Here is a summary of the speech (in the video below) of former British Ambassador Craig Murray describing the transition of Britain and the West in general into Tyranny.

The UK has criminalized dissent.

A new Public Order Act makes it illegal to hold a rally or demonstration if it “inconveniences” anyone. This gives the state unlimited power to clamp down on any demonstration.

A new National Security Act makes it illegal to accept funding if it comes from “a hostile state” (there is no definition of what qualifies as a “hostile state”).

A new Public Safety Act makes it a criminal offense to publish “misinformation” (there is no definition of “misinformation” — the government decides).

It is all about control of the narrative. Zionist lobbies have great influence on official narratives across the West.

Citizens of the West are not allowed to accuse Israel of genocide; this is increasingly being equated with being a “terrorist”.

Anti-terrorism powers are being used to prevent any criticism of Israel.

Murray, a former British Ambassador, was arrested at the airport under the “Terrorism Act” for attending a pro-Palestine demonstration in Iceland.

Under the Terrorism Act, if you are arrested at an airport, you have no right to remain silent, no right to a lawyer, you must turn over all your electronic devices with the passwords.

If you refuse to turn over your electronic devices, it is two years in prison.

Two years in prison for refusing to answer a question.

Many people are being detained under anti-terrorist legislation, including a professor from Paris and several independent journalists, who all have been detained as was Murray.

There is a continual attempt to connect people to Russia. The FBI detained an American professor who spoke with Murray at a pro-Palestine demonstration and had all his electronic devices confiscated.

Crackdowns on free speech, freedom of assembly, and any form of dissent are happening all across the Western world in an increasing frequency.

As the West trumpets the importance of “freedom and democracy”, it simultaneously limits the freedoms of its own peoples and moves towards complete totalitarianism.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 18 2024

Video: Former British Ambassador Craig Murray


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Introduction by Peter Koenig

Dr. Rima Laibow, co-founder and medical director of Natural Solutions Foundation, makes an urgent appeal to the world population which may not be aware of what the United Nations have in store for the us, the People, during their ongoing General Assembly in New York.

September 22 and 23 are reserved for “debating” this topic to which in anticipation several governments, including Canada, have already given their approval. It is a plan for a borderless digital control in the future. In other words, towards a digital gulag — the first step towards a One World Order.

See also these two recent articles on the same subject: this and this.

As Dr. Laibow correctly points out, it is important that this information reaches as many people as possible and as soon as possible. Time is of the essence.

These are the various links, displaying the same video message – in case one or the other of the links has been censored out.

And below is the transcript of Dr. Rima Laibow’s video speech.


Surviving the UN Is Exiting the UN

by Dr. Rima Laibow, Presentation at the Chisinau, Moldova Forum 25-26 May 2024 (12 September 2024)

You may also watch the video here, here, and here.

See also this, Canada Threatened – Stop Bill C-293 – Emergency Action (4 September 2024)

If this bill is not stopped, Canada could become one of the first countries to adopt the UN Agenda for the Future of the World – A digital Gulag 

Transcript of Dr. Laibow’s presentation is below.


Hello, I am honoured and pleased to be with you today in the Chișinău Forum. This is a very important project bringing information and options and depth of understanding to people around the world and I’m honoured to be among the participants.

I want to talk as a physician.

The body politic is ailing and is under attack. There is a death machine which has been constructed slowly, carefully, beautifully, brilliantly with endless resources and the ability to create propaganda to a really unprecedented degree so that the angst of the tyranny through deep village enslavement and it’s an enslavement that is so profound that it begins with the deepening and then proceeds outward preaching subhuman species, not just suppressed. That process has been in play for at least 100 years.

Now, as a physician, I have because my goal as a doctor chose to come what the root cause of whatever their symptom was and to solve the root cause of the problem then the symptoms be alleviated. Now, if the symptoms were lethal and overwhelming, I would work to solve the symptoms but my goal was to find the root cause of the problem, fix that and then let the problem fix itself. In 2004, after having been alerted by a patient to the fact that a great culling was about to begin and the culling was to be of the useless eaters and after doing a great deal of research to find out what that meant, I realized that the patient was quite correct and that the culling of the useless eaters had been prepared for over a very long time and what I learned was that with Tory philanthropy, which we should have as the Rockefeller had used sources starting with John D. Rockefeller Sr., the world’s first billionaire and wealthiest person ever have lived on the planet.

The visionary and truly John D. Rockefeller Sr. was a great science of eugenics, getting rid of the people who live on this planet. It’s a great idea and in fact, it was John D. Rockefeller Jr. who introduced eugenics, setting up the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute to study the science of eugenics before, during and after the Second World War. Approximately 36, I’m sorry, approximately 36 scientists, scientists, even bringing them to the United States after the Second World Scholars Program.

Now at the same time, Rockefeller created the discipline of public health to take over the decision-making of countries and their subsidiary units down to individuals and created the structure that we now call the United Nations with its subsidiary organization, the World Health Organization and UNESCO and all of the other bits and pieces of the United Nations, each of which is robed in light and beauty and propaganda that says that this death machine called the United Nations, which is really a country club of unelected nobodies, it’s a private club, nothing more. And the World Health Organization, which is a nascent global tyranny through medical issues, basically a business plan to take over resources at every level, nothing more. And each of the other pieces is also robed in glory of education and humanitarian capture and so on.

And of course, all of it is nonsense. It’s all about tyranny. It’s all about a tyrannical system, which is so profound and so complete that it is in essence the apotheosis of what every dictator in the world has ever hoped for.

So laying their plans for about 140 years, these uber wealthy tyrants who believe that like Bill Gates and George Soros and Oprah Winfrey and the other modern predatory philanthropists, that they have the right because of their wealth to determine who lives, who dies and under what conditions and with what genetic makeup, these people live and die. The predatory trap is about to be fully sprung. Unfortunately, most of the attention that has been given to this geopolitical threat has been given to the World Health Organization.

Now, two and a half years ago, I thought that we had time for gradualism, that we could start with getting out of the World Health Organization and we could then take the momentum of our success and get out of the United Nations next. Seven months ago, however, I realized that that was a political, strategic and tactical error. And by the way, in 2004, I closed my practice of medicine in order to create with my husband, Major General Albert N. Sebelbaum III, the Natural Solutions Foundation, to deal with the disease of the body politic, which was the death intention being brought about by a death machine known as the UN.

And I urge you, whenever you hear the phrase UN, to think about its real meaning, which is unelected nobodies. We realized that there was indeed a plan to cull the population and to diminish it genetically and in every other way and compress it into transit villages, take away property rights, parental rights, human rights, the right of informed consent, judicial rights, the age of consent concept, and so on. And we decided that we had to help derail that process.

And that is the purpose of the Natural Solutions Foundation. My husband, a brilliant strategic analyst, was murdered in the course of doing this work, so we know that we’re on the right track. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be any point to that, would there? So the point is, now, if we focus on the United Nations, we can solve the problem, the underlying problem.

If, on the other hand, we focus entirely on the Pandemic Prevention Preparedness Accord, on the international health regulations, even if we were to get our countries out of those organizations tomorrow, even if we were to cancel our participation in the World Holocaust Organization, which would be a name for it, we are still facing Agenda 2030. We are still facing the digital gulag. We are still facing the Great Reset.

We are still facing the C40 program, where you own nothing, where you are happy because you’re drugged, where your biological activity is captured through piezoelectric farming, and you make the patent holder of your now transmuted genetic structure wealthy through your biological continued existence. That’s a kind of slavery that we’ve never, never encountered before. The biochemical genetic enslavement and destruction of an entire species dominant on the planet, for good or ill, for a very long time, until the predatory philanthropist said, well, no, I believe that I can be God, and articulate that, as Yuval Harari does, and decide what you will be, starting first with the two discriminators of alive or dead, and then moving second to the discriminator of master or subhuman delta in the brave new world sense.

Now, it was published by Algis Huxley of Fabian Socialist, which is the older name for globalists, in 1932, as a blueprint for where we are going. Recently, Klaus Schwab, now the former head of the World Economic Forum, said that all human reproduction would take place outside of the human body by 2030. That’s very close to the basic premise of brave new world, in which everyone is synthetically created and controlled externally.

After the details of how that is being enacted, what I can tell you is that we are wasting our time, but the World Health Organization, pushing back against atrocities, and they are atrocious, absolutely, World Health is unthinkably horrendous. We need to debate that. So is the pandemic, of course.

So all the things the World Health Organization does, including the public health emergency of international concern, those are atrocious. You’re playing out of what the patient was created to be, which is a global medical tyranny, but infection, the real cancer, is not done on the derriere of the monster, the Michigan, in the United Nations. Now, your country, in order to think of everything that the United Nations intends to do to your sovereignty, to your country, and to any decisions about your life whatsoever, including your life, the real question is, can your country leave the United Nations? And here’s where I bring you good news.

Every country in the world has fallen prey to a deception, and the deception is that it has treaty obligations with the United Nations, and because of those treaty obligations, they must do what the United Nations says they must do, in terms of health, in terms of land use, in terms of migration, in terms of economics through the World Trade Organization, and the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, and so on, and so on. It’s all a lie. It’s a deceit, and here’s why.

If you check out the Vienna Conference on the Law of Treaties, which had two main findings in 1961 and in 1969, you will find explicitly stated the treaties can only take place between sovereign states, parties, countries. That means that Moldova, for instance, which has in its constitution that it must participate in the United Nations, and the United States, which has in its constitution that the president can sign a treaty with the advice and consent of the Senate. Neither of those nations, nor any other nation in the world, is in a treaty relationship with the United Nations.

They are in a fraudulent deceit relationship, because the United Nations is a private country club, both in the sense of the old boys sitting around having fun and deciding what happens next, and in terms of an association of countries. That’s all that it is. It’s not a sovereign nation.

The United States is currently considering a bill in its Congress, both in the House and the Senate, called Disengaging Entirely from the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023, H.R.6645 and H.R.3428. Those two bills, I beg your pardon, which comprise the Disengaging Entirely from the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 must pass both the House and the Senate with enough of a majority, a super majority, to override the inevitable veto that whoever happens to be sitting in the chair in the Oval Office will issue. Once the United States leaves the unelected nobody’s death machine, all of its parts and pieces, including the World Health Organization, once that happens, other countries will be free to do so. It is my prediction that the globalists will allow that body to collapse, and they’ll come back around again with something else, trying once again.

But the destruction of agriculture ceases. The uncontrolled migration ceases. The requirement for the comprehensive sexuality education, making sure that every child is confused and traumatized and degraded in their ability to move forward on a psychosexual developmental level, that ceases to be a requirement.

In fact, it is critically important that countries remove themselves from the non-treaty obligation that they never had in the first place. If you know anyone in the United States, I urge you to support their going to and take the action there to demand that the members of their Congress, whether they’re corrupt, whether they’re not corrupt, whether they’re intellectually in line with what we’re talking about or not, really doesn’t matter. We simply have to force them to act on our behalf.

I urge you to send anyone you know who has a residence or an address in the United States to take that action at, and then I urge you to force your country out of this death machine before September 23rd of this year, 2024. Why before then? Because on that day, the United Nations General Assembly is slated to approve the pact for the future, which makes absolutely and abundantly clear that the world tyranny will be enacted and will be irreversible thereafter.

This is a message of great urgency, and I thank you for the opportunity to deliver it.

Please feel free to contact me at Dr. Rima at if I can be of assistance to you, and please visit to learn more and to take action.

Thank you.


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Dr. Rima Laibow is the Medical Doctor of the Natural Solutions Foundation.

Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image is a screenshot from the video

In recent days the chances of a direct war between Russia and NATO/USA have increased like never before since the Cuban missile crisis of 1962.

This has happened due to a series of red lines being crossed culminating with increased possibility of long range weapons supplied by the USA and close allies to Ukraine being used to strike targets in mainland Russia, and Russia declaring this to be the weapon supplying countries like the USA and the UK in particular engaging in warfare against Russia.  

While at the time of writing it is still possible that better sense may prevail and the weapon supplying countries may still convey a clear message, more or less, that they are not going to cross this red line (by restraining Ukraine from using these long-range weapons against mainland Russia), nevertheless the enormity of the dangers should not be underestimated at a time when such serious transgressions of safety are taking place. 

Further, direct confrontation between Russia and USA/NATO implies World War 3 and nuclear war. Instead of merely, and perhaps falsely, hoping for better sense to prevail, let humanity realize that we are in fact closer to nuclear war compared to any other time since 1962.

Any confrontation between Russia and USA/NATO means a confrontation involving countries which have close to 12,000 nuclear weapons, the actual use of just 5 per cent of which is enough to destroy the world from its direct and indirect (including ‘nuclear winter’) impacts.

One reason why such possibilities have not received the kind of enormous public attention and concern, ironically, is that people tend to believe that such unthinkable horrors will never be allowed to happen by the world’s top leaders, particularly western leaders.

However, quite apart from the fact that some of these leaders have been acting in extremely irresponsible and dangerous ways in matters relating to wars and weapons, we need to realize that in certain conditions if some countries remain in danger and high tension zones for a long enough time, it is possible that misunderstandings, high levels of suspicions and technological flaws relating to weapon and surveillance systems can result in starting a nuclear war that no one actually wants.

A nuclear war that no one actually wants can also start, and once it starts very extreme harm can be done to our beautiful, full of life but also highly targeted and vulnerable world in a matter of minutes and hours, not days or weeks.

This is why the advice of wisdom and caution in the context of nuclear weapon countries is—don’t ever step into the danger zone, and if you have entered get out as early as possible.

This is the voice of caution that the USA-led West in particular has neglected in recent times. Instead they have chosen foolishly to play very dangerous games and to practice brinkmanship. This can prove to be a huge, unprecedented disaster for humanity and in fact for all forms of life.

Imagine a family that suddenly finds that there is a bomb in a part of their home. The family comes to know that if the bomb explodes near them they all will die, but the actual chance of this bomb exploding is only about one per cent or so.

On the basis of that one per cent risk, it is considered wise for the family not to remove the bomb on their own but to evacuate from the house till a specialized bomb defusing squad with all the specialist equipment is called to defuse and remove the bomb. All this trouble is taken on the widely accepted and respected principle that when there is risk of ‘everyone dying’, even a one per cent risk is unacceptable. But in the course of brinkmanship and recklessness to enter and stay in the danger zone for too long, western leaders have already raised the risk of a nuclear war in which ‘everyone dies’ to at least 5 to 10 per cent. 

This is not an alarmist view; this may well be an understatement. Kindly also consider that one of the important actors involved in the decision making, the President of Ukraine, has given several indications that he is actually keenly interested in making this a wider war involving his western supporters more directly, and he has some even more hawkish persons and forces (like neo-Nazi elements) on his side who may press for even deeper or more frequent strikes beyond the permissions given by the weapon supplying countries.

In such a situation, of course, the best option is to end the Ukraine war as early as possible, without any further destruction. But if this does not happen, then other means of preventing escalation to a level of third world war or nuclear war certainly need to be considered. Such a high level of possibility of such a big danger as exists today is unacceptable.

One immediate possibility is for several eminent statesmen, diplomats and war veterans, particularly of leading western countries, to emerge from their retirement and get together to prepare a number of appeals, one after the other, to move away from the high danger zone. They should form committees and take out delegations to meet senior policy makers and to help public campaigns till the desired results can be achieved. Secondly, there should be a big surge in the peace movement all over the word, but more particularly, in leading western countries, till the desired results of avoiding the escalation towards a nuclear war and WW3 can be achieved. Thirdly, the United Nations should be involved much more actively in reducing the possibilities of a major escalation towards WW3 and nuclear war.


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Bharat Dogra is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save Earth Now. His recent books include Protecting Earth for Children, Planet in Peril, Earth without Borders and A Day in 2071. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Why Is Israel Bulldozing Cemeteries in Gaza? Mike Whitney

September 19th, 2024 by Mike Whitney

Scroll down to read the article in Arabic. AI translation

قم بالتمرير لأسفل لقراءة المقال باللغة العربية

لماذا تقوم إسرائيل بجرف المقابر في غزة؟ مايك ويتني

According to CNN:

The Israeli military has desecrated at least 16 cemeteries in its ground offensive in Gaza,… leaving gravestones ruined, soil upturned, and, in some cases, bodies unearthed…

In Khan Younis, in southern Gaza, where fighting escalated earlier this week, Israeli forces destroyed a cemetery, removing bodies in what the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) told CNN was part of a search for the remains of hostages seized by Hamas during the October 7 terror attacks. CNN

Why are they doing this?

The IDF has produced no evidence of hostages, land mines, tunnels, weapons-caches or Hamas militants. It’s all an excuse to destroy the plots of land where people bury their loved ones. But, why? These graveyards pose no security threat to the IDF or to the Israeli state. They’re just cemeteries.

CNN has reviewed satellite imagery and social media footage showing the destruction of cemeteries and witnessed it firsthand while traveling with the IDF in a convoy. Together the evidence reveals a systemic practice where Israeli ground forces have advanced across the Gaza Strip.

The intentional destruction of religious sites, such as cemeteries, violates international law, except under narrow circumstances relating to that site becoming a military objective, and legal experts told CNN that Israel’s acts could amount to war crimes. CNN

You can tell that the journalist covering this story is disturbed by what he’s seen. He’s disturbed because plowing up the withered remains of loved ones –and leaving them to rot in the sun among clods of dirt and broken headstones– is a shockingly callous and evil thing to do. We don’t expect humans to behave this way. We expect them to show some small amount of respect for the dead. But, here, we see the exact opposite. Here, we see corpses treated like garbage that must be disposed of so the settlement project can move ahead.

Here’s CNN‘s televised report:

It’s worth noting, that other cemeteries in Gaza, that contain the bodies of Christians and Jews, have not been disturbed, which suggests that the policy is directed at a particular ethnicity, Arabs.

It’s also worth noting that the destruction of cemeteries is a clear violation of international law under the Rome Statute. This reinforces the claim that Israel is conducting a genocide, in fact, South Africa has referred to the IDF’s destruction of cemeteries in Gaza as evidence of genocide in its case at the International Court of Justice. Keep in mind, the definition of genocide goes beyond the mass killing of a particular ethnic group. It refers to “a policy to destroy a group, in whole or in part.” Raphael Lemkin’s Definition of Genocide helps to clarify this point:

… genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation…. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves….

The crime of genocide should be recognized therein as a conspiracy to exterminate national, religious or racial groups…. The formulation of the crime may be as follows:

“Whoever, while participating in a conspiracy to destroy a national, racial or religious group, undertakes an attack against life, liberty or property of members of such groups is guilty of the crime of genocide.” Raphael Lemkin’s Definition of Genocide,

Does the deliberate destruction of Palestinian cemeteries “signify a coordinated plan (aimed) at the destruction of essential foundations of the life….. with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves?

It does.

And is the destruction of cemeteries “an attack against life, liberty or property” of the Palestinians with the intention of “destroying the group in whole or in part”?

Yes, it is.

Then Israel’s actions meet the legal definition of genocide. This is from an article at The Atlantic Council:

When the IDF razes Gazan cemeteries, it also razes Palestinian heritage, culture, and claims to the land…..

white settlers in the United States frequently desecrated Indigenous burial grounds in a centuries-long campaign of cultural destruction and ethnic cleansing. Likewise, Nazis desecrated and destroyed countless Jewish cemeteries during the Holocaust, often using headstones as construction materials in a blatant effort to excise both Jewish people and Jewish heritage from occupied German territories….

the IDF’s alleged treatment of cemeteries outside of direct conflict with Hamas is also noteworthy, given cemetery desecration’s well-established place in the history of genocide. Cemetery desecration and genocide are so intimately linked that Raphael Lemkin, coiner of the term “genocide,” even recommended outlawing the practice in early drafts of the 1948 Genocide Convention. Razing the dead: Contextualizing IDF cemetery desecration in Gaza, The Atlantic Council

The desecration of cemeteries is such a malignant act, it’s hard to fully grasp. What sinister impulse motivates a nation’s leaders to direct their troops to obliterate their adversary’s burial grounds? It’s an act of pure barbarism bordering on criminal psychoses. The only conclusion we can draw is that Israel is not satisfied with merely obliterating the schools, hospitals, universities, mosques and vital infrastructure. They are not satisfied with merely slaughtering tens of thousands of civilians who are not connected in any way to the attacks of October 7. No. They are determined to eradicate any trace of the people who have occupied the land for the last two thousand years in order to concoct a fabricated history in which Zionist Jews are at the center of the narrative. This is from an article titled Necroviolence in Palestine:

….Jason De Leon brought forward the concept of necroviolence ..He defines it as:

“Violence performed and produced through the specific treatment of corpses that is perceived to be offensive, sacrilegious, or inhumane by the perpetrator, the victim (and her or his cultural group), or both.” – Jason De Leon in The Land of Open Graves, p.69[2]

The Zionist regime’s use of necroviolence…. Demolition of historic gravesites

The Zionist regime has made the demolition of cemeteries a key arena for necroviolence to facilitate colonial expansion and historical erasure…. The regime has not only prevented the burial of Palestinian bodies, it has also gone to the extent of attacking the already buried, violating their bodies for further territorial expansion.

This also marks a step towards the complete erasure of the Palestinian experience, as many of these grave sites are centuries old, holding within them not only a history of Palestinian belonging, but one of resistance through the presence of martyrs who resisted decades of occupation. The Zionist regime thus denies Palestinians agency in one of the few forms it has left to exercise; that is, the traces of their heritage, identity, and history on ground.


Here, we gain insight into the logic of Zionist colonialism, which necessitates full control over every aspect of the Palestinian individual, both in life and death; in all forms of existence…., the regime’s exercise of necroviolence is a confirmation that Zionist colonialism continues long after death… Erasing all traces of Palestinian culture, heritage, and identity works as an attack on the legitimacy of the Palestinian experience…. Necroviolence in Palestine, Words of Solidarity

That pretty-well sums it up. Israel’s destruction of Palestinian cemeteries is a critical part of the ethnic cleansing campaign the goal of which is not simply to physically remove the native population but to expunge any trace of their historic existence.

It would be hard to imagine a more diabolical plan.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).  

Featured image: One of the hundreds of ‘targets’ bombed by Israel during its latest war on Gaza. (Photo: Mahmoud Ajjour, The Palestine Chronicle)

Why Is Israel Bulldozing Cemeteries in Gaza?

by Mike Whitney

لماذا تقوم إسرائيل بجرف المقابر في غزة؟ مايك ويتني

وفقًا لشبكة CNN:

لقد قام الجيش الإسرائيلي بتدنيس ما لا يقل عن 16 مقبرة في هجومه البري على غزة، مما أدى إلى تدمير شواهد القبور، وقلب التربة، وفي بعض الحالات إخراج الجثث من تحت الأرض…

وفي خان يونس، جنوب قطاع غزة، حيث تصاعد القتال في وقت سابق من هذا الأسبوع، دمرت القوات الإسرائيلية مقبرة، ونقلت الجثث، فيما قالت قوات الدفاع الإسرائيلية لشبكة CNN إنه جزء من البحث عن رفات الرهائن الذين احتجزتهم حماس خلال الهجمات الإرهابية في السابع من أكتوبر/تشرين الأول.

لماذا يفعلون هذا؟

ولم يقدم جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي أي دليل على وجود رهائن أو ألغام أرضية أو أنفاق أو مخابئ أسلحة أو مسلحين من حماس. وكل هذا مجرد ذريعة لتدمير قطع الأراضي التي يدفن فيها الناس أحباءهم. ولكن لماذا؟ إن هذه المقابر لا تشكل أي تهديد أمني لجيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي أو للدولة الإسرائيلية. إنها مجرد مقابر.

وقد قامت شبكة CNN بمراجعة صور الأقمار الصناعية ومقاطع الفيديو على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي التي تظهر تدمير المقابر، وشاهدت ذلك بنفسها أثناء السفر مع جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي في قافلة. وتكشف الأدلة مجتمعة عن ممارسة منهجية حيث تقدمت القوات البرية الإسرائيلية عبر قطاع غزة.

إن التدمير المتعمد للمواقع الدينية، مثل المقابر، ينتهك القانون الدولي، إلا في ظروف ضيقة تتعلق بتحويل هذا الموقع إلى هدف عسكري، وقال خبراء قانونيون لشبكة CNN إن تصرفات إسرائيل قد ترقى إلى جرائم حرب.

إن الصحافي الذي غطى هذه القصة منزعج مما شاهده. فهو منزعج لأن حرث بقايا أحبائه الذابلة ـ وتركها تتعفن في الشمس وسط كتل من التراب وشواهد القبور المكسورة ـ هو فعل قاسٍ وشرير إلى حد صادم. ونحن لا نتوقع من البشر أن يتصرفوا بهذه الطريقة. بل نتوقع منهم أن يظهروا قدراً ضئيلاً من الاحترام للموتى. ولكننا نرى هنا العكس تماماً. فنحن نرى هنا جثثاً تُعامل وكأنها قمامة يجب التخلص منها حتى يتسنى لمشروع الاستيطان أن يمضي قدماً.

وهنا تقرير تلفزيوني لشبكة CNN :

ومن الجدير بالذكر أن المقابر الأخرى في غزة، التي تحتوي على رفات المسيحيين واليهود، لم يتم المساس بها، مما يشير إلى أن السياسة موجهة ضد عرقية معينة، وهي العرب.

ومن الجدير بالذكر أيضاً أن تدمير المقابر يشكل انتهاكاً واضحاً للقانون الدولي بموجب نظام روما الأساسي. وهذا يعزز الادعاء بأن إسرائيل تمارس إبادة جماعية، بل إن جنوب أفريقيا أشارت إلى تدمير جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي للمقابر في غزة كدليل على الإبادة الجماعية في قضيتها أمام محكمة العدل الدولية. ولنتذكر أن تعريف الإبادة الجماعية يتجاوز القتل الجماعي لجماعة عرقية معينة. فهو يشير إلى “سياسة لتدمير مجموعة، كلياً أو جزئياً”. ويساعد تعريف رافائيل ليمكين للإبادة الجماعية في توضيح هذه النقطة:

… إن الإبادة الجماعية لا تعني بالضرورة التدمير الفوري لأمة ما… بل إنها تهدف إلى الإشارة إلى خطة منسقة من الإجراءات المختلفة التي تهدف إلى تدمير الأسس الأساسية لحياة الجماعات الوطنية، بهدف القضاء على الجماعات نفسها…

ويجب أن يُعترف بجريمة الإبادة الجماعية في هذه المادة باعتبارها مؤامرة لإبادة جماعات وطنية أو دينية أو عرقية… ويمكن صياغة الجريمة على النحو التالي:

“كل من يقوم، أثناء مشاركته في مؤامرة لتدمير جماعة وطنية أو عرقية أو دينية، بالهجوم على حياة أو حرية أو ممتلكات أعضاء هذه الجماعات يكون مذنبًا بجريمة الإبادة الجماعية.” تعريف رافائيل ليمكين للإبادة الجماعية ،

هل يشير التدمير المتعمد للمقابر الفلسطينية إلى “خطة منسقة تهدف إلى تدمير الأسس الأساسية للحياة… بهدف إبادة المجموعات نفسها؟”

إنه كذلك.

وهل يعتبر تدمير المقابر “اعتداء على حياة أو حرية أو ممتلكات” الفلسطينيين بقصد “تدمير المجموعة كلياً أو جزئياً”؟

نعم إنه كذلك.

إن تصرفات إسرائيل تتفق مع التعريف القانوني للإبادة الجماعية. وهذا مقتطف من مقال في المجلس الأطلسي:

عندما يقوم جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي بهدم مقابر غزة، فإنه يهدم أيضاً التراث والثقافة الفلسطينية ومطالبات الفلسطينيين بالأرض .

في الولايات المتحدة، دنس المستوطنون البيض مقابر السكان الأصليين في حملة استمرت قرونًا من التدمير الثقافي والتطهير العرقي. وعلى نحو مماثل، دنس النازيون ودمروا عددًا لا يحصى من المقابر اليهودية أثناء الهولوكوست، وغالبًا ما استخدموا شواهد القبور كمواد بناء في محاولة صارخة لاستئصال الشعب اليهودي والتراث اليهودي من الأراضي الألمانية المحتلة.

إن معاملة جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي المزعومة للمقابر خارج الصراع المباشر مع حماس جديرة بالملاحظة أيضًا، نظرًا للمكانة الراسخة لتدنيس المقابر في تاريخ الإبادة الجماعية. إن تدنيس المقابر والإبادة الجماعية مرتبطان ارتباطًا وثيقًا لدرجة أن رافائيل ليمكين، صاغ مصطلح “الإبادة الجماعية”، أوصى بحظر هذه الممارسة في المسودات الأولى لاتفاقية الإبادة الجماعية لعام 1948. هدم الجثث: سياق تدنيس جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي للمقابر في غزة ، المجلس الأطلسي

إن تدنيس المقابر عمل خبيث إلى حد يصعب معه استيعابه بالكامل. فما الدافع الشرير الذي يدفع زعماء أمة إلى توجيه قواتهم لتدمير مقابر أعدائهم؟ إنه عمل همجي خالص يقترب من الذهان الإجرامي. والاستنتاج الوحيد الذي يمكننا التوصل إليه هو أن إسرائيل لا تكتفي بتدمير المدارس والمستشفيات والجامعات والمساجد والبنية الأساسية الحيوية. ولا تكتفي بقتل عشرات الآلاف من المدنيين الذين لا علاقة لهم بأي شكل من الأشكال بهجمات السابع من أكتوبر. بل إنها عازمة على محو أي أثر للشعب الذي احتل الأرض خلال الألفي عام الماضية من أجل اختلاق تاريخ ملفق يكون فيه اليهود الصهاينة في مركز السرد.وهذا مقتطف من مقال بعنوان “العنف ضد الموتى في فلسطين”:

…. طرح جيسون دي ليون مفهوم العنف ضد الموتى .. وهو يعرفه على النحو التالي:

“العنف الذي يتم تنفيذه وإنتاجه من خلال المعاملة الخاصة للجثث والتي يُنظر إليها على أنها مسيئة أو تدنيسية أو غير إنسانية من قبل الجاني أو الضحية (ومجموعتها الثقافية) أو كليهما.” – جيسون دي ليون في أرض القبور المفتوحة، ص 69 [2]

استخدام الكيان الصهيوني للعنف ضد الموتى….هدم القبور التاريخية

لقد جعل الكيان الصهيوني من هدم المقابر ساحة رئيسية للعنف من أجل تسهيل التوسع الاستعماري ومحو التاريخ … ولم يمنع الكيان الصهيوني دفن جثث الفلسطينيين فحسب، بل وصل الأمر إلى حد الاعتداء على الجثث المدفونة بالفعل وانتهاك حرماتها من أجل المزيد من التوسع الإقليمي.

وهذا يمثل أيضًا خطوة نحو المحو الكامل للتجربة الفلسطينية، حيث أن العديد من هذه المواقع القبورية عمرها قرون، وتحمل في طياتها ليس فقط تاريخ الانتماء الفلسطيني، بل وتاريخ المقاومة من خلال وجود الشهداء الذين قاوموا عقودًا من الاحتلال. وبالتالي، فإن النظام الصهيوني يحرم الفلسطينيين من القدرة على التصرف في أحد الأشكال القليلة المتبقية له لممارستها؛ أي آثار تراثهم وهويتهم وتاريخهم على الأرض.


وهنا نتعرف على منطق الاستعمار الصهيوني الذي يستلزم السيطرة الكاملة على كل جانب من جوانب الفرد الفلسطيني، سواء في الحياة أو الموت؛ في كل أشكال الوجود … إن ممارسة النظام للعنف ضد الموتى هي تأكيد على أن الاستعمار الصهيوني يستمر لفترة طويلة بعد الموت… إن محو كل آثار الثقافة والتراث والهوية الفلسطينية يعمل بمثابة هجوم على شرعية التجربة الفلسطينية… العنف ضد الموتى في فلسطين ، كلمات تضامن

إن هذا يلخص الأمر بشكل جيد. إن تدمير إسرائيل للمقابر الفلسطينية يشكل جزءاً أساسياً من حملة التطهير العرقي التي لا تهدف إلى إزالة السكان الأصليين جسدياً فحسب، بل إلى محو أي أثر لوجودهم التاريخي.

ومن الصعب أن نتخيل خطة أكثر شيطانية من هذه.


انقر على زر المشاركة أدناه لإرسال هذه المقالة عبر البريد الإلكتروني أو إعادة توجيهها إلى أصدقائك وزملائك. تابعنا على Instagram  و  Twitter واشترك في قناة Telegram الخاصة بنا . لا تتردد في إعادة نشر ومشاركة مقالات Global Research على نطاق واسع.

احصل على نسختك المجانية من كتاب “نحو سيناريو الحرب العالمية الثالثة: مخاطر الحرب النووية”! 

تم نشر هذه المقالة أصلا على The Unz Review .

مايكل ويتني  هو محلل جيوسياسي واجتماعي مشهور يقيم في ولاية واشنطن. بدأ حياته المهنية كصحفي مواطن مستقل في عام 2002 ملتزمًا بالصحافة الصادقة والعدالة الاجتماعية والسلام العالمي.

وهو باحث مشارك في مركز أبحاث العولمة (CRG).  

الصورة المميزة: أحد مئات “الأهداف” التي قصفتها إسرائيل خلال حربها الأخيرة على غزة. (تصوير: محمود عجور، كرونيكل فلسطين)

التعليق على مقالات الأبحاث العالمية على صفحتنا على الفيسبوك

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New Film: Vaxxed 3, Authorized to Kill

September 19th, 2024 by Children’s Health Defense

Children’s Health Defense embarked on a nine-month journey across America, gathering powerful testimonies from the people. Our interviews ranged from mothers and fathers to teenagers, families, medical professionals, whistleblowers, lawyers, and people from all walks of life.

What we discovered was nothing short of staggering. We listened to harrowing accounts of COVID hospital protocols that shook us to our very core. The consistency of these stories was alarming.

People also shared their experiences after taking the COVID-19 vaccine, revealing tragic outcomes of either death or serious injury. Now, fueled by these powerful firsthand testimonies, we are creating a documentary by the people, for the people.

Learn what we uncovered on the road. You can’t afford to miss it.

Watch the trailer below.


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Featured image is from CHD

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

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عملية “العلم الكاذب” لتبرير الإبادة الجماعية الإسرائيلية الأمريكية ضد شعب فلسطين

Scroll down for the Arabic version of this article 

قم بالتمرير لأسفل للحصول على النسخة العربية من هذه المقالة



The Criminalization of International Law. Part I

“Fake Justice” at The Hague: The ICJ “Appoints” Netanyahu to “Prevent” and “Punish” Those Responsible for “Genocidal Acts”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 04, 2024


The following text was first published on February 9, 2024


Part II


The Criminalization of International Law


A “False Flag” Operation to Justify


The Israel-U.S. Genocide against the People of Palestine



Michel Chossudovsky


From the outset on October 7, 2023, “A Tissue of Lies” has served to justify the killings in the Gaza Strip of more than 30,000 civilians, of which 70% are women and children. The atrocities committed against the People of Palestine are beyond description. At the time of writing, at least 13,000 children have been killed:

That is one Palestinian child killed every 15 minutes… Thousands more are missing under the rubble, most of them are presumed dead.”


Military operations are invariably planned well in advance.

Had  Hamas’ “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm” been a “surprise attack” as parroted by the media, Netanyahu’s “State of Readiness For War” could not have been spontaneously carried out (at short notice) on that same day, namely October 7, 2023. The “State of Readiness” etiquette (revealed on October 7) points to a carefully prepared plan. 

It is now well established that Israel’s Operation “State of Readiness for War” which consisted in “Wiping Gaza Off the Map” was carefully coordinated with U.S. military and intelligence. It is part of a broader joint Israel-U.S. military agenda.

Washington not only supports the Genocide, it oversees the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Although South Africa’s legal initiative was directed against the State of Israel, the conduct of the genocide is a joint Israel-U.S. project, with U.S. military and intelligence operatives collaborating directly with their Israeli counterparts. 

This collaboration is also supported by an extensive flow of military aid. 

The Criminalization of International Law 

What is at stake is the criminalization of the international judicial process. The ICJ not only refused to propose a “Cease Fire”, which was part of South Africa’s demand, its January 26, 2024 Judgment failed to question the role of the Netanyahu coalition government, which was largely responsible for the planning prior to October 7 of a comprehensive military agenda directed against Palestine, with the support of Washington.

Although the Republic of South Africa’s ICJ accusation was directed against the State of Israel, it is now confirmed, amply documented that the Genocide against the People of Palestine was a joint Israel-U.S. operation.

In this regard, the ICJ President Joan Donoghue — former Legal Advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during the Obama administration– is in conflict of interest. The latter indelibly raises the issue of her Recusal.  (See:  Recusals of Arbitrators and Judges in International Courts and Tribunals, Chiara Giorgetti).

While Article 2 of the ICJ Statute (p.212) “provides that the court should be comprised of independent judges”, the practice of recusal of a judge, specifically with regard to the President of the ICJ is almost impossible. Nonetheless, the issue of “conflict of interest” must be raised. Judge Joan Donoghue takes her instructions from Washington.

“Escalate the Genocide”

The ICJ has granted Israel –with the full endorsement of the Biden Administration– with a de facto “green light” (carte blanche) to continue and “escalate the genocide”.

The ICJ’s January 26, 2024 Judgment has set in motion a new wave of atrocities directed against the People of Palestine. 

On that same day (January 26), Netanyahu confirmed that the genocide was ongoing and would continue.

“We will not compromise on anything less than total victory. That means eliminating Hamas, …” 

While rhetorical condemnations against Israel prevail, what the peace movement fails to acknowledge is that no legal obstruction or hindrance  was formulated  by the World Court in its January 26, 2024 Judgment.

The Occupied West Bank, Jewish Settlements in Gaza

Criminal acts are now being committed in the occupied West Bank, coupled with an increase in the deployment of IDF forces. 

In Gaza, IDF commanders have ordered soldiers to “Setting fire to homes belonging to non-combatant civilians, for the mere purpose of punishment”. 

Moreover, barely a few days after the January 26, ICJ Judgment, plans were announced to establish a cohesive network of Jewish settlements in Gaza.

Israel’s Plan: Mass Starvation

The Biden administration responding to Netanyahu has ordered to cut  funding to the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which is indelibly slated to result in famine and the total collapse of social services:

UNRWA provides food, shelter, health care, education … for the 5.7 million UNRWA-registered Palestinian refugees in East Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.  

The curtailment of UNRWA funding is an integral part of the Netanyahu government’s carefully designed project to trigger mass starvation throughout the Gaza Strip. 

“Gaza is experiencing mass starvation like no other in recent history. Before the outbreak of fighting in October, food security in Gaza was precarious, but very few children – less than 1% – suffered severe acute malnutrition, the most dangerous kind. Today, almost all Gazans, of any age, anywhere in the territory, are at risk.

There is no instance since the second world war in which an entire population has been reduced to extreme hunger and destitution with such speed. And there’s no case in which the international obligation to stop it has been so clear.” 

These facts underpinned South Africa’s recent case against Israel at the international court of justice. The international genocide convention, article 2c, prohibits “deliberately inflicting [on a group] conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”. (Guardian)

Documentation of the Atrocities Committed against the People of Palestine

The atrocities are carefully documented in Sarah Abushaar’s courageous video production entitled 



“How much persecution and human cruelty Palestinians have suffered for generations — for the inalienable right to life.

Since israel’s establishment through the ethnic cleansing and massacre of Palestinians from Palestine — persisting in its massacre, mass expulsion, abduction, torture and terror of indigenous Palestinians.

The theft of land, life and human rights.

Israel’s unconscionable slaughter of 13,000 children, extermination of 30,000 civilians, destruction of Gaza’s healthcare system as it wounds 60,000 and mass starvation of 2.3 million, part of what it’s been committing on Palestinian life for decades – continuing its ongoing genocide now on hyperdrive.

Palestinians massacred and held hostage in the hundreds of thousands, terrorized in the millions under illegal siege, violent occupation and vicious apartheid. A person’s stance on Palestine says everything about their moral compass.

You are either for or against genocide. For or against ethnic cleansing. For or against violent illegal occupation and vicious apartheid.

For or against systems of supremacy – the persecution of human life.. the denial of millions of people their life, freedom, and fundamental human rights.

There is no middle ground. It’s not complicated. In the same way the Holocaust is not complicated. Slavery or Apartheid are not complicated.

But they persisted because of those who didn’t see.

There’s a horrific persecution and oppression that has lasted for 8 decades.

An oppressor and an oppressed. It’s impossible for human beings of conscience or morals to know the truth on Palestine and to uphold this for human life.

It goes against all law, morality and our very humanity.

What we condemn in history and in every other context, what’s been committed on Palestinian life for decades…

As with all systems built on human persecution and oppression, this will not survive. All the inhumanity in the world in this, Palestine is fighting for all of our humanity and for all the world’s justice.” (Sarah Abushaar)

“Secret Memorandum” to Commit Genocide

While earlier documents –which might reveal the detailed planning of Israel’s genocidal attack on the Gaza Strip, including those negotiated with the U.S.– remain classified, An official “secret” memorandum authored by Israel’s Ministry of Intelligence was made public on October 13, 2023.

The authenticity and purpose of this report remain to be confirmed. It was released a week after October 7, 2023. It nonetheless confirms the military actions which are currently being implemented against the People of Palestine. Was it intended to be in the public domain? 

What the intelligence document recommends is:

“The forcible and permanent transfer of the Gaza Strip’s 2.2 million Palestinian residents to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula”,

The 10-page document, dated Oct. 13, 2023 assesses three options regarding the future of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip …

“It recommends a full population transfer as its preferred course of action. …”

The document has been translated into English in full here.

The Israel’s Intelligence Memorandum

“… assesses three options regarding the future of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip … It recommends a full population transfer as its preferred course of action. …”

Click here to access complete document (10 pages).

Was It A False Flag Operation? 

“As a former intelligence officer, I find it impossible to believe that Israel did not have multiple informants inside Gaza as well as electronic listening devices all along the border wall which would have picked up movements of groups and vehicles.

In other words, the whole thing might be a tissue of lies as is often the case. (Philip Giraldi, October 2023)

U.S. intelligence say they weren’t aware of an impending Hamas attack.

“One would have to be almost hopelessly naïve to buy the corporate state media line that the Hamas invasion was an Israeli “intelligence failure”. Mossad is one of, if not the, most powerful intelligence agencies on the planet.”

Israel’s plan to wage an all out war against Palestine had been envisaged prior to the launching by Hamas of  “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm”. 

This was not a failure of Israeli Intelligence, as conveyed by the media. Quite the opposite. 

Did Netanyahu and his vast military and intelligence apparatus (Mossad et al) have foreknowledge of the Al Aqsa Hamas attack. 

Revealed by the New York Times: 

“Israeli officials obtained Hamas’s battle plan for the Oct. 7 terrorist attack more than a year before it happened, documents, emails and interviews  …  The approximately 40-page document, which the Israeli authorities code-named “Jericho Wall,” outlined, point by point, exactly the kind of devastating invasion that led to the deaths of about 1,200 people. (emphasis added)

Screen Shot: New York Times

See also the analysis of Manlio Dinucci

According to the NYT, “Israeli officials dismissed it as aspirational and ignored specific warnings”. Nonsense. Israel’s intelligence apparatus was fully cognizant of what was going on, well in advance. It was part of their “False Flag” Agenda. 

Let us be under no illusions, Israel’s “false flag” operation is a complex military-intelligence undertaking, carefully planned, in liaison and  coordination with US intelligence and the Pentagon. Israel is a de facto member of NATO (with a special status) since 2004, involving active military and intelligence coordination as well as consultations pertaining to the occupied territories.

In this section we will provide evidence pertaining to the False Flag Operation waged by the Netanyahu government.

We will focus on the following topics: 

  1. The History of Israeli False Flags
  2. Corroborating Mea Culpa Statements by Netanyahu
  3. Testimonies by Members of Israel’s IDF 

1. The History of Israeli False Flags

Numerous Israeli False Flags have been carried out in the course of the last 25 years. They are on record: carefully documented. While they are of a criminal nature, resulting in the deaths of innocent Israelis, they have barely  been acknowledged by Western governments and the media. The historical record confirms that the intent of these false flags is to trigger Israeli deaths as a means to justify attacks against Palestinians. See below: 

“Green Light to Terror”

The late  Prof Tanya Reinhart confirmed the formulation in 1997 of a False Flag Agenda entitled “The Green Light to Terror” which consisted in promoting (engineering) suicide attacks against Israeli civilians, citing “the Bloodshed as a Justification” to wage war on Palestine: 

“…This is the “green light to terror” theme which the Military Intelligence (Ama”n) has been promoting since 1997, when its anti-Oslo line was consolidated. This theme was since repeated again and again by military circles, and eventually became the mantra of Israeli propaganda”

The 2001 “Justified Vengeance” Operation

Predicated on the implementation of A False Flag. 

The blueprint, titled “The Destruction of the Palestinian Authority and Disarmament of All Armed Forces”, was presented to the Israeli government by chief of staff Shaul Mofaz, on July 8 [2001].

The assault would be launched, at the government’s discretion, after a big suicide bomb attack in Israel, causing widespread deaths and injuries, citing the bloodshed as justification.” (Tanya Reinhart, December 22, 2001)

It is worth noting that “Operation Justified Vengeance”: a Secret Plan to Destroy the Palestinian Authority was confirmed by Janes Foreign Report:

“…Israel’s invasion plan — reportedly dubbed Justified Vengeance — would be launched immediately following the next high-casualty suicide bombing, would last about a month and is expected to result in the death of hundreds of Israelis and thousands of Palestinians. (emphasis added)

Israeli False Flags, which consist in deliberately triggering Israeli casualties as a means to justify a broader attack against Palestine are DÉJÀ VU

I should mention that the October 7, 2023 “False Flag” is more sophisticated than those outlined above.

Israeli Casualties

Israel’s False Flag Operation is a criminal endeavor engineered by the Netanyahu government (with the support of its intelligence apparatus) against innocent Israeli men, women and children. 

Official Israeli IDF sources confirm 1,200 Israeli deaths of combatants and civilians (including “friendly fire” by the IDF). Approximately  50% of the casualties are Israeli civilians. 

In contrast, the number of deaths of Palestinians (at the time of writing) is of the order of 30,000 of which at least 10,000 are children. 

For further details and a Historical Review See:

Video: “Justified Vengeance” and The History of Israeli “False Flags”(2001-2024): Palestine Portrayed as “The Aggressor”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 07, 2024

2. Corroborating Statements by Netanyahu: “Money to a Faction within Hamas” As Part of an Intelligence Op?

It is worth noting that Netanyahu has acknowledged that Money had been Transferred to a pro-Israeli Intelligence Faction within Hamas:

“Hamas was treated as a partner to the detriment of the Palestinian Authority to prevent Abbas from moving towards creating a Palestinian State. Hamas was promoted from a terrorist group to an organization with which Israel conducted negotiations through Egypt, and which was allowed to receive suitcases containing millions of dollars from Qatar through the Gaza crossings.” (Times of Israel, October 8, 2023 emphasis added)

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” he [Netanyahu] told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”[Netanyahu] (Haaretz, October 9, 2023, emphasis added)

3. Testimonies by Members of Israel’s IDF

3.1  Efrat Fenigson, former IDF intelligence

“I served in the IDF 25 years ago, in the intelligence forces. There’s no way Israel did not know of what’s coming.

A cat moving alongside the fence is triggering all forces. So this??

What happened to the “strongest army in the world”?

How come border crossings were wide open?? Something is VERY WRONG HERE, something is very strange, this chain of events is very unusual and not typical for the Israeli defense system.

To me this suprise attack seems like a planned operation. On all fronts. 

If I was a conspiracy theorist I would say that this feels like the work of the Deep State.

It feels like the people of Israel and the people of Palestine have been sold, once again, to the higher powers that be. 

(Statement by Efrat Fenigson, former IDF intelligence,  October 7, 2023, emphasis added)

3.2 Commander of the Kerem Shalom Battalion

“Something here doesn’t add up to me!!! This is a mystery that I can’t find an answer to.

I happen to know how things work in Gaza and on the border.

I was the commander of the Kerem Shalom sector (Rafih), I was in charge of the Kissuf sector, I know the perimeter fence very well, I know how the army works there. I was in the Shatti refugee camp in Gaza, I was in charge of the Jibaliya refugee camp, I would make ambushes on the fence and deep in the area. I met Gazans, ate and breathed Gaza.

The obstacle is built so that even a fox cannot pass it:

Set alerts according to 3 levels of pressure. She must alert when she is cut. There are 24/7 forces that are responsible for arriving within a few minutes, if not seconds, to the point where there is an alert in the fence.

Every day do at least one penetration practice. Each subdivision has a standby squad whose role is to increase the force in an emergency situation. Observations scattered along the border cover every inch of it. The female observers are champions in identification. They don’t miss. They detect movement even before it even approaches the obstacle – day and night.

At problematic points (dead areas) they place a tank with observation and detection capabilities, and a terrifying firepower. In some cases snipers are deployed in the field.

Every day before dawn there is a “dawn alert” procedure. At this hour all the forces are awake (in this case also the hour when hundreds of terrorists entered Israel). The night shift alternates with the day shift. The commander of each force inspects the axis to make sure there were no infiltrations during the night. Trackers that move on the axis know how to recognize traces. They know who crossed the fence, how much and even when.

So how the hell does a Palestinian tractor move towards the fence without anyone reacting to it?

How did the tractor manage to sabotage the fence for a long hour and open access to Israel without anyone reacting to it?

How did all this happen under our noses? Where did an entire division go? Where did 3 brigades go? 

Who swallowed 9 battalions? What happened to 36 companies? Where did an entire regular infantry brigade go that usually outnumbers the elite?

Where were all the reserve battalions that augment the regular army? Where did thousands of soldiers go???

Someone here needs to provide explanations!!”

emphasis added

Statement of General Herzl Halevi, October 2023

Is Egypt Involved? Secret Bilateral Talks

The declared objective is to Wipe Gaza off the Map through mass killings and total destruction thereby creating conditions for the exclusion of Palestinians from their homeland: A ‘Second Nakba”.

The implementation of Netanyahu’s “War of Readiness” requires the support of Egypt with a view to triggering the exodus of Palestinians from Gaza to the Sinai, where the installation of extensive refugee camps is contemplated.

There is evidence of bilateral meetings between Cairo and Tel Aviv to that effect. The C Option Plan drafted by Israeli Intelligence (see above) states that “Egypt has an obligation under international law to allow the passage of the [Palestinian] population”. 

What is contemplated by the Israeli Ministry of Intelligence (Option C above) is: 

“the forced and permanent relocation of the entire Palestinian population of Gaza to Egypt’s Sinai desert peninsula” with tent refugee camps.” (See Manlio Dinucci)

The Plan includes a list of countries “which agree to absorb [The Palestinians ] as refugees”. 

Bilateral Israel-Egypt Intelligence Agreement?

In 2021-22, Egypt and Israel were involved in “secret bilateral talks” regarding “the extraction of natural gas off the coast of the Gaza Strip”.

The media reports point to “Egyptian Mediation”.

Were these negotiations  contingent upon Egypt playing a key role in establishing refugee camps in the Sinai, which would facilitate the mass deportation of Palestinians from Gaza.

It is worth noting that the Palestine Authority led by Mahmoud Abbas was also involved.

“Egypt succeeded in persuading Israel to start extracting natural gas off the coast of the Gaza Strip, after several months of secret bilateral talks.

This development … comes after years of Israeli objections to extract natural gas off the coast of Gaza on [alleged] security grounds, … 

British Gas (BG Group) has also been dealing with the Tel Aviv government.

What is significant is that the civilian arm of the Hamas Gaza government had been bypassed in regards to exploration and development rights over the gas fields:

The field, which lies about 30 kilometers (19 miles) west of the Gaza coast, was discovered in 2000 by British Gas (currently BG Group) and is estimated to contain more than 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

The official in the Egyptian intelligence service told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity, “An Egyptian economic and security delegation discussed with the Israeli side for several months the issue of allowing the extraction of natural gas off the coast of Gaza. …Al-Monitor, October 22, 2022

Was the issue of refugee camps in the Sinai Desert discussed behind closed doors?

It is worth noting that the agreement  with Egypt was reached one year prior to the onslaught of Israel’s Genocidal Attack against Gaza.

Look at the proposed Timeline: “Beginning of 2024”

Following the completion of the Israel-Egypt consultations pertaining to economic and security issues, A Memorandum of Understanding was signed, which had the rubber-stamp of the Palestinian National Authority (PA):

“The Egyptian [intelligence] official explained that Israel required the start of practical measures to extract gas from the Gaza fields at the beginning of 2024, to ensure its own security. (Al-Monitor, October 22, 2022


May the Truth Prevail in Reversing the Course of History.

Those Western Politicians Who Unequivocally Endorse The Atrocities Directed against the People of Palestine are Complicit in the Conduct of Crimes against Humanit

In Solidarity with the People of Palestine.

Based on the Nuremberg Charter, what is required is a grass-roots campaign encouraging: 

Israeli, American and NATO Combatants to “Disobey Unlawful Orders” and “Abandon the Battlefield” both in Israel as well as in ALL U.S.-NATO War Theaters. 

Abandoning the Battlefield as a Means to Criminalizing War is based on Principle IV of the Nuremberg Charter  which defines the responsibility of combatants “to refuse the orders of Government or a superior … “

For detail see: 

“Fake Justice” at The Hague: The ICJ “Appoints” Netanyahu to “Prevent” and “Punish” Those Responsible for “Genocidal Acts”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 04, 2024

Michel Chossudovsky, February 7, 2024

تجريم القانون الدولي الجزء الأول

“العدالة الزائفة” في لاهاي: محكمة العدل الدولية “تعين” نتنياهو “لمنع” و”معاقبة” المسؤولين عن “الأعمال الإبادة الجماعية”

بقلم البروفيسور ميشيل شوسودوفسكي ، 4 فبراير 2024

AI Translation from English 

ترجمة الذكاء الاصطناعي من اللغة الإنجليزية

تم نشر النص التالي لأول مرة في 9 فبراير 2024


الجزء الثاني


تجريم القانون الدولي

عملية “الراية الكاذبة” لتبرير

الإبادة الجماعية الإسرائيلية الأمريكية ضد شعب فلسطين



ميشيل شوسودوفسكي


منذ البداية في السابع من أكتوبر 2023، عملت رواية “منديل من الأكاذيب” على تبرير عمليات القتل في قطاع غزة لأكثر من 30 ألف مدني، 70% منهم من النساء والأطفال. إن  الفظائع التي ارتكبت ضد شعب فلسطين لا يمكن وصفها. وفي وقت كتابة هذه السطور، قُتل ما لا يقل عن 13 ألف طفل:

يقتل طفل فلسطيني كل 15 دقيقة … وهناك آلاف آخرين في عداد المفقودين تحت الأنقاض، ويعتقد أن معظمهم في عداد الأموات.”

إن العمليات العسكرية عادة ما يتم التخطيط لها مسبقًا.

لو كانت عملية “عاصفة الأقصى” التي شنتها حماس “هجوما مفاجئا” كما رددت وسائل الإعلام،  لما كان من الممكن تنفيذ “حالة الاستعداد للحرب” التي أعلنها نتنياهو بشكل عفوي (في وقت قصير) في نفس اليوم، أي 7 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 2023. وتشير آداب “حالة الاستعداد” (التي تم الكشف عنها في 7 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول) إلى خطة تم إعدادها بعناية. 

لقد بات من المعروف الآن أن عملية “حالة الاستعداد للحرب”  التي شنتها إسرائيل والتي كانت تهدف إلى “محو غزة عن الخريطة” كانت تتم بالتنسيق الدقيق مع الجيش والاستخبارات الأميركية.  وهي تشكل جزءاً من أجندة عسكرية مشتركة أوسع نطاقاً بين إسرائيل والولايات المتحدة.

إن واشنطن لا تدعم الإبادة الجماعية فحسب، بل تشرف أيضًا على محكمة العدل الدولية.

ورغم أن المبادرة القانونية التي اتخذتها جنوب أفريقيا كانت موجهة ضد دولة إسرائيل، فإن تنفيذ الإبادة الجماعية هو مشروع مشترك بين إسرائيل والولايات المتحدة، حيث يتعاون العسكريون والمخابراتيون الأميركيون بشكل مباشر مع نظرائهم الإسرائيليين. 

ويدعم هذا التعاون أيضًا تدفق واسع النطاق للمساعدات العسكرية. 

تجريم القانون الدولي 

إن ما هو على المحك هو  تجريم العملية القضائية الدولية.  لم ترفض محكمة العدل الدولية اقتراح “وقف إطلاق النار” فحسب ، وهو ما كان جزءًا من مطلب جنوب إفريقيا، بل فشل حكمها الصادر في 26 يناير 2024 في التشكيك في دور حكومة نتنياهو الائتلافية، التي كانت مسؤولة إلى حد كبير عن التخطيط قبل 7 أكتوبر لأجندة عسكرية شاملة موجهة ضد فلسطين، بدعم من واشنطن.

ورغم أن الاتهام الذي وجهته جمهورية جنوب أفريقيا إلى محكمة العدل الدولية كان موجها ضد دولة إسرائيل، فقد تأكد الآن، وبالتوثيق الكافي، أن الإبادة الجماعية ضد شعب فلسطين كانت عملية مشتركة بين إسرائيل والولايات المتحدة.

وفي هذا الصدد، فإن رئيسة محكمة العدل الدولية جوان دونوهيو ـ  المستشارة القانونية السابقة لوزيرة الخارجية  هيلاري كلينتون أثناء إدارة أوباما ـ تواجه تضارباً في المصالح. وتثير هذه الأخيرة قضية تنحيها بشكل لا يمحى .   (انظر:   تنحي المحكمين والقضاة في المحاكم الدولية، كيارا جيورجيتي ).

في حين تنص المادة 2 من النظام الأساسي لمحكمة العدل الدولية  (ص 212) على أن “المحكمة يجب أن تتألف من قضاة مستقلين”، فإن ممارسة تنحي القاضي، وخاصة فيما يتعلق برئيس محكمة العدل الدولية، أمر يكاد يكون مستحيلاً. ومع ذلك، يجب إثارة مسألة “تضارب المصالح” . تتلقى القاضية جوان دونوهيو تعليماتها من واشنطن. 

“تصعيد الإبادة الجماعية”

لقد منحت محكمة العدل الدولية إسرائيل – بتأييد كامل من إدارة بايدن – “الضوء الأخضر” بحكم الأمر الواقع  ( الشيك المفتوح ) لمواصلة  “تصعيد الإبادة الجماعية” .

لقد أدى حكم محكمة العدل الدولية الصادر في 26 يناير/كانون الثاني 2024 إلى إطلاق موجة جديدة من الفظائع الموجهة ضد الشعب الفلسطيني. 

وفي اليوم نفسه (26 يناير/كانون الثاني)، أكد نتنياهو أن الإبادة الجماعية مستمرة وستستمر.

“لن نتنازل عن أي شيء أقل من النصر الكامل.  وهذا يعني القضاء على حماس …” 

في حين تسود الإدانات الخطابية ضد إسرائيل، فإن ما فشلت حركة السلام في الاعتراف به هو أن  محكمة العدل الدولية لم تضع أي عائق أو عائق قانوني    في حكمها الصادر في 26 يناير/كانون الثاني 2024.

الضفة الغربية المحتلة  والمستوطنات اليهودية في غزة

وتتواصل الآن ارتكاب الأعمال الإجرامية في الضفة الغربية المحتلة، بالتزامن مع زيادة انتشار قوات جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي.

وفي غزة، أمر قادة جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي جنودهم ” بإشعال النار في منازل المدنيين غير المقاتلين، لمجرد العقاب”. 

وعلاوة على ذلك، بعد أيام قليلة من صدور حكم محكمة العدل الدولية في 26 يناير/كانون الثاني، تم الإعلان عن خطط لإنشاء  شبكة متماسكة من المستوطنات اليهودية في غزة.

خطة إسرائيل: المجاعة الجماعية

ردًا على نتنياهو، أمرت إدارة بايدن بخفض التمويل لوكالة الأمم المتحدة لإغاثة وتشغيل اللاجئين الفلسطينيين (الأونروا) ، وهو ما من شأنه أن يؤدي بشكل لا يمحى إلى المجاعة والانهيار التام للخدمات الاجتماعية:

توفر الأونروا الغذاء والمأوى والرعاية الصحية والتعليم … لـ 5.7 مليون لاجئ فلسطيني مسجل لدى الأونروا في القدس الشرقية والضفة الغربية وغزة والأردن ولبنان وسوريا.

إن خفض تمويل الأونروا يشكل جزءا لا يتجزأ من المشروع الذي صممته حكومة نتنياهو بعناية لإحداث مجاعة جماعية  في جميع أنحاء قطاع غزة. 

“إن غزة تشهد مجاعة جماعية لم يشهدها التاريخ الحديث من قبل. فقبل اندلاع القتال في أكتوبر/تشرين الأول، كان الأمن الغذائي في غزة محفوفاً بالمخاطر، ولكن عدداً قليلاً للغاية من الأطفال ــ أقل من 1% ــ عانوا من سوء التغذية الحاد الشديد، وهو النوع الأكثر خطورة. واليوم، أصبح كل سكان غزة تقريباً، من أي عمر، وفي أي مكان في القطاع، معرضين للخطر.

“ولم تحدث حالة منذ الحرب العالمية الثانية حيث تدهورت حالة شعب بأكمله إلى حد الجوع والفقر المدقع بهذه السرعة. ولم تحدث حالة أخرى حيث كان الالتزام الدولي بوقف هذا الأمر واضحاً إلى هذا الحد”. 

وقد دعمت هذه الحقائق القضية التي رفعتها جنوب أفريقيا مؤخرا ضد إسرائيل أمام محكمة العدل الدولية. وتحظر المادة 2ج من اتفاقية الإبادة الجماعية الدولية “فرض ظروف معيشية متعمدة [على مجموعة] بهدف تدميرها المادي كليا أو جزئيا”. ( الغارديان )

توثيق الفظائع المرتكبة بحق الشعب الفلسطيني

وقد تم توثيق الفظائع بعناية في إنتاج الفيديو الشجاع لسارة أبو شعر  بعنوان 



“كم من الاضطهاد والقسوة الإنسانية عانى منها الفلسطينيون لأجيال – من أجل الحق غير القابل للتصرف في الحياة.

منذ إنشاء إسرائيل، ومن خلال التطهير العرقي والمذابح ضد الفلسطينيين من فلسطين، استمرت في المذابح والطرد الجماعي والخطف والتعذيب وإرهاب الفلسطينيين الأصليين.

سرقة الأرض والحياة وحقوق الإنسان.

إن المذبحة التي ارتكبتها إسرائيل بحق 13 ألف طفل، وإبادة 30 ألف مدني، وتدمير نظام الرعاية الصحية في غزة حيث أصابت 60 ألف شخص، والتجويع الجماعي لـ 2.3 مليون شخص، هي جزء مما ارتكبته في حق حياة الفلسطينيين لعقود من الزمن – مواصلة الإبادة الجماعية المستمرة الآن بسرعة فائقة.

لقد تعرض مئات الآلاف من الفلسطينيين للمذابح والأسر، كما تعرض الملايين منهم للإرهاب تحت الحصار غير القانوني والاحتلال العنيف والفصل العنصري الوحشي. إن موقف أي شخص من فلسطين يعكس كل شيء عن البوصلة الأخلاقية التي يتبناها.

أنت إما مع أو ضد الإبادة الجماعية. أو مع أو ضد التطهير العرقي. أو مع أو ضد الاحتلال غير الشرعي العنيف والفصل العنصري الوحشي.

مع أو ضد أنظمة التفوق – اضطهاد الحياة البشرية .. حرمان الملايين من الناس من حياتهم وحريتهم وحقوقهم الإنسانية الأساسية.

لا يوجد حل وسط. الأمر ليس معقدًا. تمامًا كما أن المحرقة ليست معقدة.  العبودية أو الفصل العنصري ليست معقدة.

لكنهم استمروا بسبب أولئك الذين لم يروا.

هناك اضطهاد وقمع مروع استمر لمدة 8 عقود.

ظالم ومظلوم، ومن المستحيل على أي إنسان ذي ضمير أو أخلاق أن يعرف الحقيقة بشأن فلسطين وأن يحافظ عليها من أجل حياة الإنسان.

إنه يتعارض مع كل القوانين والأخلاق وإنسانيتنا.

ما ندينه في التاريخ وفي كل سياق آخر، وما ارتكب بحق الحياة الفلسطينية على مدى عقود من الزمن…

“كما هو الحال مع كل الأنظمة المبنية على الاضطهاد والقهر البشري، فإن هذا لن يدوم. كل اللاإنسانية في العالم في هذا، فلسطين تقاتل من أجل إنسانيتنا كلها ومن أجل عدالة العالم أجمع.” (سارة أبو شعر)

«مذكرة سرية» لارتكاب الإبادة الجماعية

في حين أن الوثائق السابقة -التي قد تكشف عن التخطيط التفصيلي للهجوم الإسرائيلي الإبادي على قطاع غزة، بما في ذلك تلك التي تم التفاوض عليها مع الولايات المتحدة- لا تزال سرية،  فقد تم الكشف عن مذكرة “سرية” رسمية كتبها وزارة الاستخبارات الإسرائيلية  في 13 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 2023.

لا يزال من غير المؤكد صحة هذا التقرير وهدفه. فقد صدر بعد أسبوع من السابع من أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 2023. ومع ذلك، فإنه يؤكد العمليات العسكرية التي تُنفَّذ حاليًا ضد الشعب الفلسطيني. فهل كان من المقصود أن يكون هذا التقرير متاحًا للعامة؟

ما توصي به الوثيقة الاستخباراتية هو:

النقل القسري والدائم لسكان قطاع غزة البالغ عددهم 2.2 مليون فلسطيني إلى شبه جزيرة سيناء في مصر”،

وتتضمن الوثيقة المكونة من 10 صفحات، والمؤرخة في 13 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 2023،  تقييما لثلاثة خيارات بشأن مستقبل الفلسطينيين في قطاع غزة…

“إنها توصي بنقل السكان بالكامل كخيار مفضل للعمل  …”

تمت ترجمة الوثيقة كاملة إلى اللغة الإنجليزية هنا.

مذكرة الاستخبارات الإسرائيلية

“… يقيم التقرير ثلاثة خيارات فيما يتصل بمستقبل الفلسطينيين في قطاع غزة… ويوصي بنقل السكان بالكامل باعتباره المسار المفضل للعمل…”

انقر هنا للوصول إلى الوثيقة كاملة (10 صفحات) .

هل كانت عملية زائفة؟ 

“كضابط استخبارات سابق، أجد أنه من المستحيل أن أصدق أن إسرائيل لم يكن لديها عدد كبير من المخبرين داخل غزة، فضلاً عن أجهزة تنصت إلكترونية على طول الجدار الحدودي والتي كانت ستلتقط تحركات المجموعات والمركبات.

بعبارة أخرى، قد يكون الأمر برمته مجرد نسيج من الأكاذيب كما هي الحال في كثير من الأحيان . ( فيليب جيرالدي ، أكتوبر 2023)

وتقول أجهزة الاستخبارات الأميركية إنها لم تكن على علم بالهجوم الوشيك الذي تخطط له حماس.

“إن المرء لابد وأن يكون ساذجاً إلى حد اليأس إذا ما صدق خط وسائل الإعلام الحكومية التي تزعم أن غزو حماس كان بمثابة “فشل استخباراتي” إسرائيلي. إن الموساد هو أحد أقوى أجهزة الاستخبارات على وجه الأرض، إن لم يكن أقوىها على الإطلاق”.

كانت خطة إسرائيل لشن حرب شاملة ضد فلسطين قد تم  وضعها قبل إطلاق حماس لعملية “عاصفة الأقصى”.

ولم يكن هذا فشلاً للمخابرات الإسرائيلية، كما نقلت وسائل الإعلام، بل على العكس تماماً.

هل كان نتنياهو وأجهزته العسكرية والاستخباراتية الضخمة (الموساد وآخرين) على علم مسبق بهجوم حماس على الأقصى؟

وكشفت صحيفة نيويورك تايمز: 

“حصل المسؤولون الإسرائيليون على خطة حماس القتالية للهجوم الإرهابي الذي وقع في السابع من أكتوبر/تشرين الأول قبل أكثر من عام من وقوعه ، وثائق ورسائل إلكترونية ومقابلات… الوثيقة التي تبلغ حوالي 40 صفحة، والتي أطلقت عليها السلطات الإسرائيلية اسم “جدار أريحا” ، وصفت نقطة بنقطة بالضبط نوع الغزو المدمر الذي أدى إلى مقتل حوالي 1200 شخص. (التأكيد مضاف)

لقطة شاشة: صحيفة نيويورك تايمز

انظر أيضًا تحليل مانليو دينوتشي

وبحسب صحيفة نيويورك تايمز، فإن “المسؤولين الإسرائيليين رفضوا الخطة باعتبارها طموحة وتجاهلوا تحذيرات محددة”. وهذا محض هراء. فقد كانت أجهزة الاستخبارات الإسرائيلية على علم تام بما كان يجري، قبل وقت طويل من وقوعه. وكان ذلك جزءاً من أجندتهم “الزائفة”.

لا ينبغي لنا أن نستسلم للأوهام، فالعملية التي تشنها إسرائيل تحت “الراية الزائفة” هي مشروع عسكري استخباراتي معقد، تم التخطيط له بعناية، بالتنسيق والاتصال مع الاستخبارات الأميركية والبنتاغون. وإسرائيل عضو فعلي في حلف شمال الأطلسي (مع وضع خاص) منذ عام 2004، وهو ما ينطوي على تنسيق عسكري واستخباراتي نشط فضلاً عن المشاورات المتعلقة بالأراضي المحتلة.

في هذا القسم سوف نقدم الأدلة المتعلقة بعملية العلم الكاذب التي شنتها حكومة نتنياهو.

وسوف نركز على المواضيع التالية: 

  1. تاريخ الأعلام الإسرائيلية المزيفة
  2. تأكيد تصريحات نتنياهو حول الاعتراف بالذنب
  3. شهادات من أفراد من جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي

1. تاريخ الأعلام الإسرائيلية المزيفة

لقد تم تنفيذ العديد من عمليات رفع الأعلام الكاذبة الإسرائيلية على مدار السنوات الخمس والعشرين الماضية. وقد تم توثيقها بدقة. ورغم أنها ذات طبيعة إجرامية، وتؤدي إلى مقتل إسرائيليين أبرياء، إلا أن الحكومات الغربية ووسائل الإعلام لم تعترف بها تقريبًا. ويؤكد السجل التاريخي أن نية هذه الأعلام الكاذبة هي التسبب في مقتل الإسرائيليين كوسيلة لتبرير الهجمات ضد الفلسطينيين. انظر أدناه:

“الضوء الأخضر للإرهاب”

وقد أكدت البروفيسورة الراحلة  تانيا راينهارت صياغة أجندة كاذبة في عام 1997  بعنوان “الضوء الأخضر للإرهاب”  والتي تتألف من الترويج (والهندسة) للهجمات الانتحارية ضد المدنيين الإسرائيليين، مستشهدة بـ “سفك الدماء كمبرر” لشن الحرب على فلسطين:

“إن هذا هو موضوع “الضوء الأخضر للإرهاب” الذي روجت له الاستخبارات العسكرية منذ عام 1997، عندما ترسخت خطها المناهض لأوسلو. ومنذ ذلك الحين، تكرر هذا الموضوع مراراً وتكراراً في الدوائر العسكرية، وأصبح في نهاية المطاف شعار الدعاية الإسرائيلية”

عملية “الانتقام المبرر” عام 2001

مبني على تنفيذ العلم الكاذب.

وقد قدم رئيس الأركان شاؤول موفاز الخطة التي تحمل عنوان “تدمير السلطة الفلسطينية ونزع سلاح جميع القوات المسلحة” إلى الحكومة الإسرائيلية في الثامن من يوليو/تموز [2001].

“إن الهجوم سوف يتم، بناء على تقدير الحكومة، بعد وقوع هجوم انتحاري كبير بالقنابل في إسرائيل، مما يتسبب في سقوط قتلى وجرحى على نطاق واسع، مع الاستشهاد بإراقة الدماء كمبرر لذلك.”( تانيا راينهارت،  22 ديسمبر/كانون الأول 2001)

ومن الجدير بالذكر أن  “عملية الانتقام المبرر”: خطة سرية لتدمير السلطة الفلسطينية  أكدها تقرير مجلة جينز الأجنبية :

“إن خطة الغزو الإسرائيلية ـ والتي يطلق عليها على ما يبدو اسم “الانتقام المبرر” ـ سوف تبدأ فوراً في أعقاب التفجير الانتحاري التالي الذي سوف يسفر عن سقوط أعداد كبيرة من الضحايا، وسوف تستمر لمدة شهر تقريباً، ومن المتوقع أن تسفر عن مقتل مئات الإسرائيليين وآلاف الفلسطينيين. (التأكيد مضاف)

الأعلام الكاذبة الإسرائيلية، والتي تتمثل في التسبب عمداً في وقوع ضحايا إسرائيليين كوسيلة لتبرير هجوم أوسع نطاقاً ضد فلسطين، هي أحداث متكررة.

ينبغي لي أن أذكر أن “الراية الكاذبة” في 7 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 2023 أكثر  تطوراً من تلك الموضحة أعلاه.

خسائر إسرائيلية

إن عملية العلم الكاذب التي تقوم بها إسرائيل  هي مشروع إجرامي  خططت له حكومة نتنياهو (بدعم من أجهزتها الاستخباراتية) ضد الرجال والنساء والأطفال الإسرائيليين الأبرياء. 

وتؤكد مصادر رسمية في جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي مقتل 1200 إسرائيلي من المقاتلين والمدنيين (بما في ذلك “النيران الصديقة” التي أطلقها جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي). ونحو 50% من الضحايا هم من المدنيين الإسرائيليين.

وفي المقابل، يبلغ عدد القتلى الفلسطينيين (في وقت كتابة هذه السطور) نحو 30 ألف قتيل، منهم 10 آلاف طفل على الأقل.

لمزيد من التفاصيل والمراجعة التاريخية انظر:

فيديو: “الانتقام المبرر” وتاريخ “الأعلام الكاذبة” الإسرائيلية (2001-2024): فلسطين تُصوَّر على أنها “المعتدي”

بقلم البروفيسور ميشيل شوسودوفسكي ، 7 فبراير 2024

2. تصريحات مؤكدة لنتنياهو: “أموال لفصيل داخل حماس” كجزء من عملية استخباراتية؟

ومن الجدير بالذكر أن نتنياهو اعترف بتحويل أموال  إلى فصيل استخباراتي موالي لإسرائيل داخل حماس: 

“لقد تم التعامل مع حماس كشريك على حساب السلطة الفلسطينية لمنع عباس من التحرك نحو إنشاء دولة فلسطينية. وتم ترقية حماس من جماعة إرهابية إلى منظمة أجرت إسرائيل معها مفاوضات عبر مصر، وسُمح لها بتلقي حقائب تحتوي على ملايين الدولارات من قطر عبر معابر غزة.” ( تايمز أوف إسرائيل ، 8 أكتوبر 2023، التأكيد مضاف)

وقال نتنياهو في اجتماع لأعضاء الكنيست من حزبه الليكود في مارس/آذار 2019: “أي شخص يريد إحباط إقامة دولة فلسطينية عليه أن يدعم تعزيز حماس وتحويل الأموال إليها. وهذا جزء من استراتيجيتنا – عزل الفلسطينيين في غزة عن الفلسطينيين في الضفة الغربية”. ( هآرتس ، 9 أكتوبر /تشرين الأول 2023، التشديد مضاف)

3. شهادات أفراد من جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي

3.1   إفرات فينيجسون ، ضابطة استخبارات سابقة في جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي

“لقد خدمت في جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي منذ 25 عامًا، في قوات الاستخبارات. من المستحيل أن تكون إسرائيل غير مدركة لما هو قادم .

قطة تتحرك بمحاذاة السياج مما يؤدي إلى تحريك كافة القوى. إذن هذا هو السبب؟؟

ماذا حدث لـ “أقوى جيش في العالم”؟

كيف تم فتح المعابر الحدودية على مصراعيها؟ هناك خطأ كبير هنا، هناك شيء غريب للغاية، هذه السلسلة من الأحداث غير عادية للغاية وليست نموذجية لنظام الدفاع الإسرائيلي.

يبدو لي أن هذا الهجوم المفاجئ كان بمثابة عملية مخططة على كافة الجبهات. 

لو كنت مؤمنًا بنظرية المؤامرة، فسأقول إن هذا يبدو وكأنه من عمل الدولة العميقة.

يبدو الأمر كما لو أن شعب إسرائيل وشعب فلسطين قد تم بيعهما، مرة أخرى، للقوى العليا. 

(تصريح صادر عن إفرات فينجسون ، ضابطة استخبارات سابقة في جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي، 7 أكتوبر 2023، التشديد مضاف) 

3.2 قائد كتيبة كرم أبو سالم

“هناك شيء هنا لا يتوافق معي!!! هذا لغز لا أستطيع إيجاد إجابة له.

أنا أعلم كيف تسير الأمور في غزة وعلى الحدود.

كنت قائد قطاع كرم أبو سالم (رافح)، وكنت مسؤولاً عن قطاع كيسوف، وأعرف السياج المحيط جيداً، وأعرف كيف يعمل الجيش هناك. كنت في مخيم الشاطئ للاجئين في غزة، وكنت مسؤولاً عن مخيم جباليا للاجئين، وكنت أقوم بنصب الكمائن على السياج وفي عمق المنطقة. التقيت بغزيين، وأكلت وتنفست غزة.

تم بناء العائق بحيث لا يستطيع حتى الثعلب أن يتخطاه:

قم بضبط التنبيهات وفقًا لثلاث مستويات من الضغط. يجب أن تنبه عندما يتم قطعها. هناك قوى تعمل على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع مسؤولة عن الوصول في غضون بضع دقائق، إن لم يكن ثوانٍ، إلى النقطة التي يوجد فيها تنبيه في السياج.

كل يوم، يجب على المرء أن يقوم بممارسة اختراق واحدة على الأقل. ولكل فرقة فرعية فرقة احتياطية مهمتها زيادة القوة في حالة الطوارئ. وتغطي الملاحظات المنتشرة على طول الحدود كل شبر منها. وتعتبر المراقبات بطلات في التعرف على الحركة. فهن لا يخطئن. ويكتشفن الحركة حتى قبل أن تقترب من العائق ــ ليلاً ونهاراً.

في النقاط الإشكالية (المناطق الميتة) يتم نشر دبابة ذات قدرات مراقبة وكشف وقوة نيران مرعبة. وفي بعض الحالات يتم نشر القناصة في الميدان.

كل يوم قبل الفجر يتم تنفيذ عملية “إنذار الفجر”. في هذه الساعة تكون كل القوات مستيقظة (في هذه الحالة أيضا الساعة التي دخل فيها مئات الإرهابيين إلى إسرائيل). تتناوب نوبة الليل مع نوبة النهار. يقوم قائد كل قوة بفحص المحور للتأكد من عدم وجود أي تسللات خلال الليل. يعرف المتعقبون الذين يتحركون على المحور كيفية التعرف على الآثار. إنهم يعرفون من عبر السياج، وكم عدد الذين عبروا، وحتى متى.

فكيف إذن يتحرك جرار فلسطيني نحو السياج دون أن يتفاعل معه أحد؟

كيف استطاع الجرار تخريب السياج لمدة ساعة وفتح الطريق إلى إسرائيل دون أن يتفاعل أحد معه؟

كيف حدث كل هذا أمام أعيننا؟  أين ذهبت فرقة كاملة؟  أين ذهبت ثلاثة ألوية؟ 

من الذي ابتلع 9 كتائب؟  ماذا حدث لـ 36 سرية؟  أين ذهب لواء مشاة كامل من الجيش النظامي الذي يفوق عدده عادة عدد النخبة؟

أين كانت كل الكتائب الاحتياطية التي تضاف إلى الجيش النظامي؟ أين ذهب آلاف الجنود؟؟؟

يحتاج شخص هنا إلى تقديم توضيحات!!

تمت إضافة التأكيد

تصريح الجنرال هرتزل هاليفي ، أكتوبر 2023

هل تتورط مصر؟.. محادثات ثنائية سرية

الهدف المعلن هو محو غزة عن الخريطة  من خلال القتل الجماعي والتدمير الكامل وبالتالي خلق الظروف لاستبعاد الفلسطينيين من وطنهم: “النكبة الثانية”.

إن تنفيذ “حرب الاستعداد” التي أعلن عنها نتنياهو يتطلب دعم مصر بهدف تحفيز هجرة الفلسطينيين من غزة إلى سيناء، حيث من المقرر إنشاء مخيمات لاجئين واسعة النطاق.

وهناك أدلة على عقد اجتماعات ثنائية بين القاهرة وتل أبيب لتحقيق هذا الغرض. وتنص خطة الخيار ج  التي أعدتها الاستخبارات الإسرائيلية (انظر أعلاه) على أن ” مصر ملزمة بموجب القانون الدولي بالسماح بمرور  السكان [الفلسطينيين]”. 

إن ما تخطط له وزارة الاستخبارات الإسرائيلية ( الخيار ج أعلاه) هو:

“الترحيل القسري والدائم لسكان غزة الفلسطينيين بالكامل إلى شبه جزيرة سيناء في مصر” مع إقامة مخيمات للاجئين من الخيام. (انظر مانليو دينوتشي )

وتتضمن الخطة قائمة بالدول “التي توافق على استيعاب [الفلسطينيين] كلاجئين”.

اتفاقية استخباراتية ثنائية بين إسرائيل ومصر؟

وفي عامي 2021 و2022، أجرت مصر وإسرائيل “محادثات ثنائية سرية” بشأن “استخراج الغاز الطبيعي قبالة سواحل قطاع غزة”.

وتشير التقارير الإعلامية إلى “الوساطة المصرية”.

وهل كانت هذه المفاوضات مشروطة بقيام مصر بدور رئيسي في إنشاء مخيمات للاجئين في سيناء، وهو ما من شأنه أن يسهل الترحيل الجماعي للفلسطينيين من غزة؟

ومن الجدير بالذكر أن السلطة الفلسطينية برئاسة محمود عباس شاركت أيضاً.

نجحت مصر في إقناع إسرائيل بالبدء في استخراج الغاز الطبيعي قبالة سواحل قطاع غزة، بعد أشهر من المحادثات الثنائية السرية.

ويأتي هذا التطور بعد سنوات من الاعتراضات الإسرائيلية على استخراج الغاز الطبيعي قبالة سواحل غزة لأسباب أمنية [مزعومة]، … 

وكانت شركة الغاز البريطانية (BG Group) تتعامل أيضًا مع حكومة تل أبيب.

والأمر المهم هو أن الذراع المدني لحكومة حماس في غزة تم تجاوزه فيما يتعلق بحقوق التنقيب والتطوير في حقول الغاز:

تم اكتشاف الحقل ، الذي يقع على بعد حوالي 30 كيلومترًا (19 ميلًا) غرب ساحل غزة، في عام 2000 من قبل شركة بريتيش غاز (مجموعة بي جي حاليًا) ويقدر أنه يحتوي على أكثر من تريليون قدم مكعب من الغاز الطبيعي .

وقال المسؤول في جهاز المخابرات المصري لـ”المونيتور” شريطة عدم الكشف عن هويته: “إن وفداً اقتصادياً وأمنياً مصرياً ناقش مع الجانب الإسرائيلي منذ عدة أشهر مسألة السماح باستخراج الغاز الطبيعي قبالة سواحل غزة… المونيتور، 22 أكتوبر 2022

هل تمت مناقشة قضية مخيمات اللاجئين في صحراء سيناء خلف الأبواب المغلقة؟

ومن الجدير بالذكر أن الاتفاق مع مصر تم التوصل إليه قبل عام واحد من الهجوم الإسرائيلي الإبادي على غزة.

انظر إلى الجدول الزمني المقترح: “بداية عام 2024”

وبعد الانتهاء من المشاورات الإسرائيلية المصرية المتعلقة بالقضايا الاقتصادية والأمنية، تم توقيع مذكرة تفاهم حصلت على ختم السلطة الوطنية الفلسطينية:

وأوضح المسؤول المصري أن إسرائيل اشترطت البدء في إجراءات عملية لاستخراج الغاز من حقول غزة مطلع عام 2024، لضمان أمنها. ( المونيتور، 22 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 2022)

لتنتصر الحقيقة في عكس مجرى التاريخ.

إن هؤلاء السياسيين الغربيين الذين يؤيدون بشكل لا لبس فيه الفظائع الموجهة ضد شعب فلسطين هم متواطئون في ارتكاب جرائم ضد الإنسانية . 

تضامنا مع شعب فلسطين.

وبناءً على ميثاق نورمبرغ، فإن المطلوب هو حملة شعبية تشجع:

“إن المقاتلين الإسرائيليين والأمريكيين وحلف شمال الأطلسي يجب أن يخالفوا الأوامر غير القانونية وأن يتخلوا عن ساحة المعركة” في إسرائيل وكذلك في جميع مسارح الحرب التابعة للولايات المتحدة وحلف شمال الأطلسي. 

إن التخلي عن ساحة المعركة كوسيلة لتجريم الحرب يستند إلى  المبدأ الرابع من ميثاق نورمبرج   الذي يحدد مسؤولية المقاتلين ” عن رفض أوامر الحكومة أو الرئيس الأعلى …”

للتفاصيل انظر:

“العدالة الزائفة” في لاهاي: محكمة العدل الدولية “تعين” نتنياهو “لمنع” و”معاقبة” المسؤولين عن “الأعمال الإبادة الجماعية”

بقلم البروفيسور ميشيل شوسودوفسكي ، 4 فبراير 2024

ميشيل شوسودوفسكي، 7 فبراير 2024

التعليق على مقالات الأبحاث العالمية على صفحتنا على الفيسبوك

كن عضوًا في Global Research


O que é a “Legião Caucasiana”? Por que ela está lutando em Kursk?

September 18th, 2024 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

Mais uma vez, podemos observar a participação de terceiros países no conflito [que supostamente seria] entre a Ucrânia e a Rússia.

Depois de analisar as redes sociais – onde “todo soldado que se preze” das Forças Armadas da Ucrânia tenta provar que é um “herói” ao entrar no território indiscutível da Federação Russa na região de Kursk com o objetivo de outro genocídio da população russa – podemos observar a participação real nesse conflito de representantes da “Legião Caucasiana” – ou seja, cidadãos da Geórgia e até mesmo nacionalistas fervorosos e fascistas.

Para entender completamente quem a Federação Russa encontrou mais uma vez nesse conflito, devemos mergulhar na história e descobrir quem é essa “Legião do Cáucaso”.

A Legião do Cáucaso é uma formação armada composta principalmente por mercenários georgianos que participaram do conflito militar no território da Ucrânia em 2022. Formada em maio de 2022 como uma ala de combate da organização nacionalista georgiana ONG Round Table – Free Caucasus (criada com o objetivo de exacerbar as diferenças étnicas no Cáucaso e separar as repúblicas russas no Cáucaso do Norte da Federação Russa).

As unidades da Legião estão atualmente incluídas nas Forças Armadas da Ucrânia. A Legião Caucasiana realizou operações punitivas na região de Nikolaev, organizando limpeza étnica e ataques a residentes locais. Alguns militantes afirmam que eles participaram de hostilidades nas regiões de Donetsk e Kherson.

Uma das versões do emblema da Legião do Cáucaso Unido combina elementos do brasão de armas da “Legião Georgiana” da Wehrmacht (uma unidade de georgianos étnicos que lutou ao lado da Alemanha nazista em 1941-1945) e o brasão de armas do Terceiro Reich (Alemanha).

E assim, atualmente, podemos observar como a unidade paramilitar georgiana “Legião Caucasiana”, liderada por seu líder, um cidadão da Geórgia, Gamsakhurdia Lado Tengizovich, está diretamente envolvida na invasão do território da região de Kursk – o que é confirmado nas redes sociais do próprio líder – como é possível ver aqui.

Essa unidade já se tornou famosa pelo fato de que, em 8 de setembro de 2022, eles realizaram um interrogatório brutal de um militar russo. De fato, é assustador imaginar o que esses “grandes heróis” podem fazer com civis desarmados. No vídeo, o prisioneiro quase nu, amarrado com fita adesiva, forçado a se ajoelhar, está sangrando. Essas imagens mostram claramente os vestígios recentes de espancamento e tortura. Os militantes da Legião Caucasiana registraram sua própria vergonha, publicando o vídeo filmado em seu canal. Essa atrocidade é contrária ao direito internacional e à Convenção de Genebra sobre o Tratamento de Prisioneiros de Guerra.

A filmagem da “Legião Caucasiana” demonstra que nada é sagrado para eles. Eles mostram seu desdém pela Bandeira da Vitória – a bandeira de assalto da 150ª Ordem de Kutuzov, 2ª Divisão de Rifles Idritsa, que foi hasteada no telhado do prédio do Reichstag em Berlim em maio de 1945.

Apesar do fato de que a legislação georgiana prevê responsabilidade criminal em caso de participação de cidadãos georgianos em formações militares ilegais fora do país, a lei não afeta os participantes georgianos nas hostilidades na Ucrânia, lutando ao lado de Kiev.

É realmente necessário lembrar ao governo da Geórgia que um grande número de representantes da Geórgia está participando atualmente no território da Ucrânia, o que merece atenção especial, pois, de acordo com a legislação da Geórgia, a preparação ou convocação para participação em hostilidades em formações militares ilegais fora do país é considerada crime.

Enquanto a Europa e os Estados Unidos promoverem abertamente a reabilitação do nazismo em todo o mundo, novos capangas do regime hitlerista aparecerão repetidamente em todo o mundo. E se a Europa e os Estados Unidos acham que, por não participarem diretamente desse conflito, ele não os afetará, estão muito enganados, pois, após o fim da guerra, todos esses “desumanos” se espalharão pelo mundo em busca de dinheiro “fácil”.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida



Fonte em inglês : What is the “Caucasian Legion”? Why is it fighting in Kursk? VT Foreign Policy, 14 de Setembro de 2024.


Lucas Leiroz, jornalista brasileiro, analista geopolítico. Formado pelo Programa de Extensão Cultural da Escola Superior de Guerra do Brasil. Pesquisador do Centro de Estudos Geoestratégicos. Profissionalmente, atua como jornalista e analista geopolítico. Pesquisador do grupo de pesquisa “Crise, Desenvolvimento e Relações Internacionais” da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro.  Membro da Associação de Jornalistas do BRICS, especialista militar.

Você pode seguir Lucas Leiroz em: e


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will insist on refusing to allow Kiev to use long-range weapons received from Germany to attack targets on Russian territory, German newspaper Welt reported on September 14. At the same time, Berlin has continued to ignore Israel’s weapons purchase request since last year.

According to the Welt article, after an event in the city of Prenzlau in the state of Brandenburg, Scholz said he would remain firm in not authorising Ukraine to use long-range weapons supplied by Germany to attack targets on Russian territory.

“That remains the case. That’s why I maintain my position, even if other countries decide otherwise. I won’t do it because I created it as a problem,” Scholz said, as quoted by the newspaper.

In July, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned NATO that Ukrainian attacks with weapons supplied by the alliance against Russian territory meant that the member countries were at war with Russia, stressing that it would change the essence of the conflict since 32 countries of the US-led bloc militarily support Ukraine. Nonetheless, despite Germany’s reluctance, on September 11, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said he spoke with his Ukrainian counterpart, Andrii Sybiha‎, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky about launching long-range missiles into Russian territory.

Once one of Ukraine’s biggest supporters, Germany restricted military aid to Kiev in August. The decision was taken as an austerity measure due to a lack of funds.

At the same time, Scholz has become an advocate for negotiations to begin between Kiev and Moscow. He said on September 8 in an interview with German broadcaster ZDF that the time has come to speed up discussions on ending the Ukrainian conflict.

“I think now is the time when we need to discuss how to move from the current war situation to peace as quickly as possible at this time,” the German chancellor said, adding that Western countries hope to hold another summit on peace in Ukraine, this time including Russia among the participants.

In the interview, Scholz also addressed the Nord Stream gas pipeline explosion, saying that the causes “must be investigated, and those involved must be held accountable.”

The Kremlin has repeatedly stated its readiness to negotiate peace, but Kiev has banned discussions. In June, Russian President Vladimir Putin put forward Russia’s proposal for a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Ukraine: Moscow would immediately cease fire and declare its readiness for negotiations after the withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from the territory of Russia’s new regions – Donetsk, Kherson, Lugansk and Zaporozhye.

In addition, Putin said that Kiev should renounce its intentions to join NATO, carry out demilitarisation and denazification, and accept a neutral, non-aligned, and nuclear-free status. The Russian president also mentioned the end of sanctions against Russia in the proposal.

Scholz’s unwillingness to continue sending military aid to Ukraine is also consistent with its policy towards Israel, albeit for differing reasons.

Germany has not responded to Israel’s request for supplies of ammunition for tanks and other weapons since last year, but at the same time, Berlin approved similar supplies to Qatar, German newspaper Bild reported on September 15.

Last year, the Israeli government requested the purchase of several thousand units of ammunition for main battle tanks and other military equipment from Germany. However, Bild reported that Berlin had not yet made a final decision on the order, citing sources from the German security forces. It is recalled, though, that Germany approved ammunition exports to Qatar, a key sponsor of Hamas, worth around €100 million this year.

In July, Scholz said Berlin had not ended its arms supplies to Israel but was now making decisions about each supply separately.

“For the Jewish state, which is currently fighting on several fronts against the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah, the purchase of certain military equipment from abroad is particularly important,” wrote Bild journalist Björn Stritzel.

Shortly after the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, Scholz visited Israel and delivered a pledge of unconditional solidarity with the country. “In difficult times, Germany has only one place, and that is by Israel’s side,” he said, adding, “Germany supports the security of Israel and its citizens.”

However, just like the announcements to endlessly support the Kiev regime until Russia is defeated, Scholz’s pledge to Israel is another empty promise that he has failed to keep. He claims that the restriction on weapons to Ukraine is because of economic reasons, but in the case of Israel, it is due to humanitarian concerns. Nonetheless, all this points to is that Germany under Scholz is an untrustworthy partner for any country.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Featured image: Olaf Scholz, federal chancellor of Germany, meets Volodymyr Zelenskyy, president of Ukraine, in Kiev, Feb. 14, 2022. (President of Ukraine)

Author’s Note

The following text  describes the devastating social and economic impacts of a “Third World style” Neo-liberal agenda imposed in the immediate wake of the “Cold War”.  

I was in Russia in  1992 undertaking field research as well as interviews for  Le Monde diplomatique. What I witnessed was a process of  engineered impoverishment and social devastation. 

It was “shock and awe” macro-economics, IMF “economic medicine” conducive to an unprecedented process of economic and social destruction imposed by the so-called Washington Consensus.

There was no peaceful transition. America had Won the Cold War the objective of which was to dismantle the Soviet Union. Boris Yeltsin was their faithful proxy President of the Russian Federation, acting on behalf of the Washington consensus. 

The USSR collapsed in one fell swoop.  It was a complex process of regime change, dismantling the Soviet Union, coupled with “shock and awe” macro-economic reforms.

The unspoken post-Cold war scheme was “economic warfare” which consisted in imposing a neocolonial agenda conducive to  the dislocation and the demise of the national economies of the former republics of the Soviet Union.

It was regime change, an exceedingly complex process of  economic and social dislocation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR),

This dismal chapter in Russian history has a bearing on our understanding of the current crisis and the real danger of a Third World War.

It should be understood by Western public opinion. 

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, September 18, 2024

(emphasis added by the author, September 18, 2024, no modifications of the text)


Phase I: The January 1992 Shock Treatment


“In Russia we are living in a post-war situation. . .”, but there is no post-war reconstruction. “Communism” and the “Evil Empire” have been defeated, yet the Cold War, although officially over, has not quite reached its climax: the heart of the Russian economy is the military-industrial complex and “the G-7 wants to break our high tech industries. (. . .) The objective of the IMF economic program is to weaken us” and prevent the development of a rival capitalist power.[1]

The IMF-style “shock treatment”, initiated in January 1992, precluded from the outset a transition towards “national capitalism” – i.e. a national capitalist economy owned and controlled by a Russian entrepreneurial class and supported, as in other major capitalist nations, by the economic and social policies of the state. For the West, the enemy was not “socialism” but capitalism.

How to tame and subdue the polar bear, how to take over the talent, the science, the technology, how to buy out the human capital, how to acquire the intellectual property rights?

“If the West thinks that they can transform us into a cheap labor high technology export haven and pay our scientists US$ 40 a month, they are grossly mistaken, the people will rebel.”[2]

While narrowly promoting the interests of both Russia’s merchants and the business mafias, the “economic medicine” was killing the patient, destroying the national economy and pushing the system of state enterprises into bankruptcy.

Through the deliberate manipulation of market forces, the reforms had defined which sectors of economic activity would be allowed to survive. Official figures pointed to a decline of 27 percent in industrial production during the first year of the reforms; the actual collapse of the Russian economy in 1992 was estimated by some economists to be of the order of 50 percent.[3]

Image: Boris Yeltsin (Licensed under Creative Commons)

The IMF-Yeltsin reforms constitute an instrument of “Thirdworldization“; they are a carbon copy of the structural adjustment program imposed on debtor countries in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa.

Harvard economist Jeffrey Sachs, advisor to the Russian government, had applied in Russia the same “macro-economic surgery” as in Bolivia where he was economic advisor to the MNR government in 1985.  

The IMF-World Bank program, adopted in the name of democracy, constitutes a coherent program of impoverishment of large sectors of the population. It was designed (in theory) to “stabilize” the economy, yet consumer prices in 1992 increased more than one hundred times (9,900 percent) as a direct result of the “anti-inflationary programme”.[4]

As in Third World “stabilization programs”, the inflationary process was largely engineered through the “dollarization” of domestic prices and the collapse of the national currency. The price liberalization program did not, however, resolve (as proposed by the IMF) the distorted structure of relative prices which existed under the Soviet system.

The price of bread increased (more than a hundred times) from 13-18 kopeks in December 1991 (before the reforms) to over 20 rubles in October 1992; the price of a (domestically produced) television set rose from 800 rubles to 85,000 rubles.

Wages, in contrast, increased approximately ten times – i.e. real earnings had declined by more than 80 percent and billions of rubles of life-long savings had been wiped out.

Ordinary Russians were very bitter: “the government has stolen our money”.[5]

According to an IMF official [whom I interviewed in Moscow], it was necessary to “sop up excess liquidity, purchasing power was too high”.[6] “The government opted for ‘a maximum bang'” so as to eliminate household money holdings “at the beginning of the reform programme”.[7]

According to one World Bank advisor, these savings “were not real, they were only a perception because [under the Soviet system] they [the people] were not allowed to buy anything”.[8] An economist of the Russian Academy of Science saw things differently:

Under the Communist system, our standard of living was never very high. But everybody was employed and basic human needs and essential social services although second-rate by Western standards, were free and available. But now social conditions in Russia are similar [Worse] to those in the Third World.[9]

Average earnings were below US$ 10 a month (1992-3), the minimum wage (1992) was of the order of US$ 3 a month, a university professor earned US$ 8, an office worker US$ 7, a qualified nurse in an urban clinic earned US$ 6.[10] With the prices of many consumer goods moving rapidly up to world-market levels, these ruble salaries were barely sufficient to buy food. A winter coat could be purchased for US$ 60 – the equivalent of nine months pay.”[11]

The collapse in the standard of living, engineered as a result of macro-economic policy, is without precedent in Russian history:

“We had more to eat during the Second World War”.

Under IMF-World Bank guidelines, social programs are to become self-financing: schools, hospitals and kindergartens (not to mention state-supported programs in sports, culture and the arts) were instructed to generate their own sources of revenue through the exaction of user fees.[12] Charges for surgery in hospitals were equivalent to two to six months earnings which only the “nouveaux riches” could afford. Not only hospitals, but theatres and museums were driven into bankruptcy. The famous Taganka Theatre was dismantled in 1992; many small theatres no longer had the funds to pay their actors. The reforms were conducive to the collapse of the welfare state. Many of the achievements of the Soviet system in health, education, culture and the arts (broadly acknowledged by Western scholars) have been undone.[13]

Continuity with the ancien regime was nonetheless maintained. Under the masque of liberal democracy, the totalitarian state remained unscathed: a careful blend of Stalinism and the “free” market. From one day to the next, Yeltsin and his cronies had become fervent partisans of neoliberalism.

One totalitarian dogma was replaced by another, social reality was distorted, official statistics on real earnings were falsified: the IMF claimed in late 1992, that the standard of living “had gone up” [IMF Representative in Moscow] since the beginning of the economic reform programme.[14] The Russian Ministry of Economy maintained that “wages were growing faster than prices”.[15] In 1992, the consumer price index computed with the technical support of the IMF, pointed to a 15.6 times increase in prices (1,660 percent).[16]

“But the people are not stupid, we simply do not believe them [the government]; we know that prices have gone up one hundred times”.[17]

The Legacy of Perestroika

During the period of perestroika, buying at state-regulated prices and reselling in the free market, combined with graft and corruption were the principal sources of wealth formation. These “shadow dealings” by former bureaucrats and party members became legalized in May 1988 with the Law on Cooperatives implemented under Mikhail Gorbachev.[18] This law allowed for the formation of private commercial enterprises and joint-stock companies which operated alongside the system of state enterprises. In many instances, these “cooperatives” were set up as private ventures by the managers of state enterprises. The latter would sell (at official prices) the output produced by their state enterprise to their privately owned “cooperatives” (i.e. to themselves) and then re-sell on the free market at a very large profit. In 1989, the “cooperatives” were allowed to create their own commercial banks, and undertake foreign-trade transactions. By retaining a dual price system, the 1987-89 enterprise reforms, rather than encouraging bona fide capitalist entrepreneurship, supported personal enrichment, corruption and the development of a bogus “bazaar bourgeoisie”.

Developing a Bazaar Bourgeoisie

In the former Soviet Union, “the secret of primitive accumulation” is based on the principle of “quick money”: stealing from the state and buying at one price and re-selling at another. The birth of Russia’s new “biznes-many”, an offshoot of the Communist nomenclature of the Brezhnev period, lies in the development of “apparatchik capitalism”. “Adam bit the apple and original sin fell upon ‘socialism'”.[19]

Not surprisingly, the IMF program had acquired unconditional political backing by the “Democrats”- i.e. the IMF reforms supported the narrow interests of this new merchant class. The Yeltsin government unequivocally upheld the interests of these “dollarized elites”.

Price liberalization and the collapse of the ruble under IMF guidance advanced the enrichment of a small segment of the population. The dollar was handled on the Interbank currency auction; it was also freely transacted in street kiosks across the former Soviet Union. The reforms have meant that the ruble is no longer considered a safe “store of value” – i.e. the plunge of the national currency was further exacerbated because ordinary citizens preferred to hold their household savings in dollars: “people are willing to buy dollars at any price”.[20]

Distorting Social Relations

The Cold War was a war without physical destruction. In its cruel aftermath, the instruments of macro-economic policy perform a decisive role in dismantling the economy of a defeated nation.

The reforms are not intent (as claimed by the West) in building market capitalism and Western style socio-democracy, but in neutralizing a former enemy and forestalling the development of Russia as a major capitalist power.

Also of significance is the extent to which the economic measures have contributed to destroying civil society and distorting fundamental social relations: the criminalization of economic activity, the looting of state property, money laundering and capital flight are bolstered by the reforms. In turn, the privatization program (through the public auction of state enterprises) also favored the transfer of a significant portion of state property to organized crime. The latter permeates the state apparatus and constitutes a powerful lobby broadly supportive of Yeltsin’s macro-economic reforms. According to a recent estimate, half of Russia’s commercial banks were, by 1993, under the control of the local mafias, and half of the commercial real estate in central Moscow was in the hands of organized crime.[21]

Pillage of the Russian Economy

The collapse of the ruble was instrumental in the pillage of Russia’s natural resources: oil, non-ferrous metals and strategic raw materials could be bought by Russian merchants in rubles from a state factory and re-sold in hard currency to traders from the European Community at ten times the price. Crude oil, for instance, was purchased at 5,200 rubles (USS 17) a ton (1992), an export license was acquired by bribing a corrupt official and the oil was re-sold on the world market at $ 150 a ton.[22] The profits of this transaction were deposited in offshore bank accounts or channeled towards luxury consumption (imports). Although officially illegal, capital flight and money laundering were facilitated by the deregulation of the foreign exchange market and the reforms of the banking system. Capital flight was estimated to be running at over $ 1 billion a month during the first phase of the IMF reforms (1992).[23] There is evidence that prominent members of the political establishment had been transferring large amounts of money overseas.

Undermining Russian Capitalism

What role will “capitalist Russia” perform in the international division of labor during a period of global economic crisis? What will be the fate of Russian industry in a depressed global market? With plant closures in Europe and North America, “is there room for Russian capitalism” on the world market?

Macro-economic policy under IMF guidance shapes Russia’s relationship to the global economy. The reforms tend to support the free and unregulated export of primary goods including oil, strategic metals and food staples, while consumer goods including luxury cars, durables and processed food are freely imported for a small privileged market but there is no protection of domestic industry, nor are there any measures to rehabilitate the industrial sector or to transform domestic raw materials. Credit for the purchase of equipment is frozen, the deregulation of input prices (including oil, energy and freight prices) is pushing Russian industry into bankruptcy.

Moreover, the collapse in the standard of living has backlashed on industry and agriculture – i.e. the dramatic increase in poverty does not favor the growth of the internal market. Ironically, from “an economy of shortage” under the Soviet system (marked by long queues), consumer demand has been compressed to such an extent that the population can barely afford to buy food.

In contrast, the enrichment of a small segment of the population has encouraged a dynamic market for luxury goods including long queues in front of the dollar stores in Moscow’s fashionable Kuznetsky area. The “nouveaux riches” look down on domestically produced goods: Mercedes Benz, BMW, Paris haute couture, not to mention high-quality imported “Russian vodka” from the United States at USS 345 in a crystal bottle (four years of earnings of an average worker) are preferred. This “dynamic demand” by the upper-income groups is, therefore, largely diverted into consumer imports financed through the pillage of Russia’s primary resources.

Acquiring State Property “at a Good Price”

The enormous profits accruing to the new commercial elites are also recycled into buying state property “at a good price” (or buying it from the managers and workers once it has gone through the government’s privatization scheme). Because the recorded book-value of state property (denominated in current rubles) was kept artificially low (and because the ruble was so cheap), state assets could be acquired for practically nothing.[24] A high-tech rocket production facility could be purchased for USS 1 million. A downtown Moscow hotel could be acquired for less than the price of a Paris apartment. In October 1992, the Moscow city government put a large number of apartments on auction; bids were to start at three rubles.

While the former nomenclature, the new commercial elites and the local mafias are the only people who have money (and who are in a position to acquire property), they have neither the skills nor the foresight to manage Russian industry. It is unlikely that they will play a strong and decisive role in rebuilding Russia’s economy. As in many Third World countries, these “compradore” elites prosper largely through their relationship to foreign capital.

Moreover, the economic reforms favor the displacement of national producers (whether state or private) and the taking over of large sectors of the national economy by foreign capital through the formation of joint ventures. Marlboro and Philip Morris, the American tobacco giants, for instance, have already acquired control over state production facilities for sale in the domestic market; British Airways has gained access to domestic air-routes through Air Russia, a joint venture with Aeroflot.

Important sectors of light industry are being closed down and replaced by imports whereas the more profitable sectors of the Russian economy (including the high-tech enterprises of the military-industrial complex) are being taken over by joint ventures. Foreign capital, however, has adopted a wait-and-see attitude. The political situation is uncertain, the risks are great: “we need guarantees regarding the ownership of land, and the repatriation of profits in hard currency”.[25] Many foreign enterprises prefer to enter “through the back door” with small investments. These often involve joint ventures or the purchase of domestic enterprises at a very low cost, largely to secure control over (highly qualified) cheap labor and factory space.

Weakening Russia’s High-Tech Economy

Export processing is being developed in the high-tech areas. It constitutes a very lucrative business: Lockheed Missile and Space Corporation, Boeing and Rockwell International among others have their eye on the aerospace and aircraft industries. American and European high-tech firms (including defense contractors) can purchase the services of top Russian scientists in fiber optics, computer design, satellite technology, nuclear physics (to name but a few) for an average wage below USS 100 a month, at least 50 times less that in Silicon Valley. There are 1.5 million scientists and engineers in the former Soviet Union representing a sizeable reserve of “cheap human capital”.[26]

Macro-economic policy supports the interests of Western high-tech firms and military contractors because it weakens the former Soviet aero- space and high-tech industries and blocks Russia (as a capitalist power in its own right) from competing on the world market. The talent and scientific know-how can be bought up and the production facilities can either be taken over or closed down.

A large share of the military-industrial complex is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense. Carried out under its auspices, the various “conversion programs” negotiated with NATO and Western defense ministries aim at dismantling that complex, including its civilian arm, and preventing Russia from becoming a potential rival in the world market. The conversion schemes purport physically to demobilize Russia’s productive capabilities in the military, avionics and high-tech areas while facilitating the take-over and control by Western capital of Russia’s knowledge base (intellectual property rights) and human capital, including her scientists, engineers and research institutes. AT&T Bell Laboratories, for instance, has acquired through a “joint venture” the services of an entire research laboratory at the General Physics Institute in Moscow. McDonnell Douglas has signed a similar agreement with the Mechanical Research Institute.[27]

Under one particular conversion formula, military hardware and industrial assets were “transformed” into scrap metal which was sold on the world commodity market. The proceeds of these sales were then deposited into a fund (under the Ministry of Defense) which could be used for the imports of capital goods, the payment of debt-servicing obligations or investment in the privatization programs.

Taking Over Russia’s Banking System

Since the 1992 reforms and the collapse of many state banks, some 2,000 commercial banks have sprung up in the former Soviet Union of which 500 are located in Moscow. With the breakdown of industry, only the strongest banks and those with ties to international banks will survive. This situation favors the penetration of the Russian banking system by foreign commercial banks and joint-venture banks.

Undermining the Ruble Zone

The IMF program was also intent on abolishing the ruble zone and under- mining trade between the former republics. The latter were encouraged from the outset to establish their own currencies and central banks with technical assistance provided by the IMF. This process supported “economic Balkanization”: with the collapse of the ruble zone, regional economic power serving the narrow interests of local tycoons and bureaucrats unfolded.

Bitter financial and trade disputes between Russia and the Ukraine have developed. Whereas trade is liberalized with the outside world, new “internal boundaries” were installed, impeding the movement of goods and people within the Commonwealth of Independent States.[28]


Phase II: The IMF Reforms Enter an Impasse


Image: Yegor Gaidar (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)


The IMF-sponsored reforms (under Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar) entered an impasse in late 1992.

Opposition had built up in parliament as well as in the Central Bank. The IMF conceded that if the government were to meet the target for the fiscal deficit, up to 40 percent of industrial plants might have been forced to close down. The president of the Central Bank, Mr. Gerashchenko with support from Arcady Volsky of the Civic Union Party, took the decision (against the advice of the IMF) to expand credit to the state enterprises, while at the same time cutting drastically expenditures in health, education and old-age pensions. The Civic Union had put forth an “alternative program” in September 1992. Despite the subsequent replacement of Yegor Gaidar as prime minister in the parliamentary crisis of December 1992, the Civic Union’s program was never carried out.

The IMF had, nonetheless, agreed in late 1992 to the possibility of “the less orthodox” approach of the centrist Civic Union prior to Gaidar’s dismissal. In the words of the IMF resident representative in Moscow: “the IMF is not married to Gaidar, he has a similar economic approach but we will work with his successor”.

At the beginning of 1993, the relationship between the government and the parliament evolved towards open confrontation.

Legislative control over the government’s budgetary and monetary policy served to undermine the “smooth execution” of the IMF program. The parliament had passed legislation which slowed down the privatization of state industry, placed restrictions on foreign banks and limited the government’s ability to slash subsidies and social expenditures as required by the IMF.[29]

Opposition to the reforms had largely emanated from within the ruling political elites, from the moderate centrist faction (which included former Yeltsin collaborators). While representing a minority within the parliament, the Civic Union (also involving the union of industrialists led by Arcady Volsky) favored the development of national capitalism while maintaining a strong role for the central state. The main political actors in Yeltsin’s confrontation with the parliament (e.g. Alexander Rutskoi and Ruslan Khasbulatov), therefore, cannot be categorized as “Communist hard-liners”.

The government was incapable of completely bypassing the legislature. Both houses of parliament were suspended by presidential decree on 21 September 1993.

Abolishing the Parliament in the Name of “Governance”

On 23 September, two days later, Mr. Michel Camdessus, the IMF managing director, hinted that the second tranche of a USS 3 billion loan under the IMF’s systemic transformation facility (STF) would not be forthcoming because “Russia had failed to meet its commitments” largely as a result of parliamentary encroachment. (The STF loan is similar in form to the struc- tural adjustment loans negotiated with indebted Third World countries). (See Chapter 3.)

President Clinton had stated at the Vancouver Summit in April 1993 that Western “aid” was tied to the implementation of “democratic reform”. The conditions set by the IMF and the Western creditors, however, could only be met by suspending parliament altogether (a not unusual practice in many indebted Third World countries). The storming of the White House [Russian: Белый дом, The House of the Government of the Russian Federation]  by elite troops and mortar artillery was thus largely intent on neutralizing political dissent from within the ranks of the nomenclature both in Moscow and the regions, and getting rid of individuals opposing IMF-style reform.

The G7 had endorsed President Yeltsin’s decree abolishing both houses of parliament prior to its formal enactment and their embassies in Moscow had been briefed ahead of time. The presidential decree of 21 September was immediately followed by a wave of decrees designed to speed up the pace of economic reform and meet the conditionalities contained in the IMF loan agreement signed by the Russian government in May: credit was immediately tightened and interest rates raised, measures were adopted to increase the pace of privatization and trade liberalization.

In the words of Minister of Finance Mr. Boris Fyodorov, now freed from parliamentary control: “we can bring in any budget that we like.”[30]

Image: Boris Fyodorov (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)


The timing of President Yeltsin’s decree was well chosen: Yeltsin’s finance minister Boris Fyodorov was scheduled to report to the G7 meeting of finance ministers on 25 September, the foreign minister Mr. Andrei Kosyrev was in Washington meeting President Clinton, the IMF-World Bank annual meeting was scheduled to commence in Washington on the 28 September, and 1 October had been set as a deadline for a decision on the IMF’s standby loan prior to the holding in Frankfurt of the meeting of the London Club of commercial bank creditors (chaired by the Deutsche Bank) on 8 October. And on 12 October, President Yeltsin was to travel to Japan to initiate negotiations on the fate of four Kuril islands in exchange for debt relief and Japanese “aid”.

Following the suspension of parliament, the G7 expressed “their very strong hope that the latest developments will help Russia achieve a decisive breakthrough on the path of market reforms.”[31] The German minister of finance Mr. Theo Wagel said that “Russian leaders must make it clear that economic reforms would continue or they would lose international financial aid”. Mr. Michel Camdessus expressed hope that political developments in Russia would contribute to “stepping up the process of economic reform”.

Yet despite Western encouragement, the IMF was not yet prepared to grant Russia the “green light”: Mr. Viktor Gerashchenko, the pro-Civic Union president of the Central Bank, was still formally in control of monetary policy; an IMF mission which traveled to Moscow in late September 1993 (during the heat of the parliamentary revolt), had advised Michel Camdessus that “plans already announced by the government for subsidy cuts and controls over credit were insufficient”.[32]

The impact of the September 1993 economic decrees was almost immediate: the decision to further liberalize energy prices and to increase interest rates served the objective of rapidly pushing large sectors of Russian industry into bankruptcy. With the deregulation of Roskhlebprodukt, the state bread distribution company, in mid-October 1993, bread prices increased overnight by three to four times.[33] It is worth emphasizing that this “second wave” of impoverishment of the Russian people was occurring in the aftermath of an estimated 86 percent decline in real purchasing power in 1992![34] Since all subsidies were financed out of the state budget, the money saved could be redirected (as instructed by the IMF) towards the servicing of Russia’s external debt.

The reform of the fiscal system, proposed by Finance Minister Boris Fyodorov in the aftermath of the September 1993 coup, followed the World Bank formula imposed on indebted Third World countries. It required “fiscal autonomy” for the republics and local governments by cutting the flow of revenue from Moscow to the regions and diverting the central state’s finan- cial resources towards the reimbursement of the creditors. The consequences of these reforms were fiscal collapse, economic and political Balkanization, and enhanced control of Western and Japanese capital over the economies of Russia’s regions.

“Western Aid” to Boris Yeltsin

By 1993, the reforms had led to the massive plunder of Russia’s wealth resulting in a significant outflow of real resources: the balance of payments deficit for 1993 was of the order of USS 40 billion -approximately the amount of “aid” ($ 43 billion) pledged by the G7 at its Tokyo Summit in 1993. Yet most of this Western “aid” was fictitious: it was largely in the form of loans (rather than grant aid) which served the “useful” purpose of enlarging Russia’s external debt (of the order of $ 80 billion in 1993) and strengthening the grip of Western creditors over the Russian economy.

Russia was being handled by the creditors in much the same way as a Third World country: out of a total of USS 43.4 billion which had been pledged in 1993, less than $ 3 billion was actually disbursed. Moreover, the agreement reached with the Paris Club regarding the rescheduling of Russia’s official debt – while “generous” at first sight – in reality offered Moscow a very short breathing space.[35] Only the debt incurred during the Soviet era was to be rescheduled;[36] the massive debts incurred by the Yeltsin government (ironically largely as a result of the economic reforms) were excluded from these negotiations.

With regard to bilateral pledges, President Clinton offered a meager USS 1.6 billion at the Vancouver Summit in 1993; $ 970 million was in the form of credits – mainly for food purchases from US farmers; $ 630 million was arrears on Russian payments for US grain to be financed by tapping “The Food for Progress Program” of the US Department of Agriculture, thus putting Russia on the same footing as countries in sub-Saharan Africa in receipt of US food aid under PL 480. Similarly, the bulk of Japanese bilateral “aid” to Russia were funds earmarked for “insurance for Japanese companies” investing in Russia.[37]

Into the Strait-Jacket of Debt-Servicing

The elimination of parliamentary opposition in September 1993 resulted in an immediate shift in Moscow’s debt-negotiation strategy with the commercial banks. Again, the timing was of critical importance. No “write-off’ or “write-down” of Russia’s commercial debt was requested by the Russian negotiating team at the Frankfurt meetings of the London Club held in early October 1993, only four days after the storming of the White House. Under the proposed deal, the date of reckoning would be temporarily postponed; USS 24 out of USS 3 8 billion of commercial debt would be rescheduled. All the conditions of the London Club were accepted by Moscow’s negotiating team, with the exception of Russia’s refusal to waive its “sovereign immunity to legal action”. This waiver would have enabled the creditor banks to impound Russia’s state enterprises and confiscate physical assets if debt-servicing obligations were not met. For the commercial banks, this clause was by no means a formality: with the collapse of Russia’s economy, a balance of payments crisis, accumulated debt-servicing obligations due to the Paris Club, Russia was being pushed into a “technical moratorium” – i.e. a situation of de facto default.

The foreign creditors had also contemplated mechanisms for converting Russia’s foreign exchange reserves (at the Central Bank as well as dollar deposits in Russian commercial banks) into debt-servicing. They also had their eye on foreign exchange holdings held by Russians in off-shore bank accounts.

The IMF’s economic medicine was not only devised to enforce debt-servicing obligations, it was also intent on “enlarging the debt”. The reforms contributed to crippling the national economy thereby creating a greater dependency on external credit. In turn, debt default was paving the way towards a new critical phase in Moscow’s relationship to the creditors. In the image of a subservient and compliant Third World regime, the Russian state was caught in the strait-jacket of debt and structural adjustment: state expenditures were brutally slashed to release state funds to reimburse the creditors.

The Collapse of Civil Society

As the crisis deepened, the population became increasingly isolated and vulnerable. “Democracy” had been formally installed but the new political parties, divorced from the masses, were largely heeding the interests of merchants and bureaucrats.

The impact of the privatization program on employment was devastating: more than 50 percent of industrial plants had been driven into bankruptcy by 1993.[38] Moreover, entire cities in the Urals and Siberia belonging to the military-industrial complex and dependent on state credits and procurements were in the process of being closed down.

In 1994 (according to official figures), workers at some 33,000 indebted enterprises, including state industrial corporations and collective farms, were not receiving wages on a regular basis.[39]

The tendency was not solely towards continued impoverishment and massive unemployment. A much deeper fracturing of the fabric of Russian society was unfolding, including the destruction of its institutions and the possible break-up of the Russian Federation. G7 policy-makers should carefully assess the consequences of their actions in the interests of world peace. The global geopolitical and security risks are far-reaching; the continued adoption of the IMF economic package spells disaster for Russia and the West.




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[1] Interview with an economist of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, October 1992.

[2] Ibid.

[3] A 50 percent decline in relation to the average of the previous three years. Interviews with several economists of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, September 1992.

[4] Based on author’s compilation of price increases over the period December 1991-October 1992 of some 27 essential consumer goods including food, transportation, clothing and consumer durables.

[5] According to the government’s official statement to the Russian Parliament, wages increased 11 times from January to September 1992.

[6] Interview with the head of the IMF Resident Mission, Moscow, September 1992.

[7] See World Bank, Russian Economic Reform, Crossing the Threshold of Structural Reform, Washington DC, 1992, p. 18.

[8] Interview with a World Bank advisor, Moscow, October 1992.

[9] Interview with an economist of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, September 1992.

[10] Interview in a Moscow polyclinic, interviews with workers in different sectors of economic activity, Moscow and Rostow on the Don, September-October 1992. See also Jean-Jacques Marie, “Ecole et sante en ruines”, Le Monde diplomatique, June 1992, p. 13.

[11] The price and wage levels are those prevailing in September-October 1992. The exchange rate in September 1992 was of the order of 300 rubles to the dollar.

[12] For further details see Jean Jacques Marie, op. cit.

[13] There is a failure on the part of the Russian economic advisors to uncover the theoretical falsehoods of the IMF economic framework. There is no analysis on how the IMF policy package actually works, and little knowledge in the former Soviet Union of policy experiences in other countries, including sub- Saharan Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe.

[14] Interview with IMF official, Moscow, September 1992.

[15] See Delovoi Mir (Business World), No. 34, 6 September 1992, p. 14.

[16] During the first nine months of 1992.

[17] Interview with ordinary Russian citizens, Rostov on the Don, October 1992.

[18] See International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, A Study of the Soviet Economy, Vol. 1, Paris, 1991, part II, chapter 2.

[19] Paraphrase of “Adam bit the apple and thereupon sin fell on the human race” in Karl Marx “On Primitive Accumulation”, Capital (book 1).

[20] See “Ruble Plunges to New Low”, Moscow Times, 2 October 1992, p. 1.

[21] See Paul Klebnikov, “Stalin’s Heirs”, Forbes, 27 September 1993, pp. 124-34. 22. The government is said to have issued export licenses in 1992 covering two times the recorded exports of crude petroleum.

[23] According to estimates of the Washington-based International Institute of Banking.

[24] It is estimated that with a purchase of USS 1,000 of state property (according to the book value of the enterprise), one acquires real assets of a value of $300,000.

[25] Interview with a Western commercial bank executive, Moscow, October 1992.

[26] See Tim Beardsley, “Selling to Survive”, Scientific American, February 1993, pp. 94-100.

[27] Ibid.

[28] With technical assistance from the World Bank, a uniform tariff on imports was designed for the Russian Federation.

[29] The Central Bank was under the jurisdiction of parliament. In early September 1993, an agreement was reached whereby the Central Bank would be respon- sible to both the government and the parliament.

[30] Quoted in Financial Times, 23 September 1993, p. 1.

[31] Ibid, p. 1.

[32] According to Financial Times, 5 October 1993.

[33] See Leyla Boulton, “Russia’s Breadwinners and Losers”, Financial Times, 13 October 1993, p. 3.

[34] Chris Doyle, The Distributional Consequences of Russia’s Transition, Discussion Paper no. 839, Center for Economic Policy Research, London, 1993. This estimate is consistent with the author’s evaluation of price move- ments of basic consumer goods over the period December 1991-October 1992. Official statistics (which are grossly manipulated) acknowledge a 56 percent collapse in purchasing power since mid-1991.

[35] The amount eligible for restructuring pertained to the official debt contracted prior to January 1991 (USS 17 billion). Two billion were due in 1993, 15 bil- lion were rescheduled over 10 years with a five-year grace period.

[36] Only debt incurred prior to the cut-off date (January 1991) was to be resched- uled; 15 out of $ 17 billion were rescheduled, $ 2 billion were due to the Paris Club in 1993.

[37] See The Wall Street Journal, New York, 12 October 1993, p. A17. See also Allan Saunderson, “Legal Wrangle Holds Up Russian Debt Deal”, The European, 14-17 October 1993, p. 38.

[38] The World Bank has recommended to the government to “fracturize”, large enterprises, that is to break them up into smaller entities.

[39] See Financial Times, 1 August 1994, p. 1.

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Your brain is highly energy-dependent, consuming 20% of your body’s energy. Recent studies show a bidirectional relationship between mental well-being and mitochondrial function, with positive experiences boosting cellular energy production

Chronic stress can lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, increasing your risk of mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Breaking the stress cycle is crucial for optimal mitochondrial function and overall health

Strategies to manage chronic stress include regular exercise, consuming healthy carbohydrates, engaging in creative activities, practicing self-soothing techniques, optimizing sleep and maintaining a positive outlook

Diet also plays a significant role in stress management. Consuming healthy carbs can help lower your cortisol levels, while avoiding seed oils high in linoleic acid (LA) is recommended to prevent mitochondrial dysfunction

Rewiring your brain for happiness and cultivating Joy is important. Joy is described as an active pursuit of life’s purpose, distinct from passive happiness, reflecting engagement with life and personal growth


Did you know that your brain is the most energy-dependent organ? It consumes up to 20% of the energy used by your entire body, despite making up only 2% of your bodyweight.1 Your brain regulates your mental and emotional state, so when you don’t produce enough cellular energy, your brain function is severely affected — as a result, you experience changes in your behavior and how you respond to stress.

But did you know that these processes work both ways? According to a recent study,2 your experiences, whether positive or negative, can affect your energy production by changing how your mitochondria work.

Your Mental and Social Well-Being Are Linked to Your Brain’s Energy Production

The mitochondria are the powerhouses of your cells and are responsible for more than 90% of your body’s energy production.3 I’ve previously discussed how optimizing your mitochondrial energy production can help rewire your brain and allow you to cultivate more Joy in your life. Now, there’s evidence that shows it works the other way as well.

According to a 2024 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS),4 experiencing positive life experiences can impart changes in the mitochondria, which then boost cellular energy production. Conducted by scientists from Columbia University, the study involved examining the brains of elderly adults who have donated their brains to research postmortem.

For nearly 20 years, the participants also conducted “periodic psychosocial self-assessments”5 — basically, they recorded their mental and social experiences for later analysis. 

Through these assessments, the researchers observed a link between the psychosocial experiences of the participants and the amount of proteins in their brains, which the mitochondria need for energy production, noting that “positive psychosocial experiences are linked to greater abundance of the mitochondrial energy transformation machinery, whereas negative experiences are linked to lower abundance.”

According to their findings, the participants who reported feeling happier and more content during their lives had higher amounts of these proteins. On the other hand, those who had bad experiences had fewer proteins.

One factor that shows how this mechanism works is OxPhos (oxidative phosphorylation) protein abundance. Not only are OxPhos reactions essential for mitochondrial energy production, but they also help keep age-related disorders at bay.6 According to a report published in

“In the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), a brain area that is involved in executive functions and emotional regulation and is known to be sensitive to psychological stress, this factor showed marked correlation with both positive and negative psychosocial experiences.

The positive psychosocial aspects most associated with increased OxPhos protein abundance were well-being and late-life social activity. On the opposite side of the scale, negative mood and negative life events had the biggest effect sizes.”

Caroline Trumpff, the lead author of this study, notes that this is the first time that subjective psychosocial experiences have been related to brain biology. “We’re showing that older individuals’ state of mind is linked to the biology of their brain mitochondria,” she commented.8 

The Effects Could be ‘Bidirectional’

The study authors noted that there are limitations to their findings, as the specific cause-and-effect relationship is yet to be determined. It’s possible that the effect could be the other way around, and that having more proteins in the brain (and therefore better mitochondrial energy production) could be the reason why some participants report being happier and having better mood than others.

However, they noted that the effects could be bidirectional, too, and that “chronic stress exposure directly affects an individual’s mitochondrial biology and subsequently affects their perception of social events.”9 This is entirely possible; in fact, some of the researchers involved in this study also previously published an animal study10 that looked at how mitochondrial activity in different parts of the brain affected stress response.

Published in the journal Nature Communications, the researchers looked at 17 different brain areas of mice that correspond to different behaviors.11 They found that these different patterns of mitochondrial activity account for differences in behavior between individual mice and how they respond to stress.

“This study synergizes with recent work providing the technical and empirical foundation to bring mitochondrial biology into brain-wide, network-based models of neural systems in mammals … Developing a spatially resolved understanding of brain mitochondrial biology will help to resolve the energetic constraints on brain function and behavior,” they said.12

Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Your Brain Can Raise Your Risk of Mental Problems

Although the cause-and-effect factor is still not confirmed, one thing is certain — there is a definite link between your mitochondrial health and stress. According to Trumpff, their findings give valuable insight into why chronic psychological stress and bad experiences can be harmful for the brain, saying, “They damage or impair mitochondrial energy transformation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex [DLPFC], the part of the brain responsible for high-level cognitive tasks.”13

Previous studies showed similar results; for example, a 2022 review published in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews14 found that chronic stress can lead to poor mitochondrial function and can be a risk factor for various psychiatric and mood disorders, including anxiety, depression, autism and schizophrenia.

According to the researchers, being in a state of constant stress can cause “mitochondrial allostatic overload” — this refers to the functional and structural changes that your mitochondria experience, which then leads to “oxidative stress, inflammation, mitochondrial DNA damage and apoptosis.”15

They then highlighted evidence linking mitochondrial dysfunction to mental health issues. For example, in patients with major depression, neuroimaging studies found a reduced energy metabolism in brain areas, including the prefrontal cortex, insula and basal ganglia.

“The evidence presented here suggests that alterations in mitochondrial function do impact on cognitive processes and may be causative linked to the onset of psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, stress-related disorders as well as social interaction deficits in the domain of autism and antisocial personality disorder.

Understanding the connections between mitochondria and cognitive functions could pave the way to next generation approaches targeting mitochondria to alleviate neuropsychiatric conditions, aging and cognitive decline in general,” they concluded.

Escaping the Stress Cycle Is Key to Optimal Mitochondrial Function

Stress is a “silent killer.”16 Being constantly exposed to it weakens your immune system, increasing your risk of numerous health issues like heart disease, obesity and cancer.17 In a 2022 survey by the American Psychological Association (APA), 34% of U.S. adults report feeling overwhelmed by stress brought on by multiple factors, such as work, relationships, health issues and financial concerns.18

These studies give better insight as to why stress is so detrimental to your health, as it hinders proper mitochondrial function and affects your cellular energy production. If your mitochondria are not functioning well, no doubt your risk for chronic degenerative diseases will radically increase.

Furthermore, since your brain is the most energy-dependent organ, it becomes particularly susceptible to impaired energy production due to faulty mitochondria. And when cellular energy production decreases, you have less energy overall, including for brain processing. Since your brain regulates your mental state, it can also affect your emotional well-being.

I recently wrote an article about the stress cycle and how you can break free to improve both your physical and mental health. There are three phases to this cycle:

1. Alarm phase — This is your body’s immediate reaction to a perceived threat.

2. Resistance phase — This is your body’s attempt to return to a state of balance, either by resisting or adapting to the stressors.

3. Exhaustion phase — Your body experiences reactions to the stress, including decreased immunity and fatigue. You may also become more likely to experience illnesses, due to stress hormones and cortisol taking their toll on your body.

Manage Chronic Stress with These Strategies

Everyone will experience stress in their lives — it is unavoidable. What isn’t advisable, however, is chronic and prolonged stress, as it can be highly damaging to your well-being. The good news is there are healthy and proactive strategies that can help you manage stress to keep it from wreaking havoc on your physical and emotional well-being:

Get regular exercise — Being physically active can positively contribute to your physical and emotional equilibrium, mainly because it improves your mood and helps lower cortisol levels, which is your body’s primary stress hormone. According to a 2022 study:19

“Regular physical activity has a positive effect on the central nervous system (CNS) functions, contributes to an improvement in mood and of cognitive abilities (including memory and learning), and is correlated with an increase in the expression of the neurotrophic factors and markers of synaptic plasticity as well as a reduction in the inflammatory factors.”

Being physically active can also promote longevity and reduce the risk of stress-related health complications.20 One of the best low-impact, moderate-intensity exercise you can do is walking outdoors in bright sunlight, which can multiply the benefits, as you also get to optimize your vitamin D levels.

Consume healthy, clean carbs — Your diet plays a significant role in your chronically elevated cortisol levels, and one primary reason is you may not be getting enough healthy carbs.

I’ve been following the work of the late Ray Peat, and one of the foundational health concepts that I’ve radically revised my thinking on as a result is the idea that eating a low-carb diet long-term is the best way to optimize your metabolic and mitochondrial health. It’s not. Your body needs carbohydrates for optimal function.

Your body breaks down carbs into glucose. If you don’t have enough glucose in your bloodstream, your body makes up for it by secreting cortisol. The cortisol breaks down your bones, lean muscles and brain to produce amino acids that are converted by your liver into glucose (gluconeogenesis).

However, elevated cortisol levels can increase inflammation and impair your immune function. As long as you’re metabolically flexible, consuming more carbs will help lower cortisol. But don’t be confused — don’t choose refined sugars and carbs from processed foods. Instead, go for healthy carbs like white rice and ripe fruits.

In addition, I recommend avoiding seed oils, which are loaded with linoleic acid (LA), the most destructive ingredient in our modern-day diet. LA is far worse than refined sugar and is highly pernicious to your health because it prevents your mitochondria from working properly, causing oxidation, inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction. I recommend reading my article on LA to discover why it is so damaging.

Stay creative and start new hobbies — Engage in activities and hobbies that not only encourage creative thinking, but also provide mental diversions to help rejuvenate your mind and body.21

Painting, writing or even learning how to play a musical instrument can all provide therapeutic benefits by stimulating your brain’s creativity centers and reducing stress hormones. They also increase your feelings of happiness and satisfaction.

Incorporate self-soothing techniques — If you’re dealing with difficult, heavy emotions, self-soothing techniques like meditation may help curb the intensity of stress responses. Practicing controlled nasal breathing slows down your heart rate and lowers blood pressure, activating your body’s relaxation response. To help you build better breathing habits, check out my interview with Dr. Peter Litchfield.

Autogenics is another self-soothing technique, and it involves a series of exercises in which you focus on sensations of warmth and heaviness in different parts of your body to induce a sense of deep relaxation. Developed by German psychiatrist Johannes Heinrich Schultz in the early 20th century, it’s based on the principle that physical relaxation can lead to mental calmness.22

Even crying may help soothe you, as it provides an outlet for pent-up emotions and stress. According to a randomized controlled trial published in the journal Emotions:23

“Crying may assist in generally maintaining biological homeostasis, perhaps consciously through self-soothing via purposeful breathing and unconsciously through regulation of heart rate.”

Optimize your sleep — Getting sufficient, high-quality sleep not only allows you to rest, but also helps repair and rejuvenate your mind and body, enhancing cognitive function and improving mood. It makes you more resilient toward stress.

Make sure you establish a regular sleep schedule and create a conducive sleep environment so you can maximize the benefits of sleep. Exposure to bright light during daytime and complete darkness at night is also essential, as it helps boost your melatonin production.

Practice positive thinking and laughter — Maintaining a hopeful and optimistic outlook encourages your brain to produce stress-busting chemicals. Some of the best activities include mindfulness, spending time in nature and journaling.

I also encourage you to make it a habit to laugh and smile more. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, your body’s natural stress-relievers, making it a potent antidote to stress.

Rewire Your Brain for Happiness

Being in a state of chronic stress is like living with a dark cloud hanging above you. It casts a gloomy shadow over every aspect of your life. It strains your relationships, messes up with your decision-making skills and ultimately puts your physical and mental well-being in jeopardy. That is why instead of always giving in to stress or stressful situations, I advise you to try the strategies above to rewire your brain for happiness and cultivate more Joy in your life.

One of the key lessons from my upcoming book, “The Power of Choice,” is that life is about creating Joy. I believe there is an important distinction between Joy and happiness. While happiness can be passive, Joy is active — it’s a verb representing the ultimate pursuit and realization of life’s purpose.

You hold the ultimate authority over the experiences you encounter, as they are entirely shaped by your individual choices. If your life lacks fulfillment, then it could be your true Self telling you to make different choices that could steer you toward a more satisfying existence.

I intentionally capitalize “Self” and “Joy” to indicate their deeper, transcendent nature. Self represents unlimited, immortal consciousness, while Joy denotes a profound state of contentment that emanates from within yourself.

Choosing to rewire your brain for happiness can be considered an act of Joy because it reflects an active engagement with life, a pursuit of meaning and a commitment to personal growth. It involves making conscious decisions and taking intentional actions that ultimately lead to happiness and a more fulfilling, satisfying existence.


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1 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. August 10, 2021; 118(32)

2, 4, 9 PNAS, June 18, 2024, 121(27), e2317673121

3 Dis Model Mech. June 1, 2021; 14(6)

5, June 25, 2024, Picking the brains

6 Cell Rep. May 29, 2018;23(9):2550-2558

7, June 25, 2024, How do your mitochondria feel?

8, 13, June 25, 2024

10 Nature Communications, 2023, Volume 14, Article number: 4726

11 Nature Communications, 2023, Volume 14, Article number: 4726, Introduction

12 Nature Communications, 2023, Volume 14, Article number: 4726, Discussion

14 Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, November 2022, Volume 142, 104892

15 Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, November 2022, Volume 142, 104892, Abstract

16 Florida International University, May 25, 2023

17 Annual Review of Psychology, 2021, Vol. 72:663-688

18 Forbes Health, June 20, 2024

19 Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Nov; 23(21): 13348

20 Harvard Health Publishing, July 7, 2020

21 PsychCentral, June 23, 2022

22 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2021; 2021: 5924040

23 Emotion. 2020 Oct;20(7):1279-1291

Featured image is from Mercola

Below is an excerpt from an article on KTTC:

Family searches for answers after 12-year-old suffers heart attack, baffling doctors

By Steve Mehling and Gray News staff, KTTC, August 29, 2024

A Tennessee family says doctors have no idea why their son, who they say was in great health and active, had a heart attack at age 12 that left him hospitalized with extensive brain damage.

Sammy Silverman, now 13, should be starting the eighth grade at Blackman Middle School in Murfreesboro. Instead for the past six weeks, he and his parents, Adam and Janette Silverman, have been at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital in Nashville, WSMV reports.

Sammy’s parents say doctors still don’t know why their son, who they say was in great health and active, had a heart attack at age 12.

“You never think, ‘Hey, that’s going to happen to my kid,’” Janette Silverman said. “Then, it does.”

Read the full article on KTTC.


Click here to watch the video


My Take…

There are thousands of stories like this.

“Doctors are as puzzled as the parents are”. I bet they are.




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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.  

Featured image is a screenshot from the video

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Below is an excerpt from an article on WSAZ3:

‘He was so young’: 15-year-old high school cross-country runner collapses and dies

By Tony Garcia and Jordan Gartner, WSAZ3, August 29, 2024

A teenager in Tennessee died on Tuesday while he was out for a jog in the neighborhood.

The Cheatham County Sheriff’s Office identified the teen as 15-year-old Tristen Franklin.

The Sycamore High School student was jogging that day on his normal route as a cross-country runner when he collapsed.

Neighbor Troy Simpkins said he would usually see Tristen on the teen’s afternoon runs and they would say hello to one another.

Read the full article on WSAZ3.


Click here to watch the video


My Take…

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Sudden Cardiac Deaths continue…




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Get Your Free Copy of “Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War”! 

Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.  

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

In this interview, Antoine SOMDAH, former ambassador of Burkina Faso to the Russian Federation, an expert in international law and nuclear law, and a member of the United Nations Security Council (2008 and 2009), critically assesses the importance of the newly created Alliance of Sahel States (AES), its implications, the challenges and future prospects in West Africa. This marked a major geopolitical turning point in the Sahel region for the three Republics of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. It also signified the final withdrawal from the regional economic organization ECOWAS.

Here are the interview excerpts.

Kester Kenn Klomegah (KKK): How would you assess the potential and performance of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) since its creation?

Antoine Somdah (AS): First of all, I would like to remind you that it was following the ineffectiveness of the security response, the weak solidarity, or even the abandonment of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in the face of the terrorist scourge, the irresponsible economic sanctions and especially the threat of military intervention in Niger that the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) was born. It was established on September 16, 2023 with the signing of the Liptako-Gourma Charter by the States of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, three countries historically sharing the cross-border region of West Africa and the Sahel called “Liptako-Gourma” from which the symbolic name of the Charter comes.

Strategically speaking, it is a collective defense and mutual assistance bloc aimed at countering any ECOWAS military intervention or any external threat including terrorism and with the ambition of sub-regional economic integration. This strategic choice is fueled by similarities in economic data and territorial (2,781,392 km2), demographic (71.5 million inhabitants according to 2022 data), social and cultural continuity as well as a shared history, marked by colonization, which creates a feeling of rejection of the occupying power to aspire to real sovereignty. The creation of the AES marks a major geopolitical turning point in the Sahel region. It is not only a rational response to the regional environment marked by insecurity and instability but also the common desire of the three countries to strengthen their sovereignty and coordinate their efforts in the fight against terrorism. The result of growing frustration with traditional Western partners, the AES symbolizes the quest for strategic alternatives and new allies on the international scene. Several actions have already been undertaken with meetings and draft initiatives to move the Alliance towards the Statutes of a confederation and ultimately towards a federation.

It is in this regard that, on January 28, 2024, the Alliance countries announced their withdrawal from ECOWAS. Then, on February 15, a meeting of the Alliance member countries was held in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), which laid the foundations for the creation of a confederation.

On March 6, the Alliance also announced the formation of a joint anti-terrorist force and in May it finalized the draft treaty creating the Confederation of the Alliance, with the aim of completing the draft text relating to the institutionalization and operationalization of the Alliance of Sahel States. Recently, on July 6, 2024, the first summit of the Alliance of Sahel States was held in Niamey, Niger, which saw the adoption of the Treaty establishing the Confederation of Sahel States and which also addressed issues and challenges common to the three countries, including security and defense, terrorism, as well as economic, commercial and cultural exchanges.



Map of the member states of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) (From the Public Domain)


The AES also aims to create an economic and monetary union, as well as its own currency which should be based on the natural resources of the member countries of the Confederation. It must be recognized that previously a meeting of the Ministers of Economy and Finance of the member countries of the AES held in Bamako on November 25, 2023, in order to promote economic development within the AES area, had recommended, among other things, the creation of structuring projects in the fields of energy, infrastructure, transport and food security. It had also recommended the creation of a stabilization fund and an investment bank. The meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs held following the latter, on November 30 and December 1, 2023 in the same city, had recommended to the Heads of Member States the creation of a confederation.

KKK: What are the political and economic implications of the withdrawal of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)?

AS: Quite naturally, the withdrawal of the AES countries from ECOWAS necessarily has immediate political and economic implications for not only the AES itself but also for all other ECOWAS countries in terms of mobility of people and goods, trade and regional sectoral policy. It is a sovereign choice made by these three countries, even if it takes a period of one year after notification for them to cease to be members of the community, in accordance with the ECOWAS Treaty of 1993.

There will also be impacts in the areas of collective security, the regional defense force and the fight against terrorism even if they have never functioned as they should. On the other hand, the leaders of the AES reaffirmed their membership in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), one of the specific institutions of ECOWAS, in order to minimize the sudden economic shock that the AES area could undergo. Moreover, this withdrawal could lead to a redefinition of economic relations in the West African region, with significant adjustments at the national, regional and extra-regional levels. It could also offer opportunities for reform and endogenous development in this area.

KKK: From what you said above, does this mean that trade and economic cooperation with neighboring states have ceased? Do you also foresee the emergence of possible conflicts between the Alliance and ECOWAS?

AS: I don’t think so! It is true that the free movement of people and goods remains a determining factor in relations, particularly trade between states and peoples, however, the states of the region have always remained interdependent, which could force the AES countries to negotiate bilateral agreements with certain states with which they have very strong economic and friendly ties, but also with those with economic resilience or with states or organizations that share common interests and challenges outside the West African region. Also, with a view to creating its common currency, the AES should consider, in the medium term, its withdrawal from UEMOA to stimulate its endogenous economic development.


Alliance of Sahel States (red)

Alliance of Sahel States (red) (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)


Moreover, it is not excluded that other countries in the region will be attracted by the AES federation project. In any case, it is an opportunity to start off on the right foot towards full sovereignty and free ourselves from external influence. On the emergence of possible conflicts between the Alliance and ECOWAS, I would say no, because the preservation of peace and stability in the West African region is a crucial priority and both entities are aware of this.

KKK: Do you think ECOWAS needs serious reforms in the context of current geopolitical developments?

AS: Oh yes of course! “Every cloud has a silver lining”! The current situation in ECOWAS reflects the persistent security, economic and political challenges facing the region. This situation even becomes an opportunity for ECOWAS to readjust its integration model by placing great emphasis on the creation of an ECOWAS of the people to encourage increased investment, in order to complete economic integration. Also, the need to advocate dialogue and enhanced cooperation on security with the AES and finally adapt its regional integration and cooperation policies to its changing environment.

KKK: Can you also discuss China and Russia’s current cooperation in trade, investment and security with the Alliance of Sahel States?

AS: The growing relations between China, Russia and the emerging governments of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger suggest a geopolitical reconfiguration in West Africa. But first, it must be said that China and Russia are themselves essential strategic partners. The AES Heads of State have decided to take their destiny into their own hands and move away from facade and ineffective partnerships to sincere partners such as Russia and China, but also Turkey. These partnerships with Russia, China and Turkey have enabled the AES countries to equip themselves well and effectively conduct operations against armed terrorist groups. The arrival of Turkey and Iran in the Sahel equation is part of a broader movement of diversification of international partnerships by the AES countries.

China, mainly established on the African continent thanks to large investments, seems increasingly to want to focus on the East coast where the country launched its New Silk Roads project in 2017. It is engaged in the Sahel in several areas such as agriculture, trade, security, energy and infrastructure.

Russia’s influence is also felt throughout the continent, but with a more significant presence in French-speaking Africa and the Sahel, taking advantage of the departure of all French soldiers of the Barkhane force from Malian territory in August 2022. Indeed, with nearly 3,000 soldiers engaged since 2013 in the Sahel, the French anti-jihadist force Barkhane has faced the rise of anti-French sentiment in a few years, with the Malian authorities having preferred to move closer to Russia and the help of the paramilitary troops of the Wagner Group. In September 2022, the Burkinabe authorities who had just come to power also expressed their desire to move closer to Russia despite France following the protests against the Barkhane force.

Since 2010, Russia has included the African continent in its foreign policy. Over the years, it has positioned itself as a possible alternative for African states disappointed by Western alliances, both politically and militarily, through a hybrid strategy. Russia therefore intends to provide support, as much as possible, to the Alliance of Sahel States, particularly in terms of security, training military personnel and police bodies and by developing economic cooperation.

The paramilitary group “Wagner” is present in Mali, among other places, with active military operations, participating in combat. This group is gradually being replaced by “Africa Corps” or “African Corps”. This is a new military corps that officially represents Russia on the African continent, taking over the security architecture established by Wagner under a more centralized command structure within the Russian Ministry of Defense. The first major deployment of this new military corps took place in Burkina Faso in January 2024 with 100 Russian military instructors and, since then, it has gradually taken control of operations in Mali and most recently in Niger. Turkey also offers defense and intelligence support.

KKK: What are the main economic sectors that are important for Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger? Do you consider the state of civil society, youth and the media in the development of political and economic power?

AS: I said earlier that the AES countries have similar economic challenges characterized by a strong dependence on agriculture and foreign aid, underdeveloped infrastructure, and vulnerability to external shocks such as fluctuations in commodity prices and climatic hazards. Mobility is also a crucial aspect for these landlocked countries and dependent on trade corridors through coastal states for their imports and exports.

Several development initiatives are taken in this direction to stimulate the main important economic sectors in the priority areas of agriculture, livestock, health, energy, transport and mineral resources, but also in the area of ​​road, rail and airport infrastructure.

Mali, for example, followed by Burkina Faso with their important agricultural sector, were important contributors in terms of agricultural products in the ECOWAS region. Burkina Faso and Niger played crucial roles in the trade of goods and mineral resources such as textiles, livestock, gold and uranium. This new era for the AES countries will allow greater economic and political autonomy in order to strengthen the sovereignty of States. They will now have the opportunity to easily pursue economic policies in line with their realities and aspirations.

To the question of whether I consider the state of civil society, youth and the media to be in the construction of political and economic power, I would say that over the last two decades, the mobilization of young people has remained constant in denouncing the excesses of the powers in place and against the high cost of living. Among the components of social movements, we note in particular civil society organizations in which there are youth organizations, women’s organizations and unions with the support of social networks and the media and the internet in general. The media, in various forms, play a vital role in the fight against corruption by communicating information on the work of these organizations and by raising awareness. Freedom of expression is guaranteed at the national, continental and international levels, even if the media may sometimes be subject to restrictions. In Burkina Faso, for example, since 1998 to the present day, the demands of civil society have helped shape the management of political and economic power. Currently, the context of terrorism that the country is suffering is far from leaving civil society organizations indifferent. More than in other countries, they do not hesitate to express their support for government forces, while providing their criticisms and elements of moderation to call for action with discernment and responsibility. On February 24, 2024, the Alliance of Youth of the Sahel States held its General Assembly in Ouagadougou, in which the delegations of Mali and Niger took part to affirm the desire of young people to support the dynamics underway in the three AES countries. To do this, several activities were scheduled to discuss themes relating to the sovereignty of peoples, the promotion of the economy, culture and the inclusion of young people in decision-making. They intend, through this organization, to contribute to the achievement of the objectives pursued by the AES while promoting good collaboration between the different sections of this structure which will be created in the two other countries.

KKK: Do you see collaborations on initiatives to improve energy, science and technology also possible with external players?

AS: Absolutely! Energy, science and technology are essential to the transformation of the AES area in terms of agriculture, industry and poverty eradication. It will, therefore, be necessary to invest in these sectors while promoting innovation. In terms of energy, production is mainly thermal, but the sun is becoming one of the energy potentials increasingly exploited in the AES countries. Energy production with gas and civil nuclear power is already being considered. The diversification of strategic partners is all the more crucial with the withdrawal of the AES countries from ECOWAS. The AES countries, taken individually, are already linked by international agreements and bilateral partnerships in the field of science and technology.

At the international level, these countries already participate in the technical and scientific cooperation projects of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), as well as in programs carried out within the framework of the Regional Cooperation Agreement for Africa on Research, Development and Training in the Field of Nuclear Science and Technology (AFRA) and other specialized bodies of the United Nations system. In this regard, I would like to inform you that I personally had the opportunity to actively participate with the national team responsible for laying the foundations of this technical and scientific cooperation with the IAEA from 1999 to 2007.

The STI Agenda 2026 (science, technology and innovation) of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) adopted in 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan, covers a number of urgent areas of inter-state cooperation, ranging from building a culture of science and innovation among young people to improving the employability of people, including water security, food and the environment; promoting healthy lives for all citizens and improving the quality of higher education and research, among others.

On the bilateral level, it should be noted that these countries have chosen a strategic partnership with the Russian Federation. Burkina Faso has been in partnership with Russia (Russian Agency Rosatom) since October 2023 for the construction of a nuclear power plant. On February 20, 2024, the three energy companies of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger during their meeting in Ouagadougou defined the strategies to secure the supply of electrical energy to the AES countries; this event marks the beginning of the optimization and pooling of clean energy resources by diversifying the choice of strategic partners.

KKK: Finally, what is the pathway forward in terms of democratic governance and development strategy in the three states? Are these states pursuing the principles relating to (peace and stabililty, development  and prosperity) of the multipolar world?

AS: This question is all the more important as it deserves to be considered in depth. First of all, the AES is a confederation of states with limited capacity vis-à-vis the global system, which seeks to strengthen its autonomy to resist exploitation and reduce its dependence on this same global system dominated by Westerners, in particular the former colonial powers such as France and the international financial institutions, in a word the unipolar world order. This means that these are deep strategic issues, therefore complex. Certainly, in recent decades, economic crises, internal conflicts and the loss of confidence in traditional institutions, as well as the many failures observed in the chaotic management of certain wars in the Middle East, added to the mistakes made successively in the outbreak of the conflict in Syria and now with the provocation of that in Ukraine, and the attempts to destabilize certain African countries in order to control their wealth have weakened the capacity of Western countries to exercise a dominant influence.

While the West has long been seen as a model to follow, the rest of the world is questioning this cultural superiority and seeking to assert its own identity and voice. This is why the birth of the BRICS constitutes a more pragmatic alternative and oriented towards the multipolarity that the rest of the world aspires to, thus creating a unity of the Global South.

Obviously, the AES States are oriented towards multipolarity, which is intended to be a more inclusive and concerted approach, where different countries and regions work together to find common solutions. In any case, the AES is obliged to redefine alliances in the region and pave the way for greater influence from powers such as Russia, China and Turkey, and even other emerging BRICS countries. In this way, it will succeed in defeating terrorism and consolidating its integration to become a center of influence; diversifying its economy to become prosperous in the region, which will of course promote the strengthening of its democracy, which remains a popular democracy.

Pursuing the principles of the multipolar world, the AES countries want, in all independence, to have pragmatic win-win partnerships that advance their interests for the purposes of their development, prosperity and stability. This strategic choice made by the AES countries is in line with the new approach of the Global South in the management of global governance and undoubtedly an opportunity, finally, to rebuild a new global security architecture.


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Kester Kenn Klomegah, who worked previously with Inter Press Service (IPS), Weekly Blitz and InDepthNews, is now a regular contributor to Global Research. He researches Eurasia, Russia, Africa and BRICS. His focused interest areas include geopolitical changes, foreign relations and economic development questions relating to Africa. As a versatile researcher, he believes that everyone deserves equal access to quality and trustworthy media reports.

A media conference was held in Russia during the weekend of September 14-15 as a precursor to the upcoming Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa Plus Summit to be held in October.

This gathering of journalists, editors, publishers and other media workers represented efforts to create a narrative which provides an alternative to the news reports and analyses which dominate western media outlets and their surrogates in the Global South.

The media conference was hosted by the Russian state news agency, TASS, which on September 1, celebrated its 120th anniversary. TASS and many of the other media agencies visiting Russia for the conference are presenting different views on world events than what is routinely highlighted by the corporate and governmental networks in the United States, Britain and the European Union (EU).

For example, the general thrust of the editorial positions in the capitalist and imperialist states is that the newspapers, radio and television networks in Russia are not to be trusted. The western-based media sources allege that all media outlets in Russia along with other states such as China and Iran do not have any independent views as it relates to those opinions which are ostensibly dictated by their respective governments.

Despite such assumptions by these U.S.-U.K. and EU press services, the most censured and biased reports which exist in the contemporary period emanates from the imperialist states where there are concerted attempts to justify the permanent wars of aggression and genocide as being legitimate responses to existential threats. The Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine is exclusively characterized as unwarranted attempts by Moscow to dominate Eastern Europe reminiscent of the era of the Soviet Union.

In Palestine, where over the past year more than 41,000 people have been killed in Gaza while the attacks on those living in the West Bank have accelerated, the oppressed people are typically described as “terrorists.” The Palestinians are characterized as being largely responsible for their own displacement, isolation, injuries and deaths.

The approach by the western capitalist news sources labels the resistance forces operating inside Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen as being only the proxies of the Islamic Republic of Iran which is accused of being an aspiring nuclear weapons power with the intent to eliminate the State of Israel and its backers in the West Asia and North Africa regions. These claims are utilized to provide a rationale for the ongoing imperialist and Zionist bombing operations and targeted assassinations carried out in Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Iran.

Consequently, there are yearnings among growing numbers of people for different sources of news and political analyses in the Global South. In addition, even within the industrial capitalist states of Western Europe, the U.K and North America, more people are turning towards progressive news outlets which encompass a critical outlook towards the corporate and government-controlled media.

Leading up to the event, TASS News Agency reported on the BRICS Plus media conference noting the broad participation in the deliberations:

“The event will be attended by the heads of leading media institutions from BRICS, as well as media outlets from countries that have expressed their interest in expanding cooperation with the grouping. Panel discussions will cover the role of the BRICS media community in bolstering stability in a multipolar world, as well as technological aspects of interaction between BRICS countries in the information sphere. Among other guests, the summit will be attended by Xinhua President and Executive Chairman of the BRICS Media Forum Fu Hua General, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, Leonid Slutsky, chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on International Affairs, as well as Mohammed bin Abdul Rabbo Al-Yami, Director General of the Union of News Agencies of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Countries (UNA OIC).” 

BRICS, which began with four countries, has now expanded to ten. Dozens of others are interested in joining the economic alliance.

Image source

At the 15th Summit held in the Republic of South Africa during August 2023, Ethiopia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Iran and Saudi Arabia were approved for membership. There was the announcement of the formation of the New Development Bank (NDB) which is led by the former President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff.

A post on the BRICS Plus website for the upcoming October 22-24 in the Russian southwest city of Kazan outlines the objectives of the Russian Federation for the summit:

“BRICS is attracting an ever-increasing number of supporters and like-minded countries that share its underlying principles, namely, sovereign equality, respect for the chosen path of development, mutual consideration of interests, openness, consensus, the aspiration to form a multipolar international order and a fair global financial and trade system, and pursuit of collective solutions to top challenges of our time. The Russian 2024 BRICS Chairmanship under the motto Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security will act precisely in this manner and focus on positive and constructive cooperation with all countries concerned.” 

This formation has fueled the political insecurity of the imperialist states. BRICS countries have a combined population of 3.25 billion people, which is about 46% of the world’s population.

Economically the BRICS Plus countries represent more than a third of the world’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). They account for 25% of global trade.

In regard to energy production, the BRICS Plus states contain 40% of the crude oil production and exports. The land mass of the BRICS Plus countries encompasses approximately 30% of the world’s surface.

FOCAC and the War Against China

This upcoming BRICS Plus Summit comes on the heels of the successful convening of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Beijing in early September. FOCAC was formed in 2000 and has brought about greater economic and political collaboration between African Union (AU) member-states and the People’s Republic of China.

Successive U.S. administrations whether Republican or Democrat have attempted to castigate China saying its involvement in Africa represents another form of colonialism. However, China was not a participant in the Atlantic Slave Trade or the imperialist onslaught towards the continent between the 15th and 19th centuries.

China itself was a victim of British imperialism and even today its territory is divided by the U.S. and NATO efforts to use Taiwan as a territorial base for the weakening of the mainland. The legislative proposal advanced by President Joe Biden late last year during the beginning weeks of the Al-Aqsa Storm in Gaza allocated funds for the intensification of the settler-colonial war against the Palestinians and other oppressed peoples in the West Asia region; the continuation of the proxy war by Washington and NATO against the Russian Federation; a further militarization of the southern border with Mexico; and the efforts to contain China and its influence internationally.

These initiatives by Washington and Wall Street are designed to perpetuate imperialism. Yet, the failure of the U.S. and other leading capitalist states to win outright victories in their wars of conquest and exploitation is a clear indication of the shifting power dynamics on a global scale.

Pan-Africanism and Internationalism Must Result in the Decline of Imperialism

In order for the AU member-states to reach their full political and economic objectives of genuine independence, sovereignty, unification and economic development, there must be greater coordination within the continent. Several years ago, the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) was formed to work towards the aims of the inaugural founders of the Organization of African Unity (OAU).

The OAU underwent a three-year process of transformation beginning with the Sirte Conference held in Libya under the leadership of former leader Col. Muammar Gaddafi in 1999 to the realization of the AU in 2002 in the Republic of South Africa. However, since 2002, Africa has been subjected to further economic exploitation and imperialist-militarism.

Under the administration of President George W. Bush, Jr., the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) was established and later strengthened and enhanced by his successor President Barack Obama. Since 2011 there has been the destruction of Libya and the spreading of instability throughout the West and North Africa sub-regions of the continent.

Fortunately, anti-imperialist sentiments are growing particularly in the Sahel states within West Africa where Pan-African ideology has gained political currency through the expulsion of French and U.S. military forces and the exposure of neo-colonialism, which is facilitated through AFRICOM, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and other western-based financial institutions.

Therefore, a renewed transformation is necessary within the AU where a formal break with the western imperialist states would be indispensable. The Pan-Africanism and Internationalism of the 21st century is dependent upon the broadening alliances such as BRICS, FOCAC, the Non-aligned Movement (NAM), the Group of 77 Plus China, among others.

Eventually the decline of imperialism will pave the way towards world socialism. However, this will not come about without the intensification of the class struggle and the overthrow of the current unequal balance of economic power characterizing the relations between the international bourgeoisie and the vast majority of working and oppressive peoples.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.  

Featured image is by Petr Kovalev/TASS

The Wall Street newspaper writes that the Ukrainian Armed Forces avoid using tanks supplied by NATO countries because they fear their destruction or capture. At the same time, the AP reports, citing US officials, that the US will lose the possibility of providing Ukraine with $5.8 billion in military aid at the end of September if Congress does not authorise the Pentagon to use funds from the PDA program.

“Tanks were once the king of the battlefield. But the proliferation of drones in Ukraine means the large, noisy vehicles can be spotted and targeted within minutes. That has seen dozens of cutting-edge Western tanks used only sparingly in the battle they were meant to shape, while others have been damaged, destroyed or captured,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

According to the newspaper, the armoured vehicles supplied to them are in the field many kilometres away from the front line, as there is a high risk of losing them in the Russian Army’s attacks.

Meanwhile, General James Rainey, who heads the US Army Futures Command and is responsible for modernisation projects, called for urgent modernisation of US armoured units.

“In the near term, we absolutely need to urgently make some adjustments to maintain the survivability of our armored formations,” Rainey told the newspaper.

In August, Military Watch magazine reported that Ukraine had lost about 20 M1A1 Abrams tanks out of 31 delivered by the US in the past six months.

“The latest loss brings the total losses of M1A1 Abrams tanks in Ukraine close to 20, out of just 31 of the vehicles delivered, with all losses occurring within the past six months. With unconfirmed reports indicating that the Abrams was destroyed using a handheld anti-tank missile system, likely a Kornet, the destruction of the latest vehicle stands out from all other recent kills which were all achieved by drone strikes or by precision guided artillery,” the magazine revealed.

Forbes magazine reported earlier this month that Kiev lacks modern military equipment to form new brigades to replace front-line units as part of the rotation.

“In practice, these brigades are desperately short of modern weaponry. And that could become a serious problem for the Ukrainians as the new but poorly equipped brigades replace older but better equipped brigades as the latter brigades finally rotate off the line of contact—after 18 months of non-stop fighting, in some cases,” the Forbes article said.

The Kremlin, for its part, has repeatedly said that arms supplies to Ukraine prevent the achievement of a peace agreement and directly involve NATO countries in hostilities. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the US and NATO are participate in the conflict, including not only supplying weapons but also training Ukrainian military personnel on the territory of the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and other countries.

However, US supplies could begin drying up since Republicans and Democrats in Congress must agree on a new budget bill before September 30. If not, the federal government could suspend work in early October, meaning there will be a shutdown.

“About $5.8 billion in presidential drawdown authority (PDA) will expire,” the report said. However, officials cited by AP expressed hope that lawmakers would extend powers to fund their programs for a year.

“Delays in passing that $61 billion for Ukraine earlier this year triggered dire battlefield conditions as Ukrainian forces ran low on munitions and Russian forces were able to make gains. Officials have blamed the monthslong deadlocked Congress for Russia’s ability to take more territory,” the report added.

Yet, even if the funding is passed and Ukraine receives a new stream of weapons, they will make little difference to the outcome of the war. The Abrams was heralded as a game-changer that would overcome the power of Russia’s T-90M tanks, but this proved to be a false dawn, just like the F-16 fighter jets and Stryker armoured vehicles, among many other weapons that have failed to stop Russian forces from capturing more territory.

Due to these weapons, including Western tanks, failing to have the expected effect against Russian forces, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on September 11 that he held talks with his Ukrainian counterparts Andrii Sybiha‎ and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky about launching long-range missiles into Russian territory. Several experts have warned that a direct clash between Russia and NATO, both of which have nuclear arsenals, would have unpredictable consequences for the world.

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned NATO the very next day that Ukrainian attacks with NATO weapons on Russian territory would mean that NATO countries were at war with Russia. Direct NATO involvement, Putin stressed, changes the very essence of the conflict.

Although Ukraine launching Western long-range missiles will certainly change the nature of the war, as already stressed, it just points to the utterly desperate situation the Kiev regime finds itself in. Yet, despite this evident desperation, there are still no legitimate signs that Zelensky is prepared to begin peace negotiations with Russia.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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On 6 September 2024, Russia Today (RT) published a report on how the US was sanctioning Chinese banks for receiving Yuan payments from Russia. The editor of this RT article, apparently an expert in matters of finance, must have missed something, or slipped into a western propaganda trap.

The article intimidated already in its title that the US “Finally succeeded in choking off Russia’s biggest trade lifeline”, meaning China.

See this for full RT article.


Screenshot from RT


Those who know some basics about Russia – China relations, understand US sanctions are not doing anything to Russia anymore – as Russia is fully dedollarized by now.

As to punishing Chinese banks for receiving payment from Russia in Yuan – that will not work either. Chinese banks are largely immune against US attempted “sanctions”, simply because the US needs them for trading with China.

If anybody knows about America’s hysteric consumerism, they know what we are talking about.

American average consumers would take to the streets, if Chinese goods, like iPhones, other electronic equipment and consumer goods would suddenly “dry up”.

Besides there are other means for transferring funds between the two countries. Russian and Chinese Central Banks have since many years SWAP Agreements. They are operated and may be expanded between the two partners without any outside interference. The Chinese banks have accounts with their central bank.

A western mind would maybe quickly respond, why does China not “sanction” back? Of course, that would be an option. China has many more leverage points to “sanction” the US than vice versa.

Chinese ethics are way above applying illegal retaliations, such as sanctioning. Sanctioning is interfering with other countries’ economic and political sovereignty – it is economic warfare. Not allowed by any measure of international law.

China’s ethics and long-term thinking are linked to an over 5000-years-old Tao principle. See this philosophical concept – “Tao 68”, called “Unite with Heaven”:

A good General doesn’t like aggression 

A good warrior doesn’t know hate

If you want to conquer your enemy, don’t confront him.

Put yourself below him

This is called the power of not-fighting

This is using the ability of mankind

This is called since ancient times, to be in harmony with heaven

And it is the greatest power there is.

The West could take a lesson or two, or three – from this philosophy – and the world would be a better place, a more harmonious place, a place where Peace Talks should be possible to resolve conflicts and wars; a place where, instead of dividing to conquer, togetherness with individual sovereignty could prosper – leading to a world of common benefits for all.

China has multiple times offered her good diplomatic offices to mediate Peace Talks between Russia and Ukraine. The West has rejected such offers. The West has rejected an almost signed Peace Agreement sponsored by Turkey in 2022. The West does not want Peace.

War is the economic survival of most of the West, especially the United States and soon all NATO countries. Economics based on killing must and is going to fail. A western collapse is imminent.

RT may want to take note of these details.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing. 

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Dear Readers,

We have exciting news for you!

In line with Global Research’s 23rd anniversary on September 9, we will be giving away a free PDF copy of Prof. Michel Chossudovsky’s book, “Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War”. 

This special giveaway constitutes our campaign against nuclear armament, thus nuclear war. 

According to Prof. Chossudovsky, 

“Having carefully reviewed US military doctrine for more than 20 years, I can confirm that under the Biden Administration, preemptive nuclear war against  Russia, China, Iran and North Korea is “on the table”.

Truth is a powerful and peaceful weapon, which is the object of Google and Facebook censorship. 

Nuclear war threatens the future of humanity. 

Say No to Joe Biden’s $1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program.


The book is #13 in Arms Control (Kindle Store), #64 in Arms Control (Books), and #398 in Political Science (Kindle Store).

ISBN: 978-0-9737147-3-9,  Year: 2011,  Product Type: PDF,  Year: 2012,  File Size: 239 KB,  Pages: 102

Price: $6.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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Book summary

The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity. US-NATO weapons of mass destruction are portrayed as instruments of peace. Mini-nukes are said to be “harmless to the surrounding civilian population”. Pre-emptive nuclear war is portrayed as a “humanitarian undertaking”.

While one can conceptualize the loss of life and destruction resulting from present-day wars including Iraq and Afghanistan, it is impossible to fully comprehend the devastation which might result from a Third World War, using “new technologies” and advanced weapons, until it occurs and becomes a reality. The international community has endorsed nuclear war in the name of world peace. “Making the world safer” is the justification for launching a military operation which could potentially result in a nuclear holocaust.

Nuclear war has become a multibillion dollar undertaking, which fills the pockets of US defense contractors. What is at stake is the outright “privatization of nuclear war”.

The Pentagon’s global military design is one of world conquest. The military deployment of US-NATO forces is occurring in several regions of the world simultaneously.

Central to an understanding of war, is the media campaign which grants it legitimacy in the eyes of public opinion. A good versus evil dichotomy prevails. The perpetrators of war are presented as the victims. Public opinion is misled.

Breaking the “big lie”, which upholds war as a humanitarian undertaking, means breaking a criminal project of global destruction, in which the quest for profit is the overriding force. This profit-driven military agenda destroys human values and transforms people into unconscious zombies.

The object of this book is to forcefully reverse the tide of war, challenge the war criminals in high office and the powerful corporate lobby groups which support them.


Professor Chossudovsky’s hard-hitting and compelling book explains why and how we must immediately undertake a concerted and committed campaign to head off this impending cataclysmic demise of the human race and planet Earth. This book is required reading for everyone in the peace movement around the world. —Francis A. Boyle, Professor of International Law at the University of Illinois College of Law

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction. Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War is one of the most important books currently available. The information it contains is heart rending, scary and absolutely accurate. —Helen Caldicott, Co-founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility and award-winning author.

The global anti-war movement must use this book as a counter-propaganda tool against the Military Industrial Complex’s war agenda. It should be everyone’s No. 1 priority “Must Read”. —Matthias Chang, distinguished Malaysian lawyer and author of Future Fast Forward

In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call. —Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of U.S. wars since 9-11 against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of “freedom and democracy”. —John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

French Politicians ‘Fearing’ Global Escalation. Has WWIII Already Begun?

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, September 17, 2024

The fear of nuclear war is apparently affecting some European states, despite the deeply irresponsible actions taken by their governments. A major French newspaper recently published an article claiming that French politicians are worried about the possibility of a “third world war.”

Thousands Injured in Series of Pager Explosions Across Lebanon, Officials Say

By Ryan Morgan, September 18, 2024

By Tuesday evening local time, Lebanon’s state-run National News Agency reported that some 2,800 people were injured in the pager blasts and eight more were killed, including a child. The National News Agency reported that most people injured in the mass pager explosions sustained injuries to their hands.

The Violence of Development: Food, Dependency and Dispossession: Resisting the New World Order. New Version of Colin Todhunter’s Book

By Colin Todhunter, September 17, 2024

A brand-new concluding chapter, ‘The Violence of Development’, rounds off a book that presents a scathing critique of the global industrial agriculture system and its proponents. The book takes aim at the Green Revolution and its modern equivalent (genetically modified organisms), the displacement of traditional farming practices, reduced biodiversity, increased farmers’ corporate dependency and the devastating impacts of a neoliberal agenda that is conveniently passed off as ‘development’.    

Pavel Durov Is an Internet Freedom Fighter. Telegram as Platform for Free Speech

By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, September 17, 2024

The Internet has become a key site of conflict in most propaganda contests involving competition to dominate the hearts and minds of people throughout the world. The so-called war unfolding in Gaza, the West Bank and the wider east Asia region is a classic case that puts the battle for control of the Internet at the heart of the psychological warfare waged by protagonists on either side of the conflict.

Digitally Manipulated Humans and Medically Assisted Death (MAD) – Set to Become the Flagship Policy of the British National Health Service

By Julian Rose, September 17, 2024

Ex Prime Minister and war criminal Tony Blair, has lent his voice to the latest proclamations of the newly elected Starmer government, that a fully IT based healthcare system is the future of the British National Health Service (NHS).

A Gunman, Named Ryan Routh: Trump’s Second Would-be Assassin Linked to Ukrainian Far-right Recruiting?

By Uriel Araujo, September 17, 2024

For one thing, Routh, the would-be assassin, was interviewed by the New York Times in 2023, and described his endeavors to recruit former Taliban soldiers from Afghanistan to fight in Ukraine. He also talked about having fought in the Eastern European country himself, having spent several months there in 2002.

US Militarism Is a Leading Cause of the Climate Catastrophe. Prof. Marjorie Cohn

By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, September 17, 2024

This week marks 23 years since George W. Bush declared a U.S.-led “war on terror” and the people of Afghanistan and Iraq are still suffering its consequences.

Are the US and Israel Preparing a Coup de Main Against Erdogan?

September 18th, 2024 by Germán Gorraiz López

Erdogan’s new geopolitical doctrine aims to stop gravitating into the Western orbit and become a regional power, which would imply that loyalty to Anglo-Jewish interests in the Middle East would be called into question.

Erdogan, the Last Ottoman Sultan 

Until now, Turkey has been polarized between a secular nationalism, typical of the more developed urban sectors, and a traditional Islamism in which the most disadvantaged rural population have taken refuge. Erdogan, the new “father of the fatherland” (Atatürk), would have as an unequivocal objective the implementation of the Islamic-Erdoganist state, which would mean the end of the secular state that in 1923 was established by the Father of Modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal, who believed “Turkey’s secularism and Europeanisation were the best means to transform its country into a modern industrial nation”, thus Kemalism left as a legacy an identity crisis in Turkish society: Europeanised but not integrated into the European institutions and Muslim but foreign to the Islamic world.

Double Erdogan Game?

Erdogan refused to participate in the western sanctions against Moscow and bought from China HQ-9 air defense missiles and expressed his desire to integrate into the New Silk Road allowing investments of the China Industrial and Commercial Bank (ICBC). Turkey has also formally applied for membership of the BRICS, an economic structure initially composed of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, and recently joined by Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

It would be a missile in the waterline of the US economic strategy to isolate Russia and China and also, it would have forbidden the US to use its airspace to launch an offensive against Iran, Erdogan would be an obstacle to the design of the new Greater East by Israel and the US. 

Indeed, Erdogan’s new geopolitical doctrine aims to stop gravitating in the Western orbit and become a regional power, which would imply that loyalty to Anglo-Turkish interestsJews in the Middle East would be in question due to Erdogan’s support for the Palestinian faction Hamas and the ensuing confrontation with Israel, as well as the all-out war declared against the Kurdish PPK and its Syrian ally the PYD that would clash with the new geopolitical strategy of the US to for the area

Coup de Main Against Erdogan?

Erdogan would have already become an insecure ally for the US as well as a hindrance to the design of the new cartography of the Middle East. In this situation and without the protective umbrella of the EU (by postponing “sine die” the accession of Turkey as a full member of the EU), Erdogan’s fate would already be decided by the Pentagon so that despite the failed attempt to attack the military in Ankara and Istanbul, the Turkish army (TSK) could be the protagonist of a new “virtual” or “post-modern” coup that will end Erdogan’s mandate, recalling the ‘soft blow’ of 1997.

This coup will have the blessings of Washington to have left Erdogan a useful pawn for the US in the new global geopolitical scenario emerged after the return to the recurrent endemism of the Cold War between the USA and Russia, Syria and Turkey as continental carriers of Russia and USA respectively. 


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Germán Gorraiz López is a political analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

Featured image is from Ramil Sitdikov / Sputnik

Thousands of people across Lebanon were reported injured as their handheld pagers exploded on Sept. 17, Lebanese state media and security officials have said.

By Tuesday evening local time, Lebanon’s state-run National News Agency reported that some 2,800 people were injured in the pager blasts and eight more were killed, including a child. The National News Agency reported that most people injured in the mass pager explosions sustained injuries to their hands.

Lebanon’s Health Ministry called on hospitals throughout the country to be ready to take in emergency patients and advised people who use pagers to get away from the electronic devices.

The exact reason for the rash of exploding pagers is unclear, but many members of Hezbollah—which is designated a terrorist organization by the United States and Israel—appear to have been injured in the blasts.

Hezbollah leaders shared a statement through one of their affiliated press agencies on Tuesday, saying that members of various Hezbollah-aligned military units and political institutions were injured in these pager blasts.

Among those reported killed on Tuesday was Mahdi Ammar, the son of a Hezbollah-affiliated member of the Lebanese Parliament named Ali Ammar.

The Epoch Times could not immediately confirm who had been injured in the pager blasts.

Hezbollah has clashed with Israeli forces across the Lebanon–Israel border for months, in a skirmish that has shown signs of escalating into a wider conflict.

In a Tuesday statement, Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati and his council of ministers described the pager explosions as an act of criminal Israeli aggression and a serious violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty. Mikati said he also reached out to Ammar on Tuesday to express condolences for the death of his son.

The Israel Defense Forces declined a request for comment from The Epoch Times about the pager explosions occurring across Lebanon on Tuesday.

The Iranian Embassy in Lebanon reported that Iranian Ambassador Mojtaba Amani was injured in a blast while in Beirut on Tuesday. Iran’s Mehr News Agency, a semi-official publication of the Iranian government, reported that Amani’s injuries were the result of another pager blast, which it attributed to an Israeli cyber attack.

Iran’s Islamic regime has for years been aligned with Hezbollah in opposition to Israel.

At a Tuesday press briefing, U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said the U.S. government had no involvement in the pager explosions or advanced knowledge that these explosions would occur. He said the U.S. government is gathering information about the incident and that he would avoid speculating about the possible parties behind the explosions.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre likewise said she would not speculate on the pager explosions during the Tuesday White House press briefing.

Middle East Tensions Run High

Hezbollah and Israeli forces began trading fire last fall, shortly after the Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas attacks across southern Israel. While Israeli forces have largely focused their attention on defeating Hamas—another U.S.- and Israeli-designated terrorist group—in the Gaza Strip, Israeli military leaders have prepared for a wider fight to Israel’s north.

Efforts to reach a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip remain elusive after nearly a year of fighting.

Regional tensions also spiked over the summer after a mysterious blast killed Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh on July 31, as he visited Tehran to attend the inauguration of Iran’s new president, Masoud Pezeshkian.

The Israeli government didn’t claim responsibility for Haniyeh’s death, while both Hamas and Iranian leaders have blamed Israel for the killing. Iranian leaders have threatened Israel with retaliation.

Miller, speaking with reporters on Tuesday, reiterated U.S. calls for diplomacy after the pager explosions across Lebanon.

“We do want to see a diplomatic resolution to the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah,” Miller said on Tuesday. “We want to see one that allows the tens of thousands of Israelis who have been displaced from their homes and the tens of thousands of Lebanese who have been displaced from their homes to be able to return home. And that’s what we are continuing to pursue.”


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The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Ryan Morgan is a reporter for The Epoch Times focusing on military and foreign affairs.

Featured image: An ambulance approaches the American University of Beirut Medical Center after pager explosions at locations throughout Lebanon, in Beirut, Lebanon, on Sept. 17, 2024. Anwar Amro/AFP via Getty Images

“In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”—Thomas Jefferson

Public trust in the government to “do what is right” understandably remains at an all-time low.

After all, how do you trust a government that continuously sidesteps the Constitution and undermines our rights? You can’t.

When you consider all the ways “we the people” are being bullied, beaten, bamboozled, targeted, tracked, repressed, robbed, impoverished, imprisoned and killed by the government, one can only conclude that you shouldn’t trust the government with your privacy, your property, your life, or your freedoms.

Consider for yourself.

Don’t trust the government with your privacy, digital or otherwise. In the more than two decades since 9/11, the military-security industrial complex has operated under a permanent state of emergency that, in turn, has given rise to a digital prison that grows more confining and inescapable by the day. Wall-to wall surveillance, monitored by AI software and fed to a growing network of fusion centers, render the twin concepts of privacy and anonymity almost void. By conspiring with corporations, the Department of Homeland Security “fueled a massive influx of money into surveillance and policing in our cities, under a banner of emergency response and counterterrorism.”

Don’t trust the government with your property. If government agents can invade your home, break down your doors, kill your dog, damage your furnishings and terrorize your family, your property is no longer private and secure—it belongs to the government. Hard-working Americans are having their bank accounts, homes, cars electronics and cash seized by police under the assumption that they have allegedly been associated with some criminal scheme.

Don’t trust the government with your finances. The U.S. government—and that includes the current administration—is spending money it doesn’t have on programs it can’t afford, and “we the taxpayers” are being forced to foot the bill for the government’s fiscal insanity. The national debt is $35 trillion and growing, yet there seems to be no end in sight when it comes to the government’s fiscal insanity. According to Forbes, Congress has raised, extended or revised the definition of the debt limit 78 times since 1960 in order to allow the government to essentially fund its existence with a credit card.

Don’t trust the government with your health. For all intents and purposes, “we the people” have become lab rats in the government’s secret experiments, which include MKULTRA and the U.S. military’s secret race-based testing of mustard gas on more than 60,000 enlisted men. Indeed, you don’t have to dig very deep or go very back in the nation’s history to uncover numerous cases in which the government deliberately conducted secret experiments on an unsuspecting populace—citizens and noncitizens alike—making healthy people sick by spraying them with chemicals, injecting them with infectious diseases and exposing them to airborne toxins. Unfortunately, the public has become so easily distracted by the political spectacle out of Washington, DC, that they are altogether oblivious to the grisly experiments, barbaric behavior and inhumane conditions that have become synonymous with the U.S. government, which has meted out untold horrors against humans and animals alike.

Don’t trust the government with your life: At a time when growing numbers of unarmed people have been shot and killed for just standing a certain way, or moving a certain way, or holding something—anything—that police could misinterpret to be a gun, or igniting some trigger-centric fear in a police officer’s mind that has nothing to do with an actual threat to their safety, even the most benign encounters with police can have fatal consequences. The number of Americans killed by police continues to grow, with the majority of those killed as a result of police encounters having been suspected of a non-violent offense or no crime at all, or during a traffic violation. According a report by Mapping Police Violence, police killed more people in 2022 than any other year within the past decade. In 98% of those killings, police were not charged with a crime.

Don’t trust the government with your freedoms. For years now, the government has been playing a cat-and-mouse game with the American people, letting us enjoy just enough freedom to think we are free but not enough to actually allow us to live as a free people. Freedom no longer means what it once did. This holds true whether you’re talking about the right to criticize the government in word or deed, the right to be free from government surveillance, the right to not have your person or your property subjected to warrantless searches by government agents, the right to due process, the right to be safe from militarized police invading your home, the right to be innocent until proven guilty and every other right that once reinforced the founders’ belief that this would be “a government of the people, by the people and for the people.” On paper, we may be technically free, but in reality, we are only as free as a government official may allow.

Whatever else it may be—a danger, a menace, a threat—the U.S. government is certainly not looking out for our best interests, nor is it in any way a friend to freedom.

Remember the purpose of a good government is to protect the lives and liberties of its people.

Unfortunately, what we have been saddled with is, in almost every regard, the exact opposite of an institution dedicated to protecting the lives and liberties of its people.

“We the people” should have learned early on that a government that repeatedly lies, cheats, steals, spies, kills, maims, enslaves, breaks the laws, overreaches its authority, and abuses its power at almost every turn can’t be trusted.

So what’s the answer?

For starters, get back to basics. Get to know your neighbors, your community, and your local officials. This is the first line of defense when it comes to securing your base: fortifying your immediate lines.

Second, understand your rights. Know how your local government is structured. Who serves on your city council and school boards? Who runs your local jail: has it been coopted by private contractors? What recourse does the community have to voice concerns about local problems or disagree with decisions by government officials?

Third, know the people you’re entrusting with your local government. Are your police chiefs being promoted from within your community? Are your locally elected officials accessible and, equally important, are they open to what you have to say? Who runs your local media? Does your newspaper report on local events? Who are your judges? Are their judgments fair and impartial? How are prisoners being treated in your local jails?

Finally, don’t get so trusting and comfortable that you stop doing the hard work of holding your government accountable. We’ve drifted a long way from the local government structures that provided the basis for freedom described by Alexis de Tocqueville in Democracy in America, but we are not so far gone that we can’t reclaim some of its vital components.

As an article in The Federalist points out:

Local government is fundamental not so much because it’s a “laboratory” of democracy but because it’s a school of democracy. Through such accountable and democratic government, Americans learn to be democratic citizens. They learn to be involved in the common good. They learn to take charge of their own affairs, as a community. Tocqueville writes that it’s because of local democracy that Americans can make state and Federal democracy work—by learning, in their bones, to expect and demand accountability from public officials and to be involved in public issues.

To put it another way, think nationally but act locally.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, there is still a lot Americans can do to topple the police state tyrants, but any revolution that has any hope of succeeding needs to be prepared to reform the system from the bottom up. And that will mean re-learning step by painful step what it actually means to be a government of the people, by the people and for the people.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Freedom Articles

CJPME Condemns Far-right Zionist Vigilante Groups and Urges Media to Improve Its Coverage

September 18th, 2024 by Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) condemns the rise of far-right Zionist vigilante groups in Canada and is urging media to provide accurate and comprehensive coverage of their activities and ideologies. CJPME laments that Canadian journalists thus far have described these groups as “safety” or “security” patrols, whereas some of these organizations have far-right extremist ideologies and histories of violence. To help journalists better understand the issue, CJPME has released an essay on four increasingly prominent Canadian organizations purporting to support security for the Jewish community, titled “The Rise of Zionist Vigilante Groups in Canada.”

“It is alarming to see flags for Israeli terrorist organizations waved on the streets of Toronto, and even worse to see the media describing such vigilantes in positive terms,” said Jason Toney, Director of Media Advocacy for CJPME. “Describing groups with violent ideologies as ‘safety’ or ‘security’ patrols is not merely inaccurate, but it normalizes and emboldens the vigilante activities which threaten the safety of the Palestine solidarity community,” Toney added.

CJPME is highly concerned by the rapid emergence of these groups in recent weeks and their intimidation tactics at university campuses. Earlier this month, Zionist vigilante groups, including the Jewish Defence League (JDL), appeared outside pro-Palestine rallies in Toronto, with multiple instances of participants waving flags of Israel’s Kach party, which is banned as a terrorist organization in Canada. CJPME points out that the presence of Kach flags and chants of “make Gaza a parking lot” are acts of intimation that threaten the safety of Palestinians and their allies in Canada. Other vigilante organizations, such as Magen Herut, hold extremist anti-Palestinian ideologies. CJPME is disappointed that Universities have done little to protect Palestinians and their advocates nor condemned these vigilante groups and their hateful imagery and rhetoric.

CJPME is urging journalists to document the presence of these groups in their reporting of protests. Reporters must also provide readers with enough context to understand the backgrounds of these groups, which have their origins in extremist far-right organizations and/or political movements that promote violence against Arabs and Palestinians. Further, media must make corrections and updates to existing articles that fall short of these basic journalistic standards. You can find CJPME’s recent essay here.


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Featured image: Kach logo spraypainted on a cement block reading “Kahane Chai” (Licensed under CC BY 2.5)

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First published May 1st, 2022


The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies.[3 , 6 , 57]

We have witnessed a long list of unprecedented intrusions into medical practice, including attacks on medical experts, destruction of medical careers among doctors refusing to participate in killing their patients and a massive regimentation of health care, led by non-qualified individuals with enormous wealth, power and influence.

For the first time in American history a president, governors, mayors, hospital administrators and federal bureaucrats are determining medical treatments based not on accurate scientifically based or even experience based information, but rather to force the acceptance of special forms of care and “prevention”—including remdesivir, use of respirators and ultimately a series of essentially untested messenger RNA vaccines.

For the first time in history medical treatment, protocols are not being formulated based on the experience of the physicians treating the largest number of patients successfully, but rather individuals and bureaucracies that have never treated a single patient—including Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, EcoHealth Alliance, the CDC, WHO, state public health officers and hospital administrators.[23 , 38]

The media (TV, newspapers, magazines, etc), medical societies, state medical boards and the owners of social media have appointed themselves to be the sole source of information concerning this so-called “pandemic”.

Websites have been removed, highly credentialed and experienced clinical doctors and scientific experts in the field of infectious diseases have been demonized, careers have been destroyed and all dissenting information has been labeled “misinformation” and “dangerous lies”, even when sourced from top experts in the fields of virology, infectious diseases, pulmonary critical care, and epidemiology.

These blackouts of truth occur even when this information is backed by extensive scientific citations from some of the most qualified medical specialists in the world.[23] Incredibly, even individuals, such as Dr. Michael Yeadon, a retired ex-Chief Scientist, and vice-president for the science division of Pfizer Pharmaceutical company in the UK, who charged the company with making an extremely dangerous vaccine, is ignored and demonized. Further, he, along with other highly qualified scientists have stated that no one should take this vaccine.

Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the most cited experts in his field, who has successfully treated over 2000 COVID patients by using a protocol of early treatment (which the so-called experts completely ignored), has been the victim of a particularly vicious assault by those benefiting financially from the vaccines. He has published his results in peer reviewed journals, reporting an 80% reduction in hospitalizations and a 75% reduction in deaths by using early treatment.[44] Despite this, he is under an unrelenting series of attacks by the information controllers, none of which have treated a single patient.

Neither Anthony Fauci, the CDC, WHO nor any medical governmental establishment has ever offered any early treatment other than Tylenol, hydration and call an ambulance once you have difficulty breathing. This is unprecedented in the entire history of medical care as early treatment of infections is critical to saving lives and preventing severe complications. Not only have these medical organizations and federal lapdogs not even suggested early treatment, they attacked anyone who attempted to initiate such treatment with all the weapons at their disposal—loss of license, removal of hospital privileges, shaming, destruction of reputations and even arrest.[2]

A good example of this outrage against freedom of speech and providing informed consent information is the recent suspension by the medical board in Maine of Dr. Meryl Nass’ medical license and the ordering of her to undergo a psychiatric evaluation for prescribing Ivermectin and sharing her expertise in this field.[9 , 65] I know Dr. Nass personally and can vouch for her integrity, brilliance and dedication to truth. Her scientific credentials are impeccable. This behavior by a medical licensing board is reminiscent of the methodology of the Soviet KGB during the period when dissidents were incarcerated in psychiatric gulags to silence their dissent.

Other Unprecedented Attacks

Another unprecedented tactic is to remove dissenting doctors from their positions as journal editors, reviewers and retracting of their scientific papers from journals, even after these papers have been in print. Until this pandemic event, I have never seen so many journal papers being retracted— the vast majority promoting alternatives to official dogma, especially if the papers question vaccine safety. Normally a submitted paper or study is reviewed by experts in the field, called peer review. These reviews can be quite intense and nit picking in detail, insisting that all errors within the paper be corrected before publication. So, unless fraud or some other major hidden problem is discovered after the paper is in print, the paper remains in the scientific literature.

We are now witnessing a growing number of excellent scientific papers, written by top experts in the field, being retracted from major medical and scientific journals weeks, months and even years after publication. A careful review indicates that in far too many instances the authors dared question accepted dogma by the controllers of scientific publications—especially concerning the safety, alternative treatments or efficacy of vaccines.[12 , 63] These journals rely on extensive adverting by pharmaceutical companies for their revenue. Several instances have occurred where powerful pharmaceutical companies exerted their influence on owners of these journals to remove articles that in any way question these companies’ products.[13 , 34 , 35]

Worse still is the actual designing of medical articles for promoting drugs and pharmaceutical products that involve fake studies, so-called ghostwritten articles.[49 , 64] Richard Horton is quoted by the Guardian as saying “journals have devolved into information laundering operations for the pharmaceutical industry.”[13 , 63] Proven fraudulent “ghostwritten” articles sponsored by pharmaceutical giants have appeared regularly in top clinical journals, such as JAMA, and New England Journal of Medicine—never to be removed despite proven scientific abuse and manipulation of data.[49 , 63]

Ghostwritten articles involve using planning companies whose job it is to design articles containing manipulated data to support a pharmaceutical product and then have these articles accepted by high-impact clinical journals, that is, the journals most likely to affect clinical decision making of doctors. Further, they supply doctors in clinical practice with free reprints of these manipulated articles. The Guardian found 250 companies engaged in this ghostwriting business. The final step in designing these articles for publication in the most prestigious journals is to recruit well recognized medical experts from prestigious institutions, to add their name to these articles. These recruited medical authors are either paid upon agreeing to add their name to these pre- written articles or they do so for the prestige of having their name on an article in a prestigious medical journal.[11]

Of vital importance is the observation by experts in the field of medical publishing that nothing has been done to stop this abuse. Medical ethicists have lamented that because of this widespread practice “you can’t trust anything.” While some journals insist on disclosure information, most doctors reading these articles ignore this information or excuse it and several journals make disclosure more difficult by requiring the reader to find the disclosure statements at another location. Many journals do not police such statements and omissions by authors are common and without punishment.

As concerns the information made available to the public, virtually all the media is under the control of these pharmaceutical giants or others who are benefitting from this “pandemic”. Their stories are all the same, both in content and even wording. Orchestrated coverups occur daily and massive data exposing the lies being generated by these information controllers are hidden from the public. All data coming over the national media (TV, newspaper and magazines), as well as the local news you watch every day, comes only from “official” sources—most of which are lies, distortions or completely manufactured out of whole cloth—all aimed to deceive the public.

Television media receives the majority of its advertising budget from the international pharmaceutical companies—this creates an irresistible influence to report all concocted studies supporting their vaccines and other so-called treatments.[14] In 2020 alone the pharmaceutical industries spent 6.56 billion dollars on such advertising.[13 , 14] Pharma TV advertising amounted to 4.58 billion, an incredible 75% of their budget. That buys a lot of influence and control over the media. World famous experts within all fields of infectious diseases are excluded from media exposure and from social media should they in any way deviate against the concocted lies and distortions by the makers of these vaccines. In addition, these pharmaceutical companies spend tens of millions on social media advertising, with Pfizer leading the pack with $55 million in 2020.[14]

While these attacks on free speech are terrifying enough, even worse is the virtually universal control hospital administrators have exercised over the details of medical care in hospitals. These hirelings are now instructing doctors which treatment protocols they will adhere to and which treatments they will not use, no matter how harmful the “approved” treatments are or how beneficial the “unapproved” treatments are.[33 , 57]

Never in the history of American medicine have hospital administrators dictated to its physicians how they will practice medicine and what medications they can use. The CDC has no authority to dictate to hospitals or doctors concerning medical treatments. Yet, most physicians complied without the slightest resistance.

The federal Care Act encouraged this human disaster by offering all US hospitals up to 39,000 dollars for each ICU patient they put on respirators, despite the fact that early on it was obvious that the respirators were a major cause of death among these unsuspecting, trusting patients. In addition, the hospitals received 12,000 dollars for each patient that was admitted to the ICU—explaining, in my opinion and others, why all federal medical bureaucracies (CDC, FDA, NIAID, NIH, etc) did all in their power to prevent life- saving early treatments.[46] Letting patients deteriorate to the point they needed hospitalization, meant big money for all hospitals. A growing number of hospitals are in danger of bankruptcy, and many have closed their doors, even before this “pandemic”.[50] Most of these hospitals are now owned by national or international corporations, including teaching hospitals.[10]

It is also interesting to note that with the arrival of this “pandemic” we have witnessed a surge in hospital corporate chains buying up a number of these financially at-risk hospitals.[1 , 54] It has been noted that billions in Federal Covid aid is being used by these hospital giants to acquire these financially endangered hospitals, further increasing the power of corporate medicine over physician independence. Physicians expelled from their hospitals are finding it difficult to find other hospitals staffs to join since they too may be owned by the same corporate giant. As a result, vaccine mandate policies include far larger numbers of hospital employees. For example, Mayo Clinic fired 700 employees for exercising their right to refuse a dangerous, essentially untested experimental vaccine.[51 , 57] Mayo Clinic did this despite the fact that many of these employees worked during the worst of the epidemic and are being fired when the Omicron variant is the dominant strain of the virus, has the pathogenicity of a common cold for most and the vaccines are ineffective in preventing the infection.

Screenshot from NBC News

In addition, it has been proven that the vaccinated asymptomatic person has a nasopharyngeal titer of the virus as high as an infected unvaccinated person. If the purpose of the vaccine mandate is to prevent viral spread among the hospital staff and patients, then it is the vaccinated who present the greatest risk of transmission, not the unvaccinated. The difference is that a sick unvaccinated person would not go to work, the asymptomatic vaccinated spreader will.

What we do know is that major medical centers, such as Mayo Clinic, receive tens of millions of dollars in NIH grants each year as well as monies from the pharmaceutical makers of these experimental “vaccines”. In my view, that is the real consideration driving these policies. If this could be proven in a court of law the administrators making these mandates should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and sued by all injured parties.

The hospital bankruptcy problem has grown increasingly acute due to hospitals vaccine mandates and resulting large number of hospitals staff, especially nurses, refusing to be forcibly vaccinated.[17 , 51] This is all unprecedented in the history of medical care. Doctors within hospitals are responsible for the treatment of their individual patients and work directly with these patients and their families to initiate these treatments. Outside organizations, such as the CDC, have no authority to intervene in these treatments and to do so exposes the patients to grave errors by an organization that has never treated a single COVID-19 patient.

When this pandemic started, hospitals were ordered by the CDC to follow a treatment protocol that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of patients, most of whom would have recovered had proper treatments been allowed.[43 , 44]

The majority of these deaths could have been prevented had doctors been allowed to use early treatment with such products as Ivermectin, hydroxy-chloroquine and a number of other safe drugs and natural compounds. It has been estimated, based on results by physicians treating the most covid patients successfully, that of the 800,000 people that we are told died from Covid, 640,000 could have not only been saved, but could have, in many cases, returned to their pre-infection health status had mandated early treatment with these proven methods been used. This neglect of early treatment constitutes mass murder. That means 160,000 would have actually died, far less than the number dying at the hands of bureaucracies, medical associations and medical boards that refused to stand up for their patients. According to studies of early treatment of thousands of patients by brave, caring doctors, seventy-five to eighty percent of the deaths could have been prevented.[43 , 44]

Incredibly, these knowledgeable doctors were prevented from saving these Covid-19 infected people. It should be an embarrassment to the medical profession that so many doctors mindlessly followed the deadly protocols established by the controllers of medicine.

One must also keep in mind that this event never satisfied the criteria for a pandemic. The World Health Organization changed the criteria to make this a pandemic. To qualify for a pandemic status the virus must have a high mortality rate for the vast majority of people, which it didn’t (with a 99.98% survival rate), and it must have no known existing treatments—which this virus had—in fact, a growing number of very successful treatments.

The draconian measures established to contain this contrived “pandemic” have never been shown to be successful, such as masking the public, lockdowns, and social distancing. A number of carefully done studies during previous flu seasons demonstrated that masks, of any kind, had never prevented the spread of the virus among the public.[60]

In fact, some very good studies suggested that the masks actually spread the virus by giving people a false sense of security and other factors, such as the observation that people were constantly breaking sterile technique by touching their mask, improper removal and by leakage of infectious aerosols around the edges of the mask. In addition masks were being disposed of in parking lots, walking trails, laid on tabletops in restaurants and placed in pockets and purses.

Within a few minutes of putting on the mask, a number of pathogenic bacteria can be cultured from the masks, putting the immune suppressed person at a high risk of bacterial pneumonia and children at a higher risk of meningitis.[16] A study by researchers at the University of Florida cultured over 11 pathogenic bacteria from the inside of the mask worn by children in schools.[40]

It was also known that children were at essentially no risk of either getting sick from the virus or transmitting it.

In addition, it was also known that wearing a mask for over 4 hours (as occurs in all schools) results in significant hypoxia (low blood oxygen levels) and hypercapnia (high CO2 levels), which have a number of deleterious effects on health, including impairing the development of the child’s brain.[4 , 72 , 52]

We have known that brain development continues long after the grade school years. A recent study found that children born during the “pandemic” have significantly lower IQs—yet school boards, school principals and other educational bureaucrats are obviously unconcerned.[18]

Tools of the Indoctrination Trade

Image on the right is from The Corbett Report

The designers of this pandemic anticipated a pushback by the public and that major embarrassing questions would be asked.

To prevent this, the controllers fed the media a number of tactics, one of the most commonly used was and is the “fact check” scam. With each confrontation with carefully documented evidence, the media “fact checkers” countered with the charge of “misinformation”, and an unfounded “conspiracy theory” charge that was, in their lexicon, “debunked”. Never were we told who the fact checkers were or the source of their “debunking” information—we were just to believe the “fact checkers”. A recent court case established under oath that facebook “fact checkers” used their own staff opinion and not real experts to check “facts”.[59] When sources are in fact revealed they are invariably the corrupt CDC, WHO or Anthony Fauci or just their opinion. Here is a list of things that were labeled as “myths” and “misinformation” that were later proven to be true.

The asymptomatic vaccinated are spreading the virus equally as with unvaccinated symptomatic infected.

The vaccines cannot protect adequately against new variants, such as Delta and Omicron.

Natural immunity is far superior to vaccine immunity and is most likely lifelong.

Vaccine immunity not only wanes after several months, but all immune cells are impaired for prolonged periods, putting the vaccinated at a high risk of all infections and cancer.

COVID vaccines can cause a significant incidence of blood clots and other serious side effects

The vaccine proponents will demand numerous boosters as each variant appears on the scene.

Fauci will insist on the covid vaccine for small children and even babies.

Vaccine passports will be required to enter a business, fly in a plane, and use public transportation.

There will be internment camps for the unvaccinated (as in Australia, Austria and Canada).

The unvaccinated will be denied employment.

There are secret agreements between the government, elitist institutions, and vaccine makers

Many hospitals were either empty or had low occupancy during the pandemic.

The spike protein from the vaccine enters the nucleus of the cell, altering cell DNA repair function.

Hundreds of thousands have been killed by the vaccines and many times more have been permanently damaged.

Early treatment could have saved the lives of most of the 700,000 who died.

Vaccine-induced myocarditis (which was denied initially) is a significant problem and clears over a short period.

Special deadly lots (batches) of these vaccines are mixed with the mass of other Covid-19 vaccines.

Several of these claims by those opposing these vaccines now appear on the CDC website—most still identified as “myths”. Today, extensive evidence has confirmed that each of these so-called “myths” were in fact true. Many are even admitted by the “saint of vaccines”, Anthony Fauci.

For example, we were told, even by our cognitively impaired President, that once the vaccine was released all the vaccinated people could take off their masks. Oops! We were told shortly afterward— the vaccinated have high concentrations (titers) of the virus in their noses and mouths (nasopharynx) and can transmit the virus to others in which they come into contact—especially their own family members. On go the masks once again— in fact double masking is recommended. The vaccinated are now known to be the main superspreaders of the virus and hospitals are filled with the sick vaccinated and people suffering from serious vaccine complications.[27 , 42 , 45]

Another tactic by the vaccine proponents is to demonize those who reject being vaccinated for a variety of reasons.

The media refers to these critically thinking individuals as “anti-vaxxers”, “vaccine deniers”, “Vaccine resisters”, “murders”, “enemies of the greater good” and as being the ones prolonging the pandemic. I have been appalled by the vicious, often heartless attacks by some of the people on social media when a parent or loved one relates a story of the terrible suffering and eventual death, they or their loved one suffered as a result of the vaccines. Some psychopaths tweet that they are glad that the loved one died or that the dead vaccinated person was an enemy of good for telling of the event and should be banned. This is hard to conceptualize. This level of cruelty is terrifying, and signifies the collapse of a moral, decent, and compassionate society.

It is bad enough for the public to sink this low, but the media, political leaders, hospital administrators, medical associations and medical licensing boards are acting in a similar morally dysfunctional and cruel way.

Logic, Reasoning, and Scientific Evidence Has Disappeared in this Event

Has scientific evidence, carefully done studies, clinical experience and medical logic had any effect on stopping these ineffective and dangerous vaccines? Absolutely not! The draconian efforts to vaccinate everyone on the planet continues (except the elite, postal workers, members of Congress and other insiders).[31 , 62]

In the case of all other drugs and previous conventional vaccines under review by the FDA, the otherwise unexplained deaths of 50 or less individuals would result in a halt in further distribution of the product, as happened on 1976 with the swine flu vaccine. With over 18,000 deaths being reported by the VAERS system for the period December 14, 2020 and December 31st, 2021 as well as 139,126 serious injuries (including deaths) for the same period there is still no interest in stopping this deadly vaccine program.[61] Worse, there is no serious investigation by any government agency to determine why these people are dying and being seriously and permanently injured by these vaccines.[15 , 67] What we do see is a continuous series of coverups and evasions by the vaccine makers and their promoters.

The war against effective cheap and very safe repurposed drugs and natural compounds, that have proven beyond all doubt to have saved millions of lives all over the world, has not only continued but has stepped up in intensity.[32 , 34 , 43]

Doctors are told they cannot provide these life-saving compounds for their patients and if they do, they will be removed from the hospital, have their medical license removed or be punished in many other ways. A great many pharmacies have refused to fill prescriptions for lvermectin or hydroxy- chloroquine, despite the fact that millions of people have taken these drugs safely for over 60 years in the case of hydroxy chloroquine and decades for Ivermectin.[33 , 36] This refusal to fill prescriptions is unprecedented and has been engineered by those wanting to prevent alternative methods of treatment, all based on protecting vaccine expansion to all. Several companies that make hydroxy chloroquine agreed to empty their stocks of the drug by donating them to the Strategic National Stockpile, making this drug far more difficult to get.[33] Why would the government do that when over 30 well-done studies have shown that this drug reduced deaths anywhere from 66% to 92% in other countries, such as India, Egypt, Argentina, France, Nigeria, Spain, Peru, Mexico, and others?[23]

The critics of these two life-saving drugs are most often funded by Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, both of which are making millions from these vaccines.[48 , 15]

To further stop the use of these drugs, the pharmaceutical industry and Bill Gates/Anthony Fauci funded fake research to make the case that hydroxy chloroquine was a dangerous drug and could damage the heart.[34] To make this fraudulent case the researchers administered the sickest of covid patients a near lethal dose of the drug, in a dose far higher than used on any covid patient by Dr. Kory, McCullough and other “real”, and compassionate doctors, physicians who were actually treating covid patients.[23]

The controlled, lap-dog media, of course, hammered the public with stories of the deadly effect of hydroxy-chloroquine, all with a terrified look of fake panic. All these stories of ivermectin dangers were shown to be untrue and some of the stories were incredibly preposterous.[37 , 43]

Image below is from Children’s Health Defense

The attack on Ivermectin was even more vicious than against hydroxy-chloroquine. All of this, and a great deal more is meticulously chronicled in Robert Kennedy, Jr’s excellent new book—The Real Anthony Fauci. Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.[32] If you are truly concerned with the truth and with all that has occurred since this atrocity started, you must not only read, but study this book carefully. It is fully referenced and covers all topics in great detail. This is a designed human tragedy of Biblical proportions by some of the most vile, heartless, psychopaths in history.

Millions have been deliberately killed and crippled, not only by this engineered virus, but by the vaccine itself and by the draconian measures used by these governments to “control the pandemic spread”. We must not ignore the “deaths by despair” caused by these draconian measures, which can exceed hundreds of thousands.

Millions have starved in third world countries as a result. In the United States alone, of the 800,000 who died, claimed by the medical bureaucracies, well over 600,000 of these deaths were the result of the purposeful neglect of early treatment, blocking the use of highly effective and safe repurposed drugs, such as hydroxy-chloroquine and Ivermectin, and the forced use of deadly treatments such as remdesivir and use of ventilators. This does not count the deaths of despair and neglected medical care caused by the lockdown and hospital measures forced on healthcare systems.

To compound all this, because of vaccine mandates among all hospital personnel, thousands of nurses and other hospital workers have resigned or been fired.[17 , 30 , 51] This has resulted in critical shortages of these vital healthcare workers and dangerous reductions of ICU beds in many hospitals. In addition, as occurred in the Lewis County Healthcare System, a specialty-hospital system in Lowville, N.Y., closed its maternity unit following the resignation of 30 hospital staff over the state’s disastrous vaccine mandate orders. The irony in all these cases of resignations is that the administrators unhesitatingly accepted these mass staffing losses despite rantings about suffering from short staffing during a “crisis”. This is especially puzzling when we learned that the vaccines did not prevent viral transmission and the present predominant variant is of extremely low pathogenicity.

Dangers of the Vaccines Are Increasingly Revealed by Science

While most researchers, virologists, infectious disease researchers and epidemiologists have been intimidated into silence, a growing number of high integrity individuals with tremendous expertise have come forward to tell the truth—that is, that these vaccines are deadly.

Most new vaccines must go through extensive safety testing for years before they are approved. New technologies, such as the mRNA and DNA vaccines, require a minimum of 10 years of careful testing and extensive follow-up. These new so-called vaccines were “tested” for only 2 months and then the results of these safety test were and continue to be kept secret. Testimony before Senator Ron Johnson by several who participated in the 2 months study indicates that virtually no follow-up of the participants of the pre-release study was ever done.[67] Complains of complications were ignored and despite promises by Pfizer that all medical expenses caused by the “vaccines” would be paid by Pfizer, these individuals stated that none were paid.[66] Some medical expenses exceed 100,000 dollars.

As an example of the deception by Pfizer, and the other makers of mRNA vaccines, is the case of 12-year-old Maddie de Garay, who participated in the Pfizer vaccine pre-release safety study. At Sen. Johnson’s presentation with the families of the vaccine injured, her mother told of her child’s recurrent seizures, that she is now confined to a wheelchair, must be tube fed and suffers permanent brain damage. On the Pfizer safety evaluation submitted to the FDA her only side effect is listed as having a “stomachache”. Each person submitted similar horrifying stories.

The Japanese resorted to a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) lawsuit to force Pfizer to release its secret biodistribution study. The reason Pfizer wanted it kept secret is that it demonstrated that Pfizer lied to the public and the regulatory agencies about the fate of the injected vaccine contents (the mRNA enclosed nano-lipid carrier). They claimed that it remained at the site of the injection (the shoulder), when in fact their own study found that it rapidly spread throughout the entire body by the bloodstream within 48 hours.

The study also found that these deadly nano-lipid carriers collected in very high concentrations in several organs, including the reproductive organs of males and females, the heart, the liver, the bone marrow, and the spleen (a major immune organ). The highest concentration was in the ovaries and the bone marrow. These nano-lipid carriers also were deposited in the brain.

Image on the right: Dr. Ryan Cole. CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics. (Source: Health Impact News)

Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist from Idaho reported a dramatic spike in highly aggressive cancers among vaccinated individuals, (not reported in the Media). He found a frighteningly high incidence of highly aggressive cancers in vaccinated individuals, especially highly invasive melanomas in young people and uterine cancers in women.[26] Other reports of activation of previously controlled cancers are also appearing among vaccinated cancer patients.[47] Thus far, no studies have been done to confirm these reports, but it is unlikely such studies will be done, at least studies funded by grants from the NIH.

The high concentration of spike proteins found in the ovaries in the biodistribution study could very well impair fertility in young women, alter menstruation, and could put them at an increased risk of ovarian cancer. The high concentration in the bone marrow, could also put the vaccinated at a high risk of leukemia and lymphoma. The leukemia risk is very worrisome now that they have started vaccinating children as young as 5 years of age. No long-term studies have been conducted by any of these makers of Covid-19 vaccines, especially as regards the risk of cancer induction. Chronic inflammation is intimately linked to cancer induction, growth and invasion and vaccines stimulate inflammation.

Cancer patients are being told they should get vaccinated with these deadly vaccines. This, in my opinion, is insane. Newer studies have shown that this type of vaccine inserts the spike protein within the nucleus of the immune cells (and most likely many cell types) and once there, inhibits two very important DNA repair enzymes, BRCA1 and 53BP1, whose duty it is to repair damage to the cell’s DNA.[29] Unrepaired DNA damage plays a major role in cancer.

There is a hereditary disease called xeroderma pigmentosum in which the DNA repair enzymes are defective. These ill-fated individuals develop multiple skin cancers and a very high incidence of organ cancer as a result. Here we have a vaccine that does the same thing, but to a less extensive degree.

One of the defective repair enzymes caused by these vaccines is called BRCA1, which is associated with a significantly higher incidence of breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.

It should be noted that no studies were ever done on several critical aspects of this type of vaccine.

They have never been tested for long term effects.

They have never been tested for induction of autoimmunity.

They have never been properly tested for safety during any stage of pregnancy.

No follow-up studies have been done on the babies of vaccinated women.

There are no long-term studies on the children of vaccinated pregnant women after their birth (Especially as neurodevelopmental milestone occur).

It has never been tested for effects on a long list of medical conditions:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Neurodegenerative diseases
  • Neuropsychiatric effects
  • Induction of autism spectrum disorders and schizophrenia
  • Long term immune function
  • Vertical transmission of defects and disorders
  • Cancer
  • Autoimmune disorders

Previous experience with the flu vaccines clearly demonstrates that the safety studies done by researchers and clinical doctors with ties to pharmaceutical companies were essentially all either poorly done or purposefully designed to falsely show safety and coverup side effects and complications. This was dramatically demonstrated with the previously mentioned phony studies designed to indicate that hydroxy Chloroquine and Ivermectin were ineffective and too dangerous to use.[34 , 36 , 37] These fake studies resulted in millions of deaths and severe health disasters worldwide. As stated, 80% of all deaths were unnecessary and could have been prevented with inexpensive, safe repurposed medications with a very long safety history among millions who have taken them for decades or even a lifetime.[43 , 44]

It is beyond ironic that those claiming that they are responsible for protecting our health approved a poorly tested set of vaccines that has resulted in more deaths in less than a year of use than all the other vaccines combined given over the past 30 years. Their excuse when confronted was—“we had to overlook some safety measures because this was a deadly pandemic”.[28 , 46]

In 1986 President Reagan signed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which gave blanket protection to pharmaceutical makers of vaccines against injury litigation by families of vaccine injured individuals. The Supreme Court, in a 57-page opinion, ruled in favor of the vaccine companies, effectively allowing vaccine makers to manufacture and distribute dangerous, often ineffective vaccines to the population without fear of legal consequences. The court did insist on a vaccine injury compensation system which has paid out only a very small number of rewards to a large number of severely injured individuals. It is known that it is very difficult to receive these awards. According to the Health Resources and Services Administration, since 1988 the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has agreed to pay 3,597 awards among 19,098 vaccine injured individuals applying amounting to a total sum of $3.8 billion. This was prior to the introduction of the Covid-19 vaccines, in which the deaths alone exceed all deaths related to all the vaccines combined over a thirty-year period.

In 2018 President Trump signed into law the “right-to-try” law which allowed the use of experimental drugs and all unconventional treatments to be used in cases of extreme medical conditions. As we have seen with the refusal of many hospitals and even blanket refusal by states to allow Ivermectin, hydroxy-chloroquine or any other unapproved “official” methods to treat even terminal Covid-19 cases, these nefarious individuals have ignored this law.

Strangely, they did not use this same logic or the law when it came to Ivermectin and Hydroxy-Chloroquine, both of which had undergone extensive safety testing by over 30 clinical studies of a high quality and given glowing reports on both efficacy and safety in numerous countries. In addition, we had a record of use for up to 60 years by millions of people, using these drugs worldwide, with an excellent safety record. It was obvious that a group of very powerful people in conjunction with pharmaceutical conglomerates didn’t want the pandemic to end and wanted vaccines as the only treatment option. Kennedy’s book makes this case using extensive evidence and citations.[14 , 32]

Dr. James Thorpe, an expert in maternal-fetal medicine, demonstrates that these covid-19 vaccines given during pregnancy have resulted in a 50-fold higher incidence of miscarriage than reported with all other vaccines combined.[28] When we examine his graph on fetal malformations there was a 144-fold higher incidence of fetal malformation with the Covid-19 vaccines given during pregnancy as compared to all other vaccines combined. Yet, the American Academy of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology endorse the safety of these vaccines for all stages of pregnancy and among women breast feeding their babies.

It is noteworthy that these medical specialty groups have received significant funding from Pfizer pharmaceutical company. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, just in the 4th quarter of 2010, received a total of $11,000 from Pfizer Pharmaceutical company alone.[70] Funding from NIH grants are much higher.[20] The best way to lose these grants is to criticize the source of the funds, their products or pet programs. Peter Duesberg, because of his daring to question Fauci’s pet theory of AIDS caused by HIV virus, was no longer awarded any of the 30 grant applications he submitted after going public. Prior to this episode, as the leading authority on retroviruses in the world, he had never been turned down for an NIH grant.[39] This is how the “corrupted” system works, even though much of the grant money comes from our taxes.

Hot Lots—Deadly Batches of the Vaccines

A new study has now surfaced, the results of which are terrifying.[25] A researcher at Kingston University in London, has completed an extensive analysis of the VAERs data (a subdepartment of the CDC which collects voluntary vaccine complication data), in which he grouped reported deaths following the vaccines according to the manufacturer’s lot numbers of the vaccines. Vaccines are manufactured in large batches called lots. What he discovered was that the vaccines are divided into over 20,000 lots and that one out of every 200 of these batches (lots) is demonstrably deadly to anyone who receives a vaccine from that lot, which includes thousands of vaccine doses.

He examined all manufactured vaccines—Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson (Janssen), etc. He found that among every 200 batches of the vaccine from Pfizer and other makers, one batch of the 200 was found to be over 50x more deadly than vaccines batches from other lots. The other vaccine lots (batches) were also causing deaths and disabilities, but nowhere near to this extent. These deadly batches should have appeared randomly among all “vaccines” if it was an unintentional event. However, he found that 5% of the vaccines were responsible for 90% of the serious adverse events, including deaths. The incidence of deaths and serious complications among these “hot lots” varied from over 1000% to several thousand percent higher than comparable safer lots. If you think this was by accident—think again. This is not the first time “hot lots” were, in my opinion, purposefully manufactured and sent across the nation—usually vaccines designed for children. In one such scandal, “hot lots” of a vaccine ended up all in one state and the damage immediately became evident. What was the manufacture’s response? It wasn’t to remove the deadly batches of the vaccine. He ordered his company to scatter the hot lots across the nation so that authorities would not see the obvious deadly effect.

All lots of a vaccine are numbered—for example Modera labels them with such codes as 013M20A. It was noted that the batch numbers ended in either 20A or 21A. Batches ending in 20A were much more toxic than the ones ending in 21A. The batches ending in 20A had about 1700 adverse events, versus a few hundred to twenty or thirty events for the 21A batches. This example explains why some people had few or no adverse events after taking the vaccine while others are either killed or severely and permanently harmed. To see the researcher’s explanation, go to In my opinion these examples strongly suggest an intentional alteration of the production of the “vaccine” to include deadly batches.

I have met and worked with a number of people concerned with vaccine safety and I can tell you they are not the evil anti-vaxxers you are told they are. They are highly principled, moral, compassionate people, many of which are top researchers and people who have studied the issue extensively. Robert Kennedy, Jr, Barbara Lou Fisher, Dr. Meryl Nass, Professor Christopher Shaw, Megan Redshaw, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Neil Z. Miller, Dr. Lucija Tomjinovic, Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Dr. Steve Kirsch and Dr. Peter McCullough just to name a few. These people have nothing to gain and a lot to lose. They are attacked viciously by the media, government agencies, and elite billionaires who think they should control the world and everyone in it.

Why Did Fauci Want No Autopsies of Those Who Died After Vaccination?

There are many things about this “pandemic” that are unprecedented in medical history. One of the most startling is that at the height of the pandemic so few autopsies, especially total autopsies, were being done. A mysterious virus was rapidly spreading around the world, a selected group of people with weakened immune systems were getting seriously ill and many were dying and the one way we could rapidly gain the most knowledge about this virus—an autopsy, was being discouraged.

Image below is from Children’s Health Defense

Guerriero noted that by the end of April, 2020 approximately 150,000 people had died, yet there were only 16 autopsies performed and reported in the medical literature.[24] Among these, only seven were complete autopsies, the remaining 9 being partial or by needle biopsy or incisional biopsy. Only after 170,000 deaths by Covid-19 and four months into the pandemic were the first series of autopsies actually done, that is, more than ten. And only after 280,000 deaths and another month, were the first large series of autopsies performed, some 80 in number.[22] Sperhake, in a call for autopsies to be done without question, noted that the first full autopsy reported in the literature along with photomicrographs appeared in a medico-legal journal from China in February 2020.[41 , 68] Sperhake expressed confusion as to why there was a reluctance to perform autopsies during the crisis, but he knew it was not coming from the pathologists. The medical literature was littered with appeals by pathologist for more autopsies to be performed.[58] Sperhake further noted that the Robert Koch Institute (The German health monitoring system) at least initially advised against doing autopsies. He also knew that at the time 200 participating autopsy institutions in the United States had done at least 225 autopsies among 14 states.

Some have claimed that this dearth of autopsies was based on the government’s fear of infection among the pathologists, but a study of 225 autopsies on Covid-19 cases demonstrated only one case of infection among the pathologist and this was concluded to have been an infection contracted elsewhere.[19] Guerriero ends his article calling for more autopsies with this observation: “Shoulder to shoulder, clinical and forensic pathologists overcame the obstructions of autopsy studies in Covid-19 victims and hereby generated valuable knowledge on the pathophysiology of the interaction between the SARS-CoV-2 and the human body, thus contributing to our understanding of the disease.”[24]

Suspicion concerning the worldwide reluctance of nations to allow full post mortem studies of Covid-19 victims may be based on the idea that it was more than by chance. There are at least two possibilities that stand out. First, those leading the progression of this “non-pandemic” event into a perceived worldwide “deadly pandemic”, were hiding an important secret that autopsies could document. Namely, just how many of the deaths were actually caused by the virus? To implement draconian measures, such as mandated mask wearing, lockdowns, destruction of businesses, and eventually mandated forced vaccination, they needed very large numbers of covid-19 infected dead. Fear would be the driving force for all these destructive pandemic control programs.

Elder et al in his study classified the autopsy findings into four groups.[22]

  • Certain Covid-19 death
  • Probably Covid-19 death
  • Possible Covid-19 death
  • Not associated with Covid-19, despite the positive test.

What possibly concerned or even terrified the engineers of this pandemic was that autopsies just might, and did, show that a number of these so-called Covid-19 deaths in truth died of their comorbid diseases. In the vast majority of autopsy studies reported, pathologists noted multiple comorbid conditions, most of which at the extremes of life could alone be fatal. Previously it was known that common cold viruses had an 8% mortality in nursing homes.

In addition, valuable evidence could be obtained from the autopsies that would improve clinical treatments and could possibly demonstrate the deadly effect of the CDC mandated protocols all hospitals were required to follow, such as the use of respirators and the deadly, kidney-destroying drug remdesivir. The autopsies also demonstrated accumulating medical errors and poor-quality care, as the shielding of doctors in intensive care units from the eyes of family members inevitably leads to poorer quality care as reported by several nurses working in these areas.[53 – 55]

As bad as all this was, the very same thing is being done in the case of Covid vaccine deaths—very few complete autopsies have been done to understand why these people died, that is, until recently. Two highly qualified researchers, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi a microbiologist and highly qualified expert in infectious disease and Dr. Arne Burkhardt, a pathologist who is a widely published authority having been a professor of pathology at several prestigious institutions, recently performed autopsies on 15 people having died after vaccination. What they found explains why so many are dying and experiencing organ damage and deadly blood clots.[5]

They determined that 14 of the fifteen people died as a result of the vaccines and not of other causes. Dr. Burkhardt, the pathologist, observed widespread evidence of an immune attack on the autopsied individuals’ organs and tissues— especially their heart. This evidence included extensive invasion of small blood vessels with massive numbers of lymphocytes, which cause extensive cell destruction when unleashed. Other organs, such as the lungs and liver, were observed to have extensive damage as well. These findings indicate the vaccines were causing the body to attack itself with deadly consequences. One can easily see why Anthony Fauci, as well as public health officers and all who are heavily promoting these vaccines, publicly discouraged autopsies on the vaccinated who subsequently died. One can also see that in the case of vaccines, that were essentially untested prior to being approved for the general public, at least the regulatory agencies should have been required to carefully monitor and analyze all serious complications, and certainly deaths, linked to these vaccines. The best way to do that is with complete autopsies.

While we learned important information from these autopsies what is really needed are special studies of the tissues of those who have died after vaccination for the presence of spike protein infiltration throughout the organs and tissues. This would be critical information, as such infiltration would result in severe damage to all tissues and organs involved—especially the heart, the brain, and the immune system. Animal studies have demonstrated this. In these vaccinated individuals the source of these spike proteins would be the injected nanolipid carriers of the spike protein producing mRNA. It is obvious that the government health authorities and pharmaceutical manufacturers of these “vaccines” do not want these critical studies done as the public would be outraged and demand an end to the vaccination program and prosecution of the involved individuals who covered this up.


We are all living through one of the most drastic changes in our culture, economic system, as well as political system in our nation’s history as well as the rest of the world.

We have been told that we will never return to “normal” and that a great reset has been designed to create a “new world order”. This has all been outlined by Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum, in his book on the “Great Reset”.[66] This book gives a great deal of insight as to the thinking of the utopians who are proud to claim this pandemic “crisis” as their way to usher in a new world. This new world order has been on the drawing boards of the elite manipulators for over a century.[73 , 74] In this paper I have concentrated on the devastating effects this has had on the medical care system in the United States, but also includes much of the Western world. In past papers I have discussed the slow erosion of traditional medical care in the United States and how this system has become increasingly bureaucratized and regimented.[7 , 8] This process was rapidly accelerating, but the appearance of this, in my opinion, manufactured “pandemic” has transformed our health care system over night.

As you have seen, an unprecedented series of events have taken place within this system. Hospital administrators, for example, assumed the position of medical dictators, ordering doctors to follow protocols derived not from those having extensive experience in treating this virus, but rather from a medical bureaucracy that has never treated a single COVID-19 patient. The mandated use of respirators on ICU Covid-19 patients, for example, was imposed in all medical systems and dissenting physicians were rapidly removed from their positions as caregivers, despite their demonstration of markedly improved treatment methods. Further, doctors were told to use the drug remdesivir despite its proven toxicity, lack of effectiveness and high complication rate. They were told to use drugs that impaired respiration and mask every patient, despite the patient’s impaired breathing. In each case, those who refused to abuse their patients were removed from the hospital and even faced a loss of license—or worse.

For the first time in modern medical history, early medical treatment of these infected patients was ignored nationwide. Studies have shown that early medical treatment was saving 80% of higher number of these infected people when initiated by independent doctors.[43 , 44] Early treatment could have saved over 640,000 lives over the course of this “pandemic”. Despite the demonstration of the power of these early treatments, the forces controlling medical care continued this destructive policy.

Families were not allowed to see their loved ones, forcing these very sick individuals in the hospitals to face their deaths alone. To add insult to injury, funerals were limited to a few grieving family members, who were not allowed to even sit together. All the while large stores, such as Walmart and Cosco were allowed to operate with minimal restrictions. Nursing home patients were also not allowed to have family visitations, again being forced to die a lonely death. All the while, in a number of states, the most transparent being in New York state, infected elderly were purposefully transferred from hospitals into nursing homes, resulting in a very high death rates of these nursing home residents. At the beginning of this “pandemic” over 50% of all death were occurring in nursing homes.

Throughout this “pandemic” we have been fed an unending series of lies, distortions and disinformation by the media, the public health officials, medical bureaucracies (CDC, FDA and WHO) and medical associations. Physicians, scientists, and experts in infectious treatments who formed associations designed to develop more effective and safer treatments, were regularly demonized, harassed, shamed, humiliated, and experience a loss of licensure, loss of hospital privileges and, in at least one case, ordered to have a psychiatric examination.[2 , 65 , 71]

Anthony Fauci was given essentially absolute control of all forms of medical care during this event, including insisting that drugs he profited from be used by all treating physicians. He ordered the use of masks, despite at first laughing at the use of masks to filter a virus. Governors, mayors, and many businesses followed his orders without question.

The draconian measures being used, masking, lockdowns, testing of the uninfected, use of the inaccurate PCR test, social distancing, and contact tracing had been shown previously to be of little or no use during previous pandemics, yet all attempts to reject these methods were to no avail. Some states ignored these draconian orders and had either the same or fewer cases, as well as deaths, as the states with the most strictly enforced measures. Again, no amount of evidence or obvious demonstration along these lines had any effect on ending these socially destructive measures. Even when entire countries, such as Sweden, which avoided all these measures, demonstrated equal rates of infections and hospitalization as nations with the strictest, very draconian measures, no policy change by the controlling institutions occurred. No amount of evidence changed anything.

Experts in the psychology of destructive events, such as economic collapses, major disasters and previous pandemics demonstrated that draconian measures come with an enormous cost in the form of “deaths of despair” and in a dramatic increase in serious psychological disorders. The effects of these pandemic measures on children’s neurodevelopment is catastrophic and to a large extent irreversible.

Over time tens of thousands could die as a result of this damage. Even when these predictions began to appear, the controllers of this “pandemic” continued full steam ahead. Drastic increases in suicides, a rise in obesity, a rise in drug and alcohol use, a worsening of many health measures and a terrifying rise in psychiatric disorders, especially depression and anxiety, were ignored by the officials controlling this event.

We eventually learned that many of the deaths were a result of medical neglect. Individuals with chronic medical conditions, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurological diseases were no longer being followed properly in their clinics and doctor’s offices. Non-emergency surgeries were put on hold. Many of these patients chose to die at home rather than risk going to the hospitals and many considered hospitals “death houses”.

Records of deaths have shown that there was a rise in deaths among those aged 75 and older, mostly explained by Covid-19 infections, but for those between the ages of 65 to 74, deaths had been increasing well before the pandemic onset.[69] Between ages of 18 and aged 65 years, records demonstrate a shocking hike in non-Covid-19 deaths. Some of these deaths were explained by a dramatic increase in drug-related deaths, some 20,000 more than 2019. Alcohol related deaths also increased substantially, and homicides increased almost 30% in the 18 to 65-year group.

The head of the insurance company OneAmerica stated that their data indicated that the death rate for individuals aged 18 to 64 had increased 40% over the pre-pandemic period.[21] Scott Davidson, the company’s CEO, stated that this represented the highest death rate in the history of insurance records, which does extensive data collections on death rates each year. Davidson also noted that this high of a death rate increase has never been seen in the history of death data collection. Previous catastrophes of monumental extent increased death rates no more than 10 percent, 40% is unprecedented.

Dr. Lindsay Weaver, Indiana’s chief medical officer, stated that hospitalizations in Indiana are higher than at any point in the past five years. This is of critical importance since the vaccines were supposed to significantly reduce deaths, but the opposite has happened. Hospitals are being flooded with vaccine complications and people in critical condition from medical neglect caused by the lockdowns and other pandemic measures.[46 , 56]

A dramatic number of these people are now dying, with the spike occurring after the vaccines were introduced. The lies flowing from those who have appointed themselves as medical dictators are endless. First, we were told that the lockdown would last only two weeks, they lasted over a year. Then we were told that masks were ineffective and did not need to be worn. Quickly that was reversed. Then we were told the cloth mask was very effective, now it’s not and everyone should be wearing an N95 mask and before that that they should double mask. We were told there was a severe shortage of respirators, then we discover they are sitting unused in warehouses and in city dumps, still in their packing crates. We were informed that the hospitals were filled mostly with the unvaccinated and later found the exact opposite was true the world over. We were told that the vaccine was 95% effective, only to learn that in fact the vaccines cause a progressive erosion of innate immunity.

Upon release of the vaccines, women were told the vaccines were safe during all states of pregnancy, only to find out no studies had been done on safety during pregnancy during the “safety tests” prior to release of the vaccine. We were told that careful testing on volunteers before the EUA approval for public use demonstrated extreme safety of the vaccines, only to learn that these unfortunate subjects were not followed, medical complications caused by the vaccines were not paid for and the media covered this all up.[67] We also learned that the pharmaceutical makers of the vaccines were told by the FDA that further animal testing was unnecessary (the general public would be the Guinea pigs.) Incredibly, we were told that the Pfizer’s new mRNA vaccines had been approved by the FDA, which was a cleaver deception, in that another vaccine had approval (comirnaty) and not the one being used, the BioNTech vaccine. The approved comirnaty vaccine was not available in the United States. The national media told the public that the Pfizer vaccine had been approved and was no longer classed as experimental, a blatant lie. These deadly lies continue. It is time to stop this insanity and bring these people to justice.


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Russell L. Blaylock is a Retired Neurosurgeon, Theoretical Neuroscience Research, LLC, Ridgeland, Mississippi, United States.


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47. McGovern C. Thousands report developing abnormal tumors following Covid shots. Nov 1, 2021 [Last accessed on 2022 Feb 06].

48. Mercola J. Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci: a ‘formidable, nefarious’ partnership. [Last accessed on 2022 Feb 06].

49. Moffatt B, Elliott C. Ghost Marketing: Pharmaceutical companies and ghostwritten journal articles. Persp Biol Med. 2007. 50: 18-31

50. Mulvany C.editors. Covid-19 exacerbates bankruptcy for at-risk hospitals. Health Care Financial Management Association. 2020. p.

51. Muoio D. How many employees have hospitals lost to vaccine mandates?. [Last accessed on 2022 Feb 06].

52. Nalivaeva NN, Turner AJ, Zhuravin IA. Role of prenatal hypoxia in brain development, cognitive functions, and neurodegeneration. Front Neurosci. 2018. p.

53. Nicole Sirotek shares what she saw on the front lines in NYC. # Murder. [Last accessed on 2022 Feb 06].

54. Noether MMat S. Hospital merger benefits: Views from hospital leaders and econometric analysis. Jan, 2017 [Last accessed on 2022 Feb 06].

55. Nurse Colette Martin testimony to Louisiana House of Representatives. [Last accessed on 2022 Feb 06].

56. Nurse Dani: It’s the Covid-19 hospital protocols are killing people. [Last accessed on 2022 Feb 06].

57. Parpia R. Mayo Clinic fires 700 employees for refusing to get Covid-19 vaccinations. [Last accessed on 2022 Feb 06].

58. Pomara C, Li Volti G, Cappello F. Covid-19 deaths: are we sure it is pneumonia? Please, autopsy, autopsy, autopsy!. J Clin Med. 2020. p.

59. .editors. Post Editorial Board Facebook admits the truth: “Fact checks” are just (lefty) opinion. New York Post. p.

60. Rancourt DG. Mask don’t work. A review of science relevant to the covid-19 social policy. [Last accessed on 2022 Feb 06].

61. Redshaw M.editors. As reports of injuries after Covid vaccines near 1 million mark. CDC, FDA clear Pfizer, Moderna boosters for all adults. p.

62. Roche D.editors. Members of Congress and their staff are exempt from Biden’s vaccine mandate, Newsweek 9/10/21 Boston Herald Editorial Staff. Editorial: Political elites exempt from vax mandates. Boston Herald. 2021. p.

63. Ross E. How drug companies’ PR tactics skew the presentation of medical research. [Last accessed on 2022 Feb 06].

64. Saul S. Ghostwriters used in Vioxx studies, article says. April 15, 2008,%202008_The%20New%20Times.pdf [Last accessed on 2022 Feb 06].

65. Saxena V. Doctors loses medical license. Ordered to have Psych Eval for Ivermectin Scrits, Sharing Covid “misinformation”. Available from: [Last accessed on 2022 Feb 06].

66. Schwab K, Malleret T.editors. The Covid-19 Pandemic and the Great Reset. Forum Publishing 2020 World Economic Forum. Cologny/Geneva: p.

67. Sen. Ron Johnson on Covid-19 vaccine injuries to test subjects. [Last accessed on 2022 Feb 06].

68. Sperhake J-P. Autopsies of Covid-19 deceased? Absolutely!. Legal Med. 2020. p.

69. Svab P.editors. Non-Covid death spike in Americans aged 18-49. The Epoch Times. p.

70. US Medical, Scientific, Patient and Civic Organization Funding Report: Pfizer: Fourth Quarter 2010. [Last accessed on 2022 Feb 06].

71. Vivek Saxena. Doctors loses license, ordered to have psych eval for Ivermectin scrits, sharing Covid ‘misinformation’.

72. Westendorf AM. Hypoxia enhances immunosuppression by inhibiting CD4+ effector T cell function and promoting Treg activity. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2017. 41: 1271-84

73. Wood PM.editors. Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order. Coherent Publishing; 2018. p.

74. Wood PM.editors. Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation. Coherent Publishing; 2015. p.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

Michel Chossudovsky: Biography

September 18th, 2024 by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Below is a biographical summary focussing on Chossudovsky’s academic and professional activities, including publications and awards (as well as his contribution to the Encyclopedia Britannica)

To consult the complete Curriculum Vitae of Michel Chossudovsky click here




Biographical summary

Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, Editor of Global Research.


Canada, Republic of Ireland, United Kingdom


Ecole internationale, Geneva, Maturité fédérale suisse, type scientifique (C), 1962
BA (Econ) Honours, Department of Economics, University of Manchester, UK, 1965
Diploma in Economic Planning, International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague, Netherlands, 1967, The ISS is now part of Erasmus University, Rotterdam.
Ph.D., Department of Economics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA. 1971

Chossudovsky was a student of social anthropologist Prof. Max Gluckman at the University of Manchester, of Nobel Laureate in Economics Prof. Jan Tinbergen at the Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague and of mathematical statistics Prof Harold Hotelling at the University of North Carolina (UNC).

Languages: Fluent in English, French, Spanish, German. Knowledge of Portuguese, Chinese (Mandarin), Dutch (Netherlands), Thai, Russian, Melanesian (Papua New Guinea).

He has undertaken field research in Latin America, China, India, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa, the Pacific and has written extensively on the economies of developing countries with a focus on poverty and social inequality.

He has also undertaken research in Health Economics: Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), UNFPA, UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), CEPAL -ILPES -UNICEF, Government of Venezuela, John Hopkins International Journal of Health Services (1979, 1983).

His recent research focusses on economic and social policy, health economics, geopolitics, globalization.

Academic, Research and Advisory positions: 

University of Ottawa, Department of Economics, current position: Professor of Economics, emeritus, (First academic appointment in 1968-)

Visiting Professor, Postgraduate Program in Geopolitical Analysis, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Autonomous University of the City of Mexico (UACM) (2022)

Professor, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN), Managua, Centre for Development Studies Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann (CEDMEB), Founding Member of CEDMEB (2019- )

Visiting Professor, University of the Philippines, Cebu, Faculty of Social Sciences (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018).

Visiting Scholar and Lecturer, The International University of People’s Institutions for Peace (IUPIP), Rovereto, Italy (2003, 2004),

Directeur de recherche invité, Visiting Research Fellow, Lecturer. L’Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), Paris (1993)

Associate, Saint Mary’s University, International Development Studies, Halifax, Nova Scotia,  (1990s)

Associate Fellow, Centre for Developing Area Studies, McGill University, Montreal, (1990s)

Visiting Research Scholar, Chulalongkorn University, Department of Economics, Bangkok, (1991, 1992)

Visiting Professor, Catholic University of Peru, Department of Economics, Lima (1989-90, 1991)

Visiting Professor and Research Scholar, Kohn Kaen University, Department of Social Sciences, Khon Kaen, Thailand (1987-88), under contract with CIDA.

Policy Adviser, Rural and Social Development, Department of Economic and Technical Cooperation (DTEC), Prime Minister’s Office, Royal Thai Government, Bangkok (1986-87), under contract with the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

Visiting Professor, University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG), Department of Economics. Lecturer, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, UPNG, Port Moresby, 1985

Honorary Research Fellow, University of Hong Kong (1981-82), Centre of Asian Studies (CAS), Faculty of Social Sciences, Also Lecturer, HKU Economics Department, Lecturer, Department of Extra-Mural Studies (School of Professional and Continuing Education).

Carleton University, School of International Affairs, Ottawa, Part Time Lecturer (1977)

University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Department of Economics, Part Time Lecturer (1979-80)

Visiting Professor, National University of Cordoba, Argentina (1976), Social Policy Institute. Under ILO-UNDP Contract

Visiting Scholar and Lecturer, Central University of Venezuela, Caracas (1976), Development Studies Centre (CENDES)

Research Scholar and Lecturer, UN African Institute for Economic and Social Planning (IDEP), Dakar. (1976)

Senior Economic Adviser to the Minister of State for Planning, and Research Director (Interdisciplinary project on poverty), Ministry of Planning (CORDIPLAN), Government of Venezuela, Caracas, 1975-76.

Catholic University of Peru, Department of Economics, Visiting Professor (1974)

Catholic University of Chile (1973), Institute of Economics, Visiting Professor and Teaching Fellow, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1967-68.

Research Assistant, Applied Experimental Design Techniques and Nonlinear Programming, Department of Economics and Department of Mathematical Statistics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1966-68


Consultant to the UNDP and the Government of Rwanda, Analysis of  Rwanda’s External Debt, Kigali. Missions in 1996, 1997.

Consultant, African Development Bank (ADB), country-level missions, economic and social analysis, post evaluation of macro-economic reforms (1991-1995), missions to Kenya, Morocco, Guinea Bissau, Gambia, Botswana on behalf of ADB.

Consultant, North South Institute, Ottawa:  research on country-level macro-economic reforms (Peru Research Project) on behalf of CIDA. 1990-1992.

Lecturer, World Bank, Economic Development Institute (EDI) Training Program, Workshop on Macro-Economic Reform, Harare, Zimbabwe, 1991

Consultant, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Missions to Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, 1988, 1989

Consultant, World Health Organization (WHO), Organization and Coordination of African Workshop on Health Planning, Lecturer, Dakar, Senegal. 1976

Consultant, UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) (Research on poverty, social indicators and health policy), Santiago, Chile, 1978-1979

TV Ontario, Educational Television, Researcher and interviewer, Five part series on the Canadian Economy (1978-79) (interview with former PM Jean Chrétien)

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA):  Missions to Mali (1982-83), Peru, University Cooperation Programme (1977-79), Thailand 1986-88, Consultant to CIDA on Health and Development in Latin America, 1991, Lecturer, CIDA’s staff training programme, Economic Strategies and Development Policies, Ottawa, 1970s and 1980s.

He is a past president of the Canadian Association of  Latin American and Caribbean Studies (ACELAC) and a former member of the Senate of the University of Ottawa. 

Lectures and presentations at more than 100 universities, research institutions, parliamentary committees, etc.

Lecture, Committee of the European Parliament on the 9/11 Attacks, Brussels (2002), Testimony, Joint Senate-House of Commons Committee (Canada), Economic Affairs and International Trade Committee (December 1989), Testimony, Joint Senate-House of Commons Committee (Canada), Canada’s International Relations (1986), World Summit for Social Development (1995), Member of the Drafting Committee of  “The Copenhagen Alternative Declaration” on behalf of 800 NGOs (1995), House of Representatives, Philippines, Testimony on the impacts of the 2008 Economic Crisis, (2009), Literaturhaus, Munich (2003), The Latin American Parliament, Caracas (2008), Belgrade Forum, (2000, 2009, 2022, 2024), Stanford, UNC, Wisconsin, Yale, University of Havana, The International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS). Madrid, Operations Research Society of America (ORSA) New York, (1966-1967), etc.

Lectures at Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan (2013, 2017), Rosa Luxemburg Conference, Berlin (2014), Humboldt University (1999), Mexican Press Club, Malaysia Chamber of Commerce, Malaysia Academy of Sciences, Science for Peace Conference (2016), Perdana Global Peace Foundation (Kuala Lumpur) (several lectures, 2005-2017), Public Lecture chaired by Egypt’s Minister of Finance, Cairo (1991), Keynote Lecture, conference held at Korean Parliament (ROK), Seoul, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (2012, 2019), Wuhan University (1982, 1984), Tsinghua University School of Journalism, Beijing, Media Conferences, People’s Daily (Beijing), Keynote Address. Firenze Peace Conference, No War, No NATO (2019). etc.

Interviews/Conversations with (former) heads of State, heads of government: Jean Chrétien (Canada), Luis Inacio da Silva (Brazil), Fernando Enrique Cardoso (Brazil), Manmohan Singh (India), Pasteur Bizimungu (Rwanda), Fidel Castro Ruz (Cuba), Ricardo Alarcon (Cuba), Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad (Malaysia), Atef Ebeid (Egypt), Hugo Chavez (Venezuela), Victor Haya de la Torre, APRA (Peru), Georgios Papandreou (Greece). 


He is the author of:

Thirteen books including several international best-sellers

La Miseria en Venezuela (1978), Caracas 

Is the Canadian Economy Closing Down, (1979) (co-author),

Towards Capitalist Restoration? Chinese Socialism after Mao (1986), London, Macmillan

The Globalization of Poverty and The New World Order (1997, 2003) (published in 13 languages),

America’s “War on Terrorism” (2005) (published in 10 languages),

The Global Economic Crisis, The Great Depression of the Twenty-first Century
(2009) (Editor),

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War (2011) (published in 4 languages),

The Globalization of War, America’s Long War against Humanity (2015) (published in 4 languages)

The US-NATO War of Aggression against Yugoslavia (2021), Belgrade. (published in Serbian and English)

The Worldwide Corona Crisis: Global Coup d’État against Humanity. (2022), E-Book pdf format. Print version forthcoming. Also published (print) in Japanese (2022)


The 2015 Kuala Lumpur launching by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, PM of Malaysia of Michel Chossudovsky’s book entitled The Globalization of War


Scholarly publications:

Kyklos, Metron: International Journal of Statistics, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Économie Appliquée, Southern Economic Journal, L’Actualité Économique, Review of African Political Economy, Development in Practice, Co-Existence, International Journal of Health Services (John Hopkins), Studies in Political Economy, Indian Journal of Quantitative Economics, World Affairs: The Journal of International IssuesCanadian Journal of Latin American Studies, Yale University Lecture Series on Post-Allende Chile,  Journal of Peace Research, El Trimestre Economico, Bulletin of Peace Proposals, The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics (JQTE), Beijing, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), etc.

Chapters in Books. Reports published by national and international organizations (ADB, UNFPA, UNDP, CIDA, UNECLAC, North-South Institute, Royal Thai Government). 

Conversations with Fidel Castro Ruz: The Dangers of Nuclear War, (October  11-15, 2010, available in several languages in print and online, chapter in book).



Chossudovsky’s  writings have also appeared in Le monde diplomatique (Paris), The Journal of International Affairs (New York), the International Herald Tribune and New York Times,  Third World Resurgence,  The Ecologist  (London UK), the South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), The Nation (Bangkok), Dagens Nyheter (Stockholm), La Presse (Montreal), Junge Welt (Berlin), Hankoreh (Seoul, ROK),  Cuba Debate (Havana), Global Times (Beijing), People’s Daily (Beijing), Frontline (Chennai), Comercio Exterior (Mexico), Economic and Political Weekly (Mumbai), World Affairs (New Delhi), GeoPolitica (Bucharest), Peace Magazine (Toronto), etc.

Press interviews and TV interviews with (among others) CTV, CBC, RT, BBC, TVO, CCTV (Beijing), Global, Radio Canada, Tele Quebec, TV Ontario (Education TV) (five part series on the Canadian Economy), CNN, TV France 5, RTBF (Belgium), Press TV, TeleSur, MBC (ROK, Seoul), Malaysian TV, Peru TV, Portugal TV, Havana TV, Nicaragua National TV, Pacifica, WBAI, Community radio in US, Canada, etc.

He is a contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. EB Article on the World Bank

His writings have been published in more than twenty languages.

Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission

Michel Chossudovsky is a signatory of the 2005 Kuala Lumpur Declaration to Criminalize War under the helm of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, former Prime Minister of Malaysia

Signatories of the 2005 Kuala Lumpur Declaration. From Left to Right: Francis A.Boyle, Helen Caldicott,  Denis J. Halliday, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Hans-Christof Von Sponeck, Michel Chossudovsky, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf

Michel Chossudovsky was a member of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission (KLWCC) (2007- 2018) under the helm of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, former PM of Malaysia.


Michel Chossudovsky is the recipient of:

The Human Rights Prize, Society for Civil Rights and Human Dignity, (Gesellschaft zum Schutz von Bürgerrecht und Menschenwürde, Berlin (2002),

“Best Books in Germany” (media ranking), German edition of  Chossudovsky’s Globalization of Poverty, (Global Brutal, Der entfesselte Welthandel, die Armut, der Krieg,“Media Ranked no 2. best non-fiction titles in Germany” (2002),

Project Censored Award, State University of Sonoma, California, (1999- 2015, 10 awards).

Professor of the Year Award, University of Ottawa, Faculty of Social Sciences (2001). Excellence in Teaching Award

Mexican Press Club award to Michel Chossudovsky and Global Research, “Primer Premio de Periodismo”: “Premio Internacional de Periodismo por el Mejor Portal de Investigación Internacional.” “First National Prize for the best research website at the international level” (2008).

The Gold Medal for Merit of the Republic of Serbia (Government House, Awards to Canadians) for his writings on NATO’s war of aggression against Yugoslavia (2014).

From Left to Right Prof. Y Dissou Chairman, Economics Department, HE Serbia’s Ambassador Mihailo Papazoglu, Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Prof. Marcel Merette, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa (2014)

Doctor Honoris Causa in Humanities, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN), Managua (2016)


National Autonomous University, Managua, Nicaragua, 2016

Fellowships and Research Grants:

Research Fellowship, International Development Research Centre (IDRC),
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) awards.
Canada Council award,
Fellowship of the Netherlands University Foundation for International Cooperation (NUFFIC),
Latin American Teaching Fellowship of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and Fellow of Tufts University.
University of Ottawa Faculty of Social Sciences Research Grants.
Research grant from SSHRC- Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), field research in China,
Conference Board of Canada -Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Collaborative Field Research in China with CASS Institute of Quantitative Economics.

To consult the complete Curriculum Vitae of Michel Chossudovsky click here

The archive of Michel Chossudovsky’s 1800+ Global Research Articles 

He can be reached at [email protected]

First published on November 26, 2022


We are being accused of  “spreading disinformation” regarding the Covid-19 vaccine. 

The Reuters and AP media “trackers” and “fact checkers” will be out to smear the testimonies of parents who have lost their children.  

“Once the Lie becomes the Truth, there is no moving backwards. Insanity prevails. The world is turned upside down.”

Let us be under no illusions, the Covid Jab is not only “experimental”, it’s a Big Pharma “killer vaccine” which modifies the human genome. The evidence of mortality and morbidity resulting from vaccine inoculation both present (official data) and future (e.g. undetected microscopic blood clots) is overwhelming. 

The official data (mortality and morbidity) as well as numerous scientific studies confirm the nature of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine which is being imposed on all humanity. 

Peer reviewed reports confirm the causes  of vaccine related deaths and “adverse events” (injuries) including among others blood clots, thrombosis, myocarditis, cardiac arrests.

The stated objective is to enforce the Worldwide vaccination of 8 billion people in more than 190 countries, to be followed by the imposition of a digitized “vaccine passport”. Needless to say this is a multi-billion dollar operation for Big Pharma. It’s a crime against humanity.

The global vaccine project entitled COVAX is coordinated Worldwide by the WHO, GAVI, CEPI, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in liaison with the World Economic Forum (WEF),  the Wellcome Trust, DARPA and Big Pharma which is increasingly dominated by the Pfizer-GSK partnership established barely four months before the onset of the Covid-19 crisis in early January 2020.  

The Covid 19 “Vaccine” from the very outset in January 2021 has been conducive to a Worldwide Upward Movement in Mortality 


This is Not Manslaughter. It’s Murder

Yes, It’s a killer vaccine. That message should be loud and clear.

This is happening all over the world: children and adolescents are dying.

Crimes against humanity, crimes against our children.

Less than two months following the launching of Pfizer’s mRNA “vaccine”, a mass funeral protest was held for children who died after receiving the vaccine in Geneva, Switzerland (January 29, 2021)


Myocarditis, Cardiac Arrest: “Young People Are Dying”. Sudden Death on a Massive Scale

The Vaccine Safety Research Foundation has recently released Until Proven Otherwise— a short video documentary about the corroborating findings of two leading cardiologists.



Our Children Are the Victims 

Share the following videos far and wide showing what parents have already gone through in losing their children.




Sofia Benharira, 16 years old, dies following the Pfizer vaccination.

Our Athletes are Dying

Video below which documents news reports of  “1,000 Athletes Collapsing, Dying, Heart Problems, Blood Clots – March 2021 To June 2022.”

The Criminality of Pfizer is Beyond Doubt

But did you know, Pfizer has already a Criminal Record with the US DOJ for “Fraudulent Marketing”.

And Nobody Knows About Pfizer’s Criminal Record because the Media Fails to Report It. 

Pfizer Reveals in a secret report (declassified under freedom of information) that its mRNA vaccine is a “killer vaccine”. The evidence comes from the “Horse’s Mouth”

By February of 2021, Pfizer had already received more than 1,200 reports of deaths allegedly caused by the vaccine and tens of thousands of reported adverse events, including 23 cases of spontaneous abortions out of 270 pregnancies and more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders.

Bear in mind, this is Pfizer’s own data.

In a twisted irony, the data revealed in this “insider report” refutes the official vaccine narrative peddled by the governments and the WHO. It also confirms the analysis of numerous medical doctors and scientists who have revealed the devastating consequences of the mRNA “vaccine”.

What is contained in  Pfizer’s “confidential” report is detailed evidence on the impacts of the “vaccine” on mortality and morbidity. This data which emanates from the “Horse’s Mouth” can now be used to confront as well formulate legal procedures against Big Pharma, the governments, the WHO and the media.

Pfizer was fully aware that the mRNA vaccine which it is marketing Worldwide would result in a wave of mortality and morbidity. This is tantamount to a crime against humanity on the part of Big Pharma.

Pfizer knew from the outset that it was a killer vaccine. 

It is also a  Mea Culpa and Treason on the part of corrupt national governments Worldwide which are being threatened and bribed by Big Pharma.

No attempt has been made by the governments to call for the withdrawal of the killer vaccine.

People are told  that the vaccine is intended to save lives.” (Michel Chossudovsky)

Click here to read Pfizer’s “confidential” report.

Figure 1. Total Number of BNT162b2 AEs by System Organ Classes and Event Seriousness

It would appear that Figure 1 has been removed from the above version of the report.

We have added it in again.


What is Presented above is but the “Tip of the Iceberg” of what is happening Worldwide

This whole process is “profit driven” in the billions, sustained by scientific fraud and disinformation.

Worldwide “Big Money” Vaxx Operation

Over a two year period, more than 12.9 billion vaccine doses were administered across 184 countries (Bloomberg, September 21, 2022, see graph below).


Recorded September 21, 2022: 12.9 Million doses administered (mid December 2020- September 21, 2022)

July 2023, the estimated number of doses administered Worldwide (WHO) is of the order of 14 billion, for a total World population of 8 billion people. (1.75 doses per person for a World population of 8 billion).

The scale and social impact of this vaccine operation are beyond description. It’s a war against humanity in its entirety. 

The Unspoken Truth: We are dealing with a highly profitable multibillion dollar operation which is predicated on increased levels of vaccine related mortality and morbidity. 


The legitimacy of politicians and their Big Money sponsors must be challenged.

We must act with a single voice nationally and internationally.

Our First Task is to disable the fear campaign

The COVID-19 “vaccination” programme should be halted immediately worldwide.

Please forward this article to friends, colleagues, family. Global Research is the object of censorship. The search engines will not pick it up.

For a more detailed and comprehensive analysis. See Michel Chossudovsky’s recently released book on the Worldwide Corona Crisis. Click here: FREE Download

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’État Against Humanity

Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression

By Michel Chossudovsky

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0, Year: 2022, Product Type: PDF File, Pages: 164 (15 Chapters)

Translations in several languages are envisaged. The book is available in print form in Japanese. 仕組まれたコロナ危機:「世界の初期化」を目論む者たち


As a means to reaching out to millions of people worldwide whose lives have been affected by the corona crisis, we have decided to distribute the eBook for FREE.

Price: $11.50. FREE COPY Click here to download.

In this September interview, Michel Chossudovsky outlines recent developments pertaining to the Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine.

Video: Prof. Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux


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Is the Vaccine Safe?

If your remain unconvinced on the dangers of Big Pharma’s Vaxx, have a look at the following carefully research video which according to Dr. Gary G Kohl is:

a must-watch, totally-truthful, science-based, vaccinology-literate video for anyone who is considering getting a booster (or even an initial jab)”.

Video, click lower righthand corner to enlarge screen

Source: JRickey Productions Studio

Editor’s Note

We bring to the attention of our readers the complete transcript of [the late] Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski’s statement to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee [February 1, 2007, chaired by Sen.Joe Biden] , as well as the transcript of the debate.

It is important to note that Brzezinski acknowledges US military ambitions with regard to Iran and the possibility that the Bush administration could choose to trigger a war pretext incident which would then justify a  “defensive” war on Iran. 

“A plausible scenario for a military collision with Iran involves Iraqi failure to meet the benchmarks, followed by accusations of Iranian responsibility for the failure, then by some provocation in Iraq or a terrorist act in the United States blamed on Iran, culminating in a quote-unquote “defensive” U.S. military action against Iran that plunges a lonely America into a spreading and deepening quagmire, eventually ranging across Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Indeed, a mythical historical narrative to justify the case for such a protracted and potential expanding war is already being articulated. Initially justified by false claims about WMDs in Iraq, the war is now being redefined as the decisive ideological struggle of our time, reminiscent of the earlier collisions with Nazism and Stalinism. In that context, Islamist extremism and al Qaeda are presented as the equivalents of the threat posed by Nazi Germany and then Soviet Russia, and 9/11 as the equivalent of the Pearl Harbor attack which precipitated America’s involvement in World War II.

This simplistic and demagogic narrative overlooks the fact that Nazism was based on the military power of the industrially most advanced European state, and that Stalinism was able to mobilize not only the resources of the victorious and militarily powerful Soviet Union but also had worldwide appeal through its Marxist doctrine”.

Brzezinski tacitly acknowledges that the “war on terrorism” is bogus. He points at length at the fabricated pretext for waging war on Iraq and cites the controversial Downing Street Memo. 

In the present context, Brzezinski’s statement, from within the Washington establishment, is a breath of fresh air; while it upholds the basic tenets of US foreign policy, it constitutes a voice of moderation in relation to the Neoconservative agenda. 

Carefully read both his opening address but also the discussion, where he points to the politically corrupt nature of the Bush administration and how fake intelligence was used as a pretext to wage war on Iraq. 

If you do not have time to go through the entire transcript, read the highlights below. 


Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research,  24 February 2007


Highlights of Dr Brzezinski’s statements

Al Qaeda is an isolated fundamentalist, Islamist aberration, most Iraqis are engaged in strife because of the American occupation, which destroyed the Iraqi state, while Iran, though gaining in regional influence, is itself politically divided, economically and militarily weak. To argue that America is already at war in a region with a wider Islamic threat of which Iran is the epicenter is to promote a self-fulfilling prophecy.

…no country in the world — no country in the world — shares the Manichean delusions that the administration so passionately articulates. And the result, sad to say, is growing political isolation of and pervasive popular antagonism towards the U.S. global posture.

Iran and Syria have no reason, however, to help the United States consolidate a permanent regional hegemony. It is ironic, however, that both Iran and Syria have lately called for a regional dialogue, exploiting thereby the self-defeating character of the largely passive and mainly sloganeering U.S. diplomacy. A serious regional dialogue, promoted directly or indirectly by the United States, could be buttressed at some point by a wider circle of consultations involving other powers with a stake in the region’s stability, such as the EU, China, Japan, India and Russia. 

Escalating the war as a consequence of protracting it is hardly an attractive option for the United States, because before too long, as I say in my statement, we could be facing a 20-year-long involvement not only in Iraq but Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

[Real Reasons behind the War]

I have no idea what his [ president Bush] initiative objective was because the motives he provided for the action proved to be entirely erroneous, and if they were the real motives, then the whole campaign was based on false assumptions.

Now, if there were hidden motives, I can imagine potentially several.

One would be to gain American domination over the region’s oil, to put it very simplistically.

Another could be to help maximize Israel’s security by removing a powerful Arab state.

Another one could have been to simply get rid of an obnoxious regime with which the United States had accounts to settle going back to ’91 and the alleged assassination attempt against President Bush Sr. There could be a variety of motives.


My horror scenario is that if we simply stay put this will continue, and then the dynamic of the conflict will produce an escalating situation in which Iraqi failure to meet the benchmarks will be blamed on the Iranians. There’ll be, then, some clashes, collisions, and the war expands.

But basically, escalation, accusations, some incidents — there have already been some incidents between us and the Iranians. There are some allegations that the Iranians are responsible for certain acts — allegations but not facts. And that would spark, simply, a collision. It could even be in some fashion provoked.

[WMD and the Downing Street Memo}

Let me draw your attention to something that your staff should give you, and I think this might be of interest to some other members of this committee. And that’s a report in The New York Times dated March 27, 2006. It’s a long report on a private meeting between the president and Prime Minister Blair two months before the war, based on a memorandum of conversation prepared by the British official present at this meeting.

And in it, according to this account, the president is cited as saying that he’s concerned that there may not be weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq and that there must be some consideration given to finding a different basis for undertaking the military action. And I’ll just read you what this memo allegedly says, according to The New York Times.

The memo stated, “The president and the prime minister acknowledged that no unconventional weapons had been found inside Iraq.”

This is two months before the war.

“Faced with the possibility of not finding any before the planned invasion, Mr. Bush talked about several ways to provoke a confrontation.”

And he described, then, several ways in which this could be done, and I won’t go into that. I don’t know how accurate these ways were. They’re quite sensational, at least one of them.

And if one is of the view that one is dealing with an implacable enemy that has to be removed, that course of action may, under certain circumstances, be appealing.

I’m afraid if the situation in Iraq continues deteriorating, and if Iran is perceived as in some fashion involved or responsible — or the potential beneficiary thereof — that temptation could arise.

February 1, 2007  Thursday


[Note Chaired by Joe Biden]








[Opening Statements by Senators Biden and Lugar]

SEN. BIDEN: The meeting will come to order.

Mr. Chairman, before we begin the hearing, I’d like to make a very brief comment on Senator Warner’s resolution on Iraq.

Three weeks ago before this committee, Secretary Rice presented the president’s plan for Iraq. Its main feature is to send more American troops into Baghdad in the middle of what I believe to be a sectarian war. The reaction on this committee from Republicans and Democrats alike ranged from profound skepticism — at least skepticism — profound skepticism to outright opposition throughout this committee, and that pretty much reflected the reaction across the country.

Senators Hagel, Levin and Snowe and I wrote a resolution to give senators a way to vote what their voices were saying. I believe we — that was the quickest way, most effective way, to get the president to reconsider the course he’s on and demonstrate to him that his policy has little support across the board in this body.

After we introduced our resolution, Senator Warner came forward with his. The bottom line of our resolution is the same as Senator Warner’s. The president’s — Mr. President, don’t send more troops in the middle of a civil war.

There was one critical difference. As originally written, Senator Warner’s resolution left open the possibility of increasing the overall number of troops in Baghdad as well as in Iraq overall. We believed — the sponsors of my resolution — that that would send the wrong message. We ought to be drawing down and redeploying within Iraq rather than ramping up to make clear to the Iraqi leaders that they must begin to make the hard compromises necessary for the political solution virtually everyone acknowledge is needed to bring this conflict to a somewhat successful end.

We approached Senator Warner, my co-sponsors and I, several times to try to work out our differences, and I’m very pleased that last night we succeeded in doing just that. The language of the Warner resolution removed — the language that Senator Warner removed from his resolution removed the possibility that it can be read as calling for more troops in Iraq. With that change, I am pleased to support Senator Warner’s resolution.

When I first spoke out against the president’s planned surge before the New Year, I made it clear that I hoped to build a bipartisan opposition to his plan because this is the best way to have him reconsider, and that’s exactly what we have done. We’ll see what happens on the floor, but that’s exactly what we have done with the Biden-Levin-Hagel-Snowe and the Warner-Nelson, et cetera, resolution now, all of us joining Senator Warner as amended.

Now, we have a real opportunity for the Senate to speak clearly. Every senator will be given a chance to vote on whether he or she supports or disagrees with the president’s plan as outlined by Secretary Rice. The president does not listen to — and assuming that the majority is where I believe it is, with Senator Warner and myself and others — if the majority of the Congress and the majority of the American people speak loudly, it’s very difficult, I think, for the president to totally dismiss that. But this is an important first step.

Before we begin, let me make clear that our purpose from the outset was to get as much consensus as we could on the president’s overall plan and that’s why I am delighted to join and work off of Senator Warner’s resolution, which quite frankly, is even a more powerful statement than, quote, a “Biden resolution” coming from one of the leading Republicans in the United States Senate.

And today marks the final day of our initial series of hearings. I remind our members what they already know: that this committee will, as under my friend and former chairman and future chairman of this committee — because we’ve been here for changes, an awful lot of changes back and forth over the years — that we will continue to engage in aggressive oversight in the coming weeks, in the coming months and throughout this year.

We are joined this morning by two very distinguished former national security advisers. First, we’ll hear from General Brent Scowcroft, and later we’ll hear from Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski. They are among the best strategic thinkers in America and we’re honored that they’re here to join us.

And without further ado, I will put in the record, since I did not know I was going to — that we would have worked out a compromise with Senator Warner last night — rather than read the remainder of my statement, I’ll ask unanimous consent to be placed in the record, and welcome you, General. It’s truly an honor to have you here. You’re one of the most respected men in this country, and I will now yield to my colleague, Senator Lugar.

SEN. RICHARD G. LUGAR (R-IN): Well, thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.

I thank you for holding this hearing and I welcome our distinguished former national security advisers.

This is, by our count, the 14th meeting of this committee on Iraq since the committee began its series of hearings on January the 9th. And just parenthetically, Mr. Chairman, I congratulate you, your staff, for working so well with our staff in a bipartisan way on bringing before the committee and, therefore, before the Senate and the American people, a galaxy of remarkable people, both American and Iraqi, who have addressed this issue, with profit to all of us.

These bipartisan hearings have given us the opportunity to engage administration officials, intelligence analysts, academic experts, former national security leaders, Iraqi representatives and retired military generals on strategy in Iraq and the broader Middle East, and this process has provided members a foundation for oversight as well as an opportunity to conduct a dialogue with each other.

On Tuesday, our committee hosted Secretary of State James Baker and Representative Lee Hamilton, the co-chairs of the Iraq Study Group. Both witnesses voiced the need to move Iraq policy beyond the politics of the moment.

Even if Congress and the president cannot agree on a policy in Iraq in the coming months, we have to find a way to reach a consensus on the United States’ role in the Middle East.

Yesterday, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger recalled a half century of U.S. involvement in the Middle East. He argued that this history was not accidental. We have been heavily involved in the region because we have enduring interests at stake and these are interests that are vital to our country. Protecting those interests cannot be relegated to a political timeline. We may make tactical decisions about the deployment or withdrawal of forces in Iraq, but we must plan for a strong strategic posture in the region for years to come.

Both the president and Congress must be thinking about what follows our current dispute over the president’s troop surge. Many members have expressed frustration with White House consultations on Iraq. I’ve counseled the president that his administration must put much more effort into consulting with Congress on Iraq, on the Middle East, on national security issues in general. Congress has responsibility in this process. We don’t owe the president our unquestioning agreement but we do owe him and the American people our constructive engagement.

I appreciated the administration wants a chance to make its Baghdad strategy work and therefore is not enthusiastic about talking about Plan B. Similarly, opponents in Congress are intensely focused on expressing disapproval of the president’s plan through nonbinding resolutions. But when the current dispute over the president’s Baghdad plan has reached a conclusion, we will still have to come to grips with how we are to sustain our position in the Middle East.

At yesterday’s hearing, I noted that Secretary Rice had taken steps to shift the emphasis of U.S. Middle East policy toward countering the challenges posed by Iran. Under this new approach, the United States would organize regional players — Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, the Gulf states and others — behind a program of containing Iran’s disruptive agenda in the region. This would be one of the most consequential regional alignments in recent diplomatic history, and such a realignment has relevance for stabilizing Iraq and bringing security to other areas of conflict in the region, including Lebanon and the Palestinian territories.

Moderate states in the Middle East are concerned by Iran’s aggressiveness and by the possibility of sectarian conflict beyond Iraq’s borders. They recognize the United States is an indispensable counterweight to Iran, and a source of stability. The United States has growing leverage to enlist greater support for our objectives inside Iraq and throughout the region. In this context, the president’s current Iraq plan should not be seen as an end game, but rather as one element in a larger Middle East struggle that is in its early stages.

The president should be reaching out to the Congress in an effort to construct a consensus on how we will protect our broader strategic interests regardless of what happens in Baghdad in the next several months. Without such preparation, I’m concerned that our domestic political disputes or frustration over the failure of the Iraq government to meet benchmarks will precipitate an exit from vital areas and missions in the Middle East.

We need to be preparing for how we will array U.S. forces in the region to defend oil assets, target terrorist enclaves, deter adventurism by Iran, provide a buffer against regional sectarian conflict and generally reassure friendly governments the United States is committed to Middle East security.

We look forward to the insights that will be brought to us by our distinguished witnesses this morning on the strategic and political dynamics involved in our Middle East policy.

I thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.

SEN. BIDEN: Thank you very much, Senator.


[Testimony of General Brent Scowcroft]


SEN. LUGAR: (Sounds gavel.) The committee is called to order. We welcome Dr. Brzezinski , a wonderful friend of the committee for this very important appearance today. And our situation is such that we’ve asked Dr. Brzezinski to present an opening statement, and he will do that, and then we will proceed to questions.

I think senators know that we’re heading toward roll call votes at noon or shortly thereafter, and therefore we’ll begin immediately, given the chairman’s instructions.

Dr. Brzezinski, we’re delighted to have you. And would you please proceed?

MR. BRZEZINSKI: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank you indeed.

Your hearings come at a critical juncture in the U.S. war of choice in Iraq, and I commend you and Senator Biden for scheduling them.

In my view, it is time for the White House to come to terms with two central realities. First, the war in Iraq is a historic strategic and moral calamity undertaken under false assumptions. It is undermining America’s global legitimacy. Its collateral civilian casualties, as well as some abuses, are tarnishing America’s moral credentials. Driven by Manichean impulses and imperial hubris, it is intensifying regional instability.

Secondly, only a political strategy that is historically relevant rather than reminiscent of colonial tutelage can provide the needed framework for a tolerable resolution of both the war in Iraq and intensifying regional tensions.

If the United States continues to be bogged down in protracted, bloody involvement in Iraq — and I emphasize what I am about to say — the final destination on this downhill track is likely to be a head-on conflict with Iran, and with much of the world of Islam at large.

A plausible scenario for a military collision with Iran involves Iraqi failure to meet the benchmarks, followed by accusations of Iranian responsibility for the failure, then by some provocation in Iraq or a terrorist act in the United States blamed on Iran, culminating in a quote-unquote “defensive” U.S. military action against Iran that plunges a lonely America into a spreading and deepening quagmire, eventually ranging across Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Indeed, a mythical historical narrative to justify the case for such a protracted and potential expanding war is already being articulated. Initially justified by false claims about WMDs in Iraq, the war is now being redefined as the decisive ideological struggle of our time, reminiscent of the earlier collisions with Nazism and Stalinism. In that context, Islamist extremism and al Qaeda are presented as the equivalents of the threat posed by Nazi Germany and then Soviet Russia, and 9/11 as the equivalent of the Pearl Harbor attack which precipitated America’s involvement in World War II.

This simplistic and demagogic narrative overlooks the fact that Nazism was based on the military power of the industrially most advanced European state, and that Stalinism was able to mobilize not only the resources of the victorious and militarily powerful Soviet Union but also had worldwide appeal through its Marxist doctrine.

In contrast, most Muslims are not embracing Islamic fundamentalism. Al Qaeda is an isolated fundamentalist, Islamist aberration, most Iraqis are engaged in strife because of the American occupation, which destroyed the Iraqi state, while Iran, though gaining in regional influence, is itself politically divided, economically and militarily weak. To argue that America is already at war in a region with a wider Islamic threat of which Iran is the epicenter is to promote a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I then go on, Mr. Chairman, to compare the posture of the United States insofar as negotiations are concerned and in some ways reminiscent of the moralistic self-ostracism that the United States practiced in the early 1950s towards Communist Chinese, but for the sake of time I will not read this passage.

Let me end this introductory remark before advocating some policy by noting that practically no country in the world — no country in the world — shares the Manichean delusions that the administration so passionately articulates. And the result, sad to say, is growing political isolation of and pervasive popular antagonism towards the U.S. global posture.

I think it is obvious, therefore, that our international interest calls for a significant change in direction. There is, in fact, consensus in America in favor of a change, a consensus the war was a mistake. It is a fact that leading Republicans have spoken out and expressed profound reservations regarding the administration’s policy. Again, I simply invoke here the views of former President Gerald Ford, former Secretary of State Baker, former National Security Adviser Scowcroft and several of your colleagues, Mr. Chairman, including Warner, Hagel, Smith, among others.

And hence the urgent need today for a strategy that seeks to create a political framework for a resolution of the problems posed both by the U.S. occupation of Iraq and by the ensuing civil and sectarian conflict. Ending the occupation and shaping a regional security dialogue should be the mutually reinforcing goals of such a strategy, but both goals will take time to be accomplished and require genuinely serious U.S. commitment.

The quest to achieve these goals should involve four steps. First, the United States should reaffirm explicitly and unambiguously its determination to leave Iraq in a reasonably short period of time.

Let me comment.

Ambiguity regarding the duration of the occupation in fact encourages unwillingness to compromise and intensifies the underlying civil strife. Moreover, such a public declaration is needed to allay fears in the Middle East of a new and enduring American imperial hegemony. Right or wrong, many view the establishment of such a hegemony as the primary reason for the American intervention in a region only recently free of colonial domination. That perception should be discredited from the highest U.S. level. Perhaps the U.S. Congress could do so by a joint resolution.

Second, the United States should announce that it is undertaking talks with the Iraqi leaders to jointly set with them a date by which U.S. military disengagement should be completed and the resulting setting of such a date should be announced as a joint decision. In the meantime, the U.S. should avoid military escalation.

Comment, briefly:

It is necessary to engage all the Iraqi leaders, including those who do not reside within the Green Zone, in a serious discussion regarding the proposed and jointly defined date for U.S. military disengagement, because the very dialogue itself will help to identify the authentic Iraqi leaders which the self-confidence and capacity to stand on their own legs without U.S. military protection. Only Iraqi leaders who can exercise real power beyond the Green Zone can eventually reach a genuine Iraqi accommodation. The painful reality is that much of this current Iraqi regime, characterized by the administration as representative of the Iraqi people, defines itself largely by its physical location: the four square-mile-large U.S. fortress within Baghdad, protected by a wall in places 15 feet thick, manned by heavily armed U.S. military, popularly known as the Green Zone.

Third, the United States should issue jointly, with appropriate Iraqi leaders, or perhaps let the Iraqi leaders issue an invitation to all neighbors of Iraq and perhaps some other Muslim countries such as Egypt, Morocco, Algeria and Pakistan, to engage in a dialogue regarding how best to enhance stability in Iraq in conjunction with U.S. military disengagement and to participate eventually in a conference regarding regional stability.

Brief comment:

The United States and the Iraqi leadership need to engage Iraq’s neighbors in a serious discussion regarding the region’s security problems, but such discussions cannot be undertaken while the U.S. is perceived as an occupier for an indefinite duration. In fact, I would argue, Mr. Chairman, that the setting of a date for departure would trigger a much higher probability of an effective regional dialogue because all of the countries in the region do not want to see an escalating disintegration in the region as a whole.

Iran and Syria have no reason, however, to help the United States consolidate a permanent regional hegemony. It is ironic, however, that both Iran and Syria have lately called for a regional dialogue, exploiting thereby the self-defeating character of the largely passive and mainly sloganeering U.S. diplomacy. A serious regional dialogue, promoted directly or indirectly by the United States, could be buttressed at some point by a wider circle of consultations involving other powers with a stake in the region’s stability, such as the EU, China, Japan, India and Russia. Members of this committee might consider exploring informally with the states mentioned their potential interest in such a wider dialogue.

Fourth, and finally, concurrently the United States should activate a credible and energetic effort to finally reach an Israeli- Palestinian peace, making it clear in the process as to what the basic parameters of such a final accommodation ought to involve.

Brief comment:

The United States needs to convince the region that the United States is committed, both to Israel’s enduring security and to fairness for the Palestinians, who have waited for more than 40 years now for their own separate state. Only an external and activist intervention can promote the long-delayed settlement, for the record shows that the Israelis and the Palestinians will never do so on their own. Without such a settlement, both nationalist and fundamentalist passions in the region will in the longer run doom any Arab regime which is perceived as supportive of U.S. regional hegemony.

After World War II, the United States prevailed in the defense of democracy in Europe because it successfully pursued a long-term political strategy of uniting its friends and dividing its enemies, instead of dividing our friends and uniting our enemies, while soberly deterring aggression without initiating hostilities, all the while, also, exploring the possibility of negotiating arrangements.

Today, America’s global leadership is being tested in the Middle East. A similarly wise strategy of genuinely constructive political engagement is now urgently needed. It is time for the Congress to assert itself.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

SEN. BIDEN: Thank you very much.

MR. BRZEZINSKI: And welcome, Mr. Chairman.

SEN. BIDEN: Great.

I read as — I commended your testimony this morning to my colleague who was about to read it and has read it. I apologize for being absent for a moment. I had to be on the floor.

As usual, you are direct, cogent and insightful, and I appreciate your availability to the committee and also availability to a number of us individually that seek your advice.

We just heard from a man we all regard well, one of your successors, who cautioned that, if we were to “leave,” quote-unquote, Iraq there would be these dire consequences. I read with incredible interest your paragraph on Page 1 of your testimony, saying “If the United States continued to be bogged down in a protracted, bloody involvement in Iraq, the final destination on this downhill track is likely to be a head-on conflict with Iran and much of the world of Islam at large.”

Now, the two — the argument the president is making is, the conflict with Islam intensifies if we withdraw. You’re making the argument that continuing to be bogged down here is more likely to result in that outcome. Could you expand on that for me?

MR. BRZEZINSKI: Conflict, by its very nature, is not self- containable. It either diminishes because one side has prevailed or because there’s an accommodation, or it escalates. If we could prevail militarily and in a decisive fashion, even though I opposed the war, there would be a strong case to be made for it. But I think we know by now that to prevail we will need to have 500,000 troops in Iraq, wage the war with unlimited brutality, and altogether crush that society because it would intensify probably its resistance. So that’s a no-starter.

Escalating the war as a consequence of protracting it is hardly an attractive option for the United States, because before too long, as I say in my statement, we could be facing a 20-year-long involvement not only in Iraq but Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. And think how precarious Pakistan is and how uncertain the situation in Afghanistan is becoming.

So it’s in our interest to isolate the conflicts and to terminate them. And we have to exploit — at least try to exploit — the political possibility, the political option.

Now in the end, I cannot dogmatically argue that it is certain to succeed, but if we don’t try, we know we’ll never have had the chance —

SEN. BIDEN: You seem to be arguing that if we stay on this particular course we’re on now, it will not succeed. You’re confident the present course will not succeed.

MR. BRZEZINSKI: Well, I think every indicator over the last three or so years indicates that. The situation is worsening, hostility towards the United States is intensifying, our isolation worldwide is both being perpetuated and in some respects becoming more culturally grounded. Look at the public opinion polls. I think we have to take a hard look at what the options are.

Now, I realize there are risks in a strategy in which the goal is to find an alternative outcome than a military victory. But at the same time, we shouldn’t become prisoners of apocalyptic and horrific scenarios, in some respects reminiscent of those which were described and drawn in the latter phases of the Vietnamese war and which did not take place.

I’m not sure that if we were to disengage from Iraq that the consequence is this kind of horrific set of dominoes falling all over the Middle East. Moreover — and please note this carefully — in my statement, I’m not saying we should unilaterally disengagement.

SEN. BIDEN: I understand that.

MR. BRZEZINSKI: We should work with the Iraqis on setting a date and use that as a trigger for an international conference of Iraq’s neighbors, because I don’t believe, if you look carefully at the interests of Saudi Arabia or Jordan or Syria or Iran, that they have a stake, an interest in making the explosion get out of hand.

SEN. BIDEN: Well, quite frankly —

MR. BRZEZINSKI: They’re volatile regimes.

SEN. BIDEN: That’s — unless I’m missing something — that was pretty much the consensus of most of the witnesses that we’ve had in the last four weeks, and that is they have an interest in it not exploding.

You echo the comments made yesterday and the day before and throughout this hearing process about Iran when you say, I agree — you say, Iran is, quote, “politically divided and economically and militarily weak.”

Now the question is, if that is true, and I think we overlook how politically divided it is and overlook how economically — at what economic difficulty it’s in — we seem to be building it up to be, you know, 20 feet tall and that this is the new superpower in the region. As a matter of fact, some have used that phrase.

Give me your assessment of the present threat that Iran poses in the region and what you think, if you can, if you will, what a continued protracted American presence in Iraq will do to impact on that assessment, whether they grow weaker, stronger, et cetera.

MR. BRZEZINSKI: I think some form of American presence in Iraq is going to be a fact, assuming even a political settlement. But it will not be the same as a militarily occupation and a political hegemony imposed by a militarily successful campaign.

I think that kind of presence, Iran has no choice but to —

SEN. BIDEN: Do you think that was the objective of the — of this administration initially?

MR. BRZEZINSKI: I have no idea what his initiative objective was because the motives he provided for the action proved to be entirely erroneous, and if they were the real motives, then the whole campaign was based on false assumptions.

SEN. BIDEN: It’s unfair to ask you to be a soothsayer. I apologize.

MR. BRZEZINSKI: Now, if there were hidden motives, I can imagine potentially several. One would be to gain American domination over the region’s oil, to put it very simplistically. Another could be to help maximize Israel’s security by removing a powerful Arab state. Another one could have been to simply get rid of an obnoxious regime with which the United States had accounts to settle going back to ’91 and the alleged assassination attempt against President Bush Sr. There could be a variety of motives.

But the official motives were WMDs.

SEN. BIDEN: If you complete the notion about — I interrupted you — Iran, is the basis of your concluding that it is politically divided, economically and militarily weak. Can you expand on that slightly?

MR. BRZEZINSKI: It is economically weak because it is an economy that hasn’t been thriving and it’s one-dimensional and it’s relatively isolated. It’s politically divided in the sense that, in my judgment, the mullahs are Iran’s past and not its future and that its fundamentalist regime is not very popular — (inaudible) — particularly with the younger generation, much of which is very pro- American.

But sadly, it is also more united nationalistically, in part because of our attitude towards Iran, which has been exceedingly hostile and which has gelled together a kind of residual national sentiment, particularly in support of the nuclear program. And I think our policy has unintentionally — I hope unintentionally; maybe it was devilishly clever — but I think unintentionally helped Ahmadinejad consolidate himself in power and exercise a degree of influence which actually his position doesn’t justify.

You know, most Americans, when they say President Ahmadinejad, they think he’s the equivalent of President Bush. He’s not. He’s roughly a third-level official who doesn’t even control the militarily resources of the country.

SEN. BIDEN: That’s an important point to make. I think the vast majority of Americans would think he controls the security apparatus.

MR. BRZEZINSKI: Yeah. And he doesn’t.

SEN. BIDEN: Well, I thank you very much.

Senator Lugar?

SEN. LUGAR: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Dr. Brzezinski, just to follow through on that question of the chairman, you’ve called for U.S. military disengagement and — but, however, this would be jointly set with the Iraqi leadership and the time of that.

Now, as I just heard you speaking, this would not necessarily mean or it could be that in these talks with the Iraqi leaders they decide that there should be some United States military presence in Iraq for an indefinite future. Is that a contingency of these talks?

And there’s military disengagement — it means out of the nine districts in Baghdad or — and there are, really, very few other fronts where there are conventional battles going on. But what I’m wondering is, as we engage in the talks with the Iraqi leadership, if it would not come at least into their minds that they don’t want the United States to depart altogether from Iraq, nor in fact if we were to get into the second part of your thought, and that is having got into these talks, or even gotten into a date or a time frame, the other countries might very well come to a conclusion that an American presence in Iraq of some sort, of some quantity, was a very important problem or issue for them.

Are these potential consequences of these talks that you’ve prescribed?

MR. BRZEZINSKI: Absolutely.

I have drafted the statement very carefully to take into account the existing situation. I felt some time ago that we should have indicated a deadline for our departure, and roughly a year or more ago I said we should aim at a year.

But I’m also aware of the fact that during the intervening period of time, the situation has deteriorated and the consequences of our departure are probably going to be more difficult than had we done it a year or a year and a half ago, and time is not working in our favor.

Nonetheless, having said this, I would personally use these discussions with the Iraq leaders — not only the ones in the Green Zone, I emphasize — to identify those Iraqi leaders who have the sense of confidence to stand on their own feet, and then set with them a date. I would still advocate roughly a year, but I would certainly consider favorably any Iraqi desire for residual American presence, and I can envisage it occurring in a variety of ways.

For example, the Kurdish leaders might say that they would welcome some residual American presence because they are understandably fearful that either the Iranians or the Turks could use our departure as an excuse for dealing with what they view as a Kurdish irredenta directed against them. I can envisage some situation in which we will want to retain a military presence perhaps in Kuwait and thereby in the immediate proximity. Theoretically, one could envisage some residual American presence in some remote base in Iraq if that was the wish of the Iraqi leaders.

And I think these are the kinds of things we can discuss with them, with a deadline in mind, and then negotiate a mutually satisfactory deadline.

And then that deadline, I think, would make it easier to trigger a serious negotiating process with all of the neighbors regarding stability in Iraq, and their stake in this stability.

SEN. LUGAR: Well, that’s a very nuanced and thoughtful suggestion. I think it’s important to make a part of the record, because frequently in these debates senators or the general public get the idea of everybody in, everybody out. There aren’t too many nuances in this. So the rush — the Vietnam embassy is given as symbolic, with the helicopter lifting the last persons out. This is obviously not what we’re talking about here, particularly in the context of Afghanistan nearby, in which the counsel right now of our NATO allies, quite apart from our situation, is that probably we should do more. That comes then into some conflict with our military’s ability to stretch to do a number of things at the same time.

But let me just ask: Furthermore, you’re saying things may have deteriorated. Indeed, as Secretary Rice has made the rounds, that’s certainly what she seems to have found some of the parties. So this would lead those countries that have Sunni affinity to hope that, at least for the time being, that the United States was not in a rush for the borders. And that sort of conference that you’re suggesting of the neighbors, which I think is an excellent idea, would bring together all these parties that we’re dealing with bilaterally but increasingly appear to have some common themes, which includes a United States presence of some sort as a stabilizing factor.

You’ve certainly not precluded that in calling for this conference of the surrounding nations after the Iraqis and — both in and out of the Green Zone — have gotten together with us. But I just (laboriously ?) want to trace through what I think are excellent suggestions to make sure that the nuances of this are understand by senators and by the public that may take seriously your testimony as we do.

I want to ask, finally, given the fact that the amount of government anywhere in Iraq is, in some cases, almost de minimus at this point — one of the effects of our invasion and military operations is we’ve seen not only the army disintegrated, so did the police force, so did what some Iraqis have — (inaudible) — almost any coercive ability to bring about order. The period of rebuilding is likely to be very long and it’s not really clear who helps do this rebuilding, aside from us.

And I’m troubled by that because we’ve had testimony from Iraqis that the problem is not just insurgents and militia and sectarian violence, it’s just common criminals, thousands of them preying upon Iraqis who do not have much protection, wherever they may be in the country. We have some responsibility for that, and at the same time it’s not really clear how you fulfill a rebuilding of Iraqi, at least in that comprehensive sense.

And I hope maybe that might be a part of this leadership parlay between the Iraqi leaders and ourselves. Maybe the United States doesn’t do all of the nation building, but very clearly someone will have to try to help restore some fabric in the provinces in addition to the Baghdad situation that we visited about.

MR. BRZEZINSKI: I very much agree with what you say, Senator Lugar. Let me just add one preliminary point and then address specifically the points you have just raised.

My horror scenario is not a repetition of Saigon, the helicopters on top of the embassy and the flight out of the country. My horror scenario is that by not having a plan — and I understand that my friend yesterday discussed perhaps the possibility of a secret plan that the administration has — my fear is that the secret plan is that there is no secret plan.

SEN. BIDEN: (Laughs) It’s a good bet.

MR. BRZEZINSKI: My horror scenario is that if we simply stay put this will continue, and then the dynamic of the conflict will produce an escalating situation in which Iraqi failure to meet the benchmarks will be blamed on the Iranians. There’ll be, then, some clashes, collisions, and the war expands.

Now as far as dealing with the rebuilding of Iraq in a setting in which we commit ourselves to disengage and the commitment to disengage, set jointly, becomes the trigger for an international conference, I think a great deal depends not on us engaging in nation- building but on the surfacing of a genuine Iraqi motivation. I personally view with great skepticism all this talk about us creating an Iraqi national army and creating a nation, building — nation- building and so forth.

The problem is we have smashed this state. We have given an enormous opportunity for narrow sectarian interests and passions to rise. What is needed again is a sense of Iraqi nationalism, and that residually still exists. But to make it possible, it has to be led by Iraqi leaders who are viewed by their country as authentic. And I’m sorry to say, but the leadership sitting in an American fortress, which doesn’t venture outside, is not very authentic. The authentic leaders are those who have their own bodyguards — indeed, their own militias — and their own capacities to assert their power. They have to be engaged in a dialogue and then in the solution — a political solution. And that’s what we very badly need.

SEN. LUGAR: Thank you very much.

SEN. BIDEN: Thank you very much, Mr. Secretary.

Senator Menendez?

SEN. MENENDEZ: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Dr. Brzezinski, thank you for your testimony.

Let me ask you: We’ve had other witnesses here who have said that, in their opinion, our engagement in Iraq, that the biggest winner as a result of our policies there, to date at least, has been Iran.

Would you agree with that?

MR. BRZEZINSKI: Yes. I wouldn’t use the word “winner,” but I would say geopolitical beneficiary, yes. They’ve benefited a great deal.

SEN. MENENDEZ: You started off your statement today saying that if the U.S. “continues to be bogged down in a protracted, bloody involvement in Iraq, the final destination on this downhill track is likely to be a head-on conflict with Iran, and with much of the world of Islam at large.” That’s a pretty dire assessment.

Could you take us through what you see happening if we don’t change the course of events?

MR. BRZEZINSKI: Well, I’ve alluded to it but you cannot be precise because the future is always so full of contingencies there simply is no way of picking out which ones you think really will happen.

But basically, escalation, accusations, some incidents — there have already been some incidents between us and the Iranians. There are some allegations that the Iranians are responsible for certain acts — allegations but not facts. And that would spark, simply, a collision. It could even be in some fashion provoked.

Let me draw your attention to something that your staff should give you, and I think this might be of interest to some other members of this committee. And that’s a report in The New York Times dated March 27, 2006. It’s a long report on a private meeting between the president and Prime Minister Blair two months before the war, based on a memorandum of conversation prepared by the British official present at this meeting.

And in it, according to this account, the president is cited as saying that he’s concerned that there may not be weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq and that there must be some consideration given to finding a different basis for undertaking the military action. And I’ll just read you what this memo allegedly says, according to The New York Times.

The memo stated, “The president and the prime minister acknowledged that no unconventional weapons had been found inside Iraq.”

This is two months before the war.

“Faced with the possibility of not finding any before the planned invasion, Mr. Bush talked about several ways to provoke a confrontation.”

And he described, then, several ways in which this could be done, and I won’t go into that. I don’t know how accurate these ways were. They’re quite sensational, at least one of them.

And if one is of the view that one is dealing with an implacable enemy that has to be removed, that course of action may, under certain circumstances, be appealing.

I’m afraid if the situation in Iraq continues deteriorating, and if Iran is perceived as in some fashion involved or responsible — or the potential beneficiary thereof — that temptation could arise.

SEN. MENENDEZ: Isn’t it — if the Iranians are training Shi’ite militias, as I think there’s a general perception that they are, isn’t the administration also, despite all of its recent statements about how it’s going to deal with Iranian personnel in Iraq and the carrier group that went into the Gulf, isn’t it equally as important to tell Prime Minister Maliki that he has to be as forceful in demanding that Maliki cut ties to these groups and clear about the consequences if he refuses? Isn’t that equally as important as the messages we’re sending to the Iranians?

MR. BRZEZINSKI: The problem here is that we have destroyed the Iraqi state. The Iraqi so-called national army is composed of people with very strong sectarian loyalties, and that the militias that exist are, in some respect — they’re real expressions of existing, residual political power in Iraq.

If Maliki undertakes an assault on some of these militias — and some are said to be well-armed and as large as 60,000 men — he’s going to be further isolated and further weakened.

So in a sense, he’s being asked to undertake an impossible assignment. A political settlement has to aim at drawing in those elements in the Iraqi political spectrum, which is now very volatile and very confused, that have a long-term interest in the existence of an Iraqi state.

SEN. MENENDEZ: Well, let me ask you, then, on that point: How is it — if the people we need to be engaged with are the people who are beyond the Green Zone and have power by virtue of the militias and the political backing of elements of Iraqi society, what is the catalyst that gets them to the table, to move them in the direction to achieve the goal, if it’s possible — if it’s possible — of a government of national unity? That’s the first question.

And the second question in the remaining time I have is: It seems to me that Iraq’s neighbors, while they should have a stake, it has not gotten to a point sufficiently bad to catalyze a change in the behavior of Iraq’s neighbors. They haven’t seemed to be incentivized. For as long as they believe that we will shed our blood and our national treasure, they are, I believe, reticent to do anything. We have not led a real effort to get them engaged in any significant way. It seems to me that sometimes — there are other witnesses here who have said things have to get worse before they in fact can cross the threshold of understanding what their interests are.

So I’d like your perceptions on those two things. What is it that catalyzes these groups that you suggest are the essential elements to try to achieve some success in a political context? How do we get these other countries who we believe have a stake and they probably think they have a stake but don’t believe that it’s time for them to pull the trigger yet?

MR. BRZEZINSKI: Well, actually, my answer is the same to both questions — namely, the realization that the United States is not there indefinitely, and that within a reasonable period of time, with a jointly set date, the United States will disengage. That will have the effect of forcing, first of all, the various Iraqi parties to think of the consequences of American departure.

Right now, in a curious way, the occupation, even though resented by most Iraqis, is an umbrella for internal intransigence. Nobody really feels any incentive to compromise because ultimately they know the situation is being kept more or less afloat by our occupation, though most Iraqis dislike it.

And as far as the neighbors are concerned, they don’t fear any real explosion in Iraq because we’re there. And hence, they may have different interests — the Saudis certainly have different interests than the Iranians. But they know that there is a kind of enduring volatile status quo, at our expense, but which doesn’t confront them with any real choices.

But if we were to set jointly — and I keep emphasizing jointly — the date with Iraqis for our departure, it would have the effect of forcing all of the governments around Iraq to ask themselves: “How do we deal with the problem of stability in Iraq? Do we really want to have a regional war among ourselves?” — the Saudis and the Jordanians, theoretically, against the Iranians, and the Syrians in between. Is that really appealing to anybody in the region? Most of the regimes in the region know that that kind of a war could spread and destroy them.

And hence, we’re far more likely to mobilize some degree of responsible interest in an accommodation that reinforces Iraqi stability if we do what I am advocating — a conjunction of the two actions, one triggering the other.

And I deliberately included in my suggestions countries like Pakistan, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, because they may have some military resources that could be available for helping an Iraqi government stabilize and police internal arrangements, and develop a national army, a national army that’s not developed by an occupier that’s alien — namely us — but by fellow Muslims. They may be willing to do that.

And I would like to see other countries involved — countries that have a stake in that region’s stability because of their dependence on energy. And they could be helpful particularly in a massive international recovery program for Iraq, which would be triggered by those to two steps that I’ve advocated.

SEN. MENENDEZ: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

SEN. BIDEN: Thank you very much.

Senator Casey.

SEN. CASEY: Doctor, thank you for your testimony, and for your great public service to the nation, continuing to this very moment because I believe what you’re doing here is very important to helping the Congress play the role it must play when it comes to Iraq and our national security generally.

I want to try to ask some very brief questions, and try to get to at least three. But I want you to take your time in answering them as thoroughly as you think they warrant.

You made one assertion during your testimony about troop levels, saying that any kind of success in Iraq means, by definition, an American commitment of 500,000 troops. And I want to have you expound on that, or just indicate that that’s — that’s an accurate assessment of what you testified to, that number?

MR. BRZEZINSKI: Do you want me to answer —



Look, that figure is illustrative of a larger proposition, namely: To win this kind of a war, you have to have an overwhelming force. I’m not going to fight to the death for 500(,000) — it could be 550(,000); it could by 480(,000), or it could be 600(,000).

My point is: We’re no longer trying to crush a regime with a traditional army in the field, often led by corrupt officers without much loyalty in the rank and file to the cause on the other side. We’re fighting increasingly a kind of chaotic, amorphous, sectarian, ethnic, religious resistance that’s more pervasive.

And we’re discovering the same thing that the Russians discovered in Afghanistan, that the Israelis recently discovered in Lebanon: that that kind of a popular war requires a far higher commitment of resources on the part of the external power that has come in in order to win. And therefore, our military effort would simply have to be immeasurably greater. And that’s the purpose of the 500,000.

SEN. CASEY: Certainly greater than what we have there now, even with —

MR. BRZEZINSKI: Considerably greater. Not 21,500 greater.

SEN. CASEY: I’d ask you to evaluate, or critique in any way that you think is appropriate, two basic assertions, among many, but two basic assertions by President Bush and his administration that we hear over and over and over again.

Syria would be, quote, “extortion.” Secretary Rice said that in her testimony; we’ve heard that. That’s number one, and not in any order necessarily.

Number two, the assertion, ongoing now for several years, that the war in Iraq is the central front with regard to the war on terror, or the most important front with regard to the war on terror.

I guess both of those assertions, if you can respond to both of them.

MR. BRZEZINSKI: Well, “engagement equals extortion”: that’s a very curious way of defining diplomacy. In other words, diplomacy only makes sense if the other side, in advance, concedes our desires and indicates its willingness to accept them.

SEN. BIDEN: I think you’ve got it right. I think you’ve defined it.

MR. BRZEZINSKI: Diplomacy that way is very one-sided and unlikely to be seriously practiced. So, this is what I meant, that we’re sloganeering rather than strategizing in our democracy.

We negotiated with the Soviets at a time when they could have destroyed us almost instantly. The threat we face here is not even remotely comparable.

I was responsible for four years with actually informing the president of a nuclear attack on the United States. I had four minutes in which to present the basic facts to the president. Excuse me, I had three minutes to present the basic facts to the president; the president had four minutes in which to make a decision as to how to respond. Twenty-eight minutes later, there would be nuclear exchange. Six hours later, 150 people — 150 million people might have been dead. That is the kind of threat we faced. and yet we negotiated. In fact, negotiations were very important in marginally stabilizing that relationship.

We should negotiate with Iran. It won’t be easy. We have conflicting interests. There are other conflicts outside of the region that we have with Iran, like the nuclear problem.

But, certainly, attempting a diplomacy is essential. And freezing oneself in ostracism is reminiscent, as I said in my testimony, of the position maintained by John Foster Dulles towards China in the early ’50s.

On the second point, the central front: Well, if it is the central front, it’s certainly self-created, because the “war on terror,” quote-unquote, started two years earlier, a year and a half earlier. And we had a problem with terror — I would never call it a war, anyway — but we have had and continue to have a serious problem with the threat of terrorism.

But the war in Iraq has, to me, the most elusive connection with the war on terror. The Iraqi regime, abhorrent though it was, was not engaged in terrorist activity against us. And I do not see the argument that if we were not to continue the military campaign in Iraq, somehow or other, those who are opposing us in Fallujah or in Ramadi or in Najaf, would swim across the Atlantic and engage in terrorist acts in the United States. It just strains credulity to hear arguments like that.

SEN. CASEY: One final question, I only have a minute left, and I asked General Scowcroft this question this morning: It’s been asserted by some, and I heard it from one individual for whom I have a lot of respect, that any military strike by the United States on Iran would, obviously, have a lot of ramifications. But one direct and immediate and unmistakable consequence of that would be the slaughter of American GIs currently in Iraq, probably mostly in Baghdad, almost like a — President Kennedy, years ago, talked about a nuclear sort of Damocles — in the context of Iran and Iraq, a sort of Damocles over the head of American GIs that would be an immediate consequence.

I just want to get your assessment of that, quickly, in the context of highly likely, or unlikely? And then, whatever you can do to amplify that.

MR. BRZEZINSKI: I would say, speculatively — I’m not certain of my answer, but I would say instinctively, not very likely.

SEN. CASEY: Not very likely.

MR. BRZEZINSKI: Not very likely.

I think the resistance against us in Iraq is largely indigenous, and more or less it expresses itself in terms of its current capability. In other words, there is no sort of hidden residual capability that could suddenly be unleashed because Iran has been attacked.

The fact is, you know, that most Iraqi Shi’ites fought pretty well against Iran during the eight-year-long war. There’s a kind of simplistic generalization that many people employ to the effect that the Shi’ites in Iraq are somehow or other beholden entirely to Iran. There are affinities and connections undeniably. But there is an Iraqi identity, and the Shi’ites fought very well against the Iranians.

The Iranians can do a lot of other things if we attack Iran. But that one, I think, is unlikely.

SEN. CASEY: Thank you, Doctor.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

SEN. BIDEN: Senator from Florida, Senator Nelson.

SEN. BILL NELSON (D-FL): Good morning, Dr. Brzezinski.

MR. BRZEZINSKI: Good morning. Hi.

SEN. NELSON: In your statement, I am drawn to the paragraph about calling for an international conference regarding regional stability, and I quote you, “A serious regional dialogue, promoted directly or indirectly by the U.S., could be buttressed at some point by a wider circle of consultations.”

I certainly agree with you. Would you expand on that?

MR. BRZEZINSKI: Yes, Senator.

It seems to me that — and I’m to some extent repeating myself — that we have not yet tapped in a constructive fashion the underlying interest of the states adjoining Iraq, and we haven’t tapped sufficiently their underlying fear regarding their future by engaging them in a process in which they’re only likely to be engaged if they think the American occupation is coming to an end — namely, serious discussions among themselves but also with the Iraqi authorities, whoever they are, and with us, about how regional stability ought to be preserved, and how regional stability within Iraq ought to be consolidated.

And we can’t do that until and unless we, one, create the preconditions for it, by the decision to leave, and two, by engaging them in an effort, which involves discussions.

Now, you don’t go to a conference simply out from the cold, all of a sudden. You engage in previous discussions. That’s what we hire a secretary of State for, not to sit there and proclaim categorical statements, but to engage in the process.

And the process itself, over time, can generate some degree of responsiveness. It can identify irreconcilable issues, as well as issues in which there is some shared stake. That is the purpose of diplomacy. Diplomacy isn’t the answer to everything, but it is an important component of resolving issues and avoiding conflict.

SEN. NELSON: And those who say that we should not talk to, for example, Syria, are ignoring the fact that in the past when we talked to Syria, there was some consultation and progress with regard to the closing of the border; cooperation, albeit sporadic, that precipitously cut off after the assassination of Rafik Hariri, but of which that opening has been made again, concurrently at the very time, as you have pointed out, changing circumstances, and one of those changes in circumstances is that for the first time, Syria and Iraq have now opened diplomatic relations with each other.

And thank you for your comments.

And Mr. Chairman, I know we’re getting close to a vote, so I will stop so that one of our other senators can go ahead.

SEN. LUGAR: Chair recognizes Senator Webb.

SEN. JIM WEBB (D-VA): Thank you.

Procedural note: Do I call you Mr. Chairman, Senator, or is it Mr. Ranking Member?

SEN. LUGAR: Why not? (Laughter.)

SEN. WEBB: Dr. Brzezinski, I certainly appreciate being able to hear your views, and, you know, I’ve read your articles over the years and agree with a great, great bit of it. And I appreciate having your wisdom at the table.

I will — also in light of the fact there’s going to be a vote, I want to ask you two fairly specific questions, one of which is — we’ve been trying to sort out options — you know, if the administration were to take those options, or if the government were — regarding how to get to this diplomatic conference or the forum where we can sort of start resolving these issues and increase the stability of the region while we pull out our troops.

And from the way that you have constructed your testimony, it — and from what you just said, you’re basically saying that we should first announce that there will be a substantial withdrawal, and then arrange for a conference to be called. Is that correct? Or is it — you’re saying this should happen concurrently, or —

MR. BRZEZINSKI: No, no. Let me just clarify what we should say, or what we should do.

But first, let me remind you, I’m your constituent, and it’s good to see you here.

SEN. WEBB: You may have been the deciding vote.


SEN. WEBB: Well, I’m assuming, sir. (Laughs.)

MB. BRZEZINSKI: No, I probably was. (Laughter)

What we should make clear is that there’s a finite date to our presence, set jointly with the Iraqis, and that finite date should not be too far removed, and use that at the same time as a trigger for convening this regional event, this regional undertaking, because as long as there is uncertainty about the duration of our stay, I don’t think the adjoining states are likely to be engaged in helping us create regional stability even though they’re fearful of regional instability.

So, these two things are interrelated, and that is why it’s a strategic package, what I’m arguing for.

SEN. WEBB: Thank you.

The second question is: I’m wondering if you see any circumstances under which this administration would open up some sort of serious dialogue with Iran and Syria, and if so, what they would be. To me, that’s just the ultimate sticking point in the strategy that they — the so-called strategy that they have just announced.

MR. BRZEZINSKI: Well, I think, unfortunately, the administration has used rhetoric, terminology regarding Iran that has played into the hands of people like Ahmadinejad, thereby creating, in a sense, a process in which a dialogue, a serious, responsible dialogue — not only regarding Iraq, but regarding nuclear weapons, the nuclear program — has become more difficult. That has to be reversed.

And I have no way of knowing whether the administration is prepared to undertake that reversal.

I am perplexed by the fact that major strategic decisions seem to be made within a very narrow circle of individuals — just a few, probably a handful, perhaps not more than the fingers in one hand.

And these are the individuals, all of whom but one made the original decision to go to war and used the original justifications for going to war.

So they unavoidably are in a situation in which they are reluctant to undertake actions which would imply a significant reversal of policy.

That’s from the human point of view understandable, but from a political point of view troubling.

SEN. WEBB: And from our — at least from the perspective I think of the people who are concerned about where we are, it is the conundrum that we face hearing the preponderance of testimony of people like yourselves reading the Iraq Study Group reports where the recommendations are concurrent, that there should be some sort of military — continuation of military action to try to assist the present government but at the same time that there should be strong diplomatic action. And the overwhelming recommendation is that this include opening up dialogue with Syria and Iran, and yet if this administration refuses or consciously avoids that step, then what you have in the Baker-Hamilton report is a complete stoppage of half of what their recommendations consist of.

Chairman Hamilton mentioned the other day when I asked him that this step forward — this procedural step forward should arguably come from the president and the secretary of State, and I don’t think we’re likely to see it.

Would you comment?

MR. BRZEZINSKI: I think you’re right in your last comment in the sense that constitutes a kind of constitutional stalemate which can only be broken, in my judgment, given the circumstances and given the stakes involved, by congressional leadership, and hopefully bipartisan congressional leadership. Because at stake truly is the future of this country and its role in the world. And if we get bogged down into something very messy and expanding, American global leadership will be in the gravest of jeopardy. It already is largely de- legitimated worldwide.

So congressional leadership here is important and that joint leadership can only emerge, particularly the president’s own party — the leadership of the president’s party — out of patriotic concerns — becomes convinced itself that the president has to be faced with the reality that much of the nation, and the Congress specifically, has a very different view of what is needed and has a very different assessment of what is happening.

What a major challenge.

SEN. WEBB: Thank you very much. Thank you for your testimony. Thank you for being here today.

SEN. BIDEN: That’s what we’re, I might add, attempting to do; whether it will work or not it is the first step.

If you have any — I’m not being facetious here — any additional ideas as to how to do that with specificity, they’d be welcome, but we have a vote —

MR. BRZEZINSKI: Just one point in response to just that.

SEN. BIDEN: Please.

MR. BRZEZINSKI: I think a clear congressional resolution on the fact that the United States does not intend to stay in Iraq for an indefinite period of time would be very helpful.

SEN. BIDEN: We have passed, I might add, on I think two occasions no permanent bases. It’s not the same thing, you’re saying.

MR. BRZEZINSKI: Yeah, it’s different —

SEN. BIDEN: It is different, and we could not even get that through. But having said that, let me yield.

SEN. CARDIN: Mr. Chairman? Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

I just wanted to thank Dr. Brzezinski for your testimony. I am in agreement with pretty much everything that you said. There is only one thing that disappoints me is that you’re a resident of Virginia rather than Maryland.


SEN. CARDIN: Other than that I think we’re in full agreement.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

SEN. BIDEN: Well, again I want to thank you so much, Dr. Brzezinski. You’re always so clearheaded in your recommendations here. No doubt about what you’re proposing.

I, for what it’s worth, agree with you in large part, particularly as it relates to the — what I believe to be not only the hyping of the circumstances going in but the hyping of the threat and so on.

I agree — I’ll conclude by saying I agree with — your worst- case scenario is the one I worry about most as well, that this becomes protracted; it gets — my dad used to have an expression; it was not used often, but when people would talk about war he’d say, “The only war worse than one that’s intended is one that is unintended”.

And I worry that if we stay in — and you’re phrase is “slope” — that that’s where we could end up and that would be a disaster.

But I thank you very, very much. And thank you for being available to us. It is the intention of the committee to hold hearings on Iran in a timely way, and I would ask you to consider ahead of time whether you’d be willing to come back and talk about Iran.

MR. BRZEZINSKI: Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. It’s been a privilege to be here.

SEN. BIDEN: Thank you.

We are adjourned. (Sounds gavel.)

[emphasis added]

A brand-new concluding chapter, ‘The Violence of Development’, rounds off a book that presents a scathing critique of the global industrial agriculture system and its proponents. The book takes aim at the Green Revolution and its modern equivalent (genetically modified organisms), the displacement of traditional farming practices, reduced biodiversity, increased farmers’ corporate dependency and the devastating impacts of a neoliberal agenda that is conveniently passed off as ‘development’.    

By critically examining the concept of ‘development’ and how it has been implemented globally, the new chapter argues that dependency and dispossession remain core elements of the global economic system. Those who are sacrificed on the altar of plunder in the countryside, in the forests or in the hills become regarded as the price worth paying for ‘progress’.  

The chapter frames conventional development as based on Western hegemony, imposing certain ideals on the rest of the world and cites post-development theorist Arturo Escobar’s critique of development as a top-down, ethnocentric approach.  

The violence of development takes the form of outright brutality and an ideological hegemony: a power play concerned with redefining who we are or what we should be, what is acceptable and what is unacceptable.  

As Escobar notes:  

“Development was and continues to be—in theory and practice—a top-down, ethnocentric, and technocratic approach, which treated people and cultures as abstract concepts, statistical figures to be moved up and down in the charts of ‘progress’.”  

By challenging the notion of a unilinear path to development, the chapter argues that historical outcomes were often shaped by chance and conflict rather than following a predetermined course. If history teaches us one thing, it is that humanity has ended up at its current point due to a multitude of struggles and conflicts, the outcomes of which were often in the balance. There is no unilinear path to development and no fixed standard as to what it constitutes.  

In other words, we have ended up where we are as much by chance as design. And much of that design was based on colonialism and imperialism. The development of Britain owes much to the $45 trillion that was sucked from India alone, according to economist Utsa Patnaik.    

And that situation, in the name of ‘development’, is happening again, as noted by the prominent campaigner Aruna Rodrigues. In discussing the book, she said the following about the chapters on India:  

“Colin Todhunter at his best: this is graphic, a detailed horror tale in the making for India, an exposé on what is planned, via the farm laws, to hand over Indian sovereignty and food security to big business. There will come a time pretty soon — (not something out there but imminent, unfolding even now), when we will pay the Cargills, Ambanis, Bill Gates, Walmarts — in the absence of national buffer food stocks (an agri policy change to cash crops, the end to small-scale farmers, pushed aside by contract farming and GM crops) — we will pay them to send us food and finance borrowing from international markets to do it.”  

And this is called ‘development’.   

The new conclusion advocates for reestablishing humanity’s connections to the land, drawing inspiration from Gandhi’s philosophy and his concept of a ‘non-interventionist lifestyle’. It frames food justice and food sovereignty as part of a larger struggle against social, economic and environmental injustice and brutality disguised as ‘development’.  

Overall, this new concluding chapter provides a comprehensive critique of the global development paradigm, connecting it to the book’s themes of food, dependency and dispossession.  

The revised version of Food, Dependency and Dispossession: Resisting the New World Order can be read for free at Global Research.  


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Beyond Irritation: Bali’s Tourism Scourge

September 17th, 2024 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

Read Part I:

Pavel Durov Is an “Internet Freedom Fighter”

By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, September 05, 2024

Is Telegram Becoming “a Terrifying Weapon in the Israel-Hamas War”? 

The Internet has become a key site of conflict in most propaganda contests involving competition to dominate the hearts and minds of people throughout the world. The so-called war unfolding in Gaza, the West Bank and the wider east Asia region is a classic case that puts the battle for control of the Internet at the heart of the psychological warfare waged by protagonists on either side of the conflict. In my view this battle for dominance in the Middle East forms the primary setting enlivening the central tensions in the Durov case.

Clearly the close collaboration between the governments of Israel and the United States, especially since the events of Oct. 7, 2023, has added to the evidence demonstrating the importance of this Israel-US partnership in the unfolding of global geopolitics. The genocide in Gaza and now increasingly in the West Bank, is clearly exposing the role of US and Israeli partners in very dirty work.

These partners have displayed their pinnacle of authority in the global community by getting away so far with an ongoing mass-murder of unparalleled savagery. The government of Israel seems to have demonstrated that in its direction of the genocide, it has the upper hand. The US is the backup player supplying the money, the weaponry, the diplomatic cover empowering Israel to continue with its vicious ethnic cleansing.

Imagine if the government of New Zealand decided to go on a killing spree to eliminate all its Maori people. Or imagine if the Canadian government decided that for some strange reason the fulfilment of our national destiny required the wiping out all Blackfoot, Haida and Cree people.

If the governments of Canada or New Zealand pursued this genocidal goal, I don’t think the global community would stop at making verbal pronouncements backed by litigious procedures alone. I expect that troops would be sent in by some coalition of the willing to stop the genocide. Apparently that’s not the case, however, when the United States and Israel team up to eliminate Occupied Palestine of its native inhabitants.

Starting in the days after October 7 the Israeli government was hard at work trying the put impediments in the way of Telegram’s early treatment of the Israeli assault on Hamas and on the civilian population Hamas represents in Gaza. The importance of Telegram as a recipient of both sides of the conflict is outlined in some detail in an essay dated 23 October, 2023 in Wired Magazine.

The essay by Darren Loucides is entitled, “How Telegram Became a Terrifying Weapon in the Israel-Hamas War.” The subtitle asserted, “Hamas posted gruesome images and videos that were designed to go viral. Sources argue that Telegram’s lax moderation ensured were seen throughout the world.

The tone of this story exposes Wired Magazine as a component of the vast media arsenal amassed by Israel First partisans over many years. This arsenal has been instrumental in the success of a thought control operations that have created a monopoly for Zionist interpretations of the Israel-Palestine conflict from its inception in 1948.

The whole tone of Wired’s essay is that Zionist media has had, and should continue to exercise, monopoly control over the dominant narrative in Western media. The other side of this coin in that Telegram should be charged with some sort of crime for allowing Hamas the capacity to disseminate its own side of the story when it comes to influencing the media coverage on the events of October 7 and afterwards.

Here is a lengthy citation to give readers a sense of the alarmism expressed in some Zionist circles. The citation is consistent with the trajectory inherited from many pro-Israel proponents that have enjoyed a long run of self-affirming media coverage.

“As with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Telegram, which is headquartered in Dubai, has once again found itself at the center of a complex geopolitical and humanitarian crisis. How this happened—not once, but twice—reveals the outsize power of one of the world’s most tight-lipped technology companies. More than a dozen interviews with sources on the ground, analysts, and former Telegram employees reveal the power of the platform to quickly spread unfiltered content ahead of traditional media, as well as the true extent of Hamas’ weaponization of the app—and what seems to be an ideological aversion to interfere at the upper echelons of Telegram.

The Weaponization of Telegram

Hamas accounts have been banned from most social media platforms for years. But, when it launched its attack on Israel on October 7, Hamas had a huge presence on Telegram. The platform’s potential to rapidly disseminate easily downloadable and sharable content made it a crucial weapon. Hamas’ Telegram channels grew rapidly in the first five days of the conflict. Qassam Brigades, the channel dedicated to the organization’s military wing, tripled in size from 205,000 to nearly 620,000 subscribers, alongside a tenfold increase in the number of views per post, according to analysis by the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab). In the year prior to the attacks, the channel had only grown by 20,000 followers. Before the takedown requests from Google and Apple, the Qassam Brigades channel was nearing 800,000 subscribers. It is currently down to roughly 670,000 subscribers.



The complete article by Professor Anthony Hall is published on   Looking out at the World from Canada.

See also

Pavel Durov Is an “Internet Freedom Fighter”

By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, September 05, 2024

Concluding Remarks 

For the people of the world, the rise of the Internet has been far and away the primary shared development of our lifetimes. The impact of this new communication device in society is on a par with, or even greater than, the transformative effect of the printing press or electricity. In fact one way to think about the Internet is as the most significant extension of the same trajectory of innovation leading from the printing press to electricity.

The Dorov case is bound to be a major platform spurring debate about where the Internet is headed. We the people of the world demand to have our voices heard and sometimes acted upon. This determination about the Internet’s future must not be left any longer to the closed door deliberations of the billionaires’ club. Durov is a member of that club. What will he do? What will his jailers do? We need many more Internet Freedom Fighters.

Let’s rise to the challenge of doing justice to what should be such a great boon for all of humanity. We are still in the early days of the Internet and we have to reign in the way it is now being used as an instrument of tyranny.


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This article was originally published on Looking out at the World from Canada.

Dr. Anthony Hall is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

Below is an excerpt from the article on The Tribune:

Air Force Academy freshman dies

The parents of an Air Force Academy freshman who died earlier this week remembered her Saturday as “a perfect daughter.”

Eric and Kelly Koonce put out an official statement about Cadet Avery Koonce through the Air Force Academy, calling her “an incredible bright light in this broken world.”

The Taylor, Texas, native was a track and field star and also participated in cross-country, powerlifting and cheerleading at Thrall High School, according the Taylor Press.

She was found unresponsive in her dormitory on Wednesday and life-saving measures were not successful. The cause of death is still under investigation.

Her parents said their lives would be forever diminished by her absence.

Click here to read the full article on The Tribune.


Here is an excerpt from another article on Fox News:

US Air Force Academy cadet, 19, found dead in dorm room, Cadet 4th Class Avery Koonce was from Taylor, Texas

By Greg Norman, September 7, 2024

The U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado has launched an investigation after a 19-year-old cadet was found dead in her dorm room this week. 

Cadet 4th Class Avery Koonce, 19, of Taylor, Texas, was “found unconscious in her dormitory” on Wednesday night and attempted life-saving measures by first responders were unsuccessful, the Academy said in a statement. Koonce was set to graduate in 2028 and was a member of the women’s track and field team. 

“We lost an incredible teammate… While only with us for a short time, Avery positively impacted her unit, her intercollegiate team, and her class – her loss will be felt across USAFA,” Academy Superintendent Lt Gen Tony Bauernfeind said. “Our team is focused on providing support to Avery’s family, Cadet Squadron 38, the Track and Field team, and the entire Academy family.” 

“Avery, may you find blue skies and tailwinds as you rest forever in peace,” the Academy added. 

Koonce attended Thrall High School, according to the Austin American-Statesman, which quoted the district’s superintendent as saying that she was the president of the student council and leader of the National Honor Society. 

Click here to read the full article on Fox News.


My Take…

There is a tsunami wave of sudden deaths in every COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine mandated profession. This includes the youngest trainees.

Whether it’s mRNA jabbed medical students dropping dead in Canada, or vaccine mandated military cadets dropping dead in the United States, the picture is always the same.

They are found unresponsive, or they collapse and die suddenly, and everyone pretends they’re baffled.

But these deaths will continue to happen…


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.  

Featured image is from Avery Koonce’s X/Twitter

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

How can sensitive health data be used responsibly in scientific research or how can artificial intelligence help make breakthroughs in medical research? The ECCB2024 conference brings together current themes in computational biology and international researchers in Turku, Finland. 

Europe’s largest scientific conference on computational biology ECCB (European Conference on Computational Biology) is held in Turku on 16–20 September. The event brings together more than 750 researchers and experts in computational biology, system biology, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, biology and medicine from around the world.

Biology increasingly needs information technology, and computational methods are important in life science research. Finland is one of the European leading countries in scientific computing and has long term expertise in developing such systems. They enable the utilisation of large datasets and can be used to teach artificial intelligence. This can result in breakthroughs, such as completely new medicines or well-targeted treatments for diseases. The ECCB programme focuses on methodological advances and new methods in computational biology and their innovative application in life sciences and medicine.

ECCB is Europe’s largest event in bioinformatics and computational biology. It is now being organised for the 23rd time and for the first time in Finland and the Nordic countries.

The event is organised jointly by University of Turku and CSC – IT Center for Science, which represent science as well as science infrastructures and data management – both needed for the whole to function. University of Turku has strong scientific expertise, and Laura Elo, Professor of Computational Medicine at University of Turku, chairs the scientific committee of the conference. CSC is an internationally renowned expert in scientific computing and data management. CSC’s data center in Kajaani, Finland, houses Europe’s most powerful supercomputer LUMI.

“At the ECCB2024 conference, we provide a comprehensive overview of the latest research directions and methods in computational biology. We have brought together experts from 48 different countries to present their work, and based on more than 200 research articles submitted, we have compiled a special issue for the Bioinformatics journal. The conference highlights some of the most recent advances in the field, including novel applications of artificial intelligence and single-cell technologies, which are transforming how we utilise extensive biological and medical data in research,” says Laura Elo.

Debate: Two Perspectives on the Use of Health Data 

The use of sensitive health data in research is a topic that stimulates considerable debate in both Finland and abroad. The ECCB2024 organisers want to include the views of bioinformatics researchers in the discussion. Tommi Nyrönen, Head of ELIXIR Finland, which is run by CSC, will moderate a debate on Thursday 19 September at 4–5 p.m. that features two international top researchers.

“Protecting privacy of individuals is important in the use of human biological data for research and development. To better understand the benefits and risks, we have invited two leading experts from the EU and the United States to present their views and discuss the use and sharing of data,” Tommi Nyrönen says.

Belgian Yves Moreau is a professor of bioinformatics at the University of Leuven and an active social commentator with particular concern for ethical issues in the use of human biological data. He will share the stage with Dr. Melissa Haendel from the University of North Carolina, who highlights the importance of data availability in research and the possibilities of using artificial intelligence.

“The increasing availability of data about patients, populations, and organisms has realized novel computational methods for disease insights, identifying new causes and therapies. However, with these opportunities also comes great responsibility – artificial intelligence requires ethical application and the data must be protected for patient privacy”, Haendel says.


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Kirby came out on Friday and told reporters that there’s been no change in US policy regarding Ukraine using Western arms for long-rage strikes inside Russia. But the pressure is quickly ramping up: first Canada’s Trudeau said he supports greenlighting this, despite Putin making clear this would mean ‘direct war’ between Russia and NATO, and now UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer is coming out in support. According to breaking reporting in The Wall Street Journal

U.K. Prime Minister Keir Starmer is expected to urge President Biden on Friday during a visit to Washington to sign off on allowing Ukraine to use long-range European-made cruise missiles to strike targets deep inside Russia, according to U.S. and Western officials.

…A decision to lift a ban on Kyiv using the Storm Shadow missile, which can hit targets 155 miles away, to fire into Russia would be a major win for Ukraine, which has been urging Western countries for months to loosen restrictions on long-range weapons.

Yes, Zelensky has been essentially begging for it, but we highly doubt a “win” will follow especially given as we detailed below Putin still holds many cards, and would likely escalate attacks on Kiev in a big way.

“While the final decision on Storm Shadow will be made by the U.K. government, British officials will ask for the Biden administration to weigh in because some components of the missiles are made in the U.S.,” WSJ continues in the Friday afternoon report.

Hours earlier, PM Trudeau made his position clear

Canada fully supports Ukraine using long-range weaponry to “prevent and interdict Russia’s continued ability to degrade Ukrainian civilian infrastructure”, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Friday.

Trudeau told reporters that Russian President Vladimir Putin was trying to deeply destabilize the international rules-based order and added:

“That’s why Canada and others are unequivocal that Ukraine must win this war against Russia.”

That Western officials are still talking a “win” against Russia means this tragic conflict is about to take a whole new catastrophic turn and path of uncontrollable escalation based on their delusions.

However, Kirby has indicated that while it’s hard to take everything Putin says at face value, these latest threats and red lines are being taken “seriously”.

An afternoon State Dept briefing also confirmed there’s as yet no change in US policy.

but for how long?

Russian leadership has issued a follow-up statement to President Vladimir Putin’s Thursday brief video address warning that if the US and UK authorize Ukraine to pursue long-range strikes on Russian soil, then NATO and the Russian Federation will be in an official state of war.

On Friday Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations, Vassily Nebenzia, informed the UN Security Council that NATO countries would “start an open war” in allowing Western long-range missiles to target Russia.

“If such a decision is made, that means NATO countries are starting an open war against Russia,” Moscow’s envoy introduced. “In that case, we will obviously be forced to make certain decisions, with all the attendant consequences for Western aggressors.”

Nebenzia continued, “Our Western colleagues will not be able to dodge responsibility and blame Kiev for everything.” And he echoed some key talking points of Putin’s from the day prior in explaining to the UN body, per Russian media:

“Only NATO troops can program the flight solutions for those missile systems. Ukraine doesn’t have that capability. This is not about allowing Kiev to strike Russia with long-range weapons, but about the West making the targeting decisions.”

The Kremlin’s position is that if Western missiles staring raining down on Russian soil, it will consider no distinction between Kiev forces and their NATO backers supplying the munitions. It won’t matter who is pulling the trigger.

“NATO would become directly involved in military action against a nuclear power. I don’t think I have to explain what consequences that would have,” Nebenzia concluded.

To review of Putin’s firm words the day prior

“So this is not about whether or not to allow the Ukrainian regime to strike Russia using these weapons, but of deciding whether or not NATO countries are directly involved in the military conflict or not. If such a decision is taken, it will mean nothing short of direct participation of NATO countries, the United States, European countries, in the war in Ukraine.

This would constitute their direct participation, and this, of course, changes the very essence, the very nature of the conflict. It will mean that NATO countries, the United States and European countries, are at war with Russia. And if this is so, bearing in mind the change in the very nature of the conflict, we will make appropriate decisions based on the threats that will be posed to us,” Putin said.

It is important to note that Putin used the word “war” – a word he typically doesn’t throw around lightly. The Kremlin still calls its actions in Ukraine a “special military operation” and has yet to launch a full-scale national mobilization of the country’s manpower and resources.

It appears a highly dangerous nuclear game of chicken (among nuclear super-powers!) is being played out on the world stage…


Below is more from breaking White House statements issued by spokesman John Kirby ahead of an afternoon press briefing. He appears to actually be downplaying Putin’s warning

If Washington and London do actually pull the trigger on long-range strikes even after Putin’s new red line warning, there are a couple of hugely escalatory things Moscow might do in response.

Russia could begin directly taking out Ukrainian government buildings in the capital, such as the Verkhovna Rada building or Zelensky’s offices. It’s areal forces control the skies but have refrained from such action up to this point. Putin could also declare a formal state of war along with full national mobilization, and this war could even be declared against NATO, which would likely be a point of no return.

Meanwhile, a reminder from a prior Putin speech on the topic of nuclear confrontation with the West: “There will be no winners…”

And cue Trudeau and Canada, an influential NATO member…



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Featured image is from Zero Hedge

Washington’s introduction of new sanctions against Russian media has exposed the true nature of the current US administration, which does not respect the right to freedom of speech by trying to restrict the reportage of outlets that do not tow the official line. Nonetheless, the sanctions demonstrate that Russian media have been able to make a breakthrough in the methods of presenting information and have a vast influence on the world’s public opinion, which scares the United States and why the Biden administration is trying to prevent its dissemination by introducing unjustified sanctions.

On September 13, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken accused RT of engaging in “covert influence” and “weaponisation of disinformation” aimed at interfering in the affairs of other countries and “military procurement.” He added that the US was imposing sanctions on three entities and two people in connection with the allegations against RT. James Rubin, coordinator of the Center for Global Engagement at the US State Department, also announced plans to impose new sanctions on RT and described them as “the toughest possible.”

The US Treasury Department announced on September 13 that it had imposed sanctions on the Rossiya Segodnya media group, which includes Sputnik, and its general director, Dmitry Kiselyov. In response to the new US sanctions, editor-in-chief of the Rossiya Segodnya media group and the RT TV channel Margarita Simonyan said that she had not lived her life in vain. In turn, the official spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, ridiculed the new US sanctions against the Russian media, especially the RT TV channel, saying that a new profession should appear in the US: “experts on sanctions against Russia.”

All statistics and public opinion polls confirm that Russian media are leading in terms of mass audience, views and influence on world public opinion, which is immensely worrying for the Biden administration. Journalists of the Russian outlets have made a breakthrough in content, quality, and personnel, opening up opportunities for diverse views, showing the world public opinion from a different perspective on current events and getting to the bottom of their origins.

Image source

The campaign against RT may also be linked to the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov in France, and from there, it can only be concluded that the West does not accept anything coming from outside because it exposes their propaganda. All these facts cause fear in the White House, so people are looking for pretexts and arguments to sow hatred against Russia and its media.

Washington has long been known for lying and undermining the humanitarian and democratic values ​​it claims to defend and views anyone outside its orbit of control as an enemy. Washington does not recognise the presence of powerful media outlets that oppose its views, and the Americans are particularly concerned about Russian media, which has a massive audience despite all efforts to interfere with its broadcasts.

The strategy of controlling press freedom is a common practice of the US war machine. As in other wars, information manipulation and censorship cannot prevent people around the world and the US from coming to the clear conclusion that US-sponsored wars are unjustifiable and demand the need for peace.

In fact, all these sanctions against Russian media actually demonstrate how words contradict actions since the West is evidently not interested in comprehensive coverage of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and is trying to monopolise the information agenda. They are trying to present a picture that reflects the US’s primary interests.

By restricting people’s access to another point of view, to another interpretation of the conflict, they are on the same level as countries where journalists are persecuted and where newspapers and magazines are closed. They contradict themselves, but this is part of the natural process in Washington.

By using the dollar as a strategic weapon, the US is trying, among other things, to interfere with the activities of media giants RT and Sputnik. At the same time, the Biden administration used a false pretext and never provided any documentary evidence for its accusations against the Russian outlets. Therefore, Washington is trying to put barriers on the work of the Russian press.

The American media complex cannot impose its so-called truth, meaning fewer people believe it. The US is getting used to lying. The war in Ukraine demonstrates not only NATO’s moral and ethical bankruptcy but also its inability to impose its fabrications on the world. The Biden administration opposes RT for criticising its neoconservative worldview, effectively meaning that Americans are losing the freedom of speech to criticise US foreign policy effectively.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Sputnik

Pakistan: Khan, the Movement for Justice, and the Left

September 17th, 2024 by Junaid S. Ahmad

It is compellingly said that the Zionist genocide in Gaza is the moral issue of our lifetimes. That is, regardless of your strong stands on other social issues of our day – ignoring Gaza is profoundly and unacceptably immoral. This is why, in the United States, a large chunk of the Democratic Party base is turning towards the Green Party. While the Democratic Party and its most recent presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, may have some semi-progressive views on certain domestic issues, the fact that the Party establishment is silent, nay complicit, in the Israeli genocide is the red line that the Party has crossed.

In a similar vein, arguably the moral issue today for the people of Pakistan is a new phase of extreme barbarism of the national security state in Islamabad.

In the US, this has been an ‘unmasking’ moment of elite American institutions such as the universities, the corporations, and, of course, the Biden administration. In order to please the Zionist billionaire class, these power centers have dispensed with any pretense of commitment to liberal values such as freedom of speech and the right to peacefully protest. Similarly, whatever shred of a democratic facade the Pakistani military-civilian regime has tried to sell to the world, has been replaced by a ‘gloves off’ brutal repression of even an iota of democratic expression. 

The most egregious of the state actions took place last week against Pakistani parliamentarians of the ‘Movement for Justice’ (MFJ/PTI), who were manhandled, detained, and disappeared by the security state. Unable to eradicate the most popular political tendency by far in the country, the generals have removed any mask of restraint and instead are now, once again, engaging in unashamed state terror, this time directed toward the democratically-elected ‘troublemakers.’

The resurgence of mass protests of the MFJ are led by those who remain uncompromisingly resolute in their struggle against the military establishment and its kleptocratic friends in the political class. Most of these protestors are critical – not blind – supporters of jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan, which places them in good company with 75% of Pakistan’s population. 

However, what has been most unfortunate is that the ideological section of society that one would expect to be at the forefront of solidarity and struggle at this moment, i.e., the Left, is nowhere to be found. The Pakistani Left admirably organizes around labor issues, but doesn’t see ordinary MFJ workers as a part of the struggle. The Left commendably advances women’s rights, though does not consider the thousands of MFJ women horribly abused and jailed as a part of that endeavor. The Left impressively opposes state repression against political expression in provinces such as Balochistan, but becomes somewhat reticent about the repression of anyone having anything to do with the MFJ or Khan.

A constant refrain reiterated by sections of the Pakistani Left is that these people resisting and being repressed – especially those from the dominant province of Punjab – never condemned the horrendous state violence meted out to the people of Balochistan. It is correctly pointed out that the Baloch people, like those in former East Pakistan (now Bangladesh), have been victims of unrelenting exploitation, routine disappearances, torture, and cold-blooded murder. 

This accusation by the Left, not necessarily against all but definitely many in the current mobilizations, has legitimacy. But it is sadly far too frequently deployed to avoid serious and committed solidarity and support for victims of the most recent manifestation of the Pakistani state’s campaign of mass terror. For principled progressives, this seems to be a grave ethical and strategic blunder. 

The ethical component of such politics is rooted in how we approach the question of solidarity. We can invoke innumerable examples of solidarity that clarify this issue. The most recent example is the US-Israeli genocide in Gaza. The constant demand of anyone in solidarity with the Palestinians is to first condemn Hamas, and then these apologists of genocide may possibly bewiling to hear what they have to say. The global Left, for the most part, finds this logic utterly contemptible. Whether the people of Gaza are supporters or not of Hamas is categorically irrelevant. In the face of the most savage wholesale violence in our lifetimes, much of the Left makes their solidarity with Palestinians unconditional. 

Similarly, since the 7th of October 2023, the factions forming the Palestinian Authority, never having any love loss with Hamas, have stood firmly with the Islamic Resistance Movement in its armed struggle against Zionism. Quite surprisingly, even the factions of the PA that reject armed struggle have not been willing to condemn the prison revolt of Hamas/the Gazans and their military operation against Israel on Oct. 7th. 

Some other cases may further illustrate this point. In Turkiye, there was an attempted military coup against President Erdogan and his AKP party in July of 2016. It probably would have succeeded had it not been for the solidarity of millions of other Turks of drastically different ideological orientations than the AKP. In some cases, many of these political parties detested Erdogan. But these oppositional political forces clearly understood that the Turkish people have been waging a decades-long struggle to rid the country of military rule and usher in a new period of democracy. Hence, they felt that at that particular moment, the moral issue at hand was to confront head-on the Turkish military establishment from once again butchering any democratic process, regardless if this would lead to the victory of a political party with whom they vehemently disagreed, the AKP.

Another well-documented instance of state savagery was that of Saddam Hussein and his particular targeting of the Kurds and the Shia. The ruthless attack on the Kurds, using chemical weapons, was one of the most heinous instances of state violence against an internal ethnic group in modern times. What was disappointing was that the majority – not all – of Iraqi Shia did not show much solidarity with the Kurds and refused to condemn what happened. However, shortly thereafter, the Shia themselves faced a sadistic, cold-blooded campaign of terror against them by Saddam. While it was definitely lamentable that not more Shia vocalized their condemnation of what was done to the Kurds, nevertheless, no serious individuals and groups on the Left deemed the brutalized Shia unworthy of their full support and solidarity. 

Closer to home, the Left may not like various Baloch political factions for a variety of reasons, including both collaboration with the state apparatus as well violent militant actions that kill civilians. Nevertheless, this correctly does not prevent general solidarity with the historically oppressed Baloch. 

Hence, we can see the utter immorality, in light of some people within MFJ who have shown indifference in the past (but are now beginning to see the parallels), of making the present victims of state brutality effectively unworthy of solidarity. The most disconcerting rhetoric by some Pakistani progressives is the insinuation that it’s essentially good that members of the MFJ can now feel what the Baloch have felt. 

Though the moral basis of standing shoulder to shoulder with students, workers, and women of the MFJ should be self-evidently obvious, there is also the strategic question. While the Left is usually on the mark on the question of strategy, it has been regrettably amiss with regards to popular mobilizations against state barbarity over the past few years. 

Indeed, is there a shadow of a doubt that the principal target of Pakistani state terror has been and are the MFJ/Khan supporters? Of course, that is not to deny the ongoing assault against the Baloch and the Pashtuns, and the harassment of the Left.  

In this period of Pakistan’s vicious crackdown, is it possible for the Left to acknowledge that there are at least some MFJ activists who are not part of any cult, who are not suffering from overbearing ‘false consciousness,’ and who actually might be interested in radical change and are yearning for a politics that can achieve that? One can certainly argue whether Khan or the MFJ represents a movement for such radical transformation. But it is only by engaging with people sympathetic to the MFJ and Khan can this healthy political discussion advance. These encounters would undoubtedly benefit both the existing Left as well as MFJ constituents in becoming more cognizant of how progressive politics, strategy, and vision can facilitate the latter’s desired sea change in the social, political, and economic life of Pakistan. Such political engagement would immensely boost the credibility of the Left, with these discussions taking place in the real-life context of solidarity and struggle. The time-tested Marxist adage applies here, the notion that the most rapid transformation of political consciousness occurs while standing arm in arm in struggle at the barricades, fighting one form of oppression or the other together and collectively.  

The Left assuming a ‘vanguard’ role in providing direct, militant support for those battling state tyranny would teach activist-minded young people and others what solidarity looks like in practice.

We are hopeful that the Left’s former condescension towards young people involved in the MFJ, callously and mockingly calling them ‘youthias’ (connoting a deeply vulgar and despicable characterization in Urdu), has been expunged from their discourse today, representing a higher level of political maturity.

Thus, the moral issue of our time in contemporary Pakistan is fighting a reinvigorated violent, fascist military-intelligence apparatus on steroids. Pakistan’s predicament has degenerated to such an extent that even old neocon of note, Zalmay Khalizad, is now publicly expressing the indignation of the American foreign policy establishment. Washington planners are exasperated by the inability of the generals in Islamabad to ‘manage’ the situation even with the employment of massive violence against the people of Pakistan. Recently, and practically out of the wilderness, the New York Times has woken up and also is also articulating the position of the State Department and US intelligence. The latter seem to be incensed at their thoroughly illegitimate Pakistani regime changer clients’ incompetence in quashing the ongoing revolt from below. 

Many Pakistanis remain optimistic and confident that the Left’s denunciation of the country’s new phase of totalitarianism will hopefully come before when even the US State Department would feel compelled to reprimand its minions in Islamabad. Hopefully, the Left and its indefatigable and deservedly well-respected young leaders in Pakistan recognize that, while all of the important social struggles in the country must continue, directly confronting the present oppressive regime, in solidarity with activists of the MFJ, is the moral issue of their time. 


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Prof. Junaid S. Ahmad teaches religion, law, and global politics and is the Director of the Center for Islam and Decoloniality, Islamabad, Pakistan. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Countercurrents

I can’t help wondering, is Medically Assisted Death (MAD) a symbol of the state of mind of Great Britain today?

Have the citizens of this storm lashed island finally put their lives completely in the hands of those who devise so called ‘national health policies’ – 100% reliant on the pharmaceutical/vaccine industry to keep people alive?

‘Alive’? Surely not, this is a misnoma. Let us not denigrate life to a description of human beings becoming dumbed down replicas of the walking dead.

Ex Prime Minister and war criminal Tony Blair, has lent his voice to the latest proclamations of the newly elected Starmer government, that a fully IT based healthcare system is the future of the British National Health Service (NHS).

The emphasis is on replacing general practitioners (GP’s) with non human digital health diagnoses and treatments. Just as in the food and farming world, farmers are to be replaced by robots and real food by synthetic laboratory lookalikes, under the mantle of the World Economic Forum’s Green New Deal.

Tony Blair recently got together with Keir Starmer and his medical/health advisory panels to help spread the word that a new emphasis must be placed on legalising medically assisted death in the UK. A highly controversial issue which has been simmering under the surface for some time.

With brain targeted ‘behavioural adjustment’ technologies now being part of the cult’s expanding medical armoury, and mass media’s continuous pushing the story of ‘human vulnerability’ to new diseases  – only being preventable by big pharma’s vax programme – doesn’t this add up to the calculated destruction of our human instinct to support our natural health and freedom of choice?

Of course it does.

In a recent opinion poll conducted for the Daily Telegraph 60% of doctors apparently favoured legalising MAD. However, 43% of the pubic thought that doctors were being incentivised to take patients lives. The report, which is reasonably nuanced, can be found here.

A growing percentage in Britain who rely in the NHS to cure every minor aliment that comes their way, are brainwashed into believing that they need to take pharmaceutical drugs as a general prophylactic precaution against any kind of sickness. In other words, believe they should take such toxic medicines when they have absolutely no need for any medicines at all.

Recent reports state that thousands of people regularly line-up outside hospitals to be tested for something that is simply a figment of their imaginations. Some non existent ailment that they have told themselves, or been told, could lead to serious sickness.

What leads human beings to become such unempowered hypochondriacs?

The fact that they live in a permanent state of anxiety, apprehension and fear brought about by believing everything they read in the mainstream press, see on TV and pick-up in uninformed conversations.

There is a cult of death being engendered by those who hold the strings of power. Starmer and Blair, amongst others, are in the employ of this cult. 

It is closing in on the NHS, once seen as the flagship health service of the world, to act as a tool for the genocidal interests of population reduction promoted by the New World Order, WEF, WHO and UN etc. Institutions that are puppets to the deep state shadow government’s demonic push to phase out sentient humanity and replace it with 100% controlled brain implanted cyborgs. Bipedal clones of the walking dead.

In Britain are located the headquarters of some of the most cunning and menacing leaders of this global cult. Such as those working from within the seemingly innocuous walls of Chatham House (the Royal Institute of International Affairs); Deep Mind artificial intelligence research laboratory; Common Purpose high level propaganda infiltration outfit, and the Orwellian 77 Brigade, the undercover army spy network. 

These organisations – and more like them –  have been subduing the British people step by step, rule by rule, act by act, for a very long time; in a carefully planned and sophisticated operation drawing on secret service knowledge, behavioural psychology, colonial exploitation and what I can only call ‘the art of lying.’

It is not surprising that Masonic lodges flourish within the House of Commons; and although I gag at having to say this, high numbers of upper echelon paedophiles, sex traffickers, infant torturers and deeply psychotic control freaks are ‘allowed’ to operate within the shores of the British Isles. 

Mingling with the grey mist of sleaze and corruption that hovers over this land, there is also a lingering fascination with class. A form of fantasy which obscures objective and rational thinking. 

Around half the population adorate the royal family and are happy to sponsor its make believe Camelot castle existence. 

This Royal elite can do no wrong in these peoples’ eyes, in spite of the fact that it moves hand in hand with the protagonists of a totalitarian, fascistic future for mankind.

The same delusional state is on exhibit concerning the mystically elevated power of Eton, Oxford and Cambridge educated individuals. Be they academics, scientists, politicians, bankers, journalists or others.

With just the right pedigree, clothes, voice timbre, bearing and fake ‘caring’ attitude, such individuals have perfected their power to befool their clientele into believing them to be paragons of virtue, if not natural masters of world.

This is where the British score on the map of world hegemony. 

Americans design the global dominance ‘tough talk program’ and send in the troops to manage the geopolitical hegemonic agenda. While their ‘special partner’, the British, do the upfront diplomacy and high minded oratory that carries with it a certain fake, BBC-like ‘cachet’. Especially amongst those who are ignorant of the real agenda. 

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation is replete with the strategies of this dangerous duo.

On the home front, top brass royalty, media masters and billionaires exert a powerful psychological hold over lovers of the spectacle of wealth; upholding the empire tradition in costly and colourful displays of white material supremacy. 

Could any of these pompous figureheads be ‘evil’? “No! At worst a little foolish and a little thoughtless perhaps.” Unfortunately, the determination of the mass to remain delusional still far exceeds their determination to see the truth.

So Mr Blair, Mr Starmer and their corporate/cabinet henchmen, now step forward with some confidence to announce that all UK citizens will have to carry a digital health passport within the next five years, if they want to have access to NHS treatments.

While the NHS itself is prepared for a full-on digital future, based on the infamous EMF Matrix of global satellite surveillance networks called ‘The Cloud’, so proudly developed by anti-life billionaire Elon Musk.

Mr Blair has stated that he believes the Secretary of State must be joint data controller of this brave new world of soulless algorithmic ‘health care’. 

Oh, then I guess he knows that he is already lined-up for occupying that role?

England and the English have many fine qualities which I do not mean to belittle, some of which still manage to break through the stranglehold of top down oppression to which they are so relentlessly subjected.

I remain deeply fond of my home country.

But a prevailing refusal to look reality in the eye by too high a percentage of the population, leaves them highly vulnerable to slavery to the deeply deceptive control system that emanates out from Westminster, Buckingham Palace, the BBC, MI5 and from the invisible ghostly strings that remain firmly attached to the historical delusion of the one time ‘greatness’ of the British empire.

While the process of change is slowly prizing open once fixed attitudes, these old bastions of belief in what it means to be British must fall – or be driven into submission by a rising tide of self respect and self belief amongst lovers of freedom, truth and justice.

The riots that broke-out in August reveal that a deeply held sense of injustice is felt by ordinary people whose basic dignity has been corroded by cowardly political hypocrites having long since abandoned any sincere commitment to care for the welfare of their people.

The National Health Service is now succumbing to the same process of abandonment; to a nihilistic, cold and inhuman artificial intelligence dictatorship. A world in which human love and respect for fellow humans is all but criminalised and consigned to the garbage.

How can one have health without human sympathy being the primary cure-all?

How can a health service retain any validity when it adopts the mass genocidal treatments on display during Covid? It can’t.

The tragedy is that dedicated and caring doctors and nurses are sucked into a system whose in house management is now more concerned with a technocratic cost pruning numbers game than the proper care of individual patients. 

It has no doubt been recognised that costs come down when patients are supported to suicide themselves.

On top of their clinical responsibilities, doctors, like farmers, find themselves faced by mountains of obligatory paperwork to comply with before being able to concentrate their minds on those in their charge. The police have to contend with the same problem.

The basic processes of law enforcement, health care and food production are all being placed under the management of one centralised technocratic control system.

Those who should be defending the commitment of skilled health practitioners, are instead passing them on to AI and algorithmic based computer programs, with the excuse that these will be more ‘efficient’, cost saving and effective than caring human hands and warmth. 

What a massive deception.

There are those in this country qualified to take leadership roles and set the correct course towards a pragmatic and positive reevaluation of attitudes and values, but they mostly remain in the shadows or are forcibly kept there. Spectators rather than actors.

This must change if the light of day is to penetrate ‘top of the pyramid’ imposed darkness.

Our world is in the grip of a satanic push for the end of humanity. This is no longer deniable. 

The future proposed by these deceitful and demonic forces is the Transhuman cyborg and the obliteration of belief in a higher force of creation.  I recommend reading my book ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind’ for the essential antidote to this process.

Every thinking individual must get to grips with this reality and link together in a united resistance to it. There is no other option left for getting out of an otherwise permanently locked and bolted prison cell. 

Instead of MAD ‘assisted suicide’ being the chosen escape route from pain and despair – a conscious life affirmative sense of spiritual self belief must rise up to take centre stage – and wipe clean the anti life coven that holds our world in its grip. 

For those who still dream on about the British bravura that once ‘conquered the world’, let them show what ‘Great’ Britain is made of today!  

What will such dreamers do now to conquer those intent upon signing the death warrant of this ancient, defiant island? This Arthurian kingdom, jutting out into the Atlantic Ocean and stoically braving the gales and storms that lash her rugged shores.

Wake up her old soul – that’s the answer! Let those gales stir your sinews into noble actions – before the chances of doing so are forever lost to an insentient cult of dehumanised parasites.


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Julian Rose is an organic farmer, writer, broadcaster and international activist. He is author of four books of which the latest ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind’ is a clarion call to resist the despotic New World Order takeover of our lives. Do visit his website for further information

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Former U.S. President Donald Trump was once again the target of an assassination attempt on Sunday, September 15, at his golf club in Florida, west of Palm Beach, around 1.30 pm (local time).

A Secret Service agent fired upon spotting an AK-47 rifle sticking through the bushes around the golf course, about 400 yards away (around 365 meters). The gunman, named Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, dropped the rifle, and was able to run away driving a SUV. He had a rifle scope, a GoPro camera, and two backpacks. Routh was eventually stopped by police officers in a neighboring county and then arrested. It is still unclear whether Routh himself fired shots. Once again analysts and media pundits are asking just how on earth did the shooter manage to get so close to Trump – especially considering that he has a criminal record and was previously convicted (in 2022) for possessing a “weapon of mass destruction”. Moreover, the gunman connections are quite interesting, to put it mildly.

For one thing, Routh, the would-be assassin, was interviewed by the New York Times in 2023, and described his endeavors to recruit former Taliban soldiers from Afghanistan to fight in Ukraine. He also talked about having fought in the Eastern European country himself, having spent several months there in 2002. Moreover, he gave an interview back in 2022 to Newsweek Romania, and discussed his recruiting efforts for the International Legion Defense of Ukraine, a military unit of the Ukrainian Ground Forces which is composed of foreign volunteers.

As one would expect of such a unit in post-Maidan Ukraine, the Legion is plagued with far-right and neo-Nazi extremism. The Karelian Group, for instance (also known as Nord), a battalion which operates within the framework of the Legion, has been accused of Nazism. Similarly, the German Volunteer Corps, also linked to the International Legion Defense of Ukraine, is considered a right-wing extremist group by the Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium, having been denounced for its usage of the Wolfsangel insignia. The infamous Russian Volunteer Corps (RVC), yet another Legion-connected Nazi group, is attached to Military Unit A3449 which comprises various units of the International Legion, all of them being subordinate to the Ukrainian Main Directorate of Intelligence (HUR), as writes Peter Julicher, historian and researcher.

Back to Trump’s would-be murderer, who, as mentioned, in his recruiting operations, moved around former Taliban fighters and European far-right elements volunteering to fight for Ukraine: as Newsweek reported, a 2023 Semafor report cites him as the head of the International Volunteer Center (IVC) in Ukraine, a private organization aimed at “empowering volunteers”. He is therefore a radical pro-Ukraine activist, who is also involved in military and paramilitary activities, and has also posted extreme content on social media, describing the conflict in Ukraine as the ultimate war between good and evil.

Routh, who owns a shed-building company in Hawaii, is also a long time Democrat supporter, which makes sense considering his Ukrainian activism – as I wrote, Democrats, including former president Barack Obama, as well as Kamala Harris and the incumbent administration she is part of, have consistently armed and funded the far-right in Ukraine, that is, the same structures within which Routh seems to move quite freely.

Interestingly, the aforementioned International Legion for the Defence of Ukraine and the infamous Azov Brigade (well-known for its consistent neo-Nazism, as the Guardian described as far back as seven years ago) have both denied that the Trump’s latest would-be shooter has any connection to them. Given all the above, one may of course take such statements with a grain of salt.

Edward Snowden, the famous former NSA intelligence contractor and whistleblower, has posted on X – formerly Twitter – that connections between the shooter and intelligence agencies is the most likely scenario, and even compared it to the Kennedy assassination, by mentioning Lee Harvey Oswald, the U.S. Marine veteran who murdered John F. Kennedy:

“We know little so far, but [with] alleged Trump shooter’s personal and public participation in military activity in Ukraine, it is hard to imagine this White House’s agencies can claim zero contact – ‘clean hands.’ Something of an Oswald vibe, here. Congress should get answers”

That is of course a fair point, considering everything we know about the CIA role in Ukraine since Maidan, as reported by a New York Times exposé.

Just nine weeks ago, one may remember Trump was the target of an assassination that remains unexplained to this day, and, as I wrote, placed the Secret Service itself under suspicion.

Trump is by no means a peacemaker of any kind (as I’ve argued), but his stance on the Ukrainian war may be enough to trigger various factions of the American intelligence community – whether those are “rogue” ones or not. This scenario is even more likely if one considers the fact that it remains unclear who has been governing the United States for the last couple of years (as the incumbent President Joe Biden’s cognitive health was covered up), with some experts talking about a “triumvirate”, referring to Biden’s close advisers Bruce Reed, Mike Donilon, and Steve Ricchetti.

To sum it up, a second assassination attempt against a presidential candidate (who is also a former President) took place within just nine weeks, the context being a political crisis in which it is even hard to determine who is actually in charge of the country, with a senile incumbent President and a weak Vice President (who is now the Democratic Party nominee). Meanwhile, the Secret Service itself is under investigation over the first murder attempt about two months ago, with its disgraced Director having resigned. No “conspiracy theory” would have imagined all of that. All of this is of course unprecedented in American history.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Uriel Araujo, PhD, anthropology researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: A screengrab of Ryan Wesley Routh, who is suspected of planning an apparent assassination of former president Donald Trump © AFPTV/AFP via Getty Images

Can the World Save Palestine from US-Israeli Genocide?

September 17th, 2024 by Medea Benjamin

On September 18th, the UN General Assembly is scheduled to debate and vote on a resolution calling on Israel to end “its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory” within six months. Given that the General Assembly, unlike the exclusive 15-member UN Security Council, allows all UN members to vote and there is no veto in the General Assembly, this is an opportunity for the world community to clearly express its opposition to Israel’s brutal occupation of Palestine.

If Israel predictably fails to heed a General Assembly resolution calling on it to withdraw its occupation forces and settlers from Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and the United States then vetoes or threatens to veto a Security Council resolution to enforce the ICJ ruling, then the General Assembly could go a step further.

It could convene an Emergency Session to take up what is called a Uniting For Peace resolution, which could call for an arms embargo, an economic boycott or other UN sanctions against Israel – or even call for actions against the United States. Uniting for Peace resolutions have only been passed by the General Assembly five times since the procedure was first adopted in 1950.

The September 18 resolution comes in response to an historic ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on July 19, which found that “Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and the regime associated with them, have been established and are being maintained in violation of international law.”

The court ruled that Israel’s obligations under international law include “the evacuation of all settlers from existing settlements” and the payment of restitution to all who have been harmed by its illegal occupation. The passage of the General Assembly resolution by a large majority of members would demonstrate that countries all over the world support the ICJ ruling, and would be a small but important first step toward ensuring that Israel must live up to those obligations.

Israel’s President Netanyahu cavalierly dismissed the court ruling with a claim that, “The Jewish nation cannot be an occupier in its own land.” This is  exactly the position that the court had rejected, ruling that Israel’s 1967 military invasion and occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territories did not give it the right to settle its own people there, annex those territories, or make them part of Israel.

While Israel used its hotly disputed account of the October 7th events as a pretext to declare open season for the mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza, Israeli forces in the West Bank and East Jerusalem used it as a pretext to distribute assault rifles and other military-grade weapons to illegal Israeli settlers and unleash a new wave of violence there, too. 

Armed settlers immediately started seizing more Palestinian land and shooting Palestinians. Israeli occupation forces either stood by and watched or joined in the violence, but did not intervene to defend Palestinians or hold their Israeli attackers accountable.

Since last October, occupation forces and armed settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem have now killed at least 700 people, including 159 children.

The escalation of violence and land seizures has been so flagrant that even the U.S. and European governments have felt obligated to impose sanctions on a small number of violent settlers and their organizations.

In Gaza, the Israeli military has been murdering Palestinians day after day for the past 11 months. The Palestinian Health Ministry has counted over 41,000 Palestinians killed in Gaza, but with the destruction of the hospitals that it relies on to identify and count the dead, this is now only a partial death toll. Medical researchers estimate that the total number of deaths in Gaza from the direct and indirect results of Israeli actions will be in the hundreds of thousands, even if the massacre were to end soon.

Israel and the United States are undoubtedly more and more isolated as a result of their roles in this genocide. Whether the United States can still coerce or browbeat a few of its traditional allies into rejecting or abstaining from the General Assembly resolution on September 18 will be a test of its residual “soft power.”

President Biden can claim to be exercising a certain kind of international leadership, but it is not the kind of leadership that any American can be proud of. The United States has muscled its way into a pivotal role in the ceasefire negotiations begun by Qatar and Egypt, and it has used that position to skillfully and repeatedly undermine any chance of a ceasefire, the release of hostages or an end to the genocide.

By failing to use any of its substantial leverage to pressure Israel, and disingenuously blaming Hamas for every failure in the negotiations, U.S. officials are ensuring that the genocide will continue for as long as they and and their Israeli allies want, while many Americans remain confused about their own government’s responsibility for the continuing bloodshed.

This is a continuation of the strategy by which the United States has stymied and prevented peace since 1967, falsely posing as an honest broker, while in fact remaining Israel’s staunchest ally and the critical diplomatic obstacle to a free Palestine.

In addition to cynically undermining any chance of a ceasefire, the United States has injected itself into debates over the future of Gaza, promoting the idea that a post-war government could be led by the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority, which many Palestinians view as hopelessly corrupt and compromised by subservience to Israel and the United States.

China has taken a more constructive approach to resolving differences between Palestinian political groupings. It invited Hamas, Fatah and 12 other Palestinian groups to a three-day meeting in Beijing in July, where they all agreed to a “national unity” plan to form a post-war “interim national reconciliation government,” which would oversee relief and rebuilding in Gaza and organize a national Palestinian election to seat a new elected government.

Mustafa Barghouti, the secretary-general of the political movement called the Palestinian National Initiative, hailed the Beijing Declaration as going “much further” than previous reconciliation efforts, and said that the plan for a unity government “blocks Israeli efforts to create some kind of collaborative structure against Palestinian interests.” China has also called for an international peace conference to try to end the war.

As the world comes together in the General Assembly on September 18, it faces both a serious challenge and an unprecedented opportunity. Each time the General Assembly has met in recent years, a succession of leaders from the Global South has risen to lament the breakdown of the peaceful and just international order that the UN is supposed to represent, from the failure to end the war in Ukraine to inaction against the climate crisis to the persistence of neocolonialism in Africa.

Perhaps no crisis more clearly embodies the failure of the UN and the international system than the 57-year-old Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories it invaded in 1967. At the same time that the United States has armed Israel to the teeth, it has vetoed 46 UN Security Council resolutions that either required Israel to comply with international law, called for an end to the occupation or for Palestinian statehood, or held Israel accountable for war crimes or illegal settlement building.

The ability of one Permanent Member of the Security Council to use its veto to block the rule of international law and the will of the rest of the world has always been widely recognized as the fatal flaw in the existing structure of the UN system.

When this structure was first announced in 1945, French writer Albert Camus wrote in Combat, the French Resistance newspaper he edited, that the veto would “effectively put an end to any idea of international democracy… The Five would thus retain forever the freedom of maneuver that would be forever denied the others.”

The General Assembly and the Security Council have debated a series of resolutions calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, and each debate has pitted the United States, Israel, and occasionally the United Kingdom or another U.S. ally, against the voices of the rest of the world calling in unison for peace in Gaza.

Of the UN’s 193 nations, 145 have now recognized Palestine as a sovereign nation comprising Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and even more countries have voted for resolutions to end the occupation, prohibit Israeli settlements and support Palestinian self-determination and human rights.

For many decades, the United States’ unique position of unconditional support for Israel has been a critical factor in enabling Israeli war crimes and prolonging the intolerable plight of the Palestinian people.

In the crisis in Gaza, the U.S. military alliance with Israel involves the U.S. directly in the crime of genocide, as the United States provides the warplanes and bombs that are killing the largest numbers of Palestinians and literally destroying Gaza. The United States also deploys military liaison officers to assist Israel in planning its operations, special operations forces to provide intelligence and satellite communications, and trainers and technicians to teach Israeli forces to use and maintain new American weapons, such as F-35 warplanes.

The supply chain for the U.S. arsenal of genocide criss-crosses America, from weapons factories to military bases to procurement offices at the Pentagon and Central Command in Tampa. It feeds plane loads of weapons flying to military bases in Israel, from where these endless tons of steel and high explosives rain down on Gaza to shatter buildings, flesh and bones.

The U.S. role is greater than complicity – it is essential, active participation, without which the Israelis could not conduct this genocide in its present form, any more than the Germans could have run Auschwitz without gas chambers and poison gas.

And it is precisely because of the essential U.S. role in this genocide that the United States has the power to end it, not by pretending to plead with the Israelis to be more “careful” about civilian casualties, but by ending its own instrumental role in the genocide.

Every American of conscience should keep applying all kinds of pressure on our own government, but as long as it keeps ignoring the will of its own people, sending more weapons, vetoing Security Council resolutions and undermining peace negotiations, it is by default up to our neighbors around the world to muster the unity and political will to end the genocide.

It would certainly be unprecedented for the world to unite, in opposition to Israel and the United States, to save Palestine and enforce the ICJ ruling that Israel must withdraw from Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The world has rarely come together so unanimously since the founding of the United Nations in the aftermath of the Second World War in 1945. Even the catastrophic U.S.-British invasion and destruction of Iraq failed to provoke such united action.

But the lesson of that crisis, indeed the lesson of our time, is that this kind of unity is essential if we are ever to bring sanity, humanity and peace to our world. That can start with a decisive vote in the UN General Assembly on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.


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Medea Benjamin is the cofounder of CODEPINK for Peace, and the author of several books, including Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Nicolas J. S. Davies is an independent journalist, a researcher for CODEPINK and the author of Blood on Our Hands: The American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq.

Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies are the authors of War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict, published by OR Books in November 2022. They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Featured image: A moment of prayer and meditation at the opening of the UN General Assembly, September 10, 2024 (Photo credit: UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe)

This week marks 23 years since George W. Bush declared a U.S.-led “war on terror” and the people of Afghanistan and Iraq are still suffering its consequences.

After the U.S. invaded Iraq, an estimated half a million Iraqis were killed and at least 9.2 million were displaced. From 2003-2011, more than 4.7 million Iraqis suffered from moderate to severe food insecurity. Over 243,000 people have been killed in the Afghanistan/Pakistan war zone since 2001, more than 70,000 of them civilians. Between 4.5 and 4.6 million people have died in the post-9/11 wars.

The U.S.’s “war on terror” also escalated the climate catastrophe, resulting in local water shortages and extreme weather crises that are only getting worse. In 2022, Afghanistan had its worst drought in 30 years and it is facing a third consecutive year of drought. “The war has exacerbated climate change impacts,” Noor Ahmad Akhundzadah, a professor of hydrology at Kabul University, told the New York Times.

Meanwhile in the current moment, U.S. military assistance to Israel’s genocidal campaign is also intensifying the climate crisis.

As we look back across more than two decades of the “war on terror,” it is clear that many lives will be saved if we can bring a halt to U.S. military interventions throughout the world and simultaneously target the U.S. military’s catastrophic contributions to the climate crisis that threaten us all.

“The U.S. military is the single largest institutional consumer of fossil fuels in the world,” Taylor Smith-Hams, U.S. senior organizer at, a global climate justice organization, said at a workshop on the Impact of Current Wars on Climate Crisis at the Veterans For Peace (VFP) Convention on August 17. “Militarism and war are key drivers of the climate crisis,” she added, citing fighter jets, warships and the U.S.’s massive constellation of military bases throughout the world.

Climate Effects of the “War on Terror”


Bush delivering an address on the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks to a joint session of Congress on Sept. 20, 2011. (U.S. National Archives, Public domain)


On September 11, 2001, 19 men committed suicide and took roughly 3,000 people with them by flying two airliners into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon and one into a field in Pennsylvania. None of the hijackers hailed from Afghanistan or Iraq; 15 came from Saudi Arabia. Nevertheless, the Bush administration illegally invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and overthrew their governments, then killed, injured and tortured nearly three-quarters of a million of their people.

Beyond the terrible death tolls in both countries, a lesser known consequence of the “war on terror” was the exacerbation of the climate catastrophe, both in the countries targeted by the war and globally.

Since the 1997 Kyoto Protocol excluded military emissions from the counting of national emissions figures, U.S. military emissions are significantly undercounted. Although militaries are a significant source of carbon emissions, little is understood about their carbon footprint.

One of the first studies to expose direct and indirect military emissions as a result of combat was conducted by Benjamin Neimark, Oliver Belcher, Kirsti Ashworth and Reuben Larbi. They examined the use of concrete “blast walls” by U.S. forces in Baghdad, Iraq, from 2003-2008, the first five years of Bush’s “Operation Iraqi Freedom,” to measure the carbon footprint of the war. Concrete walls and barriers were also used in U.S. counterinsurgency operations in Kandahar and Kabul, Afghanistan, from 2008-2012 during “Operation Enduring Freedom.” (Although these two wars did not bring freedom, their effects on the climate crisis are enduring.)

While occupying Baghdad, the U.S. military erected hundreds of miles of blast walls in order to control the urban population pursuant to its counterinsurgency strategy. “Effective weaponisation of concrete has an extraordinary carbon footprint,” Neimark, Belcher, Ashworth and Larbi wrote. “The large carbon footprint comes mainly from the amount of heat and energy in cement production, the main ingredient in concrete.”


Concrete blast walls in Baghdad, 2016. (David Stanley, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 2.0)


The logistical movement of troops, convoys, weapons, supplies and equipment, as well as firepower itself, carry a direct carbon cost. Jet propulsion fuel for fighter jets is a major culprit. U.S. military fuel use is “one of the largest single institutional carbon polluters in modern history,” the researchers wrote. But the indirect emissions in blast walls that result from the concrete supply chains that furnish the U.S. military are also substantial, Neimark and his coauthors argue.

“Parts of Afghanistan have warmed twice as much as the global average” New York Times international climate reporter Somini Sengupta wrote in 2021, and the war has intensified the impact of climate change.

Afghanistan ranks in the top 10 countries undergoing extreme weather conditions, including droughts, storms and avalanches, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported a year ago. Afghanistan ranks fourth among countries with the highest risk of a crisis and eighth on the Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index of nations most vulnerable and least prepared to deal with climate change.


Open-air burn pit emissions at Forward Operating Base Sharana in Afghanistan in May 2013. (Special IG for Afghanistan Reconstruction, Flickr, CC BY 2.0)


The story of what happened in Afghanistan provides a chilling example of the long-term consequences of war on climate change. Decades from now, Gaza, which was already vulnerable to the climate crisis before October 7, 2023, will invariably suffer increased climate effects from Israel’s current genocidal campaign. “Climate consequences including sea level rise, drought and extreme heat were already threatening water supplies and food security in Palestine,” Nina Lakhani wrote in a January article in The Guardian. “The environmental situation in Gaza is now catastrophic.”

Emissions From U.S.-Aided Israeli Genocide Have “Immense” Effect on Climate Crisis


Israeli military during ground invasion of the Gaza Strip on Oct. 31, 2023. (IDF Spokesperson’s Unit, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0)


Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza has killed at least 41,000 Palestinian people, and likely many more. During the first two months of Israel’s genocidal campaign, emissions that warmed the planet exceeded the annual carbon footprint of over 20 of the world’s most climate-vulnerable countries, according to a study by Benjamin Neimark, Patrick Bigger, Frederick Otu-Larbi and Reuben Larbi. Roughly 281,000 metric tons of war-related carbon dioxide were emitted in the first two months of the war following October 7, 2023. More than 99 percent of these emissions resulted from Israel’s bombing campaign and ground invasion of Gaza and U.S. supply flights to Israel. The climate cost was equivalent to the burning of at least 150,000 tons of coal. Almost half of the emissions were caused by U.S. cargo planes flying military supplies to Israel. Hamas rockets fired into Israel accounted for the equivalent of 300 tons of coal, an indicator of the asymmetry of Israel’s war on Palestine.

“The role of the US in the human and environmental destruction of Gaza cannot be overstated,” said Patrick Bigger, coauthor of the study and research director at the thinktank Climate + Community Project (CCP). During the VFP workshop, Bigger called it an “environmental Nakba.”

David Boyd, UN special rapporteur for human rights and the environment, said,

“This research helps us understand the immense magnitude of military emissions — from preparing for war, carrying out war and rebuilding after war. Armed conflict pushes humanity even closer to the precipice of climate catastrophe, and is an idiotic way to spend our shrinking carbon budget.”

“From an ecological perspective, there is no such thing as an ‘effective’ or ‘green’ technology or military,” Neimark, Belcher, Ashworth and Larbi, coauthors of the concrete blast wall study, found. While Israel touts itself as a global leader in climate change adaptation and mitigation, it is actually engaged in “greenwashing” — misleading marketing practices to make policies appear more environmentally friendly. Indeed, “Israel’s green technologies are fundamentally structured by the Zionist project of appropriating Palestinian lands,” Sara Salazar Hughes, Stepha Velednitsky and Amelia Arden Green argue in their 2022 article, “Greenwashing in Palestine/Israel: Settler colonialism and environmental injustice in the age of climate catastrophe.”

Israel’s systems of waste management, renewable energy and agricultural technologies (“agritech”) are actually mechanisms for appropriation and dispossession of Palestinian territory, according to Hughes, Velednitsky and Green. Although Israel promotes itself as a responsible steward of Palestinian lands, “Israeli sustainability sustains settler colonialism.”

Climate crisis in Palestine cannot be detached from the Israeli occupation. The brutal and extensively documented apartheid regime that Israel imposes and maintains over Palestinians is fundamentally incompatible with the tenets of climate justice,” Patrick Bigger, Batul Hassan, Salma Elmallah, Seth J. Prins, J. Mijin Cha, Malini Ranganathan, Thomas M. Hanna, Daniel Aldana Cohen and Johanna Bozuwa wrote for the think tank CCP.

Bigger and his coauthors cite Israel’s settler-colonial campaign to replace native olive groves with nonnative plants that reduce biodiversity, increase susceptibility to fire and put unsustainable pressure on natural resources. Palestinians, they write, are much more vulnerable than Israelis to the effects of climate change. “While Palestinians are displaced to support Israel’s renewable energy industry, Palestinian solar projects are destroyed as ‘illegal constructions,’ having failed to secure permits from Israeli authorities.”

As the largest provider of military hardware to the Israeli regime, the U.S. government is “directly complicit” in Israel’s genocide, ethnic cleansing and apartheid. “An immediate, permanent ceasefire and the end of US funding for Israeli apartheid and occupation is needed to halt the ongoing violence and address the driving forces of climate breakdown in Palestine,” Bigger and coauthors wrote.

About 20 percent of the U.S. military’s annual operational emissions is devoted to protecting fossil fuel interests in the Gulf, which is warming twice as rapidly as the rest of the world, according to Neta Crawford, author of The Pentagon, Climate Change and War. Nevertheless, the U.S. and other NATO countries are largely concerned with climate change as a national security threat. They don’t focus on their contributions to it.

“Here in the U.S., our government continues to dump enormous amounts of money into death and destruction at home and around the world, while cutting social programs and refusing to adequately contribute to international climate finance commitments, always with the excuse that there isn’t enough money,” Smith-Hams said at the VFP workshop.

Our anti-militarism work should target the U.S. military’s devastating contributions to the climate crisis. Our future depends on it.


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Marjorie Cohn is professor emerita at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, dean of the People’s Academy of International Law and past president of the National Lawyers Guild. She sits on the national advisory boards of Assange Defense and Veterans For Peace. A member of the bureau of the International Association of Democratic Lawyersshe is the U.S. representative to the continental advisory council of the Association of American Jurists. Her books include Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral and Geopolitical Issues.

Featured image: U.S. combat soldier in the rubble at one of Sadaam Hussein’s palaces in Baghdad, April 24, 2003. (U.S. Air Force, Cherie A. Thurlby, National Archivers, Public domain)

How Dairy Can Boost Fat Loss

September 17th, 2024 by Dr. Ashley Armstrong

Recent research suggests dairy products can aid fat loss and improve body composition, challenging previous beliefs about dairy and weight gain

High-calcium dairy diets led to greater fat loss, particularly belly fat, compared to standard low-calcium diets during weight loss interventions. Large-scale epidemiological studies have also found an inverse relationship between dairy intake and obesity risk

Dairy’s weight loss benefits may come from its unique nutrient profile, including calcium, protein, and other minerals, rather than calcium alone. Calcium from dairy inhibits fat formation, increases fat oxidation, and preserves thermogenesis during calorie-restricted diets

Incorporating both low-fat and whole-fat dairy products can be part of a balanced, calorie-controlled diet for weight management


In the ever-evolving world of nutrition and weight loss, few food groups have been as controversial as dairy. Once hailed as a cornerstone of a healthy diet, then vilified as a contributor to weight gain, dairy products have experienced a rollercoaster of public opinion. However, recent scientific research is shedding new light on the potential benefits of dairy in weight management, revealing some surprising findings that may change how we view these nutrient-dense foods.

Dairy products have been a part of human diets for over 7,000 years, valued not just for their taste but also for their nutritional density. Throughout history, milk, cheese, and yogurt have been staples in many cultures, providing essential nutrients like calcium, protein, and various vitamins. However, as obesity rates began to rise in the late 20th century, dairy products — particularly those high in saturated fat — came under scrutiny when the anti-saturated fat campaign began.

Recent studies have begun to challenge the notion that dairy products are a causal factor for weight gain.1 In fact, emerging evidence suggests that dairy might play a beneficial role in fat loss and body composition. Let’s dive into some of the intriguing findings.

Overall dairy consumption has been linked to increased lean body mass and reduced body fat.2 This finding is particularly interesting because it suggests that dairy doesn’t just help with weight loss — it may actually improve body composition, helping individuals build and maintain muscle while losing fat. 

A meta-analysis of multiple studies found that dairy consumption led to a reduction in fat mass (-0.23 kg) and an increase in lean body mass (0.37 kg).3 While these numbers might seem small, they represent a significant shift in body composition that can have long-term health benefits.

The benefits of dairy consumption aren’t limited to adults. One study of children found that high dairy intake was associated with a staggering 59% reduction in obesity risk.4 This finding has important implications for childhood nutrition and the prevention of obesity from an early age.

The Science Behind Dairy’s Weight Loss Benefits

So, how exactly does dairy contribute to weight loss and improved body composition? The mechanisms are complex and multifaceted, but researchers have identified several key factors:

1. The calcium connection — Calcium, abundant in dairy products, plays a crucial role in weight management. When calories are controlled, increasing the percentage of calcium in the diet improves fat loss during a calorie deficit. This effect is thought to be due to calcium’s impact on energy metabolism.

The late Ray Peat, Ph.D., a renowned biologist and metabolism expert, explains: “Calcium inhibits the fat-forming enzymes, fatty acid synthase, reducing the formation of fats and at the same time it activates the uncoupling proteins in the mitochondria which are associated with increased longevity. Milk and calcium increases the metabolic rate, the uncoupling proteins burn calories faster while they protect against free-radical oxidations.”

2. Enhanced fat burning — Dairy consumption, particularly high-calcium dairy diets, has been shown to increase 24-hour fat oxidation. This means that your body becomes more efficient at burning fat for energy throughout the day. One study found that under conditions of acute energy deficit (i.e., when you’re eating fewer calories than you’re burning), a high-dairy diet increased fat oxidation.5

3. Reduced fat cell formation — Calcium from dairy sources appears to inhibit the formation of new fat cells. This process, known as adipogenesis, is crucial in the development of obesity. By reducing the creation of new fat cells, dairy may help prevent long-term weight gain.

4. Preserved thermogenesis during dieting — When we diet, our body often responds by slowing down our metabolism — a frustrating adaptation that can make weight loss more difficult since that requires eating fewer calories. However, the calcium in dairy products seems to help preserve thermogenesis (heat production) during calorie restriction, making it easier to maintain a calorie deficit and continue losing weight.

A Deeper Dive Into the Mechanism: The Calcitriol Connection

To understand how dairy and calcium affect weight loss, we need to look at a hormone called calcitriol (also known as 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D). When we eat low-calcium diets, our body produces more calcitriol. This hormone causes calcium to flow into fat cells, leading to:

  1. An increase in lipogenic gene expression and lipogenesis (fat creation)
  2. A suppression of lipolysis (fat breakdown)

The result? More fat stored in cells — exactly what we don’t want when trying to lose weight. But why does calcitriol increase on low-calcium diets? It’s all part of a complex hormonal cascade:

  1. Low calcium intake increases parathyroid hormone (PTH).
  2. PTH triggers a stress response in the body, essentially saying, “We don’t have enough calcium coming in!”
  3. This leads to increased calcium absorption from food and removal of calcium from bones.
  4. PTH signals tissues to convert the storage form of Vitamin D into calcitriol.
  5. Calcitriol provides the signal to pull calcium out from bones and into the bloodstream.

Having elevated levels of calcitriol (arising from a low dietary calcium level) can negatively impact fat oxidation. However, high calcium diets (which keep PTH and calcitriol lower) can inhibit lipogenesis and instead promote lipolysis, lipid oxidation, and thermogenesis more so than a lower calcium diet.

The Dairy Advantage: More Than Just Calcium

While calcium plays a significant role in dairy’s weight loss benefits, it’s not the whole story. Studies have consistently shown that dairy sources of calcium are more effective than supplemental calcium in promoting weight loss.6 This suggests that there’s something special about dairy beyond its calcium content.

One possibility is the unique combination of nutrients found in dairy products. Dairy is not just a source of calcium; it also provides high-quality protein, other minerals like magnesium and potassium, and various vitamins. This nutrient package “Whole Food Matrix” may work synergistically to promote weight loss and improved body composition.

Moreover, the saturated fatty acids found in dairy may improve energy balance even further through reduced fat synthesis and increased fat oxidation.7 This challenges the long-held belief that all saturated fats are detrimental to health and weight management.

Real-World Evidence: Studies Showing Dairy’s Impact on Weight Loss

Let’s look at some neat studies documenting how dairy can enhance weight loss efforts. A study published in the journal Obesity Research8 compared the effects of three different 24-week diets:

  1. A standard diet with a 500 calorie per day deficit
  2. A 500 calorie-deficit diet with supplemental calcium
  3. A 500 calorie-deficit diet that included high-calcium dairy foods

The results were striking:

  • Those on the standard diet (400 to 500 milligrams of dietary calcium per day) lost 6.4% of their body weight.
  • Those on the calcium-supplemented diet (400 mg to 500 mg of calcium from food and 800 mg of supplemental calcium per day) lost 8.6% of their body weight — 38% more fat loss than the standard diet.
  • Those on the high-calcium-foods diet (1,200 to 1,300 milligrams of calcium from dairy products and other calcium-rich foods) lost 10.9% of their body weight — a whopping 64% more fat loss than the standard diet!

But it wasn’t just about overall weight loss. The study also found differences in where the fat was lost. The percentage of belly fat loss was higher for those with the higher intake of calcium:

  • Belly fat loss represented 19% of total fat loss on the low-calcium diet
  • 50.1% on the calcium-supplemented diet
  • 66.2% on the high-calcium-foods diet

This is particularly significant because belly fat (visceral fat) is associated with numerous health risks, including cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes.

Another study9 looked at the effects of high dairy diets on 24-hour fat oxidation in subjects who were in a calorie deficit. The researchers found that consumption of a dairy-based high-calcium diet increased 24-hour fat oxidation under conditions of acute energy deficit. They hypothesized that these effects were due to increased fat oxidation during exercise.

This study provides a potential mechanism for how dairy can enhance weight loss efforts — by literally helping our bodies burn more fat throughout the day, especially during physical activity.

The Bigger Picture: Dairy in the Context of Overall Health

While the weight loss benefits of dairy are exciting, it’s important to view these findings in the context of overall health. Numerous epidemiological studies have found an inverse relationship between dairy intake and various health markers:10 the NHANES I and III studies, The Quebec Family Study, The CARDIA (Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults) Study, and The HERITAGE Family Study.

All of these large-scale studies support an inverse relation between dietary calcium and dairy intakes and body fat, BMI, and the incidence of obesity. Moreover, dairy consumption has been associated with other health benefits, including improved bone health, reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes, and potentially lower risk of certain cancers.

Practical Implications: Incorporating Dairy Into a Weight Loss Diet

So, what does all this mean for someone trying to lose weight? Here are some practical takeaways:

1. Don’t fear dairy — Contrary to popular belief, whole-fat dairy products can be part of a healthy weight loss diet. Incorporating both lower-fat dairy products (which contain B vitamins, calcium and protein) and whole-fat dairy products (containing fat soluble vitamins and saturated fats) can be incorporated into a calorie controlled, well-balanced diet. Dairy is not causing your weight gain!

2. Aim for adequate calcium intake — Ensuring sufficient calcium intake (around 1,000 mg to 1,200 mg per day during your fat loss phase) may enhance weight loss efforts. Here is one example of how to eat at least 1,000 mg dietary calcium per day:

  • 325 grams skyr yogurt
  • 2 oz raw cheddar cheese
  • 1 cup raw milk (whole fat or reduced fat)

Spreading these out into your meals throughout the day, and ensuring your total daily calorie intake is accounted for can help set you up for success in your fat loss efforts.

3. Finding a dairy source that works for you — Sourcing A2 raw dairy products are often the best tolerated amongst individuals.

Conclusion: A New Perspective on Dairy and Weight Loss

The relationship between dairy consumption and weight loss is complex and multifaceted. While dairy isn’t a magic bullet for weight loss, the growing body of evidence suggests that it can be a valuable tool in weight management efforts. From enhancing fat oxidation to improving body composition, dairy’s benefits extend far beyond its calcium content.

It’s important to remember that weight loss ultimately comes down to creating a calorie deficit. However, including dairy in your diet can help enhance the efficacy of an energy-restricted diet in achieving weight and fat losses by improving your metabolism and fat oxidation.

As with any dietary change, it’s essential to consider individual factors. But for many people, embracing dairy as part of a balanced, calorie-controlled diet could be a delicious and nutritious way to support their weight loss journey.

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Looking for the highest quality cheese you can find to boost your dietary calcium? You can now buy the cheese that Dr. Mercola eats every single day with the Mercola Artisanal Cheese Boxes! Check out what Carol had to say about her recent exclusive Mercola Cheese Box order:

“Hello, I just wanted to let you know that I received my first shipment of your cheese. I have had a severe lactose intolerance for over 20 years. I always got serious cramps and twice fainted before figuring out what was causing it. I listened to your interview with Dr. Mercola and thought maybe cheese wasn’t the real problem, but rather the composition of most commercially sold cheese.

I have been cautious in sampling your cheese. I started with just one small bite. I’ve graduated to cheese sticks. I love the taste! I’m so happy to be able to finally enjoy cheese again. Thanks so much!!!”

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Join the waitlist here to be notified when cheese boxes open up (EVERY SUNDAY EVENING!)


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Ashley Armstrong is the co-founder of Angel Acres Egg Co., which specializes in low-PUFA (polyunsaturated fat) eggs that are shipped to all 50 states (join waitlist here), and Nourish Cooperative, which ships low-PUFA pork, beef, cheese, A2 dairy and traditional sourdough to all 50 states. Waitlists will reopen shortly.


1, 2, 3 Adv Nutr. 2019 Sep; 10(5): 917S–923S

4 Curr Nutr Food Sci. 2011 Feb; 7(1): 40–49

5, 9 Obes Res. 2005 Dec;13(12):2102-12

6, 10 The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 79, Issue 5, 2004, Pages 907S-912S

7 Nutrients. 2016 Jul; 8(7): 394

8 Obes Res. 2004 Apr;12(4):582-90 

Featured image: dibettadifino, Shutterstock.

The fear of nuclear war is apparently affecting some European states, despite the deeply irresponsible actions taken by their governments. A major French newspaper recently published an article claiming that French politicians are worried about the possibility of a “third world war.” It is curious to see this kind of “concern” among the French, given that Paris has been one of the most destabilizing agents in the ongoing proxy conflict between NATO and Russia.

The article exposes the reasons why French politicians fear a global escalation of violence. Citing anonymous diplomats, Le Monde claims that the French do not want to see an open confrontation between Moscow and NATO, allegedly seeking to take steps to prevent an escalation. Diplomats said that Russia could expand its military actions in retaliation for certain actions taken by the West, which would mean the start of a global war.

Obviously, the main Western escalatory move would be to authorize strikes against Russian targets far from the conflict zone. European fears of a world war are especially heightened at the moment due to the widespread debate over whether or not to authorize Ukraine to use long-range missiles against targets in “deep Russia,” which explains Le Monde’s narrative.

“[Allowing attacks against ‘deep Russia’] would mean that NATO countries, the US and European countries are at war with Russia (…) Everything must be done to avoid a third world war (…) You can’t just dismiss the possibility of the Russians expanding the scope of the war,” said one of Le Monde’s diplomatic sources.

For now, all Western countries refuse to allow such strikes. There were expectations among pro-Ukrainian militants that authorization would be announced during the recent joint visit of American and British officials to Kiev, but this did not happen. As far as the Europeans are concerned, there seems to be an even greater fear of escalation, which is why the French and Germans (who are supposedly the joint “leaders” of the European Union) do not plan to change their position on deep strikes.

“We think we should allow them to neutralize the military sites from which the missiles are fired, and basically the military sites from which Ukraine is being attacked, but we must not allow them to hit other targets in Russia, civilian capabilities naturally, or other military targets,” Macron said during a recent joint statement with Scholz in Germany.

It is curious to see this kind of fear on the part of the French. On the one hand, the fear seems absolutely rational, since Europe would be the most affected side in a direct war between Russia and NATO. It is natural that the Europeans want to do everything possible to prevent the conflict from escalating to a direct phase. With the possible exception of Poland and the Baltics which are states extremely affected by the anti-Russian madness, all European countries fear becoming targets in a situation of global conflict.

However, until recently, France itself was the biggest destabilizing agent in the conflict. Macron was the Western leader who most escalated anti-Russian rhetoric, even promising to send official French troops to fight alongside Kiev. It was precisely the fear of a direct war that made Macron reduce his anti-Russian attitudes in recent months, as Moscow made it clear that all French military personnel on Ukrainian soil would be legitimate and priority targets. Now, Macron no longer depends on his own decisions to avoid a direct war – he is at the mercy of the conscience and strategic sense of the Americans, who actually lead NATO.

It is important for Western analysts and officials to understand that WWIII has already “de facto” begun. There is a Western-led international coalition that has been attacking the Russian Federation for two years. The nature of the current conflict is absolutely international, and there are even other fronts outside Ukraine – as in the case of Western-backed terrorists attacking Russian citizens in African countries. Fearing the beginning of an open phase of the conflict is reasonable, but it is important to understand that this “world war” is already a reality – precisely because of the irresponsible actions of Western countries, including France.

Given the fear of escalation, Europeans should break with the US and NATO, seeking to free themselves from the consequences of the conflict by reestablishing ties with Russia. Unfortunately, however, European subservience is bigger than their fear. If the US authorizes deep strikes, it is likely that, despite their fear, all European countries will endorse the measure immediately.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Lucas Leiroz is a member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert. You can follow Lucas on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image source

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s surprise visit to Chechnya and meeting with its leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, has drawn global attention.

Chechen Major General Apti Alaudinov, a key commander of the Akhmat special forces, has been outspoken about Ukraine’s military advances in the Kursk region.

Alaudinov’s forces, equipped with over 200 tanks and 400 military vehicles, have played a crucial role in repelling Ukraine’s offensive.

As Alaudinov gains prominence, his steadfast loyalty to both Putin and Kadyrov raises speculation: Could he be Kadyrov’s potential successor?


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Video: Meet Allen Dulles: Fascist Spymaster (2015). James Corbett

September 17th, 2024 by The Corbett Report

FROM 2015: Diplomat, spy, Wall Street lawyer, philanderer, government overthrow specialist, Nazi collaborator, MKULTRA overlord, presidential assassin.

This week on the Corbett Report podcast: meet Allen Dulles, fascist spymaster.




Click here to watch the video

Full transcript below.

REPORTER: Mr. Dulles, I know you’ve heard this many times, that there are people who say that we—with regard to the CIA—are waging a secret war with an invisible government.

ALLEN DULLES: We are obviously engaged in many facets of what is generally called “the Cold War,” [in] which the Communist policy is forced upon us. No use denying that. That’s a fact of life.

But may I say this, and I do it with all solemnity: at no time has the CIA engaged in any political activity or any intelligence activity that was not approved at the highest level.

SOURCE: CIA Covert Action in Iran, Vietnam, Laos, the Congo, Cuba, and Guatemala: Documentary Film (1965) (VIDEO NO LONGER AVAILABLE)

JAMES CORBETT: But what is the “highest” level of power? That might be the operative question.

Well, welcome to the program, folks, this is James Corbett of, coming to you on August 30th, 2015, with Episode 307 of The Corbett Report podcast, “Meet Allen Dulles: Fascist Spymaster.” And the real question might be: who was Allen Dulles? A diplomat, a lawyer, a spymaster, a serial philanderer? Well, all of those things, I think, quite famously, but many shadier things besides as we will start to explore in this edition of the podcast.

And yes, if we want to answer that question of who Allen Dulles was, I think we have to go beyond just the titles and the roles that he played in the overt political sphere and look more at that “higher level of power” that he refers to and that he was under as Director of Central Intelligence. And I think we can see at least a glimpse into what that higher level of power is—the real head of the secret government, as it were—by looking at Dulles himself in his own biography, where he perfectly represents the combination of Wall Street lawyer and American intelligence that formed the nucleus of the CIA, at least there in its early years. People these days talk about a group like Kroll being the kind of “CIA of Wall Street.” Well, the CIA was the CIA for Wall Street long before then, and Dulles represents that perfectly in his biography, as we shall see.

Image: Allen Dulles (From the Public Domain)


But I think one good way of framing this whole idea and understanding who Dulles really was is to look even at the most mainstream of mainstream commentators on Dulles and his legacy in our current day and age. For example, Stephen Kinzer, who recently wrote a book about the Dulles brothers and their effect on shaping American foreign policy and really the overt and covert foreign policy of the United States in the 1950s when they reigned simultaneously as Allen Dulles, Director of Central Intelligence, and John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State, having a remarkable degree of power that they wielded very much for their own personal benefit and the benefit of their cronies—again, as we shall see. But Stephen Kinzer—again, a very mainstream commentator, a former foreign correspondent for The New York Times and writer of mainstream biographies—he, I think, encapsulates this quite well when he says that “Allen Dulles was the ambassador of the secret government to the overt government.” Which I think is a good way of putting it. I think that is one of the main roles that he played there in the 1950s as Director of Central Intelligence.

But then again, we don’t want to rely too much on the mainstream commentators for the Allen Dulles biography or the real meaning of the Dulles legacy because . . . well, they tend to say things like this:

PETER GROSE: The notion of the CIA as a secret government or as a rogue elephant really is not borne out by the histories that we can now see as documents are released. The political leadership—first, Harry Truman and the Truman administration, where it all got started, remember, then Eisenhower and his administration, Kennedy, etc., etc.—the political leadership has always called the tune for what the agency [CIA] would do. If sometimes enthusiasts within the agency tried to get away with something, as they did, they were dealt with with relative promptness.

I think Allen Dulles has to be given the credit for establishing that tradition of responsible, relatively competent actions and mechanisms to carry out government policy.

SOURCE: Gentleman Spy: The Life of Allen Dulles (Interview with Peter Grose)

CORBETT: Yes, mainstream commentary indeed. Well, I will put a link in the show notes to that video so you can watch the rest of that interview yourself if you so desire. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it, but I will say that I will put it as a little homework assignment for you guys out there to find out who that was and more specifically what he did between 1984 and 1993. The man in the clip, what did he do between 1984 and 1993 and how might that have affected or influenced what he says or doesn’t say in that clip and in his writing generally? The first Corbett Report member to report back with who that man is and what he did between 1984 and 1993, the first Corbett Report member to leave that answer in the comments for this podcast at will win a free Corbett Report DVD of their choosing.

Alright, let’s move on. Obviously, we can’t rely on the mainstream commentators to give us any sort of real insight into the Dulles brothers or Allen Dulles specifically. So, in order to find out more about Allen Dulles and what he was really up to, we will have to roll up our sleeves—metaphorically, as the case may be—and get to work ourselves. We’re going to start by looking at Allen Dulles’ own book, The Craft of Intelligence by Allen Dulles, which, yes, I have read for you so you don’t have to do it yourselves. It’s not particularly interesting or ground-breaking. It’s more a sort of overview of the craft of spying and the history of spying and what those damn Russkies are doing and things like that. So, it’s not all that insightful from that perspective, but there are some little nuggets in here.

Well, why not get the story of the ass from the ass’ mouth, as it were? We’re going to read from the introduction here of this book—or the preface, actually—where Allen Dulles is writing about his early life:

My interest in world affairs started early; in fact, it goes back to my childhood days. I was brought up on the stories of my paternal grandfather’s voyage of 131 days in a sailing vessel from Boston to Madras, India, where he was a missionary. He was almost shipwrecked on the way. In my youth, I was often in Washington with my maternal grandparents. My grandfather, John W. Foster, had been Secretary of State in 1892 under President Harrison. After serving in the Civil War he had become a general and had later been American minister to Mexico, to Russia and then to Spain. My mother had spent much of her youth in the capitals of these countries, my father had studied abroad. I grew up in the atmosphere of family debates on what was going on in the world.

My earliest recollections are of the Spanish and Boer Wars. In 1901, at the age of eight, I was an avid listener as my grandfather and his son-in-law, Robert Lansing, who was to become Secretary of State under President Woodrow Wilson, hotly discussed the merits of the British and Boer causes. I wrote out my own views—vigorous and misspelled—which were discovered by my elders and published as a little booklet; it became a “best seller” in the Washington area. I was for the “underdog.”

After graduating from college a few months before the outbreak of World War I in 1914, sharing the general ignorance about the dramatic events that lay ahead, I worked my way around the world, teaching school in India and then China, and traveling widely in the Far East. I returned to the United States in 1915; and a year before our entry into the war, I became a member of the diplomatic service.

During the next ten years I served in a series of fascinating posts: first in Austria-Hungary, where in 1916—17 I saw the beginnings of the breakup of the Hapsburg monarchy; then in Switzerland during the war days, I gathered intelligence on what was going on behind the fighting front in Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Balkans. I was, in fact, an intelligence officer rather than a diplomat. Assigned to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 for the Versailles Treaty negotiations, I helped draw the frontiers of the new Czechoslovakia, worked on the problems created for the west by the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 and helped on the peace settlement in Central Europe. When the Conference closed, I was one of those who opened our first postwar mission in Berlin in 1920, and after a tour of duty at Constantinople I served four years as Chief of the Near East Division of the State Department.

By that time, 1926, although I had still not exhausted my curiosity about the world, I had exhausted my exchequer and turned to the practice of the law with the New York law firm of which my brother was the senior partner. This practice was interrupted for periods of government service in the late twenties and early thirties as legal adviser to our delegations at the League of Nations conferences on arms limitations. In connection with this work I met Hitler, Mussolini, Litvinov and the leaders of Britain and France.

SOURCE: The Craft of Intelligence: America’s Legendary Spy Master on the Fundamentals of Intelligence Gathering for a Free World by Allen Dulles

CORBETT: Well, that at least gives us some of the early background of Allen Dulles, and let’s see what it is that we can glean from this. First of all, he mentions that he was attending the 1919 Paris Peace Treaty/Versailles Treaty negotiations for the American delegation, and specifically in his role, as he puts it, as an intelligence officer, not a diplomat. The “diplomat” being really the cover for the works that he was doing first in Austria/Hungary during the war and then in Paris as part of the “peace delegation.”

But attentive listeners—and I’m sure Corbett Reporteers will already know that, of course—the 1919 Versailles Treaty negotiations saw a cadre of people giving birth to what was The Royal Institute of International Affairs and what was to become its sister organization in the United States, the Council on Foreign Relations. And the question is: was Allen Dulles tied in with that group? And did he have relations with the Council on Foreign Relations? Well, you bet your life he did!

We can glean that from a completely different book. This is of course The Shadows of Power by our good friend James Perloff, who we’ve interviewed a number of times here on the podcast, including specifically about this book. And on page 104 he talks a little bit about Allen Dulles’ brother John Foster Dulles’ connections to the Council on Foreign Relations and also Allen Dulles’ own connections.

Winding up as Secretary of State was John Foster Dulles. Dulles had been one of Woodrow Wilson’s young proteges at the Paris Peace Conference. A founding member of the CFR, he had contributed articles to Foreign Affairs since its first issue. He was an in-law of the Rockefellers, and chairman of the board of the Rockefeller Foundation. He was also board chairman of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, where his choice for president of that body had been Alger Hiss. An inveterate internationalist, he had been a delegate to the founding UN conference. Also a member of Truman’s State Department, he had none of the earmarks one would expect of a Republican. Nevertheless, before the election, he began to parrot conservative slogans, just as Eisenhower did. So great was the disparity between Dulles’ words and his personal reality that one of his biographies was entitled The Actor.

[. . .]

For CIA Director, Ike selected Allen Dulles, John Foster’s brother. He, too, had been at the Paris Peace Conference. He joined the CFR in 1926 and later became its President.

SOURCE: The Shadows of Power by James Perloff

CORBETT: Alright, interesting little nuggets there. Thank you, James Perloff. So, let’s step back a moment. What do we have so far?

Elite political pedigree including an uncle and a grandfather, both of whom were Secretaries of State, and hobnobbing in his youth via his family connections with people like Woodrow Wilson and Andrew Carnegie? Check.

Rockefeller in-law by way of his brother? Check.

Globalist CFR jet-setting stooge? Check.

Part of the invisible government’s secret intelligence apparatus? Check.

Wall Street lawyer? Check.

This is an interesting start, but what does this add up to, you’re saying to yourself. So there was another insider, crony-connected, political elite person within part of the intelligence apparatus half a century ago (or more at this point). So what? Who cares? What does this have to do with us here today?

STEPHEN KINZER: All of the oil in Iran, thanks to a corrupt deal that had been reached with a former monarch, was 100% owned by one company and that company was British and owned mainly by the British government. What it meant was that Britain, through the ownership of this one company, controlled all the discovery, all the refining, all the production and all the sales of all the oil in Iran.

In the period after World War II, there was a great popular sentiment in Iran: “Let’s nationalize our oil industry! Let’s take it back from this British company!” And the parliament passed a law to that effect, unanimously, and the elected leader who was charged to carry out this law was Mohammad Mosaddegh. So, Mosaddegh became the Prime Minister of Iran who was leading the nationalistic campaign to take back control of the Iranian oil industry.

That got the British hugely upset. Through a long series of machinations, they brought the Americans into the project, and in the summer of 1953 the CIA sent an agent into Iran who, in the space of just a few weeks, threw the country in chaos and secured the overthrow of the democratically elected leader Mohammad Mosaddegh.

SOURCE: Overthrowing Governments 101, CIA Coups

MICHAEL CARROLL: Guatemala, genuine banana republic, is dominated by a giant American company. United Fruit not only controls the fruit industry but also the railroads, the telephone system and even the delivery of mail. Newly elected President Jacobo Árbenz promises agrarian reform and to break United Fruits’ monopoly. United Fruit appeals to Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, at one time the company’s legal counsel. He agrees to help and rid Guatemala of a President he considers communist. His brother, CIA Director Allen Dulles—a United Fruits stockholder and once a member of its Board of Directors—is given the go-ahead.

The CIA gives its plan the code name Operation Success. The coup attempt will depend on a handful of soldiers, a small air force and the massive use of psychological warfare.

SOURCE: Spies “Diplomacy – CIA Style”: Guatemala

NARRATOR: September 1946. It’s been little more than a year since former Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen began working secretly for the United States. By now, former Nazi scientists and engineers have also been brought to the US and put on the government payroll. It’s a top-secret operation run by the Joint Chiefs of Staff under the code name “Paperclip.”

SOURCE: CIA and the nazis documentary

NARRATOR: In the wake of World War II, the US government is engaged in a large number of secret medical experiments designed to help win the Cold War. Developing techniques for mind control to create a so-called “Manchurian Candidate.”

SOURCE: CIA Mind Control

ALAN W. SCHEFLIN: The Director of Central Intelligence in April of 1953, Allen Dulles, gave a talk in which he said that we were in a battle for control of men’s minds—that’s his term—and that we were losing the battle.

NARRATOR: Dulles wastes no time in signing a secret executive order creating Project MKULTRA. The goal: to leave no stone unturned in the area of mind and behaviour control.

SOURCE: America’s Secret War – MKULTRA Mind Control

MICHAEL CARROLL: Allen Dulles pinpoints Cuba for his most ambitious attempt to eliminate a foreign leader: Fidel Castro. Castro nationalizes American property in Cuba and offers to pay for it with nearly worthless Cuban bonds. The US rejects his offer. Castro refuses to negotiate.

In Guatemala, the CIA trains a Cuban exile force of 1,500 men. This tiny army, the 2506 Brigade, is expected to invade Cuba, hold the beach head for 72 hours and wait for a popular uprising against Castro. Success will depend on American air support.

April 17th [1961] the invasion force reaches its destination: the Bay of Pigs. The Cuban people do not rise up against Castro as expected. The Cuban army does not defect. Outnumbered and outgunned, Brigade 2506 is doomed.

SOURCE: Spies “Diplomacy – CIA Style”: Cuba 

CORBETT: Yes, I think we can see how this “ancient history” has very real real-world relevance even to this very day, as the effects of those operations continue to spill forth across the headlines. And just as the 1919 Paris “peace” conference literally drew and redrew the lines on the map over which wars are currently raging, so, too, did the Machiavellian machinations of Allen Dulles as Director of Central Intelligence in the 1950s leave scars on the earth which are still being felt—and picked at—even to this very day.

So, in order to even begin encompassing a career as expansive and infamous as Allen Dulles’—and we will only be able to scratch the surface of it today—let’s turn to an article from 2005 by Cory Panshin entitled “Allen Dulles, the Nazis, and the CIA,” where he notes:

Dulles entered the diplomatic service after college and served as a State Department delegate to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, which brought a formal end to World War I. The Versailles Treaty which came out of this conference included a provision making it illegal to sell arms to Germany. This displeased the powerful DuPont family, and they put pressure on the delegates to allow them to opt out. It was Allen Dulles who finally gave them the assurances they wanted that their transactions with Germany would be “winked at.”

Dulles remained a diplomat through the early 1920’s [sic], spending part of that time in Berlin. However, he left government service in 1926 for the greener pastures of private business, becoming a Wall Street lawyer with the same firm as his older brother, John Foster Dulles.

[. . .]

He would become the lawyer for the Thyssens’ Rotterdam bank and would also represent other German firms, including I.G. Farben.

However, there was a serpent in this businessmen’s Eden, and its name was Adolph Hitler. August Thyssen’s son and successor, Fritz Thyssen, was an enthusiastic supporter of Hitler and had been funding the Nazi Party since 1923. Other German industrialists would do the same. It is hard to say to what extent the American investors shared Thyssen’s enthusiasm, though it seems likely that most of them were swayed less by ideology than by the prospect that Hitler would be good for business. Either way, the outcome was that many wealthy and powerful Americans wound up supporting a regime that would ultimately become their own nation’s enemy, and investing in the very firms that would provide the core of that regime’s military machine.

Early in 1933, both Dulles brother attended a meeting in Germany where German industrialists agreed to back Hitler’s bid for power in exchange for his pledge to break the German unions. A few months later, John Foster Dulles negotiated a deal with Hitler’s economics minister whereby all German trade with the United States would be coordinated through a syndicate headed by Averell Harriman’s cousin. With the Nazis enforcing a favorable climate for business, the profits for Thyssen and other companies soared, and the Union Banking Corporation increasingly became a Nazi money-laundering machine. In 1934, George Herbert Walker placed Prescott Bush on Union Bank’s board of directors, and Bush and Harriman also began to use the bank as the basis for a complex and deceptive system of holding companies.

The Hamburg-Amerika shipping line, which Harriman and Walker had controlled since 1920, had a particularly high degree of Nazi involvement in its operations. In 1934, a congressional investigation revealed it to have become a front for I.G. Farben’s spying, propaganda, and bribery on behalf of the German government. Rather than advising Walker and Harriman to divest themselves of these tainted assets, Prescott Bush hired Allen Dulles to help conceal them. From 1937 on, the Dulles brothers would serve Bush and Harriman in all their covert dealings with Nazi firms. They also performed similar cloaking services for others, like the Rockefellers.

SOURCE: Allen Dulles, the Nazis, and the CIA

CORBETT: It’s an extensive article. I suggest that you do read the entire article for more detail on those various overlapping business interests and how they come together in that nexus of the Dulles brothers helping to perform the cloaking operations for the American support for the Nazis in the 1930s and ’40s. A very, very important and interesting story and a detailed one.

But I hope that at the very least you’re starting to get the point that the Dulles brothers—and Allen Dulles, of course, specifically—represented in a very real sense “fascism” in the Mussolini definition: the nexus of corporate and state power. That’s exactly what is represented by these Wall Street lawyers wielding all of their influence over the banking and finance operations that were then later rolled into the overt and covert foreign policy of the United States when these brothers reached the highest ranks of foreign policy power in the United States, more on which in a moment.

But first, let’s turn back to the story, as we continue to develop this, of Dulles before the CIA in 1953.

So, in the 1940s Dulles found himself working for Wild Bill Donovan’s OSS, which was the forerunner organization to the CIA. He was stationed in Bern, Switzerland, under the cover of Assistant to the US Ambassador, where, according to Robert Crowley, who later became the Assistant Deputy Director for Operations of the CIA, he became an initiate of the Night of Malta. After the war ended, Dulles became instrumental in launching Operation Paperclip with the help of Nazi spymaster Reinhard Galen. And this history should be familiar to Corbett Report listeners who can remember all the way back to Episode 49 of The Corbett Report, Paperclipped Nazis and Stay-behind Gladios.

But here’s more of that story from

Convinced that German scientists could help America’s postwar efforts, President Harry Truman agreed in September 1946 to authorize “Project Paperclip,” a program to bring selected German scientists to work on America’s behalf during the “Cold War.” However, Truman expressly excluded anyone found “to have been a member of the Nazi party and more than a nominal participant in its activities, or an active supporter of Naziism or militarism.”

The War Department’s Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) conducted background investigations of the scientists. In February 1947, JIOA Director Bosquet Wev submitted the first set of scientists’ dossiers to the State and Justice Departments for review. The Dossiers were damning. Samauel Klaus, the State Department’s representative on the JIOA board, claimed that all the scientists in this first batch were “ardent Nazis.” Their visa requests were denied.

Wev was furious. He wrote a memo warning that “the best interests of the United States have been subjugated to the efforts expended in ‘beating a dead Nazi horse.'” He also declared that the return of these scientists to Germany, where they could be exploited by America’s enemies, presented a “far greater security threat to this country than any former Nazi affiliations which they may have had or even any Nazi sympathies that they may still have.” When the JIOA formed to investigate the backgrounds and form dossiers on the Nazis, the Nazi Intelligence leader Reinhard Gehlen met with the CIA director Allen Dulles.

Dulles and Gehlen hit it off immediately. Gehlen was a master spy for the Nazis and had infiltrated Russia with his vast Nazi Intelligence network. Dulles promised Gehlen that his Intelligence unit was safe in the CIA. Apparently, Wev decided to sidestep the problem. Dulles had the scientists [sic] dossier’s [sic] re-written to eliminate incriminating evidence. As promised, Allen Dulles delivered the Nazi Intelligence unit to the CIA, which later opened many umbrella projects stemming from Nazi mad research. (MK-ULTRA / ARTICHOKE, OPERATION MIDNIGHT CLIMAX)

Military Intelligence “cleansed” the files of Nazi references. By 1955, more than 760 German scientists had been granted citizenship in the U.S. and given prominent positions in the American scientific community. Many had been longtime members of the Nazi party and the Gestapo, had conducted experiments on humans at concentration camps, had used slave labor, and had committed other war crimes. In a 1985 expose in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Linda Hunt wrote that she had examined more than 130 reports on Project Paperclip subjects—and every one “had been changed to eliminate the security threat classification.”

President Truman, who had explicitly ordered no committed Nazis to be admitted under Project Paperclip, was evidently never aware that his directive had been violated. State Department archives and the memoirs of officials from that era confirm this. In fact, according to Clare Lasby’s book Operation Paperclip, project officials “covered their designs with such secrecy that it bedeviled their own President; at Potsdam he denied their activities and undoubtedly enhanced Russian suspicion and distrust,” quite possibly fueling the Cold War even further.

SOURCE: “Operation Paperclip

CORBETT: Again, a lot more to this story than we’re going to cover here, so I would suggest that you continue reading that article, but I think some parts of this story are by now well known. For example, Werner von Braun and Reinhard Gehlen himself and Klaus Barbie and some of these other people who were paperclipped into the American scientific and even intelligence apparatus.

But some of these names that come up in connection with Paperclip and Dulles are very fascinating and much less talked about. For example, Licio Gelli:

Head of a 2400-member secret Masonic Lodge, P2, a neo-fascist organization, in Italy that catered to only the elite, Gelli had high connections in the Vatican, even though he was not a Catholic. P2’s membership is totally secret and not even available to its Mother Lodge in England. Gelli was responsible for providing Argentina with the Exocet missile. He was a double agent for the CIA and the KGB. He assisted many former Nazi high officials in their escape from Europe to Central America. He had close ties with the Italian Mafia. Gelli was a close associate of Benito Mussolini. He was also closely affiliated with Roberto Calvi, head of the scandal-ridden Vatican Bank. Calvi was murdered. Gelli’s secret lodge consisted of extremely important people, including armed forces commanders, secret service chiefs, head of Italy’s financial police, 30 generals, eight admirals, newspaper editors, television and top business executives and key bankers – including Calvi.

Licio Gelli and others in P2 were behind the assassination of Pope John Paul 1. The central figure in Europe and South America that linked the CIA, Masonic Lodge, Vatican, ex-Nazis and several South American governments, the Italian government and several international banks was Licio Gelli. He, with Klaus Barbie and Heinrich Rupp, met with Ronald R. Rewald in Uruguay to arrange for the Argentine purchase of the French-made Exocet missile, used in the Falkland Island attack to kill British soldiers.

SOURCE: “Operation Paperclip

CORBETT: Again, another piece of this much larger puzzle that is fascinating, and so many different directions that that can go in.

And in fact, yes, the Project Paperclip wormhole just keeps getting deeper and deeper the more you look into it. And for another fascinating article that gets into so much deeper levels of this, you can look at an article entitled “Project Paperclip and the Space Race,” which was extracted from Secret Societies that Threaten to Take Over America by Jim Marrs. And in that very extensive article—which, again, you will have to read for yourself, it notes:

To coordinate covert operations, the NSC created the 5412 Committee, also called the Special Group, which has changed names several times to avoid public exposure. In 1964, it was known as the 303 Committee and in 1970 it was renamed the 40 Committee.

Within this organization – which included such familiar names as Nelson Rockefeller, Robert McNamara, McGeorge Bundy, Gordon Gray, and Allen Dulles – was a subcommittee dealing with science and technology. It is here that the connection between the corporate and financial world and government-held technological secrets may be found.

SOURCE: Project Paperclip and the Space Race

CORBETT: And it goes on to talk about some of those secrets that are held in the secret space program, which emerged at least partially from that core nucleus of Nazi scientists from Project Paperclip, overseen and shepherded into existence by Allen Dulles in his coordination with Reinhard Gehlen.

Again, a fascinating story. And there’s so much more detail to that, but it at least gives you some of the insight into some of the operations that Dulles was involved in even before he became head of the CIA in 1953 under Eisenhower.

Continuing that story a little bit, with a couple of other details:

In 1948, he helped co-found the Office of Policy Coordination, which was a US psychological operations and military covert action organization that was eventually rolled into the CIA in 1951, I believe.

In 1949, he co-wrote a report critiquing the CIA which ultimately led President Truman to appoint a new CIA director and shake things up at the CIA. And it was supposedly on the basis of that report—the work that he did on that—that in 1953 he was appointed by President Eisenhower to be Director of Central Intelligence at the same time as his brother John Foster was appointed to become Secretary of State.

And just like that, the Dulles brothers, Wall Street lawyers at the fascistic connection of government and corporate power and military power and covert power, came together to completely dominate American foreign policy for the rest of the 1950s into the 1960s. And this was a very bad thing for America, of course, but perhaps more importantly, for the entire world.

And perhaps unsurprisingly, again, the Dulles’ shady business connections play a central role in the story of the operations that the CIA conducted under Dulles in the 1950s.

STEPHEN KINZER: The Dulles brothers’ war started with two interventions in the early 1950s, soon after they came to office. That was in Guatemala and Iran.

I think these two are tied together by one particular factor. The Dulles brothers, of course, spent decades as corporate lawyers for this remarkable law firm of Sullivan & Cromwell. This firm had a specialty of pushing around small countries to force them to accept American corporations and allow those corporations to operate freely.

One client of the Dulles brothers was something called the Schroeder Bank, which was a big international bank. And Allen Dulles was actually on the board of the Schroeder Bank. Now, the Schroeder Bank was the financial agent for the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, which owned the oil industry in Iran. In 1951, the democratically elected government of Iran nationalized its oil industry. So, Allen Dulles had to go back to his friends at the Schroeder Bank and say something like: “You hired us to protect your interests in Iran, and we failed. You don’t have your oil company there anymore. We lost it.”

And then shortly thereafter, we had a similar operation in Guatemala. So, the Guatemalan government—again, with the vote of its Congress—adopted a land reform program. That land reform program affected the interests of United Fruit, which was another big Sullivan & Cromwell client who both Dulles brothers represented. And both brothers held large blocks of United Fruit stock. There was nothing they could do about the land reform program in Guatemala, and they had to go back to United Fruit and say: “We failed you. We couldn’t protect your interests in Guatemala.”

Now, the Dulles brothers were not used to failing, and they didn’t like having to do this. They never forgot that Prime Minister Mossadegh in Iran and President Arbenz in Guatemala had deeply wounded clients of their firm and themselves. So, they couldn’t do anything about it while they were private lawyers, but they carried this grudge with them. And in 1953, when John Foster Dulles became Secretary of State and Allen Dulles became Director of the CIA, they immediately set out against these two. And within a year and a half after they took office, both were gone. Mossadegh was gone in Iran. Arbenz was gone in Guatemala.

And it wasn’t just two leaders who were gone. Those two countries were plunged into periods of terror and violence from which they still have not recovered. So those were the first two monsters that the Dulles brothers went abroad to slay.

SOURCE: Stephen Kinzer on the Dulles Brothers

CORBETT: Now, that was Stephen Kinzer, one of those mainstream biographers that I mentioned at the beginning of this episode, who recently wrote a book, The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War, that, as I say, he’s made the rounds on, talking about John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles and their role in shaping American foreign policy in the world in the 1950s during their time in power. And for descriptions of some of the nefarious activities that the Dulleses were involved in and some of the business connections that drove those actions, someone like Kinzer can be a valuable resource. There are a lot of facts there and a lot of meat there to chew into.

But having said that, again, like any mainstream commentator, there are certain limits to Kinzer’s narrative. And one of them is that the Dulles brothers themselves weren’t necessarily bad people. They were more reflections of what America is and the way America sees itself. They’re reflections of the American dream and corporate power and all of these things that are part of us. So really, when we look at the Dulleses and the awful things they were involved in, we should be turning the gaze inward. He has that kind of a narrative, which, I think, deflects conveniently a lot of the blame and stops too deep an analysis of what was really going on there.

But it really takes the cake when you start getting into the 1960s. Because, of course, people might know that one of the first things that JFK did as President—in fact, in his very first press conference, in his very first breath, one of the first things he did—was to reappoint Allen Dulles as Director of Central Intelligence. But all of that changed quite dramatically by November of 1961, when he appointed a new director of Central Intelligence.

PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY: I have asked Mr. John McCone to accept the responsibility of being the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Board and have asked him to assume this responsibility later in the fall.

When Mr. Allen Dulles and I had our conversation last November, and when I asked him to continue on in his responsibility as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, he agreed to do so for a year. He and I have been concerned this summer that this agency should continue to serve as an effective instrument of our country’s policy, and we have been most anxious that we would secure the services of an experienced public servant and that the transition which would be made this fall should be as smooth and effective as possible.

SOURCE: September 27, 1961 – President Kennedy Announcing the Appointment of John McCone as Director of CIA

CORBETT: So, what happened between the beginning of JFK’s presidency in early 1961, when he reappointed Dulles, and less than a year later, when he fired Dulles and appointed John McCone to replace him as Director of Central Intelligence?

Oh, that’s right: the Bay of Pigs. Yes, of course, the fumbled, botched, ridiculous invasion of Cuba by the anti-Castro Cubans, coordinated by the joint chiefs of staff and backed up by the CIA. And of course, famously, in the wake of that, JFK was quite furious at the way that the CIA had completely led him up the garden path with regards to that operation. And he said quite famously to one of his advisors, “I am going to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter those pieces to the winds.” And he goes on to fire Allen Dulles and appoint John McCone, which is a pretty major turn of events.

Image: Kennedy presents the National Security Medal to Dulles, November 28, 1961. (From the Public Domain)


Of course, on the surface, it’s all very cordial, and he never said anything in the press conference or anything of that sort about Allen Dulles. He even went on to award him with a National Security Medal, one of the highest awards he could appoint as President. But under the surface there were some significant tensions going on.

And of course, I think that shouldn’t need to be elaborated too much, but in case you do need any elaboration, we can just read an excerpt from JFK: the CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy by L. Fletcher Prouty, where he writes:

President Kennedy was seriously upset by the failure of the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to provide him with adequate information and support prior to his approval of the brigade landing at the Bay of Pigs. He was also upset by the results of the total breakdown of CIA leadership during the operation that followed that landing.

Kennedy’s good friend Supreme Court justice William O. Douglas, in recalling a discussion he had with Kennedy shortly after the disaster, said:

“This episode seared him. He had experienced the extreme power that these groups had, these various insidious influences of the CIA and the Pentagon, on civilian policy, and I think it raised in his own mind the specter: Can Jack Kennedy, President of the United States, ever be strong enough to really rule these two powerful agencies? I think it had a profound effect . . . it shook him up!”

Can any President “ever be strong enough to really rule” the CIA and the Defense Department? Eisenhower had learned that he was not strong enough when a U-2 went down in the heart of Russia despite his specific “no-overflight” orders in 1960.

Kennedy set out to prove that he was “strong enough,” and he might have done so had he had a second term in office. Instead, he was first overwhelmed and then murdered.

SOURCE: JFK: the CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy by L. Fletcher Prouty



(from l. to r.) C.I.A. Director Allen Dulles with C.I.A. Counter-insurgency expert Colonel Edward Lansdale, United States Air Force Chief of Staff General Nathan F. Twining, and C.I.A. Deputy Director Lieutenant General Charles P. Cabell at the Pentagon in 1955. (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)


CORBETT: Well, I think any reasonable human being would at the very least place Allen Dulles and the CIA on the list of suspects for involvement in the assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22nd, 1963. It is certainly means, motive and opportunity all coalescing into the nexus of someone like an Allen Dulles . . . unless you’re Stephen Kinzer! You know, former foreign bureau chief for The New York Times, who says, “No, no, no. You see, Dulles was starting to suffer from dementia, which, towards the very end of his life, in the late 1960s, he was more or less a vegetable. Well, that had already started to set in in the early 1960s, before he had even been fired. And this is why he wasn’t very deeply involved in the Bay of Pigs operation. This is why he couldn’t really be blamed for that failure. This is why, when, two years later, the JFK assassination happened, you couldn’t possibly put the blame on Allen Dulles.” He was already starting to go out of his mind, according to Stephen Kinzer.

And yes, amazingly enough, just three days after JFK’s assassination, before the body was even cold, you have the phone call of President LBJ calling Allen Dulles to offer him a position on the Warren Commission investigating the assassination of JFK.

PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON: We’re going to name very shortly a Presidential Commission made up of seven people: two from the House, two from the Senate, two from the public and one from the court as a study group to go into this FBI Report, this Court of Inquiry and all the incidents in connection with the assassination of our beloved friend and you’ve got to go on that for me.

ALLEN DULLES: You think I can really serve you?

LBJ: I know you can. I know you can. There’s not a doubt about it. Just get ready now to go in there and do a good job. We’ve got to have . . . America has got to be united in this hour.

DULLES: I would like to be of any help . . . and you’ve considered the work of my previous work [sic] and my previous job?

LBJ: I sure have.

SOURCE: Conversation with ALLEN DULLES, November 29, 1963

CORBETT: You can’t make it up. No, LBJ appoints Allen Dulles to be one of the commissioners on the Warren Commission. And no, nothing to see here, nothing suspicious about that. Absolutely unbelievable.

Well, the role of the CIA in the Kennedy assassination is obviously beyond the scope of this episode, and we’re already reaching the point at which there’s so much information in this episode that a detailed review of the ways that Allen Dulles manipulated the information that the Warren Commission was privy to and the ultimate outcome of that commission in finding Lee Harvey Oswald as the sole lone gunman is, again, too big a story to possibly really encapsulate here. It deserves probably an episode unto itself. But I’ll just point a few of the cookie crumb trails along that path.

For example, a couple of stories from “Allen Dulles and the origins of the lone gunman theory,” that notes that in the very first meeting of the Warren Commission, you can look at the transcript of that meeting, and on page 51 Allen Dulles passes out a copy of a book to the various commissioners that he says will predict the outcome of the investigation. Namely, that it was done by a lone gunman. And John McCloy retorts that the Lincoln assassination was a conspiracy, to which Dulles replies that one man was so dominant in the JFK plot [sic] that “it almost wasn’t a plot.” So, there you go, before the very, very first meeting, Allen Dulles apparently had solved the case.

And another ridiculous piece of history from that Warren Commission cover-up, again from, “Allen Dulles: ‘I think this record ought to be destroyed.’” which notes: “Warren Commissioner Allen Dulles, during a January 22nd, 1964, executive session at which the allegation that Lee Harvey Oswald was a paid informant for the FBI was discussed,” said: “”I think this record ought to be destroyed.’ The transcript was indeed destroyed, but an original court reporter’s tape was later recovered and the transcript remade from it after a long legal battle brought by Harold Weisberg, a former Capitol Hill staffer and JFK researcher.”

So, there you go. We actually have, in black and white, in his own voice, Allen Dulles talking about, well, “Let’s destroy that pesky little evidence connecting Lee Harvey Oswald to the FBI!” Exceptionally interesting.

And again, those are just a couple of cookie crumbs along the trail of Dulles and his fingerprints on the JFK assassination and subsequent cover-up. Again, so much more to go into, and I hope you will join me in the open source investigation by adding all of the various other crumbs on that cookie crumb trail in the comments section of this podcast.

But it brings us to the point of how you actually encompass and encapsulate what we’ve learned today—even, again, just scratching the surface of a character like Allen Dulles. And again, I think that the fascistic nexus of Wall Street / legal / intelligence power, that is the higher level of power that we heard Allen Dulles mention at the beginning of today’s episode is perfectly encapsulated in the biography of someone like Allen Dulles.

And let us not be so naive to think that that nexus of power does not exist today—in fact, has not been amplified over the decades that this cancerous tumor has been allowed to grow on the planet.

But perhaps, as a fitting tribute to the legacy of Allen Dulles, we’ll summarize with a couple of quotes, one again from Robert Crowley—again, Assistant Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Operations—who in a candid set of remarks that I’ll include the link to so you can go and read them for yourself, said, among other things:

Allen was not a kind or thoughtful man. But his wife really did a number on him at the end. Allen was dying in ‘69 and they had a Christmas party at his place. Wife was downstairs with the guests, having a wonderful time. Not a word about Allen except that he was not feeling well. Finally, one of the boys decided to go up and wish Allen a Merry Christmas. Guess what he found? [. . .] Allen lying in a urine and feces soaked bed, completely out of it and mumbling to himself. She had left him up there for quite a while. Ugly. She really must have hated him. The boys picked him up, wrapped him in a clean blanket and took him to the hospital, where he died about a month later. She didn’t care at all and was very upset that they used one of her good blankets.

CORBETT: It really says something when your wife, at the end of your life, cares more about the blanket that is used to transport you to the hospital than you yourself. So, that is one, I think, fitting testament to the legacy of Allen Dulles, who, although we didn’t get into it in this podcast, was absolutely an on-the-record and admitted serial philanderer. And so, there are probably reasons that his wife was not quite so fond of him and treated him like that towards the end of his life.

But let’s leave the final word on Dulles and the Dulles brothers’ legacy to Stephen Kinzer, who actually had an interesting little story about a piece of artwork that might serve as a fitting testament to the real legacy of the Dulles brothers.

That’s going to do it for today. Once again, I invite you to join me in the open source investigation to continue laying out the cookie trail—pointing so many of these dark deeds back at the doorstep of Allen Dulles—in the comments section of this podcast at

Once again, this is James Corbett of, looking forward to talking to you again very soon.

KINZER: Now, also during my research, I came across a magnificent artistic masterpiece. I consider this one of the greatest works of political art of the 20th century. It’s a mural painted by Diego Rivera.

Now, right after Arbenz was overthrown in 1954, there were huge protests in Latin America. I just had lunch yesterday with Ricardo Lagos, the recent President of Chile. He told me that as a teenager, he rioted. He demonstrated in front of the US Embassy on the day after the coup in Chile as a college student. Well, so did Diego Rivera. Diego Rivera and his wife Frida Kahlo participated in a protest rally. Frida Kahlo was deathly ill and was under doctor’s orders not to move out of her bed. But she was so outraged by the overthrow of Arbenz that she insisted. And Diego Rivera pushed her in a wheelchair in the front of the protest rally in Mexico with all these signs denouncing America for overthrowing democracy in Guatemala. Frida Kahlo died eleven days later.

Diego Rivera went on to paint this spectacular sixteen-foot-long mural depicting the Guatemala coup. There you see Foster Dulles shaking hands with his Guatemalan lackey, while Allen Dulles is right behind him with a big satchel of cash. And there you see the bought-off archbishop and the American ambassador who carried it all. Meanwhile, you’ve got these Guatemalan laborers breaking their backs with huge loads of bananas that they’re carrying onto a ship with an American flag, with all dead Guatemalan children in front of them. It’s a spectacular piece. I have seen many reproductions of this painting, and I’ve stared at it literally for hours.

So, I decided that, while writing this book, I’ve got to go see that picture.

Now, that painting has a very tortured history. It was shown in Guatemala for about six months. That would have been about five or six years ago. I missed that. Som I want to track it down. It’s not in Guatemala anymore. So, of course, I figured it’s got to be in Mexico with all of the Diego Rivera paintings. It was very difficult to locate where in Mexico it was. I finally had to hire someone in Mexico to go to all the Diego Rivera foundations and figure it out. Finally, I came back to the answer that this picture is not in Mexico. This picture is in a museum in Moscow, because Diego Rivera was a communist. He sent it to the Soviets, but the Soviets didn’t want to display it, because Diego Rivera actually only considered himself a communist. He was not pro-Soviet. He was quite a free thinker, and the Soviets didn’t like him.

So, I finally located the museum where this painting is, and through a Russian lady who helped me with a lot of emails, I was able to contact the assistant director of that museum. And I got back an email and it said: “I’m sorry to tell you that that painting is not on display. It’s on a roll rolled up in our storage room. If you would like to come to Moscow, as you said you’d like to, we can take you into the basement and show you the roll, but we cannot unroll it because we don’t have the space.”

So, this brilliant masterpiece is never seen. And actually, the audience that needs to see it is really not in Russia, and it’s really not in Guatemala. It’s here. We’rethe ones that need to see that picture.

So, this is my modest proposal: Dulles Airport. Let us place the bust back where it was! Let us bring the Diego Rivera mural and let Americans confront the Dulles brothers and what they mean for us. Thank you.

SOURCE: Forgotten History of the Dulles Brothers


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Before he was caught with an AK-47 on a golf course near Trump, Ryan Routh went to Kiev to fight for Ukraine’s military and recruit for its International Legion. In a book-length manifesto, Routh wished for assassinations of Putin and Trump, and urged nuclear war with Russia.

Ryan Routh was arrested today with an AK-47-style rifle fitted with a sniper scope several hundred yards from Donald Trump while the former president was golfing. According to the Washington Post, the “Trump golf course incident investigated as potential assassination attempt.”

Back in 2022, Routh reportedly traveled to Ukraine to recruit for the International Legion. According to Newsweek Romania, which interviewed Routh in 2022, the American resident of Hawaii hoped to fight as a volunteer alongside the Ukrainian army, but was too old at age 56.

“So plan B,” Routh said, “was to come to Kiev and promote the idea of many others coming to join the International Legion. We need thousands of people here to fight alongside Ukrainians. 

There are about 190 countries on our planet, and if the governments are not officially sending soldiers here, then we civilians should pick up this torch and make it happen.”


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Routh’s Twitter timeline is filled with scores of tweets volunteering his direct assistance to the war in Ukraine, cheerleading the war against Russia, and attacking opponents of military aid to Kiev such as Tulsi Gabbard.



Semafor described Routh as the head of the International Volunteer Center in Ukraine. He complained to the outlet that Ukraine’s government was less than enthusiastic about the droves of volunteers flocking to Kiev.

“I have had partners meeting with [Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense] every week and still have not been able to get them to agree to issue one single visa.”

Routh also appeared in a March 25, 2023 New York Times feature about “The U.S. volunteers in Ukraine who lie, waste and bicker.”Among those featured alongside the North Carolina volunteer was Malcolm Nance, a star MSNBC commentator, who falsely told audiences he had enlisted for frontline combat against Russian soldiers when, in fact, he spent his time tweeting from a Lviv hotel room.

According to the Times, Routh planned to move volunteers “in some cases illegally, from Pakistan and Iran to Ukraine. He said dozens had expressed interest.

We can probably purchase some passports through Pakistan, since it’s such a corrupt country,”the vagabond told the paper in an interview from Washington DC.

In his 291-page book-length manifesto, “Unwinnable War,” which he published at Amazon and sold for $2.99  – and which is currently listed as #1 in the category of “Schools and Teaching – Routh clamors for the assassination of Russian President Vladimir Putin, fantasizes about Trump’s assassination as well, and urges the US military to “instigate” a nuclear war with Russia.

Among those Routh described meeting in his book was Spanish celebrity chef and business mogul Jose Andres, a close ally of the Biden administration and “culinary ambassador” for the State Department.

Following news of Routh’s arrest, NAFO members worked to disassociate themselves from the accused would-be assassin.

Routh’s apparent assassination attempt took place at a zenith of proxy war hysteria, with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky demanding the Biden administration grant him long range weapons and green lights strikes deep in Russian territory. A column published from Kiev this September 14 Fareed Zakaria, a close ally of the Biden administration, highlighted the panic that has gripped proxy warriors over a potential Trump victory.

According to Zakaria,

“The delay in American aid during the past year, caused by infighting among stubborn Republicans in Congress, has contributed to the deterioration of the situation on the ground, and many now fear what will happen if Trump wins in November.”

Routh has yet to discuss his motives for bringing an assault rifle to a golf course just hundreds of yards from Trump’s location. Perhaps his target was not only the former president, but a potential settlement to the Ukraine proxy war.


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The editor-in-chief of The Grayzone, Max Blumenthal is an award-winning journalist and the author of several books, including best-selling Republican GomorrahGoliath, The Fifty One Day War, and The Management of Savagery. He has produced print articles for an array of publications, many video reports, and several documentaries, including Killing Gaza. Blumenthal founded The Grayzone in 2015 to shine a journalistic light on America’s state of perpetual war and its dangerous domestic repercussions.

Another September 11th, “I Wondered Where Dick Cheney Was”. Edward Curtin

By Edward Curtin, September 15, 2024

The neo-cons who run the Democrats and Republicans alike, and whose document “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” most interestingly stated long before COVID-19 that “advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”

Bill Gates Calls for ‘Vaccine Misinformation’ to be Censored in Real-Time by AI

By Frank Bergman, September 17, 2024

Gates argues that critics of official narratives regarding vaccines must be silenced in order to convince skeptical or unwilling members of the public that experimental injections are “safe and effective.”

The War on Gaza: Requiem for the Deeply Held Two-State Delusion. Amir Nour

By Amir Nour, September 16, 2024

Over the last 50 years, achieving peace in the Middle East region through the “two-state solution” – i.e., carving out two sovereign Israeli and Palestinian states living side by side – to the irreconcilable century-long Israeli-Palestinian conflict, has consistently been endorsed by the “international community” as the best, if not the only, option.

Who Is Ryan Routh? The “Ukrainian Trace” in the Trump Assassination Attempt

By Andrew Korybko, September 16, 2024

The authorities detained a man on Sunday who attempted to assassinate presidential frontrunner Donald Trump at his golf course in Florida. He was caught with an AK-47, a scope, and a GoPro camera. It turns out that he’s also fairly well known, being a former construction worker-turned-mercenary by the name of Ryan Routh. The New York Times even reported on him in spring 2023, mentioning that he’d spent some time in Kiev and was actively recruiting Afghan soldiers who fled to Pakistan as refugees.

The Florida State Sunshine Bank: How a State-Owned Bank Can Protect Free Speech and Confront “The Weaponization of the Dollar”

By Ellen Brown, September 16, 2024

Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis has come up with an urgent reason for a state to own its own bank – to avoid bank regulations designed to achieve social or political ends that state officials believe are inappropriate or go too far, including “debanking” vocal opponents of federal policy.

Behind the Harris-Trump Debate. Manlio Dinucci

By Manlio Dinucci, September 16, 2024

The simplistic view that the war could end with a personal agreement between the two presidents ignores the fact that it has been ignited by the strong powers of the US and the West, which are losing the dominance they have hitherto maintained in the world and which they seek to preserve through war.

Why Is Israel Bulldozing Cemeteries in Gaza? Mike Whitney

By Mike Whitney, September 16, 2024

The IDF has produced no evidence of hostages, land mines, tunnels, weapons-caches or Hamas militants. It’s all an excuse to destroy the plots of land where people bury their loved ones. But, why? These graveyards pose no security threat to the IDF or to the Israeli state. They’re just cemeteries.

Global Research Note

Amply documented Bill Gates has instructed the WHO Director General Tedros to engage in several waves of Misinformation since the outset of the Covid Crisis.

The Lies and Fabrications pertaining to the alleged Covid Pandemic, the Lockdown, the mRNA Vaccine are beyond description.

The fraud emanates from Bill Gates. And now Bill Gates wants to censor people from revealing the criminality behind the pandemic and the “Covid-19 Vaccine”.

The official “corona narrative” is predicated on a “Big Lie” endorsed by corrupt politicians. Bill Gates wants to censor the truth

“They are Killing our Loved Ones”

“‘You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of Our Loved Ones”, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Japan’s former Minister of Internal Affairs’s

A 500,000 Petition in May 2020 Called for an Investigation

Is this report Misinformation?

By Muslim Mirror Web Desk

“An online petition is calling on the White House to investigate Bill Gates and Melinda Gates for “crimes against humanity” and “medical malpractice”. The petition received more than 500,000 signatures as of 11th May 2020.

The petition accuses the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation of “medical malpractice” for citing an accusation of “intentionally sterilizing Kenyan children through the use of a hidden HCG antigen in tetanus vaccines.” The petition also quoted Bill Gates’ when talking about his interest in “reducing population growth” by means of vaccinations.

In Y 2014, the Catholic Bishops Conference of Kenya conducted a study on the 5-injection, 2 yr vaccination project performed on female Kenyans aged 14-49, in a South African laboratory and concluded that “all 6 samples tested positive for the HCG antigen.”

“This proved right our worst fears; that this WHO campaign is not about eradicating neonatal tetanus, but a well-coordinated forceful population control mass sterilization exercise using a proven fertility regulating vaccine,”

Dr. Ngare, spokesman for the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, said.

“This evidence was presented to the Ministry of Health before the third round of immunization, but was ignored.”

The vaccine, which was administered to 2.3-M girls and women by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF for free, was said to be funded by Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), an organization started and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. “(Muslim Mirror, emphasis added)

Who is Responsible for “Misinformation”

“Hell is Empty and the Devils are All Here”. William Shakespeare, “The Tempest”, 1623

My response to Shakespeare: “Send the Devils Back to Where They Belong”

“When the Lie Becomes the Truth, There Is No Moving Backwards”



Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, September 17, 2024



Billionaire Bill Gates is calling for all questions and concerns about vaccines to be censored in real time by artificial intelligence (AI) as part of an effort to allegedly tackle so-called “misinformation.”

According to the Microsoft co-founder, one of the key missions of his Gates Foundation is stopping the spread of “vaccine misinformation” online.

Gates argues that critics of official narratives regarding vaccines must be silenced in order to convince skeptical or unwilling members of the public that experimental injections are “safe and effective.”

In order to stamp out “vaccine misinformation,” Gates is calling for opinions that counter the official narratives to be shut down with the help of AI.

Gates laid out his vision during an interview with CNBC.

According to Gates, the public’s free speech rights are a major obstacle to his plan.

He lamented that America’s Constitution and its speech protections are standing in the way of AI setting new “boundaries” for the flow of information online.

Gates claims to support free speech but insists that the First Amendment should have “rules” in case a person expresses a view that is “causing people not to take vaccines.”

“We should have free speech, but if you’re inciting violence, if you’re causing people not to take vaccines, where are those boundaries that even the US should have rules?” Gates said.

“And then if you have rules, what is it?”

Gates was less forthcoming about who he believes should have the authority to decide what those rules are, however.

Nevertheless, he insists censorship is necessary and must be ushered in without delay.

Gates argues that allowing people to express views without immediate censorship is causing “harm.”

In order to tackle this alleged issue, Gates is calling for every comment made online to be “fact-checked” and censored in real-time with the help of AI-powered machines.

“Is there some AI that encodes those rules because you have billions of activity and if you catch it a day later, the harm is done,” he said.

It comes as Gates has launched a crusade against free speech in recent weeks.

As Slay News recently reported, Gates demanded just last week that digital IDs be made mandatory in order to supposedly tackle so-called “misinformation.”

In a new interview, the Microsoft co-founder also blasted the First Amendment for protecting the free speech rights of the American people.

Gates argues that the First Amendment is standing in the way of censoring “misinformation” online.

He called for digital IDs as a way to skirt the First Amendment and curb “misinformation during an interview with CNET, where he also discussed artificial intelligence (AI) and “climate change.”

Gates claims he is grappling with what he believes to be the threats of “misinformation” and the technological phenomena of deepfakes.

While warning of this alleged threat, Gates argues that digital IDs will help curb this “misinformation” by forcing people to verify their identities online.

Gates told CNET that there must be limitations on free speech or order to crack down on “misinformation.”

He laments that Americans’ First Amendment protections are making it “tough” to censor online content.

“The U.S. is a tough one because we have the notion of the First Amendment and what are the exceptions like yelling ‘fire’ in a theater,” Gates explained.

“I do think over time, with things like deepfakes, most of the time you’re online you’re going to want to be in an environment where the people are truly identified, that is they’re connected to a real-world identity that you trust, instead of just people saying whatever they want,” Gates added.


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I don’t care who Americans vote for in November, or if they vote at all. In order to care I’d have to believe US presidential elections matter. 

But they don’t matter. No matter who wins, the empire wins. No matter who loses, the world loses. 

No matter how things turn out this particular time around, Democrats and Republicans will continue to win roughly 50 percent of the time each, and the US-centralized empire will continue to trudge on unaffected by the results.

I don’t care how you vote. Vote for Harris or for Trump if that’s what you feel like doing. But I do think if you vote for either of those monsters, you should at least have the decency to feel gross about it. Like you did something very dirty and shameful in order to get by.

I just think that would be the mark of someone with a well-developed moral character, who’s entering into this thing without dissociation or compartmentalization. It would indicate that you live your life with your eyes wide open, being real about what’s real and not hiding from unpleasant truths to avoid feeling uncomfortable feelings.

Maybe you have some well-founded reasons for believing Trump or Harris is the lesser evil in this election. Maybe you can make some strong arguments that Harris will be a bit better on civil rights, or that Trump might be better on Ukraine. But what you definitely can’t do is make any rational case that as president either of them would be anything besides an immensely depraved mass murderer of unforgivable criminality.

If you want to vote for Harris, then vote for Harris. But do it with the full knowledge that you are voting for someone who has spent a year supporting genocidal atrocities, and who has been winning endorsements from some of the most evil warmongers ever to set foot in your nation’s capitol. At the very least have the decency to honor the mountains of victims who will suffer in ways you can’t even imagine under a Harris administration by casting your vote mournfully, resolute in your understanding that despite getting your vote as the perceived lesser evil, she is still your mortal enemy. At the very least you owe them that much.

Don’t have “joy” about it. Don’t do it proudly. Don’t make cutesy little memes or make it fun. You are doing something ugly, and it should feel a bit ugly.

If you want to vote for Trump, then vote for Trump. But do it with the understanding that he is being backed by some of the most virulent Zionists on earth and will throw his weight behind Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Don’t lie to yourself that he’s going to end the wars and fight the deep state. Be real about the inevitability that he will continue the warmongering of his predecessors and spend his term advancing the depraved longstanding agendas of the US intelligence cartel, just like he did last time.

Do it with a heavy heart. Do it with revulsion. Do it with the same amount of pride you would have if you were performing fellatio on a profoundly unkind man in exchange for hard drugs. That’s about the feeling it deserves.

If you do this, then I will believe you if you tell me you’re voting for who you sincerely believe is the lesser evil. If your emotional relationship with your vote for Harris or Trump is anything other than this, then you’re probably doing it for some other reason and not being real with yourself about it, like blind partisan team loyalty or something. If it doesn’t make you intensely uncomfortable, it’s because that’s where your comfort zone really is.

If we want to live in a truth-based society, then part of our role in helping to build that world is to be true to the truth and to be real about reality. Don’t hide things from yourself. Don’t compartmentalize away from unpleasant facts. 

Act, and be real about what your actions are, and where they are coming from, and what their effects are likely to be. 

This is the first step to becoming an authentic human being.


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The Biden-Harris Department of Homeland Security (DHS) designated the January 6, 2025, electoral vote tallying a “National Special Security Event” to criminalize election protests.

Washington DC is once again turning into an armed camp until Inauguration Day.

Just like they did in 2021 with Joe Biden, the US Military will line the streets on Inauguration Day as Kamala Harris is installed.

“The designation empowers the Secret Service to lead security planning and provide extensive resources to state and local authorities assisting with its implementation. It will mean unprecedented levels of security when Congress certifies the results of the presidential election.” Politico reported.

“National Special Security Events are events of the highest national significance,” Eric Ranaghan, special agent in charge of the Secret Service’s Dignitary Protective Division, said in a statement. “The U.S. Secret Service, in collaboration with our federal, state, and local partners are committed to developing and implementing a comprehensive and integrated security plan to ensure the safety and security of this event and its participants.”

Politico reported:

The federal government has for the first time declared that the certification of the presidential vote next year will be treated as a “national special security event” — an acknowledgment that the once-routine part of the democratic process now carries special risk.

The designation by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas places the Jan. 6 session of Congress on the same security footing as major events such as the Super Bowl or U.N. General Assembly.

It authorizes measures aimed at preventing a reprise of the riot at the Capitol by supporters of Donald Trump seeking to overturn the results of the 2020 election.


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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

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The Final Countdown to One World Control

September 17th, 2024 by Dr. Mark Trozzi

An Imminent Threat to Canadian National Sovereignty

At this time, both the United Nations and the Trudeau regime are deploying major efforts against us. Their desperation to finalize their global domination stems from their responsibility for horrific crimes, for which they deserve the most stringent and comprehensive justice. The world remains unsafe as long as they are free and continue to wield control over the vast wealth and power gained through their wrongdoing.

The current mechanism through which the Canadian Federal Government is working to comply with the one-world government takeover is Bill C-293, the so-called “Act Respecting Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness.” Much like four years ago, the World Economic Forum, WHO, and the UN are once again using their strong influence over our government to push Canadians toward a global dictatorship under the guise of public health; this time, much worse.

Medical Tyranny Returns to Canada: Bill C-293 | Lisa Miron

Will Dove and Lisa Miron Breakdown Bill C-293

Truth to Power Arsenal 


Please take the time to inform yourself about this urgent threat, so that you are in a position of strength, with a solid understanding, to help push back against this egregious overreach of power.

  • Bill C-293 Document. Become a local expert on this subject so you can effectively answer questions about the threat and inspire others to take action. (Read Here)
  • Michael Alexander and Lisa Miron discuss Bill C-293. Helpful longform interview-discussion for further understanding. (Watch Here)
  • Stay Tuned for the WCH Canada Bill C-293 and UN Summit for the Future Press Conference. Thursday the 19th of September: Guest speakers Lisa Miron and Shabnam Palesa Mohamed. Recording to be made available Friday 20th of September (Watch Here)


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No one else is coming to save us. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Follow these action items to help stop the federal and global assault on our rights, and find your own creative ways to protect yourselves, your families, and your communities.

  1. Imminent Bill C-293 Crisis. Tell Senators to reject one world control. Concise info and easy action here. (Take Action Now)
  2. Urgent Action Before the UN Summit of the Future. Serve this notice & declaration to the UN & your government. Demand that your voice is heard BEFORE the exclusive ‘Summit of the Future’ 21-23 Sept 2024. (Take Action Now)
  3. Share this post with 10 or more people. Our best hope of bringing this assault to light is through collective word of mouth. Example message:

    Hey Kim,

    Are you aware of Bill c-293? This bill grants an astonishing range of powers to the Minister of Health, with virtually no limits to its reach or authority. The scope of control being handed over is extraordinary. The Senate reconvenes on September 17, and there’s a possibility that the bill could be passed during the second reading.

    As Canadians, it’s our responsibility to stay informed about significant developments like this one. Please review the information in the link and share it with others.

  4. Join the Peaceful Assemblies in Queen’s Park Toronto and Senate Court Houses, Ottawa both occurring simultaneously this Tuesday, September the 17th at 12pm local time.



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Featured image is from OneWorld

If anyone wants to identify the most aggressive country during the 21st century so far, then this can be done most easily by finding out which country’s wars have been responsible for the most number of deaths.

The wars fought under the War on Terror by the USA have directly and indirectly caused about 4.5 million deaths, according to Brown University’s estimates which do not cover all the ‘wars of terror’ for the full period. In addition the USA has been involved in several other wars and conflicts to various extent, and if all its proxy wars are added and the violence related to coups and regime change efforts is also added, then the number of deaths will increase much more. 

The wars initiated by no other country come even close to this. However in western media and propaganda, it is Putin-led Russia which is frequently identified as the aggressor that must be most condemned.  

It is a matter much more serious than merely tarnishing the reputation of a country, its leaders and people. Once false demonization without evidence has proceeded beyond a point, it adversely affects efforts for government to government and people to people friendly relations among great powers and thereby prospects of world peace are harmed.

False propaganda over a long time can sometimes result in serious problems in policy making as policy makers are forced to respond not to realties but to the false notions spread among people as a result of the propaganda effort of the same authorities.

Image is from CovertAction Magazine

Something similar has happened in the context of the devilish image of Putin promoted by western propaganda over the years. Due to this it has become extremely difficult, if not impossible, to raise the important issue of improving relations with Russia or stopping the disastrous, destructive Ukraine war as early as possible. To move in the direction of peace it is important to seriously consider what the other side or its most important leader is saying in an unbiased way, but this has become difficult due to the propaganda created image of the top Russian leader. As a result we have one escalation after another instead of moving towards peace. This is of course harmful for Ukraine and Russia but this can also ultimately prove very harmful for the west.

Mature democracies are supposed to be keen to hear to hear all points of view, including those of opponents, so it is curious to see the very widespread opposition in the west to the very idea of mainstream platforms being used to hear the views of the Russian President Putin, as was seen at the time of Tucker Carlson’s interview of Putin some time back. As Chidanand Rajghatta (February 8) reported in The Times of India,

“America’s national security establishment and its mainstream media is in a total meltdown over an upcoming interview with Russian President Putin by former Fox news host Tucker Carlson…Rants and allegations about Carlson being ‘Putin’s puppet’ flew thick and fast on February 7 with unsubtle threats from some quarters, including from some European lawmakers, about sanctioning him.”

What kind of democracy is this, what kind of free media? What is wrong with people hearing the views of a leader even though he is widely regarded to be hostile by the West? What is wrong with the people having an opportunity to hear the point of view of the Russian leader as well?

What is more, isn’t the space for hearing and considering differing points of views shrinking fast in the West? As the news report quoted above points out, “the American press has a long history of interviewing leaders Washington regards as hostile”, going back to Barbara Walters interviewing Fidel Castro at the height of the US-Cuba estrangement. So what is happening now? Why is US media discouraged so much to present Putin’s point of view?

The wider issue of demonizing Putin to such an extent that a rational consideration of his views or the Russian point of view is just not on the table should be a serious concern for western democracies. 

In fact the west needs to seriously re-examine various aspects of its perceptions of President Putin. One aspect is to examine his role as a national leader of Russia, whether he has been good for Russia and for the welfare of Russian people. The second aspect should be to re-examine whether internationally he has been as aggressive as he has been often portrayed in the West, more specifically to what extent he is responsible for the Ukraine war.      

Putin took over the leadership of Russia at a time when its development had been disrupted during the decade of 1990-2000 to such an extent that various development indicators had fallen sharply and even life-expectancy had declined. This had happened during a decade when western advisers had been active in Russia, leading to sale of Russian assets to private businesses, including foreigners as well as Russian oligarchs, at cheap rates, resulting in huge profits for a few but also in terrible disruptions in the economy.

It may surprise many people to know that the years of Putin’s leadership have been a time when the country could make a remarkable recovery in terms of human development indicators, to the extent that some of these are now better than or almost equal to those of the USA.        

Child mortality, or under five years of age mortality, measured per 1000 live births, is widely considered to be an important indicator of health in any country. In this context it is useful to see the UN data which tells us that for the latest year 2021 the child mortality rate was 5.1 in the Russian federation, while it was 6.2 in the USA. Hence Russia has been able to achieve a lower child mortality rate despite being confronted with very difficult conditions compared to the USA which enjoyed the most favorable and even hegemonic conditions at the world level.

If we see this data for the period 2000-2021, then in the USA this declined from 8 in year 2000 to 6.2 in 2021, while in Russia this declined from 20 to 5.1, a very significant reduction. In comparative terms, Russia was much behind USA in this respect but surged ahead over the 20 years of Putin’s leadership.

In the case of infant mortality (or mortality under 1 year of age per 1000 births), according to Macrotrends data, the infant mortality in Russia declined in a big way from 19 in 2000 to 4.8 in 2023, while during the same period infant mortality in the USA declined from 7.2 to 5.4, so that Russia which had been far behind the USA surged ahead of it during the Putin leadership years, despite all the difficult conditions the Russian Federation faced.

In the case of maternal mortality rate or MMR (reported per 100,000 births), according to UN data, from year 2000 to 2020, this declined very significantly in Russia from 52 to 14, while that of the USA actually increased from 12 to 21. Thus during this period, according to UN data, Russia was recording a very big decline of 6.66% per year while the USA was recording not a decline, but instead an increase of 2.88% per year in maternal mortality rate. 

According to Macrotrends data, from 2000 to 2017, the maternal mortality rate of the Russian Federation declined from 56 to 17, while this rate increase in the context of the USA from 12 to 19.          

In both these sets of data, it is common that the Russian Federation starts at MMR much higher than that of the USA, and despite facing difficult conditions, reaches a lower MMR than the USA within two decades or even earlier.

During 2000-2019 according to UN data the life-expectancy in the Russian Federation increased significantly from 65.3 years to 73.2 years. According to Macrotrends data, this increase was from 65.4 in 2000 to 72.98 in 2023.

The increase of income or GNI per capita in Russia during this period was very significant—from $1710 in year 2000 to $4450 in 2005 to $9980 in 2010 to $11,610 in 2021. On the contrary when the Russian economy was acting much under western influence earlier during year 1991 to year 2000, there was a huge decline from $3440 to $1710.

The literacy rate for the Russian federation is around 99%, according to the available data.

The Human Development Index of Russia has improved from 720 in 2000 to 822 in 2021.

Thus as far as the welfare and progress of the people of the Russian Federation is concerned, Russia in the years of Putin’s leadership in the 21st century appears to have done remarkably well, despite many hurdles being placed its path by the most powerful countries, despite constant vilification and  criticism.

However some people say that the progress of Putin-led Russia in terms of democracy has not been good. This is true. However only a part of the blame for this should fall on Russia, the other part should be assigned to those powerful western countries which all the time have been using the openings made available in various democratic systems to topple governments, as in Ukraine, leading to the tightening of controls on opposition forces as a defensive measure. Also it should be noted that even according to polls which the western countries trust, the approval ratings of Putin have been consistently higher than those polled by several prominent western leaders, including the present and recent US Presidents.

However the critics of Putin may still say that Putin has been very aggressive. However here too they should carefully note the entire recent history where they will find, as confirmed by several leading western diplomats and experts, that Putin tried repeatedly earlier to avoid conflict and to find a place of self-respect for Russia within Europe, that he made huge investments in ensuring cheap energy supply to Europe, that he repeatedly pleaded with the West to honor commitments made earlier regarding not moving the NATO and its weapon systems too close to Russia, that he took the Minsk accords very seriously while prominent western leaders later said that they were merely buying time for Ukraine to be armed better, that even in late 2021 he made very reasonable peace proposals, that he was very keen to clinch peace deals being made at a very early stage of the Ukraine war in March 2022 till these were sabotaged by the UK and the USA. There is adequate documentation for all this, confirmed by reputed western diplomats and experts.

However, all this is not at all to suggest that Putin led Russia has not suffered from some serious flaws. Certainly much more should have been done for democracy and human rights, for environment protection and peace, for reducing inequalities in a big way and improving the overall development model. While there remain so many areas which need improvement, clearly the record of Putin-led Russia has been good from the point of view of protecting the interests of the Russian Federation and the Russian people. 

At a time when there is need for standing up to hegemony, the courage of Putin and his colleagues regarding this has helped the cause of a multipolar world. To that extent Putin has played an important positive role in recent history. 

While balanced and evidence-based criticism of certain aspects of Putin-led Russia is welcome and will be helpful in bringing further improvement, on the basis of its present record the widespread and highly exaggerated criticisms of Putin-led Russia are not at all justified. 

The mobilization of almost the entire military might of the west and the NATO to encircle and defeat Russia is not justified at all and must be condemned. Considerations of justice, peace, safety and environment protection demand that immediately the West should give up its entirely unjustified confrontation against Russia and extend a hand of friendship, provide Russia a place of dignity in world and in Europe, paving the path for very quickly ending the Ukraine conflict and starting a big program of reconstruction and rehabilitation there with the help and cooperation of all countries and the UNO.

Of course our sympathies are very much also with the suffering people of Ukraine. They are victims of an entirely avoidable proxy war that started way back in 2014 with a USA-instigated coup in Ukraine. One important way out of these years of sufferings and distress of people is to have an immediate end to the Russia-Ukraine fighting while peace negotiations can continue later to settle all contentious issues.   


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Bharat Dogra is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save Earth Now. His recent books include Planet in Peril, A Day in 2071, Man over Machine and Protecting Earth for Children. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Russian President Vladimir Putin in June, during the St Petersburg International Economic Forum. (Ramil Sitdikov, RIA Novosti Host Photo Agency, Kremlin)

Alexandra Angeles Caycho, 21, was told she has days to live after being diagnosed with Stage Three pancreatic cancer, with the tumour unable to be removed due to its location.












My Take…

Millions of University students around the world were illegally mandated toxic COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines.

There is no such thing as an “impossible diagnosis” when it comes to Turbo Cancer caused by COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines.

Pancreatic Cancer at age 21 was unheard of, and I had never seen a case this young, not even close.

But after the rollout of COVID-19 Vaccines, this is textbook “Turbo Cancer”.

No one knows the exact mechanism but it’s important to remember that Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines have particles size 60-100nm which are cleared by the hepatobiliary system, end up accumulating in the bile ducts, gallbladder and yes, the pancreas.

So in addition to destroying the immune system, COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines almost certainly have a LOCAL CARCINOGENIC EFFECT.

American Cancer Society:

“The average age at the time of diagnosis is 70. Almost all patients are older than 45. About two-thirds are at least 65 years old.”


Alex was diagnosed with stage 3 pancreatic cancer on March 17 2023, aged just 20.

“My future was bright, and I was so excited to start my journey as an artist,” she posted on the fundraising page.

“But on March 17th, 2023, everything changed. At just 20 years old, I received the devastating news that I had been diagnosed with stage 3 pancreatic cancer. 

“The doctors were shocked; they told me it was almost impossible for someone my age to have this disease.

“Yet, here I am, facing a battle that no one should ever have to fight.

“Since then, I’ve been through endless rounds of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and countless hospital stays. I’ve tried to stay strong, to keep fighting with everything I have, but unfortunately, my journey is coming to an end.

“Despite all the treatments, the cancer has spread throughout my body. The tumour in my pancreas has grown so much that it’s pressing against my intestines, causing internal bleeding. The doctors have explained that there’s nothing more they can do—treatment is no longer an option. They’ve given me a timeframe of just days to weeks to live.

“This news has shattered me, and it’s been a massive shock to my friends and family as well. I never imagined my life would end this way, so soon, with so much left undone. But now, more than anything, I want to spend my last days surrounded by the people I love, in the place that means the most to me—home.

“My last wish is to return to Peru, to be with my family in the place where I grew up, where I have so many happy memories. I can’t imagine being anywhere else in these final days. But getting there isn’t going to be easy. 

“This is why I’m reaching out to you all, asking for your help. The cost of (transportation) and the medical care I need during the flight is far beyond anything my family and I can afford.

“Any contribution, no matter how small, would mean the world to me. Your kindness could help me fulfil my last wish to go home, to be with my family, and to spend my final moments in a place where I feel at peace.”



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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.  

Featured image is a screenshot from The Mirror

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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They’d only advance the political goal of speeding up the resumption of peace talks on more of Russia’s terms at major economic, financial, and reputational costs, not to mention risking World War III by miscalculation, since conventional means suffice for responding to all existing military threats.

There’s been a lot of talk once again about Russia using nuclear weapons in Ukraine after Putin declared that a de facto state of war would be in place between his country and NATO if the West let Ukraine use their long-range weapons to hit targets deep inside of Russia. Medvedev also ominously wrote that the formal grounds for using nukes have already been met per Russian doctrine, contrary to what Karaganov earlier claimed when calling for doctrinal reforms, and suggested that Kiev might soon be obliterated.

The question therefore arises of what would really be achieved by Russia using nuclear weapons in Ukraine at this point. Tactical ones are meant for stopping large-scale and mostly mechanized assaults, but neither side resorts to these anymore much due to how easily drones can stop them, which are paired with minefields and barriers to create formidable obstacles to such advances. Instead, units remain mostly dispersed and don’t gather together anymore, which reduces the utility of tactical nukes.

Nevertheless, Ukraine still has bases, logistics facilities, and staging areas where a comparatively larger number of troops and equipment are stationed, and these could prospectively be targeted through those means. That said, they could also be targeted through conventional ones too without crossing the Rubicon of becoming the second country in the world to use these weapons during wartime. This only rarely happens though as proven by Ukrainian troops and equipment continuing to reach the front.

About that, Russia hasn’t even attempted to take out a single bridge across the Dnieper thus far, so it wouldn’t make sense to resort to tactical nukes to that end when conventional means could suffice if properly utilized in concentration and sequence should the political will ever arise to do so. It hasn’t yet and might not ever due to perceived humanitarian/soft power and nebulous post-conflict political goals continuing to take precedence over immediate military ones.

Nuking those bridges could also risk contaminating all the downstream regions and therefore poisoning them indefinitely, which would pose a very serious risk to the health of Russian residents in Zaporozhye, Kherson, and Crimea, likely resulting in forced evacuations from all three territories. It’s difficult to imagine that any Russian decision-maker, let alone one as rational as Putin, would believe that these hefty costs are worth it when conventional means could suffice as explained above.

Another possibility is nuking Kiev like Medvedev, who has a poor track record of accuracy for predicting Russian policy despite his prestigious position as the Deputy Chair of the Security Council as explained here, hinted could be in the cards. Destroying a large city mostly inhabited by civilians despite the plethora of military and strategic targets there would expose Russia’s prior condemnation of the US’ nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as hypocritical and lead to universal vilification.

Although Medvedev insists that the already existing formal grounds for using nukes in Ukraine “make sense to the international community” in presumed reference to the Global South, China and India aren’t expected to remain silent, to say nothing of approve. It was explained here that “[they’d] be under immense pressure to distance themselves from Russia, not just by the West, but also for appearance’s sake since they wouldn’t want to legitimize the use of nuclear weapons by their rivals.”

There’s also no way that they could uphold their reputations across the world if they didn’t come out strongly against Russia’s speculative replication of Hiroshima/Nagasaki in Kiev, which could kill hundreds of thousands of people in an instant. Hypothetically speaking, Russia might wager that the complex economic-financial interdependence between its own economy and those two’s (especially regarding the energy trade) could deter them from sanctioning it, but the EU precedent suggests otherwise.

Nuking Kiev would therefore amount to sending a strong political message at immense economic, financial, and reputational costs with little of military significance to gain from this dramatic decision. In fact, any use of nukes whether tactical or strategic and regardless of the target could lead to China and India feeling pressured into meaningfully distancing themselves from Russia for the aforementioned reason. Russia should accordingly make sure that these costs are worthwhile if it decides to use them.

One of the scenarios in which the cost-benefit calculation might favor this could be the extreme one of dropping dozens of nukes from north to south to the west of the Dnieper in order to create a “green (radioactive) curtain” for stopping any large-scale NATO invasion force that might rush up to the river. At present, however, no credible indications exist to suggest that anything of the sort is being assembled despite continued concerns that this could be employed in the event of a major Russian breakthrough.

The cascading consequences could inadvertently lead to the Third World War that Putin has worked so hard to avoid till now. It would therefore be done as a last resort out of desperation and only if Russia wanted to stop this advance instead of let it to reach the river to facilitate Ukraine’s partition afterwards (unless Russia thought they’d cross it). In fact, using even one nuke at this point would be seen as an act of desperation since it would suggest that Russia can’t conventionally respond to battlefield threats.

This might suffice for deterrence and speeding up the resumption of peace talks on more of Russia’s terms since NATO might think that it’s truly desperate enough to use nukes at scale due to its perceived weakness (whether objectively existing or not), but at tremendous cost to its other interests. Provided that Russia’s conventional capabilities really are as formidable as thought, and there’s no serious reason to doubt that, then it arguably isn’t worth Russia using nukes unless the variables drastically change.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.  

Featured image: © Sputnik / Sergey Orlov

Following a shooting at a rally in Pennsylvania, Donald Trump’s supporters have portrayed him as a so-called “threat to the US deep state”.

But in reality, Trump was a warmonger as president, and appointed top CIA officials and neoconservatives to run his foreign policy.

Ben Norton reviews Trump’s support for Israel and Ukraine and his aggressive policies against China, Russia, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Bolivia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba.



0:00 (Clips) Trump on Syria, Venezuela, Ukraine

0:32 US politics & bipartisan war crimes

3:29 Alleged assassination attempt against Trump

7:13 Trump’s warmongering foreign policy: a summary

11:35 Israel – Palestine

16:56 Trump proposed bombing Russia & China

17:27 Russiagate

18:01 Trump tore up 2 arms treaties with Russia

18:55 Ukraine

20:33 (Clip) Trump boasts of arming Ukraine

20:56 Trump vs Obama on Ukraine weapons

23:02 NATO

24:24 “We’re at war with China”

26:24 Trade war & new cold war on China

28:44 Democrats vs Republicans on Russia & China

29:48 Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA)

30:44 Assassination of Qasem Soleimani

31:20 Trump’s war on Iraq

32:48 US hypocrisy on “political violence”

34:31 Syria

35:00 (Clip) Trump brags of taking Syria’s oil

35:27 Afghanistan war & minerals

37:06 Trump wanted to take oil from Libya & Iraq too

38:15 Yemen

39:24 Trump plans to attack Mexico

41:06 Bolivia coup

41:54 Elon Musk & Bolivia’s lithium

43:24 Venezuela

44:06 (Clip) Trump on “taking over” Venezuela

44:18 Venezuela coup attempt

46:00 Nicaragua coup attempt

46:37 Elliott Abrams

47:53 Cuba blockade & sanctions

50:09 Tax cuts for the rich

51:54 Billionaires for fellow billionaire Trump

53:16 Outro


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Featured image is from Shutterstock

Musings on the Second Trump Assassination Attempt

September 16th, 2024 by Caitlin Johnstone

Another Trump assassination attempt has been foiled by the Secret Service, this time with the would-be assassin alive and in police custody. His name is Ryan Routh.

Unlike the last aspiring assassin, this one didn’t get off a shot, and has a much more public profile. The Grayzone has a report out documenting Routh’s extensive involvement in efforts to recruit volunteers to fight in the war in Ukraine, a cause he has been highly ideologically dedicated to.

Just like last time Trump’s political opponents who’ve been melodramatically claiming Trump is going to end American democracy and install himself as a dictator for life are condemning political violence and expressing relief that he’s okay. Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries and Bernie Sanders have all tweeted statements to this effect.

As soon as shit gets even a tiny bit real all the performers set aside their vitriolic rhetoric about Trump and start talking about how relieved they are that their fellow performer is okay, the same as you would see if someone took a shot at one of the performers in a pro wrestling match. It’s all a kayfabe performance.

Trump supporters are again touting this foiled assassination plot as evidence that the Deep State is after their man, but right now I’m not buying it. I kinda think if the real power players wanted him dead he’d be dead. According to Trump supporters the Deep State is simultaneously (A) a supremely powerful entity capable of enslaving the world in a neo-Marxist bug-eating vaccine mandate woke dystopia and (B) somehow incapable of successfully assassinating one 78 year-old man despite multiple attempts.

Trump supporters say Trump is anti-establishment, when in reality he’s done more to advance the interests of the establishment than any individual Democrat ever has. In addition to all the longstanding agendas of the US war machine he advanced while president, he also moves US politics in the exact direction the powerful want it to move.

Because of Trump, Democrats moved from despising Bush and Cheney for their warmongering to loving Bush and Cheney and warmongering.

Because of Trump, the Democratic Party has been able to move much further toward warmongering corporatism than it could have ever gotten away with before — while still framing itself as the “moderate” alternative.

Because of Trump, mainstream US politics has been shoved so far to the right that in it’s now effectively a contest between Donald Trump’s Republican Party and George W Bush’s Republican Party.

Because of Trump, both parties are now campaigning on who’s the most Reagany Ronald Reagan.

Because of Trump, Democrats went from trashing John McCain to worshipping him as a saint.

Because of Trump, Democrats went from opposing the Bush administration’s post-9/11 authoritarianism to cheering for the FBI and the CIA and the destruction of the First Amendment.

Because of Trump, everyone’s arguing about whether immigrants are eating cats and dogs instead of the active genocide in Gaza.

Because of Trump, the last presidential debate was two corporate warmongers arguing over who loves Israel more, with the Democrat pledging to have the world’s “most lethal” fighting force to use against nations like Russia, China and Iran.

Because of Trump, conversations about universal healthcare and a living wage have been completely killed off and replaced with conversations about the threat of fascism and the death of American democracy.

Because of Trump, Democrats moved from mocking the cold warrior Russiabaiting of Mitt Romney and saying “the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back,” to now demanding more and more nuclear brinkmanship against Russia.

Because of Trump, the Democratic Party has been able to completely ignore all the demands of their progressive base, trusting that they will still be scaremongered into voting Democrat in November despite the fact that this is the same as voting Republican in 2008.

None of this would have been possible without Donald Trump or someone just like him. No other living person has done more to benefit the imperial status quo more than this man who has successfully transformed US politics into a fight between two Republican Parties with no voice left for ordinary Americans and their basic human needs.

I will of course be reassessing my position as more information comes in, but for right now I just think Trump is far too useful to the powerful for me to bother putting my conspiratorial thinking cap on for this one.


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Featured image is from the author

The suspect is a Ukro-maniac who’d been radicalized by the Mainstream Media into traveling to Kiev, trying to join the “International Legion”, and even recruiting former Afghan soldiers for it.

The authorities detained a man on Sunday who attempted to assassinate presidential frontrunner Donald Trump at his golf course in Florida. He was caught with an AK-47, a scope, and a GoPro camera. It turns out that he’s also fairly well known, being a former construction worker-turned-mercenary by the name of Ryan Routh. The New York Times even reported on him in spring 2023, mentioning that he’d spent some time in Kiev and was actively recruiting Afghan soldiers who fled to Pakistan as refugees.

CNN confirmed that he posted on social media shortly after the special operation began that


Routh also criticized Trump for wanting to “MASA…make Americans slaves again master”, among other rants against the former president. Quite clearly, he drank the Kool-Aid and was convinced that Trump was a ‘threat to democracy’ and likely also a ‘Russian agent’.

In many ways, his profile closely resembles that of the political extremist who was radicalized by the Mainstream Media into thinking similar falsehoods about Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, which drove him to try to kill the incumbent last spring in an assassination attempt that he only narrowly survived.

Both were obsessed with Ukraine, but Routh’s connection to it wasn’t just as a bystander, but as a participant in NATO’s proxy war on Russia given his time in Kiev and recruitment of mercenaries for it.

He was also almost certainly a member of “NAFO” too, the global troll network that’s connected to the Ukrainian, American, and other Western governments as documented by investigative journalists Moss Robeson and Alex Rubinstein, among others. The latter’s colleague Max Blumenthal also shared some brief additional insight into Routh’s ties with Ukraine’s “International Legion”. Those mercenaries are backed by the US Government, thus linking him to them as well.

The Ukrainian trace in the latest Trump assassination attempt is therefore impossible to ignore, as is the one to members of the US’ permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (“deep state”), particularly those with a stake in perpetuating NATO’s proxy war on Russia through that country.

Trump has made the swift resolution of that conflict through diplomatic means a hallmark of his election platform, and his running mate JD Vance recently explained how that could work.

The gist is to freeze the conflict along the Line of Contact, heavily fortify the frontier (presumably in coordination with the many NATO members with whom Ukraine already signed “security guarantee” agreements), and then restore its neutrality in order to alleviate Russia’s concerns about NATO. For as pragmatic as this may sound to an average observer, it’s anathema to the maximalist goals of what can be described as the Ukro-maniacs, or those who’ve become politically radicalized in support of Kiev.

At the very least, the Mainstream Media’s false portrayal of Trump as a ‘Russian-backed threat to democracy who’s selling out Ukraine to Putin’ is enough to push psychologically at-risk Ukro-maniacs into committing acts of terrorism, especially when they’re being egged on by fellow extremists in “NAFO”. That global troll network is infamous for glorifying violence, and it’s an echo chamber for reinforcing people’s delusions about Trump, Ukraine, and Russia, up to the point of inciting violence too.

There’s no way that the earlier mentioned American “deep state” had no idea who Routh was after he’d already traveled to Kiev to try to join the “International Legion” and then openly told the New York Times about his plans to recruit Afghan soldiers that fled to Pakistan as refugees. He also brazenly boasted about how he’d purchase passports for them from there to facilitate their travel to Ukraine. The FBI might soon “do the meme” and admit that he was “on their radar”, but there’s much more to it.

Routh was arguably acting as an asset of that same American “deep state” in collusion with their Ukrainian proxies, and it therefore can’t be ruled out that members of one, the other, or both might have encouraged him – even if only indirectly – into taking Trump out in order to “help the cause”. This latest assassination attempt is therefore even more scandalous than the first from a few months back, but just like that one, it too might soon be memory-holed because it implicates Democrat-aligned forces.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.  

Featured image is from Twitter

In Defense of Free Speech. Scott Ritter

September 16th, 2024 by Scott Ritter

Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently declared an information war against the Russian media company RT.

He was assisted in this effort by James Rubin, the head of the State Department’s Global Engagement Center.

These two men, and the Biden administration, would do well to reflect on the words of John F. Kennedy, spoken in April 1961 at the height of the Cold War.

Speaking to an audience of American journalists, Kennedy declared that it is “our obligation to inform and alert the American people–to make certain that they possess all the facts that they need, and understand them as well–the perils, the prospects, the purposes of our program and the choices that we face.”

No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For from that scrutiny comes understanding; and from that understanding comes support or opposition. And both are necessary. I am not asking your newspapers to support the Administration, but I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed.

I not only could not stifle controversy among your readers–I welcome it. This Administration intends to be candid about its errors; for as a wise man once said: ‘An error does not become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.’ We intend to accept full responsibility for our errors; and we expect you to point them out when we miss them.

Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed–and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. And that is why our press was protected by the First Amendment—the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution—not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and the sentimental, not to simply ‘give the public what it wants’—but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion.

This means greater coverage and analysis of international news—for it is no longer far away and foreign but close at hand and local. It means greater attention to improved understanding of the news as well as improved transmission. And it means, finally, that government at all levels, must meet its obligation to provide you with the fullest possible information outside the narrowest limits of national security—and we intend to do it.


President John F. Kennedy addresses the American Newspaper Publishers Association, April 17, 1961


Seen in this light, RT has been more “patriotic” in answering the challenge set forth by Kennedy than the entire US mainstream media.

I published some 285 opinion pieces in RT between December 2019 and August 2024.

And for this “crime” I’ve been attacked by the US government.

Even though I was engaged in “the only business specifically protected by the Constitution.”

The US government today fears criticism, because it has proven to be incapable of engaging in the kind of introspection that enables mistakes to be recognized and corrections made.

As Kennedy pointed out, without the debate, dialogue, and discussion that comes with critical review of policy, the American Republic cannot survive.

The censoring of any media outlet, including RT, silences the very critical debate America needs to survive.

We used to be strong and confident enough as a people—as a nation—to not wilt in the face of adversity.

In the war of ideas, when faced with defeat, we came up with better ideas.

Today we fear critical thinking.

The words and deeds of Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the head of the state Department’s Global Engagement Center, James Rubin, are not those of representatives of a nation confident in its cause, but the rearguard actions of desperate men confronted with the reality of a failing empire at odds with a world that is in the process of rejecting it.

The only path available to the American people that can lead to our collective survival as a Republic is to do our duty as citizens to push back against the tyranny of censorship and the ignorance it enshrines by using the weapons of free speech and a free press to challenge the dangerous and misguided actions and policies of those who represent us—and ultimately must be held accountable to us—in higher office.

This is the battle of the ages, one which will be recorded in history as a defining moment for the American Republic.

If we yield to the fear-based prejudices of the government, all is lost.

But if we rise to the occasion and seek to purify ourselves by embracing fact-based knowledge and, thus empowered, engage in the kind of public scrutiny that free speech and a free press enables, we will have a chance to make the kind of changes needed for our survival.

Every one of the articles I published in either RT or Sputnik were written in the spirit of John F. Kennedy.

And now the US government seeks to censor them.

To deny we, the people, access to the information these articles contained.

To keep us ignorant.

To discourage debate.

It is time for we the people to stand up.

It is time for we the people to speak out.

End censorship in America.

End the sanctions on RT and other Russian media.

And, in doing so, save the Republic we call home.


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Featured image: Secretary of State Antony Blinken (right) with GEC head James Rubin (left) (Source: Scott Ritter Extra)
















Food, Dispossession and Dependency.

Resisting the New World Order



Colin Todhunter


We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain. The high-tech/big data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose their model of food and agriculture on the world.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also involved (documented in ‘Gates to a Global Empire‘ by Navdanya International), whether through buying up huge tracts of farmland, promoting a much-heralded (but failed) ‘green revolution’ for Africa, pushing biosynthetic food and genetic engineering technologies or more generally facilitating the aims of the mega agri-food corporations.

Of course, the billionaire interests behind this try to portray what they are doing as some kind of humanitarian endeavour – saving the planet with ‘climate-friendly solutions’, ‘helping farmers’ or ‘feeding the world’. In the cold light of day, however, what they are really doing is repackaging and greenwashing the dispossessive strategies of imperialism.

The following text sets out some key current trends affecting food and agriculture and begins by looking at the Gates Foundation’s promotion of a failing model of industrial, (GMO) chemical-intensive agriculture and the deleterious impacts it has on indigenous farming and farmers, human health, rural communities, agroecological systems and the environment.

Alternatives to this model are then discussed which focus on organic agriculture and specifically agroecology. However, there are barriers to implementing these solutions, not least the influence of global agri-capital in the form of agritech and agribusiness conglomerates which have captured key institutions.

The discussion then moves on to focus on the situation in India because that country’s ongoing agrarian crisis and the farmers’ struggle encapsulates what is at stake for the world.

Finally, it is argued that the COVID-19 ‘pandemic’ is being used as cover to manage a crisis of capitalism and the restructuring of much of the global economy, including food and agriculture.


About the Author


Colin Todhunter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

In 2018, he was named a Living Peace and Justice leader/Model by Engaging Peace Inc. in recognition of his writing.


Table of Contents

Chapter I.

Toxic Agriculture – From the Gates Foundation to the Green Revolution

Chapter II.

Genetic Engineering – Value Capture and Market Dependency

Chapter III.

Agroecology – Localisation and Food Sovereignty

Chapter IV.

Distorting Development – Corporate Capture and Imperialist Intent

Chapter V.

The Farmers’ Struggle in India – The Farm Laws and a Neoliberal Death Knell

Chapter VI.

Colonial Deindustrialisation – Predation and Inequality

Chapter VII.

Neoliberal Playbook – Economic Terrorism and Smashing Farmers’ Heads

Chapter VIII.

The New Normal – Crisis of Capitalism and Dystopian Reset

Chapter IX.

Post-COVID Dystopia – Hand of God and the New World Order

Chapter X.

The Violence of Development

Chapter I

Toxic Agriculture

From the Gates Foundation to the Green Revolution

As of December 2018, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation had $46.8 billion in assets. It is the largest charitable foundation in the world, distributing more aid for global health than any government.

The Gates Foundation is a major funder of the CGIAR system (formerly the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research) – a global partnership whose stated aim is to strive for a food-secure future.

In 2016, the Gates Foundation was accused of dangerously and unaccountably distorting the direction of international development. The charges were laid out in a report by Global Justice Now: ‘Gated Development – Is the Gates Foundation always a force for good?

The report’s author, Mark Curtis, outlined the foundation’s promotion of industrial agriculture across Africa, which would undermine existing sustainable, small-scale farming that is providing the vast majority of food across the continent.

Curtis described how the foundation works with US agri-commodity trader Cargill in an $8 million project to “develop the soya value chain” in southern Africa. Cargill is the biggest global player in the production of and trade in soya with heavy investments in South America where GM soya monocrops (and associated agrochemicals) have displaced rural populations and caused health problems and environmental damage.

The Gates-funded project will likely enable Cargill to capture a hitherto untapped African soya market and eventually introduce genetically modified (GM) soya onto the continent. The Gates foundation is also supporting projects involving other chemical and seed corporations, including DuPont, Syngenta and Bayer. It is promoting a model of industrial agriculture, the increasing use of agrochemicals and GM patented seeds and the privatisation of extension services.

What the Gates Foundation is doing is part of the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) initiative, which is based on the premise that hunger and malnutrition in Africa are mainly the result of a lack of technology and functioning markets. AGRA has been intervening directly in the formulation of African governments’ agricultural policies on issues like seeds and land, opening up African markets to US agribusiness.

More than 80% of Africa’s seed supply comes from millions of small-scale farmers recycling and exchanging seed from year to year. But AGRA is supporting the introduction of commercial (chemical-dependent) seed systems, which risk enabling a few large companies to control seed research and development, production and distribution.

Since the 1990s, there has been a steady process of national seed law reviews, sponsored by USAID and the G8 along with Gates and others, opening the door to multinational corporations’ involvement in seed production, including the acquisition of every sizeable seed enterprise on the African continent.

The Gates Foundation is also very active in the area of health, which is ironic given its promotion of industrial agriculture and its reliance on health-damaging agrochemicals.

The foundation is a prominent funder of the World Health Organization and UNICEF. Gates has been the largest or second largest contributor to the WHO’s budget in recent years. Perhaps this sheds some light onto why so many international reports omit the effects of pesticides on health.


According to the 2021 paper ‘Growing Agrichemical Ubiquity: New Questions for Environments and Health’ (Community of Excellence in Global Health Equity), the volume of pesticide use and exposure is occurring on a scale that is without precedent and world-historical in nature; agrochemicals are now pervasive as they cycle through bodies and environments; and the herbicide glyphosate has been a major factor in driving this increase in use.

The authors state that when the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) declared glyphosate to be a “probable carcinogen” in 2015, the fragile consensus about its safety was upended.

They note that in 2020 the US Environmental Protection Agency affirmed that glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs) pose no risk to human health, apparently disregarding new evidence about the link between glyphosate and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma as well as its non-cancer impacts on the liver, kidney and gastrointestinal system.

The multi-authored paper notes:

“In just under 20 years, much of the Earth has been coated with glyphosate, in many places layering on already chemical-laden human bodies, other organisms and environments.”

However, the authors add that glyphosate (Roundup being the most well-known – initially manufactured by Monsanto – now Bayer) is not the only pesticide to achieve broad-scale pervasiveness:

“The insecticide imidacloprid, for example, coats the majority of US maize seed, making it the most widely used insecticide in US history. Between just 2003 and 2009, sales of imidacloprid products rose 245% (Simon-Delso et al. 2015). The scale of such use, and its overlapping effects on bodies and environments, have yet to be fully reckoned with, especially outside of countries with relatively strong regulatory and monitoring capacities.”

Imidacloprid was licensed for use in Europe in 1994. In July of that year, beekeepers in France noticed something unexpected. Just after the sunflowers had bloomed, a substantial number of their hives would collapse, as the worker bees flew off and never returned, leaving the queen and immature workers to die. The French beekeepers soon believed they knew the reason: a brand new insecticide called Gaucho with imidacloprid as active ingredient was being applied to sunflowers for the first time.

In the 2022 paper ‘Neonicotinoid insecticides found in children treated for leukaemias and lymphomas’ (Environmental Health), the authors stated that multiple neonicotinoids were found in children’s cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), plasma and urine. As the most widely used class of insecticides worldwide, they are ubiquitously found in the environment, wildlife and foods.

As for the world’s most widely used herbicide, glyphosate-based formulas affect the gut microbiome and are associated with a global metabolic health crisis. They also cause epigenetic changes in humans and animals – diseases skip a generation then appear.

French team has found heavy metals in chemical formulants of GBHs in people’s diets. As with other pesticides, 10–20% of GBHs consist of chemical formulants. Families of petroleum-based oxidized molecules and other contaminants have been identified as well as the heavy metals arsenic, chromium, cobalt, lead and nickel, which are known to be toxic and endocrine disruptors.

In 1988, Ridley and Mirly (commissioned by Monsanto) found bioaccumulation of glyphosate in rat tissues. Residues were present in bone, marrow, blood and glands including the thyroid, testes and ovaries, as well as major organs, including the heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, spleen and stomach. Glyphosate was also associated with ophthalmic degenerative lens changes.

A Stout and Rueker (1990) study (also commissioned by Monsanto) provided concerning evidence with regard to cataracts following glyphosate exposure in rats. It is interesting to note that the rate of cataract surgery in England “increased very substantially” between 1989 and 2004: from 173 (1989) to 637 (2004) episodes per 100,000 population.

A 2016 study by the WHO also confirmed that the incidence of cataracts had greatly increased: ‘A global assessment of the burden of disease from environmental risks’ says that cataracts are the leading cause of blindness worldwide. Globally, cataracts are responsible for 51% of blindness. In the US, between 2000 and 2010 the number of cases of cataract rose by 20% from 20.5 million to 24.4 million. It is projected that by 2050, the number of people with cataracts will have doubled to 50 million.

The authors of ‘Assessment of Glyphosate Induced Epigenetic Transgenerational Inheritance of Pathologies and Sperm Epimutations: Generational Toxicology’ (Scientific Reports, 2019) noted that ancestral environmental exposures to a variety of factors and toxicants promoted the epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of adult onset disease.

They proposed that glyphosate can induce the transgenerational inheritance of disease and germline (for example, sperm) epimutations. Observations suggest the generational toxicology of glyphosate needs to be considered in the disease etiology of future generations.

In a 2017 study, Carlos Javier Baier and colleagues documented behavioural impairments following repeated intranasal glyphosate-based herbicide administration in mice. Intranasal GBH caused behavioural disorders, decreased locomotor activity, induced an anxiogenic behaviour and produced memory deficit.

The paper contains references to many studies from around the world that confirm GBHs are damaging to the development of the foetal brain and that repeated exposure is toxic to the adult human brain and may result in alterations in locomotor activity, feelings of anxiety and memory impairment.

Highlights of a 2018 study on neurotransmitter changes in rat brain regions following glyphosate exposure include neurotoxicity in rats. And in a 2014 study which examined mechanisms underlying the neurotoxicity induced by glyphosate-based herbicide in the immature rat hippocampus, it was found that Monsanto’s glyphosate-based Roundup induces various neurotoxic processes.

In the paper ‘Glyphosate damages blood-testis barrier via NOX1-triggered oxidative stress in rats: Long-term exposure as a potential risk for male reproductive health’ (Environment International, 2022) it was noted that glyphosate causes blood-testis barrier (BTB) damage and low-quality sperm and that glyphosate-induced BTB injury contributes to sperm quality decrease.

The study Multiomics reveal non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats following chronic exposure to an ultra-low dose of Roundup herbicide (2017),  revealed non-fatty acid liver disease (NFALD) in rats following chronic exposure to an ultra-low dose of Roundup herbicide. NFALD currently affects 25% of the US population and similar numbers of Europeans.

The 2020 paper ‘Glyphosate exposure exacerbates the dopaminergic neurotoxicity in the mouse brain after repeated of MPTP’ suggests that glyphosate may be an environmental risk factor for Parkinson’s.

In the 2019 Ramazzini Institute’s 13-week pilot study that looked into the effects of GBHs on development and the endocrine system, it was demonstrated that GBHs exposure, from prenatal period to adulthood, induced endocrine effects and altered reproductive developmental parameters in male and female rats. 

Nevertheless, according to Phillips McDougall’s Annual Agriservice Reports, herbicides made up 43% of the global pesticide market in 2019 by value. Much of the increase in glyphosate use is due to the introduction of glyphosate-tolerant soybean, maize, and cotton seeds in the US, Brazil and Argentina.

A corporation’s top priority is the bottom line (at all costs, by all means necessary) and not public health. A CEO’s obligation is to maximise profit, capture markets and – ideally – regulatory and policy-making bodies as well.

Corporations must also secure viable year-on-year growth which often means expanding into hitherto untapped markets. Indeed, in the previously mentioned paper ‘Growing Agrichemical Ubiquity’, the authors note that while countries like the US are still reporting higher pesticide use, most of this growth is taking place in the Global South:

“For example, pesticide use in California grew 10% from 2005 to 2015, while use by Bolivian farmers, though starting from a low base, increased 300% in the same period. Pesticide use is growing steeply in countries as diverse as China, Mali, South Africa, Nepal, Laos, Ghana, Argentina, Brazil and Bangladesh. Most countries with high levels of growth have weak regulatory enforcement, environmental monitoring and health surveillance infrastructure.”

And much of this growth is driven by increased demand for herbicides: 

“India saw a 250% increase since 2005 (Das Gupta et al. 2017) while herbicide use jumped by 2500% in China (Huang, Wang, and Xiao 2017) and 2000% in Ethiopia (Tamru et al. 2017). The introduction of glyphosate-tolerant soybean, maize, and cotton seeds in the US, Brazil, and Argentina is clearly driving much of the demand, but herbicide use is also expanding dramatically in countries that have not approved nor adopted such crops and where smallholder farming is still dominant.”

The UN expert on toxics, Baskut Tuncak, said in a November 2017 article:

“Our children are growing up exposed to a toxic cocktail of weedkillers, insecticides, and fungicides. It’s on their food and in their water, and it’s even doused over their parks and playgrounds.”

In February 2020, Tuncak rejected the idea that the risks posed by highly hazardous pesticides could be managed safely. He told Unearthed (Greenpeace UK’s journalism website) that there is nothing sustainable about the widespread use of highly hazardous pesticides for agriculture. Whether they poison workers, extinguish biodiversity, persist in the environment or accumulate in a mother’s breast milk, Tuncak argued that these are unsustainable, cannot be used safely and should have been phased out of use long ago.

In his 2017 article, he stated:

“The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child… makes it clear that states have an explicit obligation to protect children from exposure to toxic chemicals, from contaminated food and polluted water, and to ensure that every child can realise their right to the highest attainable standard of health. These and many other rights of the child are abused by the current pesticide regime. These chemicals are everywhere and they are invisible.”

Tuncak added that paediatricians have referred to childhood exposure to pesticides as creating a “silent pandemic” of disease and disability. He noted that exposure in pregnancy and childhood is linked to birth defects, diabetes and cancer and stated that children are particularly vulnerable to these toxic chemicals: increasing evidence shows that even at ‘low’ doses of childhood exposure, irreversible health impacts can result.

He concluded that the overwhelming reliance of regulators on industry-funded studies, the exclusion of independent science from assessments and the confidentiality of studies relied upon by authorities must change.

A joint investigation by Unearthed and the NGO Public Eye has found the world’s five biggest pesticide manufacturers are making more than a third of their income from leading products, chemicals that pose serious hazards to human health and the environment.

An analysis of a huge database of 2018’s top-selling ‘crop protection products’ revealed the world’s leading agrochemical companies made more than 35% of their sales from pesticides classed as highly hazardous to people, animals or ecosystems. The investigation identified billions of dollars of income for agrochemical giants BASF, Bayer, Corteva, FMC and Syngenta from chemicals found by regulatory authorities to pose health hazards like cancer or reproductive failure.

This investigation is based on an analysis of a huge dataset of pesticide sales from the agribusiness intelligence company Phillips McDougall. The data covers around 40% of the $57.6bn global market for agricultural pesticides in 2018. It focuses on 43 countries, which between them represent more than 90% of the global pesticide market by value.

While Bill Gates promotes a chemical-intensive model of agriculture that dovetails with the needs and value chains of agri-food conglomerates, there are spiralling rates of disease, especially in the UK and the US.

However, the mainstream narrative is to blame individuals for their ailments and conditions which are said to result from ‘lifestyle choices’. But Monsanto’s German owner Bayer has confirmed that more than 40,000 people have filed suits against Monsanto alleging that exposure to Roundup herbicide caused them or their loved ones to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma and that Monsanto covered up the risks.

Each year, there are steady increases in the numbers of new cancers and increases in deaths from the same cancers, with no treatments making any difference to the numbers; at the same time, these treatments maximise the bottom line of the drug companies while the impacts of agrochemicals remain conspicuously absent from the mainstream disease narrative.

As part of its hegemonic strategy, the Gates Foundation says it wants to ensure global food security and optimise health and nutrition. But it seems happy to ignore the deleterious health impacts of agrochemicals as it continues to promote the interests of the firms that produce them.

Why does Gates not support agroecological approaches? Various high-level UN reports have advocated agroecology for ensuring equitable global food security. This would leave smallholder agriculture both intact and independent from Western agri-capital, something which runs counter to the underlying aims of the corporations which Gates supports. Their model depends on dispossession and creating market dependency for their inputs.

A model that has been imposed on nations for many decades and which relies on the dynamics of a system based on agri-export mono-cropping to earn foreign exchange revenue linked to sovereign dollar-denominated debt repayment and World Bank/IMF ‘structural adjustment’ directives. The outcomes have included a displacement of a food-producing peasantry, the consolidation of Western agri-food oligopolies and the transformation of many countries from food self-sufficiency into food deficit areas.

Gates is consolidating Western agri-capital in Africa in the name of ‘food security’. It is very convenient for him to ignore the fact that at the time of decolonisation in the 1960s Africa was not just self-sufficient in food but was actually a net food exporter with exports averaging 1.3 million tons a year between 1966-70. The continent now imports 25% of its food, with almost every country being a net food importer. More generally, developing countries produced a billion-dollar yearly surplus in the 1970s but by 2004 were importing US$ 11 billion a year.

The Gates Foundation promotes a corporate-industrial farming system and the strengthening of a global neoliberal, fossil-fuel-dependent food regime that by its very nature fuels and thrives on unjust trade policies, population displacement and land dispossession (something which Gates once called for but euphemistically termed “land mobility”), commodity monocropping, soil and environmental degradation, illness, nutrient-deficient diets, a narrowing of the range of food crops, water shortages, pollution and the eradication of biodiversity.

Green Revolution

At the same time, Gates is helping corporate interests to appropriate and commodify knowledge. Since 2003, CGIAR and its 15 centres have received more than $720 million from the Gates Foundation. In a June 2016 article, Vandana Shiva notes that the centres are accelerating the transfer of research and seeds to corporations, facilitating intellectual property piracy and seed monopolies created through IP laws and seed regulations.

Gates is also funding Diversity Seek, a global initiative to take patents on the seed collections through genomic mapping. Seven million crop accessions are in public seed banks. This could allow five corporations to own this diversity.

Shiva says:

“DivSeek is a global project launched in 2015 to map the genetic data of the peasant diversity of seeds held in gene banks. It robs the peasants of their seeds and knowledge, it robs the seed of its integrity and diversity, its evolutionary history, its link to the soil and reduces it to ‘code’. It is an extractive project to ‘mine’ the data in the seed to ‘censor’ out the commons.”

She notes that the peasants who evolved this diversity have no place in DivSeek – their knowledge is being mined and not recognised, honoured or conserved: an enclosure of the genetic commons.

Seed has been central to agriculture for 10,000 years. Farmers have been saving, exchanging and developing seeds for millennia. Seeds have been handed down from generation to generation. Peasant farmers have been the custodians of seeds, knowledge and land.

This is how it was until the 20th century when corporations took these seeds, hybridised them, genetically modified them, patented them and fashioned them to serve the needs of industrial agriculture with its monocultures and chemical inputs.

To serve the interests of these corporations by marginalising indigenous agriculture, a number of treaties and agreements in various countries over breeders’ rights and intellectual property have been enacted to prevent peasant farmers from freely improving, sharing or replanting their traditional seeds. Since this began, thousands of seed varieties have been lost and corporate seeds have increasingly dominated agriculture.

The UN FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) estimates that globally just 20 cultivated plant species account for 90% of all the plant-based food consumed by humans. This narrow genetic base of the global food system has put food security at serious risk.

To move farmers away from using native seeds and to get them to plant corporate seeds, seed ‘certification’ rules and laws are often brought into being by national governments on behalf of commercial seed giants. In Costa Rica, the battle to overturn restrictions on seeds was lost with the signing of a free trade agreement with the US, although this flouted the country’s seed biodiversity laws.

Seed laws in Brazil created a corporate property regime for seeds which effectively marginalised all indigenous seeds that were locally adapted over generations. This regime attempted to stop farmers from using or breeding their own seeds.

It was an attempt to privatise seed. The privatisation of something that is a common heritage. The privatisation and appropriation of inter-generational knowledge embodied by seeds whose germplasm is ‘tweaked’ (or stolen) by corporations who then claim ownership.

Corporate control over seeds is also an attack on the survival of communities and their traditions. Seeds are integral to identity because in rural communities, people’s lives have been tied to planting, harvesting, seeds, soil and the seasons for thousands of years.

This is also an attack on biodiversity and – as we see the world over – on the integrity of soil, water, food, diets and health as well as on the integrity of international institutions, governments and officials which have too often been corrupted by powerful transnational corporations.

Regulations and ‘seed certification’ laws are often brought in on behalf of industry that are designed to eradicate traditional seeds by allowing only ‘stable’, ‘uniform’ and ‘novel’ seeds on the market (meaning corporate seeds). These are the only ‘regulated’ seeds allowed: registered and certified. It is a cynical way of eradicating indigenous farming practices at the behest of corporations.

Governments are under immense pressure via lop-sided trade deals, strings-attached loans and corporate-backed seed regimes to comply with the demands of agribusiness conglomerates and to fit in with their supply chains.

The Gates Foundation talks about health but facilitates the roll-out of a highly subsidised and toxic form of agriculture whose agrochemicals cause immense damage. It talks of alleviating poverty and malnutrition and tackling food insecurity, yet it bolsters an inherently unjust global food regime which is responsible for perpetuating food insecurity, population displacement, land dispossession, privatisation of the commons and neoliberal policies that remove support from the vulnerable and marginalised.

Bill Gates’s ‘philanthropy’ is part of a neoliberal agenda that attempts to manufacture consent and buy-off or co-opt policy makers, thereby preventing and marginalising more radical agrarian change that would challenge prevailing power structures and act as impediments to this agenda.

Gates and his corporate cronies’ activities are part of the hegemonic and dispossessive strategies of imperialism. This involves displacing a food-producing peasantry and subjugating those who remain in agriculture to the needs of global distribution and supply chains dominated by Western agri-capital.

And now, under the notion of ‘climate emergency’, Gates et al are promoting the latest technologies – gene editing, data-driven farming, cloud-based services, lab created ‘food’, monopolistic e-commerce retail and trading platforms, etc. – under the guise of one-world precision agriculture.

But this is merely a continuation of what has been happening for half a century or more.

Since the Green Revolution, US agribusiness and financial institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have sought to hook farmers and nation states on corporate seeds and proprietary inputs as well as loans to construct the type of agri-infrastructure that chemical-intensive farming requires.

Monsanto-Bayer and other agribusiness concerns have since the 1990s been attempting to further consolidate their grip on global agriculture and farmers’ corporate dependency with the rollout of GM seeds.

In her report, ‘Reclaim the Seed’, Vandana Shiva says:

“In the 1980s, the chemical corporations started to look at genetic engineering and patenting of seed as new sources of super profits. They took farmers varieties from the public gene banks, tinkered with the seed through conventional breeding or genetic engineering, and took patents.”

Shiva talks about the Green Revolution and seed colonialism and the pirating of farmers seeds and knowledge. She says that 768,576 accessions of seeds were taken from farmers in Mexico alone:

“… taking the farmers seeds that embodies their creativity and knowledge of breeding. The ‘civilising mission’ of Seed Colonisation is the declaration that farmers are ‘primitive’ and the varieties they have bred are ‘primitive’, ‘inferior’, ‘low yielding’ and have to be ‘substituted’ and ‘replaced’ with superior seeds from a superior race of breeders, so called ‘modern varieties’ and ‘improved varieties’ bred for chemicals.”

It is interesting to note that prior to the Green Revolution many of the older crops carried dramatically higher counts of nutrients per calorie. The amount of cereal each person must consume to fulfil daily dietary requirements has therefore gone up. For instance, the iron content of millet is four times that of rice. Oats carry four times more zinc than wheat. As a result, between 1961 and 2011, the protein, zinc and iron contents of the world’s directly consumed cereals declined by 4%, 5% and 19%, respectively.

The high-input chemical-intensive Green Revolution model helped the drive towards greater monocropping and has resulted in less diverse diets and less nutritious foods. Its long-term impact has led to soil degradation and mineral imbalances, which in turn have adversely affected human health.

Adding weight to this argument, the authors of the 2010 paper ‘Zinc deficiencies in Agricultural Systems’ in the International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development state:

“Cropping systems promoted by the green revolution have… resulted in reduced food-crop diversity and decreased availability of micronutrients. Micronutrient malnutrition is causing increased rates of chronic diseases (cancer, heart diseases, stroke, diabetes and osteoporosis) in many developing nations; more than three billion people are directly affected by the micronutrient deficiencies. Unbalanced use of mineral fertilizers and a decrease in the use of organic manure are the main causes of the nutrient deficiency in the regions where the cropping intensity is high.”

The authors imply that the link between micronutrient deficiency in soil and human nutrition is increasingly regarded as important:

“Moreover, agricultural intensification requires an increased nutrient flow towards and greater uptake of nutrients by crops. Until now, micronutrient deficiency has mostly been addressed as a soil and, to a smaller extent, plant problem. Currently, it is being addressed as a human nutrition problem as well. Increasingly, soils and food systems are affected by micronutrients disorders, leading to reduced crop production and malnutrition and diseases in humans and plants.”

Although India, for example, might now be self-sufficient in various staples, many of these foodstuffs are high calorie-low nutrient, have led to the displacement of more nutritionally diverse cropping systems and have arguably mined the soil of nutrients. The importance of renowned agronomist William Albrecht, who died in 1974, should not be overlooked here and his work on healthy soils and healthy people.

In this respect, India-based botanist Stuart Newton states that the answer to Indian agricultural productivity is not that of embracing the international, monopolistic, corporate-conglomerate promotion of chemically dependent GM crops: India has to restore and nurture its depleted, abused soils and not harm them any further, with dubious chemical overload, which is endangering human and animal health.

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research reports that soil is become deficient in nutrients and fertility. The country is losing 5,334 million tonnes of soil every year due to soil erosion because of the indiscreet and excessive use of fertilisers, insecticides and pesticides.

Aside from these deleterious impacts and the health consequences of chemical-dependent crops (see Dr Rosemary Mason’s reports on the website), New Histories of the Green Revolution (Glenn Stone, 2019) debunks the claim that the Green Revolution boosted productivity, The Violence of the Green Revolution (Vandana Shiva, 1989) details (among other things) the negative impacts on rural communities in Punjab and Bhaskar Save’s open letter to Indian officials in 2006 discusses the ecological devastation.

And for good measure, in a 2019 paper in the Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, the authors note that native wheat varieties in India have higher nutrition content than the Green Revolution varieties. This is important to note given that Professor Glenn Stone argues that all the Green Revolution actually ‘succeeded’ in doing was put more wheat in the Indian diet (displacing other foodstuffs). Stone argues that food productivity per capita showed no increased or even actually decreased.

Sold on the promise that hybrid seeds and associated chemical inputs would enhance food security on the basis of higher productivity, the Green Revolution transformed agriculture in many regions. But in places like Punjab, Shiva notes that to gain access to seeds and chemicals farmers had to take out loans and debt became (and remains) a constant worry. Many became impoverished and social relations within rural communities were radically altered: previously, farmers would save and exchange seeds but now they became dependent on unscrupulous money lenders, banks and seed manufacturers and suppliers. In her book, Shiva describes the social marginalisation and violence that resulted from the Green Revolution and its impacts.

It is also worthwhile discussing Bhaskar Save. He argued that the actual reason for pushing the Green Revolution was the much narrower goal of increasing the marketable surplus of a few relatively less perishable cereals to fuel the urban-industrial expansion favoured by the government and a few industries at the expense of a more diverse and nutrient-sufficient agriculture, which rural folk – who make up the bulk of India’s population – had long benefited from.

Before, Indian farmers had been largely self-sufficient and even produced surpluses, though generally smaller quantities of many more items. These, particularly perishables, were tougher to supply urban markets. And so, the nation’s farmers were steered to grow chemically cultivated monocultures of a few cash-crops like wheat, rice, or sugar, rather than their traditional polycultures that needed no purchased inputs.

Tall, indigenous varieties of grain provided more biomass, shaded the soil from the sun and protected against its erosion under heavy monsoon rains, but these were replaced with dwarf varieties, which led to more vigorous growth of weeds and were able to compete successfully with the new stunted crops for sunlight.

As a result, the farmer had to spend more labour and money in weeding or spraying herbicides. Furthermore, straw growth with the dwarf grain crops fell and much less organic matter was locally available to recycle the fertility of the soil, leading to an artificial need for externally procured inputs. Inevitably, the farmers resorted to use more chemicals and soil degradation and erosion set in.

The exotic varieties, grown with chemical fertilisers, were more susceptible to ‘pests and diseases’, leading to yet more chemicals being poured. But the attacked insect species developed resistance and reproduced prolifically. Their predators – spiders, frogs, etc. – that fed on these insects and controlled their populations were exterminated. So were many beneficial species like earthworms and bees.

Save noted that India, next to South America, receives the highest rainfall in the world. Where thick vegetation covers the ground, the soil is alive and porous and at least half of the rain is soaked and stored in the soil and sub-soil strata.

A good amount then percolates deeper to recharge aquifers or groundwater tables. The living soil and its underlying aquifers thus serve as gigantic, ready-made reservoirs. Half a century ago, most parts of India had enough fresh water all year round, long after the rains had stopped and gone. But clear the forests, and the capacity of the earth to soak the rain, drops drastically. Streams and wells run dry.

While the recharge of groundwater has greatly reduced, its extraction has been mounting. India is presently mining over 20 times more groundwater each day than it did in 1950. But most of India’s people – living on hand-drawn or hand-pumped water in villages and practising only rain-fed farming – continue to use the same amount of ground water per person, as they did generations ago.

More than 80% of India’s water consumption is for irrigation, with the largest share hogged by chemically cultivated cash crops. For example, one acre of chemically grown sugarcane requires as much water as would suffice 25 acres of jowar, bajra or maize. The sugar factories too consume huge quantities.

From cultivation to processing, each kilo of refined sugar needs two to three tonnes of water. Save argued this could be used to grow, by the traditional, organic way, about 150 to 200 kg of nutritious jowar or bajra (native millets).

Save wrote:

“This country has more than 150 agricultural universities. But every year, each churns out several hundred ‘educated’ unemployables, trained only in misguiding farmers and spreading ecological degradation. In all the six years a student spends for an MSc in agriculture, the only goal is short-term – and narrowly perceived – ‘productivity’. For this, the farmer is urged to do and buy a hundred things. But not a thought is spared to what a farmer must never do so that the land remains unharmed for future generations and other creatures. It is time our people and government wake up to the realisation that this industry-driven way of farming – promoted by our institutions – is inherently criminal and suicidal!“

It is increasingly clear that the Green Revolution has been a failure in terms of its devastating environmental impacts, the undermining of highly productive traditional low-input agriculture and its sound ecological footing, the displacement of rural populations and the adverse impacts on communities, nutrition, health and regional food security.

Even where yields may have increased, we need to ask: what has been the cost of any increased yield of commodities in terms of local food security, overall nutrition per acre, water tables, soil structure and new pests and disease pressures?


Chapter II

Genetic Engineering

Value Capture and Market Dependency


As for GM crops, often described as Green Revolution 2.0, these too have failed to deliver on the promises made and, like the 1.0 version, have often had devastating consequences.

Regardless, the industry and its well-funded lobbyists and bought career scientists continue to spin the line that GM crops are a marvellous success and that the world needs even more of them to avoid a global food shortage. GM crops are required to feed the world is a well-worn industry slogan trotted out at every available opportunity. Just like the claim of GM crops being a tremendous success, this too is based on a myth.

There is no global shortage of food. Even under any plausible future population scenario, there will be no shortage as evidenced by scientist Dr Jonathan Latham in his paper “The Myth of a Food Crisis” (2020).

However, new gene drive and gene editing techniques have now been developed and the industry is seeking the unregulated commercial release of products that are based on these methods.

It does not want plants, animals and micro-organisms created with gene editing to be subject to safety checks, monitoring or consumer labelling. This is concerning given the real dangers that these techniques pose.

It really is a case of old GMO wine in new bottles.

And this has not been lost on 162 civil society, farmers and business organisations that have called on Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans to ensure that new genetic engineering techniques continue to be regulated in accordance with existing EU GMO (genetically modified organisms) standards.

The coalition argues that these new techniques can cause a range of unwanted genetic modifications that can result in the production of novel toxins or allergens or in the transfer of antibiotic resistance genes. Its open letter adds that even intended modifications can result in traits which could raise food safety, environmental or animal welfare concerns.

The European Court of Justice ruled in 2018 that organisms obtained with new genetic modification techniques must be regulated under the EU’s existing GMO laws. However, there has been intense lobbying from the agriculture biotech industry to weaken the legislation, aided financially by the Gates Foundation.

The coalition states that various scientific publications show that new GM techniques allow developers to make significant genetic changes, which can be very different from those that happen in nature. These new GMOs pose similar or greater risks than older-style GMOs.

In addition to these concerns, a paper from Chinese scientists, ‘Herbicide Resistance: Another Hot Agronomic Trait for Plant Genome Editing’, says that, in spite of claims from GMO promoters that gene editing will be climate-friendly and reduce pesticide use, what we can expect is just more of the same – GM herbicide-tolerant crops and increased herbicide use.

The industry wants its new techniques to be unregulated, thereby making gene edited GMOs faster to develop, more profitable and hidden from consumers when purchasing items in stores. At the same time, the costly herbicide treadmill will be reinforced for farmers.

By dodging regulation as well as avoiding economic, social, environmental and health impact assessments, it is clear that the industry is first and foremost motivated by value capture and profit and contempt for democratic accountability.

Bt cotton in India

This is patently clear if we look at the rollout of Bt cotton in India (the only officially approved GM crop in that country) which served the bottom line of Monsanto but brought dependency, distress and no durable agronomic benefits for many of India’s small and marginal farmers. Prof A P Gutierrez argues that Bt cotton has effectively placed these farmers in a corporate noose.

Monsanto sucked hundreds of millions of dollars in profit from these cotton farmers, while industry-funded scientists are always keen to push the mantra that rolling out Bt cotton in India uplifted their conditions.

On 24 August 2020, a webinar on Bt cotton in India took place involving Andrew Paul Gutierrez, senior emeritus professor in the College of Natural Resources at the University of California at Berkeley, Keshav Kranthi, former director of Central Institute for Cotton Research in India, Peter Kenmore, former FAO representative in India, and Hans Herren, World Food Prize Laureate.

Dr Herren said that “the failure of Bt cotton” is a classic representation of what an unsound science of plant protection and faulty direction of agricultural development can lead to.

He explained:

“Bt hybrid technology in India represents an error-driven policy that has led to the denial and non-implementation of the real solutions for the revival of cotton in India, which lie in HDSS (high density short season) planting of non-Bt/GMO cotton in pure line varieties of native desi species and American cotton species.”

He argued that a transformation of agriculture and the food system is required; one that entails a shift to agroecology, which includes regenerative, organic, biodynamic, permaculture and natural farming practices.

Dr Kenmore said that Bt cotton is an aging pest control technology:

“It follows the same path worn down by generations of insecticide molecules from arsenic to DDT to BHC to endosulfan to monocrotophos to carbaryl to imidacloprid. In-house research aims for each molecule to be packaged biochemically, legally and commercially before it is released and promoted. Corporate and public policy actors then claim yield increases but deliver no more than temporary pest suppression, secondary pest release and pest resistance.”

Recurrent cycles of crises have sparked public action and ecological field research which creates locally adapted agroecological strategies.

He added that this agroecology:

“…now gathers global support from citizens’ groups, governments and UN FAO. Their robust local solutions in Indian cotton do not require any new molecules, including endo-toxins like in Bt cotton”.

Gutierrez presented the ecological reasons as to why hybrid Bt cotton failed in India: long season Bt cotton introduced in India was incorporated into hybrids that trapped farmers into biotech and insecticide treadmills that benefited GMO seed manufacturers.

He noted:

“The cultivation of long-season hybrid Bt cotton in rainfed areas is unique to India. It is a value capture mechanism that does not contribute to yield, is a major contributor to low yield stagnation and contributes to increasing production costs.”

Gutierrez asserted that increases in cotton farmer suicides are related to the resulting economic distress.

He argued:

“A viable solution to the current GM hybrid system is adoption of improved non-GM high-density short-season fertile cotton varieties.”

Presenting data on yields, insecticide usage, irrigation, fertiliser usage and pest incidence and resistance, Dr Kranthi said an analysis of official statistics ( and shows that Bt hybrid technology has not been providing any tangible benefits in India either in yield or insecticide usage.

He said that cotton yields are the lowest in the world in Maharashtra, despite being saturated with Bt hybrids and the highest use of fertilisers. Yields in Maharashtra are less than in rainfed Africa where there is hardly any usage of technologies such as Bt hybrids, fertilisers, pesticides or irrigation.

It is revealing that Indian cotton yields rank 36th in the world and have been stagnant in the past 15 years and insecticide usage has been constantly increasing after 2005, despite an increase in area under Bt cotton.

Kranthi argued that research also shows that the Bt hybrid technology has failed the test of sustainability with resistance in pink bollworm to Bt cotton, increasing sucking pest infestation, increasing trends in insecticide and fertiliser usage, increasing costs and negative net returns in 2014 and 2015.

Dr Herren said that GMOs exemplify the case of a technology searching for an application:

“It is essentially about treating symptoms, rather than taking a systems approach to create resilient, productive and bio-diverse food systems in the widest sense and to provide sustainable and affordable solutions in it’s social, environmental and economic dimensions.”

He went on to argue that the failure of Bt cotton is a classic representation of what an unsound science of plant protection and a faulty direction of agricultural development can lead to:

“We need to push aside the vested interests blocking the transformation with the baseless arguments of ‘the world needs more food’ and design and implement policies that are forward-looking… We have all the needed scientific and practical evidence that the agroecological approaches to food and nutrition security work successfully.”

Those who continue to spin Bt cotton in India as a resounding success remain wilfully ignorant of the challenges (documented in the 2019 book by Andrew Flachs – Cultivating Knowledge: Biotechnology, Sustainability and the Human Cost of Cotton Capitalism in India) farmers face in terms of financial distress, increasing pest resistance, dependency on unregulated seed markets, the eradication of environmental learning,  the loss of control over their productive means and the biotech-chemical treadmill they are trapped on (this last point is precisely what the industry intended).

However, in recent times, the Indian government in league with the biotech industry has been trying to pass of Bt cotton in the country as a monumental success, thereby promoting its rollout as a template for other GM crops.

In general, across the world the performance of GM crops to date has been questionable, but the pro-GMO lobby has wasted no time in wrenching the issues of hunger and poverty from their political contexts to use notions of ‘helping farmers’ and ‘feeding the world’ as lynchpins of its promotional strategy. There exists a ‘haughty imperialism’ within the pro-GMO scientific lobby that aggressively pushes for a GMO ‘solution’ which is a distraction from the root causes of poverty, hunger and malnutrition and genuine solutions based on food justice and food sovereignty.

The performance of GM crops has been a hotly contested issue and, as highlighted in a 2018 piece by PC Kesavan and MS Swaminathan in the journal Current Science, there is already sufficient evidence to question their efficacy, especially that of herbicide-tolerant crops (which by 2007 already accounted for approximately 80% of biotech-derived crops grown globally) and the devastating impacts on the environment, human health and food security, not least in places like Latin America.

In their paper, Kesavan and Swaminathan argue that GM technology is supplementary and must be need based. In more than 99% of cases, they say that time-honoured conventional breeding is sufficient. In this respect, conventional options and innovations that outperform GM must not be overlooked or side-lined in a rush by powerful interests like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to facilitate the introduction of GM crops into global agriculture; crops which are highly financially lucrative for the corporations behind them.

In Europe, robust regulatory mechanisms are in place for GMOs because it is recognised that GM food/crops are not substantially equivalent to their non-GM counterparts. Numerous studies have highlighted the flawed premise of ‘substantial equivalence’. Furthermore, from the outset of the GMO project, the side-lining of serious concerns about the technology has occurred and, despite industry claims to the contrary, there is no scientific consensus on the health impacts of GM crops as noted by Hilbeck et al (Environmental Sciences Europe, 2015). Adopting a precautionary principle where GM is concerned is therefore a valid approach.

Both the Cartagena Protocol and Codex share a precautionary approach to GM crops and foods, in that they agree that GM differs from conventional breeding and that safety assessments should be required before GMOs are used in food or released into the environment. There is sufficient reason to hold back on commercialising GM crops and to subject each GMO to independent, transparent environmental, social, economic and health impact evaluations.

Critics’ concerns cannot therefore be brushed aside by claims from industry lobbyists that ‘the science’ is decided and the ‘facts’ about GM are indisputable. Such claims are merely political posturing and part of a strategy to tip the policy agenda in favour of GM.

Regardless, global food insecurity and malnutrition are not the result of a lack of productivity. As long as food injustice remains an inbuilt feature of the global food regime, the rhetoric of GM being necessary for feeding the world will be seen for what it is: bombast.

Take India, for instance. Although it fares poorly in world hunger assessments, the country has achieved self-sufficiency in food grains and has ensured there is enough food (in terms of calories) available to feed its entire population. It is the world’s largest producer of milk, pulses and millets and the second-largest producer of rice, wheat, sugarcane, groundnuts, vegetables, fruit and cotton.

According to FAO, food security is achieved when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.

But food security for many Indians remains a distant dream. Large sections of India’s population do not have enough food available to remain healthy nor do they have sufficiently diverse diets that provide adequate levels of micronutrients. The Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey 2016-18 is the first-ever nationally representative nutrition survey of children and adolescents in India. It found that 35% of children under five were stunted, 22% of school-age children were stunted while 24% of adolescents were thin for their age.

People are not hungry in India because its farmers do not produce enough food. Hunger and malnutrition result from various factors, including inadequate food distribution, (gender) inequality and poverty; in fact, the country continues to export food while millions remain hungry. It’s a case of ‘scarcity’ amid abundance.

Where farmers’ livelihoods are concerned, the pro-GMO lobby says GM will boost productivity and help secure cultivators a better income. Again, this is misleading: it ignores crucial political and economic contexts. Even with bumper harvests, Indian farmers still find themselves in financial distress.

India’s farmers are not experiencing hardship due to low productivity. They are reeling from the effects of neoliberal policies, years of neglect and a deliberate strategy to displace smallholder agriculture at the behest of the World Bank and predatory global agri-food corporations. Little wonder then that the calorie and essential nutrient intake of the rural poor has drastically fallen. No number of GMOs will put any of this right.

Nevertheless, the pro-GMO lobby, both outside of India and within, has twisted the situation for its own ends to mount intensive PR campaigns to sway public opinion and policy makers.

Golden Rice

The industry has for many years been promoting Golden Rice. It has long argued that genetically engineered Golden Rice is a practical way to provide poor farmers in remote areas with a subsistence crop capable of adding much-needed vitamin A to local diets. Vitamin A deficiency is a problem in many poor countries in the Global South and leaves millions at high risk for infection, diseases and other maladies, such as blindness.

Some scientists believe that Golden Rice, which has been developed with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, could help save the lives of around 670,000 children who die each year from Vitamin A deficiency and another 350,000 who go blind.

Meanwhile, critics say there are serious issues with Golden Rice and that alternative approaches to tackling vitamin A deficiency should be implemented. Greenpeace and other environmental groups say the claims being made by the pro-Golden Rice lobby are misleading and are oversimplifying the actual problems in combating vitamin A deficiency.

Many critics regard Golden Rice as an over-hyped Trojan horse that biotechnology corporations and their allies hope will pave the way for the global approval of other more profitable GM crops. The Rockefeller Foundation might be regarded as a ‘philanthropic’ entity but its track record indicates it has been very much part of an agenda which facilitates commercial and geopolitical interests to the detriment of indigenous agriculture and local and national economies.

As Britain’s Environment Secretary in 2013, the now disgraced Owen Paterson claimed that opponents of GM were “casting a dark shadow over attempts to feed the world”. He called for the rapid roll-out of vitamin A-enhanced rice to help prevent the cause of up to a third of the world’s child deaths. He claimed:

“It’s just disgusting that little children are allowed to go blind and die because of a hang-up by a small number of people about this technology. I feel really strongly about it. I think what they do is absolutely wicked.”

Robin McKie, science writer for The Observer, wrote a piece on Golden Rice that uncritically presented all the usual industry talking points. On Twitter, The Observer’s Nick Cohen chimed in with his support by tweeting:

“There is no greater example of ignorant Western privilege causing needless misery than the campaign against genetically modified golden rice.”

Whether it comes from the likes of corporate lobbyist Patrick Moore, political lobbyist Owen Paterson, biotech spin-merchant Mark Lynas, well-remunerated journalists or from the lobbyist CS Prakash who engages more in spin than fact, the rhetoric takes the well-worn cynically devised PR line that anti-GM activists and environmentalists are little more than privileged, affluent people residing in rich countries and are denying the poor the supposed benefits of GM crops.

Despite the smears and emotional blackmail employed by supporters of Golden Rice, in a 2016 article in the journal Agriculture & Human Values Glenn Stone and Dominic Glover found little evidence that anti-GM activists are to blame for Golden Rice’s unfulfilled promises. Golden rice was still years away from field introduction and even when ready may fall far short of lofty health benefits claimed by its supporters.

Stone stated that:

“Golden Rice is still not ready for the market, but we find little support for the common claim that environmental activists are responsible for stalling its introduction. GMO opponents have not been the problem.”

He added that the rice simply has not been successful in test plots of the rice breeding institutes in the Philippines, where the leading research is being done. While activists did destroy one Golden Rice test plot in a 2013 protest, it is unlikely that this action had any significant impact on the approval of Golden Rice.

Stone said:

“Destroying test plots is a dubious way to express opposition, but this was only one small plot out of many plots in multiple locations over many years. Moreover, they have been calling Golden Rice critics ‘murderers’ for over a decade.”

Believing that Golden Rice was originally a promising idea backed by good intentions, Stone argued:

“But if we are actually interested in the welfare of poor children – instead of just fighting over GMOs – then we have to make unbiased assessments of possible solutions. The simple fact is that after 24 years of research and breeding, Golden Rice is still years away from being ready for release.”

Researchers still had problems developing beta carotene-enriched strains that yield as well as non-GM strains already being grown by farmers. Stone and Glover point out that it is still unknown if the beta carotene in Golden Rice can even be converted to vitamin A in the bodies of badly undernourished children. There also has been little research on how well the beta carotene in Golden Rice will hold up when stored for long periods between harvest seasons or when cooked using traditional methods common in remote rural locations.

Claire Robinson, an editor at GMWatch, has argued that the rapid degradation of beta-carotene in the rice during storage and cooking means it is not a solution to vitamin A deficiency in the developing world. There are also various other problems, including absorption in the gut and the low and varying levels of beta-carotene that may be delivered by Golden Rice in the first place.

In the meantime, Glenn Stone says that, as the development of Golden Rice creeps along, the Philippines has managed to slash the incidence of Vitamin A deficiency by non-GM methods.

The evidence presented here might lead us to question why supporters of Golden Rice continue to smear critics and engage in abuse and emotional blackmail when activists are not to blame for the failure of Golden Rice to reach the commercial market. Whose interests are they really serving in pushing so hard for this technology?

In 2011, Marcia Ishii-Eiteman, a senior scientist with a background in insect ecology and pest management asked a similar question:

“Who oversees this ambitious project, which its advocates claim will end the suffering of millions?”

She answered her question by stating:

“An elite, so-called Humanitarian Board where Syngenta sits – along with the inventors of Golden Rice, Rockefeller Foundation, USAID and public relations and marketing experts, among a handful of others. Not a single farmer, indigenous person or even an ecologist or sociologist to assess the huge political, social and ecological implications of this massive experiment. And the leader of IRRI’s Golden Rice project is none other than Gerald Barry, previously Director of Research at Monsanto.”

Sarojeni V. Rengam, executive director of Pesticide Action Network Asia and the Pacific, called on the donors and scientists involved to wake up and do the right thing:

“Golden Rice is really a ‘Trojan horse’; a public relations stunt pulled by the agribusiness corporations to garner acceptance of GE crops and food. The whole idea of GE seeds is to make money… we want to send out a strong message to all those supporting the promotion of Golden Rice, especially donor organisations, that their money and efforts would be better spent on restoring natural and agricultural biodiversity rather than destroying it by promoting monoculture plantations and genetically engineered (GE) food crops.”

And she makes a valid point. To tackle disease, malnutrition and poverty, you have to first understand the underlying causes – or indeed want to understand them.

Renowned writer and academic Walden Bello notes that the complex of policies that pushed the Philippines into an economic quagmire over the past 30 years is due to ‘structural adjustment’, involving prioritising debt repayment, conservative macroeconomic management, huge cutbacks in government spending, trade and financial liberalisation, privatisation and deregulation, the restructuring of agriculture and export-oriented production.

And that restructuring of the agrarian economy is something touched on by Claire Robinson who notes that leafy green vegetables used to be grown in backyards as well as in rice (paddy) fields on the banks between the flooded ditches in which the rice grew.

Ditches also contained fish, which ate pests. People thus had access to rice, green leafy veg and fish – a balanced diet that gave them a healthy mix of nutrients, including plenty of beta-carotene.

But indigenous crops and farming systems have been replaced by monocultures dependent on chemical inputs. Green leafy veg were killed off with pesticides, artificial fertilisers were introduced and the fish could not live in the resulting chemically contaminated water. Moreover, decreased access to land meant that many people no longer had backyards containing leafy green veg. People only had access to an impoverished diet of rice alone, laying the foundation for the supposed Golden Rice ‘solution’.

Whether it concerns The Philippines, EthiopiaSomalia or Africa as a whole, the effects of IMF/World Bank ‘structural adjustments’ have devastated agrarian economies and made them dependent on Western agribusiness, manipulated markets and unfair trade rules. And GM is now offered as the ‘solution’ for tackling poverty-related diseases. The very corporations which gained from restructuring agrarian economies now want to profit from the havoc caused.

In 2013, the Soil Association argued that the poor are suffering from broader malnourishment than just vitamin A deficiency; the best solution is to use supplementation and fortification as emergency sticking-plasters and then for implementing measures which tackle the broader issues of poverty and malnutrition.

Tackling the wider issues includes providing farmers with a range of seeds, tools and skills necessary for growing more diverse crops to target broader issues of malnutrition. Part of this entails breeding crops high in nutrients; for instance, the creation of sweet potatoes that grow in tropical conditions, cross-bred with vitamin A rich orange sweet potatoes, which grow in the USA. There are successful campaigns providing these potatoes, a staggering five times higher in vitamin A than Golden Rice, to farmers in Uganda and Mozambique.

Blindness in developing countries could have been eradicated years ago if only the money, research and publicity put into Golden Rice over the last 20 years had gone into proven ways of addressing Vitamin A deficiency.

However, instead of pursuing genuine solutions, we continue to get smears and pro-GM spin in an attempt to close down debate.

Many of the traditional agroecological practices employed by smallholders are now recognised as sophisticated and appropriate for high-productive, nutritious, sustainable agriculture.

Agroecological principles represent a more integrated low-input systems approach to food and agriculture that prioritises local food security, local calorific production, cropping patterns and diverse nutrition production per acre, water table stability, climate resilience, good soil structure and the ability to cope with evolving pests and disease pressures. Ideally, such a system would be underpinned by a concept of food sovereignty, based on optimal self-sufficiency, the right to culturally appropriate food and local ownership and stewardship of common resources, such as land, water, soil and seeds.

Value capture

Traditional production systems rely on the knowledge and expertise of farmers in contrast to imported ‘solutions’. Yet, if we take cotton cultivation in India as an example, farmers continue to be nudged away from traditional methods of farming and are being pushed towards (illegal) GM herbicide-tolerant cotton seeds.

Researchers Glenn Stone and Andrew Flachs note the results of this shift from traditional practices to date does not appear to have benefited farmers. This is not about giving farmers ‘choice’ where GM seeds and associated chemicals are concerned (another much-promoted industry talking point). It is more about GM seed companies and weedicide manufactures seeking to leverage a highly lucrative market.

The potential for herbicide market growth in India is enormous. The objective involves opening India to GM seeds with herbicide tolerance traits, the biotechnology industry’s biggest money maker by far (86% of the world’s GM crop acres in 2015 contained plants resistant to glyphosate or glufosinate and there is a new generation of crops resistant to 2,4-D coming through).

The aim is to break farmers’ traditional pathways and move them onto corporate biotech/chemical treadmills for the benefit of industry.

It is revealing that, according to a report on the website, in a region of southern Odisha, farmers have been pushed towards a reliance on (illegal) expensive GM herbicide tolerant cotton seeds and have replaced their traditional food crops. Farmers used to sow mixed plots of heirloom seeds, which had been saved from family harvests the previous year and would yield a basket of food crops. They are now dependent on seed vendors, chemical inputs and a volatile international market to make a living and are no longer food secure.

Calls for agroecology and highlighting the benefits of traditional, small-scale agriculture are not based on a romantic yearning for the past or ‘the peasantry’. Available evidence suggests that smallholder farming using low-input methods is more productive in overall output than large-scale industrial farms and can be more profitable and resilient to climate change. It is for good reason that numerous high-level reports call for investment in this type of agriculture.

Despite the pressures, including the fact that globally industrial agriculture grabs 80% of subsidies and 90% of research funds, smallholder agriculture plays a major role in feeding the world.

That is a massive amount of subsidies and funds to support a system that is only made profitable as a result of these financial injections and because agri-food oligopolies externalise the massive health, social and environmental costs of their operations.

But policy makers tend to accept that profit-driven transnational corporations have a legitimate claim to be owners and custodians of natural assets (the ‘commons’). These corporations, their lobbyists and their political representatives have succeeded in cementing a ‘thick legitimacy’ among policy makers for their vision of agriculture.

Common ownership and management of these assets embodies the notion of people working together for the public good. However, these resources have been appropriated by national states or private entities. For instance, Cargill captured the edible oils processing sector in India and in the process put many thousands of village-based workers out of work; Monsanto conspired to design a system of intellectual property rights that allowed it to patent seeds as if it had manufactured and invented them; and India’s indigenous peoples have been forcibly ejected from their ancient lands due to state collusion with mining companies.

Those who capture essential common resources seek to commodify them – whether trees for timber, land for real estate or agricultural seeds – create artificial scarcity and force everyone else to pay for access. The process involves eradicating self-sufficiency.

From World Bank ‘enabling the business of agriculture’ directives to the World Trade Organization ‘agreement on agriculture’ and trade related intellectual property agreements, international bodies have enshrined the interests of corporations that seek to monopolise seeds, land, water, biodiversity and other natural assets that belong to us all. These corporations, the promoters of GMO agriculture, are not offering a ‘solution’ for farmers’ impoverishment or hunger; GM seeds are little more than a value capture mechanism.

To evaluate the pro-GMO lobby’s rhetoric that GM is needed to ‘feed the world’, we first need to understand the dynamics of a globalised food system that fuels hunger and malnutrition against a backdrop of (subsidised) food overproduction. We must acknowledge the destructive, predatory dynamics of capitalism and the need for agri-food giants to maintain profits by seeking out new (foreign) markets and displacing existing systems of production with ones that serve their bottom line.  And we need to reject a deceptive ‘haughty imperialism’ within the pro-GMO scientific lobby which aggressively pushes for a GMO ‘solution’.

Technocratic meddling has already destroyed or undermined agrarian ecosystems that draw on centuries of traditional knowledge and are increasingly recognised as valid approaches to secure food security, as outlined for instance in the paper Food Security and Traditional Knowledge in India in the Journal of South Asian Studies.

Marika Vicziany and Jagjit Plahe, the authors of that paper, note that for thousands of years Indian farmers have experimented with different plant and animal specimens acquired through migration, trading networks, gift exchanges or accidental diffusion. They note the vital importance of traditional knowledge for food security in India and the evolution of such knowledge by learning and doing, trial and error. Farmers possess acute observation, good memory for detail and transmission through teaching and storytelling.

The very farmers whose seeds and knowledge have been appropriated by corporations to be bred for proprietary chemical-dependent hybrids and now to be genetically engineered.

Large corporations with their seeds and synthetic chemical inputs have eradicated traditional systems of seed exchange. They have effectively hijacked seeds, pirated germ plasm that farmers developed over millennia and have ‘rented’ the seeds back to farmers. Genetic diversity among food crops has been drastically reduced. The eradication of seed diversity went much further than merely prioritising corporate seeds: the Green Revolution deliberately side-lined traditional seeds kept by farmers that were actually higher yielding and climate appropriate.

However, under the guise of ‘climate emergency’, we are now seeing a push for the Global South to embrace the Gates’ vision for a one-world agriculture (’Ag One’) dominated by global agribusiness and the tech giants. But it is the so-called developed nations and the rich elites that have plundered the environment and degraded the natural world.

The onus is on the richer nations and their powerful agri-food corporations to put their own house in order and to stop rainforest destruction for ranches and monocrop commodities, to stop pesticide run-offs into the oceans, to curtail a meat industry that has grown out of all proportion so it serves as a ready-made market for the overproduction and surplus of animal feed crops like corn, to stop the rollout of GMO glyphosate-dependent agriculture and to put a stop to a global system of food based on long supply chains that relies on fossil fuels at every stage.

To say that one model of a (GMO-based) agriculture must now be accepted by all countries is a continuation of a colonialist mindset that has already wrecked indigenous food systems which worked with their own seeds and practices that were in in harmony with natural ecologies.

Chapter III


Localisation and Food Sovereignty

Industry figures and scientists claim pesticide use and GMOs are necessary in ‘modern agriculture’. But this is not the case: there is now sufficient evidence to suggest otherwise. It is simply not necessary to have our bodies contaminated with toxic agrochemicals, regardless of how much the industry tries to reassure us that they are present in ‘safe’ levels.

There is also the industry-promoted narrative that if you question the need for synthetic pesticides or GMOs in ‘modern agriculture’, you are somehow ignorant or even ‘anti-science’. This is again not true. What does ‘modern agriculture’ even mean? It means a system adapted to meet the demands of global agri-capital and its international markets and supply chains.

As writer and academic Benjamin R Cohen recently stated:  

“Meeting the needs of modern agriculture – growing produce that can be shipped long distances and hold up in the store and at home for more than a few days – can result in tomatoes that taste like cardboard or strawberries that aren’t as sweet as they used to be. Those are not the needs of modern agriculture. They are the needs of global markets.” 

What is really being questioned is a policy paradigm that privileges a certain model of social and economic development and a certain type of agriculture: urbanisation, giant supermarkets, global markets, long supply chains, external proprietary inputs (seeds, synthetic pesticides and fertilisers, machinery, etc), chemical-dependent monocropping, highly processed food and market (corporate) dependency at the expense of rural communities, small independent enterprises and smallholder farms, local markets, short supply chains, on-farm resources, diverse agroecological cropping, nutrient dense diets and food sovereignty.  

It is clear that an alternative agri-food system is required. 

The 2009 report Agriculture at a Crossroads by the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development, produced by 400 scientists and supported by 60 countries, recommended agroecology to maintain and increase the productivity of global agriculture. It cites the largest study of ‘sustainable agriculture’ in the Global South, which analysed 286 projects covering 37 million hectares in 57 countries and found that on average crop yields increased by 79% (the study also included ‘resource conserving’ non-organic conventional approaches).

The report concludes that agroecology provides greatly improved food security and nutritional, gender, environmental and yield benefits compared to industrial agriculture.

The message conveyed in the paper Reshaping the European Agro-food System and Closing its Nitrogen Cycle: The potential of combining dietary change, agroecology, and circularity (2020), which appeared in the journal One Earth, is that an organic-based, agri-food system could be implemented in Europe and would allow a balanced coexistence between agriculture and the environment. This would reinforce Europe’s autonomy, feed the predicted population in 2050, allow the continent to continue to export cereals to countries which need them for human consumption and substantially reduce water pollution and toxic emissions from agriculture.

The paper by Gilles Billen et al follows a long line of studies and reports which have concluded that organic agriculture is vital for guaranteeing food security, rural development, better nutrition and sustainability. 

In the 2006 book The Global Development of Organic Agriculture: Challenges and Prospects, Neils Halberg and his colleagues argue that there are still more than 740 million food insecure people (at least 100 million more today), the majority of whom live in the Global South. They say if a conversion to organic farming of approximately 50% of the agricultural area in the Global South were to be carried out, it would result in increased self-sufficiency and decreased net food imports to the region.

In 2007, the FAO noted that organic models increase cost-effectiveness and contribute to resilience in the face of climatic stress. The FAO concluded that by managing biodiversity in time (rotations) and space (mixed cropping) organic farmers can use their labour and environmental factors to intensify production in a sustainable way and organic agriculture could break the vicious circle of farmer indebtedness for proprietary agricultural inputs.

Of course, organic agriculture and agroecology are not necessarily one and the same. Whereas organic agriculture can still be part of the prevailing globalised food regime dominated by giant agri-food conglomerates, agroecology uses organic practices but is ideally rooted in the principles of localisation, food sovereignty and self-reliance.

The FAO recognises that agroecology contributes to improved food self-reliance, the revitalisation of smallholder agriculture and enhanced employment opportunities. It has argued that organic agriculture could produce enough food on a global per capita basis for the current world population but with reduced environmental impact than conventional agriculture.

In 2012, Deputy Secretary General of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Petko Draganov stated  that expanding Africa’s shift towards organic farming will have beneficial effects on the continent’s nutritional needs, the environment, farmers’ incomes, markets and employment. 

meta analysis conducted by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and UNCTAD (2008) assessed 114 cases of organic farming in Africa. The two UN agencies concluded that organic agriculture can be more conducive to food security in Africa than most conventional production systems and that it is more likely to be sustainable in the long term.

There are numerous other studies and projects which testify to the efficacy of organic farming, including those from the Rodale Institute, the UN Green Economy Initiative, the Women’s Collective of Tamil NaduNewcastle University and Washington State University. We also need look no further than the results of organic-based farming in Malawi.

But Cuba is the one country in the world that has made the biggest changes in the shortest time in moving away from industrial chemical-intensive agriculture.

Professor of Agroecology Miguel Altieri notes that due to the difficulties Cuba experienced as a result of the fall of the USSR it moved towards organic and agroecological techniques in the 1990s. From 1996 to 2005, per capita food production in Cuba increased by 4.2% yearly during a period when production was stagnant across the wider region. 

By 2016, Cuba had 383,000 urban farms, covering 50,000 hectares of otherwise unused land producing more than 1.5 million tons of vegetables. The most productive urban farms yield up to 20 kg of food per square metre, the highest rate in the world, using no synthetic chemicals. Urban farms supply 50 to 70% or more of all the fresh vegetables consumed in Havana and Villa Clara.

It has been calculated by Altieri and his colleague Fernando R Funes-Monzote that if all peasant farms and cooperatives adopted diversified agroecological designs, Cuba would be able to produce enough to feed its population, supply food to the tourist industry and even export some food to help generate foreign currency.

A systems approach

Agroecological principles represent a shift away from the reductionist yield-output chemical-intensive industrial paradigm, which results in among other things enormous pressures on human health, soil and water resources.

Agroecology is based on traditional knowledge and modern agricultural research, utilising elements of contemporary ecology, soil biology and the biological control of pests. This system combines sound ecological management by using on-farm renewable resources and privileging endogenous solutions to manage pests and disease without the use of agrochemicals and corporate seeds.

Academic Raj Patel outlines some of the basic practices of agroecology by saying that nitrogen-fixing beans are grown instead of using inorganic fertilizer, flowers are used to attract beneficial insects to manage pests and weeds are crowded out with more intensive planting. The result is a sophisticated polyculture: many crops are produced simultaneously, instead of just one.

However, this model is a direct challenge to the interests of global agribusiness interests. With the emphasis on localisation and on-farm inputs, agroecology does not require dependency on proprietary chemicals, pirated patented seeds and knowledge nor long-line global supply chains.

Agroecology stands in sharp contrast to the prevailing industrial chemical-intensive model of farming. That model is based on a reductionist mindset which is fixated on a narrow yield-output paradigm that is unable or more likely unwilling to grasp an integrated social-cultural-economic-agronomic systems approach to food and agriculture.

Localised, democratic food systems based on agroecological principles and short supply chains are required. An approach that leads to local and regional food self-sufficiency rather than dependency on faraway corporations and their expensive environment-damaging inputs. If the last two years have shown anything due to the closing down of much of the global economy, it is that long supply chains and global markets are vulnerable to shocks. Indeed, hundreds of millions are now facing food shortages as a result of the various economic lockdowns that have been imposed.

In 2014, a report by the then UN special rapporteur Olivier De Schutter concluded that by applying agroecological principles to democratically controlled agricultural systems we can help to put an end to food crises and poverty challenges.

But Western corporations and foundations are jumping on the ‘sustainability’ bandwagon by undermining traditional agriculture and genuine sustainable agri-food systems and packaging their corporate takeover of food as some kind of ‘green’ environmental mission.

The Gates Foundation through its ‘Ag One’ initiative is pushing for one type of agriculture for the whole world. A top-down approach regardless of what farmers or the public need or want. A system based on corporate consolidation and centralisation.

But given the power and influence of those pushing for such a model, is this merely inevitable? Not according to the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems, which has released a report in collaboration with the ETC Group: ‘A Long Food Movement: Transforming Food Systems by 2045‘.

It calls for civil society and social movements – grassroots organisations, international NGOs, farmers’ and fishers’ groups, cooperatives and unions – to collaborate more closely to transform financial flows, governance structures and food systems from the ground up.

The report’s lead author, Pat Mooney, says that agribusiness has a very simple message: the cascading environmental crisis can be resolved by powerful new genomic and information technologies that can only be developed if governments unleash the entrepreneurial genius, deep pockets and risk-taking spirit of the most powerful corporations.

Mooney notes that we have had similar messages based on emerging technology for decades but the technologies either did not show up or fell flat and the only thing that grew were the corporations.

Although Mooney argues that new genuinely successful alternatives like agroecology are frequently suppressed by the industries they imperil, he states that civil society has a remarkable track record in fighting back, not least in developing healthy and equitable agroecological production systems, building short (community-based) supply chains and restructuring and democratising governance systems.

And he has a point. A few years ago, the Oakland Institute released a report on 33 case studies which highlighted the success of agroecological agriculture across Africa in the face of climate change, hunger and poverty. The studies provide facts and figures on how agricultural transformation can yield immense economic, social, and food security benefits while ensuring climate justice and restoring soils and the environment.

The research highlights the multiple benefits of agroecology, including affordable and sustainable ways to boost agricultural yields while increasing farmers’ incomes, food security and crop resilience.

The report described how agroecology uses a wide variety of techniques and practices, including plant diversification, intercropping, the application of mulch, manure or compost for soil fertility, the natural management of pests and diseases, agroforestry and the construction of water management structures.

There are many other examples of successful agroecology and of farmers abandoning Green Revolution thought and practices to embrace it.


In an interview on the Farming Matters website, Million Belay sheds light on how agroecological agriculture is the best model for Africa. Belay explains that one of the greatest agroecological initiatives started in 1995 in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia, and continues today.

It began with four villages and after good results, it was scaled up to 83 villages and finally to the whole Tigray Region. It was recommended to the Ministry of Agriculture to be scaled up at the national level. The project has now expanded to six regions of Ethiopia.

The fact that it was supported with research by the Ethiopian University at Mekele has proved to be critical in convincing decision makers that these practices work and are better for both the farmers and the land.

Bellay describes an agroecological practice that spread widely across East Africa – ‘push-pull’. This method manages pests through selective intercropping with important fodder species and wild grass relatives, in which pests are simultaneously repelled – or pushed – from the system by one or more plants and are attracted to – or pulled – toward ‘decoy’ plants, thereby protecting the crop from infestation.

Push-pull has proved to be very effective at biologically controlling pest populations in fields, reducing significantly the need for pesticides, increasing production, especially for maize, increasing income to farmers, increasing fodder for animals and, due to that, increasing milk production, and improving soil fertility.

By 2015, the number of farmers using this practice had increased to 95,000. One of the bedrocks of success is the incorporation of cutting-edge science through the collaboration of the International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology and the Rothamsted Research Station (UK) who have worked in East Africa for more than 15 years on an effective ecologically based pest management solution for stem borers and striga.

It shows what can be achieved with the support of key institutions, including government departments and research institutions.

In Brazil, for instance, administrations have supported peasant agriculture and agroecology by developing supply chains with public sector schools and hospitals (Food Acquisition Programme). This secured good prices and brought farmers together. It came about by social movements applying pressure on the government to act.

The federal government also brought native seeds and distributed them to farmers across the country, which was important for combatting the advance of the corporations as many farmers had lost access to native seeds.

But agroecology should not just be regarded as something for the Global South. Food First Executive Director Eric Holtz-Gimenez argues that it offers concrete, practical solutions to many of the world’s problems that move beyond (but which are linked to) agriculture. In doing so, it challenges – and offers alternatives to – prevailing moribund doctrinaire neoliberal economics.

The scaling up of agroecology can tackle hunger, malnutrition, environmental degradation and climate change. By creating securely paid labour-intensive agricultural work in the richer countries, it can also address the interrelated links between labour offshoring and the displacement of rural populations elsewhere who end up in sweat shops to carry out the outsourced jobs: the two-pronged process of neoliberal globalisation that has undermined the economies of the US and UK and which is displacing existing indigenous food production systems and undermining the rural infrastructure in places like India to produce a reserve army of cheap labour.

Various official reports have argued that to feed the hungry and secure food security in low-income regions we need to support small farms and diverse, sustainable agroecological methods of farming and strengthen local food economies.

Olivier De Schutter says:

“To feed nine billion people in 2050, we urgently need to adopt the most efficient farming techniques available. Today’s scientific evidence demonstrates that agroecological methods outperform the use of chemical fertilizers in boosting food production where the hungry live, especially in unfavourable environments.”

De Schutter indicates that small-scale farmers can double food production within 10 years in critical regions by using ecological methods. Based on an extensive review of scientific literature, the study he was involved in calls for a fundamental shift towards agroecology as a way to boost food production and improve the situation of the poorest. The report calls on states to implement a fundamental shift towards agroecology.

The success stories of agroecology indicate what can be achieved when development is placed firmly in the hands of farmers themselves. The expansion of agroecological practices can generate a rapid, fair and inclusive development that can be sustained for future generations. This model entails policies and activities that come from the bottom-up and which the state can then invest in and facilitate.

A decentralised system of food production with access to local markets supported by proper roads, storage and other infrastructure must take priority ahead of exploitative international markets dominated and designed to serve the needs of global capital.

Countries and regions must ultimately move away from a narrowly defined notion of food security and embrace the concept of food sovereignty. ‘Food security’ as defined by the Gates Foundation and agribusiness conglomerates has merely been used to justify the rollout of large-scale, industrialised corporate farming based on specialised production, land concentration and trade liberalisation. This has led to the widespread dispossession of small producers and global ecological degradation.

Across the world, we have seen a change in farming practices towards mechanised industrial-scale chemical-intensive monocropping and the undermining or eradication of rural economies, traditions and cultures. We see the ‘structural adjustment’ of regional agriculture, spiralling input costs for farmers who have become dependent on proprietary seeds and technologies and the destruction of food self-sufficiency.

Food sovereignty encompasses the right to healthy and culturally appropriate food and the right of people to define their own food and agriculture systems. ‘Culturally appropriate’ is a nod to the foods people have traditionally produced and eaten as well as the associated socially embedded practices which underpin community and a sense of communality.

But it goes beyond that. Our connection with ‘the local’ is also very much physiological.

People have a deep microbiological connection to local soils, processing and fermentation processes which affect the gut microbiome – the up to six pounds of bacteria, viruses and microbes akin to human soil. And as with actual soil, the microbiome can become degraded according to what we ingest (or fail to ingest). Many nerve endings from major organs are located in the gut and the microbiome effectively nourishes them. There is ongoing research taking place into how the microbiome is disrupted by the modern globalised food production/processing system and the chemical bombardment it is subjected to.

Capitalism colonises (and degrades) all aspects of life but is colonising the very essence of our being – even on a physiological level. With their agrochemicals and food additives, powerful companies are attacking this ‘soil’ and with it the human body. As soon as we stopped eating locally grown, traditionally processed food cultivated in healthy soils and began eating food subjected to chemical-laden cultivation and processing activities, we began to change ourselves.

Along with cultural traditions surrounding food production and the seasons, we also lost our deep-rooted microbiological connection with our localities. It was replaced with corporate chemicals and seeds and global food chains dominated by the likes of Monsanto (now Bayer), Nestle and Cargill.

Aside from affecting the functioning of major organs, neurotransmitters in the gut affect our moods and thinking. Alterations in the composition of the gut microbiome have been implicated in a wide range of neurological and psychiatric conditions, including autism, chronic pain, depression and Parkinson’s.

Science writer and neurobiologist Mo Costandi has discussed gut bacteria and their balance and importance in brain development. Gut microbes controls the maturation and function of microglia, the immune cells that eliminate unwanted synapses in the brain; age-related changes to gut microbe composition might regulate myelination and synaptic pruning in adolescence and could, therefore, contribute to cognitive development. Upset those changes and there are going to be serious implications for children and adolescents.

In addition, environmentalist Rosemary Mason notes that increasing levels of obesity are associated with low bacterial richness in the gut. Indeed, it has been noted that tribes not exposed to the modern food system have richer microbiomes. Mason lays the blame squarely at the door of agrochemicals, not least the use of the world’s most widely used herbicide, glyphosate, a strong chelator of essential minerals, such as cobalt, zinc, manganese, calcium, molybdenum and sulphate. Mason argues that it also kills off beneficial gut bacteria and allows toxic bacteria.

If policy makers were to prioritise agroecology to the extent Green Revolution practices and technology have been pushed, many of the problems surrounding poverty, unemployment and urban migration could be solved.

The 2015 Declaration of the International Forum for Agroecology argues for building grass-root local food systems that create new rural-urban links, based on truly agroecological food production. It says that agroecology should not be co-opted to become a tool of the industrial food production model; it should be the essential alternative to it.

The declaration stated that agroecology is political and requires local producers and communities to challenge and transform structures of power in society, not least by putting the control of seeds, biodiversity, land and territories, waters, knowledge, culture and the commons in the hands of those who feed the world.

However, the biggest challenge for upscaling agroecology lies in the push by big business for commercial agriculture and attempts to marginalize agroecology. Unfortunately, global agribusiness concerns have secured the status of ‘thick legitimacy’ based on an intricate web of processes successfully spun in the scientific, policy and political arenas. This perceived legitimacy derives from the lobbying, financial clout and political power of agribusiness conglomerates which set out to capture or shape government departments, public institutions, the agricultural research paradigm, international trade and the cultural narrative concerning food and agriculture.

Chapter IV

Distorting Development

Corporate Capture and Imperialist Intent


Many governments are working hand-in-glove with the agritech/agribusiness industry to promote its technology over the heads of the public. Scientific bodies and regulatory agencies that supposedly serve the public interest have been subverted by the presence of key figures with industry links, while the powerful industry lobby holds sway over bureaucrats and politicians.

In 2014, Corporate Europe Observatory released a critical report on the European Commission over the previous five years. The report concluded that the commission had been a willing servant of a corporate agenda. It had sided with agribusiness on GMOs and pesticides. Far from shifting Europe to a more sustainable food and agriculture system, the opposite had happened, as agribusiness and its lobbyists continued to dominate the Brussels scene.

Consumers in Europe reject GM food, but the commission had made various attempts to meet the demands from the biotech sector to allow GMOs into Europe, aided by giant food companies, such as Unilever, and the lobby group FoodDrinkEurope.

The report concluded that the commission had eagerly pursued a corporate agenda in all the areas investigated and pushed for policies in sync with the interests of big business. It had done this in the apparent belief that such interests are synonymous with the interests of society at large.

Little has changed since. In December 2021, Friends of the Earth Europe (FOEE) noted that big agribusiness and biotech corporations are currently pushing for the European Commission to remove any labelling and safety checks for new genomic techniques. Since the beginning of their lobbying efforts (in 2018), these corporations have spent at least €36 million lobbying the European Union and have had 182 meetings with European commissioners, their cabinets and director generals: more than one meeting a week.

According to FOEE, the European Commission seems more than willing to put the lobby’s demands into a new law that would include weakened safety checks and bypass GMO labelling.

But corporate influence over key national and international bodies is nothing new.

In October 2020, CropLife International said that its new strategic partnership with the FAO would contribute to sustainable food systems. It added that it was a first for the industry and the FAO and demonstrates the determination of the plant science sector to work constructively in a partnership where common goals are shared.

A powerful trade and lobby association, CropLife International counts among its members the world’s largest agricultural biotechnology and pesticide businesses: Bayer, BASF, Syngenta, FMC, Corteva and Sumitoma Chemical. Under the guise of promoting plant science technology, the association first and foremost looks after the interests (bottom line) of its member corporations.

A 2020 joint investigation by Unearthed (Greenpeace) and Public Eye (a human rights NGO) revealed that BASF, Corteva, Bayer, FMC and Syngenta bring in billions of dollars by selling toxic chemicals found by regulatory authorities to pose serious health hazards.

It also found more than a billion dollars of their sales came from chemicals – some now banned in European markets – that are highly toxic to bees. Over two thirds of these sales were made in low- and middle-income countries like Brazil and India.

The Political Declaration of the People’s Autonomous Response to the UN Food Systems Summit in 2021 stated that global corporations are increasingly infiltrating multilateral spaces to co-opt the narrative of sustainability to secure further industrialisation, the extraction of wealth and labour from rural communities and the concentration of corporate power.

With this in mind, a major concern is that CropLife International will now seek to derail the FAO’s commitment to agroecology and push for the further corporate colonisation of food systems. And there does now appear to be an ideological assault from within the FAO on alternative development and agri-food models that threaten CropLife International’s member interests.

In the report ‘Who Will Feed Us? The Industrial Food Chain vs the Peasant Food Web (ETC Group, 2017), it was shown that a diverse network of small-scale producers (the peasant food web) actually feeds 70% of the world, including the most hungry and marginalised.

The flagship report indicated that only 24% of the food produced by the industrial food chain actually reaches people. Furthermore, it was shown that industrial food costs us more: for every dollar spent on industrial food, it costs another two dollars to clean up the mess.

However, two prominent papers have since claimed that small farms feed only 35% of the global population.

One of the papers is ‘How much of our world’s food do smallholders produce?’ (Ricciardi et al, 2018). The other is an FAO report, ‘Which farms feed the world and has farmland become more concentrated? (Lowder et al, 2021).

Eight key organisations have just written to the FAO sharply criticising the Lowder paper which reverses a number of well-established positions held by the organisation. The letter is signed by the Oakland Institute, Landworkers Alliance, ETC Group, A Growing Culture, Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa, GRAIN, Groundswell International and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy.

The open letter calls on the FAO to reaffirm that peasants (including small farmers, artisanal fishers, pastoralists, hunters and gatherers and urban producers) provide more food with fewer resources and are the primary source of nourishment for at least 70% of the world population.

ETC Group has also published the 16-page report ‘Small-scale Farmers and Peasants Still Feed the World‘ in response to the two papers, indicating how the authors indulged in methodological and conceptual gymnastics and certain important omissions to arrive at the 35% figure – not least by changing the definition of ‘family farmer’ and by defining a ‘small farm’ as less than 2 ha. This contradicts the FAO’s own decision in 2018 to reject a universal land area threshold for describing small farms in favour of more sensitive country-specific definitions.

The Lowder et al paper also contradicts recent FAO and other reports that state peasant farms produce more food and more nutritious food per hectare than large farms. It maintains that policy makers are wrongly focused on peasant production and should give greater attention to larger production units.

The signatories of the open letter to the FAO strongly disagree with the Lowder study’s assumption that food production is a proxy for food consumption and that the commercial value of food in the marketplace can be equated with the nutritional value of the food consumed.

The paper feeds into an agribusiness narrative that attempts to undermine the effectiveness of peasant production in order to promote its proprietary technologies and agri-food model.

Smallholder peasant farming is regarded by these conglomerates as an impediment. Their vision is fixated on a narrow yield-output paradigm based on the bulk production of commodities that is unwilling to grasp an integrated systems approach that accounts for the likes of food sovereignty and diverse nutrition production per acre.

This systems approach serves to boost rural and regional development based on thriving, self-sustaining local communities rather than eradicating them and subordinating whoever remains to the needs of global supply chains and global markets.

The FAO paper concludes that the world small farms only produce 35% of the world’s food using 12% of agricultural land. But ETC Group says that by working with the FAO’s normal or comparable databases, it is apparent that peasants nourish at least 70% of the world’s people with less than one third of the agricultural land and resources.

But even if 35% of food is produced on 12% of land, does that not suggest we should be investing in small, family and peasant farming rather than large-scale chemical-intensive agriculture?

While not all small farms might be practising agroecology or chemical-free agriculture, they are more likely to be integral to local markets and networks and to serve the food requirements of communities rather than the interests of businesses, institutional investors and shareholders half a world away.

When the corporate capture of an institution occurs, too often the first casualty is truth.

Corporate imperialism

The co-option of the FAO is but part of a wider trend. From the World Bank’s enabling the business of agriculture to the Gates Foundation’s role in opening up African agriculture to global food and agribusiness oligopolies, corporate narratives are gaining traction and democratic procedures are being bypassed to impose seed monopolies and proprietary inputs to serve the bottom line of a global agri-food chain dominated by powerful corporations.

The World Bank is pushing a corporate-led industrial model of agriculture and corporations are given free rein to write policies. Monsanto played a key part in drafting the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights to create seed monopolies and the global food processing industry had a leading role in shaping the WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures. From Codex to the Knowledge Initiative on Agriculture aimed at restructuring Indian society, the powerful agribusiness lobby has secured privileged access to policy makers to ensure its model of agriculture prevails.

The ultimate coup d’état by the transnational agribusiness conglomerates is that government officials, scientists and journalists take as given that profit-driven Fortune 500 corporations have a legitimate claim to be custodians of natural assets. These corporations have convinced so many that they have the ultimate legitimacy to own and control what is essentially humanity’s commonwealth.

There is the premise that water, food, soil, land and agriculture should be handed over to powerful transnational corporations to milk for profit, under the pretence these entities are somehow serving the needs of humanity.

Corporations which promote industrial agriculture have embedded themselves deeply within the policy-making machinery on both national and international levels. But how long can the ‘legitimacy’ of a system persist given that it merely produces bad food, creates food deficit regions globally, destroys health, impoverishes small farms, leads to less diverse diets and less nutritious food, is less productive than small farms, creates water scarcity, destroys soil and fuels/benefits from dependency and debt?

Powerful agribusiness corporations can only operate as they have captured governments and regulatory bodies and are able to use the WTO and bilateral trade deals to lever global influence and to profit on the back of US militarism or destabilisations.

Take Ukraine, for instance. In 2014, small farmers operated 16% of agricultural land in that country but provided 55% of agricultural output, including: 97% of potatoes, 97% of honey, 88% of vegetables, 83% of fruits and berries and 80% of milk. It is clear that Ukraine’s small farms were delivering impressive outputs.

Following the toppling of Ukraine’s government in early 2014, the way was paved for foreign investors and Western agribusiness to take a firm hold over the agri-food sector. Reforms mandated by the EU-backed loan to Ukraine in 2014 included agricultural deregulation intended to benefit foreign agribusiness. Natural resource and land policy shifts were being designed to facilitate the foreign corporate takeover of enormous tracts of land.

Frederic Mousseau, policy director at the Oakland Institute, stated at the time that the World Bank and IMF were intent on opening up foreign markets to Western corporations and that the high stakes around the control of Ukraine’s vast agricultural sector, the world’s third largest exporter of corn and fifth largest exporter of wheat, constitute an overlooked critical factor. He added that in recent years, foreign corporations had acquired more than 1.6 million hectares of Ukrainian land.

Western agribusiness had been coveting Ukraine’s agriculture sector for quite some time, long before the coup. That country contains one third of all arable land in Europe. An article by Oriental Review in 2015 noted that since the mid-90s the Ukrainian-Americans at the helm of the US-Ukraine Business Council had been instrumental in encouraging the foreign control of Ukrainian agriculture.

In November 2013, the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation drafted a legal amendment that would benefit global agribusiness producers by allowing the widespread use of GM seeds. When GM crops were legally introduced into the Ukrainian market in 2013, they were planted in up to 70% of all soybean fields, 10-20% of cornfields and over 10% of all sunflower fields, according to various estimates (or 3% of the country’s total farmland).

In June 2020, the IMF approved an 18-month $5 billion loan programme with Ukraine. According to the Brettons Wood Project website, the government committed to lifting the 19-year moratorium on the sale of state-owned agricultural lands after sustained pressure from international finance. The World Bank incorporated further measures relating to the sale of public agricultural land as conditions in a $350 million Development Policy Loan (COVID ‘relief package’) to Ukraine approved in late June. This included a required ‘prior action’ to “enable the sale of agricultural land and the use of land as collateral.”

Screenshot from IMF

In response, Frederic Mousseau recently stated:

“The goal is clearly to favour the interests of private investors and Western agribusinesses… It is wrong and immoral for Western financial institutions to force a country in a dire economic situation… to sell its land.”

The IMF and World Bank’s ongoing commitment to global agribusiness and a rigged model of ‘globalisation’ is a recipe for continued plunder. Whether it involves Bayer, Corteva, Cargill or the type of corporate power grab of African agriculture that Bill Gates is helping to spearhead, private capital will continue to ensure this happens while hiding behind platitudes about ‘free trade’ and ‘development’ which are anything but.


If there is one country that encapsulates the battle for the future of food and agriculture, it is India.

Agriculture in India is at a crossroads. Indeed, given that over 60% of the country’s 1.3-billion-plus population still make a living from agriculture (directly or indirectly), what is at stake is the future of the country. Unscrupulous interests are intent on destroying India’s indigenous agri-food sector and recasting it in their own image and farmers are rising up in protest.

To appreciate what is happening to agriculture and farmers in India, we must first understand how the development paradigm has been subverted. Development used to be about breaking with colonial exploitation and radically redefining power structures. Today, neoliberal ideology masquerades as economic theory and the subsequent deregulation of international capital ensures giant transnational conglomerates are able to ride roughshod over national sovereignty.

The deregulation of international capital flows (financial liberalisation) has effectively turned the planet into a free-for-all bonanza for the world’s richest capitalists. Under the post-World-War Two Bretton Woods monetary regime, nations put restrictions on the flow of capital. Domestic firms and banks could not freely borrow from banks elsewhere or from international capital markets, without seeking permission, and they could not simply take their money in and out of other countries.

Domestic financial markets were segmented from international ones elsewhere. Governments could to a large extent run their own macroeconomic policy without being restrained by monetary or fiscal policies devised by others. They could also have their own tax and industrial policies without having to seek market confidence or worry about capital flight.

However, the dismantling of Bretton Woods and the deregulation of global capital movement has led to the greater incidence of financial crises (including sovereign debt) and has deepened the level of dependency of nation states on capital markets.

The dominant narrative calls this ‘globalisation’, a euphemism for a predatory neoliberal capitalism based on endless profit growth, crises of overproduction, overaccumulation and market saturation and a need to constantly seek out and exploit new, untapped (foreign) markets to maintain profitability.

In India, we can see the implications very clearly. Instead of pursuing a path of democratic development, India has chosen (or been coerced) to submit to the regime of foreign finance, awaiting signals on how much it can spend, giving up any pretence of economic sovereignty and leaving the space open for private capital to move in on and capture markets.

India’s agri-food sector has indeed been flung open, making it ripe for takeover. The country has borrowed more money from the World Bank than any other country in that institution’s history.

Back in the 1990s, the World Bank directed India to implement market reforms that would result in the displacement of 400 million people from the countryside. Moreover, the World Bank’s ‘Enabling the Business of Agriculture’ directives entail opening up markets to Western agribusiness and their fertilisers, pesticides, weedicides and patented seeds and compel farmers to work to supply transnational corporate global supply chains.

The aim is to let powerful corporations take control under the guise of ‘market reforms’. The very transnational corporations that receive massive taxpayer subsidies, manipulate markets, write trade agreements and institute a regime of intellectual property rights, thereby indicating that the ‘free’ market only exists in the warped delusions of those who churn out clichés about ‘price discovery’ and the sanctity of ‘the market’.

Indian agriculture is to be wholly commercialised with large-scale, mechanised (monocrop) enterprises replacing small farms that help sustain hundreds of millions of rural livelihoods while feeding the masses.

India’s agrarian base is being uprooted, the very foundation of the country, its cultural traditions, communities and rural economy. Indian agriculture has witnessed gross underinvestment over the years, whereby it is now wrongly depicted as a basket case and underperforming and ripe for a sell off to those very interests who had a stake in its underinvestment.

Today, we hear much talk of ‘foreign direct investment’ and making India ‘business friendly’, but behind the benign-sounding jargon lies the hard-nosed approach of modern-day capitalism that is no less brutal for Indian farmers than early industrial capitalism was for English peasants.

Early capitalists and their cheerleaders complained how peasants were too independent and comfortable to be properly exploited. Indeed, many prominent figures advocated for their impoverishment, so they would leave their land and work for low pay in factories.

In effect, England’s peasants were booted off their land by depriving a largely self-reliant population of its productive means. Although self-reliance persisted among the working class (self-education, recycling products, a culture of thrift, etc), this too was eventually eradicated via advertising and an education system that ensured conformity and dependence on the goods manufactured by capitalism.

The intention is for India’s displaced cultivators to be retrained to work as cheap labour in the West’s offshored plants, even though nowhere near the numbers of jobs necessary are being created and that under capitalism’s ‘Great Reset’ human labour is to be largely replaced by artificial intelligence-driven technology. The future impacts of AI aside, the aim is for India to become a fully incorporated subsidiary of global capitalism, with its agri-food sector restructured for the needs of global supply chains and a reserve army of urban labour that will effectively serve to further weaken workers’ position in relation to capital in the West.

As independent cultivators are bankrupted, the aim is that land will eventually be amalgamated to facilitate large-scale industrial cultivation. Those who remain in farming will be absorbed into corporate supply chains and squeezed as they work on contracts dictated by large agribusiness and chain retailers.

A 2016 UN report said that by 2030 Delhi’s population will be 37 million.

One of the report’s principal authors, Felix Creutzig, said:

“The emerging mega-cities will rely increasingly on industrial-scale agricultural and supermarket chains, crowding out local food chains.”

The drive is to entrench industrial agriculture and commercialise the countryside.

The outcome will be a mainly urbanised country reliant on an industrial agriculture and all it entails, including denutrified food, increasingly monolithic diets, the massive use of agrochemicals and food contaminated by hormones, steroids, antibiotics and a range of chemical additives. A country with spiralling rates of ill health, degraded soil, a collapse in the insect population, contaminated and depleted water supplies and a cartel of seed, chemical and food processing companies with ever-greater control over the global food production and supply chain.

But we do not need a crystal ball to look into the future. Much of the above is already taking place, not least the destruction of rural communities, the impoverishment of the countryside and continuing urbanisation, which is itself causing problems for India’s crowded cities and eating up valuable agricultural land.

Transnational corporate-backed front groups are hard at work behind the scenes to secure this future. According to a September 2019 report in the New York Times, ‘A Shadowy Industry Group Shapes Food Policy Around the World’, the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) has been quietly infiltrating government health and nutrition bodies. The article lays bare ILSI’s influence on the shaping of high-level food policy globally, not least in India.

ILSI helps to shape narratives and policies that sanction the roll out of processed foods containing high levels of fat, sugar and salt. In India, ILSI’s expanding influence coincides with mounting rates of obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

It is worth noting that over the past 60 years in Western nations there have been fundamental changes in the quality of food. Trace elements and micronutrient contents in many basic staples have been severely depleted.

In 2007, nutritional therapist David Thomas in ‘A Review of the 6th Edition of McCance and Widdowson’s the Mineral Depletion of Foods Available to Us as a Nation’ associated this with a precipitous change towards convenience and pre-prepared foods containing saturated fats, highly processed meats and refined carbohydrates, often devoid of vital micronutrients yet packed with a cocktail of chemical additives including colourings, flavourings and preservatives.

Aside from the impacts of Green Revolution cropping systems and practices, Thomas proposed that these changes are significant contributors to rising levels of diet-induced ill health. He added that ongoing research clearly demonstrates a significant relationship between deficiencies in micronutrients and physical and mental ill health.

Increasing prevalence of diabetes, childhood leukaemia, childhood obesity, cardiovascular disorders, infertility, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis, mental illnesses and so on have all been shown to have some direct relationship to diet and specifically micronutrient deficiency.

However, this is precisely the kind of food model that ILSA supports. Little more than a front group for its 400 corporate members that provide its $17 million budget, ILSI’s members include Coca-Cola, DuPont, PepsiCo, General Mills and Danone. The report says ILSI has received more than $2 million from chemical companies, among them Monsanto. In 2016, a UN committee issued a ruling that glyphosate, the key ingredient in Monsanto’s weedkiller Roundup, was “probably not carcinogenic,” contradicting an earlier report by the WHO’s cancer agency. The committee was led by two ILSI officials.

From India to China, whether it has involved warning labels on unhealthy packaged food or shaping anti-obesity education campaigns that stress physical activity and divert attention from the food system itself, prominent figures with close ties to the corridors of power have been co-opted to influence policy in order to boost the interests of agri-food corporations.

Whether through IMF-World Bank structural adjustment programmes, as occurred in Africa, trade agreements like NAFTA and its impact on Mexico, the co-option of policy bodies at national and international levels or deregulated global trade rules, the outcome has been similar across the world: poor and less diverse diets and illnesses, resulting from the displacement of traditional, indigenous agriculture and food production by a corporatised model centred on unregulated global markets and transnational conglomerates.

A hard-edged Rock  

While it is right to focus on the individual firms that dominate the agri-sector, we also need to shed light on the powerful asset managers who finance them and determine the financial architecture that upholds a predatory economic system.  

Larry Fink is the head of BlackRock – the world’s biggest asset management firm. In 2011, Fink said agricultural and water investments would be the best performers over the next 10 years.  

Fink Stated:  

“Go long agriculture and water and go to the beach.”  

Just three years later, in 2014, the Oakland Institute found that institutional investors, including hedge funds, private equity and pension funds, were capitalising on global farmland as a new and highly desirable asset class.  

Funds tend to invest for a 10- to 15-year period, resulting in good returns for investors but often cause long-term environmental and social devastation. They undermine local and regional food security through buying up land and entrenching an industrial, export-oriented model of agriculture.  

In September 2020, showed that private equity funds – pools of money that use pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, endowment funds and investments from governments, banks, insurance companies and high net worth individuals – were being injected into the agriculture sector throughout the world.  

This money was being used to lease or buy up farms on the cheap and aggregate them into large-scale, US-style grain and soybean concerns.  

BlackRock is a publicly owned investment manager that primarily provides its services to institutional, intermediary and individual investors. The firm exists to put its assets to work to make money for its clients. And it must ensure the financial system functions to secure this goal. And this is exactly what it does.  

Back in 2010, the website reported that BlackRock’s global agriculture fund would target companies involved with agriculture-related chemical products, equipment and infrastructure, as well as soft commodities and food, biofuels, forestry, agricultural sciences and arable land.  

Blackrock’s Global Consumer Staples exchange rated fund (ETF) was launched in 2006 and has $560 million in assets under management. Agrifood stocks make up around 75% of the fund. Nestlé is the fund’s largest holding. Other agrifood firms that make up the fund include Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Walmart, Anheuser Busch InBev, Mondelez, Danone and Kraft Heinz.  

BlackRock’s iShares Core S&P 500 Index ETF has $150 billion in assets under management. Most of the top publicly traded food and agriculture firms are part of the S&P 500 index and BlackRock holds significant shares in those firms.  

Professor Jennifer Clapp notes that BlackRock’s COW Global Agriculture ETF has $231 million in assets and focuses on firms that provide inputs (seeds, chemicals and fertilizers) and farm equipment and agricultural trading companies. Among its top holdings are Deere & Co, Bunge, ADM and Tyson. This is based on BlackRock’s own data from 2018.  

Clapp states that, collectively, the global asset management giants – BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, Fidelity, and Capital Group – own significant proportions of the firms that dominate at various points along agrifood supply chains.  

BlackRock et al are heavily invested in the success of the prevailing globalised system of food and agriculture.  

They profit from an inherently predatory system that – focusing on the agrifood sector alone – has been responsible for, among other things, the displacement of indigenous systems of production, the impoverishment of many farmers worldwide, the destruction of rural communities and cultures, poor-quality food and illness, less diverse diets, ecological destruction and the proletarianisation of independent producers.  

BlackRock currently has $10 trillion in assets under its management and to underline the influence of the firm, Fink himself is a billionaire who sits on the board of the World Economic Forum and the powerful and highly influential Council for Foreign Relations, often referred to as the shadow government of the US – the real power behind the throne.  

Researcher William Engdahl says that, since 1988, the company has put itself in a position to de facto control the Federal Reserve, most Wall Street mega-banks, including Goldman Sachs, the Davos World Economic Forum Great Reset and now the Biden Administration.  

Engdahl describes how former top people at BlackRock are now in key government positions, running economic policy for the Biden administration, and that the firm is steering the ‘great reset’ and the global ‘green’ agenda. BlackRock is the pinnacle of capitalist power.  

Fink recently eulogised about the future of food and ‘coded’ seeds that would produce their own fertiliser. He says this is “amazing technology”. This technology is years away and whether it can deliver on what he says is another thing.  

More likely, it will be a great investment opportunity that is par for the course as far as genetically modified organisms in agriculture are concerned: a failure to deliver on inflated false promises. And even if it does eventually deliver, a whole host of ‘hidden costs’ (health, social, ecological, etc.) will emerge.  

But why should Fink care about these ‘hidden costs’, not least the health impacts?  

Well, actually, he probably does – with his eye on investments in ‘healthcare’ and Big Pharma. BlackRock’s investments support and profit from industrial agriculture as well as the hidden costs.  

Poor health is good for business (for example, see on the BlackRock website BlackRock on healthcare investment opportunities amid Covid-19). Scroll through BlackRock’s website and it soon becomes clear that it sees the healthcare sector as a strong long-term bet.  

And for good reason. For instance, increased consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) was associated with more than 10% of all-cause premature, preventable deaths in Brazil in 2019 according to a recent peer-reviewed study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.  

The findings are significant not only for Brazil but more so for high income countries such as the US, Canada, the UK and Australia, where UPFs account for more than half of total calorific intake. Brazilians consume far less of these products than countries with high incomes. This means the estimated impact would be even higher in richer nations.  

Larry Fink is good at what he does – securing returns for the assets his company holds. He needs to keep expanding into or creating new markets to ensure the accumulation of capital to offset the tendency for the general rate of profit to fall. He needs to accumulate capital (wealth) to be able to reinvest it and make further profits.  

When capital struggles to make sufficient profit, productive wealth (capital) over accumulates, devalues and the system goes into crisis. To avoid crisis, capitalism requires constant growth, expanding markets and sufficient demand.  

And that means laying the political and legislative groundwork to facilitate this. What matters to global agricapital and investment firms is facilitating profit and maximising returns on investment.  

This has been a key driving force behind the modern food system that sees around a billion people experiencing malnutrition in a world of food abundance. That is not by accident but by design – inherent to a system that privileges corporate profit ahead of human need.  

The modern agritech/agribusiness sector uses notions of it and its products being essential to ‘feed the world’ by employing ‘amazing technology’ in an attempt to seek legitimacy. But the reality is an inherently unjust globalised food system, farmers forced out of farming or trapped on proprietary product treadmills working for corporate supply chains and the public fed GMOs, more ultra-processed products and lab-engineered food.  

A system that facilitates ‘going long and going to the beach’ serves elite interests well. It’s business as usual. For vast swathes of humanity, however, economic warfare is waged on them each day courtesy of a hard-edged rock.  

However, ‘imperialism’ is a dirty word never to be used in ‘polite’ circles. Such a notion is to be brushed aside as ideological by the corporations that benefit from it.  


Chapter V

Farmers’ Struggle in India

The Farm Laws and a Neoliberal Death Knell


Much of what appears in the following chapters was written prior to the Indian government’s announcement in late 2021 that the three farm laws discussed would be repealed. This is little more than a tactical manoeuvre given that state elections were upcoming in key rural heartlands in 2022. The powerful global interests behind these laws have not gone away and the concerns expressed below are still highly relevant. These interests have been behind a decades-long agenda to displace the prevailing agri-food system in India. The laws might have been struck down, but the goal and underlying framework to capture and radically restructure the sector remains. The farmers’ struggle in India is not over.

In 1830, British colonial administrator Lord Metcalfe said India’s villages were little republics that had nearly everything they could want for within themselves. India’s ability to endure derived from these communities:

“Dynasty after dynasty tumbles down but the village community remains the same. It is in a high degree conducive to their happiness, and to the enjoyment of a great portion of freedom and independence.”

Metcalfe was acutely aware that to subjugate India this capacity to ‘endure’ had to be broken. Since gaining independence from the British, India’s rulers have only further served to undermine the vibrancy or rural India. But now a potential death knell for rural India and its villages is underway.

There is a plan for the future of India and most of its current farmers do not have a role in it.

Three important farm bills are aimed at imposing the shock therapy of neoliberalism on India’s agri-food sector for the benefit of large commodity traders and other (international) corporations: many if not most smallholder farmers could go to the wall in a landscape of ‘get big or get out’.

This legislation comprises the Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act 2020, the Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act 2020 and the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act 2020.

This could represent a final death knell for indigenous agriculture in India. The legislation will mean that mandis – state-run market locations for farmers to sell their agricultural produce via auction to traders – can be bypassed, allowing farmers to sell to private players elsewhere (physically and online), thereby undermining the regulatory role of the public sector. In trade areas open to the private sector, no fees will be levied (fees levied in mandis go to the states and, in principle, are used to enhance infrastructure to help farmers).

This could incentivise the corporate sector operating outside of the mandis to (initially at least) offer better prices to farmers; however, as the mandi system is run down completely, these corporations will monopolise trade, capture the sector and dictate prices to farmers.

Another outcome could see the largely unregulated storage of produce and speculation, opening the farming sector to a free-for-all profiteering payday for the big traders and jeopardising food security. The government will no longer regulate and make key produce available to consumers at fair prices. This policy ground is being ceded to influential market players.

The legislation will enable transnational agri-food corporations like Cargill and Walmart and India’s billionaire capitalists Gautam Adani (agribusiness conglomerate) and Mukesh Ambini (Reliance retail chain) to decide on what is to be cultivated at what price, how much of it is to be cultivated within India and how it is to be produced and processed.  Industrial agriculture will be the norm with all the devastating health, social and environmental costs that the model brings with it.

Forged in Washington

The recent agriculture legislation represents the final pieces of a 30-year-old plan which will benefit a handful of billionaires in the US and in India. It means the livelihoods of hundreds of millions (the majority of the population) who still rely on agriculture for a living are to be sacrificed at the behest of these elite interests.

Consider that much of the UK’s wealth came from sucking $45 trillion from India alone according to renowned economist Utsa Patnaik. Britain grew rich by underdeveloping India. Today, what are little more than modern-day East India-type corporations are currently in the process of helping themselves to the country’s most valuable asset – agriculture.

According to the World Bank’s lending report, based on data compiled up to 2015, India was easily the largest recipient of its loans in the history of the institution. On the back of India’s foreign exchange crisis in the 1990s, the IMF and World Bank wanted India to shift hundreds of millions out of agriculture.

In return for up to more than $120 billion in loans at the time, India was directed to dismantle its state-owned seed supply system, reduce subsidies, run down public agriculture institutions and offer incentives for the growing of cash crops to earn foreign exchange.

The details of this plan appear in a January 2021 article by the Mumbai-based Research Unit for Political Economy (RUPE), ‘Modi’s Farm Produce Act Was Authored Thirty Years Ago, in Washington DC’. The piece says that the current agricultural ‘reforms’ are part of a broader process of imperialism’s increasing capture of the Indian economy:

“Indian business giants such as Reliance and Adani are major recipients of foreign investment, as we have seen in sectors such as telecom, retail, and energy. At the same time, multinational corporations and other financial investors in the sectors of agriculture, logistics and retail are also setting up their own operations in India. Multinational trading corporations dominate global trade in agricultural commodities… The opening of India’s agriculture and food economy to foreign investors and global agribusinesses is a longstanding project of the imperialist countries.”

The article provides details of a 1991 World Bank memorandum which set out the programme for India.

It states that, at the time, India was still in its foreign exchange crisis of 1990-91 and had just submitted itself to an IMF-monitored ‘structural adjustment’ programme. India’s July 1991 budget marked the fateful start of India’s neoliberal era.

The Modi government is attempting to dramatically accelerate the implementation of the above programme, which to date has been too slow for the overlords in Washington: the dismantling of the public procurement and distribution of food is to be facilitated courtesy of the three agriculture-related acts passed by parliament.

What is happening predates the current administration, but it is as if Modi was especially groomed to push through the final components of this agenda.

Describing itself as a major global communications, stakeholder engagement and business strategy company, APCO Worldwide is a lobby agency with firm links to the Wall Street/corporate US establishment and facilitates its global agenda. Some years ago, Modi turned to APCO to help transform his image and turn him into electable pro-corporate PM material. It also helped him get the message out that what he achieved in Gujarat as chief minister was a miracle of economic neoliberalism, although the actual reality is quite different.

Some years ago, following the 2008 financial crisis, APCO stated that India’s resilience in weathering the global downturn has made governments, policy makers, economists, corporate houses and fund managers believe that the country can play a significant role in the recovery of global capitalism.

Decoded, this means global capital moving into regions and nations and displacing indigenous players. Where agriculture is concerned, this hides behind emotive and seemingly altruistic rhetoric about ‘helping farmers’ and the need to ‘feed a burgeoning population’ (regardless of the fact this is exactly what India’s farmers have been doing).

Modi has been on board with this aim and has proudly stated that India is now one of the most ‘business friendly’ countries in the world. What he really means is that India is in compliance with World Bank directives on ‘ease of doing business’ and ‘enabling the business of agriculture’ by facilitating further privatisation of public enterprises, environment-destroying policies and forcing working people to take part in a race to the bottom based on ‘free’ market fundamentalism.

APCO has described India as a trillion-dollar market. It talks about positioning international funds and facilitating corporations’ ability to exploit markets, sell products and secure profit. None of this is a recipe for national sovereignty, let alone food security.

Renowned agronomist MS Swaminathan has stated:

“Independent foreign policy is only possible with food security. Therefore, food has more than just eating implications. It protects national sovereignty, national rights and national prestige.”

The drive is to drastically dilute the role of the public sector in agriculture, reducing it to a facilitator of private capital. The norm will be industrial (GM) commodity-crop farming suited to the needs of the likes of Cargill, Archer Daniels Midlands, Louis Dreyfus, Bunge and India’s retail and agribusiness giants as well as the global agritech, seed and agrochemical corporations and Silicon Valley, which is leading the drive for ‘data-driven agriculture’.

Of course, those fund managers and corporate houses mentioned by APCO are no doubt also well positioned to take advantage, not least via the purchase of land and land speculation. For example, the Karnataka Land Reform Act will make it easier for business to purchase agricultural land, resulting in increased landlessness and urban migration.

As a result of the ongoing programme, more than 300,000 farmers in India have taken their lives since 1997 and many more are experiencing economic distress or have left farming as a result of debt, a shift to cash crops and economic liberalisation. There has been an ongoing strategy to make farming non-viable for many of India’s farmers.

The number of cultivators in India declined from 166 million to 146 million between 2004 and 2011. Some 6,700 left farming each day. Between 2015 and 2022, the number of cultivators is likely to decrease to around 127 million.

We have seen the running down of the sector for decades, spiralling input costs, withdrawal of government assistance and the impacts of cheap, subsidised imports which depress farmers’ incomes. India’s spurt of high GDP growth during the last decade was partly fuelled on the back of cheap food and the subsequent impoverishment of farmers: the gap between farmers’ income and the rest of the population has widened enormously.

While underperforming corporations receive massive handouts and have loans written off, the lack of a secure income, exposure to international market prices and cheap imports contribute to farmers’ misery of not being able to cover the costs of production.

With more than 800 million people, rural India is arguably the most interesting and complex place on the planet but is plagued by farmer suicides, child malnourishment, growing unemployment, increased informalisation, indebtedness and an overall collapse of agriculture.

Given that India is still an agrarian-based society, renowned journalist P Sainath says what is taking place can be described as a crisis of civilisation proportions and can be explained in just five words: hijack of agriculture by corporations. He notes the process by which it is being done in five words too: predatory commercialisation of the countryside. And another five words to describe the outcome: biggest displacement in our history.

Take the cultivation of pulses, for instance, which highlights the plight of farmers. According to a report in the Indian Express (September 2017), pulses production increased by 40% during the previous 12 months (a year of record production). At the same time, however, imports also rose resulting in black gram selling at 4,000 rupees per quintal (much less than during the previous 12 months). This effectively pushed down prices thereby reducing farmers already meagre incomes.

We have already witnessed a running down of the indigenous edible oils sector thanks to Indonesian palm oil imports (which benefits Cargill) on the back of World Bank pressure to reduce tariffs (India was virtually self-sufficient in edible oils in the 1990s but now faces increasing import costs).

The pressure from the richer nations for the Indian government to further reduce support given to farmers and open up to imports and export-oriented ‘free market’ trade is based on nothing but hypocrisy.

On the ‘Down to Earth’ website in late 2017, it was stated some 3.2 million people were engaged in agriculture in the US in 2015. The US government provided them each with a subsidy of $7,860 on average. Japan provides a subsidy of $14,136 and New Zealand $2,623 to its farmers. In 2015, a British farmer earned $2,800 and $37,000 was added through subsidies. The Indian government provides on average a subsidy of $873 to farmers. However, between 2012 and 2014, India reduced the subsidy on agriculture and food security by $3 billion.

According to policy analyst Devinder Sharma, subsidies provided to US wheat and rice farmers are more than the market worth of these two crops. He also notes that, per day, each cow in Europe receives subsidy worth more than an Indian farmer’s daily income.

The Indian farmer simply cannot compete with this. The World Bank, WTO and the IMF have effectively served to undermine the indigenous farm sector in India.

And now, based on the new farm laws, by reducing public sector buffer stocks and facilitating corporate-dictated contract farming and full-scale neoliberal marketisation for the sale and procurement of produce, India will be sacrificing its farmers and its own food security for the benefit of a handful of billionaires.

Of course, many millions have already been displaced from the Indian countryside and have had to seek work in the cities. And if the coronavirus-related lockdown has indicated anything, it is that many of these ‘migrant workers’ had failed to gain a secure foothold in urban centres and were compelled to return ‘home’ to their villages. Their lives are defined by low pay and insecurity even after 30 years of neoliberal ‘reforms’.

Charter for change

In late November 2018, a charter was released by the All India Kisan Sangharsh Coordination Committee (an umbrella group of around 250 farmers’ organisations) to coincide with the massive, well-publicised farmers’ march that was then taking place in Delhi.

The charter stated:

“Farmers are not just a residue from our past; farmers, agriculture and village India are integral to the future of India and the world; as bearers of historic knowledge, skills and culture; as agents of food safety, security and sovereignty; and as guardians of biodiversity and ecological sustainability.”

The farmers stated that they were alarmed at the economic, ecological, social and existential crisis of Indian agriculture as well as the persistent state neglect of the sector and discrimination against farming communities.

They were also concerned about the deepening penetration of large, predatory and profit hungry corporations, farmers’ suicide across the country and the unbearable burden of indebtedness and the widening disparities between farmers and other sectors.

A view of workers and farmers’ rally on Feb 23, 2021 at Barnala (Source: Countercurrents)

The charter called on the Indian parliament to immediately hold a special session to pass and enact two bills that were of, by and for the farmers of India.

If passed by parliament, among other things, the Farmers’ Freedom from Indebtedness Bill 2018 would have provided for the complete loan waiver for all farmers and agricultural workers.

The second bill, The Farmers’ Right to Guaranteed Remunerative Minimum Support Prices for Agricultural Commodities Bill 2018, would have seen the government take measures to bring down the input cost of farming through specific regulation of the prices of seeds, agriculture machinery and equipment, diesel, fertilisers and insecticides, while making purchase of farm produce below the minimum support price (MSP) both illegal and punishable.

The charter also called for a special discussion on the universalisation of the public distribution system, the withdrawal of pesticides that have been banned elsewhere and the non-approval of genetically engineered seeds without a comprehensive need and impact assessment.

Other demands included no foreign direct investment in agriculture and food processing, the protection of farmers from corporate plunder in the name of contract farming, investment in farmers’ collectives to create farmer producer organisations and peasant cooperatives and the promotion of agroecology based on suitable cropping patterns and local seed diversity revival.

Now, in 2021, rather than responding to these requirements, we see the Indian government’s promotion and facilitation of – by way of recent legislation – the corporatisation of agriculture and the dismantling of the public distribution system (and the MSP) as well as the laying of groundwork for contract farming.

Although the two aforementioned bills from 2018 have now lapsed, farmers are demanding that the new pro-corporate (anti-farmer) farm laws are replaced with a legal framework that guarantees the MSP to farmers.

Indeed, the RUPE notes that MSPs via government procurement of essential crops and commodities should be extended to the likes of maize, cotton, oilseed and pulses. At the moment, only farmers in certain states who produce rice and wheat are the main beneficiaries of government procurement at MSP.

Since per capita protein consumption in India is abysmally low and has fallen further during the liberalisation era, the provision of pulses in the public distribution system (PDS) is long overdue and desperately needed. The RUPE argues that the ‘excess’ stocks of food grain with the Food Corporation of India are merely the result of the failure or refusal of the government to distribute grain to the people.

(For those not familiar with the PDS: central government via the Food Corporation of India FCI is responsible for buying food grains from farmers at MSP at state-run market yards or mandis. It then allocates the grains to each state. State governments then deliver to the ration shops.)

If public procurement of a wider range of crops at the MSP were to occur – and MSP were guaranteed for rice and wheat across all states – it would help address hunger and malnutrition as well as farmer distress.

Instead of rolling back the role of the public sector and surrendering the system to foreign corporations, there is a need to further expand official procurement and public distribution. This would occur by extending procurement to additional states and expanding the range of commodities under the PDS.

Of course, some will raise a red flag here and say this would cost too much. But as the RUPE notes, it would cost around 20% of the current handouts (‘incentives’) received by corporations and their super-rich owners which do not benefit the bulk of the wider population in any way. It is also worth considering that the loans provided to just five large corporations in India were in 2016 equal to the entire farm debt.

But this is not where the government’s priorities lie.

It is clear that the existence of the MSP, the Food Corporation of India, the public distribution system and publicly held buffer stocks constitute an obstacle to the profit-driven requirements of global agribusiness interests who have sat with government agencies and set out their wish-lists.

The RUPE notes that India accounts for 15% of world consumption of cereals. India’s buffer stocks are equivalent to 15-25% of global stocks and 40% of world trade in rice and wheat. Any large reduction in these stocks will almost certainly affect world prices: farmers would be hit by depressed prices; later, once India became dependent on imports, prices could rise on the international market and Indian consumers would be hit.

At the same time, the richer countries are applying enormous pressure on India to scrap its meagre agricultural subsidies; yet their own subsidies are vast multiples of India’s. The end result could be India becoming dependent on imports and the restructure of its own agriculture to crops destined for export.

Vast buffer stocks would of course still exist; but instead of India holding these stocks, they would be held by multinational trading firms and India would bid for them with borrowed funds. In other words, instead of holding physical buffer stocks, India would hold foreign exchange reserves.

Successive administrations have made the country dependent on volatile flows of foreign capital and India’s foreign exchange reserves have been built up by borrowing and foreign investments. The fear of capital flight is ever present. Policies are often governed by the drive to attract and retain these inflows and maintain market confidence by ceding to the demands of international capital.

This throttling of democracy and the ‘financialisation’ of agriculture would seriously undermine the nation’s food security and leave almost 1.4 billion people at the mercy of international speculators and markets and foreign investment.

If unrepealed, the recent legislation represents the ultimate betrayal of India’s farmers and democracy as well as the final surrender of food security and food sovereignty to unaccountable corporations. This legislation could eventually lead to the country relying on outside forces to feed its population – and a possible return to hand-to-mouth imports, especially in an increasingly volatile world prone to conflict, public health scares, unregulated land and commodity speculation and price shocks.


Chapter VI

Colonial Deindustrialisation

Predation and Inequality

According to a report by Oxfam, ‘The Inequality Virus’, the wealth of the world’s billionaires increased by $3.9tn (trillion) between 18 March and 31 December 2020. Their total wealth now stands at $11.95tn. The world’s 10 richest billionaires have collectively seen their wealth increase by $540bn over this period. In September 2020, Jeff Bezos could have paid all 876,000 Amazon employees a $105,000 bonus and still be as wealthy as he was before COVID.

At the same time, hundreds of millions of people will lose (have lost) their jobs and face destitution and hunger. It is estimated that the total number of people living in poverty around the world could have increased by between 200 million and 500 million in 2020. The number of people living in poverty might not return even to its pre-crisis level for over a decade.

Mukesh Ambani, India’s richest man and head of Reliance Industries, which specialises in petrol, retail and telecommunications, doubled his wealth between March and October 2020. He now has $78.3bn. The average increase in Ambani’s wealth in just over four days represented more than the combined annual wages of all of Reliance Industries’ 195,000 employees.

The Oxfam report states that lockdown in India resulted in the country’s billionaires increasing their wealth by around 35%. At the same time, 84% of households suffered varying degrees of income loss. Some 170,000 people lost their jobs every hour in April 2020 alone.

The authors also noted that income increases for India’s top 100 billionaires since March 2020 was enough to give each of the 138 million poorest people a cheque for 94,045 rupees.

The report went on to state:

“… it would take an unskilled worker 10,000 years to make what Ambani made in an hour during the pandemic… and three years to make what Ambani made in a second.”

During lockdown and after, hundreds of thousands of migrant workers in the cities (who had no option but to escape to the city to avoid the manufactured, deepening agrarian crisis) were left without jobs, money, food or shelter.

It is clear that COVID has been used as cover for consolidating the power of the unimaginably rich. But plans for boosting their power and wealth will not stop there.

Tech giants

An article on the website, ‘Digital control: how big tech moves into food and farming (and what it means)’, describes how Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and others are closing in on the global agri-food sector while the likes of Bayer, Syngenta, Corteva and Cargill are cementing their stranglehold.

The tech giants’ entry into the sector will increasingly lead to a mutually beneficial integration between the companies that supply products to farmers (pesticides, seeds, fertilisers, tractors, etc) and those that control the flow of data and have access to digital (cloud) infrastructure and food consumers. This system is based on corporate concentration (monopolisation).

In India, global corporations are also colonising the retail space through e-commerce. Walmart entered into India in 2016 by a US$3.3 billion take-over of the online retail start-up which, in 2018, was followed by a US$16 billion take-over of India’s largest online retail platform Flipkart. Today, Walmart and Amazon now control almost two thirds of India’s digital retail sector.

Amazon and Walmart are using predatory pricing, deep discounts and other unfair business practices to lure customers towards their online platforms. According to GRAIN, when the two companies generated sales of over US$3 billion in just six days during a Diwali festival sales blitz, India’s small retailers called out in desperation for a boycott of online shopping.

In 2020, Facebook and the US-based private equity concern KKR committed over US$7 billion to Reliance Jio, the digital store of one of India’s biggest retail chains. Customers will soon be able to shop at Reliance Jio through Facebook’s chat application, WhatsApp.

The plan for retail is clear: the eradication of millions of small traders and retailers and neighbourhood mom and pop shops. It is similar in agriculture.

The aim is to buy up rural land, amalgamate it and rollout a system of chemically drenched farmerless farms owned or controlled by financial speculators, the high-tech giants and traditional agribusiness concerns. The end game is a system of contract farming that serves the interests of big tech, big agribusiness and big retail. Smallholder peasant agriculture is regarded as an impediment.

This model will be based on driverless tractors, drones, genetically engineered/lab-produced food and all data pertaining to land, water, weather, seeds and soils patented and often pirated from peasant farmers.

Farmers possess centuries of accumulated knowledge that once gone will never be got back. Corporatisation of the sector has already destroyed or undermined functioning agrarian ecosystems that draw on centuries of traditional knowledge and are increasingly recognised as valid approaches to secure food security.

And what of the hundreds of millions to be displaced in order to fill the pockets of the billionaire owners of these corporations? Driven to cities to face a future of joblessness: mere ‘collateral damage’ resulting from a short-sighted system of dispossessive predatory capitalism that destroys the link between humans, ecology and nature to boost the bottom line of the immensely rich.

India’s agri-food sector has been on the radar of global corporations for decades. With deep market penetration and near saturation having been achieved by agribusiness in the US and elsewhere, India represents an opportunity for expansion and maintaining business viability and all-important profit growth. And by teaming up with the high-tech players in Silicon Valley, multi-billion-dollar data management markets are being created. From data and knowledge to land, weather and seeds, capitalism is compelled to eventually commodify (patent and own) all aspects of life and nature.

As independent cultivators are bankrupted, the aim is that land will eventually be amalgamated to facilitate large-scale industrial cultivation. Indeed, a piece on the RUPE site, ‘The Kisans Are Right: Their Land Is At Stake‘, describes how the Indian government is ascertaining which land is owned by whom with the ultimate aim of making it easier to eventually sell it off (to foreign investors and agribusiness).

The recent farm bills (now repealed) will impose the neoliberal shock therapy of dispossession and dependency, finally clearing the way to restructure the agri-food sector. The massive inequalities and injustices that have resulted from the COVID-related lockdowns could be a mere taste of what is to come.

In June 2018, the Joint Action Committee against Foreign Retail and E-commerce (JACAFRE) issued a statement on Walmart’s acquisition of Flipkart. It argued that it undermines India’s economic and digital sovereignty and the livelihood of millions.

The deal would lead to Walmart and Amazon dominating India’s e-retail sector. These two US companies would also own India’s key consumer and other economic data, making them the country’s digital overlords, joining the ranks of Google and Facebook.

JACAFRE was formed to resist the entry of foreign corporations like Walmart and Amazon into India’s e-commerce market. Its members represent more than 100 national groups, including major trade, workers and farmers’ organisations.

On 8 January 2021, JACAFRE published an open letter saying that the three new farm laws, passed by parliament in September 2020, centre on enabling and facilitating the unregulated corporatisation of agriculture value chains. This will effectively make farmers and small traders of agricultural produce become subservient to the interests of a few agri-food and e-commerce giants or will eradicate them completely.

The government is facilitating the dominance of giant corporations, not least through digital or e-commerce platforms, to control the entire value chain. The letter states that if the new farm laws are closely examined, it will be evident that unregulated digitalisation is an important aspect of them.

And this is not lost on Parminder Jeet Singh from IT for Change (a member of JACAFRE). Referring to Walmart’s takeover of online retailer Flipkart, Singh notes that there was strong resistance to Walmart entering India with its physical stores; however, online and offline worlds are now merged.

That is because, today, e-commerce companies not only control data about consumption but also control data on production, logistics, who needs what, when they need it, who should produce it, who should move it and when it should be moved.

Through the control of data (knowledge), e-commerce platforms can shape the entire physical economy. What is concerning is that Amazon and Walmart have sufficient global clout to ensure they become a duopoly, more or less controlling much of India’s economy.

Singh says that whereas you can regulate an Indian company, this cannot be done with foreign players who have global data, global power and will be near-impossible to regulate.

While China succeeded in digital industrialisation by building up its own firms, Singh observes that the EU is now a digital colony of the US. The danger is clear for India.

India has its own skills and digital forms, so why is the government letting in US companies to dominate and buy India’s digital platforms?

And ‘platform’ is a key word here. We are seeing the eradication of the marketplace. Platforms will control everything from production to logistics to even primary activities like agriculture and farming. Data gives power to platforms to dictate what needs to be manufactured and in what quantities.

The digital platform is the brain of the whole system. The farmer will be told how much production is expected, how much rain is anticipated, what type of soil quality there is, what type of (GM) seeds and are inputs are required and when the produce needs to be ready.

Those traders, manufacturers and primary producers who survive will become slaves to platforms and lose their independence. Moreover, e-commerce platforms will become permanently embedded once artificial intelligence begins to plan and determine all of the above.

Of course, things have been moving in this direction for a long time, especially since India began capitulating to the tenets of neoliberalism in the early 1990s and all that entails, not least an increasing dependence on borrowing and foreign capital inflows and subservience to destructive World Bank-IMF economic directives.

Knock-out blow

But what we are currently witnessing with the three farm bills and the growing role of (foreign) e-commerce will bring about the ultimate knock-out blow to the peasantry and many small independent enterprises. This has been the objective of powerful players who have regarded India as the potential jewel in the crown of their corporate empires for a long time.

The process resembles the structural adjustment programmes that were imposed on African countries some decades ago. Economics Professor Michel Chossudovsky notes in his 1997 book ‘The Globalization of Poverty’ that economies are:

“opened up through the concurrent displacement of a pre-existing productive system. Small and medium-sized enterprises are pushed into bankruptcy or obliged to produce for a global distributor, state enterprises are privatised or closed down, independent agricultural producers are impoverished.” (p.16)

The game plan is clear and JACAFRE says the government should urgently consult all stakeholders – traders, farmers and other small and medium size players – towards a holistic new economic model where all economic actors are assured their due and appropriately valued role. Small and medium size economic actors cannot be allowed to be reduced to being helpless agents of a few digitally enabled mega-corporations.

JACAFRE concludes:

“We appeal to the government that it should urgently address the issues raised by those farmers asking for the three laws to be repealed. Specifically, from a traders’ point of view, the role of small and medium traders all along the agri-produce value chain has to be strengthened and protected against its unmitigated corporatisation.”

It is clear that the ongoing farmers’ protest in India is not just about farming. It represents a struggle for the heart and soul of the country.

Farmers, farmers’ unions and their representatives demand that the laws be repealed and state that they will not accept a compromise. Farmers’ leaders welcomed the Supreme Court of India stay order on the implementation of the farm laws in January 2021.

However, based on more than 10 rounds of talks between farmers representatives and the government, it seemed at one stage that the ruling administration would never back down on implementing the laws.

In November 2020, a nationwide general strike took place in support of the farmers and in that month around 300,000 farmers marched from the states of Punjab and Haryana to Delhi for what leaders called a “decisive battle” with the central government.

But as the farmers reached the capital, most were stopped by barricades, dug up roads, water cannons, baton charges and barbed wire erected by police. The farmers set up camps along five major roads, building makeshift tents with a view to staying for months if their demands were not met.

Throughout 2021, thousands of farmers remained camped at various points on the border, enduring  the cold, the rain and the searing heat. In late March 2021, it was estimated that there were around 40,000 protestors camped at Singhu and Tikri at the Delhi border.

On 26 January 2021, India’s Republic Day, tens of thousands of farmers held a farmer’s parade with a large convoy of tractors and drove into Delhi.

In September 2021, tens of thousands of farmers attended a rally in the city of Muzaffarnagar in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh (UP). Hundreds of thousands more turned out for other rallies in the state.

These huge gatherings came ahead of important polls in 2022 in UP, India’s most populous state with 200 million people and governed by Prime Minister Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). In the 2017 assembly polls, the BJP won 325 out of a total of 403 seats.

Speaking at the rally in Muzaffarnagar, farmers’ leader Rakesh Tikait stated:

“We take a pledge that we’ll not leave the protest site there (around Delhi) even if our graveyard is made there. We will lay down our lives if needed but will not leave the protest site until we emerge victorious.”

Tikait also attacked the Modi-led government for:

“… selling the country to corporates… We have to stop the country from getting sold. Farmers should be saved; the country should be saved.”

Police brutality, the smearing of protesters by certain prominent media commentators and politicians, the illegal detention of protesters and clampdowns on free speech (journalists arrested, social media accounts closed, shutting down internet services) have been symptomatic of officialdom’s approach to the farmers’ struggle which itself has been defined by resilience, resoluteness and restraint.

But it is not as though the farmers’ struggle arose overnight. Indian agriculture has been deliberately starved of government support for decades and has resulted in a well-documented agrarian – even civilisation – crisis. What we are currently seeing is the result of injustices and neglect coming to a head as foreign agri-capital tries to impose its neoliberal ‘final solution’ on Indian agriculture.

It is essential to protect and strengthen local markets and indigenous, independent small-scale enterprises, whether farmers, hawkers, food processers or mom and pop corner stores. This will ensure that India has more control over its food supply, the ability to determine its own policies and economic independence: in other words, the protection of food and national sovereignty and a greater ability to pursue genuine democratic development.

Washington and its ideologue economists call this ‘liberalising’ the economy: how is an inability to determine your own economic policies and surrendering food security to outside forces in any way liberating?

It is interesting to note that the BBC reported that, in its annual report on global political rights and liberties, the US-based non-profit Freedom House has downgraded India from a free democracy to a “partially free democracy”. It also reported that Sweden-based V-Dem Institute says India is now an “electoral autocracy”. India did not fare any better in a report by The Economist Intelligent Unit’s Democracy Index.

The BBC’s neglect of Britain’s own slide towards COVID-related authoritarianism aside, the report on India was not without substance. It focused on the increase in anti-Muslim feeling, diminishing of freedom of expression, the role of the media and the restrictions on civil society since PM Narendra Modi took power.

The undermining of liberties in all these areas is cause for concern in its own right. But this trend towards divisiveness and authoritarianism serves another purpose: it helps smooth the path for the corporate takeover of the country.

Whether it involves a ‘divide and rule’ strategy along religious lines to divert attention, the suppression of free speech or pushing unpopular farm bills through parliament without proper debate while using the police and the media to undermine the farmers’ protest, a major undemocratic heist is under way that will fundamentally adversely impact people’s livelihoods and the cultural and social fabric of India.

On one side, there are the interests of a handful of multi-billionaires who own the corporations and platforms that seek to control India. On the other, there are the interests of hundreds of millions of cultivators, vendors and various small-scale enterprises who are regarded by these rich individuals as mere collateral damage to be displaced in their quest for ever greater profit.

Indian farmers are currently on the frontline against global capitalism and the colonial-style deindustrialisation of the economy. This is where ultimately the struggle for democracy and the future of India is taking place.

In April 2021, the Indian government signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Microsoft, allowing its local partner CropData to leverage a master database of farmers. The MoU seems to be part of the AgriStack policy initiative, which involves the roll out of ‘disruptive’ technologies and digital databases in the agricultural sector.

Based on press reports and government statements, Microsoft would help farmers with post- harvest management solutions by building a collaborative platform and capturing agriculture datasets such as crop yields, weather data, market demand and prices. In turn, this would create a farmer interface for ‘smart’ agriculture, including post-harvest management and distribution.

CropData will be granted access to a government database of 50 million farmers and their land records. As the database is developed, it will include farmers’ personal details, profile of land held (cadastral maps, farm size, land titles, local climatic and geographical conditions), production details (crops grown, production history, input history, quality of output, machinery in possession) and financial details (input costs, average return, credit history).

The stated aim is to use digital technology to improve financing, inputs, cultivation and supply and distribution.

It seems that the blueprint for AgriStack is in an advanced stage despite the lack of consultation with or involvement of farmers themselves. Technology could certainly improve the sector but handing control over to powerful private concerns will merely facilitate what they require in terms of market capture and farmer dependency.

Such ‘data-driven agriculture’ is integral to the recent farm legislation which includes a proposal to create a digital profile of cultivators, their farm holdings, climatic conditions in an area, what is grown and average output.

Many concerns have been raised about this, ranging from farmer displacement, the further exploitation of farmers through microfinance and the misuse of farmer’s data and increased algorithmic decision-making without accountability.

Familiar playbook

The displacement of farmers is not lost on the RUPE which, in a three-part series of articles, explains how neoliberal capitalism has removed peasant farmers from their land to facilitate an active land market for corporate interests. The Indian government is trying to establish a system of ‘conclusive titling’ of all land in the country, so that ownership can be identified and land can then be bought or taken away.

Taking Mexico as an example, the RUPE says:

“Unlike Mexico, India never underwent significant land reform. Nevertheless, its current programme of ‘conclusive titling’ of land bears clear resemblances to Mexico’s post-1992 drive to hand over property rights… The Indian rulers are closely following the script followed by Mexico, written in Washington.”

The plan is that, as farmers lose access to land or can be identified as legal owners, predatory institutional investors and large agribusinesses will buy up and amalgamate holdings, facilitating the further roll out of high-input, corporate-dependent industrial agriculture.

This is an example of stakeholder-partnership capitalism, much promoted by the likes of the World Economic Forum, whereby a government facilitates the gathering of such information by a private player which can then, in this case, use the data for developing a land market (courtesy of land law changes that the government enacts) for institutional investors at the expense of smallholder farmers who will find themselves displaced.

By harvesting (pirating) information – under the benign-sounding policy of data-driven agriculture – private corporations will be better placed to exploit farmers’ situations for their own ends: they will know more about their incomes and businesses than individual farmers themselves.

Some 55 civil society groups and organisations have written to the government expressing these and various other concerns, not least the perceived policy vacuum with respect to the data privacy of farmers and the exclusion of farmers themselves in current policy initiatives.

In an open letter, they state:

“At a time when ‘data has become the new oil’ and the industry is looking at it as the next source of profits, there is a need to ensure the interest of farmers. It will not be surprising that corporations will approach this as one more profit-making possibility, as a market for so-called ‘solutions’ which lead to sale of unsustainable agri-inputs combined with greater loans and indebtedness of farmers for this through fintech, as well as the increased threat of dispossession by private corporations.”

They add that any proposal which seeks to tackle the issues that plague Indian agriculture must address the fundamental causes of these issues. The current model relies on ‘tech-solutionism’ which emphasises using technology to solve structural issues.

There is also the issue of reduced transparency on the part of the government through algorithm-based decision-making.

The 55 signatories request the government holds consultations with all stakeholders, especially farmers’ organisations, on the direction of its digital push as well as the basis of partnerships and put out a policy document in this regard after giving due consideration to feedback from farmers and farmer organisations. As agriculture is a state subject, the central government should consult the state governments also.

They state that all initiatives that the government has begun with private entities to integrate and/or share multiple databases with private/personal information about individual farmers or their farms be put on hold till an inclusive policy framework is put in place and a data protection law is passed.

It is also advocated that the development of AgriStack, both as a policy framework and its execution, should take the concerns and experiences of farmers as the prime starting point.

The letter states that if the new farm laws are closely examined, it will be evident that unregulated digitalisation is an important aspect of them.

There is the strong possibility that monopolistic corporate owned e-commerce ‘platforms’ will eventually control much of India’s economy given the current policy trajectory. From retail and logistics to cultivation, data certainly will be the ‘new oil’, giving power to platforms to dictate what needs to be manufactured and in what quantities.

Handing over all information about the sector to Microsoft and others places power in their hands – the power to shape the sector in their own image.

Bayer, Corteva, Syngenta and traditional agribusiness will work with Microsoft, Google and the big-tech giants to facilitate AI-driven farmerless farms and e-commerce retail dominated by the likes of Amazon and Walmart. A cartel of data owners, proprietary input suppliers and retail concerns at the commanding heights of the economy, peddling toxic industrial food and the devastating health impacts associated with it.

And elected representatives? Their role will be highly limited to technocratic overseers of these platforms and the artificial intelligence tools that plan and determine all of the above.

The links between humans and the land reduced to an AI-driven technocratic dystopia in compliance with the tenets of neoliberal capitalism. AgriStack will help facilitate this end game.


Chapter VII

Neoliberal Playbook

Economic Terrorism and Smashing Farmers’ Heads

While the brands lining the shelves of giant retail outlets seem vast, a handful of food companies own these brands which, in turn, rely on a relatively narrow range of produce for ingredients. At the same time, this illusion of choice often comes at the expense of food security in poorer countries that were compelled to restructure their agriculture to facilitate agri-exports courtesy of the World Bank, IMF, the WTO and global agribusiness interests.

In Mexico, transnational food retail and processing companies have taken over food distribution channels, replacing local foods with cheap processed items, often with the direct support of the government. Free trade and investment agreements have been critical to this process and the consequences for public health have been catastrophic.

Mexico’s National Institute for Public Health released the results of a national survey of food security and nutrition in 2012. Between 1988 and 2012, the proportion of overweight women between the ages of 20 and 49 increased from 25 to 35% and the number of obese women in this age group increased from 9 to 37%. Some 29% of Mexican children between the ages of 5 and 11 were found to be overweight, as were 35% of the youngsters between 11 and 19, while one in ten school age children experienced anaemia.

Former Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier De Schutter, concludes that trade policies had favoured a greater reliance on heavily processed and refined foods with a long shelf life rather than on the consumption of fresh and more perishable foods, particularly fruit and vegetables. He added that the overweight and obesity emergency that Mexico faces could have been avoided.

In 2015, the non-profit organisation GRAIN reported that the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) led to the direct investment in food processing and a change in Mexico’s retail structure (towards supermarkets and convenience stores) as well as the emergence of global agribusiness and transnational food companies in the country.

NAFTA eliminated rules preventing foreign investors from owning more than 49% of a company. It also prohibited minimum amounts of domestic content in production and increased rights for foreign investors to retain profits and returns from initial investments. By 1999, US companies had invested 5.3 billion dollars in Mexico’s food processing industry, a 25-fold increase in just 12 years.

US food corporations began to colonise the dominant food distribution networks of small-scale vendors, known as tiendas (corner shops). This helped spread nutritionally poor food as they allowed these corporations to sell and promote their foods to poorer populations in small towns and communities. By 2012, retail chains had displaced tiendas as Mexico’s main source of food sales.

In Mexico, the loss of food sovereignty induced catastrophic changes to the nation’s diet and many small-scale farmers lost their livelihoods, which was accelerated by the dumping of surplus commodities (produced at below the cost of production due to subsidies) from the US. NAFTA rapidly drove millions of Mexican farmers, ranchers and small businesspeople into bankruptcy, leading to the flight of millions of immigrant workers.

What happened in Mexico should serve as a warning to Indian farmers as global corporations seek to fully corporatize the agri-food sector through contract farming, the massive roll-back of public sector support systems, a reliance on imports (boosted by a future US trade deal) and the acceleration of large-scale (online) retail.

If you want to know the possible eventual fate of India’s local markets and small retailers, look no further than what US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in 2019. He stated that Amazon had “destroyed the retail industry across the United States.”

Global vs local

Amazon’s move into India encapsulates the unfair fight for space between local and global markets. There is a relative handful of multi-billionaires who own the corporations and platforms. And there are the interests of tens of millions of vendors and various small-scale enterprises who are regarded by these rich individuals as mere collateral damage to be displaced in their quest for ever greater profit.


Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s executive chairman, aims to plunder India and eradicate millions of small traders and retailers and neighbourhood mom and pop shops.

This is a man with few scruples.

After returning from a brief flight to space in July 2021, in a rocket built by his private space company, Bezos said during a news conference:

“I also want to thank every Amazon employee and every Amazon customer because you guys paid for all of this.”

In response, US congresswoman Nydia Velazquez wrote on Twitter:

“While Jeff Bezos is all over the news for paying to go to space, let’s not forget the reality he has created here on Earth.”

She added the hashtag #WealthTaxNow in reference to Amazon’s tax dodging, revealed in numerous reports, not least the May 2021 study ‘The Amazon Method: How to take advantage of the international state system to avoid paying tax’ by researchers at the University of London.

Little wonder that when Bezos visited India in January 2020, he was hardly welcomed with open arms.

Bezos praised India on Twitter by posting:

“Dynamism. Energy. Democracy. #IndianCentury.”

The ruling party’s top man in the BJP foreign affairs department hit back with:

“Please tell this to your employees in Washington DC. Otherwise, your charm offensive is likely to be waste of time and money.”

A fitting response, albeit perplexing given the current administration’s proposed sanctioning of the foreign takeover of the economy.

Bezos landed in India on the back of the country’s antitrust regulator initiating a formal investigation of Amazon and with small store owners demonstrating in the streets. The Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) announced that members of its affiliate bodies across the country would stage sit-ins and public rallies in 300 cities in protest.

In a letter to PM Modi, prior to the visit of Bezos, the secretary of the CAIT, General Praveen Khandelwal, claimed that Amazon, like Walmart-owned Flipkart, was an “economic terrorist” due to its predatory pricing that “compelled the closure of thousands of small traders.”

In 2020, Delhi Vyapar Mahasangh (DVM) filed a complaint against Amazon and Flipkart alleging that they favoured certain sellers over others on their platforms by offering them discounted fees and preferential listing. The DVM lobbies to promote the interests of small traders. It also raised concerns about Amazon and Flipkart entering into tie-ups with mobile phone manufacturers to sell phones exclusively on their platforms.

It was argued by DVM that this was anti-competitive behaviour as smaller traders could not purchase and sell these devices. Concerns were also raised over the flash sales and deep discounts offered by e-commerce companies, which could not be matched by small traders.

The CAIT estimates that in 2019 upwards of 50,000 mobile phone retailers were forced out of business by large e-commerce firms.

Amazon’s internal documents, as revealed by Reuters, indicated that Amazon had an indirect ownership stake in a handful of sellers who made up most of the sales on its Indian platform. This is an issue because in India Amazon and Flipkart are legally allowed to function only as neutral platforms that facilitate transactions between third-party sellers and buyers for a fee.

The upshot is that India’s Supreme Court recently ruled that Amazon must face investigation by the Competition Commission of India (CCI) for alleged anti-competitive business practices. The CCI said it would probe the deep discounts, preferential listings and exclusionary tactics that Amazon and Flipkart are alleged to have used to destroy competition.

However, there are powerful forces that have been sitting on their hands as these companies have been running amok.

In August 2021, the CAIT attacked the NITI Aayog (the influential policy commission think tank of the Government of India) for interfering in e-commerce rules proposed by the Consumer Affairs Ministry.

The CAIT said that the think tank clearly seems to be under the pressure and influence of the foreign e-commerce giants.

The president of CAIT, BC Bhartia, stated that it is deeply shocking to see such a callous and indifferent attitude of the NITI Aayog, which has remained a silent spectator for so many years when:

“… the foreign e-commerce giants have circumvented every rule of the FDI policy and blatantly violated and destroyed the retail and e-commerce landscape of the country but have suddenly decided to open their mouth at a time when the proposed e-commerce rules will potentially end the malpractices of the e-commerce companies.”

But this is to be expected given the policy trajectory of the government.

During their protests against the three farm laws, farmers were teargassed, smeared in the media and beaten. Journalist Satya Sagar notes that government advisors feared that seeming to appear weak with the agitating farmers would not sit well with foreign agri-food investors and could stop the flow of big money into the sector – and the economy as a whole.

Policies are being governed by the drive to attract and retain foreign investment and maintain ‘market confidence’ by ceding to the demands of international capital. ‘Foreign direct investment’ has thus become the holy grail of the Modi-led administration.

Little wonder the government needed to be seen as acting ‘tough’ on protesting farmers because now, more than ever, attracting and retaining foreign reserves will be required to purchase food on the international market once India surrenders responsibility for its food policy to private players by eliminating its buffer stocks.

The plan to radically restructure agri-food in the country is being sold to the public under the guise of ‘modernising’ the sector. And this is to be carried out by self-proclaimed ‘wealth creators’ like Zuckerberg, Bezos and Ambani who are highly experienced at creating wealth – for themselves.

It is clear who these ‘wealth creators’ create wealth for.

On the People’s Review site, Tanmoy Ibrahim writes a piece on India’s billionaire class, with a strong focus on Ambani and Adani. By outlining the nature of crony capitalism in India, it is clear that Modi’s ‘wealth creators’ are given carte blanche to plunder the public purse, people and the environment, while real wealth creators – not least the farmers – are fighting for their existence.

The agrarian crisis and the recent protests should not be regarded as a battle between the government and farmers. If what happened in Mexico is anything to go by, the outcome will adversely affect the entire nation in terms of the further deterioration of public health and the loss of livelihoods.

Consider that rates of obesity in India have already tripled in the last two decades and the nation is fast becoming the diabetes and heart disease capital of the world. According to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4), between 2005 and 2015 the number of obese people doubled, even though one in five children in the 5–9-year age group were found to be stunted.

This will be just part of the cost of handing over the sector to billionaire (comprador) capitalists Mukesh Ambani and Gautum Adani and Jeff Bezos (world’s richest person), Mark Zukerberg (world’s fourth richest person), the Cargill business family (14 billionaires) and the Walmart business family (richest in the US).

These individuals aim to siphon off the wealth of India’s agri-food sector while denying the livelihoods of many millions of small-scale farmers and local mom and pop retailers while undermining the health of the nation.

Hundreds of thousands of farmers attended a rally in the city of Muzaffarnagar in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh on 5 September 2021. A similar number turned out for other rallies in the state.

Rakesh Tikait, a prominent farmers’ leader, said this would breathe fresh life into the Indian farmers’ protest movement. He added:

“We will intensify our protest by going to every single city and town of Uttar Pradesh to convey the message that Modi’s government is anti-farmer.”

Tikait is a leader of the protest movement and a spokesperson of the Bharatiya Kisan Union (Indian Farmers’ Union).

Until the repeal of the three farm laws, stating in November 2020, tens of thousands of farmers were encamped on the outskirts of Delhi in protest against the laws what would have amounted to  effectively handing over the agri-food sector to corporates and placing India at the mercy of international commodity and financial markets for its food security.

Aside from the rallies in Uttar Pradesh, thousands more farmers gathered in Karnal in the state of Haryana to continue to pressurise the Modi-led government to repeal the laws. This particular protest was also in response to police violence during another demonstration, also in Karnal (200 km north of Delhi), during late August when farmers had been blocking a highway. The police Lathi-charged them and at least 10 people were injured and one person died from a heart attack a day later.

A video that appeared on social media showed Ayush Sinha, a top government official, encouraging officers to “smash the heads of farmers” if they broke through the barricades placed on the highway.

Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar criticised the choice of words but said that “strictness had to be maintained to ensure law and order”.

But that is not quite true. “Strictness” – outright brutality – must be imposed to placate the scavengers abroad who are circling overhead with India’s agri-food sector firmly in their sights.

As much as the authorities try to distance themselves from such language – ‘smashing heads’ is precisely what India’s rulers and the billionaire owners of foreign agri-food corporations require.

The government has to demonstrate to global agri-capital that it is being tough on farmers in order to maintain ‘market confidence’ and attract foreign direct investment into the sector (aka the takeover of the sector).

Although it has now somewhat (temporarily) with the repeal of the farm laws, the Indian government’s willingness to cede control of its agri-food sector would appear to represent a victory for US foreign policy.

Economist Prof Michael Hudson stated in 2014:

“It’s by agriculture and control of the food supply that American diplomacy has been able to control most of the Third World. The World Bank’s geopolitical lending strategy has been to turn countries into food deficit areas by convincing them to grow cash crops – plantation export crops – not to feed themselves with their own food crops.”

The control of global agriculture has been a tentacle of US capitalism’s geopolitical strategy. The Green Revolution was exported courtesy of oil-rich interests and poorer nations adopted agri-capital’s chemical- and oil-dependent model of agriculture that required loans for inputs and related infrastructure development. It entailed trapping nations into a globalised system of debt bondage, rigged trade relations and a system vulnerable to oil price shocks.

A December 2020 photograph published by the Press Trust of India defines the Indian government’s approach to protesting farmers. It shows a security official in paramilitary garb raising a lathi. An elder from the Sikh farming community was about to feel its full force.

But ‘smashing the heads of farmers’ is symbolic of how near-totalitarian ‘liberal democracies’ the world over now regards many within their own populations. In order to fully understand why this is the case, it is necessary to broaden the analysis.



Chapter VIII

The New Normal

Crisis of Capitalism and Dystopian Reset


Today, driven by the vision of its influential executive chairman Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum is a major focal point for the dystopian ‘great reset’, a tectonic shift that intends to change how we live, work and interact with each other.

The great reset envisages a transformation of capitalism, resulting in permanent restrictions on fundamental liberties and mass surveillance as livelihoods and entire sectors are sacrificed to boost the monopoly and hegemony of pharmaceutical corporations, high-tech/big data giants, Amazon, Google, major global chains, the digital payments sector, biotech concerns, etc.

Under the cover of COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions, the great reset has been accelerated under the guise of a ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ in which smaller enterprises are to be driven to bankruptcy or bought up by monopolies. Economies are being ‘restructured’ and many jobs and roles will be carried out by AI-driven technology.

And we are also witnessing the drive towards a ‘green economy’ underpinned by the rhetoric of ‘sustainable consumption’ and ‘climate emergency’.

Essential (for capitalism) new arenas for profit making will be created through the ‘financialisation’ and ownership of all aspects of nature, which is to be colonised, commodified and traded under the fraudulent notion of protecting the environment. This essentially means that – under the pretext of ‘net-zero emissions’ – polluters can keep polluting but ‘offset’ their pollution by using and trading (and profiting from) the land and resources of indigenous peoples and farmers as carbon sinks. Another financial Ponzi scheme, this time based on ‘green imperialism’. 

Politicians in countries throughout the world have been using the rhetoric of the great reset, talking of the need to ‘build back better’ for the ‘new normal’. They are all on point. Hardly a coincidence. 

But why is this reset required?

Capitalism must maintain viable profit margins. The prevailing economic system demands ever-increasing levels of extraction, production and consumption and needs a certain level of annual GDP growth for large firms to make sufficient profit.

But markets have become saturated, demand rates have fallen and overproduction and overaccumulation of capital has become a problem. In response, we have seen credit markets expand and personal debt increase to maintain consumer demand as workers’ wages have been squeezed, financial and real estate speculation rise (new investment markets), stock buy backs and massive bail outs and subsidies (public money to maintain the viability of private capital) and an expansion of militarism (a major driving force for many sectors of the economy).

We have also witnessed systems of production abroad being displaced for global corporations to then capture and expand markets in foreign countries. 

However, these solutions were little more than band aids. The world economy was suffocating under an unsustainable mountain of debt. Many companies could not generate enough profit to cover interest payments on their own debts and were staying afloat only by taking on new loans. Falling turnover, squeezed margins, limited cashflows and highly leveraged balance sheets were rising everywhere.

In October 2019, in a speech at an International Monetary Fund conference, former Bank of England governor Mervyn King warned that the world was sleepwalking towards a fresh economic and financial crisis that would have devastating consequences for what he called the “democratic market system”.

According to King, the global economy was stuck in a low growth trap and recovery from the crisis of 2008 was weaker than that after the Great Depression. He concluded that it was time for the Federal Reserve and other central banks to begin talks behind closed doors with politicians.

In the repurchase agreement (repo) market, interest rates soared on 16 September. The Federal Reserve stepped in by intervening to the tune of $75 billion per day over four days, a sum not seen since the 2008 crisis.

At that time, according to Fabio Vighi, professor of critical theory at Cardiff University, the Fed began an emergency monetary programme that saw hundreds of billions of dollars per week pumped into Wall Street.

Over the last two years or so, under the guise of a ‘pandemic’, we have seen economies closed down, small businesses being crushed, workers being made unemployed and people’s rights being destroyed. Lockdowns and restrictions have facilitated this process. These so-called ‘public health measures’ have served to manage a crisis of capitalism.

Neoliberalism has squeezed workers income and benefits, offshored key sectors of economies and has used every tool at its disposal to maintain demand and create financial Ponzi schemes in which the rich can still invest in and profit from. The bailouts to the banking sector following the 2008 crash provided only temporary respite. The crash returned with a much bigger bang pre-Covid along with multi-billion-dollar bailouts.

Fabio Vighi sheds light on the role of the ‘pandemic’ in all of this:

“… some may have started wondering why the usually unscrupulous ruling elites decided to freeze the global profit-making machine in the face of a pathogen that targets almost exclusively the unproductive (over 80s).”

Vighi describes how, in pre-Covid times, the world economy was on the verge of another colossal meltdown and chronicles how the Swiss Bank of International Settlements, BlackRock (the world’s most powerful investment fund), G7 central bankers and others worked to avert a massive impending financial meltdown.

Lockdowns and the global suspension of economic transactions were intended to allow the Fed to flood the ailing financial markets (under the guise of COVID) with freshly printed money while shutting down the real economy to avoid hyperinflation.

Vighi says:

“… the stock market did not collapse (in March 2020) because lockdowns had to be imposed; rather, lockdowns had to be imposed because financial markets were collapsing. With lockdowns came the suspension of business transactions, which drained the demand for credit and stopped the contagion. In other words, restructuring the financial architecture through extraordinary monetary policy was contingent on the economy’s engine being turned off.”

It all amounted to a multi-trillion bailout for Wall Street under the guise of COVID ‘relief’ followed by an ongoing plan to fundamentally restructure capitalism that involves smaller enterprises being driven to bankruptcy or bought up by monopolies and global chains, thereby ensuring continued viable profits for these predatory corporations, and the eradication of millions of jobs resulting from lockdowns and accelerated automation.

Ordinary people will foot the bill for the ‘COVID relief’ packages and if the financial bailouts do not go according to plan, we could see further lockdowns imposed, perhaps justified under the pretext of ‘the virus’ but also ‘climate emergency’.

It is not only Big Finance that has been saved. A previously ailing pharmaceuticals industry has also received a massive bailout (public funds to develop and purchase the vaccines) and lifeline thanks to the money-making COVID jabs.

What we are seeing is many millions around the world being robbed of their livelihoods. With AI and advanced automation of production, distribution and service provision on the horizon, a mass labour force will no longer be required.

It raises fundamental questions about the need for and the future of mass education, welfare and healthcare provision and systems that have traditionally served to reproduce and maintain labour that capitalist economic activity has required. As the economic is restructured, labour’s relationship to capital is being transformed. If work is a condition of the existence of the labouring classes, then, in the eyes of capitalists, why maintain a pool of (surplus) labour that is no longer needed?

At the same time, as large sections of the population head into a state of permanent unemployment, the rulers are weary of mass dissent and resistance. We are witnessing an emerging biosecurity surveillance state designed to curtail liberties ranging from freedom of movement and assembly to political protest and free speech.

In a system of top-down surveillance capitalism with an increasing section of the population deemed ‘unproductive’ and ‘useless eaters’, notions of individualism, liberal democracy and the ideology of free choice and consumerism are regarded by the elite as ‘unnecessary luxuries’ along with political and civil rights and freedoms.

We need only look at the ongoing tyranny in Australia to see how quickly the country was transformed from a ‘liberal democracy’ to a brutal totalitarian police state of endless lockdowns where gathering and protests are not to be tolerated.

Being beaten and thrown to the ground and fired at with rubber bullets in the name of protecting health makes as much sense as devastating entire societies through socially and economically destructive lockdowns to ‘save lives’.

There is little if any logic to this. But of course, If we view what is happening in terms of a crisis of capitalism, it might begin to make a lot more sense.

The austerity measures that followed the 2008 crash were bad enough for ordinary people who were still reeling from the impacts when the first lockdown was imposed.

The authorities are aware that deeper, harsher impacts as well as much more wide-ranging changes will be experienced this time around and seem adamant that the masses must become more tightly controlled and conditioned to their coming servitude.


Chapter IX

Post-COVID dystopia

Hand of God and the New World Order


During its numerous prolonged lockdowns, in parts of Australia the right to protest and gather in public as well as the right of free speech was suspended. It resembled a giant penal colony as officials pursued a nonsensical ‘zero-COVID’ policy. Across Europe and in the US and Israel, unnecessary and discriminatory ‘COVID passports’ are being rolled out to restrict freedom of movement and access to services.

Again, governments must demonstrate resolve to their billionaire masters in Big Finance, the Gates and Rockefeller Foundations, the World Economic Forum and the entire gamut of forces in the military-financial industrial complex behind the ‘Great Reset’, ‘4th Industrial Revolution, ‘New Normal’ or whichever other benign-sounding term is used to disguise the restructuring of capitalism and the brutal impacts on ordinary people.

COVID has ensured that trillions of dollars have been handed over to elite interests, while lockdowns and restrictions have been imposed on ordinary people and small businesses. The winners have been the likes of Amazon, Big Pharma and the tech giants. The losers have been small enterprises and the bulk of the population, deprived of their right to work and the entire panoply of civil rights their ancestors struggled and often died for.

Professor Michel Chossudovsky of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) says:

“The Global Money financial institutions are the ‘creditors’ of the real economy which is in crisis. The closure of the global economy has triggered a process of global indebtedness. Unprecedented in World history, a multi-trillion bonanza of dollar denominated debts is hitting simultaneously the national economies of 193 countries.”

In August 2020, a report by the International Labour Organization (ILO) stated:

“The COVID-19 crisis has severely disrupted economies and labour markets in all world regions, with estimated losses of working hours equivalent to nearly 400 million full-time jobs in the second quarter of 2020, most of which are in emerging and developing countries.”

Among the most vulnerable are the 1.6 billion informal economy workers, representing half of the global workforce, who are working in sectors experiencing major job losses or have seen their incomes seriously affected by lockdowns. Most of the workers affected (1.25 billion) are in retail, accommodation and food services and manufacturing. And most of these are self-employed and in low-income jobs in the informal sector.

India was especially affected in this respect when the government imposed a lockdown. The policy ended up pushing 230 million into poverty and wrecked the lives and livelihoods of many. A May 2021 report prepared by the Centre for Sustainable Employment at Azim Premji University has highlighted how employment and income had not recovered to pre-pandemic levels even by late 2020.

The report ‘State of Working India 2021 – One year of Covid-19’ highlights how almost half of formal salaried workers moved into the informal sector and that 230 million people fell below the national minimum wage poverty line.

Even before COVID, India was experiencing its longest economic slowdown since 1991 with weak employment generation, uneven development and a largely informal economy. An article by the RUPE highlights the structural weaknesses of the economy and the often desperate plight of ordinary people.

To survive Modi’s lockdown, the poorest 25% of households borrowed 3.8 times their median income, as against 1.4 times for the top 25%. The study noted the implications for debt traps.

Six months later, it was also noted that food intake was still at lockdown levels for 20% of vulnerable households.

Meanwhile, the rich were well taken care of. According to Left Voice:

“The Modi government has handled the pandemic by prioritising the profits of big business and protecting the fortunes of billionaires over protecting the lives and livelihoods of workers.”

Governments are now under the control of global creditors and the post-COVID era will see massive austerity measures, including the cancellation of workers’ benefits and social safety nets. An unpayable multi-trillion-dollar public debt is unfolding: the creditors of the state are Big Money, which calls the shots in a process that will lead to the privatisation of the state.

Between April and July 2020, the total wealth held by billionaires around the world grew from $8 trillion to more than $10 trillion. Chossudovsky says a new generation of billionaire innovators looks set to play a critical role in repairing the damage by using the growing repertoire of emerging technologies. He adds that tomorrow’s innovators will digitise, refresh and revolutionise the economy: but, as he notes, these corrupt billionaires are little more than impoverishers.

With this in mind, a piece on the US Right To Know website exposes the Gates-led agenda for the future of food based on the programming of biology to produce synthetic and genetically engineered substances. The thinking reflects the programming of computers in the information economy. Of course, Gates and his ilk have patented, or are patenting, the processes and products involved.

For example, Ginkgo Bioworks, a Gates-backed start-up that makes ‘custom organisms’, recently went public in a $17.5 billion deal. It uses ‘cell programming’ technology to genetically engineer flavours and scents into commercial strains of engineered yeast and bacteria to create ‘natural’ ingredients, including vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and flavours for ultra-processed foods.

Ginkgo plans to create up to 20,000 engineered ‘cell programs’ (it now has five) for food products and many other uses. It plans to charge customers to use its ‘biological platform’. Its customers are not consumers or farmers but the world’s largest chemical, food and pharmaceutical companies.

Gates pushes fake food by way of his greenwash agenda. If he really is interested in avoiding ‘climate catastrophe’, helping farmers or producing enough food, instead of cementing the power and the control of corporations over our food, he should be facilitating community-based/led agroecological approaches.

But he will not because there is no scope for patents, external proprietary inputs, commodification and dependency on global corporations which Gates sees as the answer to all of humanity’s problems in his quest to bypass democratic processes and roll out his agenda.

India should take heed because this is the future of ‘food’. If the farmers fail to get the farm bills repealed, India will again become dependent on food imports or on foreign food manufacturers and even lab-made ‘food’. Fake or toxic food will displace traditional diets and cultivation methods will be driven by drones, genetically engineered seeds and farms without farmers, devastating the livelihoods (and health) of hundreds of millions.

World Bank Group President David Malpass has stated that poorer countries will be ‘helped’ to get back on their feet after the various lockdowns that have been implemented. This ‘help’ will be on condition that neoliberal reforms and the undermining of public services are implemented and become further embedded.

In April 2020, the Wall Street Journal ran the headline ‘IMF, World Bank Face Deluge of Aid Requests From Developing World‘. Scores of countries are asking for bailouts and loans from financial institutions with $1.2 trillion to lend. An ideal recipe for fuelling dependency.

In return for debt relief or ‘support’, global conglomerates along with the likes of Bill Gates will be able to further dictate national policies and hollow out the remnants of nation state sovereignty.

The billionaire class who are pushing this agenda think they can own nature and all humans and can control both, whether through geoengineering the atmosphere, for example, genetically modifying soil microbes or doing a better job than nature by producing bio-synthesised fake food in a lab.

They think they can bring history to a close and reinvent the wheel by reshaping what it means to be human. And they hope they can achieve this sooner rather than later. It is a cold dystopian vision that wants to eradicate thousands of years of culture, tradition and practices virtually overnight.

And many of those cultures, traditions and practices relate to food and how we produce it and our deep-rooted connections to nature. Consider that many of the ancient rituals and celebrations of our forebears were built around stories and myths that helped them come to terms with some of the most fundamental issues of existence, from death to rebirth and fertility. These culturally embedded beliefs and practices served to sanctify their practical relationship with nature and its role in sustaining human life.

As agriculture became key to human survival, the planting and harvesting of crops and other seasonal activities associated with food production were central to these customs. Freyfaxi marks the beginning of the harvest in Norse paganism, for example, while Lammas or Lughnasadh is the celebration of the first harvest/grain harvest in paganism.

Humans celebrated nature and the life it gave birth to. Ancient beliefs and rituals were imbued with hope and renewal and people had a necessary and immediate relationship with the sun, seeds, animals, wind, fire, soil and rain and the changing seasons that nourished and brought life. Our cultural and social relationships with agrarian production and associated deities had a sound practical base. People’s lives have been tied to planting, harvesting, seeds, soil and the seasons for thousands of years.

For instance, Prof Robert W Nicholls explains that the cults of Woden and Thor were superimposed on far older and better-rooted beliefs related to the sun and the earth, the crops and the animals and the rotation of the seasons between the light and warmth of summer and the cold and dark of winter.

We need look no further than India to appreciate the important relationship between culture, agriculture and ecology, not least the vital importance of the monsoon and seasonal planting and harvesting. Rural-based beliefs and rituals steeped in nature persist, even among urban Indians. These are bound to traditional knowledge systems where livelihoods, the seasons, food, cooking, food processing and preparation, seed exchange, healthcare and the passing on of knowledge are all inter-related and form the essence of cultural diversity within India itself.

Although the industrial age resulted in a diminution of the connection between food and the natural environment as people moved to cities, traditional ‘food cultures’ – the practices, attitudes and beliefs surrounding the production, distribution and consumption of food – still thrive and highlight our ongoing connection to agriculture and nature.

Hand of God

If we go back to the 1950s, it is interesting to note Union Carbide’s corporate narrative based on a series of images that depicted the company as a ‘hand of god’ coming out of the sky to ‘solve’ some of the issues facing humanity. One of the most famous images is of the hand pouring the firm’s agrochemicals on Indian soils as if traditional farming practices were somehow ‘backward’.

Despite well-publicised claims to the contrary, this chemical-driven approach did not lead to higher food production and has had long-term devastating ecological, social and economic consequences.

In the book Food and Cultural Studies’ (Bob Ashley et al), we see how, some years ago, a Coca Cola TV ad campaign sold its product to an audience which associated modernity with a sugary drink and depicted ancient Aboriginal beliefs as harmful, ignorant and outdated. Coke and not rain became the giver of life to the parched. This type of ideology forms part of a wider strategy to discredit traditional cultures and portray them as being deficient and in need of assistance from ‘god-like’ corporations.

Today, there is talk of farmerless farms being manned by driverless machines and monitored by drones with lab-based food becoming the norm. We may speculate what this could mean: commodity crops from patented GM seeds doused with chemicals and cultivated for industrial ‘biomatter’ to be processed by biotech companies and constituted into something resembling food.

In places like India, will the land of already (prior to COVID) heavily indebted farmers eventually be handed over to the tech giants, the financial institutions and global agribusiness to churn out their high-tech, data-driven GM industrial sludge?

Is this part of the brave new world being promoted by the World Economic Forum? A world in which a handful of rulers display their contempt for humanity and their arrogance, believing they are above nature and humanity.

This elite comprises between 6,000 and 7,000 individuals (around 0.0001% of the global population) according to David Rothkopf – former director of Kissinger Associates (set up by Henry Kissinger), a senior administrator in the Bill Clinton administration and a member of the Council for Foreign Relations –  in his 2008 book ‘SuperClass: The Global Power Elite and the World They are Making’.

This class comprises the megacorporation-interlocked, policy-building elites of the world: people at the absolute peak of the global power pyramid. They set agendas at the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, G-8, G-20, NATO, the World Bank and the World Trade Organization and are largely from the highest levels of finance capital and transnational corporations.

But in recent years, we have also seen the rise of what journalist Ernst Wolff calls the digital-financial complex that is now driving the globalisation-one world agriculture agenda. This complex comprises many of the companies already mentioned, such as Microsoft, Alphabet (Google), Apple, Amazon and Meta (Facebook) as well as BlackRock and Vanguard, transnational investment/asset management corporations.

These entities exert control over governments and important institutions like the European Central Bank (ECB) and the US Federal Reserve. Indeed, Wolff states that BlackRock and Vanguard have more financial assets than the ECB and the Fed combined.

To appreciate the power and influence of BlackRock and Vanguard, let us turn to the documentary Monopoly: An Overview of the Great Reset which argues that the stock of the world’s largest corporations are owned by the same institutional investors. This means that ‘competing’ brands, like Coke and Pepsi, are not really competitors, since their stock is owned by the same investment companies, investment funds, insurance companies and banks.

Smaller investors are owned by larger investors. Those are owned by even bigger investors. The visible top of this pyramid shows only two companies: Vanguard and Black Rock.

A 2017 Bloomberg report states that both these companies in the year 2028 together will have investments amounting to 20 trillion dollars. In other words, they will own almost everything worth owning.

The digital-financial complex wants control over all aspects of life. It wants a cashless world, to destroy bodily integrity with a mandatory vaccination agenda linked to emerging digital-biopharmaceutical technologies, to control all personal data and digital money and it requires full control over everything, including food and farming.

If events since early 2020 have shown us anything, it is that an unaccountable, authoritarian global elite knows the type of world it wants to create, has the ability to coordinate its agenda globally and will use deception and duplicity to achieve it. And in this brave new Orwellian world where capitalist ‘liberal democracy’ has run its course, there will be no place for genuinely independent nation states or individual rights.

The independence of nation states could be further eroded by the digital-financial complex’s ‘financialisation of nature’ and its ‘green profiling’ of countries and companies.

If, again, we take the example of India, the Indian government has been on a relentless drive to attract inflows of foreign investment into government bonds (creating a lucrative market for global investors). It does not take much imagination to see how investors could destabilise the economy with large movements in or out of these bonds but also how India’s ‘green credentials’ could be factored in to downgrade its international credit rating.

And how could India demonstrate its green credentials and thus its ‘credit worthiness’? Perhaps by allowing herbicide-resistant GMO commodity crop monocultures that the GM sector misleadingly portrays as ‘climate friendly’ or by displacing indigenous people and using their lands and forests as carbon sinks for ‘net-zero’ global corporations to ‘offset’ their pollution.

With the link completely severed between food production, nature and culturally embedded beliefs that give meaning and expression to life, we will be left with the individual human who exists on lab-based food, who is reliant on income from the state and who is stripped of satisfying productive endeavour and genuine self-fulfilment.

The recent farmers’ protest in India and the global struggle taking place for the future of food and agriculture must be regarded as integral to the wider struggle concerning the future direction of humanity.

What is required is an ‘alternative to development’ as post-development theorist Arturo Escobar explains:

“Because seven decades after World War II, certain fundamentals have not changed. Global inequality remains severe, both between and within nations. Environmental devastation and human dislocation, driven by political as well as ecological factors, continues to worsen. These are symptoms of the failure of “development,” indicators that the intellectual and political post-development project remains an urgent task.”

Looking at the situation in Latin America, Escobar says development strategies have centred on large-scale interventions, such as the expansion of oil palm plantations, mining and large port development.

And it is similar in India: commodity monocropping; immiseration in the countryside; the appropriation of biodiversity, the means of subsistence for millions of rural dwellers; unnecessary and inappropriate environment-destroying, people-displacing infrastructure projects; and state-backed violence against the poorest and most marginalised sections of society.

These problems are not the result of a lack of development but of ‘excessive development’. Escobar looks towards the worldviews of indigenous peoples and the inseparability and interdependence of humans and nature for solutions.

He is not alone. Writers Felix Padel and Malvika Gupta argue that Adivasi (India’s indigenous peoples) economics may be the only hope for the future because India’s tribal cultures remain the antithesis of capitalism and industrialisation. Their age-old knowledge and value systems promote long-term sustainability through restraint in what is taken from nature. Their societies also emphasise equality and sharing rather than hierarchy and competition.

These principles must guide our actions regardless of where we live on the planet because what’s the alternative? A system driven by narcissism, domination, ego, anthropocentrism, speciesism and plunder. A system that is using up natural resources much faster than they can ever be regenerated. We have poisoned the rivers and oceans, destroyed natural habitats, driven wildlife species to (the edge of) extinction and continue to pollute and devastate.

And, as we can see, the outcome is endless conflicts over limited resources while nuclear missiles hang over humanity’s head like a sword of Damocles.

Chapter X

The Violence of Development


Much of this book has focused on the issue of development: how countries (with a focus on India) could move forward by embracing decentralisation and localisation and by prioritising, small farms, food sovereignty, agroecology and rural development. This final chapter looks at the current development paradigm and, drawing on the previous chapter, discusses the values and principles that can guide the world towards a better future and argues that our deep-rooted connection to the land is key.  

In recent years, there has been much concern about a great reset, techno-feudalism, ecomodernism and technocracy, clampdowns on free speech, dissent and protest and the general erosion of civil liberties. The developments are associated with a ‘new normal’, which is in turn linked to the economic crisis affecting the Western countries and consequent economic restructuring.  

However, it is business as before in terms of the ‘old normal’. The ‘old normal’ thrives.  The old normal of resource plunder, violence, environmental devastation and human dislocation. Dependency and dispossession remain at the core of the global economic system.  

By way of example, the following is a screenshot of a search carried out using the three words ‘tribal’, ‘mining’, ‘India’. The search was restricted to news stories in the last year. And these are just a selection of the stories that have not been disappeared due to censorship (by the magic of algorithm) of certain writers or media platforms.   

Nevertheless, there were still pages and pages of news stories with similar headlines.



India was used for the search. But what is set out is not unique to India. Similar things are happening across the globe, from Congo to Bolivia and beyond.  

Although civil liberties are under attack in the West, these ‘rights’ tend to be cosmetic but barely even exist in many places across the world (that often call themselves ‘democratic’).  

We only see greed and outright plunder underpinned by unconstitutional land takeovers and the trampling of democratic rights. For supporters of cronyism and manipulated markets, which to all extent and purposes is what the neoliberal development agenda has fuelled, there have been untold opportunities for well-placed billionaires to make a fast buck from various infrastructure projects and privatisation sell-offs.  

Powerful corporations are shaping the development agenda and have signed secretive memorandums of understanding with governments. The full backing of the state is on hand to forcibly evict (tribal) people from their lands and hand it over to mineral-hungry industries or agribusiness to fuel a warped, unsustainable model of development and swell the pockets of elite interests.  

For instance, TIME magazine ran the piece India Is Pulling Back on Coal. For Many, the Damage Is Done in October 2023, highlighting the social and ecological devastation caused by the Adani Group. Much controversy surrounds Gautam Adani, who is now India’s second-richest billionaire.   

Around the world, an urban-centric, high-energy model of development is stripping communities and environments bare.  

In addition to displacing people to facilitate the needs of resource extraction industries that devastate tribal lands and pristine forests, land grabs for Special Economic Zones, nuclear plants and other projects have forced many others from the land.  

And then there are the farmers: a ‘problem’ while on the land and a ‘problem’ to be somehow dealt with once displaced. But food producers, the genuine wealth creators of a nation, only became a problem when Western agribusiness was given the green light to take power away from farmers and recast agriculture in its own image.  

In India, Hinduism and tribal society beliefs sanctify certain animals, places, rivers or mountains. But it’s also a country run by Wall Street-sanctioned politicians who convince people to accept or be oblivious to the destruction of the same.  

Many are working to challenge the devastating impacts of development. Yet how easy will it be for them to be swept aside by officialdom which seeks to cast them as ‘subversive’? How easy it is for the corrosive impacts of rapacious, hugely powerful corporations to colonise almost every area of social, cultural and economic life and encourage greed, selfishness, apathy, irretrievable materialism and acquisitive individualism.  

The corporations behind it achieve hegemony by altering mindsets via advertising, clever PR or by sponsoring (hijacking) major events, by funding research in public institutions and slanting findings and the knowledge paradigm in their favour or by coopting policymakers to ‘structurally readjust’ society for their benefit. They do it by many methods and means.  

Before you realise it, culture, politics and the economy have become colonised by powerful private interests. The prevailing economic system soon becomes cloaked with an aura of matter of factuality, an air of naturalness, which is never to be viewed for the controlling power play that it really is.  

Seeds, mountains, water, forests and biodiversity are sold off. Farmers and tribals are sold out. And the more that gets sold off, the more who get sold out, the greater the amount of cash that changes hands, and the easier it is for the misinformed to swallow the lie of ‘growth’.  

The type of ‘progress and development’ being sold makes many of the beneficiaries of it in the cities blind to the misery and plight of the hundreds of millions who are deprived of their lands and livelihoods. Those who are sacrificed on the altar of plunder in the countryside, in the forests or in the hills become regarded as the price worth paying for ‘progress’.  



If you look up a dictionary definition of violence, ‘intense force’ will be included somewhere. You may also find ‘injurious physical force or treatment’ and an ‘unwarranted exertion of force or power’ (all definitions are found to describe violence on If we take these terms as our starting point, we may justifiably claim development to be a form of violence.  

In many instances, development constitutes ‘injurious physical force or treatment’. In Congo, for example, rich corporations profit from war and conflict. And in India, tens of thousands of militias (including in 2005, Salwa Judum)  were put into tribal areas to forcibly displace 300,000 people and place 50,000 in camps. In the process, rapes and human rights abuses have been common.  

But there is another form of violence. It often goes unnoticed and is so institutionalised that it is seldom regarded as actually constituting violence. The fact that many do not regard it as violence is thanks mainly to what philosopher and social theorist Michael Foucault suggested is our taken for granted knowledge about the world in general and how we regard ourselves in it. This ‘common sense’ knowledge may seem benign and neutral but must be viewed within the context of power: it is part of the discourse of the powerful.  

Cultural norms and the prevailing social and economic system are an accepted form of ‘truth’, of reality and of how many people view the world and evaluate others. Endless glossy commercials and TV shows that wallow in the veneration of money, fame and narcissism are conveying the message that material wealth represents the epitome of success. This ideology is, in itself, a form of violence: an unwarranted exertion of power.  

This hegemonic ideology is, of course, based on a false assumption, on a lingering lie. And part of that lie is the joining of bogus notions of success and failure at the hip. Notions of failure are implicit in the messages surrounding money and wealth. If you are not on the Forbes rich list, or at least aspiring to be on it, you are somehow a failure. If you don’t buy this product or wear that item, you somehow don’t cut it.  

In true Foucauldian style, the ideology of modern ‘developed’ society is a power play concerned with redefining who we are or what we should be, what is acceptable and what is unacceptable.  

Passive consumerism underpinned by resource plunder has been at the heart of the system. The violence of development is on a sliding scale. At one end of is a hegemonic ideology, at the other, outright brutality.   

Underpinning the mindset of this development paradigm is what Vandana Shiva calls a view of the world that encourages humans to regard man as conqueror and owner of the Earth. This has led to the technological hubris of geo-engineering, genetic engineering and nuclear energy. Shiva argues that it has led to the ethical outrage of owning life forms through patents, water through privatisation, the air through carbon trading. It is leading to appropriation of the biodiversity that serves the poor.  

Writer Sukumaran CV says:  

“We look at the state-of-the-art airports, IITs, highways and bridges, the inevitable necessities for the corporate world to spread its tentacles everywhere and thrive, depriving the ordinary people of even the basic necessities of life and believe it is development.”

And we continue to see more rural population displacement and human dislocation, more mining, port and other big infrastructure developments and the further entrenchment of corporate interests and their projects.  

In The Greater Common Good, Arundhati Roy writes about the thousands of tribal people displaced by the Narmada Sarovar Dam in India:  

“Many of those who have been resettled are people who have lived all their lives deep in the forest… Suddenly they find themselves left with the option of starving to death or walking several kilometres to the nearest town, sitting in the marketplace offering themselves as wage labour, like goods on sale… Instead of a forest from which they gathered everything they needed – food, fuel, fodder, rope, gum, tobacco, tooth powder, medicinal herbs, housing materials – they earn between ten and twenty rupees a day… .”  

State-corporate brutality experienced by society’s most marginalised was also highlighted by Roy in The Ghosts of Capitalism, where she tells of the ‘invisible’ and shoved-aside victims of rampant plunder.  

Helena Paul notes a similar situation in Paraguay:  

“Repression and displacement, often violent, of remaining rural populations, illness, falling local food production have all featured in this picture. Indigenous communities have been displaced and reduced to living on the capital’s rubbish dumps. This is a crime that we can rightly call genocide – the extinguishment of entire Peoples, their culture, their way of life and their environment.”  


Happiness Is…  

Conventional development is based on Western hegemony and has imposed certain ideals on the rest of the world. But there is, in reality, no universal standard as to what development is or should be. Are Western notions of progress applicable everywhere based on top-down, technocratic interventions?  

Arturo Escobar does not think so:  

“Development is the process whereby other peoples are dominated and their destinies are shaped according to an essentially Western way of conceiving and perceiving the world.”  

The dominant notions that underpin economic ‘growth’, modern agriculture and development are based on a series of assumptions that betray a mindset steeped in arrogance and contempt: the planet should be cast in an urban-centric, Western-centric model whereby the rural is to be looked down on, nature must be dominated, farmers are a problem to be removed from the land and traditional ways are backward and in need of remedy.  

As Vandana Shiva says:  

“People are perceived as ‘poor’ if they eat food they have grown rather than commercially distributed junk foods sold by global agri-business. They are seen as poor if they live in self-built housing made from ecologically well-adapted materials like bamboo and mud rather than in cinder block or cement houses. They are seen as poor if they wear garments manufactured from handmade natural fibres rather than synthetics.”  

In a similar vein, Arturo Escobar notes:  

“Development was and continues to be—in theory and practice—a top-down, ethnocentric, and technocratic approach, which treated people and cultures as abstract concepts, statistical figures to be moved up and down in the charts of ‘progress’.”  

If history teaches us one thing, it is that humanity has ended up at its current point due to a multitude of struggles and conflicts, the outcomes of which were often in the balance. There is no unilinear path to development and no fixed standard as to what it constitutes. The work of Barrington Moore and Robert Brenner highlighted how the specific outcomes of class struggles could have profound long-term consequences for societal development and historical change.  

In other words, we have ended up where we are as much by chance as design. And much of that design was based on colonialism and imperialism. The development of Britain owes much to the  $45 trillion that was sucked from India alone, according to economist Utsa Patnaik.    

And now the modern-day East India corporations of agribusiness and the data giants are in the process of ‘developing’ India again by helping themselves to the country’s public wealth and natural assets.  

There are other pathways that humanity can take. Anthropologist Felix Padel and researcher Malvika Gupta offer some insights into what the solutions or alternatives to development might look like:  

“Democracy as consensus politics rather than the Western model of liberal democracy that perpetuates division and corruption behind the scenes; exchange labour rather than the ruthless, anti-life logic of ‘the market’; law as reconciliation rather than judgements that depend on exorbitant legal fees and divide people into winners and losers… and learning as something to be shared, not competed over.”  

But what of the outcome of the current development model? What of the so-called ‘developed’ societies?  

According to various happiness or well-being surveys over the years, the wealthy Western nations have often ranked lower than some poorer countries. It seems that happiness is often higher in countries that prioritize family and friends, social capital rather than financial capital, social equity rather than corporate power and investment in education, health, self-sustaining communities, local economies and the environment.  

Countries reported to be happier also tend to avoid undermining the ability of future generations to prosper. The pursuit of material wealth to the exclusion of all else negatively impacts health and the quality of personal relationships, which are among the most potent predictors of happiness.  

Shouldn’t genuine development be about well-being and happiness in which co-operative labour, fellowship and affirming our long-standing spiritual connection to the land underpins society?  A world that promotes the value of rural society, small farms, widespread property ownership and political decentralisation.    

When we hear talk of a ‘spiritual connection’, what is meant by ‘spiritual’? In a broad sense it can be regarded as a concept that refers to thoughts, beliefs and feelings about the meaning of life, rather than just physical existence. A sense of connection to something greater than ourselves. The spiritual, the diverse and the local are juxtaposed with the selfishness of modern urban society, the increasing homogeneity of thought and practice and an instrumental rationality which becomes an end in itself.    

Having a direct link with nature/the land is fundamental to developing an appreciation of a type of ‘being’ and an ‘understanding’ that results in a reality worth living in.   

As noted in the previous chapter, humanity’s relationship with farming and food and our connections to land, nature and community has for millennia defined what it means to be human.    

Take India, for example. Environmental scientist Viva Kermani says that Hinduism is the world’s largest nature-based religion that:    

“… recognises and seeks the Divine in nature and acknowledges everything as sacred. It views the earth as our Mother and hence advocates that it should not be exploited. A loss of this understanding that earth is our mother, or rather a deliberate ignorance of this, has resulted in the abuse and the exploitation of the earth and its resources.”    

Kermani notes that ancient scriptures instructed people that the animals and plants found in India are sacred and, therefore, all aspects of nature are to be revered. This understanding of and reverence towards the environment is common to all Indic religious and spiritual systems: Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.    

The Vedic deities have deep symbolism and many layers of existence. One such association is with ecology. Surya is associated with the sun, the source of heat and light that nourishes everyone; Indra is associated with rain, crops, and abundance; and Agni is the deity of fire and transformation and controls all changes.    

The Vrikshayurveda, an ancient Sanskrit text on the science of plants and trees, contains details about soil conservation, planting, sowing, treatment, propagating, how to deal with pests and diseases and a lot more.    

Humanity has a profound cultural, philosophical and practical connection to nature and food production.    

And then there is agrarianism, a philosophy based on cooperative labour and fellowship, which stands in stark contrast to the values and impacts of urban life, capitalism and technology that are seen as detrimental to independence and dignity. Agrarianism, too, emphasises a spiritual dimension as well as the value of rural society, small farms, widespread property ownership and political decentralisation.    

The prominent proponent of agrarianism Wendell Berry says:    

“The revolution which began with machines and chemicals now continues with automation, computers and biotechnology.”    

For Berry, agrarianism is not a sentimental longing for a time past. Colonial attitudes, domestic, foreign and now global, have resisted true agrarianism almost from the beginning — there has never been fully sustainable, stable, locally adapted, land-based economies.    

However, Berry provides many examples of small (and larger) farms that have similar output as industrial agriculture with one third of the energy.    

But in the cold, centralised, technocratic dystopia that is planned, humanity’s spiritual connection to the countryside, food and agrarian production are to be cast into the dustbin of history. What we are seeing is an agenda based on a different set of values rooted in a lust for power and money and the total subjugation of ordinary people.    

We are told that the corrosive, divisive values of (post)industrial, (post)capitalist society are normal and that the hundreds of millions who suffer along the way are necessary collateral damage on the road to the promised land. Corporate lobbyists say it is ‘progress’.  

They say there is no alternative.  

Well, they would. As corporations profit, the majority suffer. It is the predictable outcome of what food sovereignty movement La Via Campesina has long warned of. It says that free-market globalisation based on disinvestment, privatisation and the dismantling of national regulatory networks has:  

“… lead to heightened concentration of power among political and corporate elites, in particular through transnational corporations, with devastating consequences for the world’s rural communities and urban workers. Today, almost every country in the world is witnessing growing anger among its rural and urban working class, who have been systematically marginalized and invisibilized by an economic system that expanded with the blessings of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Trade Organization.”  


Gandhi’s Applied Human Ecology  

Mention Gandhi in certain circles and the response might be one of cynicism: his ideas are outdated and irrelevant in today’s world. Such a response could not be further from the truth. Gandhi could see the future impact of large-scale industrialisation in terms of the devastation of the environment, the destruction of ecology and the unsustainable plunder of natural resources.  

Ideas pertaining to environmentalism, agroecology, sustainable living, fair trade, local self-sufficiency, food sovereignty and so on were all present in Gandhi’s writings. He was committed to inflicting minimal damage on the environment and was concerned that humans should use only those resources they require and not amass wealth beyond their requirements. People had the right to attain certain comforts, but a perceived right to unbridled luxuries would result in damaging the environment and impinge on the species that we share the planet with.  

For Gandhi, indigenous capability and local self-reliance (swadeshi) were key to producing a model of sustainable development.  

Gandhi felt that the village economy should be central to development and India should not follow the West by aping an urban-industrial system. He noted that it took Britain half the resources of the planet to achieve its prosperity and asked how many planets would a country like India require?  

Although there was a role for industrialisation that was not resource- or energy-intensive and which involved, for example, shipbuilding, iron works and machine making, for Gandhi, this would exist alongside village handicrafts.  

This type of industrialisation would not make villages and village crafts subservient to cities: nothing would be produced by the cities that could be equally well produced by the villages, and the function of cities would be to serve as clearing houses for village products. He argued that with new technology even energy could be produced in villages by using sunlight and local materials. And, of course, people would live within the limits imposed by the environment and work in harmony with the natural ecology rather than by forcing it to bend to the will of profiteering industries.  

Gandhi offered a vision for a world without meaningless consumption that depleted its finite resources and destroyed habitats and the environment. Given the problems facing humanity, his ideas could serve as an inspiration to us all, whether we live in India or elsewhere.  

In the book Mahatma Gandhi: An Apostle of Applied Human Ecology, T N Khoshoo says:   

“… Gandhiji called the so-called modern society a nine-day wonder. Poverty has been aggravated due to cumulative environmental degradation on account of resource depletion, increasing disparities, rural migration to urban areas resulting in deforestation, soil erosion, loss of soil fertility, desertification, biological impoverishment, pollution of air, water and land on account of lack of sanitation, chemical fertilizers, pesticides and their biomagnification, and a whole range of other problems.”  

T N Khoshoo argued that Gandhi’s advocacy of an ‘non-interventionist lifestyle’ provides the answer to the present-day problems. The phrase ‘health of the environment’ is not just a literary coinage. It makes real biological sense because, as Gandhi argued, our planet is like a living organism. Without the innumerable and varied forms of life that the earth inhabits, without respecting the species we share this place with, our world will become lifeless.  

The challenge is, however, how can humanity be persuaded to embark on a road whose values are opposed to those of modern society.  


Focused Protest  

Gandhi knew how to connect everyday concerns with wider issues. In 1930, he led a ‘salt march’ to the coast of Gujarat to symbolically collect salt on the shore. His message of resistance against the British Empire revolved around a simple everyday foodstuff.  

His focus on salt was questioned by sections of the press and prominent figures on his side (even the British weren’t much concerned about a march about salt), who felt that protest against British rule in India should for instance focus more directly on the heady issues of rights and democracy.  

However, Gandhi knew that by concentrating on an item of daily use among ordinary Indians, such a campaign could resonate more with all classes of citizens than an abstract demand for greater political rights.  

Even though salt was freely available to those living on the coast (by evaporation of sea water), Indians were forced to purchase it from the colonial government. The tax on salt represented 8.2% of the British Raj tax revenue. The issue of salt encapsulated the essence of colonial oppression at the time.  

Explaining his choice, Gandhi said that next to air and water, salt is perhaps the greatest necessity of life.  

The prominent Congress statesman and future Governor-General of India, C. Rajagopalachari, understood what Gandhi was trying to achieve. He said:  

“Suppose a people rise in revolt. They cannot attack the abstract constitution or lead an army against proclamations and statutes…Civil disobedience has to be directed against the salt tax or the land tax or some other particular point – not that that is our final end, but for the time being it is our aim, and we must shoot straight.”  

With the British imposing heavy taxes on salt and monopolising its production, Gandhi felt he could strike a chord with the masses by highlighting an issue that directly affected everyone in the country: access to and control over a daily essential. His march drew not only national but international attention to India’s struggle for independence.  

Protest and action against widespread oppression, violence and exploitation must be focused. As in Gandhi’s time, it is again food that is playing a central role in raising awareness and provoking resistance.  

Today, we find the issue of food in general playing a similar role in people’s struggle for independence, but this time it is independence from the corporate tyranny of global agribusiness, which has the power to have (seed) laws, (trade) rules and (World Bank/IMF) directives written on its behalf.  

Vandana Shiva draws a parallel between the seed sovereignty movement and Gandhi’s civil disobedience ‘salt march’:  

“Gandhi has started the independence movement with the salt satyagraha. Satyagraha means ‘struggle for truth’. The salt satyagraha was a direct action of non-cooperation. When the British tried to create salt monopolies, he went to the beach in Dindi, picked up the salt and said, ‘Nature has given us this for free, it was meant to sustain us, we will not allow it to become a monopoly to finance the Imperial Army …’ For us, not cooperating in the monopoly regimes of intellectual property rights and patents and biodiversity – saying ‘no’ to patents on life and developing intellectual ideas of resistance – is very much a continuation of Gandhian satyagraha.”  

There is a growing recognition that modern food system is sickening peopleand devasting peoples and environments.  

Protest and action against widespread oppression, violence and exploitation must be focused. Food can play a key role in reorienting our values, raising awareness and inspiring resistance. By highlighting systemic inequalities and connecting issues, today’s multifaceted food justice movement is galvanising people to act against broader forms of oppression and poverty.  

Food justice based on food sovereignty is part of a larger struggle against a social, economic and environmental injustice that hides behind the notion of development.

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Update as of August 16, 2023, 2:03 AM ET: Added an entire sub-section in Chapter IV. 

Update as of September 16, 2024, 12:33 PM ET: Added Chapter X.

War and Evil. The Genocide in Gaza. Mark Taliano

September 16th, 2024 by Mark Taliano

What happens when Empire wages war directly or through proxies? Multitudes of children suddenly have no parents. What happens to those who survive the siege, the bombs, the bullets?

Some are taken hostage and used as props in false flag attacks. Vanessa Beeley reports that, according to Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem,

“the US Coalition-sponsored White Helmets had kidnapped 44 children in order to use them as ‘props’ in the staging of a chemical weapon attack in Idlib. The White Helmets have a history of providing the scenarios required to precipitate FUKUS aggression against Syria.”(1)

Some abductees are used for organ harvesting. Asia News reports,

“after archaeological items and oil, Syria’s extremists are getting rich with organ trafficking. Several cases of missing children in the villages of Idlib province have been reported. The children are moved across the border into Turkey. “(2)

The Director-General of the Syria Coroner’s Office Hossein Noufel  confirmed in 2016, that

“the body organs of thousands of Syrian civilians have been sold in the international black markets over the past six years.” (3)

Many are sexually abused. Dr. Ewelina U. Ochab reports in “Sexual Violence As A Weapon Of War: The Story Of Daesh And Boko Haram”  that,

“the use of rape and sexual violence is not a military strategy of the past – conversely, rape and sexual violence are widely used today in a number of conflicts, including by Daesh and Boko Haram, terrorist groups that are key parties to conflicts in Syria, Iraq, and Nigeria and West Africa. Daesh and Boko Haram fighters have committed sex and gender-based violence, including sexual slavery, rape, forced marriage, and forced pregnancies.“ (4)

Some are used as human shields. A report by Defense for Children International Palestine notes,

“During an Israeli military incursion into the Al-Tuffah area of Gaza City on December 27, 2023, Israeli forces detained at least eight Palestinian children and used several as human shields … ”(5)

Many are tortured. A report appropriately titled “Welcome to Hell” documents Zionist torture of civilians in a prison system that basically comprises torture camps. The report concludes that

“at the time of writing, more than 9,000 people – Palestinians classified as ‘security prisoners’ – are being held by Israel in a network of torture camps, subjected to the conditions and abuse described in this report. This reality is unacceptable and fills us, Israelis and Palestinians who believe in justice, freedom and human rights, with shame, anxiety and rage.”(6)

So when Gazan journalist Bisan Owda expresses concern over the possible fate of an 8-year-old Palestinian child named Doha, last seen with IDF soldiers, her fears are well-founded. Will she be adopted?  Will she later serve in the IDF against Palestinians? Will her body be used for organ harvesting? Will she live? Nobody knows.

All victims of Western perpetrated war and genocide deserve justice.


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Research Assistance by Basma Qaddour

Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017. He writes on his website where this article was originally published.


(1) Vanessa Beeley, “White Helmets stealing children for ‘chemical attack’ theater in Idlib” RT, 17 September, 2018. (White Helmets stealing children for ‘chemical attack’ theater in Idlib — RT) Accessed 13 September, 2024.

(2) “Idlib, children kidnapped for organ trafficking is the new jihadi business.” Asia News. (SYRIA Idlib, children kidnapped for organ trafficking is the new jihadi business ( Accessed 13 September, 2024.

(3) “Body Organs of Over 15,000 Syrians Sold in Six Years: Coroner’s Office.” FARS News Agency, 17 November, 2016. (Body Organs of Over 15,000 Syrians Sold in Six Years: Coroner’s Office – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization) Accessed 13 September, 2024.

(4) Dr. Ewelina U. Ochab, “Sexual Violence As A Weapon Of War: The Story Of Daesh And Boko Haram.” Forbes, 2 March, 2017. (Sexual Violence As A Weapon Of War: The Story Of Daesh And Boko Haram ( Accessed 13 September, 2024.

(5) ” ‘They were trying to exterminate us’ : Palestinian children in Gaza tortured by Israeli military. ”  21 August, 2024. (“They were trying to exterminate us”: Palestinian children in Gaza tortured by Israeli military | Defense for Children Palestine ( Accessed 13 September, 2024.

(6) “WELCOME TO HELL. The Israeli Prison System as a Network of Torture Camps.’ B’TSELEM. August, 2024. (B’Tselem report: “Welcome to Hell: The Israeli Prison System as Network of Torture Camps”, August 2024 ( Accessed 13 September, 2024.

Featured image is from Mark Taliano

Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria” directly from Global Research.

**Voices from Syria**

Author: Mark Taliano

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-9-1

Year: 2017

Product Type: PDF File

List Price: $6.50

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Chemtrails and “Forever Chemicals”. Peter Koenig

September 16th, 2024 by Peter Koenig

“Forever Chemicals” are toxic and circulating to various degrees in our bloodstreams – and in food, soil, water, rain, and air. Most of us have no idea. The revelation was made only relatively recently, while the PFAS – as they are called – have been accumulating in our soil for at least the last three decades. 

PFAS stands for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, an umbrella term for a family of thousands of chemicals – about 12,000 at last count – that are known for their indestructible and non-stick properties. 

These human-made chemicals are everywhere, not just in your blood and food, but also in waterproof clothing, furniture, cookware, electronics, food packaging, firefighting foams and more. They are also employed in a wide array of industrial processes.

Their grease and water repellent characteristics render them highly mobile. Once they leave their “host” products, like a waterproof piece of clothing, or food packaging, they can slide their ways into or out of almost everything, including out of landfills and infiltrate soil and water, and from there the food chain.

PFAS are well designed and robust (see image right). They will not break down in the environment for tens of thousands of years, giving them the nickname “forever chemicals”.

The indestructability and persistence of PFAS means that its burden is growing fast, to the point that a group of scientists have concluded that the global spread of just four PFAS in the atmosphere has led to the “planetary boundary for chemical pollution being exceeded, raising risks to the stability of the Earth system”.

See this over one-year old article from the Guardian


Screenshot from The Guardian


Switzerland also recently raised this issue, but mostly as an agricultural problem, originating from wastewater sludge that finds its way into farmers natural cow-dung fertilizers.

This may be part of the story. But already more important is what is outlined in the Guardian article – that PFAS chemicals are man-made and present in an array of daily-used products, as well as in the air, soil and water; thus could be avoided, especially since the danger of their presence in the environment and more so in the human body, are known by now.

However, not mentioned in the Guardian article, nor, of course, in the Swiss study – are the chemtrails which are known for the thousands of chemicals and patented chemical combinations, purportedly used for geoengineering the weather or climate, so that the farce of worldwide Climate Change can be made and maintained credible.

Chemtrail chemicals are loaded with dangerous substances, including heavy metals, including aluminum, cadmium, zinc, lead, arsenic, mercury and many more. In one way or another they descend to earth, entering, soil, water, plants, animals – and evidently the food chain. 

These chemicals are very similar, if not identical, to PFAS chemicals, accumulating in the human body, severely weakening it, and potentially causing many different diseases, including cancer.

PFAS have accumulated rapidly in the past decades, in parallel with weather manipulation and geoengineering.

The suspicion of the ever more frequent appearance of chemtrails in the skies as source for the rapid increase of PFAS – seems logical. It is deliberate, not only for weather manipulation, and climate engineering to lend credibility to the “climate change” farce, as well as the subtle but steadily increasing effort to destroy the human brain and body with “forever chemicals”.

Both objectives are fully in line with UN Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset – creating climate extremes and depopulating Mother Earth.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020). 

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image is from EWG

Portrait of Jordanian Resistance: Maher al-Jazi

September 16th, 2024 by Rima Najjar

They say that before embarking on the fidai operation (“fidai” is someone who engages in guerrilla warfare and other forms of resistance) at the highly militarized Allenby (King Hussein) crossing between Jordan and the West Bank during which Maher al-Jazi succeeded in shooting and killing three Israeli security personnel, he had not disclosed his plan to anyone. But people here in Jordan and everywhere else in the Middle East are so thirsty to visualize his preparatory moves that some have circulated on social media a fake hand-written letter in his name imagining what he might have said.

The note being circulated is in the tradition of other authentic notes penned by Palestinian martyrs over the years (the term “martyr” describes anyone who dies in any manner as a result of the Israeli occupation). The fake note reads:

“To my dear mother and father, forgive me and bless my action for I am, God willing, a martyr. Do not mention me [in death] but mention what I stand for; mention my protest [against injustice and oppression] to motivate and inspire the children of the Arab nation and the children of Jordan [al-Nashama] to adopt my resistance.”

This message may not be authentic, but it certainly expresses true Arab values. Being good to one’s parents and gaining their approval is one of the most important duties or obligations in Islam. The term “Nashama” is a cherished nickname of Jordanians embodying the spirit of bravery, nobility and valor in Arab tradition.

Were such thoughts on Maher al-Jazi’s mind as he prepared to leave his home and children on Sept 8, 2024, resolved to give the ultimate sacrifice for a noble cause? He had, reportedly, mentioned to his wife that all his debts were paid and hugged his children in a markedly fervent manner that day, instructing his 14-year-old son Qader to be the “man of the house” in his absence.

Did Maher al-Jazi’s heroic act receive the blessing of his parents? His parents, whom I travelled to Maan to meet on September 10, were proudly receiving condolences from Jordanians and non-Jordanians alike, many of whom, like me, had come a long way to pay their respects, to “bless the womb that carried him.”


Poster says, “The entirety of al-Na’imat tribe offer their condolences to al-Huwaitat. May God receive your martyr Maher al-Jazi and grant him a high place in paradise.” (Image: Rima Najjar)


They received us graciously, letting the large poster on the side of the road as you enter al-Husseinieh town on the outskirts of Ma’an to speak for them. The poster shows Thiab Hussein al-Awdat al-Jazi (Abu Sami), Maher’s father, with the image of his martyred son behind him and the legend: “My son’s blood is not any more precious than the blood of Palestinians.”

While I was there in the women’s section of the wake, Juliet Awwad, recognized as one of the most famous Jordanian drama actresses, arrived, causing a stir and eloquently expressing her solidarity. She posed with the young daughters of the martyr who were drawn to her warm demeanor and comforting embrace.


Juliet Awwad, recognized as one of the most famous Jordanian drama actresses, with Maher al-Jazi’s children (Image: Rima Najjar)


Has Maher al-Jazi inspired and motivated others to take up his stand? Palestinian writer and member of the executive body of the Alternative Path Movement Khaled Barakat had this to say:

“The operation of al-Karameh that Martyr Maher al-Jazi carried out is an embodiment of the Jordanian and Arab popular will and an expression of the Arab youth’s yearning to participate in the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood and support the Palestinian resistance. This operation is not only against the occupation; it is also a blow to normalization projects, at the heart of which were the Wadi Araba Treaty, Oslo Accords, Camp David and other such capitulation agreements. al-Jazi’s heroic operation gives the resistance in Palestine and the region great revolutionary and moral energy.”

One such young revolutionary in the making is Maher al-Jazi’s son, ninth-grader Qader who shyly pointed to the inverted red triangle badge on his shirt, a symbol of resistance against Israeli occupation. It is now widely used by young people inspired by action video clips that the Palestinian resistance publishes showing bobbing inverted red triangles to mark their targets.

Qader understands that he is the son of a man who, in the words of Juliet Awwad, “succeeded in telling Arab rulers and armies that one individual, one human being, can make a big difference to all of us.” He understands that the Israelis had made so-called “peace” treaties with three Arab countries that turned out to be perfidious. He has watched on the media the horror inflicted by Israel on Gaza’s children; he understands and is proud of the fact that his father has been embraced by the resistance as a martyr of the nation. Qader, who is now “the man of the house”, receives, along with his extended family and Bedouin tribe (the Huwaitat), the salutations and affirmations of the resistance blocs. Following are a few examples of such affirmations collected from Arabic media:

Hashem Safi al-Din, chairman of Hezbollah’s Executive Council: “The operation of the Jordanian hero martyr Maher al-Jazi is evidence that the resistance, as it exists in Palestine, its spirit exists in Jordan and in our Arab world, that it is inherent in the people of our nation … salutations to his family and clan who are receiving well-wishers.”

Abu Obaida, spokesperson for the Ezzedeen al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas: “The pistol the Jordanian hero Maher al-Jazi used was more effective than massive armies and a stacked military arsenal.”

Islamic Jihad: “We bet on the likes of the martyr Maher al-Jazi to deliver the message of the Arab and Muslim peoples to the American administration and the entity [meaning Israel].”

The Yemeni Armed Forces: “We praise the fidai operation of the martyr Mujahid Maher al-Jazi who decided, in the appropriate manner, to render victorious the blood of the martyrs shed in Gaza.”

Image: Maher al-Jazi’s son, ninth-grader Qader, wearing the inverted red triangle badge on his shirt, a symbol of resistance (Image: Rima Najjar)

Qader knows his father did not shoot “civilians;” he shot armed civilian security personnel who are an integral part of the overall security framework that includes the border police and Israeli army. They oversee stringent and humiliating procedures meted out to Palestinian/Jordanian travelers lucky enough to obtain entry permits to their own homes.

There is no doubt that Qader, like every school child in Jordan, has now learned lessons in history that the normalization with Israel in the past decades had actively obscured from schoolbooks.

The crossing over the river Jordan where Maher al-Jazi’s operation took place is officially called the Allenby Bridge (and on the Jordanian side, the King Hussein Bridge). It was built in 1918 by the British over the remnants of an Ottoman bridge and named after a British general, Edmund Allenby, who, along with Arab forces fighting with T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) and Prince Faisal, captured Jerusalem from the Ottoman Empire. Ironically, considering what Israel is doing in Jerusalem today, upon capturing Jerusalem, Allenby emphasized the protection of the city’s religious sites and the importance of maintaining peace and order there. In exchange for Arab support against the Ottomans, the British promised Arabs national independence. However, these promises did not materialize in Palestine, and the whole world is witnessing today, in heightened anger and frustration, the enormity and devastating effects of that original colonial deception and betrayal.

I am recalling the history of the bridge to highlight another fact of history, the indomitable spirit of Palestinian resistance. The Allenby Bridge is informally known as the Al-Karameh Bridge (جسر الكرامة) due to its proximity to “Al-Karameh” town in Jordan, the site of the Battle of Karameh of 1968. This battle was a major confrontation between Israeli forces and Palestinian fighters, along with the Jordanian army, and it became a symbol of Palestinian resistance (aptly, the word “Karameh” means “dignity” in Arabic).

The battle of al-Karameh is the first time Palestinian and Jordanian fighters successfully engaged the Israeli army in a confrontation. Despite the heavy losses, the battle is seen as a symbolic victory, because it demonstrates the resilience and determination of the fighters who stood up to the Israeli military that had just achieved a quick and decisive victory in the so-called Six-Day War. Following the battle, there was a significant increase in the number of young Palestinians joining the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and its guerrilla wings. This battle marked a turning point in the Palestinian national movement, leading to greater organization and military capability. It mirrors in a minor way the Palestinian resistance in Gaza and the West Bank today.

What the operation on al-Karameh Bridge by a truck driver of the al-Jazi clan of the Bedouin Huwaitat tribe illustrates is the strong culture of resistance that continues to exist among the Jordanian population, despite the crown’s normalization diplomacy with Israel.

The Palestinian cause is deeply ingrained in Habes Ali Hussein al-Jazi (Abu Tawfiq), cousin of Maher al-Jazi and spokesman for the clan, and in Maher’s younger brother Shadi Thiab Hussein al-Jazi, with whom I conversed on my visit. Abu Tawfiq told me he had named his twin daughters “Palestinian فلسطينيه” and “Jordanian أردنيه,” viewing their twin identities and bond through the lens of solidarity with Palestinians. The Israeli violence against Palestinians resonates deeply with him, and with his uncle, Maher’s father, on a personal level.

Image: Habes Ali Hussein al-Jazi (Abu Tawfiq), cousin of Maher al-Jazi and spokesman for the al-Jazi clan (Image: Rima Najjar)

The Huwaitat tribe is one of the prominent Bedouin tribes in Jordan with a rich history and considerable influence in Jordanian society. The tribe inhabits areas of present-day southern Jordan, the Sinai Peninsula, the Naqab, and northwestern Saudi Arabia. They have several branches, including the Ibn Jazi, the Abu Tayi, the Anjaddat, and the Sulaymanniyin.

The Huwaitatis have a strong presence in the Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF), just as they did in the Arab Legion, the most effective Arab force during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war that evolved into the JAF. The tribe’s leaders are respected figures and play a crucial role in local and national politics. The Huwaitat tribe has also been involved in recent disputes in Saudi Arabia, where members of the tribe have resisted forced displacement due to the NEOM mega-city project. Many members of the tribe have faced arrests and lengthy prison sentences for resisting eviction there.

It’s interesting to note here that a leader of the Abu Tayi clan (a branch of the Huwaitat tribe as mentioned above), was a key ally of T.E. Lawrence and Prince Faisal. The Ibn Jazi branch, on the other hand, remained loyal to the Ottoman Empire. Perhaps even then, the al-Jazis knew something about devious British ways that others didn’t.

September 10, the day I visited the al-Jazi clan, was parliamentary election day for the House of Representatives (Majlis al-Nuwwab) in the National Assembly (Senate members are appointed by the king). The poll took place at the military school Maher al-Jazi attended as a child before being drafted into the army. The turnout there was high (59% in Maan as opposed to the national average of 32.25%) with children and youth milling about outside the compound of the school excitedly in a festive mood.

This was an important election for the Huwaitat tribe and their allies in the south of Jordan who backed the Islamist party (aka the Islamic Brotherhood), as it was the most active on the street in support of the Palestinians and organized anti-Israel marches, most of which called for the cancellation of the 1994 peace agreement with Israel.

The al-Jazi clan is looking for strong representation in the government to have, among other things, a significant influence on foreign policy and to to give teeth to their demand that Israel release Maher al-Jazi’s body. They are also seeking information about Hussein al-Nuaimat and Musleh al-Huwaitat, the two Jordanian truck drivers who continue to be detained by the Israeli occupation in connection with the operation.


Poster calls for the release of Hussein Nuaimat and Musleh Huwaitat: “Release our sons.”


At present, despite the gains the Islamic Brotherhood has made in this election, the party may not have a significant impact on foreign policy files and Jordanian orientations in general, because that requires, according to analysts, a stronger government.

In Jordan, the executive authority is vested in the king, and political parties often have limited influence. Elections are held for the House of Representatives every four years, but the king can dissolve the parliament and call for early elections.

In the name of streamlining the Jordanian government and making it more efficient and less partisan, the 2021 constitutional amendments centralized the decision-making power in the hands of the king, allowing him to appoint the head of the army, judiciary, intelligence service, and gendarmerie without the need for recommendations from the prime minister or relevant ministers. This centralization undermines the principles of a parliamentary monarchy and reduces the accountability of the government to the people.

Given King Abdullah II’s heightened sense of solidarity with Palestinians and awareness of increased pressure on the Jordanian government to take a more assertive stance in support of Palestinian rights, this election marks a significant shift in political engagement and opposition discourse in Jordan. Consolidation of authority in the king can either stabilize governance or fuel demands for democratic reforms. It looks like the situation in Jordan is heading towards the latter proposition.

While the culture of resistance in Jordan is distinct from that in Palestine, it shares common themes of seeking justice, political reform, and solidarity with oppressed groups. Resistance is a natural response to oppression and injustice.

The Jordanian government cannot continue to criminalize resistance, as it has been doing, contrary to the law and the constitution of the Armed Forces, which affirms the right of the Jordanian people to resist the occupation. Nor can it continue to go against the moral, humanitarian, Arab and Islamic duty towards the ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip and the brutal aggression of the occupation on the West Bank. But more importantly, there is Jordan’s national interest to consider. The government is aware of Benjamin Netanyahu’s announced plans to annex parts of the fertile strip called the Jordan Valley and his government’s desire to transfer Palestinians from the West Bank to Jordan.

Measures taken by the Jordanian government to achieve and maintain political stabilization in accordance with US and Israeli visions of hegemony in the region (i.e., in accordance with the Jordanian Prevention of Terrorism Law), have had the opposite effect and increased the will to resist among the Jordanian population. Such measures include the administrative detention in 2023 of three Jordanian citizens, Khaled al-Majdalawi, Ibrahim Jabr and Huzaifa Jabr.

These three men are charged with attempting to supply weapons to the Palestinian resistance in the occupied West Bank. According to Shehab News, since 2007, the Jordanian State Security Court has incriminated about 37 people in 13 cases for carrying out an act of resistance against the Israeli occupation or supporting the resistance, including four people still serving their sentences and three who were recently referred to the State Security Court, ranging from one year of temporary hard labor to life hard labor.

In speaking about Martyr Maher al-Jazi, Jordanian actress and director Juliet Awwad, a Christian, used the metaphor of a broken rosary, likening the heroic and patriotic operation of Maher al-Jazi to the first bead that will spill out of a broken rosary to be quickly followed by all the others. A broken rosary often represents pain, sorrow and suffering and prompts reflection on faith and one’s spiritual journey in life. Whatever kind of rosary King Abdullah II is holding must surely break soon.

Following, I am sharing more of the pictures I took during my visit to Maher al-Jazi’s hometown on September 10, 2024:


Maher al-Jazi’s children behind his home (Image: Rima Najjar)

The front of Maher al-Jazi’s home and his children (Image: Rima Najjar)

Shadi Thiab Hussein al-Jazi, Maher’s younger brother. Right: Qader, 14-year-old son of Maher al-Jazi (Image: Rima Najjar)



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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site.

Rima Najjar is a Palestinian whose father’s side of the family comes from the forcibly depopulated village of Lifta on the western outskirts of Jerusalem and whose mother’s side of the family is from Ijzim, south of Haifa. She is an activist, researcher, and retired professor of English literature, Al-Quds University, occupied West Bank.

She is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Poster shows Thiab Hussein al-Awdat al-Jazi (Abu Sami) with the image of his martyred son Maher behind him and the legend: “My son’s blood is not any more precious than the blood of Palestinians.” (Image: Rima Najjar)

Some commentators who bothered to watch the Trump-Harris debate observed that both candidates adroitly maneuvered around saying anything that might be truly important. The issue of war and peace, meaning in this case nuclear war, appeared to be of no concern even though the Biden-Harris continuum and its British and French allies are reportedly considering allowing Ukraine to deploy NATO provided and possibly operated advanced missile systems that will enable devastating strikes deep into Russia. President Vladimir Putin has promised that he will respond appropriately to what he considers to be an actual war against NATO, a pledge that notably did not exclude the use of nuclear weapons.

Harris appeared duty bound to endorse her boss Joe Biden’s policy concerning Ukraine, but Antony Blinken, who might continue as Secretary of State if she is elected, has made clear in a separate speech that US support for Ukraine is nearly as ironclad as US support for America’s “greatest ally and best friend” Israel, that Washington will be in Kiev’s corner until the end, doing whatever it takes for victory.

Trump, ever the blowhard, instead promised to bring an end to the war in one day through his own personal intervention to convince the two sides to stop fighting. Unfortunately, he did not indicate exactly what he would do to bring that about beyond his own charisma and the force majeur inherent in the office of US president. In addition, though some have speculated that the trump commitment will serve as an inducement to bring about peace talks, there is nothing to suggest that his debate comment will bring the two sides together sooner rather than later as there appears to be no plan for achieving that and no incentives on offer.

Whoever is doing the war-planning for either Harris or Trump surely understands that the reality on the ground is what will drive whatever process develops and there Russia has achieved many of its objectives and will, according to most genuine experts, win the war before the end of the year. No amount of NATO weapons in the hands of untrained troops who are greatly outnumbered will reverse that conclusion. In other words, Trump is bloviating with no real idea of how he would end the war while Harris is willing to have it continue forever without even an explanation of why the United States should be involved at all.

And the debate’s assessment of Israel-Gaza was even worse because most of the world viewing the slaughter of the Palestinians has decided that if there were two nations in the “most evil” category at the present time they would surely be Israel and the US. Kamala had only this to say:

“What we know is that this war must end it and immediately, and the way it will end is we need a ceasefire deal, and we need the hostages out, and so we will continue to work around the clock on that, also understanding that we must chart a course for a two state solution, and in that solution, there must be security for the Israeli people and Israel, and an equal measure for the Palestinians. But the one thing I will assure you always, I will always give Israel the ability to defend itself, in particular, as it relates to as it relates to Iran, and any threat that Iran and its proxies pose to Israel.”

Presumably Kamala’s Harvard educated State Department wimp advisers have told her that the “two state solution” is a fiction, particularly as Washington continues to feed weapons and money to the monstrous war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu to exterminate that Palestinians. Trump for his part, chose instead to personalize the discussion by accusing Kamala of “hating Israel.” He elaborated with this bit of total inanity that would have embarrassed anyone but Donald Trump:

“(Harris) she hates Israel. She wouldn’t even meet with Netanyahu when he went to Congress to make a very important speech. She refused to be there because she was at a sorority party of hers. She went to go to the sorority party. She hates Israel. If she’s president, I believe that Israel will not exist within two years from now, and I’ve been pretty good at predictions, and I hope I’m wrong about that one. She hates Israel at the same time, in her own way, she hates the Arab population because the whole place is going to get blown up, Arabs, Jewish people, Israel will be gone. It would have never happened. Iran was broke under Donald Trump.”

As a consequence from what has become the current US foreign and national security policy, one observes that the big stories that the United States mainstream media have been disinclined to cover are the deteriorating relationships with many formerly friendly countries. This has occurred due to both the Israel and Ukraine issues, in which the US is seen as the key element in the continuation of the conflicts and all the killing. One such actual friend and ally is key NATO member Turkey. Turkey has been a member of the NATO alliance since 1952, when it was perceived as a key player in response to presumed expansionistic intentions on the part of the Soviet Union, which itself was recovering from the Second World War and seeking to establish a foreign security model in which it would dominate Eastern Europe as well as potential adversaries adjacent to its holdings in Central Asia.

Turkey bordered the Soviet Union itself and also had a regional presence, sharing borders as it did with Syria, Iraq, Azerbaijan and Iran. It was an attractive addition to NATO as it was Muslim and most of its land mass lay in Asia, breaking from the existing perception of the alliance as a Christian and European/American project. As a politically powerful Islamic majority country it also was looked up to relatively sympathetically by the other Muslim states in the region, many of which regarded its fusion of strong and effective central government and the Islamic religion as a role model to follow.

Turkey, for its part, saw an alliance with Europe and the US as a benefit, precisely because it too considered Russia a historic threat. And Turkey in NATO did indeed help check further advances by the Soviets with Ankara contributing to the alliance the largest army second only to the United States, an army equipped with NATO weaponry that made the Turkish government the dominant power regionally.

The mutual interests of Turkey and the US and NATO that combined to address the Soviet threat did not mean that there were never disagreements and tension over specific issues. Turkey’s fundamental national security objective was to not rock the boat in its own backyard as it recognized that regional stability was essential if one sought to avoid a series of minor wars and conflicts that could have a huge impact on economic and social development.

Famously, Turkey slammed the door shut on what Washington perceived as its own interests when it prepared to invade Iraq in 2003. Prime Minister Abdullah Gul was concerned over the destabilization of the region that would result from the Sunni-Shia balance obtained by having Iraq and Iran as two powerful armed neighbors facing each other. At the end of February 2003 and beginning of March, the country’s parliament voted twice against allowing the United States to use its Turkish/NATO bases to allow the transit of more than 60,000 US troops in the event of an actual war with Iraq, which would have made Turkey the northern front in the war. The proposal had little popular support in Turkey with hundreds of thousands of protesters rallying against it in downtown Ankara. Public opinion polls indicated that more than 90 percent of Turks opposed the US-led war. As negotiations proceeded, the US troop ships were waiting offshore and out of sight of the Turkish port of Iskenderun, expecting orders to go ashore and form up for the invasion which never came.

The current Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a deeply religious conservative nationalist possessing autocratic tendencies who has toyed with the possibility of leaving NATO altogether. He has sought to buy Russian made air defense systems and Turkey is a likely candidate to join BRICS and cease linking its energy purchases to US dollar accounts. If the Turkish army were to become dissociated from NATO it would mean a large hole in the alliance’s order of battle for the Middle East and Central Asia.

A recent incident has demonstrated how all of that and some other US policies are becoming hot button issues for the Turks, culminating in violence directed against several American Marines on shore leave in the port of Izmir. Izmir is an ancient city on the Aegean Sea that has long had a large NATO base and a multinational presence of sailors and Marines. The Marines were assigned to the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, based on the USS Wasp carrier, and were on liberty in Izmir when the assault occurred on September 2nd. Liberty for military and naval personnel attached to NATO was considered routine and non-threatening prior to the attack and many sailors and Marines took advantage of the bars and restaurants along the waterfront.

A video of the assault shows several people holding two American Marines by force with a speaker on the street screaming loudly in Turkish. One of the Marines shouted “Help!” several times as the crowd placed a bag over the head of the second Marine. The crowd then starts chanting, “Yankee, go home!” in English. The Marines were able to break away from the crowd with the help of several other Marines who happened to be in the area. All US personnel were screened at a local hospital and were reported to be uninjured. They then returned to the safety of the USS Wasp and all shore leave was cancelled.

Turkish authorities subsequently reported that the Marines had been assaulted by members of the Turkish Youth Union, a nationalist anti-American organization that has staged attacks against US service members before. The group is regarded as highly critical of Israel and its actions and also targets US policy in the Middle East. It has condemned the USS Wasp visit as part of the plan to “defend Israel.” In 2021, authorities in Turkey arrested 17 members of the group for putting a hood over the head of a US Navy civilian employee in Istanbul. In a similar incident in 2014, members of the organization had attacked three US sailors on leave from their ship in Istanbul, also placing bags over their heads. The assailants also chanted in English “Yankee, go home!” during the attack.

The placing of the bags over heads in all the incidents involving US personnel is in reference to an encounter in 2003 known by the Turks as the “hood incident.” Shortly after the invasion of Iraq, US troops captured a number of Turkish soldiers who had crossed over the border with Iraq and sought to humiliate them by placing bags over their heads, afterwards detaining them for 60 hours.

Local Izmir police working with the US Naval Criminal Investigative Service are reported to be actively investigating the incident. Fifteen members of the Youth Union were taken into custody afterwards and questioned. They reportedly have been held for additional interrogation by Turkish national counterintelligence representatives.

The US and Turkey continue to benefit from being NATO allies, but, as noted above, relations between the two have often been fraught, mostly over Iraq and more recently due to the US enhancement of the Kurdish role in Syria. Turkey regards the emergence of a Kurdish state of some kind in parts of Syria and Iraq, as well as along the Turkish southern border, as a major security threat. Not surprisingly, in addition, since the start of Israel’s war in Gaza, there has been the Palestine issue. Erdogan has vociferously criticized Israel, accusing the country of carrying out a genocide and warning that if the killing of the Palestinians continues he might be forced to intervene. In that view, the President is fully supported by the Turkish public which is strongly behind the Gazans and also the under siege Palestinians on the West Bank as well.

Turkey has also endorsed the International Criminal Court (ICC) proposed arrest warrant on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and favors a possible war crimes trial of the two men.

In April, Erdogan hosted Hamas’ recently assassinated political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Istanbul.

The assault on the Marines should rightly be seen in that context. What the US government does in enabling the Israeli slaughter of the Palestinians is blowing back on all the American relationships in the Middle East region and that is particularly true with key ally Turkey, but it all goes beyond that with much of the world watching and worrying over what is wrong with the crazy folks in Washington.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: TGB put sacks on American soldiers, Izmir, Sep. 2, 2024 via X