COVID-19 Close to Home

March 18th, 2020 by Stephen Lendman

At a time like now, it’s especially vital to follow medically recommended guidelines for self-protection.

Until COVID-19 passes as a potential threat, there’s no choice but to adapt to a new reality that may be around for some time.

As of Tuesday, Chicago where I live reported 63 confirmed COVID-19 cases — 160 in Illinois, one death so far, a Chicago woman in her 60s with an unspecified “underlying condition.”

Illinois Governor Pritzker ordered events in the state of more than 50 people cancelled. White House guidelines advised against gatherings of more than 10 people.

On March 17, Chicago public schools closed at least through month’s end. Closure most likely will continue through the remainder of the school year.

Students from needly families given school lunches will continue getting them on a pick-up basis outside their schools from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Monday through Friday.

The Greater Chicago Food Depository still operates, no closure plans indicated so far.

Chicago Park District facilities scaled back activities, some still offered in “safe settings.”

Many greater Chicago colleges and universities shifted classroom gatherings to online instruction for an indefinite period.

City authorities advised local businesses to encourage or order employees to work at home if possible — if feel ill, stay home.

As of Monday, all restaurants and bars in Illinois were ordered closed to the public indefinitely — other than for food deliveries and drive through pickups.

City religious facilities were advised to cancel large gatherings and institute social distancing.

Illinois Governor Pritzker activated small numbers of National Guard forces to provide logistical and medical support for COVID-19 responses.

One greater Chicago community ordered the closure of movie theaters, health and fitness centers, bowling allies, and other recreational and entertainment facilities where large numbers of people gather.

In the coming days, the above mandate may be instituted statewide, perhaps nationwide for an indefinite period.

Flights at Chicago’s Midway Airport were suspended after a traffic controller and two other employees tested positive for COVID-19.

According to the FAA, the airport remains open to operate “at a reduced rate until the situation is resolved.”

At Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport, the world’s highest air traffic facility in 2019, passengers arriving from abroad are being screened before allowed to leave, the process taking hours because of high volume.

It’s creating angst among passengers over standing next to hundreds of others at a time when authorities want large gatherings avoided.

Customs clearance is under federal jurisdiction. State and local authorities urged measures to alleviate what’s going on to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading.

Chicago Botanic Garden closed. Outdoor areas of Brookfield Zoo and Morton Arboretum remain open for now.

911 operators began screening callers for possible COVID-19 symptoms.

Chicago has an excellent fire department-run paramedic service, help gotten expeditiously by calling 911 — as long as not overwhelmed with high volume.

The Chicago Police Department (CPD) assigned teams of officers in each district to respond as needed in cases of suspected COVID-19.

A CPD command center was established to meet daily on the issue.

ComEd suspended service cancellations for nonpayments, late payment charges waived for customers unable to pay on time.

Public transportation continues to operate despite a large drop in riders. The same goes for area rail traffic. Reduced schedules are likely coming.

The University of Illinois’ main Springfield and Chicago campuses cancelled commencement ceremonies scheduled for May to avoid large gatherings.

Some area hospitals banned visitors, some exceptions made for immediate family members in special cases.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said all non-essential city workers were ordered to work from home — police, fire, and other emergency service staff excluded, as well as streets and sanitation workers, airport employees, and city water department staff.

An area nursing home reported 22 COVID-19 cases. Some medical facilities are offering “curbside coronavirus testing.”

Tuesday’s Illinois primary was held as schedule instead of postponing it for a later date.

Macy’s (formerly Marshall Field’s, Chicago’s flagship department store from 1852), Bloomingdale’s, Nordstrom, Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus, Apple, Nike, Ralph Lauren, and numerous other city retailers closed temporarily — some perhaps to go bankrupt and not reopen.

According to Chicago retail data, store traffic over the last six weeks declined by about one-third, heading lower each week.

Even food markets announced reduced hours. Chicago’s Monday City Council meeting was cancelled because it has 50 members — plus staff and press covering proceedings, no rescheduled date set.

The Regional Transportation Authority closed its customer service offices and cancelled scheduled meetings.

Mass layoffs are beginning in Chicago, Illinois statewide, and nationwide.

On Tuesday, USA Today reported that they’re “accelerat(ing)” — notably by retailers, restaurants, and other service sector firms.

Marriott Hotels announced that it’s furloughing tens of thousands of workers, the same likely true for most other hotels.

According to Challenger, Gray and Christmas, 7.4 million leisure, travel, and hospitality sector workers could face temporary layoffs — adding: “Things are really accelerating quickly.”

The American Hotel & Lodging Association and the US Travel Association estimated that one million hotel jobs were already eliminated or will be in the coming weeks.

The new normal will continue for an indefinite time until the spread of COVID-19 abates.

On Monday, Trump claimed his response to the outbreak has been a perfect “10…”(W)e’ve done a great job.”

Not according to public health experts. Harvard Global Health Institute’s Dr. Ashish Jha said his regime’s “response has been abysmal. It’s hard to imagine how they could’ve done it worse,” adding:

“We’re still the only major country in the world that (is not) do(ing) widespread testing for coronavirus for people who are sick. That’s insane given our technical and scientific capacity.”

According to an NPR/PBS News Hour/Marist poll released Tuesday, 60% of respondents expressed little trust in how the Trump regime is dealing with COVID-19 outbreaks.

My downtown Chicago residential building in the city’s Streeterville area near the landmark Water Tower is a microcosm of how others in the city, nationwide and elsewhere are dealing with COVID-19 outbreaks.

Normal building activities are suspended until further notice, risk management practices replacing them after an employee of a commercial business in the building tested positive for COVID-19.

A food market in the building, its most valued amenity, is now restricted to residents and staff, its operating hours subject to change.

Any resident known to had contact with a COVID-19 positive individual is ordered to self-quarantine and keep out of common areas, including elevators.

Building staff will help as needed. Any resident testing positive for the disease must notify the management office immediately.

Except for the food market, all other building amenities are closed and off-limits until further notice.

Residents and visitors are instructed not to “congregate” in common areas, urged to maintain a safe distance from others, and not visit the management office.

Communicate by phone or email instead. Non-emergency work orders are temporarily suspended.

Scheduled events for residents are cancelled through May 31. Food deliveries will be in the lobby, not to individual apartments.

Remodeling projects are suspended until further notice. Residents are asked to limit outside visitations.

Further restrictions may follow, the building not so far quarantined that could happen if outbreaks are reported among residents.

For now social distancing is the order of the day as a precaution against spreading COVID-19.

It hasn’t remotely advanced to epidemic or pandemic levels as falsely reported, but it’s wise to follow sound personal hygiene and dietary practices that promote good health.

So far, less than 200,000 global infections were reported, around 6,200 in the US, around 100 deaths in the country.

The numbers are small but could rise significantly in the weeks and months ahead.

So it’s better to be safe than sorry, inconvenience a minor issue to put up with. Staying healthy matters most.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

In times of economic duress like now, US policymakers and the Wall Street owned and operated Fed throw hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars at business and investors to aid them and financial markets — crumbs at most for cash-strapped households hard-pressed to get by.

For weeks, Trump failed to acknowledge the risk of a growing public health crisis, admitting it belatedly on Monday with guidelines that exclude financial help for ordinary people in need.

It calls for “15 days to slow (COVID-19’s) spread” that could take months or longer to control and eliminate nationwide.

If outbreaks in large numbers occur in cities, towns or states, extended lockdowns may be needed to prevent the disease from spreading.

“If you feel sick, stay home,” said the White House guidelines. “Contact your medical provider” — what most people normally do when ill.

Many individuals without health insurance or enough coverage rely on emergency room treatment where available that’s covered by Medicaid.

“If your children are sick, keep them at home. Do not send them to school.” Get medical help — what people able to afford it routinely do.

“If someone in your household tested positive for (COVID-19), keep the entire household at home.” Don’t go out, to work, school, or anywhere else — a positive suggestion that reminds people of the importance of not potentially spreading the virus to others.

“If you are an older person, stay home and away from other people.”

Older people with weaker immune systems are more vulnerable to contracting the virus.

It doesn’t mean they should be confined at home unless advised to take this precaution by local authorities because of outbreaks they know of, if they have other health conditions that make it advisable, or if advised to self-isolate by their doctor.

Other Trump regime guidelines include staying home away from other people if have “a serious underlying health condition.”

It depends on what it is, how serious, and if it puts you or others at risk to be at risk in close quarters.

Most older people have one or more conditions. It doesn’t automatically mean they should isolate themselves for an extended period until the COVID-19 threat abates.

Dealing with the disease depends on local conditions and personal health at any age.

White House guidelines warned against gatherings of more than 10 people in public places, including in restaurants, shops, and theaters.

The Mayo Clinic explained the following about COVID-19:

It’s “a newly identified respiratory virus in the coronavirus family, but it is more severe and spreads easily.”

“Diagnosis is difficult (without proper testing) because it shares several symptoms with influenza.”

It spreads in similar fashion — person to person “through respiratory droplets from an infected person’s cough or sneeze.”

“These droplets can land on surfaces within about 6 feet and can spread to other people after they contact these infected surfaces with their hands and subsequently touch their face.”

“Individuals can become infected by COVID-19 from an object if the surface of that object has live virus on it. How long the virus can live outside an organism is unknown.”

“Expert estimates range from a few hours to up to nine days, depending on the type of surface, surrounding temperature and environment.”

Some infected people can be asymptomatic. Most common symptoms are fever, lethargy, aches and pains, a sore throat and/or coughing, shortness of breath, and diarrhea.

They usually appear from 2 to 14 days of exposure.

According to the Mayo Clinic, if patients are diagnosed with COVID-19, they’re isolated.

Since no antiviral treatments exist, interventions taken depend on the severity of illness and for patients “with compromised immune systems or complex illnesses.”

To minimize risk of contagion, wash hands thoroughly and keep them clean.

Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. Cover coughing and sneezing to prevent the spread of germs to others.

Disinfect surfaces and keep them  clean. Avoid close contact with ill people. Stay home and self-isolate if sick until well.

Face masks offer little help as germs can enter the body through eyes and ears.

Follow information from local health and other authorities on whether outbreaks exist in the area and to what extent.

If warning signs emerge, get medical help right away. Emergency warning signs according to Mayo include:

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • Persistent chest pain or pressure
  • Confusion or inability to arouse
  • Bluish lips or face

The above symptoms are “not all-inclusive,” Mayo explained. If ill and uncertain of the cause, get medical attention to find out.

On Tuesday, the Trump regime asked Congress to authorize an $850 billion stimulus package.

It features an ill-conceived suspension of individual and business-paid payroll taxes, the money used to fund Social Security and Medicare.

Starving both essential programs even through yearend alone is a Trump regime scheme to hasten their demise, why it’s crucial for Congress to reject it.

The Fed can create hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars with a click of a computer keyboard, an unlimited amount, what former Fed chairman Bernanke earlier called helicopter money.

It’s been dropped in large amounts on Wall Street (so-called QE), not on main street where vitally needed to stimulate economic growth.

QE helps banks, markets and investors. Boosting aggregate demand requires putting money in the pockets of ordinary people who’ll spend it for essentials and discretionary things.

Years of dropping money on Wall Street through near-zero interest rates and QE boosted asset valuations to bubble levels while ordinary Americans got force-fed austerity when stimulus was needed — along with high unemployment and underemployment, claims otherwise state-sponsored mass deception.

What benefits investors fails to help most Americans. What’s needed is large amounts helicopter money dropped on main street — omitted from the Trump regime’s guidelines.

Last July, noted investor Jim Rogers warned of a “terrible” bear market ahead.

On Monday, he said we’re heading toward “the worst financial crisis of our lifetimes. We will know in a few months.”

Lots of large and small businesses will suffer. “Some will go bankrupt.” Ongoing market turmoil goes way beyond COVID-19 — the pin that popped the bubble too inflated to sustain, not the cause of what’s happening.

Rogers’ advice to ordinary people is invest “only in what they know a lot about” for real, not what they think they know.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

China Locked in Hybrid War with US

March 18th, 2020 by Pepe Escobar

Among the myriad, earth-shattering geopolitical effects of coronavirus, one is already graphically evident. China has re-positioned itself. For the first time since the start of Deng Xiaoping’s reforms in 1978, Beijing openly regards the US as a threat, as stated a month ago by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Munich Security Conference during the peak of the fight against coronavirus. 

Beijing is carefully, incrementally shaping the narrative that, from the beginning of the coronovirus attack, the leadership knew it was under a hybrid war attack. Xi’s terminology is a major clue. He said, on the record, that this was war. And, as a counter-attack, a “people’s war” had to be launched.

Moreover, he described the virus as a demon or devil. Xi is a Confucianist. Unlike some other ancient Chinese thinkers, Confucius was loath to discuss supernatural forces and judgment in the afterlife. However, in a Chinese cultural context, devil means “white devils” or “foreign devils”: guailo in Mandarin, gweilo in Cantonese. This was Xi delivering a powerful statement in code.

When Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, voiced in an incandescent tweet the possibility that “it might be US Army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan” – the first blast to this effect to come from a top official – Beijing was sending up a trial balloon signaliing that the gloves were finally off. Zhao Lijian made a direct connection with the Military Games in Wuhan in October 2019, which included a delegation of 300 US military.

He directly quoted US CDC director Robert Redfield who, when asked last week whether some deaths by coronavirus had been discovered posthumously in the US, replied that  “some cases have actually been diagnosed this way in the US today.”

Zhao’s explosive conclusion is that Covid-19 was already in effect in the US before being identified in Wuhan – due to the by now fully documented inability of US to test and verify differences compared with the flu.

Adding all that to the fact that coronavirus genome variations in Iran and Italy were sequenced and it was revealed they do not belong to the variety that infected Wuhan, Chinese media are now openly  asking questions and drawing a connection with the shutting down in August last year of the “unsafe” military bioweapon lab at Fort Detrick, the Military Games, and the Wuhan epidemic. Some of these questions had been asked – with no response – inside the US itself.

Extra questions linger about the opaque Event 201 in New York on October 18, 2019: a rehearsal for a worldwide pandemic caused by a deadly virus – which happened to be coronavirus. This magnificent coincidence happened one month before the outbreak in Wuhan.

Event 201 was sponsored by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum (WEF), the CIA, Bloomberg, John Hopkins Foundation and the UN.  The World Military Games opened in Wuhan on the exact same day.

Irrespective of its origin, which is still not conclusively established, as much as Trump tweets about the “Chinese virus,” Covid-19 already poses immensely serious questions about biopolitics (where’s Foucault when we need him?) and bio-terror.

The working hypothesis of coronavirus as a very powerful but not Armageddon-provoking bio-weapon unveils it as a perfect vehicle for widespread social control – on a global scale.

Cuba rises as a biotech power

Just as a fully masked Xi visiting the Wuhan frontline last week was a graphic demonstration to the whole planet that China, with immense sacrifice, is winning the “people‘s war” against Covid-19, Russia, in a Sun Tzu move on Riyadh whose end result was a much cheaper barrel of oil, helped for all practical purposes to kick-start the inevitable recovery of the Chinese economy. This is how a strategic partnership works.

The chessboard is changing at breakneck speed. Once Beijing identified coronavirus as a bio-weapon attack the “people’s war” was launched with the full force of the state. Methodically. On a “whatever it takes” basis. Now we are entering a new stage, which will be used by Beijing to substantially recalibrate the interaction with the West, and under very different frameworks when it comes to the US and the EU.

Soft power is paramount. Beijing sent an Air China flight to Italy carrying 2,300 big boxes full of masks bearing the script, “We are waves from the same sea, leaves from the same tree, flowers from the same garden.” China also sent a hefty humanitarian package to Iran, significantly aboard eight flights from Mahan Air – an airline under illegal, unilateral Trump administration sanctions.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic could not have been more explicit:

“The only country that can help us is China. By now, you all understood that European solidarity does not exist. That was a fairy tale on paper.”

Under harsh sanctions and demonized since forever, Cuba is still able to perform breakthroughs – even on biotechnology. The anti-viral Heberon – or Interferon Alpha 2b – a therapeutic, not a vaccine, has been used with great success in the treatment of coronavirus. A joint venture in China is producing an inhalable version, and at least 15 nations are already interested in importing the therapeutic.

Now compare all of the above with the Trump administration offering $1 billion to poach German scientists working at biotech firm Curevac, based in Thuringia, on an experimental vaccine against Covid-19, to have it as a vaccine “only for the United States.”

Social engineering psy-op?

Sandro Mezzadra, co-author with Brett Neilson of the seminal The Politics of Operations: Excavating Contemporary Capitalism, is already trying to conceptualize where we stand now in terms of fighting Covid-19.

We are facing a choice between a Malthusian strand – inspired by social Darwinism – “led by the Johnson-Trump-Bolsonaro axis” and, on the other side, a strand pointing to the “requalification of public health as a fundamental tool,” exemplified by China, South Korea and Italy. There are key lessons to be learned from South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore.

The stark option, Mezzadra notes, is between a “natural population selection,” with thousands of dead, and “defending society” by employing “variable degrees of authoritarianism and social control.” It’s easy to imagine who stands to benefit from this social re-engineering, a 21st century remix of Poe’s The Masque of the Red Death.

Amid so much doom and gloom, count on Italy to offer us Tiepolo-style shades of light. Italy chose the Wuhan option, with immensely serious consequences for its already fragile economy. Quarantined Italians remarkably reacted by singing on their balconies: a true act of metaphysical revolt.

Not to mention the poetic justice of the actual St. Corona (“crown” in Latin) being buried in the city of Anzu since the 9th century. St. Corona was a Christian killed under Marcus Aurelius in 165 AD, and has been for centuries one of the patron saints of pandemics.

Not even trillions of dollars raining from the sky by an act of divine Fed mercy were able to cure Covid-19. G-7 “leaders” had to resort to a videoconference to realize how clueless they are – even as China’s fight against coronavirus gave the West a head start of several weeks.

Shanghai-based Dr. Zhang Wenhong, one of China’s top infectious disease experts, whose analyses have been spot on so far, now says China has emerged from the darkest days in the “people’s war” against Covid-19. But he does not think this will be over by summer. Now extrapolate what he’s saying to the Western world.

It’s not even spring yet, and we already know it takes a virus to mercilessly shatter the Goddess of the Market. Last Friday, Goldman Sachs told no fewer than 1,500 corporations that there was no systemic risk. That was false.

New York banking sources told me the truth: systemic risk became way more severe in 2020 than in 1979, 1987 or 2008 because of the hugely heightened danger that the $1.5 quadrillion derivative market would collapse.

As the sources put it, history had never before seen anything like the Fed’s intervention via its little understood elimination of commercial bank reserve requirements, unleashing a potential unlimited expansion of credit to prevent a derivative implosion stemming from a total commodity and stock market collapse of all stocks around the world.

Those bankers thought it would work, but as we know by now all the sound and fury signified nothing. The ghost of a derivative implosion – in this case not caused by the previous possibility, the shutting down of the Strait of Hormuz – remains.

We are still barely starting to understand the consequences of Covid-19 for the future of neoliberal turbo-capitalism. What’s certain is that the whole global economy has been hit by an insidious, literally invisible circuit breaker. This may be just a “coincidence.” Or this may be, as some are boldly arguing, part of a possible, massive psy-op creating the perfect geopolitlcal and social engineering environment for full-spectrum dominance.

Additionally, along the hard slog down the road, with immense, inbuilt human and economic sacrifice, with or without a reboot of the world-system, a more pressing question remains: will imperial elites still choose to keep waging full-spectrum-dominance hybrid war against China?


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This article was originally published on Asia Times

Pepe Escobar is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Asia Times

There are firm indications that China has won its battle in suppressing the coronavirus, with daily cases in the country reduced to low double digit numbers. On 8 March 2020, a mere 40 new reports of coronavirus were recorded in China during that day, while on 16 March just 21 fresh cases were detected.

A month before, about two thousand people in China had reportedly contracted the illness each day for a week (1). The dramatic drop in coronavirus cases must surely rank as a remarkable achievement on Beijing’s part, in a country with 1.4 billion people. In all, just over 80,000 Chinese citizens have been infected with the illness, with 3,200 dying. That a highly infectious and dangerous malady is being contained in the world’s most populace country, should provide a reality check to those recklessly hyping up this disease in the West.

One would be hoping for too much it seems. If anything, the Western coronavirus frenzy has actually increased in intensity with a “global recession” imminently forecast, in which the public will again bear the brunt of costs.

German leader Angela Merkel last week relayed the outlandish claim that “60% to 70% of the population” in Germany could become infected with the coronavirus in the time ahead (2). This equates to between 49 million to 58 million Germans. Yet in China, where over 800 million people reside in urban areas, a minuscule fraction of 1% of that country’s entire population have contracted the ailment.

The coronavirus has now spread to more than 160 nations, and counting, on six different continents (3). These apparently stark figures do not reveal anything like the complete picture, however. If by analysing China through their containment of the illness after just over two months, so the affluent countries such as in Europe should suppress it too in the weeks ahead.

There are at present around 200,000 coronavirus infections reported worldwide, with 8,000 deaths occurring as a consequence of the illness. A week ago (11 March), there were 126,000 coronavirus cases globally with just under 5,000 deceased (4). Now China no longer holds the majority of all infections.

Outside of China, current figures show that easily the worst affected countries are Italy (32,000 cases, 2,500 deaths), Iran (16,500 cases, 1,000 deaths) and Spain (12,000 cases, 550 deaths).

Globally it cannot be called an explosion in cases. With a human population of almost eight billion, this represents a gradual rise rather than an exponential one, regardless of the hyperbole. Numbers of coronavirus “active cases”, that is those currently infected, is around 110,000 as things stand – with over 80,000 people having recovered from the disease, most of them Chinese residents.

One great danger could be that if the coronavirus takes hold in an impoverished continent like Africa, where millions endure underlying illnesses like HIV/AIDS, it may well in that instance inflict a heavy death toll. The population of Africa is 1.3 billion and, as of yet, about a dozen African nations have recorded low infections of the coronavirus. These are mostly occurring in the continent’s richer far north, such as in Algeria and Egypt.

Altogether the number of coronavirus cases remains very low, once more constituting a small percentage of 1% of all humans. The coronavirus does not come close to what can be classed as a “pandemic”, even based on the most up-to-date statistics. A pandemic is a disease “affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population” worldwide, confirmed by any good dictionary.

To provide some perspective to the coronavirus, there were approximately 10 million tuberculosis (TB) cases worldwide in 2018, with 1.5 million TB deaths noted that year.

The coronavirus has not spread to a large proportion of the population in a single country on earth, let alone in high percentages around the world. This reality seems to have eluded the World Health Organisation (WHO), media conglomerates and politicians.

The mainstream press have significant vested interests in fanning the flames of coronavirus frenzy. In the US, almost every major media outlet has had drug company representatives sitting in their boardrooms. The American writer and lawyer Mike Papantonio noted that,

“These gigantic media corporations aren’t going to do anything to threaten their relationship with big advertisers. Drugs are cash cow advertising bonanza for corporate media”. (5)

Officially, around 100 deaths in the US have so far been designated to coronavirus; the true figure is quite likely higher, as a result of potentially misdiagnosed cases; combined with the fact that millions of Americans have no health insurance and avoid seeing doctors, due to high prices.

Elsewhere, the mass media are warning about the possibility of “tens of thousands” of deaths from coronavirus in a small western European nation like Ireland, which has a population of five million (6). Just two fatalities are presently attributed to the coronavirus in Ireland.

The WHO has had a pivotal role in overplaying the coronavirus, a similar scenario to a decade ago with their hyping up of the swine flu outbreak. WHO swine flu guidelines were drafted by scientists on the payroll of big pharma such as Roche, a multinational healthcare company headquartered in Switzerland.

In 2005, a landmark change took place with the WHO, when its financial policy was altered so as to accept private funding, as an in-depth study reveals (7). Prior to 2005, the WHO was funded solely by member states, but such strategies have since shifted. By 2015, more than half of the WHO’s annual budget consisted of money provided through private sources, including funds from extremely influential corporate bosses like Bill Gates, one of the world’s richest people. Indeed, Gates has dispensed with over a billion dollars to the WHO.

Over these past 15 years, the WHO has sunk deeper into the pockets of big pharma. During the recent opioid epidemic in America, it was reported that the WHO recommended addictive prescription opioids endorsed by big US pharmaceutical companies, like Purdue Pharma. The WHO’s “guidelines on treating pain were directly influenced by the pharmaceutical industry, including a set of directions for prescribing powerful painkillers that appear to have been taken from the opioid giant, Purdue Pharma”. (8)

Regarding the coronavirus, the WHO’s suspect and erroneous declaration of a pandemic is manna from heaven to big pharma. The experienced investigative journalist, Gerald Posner, remarked that

“Pharmaceutical companies view Covid-19 [coronavirus] as a once-in-a-lifetime business opportunity”.

The WHO was aware prior to its exaggeration of the 2009-2010 swine flu, that this ailment was of an overall mild nature, and represented no threat to humanity. It was discovered that five researchers involved in advising the WHO were paid €7 million from the vaccine industry (9). Many governments bought drugs and vaccines from big pharma on a huge scale, providing billions of dollars in profits for them.

The WHO is a highly influential world body. More than half of our globe’s populace is influenced by advice put forth by it. About 350 million patients have been receiving medical treatment with drugs at least partly based on WHO recommendations. Many of the drugs listed in the WHO directories “are dangerous, often harmful, and without significant beneficial effects for the patient”. (10)

The tentacles of big pharma stretches far and wide. Large sums of corporate money are dangled in front of scientists, professors and academics, with those who accept such offers providing apparent authenticity to policies favoured by pharmaceuticals.

Corporations are institutionalised to create as much wealth as possible, and as quickly as possible. This is incompatible with the production of cheap and effective drugs to patients who need them, so the latter people inevitably suffer, particularly in third world and developing countries.

On closer inspection, it may not be surprising that establishment centres are overestimating the threat of coronavirus. The pharmaceutical industry is comprised of some of the world’s biggest corporations, such as Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Merck & Co and Bayer.

The former three companies are headquartered in America, and the fourth one mentioned, Bayer, is a big pharma operation based in Leverkusen, Germany. Chancellor Merkel has warmly praised Bayer in the past; and she was present as a “guest of honour” at the 150th anniversary of Bayer’s founding in 2013 where, in the presence of senior executives, she said that, “The name Bayer has a permanent place in the history of German industry”.

In March 2018 Merkel appointed a former pharmaceutical lobbyist, Jens Spahn, to the position of German health minister. Like virtually all governments in the first world, Merkel’s administration is heavily influenced by the demands of big business, and she has refused to challenge lobbying in Germany. (11)

Merkel’s announcement, that the majority of Germans could become infected with the coronavirus, was based on zero evidence – but her words will have been music to the ears of pharmaceutical companies like Bayer.

In Britain, successive Conservative governments have had a direct part in supporting big pharma over the basic requirements of patients. With drug prices at costly levels, London has been at the spearhead of blocking efforts to tackle the sinister workings of the pharmaceutical industry, enjoying critical help from Merkel’s cabinet. (12)

Most big pharma companies are of course centred in the United States. Each year, American drug companies spend around $6 billion on advertisements, which are aired through the mass media and television networks. Between 1997 and 2016, total US spending on prescription drugs climbed from $116 billion to $321 billion, a major boost to pharmaceuticals.


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Shane Quinn obtained an honors journalism degree. He is interested in writing primarily on foreign affairs, having been inspired by authors like Noam Chomsky. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.


1 Worldometer, World/Countries/China, 17 March 2020,

2 The Local, “Merkel warns Germany ‘up to 70 percent of country could become infected’, 11 March 2020,

3 The Conversation, “Why are there so few coronavirus cases in Russia and Africa?”, 17 March 2020,

4 Kate Mayberry , Tamila Varshalomidze & Usaid Siddiqui, “Italy coronavirus death toll surges past 1,000”, Aljazeera, 12 March 2020,

5 Gary Bentley, “Big Pharma Owns The Corporate Media, But Americans Are Waking Up And Fighting Back”, Ring of Fire, 11 April 2017,

6 Pat Leahy, “How Irish politics and society may be reshaped by Covid-19”, Irish Times, 14 March 2020,

7 Soren Ventegodt, Reviewed & Approved by Dr. Harold H. Fain, “Why the Corruption of the World Health Organization (WHO) is the Biggest Threat to the World’s Public Health of Our Time”, Journal of Integrative Medicine & Therapy, January 2015,

8 Katie Zezima, “Congressional report: Purdue Pharma influenced World Health Organization’s opioid guidelines”, 22 May 2019,

9 Ventegodt, Reviewed & Approved by Dr. Harold H. Fain, January 2015,

10 Ventegodt, Reviewed & Approved by Dr. Harold H. Fain, January 2015,

11 Ben Knight, “Angela Merkel’s new coalition ‘won’t address lobbying in Germany'”, Deutsche Welle, 26 February 2018,

12 Heidi Chow, “The UK government has blatantly chosen to side with big pharma over patients”, Global Justice Now, 28 May 2019,

Correspondents from Bloomberg reported that under pressure from Washington, Indonesia will likely refuse to buy Russian and Chinese weapons. A U.S. State Department spokesman informed Bloomberg that the United States had asked all its allies and partners to abandon new contracts to buy Russian military equipment to avoid sanctions under the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA). This law was signed by U.S. President Donald Trump in the summer of 2017 and has been used to justify Washington’s economic aggression against many states, especially Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. Unsurprising the targeted states are officially considered by the White House to be a rival. The goal of American policy is to deny Russia the revenue it needs to continue its “malign influence,” according to Bloomberg.

Through economic sanctions, Washington tries to influence the domestic and foreign policies of these countries. Interpreting this legislation more broadly, the U.S. could impose sanctions against any country that defies Washington’s demands by cooperating with Russia and China, especially in with military technology. However, behind the endless rhetoric about the necessity of American security, there is still an endless goal to remove competitors from the lucrative arms market. It is also clear that in recent times, Trump has sent his diplomats to Southeast Asian countries to persuade them to not buy Russian or Chinese weapons, and rather, of course, American ones.

Indonesia has been a customer of Russian weapons since Achmed Sukarno was the head of the country in the early years of the Cold War. The current administration of Joko Widodo plans to buy 11 Russian Su-35 aircraft, but Washington has made it clear that if that happens, they will impose sanctions against Jakarta. The Indonesian side suspended these plans. It comes as even earlier they refused to negotiate with China over the contract to buy patrol boats because of pressure from the U.S.

What motivates the U.S. to behave so aggressively in the arms market is because Russia has always been a major supplier of weapons to Southeast Asian countries and the Eurasian country’s weapons are not only proving to be far cheaper, but also much more reliable compared to their American-made counterparts. Between 2010 and 2017, Moscow sold $6.6 billion of weapons to the region, while the U.S. only sold $4.5 billion in sales during the same period. The major buyer of Russian military equipment is unsurprisingly Vietnam, a long-time ally since the Cold War period, and accounted for 78% of total Russian arms exports in the region. Russian arms exports have many advantages compared to the U.S. When looking at how Russian weapons are far cheaper and more reliable than their U.S. counterparts, the S-400 air defense missile system comes to mind as it is half the price of the American Patriot system that failed to defend Saudi ARAMCO oil sites and U.S. troops in Iraq from Iranian missile attacks. In addition, the Russian side is also open to comprises, for example, to provide weapons in exchange for Indonesian palm oil rather than just dollars as Washington demands.

The Russian arms sales deal is not accompanied by political and ideological conditions. Washington has a very rigorous check that people who buy their equipment must comply with, such as Western human rights standards or serving U.S. hegemony. If we look at Turkey, we can see all the difficulties facing the country because its defiance against Washington to buy the S-400 system. Or back in Southeast Asia, in 2016, Washington refused to supply rifles to the Philippine government because they brutally fought against drug trafficking and did not follow U.S. demands. It must be remembered that in the early 1960’s, the U.S. imposed an arms embargo on Indonesia when the government decided to annex the resource rich West Papua. Russian sales derive from commercial rules, not paying attention to political factors and ideology. Whether Indonesia will break its long relations with the U.S. and capitulate to its demands remains to be seen, but it is likely as Russia will not react in the same irrational manner as Trump would.


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Paul Antonopoulos is a Research Fellow at the Center for Syncretic Studies.

Isn’t it funny how whenever Uncle Empire needs to find some of that green to solve a problem THEY  deem vital, they find it.

When they DON’T deem it necessary they don’t!

Go back 12 years or so when the villains covered in Aaron Glantz’s fine new book Homewreckers helped jumpstart the Subprime Mortgage debacle.

Uncle Empire went into action.

Of course, all they did was save Corporate Predatory Capitalism, instead of finally cutting off its balls! Remember poor sad sack Treasury Sec. Henry Paulson, former CEO of Wall Street giant shark Goldman Sachs (where he retired with a compensation package worth… ready for this… $ 500 million), standing with the Two Party/One Party hypocrites behind him.

Sad eyed Henry, with almost tears in his vulture’s eyes, told America that the only hope to ‘Save our economy’ was to pump in hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to keep the predatory Wall Street firms afloat.

The Two Party/One Party lackeys had but 25 Senators from both parties vote NO (Bernie Sanders among them) and 44 voted YES (including Joe Biden). Ralph Nader was vehement in his opposition, saying that the government should have placed those toxic shark companies into ‘Receivership’, paying out perhaps 10 -20 cents on the dollar for those assets, thus saving taxpayers BILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

By the way, among those vulture capitalists, men who made fortunes from the Subprime scandal, are Trump’s Sec. of Treasury Steve Mnuchin and Sec. of Commerce Wilbur Ross. Imagine what the late great George Carlin would have done with that fodder for his comic rants.

In 2008 Mr. ‘Hope and Change’ was elected by the fools who bought into his ‘progressive’ rhetoric. So, what did he do? Well, with the aid of his new chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel (who it was reported twisted the arms of Obama’s group of ‘Finest and brightest’), continued the massive bailout, costing we taxpayers hundreds of $ billions more.

The irony is that, in 2009, when some in Congress (almost all Democrats… but NOT Mrs. Pelosi) were pushing for a Public Option for Medicare for All of us, Uncle Empire, with its new stooge Obama, said ‘NO, too  Costly’. Instead, they introduced Obama Care, which  gave away the candy store to the private insurers by way of tens of millions of new customers.

At least, with the Public Option (which in essence is similar to what most of the hack Democrats are pushing now), we all would have the same Medicare coverage as is currently offered.  Still a win for those predatory private insurers and Big Pharma. Not great, but much better than Obama Care. One surmises that Uncle Empire still does not see the need for helping the majority of us who have either terrible or no health coverage at all. It must take a pandemic which spreads across ALL income groups, to see government doing the right thing.

It is time for all working stiffs to shout out loud and clear that our treasury could be filled up pretty quickly by

A) taxing the mega millionaires a FLAT 50% Surtax on all income OVER  their first one million;

B) Tax Wall Street transactions one penny for every one dollar invested;

C) Raise the corporate tax rates for ALL companies with over 100 employees;

D) Closing the majority of our 1000+ foreign bases , sending most of that personnel home, which would lower the amount of current obscene military spending (which is now well over 50% of our federal tax revenues).

Performing these aforementioned actions would put so much money into our treasury that any such pandemics would have the proper actions to stifle them. Food for thought perhaps. On the subject of money, I leave you with the lyrics to the 1973 Pink Floyd song of the same name:


Pink Floyd

Money, get away
Get a good job with good pay and you’re okay
Money, it’s a gas
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash
New car, caviar, four star daydream
Think I’ll buy me a football team

Money, get back
I’m all right Jack keep your hands off of my stack
Money, it’s a hit
Don’t give me that do goody good bullshit
I’m in the high-fidelity first class traveling set
And I think I need a Lear jet

Money, it’s a crime
Share it fairly but don’t take a slice of my pie
Money, so they say
Is the root of all evil today
But if you ask for a raise it’s no surprise that they’re
Giving none away, away, away


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Philip A Farruggio is a contributing editor for The Greanville Post. He is also frequently posted on Global Research, Nation of Change, World News Trust and Off Guardian sites. He is the son and grandson of Brooklyn NYC longshoremen and a graduate of Brooklyn College, class of 1974. Since the 2000 election debacle Philip has written over 300 columns on the Military Industrial Empire and other facets of life in an upside down America. He is also host of the ‘It’s the Empire… Stupid‘ radio show, co produced by Chuck Gregory. Philip can be reached at [email protected].

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Beijing Believes COVID-19 Is a Biological Weapon

March 18th, 2020 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

From conspiracy theory to geopolitical realism, the possibility to treat COVID-19 as a biological weapon has been finally accepted in the public sphere. The recent statement by the Chinese spokesman Zhao Lijian, formally accusing the US of bringing coronavirus to China, has highlighted a series of new opinions about the pandemic.

The hypothesis of biological warfare behind the global pandemic had already been raised by Russian experts some weeks ago. Like any opinion that is slightly different from the official version of Western governments and their media agencies, the thesis was ridiculed and accused of being a “conspiracy theory”. However, as soon as the official spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the second largest economic power on the planet publishes a note attesting to this possibility, it leaves the sphere of “conspiracy theories” to enter the scene of public opinion and official government versions.

In addition to making the explanation of biological warfare official, Zhao Lijian raised important questions about the pandemic data in the USA: “When did patient zero begin in US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation!”

The supreme leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini, ordered on the same day of the declaration of the Chinese Ministry the creation of a unified center of scientific research specialized in the fight against the coronavirus. The motivation, according to the Iranian spiritual and political leader, was motivated by evidence that the pandemic is a biological attack. These are his words:

“The establishment of a headquarters to fight the outbreak [of COVID-19] occurs due to the presence of evidence that indicates the possibility of a biological attack, signaling that it is necessary that all coping services [to the coronavirus] be under the command of a unified headquarters”.

In fact, what the mainstream Western media has called a “conspiracy” has been manifested in US defense programs for a long time. We must briefly recall the official document named “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”, published by the conservative think tank “Project for a new American Century”, where we can clearly read: “(…) advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool “.

Taking into account that the document was published in 2000, we can see that the possibility of biological warfare has been carefully considered and worked on by American strategists for at least two decades. However, the projects are even older. This article published in Global Research tells a brief history of biological warfare technology, tracing the remote origins of this practice by the American armed forces. In this genealogy of biological warfare, we find reports of the use of bio-weapons in wars in great conflicts of the last century, such as the Second World War, the Korea War and the conflicts with Cuba. Even so, until last Thursday, the mere fact of mentioning this hypothesis for the new coronavirus was rejected as conspiracy.

We must attain to concrete data: Pentagon has 400 military laboratories around the world, whose activities are still obscure; the USA has not yet made a clear statement about the COVID-19 data in its territory, having not yet informed the identity of its patient zero and maintaining uncertain information about the number of infected; Chinese scientists conducted a complex study in which they concluded that the virus did not originate in China, but that it had multiple and diverse sources from the Huanan marine seafood market from where the virus subsequently spread.

In February, the Japanese media agency Ashi TV reported that the virus originated in the U.S., not China, and that Washington would be omitting its actual numbers, with some cases of death attributed to influenza being, in fact, camouflaged cases of coronavirus; on February 27, a Taiwanese virologist presented a series of flowcharts on a TV program, corroborating the thesis that the virus has an American origin, providing a scientific explanation to the flow of the virus sources devoid of any geopolitical purpose.

Another curious fact is that China has been unexpectedly affected by epidemic phenomena, particularly during the period of the trade war between Beijing and Washington. Only between 2018 and the beginning of 2020, the country recorded epidemic episodes of H7N4, H7N9 (two variations of bird flu) and African swine flu. Also, the US has not officially responded to any of these notes, remaining silent about the coronavirus situation in its territory.

Not proposing a concrete answer, but only speculations, we can consider that the circumstances of the case present us a very extensive list of possibilities about what in fact the coronavirus is. Obviously, it is possible that it is not a biological weapon – and this is the official version of most of the media agencies and governments – however, once this hypothesis has been raised and no concrete evidence to the contrary is presented, it is also possible that it is a biological weapon.

The most important thing to do is to dispel the myth that biological wars are conspiracy theories. We must begin to take this possibility seriously and analyze the evidences in search of real solutions. Biological weapons are methods that have long been used and that form a fundamental part of modern warfare, whose costs are less than the methods of direct confrontation of the old wars of mobilization – and whose benefits are greater.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Lucas Leiroz is a research fellow in international law at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

In cahoots with government, Big Pharma is more concerned about profits than human health.

Drug companies see a potential bonanza by developing and marketing a COVID-19 vaccine once testing is completed — likely to be available later this year. 

What everyone should know about vaccines and their hazards goes unreported.

All vaccines contain harmful toxins, including mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol (antifreeze), and squalene adjuvants that weaken and can destroy the human immune system, making it vulnerable to many annoying to life-threatening illnesses.

The 1976 H1N1 swine flu vaccines caused hundreds of cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), a serious neurological disease.

The 2009 H1N1 vaccine contained  thimerosal as a preservative, a form of hazardous mercury, along with other toxins listed above.

The 1976 vaccine was especially hazardous. Johns Hopkins School of Public Health’s Institute for Vaccine Safety director Neal Halsey MD noted “a lot of deaths, many in otherwise healthy, normal children after being vaccinated.

Vaccines can be more hazardous than diseases they’re designed to protect against.

Of special concern is their potentially dangerous effect on young children and the elderly.

Information below is from earlier writing that’s edited and updated on vaccine hazards to human health.

Under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Reporting System) was established.

Annually, it reports thousands of serious adverse vaccine reactions, including up to 200 deaths and many more permanent disabilities.

Far more alarming is the following:

  • The FDA earlier estimated that only 1% of serious adverse reactions are reported, the CDC at the time estimating 10%.
  • In earlier congressional testimony, medical school students said they were told not to report these incidents.
  • International studies show vaccines cause up to 10,000 US SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) deaths annually, at least half the number from vaccines.
  • Another earlier study determined that 3,000 US children die annually from vaccines.
  • Poor US reporting suggests that annual adverse vaccine reactions in the country number from 100,000 to one million.
  • From 1988 to 2010, the government’s National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) paid families of adversely affected children $1.2 billion in damages.

As authorized by the 2006 Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, US Health and Human Services (HHS) granted drug companies legal immunity (except for impossible to prove willful misconduct) to market hazardous H1N1 Swine Flu vaccines globally.

Vaccines are legally mandated in all 50 US states as part of mass immunizations of children.

In settling vaccine damage suits, drug companies impose gag orders to keep vital information concealed from the public.

Insurers refuse to cover adverse vaccine reactions because of high potential liability they’d face.

Vaccinations cause high numbers of severe reactions, permanent disabilities, and deaths as well as an enormous personal and public cost. Virtually none of this gets publicly reported.

Vaccines are less effective than claimed.

Medical literature documents significant numbers of vaccine failures for measles, mumps, smallpox, pertussis, polio and Hib-causing bacterial meningitis and pneumonia.

Evidence shows that vaccinations are an unreliable and dangerous way to prevent illness and disease.

Earlier low US disease rates were unrelated to vaccines.

From 1850 – 1940, well before mandatory vaccination programs, the British Association for the Advancement of Science reported a 90% decrease in childhood diseases due to improved sanitation and hygiene practices.

By 1945, US medical authorities noted a 95% drop in deaths from the leading childhood infectious diseases (diphtheria, pertussis, scarlet fever and measles), well before mass-immunizations began.

An earlier WHO report found that third world disease and mortality rates had no direct correlation with immunization programs, but closely relate to proper sanitation, personal hygiene and dietary practices.

No evidence links vaccines to infectious disease declines. Proper hygiene and healthy eating may be far more effective.

Vaccines don’t guarantee immunization against diseases they’re designed to protect against.

Although vaccines stimulate antibody production, no evidence suggests that alone assures immunity.

A 1950 British Medical Council-published study found no relationship between antibody count and disease incidence.

Natural immunization involves many bodily organs and systems. Artificially producing antibodies can’t achieve it.

Research also shows how squalene adjuvants harm the human immune system, making it susceptible to numerous illnesses and diseases ranging from very annoying to life threatening.

The “herd immunity” notion of mass-immunizations effectiveness is largely discredited.

Just the opposite is true as evidence shows that fully vaccinated populations have experienced epidemics numerous times in the past.

Vaccine effectiveness remains scientifically unproven because no double blind studies have been conducted to provide convincing evidence.

Recent and earlier disease outbreaks affected more vaccinated children than unvaccinated ones.

A one size fits all standard is troublesome. It lets newborns get the same dose as a five-year-old.

Dubious quality control practices are tolerated that produce what’s known as “Hot Lots” – associated with disproportionately high death and disability rates.

The FDA hasn’t acted preventatively against them. Vaccine lots are seldom recalled even when associated with severe adverse reactions.

They’re administered under the assumption that all recipients largely respond the same way, regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, genetic makeup, or other characteristics.

An earlier New England Journal of Medicine-reported study found that a significant number of Romanian children receiving polio vaccine contracted the disease.

Evidence linked the outbreak two antibiotic injections. One inoculation raised the polio risk eight-fold; two – nine shots, 27-fold, and 10 or more 182-fold.

New research may reveal other unknown hazards, but public safety won’t be addressed until government health officials act responsibly, report accurately, and adequately protect populations from vaccines they never should allow.

Many supposed vaccine truths proved false.

Claims about dangers of common childhood diseases are false.

CDC data show a 99.8% pertussis recovery rate during the 1992-94 period.

Many common childhood diseases are benign and self-limiting. They usually impart lifelong immunity, whereas vaccine-induced immunization (when achieved) is only temporary.

Most infectious diseases are treatable and can produce immunity against further outbreaks.

Childhood disease dangers are greatly exaggerated to scare parents into getting their children vaccinated with unsafe drugs.

Polio vaccinations can cause the disease.

In 1955, when the Salk vaccine was introduced, polio was considered the most serious post-war public health problem.

A year later, six New England states reported sharp rises, ranging from more than double in Vermont to a 642% increase in Massachusetts.

Other states also were badly impacted enough for Idaho and Utah to halt immunizations due to increased incidence and death rates.

In 1962 congressional testimony, Dr. Bernard Greenberg, Biostatistics Department head at the University of North Carolina, reported sharp polio increases from 1957 to 1959 and a Public Health Service whitewash that suppressed it.

In 1985, the CDC reported that 87% of US cases between 1973 and 1983 were caused by the vaccine. Later the agency admitted that vaccines caused nearly all imported cases.

Misdiagnosing, poor reporting, and cover-ups suggest that the actual number of vaccine-associated paralytic polio (VAPP) cases may be 10 to 100 times higher than numbers cited by the CDC.

In 1977, Jonas Salk admitted that mass inoculations caused most polio cases since 1961.

The Salk vaccine proved highly dangerous. Information about it was suppressed, and declines in the disease were well underway when mass-immunizations began.

In Europe, they occurred in countries that used, then rejected the vaccine, proving it was never needed in the first place.

It’s true as well about vaccines for other diseases.

Lack of an initial adverse reaction does not prove vaccines are safe.

Documented longterm health problems include arthritis, chronic headaches, rashes indicative of disease, non-healing skin lesions, seizures, autism, anemia, multiple sclerosis, ALS, cancer, and many others.

Ingredients common to all vaccines are at issue. Squalene adjuvants are a biological time bomb that can harm or destroy the human immune system.

Chemical ranking systems rate many vaccine ingredients among the most hazardous to human health substances, even in microscopic doses.

Earlier epidemiological research by Dr. Bart Classen found that vaccines cause 79% of insulin type I diabetes cases in children under 10.

The sharp rise in numerous other diseases may also be linked to mass-immunizations.

California’s autism rate skyrocketed 1,000% from around 1990 – 2010.

In the 1990s, MMR vaccine usage in Britain (for measles, mumps and rubella) occurred at the same time autism rose sharply.

The January 2000 Journal of Adverse Drug Reactions reported that no adequate testing was done, so the vaccine never should have been licensed.

According to the Autism Society, the disease “is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and is the result of a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain…”

According to the CDC and National Vaccine Information Center, one in every 150 US children develop the disease.

Tens of millions are affected worldwide, making it more common than pediatric cancer, incurable type 1 (juvenile-onset) diabetes and AIDS combined.

In the early 1940s, prior to mass immunizations, autism was so rare that few doctors ever encountered it. Today it’s a global pandemic.

Longterm adverse vaccination reactions have been suppressed and ignored in spite of the alarming correlation between their use and the rise of autoimmune and other diseases.

Vaccines are more about profits than disease protection. Avoiding them is essential to protecting human health and well-being.

Claims that vaccines are key to preventing diseases are false.

During the 1849 US cholera outbreak, homeopathic hospitals documented a 3% death rate compared to 48 – 60% in conventional medical facilities.

More recent epidemiological studies show homeopathic remedies are superior to vaccines in preventing diseases.

They’re safe, effective, and free from toxic side effects — yet most often not covered by insurers.

Alternative treatments and remedies have been safe and effective for generations. Yet the medical establishment and governments spurn them.

Although all US states require vaccinations, laws vary by state. Legal exemptions exist.

They’re allowed for persons susceptible to adverse reactions, religious and other reasons.

The US and other governments prioritize corporate interests over public health and welfare.

Vaccination history shows documented evidence of government deception about  vaccines — promoting their dubious effectiveness while ignoring their hazards.

The US FDA, HHS and CDC are stacked with corporate officials who return to high-paying industry jobs provided they place profit considerations over public health and safety.

In November 2000, concern over the above and adverse vaccine reactions got the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) to pass a unanimous resolution that called for a moratorium on mandatory childhood vaccinations and for doctors to insist on “truly informed consent for (their) use…”

In October 1999, Dr. Bart Classen, founder and CEO of Classen Immunotherapies, told Congress:

“It is clear…that the government’s immunization policies are driven by politics and not by science.”

“I can give numerous examples where employees of the US Public Health Service…appear to be furthering their careers by acting as propaganda officers to support political agendas.”

“In one case…employees of a foreign government, who were funded and working closely with the US Public Health Service, submitted false data to a major medical journal.”

“The true data indicated the vaccine (in question) was dangerous. However, the false data” indicated no risk.

“Four letters from the FDA/Public Health Service…clearly reveal(ed) that the anthrax vaccine” approved for US military personnel was done “without the manufacturer performing a single controlled clinical trial.”

They’re essential to determine safety and effectiveness. Failure to conduct them proved devastating to the health and well-being of recipients.

US military forces receive many or all of the following vaccinations:

  • Three shots for hepatitis B
  • Two for hepatitis A
  • Annual influenza shots

All US military personnel must have documented proof of receiving vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella, varicella (chicken pox), and polio.

Smallpox vaccines are administered every ten years to career military personnel — the same procedure followed for tetanus-diphtheria, pertussis, typhoid, and at times for yellow fever.

Multiple doses are given for anthrax and rabies. Service personnel are screened for and given shots for tuberculosis and various other diseases, depending on where in the world they’re deployed.

Multiple vaccinations for all US military personnel practically assures damage to their immune systems, risking severe health problems later in life.

A healthy diet, plenty of water daily, no smoking and little or no alcohol consumption, daily exercise, proper sanitation and personal hygiene practices, natural substances like vitamin C and D, natural herbal remedies, and other good health practices are far more effective in preventing diseases than vaccines.

A Final Comment

Viera Scheibner is a highly respected scientist, researcher, and vaccine expert.

Earlier she called “vaccinators the snake oil salesmen of our time,” adding:

The vaccine industrial complex is “an illness industry (that) causes a pandemic (of) degenerative diseases (and) behavioral problems.”

“Ever since the turn of the (last) century, medical journals published dozens and dozens of articles demonstrating that injecting vaccines (can) cause anaphylaxis, meaning harmful, inappropriate immunological responses, which is also called sensitization.”

“(This) increase(s) susceptibility to the disease which the vaccine is supposed to prevent, and to a host of related and other unrelated infections.”

“We see it in vaccinated children within days  (or) two or three weeks.”

Most adversely affected children “develop runny noses, ear infections, pneumonitis, (and) bronchiolitis.”

“It is only a matter of degrees, which indicates immuno-suppression, (not immunity).”

“So I never use the word immunization because that is false advertising. It implies that vaccines immunize, which they don’t. The correct term is either vaccination or sensitization.”

“Vaccines (can also) damage internal organs, particularly the pancreas.”

Everyone vaccinated, including for seasonal flu, is vulnerable to contracting severe “autoimmune diseases like diabetes,” Addison’s disease, arthritis, asthma, Guillian-Barre Syndrome, hepatitis, Lou Gehrig’s disease, lupus, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, polio, and many other health problems.

Some kill. Others cause lifetime disability and pain. It’s because autoimmune diseases happen when the “body attacks itself.”

More accurately, it’s attacked by unhealthy living, stress, and harmful ingested substances.

All of the above information bears testimony to why COVID-19 vaccines should be shunned when available.

And make no mistake, they’re coming with lots of deceptive fanfare. Ignore it.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Over 450 planes carrying weapons on board landed in Shannon Airport last year.

The Government approved 454 applications for “the carriage of munitions of war on civil aircraft” in Shannon Airport in 2019.

The practice has continued into 2020, with the Limerick Leader being made aware of a photo that depicts a commercial plane carrying US troops – wearing uniforms and carrying rifles – in Shannon Airport.

Under the terms of the Air Navigation (Carriage of Munitions of War, Weapons and Dangerous Goods) Order 1973, the carriage of weapons and munitions of war is prohibited in any civil aircraft in Irish airspace and onboard any Irish registered aircraft unless an exemption is granted by the Minister for Transport, Tourism, and Sport.

A spokesperson for the Department of Transport confirmed the Department issued exemptions for flights on February 24 and 25, around the date of the photo.

“The Department did issue an exemption for an airline on the 24th and 25th of February for a technical stop in Shannon Airport. We do not disclose details of the commercial flight. To reiterate these flights are prohibited in carrying live munition onboard,” said the spokesperson.

“Applications for exemptions are considered on a case by case basis in consultation with Department of Foreign Affairs Trade and Department of Justice,” they added.

Information found on, states that:

“Ireland’s traditional policy of military neutrality, which has been pursued by successive Governments, is characterised by non-participation in military alliances.  Granting permission for these civil aircraft to refuel at Shannon airport does not amount to any form of military alliance with the US.”

Commenting on the exemptions, Senator Paul Gavan said:

“The United States have been engaged in a series of ongoing wars of aggression in countries where they have no right to be such as Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. They also provide logistical support for the ongoing war by Saudi Arabia against Yemen where thousands of men women and children have been slaughtered. By allowing the US Military to use Shannon Airport to support these military adventures successive Irish Governments have allowed themselves to become complicit in these wars of terror.

“We are supposed to be a neutral country. As a country that has itself suffered centuries of occupation, we should be particularly aware of the damage that current US Foreign policy is causing throughout the world. We need a vibrant commercial airport at Shannon, not a semi-military outpost for the US Government.”


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Featured image is from Limerick Leader

Is the United States on the verge of a complete and total “lockdown” like we have already seen in China, Italy and elsewhere?  As you will see below, the Trump administration has repeatedly brought up the possibility of “domestic travel restrictions”, and that means that this is something that is very seriously being considered.  The first step may be simply banning all non-essential domestic air travel, and that would be a major inconvenience for many Americans.  But beyond that, there is the possibility that we could see restrictions on all travel between states or even draconian restrictions on going out in public at all like we have already seen in China and Italy.  If we get to that point, where you are at that moment is where you will be staying, and I will be sharing more about this below.

But first, let’s review what the Trump administration has been telling the public about the possibility of “domestic travel restrictions”.  The following comes from a USA Today article that was posted on Saturday

President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence on Saturday said the government is considering domestic travel restrictions amid the coronavirus pandemic and added United Kingdom and Ireland to the Europe travel restrictions that went into effect late Friday.

They did not offer specifics on domestic flight restrictions but Trump said earlier in the week that they would be considered if “an area gets a little bit out of control” in terms of coronavirus cases.

I think that the phrase “is considering domestic travel restrictions” is pretty clear, and it should definitely send a chill up your spine.

Then on Sunday, a member of the administration said that officials are weighing “an outright halt to domestic air travel”

The Trump administration is weighing “all options” to curb the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S., including an outright halt to domestic air travel, a senior official said Sunday.

Such a drastic step hasn’t been taken since the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, and it would raise questions about U.S. airlines’ chances for survival without government support.

This came directly from acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Chad Wolf, and he went on to add that “all options remain on the table”

“We continue to look at all options and all options remain on the table,” said Chad Wolf, acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security in a press briefing when asked about the possibility. He said the administration is following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

So would “all options” also include banning all travel in and out of states where this pandemic is the worst?

Apparently so, and this is something that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is actually asking for

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said the White House should consider restricting domestic travel from states that are seeing a rapid increase in coronavirus infections, saying the flow of people has made containment difficult.

He made the plea shortly before the state on Saturday announced its fourth death from the disease, a 77-year-old man from Lee County.

Could you imagine getting into your car and driving toward the next state only to be stopped at the border?

It could soon happen.

Hopefully we won’t get to that point, but this outbreak continues to spiral out of control.

And if the numbers just keep going up, it is inevitable that we will see things happen that would have been unthinkable only a few weeks ago.

At this point, even Dr. Anthony Fauci appears to be advocating some sort of a “national lockdown”

Asked by CNN’s Brianna Keilar on “State of the Union” if he’d like a “national lockdown” where people are being told they need to stay home and out of restaurants and bars, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, said he’d “like to see a dramatic diminution of the personal interaction that we see” in those places.

“Whatever it takes to do that, that’s what I’d like to see,” Fauci added.

As Americans, we don’t like to have our movements restricted.

And hopefully the Trump administration will choose not to go in that direction, but they have already restricted domestic travel for members of the military

A memo released Friday evening announced a ban on government-funded domestic travel for military members, Department of Defense civilians and their families, according to Stars and Stripes.

The Pentagon says Deputy Defense Secretary David Norquist has approved new travel restrictions on service members and Defense Department civilians assigned to military installations and surrounding areas within the United States and its territories.

And similar restrictions have been put into place for federal workers

As the coronavirus outbreak continues across the U.S., the White House has told federal agencies and executive departments to suspend all work travel unless it is absolutely necessary.

The White House Office of Management and Budget issued new guidance on Saturday telling federal workers that “only mission-critical travel is recommended at this time.”

With all that in mind, I would like for you to watch this video.  According to John Grimm, a Republican candidate for Kootenai County Sheriff, it appears quite likely that we could potentially see some sort of travel restrictions in the near future.  And if there is eventually some sort of a total lockdown, he is warning that “where you stop is where you stay”

So I hope that you are already at the place where you plan to ride out this pandemic.

If not, I would get there as quickly as possible.

Meanwhile, we continue to see major institutions shut down all over the country.

On Sunday, we learned that all schools in New York City will be shutting down “until at least April 20”

In a decision he described as “extraordinarily painful,” New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said Sunday that he is closing the city’s public schools on Monday until at least April 20.

The mayor said the city would make every attempt to reopen schools at that point, but that it’s possible schools could remain closed for the rest of the school year.

Also, several states announced on Sunday that all restaurants and bars will be forced to shut down for the foreseeable future.  Ohio was one of the first to make such an announcement

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced that he will be issuing an order to close all restaurants and bars beginning at 9:00 p.m. Sunday night.

“I’m aware that this will impact many, many good workers,” he said in a tweet. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am, but we will work to mitigate the suffering. It is our goal to get everyone through this.”

Most restaurants in this country are just barely scraping by financially, and many of those that are now being forced to close down may not ever open back up again.

Illinois is another one of the states that is closing down all restaurants and bars

Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker announced Sunday afternoon that all restaurants and bars in Illinois will be closed effective at the end of the business day on Monday, continuing through March 30, due to the coronavirus pandemic.

“I cannot let the gravity of the choices prevent us from taking the actions that the science and the experts say will keep people safe,” Pritzker said.

In areas of the country where this outbreak is already wildly out of control, the restaurants and bars might as well be closed down anyway.  Restaurant traffic in New York City and Seattle is down more than 60 percent, and the more this virus spreads the more people are going to be afraid to go out into public to do anything.

Just a few weeks ago our lives seemed so normal, but now our entire country is steadily shutting down from coast to coast.

And life is not going to return to normal any time soon, because the CDC just issued guidelines calling for the cancellation or the postponement of “any events with 50 or more attendees for the next eight weeks”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is urging people across the U.S. to cancel or postpone any events with 50 or more attendees for the next eight weeks, the agency said in revised guidance issued Sunday.

The CDC said individuals and organizations should reschedule large events and that gatherings of any size should be reconsidered unless organizers can protect vulnerable populations, ensure proper hand hygiene and social distancing.

In other words, everything that is being shut down right now is going to remain shut down for at least eight weeks.

I cannot even begin to describe how damaging that is going to be to our economy.

And what happens if this pandemic is still raging after eight weeks have passed?

The Spanish Flu pandemic lasted for three entire years.  There is no way that authorities could keep us all locked down for that long.

This pandemic is rapidly becoming a national nightmare, and it appears that our freedoms are about to be restricted in ways that most of us never thought possible.

America is on the verge of being locked down, and for many of us it truly will feel like we have been put in prison.


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Michael Snyder is a nationally-syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including Get Prepared NowThe Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters. His articles are originally published on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News

The Taliban Scores a Coup

March 18th, 2020 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

It threatened to disappear under the viral haze of COVID-19, but February 29 saw representatives from the US and Taliban, loftily acknowledged as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, sign the “Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan”.  After two decades of conflict, the agreement sets in motion the process that should see American troops leave Afghanistan within 14 months.  Initially, 8,600 troops will leave over a 135-day period; the balance is set to do so after 9 months.  

The Doha ceremony was attended by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Taliban deputy leader Mullah Baradar, a person said by former CIA Operations Officer Douglas London to be of “little influence or authority” serving as “convenient window dressing”.  The ink from the US side for the signature was supplied by US peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad.  Conspicuously absent, and much in recognition of the failings of that institution, was the NATO-backed Afghan government.  Nor was the Taliban present in the joint US-Afghan declaration.  The results of that say much about the sheer will power, not to mention staying power, of Taliban negotiators.  It was they who insisted not to be part of any instrument acknowledging the legitimacy of the Afghan government.

In sum, both instruments lay out various steps for the Taliban, US and Afghan government to take.  The Taliban are to prevent their territory from hosting groups or individuals who might threaten the US and their allies; the US is to draft a timeline for the withdrawal of all US and coalition forces; the Afghan regime and the Taliban are to commence peace talks at the conclusion of the withdrawal, with the parties ultimately developing the basis for a permanent and comprehensive cease-fire.   

Having stolen the show, the Taliban has merely promised to engage in talks with the Afghan government about a lasting peace; cunningly, even brashly, they have refused to specifically renounce resorting to violence in achieving their aims.  It will be hard to refute the claim that they have their opponents on the run and intend keeping it that way. 

The deal will be another etching on the long list of agreements made in the cemetery of imperial failure.  Afghan resistance can rightly claim the scalps of many, including Britain and the Soviet Union.  Afghan president Ashraf Ghani has approved the release of 1,500 Taliban prisoners in exchange of 1,000 government troops.  The decree signed by Ghani noted that the prisoners will be released within 15 days “with 100 prisoners walking out of Afghan jails everyday.”  The US-Taliban agreement intends for the release of up to 5,000 Taliban prisoners.   

The joint US-Afghan declaration, for its part, has the Afghan government promising to “participate in a US-facilitated discussion with Taliban representatives on confidence building measures, to include determining the feasibility of releasing significant numbers of prisoners on both sides.”

On March 10, the UN Security Council gave the US-sponsored resolution supporting the deal their unanimous blessing, deeming it one of the “significant steps towards ending the war” and promising to provide “sustained support” in negotiations to achieve peace.  It also spoke of “the willingness of multiple countries to facilitate or convene intra-Afghan negotiations in order to achieve political settlement and a permanent and comprehensive cease-fire.”   

But this vote of confidence does not detract from the possibility that the US will still maintain a presence, or that conflict will continue.  The US-Afghan joint declaration, for instance, takes the position that the withdrawal of US forces will eventuate on the “Taliban’s fulfilment of its commitments.”

Those barracking for some continuing US footprint are many, though the years have taken their toll.  Paul D. Miller, formerly of the National Security Staff for both President George W. Bush and Barack Obama, sees inadequacies and threats in the brokered deal.  Tear up the agreement, he urges in Lawfare; al-Qaeda is likely to return in force and find a place of, if not hospitality then certainly sanctuary.  “President Trump and his successor should scrap the deal and increase military pressure until the Taliban publicly denounces al-Qaeda and agreed to verifiably sever links with the group.”  US commitments were “clear, specific and measurable”; those of the Taliban, lacking in detail, means of enforcement and verification.   

Miller’s view that the US remain is based on a certain contempt for the US public and, it must be said, the armed forces.  To maintain the imperium, you need to ignore the former, at least to a certain extent, and use the latter.  The troop presence is not large, expensive or costly in terms of casualties.  “There is no mass anti-war movement.  The American people are not sick of the war: They are hardly even paying attention to it.”

London concurs on most points.  He sees the Taliban with the same conviction that took US forces to Afghanistan in the first place.  The agreement “naively relieves the Taliban from renouncing [ties to terrorist groups] or expelling them outright.”

Others nurse the maybes and the tormenting hypotheticals.  Lawrence J. Korb, who in 2010 was engaged in negotiating efforts on ending the war in Afghanistan, rued the lost chances of the Bush administration in 2002 to annihilate the Taliban.  “It compounded the problem by simultaneously expanding its objective from defeating the Taliban in Afghanistan to nation-building.” This train of thought is persistent in US strategic thinking: insurgents are somehow foreign and not indigenous, lacking local support; they can be culled, restrained or eliminated altogether.

There is little doubt that the resilient, seemingly indestructible Taliban will take greater heart in the entire process than the cheerleaders for empire.  They have resumed operations against their enemy with enthusiasm.  The unpopular central government is negotiating from a position of profound weakness.  

Even Korb, despite lamenting lost opportunities, felt that it was no longer a conflict the US should contend with. “Just as America did not make it out better than France in Vietnam, it is time for its officials to realize that America will not make it out any better than the British or Soviets in Afghanistan – no matter how long it tries to stay.”


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Cuban Drug Could Save Thousands of Lives in Coronavirus Pandemic

By Steve Sweeney, March 17, 2020

Cuban medicine could treat thousands of coronavirus patients as production of a “flagship” drug known to combat the disease is set to increase significantly, pharmaceutical bosses said at a press conference on Friday.

President of the BioCubaFarma group Eduardo Martinez explained that the socialist island has developed 22 drugs that are set to be used to contain the outbreak.

The Coronavirus Hoax. “Governments Love Crises”

By Rep. Ron Paul, March 17, 2020

Declaring a pandemic emergency on Friday, President Trump now claims the power to quarantine individuals suspected of being infected by the virus and, as Politico writes, “stop and seize any plane, train or automobile to stymie the spread of contagious disease.” He can even call out the military to cordon off a US city or state.

State and local authoritarians love panic as well. The mayor of Champaign, Illinois, signed an executive order declaring the power to ban the sale of guns and alcohol and cut off gas, water, or electricity to any citizen. The governor of Ohio just essentially closed his entire state.

“Maximum-pressure March”: US Hybrid War on Venezuela Heats Up

By Leonardo Flores, March 17, 2020

The first quarter of 2020 has seen the Trump administration escalate its rhetoric against Venezuela. At the State of the Union, President Trump promised to “smash” and destroy the Venezuelan government. This was followed by a renewed threat of a naval blockade on the country, which is an act of war under U.S. and international law. Then the State Department eagerly noted that the “Monroe Doctrine 2.0” will be “fleshed out in the weeks and months to come,” while declaring “maximum-pressure March” against Venezuela.

Pandemic: The Invention of a Disease Called Fear. People are being “Herded”. Disrupting the World Economy

By Julian Rose, March 17, 2020

The word ‘pandemic’ bears a similarity to the word ‘panic’ and indeed ‘pandemonium’. In fact ‘pandemic’ evokes an almost instant flush of fear in those easily manipulated by mass media, before any details have even touched the surface or context in which the word is being used. 

Those who plan the major moves on the chess-board of covert human control know that by leading with the word ‘pandemic’ they have an instantly effective weapon at their disposal to psychologically weaken the resistance of individuals vulnerable to irrational and impressionistic mind sets.

5G: “The End of All Things”. The Health Impacts of Electromagnetic Radiation

By Dr. Gary Null and Richard Gale, March 17, 2020

Nobody seems to be asking whether the introduction of 5G will truly improve the quality of our lives.  Is there any redeeming truth to telecom’s promises? There are none. But unlike a drug or unhealthy habits that can cause death, the FCC under the Clinton presidency passed legislation through Congress that hands over carte blanch permission to the telecommunications industry to directly violate our democratic freedoms of choice. Privacy will disappear altogether since this new technology increases surveillance capabilities exponentially.

Is Washington’s Attack Against Chinese Media a Bad Joke?

By Andre Vltchek, March 17, 2020

What is the background to dispute between the U.S. and China?

In early February 2020, The Wall Street Journal published an article “China Is the Real Sick Man of Asia”. It was an insulting piece, vulgar in many ways. Some saw it as racist. It was taking advantage of pain Chinese people are experiencing due to the recent coronavirus epidemy, turning medical emergency into a political issue. It is something that could be easily defined as cheap journalism, and obvious propaganda. Stuff that is often written on order, in both North America and Europe.

Diana Johnstone’s “Circle in the Darkness – Memoir of a World Watcher”

By Jim Miles, March 17, 2020

Much of what she writes is not news to those who do follow alternative news sites, but what is added is a strong personal perspective based on – not surprisingly – facts and truth, both from her own experiences in regions of concern and a wide arrange of conversations with both people of significant influence and those with no influence but feeling the impact of developments in their country.  The details Johnstone adds are a strong and valuable retort to mainstream media disinformation that has “moved farther and farther away from informing the public and nearer and nearer to instructing them in what they should think.”

We’re in a Recession, and It’s Likely to Get Worse

By Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers, March 17, 2020

The coronavirus epidemic is creating an ongoing teachable moment that could be used to transform the US economy. COVID-19 and the oil war are triggers leading to a recession that has its roots in record corporate and personal debt, longterm low wages and an artificially-inflated stockmarket. The shortcomings of US economic policy, the healthcare system, and workers’ rights are being magnified by the current crisis.

Can you help us keep up the work we do? Namely, bring you the important news overlooked or censored by the mainstream media and fight the corporate and government propaganda, the purpose of which is, more than ever, to “fabricate consent” and advocate war for profit.

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Quarantine the US Military Machine?

March 17th, 2020 by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

It happened almost on the same day. Italy’s lockdown. People confined to their homes across the European Union. Influx of 30,000 US troops in preparation of the “Defend Europe 2020” war games against Russia in the largest display of military might since the Cold War. Across Europe, no sports events, no anti-war protest movements.

It had been decided on March 4-5 in Zagreb at a meeting of the Ministers of Defence of 27 EU countries.

The central theme of the meeting…  was not to seek a response to the Coronavirus crisis which is jamming up the mobility of civilians, but how best to develop “military mobility”.(Manlio Dinucci, March 13, 2020)

And on March 11, when Trump suspended transatlantic “civilian” flights, US “military” flights to Europe were still ongoing.

About Turn, on March 13: the Pentagon ordered a halt to the deployment of US forces for Defender-Europe 20 ” … because of concerns about the coronavirus”.

“All movement of personnel and equipment from the United States to Europe has ceased,” according to US Army Europe… As we make the appropriate adjustments, the linked exercises to Exercise Defender-Europe 20 – Dynamic Front, Joint Warfighting Assessment, Saber Strike and Swift Response – will not be conducted.”

“Protecting Europe” against Russia is on hold. Why? Nothing to do with protecting civilians against the virus.

The military need the green-light from “civilian politicians” including the Washington hawks, the so-called leaders who function within a civilian environment. Civilians are ultimately those who decide on waging war.

It follows that the planning of this vast military exercise against Russia requires US-NATO access to EU civilian infrastructure, interaction with civilian politicians in 27 EU member states as well as in the US, consultants, government bureaucracy, supply lines, transportation, affiliated research entities, think tanks, etc.  

Another dimension is the virus “fear factor” affecting soldiers’ preparedness. According to  Colonel (ret) Karen Kwiatkowski:

“Being prepared for battlefield toxins isn’t the same as being prepared as a soldier for something that is already behind enemy lines, and is even in your own home town… the fear factor is real, perhaps more than the fear that is part of the life of combat troops.” (quoted by RT, March 14, 2020

The Europe Defender 2020 project was scheduled to take place in April- May, with a view to “promoting  peace through deterrence”.


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Cuban medicine could treat thousands of coronavirus patients as production of a “flagship” drug known to combat the disease is set to increase significantly, pharmaceutical bosses said at a press conference on Friday.

President of the BioCubaFarma group Eduardo Martinez explained that the socialist island has developed 22 drugs that are set to be used to contain the outbreak.

So far it is known that one of the drugs manufactured by Cuba, Interferon B, has managed to effectively cure more than 1,500 patients from the coronavirus and is one of 30 drugs chosen by the Chinese National Health Commission to combat respiratory disease.

It was first developed in 1986 by a team of researchers from the Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB) and introduced into the Cuban health system.

Mr Martinez described Interferon B as “the flagship product of the set of Cuban medicines” with the drug developed in both Cuba and China in a joint venture as part of an agreement between the socialist countries.

He said the drug could also be exported to other countries to help contain the spread of the virus and treat those that are showing symptoms.

CIGB director Eulogio Pimentel said that had enough supplies that “would be equivalent to treating practically all the infected cases that occurred in China” where more than 80,000 people have been infected.

“We think that we are capable of satisfying not only the possible demand in Cuba but also the requests that we are getting from other countries, and that are increasing day by day,” he added.

Cuba has sent a team of doctors and supplies of Interferon B to Italy where it is working alongside Chinese experts to help combat and contain the coronavirus outbreak.


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The Coronavirus Hoax. “Governments Love Crises”

March 17th, 2020 by Rep. Ron Paul

Governments love crises because when the people are fearful they are more willing to give up freedoms for promises that the government will take care of them. After 9/11, for example, Americans accepted the near-total destruction of their civil liberties in the PATRIOT Act’s hollow promises of security.

It is ironic to see the same Democrats who tried to impeach President Trump last month for abuse of power demanding that the Administration grab more power and authority in the name of fighting a virus that thus far has killed less than 100 Americans.

Declaring a pandemic emergency on Friday, President Trump now claims the power to quarantine individuals suspected of being infected by the virus and, as Politico writes, “stop and seize any plane, train or automobile to stymie the spread of contagious disease.” He can even call out the military to cordon off a US city or state.

State and local authoritarians love panic as well. The mayor of Champaign, Illinois, signed an executive order declaring the power to ban the sale of guns and alcohol and cut off gas, water, or electricity to any citizen. The governor of Ohio just essentially closed his entire state.

The chief fearmonger of the Trump Administration is without a doubt Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health. Fauci is all over the media, serving up outright falsehoods to stir up even more panic. He testified to Congress that the death rate for the coronavirus is ten times that of the seasonal flu, a claim without any scientific basis.

On Face the Nation, Fauci did his best to further damage an already tanking economy by stating, “Right now, personally, myself, I wouldn’t go to a restaurant.” He has pushed for closing the entire country down for 14 days.

Over what? A virus that has thus far killed just over 5,000 worldwide and less than 100 in the United States? By contrast, tuberculosis, an old disease not much discussed these days, killed nearly 1.6 million people in 2017. Where’s the panic over this?

If anything, what people like Fauci and the other fearmongers are demanding will likely make the disease worse. The martial law they dream about will leave people hunkered down inside their homes instead of going outdoors or to the beach where the sunshine and fresh air would help boost immunity. The panic produced by these fearmongers is likely helping spread the disease, as massive crowds rush into Walmart and Costco for that last roll of toilet paper.

The madness over the coronavirus is not limited to politicians and the medical community. The head of the neoconservative Atlantic Council wrote an editorial this week urging NATO to pass an Article 5 declaration of war against the COVID-19 virus! Are they going to send in tanks and drones to wipe out these microscopic enemies?

People should ask themselves whether this coronavirus “pandemic” could be a big hoax, with the actual danger of the disease massively exaggerated by those who seek to profit – financially or politically – from the ensuing panic.

That is not to say the disease is harmless. Without question people will die from coronavirus. Those in vulnerable categories should take precautions to limit their risk of exposure. But we have seen this movie before. Government over-hypes a threat as an excuse to grab more of our freedoms. When the “threat” is over, however, they never give us our freedoms back.


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Presently NATO is in the initial stages of military operations called Defender-Europe 20. The 40,000 soldier strong war game exercise includes roughly 20,000 American troops and accompanying weaponry. This witnesses the largest deployment of US personnel in Europe since 1983 Operation Re-forger exercises in the height of the Cold War era. Dutifully, Canadian forces based in Latvia are poised to play their willing role in this exercise. Despite some amusing logistical glitches in Poland (no re-fuelling stations, no bivouac for US troops) Operation Defender is scheduled to run into June. There is some speculation that the contagion of the COVID-19 virus, much to the chagrin of the NATO brass, may cause some re-assessment of this operation.

So why exactly do the brain trusts of this British/US-led bully boy global army deem this silly stomping of boots and rattling of sabres necessary? Because of course… as the leaders of the desperate, morally and financially bankrupt so-called rules-based western liberal democracies and the lying legacy media have been shouting for the last two decades… that evil thug and dictator Vladimir Putin and his “Red Army” is intent on invading and conquering Europe and world domination.

In a press service sidebar blurb found in sundry print media, according to NORAD commander US General Terrence O’Shaughnessy, Mad Vlad and his evil Kremlin cohorts have designs of military dominance of the arctic and thus “…an avenue through which Russia can quickly attack…” US targets. O’Shaughnessy should cause Irish folk everywhere to be embarrassed.

In the initial stages of Defender 20 at the Strategic Command Centre in Nebraska, US Defence Sect. Esper participated in computer scenarios simulating nuclear exchanges between the U.S. and Russia. In statements made to the US Senate earlier this month, General Tod Wolters, the commander of US European Command and head of all NATO armed forces has fully embraced what he defined as a “flexible first strike” doctrine which exposes the US and allies’ “nuclear deterrence” policy a sham. When the commander of NATO makes such insane statements at the same time that NATO is flexing its military muscle on Russia’s border, the risk of inadvertent nuclear war is real.

The Russian enclave of Kaliningrad is NATO’s main target. All economic, geopolitical and military policy that both Russia and China have adopted over the last two decades, have been a direct reaction to unwarranted and unjustified British/US/NATO aggression.

In a 2007 interview on a Russian TV station Putin stated, “We are not going to fight against anyone. We are going to create conditions so that nobody wants to fight against us.”

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The first quarter of 2020 has seen the Trump administration escalate its rhetoric against Venezuela. At the State of the Union, President Trump promised to “smash” and destroy the Venezuelan government. This was followed by a renewed threat of a naval blockade on the country, which is an act of war under U.S. and international law. Then the State Department eagerly noted that the “Monroe Doctrine 2.0” will be “fleshed out in the weeks and months to come,” while declaring “maximum-pressure March” against Venezuela.

These aren’t just mere threats; the rhetoric has been backed up by policies and actions. Russian oil company Rosneft, one of the world’s primary purchasers of Venezuelan oil, has seen two of its subsidiaries sanctioned in less than one month for doing business with Venezuela. The State Department telegraphed this move in February, singling out oil companies Rosneft, Reliance (India) and Repsol (Spain). Chevron, the biggest U.S. oil company still working in Venezuela, has been warned by the Trump administration that its license to operate in the country (which exempts it from the sanctions) will not be renewed.

Since 2015, the U.S. government has sanctioned 49 oil tankers, 18 Venezuelan companies, 60 foreign companies and 56 airplanes (41 belonging to state airliner Conviasa and 15 belonging to state oil company PDVSA), but this is the first time they’ve gone after foreign oil companies. By targeting Rosneft Trading and TNK Trading (the two Rosneft subsidiaries), the United States makes it next-to-impossible for those firms to continue trading in Venezuela oil, as shipping companies, insurance companies and banks will refuse to work with them.

The sanctions have taken a heavy toll, causing at least 130 billion dollars’ worth of damage to the economy between 2015 and 2018. Even worse, according to former U.N. special rapporteur Alfred de Zayas, the sanctions been responsible for the death of over 100,000 Venezuelans. It is therefore not surprising that Venezuela asked that the International Criminal Court investigate the sanctions as crimes against humanity.

The effects of the sanctions are most noticeable in Venezuela’s health sector, which has been decimated over the past five years. These measures have impeded banks from carrying out financial transactions for the purchase of medical supplies. In addition, they have caused a 90% decrease in Venezuela’s foreign income earnings, depriving the health sector of much needed investment. Were it not for the solidarity of China and Cuba, which sent testing kits and medicine, Venezuela would be woefully ill-equipped to handle the coronavirus. The sanctions are worsening an already dangerous situation, forcing Venezuela to spend three times as much for testing kits as non-sanctioned countries.

President Maduro appealed directly to Trump to lift the sanction to combat this global pandemic. Yet this appeal will likely go unanswered, given the intensification not just in sanctions, but in the violent opposition’s acts of irregular warfare. On March 7, a warehouse containing virtually all of Venezuela’s electronic voting machines was deliberately burned to the ground. A group named the Venezuelan Patriotic Front, allegedly composed of soldiers and policemen, claimed responsibility for this terrorist act. Although no direct connection can (yet) be made between this group and the Trump administration, it beggars belief that an operation requiring significant logistical and financial costs would not have received support from at least one the many actors openly engaged in regime change: the Trump administration, the Duque administration in Colombia, the Bolsonaro administration in Brazil or the extremist right-wing opposition factions lead by Juan Guaidó.

The silence from the international community on this terrorist act is deafening, but should not be surprising. After all, there were no denunciations from the OAS, EU or U.S. when a warehouse containing telecommunications equipment was similarly burned in February, or when rebel soldiers attacked barracks in southern Venezuela in December 2019.

There is already evidence that Venezuelan paramilitaries opposed to the Maduro government have received support and training in both Colombia and Brazil, not to mention the alleged millions of dollars spent by the get Venezuelan military officials to turn on the government. In addition to supporting irregular warfare, the Trump administration is preparing for conventional warfare. The threat of a naval blockade – an act of outright war – was followed up by separate meetings between Trump, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and high-ranking military officials with Colombian President Ivan Duque and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. (Ironically, while meeting with the Brazilian delegation to discuss the destruction of the Maduro government, Trump was likely exposed to coronavirus. One of the delegation’s members, Bolsonaro’s communications secretary, tested positive for the disease.) In addition to the naval blockade, the U.S. plans an “enhanced presence of ships, aircraft and security forces to… counter a range of threats to include illicit narco-terrorism,” a clear reference to Venezuela despite the fact that according to the U.S. government’s own statistics, it is not a primary transit country for drug trafficking.

“Maximum pressure March” is timed to coincide with important negotiations in Caracas between the Venezuelan government and moderate sectors of the opposition. The two sides have set up a commission that will select new members of the National Electoral Council in time for this year’s legislative elections. One of Juan Guaidó’s allies, Henry Ramos Allup, leader of opposition party Acción Democrática (Democratic Action), came under fire from the extreme right for saying he will participate in the elections. The terror attack on the voting machines is unlikely to affect the timing of the elections, but without its system of electronic voting backed up by paper receipts and audits of the vote count, the results will be vulnerable to claims of fraud.

This is not the first time that the Trump administration has amplified its regime change efforts in response to negotiations between the Venezuelan government and the opposition. It did so in February 2018, when then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson threatened an oil embargo and said he would welcome a military coup right as the two sides were about to sign a comprehensive agreement worked on for months in the Dominican Republic. It happened again in August 2019, when the U.S. applied what the Wall Street Journal characterized as a “total economic embargo” in the middle of discussions between the Guaidó-led opposition and government. Both times,  negotiations fell apart as a result of U.S. government actions and statements. This time it is unlikely that the pressure will scuttle dialogue, as moderate opposition politicians are coming to terms with the fact that 82% of Venezuelans reject sanctions and support dialogue. Unfortunately, the Trump administration has made it clear it doesn’t care about what Venezuelans want. Instead, it continues to ramp up the pressure and might even be setting the scene for a military intervention, perhaps an October surprise to help Trump’s reelection bid.


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Leonardo Flores is a Latin America policy expert and campaigner with CODEPINK.

Featured image: Since the cutting off of electricity, food and water inside the embassy has not been enough to force the collective to leave, late Tuesday afternoon, the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police handed out a trespassing notice that was printed without letterhead or signature from any U.S. government official. (Photo: CodePink)

Sanders Endorses Biden? It’s Coming….

March 17th, 2020 by Stephen Lendman

You heard it here first. No, Sanders hasn’t formally endorsed Biden yet, but make no mistake. It’s coming — guaranteed, maybe before month’s end.

Just like he endorsed legally challenged war criminal, racketeer, perjurer Hillary, a Biden endorsement is virtually certain.

It’s coming once he drops out of the race, despite Biden’s near-half century of high crimes, racism, and betrayal of the public trust, his rap sheet as bad or worse than Hillary’s.

When endorsing her in 2016, Sanders falsely claimed she understands the need to “fix an economy in America that is rigged and that sends almost all new wealth and income to the top one percent.”

She was bought off multiple times over by Wall Street, other corporate interests, and super-wealthy domestic and foreign contributors — directly or through the Clinton Foundation racket, a self-enrichment scheme masquerading as a charitable NGO.

Sanders lied claiming the regressive 2016 party platform was “by far the most progressive (one) in the history of the (Dem) party.” Polar opposite was true.

There was nothing in it against corporate coup d’etat trade deals. Nothing about reigning in Wall Street or war-profiteering. Nothing about universal healthcare.

Nothing about ending endless wars of aggression. Nothing about rescinding police state repression.

Nothing about holding killer cops accountable or putting people above privilege and profits.

Sunday’s well-rehearsed, pre-scripted theater, masquerading as political debate like all others in the US, featured bombast, misinformation, and disinformation over substance, mostly by Biden — slogans and one-liners over solutions, and promises made to be broken if elected.

Sanders falsely said that if ill with COVID-19, Americans won’t “need to worry about coming up with money for treatment.”

They’ve got plenty to worry about if have inadequate insurance or none at all. There’s nothing proposed about US provided medical care for Americans infected with COVID-19, testing to be offered only to individuals with symptoms believed to indicate the disease.

There’s nothing in place now or will there be if Sanders or Biden succeeds Trump to “protect the wages of every worker in America,” as Sanders claimed.

He falsely claimed with him as president, Medicare for all would be enacted into law — maybe someday, not a chance any time near-term.

What didn’t happen during the Great Depression with Franklin Roosevelt as president, surely won’t happen ahead under Trump or whoever succeeds him in 2021 or 2025.

Sanders misled viewers by claiming otherwise if he’s elevated to the nation’s highest office.

He’s right calling the US healthcare system dysfunctional. It’s because what I call the sickness industry prioritizes profit-making over human health and treatment when needed.

Biden lied claiming congressional legislation heading for adoption will cover medical expenses for Americans ill from COVID-19.

The work in progress legislation passed by the House will be considered by the Senate later this week or shortly thereafter.

It includes free COVID-19 testing for Americans with symptoms instead of mass testing like China, South Korea, and other nations are dealing with the virus.

It offers 10 days of paid sick leave for 20% of full-time US workers, 80% of the US workforce left on their own sink or swim, including part-time and temp workers even if too ill from COVID-19 or any other illness to work.

Government-provided healthcare shouldn’t just be for the elderly or cover one illness that affects a small fraction of the population.

It should be for everyone at all times, covering all medical, dental, prescription drugs, and related healthcare expenses.

Americans indeed face crisis conditions. Ongoing for decades, it’s at a fever pitch today because of COVID-19 fear-mongering.

It features a lack of confidence because government serves privileged interests at the expense of most others.

Biden represents a near-half century of dirty business as usual. The same goes for Sanders for around 30 years in Congress.

He pretends otherwise. Check his voting record, most often along party lines, supporting dirty business as usual while pretending otherwise.

Instead of going all-out for universal healthcare, he settled for Obamacare.

It made the US sickness industry more dysfunctional by rationing healthcare to enrich insurers, drug companies, and large hospital chains at the expense of Medicare for all, including prescription drugs and dental coverage.

Neither Sanders or Biden addressed the money-controlled US political system under one-party with two right wings.

Names and faces in high office change. The dirty system remains in place — unaltered except at times tinkered around the edges too inadequately to matter.

Popular revolution is the only solution, voting a waste of time when results turn out the same way every time.

Only the illusion of change happens when elections are held, never the real thing from inception to today.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

US Indifference to Public Health: The Shame of the Nation

March 17th, 2020 by Stephen Lendman

Both right wings of the US one-party state serve privileged interests exclusively at the expense of public health and welfare.

It’s been this way throughout the nation’s history, notably since the neoliberal 90s, especially post-9/11 when Republicans and undemocratic Dems declared war on humanity at home and abroad.

At a time of public angst over spreading COVID-19 infections, the Trump regime and Congress are largely indifferent to public health. It shows by their tepid actions — lots of belated lofty rhetoric, little done for ordinary Americans.

Washington failed to provide widespread testing, cost-free treatment for affected individuals, paid sick pay for all workers as needed, and financial help for the unemployed — government going all-out regardless of cost, prioritizing human health and welfare above all other considerations.

As president and commander-in-chief, the buck stops with Trump — especially when leadership is most needed at a time of economic weakness, the nation heading for recession or already in one, unemployment likely to increase sharply, and the potential for escalating COVID-19 infections exists.

Instead of responsible leadership, Trump tweetstorms daily while Rome burns, blasting disinformation and Big Lies, including in other public comments — showing indifference to public health and welfare.

Time and again, fact-checking exposes his Big Lies on domestic and geopolitical issues.

For weeks, he pretended that the US is “very, very ready” to deal with COVID-19 despite doing little or nothing to address it, pretending it’s a nonissue.

He put science denier Pence in charge of a coronavirus task force instead of independent experts tasked with addressing public health removed from political and profit-making considerations.

He nonsensically claimed that “Americans staying home instead of going and spending the money in other countries” will benefit the US economy.

He maintains the fiction of a strong US economy when evidence shows growing weakness and decline — the nation likely in recession, at risk of possible protracted depression.

He falsely claimed that Americans infected by COVID-19 have “mild” symptoms, adding:”

“They don’t even see a doctor. So, if we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work. Some of them go to work, but they get better.”

He later claimed he never said the above, calling a verbatim quote of his remark “fake news.”

Anyone infected by COVID-19 or other contagious diseases must be isolated and treated to restore them to health and prevent the spread of disease to others until test results are no longer positive.

In tweets and public comments, Trump expressed no concern about COVID-19 becoming a public health issue, saying everything “is under control…just fine…It will all work out well.”

Minimal testing was done, henceforth only federally authorized for individuals with coronavirus symptoms — instead of all-out US efforts to get ahead of the curve the way China and South Korea notably acted and continue to act.

For weeks, Trump maintained the myth of a minor problem under control as global infections kept rising, including in the US.

He falsely blamed open borders for letting the virus enter the country. Time and again, he blames others for his own malfeasance.

While US COVID-19 infections rise, he claimed they’ll “disappear,” at the same time saying actions by his regime are “the most aggressive taken by any country” — a bald-faced Big Lie by a serial liar perhaps unable to distinguish between truth and fiction for failing to set the record straight repeatedly.

Even after declaring a national emergency on Friday over the spread of COVID-19 outbreaks, he and Congress have done pathetically little to address the issue — instead of going all-out to help all Americans regardless of cost.

It’s what responsible governance is all about, what’s absent in the US no matter which right wing of the one-party state is in charge.

Trump symbolizes what’s wrong with the system — governance serving the nation’s privileged class exclusively, and to hell with everyone else, even in times of duress like now.

When all-out federal efforts are needed to aid ordinary Americans and the economy through vigorous fiscal measures, regardless of cost or for how long, Trump’s COVID-19 guidelines failed to call for putting money in the pockets of ordinary Americans whose spending will stimulate economic growth.

Note: While numbers of infections in the US and globally haven’t remotely reached epidemic or pandemic levels, despite falsified WHO claims otherwise, contagious diseases like COVID-19 demand public attention to contain their spread.

Otherwise, a containable disease could become widespread.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

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The word ‘pandemic’ bears a similarity to the word ‘panic’ and indeed ‘pandemonium’. In fact ‘pandemic’ evokes an almost instant flush of fear in those easily manipulated by mass media, before any details have even touched the surface or context in which the word is being used. 

Those who plan the major moves on the chess-board of covert human control know that by leading with the word ‘pandemic’ they have an instantly effective weapon at their disposal to psychologically weaken the resistance of individuals vulnerable to irrational and impressionistic mind sets.

So, in a world heavily conditioned by the proclamations of the mass media, the fear weapon has a huge psychological power.

As we have all witnessed over the past months, the Coronavirus story has been unleashed with barely contained lascivious delight by news media under orders from the purveyors of malevolent missions against mankind. Pumped-up to maximum volume and dispersed globally, the deliberately designed fear message has the instant effect of making the majority of people feel powerless. The Big problem is at large – and we the people feel small. This is the beginning of an entrapment which colours every aspect of daily life.

Most of humanity has undergone a process of education which depends for its effectiveness on the perceived power of some ‘authority’ to exert an unquestioned controlling influence over the general direction of the life. A source of influence that depends for its continuing effectiveness on never being subjected to rational scrutiny, or genuine examination of any kind.  Such is the beguiling power of full-on indoctrination.

In the battle now raging for ‘who controls the world’, some of the largely hidden or disguised controlling agents of planetary life – are now appearing on the surface. And that’s why chaos and fear are very much ‘flavour of the month’.

The Corona Contagion is chock full of idiosyncrasies; in fact there are so many nonsensical factors associated with media attempts to report on what’s going on, that one can only feel dazed and confused should one try and follow the script in real time. 

However, what has become all too clear is the fact that large numbers of people are being herded – and are not resisting. The scare tactics being employed are more dangerous than the virus that is the excuse for deploying them. Under this induced state of psychosis all manner of tricks can be perpetrated on mankind – and that is precisely what we are witnessing at this time.

Many reading this will already be familiar with the ambitions of the controlling deep state ‘elite’ and will know that a pre-planned phase of social and economic chaos is a key factor in their attempted roll-out of totalitarian New World Order. We are now in this phase. It’s success depends upon a large body of people following the instructions passed down by the political puppets of the deep state and by the cowardly repetition of these instructions by the main stream media. 

Once again, the fear card plays a key role. This time, in keeping a constant level of anxiety and hysteria on the boil, while working to ensure that those able to recognise the true nature of the scam are coerced into not stepping out of line, thereby risking their job, security or status within the rigidly enforced master/slave relationship of the status quo. 

The whole sick edifice maintains its momentum based upon pure top-down deception and exploitation. Yet those at the receiving end largely choose to remain oblivious of the fact that they are being used and abused for the benefit of a fascist ideal. By not rebelling in the face of such treatment – but instead  by complying with it – a mute populace establishes the basis of its own debasement and slavery.

These methods have been practised over and over again in the history of the world, and each time hind-sight reveals the motivation to have been an obsession with power and control, and the perpetrators to be a small number of psychopathic despots. Whether taking the form of military might, religious dogma or modern day corporate and banking control freaks, provided the drama has been well stage-managed and the ‘might has produced fright’, the hegemons get their way. 

How well is the roll-out being stage-managed on this occasion – and what is the plan?

Owing to the trans-planetary link-ups that take place today, the ‘master plan’ is no longer a regional or national affair, but a global one. The main players have hatched the plot long before any of us get to know about it and gatherings like the Davos Economic Summit and Bildergerger meetings are used to gain consensus on the timing and methods to be deployed. 

In the case of Covid-19, its appearance on the scene – or at least the spreading of the story about something nasty going under this name – is timed to divert attention from the speeding-up of the installation of what are deemed to be important spokes in the creation of a totalitarian New World Order. For example, the roll-out of 5G microwave modulated WiFi; a digitalised smart grid and ‘internet of things’; a robotic transport system; facial recognition population surveillance programmes; new strains of genetically modified organisms and vaccines, and so forth. However, the predominant game plan is to ‘re-set’ global finance so as to appear to be supporting the euphemistically named Green New Deal with its holy grail ‘Zero Carbon’. 

The fact that China has likely been the initial bio-weapon target, does not detract from a more widespread aim to disrupt the world economy as a whole. 

The effectiveness of this disruption depends upon the greater part of the populus being swept along in a bubble of blind belief in the authenticity of the ‘virtual’ story line. A line which disguises the very actual imposition of a fascist state. 

I would say that the stage-management is pretty poor this time around. The plethora of contradictory and irrational clamp-down actions being imposed in the name of containing the bogey bug stretches the credibility of the operation to the braking point. In point of fact it’s a farce; but a farce which involves actual deaths and the support of a police state, cannot simply be laughed-off. 

Instead, it can be put under the spotlight and be seen for what it is, a planned manipulation of the people and resources of this planet, whose main goading-tool consists of the well rehearsed art of spreading fear and panic.  And this, in turn, to undermine the rational and common sense based gift which we have all been blessed with from birth, and which – when in good order – can clearly see through the facade and hold the line of reason and truth.

Many have seen this ‘order out of chaos’ drama coming for years. The chaos bit is with us right now and very visible. The ‘order’ is to follow and consists in the emergence of a peace maker – or peace plan – that involves the lead croupiers raking the chips off the roulette board and cashing them in to their temporary satisfaction. Thus allowing for a little holiday period in which the weak kneed can rejoice at their survival and bless the emergence of the ‘new order’, under the authority of no matter who or what, so long as they can believe that the world has been saved from anarchy and ruin.

Every one of us whose knees have not turned to jelly and whose brains have not turned to mind controlled pulp, must take this moment to declare ourselves, boldly and resolutely with these four words “We do not consent”.

There’s a surprise in store for the cowardly imposers of chaos – it is our time that’s coming and – not theirs. For ours is the True World Order which aligns with Universal Law, not the false laws of a manipulated status quo.

It is our re-emergent marriage with Universal Truth that is going to oust this scare loaded pandemic and all similar manifestations of dark-side deception that have gripped this planet for far too long. Our true-world-order is going to take on this obsessed and demonic dynasty, so that it stumbles, falls and fails to rise again. 

Seize this auspicious moment – and let us be joined as one in an unwavering commitment to get off our knees and stand firm in the cause of defeating the ghosts of chaos and fear.


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Julian Rose is an early pioneer of organic farming, writer, broadcaster, international activist and holistic actor/thinker. His latest book ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind – Why Humanity Must Come Through’ has been acclaimed as ‘vitally prescient’ by readers and critics. See Julian’s website for more information

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The U.S. is insulting the Chinese media. It is affecting both countries. My colleagues in Beijing believe, correctly, that Washington should have tried to increase communication, not to bring it to a halt.

Twist what is happening; reverse facts. That is what the Western media does when “dealing with” China, Russia, Iran or several “unfriendly” Latin American countries. It is an extremely old game, with roots in the colonial era.

If you have monopoly on disseminating information to all corners of the Planet, such cynical approach might actually work.

If only one person is allowed to talk, then what he says could become, inevitably, the truth.

Washington loves to snap at “undemocratic nations”. But the truth is, both the United States and the United Kingdom, in unison, have managed to create a thoroughly and truly undemocratic global system of governance, economic practices and “information” (in fact – disinformation).

Countries that defend their own people are painted as “regimes”, even dictatorships. Their media outlets which are using simply common logic are smeared as “propaganda” channels.

In summary, if you pay for “information” invented, manufactured and refined in the U.S. and Europe, by the Western press agencies and television networks, you will be just fine and get patted on the back. Especially if that information is helping to maintain global political and economic dictatorship of the West. So, if you pay for getting your people brainwashed and indoctrinated, you will be ranked high on the various “freedom of information” indexes.

But be warned: if you tell the truth, or if you expose Western lies, you will get smeared, insulted as a demagogue and an undemocratic liar. That is what is happening right now to China.

I am writing this commentary in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a marvelous country now collapsing after having being lured into fascism by local right-wing media, which has been trained and financed by the Western mass-media outlets.


What is the background to dispute between the U.S. and China?

In early February 2020, The Wall Street Journal published an article “China Is the Real Sick Man of Asia”. It was an insulting piece, vulgar in many ways. Some saw it as racist. It was taking advantage of pain Chinese people are experiencing due to the recent coronavirus epidemy, turning medical emergency into a political issue. It is something that could be easily defined as cheap journalism, and obvious propaganda. Stuff that is often written on order, in both North America and Europe.

Indignant, Beijing took action against the newspaper. Under circumstances, this was the most natural thing to do. But instead of apologizing, Washington intensified war against the Chinese press.

On March 2, 2020, The Guardian reported:

“The United States has slashed by nearly half the number of Chinese nationals allowed to work for their state-run media in the United States, vowing reciprocity as Beijing restricts foreign press…

A state department official said that five media outlets, which last month were reclassified by the United States as foreign missions, would be allowed to employ a maximum 100 Chinese nationals as of 13 March, down from around 160 now…

The organization most affected by the order will be the state news agency Xinhua, which will be allowed to keep 59 Chinese staff in the United States, according to a state department official. 

The China Global Television Network will be permitted 30 nationals. The China Daily can have nine Chinese employees and China Radio International will be permitted two.”


What is really behind all this?

Russian, Chinese, Latin American and even Iranian media outlets are becoming extremely influential in the educated circles in the West. It is because many citizens in Europe and the United States do not trust their own media, anymore. They are turning for information to such media outlets as RT, China Daily, CGTN, PressTV, NEO and Telesur.

Washington promotes competition, ideological and commercial, but only when it suits its interests, meaning, when it is winning. When its ideology or products begin to stumble behind the competitors (China, Russia, for instance), it immediately imposes sanctions, or introduces censorship.

The same happens to the countries which could be defined as the U.S. allies, particularly the U.K., a state which has been helping with establishing the U.S. regime.

In a report “UK press acts as ‘appendage of the state’ when reporting on foreign policy, new analysis shows”, RT wrote:

“A new analysis of British media’s coverage of foreign policy has found that, by and large, the UK press acts as “an appendage of the state” and has been “misinforming the public” and “failing to report” completely on key issues.”

These ‘key issues’, of course, include China.

China is seen in the West as the most ‘dangerous’ adversary, particularly by such anti-Chinese and extreme right-wing ideologues/worriers as Peter Kent Navarro, the Assistant to the President Donald Trump and Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, but also by many other individuals in and outside the Administration.

It is because China is extremely successful, not only socially and economically but also politically. And the more it is, the more terrified the outdated systems and the regimes of the West become. Their years are numbered. China’s BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) is liberating dozens of nations worldwide from the neo-colonialist shackles of the West.

Chinese (but also Russia, Iranian, Latin American and other non-Western media outlets) are informing global, including Western, audience, about the birth of the new world. They are replacing the sad, nihilist present, with optimistic future.

And the West is terrified. If it cannot break or defeat China, it tries to insult or at least silence it.

It is attempting to smear and provoke Beijing, and when it fails again and again to enflame the mighty but harmony-seeking dragon, it begins to act irrationally, spreading chaos and depriving people of the alternative views and sources of information.

Apply facts and it becomes clear: China is by no means some “real sick man of Asia”. By now it has almost defeated that new and dangerous type of coronavirus. It has managed to protect its people. Its economy did not collapse. And despite the attacks from the West, the ideological system is strong and sound, people are living better lives, and Chinese cities and countryside are blooming, on the one hand.

On the other hand, the Western system is collapsing. People in France, Spain and elsewhere are rioting, in desperation. Misery is everywhere. In the U.S. and U.K., very few individuals have any trust left in their own media.

Western media has sold out. It is despised, ridiculed. It is paid to attack countries such as China, Russia or Venezuela.

Washington may deport several Chinese journalists. But it will not be able to silence the truth, anymore.

The world is watching. And it is laughing. The United States, a country that has been lecturing the entire earth about “free speech”, is now terrified of the alternative views. It is scared of being exposed as a giant on clay legs.

Several foreign reporters may be forced to leave Washington, soon. But thousands of new ones, all over the world, are refusing to be silenced. We are in solidarity with brave Chinese writers. We are proud of them. And we are determined to help exposing lies of the Empire!


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A shorter version of this article was published by China Daily Global.

Andre Vltchek is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He has covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. Five of his latest books are “China Belt and Road Initiative”,China and Ecological Civilization”with John B. Cobb, Jr., “Revolutionary Optimism, Western Nihilism”, a revolutionary novel “Aurora” and a bestselling work of political non-fiction: “Exposing Lies Of The Empire”. View his other books here. Watch Rwanda Gambit, his groundbreaking documentary about Rwanda and DRCongo and his film/dialogue with Noam Chomsky “On Western Terrorism”. Vltchek presently resides in East Asia and Latin America, and continues to work around the world. He can be reached through his website, his Twitter and his Patreon.

In coordinated attacks on Saturday 14 March, armed terrorists stormed the SARC office in Idlib and its sub-branch in Ariha. In both facilities, the savages beat up Syrian Arab Red Crescent volunteers, looted humanitarian aid, and vandalized that which they could not steal. Both buildings have been seized by the vermin, and are currently under al Qaeda Jabhat al Nusra faction.

SARC stated that these crimes are breaches of International Humanitarian Law, and as such constitute war crimes. The ICRC issued a statement condemning the attacks, noting “At this critical moment of a dire need for humanitarian assistance in Idlib, no action should be undertaken that can weaken the capacity of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement to respond to the critical needs in Idlib.”

At this writing, the usual suspects who wail crocodile tears over IHL and war crimes have — as suspected — again become deaf, dumb, and blind.

These areas are still under the control of various al Qaeda factions, including mercenary militias aligned with Madman Erdogan and his soldier cannon fodder illegally in the Syrian Arab Republic.

Coincidentally, the timing of these coordinated, criminal attacks on the SARC offices and the theft of humanitarian aid is a mere three days after ICRC President Peter Mauer arrived in Damascus to hold diplomat meetings in which he stated that the ICRC is proud of its distinguished relationship with Syria.

Dr. Mauer had told Ministers Moallem and Mikdad, SARC President Haboubti and members of the press that Syria will receive increased attention from the guardians of International Humanitarian Law, in the coming months.

A source had suggested ICRC President Mauer had come to Damascus to reaffirm its commitment to its work with SARC as an immediate response to the IFRC’s Vice President Kinik having illegally entered Syria to meet with the criminal Shajul Islam, the Brit who was licensed to practice medicine for only three months before his license was permanently revoked after a series of suspensions. Islam claims to be performing surgery in Idlib, and IFRC’s Dr. Kinik sang his praises, did a short video with the Mengele, and called for support for what amounts to his crimes.


IFRC’ VP Kinik lied about the Brit criminal Shajul.

The source further suggested that the coordinated terrorist attacks on the SARC facilities in Idlib and Ariha were a rage reaction to the excellent visit by ICRC’s President Mauer.


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Diana Johnstone has done a masterful job of writing her autobiography, Circle in the Darkness, that provides many details of her life, her early influences, and the various stages of her career throughout the second half of the Twentieth Century and the first part of Twenty-first.  It is a wild ride through various aspects of society, concentrating on the historical events of her era.

Much of what she writes is not news to those who do follow alternative news sites, but what is added is a strong personal perspective based on – not surprisingly – facts and truth, both from her own experiences in regions of concern and a wide arrange of conversations with both people of significant influence and those with no influence but feeling the impact of developments in their country.  The details Johnstone adds are a strong and valuable retort to mainstream media disinformation that has “moved farther and farther away from informing the public and nearer and nearer to instructing them in what they should think.”


One of three themes that impressed me and are developed throughout the book, the media takes a large hit.  While discussing NATO crimes of the Balkan, she writes,  “The journalist was no longer asked to dig for new information and provide fresh analysis, but to contribute to the “common narrative”” as originated by NATO and the media.  When discussing mass media and the Military Industrial Complex she writes, “those private interests coincide quite closely with those of the U.S. government, since the same economic powers are behind both.”  Relying on “open sources and thoughtful analysis of known facts” rather than “spook revelations” her work is significantly more accurate than the mainstream.

NATO and European unity covers another large thematic area.  She discusses how NATO and the European Union actively promote the neoliberal order as conditioned by the U.S. and other global hegemonic financial powers against the best interests of their own people and against the best interests of many sovereign states in the world.

When discussing the idea of Joint Criminal Enterprise as argued by the U.S. in relation to Serbia (essentially all Serbs are guilty of war crimes) she reverses the argument with clear examples, and summarizes, “U.S. strategy basically boils down to the implicit or explicit threat to wipe out the whole nation it is attacking….This war is not the result of a clever plan by some ragtag Balkan clan leaders.  This war was deliberately planned and carried out by the real Joint Criminal Enterprise: NATO.”

The third theme was her development of ideas concerning the development of the “left”.  It has changed from operating with the best interests of the people in mind – anti-war, support for workers and societal infrastructures – to becoming a supporter of war and more interested in the distractions of identity politics, “The Left has evolved from a program to  an attitude.”   Certainly there is merit in people’s identity but it comes at the cost of no longer working against class structures that keep workers down, and keep the rich getting richer.  Johnstone follows the developments in France to its present day neoliberal U.S. supporting government of Macron; and follows the developments in Sweden as it turned away from the left of Olaf Palme towards a strong non-NATO supporter of all NATO adventures.

A host of other ideas

Many other ideas are presented in Circle in the Darkness.

Israel is discussed directly only briefly but Zionism’s influence is related throughout.  While discussing false flags, the USS Liberty attack is mentioned threading into the theme of the media as ”the mainstream media have persisted in ignoring what happened, even as evidence mounted that General Moshe Dayan personally ordered the attack.”

The relationship between the dropping of the gold standard and the introduction of the petrodollar is touched upon, a topic that is rare if ever in mainstream journalism.   Again just touching on it she discusses the “debt trap” on a personal level when two local Minnesota farmers commit suicide after being enticed to overextend themselves into debt.

In general however, this is Diana Johnstone’s story of the many people she meets and interviews, or argues with, debates with, or simply discusses the many issues of her career spent mostly within European journalism.  That overlapped with her employment by the German Green party and how she watched it change from an anti-war truly green party, to a pro-war neoliberal supporter of capitalism.

She continues to write as an independent journalist today, with her work published globally in several alternate new sites.   While I am familiar with the same history background as Ms Johnstone, I do not have the expertise of overseas experience, the philosophical background,  and the wide range of contacts she has had available throughout her career.   Circle in the Darkness covers an amazing and productive lifetime and provides valuable insights and factual details in support of her views and reporting.

It is entertaining – not in the distractive sense but for the quality of the writing and her combination of anecdotal stories combined with researched ideas.  Thus it is a very strong informative work on our modern history, an important read to more clearly understand the machinations of the modern political-military scene.


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Jim Miles is a frequent contributor to Global Research.  

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The Stop5GNL Foundation has filed a suit summary proceedings against the Dutch government, to stop it from rolling out 5G. The foundation believes the deployment is unlawful because it does not protect citizens against the consequences of radiation exposure from 5G.

5G means an increase in transmission towers and small transmitters (narrow cells), especially in densely built-up areas. According to the foundation, 5G has not been adequately investigated for health risks. The group said that the studies performed for 2G, 3G and 4G have shown harmful effects for humans, animals and plants, and that the increase in radiation intensity for 5G will have a major impact on people and the environment.

Stop5GNL believes the outdated radiation guidelines offer no protection against these harmful effects.


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US Kills Iraqis for Demanding End of Illegal Occupation

March 17th, 2020 by Tony Cartalucci

The US has recently carried out deadly attacks across Iraq – targeting Iraqi state-sponsored militias including Kata’ib Hezbollah who were responsible for the defeat of the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

CNN in its article, “US conducts airstrikes against multiple Iranian-backed militia sites in Iraq,” would report:

The US carried out airstrikes on Thursday against multiple Iranian-backed militia sites in Iraq, according to the US Defense Department.

The strikes come one day after the US assessed an Iranian-backed group was responsible for a rocket attack on a base where coalition forces are located, killing two American service members and one British service member.

CNN and other Western corporate media outlets have attempted to depict militias like Kata’ib Hezbollah as “Iranian-backed” in an effort to demonize them – and while they are indeed partly backed by Iran – they are also an official component of the Iraqi military.

The US Bombed Anti-ISIS Forces for Enforcing Iraqi Demands For US Withdrawal

Newsweek itself in a 2018 article titled, “U.S. Soldiers Under Threat as Iran Allies Join Iraq Military with Plans to Kick Americans Out,” admitted:

An Iran-backed collective of mostly Shiite Muslim militias was officially made part of the Iraqi military Thursday, a development that placed U.S. forces in a difficult position as Washington tried to pull Baghdad away from its close ties to Tehran.

The article would also note:

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi issued “regulations to adapt the situation of the Popular Mobilization fighters” on Thursday, giving them ranks and salaries equivalent to other branches of the Iraqi military.

Newsweek attempts to depict the development as sinister and the result of Iranian machinations.

Nowhere mentioned by Newsweek is the fact that America’s presence in Iraq in the first place was the result of a deliberate lie to justify an illegal and deadly war as well as the subsequent now nearly 20 year US military occupation of Iraq.

While Newsweek attempts to claim it is Iran’s goal to oust US troops from Iraq – US troops that have no business or legal ground to be there in the first place – it was the Iraqi parliament itself which recently voted to expel US troops from Iraqi territory – not Tehran.

Germany’s DW would publish an article titled, “Iraqi parliament votes to expel US troops — awaits government approval,”  which reported:

Parliament has voted to ask the government to end an agreement to host US troops in Iraq. The move would oust all foreign soldiers, including those from Germany.

DW – in a follow up article titled, “US rejects Iraqi parliament’s call to withdraw troops,” would report:

Washington and Baghdad should not discuss troop withdrawal, the US State Department has said, refusing parliament’s request for US soldiers to leave. 

While Washington claims its military invasion and occupation of Iraq was predicated on fighting terrorism and promoting democracy – it now finds itself openly bombing militias who played a key role in defeating terrorists like ISIS and flagrantly dismissing Iraq’s democratically elected parliament and their demands that US troops leave their territory.

Iraq’s Right to Defend Itself Against Illegal Invaders 

Of course – were foreign troops in the US and refused US demands to leave – the next logical step would be for the US to expel these foreign troops by force.

This is precisely what is being done to US forces illegally occupying Iraqi territory and refusing to leave.

Their bases are under attack for their refusal to heed Iraqi demands to leave. In response to the attacks – the US claims it must defend its illegal and unwanted occupation through direct military intervention against militias officially augmenting Iraq’s armed forces.

The pretext for America’s continued presence in Iraq – beyond naked imperialism – has become increasingly murky.

US forces have claimed they remain in Iraq to underwrite Iraq’s security – but with the US now bombing Iraq’s own security forces – it is clear that the US itself poses as a- if not the greatest – threat to Iraqi security, stability, and national sovereignty.

The impotence of the UN and other supposed “international” institutions once again showcases the weakness and irrelevance – or perhaps the singular self-serving nature of the current US-led “international order.”

It will instead be through a combination of continued political and military pressure targeting America’s illegal military presence in Iraq, the continued creation of economic alternatives to circumvent US sanctions on both Iraq and Iran, and the entire region’s attempts to build constructive ties with China and Russia to displace America’s disruptive presence which will finally and fully underwrite genuine security and sovereignty for targeted nations like Iraq.

Since 2003 – the Iraqi people have suffered war, occupation, terrorism, and now open contempt by the West. The Iraqi people – like all people – yearn for basic stability within which to build better lives and will work with anyone who can offer it – and against anyone who threatens it.

Thus the US’ battle against groups like Kata’ib Hezbollah who helped restore stability to Iraq in the face of the ISIS threat – is a battle against the will of the Iraqi people themselves. It is an unsustainable battle the US will ultimately lose – and along with it – additional credibility and opportunities within the international arena to nations committed to the primacy of national sovereignty and the concept of multipolarism.


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Tony Cartalucci is a Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine New Eastern Outlook” where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

On March 15, Russian and Turkish forces conducted a first joint patrol in Greater Idlib in the framework of the new de-escalation agreement reached in Moscow. The planned route of the patrol goes along the M4 highway, where a buffer zone was set to be created. However, in fact the patrol happened just a few km west of the government-controlled town of Saraqib. The entire buffer zone and a notable area to the south of it, a total of 750km2, remains in the hands of terrorists. There were no signs of any withdrawal of heavy weapons or militants from the area.

The Russian military said that the patrol mission was shortened because of provocations by “radicals”. According to the released statement, terrorists used civilians, including women and children, as human shields.

The Russian side added that Turkey was given more time to get rid of the extremists and ensure the safety of further joint missions. Surprisingly, the Turkish Defense Ministry admitted that there were some measures taken to prevent possible provocations. Nonetheless, it did not bother itself with explaining what kind of difficulties the sides experienced. Maybe because the Turkish military column itself faced a hard time moving through supporters of radical groups deployed on the M4 highway. Radicals and their supporters have been blocking the part of the highway laying in southern Idlib since March 13.

Earlier in March, Turkish top officials repeatedly vowed to crush any force that would oppose the implementation of the new de-escalation agreement. The Turkish leadership easily forgot these declarations, when it appeared that the main obstacle to the implementation of the agreement were organizations directly or indirectly supported by Ankara. Unfortunately, there is nothing new in this behavior. Over the month, the Erdogan government has showcased itself as a consistent supporter of the seedlings of terrorism remaining in Idlib.

Meanwhile, Idlib armed groups continued undermining efforts of the Turkish media and diplomacy to paint them as a moderate opposition. On March 15, media affiliated with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham offered a bounty of $25,000 to any person that would kill Evgeny Poddubny or Oleg Blokhin. Both of them are Russian war correspondents currently working on the frontline in Idlib and covering military developments there. Contrary to their Turkish and Western colleagues, they do not turn a blind eye to terrorist ideology and actions of Idlib armed groups. Later ‘Idlib democratic activists’ upped the bounty offering to $50,000 for anybody who would kill Poddubny. The amount of $100,000 is proposed for the aforementioned journalist or any member of the Russian patrol mission captured alive.

At the same time, the National Front for Liberation, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other militant organizations intensified their recruiting campaign in northwestern Syria. Persons with a large amount of “free time” and in good physical condition now can join even Hayat Tahrir
al-Sham’s special forces unit, the so-called Red Bands. This fact is another confirmation of the heavy casualties suffered by terrorist groups during the past years of the war.

On top of this, the security situation is once again deteriorating in northern Syria. According to pro-militant sources, an IED attack hit a military convoy of Turkish-led forces near the town of Ras al-Ayn. Three militants and two Turkish soldiers were reportedly killed in the attack.

The recent Turkish-Russian de-escalation agreement allowed to put an end to military hostilities between the Syrian Armed Forces and the Turkish Army. However, its effect will be temporary and will not last for long if the issue of radicals in Greater Idlib is not solved in the nearest future.


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Margaret Flowers and I focus on the foundational flaws in the US economy that will make this recession worse than elites are saying.

We examine the weaknesses in the drivers of the economy and discuss how each was at risk before the coronavirus and the oil war. This includes consumer spending, corporate debt, shale oil and gas, and the financial markets. Each was propped up by policies and debt that made them look stronger than they are.

The coronavirus, which could last more than a year, and the oil war which could drive the cost of oil below $20, are two triggers of a recession that was coming. Wit the unprecedented pandemic resulting in the shut down of the global economy in a way that has never been experienced before. And, the rapid drop in oil prices, a faster drop than ever combined with long term realities that the era of oil must come to an end, are impacting a sector that has been a mainstay of the economy.


The coronavirus epidemic is creating an ongoing teachable moment that could be used to transform the US economy. COVID-19 and the oil war are triggers leading to a recession that has its roots in record corporate and personal debt, longterm low wages and an artificially-inflated stockmarket. The shortcomings of US economic policy, the healthcare system, and workers’ rights are being magnified by the current crisis.

Epidemiologists are reporting the coronavirus epidemic will last months, maybe more than a year. A survey of prominent academic economists released on Thursday found that a majority believe even if the outbreak proves to be limited, like the flu, it is likely to cause a “major recession.”

The teachable moment is an opportunity for people to understand more clearly why we need healthcare for all through national improved Medicare for all, why workers need paid sick and family leave so people can stay home from work and not infect others and why we need to end the extreme wealth divide so all people have the housing, food, healthcare, and income they need to thrive. Already, corporate media is reporting on “disaster socialism” and saying “everyone’s a socialist in a pandemic.” The failures of neoliberal capitalism are obvious. Tax breaks for corporations and the wealthy and trickle-down economics have failed.

People have significant power to demand change. Consumer spending accounts for approximately 70 percent of all economic growth. If consumers do not spend, there will be a recession. This translates into people power. If people go on a spending strike, they will impact the economy in ways the elites cannot ignore. It’s time to demand an economy that serves the people.

The Economic Collapse Has Just Begun

This week, we interviewed economist Jack Rasmus on the Clearing The FOG podcast (available Monday night). He wrote last Sunday that a financial collapse was underway pointing to the combination of the coronavirus and the oil war.  In the interview, he pointed to weaknesses in the economy that show the falsity of government officials who claim “the fundamentals are sound.” Problems include record consumer, corporate and government debt, stagnant wages, workers who have not recovered from the last economic collapse, and financial markets addicted to trillions from the Federal Reserve. Even before the current collapse, college debt, unaffordable healthcare, and inadequate retirement funds were among the problems creating economic insecurity for most people. Already 40 percent of people in the US can’t handle a $400 emergency and 60 percent could not handle a $1,000 surprise expense.

This weekend the Fed hit the panic button again, making an emergency announcement Sunday afternoon that it would be cutting interest rates to zero for the first time since the financial crisis. It also announced quantitative easing in the form of at least $700 billion of asset purchases. This will not change the course of the virus and it will not open supply lines from impacted countries or increase consumer spending. It shows that panic over the global recession is hitting very quickly.

Here are some aspects of the current financial crisis and what we can expect:

The Consumer Collapse: People in the United States are starting this recession in a weak financial situation. In December 2019, there was a record $4.19 trillion in personal debt breaking November’s record of $4.16 trillion. Student debt was already in crisis, totaling $1.6 trillion and impacting 45 million people with a delinquincy rate of more than 11 percent. Jack Rasmus reports that “only the US household consumer was holding up the US economy at year-end 2019.”

Now, the economy is in a virtual standstill. Conferences and concerts are canceled, colleges are switching to virtual classes, public schools are closing, Broadway is dark, and professional sports are on hold. Disneyland, which stayed open through the last recession, has closed. There is no precedent for the economy shutting down so quickly.

Each of these closings, combined with people staying home, is driving a collapse of the economy, which will worsen. People are losing their jobs or experiencing reduced incomes causing them to spend less.  This has a ripple effect, as the NY Times describes, “When restaurants close their doors, they no longer need tablecloths delivered by linen services or beer from local brewers. When people stop flying, they no longer need taxis to the airport or $5 bottles of water from the airport newsstand.” They report that Zip Recruiter job posting for restaurants was down 26 percent compared to a year ago, catering is down 39 percent and there’s been a 44 percent decline in aviation jobs.

The Corporate Collapse: Like people, corporations are holding record levels of debt. The corporate bond market will be shrinking and corporate credit will shut down. Already corporations are switching their credit lines to cash. This will lead to businesses being unable to refinance, which will be the prelude to mass defaults and bankruptcies. The collapse of corporations will lead to increasing unemployment, adding to the consumer collapse.

The first to be impacted will be the more than $2 trillion dollar US junk bond market, followed by the $3 trillion dollar BBB corporate debts. Rasmus explains these bonds are really also junk that has been improperly reclassified as BBB. That is $5 trillion at rapid risk for default including fossil fuel companies and retail stores, which will then spread to higher grade corporate debt.

US corporations have been propped up by the Federal Reserve as well as the Obama and Trump administrations. This has included free money from the Fed that has artificially escalated stock prices as companies used the money for stock buybacks. The bailouts of the Obama era, followed by Trump’s $4.5 trillion 10 year tax cuts created a windfall making up 23 percent of the 27 percent rise in corporate profits in 2018. The US corporate economy is very fragile.

The End Of the US Oil And Gas Boom: Last Friday, Russia and Saudi Arabia could not agree on continuing to prop-up the price of oil. An oil war began with plunging prices to gain a bigger share of the market. This led to the steepest drop in oil since prices since January 17, 1991, when Operation Desert Storm was launched. Hundreds of billions of value for the already troubled US shale oil and gas industry disappeared. Destroying US shale may have been the goal of Russia. Trump paused the drop on oil prices by ordering purchases for the strategic petroleum reserve, but that is a temporary pause.

Shale oil is at a disadvantage because Goldman Sachs projects it needs a price of $48 a barrel to repay its debts. Goldman warned that oil prices could fall as low as $20 a barrel. In contrast, Saudi Arabia’s production costs are said to be $2.80 a barrel.

The US fossil fuel market has never been financially secure with only 10 percent of companies showing a profit. It has been propped up by massive debt. DeSmog Blog reports that banks wrote off as much as $1 billion in shale loans in 2019. World Oil reported an additional $40 billion of shale debts are expected to come due in 2020, followed by over $160 billion in debts over the following three years.

The crash of the shale oil and gas industry could cause a major recession by itself. There will be many bankruptcies in shale industries and tens of thousands of layoffs over the next 12 months causing widespread collateral damage.

Trump and Obama’s policies created the expansion of the shale oil and gas but left the economy and energy security at risk of foreign nations. The fossil fuel collapse comes at a time when the cost of renewable energy has consistently lowered costs making wind and solar far more competitive than fossil fuels.

The combination of the drop in the price of oil, the tightening credit market for shale, the reduced demand for oil and gas as well as the realities of the climate crisis and reduced cost of clean energy tells investors to get out now rather than stranding their assets in a failing fossil fuel market.

The Stock Market Crash: On February 24, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced it was time to prepare for a global pandemic. The stock market plummeted. Over the following week, the Dow Jones dropped by more than 3500 points or 10%. On March 3, when the Federal Reserve tried to stop the drop by cutting the Feds fund rate from 1.5 percent to 1 percent, their first emergency cut and biggest one-time cut since the 2008 financial crisis, it fueled a panic.

On March 11, Trump gave an address to the Nation from the Oval Office in an attempt to stop the crash. It failed. Markets continued falling 1250 points again even before they reopened the next morning. On the 12th, the Dow fell 2352 points, the largest single-day stock market point crash in history. Last week saw the three worst point drops in Dow history, with Monday’s drop of 2013 points holding the record until Thursday, and Wednesday being the third-largest single-day stock market point crash in history. On a percentage basis, the Thursday collapse was the largest for the Dow since the crash of 1987.

As the market crashed, the Federal Reserve announced it would inject $1.5 trillion into short-term markets. This is twice as large as the original size of the 2008 bank bailout. WHO issued a plea for $675 million a month to fight the global coronavirus pandemic. The Fed’s Wall Street Bailout was over a thousand times larger than the emergency coronavirus funding WHO requested.

On Friday, Trump held a press conference where he surrounded himself with corporate executives to send a message to investors, the markets and big business. He declared a state of emergency that he claimed would free up $50 billion in federal dollars. Trump did not announce any new measures to stop COVID-19 or expand access to treatment but he made clear the pandemic was a profit opportunity for private industry, including testing companies, and retailers like Walmart, Target and CVS that are providing tests. Wall Street got the message and the Dow Jones Industrial Average increase 1400 points.

But this is not likely to last. First, the stock market’s expansion since the 2008 collapse has been artificially pumped up by tax and interest rate policies that led to record corporate stock buybacks, high executive pay, and high dividend payouts. This created an artificial stock market boom that is being erased by the virus and oil war.

Further, the CDC estimates that “between 160 million and 214 million people in the United States could be infected over the course of the epidemic,” and that “as many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die.” The New York Times estimates, “2.4 million to 21 million people in the United States could require hospitalization, potentially crushing the nation’s medical system, which has only about 925,000 staffed hospital beds.”

Real Changes are needed in both the short and long term to fix an economy that has been ailing for most people for multiple decades. Next week, we will write about what can be done to fix the economy and how people are organizing in their communities now to get through the epidemic and economic crisis.


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Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers co-direct Popular Resistance where this article was originally published. 

“Those whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.’’

You can taste the fear as global central banks panic and introduce emergency measures to prevent a systemic collapse of the global financial system. On Sunday the U.S. Federal Reserve launched another financial bazooka at stock and bond markets when it announced the start of QE 4. This will involve the purchase of $700 billion of government bonds/mortgage backed securities and a 1% interest rate cut taking them to zero.

Today the ECB has announced another $112 billion to be made available to banks while the Bank of Japan has declared that it will spend trillions more on purchasing bonds and exchange-traded funds.

This gigantic package of stimulus measures comes on top of the panic measures introduced last week as the meltdown in stock and bond markets began to get out of control. Last Thursday, as the bond market melted down and lines of credit were under threat the Fed announced an intervention in the short term debt markets (repo) that will run into April and amounts to over $4.5 trillion.

Last Thursday’s panic measure backfired as the Dow Jones plunged over 2000 points.

Financial analyst Wolf Richter, who has recently shorted the markets with some success, commented:

“This is the Fed’s latest effort to bail out Wall Street, the cherished asset holders that are so essential to the Fed’s “wealth effect,” all repo market participants, the banks, and the Treasury market that suddenly has gone haywire. Lots of things have gone haywire as the Everything Bubble unwinds messily. ‘’

Flash forward to today and markets are reacting badly to the latest panic measure. At the opening of trading today stocks immediately crashed triggering circuit breakers that halted trading. The S&P 500 -9.8% 220 points or 8.1% down while the Dow Jones -10.5% plummeted 2, 250 points or 9.7% down. Meanwhile, the Nasdaq -9.83 dropped 482 points or 6.1% down.

The epic collapse of U.S. stock markets in shown in the chart below from Marketwatch:

This meltdown has been repeated on stock markets around the world. As if this wasn’t bad enough oil prices have fallen below $30 dollars a barrel while the scramble for cash has led haven assets such as gold to tumble in price today.

Sven Heinrich of Northman Trader has called this market to perfection and explained how global central banks are responsible for the current financial crisis through their reckless money printing measures since the 2008 economic crisis.. On twitter today he warned:

“If they can’t control markets today they should just shut it down until things can get sorted. They’re risking major fund blow ups and irreparable damage with consequences felt for a long time even if coronavirus gets sorted.’’

The Federal Reserves announcement of QE4 on Sunday illustrates how frightened the central banks are of the major economic recession ahead. Highly respected economist Mohammed El-Arian, Allianz Chief Economic Advisor, has explained the Fed’s decision to launch massive monetary stimulus in simple terms:

“The fundamentals went from flashing red to constant red over the weekend.”

Market trader Mike O’Rourke, chief market strategist at financial brokerage Jones Trading, rather aptly describes the current market mayhem as “Bearmaggedon’’. This refers to a situation when the economy collapses at a time of easy monetary policy with historically low interest rates and paper assets like stocks and bonds are still expensive and over valued. In a note to clients he said ominously, “That combination of events becomes toxic because investors begin to express concern that the [Federal Reserves] monetary policy has become impotent.”

O’Rourke puts the failure of central bank intervention into its historical context:

“We thought the panic peaked on Thursday, when most of the country started to shut down, but that was eclipsed tonight by the Federal Reserve. All of us have just witnessed a central bank expend all of its conventional and unconventional tools to support an equity market that is less than a month from all time highs.”

Howard Gold of Marketwatch sums up why markets across the world continue to collapse:

“Bottom line: Investors don’t think the Fed’s moves are enough.’’

The political and economic elites of the American empire have boxed themselves into a corner and created an economic hurricane that threatens an economic depression similar to the 1930s.

Since 2008 the Federal Reserve has presided over a gigantic wealth transfer as its massive money printing led to massive price inflation in paper assets across the board from stocks to bonds. The 1% have raked in massive profits while income levels for the majority have stood still or declined.

It has kept interest rates at historically low levels enabling banks, hedge funds and corporations to gorge themselves on cheap debt and engage in a frenzy of stock buybacks to the tune of several trillion dollars. These stock buybacks have artificially inflated the price of stock market shares while insiders sell at high prices.

Despite the current turmoil in financial markets the largesse of the Fed knows no bounds as it bails out its corporate masters.

The U.S. government which acts on behalf of corporate America, just like the Fed, is bankrupt and has a $23 trillion deficit that is growing exponentially. Trump’s $1 trillion tax giveaway in 2017 that largely benefited the super rich and corporate America has left the U.S. government with annual trillion dollar deficits. Many economists argue that Washington has little room for the massive stimulus needed to combat the impacts of the current pandemic.

Howard Gold of Marketwatch sums up the predicament of the American empire in rather sombre terms:

“As investors clamor for some kind of certainty — or at least leadership —the Fed is out of ammo, the federal government is fiscally tapped out, and the factionalism Washington and Madison warned about is tearing the country apart. Yes, indeed, the chickens are coming home to roost, but this time they’re infected by a deadly virus.’’

Buckle up, for we have entered an unprecedented period of turmoil and volatility which will shake the global economy to its foundations.

The current panic rates cuts and massive money printing by global central banks and the stimulus measures of governments everywhere are just the beginning of this crisis. Expect bail outs galore as industry after industry screams for government/central bank assistance.

It would appear that the solution to $250 trillion of unpayable global debt is to hit the printing presses hard and create a whole load more cash out of thin air.

As businesses of all size go bankrupt while job losses and pay cuts rise over the next period I wonder if central banks generosity will extend to ordinary citizens?

As the global economy shuts down we will rapidly slide towards a major recession that will shake up geo-politics and lead us into even more uncertain times. The 2020s threaten to be a repeat of the 1930s when international relations broke down and the economic crisis was of such severity it left the major powers with no other recourse but war to try and solve their intractable problems.


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Devido ao Coronavírus, a American Airlines e outras companhias aéreas dos EUA cancelaram muitos voos para a Europa. No entanto, existe uma “companhia” USA que, vice-versa, os aumentou: a US Air Force.

Há poucos dias, “instalou, na Europa, uma task force de bombardeiros furtivos B-2 Spirit” Anuncia-o de Estugarda, o US European Command, o Comando Europeu dos Estados Unidos. Está, actualmente, sob as ordens do General Tod D. Wolters, da US Air Force, que é, ao mesmo tempo, o Chefe das Forças Armadas da NATO, como Comandante Supremo Aliado na Europa. O US European Command afirma que a task force, composta por um número desconhecido de bombardeiros provenientes da base de Whiteman, no Missouri, “chegou, em 9 de Março, ao Campo das Lajes nos Açores, em Portugal”.

O bombardeiro estratégico B-2 Spirit, o avião mais caro do mundo, cujo custo ultrapassa os 2 biliões de dolares, é o avião USA de ataque nuclear mais avançado. Cada um pode transportar 16 bombas termonucleares B-61 ou B-83, com uma potência máxima total equivalente a mais de 1.200 bombas de Hiroshima. Devido à conformação, revestimento e contramedidas electrónicas, o B-2 Spirit é difícil de detectar por radar (por esse motivo, é designado como “avião invisível”). Embora já tenha sido usado na guerra, por exemplo, contra a Líbia em 2011, com bombas não nucleares de alta potência, orientadas por satélite (pode transportar 80), foi projectado para penetrar nas defesas inimigas e efectuar um ataque nuclear de surpresa.

Estes bombardeiros, especifica o US European Command, “operarão a partir de várias instalações militares na área de responsabilidade do Comando Europeu dos Estados Unidos”. Esta área inclui toda a região europeia e toda a Rússia (incluindo a parte asiática). Isto significa que os bombardeiros USA mais avançados de ataque nuclear, operarão a partir das bases na Europa, perto da Rússia. Invertendo o cenário, é como se os bombardeiros russos mais avançados de ataque nuclear da Rússia, estivessem a manobrar a partir de bases em Cuba, perto dos Estados Unidos.

Torna-se claro o objectivo almejado por Washington: aumentar a tensão com a Rússia, usando a Europa como primeira linha do confronto. Isto permite a Washington fortalecer a sua liderança sobre os aliados europeus e orientar a política externa e militar da União Europeia, da qual 22 dos 27 membros pertencem à NATO, sob comando USA.

Esta estratégia é facilitada pela crise causada pelo coronavírus. Hoje, mais do que nunca, numa Europa em grande parte paralisada pelo vírus, os USA podem fazer o que querem. 

Isso é confirmado pelo facto de que eles transferem os seus bombardeiros mais avançados de ataque nuclear com o consentimento de todos os governos e parlamentos europeus e da própria União Europeia e com o silêncio cúmplice de todos os principais meios de comunicação europeus.

O mesmo silêncio caiu sobre o Defender Europe 20, o maior destacamento de forças USA na Europa desde o final da Guerra Fria, sobre os quais a comunicação mediática só falou, quando o US European Command anunciou que, devido ao Coronavírus, reduzirá os soldados USA que participam no exercício de 30.000 para um número impreciso, mantendo, no entanto,  os “nossos objectivos de maior prioridade”.

No âmbito de uma verdadeira psy-op (operação psicológica militar), vários órgãos de “informação”, também em Itália, lançaram-se imediatamente contra “as mentiras sobre o exercício Defender Europe” (La Repubblica, 13 de Março)   e, através das redes sociais, espalhou-se o boato de que o exercício foi praticamente cancelado. Notícias tranquilizadoras, reforçadas pela garantia, dada pelo US European Command, de que “a nossa preocupação primordial é proteger a saúde das nossas forças e a das forças dos nossos aliados”.

Apenas substituindo, na Europa, um número indeterminado de soldados USA por um número desconhecido de bombardeiros americanos de ataque nuclear, cada um com uma potência destruidora igual a mais de 1.200 bombas de Hiroshima.

Manlio Dinucci


Artigo original em italiano :

Nell’Europa del virus arrivano i bombardieri USA da attacco nucleare

Tradutora: Maria Luísa de Vasconcellos 

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A causa del Coronavirus le American Airlines e altre compagnie aeree statunitensi hanno cancellato molti voli per l’Europa. C’è però una «compagnia» Usa che, viceversa, li ha aumentati: la US Air Force.

In questi giorni essa ha «dispiegato in Europa una task force di bombardieri stealth B-2 Spirit» . Lo annuncia da Stoccarda lo US European Command, il Comando Europeo degli Stati Uniti. Esso è agli ordini di generale, attualmente Tod D. Wolters della US Air Force,  che allo stesso tempo è a capo delle forze Nato quale Comandante Supremo Alleato in Europa. Lo US European Command precisa che la task force, composta da un numero imprecisato di bombardieri provenienti dalla base Whiteman in Missouri, «è arrivata il 9 marzo a Lajes Field nelle Azzorre, in Portogallo».

Il bombardiere strategico B-2 Spirit, l’aereo più caro del mondo il cui costo supera i 2 miliardi di dollari, è il più avanzato aereo Usa da attacco nucleare. Ciascun velivolo può trasportare 16 bombe termonucleari B-61 o B-83, con una potenza massima complessiva equivalente a oltre 1.200 bombe di Hiroshima. Per effetto della sua conformazione, del suo rivestimento e delle sue contromisure elettroniche, il B-2 Spirit è difficilmente rilevabile dai radar (per questo è detto «aereo invisibile»). Anche se è già stato usato in guerra, ad esempio contro la Libia nel 2011, con bombe non-nucleari di grande potenza a guida satellitare  (ne può trasportare 80), esso è progettato per penetrare attraverso le difese nemiche ed effettuare un attacco nucleare di sorpresa.

Questi bombardieri, precisa lo US European Command, «opereranno da varie installazioni militari nell’area di responsabilità del Comando Europeo degli Stati Uniti». Tale area comprende l’intera regione europea e tutta la Russia (inclusa la parte asiatica). Ciò significa che i più avanzati bombardieri Usa da attacco nucleare opereranno, da basi in Europa, a ridosso della Russia. Capovolgendo lo scenario, è come se i più avanzati bombardieri russi da attacco nucleare operassero da basi a Cuba a ridosso degli Stati uniti.

È evidente lo scopo perseguito da Washington: accrescere la tensione con la Russia usando l’Europa quale prima linea del confronto. Ciò permette a Washington di rafforzare la sua leadership sugli alleati europei e di orientare la politica estera e militare dell’Unione europea, nella quale 22 dei 27 membri appartengono alla Nato sotto comando Usa.

Tale strategia è facilitata dalla crisi provocata dal Coronavirus.  Oggi più che mai, in una Europa in gran parte paralizzata dal virus, gli Usa possono fare ciò che vogliono. 

Lo conferma il fatto che essi vi trasferiscono i loro più avanzati bombardieri da attacco nucleare con il consenso di tutti i  governi e i parlamenti europei e della stessa Unione europea, con il complice silenzio di tutti i grandi media europei.

Lo stesso silenzio calato sulla Defender Europe 20, il più grande spiegamento di forze Usa in Europa dalla fine della Guerra Fredda, di cui i media hanno parlato solo quando lo US European Command ha comunicato che, a causa del Coronavirus, ridurrà i soldati Usa partecipanti all’esercitazione da 30.000 a un numero imprecisato, mantenendo comunque  «i nostri obiettivi di più alta priorità».

Nel quadro di una vera e propria psy-op (operazione psicologica militare) vari organi di «informazione», anche in Italia, si sono  subito scagliati  contro  «le bufale sull’esercitazione Defender Europe» (La Repubblica, 13 marzo) e, attraverso i social, si è diffusa la voce che l’esercitazione è stata praticamente cancellata. Notizia tranquillizzante, rafforzata dall’assicurazione, data dallo US European Command, che  «nostra principale preoccupazione è proteggere la salute delle nostre forze e quella dei nostri alleati».

Appunto sostituendo in Europa un numero imprecisato di soldati Usa con un numero imprecisato di bombardieri Usa da attacco nucleare, ciascuno con una potenza distruttiva pari a oltre 1.200 bombe di Hiroshima.

Manlio Dinucci


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In 1944, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) ensured that socialist Henry Wallace would not succeed Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) as president. Is history repeating itself in 2020?

Democratic socialist Bernie Sanders received the most votes in the first three primary elections. After centrist Joe Biden scored his first primary win, the DNC consolidated the Democratic Party establishment around him. Candidates Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar immediately dropped out of the race and endorsed Biden, as did former candidate BetoO’Rourke. Kamala Harris and Cory Booker, who had already quit the primary race, followed suit and Michael Bloomberg did as well. The party bosses likely wanted to ensure that Sanders would not upend the corporate order.

Wallace, who held many of the same political positions as Sanders, was one of the architects of the New Deal. He served as FDR’s agriculture secretary, vice president and commerce secretary. But the ailing FDR’s 1944 bid to select Wallace as his vice president for what would be his final presidential term was derailed by the corporate party bosses who made sure that Harry Truman would follow FDR as president instead of Wallace.

When FDR died in 1945, Truman became president. If it had been Wallace, “there might have been no atomic bombings, no nuclear arms race, and no Cold War,” Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick wrote in The Untold History of the United States.

Parallels Between Wallace and Sanders

There are several parallels between Sanders and Wallace — both in their ideologies and in the opposition they engendered from the leadership of the Democratic Party. In a June 2019 speech, Sanders invoked FDR’s 1944 economic bill of rights, which proposed many policies similar to Sanders’s. When he defines himself as a democratic socialist, Sanders said, he means “Economic rights are human rights.” The core of his Medicare for All plan is, “Health care is a human right.”

At the March 15 debate with Biden, Sanders asked the rhetorical question: Where is the power in America?

He then answered, “Who owns the media? Who owns the economy? Who owns the legislative process? Why do we give tax breaks to billionaires and not raise the minimum wage? Why do we pump up the oil industry while a half a million people are homeless in America?”

The debate was framed by the coronavirus pandemic, which, Sanders said, “exposes the weakness and dysfunctionality of the health care system.” Although “we spend twice as much as any other country” on health care, Sanders pointed out, “we aren’t ready with test kits and ventilators.”

“While we work to pass a ‘Medicare for All,’ single-payer system,” Sanders said during a speech from his home in Vermont three days before the debate, “the United States government today must make it clear that in the midst of this emergency, everyone in our country, regardless of income or where they live, must be able to get all of the health care they need without costs.”

During the debate, Sanders criticized the bipartisan $8.3 billion coronavirus spending bill. It mandates temporary paid sick leave and paid family and medical leave. But it exempts companies with more than 500 employees from the obligation to provide leave, excluding about 6.5 million workers. Moreover, the exemptions disproportionately hurt low-wage workers. And it contains no limits on the ability of the pharmaceutical companies to profit from the coronavirus. “It’s clear the fingerprints of the business lobby are all over the exclusions in the bill,” said Vicki Shabo, senior fellow at the think tank New America.

Wallace, like Sanders, was a champion of the “common man.” And that also incurred the wrath of the party conservatives.

Henry Wallace’s “Century of the Common Man”

American farmers were reeling economically from the Great Depression when FDR appointed Wallace as secretary of agriculture in 1933. During the eight years he held that office, Wallace instituted many policies that vastly improved conditions for the nation’s farmers.

“Wallace was a great secretary of agriculture,” Arthur Schlesinger wroteadding,

In time he widened his concern beyond commercial farming to subsistence farming and rural poverty. For the urban poor, he provided food stamps and school lunches. He instituted programs for land-use planning, soil conservation and erosion control. And always he promoted research to combat plant and animal diseases, to locate drought-resistant crops and to develop hybrid seeds in order to increase productivity.

In addition to “his reputation as one of the New Deal visionaries on domestic policy,” Wallace “carved credentials as an outspoken antifascist,” Stone and Kuznick wrote.

When FDR ran for a third term in 1940, he chose Wallace as his running mate. As vice president, Wallace was a strong anti-imperialist — criticizing the British, German, French and American empires alike. “No nations will have the God-given right to exploit other nations . . . there must be neither military nor economic imperialism,” Wallace stated in a 1942 address.

In that speech, widely regarded as one of his most important, Wallace said, “Some have spoken of the ‘American Century.’ I say . . . the century . . . which will come of this war — can and must be the century of the common man.”

Wallace was disliked by the Democratic Party leaders, who were not happy when he called for a global “people’s revolution” and suggested that the United States should work with the Soviet Union. The party conservatives also opposed Wallace’s advocacy for workers, women, Black people and the colonized in European countries. “His enemies included Wall Street bankers and other anti-union business interests, southern segregationists, and defenders of British and French colonialism,” Stone and Kuznick explained.

When FDR ran for his fourth and final term as president, he again sought to put Wallace on the ticket. Wallace was the most popular Democratic candidate, according to a Gallup poll. But in his weakened condition, FDR lacked the energy to fight the party bosses as they manipulated the process to make Truman his vice president. Truman was undistinguished but could be counted on to go along with the corporate program.

After FDR died, Truman succeeded him. In 1946, Wallace urged Truman to tamp down the “armament race” and warned of the dangers of the “atomic bombs.” Wallace would not have used nuclear weapons against Japan. Nor would he have stoked the Cold War as did his successors. Wallace opposed “preventive war,” which violated the then recently adopted United Nations Charter.

Wallace delivered a strong speech at Madison Square Garden in New York City, exhorting the U.S. not to drop atomic bombs on the Soviet Union. He sought to limit the budget for weapons of war. “No nation should be allowed to spend on its military establishment more than perhaps 15 percent of its budget,” Wallace said, endeavoring to halt the impending Cold War with Russia.

Sanders, too, decries the bloated military budget. “Instead of spending $1.8 trillion on weapons of destruction designed to kill each other,” he declared at the March 15 debate, “maybe we should pool our resources and fight our common enemy, which is climate change.”

In 1948, Wallace ran a third-party campaign against Truman. Although Wallace had advocated for civil rights, opposed the poll tax and would not speak in segregated venues, Black people “tended to be wary of his politics, and voted overwhelmingly for Truman,” Alex Ross wrote in TheNew Yorker.

During the campaign, Wallace was red-baited and accused of being a Soviet operative. Stone and Kuznick analyzed the results of the election:The Red-baiting, the dismissive treatment of Wallace by the major newspapers, Truman’s move to the left on domestic issues, and a last-minute rush to Truman by Democratic voters who feared a victory by Republican Thomas Dewey resulted in an electoral disaster for the Wallace campaign.

Sound familiar?

Party Centrists and Corporate Media Create Narrative That Sanders Can’t Beat Trump

Aided and abetted by the corporate media, the centrists in the Democratic Party are doing their best to ensure that Sanders is not the Democratic candidate. Nearly all former candidates — except Elizabeth Warren, who remains aloof from endorsing either Sanders or Biden — are centrists and support Biden.

The narrative promulgated by centrists and the corporate media and internalized by many Black voters is that Sanders can’t win the presidential election, even though polls have consistently concluded that both he and Biden have an even chance of beating Donald Trump.

Like Wallace, Sanders has been red-baited and accused of supporting authoritarian governments. In a front-page story, The New York Times painted a sinister — but false — picture of Sanders supporting the Soviet Union when he traveled there in 1988 to establish a sister city program between Burlington, Vermont, and a Russian city.

At their debate, Biden confronted Sanders about his praise for Fidel Castro’s literacy campaign after the 1959 Cuban Revolution. Sanders replied that he opposed authoritarian governments but “it is incorrect to say they never do anything positive.” He cited China’s reduction in poverty. Barack Obama — whom Biden frequently references — went even further than Sanders in praising Cuban achievements when he tried to begin the process of normalizing relations between the U.S. and Cuba.

Biden said it’s one thing to occasionally mention something positive a country has done, but, he added, “the idea of praising a country that is violating human rights around the world…” It is unlikely Biden was referring to the United States, whose officials are being investigated by the International Criminal Court for committing war crimes and crimes against humanity during the “war on terror.” Biden, who was instrumental in securing congressional approval for Bush’s Iraq War, will be a good steward of the empire.

Sanders Is Winning the Ideological Battle

Although Wallace got few votes and failed to unseat Truman in 1948, he “succeeded in having his ideas adopted, except in the field of foreign affairs,” Stone and Kuznick noted.

Likewise, when he debated Biden, Sanders said, “Joe has won more states than I have, but we’re winning the ideological battle.” Indeed, exit polls on Super Tuesday showed that a majority of voters in Michigan, Missouri and Mississippi – all of which were won by Biden — favored a government medical plan instead of private insurance.

“We are winning the generational struggle” as well, Sanders added. Depending on the states, he added, “we’re winning the 50 years and younger” and “big time with 30 years and younger.”

Throughout the primary season, Sanders’s fingerprints have been all over the debates and have permeated the campaigns. Indeed, all of the candidates have embraced some or many of Sanders’s progressive policies. Just before the debate, Biden adopted a version of Sanders’s proposal that students be able to attend public colleges and universities tuition-free.


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Copyright Truthout. Reprinted with permission.

Marjorie Cohn is professor emerita at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, former president of the National Lawyers Guild, deputy secretary general of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers and a member of the advisory board of Veterans for Peace. Her most recent book is Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues. She is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Global Research: Keeping You up to Date on Important World Topics

March 16th, 2020 by The Global Research Team

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As coronavirus panic grips the world, concern over government overreach is growing given the involvement of US intelligence agencies in classified meetings for planning the U.S.’ coronavirus response.


As the COVID-19 coronavirus crisis comes to dominate headlines, little media attention has been given to the federal government’s decision to classify top-level meetings on domestic coronavirus response and lean heavily “behind the scenes” on U.S. intelligence and the Pentagon in planning for an allegedly imminent explosion of cases.

The classification of coronavirus planning meetings was first covered by Reuters, which noted that the decision to classify was “an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion.” Reuters further noted that the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Alex Azar, and his chief of staff had “resisted” the classification order, which was made in mid-January by the National Security Council (NSC), led by Robert O’Brien — a longtime friend and colleague of his predecessor John Bolton.

Following this order, HHS officials with the appropriate security clearances held meetings on coronavirus response at the department’s Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility (SCIF), which are facilities “usually reserved for intelligence and military operations” and — in HHS’ case — for responses to “biowarfare or chemical attacks.” Several officials who spoke to Reuters noted that the classification decision prevented key experts from participating in meetings and slowed down the ability of HHS and the agencies it oversees, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), to respond to the crisis by limiting participation and information sharing.

It has since been speculated that the decision was made to prevent potential leaks of information by stifling participation and that aspects of the planned response would cause controversy if made public, especially given that the decision to classify government meetings on coronavirus response negatively impacted HHS’ ability to respond to the crisis.

After the classification decision was made public, a subsequent report in Politico revealed that not only is the National Security Council managing the federal government’s overall response but that they are doing so in close coordination with the U.S. intelligence community and the U.S. military. It states specifically that “NSC officials have been coordinating behind the scenes with the intelligence and defense communities to gauge the threat and prepare for the possibility that the U.S. government will have to respond to much bigger numbers—and soon.”

Little attention was given to the fact that the response to this apparently imminent jump in cases was being coordinated largely between elements of the national security state (i.e. the NSC, Pentagon, and intelligence), as opposed to civilian agencies or those focused on public health issues, and in a classified manner.

The Politico article also noted that the intelligence community is set to play a “key role” in a pandemic situation, but did not specify what the role would specifically entail. However, it did note that intelligence agencies would “almost certainly see an opportunity to exploit the crisis” given that international “epicenters of coronavirus [are] in high-priority counterintelligence targets like China and Iran.” It further added, citing former intelligence officials, that efforts would be made to recruit new human sources in those countries.

Politico cited the official explanation for intelligence’s interest in “exploiting the crisis” as merely being aimed at determining accurate statistics of coronavirus cases in “closed societies,” i.e. nations that do not readily cooperate or share intelligence with the U.S. government. Yet, Politico fails to note that Iran has long been targeted for CIA-driven U.S. regime change, specifically under the Trump administration, and that China had been fingered as the top threat to U.S. global hegemony by military officials well before the coronavirus outbreak.

A potential  “9/11-like” response

The decision to classify government coronavirus preparations in mid-January, followed by the decision to coordinate the domestic response with the military and with intelligence deserves considerable scrutiny, particularly given that at least one federal agency, Customs and Border Patrol (CBP), will be given broad, sweeping powers and will work closely with unspecified intelligence “partners” as part of its response to a pandemics like COVID-19.

The CBP’s pandemic response document, obtained by The Nation, reveals that the CBP’s pandemic directive “allows the agency to actively surveil and detain individuals suspected of carrying the illness indefinitely.” The Nation further notes that the plan was drafted during the George W. Bush administration, but is the agency’s most recent pandemic response plan and remains in effect.

Though only CBP’s pandemic response plan has now been made public, those of other agencies are likely to be similar, particularly on their emphasis on surveillance, given past precedent following the September 11 attacks and other times of national panic. Notably, several recent media reports have likened coronavirus to 9/11 and broached the possibility of a “9/11-like” response to coronavirus, suggestions that should concern critics of the post-9/11 “Patriot Act” and other controversial laws, executive orders and policies that followed.

While the plans of the federal government remain classified, recent reports have revealed that the military and intelligence communities — now working with the NSC to develop the government’s coronavirus response — have anticipated a massive explosion in cases for weeks. U.S. military intelligence came to the conclusion over a month ago that coronavirus cases would reach “pandemic proportions” domestically by the end of March. That military intelligence agency, known as the National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI), coordinates closely with the National Security Agency (NSA) to conduct “medical SIGINT [signals intelligence].”

The coming government response, the agencies largely responsible for crafting it and its classified nature deserve public scrutiny now, particularly given the federal government’s tendency to not let “a serious crisis to go to waste,” as former President Obama’s then-chief of staff Rahm Emanuel infamously said during the 2008 financial crisis.

Indeed, during a time of panic — over a pandemic and over a simultaneous major economic downturn — concern over government overreach is warranted, particularly now given the involvement of intelligence agencies and the classification of planning for an explosion of domestic cases that the government believes is only weeks away.


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Whitney Webb is a MintPress News journalist based in Chile. She has contributed to several independent media outlets including Global Research, EcoWatch, the Ron Paul Institute and 21st Century Wire, among others. She has made several radio and television appearances and is the 2019 winner of the Serena Shim Award for Uncompromised Integrity in Journalism.

Featured image is from Nathaniel St. Clair

Trump Bombs Shiite Militia in Shiite-Ruled Iraq

March 16th, 2020 by Prof. Juan Cole

US fighter jets bombed bases of the Kata’ib Hizbullah (“Brigades of the Party of God”) militia in Iraq on Thursday in retaliation for a deadly attack on US troops that left two dead and killed a British soldier as well. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said that Trump had greenlighted the action, which he called a “proportional” response. One of the bases the US bombed was at Jurf Sakhr in Babel Province.

The Shiite militias are local heroes at Jurf Sakhr for having defeated genocidal ISIL fighters there in 2014.

The US also struck at bases in the north, where Kata’ib Hizbullah is still fighting ISIL remnants.

Some 26 Shiite militiamen were reported killed. The Iraqi parliament made these militias a national guard and recognized them as part of the Iraqi armed forces, so that the US is technically bombing elements of the Iraqi military.

Karim Alawi, the spokesman in the Iraqi parliament for the Fath bloc of Shiite party-militias of the Popular Mobilization Forces, condemned Trump’s airstrikes as seeking a pretext for the US to turn Iraq into a base from which to attack its neighbors (he meant Iran). Allawi said that “all the divisions” in Iraqi politics are sown by the US embassy in Baghdad to allow Washington to divide and rule. Alawi was blaming the youth protest movement that brought down the government of Adel Abdulhmahdi on the United States, seeing it as a bought crowd. This allegation is untrue.

The Nujaba’ (Party of God’s Chosen) Shiite militia accused any Iraqi who did not absolutely celebrate the attack on al-Taji base of being a foreign agent.

On Wednesday, katyusha rockets were fired at al-Taji Base north of Baghdad, killing 3 and wounding 14 other members of the Coalition forces. These troops are in Iraq to train the Iraqi Army and to help mop up the remnants of ISIL, the terrorist state that at one point gobbled up 40 percent of Iraqi territory.

The attacks were likely by Kata’ib Hizbullah elements seeking revenge for Trump’s January 3 assassination of their leader, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, along with Iranian general Qasem Soleimani, at Baghdad International Airport. Although Trump blamed them for rocket attacks on a base in the far north, at Kirkuk, the Iraqi military says that these attacks were likely actually by ISIL.

Trump’s rush to judgment, petulance, and obsession with macho posturing led to his killing the wrong people, and setting off a feud with an important part of the Iraqi military among whom the US troops are embedded. The Iraqi parliament voted to require the prime minister to expel US troops from Iraq, but Trump refuses to leave.

Meanwhile, the Iraqi militias warned that if the Iraqi government did not act to make the US military leave, they would take matters into their own hands.

The Trump administration is now more or less forcibly occupying Iraq against the will of its elected representatives, and is waging a low intensity war on a section of the Iraqi military with which the US is supposed to be allied.


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A long-awaited court trial of four suspects implicated in the July 2014 downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 began today (March 9) at The Hague in the Netherlands. 

Three Russian nationals and one Ukrainian have been indicted for the murder of all 298 passengers aboard the ill-fated flight, which was shot down over eastern Ukraine more than five years ago.

“This is a significant milestone toward finding the truth and establishing justice for the victims of the flight MH17 tragedy,” read a March 7 statement issued by Malaysia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“For justice to prevail,” the statement said, will require a “credible and transparent process based on the rule of law.”

Image result for Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin

The statement is one of the first issued by Malaysia since Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin (image on the right) was sworn-in on March 1, and signals a distinct new tone from outgoing premier Mahathir Mohamad’s outlier position on the proceedings.

During his nearly two-year tenure, Mahathir alleged that the Dutch-led Joint Investigation Team (JIT) leading a probe into the disaster had been biased and politicized against Russia.

Though economic ties between Moscow and Putrajaya are modest, the two countries forged closer strategic links during Mahathir’s first and second premierships.

Malaysia’s perceived closeness to Russia, according to various Malaysian officials and reports, led to the Southeast Asian nation being stonewalled as the MH17 investigation unfolded.

While Muhyiddin’s days-old premiership is still taking shape, observers are closely watching whether or not his administration will echo past skepticism of the multinational probe.

Though Mahathir’s government did not oppose a trial, as a small number of civil society groups in Malaysia did, he claimed that evidence against the four accused was lacking and amounted to “hearsay.”

The then-premier’s remarks sparked diplomatic controversy and upset many of the victims’ next-of-kin. Mahathir’s positions, however, continue to be shared by some Malaysian officials who dealt firsthand with the disaster.

Fauziah Mohd Taib, Malaysia’s Ambassador to the Netherlands when the MH17 plane was shot down, is among them.

Image on the left: Former Malaysian Ambassador to the Netherlands Fauziah Mohd Taib, February 7, 2020. Photo: Nile Bowie

“From the beginning, I sensed it already. They were trying to keep me away, trying to keep Malaysia away [from the investigation],” the 64-year-old ex-diplomat said in an interview with Asia Times.

The retired envoy claimed that mutual distrust among countries in the JIT led to Malaysia being initially sidelined from the probe.

While Malaysia is part of the multinational JIT, along with Australia, Belgium, the Netherlands and Ukraine, the grouping’s investigation began without its participation, a sore point that influenced Mahathir’s stance.

As owner of the fallen aircraft, Malaysia was entitled to appoint observers to the probe and be briefed on its findings, according to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) protocols.

But it was only invited to join the criminal probe as an equal member in late November 2014, over four months after MH17 was brought down on July 17.

Fauziah, however, said her country’s prosecutorial representative was only allowed to attend meetings related to the criminal probe in March 2015.

“This is our airplane, our people were also there, all the crew members were Malaysian. Why are we not in the investigation? I found the Dutch to be pulling back when we talk about it,” she said.

“We wanted to join in the JIT from the beginning. We could join the Dutch Safety Board (DSB) daily briefings, which I attended,” she said in reference to the board’s civilian investigation tasked with determining the cause of the crash.

Malaysia, she said, was initially kept out of legal deliberations to apportion blame and criminal charges against suspects.

“They only wanted people from the prosecutor’s office. So, if you are not a lawyer, not a prosecutor, you cannot come in. Even then, there was no official invitation for us. There was no clearance, yet we insisted on being equal partners,” she said.

The veteran diplomat claimed Malaysia’s cordial ties with Russia were cause for it to be isolated from the process.

“I received some information from my colleagues in the Netherlands that it was Ukraine who didn’t want us in because they think we are quite inclined to Russia,” Fauziah said. “But we never made any statement to say that we are pro-Russia or anti-Ukraine. There were no statements, official statements or even implied statements.”

In 2016, investigators concluded that the Malaysian aircraft was hit by a Russian-made Buk-9M38 series missile fired from rebel-held territory in eastern Ukraine, where Russian-backed separatist militias and government forces were engaged in fierce combat. Moscow denies charges that it supplied the missile system which brought down the plane.

The Netherlands and Australia announced in May 2018 that they would hold the Russian state legally responsible for the downing of MH17. Dutch media later reported that Malaysia was only notified of the politically sensitive move just prior to its announcement over fears that it would relay those intentions to Moscow through diplomatic backchannels.

Fauziah claimed that the JIT’s practice of keeping Malaysia at a diplomatic arm’s length helped to validate perceptions of Russia being politically scapegoated by the probe, a position that Mahathir repeatedly affirmed to the bewilderment of public opinion in the Netherlands, which lost 198 of its citizens in the disaster, and elsewhere.

The former Malaysian envoy did not dispute Russia’s support for the rebels in eastern Ukraine, though she claimed Moscow’s own version of events were not examined by the probe. “Because [the JIT] were apportioning blame from the beginning, I think the Russian side should have been given the opportunity to explain themselves,” she said.

“You’ve already blamed Russia and you have already started to enforce sanctions. Why are you doing this when you don’t know yet? That was what I told them,” Fauziah said in reference to economic sanctions levelled against Moscow by the United States and the European Union on July 29, 2014 over its role in the MH17 incident.

“From there I noticed there was this ‘you are not my friend’ kind of feeling. You can see it’s a geopolitical game already. Immediately, you have all finger-pointing to Russia. They were taking advantage of the victims of the incident to come up with something they’ve been waiting for, an opportunity,” she claimed.

It is unlikely that those sentiments will inform the Muhyiddin administration’s stance toward the trial, which is expected to continue throughout 2020. Despite Mahathir’s contrarian position, his government had formally endorsed the JIT’s findings while calling for transparent scrutiny of existing evidence and the gathering of additional data.

There is at least one indication that the new Malaysian government seeks to quiet internal critics.

Colonel Mohd Sakri Hussin, the chief negotiator of a Malaysian team that covertly entered rebel-held territory in eastern Ukraine to retrieve MH17’s flight data recorders and victim remains, had been due to speak at a documentary screening in London on March 3.

Sakri and Mahathir appeared in the online investigative documentary MH17 – Call for Justice and the former had travelled to the United Kingdom to take part in the event’s panel discussion.

Event co-organizer Bonanza Media confirmed to Asia Times that Muhyiddin’s newly-appointed government requested the colonel not to address the gathering, to which he complied.

At present, Dutch prosecutors hold four individuals responsible for the downing of MH17: Russian nationals Sergey Dubinsky, Oleg Pulatov and Igor Girkin, and Ukrainian, Leonid Kharchenko.

None of the four suspects were crew members of the vehicle that fired the missile, but are believed to have colluded with those who carried out the attack.

Clockwise from top left: MH17 suspects Igor Girkin, Sergey Dubinsky, Oleg Pulatov and Leonid Kharchenko. Source: Bellingcat

Girkin, a former Russian FSB security service colonel, is the most prominent figure named and served as minister of defense of the self-declared breakaway republic of Donetsk at the time of the Malaysian aircraft’s downing. Kharchenko is believed to have commanded a pro-Russian separatist combat unit.

Prosecutors claim Dubinsky was employed by Russia’s military intelligence agency (GRU) and was in regular contact with top Russian officials as head of Donetsk’s intelligence service. Pulatov is said to have been a GRU special forces former soldier and deputy head of the same intelligence agency.

None of the defendants, whom are all at large, are expected to present themselves for hearings at The Hague. It is not clear whether the accused will send lawyers to represent them or if they intend to participate in the hearings by video link. Both Russia and Ukraine do not permit the extradition of their own citizens.

The proceedings are nonetheless expected to shine light on hitherto unreleased findings compiled by the largest criminal investigation in Dutch history. Court files collected by police and prosecutors reportedly contain tens of thousands of pieces of evidence, including videos, communication tapes, satellite imagery, photos and social media posts.

Fauziah told Asia Times that she considers evidence brought against the four fugitive suspects so far to be inadequate, and has doubts about the veracity of intercepted phone calls released by Ukraine’s SBU security service that purportedly incriminates them. The former envoy also questions Kiev’s culpability in the incident.

“I was taught as a foreign service officer to be very non-aligned. Non-aligned means not on the side of Russia, but on the side of the truth. Show us proof that the Russians did it. If they can prove it, then so be it,” she said. “Now that the trial has started, we look forward to it being done fairly as many are watching.”


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“Time is out of joint…” – “Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark”. These two sentences by the English dramatist William Shakespeare from his tragedy Hamlet (Act I, Scene V and IV) come to mind when you look at current events and do not lose your nerve.

The worldwide fear of a hitherto unknown but supposedly highly contagious and weapons-grade virus means that many people feel paralysed, public life in several states is crippled by governments, at the same time fundamental civil liberties are “honed” or severely restricted and also the military is brought into readiness. What is going on here?

The former Soviet head of state Mikhail Gorbachev recently described the current political situation as extremely worrying. According to “Sputnik News” of 12.03.20 he wrote: “War is in the air.”

On 11th March 2020 the “Neue Rheinische Zeitung NRhZ” drew attention (in the article “Two Corona Mosaic Stones“) to a publication by the German government in January 2013: the “Information from the German government – Report on risk analysis in civil protection 2012” (printed matter 17/12051 of 3rd January 2013). In it, frightening similarities with what is currently happening can be seen – in particular by explicitly mentioning the “SARS coronavirus (CoV)”. The scenario presented, in which the spread, course, duration, mortality etc. are described, goes as far as to make a drastic restriction of fundamental rights necessary.

The scenario states in this respect:

“The competent authorities, first of all the public health authorities and  primarily the public health officers, must take measures to prevent communicable diseases. The IfSG [Infektionsschutzgesetz] allows, among other things, restrictions of basic rights (§16 IfSG), such as the right to inviolability of the home (Article 13 (1) GG). Within the framework of necessary protective measures, the fundamental right of personal freedom (Article 2 (2) sentence 2 GG) and the freedom of assembly (Article 8 GG) can also be restricted (§ 16 (5) to (8) and § 28 IfSG). In addition to these measures to be ordered directly by the public health officer, the Federal Ministry of Health can order by statutory order that threatened sections of the population have to take part in protective vaccinations or other measures of specific prophylaxis (Article 20 (6) IfSG), whereby the right to physical integrity (Article 2 (2) sentence 1 GG) can be restricted”.

A further report from 9 March makes one sit up and take notice: Two months before the outbreak of the coronavirus in the Chinese city of Wuhan, a group of experts conducted the pandemic simulation “Event 201”, which was organized by John Hopkins University in the US and came to alarming results. The aim was to test how governments and authorities would behave in the event of a global pandemic with “potentially catastrophic consequences” and what effects it could have. The virus used to do this was called CAPS: Coronavirus Associated Pulmonary Syndrome. It was estimated that 65 million people would die. (See this)

Has the ruling “elite” agreed to conduct a long-planned laboratory experiment with the civil society of the countries worldwide at the beginning of 2020? Which states and institutions are responsible for participating in this “sinister coup”? What role do the superpowers China, USA and Russia play?

Interestingly enough, China is now experiencing a decline in the number of infections and deaths. What is the role of the United Nations (UN), which has long had the NWO in mind? And what role in this dirty “game” has been assigned to the by no means independent World Health Organization (WHO)? Do we want to “drag” the current political system, seize power in the world and distract some of the world’s citizens from this geopolitical event? What is their aim?

Questions upon questions, to which we citizens and current “guinea pigs” demand an answer, in order to know what form of government or dictatorship is coming up in the near future and how we can react to it and how we have to arrange our lives.

In any case, we must not lose our thoughts and our heads in the present extremely difficult situation. That is what these dark forces want. It is urgent to think beyond the day and look ahead. Our thoughts are free (Cicero). Since many of us do not trust politicians and corporate media as well as certain social institutions, friendship with trustworthy fellow human beings and the practised mutual help becomes of ever greater and vital importance for each of us.

“Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur.” – “Sine amicitia vitam esse nullam.” Two quotations from Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 to 43 B.C.), politician, lawyer, writer and philosopher of Roman antiquity: “A safe friend is recognized in an uncertain situation.” – “Without friendship, life is nothing.”


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Dr. Rudolf Hänsel is a graduate psychologist and educationalist.

China on Friday issued a report on the human rights violations in the United States.

Titled “The Record of Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2019,” the report said the facts detailed in the document show that “in recent years, especially since 2019, the human rights situation in the United States has been poor and deteriorating”.

The report was released by the State Council Information Office based on published data, media reports and research findings.

Consisting of foreword and seven chapters, it detailed facts on human rights violations in the United States relevant to civil and political rights, social and economic rights, discrimination suffered by ethnic minorities, discrimination and violence against women, living conditions of vulnerable groups, and abuses suffered by migrants, as well as US violations of human rights in other countries.

US women face severe discrimination, violence

Women in the United States still face systematic, broad and institutional discrimination, with shocking overt and covert gender discrimination in various forms, the report said.

Women in the United States were 21 times more likely to die by firearm homicide than women in peer nations, it noted, adding that sexual assault cases against women kept increasing.

Wealth polarization in US hits 50-year high

The gap between rich and poor in the United States hit a 50-year high in 2018 as the Gini Index of the country grew to 0.485.

Citing various media reports and public records, the Record of Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2019 said the increasing consolidation of wealth in the hands of a few has gone beyond what many Americans deem to be justified or morally acceptable.

In 2018, the richest 10 percent held 70 percent of total household wealth. The bottom 50 percent saw essentially zero net gains in wealth over the past 30 years, driving their already meager share of total wealth down to just 1 percent from 4 percent, who are literally getting crushed by the weight of rising inequalities, according to the document.

The basic trend of widening income gap in the United States is casting negative influences on the enjoyment and realization of human rights, said the report.

The main reason for this trend is structural, which is determined by the political system of the United States and the capital interests, adding that the US government not only lacks the political will to eliminate these structural causes, but also continuously introduces policies and measures to strengthen them.

In the United States, “the persistence of extreme poverty is a political choice made by those in power,” said the report, citing Philip G. Alston, United Nation special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights.

While some 39.7 million people living in poverty in 2018, the US Congress has refused to raise the federal minimum wage of 7.25 US dollars per hour for a decade.

In the meantime, the health gap between the United States and countries with the same level of development continues to widen, as 13.7 percent of US adults were uninsured at the end of 2018, up from 10.9 percent at the end of 2016, said the report.

Gun violence rampant in US

The lack of restraint in the right to hold guns has led to rampant gun violence, posing a serious threat to citizens’ life and property safety in the United States.

“The United States is a country with the worst gun violence in the world,” read the report, which was released by the State Council Information Office, based on data, media reports and research findings.

The number of mass killings in the United States hit a record high of 415 in 2019, with more than one happening for every day of the year, the report noted.

In total, 39,052 people died from gun-related violence in the United States in 2019 and a person is killed with a gun in the United States every 15 minutes, it said.

“Politics has led to a proliferation of guns,” the report said, noting that the manufacture, sale and use of guns in the United States is a huge industrial chain, forming a huge interest group. Interest groups such as the National Rifle Association made large political donations for presidential and congressional elections.

The intertwined drawbacks of party politics, election politics and money politics make it difficult for the legislative and executive authorities in the United States to do anything about gun control, only allowing the situation to deteriorate, according to the report.

Citing figures from US media, the report noted that the United States has far more guns than any other country and in 2017 the estimated number of civilian-owned firearms in the United States was 120.5 guns per 100 residents, meaning there were more firearms than people.

Immigrants suffer inhumane treatment in US

Decades of US intervention in its “backyard” Latin America directly led to the worsening of the immigration problems in the Americas.

In recent years, the US government had adopted increasingly strict and inhumane measures against immigrants, in particular the “zero-tolerance” policy which caused the separations of many immigrant families, the report read.

Many unaccompanied immigrant children were held in overcrowded facilities, without access to adequate healthcare or food, and with poor sanitation conditions, the report said.

It noted grave abuses at detention facilities for immigrants, including injecting them with sedatives, keeping them in handcuffs and depriving them of clothing and mattresses.

The frequent human rights violations of immigrants by the United States have been severely condemned by the international community, the report added.

US vulnerable groups living in difficulties

Tens of millions of US children, elder people, and disabled people live without enough food or clothing, and face threats of violence, bullying, abusing and drugs.

The US government not only has insufficient political will to improve the conditions for vulnerable groups, but also keeps cutting relevant funding projects.

While levels of extreme poverty worldwide had dropped dramatically, the poverty ratio of US children was about the same rate as 30 years ago, according to the report.

It also noted that one in four Americans with disabilities faced unique challenges in securing employment and establishing financial security.

Barrier-free environment in the United States is under poor construction, it added.

Ethnic minorities suffer from bullying in US

The political structure and ideology of white supremacy in the United States have caused ethnic minorities to suffer all-round discrimination in various fields such as politics, economy, culture and social life.

In essence, the United States is still a country of white Anglo-Saxon Protestants, where all other races, ethnic groups, and religious and cultural communities endure various levels of discrimination.

Since 2016, white supremacy in the United States has shown a resurgence trend, leading to racial opposition and hatred, said the report.

As a vestige of slavery and racial segregation, African American adults are 5.9 times more likely to be incarcerated than white adults, said the report, adding that racial inequality in the workplace and people’s livelihood have not improved.

The report said that occupational segregation and the persistent devaluation of workers of color are a direct result of intentional government policy.

In the meantime, race-related and anti-religious hate crime climbs to a higher level in the United States in recent years, said the report.

It also highlighted the infringement on the rights of Native Americans, who usually experience more deaths, poverty and higher unemployment rates.

US tramples on human rights in other countries

The United States was responsible for many humanitarian disasters around the world.

The United States had been engaged in wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Yemen, causing enormous civilian casualties and property losses.

The United States hindered the International Criminal Court (ICC) from carrying out its duties to investigate the alleged war crimes committed by the United States, threatening the ICC staff with fund freeze and economic sanctions.

The economic embargo against Cuba and the unilateral sanctions against Venezuela imposed by the United States had been a massive and flagrant violation of the human rights of people in these countries.

The United States withdrew from several multilateral mechanisms, including the UN Human Rights Council and the UN Global Compact on Migration, shirking off its international obligations and making troubles to the international governance system.


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COVID-19 and the CIA’s Biological Warfare on Cuba

March 16th, 2020 by Timothy Alexander Guzman

Maybe it was a plan that went horribly wrong, something they could no longer control. Was the Corona virus or COVID-19 spread intentionally? What if this virus was used against China as a weapon of choice to destabilize China’s economy and push back against China’s growing influence? We don’t know for sure, but it is possible. Investigations are ongoing. Nothing has not been confirmed.

But what has been confirmed is what history has taught us given the facts on how the use of biological warfare for various purposes, against many peoples and nations has been happening for some time. One of the most well-known incidents of biological warfare occurred in 1763, the British Empire had planned and successfully managed to spread smallpox virus to the Native Americans during the Pontiac Rebellion in Pennsylvania. Chief Pontiac of the Ottawa launched an attack on Fort Detroit, a British military base.

Other nations joined the rebellion including the Senecas, the Hurons, Delawares, and Miamis. As the war raged, an Indian delegation asked the British to surrender, but they refused, however, the British offered gifts including food, alcohol and material items that included two blankets and a handkerchief from people who had smallpox. Although the American Indians had experienced the disease in the past, the idea was to spread the disease among the Native American populations in an attempt to push back the rebellion or to defeat it once and for all.

Another example of biological warfare was when Imperial Japan before and during World War II had a bio-weapons program that managed to drop numerous bombs on a number of Chinese cities from airplanes killing an estimated 580,000 Chinese people with bombs that were made of infected fleas, some even contained cholera and shigella during the Sino-Japanese war between the 1930′s and 1940′s.

In 1981, the CIA with help from U.S. military had launched an operation against Cuba by unleashing a strain of Dengue Fever also known as “hemorrhagic fever’ effecting more than 273,000 people killing 158 including 101 children. On September 6, 1981, The New York Times reported on Fidel Castro’s comments regarding the U.S. government in particularly, blaming the CIA for the outbreak when he said that

”we urge the United States Government to define its policy in this field, to say whether the C.I.A. will or will not be authorized again- or has already been authorized – to organize attacks against leaders of the revolution and to use plagues against our plants, our animals and our people.”

The report said that the“epidemic of dengue fever that has made 340,000 people ill and has killed about 150″ but the State Department under-then President Ronald Reagan stated that “Mr. Castro’s charges of possible United States involvement in the epidemic were ”totally without foundation.” The State department quickly blamed the Castro’s revolution as a failure:

The Cuban Government has always tried to blame the United States for its failures and its internal problems,” the department said. ”The Cuban revolution is a failure, and it is obviously easier to blame external forces like the United States than to admit those failures”.

Dr, Ronald St. John, chief of communicable diseases for the Pan American Health Organization was interviewed by the New York Times said that “for the first time, so-called dengue-2 spread to Cuba.” Dr. St. John claimed that it is common in Southeast Asia and that it produces

“the same symptoms as the other three” and that ”if you get a wave of dengue-1, dengue-3 or dengue-4 and then another wave of type 2, this is a bad combination.”

Dengue-2 causes you too loose body fluids causing shocks that can lead to eventually death. Convenient for the CIA who saw it as an opportunity to cause panic on Cuba which is located in one of the most hot and humid regions in the world. However, The New York Times managed to downplay Cuba’s accusation’s by ending the story by blaming the spread of the disease on returning Cuban troops from Africa and other people from other parts of the Caribbean who might have brought Dengue fever into Cuba:

Some State Department officials believe the introduction of dengue-2 into Cuba is a result of the return to Cuba of troops who had been stationed in Angola or elsewhere in Africa, where the strain is found. But Dr. St. John said dengue-2 had been found in other parts of the Caribbean and might have been carried to Cuba from there or elsewhere overseas

Reports suggested that Cuba had a very small number of cases in 1944, and again in 1977. The 1981 outbreak was blamed on covert flyover operations conducted by the CIA with military owned airplanes, you know, the same airplanes that were most probably used against Nicaragua’s Sandinistas to transport weapons and other materials to the Contras around the same time.

Since the 20th century, the U.S. has been the leader in developing various biological and chemical weapons through the U.S. Army’s Biological Warfare Laboratories based at Fort Detrick, Maryland since the late 1940′s, around the start of the Cold War.

The U.S. biological warfare program that supposedly ended in 1969 developed a handful of biological weapons ready for use including anthrax, Q-fever and botulism and conducted research in hopes of weaponizing diseases including smallpox, Hantavirus, Lassa fever, yellow fever, typhus, dengue fever and the bird flu among them.

An article from August 6, 2019 on Fort Detrick from the UK’s ‘The Independent’ titled ‘Research into deadly viruses and biological weapons at US army lab shut down over fears they could escape’ last August. Ironically, Secretary of State and Neocon Mike Pompeo called it the “Wuhan virus” since they blame China for the outbreak, but it seems that the U.S. had its own problems when it comes to their own labs who conduct research with the most deadly viruses:

America’s main biological warfare lab has been ordered to stop all research into the deadliest viruses and pathogens over fears contaminated waste could leak out of the facility. Fort Detrick, in Maryland, has been the epicentre of the US Army’s bioweapons research since the beginning of the Cold War. But last month the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – the government’s public health body – stripped the base of its license to handle highly restricted “select agents”, which includes Ebola, smallpox and anthrax

The story was basically about the CDC who inspected Fort Detrick and found problems with new procedures used to decontaminate waste water. The article says that Fort Detrick continued its research for defensive purposes to “protect the warfighter from biological threats” although the U.S. declared that it abandoned their biological weapons program since 1969:

Although the United States officially abandoned its biological weapons programme in 1969, Fort Detrick has continued defensive research into deadly pathogens on the list of “select agents”, including the Ebola virus, the organisms that cause the plague, and the highly toxic poison ricin. The army’s Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, based at Fort Detrick, says its primary mission today is to “protect the warfighter from biological threats” but its scientists also investigate outbreaks of disease among civilians and other threats to public health. In recent years it has been involved in testing possible vaccines for Ebola, after several epidemics of the deadly virus in Africa

Sooner or later, the truth will come out. I believe that the U.S. government knows how COVID-19 began and where it was going. The U.S. government and major corporate arms manufacturers and the rest of the Military-Industrial Complex is no stranger to biological weapons adding to their arsenal of nuclear and chemical weapons at their disposal which makes them, much more dangerous. The truth about COVID-19 will eventually come out. In the meantime, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, a war against Russia, China, Iran or Venezuela is in the works and a coming economic crisis with an election coming this November seems like 2020 will be the year of a perfect storm.


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This article was originally published on Silent Crow News.

Timothy Alexander Guzman is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Our Vanishing World: Oceans

March 16th, 2020 by Robert J. Burrowes

As the human onslaught against life on Earth accelerates, no part of the biosphere is left pristine. The simple act of consuming more than we actually need drives the world’s governments and corporations to endlessly destroy more and more of the Earth to extract the resources necessary to satisfy our insatiable desires. In fact, an initiative of the World Economic Forum has just reported that ‘For the first time in history, more than 100 billion tonnes of materials are entering the global economy every year’ – see ‘The Circularity Gap Report 2020’– which means that, on average, every person on Earth uses more than 13 tonnes of materials each year extracted from the Earth.

As I have explained elsewhere, however, the psychological damage we have all suffered, which leaves us with unmet but critically important emotional needs (and, in many cases, the sense that our lives are meaningless), cannot be rectified by material consumption. Despite this, most of us will spend our lives engaged in a futile attempt to fill the aching void in our psyche by consuming and accumulating, at staggering cost to the Earth. Identifying when we have ‘enough’ is a capacity that most modern humans have never acquired for reasons that can be easily explained. See ‘Love Denied: The Psychology of Materialism, Violence and War’.

Hence, our world continues to vanish, as has been extensively documented. For a summary, see ‘Human Extinction Now Imminent and Inevitable? A Report on the State of Planet Earth’.

And nowhere is this more evident than in the planet’s oceans, which are being systematically destroyed and where life is being progressively extinguished.

In fact, our destruction of the oceans is now so advanced that the fish, mammals (including seals, whales, manatees, sea otters and polar bears), crustaceans (including crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimps, prawns, krill and barnacles), coral reefs (made up of coral polyps, marine invertebrate animals that live in colonies) and the millions of species that live in and around them (including sponges, mollusks, sea anemones, seahorses, sea turtles as well as crustaceans and an enormous variety of fish), plants (such as algae, seaweed and seagrass), microscopic organisms (residing in the ocean and on the ocean floor), invertebrates (such as sea urchins and sea slugs), birds (including better known ones such as penguins, auks, murres, razorbills, puffins, tubenoses – such as the albatross and petrels – pelicans and gulls and a great many species that are less well known), and the other lifeforms that live in and on the ocean are vanishing rapidly.

Starkly illustrating the catastrophic nature of what is taking place, one recent incident alone killed 100 million Pacific cod. See ‘Ocean heat waves like the Pacific’s deadly “Blob” could become the new normal’. But, tragically, such incidents are no longer unusual and, of course, they generate cascading impacts. See, for example, ‘Fish all gone!… Millions of small sea birds died since 2015’.

‘How can we destroy the oceans?’ you might ask. Unfortunately, far too easily when you consider the range of assaults to which they are being subjected.

So let me give you a brief 18-point outline of what we are doing that is destroying the oceans – where life on Earth originated and which remains the planet’s main life support system by dominating the processes that keep our planet habitable such as regulating the climate by absorbing excess carbon dioxide and heat – while also giving you some idea of the impacts of this on the creatures that live in and on the oceans.

As a result of human activities that generate carbon emissions, we are dumping ever-increasing amounts of carbon dioxide into the oceans which have absorbed 20–30% of total anthropogenic emissions in the last two decades. This is causing the oceans to warm, acidify and lose oxygen, among several other adverse outcomes. See ‘The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate: A Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’. p. 450. These adverse changes, in turn, generate a range of ‘downstream’ negative impacts. However, there are other human activities unrelated to carbon emissions that are destroying the oceans too.

So here is the summary.

1. The oceans are warming.

In relation to warming, the oceans have been heating up for several decades and, since 2005, the increase has been unchecked. Moreover, it is occurring at all ocean depths, including in the deep ocean (below 2,000 metres). In addition, the rate of warming has been increasing and the rate of ocean uptake of atmospheric CO2 has continued to strengthen in the last two decades in response to the increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. This is causing the upper ocean to stratify making the surface ocean less dense over time, compared to the deeper ocean, and inhibiting the exchange between surface and deep waters.

As one result of this ocean warming, the range of some species has expanded and, in the case of tropical species that have expanded into higher latitudes, it has led to increased grazing on some coral reefs, rocky reefs, seagrass meadows and epipelagic (near-surface) ecosystems, leading to altered ecosystem structure.

Ocean warming has also contributed to changes in the biogeography of organisms ranging from phytoplankton to marine mammals, consequently changing community composition, and in some cases, altering interactions between organisms. The net outcome is an adverse impact on marine organisms and fisheries with serious implications for human communities and food production.

Ocean warming is also manifesting in a range of diverse and unpredicted ways with one of the more catastrophic aberrations, touched on above, being the occurrence of ‘blobs’: huge patches of unusually warm ocean water that can be millions of square kilometres in size. These ‘marine heatwaves’ wreak havoc, sometimes killing millions of ocean creatures in a single incident (including by disturbing food chains), forcing others to relocate, and perhaps generating unusual blooms of toxic algae. See ‘Ocean heat waves like the Pacific’s deadly “Blob” could become the new normal’.

Among its other impacts, the warming oceans mean there is more available energy that can be converted into cyclonic winds. Research on this subject indicates that there has been ‘an increase in intense hurricane activity over the past 40 years’. See ‘Hurricanes and Climate Change’ and Changes in Tropical Cyclone Number, Duration, and Intensity in a Warming Environment. These events cause landslides, collapses in fisheries, and damage to reefs and shallow-water habitats. When they impact on coastal communities, they kill people and destroy properties, among other outcomes. See ‘The state of our oceans – The damaging effects of ocean pollution’.

Warming oceans also cause coral bleaching. This is because corals have algae that live in their tissues and these algae provide the coral with essential nutrients and give them their color. The warming oceans cause this relationship to become stressed, forcing the algae out of the coral. As a result, the coral becomes white, loses its main food source, and becomes more vulnerable to disease. See ‘Coral Bleaching’.

Warmer ocean water causes sea level rise too because warmer water has a greater volume than colder water. Of course, sea level rise also occurs because of the additional water from melting land ice and a devastating level of rise from this cause is already ‘locked in’ because of past emissions. See ‘Sea Level Rise!’

Ocean warming and increased stratification disturb ocean nutrient cycles and this is having a regionally variable (but usually adverse) impact on many species too.

And finally, ocean warming – most likely from ice loss in the Arctic – is weakening the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) which is one of the key drivers of global ocean circulation; it includes the Gulf Stream that transports warm and salty tropical waters north to the western coasts of Europe where the warm water releases heat to the atmosphere, playing a key role in the warming of western Europe and thus its functional habitability. Once the tropical water reaches the south and east of Greenland, it cools before sinking to the base of the North Atlantic Ocean because it is saltier and thus denser than the surrounding fresh water. The water is then pushed south along the abyss of the Atlantic Ocean completing what has been, from a human viewpoint, a perpetual cycle. See Arctic sea-ice decline weakens the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and Global Ocean Circulation Appears To Be Collapsing Due To A Warming Planet’. How much longer it will be so appears to defy reliable scientific assessment. But as it breaks down, the adverse outcomes multiply rapidly.

In fact, ocean circulation generally is being impacted by the warming climate, as established by a recently concluded study:

Ocean circulation plays a vital role in regulating the weather and climate and supporting marine life…. Here, we show for the first time, independent satellite observational evidence demonstrating that the large-scale ocean gyres are moving poleward during the past four decades. Further analysis based on climate models and various other data sets reveal that the poleward shifting of the ocean gyre circulation is most likely to be a consequence of global warming, which so far has not been well recognized by the public and the scientific community…. Such changes have had disastrous consequences…. See Poleward shift of the major ocean gyres detected in a warming climate.

2. The oceans are becoming more acidic.

In response to the increasing carbon uptake the oceans are also becoming more acidic. This has probably been the case for three-quarters of the near-surface open ocean since prior to 1950 and it is very likely that over 95% of the near surface open ocean has now been affected. See ‘The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate: A Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’. p. 450.

In a stark warning issued by the International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO) in 2013, scientists had already noted that the oceans are becoming more acidic at the fastest rate in 300m years. Why? Because of carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels. ‘This [acidification] is unprecedented in the Earth’s known history. We are entering an unknown territory of marine ecosystem change, and exposing organisms to intolerable evolutionary pressure. The next mass extinction may have already begun.’ See ‘Rate of ocean acidification due to carbon emissions is at highest for 300m years’.

In its latest report, issued in 2018, IPSO declared the following: ‘The ocean, by its breadth and depth, occupies more than 97% of the living space on Earth. It dominates the processes that keep our planet habitable…. But this protection comes at a cost as the ocean is now becoming more acidic…. For too long we have mistaken the immensity of the ocean for inviolability, but those days are gone, and we stand at a critical juncture. Cutting emissions, while essential, will not alone solve the environmental problems we face.’ See ‘Eight urgent fundamental and simultaneous steps needed to restore ocean health, and the consequences for humanity and the planet of inaction or delay’.

3. The oceans are deoxygenating.

Oxygen in the air or water is of paramount importance to most living organisms. Unfortunately, as a recent report documents in considerable detail (and which confirms earlier research), oxygen levels are currently declining across the ocean (and not just in the more widely known ocean ‘dead zones’: see below). See ‘Ocean deoxygenation: Everyone’s problem. Causes, impacts, consequences and solutions’.

Deoxygenation of the ocean is the result of two overlying causes – eutrophication (the process by which a body of water becomes overly enriched with minerals and nutrients thus inducing excessive growth of algae which absorb the oxygen at the expense of the water body) as a result of nutrient run-off from land and deposition of nitrogen from the burning of fossil fuels, as well as the heating of ocean waters as another outcome of burning fossil fuels, primarily causing a change in ventilation with the overlying atmosphere so that the oceans hold less soluble oxygen (and which is compounded by reduced ocean mixing and changes in currents and wind patterns). Ocean deoxygenation is but the latest consequence of our activities on the ocean to be recognized and is yet another ‘major stressor’ on marine systems.

Eutrophication has been identified as a problem in 900 separate areas of the ocean, with 700 of these suffering hypoxia (low oxygen) as a result. But because ocean warming lowers oxygen directly, it is now impacting vast areas of the ocean as well. As a result, ‘the ocean has now become a source of oxygen for the atmosphere even though its oxygen inventory is only about 0.6% of that of the atmosphere’. Moreover, different analyses have concluded that global ocean oxygen content has decreased by 1-2 % since the middle of the 20th century. Given existing trends in the factors driving this change, the rate of loss must accelerate.

Obviously, the future intensification and expansion of low oxygen zones will have further adverse ecosystem and biogeochemical consequences, particularly in combination with, and sometimes synergistically with, other threats. For example, ‘ocean warming accompanied by deoxygenation will drive habitat contraction and fragmentation in regions where oxygen levels decline below metabolic requirements’.

4. The oceans are being contaminated with nuclear radiation.

Greenpeace activists protest outside the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) shareholder’s meeting held at The Prince Park Tower in Tokyo. They hold a banner which reads: “TEPCO: The worst Ever Polluting Company.”  TEPCO is the operator of the crisis-stricken Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant which has been emitting radion since it was struck by an earthquake and tsunami on March 2011. The activists also raised a banner reading “No more nuclear” in Japanese, asking TEPCO to disengage from the nuclear industry.

Despite an extensive and ongoing coverup by the Japanese government and nuclear corporations as well as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), vast amounts of radioactive waste are being dumped into the biosphere from the TEPCO nuclear power plant at Fukushima in Japan including by discharge into the Pacific Ocean. This is killing an incalculable number of fish and other marine organisms and indefinitely contaminating expanding areas of that ocean. See ‘Fukushima: A Nuclear War without a War: The Unspoken Crisis of Worldwide Nuclear Radiation’, ‘2019 Annual Report – Fukushima 8th Anniversary’, ‘Eight years after triple nuclear meltdown, Fukushima No. 1’s water woes show no signs of ebbing’ and ‘Fukushima’s Three Nuclear Meltdowns Are “Under Control” – That’s a Lie’.

In addition, one critical legacy of the US military’s 67 secretive and lethal nuclear weapons tests on the Marshall Islands between 1946 and 1958 is the ‘eternally’ radioactive garbage left behind and now leaking into the Pacific Ocean. See ‘The Pentagon’s Disastrous Radioactive Waste Dump in the Drowning Marshall Islands is Leaking into the Pacific Ocean’.

And, of course, there are up to 70 ‘still functional’ nuclear weapons as well as nine nuclear reactors lying on the ocean floor as a result of accidents involving nuclear warships and submarines. These are leaking an unknown amount of radiation into the oceans. See ‘Naval Nuclear Accidents: The Secret Story’, ‘A Nuclear Needle in a Haystack: The Cold War’s Missing Atom Bombs’ and, for one specific example (the former Soviet submarine Komsomolets), see ‘Soviet nuclear submarine emitting radiation “100,000 times normal level” into sea, scientists find’.

5. The oceans are being contaminated as a result of offshore oil and gas drilling, as well as oil spills.

The complex but far-from-perfect technologies and the many environmental challenges associated with oil and gas drilling in the ocean have ensured the near-routine occurrence of often disastrous accidents which invariably lead to fossil fuels and other contaminants being discharged into the ocean, sometimes on a vast scale.

The classic case, of course, was the BP-leased Deepwater Horizon rig which had drilled a well to 35,055 feet (10 kilometers) while operating in 4,130 feet (1 kilometer) of water. The oil rig exploded and sank in the Gulf of Mexico on 20 April 2010 releasing 5 million barrels of oil into the ocean making it the worst environmental disaster in US history. It caused extensive damage to the ocean, corals and beaches and killed millions of fish, birds and marine mammals in and on the ocean. Despite a ‘clean up’, only one quarter of the oil was ever removed from the ocean. See ‘The Dangers of Offshore Drilling’.

The simple reality is that despite the industry’s safety claims, oil rig fires are commonplace. See ‘Why Is Offshore Drilling So Dangerous?’

And so are oil spills into the ocean for other reasons, including from tankers – see ‘Top 10 Worst Oil Spills’ – as the Exxon Valdez disaster in 1989 demonstrated all too graphically. See ‘The Complete Story of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill’.

Often enough as well, oil is discharged into the ocean as a result of military activities and war. During the Gulf War in 1991, for example, vast quantities of oil were released into the Persian Gulf as a military tactic. See ‘The World’s Largest Oil Spill: The Gulf War Kuwait, 1991’ and Gulf War Oil Disaster: A Brief History’.

6. The oceans are being damaged by deep sea mining.

Recent technological advances spurred by growing demand for minerals used in consumer electronics has led to increased interest in deep sea mining as the next frontier in resource extraction. Hailed as the new ‘global gold rush’, deep sea mining entails extracting minerals from deposits in the deep sea (approximately 400 to 6,000 meters below sea level) for use in emerging and high technology, among other sectors. Predictably, deep sea mining shares many features with past resource scrambles, including a general disregard for environmental and social impacts, and the marginalization of indigenous peoples and their rights. See ‘Broadening Common Heritage: Addressing Gaps in the Deep Sea Mining Regulatory Regime’ and ‘Deep-sea mining possibly as damaging as land mining, lawyers say’.

Beyond these adverse impacts, however, recent research makes it increasingly clear that deep sea mining poses a grave threat to vital seabed functions, including those played by hydrothermal vents and cold seeps, for example, which support remarkable biodiversity and sequester disproportionate amounts of carbon. Moreover, recent scientific breakthroughs have further revealed that most of the excess heat resulting from increased atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases has been absorbed by the deep ocean, thereby significantly limiting the climate catastrophe’s impacts on the ocean’s surface and on land. See ‘Deep sea ecology: hydrothermal vents and cold seeps’ and ‘Broadening Common Heritage: Addressing Gaps in the Deep Sea Mining Regulatory Regime’.

In essence, deep sea mining threatens the ‘common heritage’ the seabed provides through its substantial contributions to biodiversity, climate regulation and heat storage.

7. The oceans are being polluted with industrial (including chemical) and farming wastes including pesticides and fertilizers which are generating ‘dead zones’, regions of the oceans that are devoid of life.

Despite the existence of the ‘Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and other Matter’ (otherwise known as the London Dumping Convention, 1972), an international treaty ‘that created a global system to protect the marine environment from pollution caused by ocean dumping’ – and certainly including radioactive wastes, fossil fuels, some toxic wastes, biological and chemical warfare agents, and persistent synthetic materials such as plastic – and supposedly ‘ensures that the few materials that are permitted for ocean disposal are carefully evaluated to make sure that they will not pose a danger to human health or the environment’ – see ‘1972 Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter (London Convention)’ – the Convention must be one of the least comprehensive and most violated in international law. In any case, there is no evidence that it has any restraining impact on the actions of states or corporations as the evidence above and below demonstrates.

For example, a vast runoff of industrial wastes (including heavy metals), agricultural poisons, fossil fuels and other wastes is discharged into the ocean, adversely impacting life at all ocean depths – see ‘Staggering level of toxic chemicals found in creatures at the bottom of the sea, scientists say’ – and, as noted above, generating ocean ‘dead zones’ (of which there are many hundred): regions that have too little oxygen to support marine organisms. See ‘Ocean Dead Zones Are Getting Worse Globally Due to Climate Change’ and ‘Ocean “dead zones” are spreading – and that spells disaster for fish’.

8. The oceans are being polluted by nitrogen.

While nitrogen is vital to the health of the ocean, like everything else that makes up the ocean, it must be in balance, not fluctuating beyond very narrow parameters. See ‘Understanding nitrogen’s role in the ocean’.

But it is now well past the point when this state has been the case.

This is because nitrogen is one important element of the industrial and agricultural pollution just mentioned. It is the nitrogen component in the runoffs of these wastes (such as fertilizers and sewage) into the ocean that causes harmful algal blooms, eutrophication and ocean dead zones (hypoxia) while making marine life more vulnerable to disease, reducing biodiversity in shallow estuarine waters, degrading ocean ecosystems and contributing to global warming. ‘Algal blooms deplete dissolved oxygen, causing marine wildlife to suffer and become more vulnerable to toxins and disease. Nitrogen in the blooms also produces nitrous oxide (N20), a greenhouse gas far more potent than carbon dioxide. This contributes to global warming, which further degrades oceans by increasing acidity in the water as the oceans absorb more and more carbon.’ See ‘Stop Nitrogen Pollution of Oceans – Green Algal Slime Busters’.

9. The oceans are being polluted with discharges from warships, commercial shipping and cruise ships: bilge water, ballast water, sewage, graywater and general rubbish.

Despite the 1973 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, known as the MARPOL Convention, which has been routinely added to over subsequent years and gives the impression of being comprehensive, there is obviously little interest in abiding by the terms of the Convention and little evidence that most ship crews do so. Moreover, given that many provisions of the Convention focus on minimizing discharges within 12 nautical miles of land, that leaves a great deal of ocean into which such discharges can be done legally even if disposal of plastics beyond the 12 mile limit remains illegal.

In addition, while the MARPOL Convention was theoretically designed to minimize releases by both operational and accidental causes, laws do not prevent accidents as the long list of oil tanker accidents, touched on above, such as that of the Odyssey in 1988, the Exxon Valdez in 1989 and the Haven in 1991, resulting in massive oil discharges into the ocean reminds us. See, for example, ‘Top 10 Worst Oil Spills’.

But the law is violated deliberately in any case. Bilge water – a filthy, oily mess of fresh water, seawater, chemicals, oil, sludge, and other fluids from a ship – is found at the very bottom of the ship where the two sides of the hull meet. Seawater is pumped into large ships to cool their engines and as the water moves through the cooling system it picks up loose oil and waste from the engine and this, together with oil drips from the pipes and machinery fittings, ends up in the bilge well of the ship. See ‘What is Bilge Water?’

However, despite the MARPOL Convention, across the world many oceangoing vessels break these international laws and empty their untreated bilge water into the ocean. For example, in 2016 Princess Cruises, one of 10 brands owned by Carnival Corporation, the world’s largest cruise holiday company, was fined £32million for bypassing oil treatment systems on their vessels, deliberately and illegally dumping thousands of gallons of oil and waste off the UK coast. See ‘Cruise line fined £32m for using “magic pipe” to dump oily waste into UK waters’.

And while we are on cruise ships, of which there are more than 300 carrying half a million passengers annually – see ‘2018 Worldwide Cruise Line Passenger Capacity’ – the glossy advertising brochures do not tell you the extraordinary downside of this holiday/travel option which, among many other problems, are an ecological nightmare for our oceans. Altogether, the 16 major cruise lines generate over one billion gallons of sewage each year, much of it raw or poorly treated and simply discharged into the ocean. And apart from the carbon emissions (with one cruise ship producing 13 million cars worth of CO2 each day) and the oily bilge water, grey water and various other pollutants are a concern both while at sea and docked in port. See ‘16 Things Cruise Lines Never Tell You’.

And while some shipwrecks are a source of fascination for scuba divers and treasure hunters, the vast bulk of the estimated 3 million shipwrecks, particularly more recent ones, are just more junk (or even sources of contamination) in the ocean. See ‘How Many Shipwrecks Are There?’

10. The oceans are being used as a vast rubbish dump, resulting in such phenomena as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

We are making the oceans a rubbish dump for vast quantities of pollutants and contaminants, ranging from plastic, microplastics, microbeads and microfibers to toxic and radioactive wastes.

In relation to plastic, a major scientific study involving 24 expeditions conducted between 2007 and 2013, which was designed to estimate ‘the total number of plastic particles and their weight floating in the world’s oceans’ the team of scientists estimated that there was ‘a minimum of 5.25 trillion particles weighing 268,940 tons’. See ‘Plastic Pollution in the World’s Oceans: More than 5 Trillion Plastic Pieces Weighing over 250,000 Tons Afloat at Sea’ and ‘Full scale of plastic in the world’s oceans revealed for first time’.

Since then, of course, the problem has become progressively worse with vast quantities of plastic (entangled in other garbage) forming into floating garbage patches that are vast in size. See ‘Plastic Garbage Patch Bigger Than Mexico Found in Pacific’ and ‘Plastic Chokes the Seas’.

Furthermore, a recent UN report documenting marine debris – that is, rubbish in the ocean – noted the increasing number of marine species impacted by debris through ingestion and entanglement and provided further information on the types of impacts occurring, particularly with respect to microplastics and their physical and chemical effects. The report paid particular attention to ‘persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic substances’ (PBTs), noting the recent studies of the presence of toxic chemicals derived from plastics in marine taxa in a separate appendix. See ‘Marine Debris: Understanding, Preventing and Mitigating the Significant Adverse Impacts on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity’.

Another article highlights the now ubiquitous nature of the ocean garbage problem: There is rubbish everywhere, literally. See ‘How an Uninhabited Island Got the World’s Highest Density of Trash’.

‘Does it matter?’ you might ask. According to a UN report, it matters a great deal: marine debris is harming an increasing number of species, now more than 800, and previous research places the cost of pollution caused by marine debris at $13 billion annually. See ‘New UN report finds marine debris harming more than 800 species, costing countries millions’.

11. The oceans are being overfished and illegally fished.

Apart from the destruction wrought by aquaculture, considered in the next section, the world’s oceans are being plundered mercilessly for remaining fish stocks. In 2017, a report from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) noted that ‘The international community is harvesting fish at unsustainable biological levels. The Mediterranean Sea is about 70 per cent exploited; the Black Sea 90 per cent.’ Of course, the fact that the fishing industry is subsidized to the tune of $US 35 billion annually (more than one-fifth of the annual fish market of $US150billion) adds enormous additional incentive to fish the world’s oceans. Needless to say, these subsidies facilitate ‘a race to the bottom’ as fishing fleets compete to harvest increasing amounts of fish ‘at a time when seafood is already a scarce resource’. See ‘Next month’s ocean conference eyes cutting $35 billion in fisheries subsidies – UN trade officials’.

Unfortunately too, despite supposed ambitions to end illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing methods, the annual value of fish caught these ways is estimated at $US23billion. See ‘More Plastic than Fish or How Politicians Help Ocean Destruction’.

In essence, with a global fishing fleet of 4.6 million vessels, massive government subsidies to encourage over-fishing, virtually nothing done to prevent illegal and unregulated fishing, and almost half the human population relying on fish for an adequate diet, the increasing biological unsustainability of fishing is destined, particularly when considered in conjunction with other threats mentioned above and below, to wreak ongoing havoc on fish populations (as well as species caught incidentally as ‘bycatch’) until the oceans are emptied of fish.

Moreover, given the ever-neglected synergistic impacts of the many threats discussed in this article, as well as the inevitably increasing number of incidents – such as the ‘blob’ that suddenly killed 100 million Pacific cod mentioned above – this can now happen very quickly.

Of course, it is not just fish that are being taken from the ocean. Many other species are heavily impacted too.

Whales have been hunted mercilessly for a very long time with the total number in the ocean reduced from about 5 million 500 years ago to about 1 million now. This has caused enormous damage to the ocean but also the biosphere as a whole given the prodigious capacity of whales to sequester carbon, for example. See ‘How Whales Sequester Tonnes of CO2: Our Secret Weapon against Climate Change’. Apart from the ongoing hunting – see ‘Iceland is killing fin whales for Japanese pet treats’ – whales are now killed by many other human activities ranging from entanglement in discarded fishing gear and consumption of plastic – see ‘Plastic Waste Kills Six-Ton Whale’– to seismic airguns which are a probable cause of beach strandings – see ‘337 Dead Whales In Chile Is Worst Case Of Mass Deaths So Far’– as explained below.

And sea otters – which play a vital role in maintaining the health of the ocean’s kelp forests by eating the sea urchins that eat the kelp – have also been mercilessly slaughtered in vast numbers for their fur pelts in the past. More recently, however, they are being hunted by killer whales which have changed their diet to include otters because their main food source, the great whale, has been almost entirely wiped out by commercial hunting. See ‘Sea Otters as Habitat Protectors’.

12. The oceans are being subjected to destructive fishing practices, such as bottom trawling, blast fishing, cyanide fishing, ghost fishing and aquaculture.

Some fishing methods are so destructive that they cause harm to the ocean environments where fish are caught. ‘Bottom trawling’ is one such practice: it involves fishing boats dragging large, heavy nets along the ocean floor and it is practiced on a huge scale all around the world. Blast fishing involves the use of explosives and cyanide fishing uses poison.

Damage to the surrounding ocean – including corals, sponges, and other organisms living on the seabed – is inevitable ‘collateral damage’ to these types of fishing. See ‘The state of our oceans – The damaging effects of ocean pollution’.

But if you think the above fishing practices are bad, consider ‘ghost fishing’: the damage done by the (at least) 640,000 tonnes of fishing gear that is lost or abandoned in the oceans each year. Official estimates indicate that ‘ghost gear’ makes up 10% of waste in the oceans. Moreover, while it has an enormous adverse impact on ocean life, derelict gear also detrimentally alters seabed and marine environments. See ‘Our oceans are haunted: How “ghost fishing” is devastating our marine environments’ and ‘Ghost Fishing? 640,000 Tonnes of Fishing Gear Dumped in Oceans Every Year’.

And if the existing overfishing and illegal fishing are not doing enough damage to Earth’s oceans, every year 80 million tons – almost half of annual seafood consumption – is produced by ‘aquaculture’: an industry that builds floating cages for salmon, artificial ponds for prawns on the coasts, and tanks for seafood in factory buildings – that is, aquatic factory farms. Of course, aquaculture is not the solution to overfishing: it is worsening the problem. ‘Trawler fleets sweep up vast quantities of wild fish and grind them into fishmeal and fish oil to feed farmed fish. Far from being “sustainable”, this is an incredibly inefficient and wasteful process: it takes up to five kilos of edible fish such as anchovies, mackerels or sardines, for example, to produce a single kilo of salmon.’

Moreover, as traditional stocks of species used to make fishmeal and fish oil collapse, the industry becomes less discriminating in its selection of targeted species and frequently includes juveniles as well as rare and endangered species, including turtles, stingrays and sharks. Predictably investigators researching the problem ‘did not have to dig deep to uncover shocking evidence of how this industry is trashing the oceans, but the full scale of its impacts is concealed from public view’. See ‘Fishing for Catastrophe: How global aquaculture supply chains are leading to the destruction of wild fish stocks and depriving people of food in India, Vietnam and The Gambia’, ‘Stop plundering the oceans for industrial aquaculture!’ and ‘Until the Seas Run Dry: How industrial aquaculture is plundering the oceans’.

Another problem with aquaculture is the way in which disease and parasites can spread among the intensively-farmed fish with, for example, the sea louse causing enormous problems among farmed salmon in Scotland, Norway, and Canada reducing the amount of fish produced by tens of thousands of tons per year and causing increasingly drastic – that is, inhumane and environmentally harmful – responses to be attempted. See ‘Salmon farming in crisis: “We are seeing a chemical arms race in the seas”’.

But disease and parasites can spread from the intensively farmed fish to wild populations too and, for example, this is causing populations of wild salmon and trout to decrease. See ‘The state of our oceans – The damaging effects of ocean pollution’.

13. The oceans are being damaged by sand mining.

The largest mining endeavour on Earth, accounting for 85% of all mineral extraction, is sand mining. See ‘The Hidden Environmental Toll of Mining the World’s Sand’. However, one study has suggested that existing figures ‘grossly underestimate global sand extraction and use’ because official statistics widely under-report sand use and typically ‘do not include nonconstruction purposes such as hydraulic fracturing and beach nourishment’. See ‘Global Patterns and Trends for Non‐Metallic Minerals used for Construction’ and ‘The world is facing a global sand crisis’.

More problematically than inaccurate official statistics, however, is that sand mining, of all mining activity, is ‘the least regulated, and quite possibly the most corrupt and environmentally destructive.’ See ‘The Hidden Environmental Toll of Mining the World’s Sand’.

Why is sand mined? Sand is mainly used for the concrete that goes into building but it is also a key ingredient for roads, glass and electronics. In addition, massive amounts of sand are mined for land reclamation projects, shale gas extraction and beach renourishment programs. See ‘A looming tragedy of the sand commons’ and ‘The world is facing a global sand crisis’.

Of course, not all of this sand comes from the oceans but plenty of it does. Moreover: ‘As land quarries and riverbeds become tapped out, sand miners are turning to the seas, where thousands of ships now vacuum up huge amounts of the stuff from the ocean floor.’ See ‘The Deadly Global War for Sand’.

For example, Britain now gets up to a quarter of its sand from sand banks off East Anglia in the North Sea, dredging up to 10 million tons from a region where there has been concern that the loss of sediment accelerates rampant coastal erosion, as well as damaging sea-bed communities such as crabs and starfish. See ‘A new sand and gravel map for the UK Continental Shelf to support sustainable planning’ and ‘The Hidden Environmental Toll of Mining the World’s Sand’.

But much of the sand dredged from the ocean is used for land reclamation projects, particularly in Asia. Most notoriously, Singapore has created an extra 50 square miles of land, expanding its area by 20 percent. How? It imported more than half-a-billion tons of sand, most of it from Indonesia, where at least 24 small islands have reportedly been removed from the map. But countries like the Philippines, Malaysia and China are also reclaiming vast quantities of sand, usually to expand or build coastal cities and, in China’s case, to dump on reefs and make islands to consolidate its territorial claims to the South China Sea. See ‘The Hidden Environmental Toll of Mining the World’s Sand’.

Does this cause much damage to the ocean floor? According to a United Nations Environment Program report: ‘Dredging and extraction… from the benthic (sea bottom) zone destroys organisms, habitats and ecosystems and deeply affects the composition of biodiversity, usually leading to a net decline in faunal biomass and abundance’. See ‘Sand, rarer than one thinks’.

14. The oceans are being damaged by port and harbour dredging.

There is growing economic and social demand for the development of coastal regions all over the world. Virtually all of these activities, such as coastal construction, land reclamation, beach reclamation and port construction/maintenance, involve dredging: the ‘excavation, transportation and disposal of soft-bottom material’ such as sand and debris from the bottom of ports, harbors, and marinas usually so that facilities are kept deep enough for ships to use. Dredging is also carried out where a river or ocean currents drop lots of sediment onto the seabed, to improve water drainage from a river so that flood risk is reduced and to remove sediments on the seabed if they are contaminated with environmental pollutants.

But, of course, all of this comes at a cost to the local ecology. Notably, in many cases, dredging has contributed to the loss of coral reef habitats. This can occur directly, due to the removal or burial of reefs, or indirectly, as a consequence of stress to corals caused by elevated turbidity and sedimentation. Dredging can also affect surrounding areas in a number of ways including turbid plumes, sedimentation and the release of contaminants. See ‘Environmental impacts of dredging and other sediment disturbances on corals: A review’.

Dredging does not only adversely impact coral reefs, however. Dredging also kicks up a lot of debris into the water disturbing the resident plants and animals. And when the collected sediment is dumped at sea, it again disturbs the resident organisms.

15. The oceans are being damaged by the increasing spread of invasive species.

Invasive species are those animals or plants from another region of the world that arrive in a new environment where they do not belong. They can be introduced to an area by ship ballast water, accidental release, ocean temperature rises allowing them to migrate, attachment to ship hulls or floating plastic, and most often, by people. Invasive species usually do not have natural predators in their new environment which means their populations can increase rapidly. They often compete with indigenous species for local resources, can permanently alter habitats, destroy biodiversity and lead to the extinction of plants and animals. See ‘What is an invasive species?’

The lionfish is an excellent example. A carnivorous fish native to the Indo-Pacific, it is now an invasive species in the Atlantic, notably the U.S. southeast and Caribbean coastal waters. Because the lionfish is a top predator, it has the capacity to harm reef ecosystems by competing for food and space with overfished native stocks such as snapper and grouper. Scientists fear that lionfish will also kill off species, such as algae-eating parrotfish, that will allow seaweed to overtake the reefs. The lionfish population is continuing to grow – a mature female releases roughly two million eggs a year – and to expand its range. With no known predators, this invasive species is causing enormous damage in its new home. See ‘What is a lionfish?’

You can read more examples of invasive species in the article ‘5 Invasive Species You Should Know’.

16. The oceans are being damaged by the live trade in fish and coral for the aquarium industry.

Because it is difficult to breed marine fish in aquariums, they must be captured from the wild. The tropical seas around Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, and the central Pacific Islands including Hawaii are particularly popular as sources for these fish but there are other sources too. Because ornamental fish are in high demand and can have a very high market value, they are being caught in ever larger numbers threatening the sustainability of the fishery and the habitat in which they are caught. For example, the Yellow Tang, which cannot be bred in captivity, is one of Hawaii’s most targeted fish with fishers taking somewhere between 2 and 10 million Yellow Tangs every year. As a result, its population has plunged in recent years. See ‘The state of our oceans – The damaging effects of ocean pollution’ and ‘The Hawaii Legislature wants to stop the aquarium fish trade. The governor has other ideas’.

Not content with reef fish alone, however, since 1990 the aquarium trade has seen a shift in consumer preference from fish-only aquariums to miniature reef ecosystems. As a result, the most recent estimates suggest that the trade targets over 150 species of stony corals, hundreds of species of non-coral invertebrates, and at least 1,472 reef fish species from 50 families.

Hence, with about 1,800 species of fish traded internationally for some 2,000,000 (private and public) aquariums worldwide – see ‘Revealing the Appetite of the Marine Aquarium Fish Trade: The Volume and Biodiversity of Fish Imported into the United States’ – and the industry worth about $5billion annually – see ‘The Hawaii Legislature wants to stop the aquarium fish trade. The governor has other ideas’ – the trade in fish and coral is now a major global enterprise.

Little, if any of it, however, is sustainable. Even worse, virtually all of the saltwater fish that are captured for aquariums are caught illegally using cyanide. This also kills non-targeted fish and coral (at the rate of one square meter per fish captured) as collateral damage. As the coral on the reef is progressively killed, reef fish, crustaceans, plants, and other animals no longer have food, shelter, and breeding grounds and these impacts ripple up the food chain affecting thousands of species. Given that reef habitats provide food for tens of millions of people and contribute to the livelihoods, through commercial fishing and tourism, of many more, capturing fish using cyanide is utterly destructive. See ‘The Horrific Way Fish Are Caught for Your Aquarium – With Cyanide’.

17. The oceans are being damaged by the increasing level of noise pollution.

Several studies have revealed the nature and extent of the damage caused to ocean life by human activities that generate noise in the oceans. And there have been calls by scientists to protect marine life from such noise. See, for example, ‘Marine Life Needs Protection from Noise Pollution’.

The main noises are generated by nuclear explosions, ship-shock trials (explosions used by the Navy to test the structural integrity of their ships), seismic airgun arrays, military sonars, supertankers, warships, merchant vessels (of which there are now more than 53,000 in the world: see ‘Number of ships in the world merchant fleet’), fishing vessels and pleasure craft (such as speed boats and jet skis). For example, seismic airgun surveys to discover oil and gas deposits are loud enough ‘to penetrate hundreds of kilometers into the ocean floor, even after going through thousands of meters of ocean’. See ‘A Review of the Impacts of Seismic Airgun Surveys on Marine Life’.

The damage these noises cause to marine mammals include disruption of feeding and breeding habitats – see ‘Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) population identity in the western Mediterranean Sea’ – hearing loss – see ‘Marine seismic surveys and ocean noise: time for coordinated and prudent planning’– physiological changes such as stress responses to trauma and a weakened immune system; behavioral alterations such as avoidance responses; a change in vocalizations or through masking (obliterating sounds of interest); interference with communications, particularly among species, such as humpback and fin whales, that communicate over distances of at least tens of kilometers; and through impacts on prey. Seismic airguns are a probable cause of whale strandings (‘beachings’) and deaths as well. See ‘A Review of the Impacts of Seismic Airgun Surveys on Marine Life’.

But studies of fish, turtles and invertebrates such as squid also reveal a range of adverse impacts to anthropogenic noise including seismic air guns. Fish have exhibited damaged ears, decreased egg viability, increased embryonic mortality and damage to brain cells. Turtles have exhibited behavioural change and hearing loss with squid suffering internal injuries with organs and ears badly damaged. See ‘A Review of the Impacts of Seismic Airgun Surveys on Marine Life’.

18. The oceans are being damaged by wildfires.

Just because the oceans cannot burn, it does not mean that they are not adversely impacted by wildfires. Apart from the people and wildlife they kill, wildfires leave vast amounts of charred plants and ash behind which subsequent rains wash into creeks and rivers where it flows into coastal lakes, estuaries, and seagrass and seaweed beds with a range of adverse impacts on the ocean and life that occupies these areas. For a fuller explanation in one recent context, see ‘Australia’s Marine Animals Are the Fires’ Unseen Victims’.


As can be seen from the evidence presented above, the oceans are under siege on a vast range of fronts. They are being stripped of everything of value to humans (ranging from its many creatures, such as fish and whales, to products such as sand, oil and minerals) while having a monumental range and quantity of garbage and pollutants (ranging from household to radioactive waste) dumped into them.

Is anything being done? Not really. There are some tokenistic efforts to tackle the plastics problem by cleaning the occasional beach and ongoing calls to limit certain forms of resource exploitation or waste dumping but all international laws in relation to this are largely ignored with impunity. Other efforts have less than marginal impact. Of course, there is also plenty of talk, including that which will take place at the forthcoming UN Ocean Conference in June 2020 when powerful corporate interests will again ensure that nothing profound happens.

So while there is considerable but still utterly inadequate attention given to the climate catastrophe and some activists draw attention to other threats to human survival (such as the nuclear threat, the biodiversity crisis, the dangers of electromagnetic radiation and especially 5G, geoengineering, and destruction of the rainforests), the ongoing threat to the biosphere as a whole, including the oceans, attract only marginal attention and, sometimes, tokenistic responses.

And because human beings are so psychologically dysfunctional and, so far at least, incapable of responding strategically to our multifaceted crisis, the urge to consume and accumulate will continue to overwhelm serious efforts to avert our own extinction.

Saving the Earth’s Oceans

If you wish to fight powerfully to save Earth’s biosphere, including the oceans, consider joining those participating in ‘The Flame Tree Project to Save Life on Earth’ which outlines a simple program to systematically reduce your consumption and increase your self-reliance over a period of years.

Given the fear-driven violence in our world which also generates the addiction of most people in industrialized countries to the over-consumption that is destroying Earth’s biosphere – see ‘Love Denied: The Psychology of Materialism, Violence and War’ – consider addressing this directly starting with yourself – see ‘Putting Feelings First’ – and by reviewing your relationship with children. See ‘My Promise to Children’ and ‘Nisteling: The Art of Deep Listening’. For fuller explanations, see ‘Why Violence?’ and ‘Fearless Psychology and Fearful Psychology: Principles and Practice’.

If you wish to campaign strategically to defend the oceans then consider joining those working to halt the climate catastrophe, end military activities of all kinds including war, and halt all forms of resource extraction from the oceans as well. See Nonviolent Campaign Strategy which already includes a comprehensive list of the strategic goals necessary to achieve two of these outcomes in ‘Strategic Aims’.

In those cases where corrupt or even electorally unresponsive governments are leading the destruction of the oceans – by supporting, sponsoring and/or engaging in environmentally destructive practices – it might be necessary to remove these governments as part of the effort. See Nonviolent Defense/Liberation Strategy.

You might also consider joining the global network of people resisting violence in all contexts, including against the biosphere, by signing the online pledge of ‘The People’s Charter to Create a Nonviolent World’.

Or, if none of the above options appeal or they seem too complicated, consider committing to:

The Earth Pledge

Out of love for the Earth and all of its creatures, and my respect for their needs, from this day onwards I pledge that:

  1. I will listen deeply to children (see explanation above)
  2. I will not travel by plane
  3. I will not travel by car
  4. I will not eat meat and fish
  5. I will only eat organically/biodynamically grown food
  6. I will minimize the amount of fresh water I use, including by minimizing my ownership and use of electronic devices
  7. I will not buy rainforest timber
  8. I will not buy or use single-use plastic, such as bags, bottles, containers, cups and straws
  9. I will not use banks, superannuation (pension) funds or insurance companies that provide any service to corporations involved in fossil fuels, nuclear power and/or weapons
  10. I will not accept employment from, or invest in, any organization that supports or participates in the exploitation of fellow human beings or profits from killing and/or destruction of the biosphere
  11. I will not get news from the corporate media (mainstream newspapers, television, radio, Google, Facebook, Twitter…)
  12. I will make the effort to learn a skill, such as food gardening or sewing, that makes me more self-reliant
  13. I will gently encourage my family and friends to consider signing this pledge.

Do all these options sound unpalatable? Prefer something requiring less commitment? You can, if you like, do as most sources suggest: nothing (or its many tokenistic equivalents). I admit that the options I offer are for those powerful enough to comprehend and act on the truth. Why? Because there is so little time left and I have no interest in deceiving people or treating them as unintelligent and powerless. See ‘Human Extinction by 2026? A Last Ditch Strategy to Fight for Human Survival’.


Every person on Earth depends directly on the ocean. It covers 71% of the Earth’s surface and contains about 97% of the Earth’s water. It generates 50 percent of the oxygen we need and is home to up to 80 percent of all life.

Yet human activity is destroying it. You can make choices that make a difference. Or leave it to others.


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Robert J. Burrowes has a lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence. He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist since 1981. He is the author of ‘Why Violence?’ His email address is [email protected] and his website is here. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

COVID-19: Panic Will End but Tyranny Will Not

March 16th, 2020 by Gary D. Barnett

“Our contemporaries are constantly excited by two conflicting passions; they want to be led, and they wish to remain free: as they cannot destroy either one or the other of these contrary propensities, they strive to satisfy them both at once. They devise a sole, tutelary, and all-powerful form of government, but elected by the people. They combine the principle of centralization and that of popular sovereignty; this gives them a respite: they console themselves for being in tutelage by the reflection that they have chosen their own guardians. Every man allows himself to be put in leading-strings, because he sees that it is not a person or a class of persons, but the people at large that holds the end of his chain.

By this system the people shake off their state of dependence just long enough to select their master, and then relapse into it again. A great many persons at the present day are quite contented with this sort of compromise between administrative despotism and the sovereignty of the people; and they think they have done enough for the protection of individual freedom when they have surrendered it to the power of the nation at large. This does not satisfy me: the nature of him I am to obey signifies less to me than the fact of extorted obedience.”  ~ Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America


Any real state of fear will bring panic, and once panic is the prevailing attitude of society at large, the herd seeks safety at all cost. Seeking safety under these circumstances allows for tyranny by the ruling class, and when the restrictive consequences of that tyranny are in place, escape from mass servitude is almost impossible to achieve. It must be understood that decisions made under stress due to fear end with a loss of freedom, and when freedom is compromised, what is left is slavery.

We have been told that a pandemic is upon us, and that we must sacrifice for the good of all, and for the sake of the nation. If the people at large accept this premise, individual sovereignty is not only compromised, but also permanently damaged. When the masses as a group seek shelter from harm, and agree to temporarily relinquish some or all of their freedoms, oppression is the result. That is why panic is so perilous, and why hasty decisions should never be made during a real or supposed crisis.

As I write this, it is obvious that none of these suggestions have been followed, and the herd has acquiesced to most all commands from on high in order to gain what will most likely turn out to be false hope at the expense of accepted domination. At this point, it is not too late to reverse part of the damage, but any continuation of mass subservience will only end in oppressive misery.

There is no certainty that this new coronavirus called COVID-19 is any more dangerous than any other virus in the past, but the ruling class and their minions in the mainstream media and beyond, are screaming at the top of their lungs that this is the scourge of mankind, and that tens of millions of Americans will become infected, and that millions might die.

This is being promulgated by government at every level, by so-called national and world health organizations, and by a complicit media that seemingly does as it is told by those holding political power. This is being done regardless of the fact that no one knows much about this so-called virus, knows little or nothing about its true origin, and knows little about its mutations. Also, politicians, claimed authorities, and alleged experts are in the dark as to how particular cultures have been more susceptible than others, and are unwilling to discuss that the probable cause of this is due to a man-made strain created in a bio-weapons lab, even though a preponderance of evidence points in that direction. All possibilities should be discussed.


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Selected Articles: The Release of Chelsea Manning

March 16th, 2020 by Global Research News

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Court Finally Releases Chelsea Manning After Suicide Attempt

By Jonathan Turley, March 16, 2020

In a 2019 letter to the judge, Manning objected to the grand jury probe as “an effort to frighten journalists and publishers, who serve a public good.” Given her long prior sentence and the presidential commutation, Manning refused to testify under a guarantee to immunity because she viewed the effort as an attack on press freedom.

COVID-19: Is the United States Committing Economic Suicide?

By Michael Zitterman, March 16, 2020

Houston, we have a problem.  That problem is Covid-19 (named for Coronavirus disease 2019), first identified in Wuhan City, China.

Our government is taking actions which appear to be excessive and misguided, based on the concept of “cost versus benefits”.

These actions, at the minimum, are shutting down portions of our economy.  The ambiguities of the unintended consequences are extremely problematic in that the costs of these actions are massive and may become severe enough to cause a recession or even a depression.

Dependency, Distress and No Durable Agronomic Benefits: The Story of Bt Cotton in India

By Colin Todhunter, March 16, 2020

Supporters of Bt cotton have wasted little time in claiming that GM technology has increased cotton yields, reduced pesticide use and has been of enormous benefit to farmers due to increased crop profitability. If we consider Prof Glenn Stone’s 2012 paper ‘Constructing Facts: Bt Cotton Narratives in India’, however, it becomes clear that such claims are too often weaved from flawed data and studies and merely serve to bolster vested interests.

The Release of Chelsea Manning

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 16, 2020

Chelsea Manning’s release last Thursday by order of Virginia District Court judge Anthony Trenga had an air of oddness to it.  “The court finds Ms. Manning’s appearance before the Grand Jury is no longer needed, in light of which her detention no longer serves any coercive purpose.”

Her detention had never served any coercive purpose as such – she remained unwilling to testify before an institution she questions as dangerous, secretive and oppressive.  She steadfastly refused to answer any questions relating to WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.  What her detention has done is disturb her health and constitute an act of State harassment that ranks high in the annals of abuses of power.

China Sends Medical Experts to Support Italy and Spain’s Fight Against Coronavirus

By Steve Sweeney, March 16, 2020

China has sent a team of medical experts and aid to support Italy and Spain in their fight against coronavirus after Rome blasted the European Union for ignoring its pleas for help.

A charter flight with a nine-member Chinese medical-aid team and tons of supplies arrived in Rome last night.

The Battle of Idlib Is Far From Over

By Elijah J. Magnier, March 16, 2020

The opening of the Saraqeb-Latakia road, known as the M4, is scheduled for this Sunday the 15th of March as established during the memorandum protocol signed in Moscow between the two presidents Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan following the battle of Saraqeb.

The Turkish-Russian patrols are supposed to secure the M4  following a three-day meeting in Ankara between Russian and Turkish military to coordinate the joint patrols and to prevent any attacks from Jihadists. Many jihadists groups reject the Russian-Turkish deal and will likely shell the road or try to kidnap drivers. Everything depends on how decisive the Turkish army and its allies in the Idlib area will be in adhering to the ceasefire, and how convincing Russia’s response will be if the ceasefire is violated.

Big Pharma’s Role: Destruction of Basic Health Care Worldwide, U.S. Sanctions Lead to Global Rise in Coronavirus

By Sara Flounders, March 16, 2020

The responsibility of U.S. corporate power, especially the medical-industrial complex, in the calculated destruction of basic health care capacity in the U.S. and worldwide must be challenged. On a global scale, the connection of the largest U.S. pharmaceutical corporations to U.S. sanctions policies — whether signed by executive order, voted for in the U.S. Congress or pushed by U.S. ambassadors through the United Nations Security Council —  demands careful scrutiny by investigative journalists, human rights organizations and working-class organizations.


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There’s much more to fear about crashing markets on 401(k) retirement plans, protracted economic recession, perhaps a looming depression, than a global COVID-19 pandemic that doesn’t exist.

Public health reality distorted by fear-mongering is radically changing how most people are going about their daily lives.

In the US, there are only around 3,700 confirmed COVID-19 cases, around 65 deaths in 12 US states.[March 15 data]

These are far short of numbers warranting panic at a time when calm, good personal hygiene practices (important always for good health), and governance serving everyone equitably is needed.

The latter is sorely lacking, just cause for public angst, anger, and motivation for positive change, not panic.

Ahead of its scheduled March 17 meeting, the Fed cut interest rates by 1% to near-zero at a time when large-scale fiscal, not monetary, policy is needed.

In a weekend update, Shadowstats economist John Williams noted Fed panic at a time when “market, economic, social, and political turmoil are just beginning” because of years of unprecedented excess.

COVID-19 is the pin that popped grossly inflated markets from over a decade of overly accommodative Fed policy for investors and profit-making at the expense sound economic policy.

Williams noted that Fed “loss of systemic control (was) brought to a head by the coronavirus crisis, exacerbated by collapsing oil prices.”

The latest data from China’s bellwether economy are a shot across the bow for what’s likely coming ahead globally.

Its year-to-date retail sales crashed an unprecedented 20.5% in modern times, far exceeding a projected 4% drop.

Industrial production collapsed 13.5%, its first ever reported decline.

Fixed asset investment plunged nearly 25%, another first ever drop. Property investment is down over 16% year-to-date, unemployment at a reported 6.2%, a record high in modern-day China.

Much more pain is likely ahead before recovery and a return to growth occurs — what’s happening in China already spreading worldwide.

Commenting on the latest data, the South China Morning Post (SCMP) said the nation’s economy “suffer(ed) (a) dramatic collapse in January (and) February, (a) warning to (the) rest of the world” about economic hard times ahead.

Williams believes the US already is in recession that’s “deepening.” He expects downside revisions to earlier economic data, including GDP, retail sales, and other major indexes.

February producer prices “plunged at its steepest monthly pace in five years.”

Unemployment will likely rise significantly as companies begin laying off workers in light of growing economic weakness.

Real unemployment currently is 21.1% — based on how it was calculated pre-1990, including millions of discouraged workers considered nonpersons in the US today and not counted.

Williams: It’s “increasingly obvious that the Federal Reserve has lost control of the US banking and financial system.”

“A great financial crisis and recession are unfolding.”

COVID-19 “exacerbated an already deepening recession, based on significant anecdotal evidence.”

It’ll show up to some extent in Q I data, much more dramatically in Q II and beyond most likely.

Despite US equities sharply off their February highs, they remain greatly overvalued and vulnerable to further valuation declines, monetary policy unable to reverse what’s going on when substantial fiscal stimulus is needed.

Williams and other economists believe economic and financial disruptions are in their early stages, much more to come.

The message of the markets is that the chickens are coming home to roost after over a decade of monetary excess. It was just a matter of time.

At the same time, fiscal stimulus putting money in people’s pockets for spending to create economic growth has been and continues to be lacking — because of bipartisan indifference to public health and welfare.

Focus in Washington is on markets, investors, corporate profits, and transferring wealth from ordinary people to business and high-net worth individuals while protracted main street depression conditions go unaddressed.

Since the neoliberal 90s, poverty, unemployment, underemployment, homelessness, food insecurity, hunger, overall deprivation, and human suffering have been growth industries.

Countless trillions of dollars are spent on militarism, endless imperial wars, the Pentagon’s global empire of bases, and corporate handouts to Wall Street and other business favorites.

At the same time, popular needs increasingly go begging, social justice on the chopping block for elimination.

The world’s richest country USA was thirdworldized to benefit privileged interests exclusively at the expense of beneficial social change — control maintained by police state harshness.

Monetary policy by Wall Street’s owned and controlled Fed produced earlier systemic crises, perhaps economic collapse ahead after decades of unprecedented mismanagement and excess.

The late Bob Chapman, founder and editor of the International Forecaster, predicted an eventual economic train wreck, only its timing, depth and duration unknown, saying:

“Untenable political and financial decisions put US and European economies on a collision course with disaster.”

“Bailouts and market manipulation delay(ed) the inevitable.” A tipping point approaches. Unprecedented debt accumulated is “unrepayable.”

“How can anyone have confidence in a broken system? Unsustainable is the operative word.”

Republicans and undemocratic Dems serve monied interests exclusively at the expense of world peace, equity, justice, and times like now when vital federal aid to public health and welfare are needed.

In December 1963, weeks after JFK’s state-sponsored assassination, Malcolm X delivered what’s called his chickens coming home address, saying:

Chattel and now wage “enslavement of millions of Black people in…White America” brings the nation closer to its “hour of judgment, (its) downfall as a respected nation,” adding:

“(E)ven those Americans who are blinded by childlike patriotism can see that it is only a matter of time before White America too will be utterly destroyed by her own sins, and all traces of her former glory will be removed from this planet forever (because it) refuses to study, reflect…learn from history” and change its destructive policies.

Malcolm warned that sooner or later chickens would come home to roost.

While only hindsight will explain what’s unknown at the present time, excesses can’t go on forever and won’t.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

More than Just a Virus

March 16th, 2020 by Renee Parsons

If we have learned anything since 1963, it is to question everything that Big Government, Big Media and Big Money tell us as there is always more than the ‘official’ story. With too many unknowns still to be answered, there is no doubt that a bio-critter of uncertain nefarious origins, perhaps electro magnetic 5G oriented, is loose within Earth’s atmosphere.  

As we are all collectively, as One Universe, experiencing the potential of a coronavirus infection, we have been assured that the outbreak originated in a fish market in Wuhan, China’s eighth largest city with a population of 11 million.  That is the largely unchallenged conclusion since China is well known for its extensive network of high tech labs and since the SARS virus began in China last year.

At first glance, it seems a passing curiosity that the next two most extensively affected countries with corona infections, each disparate from China and each other, have extensive trade relations with China.  In defiance of science, why would Italy be the most infected country outside of China?

Italy was the only G7 country to sign on to the Belt and Road initiative with Sister-City Agreements throughout Italy.  Some of those sister cities have been the hardest hit by corona.  Iran has also suffered with increased infections as government officials have been especially affected, as if they were specifically targeted.  Iran has had a comprehensive strategic partnership with China since 2016 and in defiance of US sanctions, Iran has continued to import embargoed products from China while selling its oil to China.

The question arises why, out of 175 countries in the world, that those two countries, in particular, have specifically experienced the strongest coronavirus presence than any other. It can be expected that the ‘coincidence’ has not escaped the notice of the Chinese, Iranian or Italian governments.

With the complexity and uncertainty of the coronavirus. it would not be the first crisis where TPTB have misled a trusting public. It would, however, be wise to treat the virus with respect as a potent pathogen of consequence.  In case you had not noticed prior to the corona, there has been a titanic struggle for global dominance underway with the US, Israel, Russia and China as its sovereign representatives.  The most current manifestation of that struggle, through happenstance or not, being the coronavirus outbreak.

While there are references to the virus spreading considerably through increased exposure, getting worse before it gets better, it is another curiosity that there is no optimism as the US flu season  (December – February), peaks and  winds down in March.  So why the panic? If the coronavirus is a ‘normal’ virus, it should already be peaking just as it is in China and South Korea. If it is not a ‘normal’ virus, if it is mutated to reappear in the future or if it is man made or a bio-weapon, then we have a different problem.  All of which begs the question which Federal agency is currently testing the virus to determine its origin, when will we know the results of that test and when will the virus peak?

China’s National Health Commissioner reports that the coronavirus has ‘peaked’ in Wuhan with only single digit new cases and no new cases in the Hubei province.  The World Health Organization (WHO) agrees with that assessment.  While South Korea closed its borders in early February, it also believes that the Covid-19 has peaked.  Russia closed its borders in January and has reported 28 cases with no fatalities.

Big Media is portraying the Covid-19 as if it is  here to stay in perpetuity rather than a flu that will run its natural course.  Before the virus peaks, TPTB must move quickly if it is intent on institutionalizing those initiatives to tighten control and censorship; to destabilize what remains as a ‘normal’ environment withmandatory medical martial law and mandatory vaccinations.  In other words, not unlike 911, any crisis can be used to create a new collectivization of society with a centralized global control as the new reality,

The Governor of California has suggested a  ban on public gatherings of 250 people with the CDC Director suggests a 50 person ban.  The real possibility is that, once adopted, the ban will never be lifted.  The NY Fed Bank moved quickly to approve a $1.5 Trillion in ‘short-term loan’ to the banks for ‘unusual’ disruption of services during the corona virus smells more like a backdoor bailout for Wall Street during the recent downtown

WHO and CDC and Mandatory Vaccines

An out-of-control pandemic encourages the public to rely on the  CDC or  WHO (World Health Organization) as  definitive ‘medical experts’’ on public health concerns. While both are thoroughly unscrupulous in their compromises to Big Pharma’s dominance, the CDC has no reliable test kits for coronavirus and is conducting no tests to determine the source of the virus.  True medical agencies would be encouraging the public to strengthen their immune system and natural antibodies with doses of Vitamin C to ward off a head cold or respiratory infection.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in a recent video revealed massive corruption at the CDC and WHO with both in the vaccine business rather than as regulatory agencies conducting oversight on Big Pharma and protecting the public health.  Kennedy reported that with an $11 billion annual budget and a revolving door with industry, the CDC owns its own vaccine patents and collects millions in profits each year.  Identifying the WHO  as a ‘sock puppet’ for Big Pharma and Big Money, Kennedy said the WHO  is controlled top to bottom by the pharmaceutical industry which provides half of the WHO’s budget.

Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD, molecular biologist and former researcher with the National Cancer Institute, blew the whistle on contaminated virus being used in human vaccines.  When she refused to renounce her study, she was fired and arrested  in 2011.  Here are her comments on the efficacy of the coronavirus as “part of the plague of corruption.

Regarded as the UN’s public health leader, the WHO director general Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said, “We have made the assessment that #COVID19 can be characterized as a pandemic” without providing convincing infection or death rate statistics,  More recently, Ghebreyesus  refused to consider when  the virus might peak with “this outbreak could still go in any direction” – whatever that means.

Man Made or Mother Natural

While the origin of coronavirus is yet to be definitively nailed down, whether it might be a military bio-weapon, whether the virus leaked out of a lab through human error or whether, it was deliberately released into the public realm.  Two experienced scientists (including a former NSA counterterror analyst) are suggesting that the Covid-19 appears to be man made while their research paper, which has been withdrawn from internet circulation, concluded that

In summary, somebody was entangled with the evolution of 2019-nCoV coronavirus. In addition to origins of natural recombination and intermediate host, the killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan.”

in addition, the published a paper with the findings that the coronavirus was engineered with ‘key structural proteins” identifying “four inserts of amino acid sequences homologous to amino acid sequences in HIV 1.” This paper was also withdrawn with the publisher warning that its conclusions should not be regarded as ‘conclusive.’

The Gates Foundation, the WHO and the European Commission are benefactors of the Pirbright Institute which owns the  bio-safety lab-level 4 lab (BSL-4) in China which owns the coronavirus patent. The US patent application was filed in 2015 and granted in 2018. It is worth noting that the Fort Detrick bio weapons lab in Maryland with a history of violations, was shut down in August, 2019 due to ‘safety concerns related to a ”loss of pathogens.”

The BSL Lab standard is of the highest bio-hazard level and is qualified to handle theworld’s most dangerous pathogens.   It is the first of its kind in China and is located twenty miles from where the coronavirus is said to have originated. However, it has also been determined that the US is the only country known to have all five strains of coronavirus from which all others are descended thereby suggesting more of a US role in the pandemic.  

Infection Death Rate Numbers

The numbers have yet to reach a pandemic level with a 3% death rate. The CDC says that there were 34,000 flu/influenza related deaths during the 2018-2019 flu season and yet there was no pandemic declared.  Currently, the CDC estimates that 14,000 Americans deaths from the current flu/influenza season with no certainty how many of those were misdiagnosed before the existence of the coronavirus became known.

With an estimated 250,000 Americans hospitalized with the flu/influenza since December,  how many of those were misdiagnosed?   How many sick people believe they have the coronavirus when they are only diagnosed with the flu?  With no testing in the US, how accurate are any of the statistics, globally or domestically, confirming the number of infections or deaths attributed to corona or the flu/influenza? 

Event 201

In what might be considered another coincidence, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation partnered with the John Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economic Forum to conduct a five-hour simulated exercise specific to a coronavirus pandemic. The simulation was held in NYC on October 18thand was referred to as Event 201.   The event, which included American business, public health, government leaders and military officials, occurred  six weeks before the outbreak occurred in Wuhan although there are now unconfirmed reports of earlier exposures elsewhere. 

In another coincidence, the 2019 Military World Games began in Wuhan on October 19th with 300 American military athletes in attendance.  It has been reported that five unnamed athletes were hospitalized during the game with an unidentified infection.

As if on a dry run, Event 201 addressed how the world should respond to an coronavirus outbreak – with a special focus on how to control ‘conspiracy’ news with  a Pandemic Emergency Board formed to manage the pandemic. The Chinese government was not invited to participate in the simulation.

Possible Covid-19 – 5G Connection

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD and Ph D, founder of Sophia Health Institute has specialized in auto immune disorders and the sequence of toxicity especially as it relates to electromagnetic fields. He recently described how the mortality rate for SARS was 10% and that the current coronavirus death rate was .5 – 2%; with the highest mortality rate in the country located at EvergreenHealth in Kirkland, Washington.

Klinghardt explained that ten patients were diagnosed with the virus with six dying for a mortality rate of 60%, speculating about a possible 5G interaction activating the electromagnetic field. Kirkland is one of five cities in the country “firmly wired” for 5G as EvergreenHealth is the only hospital in country wired and broadcasting for 5G.


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Renee Parsons  has been a member of the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and President of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter.   She has been an elected public official in Colorado, an environmental lobbyist with Friends of the Earth and staff member in the US House of Representatives in Washington, DC.  Renee is also a student of the Quantum Field. She is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Julian in the Dock. “A Secret Trial”

March 16th, 2020 by Israel Shamir

Julian Assange’s extradition hearing has had very little media coverage. Even The Guardian and The New York Times barely mentioned it, though these newspapers made a fortune publishing Assange-provided cables. Unless you had been looking for it, you wouldn’t even know that on February 24 to 27, the first stage of Assange’s extradition hearing was being adjudicated in the secretive Woolwich Crown Court embedded within the huge Belmarsh Prison nicknamed “British Gitmo”.

Luckily for us, Ambassador Craig Murray, the indomitable truth fighter, went there, waited in line for hours in the rain, underwent searches and discomfort, and wrote an extensive report (12,000 words) on this travesty of justice that went under the name of a ‘trial’. His reports leave nothing out, from the threatening atmosphere to the sinister legal arguments. He captured the menace and the abuse bordering with public torture, and delivered it to the world, something that none of the journalists on the payroll of the mass media had been allowed to do. Here are some insights from his report in my free rendering augmented with other sources.

The Court is designed with no other purpose than to exclude the public, on an island accessible only through navigating a maze of dual carriageways, the entire location and architecture of the building is predicated on preventing public access. It is in truth just the sentencing wing of Belmarsh prison.

The judge, the Magistrate (or District Judge) Vanessa Baraitser is a modern version of the Hanging Judge George Jeffreys, a female Judge Dredd. She is the chief villain by all descriptions of the trial, not just tolerating but exceeding the demands of the prosecution. The lawyers acting for the prosecution did request some niceties if only for the trial to appear fair. Baraitser had no such pretensions. She went straight for the jugular. If she could, she would hang Assange right away.

Judge Dredd is surrounded by mystery: she has left no trace upon the Internet. A newly born child has more Internet presence than this middle-aged woman. I doubt such a blank slate could be achieved nowadays without the active assistance of the Secret Services.

Ambassador Murray writes:

“Ms Baraitser is not fond of photography – she appears to be the only public figure in Western Europe with no photo on the internet. Indeed the average proprietor of a rural car wash has left more evidence of their existence and life history on the Internet than Vanessa Baraitser. Which is no crime on her part, but I suspect the expunging is not achieved without considerable effort. Somebody suggested to me she might be a hologram, but I think not. Holograms have more empathy.”

John Pilger saw Baraitser in action during the previous round of Assange hearings in October 2019. He wrote: “I have sat in many courtrooms and seen judges abuse their positions. This judge, Vanessa Baraitser shocked all of us who were there. Her face was a progression of sneers and imperious indifference; she addressed Julian with cruel arrogance. When Assange spoke, Baraitser contrived boredom; when the prosecuting barrister spoke, she was attentive. When Julian’s barrister described the CIA spying on him, she didn’t yawn, but her disinterest was as expressive. Her knee in the groin was to announce that the next court hearing would be at remote Woolwich, which adjoins Belmarsh Prison and has few seats for the public. This will ensure isolation and be as close to a secret trial as it’s possible to get.”

It turned out to be practically a secret trial. There were MSM journalists, but “not a single one of the most important facts and arguments today has been reported anywhere in the mainstream media.”

On the first day, James Lewis QC for the prosecution tried to drive a wedge between Assange and the media. He claimed that in no way are mainstream outlets like The Guardian and The New York Times threatened by this trial, because Assange was not charged with publishing the cables but only with publishing the names of informants, cultivating Manning and assisting him to attempt computer hacking. The mainstream outlets are not guilty of any crimes, having only published sanitised cables.

But Judge Baraitser didn’t accept this vegetarian approach. She thirsted for blood. She referred to the Official Secrets Act 1989, which declares that merely obtaining and publishing any government secret is an offence. Surely, Baraitser suggested, that meant that newspapers publishing the Manning leaks would be guilty of a serious offence?

Lewis agreed with the judge and admitted that indeed, the mainstream journalists also are guilty, fully denying what he said in his opening statement. In the end, none of this role-play mattered since none of the media reported on this exchange, as it wasn’t inserted into the daily press release. The MSM journalists used only these prepared texts, so convenient for copying and pasting into their own reports.

The main argument of the defence was that the motive for the prosecution was entirely political, and that political offences were specifically excluded under the UK/US extradition treaty. For a normal human judge, that would suffice to dismiss the case. But Baraitser had a trick up her sleeve. Although the US/UK Extradition Treaty forbade political extraditions, this was only the Treaty, and this is not an international court, she said. That exemption does not appear in the UK Extradition Act. Therefore political extradition is not illegal in the UK, as the Treaty has no legal force on her Court. With such a judge, who needs the prosecution?

The defence quickly demolished the judge’s devious rationalisations by pointing out that every extradition must satisfy two standards: (1) that of the UK Extradition Act, and (2) the specific Extradition Treaty with the country in question. Both are necessary; no man can be extradited to a specific country without consulting the specific treaty. The UK Extradition Act sets the ground rules. It is the relevant extradition treaty that sets out the conditions by which a prisoner might be extradited to a specific country. The Act allowed for a political extradition, and if the specific extradition treaty allowed it, the prisoner could be extradited. But this specific, namely US/UK extradition treaty does not permit political extraditions. Ergo, Assange could not be extradited by law.

Indeed a sixth-grade student could follow this simple logic. However, the dastardly Ms Baraitser kept repeating her claim that the Act does not forbid political extradition. We do not know what black spots hidden in the murky past of Judge Baraitser required that her history be blotted out by MI5’s dark adepts, but I harbour a suspicion that this Jewish lady has had some field practice in the Jewish state, where judges invariably find the accused goy liable and guilty, and every torture is tolerated or even encouraged.

Her main thrust seemed to be in disheartening Julian Assange to the point of inciting suicide. He certainly seemed to be dispirited. The distinguished psychiatrist Professor Michael Kopelman provided a psychiatric assessment of Assange to the court:

“Mr Assange shows virtually all the risk factors which researchers from Oxford have described in prisoners who either suicide or make lethal attempts. … I am as confident as a psychiatrist can ever be that, if extradition to the United States were to become imminent, Mr Assange would find a way of suiciding.”

These words are especially poignant today, as it was reported that Manning attempted to commit suicide being locked up since last May at a detention centre in Alexandria, Va for steadfast refusal to bring evidence against Assange. The US/UK Deep State is a vengeful vicious beast that wants to punish Assange and Manning for revealing its nasty secrets. It is only the “whistle-blowers” who accused Trump and exonerated the Thief of Ukraine Biden that are protected.

In order to push Assange deeper into black despair, Baraitser enforced the regime of strict isolation on the prisoner. Assange had been kept in a bulletproof glass cage, unable to hear or to exchange notes with his lawyers. “I believe – wrote Craig Murray, – that the Hannibal Lecter style confinement of Assange, this intellectual computer geek, is a deliberate attempt to drive Julian to suicide.”

Julian is cruelly mistreated. When his Spanish lawyer left court to return home, on the way out he naturally stopped to shake hands with his client, proffering his fingers through the narrow slit in the glass cage. Assange half stood to take his lawyer’s hand. The two security guards in the cage with Assange immediately sprang up, putting hands on Julian and forcing him to sit down, preventing the handshake.

On the first day of trial, Julian had twice been stripped naked and searched, eleven times been handcuffed, and five times been locked up in different holding cells. The lawyer for the defence, Fitzgerald, asked the judge to interfere and save Julian from this rough mistreatment.

The Baraitser stared down Fitzgerald and stated, in a voice laced with disdain, that he had raised such matters before and she had always replied that she had no jurisdiction over the prison estate. You might make a recommendation, suggested Fitzgerald, they usually listen to judge’s remarks. Even the prosecution counsel James Lewis stood up to say the prosecution would also like Assange to have a fair hearing, and that he could confirm that what the defence were suggesting was normal practice. But bloodthirsty Baraitser flatly refused.

Edward Fitzgerald made a formal application for Julian to be allowed to sit beside his lawyers in the court. Julian was “a gentle, intellectual man” and not a terrorist. Baraitser replied that releasing Assange from the dock into the body of the court would mean he was released from custody. That is obviously nonsense. Again, the prosecution counsel James Lewis intervened on the side of the defence, for Baraitser’s notion of law would not work anywhere outside Israeli courts in the occupied West Bank. Lewis said that prisoners, even the most dangerous of terrorists, gave evidence from the witness box in the body of the court next to the lawyers and magistrate. In the High Court prisoners frequently sat with their lawyers in extradition hearings, in extreme cases of violent criminals handcuffed to a security officer.

Baraitser replied that Assange might pose a danger to the public. It was a question of health and safety. Health and safety, forsooth! Such cynicism may be unprecedented in British justice, and it should reserve a special place in hell for Ms Baraitser.

Why should she keep Assange in that box, unable to hear proceedings or instruct his lawyers, when even counsel for the US Government does not object to Assange openly sitting in the court? He is brought handcuffed and under heavy escort to and from his solitary cell to the armoured dock via an underground tunnel. In these circumstances, what possible need is there for him to be repeatedly strip- and cavity-searched? Why is he not permitted to shake hands or touch his lawyers through the slit in the armoured glass box?

It is a torture session, not a hearing. And the hearing, or rather the torture will continue in May, – if Julian is still alive.


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Helms-Burton Law, Internationalization Weapon to Blockade Cuba

March 16th, 2020 by Elizabeth Borrego Rodriguez

The Helms-Burton Act, the main tool for the internationalization of the blockade against Cuba, arrived today 24 years after it was signed by the then President of the United States, William Clinton.

Officially named as the Cuban Freedom and Democratic Solidarity Law, this instrument contemplates the denial of credits and financial aid to countries and organizations that favor or promote cooperation with the island.

Since its entry into force, the Department of State notifies by investor letters to companies investing in the so-called confiscated properties, a result of the recovery of companies and private land to state property after January 1, 1959.

Washington insists on that excuse despite the legality established during the nationalizations in Cuba, confirmed in the compensation agreements then proposed by Havana and denied by the White House.

In contradiction with international law, the law establishes among its articles the deprivation of foreign investment in the largest of the Antilles, while granting authority to owners or relatives of owners of said assets before 1959.

On July 16, 1996, the controversial Title III of the Helms-Burton came into force; however, Clinton himself simultaneously issued an order for temporary suspension for six months of part of the section.

After the succession of presidents who postponed it, Donald Trump opened in 2019 for the first time the possibility of lawsuits in the United States courts against Cuban companies included in a list drawn up by the State Department.

In this way, it established the permission for US nationals to sue Cuban people and companies or third-country companies that ‘traffic in US property’ nationalized on the island.

The activation of Title III was described by the Cuban authorities as’blackmail to the world’, for codifying the economic, financial and commercial blockade against Cuba, now with an international character.

To date, several North American companies have been the target of lawsuits, among which stand out the technological giant Amazon, the North American airline American Airlines and the cruise company Carnival Cruise Lines.


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Panic is counterproductive, it oftentimes results in short-sighted selfish decisions that could potentially cause harm. Panic causes people to buy and hoard all of the toilet paper, leaving nothing for others. Panic births chaos, chaos creates stress, stress interferes with our body’s defense systems and immunity, therefore panic puts us at a higher risk of becoming susceptible to the very concern we are panicking about.

Leaders have a responsibility to assure the public that they are engaged in decisive measures to fix the problem, merely saying things will be okay is never helpful.

Unsurprisingly, American’s are divided when it comes to their support or lack thereof of the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus. Some argue that the response is simply too little too late, and if officials didn’t downplay COVID-19 early on and took matters more seriously it wouldn’t have spread to 49 states (allegedly West Virginia doesn’t have any cases).

Some Americans believe that interstate travel needs to be halted immediately and that everyone should be quarantined in their homes.

On the other hand, you have Americans that feel our government and their fellow American’s are over-reacting, this group questions whether there’s actually a pandemic, or could this all be a hoax or maybe a distraction from something bigger, they have many different theories about the origin of coronavirus and its supposed intent. Some leaders think it was crafted by the US, who then unleashed it specifically on China, Iran, and Italy.

Then there are those who don’t care about the what, why, where, and how and just want normalcy to return.

Another group fully (read that as blindly) supports anything President Trump’s administration says and would follow them off a cliff.

On Friday, President Donald Trump declared a National Emergency freeing up 50 billion in federal aid including additional resources and funding for officials on the federal, state, and local levels trying to combat the coronavirus.

Trump also announced a travel ban from Europe, (the coronavirus world epicenter) US citizens could still return but would need to self quarantine for 14 days. The ban has since added on the U.K. and Ireland.

EU officials were not happy with Washington’s unilateral decision and stated that the pandemic is a global concern and should be dealt with as such.

Trump also said he would waive interest on federal student loans “until further notice” and that the Department of Energy would purchase crude oil for storage in U.S. reserves.

Drive-thru coronavirus testing sites were also mentioned as well as a website that will be created by google to screen people that wanted to get tested.

Although this virus has been around for months (possibly longer) we really saw a huge shift in the past week or two, when we went from normal everyday life to a “cancel-everything culture”.

Another new phrase you’ve most likely heard is “social distancing” which is the practice of keeping a distance of six feet between you and another human just in case they might be a carrier of the coronavirus. For more on that you can read the CDC’s “implementation of mitigation strategies for communities with local COVID-19 transmission.”

In additional to banning large assemblies of 250 people or more across the country, many other things and places are in the process of shutting down or have already shut down including, grade schools, universities, libraries, pubs, malls, movie theaters, mass transportation, restaurants, church’s, mosques, synagogues, offices, businesses, sporting events (pretty much the whole sports world is on hold). Planes are being grounded, cruise ships are staying docked, add to that travel bans, curfews, limiting hospital and nursing home visitors, as well as non-emergency operations, let’s not forget weddings, parties, etc.

This is what life during a pandemic looks like in the United States. Many countries around the world have also seen a drastic change in their nation’s normality.

Over a hundred nations are taking drastic measures to slow down COVID-19 transmission within their borders.

In Italy, the whole country is practically shut down. The total number of cases including those that recovered is 27,747, and their death toll is currently at 1,809, after a 25% rise.

Spain reports that their deaths have jumped up to 288 in just a day.

In the United Kingdom, police now have the power to arrest COVID-19 patients that refuse to self-isolate. UK’s death toll is up to 35 now after 14 more people died. The total number of cases is currently 1391. Residents over 70 are being asked to self-isolate for four months. Initially the strategy was to rely on building up herd immunity which shocked immunologists explained is usually brought about by vaccination and not just exposing people to the virus.

Iran’s death toll has risen 113 in a day bringing their total number of cases to 13.938 and deaths to 724. Iran is home to the worst coronavirus outbreak in the Middle East. Not only are they dealing with exponentially more cases than neighboring countries, but crippling severe US sanctions are making it very difficult for them to address the rapid spread of COVID-19.

Quarantines have been used by South Korea, China, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan to bring their numbers down. Keep in mind, actual numbers could be exponentially higher given that the vast majority of the 7.7 billion people around the world have not been tested, and others are asymptomatic.

Currently, Washington State is the epicenter of COVID-19 in the United States, with the most cases and deaths, current numbers are 40 deaths and over 642 cases. Washington state officials have warned that it’s only a matter of time before other states get to the stage that they are at now and that they should take immediate action to contain and mitigate the virus as much as possible.

Cases on the East Coast are quickly growing, creating the need for containment zones in NY.

Most people right now are living in a state of uncertainty, all we can do is wait and see how this pandemic plays out.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Sarah Abed is an independent journalist.

Featured image is from EPA-EFE/SHAWN THEW

Listen to George Kennan and End the War in Afghanistan

March 16th, 2020 by Daniel Larison

Van Jackson comments on the comparisons being made between the wars in Vietnam and Afghanistan, especially in this article by George Herring. Jackson notes that ending U.S. involvement in these unwinnable wars has a long-term benefit (quote starts at around 29:00):

Most allies were glad we got out [of Vietnam]. We cut bait from a strategic loss. So [the allies think] they’re not irrational after all. There’s a huge upside longer term to making consistently strategic moves. Getting out of a losing war is consistently strategic [bold mine-DL]. There are people on Twitter and neocons who say, literally, when this Foreign Affairs article came out, “You know if we stayed in Vietnam a little longer, we would have turned the…corner.” Are you out of your cotton-picking mind?…Also, Afghanistan is less important than Washington thinks. Yes, the Taliban was there, is there, and yeah it was a base for Al Qaeda, but everywhere can be a base for Al Qaeda. It doesn’t mean you put troops there.

The comparison with Vietnam is instructive in a few ways. First, it was the longest U.S. war prior to the war in Afghanistan, and like the vast majority of the war in Afghanistan it had nothing to do with U.S. security. Both wars were/are unwinnable, because in the end the local forces opposed to the U.S. will always be able to outlast our commitment to propping up a client government. Neither war was worth the cost. In both cases, politicians and policymakers inflated the importance of these conflicts in order to justify prolonged involvement, but when Vietnam ended it became clear very quickly how little the war actually mattered to larger U.S. policy goals. Once our war in Afghanistan is over, we will all soon realize how unnecessary it was to keep fighting there for almost two decades.

Jackson’s comment about the upside that comes from ending a losing war reminded me of the famous quote from George Kennan, who testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1966 to express his opposition to the war in Vietnam and said this:

There is more respect to be won in the opinion of this world by a resolute and courageous liquidation of unsound positions than by the most stubborn pursuit of extravagant or unpromising objectives.

If there is one sentence that U.S. politicians and policymakers should sear into their brains when thinking about U.S. involvement in foreign wars, it is this one. Kennan’s statement was all the more powerful because he had been the intellectual architect of the containment doctrine that the war was supposedly being fought to uphold. Kennan never believed that containment should apply to conflicts like the one in Vietnam, and he recognized it as the folly it was from the start. He was saying this in the earliest years of the war, but unfortunately his recommendation went unheeded until after tens of thousands of Americans and millions of Vietnamese lost their lives. Whenever hawks start screeching about the danger of losing credibility, Kennan’s words serve as an effective rebuke. The U.S. position in Afghanistan is an unsound one, and it has been for a long time. It does no one any favors to keep pretending otherwise, and the U.S. cannot conclude our part in the war there until we recognize this.

Continuing to pursue “extravagant or unpromising objectives” is neither wise nor strong. It is simple pigheadedness that allows the U.S. to waste lives and resources on a futile effort that will eventually be ended on even worse terms than it could be ended now. An essential part of statecraft is having the courage to admit when a policy has failed and to correct course as swiftly as prudence allows, and that also means admitting that we promised results that we were incapable of delivering.


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Daniel Larison is a senior editor at TAC, where he also keeps a solo blog. He has been published in the New York Times Book Review, Dallas Morning News, World Politics Review, Politico Magazine, Orthodox Life, Front Porch Republic, The American Scene, and Culture11, and was a columnist for The Week. He holds a PhD in history from the University of Chicago, and resides in Lancaster, PA. Follow him on Twitter.

Featured image is from the Library of Congress

The large number of Europeans being diagnosed with coronavirus in Africa has sparked debate and ridicule, with one Senegalese newspaper questioning whether France was out to “coronise” its former colony after two French nationals received a positive diagnosis.

With around 273 cases as of Sunday morning, Africa has been left relatively unscathed by the virus. However, governments there have come under intense pressure to put in place travel bans to stop Europeans bringing it in.

The situation has prompted some to speculate about the seeming reversal of fortunes between the two continents, with one analyst telling Middle East Eye that it was “ironic” that Europeans were attempting to travel to Africa when Africans refugees and migrants are virtually barred entry into Europe.

Some have pointed out also that many Europeans countries imposed restrictive bans during the Ebola crisis, including on African countries that had no cases.

After news broke in Senegal at the start of March that two French nationals had tested positive for the virus, Senegalese papers saw a chance to link the virus to grievances over France’s continued political and economic influence in its former colony.

Senegalese daily L’evidence pondered: “Is France Coronising Senegal?” A subtitle then added: “slave trade, economic colonisation, epidemiological colonisation?”

Rewmi, another Senegalese daily, meanwhile, exclaimed: “Another contaminated Frenchman.”

Le Pays, a daily in Burkina Faso, another former French colony, which reported two cases of Burkinabes returning from Italy this week, wrote:

“If a dozen countries on the black continent have confirmed cases here and there, the fact remains that the cases revealed are, for the most part, those of European travellers travelling to the African continent.”

Rufaro Samanga, a South African commentator at African news platform OkayAfrica, said that while African countries could continue to cope with the virus “so long as we keep the rest of the world out”, economic dependency on the West means African governments were reluctant to put in place travel bans.

“African countries are going to have lesser freedom to put in place travel bans compared to western countries because we are so dependent on things like business, investments and particularly tourism,” said Samanga, who is also a Rhodes-Mandela Scholar in Epidemiology.

“Our governments might feel that they need to pander to a lot to the governments of countries where there is a high prevalence of coronavirus just to manage the economic situation.”

She points to South Africa deciding to keep its borders open despite the country having dozens of cases, amid news last week that the economy has tipped into recession, as an example.

“I definitely think that the public health component of it at times will become secondary particularly for African countries,” she said.

“If we don’t nip it in the bud we will start seeing a steady increase in the cases.”

It was “ironic”, Samanga said, that while Africans are unable to find safe haven in the US or Europe, now people in the West are attempting to travel to various African countries.

While European nationals can enter countries like Senegal and South Africa visa-free with little more than a flash of their passports at the immigration desk, most other African nationals are required to go through a pricey and opaque visa application process that offers little guarantee of success.

Last year, a British parliamentary report said that Africans were twice as likely to be rejected for British visas than applicants from other continents, such as the Middle East. There was a “lack of procedural fairness” in the application process, the report said.

But some, like nationals of Senegal and South Africa, regional diplomatic hubs, have it easier than others. Mauritanians would need to make a 4,000km round trip to Morocco in order to apply for a British visa, and to enter Morocco they would also need a visa.

In any case, the visa option is only open to those able to afford it and who feel they may have a reasonable chance of success. Instead, many young Africans risk their lives traversing the “backway” – the treacherous routes by sea via the Atlantic or across the Sahara desert  – in the hopes of reaching Europe’s shores.

An estimated 20,000 migrants and refugees have died attempting to cross the Mediterranean since 2014, and the UN has said that the African land journey to the Mediterranean coast is twice as deadly.

On 3 March, Senegal reported its third case of coronavirus, a 33-year-old British woman and member of staff at the regional office for West Africa and Central Africa at the International Organisation of Migration (IOM).

The office, which oversees a supposedly voluntary repatriation programme for African migrants who reach Europe, or who are detained in Libya, has since taken precautionary measures.

IOM’s regional Assisted Voluntary Return programme has been heavily criticised by rights groups on the grounds that it is in fact not voluntary, because the conditions migrants face are so bad that they are left with little choice but to leave.

Visiting detention camps for mainly African migrants held in Libya in July, Vincent Cochetel, the UN’s special envoy on migration in the Mediterranean, said he saw people reduced to “skin and bone”.

Conditions, he said, were comparable to concentration camps in Bosnia in the 1990s and those in Cambodia in the 1970s under the Khmer Rouge, which was responsible for the deaths of over one million people.

A number of reasons have been offered for why the disease has not penetrated Africa. Hot weather and the continent’s relatively young population have been put forward, while some have questioned whether low detection rates are a factor.

If a string of online publications are to be believed, however, it is because black people are somehow more resistant to the virus than white people.

One message circulating in French-speaking African countries about the recovery of a Cameroonian man who took sick in China, claimed that the Chinese doctors confirmed the man survived because the “antibodies of a black person are three times stronger, powerful and resistant than that of a white”.

The claim has been strongly refuted. The World Health Organisation has warned against an “infodemic” of fake news about the virus spreading across social media channels.

Samanga puts the reason down to African countries being able to build on previous experience fighting diseases like Ebola.

Africans have taken the lead with precautionary measures at airports, while a Senegalese innovation lab which made self-diagnosis kits for Ebola is now creating ones for coronavirus, she points out.

“You’re seeing a reversal of role,” she said, speaking to MEE from Johannesburg, South Africa. “You have Africa at the forefront and the West is flailing, unable to self contain the outbreak.”

According to the Washington Post, Senegal is testing and returning results within four hours, compared to about a week in the US.

During the height of the European migrant crisis, ideas likening African and other migrants to carriers of diseases were stoked by the media and politicians. In 2015, British Prime Minister David Cameron was accused of using racist language after referring to the numbers of people seeking refuge in Europe as a “swarm”.

Spanish daily El Pais, has imagined a different world, in which it is Europeans – and not Africans – fleeing to safety across the Mediterranean, only to be barred entry to North Africa because of the coronavirus.

“Imagine that the spread of the coronavirus is uncontrolled in Europe while on the African continent, due to climatic conditions, it has no incidence,” the article entitled “Our Everyday Dystopia”, said.

Travelling on “precarious boats” from across the Straits of Gibraltar, the Greek Islands and Turkish coast, migrants would arrive to African shores to find “the same fences they erected, the same violent controls and the most impregnable borders.”

“The North African forces would shoot at Westerners mercilessly, they would shout at them: go home, leave us alone, we don’t want your illness, your misery,” it says.

It goes on to imagine European migrants falling victim to extortion by a mafia who lock them up in “inhospitable quarantines, where they would be stripped of their belongings, their feelings and their dignity.”

Countries where Europeans have tested positive for the virus include both Nigeria and Cameroon whose first cases were Italian and French nationals respectively.

A Norwegian was among Ghana’s first two cases reported on Friday. Europeans are among the confirmed cases in Algeria, which has the second highest number of confirmed infections after Egypt. In South Africa, the bulk of cases have come from a group returned home after skiing in the Italian Alps.

Mauritania reported a case of an unspecified European being diagnosed with the virus on Saturday. But at the start of the month, a group of Italian tourists attempted to escape confinement but were caught and sent home.

“The 15 were caught 90km from [the capital] Nouakchott and brought back to the airport, from where they were re-routed to their country on Sunday via Morocco,” a health ministry spokesperson said on 5 March.

One of the worst migrant boat tragedies of 2019 took place off Mauritania’s Atlantic coast, when a vessel carrying 62 Gambians capsized in December en-route to the Canary Islands, which are a part of Spain.

Days later another boat carrying nearly 200 people from the tiny West African nation was intercepted by the Mauritanian coastguard.


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Featured image: A Kenyan health worker prepares for a disinfection operation (Reuters)

1– Investors are cashing in and heading for the exits

According to Bloomberg News: “Investors made their biggest dash for cash in history” in the last week. “They channeled $137 billion into cash-like assets and a record $14 billion into government bonds in the five days through March 11…..(while) money managers are liquidating en masse.” (“Investors Liquidate Everything in Record $137 Billion Cash Haul”, Bloomberg)

Why are investors exiting the market?

Because the psychology that drives business investment (“animal spirits”) has been dramatically impacted by the coronavirus. Expectations for future prosperity have been dampened by the fog of uncertainty. When uncertainty prevails, confidence wanes and investors cash in and get out. Coronavirus is fiendishly designed to push stocks and bonds lower in response to the staggering deluge of bad news.

2–Stocks have been walloped, but consumer confidence is just now starting to drop

According to the University of Michigan, consumer sentiment fell from 101.0 to 95.9 in February. These calculations were made before the “Thursday’s stock-market plunge — the worst since 1987 — and the rapid shutdown of university campuses, public schools, major sports and entertainment venues over the last 24 hours…. the data suggest that additional declines in confidence are still likely to occur as the spread of the virus continues to accelerate.” (Bloomberg)

Stocks will undoubtedly reflect investor pessimism in the months ahead, pushing prices lower while the virus spreads.

3– The Fed’s $1.5 trillion liquidity announcement triggered an impressive 2,000 point rally, but the policy badly misfired

On Thursday, the Fed announced that it would provide more than $1.5 trillion in short-term loans to repo market traders. Fed chairman Powell believed that this would ease tighter lending conditions in a market that is a critical part of the system’s financial plumbing. Surprisingly, the demand for these short-term loans was weak and the Fed only provided a meager $119 billion. In short, the Fed did not accurately identify the source of the problem which obviously lies elsewhere.

In order to conceal its mistake, the Fed launched another round of Quantitative Easing on Friday. According to the Wall Street Journal: “The Fed announced Friday morning that it would purchase later in the day roughly half of some $80 billion in Treasury securities that it had said Thursday would be purchased over the next month.” (Wall Street Journal)

In other words, the Fed fired its $1.5 trillion policy bazooka at the repo market and missed the target entirely. The next day, the Fed resumed its QE money printing operation and investors piled back into stocks. This hit-or-miss approach shows that the Fed does not completely understand the issue it is dealing with.

4–The real economy was weak even before stocks started crashing

This is an excerpt from an article at Marketwatch by economist Stephen Roach: “The problem also lies in weak real economies that are far too close to their stall speed. The International Monetary Fund recently lowered its estimate for world GDP growth in 2019 to 3% —midway between the 40-year trend of 3.5% and the 2.5% threshold commonly associated with global recessions.

As the year comes to a close, real GDP growth in the US is tracking below 2%, and the 2020 growth forecasts for the eurozone and Japan are less than 1%. In other words, the major developed economies are not only flirting with overvalued financial markets DJIA, +9.36% and still relying on a failed monetary-policy strategy, but they are also lacking a growth cushion just when they may need it most. In such a vulnerable world, it would not take much to spark the crisis of 2020.” (Marketwatch)

Since the recession ended in March 2009, the US economy has experienced the weakest recovery in the post-World War II era. Now the American people will be facing an extended period of economic contraction in which deflationary pressures lead to a sharp rise in unemployment, homelessness, and financial insecurity.

5– Gold took a beating in last week’s selloff

Typically, gold is a “flight to safety” asset that does well when markets are crashing, but that rule did not apply last week. According to the Wall Street Journal: “Gold…suffered its worst week since 2011, dropping 9.3% and wiping out all its 2020 gains. Silver, a more volatile precious metal, tumbled 16% and is down 19% for the year.” (WSJ)

At the same time, ultra-safe municipal bonds and risk-free US Treasuries sold off hard. The reason safe haven assets sell during periods of stress is because of margin calls, that is, when a broker demands additional capital from an investor to maintain his current position in the stocks he bought with borrowed money. When stock prices fall sharply, many investors have to sell their good stocks (gold, US Treasuries) to support the bad. That is why gold got hammered last week. It is an sign that many investors are severely over-stretched and nearing the end of their resources. Many high-stakes speculators are now in big trouble.

6—Stock buybacks have plunged

Stock buybacks have been the jet-fuel that has kept the equities markets soaring to record highs before the latest virus-driven downturn. Even before the latest ructions, buybacks had significantly slowed to 2013 levels wracking up just $14 billion in January, a 30% decline from a year before. And while there are no estimations of buyback activity during the last few weeks of March, it is impossible to imagine that cash-strapped CEOs would even dream of pumping more money into shares that are falling faster than anytime since 2008. And while there is a remote possibility that the US economy will avoid recession, there’s only the slimmest chance that revenues, earnings or future expectations will give corporate bosses the wiggle-room they need to repurchase their own shares rather than stockpiling the cash they might need to maintain operations during some very tough times ahead.

Bottom line: It will be very hard for stocks to rebound in an environment in which buybacks have significantly declined or vanished altogether.

7– Stocks have already dropped sharply, but the credit crunch still lies ahead

A credit crunch refers to a decline in lending activity when funding suddenly becomes available. Currently, the markets for corporate debt have frozen due to investor skepticism that these same corporations will be able to repay the nearly $10 trillion of debt they wracked up during the “easy money” days of the last decade. Many of these corporations used the money they got from bond market to enrich themselves through executive compensation and share appreciation. In other words, CEOs sold bonds to credulous investors who thought they were buying the debt of responsible, well-managed companies when, in fact, 30% of corporate debt was deceptively used for buybacks, that is, it was used to line the pockets of executives and shareholders rather than boosting productivity, increasing worker training or R&D, or building new factories and equipment.

Corporations have been engaged in the same illicit scam mortgage lenders were involved in prior to the Crash of ’08, transferring trillions of dollars to wealthy executives via financial products that public really didn’t understand.

Many of these companies are presently unable to get the money they need to stay afloat because the market for corporate debt has shut down. This means, they will not be able to refinance their debts which will force them into bankruptcy triggering a cascade of defaults that will severely hurt their counterparties, their lenders and the broader economy. When credit becomes scarce, the economy contracts.

8– The IMF warned that the Fed’s easy money policies would lead to another crisis

This is an excerpt from Chapter 2 of the IMF’s Global Financial Stability Report: 

Accommodative monetary policy supports the economy in the near term, but easy financial conditions encourage more financial risk-taking and may fuel a further buildup of vulnerabilities in some sectors and countries. …In a material economic slowdown scenario, half as severe as the global financial crisis, corporate debt-at-risk (debt owed by firms that cannot cover their interest expenses with their earnings) could rise to $19 trillion—or nearly 40 percent of total corporate debt in major economies, and above postcrisis levels.”

The Fed’s monetary policies ignited a corporate borrowing binge that has put the country’s financial future at risk. The US is now facing a catastrophe that is entirely attributable to the “emergency rates” and the relentless meddling of the Central Bank.

9– The American people are not ready for another recession

According to Zero Hedge: “Almost 60 percent of Americans have less than $1000 in savings for a rainy day fund or an immediate emergency….”

“Four in ten Americans can’t cover an unexpected $400 expense according to a report from the Federal Reserve Board.” (CNN)

“78% Of Workers Live Paycheck To Paycheck,” says Forbes

“58 percent of Americans had less than $1,000 saved,” says Yahoo Finance

“Only 37% of Americans believe today’s children will grow up to be better off than they were,” says Marketwatch

According to Pew Research, “Majorities predict that the economy will be weaker, health care will be less affordable, the condition of the environment will be worse and older Americans will have a harder time making ends meet in the future than they do now.”

Finally, according to a MassMutual US survey, “54% of respondents think the American Dream (defined as financial security for themselves and their family) is no longer attainable.”

The majority of Americans never reaped the benefits of the economic recovery and they’re certainly not ready for another debilitating slump. As the data show, most people are living on the edge already and barely hanging on by the skin of their teeth. Another downturn will put them into freefall which will dramatically increase homelessness, food insecurity and destitution. The federal government should be looking for ways to soften the blow now instead of waiting for the markets to crash and the economy to shrivel. Forward-thinking leaders should be able to see the handwriting on the wall and realize that we are fast approaching zero hour, a crisis the likes of which we haven’t seen since the 1930s.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Mike Whitney is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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Dubious Postponement of Netanyahu’s Trial

March 16th, 2020 by Stephen Lendman

Hopefully delay isn’t an escape hatch for Netanyahu to avoid long overdue justice.

Notably, charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust he faces don’t remotely rise to the level of his crimes of war, against humanity, and slow motion genocide committed against the Palestinian people.

These high crimes are what’s most important to hold him accountable for in an international tribunal — followed by conviction on all counts and longterm imprisonment.

On Sunday, his trial scheduled to begin March 17 was postponed until May 24 on the same day his regime’s justice minister Amir Ohana, a Likudnik Netanyahu loyalist, invoked emergency measures to combat COVID-19 — both issues unrelated to each other.

In response, the Jerusalem District Court announced the following:

“In light of developments regarding the spread of the coronavirus, and taking into account the latest guidelines given and the declaration of a state of emergency in the courts, we have decided to cancel the scheduled hearing.”

Ohana declared a “state of emergency (to halt judicial proceedings except for largely undefined urgent ones) as part of the national effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.”

Until proceedings were ordered largely halted for public health reasons, this action was only taken before for security reasons. Ohana changed the rules.

Following his announcement, the Movement for Quality of Government in Israel urged AG Mendelblit to stay the ruling, saying:

“This is a temporary minister in a temporary government that has never received the public’s trust.”

Ohana’s ruling came days after the Jerusalem District Court rejected a request by Netanyahu’s defense team to delay his trial for 45 days on dubious grounds of more time needed to receive and review all investigative materials related to the case.

Ohana’s declaration means most, not all, judicial hearings are on hold. Some can go on at the discretion of courts, including issues “relating to the special emergency.”

Halting proceedings on Netanyahu’s case followed a recommendation by his health ministry that “there is a real fear of serious harm to public health” — a dubious judgment unrelated to continuing court business normally.

On Sunday, Netanyahu’s health ministry said 200 Israelis tested positive for COVID-19, a minute percent of its population, showing no just cause for declaring a state of emergency.

Only two Israelis ill from the coronavirus are in serious condition, 11 in moderate condition, others with mild symptoms, according to the health ministry.

Around 40,000 Israelis are quarantined at home, including doctors, nurses, and pharmacists.

Tests for COVID-19 have been conducted on over 6,800 Israelis as of Sunday. The US with around 37-fold Israel’s population only tested about 11,000 people so far nationwide.

South Korea with around one-sixth the US population tests around 20,000 daily.

China through late February tested around 320,000 people, South Korea through March 13 nearly 250,000 people, Italy to date 86,000, Russia 77,000, Britain 30,000.

China’s Global Times cited the country’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, saying it provides 341,600 nucleic acid reagent test kits daily, enough to accommodate everyone in the country needing one with plenty available for export.

China’s BGI Group exported COVID-19 detection kits for testing around 310,000 people in 26 countries, including in Asia and Europe.

They’re available for export to the US in large numbers if permitted by the Trump regime — not so far.

He and his Health and Human Services Department (HHS) announced that tests will only be offered by his regime to individuals showing COVID-19 symptoms — instead of getting ahead of the curve to detect early and treat as needed, what’s vital in dealing with a highly contagious disease easily spread from person to person.

It’s unclear how many ill Americans were misdiagnosed with seasonal flu and treated accordingly.

While it’s highly unlikely that contagion in the US is anywhere near epidemic levels, in dealing with infectious diseases, widespread testing is important because it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Through mid-March, around 156,000 COVID-19 cases were reported worldwide, around 5,800 deaths from the disease — these numbers nowhere near suggesting a global pandemic.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there were 2,839,205 US deaths in 2019, including from the following diseases:

  • Heart disease: 647,457
  • Cancer: 599,108
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383
  • Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404
  • Diabetes: 83,564
  • Influenza and pneumonia: 55,672
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 50,633

Annual deaths from these diseases worldwide are at or near epidemic levels with no fear-mongering headlines blasted daily about them.

A few thousand COVID-19 infections in the US and a reported 59 deaths through Friday do not an epidemic make.

Around 40,000 Americans die in car crashes annually, around 36,000 from gun violence.

In 2019, there were 169,936 deaths by accidents and unintentional injuries, according to the CDC. There were 47,173 reported suicides.

All of the above numbers are far greater causes for concern in the US than COVID-19 — so far.

It doesn’t mean that the virus can be taken lightly or can’t rise to a much higher worrisome level.

It does mean that it hasn’t hasn’t so far and with proper steps taken at the federal, state and local levels, it should be controllable like other infectious diseases are handled.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

The Bush Administration’s Secret Biowarfare Agenda

March 16th, 2020 by Stephen Lendman

First published in July 2008

When it comes to observing US and international laws, treaties and norms, the Bush administration is a serial offender. Since 2001, it’s:

— spurned efforts for nuclear disarmament to advance its weapons program and retain current stockpiles;

— renounced the 1970 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and asserted the right to develop and test new weapons;

— abandoned the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM) because it expressly forbids the development, testing and deployment of missile defenses like its Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) and other programs;

— refuses to adopt a proposed Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT) that would prohibit further weapons-grade uranium and plutonium production and prevent new nuclear weapons to be added to present stockpiles – already dangerously too high;

— spends more on the military than the rest of the world combined plus multi-billions off-the-books, for secret programs, and for agencies like the CIA;

— advocates preventive, preemptive and “proactive” wars globally with first-strike nuclear and other weapons under the nihilistic doctrines of “anticipatory self-defense” and remaking the world to be like America;

— rescinded and subverted the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) to illegally develop new biowarfare weapons; in November 1969 and February 1970, Richard Nixon issued National Security Decision Memoranda (NSDM) 35 and 44; they renounced the use of lethal and other types of biological warfare and ordered existing weapons stockpiles destroyed, save for small amounts for research – a huge exploitable loophole; the Reagan and Clinton administrations took advantage; GHW Bush to a lesser degree;

— GW Bush went further by renouncing the US Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 that prohibits “the Development, Production, and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons….;” on May 22, 1990, GHW Bush signed it into law to complete the 1972 Convention’s implementation; what the father and Nixon established, GW Bush rendered null and void; “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” is his central policy document for unchallengeable US hegemony; among other provisions, it illegally advocates advanced forms of biowarfare that can target specific genotypes – the genetic constitution of individual organisms.

A Brief Modern History of Biowarfare

— the Hague Convention of 1907 bans chemical weapons;

— WW I use of poison gas causes 100,000 deaths and 900,000 injuries;

— Britain uses poison gas against Iraqis in the 1920s; as Secretary of State for War in 1919, Winston Churchill advocates it in a secret memo stating: “I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes;”

— the 1928 Geneva Protocol prohibits gas and bacteriological warfare;

— in 1931, Dr. Cornelius Rhoads infects human subjects with cancer cells – under the auspices of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations; Rhoads later conducts radiation exposure experiments on American soldiers and civilian hospital patients;

— in 1932, the Tuskegee Syphilis Study begins on 200 black men; they’re not told of their illness, are denied treatment, and are used as human guinea pigs to follow their disease symptoms and progression; they all subsequently die;

— in 1935, the Pellagra Incident occurs; after millions die over two decades, the US Public Health Service finally acts to stem the disease;

— In 1935 – 1936, Italy uses mustard gas in conquering Ethiopia;

— In its 1936 invasion, Japan uses chemical weapons against China; in the same year, a German chemical lab produces the first nerve agent, Tabun;

— in 1940, 400 Chicago prisoners are infected with malaria to study the effects of new and experimental drugs;

— the US has had an active biological warfare program since at least the 1940s; in 1941, it implements a secret program to develop offensive and allegedly defensive bioweapons using controversial testing methods; most research and development is at Fort Detrick, MD; beginning in 2008, Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore labs will also conduct it; production and testing are at Pine Bluff, AR and Dugway Proving Ground, UT;

— from 1942 – 1945, (US) Chemical Warfare Services begins mustard gas experiments on about 4000 servicemen;

— in 1943, the US begins biological weapons research at Fort Detrick, MD;

— in 1944, the US Navy uses human subjects (locked in chambers) to test gas masks and clothing;

— during WW II, Germany uses lethal Zyklon-B gas in concentration camp exterminations; the Japanese (in Unit 731) conduct biowarfare experiments on civilians;

— in 1945, German offenders get immunity under Project Paperclip; Japanese ones as well – in exchange for their data and (for Germans at least) to work on top secret government projects in the US;

— in 1945, the US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) implements “Program F;” it’s the most extensive US study of the health effects of fluoride – a key chemical component in atomic bomb production; it’s one of the most toxic chemicals known and causes marked adverse central nervous system effects; in the interest of national security and not undermining full-scale nuclear weapons production, the information is suppressed; fluoride is found naturally in low concentration in drinking water and foods; compounds of the substance are also commonly used for cavity-prevention, but few people understand its toxicity;

— in 1946, VA hospital patients become guinea pigs for medical experiments;

— in 1947, the US has germ warfare weapons; Truman withdraws the 1928 Geneva Protocol from Senate consideration; it’s not ratified until 1974 and is now null and void under George Bush;

— in 1947, the AEC’s Colonel EE Kirkpatrick issues secret document #07075001; it states that the agency will begin administering intravenous doses of radioactive substances to human subjects;

— in July 1947, the CIA is established; it begins LSD experiments on civilian and military subjects with and without their knowledge – to learn its use as an intelligence weapon;

— in 1949, the US Army releases biological agents in US cities to learn the effects of a real germ warfare attack; tests continue secretly through at least the 1960s in San Francisco, New York, Washington, DC, Panama City and Key West, Florida, Minnesota, other midwest locations, along the Pennsylvania turnpike and elsewhere; more on outdoor testing below;

— after the (official) 1950 Korean War outbreak, North Korea and China accuse the US of waging germ warfare; an outbreak of disease the same year in San Francisco apparently is from Army bacteria released in the city; residents become ill with pneumonia-like symptoms;

— in 1950, the DOD begins open-air nuclear weapons detonations in desert areas, then monitors downwind residents for medical problems and mortality rates;

— in 1951, African-Americans are exposed to potentially fatal stimulants as part of a race-specific fungal weapons test in Virginia;

— in 1953, the US military releases clouds of zinc cadium sulfide gas over Winnipeg, Canada, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Fort Wayne, the Monocacy River Valley in Maryland, and Leesburg, VA – to determine how efficiently chemical agents can be dispersed;

— in 1953, joint Army-Navy-CIA experiments are conducted in New York and San Francisco – exposing tens of thousands of people to the airborne germs Serratia marcescens and Bacillus glogigii;

— in 1953, the CIA initiates Project MKULTRA – an 11 year research program to produce and test drugs and biological agents that can be used for mind control and behavior modification; unwitting human subjects are used;

— in 1955, the CIA releases bacteria from the Army’s Tampa, FL biological warfare arsenal – to test its ability to infect human populations;

— from 1955 – 1958, the Army Chemical Corps continues LSD research (on over 1000 subjects) – to study its effect as an incapacitating agent;

— in 1956, the US military releases mosquitoes infected with Yellow Fever over Savannah, GA and Avon Park, FL – to test the health effects on victims;

— in 1956, Army Field Manual 27-10, The Law of Land Warfare, specifically states bio-chemical warfare isn’t banned;

— in 1960, the Army Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence authorizes LSD field tested in Europe and the Far East;

— in 1961, the Kennedy administration increases chemical spending from $75 – $330 million; it authorizes Project 112 – a secret program (from 1962 – 1973) to test the effects of biological and chemical weapons on thousands of unwitting US servicemen; Project SHAD was a related project; subjects were exposed to VX, tabun, sarin and soman nerve gases plus other toxic agents;

— in 1962, chemical weapons are loaded on planes for possible use during the Cuban missile crisis;

— in 1966, the New York subway system is used for a germ warfare experiment;

— in 1968, the Pentagon considers using some of its chemical weapons (including nerve gas) against civil rights and anti-war protesters;

— in 1969, an apparent nerve agent kills thousands of sheep in Utah; Nixon issues two National Security Memoranda in 1969 and 1970; the first (in November 1969) ends production and offensive use of lethal and other type biological and chemical weapons; it confines “bacteriological/biological programs….to research for defensive purposes” and has other loopholes as well; the second (in February 1970) orders existing stockpiles destroyed, confines “toxins….research and development (to) defensive purposes only,” and declares only small quantities will be maintained to develop vaccines, drugs and diagnostics – a huge exploitable loophole;

— in 1969, the General Assembly bans herbicide plant killers and tear gases in warfare; the US is one of three opposing votes; despite being banned, open-air testing intermittently continues to the present, and the Pentagon apparently authorized it in its most recent annual report; it calls for developmental and operational “field testing of (CBW) full systems,” not just simulations, and followed it up in a recent March 2008 test; in Crystal City, VA, it released perflourocarbon tracers and sulfur hexaflouride assuring residents it’s safe; it’s not and may harm persons with asthma, emphysema and other respiratory ailments;

— in 1969, DOD’s Dr. Robert MacMahan requests $10 million to develop a synthetic biological agent for which no natural immunity exists;

— from the 1960s through at least the 1980s, the US assaults Cuba with biological agent attacks;

— in 1970, US Southeast Asian forces conduct Operation Tailwind using sarin nerve gas in Laos; many die, including civilians; Admiral Thomas Moorer, former Joint Chiefs Chairman, confirmes the raid on CNN in 1998; under Pentagon pressure, CNN retracts the report and fires award-winning journalist Peter Arnett and co-producers April Oliver and Jack Smith because they refuse to disavow their report;

— in 1971, US forces end direct use of Agent Orange in Southeast Asia; also in 1971 with CIA help, an anti-Castro paramilitary group introduces African swine fever into Cuba; it infects a half a million pigs and results in their destruction; a few months later a similar attack fails against Cuban poultry; in 1981, a covert US operation unleashes a type 2 dengue fever outbreak – the first in the Caribbean since the turn of the century involving hemorrhagic shock on a massive scale; over 300,000 cases are reported, including 158 fatalities;

— in 1975, the Senate Church Committee confirms from a CIA memorandum that US “defensive” bioweapons are stockpiled at Fort Detrick, MD – including anthrax, encephalitis, tuberculosis, shellfish toxin, and food poisons;

— in 1980, Congress approves a nerve gas facility in Pine Bluff, Arkansas;

— during the 1980s Iran-Iraq war, the US supplies Iraq with toxic biological and chemical agents; Ronald Reagan signs a secret order to do “whatever (is) necessary and ‘legal’ ” to prevent Iraq from losing the war;” a 1994 congressional inquiry later finds that dozens of biological agents were shipped, including various strains of anthrax and precursors of nerve gas (like sarin), gangrene, and West Nile virus;

— in 1984, Reagan orders M55 rockets retooled to contain high-yield explosives and VX gas; his administration begins researching and developing biological agents allegedly for “defensive purposes;”

— in 1985 and 1986, the US resumes open-air biological agents testing; it likely never stopped;

— in 1987, Congress votes to resume chemical weapons production;

— in 1989, 149 nations at the Paris Chemical Weapons Conference condemn these weapons; after signing the treaty, it’s revealed that the US plans to produce poison gas; at the UN, GHW Bush reaffirms the US commitment to eliminate chemical weapons in 10 years; the US implements the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 – “to implement….the Prohibition of the Development, Production, and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and Their Destruction….;”

— in 1990, GHW Bush signs the 1989 act making it illegal for the US to develop, possess or use biological weapons; Bush also signs Executive Order 12735 stating: the spread of chemical and biological weapons constitutes an “unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States;”

— following the Gulf War, reports surface about US forces’ health problems – later called Gulf War Syndrome; the likely cause – widespread use of depleted uranium, other toxic substances, and the illegal use (on nearly 700,000 theater forces) of experimental vaccines in violation of the Nuremberg Code on medical experimentation; over 12,000 have since died and over 30% are now ill from non-combat-related factors; they’ve since filed claims with the VA for medical care, compensation, and pension benefits;

— in 1997, Cuba accuses the US of spraying crops with biological agents;

— in 1997, the US ratifies the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) banning the production, stockpile and use of these substances;

— in 2001, the Bush administration rejects the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) citing 38 problems with it, some called serious; claiming a need to counter chemical and biological weapons threats, it’s spending multi-billions illegally to develop, test and stockpile “first-strike” chemical and biological weapons that endanger homeland security and threaten good relations with other countries;

— all along, a BWC loophole allows appropriate types and amounts of biological agents to be used for “prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes” – construed to be defensive; it also permits “research,” not “development;” the CIA took full advantage to conduct programs for offense, not defense or to further peace; further, the BWC includes nothing about genetic engineering because it didn’t exist at the time.

The US Secret Bioweapons Program

In November 2001, Michel Chossudovsky used this title for his Global article. It was when “an impressive military arsenal of aircraft carriers and gun-boats” was building up in the Persian Gulf in preparation for “a major bombing operation….against Iraq” at a future designated time.

Back home, the administration used the 2001 anthrax attacks as “justification for extending the ‘campaign against international terrorism’ to Iraq….Washington singled out Iraq, North Korea, Iran, Syria and Libya of violating the international treaty banning weapons of germ warfare.”

At the same time, ample evidence “confirms that the US has built an extensive arsenal of biological weapons (in blatant violation) of international laws and covenants.” It was enlarged in the 1980s and 1990s but significantly expanded under George Bush on the pretext of being strictly “defensive” and to “curb the use of germ warfare by ‘rogue states.’ ”

On October 29, 2002, the London Guardian reported that “Respected scientists on both sides of the Atlantic warned that the US is (illegally) developing a new generation of weapons that undermine and possibly violate international treaties on biological and chemical warfare” – ironically at the same time it accused Iraq of these same type violations.

University of Bradford international security professor Malcolm Dando and University of California microbiology lecturer Mark Wheelis accused the Bush administration of “encouraging a breakdown in arms control” treaties by secretly conducting these programs. Dando said they include:

— developing a cluster bomb to disperse bioweapons;

— building a bioweapons plant from commercially available materials to prove “terrorists” can do it;

— genetically engineering a more potent anthrax strain;

— producing dried and weaponized anthrax spores in quantities far larger than for research;

— researching and producing hallucinogenic weapons such as BZ gas; and

— developing “non-lethal” weapons similar to the gas Russia used to end the 2002 Moscow theater siege that killed around 170 people and injured hundreds.

In February 2008, the Sunshine Project suspended operations, but its website is still accessible. It was an NGO dedicated to banning and “avert(ing) the dangers of” bioweapons. In 2001, it accused the Bush administration of advancing “a plan to undermine international controls on biological weapons.”

On May 8, 2002, it issued a press release titled “US Armed Forces Push for Offensive Biological Weapons Development – genetically engineered microbes that attack items such as fuel, plastics and asphalt” in violation of international law. The proposals date from 1997 and involve the (Washington, DC) Naval Research Laboratory and the (Brooks Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas) Armstrong Laboratory. They come at a time when the US rejected “legally-binding” UN inspections of “suspected” facilities producing weapons “explicitly for offense.”

Additional documents have been suppressed and those known “are probably only the tip of the iceberg….The National Academies are also concealing related documents. After the Sunshine Project requested copies….on March 12, 2002, (they) placed a ‘security hold’ on the public file” without explanation. “The research proposed by the Air Force and Navy raises serious legal questions. Under the (1989) US Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act, development of biological weapons, including those that attack materials, is subject to federal criminal and civil penalties.” It also prohibits development, acquisition and stockpiling of agents intended as bioweapons.

On May 21, 2004, AP reported that arms control advocates warned the Bush administration that “proposed research for a new (Fort Detrick) Homeland Security center may violate an international ban on biological weapons and encourage other countries to follow.” Experts said proposals for the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC) flout bioweapons prohibitions by crossing the line between “defensive” research and banned weapons development.

On July 31, 2007 the London Guardian reported that the US is “Building (a) Treaty-Breaching Germ War Defence Centre” near Washington, DC” – NBACC. It’s to be completed in 2008 and will be a “vast germ warfare laboratory intended to help protect the US against an attack with biological weapons, but critics say the laboratory’s work will violate international law and its extreme secrecy will exacerbate a biological arms race (by) accelerat(ing) work on similar facilities around the world.”

It will house “heavily guarded and hermetically sealed chambers….to produce and stockpile the world’s most lethal bacteria and viruses” – forbidden by the 1972 BWC and 1989 US Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act. The Fort Detrick facility will be used for the new 160,000 square foot lab, and it’s authorization coincided with the 2001 anthrax attacks that killed five people, and along with 9/11, unleashed everything that followed.

DHS calls Fort Detrick the home of “The National Interagency Biodefense Campus.” Besides NBACC, other agencies there include:

— the Health and Human Services’ (NIH) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID);

— the Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service and Foreign Disease-Weed Science Research Unit (FDWSRU); and

— the Department of Defense’s US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID).

DHS says USAMRIID “conduct(s) basic and applied research on biological threats (to provide) cutting-edge medical research for the warfighter against biological threats.” International law and bioweapons expert, Francis Boyle, disagrees. He says the “program constitutes clear violations of the international (1972 BWC) arms control treaty….ratified by the United States in 1975.” He also cites BWC’s preamble that states in part:

“….Parties to this Convention (are) Determined to act with a view to achieving effective progress towards general and complete disarmament, including the prohibition and elimination of all types of weapons of mass destruction, and convinced that the prohibition of the development, production and stockpiling of chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons and their elimination, through effective measures, will facilitate the achievement of general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control….” The BWC goes on to say that use of these weapons are so “repugnant to the conscience of mankind….that no effort should be spared to minimize this risk.”

In Boyle’s view, Fort Detrick’s NBACC and USAMRIID heighten risks because their work involves: “acquiring, growing, modifying, storing, packaging and dispersing classical, emerging and genetically engineered pathogens.” This work is an “unmistakable hallmark of an offensive weapons program” in violation of the 1989 Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act that he authored. Even worse according to Edward Hammond, former director of the Sunshine Project: Recreating the deadly 1918 “Spanish flu” germ that killed an estimated 40 million worldwide (or other dangerous pathogens) increases “the possibility of (a) man-made disaster, either accidental or deliberate….for the entire world.” If a single viral particle or cell escapes or is unleashed, an enormous outbreak may result with potentially catastrophic consequences.

The Fort Detrick plan derives from a Bush Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD-10) written April 28, 2004. It states: “Among our many initiatives we are continuing to develop more forward-looking analyses, to include Red Teaming efforts, to understand new scientific trends that may be exploited by our adversaries to develop biological weapons and to help position intelligence collectors ahead of the problem.” Boyle calls it “a smoking gun” aimed at the BWC.

“Red Teaming means that we actually have people out there on a Red Team plotting, planning, scheming and conspiring how to use biowarfare” and sooner or later will unleash it using living organisms for military purposes. They may be viral, bacterial, fungal, or other forms that can spread over a vast terrain by wind, water, insect, animal, or humans, according to Jeremy Rifkin, author of “The Biotech Century.” Rifkin also asserts it’s “impossible to distinguish between defensive and offensive research in the field,” and given this administration’s penchant for lying and secrecy, other nations will be justifiably suspicious.

The Bush administration proceeded anyway. Since 9/11, it spent or allocated around $50 billion on bioweapons development through 11 federal departments and agencies, including DOD and DHS. For FY 2009, it wants an additional $8.1 billion or $2.5 billion more than in FY2008. It calls its program preventive and defensive and cites Project BioShield as an example. It became law in July 2004 as a 10 year program to develop countermeasures to biological, chemical, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) agents. It was, in fact, a gift to companies like Gilead Sciences, the company Donald Rumsfeld led as chairman from 1997 to 2001 (and remains a major shareholder) until he left to become George Bush’s Defense Secretary.

It would have also required every American to be vaccinated under the Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005. It passed the Senate but not the House and would have, under a public emergency, allowed experimental or approved drugs to be used with insufficient knowledge of their safety – in violation of the Nuremburg Code on medical experimentation. It also would have immunized companies from liability and denied those harmed the right to sue.

Private Bioweapons Labs Cashing In

According to the Sunshine Project, “scores of US universities and biotechnology companies (since 2001) have benefitted handsomely from billions of dollars in ‘biodefense’ cash. Across the country, ‘biodefense’ labs are sprouting up like weeds. The unrelenting spigot of federal money (has) thousands of scientists and technicians” doing bioweapons research on some of the deadliest pathogens. But the problem is much greater than that:

— projects underway are illegal;

— immense secrecy enshrouds them; and

— federal oversight is so lax that NIH safety guidelines aren’t enforced and CDC poorly identifies problems it should address; as a result, “accidents are popping up everywhere” amidst a “pervasive cover-up culture” that hides them – in direct violation of federal rules and responsible practice that:

(1) require government agencies to protect the public from dangerous pathogens, and

(2) obligate research labs to disclose the nature of their work; failure to do so suggests alleged biodefense research is, in fact, cover for offensive biowarfare programs to complement Fort Detrick and other government site efforts.

The Sunshine Project believes about 400 private bioweapons labs now operate around the country with no public disclosure of their activities – and plenty of reasons to worry Francis Boyle that the Bush administration is up to mischief. It “sabotaged the Verification Protocol for the BWC (and) fully intend(s) to (engage in) research, development and testing of illegal and criminal offensive biowarfare programs.” That prospect should frighten everyone.

Reporter Sherwood Ross for sure. He calls the administration’s project “the costliest, most grandiose research scheme ever attempted (with) germ warfare capability….going forward under President Bush and in defiance of” US and international laws. Far worse, where once “germ warfare was an isolated happenstance, (today’s efforts elevate it) to an instrument of (deadly and loathsome) policy.

Other Recent Developments

On February 21, 2008, the Sidney Morning Herald reported that the Bush administration rejected claims made by Indonesian Health Minister, Siti Fadilah Supari, in her book titled: “It Is Time for the World to Change! God’s Hand Behind Bird Flu Virus.” She questions whether the US is using bird flu samples collected from developing nations to develop biological weapons, not new vaccines as claimed.

On July 20, 2008, the Jakarta Post reported: “If there were a “National Darling Award” contest….Supari would probably win it. (Her) supporters praise her as a great third world heroine who dares challenge the global structure of injustice and inequality perpetrated by powerful states (like the US) and networks of international institutions. Most of the praise is based on opinions” from her new book mentioned above.

She claims the US is transferring virus samples to the Los Alamos National Laboratory. It’s one of two US nuclear weapons labs that will operate new biological research facilities capable of researching and developing dangerous pathogens in violation of the BWC and US Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989. California-based Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is the other one. On January 25, it began operating a new Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) lab. In August, Los Alamos is scheduled to complete a federally mandated environmental study for a similar lab to begin operations shortly thereafter. Given the Bush administration’s penchant for secrecy, Supari’s accusations may be justified.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) establishes biosafety classifications. BLS-4 ones, like for Ebola, are the most dangerous, in part, because no known cures exist. Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore currently operate BLS-2 labs. They’ll now have BLS-3 ones to study infectious agents able to cause serious or fatal illnesses if inhaled. But there’s no way to know if both labs, Fort Detrick, others like the former Edgewood Arsenal (now the Edgewood Area at the Aberdeen Proving Ground), Oak Ridge Ridge National Laboratory, and still more we don’t know about will secretly research any type pathogens, including the most dangerous ones, for any purpose – offense or defense.

What is known is that government labs will study pathogens posing serious public health and safety threats. Ones like anthrax, botulism, brucellosis, plague, Rickettsia, tularemia, Avian influenza, H5N1 (the recent strain reported and called the most dangerous), and valley fever plus whatever others are planned but kept secret.

Most important is this. These labs conduct weapons research, so they’ll likely focus on bioweapons and not follow BWC “prophylactic, protective, or other peaceful purposes” guidelines. For example, vaccines and potential biological weapons defenses may, in fact, be for offense. Distinguishing between the two is impossible so other nations and figures like Supari are suspicious.

They’re not comforted by Lawrence Livermore’s Lynda Seaver. On February 12, she told Arms Control Today that the US is “a signatory to the Biowarfare Convention and does not conduct bioweapons research.” She also said most work there will be unclassified. On February 15, however, a CDC spokesperson suggested otherwise and informed Arms Control Today that Lawrence Livermore security restrictions are tight as they are at Los Alamos, Fort Detrick and other US weapons research facilities. They bar transparency and place strict limits on sharing select agents research to prevent other nations from knowing it exists or its purpose.

Further, later this year DHS will complete construction of the new Fort Detrick lab (NBACC), and a new $500 million animal research facility is planned. Both will have BLS-3 and 4 capabilities. They’ll work on the most dangerous known pathogens and conduct controversial type threat assessment research – to develop and produce new biological weapons and develop defenses against them. Once again, differentiating between offense and defense is impossible, and given their penchant for deception and secrecy, no one takes Bush administration officials at their word nor should they.

Francis Boyle’s “Biowarfare and Terrorism”

Boyle drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act and covers it in his 2006 book. It’s now codified in Title 18 of the US Code, sections 175 – 178 and was the implementing legislation for the landmark 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC).

MIT molecular biology professor Jonathan King wrote this about the book in its forward:

It “outlines how and why the United States government initiated, sustained and then dramatically expanded an illegal biological arms buildup….Boyle reveals how the new (multi-) billion-dollar US Chemical and Biological Defense Program has been reoriented (endorsing “first strike” CBW use in war) to accord with the Neo-Conservative pre-emptive strike agenda – this time by (illegal) biological and chemical warfare.” This “represent(s) a significant emerging danger to our population (and) threaten(s) international relations among nations.” These programs “are always called defensive (but) with biological weapons, defensive and offensive programs overlap almost completely.”

“Boyle (also) sheds new light on the motives for the (2001) anthrax attacks, the media black hole of silence (about them), and why the FBI may never apprehended the perpetrators of this seminal crime of the 21st century.” They killed five people, injured 17 others, and temporarily shut down Congress, the Supreme Court, and other federal operations. Army scientist Dr. Steven Hatfill was unfairly implicated as a “person of interest” but was never charged. He sued the Justice Department and in June was awarded $2.8 million and a $150,000 annuity for violating his privacy, leaking false and inflammatory information, costing him his job and reputation, and blasting his name all over the media for days. It was the beginning of the frightening events that followed.

Boyle is currently a leading proponent of an effort to impeach George Bush, Dick Cheney and other high-level administration figures for their crimes of war, against humanity and other grievous violations of domestic and international law. In his “Biowarfare and Terrorism,” he sounds an alarm about the administration’s bioweapons program and what it means for humanity. He fears “a catastrophic biowarfare or bioterrorist incident or accident (is) a statistical certainty.” It highlights enormous new risks plus other frightening ones like the possibility of nuclear war and catastrophic fallout from it. That, permanent wars, a potential Andromeda Strain, police state justice, and destroying the republic are but five among other threats since the advent of George Bush and his roguish team.

In “Biowarfare and Terrorism,” Boyle addresses the bioweapons threat as an expert on the subject and gives readers an historical perspective. He asserts that the US government dramatically expanded an illegal biological arms development, production, and buildup that endangers all humanity with its potential. It’s part of an extremist agenda for unchallengeable power and right to unleash “proactive” wars with the most aggressive weapons in its arsensal – nuclear, chemical, biological, others, space-based ones, and new ones in development.

Since WW II, America has actively developed, tested, and used terror weapons, including biological ones. Even after Nixon ended the nation’s biowarfare programs, they never stopped. The CIA remained active through a loophole in the law, then the Reagan administration reactivated what Nixon slowed down. It acted much like the current regime with many of the same officials espousing similar extremist views – that America must exploit its technological superiority and not let laws, norms, or the greater good deter them.

The Bush administration raised the stakes and threatens all humanity. Boyle believes it used 9/11 and the anthrax attacks to stampede Congress and the public into aggressive wars and a menu of repressive laws. He also thinks the FBI knows who’s behind the anthrax attacks: criminal US government elements planning a police state and another frightening enterprise – to fight and win a future biowar. A possible nuclear one as well. Boyle sounds the alarm about what may lie ahead and its potential consequences.

In October 2003, the National Academy of Sciences did as well. It warned about the “misuse of tools, technology, or knowledge base of (bioweapons) research for offensive military or terrorist purposes.” That’s the present risk. It makes everyone unwitting subjects of a recklessly endangering experiment.

Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. He lives in Chicago and can be reached at [email protected].

Also visit his blog site at and listen to The Global Research News Hour on Mondays from 11AM – 1PM US Central time for cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests. All programs are archived for easy listening.

I have previously objected to how the Justice Department uses grand juries to punish certain individuals who refuse to cooperate with federal investigations. This concern was heightened during my representation of Dr. Sami Al-Arian who signed a plea bargain with the understanding that, after serving his time, he would be allowed to leave the country. Instead, he was forced before a grand jury and remained in jail for years as a matter of contempt. The Justice Department often prolongs the incarceration while piling on fines to ruin individuals who refuse to cooperate. That was the case with Chelsea Manning. Like Al-Arian, she had already served time for her role in the Wikileaks controversy but the remainder of her sentence was commuted by President Barack Obama. The Justice Department proceeded to pull her before another grand jury where she refused to testify (like Al-Arian). After a long incarceration and an equally excessive 256,000 in fines, she finally tried to kill herself this week by hanging in the Alexandria jail. Only then did U.S. District Judge Anthony Trenga finally order her release.

In a 2019 letter to the judge, Manning objected to the grand jury probe as “an effort to frighten journalists and publishers, who serve a public good.” Given her long prior sentence and the presidential commutation, Manning refused to testify under a guarantee to immunity because she viewed the effort as an attack on press freedom.

Judge Trenga rejected her prior pleas to be released for 10 months. After the suicide attempt, he finally relented but refused to lift the massive fines against Manning. Trenga simply noted that the grand jury had been disbanded so there was nothing to coerce at this time in terms of testimony: “The Court finds that Ms. Manning’s appearance before the Grand Jury is no longer needed, in light of which her detention no longer serves any coercive purpose.”

The Manning case (like Al-Arian’s) should compel Congress to take another look at how the grand jury system is used for retaliatory and punitive purposes by the Justice Department. One does not have to agree with the views or the actions of either Manning or Al-Arian to view these cases as abusive.

Courts clearly are not exercising much discretion under these current rules governing contempt cases. The result is that prosecutors can impose excessive levels of incarceration and fines on individuals by daisy-chaining grand juries (as with both Manning and Al-Arian). This is an area of abuse that has been ignored by Congress for too long. Prosecutors know that there is little political benefit for Congress to seek reforms when the subjects of the cases are so unpopular. The result has been unchecked authority to impose unjust and unwarranted levels of punishment through the federal contempt rules.


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COVID-19: Is the United States Committing Economic Suicide?

March 16th, 2020 by Michael Zitterman

Houston, we have a problem.  That problem is Covid-19 (named for Coronavirus disease 2019), first identified in Wuhan City, China. 

Our government is taking actions which appear to be excessive and misguided, based on the concept of “cost versus benefits”.

These actions, at the minimum, are shutting down portions of our economy.  The ambiguities of the unintended consequences are extremely problematic in that the costs of these actions are massive and may become severe enough to cause a recession or even a depression.

What “value“ do we expect to receive from these actions?

Based on the most recent evidence, it appears this virus is most damaging to the elderly, especially those with medical problems.

What is the cost of the common-sense concepts of washing our hands, staying home if ill, identifying at-risk signs (high fever, coughing, and sore throat) reacting appropriately, adjusting protocols at nursing homes, reasonably segregating at-risk persons, etcetera?

Can we make a rational extrapolation of these common-sense costs and compare to those which will result from the proposed protocols?   The “value” differential must also be evaluated.  That accumulated comparative data should inform our “adjusted” actions.

We probably have the requisite evidence to guide us on how we should expend our energies, most effectively and efficiently, to mitigate the damages which will be caused by the virus.

There are, now, about 5,000 deaths, worldwide and climbing.  What if the year’s total were 100,000?  Would that cost, rationally, necessitate our shutting down our normal activities?

The World Health Organization estimates that worldwide annual influenza epidemics result in about 3 to 5 million cases of severe illness and about 250,000 to 500,000 deaths.  Using 4 million cases and 375,000 deaths, it shows a mortality rate of 9.375%.

Once again, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” (FDR).

Let’s use common sense and get back to living.


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In the early 2000s, genetically modified (GM) Bt insecticidal cotton was being heavily promoted in India on the basis that it would cut pesticide use dramatically, boost yields and contribute to the financial well-being of farmers. Private sector Bt cotton hybrids now cover over 90% of the area under cotton.

Supporters of Bt cotton have wasted little time in claiming that GM technology has increased cotton yields, reduced pesticide use and has been of enormous benefit to farmers due to increased crop profitability. If we consider Prof Glenn Stone’s 2012 paper ‘Constructing Facts: Bt Cotton Narratives in India’, however, it becomes clear that such claims are too often weaved from flawed data and studies and merely serve to bolster vested interests.

In an attempt to shed further light on the role of Bt cotton in India, Glenn Stone (Washington University in St Louis) and his colleague K R Kranthi (International Cotton Advisory Committee) have jointly authored a new paper – ‘Long-term impacts of Bt Cotton in India’ – that appears in the journal Nature Plants (March 2020). Unlike previous assessments, the paper is quite unique as it is based on a long-term analysis that spans a period of 20 years.

While proponents of Bt cotton say that GM technology is responsible for tripling cotton production between 2002 (when Bt cotton was commercialised in India) and 2014, Stone argues that the largest production gains came prior to widespread GM seed adoption and must be viewed in line with changes in fertilisation practices and other pest population dynamics.

Stone says:

“There are two particularly devastating caterpillar pests for cotton in India, and, from the beginning, Bt cotton did control one of them: the (misnamed) American bollworm. It initially controlled the other one, too – the pink bollworm – but that pest quickly developed resistance and now it is a worse problem than ever.”

He adds that Bt plants were highly vulnerable to other insect pests that proliferated as more and more farmers adopted the crop.

According to Stone:

“Farmers are now spending much more on insecticides than before they had ever heard of Bt cotton. And the situation is worsening.”

Although yields in all crops jumped in 2003, the increase was especially large in cotton.

However, Stone says:

“… Bt cotton had virtually no effect on the rise in cotton yields because it accounted for less than 5% of India’s cotton crop at the time.”

Stone argues that any changes in productivity have more to do with huge increases in insecticides and fertilisers and that farmers in India are now spending more on seeds, more on fertiliser and more on insecticides.

So, what has been the overall impact of Bt cotton in India?

Stone says that Bt cotton’s primary impact on agriculture will be its role in making farming more capital-intensive, rather than any enduring agronomic benefits. And this conclusion appears to confirm what others have been saying in recent years.

During a September 2019 media event in Delhi, for instance, Aruna Rodrigues and Vandana Shiva showed that pesticide use is back to pre-Bt levels and yields have stagnated or are falling. Moreover, they noted that some 31 countries rank above India in terms of cotton yield and of these only 10 grow GM cotton. They concluded that farmers now find themselves on a (capital-intensive) chemical-biotech treadmill and have to deal with an increasing number of Bt/insecticide resistant pests and rising costs of production.

Their data indicated that overall net profit for cotton farmers in the pre-Bt era had plummeted to average net losses  in 2015, while fertiliser use kg/ha had exhibited a 2.2-fold increase. As Bt technology was being rolled out, costs of production were thus increasing. And these costs have increased in the face of stagnant yields. They too indicated that increased fertiliser and insecticides along with high-yielding hybrid trait value (independent of Bt technology) and increased acreage under cotton cultivation were responsible for any increase in productivity. 

In fact, based on his own research, Prof A P Gutierrez argues that Bt cotton has effectively put many farmers in a corporate noose. Although Bt cotton hybrids perform better under irrigation, 66% of cotton in India is cultivated in rain fed areas, where yields depend on the timing and quantity of highly variable monsoon rains. Unreliable rains, the high costs of Bt hybrid seed, continued insecticide use and debt have placed many poor (marginal) smallholder farmers in a situation of severe financial hardship.  

Based on extensive field research in India, cultural anthropologist Andrew Flachs argues that independent cultivators have become dependent on corporate products, including off-farm commodified corporate knowledge. In the past, they cultivated, saved and exchanged seeds; now, as far as cotton cultivation is concerned, they must purchase GM hybrid seeds (and necessary chemical inputs) each year. 

While Bt cotton farmers are losing their traditional knowledge and skills due to increasing market dependency, they are now trapped in a scenario of debt and rising input costs. In the meantime, maybe one in four seasons a farmer will attain a good enough yield to break even. Flachs notes that negotiating risk and gambling on seeds, weather and pesticide use have become an integral part of the corporate cotton seed and chemical treadmill.

It all begs the question: just who has benefitted from Bt cotton? For the answer to this, let us turn to Imran Siddiqi from the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology in Hyderabad, who notes that India opted to use hybrids seeds for Bt technology. Hybrids are made by crossing two parent strains having different genetic characters and the plants have more biomass than both parents and capacity for greater yields. But they also require more inputs, including fertiliser and water, and require suboptimal planting (more space).

Siddiqi notes that all other cotton-producing countries grow cotton not as hybrids but varieties for which seeds are produced by self-fertilisation. He argues that  the advantages of non-hybrids are considerable: twice the productivity, half the fertiliser, reduced water requirement and less vulnerability to pest damage due to a shorter field duration. He concludes that agricultural distress is extremely high among Indian cotton farmers and the combination of high input and high risk has likely been a contributing factor.

The introduction of hybrids disallowed seed saving, forcing farmers to purchase new, expensive hybrid Bt cotton seed each year, as hybridisation – unlike pure line varieties – affords one-time vigour. The use of hybrids in India gave pricing control to seed companies and Monsanto that issued licenses for the technology, while ensuring a continuous market.

When viewed in this light, Bt hybrid cotton technology has been integral to what veteran rural reporter P Sainath terms the ‘predatory commercialisation of the countryside’ by corporate interests. Its main role from the outset has been value capture and the creation of market dependency. It this respect, Bt cotton has been an outstanding success.


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Colin Todhunter is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research.

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The Release of Chelsea Manning

March 16th, 2020 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

Chelsea Manning’s release last Thursday by order of Virginia District Court judge Anthony Trenga had an air of oddness to it.  “The court finds Ms. Manning’s appearance before the Grand Jury is no longer needed, in light of which her detention no longer serves any coercive purpose.”

Her detention had never served any coercive purpose as such – she remained unwilling to testify before an institution she questions as dangerous, secretive and oppressive.  She steadfastly refused to answer any questions relating to WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.  What her detention has done is disturb her health and constitute an act of State harassment that ranks high in the annals of abuses of power.

In March 2019, the former military analyst was summoned to appear and give testimony to the Grand Jury convened in the Eastern District of Virginia.  As the New York Times put it at the time, “there were multiple reasons to believe that the subpoena [forcing Manning to testify] is related to the investigation of Mr Assange.”  She challenged the legitimacy of the subpoena, though lost and was held for contempt.  Having already been court martialled and sentenced, Manning saw little need having to go through another round of ear bashing interrogations.  “Chelsea,” submitted her support committee in a statement, “gave voluminous testimony during her court martial.  She has stood by the truth of her prior statements, and there is no legitimate purpose to having her rehash them before a hostile grand jury.”

In May that year, Manning was granted one week of freedom until the next grand jury was convened.  Again, she was found to be in civil contempt and remanded “to the custody of the Attorney General until such time as she purges herself of contempt or for the life of the Grand Jury”.  Her refusal to purge herself of contempt after 30 days duly incurred a fine of $500 per day, an amount that was increased to $1,000 after 60 days.

As Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment noted at the time, such limitations on Manning’s liberty did “not constitute a circumscribed sanction for a specific offence, but an open-ended, progressively severe measure of coercion fulfilling all the constitutive elements of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment.”  The mental degradation inflicted by the process did almost achieve its worst. On March 11, Manning attempted to take her own life.

In attempting to battle her fine, Manning argued that the Court vacate the imposed sanctions, as they exceeded “their lawful functions as coercive” and were punitive in character.  Her legal team had argued that she lacked savings, seen “an uncertain speaking career … abruptly halted by her incarceration, and is moving her few belongings into storage, as she can no longer afford to pay her rent.”  Financial records were duly shared with the court to make the case of “compromised earning capacity”.

Judge Trenga refused to bite.  Despite accepting the premise that detaining her had ceased any utility, the fines amounting to $256,000 were not “punitive but rather necessary to the coercive purpose of the Court’s civil contempt order.”

The brutish episode has done much to confirm Manning’s views that the Grand Jury has powers that are needless, serve no purpose other than to vex those it seeks to ensnares, and remains an odd fit in a democratic state.  As Manning herself explained in a letter to Judge Trenga in May last year, “I object to this grand jury … as an effort to frighten journalists and publishers, who serve a crucial public good.  I have had these values since I was a child, and I’ve had years of confinement to reflect on them.  For much of that time, I depended on survival on my values, my decisions, and my conscience. I will not abandon them now.”

The rosy standpoint – that such body served, in Robert Gilbert Johnson’s words, as “security to the accused against oppressive prosecution and as protector of the community against public malfeasance and corruption” – can be put to bed and strangled.  The very secrecy that supposedly protects the grand jurors against corrupt eyes and venal prosecutors has been used to ensure its flourishing.  Prosecutors can be assured of compliance rather than challenge being, in District Judge Edward Becker’s sharp observation, “essentially controlled by the United States Attorney [as] his prosecutorial tool”.

The current crop of critics is also growing in number.  According to Natasha Lennard, writing on the subpoena directed at Manning, “Prosecutors and other authorities use grand juries to map out political affiliations while sowing paranoia and discord.”  She quotes the views of civil rights attorney and Manning’s legal representative Moira Meltzer-Cohen. “While the federal grand jury purports to be a simple mechanism for investigating criminal offences, it can be – and historically has been – used by prosecutors to gather intelligence to which they are not entitled, for example about lawful and constitutionally protected political activity.”  The US, being a galloping imperium, needs certain tools to rein in the dissidents and rabble rousers.

A funding campaign was commenced to ease Manning’s burden and, with $267,002 raised, met its goal handsomely.  But the legacy of the grand jury, and the continuing prosecution of Assange and the WikiLeaks project, retain their menace and sting.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is from Massoud Nayeri

China has sent a team of medical experts and aid to support Italy and Spain in their fight against coronavirus after Rome blasted the European Union for ignoring its pleas for help.

A charter flight with a nine-member Chinese medical-aid team and tons of supplies arrived in Rome last night.

Organised by the National Health Commission and the Red Cross Society of China, the flight carried 700 pieces of equipment including ventilators, monitors and defibrillators.

“Today, Italy is not alone,” said Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio. “Many people in the world are supporting us.”

It is the third team of experts deployed by the Chinese authorities. Missions and shipments of supplies have already been sent to Iraq and Iran, the latter being one of the countries worst affected by coronavirus so far.

Earlier this week, Italy’s permanent representative to the EU, Maurizio Massari, complained that Italy’s plea for medical help to combat the coronavirus outbreak crippling the country had gone unanswered.

Doctors and members of the Chinese Red Cross pose for a photo prior to a press conference in Rome 

Mr Massari noted that while the EU had ignored Italian requests for aid, China had begun helping bilaterally.

“Italy, the European country struck hardest by the coronavirus, has done everything it can to contain and manage the epidemic,” he said.

“We must ensure, under EU co-ordination, the supply of the necessary medical equipment and its redistribution among those countries and regions most in need. Today, this means Italy; tomorrow, the need could be elsewhere.”

“Italy has already asked to activate the European Union Mechanism of Civil Protection for the supply of medical equipment for individual protection.

“But, unfortunately, not a single EU country responded to the commission’s call. Only China responded bilaterally. Certainly, this is not a good sign of European solidarity.”

The Chinese experts and equipment arrived two days after the number of confirmed confirmed cases in Italy topped 10,000.

Beijing has been praised by the World Health Organisation for its efforts against the coronavirus. Authorities responded to the outbreak by building new hospitals in a matter of days and locking down Hubei province, which has a population of 58 million, to contain the spread of the disease.

National Health Commission spokesman Mi Feng told a briefing earlier this week that the peak of China’s outbreak was “generally over.”

Health authorities reported just 15 new cases and 11 additional deaths yesterday, a dramatic fall from the thousands of new cases being reported daily last month.

So far, China has recorded 80,793 cases of infection and 3,169 deaths.


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Featured image: Doctors and members of the Chinese Red Cross pose for a photo prior to a press conference in Rome

The Environmental Protection Agency today issued revised methods for assessing pesticide risks that will allow widespread harm to most of the nation’s most endangered plants and animals, including American burying beetles, Rio Grande silvery minnows and Hawaiian hoary bats.

The revised methods from the Trump administration, requested by the pesticide industry, overlook and ignore many of the common ways that protected species are harmed and killed by pesticides. For example, they fail to take into account downstream impacts of pesticides that runoff into streams and rivers or the loss of insect pollinators that endangered plants depend upon.

“This disgraceful new rule prioritizes the pesticide industry’s profits over the protection of America’s most endangered animals and plants,” said Lori Ann Burd, environmental health director at the Center for Biological Diversity. “It’s painfully clear that pesticides have a devastating effect on some of our most vulnerable species, and the Trump administration is intent on thwarting urgently needed protections.”

Using the revised methods, the EPA released new assessments finding that the highly toxic pesticide carbaryl is likely to harm 1,542 protected species, or 86% of all endangered plants and animals. It found that the pesticide methomyl is likely to harm 1,114 of all protected species, or 62%. Species adversely affected include the highly endangered whooping crane, San Joaquin kit fox and all species of salmon.

Carbaryl and methomyl are neurotoxic insecticides in the carbamate class, very similar to organophosphates such as chlorpyrifos. They are highly toxic and among the worst pesticides still in use.

The EPA walked back some of the worst ideas from its draft revised methods, which were described by the attorneys general of 10 states and the District of Columbia as “antithetical to the plain language and purpose of the ESA.”

“The EPA recognized that the draft revised methods were so blatantly pro-pesticide that they had to dial them back. Even so, they still fail to meet the Endangered Species Act’s requirements for determining harm to protected plants and animals,” said Burd. “We’re in the midst of a heartbreaking wildlife extinction crisis, and the EPA’s new rules only make the situation worse.”

Today’s assessments of carbaryl and methomyl were the result of extensive litigation and the EPA reaching a legal settlement with the Center in which it committed to assess the risks that eight of the nation’s most harmful pesticides pose to protected plants and animals. To date the EPA has never once implemented a nationwide Endangered Species Act consultation on pesticides, as required under the Act.

The revised methods released today are designed to allow pesticides to remain on the market without common-sense restrictions on their use to protect endangered species. They disregard the recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences and ignore the mandate of the Endangered Species Act to give imperiled wildlife and plants the benefit of the doubt when evaluating the range of impacts caused by exposure to pesticides.

Records obtained through the Freedom of Information Act show that the new assessment methods were driven by political-level appointees at the EPA, Department of the Interior, Department of Commerce and the White House.

From 2013 to 2017 career scientists at the EPA and federal wildlife agencies worked to implement the recommendations of the National Academy of Science assessing the impacts of pesticides. This collaborative and transparent process was developed with hundreds of hours of stakeholder input but was halted when then acting Interior Secretary David Bernhardt was briefed on the results of the initial assessments in October 2017.

This unprecedented effort to scuttle endangered species consultations spurred the EPA and wildlife agencies to attempt to justify their failure to release the analysis and to demonstrate they are taking action to save endangered animals on the brink of extinction.


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Featured image: San Joaquin kit fox, courtesy of USFWS

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It’s more than interesting—it’s significant—how various civilizations throughout history have had absolute faith their own primary mode of understanding the world, until catastrophic events caused people to violently destroy the symbols that held their world together, and left it all behind.

In the Indus Valley they walked away from their villages and abandoned their gods.

The tribe centered in Teotihuacan burned their temples before leaving, as did the ancient Egyptians after Pepi II’s death.

In each case, a once-dominant culture symbolized its death by rejecting the entities, the gods that unified them, and by burning their shrines.

In our time, the back-to-back sequence of WWI and WWII caused Western culture to burn their unifying mode of understanding the world: rationality and human dignity. As the drifting Indus and wandering Central Americans diffused and dissolved into history, Western culture is right now drifting into history, having abandoned its central unifying world view.

In our day, the temples of the old gods of rationality and of the human spirit–e.g. colleges and universities–like the temples of old, have been set on fire, in this case not literally, but by surrendering internally to a bleak relativism that knows only the rejection of all objective unity expressed by the morally exhausted exhalation of a single word: “resist.” In this deliberate self-impaling on the spike of relativism, the college surrendered to the external forces of neoliberal capitalism as a model for running education, by allowing it to make faculty into mini-administrators, and courses into outcome-based profit units, measured in terms of numbers alone. Just as in primal days, the collapse of cultural unity opens the door to that culture’s enemies, especially if that collapsing culture happened to be an empire, as in the case of Teotihuacan, Egypt, and our own U.S. Empire in the West.

So what have we burned? We have squandered a once-prosperous nation built on dual ideals of freedom and equality and turned them both inside out, into their negatives: freedom into the selfishness of “me first” as a virtue, and equality into the dominance me over you, or more obviously, one class over other classes, with the others splintered and siloed into small “identity groups” competing for leftover crumbs falling from the table of the dominant class. The result is increasing internal dissatisfaction between identity groups, and the likelihood of more and more extreme violence from the elite class upon the “identities classes” as a “means of discourse” as the crumbs dry up. The result will finish up the collapse of the bonds that join us as a society and as nations, that we see going on right now.

Not coincidentally, both levels of this collapse involve the rejection of reason of science that demonstrates the reality of the already-occurring climate catastrophe, and the rationality of ethics that holds the primacy of the dignity of each person and notions of responsibility as the primary concerns in any ethical discourse. Both have been replaced by a “discourse of desire,” focused on what we want, whoever the “we” happens to be defined as being.

If it is not yet obvious, here are just a few things that liberal-turned-neoliberal narcissism in conjunction with postmodern relativism have set on fire in the twilight of Western cultural dominance (you can find a detailed analysis of this development in Christopher Lasch, The Culture of Narcissism):

1) Collapse of international law

2) Collapse/U.S. rejection of treaties (e.g. ABM [Anti-ballistic Missile Treaty]; INF [Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty]; JCPOA [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action—nuclear treaty between U.S. and Iran])

3) Corporate-bought politicians

4) Racism and nationalism abound

5) Denial of any authority

6) Disenfranchisement of citizens and lack of citizen involvement

7) Politicians and political leaders disconnected from the people and in their own “billionaire’s bubble,” making laws only for themselves, and hearing only their billionaire colleagues, doing their own billionaire infighting (e.g. Donald Trump vs. Jeff Bezos, etc.)

8) Spying on citizens

But all is not lost, for deep in the recesses of both our individual thinking and our cultural memory, there remain the ideas that once held the promise for a better life for all people, had we simply been true to our words and in our consciences, and had we been more consistent in our actions, that these ideas applied to all people, and had we held our leaders fully and consistently accountable for those values, instead of allowing them to fill their pockets with their fruitless attempts to satiate their intrinsically insatiable greed.

It might behoove us to awaken this memory in and for the young generation which now has to migrate among and away from the ruins of what was once a thriving culture. First of all, we baby boomers owe an apology to the up and coming generation: we have let you down. We have failed you. We have left the planet, the economy, the social situation, and the government all in far worse shape than when we baby boomers took over in the late 1970’s.

The only thing we can do at this point is to try to help you repair the damage we have done. As we do this, we can also leave you some advice from our own past to guide your steps as you try to regain a way to return to the rule of the people, instead of the dictate of the few or a society of splintered groups clamoring for recognition. There are some things you might want to think about if you want to try restoring a functional democracy again.

First of all, realize that the restoration of democracy from the current authoritarian oligarchy under which we currently live is not going to happen overnight. Nor, unfortunately, is it going to happen under Bernie Sanders. Although he is a good and decent man, he, too, has let you down. He has refused to fight against the party that has fought against him, and he has already made it clear that he will not lead a revolution outside of that party. Another solution will be needed.

Second, realize that without a restoration of the primacy of reason/rationality—i.e. a bedrock belief in the innate ability of people take in information for themselves, to sort it out, to think independently, to discourse freely and openly (and that means with accountability, and not hiding behind electronic anonymity), and thus to make their own informed choices—a people’s democracy won’t even get off the ground.

Third, renew a commitment to the intrinsic dignity of all life—maybe even humans first, if we need to start somewhere—but to all life on the planet. This will help recalibrate a new ethical compass that will not misguide you. Given that renewed presupposition, here is what it can bring:

1) Equality of all, based on the recognition of the inherent dignity of all;

2) Freedom of all, not to fulfill individual desires nor narcissistic greed, but to live out a life of being the kind of person with the kind of creative character and career they choose;

3) Therefore, human rights can become important again;

4) Democratic ideals of citizenship

5) An end to the “me first” or “us first” and “you last” mentality that is currently dividing us

6) A return to the rule of law between government and its people and between governments and governments in the world order, to say nothing of laws of war when it occurs.

It is never to late to start to renew democracy, since democracy lives in the hearts of people, not in the halls of governments. We just need to remember that maxim, keep that fire burning, and get to work to reclaim what is rightfully ours, and not the oligarchs: our own rule!


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Dr. Robert P. Abele holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Marquette University He is the author of three books: A User’s Guide to the USA PATRIOT Act (2005); The Anatomy of a Deception: A Logical and Ethical Analysis of the Decision to Invade Iraq (2009); Democracy Gone: A Chronicle of the Last Chapters of the Great American Democratic Experiment (2009). He contributed eleven chapters to the Encyclopedia of Global Justice, from The Hague: Springer Press (October, 2011). Dr. Abele is a professor of philosophy at Diablo Valley College, located in Pleasant Hill, California in the San Francisco Bay area. His web site is

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The Battle of Idlib Is Far From Over

March 16th, 2020 by Elijah J. Magnier

The opening of the Saraqeb-Latakia road, known as the M4, is scheduled for this Sunday the 15th of March as established during the memorandum protocol signed in Moscow between the two presidents Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan following the battle of Saraqeb.

The Turkish-Russian patrols are supposed to secure the M4  following a three-day meeting in Ankara between Russian and Turkish military to coordinate the joint patrols and to prevent any attacks from Jihadists. Many jihadists groups reject the Russian-Turkish deal and will likely shell the road or try to kidnap drivers. Everything depends on how decisive the Turkish army and its allies in the Idlib area will be in adhering to the ceasefire, and how convincing Russia’s response will be if the ceasefire is violated. 

The Aleppo-Damascus road, known as the M5, was liberated by military force (Russia, the Syrian army and its allies) and is now open for civilians. However, the Syrian army and its allies still use the safer Aleppo-Ithriya-Khanaser road. The battle of Saraqeb forced the Moscow deal and revived the 2018 Astana agreement that was ignored by Turkey for a year and a half.

Jihadists groups including Ansar al-Tawheed wal-Jihad, Ansar al-Islam, Ansar al-Deen, Kavkaz brigade and Hurras al-Deen (al-Qaeda in Bilad al-Sham) have decided to oppose the Russian-Turkish agreement and attack the joint patrol along the M4. These groups, along with Abu Imara, Tansiqiyat a-Jihad and Muhajereen brigade are sworn to oppose Turkey and Russia in rural Idlib. Northwestern Syria has been divided between two camps: one camp under Turkey’s control, acknowledging the Moscow-Astana agreement, and another rejecting it.

This week, a Russian military delegation visited Ankara to discuss with Turkish army leadership procedures to control the M4. Armed drones and Russian Air Force will be ready to intervene, along with Special Forces, to hit any attempt to oppose joint Russian-Turkish control of the M4 and to deal with any presence of jihadists along the road.

Al-Qaeda in Syria (Hurras al-Deen) issued audio of its Emir Hammam al-Suri (Samir Hijazi), one of the notorious Emirs of al-Qaeda who fought in Chechnya, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, asking Syrian and other jihadists to “persist” in their position, thereby rejecting withdrawal from the M4.

Abu Mohamad al-Joulani – the ex-ISIS Emir who led al-Qaeda in Syria and quit it later to lead his jihadist group “Hayat Tahrir al-Sham” (former al-Nusra) – “thanked the Turkish government for its support in the last battle”. Joulani was ambiguous about his intentions in the coming days, when Russian-Turkish patrols are supposed to take control of the M4, even if Joulani concluded that “only the language of weapons will prevail”, indicating his will to continue fighting.

The Moscow deal (and before it Astana) free the M4 from the control of jihadists who are mainly foreign fighters. They control the cities of al-Nerab, Ariha, Jisr al-Shughur and Bdama. These foreign fighters are said to be entrenched in these cities. They reject any withdrawal. It will be the Turkish task to convince these jihadists by force or dialogue before Sunday the 15th. Jihadists managed to survive and restore their food and ammunition via Turkey only. It will be a hard choice for them: to wage war on Turkey and lose everything, or to hope that Ankara will manoeuvre further and prolong their presence for another year.

On the other hand, the Russian military delegation visiting Turkey in the past days said the Turkish party had realised the seriousness of Russia’s intention to implement the Moscow agreement by all means. According to the Russian delegation, the Turks realised that the M5 had been opened by force and that the M4 will follow if the Jihadists fail to withdraw. It is all in Ankara’s benefit to dislodge the jihadists from the M4 and entrench them in the city of Idlib. President Erdogan has no intention to deliver Idlib back to the Syrian government.

Sources close to President Bashar al-Assad said that the problem is not with Turkey but with President Erdogan himself.

“As long as Erdogan is in power, the problems between the two countries will persist. The Turkish president wants to divide Syria and keep control of the north, Idlib in particular, because it represents the first line of defence in front of Afrin. If Idlib is liberated, the Syrian army will knock the door of the north.”

Neither Russia nor Iran are willing to start a war with Turkey or to repeat the scenario of Saraqeb again. During the last battle for the control of the M5 and Saraqeb, the presence of the Turkish army along with Jihadists in the battlefield left 59 Turkish soldiers and officers killed, as Erdogan announced. The Turkish military was about to widen the conflict by indiscriminately bombing the Syrian army and its allies.

The Turkish command was angered following the destruction an armoured personnel carrier by a laser-guided missile (9M133 Kornet) fired by Syrian allies killing all Turkish servicemen in it. Turkey was planning to break the defence line on the city of Talhiyah but failed, notwithstanding the significant number of jihadists involved in the attack. Twenty-four hours before, Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah ordered the dispatched of a large number of Ridwan Special Forces to reinforce the frontline notwithstanding the contest of his field commanders. Sayyed Nasrallah’s move saved the front from falling, a front that suffered a huge attack by Jihadists and Turkey.

Iran and its allies sent a strong message to Turkey warning they have no plans to be engaged in a war against Ankara troops but that they would if Turkey were to continue bombing their positions. Turkey concluded that Syria and its allies are determined to hold on to the entire liberated area and that a war between Turkey and Iran and its partners is not beneficial to any side involved.

Syria considers that Erdogan will not give up on the jihadists who obey his instructions. They represent a buffer and a significant asset he can use to fight in different parts of the world, i.e. Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iraq or anywhere he wants to be present. Jihadists help Erdogan to secure a place in the constitutional negotiation to limit the authority of the Syrian president and other reforms.

The presence of US forces in north-east Syria is a problem for Russia and the Syrian government since their goal is to “make it very difficult” to defeat jihadists and to “ban any assistance [of reconstruction] to put the country back together again”. Turkey, unlike the Syrian army, is capable of negotiating the US presence in the US-occupied north-east Syria. This is why Erdogan proposed to Putin joint management of oil fields in eastern Syria under  US control. Putin left the door open without agreeing to Erdogan’s proposal. The Turkish presence in Syria has become more problematic than the US occupation as long as this Turkish president is in power.

Indeed, even if Erdogan asserted in Moscow his willingness to preserve the unity of Syria, he can always align himself behind more than one excuse to stay in Syria.  The presence of millions of Syrian refugees internally displaced or the request of some elements – loyal to Turkey – of the Syrian population for Ankara to intervene as he has stated in previous occasions are enough reasons for him to keep his forces in Syria. This is the reason why Russia has enforced the opening of the M5 and M4 to crawl slowly towards Idlib city and limit the expansion of jihadists to a vast and challenging territory.

In the coming months, Russia and the Syrian government will rely on the rejection of jihadists in the Russian-Turkish agreement. If jihadists refuse to withdraw and continue violating the ceasefire (thirty violations registered in four days), there will be enough reasons for military intervention when all options are exhausted. This time Turkey will be able to do very little to protect the jihadists. Whatever direction this ceasefire will take, the battle of Idlib is far from over. It has only been postponed.


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