Follow the “Real Money” Behind the “New Green Agenda”

January 28th, 2020 by F. William Engdahl

Within little more than a year everyone imaginable seems to have jumped on the bandwagon of the new green agenda of radical measures to “stop” climate change. Now the bastion of corporate economic globalization, the Swiss Davos World Economic Forum, has made its main theme this year, “Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World,” with major focus on such notions as “How to Save the Planet.” Of course, featured speaker was the young Swedish activist Greta Thunberg. What few realize is how carefully all this is being orchestrated to prepare a massive shift in global capital flows where a handful of financial giants stand to gain.

From Greta to Bonnie Prince Charles, the themes at Davos 2020 were dominated for the first time by the climate change agenda. What comes through the interstices of the meeting of some 3,000 of the world’s corporate giants, is that a major global campaign is being orchestrated and it includes the world’s largest capital investment fund heads and the world’s major central bankers.

Davos trustees

It was no accident that Davos, the promoter of globalization, is so strongly behind the Climate Change agenda. Davos WEF has a board of appointed trustees. Among them is the early backer of Greta Thunberg, climate multi-millionaire, Al Gore, chairman of the Climate Reality Project. WEF Trustees also include former IMF head, now European Central Bank head Christine Lagarde whose first words as ECB chief were that central banks had to make climate change a priority. Another Davos trustee is outgoing Bank of England head Mark Carney, who was just named Boris Johnson’s climate change advisor and who warns that pension funds that ignore climate change risk bankruptcy (sic). The board also includes the influential founder of Carlyle Group, David M. Rubenstein. It includes Feike Sybesma of the agribusiness giant, Unilever, who is also Chair of the High Level Leadership Forum on Competitiveness and Carbon Pricing of the World Bank Group. And perhaps the most interesting in terms of pushing the new green agenda is Larry Fink, founder and CEO of the investment group BlackRock.

The Fink Letter

BlackRock is no ordinary investment fund. Based in New York, BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager with some $7 trillion, yes, trillion, under management invested in over 100 countries. That’s more than the combined GDP of Germany and France. They dominate the stock ownership of every major exchange in the world, top shareholders of the major oil companies and world largest coal companies. Aspiring German CDU politician Frederick Merz has been chairman of the BlackRock Germany since 2016.

On January 14, 2020 just days before the Davos meeting featuring climate change, Fink published an unusual annual newsletter to corporate CEOs. BlackRock founder and CEO Larry Fink has jumped aboard the climate investing train big time.

He wrote in a closely read letter that guides numerous corporations seeking investment from some of BlackRock’s $7 trillions, “Climate change has become a defining factor in companies’ long-term prospects.” Citing recent climate protests, Fink states, “awareness is rapidly changing, and I believe we are on the edge of a fundamental reshaping of finance. The evidence on climate risk is compelling investors to reassess core assumptions about modern finance.”

Declaring that, “climate risk is investment risk,” Fink then asks an impossibly difficult question of how climate risks will impact entire economies. He has the answer, we learn. Referring to what he calls “a profound reassessment of risk and asset values” Fink tells us, “because capital markets pull future risk forward, we will see changes in capital allocation more quickly than we see changes to the climate itself. In the near future – and sooner than most anticipate – there will be a significant reallocation of capital.” And a handful of the world’s largest money groups will steer that reallocation of capital we learn. This alone should give pause for reflection. Is there another agenda here?

How will Fink and friends shift their investment flows, investment, by the way, of other peoples’ money, the savings of millions of us? BlackRock plans to demand that companies it invests its $7 trillion into show proof that they are green compliant by, “making sustainability integral to portfolio construction and risk management; exiting investments that present a high sustainability-related risk, such as thermal coal producers; launching new investment products that screen fossil fuels; and strengthening our commitment to sustainability and transparency in our investment stewardship activities.” Translated, if you don’t follow the demands of the UN IPCC and related groups including McKinsey & Co., you lose big money.

TCFD and SASB Look Closely…

As part of his claim to virtue on the new green investing, Fink states that BlackRock was a founding member of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). He claims, “For evaluating and reporting climate-related risks, as well as the related governance issues that are essential to managing them, the TCFD provides a valuable framework.”

TCFD was created in 2015 by the Bank for International Settlements, chaired by fellow Davos board member and Bank of England head Mark Carney. In 2016 the TCFD along with the City of London Corporation and the UK Government created the Green Finance Initiative, aiming to channel trillions of dollars to “green” investments. The central bankers of the FSB nominated 31 people to form the TCFD. Chaired by billionaire Michael Bloomberg, it includes in addition to BlackRock, JP MorganChase; Barclays Bank; HSBC; Swiss Re, the world’s second largest reinsurance; China’s ICBC bank; Tata Steel, ENI oil, Dow Chemical, mining giant BHP and David Blood of Al Gore’s Generation Investment LLC. Note the crucial role of the central banks here.

And to further insure BlackRock and friends in the world of trillion dollar funds choose the right investment in the right companies, Fink states, “BlackRock believes that the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) provides a clear set of standards for reporting sustainability information across a wide range of issues… “ This is reassuring until we look at who makes up the members of the SASB that will give the Climate-friendly Imprimatur. Members include, in addition of course to BlackRock, there is Vanguard Funds, Fidelity Investments, Goldman Sachs, State Street Global, Carlyle Group, Rockefeller Capital Management, and numerous major banks such as Bank of America-ML and UBS. What is this framework group doing? According to their website, “Since 2011, we have has been working towards an ambitious goal of developing and maintaining sustainability accounting standards for 77 industries.” So the very financial groups who today steer global capital flows to major mining and coal and oil projects since decades will now become the arbiters of what companies qualify to be blessed with money and which not for some future “green bond” investment.

Add Central Bankers…

In recent months the world’s leading central bankers have come out declaring climate change, surprisingly, as a key part of the central bank “core responsibilities,” forgetting issues like inflation or currency stability. No one bothers to explain quite how that should work, which is even more disconcerting.

In November 2019 the Federal Reserve held a conference titled, Economics of Climate Change. Lael Brainard, Chair of the Fed’s Committee on Financial Stability, says Climate Change Matters for Monetary Policy and Financial Stability. And in recent comments the head of the Bank of Japan, Haruhiko Kuroda, told a Japanese newspaper “Climate-related risk differs from other risks in that its relatively long-term impact means the effects will last longer than other financial risks, and the impact is far less predictable,” he said. “It is therefore necessary to thoroughly investigate and analyze the impact of climate-related risk.” And in her first comments as head of the European Central bank; former IMF head Christine Lagarde declared that she wants a key role for climate change in ECB policy Review which drew criticism from the German member of the ECB, Jens Weidmann.

Perhaps the most outspoken and active central banker on climate change is outgoing Bank of England head Mike Carney and Davos trustee with Larry Fink. Carney, who will serve as global warming adviser to Boris Johnson, told BBC recently, citing unnamed pension fund analysis, “that if you add up the policies of all of companies out there, they are consistent with warming of 3.7-3.8C.” He went on to claim that scientists say the risks associated with an increase of 4C include “a nine meter rise in sea levels – affecting up to 760 million people – searing heatwaves and droughts, and serious food supply problems.” Scary stuff indeed.

As noted above, already back in 2015, Davos Board member Carney, as chairman of the Bank for International Settlements’ Financial Stability Board (FSB), created the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), to advise “investors, lenders and insurance about climate related risks.”

What is becoming clearer is that the latest global push for dramatic climate action is more about justifying a major reorganization of the global economy, that to a far less efficient energy mode, implying a drastic lowering of global living standards. In 2010 the head of Working Group 3 of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Dr Otmar Edenhofer, told an interviewer, “…one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore…” What better way to do it than to start with the world’s largest money controllers like BlackRock?


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F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook” where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from NEO


Seeds of Destruction: Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation

Author Name: F. William Engdahl
ISBN Number: 978-0-937147-2-2
Year: 2007
Pages: 341 pages with complete index

List Price: $25.95

Special Price: $18.00


This skilfully researched book focuses on how a small socio-political American elite seeks to establish control over the very basis of human survival: the provision of our daily bread. “Control the food and you control the people.”

This is no ordinary book about the perils of GMO. Engdahl takes the reader inside the corridors of power, into the backrooms of the science labs, behind closed doors in the corporate boardrooms.

The author cogently reveals a diabolical world of profit-driven political intrigue, government corruption and coercion, where genetic manipulation and the patenting of life forms are used to gain worldwide control over food production. If the book often reads as a crime story, that should come as no surprise. For that is what it is.

As we enter the third decade of the present century, it is important for anti-imperialists to take stock of events over the previous ten years.

Since 2010, the role of United States imperialist militarism has been just as disruptive, destabilizing and deadly as in previous eras.

Of course there was some initial hope when uprisings erupted in Tunisia and Egypt during late 2010 and early 2011. Nonetheless, neither of these popular rebellions against the neo-colonial dominated regimes in Tunis and Cairo developed into a revolutionary transformation of society.

In Tunisia and Egypt, it was only the military and security apparatuses which proved capable of seizing state power and ushering in a transitional process. Tunisia seems to have been the most pliable in regard to stabilizing a bourgeois democratic system. However, Egypt after the election of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), which was dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood, was the scene of continued unrest and the eventual well-planned takeover in July 2013 by the military.

Former Field Marshall Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi, soon stepped down from the military and won two successive terms as president. At present, Egypt is the Chairman of the continental 55-member African Union (AU).

The situation in neighboring Libya clearly exposed the dangers of fomenting unrest absent of a revolutionary character. In fact developments in Libya since February 2011 represent a counter-revolution against not only the people of that oil-rich North African state nonetheless also influencing the impact of the constantly deteriorating situation on other regional nations and the international community in general.

At present a conference in Germany on January 19 discussed the future of what was Africa’s most prosperous country under the Jamahiriya led by Col. Muammar Gaddafi. Turkey has sent troops into Libya in an effort to bolster the Government of National Accord (GNA) headed by Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj which was imposed by the United Nations Security Council four years ago amid internecine conflict and dislocation.

The only announcement to emerge from the Berlin Summit was a vague commitment to honor an arms embargo on Libya. Yet, the initial arms embargo was imposed by the UN Security Council through two resolutions (1970 and 1973) passed during March 2011. Those resolutions were utilized by the imperialists to provide politico-legal cover for the massive bombings and ground operations carried out by the Pentagon and NATO along with its allies in the region which destroyed the country.

Neither the GNU nor the Libya National Army (LNA) of renegade General and longtime Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operative, Khalifa Hafter, embodies the capacity to rally the people of Libya around a program of unification and national development. Libya, under Gaddafi, had played a leading role in the campaigns to reform the AU and to build structures of continental integration on the military, economic, cultural and political levels.

Today just the opposite reality in Libya and North Africa is in existence. The Pan-African foreign policy of the Jamahiriya has been replaced with a defensive posture of attempting to ensure the recognition of the GNU. Nevertheless, the imperialists had placed their estimations with the ability of the LNA to tear down the defenses of the militias providing security to the UN-recognized administration in Tripoli. Since April of 2019 this has not been the case. The GNU and its supporters have maintained control of the capital and with the Turkish political and military intervention the city will become even more fortified.

Oil has become a weapon unsurprisingly for those in the East backing Hafter and the often unheard Southern communities. Libya has the largest known petroleum reserves in Africa therefore its economic and political trajectory is of profound interests to the Western capitalist countries. The rise in oil prices over the last few weeks in response to the targeted assassinations of Islamic Republic of Iran Lt. Gen. Qassem Suleimani and Iraq Popular Mobilization Units (PMUs) Deputy Commander Abu Mahdi Muhandis by the Pentagon, illustrates clearly the significant role of oil production inside the country.

An article published by Middle East Eye on January 25 says of the oil situation in Libya that:

“Libya’s oil production has plunged by about three-quarters since forces loyal to eastern military leader Khalifa Haftar began a blockade a week ago, the National Oil Corporation said on Saturday (Jan. 25). The decline, from 1.2 million barrels per day to just over 320,000, has caused losses of about $256m since the closure of major oil fields and ports in the east and south of the country, the NOC said in a statement cited by AFP. Haftar, who controls the east and large swathes of the south, began an offensive in April last year to seize the capital Tripoli from the UN-recognized Government of National Accord. Pro-Haftar forces blockaded the main oil terminals in eastern Libya the day before a summit in Berlin on 19 January that called for the end of foreign interference in the conflict and a resumption of the peace process. The move to cripple the country’s main income source was a protest against Turkey’s decision to send troops to shore up Haftar’s rivals.”

According to, the U.S. responded immediately to the oil flow blockages by emphasizing:

“The U.S. Embassy in Libya said on Tuesday (Jan. 21) that the country’s National Oil Corporation (NOC) should be allowed to immediately resume oil operations that were suspended over the weekend after groups loyal to General Khalifa Haftar blocked virtually all oil production and exports from the African oil producer…. On Sunday, 800,000 bpd—more than half of Libya’s oil production of around 1.4 million bpd—was taken offline after forces loyal to Haftar blocked the oil ports in eastern Libya which are under the control of Haftar’s Libyan National Army (LNA). The move came ahead of an international conference in Berlin between Haftar and the Government of National Accord (GNA), which is backed by the UN.”

The question of energy resources is paramount within imperialism. The western capitalist states want to maintain control over the flow and prices of petroleum and other important energy commodities.

All of these developments in North Africa and the role of Turkey and other NATO countries, portend much for U.S.-Iran relations. The focus on Iran is about oil as well as strategic positioning in regard to international trade. The Straits of Hormuz are significant in the shipping of strategic resources including military dynamics.

Iran and its growing alliance with Syria, Russia, China, among other states, is important in analyzing the current hostility emanating from Washington. Trump is using the Iranian situation to bolster his status among the Republican base and to deflect attention away from current impeachment proceedings in Congress.

Iran and the Revolutionary Struggle in West Asia

It has been 41 years since the triumph of the Iranian Revolution of 1979. The previous monarchy of the Shah was installed and supported wholeheartedly by the U.S. and other imperialists governments from 1953-1979.

Since 1979, Iran has made tremendous strides in providing educational, social and political rights to the majority of the population. Iran has also been active in the field of international relations seeking out relationships with countries throughout Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe and North America.

Efforts to normalize diplomatic relations with Washington have proved futile. Successive U.S. administrations continue to maintain this hostile attitude towards Tehran.

The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) represented a milestone in a negotiated process designed to normalize diplomacy and to lift the draconian sanctions against the Iranian people. Besides the U.S., France, Britain, Germany, Russia and China were party to the landmark agreement signed on July 14, 2015. However, the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump literally tore up the JCPOA and imposed further sanctions.

Then during early January, a targeted assassination of two prominent leaders of Iran and neighboring Iraq prompted the outrage of progressive forces internationally.  Demonstrations were held in capitals throughout the world where the actions of the Trump administration were routinely denounced.

Pentagon bases struck by the IRGC in Iraq (Photo from WREG).

Since the martyrdom of Suleimani and Muhandis, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has shelled a U.S. military base in Iraq. During the same period, a Ukrainian airline was brought down inadvertently by the IRGC killing over 100 people. Now this incident is the subject of an internal and international investigation.

Many are encouraged that full-scale military conflict between Washington and Tehran has not erupted. However, these two incidents, the martyrdom of Suleimani and Muhandis  and the subsequent retaliatory measures by Iran, represents only the beginning of an ongoing military engagement which could result in the deployment of far more troops by Washington to the Persian Gulf.

The Role of Anti-Imperialism in North America

Those inside the U.S. and Canada who oppose further imperialist engagement in West Asia must remain committed in the struggle to end Pentagon intervention in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, along with other states within the region. Our activities must be consistently aimed at building solidarity with the Iranian Revolution and other progressive movements throughout the region.

Even though now the focus in the U.S. appears to be centered on the Senate impeachment trial, the State Department, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Pentagon, are moving ahead in carrying out its aggressive policy towards Tehran and other states. The presidential and Congressional elections of 2020 should be utilized as a forum to raise these important issues before the workers, youth and nationally oppressed. We utilized this approach in July and August during the Democratic Party debates held at the Fox Theater in downtown.

We were there with banners, placards, broadsheets and cadres in order to point out that racism, national oppression, capitalism and imperialism are not just the prerogatives of the Republican Party. The working class in actuality needs its own party which can speak in the fundamental interests of the masses of workers, youth, farmers and oppressed nations.

Literature can be developed which clearly articulates the history and contemporary political exigencies involving Iran and U.S. foreign policy in the Persian Gulf, West Asia and North Africa so that people will not be goaded into lending political support to another failed military intervention in West Asia. Through our antiwar actions we can emphasize our maximum solidarity with the people of Iran and the entire region of West Asia.

It is essential that whichever candidate for the Democratic Party is selected to face off in the November elections, we should make it clear that a violation of the independence and sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of Iran will evoke the raft of the peace movement in North America. Such a principled position will guarantee that our organizing work links the struggles of the U.S., West Asia and the international community as a whole.


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This address was prepared and delivered at a Communist Workers League (CWL) class on United States Imperialism and the War against Iran which was held on Saturday January 25, 2020 in Detroit. The event featured Randi Nord, the editor of Geo-politics Alert website which covers events related to international affairs with a special focus on West Asia, Latin America, U.S. foreign policy and developments in Europe. Also addressing the class was Yusuf Mshahwar, an observer of West Asian affairs and a student at Wayne State University. Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor and writer for various publications, discussed the relationship between imperialist interventions in North Africa and related occurrences in West Asia and other geo-political regions within the international community.


Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of Pan-African News Wire. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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La politica 100 secondi a Mezzanotte

January 28th, 2020 by Manlio Dinucci

Mentre l’attenzione politico-mediatica era concentrata in Italia sulla campagna elettorale, la lancetta dell’«Orologio dell’apocalisse» – il segnatempo simbolico che sul Bollettino degli Scienziati atomici statunitensi indica a quanti minuti siamo dalla mezzanotte della guerra nucleare – è stata spostata in avanti a 100secondi a mezzanotte. E’ il livello più alto di allarme da quando l’«Orologio» fu creato nel 1947 (come termine di paragone, il massimo livello durante la guerra fredda fu di 2 minuti a mezzanotte).

La notizia è però passata in Italia quasi inosservata o segnalata come una sorta di curiosità, quasi fosse un videogioco.

Si ignora il fatto che l’allarme è stato lanciato da un comitato scientifico di cui fanno parte 13 Premi Nobel.

Essi avvertono: «Siamo di fronte a una vera e propria emergenza, uno stato della situazione mondiale assolutamente inaccettabile che non permette alcun margine di errore né ulteriore ritardo». La crisi mondiale, aggravata dal cambiamento climatico, rende «realmente possibile una guerra nucleare, iniziata in base a un piano oppure per errore o semplice fraintendimento, che metterebbe fine alla civiltà».

La possibilità di guerra nucleare – sottolineano – è stata accresciuta dal fatto che, l’anno scorso, sono stati cancellati o minati diversi importanti trattati e negoziati, creando un ambiente favorevole a una rinnovata corsa agli armamenti nucleari, alla loro proliferazione e all’abbassamento della soglia nucleare.

La situazione – aggiungono gli scienziati –  è aggravata dalla «cyber-disinformazione», ossia dalla continua alterazione della sfera dell’informazione, da cui dipendono la democrazia e il processo decisionale, condotta attraverso campagne di disinformazione per seminare sfiducia tra le nazioni e minare gli sforzi interni e internazionali per favorire la pace e proteggere il pianeta.

Che cosa fa la politica italiana in tale situazione estremamente critica?

La risposta è semplice: tace. Domina il silenzio imposto dal vasto arco politico bipartisan responsabile del fatto che l’Italia, paese non-nucleare, ospiti e sia preparata a usare armi nucleari, violando il Trattato di non-proliferazione che ha ratificato. Responsabilità resa ancora più grave dal fatto che l’Italia si rifiuta di aderire al Trattato sulla proibizione delle armi nucleari votato a grande maggioranza dall’Assemblea delle Nazioni Unite.

All’Articolo 4 il Trattato stabilisce:

«Ciascuno Stato parte che abbia sul proprio territorio armi nucleari, possedute o controllate da un altro Stato, deve assicurare la rapida rimozione di tali armi».

Per aderire al Trattato Onu, l’Italia dovrebbe quindi richiedere agli Stati uniti di rimuovere  dal suo territorio le bombe nucleari B-61 (che già violano il Trattato di non-proliferazione) e di non installarvi le nuove B61-12 né altre armi nucleari.

Inoltre, poiché l’Italia fa parte dei paesi che (come dichiara la stessa Nato) «forniscono all’Alleanza aerei equipaggiati per trasportare bombe nucleari, su cui gli Stati uniti mantengono l’assoluto controllo, e personale addestrato a tale scopo», per aderire al Trattato Onu l’Italia dovrebbe chiedere di essere esentata da tale funzione. Lo stesso avviene con il Trattato sulle forze nucleari intermedie affossato da Washington.

Sia in sede Nato, Ue e Onu, l’Italia si è accodata alla decisione statunitense, dando in sostanza luce verde alla installazione di nuovi missili nucleari Usa sul proprio territorio. Ciò conferma che l’Italia non ha – per responsabilità del vasto arco politico bipartisan – una politica estera sovrana, rispondente  ai principi della propria Costituzione e ai reali interessi nazionali. Al timone che determina gli orientamenti fondamentali della nostra politica estera c’è la mano di Washington, o direttamente o tramite la Nato.

L’Italia, che nella propria Costituzione ripudia la guerra, fa così parte dell’ingranaggio che ci ha portato a 100 secondi dalla mezzanotte della guerra nucleare.

Manlio Dinucci

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Übersetzung mit Genehmigung aus dem Englischen Original.

Freunde, dieses Jahr feiert der WEF sein 50-jähriges Jubiläum. Neununundvierzig (49) der wahnsinnig aufgeblasenen – und das jedes Jahr mehr – WEF-Veranstaltungen fanden in Davos, Schweiz, statt. Nur eine davon wurde 2002, nach dem 11. September, nach New York City verlegt, paradoxerweise aus “Sicherheitsgründen”, wie sie sagten – die Logik eines solchen Umzugs war ebenso lächerlich wie das WEF selbst.

Freunde, Sie sollten zum WEF, dem berüchtigten Weltwirtschaftsforum in Davos (21.-24. Januar) gehen, wo ein 12 Quadratmeter großes Hotelzimmer 10.000 US-Dollar pro Nacht kostet (wenn Sie es nicht glauben, schauen Sie im Internet nach), und wo es völlig normal ist, dass sich bei Minusgraden überall Scharfschützen auf den Dächern befinden, natürlich zum Schutz der rund 3000 der oberen Ränge – und dass ein riesiger Teil des Zürcher Flughafens für die Privatflugzeuge der “umweltbewussten Elite” abgesperrt wurde – und wo Trump Dienstag Morgen, den 21. Januar, ankam; und wo die “Flugzeugbeobachter” mit ihren hochentwickelten Ferngläsern und Teleskopen praktisch auf dem Flughafengelände campieren – um beim Öffnen der Flughafentore die Ersten zu sein, die die Flughafenterrassen betreten, um die ankommenden VIP-/CEO-/Prominenz-Privatflugzeuge zu “entdecken” (Sie haben das Bild verstanden, es ist eine Art Schwarzer Freitag, mit den Campern vor den Toren des Walmart). Hunderte von Privatjets werden erwartet – die Normalität der erbärmlichen Nutzlosigkeit und Dekadenz der Reichen – und ihre Akzeptanz und sogar Verherrlichung durch die Bevölkerung, ist viel mehr, als George Orwell sich jemals vorstellen konnte, als er 1948 sein Buch 1984 schrieb.

In diesem Jahr werden etwa 130 hochrangige Gäste erwartet, die unter dem Schutz des Völkerrechts stehen – wer auch immer sie sein mögen – außerdem werden 5 Adelige, 22 Präsidenten und 23 Premierminister erwartet. Sie werden von insgesamt etwa 5000 Schweizer Polizisten und dem Militär abgeschirmt. Präsident Trump wird zusätzlich zu seinem eigenen Sicherheitskontingent etwa 300 spezielle Schweizer Sicherheitspolizisten sowie einen privaten Helikopter erhalten, der als militärische Fracht aus den USA herbeigeschafft wird. Seine zwei Tage in der Schweiz werden den US-Steuerzahler mehr als 3,4 Millionen US-Dollar kosten, Sicherheitspersonal nicht eingeschlossen; Kleinkram im Vergleich zum gesamten Aufwand für etwa 3.000 “hochrangige” VIPs und Prominente oder einfach die “Ich-will-gesehen-werden”, welche sich mit den “wirklich wichtigen” Leuten die Ellbogen wund reiben wollen. Was für eine Farce!

Der Zürcher Polizeichef sagte einem Reporter, dass die Polizei gute Beziehungen zu Trumps Sicherheitsabteilung haben, “wir sehen uns auf Augenhöhe, sie betrachten uns als kompetent und gleichwertig”. Was soll ich dazu sagen? Es sieht so aus, als hänge das Selbstwertgefühl dieses hochrangigen Schweizer Polizisten von der Akzeptanz der Geheimdienstpolizei von Trump ab. Wie traurig!

Wenn Präsident Trump die “Air Force One” Maschine verlässt, begibt er sich sofort unter höchster Sicherheitvorkehrungen, einschließlich der wachsamen Augen von unzähligen Scharfschützen, in seinem Hubschrauber (speziell in einem militärischen Frachtflugzeug aus den USA eingeflogen), um wie ein König nach Davos gebracht zu werden.

Die meisten seiner Unterstützungstruppen werden in abgedunkelten Geländewagen und Limousinen auf den verstopften Autobahnen des WEF nach Davos fahren müssen. Trumpf wird in bester Gesellschaft sein – Greta Thunberg wird ebenfalls in Davos erwartet, wenn auch mit einem Tag Verspätung, wegen eines plötzlich auftretenden hohen Fiebers. Sie versprach jedoch, dass sie dort sein wird.

Der Schutz dieses unglaublich lächerlichen Ereignisses ist gigantisch und kostet Millionen. Es ist eine Orgie der Macht und des Geldes, der Männer und Frauen, die über unsere westliche Welt das Sagen haben – oder das ist es, was sie glauben möchten, und mögen, wenn nicht Leute wie sie aufwachen und die Zügel in Ihre eigenen Hände, die Hände des Volkes, legen, denn es geht um das Lenkrad des Volkes – nicht um den Kommandohebel der Superreichen.

Sie sagen, dass das Sicherheitsrisiko von Präsident Trump heute sogar noch höher ist als 2018, als er zum ersten Mal in Davos war, wegen der ständigen Bedrohungen für den Iran und vor allem wegen seiner rücksichtslosen, gesetzwidrigen Ermordung von Irans Spitzengeneral Qassem Suleimani. Deshalb muss sein Sicherheitsdetail noch größer sein, als es sonst der Fall wäre. – Nun, Sie mögen fragen, seit wann verdient ein Mörder Schutz? Es sei denn, er ist ein Selbstmordrisiko, was Trump, der Inbegriff der Egozentrik, mit Sicherheit nicht ist.

Sie, diese WEFers, werden Sie einfach weiter ausrauben, wie sie es zumindest in den letzten 200 Jahren getan haben, und sie haben es so geschickt geschafft, dass große Mengen von uns ‘Leuten’ kommen sie zu bewundern, um in Ehrfurcht zu beobachten, wie sie in ihren Privatjets anreisen und in ihren Privatjets abheben… so tief sind wir gesunken. Aber Leute, es ist nie zu spät um aufzuwachen und diesen Unsinn zu ignorieren zu verwerfen. Sie haben kein bisschen ihrer Aufmerksamkeit verdient.

Ihre Agenda ist gespickt mit Lügen und Täuschungen. Dies ist die offizielle Agenda – sie wird als Agenda für “Akteure für eine kohärente und nachhaltige Welt” bezeichnet:

  1. Wie man die dringenden Klima- und Umweltprobleme angeht, die unserer Ökologie und Ökonomie schaden.
  2. Wie man Industrien transformiert, um nachhaltigere und integrative Geschäftsmodelle zu erreichen, da neue politische, wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Prioritäten Handels- und Verbrauchsmuster verändern.
  3. Wie können die Technologien, die die vierte industrielle Revolution vorantreiben, so gesteuert werden, dass sie der Wirtschaft und der Gesellschaft zugute kommen und gleichzeitig ihre Risiken für sie minimiert werden?
  4. Wie man sich an die demographischen, sozialen und technologischen Trends anpasst, die Bildung, Beschäftigung und Unternehmertum umgestalten.

Das ist es, was die Außenwelt zu sehen und zu hören bekommt, die einfachen Leute wie Sie und ich und die Tausende von “Klimawandel”-Protestierenden, die zehntausende Kilometer durch Schnee und Kälte gelaufen sind, um Davos zu erreichen und den Großen ihre Botschaft zu hinterlassen – “Übernehmen Sie Verantwortung, unser Planet brennt”. Diese Menschen werden vielleicht einige der offiziellen Debatten über den (vom Menschen verursachten – CO2-bezogenen) Klimawandel und Versprechungen darüber hören, was sie – die Großen – dagegen tun werden.

Wenn hinter den Kulissen, hinter verschlossenen Türen – in Hörweite der “gemeinen Leute” – eine weitere Erzählung diskutiert wird, wird höchstwahrscheinlich in Kombination mit “Klima” diskutiert. Wie man das Klima und die falsche Klimapropaganda nutzen kann, kombiniert mit schädlicher, potenziell tödlicher G5- und bald auch G6-Strahlungstechnologie, die 4. industrielle Revolution und die Gen- und “Biotechnologie – GVOs, und zum Kern der Sache gehört CRISPR (ausgesprochen “crisper” – Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats), ein Genom-Editierwerkzeug, das die menschliche (und die anderer Lebewesen) DNA selektiv verändern kann.

Diese Kräfte der Befehlsgewalt kombiniert und vereint – und natürlich ewige Kriege – können den Lauf der Welt verändern. Eines der Hauptziele der Elite ist die Verringerung der Weltbevölkerung, damit die Elite weiterhin in Opulenz leben kann, ohne die großzügigen, aber begrenzten Ressourcen von Mutter Erde mit 7,7 Milliarden Menschen teilen zu müssen, und einige von ihnen, die Bedauernswerten, als unterdrückte Sklaven zu nutzen und den Rest loszuwerden.

Das klingt harsch. Aber das sind nicht meine Worte. Bereits in den 1960er Jahren sagte Henry Kissinger, der weltweit begehrteste noch lebende Kriegsverbrecher, ein Rockefeller-‘Gelehrter’ und Mitarbeiter und standhafter Verwalter der Bilderberg-Gesellschaft, dass ein Hauptziel der Bilderberger die Reduzierung der Bevölkerung sei. Im Jahr 1974, neu belohnt von der Nixon-Administration als Staatssekretär für den faschistischen Putsch “9/11/73”, den er in Chile anführte, hatte er diesen Rat:

“Die Entvölkerung sollte die höchste Priorität der Außenpolitik gegenüber der Dritten Welt sein, da die US-Wirtschaft große und wachsende Mengen an Mineralien aus dem Ausland, insbesondere aus weniger entwickelten Ländern, benötigen wird.

Da haben Sie es. Die dunkle luziferische Elite des WEF spricht vielleicht von Eugenik. Wir wissen es nicht. Aber angesichts der Vormachtstellung des Westens und des bedauerlichen Schicksals der bedauernswerten Menschen, wer weiß? Es sieht nicht allzu weit hergeholt aus bei allem, was wir wissen, was im Okkulten vor sich geht. Angesichts der Fähigkeit Washingtons, des Pentagons und der NATO, außergerichtlich jeden per Drohne zu töten, der als ein Risiko für die “nationale Sicherheit” der USA angesehen werden könnte oder vielmehr als ein Risiko, die globale Elite daran zu hindern, ihr Ziel der vollen Spektrums-Dominanz zu erreichen, nähern wir uns immer mehr einem alles vernichtenden dritten Weltkrieg an, nur dass genau diese Elite weiß, dass es bei einem nuklearen Holocaust keine Sieger gibt, dass sie selbst ausgelöscht werden kann – wie aber sich dann an den gestohlenen Reichtümern erfreuen? Sie können sich also für eine “weiche” Version der Bevölkerungsreduzierung – Eugenik – und für kontinuierliche, ewige und hochprofitable regionale Konflikte und Kriege entscheiden.

Die Sache ist die: Wecken Sie die Menschen auf, glauben Sie nicht den Lügen der Unternehmens-Finanz-Elite, egal wie gut sie hergestellt, verpackt und präsentiert werden, fallen Sie nicht auf ihre trügerische Propaganda herein.

Es ist nie zu spät, denn wir, Leute, sind 99,99% gegen 0,01%. Fallen Sie nicht in ihre Falle. Sie – die Elite, die WEF-Schwachköpfe – wollen alle, dass Sie gegen Ihre eigenen Interessen handeln. Machen Sie Ihre eigenen Recherchen, rechnen Sie selbst – und hören Sie auf, die Mainstream-Medien zu beobachten, sie alle sprechen sich mit den gleichen Lügen ab, deshalb werden sie von den kleinen, tief sitzenden, dunklen Interessengruppen mit Milliarden bezahlt.


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Peter König ist Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und geopolitischer Analyst. Er ist auch ein Spezialist für Wasserressourcen und Umwelt. Er arbeitete über 30 Jahre lang mit der Weltbank und der Weltgesundheitsorganisation auf der ganzen Welt in den Bereichen Umwelt und Wasser. Er hält Vorlesungen an Universitäten in den USA, Europa und Südamerika. Er schreibt regelmäßig für Global Research, ICH, RT, Sputnik, PressTV, The 21st Century, Greanville Post, Defend Democracy Press, TeleSUR, The Saker Blog, New Eastern Outlook (NEO) und andere Internetseiten. Er ist der Autor von Implosion – Ein Wirtschaftsthriller über Krieg, Umweltzerstörung und Unternehmensgier – eine Fiktion, die auf Fakten und auf 30 Jahren Erfahrung der Weltbank rund um den Globus basiert. Er ist auch Mitautor von Die Weltordnung und die Revolution! – Essays aus dem Widerstand. Er ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter des Zentrums für Globalisierungsforschung.

Die Originalquelle dieses Artikels ist Global Research.

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Dear Global Research Readers, Your Support Is Essential

January 27th, 2020 by The Global Research Team

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All polymer foams produced from isocyanate chemicals are fire-accelerants that will not only spread any fire within seconds of ignition but will also emit lethal hydrogen cyanide gas that can cause death within a few minutes.

Hydrogen cyanide gas (HCN), also known as prussic acid, is the same chemical that was used by the Nazis in their infamous gas chambers at Auschwitz and is a colorless, rapidly acting, highly poisonous gas or liquid. HCN is a systemic poison; toxicity is due to inhibition of cytochrome oxidase, which prevents cellular utilization of oxygen. Inhibition of the terminal step of electron transport in cells of the brain results in loss of consciousness, respiratory arrest, and ultimately, death.

These dangerously lethal qualities of polymer foams have been known for many decades which is why they are banned from use in buildings in many countries worldwide. There is no question but that those who produce these foams; those who supplied these foam-insert, cladding panels; those architects who specified them and those surveyors and building inspectors who approved them, would all have been well aware of the terrible risk in using such dangerous materials on any residential building and certainly not to externally clad any structure with it.

It is now two and a half years since 72 people died horribly as a result of the Grenfell Tower fire in London and, to date, there has not been one prosecution for criminal negligence, manslaughter or anything else in connection with the atrocity despite one public inquiry having been completed months ago. Furthermore, apparently the government has not even bothered to bring out new or revised Building Regulations to ensure compliance with safety codes.

As a result of the catastrophic failure of government to adequately regulate and inspect building codes, there are now still existing about 400 buildings with such dangerous cladding still in situ thereby ensuring that tens of thousands of residents are at daily risk of a repeat of Grenfell.  It would appear to be an abdication of government whose first responsibility is to protect the safety of the people who elected it.

It appears to be one of the worst cover-ups of corporate and official negligence ever recorded in Britain as the government now start a second inquiry, next week, presumably to last another two years – with no prosecutions in sight.


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Hans Stehling (pen name) is an analyst based in the UK. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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Although Western media has a shoddy track record of lying on Syria (and Libya, Iraq…), the US State Department will pump $35 million more into future war propaganda on Syria, under the guise of promoting honest reporting.

A US State Department grant, “Support for Independent Media in Syria,” is unabashed in stating one of its main goals is “to advance U.S. Government policy objectives in Syria.”

That is probably the sole honest clause in the grant description: that it is in the end about US self-serving, hegemonic objectives in Syria.

The description goes on to claim these goals include the defeat of ISIS—although the illegal US-led coalition has attacked Syrian army positions on numerous occasions, ensuring the advance (not defeat) of ISIS in those areas. One of the most glaring instances being the September 2016 repeated attacks on the Syrian army in Deir ez-Zor province, which saw ISIS take over the region.

The US assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, recognized in the region as the man responsible for the near-defeat of ISIS, is another notable example of the US goals being to prolong, not defeat, ISIS in the region.

With their grant, the US plans to “advance human rights and promote tolerance and dialogue between ethnic and religious communities,” which is again morbidly laughable given that the US has been supporting wahhabi and other extremists whose human rights track records include caging, torturing, raping, and starving civilians, and public executions.

It wouldn’t be American policy if the State Department grant didn’t include mention of countering “Russian disinformation”and ending the presence of “Iranian forces and proxies in Syria.”

However, removing Iranian forces isn’t within America’s right to do; Syria invited Iran, Russia and other allies to actually fight terrorism in Syria, as opposed to the US-led occupation forces. And as discussed, it isn’t Russia that has the track record of disinfo on Syria, that honor goes to America and allies.

Western outlets in chorus promoted the accusations of Syria/Russia preventing food and aid into eastern Aleppo (even Reuters reported “rebels” had stockpiled aid) and Madaya and eastern Ghouta (none was true). Western media sold the story of Russia/Syria bombing the home of Omran Daqneesh (didn’t happen), of the al-Quds hospital being “reduced to rubble” by Russian/Syrian bombing (didn’t happen), and a litany of other grotesque war propaganda stories.

Suddenly we’re meant to find credible journalists who embed with al-Qaeda and whitewash their crimes, and media which have on many occasions used photos not even in Syria to accompany sensationalist war propaganda stories.

CNN and western media got it wrong about Omran Daqneesh, but I haven’t even seen any retractions for this lie.

And yet the US wants people to believe that the independent voices and Russian and Syrian media who actually reported factually and honestly on these and other issues…are not credible.

The US wants people to live in a fake news bubble, where the narratives are controlled by the war mongers. And, strangely, America seemingly wants Syrians to be subjected to media that reports opposite of the reality they are living. As if after nine years of enduring Western (and Gulf) media’s lies Syrians will suddenly believe them and decide to overthrow the president they elected (and support)? America is grasping at straws…

The OPCW Truth Bombs

Western nations accuse Russia of disinformation around whether Syria used a chemical weapon in Douma, eastern Ghouta.

In April 2018, Western media pounced on and promoted the White Helmets’ lies, shedding crocodile tears over civilians allegedly exposed to a chemical agent, at the same time ignoring or mocking the testimonies of 17 Syrians from Douma (including the boy starring in the White Helmets’ hoax video).

Turns out the body tasked to examine this accusation omitted from its final report key findings that poke massive holes in the (West’s) official narrative around Douma. Not one, but many revelations have been leaked about the critical omissionsof the OPCW  report.

The only ones taking this seriously are mainly Russia, Syria and independent researchers. In the face of these recent revelations, most Western media have largely thus far been silent.

Similarly, Western media didn’t cover the December 2018 panel detailing damning findings on the White Helmets’ association (and membership) with terrorist groups in Syria, and their involvement in staging chemical attacks and in organ harvesting…

In the State Department’s quest for truthful reporting, one of the issues to be protected seemingly at all costs is of course the White Helmets (and the chemical hoaxes they help stage).

Anyone who has seriously researched the White Helmets, much less bothered to interview Syrian civilians about the fake rescue group, knows their footage and claims are as credible as the words of nurse Nayirah, Colin Powell, or the entries ofWikipedia.

Journalists who bothered to interview medical staff in Douma following the chemical hoax were told that doctors were treating patients with normal wartime injuries when “strangers” (including White Helmets members) entered yelling about a chemical attack, creating a panic (and demonstrating a lack of medical skills), and filming the scene with then 11 year old Hassan Diab.

Diab was one of the Syrians dismissed by western media when he testified to the OPCW that he had not been subject to a chemical attack but had been used by the White Helmets. For Western media, only some children are credible (exploited)…when it suits their narrative.

One such youth, Muhammad, gained notoriety when eastern Ghouta was being liberated. Like the Aleppo child Bana before him, the Ghouta teen had an account in his name on Twitter (the dodgy logistics of which I raised in my last article) and was busy parroting the accusations.

Incidentally, Ghouta (to the silence of media which claimed concern in 2018) is rebuilding, in peace.

In any case, I get the feeling people are tired of lying Western media, chemical hoaxes and the antics of the White Helmets. I certainly see propaganda apologists getting called out on Twitter more than prior, and people are extremelyskeptical of chemical weapons accusations.

As Vassily Nebenzia said of the OPCW official report on Douma: “Humpty-Dumpty, as we know, “sat on a wall, had a great fall and all the king’s horses, all the king’s men, couldn’t put Humpty together again”. I mean, that is exactly what happened to FFM report. Exactly.”


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NATO’s Upcoming War Games Targeted Against Russia

January 27th, 2020 by Paul Antonopoulos

Last week NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg explained why the U.S. are strengthening their military presence in Europe. The reason is unsurprisingly to pressurize and intimidate Russia, but also against China and the so-called fight against terrorism. Stoltenberg explained that there are now more U.S. soldiers in EU Member States, more than ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. In the coming months, the Defender-Europe 2020 exercises, the largest of its kind in the last 25 years, will begin. And with this exercise, U.S. troop numbers will only increase in Europe with another 20,000 troops and officers arriving.  

Germany will be the logistics center for the Defender-Europe 2020 exercise in March and by the end of January, thousands of U.S. soldiers will not only arrive in Germany, but also in Belgium, France and the Netherlands. The military drill will take place in Germany, Poland, Georgia and the Baltic States with the participation of 18 NATO countries, cover 4,000 kilometers of convoy routes and rely on 10 European countries to host exercise activities. The U.S. will send a total of 37,000 soldiers and officers to the exercise with the total number of troops to exceed 40,000 people.

There are also discussions about the resumption of the annual REFORGER exercises that were held in Europe from 1969 to 1993. The REFORGER exercises was to have constant training for a rapid deployment in West Germany in any potential conflict with the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact countries. Lieutenant General Chris Cavoli, the U.S. Army Europe commander, explained in an interview with Defense News that the Defender-Europe 2020 exercises has been compared to REFORGER, but that this is “not a completely apt comparison” because REFORGER exercises were about getting a force into one country — Germany — “to defend a very-known location against a force that we all understood very well.” He recalled hearing about REFORGER exercises as a little boy when his father was an Army officer serving in Europe but that “the only thing we didn’t know was what time it was going to happen.”

There can be little doubt that Russia is the main target of these exercises with the drills occurring directly on their doorstep in Poland and the Baltic states, particularly focussed against Russia’s Kalingrad enclave. As Russia continues working towards a balanced multipolar international system based on sovereignty, U.S.-led Atlanticist powers have maintained pressure against the Eurasian Giant. NATO spy and scout planes flew over Kalingrad over 800 times in 2019 alone. NATO are keeping close tabs on the enclave as it is a well-fortified region wedged between Poland the Baltics, a so-called security threat for the Atlanticist Alliance.

In response to the increasing military pressure by Russia against Kalingrad, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in December that

“Western media are trying to spread their ideas about the ‘Russian aggressor’ in their own way. Some media cite statements by the U.S. Air Force Commander in Europe, General Jeffrey Harrigian, that the Pentagon has a plan to break through the multilayered air defense of the Kaliningrad region in the event of Russia’s invasion of the Baltic. It conceals the fact that the improvement of military capabilities in the enclave is dictated solely by the reasons of maintaining the balance of power.”

NATO are constantly reinforcing their military presence near Russia’s borders and are increasing the readiness to transfer forces to their eastern flank. The intensity of the exercises is also significantly increasing in a way as if Europe is preparing for a major military conflict against Russia. The planned development of the European segment of the U.S. and NATO air defense system also continues to move closer to Russia’s borders. It is for this reason that Russia has had to turn Kaliningrad into a fortress with operationally tactical complexes like the Iskander, in conjunction with the S-400 missile defense system and anti-ship coastal complexes. Despite these systems, experts still maintain that if NATO attacks Kaliningrad, the enclave is likely to fall, providing Russia does not resort to the use tactical nuclear weapons.

Whether these experts are correct or not can only be known in a real war situation, a situation that Russia is attempting to avoid. However, exercises suggest that NATO is making every plan for an invasion of Kalingrad if such a war ever occurs. However, with Europe, led by French President Emmanuel Macron becoming increasingly critical of NATO and Washington’s policies, it remains to be seen if EU countries are willing to go to war with Russia because of U.S. escalations despite their participation in such aggressive exercises aimed towards the Eurasian country.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Paul Antonopoulos is a Research Fellow at the Center for Syncretic Studies.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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“The people from the insurance industry, they all said that for them it was not the question of whether this was dangerous or not, they knew it was dangerous. The only question for them was who is going to pay for the party in the future, and they will not do it.”

– Professor Olle Johansson (from this week’s interview).



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In spite of health regulators’ and telecom industry professionals’ assurances that the looming 5G roll-out is safe, the general public has started viewing these technological marvels with some suspicion. [1][2][3][4]

Cities around the world, from Brussels, to Portland to Florence, to Geneva and even whole countries, including Australia, France, and the Netherlands are putting the brakes on the installation of the new generation of wireless networks citing the potential harm caused to human health by the radiation this new infrastructure would entail. [5]

Thanks to the internet, independent news sites like this one, and hard-working activists around the globe, word of the harmful effects of electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation has begun to trickle out and inform more and more people. Citizens are coming together, forming discussion groups, sharing information and are engaging in grass-roots lobbying efforts. Public events, including a ‘Global day of Action’ on January 25th are becoming impossible to dismiss.

Consequently, a number of authoritative-looking articles began popping up in major publications throughout 2019 appearing to make light of the concerns. [6][7][8] Satellites are being launched with the intention of integrating them into the 5G infrastructure. Furious lobbying – over $1.2 billion on the U.S. Congress alone – has been mustered in the name of faster downloads, self-driving cars, and an Internet of Things.

This week’s Global Research News Hour radio program returns to the topic of wireless technology and the 5G roll-out and attempts to ascertain which interests are really being served by this Brave New World order we are being dragged into.

Our first interview, Professor Olle Johansson, has researched EMF radiation and its effects since the 1970s and can speak with authority as to its harmful impacts not only on humans but on all biological systems. Professor Johansson also touches on the insurance industry’s response and to the failures of regulators and other official bodies to address the science indicating harm. In our second half hour, Claire Edwards, a former UN staffer turned campaigner against wireless and 5G talks about anecdotal evidence of casualties among UN staff from its wireless infrastructure, systemic obstacles to responding to the health threat, the role of satellites in expanding the 5G infrastructure, and the concerns about the technology beyond the health ramifications.

Olle Johansson, PhD is a past associate professor at the Karolinska Institute, Department of Neuroscience, and head of The Experimental Dermatology Unit as well as a guest and adjunct professor in basic and clinical neuroscience at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. He has published more than 600 original articles, reviews, book chapters and conference reports within the fields of basic and applied neuroscience, dermatology, epidemiology, and biophysiology. He is a global authority in the field of EMF radiation and health effects. 

Claire Edwards, BA Hons, MA worked for the United Nations as Editor and Trainer in Intercultural Writing from 1999 to 2017. Claire warned the Secretary-General about the dangers of 5G during a meeting with UN staff in May 2018, calling for a halt to its rollout at UN duty stations. Her own health had been compromised by the installation of public access points for WiFi and cell phone access in December 2015. She part-authored, designed, administered the 30 language versions, and edited the entirety of the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space ( and vigorously campaigned to promote it throughout 2019.  She has since severed her connection with the Appeal and its administrator Arthur Firstenberg, but continues to campaign against 5G and existing wireless technology. She is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

(Global Research News Hour episode 284)


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  6. William J. Broad (July 16, 2019) ‘The 5G Health Hazard That Isn’t’, The New York times;


Joe Biden in 2020 Copies Hillary Clinton in 2016

January 27th, 2020 by Eric Zuesse

The 2016 Iowa Democratic Presidential Caucuses were held on 1 February 2016 and produced 49.84% for Hillary Clinton and 49.59% for Bernie Sanders.

On 12 January 2016, Politico headlined “Sanders bests Clinton in new early state polls” and reported that “The intensifying rivalry between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders spiked a few degrees on Tuesday with two new polls showing the Vermont senator catching fire in not only his regional stomping ground of New Hampshire but also in Iowa, where Clinton enjoyed a double-digit lead as late as mid-December.”

The 2020 Iowa Democratic Presidential Caucuses are to be held on 3 February 2020. On 26 January 2020, Political Wire headlined “Tight Race in Iowa” and reported that “A new CBS News poll in Iowa shows Bernie Sanders is leading the Democratic presidential race with 26%, followed by Joe Biden at 25%, Pete Buttigieg at 22%, Elizabeth Warren at 15% and Amy Klobuchar at 7%.”

That CBS News poll in Iowa showed also that whereas only 33% of the likely voters thought that Sanders would beat Trump if the nominee, 45% thought that Biden would beat Trump if the nominee. Biden also scored far higher than Sanders on “Prepared to be Commander in Chief”: 84% on that, compared to Sanders’s 68%. Also on other factors, the findings were remarkably similar for Biden as compared to what the polls at around this same time had been showing for Clinton. Also, the pre-primary polls in 2016 were showing almost identical demographics for Clinton’s voters as the 2020 pre-primary polls are showing now for Biden voters — such as an overwhelming majority of Blacks supporting Clinton then and Biden now, but also on almost all other demographic factors. And, likewise, Sanders’s voters in 2020 seem to be the same demographics as Sanders voters in 2016 were.

Clinton, of course, received the Democratic Party nomination and was widely expected to beat Trump but she lost to him (though she won California by 4,269,978 in the popular vote, and so beat Trump by 2,864,974 in the nationwide popular vote, while she lost all other states by 1,405,002 votes, and so she would have been California’s President if she had won, but the rest of the nation wouldn’t have been happy). 

Among the top reasons why Democrats in primaries and caucuses voted for Clinton was that they thought she would have a higher likelihood of beating the Republican nominee than Sanders did. However, by the time when Election Day rolled around, the passion that Republicans felt for their nominee, Trump, was much stronger than was the passion that Democrats felt for their nominee, Clinton. During the Democratic primaries, polls were showing that the Democrats who were voting for Sanders to become their Party’s nominee were far more passionate in their support of him than was the case regarding the Democrats who were voting for Clinton to become the Democratic nominee. And nobody questions that Trump was the passion-candidate in the Republican Party’s primaries and caucuses.

On 1 May 2017, McClatchy newspapers headlined “Democrats say they now know exactly why Clinton lost” and reported that, 

A select group of top Democratic Party strategists have used new data about last year’s presidential election to reach a startling conclusion about why Hillary Clinton lost. Now they just need to persuade the rest of the party they’re right.

Many Democrats have a shorthand explanation for Clinton’s defeat: Her base didn’t turn out, Donald Trump’s did and the difference was too much to overcome.

But new information shows that Clinton had a much bigger problem with voters who had supported President Barack Obama in 2012 but backed Trump four years later.

Those Obama-Trump voters, in fact, effectively accounted for more than two-thirds of the reason Clinton lost, according to Matt Canter, a senior vice president of the Democratic political firm Global Strategy Group. In his group’s analysis, about 70 percent of Clinton’s failure to reach Obama’s vote total in 2012 was because she lost these voters. …

Although Clinton has blamed her loss on Putin, and on Sanders — and perhaps if Biden wins the nomination he will likewise blame Putin and Sanders if he subsequently loses to Trump — the passion factor is actually much stronger an influence on whom the winner of an electoral contest will be than losing candidates wish to admit or publicly acknowledge; and it could turn out to be the case in 2020, just the same as it did in 2016.


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Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

The Unbearable Hypocrisy of US Sanctions on Iran

January 27th, 2020 by Daniel McAdams

On November 22nd of last year, the US government announced it would impose sanctions on Iran’s information minister for his alleged role in limiting domestic Internet access while protests raged in that country over increases in gas prices.

At the time, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin condemned the Iranian government for censuring information that Iranian citizens could view online, stating that, “Iran’s leaders know that a free and open internet exposes their illegitimacy, so they seek to censor internet access to quell anti-regime protests.”

The Iranians were evil, said the US government official in charge of economic sanctions, because it restricted what its citizens could read in the international press.

Our government would never do that…right?

Wrong. Yesterday, the US government knocked Iran’s state news agency, FARS, off of the Internet entirely, citing US sanctions against the country.

What that means is the Iranian news service is being censored by the United States government and that Americans will therefore no longer be able to see anything from this foreign media outlet.

Exactly what Mnuchin accused Iran of doing back in November.

Zerohedge writes, “as Iran’s PressTV describes further“:

The news agency said that it had received an email from the server company, which explicitly said that the blockage is due to an order by the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and its inclusion in the list of Specially Designated Nationals (SDN).

The agency attached to its post a screenshot of its website with the message “’s server IP address could not be found.”

This latest US censorship of Iranian media is nothing new. Iran’s PressTV has been removed from YouTube and other US social media with “US sanctions on Iran” being given as the reason.

Americans are not allowed to see the Iranian perspective on the Middle East because the Beltway bombardiers and their bosses in the military-industrial complex depend on successfully demonizing all Persians so that Americans will accept their annihilation in another neocon war. If Americans are allowed to see the Iranian perspective they might not be so supportive of the slaughter the neocons are cooking up.

The bottom line is this: the US Administration cites Iran’s restricting of outside media as evidence of the evil nature of the Iranian government, all the while scrambling to restrict American citizens’ access to Iranian media outlets.

Pot. Kettle. Black. Hypocrisy.


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It’s really interesting how many of us equate how the love of God should be expressed. Many religions dictate that we who care should restrict ourselves to doing good deeds and NOT becoming too rebellious towards the ‘things of the world’. Hogwash! Just look at the person who hundreds of millions worship as The Son of God. You go into any number of churches or cathedrals throughout this planet and see his picture adorning the altars and walls. Jesus always has this peaceful and caring look to him; otherwise we see him nailed to a cross and suffering as a mortal man. That ‘crown of thorns’ across his brow seems to be almost a calling card for Christianity. I guess the movers and shakers of that enterprise seem to forget what their own bible had written about this truly special soul:

Jesus Drives Money Changers from the Temple

 Then they came to Jerusalem. And He entered the temple and began to drive out those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling [a]doves;16 and He would not permit anyone to carry [b]merchandise through the temple. 17 And He began to teach and say to them, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations’? But you have made it a robbers’ [c]den.”

This is how the world should understand Jesus and his teachings. He took the initiative and acted like the role model he was ordained to be. This is how those of us who see through the machinations of this corrupt and yes… evil empire should be behaving. Jesus did not commit any violent act inside that temple, or anywhere else he travelled and taught. Rather, he showed ‘strength of character and principle’ as he overturned those expressions of profit making and unnecessary violence against God’s creatures. Perhaps if the powers that be were, shall we say, able to prevent such actions by keeping Jesus and his followers out of the temple, maybe he would have called for a boycott of the place! Maybe he and others who agreed with him would have found a new place to meet up and pray together.

This nation is teetering on a thin thread that holds whatever sense of a democratic republic we have left. The empire has taken full control of whatever levers of power our Constitution wanted for We the People. Our government is now like that temple from the New Testament story. America has become Amerika… one big mart of corruption and predatory corporate Capitalism. One imagines that even Adam Smith would turn over in his grave to see how convoluted his ideas have become. Folks, this is NOT even Capitalism in whatever semi pure form it could have been. No, this is one big shark tank and we, the working stiffs who keep the waters filled for those sharks, are their next meal! This is not a call for the violent overthrow of it all. One knows that some from what is known as ‘ The Left’ would love to see this occur. Alas, call me a flaming peace advocate, or call me a chickenshit, or call me whatever you wish to label me. The bare and sad truth is that if… even if there were to be such a radical movement tinged with violent rhetoric and force, it would be a right wing led fascist one.

Jesus was in reality a Socialist, who taught how people should share good fortune. He said it all when a rich man wanted to be a follower of his. Jesus knew that the man was very wealthy. So, he told him to give all his wealth to the poor and follow him. The man walked away. Jesus then uttered the words that should resound throughout humanity: “Easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven.” How dare the super rich billionaires that run our empire and its political system pretend to be God loving! The homeless man with but two dollars to his name who gives half of his money to another in need… is more righteous than any of those super rich so called philanthropists who give away not even 10% of their fortunes and then strut around like peacocks. Our nation needs us,  the working stiffs, the hundreds of millions of us, to stand up to empire. The Buddhists have a great saying as to interactions: “Be Friendly and Assertive”. Like the mother who loves her child but chides it and pushes it away from danger each time, we working stiffs need to do that with this empire. Finally, the great Afro American scholar and leader, Frederick Douglass, said it best: “Power concedes nothing without demand. It never has. It never will.”


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Philip A Farruggio is a contributing editor for The Greanville Post. He is also frequently posted on Global Research, Nation of Change, World News Trust and Off Guardian sites. He is the son and grandson of Brooklyn NYC longshoremen and a graduate of Brooklyn College, class of 1974. Since the 2000 election debacle Philip has written over 300 columns on the Military Industrial Empire and other facets of life in an upside down America. He is also host of the ‘It’s the Empire… Stupid‘ radio show, co produced by Chuck Gregory. Philip can be reached at [email protected].

Featured image is from Rise Up Times

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The 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz is a somber event marked by deep reflection across Europe about the evils of its genocidal past, which makes it an appropriate time to remind everyone about Jasenovac, the Croatian-operated death camp that few are aware of and even fewer dare to talk about.

Europe is reflecting on the evils of its genocidal past as the world marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, a somber event that’s forever etched into the West’s collective memory.

The Allies swore that they’d never let anyone forget about the crimes against humanity that were committed in that Nazi death camp, which is why they continue to mark its liberation every year with high-profile visits, keynote speeches, and heavy media coverage. Everyone in the world is therefore aware of the Nazis’ racist policies and the campaign of killing that accompanied them, yet Hitler’s forces weren’t the only ones in World War II who did such a thing.

Few outside of the Balkans have ever heard of Jasenovac, the Croatian-operated death camp where around one million people — at least 800,000 of them Serbs — were brutally murdered by the Ustashe regime of the Nazi-allied so-called “Independent State of Croatia” (known by its abbreviation as the NDH), and even fewer people dare to talk about it.

All lives are equal and there shouldn’t be any hierarchy of victimhood, but the suffering of the Serbs has regrettably been forgotten by almost all but the Serbs themselves (and even some among them don’t seem to care all that much anymore). The Nazis’ genocidal campaign of conquest across Europe affected the entire continent whereas the Croats’ equally evil genocidal campaign was “only” waged in part of the Balkans, so there’s less interest in what they did. That’s a shame too because everyone’s understanding of World War II would be enriched by learning about what happened there at that time. The Croats declared “independence” right after the Nazi-led fascist invasion of Yugoslavia, literally stabbing their South Slavic brethren in the back out of solidarity with their German allies. The NDH was so rabidly racist that it established Jasenovac in order to contribute to Hitler’s so-called “Final Solution”, not just against Jews but also against the Slavs, a fact that’s often omitted from history nowadays as well.

Although the Croats are Slavs themselves, the Ustashe regime claimed that they’re actually somehow connected to the self-professed “master race”, unlike their fellow Serbs who they insisted were inferior and thus “deserving” only of the most painful death possible. The Nazis obviously supported the actions of their regional allies but didn’t have to assist them since this fascist, separatist, terrorist organization was more than willing to do all the killing on its own. This makes Jasenovac different from Auschwitz, which was built and operated by a foreign occupying army, since it was an entirely grassroots killing center that embodied everything that the Ustashe stood for. Therefore, it is solely the Croats that are to be blamed for all of the atrocities that took place there, and any efforts to shift their collective guilt onto the Nazis are insincere deflections aimed at eschewing their full responsibility. Jasenovac was a unique evil even by World War II standards, but it’s mostly taboo to talk about outside of the Balkans (and even within it for the most part).

Shockingly, the Ustashe were also Vatican allies, and Croatia is nowadays a proud member of both the EU and NATO after having previously received their support during the Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s. It’s held up as a “shining example” of “Euro-Atlantic integration” and the model that the West wants Serbia to follow. Criticizing the country is akin to criticizing the “Euro-Atlantic integration” project as a whole and exposing one of the many skeletons still hidden in the Vatican’s closet. It’s also fashionable nowadays to conveniently pin the blame for all of World War II’s horrors on the Nazis just as it’s fashionable to do the same with the Serbs in more recent times for everything that happened after the dissolution of Yugoslavia. This attitude is tacitly revisionist since it strongly implies that the Serbs are genocidal when in reality they’ve been the victims of several genocides in their history which can collectively be described as the Serbocide, with the most recent one being attempted in the 1990s and partially carried out by the Croats (once again). These are historical facts but are often smeared as “conspiracy theories” — or even worse, “genocide-inciting lies” — whenever they’re brought up.

The Europeans owe it to the Serbian people to properly commemorate the Serbocide just like they do the Holocaust, but one shouldn’t realistically get their hopes up that this will soon happen for the reasons that were explained. As such, the best that the Serbs can do is remind everyone about Jasenovac every year when the world remembers the liberation of Auschwitz, resorting to social media campaigns to raise awareness about the crimes against humanity that the Croatian Ustashe committed against them out of their own will without the Nazis ever having to order them to do so. The evils of World War II are many, but all of its victims are equal, so historic justice cannot be served in the Balkans until everyone the world over thinks of Jasenovac whenever they hear the words World War II, Auschwitz, concentration camps, and genocide. It’s admittedly an ambitious goal, but one that should always remain on Serbs’ minds and pursued with the utmost passion because everyone can literally make a positive difference in their own way by informing as many people as possible.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from OneWorld

How Is Washington ‘Liberating’ Free Countries

January 27th, 2020 by Andre Vltchek

There are obviously some serious linguistic issues and disagreements between the West and the rest of the world. Essential terms like “freedom”, “democracy”, “liberation”, even “terrorism”, are all mixed up and confused; they mean something absolutely different in New York, London, Berlin, and in the rest of the world.

Before we begin analyzing, let us recall that countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Germany and the United States, as well as other Western nations, have been spreading colonialist terror to basically all corners of the world. And in the process, they developed effective terminology and propaganda, which has been justifying, even glorifying acts such as looting, torture, rape and genocides. Basically, first Europe, and later North America literally “got away with everything, including mass murder”. The native people of Americas, Africa and Asia have been massacred, their voices silenced. Slaves were imported from Africa. Great Asian nations, such as China, what is now “India” and Indonesia, got occupied, divided and thoroughly plundered.

And all was done in the name of spreading religion, “liberating” people from themselves, as well as “civilizing them”.

Nothing has really changed.

To date, people of great nations with thousands of years of culture, are treated like infants; humiliated, and as if they were still in kindergarten, told how to behave, and how to think.

Sometimes if they “misbehave”, they get slapped. Periodically they get slapped so hard, that it takes them decades, even centuries, to get back to their feet. It took China decades to recover from the period of “humiliation”. India and Indonesia are presently trying to recuperate, from the colonial barbarity, and from, in the case of Indonesia, the 1965 U.S.-administered fascist coup.

But if you go back to the archives in London, Brussels or Berlin, all the monstrous acts of colonialism, are justified by lofty terms. Western powers are always “fighting for justice”; they are “enlightening” and “liberating”. No regrets, no shame and no second thoughts. They are always correct!

Like now; precisely as it is these days.

Presently, the West is trying to overthrow governments in several independent countries, on different continents. From Bolivia (the country has been already destroyed) to Venezuela, from Iraq to Iran, to China and Russia. The more successful these countries get, the better they serve their people, the more vicious the attacks from abroad are, the tougher the embargos and sanctions imposed on them are. The happier the citizens are, the more grotesque the propaganda disseminated from the West gets.


In Hong Kong, some young people, out of financial interest, or out of ignorance, keep shouting: “President Trump, Please Liberate Us!” Or similar, but equally treasonous slogans. They are waving U.S., U.K. and German flags. They beat up people who try to argue with them, including their own Police Force.

So, let us see, how the United States really “liberates” countries, in various pockets of the world.

Let us visit Iran, a country which (you’d never guess it if consuming only Western mass media) is, despite the vicious embargos and sanctions, on the verge of the “highest human development index bracket” (UNDP). How is it possible? Simple. Because Iran is a socialist country (socialism with the Iranian characteristics). It is also an internationalist nation which is fighting against Western imperialism. It helps many occupied and attacked states on our planet, including Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia (before), Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Iraq, to name just a few.

So, what is the West doing? It is trying to ruin it, by all means; ruin all good will and progress. It is starving Iran through sanctions, it finances and encourages its “opposition”, as it does in China, Russia and Latin America. It is trying to destroy it.

Then, it just bombs their convoy in neighboring Iraq, killing its brave commander, General Soleimani. And, as if it was not horrid enough, it turns the tables around, and starts threatening Teheran with more sanctions, more attacks, and even with the destruction of its cultural sites.

Iran, under attack, confused, shot down, by mistake, a Ukrainian passenger jet. It immediately apologized, in horror, offering compensation. The U.S. straightway began digging into the wound. It started to provoke (like in Hong Kong) young people. The British ambassador, too, got involved!

As if Iran and the rest of the world should suddenly forget that during its attack on Iraq, more than 3 decades ago, Washington actually shot down an Iranian wide-body passenger plane (Iran Air flight 655, an Airbus-300), on a routine flight from Bandar Abbas to Dubai. In an “accident”, 290 people, among them 66 children, lost their lives. That was considered “war collateral”.

Iranian leaders then did not demand “regime change” in Washington. They were not paying for riots in New York or Chicago.

As China is not doing anything of that nature, now.

The “Liberation” of Iraq (in fact, brutal sanctions, bombing, invasion and occupation) took more than a million Iraqi lives, most of them, those of women and children. Presently, Iraq has been plundered, broken into pieces, and on its knees.

Is this the kind of “liberation” that some of the Hong Kong youngsters really want?

No? But if not, is there any other performed by the West, in modern history?


Washington is getting more and more aggressive, in all parts of the world.

It also pays more and more for collaboration.

And it is not shy to inject terrorist tactics into allied troops, organizations and non-governmental organizations. Hong Kong is no exception.

Iran, Iraq, Syria, Russia, China, Venezuela, but also many other countries, should be carefully watching and analyzing each and every move made by the United States. The West is perfecting tactics on how to liquidate all opposition to its dictates.

It is not called a “war”, yet. But it is. People are dying. The lives of millions are being ruined.


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This article was originally published on China Daily.

Andre Vltchek is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He has covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. Five of his latest books are “China Belt and Road Initiative: Connecting Countries, Saving Millions of Lives”, “China and Ecological Cavillation”with John B. Cobb, Jr., Revolutionary Optimism, Western Nihilism, a revolutionary novel “Aurora” and a bestselling work of political non-fiction: “Exposing Lies Of The Empire”. View his other books here. Watch Rwanda Gambit, his groundbreaking documentary about Rwanda and DRCongo and his film/dialogue with Noam Chomsky “On Western Terrorism”. Vltchek presently resides in East Asia and the Middle East, and continues to work around the world. He can be reached through his website and his Twitter. His Patreon. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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On Tuesday, January 14, 2020, Israeli crop-duster planes flew along the perimeter fence separating Gaza and Israel, spraying chemicals assumed to be herbicides into the Strip. Israel continued to conduct aerial herbicide spraying along additional sections of the perimeter fence on Wednesday, January 15, as well on the morning of January 16. Each morning, the spraying was conducted sporadically for about four hours, with the sprayed chemicals reaching Palestinian farmlands inside Gaza.

Palestinian farmers who were working the land west of the perimeter fence on Tuesday morning told Al Mezan that at about 7:20 am, they saw plumes of black smoke emanating from Israel’s side of the fence, a practice used in the past as a means to discern wind direction. A few minutes later, crop-duster planes flew along the perimeter fence spraying chemicals believed to be herbicides, carried by westward-blowing winds into the Strip. Over the course of the three days, aerial spraying was conducted in areas adjacent to the fence stretching from Beit Hanoun in the north of the Strip and all the way south to the section of the fence to the east of Khan Yunis. Samples from affected fields have been sent for lab testing, and the results are expected next week.

On Thursday, January 16, human rights organizations Gisha, Adalah and Al Mezan sent a letter (Hebrew) to Israel’s Minister of Defense Naftali Bennett, Military Advocate General Sharon Afek, and Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit with an urgent demand to refrain from conducting further aerial spraying of herbicides inside and near the Gaza Strip, due to the severe damage to crops and the health risks to Gaza residents.

The last time Israel conducted aerial herbicide spraying was in December 2018. No incidents of spraying were recorded in 2019, which was the first year without spraying since Israel first implemented the hazardous practice in 2014. In a clip produced by human rights organizations Gisha, Adalah and Al Mezan over the summer, farmers and shepherds whose livelihoods depend on access to the lands closest to the fence with Israel described the damage caused by spraying over the years and emphasized the potential of a season without spraying.

In response to Freedom of Information requests submitted by Gisha over the years, Israel has admitted to conducting aerial spraying over Israeli territory near the perimeter fence almost 30 times between 2014 and 2018. It is estimated that aerial herbicide spraying by Israel has affected a total area of 7,620 dunams of arable land in the Strip.

In July 2019, the London-based research agency Forensic Architecture published a multi-media investigation into the practice, based in large part on research and legal work by Gisha, Adalah, and Al Mezan. The report strengthened the organizations’ findings whereby aerial herbicide spraying by Israel has damaged lands deep inside the Strip.

In their letter, Gisha, Adalah and Al Mezan stressed that such disproportionate action, with detrimental impact on livelihoods and the health of the civilian population, is unlawful under both Israeli and international law. The organizations call on Israeli authorities to put an immediate stop to all aerial spraying activities in and near the Strip in order to allow Gaza’s farming sector to develop and prosper.


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Featured image: Aerial spraying to the east of Khan Yunis on January 16, 2020. Photo by Salah Al Najjar

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As Iran puts the final nail in its nuclear agreement with the West, hyperbolic headlines have warned that the Islamic Republic could have a nuclear weapon “within months.” Politicians have said it, pundits have repeated it, and hawkish national security experts proclaim it with barely disguised excitement.

Don’t believe it for a second. The entire formulation of Iran’s “breakout period” after which they would present their first and only nuclear bomb is based on an artificial construct—great for talking points and fear mongering from podiums, but in no sense a scientific reality.

“As long as I am President of the United States, Iran will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon.” Those words, delivered in a speech by President Donald Trump about escalating military tension between the U.S. and Iran, underscore the reality that it is Iran’s nuclear program that drives U.S. policy regarding the use of military force.

The fear of an Iranian nuclear weapon has been at the top of a list of so-called malign activities undertaken by the Iranian government that the Trump administration alleges threaten regional security and by extension U.S. national interests. While the issues on this list are not new (having defined U.S.-Iranian relations for the better part of two decades), the stakes involved have never been higher. The framework of agreements that have held the Iranian nuclear program in check during this time have deteriorated to the point of collapse, and the ramifications promise to be dire.

At the heart of the crisis with Iran is a nuclear enrichment program that has been subjected to an unprecedented degree of international scrutiny, and about which there is virtually nothing that is unknown in terms of its present composition and functioning. As a signatory to the nonproliferation treaty (Iran signed the NPT in 1968 and ratified it in 1970), Iran’s nuclear activities are subjected to safeguards inspections carried out under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The history of Iran’s nuclear program is a long and complex one, unfolding over the course of four decades. During this time, Iran rose to the forefront of nuclear development under the Shah, only to collapse into ruin and stasis under the Islamic Republic that replaced the Shah in 1979.

When the Iranian government decided in the early 1990s to revive its nuclear power program, it turned to the black market to acquire the technology needed to build a viable nuclear fuel cycle, inclusive of uranium enrichment. This put Iran in contact with the father of the Pakistani atomic bomb, A.Q. Khan, forever tainting Iran’s program with the specter of military intent.

The concern that Iran was pursuing a covert nuclear weapons program was heightened considerably when, in 2002, its secret uranium enrichment plant at Natanz was revealed to the world by Iranian opposition leaders. This set off a 13-year crisis between Tehran and the international community over whether Iran would be allowed to master the nuclear fuel cycle needed to indigenously produce fuel for nuclear power reactors.

The Iran nuclear crisis was finally resolved in 2015 after years of diplomatic confrontation and negotiation culminating with the so-called Iranian nuclear agreement, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Program of Action (JCPOA). The JCPOA was structured around a purely hypothetical construct postulated by the U.S. known as the “one year breakout window”—simply put, the combination of enrichment capability measured in terms of operational centrifuges of a specific type (in this case, the IR-1 centrifuge) and on-hand stocks of low-enriched uranium necessary for Iran to produce a single nuclear device over the course of one year.

The U.S. had attached considerable importance to this one-year “window”: so long as IAEA inspectors, implementing a program of enhanced safeguards inspections, were able to verify that Iran was in compliance with the restrictions set forth in the JCPOA, then the world could rest easy knowing that there would be at least a year’s notice before Iran could build a nuclear weapon. During that time, a coalition could be formed and a range of options put forward designed to deter Iran from going forward.

The JCPOA entered into force in 2016, and for the next two-plus years, functioned well—Iran was repeatedly found to be in full compliance with its obligations.

But the JCPOA had a fatal flaw in its construct: by embracing the notion of a one-year breakout window, the framers of the JCPOA by extension perpetuated the myth of an Iranian nuclear bomb. The JCPOA was not intended as a permanent check on Iran’s nuclear program, but rather a confidence-building mechanism that would see its restrictions gradually expire via so-called “sunset clauses.” Once these “sunset clauses” ran out, Iran would have been permitted to install and operate as many advanced centrifuges as it desired and enrich and store as much low-level uranium as needed.

In short, the “breakout window” would collapse to a figure of a few months or less. The hope of the JCPOA was that by the time the “sunset clauses” expired, relations with Iran would have improved to the point that the world no longer feared the possibility of an Iranian “breakout” toward a nuclear weapons capability.

Iran was never given a chance to build this bond of trust with the world. From the perspective of the Trump administration, the JCPOA was not a ratified treaty carrying the weight of law, but rather an executive agreement that could be reversed at the whim of a succeeding presidential administration. In 2016, then-candidate Donald Trump campaigned on the premise that Iran represented a threat to the U.S. and its allies, and that the JCPOA, through its “sunset clauses,” only served to fast-track Iran’s nuclear ambitions under the protection of the international community.

Following his election, Trump precipitously withdrew from the JCPOA, re-imposing economic sanctions as part of a so-called “maximum pressure” campaign designed to compel Iran into negotiating a new agreement that banned all nuclear enrichment activities.

In response, Iran has, over time, ended the restrictions imposed by the JCPOA, citing relevant language allowing for such action in the event of non-performance by a party or parties to the agreement. Iran now holds that the European Union and the governments of France, Germany, and the UK (all parties to the JCPOA) have failed to hold up their end by restricting economic interaction with Iran out of fear of secondary U.S. sanctions, which would be imposed on any company doing business with Iran. The final straw came earlier this month, when Iran terminated all restrictions on its enrichment effort and, in doing so, made moot the one-year breakout window that had underpinned the JCPOA.

While Iran maintains that all of its actions are reversible if all parties to the JCPOA come into compliance with their respective obligations (meaning that the EU live up to its obligations regarding trade), the reality is that, using the “breakout” formulation, Iran will be within two to three months of a nuclear weapons capability by the end of 2020.

But this this figure is a totally artificial construct that ignores the reality and complexities associated with nuclear weapons development above and beyond the act of uranium enrichment, all of which are virtually impossible to hide from international scrutiny. But perception creates its own reality, and so long as Iran is assessed to have a breakout window of two to three months, the threat of an Iranian bomb becomes a political, if not technological, fact.

The major constraint for any Iranian nuclear “breakout” is the presence of IAEA inspectors, whose mission is enshrined by the NPT, not the JCPOA. So long as these inspectors remain, any effort by Iran to divert nuclear material for use in a weapon would be readily detected.

But there is a hitch—the governments of Germany, France, and the UK, under pressure by the U.S., have initiated a dispute resolution mechanism, charging Iran with non-performance under the JCPOA because of its actions in ending JCPOA-mandated restrictions. If no resolution can be reached, then the matter will be turned over to the UN Security Council, where the resumption of UN-backed economic sanctions terminated under the JCPOA is all but assured.

Iran has made it clear that if its nuclear program is referred to the Security Council, it will withdraw from the NPT. Under the terms of the NPT, Iran would have to provide three month’s advance notice, after which time its safeguards agreement would terminate and IAEA inspectors would depart. Under the terms of the JCPOA, a decision regarding referral to the Security Council could take place as soon as 35 days; the Security Council would have up to 30 days to resolve the matter, or else sanctions automatically resume. If Iran followed through on its threat to pull out of the NPT, inspectors could be out of Iran as soon as June 2020. Void of any inspection process in place in Iran, speculation about Iranian intent and capabilities would run wild, stoking fears that would inevitably lead to a U.S.-led war designed to destroy Iran’s nuclear infrastructure and, by extension, the Iranian regime.

While the issue of Iran had seized the headlines with the one-two combination of the Suleimani assassination and Iranian retaliation strikes, the news cycle has since shifted to the impeachment trial of President Trump. While it is unlikely that President Trump will be removed from office, his impeachment and trial will live on during the silly season of American presidential politics as his Democratic rivals for the presidency vie for the right of facing off against him come November.

By that time, however, the U.S. will have sleepwalked into a war with Iran that was as inevitable as it was avoidable.


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Scott Ritter is a former Marine Corps intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union implementing arms control treaties, in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm, and in Iraq overseeing the disarmament of WMD. He is the author of several books, most recently, Deal of the Century: How Iran Blocked the West’s Road to War (2018).

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Rockets Strike US Embassy in Baghdad

January 27th, 2020 by Stephen Lendman

Iraq is occupied US territory. 

The vast majority of Iraqis and its ruling authorities want Pentagon and allied forces expelled from the country.

It’s the only way for the nation to regain its sovereignty, lost to US aggression and occupation, a hostile force in numerous countries, making world peace, stability and security unattainable.

Numerous times earlier, rockets and mortar fire struck the heavily fortified 10-sq-km Green Zone in central Baghdad, site of the US embassy, at times causing casualties — attacks occurring earlier in January and on Sunday.

Reportedly three rockets struck the US embassy directly, damaging the facility, injuring one or more staff members.

Citing unnamed sources, Reuters reported three injuries from direct strikes on the US embassy.

Iraqi Al Sumaria television issued a similar report, indicating that helicopters were evacuating some embassy personnel.

Since US occupation followed Bush/Cheney’s 2003 aggression, violence, instability, chaos, and deprivation defined conditions in the war-ravaged country — raped and destroyed by US rage for control of Iraq and the region.

Anti-US rage erupted following the Trump regime’s January 3 assassination of Iranian Quds Force commander General Soleimani and Iraqi de facto PMU head Muhandis.

Last Friday, hundreds of thousands rallied in Baghdad against US occupation of the country, demanding expulsion of its forces.

According to the State Department, over 14 attacks against US personnel occurred in Iraq since last September alone.

Sunday’s incident suggests more of the same ahead. According to one report, yesterday’s attack damaged the embassy’s dining area.

Iraqi MP Hoshyar Zebari said the embassy “restaurant or canteen was damaged and burned.”

The incident came six days after three rockets struck near the embassy, two others landing in the Green Zone on January 9.

As of Monday, the State Department’s website had no information on Sunday’s incident.

Separately, its spokesperson “call(ed) on the government of Iraq to fulfill its obligations to protect our diplomatic facilities (in response to) rockets landing in the” Green Zone, saying nothing about striking the US embassy.

US personnel in the country are reviled and unwanted.

Their presence is all about colonizing Iraq, permanently occupying its territory, controlling its hydrocarbon and other resources, along with using Pentagon bases in the country as platforms for endless regional wars against invented enemies.

On Friday, an Iraqi PMU statement demanded US forces leave the country or be forced out.

Trump threatened tough sanctions on Iraq if US troops are expelled, saying:

“We have a very extraordinarily expensive air base that’s there. It cost billions of dollars to build. We’re not leaving unless they pay us back for it,” adding:

He’ll impose “sanctions (on Iraq) like they’ve never seen before ever.”

He’s mostly following Senate impeachment trial proceedings, over the weekend posting a blizzard of tweets about it — affairs of state largely awaiting its outcome even though the result is virtually certain in the coming days.

Instead of impeaching Trump for legitimate high crimes, Dems chose politicized ones — unrelated to removing him from office, hoping to weaken him ahead of November presidential and congressional elections.

The latest Gallup January 15 tracking poll on Trump’s job approval showed it virtually unchanged from months earlier — 44% expressing approval, 53% disapproving of his performance as president.

Findings of a new Washington Post/ABC News poll were almost identical.

A new Fox News polls showed 50% of respondents in favor of removing Trump from office by impeachment, 44% against — most registered Dems for it, most Republicans against.

Independents support Trump’s removal by a 53 – 34% margin.

Only around one-fourth of respondents believe his Iran agenda made the US safer, around half of those polled believing it’s less safe.

Almost half of respondents think the nation is weaker under his leadership.

Polls on Trump’s job approval ask nothing about his endless wars on humanity at home and abroad.

Both right wings of the US war party share guilt.

Nearly all current and former US officials remain unaccountable for the highest of high impeachable offenses.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Featured image: Iraqi army soldiers are deployed in front of the U.S. embassy, in Baghdad, Iraq, Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2020.Nasser Nasser/AP

Selected Articles: Virus Pandemics

January 27th, 2020 by Global Research News

Lying is a money making activity and lies are commodities. There is a profitable global market for media and public figures committed to spreading disinformation.

Needless to say, “Telling the Truth”, on the other hand, Is Not a Money-Making Proposition. The monthly deficit we have been faced with over the past year is proof of this concept.

With this in mind, can you spare a dollar a day to keep disinformation away? Your support could make the difference and ensure that is here for a long time to come!

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Genetically Modified Seeds: Bayer Builds Latin America’s Largest Seed Factory in Chile

By GMWatch, January 27, 2020

Following is an English translation of an article from the German newspaper Deutsche Welle (DW), translated by  from the Spanish version circulated by Network for a Latin America Free of Transgenics (RALLT).

“Bayer-Monsanto: Get Out of Chile”, was the slogan on banners in Santiago on May 19 during the “March against Monsanto” protest, which took place in 30 cities around the world for an agriculture without pesticides and against the use of genetically modified seeds.

Auschwitz: IG Farben and the History of the “Business with Disease”

By Dr. Rath Health Foundation, January 27, 2020

The most powerful German economic corporate emporium in the first half of this century was the Interessengemeinschaft Farben or IG Farben, for short. Interessengemeinschaft stands for “Association of Common Interests” and was nothing more than a powerful cartel of BASF, Bayer, Hoechst, and other German chemical and pharmaceutical companies. IG Farben was the single largest donor to the election campaign of Adolph Hitler. One year before Hitler seized power, IG Farben donated 400,000 marks to Hitler and his Nazi party. Accordingly, after Hitler’s seizure of power, IG Farben was the single largest profiteer of the German conquest of the world, the Second World War.

Only One Lab in China Can Safely Handle the New Coronavirus

By Nicoletta Lanese, January 26, 2020

The lab happens to sit in the center of Wuhan, the city where the newly identified coronavirus first appeared, according to the Hindustan Times, an Indian news outlet. The facility, known as the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, is housed within the Chinese Academy of Sciences and was specifically designed to help Chinese scientists “prepare for and respond to future infectious disease outbreaks,” according to a 2019 report published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Remember the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Manipulating the Data to Justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 25, 2020

A Worldwide public health emergency is unfolding on an unprecedented scale. 4.9 billion doses of H1N1 swine flu vaccine are envisaged by the World Health Organization (WHO).

A report by President Obama’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology  “considers the H1N1 pandemic ‘a serious health threat; to the U.S. — not as serious as the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic but worse than the swine flu outbreak of 1976.”

China’s New Coronavirus: An Examination of the Facts

By Larry Romanoff, January 25, 2020

The Western mass media have discussed the new corona virus that began in the city of Wuhan in Central China but, apart from repetitive small details and the inevitable China-bashing, not much light has been shed on the circumstances. My initial commentary here is composed from a medley of nearly 100 Western news reports, primarily ABC, CBS, CNN, AFP, and from some Chinese media. Officially called the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), the contagion is a respiratory illness, a new type of viral pneumonia, in the same family of infections as SARS and MERS.

Bush Grandpa’s Ties to Nazis Clearer on 75th Auschwitz Memorial

By Ralph Lopez, January 25, 2020

The ties between Hitler’s Nazis and American businessmen such as Henry Ford, Averell Harriman, and Senator Prescott Bush, the father of George H. W Bush, have long been cited in lawsuits filed by Holocaust survivors seeking compensation for their suffering. The late Senator Prescott Bush’s German assets were seized in 1942 by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt under the Trading with the Enemy Act, which also carried prison penalties which Bush escaped. Historical scholarship over the last decade shows that Bush was deeply enmeshed in business which was vital to the rise of Nazi Germany, and almost certainly knew that his profits were driven by slave labor.


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The Troubling Decline of International Law

January 27th, 2020 by Craig Murray

While it is true that rogue states – most notably the USA – have always posed a threat to the rule of international law, I see no serious room to dispute that the development of the corpus of international law, and of the institutions to implement it, was one of the great achievements of the twentieth century, and did a huge amount to reduce global conflict.

The International Court of Justice, the Law of the Sea Tribunal, the European Court of Justice, the World Trade Organisation, these are just some of the institutions which have played an extremely positive role, helping resolve hundreds of disputes during their existence and, still more importantly, helping establish rules that prevented thousands more disputes from arising. Regional Organisations, dozens of them including the EU, the African Union and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, have also flourished.

The judgement of the ICJ in the 160 cases it has heard has almost always been respected by the parties to the case. That has applied even when the dispute is radical, inflammatory and had already led to fighting and deaths, such as the settlement of the Nigeria/Cameroon border. The ICJ has been a massive success story.

The foundation of the International Criminal Court in 2002 was the high water mark in establishing the rule of law as the guiding principle of international affairs. As with all the major worldwide institutions of international law, the UK had played a leading role in the establishment of the ICC. I was in the FCO at the time, and I remember the quiet confidence that eventually the USA would join up, just as they had with the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea after decades of havering. In fact, the ICC has been a major disappointment, of which more later. I refer to 2002 as the high water mark for the rule of international law, because subsequently the tide has turned decisively against it.

When Blair and Bush invaded Iraq, not only without the sanction of the UN Security Council but in the certain knowledge the Security Council was against it, and in Blair’s case against the unanimous opinion of the FCO’s entire cadre of Legal Advisers who stated that the war was illegal, they not only precipitated a crisis that has resulted in millions of deaths, they dealt a killing blow to the entire fabric of international law.

The results are now becoming every day more visible. We have just survived for now, thanks to Iran’s remarkable sense and restraint, a dangerous crisis in the Middle East following the illegal assassination of General Soleimani, who was travelling on a diplomatic mission at the time. The use on a massive scale of execution by drone – including execution of UK and US nationals – by the British and American governments, often without the permission of the government in whose territory the execution takes place, is an appalling breach of international law for which there appears to be no effective remedy.

The FCO Legal Advisers refused to advise that the killing of Soleimani was legal in international law. However the UK government no longer cares if something is legal in international law or not. The government line was originally that there was an “arguable case” that the assassination was legal, then after objections from legal advisers the line changed to “it is not for the UK to determine whether the drone strike is legal”.

The United Kingdom used to be a pillar, arguably the most important pillar, of international law. Thanks to a series of neo-con politicians, including Blair, Straw, Cameron, May and Johnson, the UK scarcely makes a pretence any more abut giving a fig about international law. It simply ignores the instruction of the United Nations and the International Court of Justice to decolonise the Chagos Islands. It refuses to implement the binding international arbitration on debt owed to Iran. It mocks the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. It refuses to allow the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women into asylum detention centres. I could go on. A direct consequence of this is sharply diminished UK influence in the world, and in particular for the first time in 71 years it does not have a seaton the International Court of Justice. As the UK has effectively spurned the authority of the ICJ, this is scarcely surprising.

It was the UK’s reputation as an upholder of international law that moderated outrage at the UN at the UK’s anachronistic permanent membership of the UN Security Council. That international respect no longer exists, and the British Government are deluded if they think that the UK’s privileged UN status will last forever, especially as it can no longer be represented as a proxy for EU foreign policy.

The UN itself is of course suffering a sustained threat to its authority. It is simply ignored on the dreadful Saudi led disaster in Yemen. By refusing the Iranian foreign minister a visa to attend a Security Council meeting on Soleimani, the USA struck at the very purpose of the UN. If the institution is to be held the hostage of its geographical host, what is its purpose? Ultimately, to regain relevance the UN would have both democratically to reform and to relocate, perhaps to South Africa. I do not see that happening in the near future.

As for the International Criminal Court, that has been a severe disappointment which in many ways symbolises the collapse of international law. Its failure to prosecute Bush and Blair for the war on Iraq set its direction from the beginning. Waging aggressive war is in itself a war crime and was indelibly established as such by the Nuremburg Tribunal. That it was not specifically mentioned in the Rome Statute was a flimsy pretext from judges not willing to take on power. The same judges have bottled out of investigation of US crimes in Afghanistan and appear to be in the same process over war crimes in Gaza, where astonishingly there has been no backing from states for the ICC against Netanyahu’s threat to institute sanctions against ICC staff if investigations continue. I used to defend the ICC robustly over accusations that it was simply a tool of neo-con policy. I now find it very hard to do so.

The UK is not the only country ignoring international law. Spain’s repudiation of the European Court of Justice decision that Junqueras must be released to take his seat in the European Parliament is a huge blow to the prestige and authority of that organisation. Spain’s vicious persecution of Catalonia is itself the most comprehensive challenge that “western values” have faced for decades in the European heartland, by a large measure worse than anything which Orban has done. Spain completely ignores its Council of Europe obligations.

The structure of international law is looking very shoogly indeed. It does matter, a very great deal. The world is becoming a significantly more dangerous place as a result.


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Featured image is from edgarwinkler / Pixabay

The world is saying no to war with Iran and US out of the Middle East. Hundreds of protests were held in the United States and around the world on Saturday with a unified voice of “No War.” These protests are in solidarity with massive protests in Iraq calling for the US to get out where it is now an occupying force as the government has asked it to leave.

These protests and the uprising over the US remaining in Iraq are not being covered in the US corporate media. Millions of people participated in the memorials for General Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandes after the US assassinated them. Now, millions have protested the refusal of the US to leave Iraq. The Pentagon knows the reality is that US troops in Iraq are at increasing risk every day the US stays in that sovereign nation.

The warnings have been sent. i24 News reports that up to five missiles struck near the US Embassy in Baghdad today. “Sunday’s attack was the second night in a row that the Green Zone was hit and the 15th time over the last two months that US installations have been targeted.”

The Pentagon will need to tell President Trump that he has two choices to protect US troops. The first choice is to abide by the law and the demands of the Iraqi government by leaving Iraq. The second choice is to escalate and bring in tens of thousands of more troops as well as anti-missile systems. Iran showed the US that even when they warned them they would be attacking a base with several hours’ notice so personnel could leave, the US military was unable to stop the Iranian missiles. Iran has also shown that it can shoot down US drones over the Strait of Hormuz.

The US needs to leave Iraq and the Middle East and stop threatening Iran or it risks spending hundreds of billions of dollars and risking the lives of US troops. All this for oil that President Trump says the US does not need. In this era when the fossil fuel economy must come to an end, it is time for the US to get out of the Middle East.

Massive Protests in Iraq Demand the US Leave

Telesur reports, “According to estimates of the Iraqi police commander Jaafar Al-Batat, over 1 million people Thursday demanded the departure of U.S. troops from Iraq with a march in Baghdad, which was convened by cleric Muqtada Al-Sadr three weeks after the murder of Iran’s General Qasem Soleimani.”

The message of the protest was very clear from the signs and actions of the protesters.  Banners included “No, No to the U.S. and Yes to Iraqi sovereignty,” “The willingness of free nations is stronger than the U.S. aggression,” and “Global terrorism is made in the U.S.” Another sign sent a very clear message “To the Families of American soldiers Insist on the Withdrawal of Your Sons from Our Country, or Prepare their Coffins.” [Emphasis in Original] Protesters carried burned images of Donald Trump, others raised photos of the US president’s face crossed out with a red “X”. On the speaker’s stage, a large sign read, “Get Out America.”

Shia Cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr, who helped organize the protest said, regarding the demand of the government that the US leave Iraq, “If the U.S. meets these demands, then it is not an aggressor country” but the US will become a “hostile country” if it fails to do so. Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani, the highest Shiite religious authority in Iraq said, “the need to respect the sovereignty of Iraq, the independence of its political decision, and its territorial unity.”

The Prime Minister and the Parliament called for US troops to leave Iraq. In a telephone call, Prime Minister Abdel Mahdi told Secretary of State Mike Pompeoto prepare to leave Iraq. Article 24 of the agreement between the US and Iraq regarding troops states that the “US recognizes the sovereign right of the government of Iraq to request the departure of the US forces from Iraq any time.”  Pompeo gave a foolish answer, turning the US into an occupying force by saying, “The US shall not withdraw from Iraq” but inconsistently said it “respects its sovereignty and decisions.” President Trump threatened Iraq saying he would impose “sanctions like they’ve never seen before” and “its Central Bank account held at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York with $35 billion could be shut down.” US Ambassador to Iraq Mathew Tueller delivered to Iraqi officials a copy of all the possible US sanctions Iraq could face.

These responses led to mass protests. The threat to US troops is very real. Sources in Prime Minister Mahdi’s office said the US is “bringing war upon itself and transforming Iraq into a battlefield” if it fails to leave. He warns, “The US will be faced with strong and legitimate popular armed resistance.”

The current conflict needs to be viewed in the context of Iraq being devasted by US actions. The Clinton administration sanctions killed 500,000 children, and the US invasion and occupation, which followed in 2003, resulted in the deaths of over one million Iraqis. More recently, the US tried to extort Iraq by demanding half its oil profits in exchange for damages the US war caused. When the Prime Minister turned to China for assistance instead, Trump threatened Iraq. The Iraqi people have had enough of US intervention. It is time for the United States to leave.

No War With Iran, January 25, from East Bay DSA Twitter

The World Joins Opposition To War With Iran, Calls For US Out of The Middle East

On January 25, a Global Day of Protest was called in solidarity with the people of Iraq and Iran. There were protests in more than 210 cities in 22 countries. The protest was organized by numerous antiwar organizations including the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC), the ANSWER Coalition, CODE PINK, Black Alliance for Peace, the International Action Center, Popular Resistance and many more.

UNAC pointed out that Iran has been a victim of US aggression since the 1953 coup against the democratically-elected president Mohammed Mossadegh. This was followed by the brutal rule of the US-supported Shah of Iran until the 1979 Iranian Revolution. Sanctions were immediately imposed on Iran and from 1980-1988 the US fueled the Iran-Iraq war, which killed more than one million people. In 1988, the US shot down an Iranian civilian passenger plane, killing more than 290 Iranian civilians, for which the US has still not apologized for or explained. The US has imposed escalating crippling sanctions that have devastated Iran’s economy and the lives of its citizens. Trump’s unilateral withdrawal from the nuclear agreement has led to even more sanctions. Donald Trump’s order to assassinate General Soleimani was the culmination of his campaign of “maximum pressure” against the Islamic Republic of Iran supported by both Democrats and Republicans.

CODEPINK sent an open letter to the people of Iran expressing that the people of the United States are “horrified by the actions of our government to provoke a war…” and apologizing for the reckless actions of President Trump. They expressed opposition to the withdrawal of the United States from the nuclear agreement, the maximum-pressure campaign and the assassination of General Soleimani writing, “Poll after poll reveals that the American people do not want a war with Iran. We want to end the Middle East wars that the U.S. has engaged in for far too long.”

This weekend’s massive protests were the second protests since the US reignited the risk of war in Iraq and war against Iran. One day after the January 3 assassination of Qassem Soleimani, the renewed antiwar movement called for protests and thousands of protesters rallied in more than 82 cities in 38 states involving tens of thousands of people.

The world saying, “US out of the Middle East and no war on Iran”, and governments are also siding with Iran to end US hegemony. There are many countries coming to the side of Iran, perhaps most important are the Chinese-Iranian economic agreements, which have undermined US sanctions and integrated Iran into a Chinese-led Eurasian Belt and Road Initiative. The US deems this an imminent threat. In 2016, Iranian President Hassan Rohani announced during a visit from China’s President Xi Jinping that Iran and China had created a $600 billion dollar, 25-year political and trade alliance.

The military alliance developing between China, Russia, and Iran is another major threat to US domination. Iran, China, and Russia held joint naval drills in the Gulf of Oman, a “normal military exchange” that reflected the nations’ “will and capabilities to jointly maintain world peace and maritime security,” just days before the murder of Soleimani.

China and Russia have been critical to multiple countries under economic attack and military threats by the United States. This includes Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, North Korea, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and many others. A new balance of power is developing. The US peace movement needs to understand these realities and join a global movement against US imperialism.

Getting Out of the US War Quagmires in the Middle East

The United States needs to reverse course after decades of mistakes, destruction, chaos and death in the Middle East. The US is not welcome in the region and will face increasing costs if it stays.

Foreign Minister Javad Zarif sent a biting tweet to Donald Trump where he urged him to act on facts, not FOX news headlines and linked to an interview with Der Spiegel highting a small portion:

DER SPIEGEL: Do you rule out the possibility of negotiations with the U.S. following Soleimani’s murder?

Zarif: No, I never rule out the possibility that people will change their approach and recognize the realities. For us, it doesn’t matter who is sitting in the White House. What matters is how they behave. The Trump administration can correct its past, lift the sanctions and come back to the negotiating table. We’re still at the negotiating table. They’re the ones who left. The U.S. has inflicted great harm on the Iranian people. The day will come when they will have to compensate for that. We have a lot of patience.

Conflict resolution expert Diane Perlman sees hope in the potential for ratcheting down conflicts between the US and Iran and Iraq. The proportional response by Iran for the assassination of General Soleimani, and the non-escalation by President Trump to that response are positive signs. Donald Trump has said the Middle East wars have cost trillions of dollars for no useful purpose. Iran does not want war. Iraq does not want its nation used as a battlefield. The US public and peace movement want our troops out. The nations of the world do not want another protracted Middle East war. She points out that de-escalation could “address different fundamental needs for each party.” The US leaving Iraq is a “potentially elegant solution” especially when the “unthinkable alternative” is escalation and more war.

We must continue to demand that the US follow the rule of law, respect the sovereignty of other nations, end the illegal coercive economic measures and get our bases and troops out of other countries. We urge you to participate in the upcoming events such as the day of action against sanctions and the conferences in New York and Cyprus.


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Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers co-direct Popular Resistance where this article was originally published.

Featured image is from Popular Resistance

NATO al Qaeda ground operatives in Syria continue their recent acceleration of terrorist atrocities against Syria. Rocket bombs have again been fired into civilian neighborhoods of Aleppo. Armed human garbage continue to prevent civilians to be escorted to safe areas via humanitarian corridors from Idlib and Aleppo countrysides. Syrian air defense has shot down several drones near Lattakia.

Civilian Mohamad Hesso was murdered Sunday, 19 January, when NATO’s al Qaeda terrorists fired several rockets into the 3000 Apartments Project in the Halab al Jadida neighborhood of Aleppo city. Housing, businesses, and vehicles were destroyed, mostly courtesy of the US taxpayer (how many times has Trump complained that other NATO countries are not paying their “fair share”? These deadly weapons do not fall like manna from the heavens; they NATO weapons, and they are delivered to the savages in Syria.).

Over the past days, 11 civilians were martyred, more than 24 others were injured, and material damages were caused to the homes and properties of the people as a result of terrorist rocket shells attacks on safe neighborhoods in Aleppo city. — SANA

Also on Sunday, NATO’s al Qaeda terrorists fired a series of weaponized drones toward Hmeimim Airport, in Lattakia countryside. Syria’s air defense system neutralized these bombs, fired from that al Qaeda haven known as Idlib, that terrorist oasis supported by NATO countries.

19 January, Aleppo/Idleb, SANA – Terrorist organizations in Idleb countryside and Aleppo southern countryside continued on Sunday to prevent civilians from exiting to safe areas through humanitarian corridors in Abu al-Duhour, al-Habbit, and al-Hader.

In news not related to immediate atrocities by NATO terrorists, the Electricity Ministry has begun rehabilitation of the 5th Group of the Aleppo Generation Plant, despite unilateral economic terrorism by NATO countries against the Syrian Arab Republic.


On 18 January, President Bashar al Assad issued Decrees which prohibit the use of non-Syria pound currency, increase the penalties for black marketeering of currency exchange, and make illegal the publication of fake news within the Republic.

Arrests of amoral black marketeers amenable to enriching themselves by helping to destroy their country’s financial system, have already begun.

Shall we anticipate that NATO media will soon be calling these criminals, “activists” — as has already been done with convicted felons and drug addicts such as Raed Fares — singing their praises, and that the P3 mobsters running the UN will demand their release?


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Featured image: Mohamad Hesso was murdered when NATO terrorists fired rockets into his neighborhood in Aleppo. (Source: Syria News)

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The International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the Rohingyas

January 27th, 2020 by Dr. Chandra Muzaffar

The International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) Order to the Government of the Republic of Myanmar to adopt various provisional measures to protect the Rohingya community from “physical destruction” and to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of Article 11 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide including killing members of the group and imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group” is a decision of tremendous significance. The Order also urges the Myanmar military as well as any regular armed units which may be directed or supported by (the military) and any organisation or person which may be subject to its control, direction or influence not to commit genocide or be complicit in acts of genocide. The Government of Myanmar is also required in the Order to submit a report to the ICJ on all measures intended to give effect to the Order within four months as from the date of the Order and thereafter every six months until a final decision on the case is rendered by the Court.

Needless to say, the Government of Myanmar has rejected the ICJ’s Order. It denies that there has been any genocide against the Rohingyas. However, reports from independent human rights observers and from Rohingyas themselves — many of them refugees living in other countries — tell a different story. It is this evidence adduced by the government of the Gambia especially its Justice Minister, Abubacarr Tambadou, which convinced the ICJ panel that the allegations of genocide against the Myanmar Government had a basis.

The world should now use the ICJ’s stand to mount a massive global campaign on behalf of the oppressed and discriminated Rohingya. It should in fact go beyond the ICJ’s Order and address the root cause of the suffering of the Rohingya people. Stripping them of their Myanmar citizenship in 1982 is what is largely responsible for their oppression and marginalisation.  This is why the world in endorsing the ICJ’s decision should also plead with the Myanmar government to restore the citizenship of all Rohingyas who qualify for citizenship.

The media both old and new have a critical role to play. It is disappointing that even in their coverage of the ICJ decision most of the media have been somewhat lukewarm. There has been very little support by way of follow-up articles and the like. And yet the ICJ is a mainstream institution with a high degree of credibility.

One hopes the UN General Assembly will also be persuaded to endorse the ICJ decision, reinforced by a call to grant citizenship to the Rohingya people.  Perhaps the government of the Gambia should take the lead. It is said that in bringing the Rohingya case to the ICJ, the Gambia was motivated largely by its conscience, specifically the pain and anguish leaders like Tambadou felt when the carnage in Rwanda occurred in the mid nineteen nineties.

As demonstrated by the government of the Gambia, the nine ASEAN governments who share a regional platform with Myanmar should also for once act on the basis of their conscience. They should set aside concerns such as trade and investments, big power politics and geopolitical pressures and focus solely upon the ordeal of a people facing extermination, and act accordingly.

It is not just ASEAN that should respond to the ICJ. What about China? China for geopolitical and geo-economic reasons has become particularly close to the Myanmar government. Can the Chinese leadership rise above these considerations and instead emphasise the vital importance of our common humanity and our human dignity? One can ask the same question of India and of Japan in their relations with the Myanmar government.

Of course, the Myanmar government’s treatment of the Rohingya minority will only change for the better if the majority of the Myanmar people express strongly their disapproval of present policies. They should urge their government to heed the ICJ’s Order. This is not likely to happen in the foreseeable future. It appears that the majority of the populace are attached to a Burman-Buddhist identity that does not really accommodate the non-Burman, non- Buddhist minorities — a notion of identity which the ruling elite with the military at its core espouses. Antagonism towards the Rohingya is part of this notion of identity.

What this means is that if a substantial segment of Myanmar society is going to persuade their government to adhere to the ICJ’s Order, it will be because of external pressure. Hence the importance of accelerating pressure through ASEAN, the big Powers, the UN General Assembly and global public opinion.


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Dr Chandra Muzaffar is the President of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST). Malaysia.

Following is an English translation of an article from the German newspaper Deutsche Welle (DW), translated by  from the Spanish version circulated by Network for a Latin America Free of Transgenics (RALLT).

“Bayer-Monsanto: Get Out of Chile”, was the slogan on banners in Santiago on May 19 during the “March against Monsanto” protest, which took place in 30 cities around the world for an agriculture without pesticides and against the use of genetically modified seeds.

Just a few days earlier, the Bayer pharmaceutical consortium had been ordered to pay more than $2 billion to a couple in the United States who claimed to have had cancer due to the use of Roundup, a herbicide developed by Bayer’s subsidiary, Monsanto.

Critical voices grow in Chile

About 50 kilometers south of Santiago are two of the largest seed production plants in Chile. In September 2018, after the purchase of Monsanto, Bayer CropScience announced the modernization of the Viluco plant, the only factory that produces vegetable seeds in South America and one of the company’s three largest factories worldwide.

“We want to modernize the technology and processes, so that the factory reaches the standards of the factories in the Netherlands and the United States,” said Yuri Charme of Bayer CropScience. The project, called “Satisfaction of demand”, aims to increase seed production by 20% so that Chile can meet 70% of demand in the region in the near future.

Chile is the largest seed exporter in the southern hemisphere. According to figures from the Federation of Seed Producers (ChileBio), the country exported seeds worth $338.5 million in 2016/2017, a fifth of which were GM. One of the advantages of having a seed business in Chile is that when it is winter in Europe, there it is summer.

GM plant pollen contaminates local seeds

The vegetable seed that is processed at the factory in Viluco represents, so far, a small part of the seed exports. Far more important are corn, soybeans and rapeseed. These are processed in another factory, a few kilometers south of Viluco, in the rural community of Paine. There, the majority of the population subsists from agriculture. Already in 2016, before the merger with Bayer, Monsanto had announced the expansion of the factory, which led a group of citizens to found the Paine Defence Committee.

“The largest seed processing plant in Latin America is being built here. There are no studies on its environmental impact. Politicians approved the project without consulting people’s opinions,” says Camila Olavarría, spokesman for the committee.

The inhabitants of Paine fear the contamination of local seeds by cross-pollination when pollen from modified plant fields is transported by wind to neighboring fields. This is particularly easy with rapeseed, because its pollen flies up to three kilometers.

“Most of the seeds here have been genetically modified”

In EU countries, the cultivation of genetically modified rapeseed is prohibited. In Chile, however, cultivation is allowed for research and export purposes. The only way to avoid cross-pollination would be a sufficient distance between crops. This prevention measure is not implemented in Chile.

Olavarría believes that the seeds in Paine are already contaminated:

“Most of the seeds here have been genetically modified. Bayer-Monsanto gives local farmers seeds that they sow on their land. They then have to return some seeds that are then processed in Paine and Viluco and exported,” he explains. And he adds that “farmers receive the seeds along with a package of pesticide products like Roundup”.

“There are more and more cancer diagnoses”

Roundup, the brand name of glyphosate, is the best selling herbicide in Chile. In March 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified glyphosate as a “probable carcinogen”. Camila Navarro, also a member of the Paine Defense Committee, points out that in her community “the number of people with cancer is growing, not only among farmers, but also among seasonal farmworkers and people close to the fields.”

He points out that the children of seasonal farmworkers frequently suffer from speech defects and cognitive disorders. He adds that there are also reports about pregnant women who work in the fields, and who suffer miscarriages or whose babies are born with fatal malformations. There are no official studies on the relationship between pesticides and these diseases.

Action network calls for ban on glyphosate in Chile

Cancer is the second most common cause of death in Chile. Each year, there are 45,000 new cases, according to the Chilean Ministry of Health earlier this year. A network for action against pesticides calls for a ban on glyphosate in Chile. Lucia Sepúlveda, one of its members, told DW that “Bayer and Monsanto are not welcome in Chile,” and concludes that the cultivation of genetically modified plants and pesticides “damages the environment and the health of the population.”


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Featured image: March Against Monsanto, Chile, 2013, by Mapuexpress Informativo Mapuche/Marcha nacional No a la Ley Monsanto, via Wiki Commons. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license

ISIS and likeminded terrorist groups were made in the USA — recruited, armed, funded, trained and directed by Pentagon special forces and CIA operatives — on US bases in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere.

Jihadists are used by the US as proxy fighters in Iraq, Syria, and other designated war theaters — supported by Pentagon terror-bombing.

What establishment media don’t report is what’s most important for everyone to know, including a question never asked or answered in the mainstream.

Where do heavy and other weapons used by ISIS and other jihadists come from? They don’t materialize out of thin air.

They include tanks, large-caliber mortars, HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems, artillery, surface-to-air-missiles, man-portable Manpads able to down low-flying aircraft and helicopters, TOW-guided anti-tank missiles, and other weapons.

They’re made in the USA, other Western countries, Israel, Turkey and elsewhere — supplied to jihadists by the ruling regimes of these countries, along with training in their use.

Throughout years of war in Syria and Iraq, their militaries seized large amounts of weapons and munitions supplied to jihadists from abroad.

Instead of combatting terrorists, the US and its so-called “coalition” partners actively aid these elements — one of many dirty secrets about US aggression in multiple theaters.

Syrian and Iraqi forces also witnessed airdrops of weapons, munitions, related military equipment, food and other supplies to jihadists — by US and allied aircraft.

They also monitored redeployment of jihadists from various locations to others, the Pentagon airlifting or otherwise redeploying them to areas where its commanders want them used.

Last week according to the Arabic-language al-Ma’aloumeh news website, senior Iraqi MP Karin al-Aliwi said the following:

The Trump regime is “reactivating the remnants and sleeping cells of the ISIL in 5 Iraqi provinces to escalate crisis and chaos in Iraq to decrease power of Hashd al-Shaabi and other (PMU) security forces.”

Thousands of ISIS fighters are being redeployed from Syria to Iraq as a pretext to unjustifiably justify continued US occupation — strongly opposed by the vast majority of Iraqis.

According to Iraqi PMU Kata’eb Seyed al-Shohada senior commander Kazzem al-Fartousi, “security forces are…guarding  the Iraqi-Syrian borders, but the airspace of these regions are fully open to the US planes and helicopters, including Chinook cargo helicopters.”

Pentagon heliborne operations are shifting ISIS jihadists cross-border from Syria to multiple locations in Iraq.

Al Anbar province Badr Organization head Qusai al-Anbari said Pentagon troops “prevented Iraqi forces from approaching Wadi Houran and the western desert of al-Anbar,” adding:

US forces “facilitated the trafficking of the ISIL terrorists and their transfer to Wadi Houran and the western desert by reopening a number of roads and heliborne operations.”

Anbari called what’s going on the first phase of reviving the presence of large numbers of ISIS jihadists in Iraq — to foment violence, instability and chaos in the country again.

Longstanding US/Israeli policy calls for partitioning Middle East countries along ethnic and sectarian lines for easier control.

Last week, the Middle East Eye reported that the Trump regime “stepped up efforts to partition Iraq.”

The scheme is likely all about wanting it divided into Shia, Sunni and Kurdish areas.

Achieving this strategic aim would weaken the country, prevent creation of a land bridge from Iran to Lebanon, Palestine, and Mediterranean waters through Syria, along with enabling the Pentagon to permanently occupy parts of the country where its forces are welcome in return for large-scale bribes to ruling authorities of these areas.

Reintroducing ISIS jihadists in parts of Iraq would be used as a pretext for permanent US occupation.

Over a million Iraqis protesting in Baghdad last Friday against US occupation bore testimony to mass outrage against its troops in the country, wanting them out, Iraqi sovereign independence regained.

The US came to Iraq to stay, permanent occupation planned. Clearly its presence is reviled and unwanted.

It’ll likely take sustained national upheaval to expel its forces. Friday was a good start.

Peace and stability will remain unattainable as long as US and allied forces occupy regional countries.

They’re reviled by Iranians, Iraqis, Syrians, Lebanese, and most others in the Arab world, a scourge vital to eliminate in this war-torn part of the world.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Featured image is from American Free Press

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Under the cascading roar of the 24/7 news cycle cum Twitter eruptions, it’s easy for most of the West, especially the US, to forget the basics about the interaction of Eurasia with its western peninsula, Europe.

Asia and Europe have been trading goods and ideas since at least 3,500 BC. Historically, the flux may have suffered some occasional bumps – for instance, with the irruption of 5th-century nomad horsemen in the Eurasian plains. But it was essentially steady up to the end of the 15th century. We can essentially describe it as a millennium-old axis – from Greece to Persia, from the Roman empire to China.

A land route with myriad ramifications, through Central Asia, Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey, linking India and China to the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea, ended up coalescing into what we came to know as the Ancient Silk Roads.

By the 7th century, land routes and sea trade routes were in direct competition. And the Iranian plateau always played a key role in this process.

The Iranian plateau historically includes Afghanistan and parts of Central Asia linking it to Xinjiang to the east, and to the west all the way to Anatolia. The Persian empire was all about land trade – the key node between India and China and the Eastern Mediterranean.

The Persians engaged the Phoenicians in the Syrian coastline as their partners to manage sea trade in the Mediterranean. Enterprising people in Tyre established Carthage as a node between the Eastern and Western Mediterranean. Because of the partnership with the Phoenicians, the Persians would inevitably be antagonized by the Greeks – a sea trading power.

When the Chinese, promoting the New Silk Roads, emphasize “people to people exchange” as one of its main traits, they mean the millenary Euro-Asia dialogue. History may even have aborted two massive, direct encounters.

The first was after Alexander The Great defeated Darius III of Persia. But then Alexander’s Seleucid successors had to fight the rising power in Central Asia: the Parthians – who ended up taking over Persia and Mesopotamia and made the Euphrates the limes between them and the Seleucids.

The second encounter was when emperor Trajan, in 116 AD, after defeating the Parthians, reached the Persian Gulf. But Hadrian backed off – so history did not register what would have been a direct encounter between Rome, via Persia, with India and China, or the Mediterranean meeting with the Pacific.

Mongol globalization

The last western stretch of the Ancient Silk Roads was, in fact, a Maritime Silk Road. From the Black Sea to the Nile delta, we had a string of pearls in the form of Italian city/emporia, a mix of end journey for caravans and naval bases, which then moved Asian products to Italian ports.

Commercial centers between Constantinople and Crimea configured another Silk Road branch through Russia all the way to Novgorod, which was very close culturally to the Byzantine world. From Novgorod, merchants from Hamburg and other cities of the Hanseatic League distributed Asian products to markets in the Baltics, northern Europe and all the way to England – in parallel to the southern routes followed by the maritime Italian republics.

Between the Mediterranean and China, the Ancient Silk Roads were of course mostly overland. But there were a few maritime routes as well. The major civilization poles involved were peasant and artisanal, not maritime. Up to the 15th century, no one was really thinking about turbulent, interminable oceanic navigation.

The main players were China and India in Asia, and Italy and Germany in Europe. Germany was the prime consumer of goods imported by the Italians. That explains, in a nutshell, the structural marriage of the Holy Roman Empire.

At the geographic heart of the Ancient Silk Roads, we had deserts and the vast steppes, trespassed by sparse tribes of shepherds and nomad hunters. All across those vast lands north of the Himalayas, the Silk Road network served mostly the four main players. One can imagine how the emergence of a huge political power uniting all those nomads would be in fact the main beneficiary of Silk Road trade.

Well, that actually happened. Things started to change when the nomad shepherds of Central-South Asia started to have their tribes regimented as horseback archers by politico-military leaders such as Genghis Khan.

Welcome to the Mongol globalization. That was actually the fourth globalization in history, after the Syrian, the Persian and the Arab.    Under the Mongolian Ilkhanate, the Iranian plateau – once again playing a major role – linked China to the Armenian kingdom of Cilicia in the Mediterranean.

The Mongols didn’t go for a Silk Road monopoly. On the contrary: during Kublai Khan – and Marco Polo’s travels – the Silk Road was free and open. The Mongols only wanted caravans to pay a toll.

With the Turks, it was a completely different story. They consolidated Turkestan, from Central Asia to northwest China. The only reason Tamerlan did not annex India is that he died beforehand. But even the Turks did not want to shut down the Silk Road. They wanted to control it.

Venice lost its last direct Silk Road access in 1461, with the fall of Trebizond, which was still clinging to the Byzantine empire. With the Silk Road closed to the Europeans, the Turks – with an empire ranging from Central-South Asia to the Mediterranean – were convinced they now controlled trade between Europe and Asia.

Not so fast. Because that was when European kingdoms facing the Atlantic came up with the ultimate Plan B: a new maritime road to India.

And the rest – North Atlantic hegemony – is history.

Enlightened arrogance

The Enlightenment could not possibly box Asia inside its own rigid geometries. Europe ceased to understand Asia, proclaimed it was some sort of proteiform historical detritus and turned its undivided attention to “virgin,” or “promised” lands elsewhere on the planet.

We all know how England, from the 18th century onwards, took control of the entire trans-oceanic routes and turned North Atlantic supremacy into a lone superpower game – till the mantle was usurped by the US.

Yet all the time there has been counter-pressure from the Eurasian Heartland powers. That’s the stuff of international relations for the past two centuries – peaking in the young 21st century into what could be simplified as The Revenge of the Heartland against Sea Power. But still, that does not tell the whole story.

Rationalist hegemony in Europe progressively led to an incapacity to understand diversity – or The Other, as in Asia. Real Euro-Asia dialogue – the de facto true engine of history – had been dwindling for most of the past two centuries.

Europe owes its DNA not only to much-hailed Athens and Rome – but to Byzantium as well. But for too long not only the East but also the European East, heir to Byzantium, became incomprehensible, quasi incommunicado with Western Europe, or submerged by pathetic clichés.

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), as in the Chinese-led New Silk Roads, are a historical game-changer in infinite ways. Slowly and surely, we are evolving towards the configuration of an economically interlinked group of top Eurasian land powers, from Shanghai to the Ruhr valley, profiting in a coordinated manner from the huge technological know-how of Germany and China and the enormous energy resources of Russia.

The Raging 2020s may signify the historical juncture when this bloc surpasses the current, hegemonic Atlanticist bloc.

Now compare it with the prime US strategic objective at all times, for decades: to establish, via myriad forms of divide and rule, that relations between Germany, Russia and China must be the worst possible.

No wonder strategic fear was glaringly visible at the NATO summit in London last month, which called for ratcheting up pressure on Russia-China. Call it the late Zbigniew “Grand Chessboard” Brzezinski’s ultimate, recurrent nightmare.

Germany soon will have a larger than life decision to make. It’s like this was a renewal – in way more dramatic terms – of the Atlanticist vs Ostpolitik debate. German business knows that the only way for a sovereign Germany to consolidate its role as a global export powerhouse is to become a close business partner of Eurasia.

In parallel, Moscow and Beijing have come to the conclusion that the  US trans-oceanic strategic ring can only be broken through the actions of a concerted block: BRI, Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU), Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), BRICS+ and the BRICS’ New Development Bank (NDB), the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).

Middle East pacifier

The Ancient Silk Road was not a single camel caravan route but an inter-communicating maze. Since the mid-1990s I’ve had the privilege to travel almost every important stretch – and then, one day, you see the complete puzzle. The New Silk Roads, if they fulfill their potential, pledge to do the same.

Maritime trade may be eventually imposed – or controlled – by a global naval superpower. But overland trade can only prosper in peace. Thus the New Silk Roads potential as The Great Pacifier in Southwest Asia – what the Western-centric view calls the Middle East.

The Middle East (remember Palmyra) was always a key hub of the Ancient Silk Roads, the great overland axis of Euro-Asia trade going all the way to the Mediterranean.

For centuries, a quartet of regional powers – Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia (now Iraq) and Persia (now Iran) – have been fighting for hegemony over the whole area from the Nile delta to the Persian Gulf. More recently, it has been a case of external hegemony: Ottoman Turk, British and American.

So delicate, so fragile, so immensely rich in culture, no other region in the world has been, continually, since the dawn of history, an absolutely key zone. Of course, the Middle East was also a crisis zone even before oil was found (the Babylonians, by the way, already knew about it).

The Middle East is a key stop in the 21st century, trans-oceanic supply chain routes – thus its geopolitical importance for the current superpower, among other geoeconomic, energy-related reasons. But its best and brightest know the Middle East does not need to remain a center of war, or intimations of war, which, incidentally, affect three of those historical, regional powers of the quartet (Syria, Iraq and Iran).

What the New Silk Roads are proposing is wide-ranging, economic, interlinked integration from East Asia, through Central Asia, to Iran, Iraq and Syria all the way to the Eastern Mediterranean. Just like the Ancient Silk Roads. No wonder vested War Party interests are so uncomfortable with this real peace “threat.”


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This article was originally published on Asia Times.

Featured image: Modern day traders on the ancient Silk Road track in Central Asia. Photo: Facebook

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Auschwitz: IG Farben and the History of the “Business with Disease”

January 27th, 2020 by Dr. Rath Health Foundation

January 27, 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by Soviet troops (27 January 1945).  Rarely mentioned by the media, the I. G Auschwitz concentration camp was a private undertaking owned by  I. G. Farben – Bayer. 

International Holocaust Remembrance Day. In Commemoration of the Liberation of Auschwitz, January 27, 2020


The most powerful German economic corporate emporium in the first half of this century was the Interessengemeinschaft Farben or IG Farben, for short. Interessengemeinschaft stands for “Association of Common Interests” and was nothing more than a powerful cartel of BASF, Bayer, Hoechst, and other German chemical and pharmaceutical companies. IG Farben was the single largest donor to the election campaign of Adolph Hitler. One year before Hitler seized power, IG Farben donated 400,000 marks to Hitler and his Nazi party. Accordingly, after Hitler’s seizure of power, IG Farben was the single largest profiteer of the German conquest of the world, the Second World War.

One hundred percent of all explosives and of all synthetic gasoline came from the factories of IG Farben. Whenever the German Wehrmacht conquered another country, IG Farben followed, systematically taking over the industries of those countries. Through this close collaboration with Hitler’s Wehrmacht, IG Farben participated in the plunder of Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Norway, Holland, Belgium, France and all other countries conquered by the Nazis.

The U.S. government’s investigation of all the factors leading to the Second World War in 1946 came to the conclusion that without IG Farben the Second World War would simply not have been possible. We have to come to grips with the fact that it was not the psychopath, Adolph Hitler, or bad genes of the German people that brought about the Second World War. Economic greed by companies like Bayer, BASF and Hoechst was the key factor in bringing about the Holocaust.

No one who saw Steven Spielberg’s film “Schindler’s List” will forget the scenes in the Auschwitz concentration camp.

The Birth of IG Farben and the Support for Hitler (from the book “Sword And Swastika” by Telford Taylor)

After the First World War, all the major chemical concerns were merged into a single gigantic trust in 1926 – the I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G. – under the leadership of Carl Duisberg and Carl Bosch. Dyestuffs, pharmaceuticals, photographic supplies, explosives, and a myriad of other products poured forth in ever-growing volume and variety.

Soon after the election of July, 1932, in which the Nazis had doubled their vote, Heinrich Buetefisch [chief of the I.G. Farben – Leuna plant] and Heinrich Gattineau [a Farben official who was also an SA officer and personally known to both Rudolf Hess and Ernst Roehm]. waited upon the Fuehrer-to-be to learn whether Farben could count on governmental support for its synthetic gasoline program in the event the Nazis should attain power. Hitler readily agreed that Farben should be given the necessary support to warrant expansion of the Leuna plant.

After the seizure of power, Farben lost no time following up this auspicious introduction. Significantly, Farben’s chosen channel was not the ‘Heeresleitung’ but Hermann Goering’s new Air Ministry. In a long letter to Goering’s deputy Erhard Milch, Carl Krauch of Farben outlined a “four-year plan” for the expansion of synthetic fuel output. Thereupon, Milch called in Generalleutnant von Vollard Bockelberg, Chief of the Army Ordnance Office, and it was agreed that the Army and the Air Ministry would together sponsor the Krauch project. A few months later Farben received a formal Reich contract calling for the enlargement of Leuna so that production would reach three hundred thousand tons per year by 1937, with Farben’s sales guaranteed for ten years – until June 30, 1944 – on a cost-plus basis.

1941: I.G. Farben’s “friendship” with the SS helps to increase the speed of construction of Auschwitz-Buna against the resistance “of some little bureaucrats”. A letter from Dr. Otto Ambros to the Director of I.G. Farben Frankfurt, Fritz ter Meer

I.G. Farben and the Auschwitz Concentration Camp

Auschwitz was the largest mass extermination factory in human history, but the concentration camp was only an appendix.

The main project was IG Auschwitz, a 100% subsidiary of IG Farben, the largest industrial complex of the world for manufacturing synthetic gasoline and rubber for the conquest of Europe.

On April 14, 1941 , in Ludwigshafen , Otto Armbrust, the IG Farben board member responsible for the Auschwitz project, stated to his IG Farben board colleagues, “our new friendship with the SS is a blessing. We have determined all measures integrating the concentration camps to benefit our company.”

The pharmaceutical departments of the IG Farben cartel used the victims of the concentration camps in their own way: thousands of them died during human experiments such as the testing of new and unknown vaccines.

There was no retirement plan for the prisoners of IG Auschwitz. Those who were too weak or too sick to work were selected at the main gate of the IG Auschwitz factory and sent to the gas chambers. Even the chemical gas Zyklon-B used for the annihilation of millions of people was derived from the drawing boards and factories of IG Farben.


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Free Public Transit in Canada?

January 27th, 2020 by Madelin Burt-D'Agnillo

In the last year or so, a debate about the merits of free transit (or more accurately, fare-free transit) is making its way into public discourse in Canada. While fare-free transit is a model that has served international cities (many based in Europe or South America) for years, its a model that has only recently started to gain substantive consideration in North America.

Increasingly, community groups advocating for fair fares, fare-free transit, and even organized fare-evasion are growing in number and visibility. But those in opposition to fare-free transit are also voicing their concerns about the practicalities and costs of implementing free transit, especially when many transit systems face huge repair backlogs (cough cough *Toronto*) or embarrassing failures of new infrastructure (cough cough *Ottawa*).

And cities are not the only jurisdictions that have entered into this conversation. In the last Canadian election, the federal NDP ran on a platform of supporting municipalities in transitioning to fare-free models of public transit. In Ontario, a provincial Liberal leadership candidate is also campaigning on this platform. Clearly, this is a policy choice that some politicians are willing to explore.

People who support fare-free transit often analogize it to other public services: we don’t pay for police officers and firefighters out of pocket, or pay an entrance fee to visit a community park or at the entrance to a public school. These services are funded collectively by tax-payers and collectively we reap the benefits.

Perhaps another way to conceptualize free transit is comparing it to another form of mobility: elevators. As the authors of Free Public Transit: And why we don’t pay to ride elevators state, “the very notion of paying to use an elevator to get to the upper floors of a tall building is preposterous. Public transit services a similar function (but instead of horizontal movement, its lateral).”

Fare free transit exists either fully or partially in hundreds of cities around the world. Some cities offer partially abolished fares for certain riders (such as young people, students, and elderly riders), while others cities offer free routes within a transit network, and other cities provide free transit during certain times of the day, week, or year.

screenshot of Ben Spurr's tweet

The City of Edmonton offered fare free transit during a recent cold weather alert

Why do people like free public transit?

“The universal feature of free public transport is the fact that… Everywhere that it has been implement, people like it.”

Taavi Aas (Mayor of Tallinn, in Estonia, “Free Transit Capital of the World”)

Immediately and obviously, the greatest benefit to eliminating fares is that riders no longer have to pay to use the service. Transit affordability is one of the clearest determinants of a city’s livability, and of the ability for low-income people to access the job market.

Indeed, supporters of free transit suggest that eliminating fares has the potential to make “cities better for their citizens, more socially, ecologically, and globally just, more democratic, and more prepared for the future.” Achieving fare-free transit is not a goal in and of itself, but rather a means to reducing carbon emissions, increase accessibility and mobility for residents, and address gender and racial equality.

And because of this, fare-free transit is not a stand-alone policy– it exists within a larger framework of social policies that support social equity, such as the Green New Deal, anti-criminalization, anti-poverty, and climate justice movements.

Folks who support fare-free transit also point to the lowered costs not just for the individual but for society overall. Speaking about the cost of congestion in cities, to public health, and to the environment, CUPE Local 2 President Gaetano Franco said: “We can’t not make transit free… Its too costly.”

Why do people dislike free public transit?

In a recent letter to the editor for their local paper, a concerned resident wrote:  “To the people who keep pushing for free transit, nothing is free. Transit needs to increase fares and find savings to stop its out of control spending. Homeowners and car owners shouldn’t have to pay for someone else’s transportation needs. Seem like the ones who want everything for nothing don’t have any skin in the game.”

Indeed, one of the reasons people may resist the idea of free public transit is that the cost is shared by all residents, whether or not they use public transit. This is true of many services, not least the way that we highly subsidize private car use through road and highway infrastructure at a much higher rate (more than six times!) than transit, therefore incentivizing personal vehicle use over public transit.

But, putting aside the new sources of revenue required to operate and maintain a system if fares are eliminated, studies suggest that “if public transport became free tomorrow, the ridership would immediately increase by at least 50%, immediately throwing the system in lockjaw.” In other words, cities must be prepared to reinvest massively in this infrastructure and this will require enormous sums of money.

Lastly, some people may dislike free public transit because it requires the willingness of the population to change how we view public transit: “free public transportation implies many changes, a completely new way to look at the city, both in terms of how we move and how we tax, but also how we live, where we live, how we relate to each other as a society, and our broader relationship to the urban, regional, and global ecosystem.”

Clearly, the impact on riders and cities would be significant, but what does fare-free transit mean for transit workers?

We’ll soon know with more certainty how fare-free transit impacts transit workers. Announced in late 2019, Kansas City, Missouri, is the first major metropolis in the USA to offer no-cost transit service, operated and maintained by ATU members. This creates an exciting opportunity to gauge the impact of fare-free transit on workers.

Fare-free transit may support a safer workplace. Because most assaults on operators arise because of fare disputes, eliminating fares may make the job safer for transit operators.

Screenshot of Emily Leedham's tweet

Transit workers may experience less violence and assault if fares are eliminated, as most operator assaults happen during fare disputes

On the flip side, members who presently work in fare collection and revenue work will require reassignment to other transit duties– in this scenario, ATU advocates for the importance of re-training members facing job redundancies.

Free Public Transit in Canada?

In sum, successful examples of fare free transit around the world demonstrate that this model of public transit service may not be radical or utopian. However, there are real concerns implementation of fare free transit.

ATU Canada advocates for fares to be affordable for all, and advocates for progress toward creating a fare-free transit. Incremental pricing actions (such as fare-freezes and reductions) are realistic in lieu of immediate fare-free transit subsidized by government. In our advocacy, we prioritize efforts to eliminate cost barriers to accessing jobs, education, health care, and other services, through the implementation of low-income passes. A gradual approach to fare reduction is sorely needed in many municipalities across Canada, with the ultimate goal of ensuring that transit is safe, reliable, and affordable for all.


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“If Ghaani follows the same path of killing Americans then he will meet the same fate,” U.S. envoy Brian Hook told the Arabic-language daily Asharq al-Awsat.


The U.S. envoy to Iran Brian Hook has threatened Iran’s Quds Force commander Esmail Ghaani with the same fate as his predecessor, Qassem Soleimani, if he followed the latter’s path.

AccordIng to the Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper, Hook and the rest of the Trump administration will not tolerate Soleimani’s approach any further. The U.S. representative said the Trump administration will take similar action against Ghaani if seeks to replicate Soleimani’s approach.

“If Ghaani follows the same path of killing Americans then he will meet the same fate,” U.S. envoy Brian Hook told the Arabic-language daily Asharq al-Awsat.

He said in the interview in Davos, Switzerland that Trump had long made it clear “that any attack on Americans or American interests would be met with a decisive response.

The U.S. military assassinated Qassem Soleimani using a drone near the Baghdad Airport on January 3rd. Soleimani’s death was said to be in response to his plans to allegedly attack the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.

In retaliation for the Soleimani assassination, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards fired 22 missiles at the U.S. forces in Iraq on January 8th. The U.S. initially denied any casualties; however, a report leaked shortly after claiming as many as 11 U.S. soldiers were wounded.

Following the death of Soleimani, General Esmail Ghaani was named the commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force. He was considered Soleimani’s number two and a close confidant of the late Quds Force commander.


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Ruling Amid Ruins: The Plot to Break Up Iraq

January 27th, 2020 by David Hearst

Any reader of these columns is familiar with the landscape – an intergalactic Star Wars struggle between three blocks of regional powers, as the US retreats in disarray.

The struggle for power is played out in one sandbox after another – first Yemen, to Libya, to Syria – with little thought for the Yemenis, Libyans or Syrians who live there.

Native populations are held in disdain, treated as agents of a higher will, to be bought, sold and betrayed at will.

Democracy, sovereignty and self-determination are meaningless concepts to be trotted out to western audiences only. It is force that matters, and power that prevails.

The same characters, forces, and destructive power are at play in each country – like a blockbuster movie with endless sequels. In each, the crown prince of Abu Dhabi, Mohammed bin Zayed, paces around his Death Star with his squadrons of hackers, mercenaries and assassins, plotting his next strike.

No one should be surprised to learn that yet another proxy war is being waged. This is proving to be bigger than Yemen, Libya and Syria. If the plans I am about to describe succeed, Bush and Blair’s invasion in 2003 would pale in comparison.

The great game has moved to Iraq and a once proud and powerful state is facing great peril.

The following is taken from three senior Iraqi sources who are familiar with the intelligence acting Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi has received, the actions he took and the conversations that took place.

The plot

Nine months ago, a group of Iraqi politicians and businessmen from Anbar, Salah al-Din and Nineveh provinces were invited to the private residence of the Saudi ambassador to Jordan in Amman.

Their host was the Saudi minister for Gulf affairs, Thamer bin Sabhan al-Sabhan, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s point man for the region.

It is not known whether Mohammed al-Halbousi, the speaker of parliament with ties to both Iran and Saudi Arabia, attended the secret Amman conference, but it is said that he was informed of the details.

On the agenda was a plan to push for a Sunni autonomous region, akin to Iraqi Kurdistan.

The plan is not new. But now an idea which has long been toyed with by the US, as it battles to keep Iraq within its sphere of influence, has found a new lease of life as Saudi Arabia and Iran compete for influence and dominance.

Anbar comprises 31 percent of the Iraqi state’s landmass. It has significant untapped oil, gas and mineral reserves. It borders Syria.

If US troops were indeed to be forced by the next Iraqi government to quit the country, they would have to leave the oil fields of northern Syria as well because it is from Anbar that this operation is supplied. Anbar has four US military bases.

Under pressure, Washington has stepped up efforts to partition Iraq to counter Iranian influence.

The western province is largely desert, with a population of just over two million. As an autonomous region, it would need a workforce. This, the meeting was told, could come from Palestinian refugees and thus neatly fit into Donald Trump’s so-called “Deal of the Century” plans to rid Israel of its Palestinian refugee problem.

Anbar is almost wholly Sunni, but Salah al-Din and Nineveh aren’t. If the idea worked in Anbar, other Sunni-dominated provinces would be next.


The meeting ended in vigorous agreement. However, the Iraqi and Saudi participants were not the only ones listening.

Jordan’s mukhabarat, its powerful secret police, an organisation big enough to be considered a parallel government, were less than pleased with what they were hearing.

They were upset with Sabhan for using the embassy in their country as a base for plotting moves in Iraq. Jordan enjoys warm relations with Baghdad, particularly after Abdul Mahdi began giving the kingdom much-needed supplies of oil.

One way or another, details of the meeting were leaked to the Iraqi premier.

Relations between Abdul Mahdi and the Saudi kingdom were good at that time. Mohammed bin Salman had opened the Kaaba in Mecca for the visiting dignitary and chose him as their intermediary with Iran.

The prime minister was privately upset, but he did not know at the time how serious this project was and whether indeed it had the crown prince’s backing. Soon afterwards, Abdul Mahdi raised the issue of the Amman meeting with the crown prince in Riyadh.

Under his premiership, sectarian tensions had declined. He had withdrawn the mainly Shia Hashd al-Shaabi paramilitary from the centres of Sunni towns and had prided himself on making sure that Sunnis were not arrested illegally by government forces.

Once again, a scheme was being hatched behind his back which would stoke sectarian tensions, and in the long run, lead to the breakup of his country.

When confronted, Mohammed bin Salman lied, as he always does. He told Abdul Mahdi the plan was “nonsense” and he would order his people to stop.

The meetings, however, continued. Some weeks later, a bigger meeting was held in Amman. This time, according to my sources, a US and Israeli representative were present.

The US representative was not overtly supportive and only stayed for part of the meeting, an hour in all, but told his Saudi counterpart: “If you can do it, it’s welcome.” Recent tensions have changed that equation, and now Washington is fully behind the plan.

More significantly, an envoy from the United Arab Emirates was present at the second meeting in Amman. This was a way of showing the Iraqi MPs present that the file of the Anbar project had been passed from the Saudis to their Emirati allies.

It also allowed the Saudi crown prince to claim he had nothing to do with the scheme.

The second meeting in Amman agreed to give full support to Halbousi, the speaker of parliament, in his efforts to weaken the government and to continuously raise the issue of Sunnis who disappeared at government checkpoints, which is the subject to an inquiry by Iraq’s Supreme Judiciary Council.

They discussed ways of “remobilising” Sunni public opinion against the Baghdad government.

The second meeting was again leaked to the government in Baghdad, which this time dispatched a top security envoy to meet the Saudis.

The behind-the-scenes confrontation happened in Paris.

“The Iraqi government only then realised the Saudis were serious and that they were not listening,” an Iraqi governmental source said.

“We said to them: “How would you like it if we received political activists from your Shia Eastern Province in Baghdad and discussed with them ways of declaring themselves independent from Riyadh?”

Iraqi objections proved in vain.

A third meeting was held in Dubai. A list of people who attended was widely publicised. This time Halbousi was present, along with Iraqi Sunni members of parliament, a TV mogul and party leader.

Though Halbousi has publicly denied that plans to create a Sunni region were discussed or agreed upon, others in the group itself have begun to break cover.

One of the most vocal of this group, deputy for Anbar province Faisal al-Issawi, said that “practical steps” had started towards forming an autonomous province on the lines of Iraqi Kurdistan in the north of the county.

Speaking to the Rodao website, Issawi said the idea of an autonomous Sunni region was inspired by the success achieved by Kurdistan.

“Regions are a constitutional development and most countries of the world depend on them to distribute power and reduce the burden on the centre,” he said.

An official in Abdul Mahdi’s office neither confirmed nor denied the account of talks.

Halbousi, meanwhile, has publicly denied that plans for Iraqi partition have been discussed or agreed upon.

The consequences

Though this scheme has gathered steam in recent weeks, it predates the assassination of Qassem Soleimani and the missile crisis with Iran. But Tehran has reacted vigorously to it recently nonetheless.

As soon as Tehran learned that the Emiratis had taken over the file of promoting an autonomous Sunni enclave in western and northern Iraq, it made clear in the days after Soleimani’s killing that US bases on Emirati territory would be regarded as legitimate targets.

What I have reported does not downplay or minimise the strong internal forces at play in Iraq and the manoeuvrings over the choice of the next Iraqi government and prime minister.

Political forces in Iraq should never be described as pawns on its neighbours’ chess boards, as Tehran knows to its cost.

The two secret meetings in Amman and the publicly acknowledged meeting in Dubai do, however, attest to a determination by one Saudi crown prince to rule and dominate the region whatever the consequences.

As we have already seen in Yemen, the breakup of a state is not necessarily an unforeseen consequence of a military campaign gone wrong. It could be one of the objectives.

This future king will rule, whatever the cost and amid ruins, if necessary. If he gets his way in Anbar, Iraq will only be another one of his ruined states.


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David Hearst is the editor in chief of Middle East Eye. He left The Guardian as its chief foreign leader writer. In a career spanning 29 years, he covered the Brighton bomb, the miner’s strike, the loyalist backlash in the wake of the Anglo-Irish Agreement in Northern Ireland, the first conflicts in the breakup of the former Yugoslavia in Slovenia and Croatia, the end of the Soviet Union, Chechnya, and the bushfire wars that accompanied it.

With the Environmental Protection Agency’s own data showing that nearly half of our rivers and streams and a third of our wetlands are in “poor biological condition,” and with millions of Americans exposed to unsafe chemicals in water systems, this is a bad time to make a mockery of the Clean Water Act. But that is precisely what the Trump administration did this week when it issued its Navigable Waters Protection rule and completed its rollback of the Obama administration’s 2015 Waters of the United States rule.

Clear navigation for polluters

Fitting of the Trump administration, the “protection” in the rule’s name doesn’t really have anything to do with water. Not when it will reportedly remove half of the nation’s wetlands and nearly 20 percent of streams from protection. It cannot be about water when the administration excludes from regulation other potential aquatic transporters of toxic chemicals, such as groundwater, rivers that run only during rainfall (a huge feature of the arid West), waste treatment systems, ditches, and ponds and depressions related to mining and construction.

No, the Trump rule is designed to allow oil and gas producers, chemical makers, agricultural interests, and developers to navigate a federal water regulatory world cleared of permits and penalties for pollution, a world not seen since the 1960s. It flies in the face of a 2018 study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley and Iowa State University that found that the 1972 Clean Water Act “has driven significant improvements” in water quality. The study reminded readers, “These investments have large costs but could have larger benefits. In the early 20th century, water-related mortality like cholera and typhoid killed tens of thousands of people every year. At the same time, regular fires occurred on many US rivers.”

That past was not on the mind of EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler when he unveiled the rule to several rounds of applause at the National Home Builders Association show in Las Vegas. In a press release, Wheeler said the new rule assured “regulatory certainty and predictability for American farmers, landowners and businesses to support the economy and accelerate critical infrastructure projects.”

Wheeler offered no such certainty or predictability for the welfare of mothers and children drawing a drink from the faucet, nor for cities that need wetlands as a buffer against storms, not to mention the threat of floods, dangers to wildlife, or the outdoor recreation, fishing and hunting industries. Instead, he boasted that EPA rollbacks of regulations under Trump, which are among the nearly 100 environmental rollbacks being tallied by the New York Times, have saved American businesses $6.5 billion.

But as I have previously pointed out such claims of saving businesses from regulatory costs are nothing compared with the benefits of clean water. For instance, there is the $400 billion annual national outdoor recreation economy and the $9.5 billion annual economic output provided by jobs in clean water mitigation. Wildlife recreation alone, according to the Trump administration, involves more than 103 million Americans and pumps $157 billion into the economy in fishing, hunting, birdwatching, and photography.

Against all scientific sense

Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist, not only went against dollars and cents in pleasing his fellow polluters, he went against all scientific sense. In 2015, the EPA, in a review of 1,200 publications in peer-reviewed scientific literature, determined that:

  • “Streams, regardless of their size or frequency of flow, are connected to downstream waters and strongly influence their function.”
  • Wetlands, even when they do not seem connected on the surface, “provide physical, chemical, and biological functions that could affect the integrity of downstream waters.”
  • “Incremental contributions of individual streams and wetlands are cumulative across entire watersheds.”

Last week, the Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) and 44 former scientists and administrators of government environmental and conservation agencies wrote the EPA Acting Inspector General Charles Sheehan to say that the Trump EPA has violated scientific integrity policies by ignoring the “Herculean” 2015 review of 1,200 studies. PEER, which has cited internal EPA documents indicating that the new rules might exclude at least 1.35 million miles of streams and more than 40 million acres of wetlands from protection said in the letter:

“The final Rule contradicts the overwhelming scientific consensus on the connectivity of wetlands and waters, and the impacts ephemeral streams and so-called “geographically isolated” wetlands have on downstream waters.” The letter also said that the EPA did not consult with regional experts, did not allow those experts to formally register dissenting opinions, and “failed to disclose the potentially adverse impacts the final Rule will have on human health and the environment.”

Scientists have long tried to impress these points upon the current administration. At the very beginning of the rollback of the Waters of the United States rule, a coalition of expert groups including the Society of Wetland Scientists, the American Fisheries Society, the American Institute of Biological Sciences, the Ecological Society of America, the Phycological Society of America, the Society for Ecological Restoration, and the Society for Freshwater Science wrote:

“Wetlands provide many services that promote human well-being including economic and non-economic benefits. Foremost, they keep our streams, lakes, and groundwater cleaner by ‘treating’ urban and agricultural runoff; this treatment includes reducing the negative effects of pollutants, transforming harmful nitrates into harmless nitrogen gas, trapping sediment, and removing pathogens.

They store water, and thus are a source of water during times of drought.  Many wetlands soak up runoff and floodwaters, which reduces peak flood-flows and avoids costly flood damage.  Lastly, wetlands sustain essential habitat for wildlife, fish, and waterbirds to feed, nest, breed, spawn, and rear their young in ‘productive nurseries.’. . .Like diamonds, they can be small, but extremely valuable.”

Last but not least, the EPA’s own Science Advisory Board recently slammed Wheeler’s process—to his face.

In a draft letter the board said the EPA ignored:

  • The 2015 review of 1,200 studies that “emphasizes that 20 functional connectivity is more than a matter of surface geography”
  • That “chemical or biological contamination of ground water may lead to contamination of functionally connected surface water”
  • That irrigation canals from vegetable farms can carry E. coli and canals from confined feeding operations can be contaminated with chemicals such as steroids

The board said in summary that it was “disappointed” that Wheeler’s rule “is not fully consistent with established EPA recognized science,” and may not be consistent with objective of the Clean Water Act to “restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the Nation’s waters.”

If the Trump administration’s own scientific advisory board, a host of biological societies, and scores of former government agency officials are disappointed, the rest of America should be fearful and angry.

Muhammad Ali once said, “Rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, oceans all have different names, but they all contain water.” He was referring to many religions believing in a god. The Trump administration may claim that rivers, lakes, ponds, streams and oceans have different levels of protection, but the end result is obvious: all of them will contain more pollutants.


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We live in an era of protests. Everyone feels they have to fight to change things. Unless they are comfortable in their work routine, are wealthy and indifferent, or cannot risk getting fired.

There is manipulation and mobilization of protests by given political actors to achieve political goals.

There is genuine resentment and anger.

There are people who protest for a variety of reasons.

But what we cannot accept is a simplistic narrative that distorts reality, no matter where it comes from.

As a graduate of “fine western universities”, I gradually learned (and am still learning) to avoid simplistic, black-and-white arguments. Academics think in more complex ways, make more nuanced arguments. One of the greatest contributions of the western academic world to the third world was, arguably, the introduction of complexities. The educated mind (receiver of an education paid for in money), and a mind that was not in fear, could make nuanced arguments, offer thoughtful analysis, not fall into the trap of black-and-white thinking.

As one who grew up in a fundamentalist environment, whose thinking was rigid and conditioned by violence and tension, the western university landscape opened my horizons. In a US academic environment single-pointed arguments that lacked depth could appear somewhat uneducated, (and who wants to appear uneducated unless he uses it as a tactic to deceive his enemy?).

But now I am discovering that the west has embraced fanaticism and one-sided arguments. It has embraced the backward unthinking mentality that cannot tolerate dissent or doubts. This is the same mentality adopted by fanatics and extremists the world over.

Masses of Iraqis took to the streets yesterday in a massive display of defiance of the US occupation forces that brought untold suffering and misery to their country. They took to the streets demanding an end to the illegal and immoral US occupation.

But, for the New York Times [1], this was no good. First, the protests were “anti-American” (I suppose Iraqis have to lick the boot that steps on them, if to borrow Eric Hoffer’s idiom). That is of course the one thing that protests cannot be and still receive western legitimacy. No matter the fact that the US went to war in Iraq based on deliberate lies and killed millions in the country, first by sanctions, then by bombing.

How many actually participated in the protest?

The New York Times claims there were hundreds of thousands while Press TV claims [2] that they were millions. I don’t know who to believe, but judging from the pictures of Press TV and even while considering the fact that when protesters fill physical spaces they may appear more numerous than they actually are due to the optical illusion that can be formed, still, the truth seems to be closer to the numbers offered by Press TV.

Then the New York Times takes issues with the fact that people came from all across the bleeding country to Baghdad, the capital. The paper notes that “people were brought in from other cities to participate rather than holding smaller simultaneous demonstrations across the country.”

Here is a wise anti-American ploy. First, the protesters were “brought-in” as if the protesters are not independent actors with their own agency (a term favored by western post-modern academics). Second, the protesters tried to deceive the western readers by getting together and making their numbers larger, while across the country their numbers would appear smaller. Third, the fact that the protesters were “brought in” by organizers delegitimize the protest itself.

The protesters did not engage in violence and vandalism. Scenes of destruction, as the ones that have become a daily occurrence in Hong Kong for instance, were absent. That is all the more reason to be suspicious of the protesters. If they are not violent, then they do not receive sympathy. But if they are violent, then they must be Shiites.

The New York Times aptly notes that

The vast majority of the participants are Shiite Muslims, who are the main constituency of the cleric Mr. al-Sadr and the armed groups close to Iran.

So, even if the claim of a majority Shiite representation is correct, the religious convictions of a given group of protesters cannot negate the political demands or arguments of the protesters themselves, that must be judged on their distinct basis. I mean, does the New York Times write about pro-Israel parades in the United States that“the vast majority of participants are Jews, who are the main supporters of the State of Israel”?

But a double standard between the legitimate protesters and illegitimate protesters is seen as appropriate when dealing with the Shiites. The New York Times, in a display of subtle racism, reminds its readers that it’s those damn Shiites who are protesting, so it is to be expected that we must not be worried that perhaps we are not that liked in Iraq. A simple equation is offered: The Shiites like Iran and hate America. Case closed.

The New York Times did not engage in the propaganda style typical of historical Communist governments in which the uncomfortable truths are simply blanked out. It did note that

[The protest] also reflected a genuine desire shared by Iraqis to have a government and economy that serves the Iraqi people and not outside interests, many participants said.

Delivering on that may prove to be virtually impossible. But the United Statesrecent actions in Iraq drew the wrath of many and distaste even among some Iraqis who support the United States presence.

But it ended the article with a post-modern argument. Criticism of the protest, besides the stigmatization of protesters and spinning of events, came not from the writer itself but from the oppressed, those individuals Iraqis who were skeptical of the protest.

First, even if the Americans leave, protesters won’t get more jobs, as an elder man noted resignedly. (Of course, that is correct, but how about inserting a little bit of positive American optimism, and on what can happen if we pursue our dreams?) Second, Iran and its militias may take over if the US leaves, the article end by reminding, while quoting another participant. But, if Iran and its militas take over, that is no business of the United States. The United States has no right to be in Iraq, period. It’s not a matter of the lesser of two evils.

The suffering people of Iraq who saw the death of 500,000 Iraqi children due to US sanctions, which Secretary of State Madeleine Albrightbelieves were “worth it”[3], have risen up to support a parliament vote in favor of US forces withdrawing, another act of democracy. But this democratic protest is not greeted positively by the New York Times. It was too organized, even if the Americans leave the jobs may not come, Iran may take over, and the protesters were Shiite. (By the way, are the majority of parliamentarians in Iraq’s parliament who voted for the Americans to leave also Shiite?) And did the neo-Conservatives time and time again not advocate for a majority Sunni rule in Syria [4], regardless of the consequences (namely a victory of Daesh)?

American soldiers died, supposedly, for Iraqi democracy. The democratic right to loot museums (of course, even the return of the objects looted from the National Museum of Iraq is attributed to a single US soldier by The Independent, while overlooking the invasion itself as the enabler of the massive theft [5]). Is the fact that the vote of the Iraqi parliament being ignored by the White House not an issue for the New York Times?


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Joshua Tartakovsky is an independent journalist.


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As the Senate impeachment trial of Donald John Trump unfolds, one fundamental issue is whether witnesses will be called to give live testimony. The parties, not surprisingly, are sharply and bitterly divided on that. 

There can be little question that justice demands that witnesses be called, and that a Senate trial without them would be a sham—if the goal of a trial is to arrive at the truth, witnesses are essential.

And at the top of any witness list should be the President himself.

Trump should be subpoenaed to raise his right hand in the august arena of the U.S. Senate to give his account of the facts averred in the two articles of impeachment that have been lodged against him, accusing him of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

Senate Republicans led by Kentucky Republican Mitch McConnell, the most Machiavellian Majority Leader in recent memory, would doubtless be apoplectic at the suggestion that the President himself should appear and testify. In fact, the Republicans, with some exceptions, are skeptical about allowing any live witnesses to be called. They seek a swift acquittal and know full well that witness testimony is messy, time-consuming, and could be  devastating to the President’s defense. And they have naked power on their side, rooted in their fifty-three-seat majority.

What the Republicans want is not a fair trial but a cover-up. And a cover-up is the last thing the nation needs at this critical juncture in its history.

The articles of impeachment set forth a narrative of extreme malfeasance, stemming from Trump’s efforts to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to launch investigations into Joe Biden and the discredited rightwing conspiracy theory that Ukraine, rather than Russia, meddled with the 2016 American election. The articles also cite Trump for ordering past and present administration officials not to cooperate with the House’s impeachment inquiry.

Democrats insist, correctly, that live testimony from key witnesses is imperative to ensure a full and fair adjudication of the President’s conduct. And in this, they have long-standing precedent on their side.

As Noah Bookbinder, executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, noted in a recent op-ed in The Washington Post : “Only 19 other individuals besides Trump have been impeached by the House of Representatives. The Senate completed a trial in fifteen of those cases, and in every single one of them, it heard testimony from witnesses.”  Most of these impeachment trials involved federal judges.

Although House Leader Nancy Pelosi, Democrat of California, in November welcomed Trump to testify in the impeachment inquiry (an invitation Trump declined), Senate Democrats thus far have omitted the President’s name from their potential impeachment witness list.

In a December 15 letter to McConnell, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York, named four witnesses with direct knowledge of the alleged abuse of power and obstruction: Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney; Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff Robert Blair; former National Security Advisor John Bolton; and Associate Director of National Security Programs at the Office of Management and Budget Michael Duffy. All had been blocked by Trump from appearing before the House.

During the first day of the impeachment trial, the House managers in charge of prosecuting the case requested subpoenas for the four witnesses. Their motions were tabled by the GOP majority by way of 53-47 votes.

While they are important, none of these witnesses could offer evidence as relevant as the President on his motives in dealing with Zelensky and ordering a hold on American aid. Only he can definitively explain what he meant by the “favor” he asked of Zelensky regarding Biden and the 2016 election in his July 25 phone conversation with the Ukrainian leader. Trump has repeatedly described the conversation as a “perfect call.”

To be sure, testifying before Congress is rare for Presidents, but it is not unprecedented. Abraham Lincoln voluntarily appeared before the House Judiciary Committee in 1862 to answer questions about the premature publication of part of his 1861 State of the Union address. Woodrow Wilson testified before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in 1919 on the treaty of peace with Germany and the creation of the League of Nations.

More relevant, Gerald Ford explained his decision to pardon Nixon in testimony before a House Judiciary subcommittee in 1974. And in 1998, Bill Clinton testified under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky before a grand jury run by independent counsel Ken Starr via a television hookup installed at the White House.

Both former acting Solicitor General Neal Kaytal and prominent conservative attorney George Conway, the husband of Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway, have publicly urged Trump to testify at his impeachment trial.

“If you really believed this [your innocence in the Ukraine affair], you’d be trying to clear your name—clamoring for a real trial,” Kaytal tweeted on January 12. “[Y]ou would testify under oath that you did ‘nothing wrong.’ The fact that you don’t speaks volumes.”

Now I don’t believe there is any realistic chance that Trump would honor a Senate subpoena in the event that one is issued. Although testifying would surely play to his unbridled ego and narcissism and offer him an opportunity to execute a prime-time TV takedown of his “deep-state” adversaries, in the end I would expect Trump and his lawyers to claim executive privilege or immunity, or, more telling still, to invoke the Fifth Amendment, allowing Trump to remain silent, even as he continues to fulminate on Twitter.

But that is no reason for the House managers not to go after Trump directly. Nor is it any reason for Senate Democrats not to support a request to subpoena the President.

The President is on trial for “high crimes and misdemeanors.” It doesn’t get much more serious than this. It’s time to hold Donald John Trump to account in the most aggressive manner permitted by law.


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Bill Blum is a Los Angeles lawyer and a former state of California administrative law judge.

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The dubious legal proceedings at the Guantanomo Bay (Gitmo) prison camp continue to promote the idea of justice for victims of 9/11. Unfortunately, these proceedings do not represent an administration of law but an unstated claim that the Global War on Terror is above the law. More importantly, the Gitmo antics have one obvious objective—to perpetuate willful ignorance of the 9/11 crimes. There is a dangerous elephant in the Gitmo courtroom, however, and if it ever gets reported it could bring down the terror-torture house of cards.

Reporters covering Gitmo continue to call it a trial but it is not a trial, it is a “military tribunal.” They continue to call the site “Camp Justice” when justice is as far from the prison camp as it has ever been from any human endeavor. What they don’t do is think critically about the information they are parroting from court sources.

The history is profoundly absurd. The suspects were brutally tortured and held without charges for up to 18 years. The alleged evidence obtained from the torture was made secret. Then the records of the secret torture evidence were illegally destroyed. Then the secret evidence simply turned out to be completely false. FBI and CIA officers then began to make a mockery of the whole thing, secretly bugging defense team discussion rooms and covertly inserting themselves as translators and defense team members.

This is not just a matter of an extreme violation of human rights and an utter disrespect for the law. Within this sequence of stupidity looms the mother of all oversights. That is, the secret evidence that turned out to be false was used as the basis for The 9/11 Commission Report.

At the center of the media’s willful ignorance is “forever prisoner Abu Zubaydah, the first alleged al Qaeda leader captured and tortured. In 2009, the U.S. government began correcting the record by admitting, in habeus corpus proceedings, that Zubaydah was never associated with al Qaeda and that he had no role in, or knowledge of, the 9/11 attacks. That Zubaydah was never associated with al Qaeda is no longer challenged by anyone and is regularly repeated in the mainstream press. What is not mentioned is the astounding implication of that admission.

Abu Zubaydah’s “torture testimony” was used to construct the official narrative of 9/11 that is still accepted as fact today.

Check for yourself. Do a quick search for the word “Zubaydah” in The 9/11 Commission Report. You’ll find it 52 times. As you read these references and claims, ask yourself—how could a man who the government now says had nothing to do with al Qaeda have known any of these things? How could he be a key travel facilitator for al Qaeda operatives when he wasn’t associated in any way with al Qaeda? How could Zubaydah give detailed accounts of Osama bin Laden and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM)’s plans for 9/11 when he had no knowledge of those plans?

Disassociating Zubaydah from al Qaeda causes so many problems for the official narrative of al Qaeda and 9/11 that people like Lee Hamilton, the co-chairman of the 9/11 Commission, simply develop amnesia when asked about him.

As seen in the 9/11 Commission Report, the official account begins with linking “Mukhtar” (KSM) to “al Qaeda lieutenant Abu Zubaydah,” who we now know was never associated with al Qaeda. Both FBI interrogator Ali Soufan, in a 2009 New York Times opinion piece, and Vice President Dick Cheney, in his 2011 book, claimed that Zubaydah (who never had any knowledge or connection to 9/11) identified KSM as the “mastermind of the 9/11 attacks.” The official account of 9/11, and the ongoing fake trial at Gitmo, all proceeded from there.

But none of it was true.

The latest crime of 9/11 is that this fact is not being reported. The media admits that Zubaydah was never associated with al Qaeda but entirely ignores the devastating consequences of that admission. The false official account for 9/11 is the root cause and ongoing justification for greater crimes—1) wars of aggression in multiple countries that have destroyed millions of lives, 2) the public’s acceptance of torture and indefinite detention, and 3) mass surveillance and an overall attack on freedom.

Instead of reporting that the basis for those greater crimes has been obliterated, the media reduces the subject to a discussion of how torture is bad but perhaps still justified by the gain. Of course, torture is bad but mass murder is much worse and the justification for both the wars and the torture is now indefensible! Until the media reports this fact there will be no justice for victims of 9/11 or for the victims of the resulting wars and torture.

We know that there are many striking anomalies and inexplicable facts about 9/11 that have yet to be resolved. But the fake Gitmo trial stands as a final absurd crime in the history of 9/11 as it is represented as an attempt at justice yet includes more farcical elements every day. For example, the CIA-driven architect of the torture program recently claimed that he was acting on behalf of the 9/11 families and that he would do it again.

The final proceedings have been set to officially begin in January 2021, aligning with the 20th anniversary news cycle and re-emphasizing that propaganda is the primary goal. The propaganda narrative focuses on setting the false official account in stone and further normalizing torture. Sadly, reporters and editors covering these events don’t seem to have an interest in challenging any substantial part of the story. Let’s hope that one or more of them comes to their senses and proves that suspicion wrong.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Dig Within.

We live in a fabricated reality where the visible world became nearly meaningless once the screen world became people’s “window on the world.”  An electronic nothingness replaced reality as people gleefully embraced digital wraparound apparitions.  These days people still move about in the physical world but live in the electronic one.  The result is mass hallucination.

This is the fundamental seismic shift of our era. There is a lot of bitching and joking about it, but when all is said and done, it is accepted as inevitable. Digital devices are embraced as phantom lovers. Technological “advances” are accepted as human destiny.  We now inhabit a technological nightmare (that seems like a paradise to so many) in which technology and technique – the standardized means for realizing a predetermined end most efficiently – dominate the world. In such a world, not only does the end justify the means, but to consider such a moral issue is beside the point. We are speeding ahead to nowhere in the most “efficient” way possible.  No questioning allowed!  Unless you wish to ask your phone.

These days there is much political talk and commentary about fascism, tyranny, a police state, etc., while the totalitarianism of technocracy and technology continues apace.  It is not just the ecological (in the human/natural sense) impact of digital technology where one change generates many others in an endless spiral, but the fact that technical efficiency dominates all aspects of life and, as Jacques Ellul wrote long ago, “transforms everything it touches into a machine,” including humans.  For every problem caused by technology, there is always a technological “solution” that creates further technological problems ad infinitum.  The goal is always to find the most efficient (power) technique to apply as rapidly as possible to all human problems.

Writing nearly fifty years ago in Medical Nemesis, Ivan Illich, explained how in medical care the human touch was being replaced by this technical mindset.  He said,

In all countries, doctors work increasingly with two groups of addicts: those for whom they prescribe drugs, and those who suffer from their consequences. The richer the community, the larger the percentage of patients who belong to both…In such a society, people come to believe that in health care, as in all fields of endeavor, technology can be used to change the human condition according to almost any design.

We are of course living with the ongoing results of such medical technical efficiency.  The U.S.A. is a country where the majority of people are drugged in one way or another, legally or illegally, since the human problems of living are considered to have only technological solutions, whether those remedies are effective or anodyne.  The “accidents” and risks built into the technological fixes are never considered since the ideological grip of the religion of technology is all-encompassing and infallible.  We are caught in its web.

Marshall McLuhan, the media guru of the 1960s – whether he was applauding or bemoaning the fact – was right when he claimed that the medium is the message.

Cell phones, being the current omnipresent form of the electronification of life, are today’s message, a sign that one is always in touch with the void.  To be without this small machine is to be rendered an idiot in the ancient Greek sense of the word – a private person.  Translation: one who is out of it, detached, at least temporarily, from the screens that separate us from reality, from the incessant noise and pinging messages that destroy reflection and create reflex reactions.

But to be out of it is the only way to understand it.  And to understand it is terrifying, for it means one knows that the religion of technology has replaced nature as the source of what for eons has been considered sacred. It means one grasps how reality is now defined by technology. It means realizing that people are merging with the machines they are attached to by invisible manacles as they replace the human body with abstractions and interact with machines.  It means recognizing that the internet, despite its positive aspects and usage by dissenters intent on human liberation, is controlled by private corporation and government forces intent on using it as a weapon to control people. It means seeing the truth that most people have never considered the price to be paid for the speed and efficiency of a high-tech world.

But the price is very, very high.

One price, perhaps the most important, is the fragmentation of consciousness, which prevents people from grasping the present from within – which, as Frederic Jameson has noted, is so crucial and yet one of the mind’s most problematic tasks – because so many suffer from digital dementia as their attention hops from input to output in a never-ending flow of mediated, disembodied data.  As a result, a vicious circle has been created that prevents people from the crucial epistemological task of grasping the double-bind that is the ultimate propaganda.  Data is Dada by another name, and we are in Dada land, pissing, not into Marcel Duchamp’s ridiculous work of Dada “art,” a urinal, but into the wind.  And data piled on data equals a heap of data without knowledge or understanding.  There is no time or space for grasping context or to connect the dots. It is a pointillist painting in the form of inert facts that few can understand or even realize that they don’t.

I am typing these words on a Hermes 3000 manual typewriter, a beautiful piece of technology whose sound and movement creates a rhythmic sanctuary where my hands, head, and heart work in unison. It allows me to think slowly, to make mistakes that will necessitate retyping, to do second and third rereadings and revisions, to roll the paper out of the machine and sit quietly as I review it.  My eyes rest on the paper, not a blue-lit screen.

Technology as such is not the problem, for my typewriter is a very useful and endurable machine, a useful technology that has enhanced life. It does not break or need to be replaced every few years, as computers do. It does not contain coltan, tantalum, or other minerals mined in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and other places by poor people working under oppressive conditions created by international consumer greed that is devouring the world.  It does not allow anyone to spy on me as I type.  I am alone and unplugged, disconnected, off-line and out of line, a sine qua non for thinking, and thinking about deep matters.  The typewriter is mine, and mine alone, unlike the connected digital devices that have destroyed aloneness, for to be alone is to contemplate one’s fate and that of all humanity.  It is to confront essential things and not feel the loneliness induced and exacerbated by the illusion of always being in touch.

But while this typing machine allows me to write in peace, I am in no way suggesting that I have escaped the technological condition that we all find ourselves in.  There are little ways to step outside the closing circle, but even then, one is still in it.  I will eventually have to take my paper and type it into a computer document if I wish to publish it in the form you will be reading it.  There is no other way. The technocrats have decreed it so. We are all, as George Orwell once wrote in a different context and meaning, “inside the whale,” the whale in this case being a high-tech digital world controlled by technocrats, and we have only small ways to shield ourselves from it. Sitting in a quiet room, working on a typewriter, taking a walk in the woods without a cell phone, or not owning a cell phone, are but small individual acts that have no effect on the structural realty of what Neil Postman calls technopoly in his masterful book, Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology.  And even in the woods one may look up to admire a tree only to find that it is a cell phone tower.

Humans have always created and used technology, but for a very long time that technology was subject to cultural and religious rules that circumscribed limits to its use.  Today there are no limits, no rules to constrain it.  The prohibition to prohibit is our motto.  In our acceptance of technical efficiency, we have handed over our freedom and lost control of the means to ends we can’t fathom but unconsciously fear.  Where are we heading? many probably wonder, as they check the latest news ping, no doubt about something to fear, as a thousand pieces of “news” flash through their devices without pause, like wisps of fleeting dreams one vaguely remembers but cannot pin down or understand.  Incoherence is the result.  Speed is king.

Of course, this kaleidoscopic flood of data confuses people who desire some coherence and explanation.  This is provided by what Jacques Ellul, in Presence in the Modern World, calls “the explanatory myth.”  He writes,

This brings us to the other pole of our bizarre intellectual situation today: the explanatory myth.  In addition to its political and its mystical and spiritual function, the explanatory myth is the veritable spinal column of our whole intellectual system…Given that appearances produce confusion and coherence is needed, a new appearance unifies them all in the viewer’s mind and enables everything to be explained.  This appearance has a spiritual root and is accepted only by completely blind credulity.  It becomes the intellectual key for opening all secrets, interpreting every fact, and recognizing oneself in the whirl of phenomena…this myth [is] their one stable point of thought and consciousness…enables everyone to avoid the trouble of thinking for themselves, the worry of doubt, the questioning, the uncertainty of understanding, and the torture of a bad conscience.  What prodigious savings of time and means, which can be put usefully to work manufacturing some more missiles…[they] have a good conscience because they have an answer for everything; and whatever happens and whatever they do, they can rely on the explanation that myth provides.  This process places them within the most complete unreality possible.  They live in a permanent dream, but a realistic dream, constructed from the countless facts and theories that they believe in with all the power of ‘mass persons’ who cannot detach themselves from the mass without dying.

Today that myth is the religion of technology.

So if you have any questions you want answered, you can ask your phone.

Ask your phone why we are living with endless wars on the edge of using our most astounding technological invention: nuclear weapons.

Ask your computer why “nice” Americans will sit behind computer screens and send missiles to kill people half-way around the world whom they are told they are at war with.

Ask your smart device why so many have become little Eichmanns, carrying out their dutiful little tasks at Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and all the other war manufacturers, or not caring what stocks they own.

Ask your phone what really happened to the Ukrainian International Airlines Flight 752 in Iran.  See if your phone will say anything about cyber warfare, electronic jamming, or why the plane’s transponder was turned off preventing a signal to be sent indicating it was a civilian aircraft.

Ask who is behind the push to deploy 5 G wireless technology.

Ask that smart phone who is providing the non-answers.

Ask and it won’t be given to you; seek and you will not find. The true answers to your questions will remain hidden.  This is the technological society, set up and controlled by the rulers.  It is a scam.

Google it!

God may respond.


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Distinguished author and sociologist Edward Curtin is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. Visit the author’s website here.

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Who is telling the truth.  Compare the images.

The Mainstream Media is lying.

“Fake News”?

See the official tweet of the Associated Press.

Hundreds, Thousands? Millions?

It’s what you call “investigative reporting”…

You show them what you want them to see.  

Public opinion in the US is misled.  

The Iraqi people including Sunni, Shiite, Christians are demanding that US Troops Leave their Country.

The entire Iraqi population want the US to Withdraw from their Country.

Here is the mainstream version of what happened in the Miami Herald, AP report.  focussing on factional social, political and religious divisions.

The mass movement of several million Iraqis against US military occupation is casually presented as a protest against the Iraqi government:

Officials and experts said the rally was the cleric’s attempt to capitalize on brewing anti-American feeling and show he had the upper hand among Iraqis as political elites wrangle over who should be the next prime minister.

Large crowds gathered on the Muslim day of prayer as loudspeakers blasted, “No, no America!” at a central square. Some of al-Sadr’s followers were shrouded in white capes to symbolize the fact that they were ready to die for the cause.


“Hey Trump! We will not allow you to turn Iraq into a battlefield,” read one banner. A child held up a poster reading, “Death to America. Death to Israel.”

Apparently seeking to show control, his supporters did not clash with the heavy security presence or target the separate, anti-government protests in neighboring Tahrir Square, a possibility feared by activists.

Followers of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr gather in Baghdad, Iraq, Friday, Jan. 24, 2020. Thousands of supporters of an influential, radical Shiite cleric gathered Friday in central Baghdad for a rally to demand that American troops leave the country amid heightened anti-US sentiment after a drone strike ordered by Washington earlier this month killed a top Iranian general in the Iraqi capital. (AP Photo) (emphasis added)

The Associated Press (AP) authoritative news report. “Hundreds of supporters”. Where was that picture taken?

Fake News at its best.


And this is what really happened.

Several million Iraqis called for the FULL withdrawal of  US forces




Telesur and Global Research.



Our message to US Forces. This is an Illegal War. 

“Abandon the Battlefield”


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Iraqis are furious that the U.S. continues its military occupation — a continuation of the 2003 U.S. invasion — of their country, after the U.S. was finally ordered out by Iraq’s Government on January 5th. U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media constantly lie about this and about anything else which reveals the ugly imperialist reality of U.S. foreign policy. Americans are deceived, and kept in the dark, by ‘our’ ‘news’-media.

First, the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media lied and reported that U.S. troops were only ‘requested’ to leave — though Iraq’s Parliament had unanimously voted for a resolution to demand the U.S. to leave, and Iraq’s Prime Minister supported it 100% so that the entire Iraqi Government were demanding — not merely ‘requesting’ — the U.S. to leave.

Then, when the Trump regime refused to leave, a call went out by an opponent of the occupation, Muqtada al-Sadr, for Iraqis to march in Baghdad on January 24th to demand that the U.S. regime immediately comply with their Government’s demand; and, on the morning of Friday January 24th, America’s AP ‘news’ agency bannered “Iraqis rally against US troops, demanding they leave”, and reported:

“Tens of thousands of Iraqis marched peacefully through Baghdad on Friday to demand the ouster of U.S. troops from their country. … There were no official estimates of the turnout and organizers gave varying figures, but it clearly fell short of the ‘million-man’ march that had been called for by al-Sadr.”

That’s a lie, because there already had been tweeted photos and videos of the march showing that

“This is a Million-Man miracle for the largest human gathering in Iraq’s history. This morning in the capital, Baghdad, struck by a two-million human-flood in a demonstration to expel American troops and to end their bases in Iraq.”

And: “The Chief of Police in Baghdad just estimated the number of Iraqis protesting against the US’ presence in Iraq today to be in excess of one million people.”

Photos like this were shown, which would never be shown in U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media. And this tweet showed four such photos, and said,

“Over 8 Kilometres of packed streets with millions of Iraqis calling for FULL withdrawal of American forces from #Iraq.”

That’s 5 miles packed with people, which would be around two million people. All of this was before the AP ‘journalists’ issued their ‘news’-report saying “Tens of thousands of Iraqis marched.”

The U.S. regime uses other countries’ territory for its own purposes, regardless of what the residents in the invaded/occupied land want or need. In the case of Iraq, the purpose of invading that land was theft of Iraq’s oil. Until 2003, Iraq’s oil had been nationalized — a national instead of private investor-owned asset. George W. Bush cut U.S.-and-allied investors in on it. (Donald Trump wants not only Iraq’s oil but Syria’s, and so U.S. taxes are funding propaganda to help steal that too for American billionaires.)

The U.S. regime had invaded Iraq on 20 March 2003 based entirely on lies by the U.S. President and his Administration and the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media, about “Saddam’s WMD” that they had no evidence existed and which actually did not exist, but the gullible U.S.-and-allied masses believed those lies and still believe the regime’s lies — and so supported U.S.-and-allied invasion-destruction of Libya 2011, Syria 2012-now, Yemen 2015-now, and Iran-yet-to-come, and the leading U.S. Presidential candidates are Donald Trump and Joe Biden, both of whom are committed to those very same imperialistic (or ‘neoconservative’) foreign policies, in order to serve America’s billionaires, who own-control not just the ‘news’-media but the Government, in this ‘democracy’.


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Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of  CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

Featured image is from Massoud Nayeri

“Essentially, five Justices were unhappy with the limited nature of the case before us, so they changed the case to allow themselves to change the law.” – Former US Supreme Court justice, John Paul Stevens

This week almost all media failed in their duties, as did the US Supreme court a decade ago, to bring you the true and most important- and unreported- story of this generation in American election politics.

It is now ten years since the United States Supreme Court vacated its duties regarding the US constitution, particularly regarding election law. The American voter now steamrolls towards another mega-money election as a result of this legal skullduggery- if not treason–  willfully created by a divisive majority within a constitutionally ambivalent Supreme Court.

Supreme Court justices rarely, if ever, speak within their carefully crafted written opinions in a manner that incorporates strong emotion. One of the most notable exceptions in decades came with eloquence and outrage from the pen of thirty-five-year veteran court justice, John Paul Stevens. The dissent he authored can, in review, be considered as a scathing indictment of the modern court. Steven’s dissenting opinion on the landmark  CITIZENS UNITED v. FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION, better known as “Citizens United,” tells the story of the cunningly crafted sell out by this third branch of government and of… the day the US Supreme court made corporations into people.

This week marks that day on Jan 21, 2010, when the incredible decision in Citizens became public. Steven’s decades on the SCOTUS bench had spanned seven presidencies and nine national elections and witnessed dramatic changes in American social history and the make-up of the court itself. While reading his fifty-seven-page dissent, written at his request on the behalf of Sotomayor, Breyer, and Ginsburg, there is almost a desperation within the incredibly well-crafted reasoning and legal precedents that he presents. His becomes a chronicle of the final vestige, via Citizens, of any remaining independence or constitutional respect by the court.

In reading Steven’s dissent, one feels his words as a howl of outrage only restrained by the written word. Stevens’ dissenting opinion exposes that this court has implicitly sold its soul and its legacy to the same corporate masters as the corporately controlled US Congress and the Presidency.

The story provided within Steven’s bold dissent shows why the results of Citizens United were far more divisive than the mere decision itself. For, within this story is the behind the scenes legal machinations of a court thus forever steeped in corporate influence; a court that first dutifully stepped up to court bench with one set of intentions. These had nothing to do with the US constitution or justice.

More importantly, Stevens’ dissent is the prescient story of why this court, in its current make-up this term will now, this very month rule- very predictably– on six of the biggest landmark cases in many years. The American citizen should be greatly concerned since Steven’s dissent was more important than a mere examination; his dissent foretold the America of this day. One beholden onlyto corporate interests.

As Steven’s so succinctly and satirically suggests as the implicit ludicrous ruling in Citizen’s United,

Under the majority’s view, I suppose it may be a First Amendment problem that corporations are not permitted to vote, given that voting is, among other things, a form of speech. “

The Immaculate Conception

To comprehend the ultimate constitutional treason by America’s highest court it is also necessary to follow the chronology of legislation and precedent of the previous court decisions in the cases of First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti (1978), Buckley v Valeo (1976), Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce,(1990), McConnell v F.E.C. (2003) and the congressional legislation contained in the Tillman Act, The Taft- Hartley Act, the Federal Election Campaign Act[FECA] and section 203 of the Bi-Partisan Campaign Reform Act [BCRA].

Prior to the SCOTUS conceiving America’s soon to be born corporations, way back in 2008, a small pro-republican conservative lobbying firm knows as Citizens United had then produced and wanted to show a documentary about Hillary Clinton. They attempted to do so within weeks of the Democratic convention on local broadcast television. In keeping with multiple previously established congressionally legislated laws restricting this type of coercion, the D.C. District Court, ruled that this was a violation of the 2002 BCRA (specifically sect.203) also known as the McCain-Feingold Act. Regulations, then, prohibited corporations and unions from funding “electioneering communications” about a political candidate within 30 days of a primary or 60 days of a general election.

And, that was, supposedly, that. However, here is where the plot begins.

It took a divisive court just two years to craft a path that would allow the view of five co-conspirator justices to outvote the other four. In doing so, this majority pushed the Supreme Court to interfere with more than a century of ongoing, well crafted, and established election law and thus rule in favor of corporations. In overturning the appellate court’s affirmation of the lower court’s decision in Citizens United v. FECthese five justices effectively ruledthat corporations, including those that are for-profit, can spend unlimited amounts of money on “electioneering communications.”

Communications, in all its forms, is the keyword. Stevens:

“A century of more recent history puts to rest any notion that today’s ruling is faithful to our First Amendment tradition. At the federal level, the express distinction between corporate and individual political spending on elections stretches back to 1907, when Congress passed the Tillman Act, banning all corporate contributions to candidates.”

The Tillman Act was a natural populist reaction to the run-away laissez-faire capitalism of the late 19th century that had, similar to this day, taken over functional control of the presidency and congress. But this legislation was just the beginning. Although it stood virtually unchanged for decades, congress slowly defined, if not watered down, the Tillman Act with new legislation to allow more and more corporate campaign funding to enter elections. However, congress maintained essential corporate restrictions each time.

Stevens, referring to this past, cites a report by the 1906 59th congress and its initial legal response to the rational in creating the Tillman Act:

 “[t]he evils of the use of [corporate] money in connection with political elections are so generally recognized that the committee deems it unnecessary to make any argument in favour of the general purpose of this measure. It [the Tillman Act] is in the interest of good government and calculated to promote purity in the selection of public officials.”

He adds to this comparison President Roosevelt’s 1905 annual message to Congress when he too bolstered the need for these protections, declaring:

“All contributions by corporations to any political committee or for any political purpose should be forbidden by law; moreover, a prohibition of this kind would be, as far as it went, an effective method of stopping the evils aimed at in corrupt practices acts.”

The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 is of special significance to the eventuality of Citizens since at that time as well, more than 60 years ago, Congress extended the prohibition on corporate support of candidates to cover not only direct contributions but independent ones.

Despite this, corporations quickly circumvented Taft- Hartley and the Labor Management Relations Act [LMRA] of 1947. Notes Stevens, “The bar on contributions ‘was being so narrowly construed’ that corporations were easily able to defeat the purposes of the Act by supporting candidates through other means.”

Corporate regulations were ultimately defined within the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) of 1971 which was eventually slightly modified in 1974 as a reaction to Watergate. This was a comprehensive attempt by Congress, both the House of Representatives and the United States Senate, to regulate how the candidates for the presidency and Congress raised campaign money and reported those funds. FECA provided regulation of the four greatest concerns: 1) the size of contributions to political campaigns, 2) the source of such contributions, 3) public disclosure of campaign finance information, and 4) public financing of presidential campaigns.

Stevens points out how entrenched were the many existing corporate election regulations even before FECA:

“By the time Congress passed the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) in 1971, the bar on corporate contributions and expenditures had become such an accepted part of federal campaign finance regulation that… in Buckley,424 U. S. 1, no one even bothered to argue that the bar as such was unconstitutional.” [Emph. Added]

Four years later, in Austin, 494 U. S. 652, the court next articulated whether corporations could be barred from using general treasury funds to make independent expenditures in support of, or opposition to, candidates. Even at this time, the matter was very easily settled in keeping with the already referenced precedents. In recognizing the importance of “the integrity of the marketplace of political ideas”in candidate elections, the court noted the obvious: that corporations have “special advantages—such as limited liability, perpetual life, and favorable treatment of the accumulation and distribution of assets,”—that allow them to spend prodigious general treasury sums on campaign messages that have “little or no correlation”with the beliefs held by actual persons. So, Austin, too, prevailed.

For more than twenty years Austin remained established law and was repeatedly affirmed in the subsequent court decisions, most importantly in apparent finality within McConnell, 540 U. S. 93. Here, the court upheld very similar provisions that were eventually challenged in Citizens United. McConnell was also a reaction to a corporate challenge to section §203 of the BCRA whichCongress had crafted in response to a problem created by the challenge in the Buckley case. The Buckley Court had incorrectly construed FECA’s definition of prohibiting “expenditures” narrowly to avoid any problems of constitutional vagueness, holding it applicable only to “communications that expressly advocate the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate.”

Congress passed §203 of the BCRA to address this circumvention, once again prohibiting corporations and unions from using general treasury funds for electioneering communications that “refe[r] to a clearly identified candidate.”

Steven’s points out the rock-solid conference of these many past precedents and legislation by next referring to the corporate challenge to election laws in McConnell, which was so easily dispatched by the court:

“…in McConnell…, we found the question ‘easily answered’… We have repeatedly sustained legislation aimed at ‘the corrosive and distorting effects of immense aggregations of wealth that are accumulated with the help of the corporate form and that have little or no correlation to the public’s support for the corporation’s political ideas.’ 

In total, the subsequent decision in Citizens is shown by Stevens again and again as an incredible violation of established law and sound constitutional reasoning. Inciting Bellotti, which the majority used as a primary rationale to overturn Citizens, Steven’s shows without a doubt that the majority completely turned Bellotti on its head to serve their unfathomable reasoning,

“…it could not have been clearer that Bellotti’s holding forbade [the] distinctions between corporate and individual expenditures like the one at issue [in Citizens]. The Court’s reliance is odd…the opinion [Bellotti] squarely disavowed the proposition for which the majority cites it [in Citizens].

This is, of course, an outrageous reading of Bellotti by the majority. Stevens also points out that the Bellotti Court confronted a dramatically different factual situation from the one in Citizens. Calling the majority’s logic in Citizens further into question, Stevens adds:

“Austin and McConnell, then, sit perfectly well with Bellotti. Indeed, all six members of the Austin majority had been on the Court at the time of Bellotti, and none so much as hinted in Austin that they saw any tension between the decisions.”

Reiterating respect for the aforementioned long list of historical precedent, Stevens continues:

“Continuously for over 100 years…[the court has ruled against]threats to electoral integrity… posed by large sums of money from corporate or union treasuries. Time and again, we have recognized these realities in approving measures that Congress and the States have taken. None of the cases the majority cites [in Citizens] is to the contrary.”

Stevens points out that, at the time Citizens United brought its lawsuit, the only types of speech that could be potentially regulated under BCRA §203 were: (1) broadcast, cable, or satellite communications; (2) capable of reaching at least 50,000 persons in the relevant electorate; (3) made within 30 days of a primary or 60 days of a general federal election; (4) by a labor union or a non- MCFL, non-media corporation;(5) paid for with general treasury funds; and (6) “susceptible of no reasonable interpretation other than as an appeal to vote for or against a specific candidate.”

Hence, Stevens cuts the matter to the bone:

“So let us be clear: Neither Austin norMcConnell held or implied that corporations may be silenced; the FEC is not a “censor”; and in the years since these cases were decided, corporations have continued to play a major role in the national dialogue. … the majority’s incessant talk of a ‘ban’ aims at a straw man.”

But this was a court predisposed to fiction, a court that was not interested in correct legal reasoning, precedent, congressional intent, or justice.

Five men had an inside job to do.So… the Supreme Court Plumbers began their work.

The Corporate Mid-Wife

“Stare Decisis” (Latin): ‘Stand by Things Decided’.”

With repeated corporate attempts at increasing their control on US elections thwarted by the court in the public interest, the Plumbers had a problem. To confirm their plot they needed a case to overturn however, Citizens had not, as was necessary, petitioned the court for review.

But Chief Justice John Roberts saw opportunity buried within Citizens; if he could only get the case before the bench without a request for standing by a petitioner. So, as went one hundred years of election law precedent, so easily went another two hundred years of procedural precedent along with it.

Roberts’ initial problem was the long-established universal court tenet of Stare Decisis.

Applied to the SCOTUS, this functionally means, that other than in exceptional circumstances, the court will not provide a review of any law or legislation unless asked to do so by a losing litigant at the lower court and only then if it can show a “facial” or specifically constitutional challenge. ‘Citizens’ did not apply to the court nor provide a legally correct facial challenge.

So, the Plumbers cast these legal obligations to the winds as well.

Citing established law while referring to Stare Decisis, Steven’s provides,

“The appellant, in this case, did not so much as assert an exceptional circumstance, and one searches the majority opinion in vain for the mention of any. That is unsurprising, for none exists.

One of the reasons that Stare Decisis is so important is that federal and state legislatures need to operate with the confidence that they can create their own laws within the tenets of the US constitution in an autonomous manner without concern for external intervention by the courts unless constitutionally necessary, i.e., the states do not need court approval before they enact legislation.

Stevens adds:

 “Stare decisis protects…the elected branches to shape their laws in an effective and coherent fashion. Today’s decision [Citizens applied Stare Decisis] takes away a power that we have long permitted these branches to exercise.”

As an example, inFEC v. National Right to Work Comm., 459 U.S. 197 (1982), the court had previously unanimously ruled that legislatures are entitled to decide “that the special characteristics of the corporate structure require particularly careful regulation” in an electoral context.

Regarding the majority’s failures within Stare Decisis, Stevens assesses:

“… the majority opinion…. says almost nothing about the standard considerations we have used to determine stare decisis value, such as the antiquity of the precedent, the workability of its legal rule, and the reliance interests at stake. “

The motivation of Roberts in bringing Citizen’s before the court in violation of Stare Decisis had one primary goal, overturning Austin and by extension BCRA sect 203.

“The only relevant thing that has changed since Austin and McConnell is the composition of this Court. Today’s ruling thus strikes at the vitals of stare decisis…”

In the end, the Court’s consideration of Citizens said Stevens, with regard to Austin and McConnell, comes down to “nothing more than its disagreement with their results.”

Steven’s continues:

“Virtually every one of [the majority’s] arguments [in Citizens] was made and rejected in those cases [McConnell, Austin, Bellotti, Buckley] and the majority opinion is essentially an amalgamation of resuscitated dissents.”

“The only relevant thing that has changed since Austin and McConnell is the composition of this Court.”

Now that the Plumbers had their much needed constitutional skeleton key of Citizens finally in hand- after their wholesale ignorance of Stare Decisis– it was time for the five to go to work.

Birthin’ the Baby

“Essentially, five Justices were unhappy with the limited nature of the case before us, so they changed the case to give themselves an opportunity to change the law.”- Stevens.

Oh, and change it they did, throwing out along with Stare Decisis one of the most basic legal principles: the requirement of a facial challenge: the assertion of an error in the correct application of constitutional law within an appellate court ruling so that it may be brought to the court. Citizen never made this facial challenge because it never petitioned the court for review.

So, the plumbers built their own, once again, out of straw.

This is not merely a technical defect in the Court’s decision. Stevens continues his attack on the use of Citizensby next looking at the purely procedural problems and lack of a facial challenge, that would, without the assistance of the Plumbers, never have been heard by the court. These were serious errors.

Notes Stevens:

“The jurisdictional statement [of Citizens] never so much as cited Austin. In fact, not one of those questions raised an issue based on Citizens United’s corporate status and never sought a declaration that BCRA §203 was facially unconstitutional …instead it argued only that the statute could not be applied to it because it was “funded overwhelmingly by individuals.”

So, Citizens was not asking for Austin to effectively be struck-down; neither was it asking to be considered a person. This was entirely the work of the Plumbers, since:

“Citizens United expressly abandoned its facial challenge, (May 16, 2008), and the parties stipulated to the dismissal of that claim.”

Yet, to serve their true purpose of overturning Austin the majority incredibly suggested that,

“even though [Citizens] expressly dismissed its facial challenge, Citizens United nevertheless preserved it—not as a freestanding “claim,” but as a potential argumentin support of “a claim that the FEC has violated its First Amendment right to free speech.”

To this, Steven cryptically assesses this reasoning of this irrational, incorrect, and outrageous legal premise, since;

“There would be no need for plaintiffs to argue their case; they could just cite the constitutional provisions they think relevant, and leave the rest to us.”


“There is no legitimate basis for resurrecting a facial chal­lenge that dropped out of this case 20 months ago.”

Making the majority decision all the more divisive, there were other remedies that the majority might have considered if it were not going for the big prize of instead smashing Austin by using Citizen’s. Said Stevens,

“The Court operates with a sledgehammer rather than a scalpel when it strikes down one of Congress’ most significant efforts [BCRA] to regulate the role that corporations and unions play in electoral politics. It compounds the offence by implicitly striking down a great many state laws as well.

“It is all the more distressing that our colleagues have manufactured a facial challenge because the parties [in Citizens]have advanced numerous [alternate] ways to resolve the case.”

Stevens continues that the problem goes still deeper, for the Court ignores these possibilities on the basis of pure speculation.

Congress crafted BCRA in response to a virtual mountain of research on the corruption that previous legislation had failed to avert. The Court by overturning Citizens negated Congress’ efforts “without a shred of evidence on how §203 or its state-law counterparts have been affecting any entity other than Citizens United.”

“The fact that a Court can hypothesize situations in which a statute might, at some point down the line, pose some unforeseen as-applied problems, does not come close to meeting the standard for a facial challenge”.

So, the Plumbers, within their ruling that overturned Citizens, allowed for a facial challenge that did not exist in order to adulterate the supposed review of Citizen while in reality being after Austin.

Unbelievably, the work of the Plumbers and their sudden legal acumen would become more egregious than thus far described in Stevens’ parable.

Spanked into Life

“The novelty of the Court’s procedural dereliction and its approach to stare decisis is matched only by the novelty of its ruling on the merits.”

The Citizens majority ruling, once it took the form presented by the Plumbers, rested on several premises.

First, the Court claimed that Austin and McConnell had “banned” corporate speech.

Second, it claimed that the First Amendment precludes regulatory distinctions based on speaker identity, including the speaker’s identity as a corporation.

Third, it claimed that Austin and McConnell were radical outliers in the history of First Amendment tradition applied to campaign finance jurisprudence. Stevens, within the next thirty-plus pages of his dissent, thrashes all of these legally irrational contentions to their core, thus exposing beyond doubt that each premise used by the majority is incorrect.

Within his succinct analysis Stevens provides three avenues of thought that the majority could have taken if it had been reviewing Citizens and not Austin with the reminder that the majority has transgressed yet another “cardinal” principle of the judicial process:

“[I]f it is not necessary to decide more, it is necessary not to decide more,” PDK Labs., Inc. v. Drug Enforcement Admin., 362 F. 3d (CADC 2004)

In lieu of this fundamental precedent, Steven highlights two of the narrower grounds of the decision that the majority had bypassed and that would have preserved BCRA and Austin while appeasing Citizens.

First, the Court might have ruled, on statutory grounds, that a feature-length film distributed through video-on-demand does not qualify as an “electioneering communication” under §203 of BCRA.

Second, the Court could have expanded the MCFL v F.E.C. rulingto cover §501(c)(4) nonprofits that accept only a de minimis amount of money from for-profit corporations since, “Citizens United professes to be such a group.”

“…the Court could have easily limited the breadth of its constitutional holding had it declined to adopt the novel notion that speakers and speech acts must always be treated identically—and always spared expenditures restrictions…”

Stevens’ examples and harsh legal examination is meant to show that there were principled, narrower paths that the court could have taken if the Plumbers had been serious about traditional judicial restraint. To this, Stevens again provides precedent…

“[A] decision to overrule should rest on some special reason over and above the belief that a prior case was wrongly decided.”Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U. S. 833, 864 (1992).

…to bolster his opinion that:

“The conceit that corporations must be treated identically… is not only inaccurate but also inadequate to justify the Court’s disposition of this case…I emphatically dissent from its principal holding.”

Steven provides a final, all-encompassing comment on this two-year plot to circumvent BCRA sect 203 and Austinby way of Citizens.

“The only thing preventing the majority from affirming the District Court, or adopting a narrower ground that would retain Austin, is [the majority’s] disdain for Austin.”

The Child Grows Fangs

In looking at the future as resultant to Citizens, Stevens opined ten years ago;

“Going forward, corporations and unions will be free to spend as much general treasury money as they wish …thus dramatically enhance[ing] the role of corporations and unions—and the narrow interests they represent…in determining who will hold public office.”

With this, Stevens foresaw, as all the great justices have done, the future of his America applied to any landmark decision. Long gone, even in mind, are the carefully crafted rulings of a Warren, Powell, Marshall, Black or Douglas.

When the Plumbers ruled to overturn Citizens, and effectively BCRA sect. 203 and Austin, this set a new precedent. Post-2000 rulings would also help to spawn the advent of the super PACs, which, thanks to the Plumbers and Citizens, can accept unlimited contributions from corporations, unions and other groups.

In the many two, four or six-year election cycles since Citizens United, the “dark money” political nonprofits have increasingly unleashed unprecedented amounts of money in order to influence voters. This has given rise to this massive funding being used to propagate favored candidates at all levels of government including the local judgeships as well as its use to defeat opposition candidates as well.

Underhandedly, post- Citizens political party leaders helped establish many of these super PACs, so as to effectively and secretly funnel unreported money from a growing number of well-connected outside groups. This result, as intended by the Plumbers, blurred the lines between super PACs and candidates.

Today, super PACs far surpass national party committees as the top political spending groups. In 2018, the top three outside spending groups were RNC connected super PACs. The  Congressional Leadership Fund ($136 million), Harry Reid-connected Senate Majority PAC ($112 million) and the Mitch McConnell-linked Senate Leadership Fund ($94 million) were just three of these election war chests.

Although super PACs must disclose their donors, they can accept unlimited contributions from dark money nonprofits and these are not required to disclose their donors. Therefore, a super PAC can simply list the nonprofit as the donor, keeping the identity of the actual sources of funding secret.

Another lasting impact of Citizens United is the rising influence of megadonors. In 2010, the top individual donor gave out $7.6 million to candidates and groups. That number shot up in 2012 when Sheldon and Miriam Adelson by themselves gave out nearly $93 million. Aiding these scores of mega-donors was the 2014 McCutcheon v. FEC Supreme Court ruling that removed limits on how much an individual donor can give in an election cycle.

Constitutional Measles

In a matter of days, the SCOTUS will reveal its annual court decisions. The docket this year is one of the most important in decades since the issues that the court will decide are some of the most duplicitous in decades. These include DACA, abortion restrictions, gun rights, state funds for religious schools, and two Separation of Powers issues about Trump’s finances.

With Steven’s saga of Citizens and the Supreme Court Plumbers now firmly in mind, American society should be very concerned. The constitution in these upcoming decisions, as was the case with Citizens, will not be of concern legally, but merely theologically.

In the past ten years, the make-up of the SCOTUS has turned even further away from constitutional obligations into the realm of the corporately ideological. No longer is there a perceived swing vote as there was with justice Kennedy and the majority now sits firmly in one camp of five-plus justices, a camp that former Chief Supreme Court Justice, Earl Warren would have blasted as he does today in absentia having declared a half-century ago:

“…the right to elect legislators in a free and unimpaired fashion is a bedrock of our political system.”

But, that was a long time ago.

So in conclusion, while considering that the SCOTUS decisions to be rendered in the coming days are- post-Citizens– far too predictable, the thus utterly disenfranchised voter might do well to consider this aforementioned parable and the words so carefully crafted by this nation’s third longest-serving justice when he said in sardonic finality:

“[Before Citizens]few outside the majority of this Court would have thought [that America’s] flaws included a dearth of corporate money in politics.”

Mere months later, as the aftermath of Citizens swept the country, United States Supreme Court Justice, John Paul Steven, the second oldest justice in US history at age ninety, retired.

His dissenting opinion, his cutting critique and its implicit indictment of the unconstitutional- if not mercenary- direction of its majority was the very last court opinion to come from this great man’s pen.


Few knew this story. Few understand the true gravity of Citizens United. Fewer realize how much this case was the bellwether of an America that the voter must again attempt to overcome in mere months.

The Plumbers of the Watergate failed. They were brought to justice, convicted, vilified and unwittingly toppled a corrupt president who considered himself above the law.

The Plumbers of today, those who walk the hallowed halls of the Supreme Court building, they, however, will continue to whisper with impunity their constitutional heresy from within the obfuscation of their specious and corporatist landmark decisions.

These Plumbers of today? They have already done far more damage than the gang of ’72 could have ever imagined.

A president? Shit…

These guys took down a constitution…and a country!



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Brett Redmayne-Titley has published over 180 in-depth articles over the past ten years for news agencies worldwide. Many have been translated and republished. On-scene reporting from important current events has led to his many multi-part exposes on such topics as the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, NATO summit, Keystone XL Pipeline, Porter Ranch Methane blow-out, Hizbullah in Lebanon, Erdogan’s Turkey and many more. He can be reached at: live-on-scene ((at)) Prior articles can be viewed at his archive:

Last week the US and China finally signed phase 1 of their long awaited trade deal. Despite Trump’s hyperbole financial markets reacted in a rather muted way to the ‘deal of the century’. The continuing inflation in stock markets is due to the QE4 programme of the US Federal Reserve that’s pumping hundreds of billions into the short term debt (repo) market and the purchasing of $60 billion of US Treasury debt every month.

Nearly 2 years after he launched the trade war with China has Trump finally got the deal he originally wanted? Definitely not.

The current deal does not address any of the major structural issues that the US wants China to make concessions over. Those thorny issues seem insurmountable unless China is willing to make major compromises over its national sovereignty reminiscent of the unequal treaties it was forced to sign with Western imperialism during the 19th and 20th centuries.

The second round of the trade war will be much more protracted and problematic and is likely to greatly exacerbate tensions between the two largest economies in the world pushing their relationship to breaking point.

Having said this, Trump has extracted a series of concessions from the Beijing government led by the misnamed Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Effectively, China has conceded the first round of the trade war to the US. giving Trump’s re-election prospects a major boost.

This begs the question: why has China signed a trade deal, that makes so many concessions, with a country that is unrelentingly aggressive towards it?

The phase 1 trade deal will also create domestic problems for the CCP leadership which has played the nationalist card for all its worth over the last year and ramped up its anti-American propaganda claiming that it would,“fight to the end”. The CCP leadership is in danger of boxing itself into a corner having raised public expectations that it would resist any trade deal which stifled China’s economic prospects.

The Chinese population has a long historical memory of concessions made by past governments to the West. It will be interesting to see how the Chinese people react to the compromises made by their government in the ‘phase one’ trade deal at a time of slowing economic growth. In 2019 China’s economy grew at its slowest pace in three decades. This is a major concern to the government which is acutely aware that slowing economic growth poses a threat to social stability and the continued rule of the one party state.

Vincent Kolo a journalist based in China makes the observation that the trade deal:

“… is very likely to be panned as an “unequal treaty” and an American victory by netizens in China. China’s state media has been unusually defensive and restrictive with its coverage of the deal. The normally bombastic Global Times (a government mouthpiece), which in December insisted the rolling back of all US tariffs was the bottom line for reaching a phase one agreement, ran an editorial after the deal was signed admonishing its readers that debating “about who had lost or gained is shallow.”

“We urge individuals and forces to exercise some restraint in their nit-picking of the agreement and bad-mouthing future trade negotiations,” it wrote.

Can President Xi’s government successfully sell the trade deal as an achievement that will benefit China’s economy? Time will tell. Let us look at the series of concessions that China made to the United States before considering the domestic and geo-political implications of this trade deal.

Concessions made by China in the ‘Phase One’ trade deal

The mainstream media has widely reported the $200 billion of agricultrual goods, manufactured goods, energy products and services that China has agreed to purchase during the 2020-2021 period.

The ability of China to purchase this amount of American imports has been questioned by many financial experts, never mind the fact that the EU is threatening WTO legal action stating that the phase 1 deal violates free trade.

Under the terms of the phase 1 deal China’s exporters will still be suffering under $360 billion worth of US tariffs that cover two thirds of all goods that Americans buy from China. Conversely, these tariffs will also hurt American shoppers who will pay more for their consumer goods and cut into the profits of many US importers.

If we get into the meat of the 96 page agreement we shall see how the concessions that China has made go much further than these headline catching figures.

Counterfeiting, copyright and intellectual property theft

One of the earliest sections of the agreement deals with counterfeiting, copyright and intellectual property theft for which China has received a bad reputation. The agreement specifies that China will take a whole host of measures to deal with these issues. These measures range from a substantial increase in the number of customs personnel and raising legal penalties to significantly increasing the number of enforcement actions. The agreement puts no obligations on the United States as it merely acknowledges that existing U.S. measures afford effective enforcement.

Agricultural goods

In the politically charged section on trade in agricultural goods we see how the U.S. has successfully pressured China to lower food standards in many areas. In section 3-9 China is now committed to adopting maximum residue limits for growth hormones zeranol, trenbolone acetate, and melangesterol acetate in American beef. These growth hormones in beef have been banned by the EU as potential risks to human health.

China has agree to lift its ban on American pet food containing ruminant ingredients and agrees to no longer carry out Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing (i.e. DNA testing) on all U.S. pet food products containing ruminant ingredients. However, one recent scientific study into the importance of PCR testing in food safety noted that there is a:

“complex widespread disease of the small grains (wheat, maize, or barley) … Fusarium head blight (FHB) produced by the Fusarium sp. infection. Besides the considerable loss of yield, it has the ability to produce mycotoxins which are harmful to human and animal consumer.’’

More controversially, is the agreement regarding Agricultural Biotechnology. According to section 3-20 China has a year in which to produce an assessment procedure for approval of American food derived from genetically modified microorganisms.

This could prove difficult for the Chinese government which has failed to persuade its people of the merits of GMO foods. In a country plagued by food scandals that have produced violent protests it is no surprise that a nationwide survey in 2018 revealed that 46.7% of people disapproved of GMO food. This is despite government propaganda campaigns telling people that GMO food is safe to eat.

The Chinese government, nervous of public feeling on this emotive issue, has even allowed government organizations to issue duelling official narratives on the safety of GMO food. According to Eugene K.Chow of The Diplomat there is, ‘anti-GMO fervour, spread by everyone from popular TV personalities to Maoists and NGOs like Greenpeace.’

Besides this public distrust of GMO food China has its own soybean industry. Its largest producer is based in the north east of the country in Heilongjiang province. Chinese soybeans are GMO free and may be seen by the public to be preferable to GMO soybeans from the United States.

Financial Services

The most perilous part of the phase 1 trade deal is the section concerning the further opening up of China’s financial markets to foreign capital. Over the last 10 years China has been very cautious in reducing capital controls and allowing foreign banks and hedge funds to invest in its capital markets.

The 1997 Asian financial crisis was caused by south-east Asian economies allowing foreign speculative capital into their tightly controlled financial markets. Forbes magazine has summed up the dangers posed by this process:

“Once a market deregulates, there’ll be lots of speculative investments that go after higher interest rates. But as a result, with excessive amounts of foreign money stacking up, along with hot sectors and hot money, the economy ends up screeching to a sudden halt.

Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and other South-east Asian countries …. sought soaring stock markets, higher property prices and increased consumer lending, [just as China currently does-LT] they forfeited control over their financial systems.

Whenever the free-market gets mixed up in a closed controlled financial system, then something will go wrong.’’

Economists Fengjuan Xiao and Donald Kimball in examining China’s capital controls have concluded that there are many dangers to opening it’s economy to international financial markets:

“As it now stands, there is considerable risk that the outcome of quickly liberalizing capital account transactions will be costly for China. As demonstrated during the Asian financial crisis, there is no stronger, quicker, or more unforgiving punisher of poor financial practices than the power of free capital markets.’’

Despite these warnings from history the phase 1 trade deal mandates China to granting banking licences to the “too big to fail” banks of Wall Street. The same banks that created the 2008 financial crisis. Since 2008 they have engaged in a massive crime wave fleecing American consumers and small-medium businesses helping to create the greatest increase in wealth inequality in over a century.

To add insult to injury, the trade deal allows American owned credit rating agencies to operate in China. These are the same credit rating agencies (Standard and Poor’s, Fitch Group and Moody’s) which gave triple A ratings to sub-prime mortgages that triggered the global financial crisis of 2008. Incredibly, China is now giving them the power to rate Chinese bonds sold to domestic investors and international investors.

The phase 1 trade deal also allows American banks to provide securities investment, fund custody services and to serve as underwriters for all types of non-financial debt instruments. You can imagine the hedge funds and “too big to fail” banks of Wall Street drooling at the prospect of the massive fees they can extract from investors in China.

The phase 1 trade deal also allows American payment processes such as MasterCard and Visa to operate in China. No doubt they see China as a lucrative market in which they can extract large amounts in fees from heavily-indebted consumers.

The phase 1 trade deal gets even worse when it comes to allowing American capital to conduct its parasitical activity within other key areas of the Chinese economy.

China will now allow American financial services providers to acquire non-performing loans directly from Chinese banks. Shareestates a New York investment firm notes the lucrative opportunities of this particular financial market, particularity in real estate where China has seen a massive boom with the growth of its ‘ghost cities’:

“Non-Performing real estate loans are a huge opportunity for investors who are serious about turning a discounted asset into a positive ROI [return on investment] and potentially a passive income that will keep your returns flowing in for years to come.

In 2019 China’s banks had non-performing loans worth over $317 billion which is the highest since 2003. This comes at a time when Chinese authorities have been encouraging domestic banks to sharply increase the number of loans to small and medium businesses to help combat the slowdown in economic growth.

According to Price Waterhouse Cooper this poses systemic risks to China’s economy:

“Yet the real level of bad debt in China might be much higher than the official figures, according to some international rating agencies. NPL rates may have already been as high as 15%-21% for the financial system. If that was true, it would mean that if all these were written off, it would wipe out Chinese banks’ capital base.’’

China’s government has overseen a massive credit binge over the last 10 years which has seen the country’s total debt rise from 164% of GDP in 2008 to over 300% of GDP (over $40 trillion) accounting for over 15% of overall global debt. Offering non-performing loans to rapacious American banks is unlikely to help the country deal with its gigantic debt hangover.

The phase 1 trade deal also directs China to remove the legal barriers to American owned insurance companies supplying services to China’s 19.1 trillion yuan insurance sector. In 2019 Chinese insurers premium income rose 15.9% from 2018 to 1.6 trillion yuan.

To cap it all off, the phase 1 trade deal also allows American owned companies to participate in China’s derivatives markets that encompasses speculation in price movements for stock indexes, energy, foodstuffs, precious metals and bonds.

Needless to say, the sum total of all these concessions in the financial services sector amounts to a major retreat by the Beijing government. Now it will give American capital a considerable influence over vitally important sectors of its economy. By allowing foreign capital into its financial markets it remains to be seen whether China will suffer the same fate as the economies of south-east Asia during the 1997 financial crisis that swept the region.

Why has the CCP government made so many concessions to the American empire?

The number one priority of the Beijing government is to maintain economic growth at all costs to avoid the type of mass protests currently afflicting Hong Kong. President Xi and the oligarchs whom he represents have not forgotten the Tiananmen Square uprising of 1989. Social stability must be maintained at all costs.

They are acutely aware that the economic revolution, that has swept the country along since the 1980s, has created an enormous urban population. As long as the desire of the urban population for rising living standards can be met then the CCP government can sleep peacefully at night.

The phase 1 trade deal can be seen as a desperate attempt to help stave off a recession. American tariffs have undoubtedly hurt China’s exporters and the limited partial relief on tariffs must have been accepted by Beijing as better than nothing at all.

It could be argued that China is playing for time while its major economic projects such as the Made In China 2025 initiative and One Belt and Road endeavour come to fruition. If allowed to develop unimpeded they will enable China to achieve its objective of becoming a high-tech manufacturing hub.

The phase 1 deal has helped postpone American demands that China abandon its state capitalist model that has played such a major role in the country’s emergence as an economic powerhouse. American capital would love to see China privatize its strategic state developed industries as happened in Russia during the wild west days of the Yeltsin regime.

The China Worker publication makes the perceptive comment that Xi’s regime felt squeezed by a number of intersecting forces that exerted an:

“…enormous pressure to sign the deal and stave off further tariff increases, given a banking sector crisis which is beginning to flash red warning lights, an accelerating slump in investment and consumption, and fear of significant social unrest. The regime fears the effects on mass consciousness if it is seen as weak or as having capitulated to US pressure, especially as this comes after a number of serious political setbacks – not least the mass rejection of the Chinese regime in Hong Kong and Taiwan.’’

Prospects for the next period

Many financial pundits argue that China’s strategy in the trade war is to wait and see if the U.S. presidential election in November produces an incumbent who is less hostile to its interests.

This would be a huge mistake as recent votes in Congress reveal how the political establishment (both Democrat and Republican) share the same world view when it comes to China. Congress keeps voting unanimously for anti-China measures such as the Hong Kong Human Rights Act.

Regardless of who wins the presidential reality show in November China cannot expect any change in the hostile stance of the American empire.

China’s relations with America over the next period will be shaped above all else by developments in the global economy.

The weak economic growth experienced by the world economy since the 2008 economic depression has been fuelled by a gigantic increase in debt the likes of which have not been seen before in human history. According to the Institute of International Finance global debt grew to mind-boggling” levels from $173 trillion in 2008 to $253trillion by 2019. Global debt to GDP hit an all time high of over 322% in 2019. Global debt it set to continue growing rapidly in 2020 largely driven by China and the United States.

Yet this has not been matched by a corresponding growth of the real economy in goods and services.

Central banks across the globe, including China’s, have taken a series of crisis measures in a desperate attempt to stave off the next economic depression. These measures range from the 67 interest rate cuts carried out by 46central banks to the huge stimulus measures i.e. money printing on a scale that was last seen during the depths of the 2008-9 financial crisis. The U.S. Federal Reserve, the ECB and the People’s Bank of China have all been forced to print digital cash in huge quantities – yet it’s not working.

Numerous metrics indicate that there is a synchronized global economic slowdown’ due to the limits to debt-fuelled growth. The Institute of International Finance estimates that, “Over 60% of the world’s countries expected to see below-potential growth in 2020,…’’ Global manufacturing activity is hovering barely above the recession at 50.1. The Baltic Dry Index (which monitors bulk commodities shipping) is a closely watched indicator of future trading activity has fallen 50% during 2019. Meanwhile, the DHL Global Trade Barometer indicates that a global economy in serious trouble. According to the Brookings Institute:

“The indexes for China and the U.S., the two main drivers of global growth, are below 50 and have been falling. The indexes for other major advanced economies have also declined, reflecting the broad-based nature of the slowdown in trade as well as GDP growth. The low and declining index for Germany, the main driver of growth in Europe, points to an economy that is flirting with recession, as it has experienced virtually zero growth in recent quarters.’’

The dizzying new heights reached by financial markets, particularly in the U.S., are reminiscent of the roaring twenties boom that ended in the disastrous Wall Street Crash of October 1929.

The economic upswing since 2009 is very long in the tooth. If the global economy recedes into recession during 2020-2021 then China will be placed in a very difficult position as markets for its export industries start to dry up.

The uprisings currently taking place across the globe before a recession may well spread to mainland China once an economic downturn starts and living standards start to fall and people feel the pain.

In such a situation the Beijing government will have very limited room for making any further trade concessions to its American enemy. Yet the American empire will be even more hostile in such an economic environment. It will use its vast military machine and the its control of trade, through the U.S. dollar, as cudgels to try and pressure China into making more fundamental concessions.

The Chinese nation will face a choice: draw upon its rich heritage of revolutionary anti-imperialist action to resist the U.S. empire or capitulate to its enemy.

Long term, the current strategy pursued by Beijing of peaceful coexistence with U.S. imperialism will not work. History is full of examples where declining empires fight to maintain their hegemony.


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Censorship is the new normal in America and the West, wanting the message controlled, targeting what conflicts with it for elimination, notably on major geopolitical issues.

Digital democracy is the last frontier of free and open expression.

It’s threatened by social media, Google, and other tech giants —  complicit in a campaign against content conflicting with the official narrative.

Media scholar Robert McChesney earlier said without digital democracy, “the Internet would look like cable TV…a handful of massive companies (controlling) content” — deciding what’s permitted online and what’s suppressed.

Without free expression rights, all others are threatened — where things are headed in US and other Western societies.

Fundamental rights are eroding, at risk of disappearing altogether on the phony pretext of protecting national security at a time when alleged foreign threats to the West are invented, not real.

Pompeo earlier claimed “Julian Assange has no First Amendment freedoms (sic)…He’s not a US citizen.”

Despite no evidence suggesting it, Pompeo called Assange “a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia (sic),” adding:

“We have to recognize that we can no longer allow Assange and his colleagues the latitude to use free speech values against us (sic).”

“To give (him and others) space to crush us with misappropriated secrets is a perversion of what our great Constitution stands for (sic). It ends now.”

Pompeo declared war on speech, media, and academic freedoms — supported by Trump, falsely calling Assange an “enemy of the people.”

Following his latest kangaroo court hearing in London on Thursday, pertaining to the Trump regime’s unjustifiable extradition request, the UK complicit in its war on free expression, WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson said the following:

“We have now learned from submissions and affidavits presented by the United States to this court that they do not consider foreign nationals to have a First Amendment protection,” adding:

“Now let that sink in for a second. At the same time that the US government is chasing journalists all over the world, they claim they have extra-territorial reach.”

“They have decided that all foreign journalists which include many of you here, have no protection under the First Amendment of the United States.”

“So that goes to show the gravity of this case. This is not about Julian Assange. It’s about press freedom.”

Denying Assange the universal right of free expression endangers all journalists and everyone else. His case is precedent-setting.

If extradited to the US, convicted of the “crime” of truth-telling journalism and imprisoned, it’ll have far-reaching consequences, all truth-telling journalists potentially threatened the same way.

Fundamental rule of law principles are universal, in place to protect everyone from abuses of power.

Dark forces in the US and other Western societies want views conflicting with official ones silenced.

In the US, earlier Supreme Court rulings upholding First Amendment rights are ignored, notably Justice William Brennan’s majority opinion in Texas v. Johnson (1989), saying:

“(I)f there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea offensive or disagreeable.”

Justice Thurgood Marshall once said:

“(A)bove all else, the First Amendment means that government has no power to restrict expression because of its message, its ideas, its subject matter, or its content.” Nor does anyone else.

Separately he said:

“If the First Amendment means anything, it means that a State has no business telling a man, sitting alone in his own house, what books he may read or what films he may watch.”

“Our whole constitutional heritage rebels at the thought of giving government the power to control men’s minds.”

No one on the US Supreme Court today approaches the stature of Brennan and Marshall.

Their support for equal justice under law no longer exists in the US, police state injustice replacing it, including efforts to censor views dark forces consider objectionable.

We’re all Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and others like them.

Their fate could be ours by challenging powerful interests — wanting free and open expression replaced by controlling the message.

What’s going on is the hallmark of totalitarian rule — enforced with police state harshness.

When truth-telling and dissent are considered existential threats, free and open societies no longer exist — the slippery slope where the US, UK, and other Western states are heading.

A Final Comment

Last year, WikiLeaks said the following:

Assange is “an Australian journalist who founded WikiLeaks in 2006.”

He “was the editor of WikiLeaks until September 2018: six months of his effective incommunicado detention in the Ecuadorian embassy in London then prompted Julian to appoint Kristin Hrafnsson as WikiLeaks editor-in-chief. Julian remains WikiLeaks’ publisher.”

“Wikileaks’ publications have had enormous impact. They have changed many peoples’ views of governments, enabling them to see their secrets.”

“They have changed journalism as a practice, as debates have raged over the ethics of secrecy, transparency and reporting on stolen documents.”

“WikiLeaks has gained the admiration of people and organizations all over the world, as evidenced in the numerous awards it has won.”

“For these contributions to public accountability and the historical record, Assange has been arrested in the United Kingdom and indicted in the United States.”

“The US requests Assange’s extradition and has charged him with 17 counts under the Espionage Act of 1917 for the publication of truthful material in the public interest.”

“Assange is the first journalist in history the US has charged with Espionage for publishing.”

“He also faces one count of conspiracy to commit computer crime based on his alleged reporter-source communications with whistleblower Chelsea Manning.”

“This charge would criminalize basic journalistic activity, as the indictment details alleged attempts to help Manning protect her anonymity as a journalistic source.”

“If extradited, Assange faces the prospect of life imprisonment in the United States” — for the “crime” of truth-telling journalism the way it’s supposed to be, what establishment media long ago was abandoned, operating as press agents for powerful interests.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

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Only One Lab in China Can Safely Handle the New Coronavirus

January 26th, 2020 by Nicoletta Lanese

As an escalating viral outbreak unfolds in China, only one lab in the country meets the required biosafety standards needed to study the new disease. 

The lab happens to sit in the center of Wuhan, the city where the newly identified coronavirus first appeared, according to the Hindustan Times, an Indian news outlet. The facility, known as the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory, is housed within the Chinese Academy of Sciences and was specifically designed to help Chinese scientists “prepare for and respond to future infectious disease outbreaks,” according to a 2019 report published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Chinese government moved to construct such a lab following the 2003 SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) epidemic, during which more than 8,000 people caught the infection and more than 750 died worldwide, according to the CDC.

Laboratories that handle pathogens receive a rating of 1 to 4, depending on what class of microbe they can feasibly contain, with 1 representing the lowest risk and 4 representing the highest risk. Designated at Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4), the Wuhan lab can hold the world’s most dangerous pathogens at maximum biocontainment levels.

All researchers in a BSL-4 lab must change their clothing upon entering the facility, shower upon exiting and decontaminate all of the materials used during experimentation, according to the CDC. Lab members wear full-body, pressurized suits to isolate themselves from the surrounding environment. The lab itself must be held in a separate building or an isolated wing within the surrounding university and must be supplied with its own air filtration and decontamination systems.

BSL-4 labs are built to contain infectious agents such as the Ebola, Nipah and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever viruses, all of which are highly transmissible and frequently fatal diseases.

Although China intends to build five to seven high-containment laboratories by 2025, as of now, only the Wuhan lab can currently contain pathogens of this nature, according to the 2019 CDC report.

Chinese health officials have classified the new coronavirus as a Class B infectious disease, placing the illness in the same category as SARS and HIV/AIDS, The Washington Post reported. However, the Chinese government announced that it will institute Class A controls — which are usually reserved for more dangerous diseases, like cholera and the plague — in an attempt to contain the outbreak.

Reports of the first infection of this coronavirus in a U.S. citizen, a man in Washington state, have already prompted Chinese health authorities to place Wuhan under quasi-quarantine, meaning that movement to and from the region is now under tight control. Authorities may forcibly quarantine individuals known or suspected to be infected with the virus and will inform the public of each new case identified in China, according to The Washington Post.

More than 400 people have contracted the new coronavirus in China so far, along with others in Thailand, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and the U.S. China’s supply of surgical masks is running low, and many travelers have canceled their plans for the upcoming Lunar New Year because of fears of becoming infected, the South China Morning Post reported. Only time will tell how and when the outbreak will be quelled and whether the outbreak presents any substantial threat to global health.


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50 million Christian Zionists, including US VP Mike Pence, have succeeded in persuading a gullible Donald Trump to propose the forced annexation of Palestinian East Jerusalem and the West Bank by hard-line extremist Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, currently under threat of imprisonment for corruption.

The magnitude of the threat to regional peace cannot be overemphasised. It will give a green light for a concerted and combined attack by Hezbollah and other Arab states to finally put a stop to the astonishing theft of land by the Israeli state, armed and supported by a demented, megalomaniac American President.

Israel, itself, is a nuclear armed state, albeit undeclared and uninspected that is estimated by US scientists to have amassed an arsenal of up to 400 nuclear and chemical weapons of mass destruction.  However, Israel is not a party to any of the international conventions and agreements signed up to by the rest of the world including Britain, America, China, Russia, France, Germany etc. And that fact alone makes the current Israeli government a maverick entity that poses an existential threat to both regional peace and the world.

It was indicative that at this week’s commemorative event in Israel marking the 75th anniversary of the closing of Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in Poland, only about 35 out of 195 UN Member States accepted an invitation to attend the proceedings – presumably in protest at US-backed, Israeli aggression.  From this one can reasonably assume that less than 18% of the global international community support Israel’s continued persecution of the Arab indigenous population.

Any attempt at the further theft of Palestinian land must be taken urgently to the U.N. Security Council for determination because the safety of the 82% majority of the global community is vitally more important than the illegal expansion of a maverick state.


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Hans Stehling (pen name) is an analyst based in the UK. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

The Battle for the Indian Ocean and Island States

January 26th, 2020 by Kester Kenn Klomegah

Russia has taken an increasing interest in strengthening consistently its diplomacy with small island States especially Cape Verde, Mauritius, Maldives and Seychelles. Late December, the Kremlin appointed Deputy Director Artem Kozhin at the Foreign Ministry as the new ambassador to the island of Seychelles, signalling the strategic importance it attaches to this island state of Seychelles with an estimated population of 85 thousand, located in the Indian Ocean, northeast of Madagascar and east of Kenya.

Former Russian ambassador to Seychelles, Alexander Vladimirov said the relations between the two countries have been extremely cordial since the two countries established diplomatic relations following the independence of Seychelles in 1976. Russia and Seychelles have seen remarkable developments between the two countries, including the arrival of many Russian tourists. Russian investors have been investing in the country.

On June 30, 2016, Russia and Seychelles marked their 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Over the years, both have pledged to forge mutual cooperation in many spheres, but little is tangibly visible.

Notwithstanding that little progress, an agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Seychelles waiving visa requirements for short-term trips by citizens of both countries was signed in Victoria, Seychelles, on Sept 2, 2015. Under the agreement, citizens of Russia and Seychelles with a valid passport, including a diplomatic or official passport, are exempted from visa requirements and may enter, stay or transit the territory of the other state without a visa for a term of up to 30 days.

As expected, both countries have exchanged official visits and held meetings at different times. During one of such meetings, Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, underscored the mutual interest in and readiness for the development of a joint plan for partnership, including transport and energy between Russia and Seychelles, and that would include the Sountern African Development Community.

As far back as March 2015, on the topic that appeared that Russia planned to open military bases in Seychelles, Vietnam, Nicaragua and Cuba, Lavrov vehemently responded:

“It is absolutely wrong. We have no plans to create military or marine bases abroad, but to resolve specific tasks: fighting piracy, pirates have appear in many parts of the world. Our fleet makes long-distance voyages. We agreed with some countries, that our ships use the existing infrastructure for calling into ports for maintenance and small repairs, supplementing food and water reserves, and for recreation of crews.”

Seychelles has over the years, suffered fron sea piracy. However, the island is a key participant in the fight against Indian Ocean piracy primarily committed by Somali pirates. Former president James Michel said:

“The pirates cost a great percentage of the Seychelles GDP, including direct and indirect costs for the loss of boats, fishing, and tourism, and the indirect investment for the maritime security.”

These are factors affecting local fishing – one of the country’s main national resources.

As a support base, the island is currently strategic zone for the United States¸ China and India that are already competing in the Indian Ocean. But Sanusha Naidu, a Senior Research Associate at the Institute for Global Dialogue based in Pretoria, South Africa, thinks that it is very strategic for Russia to strengthen engagements with these island States, especially Seychelles.

“Part of this will enable Moscow to have an important maritime security presence from the Indian Ocean Rim on the East Coast to the Altantic seaboard on the West Coast. This could offer important sea-lanes for Moscow’s economic transactions. But, it also represents crucial footprint to keep up with competitors like China and the United States in terms of geo-political interests,” Naidu explained in an interview in relation to this article.

In July 2019, President Vladimir Putin accepted the credentials of 18 newly appointed foreign envoys, among them was Louis Sylvestre Radegonde (Republic of Seychelles). Putin pointed to the fact that Russia maintains friendly relations with the Republic of Seychelles. It counts on further joint work to expand cooperation including tourism, trade, economic and humanitarian spheres, noting strongly that the tourism sector is the primary industry of that country.

Seychelles is ranked high in terms of economic competitiveness, a friendly investment climate, good governance and a free economy. It has strong and friendly relations with various African and foreign countries. Based on this fact, Professor Dmitry Bondarenko, Deputy Director of the Institute for African Studies, explained to me that “as part of the sustainable efforts by Russia with individual African countries, Russia and Seychelles could cooperate in the priority areas such exploring the seabed for minerals, fishing and seafood processing, aquaculture and marine services (including marine finance and marine biotechnology).”

In an emailed interview for this article, Punsara Amarasinghe, who previously held a research fellowship at Faculty of Law, Higher School of Economics in Moscow and now a PhD Candidate in Law from Scuola Superiore Universitaria Sant’Anna di Pisa in Italy, discusses some aspects of Russia’s relations with Seychelles.

The diplomatic relation between Russia and Seychelles does not have a long history compared to the robust relations between Russia and other African states. Nevertheless, in its brief history staring from 1976, Seychelles had made a rapport with the USSR. In particular, USSR ships anchored in Seychelles and Seychelles supported Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. However, Russian influence in Indian Ocean waned in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet era and Russia’s interest in Seychelles consequently diminished.

Recently, Russia’s interest in Indian Ocean and African states have been escalated as a part of its global agenda to restore Russia’s role. Especially just a week before the assassination of Iranian General Solemani, Russia participated in a naval exercise along with Iran and China in Indian Ocean proving its interest in the maritime expansion in Indian Ocean.

Amarasinghe wrote in his email:

“The indispensable importance of Indian Ocean appears as a key factor for any state interested in power expansion. It was not an exaggeration that Robert Kaplan vociferously exclaimed that one who controls Indian Ocean, will control the geo-political center of the world. Currently the only active military base of the US is located in Diego Garcia, 1800Km away from the Seychelles. The geographic position of Seychelles is alluring for Russia’s blooming military interests and if Seychelles allows Moscow to initiate a military base in the island, the maritime hegemony upheld by the United States will be undoubtedly challenged.”

More importantly, the crucial location of Seychelles parallel to African continent makes it a unique destination as a military base. However, realistically we cannot assume the possibility of seeing a Russian base in Seychelles in near future. Indeed, it is true that Seychelles’ main port Victoria was opened for Russian vessels for refuelling and other logistical issues. Yet, the same offer was given to many other nations including China and the United States.

On the other hand, Russia’s internal economic chaos have significantly hit the military expenditures of the Russian army and it is a fact beyond dispute that the Chinese and the United States military budgets are forged ahead Russian annual military budget. The practical circumstances may not make it an easy task for Russian Federation to build a military base in the Seychelles, even though it has a significant strategic importance, according to Punsara Amarasinghe.

Nevertheless, if Chinese can pursue its fortune in Seychelles, it would be much significant for them as a military access to Indian Ocean and an apt strategic position for maritime Silk road. China has already established a military base in Djibouti and its proximity to the Seychelles will secure Chinese military presence strongly in Indian Ocean challenging the US hegemony. It seems to indicate that rather than thinking of a military base fully controlled by Russia, it is likely to see much of Chinese presence in Indian Ocean, or perhaps, in Seychelles. It will inevitably assist Russian interests too.

Maldives, independent island in the north-central Indian Ocean, while Mauritius is further south, located about 2,000 kilometres off the southeast coast of Africa. Seychelles is ranked high in terms of economic competitiveness, a friendly investment climate, good governance and a free economy. It has strong and friendly relations with various African and foreign countries.

By demographic developments down the years, Seychelles is described as a fusion of peoples and cultures. Seychellois, as the people referred to, are multiracial: blending from African, Asian and European descent creating a modern creole culture. Evidence of this strong and harmonious blend is seen, for instance, in Seychellois food that incorporates various aspects of French, Chinese, Indian and African cuisine. French and English are official languages. Seychelles is a member of the African Union, the Southern African Development Community, the Commonwealth of Nations, and the United Nations.


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“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” — Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

September 11th is around the corner and our nation flounders in an economic and psychological depression. Are you aware that our defense budget, the one we know about (not the extra Black Budget), grew from $ 316 billion in 2001 to $ 708 billion in 2011? Both houses of this controlled Congress and our controlled presidents overwhelmingly supported it. You see, it matters not which of the 2 party con job wins office, or if this new Tea Party joke gets its people elected. Bottom line: We are now, and have been for decades, not a Democratic Republic … rather a Military Industrial Empire that even cold warrior Eisenhower warned us about in January 1961. Of course, Ike and all of our presidents have been chosen by this ‘College of Corporations’ for centuries, relying upon the quiet obedience of the sheep… especially during each election cycle.

This writer, in recent columns, predicted that the 2 Party Con Job would make a deal with the Military Industrial Empire as to our current fiscal and budget crisis. This crisis is so great that even the masters who control most of our wealth had to manipulate some sort of hollow compromise. So, a few short weeks ago it was announced (ever so discreetly in the mainstream media) that ‘Congress agreed last month to cut military spending by $ 350 billion over the next… 10 years. ‘Sounds great, right? I mean, do they finally understand just how costly our illegal and immoral occupations of Iraq & Afghanistan are, or that of our 800+ military bases in over 100 countries? Ignore the fact that even Republicans like Ron Paul and Democrats like Dennis Kucinich are calling for military spending cuts of 25% to 50 %; the overwhelming majority of Congress and Mr. Obama are comfortable with an agreement that only averages spending cuts at about 5% each year. Meanwhile, our cities are crumbling, homes boarded up and foreclosed, and fewer and fewer good jobs, cuts in essential services, hospitals, libraries and schools under assault… you get it, right? We will never fully leave Iraq or Afghanistan, and the machine of this empire keeps churning out more and more weapons, more soldiers, more death and destruction and more …. Costs!

In the Monday, August 29th USA Today Money section, there was an article that should have been blasted throughout the media: Banks Start Offering Payday Loans. Of course, the banks call them Direct Deposit Loans. Here’s how it works: The bank customer has a checking account, where he or she has either a pension, payroll or government (Social Security or SSI) check direct deposited. When the customer needs money ASAP the bank offers a loan whereupon they charge $ 10 interest on every $ 100 borrowed. To guarantee repayment, the money is taken out of the next direct deposit. Sounds reasonable, just like the corner loan sharks in my Brooklyn neighborhood said when they got 6 for 5 on short term loans. Consumer watchdog groups say this new banking scheme amounts to a 300% annualized interest rate. Where was Mr. Obama when all this was being reported? He was at a fund raiser for his 2012 campaign hosted by… Goldman Sachs! Well, why not? After all, the rich bankers could afford the $ 30,000 a head to ‘break bread ‘with the president, which is more than many of the 2008 Obama voters earn in one year… IF they even still have a job! Tell me, when in the hell are the good Americans out there going to say ‘Enough is enough’?

Look at your cable or satellite television bill. Look at how much you are paying now, compared to what you paid 10 years ago. Look at the gasoline prices now, compared to 10 years ago. The food prices, banking fees charged now… it seems that the 95% of us are being told to bear the burden of the crimes and misdemeanors of the rich Fat Cats. Where is the outrage? Where is the protest? How about health care or lack of? Most of us cannot afford to get the needed health care or dental care we require. This writer, and many he knows and sees each day, has spaces in his mouth where once lived a tooth. Why? Well, do the math: It takes around $ 1000 for a root canal and another $ 1000 for a crown, or just $ 200 for an extraction. Forget about the choice to have implants put in. They cost maybe $ 5,000 a tooth. Do you think our Congress or Mr. Obama needs worry about such things?  Factor out the fools who think the Tea Party is about consumer rights, when it is the rich who are behind that whole movement.

Then we come to this Fair Tax movement, to take the place of an income tax. Don’t they ‘get it ‘? The Fair Tax is nothing more than a Sales Tax! Instead of the current and regressive 5% to 10% Sales Tax , these jokers want to saddle Americans with a 20+ % Fair Tax AKA Sales Tax. How many toaster ovens or pairs of shoes or dresses can a millionaire need compared to that of the hundreds of millions of us working stiffs or unemployed who wind up buying all those things? Check out how much you pay in taxes each time you fill up your gas tank. If that is not a regressive tax, than what is? Many of us need a car to get to work or school or the doctor, as mass transit funding has continually been cut for decades. Yet, these Fair Tax fools don’t insist on the real remedy to our tax needs: Surtax the millionaires! Yes, there were over 16 million millionaire households in America in 2007. Let’s issue a 50% Flat Tax on all income over one million dollars, no accountant’s pencil, no nothing! After all, Henry Paulson, when he left Goldman Sachs in 2006 to become Bush Jr.’s Treasury Secretary, earned 500 million in compensation! Yeah, the guy trusted with the trust of we saps and suckers cut the deal to bail out his friends on Wall Street with our tax money! Do you think Henry would not be able to survive on 250 million instead of 500 million?

Dear fellow sheep: Wake up! Get off your duffs and raise some hell! Stop supporting this 2 Party Tea Party scam! Stop allowing your hard earned income and savings to go to the empire instead of your families. Speak up, speak out! The masters of the manor hate it when the rabble gets organized and yells outside their door. Change and hope are out there… if you really want it!


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Philip A Farruggio is a contributing editor for The Greanville Post. He is also frequently posted on Global Research, Nation of Change, World News Trust and Off Guardian sites. He is the son and grandson of Brooklyn NYC longshoremen and a graduate of Brooklyn College, class of 1974. Since the 2000 election debacle Philip has written over 300 columns on the Military Industrial Empire and other facets of life in an upside down America. He is also host of the ‘It’s the Empire… Stupid‘ radio show, co produced by Chuck Gregory. Philip can be reached at [email protected].

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Split Hearings: The Assange Extradition Case Drags On

January 26th, 2020 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

It is being increasingly larded with heavy twists and turns, a form of state oppression in slow motion, but the Julian Assange extradition case now looks like it may well move into the middle of the year, dragged out, ironically enough, by the prosecution.  Curiously, this is a point that both the prosecutors, fronted by the US imperium, and the WikiLeaks defence team, seem to have found some inadvertent agreement with. This is the biggest case of its kind, and will determine, for an era, how journalism and the publication of nationally classified information is treated.  Neither wish to misstep in this regard. 

The last procedural hearing ahead of the full extradition trial of Assange over 17 counts of espionage and one of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion was trained on the issue of logistics.  The prosecutors seemed to be bellyaching in their discontent, lamenting matters of availability for their staff.  One striking example concerned the US government’s chief barrister, James Lewis, who would be taken up with a trial in Northern Ireland of “a great deal of substance and importance”.  This would make him unavailable for up to three months after the commencement of the extradition case. 

Clair Dobbin, representing the US, was the first to make an application that the substantive hearing be split.  Various legal rulings, she argued, would have to be made subsequent to the full February proceedings, including the ticklish issue of whether certain witnesses were to remain anonymous or not.  WikiLeaks wishes that they remain so; the prosecution would like that cloak removed.

Despite already furnishing the court with a meaty affidavit, Dobbin claimed that more needed to be done in responding to the defence evidence.  (Good of them to give a sense of formality that are doing so.)  Besides all that, experts sought by the prosecution were “extremely busy practitioners and academics with very full diaries”, many still chewing over the issue of where Assange fitted in the security paradigm.  This statement of itself is odd, as is so much of the entire effort against the WikiLeaks publisher. 

Procedural dragging was also a matter of importance for the Assange team.  Despite working with manic dedication over Christmas, the issue of access remains crippling for the defence.

“We simply cannot get in as we require to see Mr Assange and to take his instruction,” argued one of Assange’s lawyers, Edward Fitzgerald.  “Frankly, we require more time before calling the main body of our evidence.” 

The point of journalism, and its legitimate pursuit in this nasty, brutish and rather long encounter, lies at the heart of the battle.  The framing of the US indictment purports to negate journalism as a factor in the case, with the prosecutors honing in on the issue of espionage and hacking.  Spies cannot be journalists, so goes the claim; espionage and publication should not be seen as comparable or even linked matters.  This very claim suggests that any form of national security journalism, the sort that exposes abuses of power, is illegal.

This round of submissions merely confirmed the point, though it is one sharpened to specifically exclude foreigners.  In other words, press protections enshrined by the First Amendment of the US Constitution cannot apply to non-US nationals, a daringly dangerous assertion.   

As WikiLeaks’ editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson crisply put it, “We have now learned from submissions and affidavits presented by the United States to the court that they do not consider foreign nationals to have a first amendment protection.” To the AAP, he surmised that the US had also “decided that they can go after journalists wherever they are residing in the world, they have universal jurisdiction, and demand extradition like they are doing by trying to get an Australian national from the UK from publishing that took place outside US borders.” 

The US case also insists that, should the extradition be successful, Assange will be subject to that troubling euphemism of “special administrative measures”.  Even in a bureaucratic penal system, such language entails a formal and legal disappearance of the subject.

Italian journalist Stefania Maurizi suggests with understandable gloominess that “Pandora’s box will open” if the prosecutors make their case fly in court.  The extradition of an Australian or Italian journalist by the US would just as easily justify the same action by Saudi Arabia and Russia.  This terrifying precedent is reiterated as a distinct possibility across the spectrum of commentary, an extra-territorial extension of US power to punish the world’s scribblers, bloggers and publishers. 

The outcome of this set of stuttered proceedings seemed to irritate District Judge Vanessa Baraitser, who conceded to the split, but sternly spoke of disfavour regarding any other requests for moving dates.  She did relent to another case management hearing scheduled for February 19.  The full extradition hearing is now set to open on February 24 at London’s Woolwich Crown Court, adjourning after one week, then continuing in May 18 with a three-week hearing.  The chess pieces in this critical encounter have again been moved.

In this dark turn, a smattering of light seemed to shine through.  Having been held in withering solitary confinement in the prison medical wing of Belmarsh, news came that Assange will be moved to an area with other inmates.  Joseph Farrell of WikiLeaks described it as “a dramatic climbdown”, “a huge victory for Assange’s legal team and for campaigners, who have been insisting for weeks that the prison authorities end the punitive treatment of Assange.”  The same could not be said about legal and medical access, both of which have been sorely lacking.

The decision to initiate the move seems to have sprung from prisoners within Belmarsh itself.  The prison governor has been petitioned on no less than three occasions by a group of convicts insisting that the treatment being afforded Assange smacked of injustice.  Human rights activist Craig Murray subsequently reflected on this “small victory for basic humanity – and it took criminals to teach it to the British state.”   

Such victories in penal terms do tend to be mixed.  Assange will hope that those inmates he keeps company remain sympathetic to his cause.  The new quarters will house some 40 of them, and the risks to his being remain.  Even in prison, Assange’s case and plight never ceases to astonish.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

It has now been one year since Juan Guaidó, then head of Venezuela’s National Assembly, swore himself in as “interim president” of the country on January 23, 2019. It is worth recalling that this scheme was hatched in Washington. The night before the swearing-in, Vice President Mike Pence called Guaidó to offer him the U.S. government’s full support. It must also be emphasized that his swearing-in was entirely devoid of legality and has absolutely no basis in Venezuela’s constitution given that Nicolás Maduro is a sitting, legitimately elected president. It was a farce designed to give the United States and its allies enough cover to openly engage in what Washington has wanted for years: regime change in Venezuela.

Early promises that Guaidó would be quickly recognized by a majority of the world’s nations went unfulfilled. A year later, fewer than 60 countries recognize him, while 80% of the world’s population live in countries that recognize Nicolás Maduro as the legitimate president of Venezuela. As international support for the Maduro government has remained steady, domestically, chavismo – the movement behind the Bolivarian Revolution – has come out of the year arguably stronger and more united than since President Hugo Chávez’s passing in 2013. Evidence of this are the 3.3 million members of the Bolivarian Militia, civilians and retired members of the military who have committed themselves to defending the country in case of invasion.

Guaidó’s troubles began on February 23, 2019, the day of the attempted delivery of humanitarian aid and a Live Aid style concert to raise funds. Having promised the Venezuelan people that U.S. aid would enter the country one way or another, Guaidó appeared in Colombia on a day that ended with his supporters burning aid trucks. Those who watched alternative media and Twitter that day saw journalists assaulted, mob violence, and Molotov cocktails—committed by opposition supporters on the Colombian side of the border. Those who watched corporate media were told that it was the Maduro government that burned aid and had blockaded a bridge (a bridge, that had never been open to traffic). The truth about the burning of the aid would finally be acknowledged by The New York Times weeks after the fact.

Worse news was to come for Guaidó as a result of that debacle. First, photographs were released of Guaidó arm in arm with members of Los Rastrojos, a paramilitary drug cartel infamous for its violence. This cartel, along with the Colombian government, helped Guaidó enter Colombia from Venezuela allegedly in exchange for impunity for future crimes. [Due to a court ruling, Guaidóis not technically allowed to leave the country, although he has not been punished for breaking this ruling.] Then the Pan Am Post, a Miami based right-wing newspaper, published an exposé: the humanitarian funds from the concert had been embezzled by Guaidó’s team in Colombia.

These facts were not yet known to the Venezuelan people, who woke up to an attempted insurrection on April 30. Guaidó, surrounded by about 20 rebel military members and accompanied by opposition figure Leopoldo López, took over a highway overpass and briefly made the world think he had taken over an airbase. The insurrection went nowhere, and López, who had broken out of house arrest, fled to the Spanish Embassy, where he remains to this day.

This failed uprising soured the Venezuelan opposition’s opinion of Guaidó, as his convening of mass demonstrations led to poorer and poorer turnout. The strategy quietly changed, as the two most extreme opposition parties, Guaidó’s Voluntad Popular and Primero Justicia, participated in talks with the Maduro government in Barbados and Norway. These broad talks were scuttled in August as a direct result of a new round of economic sanctions imposed by the Trump administration, sanctions that constitute an “economic embargo” and were welcomed by these two parties.

However, in September, a different faction of the opposition, representing 3 million people (or approximately 20% of likely voters), continued the dialogue with the Maduro government and produced immediate results, including the reincorporation of Maduro’s PSUV party into the opposition-controlled National Assembly (which the PSUV had been boycotting as a result of a Supreme Court ruling that placed the National Assembly in contempt).

A similar effort at dialogue had led to a potential loan to boost Venezuela’s electricity production, a result of months of dialogue between the government, opposition and multilateral organisms. Yet the extremists struck again, nixing the deal in the National Assembly in a December vote. In that same month, the extreme opposition launched attacks on army barracks in Southern Venezuela, apparently aided in the plot by the Bolsonaro government of Brazil, according to leading Brazilian newspaper O Globo. These attacks marked the end of the most stable period of Venezuela in 2019, a stability brought about by an economy that showed signs of life and the ongoing dialogue between the moderate opposition and government.

This dialogue was a point of contention within the fractured opposition, as were dueling accusations of corruption: the aforementioned embezzlement of humanitarian aid and the claim that certain opposition leaders were attempting to prevent a Colombian businessman from being sanctioned by the U.S. Another divisive factor was the allocation of U.S. funds among the opposition itself. A prominent right-wing Venezuelan journalist in Miami claims that Guaidó made a tactical error in the distribution of the over $128 million in funds his “administration” has received from USAID. According to this claim, the opposition became further divided as Guaidó, using U.S. taxpayer money, paid different salaries to legislators (some received $500/week, others merely $100/week) causing resentment and exposing divisions.

These divisions led to the events of January 5, when 31 opposition legislators joined the PSUV in voting for a new president of the National Assembly. Guaidó, knowing he didn’t have the votes to retain his position, made a spectacle of himself in front of the parliament, pretending to not be allowed into the premises, despite clear evidence that the people being blocked from entry were former legislators (including one who had been previously imprisoned for carrying C-4, a powerful explosive, before being released in an amnesty deal granted by President Maduro).

Afterwards, Guaidó held a parallel vote in which he claimed to get 100 votes in favor of his continued presidency of the legislature. A review of these 100 votes reveals that many of those who voted for him are legislators who serve as alternates to the 31 opposition legislators who voted against him (every member of the National Assembly has an alternate who votes in her or his place when the actual member cannot attend a vote). Contrary to what has been reported in mainstream media, Luis Parra, the new National Assembly president, is a member of the opposition, not a government supporter. The same is true for the other three legislators elected to positions of leadership. However, at this point the U.S. and its allies are not recognizing the National Assembly, instead choosing to recognize Guaidó’s parallel parliament.

Now, Guaidó is on a tour of Colombia and Europe. In Colombia, he participated in a multinational forum on combatting terrorism, attempting to capitalize on President Trump’s escalation of the conflict with Iran by baselessly linking the Maduro government to Iran’s ally in Lebanon, Hezbollah. In Europe, he will reassure allies that he remains in charge, while asking the Europeans  to increase pressure on the Maduro government.

It’s more of the same from a strategy that was ill-conceived in the first place. The Guaidó “presidential” experiment will likely continue until after the U.S. presidential elections, though there are signs that President Trump is growing tired of his administration’s Venezuela policy. Where once Venezuela was a staple of his campaign speeches, President Trump has mentioned the country less and less often on the stump. This is recognition that the policy of deadly sanctions and attempted international isolation has not yielded any positive results. Furthermore, there are growing indications that powerful U.S. business interests are tired of the sanctions and want to push for dialogue.

A saner Venezuela policy would recognize that President Maduro has a base of at least 6.3 million voters (roughly 40% of likely voters in a high turnout election), that there is a sizeable moderate opposition that wishes to engage in dialogue and politics (as opposed to coups and military intervention), that the sanctions – which have killed more than 40,000 people and have cost the economy at least $30 billion – are harming ordinary Venezuelans, and that a continued political crisis in the country can only further destabilize an already unstable region. Unfortunately, the Trump administration, with broad bipartisan backing, has opted to pretend that the government does not have a popular base of support, that the moderate opposition are government supporters in disguise and that the sanctions will lead to regime change. The United States must allow dialogue in Venezuela the opportunity to succeed, otherwise the economic and political crisis will continue.


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Leonardo Flores is a Latin American policy expert and campaigner with CODEPINK.

Featured image is from This Can’t Be Happening!

Auschwitz: The Role of IG Farben-Bayer

January 26th, 2020 by Vera Sharav

GR Editor’s Note

January 27, 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by Soviet troops.  Rarely mentioned by the media, the I. G Auschwitz concentration camp was a private undertaking owned by  I. G. Farben – Bayer. 

It is of particular relevance in relation to the merger between Monsanto and Bayer. Both companies are complicit in crimes against humanity,

Monsanto’s agent orange used by the US military in Vietnam,  IG-Farben Bayer’s historical links to Nazi war crimes.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day. In Commemoration of the Liberation of Auschwitz, January 27, 2020

*        *        *

First published 10 years ago

Today marks the 60th anniversary of the Soviet liberation of the Nazi death camp, Auschwitz.

Elderly Holocaust survivors, former soldiers and world leaders have gathered in Poland to mark the 60th anniversary: “I would like to say to all the people on the Earth: This should never be repeated, ever,” said Maj. Anatoly Shapiro, 92, who led the first Soviet troops to enter Auschwitz. 

Lest we forget an important corporate participant in the Holocaust was IG Farben- Bayer.

IG Farben was the most powerful German corporate cartel in the first half of the 20th century and the single largest profiteer from the Second World War. IG (Interessengemeinschaft) stands for “Association of Common Interests”: IG Farben included BASF, Bayer, Hoechst, and other German chemical and pharmaceutical companies.

As documents show, IG Farben was intimately involved with the human experimental atrocities committed by Mengele at Auschwitz.

A German watchdog organization, the GBG Network, maintains copious documents and tracks Bayer Pharmaceutical activities.

Below is an excerpt from a BBC documentary about an Auschwitz survivor who for years tried to get compensation from the pharmaceutical giant that carried out medical experiments on her.

Now living in Dundee, Scotland, she tells her story in a BBC documentary.  (click here)

Listen now

Lost Children of the Holocaust

Following the end of the World War Two, the BBC began a series of special radio appeals on behalf of a group of children who had survived the Holocaust but were now stranded as orphans in post-war Europe. A recording of one of these moving broadcasts still exists in the BBC archives. Seventy years on, Alex Last set out to find out what had happened to the 12 children named in this recording. They had been in many camps, including Auschwitz, Muhldorf, Kauferng, Theresienstadt, Belsen, and Dachau, and the modern-day search took him to Germany, Israel and the United States.

Five of the Holocaust survivors are still alive today, and four of them were well enough to speak to Alex, who was able to piece together their stories of courage and humanity.

(Photo: A group of unidentified children photographed just after liberation by the Soviet Red Army from Oswiecim or Auschwitz Nazi concentration camp, 27 January, 1945. Credit: AP/CAF pap)

Another excerpt is from the website of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation. Dr. Matthias Rath heads a research development institute in nutritional and Cellular Medicine conducting basic research and clinical studies to scientifically document the health benefits of micronutrients in fighting a multitude of diseases. Dr. Rath was born in Stuttgart, Germany in 1955.

In the Auschwitz files, correspondence between the camp commander and Bayer Leverkusen was discovered. It dealt with the sale of 150 female prisoners for experimental purposes:

“With a view to the planned experiments with a new sleep-inducing drug we would appreciate it if you could place a number of prisoners at our disposal (…)” –

“We confirm your response, but consider the price of 200 RM per woman to be too high. We propose to pay no more than 170 RM per woman. If this is acceptable to you, the women will be placed in our possession. We need some 150 women (…)” –

“We confirm your approval of the agreement. Please prepare for us 150 women in the best health possible (…)” –

“Received the order for 150 women. Despite their macerated condition they were considered satisfactory. We will keep you informed of the developments regarding the experiments (…)” – “The experiments were performed. All test persons died. We will contact you shortly about a new shipment (…)”


Medical Experiments in Auschwitz Conducted by I.G. Farben (from the book “I.G. Farben – from Anilin to forced labor” by Jörg Hunger and Paul Sander)

About Bayer´s Nazi-past

IG Farben was the only German company in the Third Reich that ran its own concentration camp.

At least 30.000 slave workers died in this camp; a lot more were deported to the gas chambers. It was no coincidence that IG Farben built their giant new plant in Auschwitz, since the workforce they used (altogether about 300.000 people) was practically for free. The Zyklon B gas, which killed millions of Jews, Rom and other people was produced by IG Farben´s subsidiary company Degesch.

In Germany a growing number of people do not understand that IG Farben´s successors Bayer, BASF and Hoechst still refuse to apologize for their misdeeds.

It is hard to accept that after the war the companies were allowed to keep IG Farben´s entire property, whereas the surviving slave workers received nothing. Until today Bayer, BASF and Hoechst did not pay any wages to their former workers.

In 1995 the coalition “Never again!” was created by the German Auschwitz Committee, Critical Shareholders and several organizations of former slave workers. In a joint appeal the coalition demands that there has to be an appropriate compensation by the companies for slave-workers and their descendants. Also the maintenance of the memorial at Auschwitz, which reminds the public of IG Farben´s victims, should be paid by the corporations. “Never again!” states that without verification of the past we always have to be present so that these crimes might never happen again. More than 1,500 individuals and about 100 German groups have signed this platform. The activities were organized by the Coalition against Bayer-dangers, a group that has monitored Bayer for 25 years.

Life as a human guinea pig

For years an Auschwitz survivor has tried to win compensation from the pharmaceutical giant that carried out medical experiments on her. Now living in Dundee, she tells her story in a BBC documentary.


Zoe Polanska Palmer never imagined she would survive Dr Mengele’s experiments in Auschwitz.

Nor did her German doctors. Like thousands of other children, she was destined to be gassed once her usefulness to Nazi science had ceased.

During her two years at the camp, 13-year-old Zoe was forced to take tablets and pills as part of a series of pharmacological experiments, believed to be part of early birth control tests.

But Zoe refused to die. Saved by a Russian doctor who evacuated her to Dachau, she recovered and eventually settled in Scotland.

Now in her early 70s, she has been fighting for compensation and an apology from the German drug manufacturer, Bayer.

“I still find it difficult to take aspirin,” she says. “I remember one of the SS doctors holding my jaw open and forcing pills down my throat. I’m still very wary of men wearing white coats.”

Eyewitness testimonies held in the Auschwitz camp archive claim the doctor who force-fed her pills worked for the pharmaceutical company Bayer when it was part of the IG Farben conglomerate.

His name was Dr Victor Capesius. It’s a name that Zoe can never forget.

He helped Dr Mengele to conduct genetic experiments, usually on children, and also selected thousands of prisoners at the huge death camp, choosing those who might be useful and sending the rest to an immediate death with a flick of his finger.

Dr Capesius was tried in Frankfurt for war crimes in 1963 and served time in prison.

Another longtime Bayer employee, Helmut Vetter, also worked as a SS doctor at Auschwitz. He was involved in the testing of experimental vaccines and medicines on inmates and after the war he was executed for administering fatal injections.

Denial of culpability

“The concentration camps were used as a huge laboratory for human experimentation,” says Wolfgang Eckhart, the Professor of Historical Medicine at Heidelberg University.

“We have to look upon the camps as outposts of pharmacological research. The Nazis wanted to sterilise the population of the east, especially Russian people, but enable them to continue to be useful as workers.”

The pain has yet to heal

Bayer says the company which exists today has nothing to do with its wartime counterpart. A spokesperson told the BBC: “Between 1925 and 1952, no company named Bayer existed, neither as a subsidiary of IG Farben nor as any other legal entity.

“Bayer has worked in good faith with the German government to establish a fund to help those who have suffered. The company’s contribution to this fund amounted to more than £40m.”

Damaged beyond repair

Although it is nearly 60 years since the end of World War II, for survivors like Zoe the consequences of the war are as alive today as they were in January 1945 when the Russian Army liberated Auschwitz.

After the war, Zoe married and settled in Scotland. There she underwent several painful operations to repair the damage done to her body. But she has never been able to have children. Now suffering from cancer, she is a remarkably cheerful woman whose home in a quiet suburb is punctuated with laughter from her jokes and tears from her memories.

When I first travelled to meet her in July 2002, she was angry that she had been ignored for so long by the authorities managing the compensation fund set up by German industry and the German government.

She had campaigned for 28 years but received nothing.

“They want us all to die so they won’t have to pay out so much money,” Zoe says.

Within weeks of the authorities being contacted by the BBC, Zoe received a cheque for a little over £2,000 from the German compensation fund.

“I want to make sure people remember what happened to people like me when I was a child at Auschwitz,” she says. “I was just one of thousands of children treated in this way. But I was one of the very few lucky ones who managed to survive.” (By Mark Handscomb, BBC Radio 4 reporter for It’s My Story )

BAYER “Aryanized” Jewish Cemetery

Documents show that in 1942 IG Farben´s branch office in Uerdingen, Germany got hold of the town’s Jewish cemetery.

The forced sale price was way below the actual market value: 100,000 square meter property for 3,000 Reichsmark. After the war the property was passed on to IG Farben´s successor BAYER AG.

The Nazis dissolved the Jewish Community of Uerdingen in 1942. Today all traces of the Jewish cemetery in Uerdingen have been completely obliterated. The city archive indicates that the cemetery was located approximately where the main gate to the BAYER factory currently stands.

The COALITION AGAINST BAYER-DANGERS demands that the company publicly apologize for the defilement of the Uerdingen cemetery and affix a memorial plaque to the main gate of the company´s Uerdingen works.

Hans Frankenthal, former slave worker in IG Farben´s plant in Auschwitz and board member of the Jewish Community:

“I was terrified when I learned from this offence against Jewish belief. According to our faith, taking possession of the cemetery without exhuming the bodies is tantamount to defiling the graves.”

BAYER today is living off the fruits of Nazi legalism. On paper everything was legally correct: Julius Israel Kohn from the “Association of Jews in the German Reich” and Bernhard Hoffmann, the representative of IG Farben, signed the sales agreement in a notary´s office, and the copy of this seemingly standard real estate transaction has a stamp from the Krefeld tax office.

At the same time the former culprits are publicly honored in Uerdingen. Fritz ter Meer served on the IG Farben board of directors from 1926 to 1945 and was the head officer directing the operations of the IG Farben factory at Auschwitz. The Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal sentenced him to seven years in prison.

He was released after serving only four years. Not long after, in 1956, Ter Meer was elevated to the chairman of the supervisory board at BAYER, a position he held for seven years. His grave in Krefeld has a meter-high wreath on it – donated by BAYER in recognition of his services.

Coalition against BAYER-dangers (Germany)

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On the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, he was asked if cutting Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security is on his agenda.

“At some point they will be,” he responded, adding: Cutting them is “the easiest of all things,” falsely claiming greater economic growth that doesn’t exist makes it possible.

His 2020 budget calls for large cuts in Medicare payments to hospitals.

Candidate Trump earlier said “(e)very Republican wants to do a big number on Social Security.”

“They want to do it on Medicare. They want to do it on Medicaid. (W)e can’t do that. (I)t’s not fair to the people that have been paying in for years and now all of the sudden they want to…cut.”

Time and again, Trump as president showed indifference to equity and justice for the vast majority of Americans he doesn’t give a damn about, ordinary people struggling to get by at a time the nation’s privileged class never had things better.

According to Protect Our Care head Leslie Dach, Trump “made it clear that he wants to make draconian cuts to both Medicare and Medicaid — something that the American people vehemently oppose — and (at the WEF) he said he’s going to try again” — wanting Social Security cut as well.

If Trump is reelected and Republicans control both houses, major cuts in Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and other social programs are likely coming, a chilling prospect for the vast majority of Americans.

According to Politico on Thursday, the Trump regime is preparing an assault on Medicaid.

The scheme involves letting states convert federal Medicaid funding to block grants, enabling them to use funds for any purpose other than restricting them to providing healthcare for the poor.

Criticizing the scheme, former Reagan advisor/GHW Bush Treasury official Bruce Bartlett tweeted:

“(B)lock grants are just a Republican trick to slash spending without appearing to do so.”

“Money is fungible. Medicaid funding will be used to pay for other programs or even to finance tax cuts.”

Public health advocate Kim Nelson slammed the Trump regime’s proposal, stressing that Medicaid block grants to states “don’t work.”

“They (don’t) keep pace with rising costs of healthcare. (Over 40%) of Medicaid (recipients) are children. The Trump (regime) know(s) that,” but doesn’t care about the needs of ordinary Americans, especially the most disadvantaged.

Medicare and Social Security are not entitlements. Both programs are federal insurance, funded by worker/employer payroll deductions.

They’re contractual federal obligations to eligible recipients. That’s how both programs were structured.

On August 14, 1935, the Social Security Act became law, known as the federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance program (OASDI).

It provides retirement, disability, survivorship, and death benefits. It’s still America’s most effective poverty reduction program that’s worked from inception.

Though what was structured to provide inflation-adjusted retirement or disability income no longer works this way.

According to former Social Security Administration associate commissioner Jim Roosevelt, FDR’s grandson, the program today is “less progressive.”

In cahoots with Wall Street, the way Washington calculates inflation has been rigged since the 1990s, greatly understating reality.

In 2020, America’s 69 million Social Security recipients are getting a 1.6% so-called cost-of-living adjustment in 2020 — at a time of much higher inflation.

Reengineering it based on how calculated pre-1990, economist John Williams has it at 6%.

Social Security benefits are calculated on the rigged lowball figure, cheating recipients.

What’s going on is part of the scheme to transfer wealth from ordinary people to corporate predators and high-net-worth households through tax cuts for the rich and other methods.

On July 30, 1965, Lyndon Johnson signed the Social Security (Medicare) Act into law, enrolling Harry and Bess Truman as initial recipients. calls Medicare “the nation’s largest health insurance program,” covering 44 million Americans.

It’s a “Health Insurance program for people age 65 or older, some disabled people under age 65, and people of all ages with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure treated with dialysis or a transplant).”

Hardliners in Washington want funds used for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid transferred to corporate interests and the super-rich.

They want social justice in the US eliminated, a slow-motion process ongoing largely since the neoliberal 90s, especially post-9/11.

The plot against social justice in the US is bipartisan, Dems complicit with Republicans in destroying the social safety net for the nation’s least advantaged.

A Hillary presidency would have been as socially unjust as Trump.

Bipartisan hardliners long yearned to end progressive New Deal, Fair Deal, Great Society programs — especially Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security by privatizing them, handing them to Wall Street as lucrative investment opportunities, letting bankers profit at the expense of ordinary Americans.

Waging class warfare against the general welfare, dark forces in Washington and corporate boardrooms want the US returned to 19th century harshness.

Their scheme involves greatly eroding social justice, notably Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, housing assistance, and other social programs.

They aim to destroy the remnants of collective bargaining, wanting workplaces turned into sweatshops, paying workers poverty wages, abolishing benefits, allowing child labor, agricultural and other wage-slave labor more than already, along with other dystopian objectives — making the US entirely unfit to live in for ordinary people.

Bipartisan hardliners and dark forces backing them want maximum federal revenues freed up for militarism, warmaking, and tax cuts for the rich, the nation’s most vulnerable left increasingly on their own, middle America targeted for elimination, a nation of paupers replacing it.

Trump and hardliners surrounding him support this worldview, dystopian vision wrapped in the American flag — a road to hell paved with heart of darkness intentions.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Featured image is from New Politics

Gaza: The Auschwitz of our Time

January 26th, 2020 by Khalid Amayreh

International Holocaust Remembrance Day. In Commemoration of the Liberation of Auschwitz, January 27, 2020


First published in August 2007

In 1940, several months after invading Poland in September 1939, the Nazis forced about 500,000 Jews into the Warsaw Ghetto, surrounding it with a high wall. Tens of thousands died from hunger and disease. Eventually, 300,000 were sent to death camps, mainly Treblinka in eastern Poland.

Similarly, Israel is now incarcerating nearly a million and a half helpless Palestinians in the Gaza Strip into a hell similar in nature to the Warsaw Ghetto. The Gaza concentration camp is not only fitted with a wall, but also with every conceivable tool of repression, such as electric fences and watch towers manned by Gestapo-like trigger-happy Jewish soldiers who shoot first and ask questions later.

Moreover, thousands of Israeli soldiers, are surrounding Gaza in a hermetic manner, shooting and killing any Palestinian trying to escape, e.g. enter Israel to search for work or even food.

Palestinian kids survive on bread and tea

Even Palestinian kids playing soccer near the hateful fences, are routinely riddled with bullets or reduced  into pieces of human flesh by the “most moral army in the world.”

As a result of these genocidal designs, Gazans in the thousands are dying of malnutrition and illness resulting from anemia.  Moreover, Children in great numbers are surviving on a meager and totally inadequate diet consisting mainly of bread and tea.

This week, this writer contacted several Gaza families and asked to speak with the kids. The answers I received were truly horrifying.  I did speak with 10 kids and was shocked to find out that aseven of  the kids  told me their diet during the previous week consisted  mainly of bread and tea in addition to some tomatoes.

The grown-ups, especially the parents, wouldn’t reveal the extent of  the unfolding tragedy they are  facing.  They would only say  a terse  “al hamdulillah” (thank God). But the tone of their voices tells us that they are in real distress.

The Gaza Strip into the largest detention camp in the World

The harsh blockade of Gaza didn’t start  in mid June when Hamas took over  the small seaside region after defeating and ousting the American-backed Fatah forces led by Muhammed Dahlan and cohorts who had been planning, with American dollars and arms, to murder  the Hamas leadership in order to receive a certificate of good conduct from the Bush Administration and Israel.

In fact, Gaza has been effectively under siege since 2000 when the second Palestinian intifada or uprising broke out.  Since, then Gazans have been barred from exporting their products and produces.

Moreover, Israel, which has been telling the world that it had ended its occupation of Gaza, still retains full  control of the Rafah border crossing with Egypt,  thus reducing the Gaza Strip into the largest detention camp in the world.

To make a long story short, Gazans are being pushed into a situation very similar to that which prevailed at the Ghetto Warsaw. They are not allowed to work (unemployment in Gaza stands at more than 70%), they are not allowed to travel abroad, they are not allowed to enter Israel for work, they are not allowed even to go fishing offshore since Israeli gunboats would open fire at  any fishing-boat daring to go more than a mile off the shore.

The criminal and draconian measures are meant to further impoverish Gazans to the extent that they won’t be able to purchase food.

The declared Israeli goal behind starving and tormenting the people of Gaza is to force them to revolt against the democratically-elected government, led by the Hamas movement, and settle for a quisling-like government that would sell-out Palestinian national rights, including the paramount right of return for Palestinian refugees uprooted from their homes and villages by Jewish gangs in 1948, when Israel was created.

It is believed that up to two thirds of the inhabitants of Gaza are refugees. Hence, the intensive repression and coercion being meted out to these people in order to force them to give up their right to return to their homes and villages in what is now Israel.

It  is crystal clear that Israel  is  steadily but  certainly effecting a Nazi-like approach toward the people of the Gaza Strip.

The  PR-conscious Israeli government, however, is hoping that the world will not  take proactive measures  to expose the  creeping genocide in Gaza . This is why   Israel is allowing limited shipments of food products , such as flour and cooking oil, into Gaza , to avoid a possible international outcry.

However, the supplies are conspicuously meager and don’t meet the basic nutritional needs of the vast bulk of Gaza children.

Unfortunately, the United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA) seems to be conniving and colluding with Israel to keep the unfolding Gaza tragedy as silent as possible.

UNRWA officials do make idle statements from time to time, warning of an impending “humanitarian crisis” in Gaza. However, the UN agency often refrains from “saying it as it is,”  probably for fear of upsetting the Israelis and the Americans, who apparently don’t like  to hear words like “starvation, and concentration camps” with regard to the situation in Gaza find their way to the international media.

Israel is undoubtedly the central culprit in this man-made tragedy in Gaza, since it is up to her to allow Gazans to obtain food and export their products and especially their produces to the West Bank. Such a step, which would cost Israel nothing, would help Gazans obtain some meager income to feed their children.

However, Israel, as always, has apparently chosen to be faithful to long traditions of  callousness and moral depravity, not unlike the way the Nazis treated their victims.

US administration, Abbas as guilty as Israel

But Israel is not the only guilty party in this tragedy. The US is actually as criminal as Israel, since the Bush administration is urging Israel to keep up the pressure on Gaza.

In fact, American officials keep congratulating their Israeli colleagues on the “success” of  the blockade against Gaza. I wonder what kind of politicians are those who enjoy watching children starve to death?  Are they human beings or cannibalistic beasts?  This question ought to be directed to Condoleezza Rice whose behavior toward the Palestinian people is probably a thousand  times worse than the behavior of the  worst American  white slave masters toward here forefathers.

Maybe it is naive to appeal to Rice’s sense of justice and morality since her  manifestly criminal record with regard to the Palestinian cause  leaves no doubt as to the woman’s unethical and evil character.

But if the Bush administration, which has been carrying a holocaust in Iraq,  and Israel, which has been effecting ethnic cleansing in Palestine in  the name of Jewish nationalism,  can be “excused” on the ground that only evil can be expected from evil governments, the Palestinian regime  of Mahmoud Abbas has no excuse whatsoever  to collude and connive with Israel against the very people it is claiming  to serve.

Such behavior, including the tacit and implicit encouragement of Israel to tighten the blockade of Gaza, and keep hundreds of thousands of encircled Gazans hungry and thoroughly tormented, characterizes quislings and agents of a foreign occupation.

Clearly, Abbas  and his aides  have much to explain to the Palestinian people. They also have much to atone for. This is if they still possess any sense of shame

International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Commemorating the Liberation of Auschwitz (January 27th, 2020)


“The Friends of Zion Award’ in Jerusalem was presented to president Vladimir Putin on behalf of the Russian Federation, for the role played by the Soviet Union in the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenou concentration camp.

Nine world leaders have received the award including former president George W. Bush.

Bush Junior received the “Friends of Zion Award” in March 2015, in recognition for his “unflagging support for the Nation of Israel and the Jewish people.”  In a bitter irony, George W’s grandfather Prescott Bush was an active supporter of  Nazi Germany.

“The Franklin Delano Roosevelt administration did not seize Prescott Bush’s assets affiliated with Thyssen, the German industrial giant [and weapons producer], until 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act. This means that between 1939, when massive numbers of Jewish and Polish slave laborers were being rounded up, and 1942, when Bush had his German assets seized, Prescott Bush was fully involved in the German economy during the worst of the slave labor regime, and profiting by it.” (Ralph Lopez, text below)

International Holocaust Remembrance Day. In Commemoration of the Liberation of Auschwitz, January 27, 2020

Michel Chossudovsky  (GR Editor), January 25th, 2020

The following article was first published by Global Research in 2015.


As the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz comes and goes (25 January 2020) , the long-controversial links between American industrialists and the rise of the Nazi regime have become clearer, thanks to recently uncovered documents.  

The ties between Hitler’s Nazis and American businessmen such as Henry Ford, Averell Harriman, and Senator Prescott Bush, the father of George H. W Bush, have long been cited in lawsuits filed by Holocaust survivors seeking compensation for their suffering. The late Senator Prescott Bush’s German assets were seized in 1942 by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt under the Trading with the Enemy Act, which also carried prison penalties which Bush escaped. Historical scholarship over the last decade shows that Bush was deeply enmeshed in business which was vital to the rise of Nazi Germany, and almost certainly knew that his profits were driven by slave labor.

The January 27th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by the Soviets was the last decade anniversary which most survivors expected to be able to attend.

In groundbreaking reporting, the New Hampshire Gazette said in 2003, in “Bush-Nazi Link Confirmed,” that:

“The documents from the [National] Archives … show that the Bushes and Harrimans shipped valuable U.S. assets, including  gold, coal, steel and U.S. Treasury and war bonds, to their foreign clients overseas as Hitler geared up for his 1939 invasion of Poland, the event that sparked World War II.”

Previously, the families of American industrialists such as Bush have maintained that their business ties with the Third Reich were at arm’s length, and that the companies were unaware of what Hitler was doing to Jews and other “displaced persons.” The American companies were heavily involved in German business during Hitler’s rise between 1933, when Adolf Hitler consolidated dictatorial powers after the “Reichstag Fire,” through the 1939 invasion of Poland, and even after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the declaration of war upon Germany by the United States. Many say that the German “economic miracle” in fact was built on the slave labor of Jews, Poles, and other “undesirables” under the Nazi regime.

But incredulous observers, such as individual Holocaust survivors who have filed many lawsuits against various American companies, one naming the Bush family in particular as a defendant, say that the very scale of the operations would preclude the American industrialists not knowing about it. The slave labor was not hidden away in furtive locations, but spread throughout all sectors of society, large and small.

Between 1939 and 1941, 1.2 million slave laborers were put into service in Germany and occupied territories. The German journal DW reported in 2005, in “Slave Laborers to Be Compensated by 2006,”

“In order to keep up production from 1939 to 1941, as more and more men were being called up for military service, German companies needed 1.2 million workers, and they came in the form of forced laborers. In all, there were about 12 million people taken from German occupied territory to serve as forced laborers during the World War II.”

The DW reports in “Final Compensation Pending for Former Nazi Forced Laborers”:

“During World War II, about 12 million people were kidnapped from their homes across Europe and beyond and forced to work for the Nazi regime in Germany. The slaves were not only put to work in camps, the most infamous of applications of forced labor, but in all areas of German industry.

Employment of foreign forced laborers was not only limited to large-scale enterprises,” said history professor Ulrich Herbert of the University of Freiburg. “It was applied throughout the whole economy; from the small farm and locksmith’s shop with just six workers, to the national railway system, the local authority districts, the big armament companies and also many private households.”

At one point fully 20% of the German workforce was slave labor from foreign countries, German Jews, and other “undesirables.” Often, the forced laborers were simply worked to death , to spare the expense of housing and feeding.

The Franklin Delano Roosevelt administration did not seize Prescott Bush’s assets affiliated with Thyssen, the German industrial giant, until 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act.  (see below) This means that between 1939, when massive numbers of Jewish and Polish slave laborers were being rounded up, and 1942, when Bush had his German assets seized, Prescott Bush was fully involved in the German economy during the worst of the slave labor regime, and profiting by it.

The UK Guardian reported in 2004 that Prescott Bush’s:

“…business dealings, which continued until his company’s assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz…”

The Guardian article, “How Bush’s grandfather helped Hitler’s rise to power,” detailed newly uncovered documents from various national security archives which fills in many blanks about the Bush family relationship with the German companies, which were indispensable to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party from its inception in the early 1930s, to the bombing of Pearl Harbor and beyond. Thyssen used huge numbers of slave laborers in its steel and munitions factories, although the Bush family, and the corporate spokesmen of other companies, such as General Motors and Ford, have denied knowing about the slave labor.

Still devastated after World War I, Germany before the rise of Hitler lacked either the resources or the funds to build an automotive industry from scratch, especially the highly complex mass production of the engines, so both Ford and GM built and licensed factories in Germany which became the backbone of the mechanized war machine, based on tanks, troop transports, and aircraft.

The Washington Post in the 1998 article “Ford and GM Scrutinized for Alleged Nazi Collaboration” reported:

“When American GIs invaded Europe in June 1944, they did so in jeeps, trucks and tanks manufactured by the Big Three motor companies in one of the largest crash militarization programs ever undertaken. It came as an unpleasant surprise to discover that the enemy was also driving trucks manufactured by Ford and Opel — a 100 percent GM-owned subsidiary — and flying Opel-built warplanes… “

Bush family patriarch Prescott Bush realized a profit of $1.5 million for the sale of his share of UBC, which was fully owned by Thyssen, which is the equivalent of $25,000,000 in today’s dollars. Thyssen owned one-third of the German steel industry and one-half of the coal business. Only with slave labor, however, could the cash-starved war industries come anywhere close to meeting their production targets.

Hitler’s policy of Lebensraum, “Living Space,” was articulated long before the 1939 invasion of Poland, and even long before Hitler. Lebensraum contained an element which justified the use of slave labor from “inferior” races, and was spoken of by German intellectuals as early as Friedrich Ratzel in 1901. Lebensraum essentially said that the German people were destined to conquer and subjugate many neighboring countries.

Prescott Bush has been a controversial figure for many years. Some historians make, and congressional committee records support, the allegation that Bush played a leading role in a plot to overthrow the elected government of FDR in order to replace it with a fascist dictatorship, run by Wall Street bankers and other industrialists. The BBC in its documentary “The White House Coup” said:

“The coup was aimed at toppling President Franklin D Roosevelt with the help of half-a-million war veterans. The plotters, who were alleged to involve some of the most famous families in America, (owners of Heinz, Birds Eye, Goodtea, Maxwell Hse & George Bush’s Grandfather, Prescott) believed that their country should adopt the policies of Hitler and Mussolini to beat the great depression.”

According to historians, the coup was only foiled when the man approached to lead an army of 500,000 disgruntled WWI veterans, Marine Corp General and double Medal of Honor winner Smedley D. Butler, went to Congress and blew the whistle on the coup.

Marine General Smedley Butler


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At least four million people Thursday demanded the departure of U.S. troops from Iraq with a march in Baghdad, which was convened by cleric Muqtada Al-Sadr three weeks after the murder of Iran’s General Qasem Soleimani.


At the country’s capital, streets were filled with an endless column of people who paraded to express their repudiation of the U.S. military presence.

Banners showed slogans such as “No, No to the U.S. and Yes to Iraqi sovereignty,” “The willingness of free nations is stronger than the U.S. aggression,” and “Global terrorism is made in the U.S.”

While some protesters burned images of Donald Trump, others marched raising photos of the U.S. president’s face crossed out with a red “X”.

“We have not obtained anything from the U.S. except problems, wars, and sieges,” Ziyad Qasim Abdullah, a 39-year-old chauffeur, said.

The U.S. has “created sectarian conflicts in Iraq and divided people to plunder the wealth of our country,” he added and explained that he wants to “expel the occupation forces” from his country.​​​​​​​

Demonstration against the U.S. military presence in Iraqi territory, Baghdad, Iraq, Jan. 24, 2020.

Initially, the U.S. government justified the presence of its troops in Iraq by arguing the fight against the Islamic State, which managed to control large areas of Iraqi territory in 2014.

Since the defeat of this radical group in 2017, however, those troops have not been removed from this country.

As a result of the events unleashed by Jan. 3 bombings, in which Iran’s General Qassem Soleimani was killed, the Iraqi parliament approved a procedure for the departure of foreign troops​​​​​​​.

“If the U.S. meets these demands, then it is not an aggressor country,” Al-Sadr said and added that if the U.S. will become a “hostile country” if it violates the conditions specified for its departure.

The highest Shiite religious authority in Iraq, Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani, also reaffirmed today “the need to respect the sovereignty of Iraq, the independence of its political decision, and its territorial unity.”

For his part, Iraq’s President Barham Salih posted a photo of Friday’s march on social media and wrote that Iraqis deserved a “fully sovereign state that serves its people.”

Initially, the U.S. government justified the presence of its troops in Iraq by arguing the fight against the Islamic State, which managed to control large areas of Iraqi territory in 2014.

Since the defeat of this radical group in 2017, however, those troops have not been removed from this country.

As a result of the events unleashed by Jan. 3 bombings, in which Iran’s General Qassem Soleimani was killed, the Iraqi parliament approved a procedure for the departure of foreign troops​​​​​​​.

“If the U.S. meets these demands, then it is not an aggressor country,” Al-Sadr said and added that if the U.S. will become a “hostile country” if it violates the conditions specified for its departure.

The highest Shiite religious authority in Iraq, Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani, also reaffirmed today “the need to respect the sovereignty of Iraq, the independence of its political decision, and its territorial unity.”

For his part, Iraq’s President Barham Salih posted a photo of Friday’s march on social media and wrote that Iraqis deserved a “fully sovereign state that serves its people.”

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Trump’s “No-Peace/Peace Plan” for Palestine. Netanyahu/Gantz Invited to White House to Discuss “Deal of the Century”

By Stephen Lendman, January 24, 2020

Leaked information shows Trump’s so-called deal of the century is a one-sided scam, favoring Israel at the expense of fundamental Palestinian rights.

The so-called peace process is the greatest hoax in modern times, along with the US war OF terror worldwide, not on it.

European Jewish Congress (EJC) Launches Campaign Against ‘Antisemitism’ (Aka Support for Palestinian Rights)

By Alison Weir, January 24, 2020

The EJC considers anti-Zionism to be a form of anti-Semitism and employs a newly created definitionof antisemitism in which certain types of statements about Israel are supposedly “antisemitic.” As a result, EJC’s opposition to “antisemitism” often consists of censoring information that exposes Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights.

Its new campaign, called “Stop This Story,” particularly focuses on Instagram, although it will also use YouTube and other platforms. According to the EJC, the campaign will be the “first global initiative of its kind that will leverage Instagram’s AR (Augmented Reality) effects to drive a global movement.” It claims to have recruited “some of the world’s leading AR effects’ creators.”

Fake News and “The Naked Government”: Jessica Lynch and the US Invasion of Iraq

By Larry Romanoff, January 24, 2020

Jessica Lynch was a 19-year-old US Army clerk who served in Iraq during the 2003 US invasion. Her military vehicle was hit by a grenade, and crashed. Lynch was seriously injured, with a broken leg and hip, and some of her comrades were killed. But Jessica, being a typical American hero, crawled out of her vehicle while fighting the intense pain from her broken bones and, with one automatic weapon in each hand, she stood erect with both guns blazing, mowing down enemy soldier after enemy soldier, until all her ammunition was exhausted and she surrendered to unconsciousness from the pain. Jessica was shot multiple times, captured and repeatedly stabbed, then was taken prisoner and carried off with all her broken bones and bullet holes to a dirty Iraqi hospital where she was chained to a bed and held for eight days by vicious Iraqi guards who slapped and abused her and raped her.

State Secrecy: UK Government Now Routinely Refusing Freedom of Information Requests

By True Publica, Peter Geoghegan, and Jenna Corderoy, January 24, 2020

Access to information is a right in British law. Want to know who Boris Johnson has been meeting and what they’ve talked about? All you have to do is put in a request, wait a few weeks and the information will be pinged straight to your inbox. But there’s a snag. A big one.

The government routinely ignores and undermines the law governing our access to information. According to the Institute for Government, its departments refuse to comply in full with more than half of the Freedom of Information requests that they receive.

“One World Digital Dictatorship” A Digital Nightmare

By Gideon Polya, January 24, 2020

Danish writer Soren Korsgaard (editor of Crime & Power) has written a very long and detailed account entitled “One World Digital Dictatorship” that describes the accelerating movement  by both Western-style democracies and one-party states (notably China) towards world-wide Digital Dictatorship (Digital Imprisonment) involving mass data collection on everyone, mass surveillance, facial recognition-based tracking, crypotocurrency-based cashless societies, and social credit-based disempowerment.

An Epic Act of Resistance and Trial of Our Times. “The Venezuela Embassy Protectors Collective”

By Lauren Smith, January 23, 2020

On February 11th, four American peace activists, known as the Embassy Protectors Collective, will be tried before the U.S. empire for “interfering with certain protective functions” of its Federal government for their occupation of the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, D.C. to prevent it from being handed over to coup leaders sponsored by the Trump administration. Their occupation ended on May 16, 2019, when federal agents broke into the sealed embassy, against international law, and arrested them in a swat style raid. The government’s accusation against them is merely a pretext used for their arrest and prosecution, since they haven’t broken any laws. Matter of fact, their true crime in the minds of the Trump administration is just the opposite – it’s their brilliant defense of international law, and Venezuela’s sovereign right to self-determination against Yankee imperialism.

The New Mind Control. “Subliminal Stimulation”, Controlling People without Their Knowledge

By Robert Epstein, January 22, 2020

Over the past century, more than a few great writers have expressed concern about humanity’s future. In The Iron Heel(1908), the American writer Jack London pictured a world in which a handful of wealthy corporate titans – the ‘oligarchs’ – kept the masses at bay with a brutal combination of rewards and punishments. Much of humanity lived in virtual slavery, while the fortunate ones were bought off with decent wages that allowed them to live comfortably – but without any real control over their lives.

Can you help us keep up the work we do? Namely, bring you the important news overlooked or censored by the mainstream media and fight the corporate and government propaganda, the purpose of which is, more than ever, to “fabricate consent” and advocate war for profit.

We thank all the readers who have contributed to our work by making donations or becoming members.

If you have the means to make a small or substantial donation to contribute to our fight for truth, peace and justice around the world, your gesture would be much appreciated.

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Krystle Cordingley mourns her son Corbyn who died 14 hours after a flu shot.

Krystle claims that the hospital tried to cover up what happened, and doctors said his death following vaccination was a coincidence.

Finally, she reports, one honest MD said, yes, it was the vaccine that caused the severe damage to Corbyn’s brain stem.

Could you image going home to find your baby murdered in his bed, out of nowhere.

You didn’t get to fight for him. You didn’t get to try and save him. Because all that you found was him dead.

And then you had people tell you, “No, it wasn’t the flu shot. There’s no way it could have been the flu shot that killed him. It was just a coincidence.”

It wasn’t a coincidence that he got it 14 hours prior.

Leaving a lucrative career as a nephrologist (kidney doctor), Dr. Suzanne Humphries is now free to actually help cure people.

In this autobiography she explains why good doctors are constrained within the current corrupt medical system from practicing real, ethical medicine.

One of the sane voices when it comes to examining the science behind modern-day vaccines, no pro-vaccine extremist doctors have ever dared to debate her in public.


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Featured image: Krystle Cordingley mourns her son Corbyn who died 14 hours after a flu shot. Image from YouTube.

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Closer than Ever: It Is 100 Seconds to Midnight. The Dangers of Nuclear War

January 24th, 2020 by Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

To: Leaders and citizens of the world

Humanity continues to face two simultaneous existential dangers—nuclear war and climate change—that are compounded by a threat multiplier, cyber-enabled information warfare, that undercuts society’s ability to respond. The international security situation is dire, not just because these threats exist, but because world leaders have allowed the international political infrastructure for managing them to erode.

In the nuclear realm, national leaders have ended or undermined several major arms control treaties and negotiations during the last year, creating an environment conducive to a renewed nuclear arms race, to the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and to lowered barriers to nuclear war. Political conflicts regarding nuclear programs in Iran and North Korea remain unresolved and are, if anything, worsening. US-Russia cooperation on arms control and disarmament is all but nonexistent.

Public awareness of the climate crisis grew over the course of 2019, largely because of mass protests by young people around the world. Just the same, governmental action on climate change still falls far short of meeting the challenge at hand. At UN climate meetings last year, national delegates made fine speeches but put forward few concrete plans to further limit the carbon dioxide emissions that are disrupting Earth’s climate. This limited political response came during a year when the effects of manmade climate change were manifested by one of the warmest years on record, extensive wildfires, and quicker-than-expected melting of glacial ice.

Continued corruption of the information ecosphere on which democracy and public decision making depend has heightened the nuclear and climate threats. In the last year, many governments used cyber-enabled disinformation campaigns to sow distrust in institutions and among nations, undermining domestic and international efforts to foster peace and protect the planet.

This situation—two major threats to human civilization, amplified by sophisticated, technology-propelled propaganda—would be serious enough if leaders around the world were focused on managing the danger and reducing the risk of catastrophe. Instead, over the last two years, we have seen influential leaders denigrate and discard the most effective methods for addressing complex threats—international agreements with strong verification regimes—in favor of their own narrow interests and domestic political gain. By undermining cooperative, science- and law-based approaches to managing the most urgent threats to humanity, these leaders have helped to create a situation that will, if unaddressed, lead to catastrophe, sooner rather than later.

Faced with this daunting threat landscape and a new willingness of political leaders to reject the negotiations and institutions that can protect civilization over the long term, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Science and Security Board today moves the Doomsday Clock 20 seconds closer to midnight—closer to apocalypse than ever. In so doing, board members are explicitly warning leaders and citizens around the world that the international security situation is now more dangerous than it has ever been, even at the height of the Cold War.

Civilization-ending nuclear war—whether started by design, blunder, or simple miscommunication—is a genuine possibility. Climate change that could devastate the planet is undeniably happening. And for a variety of reasons that include a corrupted and manipulated media environment, democratic governments and other institutions that should be working to address these threats have failed to rise to the challenge.

The Bulletin believes that human beings can manage the dangers posed by the technology that humans create. Indeed, in the 1990s leaders in the United States and the Soviet Union took bold actions that made nuclear war markedly less likely—and as a result the Bulletin moved the minute hand of the Doomsday Clock the farthest it has been from midnight.

But given the inaction—and in too many cases counterproductive actions—of international leaders, the members of the Science and Security Board are compelled to declare a state of emergency that requires the immediate, focused, and unrelenting attention of the entire world. It is 100 seconds to midnight. The Clock continues to tick. Immediate action is required.

A retreat from arms control creates a dangerous nuclear reality

The world is sleepwalking its way through a newly unstable nuclear landscape. The arms control boundaries that have helped prevent nuclear catastrophe for the last half century are being steadily dismantled.

In several areas, a bad situation continues to worsen. Throughout 2019, Iran increased its stockpile of low-enriched uranium, increased its uranium enrichment levels, and added new and improved centrifuges—all to express its frustration that the United States had withdrawn from the Iran nuclear deal (formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA), re-imposed economic sanctions on Iran, and pressured other parties to the Iran nuclear agreement to stop their compliance with the agreement. Early this year, amid high US-Iranian tensions, the US military conducted a drone air strike that killed a prominent Iranian general in Iraq. Iranian leaders vowed to exact “severe revenge” on US military forces, and the Iranian government announced it would no longer observe limits, imposed by the JCPOA, on the number of centrifuges that it uses to enrich uranium.

Although Iran has not formally exited the nuclear deal, its actions appear likely to reduce the “breakout time” it would need to build a nuclear weapon, to less than the 12 months envisioned by parties to the JCPOA. At that point, other parties to the nuclear agreement—including the European Union and possibly Russia and China—may be compelled to acknowledge that Iran is not complying. What little is left of the agreement could crumble, reducing constraints on the Iranian nuclear program and increasing the likelihood of military conflict with the United States.

The demise of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty became official in 2019, and, as predicted, the United States and Russia have begun a new competition to develop and deploy weapons the treaty had long banned. Meanwhile, the United States continues to suggest that it will not extend New START, the agreement that limits US and Russian deployed strategic nuclear weapons and delivery systems, and that it may withdraw from the Open Skies Treaty, which provides aerial overflights to build confidence and transparency around the world. Russia, meanwhile, continues to support an extension of New START.

The assault on arms control is exacerbated by the decay of great power relations. Despite declaring its intent to bring China into an arms control agreement, the United States has adopted a bullying and derisive tone toward its Chinese and Russian competitors. The three countries disagree on whether to pursue negotiations on outer space, missile defenses, and cyberwarfare. One of the few issues they do agree on: They all oppose the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which opened for signature in 2017. As an alternative, the United States has promoted, within the context of the review conference process of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), an initiative called “Creating the Environment for Nuclear Disarmament.” The success of this initiative may depend on its reception at the 2020 NPT Review Conference—a landmark 50th anniversary of the treaty.

US efforts to reach agreement with North Korea made little progress in 2019, despite an early summit in Hanoi and subsequent working-level meetings. After a North Korean deadline for end-of-year progress passed, Kim Jong Un announced he would demonstrate a new “strategic weapon” and indicated that North Korea would forge ahead without sanctions relief. Until now, the willingness of both sides to continue a dialogue was positive, but Chairman Kim seems to have lost faith in President Trump’s willingness to come to an agreement.

Without conscious efforts to reinvigorate arms control, the world is headed into an unregulated nuclear environment. Such an outcome could reproduce the intense arms race that was the hallmark of the early decades of the nuclear age. Both the United States and Russia have massive stockpiles of warheads and fissile material in reserve from which to draw, if they choose. Should China decide to build up to US and Russian arsenal levels—a development previously dismissed as unlikely but now being debated—deterrence calculations could become more complicated, making the situation more dangerous. An unconstrained North Korea, coupled with a more assertive China, could further destabilize Northeast Asian security.

As we wrote last year and re-emphasize now, any belief that the threat of nuclear war has been vanquished is a mirage.

An insufficient response to an increasingly threatened climate

In the past year, some countries have taken action to combat climate change, but others—including the United States, which formalized its withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, and Brazil, which dismantled policies that had protected the Amazon rainforest—have taken major steps backward. The highly anticipated UN Climate Action Summit in September fell far short of Secretary General António Guterres’ request that countries come not with “beautiful speeches, but with concrete plans.” The 60 or so countries that have committed (in more or less vague terms) to net zero emissions of carbon dioxide account for just 11 percent of global emissions. The UN climate conference in Madrid similarly disappointed. The countries involved in negotiations there barely reached an agreement, and the result was little more than a weak nudge, asking countries to consider further curbing their emissions. The agreement made no advances in providing further support to poorer countries to cut emissions and deal with increasingly damaging climate impacts.

Lip service continued, with some governments now echoing many scientists’ use of the term “climate emergency.” But the policies and actions that governments proposed were hardly commensurate to an emergency. Exploration and exploitation of fossil fuels continues to grow. A recent UN report finds that global governmental support and private sector investment have put fossil fuels on course to be over-produced at more than twice the level needed to meet the emissions-reduction goals set out in Paris.

Unsurprisingly, these continuing trends are reflected in our atmosphere and environment: Greenhouse gas emissions rose again over the past year, taking both annual emissions and atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases to record highs. The world is heading in the opposite direction from the clear demands of climate science and plain arithmetic: Net carbon dioxide emissions need to go down to zero if the world is to stop the continuing buildup of greenhouse gases. World emissions are going in the wrong direction.

The consequences of climate change in the lives of people around the world have been striking and tragic. India was ravaged in 2019 both by record-breaking heat waves and record-breaking floods, each taking a heavy toll on human lives. Wildfires from the Arctic to Australia, and many regions in between, have erupted with a frequency, intensity, extent, and duration that further degrade ecosystems and endanger people. It is not good news when wildfires spring up simultaneously in both the northern and southern hemispheres, making the notion of a limited “fire season” increasingly a thing of the past.

The dramatic effects of a changing climate, alongside the glacial progress of government responses, have unsurprisingly led to rising concern and anger among growing numbers of people. Climate change has catalyzed a wave of youth engagement, activism, and protest that seems akin to the mobilization triggered by nuclear disaster and nuclear weapons fears in the 1970s and 1980s. Politicians are taking notice, and, in some cases, starting to propose policies scaled to the urgency and magnitude of the climate problem. We hope that public support for strong climate policies will continue to spread, corporations will accelerate their investments in low-carbon technologies, the price of renewable energy will continue to decline, and politicians will take action. We also hope that these developments will happen rapidly enough to lead to the major transformation that is needed to check climate change.

But the actions of many world leaders continue to increase global risk, at a time when the opposite is urgently needed.

The increased threat of information warfare and other disruptive technologies

Nuclear war and climate change are major threats to the physical world. But information is an essential aspect of human interaction, and threats to the information ecosphere—especially when coupled with the emergence of new destabilizing technologies in artificial intelligence, space, hypersonics, and biology—portend a dangerous and multifaceted global instability.

In recent years, national leaders have increasingly dismissed information with which they do not agree as fake news, promulgating their own untruths, exaggerations, and misrepresentations in response. Unfortunately, this trend accelerated in 2019. Leaders claimed their lies to be truth, calling into question the integrity of, and creating public distrust in, national institutions that have historically provided societal stability and cohesion.

In the United States, there is active political antagonism toward science and a growing sense of government-sanctioned disdain for expert opinion, creating fear and doubt regarding well-established science about climate change and other urgent challenges. Countries have long attempted to employ propaganda in service of their political agendas. Now, however, the internet provides widespread, inexpensive access to worldwide audiences, facilitating the broadcast of false and manipulative messages to large populations and enabling millions of individuals to indulge in their prejudices, biases, and ideological differences.

The recent emergence of so-called “deepfakes”—audio and video recordings that are essentially undetectable as false—threatens to further undermine the ability of citizens and decision makers to separate truth from fiction. The resulting falsehoods hold the potential to create economic, social, and military chaos, increasing the possibility of misunderstandings or provocations that could lead to war, and fomenting public confusion that leads to inaction on serious issues facing the planet. Agreement on facts is essential to democracy and effective collective action.

Other new technologies, including developments in biological engineering, high-speed (hypersonic) weapons, and space weapons, present further opportunities for disruption.

Genetic engineering and synthetic biology technologies are now increasingly affordable, readily available, and spreading rapidly. Globally, governments and companies are collecting vast amounts of health-related data, including genomic data, ostensibly for the purpose of improving healthcare and increasing profits. But the same data could also be useful in developing highly effective biological weapons, and disagreements regarding verification of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention continue to place the world at risk.

Artificial intelligence is progressing at a frenzied pace. In addition to the concern about marginally controlled AI development and its incorporation into weaponry that would make kill decisions without human supervision, AI is now being used in military command and control systems. Research and experience have demonstrated the vulnerability of these systems to hacking and manipulation. Given AI’s known shortcomings, it is crucial that the nuclear command and control system remain firmly in the hands of human decision makers.

There is increasing investment in and deployment of hypersonic weapons that will severely limit response times available to targeted nations and create a dangerous degree of ambiguity and uncertainty, at least in part because of their likely ability to carry either nuclear or conventional warheads. This uncertainty could lead to rapid escalation of military conflicts. At a minimum, these weapons are highly destabilizing and presage a new arms race.

Meanwhile, space has become a new arena for weapons development, with multiple countries testing and deploying kinetic, laser, and radiofrequency anti-satellite capabilities, and the United States creating a new military service, the Space Force.

The overall global trend is toward complex, high-tech, highly automated, high-speed warfare. The computerized and increasingly AI-assisted nature of militaries, the sophistication of their weapons, and the new, more aggressive military doctrines asserted by the most heavily armed countries could result in global catastrophe.

How the world should respond

To say the world is nearer to doomsday today than during the Cold War—when the United States and Soviet Union had tens of thousands more nuclear weapons than they now possess—is to make a profound assertion that demands serious explanation. After much deliberation, the members of the Science and Security Board have concluded that the complex technological threats the world faces are at least as dangerous today as they were last year and the year before, when we set the Clock at two minutes to midnight (as close as it had ever been, and the same setting that was announced in 1953, after the United States and the Soviet Union tested their first thermonuclear weapons).

But this year, we move the Clock 20 seconds closer to midnight not just because trends in our major areas of concern—nuclear weapons and climate change—have failed to improve significantly over the last two years. We move the Clock toward midnight because the means by which political leaders had previously managed these potentially civilization-ending dangers are themselves being dismantled or undermined, without a realistic effort to replace them with new or better management regimes. In effect, the international political infrastructure for controlling existential risk is degrading, leaving the world in a situation of high and rising threat. Global leaders are not responding appropriately to reduce this threat level and counteract the hollowing-out of international political institutions, negotiations, and agreements that aim to contain it. The result is a heightened and growing risk of disaster.

To be sure, some of these negative trends have been long in development. That they could be seen coming miles in the distance but still were allowed to occur is not just disheartening but also a sign of fundamental dysfunction in the world’s efforts to manage and reduce existential risk.

Last year, we called the extremely troubling state of world security an untenable “new abnormal.”

“In this extraordinarily dangerous state of affairs, nuclear war and climate change pose severe threats to humanity, yet go largely unaddressed,” we wrote. “Meanwhile, the use of cyber-enabled information warfare by countries, leaders, and subnational groups of many stripes around the world exacerbates these enormous threats and endangers the information ecosystem that underpins democracy and civilization as we know it. At the same time, other disruptive technologies complicate and further darken the world security situation.”

This dangerous situation remains—and continues to deteriorate. Compounding the nuclear, climate, and information warfare threats, the world’s institutional and political capacity for dealing with these threats and reducing the possibility of civilization-scale catastrophe has been diminished. Because of the worldwide governmental trend toward dysfunction in dealing with global threats, we feel compelled to move the Doomsday Clock forward. The need for emergency action is urgent.

There are many practical, concrete steps that leaders could take—and citizens should demand—to improve the current, absolutely unacceptable state of world security affairs. Among them:

  • US and Russian leaders can return to the negotiating table to: reinstate the INF Treaty or take other action to restrain an unnecessary arms race in medium-range missiles; extend the limits of New START beyond 2021; seek further reductions in nuclear arms; discuss a lowering of the alert status of the nuclear arsenals of both countries; limit nuclear modernization programs that threaten to create a new nuclear arms race; and start talks on cyber warfare, missile defenses, the militarization of space, hypersonic technology, and the elimination of battlefield nuclear weapons.
  • The countries of the world should publicly rededicate themselves to the temperature goal of the Paris climate agreement, which is restricting warming “well below” 2 degrees Celsius higher than the preindustrial level. That goal is consistent with consensus views on climate science, and, notwithstanding the inadequate climate action to date, it may well remain within reach if major changes in the worldwide energy system and land use are undertaken promptly. If that goal is to be attained, industrialized countries will need to curb emissions rapidly, going beyond their initial, inadequate pledges and supporting developing countries so they can leapfrog the entrenched, fossil fuel-intensive patterns previously pursued by industrialized countries.
  • US citizens should demand climate action from their government. Climate change is a serious and worsening threat to humanity. Citizens should insist that their government acknowledge it and act accordingly. President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate change agreement was a dire mistake. Whoever wins the 2020 US presidential election should reverse that decision.
  • The United States and other signatories of the Iran nuclear deal can work together to restrain nuclear proliferation in the Middle East. Iran is poised to violate key thresholds of the deal. Whoever wins the United States’ 2020 presidential election must prioritize dealing with this problem, whether through a return to the original nuclear agreement or via negotiation of a new and broader accord.
  • The international community should begin multilateral discussions aimed at establishing norms of behavior, both domestic and international, that discourage and penalize the misuse of science. Science provides the world’s searchlight in times of fog and confusion. Furthermore, focused attention is needed to prevent information technology from undermining public trust in political institutions, in the media, and in the existence of objective reality itself. Cyber-enabled information warfare is a threat to the common good. Deception campaigns—and leaders intent on blurring the line between fact and politically motivated fantasy—are a profound threat to effective democracies, reducing their ability to address nuclear weapons, climate change, and other existential dangers.

The global security situation is unsustainable and extremely dangerous, but that situation can be improved, if leaders seek change and citizens demand it. There is no reason the Doomsday Clock cannot move away from midnight. It has done so in the past when wise leaders acted, under pressure from informed and engaged citizens around the world. We believe that mass civic engagement will be necessary to compel the change the world needs.

Citizens around the world have the power to unmask social media disinformation and improve the long-term prospects of their children and grandchildren. They can insist on facts, and discount nonsense. They can demand—through public protest, at the ballot box, and in many other creative ways—that their leaders take immediate steps to reduce the existential threats of nuclear war and climate change. It is now 100 seconds to midnight, the most dangerous situation that humanity has ever faced. Now is the time to unite—and act.


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Why does Switzerland, neutral by her Constitution, fund, support and reward the partial and I dare say, western-biased and corrupted Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and their fake reporting – with a donation of CHF 300,000 (US$ 300,000)? – It is a shame. It is one more of these situations when Switzerland has to show the great hegemon that they are on his side. It’s like with Swiss ‘sanctions’ on Venezuela, a country that has never done any harm to Switzerland, to the contrary. Just because the Exceptional Nation and its European poodles demand it?  What does Switzerland, and I repeat – constitutionally neutral Switzerland – expect in return for such “fine gestures” of propaganda? Perhaps a blind eye for untransparent fiscal and gold transactions?

Impartiality has been eviscerated from OPCW, as much as from the International Criminal Court (ICC), also located in The Hague. Remember, this is the Court, where President Trump just recently threatened its judges with “sanctions” – could be murder, from all we know of the American way of extra-judiciary proceeding – if ever they, the judges of ICC, dare accusing and prosecuting individuals from the US and Israel for Human Rights abuses. That’s the ICC.

The OPCW is not an iota better. They issue false reports that could endanger the lives of millions of people – Syrians as it were – just to prevent the threat of OPCW staff being sanctioned. Yes, friends, that’s the world we have become. A bunch of spineless, hapless sheep.

To put it all in context, Syria was one of those countries that according to US Foreign Policy had to be “regime-changed” (Syria’s strategic location, with President Assad’s vision of “connecting five seas” [Caspian, Black, Red, Mediterranean and the Gulf] with a transport and energy corridor – and to top it all off – a socialist leaning Ba’ath Government) – which was the reason for the CIA / NATO and other European US lackeys – and the Saudis, to initiate in March 2011 the so-called Syrian “Arab Spring”, or civil war, actually a mercenary war, funded by the usual villains, the US, Saudis and other Gulf States and the European stooges.

OPCW, based in The Hague, capital of the Netherlands, does the bidding of the west, in particular the United States.

OPCW has nothing to do anymore with their original mandate of inspecting, analyzing and reporting the use of chemical weapons in countries of conflict. OPCW has become a puppet, a mere tool of the west demonizing countries that refuse bending down on their knees in front of Washington, falsely accusing these countries – lately especially Syria – of using deadly chemical weapons against her own people.

On August 21, 2013 in the early morning hours, Ghouta a large suburban area of Damascus was struck by several rockets containing the toxic and deadly chemical agent sarin. The attack may have killed more than 1,000 people. The UN already in Syria with a mission investigating several sarin gas attacks on civilian populations and medical convoys carried out in 2012 and earlier in 2013, were granted permission by the Assad Government to also look into the Ghouta attacks. The UN mission also had an OPCW delegation on board. The mission concluded that the attack on Ghouta was a chemical weapons assault, using the deadly sarin gas.

That’s where the investigation stopped and the accusations started. Without a shred of evidence, aping the pre-emptive allegations by the US, UK and France, that the attacks were carried out by President Assad’s military, OPCW also accused the Syrian Government of these heinous crimes. A ludicrous allegation, because why would Mr. Assad kill his own people? Especially, since he had then and has still today, about 80 % of popular support. And this after 9 years of foreign induced, and maintained terror against the people of Syria.

In April 2014 the northern Syrian town of Kafr Zita, also suffered a chemical attack, where about 100 people were injured and three killed. “Toxic chlorine” was the chemical agent used – the trade mark of the White Helmets, also created by the west, as the heroes defending Syria’s civil population, when in fact they are closely associated with the terror group Al-Nusra.

The false charges were so loud and repetitive and propagated by the bought western media that people throughout the western admirers of the atrocious US empire believed such nonsense. And this, despite the fact that Russia, soon after the attack, said, this was very likely a ‘false flag’, meaning carried out by western-funded terrorists mercenaries, so as to justify western military intervention. Russia is an ally of Syria, with national interests in Syria – naval and air bases – hence, a close observer of events in Syria.

Before a massive western military intervention could begin, Russia brokered a “truce” by having Syria destroy all its chemical weapons under the supervision of OPCW, Russia and the US. This was faithfully carried out – leaving Syria clean of chemical weapons. And the world knows it. OPCW knows it, as both the US and Russia witnessed the destruction.

Nevertheless, in June 2018 the OPCW noted with concern that the Syrian Arab Republic had in reality neither declared nor destroyed all of its chemical weapons and chemical weapons production facilities. This, as a justification for yet another false accusation, namely the alleged chemical attack on 7 April 2018 on Douma, about 10 km northeast of Damascus, when according to “eye witnesses” some 40 to 50 people were killed and more than 100 people injured. Again, The US, French and Brits immediately attributed the assault to the Syrian Army.

Image on the right: Hürriyet Daily News

OPCW, readily on location, also concluded that the attack was carried out by President al-Assad’s troops. To make the point, a series of photos were circulated. They showed, among other ridiculously counterfeited pictures, a used yellow canister fallen from the sky and landing on a sofa in a shattered house. The Syrian Government and Russia immediately declared these pictures as fake and staged which later was proven right.

On 14 April 2018, a week after the alleged Assad regime attack on Douma, the US, Britain and France responded, launching more than 120 Tomahawk missiles against several Syrian targets, causing considerable infrastructure destruction and injuring about ten people. This was in full breach of international law, as the UN did not authorize this attack.

The OPCW mission knew, of course, immediately that the accusations were wrong, that this was a staged incident – most likely carried out by the White Helmets themselves, who later came to the rescue of the “insured people” and interviewed the “eye witnesses” – the basis for the false accusations. Hollywood later made “The White Helmets” into a documentary to re-establish the credibility of the “heroic Syrian civil defenders”. The film won the 2017 Oscar for Best Documentary. That’s how the West turns lies into truth. A Russian and Syrian Army investigation later concluded that there was no attack at all, that the chlorine was regular chlorine, not a weapon-grade chemical.

The US, French, Brits, who all have their intelligence in the region, knew, of course, that the accusations of the Douma attack and all the previous chemical attacks were lies. The Swiss knew it too, as the Swiss were member of OPCW’s Executive Council (2016-2018) and as of today maintain close relations with OPCW – like making a generous donation to this unethical organization.

OPCW has 193 member states. The organization was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013. This puts the organization at international center stage. For those who know, they know that this prize is absolutely political and meaningless. Remember, Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize (2009) before he effectively started his presidency, sort of “in anticipation” of the “good he would do” – and then he ended up with 7 wars on his conscience (which he doesn’t have) by the time he left office.

The former Swiss prosecutor and former member of the UN Commission of Inquiry, Carla Del Ponte, shocked western governments in May 2013 by declaring that the United Nations had “strong suspicions” of Syrian rebels using sarin gas. She later was forced to retrack her statement which is suspected to be the unspoken but real reason for her resignation in 2016 from the infamous UN Commission which was set up in 2011, shortly after the beginning of the US/ CIA / NATO initiated “civil war” in Syria.

The Commission was to investigate human rights abuse in Syria. In hindsight, the Commission was created as if in anticipation of the already planned gas attacks that needed an official UN agency to justify accusing the Assad Government of poisoning its own people – and therefore, ‘regime change’ was of the order.


Several OPCW whistleblowers and leaks challenge Western government claims

Quoting from The Grayzone of 22 January 2020 –

“In May 2019, an internal OPCW engineering assessment was leaked to the public. The document, authored by Ian Henderson, said the “dimensions, characteristics and appearance of the cylinders” in Douma “were inconsistent with what would have been expected in the case of either cylinder having been delivered from an aircraft,” adding that there is “a higher probability that both cylinders were manually placed at those two locations rather than being delivered from an aircraft.”

“After reviewing the leaked report, MIT professor emeritus of Science, Technology and International Security, Theodore Postol, told The Grayzone, “The evidence is overwhelming that the gas attacks were staged.” Postol also accused OPCW leadership of overseeing “compromised reporting” and ignoring scientific evidence.”

In November 2019, a second OPCW whistleblower came forward and accused the organization’s leadership of “suppressing countervailing evidence” under pressure of US Government officials.

With evidence of internal suppression growing, the OPCW’s first director-general, José Bustani, decided to speak out. “The convincing evidence of irregular behavior in the OPCW investigation of the alleged Douma chemical attack confirms doubts and suspicions I already had.” He added, “I could make no sense of what I was reading in the international press. Even official reports of investigations seemed incoherent at best. The picture is certainly clearer now, although very disturbing.”

On 20 January 2020, Ian Henderson testified as a virtual person before the UN Security Council about the suppression of truth reporting by OPCW leadership. He spoke by pre-recorded video, since the Trump Administration refused granting him an entry visa to attend the UN Security Council Meeting. Trump is weaponizing visas against anyone who does not conform to the US narrative, no matter how deceptive it is.

Henderson said “My concern, which was shared by a number of other inspectors, relates to the subsequent management lockdown and the practices in the later analysis and compilation of a final report,”


On  22 January 2020 – OPCW declared at their headquarters in The Hague that the “Government of Switzerland will make two contributions totaling CHF 300,000 (US$ 300,000) to support a number of major projects and activities of the OPCW.”

“A contribution of CHF 200,000 will be made to the OPCW Trust Fund to support the project to upgrade the current OPCW Laboratory and Equipment Store through the construction of a new Centre for Chemistry and Technology (ChemTech Centre).”

Another contribution of approximately CHF 100,000 will support the activities of the Trust Fund for Syria Missions at the OPCW. The Trust Fund for Syria Missions supports the Organization’s missions and contingency operations related to the Syrian Arab Republic including the work of the Declaration Assessment Team, the Fact-Finding Mission, and the Investigation and Identification Team.”

These are the very teams that launched knowingly deceptive and fake reports that could have cost millions of Syrian lives, if Russian support of the Assad Government, Russian pressure on the west, and Russian overwhelming evidence of the fakeness of OPCW reporting, would not have been able to avert an all-out war of the west against Syria.


The Swiss Government is fully aware of the corrupt nature of OPCW reporting – and of the organizations caving in to US pressure, and that this situation will not change in the future, as Washington’s pressure, blackmail and threat of “sanctions” – meaning possible death by drones – will not seize. Is the US$ 300,000 donation maybe a gesture of empathy – an expression of sympathy from one spineless character to another?


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Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organization around the world in the fields of environment and water. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for Global Research; ICH; RT; Sputnik; PressTV; The 21st Century; Greanville Post; Defend Democracy Press, TeleSUR; The Saker Blog, the New Eastern Outlook (NEO); and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. The original source of this article is Global Research .

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Intense clashes between the Syrian Army and Idlib militants resulted in large casualties among both sides, according to statements by the Syrian and Russian defense ministries.

On January 23, the Syrian military reported that its forces had repelled  a large-scale attack on its positions in southeastern Idlib. The report said that the attack, led by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, targeted the towns of al-Tah, Abu Hurif and Samka. Suicide bombers were reportedly employed.

On the same day, the Russian Center for Reconciliation said in an official statement that over 600 miltiants supported by battle tanks and armoured vehicles, attacked army positions:

  • A group of up to 270 militants, supported by 38 armed pickups attacked Syrian Army positions near At-Tah, and Muaysirunah. A group of Wadi as-Saane in southeastern Idlib;
  • Up to 250 militants, supported by 2 BMP vehicles and 30 armed pickups attacked Syrian Army positions near Abu Dafn, Bars and Huan as-Shaf in southeastern Idlib;
  • Up to 50 militants, supported by 4 vehicles armed with weapons, attacked Syrian Army positions near Rashidin 4 and al-Jazirah near Aleppo city.

According to the Russian side, government forces eliminated up to 50 militants, and wounded up to 90 others. At the same time, nearly 40 Syrian troops were killed and up to 80 injured, the Center added.

On January 22, the Russian military reported that the Syrian Army had repelled an attack by militants near At Tah. According to the report, the attack involved at least 30 militants.

Earlier, the Russian side said that 46 Syrian service members have been killed and 77 were wounded in recent clashes with Idlib militants in the period from January 16 to January 19.

These reports look strange as no pro-government or pro-opposition sources reported any such casualties among pro-government forces or even clashes of the aforementioned scale. It seems that even the propaganda wing of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham does not know about such successes of the militants. HTS and its allies launched dozens of attacks from the region in the last few days. However, no large offensive operations were reported. One of the explanations is that they did not happen.

By releasing such reports, Damascus and Moscow may setting up a public opinion for a large-scale ground operation in Greater Idlib, that has been repeatedly forecasted by pro-government sources. On the other hand, these reports could be a part of the media operation designed to draw the audience’s attention from some other developments.


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With Turkey failing to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from power in their drive to forge a regional hegemonic order under their rulership, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has set his eyes on other Eastern Mediterranean issues, primarily aggression against Cyprus, Greece and Libya. With the Turkish military publishing maps that show Greece’s eastern Aegean islands belonging to Turkey and the Turkish Defense Minister demanding 16 of these islands be demobilized of the Greek military, the Turkish Defense Ministry publishing maps of Cyprus belonging to Turkey on their social media cover photos, and redrawing the maritime borders of the Eastern Mediterranean so that Turkey and Libya’s internationally recognized Muslim Brotherhood government in Tripoli can carve up some of Greece’s maritime space between themselves, there is little doubt that Erdoğan has embarked on a mission of recreating the Ottoman Empire.

It is not conspiratorial or sensationalism to claim that Erdoğan is attempting to create a neo-Ottoman Empire when we consider Turkey’s withdrawal from the “zero problems with neighbors” policy when Ankara immediately involved itself in the Syrian conflict in 2011 and sent tens of thousands of jihadists, that it armed, trained and funded, into the Arab country. The Syrian war provided an opportunity for Turkey to engage in power projections within a new regional order where Ankara would be the center of power.

The plan for a neo-Ottoman Empire was not initially based on territorial expansion but to create a network of Muslim Brotherhood governments loyal to Ankara. The failure to topple Assad was partially a reason for Turkey to invade large swathes of northern Syria, where now the Turkish flag is displayed instead of the Syrian one, a Turkification of the school curricula, and portraits of Erdoğan displayed. This suggests that Turkey is not planning to withdraw from northern Syria. This is so they can create an unresolved status quo just as it has with its illegal occupation of northern Cyprus that it doggedly refuses to resolve.

With Turkey firmly in control of these areas in northern Syria and unable to topple Assad, Erdoğan has now re-shifted his country’s focus by saying that Ankara’s foreign policy will prioritize other areas of the Eastern Mediterranean. This has meant the transfer of militants operating in Syria to Libya. Many of these terrorists have already been transferred there by Turkey, with many of them not even shooting a single bullet before fleeing to Italy. With 2,400 terrorists from Syria already in Libya and at least another 1,700 on their way, who openly say they are fighting for “the Ottoman Caliphate,” the European Union has not taken a strong interest despite these jihadists being on their doorstep or already infiltrating the EU.

Sunday’s Berlin Conference on Libya ended in disappointment for Erdoğan after he “freaked out and left the conference ahead of schedule” when he found no support in his plans to intervene directly in the North African country. However, the Berlin Conference also demonstrated that the EU adopts a very passive stance towards the Libyan crisis despite the latest flareup being partially heated up by Erdoğan’s deal with the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood government in Tripoli to steal the maritime of fellow EU member Greece – which strangely enough was not invited to the conference by German leader Angela Merkel. This is an extremely dangerous move by the EU to have such a passive policy when terrorists loyal to Erdoğan are infiltrating Europe and can serve as a fifth column to enact Turkish interests.

A Turkish government official had the audacity to say days ago that the crisis in Libya was not an EU problem despite the Tripoli-Ankara deal against Greece, and the potentiality this conflict has in triggering a new refugee crisis. Former Turkish President Turgut Özal (1989-1993) even admitted that “We do not need to make war with Greece. We just need to send them a few millions illegal immigrants from Turkey and finish them.” Erdoğan certainly has adopted the “Özal doctrine,” as it has become known, and flooded Greece and the wider EU region with illegal immigrants and even continues to threaten to send more. With the initial refugee crisis triggered by the Syrian War, in which Turkey had a critical role in causing, it appears that the “Özal doctrine” will be expanded to not only flood Greece with more illegal immigrants, but also Malta and Italy via Libya.

Although Turkey is a NATO member, it has in recent years embraced the emerging Multipolar World Order. However, they have not embraced the emerging Multipolar system to create balance through their own sovereignty in foreign policy, but rather to pursue their own imperial ambitions. With Greece offering its military as a peacekeeping force in Libya and Turkey threatening to intervene on the side of the Muslim Brotherhood government, it could see a dangerous escalation between two so-called NATO allies.

Although the EU has adopted an appeasement policy with Turkey’s aggression despite their direct threat to EU members Greece and Cyprus, Erdoğan’s adventurism has actually left his country weaker and isolated as their sole regional ally is the besieged Tripoli government. Meanwhile a complex alliance, whether directly or indirectly with each other, consisting of Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, has emerged to support the Libyan National Army against Tripoli and to oppose Turkish expansionism. Therefore, although Turkey is threatening to directly intervene in Libya, has sent thousands of jihadists to fight in the North African country, and continues to blackmail the EU with the risk of sending hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to Europe, Erdoğan’s dreams of a neo-Ottoman Empire will not materialize.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Paul Antonopoulos is a Research Fellow at the Center for Syncretic Studies.

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Leaked information shows Trump’s so-called deal of the century is a one-sided scam, favoring Israel at the expense of fundamental Palestinian rights.

The so-called peace process is the greatest hoax in modern times, along with the US war OF terror worldwide, not on it.

Israeli/Palestinian no-peace/peace plans have been around since the 1970s — a near-half century of failure to reach accommodation proof positive of US/Israeli unwillingness to respect Palestinian rights.

If both countries wanted conflict resolution resolution with Palestinians, it would have happened long ago.

Former Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Shamir explained why not. He and his predecessors wanted forever talks accomplishing nothing – giving Israel time to steal all valued Palestinian land.

His successors to the present day followed the same strategy.

Since Israel seized control of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza in 1967, colonizing and developing the most valued Palestinian land for exclusive Jewish use became official state policy — explained by Yigal Allon’s regional scheme, its elements including:

  • permanent militarized occupation;
  • maximum land for Jews with minimum Arabs;
  • dispossessing Palestinians from areas Israel wants for exclusive Jewish development and use;
  • annexing all valued parts of Judea and Sumaria;
  • controlling Jerusalem as Israel’s exclusive capital;
  • establishing settlements, military bases, free-fire zones, commercial locations, tourist sites, nature reserves, no-go areas, Jews-only roads, checkpoints, other barriers, and other exclusive Jewish areas — non-Jews excluded from them;
  • stealing Palestinian resources; and
  • cracking down hard on resisters.

The above policies make peace, stability, equity and justice for Palestinians unattainable.

Achieving them defeats the US/Israeli agenda — dependent on endless regional conflicts and instability.

It’s why decades of peace plans when unveiled were dead on arrival, Trump’s let em eat cake deal of the century dead before arrival.

Partly introduced last June at a so-called “Peace to Prosperity Workshop” in Bahrain, the Trump regime’s dog and pony PR show was boycotted by Palestinians.

Deceptively billed as “a vision to empower the Palestinian people to build a prosperous and vibrant Palestinian society,” the economic plan has nothing to do with peace, equity and justice for long-suffering Palestinians — everything to do with one-sidedly serving US/Israeli interests.

Based on what’s known so far, subject to fine-tuning, Trump’s overall scheme ignores fundamental final status issues, especially real Palestinian self-determination free from Israeli occupation and control, Israeli land theft, air and water rights, other resources, the right of diaspora Palestinians to return to their homeland, and East Jerusalem as exclusive Palestinian capital.

He illegally recognized Jerusalem (a UN-established international city) as Israel’s exclusive capital, moved the US embassy there, abandoned a legitimate two-state solution, recognized Israel’s unlawful Golan annexation, and no longer considers illegal settlements occupied territory.

Trump and hardliners surrounding him are no friends of Palestinians or ordinary people anywhere, not at home or abroad.

Information leaked last month about his no-peace/peace plan revealed it excludes 70% or more of West Bank land controlled by Israel, including the Jordan Valley, closed military zones, exclusive Jewish commercial areas, tourist sites, no-go areas, and illegal settlements on stolen Palestinian land.

Jerusalem is to remain undivided, the city “shared between Israel and New Palestine” — Israel maintaining exclusive control, the way it’s been for over half a century.

On July 30, 1980, the Knesset Jerusalem Law officially annexed the city as Israel’s exclusive capital — breaching Security Council Res. 465 (March 1980).

It declared actions taken by Israel “to change the physical character, demographic composition, institutional structure or status of the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem, or any part thereof, have no legal validity…”

In July 2004,  the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled that “Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territory, including East Jerusalem, are illegal and an obstacle to peace and to economic and social development (and) have been established in breach of international law.”

Time and again, the US and Israel breach Security Council resolutions and other international laws.

Trump’s no-peace/peace plan is all about serving US and Israeli interests at the expense of regional peace, stability, and fundamental Palestinian rights.

According to Mike Pence on Thursday, Netanyahu and his chief political rival Benny Gantz will meet with Trump in the White House next week to discuss regional issues and what PA official Saeb Erekat called Trump’s “deal of the next century,” a conspiracy against Palestinian rights.

Reuters reported that the Trump regime will release his no-peace/peace plan ahead of the January 28 meeting with Netanyahu and Gantz.

DJT calling it “a great plan” defies reality. PA spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh reaffirmed the Palestinian demand for an independent state within June 1967 borders — free from Israeli occupation and control.

On Thursday, Israel’s Channel 12, citing unnamed Netanyahu regime sources, said Trump’s plan includes exclusive Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem, illegal settlements, and the Jordan Valley adding:

It supports the illusion of Palestinian self-determination, demanding a demilitarized Hamas, along with Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state, Jerusalem its capital.

It also reportedly stipulates that if Palestinians reject the so-called plan, the Trump regime will support Israeli annexation of illegal settlements unilaterally.

According to the Wafa PA news site, Rudeineh said the following:

“If the announcement of this deal, with these unacceptable formulas, is made, the (PA) leadership will announce a series of measures to preserve our legitimate rights, and we will call on Israel to assume its responsibilities as an occupying power,” adding:

“We warn (the Netanyahu and Trump regimes) to not cross the red lines.”

Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassim said “any deal or project that does not contain our people’s full rights in our land and holy sites will not stand,” adding:

“All the attempts to make this deal come to pass will be squashed by our people’s resistance and steadfastness.”

“Our Palestinian people will determine its fate by way of its ongoing revolution, legitimate struggle and absolute belief in the justness of its cause.”

On Thursday, Trump tweeted:

“Reports about details and timing of our closely-held peace plan are purely speculative.”

If its provisions resemble what’s discussed above, it’ll clearly be rejected by the PA, Hamas, and the Palestinian street.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Putin’s trip to “Israel” on Thursday to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz was a defining moment of his 20-year-long presidency and will forever be remembered as an important part of his legacy due to the extremely emotional symbolism that was on display during that solemn day.

Very rarely does President Putin ever do anything without receiving unfair treatment from the Western Mainstream Media, but his trip to “Israel” on Thursday to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz was an unforgettable exception. The Russian leader was invited by caretaker “Prime Minister” Netanyahu as the guest of honor among more than 40 other heads of state who arrived to participate in what was billed as the biggest diplomatic event in the self-professed “Jewish State’s” history. He earned this VIP treatment because it was the Soviet Union that stopped the Nazi’s genocidal machine, something that “Foreign Minister” Katz emotionally brought up in his exchange with President Putin when he personally thanked him for what the Russian Federation’s predecessor state did in saving his mother from the world’s most notorious death camp.

Before reporting on and then subsequently analyzing some of the other memorable moments from that solemn occasion, it’s important to share the highlights of President Putin’s visit from the Kremlin’s official website so that the reader can peruse it all if they’re interested:

As can be glimpsed by even just the headlines themselves, President Putin’s visit saw him participate in events that are very dear to his heart — strengthening Russian-“Israeli” relations, remembering the siege of Leningrad and the Holocaust, and fighting anti-Semitism.

Many in the Alt-Media Community have unfortunately been indoctrinated with the completely false narrative that President Putin is supposedly “against Israel” for whatever reason they imagine but which usually has something to do with their dogmatic belief that he’s secretly allied with the Iranian-led Mideast “Resistance” that’s dedicated to removing the Zionist occupation entity from Palestine. That’s not true whatsoever at all, and the author thoroughly debunked the delusions of such twisted minds in his extended piece for Global Research in September 2019 titled “Russia’s Middle East Strategy: ‘Balance’ vs. ‘Betrayal’?” where he argued that Russia is much closer to “Israel” than to Iran by a long shot, which is entirely the result of President Putin’s foreign policy decisions that are undertaken out of his belief that such a stance is best for his country’s strategic interests.

On the topic of his participation in the “Fighting Antisemitism” international forum, it deserves mentioning that the official Kremlin website quotes President Putin as having had the following exchange with present Oksana Boyko on 11 June, 2013:

“Vladimir Putin: A response to your question could take hours. It’s so complex. I will try to be as concise as possible. First, I have repeatedly voiced Russia’s official stance – Iran has the right for a peaceful nuclear program and it cannot be singled out for discrimination. Second, we need to be aware that Iran is located in a very challenging region. I have told our Iranian partners about that. That’s why Iranian threats made towards neighbouring countries, in particular Israel, threats that Israel can be destroyed, are absolutely unacceptable. This is counterproductive.

Oksana BOYKO: This is not a proper quote of the Iranian president.

Vladimir Putin: It doesn’t quite matter whether it’s a proper quote or not. It means it’s best to avoid a wording that could be improperly quoted or could be interpreted differently. That’s why the focus on Iran does have a reason behind it.”

Those powerful words and others aren’t only relevant to the larger observation that Russia is much more closely aligned with “Israel” than with Iran, but also to what President Putin himself said while speaking with “Israeli” “President” Rivlin. In response to his counterpart quipping that “we do not know where [anti-Semitism] ends”, the Russian leader said that “You have just said that it is unclear where anti-Semitism ends. Unfortunately, we know this: it ends in Auschwitz. Therefore, we need to be very attentive so as not to miss any similar developments in the future and to counter any manifestations of xenophobia and anti-Semitism, no matter where this may happen, and no matter from where this may come.” By strong innuendo, it can therefore be inferred that President Putin has zero tolerance for Iran’s repeated calls for “Israel’s” destruction.

This might even be more so the case after Netanyahu told the attendees at the forum that Iran is “the most anti-Semitic regime on the planet”, which isn’t the wording that the ever-diplomatic Russian President would publicly use but which might more or less sum up his stance towards the Islamic Republic given its anti-Zionist rhetoric, which some in “Israel” conflate with anti-Semitism and believe is simply a more “publicly plausible” cover for it in the modern day. After all, President Putin said during his keynote speech that “We mourn all the victims of the Nazis, including the six million Jews tortured in ghettos and death camps and killed cruelly during raids. Forty percent of them were citizens of the Soviet Union, so the Holocaust has always been a deep wound for us, a tragedy we will always remember.”

The author wrote on 1 January, 2019 that Russia and “Israel” are “two states, one nation” because of their shared historical experiences and the large-scale migration of Russian Jews to the self-professed “Jewish State”, a point that President Putin hammered home after telling the world that his countrymen “will always remember” the Holocaust. In a twist of fate, the date of Auschwitz’s liberation — 27 January, 1945 — was exactly one year after the end of the Nazi’s genocidal siege of Leningrad, which links the people of “Israel” and Russia even closer together on a higher spiritual level than few pairs of societies can ever understand, which is yet another reason why President Putin is so strongly against anti-Semitism and opposed to anyone ever threatening the “State of Israel” (ergo why Russia removed Iran from southwestern Syria in summer 2018).

Speaking of the siege of Leningrad, President Putin fittingly paid tribute to its survivors during his visit to “Israel”, and Foreign Minister Lavrov even broke down in tears while listening to his superior’s speech commemorating that solemn event under the monument that his hosts unveiled to its victims. There should thus be no doubt among anyone in the Alt-Media Community about the sincerity of President Putin’s feelings towards “Israel”, its people, and their shared history with Russia’s own (of which many of them are also a part). Very rarely do the Russian leader and his highest officials ever show their emotions in public, but President Putin’s latest trip to “Israel” was a notable exception because of the emotional symbolism involved, which deeply affected them on a personal level because Russia and “Israel” are indeed “two states, one nation”.

With such a spiritual basis for their bilateral relations (which also explains why “Israeli” “President” Rivlin said that “this battle [against anti-Semitism] cannot be fought without Russia taking an active part in it”), it’s little wonder then that they’re seeking to expand their economic ties even further than before after Sputnik reported that “Israel” might sign a free trade deal with the Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union sometime next year. On the military front, “Foreign Minister” Katz saidthat “Russia plays an important role in the Middle East. Israel works on resolving regional issues in cooperation with Russia. Israel values President Putin’s understanding of the importance of ensuring security of the State of Israel.” As proven by Russia’s successful efforts to push Iran out of southwestern Syria, President Putin does indeed understand “Israel’s” security needs.

When considering the extremely emotional context of President Putin’s visit to “Israel” and the strong symbolism of his country standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the self-professed “Jewish State” in waging a global campaign against anti-Semitism as the spiritual allies that they are, it can be confidently asserted that this trip has become an unforgettable part of the Russian leader’s legacy, one that historians will be talking about for years to come the same as Russian schoolchildren will likely be learning about for generations. Everything that President Putin did was voluntary, not part of some “5D chess plot” to “destroy Israel” out of loyalty to his supposedly “secret alliance” with the “Resistance”, which the Alt-Media Community needs to finally accept. Russia will never support Iran against “Israel” in any shape or form, and saying otherwise is a lie.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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The European Jewish Congress (EJC) has announced the launch of a worldwide, star studded social media campaign against what it calls “antisemitism,” but which is often advocacy for Palestinian human rights and opposition to Israeli apartheid. EJC is the regional affiliate of the World Jewish Congress, one of whose main missions is to advocate for Israel.

The EJC considers anti-Zionism to be a form of anti-Semitism and employs a newly created definition of antisemitism in which certain types of statements about Israel are supposedly “antisemitic.” As a result, EJC’s opposition to “antisemitism” often consists of censoring information that exposes Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights.

Its new campaign, called “Stop This Story,” particularly focuses on Instagram, although it will also use YouTube and other platforms. According to the EJC, the campaign will be the “first global initiative of its kind that will leverage Instagram’s AR (Augmented Reality) effects to drive a global movement.” It claims to have recruited “some of the world’s leading AR effects’ creators.”

The campaign says it has enrolled a number of “international stars” and “international influencers, each of them with millions followers.” Among these are supermodel Bar Refaeli, actress Vanessa Kirby (from ‘The Crown’), former NBA player Omri Casspi, and “many other international figures, actors, entertainers, and sportsmen and women.”

It has produced a highly dramatic, alarmist video to promote the program (see below),

The man behind the campaign

Image on the right: Russian-Israeli oligarch Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor, president of the European Jewish Congress and numerous other entities, is a billionaire accused of “unscrupulous business dealings” whose top priority is strengthening Israel.

Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor demonstrating Stop This Story campaign

The individual behind the new campaign is EJC President Moshe Kantor, also known as Viatcheslav Kantor, He explains the reasoning underlying the campaign:

“The best way to spread any message today is through social media because social networks and those who use them have the power to make the necessary changes in our societies.”

Kantor is a Russian-Israeli billionaire dedicated to Israel. He has stated that the creation of the State of Israel is the “biggest achievement” of Diaspora Jewry, and believes that all Jews must work to “strengthen our beloved state.”

In 2008 Kantor enunciated his core belief: “The reality of today requires that European Jews care not only about the preservation and security of Israel, but also the way it is treated by the rest of the world. This must be the leading priority of the European Diaspora.”

Kantor heads up and sometimes even originated, a network of pro-Israel international entities.

In addition to being president of the European Jewish Congress, he is founder and president of the World Holocaust Forum Foundation, founder and chairman of the European Jewish Fund, originator and president of the International Luxembourg Forum on Preventing Nuclear Catastrophe, co-founder and president of the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation, vice president of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, a member of the International Board of Hillel, and the former president of the Russian Jewish Congress, to name just some of his affiliations.

His ability to accomplish all this stems from his enormous wealth. In addition to being an “international philanthropist,” as he identifies himself, Kantor is an international businessman with $4 billion at his disposal. He has been accused of unscrupulous business dealings and financial fraud.

Like other Russian oligarchs, Kantor made his fortune in the first years of Russia’s “new capitalism”– sometimes called “gangster capitalism” – when, under the guise of “privatization,” Russia’s economy was massively looted, causing ruin to many Russian citizens who saw their life savings vanish, sometimes in a matter of weeks. Kantor’s father, a former Red Army soldier, reportedly served prison time for “speculation and embezzlement of state property in a large scale, taking bribes and forgery.” Kantor was among the many individuals in the Russian Jewish community who flourished; many – perhaps most – of the Russian oligarchs have ties to Israel.

Kantor is known for a variety of international activities. Along with notorious oligarch Boris Berezovsky, Kantor is said to have been a “sponsor of the ‘Orange Revolution’ in Ukraine in 2005, which led to the cancellation of the initial results of the presidential election.” Berezovsky later bragged that he had funded the revolution.  In 2006 Kantor received an award from Ukraine’s new president for “distinguished services” to the country.

Stamping out ‘Antisemitism’ and ‘Intolerance’

Kantor has been involved in a global campaign to embed a new, Israel-centric definition of antisemitism in European governments and institutions. The EJC says that the definition of anti-Semitism must be “clarified” because “the new form of anti-Semitism” supposedly “emanates from pro-Palestinians.” Kantor says that BDS, the international boycott of Israel over its violent human rights abuses, is “antisemitic.” (BDS works to “uphold the simple principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity.”)

Kantor advocates that governments punish antisemites as harshly as they punish terrorists. He has been working to convince European governments to adopt a bizarre 13-page program of “concrete and enforceable obligations that ensure tolerance and stamp out intolerance.”

The Orwellian program, entitled “National Statute for the Promotion of Tolerance” (revised version here), would restrict freedom of expression, impose re-education programs, enact surveillance structures, and institute criminal penalties for “antisemitism” and other “intolerance.” Expressing views specified as impermissible would be “regarded as criminal offenses punishable as aggravated crimes.”

The document proposes a deeply authoritarian structure controlling multiple aspects of society to coerce “tolerance,” and anyone who doesn’t get with the program would be taken care of, e.g. “Juveniles convicted of committing crimes listed in paragraph (a) will be required to undergo a rehabilitation programme conducive to a culture of tolerance.” Big Brother in the form of a “National Tolerance Monitoring Commission” would ensure that no one says or does anything that the Commission determines is “intolerant.”

The program is being promoted by Kantor’s “European Center for Tolerance and Reconciliation” (ECTR), and may be on the way to becoming a reality. Kantor has secured former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair as the ECTR Chairman and French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy as a member.

According to its website ECTR has formed a joint task force with the European Council to work on implementing the program throughout Europe. The European Council, composed of the heads of state or government of the 28 EU member states, defines the EU’s overall political direction and priorities.

Moshe Kantor and Tony Blair present Prince Albert of Monaco the ECTR’s 2018 “Medal of Tolerance.” The former Norwegian Prime Minister, former Italian Foreign Minister (current EU Commissioner for Justice), and the former Serbian Foreign Minister (president of the 67th Session of the UN General Assembly) attended the event.

‘Global Pandemic’

Kantor recently said that antisemitism is now a “global pandemic” and that the “crisis of antisemitism is a slippery slope to global catastrophe.” He warns that Jews could “disappear completely as a people from Europe,” and raises the alarm about what he describes as “mass killing at synagogues.” The “Stop This Story” video

Media reports on the new EJC campaign similarly emphasize recent tragic attacks on Jews, and reference the assaults in the cities of Monsey, Jersey City, Halle, Poway, and Pittsburgh.

These terrifying attacks killed a combined total of 14 Jews.

News reports on the alleged perpetrators of the assaults, who were of diverse races, indicate a variety of motivations. One attacker said he had been inspired by a 2019 assault on two New Zealand mosques that had killed 51 Muslims.

Previous fatal shootings have also occurred at other religious sites. The largest number of fatalities in the US may have been at a Christian church, where 26 worshipers were killed in 2017.

While Kantor and the EJC claim the existence of massive antisemitism, Jewish Americans are reportedly the wealthiest group in the US, and this also appears to be the case for Jews worldwide.

Meanwhile, Israeli forces have killed almost 10,000 Palestinian men, women, and children since 2000 and injured tens of thousands; Palestinian resistance forces have killed approximately 1,200 Israelis (details here).

Such disproportion is not new.

Twenty-five years ago, an Israeli author wrote: “In the last 40 years the number of non-Jews killed by Jews is by far greater than the number of the Jews killed by non-Jews.”

Many Jews around the world, including in Israel itself, have long strenuously opposed Israeli violence. According to Kantor and his cohort, these individuals are also “antisemitic.”

Photo of 5 dead children from al-Sawarka family

The bodies of five children from the same family killed in an Israeli air strike on 14 November 2019 lie in a hospital ward in Gaza (information on Gaza is here)

Fifth World Holocaust Forum

The new campaign comes just before the Fifth World Holocaust Forum to be held in Israel tomorrow,  January 23rd, co-sponsored by the president of Israel. The forums are another one of Kantor’s many projects.

Over 45 heads of state and world leaders have said they plan to attend the event, including the presidents of France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Russia, the kings of Spain and Belgium, and Britain’s Prince Charles. Vice-president Mike Pence and Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, will also attend.

The event is being held at Yad Vashem, Israel’s holocaust complex, a vast, sprawling institution with dozens of Israeli flags and tree-studded walkways leading to exhibits, archives, monuments, sculptures, and memorials.

The event website proclaims that the Holocaust is “the most horrific tragedy in human history” and states that “a new wave of antisemitism unseen since World War II poses an existential threat to European Jewry.”

According to the Jerusalem Post, among the forum’s features will be speeches by select heads of state, a Holocaust survivor, video clips, and “musical interludes performed by an orchestra and an international choir.” The event will be live streamed and conclude with the Israeli national anthem.

Yad Vashem is in Jerusalem where there is evidence all around – for any with eyes to see – of another genocidal program, one that has been going on since the one commemorated by Yad Vashem ended. An historian calls this one the “Palestinian holocaust” and describes it: a land was “occupied, emptied of its people, its physical and cultural landmarks obliterated, its destruction hailed as a miraculous act of God, all done according to a premeditated plan, meticulously executed, internationally supported, and still maintained today…”

Yad Vashem overlooks one of the obliterated landmarks emptied of its people: an almost empty field where the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin once stood.

On April 9, 1948 Zionist forces systematically exterminated 110 men, women, and children as part of a plan to rid Palestine of its Muslim and Christian population in order to make way for the Jewish state. This was one of 16 such Zionist massacres that took place before the official start of Israel’s founding war of ethnic cleansing, and over a month before a single Arab Army joined the conflict. In contrast to Yad Vashem’s monuments and memorials, Deir Yassin has no marker.

More recent evidence of the ongoing oppression can be found in the Issawiya neighborhood of Jerusalem, where heavily armed Israeli police have raided over 500 Palestinian homes and arrested more than 700 residents since May, apprehending children as young as five. Israeli forces shot dead a 21-year-old at close range and have injured over 300 people of all ages. Soldiers beat and humiliate residents at will. One resident says the area “has turned into a ghetto.” (Another such ghetto is Gaza, where Israeli forces yesterday killed three young men who had reportedly temporarily escaped from their prison.)

Not far from Issawiyah is Israel’s mammoth apartheid wall, confiscating additional Palestinian land and helping to imprison over two million people. In 2002 Israeli media reported that Israeli generals were studying how the German army fought in the Warsaw ghetto for use in Israel’s next campaign against Palestinians.

The Holocaust Forum program states that the world leaders “will be invited to lay a wreath at the base of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Monument created by world-renowned Jewish sculptor and artist Nathan Rappaport.”

Perhaps some of the world leaders could also visit the unmarked site of Deir Yassin, and lay a wreath on one of its crumbling graves. And then go to Israel’s wall and echo a famous demand from a previous head of state: “Tear down this wall.”

And maybe a future social media campaign could focus on ending all genocides, injustice, and oppression.


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Attacks on Venezuelan TV station Telesur are an example of the “arrogance of the powerful” trying to stop people from hearing the truth, campaigners warned today.

Intellectuals and academics from across Latin America penned an open letter in support of the Caracas-based media organisation, which has been threatened with closure by hapless Venezuelan opposition figure Juan Guaido.

They branded him a “lackey of the empire” after he said that he planned to block Telesur’s TV signal, claiming without evidence that it supported terrorists.

Mr Guaido — who was recently deposed as speaker of the National Assembly — is planning to set up a parallel news outlet “following dictates from Washington,” the signatories warned.

As exposed in a freedom-of-information request by the Morning Star last year, the British government has been funnelling money into opposition media organisations and “yellow unions” in a bid to undermine the democratically elected government of President Nicolas Maduro.

It continues a tradition in the region, with declassified papers revealing that the Foreign Office had been paying Reuters for Latin American news reporting via a front company in the late 1960s.

The letter to Telesur president Patricia Villegas said that the latest attempt to silence it “only reaffirm the certainty of the value of this station in the battle of the peoples for their right to truth.”

“Only through Telesur have we been able to learn about the merciless and lethal action of capitalism, the strength of the resistance of leaders and popular movements and the events that have opened up real gaps in imperial domination that have marked the history of our peoples,” the letter stated.

But it warned that the “arrogance of the powerful” does not support transparency and the exposure of the “transnationals and their dirty dealings” along with the spotlight being shone on the manipulation of the media.

Because of this it is essential that the platform, one of the greatest achievements of former Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, is not silenced, the signatories said.

They recalled the December 2004 meeting which established the Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Movements in Defence of Humanity and issued the “Caracas call” to “support the establishment of a television station of the South and independent television and radio media at the service of the interests of our peoples.”

“Safeguarding Telesur, its philosophy, its ideals and its work is not just a position, it is also our obligation,” the letter said.

“Telesur is a child of the battle of ideas and of the fathers of this new continental era; commanders Fidel Castro Ruz and Hugo Chavez Frias. We will win, without a doubt.”


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