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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Introductory Note. Thirteen Years Ago. March 11, 2011

While commemorating the 13th anniversary of the Fukushima traged, the evidence amply confirms that this disaster has by no means been resolved. 

The Fukushima disaster in March 2011 resulted in 16,000 deaths, causing some 165,000 people to flee their homes in the Fukushima area.

Both the Japanese and Western media tend to downplay the impacts of nuclear radiation which has spread to vast areas in Northern Japan, not to mention the contamination of water and the food chain.

The Fukushima disaster in Japan has brought to the forefront the dangers of Worldwide nuclear radiation.

The continued dumping of highly radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean constitutes a potential trigger to a process of global radioactive contamination.

“Unimaginable” levels of radiation still prevail. In the words of Dr. Helen Caldicott, “one millionth of a gram of plutonium, if inhaled can cause cancer”.

The massive storage of radioactive water has been ongoing since the 2011 tsunami disaster triggered a meltdown of the plant, but the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said [July 2023] the plan orchestrated by the Japanese government and TEPCO, the plant operator, meets safety standards.

TEPCO is planning a release of “1.3 million tons of treated wastewater” over a period of 30 years. 

85 Times More Cesium than Chernobyl 

Amply documented the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) has been involved in a coverup. And so has the Japanese government. The Abe government had casually pointed to “harmful rumors”.

“After thirteen years, the declaration of a State of Emergency for Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant still cannot be lifted because of many unknowns, as well as ubiquitous deadly radiation levels.

The destroyed reactors are tinderboxes of highly radioactive spent fuel rods that contain more cesium-137 than eighty-five (85) Chernobyls.

Cesium-137 in or near a human body erupts into a series of maladies, one after another in short order, depending upon level of exposure: (1) nausea (2) vomiting (3) diarrhea (4) bleeding (5) coma leading to death.”

The spent fuel rods at the Fukushima nuclear reactor site are stored in pools of water on the top floor of compromised reactor buildings 100 feet above ground level, except for Unit 3 which completed removal of its spent fuel rods in 2019, an extremely slow, laborious process that’s highly dangerous. (Robert Hunziker)

The present government’s stance remains notoriously ambiguous.  Already in 2021, TEPCO acknowledged that the decommissioning of the Fukushima facility could last until 2051.

The Worldwide public health impacts which includes the contamination of the Pacific Ocean extending to the Western Hemisphere including the California coastline are incalculable. 

The crisis in Japan has also brought into the open the unspoken relationship between nuclear energy and nuclear war.

Nuclear energy is not a civilian economic activity.

It is an appendage of the nuclear weapons industry which is controlled by the so-called defense contractors. The powerful corporate interests behind nuclear energy and nuclear weapons overlap. 


Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research March 11, 2024 


Originally published in  January 2012, this study by Michel Chossudovsky confirms what is now unfolding: a Worldwide process of nuclear radiation.

The text was published as a chapter in Michel Chossudovsky’s 2015 bestseller:

 The Globalization of War, America’s Long War against Humanity, Global Research, Montreal 2015


Fukushima: A Nuclear War without a War


Michel Chossudovsky

January 2012


The World is at a critical crossroads. The Fukushima disaster in Japan has brought to the forefront the dangers of Worldwide nuclear radiation.

The crisis in Japan has been described as “a nuclear war without a war”. In the words of renowned novelist Haruki Murakami:

“This time no one dropped a bomb on us … We set the stage, we committed the crime with our own hands, we are destroying our own lands, and we are destroying our own lives.”

Nuclear radiation –which threatens life on planet earth– is not front page news in comparison to the most insignificant issues of public concern, including the local level crime scene or the tabloid gossip reports on Hollywood celebrities.

While the long-term repercussions of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster are yet to be fully assessed, they are far more serious than those pertaining to the 1986 Chernobyl disaster in the Ukraine, which resulted in almost one million deaths (New Book Concludes – Chernobyl death toll: 985,000, mostly from cancer Global Research, September 10, 2010, See also Matthew Penney and Mark Selden  The Severity of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster: Comparing Chernobyl and Fukushima, Global Research, May 25, 2011)

Moreover, while all eyes were riveted on the Fukushima Daiichi plant, news coverage both in Japan and internationally failed to fully acknowledge the impacts of a second catastrophe at TEPCO’s (Tokyo Electric Power Co  Inc) Fukushima Daini nuclear power plant.

The shaky political consensus both in Japan, the U.S. and Western Europe is that the crisis at Fukushima has been contained.

The realties, however, are otherwise. Fukushima 3 was leaking unconfirmed amounts of plutonium. According to Dr. Helen Caldicott,

“one millionth of a gram of plutonium, if inhaled can cause cancer”.  

An opinion poll in May 2011 confirmed that more than 80 per cent of the Japanese population do not believe the government’s information regarding the nuclear crisis. (quoted in Sherwood Ross, Fukushima: Japan’s Second Nuclear Disaster, Global Research, November 10, 2011)

The Impacts in Japan

The Japanese government has been obliged to acknowledge that “the severity rating of its nuclear crisis … matches that of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster”. In a bitter irony, however, this tacit admission by the Japanese authorities has proven to be part of  the cover-up of a significantly larger catastrophe, resulting in a process of global nuclear radiation and contamination:

“While Chernobyl was an enormous unprecedented disaster, it only occurred at one reactor and rapidly melted down. Once cooled, it was able to be covered with a concrete sarcophagus that was constructed with 100,000 workers. There are a staggering 4400 tons of nuclear fuel rods at Fukushima, which greatly dwarfs the total size of radiation sources at Chernobyl.” ( Extremely High Radiation Levels in Japan: University Researchers Challenge Official Data, Global Research, April 11, 2011)

Fukushima in the wake of the Tsunami, March 2011

Worldwide Contamination

The dumping of highly radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean constitutes a potential trigger to a process of global radioactive contamination.

Radioactive elements have not only been detected in the food chain in Japan, radioactive rain water has been recorded in California:

“Hazardous radioactive elements being released in the sea and air around Fukushima accumulate at each step of various food chains (for example, into algae, crustaceans, small fish, bigger fish, then humans; or soil, grass, cow’s meat and milk, then humans). Entering the body, these elements – called internal emitters – migrate to specific organs such as the thyroid, liver, bone, and brain, continuously irradiating small volumes of cells with high doses of alpha, beta and/or gamma radiation, and over many years often induce cancer”. (Helen Caldicott, Fukushima: Nuclear Apologists Play Shoot the Messenger on Radiation, The Age,  April 26, 2011)

While the spread of radiation to the West Coast of North America was casually acknowledged, the early press reports (AP and Reuters) “quoting diplomatic sources” stated that only “tiny amounts of radioactive particles have arrived in California but do not pose a threat to human health.”


“According to the news agencies, the unnamed sources have access to data from a network of measuring stations run by the United Nations’ Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization. …

… Greg Jaczko, chair of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, told White House reporters on Thursday (March 17) that his experts “don’t see any concern from radiation levels that could be harmful here in the United States or any of the U.S. territories”.



The spread of radiation. March 2011

Public Health Disaster. Economic Impacts

What prevails is a well organized camouflage. The public health disaster in Japan, the contamination of water, agricultural land and the food chain, not to mention the broader economic and social implications, have neither been fully acknowledged nor addressed in a comprehensive and meaningful fashion by the Japanese authorities.

Japan as a nation state has been destroyed. Its landmass and territorial waters are contaminated. Part of the country is uninhabitable. High levels of radiation have been recorded in the Tokyo metropolitan area, which has a population of  39 million (2010) (more than the population of Canada, circa 34 million (2010)) There are indications that the food chain is contaminated throughout Japan:

Radioactive cesium exceeding the legal limit was detected in tea made in a factory in Shizuoka City, more than 300 kilometers away from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Shizuoka Prefecture is one of the most famous tea producing areas in Japan.

A tea distributor in Tokyo reported to the prefecture that it detected high levels of radioactivity in the tea shipped from the city. The prefecture ordered the factory to refrain from shipping out the product. After the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, radioactive contamination of tea leaves and processed tea has been found over a wide area around Tokyo. (See 5 More Companies Detect Radiation In Their Tea Above Legal Limits Over 300 KM From Fukushima, June 15, 2011)

Japan’s industrial and manufacturing base is prostrate. Japan is no longer a leading industrial power. The country’s exports have plummeted. The Tokyo government has announced its first trade deficit since 1980.

While the business media has narrowly centered on the impacts of power outages and energy shortages on the pace of productive activity, the broader issue pertaining to the outright radioactive contamination of the country’s infrastructure and industrial base is a “scientific taboo” (i.e the radiation of industrial plants, machinery and equipment, buildings, roads, etc).

A report released in January 2012 points to the nuclear contamination of building materials used in the construction industry, in cluding roads and residential buildings throughout Japan.(See  FUKUSHIMA: Radioactive Houses and Roads in Japan. Radioactive Building Materials Sold to over 200 Construction Companies, January 2012)

A “coverup report” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (May 2011), entitled Economic Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Current Status of Recovery  presents “Economic Recovery” as a fait accompli.

It also brushes aside the issue of radiation.

The impacts of nuclear radiation on the work force and the country’s industrial base are not mentioned. The report states that the distance between Tokyo -Fukushima Dai-ichi  is of the order of 230 km (about 144 miles) and that the levels of radiation in Tokyo are lower than in Hong Kong and New York City. (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Current Status of Recovery, p.15).

This statement is made without corroborating evidence and in overt contradiction with independent radiation readings in Tokyo (see map below). In recent developments, Sohgo Security Services Co. is launching a lucrative “radiation measurement service targeting households in Tokyo and four surrounding prefectures”.

A map of citizens’ measured radiation levels shows radioactivity is distributed in a complex pattern reflecting the mountainous terrain and the shifting winds across a broad area of Japan north of Tokyo which is in the center of the of bottom of the map.”

SOURCE: Science Magazine

“Radiation limits begin to be exceeded at just above 0.1 microsieverts/ hour blue. Red is about fifty times the civilian radiation limit at 5.0 microsieverts/hour. Because children are much more sensitive than adults, these results are a great concern for parents of young children in potentially affected areas.”

The fundamental question is whether the vast array of industrial goods and components “Made in Japan” — including hi tech components, machinery, electronics, motor vehicles, etc — and exported Worldwide are contaminated? Were this to be the case, the entire East and Southeast Asian industrial base –which depends heavily on Japanese components and industrial technology– would be affected. The potential impacts on international trade would be farreaching. In this regard, in January, Russian officials confiscated irradiated Japanese automobiles and autoparts in the port of Vladivostok for sale in the Russian Federation. Needless to say, incidents of this nature in a global competitive environment, could lead to the demise of the Japanese automobile industry which is already in crisis.

While most of the automotive industry is in central Japan, Nissan’s engine factory in Iwaki city is 42 km from the Fukushima Daiichi plant. Is the Nissan work force affected? Is the engine plant contaminated? The plant is within about 10 to 20 km of the government’s “evacuation zone” from which some 200,000 people were evacuated (see map below).

Nuclear Energy and Nuclear War


The crisis in Japan has also brought into the open the unspoken relationship between nuclear energy and nuclear war.

Nuclear energy is not a civilian economic activity. It is an appendage of the nuclear weapons industry which is controlled by the so-called defense contractors. The powerful corporate interests behind nuclear energy and nuclear weapons overlap.

In Japan at the height of the disaster, “the nuclear industry and government agencies [were] scrambling to prevent the discovery of atomic-bomb research facilities hidden inside Japan’s civilian nuclear power plants”.1  (See Yoichi Shimatsu, Secret Weapons Program Inside Fukushima Nuclear Plant? Global Research,  April 12, 2011)

It should be noted that the complacency of both the media and the governments to the hazards of nuclear radiation pertains to the nuclear energy industry as well as to to the use of nuclear weapons.

In both cases, the devastating health impacts of nuclear radiation are casually denied. Tactical nuclear weapons with an explosive capacity of up to six times a Hiroshima bomb are labelled by the Pentagon as “safe for the surrounding civilian population”.

No concern has been expressed at the political level as to the likely consequences of a US-NATO-Israel attack on Iran, using “safe for civilians” tactical nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear state.

Such an action would result in “the unthinkable”: a nuclear holocaust over a large part of the Middle East and Central Asia. A nuclear nightmare, however, would occur even if nuclear weapons were not used.

The bombing of Iran’s nuclear facilities using conventional weapons would contribute to unleashing another Fukushima type disaster with extensive radioactive fallout.

For further details See Michel Chossudovsky, Towards a World War III Scenario, The Dangers of Nuclear War, Global Research, Montreal, 2011)

See also The Online Interactive I-Book Reader on Fukushima: A Nuclear War without a War


Os Institutos Nacionais de Saúde (NIH) estão financiando pesquisas sobre como aumentar a aceitação da vacina contra o papilomavírus humano (HPV) entre meninos e meninas do quinto ano na África do Sul, a partir de documentos obtidos pela Children’s Health Defense (CHD) através de um pedido de um Freedom of Information Act revelado.

O NIH concedeu aproximadamente US$ 340.000 aos investigadores principais, Dra. Ingrid Katz, médica do Brigham and Women’s Hospital em Massachusetts, e Lisa Michelle Butler, Ph.D., epidemiologista da Universidade de Connecticut.

A subvenção financia um projeto para desenvolver e testar estratégias de comunicação escolar dirigidas às crianças e aos seus pais nas escolas da província de KwaZulu-Natal, na África do Sul, para determinar que tipos de comunicação têm maior probabilidade de resultar em mais crianças a receberem a vacina contra o HPV.

O financiamento cobre um estudo piloto de viabilidade de um ano em cinco escolas para testar estratégias que os investigadores irão então refinar e testar em centenas de crianças num “ensaio híbrido tipo 2 maior, em grande escala”.

Os investigadores esperam que as estratégias de comunicação escolar que desenvolvem ajudem a aumentar a vacinação contra o HPV em crianças e adolescentes na África do Sul, da taxa atual de 37% das raparigas para a taxa alvo de mais de 80% de todas as crianças com idades entre os 9 e os 12 anos.

Esperam utilizar mais tarde a mesma estratégia noutros países de baixo e médio rendimento para aumentar também as suas taxas.

“As vacinas contra o HPV não foram avaliadas de forma independente em termos de segurança e eficácia”, disse o Dr. Shankara Chetty, clínico geral e cientista natural de KwaZulu-Natal. “Como tal, nenhuma estratégia de marketing coercitiva será suficiente para informar honestamente os destinatários sobre a sua decisão de consentimento.”

“Vendo que os menores estão sendo alvo, é imperativo que os tutores destes menores recebam todas as informações atuais e, mais importante, sejam informados da falta de informações sobre segurança e eficácia para fazer uma escolha informada”, disse Chetty. “Isso não pode ser feito pela indústria lucrando com sua implementação.”

Parte de uma iniciativa de subsídio de US$ 40 milhões para promover vacinas contra o HPV

O CHD identificou em junho de 2023 quase 50 subsídios concedidos pelo Departamento de Saúde e Serviços Humanos (HHS) dos EUA e suas subagências, incluindo o NIH. As subvenções, totalizando mais de 40 milhões de dólares, foram destinadas a universidades, sistemas de saúde e departamentos de saúde pública para utilizarem estratégias de psicologia comportamental para aumentar a adesão à vacina contra o HPV entre os adolescentes.

Esta é a primeira subvenção identificada pelo CHD que utiliza os mesmos métodos para atingir crianças na África.

A pesquisa se enquadra em um programa mais amplo entre instituições do HHS, que inclui centenas de milhões de dólares em subsídios para desenvolver e testar estratégias para aumentar a aceitação de todas as vacinas entre comunidades de baixa renda e comunidades de cor, hesitantes em vacinas, usando mensagens “culturalmente adaptadas” em nome da “equidade na saúde”.

Está também em linha com um esforço para fornecer financiamento substancial para aumentar as taxas de vacinação contra o HPV, “aumentando a consciencialização” e combatendo a “desinformação”.

Além de satisfazer os objetivos do HHS, o projeto da África do Sul responde a um programa global estabelecido em 2020 pela Assembleia Mundial da Saúde da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) para erradicar o câncer do colo do útero como um problema de saúde pública em todo o mundo, em grande parte através da vacinação contra o HPV.

A Gavi, a Vaccine Alliance, apoiada pela Fundação Bill & Melinda Gates, anunciou no ano passado que investiria mais de 600 milhões de dólares para atingir o seu objetivo de vacinar 86 milhões de meninas contra o HPV em países de baixa e média renda até 2025, em grande parte através de campanhas nacionais de vacinação.

Esse anúncio coincidiu com campanhas nacionais de vacinação apoiadas pela Gavi na IndonésiaNigériaBangladeshZâmbiaSerra Leoa e Eritreia nos últimos dois anos.

A África do Sul foi um dos primeiros países africanos a lançar uma campanha nacional de vacinação nas escolas, dirigida às meninas de 9 anos ou mais que frequentam o quarto ano nas escolas públicas.

Katz e Butler relataram no seu pedido de subvenção que a campanha foi inicialmente “bem-sucedida”, mas as taxas caíram desde então, especialmente durante e após a pandemia da COVID-19.

A Merck, que fabrica a vacina Gardasil HPV, disse que doará vacinas para o novo estudo. A Merck é um dos principais parceiros da Gavi na distribuição de vacinas em países de baixa e média renda em todo o mundo.

Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, diretora executiva do CHD África, disse ao The Defender que ficou desapontada ao ver investigadores sul-africanos colaborarem no projeto.

Ela disse:

“É difícil compreender porque é que os investigadores da UKZN [Universidade de KwaZulu-Natal] não consideram esta experiência manipulativa com crianças racista e desumanizante. A indústria farmacêutica tem um histórico terrível na África, onde a farmacovigilância é fraca ou inexistente, em grande parte devido ao financiamento farmacêutico de cientistas, autoridades reguladoras e departamentos de saúde. UKZN não é exceção. Seus financiadores incluem a Fundação Bill e Melinda Gates.

“Lembro-me dos cientistas comportamentais que ajudaram o governo do Reino Unido a manipular o público [durante a pandemia de COVID-19] e mais tarde disseram que ficamos sistematicamente ‘atordoados com a transformação da psicologia comportamental em arma’ durante a pandemia.”

South Africa project ‘smacks of pharmaceutical imperialism’

Under the $340,000 grant awarded to Katz and Butler, principal investigators will collaborate with a team of psychologists, an education specialist, an epidemiologist and a biomedical engineer from U.S. universities and the UKZN, along with the local department of health and elementary schools in an urban setting in the KwaZulu-Natal province.

The name of the city and schools where the project will be implemented were redacted from the FOIA documents provided to CHD.

Researchers will specifically target “diverse populations” and integrate “the voices of individuals living in low-resource settings” as they try to understand why children don’t take the HPV vaccine and in particular why those numbers declined after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Health equity is at the core of our research,” they wrote.

However, Mohamed said, “Manipulating children and families from underprivileged backgrounds is the essence of medical colonialism.”

She added:

“Not for the first time, there will be no proper informed consent with these children or their families, and there will be no compensation for harms or death caused.

“The role of the controversial NIH in behavioral manipulation — the same NIH that did not expose the WHO facilitating fertility experiments on Kenyan girls and women — smacks of pharmaceutical imperialism.”

The researchers hypothesize declining HPV vaccination rates may be linked to COVID-19-related program interruptions, “increased medical mistrust, and vaccine hesitancy related to misinformation spread on social media,” which they seek to correct.

They are expanding the HPV vaccine target population to include boys and children in private schools who were not initially included in South Africa’s national school-based vaccination program.

Currently, GSK’s bivalent Cervarix vaccine is administered at no charge by school nurses in public schools on two designated days per year. Boys and private school children must pay for the shot.

The HPV vaccine has not previously been made widely available to boys in the country, and most low- and middle-income national vaccination campaigns target girls only.

However, since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2009 expanded the license for use in males ages 9-26 for the prevention of genital warts, and in 2011 the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommended it for routine use in boys, vaccination campaigns, at least in the U.S. and Europe, have also targeted boys.

The WHO noted that market sustainability for the drug will require also targeting boys.

To develop the communication materials for testing, researchers held initial meetings with school principals and teachers, nurses and parents of boys and girls enrolled in public and private schools in the study area. They reported respondents expressed a desire to “center community knowledge.”

Respondents also indicated they wanted to make the vaccine program “inclusive” of boys and private school children and to have access to “culturally tailored education materials” to address persistent misunderstandings about vaccination — a set of goals that mirrors those of all other NIH-funded HPV uptake research programs in the U.S.

The pilot project will convene a “Stakeholder Working Group” with representatives from government, civil society, academia and those with legal, financial or ethical stakes in the HPV vaccination program. The group will meet periodically to discuss the research.

The researchers also plan to survey and interview children, families, teachers and school nurses about their ideas and behaviors related to the vaccine.

Based on information gathered in those meetings, they will develop a “multi-level communication strategy” for schools that includes promotional curricular material aimed at children and informational brochures to be distributed to parents.

They also will develop a “conversation map” strategy for teachers and nurses fluent in Zulu that they can use as a tool to “facilitate dialogue” around “misinformation” and vaccine efficacy.

Jive Media Africa will produce “entertaining” curricular materials. The company was selected based on its work producing COVID-19 materials for schools.

The study’s success will be measured by how many children get vaccinated two months, six months and 12 months after the intervention and whether they get an initial dose or the full two-dose series. It also will measure whether the research subjects’ knowledge, ideas and beliefs about the HPV vaccine change.

The project targets fifth-graders and their parents, the researchers wrote, because research has found low coverage in South Africa is primarily due to lack of parental consent. It also targets those who might be able to influence the parents, such as teachers and nurses.

The five-school randomized controlled pilot study funded by the grant will target 200 parents and children and 16 teachers and nurses.

In the Phase 2 trial, a 10-school randomized study will aim for about 1,500 participants.

Parents and students will be recruited in the selected schools through a letter sent home with the fifth-graders asking them to consent to participate in surveys and to share their children’s immunization records. People interviewed will provide verbal consent to be interviewed.

After the pilot study, researchers will refine their materials and launch the Phase 2 randomized control trial in more schools.

The Phase 2 trial is scheduled to begin in January 2025, according to the U.S. government clinical trials website. It is unclear whether funding has already been secured for the Phase 2 trial.

Justification: cervical cancer eradication

According to Gavi, nearly 80-90% percent of the approximately 300,000 deaths per year from cervical cancer — the fourth most common cancer among women — occur in low- and middle-income countries and the majority occur in sub-Saharan Africa.

The higher rates of cancer in low- and middle-income countries are largely attributed to low screening coverage for cervical cancer and limited treatment options in the region, although actual numbers vary widely from country to country.

The HPV virus has been associated with cervical cancer, although the vast majority of HPV infectionsclear on their own.

There are more than 150 strains of HPV. High-risk HPV types can cause cervical cell abnormalities that are precursors to cancer, although HPV infection is not the sole risk factor for cervical cancer.

Regular pap screening has been found to reduce the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer among women by at least 80%.

However, according to Gavi, “Cervical cancer is almost entirely vaccine-preventable, which means that alongside screening for early detection, rolling out the HPV vaccine is critical to preventing infections.”

The grant documents use this same language although they are less equivocal, stating that cervical cancer is “entirely preventable” with the HPV vaccine. This is despite the fact that the vaccines have not been tested for cancer prevention, only for their ability to suppress target strains of HPV.

Between 2007 and 2012, several low- and middle-income countries conducted small-scale HPV vaccine demonstration projects with vaccines provided by Merck’s now-discontinued Gardasil Access Program or by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through the PATH initiative.

In 2012, Gavi began supporting national HPV vaccine introductions in low- and middle-income countries and it continues to do so today.

A total of 122 WHO member states have added the HPV vaccine to their routine immunization schedules.

However, according to research published in Preventative Medicine, vaccine uptake is highly uneven and researchers argue more “effective communication strategies” are needed.

When South Africa’s program launched in 2012, 86.6% of age-eligible girls were vaccinated in the first year. But by 2019 the numbers were down to 69% and in 2021 they were down to 37%.

HPV vaccine dangers remain unaddressed by project proponents

The Gardasil vaccine has been linked to myriad adverse events worldwide. Some of the signature impacts observed following HPV vaccination include permanently disabling autoimmune and neurological conditions, such as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, or POTS, fibromyalgiaand myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome.

Peer-reviewed scientific literature from the U.S., Australia, Denmark, Sweden, France and Japan, and statistics published by public health agencies in each of these countries, demonstrate plausible associations between HPV vaccination and autoimmune conditions.

According to an article in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, most low- to middle-income countries have very low reporting rates for adverse events associated with vaccines or other pharmaceutical products, so it is difficult to track injuries related to previous vaccine rollouts.

Brenda Baletti, Ph. D.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


The current dominant system of the American establishment would use the invisible dictatorship of compulsive consumerism of material goods to nullify the ideals of the primal individual and transform him into an uncritical being, fearful and conformist who will inevitably join the ranks of a homogeneous society, uniform and easily manipulated by the techniques of mass manipulation and would have as a pillar of its political system the successive alternation in power of the Democratic Party and the Republican (both supported by the Israeli lobby).

Thus, in a speech delivered at the New York meeting of the World Jewish Congress in 2016, the then Vice President Joe Biden stated:

“I am a Zionist, but for this it is not necessary to be a Jew”, after which he was granted the “Theodor Herzl” Award and became the new capped AIPAC.

Do the US and Israel Share the Same Geopolitical Interests?

Kennedy’s assassination had as collateral damage the birth of a political system under the tutelage of the “Power in the Shadow”, being since then hostages all successive US Presidents-elect according to the confession made by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to then Foreign Minister Shimon Peres in October 2001:

“We, the Jewish people, control the United States and the Americans know”, (“The Israeli Lobby and American Foreign Policy” by John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, 07-04-2006), for which they would use lobbies of pressure between which the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) would stand out.

AIPAC would be the most influential pro-Israeli lobby in the US, with more than 100,000 members (150 of them dedicated exclusively to lobbying Congress, to the White House and all administrative bodies in political decision-making that may affect the interests of the State of Israel).

Although it has always been believed that the AIPAC would be a “virtual government” that would direct the foreign policy of the United States based on the Israeli interests, the reality would be that the pro-Israeli lobby has real weight in the spheres of power because the US and Israel have almost always shared identical geopolitical interests since the founding of the State of Israel in 1948.

So, the U.S. would count on Israel to keep the Arab States of the Middle East under constant threat of attack and ensure the flow of Arab oil necessary for the West; and Israel could not continue to exist in its current form without the strong political and material support it receives from EE.UU. (about $3.8 billion per year in military aid) that would have made him the US continental carrier. However, Netanyahu’s geopolitical myopia prevented him from intuiting that a new asymmetric punishment in Gaza would destroy the entente between the US, Israel, Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, Morocco and Saudi Arabia, which would collide with US geopolitical objectives of isolating Iran.

These Arab countries signed under the presidency of Trump the Abraham Accords in which for the first time countries such as the Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco recognized the existence of the State of Israel; and Saudi Arabia was about to sign them, but the massacre committed by the Jewish army in Gaza could cause those countries to reject these agreements and break diplomatic relations with Israel that would again be isolated in the Middle East.

Are False Flag Attacks Planned in the US and the Persian Gulf?

The signs of Biden’s senility, the fentanyl crisis, the high cost of living and the increase in citizen insecurity would have sunk Biden’s popularity to historic lows, which would facilitate the triumphant return of Donald Trump in the November presidential elections by having cleared the way to the White House after the latest decisions of the Supreme Court. However, Trumpian isolationism would be a missile on the waterline of the military-complex. In the next five years, the recovery of the role of the United States as a world gendarme has been outlined through an extraordinary increase in US military interventions abroad to recover Unipolarity on the global geopolitical board.

Thus, Israel’s invasion of Gaza would only be the tip of the iceberg of a secret agreement reached between Biden and Netanyahu in their effort to prevent Trump’s predictable triumph in the November elections.

According to the Plan, the CIA and the Israeli Mossad would prepare false flag attacks similar to 9/11 in the US and the Persian Gulf and after attributing their authorship to the Iranians, the Democratic Congress would proceed to declare a state of war. This process is known as “statutory authorization” and is a prerequisite for President Biden to be able to apply the 1973 War Powers Act that empowers him to send troops abroad.

This will mark the beginning of a major regional conflict that will mark the future of the area in the coming years and that would be the lifeline for Biden who will try to postpone the November elections and climb in the polls against Trump, as well as for Netanyahu, who would manage to dodge pending trials and the possible indictment of crimes against humanity against the Gazan population.

Such a conflict could involve the three superpowers (US, China and Russia) counting as necessary collaborations with regional powers (Israel, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Iran) and would cover the geographical space that extends from the Mediterranean arc (Israel, Syria and Lebanon) to Yemen and Somalia with the avowed aim of designing the cartography of the New Middle East favorable to the geopolitical interests of the USA, Britain and Israel.


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Germán Gorraiz Lopez is a political analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Indian academic Pratap Bhanu Mehta, a former president of the Centre for Policy Research, writes that a Trump election would be a threat for democracy in the US. Other experts have argued Trump could endanger NATO and bring back American isolationism. Things might not be quite so simple, though.

As I wrote recently, besides the much talked about issue of NATO’s enlargement, one should also consider the expansion of the US infamous Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): according to a recent New York Times’s exposé, in the past decade the Agency has backed a “network of spy bases” in Ukraine, including “12 secret locations along the Russian border” and a “secret intelligence partnership” has transformed the country into “one of Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin.” Commenting on that, Mark Episkopos, a Eurasia Research Fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, highlights the fact that such a CIA-Ukraine partnership actually “deepened under the Trump administration, yet again putting the lie to the baseless idea that former President Trump was somehow amenable to Russia’s interests while in office.”

Moreover, in December 2017 then US President Donald Trump sold Kyiv “defensive” weapons, which, according to University of Chicago political science professor John Mearsheimer, “certainly looked offensive to Moscow and its allies in the Donbas region.” Of course, Ukrainian-American ties grew under US incumbent president Joe Biden, with 2021 Operation Sea Breeze ‘provocations the U.S.-Ukraine Charter on Strategic Partnership the same year, and much more, all the way to today’ crisis. The point however is that albeit arguably less blatantly hostile to Moscow (in some areas), it would be inaccurate to describe the previous Trump presidency as anything remotely similar to a “pro-Russian” administration.

It is true that last month, speaking at a rally, Trump said he once told an unnamed NATO ally that he would not, as the president, defend allies who fail to meet the Alliance’s defense spending duties. According to himself, he said:

“You didn’t pay? You’re delinquent? No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills.”

This kind of rhetoric, though, typical as it is of the former president style, should rather be interpreted as pre-election rhetoric to inflame his base – plus as a valid criticism, from an American perspective, of the fact that most NATO countries do fail to meet the agreed expenses goal of using at least 2 percent of their GDP in military spending.

This of course overburdens Washington – at the expense of its taxpayers.Trump’s (rhetorical) point has been denounced by many as a serious threat of letting Russia “conquer” much of Europe. In the real world, though,  Moscow has no goal of conquering Ukraine (as any serious expert will tell you – its mains concerns being about NATO enlargement), much less any interest in invading NATO countries in Western Europe and thus bringing about Third World War – and, even if that were the case, the United States, with or without Trump, would of course have its own strategic reasons to oppose such hypothetical scenario by coming to the defense of its European allies, be they delinquent or not.

In the make-believe world of pro-Biden propagandists, Trump is a kind of “Russian agent” hell-bent on destroying American hegemony globally and thus letting “evil” prevail. The fantasies of some of the more naïve analysts of an “anti-imperialist” persuasion are quite similar, the only difference being that they perceive that to be a good thing and imagine the Republican favorite as a champion of multipolarity, world peace, and even of the Global South, if you will (Venezuelans might differ). None of that should be taken seriously, but, unfortunately, in the age of propaganda and of information warfare, it often does.

Rhetorics aside, far from being a marginal stance, the notion that military victory in Ukraine is unattainable is slowly gaining ground amid the American Establishment.

Trump could arguably be a little more quick to let it go, but that is all. James Stavridis, former  NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe, writing for Bloomberg in November 2023, for instance, argued that Washington should learn from “the lessons of South Korea” and negotiate a “land for peace” deal to end combat in Ukraine.

This scenario would involve a kind of strategic retreat, from a Western perspective, to then invest in Western Ukraine, so to speak, so as to nurture it as a kind of Eastern European South Korea (with a persistent CIA presence, one could expect).

It is not always over even when it is “over”: such a scenario would clearly not do much for regional stability or peace in the long run. As I’ve written on more than one occasion, even after peace is achieved, as long as the Russian minority remains marginalized in Ukraine and as long as NATO enlargement continues, there will still be plenty of room for tension and conflict.

There is yet another issue: with the escalation of conflict in Palestine, the center of gravity for global tensions has changed. Israel’s ongoing military campaign in Gaza and the West Bank, plus its operation in Syria and Lebanon, are also part of the Jewish state’s “non-official war” against Iran, with global consequences. The current crisis in the Red Sea, involving the Houthis is largely a collateral effect of the US-backed disastrous Israeli campaign in the Levant. Well, it turns out Trump is, by all indication, more of an unconditional supporter of Israel than Biden is – no matter how many red lines are crossed by the Jewish state in the Middle East. One may recall that it was then president Trump who assassinated Iranian general Soleimani, for instance. Recently, Trump has famously stated that Tel Aviv must “finish the problem.”

When interviewed for a Boston Globe’s story titled “Vote all you want. The secret government won’t change”, in 2014, Michael J. Glennon, professor of international law at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University (and author of “National Security and Double Government”), explained that much of the US foreign policy “programs” are, as John Kerry once famously said, “on autopilot”, and that “policy after policy after policy all continue virtually the same way that they were in the George W. Bush administration.” This situation is explained by this analyst with the concept of a “double government”, which is how he describes an almost self-governing defense and national security apparatus that operates in the United States without much accountability. Glennon’s aforementioned book was praised by former members of the State Department, Defense Department, CIA, and the White House. There is no reason to assume its conclusions are less true today.

To sum it up, there are limits on how much change a US president, on its own, can bring about to the superpower’s system of “double government” in terms of defense and foreign policy. The center of gravity of global tensions is changing, and Ukraine is no longer that important, to put it bluntly. Finally, Trump’s record as a former president in no way allows for a description of his administration either as “isolationist” or as “pro-Russian”.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


When the Neo-Nazi junta forces were effectively encircled in Avdeyevka, the newly appointed top commander General Oleksandr Syrsky had no choice but to officially order a retreat. The decision was militarily sound, albeit it came late.

This would probably make people think that Syrsky is a wise commander, as it makes no sense to simply throw away the lives of countless fighters for a prolonged PR “victory” that would inevitably turn into a defeat and lead to a near-total collapse of the frontline.

It should be noted that the Kiev regime forces had been retreating for approximately a week before they officially left Avdeyevka. Former top commander Valery Zaluzhny effectively left the “hot potato” to Zelensky and his entourage in order to save whatever was left of his potential political career, while Syrsky finally got the chance to fulfill his dream of leading the entire military.

However, Ukrainian soldiers don’t seem to share his excitement. On the contrary, many (if not most) seem to be terrified of the prospect. People outside of the military, even in Ukraine, are not aware of just how unpopular Syrsky is. His own soldiers call him “the butcher” due to his offensive tactics that never fail to lead to disastrous manpower and equipment losses. This was somewhat more manageable when the Neo-Nazi junta troops used mostly Soviet-era weapons, which Ukraine inherited in abundance after the unfortunate dismantling of the Soviet Union. However, as soon as NATO gear became more common, this practice proved to be absolutely unsustainable. Far more sensitive and less robust than Soviet-era equivalents, Western-made weapons are far more difficult to repair, replace or even tow away from the battlefield, including in case of minor technical issues.

The result is that the Kiev regime forces are left with even less equipment, forcing them to rely on the infantry far more, which inevitably leads to even higher casualties on top of already enormous losses.

The Neo-Nazi junta insists that it lost just over 30,000 men while supposedly killing up to 400,000 Russian soldiers, but nobody with a single half-functioning brain cell believes that. Figures vary significantly, but what is surely known is that the vast majority of soldiers on both sides die due to artillery, drones and long-range attacks. We also know that Russia has a massive advantage in all those categories, with estimates of its artillery dominance being up to 12:1. By employing basic math, we come to the conclusion that all one needs to do is simply flip the numbers given by the Kiev regime. And its losses are truly staggering, unparalleled in modern warfare.

How else would one explain that the Neo-Nazi junta is effectively raising its own Volkssturm and even considering forcibly conscripting up to 3,000,000 women, including pregnant ones? Does that sound like a decision someone who lost only 30,000 soldiers would even consider, let alone enforce? It’s quite clear that the Ukrainian people themselves are perfectly aware of the magnitude of the slaughter that NATO pushed them into. This is particularly true for soldiers, which is precisely why they’re so afraid of having Syrsky lead them. In a recent report by Politico, when asked about the new top commander, one soldier even openly said that “he will kill us all”. Syrsky has repeatedly demonstrated a willingness to throw men into the meatgrinder, be it the battle of Debaltsevo back in early 2015 or Artyomovsk (previously known as Bakhmut) last year, both of which he lost.

The casualties in both battles were enormous, leading to Syrsky’s previously mentioned unflattering nickname. Even in the case that the Kiev regime forces prevailed, such high losses were unjustified. However, the fact that he lost makes it all the more frustrating for the soldiers. In turn, this also affects the already low morale of the troops. This is one of the reasons why Zaluzhny was (and still is) much more popular. Namely, soldiers believe that he demonstrated a much more careful approach, as he was aware of his forces’ technological inferiority and limited resources. Whether this is true or not is up for debate, but Zaluzhny will surely use it for political gain in the future. Either way, the soldiers will have a tough time, especially with the Neo-Nazi junta’s plans for a new counteroffensive. Considering how the last one went, who wouldn’t be terrified of that?

“His leadership is bankrupt, his presence or orders coming from his name are demoralizing and he undermines trust in the command in general. His relentless pursuit of tactical gains constantly depletes our valuable human resources, resulting in tactical advances such as capturing tree lines or small villages, with no operational goals in mind,” one officer described Syrsky, according to ReMix News.

Syrsky and Zelensky are very similar in this regard. Neither ever enjoyed respect and authority in the military. For instance, both of them insisted on holding Artyomovsk, despite everyone else advising them to leave the city. After enormous casualties, the Kiev regime forces lost anyway and had to retreat. Zelensky wanted to hold it at all costs, as the previously mentioned PR “victories” are all he’s got, while Syrsky simply doesn’t accept the concept of active defense and defense-in-depth. Both concepts are actively employed by the Russian military and to great effect, as evidenced by the high casualties of the Neo-Nazi junta forces in the last two years. Worse yet for the Kiev regime, it keeps losing its most loyal henchmen, meaning that it’s largely left without highly motivated and well-trained soldiers who will be replaced by low-morale conscripts.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


As I reported recently, now that it can no longer be denied that the Covid “vaccine” causes death and a large variety of serious health effects, Big Pharma and its shills are adjusting the narrative.

A “study” was done admitting the adverse effects of the “vaccine” but pronouncing them to be “rare.” See this.

Next, Bloomberg Misinformation attributed the deaths and damaged health to Covid, not to the “vaccine.” Here is Jason Gale spinning the facts away from the “vaccine” to Covid itself:

“I’ve not seen any data or research in peer-reviewed journals proving that immunizations caused a quarter of a million excess cardiovascular disease deaths in the US. Only the opposite — that they saved millions of lives.” 

This is an amazing statement considering that the evidence is so overwhelming that Big Pharma shills are now trying to close down or discredit the vaccine adverse effects reporting system: see this.

Harvard University, which has turned out to be another lie factory, has been forced to drop its “vaccine” mandate, but continues to “strongly recommend” that faculty and students “stay up-to-date” by taking the boosters. See this.

Harvard has followed up by firing one of the rare medical scientists who got the story right from the beginning. Dr. Martin Kulldorff explains:

“I am no longer a professor of medicine at Harvard. The Harvard motto is Veritas, Latin for truth. But, as I discovered, truth can get you fired.”

In American universities today, telling the truth, along with using the wrong pronouns, are about the only things that can get you fired. As long as you lie in the interests of donors you are safe.

As I have noted, there are no public or private institutions that we can trust, least of all scientists and universities receiving grants from Big Pharma and medical regulatory agencies such as the FDA, NIH, CDC, WHO, which essentially are revolving doors with Big Pharma. Dr. Fauci at NIH actually was a co-owner of patents with Big Pharma. University research across the board is contaminated, because it is financed by the military/security complex, Big Pharma, corporations, and foundations with agendas. The way to be successful in American universities today is to serve these agendas. Harvard hides behind its motto–“Truth”–but as Dr. Kulldorff reports truth is what gets you fired. Money has as thoroughly corrupted scholarship as it has the character of the American people.

Today the focus of research and investors is artificial intelligence, which is technology devised for controlling the thoughts and behavior of humans. Enserfment, not liberation, is the agenda of artificial intelligence. We are being herded into a world in which controlled explanations will become our reality.


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

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Are We Stumbling Into World War III in Ukraine?

March 13th, 2024 by Medea Benjamin

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


President Biden began his State of the Union speech with an impassioned warning that failing to pass his $61 billion dollar weapons package for Ukraine “will put Ukraine at risk, Europe at risk, the free world at risk.” But even if the president’s request were suddenly passed, it would only prolong, and dangerously escalate, the brutal war that is destroying Ukraine.

The assumption of the U.S. political elite that Biden had a viable plan to defeat Russia and restore Ukraine’s pre-2014 borders has proven to be one more triumphalist American dream that has turned into a nightmare. Ukraine has joined North Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and now Gaza, as another shattered monument to America’s military madness.

This could have been one of the shortest wars in history, if President Biden had just supported a peace and neutrality agreement negotiated in Turkey in March and April 2022 that already had champagne corks popping in Kyiv, according to Ukrainian negotiator Oleksiy Arestovych. Instead, the U.S. and NATO chose to prolong and escalate the war as a means to try to defeat and weaken Russia.

Two days before Biden’s State of the Union speech, Secretary of State Blinken announced the early retirement of Acting Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, one of the officials most responsible for a decade of disastrous U.S. policy toward Ukraine.

Two weeks before the announcement of Nuland’s retirement at the age of 62, she acknowledged in a talk at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) that the war in Ukraine had degenerated into a war of attrition that she compared to the First World War, and she admitted that the Biden administration had no Plan B for Ukraine if Congress doesn’t cough up $61 billion for more weapons.

We don’t know whether Nuland was forced out, or perhaps quit in protest over a policy that she fought for and lost. Either way, her ride into the sunset opens the door for others to fashion a badly needed Plan B for Ukraine.

The imperative must be to chart a path back from this hopeless but ever-escalating war of attrition to the negotiating table that the U.S. and Britain upended in April 2022 – or at least to new negotiations on the basis that President Zelenskyy defined on March 27, 2022, when he told his people, “Our goal is obvious: peace and the restoration of normal life in our native state as soon as possible.”

Instead, on February 26, in a very worrying sign of where NATO’s current policy is leading, French President Emmanuel Macron revealed that European leaders meeting in Paris discussed sending larger numbers of Western ground troops to Ukraine.

Macron pointed out that NATO members have steadily increased their support to levels unthinkable when the war began. He highlighted the example of Germany, which offered Ukraine only helmets and sleeping bags at the outset of the conflict and is now saying Ukraine needs more missiles and tanks.

“The people that said “never ever” today were the same ones who said never ever planes, never ever long-range missiles, never ever trucks. They said all that two years ago,” Macron recalled. “We have to be humble and realize that we (have) always been six to eight months late.”

Macron implied that, as the war escalates, NATO countries may eventually have to deploy their own forces to Ukraine, and he argued that they should do so sooner rather than later if they want to recover the initiative in the war.

The mere suggestion of Western troops fighting in Ukraine elicited an outcry both within France–from extreme right National Rally to leftist La France Insoumise–and from other NATO countries. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz insisted that participants in the meeting were “unanimous” in their opposition to deploying troops. Russian officials warned that such a step would mean war between Russia and NATO.

But as Poland’s president and prime minister headed to Washington for a White House meeting on February 12, Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski told the Polish parliament that sending NATO troops into Ukraine “is not unthinkable.”

Macron’s intention may have been precisely to bring this debate out into the open and put an end to the secrecy surrounding the undeclared policy of gradual escalation toward full-scale war with Russia that the West has pursued for two years.

Macron failed to mention publicly that, under current policy, NATO forces are already deeply involved in the war. Among many lies that President Biden told in his State of the Union speech, he insisted that “there are no American soldiers at war in Ukraine.”

However, the trove of Pentagon documents leaked in March 2023 included an assessment that there were already at least 97 NATO special forces troops operating in Ukraine, including 50 British, 14 Americans and 15 French. Admiral John Kirby, the National Security Council spokesman, has also acknowledged a “small U.S. military presence” based in the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv to try to keep track of thousands of tons of U.S. weapons as they arrive in Ukraine.

But many more U.S. forces, whether inside or outside Ukraine, are involved in planning Ukrainian military operations; providing satellite intelligence; and play essential roles in the targeting of U.S. weapons. A Ukrainian official told the Washington Post that Ukrainian forces hardly ever fire HIMARS rockets without precise targeting data provided by U.S. forces in Europe.

All these U.S. and NATO forces are most definitely “at war in Ukraine.” To be at war in a country with only small numbers of “boots on the ground” has been a hallmark of 21st Century U.S. war-making, as any Navy pilot on an aircraft-carrier or drone operator in Nevada can attest. It is precisely this doctrine of “limited” and proxy war that is at risk of spinning out of control in Ukraine, unleashing the World War III that President Biden has vowed to avoid.

The United States and NATO have tried to keep the escalation of the war under control by deliberate, incremental escalation of the types of weapons they provide and cautious, covert expansion of their own involvement. This has been compared to “boiling a frog,” turning up the heat gradually to avoid any sudden move that might cross a Russian “red line” and trigger a full-scale war between NATO and Russia. But as NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned in December 2022, “If things go wrong, they can go horribly wrong.”

We have long been puzzled by these glaring contradictions at the heart of U.S. and NATO policy. On one hand, we believe President Biden when he says he does not want to start World War III. On the other hand, that is what his policy of incremental escalation is inexorably leading towards.

U.S. preparations for war with Russia are already at odds with the existential imperative of containing the conflict. In November 2022, the Reed-Inhofe Amendment to the FY2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) invoked wartime emergency powers to authorize an extraordinary shopping-list of weapons like the ones sent to Ukraine, and approved billion-dollar, multi-year no-bid contracts with weapons manufacturers to buy 10 to 20 times the quantities of weapons that the United States had actually shipped to Ukraine.

Retired Marine Colonel Mark Cancian, the former chief of the Force Structure and Investment Division in the Office of Management and Budget, explained,

“This isn’t replacing what we’ve given [Ukraine]. It’s building stockpiles for a major ground war [with Russia] in the future.”

So the United States is preparing to fight a major ground war with Russia, but the weapons to fight that war will take years to produce, and, with or without them, that could quickly escalate into a nuclear war. Nuland’s early retirement could be the result of Biden and his foreign policy team finally starting to come to grips with the existential dangers of the aggressive policies she championed.

Meanwhile, Russia’s escalation from its original limited “Special Military Operation” to its current commitment of 7% of its GDP to the war and weapons production has outpaced the West’s escalations, not just in weapons production but in manpower and actual military capability.

One could say that Russia is winning the war, but that depends what its real war goals are. There is a yawning gulf between the rhetoric from Biden and other Western leaders about Russian ambitions to invade other countries in Europe and what Russia was ready to settle for at the talks in Turkey in 2022, when it agreed to withdraw to its pre-war positions in return for a simple commitment to Ukrainian neutrality.

Despite Ukraine’s extremely weak position after its failed 2023 offensive and its costly defense and loss of Avdiivka, Russian forces are not racing toward Kyiv, or even Kharkiv, Odesa or the natural boundary of the Dnipro River.

Reuters Moscow Bureau reported that Russia spent months trying to open new negotiations with the United States in late 2023, but that, in January 2024, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan slammed that door shut with a flat refusal to negotiate over Ukraine.

The only way to find out what Russia really wants, or what it will settle for, is to return to the negotiating table. All sides have demonized each other and staked out maximalist positions, but that is what nations at war do in order to justify the sacrifices they demand of their people and their rejection of diplomatic alternatives.

Serious diplomatic negotiations are now essential to get down to the nitty-gritty of what it will take to bring peace to Ukraine. We are sure there are wiser heads within the U.S., French and other NATO governments who are saying this too, behind closed doors, and that may be precisely why Nuland is out and why Macron is talking so openly about where the current policy is heading. We fervently hope that is the case, and that Biden’s Plan B will lead back to the negotiating table, and then forward to peace in Ukraine.


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Medea Benjamin is the cofounder of CODEPINK for Peace, and the author of several books, including Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Nicolas J. S. Davies is an independent journalist, a researcher for CODEPINK and the author of Blood on Our Hands: The American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq.

Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies are the authors of War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict, published by OR Books in November 2022. They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Featured image is from Stars and Stripes

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Why does the United States give total support to Israel?

In answer, there is a common myth shared by both champions and radical critics of the Zionist state which needs to be dispelled.

The myth is that Israel is a major U.S. strategic asset, described as a sort of unsinkable American aircraft carrier vital to Washington’s interests in the Middle East.

The line of argument of those who share this myth is to show that the United States has economic and strategic interests in the oil-rich Middle East (which nobody denies) and to quote American (and, of course, Israeli) political figures who claim that Israel is the best or even the sole U.S. ally in the region.

For example U.S. President Joe Biden has gone so far as to say that if Israel didn’t exist the U.S. should have invented it.

But the crucial evidence, totally missing from their analysis, is the slightest example of Israel actually serving American interests in the region.

If no examples are given, it’s simply because there are none. Israel has never fired a shot on behalf of the United States or brought a drop of oil under U.S. control.

We can start with a common sense argument: If the U.S. is interested in Middle East oil, why would it support a country that is hated (for whatever reasons) by all the populations of the oil producing countries?

In the 1950s, such was the reasoning of most U.S. experts, who put good relations with Arab countries ahead of support to Israel. This no doubt helps explain why AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, was founded in 1963, to align U.S. policy with that of Israel.

1967 War & After

U.S. support for Israel took off after the 1967 war. Israel’s success dealt a fatal blow to the Arab nationalism embodied by Egypt’s Gamal Nasser, which some U.S. policy-makers falsely saw as a potential communist threat (which they saw just about everywhere).

But the war was waged by Israel for its own interests and expansion, with no benefit to the United States.

On the contrary: a remarkable official silence has been maintained over the fact that in the course of that short war, the American intelligence gathering ship USS Liberty, which was spying on the conflict, was shelled for several hours by the Israeli air force, with the obvious intention to sink it, killing 34 sailors and wounding 174.

Damage to USS Liberty, June 1967. (Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain)

Had there been no survivors, Egypt could have been accused (making it a “false flag” operation).  The survivors were ordered not to speak about it, and the incident was never fully investigated, accepting the official Israeli explanation that it was a “mistake.”  In any case, Israel’s behavior was not exactly that of a precious ally.

When Israel attacked Lebanon in 2006, that country’s government was perfectly “pro-Western.” What’s more, during the 1991 war against Iraq over Kuwait, the United States insisted that Israel should not participate, because such involvement would have collapsed their Arab anti-Iraq coalition. Again, it’s hard here to see Israel as an indispensable “ally.”

U.S. post-9/11 wars have targeted Israel’s enemies — Iraq, Libya, Syria — with no advantage to U.S. oil companies, on the contrary.  The question arises whether the U.S. choice of enemies in the Middle East has not been determined by the interests of a foreign government, contrary to American interests in the region.

Washington & Gaza Today 

Now we come to the current situation: what interest does the United States have in the slaughter being perpetrated in Gaza?

In reality, what Washington is doing is trying to maintain good relations with their Arab allies (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States) by pretending to seek a compromise while exerting no effective pressure on Israel – for instance, by cutting off funds.

And why don’t they? The answer is obvious but saying so is politically incorrect, and is rarely discussed by defenders of the myth, except to refute it. It is the action of the pro-Israeli lobby, which de facto controls Congress and without which no president can really act.

The lobby is no secret conspiracy.  It is openly coordinated by AIPAC, which spreads billionaire donations throughout the U.S. political system and dictates the line to take on Israel to ensure a successful career.

Outside annual AIPAC meeting in Washington, March 2016. (Susan Melkisethian, Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Control is virtually complete over the two parties represented in Congress.

It is achieved primarily through the funding of election campaigns. All those who comply can count on campaign donations, while anyone daring to defy the lobby’s injunctions would quickly be challenged by a very well-funded opponent in the next primary election, thus losing support of his or her own party in the next election — as happened to Georgia representative Cynthia McKinney in 2002.

The lobby also animates smear campaigns against any critic of Israel, as seen recently in the attacks on university presidents (Harvard, MIT, Pennsylvania) for not having sufficiently cracked down on alleged student “anti-Semitism” on their campuses.

There are several books that explain in detail how the lobby works:

  • They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby (1985) by Paul Findley, a Republican congressman from Illinois, who details how the lobby politically “liquidated” all those who wanted a different policy in the Middle East, precisely because they wanted to defend the interests of the United States.
  • The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt (2007) a comprehensive and well sourced book on the functioning and the  effects of the lobby.
  • Against Our Better Judgment : The hidden history of how the U.S. was used to create Israël, by Alison Weir, 2014, which goes back to the Balfour declaration.

One can also watch hidden-camera reports by Al Jazeera on the lobby’s work in the U.S. and Britain.

The way the Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn was “eliminated” politically rests entirely on the lobby’s action and campaigns against his (imaginary) anti-Semitism. The same process is currently underway in France with Jean-Luc Mélenchon and his France Insoumise party.

American presidents as different as Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter have complained that their actions were hampered by the lobby. In fact, every American president has wanted to get rid of the “Palestinian problem” (through the two-state solution) but has been impeded by Congress.

As for Congress itself, let us quote very explicit insider testimony, that of James Abourezk, who was first a congressman and then a senator from South Dakota in the 1970s and who sent this letter in 2006 to Jeff Blankfort, an anti-Zionist activist:

“I can tell you from personal experience that, at least in the Congress, the support Israel has in that body is based completely on political fear — fear of defeat by anyone who does not do what Israel wants done. I can also tell you that very few members of Congress — at least when I served there — have any affection for Israel or for its Lobby. What they have is contempt, but it is silenced by fear of being found out exactly how they feel.

I’ve heard too many cloakroom conversations in which members of the Senate will voice their bitter feelings about how they’re pushed around by the Lobby to think otherwise. In private one hears the dislike of Israel and the tactics of the Lobby, but not one of them is willing to risk the Lobby’s animosity by making their feelings public.

Thus, I see no desire on the part of Members of Congress to further any U.S. imperial dreams by using Israel as their pit bull. The only exceptions to that rule are the feelings of Jewish members, who, I believe, are sincere in their efforts to keep U.S. money flowing to Israel.”

AIPAC Suppression

Abourezk added that the Lobby made every effort to suppress even a single voice of congressional dissent – as his own – that might question annual appropriations to Israel, so that

“if Congress is completely silent on the issue, the press will have no one to quote, which effectively silences the press as well. Any journalists or editors who step out of line are quickly brought under control by well organized economic pressure against the newspaper caught sinning.”

Abourezk once traveled through the Middle East with a reporter who wrote honestly about what he saw. As a result, newspaper executives received threats from several of their large advertisers that their advertising would be terminated if they continued publishing the journalist’s articles.

“I do not recall a single instance where any administration saw the need for Israel’s military power to advance U.S. Imperial interests. In fact, as we saw in the Gulf War, Israel’s involvement was detrimental to what Bush, Sr. wanted to accomplish in that war. They had, as you might remember, to suppress any Israeli assistance so that the coalition would not be destroyed by their involvement.

So far as the argument that we need to use Israel as a base for U.S. operations, I’m not aware of any U.S. bases there of any kind. The U.S. has enough military bases, and fleets, in the area to be able to handle any kind of military needs without using Israel. In fact I can’t think of an instance where the U.S. would want to involve Israel militarily for fear of upsetting the current allies the U.S. has, i.e., Saudi Arabia and the Emirates. The public in those countries would not allow the monarchies to continue their alliance with the U.S. should Israel become involved.”

Abourezk said that U.S. encouragement in its invasions of Lebanon “was merely an extension of the U.S. policy of helping Israel because of the Lobby’s continual pressure. … Lebanon always has been a ‘throw away’ country so far as the Congress is concerned, that is, what happens there has no effect on U.S. interests. There is no Lebanon Lobby.”

Alleged Strategic Value

The alleged strategic value of Israel is just one among many examples of claiming that some imperial/colonial project is necessary for the global capitalist system.

The Vietnam war was justified in part by the domino theory: all of South-East Asia would become communist if Vietnam “fell.” The only domino that fell was Cambodia, as a result of U.S. bombing, after victorious Vietnam intervened to overthrow a genocidal regime there.

South African apartheid was supported by the West, in part out of fear of communism, but the end of apartheid had no dramatic effect on capitalist imperialism in Africa.

If Israeli apartheid were to disappear in Palestine, oil and trade would still flow from the Middle East towards the West, and there would be no attempts by Houthis to block shipments in the Red Sea.

A realistic analysis shows that Israel’s treatment of Palestinians and aggressive policies toward its neighbors are entirely detrimental to American interests in the Middle East, which the current crisis only serves to highlight even more.

The trouble with the “Israel as U.S. aircraft carrier” thesis is that while it’s very comfortable for its defenders, it is also very damaging for the Palestinian cause.

It’s comfortable because it doesn’t risk incurring accusations of anti-Semitism, as it shifts responsibility for Israeli atrocities to American imperialism and its multinational corporations.

On the other hand, if you emphasize the Lobby’s leading role in U.S. Middle East policy, you will be accused of echoing fantasies and “conspiracy theories” about “Jewish power” dating from times when there was no Israel and thus no Israel Lobby.

Rejection of discredited stereotypes is no reason to ignore the facts of the unprecedented relationship that has developed between the United States and Israel.

Harm to Palestinian Cause

The “Israel as U.S. aircraft carrier” is precisely an Israeli argument designed to win over total U.S. political, financial and military support.

Thus it is no wonder that echoing that argument is extremely harmful to the Palestinian cause.  If it were true, how could we hope to end this American support to Israel?

Persuade the American population to revolt against something said to be highly beneficial to U.S. interests? Or wait for American imperialism to collapse? That’s not likely to happen any time soon.

But if the power of the lobby is the key to U.S. support, then the strategy to be followed is much simpler and has a much greater chance of success: we need simply to dare speak out and tell the truth.

The public must realize that far from being an asset, Israel is a chronic liability that squanders billions of American dollars, drags the United States into wars and whose genocidal treatment of the Palestinians is radically destroying America’s moral pretensions in most of the world.

Once this is understood, support for Israel will collapse, and voters may put enough pressure on the national elite, the administration and even the intimidated Congress to reorient U.S. policy in line with genuine national interests.

There are signs that part of the economic ruling class is moving this way: Elon Musk’s defense of free speech on social networks is a step in the right direction (to the rage of Israel’s supporters).

Although Donald Trump, as president, did all he could for Israel, his popular slogan “America First” means something quite different, as understood by anti-interventionists on the right such as Tucker Carlson.

Unfortunately, many on the left cling to an ostensibly “Marxist” view that U.S. support for Israel must be motivated by economic interests, by capitalist profits, by control of the flow of Middle Eastern oil. This belief is not only unsupported factually, it amounts to an invitation to U.S. rulers to keep it up.

With worldwide indignation rising against the genocidal assault on Gaza, how is it possible for any American to claim that Israel is “acting in American interests?” Israel is responsible for its crimes, and it is both true and in the U.S. national interest to recognize that far from being a strategic asset, Israel is America’s No. 1 liability.


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Jean Bricmont is professor of theoretical physics at the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), and author of numerous articles and books, including Humanitarian Imperialism, La République des Censeurs,and Fashionable Nonsense (with Alan Sokal).

Diana Johnstone was press secretary of the Green Group in the European Parliament from 1989 to 1996. In her latest book, Circle in the Darkness: Memoirs of a World Watcher(Clarity Press, 2020), she recounts key episodes in the transformation of the German Green Party from a peace to a war party. Her other books include Fools’ Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO and Western Delusions (Pluto/Monthly Review) and in co-authorship with her father, Paul H. Johnstone, From MAD to Madness: Inside Pentagon Nuclear War Planning (Clarity Press). She can be reached at [email protected]

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March



While there is widespread and increasing support for the protection of wildlife, avoidable obstructions have been created by the insistence of some conservationists and project authorities on pursuing conservation work in ways that involve the displacement of many villagers. Hence an avoidable conflict has been created, ignoring the alternative of pursuing conservation in ways that avoid such displacement and disruption of rural communities. 

In fact in some places such disruption of rural communities has been accompanied also by a lot of violence against rural communities, at least partly to increase pressure on them to move out early.

Around 2000 people are alleged to have been killed and 30000 driven from homes to create a wildlife reserve in Myanmar (Panos background paper on ‘Parks and People’).

Currently thousands more are threatened by displacement caused by expansion of parks in Tanzania, particularly under the REGROW project.

This is extremely tragic, and entirely avoidable. As several experts have been pointing out, conservation models which are compatible with villagers’ sustainable livelihoods are not just possible, but may also have higher chances of success. Ramachandra Guha, delivering the keynote address to the Conference on Wildlife and Human Rights in Asia at the University of Oslo said,

“The belief in a total ban on human intervention is misguided. Studies show that the highest levels of biological diversity are often found in areas with some (though not excessive) human intervention. In opening up new niches to be occupied by insects, plants and birds, partially disturbed ecosystems can have a greater diversity than untouched areas.”

According to David Western, in East Africa,

“the ending of human activity in the parks, such as fires and shifting cultivation, has reduced biodiversity. Those human activities created the patchiness of terrain that encouraged more species. By pulling out the human components, and maintaining too many elephants we are losing biodiversity.”

In Bharatpur Park area of India (Rajasthan state), some years back villagers protested when the authorities banned grazing. In the ensuing conflict seven villagers were killed. Yet the Bombay Natural History Society concluded that here buffalo grazing was “an integral part of the ecosystem, helping to counter the tendency of the wetland to turn into a grassland.” Hence there was no need, even from a conservation viewpoint, to put a ban on grazing in the first place. The conflict, which caused the loss of life of innocent villagers, was thus entirely avoidable.

In some other cases also, including the famous ‘Valley of Flowers’ in Himalayan region, bans an traditional grazing had a negative impact on diversity and required a reintroduction of grazing or grass cutting.

Such research findings indicate that the interests of both human population as well as wild species in most situations can be better served by giving up the notion of parks as areas devoid of human intervention. A more rewarding approach will be to look at how local people can prove helpful in protection of animals and birds, trees and plants, and evolve a system based on involving as well as rewarding the people for their help, making creative use of their impressive knowledge of local forests as well as their various skills.

According to the Panos paper on People and Parks, the Kuikuru people in the upper Xingu valley of the Amazon rainforest can differentiate between 262 kinds of trees or plants and even more forms of animal life. 

Forests play an important role in the food security of several indigenous communities by providing free of cost food which is shared much more equally and generously compared to cultivated and market-purchased food. A study by Living Farm organization in the Odisha tells us that 121 types of food available from forests are known to the tribal communities which are shared by the community and are particularly useful for meeting needs of several micro-nutrients. During the lean season and during drought years the importance of this forest food increases further.              

Several communities of forest dwellers have been living in harmony with wildlife. They have self-imposed restrictions on forest-use as well as on hunting or causing any other harm to wild animals. There is much to learn from them regarding the way of peaceful coexistence with wildlife. Instead of officials and rangers trying to form such an understanding, more often the highly unfortunate trend has been to follow a policy to remove them from park areas, or at least to curtail their forest and other livelihood rights in a big way, thereby creating pressures on them to move away sooner or later.

When villagers are displaced from park areas, or their livelihood is gravely jeopardized then chances increase that some of them will be trapped by poachers and smugglers to work for them, thereby increasing the risks to wildlife as well, and turning protectors and potential protectors of wildlife into those who can threaten wildlife. 

So removal of villagers from park area can be harmful not only for them but also for biodiversity. The approach should be to involve them in the protection of biodiversity. The famous ornithologist from India, Salim Ali, had made a strong pitch for this. He stated,

“No conservation laws or measures can succeed fully unless they have the backing of informed public opinion, which in our case means the usually illiterate village cultivator.” He added that we (the conservationists) have to find the right approach for involving the villagers, not excluding them. He added, “We have never really tried enough. Devising a realistic strategy is now a challenge to all conservationists.”

The significance of this viewpoint – of working with people and not against them – can be seen very clearly in the example of van gujjars, a semi-nomadic pastoral community which is being displaced from Rajaji National Park area in North India. For several years forest and wildlife officials have continued to propagate van gujjars’ pastoralism as being harmful for forests and wildlife, but this view was contested by voluntary organizations working with van gujjrs like Vikalp and Rural Litigation and Entitlement Kendra (RLEK).

RLEK also prepared a plan for Community Forest Management in Protected Areas (CFM-PA) to enable van gujjars, in cooperation with other villagers, to manage a part of the Park area. This plan document, prepared on the basis of detailed, meticulous fieldwork, provided a view of van gujjars’ relation with wildlife and forests which is very different from the dominant view propagated by most offocials. ( All quotes below are from the CFM-PA plan prepared by RLEK).

“All forest animals, whether fierce or gentle, are seen as interrelated components of the natural world and therefore to be cared for by mankind. “They are our children,” it is said, “for they have the same life as our own.” Moreover, ‘buffaloes have us to care for them but just because wild animals have nobody to care for them does not mean they should be harmed.”

“Jackals, snakes, leopards and even the irascible elephant are all given a respected place within the moral order of the natural world. Though different, like the five fingers of the hand, each has its part to play in the great scheme of things.”

“Since they are regarded as kin, no creature of the forest may be killed and even injury to one is cause for personal disgrace and discipline before the elders. No forest creature may be eaten or skinned and if found dead should be buried, preferably with a prayer similar to that used for human or buffalo burials.” 

After describing this thinking of van gujjars this document adds,

“To walk through the forest with a van gujjar guide is a lesson in biodiversity; every species of tree is known, its quality as fodder, the timing of its leaf-fall, medicinal properties and so on. Every sound has meaning, every bird known and its habits noted, every fallen branch or tree noted.”

Clearly such communities can be a very big asset for the protection of forests and wildlife. Members of such communities can with a little training emerge as barefoot botanists and zoologists. Collectively, these communities can play a very important role on keeping away poachers and smugglers of forest produce.

Unfortunately such potential is not even considered by those officials or managers who approach the entire issue with a colonial or neo-colonial thinking which is ranged against the communities and the protection of their rights from the outset. They see their role more as policemen out to discipline people and remove them when required, instead of trying to become partners of communities in creative and cooperative efforts to save environment and at the same protect sustainable livelihoods.        

Once such possibilities are explored in very creative and interesting ways for such cooperation, it will be found that sustainable livelihoods can not only co-exist with protection of wild-life but in addition the two cam be mutually supportive in very interesting ways. To give just one example, a community in an area where poaching is a threat can be involved in steps to check poaching either in terms of full-time or part time jobs for some of its members, or in terms of an annual collective grant to the community for supporting various welfare activities. 

In areas of conflict like the Ruaha National Park in Tanzania from where large-scale displacement is planned and from where reports of terrible violence against villagers are already being received, there is a strong case for entirely changing the approach and the existing plans to avoid displacement and disruption of livelihoods, and instead embark on an approach that integrates protection of wildlife and forests with protection of sustainable livelihoods of communities.


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Bharat Dogra is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save Earth Now. His recent books include Planet in Peril, Man over Machine and Protecting Earth for Children. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Environmental Investigation Agency

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Justin Trudeau is trying to pass Bill C-63 into law — which would make it illegal to “express hate on the internet.”

First, let’s look up the word “hate” in the Oxford Dictionary to keep us somewhat rooted in reality:

“Hate: intense or passionate dislike”

So the Liberal government is trying to make it illegal to express an intense dislike for somebody or something.

“The proposals contained in Bill C-63 are so bizarre and outrageous that most would dismiss them outright,” says host Bob Metz, in last week’s episode of Just Right. “Like something out of a science-fiction horror fantasy, the bill allows the government to convict, fine, and imprison ‘for life’ people who have not committed any speech offence, but who may do so in the future.”

Yes, you could go to jail if there are reasonable grounds to suspect you might leave a comment after a YouTube video about how much you dislike something (such as this Orwellian law) or somebody (such as our Orwellian prime minister).

“Hate is obviously a human emotion,” says Ezra Levant in the same episode of Just Right. “We all know that. Sometimes we feel love, sometimes we feel hate, sometimes we feel contempt, sometimes we feel respect. That’s a normal, human personality. And you could no more ban hate than you could pass the ‘Love Each Other Act’… You cannot eradicate hate from the human heart. The essence of this Bill C-63 is it turns that feeling into a crime. It’s not even a thought crime… It’s a feelings crime.”

I guess we are all going to jail.

But for an even more far-fetched “science-fiction horror fantasy” story, you can listen to Just Right’s exposé about how Bill C-63 “is the perfect weapon of violence for those consumed with irrational hatreds that they do not wish to have exposed” available here.

“How are such people to be identified? Through a ‘complaint’ system in which the identity of the complainant is kept a secret. The complainant can be anyone. As explained by Ezra Levant, “a person may lay an information if he fears that another person will commit a speech offense in the future.” And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of Bill C-63’s unconscionable and immoral proposals.

But more frightening than the contents of the bill itself are the people who would even allow themselves to entertain such evil. Former Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault, who drafted the law, has announced that the government also has a “nuclear option” by being able to make it impossible to access any specific website in the country.

The Trudeau government’s obsession with regulating and censoring the internet suggests that he and his government greatly fear the truth. Truth is, after all, what is being eliminated from any allowable public discussion.”


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John C. A. Manley is the author of Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story , the forthcoming All The Humans Are Sleeping and other works of speculative fiction. You get free chapters from his novels by subscribing to his Blazing Pine Cone email newsletter at

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Flickr

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


While the US publication Foreign Policy accepts Putin’s case on non NATO Ukraine and concedes that Russia cares more for Ukraine than the West there is great dissension within the western alliance. Jens Stoltenberg speaking at Sweden’s NATO membership ceremony continues the war rhetoric:

Surrender is not a peaceful solution. We need to keep making Ukraine strong. We need to show Putin that he won’t get what he wants on the battlefield. 

But a French military report leaked to the French media claims the opposite:

“the most serious error of analysis and judgment would be to continue to seek exclusively military solutions to stop hostilities.” A French officer summarises: “It is clear, in view of the forces present, that Ukraine cannot win this war militarily.”

The French report bears close scrutiny because (as Macron’s anger and increasingly aggressive rhetoric shows) the French probably have more troops on the ground in Ukraine than anyone and hundreds have been killed in Russian bombings of military planning targets. The French Report continues:

“Zelensky would need 35,000 men per month, he is not recruiting half of them, while Putin draws from a pool of 30,000 monthly volunteers. The Ukrainian failure at Avdiïvka shows that, despite the emergency dispatch of an “elite” brigade – the 3rd Azov air assault brigade – Kiev is not capable of locally re-establishing a sector of the collapsing front”

The Ukraine warmongers have also suffered a serious blow from the Pope who in a Swiss Television interview called on Kiev to negotiate a peace:

I believe that the stronger one is the one who sees the situation, the one who thinks about people, and the one who has the courage to raise the white flag and negotiate. Today it is possible to negotiate with the help of international powers. The word “negotiation” is a bold one. When you see that you are failing, that things are going wrong, you need to have the courage to negotiate. Shame on you, but how many deaths will this end in? Conduct negotiations in a timely manner, and look for some country that will act as a mediator.

Here Dmitry Babich contrasts western experts’ rational assessment of losses and military weakness with the aggressive and hysterical rhetoric of so many western “Statesmen”.


US Foreign Policy Journal Argues Against NATO Membership for Ukraine[1]

By Dmitry Babich

The recent statements of Western leaders on the Ukraine war give the impression of schizophrenia. What is strange about the current situation is the fact that the irresponsible statements are made by political leaders in power, while at least some voices in the media and the opposition are trying to call the “decision makers” back to reason.

It used to be the other way round: “wild dreams” and extreme rhetoric were the realm of the media, while political figures were expected to act responsibly.

Even in the political class Macron’s outlandish statement that sending NATO troops to help Zelensky’s regime “was not excluded” was soon defused by the French Defence Minister Sebastian Lecornu who said such a decision was “not on the table at the moment”.

The Polish foreign minister Radoslaw Sikorski called for “asymetric escalation” in Ukraine – from NATO’s side. In Sikorski’s opinion, the presence of NATO troops in Ukraine “should not be something unthinkable.” No surprise in this statement of this former British citizen (Sikorski fled Poland in the difficult times of the martial law in the 1980s) and the husband of the “neocon media Valkiria” Ann Applebaum.

The rare voices of reason are heard from the expert side – from a small part of the professional media.

Foreign Policy, one of America’s most authoritative magazines on international affairs, even published an article denying the need for Kiev to join NATO. The article is headlined “NATO Should Not Accept Ukraine – for Ukraine’s Sake.” The article’s two authors promise to provide “the top five reasons why expanding the Western alliance would make Kiev even worse off.”

Screenshot from The Foreign Policy Journal

The article’s authors, Stephen Walt and Robert Renée Belfer, realise that they are going  against the Western mainstream, because their suggestion not to take Ukraine into NATO is actually Russia’s long standing red line – repeated many times prior to February 2022 by President Putin.

So, what made Foreign Policy’s authors vie away from the Western mainstream on the NATO-Ukraine narrative? One of the factors was Kiev’s ongoing military failure. Here is a quote from The Foreign Policy article:  

”Turning to Ukraine, our belief that bringing it into NATO now (or in the near future) is unwise rests on several assumptions. One is that Ukraine cannot reverse the situation on the battlefield and reconquer its lost territory unless it gets a lot more weaponry and has time to reconstitute its forces after the setbacks of the past year. It is suffering from a severe (and probably irreversible) shortage of manpower and the combination of drone surveillance, artillery, and extensive Russian fortifications will make it difficult-to-impossible for Kyiv to make large territorial advances. Ukraine’s cheerleaders in the West were wrong last spring when they offered up optimistic forecasts about the then-upcoming counteroffensive. And they are repeating this error now by suggesting that there are still lots of ways for Ukraine to turn the tide.”

“Kiev cannot reverse the situation on the ground”, FP’s article says, “where the tides of battle have shifted against Ukraine.” FP brings bad news to Zelensky’s regime: with every passing day it has a slimmer chance of “reconquering lost territory.”

But the leading reason for the authors’ shift to realism is not even military, it is psychological. Who cares more about Ukraine – the answer to this question became obvious in the last few months.

“Our assumption is that Russia’s leaders care more about Ukraine’s fate than the West does,” the article says. 

The issue is not only post-war reconstruction, which Russia has already started in, say, Mariupol. No NATO country is ready to commit any number of troops to Ukraine that would be even remotely comparable to the Russian army’s contingent now operating at the frontline.

The authors belatedly acknowledge that the West has not acted in Ukraine’s interest from the very beginning:

“NATO’s oft-repeated commitment to bring Ukraine into the alliance undoubtedly fuelled Moscow’s concerns.” “The evidence that the prospect of NATO joining NATO fuelled Putin’s actions is impossible to deny” – in this way the Foreign Policy article belatedly admits a simple truth that had been denied in both Washington and Brussels for years.

So, NATO membership for Ukraine “will only prolong the war”, Foreign Policy concludes, and one could not agree more. “Neutrality may not be that bad for Ukraine” – that is also true. The question is: why is the wise opinion confined to the fringes of the expert community, while Macron’s and Sikorski’s outlandish aggressive suggestions are the mainstream?


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[1] Support for this comes from many in Congress including Utah Senator Mike Lee who serves as the Ranking Republican on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy, and Consumer Rights,

“If Ukraine gets in, we need to leave NATO,” he wrote in The American Conservative 

“Despite what the Biden administration and the foreign policy establishment would claim, Russia’s decision to pursue military objectives in Ukraine was due in large part to the prospect of further NATO expansion for both Ukraine and Georgia, a redline that Vladimir Putin drew as far back as 2008. Rather than taking such warnings seriously, the U.S. and European capitals continued to beat the drum of expansion by touting the foolish desires of the “rules-based international order” above realism.”

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


In the aftermath of the NATO-backed 2014 Maidan coup that brought Neo-Nazis to power in Ukraine, there has been a systematic nazification of Ukrainian youth, including underage children.

The raising of hundreds of thousands of kids into a sort of Bandera-Jugend created the basis of the Kiev regime forces that were later used to wage war on the people of Donbass.

Many of the children initially brainwashed into this rabidly Russophobic ideology (among other forms of hatred) were in their early 20s when the special military operation (SMO) started. They formed the very core of the Neo-Nazi junta troops, loyal to the cause of eradicating anyone deemed “Untermenschen”. That is, until they had to face the actual Russian military. Since then, the number of the most loyal and highly motivated Kiev regime soldiers has fallen dramatically.

The sheer magnitude of their casualties versus Moscow’s forces makes it impossible to sustain such losses without a massive reduction in the Neo-Nazi junta’s fighting capabilities. In order to ameliorate the issue, the Kiev regime is looking for ways to force ever more people into becoming cannon fodder in NATO’s aggression against Russia. Apart from the regular kidnapping of people on streets of Ukrainian towns and cities, there’s also a more tight border control, where any conscription dodgers caught trying to escape are subjected to brutal treatment. This is hardly surprising given the fact that even people with severe physical and mental disabilities are being pressed into service, while the same is now being done to women, including pregnant ones. The Neo-Nazi junta now wants millions of childless women to join them as well.

According to the Ukrainian Texty publication, there are approximately 5 million men who could be conscripted, with the Kiev regime planning to force 500,000 of them into its ranks. The report also claims that there are at least 1.1 million people in the military, over 60,000 of whom are women. Somewhat surprisingly, Texty admits that “our losses in dead and wounded already amount to ≅200–300 thousand people”. Although far less than the estimates of many military analysts who are already putting that number much closer to half a million, this admission is far more realistic than the ludicrous 30,000 figure given by the Neo-Nazi junta. Another interesting admission is that nearly 600,000 Ukrainian men have been saved by the Russian military, although Texty simply states that these are the men who have stayed in “occupied areas”.

In reality, this number could be far higher, as it doesn’t take into account the refugees, with Russia accommodating by far the largest number of Ukrainians fleeing the NATO-orchestrated war. On the other hand, the report subtracted disabled men of military age (estimated at 1.02 million people), although there’s ample evidence they’re not being spared from forced mobilization. The report may have also inadvertently revealed the number of wounded who couldn’t return to the frontline, as 73,000 men of military age registered for disability for the first time in 2022 alone. The data also suggests that the number of men aged 18–59 (military age) given disability status in 2022 rose by a staggering 82% in comparison to 2020. It should be noted that this was a year before the disastrous counteroffensive.

Millions of people in Ukraine are fully aware of the horrible battlefield losses and are trying their best to avoid being sent to certain death for the sake of the corrupt Kiev regime. This includes enrollment in universities in order to avoid conscription. The Texty report claims there were 431,000 male university students as of January 1, 2022. Ukrainian law allows them to avoid conscription as long as they’re enrolled in a university. According to the report, the number of first-year students has approximately doubled over the past two years. The 2021 statistics show there were 91,500 freshmen, which rose to 166,300 and over 200,000 in 2022 and 2023, respectively. Thus, the NATO-backed Neo-Nazi junta is looking for cannon fodder elsewhere. As previously mentioned, women are now being increasingly targeted for this purpose.

The report found there are 5.6 million Ukrainian women “of military age” (18-60) and supposedly “eligible for military service”. Texty claims that 46% of them are raising children, meaning that over 3 million women would be targeted for conscription. According to their assessment, “if the war drags on for years or if Russia dramatically increases the number of its forces, the conscription of women can significantly improve the situation”. Texty further adds that this is supposedly “good”, citing the example of “democratic countries, [where] women have equal rights with men and participate in all types of activities that were previously considered purely male”. The very idea that the countries of the political West are supposedly “democratic” shows just how incredibly naive (or at the very least brainwashed) the authors are.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

Video: COVID Vaccine Injury – Heart Attack After Two Pfizer Doses

March 13th, 2024 by Children’s Health Defense

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


His name? Paul Levine. His injury? Life-threatening heart damage after two Pfizer COVID shots.

After a close-call with death, he pushed himself to heal the heart muscle and pursue recovery. A doctor affirmed that he should not receive any further COVID injections, but Paul has been permanently scarred from getting any immunizations:

“I won’t vaccinate anymore.”

He shares his story in this CHD.TV narrative.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


“Never has our future been more unpredictable, never have we depended so much on political forces that cannot be trusted to follow the rules of common sense and self-interest—forces that look like sheer insanity, if judged by the standards of other centuries.”—Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

Day by day, tyranny is rising as freedom falls.

The U.S. military is being used to patrol subway stations and police the U.S.-Mexico border, supposedly in the name of national security.

The financial sector is being used to carry out broad surveillance of Americans’ private financial data, while the entertainment sector is being tapped to inform on video game enthusiasts with a penchant for violent, potentially extremist content, all in an alleged effort to uncover individuals subscribing to anti-government sentiments

Public and private venues are being equipped with sophisticated surveillance technologies, including biometric and facial recognition software, to track Americans wherever they go and whatever they do. Space satellites with powerful overhead surveillance cameras will render privacy null and void.

This is the state of our nation that no is talking about—not the politicians, not the courts, and not Congress: the government’s power grabs are growing bolder, while the rights of the citizenry continue to be trampled underfoot.

Hitler is hiding in the shadows, while the citizenry—the only ones powerful enough to stem the authoritarian tide that threatens to lay siege to our constitutional republic—remain easily distracted and conveniently diverted by political theatrics and news cycles that change every few days.

This sorry truth has persisted no matter which party has controlled Congress or the White House.

These are dangerous times.

Yet while the presidential candidates talk at length about the dangers posed by the opposition party, the U.S. government still poses the gravest threat to our freedoms and way of life.

Police shootings of unarmed individuals, invasive surveillance, roadside blood draws, roadside strip searches, SWAT team raids gone awry, the military industrial complex’s costly wars, pork barrel spending, pre-crime laws, civil asset forfeiture, fusion centers, militarization, armed drones, smart policing carried out by AI robots, courts that march in lockstep with the police state, schools that function as indoctrination centers, bureaucrats that keep the Deep State in power: these are just a few of the ways in which the police state continues to flex its muscles in a show of force intended to intimidate anyone still clinging to the antiquated notion that the government answers to “we the people.”

Consider for yourself the state of our nation:

Americans have little protection against police abuse. The police and other government agents have been generally empowered to probe, poke, pinch, taser, search, seize, strip and generally manhandle anyone they see fit in almost any circumstance, all with the general blessing of the courts. It is no longer unusual to hear about incidents in which police shoot unarmed individuals first and ask questions later. What is increasingly common, however, is the news that the officers involved in these incidents get off with little more than a slap on the hands.

Americans are little more than pocketbooks to fund the police state. If there is any absolute maxim by which the federal government seems to operate, it is that the American taxpayer always gets ripped off. This is true, whether you’re talking about taxpayers being forced to fund high-priced weaponry that will be used against us, endless wars that do little for our safety or our freedoms, or bloated government agencies with their secret budgets, covert agendas and clandestine activities.

Americans are no longer innocent until proven guilty. We once operated under the assumption that you were innocent until proven guilty. Due in large part to rapid advances in technology and a heightened surveillance culture, the burden of proof has been shifted so that the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty has been usurped by a new norm in which all citizens are suspects. Indeed, the government—in cahoots with the corporate state—has erected the ultimate suspect society. In such an environment, we are all potentially guilty of some wrongdoing or other.

Americans no longer have a right to self-defense. While the courts continue to disagree over the exact nature of the rights protected by the Second Amendment, the government itself has made its position extremely clear. When it comes to gun rights in particular, and the rights of the citizenry overall, the U.S. government has adopted a “do what I say, not what I do” mindset. Nowhere is this double standard more evident than in the government’s attempts to arm itself to the teeth, all the while viewing as suspect anyone who dares to legally own a gun, let alone use one in self-defense. Indeed, while it still technically remains legal to own a firearm in America, possessing one can now get you pulled over, searched, arrested, subjected to all manner of surveillance, treated as a suspect without ever having committed a crime, shot at, and killed.

Americans no longer have a right to private property. If government agents can invade your home, break down your doors, kill your dog, damage your furnishings and terrorize your family, your property is no longer private and secure—it belongs to the government. Likewise, if government officials can fine and arrest you for growing vegetables in your front yard, praying with friends in your living room, installing solar panels on your roof, and raising chickens in your backyard, you’re no longer the owner of your property.

Americans no longer have a say about what their children are exposed to in school. Incredibly, the government continues to insist that parents essentially forfeit their rights when they send their children to a public school. This growing tension over whether young people, especially those in the public schools, are essentially wards of the state, to do with as government officials deem appropriate, in defiance of the children’s constitutional rights and those of their parents, is at the heart of almost every debate over educational programming, school discipline, and the extent to which parents have any say over their children’s wellbeing in and out of school.

Americans are powerless in the face of militarized police forces. With local police agencies acquiring military-grade weaponry, training and equipment better suited for the battlefield, Americans are finding their once-peaceful communities transformed into military outposts patrolled by a standing military army.

Americans no longer have a right to bodily integrity. The debate over bodily integrity covers broad territory, ranging from abortion and euthanasia to forced blood draws, biometric surveillance and basic healthcare. Forced vaccinations, forced cavity searches, forced colonoscopies, forced blood draws, forced breath-alcohol tests, forced DNA extractions, forced eye scans, forced inclusion in biometric databases: these are just a few ways in which Americans continue to be reminded that we have no control over what happens to our bodies during an encounter with government officials.

Americans no longer have a right to the expectation of privacy. Despite the staggering number of revelations about government spying on Americans’ phone calls, Facebook posts, Twitter tweets, Google searches, emails, bookstore and grocery purchases, bank statements, commuter toll records, etc., Congress, the president and the courts have done little to nothing to counteract these abuses. Instead, they seem determined to accustom us to life in this electronic concentration camp.

Americans no longer have a representative government. We have moved beyond the era of representative government and entered the age of authoritarianism, where all citizens are suspects, security trumps freedom, and so-called elected officials represent the interests of the corporate power elite. This topsy-turvy travesty of law and government has become America’s new normal.

Americans can no longer rely on the courts to mete out justice. The U.S. Supreme Court was intended to be an institution established to intervene and protect the people against the government and its agents when they overstep their bounds. Yet through their deference to police power, preference for security over freedom, and evisceration of our most basic rights for the sake of order and expediency, the justices of the Supreme Court have become the architects of the American police state in which we now live, while the lower courts have appointed themselves courts of order, concerned primarily with advancing the government’s agenda, no matter how unjust or illegal.

I haven’t even touched on the corporate state, the military industrial complex, SWAT team raids, invasive surveillance technology, zero tolerance policies in the schools, overcriminalization, or privatized prisons, to name just a few, but what I have touched on should be enough to show that the landscape of our freedoms has already changed dramatically from what it once was and will no doubt continue to deteriorate unless Americans can find a way to wrest back control of their government and reclaim their freedoms.

This steady slide towards tyranny, meted out by militarized local and federal police and legalistic bureaucrats, has been carried forward by each successive president over the past seventy-plus years regardless of their political affiliation.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

We are walking a dangerous path right now.

Having allowed the government to expand and exceed our reach, we find ourselves on the losing end of a tug-of-war over control of our country and our lives. And for as long as we let them, government officials will continue to trample on our rights, always justifying their actions as being for the good of the people.

Yet the government can only go as far as “we the people” allow. Therein lies the problem.

The pickle we find ourselves in speaks volumes about the nature of the government beast we have been saddled with and how it views the rights and sovereignty of “we the people.”

Now you don’t hear a lot about sovereignty anymore. Sovereignty is a dusty, antiquated term that harkens back to an age when kings and emperors ruled with absolute power over a populace that had no rights. Americans turned the idea of sovereignty on its head when they declared their independence from Great Britain and rejected the absolute authority of King George III. In doing so, Americans claimed for themselves the right to self-government and established themselves as the ultimate authority and power.

In other words, in America, “we the people”— sovereign citizens—call the shots.

So when the government acts, it is supposed to do so at our bidding and on our behalf, because we are the rulers.

That’s not exactly how it turned out, though, is it?

In the 200-plus years since we boldly embarked on this experiment in self-government, we have been steadily losing ground to the government’s brazen power grabs, foisted upon us in the so-called name of national security.

We have relinquished control over the most intimate aspects of our lives to government officials who, while they may occupy seats of authority, are neither wiser, smarter, more in tune with our needs, more knowledgeable about our problems, nor more aware of what is really in our best interests.

The government has knocked us off our rightful throne. It has usurped our rightful authority. It has staged the ultimate coup. Its agents no longer even pretend that they answer to “we the people.”

Worst of all, “we the people” have become desensitized to this constant undermining of our freedoms.

How do we reconcile the Founders’ vision of the government as an entity whose only purpose is to serve the people with the police state’s insistence that the government is the supreme authority, that its power trumps that of the people themselves, and that it may exercise that power in any way it sees fit (that includes government agents crashing through doors, mass arrests, ethnic cleansing, racial profiling, indefinite detentions without due process, and internment camps)?

They cannot be reconciled. They are polar opposites.

We are fast approaching a moment of reckoning where we will be forced to choose between the vision of what America was intended to be (a model for self-governance where power is vested in the people) and the reality of what it has become (a police state where power is vested in the government).

We are repeating the mistakes of history—namely, allowing a totalitarian state to reign over us.

Former concentration camp inmate Hannah Arendt warned against this when she wrote:

“No matter what the specifically national tradition or the particular spiritual source of its ideology, totalitarian government always transformed classes into masses, supplanted the party system, not by one-party dictatorships, but by mass movement, shifted the center of power from the army to the police, and established a foreign policy openly directed toward world domination.”

So where does that leave us?

Aldous Huxley predicted that eventually the government would find a way of “making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”

The answer? Get un-brainwashed, as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries,

Stop allowing yourself to be distracted and diverted.

Learn your rights.

Stand up for the founding principles.

Make your voice and your vote count for more than just political posturing.

Never cease to vociferously protest the erosion of your freedoms at the local and national level.

Most of all, do these things today.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Turbo Cancer Treatment Race Is On: Johnson & Johnson Just Completed $2 Billion Cancer Drug Buy of Ambrx

By Dr. William Makis, March 12, 2024

While the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Injured who develop Turbo Cancers are being gaslit by low level doctors and MD propagandists on Twitter and other social media, Big Pharma is in a literal feeding frenzy, buying up every “novel” cancer treatment imaginable at massive premiums.

We Need Feminism Free of Condescension

By Danaka Katovich, March 12, 2024

“Feminists” like Tammy Duckworth or Nancy Pelosi will always agree that Israel treats women great, as if Palestinian women who are murdered and abused at the hands of Israel don’t exist at all. The subtext of this being that Palestinian women couldn’t possibly know what’s good for them. That’s disdain. That’s not feminism.

Netanyahu Is Criminally Insane! A Monster! A Serial Killer of Captive Children!

By Jay Janson, March 12, 2024

How can humanity allow an openly ongoing continuous mass murder of children, captive children at that, for over four months time, with the criminally insane maniac Netanyahu ordering the mass murder, promising the world he will not stop the killing for the foreseeable future?

Civilians Held Under Terrorist Rule in Idlib Demand Their Freedom

By Steven Sahiounie, March 12, 2024

Thousands of civilians living under terrorist occupation in Idlib have taken to the streets to demand the fall of the government on Friday. No, not the Syrian government in Damascus, but the Idlib government ruled by Abu Mohamed al-Julani, and his terrorist group, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).

Multibillion “Humanitarian Wars” Versus Peace, Justice and Welfare: Urgency of Social and Policy Reform in the USA

By Bharat Dogra, March 12, 2024

Concern has been expressed by health experts in the USA that life-expectancy in this country has been reducing steadily in comparison to levels attained in several other rich countries.

America’s Presidential Elections: Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic. “The Ship Is Sinking, Everyone Knows That”

By Richard C. Cook, March 12, 2024

How will the deck chairs be arranged on the deck of the Titanic the morning after election day? Assuming there is an election day. I am going to try to give a short answer to the question of what is really going on here?

Many Countries Want to Start Rupee Trade with India in “Game-changing” De-dollarisation Step

By Ahmed Adel, March 12, 2024

On Monday, Union Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal said that many large and small economies around the world have expressed willingness to start trading in rupee terms with India, which could be a “game-changing” development for India’s trade. This is another important step taken towards de-dollarisation and would better protect India’s economy in case of any future US-led sanctions.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Am feeling some slight pangs of hunger as I sit down to my dinner, and the thought automatically arises, ‘how could a starving person take the immeasurably more severe hunger pain caused by the strong contractions of the stomach when it’s empty,’ and that makes me think of the poor desperately hungry children being starved in Gaza. Am still aware of the good taste of the food in my mouth but suddenly am not enjoying eating.

I want to tell the children I feel are watching me eat, to go watch the sky for an American plane dropping meals to them, but I know the severely traumatised children (who have their eyes on the food on my plate), have had their homes, playgrounds and schools destroyed, many of their brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, uncles and aunts, teachers and playmates killed or horribly wounded, some crippled, by bombs dropped by American planes piloted by Israelis dropping American bombs on them day and night for as long as they can seem to remember. I sense they are still watching me and my (their) food.

(America has also been allowing its client state Israel to starve the citizens of Gaza by blocking food and water from entering into Gaza and U.S.A. has used its veto power to vote down demands of the UN Security Council for a ceasefire.)

Can’t Take It Anymore

In his 93rd year this writer remembers all too well American warplanes dropping uncounted thousands of American bombs invariably landing on some millions of dear children, become our children, in Korea. In Vietnam, in Laos, in Cambodia, more recently in Iraq, and lesser amounts of bombs killing children in dozens of small countries in between Cambodia and Iraq. 

Can’t forget either the starvation American military interventions for regime change, invasions, bombings and cruel sanctions has caused, for it’s children, become our children, who suffer and die firstly and mostly. 

Oh, a reader might point out almost correctly, right now, it is the Israeli government and Israelis who are killing maiming and starving children, (our children), in its illegally militarily occupied Palestinian land Gaza, and not Americans. But the kids starring at me while I eat uncomfortably are not backing away, letting me off the hook. I am doomed to have lost any chance of regaining  “ignorance is bliss” for having years ago subscribed to  daily newsletters “Information Clearing House” and “Counter Currents” and since October 7, have been Googling “Al Jazeera” for ‘news of Palestine’ every morning.

Post Script 

Most people are too busy making a living, taking care of their families and being misled and propagandised by journalists working for ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN or PBS. 

In our present era, still hegemonic colonialist U.S., U.K., Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel have gone on having  their satellite powered CIA overseen [1] media entertainment/news conglomerates, along with those of ally Japan, managing public opinion throughout more than half of the world, and for four months have had their journalists  underreporting as much as possible the ongoing genocide and obliteration of cities in the Gaza Strip, while avidly focusing public attention on Israelis held hostage by Palestinians, with no mention of the many thousands of Palestinians, including women and children, held in Israeli prisons, and highlighting Israeli propaganda of ever new completely unsubstantiated accusations of unbelievably outrageous grisly atrocities during the successful Palestinian guerrilla attack back on October 7, seeking to justify its annihilation of Palestinians in Gaza.

However, since the last days of February and the build up of rage throughout a world, journalists of Western media have begun to report some of the wonton genocidal cruelty of the continued bombing, air striking, shelling and shooting down and starving to death already more that 30,000, mostly women and children, within an illegally militarily captive and sealed off population of some 2.3 million Palestinians most of whom now are displaced, homeless crowded together in tents and make shift coverage without few toilets and getting weak and sick from lack of food and even water! Now some Western journalists will be scripted to report the number children who have already starved to death.


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Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer; has lived and worked on all continents; articles on media published in China, Italy, UK, India and in the US by Dissident Voice, Global Research; Information Clearing House; Counter Currents and others; now resides in NYC; First effort was a series of articles on deadly cultural pollution endangering seven areas of life emanating from Western corporate owned commercial media published in Hong Kong’s Window Magazine 1993; Howard Zinn lent his name to various projects of his; Weekly column, South China Morning Post, 1986-87; reviews for Ta Kung Bao; article China Daily, 1989. Is coordinator of the Howard Zinn co-founded King Condemned US Wars International Awareness Campaign, and website historian of the Ramsey Clark co-founded Prosecute US Crimes Against Humanity Now Campaign, which contains a history of US crimes in 9 countries up to 2006  9 countries up to 2006.


1.  “Worldwide Propaganda Network Built by the C.I.A,” December 26, 1977, New York Times

Featured image is from Countercurrents

Further Reading

Hegemonic Western Colonialist Media Journalists Are Accessories to Israeli Mass Murder of Children in Gaza, by jay janson “Modern Israel enjoys “the same encouragement, the same funding, and the same support” of the collective West like Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany before the World War II, The Western elites kept quiet because they were preparing Hitler for him to launch his military power against the Soviet Union. ultimately, Hitler was a construct, a monster created by the collective West. See this, Feb. 2, 2024

UN Told Israelis Give The Land & Homes Back and Compensate Palestinians! Resolution #194 12/11/1948! (1774 views) Israel, as an occupying power, does not have “the right for self-defense” – UN International Court, 2004. Arab Palestinians are fighting to be freed from their open air concentration prison. See this, November 18, 2023

“Freedom! Justice!” Demand of Generations of Palestinians Will Not Be Denied All That Much Longer (463 views) Israeli government policies have consistently made Israel’s intentions seem to be something like ‘We Will Keep These People Captive While We Take Their Land As Ours Piece by Piece,’ and ‘Get These People Gone the sooner the better.’ See this, December 12, 2023.

US OK’s Bombing Children as Hamas Fights for Their Freedom from Illegal Israeli Military Occupation (1390 views) It is common knowledge that Israel maintains an illegal air, sea and land blockade on Gaza, not allowing anyone, including children, to escape being bombed to death. The US government, providing Israel with warplanes, missiles, weapons, ammunition and political and diplomatic backing, is complicit in this ongoing genocide of bombing to death thousands of militarily confined civilians, mostly women and children. See this, December 10, 2023 

“Freedom! Justice!” Demand of Generations of Palestinians Will Not Be Denied All That Much Longer (463 views) Israeli government policies have consistently made Israel’s intentions seem to be something like ‘We Will Keep These People Captive While We Take Their Land As Ours Piece by Piece,’ and ‘Get These People Gone the sooner the better.’ See this, December 12, 2023

Mass Murder Bombing Gaza Cities Into Rubble Indicts Israel’s U.S. Patron’s Corporate World Hegemony (852 views) Global corporate capitalism led by the hegemonic state, the United States, is a fundamentally immoral and irrational system. In capitalism, both states and corporations are designed to maximize short-term power and profits for the super-wealthy corporate elite. Mass Murder is OK. See this, December 28, 2023

Einstein Cited Equally Horrific Terrorist Massacre of Arabs + USA Origen of Killing in Palestine (1752 views) Until the U.S. forced through United Nations plan for the partition of Palestine is recognized as having been intended to torch British ruled Palestine while British forces were withdrawing as a prearranged stratagem of an archetypal Colonial Powers crime against humanity, the same genocidal warfare and misery that was calculated and expected, will continue and spread, See this, October 31, 2023

If Palestinians Quoted Martin Luther King “US is Greatest Purveyor of Violence in World?” (1138 views) Why Palestinians? Firstly, because the U.S. provides the warplanes, weapons and munitions that has made possible the genocide of already 23,000 captive Palestinians under military occupation in Gaza, most of whom are women and children  January 15, 2024 If Palestinians Quoted Martin Luther King See this

We Need Feminism Free of Condescension

March 12th, 2024 by Danaka Katovich

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


I was three years old when CODEPINK was founded, by women I still interact with on a daily basis. So I’ve been able to hear what sort of discursive battles they had to face in the United States with other “feminist” groups in the lead up to the US invasions and occupations of the early 2000’s. Media or politicians would show pictures of women in Kabul or Baghdad wearing hijabs and insist that it was actually the US military that would bring them empowerment.

That notion is obviously, to us at least, rooted in racism, condescension, and quite frankly – misogyny. And I want to talk about the condescension part and how I feel it’s my responsibility as a feminist in the west, a part of a feminist organization in the west to throw condescension out the window, and what sort of political clarity it provides in incredibly important moments like right now.

I looked up the definition of “condescending” for this, just to see if it would provide anything I didn’t already know. What we immediately assume the word to mean if we had heard it before is something like patronizing, or talking down to people. But what is also included in the definition of condescension is “disdain”. Disdain is the feeling that someone is unworthy of your respect.

We know how mainstream western feminists talk about Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim women. Examples include insisting, either directly or indirectly, that war and occupation will help them somehow or that their oppressors treat women better than they do.

“Feminists” like Tammy Duckworth or Nancy Pelosi will always agree that Israel treats women great, as if Palestinian women who are murdered and abused at the hands of Israel don’t exist at all. The subtext of this being that Palestinian women couldn’t possibly know what’s good for them. That’s disdain. That’s not feminism.

Having a perspective on feminism that rejects condescension allows us to avoid the same pitfalls so many people didn’t when the US was talking about invading Afghanistan under the guise of “liberating women.”

When the New York Times came out with a story about mass rape on October 7, we were able to ask “where is your evidence?”

And we were right to ask those questions, right? And we should be asking a lot of questions when the intent of the story was to galvanize feminists in the west to support the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people. They didn’t need evidence. They just needed western women to consent to dropping bombs on Palestinian women to exact revenge for something that they completely made up. It demanded we value Israeli women over Palestinian women because that’s what they do.

Feminism that is free of condescension allows us to act with clarity in these moments. It allows us to act with humility. It allows us to be in genuine solidarity with women all over the world and not just in our hyper specific contexts. We can only know what’s best for us as individuals, but what’s best for women as a whole will be shaped by Palestinian resistance struggles, and struggles for gender oppressed people all over the world. May we all operate with this razor sharp clarity, without condescension until Palestine is free and long after.


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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


How can humanity allow an openly ongoing continuous mass murder of children, captive children at that, for over four months time, with the criminally insane maniac Netanyahu ordering the mass murder,  promising the world he will not stop the killing for the foreseeable future.

Benjamin Netanyahu, as the Prime Minister of State of Israel, has commanded the murder, maiming and starving to death 31,000 captive Palestinians under Israel’s Illegal Military Occupation by his four months long orders for Israel’s air forces to continuously bomb and air strike Israel’s illegally military occupied Palestinian territory of Gaza, and by his orders blocking food, water, electricity, fuel and medicine from entering Gaza.[1][2]

Jan 30th Satellite data analysis showed the extent of the destruction.

The analysis suggests between 144,000 and 175,000 buildings across the whole Gaza Strip had been destroyed or damaged already six weeks before this writing. That was already between 50% and 61% of Gaza’s buildings.[1] As of March 5th, 70% of homes in Gaza are thought to be destroyed.[2]

Soon after Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack, Israel (read Netanyahu) blocked entry of all food, water, fuel, medicine and other supplies into Gaza. Under U.S. pressure, Netanyahu began to allow a trickle of aid trucks to enter from Egypt at the Rafah crossing, and in December opened one crossing from Israel into southern Gaza.[3]

Only someone criminally insane would starve children to death — if we hear of someone starving a child, don’t we call the police? Where is everyone? Especially in the global south where murderous colonialism is remembered?

At this writing a total of 13,430 children have been killed in the Gaza Strip by the Israeli airstrikes and ground operations ordered by criminally insane Prime Minister Netanyahu since Oct. 7.[4]

What is more precious than the life of a child and why hasn’t Netanyahu been stopped taking already 13,500 children’s lives?

It noted that 8,900 women were killed over the course of 150 days, adding that 7,000 people, 70% of whom are women and children, are still under the rubble or missing.[4]

Only a racist madman would continue ordering thousands the deaths of thousands of women along with their children.

The Gaza media office said that 364 health personnel and 132 journalists also lost their lives during the period.[4]

So it’s kill, kill everyone! And nobody says much about it.

Warning against a growing famine in Gaza, the Gaza Media Office said Israeli military has prevented the entry of food and aid supplies and has even targeted aid vehicles trying to reach the region, causing the deaths of dozens of people looking for food for their families.[4]

Under International Humanitarian Law,

“the occupying power must ensure the humane treatment of the population and provide for their basic needs, including food and medical care.”[5] 

Netanyahu has had the Israeli military push 85% of Gaza’s population of 2.3 million into internal displacement amid acute shortages of food, clean water and medicine, while 60% of the enclave’s infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed, according to the UN.[4]

Israel not Netanyahu stands accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice. An interim ruling in January ordered Tel Aviv to stop genocidal acts and take measures to guarantee that humanitarian assistance is provided to civilians in Gaza. 

Netanyahu Must be Prosecuted

Nations cannot be prosecuted. Individual perpetrators of crimes must be prosecuted. “Whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials or private individuals.” [Article IV Convention on Genocide.] That is an obligation of international customary law and therefore, binding on all States, whether or not they have ratified the Genocide Convention.[5] Article II reads, “Genocide means acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, Killing members of the group; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”[6] See this.

Unfortunately, there are more than a few Israelis, even rabbis, [7] who are led to believe genocide can be God’s will.

Deuteronomy 2:16:

“You must not let any living thing survive among the cities of these people the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance.” 

Genesis 15:18:

“On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said, “To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates.”

1 Samuel 15:3:

“… and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling” [Standard Bible]

Netanyahu is certainly not the only Israeli guilty of mass murdering Palestinians.

Israeli pilots know they kill children when dropping massive amount of bombs on city centres. Have the pilots been made to feel that God, and not just Netanyahu, is on their side in any and all circumstance? 

Netanyahu uses October 7th Hamas led guerrilla attack as a pretext to annihilate the Palestinians trapped in Gaza.

Is Netanyahu crazed with guilt for Israelis having learned of his having funded factions within Hamas for years? (Netanyahu’s plan was keep Palestinians divided and thus less unable to create a Palestinian state.)

Netanyahu said, “whoever is against a Palestinian state should be for” transferring the funds to Gaza, because maintaining a separation between the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza helps prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state. [Jerusalem Post, March 12, 2019] [8]

Media fabricates Israel as victim: Netanyahu as saviour, Western journalists work as accessories to genocide through ‘news’ selection and omissions.

The United Nations human rights chief on Friday condemned the record expansion of illegal Israeli apartheid settlements in the occupied West Bank including East Jerusalem and the “dramatic increase” in violence against Palestinians by Israeli occupation forces and settlers. Over 720,000 Israeli settlers live illegally in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

”Reports this week that Netanyahu has approved plans to build a further 3,476 settler homes in fly in the face of international law,”

According to the report, Israeli occupation forces and settlers have killed at least 413  Palestinians—including 107 children—while wounding more than 4,600 others in the West Bank since October 7. [9]

Israel’s generations long illegal and very often murderous occupation of Palestinian lands and settler colonialism notwithstanding, CIA-overseen PPS,CNN,CBS,NBC,ABC,FOX CNN, and other U.S. and European entertainment/news conglomerates [10] have had their viewers, listeners and readers focus their attention on the 100+ Israelis held hostages without ever mentioning their release being bargained for some of the many thousands Palestinians including, women and children, imprisoned by Israel. 

Corporation journalists for months have had their audiences watch, hear and read interviews of relatives of the Israeli hostages, while Israel and Netanyahu, with U.S. warplanes, bombs and missiles, have been committing genocide and making 80% of Gaza’s population of 2.3 million homeless.[11] 

Mindbogglingly, criminal media has cruelly underreported Palestinian intense suffering as Israel blocked food, water, fuel, electricity and medicine from entering Gaza until the point when children began to die of malnutrition. Israel’s planned starvation is now a indescribably horrific double sided genocide as the bombing and shelling of starving captive Palestinians continues with U.S.A. constantly replenishing Israel’s used up munitions while its criminal media make ‘the hostages’ ‘the hostages’ ‘the 100+ hostages’ and Israel’s criticism of Palestinian freedom fighting guerrillas successful attack on October 7. 

Netanyahu would not be able to continue to order the Gaza  genocide without the continuing supply of weaponry from the U.S.[12] and without CIA controlled media journalists, [10] who are accessories to the ongoing double genocide.[see earlier article: Hegemonic Western Colonialist Media Journalists Are Accessories to Israeli Mass Murder of Children, Counter Currents, Feb. 26, 2024. [13]

International recognition of Netanyahu as criminally insane would seem to be a step in the direction.

It might get more Israelis to be concerned, to rethink, and consider halting their ongoing horrific genocide. and since Netanyahu’s starvation of children genocide was backed from its beginning and for four months by the Biden administration, once it could be widely established or accepted world wide that Netanyahu is criminally insane, it would become easier to focus attention on the mental disability of U.S. President Biden, the facilitator of the genocide in Gaza.  

The majority humanity of the Global South might become more vocal in condemnation of the genocide, Netanyahu and the present leader of violent Western hegemonic colonialist imperialism.


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Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer; has lived and worked on all continents; articles on media published in China, Italy, UK, India and in the US by Dissident Voice, Global Research; Information Clearing House; Counter Currents and others; now resides in NYC; First effort was a series of articles on deadly cultural pollution endangering seven areas of life emanating from Western corporate owned commercial media published in Hong Kong’s Window Magazine 1993; Howard Zinn lent his name to various projects of his; Weekly column, South China Morning Post, 1986-87; reviews for Ta Kung Bao; article China Daily, 1989. Is coordinator of the Howard Zinn co-founded King Condemned US Wars International Awareness Campaign, and website historian of the Ramsey Clark co-founded Prosecute US Crimes Against Humanity Now Campaign, which contains a history of US crimes in 9 countries up to 2006  9 countries up to 2006


1. At least half of Gaza’s buildings damaged or destroyed … – BBC

2. Zeitoun neighbourhood in rubble: 70% of homes in Gaza thought to be destroyed Al Jazeera, March 5



5. Regardless of how many claims it makes about annexation, under International Humanitarian Law, the occupying state does not acquire sovereignty over the occupied territory. The occupying power must ensure the humane treatment of the population and provide for their basic needs, including food and medical care.Oct 30, 2023 GENEVA CONVENTION RELATIVE TO THE PROTECTION OF CIVILIAN PERSONS IN TIME OF WAR OF 12 AUGUST 1949, Article 60 II. Responsibilities of the Occupying Power. page 189


7. Rabbi Dov Lior, a national- religious leader and the chief rabbi of Kiryat Arba and Hebron, published a letter on Monday saying that Jewish law permits destroying the entire Gaza Strip[Jerusalem Post, July 23, 2014]

8. Netanyahu: “Money to Hamas part of strategy to keep Palestinians divided” Jerusalem Post, MARCH 12, 2019

9. UN Human Rights Chief Decries ‘War Crime’ of Rapidly Expanding Israeli Settlements Mar 08, 2024 

10. “Worldwide Propaganda Network Built by the C.I.A,” December 26, 1977, New York Times


12. The U.S. has provided (or is on track to provide) Israel over 25,000 tons of military supplies: dozens of F‑35 and F-15 fighter jets (to be received in the coming years), a dozen Apache helicopters, two thousand Hellfire missiles, MK‑84 bombs and Joint Direct Attack Munitions to guide them, Spice bombs, M141 bunker‑buster munitions, one million rounds of 7.62mm munitions and thousands of 155mm artillery shells, 30mm cannon munitions, night‑vision devices and much more. Meanwhile, the presence of U.S. surveillance drones in Gaza suggests the possibility of greater U.S. military involvement than previously thought.


14. Complicity in Genocide—The Case Against the Biden Administration   March 8, 2024, Information Clearing House

These briefs make it abundantly clear that the Biden administration, in its steadfast support of the Israeli government, is complicit in the ongoing genocide, the displacement of approximately 80% of Palestinians from their homes and the deaths of more than 29,000 so far in this latest chapter of a 76‑year-long Nakba (catastrophe) that never ended.

Featured image: Slaughterhouse – by Mr. Fish

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Thousands of civilians living under terrorist occupation in Idlib have taken to the streets to demand the fall of the government on Friday. No, not the Syrian government in Damascus, but the Idlib government ruled by Abu Mohamed al-Julani, and his terrorist group, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).

On Saturday, 1,500 Uyghurs strapped on suicide vests and marched from Idlib eastwards to attack the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), the only national army in Syria under the command of the administration in Damascus. The SAA repelled the attack and 60 of these Asian terrorists were killed, while hundreds of them were injured.

Experts feel that the attack on the SAA was a strategy by Julani to deflect on the civilian uprising against him and his terrorists.

HTS set up several checkpoints in Idlib on Thursday, aimed at preventing protests against Julani and HTS, who opened fire at protestors in the Aleppo countryside.

On February 6, it was reported that tens of women went out in a protest in Al-Atareb city in western Aleppo countryside against HTS, demanding the release of detainees, fair and speedy trials for prisoners and the overthrow of Julani. A day it was reported that dozens of people went out on protests in Binsh Town in Idlib countryside against HTS.

Women in Idlib are singled out for harsh treatment by HTS. They have to conform to a strict dress code, they can’t attend training programs offered by international humanitarian groups hoping to train people with employable skills, and they can’t work in places with men. Even Saudi Arabia’s rule for females is better than Idlib.

Over the past years, HTS has prevented the entry of many foodstuffs such as vegetables, fruits, and fuels from areas controlled by the Syrian National Army, the Turkish supported terrorist group north of Aleppo.

Hundreds of civilians staged anti-HTS demonstrations in Idlib city, the towns of Ariha, Killi, Hazanu, Binnish, Al-Dana and Sarmada in Idlib countryside and Al-Atarib city in the western countryside of Aleppo, calling for the downfall of Julani, HTS, release of detainees in HTS prisons and punishing every person involved in torturing civilians in those prisons.

During the US-NATO attack on Syria for regime change, which began in 2011, Idlib became a center for armed fighters seeking to establish an Islamic State in Syria.

The US government supported the Radical Islamic terrorists based in Idlib, because it is located on the border with Turkey, which had been used by the US to train and weaponize the terrorists. In other parts of the world, you may find the US fighting terrorists, but in Idlib is was to their advantage to use the terrorists as ‘boots on the ground’.

Idlib is a small, rural province between the coastal city of Latakia, and the industrial capital of Syria, Aleppo. Idlib’s resource is olive trees and the production of olive oil. But, after the CIA set up shop in Turkey, under the CIA program named “Timber Sycamore” which President Obama directed, Idlib became vital in the US-NATO attack on Syria.

The CIA under took the training of terrorists, supplying them with paychecks financed by Qatar, supplying them with weapons shipped from Libya to Turkey and trucked across the border to Idlib. In 2017, President Trump shut the CIA program which had cost the US taxpayers billions of dollars.

Julani is commander in chief HTS. The group is the occupying force in Idlib since 2015. Julani is Syrian, but born in Saudi Arabia. He fought against the US military in Iraq, and there became associated with Abu Mustafa Baghdadi, the founder if ISIS. Julani left Iraq for Syria and established the Al Qaeda branch in Syria, called Jibhat al-Nusra.

After the UN and the US designated al-Nusra as a terrorist group, Julani changed his groups’ name to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in order to continue receiving support from the US.

Every drop of aid coming in from the UN and other charities to Idlib passes through the hands of Julani and his officers. Julani built a large, two-story shopping Mall, with escalators, in which he sells the humanitarian aid surplus. If you are on his deserving list, you will get free aid, but if you have criticized him or his group, you will receive nothing and have to buy what you want from his Al Hamra Mall.

Julani was asked to clean-up his image by the US State Department, and he dressed in a suit and tie for an interview with an American media. Even though the US has issued a $10 million reward on Julani as a terrorist, the Oval Office has continued their support for him, because this suits the US interest in keeping a tiny piece of Syrian territory out of the hands of the administration in Damascus.

Julani has said that the

“Nusra Front doesn’t have any plans or directives to target the West. We received clear orders from Ayman al-Zawahiri not to use Syria as a launching pad to attack the U.S. or Europe.”

This statement was to position Julani as an American-friendly terrorist. His US handlers gave him advice to focus on fighting Al Qaeda and ISIS in order to make him and HTS look like they share a common enemy with the US.

HTS has imposed check-points between Idlib and Aleppo in which they profit from goods and people moving between the two areas. They collect taxes, tariffs and duties on everything moving in or out of Idlib.

The Turkish military invaded Syria for a two-fold purpose: to support the terrorists in Idlib, and to set-up Turkish affiliated terrorists north of Aleppo, which borders Idlib.

Turkey is a NATO member, and is an American ally. America also has occupation troops in Syria, but those are supporting the SDF and YPJ, which Turkey regards as terrorists aligned with PKK, a vicious communist terrorist group which has killed over 30,000 people over decades.

In Idlib, under Julani, they refer to their government as ‘The Salvation Government’. In the area north of Aleppo, the Turkish occupiers refer to their government as the ‘Interim Government’. Both groups levy taxes and charges on the civilians living under armed occupation. Even though both armed groups are following Radical Islam, which is a political ideology, they are in competition with one another over money matters: how to bleed the civilians of every penny.

The President of Turkey, Erdogan, regards the Chinese citizens in far western China as the descendants of the ancestors of modern Turkey. These people are ethnically Uyghurs, and their political party is the Eastern Turkmenistan Islamic Party (TIP). Their pale blue and white flags can be seen in the US, as the State Department has taken them under their wing as an insult and threat to China, the US perceived enemy.

Thousands of Uyghurs were given fake passports by Erdogan, and transported to Idlib in an effort to overthrow the Damascus government, as part of the US-NATO plan. Damascus did not fall, but the Uyghurs are still there. They feel that establishing an Islamic State in China is well over their ability, but the next best plan is to establish an Islamic State in Syria, which dove-tailed nicely with the plan from Washington, DC.

The situation in Idlib is at a stand-still. The status quo has been maintained by the US, Turkey and their terrorists. Caught in the middle are 3 million civilians who earn for freedom and life. They are being used as pawns in a dirty political game which seeks to keep Syria split apart and unable to recover from over a decade of conflict.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


The 2024 US presidential election is raising a degree of excitement in certain quarters.

Witness the chilling performance of 81-year-old President Joe Biden at the March 6, 2024, State of the Union address, with Kamala Harris popping up every 15 seconds or so to lead the clattering Congresspersons in feverish applause.

The message? President Joe Biden “will not bow down.” Nancy Pelosi called the spectacle “a master class.” Others called it another example of “Dark Brandon.”

Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump cheers on Israel in its assaults on the Palestinians, while his chorus of “deplorables” hoot and holler from the audience pit and Merrick Garland rounds up even more January 6 “rioters” to throw behind bars. Meanwhile, Fani Willis and Jack Smith sweat bullets over giving Trump his “day in court.” Meanwhile the Supreme Court, fresh off a 9-0 decision to allow Trump ballot access, lurks.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., asserts he will make a difference, because he offers the voters a “choice.” Kennedy says: “No more Open Borders. No more Medical Lock-Downs. No more Debt. No more illegal Deep State Surveillance on US Citizens. No more Obstruction of Justice. No more Race Riots. No more Cover-Ups. No more Foreign War.” Sounds good, but can he even get on enough state ballots to compete, especially on a shoe-string budget depleted by the price of security after Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas’s refusal of Secret Service protection? Kennedy has also alienated many would-be supporters by his failure to work for a just peace over the Gaza crisis.

No offense, but Cornel West has long since said anything impactful.

Finally, Jill Stein, the Green, calls out the war machine in her lonely voice that was yet potent enough eight years ago to earn a taste of Hillary Clinton’s spleen, who claimed that Jill was yet another of Putin’s ubiquitous secret agents.

Then there’s the mysterious “No Labels” candidate, another attempt by a few vain money-bags at trotting a “spoiler” across the stage.

And where, oh where, is Col. Douglas MacGregor?

Of course, close to half the electorate will not even bother to vote. And honestly, why should they?

The ship is sinking—everyone knows that.

Meanwhile, the Neocons (remember PNAC?) press remorselessly for World War III against a) “the Putin” b) Xi and/or c) BRICS, Iran, the Axis of Resistance and anyone else who “will not bow down.”

And we haven’t even touched on the question of what exactly are President Joe Biden’s millions of illegals here for?

So my question is, how will the deck chairs be arranged on the deck of the Titanic the morning after election day?

Assuming there is an election day.

I am going to try to give a short answer to the question of what is really going on here?

Let’s start with the obvious fact that sitting at the top of Western society—at the pinnacle of the Empire’s elite—are a small number of very rich people who seem to get richer and richer with every twist and turn of events.

These people have under their control a financial system that runs by lending businesses and people money—putting them into more and more debt.

They do this by lending money they do not have at rates of interest that used to be called “usury”; and sometimes still is, in the case of 22.75% APR credit card rates. They create this money “out of thin air” through a privilege called “fractional reserve banking.”

It has long been known that the overall effect of usury is gradually to suck all the available money in circulation into the financiers’ own hands.

When the society where they reside goes broke, in spite of citizens’ best efforts to survive by climbing the earnings heap, the money-lenders go to war and take over other nations and suck all of their available money into their own bank accounts.

The people who were divinely inspired to create the Judeo-Christian religion understood all this, which is why both the Old and New Testaments forbade usury.

Many have believed it’s why Jesus drove the money-changers from the Temple, an incident the Bible suggests was the last straw for the priests and Pharisees who had lapsed from their own ancient faith. The Islamic religion also condemns usury.

This is why the medieval church outlawed usury, creating one of the most happy and prosperous societies on record during the High Middle Ages. It’s why Shakespeare wrote, “Neither a borrower nor a lender be,” and why America’s greatest sage, Benjamin Franklin, wrote, “Rather go to bed without dinner than to rise in debt.”

It’s why Abraham Lincoln spent Greenbacks into circulation during the Civil War rather than borrow from the New York and London banks. It’s why hundreds of American businesses and communities created scrip currency throughout the 19th century and began to do it again during the Great Depression.

It’s also why a few hardy souls today created Bitcoin, or trade through barter associations, or have conducted various experiments in local currency. It’s why anyone else who wishes to protect themselves or their families will get out of debt as soon as possible, though many others cling to a semblance of prosperity by gaming the system—often to the detriment of other members of society.

Among the most predatory of game-players are the vulture capitalists who take out millions in short-term loans for “leveraged buyouts,” where they fire most of the employees and strip the assets, then saddle the business remnant with the debt that sinks the entire enterprise. As bad are boards of directors who borrow money for stock buybacks to enrich themselves, their hedge fund partners, and the top corporate executives. This is what weapons manufacturers are doing with Congressional appropriations supposedly to create American jobs and help Ukraine.

It’s also a fact that every business trying to stay in existence does its best to avoid debt. In fact, paying down debt is a major cause of businesses raising prices—i.e., inflation.

Bankruptcy is obviously a safety valve against total societal collapse, but with many limitations and pitfalls.

Governments at all levels are also in thrall to the usury system, with bankruptcy, or default, a potential nightmare. “Debt service” is an ever-present tax burden for the entire population.

Usury banking did not exist in the growing prosperity of colonial America but began to take root with the Bank of North America in 1780, followed over the years by the First and Second Banks of the U.S. and the national banking system that began in 1863, with the final nail driven into the Constitution’s coffin with the Federal Reserve System created in 1913. With the Federal Reserve, the usury system had triumphed. As night follows day, over a century of world war followed and is still going on.

It’s the system of usury that for the last several centuries has been swinging open the doors to endless war, organized crime, exploitation, pollution, genocide, pandemics, terrorism, addictions, depressions, poverty, subversion, and the other ills that corrupt the world today. Contrary to the World Economic Forum and Club of Rome, both billionaires’ confabs, the fault is not too many “useless eaters.” The fault, rather, is the money these billionaires skim through fractional reserve banking at compound interest.

The Greens are the only political party with a monetary reform plank that would change the usury system. But this isn’t gathering much attention, is it?

It’s all so distracting that few people notice dropping temperatures, nightfall coming, and the icebergs gathering in the sea.

But election day, November 5, 2024, is just around the corner. The Titanic has set off on its appointment with destiny. Time for people to get themselves a comfortable seat on the deck of the ship.

Or not, as the case may be.

Every human enterprise must serve life, must seek to enrich existence on earth, lest man become enslaved where he seeks to establish his dominion!” Bô Yin Râ (Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken, 1876-1943), Translation by Posthumus Projects Amsterdam, 2014.


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This article was originally published on VT Foreign Policy.

Featured image is from VTFP

Our Country, Then and Now

by Richard C. Cook

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E-book ISBN: 978-1-949762-86-0

Year: 2023

Our Country Then and Now takes us on a 400-year journey through America’s history, providing unique snapshots from African enslavement, native dispossession, financial scandals, and wars of expansion and aggression, interspersed with tales from author Richard C. Cook’s ancestry—from Puritan forebears to fighters in the American Revolutionary War and the Civil War, to Midwest Pioneer farmers and their relations with native nations.

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Bombas e ajuda humanitária dos EUA em Gaza

March 12th, 2024 by Manlio Dinucci

O presidente Biden recebeu calorosamente Giorgia Meloni na Casa Branca e, depois de agradecê-la pelo “apoio inabalável da Itália à Ucrânia”, conversou com ela sobre a situação em Gaza, onde “a perda de vidas é de partir o coração”. Ele então declarou que, para ajudar o povo de Gaza, “faremos lançamentos aéreos de alimentos e suprimentos para a Ucrânia e tentaremos abrir outras rotas de acesso à Ucrânia”, um deslize freudiano que permaneceu no vídeo oficial no site do governo italiano, visto por milhares de membros do governo e do parlamento, administradores locais e jornalistas da grande mídia. Evidentemente, o que quer que o presidente dos Estados Unidos diga não pode ser questionado.

A mídia política dominante também não permite que os dados oficiais sobre os suprimentos militares dos EUA para Israel sejam publicados. Assim que Israel iniciou a guerra em Gaza, os EUA forneceram 10.000 toneladas de armas transportadas em 244 aviões de carga e 20 navios em pouco mais de um mês. Isso incluiu mais de 15.000 bombas, inclusive bombas de uma tonelada, e 50.000 projéteis de artilharia. O governo Biden então deu a Israel mais de US$ 14 bilhões para comprar mais armas dos EUA. Isso significa que a maior parte das 70.000 toneladas de bombas que arrasaram bairros residenciais em Gaza, massacrando civis palestinos, foi fornecida a Israel pelos EUA. Eles também forneceram bulldozers Caterpillar, que, equipados com blindagem, avançam junto com os tanques, demolindo tudo o que encontram com seu peso de 64 toneladas.

Os números do genocídio em curso em Gaza falam por si: até o momento, 37.534 pessoas foram assassinadas e estão desaparecidas; 13.430 crianças foram assassinadas; 8.900 mulheres foram mortas; 364 profissionais da área médica foram mortos; 269 foram sequestrados; 132 jornalistas foram assassinados; 71.920 ficaram feridos; 17. 000 crianças ficaram sem pais; 32 hospitais fora de serviço; 53 centros de saúde fora de serviço; 700.000 pacientes com doenças infecciosas; 350.000 pacientes com doenças crônicas ficaram sem tratamento; 270.000 casas destruídas; 400 escolas e universidades destruídas; 500 mesquitas destruídas; 290 sítios arqueológicos destruídos.


Il presidente Biden, mentre continua a sostenere militarmente e politicamente il genocidio che Israele sta commettendo in Palestina, annuncia nel discorso sullo stato dell’Unione di aver dato ordine alle Forze Armate statunitensi di guidare una missione di emergenza per stabilire un molo temporaneo nel Mediterraneo, sulla costa di Gaza, in grado di accogliere grandi navi che trasportano cibo, acqua, medicine e rifugi temporanei. “Gli Stati Uniti – assicura – “guidano gli sforzi internazionali per portare più assistenza umanitaria a Gaza”.

Manlio Dinucci 

8 de Março de 2024

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Bombe e Aiuti Umanitari Dagli Usa su Gaza

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


During a recent discussion that I had with two friends who had lived for several years in the USA, I expressed concern in particular regarding three aspects of US society which I had been studying recently:

  • an alarming rise in child depression prompting professional organizations to speak of a national emergency related to this,
  • an alarming rise in the maternal mortality rate and
  • a very high number of poverty-related deaths.

My friends simply refused to believe all of this and instead gave me friendly advice on re-checking. However after seeing the relevant references they expressed great surprise how they had missed these important aspects earlier.

This was not an unexpected response, given the fact that several deeply troubling aspects of US society do not receive the attention these deserve.

It is even more difficult to find an honest analysis of several such important aspects.  The response of my friends prompted me to bring together and analyse more such aspects at one place, in the hope that this may contribute in a small and humble to re-emphasizing the urgency of social and policy reform in the USA.

Life Expectancy and Excess Deaths

Concern has been expressed by health experts in the USA that life-expectancy in this country has been reducing steadily in comparison to levels attained in several other rich countries. This has led some researchers to explore the number of excess deaths in the USA (or number of ‘missing Americans’) which they define as the deaths which are in excess of the number that would have taken place if the life-expectancy rates in the USA had remained at par with those of comparable rich countries.

One such important recent study by Jacob Bor, Andrew C. Stokes and others has been published in the journal PNAS Nexus on May 29, 2023. This study has estimated the number of such excess deaths in the USA in 2019 at 622,534.

During the next two years the number of such excess deaths went up to over a million, but as these were COVID years and a number of other issues become involved, we will go here only by the lower number of excess deaths recorded for a normal year at over 600,000. So what this study is saying that on the basis of comparisons with other rich countries, the USA should have been able to achieve the sort of life expectancy that results in avoiding over 600,000 deaths in a year. 

Poverty Related Mortality

Earlier another study by David Brady on only poverty related mortality published in the USA in JAMA Internal Medicine in April 2023 (for over 15 years age group) had estimated that there are 183,000 poverty related deaths in a year in the USA. 

UN data tells us that at a time when maternal death rate was declining in most countries, in the USA maternal death rate increased to a shocking extent from 12 to 21 during 2000-2020.

More such data can be provided to show that the number of excess, easily avoidable deaths in the USA is shockingly high at well over half a million every year. A very big contribution to human welfare can be made by taking steps to ensure that these avoidable deaths are actually avoided.

The steps that are needed for improvements are well-known in a country so blessed with eminent scholars.

Discrimination, Social Inequality and Health Services

In a nutshell, health services have to be improved in a big way for all weaker sections without any discrimination, inequalities must be reduced in a big way so that the poorer people have much better access to nutrition, environment and safety must be much better protected, shelter and health and overall social conditions need to be improved to make way for better physical and mental health while avoiding all harmful addictions.

The bigger question is—when these solutions are well-known, why have not these been adopted and why the situation in some importance respects continues to deteriorate? This is the really crucial question which needs to go beyond the analysis generally available in academic papers as this concerns important political issues of injustice. We need to ask why billions are easily available in the USA for weapons but even millions are not available for some important aspects of social justice, why billions worth of tax gifts can be given to the rich but millions worth of essential expenditure for the poorest is more difficult to find.

The fact is that a system of injustice has become so deeply established in the USA that solutions outside this system are difficult to implement. What should be emphasized is that this system of injustice is causing even more harm to people of other countries than what it is causing to people within USA.

Due to this system if 600,000 excess deaths a year are caused in the USA, then a similar or higher number deaths are likely being caused in other countries as well.

The USA’s Forever Wars

The number of deaths caused by the USA’s forever wars is in many millions as can be seen by adding up the immediate and longer-term mortality figures of wars in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and elsewhere (in addition of course there was the use of atomic bombs against Japan after Japan had already been defeated for all practical purposes).

Then there are a large number of deaths caused by arbitrary imposition of wide-ranging sanctions, highly unjust interventions and coups in other countries which resulted in a large number of deaths (in countries like Congo, Chile, Iran, Nicaragua, Haiti, Greece etc.). Then there are also the large number of deaths associated with exports of weapons as well as several highly hazardous products and technologies. Hence in brief we can say that unjust systems in the USA cause avoidable 600,000 excess deaths in the USA and a somewhat higher number in other countries annually. Excess deaths in other countries are defined here as deaths caused by various injustices of the US (or allies acting under US leadership), whether in the form of wars or coups or subversions or exploitation.

These excess deaths inside and outside USA are two parts of the same unjust system, an important aspect missed by most academic studies. Once you establish an unjust system that inflicts unjust wars on other countries, then the same unjust system adopts internal unjust and discriminative policies within the country too, although this may get partially softened by electoral considerations at times.

Another reflection of how internal and external injustices are closely related is the fact that the leaders with the biggest promise of justice have been assassinated within the USA as also in other countries with fingers pointed towards the same US agency.

This is how the assassinations of President John Kennedy and President Allende are related, this is how the assassinations of Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Sr. and President Lumumba are related, this is how the killings of Martin Luther King Jr. and Che Guevara are related.

Leaders most capable of bringing justice and peace are removed before they can achieve their potential.

So as several eminent scholars have suggested the solution for the USA to avoid excess deaths is to improve health care and socio-economic conditions for the lower half of the population, but in addition if we go a step further and ask why this has not happened in recent years, then we also need to say more clearly and loudly that the established unjust system must be challenged and replaced by a system that is based on justice internally and externally.

Such struggles against well-established systems of injustice are needed in so many countries but most of all these are needed in the USA as this is the most powerful and influential country in the world whose policies have a worldwide impact. From a world perspective the struggle is against the unjust establishment of the USA, just the top 5% or so, and never against the people of the USA and in fact the struggling American people need all the worldwide solidarity to help in their struggles.

The creation of a justice-based USA is a very important part of the worldwide struggle against injustice. The aim should never be to replace a world dominated by the USA by a world dominated by China but instead our aim should be to create a USA, a China and the entire world based on justice, peace and environment protection.

The dominant thinking at world-level is of equating ever-increasing income and wealth as well as the accompanying access to more and more material goods and services with increasing levels of happiness. But this is quite often not reflected in the reality of rich or even richest societies. An increasingly important aspect of socio-economic reality of world is that significant levels of distress can exist in the middle of high GNP levels and other signs of prosperity. This can be the result of economic inequalities, social contradictions and other less understood factors.

Food Insecurity

In the context of the USA, a study by the Urban Institute in 2018 found that nearly 40 per cent of adults and their families in USA struggled to afford at least one basic need for health care, housing, utilities or food in 2017, even in normal conditions of high employment levels.

In this study based on a well-being and basic needs survey in the age-group 18-64, 23% said that they were food insecure in the last 12 months. 18% struggled to pay medical bills while almost the same percentage decided to go without some required medical treatment due to costs. 

In a population of more than 330 million people and 128 million households in the USA, around 45% persons suffer from chronic diseases, many from multiple chronic diseases. Regularity of medicines is very important for all of them, but price of medicines in the USA is often much higher than in comparable countries. Nearly 40 million medically consulted injuries and poisoning cases are reported in a year. 12 million vehicles are involved in crashes in one year.

With the advent of COVID and much higher unemployment levels, the situation in terms of struggle to meet basic needs worsened. What is more, in 2020 it was reported that child poverty levels have been found to be 1.5 times higher than adult poverty levels. As for senior citizens, the Elderly Economic Security Standard Index found that in 2016 a majority of them lacked the “financial resources required to meet basic needs.”

Poverty and Social Distress

The Eviction Lab, Princeton University, has estimated that there are 3.7 million eviction cases in the USA in a typical year. The authorities intervened in COVID times to prevent the likely escalation in evictions by imposing moratoriums but now these are being phased down. The rent relief grants are also getting reduced considerably as funds committed for this have been exhausted in several states.

Nearly 28 per cent of US households are single person households. A survey by Cigna before the onset of COVID revealed that almost half of the adults feel lonely sometimes or all the time. Increasing loneliness has been associated with significant increase of dementia, coronary disease and stroke. 

Nearly 50% of all US marriages end in divorce or separation. In households with children, 50% of divorces lead to push towards poverty. Children suffer very adverse short-term and long-term impacts of divorce and separation.

10 to 12 million persons, mostly women, are physically abused in a year by an intimate partner, nearly 20 per minute.

On a typical day, about 20,000 phone calls are placed on domestic violence helplines, mostly by women.  A report on child abuse is made every 10 seconds. Authorities trace 656,000 victims of child maltreatment in a year, but the problem is bigger. More than 4 million referrals are made to child protection agencies in a year.  

About 10 million people face incarceration in a year. Over 1.2 million violent crimes are reported in a year, while the actual number is higher.

1 in 4 adults –26%–suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year, several from more, according to the National Institute of Mental Health Disorders. A 2019 study published in JAMA Paediatrics analysing official data reported that 1 in 6 children are affected by a mental health disorder.  During the last decade, a big rise in depression, even self-harm has been reported among adolescents, even before the onset of COVID.

1.4 million suicide attempts take place in a year. Suicide among 10 to 14 year old girls doubled , while emergency room admissions for suicidal ideation and attempts by children and adolescents also roughly doubled during the last decade.

A significant part of distress is due to high levels of inequalities– the bottom 50% of population has only 1.5% of the country’s wealth—but different kinds of distress and tensions exist at high levels in all sections of society.

We have many reports and studies on various aspects of increasing distress from time to time, only to discover some time later that remedial actions based on these have at best provided some temporary relief only while the deeper causes remain. Clearly this must change. Distress reduction based on a comprehensive understanding and deeper linkages must become the main focus of domestic policy.

At a wider level this draws attention to the highly mistaken notion of equating higher income and wealth necessarily with genuine happiness, let alone any sincerely felt feeling of a life well lived. More debate and dialogue on this, leading to better understanding of the limits of understanding life’s worth in terms of merely income and wealth, can help to pave the way for meaningful social change at several levels.

All this is particularly important in the context of understanding distress and uncertainly levels among children, adolescents and young adults. The latest official statistics of ‘Youth Risk Behaviour Survey’ (YRBS), USA, 2011-2021 released recently by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC), USA, have revealed truly alarming levels of distress among US youth. 

From a distance youth of other countries perceive life of youth in USA to be a life of joy and fun in a prosperous land free of various social inhibitions, and crave for a similar life. The results of this survey may be an eye opener for them too and highlight the need for a different path.

As the USA is one of the highest GDP countries, the prevalence, persistence and increase of such high levels of distress among US youth calls for serious analysis to find real causes as well as solutions so that US youth can have a happier and more meaningful life.

The YRBS statistics tell us that in year 2021 42% of US high school students “experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness”. When this figure was reported at 28% in 2011 this was considered to be quite high and hence brought forth calls for several remedial actions. Despite these, the number has increased persistently and steadily during the decade—30% in 2013 and 2015, 31% in 2017, 37% in 2019 and 42% in 2021. In the case of female students, this percentage is even higher—in 2021 as many as 57% of female high school students experienced persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness.

Further, in 2021, the YRBS tells us, 29% of high school students experienced poor mental health. In the case of female students, 41% experienced poor mental health.

What is even more alarming in the YRBS data is that in 2021, as many as 22% high school students in the USA “seriously considered attempting suicide”. Here also we see an overall increasing trend from 16% in 2011 to 22% in 2021. In the case of female students this number was as high as 30% in year 2021. In other words, almost one-third of female high students in the USA were so distressed as to “seriously consider attempting suicide” during this year. 

In fact the YRBS statistics tell us that as many as 18% of high school students in the USA had actually “made a suicide plan” in 2021. This also had an overall increasing trend from 13% in 2011 to 18% in 2021. In the case of female students this percentage was again higher at 24 in year 2021.

Most sadly, the YRBS survey tells us that as many as 10% of high school students in the USA actually attempted suicide in 2021. This means that one out of 10 USA high school students attempted suicide in 2021. This percentage increased from 8 in 2011 to 10 in 2021. The number of female students who attempted suicide in 2021 was again higher at 13%. 

Another aspect of distress suffered more by female students related to sexual violence. 18% of female students experienced sexual violence by anyone during the past one year.

These high levels of distress are extremely troubling and have increased despite remedial actions proposed by eminent experts in the past. Instead of merely repeating such advice, there is clearly need for deeper introspection and more sincere efforts to find real causes and solutions. More than individual consultations, efforts to find the illness of entire society are needed.  While eminent experts are deeply concerned about this issue, they may be missing some wider important issues due to examining issues more closely in a narrower framework.

In particular it is important to examine the links of the increasing internal distress of USA society with the increasing aggression of the USA at international level. As this writer has emphasized several times, such links need to be recognized and will help the peace movement within the USA to mobilize people to create a society which is at peace with itself and with the entire world, devoted more to reducing its own distress as a higher priority.

Another question that arises relates to the higher distress suffered by female students (compared to male students) according to almost all criteria. If the USA is supposed to be a society based on gender justice, then why is this happening? This should be seen in the context of high levels of violence and distress suffered by women and female children in other contexts also in the USA, for which a lot of additional data is available. However confining ourselves only to YRBS data for the time being, isn’t it alarming that as many as 57% of female high school students experience persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness, 41% experience poor mental health, 18% experience sexual violence in a year, 30% seriously consider attempting suicide in a year, 24% make a suicide plan in a year and 13% actually attempt suicide in a year, all this at levels much higher than male students. 

The USA has frequently criticized gender injustice in other countries but should it not also look inwards to ask why girls in the USA are so distressed despite the outer appearance of a very free and liberated society. In this context also there is a clear need to explore linkages between internal distress and aggression on the one hand and massive distress caused by aggression in other countries on the other hand. 

Once these wider links are recognized, then these can pave the way for creating a US society which is at peace with itself as well as with the rest of the world. This should be one of the highest priorities for our deeply troubled world.

Other than YRBS data, there have been several other indications of the deep distress within US society. This is evident from the call given twice in recent times by the top child health organizations in the country for declaring a mental health national emergency for children and adolescents, given the scale of these problems. If this won’t wake up a society to the need for wider introspection, what else will?

One of the clearer aspects of the existing sad situation is that much more resources are needed for meeting the needs of the bottom 50% of the people of the USA who currently have only 1.5 per cent of the country’s wealth. It will not be difficult to find resources for them as wealth and income are currently so highly concentrated at the top levels in the USA. What is more military spending by the USA is extremely high. Most US official figures mention military expenditure in a year of around 880 billion dollars, but other defence analysts also mention higher figures mention going up to 1.4 trillion or 1400 billion. Without sacrificing defence considerations in any realistic sense and with some overdue reforms to curb corruption, wastage and overpricing by contractors, it should be possible to cut the military spending by about one-half or so, making available between 400 to 700 billion dollars annually for meeting essential welfare needs of American and other people. A figure of just 20 billion dollars has been frequently mentioned in terms of significantly meeting the needs of homeless people in the USA, and a somewhat similar figure would go a long way in reducing hunger to a significant extent in the USA. In the context of reducing extreme poverty and hunger to a significant extent at the world level, figures of 100 to 50 billion dollars per year each have been frequently mentioned. 

Multibillion “Humanitarian Wars” versus Peace, Justice and Welfare

Clearly very big gains are waiting to be achieved at the level of the USA and at world level if only the USA can become a country which is much more oriented towards peace, justice and welfare.

On the other hand, an idea of the highly destructive consequences of USA’s existing policy distortions is conveyed by the fact that in terms of direct as well as indirect deaths the War on Terror alone has caused 4.5 million deaths (this estimate of Brown University also needs updating and include some other counties as well) and has cost the USA 8000 billion dollars (about a billion dollars a day or 12000 dollars per second over a 22 year period).

This is why we stated earlier too that while reforms are needed in all countries but it is reforms in the USA for creating a society based on peace and welfare which are most urgently needed and can benefit the entire humanity. Hence the people of the USA who are dedicated to peace, justice and environment protection have a very big responsibility for bringing these reforms. It is people’s movements on which highest hopes rest, keeping in view the increasing alienation of top leadership from these important reforms.  


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Bharat Dogra is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save Earth Now. His recent books include Protecting Earth for Children, Planet in Peril, Earth without Borders and A Day in 2071. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


When we look at the general political and economic course in the world and in Türkiye, the picture that stands out is; political instability, economic turmoil and a trend towards global migration and war. Türkiye is right in the middle of all this turbulence.

The Western-oriented neoliberal economy is in an extremely bad point. For example, while the economy of warring Russia is standing, the economy of non-warring Turkey is in a very bad situation.

Economic programs based on imports and hedge funds are heading towards complete bankruptcy due to both domestic political-economic collapses and external deteriorations. Reducing the legal system and state order to a single party also negates policies based on imports and foreign investment.

Politics, on the other hand, is turning towards complete religious totalitarianism.

After the local elections, the governing party AKP’s plan is to consolidate its power with a new constitution. A pivot to the USA and new concessions are on the horizon in order to get permission from the Western system to do this.

When these developments are combined with the latest situation in global great power competition, we are faced with an extremely dangerous situation for Turkiye.

There is an increasing pressure for war in the world. The United States and its allies do not want to accept defeat in Ukraine. Europe is suicidally preparing for a war against Russia under the umbrella of NATO. The war, whose seeds were sown and harvested by the USA in Ukraine, affected European economies extremely badly.

The Israeli genocide in Palestine is waiting for an opportunity to evolve into a regional war.

This crisis, which the USA did not actually plan, contains the potential for a series of chain reactions that will drive it out of the Middle East and West Asia.

While the far-right government in Israel wanted to impose its own agenda on the United States, it actually undermined the White House’s forward-looking plans.

The USA’s next target after Russia would normally be the People’s Republic of China via Taiwan.

The USA advanced its infrastructure work and took action to establish new alliances in order to continue the NATO structure in the Pacific.

The collective West’s concern was global hegemony slipping from its grasp. The reason for this is the great economic performance of developing countries, especially China, over the last 40 years. Asian powers, led by China and Russia, do not have difficulty finding allies in Africa, South America and even Europe. Because Asian powers represent a multipolar alternative to the decaying unipolar world order of the United States.

While China and Russia are creating a global communication scheme with new sea and trade routes, the West, led by the USA, is establishing strategies to prevent them.

To put it very simply, the East (or global south) represents peace and cooperation, while the collective West brings war and instability to the table.

The role assigned to Turkiye in the new global architecture formed after the Second World War was as an outpost in the Western camp.

This positioning, which was designed as NATO membership and then being connected to the EU door, turned Turkey into a self-sufficient, externally dependent and satellite country, deviating from Atatürk’s goal of modern civilization.

Periodic breakthroughs were suppressed by military and militia elements in the NATO order that took over the state. The military coups of 12 March 1971 and 12 September 1980 are clear examples of this.

The hot-money loving comprador bourgeoisie and the business world, which could not go further than being a Western agency, became the strongest supporters of the system.

After the anti-Communism; policing implemented since the 1950s, the second role that the USA assigned to Turkey after 1980 was the “Green Belt” (moderate Islam). The entire nation state, along with labor and national capital, was targeted, and the political, social and cultural system was aimed to be religious and to ensure that Turkey remained underdeveloped and could be governed by a single authority.

Today, both the world and Türkiye are at a very critical crossroads.

Let alone regional and civil wars, we are at a moment when World War III is likely to break out.

Türkiye, on the other hand, resembles a ship that is being tried to be sailed with a so-called ‘balance’ foreign policy in this environment of turmoil.

However, the ship takes on water in the Western camp and is gradually sinking.

Luckily there are new alternatives in the East/South camp; Like BRICS+ and the like. Ethiopia, Egypt, Iran, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia were added to China, Russia, Brazil, India and South Africa as of 2024.

It is stated that 25 countries, especially Nigeria and Mexico, are candidates for the secret to become a member of BRICS. BRICS+, which is the harbinger of a new world order that is not based on hegemony and the dollar, but is egalitarian, win-win type of infrastructure, commercial and industrial cooperation, is a lifesaver for Turkey in this stormy ocean.

The only way for Turkey to take its rightful place in this new world order is to quit being the satellite of the West and leave NATO and the EU Customs Union.


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This article was originally published on ATASAM.

Hasan Erel is a Turkish journalist-writer. He worked as a diplomacy and foreign news reporter and editor in TRT and other media for 30 years. He is a frequent commentator of Sputnik News radio and CRI Turk in Turkiye.    

Featured image is from ATASAM

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Articles reviewed:

  • Mar. 11, 2024 – Pfizer bets on cancer drugs to recover from rapid decline of COVID business

  • Mar. 11, 2024 – Merck Completes Acquisition of Harpoon Therapeutics
  • Mar. 7, 2024 – Johnson & Johnson Completes Acquisition of Ambrx ($2.0 billion)
  • Feb. 12, 2024 – AbbVie Completes $10.1 billion Acquisition of ImmunoGen
  • Feb. 5, 2024 – Novartis in the lead to acquire cancer drug developer MorphoSys-sources
  • Dec. 26, 2023 – Bristol Myers Squibb announces intent to buy RayzeBio for $4.1 billion (104% premium)
  • Nov. 22, 2023 – Boehringer Ingelheim expands immuno-oncology portfolio with the acquisition of bacterial cancer therapy specialist T3 Pharma
  • Oct. 8, 2023 – Bristol Myers Squibb announces purchase of Mirati Therapeutics for $5.8 billion
  • Oct. 3, 2023 – Eli Lilly to Acquire POINT Biopharma to Expand Oncology Capabilities into Next-Generation Radioligand Therapies

Mar. 11, 2024 – Pfizer bets on cancer drugs to recover from rapid decline of COVID business

  • Pfizer’s $43 billion acquisition of Seagen doubled Pfizer’s cancer drug pipeline to 60 different experimental programs
  • Pfizer had a 4 hour investor event last week
  • Chris Boshoff, a longtime Pfizer executive who leads Pfizer’s oncology research and development, said during the investor event that Pfizer has 10 manufacturing sites producing cancer drugs on three continents, while Seagen had just one.
  • Pfizer expects 2/3 of its oncology revenue to come from new drugs and new indications for existing products by end of decade.
  • The “outdo cancer” catchphrase caught on during Pfizer’s 60–second Super Bowl ad that it reportedly spent more than $14 million on — which boasted the big pharma company’s 175-history as as famous scientists like Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein rocked out to Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now.”
  • Pfizer said it can produce 8 blockbuster cancer drugs by 2030

Mar. 11, 2024 – Merck Completes $650 million Acquisition of Harpoon Therapeutics 

  • “We continue to augment and diversify our oncology pipeline with innovative approaches to help people with cancer worldwide,” said Dr. Dean Y. Li, president, Merck Research Laboratories.
  • Harpoon has a number of cancer drugs in the pipeline called “T-cell engagers” for small cell lung cancer, neuroendocrine tumors, multiple myeloma, etc.
  • The acquisition is part of Merck’s focus on cancer and exploration of immuno-oncology. In fact, Merck said it has one of the industry’s largest development programs, spanning 30-plus tumor types. The biopharmaceutical giant added it continues to strengthen its portfolio through purchases, as with Harpoon.
  • Merck announced several deals in 2023, including the up to $610 million acquisition of biopharmaceutical company Caraway Therapeutics and its $10.8 billion purchase of Prometheus Bioscienes Inc.
  • “Using its proprietary Tri-specific T cell Activating Construct (TriTAC) platform, the engineered proteins tell a patient’s own T-cells to attack target cells that express specific proteins, or antigens, carried by the target cells. To that end, Harpoon’s ProTriTAC platform keeps the T-cell engager inactive until it reaches the tumor.

Mar. 7, 2024 – Johnson & Johnson Completes Acquisition of Ambrx ($2.0 billion)

  • “Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ) announced today it has successfully completed the acquisition of Ambrx Biopharma, Inc., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company with a proprietary synthetic biology technology platform to design and develop next-generation antibody drug conjugates (ADCs), in an all-cash merger transaction for a total equity value of approximately $2.0 billion
  • “the acquisition presents a distinct opportunity for Johnson & Johnson to design, develop and commercialize targeted oncology therapeutics”
  • “The Ambrx team has developed a promising pipeline and ADC platform that will be a strong complement and strategic fit to our oncology innovation strategy
  • “Ambrx’s proprietary ADC technology incorporates the advantages of highly specific targeting monoclonal antibodies securely linked to a potent chemotherapeutic payload to achieve targeted and efficient elimination of cancer cells without the prevalent side effects typically associated with chemotherapy”

Feb. 12, 2024 – AbbVie Completes $10.1 billion Acquisition of ImmunoGen (95% premium)
  • AbbVie has completed a $10.1 billion acquisition of cancer drug maker ImmunoGen.
  • “Together with ImmunoGen, we have the potential to continue redefining the standard of care for those living with cancer,” said Robert A. Michael, president and chief operating officer, AbbVie. “The addition of ImmunoGen’s treatment for ovarian cancer will accelerate our ability to help patients today, expand our oncology pipeline and drive long-term revenue growth well into the next decade.”
  • “ImmunoGen’s follow-on pipeline of ADCs further builds on AbbVie’s existing solid tumor pipeline of novel targeted therapies and next-generation immuno-oncology assets, which have the potential to create new treatment possibilities across multiple solid tumors and hematologic malignancies”

Feb. 5, 2024 – Novartis in the lead to acquire cancer drug developer MorphoSys ($1.6 billion Euros) 

  • Novartis is in advanced talks to acquire MorphoSys AG (MORG.DE), a German developer of cancer treatments that has a market value of 1.6 billion euros ($1.7 billion)
  • MorphoSys main revenue generator is a lymphoma drug called Monjuvi
  • Monjuvi’s U.S. net product sales were $92 million in 2023, and that it expected these sales to come in between $80 million and $95 million in 2024. The company has said it expects revenue to go up as Monjuvi is approved for more indications.
  • Headquartered in Planegg, Germany, MorphoSys develops drugs to fight deadly forms of cancers such as myelofibrosis, which is a rare type of bone marrow cancer, and certain types of lymphomas.
  • Ultimately, the acquisition is not entirely driven by the portfolio, and Novartis is seeking to use its previous collaborative experience with MorphoSys to expand its developments internally

Dec. 26, 2023 – Bristol Myers Squibb announces intent to buy RayzeBio for $4.1 billion (104% premium)

  • The company’s RayzeBio acquisition bolsters the company’s longer-term effort to establish a presence in the buzzing radiopharma scene. By spending $62.50 per share to buy RayzeBio, BMS adds a pipeline of actinium-based radiopharmaceutical therapeutics (RPTs) to its fold.
  • “include potential treatments for gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (GEP-NETs), small cell lung cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma, among other cancers.”
  • actinium-based radiopharmaceutical therapeutics (RPTs) work by binding to tumor cells and killing the cancer cells through targeted radiation (my specialty)
  • “Acquiring RayzeBio’s differentiated actinium-based radiopharmaceutical platform will establish Bristol Myers Squibb’s presence in one of the most promising and fastest-growing new modalities for the treatment of patients with solid tumors—delivering radioactive payloads to cancer cells in a targeted manner,” BMS’ chief medical officer, Samit Hirawat, M.D., said in a statement.”
  • From RayzeBio’s perspective, the biotech believes Bristol’s “well-established presence in oncology and deep expertise in developing, commercializing and manufacturing treatments on a global scale makes it the ideal partner for RayzeBio at this important moment in our evolution,”
  • Major competitors in the radiopharma arena include Novartis and its established lutetium-based medicines Lutathera and Pluvicto, plus new entrant Eli Lilly after it forked over $1.4 billion for Point Biopharma Global.

Nov. 22, 2023 – Boehringer Ingelheim expands immuno-oncology portfolio with the (450 million CHF) acquisition of bacterial cancer therapy specialist T3 Pharma 

  • “Despite the significant transformation of the cancer treatment landscape by immunotherapies, long-term remissions only occur in 15-20% of cancer patients. Boehringer Ingelheim aims to considerably increase this rate by utilizing complementary immuno-oncology platforms such as T-Cell Engagers (TcEs), oncolytic viruses, and cancer vaccines, which have the potential to turn cold tumors into hot ones, extending the benefits of immunotherapy to more patients”
  • “The acquisition of T3 Pharma will significantly expand our immuno-oncology pipeline portfolio and is synergistic with many of our existing R&D programs. This will bring us closer to achieving our vision of driving a paradigm shift in cancer care treatments”
  • “T3 Pharma has developed a unique platform using engineered Yersinia enterocolitica bacteria to deliver bioactive proteins directly and selectively into the tumor micro-environment, while sparing healthy tissues. The bacteria can be loaded with multiple immune-modulatory proteins of choice, enabling the design of immuno-oncology combination therapies in one single agent.”
  • “This strategy aims to enable smart combinations that deliver life-changing and best-in-class treatments that may offer the greatest benefit for people affected by cancer.”

Oct. 8, 2023 – Bristol Myers Squibb announces purchase of Mirati Therapeutics for $5.8 billion 
  • U.S. health regulator had in December approved Mirati’s lung cancer drug, Krazati, to treat adults with advanced lung cancer.
  • The oral drug — the company’s only approved product — is designed to target a mutated form of a gene known as KRAS, which occurs in about 13% of non-small cell lung cancer
  • In early October, Bristol Myers Squibb moved on Mirati after a yearslong courtship, inking a buyout worth up to $5.8 billion for the cancer specialist and its FDA-approved lung cancer drug Krazati.

Oct. 3, 2023 – Eli Lilly to Acquire POINT Biopharma (for $1.4 billion) to Expand Oncology Capabilities into Next-Generation Radioligand Therapies 
  • Eli Lilly announced a definitive agreement to acquire POINT Biopharma, radiopharmaceutical company with a pipeline of radioligand therapies in development for the treatment of cancer.
  • “POINT operates a 180,000-square-foot radiopharmaceutical manufacturing campus in Indianapolis, as well as a radiopharmaceutical research and development center in Toronto”
  • “POINT aims to transform precision oncology by combining a portfolio of targeted radioligand assets, a seasoned management team, an industry-leading pipeline, in-house manufacturing capabilities, and secured supply for medical isotopes including actinium-225 and lutetium-177”
  • We are excited by the potential of this emerging modality and see the acquisition of POINT as the beginning of our investment in developing multiple meaningful radioligand medicines for hard-to-treat cancers”
  • Over the past few years, we have seen how well-designed radiopharmaceuticals can demonstrate meaningful results for patients with cancer and rapidly integrate into standards of care, yet the field remains in the early days of the impact it may ultimately deliver,” said Jacob Van Naarden, President of Loxo@Lilly, the oncology unit of Eli Lilly and Company
  • “POINT’s lead programs are in late-phase development. PNT20021 is a prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) targeted radioligand therapy in development for patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) after progression on hormonal treatment

My Take…

Pfizer spent $43 billion to acquire Seagen (42% premium).

Johnson & Johnson spent $2 billion to buy Ambrx.

AbbVie spent $10.1 billion to buy Immunogen at 95% premium.

Bristol Myers Squibb to buy Mirati Therapeutics for $5.8 billion at 52% premium.

Bristol Myers Squibb to buy RayzeBio for $4.1 billion at 104% premium

Novartis in the lead to acquire cancer drug developer MorphoSys ($1.6 billion Euros)

Eli Lilly is spending $1.4 billion to acquire Point Biopharma Global and according to Forbes, is paying a 90% premium.

Boehringer spent 450 million CHF to buy T3 Pharma and its targeted bacteria platform.


While the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Injured who develop Turbo Cancers are being gaslit by low level doctors and MD propagandists on Twitter and other social media, Big Pharma is in a literal feeding frenzy, buying up every “novel” cancer treatment imaginable at massive premiums.

When my Cancer Treatment Program was illegally sabotaged by Alberta Health Services starting in 2016, and AHS seriously harmed or outright murdered over 2450 of my cancer patients at Cross Cancer Institute in Edmonton, which led to a $13.5 million lawsuit against AHS which is still ongoing, there was no money in the cancer treatments I was providing (targeted radiopharmaceuticals).

In 2023, two of these acquisitions involve my Cancer Treatments & Expertise: Bristol Myers Squibb $4.1 billion deal for RayzeBio and Eli Lilly’s $1.4 billion deal for Point Biopharma Global. How times change.

Trudeau re-built my Cancer Program in Vancouver, British Columbia as “ARTMS” which was just acquired by Telix for $82 million on Mar.4, 2024 – how much investment Trudeau and his Liberal friends have in that (would make great investigative journalism for anyone interested).

Bottom line is, whether establishment doctors believe in mRNA Induced Turbo Cancer or not is irrelevant, hundreds of billions will be made treating it. 

In 2023, the top 10 Big Pharma buyout deals came to $115.8 billion, increasing from 2022 ($65 billion) and 2021 ($53 billion).


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Empire Decline and Costly Delusions. Richard D. Wolff

March 12th, 2024 by Prof. Richard D. Wolff

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


When Napoleon engaged Russia in a European land war, the Russians mounted a determined defense, and the French lost.

When Hitler tried the same, the Soviet Union responded similarly, and the Germans lost.

In World War 1 and its post-revolutionary civil war (1914-1922), first Russia and then the USSR defended with far greater effect against two invasions than the invaders had calculated. That history ought to have cautioned U.S. and European leaders to minimize the risks of confronting Russia, especially when Russia felt threatened and determined to defend itself.

Instead of caution, delusions prompted ill-advised judgments by the collective West (roughly the G7 nations: the U.S. and its major allies).

Those delusions emerged partly from the collective West’s widespread denial of its relative economic decline in the 21st century. That denial also enabled a remarkable blindness to the limits that decline imposed on the collective West’s global actions. Delusions also flowed from a basic undervaluation of Russia’s defensiveness and its resulting commitments. The Ukraine war starkly illustrates both the decline and the costly delusions it fosters.

The United States and Europe seriously underestimated what Russia could and would do to prevail militarily in Ukraine. Russia’s victory—at least so far after two years of war—has proven decisive.

Their underestimation stemmed from a shared inability to grasp or absorb the changing world economy and its implications.

By mostly minimizing, marginalizing, or simply denying the decline of the U.S. empire relative to the rise of China and its BRICS allies, the United States and Europe missed that decline’s unfolding implications.

Russia’s allies’ support combined with its national determination to defend itself have so far defeated a Ukraine heavily funded and armed by the collective West. Historically, declining empires often provoke denials and delusions that teach their people “hard lessons” and impose on them “hard choices”. That is where we are now.

The economics of the U.S. empire decline constitutes the continuing global context.

The BRICS countries’ collective GDP, wealth, income, share of world trade, and presence at the highest levels of new technology increasingly exceed those of the G7.

That relentless economic development frames the decline of the G7’s political and cultural influences as well. The massive U.S. and European sanctions program against Russia after February 2022 has failed. Russia turned especially to its BRICS allies to quickly as well as comprehensively escape most of those sanctions’ intended effects.

UN votes on the ceasefire issue in Gaza reflect and reinforce the mounting difficulties facing the U.S. position in the Middle East and globally. So does the Houthis’ intervention in Red Sea shipping and so too will other future Arab and Islamic initiatives supporting Palestine against Israel. Among the consequences flowing from the changing world economy, many work to undermine and weaken the U.S. empire.

Trump’s disrespect for NATO is partly an expression of disappointment with an institution he can blame for failing to stop empire’s decline.

Trump and his supporters broadly downgrade many institutions once thought crucially central to running the U.S., empire globally.

Both the Trump and Biden regimes attacked China’s Huawei corporation, shared commitments to trade and tariff wars, and heavily subsidized competitively challenged U.S. corporations.

Nothing less than a historic shift away from neoliberal globalization toward economic nationalism is underway. An American empire that once targeted the whole world is shrinking into a merely regional bloc confronting one or more emerging regional blocs. Much of the rest of the world’s nations—a possible “world majority” of the planet’s people—are pulling away from the U.S. empire.

U.S. leaders’ aggressive economic nationalist policies distract attention from the empire’s decline and thereby facilitate its denial. Yet they also cause new problems.

Allies fear that economic nationalism in the United States already has or will soon adversely affect their economic relations with the United States; “America first” targets not only the Chinese. Many countries are rethinking and reconstructing their economic relations with the United States and their expectations about those relations’ futures. Likewise, major groups of U.S. employers are reconsidering their investment strategies.

Those who invested heavily overseas as part of the neoliberal globalization frenzies of the last half century are especially fearful. They anticipate costs and losses from policy shifts toward economic nationalism. Their pushback slows those shifts. As capitalists everywhere adjust practically to the changing world economy, they also quarrel and dispute the direction and pace of change. That injects more uncertainty and volatility into a thereby further destabilized world economy. As the U.S. empire unravels, the world economic order it once dominated and enforced likewise changes.

“Make America Great Again” (MAGA) slogans have politically weaponized U.S. empire’s decline, always in carefully vague and general terms.

They simplify and misunderstand it within another set of delusions. Trump will, he promises repeatedly, undo that decline and reverse it. He will punish those he blames for it: China, but also Democrats, liberals, globalists, socialists, and Marxists whom he lumps together in a bloc-building strategy. There is rarely any serious attention to the economics of the G7’s decline since to do so would critically implicate capitalists’ profit-driven decisions as key causes of the decline. Neither Republicans nor Democrats dare do that. Biden speaks and acts as if the U.S. wealth and power positions within the world economy were undiminished from what they were across the second half of the 20th century (most of Biden’s political lifetime).

Continuing to fund and arm Ukraine in the war with Russia, like endorsing and supporting Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, are policies premised on denials of a changed world. So too are successive waves of economic sanctions despite each wave failing to achieve its goals. Using tariffs to keep better, cheaper Chinese electric vehicles off the U.S. market will only disadvantage U.S. individuals (via such Chinese electric vehicles’ higher prices) and businesses (via global competition from businesses buying the cheaper Chinese cars and trucks).

Perhaps the greatest, costliest delusions that follow from a denial of years of decline dog the upcoming presidential election. The two major parties and their candidates offer no serious plan for how to deal with the declining empire they seek to lead. Both parties took turns presiding over the decline, yet denial and blaming the other is all either party offers in 2024. Biden offers voters a partnership in denial that the empire is declining. Trump promises vaguely to undo the decline caused by bad Democratic leadership that his election will remove. Nothing either major party does entails sober admissions and assessments of a changed world economy and how each plans to cope with that.

The last 40 to 50 years of the economic history of the G7 witnessed extreme redistributions of wealth and income upward. Those redistributions functioned as both causes and effects of neoliberal globalization. However, domestic reactions (economic and social divisions increasingly hostile and volatile) and foreign reactions (emergence of today’s China and BRICS) are undermining neoliberal globalization and beginning to challenge its accompanying inequalities. U.S. capitalism and its empire cannot yet face its decline amid a changing world. Delusions about retaining or regaining power at the top of society proliferate alongside delusional conspiracy theories and political scapegoating (immigrants, China, Russia) below.

Meanwhile, the economic, political, and cultural costs mount. And on some level, as per Leonard Cohen’s famous song, “Everybody Knows.”


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Richard D. Wolff is professor of economics emeritus at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and a visiting professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University, in New York. Wolff’s weekly show, “Economic Update,” is syndicated by more than 100 radio stations and goes to 55 million TV receivers via Free Speech TV. His three recent books with Democracy at Work are The Sickness Is the System: When Capitalism Fails to Save Us From Pandemics or Itself, Understanding Socialism, and Understanding Marxism, the latter of which is now available in a newly released 2021 hardcover edition with a new introduction by the author.

Featured image is from Brave New Europe

Shifting Rhetoric Cannot Conceal Genocidal Policy on Gaza

March 12th, 2024 by Abayomi Azikiwe

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


One of the critical historical conjunctures within the mass Civil Rights Movement took place in Selma, Alabama during the early months of 1965.

Although local activists and members of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) had been active in the area for several years prior, the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the rising tide of expectations among African Americans created the conditions for 1965 to be an explosive year.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., co-founder and president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), entered the fray in Selma prompting the city, county and state authorities to step-up their repressive mechanisms which had kept the overwhelming majority of African Americans off the voter registration lists throughout Alabama. The March 7, 1965 attack by a combined police force from the state, county and city of Selma, would draw the outrage of people around the U.S. and internationally.

Consequently, it was a moment of irony when United States Vice-President Kamala Harris stood on a platform in Selma on March 3 evoking the legacy of the Civil Rights Movement while calling for what appeared to be a ceasefire in Gaza.

Yet, if one listened carefully, it revealed the consistent policy of the U.S. towards the Palestinian question.

Although Harris received her loudest applause when she uttered the word “ceasefire”, she then went on to uphold the right of the Israeli settler-colonial state to defend itself and to continue its existence as a racist entity. The Vice-President then declared that Israel was justified in its attempts to eliminate Hamas as a resistance movement.

Since October 7, more than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).

Hospitals, neighborhoods, schools, mosques, churches, medical facilities and marketplaces have been targeted for destruction by Tel Aviv. Hundreds of thousands have been wounded, injured, traumatized and dislocated.

Famine is spreading throughout the Gaza Strip as IDF personnel fire weapons into crowds of people standing in line to receive food rations.

Obviously, Harris was telling African Americans and their allies what they wanted to hear. Most people within Black communities across the country are in favor of a permanent ceasefire, not the six-week pause advanced by Harris on behalf of the administration of President Joe Biden.

Thousands of leading African American clergymen acting independently or within the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church and the African Methodist Episcopal Zion (AMEZ) along with other denominations, have put distance between themselves and the administration. In several Democratic Party primary elections, such as Michigan, where over 101,000 people voted “uncommitted”, has sent a definite message to the White House regarding its prospects for re-election in November.

State of the Union: More Imperialist Rhetoric from the White House

A few days before the State of the Union Address by Biden, he was seen on national television eating ice cream saying he had been told by his national security advisor that a ceasefire was imminent by the end of the week. Such optics infuriated many people in the U.S. and around the world. This ceasefire has not yet materialized while the IDF continues its bombardments and the blocking of much-needed humanitarian assistance.

During the speech by the president, he pleaded for the Congress to provide additional aid to the Ukrainian government to continue the war which Kiev is losing.

He said that if the House would pass a “border bill” he would be able to end the crisis of migration which is a major concern of the electorate from both dominant parties.

In regard to Palestine, the president said that more aid needed to be delivered to Gaza to address the humanitarian crisis. He never accepted the fact that the crisis was engineered by the Israeli regime with the backing of Washington. Despite this reality, there was no direct call for a permanent ceasefire or negotiations for the creation of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state.

Overall, there was no mention of any fundamental shift in policy towards Tel Aviv. The weapons and other material assistance flowing into the settler-colonial state will not be interrupted. He reiterated the tone set by Harris earlier in the week when the president said categorically that the White House would not abandon the Israeli state.

Airdrops of meals ready to eat have already caused the deaths of several people. Biden announced at the State of the Union before the full Congress that the Pentagon had plans to build a temporary port in the Eastern Mediterranean to deliver food and supplies to residents of Gaza. He emphasized that no U.S. troops would enter the besieged territory in these aid deliveries.

These statements by Biden and his administration functionaries are clearly for the consumption of the public in this election year. The entire tone of the State of the Union speech was that of a campaign rally.

However, the widening regional war in West Asia was never assessed. To reveal the actual magnitude of the crisis would further expose the failures of the White House foreign and military policies in West Asia as well as Eastern Europe and the African continent.

Regional Resistance Determined to Continue Attacks Against Israel, the U.S. and its Allies

US occupation forces in Iraq targeted by resistance

In addition to the underwriting and logistical support for the genocide in Gaza, the West Bank and throughout the Israeli Occupied Territories (IOT), the Biden administration has engaged in bombing operations in Iraq, Syria and Yemen. Biden during the State of the Union alluded to his objective of keeping the shipping lanes open in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. What he did not say was that despite the mobilization of the British Royal Air Force along with its U.S. counterparts, they have not been able to halt the attacks on shipping interests in the region carried out in solidarity with Palestine.

The actions of the Yemeni Armed Forces (YAF) are not taking place within a vacuum. Southern Lebanon, which shares a border with the north of the IOT, has been the scene of some of the most intense fighting against Tel Aviv in many years.

In a report on March 11 published by Al Mayadeen Television, it notes:

“The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Hezbollah carried out several operations on Monday, in support of the resilient people of Gaza and its Resistance against Israeli sites, soldier gatherings, and equipment along the Palestinian-Lebanese border. On March 11, 2024, the Islamic Resistance conducted eight operations against the Israeli occupation, confirming direct hits….
Earlier on Monday, the Deputy Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sheikh Naim Qassem, affirmed that the Resistance was prepared to counter any expansion in aggression, emphasizing that it is most ready to support Gaza until the Israeli aggression on the Strip ceases. In his speech during the memorial ceremony of three martyrs from the southern Lebanese village of Blida, Sheikh Qassem said Hezbollah is not concerned with any Israeli statement regarding a ground invasion of Lebanon, be it an exaggeration or a declaration. He stressed that the Resistance remains defensive, supportive, and determined to defy Israel, affirming that it will not be intimidated.” 

The pledge to shutdown shipping in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, which supports the economic interests of Israel, by the Yemeni Ansar Allah, has won a tremendous propaganda victory in favor of the anti-Zionist and anti-imperialist forces in the region. These solidarity efforts are drawing the Pentagon towards military strikes which only increase the resentment and hatred towards the U.S. government.

Al Mayadeen pointed to a U.S. media outlet, the Atlantic, which wrote an evaluation of the situation involving the status of Yemen throughout the region, saying that:

“Previously, a piece published on The Atlantic magazine’s news website suggested that Yemeni Ansar Allah leader Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi ‘may now be the most popular public figure in the Middle East.’ The piece pointed out that since the Yemeni Armed Forces began their operations in the Red Sea in November in support of the Palestinian people, Sayyed al-Houthi ‘has been treated like a latter-day Che Guevara, his portrait and speeches shared on social media across five continents.’ It emphasized that although it remains challenging to assess the consequences of the attacks, the Yemeni operations created a gap in the global economy. The operations, according to the piece, turned the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement into ‘heroes for Arab and Muslim youths who embrace the Palestinian cause,’ and even influenced Western progressives. Elsewhere, the piece indicated that the U.S.-British aggression did not deter the Yemeni Armed Forces, adding that ‘since staking claim to the Palestinian cause,’ the Yemeni forces ‘have come to seem unstoppable.’” 

Even though the U.S. corporate and government-controlled media regurgitates the political line of the Biden administration which attributes the military capacity of the resistance forces from Hamas and the other nine brigades fighting the IDF in Gaza, to Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) in Iraq and the anti-occupation groupings in Syria, to assistance provided by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Tehran has denied providing military support to these groupings although it is in political agreement with the war against the IDF and its imperialist allies.

Biden has failed to effectively deflect the attention of millions of people in the U.S. from the siege on Gaza and the expanding regional resistance to Zionism and imperialism. If these militarist adventures by the White House are not brought to a halt, it could very well result in the ascendancy of another administration led by former President Donald J. Trump.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

All images in this article are from the author

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Norwegian sociologist Johan Galtung, who has developed an academic understanding of peacebuilding and is known as “the father of peace studies,” passed away on February 17, 2024, at the age of 93. A recipient of the Right Livelihood Award in 1987, Galtung was a dedicated peace advocate whose influence extended far beyond national borders.

“His legacy serves as a reminder of the power of compassion, empathy, and dialogue in resolving conflicts and building a more harmonious world,” said Ole von Uexkull, Right Livelihood’s Executive Director. “His tireless efforts to promote non-violent alternatives and address the root causes of conflict have left an indelible mark on the world.”

Born on October 24, 1930, in Oslo, Norway, Galtung dedicated his life to fostering understanding, dialogue, and reconciliation in areas of conflict globally. His holistic approach to peacebuilding, encompassing both structural and cultural dimensions, revolutionised the field of peace studies and inspired generations of peace activists. He has also created a new approach to economics that can more comfortably accommodate the overarching goals of peace, development, human growth and ecological balance.

Galtung’s contributions to peace and reconciliation extended beyond academia. He helped mediate more than 150 conflicts globally, working to bridge divides and build sustainable peace processes. He was also a strong advocate of “peace journalism” as a way to counteract war and violence-based reporting.

In 1993, Johan Galtung founded TRANSCEND, a network for Peace and Development, which is now running Transcend Peace University with a number of courses online, Transcend University Press, Transcend Media Service with material on current events, and Transcend Research Institute.

Galtung received the Right Livelihood Award in 1987 for “his systematic and multidisciplinary study of the conditions which can lead to peace.”


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Featured image is from Right Livelihood

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Global Research Fundraising: Stoppt die “Iden des März” des Pentagons


Mit diesem Aufruf wird die Schweizer Bevölkerung aufgefordert, von der Schweizer Regierung den Austritt aus der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) zu verlangen – und zwar mit sofortiger Wirkung.

Wir, die Schweizerinnen und Schweizer, haben das verfassungsmässige Recht auf Initiativen oder Referenden. Es ist höchste Zeit, dass wir, das Volk, von dieser Möglichkeit Gebrauch machen und den Schweizer Bundesrat und das Parlament auffordern, auf die Mitgliedschaft in der WHO zu verzichten, der Organisation, die kurz davor steht, zum weltweiten Diktator in Gesundheitsfragen zu werden, brutaler und radikaler, als es die Menschheit je zuvor erlebt hat. 

Die von der WHO auferlegten Covid-Mandate waren nur ein Vorläufer dessen, was kommen könnte.

In den letzten Jahren bereitete die WHO hinter verschlossenen Türen einen sogenannten “Pandemie-Vertrag” oder ein “Pandemie-Abkommen” vor, das Teil der 2005 eingeführten und jetzt drastisch überarbeiteten “Internationalen Gesundheitsvorschriften” (IGV) werden sollte.

Wenn diese beiden neuen “regelbasierten Ordnungen” (‚rules-based orders‘) von der Weltgesundheitsversammlung (WHA – 27. Mai bis 1. Juni 2024 in Genf) angenommen werden, stünde das Gesundheitsdiktat der WHO über der Souveränität jeder Nation und würde die gesundheitliche Selbstbestimmung der Vergangenheit angehören lassen.

Wenn die WHO eine Krankheit, ob künstlich erzeugt oder nicht, zu einer Pandemie erklärt, müssten ihre Befehle befolgt werden. Wenn die WHO eine allgemeine Impfung beschliesst, müssen ihre Anordnungen befolgt werden.

In der Schweiz würden solch drastische Änderungen der nationalen Gesundheitsgesetzgebung eine Änderung der Bundesverfassung erfordern. Nach der Schweizer Verfassung selbst müssten solche Änderungen vom Schweizer Volk per Referendum genehmigt werden. Ein solches Referendum hätte gute Chancen vom Volk abgelehnt zu werden.

Um auf eine Volksabstimmung zu verzichten, sieht es so aus als arbeite die Schweizer Regierung – Bundesrat und Parlament – derzeit an einer Vorabänderung der nationalen Schweizer Gesundheitsgesetzgebung, damit diese den Anforderungen eines möglicherweise bevorstehenden WHO-Pandemieabkommens und der neuen IGV entspricht. Eine Verfassungsänderung wäre dann möglicherweise nicht mehr nötig, da sich die neuen Schweizer Gesundheitsstandards mit dem potenziellen neuen WHO-Diktat decken würden.

Dies soll halb im Verborgenen geschehen. Die meisten Bürger wissen es nicht. Die Schweiz soll – laut Verfassung – eine Demokratie und ein Land der politischen Neutralität sein; ein Land mit Selbstbestimmung und Souveränität in der Entscheidungsfindung, in dem die Stimme des Volkes und seine aktive Beteiligung zählen.

Das war einmal.


Dieser Aufruf geht auch an den Schweizer Bundesrat und das Parlament.

Schämen Sie sich nicht, nach dem Covid- und Vaxx-Betrug, den Sie den Menschen auferlegt haben, der Bevölkerung die Ihre Gehälter und Pensionen bezahlt, uns, das Volk, erneut zu verraten – mit einer allenfalls vorauseilenden Zustimmung zu den neuen repressiven WHO-Regeln?

Wie wird Gesundheit definiert? Nach der WHO-Definition schließt Gesundheit auch den “Klimawandel”-Betrug ein, der bereits für das Übermaß an Dengue-Fieber in Brasilien und Malaria in Afrika verantwortlich gemacht wird – was die WHO und Bill Gates dazu veranlasst hat, Milliarden von gentechnisch veränderten (GMO) “impfenden” Moskitos freizusetzen. Sie haben bisher zu einem 400-prozentigen Anstieg des Dengue-Fiebers in Brasilien geführt, und in Afrika grassiert die Malaria trotz oder wegen der GMO-Moskitos.

Alle “klimabedingten Gesundheitsprobleme”, die von der WHO so definiert werden, würden ebenfalls unter die WHO-Gesundheitstyrannei fallen.


Wie viele Menschen haben in den letzten drei Jahren ihre Angehörigen durch die giftigen Covid-Injektionen verloren? Tausende, vielleicht Zehntausende sind allein in der Schweiz an den Vaxxen gestorben, ein Vielfaches von denen, die an Covid starben, wenn man ehrlich rechnet. Wir wissen, dass Ehrlichkeit kein Teil des offiziellen Covid-Narrativs war und ist.

Eine konservative Zahl besagt, dass weltweit 17 Millionen Todesfälle auf die Impfung zurückzuführen sind. Eine realistischere Zahl geht eher in die Hundert Millionen, und das Schlimmste steht uns noch bevor, so Dr. Michael Yeadon, ehemaliger Vizepräsident und Leiter der Pfizer-Forschungsabteilung.

Damit Sie es wissen:

Gleichzeitig erlaubt der Bundesrat durch den kantonalen Föderalismus die Förderung der pathologischen, von Soros finanzierten Transgender-Woke-Agenda in der ganzen Schweiz, auch in den Schulen, und gibt Kindern bereits im Alter von 11 Jahren die Möglichkeit, ohne elterliche Einmischung über ihr Geschlecht zu entscheiden.

Diese Agenda wird auch vom Weltwirtschaftsforum (WEF), der WHO und ja, den Vereinten Nationen – den Eugenikern – gefördert. Homosexuelle und Transgender-Menschen können sich nicht fortpflanzen.

Seien Sie sich auch bewusst, dass jede neue “Impfung”, selbst die für Neugeborene empfohlenen, in Zukunft der mRNA-Typ sein wird, wie von Pfizer, Bill Gates und der WHO bereits angekündigt wurde. Der mRNA-Gen-verändernde Typ ist dafür bekannt, dass er im besten Fall das Autoimmunsystem reduziert und ein Spike-Protein produziert, dessen eine Eigenschaft ein schneller oder langsamer Killer ist – Herzmuskelentzündung, Hirnschlag, Thrombose, aggressive Turbokrebse und mehr.

Es ist auch bekannt, dass die mRNA-Impfungen die Fruchtbarkeit sowohl bei Frauen als auch bei Männern massiv verringern.

Zur Erinnerung: Das oberste Ziel des WEF, der WHO und der UNO-Agenda 2030, die wir heute erleben, ist eine drastische weltweite Entvölkerung, beginnend mit den westlichen Industriestaaten.

Lassen Sie uns, die Schweizer, Vorreiter für den Rest der Welt sein, indem wir unsere verfassungsmässigen Rechte einfordern und unsere Regierung auffordern, JETZT aus der WHO auszutreten.


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Peter Koenig ist geopolitischer Analyst und ehemaliger Ökonom bei der Weltbank und der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO), wo er insgesamt über 30 Jahre lang in der ganzen Welt tätig war. Er schreibt regelmäßig für Online-Zeitschriften und ist Autor von Implosion – Ein Wirtschaftsthriller über Krieg, Umweltzerstörung und Konzerngier; sowie Mitautor von Cynthia McKinneys Buch “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter ist Mitarbeiter des Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Er ist auch Senior Fellow des Chongyang Instituts der Renmin Universität in Peking.

Will the Israel Lobby Cause America’s Downfall?

March 12th, 2024 by Alison Weir

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


British journalist and author Owen Jones recently made a video describing in excruciating detail Israel’s ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank. Many others have also reported on this. Medical Aid CEO Melanie Ward says that “children are being starved at the fastest rate the world has ever seen.”

Jones concludes that Israel’s ruthless actions – publicly supported by Western governments at a time when the world is seeing  them in real time – could prove the downfall of the West.

He points out that “Western governments have openly facilitated some of the worst crimes of our age” and concludes: “I don’t think the West is ever going to recover from this.”

It’s important to examine why the West is taking such irrational, immoral, and self-destructive actions.

The causation is clear, although relatively few are willing to mention it, and there’s always a cost in stating it. The major factor in this potentially catastrophic situation is the pervasive and extremely powerful influence of the pro-Israel lobby.

There are highly influential lobbies for Israel in many countries, including the UK, France (also see this), and Europe in general.

In this piece I will focus on the United States. Since in today’s world the US is considered the world’s most powerful country, the lobby is especially active here.

However, as I document in my book, the importance of the United States to the establishment of Israel was recognized even before that – over a century ago, in the early years of the movement to create a Jewish state on land that was 95% non-Jewish. As I report:

One of the founders of political Zionism, Max Nordau, wrote a few years after the [1897] Basel conference, “Zionism’s only hope is the Jews of America.”

At that time, and for decades after, the large majority of Jewish Americans were not Zionists. In fact, many actively opposed Zionism. In the coming years, however, Zionists were to woo them assiduously with every means at hand. The extent to which Nordau’s hope was eventually realized is indicated by the statement by a prominent author on Jewish history, Naomi Cohen, who in 2003 wrote, “but for the financial support and political pressure of American Jews… Israel might not have been born in 1948.”

To this might be added Zionists’ success in influencing American politicians, the media, and much of the general public.

While there are many Jewish Israelis and Jewish Americans who fervently oppose Israeli actions, their efforts are eclipsed by virtually all the national Jewish establishment organizations in the US.  These have multi-million dollar budgets, enormous reach, and falsely imply that they represent all Jewish Americans, even though a growing number impose Israeli violence.

These organizations continue to support Israel even in the midst of today’s carnage in Gaza.

For years, ambitious politicians from both parties have competed to be more pro-Israel than anyone else, repeatedly vowing their loyalty to Israel and its alleged right to exist.

Numerous pro-Israel billionaires (some of them are listed here) donate to political parties with the condition that they support Israel. (It is difficult to find any American billionaires who donate on behalf of full rights for Palestinians.)

In addition, Israel partisans are embedded in the government and successfully promoted the devastating Iraq War. Pro-Israel organizations and individuals have similarly long pushed for war against Iran.


Anti-Iran ad in NY Times

New York Times advertisement demonizing Iran with the list of groups that paid for it.

Individuals close to Israel have repeatedly been investigated for leaking classified information to Israel, but these investigations are almost always quashed.

Pro-Israel individuals play a major role in news media, sometimes at the top.

While on occasion there are excellent, accurate media reports on Israel-Palestine, in general US news coverage is Israel-centric and often extremely flawed.

The situation is similar for popular media, where Hollywood plays a significant role in influencing attitudes about Israel, Arabs, and Muslims. Top movie producers have worked with Israel to defend its actions.

Similarly, social media and internet companies include numerous Israel partisans and periodically shadow ban or outright ban organizations and individuals that provide factual information on the situation.

Lobby organizations also target campuses.

A study found that advocacy organizations supporting Israel spent roughly 100 times more than their opposition.

A number of books have documented the influence of the Israel lobby in the US, including: They Dare to Speak Out, by Paul Findley; The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt; and The Lobby: Jewish political power and American foreign policy, by Edward Tivnan.

While pro-Israel organizations and individuals attacked these books and tried to claim they are “antisemitic,” these well-documented books make clear that there have long been Jewish groups and individuals opposing the lobby and supporting Palestinian rights.

Experts Raise the Alarm

Meanwhile, intelligence, military, and diplomatic experts have periodically pointed out the damage Israel is doing to the United States, but the media rarely report their statements.

Below are a few:

(More videos on the topic are here and here.)

It is time for more Americans to learn these facts and to speak out. It is time to stop allowing Influential groups of all sorts to cancel those whose information they dislike.

If Americans are to avoid their country’s decline and protect their families from its impact, it is essential to diagnose the cause and address it.

Until enough people are more concerned about supporting genocide and ethnic cleansing than they are of spurious accusations of antisemitism and are willing to speak about these uncomfortable facts, this lobby on behalf of a ruthless, supremacist foreign country will continue to dominate US policies, causing intolerable tragedy abroad and potentially fatal destruction at home.


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Alison Weir is executive director of If Americans Knew, president of the Council for the National Interest, and author of Against Our Better Judgment: The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel. She first spent time in Gaza and the West Bank in early 2001 as a freelance journalist.

Featured image is from IPN

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


It’s hard for me even to begin. I shall have to beware, as a man must beware of a rabid fox that he wants to chase out of his garden: how will he approach it so that it does not bite and infect him?

I could not even begin to write about this monstrosity until after the judgment had been pronounced.

One of the two women, a single mother, 33, was sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment for attempted murder and ill-treatment, and the other, her lover and friend, 40, to 14 years’ imprisonment for incitement and counselling.

The first-named did not deny the facts, but kept making excuses, saying she was just listening to her friend’s advice. 

The psychiatric expert stated that the woman suffers from a serious and irreversible psychological disorder which may lead her to repeat the acts resulting in bodily harm in the future.

She herself claimed that she had only wanted to raise her son, 12, who had allegedly rebelled against her and had been aggressive towards her, to make him “a successful and responsible person, both academically and privately”. 

Similarly, the expert characterised her friend as mentally irreparably defective.

The latter admitted that she had advised her mother on educational measures, but claimed that she was unaware of the extremes to which they had gone. (During the time of the Covid-19 isolation, the two women lived together with their mother, but later the mentor moved away as she found a new partner.) During last week’s trial, the prosecution presented evidence that the two women were aware of the extent and intent of their actions.

At a critical moment, the mother searched the internet for information on how such acts are punished. The remorse she showed at the hearing, where she was once in tears (and another time after the verdict was handed down), and her statement that she doesn’t understand how such a thing could have happened, do not match up with the video of her son in the cage, twitching in a comatose state, upon whom she comments, “Look at the idiot what he’s at!” 

The jury also found that there was no doubt that her older friend was the source of ideas what to do with the child — the one that had instigated the educational methods used by the mother. 

The Austrian court also ordered punitive damages of €80,000 for both perpetrators. This small amount perhaps says something about the poor social situation of the convicted women. 

The verdict was decided by an eight-member jury, which took 7 hours to reach its decision.

The abuse had been going on for years, but had intensified to the final degree, allegedly already in June, and absolutely certainly from the beginning of September 2022. The social services became aware of the problems in the family, they visited once in October and once in November, they noticed “abnormalities”, but they considered that there was no need to separate the child from the mother or to take any other action.

The mother’s educational measures were as follows: 

She starved the child

She locked him in a dog cage measuring 57 x 83 x 63 cm for punishment and for the time when she was away from home, including overnight.

She taped his mouth, beat him (and also stabbed him with a stick through the cage cracks), poured ice water over his clothes, and then left the window in the basement in which he was kept wide open so that the temperature in the room was only a few degrees above zero.

“He was in the cage because he said he was going to throw himself out of the window,” she stated in her defence.

We know that she also mentally abused him, for example by humiliating, cursing and scolding him. 

After seeing the boy’s twitches in the ultimate coma, the friend contacted a social worker who was not connected to the previous visits by the social services, and this social worker then persuaded the mother to call an ambulance after all.

The description suggests that the social worker and the counsellor had been well acquainted from before.

When the paramedics arrived, the child’s body temperature measured less than 27 degrees Celsius and he weighed only 75 pounds. 

He survived by a miracle of emergency medicine. But the aforementioned expert also stated that he is “psychologically, without a doubt, irreparably destroyed”.

The verdict is not yet final.

The above did not happen, as you might think, here in backward Montenegro, about which I have dug up the following statistics on the opinion of Montenegrins as to what are the permanently permissible, occasionally permissible and impermissible behaviours by parents towards their child:

As you see from the bottom three lines, there is a majority consensus that puts shouting on a child, a swish with a cane and the barehand slap on the bottom among permissible educational measures.

Yes, people here are old-fashioned and they like to stick to their traditions.

But every day, on my walks about Podgorica, I witness the bustle of children being left by their parents to play happily unsupervised among themselves. 

There is a transformer station not far from our house, in the middle of the convergence of three roads, and there is also a fenced-in basketball and football court added to this triangle plot. I  keep seeing children there with the ball both in the rain and during the northern winds. They play, bigger and smaller mixed together. 

No, the trial described above, which concluded this Friday with a conviction that is not yet final, took place in Krems, Austria, and the horrible acts I am describing took place in 2022 (and probably even before that) in the idyllic Tyrolean valley of Weidenthal.

I stumbled upon the newspaper report by chance: what I was really looking for was the streaming coverage of the elimination knockout between the Pustertal and Olimpija hockey teams. I found a link, and when I got to the page in question, I was also offered a link to their ‘Panorama’ report on the Krems trial. The match had not yet started, so I indulged myself with a quick read – and that was that. 

I didn’t even watch the game. Couldn’t.

The fate of the poor boy haunted me through the night and into the next day.

In fact, even now, I am seized by that feeling of utter helplessness and despair that, adhering to the principle of empathy, naturally comes over when one reads something like this.

Central Europe, and especially the German part of it, is considered to be the ‘pot’ in which this kind of behaviour is readily cooked: the pot is made of iron, polished by tarnished decency, and the contents, hidden under the lid, simmer unseen until they sometimes happen to overboil. 

“Of Monsters and of Conquerors”. The Children of Palestine

I’m writing this part after another sleepless night. Yesterday, I realised that I was being unfair in my appalment over the case. Here I was, shedding tears over only one life lost, while every day during the last five months I’ve been witnessing on the TV screen exactly the same sufferings. The only difference was that the suffering of the Palestinian children was worsening almost imperceptibly through time – giving me a chance to gradually develop a resistance. I got used to the bad news and learnt to ignore them.

Only this morning, after having been unexpectedly acquainted with yet another case of sadism in the middle of Europe (this time in Lower Saxonia), the shield of ennui has crumbled and I stand here in awe and horror and despair.

So at last, my heart cries for every one of the at least 600,000 children in Gaza, condemned to unimaginable suffering until death from famine, if not from shooting, by those who demand that Palestinians do not “express their ingratitude”.

Those who are saying in scorn: “Kill a man and you’re a murderer. Kill a million of them, and there’s a conqueror.”

But they are wrong: the crime is the same, only the dimensions are enormously enlarged.

There are even additional similarities, like the perverse connection between the mother and her counsellor, the doer and the supporter. 

What could be a just punishment for both?

But wait – the punishment for 30,000 murdered and 600,000 tortured children is even not defined by the Law.

Nobody could expect it to happen, not after Nuremberg.

And so, there seems to be no judge, no prosecutor, no jury, just the terrible silence of Yahweh who should step in as He used to do in other times when His chosen people had been drowning in sin.

Maybe He just cannot fathom – maybe the dimensions of the crime are too far beyond comprehension even for a god.


Emaciated 10-year-old Palestinian child, Yazan al-Kafarneh, now dead from severe malnourishment and insufficient healthcare. Source: Al-Jazeera


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Written on March the 5th 2024 by Branko, citizen of a former Austrian province.

Featured image: Displaced Palestinians wait to receive free food from a volunteer-run hospice near Nasser Medical Hospital in Khan Younis, southern Gaza, on Tuesday, January 9, 2024. Bloomberg

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


On Monday, Union Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal said that many large and small economies around the world have expressed willingness to start trading in rupee terms with India, which could be a “game-changing” development for India’s trade. This is another important step taken towards de-dollarisation and would better protect India’s economy in case of any future US-led sanctions.

India’s Union Minister said some of the countries that have expressed willingness to start trading in rupees include neighbouring Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, as well as Gulf countries.

“At some point, more and more developed countries and countries in the Far East will also join the bandwagon,” he said, adding that “more and more countries are realising the advantages of trading in their own domestic currencies and a shift towards direct transactions between local currencies is gaining traction.”

He said that more and more countries are realising the benefits of trading in their domestic currencies, and there is a growing shift towards direct transactions between local currencies.

“Gradually, the conscience is setting in that rather than converting all the transactions into a third currency, both ways add significantly to transaction costs,” the minister said.

It is recalled that the United Arab Emirates was the first to accept payment in rupees for crude oil.

“We started with the UAE. The UAE was one of the first countries to accept this. It’s now picking up traction. We get a lot of countries who come and talk to us that they would like to also initiate direct transactions between the local currency and the rupee,” Goyal said.

India has already started trading in rupees with neighbouring countries like Nepal and Bhutan. Additionally, the rupee has been included in Sri Lanka’s list of designated foreign currencies to facilitate trade. Changes have been made in the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) to support the use of the rupee in international trade with the aim of establishing the rupee as a global currency.

Using rupees and other local currencies is especially important in maintaining longstanding New Delhi-Moscow ties in the face of US sanctions against the Eurasian country.

Trade turnover between India and Russia increased in 2023 to a record $64 billion, with India’s imports of Russian products increasing by 1.8 times to $60.1 billion and exports of Indian goods increasing by 1.4 times to $4 billion. Russia is now the second-largest supplier of goods to India, trailing only China, and Russia has also overtaken Saudi Arabia to become India’s fourth-largest trading partner.

Although the United States remained India’s main trading partner last year, by the end of the year, the trade volume between the two countries declined by 9% to $119 billion. This is followed by trade volume with China at $116 billion, which declined by 2%, and trade volume with the United Arab Emirates at $78 billion, which declined by 7%.

Meanwhile, according to Arun Garodia, Chairman of the Engineering Export Promotion Council of India (EEPC), a body of over 12,000 small engineering goods exporters, during the current fiscal year ending in March, Indian exporters are expected to receive over a billion dollars’ worth of payments in rupees from Russia.

“Exporters are happy that they are receiving payments in rupees for exports to Russia,” he said.

Indian commerce ministry data showed that the South Asian country’s total exports to Russia rose 46.2% to $2.7 billion in the first eight months of fiscal year 2023/24, ending in March, while imports rose 54.8% to $40.5 billion during the same period. This growth in trade would not have been possible if India had not taken active steps in de-dollarisation by advancing trade in rupees and other currencies.

Following the launch of the special military operation against Ukraine, Russia was banned from using the SWIFT financial messaging system and, therefore, the US dollar to settle payments. Although this was supposed to create difficulties in India-Russia trade, India overtook Europe as the main buyer of offshore oil from Russia in 2022 and began buying Russian oil for UAE dirhams and rubles.

By imposing such measures against Russia, Washington accelerated de-dollarisation as it forced large economies like India to pursue what Indian foreign minister EAM Jaishankar terms “strategic autonomy.” India and other countries like Brazil did not end their relations with Russia just for the sake of the US, and Western sanctions only forced such countries to find ulterior methods and thus accelerate the de-dollarisation process.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Haiti is in the headlines again and, as usual, the headlines on Haiti are mostly negative. They are also largely false. Haiti, they tell us, is overrun by “gang violence.” Haiti is “a failed state,” standing on the verge of “anarchy” and teetering on the edge of “collapse.” Haiti, they tell us, can only be stabilized and saved through foreign military invasion and occupation. We have seen these stories before. We know their purpose. They serve to cover up the true origins of the “crisis” in Haiti while justifying foreign military intervention and setting up an attack on Haiti’s sovereignty.

What is the reality behind the headlines? The reality is that the crisis in Haiti is a crisis of imperialism. Those countries calling for military intervention – the US, France, Canada – have created the conditions making military intervention appear necessary and inevitable. The same countries calling for intervention are the same countries that will benefit from intervention, not the Haitian people. And for twenty years, those countries that cast Haiti as a failed state actively worked to destroy Haiti’s government while imposing foreign colonial rule.

On Haiti, the position of the Black Alliance for Peace has been consistent and clear. We reject the sensationalist headlines in the Western media with their racist assumptions that Haiti is ungovernable, and the Haitian people cannot govern themselves. We support the efforts of the Haitian people to assert their sovereignty and reclaim their country. We denounce the ongoing imperialist onslaught on Haiti and demand the removal of Haiti’s foreign, colonial rulers.

What’s Going On in Haiti?

  • The crisis in Haiti is a crisis of imperialism – but what does this mean? It means that the failure of governance in Haiti is not something internal to Haiti, but it is a result of the concerted effort on the part of the west to gut the Haitian state and destroy popular democracy in Haiti.
  • Haiti is currently under occupation by the US/UN and Core Group, a self-appointed cabal of foreign entities who effectively rule this country.
  • The occupation of Haiti began in 2004 with the US/France/Canada-sponsored coup d’état against Haiti’s democratically elected president. The coup d’etat was approved by the UN Security Council. It established an occupying military force (euphemistically called a “peacekeeping” mission), with the acronym MINUSTAH. Though the MINUSTAH mission officially ended in 2017, the UN office in Haiti was reconstituted as BIHUH. BINUH, along with the Core Group, continues to have a powerful role in Haitian affairs.
  • Over the past four years, the Haitian masses have mobilized and protested against an illegal government, imperial meddling, the removal of fuel subsidies leading to rising costs of living, and insecurity by elite-funded armed groups. However, these protests have been snuffed out by the US-installed puppet government.
  • Since 2021, attempts to control Haiti by the US have intensified. In that year, Haiti’s president, Jovenel Moïse was assassinated and Ariel Henry was installed by the US and UN Core Group as the de facto prime minister. In the wake of the assassination of Moïse and the installation of Henry, the U.S. has sought to build a coalition of foreign states willing to send military forces to occupy Haiti, and to deal with Haiti’s ostensible “gang” problem.
  • The armed groups (the so-called “gangs”) mainly in the capital city of Haiti should be understood as “paramilitary” forces, as they are made up of former (and current) Haitian police and military elements.  These paramilitary forces are known to work for some of Haiti’s elite, including, some say, Ariel Henry (Haiti’s former de facto prime minister). It should also be noted that Haiti does not manufacture guns; the guns and ammunition come primarily from the US and the Dominican Republic; and the US has consistently rejected calls for an arms embargo.
  • Moreover, as Haitian organizations have demonstrated, it is the UN and Core Group occupation that has enabled the “gangsterization” of the country. When we speak of “gangs,” we must recognize that the real and most powerful gangs in the country are the US, the Core Group, and the illegal UN office in Haiti – all of whom helped to create the current crisis.
  • Most recently, Ariel Henry traveled to Kenya to sign an agreement with Kenya prime minister William Ruto authorizing the deployment of 1,000 Kenyan police officers as the head of a multinational military force whose ostensible purpose was to combat Haiti’s gang violence. But the US strategy for Haiti appears to have collapsed as Henry has been unable to return to Haiti and there is renewed challenge to the constitutionality of that deployment.
  • The US is now scrambling for control, seeking to force Henry’s resignation while looking for a new puppet to serve as a figurehead for foreign rule of Haiti. While Haiti currently does not have a government, it has not descended into chaos or anarchy. The paramilitaries, it seems, are waiting for their orders to act, while the US strategy for Haiti is in crisis.

Why Haiti?

For BAP, the historic struggles of the Haitian people to combat slavery, colonialism, and imperialism have been crucial to the struggles of African people throughout the globe. The attacks on Black sovereignty in Haiti are replicated in the attacks on Black people throughout the Americas. Today, Haiti is  important for U.S. geopolitical and economic viability. Haiti is in a key location in the Caribbean for US military and security strategy in the region, especially in light of the coming US confrontation with China and in the context of the strategic implementation of the Global Fragilities Act. Haiti’s economic importance stems from what western corporations perceive as a vast pool of cheap labor, and its unexploited land and mineral wealth.

BAP’S Position on the Current Situation in Haiti

  • BAP, as with many Haitian and other organizations, have consistently argued against a renewed foreign military intervention.
  • We have persistently demanded the end of the foreign occupation of Haiti. This includes the dissolution of the Core Group, the UN office in Haiti (BINHU), and the end of the constant meddling of the US, along with its junior partners, CARICOM, and Brazil’s Lula.
  • We have denounced the governments of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) (with the exception of Venezuela and Cuba), for supporting US plans for armed intervention in Haiti and the denial of Haitian sovereignty.
  • We have denounced CARICOM leaders, and especially Barbados Prime Minister, Mia Mottley, for not only supporting US planned armed intervention in Haiti and offering their police and soldiers for the mission, but for also following US and Core Group dictates on the way forward in Haiti. Haiti’s solutions should come from Haitian people through broad consensus. CARICOM leaders cannot claim to be helping Haiti when they are acting as neo-colonial stooges of the US and the Core Group.
  • We have denounced the role of Brazilian president, Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva, for not only continuing Brazil’s role in the Core Group, but for also leading the charge, along with the criminal US government, for foreign armed military invasion of Haiti. We remind everyone that it was Lula’s government that led the military wing of the 2004 violent UN occupation of Haiti. Brazil’s soldiers led the mission for 13 years (until 2017).
  • In solidarity with Haitian groups, we have denounced the UN approved, US-funded, Kenyan-led foreign armed invasion and occupation of Haiti. We are adamant that a U.S./UN-led armed foreign intervention in Haiti is not only illegitimate, but illegal. We support Haitian people and civil society organizations who have been consistent in their opposition to foreign armed military intervention – and who have argued that the problems of Haiti are a direct result of the persistent and long-term meddling of the United States, the United Nations, and the Core Group.
  • We demand US accountability for flooding Haiti with military grade weapons. We demand that the US enforce the UN-stated arms embargo against the Haitian and U.S. elite who import guns into the country.
  • We will continue to support our comrades as they fight for a free and sovereign Haiti.

Long live Haiti! 


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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March



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Our thanks to Dr. William Makis for bringing this to our attention.

A Ucrânia está preparando outro moedor de carne para seus soldados.

March 11th, 2024 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

Aparentemente, Kiev não aprendeu com os seus recentes erros no campo de batalha e está a planejar novas manobras cruéis que certamente trarão derrotas humilhantes. De acordo com informações fornecidas por um importante responsável local, a Ucrânia planeia lançar uma nova contra-ofensiva contra a Rússia em 2024, tentando assim impedir novos avanços territoriais de Moscou. Obviamente, tal medida terá graves consequências para o regime, prejudicando ainda mais as forças neonazistas.

A afirmação foi feita pelo chefe das forças terrestres ucranianas, tenente-general Aleksandr Pavlyuk, durante entrevista à TV local. Afirmou que o exército do país quer impedir o progresso territorial russo, o que permitirá o reagrupamento das tropas ucranianas, retirando do campo de batalha os soldados mais exaustos e destacando novas unidades capazes de operar contra-ataques e manobras ofensivas.

“(Precisamos) criar um grupo de ataque e realizar ações de contra-ataque (…) Acho que em breve estabilizaremos a situação. (Nós) fazemos todo o possível para preparar as tropas para ações mais ativas e para tomar a iniciativa”, disse durante a entrevista.

Como é sabido, recentemente, o exército ucraniano sofreu pesadas perdas no campo de batalha, com os territórios controlados pelos russos aumentando cada vez mais. A principal derrota recente ocorreu na importante cidade de Avdeevka, onde o recém-nomeado comandante-em-chefe das forças armadas ucranianas, Aleksandr Syrsky, foi forçado a retirar as suas tropas para evitar sofrer ainda mais baixas, dada a elevada letalidade das operações. na região.

Syrsky, que anteriormente tinha sido o principal comandante ucraniano durante o “moedor de carne” de Artymovsk (chamado de “Bakhmut” pelos ucranianos) certamente não queria retirar as suas tropas tão facilmente. Mas as circunstâncias materiais e humanas do exército ucraniano obrigaram o comandante a tomar tal decisão: simplesmente, já não há gente suficiente para lutar na Ucrânia, sendo o poder de mobilização militar do país afetado pelas consequências demográficas da guerra. Com a escassez de tropas, não é possível travar batalhas prolongadas de desgaste, razão pela qual a retirada é a única opção.

Perante uma situação militar como esta, obviamente não é apropriado planejar qualquer grande ofensiva. A Ucrânia simplesmente não está em posição de escolher o que fazer no campo de batalha, uma vez que Moscou é o lado que controla as ações do conflito. O máximo que Kiev pode fazer na sua situação atual é tentar minimizar os danos, retirando as tropas e tentando implementar técnicas de combate assimétricas – se não houver possibilidade de rendição ou negociações de paz.

O principal problema, porém, é que o regime precisa continuar a chamar a atenção dos meios de comunicação internacionais se quiser receber mais armas e equipamento. Sem a assistência militar da OTAN, a Ucrânia não é capaz de lutar – e sem operações psicológicas com elevado impacto na opinião pública ocidental, os países da OTAN não têm argumentos para enviar armas para Kiev. Assim, como “solução”, o regime continua a tentar promover “grandes ofensivas” sem qualquer valor estratégico relevante, com a única intenção de gerar um impacto psicológico na opinião pública global e legitimar a ajuda militar.

Na verdade, qualquer outra “contra-ofensiva” terá inevitavelmente o mesmo resultado que a anterior: a Ucrânia será neutralizada durante os primeiros movimentos do contra-ataque, perderá um grande número de tropas e terá de recuar de regiões estrategicamente relevantes em face do avanço russo. No entanto, ao contrário das tentativas de ataque anteriores, desta vez a Ucrânia enfrentará uma situação ainda mais grave para repor as suas perdas, uma vez que as suas reservas humanas são cada vez mais escassas. Na prática, a medida será verdadeiramente suicida. Kiev estará simplesmente a dar um passo profundo em direção à sua derrota definitiva.

Os detalhes desta suposta nova “contraofensiva” ainda não são claros. Syrsky ainda não comentou o caso, com Pavlyuk apenas fazendo uma declaração pessoal durante uma entrevista. Mais informações sobre o tema serão certamente reveladas num futuro próximo. É importante lembrar que a tentativa de contra-ofensiva anterior foi repetidamente adiada, dadas as condições adversas no campo de batalha – razão pela qual é provável que o movimento atual também demore muito para ocorrer.

A única certeza por agora em todo este cenário é que, se realmente lançar uma nova “contraofensiva”, Kiev estará a tomar uma medida suicida, com consequências devastadoras para as suas tropas e para as suas posições no campo de batalha. É pouco provável que a Ucrânia consiga se recuperar novamente de um novo “moedor de carne”, razão pela qual as autoridades do país devem ser cautelosas antes de lançar medidas militares perigosas.

Lucas Leiroz De Almeida


Artigo em inglês :

Imagem : InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, jornalista, pesquisador do Center for Geostrategic Studies, consultor geopolítico.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Early this month, a federal judge dismissed a case brought by the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) charging U.S. President Joe Biden, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken with complicity in the Israeli-led genocide in Gaza.

But while many media outlets were quick to report on the case not moving forward, they largely missed a key aspect of the ruling:

the judge did not dismiss the case on its merits but rather because it fell ​outside the court’s limited jurisdiction,” therefore rejecting it on technical grounds.

In fact, U.S. District Court Judge Jeffrey White’s statement appeared to uphold some of plaintiff’s key charges in the case:

Both the uncontroverted testimony of the plaintiffs and the expert opinion proffered at the hearing on these motions as well as statements made by various officers of the Israeli government indicate that the ongoing military siege in Gaza is intended to eradicate a whole people and therefore plausibly falls within the international prohibition against genocide.”

The judge went further, urging Biden and his administration officials to scrutinize ​the results of their unflagging support” for the Israeli government’s assault on Gaza.

Judge White was not alone in his appraisal. The case, first heard on January 26 in front of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, saw roughly 100 human rights and humanitarian aid groups write briefs supporting CCR’s charges against the Biden administration. 

These briefs make it abundantly clear that the Biden administration, in its steadfast support of the Israeli government, is complicit in the ongoing genocide, the displacement of approximately 80% of Palestinians from their homes and the deaths of more than 29,000 so far in this latest chapter of a 76‑year-long Nakba (catastrophe) that never ended.

CCR’s lawsuit underscored the plight of a Palestinian people asserting their humanity and refusing to be sacrificed at the altar of U.S. geopolitical interests. By looking at the charges and evidence presented against the Biden administration, a clear picture emerges: The United States is actively aiding a campaign of mass slaughter in Gaza being carried out by the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Active U.S. Support

The suit by CCR referenced the 1948 Genocide Convention—which tasks governments with preventing genocides and forbids their complicity in genocides perpetrated by another party — and the U.S. Genocide Convention Implementation Act, passed in 1988, which incorporates this mandate into U.S. law.

As multiple human rights advocates and experts such as Israeli historian and Associate Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies Raz Segal have laid out, Israel is carrying out a ​textbook case of genocide” in Gaza, backed by clear genocidal intent, laid bare in Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant’s Oct. 9 declaration:

We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we will act accordingly.”

In response to the case, the Biden administration countered that CCR’s lawsuit should not move forward because supporting Israel is a foreign policy decision reserved for the executive branch, free from judicial interference; that the United States is not responsible for how Israel, a foreign government, acts; and that there is no federal law allowing the plaintiffs to sue.

CCR noted, first, that the issue is not whether the U.S. can make foreign policy decisions involving Israel but rather that the decision to aid in a genocide violates federal law, and the courts have a duty to uphold the law even against U.S. officials.

Second, CCR explained in detail how the Biden administration, far from a neutral spectator, is actively supporting the genocide through military, economic and diplomatic assistance.

Militarily, Secretary Blinken exercised emergency powers twice in December to approve the sale of armament worth approximately $254 million. According to the Defense Department, these supplies come from the War Reserve Stocks for Allies-Israel (WRSA-I), an obscure U.S. stockpile in Israel containing billions of dollars’ worth of equipment.

The administration now seeks to loosen WRSA-I restrictions for Israel, expanding access to weaponry, increasing the annual stockpile limits, and removing legislative oversight, while adding to the privileges Israel already enjoys such as permission to withdraw WRSA-I items without the prior justification required of all other recipient countries.

The U.S. has provided (or is on track to provide) Israel over 25,000 tons of military supplies: dozens of F‑35 and F-15 fighter jets (to be received in the coming years), a dozen Apache helicopters, two thousand Hellfire missiles,MK‑84 bombs and Joint Direct Attack Munitions to guide them, Spice bombsM141 bunker‑buster munitions, one million rounds of 7.62mm munitions and thousands of 155mm artillery shells, 30mm cannon munitions, night‑vision devices and much more. Meanwhile, the presence of U.S. surveillance drones in Gaza suggests the possibility of greater U.S. military involvement than previously thought.

Financially, President Biden requested an emergency supplemental budget exceeding $14 billion to support Israel. The House of Representatives responded with a bill reflecting this amount plus billions of dollars for joint operations assistance. The Senate has now passed a bill for $14.1 billion permitting the supply of currently forbidden military items to Israel, as well as waiving WRSA-I caps. These bills are currently being debated in Congress but enjoy broad bipartisan support.

And, diplomatically, the United States exercised its veto privilege at the United Nations Security Council to stall international calls for a cease-fire in Gaza on October 18, December 8 and February 20. The December instance followed UN Secretary General António Guterres’s invocation of Article 99 of the UN Charter to refer to the Security Council a ​matter which, in [his] opinion, may aggravate existing threats to the maintenance of international peace and security.”

Article 99 was last invoked in 1971 preceding the split of Bangladesh from Pakistan. Additionally, the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly supported cease-fire resolutions on October 27 and December 12, both of which the U.S. voted against. And, on December 22, the U.S. abstained from a Security Council vote to direct humanitarian aid to Gaza after stalling for four days to remove a call for cease-fire from the resolution.

These various forms of support unequivocally constitute aiding and abetting of Israel’s cataclysmic destruction of Gaza, and the CCR argued as much in establishing that the U.S. has been actively complicit in the ongoing genocide.

Relatedly, the CCR referenced this very aiding and abetting in claiming that they do have a federal right to sue under the Alien Tort Statute (ATS). As they explained, ​aiding and abetting liability, particularly for U.S. defendants,” triggers the ATS goal of ​provid[ing] a forum for violations of international law.”

Therefore, the CCR concluded, the courts do have a constitutional duty to put an end to the executive branch’s complicity in genocide; the executive branch is complicit based on its clear aiding and abetting in the form of military, financial and diplomatic support; and the ATS permits plaintiffs to sue federal officials for their violations of the Genocide Convention.

No Conditions

CCR further charged Biden, Blinken and Austin with failure to prevent the genocide. The Genocide Convention and customary international law compel governments to exercise due diligence to prevent genocide, and self-defense is legally insufficient as a justification for eradicating a population. U.S. officials are liable if they could likely influence Israel’s conduct and if they should have known that Israel’s acts raised a serious risk of genocide in Gaza.

In Gaza, the U.S. indisputably can influence Israel’s conduct. The U.S. fills 92% of Israel’s arms imports. Much of this equipment can only originate from the U.S. as it utilizes proprietary technologies. Defense Minister Gallant admitted as much, when the U.S. pressured for humanitarian aid to Gaza, noting that “[t]he Americans insisted and we are not in a place where we can refuse them. We rely on them for planes and military equipment. What are we supposed to do? Tell them no?” The Biden administration similarly boasted about its influence in persuading Israel to pause aggressions for seven days in late November.

And the United States is doubtlessly aware of the ongoing genocide in Gaza. The CCR shared its emergency legal briefing paper with Biden, Blinken, and Austin in October explaining these exact points. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled in January that there is a plausible risk that Israel is carrying out genocide. Additionally, more than 800 public officials and diplomats across a range of countries, close to 80 of whom are based in the U.S. and work primarily within Blinken’s State Department, warned in February that their governments were at risk of being complicit in genocide.

The Biden administration blanketly denies the genocide charges against Israel while refusing to investigate them altogether. President Biden vowed that his ​administration’s support for Israel’s security is rock solid and unwavering.”

Secretary Blinken has stated his view that South Africa’s ​charge of genocide [against Israel before the ICJ] is meritless.” And White House Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby said, on behalf of the Biden administration, that

“[w]e find [South Africa’s] submission meritless, counterproductive and completely without any basis in fact, whatsoever,” later insisting thatwe find that that claim is unfounded.”

More recently, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi baselessly claimed that

nothing [the U.S. has] sent since Oct. 7 [to Israel] has contributed to this brutality,” despite well recorded evidence to the contrary.

The U.S. State Department ordered officials to refrain from using the phrases ​de‑escalation,” ​cease-fire,” ​end to violence,” ​end to bloodshed,” and ​restoring calm” in press releases, and Secretary Blinken was found to have deleted references to a cease-fire in his posts on X (formerly Twitter) after they had already been sent out.

Conspicuously, a State Department task force on preventing atrocities took a full two weeks into the extremely brutal assault before meeting to discuss Israel and Palestine, and it was nevertheless sidelined by the administration.

According to Kirby, the U.S. imposes no conditions on weapons transfers to Israel even though the Foreign Assistance Act, the Leahy Law, and the Conventional Arms Transfer policy prohibit transfers when the weapons are likely intended to be used for genocide. Notably, transfers to most countries can be put on hold if one stakeholder suspects an item will be used unlawfully. In the case of Israel, multiple stakeholders, including the Bureau of Near East Affairs (NEA) and the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, must first agree that such risk exists, and the hold must be approved by the Deputy Secretary of State.

Moreover, these transfers are shrouded in secrecy. Whereas the U.S. published pages detailing what weapons, and in what quantities, it provided to Ukraine, governmental disclosures concerning Israel amount to one brief sentence. Josh Paul, former director in the State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, remarks that there is no benefit in this secrecy except diminished oversight.

And the administration insists that it has remained close to the Israeli officials perpetrating the genocide. Kirby claimed thatwe have, since the beginning of the conflict, in the early hours, maintained a level of communication with our Israeli counterparts to ascertain their intentions, their strategy, their aims.” Secretary Blinken has held hours-long conferences with Israeli military officials, and Secretary Austin had near-daily calls with Minister Gallant ​to meet Israel’s needs, which include air defense, precision guided munitions, artillery and medical supplies.”

Responsibility to Act 

The U.S. District Court in California, spotlighting the ICJ’s finding of plausible genocide, implored the administration to reconsider its course for the welfare of the Palestinian people, finding the judiciary to be lamentably powerless to interfere with foreign policy decisions.

Looking to the future, a group of South African lawyers stated to the Biden administration their intention to sue the U.S. government for ​aiding, abetting and supporting, encouraging or providing material assistance and means to Israel” during a genocide. On February 12, the South African government urgently requested that the ICJ use its powers to prevent further genocidal acts by Israel in light of the most recent attack on Rafah, ​the last refuge for surviving people in Gaza.”

As the CCR case makes clear, the United States government is currently facilitating the annihilation of Gaza and the Palestinian people. In the face of this massacre, Congress has a responsibility to rein in the abuses of the Biden administration by exercising its review authority to end any further aid to the Israeli government.

While recent efforts to condition such aid have failed, that should not prevent members of Congress from taking a clear stand: now is the time to hold the Biden administration accountable for its complicity in the crime of genocide.


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Azadeh Shahshahani is legal and advocacy director at Project South and a past president of the National Lawyers Guild. She tweets @ashshahahani and you can read her work at In These Times here.

Sofia Veronica Montez is a Legal Fellow at Project South.  

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Biden Is Getting Worse

March 11th, 2024 by Karsten Riise

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Biden’s more than one-hour speech in Congress without obvious mental crack-downs was completely out of line with Biden’s regular and quickly worsening health condition. Biden’s ability to perform for more than one hour in Congress can only have been due to a special and extremely hard cocktail of drugs and stimulants.

The effects from the special hard drug-mix Biden must have gotten for his 7 March 2024 State of the Union speech in Congress have worn off.

Probably even worse: Biden in the aftermath of his extra big drug-dose 7 March 2024 may well suffer from the hang-over effects of hard drugs – symptoms like fatigue, mental depression, and increased disorientation or even fits of hallucinations.

Two days later after his State of the Union speech, Biden has already returned to his usual lack of situational awareness. Biden’s unmissable Alzheimer and dementia symptoms are back in full public display – worse every day – all the time.

Biden again cannot even hold a few minutes talk without the most humiliating signs of dementia and Alzheimer.

  • “the same building where our freedom came under assault on July 6th” – (oops, should have been January 6th)
  • we cut the deficit, and we added more to the national deficit than any president – (clearly deranged)
  • forgets the name of the Federal Reserve and its chief – refers disparagingly to him as “that outfit”
  • “Send me to Congress” – (oops, should have been White House)
  • “I know all these leaders of Europe … they pull me aside and say: ‘I can’t win again’ ”.

After the one-hour parenthesis of Biden’s probably drug-driven circus performance of rants, raised voicing, and anger in Congress, Biden is again getting more and more disoriented all the time. And remember, that Biden in any crisis situation will have to decide between nuclear war or not.

The US will in November 2024 choose between a possible US “leader” who doesn’t know what he says, where he is, who is who in France, Egypt and elsewhere, and what countries Mexico, Gaza, Ukraine etc. are affected by what conflict. Or another US leader who does know, but whom a lot of “liberals” will hate to see back in office.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


AIR CANADA – Ottawa, Ontario – Mar. 3, 2024 – 55 year old Pilot Anand Acharya died after an almost 2 year battle with brain cancer. He was a PhD and an Air Canada Pilot on Boeing 777.



DELTA – NYC – Feb. 16, 2024 – 58 year old Capt Geoffrey John Brock died unexpectedly on Feb. 16, 2024 during a layover in Honolulu, HI.




DELTA – NYC – Feb. 15, 2024 – 41 year old Michael David O’Leary died suddenly after a 1.5 month battle with cancer. In 2022, Mike began working for Delta Airlines at JFK Airport in New York City, flying domestic and international routes throughout the United States and the world.



Pilot Deaths in 2024

Feb. 12, 2024 – United Airlines Pilot – 39 year old US Air Force Major Matthew Charles Kettler of Mason, Ohio, and current United Airlines pilot, died suddenly on Feb. 12, 2024.

Pilot Deaths On Duty in 2023

Sep. 23, 2023 – Alaska Airlines Pilot Death – 37 year old Captain Eric McRae died suddenly in his hotel room during layover, was to fly that morning

Aug. 17, 2023 – IndiGo Flight (NAG-PNQ) Nagpur to Pune, India, 40 year old Pilot Manoj Subramanium died after collapsing at the boarding gate, about to board.

Aug. 16, 2023 – Qatar Airways Flight QR579 (DEL-DOH) Delhi to Doha, Qatar, 51 year old pilot collapsed as a passenger inflight and died, plane diverted to Dubai.

Aug. 14, 2023 – LATAM Flight LA505 (MIA-SCL) Miami to Santiago, Chile – 2 hours into 8hr flight, 56 year old Captain Ivan Andaur collapsed and died in the lavatory – plane diverted to Panama City!

July 16, 2023 – Small plane – 2006 Piper Meridian, flying from Westchester NY, crashed at Martha’s Vineyard Airport after pilot had medical emergency upon final approach and passenger took control of the plane and attempted a landing. Pilot, 79 year old Randolph Bonnist, died later in hospital.

June 4, 2023 – Small plane – Cessna Citation N611VG flying Tennessee to Long Island, fighter jets spotted pilot slumped over in cockpit unconscious, plane crashed and all onboard died

May 3, 2023 – Air Transat and Air Canada Pilot Eddy Vorperian, age 48, died suddenly during layover in Croatia

March 11, 2023 – British Airways (CAI-LHR) pilot died of heart attack in crew hotel in Cairo before a Cairo to London flight (name & age not released)

Military Pilot Incapacitations and Deaths

July 19, 2023 – 37 year old US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Andrew James Lingenfelter, of Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, died on July 19, 2023 after battle with Pancreatic Turbo Cancer

May 9, 2023 – United Airlines and US Air Force Pilot Lt. Col. Michael Fugett, age 46, died unexpectedly at his home

Pilot Deaths (Not On Duty)

Dec. 24, 2023 – Singapore Airlines – Captain Lee Meng Chye Martin died suddenly

Dec. 5, 2023 – Volaris (El Salvador) Pilot – 30s year old Jose Espinal – El Salvador Pilot for Volaris (El Salvador), Air Jazeera Airways (Kuwait) and former VECA & TACA Airlines, died suddenly on Dec.5, 2023.

Nov. 16, 2023 – Air India Pilot – 37 year old Air India Pilot Captain Himanil Kumar had cardiac arrest at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport during training

Oct. 18, 2023 – Austrian Airlines Pilot – 43 year old Christian Zimmerebner, AUA Austrian Airlines Pilot and member of Dorfgastein mountain rescue, died suddenly on Oct.18, 2023 due to “serious illness”

May 2023 – 4 Singapore Airlines pilots died suddenly in May 2023

May 26, 2023 – Singapore Airlines Pilot – Capt Sebestian Tan Aik Chuang: died May 26, 2023 (cancer)

May 25, 2023 – Singapore Airlines Pilot – Capt Tan Joo Huat Colin: died May 25, 2023 (sudden)

May 24, 2023 – Singapore Airlines Pilot – Capt Fernando Cid: died May 24, 2023 (cancer)

May 11, 2023 – Singapore Airlines Pilot – Capt Wee Loong: died May 11, 2023 (sudden death)

April 13, 2023 – Phil Thomas, graduate of Flight Training Pilot academy in Cadiz, Spain (FTEJerez) died suddenly.

March 17, 2023 – Westjet Pilot – 39 year old Benjamin Paul Vige died suddenly in Calgary


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version).

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


NATO’s never-ending encroachment on Russia’s borders is breaking world records in mere days. Just last week, a new major airbase was opened in Albania, despite the fact that Tirana effectively has no air force. NATO was also given full exterritoriality rights, meaning that Albania officially gave up on its already highly dubious “sovereignty”. Deployment of major ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) and strike platforms in the area can certainly bolster the belligerent alliance’s highly destabilizing presence in both Southeastern and Eastern Europe. And yet, this is not enough. Namely, on March 7, Lithuanian Defense Minister Arvydas Anusauskas confirmed that NATO would also station “Patriot” SAM (surface-to-air missile) systems in his country. While Lithuania doesn’t border mainland Russia, it has an extensive border with Belarus and Moscow’s Kaliningrad oblast (region).

“This year, the rotational air defense system will finally become operational, at least partially,” Anusauskas stated at a press conference in Vilnius, adding: “Our goal is to have a rotation similar to the air policing mission… This principle would not be a one-off thing for several months but would cover all of our calendar months and significantly increase our air defense capabilities.”

While the “Patriot” has been intentionally overhyped by the mainstream propaganda machine, particularly with laughable claims of shooting down “half of the Russian Aerospace Forces in a week”, the move can certainly be considered highly destabilizing.

It’s not yet clear how many of these systems could be deployed, but given the much smaller distances that it needs to cover than in Ukraine, deploying the “Patriot” in any of the Baltic states can certainly be more consequential.

Namely, the detection range of its AN/MPQ-65 radar (officially 150 km) could provide coverage into the airspace of both Belarus and the Kaliningrad oblast. In addition, Finland is acquiring similar, albeit more advanced air defense assets, including the Israeli “David’s Sling”, which has a significantly longer maximum engagement range. Amassing such SAM systems so close to Russia’s northwest is deeply destabilizing and antagonistic.

While other NATO member states in the relative vicinity of Russia’s borders also operate “Patriot” SAM systems, most notably Romania and (soon) Poland, both of these are far enough not to make the air defense system a strategic issue. On the other hand, other much longer-range weapons, such as the “Aegis Ashore” ABM (anti-ballistic missile) systems, are set to become fully operational in Poland in 2024, while another is already active in Romania (since at least 2016). It’s part of the wider ship-borne “Aegis” system that provides a level of strategic depth that neither the “Patriot” nor “David’s Sling” could. And while the system’s capabilities and effectiveness are certainly up for debate (particularly against Russian hypersonic missiles), the massive increase in their presence is of quantitative importance, which could at least partially ameliorate their qualitative shortcomings and other deficiencies.

And yet, this certainly isn’t the end of NATO’s highly destabilizing activities in Europe. Namely, its vassals and satellite states such as Finland are acquiring the F-35s, while also making it possible to accommodate other jets of the same type from the United States and other NATO member states. The forward presence of USAF F-35s in Eastern and Central Europe keeps expanding and getting ever closer to Russia.

Apart from Finland, it now includes Germany, Czechia and Poland, while the Dutch, Belgian and Italian F-35s will also be forward deployed to the area around the Baltic Sea. Worse yet, the jet has been certified to carry thermonuclear weapons, specifically the B61-12 bomb, with several NATO members having the ability to use them through nuclear sharing agreements with the US. This includes the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Italy, all of whom either operate F-35s or have them on order.

Namely, on March 9, the F-35 was confirmed to be certified to carry B61-12 thermonuclear gravity bombs. Although this refers only to the conventional F-35A, with F-35B and F-35C variants still lacking such capabilities, the latter two are deployed in much smaller numbers. The conventional F-35A is the most common version used by the USAF and other NATO air forces. The possibility of their large-scale deployment in Finland and the Baltic states gives the US premier strike capabilities, far greater than Russia ever had in Cuba 60 years ago.

What’s more, both high-ranking officials in Moscow and independent experts regularly warn about the development of new thermonuclear weapons in America, including the so-called “nuclear super-fuse” technology that the US has been testing for decades, particularly under the Obama administration. Investigative historian Eric Zuesse wrote extensively on the topic.

He has repeatedly been warning that the sole purpose of this controversial technology is to exponentially amplify the effectiveness of America’s first-strike capabilities. And while some might discard Zuesse’s warnings and even decry them as “doom and gloom fantasy” or the mythical “Russian disinformation”, recent developments only reinforce his already sound hypothesis. What’s more, NATO is directly involved in these plans. Back in October last year, the belligerent alliance concluded the “Steadfast Noon” nuclear exercise involving approximately 60 aircraft, including nuclear-capable F-16s and B-52 strategic bombers simulating strikes with B61-12 bombs. It should be noted that these bombs will also be augmented by the upcoming B61-13 variant. And although the nature of this upgrade is classified, it’s safe to assume that they will also include the aforementioned “nuclear super-fuse” technology.

The Pentagon already announced that these new thermonuclear bombs will be comparable to the B61-7 version that can have a yield of up to 340 kt (roughly equivalent to 22-23 Hiroshima bombs). Faced with such escalation, Russia doesn’t exactly have a lot of choice but to be prepared. This is precisely why Russia has been conducting nationwide drills simulating an all-out nuclear attack, as well as its own retaliatory strikes on the aggressors. Earlier, the US FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) conducted similar warning exercises.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


US airman Aaron Bushnell said the words “This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal” before self-immolating in protest of the genocide in Gaza. That simple line has been reverberating throughout our collective consciousness ever since.

It seems like every day now we’re learning some horrible new fact about the US-centralized power alliance and the empire managers who carry out its malignant will for our world, because that’s just what our rulers have decided will be the norm for our species going forward.

Reports that Israel tortured UN workers to extract false testimony against Gaza’s primary humanitarian aid agency.

Images surfacing of airstrikes on Gaza occurring at the same time and location as airdrops of aid.

Gazan children beginning to drop dead from hunger in a deliberately-engineered famine that is causing sweeping starvation at breakneck speed.

The IDF kettling the population of Gaza further and further south with a horrifically destructive onslaught and then setting up an attack on the enclave’s densely-packed southernmost point.

Israeli “demonstrators” bringing cotton candy machines and bouncy castles to create a fun, family-friendly atmosphere for their blockades to stop aid trucks from getting into Gaza.

The US president waxing poetically about how “heartbreaking” all the death and destruction in Gaza is when he himself is directly responsible for that death and destruction.

People in the world’s most powerful nation being told they have to choose between two candidates who both support this genocide.

A journalist locked away in a maximum-security prison for factual reporting on the same empire which claims to support free speech and a free press.

The biosphere we depend on for survival being fed into a soulless profit-generating death machine because everything on our planet has been turned into a commodity.

The leaders of nuclear-armed states brandishing armageddon weapons at each other because a few manipulators in Washington DC and Virginia have decided that the US must maintain global hegemony at all cost.

A mind-controlled dystopia in which ordinary people are propagandized into accepting all this as perfectly fine.

This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.

This madness will continue until we come together and resolutely decide the opposite.


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Featured image: Let Them Eat Dirt – by Mr. Fish

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Prominent Canadian physician  Dr. Charles Hoffe has spoken out courageously to warn people of the very serious dangers of the Covid mRNA genetic “vaccines”.  He now faces trial from the Canadian health authorities aiming to silence him and effectively destroy his medical practice.

What is most disturbing about this unprecedented case is that, if the prosecution gets its way, all the evidence produced by the State claiming the Covid vaccines are “safe and effective” will be deemed indisputable, irrefutable — and Dr. Hoffe would not be able to defend himself or call expert witnesses!

In other words, a totalitarian show trial designed to intimidate all doctors and patients who value medical freedom of choice, the right to a fair trial, freedom of speech, and medical ethics.

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia, where Dr. Hoffe practices, had scheduled the disciplinary hearing for March 4th through March 15th.  But at the last minute, the College pulled a fast one.  

“When [the College] saw the mountain of evidence stacked against them, and against the public health narrative, obviously they panicked because I don’t think they realized how vigorous our opposition was going to be,” explains Hoffe in a March 7th interview.[1]

As a countermeasure, the College dumped a massive trove of documents on Dr. Hoffe’s lawyer AND invoked an almost unheard-of legal trick called Judicial Notice, which means the disciplinary Panel would accept all the College’s basic assertions as uncontestably true.  Hoffe’s voluminous evidence — both from his own private practice as a family doctor and from the scientific literature — that the Covid mRNA vaccines cause widespread death, neurological problems, micro-clotting, infertility, immune-system damage, and other severe adverse side effects would be inadmissible.

Given this outrageous legal trick, Dr. Hoffe’s lawyer had no choice but to request an adjournment and hire four more attorneys to sift through the College’s eleventh-hour document-dump.

If the Disciplinary Committee implements Judicial Notice, explains Dr. Hoffe,

“I would have no opportunity to testify in my defense, nor would any of [my eight] expert witnesses….It would render this literally a kangaroo court.  This is an astonishing act of injustice, where you literally accuse somebody of something and then remove their ability to defend themselves.”[2]

The government’s objective, he says, is “to try to make an example of me and make sure all the other doctors toe the line and keep quiet and just obey.” Dr. Hoffe, who is widely regarded as a heroic truth-teller across much of Canada, comes across as a down-to-earth man of great integrity, honesty and humility. An outspoken advocate for patient safety, medical ethics, and the Hippocratic oath (“First, do no harm”), he is accused by the medical authorities of spreading “misinformation,” putting people at risk, and encouraging “vaccine hesitancy.” After 31 years as an emergency room physician with not a single patient complaint against him, he was fired from his ER position for telling a nurse that somebody who had natural immunity didn’t need to get the Covid jab.

Exposing the Medical Cartel’s Coverup

In a speech delivered at the site of the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Vancouver in August 2022, Dr. Hoffe declared:

“What we have seen in the last 18 months since the start of the vaccine rollout is the biggest disaster in medical history.  Never before in medical history has any medical treatment killed and maimed so many people….You only have to look at the in the USA. 30,000 people dead, 55,000 permanently disabled, 50,000 cases of myocarditis, and 1.3 million vaccine injuries…This is an utterly failed experiment, and the College of Physicians and Surgeons here in B.C. is the one organization who could have and should have said no.”[3] is an easy-to-access version of the US Centers for Disease Control’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System.  VAERS vastly underreports the number of vaccine-induced injuries and deaths, capturing an estimated 1% to 10% of adverse events.

In his March 7, 2024 interview about the upcoming trial, Hoffe notes that  OpenVAERS currently reports “almost 70,000 permanently disabled and about 2 million vaccine injuries, and yet Health Canada and the FDA look the other way and continue to tell us it’s safe and effective.” At the time of this writing, OpenVAERS registered 37,231 COVID vaccine reported deaths.

The Covid vaccine manufacturers admit that their poorly tested, highly experimental  injections do not prevent infection with Covid and do not stop transmission of the (alleged) SARS-CoV-2 virus.

And yet the charade goes on….in Canada, the United States, most of Europe, Australia and the no-longer “free world.”

Dr. Hoffe has repeatedly pointed out these facts as well as the fact that the more Covid shots you get, the more likely you are to be diagnosed with Covid.  This is true of individuals and whole nations.  As Hoffe cogently observes, “Every vaccine injury reporting system across the world reports record numbers of deaths and disabilities and vaccine injuries that we’ve never seen the likes of from any medical treatment in history.  And yet they completely turn a blind eye and they just carry on recommending that people get vaccinated.  It’s absolutely absurd.” [4]


Dr. Hoffe determined that up to 62% of his patients who got the Covid mRNA vaccine develop micro-blood-clots too small to detect on MRI or CT scan. He was the first medical expert to state publicly that these blood clots are not rare. 

According to Hoffe, these micro-clots permeate the capillary network in the vaxxed, resulting in blockage of capillaries (pulmonary arterial hypertension); this condition usually kills people within 3 years,  and those who survive may suffer steady deterioration, especially if they take another Covid shot. The only way you can find out if the Covid “vaccine” gave you micro-blood clots is to ask your doctor to give you a D-dimer test, like the one Dr. Hoffe has performed on his patients.[5]

This finding alone should have led to the immediate withdrawal of all the Covid-19 genetic “vaccines.”  They are indeed “clot-shots” as the critics have warned repeatedly.  But the Pharma-controlled mainstream media lies and assures us that both large and tiny blood clots are “extremely rare,” when the opposite is true.

Most of Dr. Hoffe’s patients developed micro-clots within 7 days after the jab, but others may well experience micro-clotting later on as the genetic cocktail (“vaccine”) wreaks its harmful effects on the body.

Another Canadian doctor, Rochagné Kilian, an emergency medicine specialist in Ontario, sounded the alarm on the astronomical rise in D-dimer levels she observed in patients shortly after they received a Covid-19 vaccine.  She links this phenomenon to micro-clotting, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and autoimmune disease in the vaxxed. Dr. Kilian lost her job and had her license to practice medicine suspended for warning the public about the very serious risks of the Covid shots.[6,7]


To voice support for Dr. Charles Hoffe, please write concise, polite, yet strong letters to:
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC
300–669 Howe Street
Vancouver BC V6C 0B4

You could also fax them at 604-733-3503. lets anyone send up to five free faxes per day to anywhere in the U.S. or Canada.  The FaxZero website is easy to use and has no gimmicks or ads.  Again, send polite, concise, powerfully worded faxes.  The College’s website also has a Message facility (

Let’s let the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC know what people think of their outrageous, underhanded ‘lawfare’ tactics and their persecution of an outstanding physician/healer.

The necessity of Dr. Hoffe to hire four additional lawyers will involve significant new legal expenses..

To help Dr. Hoffe with this burden, please go to: or


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1. Dr. Charles Hoffe Trial Update – March 7, 2024 (video).  Interview with Derek Sloan

2. Ibid.

3. Covid mRNA Vaccine. Biggest Disaster in Medical History: Dr. Charles Hoffe.  Hoffe Gives Riveting Speech In Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


5. Canadian Doctor: 62% of Patients Vaccinated for COVID Have Permanent Heart Damage. By Brian Shilhavy

6.  Emergency Medicine Doctor shows Micro Blood Clots in D-dimer Tests Following COVID-19 Shots

7. Government’s Own Data Proves COVID-19 Shots Are Causing Blood Clots, Heart Disease, and DEATH. Brian Shilhavy

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Desperation Looms Over NATO’s War in Ukraine

March 11th, 2024 by Joachim Hagopian

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


On the 2-year anniversary of Russia launching its Special Military Operation in Ukraine to de-Nazify and demilitarize Ukraine, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg boldly stated:

Ukraine is now nearer to NATO than ever before. We are assisting in improving your armed forces’ compatibility with our allies. We are opening a new Joint Center for Analysis, Training and Education in Poland together. We’re also strengthening our political relationship through the NATO-Ukraine Council, where we consult and make decisions together. Ukraine’s enlistment in NATO isn’t a question of if, but rather when.

Just two days later on Monday February 26th, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz arguing why he is opposed to sending his longer range Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine (with 500 km/310 mile range that can reach Moscow), he inadvertently outed Britain and France already having troops on the ground in Ukraine as of last year for target control launches of UK’s Storm Shadow and France’s Scalp cruise missiles inside Ukraine. Politician Scholz is very aware of the latest German poll shows that 61% of his nation’s population oppose sending Taurus missiles to Ukraine and 80% are against sending NATO troops.

Probably no accident that on that same day on February 26th, French President Emmanuel Macron dropped the bombshell suggesting NATO troops may need to be sent to Ukraine. Putin responded on Thursday February 29th saying that NATO entering Ukraine would risk igniting nuclear World War III.

On Friday March 1st US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned that if Ukraine falls, NATO will need to fight Russia. On the very same day RT reports that Russian spies release a transcript of a previously recorded 38-minute audio clip of top German generals discussing using Taurus missiles inside Ukraine to blow up Kerch Bridge that serves as a critical supply line from mainland Russia to Crimean Peninsula. The German generals discussed using British soldiers already in Ukraine to facilitate Taurus missiles launched.

On Wednesday March 6th Macron then goads other NATO members to not be “cowards,” actively recruiting NATO countries like Poland and the Baltic States to join France and Britain sending troops to Ukraine to fight Russians, especially if Moscow breaks through Ukraine’s eastern front, which is more than imminent. On Friday March 8th Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski emphasized the need to respond to Russia with “asymmetrical warfare,” adding:

The presence of NATO forces in Ukraine is not unthinkable.

On Thursday March 7th, UK Foreign Minister David Cameron met in Germany with his counterpart Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, urging Berlin to send Taurus missiles to show strength as the “only pathway to peace.”

Just three days earlier, Baerbock defying her boss called on her German government to “intensively consider” sending Taurus missiles, and in fact “all materials” to help Kiev.

Another prominent German politician, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, who heads Berlin’s parliamentary defense committee, is leading the coalition government’s opposition against Scholtz’s refusal, claiming it “only pleases Putin” as she plans to bring the issue to another parliamentary vote this week. UK’s ex-Defense Minister Ben Wallace, who sent the Storm Shadows missiles last year to Kiev, blasted Scholz stating:

As far as the security of Europe goes, he is the wrong man, in the wrong job at the wrong time.

The warring political majority are all counting on the weakling Scholz to once again cave in, like after he initially refused to give Ukraine Leopard tanks, and then reneged only to have most destroyed by Russia.

In recent days based on statements made by a growing number of warmongering European leaders, no doubt following their masters’ City of London orders, the threat of world war breaking out in Europe appears to be increasing on a near daily basis.

A pattern has emerged where the two current warfronts in Europe and the Middle East appear to be taking turns ramping up wider war hostilities, with as soon one flaring up, the other one lulls, and then vice versa.

This pattern may well be strategically timed because virtually 100% of today’s global population is totally against world war, and thus, the criminal Deep State cabal may actually be alternating tensions from week to week between these two warfronts.

All the while, each region is creepily moving toward worst-case scenario World War III.

If rising conflict came all at once, it would incur extreme oppositional pushback from the global masses, especially in the West because it’s been deliberately set up by the elites to lose on every front. Western political puppets are merely the globalists’ useful idiots counting on full protection from their masters for suicidally committing treason against their own blood sacrificed citizens.

Meanwhile, the most powerful NATO member, the US, has a stalled Congress in a quagmire after the House last month refused to pass the Senate’s $60 billion Ukraine package bill, due to not including support to bolster US border security. America’s impasse over delivering more aid to Kiev is forcing NATO in Europe to step up both its assistance and hawkish rhetoric.

On Thursday March 8th, Czech President Petr Pavel declared that 18 NATO countries are sending 800,000 artillery shells to Ukraine, keeping the war going at all cost, since Kiev’s acute ammunition shortage has reached critical emergency. Additionally, Pavel presented a proposal on Saturday March 9th for Western allies to send non-combat units directly to Ukraine for training purposes. This provocative intervention follows the more aggressive path led by UK and France, already deploying boots on the ground in Ukraine, assisting Kiev fire long-range cruise missiles not only at targets in annexed Russian regions, but directly at targets inside Russia as well. In tandem, a growing number of European puppet leaders are incrementally carrying out pressured demands of the central banking moneychangers that control both globalist entities in Brussels, the EU as well as NATO.

In response to NATO’s apparent rush to fast-track Ukraine into NATO as the next 33rd nation to join, on Saturday March 9th, Republican Utah Senator Mike Lee countered with:

If Ukraine is in NATO, the United States should be out, plain and simple. We must draw a redline with NATO: You can have Ukraine or the United States.

All of this bickering back and forth between pro-war NATO members pushing more aggressively than ever to escalate the hot war with Russia, while minority factions within US/NATO oppose the prospect of all-out war, resisting sending more Kiev arms.

As the impending Ukraine defeat becomes more glaringly obvious, war fatigue has been growing amongst both the West’s citizens and a few of their politicians. High profile dissenters against Brussel’s Ukraine war policy as a thorn in the side of the globalists are Slovakia’s Prime Minster Robert Fico and Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Plus, after over two years and a Ukraine victory now impossible, cracks in the NATO armor are fast spreading. Some leaders are worrying more these days over their own fragile economies, growing internal conflicts or their own political future during a year when a record 65 nations are holding national elections.

As a result, today’s NATO is anything but united, contrary to false claims by Stoltenberg and his fellow globalist pro-war cronies. The one government player most responsible for today’s gloomy outcome in Ukraine is Putin hater Victoria Nuland, who last week submitted her resignation to bow out, perhaps being picked over for her disastrous, failed policy.

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky placed all his eggs in two heavily fortified entrenchments in the Donbass cities of Bakhmut and Avdiivka, where the longest, most intense and costly fighting of this two plus year war was lost.

Ukraine’s tyrannical puppet’s all or nothing strategy failing to listen to his fired top commander General Zaluzhny, now conveniently removed to London as Kiev’s UK ambassador, will prove his downfall.

Though Zelensky lost opportunity to build up his defensive lines outside of Avdiivka, now his remaining forces are heavily outmanned, outgunned and lacking critical supplies as the larger Russian army is now rapidly advancing, perhaps all the way to Kiev. The bluster of launching another Ukraine counteroffensive is merely false bravado propaganda geared to entice more Western ammo and weapons.

But all the latest talk of NATO boots on the ground has to be music to Zelensky’s ears, and with NATO’s largest joint military exercises ongoing not far away until June 1st, his prayer may yet be answered. Again, the central bank money launderers have also placed all their eggs in their Ukrainian devil’s playground war basket, and as the West’s puppet masters’ demands never go unheeded, rising desperation calls for desperate measures that dictate all this latest war posturing.


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Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate, former Army officer and author of “Don’t Let the Bastards Getcha Down,” exposing a faulty US military leadership system based on ticket punching up the seniority ladder, invariably weeding out the best and brightest, leaving mediocrity and order followers rising to the top as politician-bureaucrat generals designated to lose every modern US war by elite design. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. In Los Angeles he found himself battling the largest county child protective services in the nation within America’s thoroughly broken and corrupt child welfare system.

The experience in both the military and child welfare system prepared him well as a researcher and independent journalist, exposing the evils of Big Pharma and how the Rockefeller controlled medical and psychiatric system inflict more harm than good, case in point, the pandemic hoax and kill shot genocide. As an independent journalist for the last decade, Joachim has written hundreds of articles for many news sites, including Global Research, and currently and As a published author of a 5-book volume series entitled Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy & the Deep State, Joachim’s books and chapters are Amazon bestsellers in child advocacy and human rights categories. His A-Z sourcebook series fully document and expose the global pedophilia scourge and remain available free at contents/. Joachim also hosts the weekly Revolution Radio broadcast “Cabal Empire Exposed” on Friday morning at 7AM EST (ID: revradio, password: rocks!).

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Russia and Nigeria: Turning a New Page in Their Relationship?

March 11th, 2024 by Kester Kenn Klomegah

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


On March 6, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Yusuf Maitama Tuggar, who was in Moscow on an official two-day working visit. The visit, at the invitation of the Russian Foreign Ministry, which has a lot of distinctive implications and strategic interpretations, was a conscious follow up to review and discuss Russian-Nigerian partnership issues that were raised long ago and during the second Russia-Africa summit held last July 2023.

Vice President Kashim Shettima headed the Nigerian delegation to attend that second Russia-Africa summit in St Petersburg. Foreign Minister Yusuf Maitama Tuggar was among the group. Often reiterated that Nigeria is one of Africa’s biggest countries and Russia’s priority partner in the West African region.

In the opening remarks and with historical precision, Lavrov mentioned the frequency Nigeria delegations visiting Moscow and added:

“This meeting reflects the long-term friendship between our nations and good prospects for the development of our relations at this stage. We consider Nigeria a priority partner on the African continent.”

In practical terms, Russia has maintained ‘cordial relationship’ with Nigeria these several years after the collapse of the Soviet era. The greatest achievement, of course, is sustaining the political consultations and frequent dialoguing several economic issues which have not been effectively implemented in the country.

At the media conference after their ‘behind-the-scene’ discussions on March 6, Sergey Lavrov and Yusuf Maitama Tuggar [re]affirmed their commitment to the Russian-Nigerian cooperation in political, trade, economic, humanitarian and other areas. It also included the prospects for expanding business contacts and implementing joint projects in energy, mining and mineral processing, construction and modernising infrastructure and agriculture.

“With this aim in view we have agreed to stimulate the activities of the Intergovernmental Commission for Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technological Cooperation and to make use of the capabilities of the Russia-Nigeria Business Council. We need to improve out legal framework for implementing projects of mutual interest. We have an interest in implementing the agreement on military-technical cooperation, which has recently been extended. Our Nigerian friends are interested in this too,” Lavrov emphasized.

Both Ministers Sergey Lavrov and Yusuf Maitama Tuggar, during the joint media conference, inevitably never pointed to a single project implemented, undertaken and successfully completed during these several years. The ministry’s website says Lavrov has held his position as foreign minister for two decades, since 2004, and has been dealing with Nigeria and African countries.

More than 15 years ago, Foreign Minister Lavrov held a review meeting with his Nigerian counterpart Minister Chief Ojo Mbila Maduekwe who paid a three-day working visit to Moscow. After that closed-door bilateral talks held in March 2009, both ministers, as always, held a brief media conference and emphatically noted that Moscow was prepared to offer trade preferences to the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

They also agreed on a broad range of bilateral economic issues, many of which have still not been implemented. Until today, Russia has never honoured its promise of extending trade preferences, in practical terms, to Nigeria. Extending trade preferences was interpreted as an integral part of strengthening bilateral economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.

For trade relations between Russia and Nigeria and other African states to improve appreciably, Professor Dmitri Bondarenko, deputy director of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute for African Studies, suggested “Russia gives some trade preferences to African countries – for example, tax exceptions or reduction among other measures. This can become an effective political step to strengthen economic cooperation with African countries.”

Today, Nigeria is Russia’s second largest trade partner, only in theory, among sub-Saharan African countries. Russian business circles show an ever greater interest, with sweet rhetorics, in entering the promising market of that large country. The volume of trade should be in the billions of dollars, even without military hardware. One of the major hindrances to free trade and a significant increase in trade transactions between Nigeria and Russia is the lack of direct air flights. This makes it more inconvenient and expensive for potential investors to travel easily to both countries. Besides, there are no adequate economic and social information available to potential Russian and Nigerian investors.

Russian and Nigerian ambassadors have come forth and back over the years. In May 2022, the Nigerian Ambassador to the Russian Federation, Professor Abdullahi Shehu, gave an inspiring lecture at the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Most of the points he raised in that lecture included decades of Moscow’s economic failures in Nigeria and in many African countries despite the boast of several years of cordial relationship with Africa.

Professor Shehu’s lecture script points to the fact that President Vladimir Putin considers Africa a so-called second frontier, after Eastern Europe for encircling Western Europe…these reasons may sound strategic yet they remain largely speculative and conjectural. Understandably, the perceived geopolitical irrelevance of Africa by Russia has changed only a little and new dynamics have beckoned on both sides of subsisting opportunities for increased collaboration between Africa and Russia.

Despite the tidal surge in the new Africa-Russia relations and given the strategic role played by the defunct Soviet Union, now succeeded by Russia, in the attainment of the independence of many African countries, both parties must accept the constraints posed on the former [Russia] by the new economic cum geopolitical realities. The acceptance of these new realities is important in order to properly assist in the management of Africa’s expectations from Russia particularly in the short term.

Today, for instance, Nigeria offers Russia the advantage of cheap and robust labour. Given Russia’s recent experience of sanctions by America and its western allies, a new model of doing business with Africa through investment has become, not only sustainable but also imperative. Perhaps, one of the sectors where this model of doing business can be symbiotically harnessed is in the field of agriculture and its value chain as a result of the steep rise in the large African market and the projected certainty of huge returns on investment in this sector, according to Ambassador Shehu.

Part of the major essence of this lecture was to look at the past with a view to charting a course for the future, inhaling the fresh aroma of the beauty of the ‘rose’ in Africa-Russia relationship, weeding out the thorns of inconvenience on which Africa and Russia have marched and straighten any crooked path along which both have passed so as to arrive faster to the desired destination. While Africa cherishes the important MOUs and agreements Russia has with Africa, there is need to translate such agreements and MOUs into concrete realities. Additionally, balancing of Russia’s commercial interests of arms sales to Africa will ensure that the latter enjoys relative stability and peace so vital for its own development.

Without doubts, Russia has had a long chequered history of post-Soviet diplomacy. Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo visited Russia in 2001. That year, Russia and Nigeria signed the fundamental document for interstate cooperation, the Declaration on Principles of Friendly Relations and Partnership. According to President Vladimir Putin, the Russian Federation, like the former Soviet Union, has always attached great significance to promoting its relations with the African continent. Nigeria occupies a special place among African countries. It is one of the largest and most powerful countries in Africa. Its head of state is a recognised leader not only on the continent, but in the whole world.

Discussions ended with the administrative long list of projects, and on top was joint activities in the sphere of high technology and the launching of several satellites to be used by Nigeria for environmental monitoring and remote sensing of the Earth are being contemplated. That was on March 6, 2001.

Since then, there had been a number of deals and business proposals that have never seen the bright sunlight. As far back in June 2009, Dmitry Medvedev as president visited Nigeria for the first time, held topmost state level talks on possible nuclear energy, oil exploration and military cooperation. There were talks also focusing on the establishment of petrochemical plant in Nigeria. Alongside there was also a declaration on principles of friendly relations and partnership between Nigeria and the Russian Federation.

Russian investors had wanted to revamp the Ajeokuta Iron and Steel Complex that was abandoned after the collapse of the Soviet Union more than three decades ago, and further take up energy, oil and gas projects in Nigeria, as well as facilitate trade between Nigeria and Russia. In addition, Russia has been prospecting for its nuclear-power ambitions down the years. The promise was to build two nuclear plants estimated cost at US$20 billion – the bulk of it by Russia, is to boost Nigeria’s electricity supply.

Russia’s second-largest oil company, and privately controlled Lukoil, has gone back and forth these several years with plans to expand its operations in Nigeria, and in a number of West African countries. There has been a long-dead silence after Gazprom, the Russian energy giant, signed an agreement with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation [NNPC] on the exploration and exploitation of gas reserves with a new joint venture company known as NiGaz Energy Company.

Some experts argue that there are many other aspects of the bilateral relations. With high interest, Russian officials are pushing for military-technical cooperation. The supply of Russian military equipment could play a high value addition to the fight against notorious Boko Haram. In most of the economic deals, the Nigerian political elites are under strong influence of Paris, London and Washington.

South African Institute of International Affairs [SAIIA], a Johannesburg based foreign policy think tank, put out a report titled “Russia’s Military Diplomacy in Africa: High Risk, Low Reward and Limited Impact” in part says that “Russia’s growing assertiveness in Africa is a driver of instability, its approach to governance encourages pernicious practices, such as kleptocracy and autocracy in Africa.” Worse is that Russia’s strengths expressed through military partnerships fall short of what is needed to address the complexities and scale of the problems facing those African countries. Russia encourages the military regimes [Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger] to hold onto political power, instead of returning to constitutional democracy.

Nigeria is an economic powerhouse in West African region. As well known, Nigeria is one of the Africa’s fastest growing economies and it boosts the largest population. Russia and Nigeria have some sort of economic relations, but these are not consistent with the long-standing cordial relations between both countries.

In addition, Nigeria is a vast market with huge potentials for prospective foreign investors and so is Russia. Regrettably, investors from both sides appear to know little about these opportunities. This is, usually attributed to the apparent inadequate knowledge of the many investment opportunities in both countries. Despite criticisms, reports show that majority prefer traditional markets – the United States and Europe, and now Asian region. The African political elite and business people choose the United States and Europe for their holidays and as tourism destinations.

Least we forget that Vladimir Putin held discussions with President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari, who went to Sochi to take part in the first Russia-Africa summit in October 2019. Putin reminded during talks that priority to joint search for opportunities to broaden trade, economic and investment cooperation were assigned to the Intergovernmental Commission for Economic Cooperation and the Russia – Nigeria and Nigeria – Russia Business councils set up in 2006–2007.

In response, Muhammadu Buhari said in part:

“Mr President, there are many similarities between Russia under your leadership and Nigeria’s aspirations for the future. We can learn a lot from the experience of Russia’s ongoing reforms, of transitioning from oil-dependent economy to a modern, diversified and inclusive economy. Russia has through these reforms successfully privatised a number of state-owned entities, which have now become global household names. This is especially so in the energy, manufacturing, defence and the metallurgical sectors.”

So it continues, without the least interruption, that Russia and Nigeria share experiences, exchange views on national and international platforms, maintain political dialogues, discuss economic cooperation and humanitarian issues. Russia and Nigeria shares similar position at the United Nations. Russia and Nigeria continue to keep cordial and mutually beneficial relationship in these past years since 1991 after Soviet’s collapse.

The term – bilateral relations – seen as a two-way street, Nigeria’s presence in the Russian Federation is only the diplomatic representative office. Public outreach diplomacy is generally ineffective, both ways between Russia and Africa. Compared, for example, to American Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and a number of trade preferences granted by Europe, Russians hardly encourage African presence in the Russian Federation. On the other hand, Russia hardly in speeches make reference to the African continental single market (AfCFTA). With an estimated 1.4 billion people, the market is potentially the largest, Africa – is the continent of the future.

As a matter of fact, in order to be part of this geopolitical arena, Russia has to take practical steps to move beyond AK-47 in raising its economic influence in Africa. It has to crack the local socio-cultural barriers and, in particular, the deep-seated bureaucracy too. In a continent beleaguered by the ravages of ethnic and political conflicts, Russian officials have to thoroughly study the local conditions before imposing the strategic economic initiatives and engaging local African partners and stakeholders.

In summary, the Russian strategic policy interest generally in Africa and specifically in Nigeria, given the strong limitation of its current capability and it’s re-emergence in Africa, is an earnest attempt to regain part of Soviet-era influence. But this current relations, within the context of geopolitical changes, must necessarily be conducted with consistency and in a concrete manner, but not with mere rhetorics. It is about time to act, aim at noticeable results. According to various narratives inside the continent, Russia appears only as an advocate of emerging multipolar order and as a reliable virtual investor in Africa.


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Kester Kenn Klomegah, who worked previously with Inter Press Service (IPS), Weekly Blitz and InDepthNews, is now a regular contributor to Global Research. He researches Eurasia, Russia, Africa and BRICS. His focused interest areas include geopolitical changes, foreign relations and economic development questions relating to Africa. As a versatile researcher, he believes that everyone deserves equal access to quality and trustworthy media reports.

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Do You Say You Want a Revolution? Philip Giraldi

March 11th, 2024 by Philip Giraldi

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


I recently returned from a twelve-day cruise to celebrate my wife’s seventieth birthday. I usually spend much of my cruise time in the ship’s bar instructing the bartender how to make a proper James Bond gin martini “shaken not stirred,” a successful endeavor which has transformed the alcohol culture on a number of vessels.

Less fruitful, however, have been my efforts to teach the waitstaff to sing “The Whiffenpoof Song.” But be that as it may, this particular cruise came at a time when Super Tuesday primaries were taking place in the US as well as the State of the Union Address.

In Europe the war in Ukraine appeared to be entering a new phase with France threatening to send its poilus to fight Russians and Germans contemplating the use of long-range missiles against Moscow.

Meanwhile in the Middle East the Gazans continue to be slaughtered by the Izzies, who are America’s perpetual best friend.

Joe Biden, who is arming Benjamin Netanyahu, is perversely planning to build an artificial “humanitarian” food and supplies delivering “floating harbor” attached to a pier offshore of Gaza that will be finished and ready for use in two months after the last Palestinian has died from starvation or disease. And, by the way, it will be constructed by US military personnel who will no doubt be targeted and killed by the Israelis using American supplied bombs as a case of “mistaken identity,” just as they murdered those 34 sailors and crew on board the USS Liberty back in 1967.

All of this seemingly uncoordinated activity generates a bit of confusion, while voters far and wide are wondering if their government leaders are all on Chinese produced fentanyl. That said, a cruise ship is a wonderful place to experience unedited what people are thinking. Present are Americans and foreigners from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds who are easy to meet with casually if one takes advantage of the multiple largely unstructured dining, drinking and entertainment experiences available on shipboard as well as the mingling during excursions on land.

A retired Italian engineer from Udine with whom I was drinking an ombra prosecco explained how he was feeling intense disagio, translated as uncertainty or unease, over the state of the world and not just his own country, pointing to the terrible electoral choice coming up in the US in November as well as the tottering regimes and struggling economies in Britain, Germany, France, the Netherlands and throughout Scandinavia.

Meanwhile all the politicians can talk about is more wars and the necessity of supporting clowns like Volodymyr Zelenksy and murderous thugs like the Israelis. There is increasingly no place to escape to.

Among the Americans, whom I assessed as predominantly well-off blue collar retired, many of whom haling from the Midwest or South, I did not spot a single MAGA hat or Biden-Harris t-shirt but did find that most people intended to vote even though they were completely fed up with the entire political process. Neither Trump nor Biden excited them in any way – nor did any of the non-major party hopefuls like RFK Jr. On the contrary, it seemed to most that the political class was out to punish the American people, a view that I heartily agreed with. Several Americans observed that if the current process whereby the US continues to go to war continues, the draft would inevitably be activated to fill the understrength ranks of the military, putting our children and grandchildren at risk. One woman commented that if there were a button that one could push in the voting booth that would get rid of all existing politicians she would push it. It reminded me of the William Buckley comment that “I would rather be governed by the first 2,000 people in the telephone directory than by the Harvard University faculty.” A wit subsequently quipped that the country might as a consequence well be run by several iterations of “Anthony A. Aardvark.”

The cruise also had a downside consisting of a glimpse of where corporate cruise-dom lines up on some international issues, which I only discovered subsequent to boarding. The ship we sailed on, part of the Holland-America fleet, would hold events on board in its shops sponsored by sellers of various goods and services.

Nevertheless, given a genocide that is clearly taking place in a place called Gaza together with a right-wing government in place in Israel that has openly advocates for an Israel “cleansed” of Arabs that will be both de facto and de jure Jews only, I was surprised to see such a tone deaf event sponsored by the ship entitled “The Colors of Israel Exhibition and Sale.”

My wife and I, who strongly support BDS (“boycott, divestment and sanctions”) when it comes to the Jewish state decided that a little intervention was definitely in order so we made up two posters that read “Boycott the Genociders” and we wandered down to the place where the event was to take place and took up position flanking the entrance.

Two Israeli young males were nearby giving us furtive looks as they were starting to unpack whatever it was they were intending to sell. We threatened no one but almost immediately two ship’s crewmen dressed in uniforms I had not seen before on board appeared to tell us that they were security and that any political advertising or harassment of vendors was strictly prohibited. They then took our posters away “for destruction.” I observed to them that I was wearing a USS Liberty remembrance shirt, which most definitely had to be considered a political statement, and I politely asked if I should remove it. The two conferred for a while and agreed that I could keep my shirt on as long as I didn’t use it to threaten or intimidate anyone.

Later that afternoon we heard several times the ship public address system promote the presence of the Israelis and their wares, something that it normally did not do for individual vendors and which I found very strange. And there was more, two days later, when the ship sponsored a walk around the deck to raise money to send to support Ukrainian refugees, which was, of course, itself a political statement over the nature of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Those who contributed $25 and would do the walk would get a free t-shirt indicating in large white on black letters that they had done the charity deed.

When I saw the announcement of the walk on the day before it was to take place, I contacted ship management requesting an interview regarding what was being done, observing that relatively few Ukrainian civilians had been killed and most refugees from that country were displaced voluntarily, with many being helped by foreign refugee assistance agencies and even governments. By way of contrast tens of thousands of Gazans, mostly women and children, have been killed already in what was clearly a genocide and others were unable to escape their death trap ringed in as they are by the Israeli military. I sought inclusion of some mention of the suffering of the Palestinian children in the walk, making it more truly a tribute to innocent victims in both theaters of conflict.

I received no reply from the ship management and the walk proceeded as planned only including Ukraine with several hundred walkers participating. I later learned that Jewish organizations have been particularly active in assisting Ukrainian Jews who are seeking refugee status or other repatriation, and began to wonder what was up. Mentioning my concerns to a friend who was knowledgeable of the cruise ship industry I subsequently was informed that Holland-America operates ships named after Dutch cities and built in Venice that operate under the Netherlands flag for tax avoidance reasons even though its operational hubs are in Los Angeles and Seattle and most of its customers are Americans. It is actually physically owned by the larger Carnival Corporation, founded in 1972, which, between 1989 and 1999, acquired Holland-America, Windstar Cruises, Westours, Seabourn Cruise Line, Costa Cruises and Cunard Line. Carnival is now by far the largest cruise conglomerate in the world. It was founded by Israeli Ted Arison, now deceased, who was replaced by Mickey Arison, his Israeli born son, who now runs the company as its Chairman and CEO. Arison is also the owner of the NBA’s Miami Heat professional basketball team. He lives most of the year in Florida and owns two 200 foot yachts which he also uses as homes!

So, our cruise became something of an interesting experience with a disappointing ending as one must wonder where the money raised for a charity actually wound up! One thing for sure, we will be boycotting Mickey Arison’s Carnival fleet in the future. At a certain point, even as a relatively knowledgeable consumer, one gets tired of being bought and manipulated.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected]. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


The Human Race is awakening to the possibility that it is invoking its own demise. 

The word ‘race’ according to my dictionary means ‘the major divisions of human kind based on particular characteristics.’

But there is another meaning to the word ‘race’ of course, and that is defined as ‘competition to determine the fastest over a set course.’

This latter meaning seems to have replaced the former. Especially where a blinkered, tunnel vision view of the future has become hard wired to an artificial intelligence world in which everything is designed to the bespoke demands of left brain dominated computer nerds.

For these psychotic individuals, there is a race on to develop an artificial human entity essentially indistinguishable from a robot. A Transhuman.

Image: Yuval Noah Harari

Amongst those at the forefront of pursuing this techno-human vision are Professor Yuval Noah Harari, chief advisor to Klaus Schwab and Sam Altman, founder of Open AI/Chat GPT. 

Harari’s vision is largely philosophical, tracing the evolution of the artificial intelligence boom and extrapolating from this an outcome of a cyborgian take-over of just about all work oriented planetary activity. 

He generally sees this in the positive, believing a new species will emerge with the ability to access superhuman volumes of information and in this way acquire ‘knowledge’. 

In a recent interview he stated

“AI will make it possible to enhance and upgrade humans.”

Meaning – as we shall see later – upgrade them into being inhuman/non human.

Image: Sam Altman


Altman comes at it from the post silicon valley (called ‘cerebral valley’) perspective. Wikipedia states, as part of a longer revue 

“Altman co-founded Tools For Humanity in 2019, a company which builds and distributes systems designed to scan people’s eyes to provide authentication and verify proof of personhood to counter fraud. People who agree to have their eyes scanned are compensated with a cryptocurrency called Worldcoin. Tools for Humanity describes its cryptocurrency as similar to universal basic income.”

I’m sure I read that in Huxley’s Brave New World Revisited…

His company is already rushing ahead with the development of various high tech aids to government surveillance programs, age extension projects and instant text to image formulations. 

Altman has come up with the proposition that just one man will shortly be able to manage a business with a turnover of $1 billion – no other staff required.

He is on the same page as Harari in stating “Such companies require an elite new species to run them.” 

Stock market valuations of Open AI/Chat GPT reveal an astronomical growth rate, close to surpassing the net worth of Google and Microsoft combined.

That alone is enough to raise the hairs on the back of one’s neck.

It’s not my purpose to go into Altman’s or Harari’s personal ambitions, I simply want to show where their minds are and explore the psychology behind the surge in fascination with AI as well as look out for signs of a counter reaction to its accelerating dominance.

There’s no doubt that man has always had an instinct for material inventiveness and a fascination in advancing technological developments – coupled with a desire to make things go ever faster.

But this has now taken us to a place where, if what it means to be human is to be respected, one should dare go no further.

Rather, one should be alert to recognising the need to select a reverse gear.

Flirting with designing a new species whose chief characteristics are the antithesis of those deemed to be the most beneficial for our higher evolution, used to be called ‘playing God’.

But this expression no longer seems appropriate, because what is actually happening is that the likes of Harari and Altman are ‘playing Devil’.

They are articulating and promoting the replacement of the spontaneous human qualities of love, compassion, pain and pleasure – with high-tech robotic states of mind that see no place for these deeply human instincts – and then they name this ‘progress’.

These cyborgian characteristics are modelled on the precept that human emotions are somehow primitive, blocking our ability to design an existence of completely controllable, frictionless, linear certainty.

No ups, no downs, no passion, no feelings – except what Huxley describes in ‘Brave New World’ as a state acquired after being prescribed the chemical docility pill ‘Soma’.

Thus the proponents of A New World Order/Great Reset can point to the fact that by manipulating human DNA, installing internal nanotech computer chips and using targetted EMF radiation frequencies to control mankind’s cognitive faculties – one removes the danger of any form of destabilising or rebellious influence ever becoming a threat to the smooth functioning of a sterilised and sanitised status quo (The Matrix).

This makes the idea of a completely predictable chipped and digitalised AI cyborg man the perfect fit for number crunching technocrats administrating the central planning department of the dark cabal’s Great Reset/World Government.

It also explains why Klaus Schwab can, with such certainty, announce that by following the diktats of the Fourth Industrial Revolution “you will own nothing and you will be happy”. Yes, because the ‘Soma affect’ of DNA and brain manipulation mean no individual powers of resistance will remain!

It’s all connected when one joins the dots. And it is when such joining is finally undertaken that the scary factor suddenly cuts in – and providing it is functioning as it should – a biological impulse to reject such a scenario, takes over.

Consider this: The great global warming scam has been maintained at full volume for over two decades in order the make sure people can see no other solution for life on earth – than ‘Net Zero’. Thus daily life must conform to a series of dictatorial impositions designed to ensure a zero carbon future ‘as the only way to save the world’.

Soothing titles like ‘Agenda 2030 Sustainability’ and ‘Green New Deal’ have been invented to give the impression that this is a benign ‘greening’ operation for the assured benefit of present and future generations.

But ‘playing devil’ means reversing realities, a fiendish trick that those in charge of the Great Reset are well schooled in. Like the Nazi ploy of turning an Indian peace symbol, the swastika, into a symbol of repression and war.

‘Reversal’ is the chief destabilising characteristic of demonic entities.

So, can Green New Deal really be a benign ecological initiative to increase the biodiversity of the planet and improve food quality?

Only if you believe the following to be a description of such:  covering the rural landscape with giant wind turbines and acres of photovoltaic panels; the  eradication of farmers and their replacement with robots; farm grown foods replaced with synthetic GMO laboratory lookalikes; cows replaced with machines that produce GMO synthetic milk and petri dish raised medicinal meats.

So you see why the deep state cabal has to keep up a full spectrum dominance barrage of ulterior motive lies about why meeting ‘Net Zero’ is the all important issue of the millenium.

The transition to a Transhuman obviously requires a super-vast false flag indoctrination process to give it any chance of succeeding. One backed by the threat of fines; permanent AI surveillance tied into a digital currency; imprisonment in 5G powered ‘smart cities’ and long range attacks on the ability of the human brain to remain capable of clear thinking.

All this and much more, to squelch the threat of any possible rebellion or dissension from the rules put in place to force mankind to surrender to its carefully planned Net Zero eradication. Again, an agenda that replaces the human with an AI computer programmed replica species having no capability to express resistance. 

All this forms the deep state agenda of The Great Reset. And its reasoning for the necessity of such actions is that there is no other way of terminating the existence of the benign ‘gas of life’ called  CO2. No way, other than turning the human race into a well drilled army of the walking dead.

Should such an insane agenda send a shiver down one’s spine?

Well, if is doesn’t, then one’s assumed status as a human being must surely be in doubt.

If the inclination is simply to dismiss these warnings as some sort of exotic fantasy, consider the following prescient news item:  a company called Aria Advanced Research Invention Agency has recently been established in the UK under the strap line ‘Shaping the Global Future’ and with the stated number one goal of ‘cutting the global warming threat caused by methane emissions from cows’. To be followed by ‘the development of genetically modified programmable plants’. Also as a means of cutting global warming, of course.

Need I provide any more evidence that the fake green fascistic agenda designed to ‘stop climate change’ was chosen to be the straw man essential for gaining public acceptance of the need to alter the DNA of nature, redesign the human species and depopulate the planet?

We were gifted the nerve guided emotional condition of fear as an early warning system for addressing a situation that is potentially perilous.  Stopping in our tracks and taking a second look before proceeding.

Elon Musk and few others of similar standing, did momentarily get this message a few months ago.

Musk, himself a leading exponent of AI – wanted a task force to examine where artificial intelligence is going and whether it is already out of control.

The alarm bells have been ringing for two to three decades, but the rise of the crucial scary feelings are quite recent for most. They represent a last chance saloon – an emotional life line – and must be individually and collectively analysed and acted upon. 

I would prioritise children as being the most urgently in need of protection from AI. The distortion and poisoning of their beautiful innocent minds with digital EMF powered virtual reality war game violence, toxic advertising and twisted sexuality, firmly belongs in the category of crimes against humanity.

And then the thoughtless – one might even say ‘careless’ – adoption of mass produced digitalised weapons of convenience (i.e the mobile phone) by what are supposed to be intelligent human beings capable of discernment and rational thought, requires the establishment of a new category of social and mental sickness.

But more important than this, is the need for those addicts to be sufficiently scared of what they are doing to themselves, others and the natural environment, so as to finally kick their habit.

It is not my wish to devote the majority of my writing in trying to scare people. It’s not as though there isn’t a bucket full of the preplanned distorted version going on under the auspices of the shadow government cabal. 

I much prefer to encourage the extraordinary creative qualities that lie just below the surface of many millions of warm, humanitarian, pro-life men, women and children spread far and wide across this world.

However, I must articulate the nature of the dis-ease picked-up by my personal early warning system. The one that calls out for one to take action for the preservation of life.

It is because I recognise the existence of a collective unconscious vibrational energy which connects us all, that I believe readers will share my trepidations, foresights and deepest beliefs. After all, they are common to us all. 

It is for this reason that we can and will overcome even the worst threats to our common futures. Rediscovering and rejuvenating our humanity, our love of life and our love for each other. And in so doing, pull the plug on the builders of monstrous, soulless, virtual realities devoid of all qualities that make life so profoundly meaningful – so incalculably precious.


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Julian Rose is an organic farmer, writer, broadcaster and international activist. He is author of four books of which the latest ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind’ is a clarion call to resist the despotic New World Order takeover of our lives. Do visit his website for further information  

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


The French government intends to build an alliance with the Baltic countries that agree with the proposal to send troops to fight against Russia, according to Politico. However, the fact France is working with the minnow states of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia to send troops to Ukraine is a demonstration of the failure to materialise support in major EU countries, such as Germany and Italy.

According to an article in the American magazine The Atlantic published on March 9, the French Foreign Minister, Stéphane Séjourné, made the proposal during his meeting in Lithuania on March 8 with his Baltic and Ukrainian counterparts.

“It is not for Russia to tell us how we should help Ukraine in the coming months or years. It is not for Russia to organise how we deploy our actions or to set red lines. So we decide it among us,” the French minister declared, as reported by Politico.

French President Emmanuel Macron surprised many in Europe by recently saying that he does not rule out sending ground troops to Ukraine. Despite opposition to Macron’s statement from most EU countries, the report states that Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are much more open to the idea.

On February 27, Macron reported that the leaders of Western countries discussed the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine during a conference held in Paris but did not reach a consensus. Two days later, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned in his annual speech before the Federal Assembly about the consequences if Macron’s idea were implemented.

Even before Putin’s warning, though, Moscow has repeatedly warned that NATO is “playing with fire” by supplying weapons to Ukraine and that foreign weapons shipments would be a “legitimate target” for Russia once they cross the border. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has stressed that Moscow sees direct clashes between Russia and NATO as inevitable if the West decides to send its troops to Ukraine.

Many major EU countries, including powerhouse Germany, have humiliated Macron by distancing themselves from his idea. With France only working with the Baltic countries and Poland seemingly changing its mind on Macron’s idea, this is an omission of failure since they are minnows of the European Union and NATO.

In another blow to Macron’s reckless idea, Italian Defence Minister Guido Crosetto told La Stampa newspaper in an interview published on March 10 that Paris and Warsaw do not have the right to speak on behalf of all NATO members when it comes to troop deployment to Ukraine and warned that sending alliance soldiers to Ukraine would block any diplomatic efforts to end the conflict between Kiev and Moscow. 

The Italian official stressed when commenting on recent statements by Macron and Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski, each of whom considered the possibility of sending troops to help Kiev, that such a move would only lead to escalation and undermine any potential diplomatic efforts to end hostilities.

On March 8, the top Polish diplomat stated that Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine requires an “asymmetric escalation” by the West and that “the presence of NATO forces in Ukraine is not unthinkable.”

“France and Poland can speak for themselves, [but] not on behalf of NATO,” Crosetto said of the developments. He also stated that making such arguments now “makes no sense” since any potential deployment of NATO troops to Ukraine “means taking a step towards a unilateral escalation that would block the path to diplomacy.”

According to Crosetto, Kiev’s Western backers should focus on diplomacy since they are struggling to keep up with Russia’s military production capacity. The defence minister said Moscow is “more equipped and agile than NATO” when it comes to military production, adding that “the West has discovered that it has a much lower production capacity than Russia.”

The Italian minister particularly noted that although NATO has managed to increase its ammunition production capacity somewhat in a year since promising to supply Kiev with one million artillery rounds, “it still remains inferior to the Russian one.” Under such circumstances, the West “should give all possible support to Kiev” but should also “think about helping” Ukraine in “another way,” Crosetto said, stressing that Western nations should “activate diplomatic channels.”

At the same time, Pope Francis called on Kiev to “have the courage” to begin talks with Moscow as, in his view, “the strongest one is the one who looks at the situation, thinks about the people, has the courage of the white flag, and negotiates.” The pontiff also said that there was no shortage of nations and international actors, including himself, willing to act as mediators in this regard.

Although the Pope’s intentions are positive, it is recalled that Kiev withdrew from the Istanbul talks with Russia in the spring of 2022 and has since put forward a “peace plan” that unrealistically calls for the withdrawal of Russian troops from all former Ukrainian territories and for Russian leaders to be prosecuted as war criminals. The whole world can see that Ukraine has lost the war, which is why not only is the Pope calling for peace but why Macron is desperate to send NATO troops to save the Kiev regime but is frustrated as he is only receiving the backing of the most Russophobic but minnow states of the Baltics.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosetto in Paris, France, June 19, 2023. /CFP

COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake by UK Healthcare Workers

March 11th, 2024 by Dr. William Makis

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March







By Occupation




Source: Rustler on X posted these graphics and the source of data.

They have since locked their account for reasons unknown.  UK GOVT DATA SOURCE

My Take

In the UK, 30.6% of healthcare workers have taken 5 COVID-19 vaccines (or more).

Doctors are the most compliant, support staff the least compliant.

39.5% of doctors have taken 5 COVID-19 vaccines (or more) versus only 26.6% of support staff.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


If you read the establishment media, you might conclude that a serious battle is being waged by Israel and its most ardent supporters to tackle an apparent new wave of antisemitism in the West.

In article after article, we are told how Israel and western Jewish leadership bodies are demanding our concern, and outrage, at a rise in anti-Jewish hate incidents. Organisations such as the Community Security Trust in the UK and the Anti-Defamation League in the US produce lengthy reports on the relentless increase in antisemitism, especially since 7 October, and warn that action is urgently required.

Undoubtedly, there is a real threat of antisemitism, and as ever it comes largely from the far right. Israel’s actions – and its false claim to be representing all Jews – only help to stoke it.

This moral panic is transparently self-serving. It directs our attention away from the pressing, all-too-concrete evidence that Israel is committing a genocide in Gaza – one that has slaughtered and maimed many tens of thousands of innocents.

It redirects our attention instead towards tenuous claims of a deepening antisemitism crisis, one whose tangible effects appear limited and for which the evidence is all too clearly exaggerated.

After all, a rise in “Jew hatred” is all but inevitable if you redefine antisemitism, as western officials have recently done via the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s new definition, to include antipathy towards Israel – and at the moment when Israel appears, even to the World Court, to be carrying out a genocide.

The logic of Israel and its supporters runs something like this: many more people than usual are expressing hatred of Israel, the self-declared state of the Jewish people. There is no reason to hate Israel unless you hate what it represents, which is Jews. Therefore, antisemitism is on the rise.

This argument makes sense to most Israelis, to its partisans, and to the overwhelming majority of western politicians and career-minded establishment journalists. That is: the very same people who interpret calls for equality in historic Palestine – “from the river to the sea” – as demands for a genocide against Jews.

The singer Charlotte Church, for example, found herself accused of antisemitism by the entire establishment media after a “pro-Palestinian chant” to raise money for Gaza’s children being starved by an Israeli aid blockade. The offending song had included the lyric “From the river to the sea”, calling for the liberation of Palestinians from decades of Israeli oppression.

At the weekend, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt once again suggested marches calling for a ceasefire were antisemitic because they supposedly “intimidated” Jews. In fact, Jews are prominent at those marches. He was referring to Zionists who excuse the slaughter in Gaza.

Similarly, in the wake of George Galloway’s overwhelming by-election win “for Gaza” in Rochdale last week, a BBC reporter berated former Labour MP Chris Williamson for using the word “genocide” to describe Israel’s actions.

The reporter was worried that the term “might offend some people”, despite the World Court finding the accusation of genocide plausible.

A Ghoulish Phenomenon

But the ambition of these Israel zealots runs much deeper than mere deflection. Israel’s leaders and most of its citizens are not ashamed of their genocide, it seems, and neither are their overseas backers.

If my social media feeds are any guide, the slaughter in Gaza is not discomfiting these apologists, or even giving them pause for thought. They appear to revel in their support for Israel as the world looks on in horror.

Every Palestinian child’s bloodied body, and the outrage it provokes from onlookers, fuels their self-righteousness. They entrench, they do not retreat.

They appear to be finding a strange reassurance – comfort even – in the wider public’s anger and indignation at the extinguishing of so many young lives.

It mirrors very precisely Israeli officials’ own reaction to the International Court of Justice’s verdict that there is a plausible case Israel is committing genocide in Gaza.

Many observers assumed that Israel would seek to placate the judges and world opinion by toning down its atrocities. They could not have been more wrong. In defying the court, Israel became even more brazen, as attested to by its horrifying assault on the Nasser hospital last month and its lethal attack on Palestinians scrambling to reach an aid convoy last week.

Israel’s war crimesbroadcast on every social media platform, including by its own soldiers – are even more in our faces than before the World Court ruling.

This phenomenon needs explaining. It looks ghoulish. But it has an internal logic that shines a light on why Israel has become an emotional crutch for many Jewish people, both inside the country and abroad, as well as for others.

It is not just that Jews and non-Jews who strongly subscribe to the ideology of Zionism identify with Israel. It runs deeper still. They are utterly dependent on a worldview – long cultivated in them by Israel and by their own community leaders, as well as by oil-grabbing western establishments – that places Israel at the centre of the moral universe.

They have been drawn into what looks more like a cult – and a very dangerous one at that, as the horrors of Gaza are revealing.

Albatross, not sanctuary

The claim they have internalised – that Israel is a necessary sanctuary in a future time of trouble from the supposedly innate, genocidal impulses of non-Jews – should have come crashing down on their heads over the past five months.

If the price of reassurance – of having a “just-in-case” bolthole – is the slaughter and maiming of many tens of thousands of Palestinian children, and the slow starvation of hundreds of thousands more, then that bolthole is not worth preserving.

It is not a sanctuary; it is an albatross. It is a stain. It must go, to be replaced by something better for Jews and Palestinians in the region – “from the river to the sea”.

So why have these Israel partisans not been able to reach a conclusion so morally self-evident to everyone else – or at least those not suborned to the interests of western establishments?

Because like all cults, hardcore Zionists are immune to self-reflection. Not only that, but their reasoning is inherently circular.

Israel, Zionism’s creation, is not in the least concerned with providing a solution to antisemitism, as it professes. Quite the reverse. It feeds on antisemitism and needs it.

Antisemitism is its lifeblood, the very reason for Israel’s existence. Without antisemitism, Israel would be redundant, there would be no need for it as a sanctuary.

The cult would be over, and so would the endless military aid, the special trading status with the West, the jobs, the land grabs, the privileges and the sense of importance and ultimate victimhood that allows for the dehumanisation of others, not least the Palestinians.

Like all true believers, Israel’s partisans overseas – who proudly call themselves “Zionists” but are now pressuring social media platforms to ban the term as antisemitic, as the movement’s goals become more transparent – have too much to lose from self- and communal doubt.

The fight against antisemitism means nothing else can take priority – not even genocide. Which, in turn, means no greater evil can be acknowledged, not even the mass murder of children. No bigger threat, however pressing, however urgent, can be allowed to come to the fore.

And to keep the doubt at bay, more antisemitism – more supposed existential threats – must be generated.

Racism in New Garb

In recent years, the biggest difficulty facing Zionism has been that the true racists – on the right, often in power in western capitals – have also served as Israel’s strongest allies. They have dressed up their traditional racist ideologies – that once fed antisemitism, and could again – in new garb: as Islamophobia.

In Europe and the United States, Muslims are the new Jews.

Which is ideal for Israel and its partisans. A supposed “global, civilisational war” – ideological cover to justify continuing western domination of the oil-rich Middle East – always places Israel, the regional attack dog, on the side of the angels, firmly alongside the white nationalists.

Because Israel and its apologists cannot expose the true racists and antisemites in power, they must create new ones. And that has required changing antisemitism’s definition beyond recognition, to refer to those who oppose the colonial domination project into which Israel is profoundly integrated.

In this upside-down worldview, one that prevails not only among Israel partisans but in western capitals, we have arrived at a nonsense: to reject Israel’s oppression of Palestinians – and now even its genocide of them – is supposedly to reveal oneself as antisemitic.

Palestinians Dehumanised

This was precisely the position in which Francesca Albanese, the United Nations special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, found herself last month after she criticised French President Emmanuel Macron.

Israel has, as a consequence, declared it is banning her from entry to the occupied territories to record its human rights abuses.

But notably, as Albanese pointed out, nothing has changed in practice. Israel has excluded all UN rapporteurs from the occupied territories for the past 16 years, during its siege of Gaza, so they cannot witness the crimes that foregrounded the attack on 7 October.

Last month, Macron made a patently preposterous statement, though one promoted by Israel and treated seriously by the western media. He described Hamas’ attack on Israel as the “biggest antisemitic massacre of our century” – that is, he claimed it was driven by hatred of Jews.

One can criticise Hamas for how it carried out its attack, as Albanese has done: undoubtedly, its fighters committed many violations of international law that day in killing civilians and taking them hostage.

Exactly the same kind of violations, we should note in the interests of balance, that Israel has committed day in, day out for decades against the Palestinians forced to live under its military occupation.

Palestinian prisoners, seized by an occupying Israeli army in the middle of the night, held in military jails and denied proper trials, are no less hostages. 

But to ascribe antisemitism as Hamas’ motivation is intended to scrub out those many decades of oppression. It airbrushes out the very abuses faced by the Palestinians that Hamas and the other Palestinian militant factions were established to resist. 

That right of resistance to belligerent military occupation is enshrined in international law, even if the West rarely acknowledges the fact. 

Or as Albanese put it:

“The victims in the October 7 massacre were not killed because of their Judaism, but in response to Israeli oppression.”

Macron’s ridiculous remark also wiped out the past 17 years of the siege of Gaza – a slow-motion genocide that Israel has now put on steroids. 

And he did so precisely because western colonial interests – just like Israel’s interests – must rationalise the dehumanisation of Palestinians and their supporters as racists and barbarians, in the West’s pursuit of domination and old-fashioned resource control in the Middle East. 

But it is Albanese, not Macron, now fighting to save her reputation. She is the one being smeared as a racist and antisemite. By whom? By Israel and the genocide-supporting leaders of Europe.

Sacred Cause

Israel needs antisemitism. And armed with a ludicrous redefinition adopted by western allies that classifies as Jew hatred any opposition to its crimes – any rejection of its bogus claims of “self-defence” as it crushes resistance to its occupation and its oppression of Palestinians – Israel has every incentive to commit more crimes. 

Every atrocity produces more outrage, more resentment, more “antisemitism”. And the more resentment, the more outrage, the more “antisemitism”, the more Israel and its supporters can present the self-declared Jewish state as a sanctuary from that “antisemitism”. 

Israel is no longer treated as a state, as a political actor capable of committing crimes and slaughtering children, but as an article of faith. It is transformed into a belief system, one immune to criticism or scrutiny. It transcends politics to become a sacred cause. And any opposition must be damned as wicked, as blasphemy.

Which is precisely the state to which western politics has devolved. 

This battle against “antisemitism” – or rather, the battle being waged by Israel and its partisans – is to turn the meaning of words, and the values they represent, on their head. It is a fight to crush solidarity with the Palestinian people, and leave them friendless and naked before Israel’s campaign of genocide. 

It is a moral duty to defeat these “antisemitism” warriors and assert our shared humanity – and the right of all to live in peace and dignity – before Israel and its apologists pave the way to an even greater slaughter. 


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Jonathan Cook is the author of three books on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and a winner of the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His website and blog can be found at

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


The steady and ruthless campaign by Israel to internationally defund the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), is unravelling. The lynchpin in the effort was a thin, poison pen dossier making claims that 12 individuals were Hamas operatives who had been involved in the October 7 attacks. Within a matter of days, two internal investigations were commenced, various individuals sacked, and US$450 million worth of funding from donor states suspended.

As the head of the agency, Philippe Lazzarini, explained at a press conference on March 4, he has “never been informed” or received evidence of Israel’s claims substantiating their assertions, though he did receive the prompt about the profane twelve directly from Israeli officials. Every year, both Israel and the Palestinian authorities were furnished with staff lists, “and I never received the slightest concern about the staff that we have been employing.”

Had Israeli authorities signed off on these alleged participants in bungling or conspiratorial understanding?  Certainly, there was more than a pongy whiff of distraction about it all, given that Israel had come off poorly in The Hague proceedings launched by South Africa, during which the judges issued an interim order demanding an observance of the UN Genocide Convention, an increase of humanitarian aid, and the retention of evidence that might be used for future criminal prosecutions for genocide.

An abrupt wave of initial success in starving the agency followed, with a number of countries announcing plans to freeze funding.  In the United States, irate members of Congress accused the agency of having “longstanding connections to terrorism and promotion of antisemitism”.  A hearing was duly held titled “UNRWA Exposed: Examining the Agency’s Mission and Failures” with Richard Goldberg, a senior advisor of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies frothing at an agency that supposedly incited “violence against Israel, subsidizes US-designated terrorist organizations, denies Palestinians their basic human rights, and blocks the pathways to a sustainable peace between Israel and the Palestinians.”

The attempt to cast UNRWA into gleefully welcomed oblivion has not worked. Questions were asked about the initial figure of twelve alleged militants. News outlets began questioning the numbers.

The funding channels are resuming. Canada, for instance, approving “the robust investigative process underway”, also acknowledged that “more can be done to respond to the urgent needs of Palestinian civilians”.  The initial cancellation of funding to the agency, charged Thomas Woodley, president of Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, had been “a reckless political decision that never should have been made.”

The Swedish government was also encouraged by undertakings made by UNRWA “to allow independent auditing, strengthen internal supervision and enable additional staff controls”, promising an initial outlay of 200 million kroner (US$19 million)

The Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade, Johan Forssell, promised that it would “monitor closely to ensure UNRWA follows through on what it has promised.” Aid policy spokesperson for the Christian Democrats, Gudrun Brunegård, also conceded that, given the “huge” needs on the part of the civilian population, that UNRWA was “the organisation that is best positioned to help vulnerable Palestinians.”

Much the same sentiment was expressed by the European Union, with the Commission agreeing to pay 50 million euros to UNRWA from a promised total of 82 million euros on the proviso that EU-appointed experts audit the screening of staff. “This audit,” a European Commission statement explains, “will review the control systems to prevent the possible involvement of its staff and assets in terrorist activities.” Having been found wanting in her screeching about-turn, the European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen insisted that the EU stood “by the Palestinian people in Gaza and elsewhere in the region. Innocent Palestinians should not have to pay the price for the crimes of [the] terrorist group Hamas.”

Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi was stiffly bureaucratic in expressing satisfaction at “the commitment of UNRWA to introduce robust measures to prevent possible misconduct and minimise the risk of allegations”. At no point was Israel’s own contribution to the calamity, and its insatiable vendetta against the agency, mentioned.

The bombast and blunder of the whole effort by Israel was further discoloured by claims that UNRWA staff had been victims of torture at the hands of the IDF in drafting the dossier. In a statement released by the agency, a grave accusation was levelled: “These forced confessions as a result of torture are being used by the Israeli Authorities to further spread misinformation about the agency as part of attempts to dismantle UNRWA.” In doing so, Israel was “putting our staff at risk and has serious implications on our operations in Gaza and around the region.”

For its part, the IDF, through a statement, claimed that this was all exaggerated piffle:

“The mistreatment of detainees during their time in detention or whilst under interrogation violates IDF values and contravenes IDF [sic] and is therefore absolutely prohibited.”

Increasingly on the losing side of that battle, Israeli authorities decided to cook the figures further, declaring with crass confidence that 450 URWA employees in Gaza were members of militant groups including Hamas.  Sticking to routine, those making that allegation decided that evidence of such claims was not needed. Those employees, claimed Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, “are military operatives in terror groups in Gaza”.  “This was no coincidence. This is systematic. There is no claiming, ‘we did not know’.”

In the fog of war, mendacity thrives with virile vigour; but the current suggestion on the part of various donor states is that the humanitarian incentive to ameliorate the suffering of the Gaza populace has taken precedence over Israel’s persistently lethal efforts. That, at least, is the case with certain countries, leaving the doubters starkly exposed.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected] 

Featured image: Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) holds press conference in Jerusalem on October 27, 2023 [Mostafa Alkharouf/Anadolu Agency]

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March



emphasis added by GR

(The President presents his prepared remarks to Speaker Johnson.) Your bedtime reading.

Tony! Thank you. Looking for Jill.

Good evening. Good evening. If I were smart, I’d go home now.

Mr. Speaker, Madam Vice President, members of Congress, my fellow Americans.

In January 1941, Franklin Roosevelt came to this chamber to speak to the nation. And he said, “I address you at a moment unprecedented in the history of the Union”. Hitler was on the march. War was raging in Europe.

President Roosevelt’s purpose was to wake up Congress and alert the American people that this was no ordinary time. Freedom and democracy were under assault in the world.

Tonight, I come to the same chamber to address the nation. Now it’s we who face an unprecedented moment in the history of the Union.

And, yes, my purpose tonight is to wake up the Congress and alert the American people that this is no ordinary moment either. Not since President Lincoln and the Civil War have freedom and democracy been under assault at home as they are today.

What makes our moment rare is that freedom and democracy are under attack at — both at home and overseas at the very same time.

Overseas, Putin of Russia is on the march, invading Ukraine and sowing chaos throughout Europe and beyond.

If anybody in this room thinks Putin will stop at Ukraine, I assure you: He will not.

But Ukraine — Ukraine can stop Putin. Ukraine can stop Putin if we stand with Ukraine and provide the weapons that it needs to defend itself.

That is all — that is all Ukraine is asking. They’re not asking for American soldiers. In fact, there are no American soldiers at war in Ukraine, and I’m determined to keep it that way. [let our NATO allies do the dirty work?]

But now assistance to Ukraine is being blocked by those who want to walk away from our world leadership.

It wasn’t long ago when a Republican president named Ronald Reagan thundered, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.”

Now — now my predecessor, a former Republican president, tells Putin, quote, “Do whatever the hell you want.”

That’s a quote.

A former president actually said that — bowing down to a Russian leader. I think it’s outrageous, it’s dangerous, and it’s unacceptable.

America is a founding member of NATO, the military alliance of democratic nations created after World War Two prevent — to prevent war and keep the peace.

And today, we’ve made NATO stronger than ever. We welcomed Finland to the Alliance last year. And just this morning, Sweden officially joined, and their minister is here tonight. Stand up. Welcome. Welcome, welcome, welcome. And they know how to fight.

Mr. Prime Minister, welcome to NATO, the strongest military alliance the world has ever seen.

I say this to Congress: We have to stand up to Putin. Send me a bipartisan national security bill. History is literally watching. History is watching.

Click here to read the full transcript.


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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


20 year old Sofia Padoan, 3rd year student at California State Polytechnic University died suddenly on Feb. 23, 2024

  • Sofia was a third-year student at California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo.
  • She majored in nutrition and minored in Italian studies
  • She planned to pursue a career in nursing.
  • On Feb.23, 2024, an event brought the family together for dinner.
  • Shortly after returning from a family dinner, Sofia collapsed from a brain aneurysm. The family was with her in her final hours.

Cal Poly COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates 

  • Sofia Padoan graduated from Northgate High School in 2021
  • She was an athlete (National level lacrosse player)



Similar Story 

Oct. 6, 2021 – College of Staten Island student 21 year old Brittany McCarthy, an athlete and national champion cheerleader, died Oct. 6, 2021 from a ruptured brain aneurysm. She took COVID-19 Vaccines Mandated by College of Staten Island.

  • Brittany’s dream was to become a Physician’s Assistant



COVID-19 Vaccine-mandated Brain Aneurysms

Feb. 9, 2024 – Iowa teacher Matthew Harper suffered a ruptured aneurysm on Feb. 8 and died suddenly on Feb. 9, 2024, leaving behind a pregnant wife. He was COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated and mandated as a teacher.



Feb. 5, 2024 – NSW, Australia – Family physician Dr. Mike Davis died unexpectedly from a brain aneurysm on Feb. 5, 2024. He leaves behind 3 children.


Dec. 12, 2023 – Italy – 21 year old Alice Tiberi was found dead in her bed by her mother on Dec. 12, 2023. “There is talk of aneurysm.”


Dec. 3, 2023 – Port Alberni, BC, Canada – 35 year old Richard William Booth died suddenly due to an aortic aneurysm on Dec. 3, 2023. He ran ultra marathons.


Dec. 2, 2023 – Seattle, WA – Nurse Sonya Denise Holden has suffered a brain aneurysm. “I had COVID 4 times and three COVID shots.”


Nov. 28, 2023 – Petaling Jaya, Malaysia – 37 year old Malaysian actress and star Queenzy Cheng died suddenly on Nov. 28, 2023. Ruptured brain aneurysm.


Nov. 2023 – Sean Foster runs Ironman Marathons. He had a brain aneurysm in Nov. 2023. “Freshly Triple boostered COVID survivor” “Vacc did its job.”


Oct. 31, 2023 – IN – Healthcare worker Marie Love had a ruptured brain aneurysm causing a large subdural hematoma. She’s in the ICU.


Oct. 19, 2023 – UK – 41 year old Kevin Brewster, semi-professional soccer player, sports coach and PE teacher collapsed with a brain aneurysm on Oct. 19, 2023 and was given an hour to live. He survived.


OH – Kristin Velovitch became ill on Sep. 30, 2023 and was found to have a brain aneurysm. She volunteered at a local school.


Aug. 20, 2023 – Sierra Madre, CA – Dr. Mona Delahooke is a best selling author and child psychologist. She had a ruptured brain aneurysm on Aug. 20, 2023 and almost died.


My Take… 

Post COVID-19 Vaccine brain aneurysms are extremely common.

It’s one of the Vaccine injuries I encounter so frequently, that I could write an article full of cases every month.

In this article, I included only the COVID-19 Vaccine mandated: teachers, healthcare workers, University students

21 year old Brittany McCarthy and 20 year old Sofia Padoan were both mandated COVID-19 Vaccines to be able to attend University. Both wanted to be healthcare workers. Both died from aneurysms.

Brittany died within months in her 1st year, Sofia died in her 3rd year.

Short term or long term, COVID-19 jab aneurysms will kill you eventually.

As far as I can see, none of the families are holding the leaders of Universities accountable for deaths of students.

In this regard, University COVID-19 Vaccine mandates were the PERFECT CRIME.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

The War on Iraq: Five US Presidents, Five British Prime Ministers, More than 30 Years of Duplicity, and Counting…

By Felicity Arbuthnot and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 10, 2024

With the exception of the War on Afghanistan (October 2001) and the 1990-91 Gulf War, all major US-NATO and allied led military operations over a period of more than half a century –since the invasion of Vietnam by U.S. ground forces on March 8, 1965– have been initiated in the month of March.

Coverup of Extensive War Crimes: 56th Anniversary of the My Lai Massacre

By Dr. Gary G. Kohls and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 10, 2024

Fifty-six years ago this week, on March 16, 1968, a company of US Army combat soldiers from the America Division swept into the South Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai, rounded up the 500+ unarmed, non-combatant residents, all women, children, babies and a few old men, and executed them in cold blood, Nazi-style. No weapons were found in the village, and the whole operation took only 4 hours.

Adverse Effects: A Critical Review of COVID Vaxgenes: Do You Choose to Understand?

By Dr. Peter McCullough, March 11, 2024

Many have said the new mRNA vaccines are not really vaccines which traditionally have fallen into three categories: 1) antigen, 2) killed virus 3) live attenuated. Over the course of the pandemic the definition of vaccine has been softened to simply state a mechanism without a hard clinical benefit or outcome. 

Biden’s State of the Union: War and Genocide Are Still “The American Way”

By Melissa Garriga, March 10, 2024

From Gaza to Ukraine, from the Middle East to the borders of our own nation, the toll of violence from militarism is immeasurable. Will we ever see an end to the cycle of destruction fueled by capitalism and U.S. imperialism? Firstly, let’s address the white elephant in the war.

The Public Bank That Wasn’t: New Jersey’s Excursion Into Public Banking

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In 2017, Phil Murphy, a former Goldman Sachs executive, made the establishment of a public, state-owned bank a centerpiece issue during his run for New Jersey governor. He regularly championed public banking in speeches, town halls and campaign commercials. He won the race, and the nation’s second state-owned bank following the stellar model of the Bank of North Dakota (BND) appeared to be in view. 

Biden’s Offer for a 6-Week Pause in the Genocide in Gaza. Netanyahu Says IDF Will Remain in Gaza for 10 Years

By Steven Sahiounie, March 10, 2024

The Hamas delegation left Cairo on Thursday and will resume negotiations for a ceasefire in Gaza next week. Time is running out before the Holy month of Ramadan begins. Hamas wants an end to the war, but the U.S. is looking only for a 6-week pause, and Israel is willing to allow a pause but resume the genocide afterward.

The Growing Gulf Between What the World Needs and What Is Happening Must be Bridged Before It Is Too Late

By Bharat Dogra, March 10, 2024

This is a time when senior scientists have been warning increasingly that threats to the life-nurturing conditions of the planet due to climate change, other environmental problems and very dangerous and destructive weapons have been escalating, and yet, despite these warnings, several of the world’s top leaders have gone ahead and created the conditions for several new and high-risk wars to start and escalate, so much so that the talk of the third world war and a nuclear war breaking out has been heard more during the last two years than during the last two decades. 

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March




Many have said the new mRNA vaccines are not really vaccines which traditionally have fallen into three categories: 1) antigen, 2) killed virus 3) live attenuated. Over the course of the pandemic the definition of vaccine has been softened to simply state a mechanism without a hard clinical benefit or outcome. 



What does it mean to have mRNA injected into the human body? We sought to answer these questions by inviting on the show this week Dr. Karina A. Acevedo-Whitehouse who told us why she was motivated to write a powerful and revealing book on mRNA titled: Adverse effects. A critical review of COVID vaxgenes: Do you choose to understand? For so many who now have this new form of synthetic mRNA in their bodies, this book is a must. Karina Acevedo-Whitehouse currently works at the Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Autonomous University of Queretaro. Acevedo-Whitehouse does research on Immune Plasticity, Molecular Epidemiology of disease in wildlife, and Cancer in free-ranging species.

Click here to view the video

Here is some more on the new book:

“This book is a compendium of various topics that seek to help understand the mechanisms through which genetic anti-COVID vaccines (vaxgenes) can cause various impacts on the health of those who receive them. It contains eight chapters that explore the components of vaxgenes, their mechanism of action, the pathophysiology associated with each component, the clinical conditions that can arise from that pathophysiology, and the scientific and medical evidence of their occurrence. Central concepts about causality and chance in epidemiology are also explored.

It is not an academic textbook, although it explains scientific topics in a serious and referenced way. It is not a medical reference book, but it will be useful for doctors and patients. It is not a popular book, although it is written in an accessible way. It is not a book that seeks to generate fear, but rather to offer knowledge to understand the facts and allow you to seek help if needed. It does not constitute ‘the truth’, but it contains it.” This book is particularly timely as some of our most frail in society could be coming up on their ninth or even twelfth shot.



If you, family members, or friends took one of the Pfizer or Moderna shots, you will want to know what is inside of you now and what may happen in the months and years to come. So, let’s understand together what “vaxgenes” are and review the implications of mass, repeated administration. This book is highly referenced and illustrated—a great “nudge” gift for those still in the government false narrative.


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Adverse effects. A critical review of COVID vaxgenes: Do you choose to understand?

by Dr. Karina A. Acevedo-Whitehouse

This book is a compendium of various topics that seek to help understand the mechanisms through which genetic anti-COVID vaccines (vaxgenes) can cause various impacts on the health of those who receive them. It contains eight chapters that explore the components of vaxgenes, their mechanism of action, the pathophysiology associated with each component, the clinical conditions that can arise from that pathophysiology, and the scientific and medical evidence of their occurrence. Central concepts about causality and chance in Epidemiology are also explored.

It is not an academic textbook, although it explains scientific topics in a serious and referenced way. It is not a medical reference book, but it will be useful for doctors and patients. It is not a popular book, although it is written in an accessible way. It is not a book that seeks to generate fear, but rather to offer knowledge to understand the facts and allow you to seek help if needed. It does not constitute ‘the truth’, but it contains it…

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Karina A. Acevedo Whitehouse (February 20, 2024)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 426 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9694392675
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-9694392677

Click here to purchase.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Members of the Democratic party are beginning to panic because former President Donald Trump is ahead in the electoral polls in the lead-up to the November election in the United States, in which he will most likely face a weakened Joe Biden. This panic is likely to deepen now that Trump is directly calling for a debate with Biden, especially in the context of the president’s clear cognitive decline.

According to an article in The Hill, the polls showing Trump ahead of Biden in electoral preferences and the lawsuits that the Republican has managed to win to avoid being banned from the presidential election have led the Democrats to “hit the panic button.”

“Democrats are beginning to hit the panic button as an implosion in former President Trump’s campaign fails to materialize and a series of polls suggests President Biden is weaker than he was four years ago,” The Hill published.

On March 4, the Supreme Court ruled in favour of Trump in a unanimous decision involving the 14th Amendment. Other high-profile trials have been delayed, raising questions about whether they will reach verdicts before Election Day. All this occurs when most polls have already placed the former president above Biden in electoral preferences.

A recently published Bloomberg News/Morning Consult opinion poll showed Biden trailing Trump in several critical states, including Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, and Wisconsin. Democrats received another wake-up call on March 2 when a New York Times /Siena College poll showed Trump leading Biden 48% to 43% among registered voters nationwide for November’s presidential election.

Sen. Peter Welch told The Hill that the latest poll numbers are concerning and denounced as “outrageous” the Supreme Court’s separate decision to postpone a ruling on Trump’s legal immunity claims until the summer.

“We’re concerned. This is going to be a tough race, but it hasn’t really begun yet, so a lot of the coverage is just about Biden’s age, not about his policies,” the Democrat told the outlet. “The president is going to get out on the stump and he’s going to have an opportunity to show he’s got the energy as well as the intellect and the acuity to do the job.”

Another concern for Democrats is that criminal cases brought against Trump by special counsel Jack Smith in Washington and Miami and by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis in Georgia are stuck in limbo and may not be resolved by election day, highlights The Hill.

Senate Democratic assistant majority leader and assistant minority leader Dick Durbin complained about the Supreme Court’s decision not to hear the arguments on Trump’s immunity claims as “a disappointment.”

“Their delay in considering this critical issue, this timely issue, is going to delay the resolution of these cases by months at least,” he predicted on CNN’s State of the Union.

Another concern for the Democrats is that Nikki Haley announced the end of her presidential campaign after being humiliatingly defeated in coast-to-coast Super Tuesday contests. This means it is all but confirmed officially that Trump and Biden are set for a rematch in the November election. Whilst Biden praised the “courage” he said Haley displayed to challenge Trump, the former president, in a social media post, accused her of drawing support from “Radical Left Democrats.”

Following Haley’s withdrawal from the nomination bidding process, Trump called on Biden to debate with him on issues that are “vital to America and the American people.”

In a post on his TruthSocial platform, Trump said:

“It is important, for the Good of our Country, that Joe Biden and I Debate Issues that are so vital to America, and the American People. Therefore, I am calling for Debates, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANYPLACE!”

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre declined to confirm whether Biden would participate in any debates this year, citing federal law barring federal employees from speaking about election-related matters, but the current president’s campaign’s communications director, Michael Tyler, told The Independent that Trump was “thirsty for attention” and said the likely Republican nominee is “struggling to expand his appeal beyond the MAGA base” while promising that the debate question would be addressed “at the appropriate time in this cycle.”

Effectively, the “panic button” has been hit so hard that the Democrats cannot even give a clear response on when Biden will debate Trump. Given that the current president is evidently experiencing a cognitive decline, the Democrats want to avoid a debate if possible. For all intents and purposes, although elections are still eight months away, Donald Trump will likely be the next US president on current projections.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from

Today, March 11, 2024, we commemorate the onslaught of the US led war on the people of Korea, almost 74 years ago, starting on June 26, 1950.

The following text by Michel Chossudovsky was presented in Seoul, South Korea in the context of the Korea Armistice Day Commemoration, 27 July 2013

A Message for Peace. Towards a Peace Agreement and the Withdrawal of US Troops from Korea.




Armistice Day, 27 July 1953 is day of Remembrance for the People of Korea.

It is a landmark date in the historical struggle for national reunification and sovereignty.

I am privileged to have this opportunity of participating in the 60th anniversary commemoration of Armistice Day on July 27, 2013.

I am much indebted to the “Anti-War, Peace Actualized, People Action” movement for this opportunity to contribute to the debate on peace and reunification.

An armistice is an agreement by the warring parties to stop fighting. It does signify the end of war.

What underlies the 1953 Armistice Agreement is that one of the warring parties, namely the US has consistently threatened to wage war on the DPRK for the last 60 years.

The US has on countless occasions violated the Armistice Agreement. It has remained on a war footing. Casually ignored by the Western media and the international community, the US has actively deployed nuclear weapons targeted at North Korea for more than half a century in violation of article 13b) of the Armistice agreement. 

The armistice remains in force. The US is still at war with Korea. It is not a peace treaty, a peace agreement was never signed.

The US has used the Armistice agreement to justify the presence of 37,000 American troops on Korean soil under a bogus United Nations mandate, as well as establish an environment of continuous and ongoing military threats. This situation of “latent warfare” has lasted for the last 60 years. It is important to emphasize that this US garrison in South Korea is the only U.S. military presence based permanently on the Asian continent.

Our objective in this venue is to call for a far-reaching peace treaty, which will not only render the armistice agreement signed on July 27, 1953 null and void, but will also lay the foundations for the speedy withdrawal of US troops from Korea as well as lay the foundations for the reunification of the Korean nation.

Michel Chossudovsky Presentation: 60th anniversary commemoration of Armistice Day on July 27, 2013, Seoul, ROK. 

Armistice Day in a Broader Historical Perspective.

This commemoration is particularly significant in view of mounting US threats directed not only against Korea, but also against China and Russia as part of Washington’s “Asia Pivot”, not to mention the illegal occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, the US-NATO wars against Libya and Syria, the military threats directed against Iran, the longstanding struggle of the Palestinian people against Israel, the US sponsored wars and insurrections in sub-Saharan Africa.

Armistice Day July 27, 1953, is a significant landmark in the history of US led wars.  Under the Truman Doctrine formulated in the late 1940s, the Korean War (1950-1953) had set the stage for a global process of militarization and US led wars. “Peace-making” in terms of a peace agreement is in direct contradiction with Washington “war-making” agenda.

Washington has formulated a global military agenda. In the words of four star General Wesley Clark (Ret) [image right], quoting a senior Pentagon official:

“We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran” (Democracy Now March 2, 2007)

The Korean War (1950-1953) was the first major military operation  undertaken by the US in the wake of  World War II,  launched at the very outset of  what was euphemistically called “The Cold War”. In many respects it was a continuation of World War II, whereby Korean lands under Japanese colonial occupation were, from one day to the next, handed over to a new colonial power, the United States of America.

At the Potsdam Conference (July–August 1945), the US and the Soviet Union agreed to dividing Korea, along the 38th parallel.

There was no “Liberation” of Korea following the entry of US forces. Quite the opposite.

As we recall, a US military government was established in South Korea on September 8, 1945, three weeks after the surrender of Japan on August 15th 1945. Moreover,  Japanese officials in South Korea assisted the US Army Military Government (USAMG) (1945-48) led by General Hodge in ensuring this transition. Japanese colonial administrators in Seoul as well as their Korean police officials worked hand in glove with the new colonial masters.

From the outset, the US military government refused to recognize the provisional government of the People’s Republic of Korea (PRK), which was committed to major social reforms including land distribution, laws protecting the rights of workers, minimum wage legislation and  the reunification of North and South Korea.

The PRK was non-aligned with an anti-colonial mandate, calling for the “establishment of close relations with the United States, USSR, England, and China, and positive opposition to any foreign influences interfering with the domestic affairs of the state.”2

The PRK was abolished by military decree in September 1945 by the USAMG. There was no democracy, no liberation no independence.

While Japan was treated as a defeated Empire, South Korea was identified as a colonial territory to be administered under US military rule and US occupation forces.

America’s handpicked appointee Sygman Rhee [left] was flown into Seoul in October 1945, in General Douglas MacArthur’s personal airplane.

The Korean War (1950-1953)

The crimes committed by the US against the people of Korea in the course of the Korean War but also in its aftermath are unprecedented in modern history.

Moreover, it is important to understand that these US sponsored crimes against humanity committed in the 1950s have, over the years, contributed to setting “a pattern of killings” and US human rights violations in different parts of the World.

The Korean War was also characterised by a practice of targeted assassinations of political dissidents, which was subsequently implemented by the CIA in numerous countries including Indonesia, Vietnam, Argentina, Guatemala, El Salvador, Afghanistan, Iraq.

Invariably these targeted killings were committed on the instructions of the CIA and carried out by a US sponsored proxy government or military dictatorship. More recently, targeted assassinations of civilians, “legalised” by the US Congress have become, so to speak, the “New Normal”.

According to  I.F. Stone’s “Hidden History of the Korean War” first published in 1952 (at the height of the Korean War), the US deliberately sought a pretext, an act of deception, which incited the North to cross the 38th parallel ultimately leading to all out war.

“[I. F. Stone’s book] raised questions about the origin of the Korean War, made a case that the United States government manipulated the United Nations, and gave evidence that the U.S. military and South Korean oligarchy dragged out the war by sabotaging the peace talks, 3

In Stone’s account, General Douglas MacArthur “did everything possible to avoid peace”.

US wars of aggression are waged under the cloak of “self defence” and pre-emptive attacks. Echoing I. F. Stone’s historical statement concerning General MacArthur, sixty years later US president Barack Obama and his defence Secretary Chuck Hagel are also “doing. everything possible to avoid peace”. 

This pattern of inciting the enemy “to fire the first shot” is well established in US military doctrine. It pertains to creating a “War Pretext Incident” which provides the aggressor to pretext to intervene on the grounds of “Self- Defence”. It characterised the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in 1941, triggered by deception and provocation of which US officials had advanced knowledge. Pearl Harbor was the justification for America’s entry into World War II.

The Tonkin Gulf Incident in August 1964 was the pretext for the US to wage war on North Vietnam, following the adoption of the Tonkin Gulf Resolution by the US Congress, which granted President Lyndon B. Johnson the authority to wage war on Communist North Vietnam.

I. F. Stone’s analysis refutes “the standard telling”  … that the Korean War was an unprovoked aggression by the North Koreans beginning on June 25, 1950, undertaken at the behest of the Soviet Union to extend the Soviet sphere of influence to the whole of Korea, completely surprising the South Koreans, the U.S., and the U.N.”:

But was it a surprise? Could an attack by 70,000 men using at least 70 tanks launched simultaneously at four different points have been a surprise?

Stone gathers contemporary reports from South Korean, U.S. and U.N. sources documenting what was known before June 25. The head of the U.S. CIA, Rear Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenloetter, is reported to have said on the record, “that American intelligence was aware that ‘conditions existed in Korea that could have meant an invasion this week or next.'” (p. 2)  Stone writes that “America’s leading military commentator, Hanson Baldwin of the New York Times, a trusted confidant of the Pentagon, reported that they [U.S. military documents] showed ‘a marked buildup by the North Korean People’s Army along the 38th Parallel beginning in the early days of June.'” (p. 4)

How and why did U.S. President Truman so quickly decide by June 27 to commit the U.S. military to battle in South Korea? Stone makes a strong case that there were those in the U.S. government and military who saw a war in Korea and the resulting instability in East Asia as in the U.S. national interest. 4

According to the editor of France’s Nouvel Observateur Claude Bourdet:

“If Stone’s thesis corresponds to reality, we are in the presence of the greatest swindle in the whole of military history… not a question of a harmless fraud but of a terrible maneuver in which deception is being consciously utilized to block peace at a time when it is possible.”5

In the words of renowned American writers Leo Huberman and Paul Sweezy:

“….we have come to the conclusion that (South Korean president) Syngman Rhee deliberately provoked the North Koreans in the hope that they would retaliate by crossing the parallel in force. The northerners fell neatly into the trap.” 6

On 25 June 1950, following the adoption of UN  Security Council Resolution 82, General Douglas MacArthur, who headed the US military government in occupied Japan was appointed Commander in Chief of the so-called United Nations Command (UNCOM). According to Bruce Cumings, the Korean War “bore a strong resemblance to the air war against Imperial Japan in the second world war and was often directed by the same US military leaders” including generals Douglas MacArthur and Curtis Lemay.

US War Crimes against the People of Korea

Extensive crimes were committed by US forces in the course of the Korean War (1950-1953).  While nuclear weapons were not used during the Korean War, what prevailed was the strategy of  “mass killings of civilians” which had been formulated during World War II. A policy of killing innocent civilians was implemented through extensive air raids and bombings of German cities by American and British forces in the last weeks of World War II. In a bitter irony, military targets were safeguarded.

This unofficial doctrine of killing of civilians under the pretext of targeting military objectives largely characterised US military actions both in the course of the Korean war as well as in its aftermath. According to Bruce Cummings:

On 12 August 1950, the USAF dropped 625 tons of bombs on North Korea; two weeks later, the daily tonnage increased to some 800 tons.U.S. warplanes dropped more napalm and bombs on North Korea than they did during the whole Pacific campaign of World War II. 7

The territories North of the 38th parallel were subjected to extensive carpet bombing, which resulted in the destruction of 78 cities and thousands of villages:

“What was indelible about it [the Korean War of 1950-53] was the extraordinary destructiveness of the United States’ air campaigns against North Korea, from the widespread and continuous use of firebombing (mainly with napalm), to threats to use nuclear and chemical weapons, and the destruction of huge North Korean dams in the final stages of the war.  ….

As a result, almost every substantial building in North Korea was destroyed. …. 8

US Major General  William F Dean “reported that most of the North Korean cities and villages he saw were either rubble or snow-covered wastelands”

General Curtis LeMay [left] who coordinated the bombing raids against North Korea brazenly acknowledged that:

“Over a period of three years or so we killed off – what – twenty percent of the population. … We burned down every town in North Korea and South Korea, too”. 9

According to Brian Willson:

It is now believed that the population north of the imposed 38th Parallel lost nearly a third its population of 8 – 9 million people during the 37-month long “hot” war, 1950 – 1953, perhaps an unprecedented percentage of mortality suffered by one nation due to the belligerence of another.” 10


Translation: the city of Pyongyang was totally destroyed in 1951 during the Korean war

Extensive war crimes were also committed by US forces in South Korea as documented by the Korea Truth and Reconciliation Commission. According to ROK sources, almost one million civilians were killed in South Korea in the course of the Korean War:

“In the early days of the Korean War, other American officers observed, photographed and confidentially reported on such wholesale executions by their South Korean ally, a secretive slaughter believed to have killed 100,000 or more leftists and supposed sympathizers, usually without charge or trial, in a few weeks in mid-1950.” 11

During The Second World War, the United Kingdom lost 0.94% of its population, France lost 1.35%, China lost 1.89% and the US lost 0.32%. During the Korean War, the DPRK lost more than 25% of its population. The population of North Korea was of the order of 8-9 million in 1950 prior the Korean War. US sources acknowledge 1.55 million civilian deaths in North Korea, 215,000 combat deaths. MIA/POW 120,000, 300,000 combat troops wounded. 12

South Korean military sources estimate the number of civilian deaths/wounded/missing at 2.5 million, of which some 990,900 are in South Korea. Another estimate places Korea War total deaths, civilian plus combat at 3.5 million.)

North Korea: A Threat to Global Security?

For the last 60 years, Washington has contributed to the political isolation of North Korea. It has sought to destabilize its national economy, including its industrial base and agriculture. It has relentlessly undermined the process of reunification of the Korean nation.

In South Korea, the US has maintained its stranglehold over the entire political system. It has ensured from the initial appointment of Sygman Rhee the instatement of non-democratic and repressive forms of government which have in large part served the interests of the U.S.

US military presence in South Korea has also exerted a controlling influence on economic and monetary policy.

An important question for the American people.

How can a country which has lost a quarter of its population resulting from US aggression, constitute a threat to the American Homeland?

How can a country which has 37,000 US troops on its immediate border constitute a threat to America?

Given the history war crimes, how do the people of North Korea perceive the US threat to their Homeland. There is not a single family in North Korea which has not lost a loved one in the course of the Korean War.

The Korean War was the first major US led war carried out in the immediate wake of World War II.

While the US and its NATO allies have waged numerous wars and military interventions in all major regions of the World in the course of what is euphemistically called the “post War era”, resulting in millions of civilians deaths, America is upheld as the guardian of democracy and World Peace.

War Propaganda

The Lie becomes the Truth.

Realities are turned upside down.

History is rewritten. North Korea is heralded as a threat.

America is not the aggressor nation but “the victim” of aggression.

These concepts are part of war propaganda which is fed into the news chain.

Since the end of the Korean War, US led propaganda –funnelled into the ROK news chain– has relentlessly contributed to fomenting conflict and divisiveness between North and South Korea, presenting the DPRK as a threat to ROK national security.

An atmosphere of fear and intimidation prevails which impels people in South Korea to accept the “peace-making role” of the United States. In the eyes of public opinion, the presence of  37,000 US occupation forces is viewed as “necessary” to the security of the ROK.

US military presence is heralded as a means to “protecting the ROK” against North Korean aggression. Similarly, the propaganda campaign will seek to create divisions within Korean society with a view to sustaining the legitimacy of  US interventionism. The purpose of this process is create divisiveness. Repeated ad nauseam, the alleged “North Korean threat” undermines –within people’s inner consciousness– the notion that Korea is one country, one nation, one history.

The “Truman Doctrine”

Historically, in the wake of World War II, the Truman doctrine first formulated by Foreign Policy adviser George F. Kennan in a 1948 State Department brief established the Cold War framework of US expansionism:

What this 1948 document conveys is continuity in US foreign policy, from “Containment” during the Cold War era to “Pre-emptive” War. It states in polite terms that the US should seek economic and strategic dominance through military means:

Furthermore, we have about 50% of the world’s wealth but only 6.3% of its population. This disparity is particularly great as between ourselves and the peoples of Asia. In this situation, we cannot fail to be the object of envy and resentment. Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity without positive detriment to our national security. To do so, we will have to dispense with all sentimentality and day-dreaming; and our attention will have to be concentrated everywhere on our immediate national objectives. We need not deceive ourselves that we can afford today the luxury of altruism and world-benefaction. (…)

In the face of this situation we would be better off to dispense now with a number of the concepts which have underlined our thinking with regard to the Far East. We should dispense with the aspiration to “be liked” or to be regarded as the repository of a high-minded international altruism. We should stop putting ourselves in the position of being our brothers’ keeper and refrain from offering moral and ideological advice. We should cease to talk about vague and—for the Far East—unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization. The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better. 13

The planned disintegration of the United Nations system as an independent and influential international body has been on the drawing board of US foreign policy since the inception of the United Nations in 1946. Its planned demise was an integral part of the Truman doctrine as defined in 1948. From the very inception of the UN, Washington has sought on the one hand to control it to its advantage, while also seeking to weakening and ultimately destroy the UN system. In the words of George Kennan:

“Occasionally, it [the United Nations] has served a useful purpose. But by and large it has created more problems than it has solved, and has led to a considerable dispersal of our diplomatic effort. And in our efforts to use the UN majority for major political purposes we are playing with a dangerous weapon which may some day turn against us. This is a situation which warrants most careful study and foresight on our part.

In our efforts to use the UN majority for major political purposes we are playing with a dangerous weapon which may some day turn against us. This is a situation which warrants most careful study and foresight on our part. 14

Although officially committed to the “international community”, Washington has largely played lip service to the United Nations. In recent years it has sought to undermine it as an institution. Since Gulf War I, the UN has largely acted as a rubber stamp. It has closed its eyes to US war crimes, it has implemented so-called peacekeeping operations on behalf of the Anglo-American invaders, in violation of the UN Charter.

The Truman Doctrine Applied to Korea and East Asia

The Truman doctrine was the culmination of a post World War II US military strategy initiated with the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 and the surrender of Japan. [Harry Truman left]

In East Asia it consisted in the post-war occupation of Japan  as well the US takeover of Japan’s colonial Empire including South Korea (Korea was annexed to Japan under the 1910 Japan–Korea Annexation Treaty).

Following Imperial Japan’s defeat in World War II, a US sphere of influence throughout East and South East Asia was established in the territories of Japan’s “Great East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere”.

The US sphere of influence included Philippines (a US possession occupied by Japan during World War II), Thailand (a Japanese protectorate during World War II), Indonesia (Occupied by Japan during World War II, becomes a US proxy State following the establishment of the Suharto military dictatorship in 1965). This US sphere of influence in Asia also extended its grip into France’s former colonial possessions in Indochina, including Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, which were under Japanese military occupation during World War II.

America’s hegemony in Asia was largely based on establishing a sphere of influence in countries which were under the colonial jurisdiction of Japan, France and the Netherlands.

Continuity: From the Truman Doctrine to the Neo-Conservatives

The Neo-conservative agenda under the Bush administration should be viewed as the culmination of a (bipartisan) “Post War” foreign policy framework, which provides the basis for the planning of the contemporary wars and atrocities including the setting up of torture chambers, concentration camps and the extensive use of prohibited weapons directed against civilians.

From Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan, to the CIA sponsored military coups in Latin America and Southeast Asia, the objective has been to ensure US military hegemony and global economic domination, as initially formulated under the “Truman Doctrine”. Despite significant policy differences, successive Democratic and Republican administrations, over a span of more than sixty years, from Harry Truman to Barack Obama have carried out this global military agenda.

US War Crimes and Atrocities

What we are dealing with is a criminal US foreign policy agenda. Criminalization does not pertain to one or more heads of State. It pertains to the entire State system, it’s various civilian and military institutions as well as the powerful corporate interests behind the formulation of US foreign policy, the Washington think tanks, the creditor institutions which finance the military machine.

Starting with the Korean War in 1950 and extending to the wars in the Middle East and Central Asia, this period is marked by extensive war crimes resulting in the death of more than ten million people. This figure does not include those who perished as a result of poverty, starvation and disease.

War crimes are the result of the criminalization of the US State and foreign policy apparatus. We are not solely dealing specifically with individual war criminals, but with a process involving decision makers acting at different level, with a mandate to carry out war crimes, following established guidelines and procedures.

What distinguishes the Bush and Obama administrations in relation to the historical record of US sponsored crimes and atrocities, is that the concentration camps, targeted assassinations and torture chambers are now openly considered as legitimate forms of intervention, which sustain “the global war on terrorism” and support the spread of Western democracy.

Historical Significance of the Korean War: America’s Project of Global Warfare

The Korean War had set the stage for subsequent US military interventions. It was an initial phase of a post-World War II “military roadmap” of US led wars, special operations, coups d’etat, covert operations, US sponsored insurgencies and regime change spanning over of more than half a century. The project of global warfare has been carried out in all major regions of the World, through the US military’s geographic command structure, not to mention the CIA’s covert operations geared toward toppling sovereign governments.

This project of Worldwide conquest was initially established under the so-called “Truman Doctrine”. The latter initiated what the Pentagon later (in the wake of the Cold war under the NeoConservatives) entitled America`s “Long War”.

What we are dealing with is global warfare, a Worldwide process of conquest, militarization and corporate expansionism. The latter is the driving force. “Economic conquest” is implemented through the support of concurrent intelligence and military operations. Financial and monetary destabilization is another mechanism of economic warfare directed against sovereign countries.

In 2000, preceding the eleciton of George W. Bush to the White House, The Project for a New American Century (PNAC), A Washington Neoconservative think tank had stipulated  four core missions for the US military:

  • “defend the American homeland;
  • fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars;
  • perform the “constabulary” duties associated with shaping the security environment in critical regions;
  • transform U.S. forces to exploit the “revolution in military affairs;”

George W. Bush’s Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, his Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Vice President Dick Cheney had commissioned the PNAC blueprint prior to the 2000 presidential elections.

The PNAC outlines a roadmap of conquest.

It calls for “the direct imposition of U.S. “forward bases” throughout Central Asia and the Middle East: “with a view to ensuring economic domination of the world, while strangling any potential “rival” or any viable alternative to America’s vision of a ‘free market’ economy”

Distinct from theater wars, the so-called “constabulary functions” imply a form of global military policing using various instruments of military intervention including punitive bombings and the sending in of US Special Forces, etc. Constabulary functions were contemplated in the first phase of US war plans against Iran. They were identified as ad hoc military interventions which could be applied as an “alternative” to so-called theater wars.

This document had no pretence: its objectives were strictly military. No discussion of America’s role in peace-keeping or the spread of democracy. 15 The main PNAC document is entitled Rebuilding America`s Defenses, Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century.(The PNAC website is:

US Military Occupation of South Korea, The Militarization of East Asia

Washington is intent upon creating political divisions in East Asia not only between the ROK and the DPRK but between North Korea and China, with a view to ultimately isolating the DPRK. In a bitter irony, US military facilities in the ROK are being used to threaten China as part of a process of military encirclement. In turn, Washington has sought to create political divisions between countries as well fomenting wars between neighboring countries (e.g. the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s, the confrontation between India and Pakistan).

The UN Command Mandate (UNC)

Sixty years later under a bogus UN mandate, the military occupation by US forces of South Korea prevails. It is worth noting that the UN never formally created a United Nations Command. The designation was adopted by the US without a formal decision by the UN Security Council. In 1994, the UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali clarified in a letter to the North Korean Foreign Minister that “the Security Council did not establish the unified command as a subsidiary organ under its control, but merely recommended [in 1950] the creation of such a command, specifying that it be under the authority of the United States”

Republic of Korea – United States Combined Forces Command (CFC)

South Korea is still under military occupation by US forces. In the wake of the Korean War and the signing of the Armistice agreement, the national forces of the ROK were placed under the jurisdiction of the so-called UN Command. This arrangement implied that all units of the Korean military were de facto under the control of US commanders. In 1978 a binational Republic of Korea – United States Combined Forces Command (CFC), was created, headed by a US General. In substance, this was a change in labels in relation to the so-called UN Command. To this date, Korean forces remain under the command of a US general.

The CFC was originally to be dismantled when the U.S. hands back wartime operational control of South Korean troops to Seoul in 2015, but there were fears here that this could weaken South Korea’s defenses. The change of heart comes amid increasingly belligerent rhetoric from North Korea.

Park told her military brass at the briefing to launch “immediate and strong counterattacks” against any North Korean provocation. She said she considers the North’s threats “very serious,” and added, “If any provocations against our people and country ake place, the military has to respond quickly and strongly without any political consideration.” 16

United States Forces Korea (USFK)

United States Forces Korea (USFK) was established in 1957. It is described as “as a subordinate-unified command of U.S. Pacific Command (USPACOM)”, which could be deployed to attack third countries in the region including Russia and China. There are officially 28,500 US troops under the jurisdiction of USFK. Recent figures of the US Department of Defense confirm that 37,000 US troops under USFK are currently (April 2013) stationed in South Korea.

USFK integrated by US forces is distinct from the Combined Forces Command (CFC) created in 1978. The CFC is commanded by a four-star U.S. general, with a four-star ROK Army general as deputy commander.17 (See United States Forces Korea | Mission of the ROK/US Combined Forces Command).

The current USFK commander is General James D. Thurman (See CFC photo op below) who also also assumes the position of CFC Commander and UNC Commander. 18 (See United States Forces Korea | USFK Leadership).

General Thurman who takes his orders from the Pentagon overrides ROK president and Commander in Chief Park Geun Hye.

Regular active troops of the ROK Armed Forces (Army, Navy and Air Force) theoretically under national ROK command consist of more 600,000 active personnel and more than 2 million reservists. According to the terms of the CFC, however, these troops are de facto under the CFC command which is headed by a US General.

What this means is that in addition to the 37,000 US troops of the USFK, the US command structure has de facto control over all operational units of the Korean Armed Forces. In essence, what this means is that the ROK does not control its armed forces. ROK armed forces essentially serve the interests of a foreign power.

President Park Geun-hye (center), Combined Forces Command commander Gen. James D. Thurman (second from left, back row), deputy CFC commander Gen. Kwon Oh-sung (second from right, back row) and allied troops. Source Korean Herald, 28 August 2013

Annually the US-ROK conducts war games directed against North Korea. These war games –which simulate a conventional and/or nuclear attack against North Korea– are often conducted in late July coinciding with Armistice Day.

In turn, US military bases along South Korea’s Western coastline and on Jeju island are used to threaten China as part of a process of military encirclement. In view of the ROK-US agreement under the CFC, South Korean troops under US command are deployed in the context of US military operations in the region, which are actively coordinated with USFK and USPACOM.

South Korea is multibillion bonanza for America’s weapons industry. In the course of the last 4 years the ROK ranked the fourth largest arms importer in the World “with the U.S. accounting for 77 percent of its arms purchases.” It should be noted that these weapons are purchased with Korean tax payers’ wons, they are de facto under the supervision of the US military, namely the CFC Joint Command which is headed by a US General.

In recent developments, the ROK president has hinted towards the possibility of pre-emptive strikes against North Korea.

“As commander-in-chief of the armed forces, I will trust the military’s judgment on abrupt and surprise provocations by North Korea as it is the one that directly faces off against the North,” Park said, according to the London Telegraph. “Please carry out your duty of guarding the safety of the people without being distracted at all.”

Park’s defense minister also promised an “active deterrence” against Pyongyang and seemed to suggest Seoul would consider carrying out preemptive strikes on North Korean nuclear and missile sites. 19

The Korea Nuclear Issue. Who Threatens Whom?

Historical Background: Hiroshima and Nagasaki: August 6 and 9, 1945

America’s early nuclear weapons doctrine under the Manhattan Project was not based on the Cold War notions of “Deterrence” and “Mutually Assured Destruction” (MAD).

US nuclear doctrine pertaining to Korea was established following the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, which were largely directed against civilians.

The strategic objective was to trigger a “massive casualty producing event” resulting in tens of thousands of deaths. The objective was to terrorize an entire nation, as a mean of military conquest. Military targets were not the main objective: the notion of “collateral damage” was used as a justification for the mass killing of civilians, under the official pretence that Hiroshima was “a military base” and that civilians were not the target.

In the words of president Harry Truman:

“We have discovered the most terrible bomb in the history of the world. … This weapon is to be used against Japan … [We] will use it so that military objectives and soldiers and sailors are the target and not women and children. Even if the Japs are savages, ruthless, merciless and fanatic, we as the leader of the world for the common welfare cannot drop that terrible bomb on the old capital or the new. …  The target will be a purely military one… It seems to be the most terrible thing ever discovered, but it can be made the most useful.” 20 (President Harry S. Truman, Diary, July 25, 1945)

“The World will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima a military base. That was because we wished in this first attack to avoid, insofar as possible, the killing of civilians..” (President Harry S. Truman in a radio speech to the Nation, August 9, 1945).

[Note: the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945; the Second on Nagasaki, on August 9, on the same day as Truman’s radio speech to the Nation]

Nobody within the upper echelons of the US government and military believed that Hiroshima was a military base, Truman was lying to himself and to the American public. To this day the use of nuclear weapons against Japan are justified as a necessary cost for bringing the war to an end and ultimately “saving lives”.


The Hiroshima Doctrine applied to Korea: US nuclear weapons stockpiled and deployed in South Korea

During the Korean War, the US had envisaged the use of nuclear weapons against North Korea shortly after the Soviet Union had tested its first atom bomb in August  29, 1949, about ten months prior to the onset of the Korean War in June 1950. Inevitably, the possession of the atom bomb by the Soviet Union acted as a deterrent against the use of nuclear weapons by the US in the course of the Korean War.

In the immediate wake of the Korean War, there was a turnaround in US nuclear weapons policy regarding North Korea. The use of nukes weapons had been envisaged on a pre-emptive basis against the DPRK, on the presumption that the Cold War nuclear powers, including China and the Soviet Union would not intervene.

Barely a few years after the end of the Korean War, the US initiated its deployment of nuclear warheads in South Korea. This deployment in Uijongbu and Anyang-Ni had been envisaged as early as 1956.

It is worth noting that the US decision to bring nuclear warheads to South Korea was in blatant violation of  Paragraph 13(d) of the Armistice Agreement which prohibited the warring factions from introducing new weapons into Korea.

The actual deployment of nuclear warheads started in January 1958, four and a half years after the end of the Korean War, “with the introduction of five nuclear weapon systems: the Honest John surface-to-surface missile, the Matador cruise missile, the Atomic-Demolition Munition (ADM) nuclear landmine, and the 280-mm gun and 8-inch (203mm) howitzer.” 21 (See The nuclear information project: US Nuclear Weapons in Korea)

The Davy Crockett projectile was deployed in South Korea between July 1962 and June 1968. The warhead had selective yields up to 0.25 kilotons. The projectile weighed only 34.5 kg (76 lbs). Nuclear bombs for fighter bombers arrived in March 1958, followed by three surface-to-surface missile systems (Lacrosse, Davy Crockett, and Sergeant) between July 1960 and September 1963. The dual-mission Nike Hercules anti-air and surface-to-surface missile arrived in January 1961, and finally the 155-mm Howitzer arrived in October 1964. At the peak of this build-up, nearly 950 warheads were deployed in South Korea.

Four of the weapon types only remained deployed for a few years, while the others stayed for decades. The 8-inch Howitzer stayed until late 1991, the only of the weapon to be deployed throughout the entire 33-year period of U.S. nuclear weapons deployment to South Korea. The other weapons that stayed till the end were the air delivered bombs (several different bomb types were deployed over the years, ending with the B61) and the 155-mm Howitzer nuclear artillery.22

Officially the US deployment of nuclear weapons in South Korea lasted for 33 years. The deployment was targeted against North Korea as well China and the Soviet Union.

South Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Program

Concurrent and in coordination with the US deployment of nuclear warheads in South Korea, the ROK had initiated its own nuclear weapons program in the early 1970s. The official story is that the US exerted pressure on Seoul to abandon their nuclear weapons program and “sign the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) in April 1975 before it had produced any fissile material.” 23

The fact of the matter is that the ROK’s nuclear initiative was from the outset in the early 1970s  under the supervision of the US and was developed as a component part of the US deployment of nuclear weapons, with a view to threatening North Korea.

Moreover, while this program was officially ended in 1978, the US promoted scientific expertise as well as training of the ROK military in the use of nuclear weapons. And bear in mind: under the ROK-US CFC agreement, all operational units of the ROK are under joint command headed by a US General. This means that all the military facilities and bases established by the Korean military are de facto joint facilities. There are a total of 27 US military facilities in the ROK 24

The Official Removal of Nuclear Weapons from South Korea

According to military sources, the removal of nuclear weapons from South Korea was initiated in the mid 1970s:

 The nuclear weapons storage site at Osan Air base was deactivated in late 1977. This reduction continued over the following years and resulted in the number of nuclear weapons in South Korea dropping from some 540 in 1976 to approximately 150 artillery shells and bombs in 1985. By the time of the Presidential Nuclear Initiative in 1991, roughly 100 warheads remained, all of which had been withdrawn by December 1991. 25

According to official statements, the US withdrew its nuclear weapons from South Korea in December 1991.

The Planning of Nuclear Attacks against North Korea from the Continental US and from Strategic US Submarines

This withdrawal from Korea did not in any way modify the threat of nuclear war directed against the DPRK. On the contrary: it was tied to changes in US military strategy with regard to the deployment of nuclear warheads. Major North Korean cities were to be targeted with nuclear warheads from US continental locations and from US strategic submarines (SSBN)  rather than military facilities in South Korea:

After the withdrawal of [US] nuclear weapons from South Korea in December 1991, the 4th Fighter Wing at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base has been tasked with nuclear strike planning against North Korea. Since then, strike planning against North Korea with non-strategic nuclear weapons has been the responsibility of fighter wings based in the continental United States. One of these is the 4th Fighter Wing at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in North Carolina. …

We simulated fighting a war in Korea, using a Korean scenario. … The scenario…simulated a decision by the National Command Authority about considering using nuclear weapons….We identified aircraft, crews, and [weapon] loaders to load up tactical nuclear weapons onto our aircraft….

With a capability to strike targets in less than 15 minutes, the Trident D5 sea-launched ballistic missile is a “mission critical system” for U.S. Forces Korea. Ballistic Missile Submarines and Long-Range Bombers

In addition to non-strategic air delivered bombs, sea-launched ballistic missiles onboard strategic Ohio-class submarines (SSBNs) patrolling in the Pacific appear also to have a mission against North Korea. A DOD General Inspector report from 1998 listed the Trident system as a “mission critical system” identified by U.S. Pacific Command and U.S. Forces Korea as “being of particular importance to them.”

Although the primary mission of the Trident system is directed against targets in Russia and China, a D5 missile launched in a low-trajectory flight provides a unique very short notice (12-13 minutes) strike capability against time-critical targets in North Korea. No other U.S. nuclear weapon system can get a warhead on target that fast. Two-three SSBNs are on “hard alert” in the Pacific at any given time, holding Russian, Chinese and North Korean targets at risk from designated patrol areas.

Long-range strategic bombers may also be assigned a nuclear strike role against North Korea although little specific is known. An Air Force map (see below) suggests a B-2 strike role against North Korea. As the designated carrier of the B61-11 earth penetrating nuclear bomb, the B-2 is a strong candidate for potential nuclear strike missions against North Korean deeply buried underground facilities.

As the designated carrier of the B61-11 earth penetrating nuclear bomb [with an explosive capacity between one third and six times a Hiroshima bomb,see image right above] and a possible future Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator, the B-2 stealth bomber (below)could have an important role against targets in North Korea. Recent upgrades enable planning of a new B-2 nuclear strike mission in less than 8 hours. 26

Whereas officially the US deployment of nuclear weapons in South Korea lasted for 33 years, there is evidence that a large number of nuclear warheads are still stockpiled in South Korea.

“Although the South Korean government at the time confirmed the withdrawal, U.S. affirmations were not as clear. As a result, rumors persisted for a long time — particularly in North and South Korea — that nuclear weapons remained in South Korea. Yet the withdrawal was confirmed by Pacific Command in 1998 in a declassified portion of the CINCPAC Command History for 1991. 27 (The nuclear information project: withdrawal of US nuclear weapons from South Korea,)

Recent reports have hinted to a remaining stockpile of nuclear weapons in South Korea to be used on a pre-emptive basis against North Korea.  It is well understood that such an action would engulf the entire Korean peninsula in an area of intense nuclear radiation.

The Bush Administration’s 2001 Nuclear Posture Review: Pre-emptive Nuclear War.

The Bush administration in its 2001 Nuclear Posture Review established the contours of a new post 9/11 “pre-emptive” nuclear war doctrine, namely that nuclear weapons could be used as an instrument of “self-defense” against non-nuclear states

“Requirements for U.S. nuclear strike capabilities” directed against North Korea were established as part of  a Global Strike mission under the helm of  US Strategic Command Headquarters in Omaha Nebraska, the so-called CONPLAN 8022, which was directed against a number of “rogue states” including North Korea as well as China and Russia:

On November 18, 2005, the new Space and Global Strike command became operational at STRATCOM after passing testing in a nuclear war exercise involving North Korea.

Current U.S. Nuclear strike planning against North Korea appears to serve three roles: The first is a vaguely defined traditional deterrence role intended to influence North Korean behavior prior to hostilities.

This role was broadened somewhat by the 2001 Nuclear Posture Review to not only deter but also dissuade North Korea from pursuing weapons of mass destruction.

Why, after five decades of confronting North Korea with nuclear weapons, the Bush administration believes that additional nuclear capabilities will somehow dissuade North Korea from pursuing weapons of mass destruction [nuclear weapons program] is a mystery. 28

The Threat of Nuclear War. North Korea vs. the United States.

While the Western media in chorus focus on the North Korean nuclear threat, what prevails when reviewing Korean history is the asymmetry of nuclear capabilities.

The fact that the US has been threatening North Korea with nuclear war for over half a century is barely acknowledged by the Western media.

Where is the threat?

The asymmetry of nuclear weapons capabilities between the US and the DPRK must be emphasised,

According to (April 2013) the United States

possesses 5,113 nuclear warheads, including tactical, strategic, and non-deployed weapons.”

According to the latest official New START declaration, out of more than 5113 nuclear weapons,

the US deploys 1,654 strategic nuclear warheads on 792 deployed ICBMs, SLBMs, and strategic bombers… 29

Moreover, according to The Federation of American Scientists the U.S. possesses 500 tactical nuclear warheads.

On April 3, 2013 the U.S. State Department issued the latest fact sheet on its data exchange with Russia under New START, sharing the numbers of deployed nuclear warheads and New START-accountable delivery systems held by each country, 2. On May 3, 2010, the United States Department of Defense released for the first time the total number of nuclear warheads (5,113) in the U.S. stockpile. The Defense Department includes in this stockpile active warheads which are operational and deployed or ready to be deployed, and inactive warheads which are maintained “in a non-operational status, and have their tritium bottle removed.” Sources: Arms Control Association, Federation of American Scientists, International Panel on Fissile Materials, U.S. Department of Defense, and U.S. Department of State).30

In contrast  the DPRK, according to the same source:

“has separated enough plutonium for roughly 4-8 nuclear warheads. North Korea unveiled a centrifuge facility in 2010, buts ability to produce highly-enriched uranium for weapons remains unclear.” 31 (

Morever, according to expert opinion:

“there is no evidence that North Korea has the means to lob a nuclear-armed missile at the United States or anyone else. So far, it has produced several atomic bombs and tested them, but it lacks the fuel and the technology to miniaturize a nuke and place it on a missile” 32

According to Siegfried Hecker, one of America’s preeminent nuclear scientists:

“Despite its recent threats, North Korea does not yet have much of a nuclear arsenal because it lacks fissile materials and has limited nuclear testing experience,” 33

The threat of nuclear war does not emanate from the the DPRK but from the US and its allies.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the unspoken victim of US military aggression, has been incessantly portrayed as a war mongering nation, a menace to the American Homeland and a  “threat to World peace”. These stylized accusations have become part of a media consensus.

Meanwhile, Washington is now implementing a $32 billion refurbishing of strategic nuclear weapons as well as a revamping of its tactical nuclear weapons, which according to a 2002 Senate decision “are harmless to the surrounding civilian population.”

These continuous threats and actions of latent aggression directed against the DPRK should also be understood as part of the broader US military agenda in East Asia, directed against China and Russia.

It is important that people across the land, in the US, Western countries, come to realize that the United States rather than North Korea or Iran is a threat to global security. [Obama at the DMZ using the UN Flag in violation of the UN Security Council]

Obama  together with President Park Geun Hye at the DMZ

Korea’s Economic Development

The US military occupation of South Korea has largely supported and protected US economic and financial interests in Korea. From the very outset in 1945, there was no democratization of the South Korean economy. The exploitative Japanese factory system was adopted by the Korean business conglomerates, which were in part the outgrowth of the Japanese imperial system.

At the outset this system was based on extremely low wages, Korea’s manufacturing base was used to produce cheap labor exports for Western markets, In many respects, the earlier Korean manufacturing base was a form of “industrial colonialism” in derogation of the rights of Korean workers.

The rise of the South Korean business conglomerates (Chaebols) was the source of impressive economic growth performance starting in the 1970s. The Chaebols are conglomerates of many companies “clustered around one holding company”. The parent company is often controlled by single family or business clan. The latter in turn had close ties to officials in the ROK’s military governments.

South Korea’s industrial and technological revolution constituted a challenge to Western capitalism. Despite US military presence, the ROK was no longer a “developing country” with a “dependent” economy.  Inserted into a competitive World market, South Korean capitalism was competing with both Japanese and Western multinationals.

The 1997 Asian Crisis: Financial Warfare Directed against South Korea

The ROK had developed into a World capitalist power. It had acquired its own technological base, a highly developed banking system; it was categorised by the World Bank as a so-called “Asian tiger”.

Yet at the same time, the entire political fabric –which included the conduct of macroeconomic policy– was controlled by Washington and Wall Street, not to mention the military presence of US occupation forces.

The Asian crisis of 1997 was an important watershed. In late 1997, the imposition of an IMF bailout contributed to plunging South Korea, virtually overnight, into a deep recession. The social impact was devastating.

Through financial manipulation of  stock markets and foreign exchange markets by major financial actors, the Asian crisis contributed to weakening and undermining the Korean business establishment. The objective was to “tame the tiger”, dismantle the Korean business conglomerates, and restore US control and ownership over the Korean economy, its industrial base, its banking system.

The collapse of the won in late 1997 was triggered by “naked short selling” on the foreign exchange markets. It was tantamount to an act of economic warfare.

Several Korean business conglomerates were fractured, broken up or precipitated into bankruptcy on the orders of the IMF, which was acting on behalf of Wall Street.

Of the 30 largest chaebols, 11 collapsed between July 1997 and June 1999.

Following the IMF’s  December 1997 financial bailout, a large part of the Korean national economy, its high tech sectors, its industrial base, was “stolen” by US and Western capital under various fraudulent clauses negotiated by the ROK’s creditors.

Western corporations had gone on a shopping spree, buying up financial institutions and industrial assets at rock-bottom prices. The devaluation of the won, combined with the slide of the Seoul stock market, had dramatically depressed the dollar value of Korean assets.

Acting directly on behalf of Wall Street, the IMF had demanded the dismantling of the Daewoo Group including the sell-off of the 12 so-called troubled Daewoo affiliate companies. Daewoo Motors was up for grabs. This was not a spontaneous bankruptcy, it was the result of financial manipulation, with a view to transferring valuable productive assets into the hand of foreign investors. Daewoo obliged under the IMF agreement to sell off Daewoo Motor to General Motors (GM) in 2001. Similarly, the ROK’s largest corporation Hyundai was forced to restructure its holding company following the December 1997 bailout.

In April 1999 Hyundai announced a two-thirds reduction of the number of business units and “a plan to break up the group into five independent business groups”. This initiative was part of the debt reduction plan imposed by Western creditors and carried out by the IMF. It was implemented under what was called “the spin-off program” whereby the large Korean business conglomerates were to slated to be downsized and broken up into smaller business undertakings.

In the process, many of the high tech units belonging to the large Korean holding companies were bought out by Western capital.

South Korea’s banking landscape was also taken over by “US investors”. Korea First Bank (KFB), with a network of branches all over the country, was purchased at a negative price by the California based Newbridge Group in a fraudulent transaction. 34

A similar shady deal enabled the Carlyle Group –whose board of directors included former U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush (Senior), his Secretary of State James A. Baker III, and former Defense Secretary Frank C. Carlucci — to take control of KorAm Bank in September 2000. KorAm was taken over in a Consortium led by The Carlyle Group in collaboration with JPMorgan Chase. KorAm Bank had been established in the early 1980s as a joint venture between Bank America and a group of Korean conglomerates. .

Three years later, CitiBank purchased  a 36.7 percent stake in KorAm from the Carlyle Group and then bought up all the remaining shares, in what was described as “Citibank’s biggest acquisition outside the Western Hemisphere”. 35

Following the 1997 Asian Crisis which triggered a multibillion dollar debt crisis, a new system of government had been established in South Korea, geared towards the fracture of Korea’s business conglomerates and the weakening of Korean national capitalism. In other words, the signing of the IMF bailout Agreement in December 1997 marks a significant transformation in the structure of the Korean State, whose regulatory financial agencies were used to serve the interests of  Korea’s external creditors.

Concluding Remarks: Towards Peace.

The US is still at war with Korea.

This US sponsored state of war is directed against both North and South Korea. It is characterised by persistent military threats (including the use of nuclear weapons) against the DPRK. It also threatens the ROK which has been under US military occupation since September 1945.

Currently there are 37,000 US troops in South Korea. Given the geography of the Korean peninsula, the use of nuclear weapons against North Korea would inevitably also engulf South Korea. This fact is known and understood by US military planners.

What has to be emphasized prior to forthcoming negotiations pertaining a “Peace Treaty” is that the US and the ROK are not “Allies”.

The “real alliance” is that which unifies and reunites North and South Korea against foreign intrusion and aggression.

What this signifies is that the US is in a state of war against the entire Korean Nation.

The formulation of the Peace Treaty, therefore, requires the holding of bilateral talks between the ROK and the DPRK with a view to formulating a “joint position” regarding the terms to be included in a “Peace Treaty”.

The terms of this Peace Treaty should under no circumstances be dictated by the US Aggressor, which is committed to maintaining its military presence on the Korean peninsula.

It is worth noting in this regard, US foreign policy and military planners have already established their own scenario of “reunification” predicated on maintaining US occupation troops in Korea. Similarly, what is envisaged by Washington is a framework which will enable “foreign investors” to penetrate and pillage the North Korean economy.

Washington’s objective is to impose the terms of Korea’s reunification. The NeoCons “Project for a New American Century” (PNAC) published in 2000 had intimated that in “post unification scenario”, the number of US troops (currently at 37,000) should be increased and that US military presence could be extended to North Korea.  In a reunified Korea,  the military mandate of the US garrison would be to implement so-called “stability operations in North Korea”:

While Korea unification might call for the reduction in American presence on the peninsula and a transformation of U.S force posture in Korea, the changes would really reflect a change in their mission – and changing technological realities – not the termination of their mission. Moreover, in any realistic post-unification scenario, U.S. forces are likely to have some role in stability operations in North Korea. It is premature to speculate on the precise size and composition of a post-unification U.S. presence in Korea, but it is not too early to recognize that the presence of American forces in Korea serves a larger and longer-range strategic purpose. For the present, any reduction in capabilities of the current U.S. garrison on the peninsula would be unwise. If anything, there is a need to bolster them, especially with respect to their ability to defend against missile attacks and to limit the effects of North Korea’s massive artillery capability. In time, or with unification, the structure of these units will change and their manpower levels fluctuate, but U.S. presence in this corner of Asia should continue. 36 (PNAC, Rebuilding America`s Defenses, Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century, p. 18, emphasis added)

Washington’s intentions are crystal clear.

It is important, therefore, that these talks be conducted by the ROK and DPRK without the participation or interference of outside parties. These discussions must address the withdrawal of all US occupation forces as well as the removal of economic sanctions directed against North Korea.

The exclusion of US military presence and the withdrawal of the 37,000 occupation forces should be a sine qua non requirement of a Peace Treaty.

Pursuant to a Peace Treaty, the ROK-US CFC agreement which places ROK forces under US command should be rescinded. All ROK troops would thereafter be brought under national ROK command.

This a fundamental shift: the present CFC agreement in essence allows the US Command to order South Korean troops to fight in a US sponsored war against North Korea, superseding and overriding the ROK President and Commander in Chief of the ROK Armed Forces.

Bilateral consultations should also be undertaken with a view to further developing economic, technological, cultural and educational cooperation between the ROK and the DPRK.

Economic sovereignty is a central issue. The shady transactions launched in the wake of the IMF bailout in 1997 must be addressed. These transactions were conducive to the illegal and fraudulent acquisition and ownership of a large part of South Korea’s high tech industry and banking by Western corporate capital.  Similarly the impacts of the insertion of the ROK into the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) must also be examined.

The Peace agreement would also be accompanied by the opening of the border between North and South.

Pursuant to the June 15th North–South Joint Declaration in August 2000, a joint ROK DPRK working commission should be established to set an agenda and a timeline for reunification.

Michel Chossudovsky’s Presentation to the Japanese Foreign Correspondent’s Club on US Aggression against the People of Korea, Tokyo, August 1, 2013 


Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal and Editor of the website. He is the author of The Globalization of Poverty and The New World Order (2003) and America’s “War on Terrorism”(2005). His most recent book is entitled Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War (2011). He is also a contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. His writings have been published in more than twenty languages.

Michel Chossudovsky is a member of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission which initiated the indictment against George W. Bush  et al  “for crimes of torture and war crimes”. (Judgement of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, 11 May 2012). 

Michel Chossudovsky can be reached at [email protected]


1 Interview with General Wesley Clark, Democracy Now March 2, 2007.

2 Martin Hart-Landsberg, Korea: Division, Reunification, & U.S. Foreign Policy. Monthly Review Press. New York, 1998 pp. 65–6). The PRK was abolished by military decree in September 1945 by the USAMG.

3  Jay Hauben, Book Review of I.F. Stone’s “Hidden History of the Korean War”, OmnyNews, 2007,

4  Ibid.                                           

5  Quoted in Stephen Lendman, America’s War on North Korea, Global Research,, April 1, 2013

6  Ibid

7  Bruce Cumings, Korea: Forgotten Nuclear Threats, 2005

8 Ibid

9  Quoted in Brian Willson, Korea and the Axis of Evil, Global Research, October 2006.

10  Ibid.

11  Associated Press Report,, July 6, 2008

12  Wikipedia

13  George F. Kennan, State Department Brief, Washington DC, 1948

14 Ibid.

15  The main PNAC document is entitled Rebuilding America`s Defenses, Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century, The PNAC website is:

16  Chosun Ibo, April 13, 2013

17 See United States Forces Korea | Mission of the ROK/US Combined Forces Command.

18  See United States Forces Korea | USFK Leadership

19  U.S.- S. Korea Military Gameplan | Flashpoints | The Diplomat, April 4, 2013

20 President Harry S. Truman, Diary, July 25, 1945

21 See The nuclear information project: US Nuclear Weapons in Korea

22 Ibid.

23 Daniel A. Pinkston, “South Korea’s Nuclear Experiments,” CNS Research Story, 9 November 2004,

24 See List of United States Army installations in South Korea – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

25  The Nuclear Information Project: Withdrawal of US nuclear weapons from South Korea

26 Ibid

27 The Nuclear Information Project: Withdrawal of US nuclear weapons from South Korea, emphasis added

28 Ibid, emphasis added

29, April, 2013

30 Ibid

31 Ibid

32 See  North Korea: What’s really happening – April 5, 2013

33 Ibid

34  See Michel Chossudovsky, The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order, Global Research, Montreal, 2003.

35 See Citibank expands in South Korea – The New York Times, November 2, 2004.

36. Project for A New American Century (PNAC), Rebuilding America`s Defenses, Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century, Washington DC 2000, p. 18, emphasis added

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


Imagine a situation in which some residents of a skyscraper notice a fire that can spread to the entire building and ring the alarm bells.

However the manager of the building instead of taking urgent steps to extinguish the fire, throws even more inflammable things into the fire so that the flames start rising and spreading much further, spreading the risk of fire to the entire building.

When the alarmed people raise questions, the manager says—this particular floor is of my rival and I must destroy this. People shout that in the process he may destroy the entire building including his own floor, but the manager continues to escalate the fire instead of extinguishing it. 

Most people will say that such an absurd situation is never likely to occur.

But take a more careful look at the situation of the entire planet during the last two years or so.

This is a time when senior scientists have been warning increasingly that threats to the life-nurturing conditions of the planet due to climate change, other environmental problems and very dangerous and destructive weapons have been escalating, and yet, despite these warnings, several of the world’s top leaders have gone ahead and created the conditions for several new and high-risk wars to start and escalate, so much so that the talk of the third world war and a nuclear war breaking out has been heard more during the last two years than during the last two decades. 

Doesn’t this appear eerily close to the analogy of a building’s manager, when told about a fire, responding by throwing inflammable materials into it? Also any analysis of the present-day world situation would reveal that the most dangerous risk-escalations are being caused recklessly with the aim of maintaining dominance of the world, maintaining the number one position, regardless of the enormous harm caused to the safety of the entire world in the process.   

This in face is where we are at the moment in early 2024, with thousands of people dying in most painful ways on daily basis in dangerous wars and other man-made disasters, and in addition the possibility of all this rising further due to the world leadership being too busy in escalation of risks rather than in remedial actions.

Anyone who doubts this should merely look up the information on how fast the military-industrial complex is growing, how other high-risk and high-hazard industries are growing, how decisions jeopardizing human life are being taken for monetary gains and how a small number of persons are accumulating increasing power which they unhesitatingly exercise in ways which increase their power and wealth further but also increasingly endanger the life of this and future generations.

In the process the gulf between what the world needs and what is actually happening has been becoming wider and wider.

This must be bridged before it is too late. This must be our topmost priority.

The most important issue of our times is that the basic life-nurturing conditions of our planet are badly threatened and this threat should be checked with a sense of the utmost urgency. This threat comes from two sides—firstly, various environmental crises and secondly, weapons of mass destruction.

To check these, the most obvious first step is to minimize the possibility of war, to eliminate (or curb in various significant ways) all weapons of mass destruction and check the overall arms race as well.

Ideally, the most powerful countries including the permanent members of the UN Security Council can get together and put their collective strength into securing a no-wars future for the world.

With no international wars and the weapons race curbed, the creative energies of the world’s people can be devoted to checking the environmental crisis while meeting the basic needs of all people. People display amazing creativity once the goals and tasks are set out clearly, the does and don’ts are clear and a system of encouragements and discouragements is in place too. There should be the political will to check powerful polluters, and in addition people should be motivated and educated enough to avoid luxurious, polluting lifestyles.

This would be the ideal situation, but this does not appear to be on the horizon at all just now, and with new wars breaking out the already dangerously perched world appears to be moving further and further away from the real solutions, with agencies like the United Nations looking on more or less helplessly. 

The extremely unfortunate reality is of worsening wars and weapons race, increasing power of polluting industries, bigger spread of consumerist thinking and lifestyles related to this. Environment protection is being promoted in some ways but there is more rhetoric than reality, more lip service than real change, so that the basic factors which cause environmental ruin remain in place or may even be becoming stronger in some ways. 

Where do we go from here?

Of course there are still some outstanding, brilliant, very well-intentioned political leaders in various countries of the world, but the overall record of world’s political leadership in recent times, particularly in some of the most powerful countries, does not inspire confidence that they will be able to give top priority to the challenge of protecting the life-nurturing conditions of our planet.

Increasingly, therefore, there must be greater role of people’s non-violent mobilization and actions for meeting this greatest challenge of our times, and of the next generations, although of course there will be constant need for engaging with the political leadership and world organizations like the United Nations, creating conditions in which they are sometimes encouraged, sometimes compelled to take bigger decisions for protecting the planet.

This means that people’s movements with understanding and deep concern for this crucial issue of protecting the life-nurturing conditions of our planet must get together in various countries, and then must get close to each other across various countries. They must create conditions for more democratic freedoms to be available to them in all parts of the world. They must work together to create a common, broad agenda of achieving the essential conditions of saving the planet and all its inhabitants in time, within a framework of justice, peace and democracy.

Even highly relevant tasks such as climate chance are sometimes hijacked to powerful interests to serve their narrow interests. This brings serious distortions, so that environmental agenda which will displace and harm poor people (while promoting and benefiting the interests of the super-rich) is promoted, something which must be resisted strongly by people. 

It is therefore important to assert that the best way of tackling the survival crisis (S) is by walking on the path of justice (J), equality (E), protection of environment and bio-diversity (P) and of course peace (P). To be able to identify this path in one word, this writer has been calling this the JEPPS path. It is this combination of principles and policies which is our best hope for protecting the life-nurturing conditions of our planet while at the same time resolving and reducing several other serious problems as well.          

This will not be easy. Apart from the formidable organizational challenges of creating a worldwide movement, there are the problems relating to reaching broad agreement on the basics of a common agenda. Reductionist and narrow thinking is also common in several movements, which are more concerned about rather narrowly defined aims. As against these problems and constraints, there is the strength that any movement dealing with the most relevant issues and mobilizing people sincerely and honestly on these issues acquires with the passage of time, and the fact that with the threats to life-nurturing conditions manifesting in more fierce ways, the younger generation may be more rapidly and more firmly drawn to such a worldwide movement. This movement is also likely to get increasing strength from women.

Despite several uncertainties remaining, there is no doubt that the coming together of the movements of peace, environment and biodiversity protection, justice and equality, women and youth movements, movements for child rights will be good for humanity and will help to create a better world. Even if this does not lead to spectacular success in checking and curbing life-threatening conditions, it will at least help to place the world on a safer path. Another reason for hope is that while the initial progress may be slow and cumbersome, if the efforts are sustained with continuity for a certain time, once the base has been prepared, there can also be perhaps very quick success then, even the kind of success which may appear far-fetched at present, even spectacular success.

These efforts necessarily involve a very big educational and mobilization effort at various levels. This necessarily involves trying to change prevailing human values in ways that are more in tune with the needs of a world based on protection of environment, peace, justice and equality. As a beginning in this direction, this writer has been proposing that the next decade should be observed as the decade for saving (the life-nurturing conditions of) earth, a decade when humanity learns to give this the highest priority within a framework of justice, peace and democracy. So another consideration of high value just now must be to get the UN to declare 2025-35 as the Decade for Saving the Earth, with many highly creative programs being crafted and planned around this basic theme, particularly at community level and at the level of schools, colleges and other educational institutions.


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Bharat Dogra is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save Earth Now. His latest books include Planet in Peril, Protecting Earth for Children, Earth without Borders and A Day in 2071. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Save Our Planet Save Our Future, Belgium, January 31, 2019. Photo: EuroNews/Twitter.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March


President Biden’s State of the Union address made one thing clear: war, genocide, and militarism remains the Amercian way.

From Gaza to Ukraine, from the Middle East to the borders of our own nation, the toll of violence from militarism is immeasurable. Will we ever see an end to the cycle of destruction fueled by capitalism and U.S. imperialism?

Firstly, let’s address the white elephant in the war.

Before the speech started, Democratic women leaders were shown wearing white in honor of women and feminism.

But let’s be very clear, whether it’s women sending bombs or men, the result remains the same: women and children are being murdered, communities shattered, and futures erased.

There’s no feminism in complicity with war and genocide, nor is there honor in turning a blind eye to the cries of the oppressed who are very loudly asking us to quit sending the bombs that are murdering their people.

Biden started the speech with an appeal for more money to fund the War in Ukraine. Yet in the two years since Russia invaded Ukraine with over a hundred billion dollars spent and countless lives lost Ukrainians are no closer to peace. Peace cannot be found in the endless military packages but in the corridors of diplomacy and peace talks, where dialogue and negotiation pave the way for lasting solutions.

He then moved on to taunt the need to protect democracy yet the White House and Congress continuously ignore the majority of the country who want an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, specifically Biden’s own voter base. A true democracy happens not just at the ballot box but beyond it. Yet, Biden chooses to ignore the very people who put him in office.

Along with “protecting democracy,” Biden also vowed to protect the environment. However, the contribution to militarism cannot be ignored. The U.S. military ranks as one of the largest consumers of oil globally, contributing significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. Instead of investing in renewable energy and supporting a just transition, precious resources are squandered to war and conflicts that ravage the planet and accelerate climate change.

President Biden’s support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza and occupation of Palestine is a stain on the moral fabric of our nation. And he leaned into that support in his address. Using lies and unsubstantiated claims he attempted to legitimize Israel’s genocidal response to Oct. 7. However no matter how he tries to spin it – the death and destruction that innocent people are enduring on a daily basis, mostly women and children, cannot be justified in the name of political alliances or strategic interests. Nothing, absolutely justifies genocide and ethnic cleansing.

Biden’s latest response to Israel’s countless war crimes is to build a “temporary” port off the shores of Gaza to allow for humanitarian aid to enter the besieged land. But a temporary port does nothing to stop the permanent death and destruction from U.S. made bombs. It’s time to halt the flow of weapons to Israel or quit pretending to care about the lives of Palestinians.

Biden made it clear that war, genocide, and militarism are all still on top of the U.S. agenda. This will cost us all dearly. He must heed the demands of the public: stop the bombs, stop the militarization of our borders, stop the inhumane blockades that are starving people to death. The media will paint Biden’s speech as strong and positive but make no mistake – a  country that relies on the death and destruction of others is a weak one. We desperately need leaders who will prioritize diplomacy over destruction, compassion over conflict, and humanity over hubris. Only then can we truly claim to be a nation committed to justice, equality, and the pursuit of peace for all. Until then, we will continue to be a country committed to war and genocide and never find lasting peace.


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Melissa Garriga is the communications and media analysis manager for CODEPINK. She writes about the intersection of militarism and the human cost of war.

Featured image: I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream- by Mr. Fish