pipeline” whereby trees are converted into pulp, turned into toilet paper, and flushed away.

Fortunately, alternatives to the “tree-to-toilet” pipeline already exist. Tissue products made from recycled materials are far more sustainable because they do not rely on clearcutting forests and they emit one-third the greenhouse gases as tissue products made from virgin fiber.

NRDC and have developed the scorecard below to inform consumers of which brands lead on sustainability, and which lag behind. Companies like Seventh Generation and Natural Value have brands that perform well because they use a high percentage of recycled material. The biggest tissue producers—Procter & Gamble, Kimberly-Clark, and Georgia-Pacific—perform poorly because their brands like Charmin contain zero recycled content, irresponsibly relying exclusively on virgin pulp even as threats to our forests mount.

The scorecard looks at factors like the products’ percentage of recycled content, whether the bleach used minimizes toxins, and whether, if the tissue is made from virgin forest fiber, it is sourced from Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)-certified forests.

Consumers have power in their pocketbooks and can make a big difference through their toilet paper purchasing decisions. By following this scorecard, you can minimize the environmental toll your everyday toilet paper use is having on the planet. In addition, you can urge Procter & Gamble, which produces Charmin, to transition to a more responsible alternative by embracing tissue made from recycled content and sustainable alternative fibers for their at-home toilet paper.

Now, more than ever, we need to protect our remaining forests. Given toilet paper’s extreme cost to Indigenous Peoples, the global climate, species, and forests like the boreal, tissue companies need to act as global citizens and usher the world into a more sustainable, sensible paradigm that does not rely on trees for creating their products. Just as we need to abandon coal, plastic straws, and other devastating practices, the tree-to-toilet pipeline must end. For the good of communities, species, and the climate, we cannot afford to keep flushing our vital forest ecosystems away.


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Jennifer Skene is an Environmental Law Fellow, International Program

Shelley Vinyard is a Boreal Corporate Campaign Manager

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Libya’s recent request for the US to open up a base in the North African country under the pretext of supposedly fighting terrorism, countering organized crime, and “containing” Russia reveals just how desperate the Turkish-backed government has become since it hopes that the anticipated American military presence there would accomplish what Turkey’s ongoing intervention has thus far failed to do, namely getting General Haftar to halt his campaign against the capital and thus facilitate a political solution to the country’s long-running conflict.

Details are scarce about the overall impact that Turkey’s ongoing military intervention in Libya has had on altering the course of the country’s long-running conflict, but judging by the UN-recognized “Government of National Accord’s” (GNA) recent request for the US to open up a base there under the pretext of supposedly fighting terrorism, countering organized crime, and “containing” Russia, , it thus far hasn’t succeeded in its original goal of getting General Haftar to halt his campaign against the capital and consequently facilitate a political solution to the war. RT reported that the GNA’s Interior Minister told Bloomberg that

“If the US asks for a base, as the Libyan government we wouldn’t mind – for fighting terrorism, organized crime and keeping foreign countries that intervene at a distance. An American base would lead to stability…The redeployment is not clear to us… But we hope that the redeployment includes Libya so it doesn’t leave space that Russia can exploit.” His remarks were made in response to the US’ plans to redeploy some of its African-based forces to other theaters in order to more effectively confront Russia and China, which evidently made the GNA fear that they’re at risk of losing American support unless they can convince the Pentagon to perceive the country through its new strategic prism of “Great Power competition”.

There are several arguments for and against the possible establishment of a US base in Libya. On the one hand, this move would indeed correspond with the Pentagon’s policy of “Great Power competition”, and it could definitely get General Haftar to reconsider the wisdom of continuing his campaign against his country’s capital if he thought that there was a credible chance that Americans might be injured or worse as “collateral damage”. His GCC+ patrons wouldn’t want to risk being blamed for providing his forces with weapons and other forms of assistance in the event that such a scenario transpires, which could in turn compel them to demand that he backs off and returns to the negotiating table. On the other hand, however, the American public is extremely sensitive to anything having to do with Libya after the Benghazi incident, so it probably wouldn’t be popular during the heated election season if Trump decided to go forward with that move. In addition, the President has made a point over the past few years of emphasizing that it isn’t his country’s responsibility to protect the EU all on its own, which it would essentially be doing by undertaking that course of action. Finally, the threat of “mission creep” is much too great to be ignored and could see the US dragged into playing a more direct role in the conflict.

For these reasons, it’s unlikely that the US will open up a base in Libya, at least during the ongoing election season, though that doesn’t mean that it won’t possibly deploy its special forces there to assist the GNA. Should it deepen its involvement in the war, then this would by default serve to advance Turkey’s strategic interests since America would be compensating for what the former has thus far failed to do in deterring General Haftar. Evidently, Turkey’s intervention there has had the opposite of its intended effect since it only inspired more resistance to the GNA. Ankara is also very wary of “mission creep”, hence why it wants to “share the burden” for supporting the UN-recognized government with other interested stakeholders such as the US. Considering the paramount influence that Turkey wields over the GNA, it wouldn’t be inconceivable that it might have “encouraged” its partners to make their controversial base request in the first place. Portraying it as an anti-Russian move in line with the Pentagon’s “Great Power competition” policy is a clever marketing tactic designed to increase its appeal among key members of the “deep state”, but it’s also counterproductive from the standpoint of public opinion since Americans as a whole aren’t interested in their leaders risking the lives of their troops for the vague goal of “containing” Russia in one of the world’s most war-torn countries.

It would be a scandal of epic proportions if Americans were killed in Libya by General Haftar’s forces, especially if it was alleged that Russian “mercenaries” and/or Russian-provided military equipment was responsible. Trump would have no choice but to react in his country’s characteristically “overwhelming” way, though that would dangerously risk escalating the already tense situation between the two nuclear-armed Great Powers, but backing down also wouldn’t be an option given the heated electoral context at home. Considering this, it can be concluded that it’s against Trump’s personal political interests and arguably the US’ national ones to open up a base in Libya while the civil war is still raging, though this controversial move would definitely work out to the benefit of the GNA, its Turkish patron, and the anti-Russian members of the American “deep state”. The US could potentially change the entire dynamics of the conflict through the possible deployment of its forces to Libya, but it would thenceforth have to take responsibility for a very weak and fragmented government that’s extremely unpopular outside of the capital, thus making this a costly exercise in “nation-building” of the sort that dramatically failed in Afghanistan and Iraq. Cynically speaking, it would be much easier for the US to just let General Haftar win and then simply re-recruit him as an American ally afterwards.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from OneWorld

Trump’s Betrayal of Julian Assange

February 25th, 2020 by Rep. Ron Paul

One thing we’ve learned from the Trump Presidency is that the “deep state” is not just some crazy conspiracy theory. For the past three years we’ve seen that deep state launch plot after plot to overturn the election.

It all started with former CIA director John Brennan’s phony “Intelligence Assessment” of Russian involvement in the 2016 election. It was claimed that all 17 US intelligence agencies agreed that Putin put Trump in office, but we found out later that the report was cooked up by a handful of Brennan’s hand-picked agents.

Donald Trump upset the Washington apple cart as presidential candidate and in so doing he set elements of the deep state in motion against him.

One of the things candidate Donald Trump did to paint a deep state target on his back was his repeated praise of Wikileaks, the pro-transparency media organization headed up by Australian journalist Julian Assange. More than 100 times candidate Trump said “I love Wikileaks” on the campaign trail.

Trump loved it when Wikileaks exposed the criminality of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, as it cheated to deprive Bernie Sanders of the Democratic Party nomination. Wikileaks’ release of the DNC emails exposed the deep corruption at the heart of US politics, and as a candidate Trump loved the transparency.

Then Trump got elected.

The real tragedy of the Trump presidency is nowhere better demonstrated than in Trump’s 180 degree turn away from Wikileaks and its founder Julian Assange.

“I know nothing about Wikileaks,” he said as president. “It’s really not my thing.”

US pressure and bribes to the Ecuadorian government ended Assange’s asylum and his seven years in a room at the Ecuadorian embassy in London. After his dramatic arrest by London’s Metropolitan Police last April, he has been effectively tortured in British jails at the behest of the US deep state.

Today, Monday the 24th of February, Assange faces an extradition hearing in a UK courthouse. The Trump Administration – led by a man who praised Assange’s work – seeks a show trial of Assange worthy of the worst of the Soviet era. The US is seeking a 175 year prison sentence.The Trump Administration argues that the Australian Assange should be tried and convicted of espionage against a country of which he is not a citizen. At the same time the Trump Administration argues that the First Amendment does not apply to Assange because he is not an American citizen! So Assange is subject to US law when it comes to publishing information embarrassing to the US deep state but he is not subject to the law of the land – the US Constitution – which protects all journalists and is the backbone of our system of government.

It is ironic that a President Trump who has been victim of so much deep state meddling has done the deep state’s bidding when it comes to Assange and Wikileaks. President Trump should preempt the inevitable US show trial of Assange by granting the journalist blanket pardon under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.The deep state Trump is serving by persecuting Assange is the same deep state that continues to plot Trump’s own ouster. Free Assange!


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Selected Articles: Assange’s Extradition Hearing

February 25th, 2020 by Global Research News

Your Man in the Public Gallery – Assange Hearing Day One

By Craig Murray, February 25, 2020

Woolwich Crown Court, which hosts Belmarsh Magistrates Court, is built on totally the opposite principle. It is designed with no other purpose than to exclude the public. Attached to a prison on a windswept marsh far from any normal social centre, an island accessible only through navigating a maze of dual carriageways, the entire location and architecture of the building is predicated on preventing public access. It is surrounded by a continuation of the same extremely heavy duty steel paling barrier that surrounds the prison. It is the most extraordinary thing, a courthouse which is a part of the prison system itself, a place where you are already considered guilty and in jail on arrival.

Revealed: Chief Magistrate Lady Arbuthnot in Assange Case Received Financial Benefits from Secretive Partner Organisations of UK Foreign Office

By Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis, February 25, 2020

It can further be revealed that Lady Emma Arbuthnot was appointed Chief Magistrate in Westminster on the advice of a Conservative government minister with whom she had attended a secretive meeting organised by one of these Foreign Office partner organisations two years before.

Liz Truss, then Justice Secretary, “advised” the Queen to appoint Lady Arbuthnot in October 2016. Two years before, Truss — who is now Trade Secretary — and Lady Arbuthnot both attended an off-the-record two-day meeting in Bilbao, Spain.

Assange’s Extradition Hearing Begins: Truth-Telling Journalism on Trial

By Stephen Lendman, February 25, 2020

What’s going on affects all truth-telling journalists. We’re all Julian Assange on trial. His fate is ours. Who’s next on the US/UK hit list to silence?

In an Orwellian age, speech, media and academic freedoms are threatened on the phony pretext of protecting national security — at a time when alleged threats are invented, not real.

Censorship in the West already is the new normal. Extraditing Assange to the US for kangaroo court proceedings to convict is all about criminalizing journalism its ruling regime finds objectionable — the hallmark of totalitarian rule.

Julian Assange and the Imperium’s Face: Day One of the Extradition Hearings

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 25, 2020

If we are to believe it, Julian Assange of WikiLeaks, the man behind showing the ugliness of power, is the one responsible for having abused it.  It is a running theme in the US case against this Australian publisher, who has been given the coating of common criminality hiding the obvious point: that the mission is to make journalism on official secrets, notably those covering atrocity and abuse, a crime.

Defend Journalist Julian Assange from Extradition to the United States

By Dr. Leon Tressell, February 21, 2020

On Wednesday Wikileaks editor Julian Assange appeared at a Westminster court for his final case management hearing before his extradition hearing which begins on 24 February.

The U.S. government will present its case arguing for Assange’s extradition to face 17 charges under the Espionage Act and one charge of computer crime which could carry a sentence, if convicted, of 175 years.

Did Trump Offer Assange A ‘Quid Pro Quo’ regarding “Russiagate” and the DNC Troves?

By Johanna Ross, February 21, 2020

A revelation in Westminster Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday sent shockwaves through the mainstream media. It is being widely publicised that in 2017 US President Donald Trump offered Julian Assange a pardon if he was to declare that Russia had not been the source of the DNC hack, which had exposed emails discrediting then presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton. A lawyer representing Mr Assange, the former Wikileaks editor who faces extradition to the United States, put forward evidence that former US congressman Dana Rohrabacher had visited him in the Ecuadorian embassy in 2017, in the early days of Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged Russian interference in the US election.

Extradition of Assange Would Set a Dangerous Precedent

By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, February 19, 2020

The Trump administration is seeking extradition of WikiLeaks founderJulian Assange to the United States for trial on charges carrying 175 years in prison. On February 24, a court in the U.K. will hold a hearing to determine whether to grant Trump’s request. The treaty between the U.S. and the U.K. prohibits extradition for a “political offense.” Assange was indicted for exposing U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. That is a classic political offense. Moreover, Assange’s extradition would violate the legal prohibition against sending a person to a country where he is in danger of being tortured.

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Another presidential election year is upon us, and the intelligence agencies are hard at work stoking fears of Russian meddling. This time it looks like the Russians do not only like the incumbent president but also favor who appears to be the Democratic front-runner, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.

On Thursday, The New York Times ran a story titled, “Lawmakers Are Warned That Russia Is Meddling to Re-elect Trump.” The story says that on February 13th US lawmakers from the House were briefed by intelligence officials who warned them, “Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected.”

The story provides little detail into the briefing and gives no evidence to back up the intelligence officials’ claims. It mostly rehashes old claims from the 2016 election, such as Russians are trying to “stir controversy” and “stoke division.” The intelligence officials also said the Russians are looking to interfere with the 2020 Democratic primaries.

It looks like other intelligence officials are already undermining the leaked briefing. CNN ran a story on Sunday titled “US intelligence briefer appears to have overstated assessment of 2020 Russian interference.” The CNN article reads, “The US intelligence community has assessed that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election and has separately assessed that Russia views Trump as a leader they can work with. But the US does not have evidence that Russia’s interference this cycle is aimed at re-electing Trump, the officials said.”

According to The Times, President Trump was upset with acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire for letting the briefing happen, and Republican lawmakers did not agree with the conclusion since Trump has been “tough” on Russia. In his three years in office, Trump certainly has been tough on Russia, and it is hard to believe that Putin would work to reelect such a Russia hawk.

Under Trump, NATO has strengthened and held its largest war games since the cold war. The Trump administration withdrew from the Reagan-era nuclear arms treaty, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), an arms control agreement that prohibited Russia and the US from developing medium-range nuclear and ballistic missiles. Shortly after tearing up the treaty, the Pentagon began developing and testing missiles that were banned under the INF.

The Trump Administration might let another nuclear arms treaty lapse. The New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) limits the number of nuclear warheads that Russia and the US can have deployed. The US does not want to re-sign the treaty and is using the excuse that it wants to include China in the deal. China’s nuclear arsenal is estimated to be around 300 warheads, which is just one-fifth of the amount that Russia and the US are allowed to have deployed under the New START. It makes no sense for China to limit its deployment of nuclear warheads when its arsenal is nothing compared to the other two superpowers. China appears to be a scapegoat for the US to blame if the treaty does not get renewed. Without the New START, there will be nothing limiting the number of nukes the US and Russia can deploy, making the world a much more dangerous place.

Despite all the drama over military aid to Ukraine, Trump never actually delayed it, and the new National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) includes $300 million in lethal aid to Ukraine, $50 million more than the previous year. The NDAA also calls for mandatory sanctions against any companies working on completing the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, a natural gas pipeline that connects Russia and Germany. Of all Trump’s hawkish policies, his effort to kill the Nord Stream 2 and the pressure he puts on Germany not to buy gas from Russia can do the most damage to Russia’s economy.

The policies listed above are just a few examples of Trump’s hostility towards Russia. Others include attempting to overthrow Russia’s ally in Venezuela, maintaining a troop presence in Syria to “secure the oil,” sanctioning Russian officials and businessman, and much more.

Despite all these provocations towards Russia, Trump is still accused of being a “puppet” of Vladimir Putin. No matter how much the president moves the US closer to direct confrontation with Russia, the talking heads and pundits of the mainstream media take superficial examples – like the 2018 Helsinki conference – as proof of Trump’s loyalty to Putin. Trump’s words are put under a microscope, while his policies that make nuclear war more possible are largely ignored.

The leaked briefing harkens back to an intelligence assessment that came out in January 2017 during the last days of the Obama administration. The assessment concluded that Vladimir Putin himself ordered the election interference to help Trump get elected. At first, a falsehood spread through the media that all 17 US intelligence agencies agreed with the conclusion. But later testimony from Obama-era intelligence officials revealed the assessment was prepared by hand-picked analysts from the CIA, FBI, and NSA. The assessment offered no evidence for the claim and mostly focused on media coverage of the presidential candidates on Russian state-funded media.

On Friday, The Washington Post piled on to the Russia hysteria and ran a story titled “Bernie Sanders briefed by US officials that Russia is trying to help his campaign.” The story says Sanders received a briefing on Russian efforts to boost his campaign. The details are again scant and The Post admits that “It is not clear what form that Russian assistance has taken.”

The few progressive journalists that have been right on Russiagate all along had the foresight to see how accusations of Russian meddling would ultimately be used to hurt Sanders’ campaign. Unfortunately, Sanders did not have that same foresight and frequently played into the Russiagate narrative.

Last week, during a Democratic primary debate in Las Vegas, when criticized for his supporters’ behavior on social media, Sanders pointed the finger at Russia. “All of us remember 2016, and what we remember is efforts by Russians and others to try to interfere in our elections and divide us up. I’m not saying that’s happening, but it would not shock me,” Sanders said.

In comments after The Post story was published, Sanders said he was briefed on Russian interference “about a month ago.” Sanders raised the issue with the timing of the story, having been published on the eve of the Nevada caucus. But the story did not slow down Sanders’ momentum in the polls, and he came out the clear victor of the Nevada caucus. Sanders’ victory seemed to rattle the Democratic establishment, and some wild accusations were thrown around during coverage of the caucus.

Political analyst James Carville appeared on MSNBC as Sanders took an early and substantial lead in Nevada. Carville said, “Right now, it’s about 1:15 Moscow time. This thing is going very well for Vladimir Putin. I promise you. He’s probably staying up watching this right now.” What could be played off as a joke was followed up with some serious accusations from Carville, “I don’t think the Sanders campaign in any way is collusion or collaboration. I think they don’t like this story, but the story is a fact, and the reason that the story is a fact is Putin is doing everything that he can to help Trump, including trying to get Sanders the Democratic nomination.”

This delusional attitude about the Russians rigging the Democratic primary is underpinned by claims of meddling from the 2016 election. Central to Robert Mueller’s claim that Russia engaged in “multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election” is the St. Petersburg based company, the Internet Research Agency (IRA).

The IRA is accused of running a troll farm that sought to interfere in the 2016 election in favor of Trump over Hillary Clinton. Mueller failed to tie the IRA directly to the Kremlin, and further research into their social media campaign shows most of the posts had nothing to do with the election. A study on the IRA by the firm New Knowledge found just “11 percent” of the IRA’s content “was related to the election.”

Many believe the Russian government is responsible for hacking the DNC email server and providing the emails to WikiLeaks. But there are many holes in Mueller’s story to support this claim. And WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange – who Mueller did not interview – has said the Russian government was not the source of the emails.

Regardless of who leaked the DNC emails to WikiLeaks, they show that DNC leadership had a clear bias against Bernie Sanders back in 2016. The emails’ contents were never disputed, and Democratic voters had every right to see the corruption within the DNC. With the release of the DNC emails, and later the Podesta emails, the American people were able to make a more informed choice in the presidential election. This type of transparency provided by WikiLeaks would be celebrated in a healthy democracy, not portrayed as the work of a foreign power.

Sanders would be wise to keep a watchful eye on how the DNC operates over the next few months. The debacle that was the Iowa caucus shows the Democrats can “stoke division” and “stir controversy” just fine on their own.

These claims of Russian meddling will continue throughout the election season. President Trump’s defense that he is “tough” on Russia is nothing to be proud of, but that is inevitably where these accusations lead. Trump is encouraged to be more hawkish towards Russia in an effort to quiet the claims of Putin’s preference for him. And if Bernie Sanders plays into this narrative now, can we believe that he will make any real foreign policy change towards Russia if he gets the nomination and beats Trump?


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Dave DeCamp is assistant editor at and a freelance journalist based in Brooklyn NY, focusing on US foreign policy and wars. He is on Twitter at @decampdave.

Tomorrow in the UK a judge will start the process of answering a very important question. It’s a question that many of us knew was the heart of this debate back in 2010, ten years ago, when this all started. It’s a question that they have been obfuscating, bloviating, huffily denying, smearing, gaslighting, and distracting from–basically doing anything they can to hide it from view.

It’s a question that they don’t want the public to know that we are answering. A question that goes to the heart of democracy, and to the heart of the role of the fourth estate, journalism. And that question is this:

Should journalists and publishers be punished for exposing US war crimes?

And, ancillary to that question: should we allow them to be punished by the very people who committed those war crimes?

Is that something that we want for our world, ongoing? Because our answer to this question is going to shape our society, our civilization, for generations to come.

There is no coming back from this for a very long time should the answer be, “Yes! Yes, it’s fine, war criminals should go ahead and punish journalists for publishing true facts about their war crimes.”

If we allow the answer to be yes, then we’re stuck with the endless stupid wars that everyone wants done with, from Melbourne to Kabul, from Sydney to Syria–right across the world people are done with these stupid wars for profit.

Even the people like us who are very insulated from the effects of war want them over with, let alone the children of Pakistan who fear a sunny day because drones only fly in a blue sky, or the children of Syria whose country is being terrorized by “moderate rebels” armed and funded by the US war machine, or the starving children of Yemen who are being bombed constantly by munitions made in the good ol’ U S of A.

No one wants war except those who make big bucks from it. It’s the most evil thing that humans are capable of. It is murder. It is theft. It is rape. It targets and traumatizes and displaces our planet’s most vulnerable populations. It destroys the environment. It leaves behind cancer-causing waste.

It’s like as if the worst serial killer is going on the worst killing spree while dumping planet-killing chemicals behind him, but instead of running from the cops, he’s been given a trillion-dollar budget and immunity from prosecution.

This is already happening. This is the world we have currently. The question that is being posed in Assange’s case is, should we be allowed to question this? Should we be allowed to expose it? Should we be allowed to stop it?

Julian Assange’s case is a nexus point of where to next.

I was thinking on the way over here what I would most like to say to Julian if I had the chance. If I could tell him anything right now it would be, “Rest now, mate. You’ve done all you can. We’ve got you. Let us take it from here.” Assange acted as a kind of lightning rod for all this bullshit for all those years, and through what they did to him, we saw their true face. We saw their true evil. We know what they are now, and we know how they do it, we’ve seen enough to know how they operate. And in the end it’s never about one man, it’s always about the movement. It’s our job now to stand up now and say as one “We do not consent”, and carry him out of there ourselves if we have to.

This is where we’re at. We need to decide, do we evolve, or devolve? Do we pivot towards utopia, or dystopia?

The persecution of Assange is so blatantly, obviously wrong that the only thing stopping people from seeing it is empire propaganda. You don’t have to be well-read. You don’t even have to be smart. You just have to have to have eyes that are unfiltered by narrative manipulation.

Anyone with common sense and a beating heart in their chest can see this is wrong. Should journalists be tortured and imprisoned for life when they expose war crimes? The answer is not complicated. It’s obvious to anyone who hasn’t been propagandized out of their own clarity.

Assange’s plight only looks complicated when you add on layers of narrative and verbiage. “Ah but Sweden stinky, stink man, hacker not a journalist! Mueller sexist Trump poop on the walls, Nazi Putin!”

Without all the spin it’s very obvious he’s being torturously, unjustly persecuted. It really is an “emperor has no clothes” thing. The court propagandists fill our ears with fancy words about what a bad man Assange is, and why he must be dealt with, they’re trying to tell you that the emperor’s clothes are invisible to those aren’t educated.

But the unpropagandized just yell “Hey! Why is the emperor ass-dick naked? Dude, I can see him! I can see his willy! ”

This is why there are no counter protests here today. There are no regular, every day citizens taking to the streets with signs saying “Jail all the journalists! Endless war for all!” Some people still have strong feelings about Assange, but they’re just feelings, and you’ll find that it’s usually about only one or two of the smears, and if they turn and try to find evidence for the particular smears that have snagged them, they find nothing.

That’s why Nils Melzer, the UN’s Special Rapporteur on torture, is such a courageous figure to me. When people first approached him to look in to Assange’s case, he was reluctant because he too had been affected by the smears. When he turned to the evidence though, he found no substance there.

Because of his honorability, though, he felt through the embarrassment of being duped, and being wrong, he swallowed his pride and he changed course. And he very quickly became one of our most powerful allies in the fight to expose war crimes, expose propaganda, expose the modern-day mobbing and torture tactics used against Assange, and expose the precedent that Assange’s prosecution will set for journalists and publishers world wide.

And you know what? I think the power behind his testimony comes from the fact that he realized that he had been duped, and if he, a very intelligent, well read, worldly, informed and educated person could be duped, then anyone can be.

No one is immune. Human minds are hackable. We’re all very busy with our lives. We’re all kept busy by capitalism, and very few of us have the time to do what he did and sit down and take a look at the facts and assess them. And even if they did that, even fewer of them have had the courage of their convictions to put up with the social consequences of changing course.

Being manipulated isn’t immoral, being a manipulator is. People feel ashamed when they’ve been conned, but it’s not their fault; it’s always the fault of the con man. That’s why fraud is the crime, and being defrauded is being a victim of that crime.

In order for people to see this question that we’re asking ourselves–the question of whether journalists should be punished for exposing war crimes–clearly they have to admit that they have been victims of propaganda. It’s not their fault, but they will be embarrassed to admit it. This shame underpins a lot of reluctance to join us here today, so I think it’s important to outline.

So when you’re talking to your friends and family, keep in mind that they’re hurting. They’re afraid of feeling the shame of having been duped, because in our crazy, ass-backwards culture, being duped is considered shameful while duping people just makes you a productive member of society.

Be gentle with them. Reassure them that it’s not going to be the end of the world if they change their mind. In fact, it may be the end of the world if they don’t.

That’s why I find Nils Melzer’s testimony to be so powerful: because it exposes the abusive nature of propaganda, and he modeled how to act when we find ourselves on the wrong side of the debate. His very existence gives me hope because it means that there are others like him waking up all over the world.

Actually, I’ve seen it already myself. There’s a huge movement in Germany gaining traction supporting Assange. It was the prisoners of Belmarsh who organized three separate petitions and got Julian out of solitary (how’s that for grassroots activism?). Just on Friday Alan Jones posted a poll on Facebookthat posed the question “should the Australian government do more to help Julian Assange and bring him home?”. Thousands of people answered and there was a 75 percent “Yes! Yes we should bring him home.” Underneath the poll there were hundreds of comments in support of Assange.

So the tide is changing. Is it enough? I reckon it might be. But we have to keep pushing on it like our lives depend on it, because they do.

Viva Assange!

Thank you.


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Featured image is from Another Day in the Empire

Woolwich Crown Court is designed to impose the power of the state. Normal courts in this country are public buildings, deliberately placed by our ancestors right in the centre of towns, almost always just up a few steps from a main street. The major purpose of their positioning and of their architecture was to facilitate public access in the belief that it is vital that justice can be seen by the public.

Woolwich Crown Court, which hosts Belmarsh Magistrates Court, is built on totally the opposite principle. It is designed with no other purpose than to exclude the public. Attached to a prison on a windswept marsh far from any normal social centre, an island accessible only through navigating a maze of dual carriageways, the entire location and architecture of the building is predicated on preventing public access. It is surrounded by a continuation of the same extremely heavy duty steel paling barrier that surrounds the prison. It is the most extraordinary thing, a courthouse which is a part of the prison system itself, a place where you are already considered guilty and in jail on arrival. Woolwich Crown Court is nothing but the physical negation of the presumption of innocence, the very incarnation of injustice in unyielding steel, concrete and armoured glass. It has precisely the same relationship to the administration of justice as Guantanamo Bay or the Lubyanka. It is in truth just the sentencing wing of Belmarsh prison.

When enquiring about facilities for the public to attend the hearing, an Assange activist was told by a member of court staff that we should realise that Woolwich is a “counter-terrorism court”. That is true de facto, but in truth a “counter-terrorism court” is an institution unknown to the UK constitution. Indeed, if a single day at Woolwich Crown Court does not convince you the existence of liberal democracy is now a lie, then your mind must be very closed indeed.

Extradition hearings are not held at Belmarsh Magistrates Court inside Woolwich Crown Court. They are always held at Westminster Magistrates Court as the application is deemed to be delivered to the government at Westminster. Now get your head around this. This hearing is at Westminster Magistrates Court. It is being held by the Westminster magistrates and Westminster court staff, but located at Belmarsh Magistrates Court inside Woolwich Crown Court. All of which weird convolution is precisely so they can use the “counter-terrorist court” to limit public access and to impose the fear of the power of the state.

One consequence is that, in the courtroom itself, Julian Assange is confined at the back of the court behind a bulletproof glass screen. He made the point several times during proceedings that this makes it very difficult for him to see and hear the proceedings. The magistrate, Vanessa Baraitser, chose to interpret this with studied dishonesty as a problem caused by the very faint noise of demonstrators outside, as opposed to a problem caused by Assange being locked away from the court in a massive bulletproof glass box.

Image on the right: Lady Emma and Lord James Arbuthnot of Edrom at Buckingham Palace in May 2017 [Source: Instagram]

Now there is no reason at all for Assange to be in that box, designed to restrain extremely physically violent terrorists. He could sit, as a defendant at a hearing normally would, in the body of the court with his lawyers. But the cowardly and vicious Baraitser has refused repeated and persistent requests from the defence for Assange to be allowed to sit with his lawyers. Baraitser of course is but a puppet, being supervised by Chief Magistrate Lady Arbuthnot, a woman so enmeshed in the defence and security service establishment I can conceive of no way in which her involvement in this case could be more corrupt.

It does not matter to Baraitser or Arbuthnot if there is any genuine need for Assange to be incarcerated in a bulletproof box, or whether it stops him from following proceedings in court. Baraitser’s intention is to humiliate Assange, and to instill in the rest of us horror at the vast crushing power of the state. The inexorable strength of the sentencing wing of the nightmarish Belmarsh Prison must be maintained. If you are here, you are guilty.

It’s the Lubyanka. You may only be a remand prisoner. This may only be a hearing not a trial. You may have no history of violence and not be accused of any violence. You may have three of the country’s most eminent psychiatrists submitting reports of your history of severe clinical depression and warning of suicide. But I, Vanessa Baraitser, am still going to lock you up in a box designed for the most violent of terrorists. To show what we can do to dissidents. And if you can’t then follow court proceedings, all the better.

You will perhaps better accept what I say about the Court when I tell you that, for a hearing being followed all round the world, they have brought it to a courtroom which had a total number of sixteen seats available to members of the public. 16. To make sure I got one of those 16 and could be your man in the gallery, I was outside that great locked iron fence queuing in the cold, wet and wind from 6am. At 8am the gate was unlocked, and I was able to walk inside the fence to another queue before the doors of the courtroom, where despite the fact notices clearly state the court opens to the public at 8am, I had to queue outside the building again for another hour and forty minutes. Then I was processed through armoured airlock doors, through airport type security, and had to queue behind two further locked doors, before finally getting to my seat just as the court started at 10am. By which stage the intention was we should have been thoroughly cowed and intimidated, not to mention drenched and potentially hypothermic.

There was a separate media entrance and a media room with live transmission from the courtroom, and there were so many scores of media I thought I could relax and not worry as the basic facts would be widely reported. In fact, I could not have been more wrong. I followed the arguments very clearly every minute of the day, and not a single one of the most important facts and arguments today has been reported anywhere in the mainstream media. That is a bold claim, but I fear it is perfectly true. So I have much work to do to let the world know what actually happened. The mere act of being an honest witness is suddenly extremely important, when the entire media has abandoned that role.

James Lewis QC made the opening statement for the prosecution. It consisted of two parts, both equally extraordinary. The first and longest part was truly remarkable for containing no legal argument, and for being addressed not to the magistrate but to the media. It is not just that it was obvious that is where his remarks were aimed, he actually stated on two occasions during his opening statement that he was addressing the media, once repeating a sentence and saying specifically that he was repeating it again because it was important that the media got it.

I am frankly astonished that Baraitser allowed this. It is completely out of order for a counsel to address remarks not to the court but to the media, and there simply could not be any clearer evidence that this is a political show trial and that Baraitser is complicit in that. I have not the slightest doubt that the defence would have been pulled up extremely quickly had they started addressing remarks to the media. Baraitser makes zero pretence of being anything other than in thrall to the Crown, and by extension to the US Government.

The points which Lewis wished the media to know were these: it is not true that mainstream outlets like the Guardian and New York Times are also threatened by the charges against Assange, because Assange was not charged with publishing the cables but only with publishing the names of informants, and with cultivating Manning and assisting him to attempt computer hacking. Only Assange had done these things, not mainstream outlets.

Lewis then proceeded to read out a series of articles from the mainstream media attacking Assange, as evidence that the media and Assange were not in the same boat. The entire opening hour consisted of the prosecution addressing the media, attempting to drive a clear wedge between the media and Wikileaks and thus aimed at reducing media support for Assange. It was a political address, not remotely a legal submission. At the same time, the prosecution had prepared reams of copies of this section of Lewis’ address, which were handed out to the media and given them electronically so they could cut and paste.

Following an adjournment, magistrate Baraitser questioned the prosecution on the veracity of some of these claims. In particular, the claim that newspapers were not in the same position because Assange was charged not with publication, but with “aiding and abetting” Chelsea Manning in getting the material, did not seem consistent with Lewis’ reading of the 1989 Official Secrets Act, which said that merely obtaining and publishing any government secret was an offence. Surely, Baraitser suggested, that meant that newspapers just publishing the Manning leaks would be guilty of an offence?

This appeared to catch Lewis entirely off guard. The last thing he had expected was any perspicacity from Baraitser, whose job was just to do what he said. Lewis hummed and hawed, put his glasses on and off several times, adjusted his microphone repeatedly and picked up a succession of pieces of paper from his brief, each of which appeared to surprise him by its contents, as he waved them haplessly in the air and said he really should have cited the Shayler case but couldn’t find it. It was liking watching Columbo with none of the charm and without the killer question at the end of the process.

Suddenly Lewis appeared to come to a decision. Yes, he said much more firmly. The 1989 Official Secrets Act had been introduced by the Thatcher Government after the Ponting Case, specifically to remove the public interest defence and to make unauthorised possession of an official secret a crime of strict liability – meaning no matter how you got it, publishing and even possessing made you guilty. Therefore, under the principle of dual criminality, Assange was liable for extradition whether or not he had aided and abetted Manning. Lewis then went on to add that any journalist and any publication that printed the official secret would therefore also be committing an offence, no matter how they had obtained it, and no matter if it did or did not name informants.

Lewis had thus just flat out contradicted his entire opening statement to the media stating that they need not worry as the Assange charges could never be applied to them. And he did so straight after the adjournment, immediately after his team had handed out copies of the argument he had now just completely contradicted. I cannot think it has often happened in court that a senior lawyer has proven himself so absolutely and so immediately to be an unmitigated and ill-motivated liar. This was undoubtedly the most breathtaking moment in today’s court hearing.

Yet remarkably I cannot find any mention anywhere in the mainstream media that this happened at all. What I can find, everywhere, is the mainstream media reporting, via cut and paste, Lewis’s first part of his statement on why the prosecution of Assange is not a threat to press freedom; but nobody seems to have reported that he totally abandoned his own argument five minutes later. Were the journalists too stupid to understand the exchanges?

The explanation is very simple. The clarification coming from a question Baraitser asked Lewis, there is no printed or electronic record of Lewis’ reply. His original statement was provided in cut and paste format to the media. His contradiction of it would require a journalist to listen to what was said in court, understand it and write it down. There is no significant percentage of mainstream media journalists who command that elementary ability nowadays. “Journalism” consists of cut and paste of approved sources only. Lewis could have stabbed Assange to death in the courtroom, and it would not be reported unless contained in a government press release.

I was left uncertain of Baraitser’s purpose in this. Plainly she discomfited Lewis very badly on this point, and appeared rather to enjoy doing so. On the other hand the point she made is not necessarily helpful to the defence. What she was saying was essentially that Julian could be extradited under dual criminality, from the UK point of view, just for publishing, whether or not he conspired with Chelsea Manning, and that all the journalists who published could be charged too. But surely this is a point so extreme that it would be bound to be invalid under the Human Rights Act? Was she pushing Lewis to articulate a position so extreme as to be untenable – giving him enough rope to hang himself – or was she slavering at the prospect of not just extraditing Assange, but of mass prosecutions of journalists?

The reaction of one group was very interesting. The four US government lawyers seated immediately behind Lewis had the grace to look very uncomfortable indeed as Lewis baldly declared that any journalist and any newspaper or broadcast media publishing or even possessing any government secret was committing a serious offence. Their entire strategy had been to pretend not to be saying that.

Lewis then moved on to conclude the prosecution’s arguments. The court had no decision to make, he stated. Assange must be extradited. The offence met the test of dual criminality as it was an offence both in the USA and UK. UK extradition law specifically barred the court from testing whether there was any evidence to back up the charges. If there had been, as the defence argued, abuse of process, the court must still extradite and then the court must pursue the abuse of process as a separate matter against the abusers. (This is a particularly specious argument as it is not possible for the court to take action against the US government due to sovereign immunity, as Lewis well knows). Finally, Lewis stated that the Human Rights Act and freedom of speech were completely irrelevant in extradition proceedings.

Edward Fitzgerald then arose to make the opening statement for the defence. He started by stating that the motive for the prosecution was entirely political, and that political offences were specifically excluded under article 4.1 of the UK/US extradition treaty. He pointed out that at the time of the Chelsea Manning Trial and again in 2013 the Obama administration had taken specific decisions not to prosecute Assange for the Manning leaks. This had been reversed by the Trump administration for reasons that were entirely political.

On abuse of process, Fitzgerald referred to evidence presented to the Spanish criminal courts that the CIA had commissioned a Spanish security company to spy on Julian Assange in the Embassy, and that this spying specifically included surveillance of Assange’s privileged meetings with his lawyers to discuss extradition. For the state trying to extradite to spy on the defendant’s client-lawyer consultations is in itself grounds to dismiss the case. (This point is undoubtedly true. Any decent judge would throw the case out summarily for the outrageous spying on the defence lawyers).

Fitzgerald went on to say the defence would produce evidence the CIA not only spied on Assange and his lawyers, but actively considered kidnapping or poisoning him, and that this showed there was no commitment to proper rule of law in this case.

Fitzgerald said that the prosecution’s framing of the case contained deliberate misrepresentation of the facts that also amounted to abuse of process. It was not true that there was any evidence of harm to informants, and the US government had confirmed this in other fora, eg in Chelsea Manning’s trial. There had been no conspiracy to hack computers, and Chelsea Manning had been acquitted on that charge at court martial. Lastly it was untrue that Wikileaks had initiated publication of unredacted names of informants, as other media organisations had been responsible for this first.

Again, so far as I can see, while the US allegation of harm to informants is widely reported, the defence’s total refutation on the facts and claim that the fabrication of facts amounts to abuse of process is not much reported at all. Fitzgerald finally referred to US prison conditions, the impossibility of a fair trial in the US, and the fact the Trump Administration has stated foreign nationals will not receive First Amendment protections, as reasons that extradition must be barred. You can read the whole defence statement, but in my view the strongest passage was on why this is a political prosecution, and thus precluded from extradition.

For the purposes of section 81(a), I next have to deal with the question of how this politically motivated prosecution satisfies the test of being directed against Julian Assange because of his political opinions. The essence of his political opinions which have provoked this prosecution are summarised in the reports of Professor Feldstein [tab 18], Professor Rogers [tab 40], Professor Noam Chomsky [tab 39] and Professor Kopelman:-

i. He is a leading proponent of an open society and of freedom of expression.

ii. He is anti-war and anti-imperialism.

iii. He is a world-renowned champion of political transparency and of the public’s right to access information on issues of importance – issues such as political corruption, war crimes, torture and the mistreatment of Guantanamo detainees.

5.4.Those beliefs and those actions inevitably bring him into conflict with powerful states including the current US administration, for political reasons. Which explains why he has been denounced as a terrorist and why President Trump has in the past called for the death penalty.

5.5.But I should add his revelations are far from confined to the wrongdoings of the US. He has exposed surveillance by Russia; and published exposes of Mr Assad in Syria; and it is said that WikiLeaks revelations about corruption in Tunisia and torture in Egypt were the catalyst for the Arab Spring itself.

5.6.The US say he is no journalist. But you will see a full record of his work in Bundle M. He has been a member of the Australian journalists union since 2009, he is a member of the NUJ and the European Federation of Journalists. He has won numerous media awards including being honoured with the highest award for Australian journalists. His work has been recognised by the Economist, Amnesty International and the Council of Europe. He is the winner of the Martha Gelhorn prize and has been repeatedly nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, including both last year and this year. You can see from the materials that he has written books, articles and documentaries. He has had articles published in the Guardian, the New York Times, the Washington Post and the New Statesman, just to name a few. Some of the very publications for which his extradition is being sought have been refereed to and relied upon in Courts throughout the world, including the UK Supreme Court and the European Court of Human Rights. In short, he has championed the cause of transparency and freedom of information throughout the world.

5.7.Professor Noam Chomsky puts it like this: – ‘in courageously upholding political beliefs that most of profess to share he has performed an enormous service to all those in the world who treasure the values of freedom and democracy and who therefore demand the right to know what their elected representatives are doing’ [see tab 39, paragraph 14]. So Julian Assange’s positive impact on the world is undeniable. The hostility it has provoked from the Trump administration is equally undeniable. The legal test for ‘political opinions’

5.8.I am sure you are aware of the legal authorities on this issue: namely whether a request is made because of the defendant’s political opinions. A broad approach has to be adopted when applying the test. In support of this we rely on the case of Re Asliturk [2002] EWHC 2326 (abuse authorities, tab 11, at paras 25 – 26) which clearly establishes that such a wide approach should be adopted to the concept of political opinions. And that will clearly cover Julian Assange’s ideological positions. Moreover, we also rely on cases such as Emilia Gomez v SSHD [2000] INLR 549 at tab 43 of the political offence authorities bundle. These show that the concept of “political opinions” extends to the political opinions imputed to the individual citizen by the state which prosecutes him. For that reason the characterisation of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks as a “non-state hostile intelligence agency” by Mr Pompeo makes clear that he has been targeted for his imputed political opinions. All the experts whose reports you have show that Julian Assange has been targeted because of the political position imputed to him by the Trump administration – as an enemy of America who must be brought down.

Tomorrow the defence continue. I am genuinely uncertain what will happen as I feel at the moment far too exhausted to be there at 6am to queue to get in. But I hope somehow I will contrive another report tomorrow evening.


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Featured image is from Massoud Nayeri

The senior judge overseeing the extradition proceedings of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange received financial benefits from two partner organisations of the British Foreign Office before her appointment, it can be revealed.


It can further be revealed that Lady Emma Arbuthnot was appointed Chief Magistrate in Westminster on the advice of a Conservative government minister with whom she had attended a secretive meeting organised by one of these Foreign Office partner organisations two years before.

Liz Truss, then Justice Secretary, “advised” the Queen to appoint Lady Arbuthnot in October 2016. Two years before, Truss — who is now Trade Secretary — and Lady Arbuthnot both attended an off-the-record two-day meeting in Bilbao, Spain.

The expenses were covered by an organisation called Tertulias, chaired by Lady Arbuthnot’s husband — Lord Arbuthnot of Edrom, a former Conservative defence minister with extensive links to the British military and intelligence community exposed by WikiLeaks.

Tertulias, an annual forum held for political and corporate leaders in the UK and Spain, is regarded by the UK Foreign Office as one of its “partnerships”. The 2014 event in Bilbao was attended by David Lidington, the Minister for Europe, while the Foreign Office has in the past funded Lord Arbuthnot’s attendance at the forum.

The Foreign Office has long taken a strong anti-Assange position, rejecting UN findings in his favour, refusing to recognise the political asylum given to him by Ecuador, and even labelling Assange a “miserable little worm”.

Lady Arbuthnot also benefited financially from another trip with her husband in 2014, this time to Istanbul for the British-Turkish Tatlidil, a forum established by the UK and Turkish governments for “high level” individuals involved in politics and business.

Both Tertulias and Tatlidil are secretive gatherings about which little is known and are not obviously connected — but Declassified has discovered that the UK address of the two organisations has been the same.

Lady Arbuthnot personally presided over Assange’s case as judge from late 2017 until mid-2019, delivering two controversial rulings. Although she is no longer personally hearing the Assange extradition proceedings, she remains responsible for supporting and guiding the junior judges in her jurisdiction. Lady Arbuthnot has refused to declare any conflicts of interest in the case.

The new revelations follow previous investigations by Declassified showing that Lady Arbuthnot received gifts and hospitality in relation to her husband from a military and cybersecurity company exposed by WikiLeaks. Declassified also revealed that the Arbuthnots’ son is linked to an anti-data leak company created by the UK intelligence establishment and staffed by officials recruited from US intelligence agencies behind that country’s prosecution of the WikiLeaks founder.

Lady and Lord Arbuthnot attend the Queen’s garden party at Buckingham Palace in May 2017. Lady Arbuthnot was appointed Chief Magistrate in Westminster by the Queen eight months before, in September 2016, on the advice of Liz Truss, who had attended the 2014 Tertulias event with Lady Arbuthnot. (Photo: Instagram)

The Arbuthnots and Liz Truss

Tertulias’ annual meetings between the UK and Spain have been held since 1989 but the organisation has no public presence and provides no record of events. Declassified found that its current president is Jose de Areilza, a Spanish law professor who is also a board member of the Spanish Ministry of Defence.

Lord Arbuthnot records that he became the unpaid chair of Tertulias in 2012, at which time he was also chair of parliament’s Defence Committee. Arbuthnot was then also a member of the Joint Committee on National Security Strategy and chair of Conservative Friends of Israel.

In October 2014, Liz Truss, who was then Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), attended the Tertulias meeting in Bilbao, alongside the Arbuthnots, Lidington and at least four other British MPs.

Lord and Lady Arbuthnot spent two days at the event and received expenses worth £1,488.20 from Tertulias. Although having attended the annual event regularly since 2000, this was the first time Lord Arbuthnot recorded in his parliamentary register of interests the attendance of his wife.

At the time Lady Arbuthnot was deputy senior district judge. The reason for her attending a meeting described by Lord Arbuthnot as “bringing MPs, business people, academics and artists together to discuss topical issues” is not clear.

Liz Truss was in Bilbao for three days and accrued expenses of £1,235.48 paid by Tertulias. Her flight cost £825.48, suggesting she was flown first class. By contrast, Nick Boles MP charged £178.98 for his flight. The funders of Tertulias and Tatlidil are not known.

The trip to Bilbao was one of only three Truss has accepted from third parties since becoming an MP in 2010. She also joined a group of Conservative MPs on a trip to Berlin in 2011 and attended in 2019 the annual forum of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a highly secretive meeting organised by the most influential neoconservative think tank in Washington populated by senior US military and intelligence officials.

Declassified recently revealed how the AEI, which has a strongly anti-Assange position, has been courting British ministers for years.

Liz Truss, then minister for DEFRA, speaks in the Guggenheim museum at the secretive Tertulias meeting in Bilbao, Spain, 18 October 2014. Standing to her right is Tertulias’ chairman, Lord Arbuthnot. Foreign Office partner organisation Tertulias also paid for Lady Arbuthnot — Julian Assange’s senior judge — to attend this event.

Declassified is now publishing a photo of Truss giving a speech at the 2014 Tertulias forum in the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao. Lord Arbuthnot can be seen standing next to her, likely having just introduced his fellow Conservative MP. It is not known if Lady Arbuthnot was present.

Truss’s visit to Tertulias is secret enough for even the department she oversaw as minister at the time — DEFRA — to have no information on it. Responding to Declassified’s Freedom of Information request for communications between the minister and Tertulias or an itinerary for the Bilbao meeting, DEFRA responded: “Following a search of our paper and electronic records, we have established that the information…you have requested is not held by DEFRA.” It is unclear if Truss used a private email to organise the visit.

In Istanbul

The month following the Tertulias forum, in November 2014, Lady Arbuthnot went on another trip with her husband, this time to Istanbul for the British-Turkish Tatlidil, which paid the Arbuthnots £2,426 for flights and expenses.

Lord Arbuthnot described the purpose of the visit as “to promote and further bilateral relations between Britain and Turkey at a high level”. Tatlidil, which means “sweet talk” in Turkish, was established in 2011 by then prime minister David Cameron and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. It describesits objectives as “facilitating and strengthen [sic] relations between the Republic of Turkey and the United Kingdom at the level of government, diplomacy, business, academia and media”.

The UK delegation to the 2014 meeting in Istanbul was led by Prince Andrew, who also hosted the Tatlidilin Edinburgh the previous year. Then foreign minister Tobias Ellwood spoke at the forum while former foreign secretary Jack Straw, who is a co-chair of Tatlidil, presided over one of the discussions. Erdoğan spoke at the meeting and reportedly called for the removal of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad.

The sparse information available on the meeting, which largely comes from social media, suggests that Lady Arbuthnot may not have attended the discussions since there was a separate “spouses/partners programme” involving local visits.

Prince Andrew talks to Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and other officials at the Foreign Office-linked off-the-record British-Turkish Tatlidil forum, 29 November 2014. Lord and Lady Arbuthnot were both paid by Tatlidil to attend that year’s event.

Same addresses

Declassified has discovered that the addresses given by Lord Arbuthnot and other parliamentarians for Tertulias and Tatlidil have been the same — despite no obvious connection between the two organisations other than the UK Foreign Office. All the addresses are residential with no clear reason why they would be official addresses of high-level Foreign Office-linked fora.

In 2012, Arbuthnot recorded in his parliamentary register of interests that the address of both organisations was a Grade II listed house in the village of Cowlinge, Suffolk, which has a population of just over 600 people. From 2013-16, the address changed to a house in Higham, a small village with 140 people, also in Suffolk.

The land registry states that the Higham address is part of the Dalham Estate in Newmarket, and is owned by Arat Investments, a vehicle incorporated in Guernsey with a PO Box address. There is little information publicly available about Arat, given Guernsey’s secrecy laws. It has been reported that the estate is owned by Sheikh Mohammed al-Makhtoum, the ruler of Dubai, one of the United Arab Emirates.

In 2017, the address for Tertulias changed again to a house — which is divided into three flats — in Battersea, south London. In more recent entries to the register of interests, the address is given by MPs as simply “private”.

Declassified has discovered that both Tertulias and Tatlidil had been managed by the same person living at the addresses given by parliamentarians. She told Declassified that Tertulias is “independent” but “works closely” with the Foreign Office. When asked about the organisation’s funders or any personnel involved, including its current parliamentary chair, information was refused.

One of the three residential properties which have been recorded by MPs in the parliamentary register of interests as the location of the Tertulias organisation, which funded Lady Arbuthnot’s trip to Bilbao. In the latest entries, the organisation’s address is listed only as “private”. (Photo: Matt Kennard)

Tertulias and the Foreign Office

Tatlidil was openly set up by the UK government, but Tertulias is also closely linked to the Foreign Office, which describes Tertulias as one of its “partnerships” and in 2013 referred to the forum as “our Tertulias”. Britain’s former ambassador to Spain, Simon Manley, described the annual event as “our #1 bilateral forum” between the UK and Spain.

Last October, Europe minister Christopher Pincher attended the forum in Edinburgh and stated that “the annual Tertulias dialogue illustrates the breadth and depth of the relationship between the United Kingdom and Spain”. His predecessor Sir Alan Duncan attended the previous forum in Malaga.

Duncan, who has now left office, personally insulted Julian Assange in parliament in 2018 before adding: “It is of great regret that Julian Assange remains in the Ecuador embassy,” where he had been given political asylum by the Ecuadorian government.

Lord Arbuthnot recorded that the costs of his attending his first forum in 2000 were partly met by a “grant” from the Foreign Office. Labour minister Peter Mandelson said in 1998 that he attended the Tertulias forum “following official advice from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.”

At the 2014 Tertulias attended by Truss and the Arbuthnots, a Spanish banker was awarded a CBE by the Queen on recommendation of the British government.

Lady Arbuthnot’s rulings

Lady Arbuthnot’s husband is a key figure in the British military and intelligence establishment — a highly controversial issue given that Lady Arbuthnot has made rulings in the Assange case and continues to oversee it as chief magistrate.

Lord Arbuthnot was from 2016-17 a director of SC Strategy, a consultancy created by Sir John Scarlett, the former head of MI6 who had been behind the “dodgy dossier” used by Tony Blair to push for war with Iraq.

Arbuthnot is currently the chair of the advisory board of arms corporation Thales UK and board member of Montrose Associates, a “strategic intelligence” consultancy, whose president is former Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd.

Lady Arbuthnot has refused to formally recuse herself from the Assange case. A judiciary spokesman has said, “There has been no bias demonstrated by the chief magistrate. The chief magistrate, however, is aware of the judicial conduct guidance that advises on avoiding the perception of bias and is not hearing the case”.

It is unclear what “perception of bias” Lady Arbuthnot accepts and on what basis she stepped aside from personally hearing the case.

The chief magistrate’s role includes “supporting and guiding district judge colleagues”, including Vanessa Baraitser, who ruled on the case in 2019. Lady Arbuthnot is also likely to have approved of Baraitser’s appointment to hear the Assange case.

Her previous rulings on Assange cannot be revisited by the defence when she fails to declare a conflict of interest.

Lady Arbuthnot’s first ruling on Assange was made in February 2018 while he was a political asylee in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. Assange’s lawyers had applied to have his British arrest warrant withdrawn.

Assange had never been charged with a crime, and in May 2017 the Swedish proceedings had been discontinued along with the European Arrest Warrant. The warrant related to Assange skipping bail to claim asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy, where the Ecuadorian government agreed that he was at risk of political persecution in the United States.

Arbuthnot refused the request. Her ruling was irregular, dismissing Assange’s fears of US extradition and the findings of the UN. “I accept that Mr Assange had expressed fears of being returned to the United States from a very early stage in the Swedish extradition proceedings but… I do not find that Mr Assange’s fears were reasonable,” she said.

“I give little weight to the views of the Working Group,” she added, referring to the United Nations body which termed Assange’s condition one of “arbitrary detention”. “I do not find that Mr Assange’s stay in the Embassy is inappropriate, unjust, unpredictable, unreasonable, unnecessary or disproportionate.”

When he was grabbed from the Ecuadorian embassy by British police in April 2019, district judge Michael Snow pilloried Assange’s claims that Lady Arbuthnot was conflicted: “His assertion that he has not had a fair hearing is laughable. And his behaviour is that of a narcissist who cannot get beyond his own selfish interests,” Snow told the court.

Lady Arbuthnot made her most recent ruling on Assange in June 2019. District Judge Vanessa Baraitser — who is still overseen by Lady Arbuthnot — will rule on the extradition proceedings which begin on 25 February.

Liz Truss, Lady Arbuthnot, Lord Arbuthnot, and the Foreign Office, did not respond to requests for comment.


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Matt Kennard is head of investigations and Mark Curtis editor, of Declassified UK, a media organisation investigating UK foreign, military and intelligence policies. They tweet at @DCKennard and @markcurtis30. Follow Declassified on twitter at @DeclassifiedUK

How We Stay Blind to the Story of Power

February 25th, 2020 by Jonathan Cook

If one thing drives me to write, especially these blog posts, it is the urgent need for us to start understanding power. Power is the force that shapes almost everything about our lives and our deaths. There is no more important issue. Understanding power and overcoming it through that understanding is the only path to liberation we can take as individuals, as societies, and as a species.

Which is why it should be simply astonishing that no one in the media, supposedly a free marketplace of ideas, ever directly addresses matters of power – beyond the shadow play of party politics and celebrity scandals.

And yet, of course, this lack of interest in analysing and understanding power is not surprising at all. Because the corporate media is the key tool – or seen another way, the central expression – of power.

Very obviously power’s main concern is the ability to conceal itself. Its exposure as power weakens it, by definition. Once exposed, power faces questions about its legitimacy, its methods, its purposes. Power does not want to be seen, it does not want to be confined, it does not want to be held accountable. It wants absolute freedom to reproduce itself, and ideally to amass more power.

That is why true power makes itself as invisible and as inscrutable as it can. Like a mushroom, power can grow only in darkness. That is why it is the hardest thing to write about in ways that are intelligible to those under its spell, which is most of us, most of the time. Because power coopts language, words are inadequate to the task of describing the story of real power.

Ripples on the surface

Notice I refer to power, not the powerful, because power should be understood more as an idea made flesh, an ideological matrix of structures, a way of understanding the world, than a set of people or a cabal. It has its own logic separate from the people who are considered powerful. Yes, politicians, celebrities, royalty, bankers and CEOs are part of its physical expression. But they are not power, precisely because those individuals are visible. The very visibility of their power makes them vulnerable and potentially expendable – the very opposite of power.

The current predicaments of Prince Andrew in Britain or Harvey Weinstein in the US are illustrative of the vagaries of being powerful, while telling us little meaningful about power itself. Conversely, there is a truth in the self-serving story of those in power – the corporate executives of an Exxon or a BP – who note on the rare occasions when they face a little scrutiny that if they refused to do their jobs, to oversee the destruction of the planet, someone else would quickly step in to fill their shoes.

Rather than thinking in terms of individuals, power is better visualised as the deep waters of a lake, while the powerful are simply the ripples on the surface. The ripples come and go, but the vast body of water below remains untouched.

Superficially, the means by which power conceals itself is through stories. Its needs narratives – mainly about those who appear powerful – to create political and social dramas that distract us from thinking about deep power. But more fundamentally still, power depends on ideology. Ideology cloaks power – in a real sense, it ispower – because it is the source of power’s invisibility.

Ideology provides the assumptions that drive our perceptions of the world, that prevent us from questioning why some people were apparently born to rule, or have been allowed to enclose vast estates of what was once everyone’s land, or hoard masses of inherited wealth, or are celebrated for exploiting large numbers of workers, or get away with choking the planet to the point at which life itself asphyxiates.

Phrased like that, none of these practices seems natural. In fact, to a visiting Martian they would look pathologically insane, an irrefutable proof of our self-destructiveness as a species. But these conditions are the unexamined background to our lives , just the way things are and maybe always were. The system.

True, the individuals who benefit from the social and economic policies that uphold this system may occasionally be held to account. Even the policies themselves may occasionably be held up to scrutiny. But the assumptions behind the policies are rarely questioned – certainly not in what we are taught to call the “mainstream”.

That is an amazing outcome given that almost none of us benefit from the system we effectively sanction every time we turn out to vote in an election. Very few of us are rulers, or enjoy enormous wealth, or live on large estates, or own companies that deprive thousands of the fruit of their labours, or profit from destroying life on Earth. And yet the ideology that rationalises all that injustice, inequality and immorality not only stays in place but actually engenders more injustice, more inequality, more immorality year by year.

We watch this all unfold passively, largely indifferently because we believe – we are made to believe – we are powerless.

Regenerating like Dr Who

By now, you may be frustrated that power still lacks a name. Is it not late-stage capitalism? Or maybe neoliberalism? Globalisation? Or neoconservatism? Yes, we can identify it right now as ideologically embedded in all of those necessarily vague terms. But we should remember that it is something deeper still.

Power always has an ideological shape and physical structures. It has both faces. It existed before capitalism, and will exist after it (if capitalism doesn’t kill us first). Human history has consisted of power consolidating and regenerating itself in new form over and over again – like the eponymous hero of the long-running British TV sci-fi series Doctor Who – as different groups have learnt how to harness it, usurp it and put it to self-interested use. Power has been integral to human societies. Now our survival as individuals and as a species depends on our finding a way to reinvent power, to tame it and share it equally between us all – and thereby dissolve it. It is the ultimate challenge.

By its very nature, power must prevent this step – a step that, given our current predicament, is necessary to prevent planetary-wide death. Power can only perpetuate itself by deceiving us about what it has done in the past and will do in the future, and whether alternatives exist. Power tells us stories that it is not power – that it is the rule of law, justice, ethics, protection from anarchy or the natural world, inevitable. And to obscure the fact that these are just stories – and that like all stories, these ones may not actually be true, or may even be the opposite of truth – it embeds these stories in ideology.

We are encouraged to believe that the media – in the widest sense possible – has authority alone to tell us these stories, to promote them as orthodoxy. It is the lens through which the world is revealed to us. Reality filtered through the lens of power.

The media is not just newspapers and TV news broadcasts. Power also exerts its hold on our imaginative horizons through all forms of “popular” entertainment, from Hollywood films and Youtube videos to social media and video games.

In the US, for example, almost all media is owned by a handful of corporations that have diverse interests related to power. Power expresses itself in our modern societies as wealth and ownership. And corporations stand at the apex of that power structure. They and their chief functionaries (for corporate executives do not really control power, it controls them) own almost all of the planet’s resources, they hold almost all of the wealth. They typically use their money to buy attention for themselves and their brands while at the same time buying invisibility for deep power.

To take one example: Rupert Murdoch’s (image on the right) power is visible to us, as are his negative personal qualities and occasionally the pernicious influence of his newspapers. But it is not just that his media outlets play a part in shaping and controlling what we talk about on any given day, for good or bad. They also control – all the time – what we are capable of thinking and not thinking. That is true power. And that role will never be mentioned by a Murdoch organisation – or any of his supposed rivals in the corporate media. It is the preserve of blogs like this one for very obvious reasons.

That makes media corporations a key pillar of the matrix of power. Their journalists are servants of corporate power, whether they know it or not. Mostly, of course, they do not.

The veiling of power

These thoughts were provoked by a rare comment from a prominent corporate journalist about power. Jonathan Freedland is a senior columnist at the supposedly liberal Guardian, and a British equivalent of Thomas Friedman or Jeffrey Goldberg. His job is to help make deep power invisible, even as he criticises the powerful. Freedland’s stock-in-trade is using the ephemeral dramas of political power to veil true power.

It was therefore intriguing to see Freedland actually try to define “power” in a recent column intended to dissuade people from backing Bernie Sanders as the Democratic nominee. Here is what he writes in reference to power:

If recent events have reminded us of anything, it’s that in politics, power is the whole ballgame. …

Most significant of all, a [political] party in power has the ability to create the conditions that ensure it keeps it. …

It’s understanding the power of power, a truth so obvious that it should barely need stating, that is driving some battle-hardened veterans of past left campaigns to despair. “Nothing. Without power, there is nothing,” fumed James Carville, who ran the last successful Democratic effort to oust a sitting Republican president when he masterminded Bill Clinton’s victory back in 1992.

But the first step is to accept its importance, to recognise that winning power is the sine qua non of politics, literally the thing without which there is nothing.

Notice that from the outset Freedland limits his definition of power in ways that are designed to assist power rather examine or scrutinise it. He states something meaningful – the importance of “understanding the power of power, a truth so obvious that it should barely need stating” – but then resolutely obscures the “power of power”.

What Freedland addresses instead is a lesser form of power – power as visible political drama, the illusion that we, those who currently have no real power, can exercise power by voting for candidates already selected for their ideological subservience to power, in a political and economic system structured to serve power, in a media and cultural landscape where those who try to address or challenge real power either end up being dismissed as “conspiracy theorists”, or “tinfoil hat-wearing” leftists, or crazed socialists; or end up being locked away as subversives, as dangers to society, as has prominently happened to Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange.

A small hint that Freedland is veiling power – from himself too – is his unthinking reference to Bill Clinton’s election adviser as running a “left campaign”. Of course, stripped of a narrative that serves power, neither Clinton nor his campaign could ever have been described as of the left.

While Freedland frets about how political power has moved to the right in the US and UK, he also indulges the deceptive consolation that cultural power – “the media, the Academy, entertainment”, as he refers to it – can act as a liberal-left counterweight, even if an ineffective one, to the right’s political power. But as I pointed out, the media and entertainment world – of which Freedland is very much part – are there precisely to uphold power, rationalise it, propagandise for it, and refine it so as to better conceal it. They are integral to the shadow play, to the veiling of real power. The left-right dichotomy – within the severely circumscribed limits he and his colleagues impose – is part of that veiling process.

Freedland’s seeming analysis of power does not, of course, lead him to consider in any meaningful way the most pressing and vital issues of the moment, issues that are deeply entwined with what power is and how it functions:

  • how we might upend economic “orthodoxy” to prevent the imminent collapse of a global financial system fallaciously premised on the idea of infinite growth on a finite planet,
  • and how, if we are to survive as a species, we might deal with a corporate power that is polluting the planet to death through the aggressive cultivation of rampant, profit-driven consumerism.

These issues are only ever addressed tangentially in the corporate media, in ways that do not threaten deep power.

Glitches in the system

The kind of power Freedland focuses on is not real power. He is interested only in taking “power” away from Donald Trump to give it to a supposedly “electable” candidate for the Democratic party, like Pete Buttigieg or Michael Bloomberg, rather than a supposedly “unelectable” Sanders; or to take “power” from Boris Johnson through a “moderate”, pliable Labour party reminiscent of the Tony Blair era rather than the “alienating” democratic socialism he and his colleagues worked so relentlessly to undermine from the moment Jeremy Corbyn was elected Labour leader.

In other words, for Freedland and the entire spectrum of the corporate media, the only discussion they care to have is about who might best serve a superficial, ephemeral political power – without actually defining or even alluding to real power.

There is good reason for this. Because if we understood what power is, that it depends on ideas that we have been force-fed our every waking moment, ideas that enslave our minds and are now poised to kill us, we might decide that the whole system of power, not just its latest pretty or ugly face, needs to be swept away. That we need to start with entirely new ideas and values. And that the only way to liberate ourselves from our current pathological, self-destructive ideas is to stop listening to the loyal functionaries of power like Jonathan Freedland.

The current efforts to stop Sanders from winning the Democratic nomination do at least help to open our eyes.

The Democratic party is one of the two national US parties whose role, like the corporate media, is to conceal deep power. Its function is to create the illusion of choice, and thereby keep the viewing public engrossed in the drama of politics. That does not mean that there are no differences between the Republican and Democratic parties. There are, and for some people they are meaningful and can be vitally important. But those differences are completely trivial from the perspective of power.

In fact, power’s goal is to magnify those trivial differences to make them look like major differences. But whichever party gets into “power”, the corporations will keep despoiling and destroying the planet, they will continue driving us into profit-making wars, and they will carry on accumulating vast wealth largely unregulated. They will be able to do so because the Republican and Democratic party’s leaderships rose to their current positions – they were selected – by proving their usefulness to deep power. That is the power of power, after all.

That is not to say there are never glitches in the system. Mistakes happen, though they are usually corrected quickly. The system is not all-powerful – not yet, at least. Our situation is not necessarily hopeless, though the struggle is immensely difficult because most of us have not yet worked out what power is and therefore have no idea how it might be confronted.

Power has had to make historic compromises, to take defensive actions in the hope of maintaining its invisibility. In the west, it eventually conceded the vote to all adult men, then women, to ensure its legitimacy. As a result, power shifted from expressing itself through implicit or overt threats of physical violence to maintain order and moved towards manufacturing an ideological consensus – our current passivity to our imminent self-destruction – through education systems and the corporate media.

(The threat of violence is only veiled, and can be made explicit against those who doubt the legitimacy of power or try to stop its descent into self-destruction, as Extinction Rebellion will increasingly find the more it pushes for deep and systemic change.)

Power’s relentless drive to feed the insatiable appetite it has created for us as consumers, and its obsession with technological fixes as a way to maximise efficiency and profits, sometimes create these glitches. They open up new possibilities for exposing power. One recent example is the information publishing revolution embodied by social media. Power is now desperately trying to stuff that genie back into the lamp with self-serving narratives about “fake news” on the left (made more credible by conflating it with power-serving fake news on the right), as well as making drastic changes to algorithms to disappear the left’s rapidly emerging counter-narratives.

And most importantly, power is struggling to maintain the illusion of its benign nature, of normal service, in the face of real-world facts, such as the planet heating up, runaway fires in Australia, balmy winter temperatures in the Antarctic, the mass die-off of insects, and the tide of plastic choking the oceans. Its efforts to exploit the wealth-generating opportunities offered by the climate and wider environmental emergencies, while refusing to acknowledge that it is entirely responsible for those emergencies, may yet backfire. The question is not whether we wake up to the role of power, but whether we do so before it is too late to effect change.

The Sanders threat

Sanders (image on the left) is one of those glitches. Just like Jeremy Corbyn was in the UK. They have been thrown up by current circumstances. They are the first signs of a tentative political awakening to power, sometimes dismissed generically as “populism”. They are the inevitable outcome of the ever greater difficulty power faces in concealing its self-destructiveness as it seeks to remove every last limit to its voracious acquisitiveness.

Once upon a time, those who paid the price of power were out of view, in disenfranchised, urban slums or far-off lands. But the accelerating contradictions of power – of late-stage, global capitalism, if you prefer a specific name – have brought those effects much closer to home, where they cannot so easily be ignored or discounted. Growing sections of western societies, the central locus of power, understand that there needs to be serious, not cosmetic, change.

Power needs to be rid of Sanders, just as it previously had to rid itself of Corbyn because both are that rarest thing – politicians who are not imprisoned within the current power paradigm. Because they do not serve power cultishly like most of their colleagues, such politicians threaten to shine a light on true power. Ultimately, power will use any tool to destroy them. But power prefers, if possible, to maintain its cloak of invisibility, to avoid exposing the sham of the consumption-driven “democracy” it engineered to consolidate and expand its power. It prefers our collusion.

The reason the Democratic party establishment is trying to bring down Sanders at the primaries stage and crown a power-functionary like Buttigieg, Biden or even Elizabeth Warren – or if it must, parachute in a billionaire like Michael Bloomberg – is not because Sanders would on his own be able to end the globe-spanning power of pathological capitalism and consumerism. It is because the nearer he gets to the main shadow play, to the presidency, the more power will have to make itself visible to defeat him. (Language makes it difficult to describe this dynamic without resorting to metaphors that make power sound fancifully human rather than structural and ideological.)

As the other candidates increasingly look unsuited to the task of toppling Sanders for the nomination, and rigging the primaries has proved much harder to do covertly than it was hoped, power has had to flex its muscles more publicly than it likes. So narrative is being marshalled to destroy Sanders in the same way that the antisemitism and Brexit narratives were used to halt Corbyn’s grassroots movement in its tracks. In Sanders’ case, the corporate media is preparing a readymade Russia narrative against him in case he gets nearer to power – a narrative that has already been refined for use against Trump.

(Trump’s relation to power could be the basis for an entirely separate post. He is not an ideological threat to power, he is one if its functionaries. But he is a potential Harvey Weinstein or Prince Andrew. He can be sacrificed if needs be. The Russiagate narrative has served two purposes useful to power. It has tamed Trump’s ego-based politics to ensure he does not threaten deep power by making it more visible. And it has created a compelling political drama that channels and dissipates the “resistance” to Trump, satisfying much of the left’s own need to feel they are doing something, when in fact they are simply strengthening Trump and deep power.)

Caught in a trap

Late last week, as the landslide in Nevada for Sanders was imminent, the western media reported claims, based on unnamed “US officials”, that the Vermont senator is seen by the Russians as an “asset”, and that they are trying to help either him or Trump to get elected. No one making that claim was identified, no explanation was offered of how Sanders could serve as an asset, nor was evidence cited for how the Russians might be able to help Sanders win. Power doesn’t need facts or evidence, even when its claims are self-evidently disruptive to the democratic process. It exists chiefly in the realm of narrative and ideology. This is a story, just like Corbyn’s “antisemitism crisis”, that is made true simply through repetition.

Because power is power, its narratives can defy the most elementary rules of logic. After all, how could an unverified, evidence-free narrative about Russian interference on behalf of Sanders’ campaign be more important than actual interference by anonymous “US officials” intended to damage Sanders’ campaign ? How could such undemocratic, unaccountable efforts to interfere in the outcome of the US election be so readily peddled by the media unless the entire press corps is incapable or unwilling to engage their critical faculties in favour of the democratic principles they claim to uphold? Unless, in truth, they are not there representing us, the people, and our interests, but are instead simply servants of what amounts to a power-cult.

As I have documented many times before, Corbyn found himself caught in a trap of the kind now faced by Sanders. Any supporter (including Jews) who denied that the Labour party Corbyn led was antisemitic, or argued that the antisemitism claims were being weaponised to damage him, was cited as proof that Corbyn had indeed attracted antisemites to the party. Concluding that Corbyn’s Labour party was not antisemitic, based on the evidence, was treated as evidence of antisemitism. But as soon as Corbyn agreed under media and party pressure to accept the alternative – that an antisemitism problem had taken root on his watch – he was also implicitly forced to concede that something about him and his values had allowed antisemitism to take root. He found he was damned either way – which is precisely how power makes sure it emerges the winner.

Unless we can develop our critical faculties to resist its propaganda, power holds all the cards and can play them the way that best suits its interests. The Russia narrative can be similarly written and rewritten in any way needed to damage Sanders. If he dissociates himself from the Russia narrative, it can be cited as proof that he is in the Kremlin’s pocket. But if Sanders supports the claims of Trump’s collusion with Russia, as he has done, he confirms the narrative that Vladimir Putin is interfering in the election – which can then be twisted when necessary to present Sanders as another of Russia’s assets.

The message is: A vote for Trump or Sanders will put Putin in change of the White House. If you’re a patriot, better to choose a safe pair of hands – those of Buttgeig, Biden or Bloomberg. (Paradoxically, one of the glitches might be a US presidential election campaign between two billionaires, a “choice” between Trump and Bloomberg. Should power become too successful in engineering the electoral system to serve its interests alone, too successful in allowing money to buy all political influence, it risks making itself visible to a wider section of the public than ever before.)

None of this should be seen as sinister or conspiratorial, though of course it sounds that way to those who fail or refuse to understand power. It is in the logic of power to exercise and consolidate its power to the greatest extent possible. And power has been accumulating power to itself over centuries, over millennia. Our failure to understand this simple truth is really a form of political illiteracy, one that has been engendered by our submission to, our worship of, power.

Those caught up in the drama of politics, the surface ripples – which is almost all of us, almost all of the time – are actors in, rather than witnesses to, the story of power. And for that reason we can see only other actors, the battles between the the powerful and the powerless, and between the powerless and the powerless, rather than power itself.

We watch the drama without seeing the theatre in which that drama is unfolding. In fact, power is much more than the drama or the theatre. It is the unseen foundations on which the theatre is built. To employ another metaphor, we are like soldiers on the battlefields of old. We slaughter – or are slaughtered by – people no different to us, defined as an enemy, cheered on by generals, politicians and journalists in the service of a supposed ideal we cannot articulate beyond the emptiest slogans.

Power is the structure of the thoughts we think we control, a framework for the ideologies we think we voted for, the values we think we choose to treasure, the horizon of imaginations we think we created. Power exists only so long as we consent to it through our blind obedience. But in truth, it is the weakest of opponents – it can be overcome simply by raising our heads and opening our eyes.


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Jonathan Cook won the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His books include “Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East” (Pluto Press) and “Disappearing Palestine: Israel’s Experiments in Human Despair” (Zed Books). His website is He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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Imprisoned in London at the behest of the Trump regime, 

Assange’s extradition hearing is all about silencing truth-telling journalism.

What’s going on affects all truth-telling journalists. We’re all Julian Assange on trial. His fate is ours. Who’s next on the US/UK hit list to silence?

In an Orwellian age, speech, media and academic freedoms are threatened on the phony pretext of protecting national security — at a time when alleged threats are invented, not real.

Censorship in the West already is the new normal. Extraditing Assange to the US for kangaroo court proceedings to convict is all about criminalizing journalism its ruling regime finds objectionable — the hallmark of totalitarian rule.

WikiLeaks presented an overview of USA v. Julian Assange at his extradition hearing.

Part 1 is scheduled from Feb. 24 – 28, Part 2 from May 18 – June 5.

Proceedings are at Woolwich Crown Court/Belmarsh Magistrate’s Court — adjacent to the high-security Belmarsh prison where Assange is held.

Attorneys representing him include Gareth Peirce, Edward Fitzgerald, and Mark Summers. Magistrate Vanessa Baraitser is presiding.

The Trump regime wants Assange extradited to the US, tried, convicted, and imprisoned for exposing Bush/Cheney state terrorism, specifically the following:

Collateral Murder video and Iraq Rules of Engagement, authorizing the murder of all military-aged Iraqis, the Afghan War Diaries, the Iraq War Logs, Cablegate (referring to State Department cables), and the Guantanamo Files.

Assange faces a spurious 18-count indictment under the long ago outdated 1917 Espionage Act, relating to WW I, what should have been rescinded at war’s end.

After he was brutally dragged from Ecuador’s London embassy last April and imprisoned, the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) called what happened to him “an attack on press freedom,” a flagrant First Amendment breach, leaving all independent journalists vulnerable to similar actions against them.

At the time, ACLU speech, privacy, and technology project director Ben Wizner said the following:

“For the first time in the history of our country, the government has brought criminal charges against a publisher for the publication of truthful information,” adding:

“This is an extraordinary escalation of the Trump (regime’s) attacks on journalism, and a direct assault on the First Amendment.”

“It establishes a dangerous precedent that can be used to target all news organizations that hold the government accountable by publishing its secrets.”

Each charge against Assange carries a potential 10-year sentence.

Trump regime hardliners want him either imprisoned longterm or eliminated by slow torture before arrival.

WikiLeaks called his indictment “madness”…representing “the end of national security journalism and the first amendment.”

USA v. Assange is the first time that the Espionage Act is being used to indict a publisher and journalist for doing his job — in his case, applying the law extraterritorially.

If extradited to the US, he’ll be held under harsh Special Administrative Measures (SAMs) in solitary confinement with no outside contacts other than his lawyers who’ll be prohibited from transmitting messages from him to others.

There’s virtually no possibility that he’ll be afforded due process and judicial fairness in US kangaroo court proceedings, considered guilty by accusation pre-trial.

If convicted, other truth-telling investigative journalists will be at risk — unprotected by First Amendment rights without which all others are threatened.

Former UK ambassador, historian, and human rights activist Craig Murray explained that proceedings against Assange will “impose the power of state” to assure the planned outcome.

“Woolwich is a ‘counter-terrorism court’ to limit public access and to impose the fear of the power of the state,” said Murray, adding:

Denied permission to sit beside his legal team, “Assange is confined at the back of the court…in a massive bulletproof glass box…designed to restrain extremely physically violent terrorists.”

Magistrate Baraitser is a Boris Johnson regime “puppet,” proceedings against Assange “corrupt(ed).”

Murray witnessed Monday’s proceedings inside a modern version of a centuries earlier UK Star Chamber, convened to convict, not acquit, saying:

“I followed the arguments very clearly every minute of the day, and not a single one of the most important facts and arguments today has been reported anywhere in the mainstream media,” adding:

“The mere act of being an honest witness is suddenly extremely important, when the entire media has abandoned that role.”

What happened on Monday and will continue ahead “is a political show trial…Baraitser is complicit” in proceedings no legitimate tribunal would tolerate.

She made “zero pretense of being anything other than in thrall to the Crown, and by extension to the” Trump regime.

If Assange survives his ordeal in Britain, which is very much in doubt, extradition to the US is virtually certain unless the ruling against him in London is overturned on appeal to the European Court of Human Rights or European Court of Justice, the highest EU court.

The alternative is imprisonment and torture in the US similar to what Chelsea Manning endured for nearly seven years.

More of the same continues now, imprisoned indefinitely in the US for invoking her constitutional right to remain silent.

Refusing to be part of unconstitutional proceedings against Assange, she declined to give testimony that could be used against him.

At great personal cost, she made clear that her honor, principles, and soul aren’t for sale.

The US has a history of honoring its worst and punishing its best, Manning clearly in the latter category.

So is Assange for truth-telling journalism the way it’s supposed to be — what establishment media long ago abandoned.

Note: UK law prohibits extradition of individuals to other countries for political reasons.

That’s clearly what Trump regime charges are all about, along with wanting truth-telling journalism on sensitive issues silenced.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Belal al-Naem was appalled when he saw the footage: an Israeli bulldozer dragging, mutilating and dangling a Palestinian’s corpse in the besieged Gaza Strip. Then he found out it was his brother’s body.

“I lived the shock twice, first before I knew that he is my brother, and the other when I knew that was him,” he told Middle East Eye.

Belal’s brother, Mohammed, was shot and killed by Israeli fire on Sunday in Abasan al-Kabira, east of Khan Younis.

The Israeli military claimed he and another Palestinian were attempting to place an explosive device on the frontier between the besieged enclave and Israel.

Then a military bulldozer, accompanied by a tank, moved in to retrieve the body, and its attempts were caught on camera.

Footage of the vehicle dragging the corpse quickly went viral.

“I could not stand the cruelty in it, there was a human being cut into pieces again and again. My heart could not stand the scene, I prayed for him and stepped away,” Belal said, describing it as “unprecedented brutality”.

“This is not a way for a human to die, and it happened while the whole world is watching,” he added.

“Our family saw this, and it will never be lost from our minds.”

‘Who will raise his son?’

Refuting Israel’s claims, Mohammed’s family says he was nowhere near the boundary fence and instead in an area that has long been used for peaceful protests.

His grieving mother described the 27-year-old engineer as a devoted father to his 10-month-old daughter.

“He worked any decent opportunity he got. He was always chasing a living for his family, and would please us all with his kindness and support. No day would pass without him checking in,” Mohammed’s mother Um Hussein told MEE, weeping.

“As he was leaving yesterday he was holding his son, smiling at me and waving at the door, saying he will come tomorrow to pick us up,” she added.

“Who is going to raise his son now?”

Watching the video was traumatic for his mother.

“I felt every blow on my son’s body. They were in my heart, I felt the pain as if I was him. I will never forget how Israel killed my son,” she said.

Mohammed’s family confirmed that he was a fighter with Islamic Jihad, an armed Palestinian resistance faction. His death was followed by a barrage of rockets fired from Gaza into Israel, and Israeli air strikes on Islamic Jihad targets in the enclave and Syria.

Despite his affiliation, Mohammed’s family insist his motivations for being close to the boundary were peaceful.

“He would wake up early, go to the mosque for Fajr [dawn] prayers and walk in the morning near the frontier. He loved looking over the lands he protected,” his wife Um Hamza said.

Holding their child, his wife said she could not watch the video as his family had told her how brutal it is.

“I won’t watch him being cut apart, I wish this video would disappear,” she said.

Aborted rescue

Moataz al-Najar, 23, was the first to spot Mohammed’s lifeless body, at 6am. He called some of his friends and relatives, and together they tried to retrieve him.

“I tried to get close to him to rescue him, but Israeli soldiers kept shooting randomly,” Najar told MEE.

After two hours Najar was able to get close to Mohammed, who was lying still and not breathing.

“He was dead and his face was burned, his intestines were spilling out of his body. Me and my cousin Ahmed tried to drag him away but the bulldozer assaulted us,” he recalled.

Image on the right: Moataz al-Najar recovering in hospital in Khan Yunus (MEE/Walled Mosleh)

Moataz al-Najar recovering in hospital in Khan Yunus (MEE/Walled Mosleh)

“I yelled at the driver that the man is dead, but he kept attacking,” Najar added, lying in a hospital bed in Khan Younis.

“The bulldozer drove at us faster and faster, and there was relentless shooting. The bulldozer hit me and I felt like I’d lost my leg, then I was forced to leave everything behind and escape.”

According to Najar, the incident took place nearly 350 metres inside the Gaza Strip, and neither he nor Mohammed crossed the Israeli fence.

Israel still holds Mohammed’s corpse.

“They must return his body, I want to say goodbye to him,” Um Hamza said.

“His death is honourable, he is a martyr and protected his nation. I expected him to die someday, but not as savagely as they say.”


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Featured image: Mohammed al-Naem’s mother, Um Hussein (MEE/Walled Mosleh)

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In late 1973, an OPEC oil embargo shocked the global oil market. Virtually overnight, prices around the world ballooned from around $4 per barrel to more than $10 per barrel, with costs in the United States even higher. The US economy was left reeling, and so in 1975 Congress passed the Energy Policy and Conservation Act establishing a strategic petroleum reserve, hoping to ensure that foreign oil suppliers could never hold the US economy hostage again.

For 2021, the Trump administration has asked Congress for $1.5 billion over the next 10 years to establish a similar energy stockpile, but for uranium rather than petroleum. The administration wants to fill the stockpile with US-mined uranium to help prop up domestic uranium production. At various points, such as during the First Gulf War in 1991 and again during the Arab Spring uprisings two decades later, the petroleum reserve has proven useful. But it’s highly unlikely that a uranium stockpile would ever do the same.

Low risk. The Trump administration claims that a uranium stockpile is vital for US energy security. But there’s almost zero risk that the United States will ever face a uranium shortage, for a few reasons.

First, for nearly four decades leading up to the mid 1980s, and again over the last few years, uranium supply far exceeded demand. That means there’s never been a supply shortage. Victor Gilinsky, who served on the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission under presidents Ford, Carter, and Reagan, told the Bulletin that, as far as he knows, “no nuclear plant, anywhere, not just in the United States, has ever failed to operate for lack of fuel.”

Second, the major US suppliers are hardly foes of the United States. As Dawn Stover wrote in the Bulletin last year, “Uranium fuel for nuclear reactors is readily available from friendly countries such as Canada and Australia, and is more affordable than the lower-grade, harder-to-access uranium mined in the United States.” Combined imports from Canada and Australia alone satisfied more than 40 percent of the US nuclear industry’s needs in 2018. (US mines supplied about 10 percent.)

Further guaranteeing the supply of uranium, the International Atomic Energy Agency recently established a low enriched uranium fuel bank, which accepted its first deposit in October. Based in Kazakhstan, the stockpile will help insure against supply disruptions for all member states. Though it’s reserves are modest, they’re slated to grow over time.

Such facts have not been reassuring to everyone, though. Ever since Russia’s state-owned nuclear energy company, Rosatom, acquired a company called Uranium One and gained ownership of a mine in the United States, politicians and conspiracy theorists have been voicing fears about Russia controlling the uranium supply. Early in February 2020, just before the Trump administration released its 2021 budget request, the US Senator from Wyoming John Barrasso released a statement asserting that, “For years, Russia has manipulated the uranium market to unfairly undermine American uranium production.”

Such fears have been roundly dismissed by experts. Estimates made in 2015 that Rosatom’s purchase of Uranium One would give Russia control of one-fifth of uranium capacity in the United States were both misleading and overblown; in 2018, the company produced just 23 tons of uranium, or 4 percent of the total produced in the United States that year. Globally, Russia accounted for just 5 percent of uranium production in 2018.

If there were a shock to the supply of uranium, not much would change. Energy costs would increase only slightly, since the reactor fuel represents a tiny fraction of the overall cost of nuclear energy. As Steve Fetter and Erich Schneider wrote for the Bulletin in 2015:

A doubling of the price of uranium would in fact add less than $4 per megawatt-hour to the cost of nuclear electricity.… For comparison, the average retail price of electricity in the United States (and most countries with nuclear reactors) is more than $100 per megawatt-hour. Therefore, even if a sustained, moderate increase in the price of uranium did occur, it would not significantly affect the economics of nuclear power relative to other technologies, and it would have little or no impact on the price of electricity paid by consumers.

Plus, the uranium market is like all commodity markets. If the supply ever becomes limited, the price will go up. That will prompt production at existing mines to quickly increase and new producers to enter the market, stabilizing the price. The same thing happened in the oil and gas industry, Fetter and Schneider point out, where high prices and technological innovation opened the door for the United States to become the number one oil and gas producer in the world.

Amber Reimondo, the energy program director at Grand Canyon Trust, told the Bulletin in an email that even if the United States did ever want to establish a uranium stockpile, domestic mining is not the place to get it. “US uranium ore quality is far below that of uranium found elsewhere in the world…. That means that no matter what, it’s always going to require more resources, energy, and money to produce a pound of US uranium compared to a pound of uranium from another mine with higher quality ore,” she wrote.

For most of the uranium in the United States, extraction would not be profitable unless the market price were more than $80 per kilogram. For the last three years, the spot price for uranium price has hovered between $45 and $55 per kilogram. This economic reality explains why the US nuclear industry imports more than 90 percent of the uranium it needs, and why US mines are simply not competitive.

A win for foreign companies. Although the Trump administration framed the proposal as a matter of national security, none of the companies that would stand to benefit from increased mining in the United States are even American.

Energy Fuels Inc., which has been lobbying hard for federal government help, is based in Toronto. Within days following the Trump administration’s release of its 2021 budget request, the company had announced a stock sale and had updated its investor pitch. The presentation paints a rosy outlook for a company that recently laid off one-third of its 79 employees at US mines and recorded a net loss of $25 million for 2018.

Perhaps the only company that stands to gain more from a federal government bailout than Energy Fuels is Cameco, the world’s biggest uranium mining company, which is based in Saskatchewan. Cameco has two uranium mines in the United States, but both have curtailed production since 2016.

Though smaller than the other two, Ur-Energy, registered in Ottawa, is also poised to benefit from a bailout. In 2019, the company produced a modest 225 metric tons of uranium at its Lost Creek site in Wyoming. But because it already has an up-and-running operation, it would be a step ahead of other companies that would have to build infrastructure and obtain the requisite licensing.

Aside from predominantly helping foreign-owned firms, the Trump administration’s proposal, if it were enacted, would likely only have a small and temporary effect. The request calls for $150 million of funding per year over the next 10 years. At current market prices, the US government would be able to purchase at most 2,700 metric tons of uranium per year. But paying market prices would not amount to any real relief, so it would need to pay more—perhaps $80 per kilogram—at which rate it could purchase about 1,900 metric tons per year. (Mark Chalmers, the CEO of Energy Fuels, said in a December 2019 interview that “the magic number for sustainability”—the rate at which his business could really get going again—would be $65 per pound, or $143 per kilogram.) So a best-case scenario might put US mines back at the production levels of 2013 and 2014, but well below what would be needed to sustain the industry, and far off the US production peak of almost 20,000 metric tons in 1980.

And even that wouldn’t last. Reimondo said, “If it works, it will only last as long as the taxpayer dollars flow toward that purpose.” After that, the industry would be subjected once again to the pressures of the market, which over the long term does not seem favorable for US mining operations.

Some have suggested that the Trump administration’s proposal is dead on arrival in Congress. However, Republicans in Congress have already been calling for other measures to help spur uranium mining. Edwin Lyman, director of nuclear power safety at the Union of Concerned Scientists, told Reuters that he wouldn’t be surprised if the proposal gains support at least in the Senate.

If Congress does fund a uranium stockpile, experts are unequivocal that it won’t save the mining industry, let alone strengthen US energy security. “The best argument for establishing a stockpile is to provide a federal subsidy to the miners in a red state to help re-elect President Trump. If that doesn’t appeal to you, it’s a terrible idea,” said Gilinsky. In 2016, Trump carried a 46-point margin over Hillary Clinton in Wyoming and an 18-point margin in Utah. Evidently it wasn’t enough.


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John Krzyzaniak is an associate editor at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Before joining the Bulletin, he was an associate editor at the journal Ethics & International Affairs, based at the Carnegie Council. His main areas of interest include arms control and non-proliferation on one hand, and politics and culture in the Persian-speaking world on the other. He holds a master’s degree in international affairs from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Featured image: The White Mesa uranium mill, the only conventional uranium mill in the United States that is still operating, is owned by Energy Fuels, a Toronto-based company. (Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)

If we are to believe it, Julian Assange of WikiLeaks, the man behind showing the ugliness of power, is the one responsible for having abused it.  It is a running theme in the US case against this Australian publisher, who has been given the coating of common criminality hiding the obvious point: that the mission is to make journalism on official secrets, notably those covering atrocity and abuse, a crime.

The first day of full extradition hearings against Assange at Woolwich Crown Court was chocked with a predictable prosecution case, and a robust counter by the defence.  Central to the prosecution’s case for extradition to the US is the emphasis on the ordinariness of Assange’s alleged criminality, to diminish the big picture abuses of empire and focus on the small offences of exposure.  In so doing, that seemingly insurmountable problem of journalism becomes less important.  If you publish pilfered material from whistleblowers, you are liable, along with those unfortunates who dared have their conscience tickled.

As James Lewis QC advanced at London’s Woolwich Crown Court,

“What Mr Assange seems to defend by freedom of speech is not the publication of the classified materials but the publication of the names of the sources, the names of the people who had put themselves at risk to assist the United States and its allies.”

Here, the rhetorical shift is clear: there were those who assisted the US, and Assange was being very naughty in exposing them via the State Department cables and the Iraq and Afghanistan war logs.  In doing so, he had also conspired with US army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to hack a password and conceal his identity in accessing and downloading relevant files.

Relegating Manning to the status of wooed conspirator was a ploy convincingly swatted by defence barrister Edward Fitzgerald QC. He merely had to consult Manning’s own court martial, in which she clearly stated that “the decisions I made to send documents and information to the WikiLeaks website were my own decisions and I take full responsibility for my actions.”

According to Lewis, the disclosures by WikiLeaks had grave consequences.  Fascinatingly enough, enough, these were not the sort identified by Pentagon studies which took a less punitive view on the subject.  Unconvincingly, the prosecution argued that, “The US is aware of sources, whose redacted names and other identifying information was contained in classified documents published by WikiLeaks, who subsequently disappeared, although the US can’t prove at this point that their disappearance was the result of being outed by WikiLeaks” [emphasis added].  This is almost incompetent in its measure: to accuse WikiLeaks of inflicting such harm, only to suggest that proof of causation was absent.

Lewis was also keen to shrink the panoramic view of the proceedings against Assange, preferring to see it as a hearing rather than a trial on the merits of the case. He does not want broader issues of reporting or journalism to be considered, nor thinks it relevant.  The only issue on that front, insisted the prosecution, was whether crimes alleged by the US would also constitute crimes in the UK, a matter surely not in dispute from the defence.  Fitzgerald begged to differ on that point as the Official Secrets Act that accords with the US Espionage Act contravenes the freedom of expression and information right outlined in Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

The US Department of Justice indictment, which makes essential if grotesque reading, links journalism on national security matters to the punitive nature of the national security state, cocooned, as it were, by the US Espionage Act of 1917.  Counts 15 to 17, as was noted by Gabe Rottman in Lawfare last year, “represent a profoundly troubling legal theory, one rarely contemplated and never successfully deployed.  Under these counts, the Justice Department now seeks to punish the pure act of publication of newsworthy government secrets under the nation’s spying laws.”

The very fact that the documents in question were posted is what is central to them.  They do not even lie in any conduct of inducement or seduction.  For even the most reserved legal commentators, this suggests a gluttonous overreach on the part of the imperium.

The issue was raised in questioning by Judge Vanessa Baraitser.  In making their remarks, the prosecution was stopped to clarify what was meant by “obtaining” classified documents.  Could anybody obtaining them, even in the absence of “aiding and abetting”, be the subject of prosecution? The response, after hesitation was:  Yes.  Newspapers and media outlets, beware.

The defence effort was sharp and to the point.  The entire prosecution against Assange, submitted Fitzgerald, was an abuse of process, constituting a “political offence” which would bar extradition under the US-UK Extradition Treaty of 2003.  The judge was reminded that the alleged offences took place a decade ago, that the Obama administration had decided not to prosecute Assange, and that the decision to do so in 2017 by the Trump administration saw no adducing of any new evidence or facts.  The decision by Trump to initiate a prosecution was an “effective declaration of war on leakers and journalists.”  The US president’s own disparaging remarks on the Fourth Estate were cited.  Assange “was the obvious symbol of all that Trump condemned.”

Trump’s own erratic behaviour – instructing US Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher to take a message to Assange in the embassy in 2017 – was also noted.  The message was uncomplicated enough.  Should Assange disclaim any Russian involvement in the 2016 Democratic National Committee leaks, he would be pardoned.  Fitzgerald was cool on the president’s blanket denial that this ever took place.  “He would, wouldn’t he?”

More broadly, the entire prosecution and extradition effort was based on the naked political act of state, spiced with a good deal of violent endeavour.  The destruction of legal professional privilege, the principle protecting the confidences of Assange and those of his defence team, suggest that point.  “We know,” submitted Fitzgerald, “that the US intelligence agency was being provided with surveillance evidence of what was being done and said in the Ecuadorean Embassy.”

And that’s not the half of it.  According to Assange’s barrister, various “extreme measures” against the long-time embassy tenant were also considered.  Kidnapping or poisoning were high on the list.  With such rich attitudes, it is little wonder that the defence reiterated the dangers facing Assange should he make his way across the Atlantic to face the US judicial system.  In the Eastern District of Virginia, punitive sentences are all but guaranteed.  Special Administrative Measures would spell mental ruin and death.  The second day awaits.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

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The news is filled with stories about President Trump and his predecessors imposing sanctions on other countries, their officials, and other prominent persons. But the media rarely spells out exactly what these sanctions are, the intermediaries who enforce them, the impacts they have on innocent civilians – women, men and children – how they are countered or evaded, and whether they fulfill or undermine their diplomatic, military, or economic purposes.

For example, sanctions against Iran by Trump increase by the year. They force banks and other financial institutions to cut off all decreed transactions, such as exports from Iran or purchase by Iran of critical spare parts, raw materials, even medical devices. Years ago, sanctions against Iraq under Saddam Hussein prohibited Iraq from purchasing chlorine to purify drinking water and children’s catheters. These sanctions produced deadly results for innocents. Iran’s economy is now in ruins and the brunt of the pain is suffered by innocent families. Under international law, disproportionate harm on civilians from sanctions is a serious violation.

Presently, from Trump there are sanctions on individuals in numerous countries, restricting their travel, their purchases and more. When banks like Citigroup and Bank of America are told by Washington to cut off any financial transactions from any companies doing business with a sanctioned country, do the banks receive payment for their trouble, or are there other quid pro quo rewards? We do not know. Secret government actions are pervasive, though sometimes a freedom of information request, followed by litigation, may pry open what is hidden.

Media alert! Sanctions are potential hotbeds for corruption and illegalities.

A little told story relates the tariffs Trump is imposing on imports from other countries, especially China. There are serious questions as to whether presidents have the constitutional authority or whether Congress must maintain authority on tariffs. Veteran constitutional law litigator Alan Morrison is now contesting sweeping executive tariff power in the federal courts. Reporting on this overreaching by the President is scarce.

Digging deeper, reporters should be asking what standards control presidential discretion or whims on imposing tariffs. The “national security flag” can’t just be waved arbitrarily.

Trump passes out many waivers for certain U.S. companies. Why, for example, did Trump give Apple CEO Tim Cook a waiver on tens of billions of dollars in iPhones imported from China, but not provide waivers to any number of smaller U.S. companies who buy products from China for their manufacturing or retail/wholesale sales?

Constitutional law specialist, Bruce Fein, says the absence of standards for giving waivers raises fundamental questions of unlawful delegation by Congress.

Media alert! Potential incentives for corruption and lawlessness in these burgeoning behind the scenes intrigues are huge.

The third hotbed of abuses relates to the charges by Washington that countries abroad tolerate “corruption,” and that security and economic relations with them are either jeopardized or unworkable. Such charges are regularly made against the governments of Afghanistan and Iraq – both militarily occupied by the U.S.

Corruption involves more than high-level officials taking bribes. Low-level public servants, so woefully underpaid, take money under the table to survive. As it happens, Ashraf Ghani, the elected president of Afghanistan, a former professor at Johns Hopkins University, was a leading expert on the nuances and functions of bribery in third-world countries. He can be a worthy source of knowledge on corruption.

U.S. agencies are a major generator of secret corruption in countries like Afghanistan. For example, cargo planes full of crisp one hundred dollar bills are shipped to Kabul and then trans-shipped to places like Kandahar. It doesn’t take much imagination to frame a reporter’s investigation—of what happens to cash in occupied, desperate societies.

Books and articles on the intelligence agencies note that cash handouts, big and small, are critical to achieve their purposes. There is so much bribery cash in Afghanistan that to stop the flow would seriously affect their shaky economy.

Bribery is a two way street – the briber and the bribee. Secret payments and bribes have often backfired against U.S. foreign policies in many undesirable ways.

Bribes to get what Washington and giant multinational corporations want from fragile countries merits more reporting, if only to show that a good deal of the bribery is under our control and within our power to reverse.

Media Alert!

From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Feel free to republish and share widely.


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Ralph Nader is a consumer advocate, lawyer, and author. His latest books include: To the Ramparts: How Bush and Obama Paved the Way for the Trump Presidency, and Why It Isn’t Too Late to Reverse CourseHow the Rats Re-Formed the Congress, Breaking Through Power: It’s easier than we think, and Animal Envy: A Fable

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We Need to Treat Nuclear War Like the Emergency It Is

February 25th, 2020 by Olivia Alperstein

If the current state of global affairs reminds you of an over-the-top plot by a white-cat-stroking James Bond villain, you’re not far off. When it comes to nuclear policy, we are closer than ever to a real-life movie disaster.

During his February 4 State of the Union address, President Donald Trump declared that “the Iranian regime must abandon its pursuit of nuclear weapons.” He omitted the part where he withdrew the United States from the only existing international treaty with the capability to compel the Iranian regime to do so.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), aka the Iran Deal, is the one international treaty that has effectively de-escalated tensions and ensured continued progress in securing Iran’s nonproliferation. It’s vital that the United States reenters the Iran Deal, or it could take ages to repair the damage and restart progress.

That treaty isn’t the only one on the chopping block.

The United States has also withdrawn from the landmark Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty between the United States and Russia, a vital arms reduction treaty that was responsible for eliminating over 2,600 intermediate-range missiles, bringing tangible progress in stabilization and disarmament efforts between the two countries.

The most important remaining international arms control treaty to which the United States is still a party, the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), is set to expire in February 2021, just a year from now.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has publicly offered to immediately extend New START, without any preconditions. However, the treaty’s future is unclear — Trump may attempt to reach a broader deal involving China, as some of his advisors have suggested, or may trash this treaty as well.

Nuclear weapons make us all less safe. The United States can and must once again lead on nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament. Nothing less than human health and survival is at stake. We all have a vested interest in ensuring nuclear weapons are not used.

Despite that existential risk, the U.S. Defense Department confirmed on February 5 that the Navy has deployed a low-yield, submarine-launched ballistic missile warhead. Bill Arkin and Hans Kristensen of the Federation of American Scientists first disclosed the deployment a week before that.

These warheads lower the threshold for potential nuclear conflict while increasing the chances of a real-life James Bond movie situation, due to human error or miscalculation. These low-yield warheads may be indistinguishable on radar from missiles armed with high-yield bombs, meaning an adversary could respond to such a launch with a full attack, immediately escalating the conflict to full nuclear war.

Proponents of this low-yield nuclear warhead say it is more “usable,” a euphemistic phrase that should send chills down the spines of anyone who can’t afford to escape planetary orbit on a SpaceX rocket.

“Low-yield” nuclear weapons are misleadingly named. At 6.5 kilotons, they are 591 times more powerful than the largest conventional weapon the United States has ever used, the GBU-43/B “Massive Ordnance Air Blast” (MOAB) bomb, and 2,600 times more powerful than the 1995 Oklahoma City bomb.

In fact, the W76-2 “low-yield” nuclear weapon that was deployed on those submarines can have up to 43 percent of the yield of the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima in 1945. That bomb killed between 90,000 and 166,000 people.

According to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists’ Doomsday Clock, we’re at just 100 seconds to midnight, thanks in part to the Trump administration’s reckless, systematic dismantling and undermining of vital international arms control agreements.

We can and must avoid getting any closer to the brink of nuclear war — we’re already dangling too close to the edge. It’s time for the United States to reenter or renegotiate vital arms control treaties like the Iran Deal and extend New START.


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Olivia Alperstein is the Media Relations Manager at Physicians for Social Responsibility. Distributed by

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Tom Clifford Reporting from Beijing

There is no room for complacency or outright fear.  The new coronavirus outbreak, COVID-19, sounds menacing and is.  But there’s another viral epidemic hitting countries around the world: the flu.

COVID-19 has, since December, led to more than 75,000 illnesses and 2,000 deaths, primarily in mainland China. But, statistically the flu is more menacing. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta says that in the United States alone, the flu caused an estimated 26 million illnesses, 250,000 hospitalizations and 14,000 deaths this season.

But seasonal flu is expected, it is known about. It is a clear and present danger. COVID-19 is new and the fear it is spreading is more reminiscent of a plague.

We are aware of flu symptoms, a high temperature, a cough, sore throat, aching muscle, splitting headaches, fatigue and, sometimes, vomiting and diarrhea. COVID-19 symptoms, from what we can tell, are primarily fever, cough and shortness of breath.

The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Protection, analyzed 44,672 confirmed cases in China between December 31, and February 11. Of those cases, 80.9 percent were considered mild, 13.8 percent severe and 4.7 percent critical.

These figures must be treated with caution, according to the World Health Organization as various respiratory viruses have similar symptoms.

The death rate from COVID-19 is believed to be around 2.3 percent in mainland China. Seasonal flu has a death rate of less than 0.1 percent — but still manages to kill up to 650,000 people globally every year.

COVID-19 fatalities vary by location and this seems to be a key factor. In Hubei Province, the epicenter of the outbreak, the death rate reached 2.9 percent but, crucially, in other provinces of China, that rate was just 0.4 percent. In addition, older adults have been hit the hardest. The death rate soars to nearly 15 percent in those 80 and older and for those in the 70-79 bracket it is about 8 percent. It falls to 3.6 percent for 60-69 age group and 1.3 percent for 50 to 59. It is less than half a percent for the 40-49 age group and just 0.2 percent for people aged 10 to 39. Nobody 9 or under has died of this virus to date.

The “basic reproduction number,” gauges how many people on average would be infected by one person. For the flu it is about 1.3. For COVID-19, indicators suggest it is about 2.2 people.

Unlike seasonal flu, for which there is a vaccine to protect against infection, there is no vaccine for COVID-19.

In Beijing, a city of 21 million people about 1,000 km from Wuhan where the outbreak originated, there have been about 400 confirmed cases. People must wear face masks in public. Most shops are shut. Schools and colleges are closed. Students are taking their courses and doing assignments at home, online. There are temperature checks for those entering supermarkets, the subway and office buildings. In housing compounds, residents are given special passes. Without them, you cannot enter. Some residential compounds allow people to visit friends and relatives after they submit their contact details to security guards.

There is also a political contagion. March is the month of the “two sessions”, when the parliament and advisory body meet in Beijing. It is the highlight of the political year. It has been cancelled.

Trade disputes? Check. Riots in Hong Kong? Check. Pork-price spike? Check. All politically manageable. COVID-19? The moment the virus hit the body politic was the death on February 7, of 33-year-old ophthalmologist Li Wenliang.On December 30 he sent a chat-group message to fellow doctors warning them to wear protective clothing to avoid infection. He had noticed seven cases of a virus that he thought looked like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome – the virus that also originated in China and led to a global epidemic in 2003.

Just days later the Public Security Bureau demanded he sign a self-confession where he “admitted” making “false comments” that had “severely disturbed the social order”.

He was one of eight people who police said were being investigated for “spreading rumours”. Local authorities later apologized to Li.

On January 10 he started coughing. The next day he had a fever and two days later he was in hospital. He was diagnosed with the coronavirus on January 30.

It is still possible that president Xi Jinping will emerge largely unscathed, as provincial authorities take the blame and are held accountable for the crisis. Containing the outbreak has paralyzed much of the economy but Xi could argue that Chinese society ultimately benefited from tighter control and surveillance. But if the virus cannot be contained quickly the public’s reaction is hard to gauge.


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The president of the Supreme Electoral Court of Bolivia (TSE) Salvador Romero informed that the former President Evo Morales will not be able to participate in the 2020 general elections, which will be held on May 3.

During a press conference, Romero told reporters that Morales did not meet the permanent residency requirements to be a Senate candidate for his Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) party, which is currently leading in the polls.

The candidacy of former Chancellor Diego Pary, as the candidate of the MAS party for senator in the Potosi region, was also disqualified on the same grounds.

However, the electoral body dismissed the observations against the presidential candidate by MAS party Luis Arce and enabled his candidacy.

Morales on his Twitter account wrote that the decision taken by the TSE was “a blow against democracy.”

“The decision of the  Supreme Electoral Court is a blow against democracy. The members of the TSE know that I meet all the requirements to be a candidate. The ultimate goal is the proscription of MAS.”

The sentence of the Bolivian electoral body comes two days after the MAS party declared itself in a “state of emergency,” due to the alleged political attempt of “embedded sectors” in the body to “eliminate” its candidates under interests that they described as “undemocratic.”

Meanwhile, Arce, who was Minister of Economy and Finance during the Morales administration, is the favorite to win the presidency according to the most recent poll by the research firm Ciesmori. Arce leads the vote with 31.6%, followed by former president Carlos Mesa with 17.1%, de-facto president Jeanine Añez with 16.5% and Luis Camacho with 9.6%.


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In January 2017, days before Trump’s inauguration, the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) concluded with “high confidence (that) Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election (sic).”

Weeks before the US 2016 presidential election, a joint DNI/DHS statement said:

“The US Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of emails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations…intended to interfere with the US election process (sic).”

So-called “confiden(ce)” included no corroborating evidence because none existed then or now.

Claims by the US intelligence community that Vladimir Putin personally aimed to “denigrate” Hillary and aid Trump’s campaign were cooked up by Obama’s CIA director John Brennan.

Yet months of Russiagate witch hunt investigations by Robert Mueller, along with House and Senate Intelligence Committees, found no evidence of Russian election meddling — nothing proving what was then and remains a colossal hoax.

Promoted by establishment media endlessly got most Americans to believe, and still believe, one of the Big Lies of our time.

Russiagate was and remains one of the most shameful chapters in US political history.

Yet even after no corroborating evidence surfaced, establishment media to this day report the Big Lie they won’t let die.

Earlier intelligence community quotes were as follows:

A January 2017 assessment by the DNI, CIA, NSA and FBI:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election (sic).”

Mike Pompeo as CIA director in November 2017:

“The director stands by and has always stood by the January 2017 intelligence community assessment (sic).”

Trump’s national security advisor HR McMaster in February 2018:

“As you can see with the FBI indictment, the evidence is now really incontrovertible and available in the public domain (sic).”

DNI Dan Coats:

“In 2016, Russia conducted an unprecedented influence campaign to interfere in the US electoral and political process (sic).”

Deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein:

“The blame for election interference belongs to the criminals who commit election interference (sic).”

DHS secretary Kirstjen Nielsen:

“We have seen a willingness and a capability on the part of the Russians, and so we are working very closely with state and locals to ensure that we’re prepared this time around (sic).”

FBI director Christopher Wray:

“As I have said consistently, Russia attempted to interfere with the last election and continues to engage in malign influence operations to this day (sic).”

Days earlier, accusations of Russia aiding Trump’s reelection campaign as well as Sanders’ aim to be Dem standard bearer in November surfaced — once again, no corroborating evidence presented to support them.

Yet top US intelligence community election security official Shelby Pierson told Fox News Sunday (Feb. 23) that despite reports otherwise, no evidence suggests Russia is involved in boosting Trump’s reelection bid.

In House Intelligence Committee testimony earlier this month, she reportedly said intelligence reports of Russian US election meddling are “overstated.”

Last week, the Wall Street Journal said she “has a reputation for being injudicious with her words and not appreciating the delicate work of corralling federal agencies, technology firms and state election officials to collaborate on election security.”

Was the above remark code language for truth-telling on claims of Russian US election meddling?

Clearly no evidence proves it earlier or now.

Other US intelligence community officials claimed Russia is waging “information warfare” ahead of November elections, no proof cited because none exists.

In January, Pierson reportedly said Moscow is “engaging in influence operations relative to candidates going into 2020,” adding:

“But we do not have evidence at this time that our adversaries are directly looking at interfering with vote counts or the vote tallies.”

Translation: We’re unable to prove that Russia or any other nation is interfering in the US political process.

Pierson added that the US intelligence community doesn’t know what Russia is planning — nor “China, Iran, non-state actors, hacktivists, and frankly for the DHS and FBI, even (whether) Americans might be looking to undermine confidence in the elections.”

How the latter could be possible she didn’t explain. The only opposition to the system option for ordinary US voters is by opting out, refusing to be part of a farcical process, clearly not serving their welfare.

In early February, FBI director Christopher Wray told the House Judiciary Committee that Russia is engaged in “information warfare” ahead of November elections through a “covert” social media campaign to divide the US public — citing no evidence proving the claim, once again because none exists.

Former CNN national security analyst Asha Ranqappa falsely claimed “Russia loves Bernie.”

She failed to explain that “Bernie” deplores Russia. In a CBS 60 Minutes interview that aired Sunday, he was asked if he’d order military action if president.

“Absolutely,” he said. (W)e have the best military in the world,” sounding like Trump, adding:

He supports NATO and he’d order military action against foreign “threats against the American people” or “threats against our allies” — despite none existing since WW II ended, just invented ones to unjustifiably justify preemptive wars and other hostile actions against nations threatening no one.

Stop NATO’s Rick Rozoff noted that during a 2016 (Dem) primary debate on PBS, Sanders said:

“We have to work with NATO to protect Eastern Europe against any kind of Russian aggression (sic)” — ignoring that none exists.

He called for isolating Putin politically and economically. He commended Obama for sanctioning Russia after Crimeans voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia, Putin going along with their request in 2014.

At the time, Sanders said “(t)he entire world has got to stand up to Putin,” falsely accusing him of “military adventurism” — a US, NATO, Israeli specialty, not how Russia operates.

Sanders once called model democrat Hugo Chavez “a dead communist dictator.” He demeaned democrat Putin as an “anti-democratic authoritarian.”

On all things geopolitical, he resembles earlier and current US hawks. He’d consider military force against Iran or North Korea to preempt a nuclear or missile test, he said.

He’s hostile to these countries, Russia, China, Syria, Venezuela, and other nations on the US target list for regime change — for their sovereign independence and opposition to Washington’s imperial agenda, not for any threat they pose.

If elected president in November, his geopolitical agenda will likely replicate how his predecessors operated.

His domestic agenda will likely fall short of his lofty campaign rhetoric.

No one accedes to high office in the US who isn’t vetted as safe, continuity assured no matter who serves as president, House speaker, congressional majority leaders, and other high-level posts.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Global Research: Sailing Onwards…With Your Help!

February 24th, 2020 by The Global Research Team

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We are greatly indebted to all of you who have dug deep and come to our aid during this challenging period for Global Research. We may not be on dry land yet, but the support shown certainly puts wind in our sails.

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A lot of people think that Thomas Sankara was the only African military ruler who was liked and respected by Fela Anikulapo Kuti.

This is not true.

For sure, Sankara was the only military ruler with whom he had a genuine personal friendship, but Fela praised Idi Amin, the Ugandan military dictator. It was a controversial decision for which he received a good deal of criticism, but one that was predicated on Amin’s anti-imperialist stance and his frequent denunciations of Apartheid South Africa.

Fela also took a liking to the Ghanaian military Head of State, Colonel Ignatius Acheampong. This in many ways is not surprising given that Acheampong had overthrown Dr. Kofi Busia, an arch-enemy of Fela’s hero, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, whom Fela had met as a child through his mother, Funmilayo Kuti.

Acheampong was known to be broadly sympathetic to Nkrumah’s ideology. His government “in the spirit of the January 13th (1972) Revolution” revoked the Busia government’s offer of a reward of $120,000 for anyone who could bring Nkrumah back to Ghana “Dead or Alive”. He declared a day of national mourning after Nkrumah’s death in exile, and was responsible for negotiating the return of Nkrumah’s remains to Ghana from Guinea. Acheampong had promised that Nkrumah would receive a burial befitting of his status as Ghana’s Founding Father.

An appreciative Fela dedicated a 1972 re-issue of his album Open and Close to “his Excellency I.K. Acheampong, Ghana Head-of-State, the first head-of-state I ever entertained. It was beautiful.”

But Fela’s respect for Acheampong would wane.

During a temporary sojourn in Ghana to which he had sought refuge after the sacking of his Kalakuta Republic commune by soldiers of the Nigerian Army, Fela actively supported the cause of Ghanaian student activists in their protest actions against Acheampong, whose initial sense of promise had degenerated into the sort of economic mismanagement and blatant corruption of which he had consistently accused Nigerian military regimes. His 1976 song “Zombie”, which lampooned the Nigerian military, became popular among dissident university students who felt the lash of persecution for opposing Acheampong. The uneasiness felt by the regime over the songs use as a rallying call against the Ghana military was compounded by Fela denunciation of Acheampong and his cohorts on stage at Accra’s Apollo Theatre.

Fela’s conduct culminated in his deportation from Ghana, an action that he felt was preceded by consultations between Acheampong and his Nigerian counterparts. Acheampong also imposed a travel ban on Fela which was not lifted until 1982 by the military regime headed by Flight Lieutenant Jerry Rawlings.

Fela did not visit Ghana and does not appear to have endorsed Rawlings despite the revolutionary inclinations of his first government and the early proclamations of a radical type during the second one. Nonetheless, he did become very friendly with Capitaine Thomas Sankara, the Marxist and Pan-Africanist orientated military leader of Burkina Faso, who was a regional ally of Rawlings. Sankara’s assassination is said to have devastated Fela who described his death as a “terrible blow to the political life of Africans.”

He remembered Acheampong far less fondly.

So embittered was Fela by his treatment at the hands of the Acheampong regime that when recalling the uprising that brought junior officers of the Ghanaian military to power in 1979 to his biographer, the Cuban-born Carlos Moore, Fela referred to “That Acheampong mother f ***er, who’s dead now. Got his ass kicked good by Jerry Rawlings!”


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Adeyinka Makinde is a writer based in London, England. This article was originally published on his blog site, Adeyinka Makinde.

Featured image: Colonel Ignatius Acheampong and Fela Kuti

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Russia has been a prime US target since its 1917 revolution, relations between both countries uneasy at best from that time to now.

Propaganda by US officials and establishment media demonizes the country and its leadership, ongoing for over a century except for brief interregnum periods.

The fake “Red Scare” over a century ago was followed by FBI COINTELPRO persecution, House Un-American Activities Committee and Joe McCarthy political lynchings, the Hollywood blacklist, Big Brother surveillance, police state laws, relentless fear-mongering, and related actions.

Post-9/11 Russophobia launched Cold War 2.0 — far more menacing to world peace than its earlier version.

Russia under Vladimir Putin is falsely accused of malign activities because of the country’s sovereign independence, its opposition to Washington’s imperial agenda, its aim for peace, stability, and multi-world polarity, along with its status as the world’s dominant military power, its super-weapons exceeding the Pentagon’s best, developed at a small fraction of the cost.

US officials and establishment media falsely accused Russia of cyberwar, attacking the US power grid, election meddling, breaching bilateral agreements, destabilizing activities, and other alleged malign actions — no evidence backing them because none exists.

Without it, accusations are baseless. Yet they persist, believed by most Americans because establishment media repeat them relentlessly.

Collectively, they operate as a virtual ministry of propaganda against nations on the US target list for regime change, ones it doesn’t control — China, Russia and Iran toppling the list for vilifying by fake news.

Invented reasons are used because legitimate ones don’t exist.

The latest US fake accusation against Russia comes from the Trump regime’s State Department — headed by extremist Pompeo.

Over the weekend, acting assistant secretary of state for Europe and Eurasia Stephen Biegun said the following:

“Russia’s intent is to sow discord and undermine US institutions and alliances from within, including through covert and coercive malign influence campaigns (sic),” adding:

“By spreading disinformation about coronavirus, Russian malign actors are once again choosing to threaten public safety by distracting from the global health response (sic).”

False accusations allege Russian social media accounts are “sow(ing) discord” by claiming the US is waging “economic war on China,” including by a CIA manufactured bioweapon, namely the coronavirus (COVID-19).

English-language Russian media RT and Sputnik are accused of linking the US to the virus outbreak and spread to damage Washington’s image on the world stage — already irreparably damaged by its war on humanity.

In response to the phony accusation, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova denounced it as “deliberate fake” news.

No supportive evidence backing the accusation proves it. Whenever US accusations are made against Russia, China, Iran, and other sovereign nations Washington doesn’t control, no corroborating evidence is presented because none exists.

Separately, Trump regime assistant secretary for international security and nonproliferation Christopher Ford earlier claimed that the US “desire(s) friendship” with China, Russia and Iran, adding:

“(F)riendship requires that they behave like ‘normal’ states” — code language for subordinating their sovereign rights to US interests.

Both right wings of US duopoly rule are waging war on these countries and others Washington doesn’t control by hot and other means.

US rage for controlling other nations, their resources and populations risks unthinkable global war, potentially with super-weakens able to destroy planet earth and all its life forms if used.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

India is Venezuela’s largest oil customer but the two companies that import its oil just declared that they’ll comply with the US’ latest sanctions against the Bolivarian Republic’s Russian intermediary, which could lead to the South American state experiencing an economic shock just like Iran did after New Delhi dutifully bowed to America’s demands last year to do the same in cutting off the Islamic Republic.

India Just Backstabbed Venezuela

The US’ latest sanctions against Russian state oil company Rosneft might end up having a destabilizing effect on Venezuela’s economy after India declared that it’ll comply with these unilateral restrictions. US Special Representative for Venezuela Elliott Abrams said last Tuesday that “The two largest customers of Venezuelan oil are India and China in that order. We will be in conversations with the customers to advise them of US policy with respect to the export of Venezuelan oil. We will continue to try to persuade those countries that are supporting and sustaining this regime to diminish their activities.” No sooner had he made his announcement than Reliance Industries and Nayara Energy (the latter of which is partly owned by Rosneft) disclosed the day after that they’ll dutifully abide by these demands. Reuters reported that the first-mentioned said that “In its dealings with Rosneft and otherwise, Reliance will continue to act in compliance with U.S. sanctions and policy guidelines” while the second declared that “we reaffirm our commitment to this position (of complying with all relevant and applicable US sanctions) following the recent announcements.”

Modi’s Pro-Western Pivot

This development probably came as a shock to many in the Alt-Media Community who had been indoctrinated for years with the completely false notion that India is supposedly “multi-aligning” between the world’s Great Powers in order to take advantage of its strategic equidistance from each of them like the country officially says that it’s doing. Nothing could be further from the truth in practice, however, since India is actually “pivoting” more closely to the West at the expense of the emerging Multipolar World Order that Russia and China are jointly building (though not always in full coordination with one another). This is proven most convincingly by its recent military-strategic partnership with the US, which has seen the South Asian state reduce its purchase of Russian arms by a whopping 42% over the past decade according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) due to its new policy of gradually replacing them with American, “Israeli“, and French wares instead. Furthermore, this new geostrategic alignment has seen India bow to America’s demands last year that it stop importing Iranian oil.


Although it recently signed a deal for more Russian resources to compensate for this shortfall, imports from the Eurasian Great Power are less than half of what it’s currently purchasing from the US and might soon be only a fifth of that amount if India doubles its imports of American oil like some outlets have reported that it’s planning to agree to during Trump’s visit. This “politically incorrect” observation stands in stark contrast to what new RT contributor and senior Indian journalist Ashish Shukla wrote about in his latest op-ed for the international media platform. In his piece titled “Friends or foes? As India gears up to talk to the West, meet the architect of its new ‘India first’ foreign policy“, Skuhkla asserted that “to assume that New Delhi has decided to wholeheartedly embrace the West would be wrong. Far from bending the knee, New Delhi has begun to pursue independent economic and foreign policies, a move largely unappreciated in the West…both (the US and India) will go their own way when it comes to their global policies. At least India is letting the US know to mind its own business, even though the latter isn’t quite giving up its instincts for intrusive behavior.”

That’s not true for the aforementioned reasons and many others pertaining to India’s eagerness to cooperate with the US’ grand stratagem of “containing” China, and the cases that he relies on as supposed proof are either inconsequential rhetorical examples or the country’s purchase of Russia’s S-400s, which America is turning a blind eye to (at least for now) because it understands their utility in helping New Delhi keep Beijing at bay. Objectively speaking, India is now establishing a track record of indirectly ruining its former energy “partners'” economies by complying with the US’ unilateral sanctions against them, as was seen most painfully in the case of Iran where the Islamic Republic lost one of its top oil customers and has since had its ongoing economic crisis exacerbated as a direct result. The same scenario might worryingly befall Venezuela in the coming future as well seeing as how India immediately threw the Bolivarian Republic under the bus in an attempt to convince Trump to agree to various deals during his current visit, which smacks of strategic servility since India could have realistically used this possibility as “negotiating leverage” instead of complying at once.

Desperate For A “Success”

Prime Minister Modi is desperate for anything that he can pass off as a “success” in order to distract from rising domestic anger against the combination of his Hindu supremacist and economic neoliberal policies that have seen unprecedented nationwide protests over the past few months. Selling out Venezuela for (an) energy, military, and/or trade deal(s) with the US after doing the same to Iran last year in exchange for nothing at all simply as a “goodwill gesture” of India’s commitment to America’s global vision therefore shouldn’t be surprising to any objective observer familiar with Modi’s true foreign policy goals. His obsequiousness to Trump is leading to cracks in his “nationalist” base, however, with the influential Shiv Sena expressing concern that the American leader is being feted as a guest of honor despite the US removing India from its duty-free import regime. The party also sharply criticized its government for spending several million dollars to “beautify” the parts of the country that Trump will see during his official tour (including the controversial construction of a wall intended to obscure view of a nearby slum), describing such efforts as “reflecting the slave mentality of Indians“.

Concluding Thoughts

Those two Shiv Sena-related developments and the official statements of support from India’s Venezuelan-importing oil companies of their compliance with American sanctions happened prior to Shukla publishing his article, making one wonder whether he was inexplicably unaware of them or simply opted to omit such important facts in order to push a false narrative about Modi’s foreign policy. To remind the reader, RT’s new contributor wrote that “to assume that New Delhi has decided to wholeheartedly embrace the West would be wrong. Far from bending the knee, New Delhi has begun to pursue independent economic and foreign policies, a move largely unappreciated in the West…both (the US and India) will go their own way when it comes to their global policies.

At least India is letting the US know to mind its own business, even though the latter isn’t quite giving up its instincts for intrusive behavior.” In reality, however, India has indeed decided to wholeheartedly embrace not just the West in general, but the US in particular and especially when it comes to its aggressive sanctions policy against Iran and now Venezuela, in a move largely ignored by Alt-Media because they can’t accept that India is increasingly becoming an American proxy state that’s willingly allowed itself to be weaponized against multipolar countries in the “hope” that the US will “reward” it with better “deals”.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from OneWorld

Environmental Voter Guide. Democratic Candidates 2020

February 24th, 2020 by The Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund

The Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund evaluated each candidate on four key environmental issue areas:
saving wildlife, protecting public lands, ensuring environmental justice and ending the climate crisis.

We evaluated every candidate polling above 1% in the latest national polls. We did not evaluate former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg because of his decision not to participate in any Democratic debate, build a grassroots network of supporters or compete in any of the early state caucuses or primaries.

Click here for more details.


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Selected Articles: Bioweapons as Weapons of Modern Warfare?

February 24th, 2020 by Global Research News

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The U.S. Is the World Leader of Bio-Weapons Research, Production, and Use Against Mankind

By Gary D. Barnett, February 24, 2020

While tangible evidence is not available, the new Coronavirus, (2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) one in a line of many that could have been produced by man in laboratories, is affecting almost exclusively the Chinese at this point. This has seemingly opened the floodgates to speculation as to its exact origin. This virus has unique characteristics that have happened before with SARS and MERS, and has genetic material that has never been identified, and is not tied to any animal or human known virus.

The Dangers of Synthetic Biology: A Biotech Firm Made a Smallpox-like Virus on purpose. Nobody Seems to Care

By Prof. Gregory D. Koblentz, February 24, 2020

In 2017, the virologist David Evans made headlines when he used synthetic biology to recreate the extinct horsepox virus, which is closely related to the virus that causes smallpox, a disease eradicated in 1980. Evans and his team, ordering the genetic material they needed through the mail, reportedly spent $100,000 on the research, an amount that seems small given the momentous implications of their work. “No question. If it’s possible with horsepox, it’s possible with smallpox,” German virologist Gerd Sutter told Science magazine in a press account of Evans’s work. A number of biosecurity experts and even The Washington Post editorial board joined him in voicing their concerns. Given the reaction Evans met, one might expect the news that yet another microbe related to the smallpox virus had been synthesized to set off similar alarm bells.

COVID-19 May Have Originated from the US? Japanese TV Broadcast

By Larry Romanoff, February 24, 2020

A news broadcast in Japan stirred up a hornet’s nest not only in Japan but also in China.

‌A Japanese TV news report said that some of the 14,000 Americans who died of influenza may have in fact died from the coronavirus.

China’s Coronavirus. “We Cannot Rule Out Man Made Origin of these Infections”

By Larry Romanoff and Igor Nikulin, February 17, 2020

In earlier articles I related the opinions of biochemists and bio-warfare specialists on the circumstances justifying suspicion of a virus being created in a lab and deliberately released in a foreign country as a means of either low- or high-intensity warfare, or as merely a means of destabilising a nation and perhaps severely damaging its economy, with the loss of life being an added plus. The US is the country that appears most devoted to biological warfare, though a number of other nations are eager participants, including the UK and Israel.

Bioweapons: Lyme Disease, Weaponized Ticks

By Makia Freeman, August 03, 2019

Bioweapons, specifically Lyme Disease and bioweaponized ticks, were in the news recently when US Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) introduced Amendment 116-19 which was subsequently passed by the US House of Congress on July 11th, 2019. The US House ordered an investigation to determine whether the DoD (Department of Defense) experimented with ticks and other insects between 1950 and 1975 to create bioweapons (biological weapons). Smith, who has a long history of bringing awareness to Lyme Disease, said he was inspired to pursue the matter after reading a book by Kris Newby entitled Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons published this year. The fact of the matter is that the US Government and Military have a long history of experimentation with bioweapons, some of which has caused fatal consequences. It is time for the truth to come out.

Body of Evidence Suggests New US Biological Warfront Opening Up

By Henry Kamens, January 20, 2018

We know that the Richard E. Lugar Centre in Tbilisi is actually a biological weapons lab. It has always been assumed that the US Department of Defense took over this facility, alongside a string of others in the former Soviet Union, for offensive purpose, and that the “scientific research” into animal and human diseases it claims to be carrying out is merely a front for developing new biological strains, viruses and bacteria, and then testing them on the Georgian population and the agricultural industry, without asking for consent, and even developing new generation vaccines and cures which are often experimental, naturally donated or supported by the US Department of Defence and German medical research facilities.


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Those that prevent disease and expose virus creation are heroic, but those that create and purposely spread disease and virus are inhuman. Given the history of the United States government and its military industrial complex concerning biological and germ warfare, the use of these agents against large populations, and the desire to create agents that are race specific strains, these powerful entities have become compassionless purveyors of death to the innocent.

Manmade viruses meant for warfare, whether for economic destruction, starvation, or mass death, are the workings of the truly evil among us. Predation at this level is relegated to those in power; a president for example, could give the order to wipe out millions due to his inability to control a problem he caused and perpetuated, and then lay blame on the victims.

Who would ever have believed that modern warfare could be more brutal, more torturous, more painful, and more harmful to innocents, especially children, than past atrocities committed in war. Memories of millions sent to their deaths fighting in trenches, cities obliterated by atomic bombs, entire countries destroyed, and millions purposely left to starve in order to appease some tyrant or elected “leader.” I once thought that nuclear war would signal the end of life as we know it, but considering modern warfare and technology, I now think that uncontrolled and deadly viruses may consume the world population, as one after another poisons are released as acts of hidden war. There can be no end to this madness, as any retaliation in kind will result in the spread of worldwide disease; all created by man.

While tangible evidence is not available, the new Coronavirus, (2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) one in a line of many that could have been produced by man in laboratories, is affecting almost exclusively the Chinese at this point. This has seemingly opened the floodgates to speculation as to its exact origin. This virus has unique characteristics that have happened before with SARS and MERS, and has genetic material that has never been identified, and is not tied to any animal or human known virus. This should be troubling to all, because if this is manmade, it was manufactured as a weapon of war. So who is responsible for its release in China? It is possible that this virus was created in China and was “accidentally” released into the population, but that does not sound credible at any level. Do any think that the Chinese government would create a Chinese race specific virus and release it in their country?

Interestingly, in the past, U.S. universities and NGOs went to China specifically to do illegal biological experimentation, and this was so egregious to Chinese officials, that forcible removal of these people was the result. Harvard University, one of the major players in this scandal, stole the DNA samples of hundreds of thousands of Chinese citizens, left China with those samples, and continued illegal bio-research in the U.S. It is thought that the U.S. military, which puts a completely different spin on the conversation, had commissioned the research in China at the time. This is more than suspicious.

The U.S. has, according to this article at Global Research, had a massive biological warfare program since at least the early 1940s, but has used toxic agents against this country and others since the 1860s. This is no secret, regardless of the propaganda spread by the government and its partners in criminal bio-weapon research and production.

As of 1999, the U.S. government had deployed its Chemical and Biological Weapons (CBW) arsenal against the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Vietnam, China, North Korea, Laos, Cambodia, Cuba, Haitian boat people, and our neighbor Canada according to this articleat Counter Punch. Of course, U.S. citizens have been used as guinea pigs many times as well, and exposed to toxic germ agents and deadly chemicals by government. Keep in mind that this is a short list, as the U.S. is well known for also using proxies to spread its toxic chemicals and germ agents, such as happened in Iraq and Syria. Since 1999 there have been continued incidences of several different viruses, most of which are presumed to be manmade, including the current Coronavirus that is affecting China today.

There is also much evidence of the research and development of race-specific bio-warfare agents. This is very troubling. One would think, given the idiotic race arguments by post-modern Marxists, that this would consume the mainstream news, and any participants in these atrocious race-specific poisons would be outed at every level. That is not happening, but I believe it is due to obvious reasons, including government cover-up, hypocrisy at all levels, and leftist agenda driven objectives that would not gain ground with the exposure of this government-funded anti-race science.

I will say that it is not just the U.S. that is developing and producing bio-warfare agents and viruses, but many developed countries around the globe do so as well. But the United States, as is the case in every area of war and killing, is by far the world leader in its inhuman desire to be able to kill entire populations through biological and chemical warfare means. Because these agents are extremely dangerous and uncontrollable, and can spread wildly, the risk to not only isolated populations, but also the entire world is evident. Consider that a deadly virus created by the U.S. and used against another country was found out and verified, and in retaliation, that country or others decided to strike back with other toxic agents against America. Where would this end, and over time, how many billions could be affected in such a scenario?

All indications point to the fact that the most toxic, poisonous, and deadly viruses ever known are being created in labs around the world. In the U.S. think of Fort Detrick, Maryland, Pine Bluff Arsenal, Arkansas, Horn Island, Mississippi, Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, Vigo Ordinance Plant, Indiana, and many others. Think of the fascist partnerships between this government and the pharmaceutical industry. Think of the U.S. military installations positioned all around the globe. Nothing good can come from this, as it is not about finding cures for disease, or about discovering vaccines, but is done for one reason only, and that is for the purpose of bio-warfare for mass killing.

The drive to find biological weapons that will sicken and kill millions at a time is not only a travesty, but is beyond evil. This power is held by the few, but the potential victims of this madness include everyone on earth. How can such insanity at this level be allowed to continue? If any issue could ever unite the masses, governments participating in biological and germ warfare, race-specific killing, and creating viruses with the potential to affect disease and death worldwide, should cause many to stand together against it. The first step is to expose that governments, the most likely culprit being the U.S. government, are planting these viruses purposely to cause great harm. Once that is proven, the unbelievable risk to all will be known, and then people everywhere should put their divisiveness aside, stand together, and stop this assault on mankind.

“In vast laboratories in the Ministry of Peace, and in experimental stations, teams of experts are indefatigably at work searching for new and deadlier gases; or for soluble poisons capable of being produced in such quantities as to destroy the vegetation of whole continents; or for breeds of disease germs immunised against all possible antibodies.” ~ George Orwell – 1984


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Gary D. Barnett [send him mail] is a retired investment professional living and writing in Lewistown, Montana. Visit his website.

Bolivia: Anatomy of a CIA Coup

February 24th, 2020 by Hugo Turner

Last November a horrifying coup took place overthrowing the socialist government of Bolivia and the nation’s first indigenous president Evo Morales. It was a textbook example of a CIA coup recalling the dark days of Operation Condor when the US installed military dictatorships throughout the region to insure they could be looted by american corporations. Bolivia is now ruled by a self appointed president Jeanine Anez a racist evangelical christian who believes indians are “satanic” and should be barred from entering the cities. Her husband is tied to the Colombian death squads.

When the people of Bolivia rose up to resist the coup they were massacred by the police and military. 36 were killed 832 more were wounded. There have been hundreds of arbitrary arrests, 57 Radio stations have been shut down, foreign journalists have been expelled.  Anyone who dares to complain about the coup is accused of sedition and terrorism. 

Murderous fascist traitors who overthrew their own government so that the United States could loot it’s resources have the nerve to charge the winner of the election Evo Morales with sedition, terrorism, and support of terrorism.

It’s a strategy of lawfare pioneered in Brazil where former president Lula was arrested and imprisoned on false charges to keep him from running against the fascist Bolsonaro after his successor Dilma Rousseff was overthrown due to of a phony corruption investigation.

Meanwhile Luis Fernando Comacho the former leader of the fascist paramilitary UJC which has been committing arson, terrorizing protestors, and conspiring with the CIA for ten years is granted total impunity to terrorize the people of Bolivia at the same time as he is running for president. The new coup regime has lost no time in attempting to reverse everything Evo accomplished. National industries are being divided among the coup supporters corrupt cronies so they can loot bankrupt and privatize everything.

Cuban doctors who were in the country to provide health care to the poor, have been expelled at the very moment they were needed to treat the wounded victims of the coup.

Who will count all the children who will die from lack of health care in the new fascist Bolivia? Stipends for poor pregnant women and young children were eliminated. In other words the vast majority of people will be pushed back into poverty and misery while the coup plotters become fantastically wealthy looting the country and reviving the flow of Bolivian cocaine.

Jeanine Anez receiving the presidential sash from a representative of the Bolivian military (photo: EFE).

The Bolivian coup was a triumph for capitalism and imperialism and an unfolding tragedy not just for the people of Bolivia but for all of Latin America. Venezuela has lost another ally and Imperialism has gained another stronghold from which to wage war on latin America. Just as the coup in Brazil against Jao Goulart in the 1964 helped launch a string of coups across the region as Brazilian military and intelligence played a key role in conjunction with the CIA in carrying out those coups. The role of main coup adviser dirty war trainers and imperial lackey’s would shift from Brazil, to Chile, to Argentina to Colombia with the bloodbath growing exponentially.

Colombia, Brazil, and Argentina and even failed Venezuelan coup plotter Juan Guaido provided major support for the coup against Morales. Now Bolivia may play a role in coup plots in Venezuela, Nicaragua, Mexico, or Argentina it’s police and military may be sent to advise Chile and Ecuador in how to massacre and intimidate protestors. The era of Condor 2.0 has only just begun and there is no telling what horrors lie ahead.

Bolivia’s history would of course require a series of books to do any justice. Still I can’t resist mentioning a few key events. It had a socialist government in the 1950’s that the US used a laboratory of soft imperialism. Che Guevara died heroically in Bolivia he believed the countries location would make it a key strategic location for the liberation of Latin America. Once America discovered his presence the CIA and special forces trained an elite Bolivian unit to hunt him down. The infamous butcher of Lyon Klaus Barbie who the CIA helped “escape” to Latin America and infamous CIA Cuban Felix Rodriguez ( future key Iran/Contra figure) were both involved in the death of Che Guevara. Klaus Barbie was also a key figure in backing Hugo Banzer’s coup.

Banzer became infamous for his war on liberation theology. His Banzer plan inspired countries like El Salvador to wage a similar war leading to the death of Archbishop Romero and many other clergy. Klaus Barbie and the Moonies cult would play a key role in the infamous cocaine coup of 1980 which in turn would fuel the rise of the Medellin Cartel in Colombia flooding the US with cocaine much of it smuggled by the Nicaraguan contras. The coup against Morales bore eery similarities to the Cocaine coup of 1980 with fascist paramilitary groups unleashed to terrorize the left. Back in 1980 “The Fiancees of Death” trained and indoctrinated by Barbie and other international fascists including GLADIO terrorists from Italy conducted a bloody purge of Bolivia’s left hunting down politicians and union leaders. Today it is Comacho’s UJC mentored by a new generation of the fascist diaspora the children and grandchildren of Nazis and Croatian Ustashi who settled there decades ago. Morales attempt to cut the police out of the lucrative drug enforcement racket was one of the elements that motivated them to join the coup. Just as the war in Afghanistan and Plan Colombia lead to a massive surge in drug exports we can expect a similar result from Bolivia along with the bloodbath the US will carry out pretending to battle the flow of drugs from its new ally.

It was in resistance to this phony war on drugs used as an excuse to terrorize Bolivian and Colombian peasants that Evo Morales rose to prominence. Even before ever gaining power he survived a number of US assassination attempts. Like Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff tortured during Operation Condor Evo was tortured as part of this largely unknown dirty war in Bolivia. Bolivia was suffering from both a US backed dirty war and like the rest of Latin America from runaway neo-liberalism that even privatized the water supply and tried to forbid the use of even rainwater. The coup regime has already reprivatized the water supply. Bolivia was one of the poorest countries in Latin America and the indigenous majority were second class citizens.

The leader of a vast indigenous grass roots movement Evo Morales was elected in 2005 and transformed his country. He kicked out the DEA and instead of privatizing everything he began to nationalize certain key resources using them to fund social programs that would lift 3 million people out of poverty. Bolivia was transformed into a plurinational socialist state. For the first time the indigenous majority was allowed to take center stage.

Many of the seeds of the current coup were planted back in 2009. Klaus Barbie was by no means the only fascist war criminal to relocate to Bolivia Many German Nazis, Hungarian Arrow Cross, and Croatian Ustashi settled there. Like Barbie some were hired as security consultants by the Bolivian military and police. These fascist Emigres were concentrated in Santa Cruz  which became the site of a violent separatist movement that pushed the country to the brink of civil ear back in 2009 and were heavily funded by the CIA in an attempt to Balkanize Bolivia. Millionaire son of a Gas mogul Luis Fernando Comacho who’s fascist thugs terrorized MAS politicians including publicly torturing a female mayor during the recent coup was a key leader in this movement. One of his Mentor’s was the wealthy Branko Marinkovic believed to be a descendant of the Croatian Ustashi which he denies despite openly helping to fund the revival of fascist Croatia during the 1990’s as well as playing a key role in CIA NGO fronts. Marinkovic is in exile in Brazil because he was implicated in a 2009 plot to assassinate Evo Morales using Croatian and Hungarian fascists as well as a Bolivian/Hungarian/Croatian fascist Eduardo Rozsa-Flores who had fought for Croatia during the 1990’s. Also linked to this plot was Hugo Acha Melgar  of the CIA backed NGO Human Rights Foundation that was involved in the 2019 Bolivian coup. Sadly for the world the dangerous forces of international fascism have not only seized power in places like Croatia and Ukraine but are still being used to subjugate Latin America just like in the days of Klaus Barbie and Operation Condor.

Returning to the coup of 2019 we find a textbook example of a CIA coup. The first important element is to gain control of the military. In Latin America this is usually done via The School of The Americas which has been rebranded WHINSEC. Six Coup plotters all School of the Americas graduates were caught on tape plotting the coup. The School of the Americas is infamous for training various coup plotters and indoctrinating them in a ruthless counterinsurgency doctrine that views any progressive element in society as a dangerous enemy that must be captured tortured to death and then disappeared. Hundreds of thousands of people have died horrifying deaths in Latin America as a result of the lessons learned at the School of the Americas. The most important member of the Bolivian Military the CIA recruited was General William Kaliman Romero who was especially vulnerable since his family lived in the US. He spent years keeping the US informed about everything Morales was up to and keeping Morales misinformed about everything going on in Bolivia. He convinced  Morales to join SURNET an intelligence sharing program that sounds synonymous with Operation Condor. Most importantly he concealed the coup plot, allowed US special forces to sneak into the country, and then forced Morales to resign acting under the orders of US charge d’affairs (CIA?)  Bruce Williamson. Kaliman reportedly received one million dollars for this treachery.

The second key element in a coup is gaining control of the police. During the days of Operation Condor the Office of Public Safety (OPS) which was part of USAID was used by the CIA to train police to battle “subversion” instead of traditional crime trained them in torture and created police intelligence divisions to draw up death lists of union leaders and other “subversives” like mothers searching for children that had been disappeared by police or military death squads. Although OPS was supposedly closed down it was merely renamed operating under different covers. The DEA was often used in the same role and the DEA supervised the torture of Evo Morales back when he was a labor leader. The US continues to train police around the world in torture and assassination from Iraq to Ukraine. For the 2019 coup the CIA managed to recruit the Bolivian chief of Police General Vladimir Yuri Calderon while he was a police attache at the Bolivian Embassy in Washington DC. This was done via a shadowy group he was president of called APALA an organization of Latin American Police Ataches uncovered by historian Jeb Sprague. Back in Bolivia Calderon reportedly was run by probable CIA agent Major Mathew Kenny Thompson. Thompson was the US military attache who played a key role in organizing the coup also meeting with Eli Bernbaum and Fernando Comacho to plan the destabilization of Bolivia before and after the elections. Military attache is often a cover for the CIA to recruit military or police one of the more infamous example was Vernon Walters military attache during the 1964 Brazil Coup who would go on to a long and notorious career in coups and dirty wars. The Bolivian Police played a key role in the coup first by revolting and refusing to provide protection to MAS supporters as the UJC and other fascist paramilitary groups launched violent attacks and burned down homes of MAS politicians and even Evo Morales family. Once Morales was overthrown the police swung into action by gunning down peaceful protesters opposing the coup. They have returned to their Condor era role in the dirty war on the Bolivian people.

Fascist Paramilitary groups are a favorite CIA tool in CIA coups and dirty wars. They played a key role in Bolivia’s 1980 cocaine coup where they massacred hundreds and held torchlight parades beaming nazi speeches over Bolivian airwaves. In Chile’s  1973 coup against Allende CIA man Michael Townley worked with Libertad y Patria Fascist paramilitaries to do much of the dirty work. Fascist Paramilitaries were also used more recently in Ukraine where Right Sector was used to force government supporters and even President Yanukovych to flee Kiev allowing them to seize power. For the 2019 coup in Bolivia Luis Fernando Comacho played this key role.

Comacho however was no ordinary thug rather he was a millionaire being run by CIA man Rolf Olson and was in close touch with the governments of Brazil, Colombia, and the powerless but well funded fake US appointed president of Venezuela Juan Guaido.  Comacho has spent ten years waging a dirty war on Bolivia for the CIA and has suddenly been raised from obscurity to the international spotlight. Should he win the Presidency one can count on the media covering up the fact that his UJC  followers give the nazi salute, are openly racist and have been committing terrorist acts against the government and people of Bolivia for the past ten years. Of course technically Comacho resigned from the UJC to rise through the ranks of the Pro-Santa Cruz Civic Committee one of the groups that formed the backbone of the 2019 coup along with other civic committees but his views are unchanged and the UJC remain loyal to Comacho.

The third key element in a CIA coup is the control of “civil society” via a vast array of NGO’s funded by USAID, the NED and corporations. Since the birth of the CIA they used a number of foundations (like the Ford or Rockefeller foundations) to act as fronts to funnel money to NGO’s journalists, politicians, labor groups, academics, human rights organizations, charities, and entertainers to shape society in ways favorable to American corporations and when necessary to wage psychological warfare and overthrow governments. This aspect of the CIA’s work has become infamous around the world through it’s recent “Color Revolutions” that swept through first Eastern Europe and then through the middle east during the Arab spring. In Bolivia NED was funding Evo Morales opponent Carlos Mesa as well as a number of “activist” groups used to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the election. The OAS created as a way to force US will on Latin America played a key role in casting doubt on the election results and legitimizing the coup. The OAS was deeply involved in the Guatemala coup of 1954, the attempts to isolate Cuba from 1959 on and more recently in attempts to overthrow the governments of Venezuela and Nicaragua. USAID created as a CIA front was used to fund over 40 NGOs in Bolivia to recruit “activists” for the coup. One was the Human Rights Foundation (HRF) whose member Hugo Acha Melgar was linked to the 2009 assassination plot. Another key HRF member is a CIA agent and Venezuelan coup plotter Thor Halvorsen Hellum. It’s funded in part via right wing Billionaire Peter Thiel.

Coup plotter, failed president, and loser of the 2019 Carlos Mesa election was awarded with a seat on the USAID funded think tank Inter-American Dialogue. The HRF awarded Jhanisse V. Daza a freedom fellow award and she was sent to the Harvard Kennedy school to be trained by infamous color revolution advisers CANVAS she was even photographed with it’s head Srdja Popovic. Daza runs the Rios de Pie NGO claiming to support environmental and indigenous rights she helped garner international support for the coup by by falsely blaming Evo Morales for the Amazon fires and starting the #SOSBolivia twitter campaign. The corporate funded extinction rebellion PR campaign joined in providing support for the coup under environmental cover. It was a strategy of manipulating environmental issues to discredit left wing governments they have been testing out in Nicaragua and the coup was “greenwashed” in the same way that “human rights” has been the cover for past coups. The Irony was of course that Evo Morales as the first indigenous president had made respect for  Mother Earth official state policy a view the coup regime doubtless views as “satanic.”

The fourth key element of any CIA coup plot (or imperialist war) is control of the media. It was more then 100 years ago during WWI that the whole american media was re-organized to wage a propaganda war to motivate the american public. The early idols of journalism like Walter Lippmann played a key role. WWI was followed by the Russian revolution which meant red scare propaganda had to be unleashed. For 100 years socialist governments have been constantly demonized by the media. The American propaganda apparatus was further refined during WW2 and OSS psychological warfare specialists often happened to be the same american media barons like Henry Luce or CD Jackson who ran the media. With the creation of the CIA the US was able to expand control of media worldwide owning hundreds of foreign news outlets and paying hundreds of journalists to plant propaganda pieces in papers. The media and intelligence are so interlinked that some view the media merely as an extension of the intelligence agencies.

In the case of Bolivia the job of the media was to demonize Evo Morales whitewash his opponents cast doubt on his legitimacy and then deny that any coup had taken place. Bolivia and the US received very similar coverage with the Bolivian media stridently denying any coup took place. What the US didn’t control it closed banning RT and Telesur as well as 57 independent radio stations arresting and killing an unknown number of journalists and expelling any foreign journalists covering the massacres in the aftermath. The press portrayed the massacres as gunfights between police and narcoterrorists necessary for security. In the US the coup that wasn’t a coup has already been forgotten in the months ahead people can be shot massacred and disappeared and the election can be fixed with very minimal media coverage. Just as the people of Yemen can be starved and bombed year after year with a nearly complete press blackout. The insanity and hypocrisy of the media reaches a new low coming full circle. In Syria armed terrorists were portrayed as peaceful protestors being massacred while in Bolivia peaceful protestors being massacred are portrayed as armed terrorists.

Bolivia’s nightmare is just beginning although many will continue the struggle to liberate the country from the empire. In the days after the coup the people of Bolivia took to the streets to offer a heroic resistance but they were massacred and their leaders were threatened into retreating. Evo Morales MAS party still hopes it will be able to regain power democratically. However it is being subjected to lawfare when Evo Morales from exile sent his legal representative Patricia Hermosa and his lawyer Wilfredo Chavez to register his bid for the presidency in  the May 3, 2020 election they were arrested and she was sentenced to 6 months in jail. Officially in Bolivia Morales is wanted for “sedition, terrorism and support of terrorism” although he is attempting to run for senate.

The government has filed an anti-corruption lawsuit against MAS presidential candidate Luis Acre in hopes of jailing him to prevent a MAS victory. USAID has been brought in to help rig the May 3 election. Bolivia will probably follow in the footsteps of Haiti and Honduras with a series of US supervised rigged elections. President Jeanine Anez has already passed a bill giving police and military complete impunity to kill civilians to maintain control. The never ending war against indigenous people that began with the arrival of Christopher Columbus continues after more then 500 years. Across the Americas from Bolivia to Brazil, to Honduras, Mexico, Canada and the US the struggle continues.


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Behind Back Doors

Behind Back Doors uncovered the names of the CIA agents involved in the Bolivia Coup

Behind Back Doors also exposed Argentine Intelligence’s role in Bolivia’s Coup

Top Coup Plotters were School of the Americas Graduates

Massacres in Bolivia

The Fraud Machine at Work in Bolivia

More on the coup in Bolivia

Profile on fascist coup plotter Luis Fernando Comacho and his allies

The Most Important CIA agents in Bolivia

US Helping to rig new elections

Green NGOs lay groundwork for coup

There are very few writers who have done more to try to open the public’s mind to the evil nature of the American empire than David Ray Griffin.

His series of books on the false flag attacks of September 11, 2001 will endure for a long time, and they will one day, when it is safe to do so, be recognized as seminal texts exposing the traitorous conspiracy of elements within the Unites States’ government to launch the endless so-called war on terror.

That many now know, and many more will, that those so-called “terrorist” attacks were carried out by terrorists in the highest reach of the U.S. government will be due to his extraordinary work.

What many do not know is that David Ray Griffin (image right) is a Christian theologian with impeccable credentials and a scholarly oeuvre of dozens of theological books. And that long before his conscience led him to devote himself to exposing the U.S. government’s lies about the September 11 attacks, he was committed to proclaiming the radical Christian gospel of a living Christ, who was executed by the Roman state for opposing its grotesque and violent empire.

The Christian Gospel for Americans is his crowning achievement, a rare marriage of spiritual contemplation and social analysis that brings to life Jesus and the Hebrew prophets for contemporary Americans.  It is an accessible systematic theology of freedom and creativity that will inspire hope in all caring souls to resist the demonic American Empire. It is an intellectual tour de force, a kaleidoscopic “constructivepostmodern” example of process theology at its finest, drawing on the work of Alfred North Whitehead, John Cobb, and Henri Bergson, among others.  Rarely does such a book come along to roil the waters of religious and social complacency.

Times change.  Once in the United States of America, theologians were fêted as important social critics and considered worth heeding.  Two of the most famous in the mid-to-late twentieth century were Reinhold Niebuhr and Paul Tillich.  Both appeared on the cover of Henry Luce’s Time Magazine, and Barack Obama was later fond of referring to Niebuhr to justify his violent policies to extend the American empire.  Obama knew his audience, for Niebuhr was noted for a neo-orthodox theological perspective that encouraged “political realism,” popular among the elites who had created and extended the American empire.  He was a friend of the rich and famous ruling establishment.  His critiques of immoral government practices were always offered within the parameters of official acceptance, conservative and liberal. He was the establishment’s theologian, lionized by the empire-touting Timemagazine as the theologian who really understood politics and how God figured into the necessary realism of American foreign policy.

To his great credit, David Ray Griffin is a brave theologian who will never appear on the cover of Time magazine, for his message is more in keeping with the Biblical prophets who warned the people that their government’s behavior is an abomination in the eyes of God, and if they do not dissent and reject such policies, they will be rejecting the God they say they worship.  In true prophetic style, he connects the dots to say: look at what you are doing, slaughtering innocents everywhere as you worship your golden calf. When the Hebrew prophets “indict Israel or Judah,” he writes, “the indictments are not directed against the people in general, but against the elites who were responsible for creating and maintaining the structures of domination and exploitation.’”

The American elites surely do not wish to publicize a man who says such things; better to ignore him or have their mouthpieces call him a “conspiracy nut,” which of course they have.

Griffin’s book is rooted in the basic fact that “Christian theology is necessarily at once theological and political” since Jesus was a radical rebel leader who opposed the demonic power of the Roman Empire and was executed for that reason.  This is so fundamental, yet it has been papered over, especially since the age of Constantine in the fourth century.  Griffin says:

For one thing, the complete opposition of Jesus and his followers to the imperialism of their day has been largely hidden to readers of the gospels.  The main reason for this hiddenness is that the authors of the gospels, seeking to present the message of Jesus so as to serve the needs of the Christian movement 40 or more years after the death of Jesus, sought to make it appear that Jesus’ message was directed against, and evoked opposition from, ‘the Jews,’ rather than the Roman Empire and those who collaborated with it….This failure of later Christians to understand the beginnings of their religion has contributed to what is arguably the most fateful reversal in history: Christianity, in origin probably the most explicitly anti-imperial religious movement ever, has since the fourth century provided the religious foundation for the growth of empires even more extensive than Rome’s….He [Jesus] was crucified by the Roman Empire – not by ‘the Jews’ – because he was perceived as a threat by Roman authorities.  Given the nature of Jesus’ life and his death, American Christians today should be anti-imperialistic, rather than basking in the pleasures of Empire, as did the Roman populace two thousand years ago – ignoring the terror and poverty brought to other provinces by Roman rule.

This is the foundation upon which Griffin builds his gospel for Americans.

His theological method is liberal, while his content is conservative.  This means that to establish truth by appealing to authority is rejected as a method. It is only evidence and reason that he relies on to establish the truth of various doctrines.  Therefore science and modern scholarship are important and must always be considered.  To claim something is true because of a deposit of divine revelation that you can read in the Bible is an old way of doing theology and Griffin rejects that method. In fact, his understanding of revelation is an ongoing process, insight as part of the creative and spontaneous freedom of living in openness to God’s spirit.

His theology is conservative in content because it rests upon certain primary doctrines of the Christian gospel (good news) “such as God’s creation of the world, God as actively present in it, and divinely-given life after death.”

For those unfamiliar with modern theological thinking that is not bound by a particular church’s teachings and respects science, Griffin’s method might at first seem unusual.  As one trained in theology and philosophy, I can assure you it is not. His process of reasoning accords with the best scholarship in those disciplines, but one has to take the time to enter into its postmodern worldview that positions many of the conundrums of traditional religious thinking within a new framework, one that Griffin calls postmodern naturalism where “divine influence must be understood as part of the normal cause-effect relations, not an exception to them.”

Griffin takes on many of the great issues that have perplexed inquiring minds: the problem of evil, creation, truth, human freedom, God’s so-called omnipotence, miracles, life after death, out-of-body experiences, etc. Whether you end up agreeing with all his reasoning or not, you will be challenged to assess your thinking.  I find his systematic theological analyses to be brilliant and always intriguing.

But the point of his systematic theology is to bring us to his analysis of the demonic nature of the American Empire and the need for Christians and people of all faiths to resist it.  In my opinion, his argument for the demonic as a real power in the world, and that the United States is in its grip, is true.  He says:

Can we look at the past century of our world without thinking that the human race must be under the influence of such a power?  The twentieth century was by far the bloodiest century in history, with unprecedented slaughter and genocide, and yet we have taken no steps to overcome the war-system of settling disputes.  Americans created nuclear weapons and then, when we learned how deadly they are, built thousands more, until we had the world wired to be destroyed many times over.  After we learned that a relatively modest exchange of nuclear weapons could initiate a “nuclear winter,” leading to the death of human civilization and other higher forms of life, we still did not abolish them.

He gives the historical background to the American belief in its divine mission, the idea of Manifest Destiny, and the city on the hill nonsense about America being God’s country whose mission was to spread democracy around the world.  He quotes George W. Bush saying, in his state-of-the-union address two months before laying waste to Iraq based on lies, “The liberty we prize is not America’s gift to the world; it is God’s gift to humanity.”

Melville couldn’t have said it better through the mouth of mad Ahab.  Mad Ahab, mad Bill Clinton, mad George, mad Lyndon Johnson, the list goes on and on. Madmen all, God’s men in their minds, or perhaps just lying madmen playing with our minds, God be damned.

Griffin lays it all out – Iran 1953, Guatemala 1954, Vietnam 1954-73, Indonesia 1965, etc.  – all the blood, the massacres, the evil empire doing its nonstop handiwork across the world.

He does, however, omit a crucial element of the demonic at work here in the U.S., as if something is blocking him from recognizing it, some shadow blocking his sight.  It is a strange omission.  It is as if his vision is focused outward on all the evil the American government inflicts on the world, but here in his own house, he cannot see the demonic at work.

He nowhere mentions the American government’s assassinations of JFK, Malcom X, MLK, and RFK, all martyrs to the unspeakable truth that this country is in the grip of evil killers who will stop at nothing to silence the voices of genuine peacemakers who have opposed the American Empire. Their deaths opened the door to hell on earth for millions of others around the world.

He correctly catalogues the long list of U. S. atrocities, false flag attacks, coups d’états, immoral and endless wars; gives dates; draws a damning picture of a country in the grip of demonic forces intent on savagely killing innocents wherever it can find them.  He shows conclusively that the United States is the Roman Empire updated and outfitted to kill millions with sophisticated weapons and to spread its imperialistic power with evil intent.

He makes an open and shut case that if one wishes to follow the Christian Gospel, one must act in opposition to this evil empire.  But he forgets that the crucifixion is also a domestic affair, and the homegrown rebels must be eliminated first.

Even the wisest of men, such as the David Ray Griffin, have their Achilles heels.

But despite that omission, or maybe because of it since it shows us how flawed we all are, The Christian Gospel for Americansis a brilliant clarion call to action.

Read it.  It will rock your world.  It is gospel.


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Distinguished author and sociologist Edward Curtin is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. Visit the author’s website here.

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The first 5G moratorium request from doctors and scientists was issued in 2017.  In 2018 5G technology was installed in some New York neighborhoods anyway and residents and their pets immediately started experiencing symptoms from exposure.  This was reported on social media by Dr. Naomi Wolf.

Since 2018, more health issues have been reported where 5G has been installed and turned on (see 1, 2, 3).  This is to be expected.  In February 2019 the telecom industry admitted they have NO scientific evidence that it’s safe and many doctors and scientists have been warning that it isn’t.  Engineers have also warned that base stations tend to overheat.  How not safe is that?

Regardless, misinformation about safety has been reported by many publications including the New York Times who coincidentally partnered with Verizon for a 5G Journalism Lab in 2019.  Because of reporting misinformation, one NYT reporter is now being accused of violating a truth and accuracy code by the Press Council of Ireland.  (LMAO)

In December 2019, another 5G moratorium request was submitted to President Trump.  Regardless, the American “Race for 5G” continues thanks to many of elected officials and government employees.  Now New York City has approved 5G in streetlamps, traffic poles and also fiber for 5G.

From FierceWireless:

Recently, the New York City Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications approved 10 franchise agreements with several companies to install 5G equipment on streetlamps and some traffic-light poles.


Allowing wireless equipment on its streetlamps isn’t something new for New York City. It’s been allowing this for 15 years. The effort has resulted in nearly 6,000 pole installations — with 5,000 more in the pipeline — by franchisees throughout the five boroughs.

Read entire article HERE.

Of course all sources of cell phone and wireless WiFi radiation – 1G through 4G – are also biologically and environmentally harmful.  Pollution from all sources of Electromagnetic Radiation (“Electrosmog”) was also a big problem before 5G.

Unfortunately, The “Race for 5G” promotes and allows for hundreds of thousands if not millions of radiation-emitting small cells to be installed anyway as well as satellites being sent into space to blast 5G at Earth.  Worldwide opposition continues to increase because of this.  In fact, some cities and countries have banned it.


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Canada: Why Public Transit Should be Free for All

February 24th, 2020 by Davide Mastracci

Drivers in Canada often complain of a “war on cars” that is supposedly being waged in cities throughout the country. This metaphorical war is non-existent, but that’s unfortunate because such a war would be justified, given the severity of the environmental and social crises we face.

As it stands, there are two commuting classes in Canada: drivers and everyone else. And throughout much of the country, the needs of drivers are prioritized. That not only harms our environment, but it also holds back the most marginalized citizens, who often can’t afford cars, from fully participating in our economy, politics and culture.

The problem is rooted in funding. According to a recent study published in Transport Policy, insufficient public transit funding has left one million Canadians suffering from “transport poverty,” which means they don’t have access to public transportation that meets their needs. University of Toronto researcher Steven Farber says this can negatively affect people’s socio-economic status by impacting their ability to access goods and services, the political process and employment. Meanwhile, those who can afford electric cars are being catered to with incentives of up to $5,000 even though public transport remains a far more efficient option.

Those lucky enough to have access to suitable transit face another issue: high fares. CUPE Local 2, a union representing Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) electrical workers, has called transit fares a “tax on the working class and the poor” that “gouge oppressed people the hardest.” According to the 2016 census, the median household income of solo drivers in Toronto is nearly $20,000 more than that of public transit users. Regardless, not paying fare on the TTC can lead to a $425 fine, while the average Toronto parking ticket, which also penalizes use of a transportation resource without paying, is just $30.

Underfunding of public transit hurts marginalized and low-income people the most, but it puts everyone at risk through the emissions of private motor vehicles, which, according to Environment and Climate Change Canada, are among the greatest contributors to global warming. Canada is particularly guilty on this point: a 2018 study found that the country produces more greenhouse gas emissions per person than any other G20 state, largely due to our transportation methods.

There are some examples of progressive steps being taken within Canada. In 2017, Calgary introduced a sliding scale model for monthly transit passes. At the time, a monthly transit pass for adults cost $101, and the new model brought that down to just $5.05 for those in the lowest income bracket. Within a year of that change, the city saw nearly 100,000 more monthly passes sold. Additionally, the downtown portion of Calgary’s light rail system is fare-free.

But a step forward is not enough; a leap is needed. In September 2018, the city of Dunkirk, France, made public transit completely free for all, funded by a transport tax on companies. Within a month, the city saw ridership increase by up to 85 percent on certain routes. Dozens of other French cities have taken similar measures, and German cities are aiming for it as well. Meanwhile, Estonia introduced free public transit for the entire country in 2018, and Luxembourg plans to do the same in 2020.

Canadian municipalities and provinces need to pursue these sorts of bold, material solutions to the flaws in our transit systems. Doing so will lessen our carbon footprint. Just as importantly, it will open our cities up so that everyone can access them, not just those who can afford to buy a car.


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Davide Mastracci is a freelance journalist in Toronto.

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In 2017, the virologist David Evans made headlines when he used synthetic biology to recreate the extinct horsepox virus, which is closely related to the virus that causes smallpox, a disease eradicated in 1980. Evans and his team, ordering the genetic material they needed through the mail, reportedly spent $100,000 on the research, an amount that seems small given the momentous implications of their work. “No question. If it’s possible with horsepox, it’s possible with smallpox,” German virologist Gerd Sutter told Science magazine in a press account of Evans’s work. A number of biosecurity experts and even The Washington Post editorial board joined him in voicing their concerns. Given the reaction Evans met, one might expect the news that yet another microbe related to the smallpox virus had been synthesized to set off similar alarm bells.

Yet when the American biotech company that funded Evans’s horsepox work, Tonix Pharmaceuticals, announced this January that it had successfully synthesized just such a microbe, vaccinia, no one seemed to take note.

Since the World Health Organization eradicated the smallpox-causing variola virus from nature, the only known samples of it have been held in two high-security facilities in the United States and Russia. But developments in synthetic biology, a field which includes the art and science of constructing viral genomes, have made it possible to create the smallpox virus in a lab. While there’s no evidence that anyone has done that yet, as Tonix’s work indicates, researchers are inching incredibly close to that line. Before it was eradicated, smallpox was responsible for 300 million deaths in the 20th century. The re-introduction of the disease—through negligence or malice—would be a global health disaster.

Tonix announced the new synthetic vaccinia virus quietly, burying the news in a press release for a poster that the firm presented at the American Society for Microbiology’s annual biodefense science and policy conference. The poster focused on the progress the company was making in testing Evans’s synthetic horsepox virus for use as a vaccine against smallpox, which Tonix calls TNX-801. Current smallpox vaccines are based on live vaccinia virus that is grown using cell culture technology. Tonix’s poster also references another smallpox vaccine candidate the company is testing, one based on a synthetic version of the vaccinia virus that Tonix is calling TNX-1200.  While the vaccinia and horsepox viruses are not themselves serious threats to human health, there are several reasons why this new development in synthetic biology is problematic.

Tonix has apparently ignored the concerns that many biosecurity experts, including myself, have raised. Given the close genetic similarity among orthopoxviruses like the horsepox, variola, and vaccinia viruses, the laboratory techniques that can be used to create one can also be used to produce others–most worryingly, the smallpox-causing variola virus. Indeed, Evans has said as much himself, once pointing out that his research “was a stark demonstration that this could also be done with variola virus.” Evans’s lab used the same technique to produce the synthetic vaccinia virus for Tonix as it did to synthesize the horsepox virus.

Unlike in other cases of controversial dual-use research, the risks posed by the synthesis of orthopoxviruses are not offset by any significant benefits. In 2018, I wrote that the benefits of using Evans and Tonix’s horsepox virus as a smallpox vaccine rested on a weak scientific foundation, and an even weaker business case. The case for synthesizing vaccinia is more dubious. Tonix cannot claim that synthesizing the vaccinia virus was the only way to obtain it. Unlike horsepox virus, which went extinct in the 1980s and for which the only known sample is held by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, vaccinia is widely available from multiple sources.

The business case for a new smallpox vaccine based on novel platforms such as synthetic horsepox or synthetic vaccinia is even weaker than it was a few years ago. One of Tonix’s key talking points about the vaccine based on the synthetic horsepox virus is that it would be safer than older vaccine varieties. Since the company’s synthetic vaccinia strain in the TNX-1200 vaccine is “very similar” to the vaccinia strain used in one of the older, so-called second generation, smallpox vaccines, it’s hard to see how this new synthetic vaccine could have an improved safety profile. Further complicating Tonix’s case is that there is now a newer and safer third-generation smallpox vaccine available. Last year, the US Food and Drug Administration licensed Bavarian Nordic’s JYNNEOS vaccine, which is based on a non-replicating strain of vaccinia. This vaccine doesn’t damage the heart, unlike second-generation smallpox vaccines, and can even be given to people with compromised immune systems. Tonix will likely find it difficult to attract the venture capital or government funding needed to win approval and licensing for either of its synthetic smallpox vaccine candidates.

Given the current level of interest among scientists in using orthopoxviruses, as well as related pox viruses, to develop new vaccines and cancer therapies, there is already a well-established foundation of laboratories that could use synthetic biology to further their research. Indeed, Evans had previously expressed his hope to synthesize genetically engineered vaccinia strains to develop new anti-cancer treatments. As evidenced by the relatively muted reaction to Tonix’s synthetic vaccinia announcement, there’s a strong risk that orthopoxvirus synthesis could gradually be viewed as normal, legitimate research. It’s not difficult to imagine the emergence of a global cadre of labs and scientists capable of developing synthetic versions of the infectious smallpox virus.

While orthopoxviruses are among the most complicated and expensive viruses to synthesize, a World Health Organization scientific advisory panel found that “a skilled laboratory technician or undergraduate students working with viruses in a relatively simple laboratory” could be up to the task. The genome sequence of variola virus has already been determined and is available online. The key ingredient needed to synthesize a viral genome is DNA. In the case of variola virus, what’s required is about 186,000 base-pairs of genetic material. And there is now a global industry of DNA synthesis companies that produce and sell DNA for use in biomedical research and biomanufacturing.

As described by the World Health Organization panel, once a lab has acquired the necessary DNA molecules, it would need to assemble the material into a complete genome and use a helper virus to generate an infectious variola virus. By my count there are at least 100 laboratories around the world with the expertise to do so.

Worryingly, there are few meaningful national or international safeguards to prevent access to the DNA needed to synthesize the variola virus. According to a 2019 global survey of biosecurity practices by the Nuclear Threat Initiative, a nonprofit that tracks biosecurity risks and other threats, no country requires the companies that sell synthetic DNA to prevent “questionable parties” from acquiring materials. The think tank also found that less than 5 percent of countries regulate dual-use research, such as the use of techniques that might also be used to synthesize dangerous viruses.

The only positive development in this area in the last few years is that the International Gene Synthesis Consortium, a group of DNA synthesis companies that screens customers and their orders, has prohibited its members from synthesizing gene sequences unique to the smallpox virus genome. Unfortunately, the consortium represents only 80 percent of the global DNA synthesis market, leaving an uncomfortably large number of companies operating without any sort of regulation on what they can make and who they can sell it to.

The loosely regulated market for synthetic DNA, the normalization of synthetic orthopoxvirus research, and a large number of capable facilities and researchers creates an environment in which a rogue state, unscrupulous company, reckless scientist, or terrorist group could potentially reintroduce one of the worst microbial scourges in human history.

Unless world bodies, national governments, and scientific organizations put in place stronger safeguards on synthetic virus research, the next press release touting a new breakthrough in synthetic biology might announce that an unknown scientist in an obscure lab has successfully resurrected the smallpox virus.


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Gregory D. Koblentz is an associate professor and director of the Biodefense Graduate Program at the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University.

Featured image: Seth Lederman, the CEO of Tonix Pharmaceuticals, heads a company that recently synthesized the vaccinia virus, a germ closely related to the one that causes smallpox. Credit: Bulletin/Barryfc101 CC BY-SA 4.0.

US Special envoy for Venezuela Elliott Abrams has said that the US is “looking very carefully” at taking “measures” against Telesur, in the latest threat to the socialist news network.

Mr Abrams said yesterday that the Trump administration was considering a move against the broadcaster as Washington tries to increase pressure on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

“I don’t have any announcements to make with respect to Telesur but we are looking very carefully at it, because we have had many reports that Telesur is not actually a news source,” Mr Abrams said.

Juan Guaido, the hapless leader of a failed coup against Mr Maduro, has also advocated shutting down Telesur by blocking its signal.

Mr Guaido alleged last month, without providing any evidence, that the television channel supported terrorism.

He was branded a “lackey of the empire” as his failed efforts were condemned by journalists and academics who said that defending Telesur, launched in 2005 as “a Latin socialist answer to [US news channel] CNN,” was their obligation.

Venezuela has demanded action from the International Criminal Court against Washington’s punitive sanctions regime, which Caracas says amounts to crimes against humanity.

Mr Abrams is believed to be the main driving force behind the Trump administration’s hostility towards Venezuela.

He was appointed as special envoy to Venezuela in January last year, just days after Mr Guaido unlawfully declared himself as the country’s interim president.

His role in orchestrating bloody regime change across the region goes back decades, including involvement in the attempted coup against the late former Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez in 2002.

As assistant secretary of state under former president Ronald Reagan in the 1980s he gained notoriety as a supporter of some of the most brutal dictatorships across Latin America.

He shrugged off the massacre of thousands of men, women and children by US-funded death squads in El Salvador as communist propaganda, insisting that the brutal regime’s record was “a fabulous achievement.”

The arch neocon also claimed that the Guatemalan dictator Efrain Rios Montt “brought considerable progress” for human rights in the country, despite leading a campaign of terror with villages burnt to the ground and indigenous communities massacred.

Mr Abrams was convicted of lying to Congress and withholding information regarding his role in the Iran-Contra affair, in which the US was found to be funding armed militia to violently overthrow the Sandinista government.

President George Bush Snr later pardoned him.


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China-US Relations: Mixed Returns for the Huawei Bashing Tour

February 24th, 2020 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

The US imperium is rattled, so much so it’s letting everyone else know about it.   Move over the trade war with its bitchy insistence on redressing imbalances, surpluses and deficits; the next phase of conflict with China is being waged in matters of technology, with Huawei’s 5G prowess featuring prominently.  As the veteran Australian journalist Tony Walker soberly notes, “The ultimate destination of this conflict is unclear, but its ramifications will scar international relationships for decades to come.”

The Munich Security Conference saw US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defence Secretary Mark Esper particularly vocal on the issue of Huawei.  Both intended their visit to be a warning against European states who might succumb to China’s 5G temptation.  “Reliance on Chinese 5G vendors,” warned Esper, “could render our partners’ critical systems vulnerable to disruption, manipulations and espionage.”  Cue the necessary critique of Beijing, which sounded like a faux Churchillian warning about imminent danger.

“The Chinese Communist Party is heading even faster and further in the wrong direction with more internal repression, more predatory behaviour, more heavy-handedness and a more aggressive military posture.  It is essential that the international community wake up to this challenge.”

Instructions were also relayed from the White House to Germany’s US ambassador Richard Grenell to “make clear that any nation who chooses to use an untrustworthy 5G vendor” risked compromising intelligence sharing arrangements with the US “at the highest level”.

Even President Donald Trump’s opponents made an appearance.  US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was grim before delegates attending the MSC; dealing with the Chinese telco only offered absolutes, not degrees.  “This is about choosing autocracy over democracy on the information highway.”  Making arrangements with the company was akin to “putting the state police in the pocket of every consumer in these countries, because of the Chinese way.”  Not exactly culturally fleet-footed, to say the least.

Pelosi had appeared in the full rhetorical regalia of a wounded, challenged empire.  “This is the information highway of the now, and why should we want to give license to the Chinese to direct the traffic on that information highway of the future?”

The US has also been enlisting its support from loyal, unflinching deputies on the Huawei bashing circuit.  Consider the solemn note in The Strategist by the Australian director of the signals directorate, Simeon Gilding.  Its tone is one of sad resignation, regret, and schoolmarmish, notably on the British decision to permit Huawei some limited role. 

“It is disappointing that the Brits are doing the wrong thing on 5G, having not exhausted other possibilities.  Instead they have doubled down on a flawed and outdated cybersecurity model to convince themselves that they can manage the risk that Chinese intelligence services could use Huawei’s access to UK telco networks to insert bad code.”

Australia, in fact, has gone beyond the call of ingratiation, a point that has not been lost on Beijing’s good offices.  In 2018, Andrew Shearer, then deputy head of the Office of National Intelligence, and Alastair MacGibbon, formerly of the Australian Cyber Security Centre, took it upon themselves to demonise Huawei, paving the ground for the company’s exclusion from supplying 5G technology that same year.  Both made it their missions to convince the United Kingdom to stay clear of the company.

As an unnamed source reported in The Sydney Morning Herald claimed at the time, “We made representations to the UK on why our stance was taken … it’s been respectful. It’s a bit like a fight at a family lunch where people might go home sore but they quickly realise blood is thicker than water.”

Last year, Australian officials scurried to New Delhi to drum up support against Huawei from their Indian counterparts.  “Indian officials,” according to the Australian Financial Review, “were keen to get an understanding of how the Turnbull government arrived at the decision to ban Huawei, and multiple discussions have been held on the matter.”

This whole endeavour has been a bit much for China’s ambassador to Australia, Cheng Jingye, who has been particularly vocal on the subject, describing the measure as “politically motivated”, “a discrimination against the Chinese company.  At the same time, it doesn’t serve the best interest of the Australian companies and consumers.”  For the ambassador, approaches have been made to the authorities in Canberra “to explore what security risks or concerns [they] have.  And also they have pledged, I think publicly, to conclude a no-backdoor agreement.”

Gains made by the US side of the table at the Munich Security Conference, certainly on the issue of Huawei, were minimal.  The Munich Security Report published this year spoke of “Westlessness”, though the US delegation bellowed the point “western values” were winning, whatever shape victory had taken.  The only thing missing in Pompeo’s delivery was the draping of the Stars and Stripes.  A sense of which way the wind was blowing was gathered in the opening remarks of German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who landed a neat blow against Trump’s foreign policy.  The US, he suggested, had rejected “the very concept of the international community … ‘Great again’ but at the expense of neighbours and partners.”

European counterparts such as French President Emmanuel Macron are intent on taking a line similar to the UK.  The position on China is unsurprising, a traditional Gallic resentment at the flexing of US muscle.  French junior economy minister Agnès Pannier-Runacher told BFM Business television in November last year that, “The government will not exclude anyone.  We are not following the position of the United States.”  Huawei, she noted, had “a 25 percent market share” along with such tech giants as Nokia and Ericsson.”  Samsung, she added, was also keen to be involved in supplying 5G in the French market.

US legislators detected some hope in Germany, with lawmakers from Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Party backing a strategy paper with the potential to prevent Huawei’s involvement in the country’s 5G plans.  But no outright ban is countenanced, with Merkel taking the cautious line that all companies be subject to similar security safeguards.

The outcome of the chattering, bickering and sides swiping from Munich, apart from limited success in the Huawei bashing stakes, was this: expect the information highway over the coming years, whoever is controlling it, setting the tolls, adjusting the metres, to be a rather potholed one.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Trudeau’s Demand: “The Barricades Must Come Down”

February 24th, 2020 by Kim Petersen

Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau has called the imbroglio between the Wet’suwet’en nation and Canada a matter to be decided by the rule of law. [1] However, the Wet’suwet’en have refused to back down and have defied the British Columbia Supreme Court injunction allowing pipeline work to continue.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) were sent in to enforce the injunction. After that Trudeau seemed to have ducked the issue of the Wet’suwet’en’s opposition to pipelines through their territory until growing solidarity actions shut down ports, railways, bridges, and highways.

On 21 February, Trudeau appeared before the media and claimed,

We have gone through exhausting every possibility for dialogue, for engagement, for finding peaceful solutions to deescalate this every step of the way, and we remain open to that but we are waiting for Indigenous leadership to show that it also understands; the onus is on them. We will be there to discuss, but the barricades must come down. [italics added]

Do Trudeau’s actions match his words? Does the presence of a heavily armed RCMP strike force on Wet’suwet’en territory speak to a peaceful solution every step of the way? Does the RCMP strategizing to shoot Indigenous activists speak to a peaceful solution every step of the way? Does the setting up of RCMP barricades to control road access in and out of Wet’suwet’en territory speak to a peaceful solution every step of the way? Do the arrests of Wet’suwet’en matriarchs speak to a peaceful solution every step of the way?

Trudeau’s questionable phraseology that “we [2] are waiting for Indigenous leadership to show that it also understands” comes across as condescending. The Trudeau government’s waiting for a show of understanding, appears to call into question the intellectual capacity of the Indigenous leaders.

Trudeau has a demand: the Indigenous leadership must see to the removal of the barricades. Does such a demand show respect for a nation-to-nation dialogue? The Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs likewise have a demand: the RCMP must leave Wet’suwet’en territory before discussions will be entered into. The two sides are at loggerheads.

Ask yourself, who among us would willingly agree to meet a foe with a gun ready to shoot them? Why should the Wet’suwet’en accept meeting anyone while armed RCMP are on their territory?

Does the have the RCMP even have the requisite stature, reputation, and respect to engage with First Nations? The RCMP has admitted to racism against Indigenous peoples, but state that they want to fix the relationship. This admission came after a lurid 2013 report that alleged widespread RCMP abuse of Indigenous women and girls. Perhaps symptomatic of the racism toward Indigenous peoples is highway 16, dubbed the Highway of Tears, a 725-kilometer highway in northern British Columbia where many cases of missing or murdered Indigenous women remain unsolved. [3] Amnesty International holds governments accountable for the epidemic of Indigenous women’s deaths. Rewire News was highly critical stating, “The real epidemic is the criminal way in which the crisis of missing and murdered Indigenous women has been historically overlooked.” It pointed a finger at White journalists.

One could continue to provide myriad examples of RCMP malfeasance; however, given that this is undeniably the case, can the RCMP’s declaration of intent to rid the RCMP of racism be trusted?

The RCMP is known, from their own utterances, to engage in disinformation and smear campaigns: “Smear campaigns are our specialty.”

The words in the above video were spoken during Operation Wallaby, a tightly controlled media disinformation campaign against the Ts’peten Defenders, launched by the RCMP and political officials. [4] It is important to understand that disinformation is not simply a deliberate lie; it is far more sinister, having been declared a crime against humanity and peace at the 2004 Halifax International Symposium on Media and Disinformation.

The settler-colonial court framework that the RCMP operate within has also been alleged to be criminally biased.

On 8 August 1995, dr. Bruce Clark — a lawyer for the Ts’peten Defenders, wrote to RCMP staff sergeant Martin Sarich:

The domestic courts from the Supreme Court of Canada on down are just refusing to address the law because it finds them personally guilty of complicity in treason, fraud and genocide. Those courts have assumed a jurisdiction that clearly and plainly they do not lawfully enjoy, and have exercised the usurped jurisdiction to implement domestic laws which are in fact not laws but crimes. [5]

Nonetheless, Clark called on the RCMP “for protection against a legal establishment that in willful blindness has set its face against the rule of law.” [5]

One major media noting the long terrible history of the RCMP vis-à-vis First Nations asked, “The RCMP was created to control Indigenous people. Can that relationship be reset?”


A question I have not heard posed by any media in Canada: Upon what basis does Trudeau claim jurisdiction over Wet’suwet’en territory? How did colonial-settlers — relative newcomers — gain title, legal and political control over a territory where the Wet’suwet’en have lived for millennia? How is it that colonial-settler law takes precedence over Wet’suwet’en law? One can no longer refer to the Doctrine of Discovery; it has been thoroughly discredited.[6]

Is there an iota of morality backing Trudeau’s professed conviction that the settler-colonialist government has jurisdiction in unceded territory? It seems axiomatic that a first step to resolving this dispute is to settle who has jurisdiction. The Wet’suwet’en believe that this has already been settled in the settler’s own Supreme Court case of Delgamuukw v British Columbia 1997. [7]

Does Trudeau understand Delgamuukw? Granted, confusion is easy given the notorious pedantry rife within the legal realm.

Nonetheless, Trudeau says he has been pursuing a plan to bring about reconciliation.

I think we have engaged on a new road map over the last five years, one that is a difficult journey of reconciliation, one where we engage as partners with Indigenous communities, leadership, and peoples to move forward on resolving historic land claims, on closing gaps in investments between provincial education systems per students and in Indigenous students, investing in infrastructure, housing, health services, and doing so in ways that puts Indigenous leaders at the center of that path forward. Reconciliation is a journey, and there are going to be difficult moments on that journey because it represents a significant shift in the way Canada works. But our capacity to work together requires us to engage, to yes, recognize the historic wrongs but to be present, fix them, and move forward.

Trudeau’s statement that “we have engaged on… investing in infrastructure, housing, health services” for Indigenous communities addresses a notion that should be thoroughly discredited. Turtle Island has been inhabited by Original Peoples for millennia. It was only after the arrival of Europeans who came seeking gold and other riches, seeking land, seeking conquest, and having transmitted many infectious diseases against which the Original Peoples had little immunity that political control over the land was wrested from the Original Peoples. It calls into question: where did the capital that Trudeau said was being invested into First Nations come from? Was it not the money derived from the land and resources usurped from First Nations? Is it then correct for a thief to say that money returned to the victims of theft is an investment in the victims?

It is difficult to comprehend on a logical or moral basis how colonialists through acts of genocide, such as deliberate dissemination of biological agents, [8] starvation, [9] cultural genocide, [10] police and military force, [11] and legal chicanery [12] — not only have eluded punishment, but have profited from the genocide and have retained dominance over land that has been inhabited by several other First Nations since time immemorial. [13]

Does not the racism; dispossession of land; longstanding, drinking water advisories for First Nations; [14] disproportionately higher rates of incarceration; [15] and poverty among other crimes heaped on Original Peoples by the Canadian state not call for atonement by the settler-colonial society?

On 8 December 2015, Trudeau told First Nation leaders,

[I]t is time for a renewed, nation-to-nation relationship with First Nations peoples, one that understands that the constitutionally guaranteed rights of First Nations in Canada are not an inconvenience but rather a sacred obligation. [italics added]

As Chief Woos of the Wet’suwet’en Grizzly Bear House pointed out: “There is a difference between inconvenience and injustice.”


Many questions lay before Trudeau. Does Trudeau believe that historic wrongs can be fixed by invading police forces? Does he think that reconciliation can be accomplished by having the RCMP invade Wet’suwet’en territory? Do the rights of a company to lay a pipeline trump the human rights of Indigenous peoples?

The imbroglio may continue to simmer as breaking news informs that the BC Environmental Assessment Office has rejected Coastal Gaslink’s technical data report “due to the omission of significant economic, environmental, social and health impacts.”


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Kim Petersen is a former co-editor of the Dissident Voice newsletter. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Twitter: @kimpetersen.


  1. For more background on Canada’s professed adherence to the rule of law and the Wet’suwet’en’s struggle to maintain title and jurisdiction to their territory, see “Canada’s Respect for the Rule of Law and Its Sacred Obligation to First Nations.”
  2. We being the government that is acting to secure access to Wet’suwet’en territory for a pipeline company.
  3. “No one knows who the first Indigenous girl or woman to vanish along the highway between Prince George and Prince Rupert was, or when it happened. Nor does anyone know how many have gone missing or been murdered since…. The RCMP has put the number of missing or murdered Indigenous women in Canada at about 1,200, with about a thousand of those being victims of homicide. The actual number is likely higher…” In Jessica McDiarmid, Highway of Tears: A True Story of Racism, Indifference and the Pursuit of Justice for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, (Doubleday Canada, 2019): 3.
  4. See full video of Above the Law (Part 2) for how Canada prosecutes the ongoing genocide against and dispossession of First Nations.
  5. Quoted in The Autobiography of Dacajeweiah [Splitting the Sky] John Boncore Hill: From Attica to Gustafsen Lake — Unmasking the Secrets of the Psycho-sexual Energy and the Struggle for Original People’s Title with She Keeps the Door (Sandra Bruderer) (John Pasquale Boncore, 2001). Review.
  6. “You cannot discover lands already inhabited,” is a maxim that permeates an excellent book by Mark Charles and Soong-Chan Rah,Unsettling Truths: The Ongoing Dehumanizing Legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery (InterVarsity Press, 2019). See review.
  7. This writer does not agree that colonial-settler law should take precedence over Indigenous law.
  8. Tom Swanky, The Great Darkening: The True Story of Canada’s “War” of Extermination on the Pacific plus The Tsilhqot’in and other First Nations Resistance (Burnaby, BC: Dragon Heart Enterprises, 2012). Review.
  9. James Daschuk, Clearing the Plains: Disease, Politics of Starvation, and the Loss of Aboriginal Life (University of Regina Press, 2013).
  10. Tamara Starblanket, Suffer the Little Children: Genocide, Indigenous Nations and the Canadian State (Clarity Press, 2018). Review
  11. See Splitting the Sky with She Keeps the Door, The Autobiography of Dacajeweiah, Splitting the Sky, John Boncore Hill: From Attica to Gustafsen Lake (John Pasquale Boncore, 2001).
  12. See Bruce Clark, Ongoing Genocide caused by Judicial Suppression of the “Existing” Aboriginal Rights (2018). Review; Bruce Clark, Justice in Paradise (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1999).
  13. See Arthur J. Ray, I Have Lived Here Since the World Began: An Illustrated History of Canada’s Native People, Toronto: Key Porter Books, 2005.
  14. See Kim Petersen, “The High Cost of Lousy Water,” The Dominion, 22 November 2006. “Oil Versus Water: Toxic Water Poses Threat to Alberta’s Indigenous Communities,” The Dominion, October 15, 2007. “Boiling Point!The Dominion, 30 July 2008. It must be noted that during Trudeau’s goverment the number of drinking water advisories for First Nations has been whittled down to 61 and an end date for boil water advisories has been set for March 2021.
  15. See Kim Petersen, “Land and Jail,” The Dominion, Part I, Part II, and Part III.

February 22, 2020. The sun was brilliant, the slogans and posters striking, the round dance in the heart of Canada’s financial district, the 6 concentric circles of the real Canadians, those who honour Canada’s First Nations, made February 22, 2020 a historic occasion. The largest show of native solidarity in Canada’s history, the day was celebrated across the country. Here are a few memories courtesy of my cell phone.

Not only is it obscene to dig up and export our precious natural resources, but this particular pipeline is doubly odious. It is to export FRACKED gas. That means pounding the priceless lands in the Rockies, effectively bludgeoning Mother Nature, raping her to squeeze the last gasp of poisonous gas, so we can heat her up even faster.

The demonstrators were/are young, newly ‘energized’, using our renewable ‘energy’ without any pollution. We sense that time is short, that Mother Earth’s human children look evil these days, that we have a moral duty to protest, to stop this ‘Coastal GasLink’  pipeline, to stop all pipelines.

Passing the memorial to Canadians who died in the Boer War, ie, for Apartheid

GasLink snake in the grass

I love the homemade, heartfelt cardboard posters best.

Passing our halls of justice

Dancing round East, South, West, and North (black, red, yellow, white)

Long live Mother Earth! Long live the Wet’suwet’en!


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Officially, the Boris Johnson government, in a post-Brexit world sees Global Britain punching way above its weight as it has traditionally done in the past. The website makes this quite clear. “Global Britain is about reinvesting in our relationships, championing the rules-based international order and demonstrating that the UK is open, outward-looking and confident on the world stage.” However, relations with the USA and EU have dramatically soured in recent weeks and other international allies look on exasperated at Britain’s rapid decline, knowing that Boris Johnson and his administration do not have what it takes not just to repair the wounds of Brexit but rebuild Britain fit for the international arena.

It is laughable to think that Britain can claim to be championing the rules-based order. It’s dubious global arms and munitions sales is a good example, so is London’s reputation as the world’s laundromat. The Chagos Islands is a lesson in global immorality. The treatment of Julian Assange is another. Attacks on the judiciary, legislature and the media are the new rules and order. Even Boris Johnson’s rise to power has been built on a raft of lies, facilitated by a foreign state global surveillance machine that stole the privacy of millions and usurped democracy. Britain’s ruling elite is now seen as little more than a criminal clique of billionaires aided by a syndicate of corporate malfeasance facilitated by shadowy geopolitical players. Deep down, we all know this – but so does everyone else.

Global Britain and international security

Dozens of presidents, prime ministers, foreign and defence ministers and military chiefs gathered in Bavaria last weekend for the annual Munich Security Conference, but the U.K. was notable for only one thing — its absence.

Johnson declined an offer of the most coveted spot on the podium, ceding the spotlight to French President Emmanuel Macron, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Even Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg was there among others. However, U.K. Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab didn’t bother to turn up, nor did Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, even though neither of them was affected by the much-heralded reshuffle, given as an excuse for their absence (which took place three days earlier).

Needless to say, as a former ambassador to the Court of St James, I am saddened by the absence of senior ministers of Her Majesty‘s government at @MunSecConf this year,” tweeted Wolfgang Ischinger, the veteran German diplomat who chairs and organizes the Munich conference, a major foreign and security policy fixture since the Cold War.

A token was there. Conservative MP Tobias Ellwood, a former soldier and minister who chairs the defence committee, and he was clearly dissatisfied with the U.K. turnout. “Having a presence at events like this is critical especially in the post-Brexit world.” ‘Global Britain’ gone fully introvert?Carl Bildt, the Swedish former prime minister and foreign minister, asked on Twitter.

Britain, missing in action at one of the most prestigious and important global gatherings is a mystery. There are no excuses for not turning up and it was noticed.

Global Britain and EU

A Brussels blueprint says the EU will seek to police UK subsidies, impose rules on its tax regime and ask the government to commit to aligning with the EU’s standards forever. Britain was always aware that these were the rules but for Boris Johnson, not getting your way means blaming everyone else. That’s what the mainstream media headlines are reporting as they toe-the-line given the threats the government is throwing around at the media in recent days.

The prime minister’s fury with Brussels has emerged after his chief negotiator, David Frost, and his 40-person Brexit task force met this week to finalise the UK government’s negotiating position. It didn’t work and now no-one is speaking to each other. By all accounts, the two trade negotiators are in the midst of tearing each other apart. And so, before it all gets going, France has warned that talks between Britain and the EU over a future trade deal will turn nasty. And they have.

As an example, just 12 days after Brexit, the UK falls foul of its own rules that the U.K. introduced itself in 2014 for heavy goods vehicles. The levy it imposed discriminates against foreign truck drivers because British ones can get refunded for the tax they pay. That goes against the EU’s philosophy of treating citizens from all of its countries equally. So less than two weeks after leaving the European Union, the U.K. is already back in trouble with the bloc. And trucking is not just big business, it’s systemically important of course. While Brexit day was meant to enable Britain to finally throw off the shackles of the Brussels bureaucracy, the U.K. government now finds itself having to answer questions over an obscure transport tax that the EU doesn’t like. It’s a dispute that has explosive potential, and may well end up in court.

It’s a clear reminder that although the country technically ended its 47-year membership of the EU, the transition period that extends until the end of 2020 means Britain is still bound by the bloc’s rules and jurisdiction. And Britain doesn’t get a say in any decisions or policymaking, EU law applies in full, so it can’t really argue. But then, we knew that didn’t we – still, it’s their fault, isn’t it! Relations are plummeting.

Global Britain and the USA

The so-called ‘special relationship’ is now seemingly in flames. The pushing out of Kim Darroch, UK ambassador to the US – and a longtime British civil servant – because of Donald Trump’s childish tantrums is an illustration of the toxic political environment that has emerged. It’s what happens with populists.

The result of recent finger-pointing from across the pond is that Boris Johnson needed to distance himself from Donald Trump in December’s election. Since then, Johnson has cancelled a trip to the US planned for next month after a furious phone call from President Donald Trump in which Trump slammed down the phone on the prime minister. He was apparently ‘apoplectic’ with fury.

In fact, Johnson had been due to visit Washington last month but repeatedly delayed the trip after a series of rows with the president. First, it was over Iran, then Huawei, and all along there was the rejected request by the prime minister and Foreign Office to extradite the wife of a US diplomat that killed one of our own and did a ‘runner.’ The Harry Dunn incident ultimately made the British government look weak in front of its own citizens. In the meantime, Trump has decided to focus his indignation at the European Union and is currently engaged in ramping up the trade war over there instead. But even this was an opportunity for Trump to threaten that he’ll do a deal with the EU before doing one with the UK.  It all demonstrates the real damage being done to the US-UK alliance as relations continue to fall.

Global Britain and everyone else

After the three and half years since Britain’s EU referendum, it has become clear there never was a plan B. Aspirations of reviving its past global influence have fallen into what looks like a nightmarish delusion espoused by the political and media mouthpieces of the right-wing. As mentioned earlier, far from being a small island nation punching way above its weight – Great Britain, as it was once known, is the now the weakest link of the global power super league.

Britain currently has no influential role even at traditional global meetings. No representative went to the annual Davos meeting this year for the first time. Its influence at the G7, G20 and other global summit’s is now somewhat limited. This was the cunning plan of Dominic Cummings to ban attendance as it was “a waste of time sipping Champagne with billionaires.” Like it or not, “being there is absolutely critical as we redefine what the West stands for” said a clearly angry Tobias Ellwood, Chair of the UK’s Defence Committee.

Seen from Japan, Britain is no longer recognisably British. Brexit means that a substantial investment in the country over several decades now needs to be relocated. Foreign Minister Taro Kono, bluntly told Boris Johnson: “Please no no deal. Please no no-deal Brexit.” With thousands of Japanese people in Britain and billions invested – it is already walking away. From the Japan Times: “A whopping 70.8 per cent of Japanese manufacturers in the United Kingdom have been negatively impacted, the survey by the Japan External Trade Organization showed. Japanese companies in the United Kingdom said they have curbed capital spending because their clients are considering relocating operations outside the country.”

To Germany, British democracy has failed and is now led by crooks. Jan Fleischhauer is a senior columnist for Der Spiegel – “What haven’t I read about Boris Johnson? He is a charlatan, a huckster, a notorious liar.” Another newspaper wrote that Johnson was the British version of Donald Trump – albeit a “baby Trump”.

France is watching UK politics with bewilderment and complete disillusionment and is now treating no deal as the most likely scenario. No deal would mean “chaos” for the 30,000 French businesses that export to the UK, according to the head of the employers’ union. It would wreak havoc in Calais and no-one is impressed. Relations between the two countries is rapidly descending, with President Macron taking the lead in many global events.

Corporate relocations are a case in point. Honda has announced the closure of its huge Swindon plant, Dyson has moved to Singapore, Ford has closed its Bridgend factory, Barclays has moved £170bn of its assets to Ireland and UBS £32bn. Lloyds of London, the global insurance and reinsurance firm said it was working on transferring all European Economic Area (EEA) business to Brussels and HSBC, the banking and financial services giant announced that it was shifting ownership of its Polish and Irish subsidiaries from its London base to a French unit. As a result of Brexit, Panasonic has relocated (to Amsterdam), P&O (to Cyprus), Sony (to the Netherlands), AXA (to Ireland), Moneygram (to Brussels) and there are many more. It just not very – ‘global’ if global operations leave.

In the end

‘Global Britain’ – a phrase that provokes mockery and even indignation both domestically and internationally is partly the vision of a nostalgic and nationalistic attitude of the world order as it is right now – a mess. It is already becoming clear that Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings don’t have what it takes to lead an invigorated Britain on the global stage.  Just for a start, to gain any semblance of international respect, Britain needs to reaffirm accountable democratic government in a world where democracies are falling like pins in a bowling ally. Constitutional, legal and administrative institutions that uphold civil society need to be reformed for the modern world and properly supported in a world where they are undermined to make space for populists. And Johnson is just that – a populist who has made a career out of undermining Britain’s institutions.

America, France, Germany and Japan. These are some of the countries that really mattered to Britain in the recent past. Britain is now dallying with China on critical infrastructure projects and incredibly forgiven Russia for all of its misdemeanours (if we can call such serious criminal acts that) and accepted a pile of ‘dark money’ to keep the Conservative party funded.

You are not witnessing the creation of a new ‘Global Britain’ – but more the dying embers of a global domain with a fantasist at the helm guided by Dominic Cummings, whose skill is stealing elections from democratic norms. You can’t build greatness on the footings of deception.


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Lest We Forget – Hillary Clinton: We Must Destroy Syria for Israel

February 24th, 2020 by Uprooted Palestinians

This article was originally published in 2018.

A leaked Hillary Clinton email confirms that the Obama administration, with Hillary at the helm, orchestrated a civil war in Syria to benefit Israel. 

The new Wikileaks release shows the then Secretary of State ordering a war in Syria in order to overthrow the government and oust President Assad, claiming it was the “best way to help Israel”. reports:

The document was one of many unclassified by the US Department of State under case number F-2014-20439, Doc No. C05794498, following the uproar over Clinton’s private email server kept at her house while she served as Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013.

Although the Wikileaks transcript dates the email as December 31, 2000, this is an error on their part, as the contents of the email (in particular the reference to May 2012 talks between Iran and the west over its nuclear program in Istanbul) show that the email was in fact sent on December 31, 2012.

The email makes it clear that it has been US policy from the very beginning to violently overthrow the Syrian government—and specifically to do this because it is in Israel’s interests.

“The best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad,” Clinton forthrightly starts off by saying.

Even though all US intelligence reports had long dismissed Iran’s “atom bomb” program as a hoax (a conclusion supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency), Clinton continues to use these lies to “justify” destroying Syria in the name of Israel.

She specifically links Iran’s mythical atom bomb program to Syria because, she says, Iran’s “atom bomb” program threatens Israel’s “monopoly” on nuclear weapons in the Middle East.

If Iran were to acquire a nuclear weapon, Clinton asserts, this would allow Syria (and other “adversaries of Israel” such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt) to “go nuclear as well,” all of which would threaten Israel’s interests.

Therefore, Clinton, says, Syria has to be destroyed.

Iran’s nuclear program and Syria’s civil war may seem unconnected, but they are. What Israeli military leaders really worry about — but cannot talk about — is losing their nuclear monopoly.

An Iranian nuclear weapons capability would not only end that nuclear monopoly but could also prompt other adversaries, like Saudi Arabia and Egypt, to go nuclear as well. The result would be a precarious nuclear balance in which Israel could not respond to provocations with conventional military strikes on Syria and Lebanon, as it can today.

If Iran were to reach the threshold of a nuclear weapons state, Tehran would find it much easier to call on its allies in Syria and Hezbollah to strike Israel, knowing that its nuclear weapons would serve as a deterrent to Israel responding against Iran itself.

It is, Clinton continues, the “strategic relationship between Iran and the regime of Bashar Assad in Syria” that makes it possible for Iran to undermine Israel’s security.

This would not come about through a “direct attack,” Clinton admits, because “in the thirty years of hostility between Iran and Israel” this has never occurred, but through its alleged “proxies.”

The end of the Assad regime would end this dangerous alliance. Israel’s leadership understands well why defeating Assad is now in its interests.

Bringing down Assad would not only be a massive boon to Israel’s security, it would also ease Israel’s understandable fear of losing its nuclear monopoly.

Then, Israel and the United States might be able to develop a common view of when the Iranian program is so dangerous that military action could be warranted.

Clinton goes on to asset that directly threatening Bashar Assad “and his family” with violence is the “right thing” to do:

In short, the White House can ease the tension that has developed with Israel over Iran by doing the right thing in Syria.

With his life and his family at risk, only the threat or use of force will change the Syrian dictator Bashar Assad’s mind.

The email proves—as if any more proof was needed—that the US government has been the main sponsor of the growth of terrorism in the Middle East, and all in order to “protect” Israel.

It is also a sobering thought to consider that the “refugee” crisis which currently threatens to destroy Europe, was directly sparked off by this US government action as well, insofar as there are any genuine refugees fleeing the civil war in Syria.

In addition, over 250,000 people have been killed in the Syrian conflict, which has spread to Iraq—all thanks to Clinton and the Obama administration backing the “rebels” and stoking the fires of war in Syria.

The real and disturbing possibility that a psychopath like Clinton—whose policy has inflicted death and misery upon millions of people—could become the next president of America is the most deeply shocking thought of all.

Clinton’s public assertion that, if elected president, she would “take the relationship with Israel to the next level,” would definitively mark her, and Israel, as the enemy of not just some Arab states in the Middle East, but of all peace-loving people on earth.


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“Baby You’re a Rich Man” …

February 24th, 2020 by Philip A Farruggio

The Beatles, with an assist on backup vocals by none other than Mick Jagger, had this hit song in  1967:

“Baby, You’re A Rich Man”

How does it feel to be
One of the beautiful people?
Now that you know who you are.
What do you want to be?
And have you travelled very far?
Far as the eyes can see

How does it feel to be
One of the beautiful people?
How often have you been there?
Often enough to know
What did you see when you were there?
Nothing that doesn’t show
Baby you’re a rich man
Baby you’re a rich man
Baby you’re a rich man too
You keep all your money in a big brown bag inside a zoo
What a thing to do
Baby you’re a rich man
Baby you’re a rich man
Baby you’re a rich man too

How does it feel to be
One of the beautiful people?
Tuned to a natural E
Happy to be that way
Now that you’ve found another key
What are you going to play?
Baby you’re a rich man
Baby you’re a rich man
Baby you’re a rich man too
You keep all your money in a big brown bag inside a zoo
What a thing to do
Baby, baby you’re a rich man
Baby you’re a rich man
Baby you’re a rich man too
Baby you’re a rich man
Baby you’re a rich man
Baby, baby you’re a rich man too (fade out)

That was over 50 years ago and guess what, things now are even worse!

The super rich have always been way on top of us working stiffs, but this is ridiculous!

Just go onto any television show, whether it be the cooking shows my wife loves, or the news talk and sports talk shows I frequent, and the slew of mega millionaires is too much! People in this mainstream media are raking in mega fortunes, while the suckers like us watch them religiously… 

Ditto for most of our Two Party/One Party politicians, many of whom are super rich to the hilt! Question is how in the hell can any of these people know what it is like to be a few paychecks from the street? Or on a more softening instance, how can they know what it is like to have to worry about raising a few kids while staying afloat with the mortgage or rent payments?

As far as health care, that really pisses this writer off. You think any of those aforementioned super rich citizens need worry about paying for a Cadillac top of the line health plan costing on average $ 15k a year? Go online and Google the wealth of such people and see for yourself. Yet, many of them act like regular working stiffs when they get in front of the camera.

Bill Clinton could get up to $ 750K for a speech,

Barack Obama a healthy $ 400k, George W Bush $ 175k, Hillary Clinton around $ 200k a pop.

All of the top former politicos earn mega thousands for speeches.

Now, do you think they are getting paid by working stiff unions or such organizations? Come on, they are ALL being paid by Fat Cat corporate groups… and so many of us still support these vultures. One should ask just how much of those hefty speaking fees they all receive goes back to help those in need? You know and I know that at best these politicos may donate 10% of what they earn and just keep the rest. Why not? This is ‘free market’ Amerika.

Just follow the path of good old Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who likes to claim

“I am the only person on this debate stage who is NOT a millionaire”.

To date he has at least 40 billionaires and spouses who donate mega bucks to his campaign. If for some reason (hope springs eternal ) this 38 year old who came from seemingly ‘out of nowhere’ does not get the nod, just ‘Follow Da Money’ in the next year or two. We will see how much he is going to be earning for himself.

I would suggest it will be Mega Millions! And why not, aren’t we a ‘Free Market’? Yeah, free for the super rich to earn as they please while us working stiffs stand to watch the parade leave us. Folks, as long as we continue to live within a system that allows private money to run things…. the billionaires and mega millionaires will subsidize those who ‘Suck up to them’ to be elected. Yes, Bernie Sanders is an anomaly to this process, but watch what the Fat Cats who run things, including his own Democratic Party, will do (as they already have) to thwart him. The only answer is to have Complete Public Funding of ALL elections in this nation of ours!

The Zoo mentioned in that Beatles’ song where the rich man keeps his money is in reality the Zoo that our republic has become. In addition to the aforementioned ideal of public funding of ALL elections, how about this one: A flat 50% Surtax on any income over one million dollars per year. Let everyone file federal taxes at the current ceiling of 37% for the 1st million dollars they earn. After that, half of the rest they can keep and half goes to the Treasury. Think what can be done with all that extra revenue. Just use your imagination.


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Philip A Farruggio is a contributing editor for The Greanville Post. He is also frequently posted on Global Research, Nation of Change, World News Trust and Off Guardian sites. He is the son and grandson of Brooklyn NYC longshoremen and a graduate of Brooklyn College, class of 1974. Since the 2000 election debacle Philip has written over 300 columns on the Military Industrial Empire and other facets of life in an upside down America. He is also host of the ‘It’s the Empire… Stupid‘ radio show, co produced by Chuck Gregory. Philip can be reached at [email protected].

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US “Forever War” in Afghanistan Near Ending?

February 24th, 2020 by Stephen Lendman

Planned months in advance, the Bush/Cheney regime attacked nonbelligerent Afghanistan less than four weeks after the 9/11 attacks. 

Afghanistan did not attack America on 9/11. The Taliban and bin Laden had nothing to do with what happened on a day that will live in infamy, opening the gates of hell for endless US wars of aggression against nations threatening no one — spending countless trillions of dollars on mass slaughter and destruction, consigning the rule of law to the trash bin of history.

Over 18 years later, unwinnable war and occupation of Afghanistan continues — no end of it in prospect.

The US came to Afghanistan to stay, the same true in all its post-9/11 war theaters and the former Yugoslavia preceding them in the 90s — raping and destroying nations attacked, occupying them directly or with pro-Western puppet regimes.

Preemptive war on Afghanistan was waged to control the country and its resources, potentially worth trillions of dollars in economic value.

They include barite, chromite, coal, cobalt, copper, gold, iron ore, lead, enormous amounts of highly-valued lithium and other rare earth metals vital for high tech products, natural gas, oil, precious and semi-precious stones, potash, salt, sulfur, talc, zinc, among other minerals.

The above is a treasure US policymakers have no intention of relinquishing, wanting corporate America profiting from them.

Washington also wants to construct oil and gas pipelines across Afghanistan, wanting its territory used as part of a plan to encircle Russia and China, along with maintaining opium production used for heroin.

The opium economy was eradicated pre-9/11 by the Taliban government, the US restored it. A bonanza for money-laundering Western banks> Moreover,  the CIA relies on drugs trafficking as a revenue source.

Time and again, the US proved it can never be trusted, breaching international law, treaties, conventions, and bilateral agreements with other countries.

Whatever the US agrees on with negotiating partners isn’t worth the paper it’s written on — commitments abandoned at its discretion.

In August 2019, Brown University’s Watson Institute of International & Public Affairs published a report titled:

“The CIA’s “Army’ ”: A Threat to Human Rights and an Obstacle to Peace in Afghanistan,” saying:

CIA operatives infest Afghanistan with no intention of leaving. Paramilitaries they control serve US imperial interests.

Their existence and the CIA’s presence in Afghanistan, on the phony pretext of combatting terrorism the US supports, makes restoration of peace and stability in the country unattainable.

It’s true whether Pentagon forces stay or leave, the former virtually certain, the latter if claimed foolhardy to believe.

Langley paramilitaries are the modern-day equivalent of CIA-recruited Afghan mujahideen fighters against Soviet occupiers in the 1980s — today’s Taliban, combatting illegal US war and occupation of their country.

They want it back, US and allied invaders out. It’s not likely as long as the CIA’s private army remains in the country.

They’re shielded from public oversight and accountability. The US installed puppet regime in Kabul knows little or nothing about them, no say whatever about how they operate or for what purpose.

The CIA operates extrajudicially worldwide, including domestically in breach of its mandate.

A truce in name only was agreed to by the Trump regime and Taliban. Can what never worked before be likely now?

The NYT claimed it’s a “first step toward signing a deal to withdraw American troops.”

How possible when even if they leave, they’ll likely return, CIA operatives and Langley’s paramilitary army remaining in place, US occupation continuing in new form.

According to the Times, if a partial truce holds for seven days, both sides “will meet on Feb. 29 to sign an agreement laying out a timetable for the United States to withdraw its troops.”

If it happens, the agreement won’t be worth the paper it’s written on.

Whatever is said publicly, restoration of peace and stability to any active US war theater is more illusion than real.

The proof of the pudding, as the saying goes, is reality on the ground in all nations the US attacked preemptively post-9/11 — endless wars, instability and chaos continuing, nothing suggesting resolution.

The US doesn’t negotiate. It demands, wanting things its way. Whatever one ruling authority in Washington may agree on, a succeeding one walked away from time and again.

Besides breaching international law and walking away from international agreements, Obama’s withdrawal of US forces from Iraq in 2011 didn’t last long.

US occupation resumed in mid-2014, continuing to this day. Thousands of US forces controlling strategic parts of the country won’t leave — even though Iraqi authorities want them out.

Will Afghanistan be different? Will the US agree to leave and not reoccupy the country ahead?

Will it matter if CIA operatives and its paramilitary army control areas Pentagon forces withdraw from?

Will peace talks make a difference when they’re highly likely to turn out like Israeli-Palestinian no-peace ones, the outcome each time they’re held?

Can the Taliban co-exist with a US-installed puppet regime in Kabul it rejects because it has no legitimacy?

Previous US/Taliban talks failed because Washington undermined them.

If Pentagon forces are withdrawn from Afghanistan like earlier, it’ll likely be short-term to redeploy them as a hostile force elsewhere.

What the Taliban demand they won’t get — complete withdrawal of US and foreign troops from their country with assurances that that the move is permanent.

Currently about 14,000 US forces, around 17,000 more from dozens of other countries, and undisclosed numbers of CIA paramilitaries occupy Afghanistan.

The Taliban control most Afghan territory. Whatever is agreed on with the US will be tenuous at best.

The Taliban agreed to keep its fighters out of what it called “enemy territory” and return fire only in self-defense, a sort of maybe ceasefire that could and likely will end for any reason ahead.

The Pentagon saying it’ll continue operations against ISIS and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan is a ruse — the US supporting these jihadists, not combatting them.

They’re in Afghanistan because the Pentagon and CIA deployed them there, the same true wherever they show up.

Chances for the US agreeing to pull out and restore peace and stability to the country are slim at best, highly deceptive at worst.

The same goes for all its war theaters. They rage endlessly because bipartisan hardliners in Washington want things this way.

The military, industrial, security, media complex demand it.

Since Pentagon forces preemptively attacked North Korea in June 1950, a nation threatening no one, the US has been at war directly and/or through proxies at all times against one or more countries since then.

Both right wings of the one-party state reject world peace, stability, equity, justice, and the rule of law.

It’s why endless wars on humanity rage at home and abroad against invented enemies.

No real ones existed since WW II ended.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

A UN report stated that 45,000 displaced children in Iraq lack personal identification documents and that many of them do not receive education two years after the defeat of ISIS-Daesh.

The report issued by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) indicated that about 45,000 displaced children are living in the camps, who lack personal identification documents, reported the Anadolu Agency.

The report said that one of five families who live outside the camps had children with documentation problems (lack of identification documents).

The report added that most of the families that lived under Daesh control lacked at least one of their essential identification documents, i.e., either lost, confiscated, destroyed, or not issued in the first place.

The report conveyed that losing identity documents has severe implications for access to social services, in addition to being a major obstacle to enroll children in school.

Daesh invaded northern and western Iraq in the summer of 2014 and controlled a third of the country’s territory, before losing all of those areas during the war that ended in late 2017.

This has caused the displacement of nearly 6 million Iraqis from their houses, most of whom have returned to their hometowns or cities, while about 250,000 people are still living in camps scattered throughout the country.

The report, entitled: The Right to Education in Iraq, stated that many of those who responded to the survey have indicated that they cannot move freely in and out of the displacement camps, due to the restrictions imposed on their movement, which prevents them from carrying out daily activities such as going to schools outside the camps.

The report pointed to two main factors that challenge children’s access to proper education, the first of which is “the lack of appropriate programs aimed at reintegrating the students, whose studies were interrupted for too long, into the government education system.”

The second factor is the difficulty in obtaining identification documents, which constitutes a major challenge for parents while trying to enroll their children in school.

The report stressed that the problem is continuously aggravated, as many adolescents have reached an age where they can no longer stay in primary schools, in addition to the lack of adequate schools and rapid-learning programs.

The UN report called on the Iraqi government to minimize administrative and security challenges, accelerate children’s access to civil documents, and review the provisions on the forms of education available to them, which compensates for the loss of years of education due to the control of Daesh over the children’s hometowns.


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Featured image: Iraqi children are seen in a town of Mosul after the village was retaken by Peshmerga forces from Daesh on 31 October, 2016 [Ahmet Izgi/Anadolu]

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The American Empire Will Fall if Humanity Stands Together

February 24th, 2020 by Prof. Robert Abele

Empires despise laws. The U.S. Empire still desires to dominate Iran, Venezeula, Bolivia, Syria, and others, all in contravention of the United Nations Charter and the Geneva Conventions. When the Geneva Conventions and International Laws of War and Commerce were created and put into force, there was still a belief that nations of the world could live in harmony by being rational and reasonable, and following an agreed-upon set of norms and rules of law that kept nations bound.

But when the postmodern and neoliberal assault on reason and the norms of ethical interchange commenced, combined with the emergence of the U.S. Empire as an acquisitive, regulation-free capitalistic, and militaristic hegemon, the consequence for the world was the complete surrender of notions of cooperation between nations as set by and in the international rule of law, along with the ethical and rational conditions that emphasized discourse over power-plays. Most importantly, the rise of the Empire brought with it the evaporation of the possibility of a peace that was not based in the oppressive operations of a hegemon running its own worldwide military-based regime.

One of the primary conditions that allowed the U.S. Empire to grow was a spurning of a commitment to any ethical commitments, such as the equality of any other party to a discourse, and perhaps more importantly, the rejection of the universal jurisdiction of law and its application as a common ethical and legal baseline. All of American culture, to say nothing of the corporate elites of the Empire, mowed down these parameters of equal discourse and law like a summer lawn, with the result that the mobsterism of the U.S. Empire was not only all the world was left with, but simultaneously all the domestic government rule of U.S. citizens was left with: the last vestiges of our failed experiment with democracy.

On the other side of this same domestic coin, the U.S. media joined the mobsters as their mouthpiece, with no norms of critical thinking, no informed discourse, and no ethical principles taken by the media to be necessary and basic to any analyses of the current conditions of our national and international affairs. Thus, any analysis appealing to such guidelines is now simply dismissed by reducing it to just an “ideology” or “metaphor” that is in opposition to the reigning neoconservative “reality.”

Hence, the methods of propaganda once championed by Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays have been now been cultivated by the supposedly left-leaning media outlets such as CNN and MSNBC, without overtly admitting that they have reduced themselves simply to “doing the Empire’s propaganda” with any alleged critique of the Mobster Empire’s abuses limited to personality flaws and voyeuristic dramas.

The result of all this is that we find ourselves today in that “never again” cultural space—the space where totalitarianism is ascending. Just as in Weimar Germany, the culture was immersed in irrationality and rejection of moral and rational norms and emphases, so today we find that we have arrived at that very same cultural position (I’m not arguing here that we are heading for another Hitler!). That such irrationalism is a prelude to a deeply authoritarian government has been well documented in the philosophical writings on World War II, and one can appeal to authors such as Georg Lukacs, Karl Popper, and Peter Drucker for detailed and cogent support and analyses of this phenomenon. The point here is that, under the sustained attack on reason and ethical values, a baseless and thus paradoxical irrationalism arises that allows for totalitarian forms of rule, both at home and abroad.

The solution can only be a return to some form of sanity—i.e. rationally-supported, communicable, unified principled view, most specifically with a goal of inculcating a sense of a common good ethics—or the result will be a common cultural and political suicide. What postmodern disciples do not understand is that with their celebration of the death of the primacy of reason comes the death of truth, and with the death of truth, all knowledge, ethics, and self-conscious social commonality have come to be taken as relative, and a true politics thereby becomes hopeless. In its stead politics becomes a means of raw competition for power and geo-political and resource control, if not just power for its own sake. Further, no criticism is possible from any quarter of society, since the criticism would just be ignored or dismantled under postmodern intellectual pretenses of proclaiming the death of such implied objective standards. Meanwhile, as the living standards of workers continue to plummet and the planet heats up, no pushback is possible because a relativist and individualist culture that results from denial of rational and ethical basics by definition will not unify themselves, since there is no understanding of a self-grounding set of principles, with the result that individual “identities” are all they have left to politically fight for.

Contrary to that, the political purpose of individual rational thinking and commitment to an ethical good has always been to prevent the lower impulses of our nature from taking over the human condition—i.e. self-centeredness, manipulation, hatred, brutality, class exclusion, etc. With the removal of the conditions that sought as its collective goal the best type of human interchange, and that might have prevented or significantly mitigated the corporate takeover of America and the American Empire, there is now nothing on which liberals can stand together to fight: not justice, not ethics, not reason, not the quest for truth. We are all suffering as a consequence, with no solid principle or set of principles around which to unify. And as we have seen in the last ten years or longer, common suffering does not necessarily result in common unity or common organizing. It will take something else to kick-start a new revolution against the depressive conditions of neoliberal policies of greed and class oppression. Even Marx and (really) Engels’ call that “you have nothing to lose but your chains” is insufficient to a dis-integrated population.

Some might object to this analysis on the grounds that it is too abstract: that if the social conditions of poverty, oppression, and the recognition of a rapidly-dwindling middle-class lifestyle are insufficient to move people, then it is unlikely a commitment to a new principle or a generalized call to rationality and justice will move people to unify. But this objection presumes that human values are locked into the vicissitudes of history alone. Contrary to that, witness the following facts. First, in WWII, the Western Allies defeated Hitler and his band of fascists, but they did not defeat the philosophy of fascism and totalitarianism. It is always a danger that this philosophy will rise again where great political and economic power is concentrated, as it is now in the United States, and thus it is that philosophy we must address if we are to avoid totalitarianism in the future.

Second, how did the civil rights movement progress and gain part of what they sought, for example, in terms of voting rights? They were organized around a set of principles, summarized by Martin Luther King as “justice,” which he defined in terms of fairness, equality, and freedom from oppression. Those were the driving forces of the civil rights movement. There was far more to the movement, of course, but without these principles, the truth of which they thought to be rational, self-evident, and the groundwork to their cause, they would not have had the pole around which to center their thoughts and actions, and the moral compass to direct their actions.

Finally, analogous to the case being made here, the main requirement environmentalists have for decades claimed that is needed is a change in our national philosophy, to one that moves deliberately and with full ethical intent away from fossil fuel reliance to renewable energy. They are not suggesting that social conditions will evolve so that this can become the case; they have consistently argued that a change in philosophy is needed to allow a move in this direction.

So we can learn a lesson from the persistent environmental and civil rights voices we have heard and are currently hearing—at least in more progressive media outlets: take their principle-based philosophy and make it a wider philosophy. Become unified with the voices of any and all democratic reform movements in general, be they civil rights, feminist, anti-war, and all. It’s not the (postmodern) “differences” that will bring change: it will be the common philosophy that unites us. It is only through principled unity that change will occur, not through divided and splintered “identity” politics. This is a perfect moment for finding a set of organizing and unifying principles to rally progressives into a unity.

These principles are going to have to be seen as universal if they are to be successful. It will also require a commitment to truth, not to some “ideology” or “metaphor.” But these shifts will imply a return to reason and ethical principle as a primary element in and of political discourse. This will certainly be counter to the current American culture. If this also is at cross-purposes with old-school liberals, with their focus on individual selves, relativism, and the reduction of rational, ethical, and political discourse to simple ideology or language, that is so much the worse for liberalism in general, and so much the better for the mobster Empire, which will continue until it either literally runs out of gas, or, more quickly and decisively, is overcome by the unified voices of the people.

What are the chances of unifying our principles so that we can unify our voices in a pushback against the Empire? Only to the degree to which all individual  and mini-group voices unify under larger and more inclusive principles can this be done. The focus will have to be unity with other citizens some of whose personal interests might be diverse from our own, but nonetheless have a commonality with us and with the people of other nations that transcends our differences (“ they” are not “those rapists,” “those Islamist terrorists,” or more generally in our history, “those savage others”). As part of this philosophy of what we share in common, we can easily craft a unified demand that our government follow a commitment to the rule of law (i.e. law’s universal application), by following international law and the United Nations Charter.

Learning to come together again need to be our new goal and new philosophy, for we have seen what the emphasis on “difference,” “fragmentation,” and “the other” has brought, and it has only strengthened the Empire. We need to bring the Empire down and people up, and that means unity under the same banner of “humanity.”


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Dr. Robert P. Abele holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Marquette University. He is the author of three books: A User’s Guide to the USA PATRIOT Act (2005); The Anatomy of a Deception: A Logical and Ethical Analysis of the Decision to Invade Iraq (2009); Democracy Gone: A Chronicle of the Last Chapters of the Great American Democratic Experiment (2009). He contributed eleven chapters to the Encyclopedia of Global Justice, from The Hague: Springer Press (October, 2011). Dr. Abele is a professor of philosophy at Diablo Valley College, located in Pleasant Hill, California in the San Francisco Bay area. His web site is

At the behest of Donald Trump and Chrystia Freeland, the Lima Group met in Ottawa on February 20th, 2020. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Foreign Affairs Minister François-Philippe Champagne dutifully mouthed their set lines and good Samaritan posturing in the pretense of democracy, humanitarianism and the rule of law. Ostensibly, the purpose of this meeting was to devise and orchestrate ways to oust the vile, murderous dictator, as Washington has sought to cast the duly elected President Nicolás Maduro.

Progressive chroniclers and activists have almost exclusively been concerned with the notion that a dismembered Venezuela is the main, or even the only, labor of love of this nefarious little band of economic fundamentalists, death-incanting, democratically-challenged member regimes of the Lima Group. I fear that we may not fully appreciate what this cartel is up to.

Let’s face it. As an aspirational objective, the overthrow of the Maduro Government, and more specifically, the pulverization of the Bolivarian Revolution and the feudalization of the masses of Venezuelans carrying it has been a laughable failure. The US and large corporations’ objective is not mere regime change; it’s the obliteration of the State, its structures, processes and programs, its most ingrained social values and its cultural and racial fabric. It is a wet dream in which Trump is finding less and less solace; it turns out that this political mirage does not meet his puerile need for instant gratification.

In spite of the immensity and criminality of the pain, suffering and death that Trump, Trudeau and the other corrupt Lima Group troubadours have inflicted on the Venezuelans, the people stand tall and resist; their social, political and economic system, although weakened and under constant attack, endures.

The discussions of the Lima Group on February 20th touched on more than Venezuela because there are many other pressing issues and perceived threats to the oligarchs of Latin America and the contemptuous, hegemonic impulses of the North American white-supremacist, get-every-last-drop-of–blood ($$$) corporate/billionaire complex.

We can bet that this gabfest included the planning of concerted action re the ongoing coup and US-dictated election process in Bolivia. And how to deal more effectively, from their point of view, with the pesky resistance movements in each of their countries. Lest we forget, all of the South American members of this cartel (and Canada) intervened and co-parented the Coup d’État in Bolivia. Also, when Mexican President Manuel Obrador sent a rescue plane to extricate President Evo Morales from certain violence if not worse, as if by magic, all of the Lima Group regimes refused that plane’s access to their airspace. You need a well-oiled machine to succeed in such instantaneous action in the dead of night. The US has its vassals everywhere and its vessels (Lima Group, for instance) for the execution of its nefarious wishes.

The machinations of the Lima Group include executing US and financial magnates’ strategies to break the will of the citizenry to facilitate the overthrow of duly elected governments that may have real aspirations of looking after their citizens. The Lima Group is the farmer that sows the Washington-designed seeds of the destruction of responsible, citizen-dedicated governments. The Wikileaks drops and the Snowden revelations, among other critical information sources, showed that from the very first year of his election, Lula was being undermined and the seeds of his and Dilma’s political demise were being sown. The same can be said for many other once progressive states including Jean-Bertrand Aristide’s Haïti. The Orinoco Tribune reports that plans are already under way to engineer a future coup against Obrador (AMLO) of Mexico. It is therefore imperative that the human justice and progressive activist community understand that the Lima Group is more than a battering ram against Venezuela only.

The former Canadian Ambassador to Venezuela and now President of the Canadian International Council, Ben Roswell, was no doubt very involved in the framing of this February 2020 Lima Group confab. Let’s remember that he facilitated part of the February 4th, 2019 meeting in Ottawa. Roswell will then probably appear on the mainstream media networks to propagate his and the Trudeau/Freeland/Trump colonialist agenda. Our community must find a way to invalidate him because he is an effective justice wrecking ball and propagandist supreme. Minister Champagne on the other hand is merely a figurehead.


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Constitution Pipeline Project Scrapped

February 24th, 2020 by Earth Justice

One of the companies behind the Constitution Pipeline has reportedly abandoned the project, following a series of legal challenges by Earthjustice and our partners. The proposed 124-mile gas pipeline was slated to run through Pennsylvania and New York, threatening water quality, wildlife, and public health. The project also would have increased demand for fracked gas, locking in more climate pollution. 

The following is a statement from staff attorney Moneen Nasmith, who led Earthjustice’s work to stop the pipeline:

“Defeating the Constitution Pipeline is an enormous victory for advocates who have been fighting for eight years to protect New York State and its waterways. At this critical moment for our climate, we cannot afford unnecessary fossil fuel projects that will lead to more fracking and exacerbate our climate crisis. It’s time to embrace a 100% clean energy future, and today’s news is an important step in the right direction.”

On behalf of clients such as Catskill Mountainkeeper, Riverkeeper, and Sierra Club, Earthjustice has been engaged in close partnership with other groups in numerous legal battles to stop the project, including challenging the original approval of the pipeline by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and helping to defend the State of New York’s decision to deny Constitution’s application for a critical permit under the Clean Water Act.


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Featured image: The proposed 124-mile Constitution Pipeline was slated to run through Pennsylvania and New York, threatening water quality, wildlife, and public health (Source: AIGARS REINHOLDS/SHUTTERSTOCK)

Corporations as Private Sovereign Powers: The Case of Total

February 24th, 2020 by Alain Deneault

Having studied, written on and engaged in public discussion about transnational corporations (TNCs), I have reached the conclusion that we are not collectively equipped to think about the kind of power that they represent, the silent way they exercise their specific form of sovereignty and the numerous mechanisms that allow them to circumvent the law wherever they operate.

To illustrate this, I will focus on just one corporation –Total – as a textbook case, and show what it is capable of globally, rather than piecing together several examples that could be accused of being selectively chosen just to satisfy our research needs.

Total is a corporate group headquartered in France, with operations in 130 countries, 100,000 employees and ‘collaborators’, and a daily production of the equivalent of 2.8 million barrels of oil. In 2018, Total reported net profits of $13.6 billion.

This energy giant, the world’s fifth-largest oil company and which has been around for almost a century, merits attention in view of the fact that it has been the subject of very little analysis, despite its shocking track record in human rights, the environment, public health and business ethics.

For instance, communities in Myanmar say they were forced to work on the construction of a gas pipeline. Dictatorships in Gabon and Congo-Brazzaville have received the corporation’s support for decades. It has openly used Bermuda as a tax haven to avoid paying taxes in France. And that is not to mention its polluting oil-exploration activities in northern Canada or themarkets that it obtained following bombardments in Libya, to name just a few examples.

We begin by defining TNCs, disproving the image of Total as ‘a French oil company’, as is commonly believed. Each of these terms – ‘a’, ‘French’, ‘oil’ and ‘company’ – is misleading.


First, by definition, transnational groups are not ‘a’ or ‘one’ company and do not formally constitute one legal entity, but hundreds of them – including its various subsidiaries, trusts, holdings, foundations, specialised firms and private banks.

These structures are legally autonomous, bound only by the laws of the jurisdiction in which they were created, but are in fact part of the networks that form transnational groups. They bill and even provide loans to each other.

Total has nothing in common with a local corner shop: it comprises 1,046 consolidated companies controlled by its board of directors on behalf of a common shareholder base.

If we were to imagine Total as an octopus the size of the Earth, the numerous states where its tentacles lie legislate only on what the tentacles within their territory do there; they are treated in isolation, as if they were not legally governed by the same brain or anything other than themselves. Total’s subsidiaries in Algeria, Bermuda, Bolivia, Myanmar, Qatar, the UK and the US have no official ties to the parent company based in La Défense in Paris, even though it coordinates their operations. 

Only one law on the ‘duty of care’ passed in 2013 by the French National Assembly enforces the links of solidarity between them in cases where fundamental rights have been violated. In the rest of the world, through its subsidiaries, Total uses its full weight to influence each individual state where it establishes them, whereas none of these states is able to legislate at the global level, which is where the group is expanding its empire. 

Each subsidiary is anchored in its respective territory as a local actor, while bowing to financial interests. In the global economy, Total finds all the flexibility it needs to escape the combined power of all legislation and all jurisdictions. It is at this level that, with full control over access to wealth, the subsidiary joins forces with other TNCs and can effectively dominate states.


As for the word ‘French’, only 28% of Total is now French-owned. France no longer has any direct ownership, and institutional investors own 72% of the corporation worldwide.

In a series of waves of privatisation adopted by the Chirac, Balladur and Jospin administrations between 1986 and 1998, France got rid of its shares in Compagnie française des pétroles (CFP, owner of the ‘Total’ trademark) and in Société nationale Elf Aquitaine (trustee of the ‘Elf’ brand).

After intense negotiations, these companies merged with PetroFina at the turn of the millennium to form Total as we know it today. Chinese political authorities and the government of Qatar have since become shareholders, as have families who act as governors in their countries, such as the Frère family in Belgium or the Desmarais in Canada, for example. The latter held a seat on Total’s board of directors from 2001 to 2017. Today, US-based BlackRock is the majority shareholder of Total.

Total’s main shareholders are from the US, the UK and elsewhere. To date, the corporation has issued 2.6 billion shares that are not held by reference shareholders. In 2017, it dished out €6.1 billion in dividends to satisfy the beast and adopted the goal of increasing the rate from 5% to 6% per year, up from the previous 3%. It earned €11.4 billion in profits in 2018. 

Since Total has no shareholder ties with France, its ‘French’ side amounts basically to its communications strategy. Back in 2015, the Énergies & environnement website announced that ‘[i]n 2012, 65% of its capital invested in refining and petrochemicals was concentrated in Europe, but the French oil company wants to reverse the trend by increasing the share of this capital in Asia and the Middle East to 70% by 2017’.

The corporation has invested enormously in megastructures, such as the one in Jubail in Saudi Arabia: investments of close to $10 billion guarantee Total 400,000 barrels of oil per day. Social and tax obligations are less strict in Saudi Arabia than in France. The corporation reduced the number of refineries in the city’s territory from eight to five – six including petrochemical sites. These are now generally either making a loss or their installations have been turned into niche entities.


Screenshot of website: promoting its all-round energy solutions.

Total, the ‘oil company’, is reducing its focus on oil and petrochemicals and turning to diversification as a means to establish a place for itself in the sectors that will be favoured once it and its peers have depleted the last available oil deposits. Total clearly plans to exploit its deposits to the very last drop. 

In 2017, it acquired assets in prospecting and exploitation and shares in two plants from the Brazilian Petrobras corporation for a total of $2.2 billion. In addition to those it already exploits in Gonfreville-l’Orcher (France), Anvers (Belgium), Jubail (Saudi Arabia), Port Arthur (USA) and Ras Laffan (Qatar), Total acquired an integrated refining and petrochemical platform in South Korea in 2017. At the time, it owned stakes in another 19 refineries worldwide, and continues to exploit the highly polluting tar sands in Canada. 

By the 2040s, 35% of Total’s energy is expected to be produced from oil, 50% from gas and 15% from low-carbon energy sources such as biomass, solar power and storage. If global warming does not get the better of humanity after we have burned all the available fuel, Total anticipates having already redirected its distinguished customers towards its new energy markets. 

Just as the chemical corporations BASF, Bayer, and Monsanto are quickly establishing themselves as the leading firms in the organic farming sector, Total is regaining control of the markets that compete with oil and working to turn its depletion into the market of the future.

The ‘Gas, Renewables & Power’ subsidiary is now Total’s fourth main business segment. Before its creation, management had plans for Exploration & Production (EP), Refining & Chemicals (RC) and Marketing & Services (MS)..‘The Gas, Renewables & Power segment spearheads Total’s ambitions in low-carbon businesses by expanding in downstream gas and renewable energies as well as in energy efficiency businesses’, it declared in its unique style. 

Having tactically recognised its responsibility for global warming as an oil corporation, Total is now undergoing metamorphosis to make the gullible believe that ‘natural gas’, which it also exploits, is a solution. The group’s CEO is even advocating for the establishment of a reference carbon price that integrates the costs of CO2 emissions so that the price of coal serves as a foil for the gas sector.

However, opting to produce less oil in the long term and extract more shale gas instead is like choosing to pollute the atmosphere less (if we conveniently ignore the thorny issue of the methane that is released) to risk destroying groundwater sources instead. 

Total uses the hazardous technique of hydraulic fracturing or ‘frackingin Australia, Denmark, and the UK and is aggressively arriving in or returning to the US, Argentina or Algeria to extract gas buried in rocks by causing underground tremors and whirlpools that potentially threaten the entire groundwater system – that is, when it is not launching deep-water gas prospecting and drilling projects such as those in Cyprus, Iran or Greece. 

Total is also developing its shale-gas operations to target the markets for electricity and natural gas. For a while, it could rely on the support of Jean-Louis Borloo, the former French environment minister, who later became a ‘super-lobbyist for electricity in Africa’, as Le Monde newspaper put it. Borloo attempted to pave the way for relations in Africa among development fund directors, African leaders and French corporations such as Bolloré, Dassault, EDF, Total and Veolia that support the development of a vast continental electricity market.

By embarking on similar deep-water oil and gas projects, Total continues to push extraction from the ocean floor to new limits all around the world. 

This does not, however, stop Total from advocating a clean economy, as it also produces solar panels. It became the world leader of solar energy after it acquired the US-based SunPower corporation in 2011 and then Saft in 2016 and it dominates the energy-storage sector. 

This would make it a green company if we were to ignore – as it tries to do – the heavy metals that this industry requires. Total also carries out research in the energy-harvesting sector with the support of the Norwegian government. This new practice relies on the use of solvents that are capable of absorbing CO2 under certain conditions and its underground storage. Total’s efforts in this area are entirely self-serving, positioning itself ‘pre-competitively’ to respond to a technological demand that is anticipated from China. 

Total is also drawn to agrofuels despite the threat they represent to food sovereignty, particularly in the Global South. It imports massive amounts of palm oil from South-East Asia to its French facility in La Mède – it needs 450,000 tonnes to produce approximately 500,000 tonnes of agrofuels per year – even though this operation is costly in terms of production, transport and processing, and thus, energy. Very little recycled oil will be included in their composition. 

Palm oil plantations in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Photo credit: European Space Agency/Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0

As the CGT (French General Confederation of Labour) delegate Fabien Cros wrote on Total’s website, ‘All of this has a much bigger carbon footprint than if diesel were used directly! In sum, to produce this so-called green energy, we will pollute the rest of the world’. The satellite states in the Françafrique framework, such as Gabon, are following suit and plan to gradually convert to the agrofuels economy, rather than adopting agricultural policies to promote their own food sovereignty.

As the growth-based economic order must in no circumstances be stopped, Total is seeking to diversify it. There are several examples of this in 2019 alone. In addition to developing pipelines, lubricants, plastics and other petrochemical products, the corporation is involved in the battery and wood-pellets sector, and has also penetrated the hydrogen sector.

Despite the high cost of the chemical reaction needed to produce this energy, there is already lobbying for its promotion. Thus, to the gasoline sold through Total’s vast global network of retail service stations, we can now add natural gas and roadside charging stations for electric vehicles. 

Total is busy not only producing these energy sources, but also trading them. It invests in structures designed to develop complex ways of selling these goods and has made some advances in the US and Japan.

In 2017, its subsidiary Total Marine Fuels Global Solutions positioned itself to sell massive amounts of marine fuel produced from liquified natural gas in Singapore. In 2016, it acquired the Belgium firm Lampiris, which buys 78% of the electricity that it itself sells. It returned to France in 2018 with Direct Energy. 

It also plans to invest directly in its competitors’ funds such as Shell’s subsidiary in Nigeria or in Saudi Aramco in Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, it has invested in the Internet of Things and cutting-edge computer research. The corporation cannot claim that its operations are zero risk when it is developing a drone that is meant to ‘assess the extent of accidental pollution’.


Given the scale and level of diversity of Total (and its peers), it is no longer a ‘company’ in the sense of a meeting of duly identified business associates, nor an ‘enterprise’ understood as a structure engaged in a particular sector. Rather, it has become a power, a sovereign authority that sets itself apart from states and dominates and manipulates them to achieve its own self-serving goals.

Being a power rather than a simple company requires knowing how to take advantage of all situations – when, that is, the situation is not under its control in the first place. This diversity of activities and the fact that the company controls a multitude of aspects in the energy sector – prospecting, exploitation, transport, refining, processing, storage, distribution, trade, and so on – enables it to profit from each and every situation. Even though the price of oil dropped by 17% in 2016, the corporation still earned profits of at least $8.29 billion.

Johann Corric of Le Revenu observed that ‘The group’s accounts continue to be kept afloat by its downstream activities (refining, petrochemicals) and by a cost reduction plan implemented ahead of schedule. It exceeded its target of 2.4 billion dollars in savings for 2016 by 400 million dollars’.

Total has made reducing production costs a priority, which results in miserable wages, demanding working conditions, different treatment for local craftspeople and expatriates – these methods obviously please only the firm’s most powerful stakeholders: the Fitch credit-rating agency explicitly compensated Total for its strict management policies by stabilising the group’s rating at ‘AA–’.

Those nostalgic for state sovereignty are reluctant to consider the disturbing scope of these new power relations. Theoretically, as the guardian of the legitimate use of violence and the exclusive power to legislate, only the state should be in a position to assert its prerogatives over any private companies and foreign entities operating in its territory.

However, a new form of sovereignty is developing. Representatives of Total, its marketing industry and its tentacular PR services now have their say on and meddle in everything.

Total’s CEO Patrick Pouyanné, like his predecessor Christophe de Margerie, is involved in everything: the issue of the Syrian refugees, the trade embargo imposed on Russia, academic research, the revival of local industries, financial or technical support for small businesses, the fight against diabetes, museum exhibitions, the restoration of historical monuments and rejecting all social movements.

Recognised by states as a sovereign power itself, Total signed a declaration of support for the Paris Agreement at COP21 in which it pledges to work to keep global warming at the 2°C mark – even though in private, Pouyanné spoke about a significant increase of 3°C to 3.5°C.

Ideology of power

Our interest in using Total as a case study also stems from the fact that its representatives have become particularly vocal. Successive CEOs and various representatives do not hesitate to comment on their activities and even on current political affairs, giving us an insight into their fundamental ideology. In doing so, they inform the public of the ideological means they use to justify, in their own eyes, their authority. They present themselves in the long term as resolutely sovereign.

We analysed three types of sources: 

  1. Total’s documents and public statements, as well as the publications of its historians and other intellectuals, which allow us to confirm by its own admission a whole series of facts.
  1. Specific legal documents that, depending on their status, provide evidence on specific matters. 
  1. Critical and incriminating documents making claims to which the corporation’s directors have often responded.

We identified three constants in the corporation’s official discourse. 

First constant: the presumption of legality

Whatever the form, Total’s representatives always insist on the legal nature of its operations. Whether dealing with its historical collaboration with the Apartheid regime in South Africa, the consultations that leave Latin American indigenous peoples frustrated, the influence peddling observed in Iraq or Iran in the late 1990s, the devastation of the Niger Delta region or theaccess to Algerian wealth enabled by odious debts, its rhetoric can be summed up as: we respect the law, we operate within the law, what we do is legal and as long as it is not prohibited (or sanctioned), it is permitted. These are the key phrases the group’s representatives use. 

We took these claims seriously, so our work was not so much a critique of Total’s actions as an analysis of a system that allows so many actions to seem legal. We then asked ourselves about the very meaning of the phrase ‘it is legal’ in the various contexts in which it is used. We also examined how the corporation itself sometimes helps in drafting the legal frameworks that allow such actions to be considered legal.

Second constant: let bygones be bygones

When a journalist asked former CEO Christophe de Margerie about the suspicious commissions Total paid the Iranian regime in return for the concessions that it was awarded in the 1990s, he responded, ‘It’s good that you are starting to ask questions about dates because we can also talk about the Saint-Barthélemy massacre’ – which took place in 1572.

The firm’s representatives suggest that the historical slate should be wiped clean, perhaps in part to clear their conscience. For them, Total’s collaboration with the Apartheid regime is no longer up  for discussion, even if its own documents boast that it has been in South Africa since 1954. 

The TNC’s discourse minimises the past to favour only the present or a projected future. However, a firm’s capital, especially when it is colossal, is also its memoire, recording its actions in specific historical contexts. Capital is clearly crucial for any corporation, enabling it to take out loans, build partnerships, raise its share value on the stock market and invest in new projects in order to constantly expand it. 

Minimising the past prevents the public from understanding how capital is accumulated – the very capital that now gives the group the means to launch multiple initiatives, reminding us of the saying, ‘the past guarantees the future’.

Third constant: don’t do politics

In issues involving Total in France and abroad, its representatives insist on saying that they do not do politics, then to add, only geopolitics. Together with other private-sector firms of the same magnitude, the corporation manages to shape much of the global industrial and financial order through a series of imperatives making it difficult for states to clearly exercise their sovereignty. 

Whether in the chapter on procurement, pricing, diplomacy, lawsuits filed with ad hoc tribunals to ‘settle trade disputes with states’, lobbying and the establishment of power relations in regard to investment plans, everything is done to stifle debate on how liberal globalisation operates. 

This is what led the current CEO, Patrick Pouyanné, to say that the left–right divide is obsolete and elections now merely endorse the neoliberal order that his group and several others helped to establish.

Moreover, since Total is active in all phases of the chain of exploration, exploitation, processing and distribution of energy assets, it can often avoid influencing the broader economic context, contenting itself with taking advantage of the stage of the chain favoured by the state of affairs at the time.


All these considerations led Total’s CEO to present himself as a sovereign ruler. After Patrick Pouyanné’s tête-à-tête with Vladimir Putin, which received all the pomp usually reserved for heads of state, he was quoted as saying, ‘Even if Total is a private company, it is the biggest French company and, in a way, it represents the country itself’.

Over and above this outrageous declaration, provoking not even a reaction on the part of the French president, the authority that corporate directors claim for themselves is supranational and specifically business-related. It is this power that now calls for further analyses and greater public awareness.

We need to treat Total not just as a large energy corporation, but rather as a private, multi- and transnational, private, sovereign power that serves the interests of a highly diversified shareholder base and intervenes in innumerable political, cultural, social, financial, industrial and academic issues. 


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This article is an abridged version of Alain Deneault’s book (In French), De quoi Total est-elle la somme ? Multinationales et perversion du droit, éditions rue de l’Échiquier et Écosociété (2017). Full references can be found in the book.

Alain Deneault is Canadian correspondent for the International College of Philosophy (Paris), Philosophy professor  at the Université de Moncton/Acadian Peninsula and Author of De quoi Total est-elle la somme ? and Le Totalitarisme pervers (Rue de l’Échiquier · Écosociété)

All images in this article are from tni unless otherwise stated

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Covid-19 Triggers Global Luxury Bust

February 24th, 2020 by Zero Hedge

The impact of Covid-19 on supply chains has been tremendous. Uncertainty across the global economy is building as China remains in economic paralysis. The luxury fashion industry is suffering its most significant “shock” since the 2008 financial crisis, reported the Financial Times

Our angle in this piece is to asses which luxury brand companies are most exposed/dependent on China. Many of these firms have complex operations in the country, from manufacturing facilities to brick and mortar stores to e-commerce platforms. Chinese consumers accounted for 40% of $303 billion spent on luxury goods globally last year.

The virus outbreak has also disrupted complex supply chains for mid-market apparel brands, like Under Armour, Adidas, and Puma, warning about collapsing demand and factory shutdown woes.

LVMH, Kering, and Richemont are luxury brands that are some of the least exposed to China because their manufacturing facilities are outside the country.

However, Luca Solca, a luxury goods analyst at Bernstein, said it doesn’t matter where luxury brands are making their products, the whole demand story in China has collapsed.

Kering, the owner of Gucci, warned earlier this month that the virus outbreak in China could damage sales in the first quarter.

A Moody’s report this week showed US-listed luxury brands, Coach and Kate Spade owner Tapestry, have increased their market exposure to China in recent years to gain access to a robust market, allowing their revenues to increase far faster than industry norms. That strategy today is likely to have backfired.

Fashion brands from Hennes & Mauritz, Next of the UK, and Tory Burch, have built factories in China to take advantage of inexpensive silk, fabrics, and cotton, along with lower labor costs, are now experiencing supply chain disruptions that could lead to product shortages in the months ahead.

The National Chamber for Italian Fashion warned earlier this week that the virus impact in China would lead to a $108 million drop in Italian exports in the first quarter because Chinese demand has fallen. If consumption remains depressed, then luxury exports to China could drop by a whopping $250 million in 1H20.

A top executive at Shanghai’s luxury shopping mall Plaza 66 said the mall had been deserted this month. Stores such as Cartier and Tiffany’s have been shuttered.

“We are now, brand by brand, reallocating that inventory to other regions in the world so that we are not too heavy in stock in China,” Kering chief executive François-Henri Pinault said last week. The move suggests the environment in China remains dire and to persist well into March.

Jefferies Group noted this week that Burberry Group is the most exposed luxury brand to China.

The crisis developing in the global luxury retail market is the first demand shock since that last financial crisis more than a decade ago. Brands that have manufacturing and retail exposure to China will be damaged the most.

UBS analyst Olivia Townsend said luxury brands she spoke with said factories are to remain shut for all of February may lead to product shortages.

The demand crisis comes as the global apparel industry rolls over suggests that world stocks could be headed for a correction.


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“A desigualdade está fora de controle”, diz recente informe da OXFAM. A organização – patrocinada por transnacionais que em nada podem ser “acusadas” de socialistas – apresenta dados que mostram que o patrimônio de 3,8 bilhões de seres humanos está concentrado por apenas 26 magnatas (“Bem Público ou Riqueza Privada”, 2019).

Já relatório da Organização Internacional do Trabalho da ONU, “Perspectivas sociais e do emprego no mundo” (2020), diz que a “insuficiência de empregos remunerados” afeta quase “500 milhões de pessoas”; desde a crise econômica mundial de 2008, o sistema capitalista não consegue mais criar “empregos suficientes” para absorver os jovens que se incorporam ao mercado de trabalho a cada ano. Segundo o diretor-geral da OIT, Guy Ryder, a “persistência e a amplitude da exclusão e das desigualdades relacionadas ao emprego” impõem obstáculos cada vez mais intransponíveis para que se possa encontrar um “trabalho decente”. 

Algumas consequências disto são: a uberizaçãoda vida, ou seja, a precarização das condições de trabalho, o salve-se-quem-puder-cada-um-por-si das propostas de “contra-reformas”: sem direito a férias, nem a aposentadoria, nem a décimo-terceiro – e nem a um leito hospitalar em caso de acidente com o “uber” (pois a crise fechou o hospital). 

“Esta é uma conclusão extremamente preocupante, que tem repercussões graves e alarmantes para a coesão social” – observa ainda o diretor da OIT. De fato, não precisa muita visão de mundo para se perceber os efeitos desta paupérrima coesão social no crescente discurso fascista – que contamina o mundo deste novo século: xenofobia, preconceito, violência, o pavor que acomete o ser fragilizado diante da falta de perspectivas; o desespero que, na falta de quem culpar pela própria desgraça, culpa o outro, o diferente, o imigrante, o periférico. O ódio que vota com ódio no candidato do ódio – porque, ao menos, “é diferente do que está aí”… Será? 

Como os problemas da desigualdade e do desemprego se entrelaçam? Por que se agravaram desde a crise capitalista de 2008? E por que tudo tende a piorar – se nada for feito para frear o (erroneamente) denominado “progresso” de moldes capitalistas? 

Vejamos algumas causas desta situação, que a ONU – lamentavelmente – apenas “sistematiza” em relatórios, mas nada faz de efetivo para mudar o cenário (dado o poder de veto dos EUA e seus aliados subalternos europeus-ocidentais, a organização não tem quase voz).

O problema do desemprego na “crise estrutural capitalista”

Conforme pesquisas sociológicas e histórico-econômicas – teóricas e empíricas –, que vem sendo aprofundadas por variadas correntes marxistas contemporâneas (István Mészáros, Robert Kurz, Moishe Postone, Eleutério Prado, etc), vivemos desde as últimas décadas do século XX um agravamento da “crise estrutural” do capitalismo (o que motivou, por exemplo, a degradação do estado de bem-estar social europeu). 

Com a automação e o imenso aumento da produtividade industrial, resultado da Terceira Revolução Industrial (microeletrônica), a necessidade de trabalho humano (para tocar a produção) diminuiu significativamente. Porém, com esta baixa, também os lucros do capital tendem a diminuir: fenômeno que já tinha sido previsto por Karl Marx, no século XIX.

Embora, em um primeiro momento, os capitalistas mais simplórios possam ter entendido este processo de “enxugar trabalhadores” como algo “positivo”, a contraditória consequência disto é a criação de um obstáculo à acumulação de capital, o que pode encaminhar o atual sistema para um colapso. E a crise econômica de 2008 é uma dura “prova real” (com dados empíricos, calculada matematicamente) deste movimento de decadência do regime ocidental-moderno.

Em linhas gerais, essa queda tendencial da taxa de lucro se dá por causa da automação ascendente da indústria. Com maiores tecnologias em cena, as “taxas de lucros” da produção concorrencial capitalista tendem, não a aumentar, mas a decrescer: pois o trabalhador assalariado (que tende a ser despedido com a chegada da nova máquina) é justamente quem produz o “valor” (de onde o capitalista subtrai seu lucro)! As máquinas não produzem nada sozinhas: não trabalham por si só (não existem moto-contínuos, são uma impossibilidade termodinâmica). 

Por menos que se precise, atualmente, de trabalhadores para operar as fábricas (que com sua supertecnologia produzem cada vez mais, em menos tempo), serão sempre os seres humanos – os trabalhadores – que farão as máquinas e demais criações materiais se transformarem na criação de “novos valores” (donde o capitalista retira o lucro)! É justamente neste processo de criação de “novos valores” que o patrão enriquece ainda mais, retirando de seu empregado, para si mesmo, a tal “mais-valia” (de que falava Marx). 

A “mais-valia”, em poucas palavras, é aquela quantia que é roubada de cada trabalhador pelo seu patrão. O capitalista paga ao seu empregado somente aquilo que lhe é o necessário para sobreviver (comer, se vestir, pagar a condução, aluguel e portanto continuar vivo e trabalhando); entretanto, ele exige de seus empregados que trabalhem, a cada jornada, “um pouco mais de tempo” do que esse tempo efetivamente “pago” (que como dito, é aquele necessário à sua sobrevivência). 

Mais-valia, na prática, é isto: o empregado trabalha “um pouco mais”, mas não ganha “um pouco mais”: é furtado sistematicamente pelo empregador, que assim enriquece, ao pôr em seus bolsos (leia-se “bancos”) esse valor-extra produzido pelo trabalho-extra do trabalhador. 

O mecanismo da crise estrutural capitalista

Contudo, a “lógica capitalista” não é somente mesquinha: ela é irracional, inoperante e em longo prazo tende a destruir a maioria de capitalistas, concentrando o poder nas mãos de cada vez menos “donos do mundo”. 

Vejamos como isso se dá: 

1o) o empregado assalariado vai se tornando mais e mais dispensável ao processo de produção geral, e o desemprego aumenta drasticamente; 

2o) por outro lado, com menor necessidade de trabalhadores, o capital aumenta a exploração do operário (pois este, com receio do desemprego, aceita mais restrições de direitos trabalhistas, previdenciários, redução salarial, etc); 

3o) embora a tal “mais-valia” seja aumentada “relativamente” (já que a tecnologia traz incremento de produtividade, permitindo que o empregado superexplorado produza muito mais do que antes), apesar disso a “mais-valia” tende a diminuir em montantes absolutos, já que a tendência é haver cada vez menos trabalhadores a serem subtraídos (furtados em seu tempo e produção, através do mecanismo acima descrito). Sim! Pois conforme passa o tempo e aumenta a tecnologia, conforme os operários são dispensados de fábricas cada vez mais modernas, o capitalista terá cada vez menos empregados assalariados para explorar. 

A “crise” na prática cotidiana

Uma forma bem concreta de se pensar este fenômeno é compreender que, no sistema capitalista, as riquezas materiais produzidas pelos trabalhadores, antes de se tornarem coisas a serem “usadas” pelas pessoas em seu cotidiano (portanto, antes de terem um “valor de uso”, nos termos marxistas), as riquezas produzidas têm a função de servirem de “valor de troca”, ou seja: de serem vendidas, gerando assim “lucro” ao proprietário da indústria. 

Perceba-se que, se tais produtos não forem vendidos, obviamente o patronal não conseguirá embolsar seu lucro. O patrão enriquece na medida em que as pessoas realmente comprem aquela mercadoria que seus operários fabricaram. Porém, com o aprofundamento da “crise estrutural do emprego assalariado” (aqui descrita), ou seja, com a exclusão da maior parte dos seres humanos do trabalho assalariado (pois a indústria cheia de novas tecnologias já não necessita deles), acontece que, gradativamente, haverá menos gente com poder de compra.

Estando a maioria das pessoas “desempregadas” – excluídas do sistema produtivo e do “mercado” – não haverá portanto “consumidores” para o imenso montante de novos produtos saídos das indústrias supermodernas. Ou de outro modo: o capital, ao excluir uma enorme massa de gente do trabalho assalariado, acaba por se abster de explorar diretamente essas pessoas – o que diminui sua possibilidade de auferir lucro.

Consequências da crise capitalista

Resultado imediato disto para a grande maioria dos patrões: futuramente serão “ex-patrões”. Pois a concorrência capitalista, que já é brutal, ao ser aumentada, fará com que os capitalistas menores quebrem, agravando a concentração das riquezas mundiais nas mãos de pouquíssimas pessoas (poderosos controladores de tudo e de todos que, em breve, poderão talvez ser contados nos dedos, se a situação persistir). 

Como diz o mencionado relatório da OXFAM: a “desigualdade” na distribuição de riqueza do mundo está “fora de controle”. Duas dúzias de abutres detêm o mesmo que metade da população miserável do planeta. 

No caso do Brasil (que “normalmente” já é um gigante da desigualdade e ignomínia), dois anos após o golpe de Estado (liderado pelo MDB de Temer, o Congresso de Cunha e o STF vergonhoso de tão poucos), a contabilidade macabra girava na casa de meia-dúzia de donos de monopólios (Facebook, Ambev, Safra, Votorantim) controlando o mesmo que 100 milhões de pessoas! Resumo do eterno golpe brasileiro: Seis senhores-de-engenho contra metade da população.

Assim, a medida que caminha o “progresso tecnológico” de modelo capitalista (consolidado há uns dois séculos), caminha junto, morro acima, o contingente de desempregados – trabalhadores excluídos do sistema, e para nunca mais voltar. O que cabe a estas pessoas, normalmente, é apenas o “progresso” da miséria: passando a viver de modos não “monetarizados”, através de precárias atividades de subsistência. Mas mesmo essas atividades básicas de sobrevivência vem sendo dificultadas pela destruição dos recursos naturais promovida pelo capitalismo, em sua ilógica do “crescimento eterno”: fenômeno impossível em um planeta com recursos energéticos finitos, e cujo limite vem se aproximando.

O problema ambiental: outra história que é a mesma 

Não cabe, neste breve artigo de explanação geral do problema do desemprego, tratar do problema ambiental (igualmente causado pela irracionalidade da “estrutura” capitalista em expansão). 

Mas veja-se ao menos o alerta das Nações Unidas quanto aos desastres climáticos que “vem ocorrendo semanalmente” e “requerem investimentos bilionários”: tais desastres, provocados pelo aquecimento global, têm um custo avaliado em 2,7 trilhões de dólares.

Observemos ainda a constatação, também da ONU, de que a humanidade se encaminha para uma espécie de “apartheid climático”, em que um punhado de ricos – senhores do sistema e causadores desta situação distópica – dominarão os cada vez mais raros locais com menor sujeição aos efeitos do caos ambiental, legando aos demais humanos as consequências da mudança climática (em grande parcela provocada pela insensata concorrência de seu modo-de-produção capitalista).

Logicamente, tais “mudanças” – ou antes, “catástrofes” – ecológicas trazem sua contribuição à crise econômica global: a mesma OXFAM afirma que todo ano 20 milhões de pessoas imigram para fugir de secas, inundações, incêndios e outras desgraças. 


Em suma: a crise do emprego (que inclui o processo de monopolização do capital e desigualdade social), assim como a crise ambiental, são ambas apenas faces da “crise estrutural capitalista”. E esta crise estrutural, por sua vez, não tem por consequências “somente” graves e recorrentes crises econômicas, mas tende a se amplificar socialmente, enquanto decadência ética, enquanto declínio civilizacional da (ainda) dominante “modernidade burguesa ocidental”.

Yuri Martins-Fontes



Yuri Martins-Fontes – Filósofo e doutor em história econômica pela Universidade de São Paulo, pesquisa o pensamento e literatura latino-americanos, os movimentos sociais, a ética marxista e os saberes originários. Exerce atividades também como professor, escritor, tradutor e jornalista. Coordena projetos de educação popular e formação política do Núcleo Práxis da USP. É autor do livro “Marx na América: a práxis de Caio Prado e Mariátegui”, dentre outros. Desde 1999 colabora com meios independentes, como: Brasil de Fato, Caros Amigos, Fórum, ALAI, Mondialisation. 

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Video: Brzezinski’s Foreign Policy Perspective on China and Russia

February 23rd, 2020 by Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski

We bring to the attention of our readers the following video on the late Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski’s foreign policy perspective. 

Brzezinski was national security advisor under the Carter administration. He worked in close collaboration with the CIA. He was an effective instrument serving the hegemonic interests of the US Empire. 

In the 1970s, Brzezinski developed a personal relationship with David Rockefeller. He played a key role in the foundation of  The Trilateral Commission which regrouped “prominent political, business leaders and academics primarily from the US, Western Europe and Japan.”  As director of the Trilateral Commission, in consultation with David Rockefeller, he was also involved in promoting Jimmy Carter’s candidacy in the 1976 presidential elections.

Carter became a member of the Trilateral Commission in 1974, on the advice of Brzezinski. The following year in late 1975 he became Carter’s foreign policy advisor.

In many regards, Brzezinski was the architect of the Soviet-Afghan war (1979-1989) which consisted in recruiting Islamic  “jihadists” and  “freedom fighters” (later named Al Qaeda) to wage America’s proxy war against the Soviet Union (1979-89).

That war initiated under the Carter administration in 1979, played a key role in triggering the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989-91.

Brzezinski was an astute foreign policy analyst focusing on covert intelligence operations combined with carefully designed diplomacy.

What is important in reviewing this video is to compare Brzezinski’s foreign policy perspective to that of the reckless Trump  administration.

Astute foreign policy analysis and diplomacy has collapsed. Both under Obama and Trump, what prevails is the total collapse of (astute and carefully formulated) “friendly diplomacy” in relation to Russia and China, not to mention the spontaneous, improvised, flawed and  destructive actions led by Washington in the course of the last decade.

While Brzezinski talks about “shared responsibility”, “shared awareness” (with Russia and China), he was nonetheless firmly committed to the US imperial agenda. His focus was to strategically secure US economic domination preferably without military confrontation and all out war.

In this video interview, former national security adviser Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski focusses on US relations with Russia and China,

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, June 23, 2020

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At this stage in the Dem party campaign to choose its standard bearer in November, Sanders leads other aspirants in national polls.

As in 2016, DNC bosses likely prefer another candidate to head their ticket, a more reliable figure to assure continuity.

The US political system works this way. Both right wings of the one-party state operate the same way — so dirty business as usual continues uninterrupted in the aftermath of each election cycle.

Based on his voting record, especially on geopolitical issues, Sanders goes along with party bosses to get along, his actions and rhetoric worlds apart.

So why aren’t Dem party bosses comfortable with him as standard bearer? He goes along most of the time with longstanding US domestic and foreign policies.

They prefer someone who always operates this way, a safe candidate like Biden or others like him.

In 2016, the process was manipulated for Hillary to win. Hard evidence showed shenanigans for her in Iowa, Arizona, New York, Massachusetts, and elsewhere.

Former interim DNC chair Donna Brazile discussed what went on in her book titled “Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns that Put Donald Trump in the White House.”

Discussing her book pre-publication in 2017, she said the following:

“I stumbled onto a shocking truth about the Clinton campaign…I followed the money.”

Brazile’s DNC predecessor Debbie Wasserman Schultz “let Clinton’s headquarters (run things) so she didn’t have to inform the party officers how bad the situation was.”

Hillary and her minions ran things to assure her nomination. “(T)he party (was) fully under the control of Hillary’s campaign,” Brazile explained.

Things turned out as expected. At the Dems’ July 2016 national convention, she won. Sanders lost, things decided long before delegates arrived at Philadelphia’s Wells Fargo Center.

Ahead of the convention, Brazile told Sanders that she found a “cancer” in the system — Hillary’s chokehold over the DNC, “exert(ing) control of the party long before she became its nominee.”

The books were cooked for her in advance. As a Dem insider, Brazile had hard evidence to support her accusations.

On the issue of alleged Russian US election meddling, not a shred of evidence proving it ever surfaced because none exists — not in 2016 or now.

In US judicial proceedings, credible evidence is required to prove or disprove claims.

It may come from witnesses, documents, and/or other materials.

In civil cases, a preponderance of evidence suffices. In criminal cases, it must be “beyond a reasonable doubt” to convict.

Since US intelligence community accusations of Russian US election meddling surfaced during the 2016 presidential campaign, no evidence whatever was presented to prove it — clearly showing none existed.

Robert Mueller’s Russiagate witch hunt report accused Russia of election meddling — no evidence presented to back the claim.

In a US court of law, accusations without corroborating evidence are considered groundless. The same standard holds in regards to politics and related issues.

The Big Lie about Russian US election meddling won’t die because establishment media keep it alive with spurious reporting.

Most everything pounded into the public mind repeatedly without letup gets most people to believe it.

In its latest edition, the Washington Post headlined “Bernie Sanders briefed by US officials that Russia is trying to help his presidential campaign (sic),” saying:

“Russia is…interfer(ing) with the (Dem) contest” on his behalf, citing unnamed “people familiar with the matter (sic).”

“It is not clear what form that Russian assistance has taken (sic),” adding:

Moscow “use(d) social media to boost Sanders’s campaign against Hillary Clinton, part of a broader effort to hurt Clinton, sow dissension in the American electorate and ultimately help elect Donald Trump (sic).”

Some inconvenient facts WaPo omitted were as follows:

During the 2016 US presidential campaign, RT, RT America and RT en Espanol spent $274,100 for 1,823 US ads, its editor Margarita Simoyan explained.

Small amounts were spent on Google advertising — none of the above connected to supporting one US presidential aspirant over others.

Compare these amounts to Center for Responsive Politics data. In 2016, the amount spent by US presidential aspirants was $2.4 billion, including for primaries.

In all races, Republicans and Dems each spent around 48% of the total amount (96% combined).

Trump spent $398 million compared to Hillary’s $768 million.

Compared to these huge amounts, what possible impact could a few hundred thousand dollars have to influence the US electorate — even if that was the intent. Clearly it wasn’t.

Throughout the 2016 campaign, no evidence showed Russian attempts to try influencing US voters or interfere in its electoral process in other ways.

Facebook reported that over half of Russian ads on its platform appeared after the US 2016 presidential election.

Alleged Internet Research Agency Russian hackers spent $100,000 from mid-2015 to mid-2017 on 3,000 ads. One-fourth of them were never shown to anyone.

Only around 1,000 ads, allegedly connected to Russia, appeared during the 2016 presidential campaign, mostly expressing no preference for any candidate.

Facebook said US presidential candidates spent hundreds of millions of dollars in online  political advertising – “1000x more than any problematic ads we’ve found” – admitting virtually no evidence of Russian use of the platform for improper meddling.

Asked to examine 450 accounts Facebook flagged as fake, no evidence connected them to Russia, just groundless suspicions.

Twitter’s vice president Colin Crowell explained that “(w)e have not found accounts associated with this activity to have obvious Russian origin but some of the accounts appear to have been automated.”

Twitter at the time suspended 22 suspicious accounts, another 179 suspended for alleged terms of service violations – nothing connected to Russia.

No evidence suggested Russian US election meddling online or in other ways — in 2016 or currently.

Russiagate should have been called Hillarygate. With considerable media help, she, her campaign, and the DNC cooked the books for her to be Dem standard bearer.

Will things be cooked against Sanders this year or not?

If chosen in July to be Dem standard bearer because of strong public support, rest assured he’ll play ball with party bosses.

Otherwise they’d rig things for someone more reliable.

The money-controlled US political system is too debauched to fix, a fantasy democracy, never the real thing from inception.

Names and faces change, continuity assured every time farcical elections are held.

If they changed things to assure governance of, by, and for everyone equitably, they’d be banned.

A Final Comment

On Friday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov debunked phony accusations of Russian US election meddling, saying:

They’re “paranoid announcements, which unfortunately will multiply as we get closer to the (US) election.”

“Of course, they have nothing to do with the truth.”


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

While there are certainly some structural similarities between the Syrian Arab Army’s ongoing liberation offensive in Northwestern Syria and Saakashvili’s previous desire to restore Georgia’s full sovereignty over Abkhazia and South Ossetia in 2008, the international legal and situational differences between the two are much too important to ignore and thus make these two cases morally incomparable, though some significant strategic insight can nevertheless be gained by studying both of them together.

Assad = Saakashvili?

The Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) victorious liberation of the entirety of Aleppo last weekend was a milestone achievement in the country’s nine-year-long conflict, powerfully showing that the Syrian people are gradually becoming ever more successful in freeing their homeland from foreign occupation. It is the sovereign and internationally enshrined legal right of the Syrian Arab Republic to secure its indisputably recognized borders as well as to respond to foreign-backed terrorism emanating from the northwestern corner of the country, but the recent campaign has raised serious concerns that the SAA might enter into a large-scale conventional clash with the Turkish Armed Forces that are present in that region as part of their responsibilities under the Astana peace process that Damascus itself consistently supported since its initiation over three years ago. There are fears among some that Russia could even get dragged into a crisis with Turkey because of Syria’s latest moves, the same as former Georgian President Saakashvili attempted to drag the US into a crisis with Russia during his failed 2008 offensive against Abkhazia and South Ossetia to restore Tbilisi’s full sovereignty over its internationally recognized territory at the time.

Superficial Similarities

There are certainly some structural similarities between what Syria is currently doing and what Georgia had previously tried to achieve, but the international legal differences between them are much too important to ignore and thus make these two cases morally incomparable. Addressing the similarities first, both countries are backed by powerful patrons, Russia and the US respectively, and both governments were also recognized as the legitimate rulers of the entirety of their territories by the international community at the onset of their offensives against the regions that they earlier lost control over. Furthermore, their neighbors also had their military forces in those said territories prior to the commencement of large-scale hostilities as a result of international legal agreements supported by both Damascus and Tbilisi. These small states, however, might have believed that they could successfully drag their much larger patrons into a conventional conflict with their neighboring state through their respective offensives so as to compel the latter to withdraw in order to avoid a larger war that could have been sparked as a result of this possible brinkmanship. In this sense, there doesn’t seem to be much of a difference between what Syria is presently doing and what Georgia earlier attempted.

Details Are Everything

The similarities end there, however, and it’ll now be seen how the substantive differences between these two cases make their similarities superficial in hindsight. Abkhazia and South Ossetia had previously proclaimed independence following local referendums and thus enjoyed de-facto sovereignty prior to the agreement to formalize Russia’s military presence in each (then-)self-declared republic, while Idlib never experienced such political developments. In addition, each formerly Georgian region had their own authorities that were de-facto recognized by Tbilisi as legitimate participants in the peace process, unlike Idlib which has nothing at all resembling a centralized authority democratically speaking on behalf of the locals there. Another difference is that Turkey has legally binding responsibilities to thwart the terrorism emanating from the regions under its control, which it’s failed to do, unlike Russian forces in the former regions of Georgia which didn’t have these tasks, nor were there ever any credible instances of terrorism originating from Abkhazia or South Ossetia. Finally, the SAA began its ongoing offensive in response to Turkey’s failure to stem these aforesaid terrorist threats, whereas Georgia directly attacked Russian peacekeepers without provocation.

No Turkophobic War-Mongering Neocons In Moscow

That last point is especially pertinent because it explains why Russia openly supports Syria’s liberation campaign up to a certain point while the US never fully threw its backing behind Georgia’s failed attack. Russian forces have also been victimized by the terrorism emanating from the Turkish-controlled region of Northwestern Syria, but no American servicemen were ever threatened by the Abkhaz and South Ossetian forces under Russia’s control in those two former Georgian regions. In addition, the US reportedly urged Saakashvili to carry out his infamous rocket attack against Russian peacekeepers in Tskhinval, while Russia never gave anything that could even remotely be interpreted as a signal for President Assad to attack the Turkish Armed Forces. In fact, the argument can be made that some of the most rabidly Russophobic and war-mongering neoconservatives of the Bush-era “deep state” clamored for a crisis with Russia at the time but that comparatively more “rational” minds prevailed in averting that dire scenario. Nobody in any position of responsibility in Russia, however, harbors any intentions of entering into a similar sort of crisis scenario with Turkey no matter how badly some in the Alt-Media Community salivate at the thought of that happening.

The Russian-Turkish Strategic Partnership Remains Strong

As proof of this, it’s enough to recall the words of Foreign Minister Lavrov over the weekend when he said that “We have very good relations with Turkey, (but) that does not mean we have to agree on everything. Full agreement on all issues cannot be possible between any two countries.” Russian Ambassador to Turkey Alexei Yerzhov said a few days later that “our countries and peoples have complex ties that have been laboriously built in the recent year through scrupulous and painstaking efforts of tens of thousands of people, beginning from our presidents, Vladimir Putin and Tayyip Erdogan, who have made a serious personal contribution to the development of bilateral relations. Our countries need each other, our countries are interested in each other, and it is our duty to preserve and augment this potential.” Lavrov later noted, however, that “attacks on Syrian and Russian forces from Idlib are continuing”, but presidential spokesman Pushkov reiterated his country’s position that a possible clash between the Turkish and Syrian militaries over these regrettable events would represent the “worst-case scenario” from Russia’s perspective, clearly signaling that Moscow will do all that it can do prevent that from happening.

Concluding Thoughts

Considering that Syria’s latest liberation offensive was in response to Turkey’s failure to thwart terrorist attacks emanating from the region under its control in violation of the Astana peace process, it’s insincere for anyone to compare this development with Saakashvili’s failed attempt to take over Abkhazia and South Ossetia after attacking Russian peacekeepers there without provocation despite both countries sharing the same goal of restoring authority over their internationally recognized borders (only partially in the case with Georgia nowadays after Russia and a few other countries recognized the latter two regions as independent states).

Should President Assad seek to follow in Saakhasvili’s footsteps by trying to drag his Russian patron into a conventional clash with Turkey just as the the former Georgian leader tried to do the same with the US vis-a-vis Russia, however, then he’ll certainly fail and might very well befall a similar political fate as his one-time counterpart. The same, however, also goes for President Erdogan too, since it would be an ironic twist of fate if he was the one who pulled a Saakashvili-like provocation instead. As such, both the Syrian and Turkish leaders should refrain from any action that could trigger that “worst-case scenario” and avoid dragging Russia into war.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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There is no evidence that Russia is interfering in the 2020 US presidential election in order to reelect Trump.  Nor is there any reason for Russia to prefer Trump, who has done nothing for Russia.  Indeed, Trump has imposed sanctions and endangered Russia by withdrawing from arms control agreements.  The claims of interference reported by the New York Times come from unnamed sources, described as “US intelligence officials,” in a recent briefing of the House Intelligence Committee organized by Rep. Adam Schiff.  We do not even know if such claims were made or whether this is another of Schiff’s many inventions planted on the New York Times, Schiff’s partner in crime and fake news.

Schiff is the highly partisan chairman of the House Intelligence Committee who was a driver of Russiagate and the subsequent effort to impeach President Trump.  He is a known liar, having been caught in numerous lies and misrepresentations.  Schiff arranged these new claims of Russian interference in order that, in the event of Trump’s reelection, the Democrats can tie up Trump for the entirety of his second term with bogus charges just as they did Trump’s first term. In that way the Democrats, the political party of racial minorities, sexual perverts, and immigrant-invaders, can prevent Trump from politically organizing white Americans whose lives, careers, and safety have been harmed by global US corporations transferring their jobs abroad and by the increasing attacks on white Americans as racists and “white supremacists.”  Despite the First Amendment, white Americans are losing the right of free speech, because if they “offend” a protected category of person when they exercise their free speech right, they risk being fired from their job and being investigated for a “hate crime,” a crime that can only be committed by white people. White Americans are slowly being marginalized, and, rightly or wrongly, they see Trump as a protector.

If intelligence officials actually made the claim of Russian interference, money is the reason. The intelligence community gains more power and a larger budget the more threats, real or imagined, that can be claimed.  The intelligence community, which has badly served Trump during the Russia-gate and Impeach-gate hoaxes, is worried that they will experience cutbacks during Trump’s second term.  Therefore, they are determined to keep the “Russian Threat”  alive.

The notion of Russian interference in US elections is hilariously funny.  There is interference in US elections from many sources. Interest groups interfere with massive amounts of money. The Israel Lobby is the most notorious.  Even if the Russian government went all out to interfere in American elections, Moscow could not possibly match the influence of the Israel Lobby.

Powerful private interest groups also interfere. Candidates who stand for election need their campaigns financed by Wall Street and the banks, the military/security complex, the extractive industries (energy, mining, and timber), agribusiness, the pharmaceutical corporations, real estate interests, and so on.

The political parties themselves interfere by rigging electronic voting machines, by making voting difficult for supporters of the opposite party by such means as culling voting lists and providing an insufficient number of voting precincts for all to vote.  Democrats have also been noted for voting grave yards by stuffing ballot boxes with votes of dead people.

Many US elections are simply stolen.  Many Democrats believe, not without reason, that the US Supreme Court stole the 2000 presidential election for George W. Bush.

The obvious conclusion is that even if Russia tried to influence the election, Russia’s efforts would be insignificant compared to the many powerful forces interfering in American elections.

So what is the purpose of stressing Russian interference?  Moreover, the complaint of interference doesn’t set well coming, as it does, from the US, whose government has massively interferred in foreign elections—recently Hondorus, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil—and invades and overthrows governments—recently Serbia, Georgia, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, and almost Syria— when election interference is not possible.  

Schiff might succeed in tying up Trump’s second term.  Trump’s patriotic American base has been successfully brainwashed by neoconservatives to view Russia as a dire threat to the United States.  This indoctrinated view of Trump supporters and right-wing talk radio, makes unfounded charges of Russian interference believable to flag-waving Americans.  The consequence is that Trump’s base is susceptible to Democrat charges that Trump has sold out America to Russia.  If you listen to Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, what you hear is: “yes Russia interferred in our election, but it had nothing to do with Trump.”  So, Schiff will ask, “why hasn’t Trump stopped Russia from re-electing him?

A country ruled by propaganda and disinformation has no capabiity of knowing what its interests are, much less how to defend the unknown interests.  A brainwashed population cannot hold on to its country. 

Americans have been brainwashed to believe that multiculturalism, that is, a flood of non-European ethnicities becoming a majority of the population, is in their interest. Americans are told that a flood of non-European immigrants are needed to provide business energy and innovation and to prevent population decline by having high birth rates.  White Americans are told that it is in their interest to become a minority that can be depossessed by the “replacement population.”

As the entirety of the Democrat Party has swallowed this line, what happens when one of them again becomes President?  Considering the virulent propaganda against white Americans, will they become endangered like Jews in Nationalist Socialist Germany?

Time will tell.


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Dr. Paul Craig Roberts writes on his blog, PCR Institute for Political Economy, where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

On February 20, the 2nd Army of NATO and its proxy forces once again failed to capture the village of Nayrab, eastern Idlib, from the Syrian Army. The Turkish attack involved 2 dozens of military equipment pieces, including battle tanks and artillery, over 200 Turkish soldiers and approximately 300 members of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and other Turkish-backed groups.

The Turkish attack started at approximately 13:00 local time under jeers of mainstream media regarding the nearing collapse of the Syrian defense and the Assad government under powerful strikes of the Turkish Army. By 14:00 local time, some Turkish supporters in twitter already concurred Aleppo city and were preparing to advance on Damascus.

However, by 17:00 it appeared that the attack died out despite the massive rocket and artillery strikes and the participation of Turkish troops united their efforts against the Syrians with al-Qaeda. Turkish-led forces, supposedly Turkish troops, even launched a MANPAD at a Russian Su-24 warplane that came to provide a close-air-support to Syrian troops. After this, the Turkish Defense Ministry reported that 2 Turkish soldiers were killed and 5 others were injured in an airstrike.

In keeping with the best traditions, the Turkish Defense Ministry a victorious statement claiming that 50 ‘Assad troops’ were killed, 2 Syrian battle tanks, 2 armoured vehicles, 2 armed pickups and a howitzer were destroyed. However, all what the Turkish side was able to demonstrate to confirm these claims were a few Hayat Tahrir al-Sham selfies from the vicinity of Nayrab. Turkish state media immediately declared that Turkish forces did not want to capture the village and just sent a message to the oppressive Assad regime.

After this, the mighty Turkish Army requested Patriots systems from the United States in order to deter the Assad aggression in Idlib. There are two explanations:

  • Ankara apparently missed news that Patriots deployed at in Saudi Arabia had repeatedly failed to protect its military infrastructure from missile and drone strikes by the Yemeni Houthis.
  • The Erdogan government would like to see troops of the United States in Idlib alongside their Turkish and al-Qaeda counterparts.

The Russian side officially confirmed that its warplanes supported the Syrian Army striking targets in Idlib. According  to it, a battle tank, 6 armoured vehicles and 5 armed pickups were destroyed. Moscow says that Turkish artillery strikes injured 4 Syrian soldiers.

February is coming to its end and the Turkish ultimatum demanding the Syrians to withdraw from the liberated areas is expiring. The inability of Turkish forces to recapture even a single village from the Syrian Army already became a powerful blow to the public image of the Erdogan government. Therefore, it’s likely that the Turkish Army will continue their attacks in Idlib paying with own blood for neo-ottoman dreams of Erdogan and its inner circle.


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The Financial Times reports that the UK has jumped up the global rankings for financial secrecy, highlighting long-held concerns about its connection to territories vulnerable to use by terrorists, money launderers and tax evaders and that the UK increased its “secrecy score” more than any other country in the world last year. But it doesn’t end there.

In a post-Brexit world, Britain somehow needs to fund the next transition from services and manufacturing (previously manufacturing to services in the 1980s) to services and more services. Capital and inward investment has collapsed since the 2016 referendum and so Britain needs to attract more of it – quite quickly.

In a report recently published by the Tax Justice Network (TJN), Britain has managed to increase its financial secrecy to such an extent that in just one year it jumped from 23rd on the index to 12th. However, this index doesn’t include the UK’s network of Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories. It would if taken as a single entity, have topped every previous Financial Secrecy Index ever published. Often referred to as the (UK’s) Spider’s Web, the network is made up of Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies where the UK has full powers to impose or veto lawmaking, and where powers to appoint key government officials rest with the British Crown. At the centre of the network is the City of London, which receives and launders wealth brought in by the satellite jurisdictions.

Speaking with sources in the City of London, there was always the view that the EU’s new financial regulation and reforms were going to cause considerable harm to its wealth, power and influence. Is it a coincidence that 2020 is the year that some of these new EU rules come into play and Britain’s desperate actions to leave the EU by end January his year and tie up the transition deal by 31st December?

Hundreds of billions are laundered through the City of London each year. A decent percentage ends up in residential and commercial property, household brand names and other legal entities that help to wash dirty money nice and clean. Without it, an army of facilitators – bankers, lawyers, accountants, real estate agents, surveyors and so on would suffer. So would the housing and commercial property markets as the true scale of investment is quite staggering.


The TJN reports that – British dependencies are all expected to score as more secretive by the Financial Secrecy Index than at least some of the jurisdictions blacklisted by the EU. Most of the dependencies are expected to supply more financial secrecy to the world than the jurisdiction blacklisted by the EU. With the UK now unable to lobby the EU – as a member state – on behalf of its network, the prospects of blacklisting are likely to grow. At the same time, the EU has maintained its consistent position that the UK’s own financial services sector will not be able to maintain access to the Single Market if the UK itself pursues its stated policy of cutting taxes and financial regulations, dubbed ‘Singapore-on-Thames’.

As the EU’s chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, put it: “…people in the United Kingdom bearing authority should not kid themselves about this – there will not be general, open-ended, ongoing equivalence in financial services.”

Alex Cobham, chief executive at the Tax Justice Network, said:

The UK government is threatening not ‘Singapore-on-Thames’ but ‘Cayman-on-steroids’ – a reckless race to the bottom on tax and financial regulation, in pursuit of global dirty money. The EU has been clear that this will threaten the City’s market access, and while the UK would ultimately benefit from rebalancing its economy away from finance, to go down this road while manufacturing is already exposed to major shock risks – aggravating the economic and human costs of Brexit quite needlessly.

“The other threat of the EU blacklist, and its politically biased application, is that it risks forcing lower-income countries to align their standards with OECD measures over which they had no influence, and which may not be appropriate to their needs.

“The EU has blacklisted the crown jewel of the UK’s tax haven network while letting other major tax havens off the hook. Cayman is one of the world’s greatest supplier of financial secrecy according to our Financial Secrecy Index. Countermeasures must be taken against the money laundering and tax abuse that Cayman enables. But equal countermeasures must also be taken against the other super suppliers of financial secrecy like the US and Switzerland, and indeed some of the EU’s own member states – the EU must be willing to confront secrecy wherever it originates.

“The EU’s blacklisting of Cayman signals the end of carte blanche for UK secrecy post-Brexit, which has used the City of London and its network of Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies to siphon and launder huge sums of dirty money from around the world for decades. This will have damaging consequences for the UK as well as internationally, but it may prove to be the EU threat of blacklisting that actually saves the UK from itself.”


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The US government has failed to account for nearly $715.8 million in weapons and equipment funnelled to its Syrian allies involved in the multinational counter-offensive against Daesh, according to a report released on Tuesday by the Department of Defence.

Officials with the Special Operations Joint Task Force-Operations Inherent Resolve (SOJTF-OIR), which is part of the Combined Joint Task Force (the US military’s mission in Syria) reportedly “did not maintain comprehensive lists of all equipment purchased and received” to supply its allies fighting against Daesh, known as CTEF-S equipment in the fiscal years 2017 and 2018.

In addition to failures in accounting for the weapons purchased and received, they were also not stored properly, causing many to rust or become vulnerable to theft. “This occurred because SOJTF-OIR personnel did not divest or dispose of CTEF-S equipment, which led to overcrowding at the BPC Kuwait warehouse”.

The report however did not indicate whether weapons intended for vetted partners may have found their ways into the wrong hands. According to the Military Times, some of the equipment has ended up in the hands of Daesh and Al-Qaeda affiliates due to “battlefield losses by partner forces and as a result of Islamic State [Daesh] fighters plundering the armories of U.S.-backed groups in early 2014 as the jihadi group surged across Iraq and Syria”.

The Pentagon’s Syrian Train and Equip Program which reportedly cost $500 million was the public-facing part of a two-pronged effort in arming opposition groups in a bid to overthrow the Syrian government and to push back Daesh. According to an updated Congressional Research Service (CRS) report, the program has seen more than $2.3 billion allocated towards it between fiscal years 2015 and 2021.

Meanwhile, the CIA’s own operation in arming Syrian opposition, Timber Sycamore, which included Saudi involvement has resulted in terrorist groups armed by both parties fighting one another in Syria. Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham, a rebranded Al-Qaeda affiliate, was one such group benefitting from the CIA operation.


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No Weapon Left Behind: The American Hybrid War on China

February 23rd, 2020 by Pepe Escobar

The New Silk Roads – or Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) – were launched by President Xi Jinping in 2013, first in Central Asia (Nur-Sultan) and then Southeast Asia (Jakarta).

One year later, the Chinese economy overtook the U.S. on a PPP basis. Inexorably, year after year since the start of the millennium, the U.S. share of the global economy shrinks while China’s increases.

China is already the key hub of the global economy and the leading trade partner of nearly 130 nations.

While the U.S. economy is hollowed out, and the casino financing of the U.S. government – repo markets and all – reads as a dystopian nightmare, the civilization-state steps ahead in myriad areas of technological research, not least because of Made in China 2025.

China largely beats the U.S. on patent filings and produces at least 8 times as many STEM graduates a year than the U.S., earning the status of top contributor to global science.

A vast array of nations across the Global South signed on to be part of BRI, which is planned for completion in 2049. Last year alone, Chinese companies signed contracts worth up to $128 billion in large-scale infrastructure projects in dozen of nations.

The only economic competitor to the U.S. is busy reconnecting most of the world to a 21st century, fully networked version of a trade system that was at its peak for over a millennia: the Eurasian Silk Roads.

Inevitably this state of things is something interlocking sectors of the U.S. ruling class simply would not accept.

Branding BRI as a “pandemic”

As the usual suspects fret over the “stability” of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Xi Jinping administration, the fact is the Beijing leadership has had to deal with an accumulation of extremely severe issues: a swine-flu epidemic killing half the stock; the Trump-concocted trade war; Huawei accused of racketeering and about to be prevented from buying U.S. made chips; bird flu; coronavirus virtually shutting down half of China.

Add to it the incessant United States government Hybrid War propaganda barrage, trespassed by acute Sinophobia; everyone from sociopathic “officials” to self-titled councilors are either advising corporate businesses to divert global supply chains out of China or concocting outright calls for regime change – with every possible demonization in between.

There are no holds barred in the all-out offensive to kick the Chinese government while it’s down.

A Pentagon cipher at the Munich Security Conference once again declares China as the greatest threat, economically and militarily, to the U.S. – and by extension the West, forcing a wobbly EU already subordinated to NATO to be subservient to Washington on this remixed Cold War 2.0.

The whole U.S. corporate media complex repeats to exhaustion that Beijing is “lying” and losing control. Descending to sub-gutter, racist levels, hacks even accuse BRI itself of being a pandemic, with China “impossible to quarantine”.

All that is quite rich, to say the least, oozing from lavishly rewarded slaves of an unscrupulous, monopolistic, extractive, destructive, depraved, lawless oligarchy which uses debt offensively to boost their unlimited wealth and power while the lowly U.S. and global masses use debt defensively to barely survive. As Thomas Piketty has conclusively shown, inequality always relies on ideology.

We’re deep into a vicious intel war. From the point of view of Chinese intelligence, the current toxic cocktail simply cannot be attributed to just a random series of coincidences. Beijing has serial motives to piece this extraordinary chain of events as part of a coordinated Hybrid War, Full Spectrum Dominance attack on China.

Enter the Dragon Killer working hypothesis: a bio-weapon attack capable of causing immense economic damage but protected by plausible deniability. The only possible move by the “indispensable nation” on the New Great Game chessboard, considering that the U.S. cannot win a conventional war on China, and cannot win a nuclear war on China.

A biological warfare weapon?

On the surface, coronavirus is a dream bio-weapon for those fixated on wreaking havoc across China and praying for regime change.

Yet it’s complicated. This report is a decent effort trying to track the origins of coronavirus. Now compare it with the [unfounded] insights by Dr. Francis Boyle, international law professor at the University of Illinois and author, among others, of Biowarfare and Terrorism. He’s the man who drafted the U.S. Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 signed into law by George H. W. Bush.

Dr. Boyle is convinced coronavirus is an “offensive biological warfare weapon” that leaped out of the Wuhan BSL-4 laboratory, although he’s “not saying it was done deliberately.”

Dr. Boyle adds, “all these BSL-4 labs by United States, Europe, Russia, China, Israel are all there to research, develop, test biological warfare agents. There’s really no legitimate scientific reason to have BSL-4 labs.”

His own research led to a whopping $100 billion, by 2015, spent by the United States government on bio-warfare research: “We have well over 13,000 alleged life science scientists… testing biological weapons here in the United States. Actually this goes back and it even precedes 9/11.”

Dr. Boyle directly accuses (without evidence) “the Chinese government under Xi and his comrades” of a cover up

“from the get-go. The first reported case was December 1, so they’d been sitting on this until they couldn’t anymore. And everything they’re telling you is a lie. It’s propaganda.”

The World Health Organization (WHO), for Dr. Boyle, is also on it:

“They’ve approved many of these BSL-4 labs (…) Can’t trust anything the WHO says because they’re all bought and paid for by Big Pharma and they work in cahoots with the CDC, which is the United States government, they work in cahoots with Fort Detrick.” Fort Detrick, now a cutting-edge bio-warfare lab, previously was a notorious CIA den of mind control “experiments”.

Relying on decades of research in bio-warfare, the U.S. Deep State is totally familiar with all bio-weapon overtones. From Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki to Korea, Vietnam and Fallujah, the historical record shows the United States government does not blink when it comes to unleashing weapons of mass destruction on innocent civilians.

For its part, the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) has spent a fortune researching bats, coronaviruses and gene-editing bio-weapons. Now, conveniently – as if this was a form of divine intervention – DARPA’s “strategic allies” have been chosen to develop a genetic vaccine.

The 1996 neocon Bible, the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), unambiguously stated,

“advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”

There’s no question coronavirus, so far, has been a Heaven-sent politically useful tool, reaching, with minimum investment, the desired targets of maximized U.S. global power – even if fleetingly, enhanced by a non-stop propaganda offensive – and China relatively isolated with its economy semi paralyzed.

Yet perspective is in order. The CDC estimated that up to 42.9 million people got sick during the 2018-2019 flu season in the U.S. No less than 647,000 people were hospitalized. And 61,200 died.

This report details the Chinese “people’s war” against coronavirus.

It’s up to Chinese virologists to decode its arguably synthetic origin. How China reacts, depending on the findings, will have earth-shattering consequences – literally.

Setting the stage for the Raging Twenties

After managing to reroute trade supply chains across Eurasia to its own advantage and hollow out the Heartland, American – and subordinated Western – elites are now staring into a void. And the void is staring back. A “West” ruled by the U.S. is now faced with irrelevance. BRI is in the process of reversing at least two centuries of Western dominance.

There’s no way the West and especially the “system leader” U.S. will allow it. It all started with dirty ops stirring trouble across the periphery of Eurasia – from Ukraine to Syria to Myanmar.

Now it’s when the going really gets tough. The targeted assassination of Maj. Gen. Soleimani plus coronavirus – the Wuhan flu – have really set up the stage for the Raging Twenties. The designation of choice should actually be WARS – Wuhan Acute Respiratory Syndrome. That would instantly give the game away as a War against Humanity – irrespective of where it came from.


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Pepe Escobar is a frequent contributor to Global Research.