Signor Presidente,

mi consenta di rivolgermi a Lei, in quest’ora in cui le sorti del mondo intero sono minacciate da una cospirazione globale contro Dio e contro l’umanità. Le scrivo come Arcivescovo, come Successore degli Apostoli, come ex-Nunzio apostolico negli Stati Uniti d’America. Le scrivo nel silenzio delle autorità civili e religiose: voglia accogliere queste mie parole come la «voce di uno che grida nel deserto» (Gv 1, 23).

Come ho avuto modo di scriverLe nella mia Lettera dello scorso Giugno, questo momento storico vede schierate le forze del Male in una battaglia senza quartiere contro le forze del Bene; forze del Male che sembrano potenti e organizzate dinanzi ai figli della Luce, disorientati e disorganizzati, abbandonati dai loro capi temporali e spirituali.

Sentiamo moltiplicarsi gli attacchi di chi vuole demolire le basi stesse della società: la famiglia naturale, il rispetto per la vita umana, l’amore per la Patria, la libertà di educazione e di impresa. Vediamo i capi delle Nazioni e i leader religiosi assecondare questo suicidio della cultura occidentale e della sua anima cristiana, mentre ai cittadini e ai credenti sono negati i diritti fondamentali, in nome di un’emergenza sanitaria che sempre più si rivela come strumentale all’instaurazione di una disumana tirannide senza volto.

Un piano globale, denominato Great Reset, è in via di realizzazione. Ne è artefice un’élite che vuole sottomettere l’umanità intera, imponendo misure coercitive con cui limitare drasticamente le libertà delle persone e dei popoli. In alcune nazioni questo progetto è già stato approvato e finanziato; in altre è ancora in uno stadio iniziale. Dietro i leader mondiali, complici ed esecutori di questo progetto infernale, si celano personaggi senza scrupoli che finanziano il World Economic Forum e l’Event 201, promuovendone l’agenda.

Scopo del Great Reset è l’imposizione di una dittatura sanitaria finalizzata all’imposizione di misure liberticide, nascoste dietro allettanti promesse di assicurare un reddito universale e di cancellare il debito dei singoli. Prezzo di queste concessioni del Fondo Monetario Internazionale dovrebbe essere la rinuncia alla proprietà privata e l’adesione ad un programma di vaccinazione Covid-19 e Covid-21 promosso da Bill Gates con la collaborazione dei principali gruppi farmaceutici. Aldilà degli enormi interessi economici che muovono i promotori del Great Reset, l’imposizione della vaccinazione si accompagnerà all’obbligo di un passaporto sanitario e di un ID digitale, con il conseguente tracciamento dei contatti di tutta la popolazione mondiale. Chi non accetterà di sottoporsi a queste misure verrà confinato in campi di detenzione o agli arresti domiciliari, e gli verranno confiscati tutti i beni.

Signor Presidente, immagino che questa notizia Le sia già nota: in alcuni Paesi, il Great Reset dovrebbe essere attivato tra la fine di quest’anno e il primo trimestre del 2021. A tal scopo, sono previsti ulteriori lockdown, ufficialmente giustificati da una presunta seconda e terza ondata della pandemia. Ella sa bene quali mezzi siano stati dispiegati per seminare il panico e legittimare draconiane limitazioni delle libertà individuali, provocando ad arte una crisi economica mondiale. Questa crisi serve per rendere irreversibile, nelle intenzioni dei suoi artefici, il ricorso degli Stati al Great Reset, dando il colpo di grazia a un mondo di cui si vuole cancellare completamente l’esistenza e lo stesso ricordo. Ma questo mondo, Signor Presidente, porta con sé persone, affetti, istituzioni, fede, cultura, tradizioni, ideali: persone e valori che non agiscono come automi, che non obbediscono come macchine, perché dotate di un’anima e di un cuore, perché legate tra loro da un vincolo spirituale che trae la propria forza dall’alto, da quel Dio che i nostri avversari vogliono sfidare, come all’inizio dei tempi fece Lucifero con il suo «non serviam».

Molti – lo sappiamo bene – considerano con fastidio questo richiamo allo scontro tra Bene e Male, l’uso di toni “apocalittici”, che secondo loro esasperano gli animi e acuiscono le divisioni. Non c’è da stupirsi che il nemico si senta scoperto proprio quando crede di aver raggiunto indisturbato la cittadella da espugnare. C’è da stupirsi invece che non vi sia nessuno a lanciare l’allarme. La reazione del deep state a chi denuncia il suo piano è scomposta e incoerente, ma comprensibile. Proprio quando la complicità dei media mainstream era riuscita a rendere quasi indolore e inosservato il passaggio al Nuovo Ordine Mondiale, vengono alla luce inganni, scandali e crimini.

Fino a qualche mese fa, sminuire come «complottisti» coloro che denunciavano quei piani terribili, che ora vediamo compiersi fin nei minimi dettagli, era cosa facile. Nessuno, fino allo scorso febbraio, avrebbe mai pensato che si sarebbe giunti, in tutte le nostre città, ad arrestare i cittadini per il solo fatto di voler camminare per strada, di respirare, di voler tenere aperto il proprio negozio, di andare a Messa la domenica. Eppure avviene in tutto il mondo, anche in quell’Italia da cartolina che molti Americani considerano come un piccolo paese incantato, con i suoi antichi monumenti, le sue chiese, le sue incantevoli città, i suoi caratteristici villaggi. E mentre i politici se ne stanno asserragliati nei loro palazzi a promulgare decreti come dei satrapi persiani, le attività falliscono, chiudono i negozi, si impedisce alla popolazione di vivere, di muoversi, di lavorare, di pregare. Le disastrose conseguenze psicologiche di questa operazione si stanno già vedendo, ad iniziare dai suicidi di imprenditori disperati, e dai nostri figli, segregati dagli amici e dai compagni per seguire le lezioni davanti a un computer.

Nella Sacra Scrittura, San Paolo ci parla di «colui che si oppone» alla manifestazione del mistero dell’iniquità, il kathèkon (2Tess 2, 6-7). In ambito religioso, questo ostacolo è la Chiesa e in particolare il Papato; in ambito politico, è chi impedisce l’instaurazione del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale.

Come ormai è evidente, colui che occupa la Sede di Pietro, fin dall’inizio ha tradito il proprio ruolo, per difendere e promuovere l’ideologia globalista, assecondando l’agenda della deep church, che lo ha scelto dal suo gremio.

Signor Presidente, Ella ha chiaramente affermato di voler difendere la Nazione – One Nation under God, le libertà fondamentali, i valori non negoziabili oggi negati e combattuti. È Lei, Caro Presidente, «colui che si oppone» al deep state, all’assalto finale dei figli delle tenebre.

Per questo occorre che tutte le persone di buona volontà si persuadano dell’importanza epocale delle imminenti elezioni: non tanto per questo o quel punto del programma politico, quanto piuttosto perché è l’ispirazione generale della Sua azione che meglio incarna – in questo particolare contesto storico – quel mondo, quel nostro mondo, che si vorrebbe cancellare a colpi di lockdown. Il Suo avversario è anche il nostro: è il Nemico del genere umano, colui che è «omicida sin dal principio» (Gv 8, 44).

Attorno a Lei si riuniscono con fiducia e coraggio coloro che La considerano l’ultimo presidio contro la dittatura mondiale. L’alternativa è votare un personaggio manovrato dal deep state, gravemente compromesso in scandali e corruzione, che farà agli Stati Uniti ciò che Jorge Mario Bergoglio sta facendo alla Chiesa, il Primo Ministro Conte all’Italia, il Presidente Macron alla Francia, il Primo Ministro Sanchez alla Spagna, e via dicendo. La ricattabilità di Joe Biden – al pari di quella dei Prelati del “cerchio magico” vaticano – consentirà di usarlo spregiudicatamente, consentendo a poteri illegittimi di interferire nella politica interna e negli equilibri internazionali. È evidente che chi lo manovra ha già pronto uno peggiore di lui con cui sostituirlo non appena se ne presenterà l’occasione.

Eppure, in questo quadro desolante, in questa avanzata apparentemente inesorabile del «Nemico invisibile», emerge un elemento di speranza. L’avversario non sa amare, e non comprende che non basta assicurare un reddito universale o cancellare i mutui per soggiogare le masse e convincerle a farsi marchiare come capi di bestiame. Questo popolo, che per troppo tempo ha sopportato i soprusi di un potere odioso e tirannico, sta riscoprendo di avere un’anima; sta comprendendo di non esser disposto a barattare la propria libertà con l’omologazione e la cancellazione della propria identità; sta iniziando a capire il valore dei legami familiari e sociali, dei vincoli di fede e di cultura che uniscono le persone oneste. Questo Great Reset è destinato a fallire perché chi lo ha pianificato non capisce che ci sono persone ancora disposte a scendere nelle strade per difendere i propri diritti, per proteggere i propri cari, per dare un futuro ai propri figli. L’inumanità livellatrice del progetto mondialista si infrangerà miseramente dinanzi all’opposizione ferma e coraggiosa dei figli della Luce. Il nemico ha dalla sua parte Satana, che non sa che odiare. Noi abbiamo dalla nostra parte il Signore Onnipotente, il Dio degli eserciti schierati in battaglia, e la Santissima Vergine, che schiaccerà il capo dell’antico Serpente. «Se Dio è per noi, chi sarà contro di noi?» (Rm 8, 31).

Signor Presidente, Ella sa bene quanto gli Stati Uniti d’America, in quest’ora cruciale, siano considerati l’antemurale contro cui si è scatenata la guerra dichiarata dai fautori del globalismo. Riponga la Sua fiducia nel Signore, forte delle parole dell’Apostolo: «Posso tutto in Colui che mi dà forza» (Fil 4, 13). Essere strumento della divina Provvidenza è una grande responsabilità, alla quale corrisponderanno certamente le grazie di stato necessarie, ardentemente implorate dai tanti che La sostengono con le loro preghiere.

Con questo celeste auspicio e l’assicurazione della mia preghiera per Lei, per la First Lady, e per i Suoi collaboratori, di tutto cuore Le giunga la mia Benedizione.

God bless the United States of America!

+ Carlo Maria Viganò

Arcivescovo Titolare di Ulpiana
già Nunzio Apostolico negli Stati Uniti d’America


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Palestinians Sue Britain for 1917 Balfour Declaration

November 2nd, 2020 by The New Arab

Palestinian lawyers on Thursday filed a complaint to sue the British government for the 1917 declaration setting out London’s support for a “national home” for the Jewish people in Palestine.

The lawyers filed a complaint in the occupied West Bank town of Nablus that claimed “the suffering of the Palestinians” stemmed from this document.

The Balfour Declaration, signed by the then British foreign secretary Arthur James Balfour, is seen as a precursor to Israel’s creation and the Palestinians’ ethnic cleansing from their homeland in 1948.

“The British mandate is at the root of the suffering of the Palestinian people and has paved the way for the violation of their rights and the plunder of their land,” Munib al-Masri, head of the Federation of Independent and Democratic Trade Unions, told a news conference in Ramallah.

As well as the trade unions group, the complaint was filed on behalf of the International Commission to Support Palestinian People’s Rights and the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate.

The Balfour Declaration was published on November 2, 1917, a year before the end of World War I.

In one sentence it announced the British government’s backing for the establishment within Palestine, then a region of the Ottoman Empire, of “a national home for the Jewish people”.

It was a shock to the Arab world, which had not been consulted and had received promises of independence of its own in the post-war break up of the defeated Ottoman Empire.

The Palestinians have always condemned the declaration, which they refer to as the “Balfour promise”, saying Britain was giving away land it did not own.

With the Balfour Declaration, London was seeking Jewish support for its war efforts, and the Zionist movement, which pushed for a homeland for Jews in Palestine, was an emerging political force.

The British Mandate for Palestine was later set up in the wake of World War I, and ran until Israel’s declaration of statehood in 1948.


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It’s 35 years since Neil Kinnock established his reputation as Labour opposition leader with his blistering attack on Derek Hatton and the Militant Tendency.

It’s approaching a quarter of a century since Tony Blair established himself as Britain’s next prime minister by taking on the Labour left with his sensational removal of Clause 4 from the party’s constitution. Both Kinnock’s evisceration of Militant and Blair’s abolition of Clause 4 were massive moments in political history.

Yesterday, another Labour leader, Keir Starmer, tried to copy the Kinnock and Blair masterstrokes.

And tried too hard.

He suspended former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, alongside whom he served as a senior member of his front bench team for several years, and in an especially sensitive post.

And for what?

‘Serious failings’

Last night, it was not even clear what rule Corbyn was supposed to have broken. And while the media establishment is busy eviscerating the political corpse of Jeremy Corbyn, a closer look at the actual content of Thursday’s report by the Equality and Human Rights Commission suggests he’s been done an injustice.

The report concluded that the Labour Party was guilty of “unlawful acts of harassment and intimidation” in two instances. It also found the party had breached the Equality Act of 2010 “by acts of indirect discrimination relating to political interference and a lack of adequate training”.

“Our investigation has identified serious failings in leadership,” the report said.

The press – en masse – has taken it as a resounding vindication of the dominant narrative of the last four years – that Corbyn abjectly failed to deal with an upsurge in antisemitism in the Labour Party after 2015, either because he was blind to the prejudices of his followers, or he was subject to them himself.

But what’s the evidence?

The findings of the report are based on 70 case studies from the period between March 2016 and May 2019.

These dates are significant. Until the spring of 2018, Labour Party headquarters was under the control of Ian McNicol, who had been general secretary since 2011. According to an internal Labour Party report, leaked to the press in March this year, McNicol and his team were ferociously hostile to the Corbyn leadership.

The inside story

Commissioned just a few months before Corbyn stood down, the report was entitled: “The work of the Labour Party’s Governance and Legal Unit in relation to antisemitism, 2014-2019”. It ran to 851 pages and drew on tens of thousands of internal emails and WhatsApp messages. It cited numerous examples of vitriolic, often foul-mouthed abuse towards the leadership team.

The report was widely denounced as an attempt at self-justification by a disgraced and dying regime. But it’s notable that the superb and meticulously researched Left Out, The Inside Story of Labour Under Corbyn, by Times journalists Gabriel Pogrund and Patrick Maguire, tells much the same story.

The “bureaucracy at Southside [Labour HQ] had been acting as if they were a law – and organisation – unto themselves,” wrote Pogrund and Maguire. They detailed how, during the 2017 election, officials, including Sam Matthews – who headed the disputes team that handled antisemitism complaints – were secretly “funnelling hundreds of thousands of pounds of resources into the seats of devout opponents of the leadership”.

In other words, for two-thirds of the period under investigation by the EHRC, Labour HQ and the complaints procedure were under the control of individuals not just resistant to the authority of the leadership but, allegedly, working actively to undermine it. Remarkably, the EHRC report makes absolutely no reference to this context at all.

Absence of context

The leaked Labour Party report further claimed that, prior to the spring of 2018 – under the McNicol regime – Labour HQ was appallingly lax in its handling of antisemitism complaints. It lays out, in great detail, evidence of lengthy delays, and says that, between November 2016 and February 2018, there were at least 170 complaints that were not acted on at all, which it says the leader’s office was unaware of at the time.

In one of its most remarkable passages, the EHRC simply reproduces these allegations, almost verbatim, along with the accompanying statistics. It then briefly states: “Some former staff members denied these allegations of inaction,” before adding: “Delays in progressing complaints were also common in our complaint sample.”

This is vital. Matthews, McNicol and a number of other employees from Labour Party HQ at this time were the leading “whistleblowers” in Panorama’s enormously influential Is Labour Anti-Semitic? programme in July 2019. When the Corbyn leadership pushed back against their claims, Matthews and others took them to court. Earlier this year, Starmer apologised to them and settled out of court, paying them large sums of money.

Yet the EHRC report appears to be accepting the leaked report’s version of events prior to the spring of 2018 and rejecting theirs – while nevertheless holding Corbyn responsible for their inaction. Matthews has always fiercely rejected the leaked report’s allegations. He and other staff claimed that their work was hampered by continual interference from the leader’s office.

The EHRC report also alleges unwarranted interference by Corbyn’s team. It says this happened in 23 of the 70 cases it studied. But in many of the examples it cites it is clear the leader’s office was interfering, not to prevent investigations for antisemitism, but to speed them up.

This was true in particular of the case of Ken Livingstone, one of the two individuals whose behaviour the EHRC ruled constituted “harassment and intimidation”.

The EHRC acknowledges this but says it is irrelevant.

“The inappropriateness of political interference in antisemitism complaints is not necessarily about the particular outcomes that it led to, but rather the contamination (and/or the perception of contamination) of the fairness of the process,” it says.

Leadership interference

Ten of the 23 cases where the leadership interfered occurred in the interregnum between McNicol, who stood down as general secretary in February 2018, and Jennie Formby, a Corbyn loyalist who took over in April that year. The leader’s office always claimed they were invited by the disputes team to offer opinions at this time, which Matthews and others have disputed.

“It does not matter for our analysis whether the formal process was instigated by LOTO [Leader of the Opposition] staff or by GLU [Governance and Legal Unit] staff,” the EHRC report says. “They were all Labour Party employees acting in the course of their employment when they set up this system, therefore the Labour Party is responsible for their actions.”

There was, in fact, a sharp rise in the number of suspensions for antisemitism during this period of increased leadership interference. Again, the report entirely fails to mention the political significance of the transition from McNicol and Formby. Indeed, neither McNicol, Matthews nor anyone else in senior positions at party HQ before April 2018 is mentioned by name at any point in the EHRC report.

Soon after Formby took over, Matthews and a number of other staff members resigned. Matthews has said he was effectively driven out by officials less keen to confront antisemitism and told Panorama he contemplated suicide. From the spring of 2018 onwards, with Formby in control, the number of formal investigations, suspensions and expulsions for antisemitism all rose exponentially.

Forty-five members were expelled in 2019, compared to one in 2017, according to Labour party statistics.

The EHRC acknowledges these figures are broadly in line with its own findings and also accepts that improvements were made in a number of areas. It states firmly that significant inadequacies remained through 2019 and 2020, particularly as regards the training of staff handling antisemitism cases. But it is impossible to read the report carefully without concluding that the bulk of its criticisms relate to the period before April 2018.

Echoing many of the allegations in the leaked internal report, it says the party had a policy of not pursuing complaints based on social media shares or likes until “mid 2018”. It says the complaints procedure lacked resources “until 2018,” though it stresses “more remains to be done”. And it says “there was no consistent or reliable system for recording antisemitism complaints … before 2018.”

Blaming Corbyn – again

In large measure Corbyn is being held responsible for the failures of party officials who were not just his political opponents, but also among his principal accusers when it came to allegations of antisemitism.

He is being simultaneously condemned for failing to show leadership, and for interfering in the complaints procedure – even when that interference was aimed at speeding up investigations.

In a statement responding to the EHRC report, Corbyn said reforms to the party’s processes for handling complaints were “stalled by an obstructive party bureaucracy… From 2018,” he said, “Jennie Formby and a new NEC that supported my leadership made substantial improvements, making it much easier and swifter to remove antisemites. My team acted to speed up, not hinder the process.”

It’s worth highlighting one other fact buried away in the detail of the report. The EHRC “identified concerns about fairness to the respondent [that’s the person being complained against] in 42 of the 70 sample files.”

The EHRC’s conclusions may or may not be legally valid. Legal challenges are being considered. But common sense and natural justice surely cry out against them. The EHRC’s failure to even reference the significance of the transfer of power at party HQ between February and April 2018 has facilitated obfuscation and lazy reporting.

A mortal wound

Middle East Eye was present on a conference call with the authors of the EHRC report and almost 30 other journalists on Thursday morning.

The questioning largely focused on why the report had not been tougher, personally, on Corbyn. Not one journalist probed the inconsistencies, contradictions or omissions of the report.

Starmer clearly believes he has now firmly established his own political identity and laid the foundations for the transformation of Labour’s electoral prospects – in the mould of Kinnock and Blair.

It may be that he has simply destroyed his reputation for moral and intellectual integrity – and inflicted a mortal wound on the soul of his party.


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Richard Sanders is an award winning TV producer specialising in history and news and current affairs. He has made more than 50 films, mostly for Channel 4. He has written for a number of publications including The Daily Telegraph and the Boston Globe and is also the author of two history books.

Peter Oborne won best commentary/blogging in 2017 and was named freelancer of the year in 2016 at the Online Media Awards for articles he wrote for Middle East Eye. He also was British Press Awards Columnist of the Year 2013. He resigned as chief political columnist of the Daily Telegraph in 2015. His books include The Triumph of the Political Class, The Rise of Political Lying, and Why the West is Wrong about Nuclear Iran.

Featured image: UK Labour Party Logo [File photo]


COVID-19 appeared in Europe and the Americas in 2020, following the emergence of a new virus from China in 2019.

This new virus belongs to the well-known family of coronaviruses that has already produced two particularly severe epidemics in 2003 and 2012.

This new virus is called SARS-CoV-2, the third coronavirus responsible for a severe respiratory distress syndrome.

The severity of this syndrome is mainly characterized by hypoxemia, a lack of oxygen in the blood.

We have found that this severe lung involvement is seen in a relatively small number of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2, most of whom are asymptomatic or have only an influenza-like illness or even a common cold.

For the most severely affected patients, mainly elderly people and/or people weakened by one or more chronic diseases (heart, respiratory and kidney failure, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, etc.), mortality would be slightly higher than for seasonal influenza, the precise figures still need to be evaluated.

These figures are still controversial today, with some scientists and physicians arguing, with supporting evidence, that mortality has been overestimated by official health centers.

I felt it was important to clarify several points in relation to this coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, with COVID-19 disease, with its clinical and radiological diagnosis, and especially with the RT-PCR technique used as the main screening tool.

I conclude with a few words on the mode of transmission of the virus, by aerosols and airborne particles, implying in particular the importance of properly ventilating confined spaces.

1. Virus Size

1 millimeter (mm) = 1000 micrometers or microns (μm) = 1,000,000 nanometers (nm)

Diameter of a human hair: 150 micrometers (μm)

Size of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus: 0.125 μm (125 nm), 1/1200th of hair

Influenza virus (Influenzavirus) size: 0.08-0.120 μm (80-120 nm)

2. The Coronavirus2 and COVID-19

Coronavirus or CoV = RNA virus (ribonucleic acid)

1. DNA and RNA

DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid

Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is a biological macromolecule present in all cells as well as in many viruses. DNA contains all the genetic information, called the genome, that allows the development, functioning and reproduction of living beings.

The genome is made up of genes composed of DNA or RNA.

Let’s symbolize the DNA double helix by a ladder :

DNA is formed of two strands RNA is formed of paired pairs of one of the two strands.

All cells contain DNA or RNA, even viruses that are not cells but particles, genetic material (DNA or RNA) surrounded by a capsule or nucleocapsid.

Such particles cannot be said to be “alive”, they are packets of information gathered on a gene carrier (genes forming a genome).

Viral particles use the cells they infect (parasitize) to replicate (reproduce) their genome (DNA or RNA) and multiply.

In doing so, they kill the host cell and trigger a defensive response from the invaded organism.

Coronavirus CoVs are RNA viruses, such as Ebola, Zika, measles, influenza.

CoVs are the largest RNA viruses.

The herpes virus (chickenpox) is a DNA virus.

 Corona Viruses or CoVs

They form a huge family of viruses.

Their genome (RNA) is very long: several thousand (30,000) nucleotides or bases forming a single-stranded linear RNA coding for 7 to 10 proteins.

They are surrounded by a crown-shaped protein capsule.

Humans can be infected by 5 major types of coronavirus :

  1. HCoV-229E, HCoV-OC43 causing common colds and benign flu-like symptoms.
  2. SARS-CoV-1 responsible between November 2002 and July 2003 for an epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
  3. MERS-CoV responsible for an epidemic of severe respiratory syndrome in 2012, mainly in the Arabian Peninsula (starting in Saudi Arabia) but also in South Korea. MERS for Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome.
  4. SARS-CoV-2, very similar to SARS-CoV-1, responsible for an epidemic of severe respiratory syndrome that has evolved into a pandemic. Beginning in 2019. The disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 is called COVID-19 for COrona VIrus Disease, which appeared in 2019.

So, let’s remember that the most frequent coronaviruses in humans are commonplace and responsible for 30% of annual colds, along with other viruses, especially rhinoviruses.

Let’s also remember that coronaviruses, like many viruses, have an important capacity for evolution and adaptation (mutation), which can lead to the appearance of variants and more or less pathogenic viruses.

3. SARS-CoV-1: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-CoV-1

First known coronavirus to cause serious disease in humans.

Epidemic between November 2002 and July 2003.

More than 8,000 cases in 30 countries (20% of cases in caregivers).

774 deaths or about 10% mortality.

Moderate transmissibility (contagiousness).

Exceptional capacity for mutation and recombination.

Complete sequencing of the SARS-CoV-1 genome by American and Canadian research teams.

4. MERS-CoV: Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome-CoV

The second coronavirus known to have caused severe disease in humans.

First cases in 2012, in Saudi Arabia.

More than 1500 cases, in 26 countries, mostly in the Arabian Peninsula and South Korea.

More than 550 deaths, a very high mortality rate of 30%.

5. SARS-CoV-2: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-CoV-2

Third coronavirus known to have caused serious disease in humans, a disease called COVID-19 for Corona VIrus Disease, 19 for the year it began, 2019.

The mortality due to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), known as of 29-09-20 and specified on the Worldometers site, would be 1 million deaths.

SARS-CoV-2 is believed to have emerged in China in late spring/early summer 2019 and in Europe in October 2019.

[Links: ]

Its genetic sequencing is updated (following frequent mutations) on the website :

It is also closely monitored by the laboratory of Professor Didier Raoult’s team in Marseilles at the IHU-Méditerranée.

[Link : ]

6. Vaccine

NO vaccine to date against SARS-CoV (2003) or MERS-CoV (2012)!

Yet in COVID-19, the whole world is waiting for a vaccine, counting on one vaccine if possible in a few months!

Between 1999 and 2017, the world’s 11 largest laboratories made €1019 billion in profits, of which €925 billion (90.7%) was distributed to their shareholders. 925 billion (90.7%) was distributed to their shareholders.

Here, the vaccine industry, which is relatively modest (3% of global sales in 2009), presents itself, with the rise of biotechnology, as the most dynamic niche (growth of 24% between 2011 and 2014).

This branch of the pharmaceutical industry is dominated by four groups (Merck, Sanofi, GSK and Pfizer) accounting for 65% of sales.

Groups from developing countries are asserting themselves on the remaining market shares: Serum Institute and Biological E (India), Butatan Institute and Bio-Manguinos (Brazil), CNBG (China)… Today, specialists [who have endorsed the official narrative] seem to be unanimous in affirming that the main challenge is the development of a vaccine against Covid-19.

7. Clinical picture

A. Incubation period (time between infection and onset of symptoms) :

SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2: 2 to 7 days

MERS-CoV: 5 to 15 days

It is on the first day of symptoms that the individual is most infectious (highest viral load and high capacity to project it by coughing). He must be isolated!

In the acute epidemic phase (March-April 2020) excretion of 700,000 copies of viral RNA/μl on the first day of symptoms. Excretion of 700,000,000 copies of viral RNA/μl after a few days of symptoms!

B. Diagnosis is primarily clinical (symptoms) :

a. Major symptoms :

  1. Cough
  2. Dyspnea (difficulty breathing) with desaturation of blood oxygen (O2)
  3. Chest pain
  4. Anosmia (loss of sense of smell)
  5. Dysgeusia (taste disorder) with no other apparent cause

b. Minor Symptoms :

  1. Fever
  2. Fatigue
  3. Rhinitis or colds (runny nose)
  4. Sore throat (angina)
  5. Headache (headache)
  6. Anorexia (loss of appetite) – slimming
  7. Aqueous diarrhea (liquid stool) with no other apparent cause
  8. Acute confusion (orientation disorder)
  9. Sudden falls with no other apparent cause

Note that a loss of smell and abnormal taste can be due to a deficiency in zinc, a trace element or trace that plays an important role in our immune defenses!

Signs suggestive of zinc deficiency :

– Agueusia or dysgeusia, taste disorder. Zinc intervenes in the synthesis of gustin, an essential protein for the perception of taste in taste buds.

– An anosmia, loss of sense of smell.

These signs, would be, according to certain studies, the 1st signs of an infection by the coronavirus. It is therefore highly probable that over-solicitation of the immune system leads to an increase in zinc deficiency, causing these symptoms in some subjects.

[Links: &

Hiroyuki YANAGISAWA, Zinc Deficiency and Clinical Practice JMAJ 47(8): 359-364, 2004].

Clinical score.

If the score is >/= 2, COVID-19 is suspected. You can see it, you get there quickly and these symptoms are not specific!

Strategy to categorize the severity of the condition and to best guide each person according to their condition and/or its possible evolution.

EWS score for Early Warning Signs :

The severe form (admission to intensive care, with risk of death) of COVID-19 strikes people who are weak, immunocompromised and/or suffering from severe chronic pathologies such as diabetes, kidney failure, chronic lung disease, heart disease, obesity.

Severe risk factors:

BMI = Body Mass Index = Weight divided by height2

Example: Weight 100kg height 1.70m ➔ BMI = 100/1.72 = 34 Severe obesity

C. Chest CT-scanner

This test provides an imaging of the lungs to confirm the diagnosis of COVID-19, for example in case of negative RT-PCR despite a positive clinical picture (Clinical Score >/= 2).

Normal lung CT-scanner :

Abnormal lung CT-scan: Rx Thorax:

WARNING, these images are not specific to a COVID-19!

They are found in a group of pulmonary pathologies grouped under the generic term ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) or SDRA (Syndrome de Détresse Respiratoire Acute). ARDS%20Definition%20task%20force,des%20notions%20d’acute%20lung ]

ARDS or ARDS can be caused by a large number of causes, intra- or extra-pulmonary, infectious or non-infectious.

Intrapulmonary causes :

  • Bacterial, viral pneumonia (influenza, respiratory syncitial virus or RSV, SARS)
  • Chemical pneumopathy (inhalation of digestive fluid) or smoke inhalation
  • Thoracic trauma

Extra-pulmonary causes :

  • Pancreatitis (generalized inflammation of the pancreas with necrosis)
  • Extra-pulmonary infections with severe sepsis (infection) and/or septic shock
  • Extensive burns
  • Cardiogenic shock (heart failure of any origin)


So, as we can see, frosted glass lesions are typical of ARDS (or ARDS), not of any particular cause.

They are found in particular in infectious pneumonia with so-called atypical germs, such as Mycoplasma Pneumoniae, Chlamydia Pneumoniae or Legionella Pneumophila, but also in non-infectious pneumopathies.

A differential diagnosis must always be made, especially in people with one or more severe co-morbidities (diabetes, obesity, chronic kidney, lung or heart disease, etc.), which is the case for most people admitted to intensive care units during the COVID period.

The problem is to withhold a diagnosis of COVID without considering other possible causes, especially in the case of a negative RT-PCR.

ARDS has been a common condition since its discovery in 1967 (Ashbaugh DG, Bigelow DB, Petty TL, Levine BE, “Acute respiratory distress in adults”, The Lancet, 1967;2:319-323).

It accounts for about 10% of ICU admissions, with a mortality rate of 40-50%.

[Link: ]

However, all intensive care units in the world consider a positive COVID diagnosis in case of respiratory symptoms (score >/= 2) and a pulmonary CT-scan of ARDS (ARDS), even if the PCR is negative and despite the lack of specificity of the symptoms and the CT-scan.

In this Swiss article published in 2020 in the Swiss Medical Journal (RMS), physicians insist on the limits of the pulmonary CT-scanner for the diagnosis of COVID19 :

“... its specificity is limited, exposing it to the risk of over-diagnosis. »

[Link: ]

D. PCR or Polymerase Chain Reaction3

The oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal smear with PCR analysis is the first diagnostic test proposed to confirm infection with COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2.

Molecular biology technique OR gene amplification technique (deoxyribonucleic acid-DNA or ribonucleic acid-RNA genes see pages 2 & 3).

PCR was developed in the 1980s by Kary Mullis, a chemist who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993.

“… these PCR tests cannot detect any virus”.

He really said that (

Since 1992, the technique can be carried out continuously, in real time, hence its modern name :

RT-PCR: Real Time-Polymerase Chain Reaction or Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction

This technique makes it possible to highlight traces of something invisible to the naked eye or even under the microscope.

It is mainly used in industry or criminology to search for traces of DNA.

In medicine, its field of application, in addition to research, particularly in genetics, is infectiology, which studies infectious diseases.

In particular, PCR can reveal germs or microorganisms that are difficult to cultivate, such as certain bacteria (Mycoplasma, Chlamydiae, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) and viruses.

It is the reference technique for looking for traces of respiratory viruses (influenza, SARS).

PCR does not reveal viruses, but genetic sequences (bits) of the virus, which allows the presence of the virus to be deduced.

This notion is important.

Diagnosis by PCR is an inference that can be subject to misinterpretation.

SARS-CoV-2 is an RNA virus with 30,000 base pairs (bp). Its entire genome should not be highlighted, but only specific sequences.

The SARS-CoV-2 genome is known (see page 5).

Laboratories use SARS-CoV-2-specific gene primers.

To make a reliable PCR result, at least 2-3 genes must be used as primers.

3 genes is best and the technique must be done for all 3 genes.

How does it work?

i. Sampling of cells from the person’s airways.

Sampling just from the throat, nose or saliva shows a lower detection sensitivity (higher risk of false negative).

The first source of error, a false negative, comes from there, a poorly performed sample.

This collection of cells from the back of the pharynx, approached through the nose or mouth, must be performed by a specialized and trained caregiver. It is NOT ANODINOUS! This sample may cause bleeding, damage the pharyngeal (surface) mucous membrane, and/or the nasal mucous membrane if approached through the nose.

ii. Analysis by RT-PCR4

This machine works like a photocopier/enlarger.

The technique has the best sensitivity (90%) and specificity (100%), better than all other conventional tests for pathogen detection (antigenic tests, virus culture). Saliva samples do not meet the required requirements.

Link: To KK &al. Temporal profiles of viral load in posterior oropharyngeal saliva samples and serum antibody responses during infection by SARS-CoV-2: an observational cohort study. Lancet Infect Dis. 2020 May ;20(5) :565-574].

It uses several amplification (magnification) cycles while multiplying the target by 2 on each cycle.

1st cycle: target x 2

2nd cycle: target x 4

3rd cycle: target x 8

4th cycle: target x 16

5th cycle: target x 32


Up to 30 to 40 cycles.

Ct or Cycle Time or Cycle Threshold defines the threshold of cycles at which the laboratory considers the PCR assay positive.

The lower the Ct threshold used, the higher the viral load (the more virus in the subject’s respiratory tract).

The higher the Ct threshold used, the lower the viral load (less virus in the respiratory tract).

The RT-PCR is a very sensitive test and by increasing the Ct (up to 40, 50), we can find genetic traces of the virus while it does not correspond any more to a state of infection or contagion!

Knowing the threshold Ct used by the laboratory is thus essential to correctly interpret an RT-PCR result!

Currently, RT-PCR only gives a qualitative result: positive or negative.

It is necessary to give a quantitative result which alone reflects the real importance of the viral load.

At the heart of the acute epidemic phase (March-April 2020), on the first day of symptoms (coughing), the individual was able to excrete up to 108 (100,000,000) copies of SARS-CoV-2/μl viral RNA for a period of 5 days to 5 weeks, with no correlation between the quantity of viral segments detected or the duration of this detection, and the severity of the disease.

Today (September 2020), with a threshold Ct of 32 cycles, 10 to 15 copies of SARS-CoV-2/μl viral RNA are detected, i.e. much less.

With a threshold Ct of 35 cycles (standard threshold Ct for laboratories in France and for the European CDC), this corresponds to 1 copy of SARS-CoV-2/μl viral RNA sample!

[Links : Bullard J. et al, 2020,

ECDC gives a threshold of 35 ]

Above the Ct threshold of 35, it is impossible to isolate a complete viral sequence.

(Data transmitted by Hélène Banoun,

PhD, Pharmacist biologist. Former INSERM Research Fellow. Former intern at the Paris Hospitals and shared by the French biologist Pierre Sonigo, specialist in molecular biology and virology,

The correct interpretation of RT-PCR depends on :

  1. The knowledge of the threshold Ct or copy number of viral RNA/μl, reflecting the viral load
  2. The clinical condition of the person being tested

1 copy of viral RNA/ml is equivalent to 1000 copies of viral RNA/μl collection. Please pay attention to the unit returned by the laboratory!

The first point gives an indication of the degree of contagiousness.

The second point gives an indication of the degree of severity.

An RT-PCR test alone, positive, means absolutely nothing, especially outside of epidemic periods, such as today (September 2020) as evidenced by the reasonable level of hospital admissions, intensive care and deaths.

Basing medicine on a single test, without correlating it to the clinic, exposes to the risk of SURDIAGNOSIS.

Asking asymptomatic people to line up in front of laboratories to do an RT-PCR test, or letting people do it, makes no sense other than to impose an unnecessary cost to society, to maintain the fear of an absent disease since the people in these queues are asymptomatic and tip the benefit/risk balance dangerously in their favour.

It would be like asking everyone to have an electrocardiogram, even in the absence of any symptoms!

Physicians should require knowledge of the threshold Ct used to define a positive PCR test (or the number of copies of viral RNA/μl sample) in order to correctly interpret the result.

All laboratories should use the same standardised standards, the same cut-off Ct, if possible a cut-off Ct </= 30 and express the result as the number of copies of viral RNA/μl sample.

III. VIRUS: DIFFUSION IN THE ATMOSPHERE and the value of ventilating any space5

Respiratory viruses are not transmitted individually (virion), but in groups in the form of larger particles:

1. Particles G = microdroplets that form an aerosol: 5 to 150 μm

Transmission through coughing, sneezing or talking from an infected person

Dense and rich in water, heavy, they remain in the air for a short time and are only diffused over short distances: < 1 m, then fall to the ground quickly.

[Link : ]

2. Particles A = Airborne particles: < 5 μm

Low density and low water content, A particles are lighter, remain suspended in the air and have a greater range.

[Links: ]

[ ]


SARS-CoV-2 is a 125 nm RNA virus (0.125 μm), with +/- 30,000 base pairs (nucleotides).

It causes the disease COVID-19 (COronaVIrusDisease-2019).

It is projected by G particles (aerosols > 5 μm) heavy over < 1m and by A particles (< 5 μm) light over long distances: interest to ventilate closed spaces!

The diagnosis is above all clinical:

  • Symptoms forming a clinical score, suspicion of COVID-19 if clinical score >/= 2
  • Evaluation of the severity of COVID-19 by the Early Warning Score: EWS (Early Warning Signs)
  • Symptoms are not very specific and can be found in any viral (flu, cold, SARS) or even bacterial disease.

Diagnosis completed by a lung CT-scan: image of ARDS (or ARDS-acute respiratory distress syndrome): the CT-scan image is not specific for COVID-19!

Diagnosis by RT-PCR technique for Real Time-Polymerase Chain Reaction: qualitative examination expressed by the positive or negative sign.

  • False negatives exist from the sampling to the last amplification by PCR, because the technique is complex and subject to potential handling errors. There are few or no false positives (high specificity).
  • RT-PCR reveals pieces (gene sequences) of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, not the virus itself, and this search is done using primers, i.e. 2 or (better) 3 known SARS-CoV-2 genes.
  • The quantitative aspect (viral load) is given by the number of amplification cycles (Ct for Cycle Time or Cycle Threshold) used as a positivity threshold. The lower the threshold (Ct), the higher the viral load, the more virus, the sicker and/or more contagious the person is. The higher the threshold (Ct), the lower the viral load, the less virus there is, the less sick and/or contagious the person is.
  • In the current period (September-October 2020), there is no interest in performing RT-PCR in asymptomatic people!
  • Today, the thresholds of positivity (Ct) of RT-PCR are too high (>/= 35), inducing an “epidemic” of positive tests that do not mean anything anymore (false positives), neither epidemiologically nor in terms of public health!
  • Positive thresholds (CT) for RT-PCR should be standardized for all laboratories, reported in the results and should be below 35 (even 30).

Pulmonary CT-scan and RT-PCR with a positivity threshold (Ct) >/= 35 induce a dangerous OVERDIAGNOSIS when the subject is not evaluated to see if he is sick first, which is the only thing that really matters.

“To interpret the result of a PCR, it is essential that clinicians and microbiologists share their experiences so that the analytical and clinical levels of interpretation can be combined” PCR in Microbiology, RMS, 2007

Dr. Pascal Sacré is a physician specialized in critical care, author and renowned public health analyst. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization 

Translation from French by Global Research

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In an explosive scoop [1], alternative news outlet Zero Hedge has laid bare how China’s state apparatchik clandestinely baited the family members of the Obama-era vice president and secretary of state into joint business ventures in order to surreptitiously influence the trade and economic policies of the US government favoring China’s geo-economic interests spanning the globe.

Here are a few relevant excerpts from the investigative report authored by Christopher Balding, Associate Professor at Peking University HSBC School of Business Shenzhen, China, and also a Bloomberg contributor:

“Hunter Biden partnered with the Chinese state. Entire investment partnership is Chinese state money from social security fund to China Development Bank. It is actually a subsidiary of the Bank of China. This is not remotely anything less than a Chinese state-funded play.

“Though the entire size of the fund cannot be reconstructed, the Taiwanese cofounder who is now detained in China, reports it to be NOT $1-1.5 billion but $6.5 billion. This would make Hunters stake worth at a minimum at least $50 million if he was to sell it.

“The believed Godfather arranging Hunter’s business ventures is a gentleman named Yang Jiechi. He is currently the CCP Director of Foreign Affairs leading strategist for America, Politburo member, one of the most powerful men in China, and Chinese President Xi Jingpin’s confidant.

“He met regularly with Joe Biden during his stint as Chinese ambassador the US when Biden chaired the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.  Later he was Minister of Foreign Affairs when the investment partnership was made official in 2013.

“Hunter Biden’s 2013 Bohai Harvest Rosemont investment partnership was set-up by Ministry of Foreign Affairs institutions which are tasked with garnering influence with foreign leaders during Yang’s tenure as Foreign Minister.

“Hunter’s BHR stake (purchased for $400,000) is now likely be worth approx. $50 million (fees and capital appreciation based on BHR’s $6.5 billion AUM as stated by Michael Lin).

“Joe Biden’s foreign policy stance towards China (formerly hawkish), turned positive despite China’s country’s rising geopolitical assertiveness.”

China is known to follow the economic model of “state capitalism,” in which although small and medium enterprises are permitted to operate freely by common citizens, large industrial and extraction companies, especially multi-billion dollar corporations doing business with foreign clients, are run by the Communist Party stalwarts masquerading as business executives.

In addition, China is alleged to practice “debt-trap diplomacy” for buying entire governments through extending financial grants and loans, and what better way to buy the rival government of the United States than by financing the Biden campaign through bestowing financial largesse on the Biden and John Kerry families and other prominent former officials of the Obama-Biden administration.

In an exclusive report [2] for the Breitbart News on October 16, Peter Schweizer and Seamus Bruner allege that newly obtained emails from a former business associate of Hunter Biden’s inner-circle reveal that Hunter and his colleagues used their access to the Obama-Biden administration to peddle influence to potential Chinese clients and investors—including securing a private, off-the-books meeting with the former vice president.

The never-before-revealed emails, unconnected to the Hunter Biden emails being released by the New York Post, were provided to Schweizer by Bevan Cooney, a one-time Hunter Biden and Devon Archer business associate. Cooney is currently in prison serving a sentence for his involvement in a 2016 bond fraud investment scheme.

The report notes:

“On November 5, 2011, one of Archer’s business contacts forwarded him an email teasing an opportunity to gain ‘potentially outstanding new clients’ by helping to arrange White House meetings for a group of Chinese executives and government officials.

“The group was the China Entrepreneur Club (CEC) and the delegation included Chinese billionaires, Chinese Communist Party loyalists, and at least one ‘respected diplomat’ from Beijing. Despite its benign name, CEC has been called ‘a second foreign ministry’ for the People’s Republic of China—a communist government that closely controls most businesses in its country. CEC was established in 2006 by a group of businessmen and Chinese government diplomats.

“CEC’s leadership boasts numerous senior members of the Chinese Communist Party, including Wang Zhongyu (vice chairman of the 10th CPPCC National Committee and deputy secretary of the Party group), Ma Weihua (director of multiple Chinese Communist Party offices), and Jiang Xipei (member of the Chinese Communist Party and representative of the 16th National Congress), among others.

“‘I know it is political season and people are hesitant but a group like this does not come along every day,’ an intermediary named Mohamed A. Khashoggi wrote on behalf of the CEC to an associate of Hunter Biden and Devon Archer. ‘A tour of the white house and a meeting with a member of the chief of staff’s office and John Kerry would be great.’

“The gross income of the CEC members’ companies allegedly ‘totaled more than renminbi 1.5 trillion, together accounting for roughly 4% of China’s GDP.’ The overture to Hunter Biden’s associates described the Chinese CEC members variously as ‘industrial elites,’ ‘highly influential,’ and among ‘the most important private sector individuals in China today,’ dubbed as the China Inc.

“Hunter Biden and Devon Archer apparently delivered for the Chinese Communist Party-connected industrial elites within ten days … The Obama-Biden administration archives reveal that this Chinese delegation did indeed visit the White House on November 14, 2011, and enjoyed high-level access.

“The visitor logs list Jeff Zients, the deputy director of Obama’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB), as the host of the CEC delegation. Obama had tasked Zients with restructuring and ultimately consolidating the various export-import agencies under the Commerce Department—an effort in which the Chinese delegation would have a keen interest.”

Schweizer suggests that the meeting may have opened the door for Hunter and Devon Archer down the road—as just two years later they formed the Chinese government-funded Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) investment fund which saw Chinese money pour into it for investments in CEC-linked businesses.

According to the report,

“One of BHR’s first major portfolio investments was a ride-sharing company like Uber called Didi Dache—now called Didi Chuxing Technology Co. That company is closely connected to Liu Chuanzhi, the chairman of the China Entrepreneur Club (CEC) and the founder of Legend Holdings—the parent company of Lenovo, one of the world’s largest computer companies. Liu is a former Chinese Communist Party delegate and was a leader of the 2011 CEC delegation to the White House. His daughter was the President of Didi.”

After reading the names of these high-profile Chinese business and political elites visiting the White House and cultivating personal friendships and business relationships in the highest echelons of the Obama-Biden administration, one wonders whether the latter formulated trade and economic policies serving the interests of the American masses or took care of financial stakes of global power elites.

During the last decade, all the manufacturing has outsourced to China, Chinese entrepreneurs are stealing American jobs and the American working classes are finding it hard to make ends meet, yet neoliberal Democrats are dogmatically sticking with market fundamentalism of globalization and free trade.

In order to understand the real and perceived grievances of Donald Trump’s “alt-right” electoral base, we need to understand the prevailing global economic order and its prognosis. The predictions of pragmatic economists about free market capitalism have turned out to be true. A kind of global economic entropy has set into motion, and money is flowing from the area of high monetary density to the area of low monetary density.

The rise of BRICS countries in the 21st century is the proof of this tendency. BRICS are growing economically because the labor in developing economies is cheap; labor laws and rights are virtually nonexistent; expenses on creating a safe and healthy work environment are minimal; regulatory framework is lax; expenses on environmental protection are negligible; taxes are low; and, in the nutshell, windfalls for multinational corporations are massive.

Thus, BRICS are threatening the global economic monopoly of the Western capitalist bloc: North America and Western Europe. Here we need to understand the difference between manufacturing sector and services sector. Manufacturing sector is the backbone of economy; one cannot create a manufacturing base overnight.

It is based on hard assets: the national economies need raw materials; production equipment; transport and power infrastructure; and, last but not the least, a technically educated labor force. It takes decades to build and sustain a manufacturing base. But the services sector, like the Western financial institutions, can be built and dismantled in a relatively short period of time.

If we take a cursory look at the economy of the Western capitalist bloc, it has still retained some of its high-tech manufacturing base, but it is losing fast to the cheaper and equally robust manufacturing base of the developing BRICS nations. Everything is made in China these days, except for high-tech microprocessors, software, several internet giants, some pharmaceutical products, the Big Oil and the military hardware and defense production industry.

Apart from that, the entire economy of the Western capitalist bloc is based on financial institutions: the behemoth investment banks that dominate and control the global economy, like JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs in the US; BNP Paribas and Axa Group in France; Deutsche Bank and Allianz Group in Germany; and Barclays and HSBC in the UK.

After establishing the fact that the Western economy is mostly based on its financial services sector, we need to understand its implications. Like I have contended earlier that it takes time to build a manufacturing base, but it is relatively easy to build and dismantle an economy based on financial services.

Moreover, the manufacturing sector is labor-intensive whereas the financial services sector is capital-intensive, therefore the latter does not create as much job opportunities to keep the workforce of a nation gainfully employed and sufficiently remunerated as the industrial sector does.

Although the bankers and corporate executives of the Western economies are the beneficiaries of such exploitative practices, the middle and working classes are suffering. Besides the Trump supporters in the United States, the far-right populist leaders in Europe are also exploiting popular resentment against free trade and globalization.

The Brexiteers in the United Kingdom, the Yellow Vest protesters in France and the far-right movements in Germany and across Europe are a manifestation of a paradigm shift in the global economic order in which nationalist and protectionist slogans have replaced the free trade and globalization mantra of the nineties.

Though the “alt-right agenda” of the Trump presidency has been scuttled by the political establishment and the deep state, Trump’s views regarding global politics and economics are starkly different from the establishment Democrats and Republicans pursuing neoliberal economics masqueraded as globalization and free trade.

With his anti-globalist and protectionist agenda, Trump represents a paradigm shift in the global economic order. Trump withdrawing the United States from multilateral treaties, restructuring trade agreements, bringing investments and employments back to the US and initiating a trade war against China are a silent revolution against neoliberal ideals of globalization and free trade of which China is the new beneficiary with its strong manufacturing base and massive export potential.

Thus, it’s only natural for the Chinese government to try to oust Trump from the presidency with all available means, including providing financial support to his neoliberal Democratic rivals, favoring globalization and free trade, in the upcoming US presidential elections slated for November 3.


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Nauman Sadiq is an Islamabad-based attorney, columnist and geopolitical analyst focused on the politics of Af-Pak and Middle East regions, neocolonialism and petro-imperialism. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.


[1] Blockbuster Report Reveals How Biden Family Was Compromised By China:

[2] Emails Reveal Hunter Biden’s Associates Helped Communist-Aligned Chinese Elites Secure White House Meetings:

Featured image is from InfoBrics

Whatever stance taken by followers of the British Labour Party on the subject of antisemitism within its ranks, the suspension of Jeremy Corbyn must be seen as an exercise of muscle on the part of Sir Keir Starmer.  Since coming to the leadership, Starmer’s popularity has risen, catching up to that of Prime Minister Boris Johnson.  But Corbyn and the Corbynistas lingered, irritating reminders of a previous revolution of the left to be subjugated and marginalised.  The report on antisemitism in the British Labour Party by the Equality and Human Rights Commission presented a chance. 

In July 2019, the EHRC announced that it was investigating the party “after receiving a number of complaints of allegations of antisemitism within the Party.”  It proceeded to look at whether the Party had committed unlawful acts; handled complaints of antisemitism “in a lawful, efficient and effective way”; had adequate complaints handling, investigatory and disciplinary processes that were efficient and effective, “including whether appropriate sanctions have been or could be applied”; and whether steps were taken by the Party “to implement the recommendations made in the Chakrabarti, Royall and Home Affairs Committee Reports.”

The EHRC report released on October 29 identified, in the words of the Interim Chair, Caroline Waters, “specific examples of harassment, discrimination and political interference in our evidence” and “a lack of leadership within the Labour Party on these issues, which is hard to reconcile with its stated commitment to a zero-tolerance approach to antisemitism.”  The executive summary pointed to “serious failings in leadership and an adequate process for handling antisemitism complaints” across the Party”, including “multiple failures in the systems it uses to resolve them.” Three breaches of the Equality Act were identified, covering political interference in complaints of antisemitism complaints; the inadequate provision of training to those handling such complaints and cases of harassment. 

The report identifies two specific instances of harassment against its members on antisemitic grounds: former London Mayor Ken Livingstone and local Rossendale Borough Councillor Pam Bromley.  Livingstone was singled out for his claims in 2016 that attacks on MP Naz Shah for purported antisemitic social media posts were “part of a smear campaign by ‘the Israel Jewish lobby’ to stigmatise critics of Israel as antisemitic” designed to “undermine and disrupt the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn MP.”  Bromley, for her part, was taken to task for using antisemitic tropes: the Jewish conspiracy, manipulating political processes and being a “fifth column.”

Despite these purplish standouts, the EHRC, while considering a “significant number” of other complaints demonstrating “what we considered to be antisemitic conduct”, found insufficient evidence showing that the Labour Party had been legally responsible or the conduct; that it was from an “ordinary” member of the Party, for which it could not be responsible for under equality law; and insufficient evidence that “the harmful effect of the conduct” had outweighed “the freedom of the expression rights of the individual concerned.”

In responding to the report, Corbyn accepted that, “Jewish members of our party and the wider community were right to expect us to deal with it,” expressing “regret that it took longer to deliver that change than it should.”  Those claiming there was no antisemitism in the Labour Party were wrong.  “Of course there is, as there is throughout society, and sometimes it is voiced by people who think of themselves as on the left.”

He pointed out that many of the processes scrutinised and criticised as wanting in the report were already there prior to his leadership. Firmer measures were put in place after 2018, in the face of party bureaucracy.  But a large, and for his opponents gaping opening, was left with his insistence that “the scale of the problem was dramatically overstated for political reasons by our opponents inside and outside the party, as well as by much of the media.”  That “combination … hurt Jewish people and must never be repeated.”

As Ronan Burtenshaw, editor of Tribune, is right to note, Corbyn has some merit in making reference to exaggeration for political purposes.  Individual complainants had, in some cases, been responsible for a veritable tsunami of grievance, most unfounded.  There were unsubstantiated statements from various MPs, including Margaret Hodge, who herself filed a hundred antisemitism complaints, eighty of which involved people with no connection with Labour or its party structures.

With factional considerations now lit, Labour Party general secretary David Evans, a close ally of Starmer, suspended Corbyn within a matter of hours, despite being unable to say which party rule had been breached. “I was very disappointed in Jeremy Corbyn’s statement,” claimed the Labour leader, “and appropriate action has been taken, which I fully support.”  A satisfied Hodge felt that suspending Corbyn was the “right thing decision” following his “shameful reaction to the EHRC report.” 

Evans assumed the mantle as the torchbearer of the right faction of the party, replacing Corbyn’s ally Jennie Formby in May.  Spokesman of Labour Against Antisemitism Euan Philips had words of cautious praise for the appointment at the time: not only was it a relief to have a figure from “outside the hard left” in that role, Evans had “a huge job to tackle institutional anti-Jewish racism in the party”. 

With such sentiments in mind, both Evans and Starmer have essentially manoeuvred the party into a position where the mere hint of scepticism about the scale of antisemitism within Labour will be excoriated and expunged.  As Starmer explained on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, “I made it clear the Labour Party I lead will not tolerate antisemitism, neither will it tolerate the argument that denies or minimises antisemitism in the Labour Party on the basis that it’s exaggerated or a factional row.”  This is despite the acceptance by the EHRC that Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights protecting freedom of expression “will protect Labour Party members who … make legitimate criticisms of the Israeli government, or express their opinions on internal Party matters, such as the scale of antisemitism within the Party, based on their own experience and within the law.”

While the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg saw no “deliberately designed collision between the current party boss and his predecessor” it is hard to ignore the alignment of the stars.  Starmer wants to cement his credentials and iron out the creases; Corbyn, with his obstinacy and loyal defenders, present potential future obstacles to his plans.  A civil war beckons, with antisemitism fashioned as factional spear tips.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

We, The People, are concerned about worldwide media reporting about covid.

Are you, Western Media Moguls, realizing that there is hardly anything else on your programs other than covid? – Covid is at the center of everything. Covid discussions appear every hour on the hour, in the news and in between the news.

Covid reporting is non-stop alarming and fearmongering.

New “cases”, new “infections” are reported almost on an hourly basis of the country concerned. Covid “cases” double or triple every 24 hours. It’s astounding; really fear-inflicting. We are entering a “second wave”; hospitals are overflowing; you must submit to testing-testing-testing, it is key, so we can prevent others from being infected.

You must wear masks; you must respect social distancing – quarantine is obligatory, confinement, alias house arrest, closing bars restaurants public places, curfew – walking in the streets, even for food shopping, with license only, police squadrons surveillance — a universal tyranny the world has not known in history remembered.

And You, Media Moguls, with your country-based minions, stooges, are at the heart of this massive, deadly human rights abuse.

It is one big horror show, listening, watching or reading your media – worldwide, in all those places, where Anglo-Saxon Media Moguls triumph over world affairs.

There is hardly an exception. So-called news programs, become “disinformation propaganda”. There is no limit to your lies and imaginations with the purpose of instilling fear in the largest possible swaths of population.


There is never a true and full analysis of “new infections” (“new cases”); never an explanation on how these new “infection cases” are assembled and composed. For example,

1) More than 80% of these cases are asymptomatic, and therefore, there is no risk of transmission. Yes, WHO has changed its opinion, already several times, always following instructions from their (financial) Masters;

2) New “cases” increase with increased testing which you, Media Moguls, are promoting with even more media-instilled fear-campaigns. You know very well an age-old axiom: FEAR is a very powerful weapon. Specially now with the flu and cold season coming upon us, fear-fear-fear is what lowers the immune system and people are more vulnerable to catch a virus, any virus (scientifically proven, as you probably know).

People are so scared, they run to the doctor, or hospital with covid-fear, to be tested. That’s how testing and ‘cases’ are increased.

3) There is never a mention that the Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (in short RT-PCR) tests deliver, according to various virologists and medical doctors’ associations in Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, the US, and elsewhere – up to 90 % “false positives”. They enter the statistics, but the “patient” is not sick, has no covid, but may be condemned to quarantine, or worse, isolation.

Why is it that these numerous medical associations, composed of thousands of professors, medical doctors, virologists, specialists of infectious diseases and more professionals in the health as well as legal fields, are never referred to, never quoted by the Mogul News, by the mainstream media? – Perhaps, because they might divulge the truth to the dead-of-FEAR people, take their fear away. Make them resistant.

Did you know that many European governments and the US have put in place “Health-protective Martial Laws”? – It’s the government version, never mind how big a lie, how absurd and unnecessary the government imposed restrictive tyrannical measures are, i.e. health emergency laws, that allow governments to order police and military to come to your house and arrest you if they please; if they consider you a “health risk” for your society, because you do not follow the official narrative.

Do you know what can be said on mainstream as well as “underground’ is strictly monitored by algorithms and censored, if a message contradicts the ordered narrative? – Never in known human history, especially when we profess with great hypocrisy democracy and free speech, has censorship been so widespread, so all embracing as we experience today. Think about it.

And never have people acted so much like a herd of scared sheep, following against their own reasoning, their own common sense, out of fear the fraudulent common trend – and that common trend is daily nurtured by more government / media lies, attracting even more people, destroying their sovereign thinking, their, yes, immune system, because they are no longer themselves. They have become zombies of a “higher force”, the precursor of AI and algorithm obedient subjects. This is Goebbels (Hitler’s Propaganda Minister) by a factor of thousand.

The Sheep Will spend Its entire Life fearing the World, only to be eaten by the Shepherd– African Proverb

4) As said above, we are entering the winter flu season. The PCR test cannot make a clear distinction between a common flu and covid-19, since the similarity is so striking. The common flu is known to contain a portion of corona viruses. Therefore, all common flu cases are now conveniently labeled covid, so that the “case” figures can be “sky-rocketed” into fear-dimensions, thereby scaring even more people to death and inciting even more people to run to testing facilities.

Did you know – you surely must know – that the Global North, gradually entering winter, colder seasons, typical the thousands of years-old flu season – miraculously, the Northern Hemisphere, or the (rich) Global North, hardly reports any flu cases? Would you believe, in some countries none. Guess what? – The flu is gone. Non-existent. Evaporated seemingly by covid.

Or, is it perhaps possible that covid has stolen the flu statistics, as flu is being “mistaken” by covid? – You, the People, may be interested in reading this brief analysis in RT “Flu away: Scientists baffled at disappearance of influenza… but is it really gone, or just masked by Covid-19?

The Deep Dark Evil State’s motive is – let the covid, alias flu-infection-spiral rise rapidly, so as to justify ever more selective lockdowns, civil repressions, border closings, human rights abuses, until countries are again totally locked down, for the “good of the people” — and the economy, what’s left of it, is run into the ground. It’s called asset-grabbing by the rich. Bankruptcies abound, and their assets which haven’t lost in real physical values, only their stock value have been driven down, will be gobbled up by multinationals or multibillionaires for pennies on the dollar.

That’s what’s going on. This may be the last phase, because after this, there is hardly anything left to grab. But the world’s billionaires and world’s Media Moguls – You, the Addressees, are richer by the trillions, at the detriment of the people at large. The International Labor Office (ILO) predicts that by the end 2020 to middle 2021, maybe as many as 2.9 billion people, or half the world’s workforce might be unemployed; no income, no food; death by famine – or by sheer misery, by suicide. Already in non-covid times, 70% of the worldwide workforce, mostly in the Global South, is “informal”, meaning, they live from day to day, odd jobs, sheer survival jobs, short-term contracts, no labor-laws apply, no social safety nets, nothing. Nada. Imagine, what it is like with covid.

That’s the perspective that may lay ahead, if You, the Western Media Moguls, continue this trend set by corrupt governments of following orders from the small inhuman oligarchy, perpetuating the dystopian character of our civilization; and if We, the People, do not catch our inner spark of conscience, uniting with each other to stop our literal extinction.

5) People who die from covid are very few and far in between. More than 90% of them are over 75 or even over 80 and die with co-morbidities, and, as sad as it is, would have most likely died anyway from one of their other health preconditions.

Since they are tested positive, and they die with but not of covid, their death certificate will be issued saying “cause of death: covid-19”. Case in point where this has happened and is still happening – and was divulged by medical doctors – is Italy. And the same in Germany, France and, very much so, in the US, to name just a few.

6) There is nobody ever questioning the official government narrative, repeated by You, the Monster Media, controlling literally the western world, ad absurdum; and there is nobody ever independently checking and investigating these figures, how they are assembled. Nobody. Maybe nobody dares challenging our sacrosanct governments, in which we put so much unjustified trust. Unjustified, because these very governments, about 180 of the 193 UN member governments, were apparently “elected” by “We, The People” and are paid for by us, the people, yet they follow other, “higher” interests than standing up for the rights of the people they were chosen to defend.

One day, we can but hope, there will be a Nuremberg-like Tribunal bringing real justice to these perpetrators of genocidal crimes against humanity. And the same justice is to apply to You, Media Moguls, and not least to the well remunerated coopted scientists, the so-called Task Forces, who support the collective lies of these governments with purposely false science.

It is clear that higher forces are dictating this narrative, this fear-indoctrination – so that people are scared everyday more from an invisible enemy. They are screaming for the vaccine to come – can’t wait. There is no doubt, that you the media, are fulfilling a well-defined, and well-remunerated job; that you, Media Moguls, know what the truth is, but you are corrupted by money and by power – as, sadly, much of our world has succumbed to the God of Money and Power, leaving ethics and integrity by the way side.

It is also clear that there is a different, higher agenda behind this all. Worldwide.

Imagine, the coincidence, on 18 October 2019, the Bill Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, sponsor Event 201 in NYC, simulating a pandemic, called SARS-2-Cov, later renamed by WHO as covid-19.

In January 2020 in Davos, the WEF decides in the presence of the Director General of WHO, that this coming “covid-disease” must be declared a “pandemic” – a decision with which Dr. Tedros, DG WHO, complied, declaring on 11 March 2020 Covid-19 a “pandemic”, when there were worldwide only a total of 4970 confirmed cases, and 313 deaths – WHO Situation Report.

On exactly mid-March 2020, all 193 UN member nations declare a general lockdown (with just a few exceptions, Belarus, Sweden, and maybe one or two others). What a coincidence, an invisible enemy strikes simultaneously the entire world, never happened before in human history. But we are moving into strange times into, yes, a totally dystopian world.

Imagine, all government authorities would stop testing tomorrow, at once – covid would be gone. No more “cases”. We could breathe again and would only be bothered by the usual occasional cold and annual common flu, the death-rate of which, by the way, is far higher than that of covid. But no confinement, no masks, no social distancing – no division of friends and families for the sake of domination of many by a few. And no more immune system debilitating fear!

It’s never too late. You, Media Moguls, bought scientists, may change course any time, join your truth-seeking brothers and sisters of the scientific and medical profession, who already escaped the Matrix, by the thousands, in Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, the US of A – and every day more – to join the People, telling them the truth, bringing them hope, killing fear – killing the peoples’ biggest enemy there is, FEAR.


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Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organization around the world in the fields of environment and water. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals such as Global Research; ICH; New Eastern Outlook (NEO) and more. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

From One Struggle to Another, Abolition Now! Mumia Abu Jamal

November 1st, 2020 by Mumia Abu-Jamal

When one thinks of the term abolition, there is a tendency to see it as a threat emerging from the left. Another perspective understands, however, that abolition is a natural response to a situation that has become untenable.

What condition lay before the nation in its founding days? Slavery: human bondage, which sat like an incubus upon the new nation’s foundation, and transformed its stated aims and ideals into lies. After some reflection, perhaps, we will see that the notion of abolition has deep historical roots. Consider summer, 1776, when delegates from the Continental Congress gathered in a sweltering room in Philadelphia. These men, some of the country’s intellectual elite, were scientists, writers, doctors, and thinkers, yet their claims of the new nation’s ideals were thick with contradiction. They wrote and adopted a document that said, among other things, the following:

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it.

These words emerge from the Declaration of Independence, adopted July 4, 1776, and celebrated throughout the U.S. annually on Independence Day today.

When people came together in the 19th century to oppose the expanding slave system, they were called abolitionists. Among both the rulers and the press, such people were regarded as oddballs at best, and nuts at worst. Despite present popular opinion, slavery was the air that people breathed. The nation was so deeply and openly negrophobic and racist, that the idea of a multiracial group opposed to slavery was considered aberrant.

Furthermore, the document, signed by such luminaries as Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Dr. Benjamin Rush, and John Adams, included platitudes like “all men are created equal,” while dark men, property-less white men, and all women were neither able to vote nor be voted for posts of political power. Indigenous people were seen as part of a distant wilderness and not part of the nation that was being contemplated.

In October 1859, white abolitionist leader John Brown, joined by 21 men, raided the U.S. Armory at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, in an attempt to arm African captives in neighboring plantations so they could strike out for freedom. Such an attempt had to face fierce logistical challenges, given the communications needed to gain the ear and trust of a largely illiterate and deeply repressed enslaved community, constantly subjected to white armed militia surveillance.

Abolitionists brought forth another vision, and hence, another future. Harpers Ferry, Virginia, was a step in the fateful march to war that, after earth-shaking sacrifice, led to the abolition of slavery.

Abraham Lincoln, one of the most admired presidents in history, would describe the raid and the raiders as little better than lunatics and regicides, less than a year after the attack failed. In February, 1860, Lincoln spoke before a crowd at New York’s Cooper Institute (now known as Cooper Union) to distance himself and his party (Republicans) from the Harpers Ferry raid. Lincoln told his audience that Brown wasn’t a Republican, and that Republicans had nothing to do with the raid. Indeed, Lincoln assured his northern audience that neither he nor his party supported abolition. And, truth be told, this is far from a remarkable perspective, for the fact of chattel slavery was one deeply normalized in American experience and history.

Indeed, abolition was the exception, not the rule.

What this means, of course, is that abolitionists were truly remarkable people who saw beyond the present into a time not yet born. Spurred often by religious convictions, abolitionists supported attacks against the slave system, which they saw as an unnecessary evil.

In 1858, a year before the Harpers Ferry raid, Lincoln opined that slavery would last for at least 100 more years — or at least until 1958 or the 1960s. It is important to note that Lincoln’s prognostication was meant to appease the slavocracy. It was not an assessment of the counterrevolutionary dynamic that would detonate after the war.

Despite this observation, what that means to us writing from the 21st century is that people we now regard as successful African American leaders and entrepreneurs like Oprah Winfrey, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Thurgood Marshall, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Duke Ellington, Lena Horne, Muhammad Ali, Dr. Maya Angelou, Debbie Allen, Toni Morrison, Malcolm X, Bessie Smith, Maxine Waters, Alex Haley, Lerone Bennett, Hank Aaron, and, yes, even Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, would have been born into captivity, if Lincoln’s opinion prevailed.

Abolitionists brought forth another vision, and hence, another future. Harpers Ferry, Virginia, was a step in the fateful march to war that, after earth-shaking sacrifice, led to the abolition of slavery. Thus, abolition was not a skip in the park. It is a deep, committed movement of social transformation that seeks to bring down institutions that needlessly inflict pain upon the People.

Abolitionists like Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, and John Brown forged a new America, one unimaginable to earlier generations. They saw farther than their contemporaries, and even warned them of problems threatening from the periphery.

In May 1865, a month after the Confederacy surrendered to Union forces, Douglass delivered a potent warning for his fellow abolitionists about the counterrevolutionary threats that emerged from the ruins of the Civil War:

Slavery has been fruitful in giving itself names. It has been called ‘the peculiar institution,’ ‘the social system,’ and the ‘impediment’… It has been called by a great many names, and it will call itself by yet another name; and you and I and all of us had better wait and see what new form this old monster will assume, in what new skin this old snake will come forth next.

Douglass’s warning, about the mutability of that old racist snake, was not heeded. The achievements of Reconstruction were drowned in a sea of terror and blood.

The lessons of the noble anti-slavery Abolition Movement is before us. It is a lesson to struggle and struggle, from generation to generation, until the People are finally free, and that ‘old snake’ has no more masks behind which to hide.

Abolitionists tried to make the nation live up to its promises of equal justice, of freedom, and the rights enshrined in the Reconstruction Amendments set forth in the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution, which were designed to protect the rights of Black citizens.

The Reconstruction Era marked the brief period of Black postwar freedom until the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the 1875 Civil Rights Act. In that era, white supremacists waged a terror war against Black people, and maintained it for the better part of a century, until the emergence and rise of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s. The lessons of the noble anti-slavery Abolition Movement are before us. The lessons to struggle and struggle, from generation to generation, until the People are finally free, and that “old snake” has no more masks behind which to hide.

The 13th amendment ensured the continuation of slavery by another name — in the guise of the carceral state. Today, prisons are the third largest employer in the nation according to sociologist Loïc Wacquant — and Black people are, once again, its currency.

Although we have drawn from the text of the Declaration of Independence to cite “the Right of the People… to abolish” unjust systems that threaten the Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness of the People, that right doesn’t arise from the document. It comes from the hearts, minds, and urgings of the People — the living People who today breathe the air that sustains us all. Is that not the same energy that calls us to support today’s abolition movement, that works to tear down the system that deprives millions of people — entombed in prison cells and solitary confinement and in this prison house of nations — of their Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?

We need not historicize questions, nor cast them into the hoary days of the past. They live within us, in our hopes, our dreams, our visions of a world free of such repressive systems that are but the shadows of slavery. Abolition Now!


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Debt, Land and Money, from Polanyi to the New Economic Archaeology

November 1st, 2020 by Prof Michael Hudson

Inspiration for The Great Transformation in the postwar monetary breakdown

Karl Polanyi’s formative years in the aftermath of World War I were a period of monetary turmoil. The United States became a creditor nation for the first time, and demanded payment of the war debts that Keynes warned were unpayable without wrecking Europe’s financial systems. (Hudson, Super Imperialism, 1972, summarizes this era.) France and Britain subjected Germany to unsustainably high reparations debts, while imposing austerity on their own economies by adhering to the gold standard. Jacques Rueff in France and Bertil Ohlin in the United States argued that Germany could pay any level of reparations in gold – and the Allies could pay their foreign-currency arms debts – by imposing unemployment high enough to make wages low enough to make its products cheap enough to run a trade surplus large enough to pay its debt service.

Most countries followed the ‘hard-money’ idea that money was (or could be made to act as a proxy for) a commodity by making it convertible into gold. Advocated most notoriously by the Austrians Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich von Hayek, the result was monetary deflation. It was a replay of what had occurred after 1815 when the banker David Ricardo insisted that returning to the gold standard would restore balance in the face of any given foreign debt payment or military subsidy. He claimed that any such payments deficit would automatically be recycled in the form of the recipient country’s demand for imports from the ‘capital-paying’ economy. No such balance resulted.

When the gold standard was re-imposed after World War I, economies were starved of money in order to reduce prices and wages in a futile attempt to pay their debts. Rueff, Ohlin and Hayek claimed that imposing this deflation and poverty on debtor economies would (and should) represent a stable equilibrium.

Everything – including money, land and labor – was viewed as a commodity whose price would be set fairly by supply and demand, subject to ‘demand’ being eroded by debt service paid to creditors without limit. Money creation was to be kept out of the hands of government, because as Margaret Thatcher paraphrased Hayek’s ideology: ‘There is no such thing as society.’ There is (and should be) only a market – one that inevitably is dominated by financial fortunes, banks and property owners.

Polanyi blamed the postwar breakdown and Great Depression on the imposition of free market ideology. Writing that ‘The 1920s saw the prestige of economic liberalism at its height,’ he forecast that, ‘Undoubtedly, our age will be seen as the end of the self-regulating market,’ (Polanyi, 1944: 148). He expected the chaos resulting from implementing this manic ideology to demonstrate the fallacy of claims that markets are self-regulating and can be ‘disembedded’ from their social regulatory context without causing economic destruction, unemployment and poverty.

To demonstrate the need for public regulation, Polanyi undertook a review of what modes of organizing money, credit and land use had sustained prosperity and which ones failed. Rejecting what he took to be Marx’s sequence of modes of production, he emphasized modes of exchange. He accused Marx’s set of ‘historically untenable stages’ as flowing ‘from the conviction that the character of the economy was set by the status of labor,’(Polanyi, 1956: 256) from ancient slavery and usury, to serfdom under feudalism and wage labor under capitalism. Focusing on the transition from feudalism to industrial capitalism, driving labor off the land to become wage labor working for employers, Marx’s aim was not to review the history of land tenure. Polanyi urged that ‘the integration of the soil into the economy should be regarded as hardly less vital.’ ‘Under feudalism and the gild system,’ Polanyi wrote, ‘land and labor formed part of the social organization itself (money had yet hardly developed into a major element of industry).’ Land was allocated as the basis of maintaining ‘the military, judicial, administrative, and political system; its status and function were determined by legal and customary rules.’ (Polanyi, 1944: 69) The proper task of government is to socialize rules for what its rent was to be used for – taxes, or payments to rentiers?

Capital - A Critique of Political Economy by Karl Marx PDF

In Volumes II and III of Capital, Marx traced land rent and usury as survivals from feudal times, ‘faux frais of production’ that he expected industrial capitalism to do away with by freeing economies from landlords extracting ground rent, and from usurious banking. Instead, these rentier interests have regained control of economies, opposing public regulation by waving the flag of free-market individualism. Idealizing monetary gains without concern for how this affects the public good, bankers and other rentiers define ‘natural’ or ‘pure’ economies as meaning no regulation of prices or markets with social welfare in mind. The economy is seen as a market free-for-all, not as a social system regulating property, credit and debt to prioritize social stability and rising living standards.

By depicting public regulatory power as ‘unnatural’, free-market policy assumes that relinquishing the rules of property ownership, credit and debt to private wealth is natural and desirable. The reality is that there never has been a ‘natural’ market existing without social regulations. What passes for a free market amounts to little more than a jockeying for position, with the advantage lying with the wealthiest individuals. Their interest lies in minimizing public oversight and taxation of their rent-seeking, credit and foreclosure, and other business activities.

Polanyi set out to demonstrate the folly of subjecting labor, land and monetary policy to unregulated ‘free markets.’ What really is at issue is what kind of markets economies will have, and who will be their major beneficiaries – or victims. The Great Transformation credited feudalism and England’s early industrial capitalism with its still-operating Poor Laws for preserving broad social objectives and regulations instead of throwing labor and land to the wolves (the wealthy) by treating them as commodities. Even in the earliest days of the development of capitalism, mercantilist nations ‘were all equally averse to the idea of commercializing labor and land – the precondition of market economy. … Mercantilism, with all its tendency towards commercialization, never attacked the safeguards which protected these two basic elements of production – labor and land – from becoming objects of commerce’ (ibid: 70).

From antiquity down through feudal Europe, land formed the universal tax base. In contrast to normal commodities that have a cost of production, land is provided freely by nature. ‘Land, labor and money are obviously not commodities,’ he explained. Labor is life, and ‘land is only another name for nature,’ not having been produced by labor and hence not having a cost of production (classical value), and its rent is a legal property claim. But markets give it a price so as to transfer ownership rights, enabling landlords to extract rental income without work (ibid, 72). Although land’s site value is created mainly by public infrastructure investment, landholders fight to keep the land’s rent for themselves. That prevents governments from keeping land rent should in the public domain as the tax base. And in antiquity, foreclosing creditors and large investors displaced smallholders, depriving governments of taxes as well as corvée labor and a free citizen-army.

When Polanyi called money a fictitious commodity, he was rejecting the idea of making it scarce by limiting its supply to that of gold, mimicking commodities as if money were part of a barter system. It also gave creditors overwhelming power over the rest of the economy, especially over its labor and land by pushing wage levels and crop prices below basic break-even needs when governments were deprived of the ability to create credit to employ labor. He criticized Ricardo for having ‘indoctrinated nineteenth-century England with the conviction that the term ‘money’ meant a medium of exchange,’ with bank notes readily convertible into gold (ibid: 196). That policy led to deflation, given gold’s limited supply. Falling prices and wages penalized debtors when countries returned to gold convertibility after wartime inflations. That occurred in Britain after 1815, and in the United States after the 1870s when it sought to roll back prices so that the price of gold – and hence, wages and commodity prices – would be driven back down to their pre-Civil War level. The result was prolonged economic depression, causing land and other property to be transferred from debtors to creditors.

Polanyi’s preferred alternative was to make money serve social aims by making it a public creation of law. Such token money has no inherent cost of production, ‘but comes into being through the mechanism of banking or state finance,’ and thus is not a commodity with an ultimate labor cost of production: ‘actual money, finally, is merely a token of purchasing power which, as a rule, is not produced at all but comes into being through the mechanism of banking or state finance’ (Ibid: 72).

Polanyi’s Austrian adversaries argued that public money creation, social spending programs, regulations and subsidies distorted the supposedly efficient ‘natural’ economy of price-setting markets. In practice this meant low wages and a transfer of land to the wealthy. Unregulated market forces and gain seeking led the social system to be run for the purely financial aim of ‘maximum money gains,’ subjecting land, labor and money to pro-creditor bias instead of favoring the population’s indebted majority. It was to prevent this economic polarization and austerity, Polanyi claimed, that ‘Regulation and markets … grew up together.’ Trade and incomes were regulated for most of history, thanks to the fact that, ‘As a rule, the economic system was absorbed in the social system.’ (ibid: 68)

But by the mid-1920s money-seeking drives were destabilizing agriculture and industry. France imposed austerity by adhering to the gold standard, and Britain’s similar policy led to a nationwide General Strike in 1926. The moral, Polanyi said, was that:

To allow the market mechanism to be the sole director of the fate of human beings and their natural environment, indeed, even of the amount and use of purchasing power, would result in the demolition of society. … the market administration of purchasing power would periodically liquidate business enterprise, for shortages and surfeits of money would prove as disastrous to business as floods and droughts in primitive society. (Ibid: 73)

Polanyi’s Interdisciplinary Project at Columbia

The Great Transformation’s publication in 1944 led to Polanyi’s appointment at Columbia University (1947-53), where he organized a group of anthropologists and ancient historians to review how non-market societies shaped their labor, land and monetary relations. This provided an empirical alternative to the assumption that price-setting ‘free’ markets had always existed without government ‘interference.’

The group’s first research into alternatives to the free market version of history was Trade and Markets in the Early Empires (1957) was an outgrowth of the early 20th-century debate between the so-called primitivists and modernists. The modernist reading of history insists that self-seeking individuals innovated money and enterprise spontaneously, without chieftains, palaces or temples playing a role. Against this idea, Karl Bücher (1847-1930) countered that ancient economies were not organized along modern individualistic lines. He ‘objected to both classical and neoclassical economics on the grounds that these theories had a narrow-time-bound concept of economy, a concept which they assumed was applicable to all historical periods’ (Polanyi, 1962: 164).

Like Bücher, Polanyi rejected reconstructions that read as if a free-market economist got into a time machine and went back to the Neolithic to organize credit and markets along modern lines. If any archaic economy had followed that idealized textbook model, his follower Johannes Renger (1972) observed, debtors would have fled, or defected to rivals promising to cancel their debts. Mutual aid and its associated constraints on profiteering were preconditions for survival. Chiefs were expected to be openhanded, protecting the weak and needy.

The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time by Karl Polanyi (1971-06-01): Karl Polanyi: Books

Elaborating on the ideas developed in the Great Transformation, Polanyi drew on anthropology and ancient history to show that monetary ‘obligations do not here commonly spring from transactions’ to exchange goods in markets. They had more to do with the payment of taxes, debts and other obligations: ‘The equating of such staples as barley, oil and wool in which taxes or rent have to be paid or alternative rations or wages may be claimed is vital’ (Polanyi, 1957: 264f).

Polanyi characterized market exchange as one of three distinct exchange systems: reciprocity (gift exchange), redistribution and ‘market’ exchange. ‘Reciprocity behavior between individuals integrates the economy only if symmetrically organized structures, such as a symmetrical system of kinship groups, are given.’ Such symmetries can be disturbed by ‘the rise of the market to a ruling force in the economy,’ above all as ‘land and food were mobilized through exchange, and labor was turned into a commodity free to be purchased in the market’ (ibid: 225). He did not see this as having developed already c. 1800 BC in the Old Babylonian period, or that debt was the major lever enabling wealthy individuals to obtain land from smallholders. Creditors often got themselves adopted as ‘sons’ of the indebted landholder, so that they could inherit the land in due course under existing rules to keep land in the hands of hereditary families.

Polanyi summarized his hope that society would cure itself from having disembedded markets from their social context by restoring ‘shapes reminiscent of the economic organization of earlier times.’ Society needed to re-embed market structures for goods and services by administering key prices and incomes in a new redistributive economy. Such redistribution ‘presupposes the presence of an allocative center in the community,’ a palace or temple in earlier times, democratic government offices in today’s world.

Polanyi’s influence on Assyriology

Two of Polanyi’s followers, Leo Oppenheim and Johannes Renger, described Sumer and Babylonia as redistributive temple and palatial economies. Renger’s 1984 article on the palatial context for trade and enterprise showed the role of these large institutions in allocating and pricing resources. To undertake forward planning for their own operations and for transactions with the economy at large, palaces and temples needed to value payment of grain rents and fees in a consolidated overall balance sheet along with trade, herding and other activities. Their solution to this problem was to create what we know today as money.

Polanyi characterization of redistribution as an economy-wide mode of exchange – as if Mesopotamia could not be both redistributive and a market economy – implied that Mesopotamia did not also have a thriving profit-seeking trade in a sector where prices varied, especially among cities. This lay him open to criticism, most notably by Morris Silver, who cited examples of private profit-seeking trade such as that of the Assyrians in Cappadocia, as well as evidence that prices often exceeded those prescribed in royal proclamations. (Silver, 1983; Silver 1995)

Renger has described how many of the palace needs of the neo-Sumerian Third Dynasty of Ur III (late third millennium BC) ‘were handled by entrepreneurs for the [royal] household for which they acted (‘Palastgeschäft’)’ (Renger, 1994: 197). Merchants conducted entrepreneurial trade on their own account, often on consignment from the palace but also selling at a markup to the rest of the economy. They also lent on their own account, and collected taxes and fees for the palace. The intermixing between the redistributive palatial economy and the less formal parts of the economy where prices were more flexible makes it often difficult to distinguish between ‘public’ and ‘private,’ and thus between redistributive and ‘market’ exchange, lending and interest, and rents or other obligations (Yoffee, 2003: 6).

Entrepreneurial trade for the market and credit in Mesopotamia co-existed with palace redistribution with administered pricing and gift exchange, each in its own sphere. And Mesopotamia was not alone as a ‘mixed economy’. Almost every society for the past five thousand years has been multi-layered, featuring all three of Polanyi’s modes of exchange simultaneously. Even today, gift exchange among family and friends and administered prices for public goods and services co-exist with market exchange.

However, monetary gain-seeking usually was ‘embedded’ in an overall social context. Royal Clean Slate proclamations of ‘justice and equity’ annulled the backlog of grain taxes and other agrarian debts, liberated bondservants and restored land forfeited by smallholders. (I provide a history of such acts in ‘… and forgive them their debts’: Lending, Forfeiture and Redemption, From Bronze Age Finance to the Jubilee Year [ISLET 2018]). This preserved a free citizenry to serve in the army and provide corvée labor instead of falling into permanent debt bondage to non-official creditors.

The past few decades of Assyriological research have shown that Mesopotamia was neither primitive nor modern as such. As Dominique Charpin has summarized, Polanyi’s idea of Hammurabi’s Babylonia as a non-market economy was formulated theoretically without the benefit of the documentation that is now available. Many of the texts published in recent years show very clearly that fluctuating prices characterised the market. It is all too easy to use these terms anachronistically and to allow misunderstandings to arise. (Charpin, 2003: 196)

Such misunderstanding had far-reaching consequences half a century ago. One of Polanyi’s most influential followers, Moses Finley, excluded the ancient Near East from the narrative of Western civilization. Driven out of teaching in America during the McCarthy Red Scare of the 1950s for having been a Communist, Finley insisted that Western civilization developed out of primitive communities whose chieftainship practices evolved directly into the classical Greek and Roman city-states. In his view:

The Near Eastern economies were dominated by large palace- or temple-complexes, who owned the greater part of the arable, virtually monopolized anything that can be called “industrial production” as well as foreign trade (which includes inter-city trade, not merely trade with foreign parts), and organized the economic, military, political and religious life of the society through a single complicated, bureaucratic, record-keeping operation for which the word “rationing”, taken very broadly, is as good a one-word description as I can think of. …The exclusion of the Near East is therefore not arbitrary … (Finley, 1985: 28)

This exclusion of Near Eastern economies on the wrong-headed ground that they had no entrepreneurial mentality missed their ‘mixed’ character. Its dualistic attitude epitomizes the tendency of some of Polanyi’s followers to think of societies as being either ‘social’ or ‘free market,’ as if commercial enterprise and interest-bearing debt were incompatible with public regulations and administered pricing. Finley treated it as a primitivist blind alley, like Karl Wittfogel’s interpretation of ‘Oriental despotism’ imagining that irrigated economies had a totalitarian Stalinist-type of authoritarianism. In reality, palaces were sponsors of enterprise and a resilient mixed economy that later provided classical Greece and Rome with their basic techniques of commercial enterprise and interest-bearing debt.

Commenting on how Finlay’s dualistic view has been controverted by the mass of documentation from merchants and investors, Steven Garfinkle notes:

The use of the term “primitive,” therefore, becomes particularly objectionable when applied to the Mesopotamian economy … To Finley, the ancient Near East was not just primitive, it was strange and, therefore, not part of “our” history. By placing the ancient Near East outside of the western experience, Finley was able to justify its exclusion from ancient history; but only if we understand the term “ancient history” to apply exclusively to the carefully screened origins of the “West.” (Garfinkle, 2012: 6f)

Assyriologists have shown the role of monetary gain-seeking entrepreneurs emerging above all in conjunction with the palatial economy, managing royal enterprises and trading with other cities and regions. Indeed, how else could trade and privatization have taken place? (Garfinkle, 2004a; 2004b)

The New Economic Archaeology as an outgrowth of Polanyi’s approach

The New Economic Archaeology is in many ways an outgrowth of Polanyi’s Columbia University group, emphasizing that markets almost always have been regulated to avoid chronic imbalance and insolvency. This school goes beyond Polanyi in emphasizing the role of debt, and also the role of enterprise that emerged out of a symbiosis between Mesopotamia’s palatial economy and individual merchants. The International Scholars Conference on Ancient Near Eastern Economies (ISCANEE) has sought to fill the gap in the history of civilization by a surveying Bronze Age palace and temple enterprise, land tenure, debt and the early development of money, as well as the primordial distinction between commercial credit and agrarian usury.

Our group began in 1994 when I worked with Karl Lamberg-Karlovsky at Harvard’s anthropology department – the Peabody Museum – to organize a series of colloquia to which we invited leading Assyriologists, Egyptologists and archaeologists to find the origins of civilization’s commercial and monetary practices and how eary society managed to prevent personal debt from destabilizing and polarizing economies, as became the case in Greece and Rome. Our group has produced five colloquium volumes on land tenure and urbanization, money and interest, the organization of labor, commerce and enterprise. Together, they show how the basic techniques of commercial enterprise were innovated in the Bronze Age Near Eastern mixed economies.

The first conference was held in November 1994 at New York University, on Privatization in the Ancient Near East and Classical World (published by Harvard’s Peabody Museum, 1996). It focused on the relationship between the large institutions and the rest of the economy in an era when land was held by clan units and mercantile activities were dominated by the palace, while temples acted as what today would be called public utilities, supplying handicraft exports to merchants engaging in the import and export trade.

That colloquium was followed by a combination of two meetings, hosted first by NYU in 1996 and the next year by Russia’s Oriental Institute in Saint Petersburg on Urbanization and Land Ownership in the Ancient Near East (Peabody Museum, 1999). Its contributors pointed to the role of usury in undermining clan-based land tenure. Debt historically has been a lever to concentrate land in the hands of foreclosing creditors.

These two volumes laid the groundwork for what we intended to be the capstone in our series, dealing with the logic that led Bronze Age rulers to annul rural usury debts and arrears so as to preserve economic stability. The third colloquium was held in 1998 at Columbia University: Debt and Economic Renewal in the Ancient Near East (CDL Press, 2002). In contrast to the then-widespread modernist belief dismissing Clean Slates as a utopian ideal of the past, our group documented legal records showing that these royal amnesties were indeed enforced in practice.

The reason was clear enough: Societies would have succumbed to bondage and monopolization of the land millennia ago they had viewed ‘free markets’ to mean the sanctity of personal debts being paid. Rome was the first major society not to cancel agrarian and personal debts. For its oligarchy, the ‘sanctity of property’ meant a license to foreclose on the self-support land and other property of debtors.

Our group was recognized as extending the work of Polanyi’s generation, and the colloquium included a visit to the archive of his papers at Columbia. We received such positive responses that we held a fourth colloquium in 2000 at the British Museum on the origins of money, Creating Economic Order: Record-Keeping, Standardization and the Development of Accounting in the Ancient Near East (CDL Press, 2004). The next colloquium was held in Germany in 2005: Labor in the Ancient World (ISLET, 2015). Together, these five volumes have drawn a new picture of the Neolithic and Bronze Age Near East that extends the fundamental insights of Karl Polanyi.

The role of temples and palaces in the origins of money

Money originated in the accounting practices developed by Mesopotamia’s large institutions in the 3rd millennium BC to denominate transactions between them and the rest of the economy, headed by payment of taxes, fees and for goods and services. Silver served to denominate the debts run up by merchants for consignments to trade for raw materials and luxury goods (with the palace usually being the major customer), while land rent, fees for services and advances to cultivators during the crop year were measured in grain. Most exchange occurred on credit, to be settled at the end of the crop season on the threshing floor, or at the end of a stipulated trade-venturing period. Acceptance of silver and grain by the palace made them acceptable as general means of payment for the economy at large.

Polanyi emphasized money’s legal creation by government. Aristotle long ago noted that the Greek term for coinage, nomisma, is based on the root nomos (the root of our term numismatics), meaning law. What gave monetized commodities currency above all was being accepted as payment of taxes or fees for palace and temple goods and services. Modern governments can pay for social spending and provide the economy with money to grow as long as they levy taxes to create a use value for this money.

Taxes, debt service and public creation of money are ignored by those who follow the Austrian economist, Carl Menger and the fable of money he drew up in 1871. He depicted money as emerging among individuals bartering commodities and preferring small portable objects as their vehicle for exchange and eventually also for saving and wealth accumulation (Menger, 1871/1892). Subsequent Austrians denounced Trade and Empires as a threat to this individualistic and outright anti-government line of theorizing. Fritz Heichelheim called the academic effort ‘amateurish’ and ‘a most regrettable book,’ and said that it should not have been published. ‘Systematic economic theoreticians will either have to reject or to remodel the ideas about economic history which are expressed in this book,’ (Heichelheim, 1960: 108).

Heichelheim earlier created a ‘private enterprise’ fable that had no role for archaic temples and palaces. He theorized that interest originated when Neolithic creditors ‘advanced’ animals and seed crops in exchange for a share in the surplus. His ‘modernist’ assumption that early interest rates reflect productivity, profit rates and risk is not even valid today, yet is applied back in time as if it explains the origin of interest (Heichelheim, 1958: 54f).

The individualistic creation myth of money and interest depicts cultivators and craftsmen bartering their products with each other, and asking for interest for loans of cattle and grain to produce a surplus, out of which the debtor pays interest to creditors. More affluent creditors are said to have preferred pieces of metal for compact and non-perishable means of saving. Left out of account is where this metal is supposed to have come from. Throughout all antiquity it was refined in the temples, which guaranteed its degree of purity, while the palace sponsored the trade to obtain silver and gold. Imported silver was the most prestigious item, with royal donations to temples establishing their social and ceremonial status. The palace made it the main medium for trade and mercantile contracts, and for management of palatial-sector enterprises.

Private individuals bartering cannot be a realistic explanation. A long thread of denunciation of merchants and creditors using false weights and measures runs from Babylonian ‘wisdom literature’ through the Bible – a light weight for lending or selling, and a heavy weight for debtors repaying and for buying. This literary record makes it clear that even commodity money could never be left to private individuals, because doing so would have opened the gates for creditors and tradesmen to act crookedly. Effective public authority always has been necessary to rein in fraud and guarantee fair dealing in market exchange. That is why fraudsters seek to dismantle government’s regulatory ability whenever possible, using the hypocritical slogan of free markets.

Who else but temples and palaces could have provided honest standards? Monetary exchange could not have been workable without their oversight of standardized weights and measures, attesting to the purity of the monetary metals, and sanctions against fraud. That is why silver was minted in temples from Mesopotamia through Rome. Our word for ‘money’ comes from Rome’s Temple of Juno Moneta – the ‘warner,’ whose honking geese warned Rome of the threat of invasion. (The word ‘moneta’ originally referred to an omen.)

It is not possible to explain the origins and early development of money without recognizing the catalytic role of the temples and palaces in the 3rd millennium BC. In addition to denominating debts owed to the palatial economy, money provided a basis for palace and temple cost accounting and resource allocation. Employment and production in these large institutions were on a scale far beyond that of interpersonal barter. As part of the redistributive economy, Sumerian temples provisioned labor employed in their workshops to weave textiles and make other handicrafts, which the palace exported for silver and other raw materials.

Temples created and regulated weights and measures for silver shekels and minas, and ku ‘bushels’ of grain in their sexagesimal (60-based) calendrical allocation system based on standardized 30-day months for ease of distributing salaries. Silver (minted at a specified purity) and grain were designated as the major means of paying taxes, fees and other debts at harvest time. The value of a silver shekel was set as equal to a gur ‘quart’ of grain for payment of fees and taxes to the palace or other rural creditors. (To be sure, grain was traded among cities at prices that might rise steeply in times of crop failure, such as occurred at the end of the neo-Sumerian Ur III empire.)


As Lamberg-Karlovsky (2009) points out, ‘In the patrimonial state there is little functional division between private and official spheres. Official offices originate in the ruler’s household.’ In this relationship, profit is not the aim, but stable continuity. Ease of account-keeping and stable price relations were a logic for not letting prices vary. And silver is the prime luxury, exempt from supply-and-demand or cost-profit calculations.

In addition, reciprocity and redistribution are organized along just lines as rational as a market economy, but the logic is different. It is based on establishing a system of regularity and order, not flexible price-making markets.

Third Millennium Mesopotamia’s imports did not affect prices either by varying supply and demand or by being substantially more or less expensive. Market prices either were administered or, once set, continued by inertia with little response to shifts in supply and demand except for seasonal variations in crop prices or responses to crop failure. Moreover, rather than relying on trade for everyday essentials as advocated by today’s trade enthusiasts, the main imports to Mesopotamia (where prices, weights and measures and hence monetary equivalency is first documented) included producers’ goods such as ores, tin, or copper, or luxuries such as gold, silver and luxurious gemstones. The main exports were prestige textiles woven in the temple and palace workshops (mainly with dependent war widows and their children), as well as functional items such as knives and chisels. ‘Trade in luxuries (a significant percentage of Mesopotamia’s long-distance trade – as evidenced by their archaeological recovery) involved a very small part of the population’.


These findings are consistent with the findings of Polanyi’s early collaborator Leo Oppenheim, who described Mesopotamia’s economy as based neither on price-setting ‘free’ markets nor as primitive, but as a mixed economy with administered prices within the large institutions for their own account-keeping and to denominate payments owed to them.

The dominant role of debt

In view of the problems that debt has caused through the ages, the analysis of how societies have regulated credit and debt should be at the very center of our understanding of money. And in view of the fact that the paradigmatic Mesopotamian debts were owed to the palaces, temples and collectors in their bureaucracy – for fees and taxes, tribute from conquered peoples, and by merchants acting on consignments or orders from the palace – the analysis of early money, debt and fiscal policy must logically go together.

Mainstream economists treat credit (and implicitly, arrears as well as loans) as always being productive and helpful, not as extractive and socially destabilizing. They depict government intervention to annul debts as leading to economic crisis, not as saving populations from impoverishment and disorder. This doctrinaire approach ignores the fact that, in practice, the ‘security of debt’ meant making ancient debtors falling into arrears liable to lose their land and personal liberty. This meant insecurity of their property rights. That is the real crisis.

Much as Ricardo argued that all foreign debts could be paid by automatic reciprocal demand, modern business cycle theorists describe equilibrium as occurring as a result of wage and price flexibility. To deem widespread foreclosure on debtors’ property a viable policy requires an assumption that economies self-adjust in a stable, fair and efficient way. The reality is that deregulating debt and land tenure relationships imposes debt-ridden austerity.

Depicting credit and the financial business plan as having only positive economic effects produces a travesty of history. Viewing debt and its interest charges simply as a bargain between individuals fails to recognize how the economy-wide debt burden tends to grow beyond the ability to be paid. It casts a blind eye toward how financial oligarchies act in the absence of public checks. Money-greed is applauded as if securing creditor claims is the most rational way to organize an economy. The implication is that there is no need for government action from ‘outside’ the market, e.g., by Clean Slates to reverse the effects of the rural usury that eroded traditional land tenure in the Old Babylonian period (2000-1600 BC).

Throughout history debt has been the major lever privatizing land and reducing populations to bondage. Mesopotamia managed to delay this polarizing dynamic by subordinating creditor rights to the aim of dynastic survival. But classical Greece and Rome lacked the tradition of royal Clean Slates. That was the great turning point. Livy, Plutarch and Diodorus described how debt disenfranchised the Roman population, yet a modern survey citing a seemingly comprehensive list of 210 causes on which posterity has blamed Rome’s decline and fall at one time or another does not even include debt. (Demandt, 1984)

Western civilization as a disembedding of economics from its social context

Records disappear in the Aegean after 1200 BC. By the time they reappear six centuries later, Greek and Italian chieftains and warlords had adopted the practice of interest-bearing debt brought by Syrian and ‘Phoenician’ traders around the 8th century BC. Crucially, however, they adopted it selectively, without the Clean Slates that liberated debtors from bondage and restored land rights that had been lost to foreclosing creditors. Greek and Roman oligarchies privatized credit and freed themselves from royal overrides.

‘Free market’ advocates pick up the thread of Western civilization ‘in the middle,’ only after credit, debt and property relations became disembedded and decontextualized from the checks and balances that sustained the Near Eastern takeoff. It is as if the Bronze Age agrarian debt cancellations were a blind alley (or even ‘Oriental despotism’). Their exclusion fosters the idea that from classical Greece and Rome to today’s wave of pro-creditor austerity and deregulation, the ‘sanctity of debt’ and foreclosure are a primordial result of Darwinian natural selection and survival of the fittest (namely, the richest), not as leading to social dissolution.

The inherent conflict between rulers seeking to keep their citizens free of debt bondage on the one hand, and creditors seeking their own gains at the palace’s expense, has been a thread running down the history of civilization. The distinctive feature of Western economies is privatization of credit, land natural and public infrastructure. That is the real detour from earlier millennia. Archaic societies treated land required for subsistence as a basic right for their citizenry. Instead of commodifying labor and land ownership to make debt bondage and foreclosure irreversible, Mesopotamian rulers proclaimed Clean Slates so as to avoid the financial polarization between creditors and debtors that later brought on a Dark Age. Today the debt dynamic is imposing austerity on today’s Western world, transferring property to creditors who have gained enough control over government to block protection of debtors.

Polanyi’s optimistic theory of the ‘double movement’ asserts that when society becomes too exploitative and polarized, there is a reaction to re-socialize it. That is done by re-establishing public regulation of money, exchange and land, with a view to long-term growth instead of short-run financial gain seeking. He expected socialism to provide basic services as a human right, on the premise that people should not have to lose their liberty and rights as the price of paying for basic needs:

Socialism is, essentially, the tendency inherent in an industrial civilization to transcend the self-regulating market by consciously subordinating it to a democratic society. It is the solution natural to industrial workers who see no reason why production should not be regulated directly and why markets should be more than a useful but subordinate trait in a free society. From the point of view of the community as a whole, socialism is merely the continuation of that endeavor to make society a distinctively human relationship of persons.

In his view, ‘free market’ policies lead to so much poverty and strain that they create a reaction toward greater social regulation. This is a political version of Newton’s Third Law of Motion: Every action creates an equal and opposite reaction. That was the essence of classical political economy’s 19th-century reforms moving toward socialism: ‘Society protected itself against the perils inherent in a self-regulating market system,’ (Polanyi, 1944: 76). Polanyi expected the devastation wrought by World War II to create political pressure to renew the path along which Western economies seemed to be moving before the Great War.

We can now see that there is no assurance that societies automatically evolve onward and upward. Such determinism focuses on potential – what economies could achieve if they use all knowledge to best advantage. Warlords, creditors, landlords and monopolists have deprived populations of the fruits of technological potential throughout history. Neither Polanyi nor any other economic futurist of his day focused on the exponential growth of debt as the main dynamic polarizing economies and serving as the lever to force privatization and reverse Progressive Era reforms.

Polanyi’s ‘double movement’ may take the form of a reaction sponsored by the vested interests against reforms as well as for them. Despite the flowering of British and European democratic socialism after World War II, the 1980s saw such a reaction, in the neoliberalism of Thatcherism and Reaganomics ushering in a post-1980 wave of privatizations and deregulation of property markets. Today’s financial lobbyists and their pet academics are advocating government intervention not to stabilize economies but to prevent a social reaction such as Polanyi’s double movement.

All forms of society have managed markets. The key is who manages them, above all in the sphere credit relations and the balance between government authority and private wealth. Freeing monetary gain-seeking from regulation is economically polarizing, as when antiquity’s long collapse into serfdom sidetracked many societies for many centuries. Polanyi’s contribution to social history demonstrates the need to regulate finance, land and labour markets in an overall social context in order to maintain prosperity instead of impoverishment.

Polanyi’s focus on modes of exchange emphasized that land and its tenure should be treated as a social institution, not as a commodity. This was not at odds with Marx’s view. Each of his economic stages had its own mode of land tenure as well as labor’s role in production. Self-support land was the basis for antiquity’s citizens and military (until they lost their land and liberty through usury). Under feudalism, conquerors appropriating the land’s rent as lords of the land. Under industrial capitalism, Marx expected, land and its rent would be socialized (as it would be for Polanyi). Instead, real estate ownership under finance capitalism has been democratized on credit, with most land rent being paid to bankers as mortgage interest.

Modes of money and credit also evolved from antiquity via feudalism to the modern era. Reflecting the Bronze Age origin of general-purpose money in payments to the palace (or in classical antiquity to civic authorities), prices and interest rates for debt and fiscal payments were administered. That was an initial precondition for stability. Before markets for wage labor, usury became the earliest way to obtain dependent labor and the land of smallholders. However, Mesopotamian rulers proclaimed Clean Slates to avert debt bondage and loss of land tenure on more than a temporary basis.

Roman emperors engaged in fiat currency issue, leading to price inflation as a result of their inability to tax the wealthy families – the only ones able to pay in the shrinking imperial economy. Medieval kings likewise ‘cried down’ the coinage in an attempt to pay for their wars. The alternative was a financial innovation’ royal debt to bankers and foreign bondholders.

When royal war debts could not be paid, creditors demanded mineral rights, public infrastructure and the creation of royal monopolies (such as the East and West Indies trading companies of the Netherlands, France and England). Finance thus became the main lever to privatize the public domain, much as it pried away land rights in antiquity by making the land ‘marketable’ to the wealthy and subject to foreclosure by predatory creditors – irreversibly.

Interest rates are ‘redistributive,’ set by government. So are prices for bonds and stocks under the post-2008 Quantitative Easing pursued by U.S. and European central banks. Pentagon capitalism is not a market minimizing costs as is depicted in textbook free-market competition. It operates on cost-plus contracts, in which military-industrial companies increase their profits by maximizing costs of production.

Behind today’s ‘free market’ advocacy is the power of financial wealth to appropriate the political, fiscal and central planning role that Polanyi, Marx and other socialists hoped to see expanded in the hands of democratic government. The resulting financialized market in property and debt instruments is the opposite of what reformers hoped to create a century ago. The financial takeover of government policy reflects a business plan of asset stripping and economy wide austerity.

This is not what either Marx or Polanyi expected. If it is where Western civilization’s financialized market dynamics are leading, it will be a replay of the collapse of antiquity as a collapse into feudalism.


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Charpin, Dominique. Hammurabi of Babylon. London and New York.

Finley, Moses. 1985. The Ancient Economy. 2nd ed., Berkeley.

Demandt, Der Fall Roms: Die Auflösung der römoschen Reichs im Urteil der Nachwelt (Munich 1984).

Garfinkle, Steven J. 2012. Entrepreneurs and Enterprise in Early Mesopotamia: A Study of Three Archives from the Third Dynasty of Ur (2112–2004 BC). Bethesda, Maryland.

Garfinkle, Steven J. 2004a. ‘Shepherds, Merchants, and Credit: Some Observations On Lending Practices in Ur III Mesopotamia’, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 47, 1-30.

Garfinkle, Steven J. 2004b. ‘Public versus Private in the Ancient Near East’, in Daniel C. Snell (ed.), A Companion to the Ancient Near East. Blackwell, pp. 384-396.

Heichelheim, Fritz. 1960. ‘Review of Polanyi, Arensberg and Pearson, Trade and Market in the Early Empires’, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 3, 108-110.

Heichelheim, Fritz. 1958. An Ancient Economic History, from the Palaeolithic Age to the Migrations of the Germanic, Slavic and Arabic Nations, I. Rev. ed., Leiden.

Hudson, Michael. 1992. ‘Did the Phoenicians Introduce the Idea of Interest to Greece and Italy – And if So, When?’, in Gunter Kopcke (ed.), Greece Between East and West: 10th8th Centuries BC. Berlin, pp. 128-143.

Hudson, Michael. 2000. ‘Karl Bücher’s Role in the Evolution of Economic Anthropology’, in Jürgen Backhaus (ed.), Karl Bücher. Theory, History, Anthropology, Non-Market Economies. Marburg: Metropolis Verlag, pp. 301-336.

Lamberg-Karlovsky, C.C. .2009. ‘Structure, Agency and Commerce in the Ancient Near East’, Iranica Antiqua, XLIV, 47-88.

Manning, J. G. and Ian Morris (eds.). 2005. The Ancient Economy: Evidence and Models (Stanford: 2005), in Archiv für Orientforschung 51 (2005/2006), pp. 405-11.

Menger, Carl. 1871/1892. ‘On the Origin of Money’, translated in Economic Journal, 2, 239-55.

Oppenheim, Leo. 1949. ‘The Golden Garments of the Gods’, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 8, 172‑93.

Polanyi, Karl. 1944. The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time. New York City: Farrar & Rinehart.

Polanyi, Karl. 1957. ‘The Economy as Instituted Process,’ in Karl Polanyi, Conrad M. Arensberg and Harry W. Pearson, (eds.), Trade and Market in the Early Empires. New York.

Polanyi, Karl. 1962. Karl Bücher. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, II 164.

Ph. Chancier, F. Joannès, P. Rouillard and A. Tenu, (eds.). 2005. Autour de Polanyi: vocabularies, théories et modalities des échanges. Paris.

Renger, Johannes. 1972. ‘Flucht als soziales Problem in der altbabylonischen Gesellschaft,” in Dietz O. Edzard, (ed.), Gesellschaftsklassen im Alten Zweistromland und in den angrenzenden Gebieten. Munich: Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp. 167-182.

Renger, Johannes. 1994. ‘On Economic Structures in Ancient Mesopotamia’, Orientalia, 18.

Silver, Morris. 1983. Prophets and Markets: The Political Economy of Ancient Israel. Boston/Hague.

Silver, Morris. 1995. ‘Prophets and Markets Revisited’, in K. D. Irani and Morris Silver (eds.), Social Justice in the Ancient World. Westport, Conn.

Yoffee, Norman. 1977. The Economic Role of the Crown in the Old Babylonian Period Malibu.

“Reconstructing the Origins of Interest-Bearing Debt and the Logic of Clean Slates,” in Michael Hudson and Marc Van De Mieroop Debt and Economic Renewal in the Ancient Near East (CDL Press, Bethesda, Md., 2002, pp. 19f.)

The Nagorno-Karabakh war has apparently been developing in the favor of the Turkish-Azerbaijani bloc. On the evening of October 29, the Armenian side confirmed that Azerbaijani troops have almost reached the second largest town in Nagorno-Karabakh – Shusha, which is located just a few km from the capital of the self-proclaimed republic – Stepanakert. Arayik Harutyunyan, the president of the republic, called on Armenians to take arms to defend their homeland.

“Shusha is not just a town, it is the symbol of the determination of the Armenian people to live in their own cradle, a symbol of the victories of the Armenian people. Shusha is the beating heart of all Armenians. As the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Artsakh, I once again call on each and every one of you to unite and defend our Shusha, our Artsakh, our national dignity,” he said.

Azerbaijani infantry reportedly outflanked defense positions of the Armenians near Hadrut and deployed about 5km from Shusha. The presence of forward units of Azerbaijani forces in such an area is another signal of the hard situation on the frontline for Armenian forces. While the Armenians have likely been able to repel the first Azerbaijani push towards the Lachin corridor, near the border with Armenia, the advancing Azerbaijani troops are still a major problem for the defenders of Karabakh on other parts of the frontline.

The Defense Ministry of the Republic of Artsakh confirmed clashes south of Shusha saying that Armenian units have been working to eliminate enemy sabotage groups. This official version of events sounds at least concerning for the defenders of the city. Independent Armenian sources report intense fighting between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces south of the town. If the Armenians lose Shusha, this will mean that Azerbaijani forces are at the gates of the Nagorno-Karabakh capital.

Meanwhile, the Armenian Defense Ministry released its own map of the situation on the frontline. According to it, the Azerbaijani military is still far away from Shusha. Furthermore, it shows that Hadrut still mysteriously remains in the hands of Armenians forces. At the same time, the Armenian conter-attack on Qubdali that forced the Azerbaijani military to withdraw from the town turning it into a gray zone was underreported. The Armenians also denied the shooting down of two of its Su-25 warplanes claimed by the Azerbaijani military. According to Azerbaijan these warplanes “attempted to inflict airstrikes on the positions of the Azerbaijani Army in the Qubadli direction of the front” and were shot down. No visual evidence to confirm the shooting down of the Su-25s has been provided so far.

On the other hand, the Azerbaijani side released a series of videos showing successful strikes on Armenian forces in the contested region. The strikes seen in the videos targeted more than 27 posts and gatherings of Armenian troops as well as the following equipment: 5 D-20 howitzers, a D-30 howitzer, 2 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled howitzers, a BM-21 multiple rocket launcher, 2 trucks, a SUV, a P-18 Radar and a Communication center. Most of the strikes seen in the videos were carried out with Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 combat drones. The rest were apparently carried out with precision-guided rockets, like the Israeli-made ACCULAR and EXTRA, which are known to be in service with the Azerbaijani military.

By the end of October, the Turkish-Azerbaijani bloc has surely seized the strategic initiative in the conflict and overcome Armenian attempts to recapture it. Now, Baku with help from its Turkish allies are planning to deliver the devastating blow to the Armenian defenders of Karabakh. At the same time, the leadership of Armenia is still playing diplomatic games and not hurrying up to send its regular troops to assist the self-proclaimed Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh.


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“Zonas vermelhas”, proibição de viajar, quarentenas, “listas vermelhas”. Uma “Segunda Vaga” foi anunciada.

A campanha do medo tornou-se extenuante. Milhões de pessoas alinham-se para serem testadas ao Covid-19.

Medidas estatais drásticas são contempladas, incluindo restrições a ajuntamentos sociais, casamentos, funerais, o encerramento de restaurantes e bares, a absoluta paralisação da sociedade civil.

Vindo em auxílio dos nossos cidadãos. Qual é a justificação?

Este artigo foca-se nos “Números do Jogo”. Como estatísticas e “estimativas” são usadas por políticos para justificar o encerramento da economia nacional e a diminuição de direitos civis fundamentais.

Desde o começo da crise Covid em Janeiro de 2020, decisões de longo alcance tomadas pela OMS e governos nacionais têm sido justificadas citando “estimativas” da doença COVID-19, bem como “estatísticas” apontando a uma propagação a nível mundial de um novo coronavírus mortal, originado em Wuhan, na China.

A análise científica confirma que estas estimativas de “casos confirmados” catalogados pela OMS e pelo CDC estão sujeitas a erro. Os testes não detectam ou identificam o vírus. Mais ainda, os números são muitas vezes manipulados para justificar decisões políticas.

Ambos os conceitos, bem como os resultados dos testes, não apontam para a existência de uma pandemia mundial de COVID-19. Nem justificam o distanciamento social, o uso de máscara e o encerramento da economia global.

A corrupção prevalece nos mais altos níveis dos governos, bem como nos escalões superiores do sistema das Nações Unidas. Todo o aparato estatal, bem como as organizações inter-governamentais, são controlados por poderosos interesses financeiros.

Milhões de pessoas estão agora a ser testadas, o que contribui para o aumento dos assim chamados casos positivos de Covid “confirmados” a nível mundial. Estas estatísticas são depois cuidadosamente catalogadas. Os governos precisam desses números para justificar as suas medidas totalitárias.

Faça fila aqui.


O Sars-Cov2 NÃO É UM “VÍRUS MORTAL”. A campanha de medo não tem base científica (ver a análise abaixo)

O teste RT-PCR padrão, usado para “detectar” o insidioso vírus, “não pode identificar o vírus”


No princípio de Janeiro de 2020, um assim chamado novo coronavírus, intitulado Sars-CoV-2, que causa “doença do coronavírus de 2019 ou COVID-19 “, foi identificado. Foi-lhe dado um nome similar a um coronavírus existente, nomeadamente SARS-CoV, isto é, o coronavírus-beta que causa o severo síndroma respiratório agudo (SARS).

De acordo com o renomado imunologista Dr. Beda Stadler da Universidade de Berna :

“este assim chamado novo vírus está fortemente relacionado ao SARS-1, bem como a outros coronavirus-beta que nos fazem sofrer todo ano sob a forma de constipações”.

Stadler também faz a pergunta: é este um novo vírus ou a mutação de um vírus existente, “similar aos coronavírus-beta das constipações?”

De acordo com um estudo recente de Tsan-Yuk Lam, Na Jia et al (Instituto Conjunto de Virologia das Universidades de Shantou e Hong Kong):

“…o vírus (SARS-2) (está) mais proximamente relacionado (89.1% de similaridade nucleotídica) a um grupo de coronavírus do tipo-SARS (género betacoronavírus, subgénero Sarbecovírus) (Nature , Abril de 2020).

Mais ainda, os estudos do Dr. Anthony Fauci et al. no New England Journal of Medicine, bem como o reconhecimento da OMS de que o Covid-19 tem características similares da gripe sazonal (vírus A e B). (Para maiores detalhes, ver Michel Chossudovsky , Setembro de 2020).

O que estas afirmações científicas transmitem é que o SARS-2 (que causa Covid-19) não é um vírus mortal.Na verdade, é realmente o oposto.

Mas nem os governos nem os media tranquilizaram a opinião pública.

A campanha do medo não apenas prevalece, como ainda ganha ímpeto.

Nesta conjuntura da crise do Covid-19, os governos estão a enfrentá-la com o lançamento de medidas extremas como resposta a uma assim chamada “Segunda Vaga”.

Por sua vez, vários media estão agora a disseminar histórias de que esta Segunda Onda é comparável à Gripe Espanhola de 1918:

“Nesta altura da pandemia de Coronavírus, com mais de 32 milhões de infectados e mais de 980.000 de mortos a nível mundial, descrever esta época como “sem precedentes” pode soar como “unhas num quadro de giz”. Esta pandemia, contudo, não é na verdade sem precedentes: a última vez que lidámos com uma pandemia tão misteriosa, sem contenção e deste alcance foi em 1918, quando a gripe devastou populações pelo globo afora”, CNN , 25 de Setembro de 2020

Retrocedendo a 11 de Março de 2020: o lançamento da pandemia pela OMS

Em 11 de Março, a OMS declarou oficialmente uma pandemia mundial numa altura em que havia 18.000 casos confirmados e 4291 mortes, num total mundial populacional fora da China na ordem dos 6,4 mil milhões de pessoas. O que estas “estatísticas” dizem? A maioria destes “casos positivos” confirmados foram estimados usando o teste RT-PCR, que não detecta ou identifica o vírus (ver a nossa análise abaixo)

Imediatamente a seguir ao anúncio de 11 de Março da OMS, a campanha do medo entrou em alta velocidade. Instruções de confinamento foram transmitidas a 193 estados-membro das Nações Unidas. O encerramento total das economias nacionais foi defendido como o meio de resolução da crise de saúde pública.

Políticos são os instrumentos de interesses financeiros poderosos. Foi esta decisão de longo alcance justificada como o meio de combater o vírus? Os “números” (de casos confirmados) justificam a pandemia global?

Sem precedentes na história, aplicados quase em simultâneo num largo número de países, sectores inteiros da economia mundial foram desestabilizados. Pequenas e médias empresas foram levadas à falência. Desemprego e pobreza aumentaram desenfreadamente. Em certos países, a fome irrompeu. Os impactos sociais destas medidas foram devastadores.

O impacto devastador na saúde (mortalidade, morbilidade) destas medidas, incluindo a desestabilização dos sistemas nacionais de cuidados de saúde (em numerosos países), ultrapassou de longe aqueles atribuídos ao Covid-19.

A pressa em ser testado

Num largo número de países, simultaneamente, as pessoas são encorajadas a serem testadas, o que por seu turno, contribui para o aumento exponencial do número dos assim chamados “casos positivos” de Covid-19. Instalações para isso são montadas por todo o país.

O pânico prevalece, as autoridades nacionais estabelecem instalações de teste, kits de auto-teste, etc. As pessoas formam filas para serem testadas. As estimativas são muitas vezes manipuladas.

Em Inglaterra, ” as pessoas fazem filas nos seus próprios carros à medida que os centros de teste atingem a sua capacidade “.

Com números crescentes, no início de Junho, as autoridades da saúde de vários países apontaram para uma iminente “Segunda Vaga”.

Qual é a intenção desta “Segunda Vaga”?

Adiar a “normalização”? Impedir a reabertura das economias nacionais? Criar mais desemprego?

Actualmente, as economias nacionais reabriram parcialmente. Esta Segunda Vaga constitui a “segunda fase” de um programa de falência, tendo como alvo a economia do sector de serviços, transportes aéreos, a indústria do turismo, comércio a retalho, etc.

O distanciamento social prevalece. Escolas, colégios e universidades estão fechadas, ajuntamentos sociais e reuniões de família estão proibidas.

A máscara é reimposta apesar dos seus efeitos negativos na saúde. O que nos é dito é que é tudo por uma boa causa. Combater a transmissão do vírus.

Estas decisões de longo alcance que diminuem direitos civis fundamentais, são baseadas nas “estimativas” de casos positivos de Covid-19, para não mencionar a manipulação do resultado dos testes.

O teste de Transcrição Reversa da Reacção de Cadeia Polimerase (RT-PCR)

O teste padrão usado para detectar/identificar o SARS-2 pelo mundo afora é o de Transcrição Reversa da Reacção de Cadeia Polimerase (RT-PCR), que é usado para estimar e catalogar o número de casos positivos confirmados de Covid-19 (este não é o único teste usado. As observações abaixo dizem respeito somente ao padrão PCR).

De acordo com o prémio Nobel Dr. Kary Mullis, que inventou o teste PCR:

O PCR detecta um segmento muito pequeno do ácido nucleico que é parte do vírus em si mesmo. O fragmento específico detectado é determinado, um tanto, pela escolha arbitrária da molécula de ADN que serve como material de partida do processo da polimerase, que se torna o final do fragmento amplificado”.

O teste PCR nunca foi concebido para identificar o vírus

A detecção PCR dos vírus é útil desde que a sua precisão possa ser compreendida : oferece a capacidade de detectar o ARN em quantidades diminutas, mas se esse ARN representa um vírus infeccioso pode não ser claro” (ver também relatório da revista Lancet ).

O teste PCR padrão aplicado no Covid-19 não detecta ou identifica o vírus. O que detecta são fragmentos do vírus. De acordo com o renomado imunologista suíço, Dr. B. Stadler :

“Então se fizermos um teste PCR corona a uma pessoa imune, não é um vírus que é detectado, mas uma pequena parte quebrada do genoma viral. O teste dá positivo conquanto continuem a haver pequenas partes quebradas do vírus em remanescência”. Mesmo que as fontes infecciosas já estejam mortas há tempo, um teste ao corona pode continuar a dar positivo, porque o método PCR multiplica mesmo uma pequena fracção do material genético viral suficiente (para ser detectado).

De acordo com o Dr. Pascal Sacré , “estes testes detectam partículas virais, sequências genéticas, não o vírus por inteiro”.

O que isto significa é que o teste PCR não pode detectar ou identificar o SARS-Cov-2. O que detecta são fragmentos, o que sugere que um “PCR positivo” padrão não pode ser equiparado a um assim chamado Covid-19 positivo.

“Fragmentos de vírus positivos” não significa “SARS-2 positivo” (ou positivo a Covid-19).

Por outras palavras, as estimativas publicadas dos positivos Covid-19 (resultantes do teste PCR padrão) a apoiar a hipótese da Segunda Vaga são frequentemente enganadoras e não podem ser usadas para medir a propagação do SARS-2.

Há actualmente, na altura da escrita deste texto ( de acordo com as estatísticas da OMS ), quase 33 milhões dos assim chamados “casos confirmados” e 1 milhão de mortes. São estas alegadas estimativas de “positivos Covid-19”, na sua larga maioria, baseadas no teste RT-PCR, fiáveis?

Global Research publicou numerosos relatórios sobre estes assuntos.

Assim que o rótulo positivo à Covid-19 é aceite e estabelecido, é depois sujeito a numerosas formas de manipulação, para não mencionar a falsificação de certidões de óbito.

Estes números são depois usados para sustentar a campanha de medo e justificar as decisões políticas de governos corruptos nacionais.

O público é levado a acreditar que existe uma “Segunda Vaga” e o governo está lá para salvar vidas através do distanciamento social, da máscara, do encerramento da actividade económica, da paralisia do sistema nacional de saúde, do encerramento de escolas e universidades.

Há uma relação causal circular. Quanto mais pessoas forem testadas como resultado da campanha do medo, mais testes PCR positivos…

Michel Chossudovsky
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This is not a killer virus comparable to the Spanish Flu.  




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Is Euthanasia Ethically Acceptable? Ethics vs. Morality

October 31st, 2020 by Prof. Ruel F. Pepa


The question is obviously limited to the ethical but may also be considered in the area of morals and thus revise it to, “Is euthanasia morally correct?” I do not intend to get into a hair-splitting discussion since, in a lot of instances, ethics and morality are used interchangeably. However, to look at the matter more closely, there is actually a significant difference between these two concepts. In terms of what is considered ethical, there is not only a single universal ethics. Ethics constitutes a body of rules in a particular field of concern like business, medicine, sports, pedagogy, and religion among others. Each of these fields has a set of principles or codes of conduct formulated, agreed upon, and instituted by people that are officially considered members of a field of concern. In this sense, no outsider can ever have a say or influence by way of an agreement or rejection on whatever the ethics of a particular field states and promulgates.

Meanwhile, morality depends on an individual human being’s personal principles as to what s/he thinks is good or bad, right or wrong, for her/himself. With this in mind, it is the individual who establishes her/his own morals with the caveat that in so doing, s/he doesn’t step on other people’s toes, so to speak. Morality is therefore basically subjective compared to ethics which is fundamentally objectified by consensus and hence could finally be rendered truly objective within the confines of a specific domain among many. However, the dialectical connection between ethics and morality traverses the trajectory where the common morals of a group of like-minded people provide the ground to formulate ethical codes and principles, i.e., rules of behavior, within their shared context. Moreover, the latter condition can most likely influence the personal morals of an individual without necessarily getting into the same context.

Euthanasia Simply Understood

“Euthanasia” is the Greek for “good death” (“eu” which is the Greek for “good” or “well” and “thanatos” which is the Greek for “death”). The etymological essence projects a positive signification that departs from the dysphoria of death. In other words, there is nothing morbid in euthanasia. It categorically entails a way of looking at death as something desired or wished for, with a sense of gladness. In fact, its theoretical character could even be translated as a celebration of death. Taking it at its face value, there is nothing wrong in euthanasia, anyway all of us alive now will ultimately get to that point of time when “the crossing over” is definite, i.e., inevitable.

As we experience life around, we have seen deaths of people and the circumstances surrounding them. On one hand, there is a death that is calm and quiet, tranquil and blissful. But on the other, there is a death that is agonizing and painful, violent and excruciating. If death could be decided on–and surely it could be–then who wouldn’t opt to have it in serenity and quiet, in tranquility and stillness? If such kind of death is possible through euthanasia, why can’t one avail of it when her/his condition in life is one of suffering in anguish and pain while being tormented and tortured by an incurable affliction?

Zeroing closely into the technicalities of euthanasia, it has two fundamental varieties: voluntary and non-voluntary. The present discussion is specifically focused on the voluntary variety, though, the non-voluntary kind may merit some reasonable attention if such is administered with the full consent of the patient’s close relatives. Meanwhile, voluntary euthanasia has the absolute consent of a conscious and rational human being who has decided once for all to end his life due to immeasurable suffering caused by an incurable infirmity. This death procedure, if you will, is performed professionally by medical practitioners assigned by a legitimate medical institution–a hospital or medical center, for that matter. This makes voluntary euthanasia a methodology wherein a qualified medical practitioner assists the termination of a human being’s life on the basis of the latter’s conscious decision. “Assisted death” is how euthanasia is dubbed.

Furthermore, euthanasia–voluntary or non-voluntary–may either be active or passive. Active euthanasia involves the introduction of lethal substances into the physical system of a person to enhance death. Passive euthanasia is a condition wherein all life-giving support systems and medically-administered treatments for the continuance of life are totally and finally withdrawn.

The Morality of Euthanasia

As a matter of individual human concern, the morality of euthanasia depends on one’s personal disposition as a rational and moral agent. There is nothing immoral when one believes that considering the possibility of a calm death is a realistic aspect of the principle of human flourishing. This basic principle which is the solid foundation of morality is generally all-encompassing since the beneficiary is not necessarily the person who has decided to undergo euthanasia.

Human flourishing in this context applies to the loved ones–both close relatives and friends– of the patient who have given their own shares of sufferings while attending to the material, emotional and psychological needs of the latter who has been experiencing torment and excruciating affliction in a state of an incurable sickness. Simply put, euthanasia administered to the patient will, on the one hand, make her/his “passing over” tranquil and serene and on the other, free the laboring loved ones from the anxiety and pressure that have interfered for a long period of time in their own gainful endeavors to make their own lives better and more liveable. This is the essence of human flourishing which is essentially intensified by the notions of (1) amelioration of suffering, (2) resolution of conflict, and (3) promotion of happiness.

Having all these considered from my own personal orientation, there is absolutely not a single iota of theoretical postulation that morally contradicts the administration of euthanasia where such procedure has been deemed imperative on the basis of a patient’s voluntary resolve. Euthanasia is therefore moral from my perspective and does not transgress the generally accepted ethical codes or principles of my socio-cultural location.

The Ethics of Euthanasia

Ethics, as we have previously defined it, is characterized by certain rules of behavior, i.e., principles and codes of conduct established within an institutional framework. In this case, there is not an all-inclusive, across-the-board ethics of euthanasia since on one hand, there are groups that consider it wrong while on the other, there are those that are more flexible to declare that euthanasia is ethically correct.

Religions in certain societies have their own different ways of looking at this phenomenon which could either be accepting or rejecting. Nevertheless, Christian religious denominations in varied hues and colors are generally of the opinion that euthanasia is wrong. Their fundamental premise is the proposition that all human life emanates from God and only God can take it away from its present possessor. No human being is therefore given the right to decide to terminate life whether it is hers/his or of another.


With all these considerations in mind, the question, “Is euthanasia ethically correct?” does not lead us to a single unified answer. From the viewpoint of one group it is ethically correct while from that of another, it is absolutely wrong. As has been suggested previously, the more realistic ground whereon euthanasia may be handled more philosophically reasonably is in the area of morals where the question, “Is euthanasia morally correct?” is the better issue. Again, from my perspective, it is.


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Prof. Ruel F. Pepa is a Filipino philosopher based in Madrid, Spain. A retired academic (Associate Professor IV), he taught Philosophy and Social Sciences for more than fifteen years at Trinity University of Asia, an Anglican university in the Philippines.

Featured image is from The Ethics Centre

Terrorism and “French Values”

October 31st, 2020 by Kim Petersen

There have been some horrendous, despicable killings by Muslim extremists in France. Such killings must be condemned.

French president Emmanuel Macron played the victim card, saying that France “will not give into terrorism.” Yet when 21st century France engages in overseas militarism, otherwise known as state terrorism, in places with large Muslim populations – places that never attacked France— such as Afghanistan, Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Chad, Somalia, Libya, North Mali, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen then what is to be expected? Is it okay for France to engage in militarism abroad and expect no blowback on French soil? Must not the French terrorism be condemned?

The embattled, unpopular French president has seized upon the gruesome killings to denounce terrorism and championed “French values,” such as freedom of speech. [1]

Once again the controversial publication Charlie Hebdo has provoked a lethal response.

The publication of cartoons defaming the prophet Mohammed, as any clued-in person could easily have predicted, have stirred heated Muslim protests. These provocative cartoons are defended as free speech. I am all for defending the right to free speech. I am not in favor of stupid speech, speech designed to belittle and incur the wrath of a particular group. I would certainly caution against the freedom to say what one wants knowing that it will result in violence and deaths.

But the French, especially its politicians, are hypocrites. If free speech allows one to impugn one religion, then then that right to impugn must be allowed for all religions. Take the case of French comedian Dieudonné. He has been convicted in court eight times for upsetting Jewish sentiment and has consequently been embargoed by many venues where he would normally ply his trade.

Many years earlier, professor Robert Faurisson, an extreme skeptic of the typical Holocaust narrative, was hit wth by judicial proceedings, was fined, and lost his job. Is this respect for free speech? Professor Noam Chomsky experienced blowback for supporting free speech in the case of Faurisson. Chomsky held, “… it has been a truism for years, indeed centuries, that it is precisely in the case of horrendous ideas that the right of free expression must be most vigorously defended; it is easy enough to defend free expression for those who require no such defense.” [2]

As for France defending freedoms, The Times of Britain notes,

French authorities have been accused of “judicial harassment” in a damning Amnesty report that claims more than 40,000 people were convicted during the gilet jaune (yellow vest) and pension reform protests in 2018 and 2019 “on the basis of vague laws” aimed at restricting their rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression.

The controversial media outlet Charlie Hebdo is not about either free expression or speech. It fired a cartoonist for alleged anti-Semitism. [3] On its face, Charlie Hebdo signals that Islamophobia is kosher, but Judeophobia is haram.

Macron said “France is under attack.” [4] Were Afghanistan, Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Chad, Somalia, Libya, North Mali, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen not under attack when the French sent their guns to these countries? [5]


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Kim Petersen is a former co-editor of the Dissident Voice newsletter. He can be reached at: [email protected]. Twitter: @kimpetersen.


  1. Agence France-Presse,“‘Nous ne cèderons rien’ sur les valeurs françaises, assure MacronTVA Nouvelles, 29 October 2020.
  2. Noam Chomsky, “Some Elementary Comments on The Rights of Freedom of Expression,” Appeared as a Preface to Robert Faurisson, Mémoire en défense, 11 October 1980.
  3. See “‘Charlie Hebdo’ condamné pour le licenciement abusif du dessinateur Siné,” Le Monde, 10 December 2009.
  4. “Attentat de Nice – ‘La France est attaquée’, 7 000 militaires déployés, les églises et les écoles sous surveillance : ce qu’il faut retenir des annonces d’Emmanuel Macron” L’Indépendant, 29 October 2020.
  5. Note some of these 21st century conflicts are still ongoing.

“Government insiders had foreknowledge of the Covid-19 crisis on a scale that, thus far, has gone unreported and that those same insiders are now manipulating the government’s response and public panic in order to reap record profits and gain unprecedented power for themselves and control over people’s lives.”

– Whitney Webb from Engineering Contagion. [1]


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The United States has continued to dominate the field as the lead researcher into biomedical research. [2]

The Johns Hopkins Centre and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center are just a few of the institutions playing a leading role in developing cures for and precautions against new killer viruses, such as the supposed “covid virus” recently thrust to the surface of our collective consciousness.[3] [4]

Nevertheless, a close examination of the history and components of this biotech industrial complex, and some of the personalities behind it, give rise to some unsettling questions about the nature of what drives it.

Case in point. A simulation known as Dark Winter, staged in June of 2001, led by Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies, planned for the eventuality of an attack involving anthrax. According to the scenario, Al Qaeda and Iraq led by Saddam Hussein were the theoretical culprits. This was months before a real anthrax attack was waged on America. And a letter in at least one of them led the credulous to believe they were of radical Islamic origin. [5]

Fast forward 19 years. Two simulations – Event 201 and Crimson Contagion – planned during 2019, contemplated the release of a novel Coronavirus from China onto the world population and infecting millions of people. What’s more, some of the same people involved in constructing Dark Winter were also involved in the later Covid drills![6]

Whitney Webb and Raul Diego are to credit for documenting these curious coincidences and more in a four part series for the site

The series is called “Engineering Contagion: Amerithrax, Coronavirus and the Rise of the Biotech- Industrial Complex” starts with this similarity of convenient pre-meditative simulations and begins to establish a pattern of corruption, scandals and biowarfare enthusiastic individuals that are raring to control a factor of US government and corporate activity.

Our guest for the hour is Whitney Webb. Over the course of the hour, Whitney mentions the simulations, individuals like Robert Kadlec, and the role of the lab at Fort Detrick. As well, she also talks about a third simulation known as Clade X predicting martial law. She will also expand on her major concern with the shady dimension of a major vaccine producer enabled by Operation Warp Speed.

Photo courtesy of

Whitney Webb writes for The Last American Vagabond and hosts the podcast called Unlimited Hangout. Formerly a senior investigative reporter for Mint Press News,  She has contributed to several independent media outlets including Global Research, EcoWatch, the Ron Paul Institute and 21st Century Wire, among others. She is the recipient of the 2019 Serena Shim award for Uncompromised Integrity in Journalism. She currently lives in Chile.

(Global Research News Hour Episode 293)


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The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM in Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at .


  3.  Randi Henderson; Richard Marek (20 March 2001). Here is My Hope: A Book of Healing and Prayer: Inspirational Stories of Johns Hopkins Hospital. Doubleday
  6. ibid

The US’ alliance with India will remain a mainstay of its grand strategy regardless of who wins next week’s elections since it’s a bipartisan issue of the highest importance for its permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (“deep state”).


The US-Indian Alliance

Analysts are scrambling to speculate the possible foreign policy changes that a Biden presidency might bring if he wins next week’s election, but one aspect of American grand strategy that isn’t likely to change is the US’ alliance with India. The two Great Powers formalized their military partnership earlier this week with the signing of the “Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement” (BECA), the third so-called “foundational pact” after the “Logistics Exchange Memorandum Of Agreement” (LEMOA) and “Communication Compatibility and Security Agreement” (COMCASA) which collectively improve these countries’ military interoperability. Neither side hides their shared anti-Chinese intentions either, as the author explained at length in his September analysis about how “It Was Inevitable That India Would Seek To Actively ‘Contain’ China”, which is a trend that he’s been closely following since mid-2016 when it was still “taboo” for the Alt-Media Community to discuss it. This trajectory will remain on track for several key reasons regardless of whoever wins the presidency.

Step By Step, President By President

The first is that the American bureaucratic machine has already kicked into gear and is intensely focusing its military, intelligence, and diplomatic (“deep state”) efforts into actualizing this alliance. It will therefore be extremely difficult to reverse this trend even if Biden sincerely wanted to, yet there’s no reason to suspect that he does since he was one of the overseers of the Obama-era “Pivot to Asia” which laid the basis for Trump’s formalization of America’s alliance with India. In fact, it can be argued that Obama — who built upon the progress pioneered by Bush Jr. such as the nuclear cooperation pact during that time — is one of the forefathers of this alliance since it wouldn’t have happened had it not been for his decision to continue his predecessor’s policies in this respect. As such, there’s no doubt that America’s alliance with India is a bipartisan issue for the US establishment.

“Pivoting” From West To East Asia Via The South

Another point to made is that the “Pivot to Asia” naturally transitions the US’ strategic focus from West Asia to East Asia while traversing through the South Asian space between both. India isn’t just an ordinary country in US foreign policy planning, though, since its demographic and economic capabilities pair perfectly with its geostrategic location atop the Afro-Asian (“Indian”) Ocean to make it attractive as a “counterweight” to China. This explains its pivotal importance in the emerging Quad military network of anti-Chinese states, as well as the fact that its location is almost smack dab in the center of the Eastern Hemisphere which thereby makes it more important than any of that bloc’s other members. Neither Trump nor Biden could afford to ignore this unprecedented geostrategic opportunity, hence why they’re predicted to actually double down on it regardless of whoever wins since it best serves their nation’s interests to do so.

India’s Role In Trump & Biden’s China Strategies

While Trump and Biden have different attitudes towards China, that still won’t change the importance of India for their foreign policy visions. The incumbent will likely employ a more aggressive strategy of openly exploiting India as China’s foil in “Greater South Asia” (Central Asia/Afro-Asian Ocean/Southeast Asia) whereas Biden might be “gentler” with his approach out of a desire to reach a “New Detente” with China (whether for pragmatic or corrupt reasons). The Democrat candidate would continue the US’ growing trend of arms sales to that state but might care more about political and economic cooperation with India than any military-driven approach to “containing” China. If the prediction about Biden’s desire for a “New Detente” with the People’s Republic plays out, then India’s role would simply be to keep China “in check” as opposed to actively countering it like Trump envisions. Either way, India still serves a very strategic purpose for both presidential candidates.

Russia Must Urgently Recalibrate Its “Balancing” Act

This fact should be taken into consideration by all relevant stakeholders, especially Russia, which is already intensely competing with the US simply to retain its decades-long dominant position in the Indian arms market. That’s not at all to say that Russia should “dump” India, but just to propose that it must begin seriously countenancing contingency plans in the event that it loses more influence in the South Asian state otherwise it stands to become New Delhi’s “junior partner” and risk provoking an unintended “security dilemma” with China. The author warned about that scenario in his September analysis asking “Is Russia ‘Abandoning’ Or ‘Recalibrating’ Its ‘Balancing’ Act Between China & India?” and recommended that decision makers consider the dual response of reaching out to India to form a new Non-Aligned Movement (“Neo-NAM”) while enhancing strategic relations with Pakistan in order to restore “balance” to Russia’s “balancing” act. Failing to do so might destabilize the central tenet of Russian grand strategy, which is become Eurasia’s supreme “balancing” force.

Concluding Thoughts

No observer should doubt for a moment that America’s alliance with India will remain among its top grand strategic priorities regardless of the outcome of next week’s election. The gears of government are working in unison to promote this goal, which represents the culmination of Trump, Obama, and Bush Jr.’s efforts in a truly remarkable display of bipartisan agreement on a pressing issue of foreign policy significance. While Trump and Biden have different visions of how best to utilize their country’s alliance with India, the fact remains that they’ll nevertheless employ this partnership with increasing frequency to advance their respective goals, be it actively “containing” China like the incumbent envisions or more “gently” keeping it “in check” to uphold the “New Detente” that his opponent wants to clinch during his (or even more likely, his Vice Presidential pick’s) potential term. As this game-changing trend accelerates and increasingly becomes one of the main geostrategic determinants of Eastern Hemispheric affairs, Russia will be forced to recalibrate its “balancing” act with India.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Selected Articles: The ‘Very, Very Bad Look’ of Remdesivir

October 30th, 2020 by Global Research News

Calling this “Our Democracy” Is Like Slaves Referring to “Our Plantation”

By Frank Scott, October 30 2020

Whatever the lesser evil outcome of the ruling class owned and controlled exercise of the present moment, we need immediate action on the part of the people being bled physically, mentally and spiritually for fictional nonsense we are always fed, never more than during this latest outburst of truly fake democracy.

False and Deceptive UN and WEF Narratives – All Part of the One World Government Agenda of Control

By Mark Keenan, October 30 2020

For decades there have been false and deceptive narratives disseminated by organisations, including the United Nations (UN) and the World Economic Forum (WEF), by the governments that comply with these narratives and by the corporate-owned media.

Nineteen Eighty-Four or “Brave New World”?

By Prof. Ruel F. Pepa, October 30 2020

In both paradigm-shaping novels, the central issue is the human person: Is s/he an autonomous being, that is a “being-for-itself” endowed with free-will and the inherent power to organize and hence determine her/his future?

US Power Has Been Creaking Under Trump, While China Strengthens

By Shane Quinn, October 30 2020

Into the third decade of this century, China has continued its ascent as the world’s second superpower. The United States, on the other hand, has been stumbling somewhat under Donald Trump’s wrecking ball policies.

Nine COVID Facts: A Pandemic of Fearmongering and Ignorance

By Jeff Harris, October 30 2020

Ever since the alleged pandemic erupted this past March the mainstream media has spewed a non-stop stream of misinformation that appears to be laser focused on generating maximum fear among the citizenry.

Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (BRICS), New Momentum in the Development of Trade and Investment

By Kester Kenn Klomegah, October 30 2020

On October 28, the BRICS Business Council (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) during the forum reviewed its joint work for the previous years, discussed at length current business issues and, in particular tried to choose a path for the future.

To Lockdown or Not to Lockdown: Britain Debates

By Johanna Ross, October 30 2020

The UK government is facing increased pressure to call for a national lockdown or ‘circuit breaker’ as it has commonly become known after a further 310 deaths to Covid-19 were announced on Thursday.

The ‘Very, Very Bad Look’ of Remdesivir, the First FDA-approved COVID-19 Drug

By Jon Cohen and Kai Kupferschmidt, October 30 2020

On 15 October—in this month’s decidedly unfavorable news for Gilead—the fourth and largest controlled study delivered what some believed was a coup de grâce: The World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) Solidarity trial showed that remdesivir does not reduce mortality or the time COVID-19 patients take to recover.

Brazilian Meat Giant Trucked Cattle from Deforested Amazon Ranch

By Andrew WasleyAlexandra Heal, and et al., October 30 2020

JBS, which sources cattle from the Amazon for its massive global beef market, has annual revenues of $50bn and slaughters almost 35,000 cattle a day in Brazil alone. Its beef exports to mainland Europe increased by a fifth in recent years despite the Amazon emergency.

Dark Days Approach. Fraudsters and Scam Artists into the Highest Office

By True Publica, October 30 2020

There will be a moment of realisation in Britain that Brexit was nothing more than a con. Virtually nothing will be better for it and our standard of life – already on the way down from a decade of saving criminal banking operations, will sink further.

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October was a good month for Gilead Sciences, the giant manufacturer of antivirals headquartered in Foster City, California. On 8 October, the company inked an agreement to supply the European Union with its drug remdesivir as a treatment for COVID-19—a deal potentially worth more than $1 billion. Two weeks later, on 22 October, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved remdesivir for use against the pandemic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in the United States—the first drug to receive that status. The EU and U.S. decisions pave the way for Gilead’s drug into two major markets, both with soaring COVID-19 cases.

But both decisions baffled scientists who have closely watched the clinical trials of remdesivir unfold over the past 6 months—and who have many questions about remdesivir’s worth. At best, one large, well-designed study found remdesivir modestly reduced the time to recover from COVID-19 in hospitalized patients with severe illness. A few smaller studies found no impact of treatment on the disease whatsoever. Then, on 15 October—in this month’s decidedly unfavorable news for Gilead—the fourth and largest controlled study delivered what some believed was a coup de grâce: The World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) Solidarity trial showed that remdesivir does not reduce mortality or the time COVID-19 patients take to recover.

Science has learned that both FDA’s decision and the EU deal came about under unusual circumstances that gave the company important advantages. FDA never consulted a group of outside experts that it has at the ready to weigh in on complicated antiviral drug issues. That group, the Antimicrobial Drugs Advisory Committee (ADAC), mixes infectious disease clinicians with biostatisticians, pharmacists, and a consumer representative to review all available data on experimental treatments and make recommendations to FDA about drug approvals—yet it has not convened once during the pandemic.

The European Union, meanwhile, decided to settle on the remdesivir pricing exactly 1 week before the disappointing Solidarity trial results came out. It was unaware of those results, although Gilead, as the trial’s sponsor, began to review the WHO data on 23 September and knew the trial was a bust.

“This is a very, very bad look for the FDA, and the dealings between Gilead and EU make it another layer of badness,” says Eric Topol, a cardiologist at the Scripps Research Translational Institute who objected to remdesivir’s FDA approval.

FDA has no obligation to convene outside panels for its decisions, stresses ADAC member David Hardy, an HIV/AIDS scientist of the University of California, Los Angeles. Yet the agency often does so for tricky drug approvals and Hardy is “amazed” the agency didn’t consult the panel in this case. “This sets the standard for the first COVID-19 antiviral,” he says. “When it comes to the point of giving pharmaceutical companies exclusive marketing rights in this area, that really is something that’s very, very important. And there does need to be more than just governmental input.”

FDA did not respond to Science’s request to discuss why it opted against convening the committee, noting only that it is “at the discretion” of division directors. But FDA’s inaction stands in sharp contrast to its handling of potential COVID-19 vaccines. Last week, the agency convened an advisory group to discuss the mere possibility of such a vaccine passing regulatory muster.

As to the EU agreement, Gilead confirmed to Science that WHO in “late September” provided the company with a manuscript about the study results, but a spokesperson for the European Commission, the EU executive arm, said these weren’t revealed during its negotiations. The company has aggressively called into question the validity of the Solidarity data, in part because the study was carried out in vastly different countries around the world with different health care standards. In a 15 October statement, Gilead went so far as to say “it is unclear if any conclusive findings can be drawn from the study results.”

That criticism has angered investigators in the Solidarity study, including Marie-Paule Kieny, director of research at the French medical research agency INSERM and a former WHO officer. “It’s appalling to see how Gilead tries to badmouth the Solidarity trial,” Kieny says. “Pretending the trial has no value because it is in low-income countries is just prejudice.”

Disappointing trials

On 10 January, 2 days after SARS-CoV-2 was proved to be the cause of COVID-19, researchers published a study in Nature Communications that showed remdesivir had powerful inhibitory effects in both test tube and mouse studies on the related coronavirus that is responsible for Middle East respiratory syndrome. Two weeks later, doctors treated the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in the United States with the drug and reported that the 35-year-old man improved rapidly.

An interim analysis from a large-scale, placebo-controlled clinical trial carried out by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), announced on 29 April, tempered expectations but also emphasized that remdesivir had promise. The drug reduced the median time that severely ill, hospitalized COVID-19 patients took to recover from 15 days to 11 days. It was a modest gain, but NIH noted in a press release that treated patients “had a 31% faster time to recovery than those who received placebo.” Remdesivir, which must be repeatedly infused intravenously, also seemed to lower the risk of death, but that difference could have arisen by chance. (A peer-reviewed, final report of the study published 8 October in The New England Journal of Medicine reduced the time to recovery for the 531 treated patients to 10 days.)

A second, smaller placebo-controlled study of remdesivir on hospitalized COVID-19 patients in China, published online by The Lancet also on 29 April, found no statistically significant benefit from the treatment—and the antiviral surprisingly had no impact on levels of the coronavirus.

Two days after the results from China and the United States came out, FDA granted remdesivir an emergency use authorization (EUA)—a temporary status that is far from full approval—for use in severe COVID-19 patients. The agency cited the NIH trial data, but not the other study. President Donald Trump praised the EUA in an Oval Office press event with Daniel O’Day, CEO of Gilead.

“It’s appalling to see how Gilead tries to badmouth the Solidarity trial. Pretending the trial has no value because it is in low-income countries is just prejudice.” – Marie-Paule Kieny, INSERM

On 21 August, a Gilead-sponsored study published online in JAMA compared hospitalized COVID-19 patients with moderate pneumonia who received remdesivir for 5 days or 10 days versus those treated with the standard of care. The 5-day remdesivir group improved more quickly, but, oddly, the 10-day group did not. (An earlier published study sponsored by Gilead found no difference between the two treatment courses.)

The next week, FDA expanded remdesivir’s EUA to include all hospitalized COVID-19 patients. That led Topol to publish a scathing open letter to FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn on Medscape, a popular medical website of which Topol is editor-in-chief. Under the headline “Tell the Truth or Resign,” Topol lumped the decision together with heavily criticized EUAs issued earlier for the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine—which the agency later rescinded—and antibody-rich “convalescent” plasma obtained from the blood of recovered COVID-19 patients. “These repeated breaches demonstrate your willingness to ignore the lack of scientific evidence, and to be complicit with the Trump Administration’s politicization of America’s healthcare institutions,” Topol wrote.

Debating the evidence

WHO’s Solidarity trial, conducted in 405 hospitals in 30 countries, is about three times as large as the other three trials together and many scientists expected it to better resolve remdesivir’s worth. Solidarity did not use a placebo, but instead compared remdesivir and three other repurposed drugs with each other and the standard of care. The Solidarity trial investigators described the study results to FDA representatives on 10 October and posted a preprint on them on medRxiv 5 days later. Solidarity mainly aimed to determine whether the drugs lowered mortality among hospitalized COVID-19 patients, which none of them did. The researchers also noted that remdesivir did not affect “the duration of hospitalization” or whether COVID-19 patients required ventilators, which are only used when people advance to very serious disease.

The release of the Solidarity data has triggered a fresh debate about the relative value of each remdesivir trial—and whether FDA should have aired that discussion in public instead of weighing the data privately. In its review that recommended remdesivir’s approval, the agency only included data from three trials: the NIH study and two Gilead-sponsored trials, ignoring the Solidarity data as well as the findings from the other placebo-controlled trial in China.

That infuriated the Solidarity team. “The mantra I’ve always heard as a joke about the FDA is that they say ‘In God we trust, everyone else has to provide data,’” Kieny says. “So look at all the data.”

As far as Gilead is concerned, the Solidarity data should not play an important role. “We are concerned that the data from this open-label global trial have not undergone the rigorous review required to allow for constructive scientific discussion, particularly given the limitations of the trial design,” the company wrote in its statement.

“The argument that the earlier you use it, the better is great until you realize what the implications of that are: You won’t save many lives, and you’ll have to treat a lot of patients. It’s very inconvenient, and it’ll cost you a fortune.” – Martin Landray, University of Oxford

Gilead Chief Medical Officer Merdad Parsey wrote in an open letter posted the day of FDA’s remdesivir approval that Solidarity “does not negate other study results—particularly from a trial designed with the strictest of scientific standards, as is the case with” NIH’s study. Gilead has also raised questions about the availability of Solidarity’s data, telling Science it has requested from WHO, but has yet to receive, “the underlying data sets or statistical analysis plan” for the trial.

WHO counters that Gilead knew the statistical analysis plan before joining the trial and will receive the full data set once the study is complete. It does not matter that the data have not yet been peer reviewed, WHO scientists say, because FDA traditionally reviews all available data, including unpublished findings. As to the disparity in health systems that Gilead cites as a confounding factor in Solidarity’s findings, WHO’s chief scientist, Soumya Swaminathan, notes that 50% of the 2750 patients who received remdesivir in the trial were from Canada and Europe, places recognized for high-quality health care. And she stresses that the other participating countries do not necessarily have substandard care.

Clifford Lane of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who helped run the NIH study, says its main difference with Solidarity is “the degree of granularity” of the analyses of subgroups that may have benefited. “I think the Solidarity data are fine,” Lane says. “It’s a very large study and it has a very robust endpoint.”

Martin Landray of the University of Oxford, who is co-leading the world’s largest study of various COVID-19 treatments, says remdesivir “definitely doesn’t work in the sickest patients where the biggest gains would be” but might help people at earlier stages of disease. Further complicating the matter, most people infected with SARS-CoV-2 recover without any intervention. “The argument that the earlier you use it the better is great until you realize what the implications of that are: You won’t save many lives, and you’ll have to treat a lot of patients,” Landray says. “It’s very inconvenient, and it’ll cost you a fortune.”

Questions have also arisen about the potential of remdesivir to do harm. WHO has a regular overview of possible adverse drug events related to COVID-19 treatments. In late August it noted a disproportionately high number of reports of liver and kidney problems in patients receiving remdesivir compared with patients receiving other drugs for COVID-19. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) also announced this month that its safety committee had started a review to assess reports of acute kidney injuries in some patients taking remdesivir.

Gilead Sciences’s remdesivir has become part of the standard of care for many COVID-19 patients in the United States and the company has been increasing production of the antiviral to meet increasing demand. (GILEAD)

Many researchers point out that another crucial piece of data is missing entirely from FDA’s statement on remdesivir’s approval: evidence the drug reduces the amount of SARS-CoV-2 in the body, the viral load. “I’ve been working in antivirals for 30 years. Every time you study an antiviral, you show an effect on the virus and you publish it,” says Andrew Hill, a clinical pharmacologist at the University of Liverpool. “Surely Gilead has done that. Where are the data? It is very, very strange.”

Richard Peto, an Oxford statistician and epidemiologist who helped design Solidarity and analyze the data, stresses that the WHO trial cannot prove whether remdesivir has zero benefit for COVID-19. “Trials produce confidence intervals, not just point estimates and this is actually the difficulty in trying to discuss this,” Peto says. “Gilead and the FDA have sort of maneuvered us into a position where we’re being asked to try and prove remdesivir does nothing rather than asking the usual way round, which is, ‘Can the manufacturers prove it does something?’”

To many scientists, such complexities underscore that FDA should have consulted ADAC, its panel of outside experts, for a vigorous debate. It could have “elevated the discussion,” says ADAC Chair Lindsey Baden, an infectious disease specialist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “Hydroxychloroquine, convalescent plasma, remdesivir—these are complicated decisions given the imperfect nature of the data upon which the decisions are being made, and the urgency of the clinical use gives all the more reasons to have an open discussion,” says Baden, whose group last met in October 2019.

“This was not a straightforward approval and this is not an ordinary time,” adds Luciana Borio, a former acting chief scientist at FDA who now works at a not-for-profit venture capital firm. “It would have been helpful to have a public discussion on the matter.”

Georgetown University’s Jesse Goodman, a former chief scientist at FDA, notes that it is complicated to organize advisory committee meetings, but adds that the agency obviously just arranged one for COVID-19 vaccines. “Although it’s a pandemic and everybody is super busy, it’s something … you can do virtually,” he says. “It would have been an opportunity to make clear publicly the rationale and their risk-benefit assessment.”

European Commission in the dark

EMA, Europe’s FDA counterpart, in July gave “conditional approval” to remdesivir—which is similar to an EUA—but it has yet to give its full blessing. The European Union nevertheless has negotiated a “joint procurement agreement” with Gilead that offers 500,000 treatment courses over the next 6 months for $1.2 billion. A spokesperson of the Commission confirms to Science it was not informed of the drug’s failure in the Solidarity trial until the day after the new contract was signed on 8 October.

“The Commission became aware of the results of the Solidarity trial on 9 October from the reporting of [EMA] at the COVID task force meeting on the same day,” the spokesperson says. “There was no discussion with WHO about the ongoing study prior to signing the contract with Gilead.”

When Science asked Gilead why it didn’t disclose the Solidarity data during its negotiations with the Commission, the company acknowledged it received a draft manuscript from WHO in late September but said it was “heavily redacted.” WHO says the only information blacked out was results relating to the other drugs used in the trial because of confidentiality agreements with their manufacturers.

“This was not a straightforward approval and this is not an ordinary time. It would have been helpful to have a public discussion on the matter.” – Luciana Borio, former acting chief scientist at FDA

Although the agreement with Gilead locks EU members into a price of about $2400 for a full course of remdesivir, it does not obligate any countries to purchase the drug, the Commission spokesperson tells Science. “The EU needs to publish the deal with Gilead,” says Yannis Natsis of the nonprofit European Public Health Alliance. “It should at least renegotiate the volume of the doses and the price per treatment.” Gilead says it doesn’t plan to adjust its negotiated price in the wake of the Solidarity data.

Kieny says it’s an “enormous” waste for EU countries to invest in remdesivir based on the idea that it might help a small subset of patients. “You can always say, ‘OK, now, if I disaggregate the population and if I take only those who have a blue eye and a wooden leg, maybe this is very effective,’” she says.

Indeed, some advocates of remdesivir point to analyses of Solidarity patient subgroups that suggest a mortality benefit in those who received supplemental oxygen but were not on ventilators. But accepting that would also mean accepting that remdesivir harmed those who were on ventilators, Hill says. “You can’t do a subgroup analysis and only believe half the story.”

The bottom line from the trials so far is there simply isn’t enough evidence that remdesivir works, says Jason Pogue, a University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, researcher who is president of the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists. Pogue believes FDA made a mistake and, unless more data emerge, EMA should not give the drug full approval. “There are more questions than answers about the efficacy of remdesivir in hospitalized patients,” he says.


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Jon is a staff writer for Science.

Kai is a contributing correspondent for Science magazine based in Berlin, Germany. He is the author of a book about the color blue, published in 2019.

Some things in our world are dependable and just like the sun rises and sets every day, light and dark mean different things to different people. Humans like the dependable and the predictable – it comforts them to know what they are dealing with. But everything today seems to be so unpredictable and we don’t know what the future has in store for us anymore. Matters are made worse by having terrible so-called leaders in office. Trump is one, Johnson is another.

But if anyone thinks that Covid-19 will be over with the much-anticipated vaccine and having Trump out of office and Brexit done brings predictability – they are very wrong. We all know that HMS Brittania has been in choppy seas since 2016 – but the perfect storm is now but a few weeks away. It is a documented medical fact that even with a vaccine, hand washing, face masks, social distancing and restrictions will continue. With Trump staying in office, the UK is far more likely to do a damaging trade deal with the US and lose its greatest economic ally. If Biden wins – the possibility remains that the UK will be the only major trading nation in the world without a trade deal with one of the three superpowers. With Biden elected, Johnson’s hand is forced and a trade deal with the EU is much more likely to be signed – but it won’t be a good deal for Britain. The whole thing was a gamble – and we hold a weak hand, we always did.

There will be a moment of realisation in Britain that Brexit was nothing more than a con. Virtually nothing will be better for it and our standard of life – already on the way down from a decade of saving criminal banking operations, will sink further. What defences we had were crushed by a haphazard, badly managed and often ideologically motived war against a virus. Pension funds have been gutted, councils are heading for bankruptcies as are masses of businesses. Joblessness will soar, as will poverty, homelessness and crime. The NHS will be overwhelmed as millions seek delayed medical help.

Boris Johnson’s spiteful, cruel and malicious refusal to feed starving poverty-ridden children in a pandemic tells you all you need to know about the politics of vindictive class-wars. It demonstrates in technicolour their inability to rise to the challenge and put aside personal petty grudges in a time of national need. Politicians have failed us all. It shows them for what they are – reactionary, merciless and self-serving. And we have four more years of Tory failure ahead of us.

Soon, the union will be seriously threatened with Scottish independence. Northern Ireland will want to unify in fear of an uprising as borders are constructed. When the government denies them self-determination – nationalists will advance and public safety will be threatened. Throughout all of this, the economy will suffer, high streets will crater, local and national tax revenues will fall and unemployment will not top out in 2021. It makes no matter what Brexit deal is done now – it heaps more pain on an already dreadful situation.

In fact, this is the only predictable conclusion we can come to – that 2021 will be the year we start to pay for electing charlatans, fraudsters and scam artists into the highest office. Irrespective of your political alignment – you know deep down that the Johnson government will continue to fail. Dominic Cummings constructed the illegal and highly deceitful Brexit campaign that eventually saw Johnson elected. Both have turned the United Kingdom and ‘Global Britain’ into an international laughing stock. From there, Cummings has been given the authority to tear down the civil service just when they were needed the most. He has dominated over the Covid crisis, all the while pushing his prejudices and hatred of wider society in pursuit of a personal fantasy. He has proved beyond any doubt that he is the very worst person this country needs right now to be at the heart of the decisions that will affect us all. Johnson, Gove, Patel, Hancock, Grayling, Davis, Rees-Mogg, Fox, Tice and others, are already synonymous of the coming great failure – and history will not be kind to them.

It’s not like all of this is not predicted. John Pienaar, the veteran chief political BBC correspondent wrote an incisive piece for The Times last weekend entitled – “In 40 years of reporting I’ve never known such a wretched absence of leadership.” Pienaar attacks Johnson, his handling of Brexit and Covid with equal venom and ends with the words – “Of course, it is possible that this crisis might have been handled worse. But, if I’m being perfectly honest, I can’t immediately see how that might have been accomplished.”

The mainstream media have turned on this government out of embarrassment. Even the Daily Mail and Telegraph have reported the catastrophic failures of Johnson’s government. It’s an admission that what they promoted was rooted in a noxious ideology, rather than an economic model or any version of expertise. Brexit is about political sovereignty, not economic independence and the governments’ handling of Covid has been seen as an opportunity to entrench power. Both have led to the moral bankruptcy, corruption, abuse of office and national breakdown that includes a plunge of democracy that we now distressingly witness every day.

The right-wing Spectator Magazine, one of Johnson’s former employer’s headlines with – “Boris Johnson’s failed command and control administration.”  In it, Johnson is accused of running the country ‘Soviet-style’ and that he, along with Gove and Cummings are merely political mouthpieces accompanied by a maniac, that failure is their destination and that the certainty of it is a price we will all pay. The Times also goes with a story that attempts to look on the bright side but concludes that the only thing we have left to weather the short term outlook is hope. 

The Billionaire media mogul Michael Bloomberg said of Britain last week it is ‘hard to understand why a country doing so well wanted to ruin it’ – and went to say Brexit is the “single stupidest thing any country has ever done, apart from the election of Donald Trump as US president”.

As we head towards the Christmas break – the one hope the country does have is that soon it wakes up from its political stupor and holds these people to account for what they have done. Unfortunately, it is more likely that they will get away with it of course, just like the bankers did – something else we are all still paying for twelve years later.


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This Month’s Most Popular Articles

October 30th, 2020 by Global Research News

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To Lockdown or Not to Lockdown: Britain Debates

October 30th, 2020 by Johanna Ross

The UK government is facing increased pressure to call for a national lockdown or ‘circuit breaker’ as it has commonly become known after a further 310 deaths to Covid-19 were announced on Thursday. It brings the total number of deaths to the virus in Britain to 45,955 to date with almost 25,000 new cases per day. UK scientists are concerned at the rate at which the ‘R’ number is rising, particularly in London where it has reached almost 3 (being the number of people infected by one person already carrying coronavirus). Given the fact that any R number over 1 is considered a sign the virus is out of control, these statistics are extremely worrying.

London may now boast the highest R rate in Britain, yet the British government has not yet called for the city to adopt the strictest restrictions – Tier 3 level – under which areas such as Manchester and Liverpool have been forced to comply with, much to their mayors’ distress. Manchester mayor Andy Burnham publicly protested the government’s insistence on a local lockdown, citing the grave it would do to people’s livelihoods and the economy of the city. But Boris Johnson decided nonetheless the city ought to go back into lockdown, even though the latest data shows that the R number in north-west England is only around 1.21, compared to 2.84 in London.

In England there is also concern at the spread of the virus within care homes, as the number of cases has literally skyrocketed since the beginning of October in at least one part of the country. According to data reported by Sky News, cases now exceed 200 in Leeds, as opposed to 160 at the beginning of the pandemic. What is even more startling however is the speed at which the cases have developed of late, doubling every three days over the last fortnight. This is faster than the more steady rise which took place earlier this year during the first wave of the pandemic.

The news is of course a blow to the Department of Health and Social Care, which sought to ensure that a repeat of the care homes scandal in the spring would not take place. Ministers have been accused of a series of ‘shockingly irresponsible’ decisions back then which led to thousands of Covid positive patients being discharged from hospitals into care homes, where other patients were like sitting ducks. According to an investigation by Amnesty International, care home management were left without any guidance on how to act during the early days of the pandemic, and were not supplied with adequate PPE or testing. The human rights group is calling for a full independent public inquiry into the reasons behind the excess 28,186 deaths that took place in care homes nationwide earlier this year.

Entering the much-awaited second wave of the virus, one would think that we’d be better prepared. Yet all the evidence is pointing to this being a more damaging episode than the first. The government is reluctant to lock the country down altogether, because of the detrimental effects to the economy, but it may be forced to do so. Both France and Germany have recently announced national lockdowns as the French President Emmanuel Macron said they were being ‘submerged’ by the virus. And yet this is a complete U-turn on Macron’s earlier position, as, like his British counterpart, he resisted nationwide restrictions in favour of local ones. Now, reality has hit home, France and Germany have signed up to month-long lockdowns, with Macron conceding ‘‘the second wave will be ‘harder and more deadly than the first’.

Boris Johnson, on the other hand, only last week announced his plan to steer a ‘middle course’ through the pandemic, ‘between the Scylla of another national lockdown and the Charybdis of an uncontrolled virus’. However more and more epidemiologists are admitting that the only way to really gain control of the virus is to implement a national lockdown.  SAGE, the government scientific advisory group, has been warning of the need for such a lockdown for weeks. But Johnson is determined not to cave in yet. Rumour has it that the government is waiting until hospitalisations for Covid reach a peak similar to that seen last November. According to estimates we are no more than 2 weeks away from that scenario. Experts also agree that we are roughly a month behind France, that has been seeing over 500 deaths a day. Given all the data, it’s therefore highly likely that we’ll see a national lockdown imposed at some point during November.

For Boris, of course, to lock down would be accepting defeat. His ‘world-beating’ test and trace system, of which so much was expected, has been fraught with problems. Compared to how South Korea, China and other East Asian nations have combated the virus, Britain’s response looks second rate. Johnson’s liberal outlook in this regard and reluctance to put in place the stringent measures needed during a pandemic may yet be reviewed as part of the reason why coronavirus has brought the world’s fifth largest economy to its knees. And there’s no end in sight…


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Johanna Ross is a journalist based in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

The NYT is notably unrelenting in pushing fake news of Russian US election meddling to help Biden defeat Trump.

Despite claiming otherwise, the US intelligence community has no evidence suggesting foreign interference in the US election process this year or earlier.

Washington’s political class knows no foreign interference exists.

So do establishment media, notably the self-styled newspaper of record NYT.

If Biden loses to Trump — what’s very possible despite polls showing the former vice president with a 7.4 point lead on average nationwide.

Two recent ones completed on October 28 show Biden leading Trump by 5 points in one, 1 point in the other, a virtual dead heat.

Despite lagging Hillary in 2016 polls, Trump won. She lost.

What happened four years ago can happen again for numerous reasons.

Campaigning on the stump, Trump’s energy and ability arouse his base compared to gaffe-prone, lackluster Biden addresses.

Even though he’s less polarizing than Hillary, he’s uninspiring, unappealing, complacent, unsuitable for growing signs of dementia, and dangerous.

Dems are notoriously more belligerent than Republicans, Bush/Cheney a major exception.

Obama bragged about bombing seven countries in eight years.

For all his many faults — including continuation of wars he inherited and waging them by other means on numerous countries — he launched no new ones on his own.

Biden’s running-mate Harris should scare everyone.

She’s in the wings to take over if his mental state worsens, making him unable to continue on the job.

Her disturbing record belies her claim to be a judicial reformer.

As Alameda County CA assistant DA, San Francisco DA, and California state AG, she pursued injustice by blocking exculpatory evidence, defending unconstitutional practices, and preventing prosecution of wealthy individuals.

Her record as DA, AG, and US senator showed that time and again her obstruction justice in pursuit of higher office she’ll gain if victorious on November 3.

Her hostility toward equal justice and record of violating constitutional rights of defendants exposes a figure who’s disdainful of the rule of law.

Yet if Biden defeats Trump, she may advance to the nation’s highest office as explained above — enabling her to do enormous domestic and geopolitical damage by the power of the presidency.

Who’ll win the nation’s highest office remains up for grabs, the race likely much closer than national polls show.

As in 2016, Trump could lose the popular vote and win reelection by carrying key swing states Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and North Carolina.

Most polls shows these states could go either way, winning them to depend on which party is more successful in getting their supporters to vote and how counting goes.

In 2016, Trump took them all and swept the south except for Virginia. He won 304 Electoral College votes to Hillary’s 227.

She bested him by nearly 2.9 million votes nationwide.

When election results are tallied post-election this year, things could go either way.

Some polls show Trump peaking at Biden’s expense.

It’s hard imagining how at a time of economic collapse and widespread unemployment that the incumbent may very possibly triumph over the challenger.

Yet as the race approaches November 3, results may depend on which candidate is more successful in getting supporters to the polls who haven’t already voted by mail.

Another major factor is whether late-arriving mail-in ballots are counted.

Most Trump supporters intend showing up at the polls on election day.

According to Pew Research, his supporters are more than twice as likely to vote in person than Biden backers.

As of October 25, nearly 70 million Americans voted by mail-in ballots or in person, according to United States Elections Project data.

Most states don’t begin tabulating votes until polls close on election day.

Because of significant slow-downs in mail deliveries in parts of the country, it’s unknown how many mail-in ballots may arrive too late to be counted.

Post-election 2000, the Supreme Court halted the Florida recount, handing the state’s 29 Electoral College votes to Bush/Cheney, putting them over the top — despite later results showing Gore won the state and the election.

Is a similar scenario likely today in swing states — that could go either way — by DJT executive order, halting the count before completed in states where he’s ahead on election day?

What was unthinkable in 2000 happened —the loser becoming president.

Why not again in the days ahead — although this strategy may not be needed if Trump does as well as in 2016, winning the same key swing states.

On the cusp of election 2020, results could be known in days or much longer if early results are inconclusive and post-election tabulations continue to determine who won.

Electoral College results are likely to be close.

Getting out the vote, getting them counted, and winning key states will decide the outcome — not the popular vote nationwide.

When polls close on November 3, Trump most likely will be ahead and declare victory.

Key for him is will it hold before a likely majority of mail-in votes for Biden are entirely counted.

Most important is which figure US power brokers support. They have final say.

There’s nothing remotely democratic about how the US is run. Voters have no say over who holds high executive branch or congressional posts.

In 2016, Trump won because most US power brokers supported him over Hillary, who was likely considered damaged goods, too contentious to lead.

Will a similar scenario play out this year?

Will behind the scenes dark forces give Trump a second term because of concerns about Biden?

Or will it be the other way around?

We’ll know in the coming days, but one thing is sure.

Like virtually always before, dirty business as usual continuity will triumph — at the expense of governance of, by and for all Americans equitably.

It’s guaranteed.

A Final Comment

Trump handed corporate America and other monied interests virtually everything they wanted.

He cut taxes and kept the military industrial, security complex well fed.

If reelected, he’ll likely continue similar policies.

Months earlier, Biden said “if you elect me, your taxes are going to be raised, not cut.”

In 2019, Trump eliminated Obamacare’s individual mandate — requiring all Americans buy health insurance, negating their right to opt out.

Biden vowed to reinstate it if elected president, saying: “Yes, I’d bring (it) back.”

In 2018, it was paid by 4.6 million US households. Nearly 75% of them had adjusted gross income of less than $50,000.

Biden said he’ll raise taxes on households earning $75,000 or more.

Harris proposed raising the top rate from 37 – 39.6%.

Last month, Biden said on “day one” in office if elected, he’ll raise the corporate tax rate and follow it by raising the rate on high-income Americans.

“I will move to eliminate Trump’s tax cuts,” he said when nominated Dem standard bearer in July.

Higher taxes are anathema to US business and wealthy Americans.

In August, Trump said if he’s “victorious on November 3rd, (he’ll) forgive (payroll) taxes (that fund Social Security and Medicare),” adding:

“I’m going to make them all permanent.” Not if there’s split government.

The best November outcome is for both right wings of the one-party state to share power.

If Dems keep control of the House, whether or not winning a majority of Senate seats, they’ll be able to block GOP legislation they oppose.

The dominant right-wing Supreme Court is the wild card with three of nine justices appointed by Trump.

If he cuts taxes or takes other actions unilaterally by executive order, the Supreme Court could have final say.

Whatever the outcome of election 2020, ordinary Americans will lose like most often before.

That’s how fantasy democracy works.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

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This article was originally published on Asia Times.

What happens on November 3rd? It’s like a larger than life replay of the famous Hollywood adage: “No one knows anything.”

The Dem strategy is crystal clear, spawned by the gaming of election scenarios embedded in the Transition Integrity Project and made even more explicit by one of TIP’s co-founders, a law professor at Georgetown University.

Hillary Clinton, bluntly, has already called it: Dems must re-take the White House by any and all means and under any and all circumstances.

And just in case, with a 5,000-word opus, she already positioned herself for a plum job.

As much as Dems have made it very clear they will never accept a Trump victory, the counterpunch was vintage Trump: he told the Proud Boys to “stand back” – as in no violence, for now – but crucially to “stand by”, as in “get ready”.

The stage is set for Kill Bill mayhem on November 3rd and beyond.

Say it ain’t so, Joe

Taking a cue from TIP, let’s game a Dem return to the White House – with the prospect of a President Kamala taking over sooner rather than later. That means, essentially, The Return of the Blob.

President Trump calls it “the swamp”. Former Obama Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes – a mediocre hack – at least coined the funkier “Blob”, applied to the incestuous Washington, DC foreign policy gang, think tanks, academia, newspapers (from the Washington Post to the New York Times), and that unofficial Bible, Foreign Affairs magazine.

A Dem presidency, right away, will need to confront the implications of two wars: Cold War 2.0 against China, and the interminable, trillion-dollar GWOT (Global War on Terror), renamed OCO (Overseas Contingency Operations) by the Obama-Biden administration.

Biden became the ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1997 and was the chair in 2001-2003 and again in 2007-2009. He paraded as total Iraq War cheerleader – necessary, he maintained, as part of GWOT – and even defended a “soft partition” of Iraq, something that fierce nationalists, Sunni and Shi’ite, from Baghdad to Basra will never forget.

Obama-Biden’s geopolitical accomplishments include a drone war, or Hellfire missile diplomacy, complete with “kill lists”; the failed Afghan surge; the “liberation” of Libya from behind, turning it into a militia wasteland; the proxy war in Syria fought with “moderate rebels”; and once again leading from behind, the Saudi-orchestrated destruction of Yemen.

Tens of millions of Brazilians also will never forget that Obama-Biden legitimized the NSA spying and Hybrid War tactics that led to the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff ,the neutralization of former President Lula, and the evisceration of the Brazilian economy by comprador elites.

Among his former, select interlocutors, Biden counts warmonger former NATO secretary-general Anders Fogh Rasmussen – who supervised the destruction of Libya – and John Negroponte, who “organized” the contras in Nicaragua and then “supervised” ISIS/Daesh in Iraq – the crucial element of the Rumsfeld/Cebrowski strategy of instrumentalizing jihadis to do the empire’s dirty work.

It’s safe to game that a Biden-Harris administration will oversee a de facto NATO expansion encompassing parts of Latin America, Africa and the Pacific, thus pleasing the Atlanticist Blob.

In contrast, two near-certain redeeming features would be the return of the US to the JCPOA, or Iran nuclear deal, which was Obama-Biden’s only foreign policy achievement, and re-starting nuclear disarmament negotiations with Russia. That would imply containment of Russia, not a new all-out Cold War, even as Biden has recently stressed, on the record, that Russia is the “biggest threat” to the US.

Woke Kamala in da house

Kamala Harris has been groomed to rise to the top from as early as the summer of 2017. Predictably, she is all for Israel – mirroring Nancy Pelosi (“if this Capitol crumbled to the ground, the one thing that would remain is our commitment to our aid…and I don’t even call it aid…our cooperation with Israel.”

Kamala is a hawk on Russia and North Korea; and she did not co-sponsor legislation to prevent war against Venezuela and, again, North Korea. Call her a quintessential Dem hawk.

Yet Kamala’s positioning is quite clever, reaching two diverse audiences: she totally fits into The Blob but with an added woke gloss (trendy sneakers, the advertised affection for hip hop). And as an extra bonus, she directly connects with the “Never Trumper” gang.

Never Trumper Republicans – operating especially in Think Tankland – totally infiltrated the Dem matrix. They are prime Blob material. The ultimate neo-con Never Trumper has got to be Robert Kagan, husband of Maidan cookie distributor Victoria “F**k the EU” Nuland; thus the running joke in many parts of West Asia, for years, about the “Kaganate of Nulandistan”.

Kagan, self-glorified and idolized as a star conservative intellectual, is of course one of the co-founders of the dreaded neo-con Project for the New American Century (PNAC). That subsequently translated into gleeful Iraq War cheerleading. Obama read his books in awe. Kagan forcefully backed Hillary in 2016. Needless to add, neo-cons of the Kagan variety are all rabidly anti-Iran.

On the money front, there’s the Lincoln Project, set up last year by a gang of current and former Republican strategists very close to, among others, Blob stars such as Daddy Bush and Dick Cheney. A handful of billionaires gleefully donated to this major anti-Trump super-PAC, including J. Paul Getty’s heir Gordon Getty, the heir of the Hyatt hotel empire John Pritzker, and Cargill heiress Gwendolyn Sontheim.

Those Three Harpies

The key Blob character in a putative Biden-Harris White House is Tony Blinken, former deputy national security adviser during Obama-Biden and arguably the next National Security Adviser.

That’s geopolitics – with an important addendum: former national security adviser Susan Rice, who was unceremoniously dropped from the Vice-President shortlist to Kamala’s profit, may become the next Secretary of State.

Rice’s possible contender is Senator Chris Murphy, who in a strategy document titled “Rethinking the Battlefield” predictably goes undiluted Obama-Biden: no “rethinking”, really, just rhetoric on fighting ISIS/Daesh and containing Russia and China.

Suave Tony Blinken used to work for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in the 2000s, so no wonder he’s been very close to Biden even before the first Obama-Biden term, when he rose to the top as deputy national security adviser and then, in the second term, as deputy Secretary of State.

Close to Blinken is Jake Sullivan, who under the protective wing of Hillary Clinton replaced Blinken as national security adviser in the second Obama-Biden term. He will have a top place either in the National Security Council or the State Department.

But what about The Three Harpies?

Many of you will remember The Three Harpies,   as I coined them before the bombing and destruction of Libya, and again in 2016, when their remixed version’s push for a glorious sequel was rudely interrupted by Trump’s victory. When it comes to Return of the Blob, this is the 5K, 5G, IMAX version.

Of the three original Harpies, two – Hillary and Susan Rice – seem set to snatch a brand new power job. The plot thickens for Samantha Power, former US ambassador to the UN and the author of The Education of an Idealist, where we learn that such “idealist” rips Damascus and Moscow to shreds while totally ignoring the Obama-Biden drone offensive, kill lists, “leading from behind” weaponizing of al-Qaeda in Syria re-baptized as “moderate rebels”, and the relentless Saudi destruction of Yemen.

Samantha seems to be out. There’s a new Harpy in town. Which brings us to the real Queen of the Blob.

The Queen of the Blob

Michele Flournoy may be the epitome of the Return of the Blob: the quintessential, imperial functionary of what former CIA analyst Ray McGovern brilliant christened MICIMATT (the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank complex).

The ideal imperial functionary thrives on discretion: virtually no one knows Flournoy outside of the Blob, so that means the whole planet.

Flournoy is a former senior adviser to the Boston Consulting Group; the co-founder of the Center for a New American Security (CNAS); a senior fellow at Harvard’s Belfer Center; under secretary of Defense during Obama-Biden; favorite of top Harpy Hillary to be Pentagon chief after 2016; and once again favorite to become Pentagon chief after 2020.

The most delicious item on Flournoy’s CV is that she’s the co-founder of WestExec Advisors with none other than Tony Blinken.

Every Blob insider knows that WestExec happens to be the name of the street alongside the West Wing of the White House. In a Netflix plot, that would be the obvious hint that a short walk of fame straight into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue looms in the horizon for the star protagonists.

Flournoy, more than Blinken, turned WestExec into a certified hit in the Beltway MICIMATT profiting from virtually no P.R. and media blitzes, and talking exclusively to think tanks.

Here’s a crucial glimpse of Flournoy thinking. She clearly states that just a benign American deterrence towards China is a “miscalculation”. And it’s important to keep in mind that Flournoy is in fact the mastermind of the overall, failed Obama-Biden war strategy.

In a nutshell, Biden-Harris would mean The Return of the Blob with a vengeance. Biden-Harris would be Obama-Biden 3.0. Remember those seven wars. Remember the surges. Remember the kill lists. Remember Libya. Remember Syria. Remember “soft coup” Brazil. Remember Maidan. You have all been warned.


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Pepe Escobar is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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Video: Neo-Ottoman Nights of Armenian-Azerbaijani War

October 30th, 2020 by South Front

Turkish Sultan-in-Chief Recep Tayyip Erdogan has come up with a justification for the deployment of Syrian militants to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone to support the war against Armenia. According to him, at least 2,000 fighters of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) are supporting Armenian forces there.

During the meeting with the ruling Justice and Development Party parliamentary group, Erdogan claimed that during the phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin he allegedly told him that Turkish authorities “have identified, through intelligence sources, that there are some 2,000 PKK terrorists fighting for Armenia at the moment for $600. Mr. President said he was not aware of that.” “I have told Putin that if our red lines are crossed, we would not hesitate to take action,” he added. Apparently, these non-existent PKK and YPG members in Karabakh are to justify direct Turkish involvement in the conflict on the side of Azerbaijan and somehow neutralize the mounting evidence showing Turkish-backed al-Qaeda-linked militants moving to Karabakh.

Meanwhile, the Armenian side revealed radar data confirming the involvement of the Turkish Air Force in the Armenian-Azerbaijani war. The released tracks show that Turkish warplanes deployed in Azerbaijan provide air cover for Bayraktar TB2 drones striking Armenian positions, while the Turkish aerial command post circulating in Turkish airspace, near the conflict zone, coordinates the entire aerial operation. The entire operation, according to Armenia, was planned and carried out with the deep involvement of Turkish military specialists.

Under the pressure of evidence, the Azerbaijani side has already admitted the presence of Turkish specialists and military equipment on its territory. The last step towards reality would be to confirm that they are involved in combat.

On October 28 and 29, forces of the Turkish-Azerbaijani bloc were conducting intensive strikes on Shushi and Stepanakert, the largest towns in Nagorno-Karabakh. Several airstrikes even hit the maternity section of the hospital in Stepanakert. Some sources even speculated that these strikes were delivered by F-16 warplanes. On the other hand, the Armenian side demonstrated that it is not much better and shelled the Azerbaijani town of Barda killing at least 21 people and wounding 70 others. The Turkish-Azerbaijani shelling of settlements and towns in Nagorno-Karabakh is a logical result of its attempt to remove Armenians from the region. Therefore, their strikes are aimed not only at military targets, but also at civilian ones in order to displace the local population. Meanwhile, the Armenian retaliation in a similar manner rarely has real military goals, rather it helps Ankara and Baku to gain some ‘evidence’ to confirm its propaganda narrative about ‘Armenian terrorism’. Moreover, these actions of the sides contribute to the further escalation of the conflict and undermine any weak hopes for escalation via diplomatic channels.

On October 29, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry reported that it continues combat operations in the Khojavend, Fizuli, and Gubadli directions of the front calling its offensive ‘retaliatory measures’ to contain Armenian ceasefire violations. According to Baku, the Armenians lost two T-72 tanks, two BM-21 “Grad” MLRS, 14 different types of howitzers, and 6 auto vehicles in recent clashes. Earlier, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev announced that his forces had captured 13 more settlements in the districts of Zangilan, Fuzuli, Jabrayil and Gubadli.

In their turn, the Armenian military claimed that it has repelled an Azerbaijani attack in the direction of the towns of Kapan and Meghri in southern Armenia inflicting numerous casualties on the ‘enemy’. Armenian forces are also counter-attacking in the district of the Gubadli, aiming to retake the district center. However, this attack reportedly was repelled. As of October 29, Armenian forces have contained Azerbaijani attempts to reach and fully cut off the Lachin corridor linking Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. Nonetheless, the situation in the area remains instable and the Turkish-Azerbaijani bloc still continues its offensive operations in this direction.


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On October 28, the BRICS Business Council (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) during the forum reviewed its joint work for the previous years, discussed at length current business issues and, in particular tried to choose a path for the future. Since its establishment, the BRICS Business Council has made its primary task to increase trade and investment among the member countries.

While it has recorded a considerable success and positive performance, this year has been different due to the spread of coronavirus. That has not deterred them but rather the BRICS plans to turn the disease-climate into a platform to search for new drivers of trade and economic growth in the subsequent years.

In 2020, Russia holds rotating leadership of the BRICS. Consequently, the meeting was coordinated from Moscow by the head of the Russian chapter of the BRICS Business Council, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Sergey Katyrin. It is worth to explain that the BRICS Business Forum held with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Ahead of the opening, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov sent a special message of greetings, and the Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov addressed the participants. In his address, Ryabkov noted that by working together, the group could add substantial momentum to the development of trade and investment among members, and in the interests of population. In assessing the consequences of the pandemic, he urged the group to come up with collective approaches for overcoming them.

“The world economy has entered a recession. Global GDP is shrinking, and so are international trade, investment and demand for key exports. The global value chains are disrupted, while financial markets are in constant state of turbulence. There are many other problems we face today, and will have to deal with in the future,” he told the participants.

“The crises in the economy and trade could make the world more prone to conflict and seriously undermine international cooperation, further exacerbating the deficit of trust. The gap between the rich and the poor is once again growing. Our common goal is to prevent the most negative scenarios from materializing. Against this unfavorable backdrop, we are witnessing attempts to make a political issue out of the COVID-19 pandemic. We believe that this is the worst thing to do at a time when we need to work together to fend off today’s threats,” Ryabkov pointed out.

According to him, overcoming the economic fallout from the crisis is a priority. In this context, there is the need to focus on restoring the global economy, driving growth and expanding trade, as well as repairing the industrial chains. He added,

“We cannot forget about climate change, sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. I think the BRICS countries will have to look past this horizon to proactively contribute to shaping the long-term global agenda.”

In an optimistic vision for the future, the business community in the five countries has a special responsibility in this regard. Businesses are uniquely equipped to swiftly adapt to a new reality, and create much needed jobs during major crises like the current one. This is a huge asset. The BRICS governments will continue to support businesses in every possible way. In this context, the BRICS Business Forum and Business Council are essential for devising effective solutions to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

Besides, there were plenary sessions held under theme: “COVID-19 and the economic development of the BRICS countries: problems and actions” and “Challenges and opportunities for sustainable development: pathways to a green economy.”

The BRICS countries represent the key economies of their regions and therefore have a special responsibility to develop actions to contain the COVID19 pandemic. They bear the main burden on the development and implementation of a policy of economic recovery from the consequences of the pandemic.

The session “Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development: Pathways to a Green Economy” discussed an agenda for action on climate change and finding ways to sustain economic, industrial and energy development while reducing carbon emissions. The session participants concluded that it is necessary to study carefully the directions of sustainable economic development in the current situation.

Russian Chamber President Sergey Katyrin referenced BRICS Business Forum 2020 as “business marathon” and noted that nine panel sessions discussed topical areas of cooperation, and these include industry, trade, digital technologies, agriculture, healthcare, energy, ecology and women’s entrepreneurship.

According to forum documents, the three day-forum, both online and offline, brought together about 90 speakers, representatives of government bodies, financial institutions, business and public organizations from all countries of the association. The main topic of the forum this year was “Business Partnership of the BRICS: a Common Vision of Sustainable Inclusive Development” – and that “inclusiveness” refers to the collective efforts to overcome common challenges.

One of the main tasks is updating the Strategy for Economic Partnership of BRICS until 2025, to continue identifying promising directions for developing business cooperation among BRICS countries.

Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Denis Manturov highlighted, in particular, some issues of the development of industrial cooperation within the BRICS. The heads of the national parts of the BRICS Business Council – Jackson Schneider (Brazil), Onkar Kanwar (India), Xu Lirong (China), Busi Mabuza (South Africa) – spoke about various issues of interaction and experience in solving urgent problems.

They discussed the impact of the pandemic on industrial production, ways to restore the economies of the BRICS countries, the possibility of digitalization and automation in creating a favorable climate. They also considered the development of women’s entrepreneurship within the BRICS and the role of the Women’s Business Alliance, which began its activities in the year of Russia’s chairmanship in BRICS.

The BRICS Business Council will meet to sum up and approve the annual report on November 10. That will be ahead of the XII BRICS Leaders’ summit scheduled for November 17. The theme of the meeting of the leaders is “BRICS Partnership in the Interests of Global Stability, Common Security and Innovative Growth.” Russia last chaired BRICS in 2015, held a summit in the provincial city of Ufa. Russia also presided over the group back in 2009, before BRIC turned into BRICS following South Africa’s accession. The five BRICS countries together represent over 3.1 billion people, or about 40 percent of the world population.


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Kester Kenn Klomegah is a frequent and passionate contributor to Global Research.

On a sunny day in July 2019, Alessandro Ale, a lorry driver, decided to take a few photos as he drove in a convoy across the southern end of the Amazon rainforest. He snapped the cab of his lorry – emblazoned with the logo of JBS, the world’s largest meat company – beside a sign marked “Fazenda Estrela do Aripuanã”, before he and the four other drivers set off with their load of about 250 cattle. He enjoyed the journey. “Working with good fellas is always a joyful ride,” he captioned the picture on Facebook.

But Ale’s photo, later uncovered by Repórter Brasil and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, increases concerns about the culpability of the global beef industry for the fires ravaging the Amazon each year. This June saw record fires in the Amazon, fanned by illegal deforestation as farm owners seek more land to turn into cattle pasture.

JBS, which sources cattle from the Amazon for its massive global beef market, has annual revenues of $50bn and slaughters almost 35,000 cattle a day in Brazil alone. Its beef exports to mainland Europe increased by a fifth in recent years despite the Amazon emergency.

As the outcry over the Amazon fires has grown, JBS has repeatedly said that it is doing everything it can to make sure its supply chain does not include cattle raised on illegally deforested land. But it has always added that it can only monitor farms that supply it directly. This avoids reckoning with the vast number of farms, which only raise “skinny” cows that are then sold on to fattening farms; according to JBS, these skinny cattle are untraceable.

A picture Ale posted on Facebook of his lorry parked next to the Fazenda Estrela do Aripuanã sign (Facebook)

That assurance has so far proved good enough for the world’s large retailers and food manufacturers, and JBS’s investors – but faces significant challenge in light of Ale’s photograph. The owner of Fazenda Estrela do Aripuanã, the farm where Ale said he picked up the skinny cattle, was fined R2.2m (£340,000) for destroying a swathe of the Amazon rainforest on land at that ranch. And the cattle Ale drove away, in a truck bearing a JBS logo, went to another of that company’s farms – one that directly supplies JBS.

The revelations raise serious questions requiring urgent further investigation for JBS, its investors and the global companies that buy its beef over their responsibility for contributing to the destruction of the Amazon rainforest, the “lungs of the planet”.

Reacting to the findings, Zac Goldsmith, the international environment minister, said that the UK government was looking closely at recommendations made in a government-commissioned independent report on reducing the deforestation caused by Britain’s imported products. The report suggested legislation requiring British businesses to prevent environmental harm and human rights abuses in their supply chains, and named beef as one of the most risky commodities.

“There is a hugely important connection between the products we buy and their wider environmental footprint,” Goldsmith said. “A lot of progress has already been made to make the UK’s supply chains more sustainable, but we know that more needs to be done.”

JBS disputed the Bureau’s findings and added that such practices do “not reflect its operating standards”. The company emphasised that independent audits show none of the cattle in its direct supply chain come from newly cleared rainforest. But experts have told the Bureau they believe that as much as 50% of the cattle reared across the Amazon likely comes from farms which are not covered by the audits, which means they could come from illegally deforested ranches like Fazenda Estrela do Aripuanã.

JBS began as a family butchers shop in Brazil, but has grown into the world’s largest meat company – its subsidiaries control vast swathes of chicken production in the US and UK, and its beef is exported around the world.

That growth has come at a cost. In 2017 JBS’s holding company paid one of the biggest fines in global corporate history, at $3.2bn, after admitting to the bribery of hundreds of politicians. The Batista brothers, who took over the family business from their father, have been investigated multiple times.

The Bureau, working with Repórter Brasil and the Guardian, has repeatedly dug into the links between the company and Amazon deforestation, which nearly doubled in the past year. In 2019, figures revealed how up to 5,800 sq km of forest — an area four times the size of Greater London — was being cut down every year in the Amazon and other areas in Brazil to be converted into cattle pasture.

JBS, like other major beef producers, says that it has a “zero tolerance” approach to illegal deforestation and has introduced sophisticated monitoring systems for its direct suppliers. At every turn, the company has insisted that it is impossible to monitor its indirect suppliers because there are no publicly available records of livestock moving between farms at different stages of the rearing process.

That argument shifts responsibility onto the Brazilian government, and there is international pressure to close the loophole. Angus MacNeil MP, chair of the international trade select committee, told the Bureau that Brazil would have to “clean up its act … or surely nations will have to act”.

He added:

“All over Europe there is a cattle tracing system so that people know where calves are born and they can be traced through their lives. In Brazil this is a huge loophole. It is even a more serious issue than welfare and standards, as it is deforestation of the Amazon, the lungs of the earth are at stake.”

Delara Burkhardt, a German MEP, is less convinced that only governments can act.

“That companies cannot monitor the deforestation footprint of many of their suppliers is an argument we hear often. This cannot be an excuse … Big companies – like JBS – with their big leverage on upstream suppliers could fix this, if they wanted to, or if they were required to do so by domestic or importing countries’ laws.”

Critics say that the situation – which affects all beef firms sourcing from the Amazon, including JBS’s main rivals, Marfrig and Minerva Foods – enables a form of “cattle laundering” in which livestock from “dirty” farms linked to deforestation can end up being moved and mixed in with cattle from “clean” farms.

Publicly both the Brazilian meat industry and its critics agree that tackling cattle traceability is key to preserving the rainforest.

But Ale’s photographs, cross-referenced against other records, raises serious concern that, far from being unable to monitor the different players in its supply chain, JBS may have facilitated cattle laundering.

The convoy of lorries (Facebook)

Ale in his JBS uniform on the trip from Fazenda Estrela do Aripuanã (Facebook)

The story of Ale’s convoy shows how quickly supposedly untraceable cattle from farms directly tied to illegal destruction of the Amazon could arrive at farms feeding into JBS’s global supply chain.

Ale and his colleagues were trucking cattle through the rainforest from Fazenda Estrela do Aripuanã, a ranch in the north west of Mato Grosso, to a farm further south. The Amazon covers roughly 40 per cent of Brazil.

Fazenda Estrela do Aripuanã – the first farm from which Ale picked up the cattle – is operated by Ronaldo Venceslau Rodrigues da Cunha, a businessman who breeds cattle and has one of the biggest beef enterprises in Brazil.

His company boasts of 102,000 cattle bred and fattened across 16 ranches spanning some 72,000 hectares of pasture. Its website tells the colourful story of how Cunha’s cattle empire grew from humble beginnings, complete with details of various family tragedies and the highs and lows of cattle trading.

What it fails to mention is that the Fazenda Estrela do Aripuanã farm was previously fined R2.2m for deforestation of rainforest. Records published by Brazil’s environment agency Ibama clearly show 1,455 hectares of land placed under an official embargo — which prohibits cattle grazing — as a result of the deforestation. Embargoes are imposed for environmental violations and serve both as a punishment and protective measure to allow land to recover.

The website also fails to mention that Aripuanã farm was ravaged by multiple forest fires between 2018 and 2019. (The Bureau was able to cross reference datasets on Brazil’s fires with maps of the farm’s boundaries to locate these blazes – and others in previous years – on the farmer’s land.)

While there is no suggestion that these fires were started deliberately to clear further forest for pasture, they show how deforested land can be vulnerable to fires.

Deforestation leaves the Amazon vulnerable to wildfires (Image courtesy of Greenpeace)

Ale and his fellow JBS drivers appear to have then driven the Aripuanã cattle to a second farm also run by Cunha’s company, Fazenda Estrela do Sangue, some 300km away. Sangue, unlike Aripuanã, has no embargoes owing to deforestation and so would be regarded as a “clean” supplier.

Although Ale’s Facebook post showed him making that journey just once, the Bureau has since established that cattle are regularly transported from Aripuanã farm to Sangue farm.

Cattle movement records seen by the Bureau show that from June 2018 to August 2019, at least 7,000 animals were dispatched from the first farm to the second. Separate records show that Sangue farm sent some 7,000 cattle to JBS abattoirs between November 2018 and November 2019.

Cunha’s company did not respond to a request for comment.

Although it is impossible to track the exact movements and destinations of individual cattle, the regularity of livestock movements between the farms – and the sizeable number of animals from the second ranch ending up in JBS meat plants – provides some of the strongest evidence yet suggesting the manner in which cattle laundering may occur in practice.

The Bureau has found evidence of JBS repeatedly promoting use of its own trucks for transporting cattle between indirect suppliers and direct suppliers. JBS executives promote the routes as “three-legged journeys”: picking up “skinny” cattle at one farm, exchanging them for fattened cows at a second, and ending the journey at an abattoir. Ale’s Facebook posts tell a similar story, appearing to show him trucking cattle between different farms on at least one other trip.

The revelation, campaigners said, puts pressure on businesses around the world to review their ties with JBS if they wish to avoid being linked to concerns about the destruction of the Amazon.

“Time after time JBS has been caught red-handed profiting from Amazon destruction,” John Sauven, the head of Greenpeace UK, said.

“We are now facing a climate and nature breakdown and JBS bears a significant weight of responsibility. With meat products from JBS ending up in supermarkets and fast food restaurants globally, there can be no more excuses. Retailers must stop trading with all JBS-owned companies while we still have enough of the Amazon left to fight for.”

Land cleared for cattle pasture (Image courtesy of Greenpeace)

The cattle reared and slaughtered in Brazil become beef sold around the world.

On 23 October last year, while parts of the Amazon rainforest were still burning, a large shipment of Brazilian meat was being unloaded at London docks. Weighing more than 25 tonnes, in 40 separate containers filled with frozen beef, the consignment had spent days at sea after being loaded onto a ship at the Brazilian port of Itapoá.

According to one leading trade database, it was just one of 500 similar consignments – 11,500 tonnes of beef in total – from JBS to arrive in the UK from Brazil between May 2019 and April 2020. Although not insignificant, the UK’s imports are dwarfed by the supply to Europe; JBS exported more than 46,500 tonnes of beef to the continent in the same period.

The figures show how easily beef supplied by companies such as JBS can reach international consumers, many of whom may be shocked to learn that the meat they buy is directly fuelling devastation in the world’s biggest rainforest.

Last year, a study by Trase — a supply-chain initiative run by the Stockholm Environment Institute and NGO Global Canopy — revealed that JBS’s global beef exports were linked to up to 300 sq km of deforestation per year in Brazil. (The exports of the other two meat giants, Minerva Foods and Marfrig, were each linked to 100 sq km of forest loss annually.)

The Bureau subsequently revealed how the three companies between them shipped $3bn of beef to Europe over a five-year period. The UK alone had imported £1bn of meat. European imports from JBS, Marfrig and Minerva also appear to have risen by 14% between May 2017 and April 2020.

Much of the Brazilian beef supplied to the UK is sold canned, with corned beef destined for supermarkets and other retailers. Frozen beef, like the cases unloaded at London docks, are generally imported for wholesalers and manufacturers. From there it could end up in hospital dinners, ready meals and fast food, through a chain of catering and food production companies. JBS beef has been found on sale in the UK supermarkets Sainsbury’s, Asda, Lidl, Morrisons and the Co-op. Its canned beef has also been sold to the NHS Supply Chain, which supplies hospital trusts.

JBS told the Bureau it had investigated the evidence and found that “the collection farm was not shown to be within any embargoed area,” according to the company’s system. JBS said it introduced a new system on July 1 that it “expected to make a significant impact in the reduction of cattle laundering … We are working towards a completely transparent supply chain.”

The company added that it “does not purchase cattle from farms involved in irregularities” and that it “takes an unequivocal zero deforestation approach”. A spokesperson said: “JBS has always been at the forefront of industry initiatives to combat so-called ‘cattle laundering’.”

JBS said that its trucking operation ensures “livestock are transported according to the highest standards of animal welfare” and that their operations “reduce the environmental impact of transporting cattle by optimising the truck fleet”.

Politicians, campaigners and regulators are all too aware of how the west’s beef consumption is connected to the burning of the Amazon.

In June global investors from the US, Europe and Asia, together managing $3.7bn of assets, demanded that the Brazilian government rein in deforestation and threatened divestment if the situation did not change.

The European commission is also considering regulatory measures to address deforestation, from stricter labelling requirements to outlawing the import of agricultural goods that damage the environment. In October MEPs will vote on whether to push the commission into focusing on the latter, which would ban imports of products such as meat, soy and palm oil where they are linked to deforestation.

It is a crucial moment for action, campaigners believe, because the EU’s Mercosur trade deal with South American countries – which would give beef producers in Brazil reduced-tariff access to the European market – is awaiting ratification.

Finalising the deal this year is said to be a priority for the German government. In June, however, President Macron expressed his opposition because of concerns over deforestation. The Dutch, Austrian, Irish and Belgian governments are also said to oppose the deal for the same reason as well as the threat to European farmers.

Last summer, Boris Johnson refused to join Macron in criticising the Bolsonaro administration over the fires crisis, for which he was later thanked by the Brazilian ambassador. Critics have suggested that environmental standards will likely be sacrificed as the UK pursues trade deals post-Brexit. Last year, a Brazilian official said that the country was seeking a Mercosur trade deal with the UK similar to the EU’s agreement.


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Featured image: Cattle in Brazil (from Greenpeace)

Begging Outrage: British Journalists for Assange

October 30th, 2020 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

Even that title strikes an odd note.  It should not.  The Fourth Estate, historically reputed as the chamber of journalists and publishers keeping an eye on elected officials, received a blast of oxygen with the arrival of WikiLeaks.  This was daring, rich stuff: scientific journalism in the trenches, news gathering par excellence.  But what Julian Assange and WikiLeaks did was something unpardonable to many who pursue the journalist’s craft: sidestepping the newspaper censors, permitting unadulterated access to original sources. 

People could finally scrutinise raw documents – cables, memoranda, briefing notes, diplomatic traffic – without the secondary and tertiary forms of self-censorship that characterise the newspaper imperium.  Editorially imposed measures could be outflanked; the biases and prejudices of newspaper moguls could be ignored.

This has meant that media outlets in the drought affected mainstream can only ever make quiet acknowledgments about the seriousness of the US case against Assange. It is why certain outlets fail, and have failed to cover the extradition proceedings against the publisher with any degree of serious alarm or considered fear.  When they do, irrelevant and inconsequential details feature like tabloid tat: the irate Assange, shouting from his caged stand; the kooky Assange, somewhat unhinged.

A central contention of the prosecution case against Assange is that he is no publisher or journalist being gradually asphyxiated by the apparatus of power for exposing it, but a cold, calculating purloiner of state secrets indifferent to the welfare of informants.  Thieves cannot avail themselves of press freedoms nor summon the solid protections of the US First Amendment, even if they did expose torture, war crimes and illegal renditions.  It is a narrative that has been fed shamelessly by certain members of the media fraternity, rendering them indifferent and, at times, even hostile to the efforts of WikiLeaks.  David Leigh and Luke Harding of The Guardian added kindling to his idea by publishing the full passphrase to the file of un-redacted US State Department cables in their 2011 book. It was foolish and clumsy, and did not shine a good light on the parties involved.   

A train was set in motion: the German weekly Der Freitag ran a piece in August that same year pointing an indirect finger to the password revealed by Leigh and Harding; Assange, alarmed, had contacted the editor Jakob Augstein beforehand, telling him he “feared for the safety of informants”.  WikiLeaks then reached out to the US State Department warning that publication of the un-redacted trove was imminent.  This would have given time to US officials to take necessary measures to protect any protected sources.  Cryptome scrambled to publish the documents on September 1, 2011; WikiLeaks followed the next day.  The myth of Assange the indiscreet, incautious figure hostile to concealed identities was born.

It has been left to other courageous reporters to right the record at the trial.  As investigative journalist Stefania Maurizi recalled in her statement read at the extradition proceedings, “I went through the cables as systematically as possible.  I was given an encrypted USB stick, and once I returned to Italy I was given the password that would then allow opening the file.  Everything was done with utmost responsibility and attention.” She also noted how the password published by Leigh and Harding “was not the same password I myself was given at the time.”

Mature, snappy views have also featured from conservative British voices concerned by this grotesque overreach of US power.  In Britain, and elsewhere, these media commenters have been few in number in registering appropriate alarm at the implications of the US Department of Justice’s indictment against Assange.  Peter Oborne, writing last month, issued the call to fellow journalists to take up the case for WikiLeaks.  He starts with a scenario: imagine a political dissident held at London’s Belmarsh Prison charged with espionage offences by the People’s Republic of China.  The real offence?  Exposing atrocities by Chinese troops.  “To put it another way, that his real offence was committing the crime of journalism.”

Add to this the findings of the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture that the dissident in question showed “all the symptoms typical for prolonged exposure to psychological torture”, with Beijing pressuring UK authorities to extradite him to a place he could face 175 years in prison.  “The outrage from the British press would be deafening.”  Protests and vigils outside Belmarsh would be unhalting; debates would take place on “prime time news programmes, alongside a rush of questions in parliament.”

Oborne acknowledges the UK-US alliance.  But that should not matter one jot “as far as the British media is concerned.”  The Old Bailey trial marked “a profound moment for British journalists.”  Were Britain to capitulate to the Trump administration on this score, “the right to publish leaked material in the public interest would suffer a devastating blow.”  He noted the concerns of 169 lawyers and academics expressed in a letter to the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Justice Secretary Robert Buckland, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab and Home Secretary Priti Patel demanding government intervention.  “We call on you to act in accordance with national and international law, human rights and the rule of law by bringing an end to the ongoing extradition proceedings and granting Mr Assange his long overdue freedom.” 

The dangers to the Fourth Estate to Oborne are incalculable.  On UK soil, an effort is being made by the US “to prosecute a non-US citizen, not living in the US, not publishing in the US, under US laws that deny the right to a public interest defence.”  Yet a myopic British press remains more interested in Assange’s character, one attacked for breaching the Bail Act in avoiding extradition to Sweden to face sexual misconduct suspicions, and the distracting point as to whether he really is a journalist.

Peter Hitchens, brother of the late Christopher and long departed from the barricades of Trotskyite fervour, is also very much on Oborne’s page.  Admirably, he starts his reflection on Assange by putting to rest notions of compromising fandom.  Assange “is not my world, and his people are not my people.”  But he was “wholly, furiously against the attempt by the United States government to extradite Assange from this country”.

Hitchens can seem a touch reactionary at times, his views heavily wrapped in the Union Jack.  A sounding board at The Daily Mail would suggest such tendencies.  But on Assange, he is sharp.   He rightly picks up on the barring of extraditions for political grounds under Article 4(1) of the UK-US Extradition Treaty.  He also notes the servility shown by UK officials to US power, given that the treaty permits Washington to “demand extradition of UK citizens and others for offences committed against US law.  This is so even though the supposed offence may have been committed in the UK by a person living in the UK.” 

In Hitchen’s mind, it was inconceivable to envisage a situation where the US would reciprocate: submitting its citizens to the UK for leaking British secret documents.  But allowing Assange to face trial in the US would mean that “any British journalist who comes into possession of classified material from the US, though he has committed no crime according to our own law, faces the same danger.”  The process undermined national sovereignty and threatened press freedom.  No English court, he argued, “should accept this demand.”  Were the courts to fail, “any self-respecting Home Secretary should overrule them.”

Fittingly, and accurately, Hitchens describes the effort mounted against Assange as “a lawless kidnap” against an individual who exposed “inconvenient” truths of US power.  It would be heartening to see more journalists, notably British ones, turning their mind to this awful reality, instead of falling for yellow press, click-bait distractions.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image: Julian Assange court sketch, October 21, 2019, supplied by Julia Quenzler.

Ever since the alleged pandemic erupted this past March the mainstream media has spewed a non-stop stream of misinformation that appears to be laser focused on generating maximum fear among the citizenry. But the facts and the science simply don’t support the grave picture painted of a deadly virus sweeping the land.

Yes we do have a pandemic, but it’ a pandemic of ginned up pseudo-science masquerading as unbiased fact. Here are nine facts backed up with data, in many cases from the CDC itself that paints a very different picture from the fear and dread being relentlessly drummed into the brains of unsuspecting citizens.

1) The PCR test is practically useless

According to an article in the New York Times August 29th 2020 testing for the Covid-19 virus using the popular PCR method results in up to 90% of those tested showing positive results that are grossly misleading.

Officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada compiled testing data that revealed the PCR test can NOT determine the amount of virus in a sample. (viral load) The amount of virus in up to 90% of positive results turned out to be so miniscule that the patient was asymptomatic and posed no threat to others. So the positive Covid-19 tests are virtually meaningless.

2) A positive test is NOT a CASE

For some reason every positive Covid-19 test is immediately designated a CASE. As we saw in #1 above up to 90% of positive Covid-19 tests result in miniscule amounts of virus that do not sicken the subject. Historically only patients who demonstrated actual symptoms of an illness were considered a case. Publishing positive test results as “CASES” is grossly misleading and needlessly alarming.

3) The Centers for Disease Control dramatically lowered the Covid-19 Death Count 

On August 30th the CDC released new data that showed only 6% of the deaths previously attributed to Covid-19 were due exclusively to the virus. The vast majority, 94%, may have had exposure to Covid-19 but also had preexisting illnesses like heart disease, obesity, hypertension, cancer and various respiratory illnesses. While they died with Covid-19 they did NOT die exclusively from Covid-19.

4) CDC reports Covid-19 Survival Rate over 99% 

The CDC updated their “Current Best Estimate” for Covid-19 survival on September 10th showing that over 99% of people exposed to the virus survived. Another way to say this is that less than 1% of the exposures are potentially life threatening. According to the CDC the vast majority of deaths attributed to Covid-19 were concentrated in the population over age 70, close to normal life expectancy.

5) CDC reveals 85% of Positive Covid cases wore face masks Always or Often 

In September of 2020 the CDC released the results of a study conducted in July where they discovered that 85% of the positive Covid test subjects reported wearing a cloth face mask always or often for two weeks prior to testing positive. The majority, 71% of the test subjects reported always wearing a cloth face mask and 14% reported often wearing a cloth face mask. The only rational conclusion from this study is that cloth face masks offer little if any protection from Covid-19 infection.

6) There are inexpensive, proven therapies for Covid-19

Harvey Risch, MD, PhD heads the Yale University School of Epidemiology. He authored “The Key to Defeating Covid-19 Already Exists. We Need to Start Using It”which was published in Newsweek Magazine July 23rd, 2020. Dr. Risch documents the proven effectiveness of treating patients diagnosed with Covid-19 using a combination of Hydroxychloroquine, an antibiotic like azithromycin and the nutritional supplement zinc. Medical Doctors across the globe have reported very positive results using this protocol particularly for early stage Covid patients.

7) The US Death Rate is NOT spiking

If Covid-19 was the lethal killer it’s made out to be one would reasonably expect to see a significant spike in the number of deaths reported. But that hasn’t happened. According to the CDC as of early May 2020 the total number of deaths in the US was 944,251 from January 1 – April 30th. This is actually slightly lower than the number of deaths during the same period in 2017 when 946,067 total deaths were reported.

8) Most Covid-19 Deaths Occur at the End of a normal Lifespan

According to the CDC as of 2017 US males can expect a normal lifespan of 76.1 years and females 81.1 years. A little over 80% of the suspected Covid-19 deaths have occurred in people over age 65. According to a June 28th New York Post article almost half of all Covid suspected deaths have occurred in Nursing Homes which predominately house people with preexisting health conditions and close to or past their normal life expectancy.

9) CDC Data Shows Minimal Covid Risk to Children and Young Adults

The CDC reported in their September 10th update that it’s estimated Infection Mortality Rate (IFR) for children age 0-19 was so low that 99.97% of those infected with the virus survived. For 20-49 year-olds the survival rate was almost as good at 99.98%. Even those 70 years-old and older had a survival rate of 94.6%. To put this in perspective the CDC data suggest that a child or young adult up to age 19 has a greater chance of death from some type of accident than they do from Covid-19.

Taken together it should be obvious that Covid-19 is pretty similar to typical flu viruses that sicken some people annually. The vast majority are able to successfully fight off the virus with their body’s natural immune system. Common sense precautions should be taken, particularly by those over age 65 that suffer from preexisting medical conditions.

The gross over reaction by government leaders to this illness is causing much more distress, physical, emotional and financial, than the virus ever could on its own. The bottom line is there is NO pandemic, just a typical flu season that has been wildly blown out of proportion by 24/7 media propaganda and enabled by the masses paralyzed by irrational fear.

State and local governments in particular have ignored the rights of the people and have instituted outrageous attacks on freedom and liberty that was bought and paid for by the blood and sacrifice of our forefathers.

Slowly the people are recognizing the great fraud perpetrated on them by bureaucrats and elected officials who have sworn to uphold rights and freedoms as spelled out in the US Constitution. The time has come to hold these criminals accountable by utilizing the legal system to bring them to justice.

Either we act now to preserve freedom and liberty for our children and future generations yet unborn, or we meekly submit to tyrants who crave more power and control. I will not comply!


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The UK government has set out plans to amend drug regulations in case it decides that covid-19 vaccines should be used before they are licensed, in a bid to roll them out more quickly.1

In a consultation on the proposals that ran from 28 August to 18 September the Department of Health and Social Care for England explained that if a suitable vaccine emerged with strong evidence of safety, quality, and efficacy the government would seek to license it through the usual route but could supply it in the meantime.

“Unlicensed” not “untested”

The consultation document said that if there were a “compelling case, on public health grounds, for using a vaccine before it is given a product licence, given the nature of the threat we face, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation may take the very unusual step of advising the UK government to use a tested, unlicensed vaccine against covid-19, and we need to make sure that the right legislative measures are in place to deal with that scenario.”

The document added,

“A covid-19 vaccine would only be authorised in this way if the UK’s licensing authority was satisfied that there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate the safety, quality, and efficacy of the vaccine. ‘Unlicensed’ does not mean ‘untested.”

The consultation, and the timeframe in which it was conducted, prompted some people to post their concerns on social media. A post on a local residents’ Facebook group in Devon reads,

“After 18 Sept, the government are going to say they consulted the public and because there were no objections, we all want and consent to the rollout of unlicensed vaccines, and that we are happy for non-medical staff to administer them and happy to accept we will not have the ability to ask for compensation if we face damage to our health.”2

The Human Medicine Regulations 2012 already allow the licensing authority to temporarily authorise the supply of an unlicensed product in response to certain public health threats, including the suspected spread of pathogens. The proposed change would allow conditions to be attached “to ensure product safety, quality, and efficacy”

Extending immunity from being sued

The 2012 regulations also give healthcare professionals and manufacturers immunity from being sued in the civil courts for the use of some unlicensed products recommended by the licensing authority in response to a public health threat. The new regulations would extend the immunity to drug companies that have not manufactured the product but placed it on the market with the approval of the licensing authority, and they clarify the consequences for a breach of conditions imposed by the authority.

Immunity would be lost in the case of a “serious breach,” and the Consumer Protection Act 1987 would still apply, making manufacturers liable if the product were defective.

Further changes would allow an expanded range of professionals, including midwives, paramedics, and physiotherapists, to be trained to help deliver a mass covid-19 and an upscaled flu vaccination programme. These professionals would also have immunity from civil liability.

Stephen Evans, professor of pharmacoepidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said that expanding the vaccination workforce was “eminently sensible and should have been planned for many months ago.” He added,

“It is clear that the current system of administration would not be capable of vaccinating almost the entire population in a short time, so this could be very sensible, provided the training of the new groups to carry out vaccinations is good and is perceived by the general public to be sufficient training.”

Vaccine hesitancy

Social media posts play into existing concerns that many people might not accept the vaccine, as surveys indicate.

Lawyers have told the Department for Health and Social Care that to inspire public confidence it must provide redress for the few people who might experience adverse effects.

Bozena Michalowska, a partner specialising in product liability at the law firm Leigh Day, said,

“I do not believe that people will want to play Russian roulette with their health by taking a vaccine which they know nothing about, especially when they know that the risks they take are just taken by them and not a shared risk and they will not have sufficient protection should things go wrong.”

Peter Todd, a partner specialising in vaccine injury claims at solicitors Hodge Jones and Allen, said,

“The fact that there has never yet been a successful vaccine against a coronavirus, coupled with some proposed covid-19 vaccines having novel mechanisms of efficacy and a very short period of clinical testing, means that there could be some additional risks in these circumstances which may put people off, especially in the light of civil immunity.

“A proper compensation programme may be a cheap and straightforward solution to neutralising vaccine hesitancy and bring the pandemic to an early end.”


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1. Department of Health and Social Care. Consultation document: Changes to Human Medicine Regulations to support the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines. 28 Aug 2020.


Featured image is from Shutterstock

Seventy-five years after their destructive power was first unleashed, nuclear weapons are about to be officially and explicitly prohibited by international law. For the average person, it may come as a surprise to know that nuclear weapons, dreadful as they are, weren’t already outlawed. But for the vast majority of nuclear weapons experts, the ban will arrive far sooner than expected.

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, informally called the ban treaty, was adopted with the approval of 122 countries at the United Nations in July 2017. It forbids anything and everything related to nuclear weapons, including their development and possession. It also obligates countries that join it to provide support to the victims of nuclear weapons testing and use, and to undertake environmental cleanup.

But to enter into legal force, the treaty needed more than just a vote at the United Nations; it needed ratification by at least 50 countries. It achieved that mark on October 24, after Jamaica, Nauru, and Honduras deposited the 48th, 49th, and 50th ratifications in rapid succession over the course of several days. Accordingly, the treaty will become official international law 90 days hence, on January 22, 2021.

There’s an obvious snag though: The treaty is not binding on countries that have not yet ratified it, and all of the countries that possess nuclear weapons stand in unanimous opposition and have boycotted the entire process of negotiating the treaty from the start. In fact, just days before Jamaica, Nauru, and Honduras acceded to the treaty, the United States took the unusual step of urging other countries to withdraw from it.

In some ways, the ban treaty has already made its mark as more and more countries commit to never building nuclear weapons. In 2017, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, or ICAN, won the Nobel Peace Prize for its key role in bringing the treaty into existence.

So what happens now? Even supporters of the treaty have modest expectations about the effects of its entry into force. In a forthcoming interview that will be published in a special 75th anniversary issue of the Bulletin, Beatrice Fihn, ICAN’s executive director, said, “Obviously it won’t have a direct, immediate sort of change on the situation in the world, but it’s a starting point for moving toward nuclear disarmament.… Implementing the treaty, in many ways, it’s just building normative pressure, building financial pressure through divestments.”

Though change may not be swift, Fihn is optimistic about the long-term outlook, noting that the world’s power dynamics are shifting. “In the top 10 [countries with] the biggest populations in the world, you have five nuclear armed states and five countries that have been leaders in the TPNW.” She said a country like Nigeria, which has ratified the treaty, could become a regional or global power in the coming decades, whereas nuclear-armed countries like France, the United Kingdom, and even the United States are rapidly losing global influence.

With these dynamics in mind, how might the treaty be implemented, stonewalled, or ignored over the coming years? The Bulletin reached out to top experts on nuclear politics to help answer those questions. Their responses, edited for clarity, are linked here.


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John Krzyzaniak is the DC-based associate editor at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

Featured image is by Jenny Villermin.

Nineteen Eighty-Four or “Brave New World”?

October 30th, 2020 by Prof. Ruel F. Pepa

“In a properly organized society like ours, nobody has any opportunities for being noble or heroic. Conditions have got to be thoroughly unstable before the occasion can arise. When there are wars, where there are divided allegiances, where there are temptations to be resisted, objects of love to be fought for or defended – there, obviously, nobility and heroism have some sense. But there aren’t any wars nowadays. The greatest care is taken to prevent you from loving anyone too much. There’s no such thing as a divided allegiance; you’re so conditioned that you can’t help doing what you ought to do. And what you ought to do is on the whole so pleasant, so many of the natural impulses are allowed free play, that there really aren’t any temptations to resist. And if ever, by some unlucky chance, anything unpleasant should somehow happen, why, there’s always soma to give you a holiday from the facts. And there’s always soma to calm your anger, to reconcile you to your enemies, to make you patient and long-suffering. In the past you could only accomplish these things by making a great effort and after years of hard moral training. Now, you swallow two or three half-gramme tablets, and there you are. Anybody can be virtuous now. You can carry at least half your mortality about in a bottle. Christianity without tears – that’s what soma is.”  Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

“Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know what no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.” George Orwell, 1984

Aldous Huxley’s 1932 megahit Brave New World (1) or George Orwell’s 1949 blockbuster 1984 (2)? Two daring novels in the first half of the 20th century that either fascinated or shocked their intrigued readers. It was the apex of an era–the reign of positivism–in the industrial civilization when modern science and technology were uniquely acclaimed as the final point of humanity’s cultural evolution. It was an exclusive period in human history when the strongest voice of modernistic erudition aimed to displace once and for all traditional as well as mystical religions was unilaterally pushed and dictated by the unopposed mechanistic and physicalistic science which later saw its most persistent and seemingly airtight exposition in B. F. Skinner’s highly controversial volume, Beyond Freedom and Dignity (3), published in 1971. It was that particular point in historic time known in social science as the “age of disenchantment” (Entzauberung in German)–a term appropriated from the German philosopher Friedrich Schiller by the sociologist and philosopher Max Weber in his The Sociology of Religion (4)–when modern western society had been drawn into the bandwagon of positivistic science whose chief objective was to devalue the traditional merits of the so-called religious, mystical and spiritual experiences.

In both paradigm-shaping novels, the central issue is the human person: Is s/he an autonomous being, that is a “being-for-itself” (with apologies to Jean-Paul Sartre) endowed with free-will and the inherent power to organize and hence determine her/his future? Or, is s/he solely a physicomechanical “object” whose ideas, thoughts, feelings, and decisions are just by-products of her/his physicochemical constitution, genetic configuration, and environmental conditioning? From where does s/he draw the meaningfulness of her/his life? Or perhaps the more fundamental question is: Is her/his life meaningful at all? Is humanity’s future predetermined by material limitations in a closed system of reality or it depends on one’s choices and decisions in a reality that is open to the unhindered operation of her/his free will? Or, given that there is human free will, could the problem lie in the condition that the majority of human beings conduct their lives like sheep in a flock whose course is stirred, regulated and determined by the strong, the tough and the powerful minority among them? Are manipulation and control an inherent dynamic to make society orderly and organized, well-coordinated, well-managed and properly governed?

In 1984, free will is a given nevertheless a dangerous component of the human personality. Thus, it has to be curbed, controlled, muffled and finally subdued to give way to the uncontested importance of social values and personal virtues to strengthen and fully empower the State machinery. The State in this sense is deemed to be the paramount source of the citizens’ welfare and development measured in terms of social stability achievable only by way of economic productivity, institutional order, and national peace. 1984 is an exposition of how society under the iron hand of totalitarian rule operates. Totalitarian governance is the new power that forces traditional religion with its god(s) out of the sphere of society’s political system without throwing away the dynamic of fear which is always a pre-eminent factor in most religions.

In 1984, a new “god” far more powerful than the nebulous “god(s)-in-heaven” of traditional religions is inaugurated and is now known as “Big Brother”. He is identified as the lead “conductor” in a symphony of fear that characterizes the new social order. His unbendable and unbreakable laws are administered by his loyal minions well-placed in various sectors and levels of the government bureaucracy. They are better described as severe taskmasters whose major importance in the hierarchy is in the area of reward and punishment, though punishment seems to be their chief expertise. Common in a society conditioned by totalitarian rule is the ascendant factor of fear. In every area of life, citizens should get used to the stringent rules and regulations exacted by their leaders who represent in person the sovereign ideals of Big Brother. Citizens are in a state of continual apprehension and terror all the time as their movements and activities both in public and in private are constantly being monitored by ever-present cameras [very similar to the closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras we usually find in public places and even on the streets as surveillance devices to capture and record untoward activities which in many cases could be criminal in nature].

Though not exactly in a totalitarian political milieu, this situation is now a reality in the present dispensation known as the “Age of Information”. The condition may not be as harsh as the tyrannical ambience in Orwell’s fiction but in our time, the constant flow of information via online monitoring even on the most guarded secrets of an individual person’s daily conduct of life may be accessed through the most sophisticated instruments and devices electronically connected/linked to computers and hand-held equipment we use and without which life doesn’t seem liveable to many of us on a daily basis.  In other words, we denizens of the post-modern world are generally in one way or another being subjected to constant surveillance by the powers that be both in global and domestic landscapes. There may not be commensurate punishment yet at this point in time for every misdeed and misconduct people do but the fast-evolving information technology we have had in the post-modern reality could sooner or later be utilized by despotic and authoritarian regimes as a concrete tool to effect oppressive and onerous measures against their own citizens. If actual oppression is conceived as a real possibility in 1984 by sowing widespread terror even with all the technological limitations in the plot’s context, could such possibility be more highly conceivable in the present post-modern era with all the sophisticated technological devices the age of cyberspace has at its beck and call?

Huxley’s Brave New World is a different scenario in human manipulation and social control, or “social engineering,” if you will. Unlike 1984, it presupposes the delusionary character of human free will. There is no free will at all and every human being is, in reality, an absolute captive of her/his physicochemical constitution, genetic configuration, and environmental conditioning. Hence, in the creation of a “brave new world” of functional and productive inhabitants predetermined in their talents and expertise, competence and readiness, certain indispensable factors must be realized such as the utilization of a reproductive technology where the birth of a human baby is artificially simulated in a laboratory; the application of psychological manipulation and mental conditioning; and the operationalization of psycho-social reinforcement. All of these are conditions in the successful formation of physically healthy individuals whose optimum contributions in the maintenance of a strong, well-balanced and well-structured society are absolutely necessary.

A “brave new world” is an effective and efficient social order where there is no confusion in its inhabitants’ respective social roles and responsibilities. A “brave new world” is a highly stratified society where the division of labor has to be effected at every level of the stratification. This social stratification is characterized by a caste system wherein the topmost level is occupied by the so-called Alphas who are not mass-produced and hence have the highest degree of individuality in terms of above average intelligence, exuberant personality and exquisite physical qualities. The  Betas are likewise not mass-produced and have a high degree of individuality though some notches lower than the Alphas. The lower caste levels like the Gammas the Deltas and the Epsilons are mass-produced and have lower-level intelligence. They are also much shorter in stature and less good-looking in physical appearance. The different levels in the caste system are the results of laboratory manipulation wherein the developing human organisms at their earliest stage of maturation are subjected to different chemical exposures. Alphas and Betas are very well taken care of. They are constantly provided with an optimum supply of oxygen and excellent nutrition. Such physiological reinforcements are however intentionally expropriated from Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons so as to preclude high-level intelligence in them by stunting brain development. These mental function restrictions are a necessary condition for them not to get further educated and thus always remain happy and satisfied while efficiently serving the State through the specific menial tasks assigned to them.

In Brave New World and 1984 are two different models of a single intent: personality manipulation via  human engineering–both psychological and physiological–to effect the formation of a social order where inhabitants are no longer aiming for higher life status as their present condition is all satisfying by the standards of material security measured in terms of economic stability. In 1984, the general rule of the game is simply toeing the line of Big Brother and everything will be alright. The system–whose main feature is the omnipresent surveillance mechanism–is unconditionally airtight so that even a mere casual thought of staging a rebellion is non-feasible. In this social milieu, the omnipotent control factor is the overarching span of prevalent fear instilled in the cultural apparatus of every citizen. This method of manipulation is a playing-up of the Jungian archetypal presupposition whose main thesis is grounded in the theory of the collective unconscious. In this particular instance of our present discussion, such presupposition touches on the primitive religious impulse of the human species where fear of the unknown is the primal disturbance factor. Nineteen Eighty-Four is, therefore, an exposition of how this so-called religious fear may be politically appropriated to set the stage of an orderly and peaceful society populated by obedient citizens loyal to the State and the powers behind it.

In Brave New World, fear, along with the rest of human emotional tendencies, is generally non-existent in the lower rungs of the caste system. Emotional feelings are solely experienced by the Alphas and Betas since they are the only ones endowed with high-level individual personalities. However, there are always psychogenic drugs to neutralize and transform into positive their negative emotions. Society is so efficiently organized that peace and order are its inherent components. The positively conditioned Alphas are the ruling elites whose intellectual and emotional programmings are always exactly geared for the well-being and maintenance of society’s institutional stability and productivity. In close comparison with Orwell’s society, Huxley’s “brave new world” is the better model. It is more sophisticated with all the trappings of modern science and technology and the air of satisfaction pervades the social atmosphere. Its denizens are more civil and cultured in an environment where there is no hatred, envy, and insecurity. The “brave new world” is a perfect society where there are no sicknesses, insanities, and problems due to emotional imbalance and ignorance commonly found in less-evolved societies represented in the novel by the “savage reservation“.

However, putting aside all the theoretical considerations hitherto discussed and highlighted, something seriously ominous troubles the sanity of a thinking mind in further reflecting on the most fundamental aspects of Orwell’s Big-Brother-managed State and Huxley’s “brave new world”. In the course of a clear-minded analysis, we want to examine not only the logical validity of Orwell’s and Huxley’s presuppositions but also the soundness of states of affairs that constitute the major premises upon which their respective presuppositions are based. In the process, we ask the following basic questions: Would the dynamics of humanity allow the possibility of Orwell’s and Huxley’s societies? Isn’t the continuing history of human civilization replete with defiance and struggles, destructions and violence, sacrifices and deaths which are sheer aggressive displays of humanity’s assertive disposition when challenged and provoked in both small-scale and large-scale contexts? Seriously considering these questions leads us to doubt the realistic grounding of Orwell’s and Huxley’s presuppositions. The next question primed up by such doubt is: Do you think the citizens of a nation would just let people in power form an Orwellian society or a Huxleyan “brave new world” without putting up a reasonable fight?

Orwell’s and Huxley’s societies are founded on institutionalized dehumanization. We call them societies but can we still attach the term “human” to modify them? In Orwell’s society, human free will is suppressed and denigrated. In Huxley’s, it is obsoletized in the majority of the people who constitute the lower rungs of the caste system. In the final analysis, we question the humanity of a society where human freedom is non-existent for such freedom is the only guarantee that bestows dignity to humanity. The persistence of the drive of the human free will to preserve human dignity is the strongest defiant factor expected to aggressively and relentlessly challenge the legitimacy of either an Orwellian or a Huxleyan society.


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Prof. Ruel F. Pepa is a Filipino philosopher based in Madrid, Spain. A retired academic (Associate Professor IV), he taught Philosophy and Social Sciences for more than fifteen years at Trinity University of Asia, an Anglican university in the Philippines.






Why I’m Voting Green in 2020

October 30th, 2020 by Virginia Rodino

Author’s note: Kevin  and I worked on this article together right before his untimely passing on September 6. I met Kevin during Ralph Nader’s 2004 presidential campaign. Throughout the years since, I appreciated seeing his anti-imperialist and eco-socialist arguments strengthen and crystallize the longer I knew him. Kevin’s work is unfinished, and I intend to honor him by continuing the fight for a better world, one that is anti-capitalist, full of music, delicious food and laughter. Kevin Zeese, Presente.


It is important to realize we have had two parties of the millionaires governing the United States since its founding. People have always had to pick between which of the millionaire parties we should choose from when neither put the people’s interests first. Some people have found a successful third way that builds people’s power.

Those in the Green Party view popular movements and third-party candidates (who cannot win elections in this rigged system) working together to change the direction of the country. We would rather vote for what we want and not get it in an election but use our vote to build a national consensus for the changes we need. That is a better alternative than voting for what we do not want, i.e. “a certifiable, lying, murdering war criminal” and a racist mass incarcerator, and getting it.

This emphasis on popular movements is the key difference between those building eco-socialist alternative parties like the Green Party, and those who actively or tacitly support the Democrat Party which deliberately deactivates mass movements such as Obama quashing the black players’ wildcat strikes or the DNC twice suppressing at all cost the Sanders campaigns and the vibrant mass of youth and people of color which built a movement around them to lift Sanders’ democratic socialist platform in 2016 and 2020. Socialists understand that movements of the people are what change the conditions of our class. Those who remain shackled election after election to the corporate parties do not have faith in ordinary people, instead relying on corporate politicians to change the conditions that keep 99% of the world’s population down, with most unable to thrive and lacking in their basic needs. Relying on capitalists in capitalist parties who preserve the needs of capitalism and corporate profit to make the fundamental changes needed to have an equitable and just and non-racist society is what spoils elections, and spoils our chances for a better world.

The history of ending slavery, ending child labor, winning the 8-hour workday and union rights, breaking up monopolies (trust-busting), women’s voting rights, ending alcohol prohibition and winning the New Deal – came from the platforms of the Socialist and Progressive parties and were won through social movements. In this century, it was Ralph Nader who ran on single payer, Medicare for All, and Jill Stein who ran on the Green New Deal (after Howie Hawkins first did so at the state-level in 2010). Every Green candidate has called for raising the minimum wage and taxing the wealthy.

This year we are facing multiple crises and the bi-partisan failed state of the two millionaire parties is handing none of them well: the pandemic, the economic collapse, racist police violence, and climate chaos, as well as the long-simmering deadly crises of inequality, inadequate healthcare, and a renewed nuclear arms race. Only one presidential ticket is right on ALL of these issues and that is Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker.

Voting for Biden is immoral in the current electoral reality. Trump is the worst president in our lifetimes and has to be removed from office.  Unfortunately, U.S. presidential elections are determined by the Electoral College so battleground or swing states are the key to winning. Because the presidential ​voting system assigns each state a number of electoral college votes, which​ go to the state’s victor regardless of the​ margin of victory, a handful of swing states will ​probably decide the election and are targeted heavily by the corporate parties, commonly ignoring voters in the remaining 38-42 other states. The swing states are comprised of mixed populations (urban, suburban, rural, etc.) and tend to flip between red and blue each election cycle. They include Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin.

Six battleground states that are close calls right now are interesting because they are all Republican states. The fact that these are now the only battleground states shows Trump is fighting off a landslide defeat — a well-deserved landslide. Swing states will not determine who wins, but whether there is an anti-Trump landslide.

The trends are not good for Trump. But no matter what happens with the polls, people who live in states like New York, California, Maryland, and the other 30 solidly Democratic states would be wasting their vote if they vote for Biden. A vote for Biden does not stand for Medicare for all, the Green New Deal, a public health approach to the pandemic, or ending the never-ending wars. Biden votes get lost in the corporate Democratic agenda of Joe Biden.

Republicans spoil elections by suppressing the Democratic vote and the Black vote. They orchestrate voter roll purges, most notably in the 2000 election in Florida, and restrict the number of polling places in Black and Brown communities. The GOP encourages voter intimidation at polling places.

Democrats spoil elections by trying to suppress the progressive Green vote, kicking us off the ballot instead of fighting in-between elections to replace the Electoral College with a national popular vote using ranked choice voting.

Both parties actively participate in gerrymandering which leads to more manipulation by monied interests, districts being drawn around racial lines and lower voter turnout because of the creation of safe seats where the real battle is over the nomination and not the election. Both parties benefit from voter suppression. Campaign financing is paid by billionaires and corporations in support of both major parties so that the super wealthy control our elections.

The GOP’s active suppression of the Black vote and the Electoral College’s anointing candidates who actually lost the popular vote spoils elections. Campaign financing and gerrymandering spoil elections. The election process in this country is a rotted mess that only benefits corporations, the wealthy and the corporate duopoly. Sadly, it’s a spoiled system whether the Green Party runs candidates or not.

Only voting for Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker makes sense in 2020 with two terrible candidates — the worst president of our lives and one of the worst corporate Democrats of our lives. We are not limited to those candidates.

Howie Hawkins is a retired Teamster construction and warehouse worker who has been active in movements for civil rights, peace, unions, and the environment since the 1960s. He was the first U.S. politician to campaign for a Green New Deal in 2010, in the first of three consecutive runs for New York governor. New York enacted several policies that only Hawkins had campaigned for after he received 5% of the vote in 2014, including a ban on fracking, a $15 minimum wage, and paid family leave. Vice-presidential candidate Angela Walker is a truck driver in Florence, South Carolina, a veteran and a union and racial justice activist.

We need to vote for candidates who represent and are part of the popular movements so we advance the causes of economic, racial and environmental justice. This is why I’m voting Green.


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Into the third decade of this century, China has continued its ascent as the world’s second superpower. The United States, on the other hand, has been stumbling somewhat under Donald Trump’s wrecking ball policies. The Trump era looks likely to be restricted to four years, as huge numbers of Americans turn out to cast their votes in the presidential election. Even so, a Joe Biden victory is not certain yet and Democratic supporters remain anxious, scarred by the experience of Hillary Clinton’s failure four years ago.

The Trump presidency has been a disaster, to put it mildly. Trump’s actions, from further enrichment of the top 0.1% in society, to wide-scale deregulation and shredding of arms treaties – all to benefit multinational corporations – has led to a considerably increased threat of environmental crises and nuclear war occurring. The growing nuclear and climate threats have been highlighted for successive years by renowned experts, like those associated with the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, an organisation concerned with global security challenges and humanity’s future.

The Atomic Bulletin analysts also manage the Doomsday Clock, whose hand has advanced closer to midnight in three out of the past four Januaries. These ominous warnings have coincided with Trump’s arrival into office in January 2017; and, to a lesser extent, because of the election of other extremists in major states like Brazil (Jair Bolsonaro), where deforestation in the Amazon has increased. In January 2020 the Doomsday Clock moved to 100 seconds to midnight, the farthest it has advanced since being established in 1947. (1)

On the international scene, there have been opportunities for Trump to reverse some of the US decline which has unfolded through the decades; most obviously in Latin America (consisting of Central and South America), regions which have mostly shifted back to the right over the past few years, partially because of the left’s inability to tackle corruption and diversify their nations’ economies. In the Barack Obama years, Washington exploited these weaknesses by encouraging rightist opposition groups and promoting instability in Latin American states, from Brazil and Argentina to Haiti. (2)

The right-wing governments that came to power have proven wholly inadequate, and Trump has shown little interest in Washington’s traditional “backyard”. Trump has visited Latin America only once in his presidency, when he arrived in Buenos Aires two years ago for the G-20 summit. Obama paid 16 visits to Latin America during his two terms, even flying to Cuba in the spring of 2016.

Trump has been unable to convince his Latin American allies to shun the overtures of China. One can witness the remarkable spectacle of far-right leader Bolsonaro praising Beijing, with him saying in late 2019 that “China is an ever greater part of Brazil’s future”. Money talks and Beijing’s financial might pays its weight in gold. China is now the largest trading partner of Brazil by far, with the Chinese government investing $63 billion in Brazilian exports during 2019, leaving the US trailing in second place on just shy of $30 billion (3). This is a significant development as Brazil is the strongest country in Latin America.

Mimicking Bolsonaro is the billionaire leader of Chile, Sebastian Pinera, who returned to power in March 2018. Pinera, another right-wing leader, spoke of his desire to “transform Chile into a business centre for Chinese companies”. Chile’s biggest trading partner is China by some distance, with Beijing in 2019 accounting for over $21 billion of Chilean exports, more than twice that of the US (4). In Argentina, Latin America’s third largest economy, China has also comfortably surpassed the US as a trading country there. China’s investment in Latin America rose from $12 billion in 2000, to $224 billion by 2016. As a consequence, Latin America’s largest trading partner is none other than China.

Even more concerning for US planners, China is the largest investor in the Middle East, recognised as the world’s most important region because of its unmatched oil and gas reserves. China is the biggest foreign investor in both Iran and Iraq, two countries which together possess almost one-fifth of the world’s oil sources. Another oil rich state, Saudi Arabia – a key US/British ally – has likewise doffed its hat to Chinese power. In 2019 nearly 20% of all Saudi exports, mostly consisting of oil, were sold to China, compared to just 2% of Saudi exports destined for the US. (5)

China is a very ambitious nation and one which is looking to the future with enthusiasm. It is dubious whether one can say the same for the US. China’s aspirations seem to have grown since Xi Jinping became president in March 2013. He has since consolidated his power, and expanded Beijing’s vast infrastructural projects like the Belt and Road Initiative.

America has boasted the world’s largest economy since 1871, at a time when Britain first began its decline as the pre-eminent imperial force (6). China currently has the globe’s second biggest economy and is closing in on the US, with Japan trailing distantly in third place (the UK is sixth). China’s economy is measured in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), as are the others. Qualifications are needed to gain a realistic picture of living conditions on the ground. GDP is concerned not with people but “finished goods and services made within a country”.

Examining China more closely reveals that it is still a relatively poor nation overall, a statement which may sound strange to some. Among the world’s countries, China lies in 85th place on the 2019 UN Human Development Index (HDI) table, a formula which measures life expectancy, per person income and education (7). China’s modest position, on the HDI, is primarily because the average annual income of a Chinese citizen remains low, amounting to $16,127 last year, compared to an average yearly salary for an American in 2019 of $56,140. Despite its internal problems America retains much wealth, occupying 15th spot in the HDI table, and none of the countries situated above the US (like Norway and Ireland) are obviously a threat to US hegemony. Japan is in 19th, with an average annual income for a Japanese of $40,799 in 2019.

However, there are mitigating circumstances when analysing China. Its population has been the world’s largest for generations, far bigger than the US and Japan – this has posed daunting problems for consecutive leaders in Beijing, encompassing the reign of the communist revolutionary Mao Zedong (in power 1949-1976). There can be little doubt that Chairman Mao, as he was known, ranks as one of the most influential leaders in China’s millenia-long history. It was Mao who set China on to its course of rivalling American power; as he rid China of predatory outside influence and achieved full independence, but his legacy has often been derided to a severe and unfair extent.

The Mao biographer Philip Short, an experienced English historian, wrote that Mao “wielded powers equalled only by the most awesome of Chinese emperors” and that “changes which, in the West, had taken centuries to accomplish” instead “occurred in a single generation” under Mao (8). This includes the major advances in health care he achieved across China, but in other areas also.

Short noted that,

“In Mao’s lifetime, China made the leap from semi-colony to Great Power; from millenial autarky to socialist state; from despoiled victim of imperialist plunder to Permanent Member of the UN Security Council, complete with H-bombs, surveillance satellites and ICBMS”.

After more than 20 years of struggle, when Mao assumed control in 1949 at the age of 55, China was coming off one of its most damaging periods of decline ever. Once he gained power Mao expelled the imperialist states from China, restored the country’s pride in itself, and enacted the structures that would transform China into an international force.

Short acknowledged that Mao possessed “an extraordinary mix of talents: he was visionary, statesman, political and military strategist of genius, philosopher and poet” who had “a subtle, dogged mind, awe inspiring charisma and fiendish cleverness”; while those who succeeded him “were merely a succession of fallible leaders, not better and not worse than in any other country”. (9)

The communist ideology which Mao espoused, and went to enormous efforts in implementing, effectively died with him in September 1976, as China thereafter tilted towards capitalism. In the final months of his life, Mao was aware that his policies would disappear with him into the grave. He had failed to find what he perceived to be anything approaching an adequate successor. Two years after Mao’s death, Deng Xiaoping took charge of China and he quickly moved the country towards capitalism, despite Deng admitting later that “without Mao there would be no new China”.

Mao had criticised Deng for his bourgeois and capitalist tendencies, unfairly many thought. In fact, as Short wrote, Deng “did establish a regime which, while ‘nominally socialist’, was capitalist in every other respect. Mao had been right about Deng Xiaoping: improbable though it had seemed at the time, he was a ‘capitalist-roader’ all along”. With Deng in power “the moment he was in a position to do so, he began dismantling the socialist system Mao had built”. (10)

A recent in-depth study reveals that, since Mao’s death, wealth accumulation in the top 10% of society in China has increased considerably, along with a sharp growth in inequality (11). It can be noted that wages for the Chinese masses are altogether higher now, in comparison to the Mao years, when grinding poverty was more widespread. Yet Beijing’s adoption of capitalism is patently clear, and a symptom of this are the current numbers of Chinese millionaires, 4,400, and billionaires, 878 (12). Elite wealth in China is below that of America, but it is safe to say that Mao would not have tolerated these developments.

China’s drift towards capitalism has only reached a certain point. Beijing has snubbed the most virulent form: the neoliberal model introduced in the West by Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher; whereby corporate and business influence dictates government strategy, seeping down to affect a nation’s education and health systems. In the US, the world’s leading neoliberal state, the number of hospital beds is dictated by profiteering, as it is in many other rich countries. An extra supply of hospital beds is pivotal for a functioning health service. Hospitals are instead run according to neoliberal doctrine, meaning there is no provision of extra hospital beds as zero profits can be made from it. This is a shabby system in normal times and a recipe for disaster in extraordinary circumstances.

In 1975, during the pre-neoliberal era, there were almost 1.5 million hospital beds in America. By 2018 it had fallen to just over 900,000 beds in US hospitals (13). Bearing in mind, the US population grew by about a third during this period. In a non-neoliberal state like China, in 2018 there were 6.5 million hospital beds there, almost twice larger than the US in per capita figures. This is one indication of the significant advantage that China has over its Western rivals.

The average life expectancy of a Chinese person is merely a couple of years less than an American. The majority of credit for China’s health care progress should indeed be attributed to Mao. As he entered office in 1949, the typical life expectancy in China was 36 years. When he died in 1976, China’s average life expectancy had climbed to 64 years, an almost three decade increase. It ranks as one of the most rapid growths of life expectancy in human history, all the more commendable considering China’s size and population (14). During the same time, life expectancy in America increased by less than seven years.

In China 85% of major corporations are today state-owned, as the World Economic Forum reports to its displeasure (15). Under Xi Jinping, Beijing’s control over big business has increased. The US economist Nicholas Lardy, a noted expert on the Chinese economy, outlined of China in July 2019 that, “Since 2012 private, market-driven growth has given way to a resurgence of the role of the state”.

From a global strategic viewpoint the US remains in a superior position to China, with Washington continuing to enjoy most of the gains made by its victories in World War II. The US military, far larger than its Chinese counterpart, still dominates the Pacific Ocean – which covers 30% of the planet’s surface – while the US Armed Forces hem China in around its coastline, and beyond, with hundreds of bases and high tech weaponry. In the Western hemisphere China’s military presence is barely discernible.

Repeatedly each year US destroyers sail astride China’s shorelines, such as in the Taiwan Strait; American warships even dare to roam further up the coast through the East China Sea, and even entering the Yellow Sea, less than 500 miles from Beijing. Two US destroyers were spotted at separate times this year sailing nonchalantly in the Yellow Sea, placing them within striking distance of the Chinese capital; and much closer again to Shanghai, China’s most populous city, where early this summer the USS Rafael Peralta was sighted fewer than 135 miles from Shanghai (16). On the European mainland, the US retains a foothold across that continent under the NATO military organisation. By 2004 NATO expanded to Russia’s borders and is continuing to enlarge.

US decline did not begin to unfold this century, but can be traced to the late 1940s. The “loss” of China to communism in 1949 is perhaps the heaviest blow to strike American hegemony to date (17). Gradual US regression occurred in following years. By 1970, with the complete recovery from the war of industrial states like Japan, the US share of world wealth dropped to 25%, half of what it was in 1945.

American power received a hefty boost with the Soviet Union’s demise in 1991, but Washington largely squandered the opportunities this had provided, with the Americans suffering a lasting defeat in Iraq early this century following its invasion. Over the past decade, US influence has also dwindled in resource rich Central Asia, formerly part of the Soviet Union. China has promptly moved in, not militarily but through financial means, and Beijing is the largest investor in Central Asia, a strategically important region linked firmly to the Belt and Road.


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Shane Quinn obtained an honors journalism degree. He is interested in writing primarily on foreign affairs, having been inspired by authors like Noam Chomsky. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.


1 John Mecklin, “Closer than ever: It is 100 seconds to midnight”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 23 January 2020

Alexander Main, “The Right Has Power In Latin America, but No Plan”, Jacobin, 3 August 2019

3 Daniel Workman, “Brazil’s Top 15 Trading Partners”, World’s Top Exports, 15 April 2020

4 Ibid., “Chile’s Top Trading Partners”, 26 May 2020

5 Ibid., Saudi Arabia’s Top 10 Exports, 6 July 2020

6 Caleb Silver, “The Top 20 Economies in the World”, Investopedia, 18 March 2020

UN Development Programme, Human Development Reports, “2019 Human Development Index Ranking”

8 Philip Short, Mao: A Life, (John Murray Publishers Ltd., 30 Sep. 2004) p. 630

9 Ibid.

10 Ibid., p. 628

11 Thomas Piketty, Li Yang, Gabriel Zucman, London School of Economics and Political Science, “Income inequality is growing fast in China and making it look more like the US”, 1 April 2019

12 Recruitment News UK, “China is rapidly producing new billionaires despite Covid-19”, 20 October 2020

13 Statista, “Number of all hospital beds in the U.S. from 1975 to 2018”

14 Kimberly Singer Babiarz, Karen Eggleston, Grant Miller, Qiong Zhang, “An exploration of China’s mortality decline under Mao: A provincial analysis, 1950-1980”, National Center for Biotechnology Information, 13 December 2014

15 Amir Guluzade, “The role of China’s state-owned companies explained”, World Economic Forum, 7 May 2019

16 Kristin Huang, “US destroyer spotted off the coast of Shanghai as PLA Navy begins 11 week exercise in Yellow Sea”, South China Morning Post, 15 May 2020

17 Office of the Historian, Milestones: 1945-1952, “The Chinese Revolution of 1949”

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I’m Really Sorry Redux

October 30th, 2020 by Edward Curtin

A few years ago, after reading a brillig academic article about how those who believe in conspiracy theories might be inclined toward unethical actions and petty crimes, my conscience got the best of me and I made a public confession. I had been accused of being a conspiratorial thinker, and I knew I had once committed an unethical act, one that might be called a petty crime.  The article made me feel guilty and I felt a strong need to admit my transgression, which I did.  It felt so good to come clean in public.  Oprah would have been proud of me.

In recent days, however, I have seen many mainstream corporate media articles, not just academic studies, warning about deluded people who believe in conspiracy theories and how their erroneous beliefs are messing up the upcoming election and the authorities’ responses to Covid-19 and a lot of other important stuff like the Lockdown. That old devil guilt has revisited me. I don’t want to mess anything up for the authorities.

Let me, however, be clear at the outset what I mean by my conspiracy theories.

They are different from the conspiracy theories of George W. Bush, Colin Powell, Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Joseph Biden, Donald Trump, the World Health Organization people, and other such luminaries, concerning events such as the attack of September 11, 2011, weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the ongoing war on terror, the prosecution of Julian Assange, Russian-gate, the need for dramatically increased censorship, the Lockdown, the Great Reset, etc.  These people’s conspiracy theories have nothing to do with petty crime, for their handiwork is grand indeed. They are big people, and very smart. In any case, I don’t know what small stuff they might be up to when not killing so many people all around the world.

I remember how that academic article that I had read was “backed up by science,” which was very reassuring, and that it wasn’t referring to big people like the aforementioned. The distinguished authors, who were from illustrious universities, meant little people like me, who have concluded that the U.S. national security state conspired to kill President Kennedy, to take one nutty example, and are inclined to take to the dark side and pilfer M&Ms from candy counters and stuff like that.  We are very gullible and prone to pettiness and mass delusions was the authors’ point because the internet has scrambled our brains.

They were saying we tend to believe weird shit like there’s a government spy program that involves electronic squirrels that climb trees and take pictures of you inside your house. That Building 7 at the World Trade Center was brought down by controlled demolition.  Or the really wacked-out thought that all conspiracies take place behind our backs since they can’t take place in front of our backs since our backs are back and not front.  Or that Sirhan Sirhan did not assassinate Senator Robert Kennedy.  That Donald Trump is actually Liberace’s illegitimate son and Queen Elizabeth his mother.  Or that the war on terror was a preplanned government plot devised to justify the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, among other countries. Crazy stuff like there’s a government plot to place signs near low doorways warning “Watch Your Head,” so people will literally try to do that and smash their clueless brains to smithereens and die as part of a population control program.

As we know, all these nutty conspiracy beliefs are of equal value and validity, and to even harbor the thought that the CIA’s 1967 secret Dispatch – Doc 1035-960, showing their employees and media accomplices how to counter and discredit the claims of conspiracy theorists – might be involved in all these articles I’ve been reading is to risk further accusations of being wacked-out and in need of examining one’s proclivity toward everyday crimes.  So I won’t go there.  I’m feeling guilty enough.

So bless me, folks, for I have sinned. For the second time in the past few years I have stolen and eaten the forbidden fruit. Let me confess.

Last week, I again found myself in my local co-op grocery market.  You might wonder where I had been looking for myself when I found myself there, staring into bins of dried fruit, but let’s just say I had been around.  When you’re lost and wacked-out, you never know where you are or why you believe what you believe, and so you can find yourself in strange places. Years ago my good friend went to California to find himself, and when he returned he said he found himself in a mirror and was really his step-brother’s illegitimate uncle. He and my other friends used to always tell me that I tended to do everything ass backwards, even think ass-backwards, and when I said, “Of course, I do, so do you. What’s wrong with that?” they looked at me as if I had flipped.  When I asked them if they could do things ass forward, our friendships ended. I found myself alone.

In the co-op market I was standing over the bulk bins, trying to decide what dried fruit to buy.  They all looked good.  It was a tough choice, sort of like staring at forty different tubes of toothpaste on the store shelf and wondering which to buy or if the one advertised for women would work for a man since men must have different teeth.  The comparison is not exactly apt, I guess, for you can’t test the toothpastes, but the fruit looked so delicious.  So, when no one was looking, I first tried the mangoes, then the apricots, and finally the figs.  I thought I saw the store manager see me when I took the figs because I was so enjoying the fruits of my crime that I let my guard down and was facing in his direction with my mask off.  This was really stupid of me, since the same thing happened the last time and I was paranoid afterward. I know, I know – when you keep repeating something that doesn’t work, they say that’s insane.  But I remembered when I couldn’t afford such expensive fruit and went to orgies just to eat the grapes.  Even then I thought people were watching me.

When I was leaving the store, my heart was pounding.  I kept glancing over my shoulder.  I decided to replace the orange day-glow mask I had used in the store with another I carried. Flesh colored – to blend in.  An old lady on a walker seemed to be following me, but I ditched her by circling the block two-and-a-half times, my lucky number.  As I was close to home, I thought of my narrow escape and the brilliance of the study that connected my conspiratorial thinking to my criminal activity with the fruit.

I also couldn’t help thinking how the figs had reminded me of my latest conspiracy theory, but one supported by sources as confidential and reliable as those referenced by The New York Times or The Washington Post.  In addition, like those devotees of truth and confidentiality, I will never reveal my sources.  They can torture me and I won’t.

Here is what they told me.  It bears repeating.

Legend has it that Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravity while sitting in a garden, watching apples fall perpendicularly to the ground.  However, this is not true. I have learned from my confidential sources that his nickname was Isaac “Fig” Newton and that those who claim the Fig Newton cookie was named after Newton, Massachusetts are involved in a great cover-up.  That’s nothing new.

My sources tell me that when Isaac was a child, he was so fond of figs that his mother had to warn him against eating too many, for as you probably know, figs, like prunes, are filled with fiber and possess a laxative quality.  Isaac was defecating so much and so often that his mother was alarmed.  But a mother’s panic at a child’s toilet habits can be a source of insight years later.

So it was that years later it was Isaac’s experience on the potty that gave him his great insight into gravity.  Reflecting back on his childhood, he realized that shit always went down, never up (there were no electric fans in those days, so no one would say that it went up when “shit hit the fan” like they’re saying about this year’s election). He remembered his mother’s loving words when as a boy he would tell his mom he had to “take a shit,” she would always remind him that it was always better to give than take, so he should “give a shit.”

Alas, it was Isaac’s chore to take the family potty out behind the house where it was emptied down into a deep hole about six feet under.  Thus, the adult Isaac came to call his discovery gravity, after the grave.  He scientifically proved what everyone already knew: that everything and everyone goes down, eventually.  Not the most uplifting news, I grant you, but I have reliable sources for that also.

So I readily admit I am guilty of this inclination toward low-level “crime,” as the professors so brilliantly explicated. No doubt, it is connected to my conspiratorial and paranoid  mindset.  I hope that much is clear.  Sometimes I just can’t resist the forbidden fruit.  Although not an apple, it seems to give me insight into the knowledge of good and evil, and who is following whom.

For some reason, I suspect those brillig academics and mainstream corporate journalists will not be writing about the elite criminals who conspire to invade countries, kill millions, blame it on others, and conduct vast propaganda campaigns.  Those are crimes against humanity, and are beyond the purview of work aimed at showing how sick everyday people are who suspect that their leaders are big-time criminals.

These writers are following their bosses.  Unlike Isaac, they don’t give a shit.

They are full of it.

I’m not really sorry.  I got that ass-backwards.


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Edward Curtin, Behind the Curtain. 

Distinguished author and sociologist Edward Curtin is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. He is the author of the new book:

Featured image is from InfoWars

Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies

Author: Edward Curtin

ISBN: 9781949762266

Published: 2020

Options: EBOOK – Epub and Kindle, paper, PDF

Click here to order.


While Americans are re-programmed every four years for the most important desperately crucial national emergency election since the last one, which will assure that Wall Street, the Pentagon, Israel and billionaires maintain power and control over everything that matters, most eligible voters will choose neither of the ruling power’s candidates and in a sense exercise democratic values by refusing to act as majority puppets.

Meanwhile the people of Bolivia and Chile recently went to the polls and in dramatic contrast to America actually voted on substantial issues that could radically change their country’s futures. Bolivia chose returning to the socialist government that had been overthrown by a U.S. aided capitalist -fascist coup and Chile voted to dump its U.S. influenced fascist-capitalist constitution in favor of a new one to guarantee the rights of all and not just some of their people. However things turn out for them what they did comes far closer to what America needs and democracy can create but what we’ll get is the same system with possibly slightly different actions by the crew of our national model of the Titanic. Escape lifeboats will still be available only to the upper income groups while the rest of us can drown. Sorry, we’re in the “real” world and still being convinced that having a new CEO of a petroleum firm who is a transsexual of color or a bi-polar Semite or a Picasso person with seven eyes and eight breasts is more important than ending dependence on fossil fuels and demanding alternate power sources for the future of our nation and our planet.

With manufactured fears of this multi-billion dollar electoral market being sold as democracy but allegedly threatened by Russia, China, Iran, Cuba, Mexico, Disneyland, Lower Slobovia or other fictional scapegoats, the financial fiasco that grows more criminal and psychotic every day supposedly guarantees freedom to the homeless, the poor, the debtors, the millions without health care and the rest of us to whom everything nature’s corporate capitalism offers is available provided we’ve the market force to buy it. Those of us able to buy are a group getting smaller by the minute with plastic replacing money at a faster clip than ever with debt in the trillions and the only hope of paying it off being prayer, drugs or mass murder. The bread and circuses of a past empire has its present version in the moral pornography of a rich nation with people living on the street, under highways and bridges and being stepped over by good folks on their way to rescue a dog or cat while massive political fund raising assures the richest minority maintains   control of the entire political process.

All of this is sanctified by the law of the land, a constitution written by the original 1% to assure that the other 99% would never threaten their power and control, only allowing supposed revolutionary amendments that allow a greater professional servant class and guarantee that the overwhelming majority continue to react to the spectacle of a variety show that passes for an electoral process, as people are convinced that the right to vote is the essence of democracy, with little or no consideration about what there is to vote for. With fears of fascism being charged every minute and attributing that threat to the rich if honest simpleton in the white house, there is also the veneration in the minds of the people that the act of voting is the be all end all of fictional democracy.

Pssst: the popular depiction of the archfiend fascists of Nazism and Hitler leaves out the fact that they took power through the sacred democratic process of voting, and Germany was generally considered the foremost intellectual and artistic culture of the continent.

Past American dominance of the world was never dependent on our exceeding Canada and Mexico in thought and creativity except when it came to making and using weapons to slaughter millions while proclaiming love for mankind, democracy and other good stuff.

The point being that fascism is an aspect of capitalism at an extremely critical crisis during which the most repressive among the ruling class take power and make life better for some and worse for others but in a fashion beyond the usual fake manner which calls attention to poverty, war and social degeneracy as aspects of awful “other” social formations. This is currently the expression of the alleged fascist putz in the white house while his alleged liberal foes engage in the most repressive reactionary politics in the usual guise of democracy in America: Our evil is lesser than their evil. Vote for polio or you’ll get cancer!

Before we were struck by the pandemic spread by market forces, more than half a million Americans were homeless. More than 8 million have since descended into poverty while the billionaire class has expanded its wealth to even more outrageous extremes than before. And while our national situation disintegrates under the moral assault on life and nature called the free market, no less than the World Bank warns of the titanic debt threatening the globe with the poorest countries already facing hardship beyond anything previously experienced in trying to approach paying off debts they owe to richer nations which often got rich by stealing their national wealth through colonialist oppression. The bank warns against global collapse unless the world does something about the fact that the richest 2 thousand people own more wealth than four and a half billion humans combined.

These are not among the issues brought before the American public this election season when Trump’s personal tax figures and sex life take precedence over the fact that his open adoration of Israel and Netanyahu exceeds that of the entire American congress which all but publicly buried its face in his crotch when he spoke to the assembled recipients of Israeli lobby wealth for their political campaigns. Trump openly says he doesn’t need the Israeli lobby’s money so his passion is accepted as sincere where as much of congress and past white house occupants gleefully accept the much needed millions to “democratically” treat the last colonial nation in the world as some divine aspect of humanity.

The outcome of the election may not be known for hours, days or weeks after its conclusion due to the conditions brought about by the pandemic alongside other breakdowns in our political economy. Speculations about whether the post office will sell our ballots to Russia or China or Trump’s family will use them to gain more credit at Amazon or that fascism or civil war will take place are beside the point. Feverish fears or realistic panic, the fact is that Wall Street, the Pentagon, Israel and Billionaires will remain in control of the nation and future acceptance of the lie that this represents democracy will not just make things worse, but much worse than ever before. This needs to be the last vote that accepts the lie of national democracy and must lead to the creation of a new national political party to represent the majority of Americans currently having our lives bargained at a corrupt market and equally corrupt political process over which we exercise no control.

Social conditions may become more dreadful in the short term after this hopefully last exercise of fake democracy. Whatever the lesser evil outcome of the ruling class owned and controlled exercise of the present moment, we need immediate action on the part of the people being bled physically, mentally and spiritually for fictional nonsense we are always fed, never more than during this latest outburst of truly fake democracy. We need the real thing and we need it fast. That struggle has already begun and it needs to take on much greater speed after November3, 2020.


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This article was originally published on legalienate.

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This Week’s Most Popular Articles

October 30th, 2020 by Global Research News

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The Sudanese-”Israeli” peace deal isn’t a spontaneous act of reconciliation like it’s misportrayed by some as being but the result of lots of behind-the-scenes maneuvering including last year’s military coup and recent reports that Saudi Arabia will secretly pay Sudan’s agreed-upon $335 million in compensation to US victims of terrorism.


The Road To Recognition

Sudan, which was once ruled by one of the most anti-Zionist governments in the world, announced that it’ll normalize “relations” with “Israel” following the planned signing of a US-brokered peace deal between the two decades-long foes. This wasn’t a spontaneous act of reconciliation like it’s misportrayed by some as being but the result of lots of behind-the-scenes maneuvering over the past few years. It’s important to trace the sequence of events in order to obtain a better understanding of how something as significant as this development came about. It wasn’t by any means an impulsive decision, but one that was at least several years in the making and entirely the result of external meddling into Sudanese affairs.

The Yemen Factor

Former President Bashir was deposed in a military coup last year during large-scale protests reportedly as a result of his armed forces’ refusal to use violent force for dispersing the increasingly riotous unrest. Prior to that “deep state”-driven regime change, the country had gradually aligned itself with the GCC throughout the course of its ongoing War on Yemen, having previously been more closely affiliated with Iran in the years prior. The North African state’s “pariah” status due to its earlier hosting of Osama Bin Laden and support of militant anti-Zionist causes abroad gave it few options other than partnering with the Islamic Republic and China. The War on Yemen, however, was the cynical “opportunity” to change all of that, or so President Bashir thought.

The large-scale dispatch of Sudanese troops and mercenaries to the conflict zone coincided with the country cutting its ties with Iran in January 2016, after which it was for all intents and purposes under the GCC’s near-total influence. The period from that moment until the military coup can be interpreted in hindsight as the time when that not-so-secretly-”Israeli”-backed military bloc extended its sway throughout the country, relying on its newfound leverage over the powerful armed forces. This set the stage for the regime change that would later follow and subsequently transform Sudan into a GCC protectorate for lack of a better description. Its new GCC-allied military leadership then began to seriously consider “normalizing” ties with “Israel” in earnest.

The stumbling block to the country’s removal from international isolation has always been its designation by the US as a so-called “state sponsor of terrorism”. Former President Bashir mistakenly thought that this could be nixed in exchange for contributing so much to the GCC’s War on Yemen, yet that never materialized since the real quid pro quo was recognition of “Israel”, which would have generated even more serious unrest than the anti-government protests that uncontrollably spread throughout the country in spring 2019. For that reason, the former leader refused to take such a fateful step, though it was ultimately his undoing since he might have been able to secure the military’s loyalty in the face of those regime change riots had he done so.

The GCC’s “Deep State” Scheme

The only way for him to have politically survived that unrest would have been for the military to support his reported decision to use lethal force in quelling them. They didn’t though, not because they sympathized with the protesters, but because they were no longer loyal to the country’s internationally recognized leader due to the massive inroads that the “Israeli”-backed GCC made in flipping this “deep state” institution against him over the preceding years. It wasn’t actually former President Bashir’s decision to make upon thinking about it, but the GCC’s, and they needed him removed in order to advance the “deal of the century”.

It’s unclear whether or not they played a role in inciting the regime change unrest at the time, but they almost certainly ensured that it wouldn’t be quelled by the armed forces that were more loyal to the GCC than to former President Bashir. Upon his removal, the military leadership then sought to recognize “Israel” with the GCC’s support, but Sudan first had to be removed from the US’ “state sponsors of terrorism” list, which is where Saudi Arabia comes in. Although the UAE is arguably the stronger of the two GCC leaders right now, Saudi Arabia still regards itself as the bloc’s “big brother”, which might be why reports have recently circulated that it offered to pay Sudan’s agreed-upon $335 million compensation to US victims of terrorism and their families.

Although it can’t be known for certain, those reports certainly seem credible since Sudan is among the world’s most impoverished nations and couldn’t realistically afford to pay such an enormous sum without some sort of secret support. Iran described the planned payment as a “ransom” to be taken off of the US’ “state sponsors of terrorism” list, which is actually a pretty accurate description even though it seems like it’s Saudi Arabia that’ll end up paying this fee instead of Sudan. Some Sudanese seem to agree with this assessment as evidenced by former Prime Minister Mahdi’s condemnation of it. His criticism is notable since he currently heads the country’s largest political party and presumably reflects popular sentiment in this respect.

The American Agenda

Without paying this “ransom” (regardless of whoever ultimately foots the bill), Sudan would never have been taken off the US’ list, which in turn would have created uncomfortable optics for “Israel” if a state regarded by the American government as a “state sponsor of terrorism” officially recognized it. For this reason, it can be surmised that the real quid pro quo was recognition of “Israel” by the post-coup military authorities in exchange for Saudi Arabia secretly paying its agreed-upon compensation, with the end result being the deepening of the “Israeli”-GCC axis’ influence in a geostrategic part of Africa. From an American perspective, this is the ideal outcome since it satisfies all of the US’ interests.

A former leader who had previously partnered with Iran was removed under the pretext of a “patriotic” military “restoring democracy” in accordance with the “people’s will”, which thus provides the cover for it go against the legitimate will of the people by subsequently recognizing “Israel”. The protests that this move might provoke could easily be put down by the “democratic military” with lethal force like they could have done in spring 2019 when confronted with the regime change riots but instead chose not to do out of loyalty to their “Israeli”-backed GCC patrons. Back then without any public decision to recognize “Israel”, it would have been condemned by the West as a crime against humanity, yet now it can be ignored or even justified by them.

The lessons to be learned from this are several. The first is that authoritarian states (the objective description of which shouldn’t be interpreted as expressing any value judgement) are most easily influenced through their “deep states”, particularly their military and intelligence factions. Second, economically desperate states impoverished by years of intense sanctions might try to break their “isolation” by participating in foreign military adventures, which in turn inadvertently leads to their “deep states” being co-opted by their newfound “partners”. Third, this external meddling can be exploited during times of national crisis to encourage regime change which finally leads to the targeted state coming under the full control of a foreign government.

Concluding Thoughts

Looking forward, this model could realistically be repeated elsewhere across the world, but that doesn’t mean that it’ll always succeed. Former President Bashir’s biggest mistake was thinking that allying with the “Israeli”-backed GCC would eventually provide an exit from international “isolation”. What he should have instead done was double down on relations with China while staying out of the War on Yemen. Even if he still went through with cutting off ties with Iran as a “goodwill gesture” towards the GCC, he could have still retained enough strategic autonomy through an enhanced partnership with China to remain in office, deliver economic benefits to his people, and enable Sudan to retain its de-facto independence instead of become someone else’s proxy.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

Selected Articles: Human Rights, Terrorism and Organized Crime

October 29th, 2020 by Global Research News

More Advanced Weapons and Nukes for Italy: Defense Minister Guerini on St. Francis’s Footsteps

By Manlio Dinucci, October 29 2020

At the NATO Defense Ministers meeting on October 23, Minister Guerini confirmed Italy’s participation in a new NATO Space Center in Ramstein (Germany) and the necessary strengthening of nuclear forces to “keep our nuclear deterrent safe and efficient,” in front of “the serious challenge of Russia’s growing arsenal of nuclear missiles.” 

Human Rights, Terrorism and Organized Crime

By Stephen Sefton, October 29 2020

An outstanding characteristic of the Western human rights industry has long been the way it politicizes its production to serve the foreign policy needs of its countries’ governments.

China: “Nuclear ‘Sword of Damocles’ Jeopardizes the Survival of Humanity”. Entry In Force of Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

By Carla Stea, October 29 2020

October 2, 2020: United Nations High Level Meeting Commemorating and Promoting the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons: This Meeting Was Boycotted by United Kingdom, United States and France, AGAIN!

Putin Offers NATO Inspections to Prevent Deployment of INF-Banned Missiles

By Dave DeCamp, October 29 2020

On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin offered mutual inspections of each other’s military bases to NATO to prevent the deployment of missiles banned under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.

How a Key Pentagon Official Turned China Policy over to Arms Industry and Taiwan Supporters

By Gareth Porter, October 29 2020

The “Fortress Taiwan” arms deal overseen by ex-Assistant Secretary of Defense Randall Schriver is one of the most provocative U.S. moves against China in years – and a big win for his think tank’s arms industry and Taiwanese patrons.

Macron’s Attack on Islam Reveals “Intolerance and Hatred,” Says Nobel Peace Laureate

By Steven Sahiounie, October 29 2020

The beheading of a teacher in France elicited inflammatory remarks from President Emmanuel Macron, which in turn has been met with an Arab boycott of French goods and outrage by the Muslim world.

Ending Regime Change – In Bolivia and the World

By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, October 29 2020

Less than a year after the United States and the U.S.-backed Organization of American States (OAS) supported a violent military coup to overthrow the government of Bolivia, the Bolivian people have reelected the Movement for Socialism (MAS) and restored it to power.

By Christine Ann, October 29 2020

Most urgently, the next administration should officially end the Korean War with a peace agreement. Contrary to the belief held by most Americans, the 70-year-old war never officially ended and was only halted by a fragile ceasefire signed in 1953.

Exposed: Special Procurement Channels for ‘VIPs’ and UK Cabinet Contacts

By Good Law Project, October 29 2020

Leaked documents seen by Good Law Project set out special pathways by which “VIP” and “Cabinet Office” contacts could be awarded lucrative PPE contracts at the height of the pandemic – and at inflated prices.

“The Attention Economy” in Our Lives: Memory Failure Predicted by Attention Lapsing and Media Multitasking

By Kevin P. MadoreAnna M. Khazenzon, and et al., October 29 2020

With the explosion of digital media and technologies, scholars, educators and the public have become increasingly vocal about the role that an ‘attention economy’ has in our lives.

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Mainstream media is pounding out an incessant drumbeat: ‘Get Out and Vote! Mail in Your Ballot! Do It Now! Vote Early!’

But what may well determine the outcome of the election on November 3 may not be the current record voter turnout now underway. That is, not how many actually vote. But rather how many votes get actually counted.

While Democrats are pushing voter turnout, Trump and Republicans are planning to prevent the counting of the votes that do turnout—at least in the three, or at most four, key swing states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin that will in the end determine the results of the 2020 election in the Electoral College.

If the Electoral College were to cast its votes today Trump and Biden would be virtually tied!

Contrary to the mainstream media and the popular vote trend, Biden does not have a comfortable lead in Electoral College votes. By this writer’s estimate, Trump has 248 Electoral College votes, while Biden has 244! Barely 40-50 potential Electoral College are therefore actually ‘in play’ as they say. These 40-50 are in the true swing states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin that together account for a total of 46 votes. The three are also the states in which Trump’s legion of hundreds of lawyers have been preparing for weeks to demand from pro-Trump recently appointed judges that they halt the counting of mail in ballots.

That 248 to 244 close tie in the Electoral College today all but ensures that Trump moves forward on November 3 to implement his plans to stop the mail in ballot vote count in the key swing states. Further encouraging that plan is the fact that those same three swing states don’t start counting mail in ballots until midnight on November 3. Trump could potentially stop the count of virtually all the mail in ballots in those key swing states.

The Electoral College As Bulwark Against Democracy

The Electoral College is an abomination on Democracy. Nevertheless, it will determine the outcome of the 2020 election less than a week from now.

Most election polls, according to mainstream media, show Biden has a commanding lead in the popular vote of 8% to 10%. But the popular vote is irrelevant in America’s 21st century truncated Democracy. All that matters is the total Electoral College vote and which candidate wins a total of 270 Electoral College votes across all the 50 states wins the November 3 election.

Wait. Check that. All that matters is the Electoral College count in the three swing states this time around.  Well, let me correct that further: All that matters is the mail-in ballot vote count in those three states.

Trump plans to declare himself the winner late evening November 3, or at latest early morning November 4—i.e. well before the mail in ballots are counted in those 3 states. Before the sun comes up on November 4 he’ll launch his hundreds of lawyers already ensconced in those states—and McConnell’s handpicked judges there—to stop the mail in ballot counting with preliminary injunctions and other legal legerdemain! That will be done before most folks wake up for breakfast on the 4th.  The injunctions and legal motions filed in federal district courts will then be quickly kicked upstairs to the Appeals Courts, both dominated by McConnell’s rushed appointees in recent years. The Appeals Courts will pass it on eventually to Trump’s now 6-3 majority US Supreme Court to rule!

That’s what American electoral Democracy has come down to: the next president will be determined by mail in ballots in just three states; more correctly, whether those mail in ballots in those three states are counted or not.

CNN’s Election Myopia

Both the pro-Trump right wing media like Fox news, as well as the more mainstream CNN, like to play the ‘who’s winning the electoral college’ vote game every day. But their guesstimates are no better than yours nor mine.

CNN has its daily color-coded ‘Electoral Map’ showing which states are firmly for Trump or Biden (red or blue), which states are leaning toward Trump or Biden (light blue or pink), and in which ‘battleground’ state (yellow color coded) is neither candidate leading.

Amazingly CNN has Biden leading with 290 solid or strongly leaning ‘blue’ states. To get to 290 CNN assumes that Biden will eventually win the light blue ‘leaning’ states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Minnesota, and even New Hampshire. Apart from these ‘leaning blue’, Biden has 204 other electoral college votes solid blue and thus wrapped up for Biden.

The eight states ‘light blue’ and leaning Biden total 86 electoral votes which, when added to the solid 204, result in CNN’s assumed 290 for Biden. So it looks like Biden’s a strong lead in the Electoral College, per CNN analysis. Of course, CNN also assumes all votes for Biden will be actually counted, including mail in ballots.

But will all the ballots get counted? Or will the SCOTUS suspend and stop the counting of mail in ballots—just as it did ballot recounting in 2000 in Florida?

All Trump has to do is succeed in stopping the mail in ballot vote counting in just Pennsylvania (20), Wisconsin (10) and Michigan (16) and Trump wipes out 46 of Biden’s 290 total, leaving Biden with just 244 electoral college votes and well short of the required 270 to win!

CNN assumes further the remaining 5 states’ leaning blue’ actually go blue: That means Colorado (9), Arizona (11), Minnesota (10), Nevada (6), and New Hampshire (4). It also assumes all (4) votes from Maine go for Biden—i.e. are not ‘split’ between Biden and Trump which is possible in only that state (and Nebraska which also can split its 5  votes).

This is a list off some big assumptions! That is, Trump won’t succeed in stopping the mail ballot count in the 3 states; the 3 states will all go Trump on November 3; and the other 5 ‘leaning blue’ states will all go Biden.

Doing the Electoral College math still further, Trump only needs to stop the mail ballot count in two of the three states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania in order to deprive Biden of 270. And should no halt to mail ballot counting occur in any of the three, Biden still needs to win two of the three fairly nevertheless.

In other words, halting the vote count in just two states is all it will take to give Trump another four years. If you think Trump, McConnell & friends haven’t done this calculation, you’re mistaken!

CNN’s analysis of Trump’s solid and ‘leaning’ red states is no less naïve than its analysis of Biden’s.

It has Trump with only 163 solid red state electoral votes, with Texas’s 38 votes indicated as only ‘leaning red’ toward Trump. So Trump only has 201 electoral college votes.

CNN then describes Florida (29), Georgia (16), Ohio (18), and North Carolina (15) as neutral ‘battleground’ states that are up for grabs. Really? Who believes that? These 5 states are the notorious five (when including Texas) states that have a long history of voter suppression by various means.  With no limits put on their vote suppression activities for years, including the last four in particular, these five states will almost certainly go for Trump again. Their legislatures are all solid rabid Republican! And if anything they’ve intensified their voter suppression activity since 2016.

The notorious five are ‘battlegrounds’ only in CNN and the Democrat Party’s wildest dreams.  Hundreds of thousands of eligible, potential Democrat voters have been purged from their voting rolls in recent years and months. Maybe millions. These five are where voters cannot register by mail, nor at the poll on voting day. Where mail in ballots must be received by election day, not merely post marked before. Where drop boxes for ballots are limited one to a county sometimes covering hundreds of square miles. Where witnesses must accompany a voter to get registered. Where a de facto poll tax must be paid in many cases. Where Trump supporters are allowed to ‘stand guard’ at polling sites with their guns if they want, in order to intimidate voters. Where votes in pro-Democrat precincts are often ‘lost’. Where voting machines supposedly break down when voters are kept waiting in line for six and more hours to vote. The list is long and disgusting. No. These five notorious voter suppressor states are not battlegrounds. They’re Trump’s. They are not ‘yellow code’ battleground states; they are Trump states kept in his camp by suppression and voter intimidation.

Voter suppression in these five allowed Trump to win in 2016, just as much as Hillary’s terrible campaign permitted Trump to grab Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin by smaller margins. Eight states turned the election in 2016. The five voter suppressor states will repeat. And instead of Hillary giving away the three upper Midwest swing states, this time around Trump’s plan is to deny them to Biden by stopping the mail in ballot vote count there.

When the notorious ‘vote suppressor big five’ states’ 116 electoral college votes are added to Trump’s solid 132 small red states’ votes, Trump has 248 potential votes—to Biden’s 244!

That means the election in the Electoral College today is a virtual tie at 248 to 244! It’s not CNN’s 290 to 163!

Both Biden’s and Trump’s campaign strategists know the election will be close, very close. The virtual tie with less than one week to go explains in large part why both Trump and Biden are paying attention to Maine and Nebraska, both making stops there despite their minimal 4 and 5 electoral votes, given that both states are the only ones allowing a split in their electoral college votes across candidates.  Picking up one or more votes from either may play a role in this election before it’s over as well. Trump knows it. So does Biden.

In summary, what the election appears coming down to is two things:

First, will Trump prove successful in halting the mail in vote count in at least two of the three key states leaning blue: Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania? If so, he wins.

Second, will the notorious five voter suppression states—Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, and Texas—pull off enough suppression in order to deliver their states’ electors to Trump yet again? If they don’t, Biden wins.

In other words, it’s not getting more voter turnout that will determine the election. It is voter suppression plus vote count prevention that together will determine the fate of the USA for another four years! That’s what Democracy in America has come down to.

Let’s Fundamentally Restructure the College & the Supreme Court

None of the above abomination of Democracy would be possible were there no Electoral College; and if the US Supreme Court had not have become in recent decades a handmaiden of the right and business interests.

Trump’s strategy to pull off an electoral coup d’etat would not be possible without both institutions working ‘hand in glove’, as they say, to thwart the will of the majority of the American people.

The two institutions, captured by a president like Trump, now make Trump’s planned legal coup a possibility.

So how do we change these two great anti-Democracy enabler institutions—i.e. the Electoral College and the Supreme Court?

Growing popular today is the movement to amend the US Constitution to abolish the Electoral College. But that requires the vote of three fourths of state legislatures and therefore many of the small ‘red’ states in Trump’s camp who enjoy a preferential advantage and influence beyond their population numbers due to the Electoral College. They are not about to vote to eliminate their advantage by voting for a Constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College.

But the Electoral College doesn’t need to be abolished in order to break the stranglehold of the small red states! There is another way to radically restructure it to re-balance it to reflect the population changes and popular vote.

The Electoral College is composed of 535 members, one each for the number of US House of Representatives plus 2 Senators from each state.  That’s 435 Representatives and 100 Senators. The 435 representatives is based on the population of the country. The US Constitution calls for adding representatives as the population rises. The last time Congress did that was in 1913. It is long overdue to add representatives and House districts to reflect that increase in representatives. That would result in more representatives in the more populous blue states, and therefore more blue state Electors. That would effectively break the back of the small, red state lock on the Electoral College and in turn end Trump-Republican red state total electors advantage in presidential elections—an advantage that consistently now is out of line with the popular vote for the presidency.

Another, less effective way perhaps is just to add more states, which would add more electors by adding more representatives and Senators alike. Proposals are already floating around to add Washington DC as a state and perhaps even Puerto Rico if its citizens so voted to do so.

Either or both of these alternatives to change the current Electoral College could result in a less lopsided and imbalance favoring smaller, less populous, Trump dominated red states. Just doing what the Constitution calls for, which Congress has avoided since 1913, is the better restructuring solution.

And what about the growing imbalance favoring the radical right in the US Supreme Court?  Public discourse is already raising the possibility of adding 2-3 or more SCOTUS judges, from the current 9 to 11 or 12. Congress has the Constitutional authority to do that since it created the Supreme Court, not the US Constitution. But reform should go well beyond just adding numbers. The terms of the judges should be reduced from lifetime to no more than 10 years. And SCOTUS judges should be elected not appointed. 12 or 15 districts could be created across the USA and a judge elected from each. And what gets elected can get recalled. The founders of the country and framers of the US Constitution feared that lifetime appointments of what amounts to nine never elected lawyers could thwart the will and sovereignty of the American people.  And that’s what’s been happening in recent decades and is now happening today.

Without a basic restructuring—if not outright abolition—of the Electoral College, American Democracy will continue to result increasingly to produce abominations like the 2000 election and its likely repeat in the upcoming November 3 election. Instead of one person one vote—i.e. true Democracy—we keep getting presidents elected without the support of the majority of the American people. At some point that will explode.

And the same may be said for the rightward and pro-corporate drift of the US Supreme Court. It has already lost serious legitimacy in the eyes of the majority of the American people. And it’s about to exacerbate that loss in the wake of next week’s election when it likely comes to the aid of Donald Trump to halt the mail ballot vote counting.

The Court’s myths about being a co-equal branch of government created by the US Constitution, with the authority to overturn the laws passed by the Congress, and with the usurped power to interfere with elections and ‘select’ a president will eventually blow up in the face of the US elite, as Americans come to understand the Supreme Court’s true origins and its truer functions—i.e. origins and functions that have little to do with ensuring Democracy and, increasingly in recent years, far more to do with ensuring its decline.

It is worth concluding one more time: next week’s election is not about ‘getting everyone out to vote’. It’s going to be about preventing the full counting of that record vote turnout!


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Jack Rasmus writes on his blog site where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

The Scourge of Islamophobia in France

October 29th, 2020 by Stephen Lendman

US-led Western states promote Islamophobia.

It’s part of seeking dominance over other nations — notably by endless preemptive wars and related hostile actions against nonbelligerent states threatening no one.

It’s the wrong time to be Muslim in the West, notably in the US, Britain and France.

Muslims are war on terror scapegoats. Dirty war targets them unjustly.

Waging war requires enemies. When none exist they’re invented. Muslims are targets of choice, notably in the oil-rich Middle East.

Ignored is what Islam is all about. It has common roots with Judeo/Christian principles.

Its tenets foster love, not hate; peace, not violence; charity, not exploitation; and just, fair societies for people of all faiths.

Islamophobic hate-mongering rages anyway, notably because of US-led wars by hot and other means in the predominantly Muslim Middle East.

They’re all about seeking control over the region’s vast hydrocarbon resources, along with serving Israeli interests.

Both countries seek to redraw the Middle East’s map, replacing independent governments with pro-Western puppet regimes — along with partitioning Iran, Iraq, Syria, and other regional countries for easier control.

For generations, Muslims have been maligned by the West.

Samuel Huntington called for “exploit(ing) Islamic states to support…Western values and interests.”

Like Huntington, Bernard Lewis promoted the notion of a clash of civilizations.

Edward Said called their hostile to Islam views “belligerent,” adding:

They shamefully treat Islam(ic) identity and culture in “cartoon-like” fashion.

It’s similar to how “Popeye and Bluto bash each other mercilessly.”

When active, ideologues like Huntington and Lewis relied on stereotypes and gimmickry — ignoring reason, shunning reality.

So-called Western values are responsible for unparalleled amounts of mass slaughter, vast destruction and human misery worldwide — what’s been going on for generations.

The US-led West fosters might makes right extremism, no matter how misguided, destructive or hateful.

In his notable work titled “The Heart of Darkness,” Joseph Conrad said “the conquest of the Earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complexion, a slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much.”

That’s what US-led imperial wars by hot and other means are all about, the human cost ignored, including by supportive media.

File:Hommage Samuel Paty Saint-Denis 17 octobre 2020.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Tribute to Samuel Paty, professor assassinated in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, organized in front of the town hall in Saint-Denis on October 17, 2020. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

In response to the grizzly slaying of history teacher Samuel Paty in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, a Paris suburb —  stabbed multiple times and beheaded, French President Macron responded with police state actions against what he called “a typical Islamist terrorist attack (sic).”

The incident, his rhetoric and actions aroused greater Islamophobia in France than already, a nation with nearly six million Muslims, about 9% of the population.

Like many times before in the US and other Western countries, Muslims have been unfairly maligned, hunted down, rounded up, and detained — many times falsely charged for crimes they didn’t commit.

The same thing followed in response to Paty’s murder — including hundreds targeted for deportation.

France’s Muslim population is the largest among Western countries.

Muslim organizations in France are at risk of dissolution, their leadership and members threatened with retaliation for what they had nothing to do with.

Yet in a public address, Macron said “Islamists cannot be allowed to sleep peacefully in our country.”

What type society condemns an entire segment of its population for a crime of one individual against another.

Since no one has been tried and convicted, it’s a travesty of justice to automatically consider a suspect for the killing guilty as charged.

That’s for a fair judicial process to decide, according to the rule of law.

It’s highly unlikely to turn out this way because of inflammatory rhetoric by Macron and other French officials.

By ordering retaliation against French Muslims, Macron and other high level officials are in flagrant violation of UN Charter principles and other international law.

According to UN founding principles — applicable to all member states:

“The rule of law is a principle of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards.”

“It requires measures to ensure adherence to the principles of supremacy of the law, equality before the law, accountability to the law, fairness in the application of the law, separation of powers, participation in decision-making, legal certainty, avoidance of arbitrariness, and procedural and legal transparency.”

“The rule of law is fundamental to international peace…security…stability, (and the) fundamental” rights of all people everywhere.

In cahoots with the US, UK, other Western states, Israel, and their imperial partners, France long ago abandoned governance of, by and for all its people equitably, along with rule of law at home and abroad it ignores.

On Tuesday, Macron’s interior minister Gerald Darmanin defied reality, claiming:

The threat of Islamic terrorism in France is “very high (sic).”

Ordering a crackdown on what he called “rampant Islamism which is arming people ideologically,” he called for combatting an invented internal enemy of the state.

In response to hostile anti-Muslim rhetoric by Macron and others in his government, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani slammed French disrespect to the Prophet of Islam, adding:

“Insulting the Prophet is a violation of ethics and an insult to all Muslims, Prophets of God, and human values.”

Most of what Western officials call radical Islam was made in the West, notably by the US, earlier by the UK, part of their imperial projects.

It was used against Russia during and after the Cold War, along with seeking regime change in Syria, Libya, and other predominantly Muslim countries, including Afghanistan against Soviet Russia’s occupation and post-9/11.

In 1999, the year he succeeded Boris Yeltsin as Russian President, Vladimir Putin said the following:

“We are up against a very serious enemy, one that is in fact armed and trained abroad.”

“What’s actually happening is that the extremist part of the Islamic world – and only the extremist part, let me emphasize that has a solid infrastructure in the West, in North America and in Western Europe.”

Stressing the folly of surrendering part of Russian territory they seek, he added:

(W)e can give them the territory, but then we have to be prepared for the fact they’re not going to leave it at that.”

“They will go on to create an extremist Islamic State.”

Post-9/11, it became a US creation, largely eliminated in Syria after infesting the country and seizing large parts of its territory earlier, other US-supported jihadists doing the same thing.

Russian Defense Minister Shoigu believes ISIS is largely neutralized in Syria.

Yet pockets of its US-supported elements still operate in the country and elsewhere.

US-backed jihadists show up wherever the Pentagon and CIA want them deployed.

Adherents to core Islamic principles threaten no one, only radicalized elements that exist in various forms of all faiths in parts of the world.

A Final Comment

In discussing an East/West dichotomy years earlier, Edward Said explained the Western notion that might makes right.

Notably in the Middle East, Islam mischaracterizations are rife. It’s diverse, not monolithic.

It’s not inherently violent or intolerant.

While Western societies preach democratic values they abhor and don’t tolerate anywhere, they accuse Islam of fostering terrorism.

So it’s up to the West to modernize, restrain and tame it, their leaders claim.

It’s a pretext for endless wars to transform independent nations into pro-Western vassal states, their resources plundered, their people exploited.

That’s what the scourge of US-led imperialism is all about.

It’s the real threat to humanity, not Islam, a religion fostering peace, stability, charity, and respect for people of all faiths.

What Western establishment media should explain, they systematically suppress, supporting what demands denunciation.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Video: Armenian-Azerbaijani War – One Month After

October 29th, 2020 by South Front

After a month of war, the Turkish-Azerbaijani bloc continues to keep the initiative in the conflict, exploiting its advantage in air power, artillery, military equipment and manpower. The coming days are likely to show whether Ankara and Baku are able to deliver a devastating blow to Armenian forces in Karabakh in the nearest future or not. If Armenian forces repel the attack on Lachin, a vital supply route from Armenia to Nagorno-Karabakh, they will win the opportunity to survive till the moment when the ‘international community’ finally takes some real steps to pressure Turkey and Azerbaijan enough to force them to stop the ongoing advance. If this does not happen, the outcome of the war seems to be predetermined.

Meanwhile, Azerbaijani forces continue their advance in the region amid the failed US-sponsored ceasefire regime. Their main goal is Lachin. In fact, they have been already shelling the supply route with rocket launchers and artillery. The distance of 12-14km at which they were located a few days ago already allowed this. Now, reports appear that various Azerbaijani units are at a distance of about 5-8 km from the corridor. Armenian forces are trying to push Azerbaijani troops back, but with little success so far.

The advance is accompanied by numerous Azerbaijan claims that Armenian forces are regularly shelling civilian targets and that the ongoing advance is the way to deter them. Baku reported on the evening of October 27 that at least four civilians had been killed and 10 wounded in Armenian strikes on Goranboy, Tartar and Barda. On the morning of October 28, the Armenians allegedly shelled civilian targets in Tovuz, Gadabay, Dashkesan, and Gubadl.

On the morning of October 28, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry claimed that in response to these Armenian violations its forces had eliminated a large number of enemy forces, an “OSA” air-defense system, 3 BM-21 «Grad» rocket launchers, 6 D-30, 5 D-20, and 1 D-44 howitzers, 2 2A36 «Giatsint-B» artillery guns, a 120 mm mortar, a “Konkurs” anti-tank missile and 6 auto vehicles.

On October 27, Azerbaijani sources also released a video allegedly showing the assassination of Lieutenant General Jalal Harutyunyan by a drone strike. Azerbaijani sources claim that he was killed. These reports were denied by the Armenian side, which insisted that the prominent commander was only injured. Nonetheless, the Karabakh leadership appointed Mikael Arzumanyan as the new defense minister of the self-proclaimed republic.

On the evening of October 27 , the Armenian Defense Ministry released a map showing their version of the situation in the contested region. Even according to this map, Armenian forces have lost almost the entire south of Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijani forces are close to the Lachin corridor. An interesting fact is that the Armenians still claim that the town of Hadrut is in their hands. According to them, small ‘enemy units’ reach the town, take photos and then run away.

Al-Hadath TV also released a video showing Turkish-backed Syrian militants captured during the clashes. Now, there is not only visual evidence confirming the presence of members of Turkish-backed militant groups in the conflict zone, but also actual Syrian militants in the hands of Armenian forces.

Experts who monitor the internal political situation in Armenia say that in recent days the Soros-grown team of Pashinyan has changed its rhetoric towards a pro-Russian agenda. Many prominent members of the current Pashinyan government and the Prime Minister himself spent the last 10 years pushing a pro-Western agenda. After seizing power as a result of the coup in 2018, they then put much effort into damaging relations with Russia and turned Armenia into a de-facto anti-Russian state. This undermined Armenian regional security and created the conditions needed for an Azerbaijani-Turkish advance in Karabakh. Now, the Pashinyan government tries to rescue itself by employing some ‘pro-Russian rhetoric’. It even reportedly asked second President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan to participate in negotiations with Russia as a member of the Armenian delegation. It should be noted that the persecution of Kocharyan that led to his arrest in June 2019 was among the first steps taken by Pashinyan after he seized power. Kocharyan was only released from prison in late June 2020. Despite these moves in the face of a full military defeat in Karabakh, the core ideology of the Pashinyan government remains the same (anti-Russian, pro-Western and NATO-oriented). Therefore, even if Moscow rescues Armenia in Karabkah, the current Armenian leadership will continue supporting the same anti-Russian policy.


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“Since the end of the Second World War the United States has attempted to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments and to crush more than 30 populist- nationalist movements struggling against intolerable regimes. In the process, the US has caused the end of life for several million people, and condemned many millions more to a life of agony and despair” (William Blum(1)).

William Blum was an employee of the US state department who became aware of the scale of US crimes abroad and decided to document them. His book, Rogue State, is one of the best beginner’s guides to understanding what really goes on in the world. The following list is an updated version of his analysis of the US government’s most serious crimes.   

US Military and CIA Interventions since World War 2

  • China 1945–51
  • Korea 1945–53
  • The Phillippines 1945–53; 1970s -90s
  • Marshall Islands 1946–58
  • France 1947 Italy 1947–70s
  • Greece 1947–49; 1967–74
  • Albania 1949–53; 1991–92
  • Eastern Europe 1948–56
  • Soviet Union Late 1940s – 60s
  • Germany 1950s Iran 1953
  • British Guyana 1953–64 Guatemala 1953–90s
  • Costa Rica Mid 1950s; 1970–71
  • Syria 1956–57; 2011 — present
  • Middle East 1956–58
  • Indonesia 1957–58; 1965
  • East Timor 1975–99
  • Western Europe 1950s and 1960s
  • Italy 1950s — 70s
  • Vietnam 1950–73
  • Cambodia 1955–73
  • Laos 1957–73
  • Iraq 1958–63; 1972–75; 1991 — present
  • Cuba 1959 — present
  • Haiti 1959; 1987–2004
  • France/Algeria 1960s
  • South Africa 1960’s — 80s
  • Diego Garcia 1960s — present
  • Ecuador 1960–63; 2000
  • Congo/Zaire1960–65; 77–78
  • Brazil 1961–64
  • Peru 1965
  • Dominican Republic 1963–65
  • Chile 1964–73
  • Bolivia 1964–75
  • Thailand 1965–73
  • Ghana 1966
  • Uruguay 1969–72
  • Panama 1969–91
  • Australia 1972–75
  • Portugal 1974–76
  • Angola 1975-80s
  • Jamaica 1976
  • Seychelles 1979–81
  • Grenada 1979–83
  • Yemen 1979–84; 2015 — present
  • Nicaragua 1979–90
  • Afghanistan 1979–92; 2001 — present
  • South Korea 1980
  • Honduras 1980s; 2009
  • El Salvador 1980–92
  • Chad 1981–82
  • Libya 1981–89; 2011 — present
  • Suriname 1982-84
  • Morocco 1983
  • Fiji 1987
  • Bulgaria 1990–91
  • Columbia 1990s — present
  • Somalia 1993
  • Yugoslavia 1991–99
  • Venezuela 2001–04

Adapted From: William Blum, Rogue State: A Guide To The World’s Only Superpower

These are just the most thoroughly documented examples. Many records remain classified so this list is incomplete. More recent analysis adds 5 more countries (Lebanon, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Pakistan) where US soldiers have invaded, occupied or bombed in the Middle East alone.(2)

Blum goes on to list US activities as follows:

“If you flip over the rock of American foreign policy of the past century, this is what crawls out…invasions, bombings, overthrowing governments, assassinating political leaders, death squads, torture, biological warfare, drug trafficking, mercenaries, suppressing movements for social change, perverting elections, manipulating labour unions, manufacturing “news”, depleted uranium…” – (William Blum, Introduction to

Two of the wars mentioned above are worth highlighting because of their scale. In the war against Korea from 1945-1953, the US dropped 635,000 tons of bombs on North Korea, destroying everything of significance, and slaughtering millions of people. In their war with the three neighbouring countries of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos from 1950 – 1973, the US dropped over 7 million tons of bombs, approximately 3 times as much as were dropped by all sides during WW2(3), and again slaughtered millions of people. US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger became notorious for ordering “a massive bombing campaign in Cambodia…everything that flies on anything that moves,”(4) meaning that all men, women and children were acceptable targets. This is an example of the US actually ordering genocide. The total number of deaths from all of the US’s interventions throughout the world during the last seventy-five years is estimated to be at least thirteen million(5). This has been termed the US holocaust. One would expect that slaughter on this scale would be discussed regularly by the mainstream media, and would be taught to schoolchildren, but in Britain and the US these crimes are almost never mentioned. 

Many of these interventions have been analysed in detail, and some clear patterns have emerged. An excuse is created to justify the intervention. The media consistently present the government’s case without adequate scrutiny, even though supporting evidence is   poor. Years after the events took place, classified documents become available or former government insiders come forward to explain what the true intentions were. In each case, the original justification for the war turns out to be untrue or exaggerated. The real reason is always US imperialism. (This will be discussed in more detail in later posts). US intervention almost always has terrible consequences for the targeted country. There is not a single example of the US or British governments carrying out these activities for humanitarian reasons. None of the wars can be described as ‘last resort’ – there were always non-violent courses of action that could have been pursued:

“War is never the only choice, and always the worst one”(6)

The US now has over 800 military bases around the world outside the USA, and covert (secret) operations in many areas of the world(7). These military activities are an attempt to gain what it calls Full Spectrum Dominance. This refers to control of land, sea, air, space and cyberspace.

The British Government Is Just As Criminal (but with a smaller army) 

The British government has followed similar policies using their military and their intelligence agency, MI6. Britain had a vast empire before 1945, but they were unable to maintain that empire after World War 2, so former colonies gained their independence. British leaders did not give up control graciously. They were worried that the new rulers might choose policies that would stop British corporations from exploiting each country, so British soldiers were sent to ensure that future rulers were acceptable to British decision-makers. Britain’s main goal in their brutal war in Malaya (1948-60) was to make sure that British tin and rubber corporations could continue to plunder the resources there(8). Britain committed atrocities including killing civilians and torture in many countries, such as Aden (South Yemen), Kenya, Palestine, Cyprus, Brunei and Borneo. The leading researcher into British atrocities has written:

“Britain bears significant responsibility for around 10 million deaths since 1945”(9).

In more recent decades, Britain’s actions have mostly been alongside the US. Their combined militaries are the main invaders, occupiers and mass murderers in the world. The US has ensured that torture is widespread. Whenever they turn a country into a war zone or a failed state, they create a zone of lawlessness where brutal, violent rape also becomes widespread, some of it committed by the occupying soldiers(10).

This first post is just a brief summary to give an overview of US and British criminality. Future posts will look in more detail at some of these issues.


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Rod Driver is a part-time academic who is particularly interested in de-bunking modern-day US and British propaganda. This is the first in a series entitled Elephants In The Room, which attempts to provide a beginners guide to understanding what’s really going on in relation to war, terrorism, economics and poverty, without the nonsense in the mainstream media.


1) William Blum, Rogue State, p.1

Much more detailed information regarding the overthrow of foreign governments can be found in William Blum, Killing Hope: US Military and CIA interventions since World War II. 

2) Glenn Greenwald, ‘How Many Muslim Countries has the U.S. Bombed Or Occupied Since 1980?’, 6 Nov 2014, at


4) John PIlger, ‘From Pol Pot to ISIS: Anything that flies on everything that moves’, 8 Oct 2014, at

5) Galtung, J. ‘Learning from Gandhi: Towards a nonviolent world order’, March 22, 2007, Death toll 13-17 million from non-secret operations

6) David Swanson (2011) War is a Lie, p.106

7) ‘US Defense Department Base Structure Report 2018’, at

8) Mark Curtis, ‘The War in Malaya, 1948-60’, 13 Feb 2007, at

9) Mark Curtis, Unpeople: Britain’s Secret Human Rights Abuses, 2004, p.2, pp.310-317


Featured image: Protest against U.S. intervention on Venezuela, in front of the White House, Washington DC. Credit:

The beheading of a teacher in France elicited inflammatory remarks from President Emmanuel Macron, which in turn has been met with an Arab boycott of French goods and outrage by the Muslim world.

Macron is accusing Muslims of separatism and is introducing a new bill to crack-down on this sin against French values.

Arab boycott of French products

Hashtags in English and French, such as #boycottfrenchproducts, as well as in Arabic are trending on Twitter and other social media following a call to boycott French products across the Muslim world, in response to an “anti-Islam” attitude displayed following the murder of a French teacher.

In Qatar, major supermarket chains started removing French products from their shelves, while the Al Meera company said in a press release October 23, “We affirm, as a national company, that we operate with a vision that is consistent with our religion, established customs and traditions, and in a way that serves our country and our faith and meets the aspirations of our customers.”

Kuwait, Oman, and Morocco are also participating in the boycott of French products.  The oil-rich Arab Gulf countries are an important market for French agriculture, food, beauty, and luxury items.

Qatar University decided to postpone the French Cultural Week in protest of the anti-Islam insults, as their way of participation in the boycott. “Any denigration or violation of the Islamic beliefs, sanctities, and symbols are absolutely rejected,” the university said in a statement. “These insults harm the universal human values and the high ethical principles of all societies,” it added on Twitter.

Mohammad al-Motairi, the head of the Federation of Kuwaiti Travel Agencies, announced 430 travelagencies in Kuwait have also suspended bookings for flights to France.

Charlie Hebdo attacks 2015

Image on the right is from Wikimedia Commons

File:Candles Against Terror.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

In 2006, a Danish newspaper published demeaning caricatures of the Islamic prophet Muhammed. This caused a violent reaction across the Muslim world. There is a tradition that holds any image of the prophet as unacceptable, and demeaning to Islam, which is one of the three Abrahamic religions, along with Judaism and Christianity.

Charlie Hebdo, a left-wing French magazine, re-published the anti-Islamic caricatures, which have drawn widespread anger and outrage, and in January 2015, 12 people were killed in and around the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris, by terrorists Saïd and Chérif Kouachi.  The next day, gunman Amédy Coulibaly killed a policewoman and killed four persons at the Hyper Cacher supermarket. The Kouachi brothers and Coulibaly were killed in separate shootouts with police, and the trial of 14 people suspected of being linked to the January 2015 terror attacks is currently being held in a Paris court and is due to continue until November.

Paris has been on high alert since two journalists from a film production company were stabbed outside the former offices of Charlie Hebdo about three weeks ago.

Teacher beheaded

Samuel Paty was beheaded on October 16 in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine in the Yvelines, a suburb north-west of central Paris. The 47-year-old history-geography professor was killed by an 18-year-old Chechen who had contact with a jihadist in Syria.

France participated in the US-NATO regime change project in Syria and was well aware of the French terrorists in Syria, who were following Radical Islam. Hundreds of French citizens traveled by way of Turkey and entered Syria illegally to rape, maim and murder unarmed Syrian citizens, the majority of which were Muslims.

During a course in “moral and civil education” professor Paty showed pupils, aged 12 to 14, the caricatures that had appeared in Charlie Hebdo in 2012. The lesson was to demonstrate the right of “freedom of speech”; however, the caricature was of a male adult, naked, kneeling, and with his genitals fully exposed.  His lesson to the youngsters was met with complaints from several parents, and a formal legal complaint was lodged against Samuel Paty for “dissemination of pornographic images” to children.

The police chased the killer, but he was shot dead after refusing to surrender and threatening the police. The killer had been unknown to the French intelligence community. Four people, including a minor, are reported to have been arrested since the murder.

Macron’s inflammatory statements

French President Emmanuel Macron visited the murder site and said the victim had been “assassinated” and that his killer sought to “attack the republic and its values”. “This is our battle and it is existential. They [terrorists] will not succeed … They will not divide us.”

Macron’s comments were widely condemned over their timing and divisive message. “One of our compatriots was assassinated today because he taught. He taught his students about freedom of expression, freedom to believe, or not believe. It was a cowardly attack. He was the victim of a terrorist Islamist attack,” Macron said.

On October 21, Macron announced in a press statement that France will not ban the caricatures insulting the Prophet Muhammad and Islam.

“Islam is a religion that is in crisis all over the world today, we are not just seeing this in our country,” the French president said in a speech introducing a new bill to strengthen France’s state ideology of militant secularism, known as Laicite.

In Morocco, Rabat municipality Consultant Hisham El-Harch said, “The cartoons published by the French magazine Charlie Hebdo targeting the Messenger of Allah are displayed on the walls of some hotels in Toulouse and Montpellier in France after the French president announced that he would not ban these abusive publications.” French activists volunteered to hang the offensive caricatures on walls in public spaces, such as hotels, in tribute to the slain French teacher.

France is struggling to contain the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, while in recent days, raids are targeting Islamic civil society organizations in France.

The new French law drafted

Macron said the government would present a bill on December 9 to the Council of Ministers, which seeks to strengthen a 1905 law that officially separated church and state in France, and cracks down on separatism, in a pointed reference to Macron’s accusations against Muslims.

He also announced stricter oversight of schooling and better control over foreign funding of mosques.

Critics of the bill, particularly those among France’s six million Muslim community, fear the deepening anti-Muslim sentiment in France will be further inflamed.

The French Interior Minister, Gerald Darmanin, announced arrests, closures of places of worship, and bans of associations including the Collective against Islamophobia in France (CCIF) and the humanitarian association Baraka City.

Macron is facing a tough bid for re-election in 2022, against stiff opposition from the far-right National Rally party, who have complained that the bill does not go far enough. Political experts have asked if the new bill is politically motivated, and tries to portray Macron in a tough anti-Islam light, to win voters closer to his opposition.

Muslim reactions

Turkey, Iran, Jordan, Qatar, Oman, Morocco, and Kuwait denounced the publication of the Prophet’s caricatures. The Organization for Islamic Cooperation, referring to Macron, said “the words of certain French officials (…) likely to harm Franco-Muslim relations”.

Image below is from Wikimedia Commons

Yemeni Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Tawakkol Karman [Wikipedia]

Nobel Peace Laureate, Tawakkol Karman said on Twitter,

“Macron’s attack on Islam reveals intolerance and hatred which is shameful for the head of a state like France.” She added that it is not up to Macron to reform Islam, and “Muslims alone are concerned with that, and they will do that.”

Karman urged Macron to speak about Islam with respect and acceptance, instead of accusations against his citizens who follow the faith. “Macron has delivered his irresponsible inflammatory speech against Muslims and their religion to satisfy a group of fanatics so that they will vote for him,” she added.

Erdogan suggests Macron may be mentally ill

“What can we say of a head of state who behaves like this to millions of members of a different faith in his country,” said Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. He added, “First of all, [Macron needs] mental checks.”

Hours after Erdogan’s remarks, France recalled its ambassador to Turkey after the Elysee denounced the “unacceptable” remarks.

Erdogan warned of Europe’s self-destructive Islamophobia, adding that European fascism had entered a new phase with attacks on the rights of Muslims, referring to a recent police raid on a mosque in Berlin.

“Europe is preparing its own end with its front against Muslims,” Erdogan said while addressing a meeting of his governing Justice and Development Party (AK Party) in Kayseri.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is an award-winning journalist. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from MD

Day 240 of the Covid-19 pandemic in the US; anxious New Yorkers are again invited to hear about changing conditions in their state and what the governor’s doing to protect them. Monday’s press briefing must be his 150th review of the stubborn unsettling disease.

Cuomo’s updates are a cleverly woven tapestry: political analysis, admonishments, comprehensive statistical reports, warnings, evasions of reporters’ questions, and affirmations of his administration’s successes are touched up with a personal anecdote and an attempt at humor. These briefings deserve attention not because they’re contrived to pave his way to any future bid for the White House, but as an effective and (on the whole) exemplary management of the terrifying and still uncontrollable pandemic.

Cuomo’s homilies these past months are worth some critical attention from scholars of rhetoric. These discourses are also valuable in how they contrast with statements by other politicians, incumbents and challengers in the coming election, that saturate our media.

Like Cuomo’s press conferences during the scary, hard months of spring and summer, Monday’s briefing was, admittedly, a kind of speech— a combination of legal acumen, moral appeal, politics and emotion. By and large it works. I think that’s because like most Americans, I’ve been stressed and confused by this raging disease charging among us along an unknown path, and we are all in search for some calming, practical guidance.

I began listening to the governor’s daily reports in March. I asked neighbors for their opinions of Cuomo’s efforts. Whatever their political persuasion, most shared my positive feelings.

Before you admonish us for being uncritical and ignorant of Cuomo’s history, I admit that I agree with the widespread view that he’s shrewd; he evades responsibility for mistakes made and these frequent public appearances may be opportunistic on his part.

That said, I still tuned in to Cuomo’s recent briefing. Besides feeling better informed by this decision, I’m somewhat assured that New Yorkers at least have a chance of negotiating this disease. (Where else can we find hope?) I also grasp and appreciate the pattern of Cuomo’s discourse. It’s in striking contrast to anything proffered by the staggering quantification of the disease’s history in country-by-country comparisons, in daily medical speculations and policy debates or journalists’ analyses. Yes, Cuomo’s briefings are political; yes, he’s showing off; yes, he’s somewhat arrogant; and yes, this could be planned with his eye on a future White House bid.

But you have to give it to him; he has management skills beyond his media appeal, beyond the abilities of Biden or Pelosi, Sanders or Harris to expose the current administration’s incompetence. Cuomo also displays a convincing compassion for our woes; he seems to possess an ability unmatched by others to calm a stressed-out, anchorless American public.

Isn’t it worth trying to understand how he does this?

Cuomo seems to have developed a formula: he mixes a little humor with some outrage; he praises our struggling, essential workers while remembering everyone’s suffering; he analyzes and explains the fundamentals of pandemic management (e.g. his opening-and-closing-the-valve analogy); he presents us with skillfully arrayed, digestible scientific facts.

He regularly appeals to our patriotism and our intelligence—“Don’t underestimate the American people”, he repeats, even declaring America is the greatest country, (with New Yorkers the smartest of all!), and ends by running the gambit of strident questions from reporters. It’s brilliant, you have to admit.

By now you’re ready to chastise my editor for allowing a writer to praise any American politician.

Hold on; these commendations do not exclude my recognition of Cuomo’s misdemeanors and crimes. There’s plenty of muck to throw at the governor—e.g. the dreadful mishandling of nursing home placements in the early days of Covid-19’s crisis. Look how he evades Trevor Noah’s persistent charges— an artful lawyer through and through.

If we can put aside Cuomo’s serious mistakes and political ambitions, allow me to proceed with his general Covid management strategy, and to analyze his formulaic approach to dealing with a stressed, jittery population that includes the nation’s financial center and nine million people residing in our largest city– an unparalleled virus hotspot with over 700 deaths daily– confined to their apartments, with businesses shuttered, medical prognosis unknown, inadequate hospital beds, and tepid federal help.

Mercifully, New York was able to contain the threat. Day by day, it flattened the curve, remarkable by any standard, with the governor’s office temporarily healing its rift with New York City’s mayor.

Today we’re again facing rising infections and continued economic uncertainty; the entire population still needs assurance and guidance, something we used to call ‘leadership’. To whom can we look?

Take Monday’s press briefing as an example of a well-orchestrated address to a nervous public: Cuomo began with a bold yet measured attack on the White House’s announcement that it has no policy to control the pandemic; it would await the vaccine and its associated therapeutics. Cuomo’s response was unrestrained: the federal government’s policy is preemptive capitulation, totally irresponsible. Instead of reviewing the president’s shortcomings, diversions and false claims, Cuomo directs his critique to New York’s past success and how he proposes to move ahead: “Why (did it work)? God didn’t intervene. We controlled the spread. Ask yourself? How did NY reduce the infection rate, if you (Washington) say we can’t control? We did it. You can’t eliminate it, but you can control it”. He then reminds us of his can-do-it alternatives: the valve management system already in place and the new microcluster control he’s introduced. Surely this practical, non-political we-can-do attitude is what we desperately need. (Remember Obama’s winning Yes, we can?)

Cuomo never forgets to affirm how great America is and how New York is first within America. He boasts, not unreasonably, how his state did it; “We flattened the curve. We went to the top of the mountain and down again”, all the time praising the critical agents—the people. “We could not impose rules of mask-wearing, social-distancing, quarantining. You did it. You were disciplined, smart, and you cared for others as well as yourself”.

His boasts are reinforced with an appeal to New Yorkers’ smartness, toughness, and compassion for one another– on the edge only a few months back, in the belly of the beast, with the highest rate of infection, hospitalization and death in the country (if not globally). Cuomo’s chauvinistic New Yorker attitude goes unquestioned–because it works. He knows that like himself, New Yorkers are somewhat arrogant, a little overconfident, and the smartest of the smart (sic).

He tactfully follows his affirmation of the US as the greatest country in the world, asking: “How could this happen to us; our infections are increasing at higher rate than countries like Mexico, Mexico, with 44 per million infections in the past week; Canada with 68, Japan with 4, compared to our 208?”

A little bit of patriotism with some shame can be effective, especially when augmented by comprehensible, convincing empirical facts. This shared pride furtively combined with empiricism probably accounts in part for Cuomo’s policy successes. He ends every briefing, before talking questions from reporters, on his characteristically high “New York is loving, NY is caring, NY is smart, NY is strong, NY is united”.

Don’t knock someone who moves a stressed, fearful people to believe a little more in themselves at a highly tenuous period in US history.


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B. Nimri Aziz is an anthropologist and journalist who’s worked in Nepal since 1970, and published widely on peoples of the Himalayas. A new book on Nepali rebel women is forthcoming. She is a frequent contributor to Global Research. 

Featured image is a screenshot from a CNBC video

Ending Regime Change – In Bolivia and the World

October 29th, 2020 by Medea Benjamin

Less than a year after the United States and the U.S.-backed Organization of American States (OAS) supported a violent military coup to overthrow the government of Bolivia, the Bolivian people have reelected the Movement for Socialism (MAS) and restored it to power. 

In the long history of U.S.-backed “regime changes” in countries around the world, rarely have a people and a country so firmly and democratically repudiated U.S. efforts to dictate how they will be governed. Post-coup interim president Jeanine Añez has reportedly requested 350 U.S. visas for herself and others who may face prosecution in Bolivia for their roles in the coup.

The narrative of a rigged election in 2019 that the U.S. and the OAS peddled to support the coup in Bolivia has been thoroughly debunked. MAS’s support is mainly from indigenous Bolivians in the countryside, so it takes longer for their ballots to be collected and counted than those of the better-off city dwellers who support MAS’s right-wing, neoliberal opponents. 

As the votes come in from rural areas, there is a swing to MAS in the vote count. By pretending that this predictable and normal pattern in Bolivia’s election results was evidence of election fraud in 2019, the OAS bears responsibility for unleashing a wave of violence against indigenous MAS supporters that, in the end, has only delegitimized the OAS itself.

It is instructive that the failed U.S.-backed coup in Bolivia has led to a more democratic outcome than U.S. regime change operations that succeeded in removing a government from power. Domestic debates over U.S. foreign policy routinely presume that the U.S. has the right, or even an obligation, to deploy an arsenal of military, economic and political weapons to force political change in countries that resist its imperial dictates. 

In practice, this means either full-scale war (as in Iraq and Afghanistan), a coup d’etat (as in Haiti in 2004, Honduras in 2009 and Ukraine in 2014), covert and proxy wars (as in Somalia, Libya, Syria and Yemen) or punitive economic sanctions (as against Cuba, Iran and Venezuela) – all of which violate the sovereignty of the targeted countries and are therefore illegal under international law.

No matter which instrument of regime change the U.S. has deployed, these U.S. interventions have not made life better for the people of any of those countries, nor countless others in the past. William Blum’s brilliant 1995 book, Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, catalogues 55 U.S. regime change operations in 50 years between 1945 and 1995. As Blum’s detailed accounts make clear, most of these operations involved U.S. efforts to remove popularly elected governments from power, as in Bolivia, and often replaced them with U.S.-backed dictatorships: like the Shah of Iran; Mobutu in the Congo; Suharto in Indonesia; and General Pinochet in Chile. 

Even when the targeted government is a violent, repressive one, U.S. intervention usually leads to even greater violence. Nineteen years after removing the Taliban government in Afghanistan, the United States has dropped 80,000 bombs and missiles on Afghan fighters and civilians, conducted tens of thousands of “kill or capture” night raids, and the war has killed hundreds of thousands of Afghans. 

In December 2019, the Washington Post published a trove of Pentagon documents revealing that none of this violence is based on a real strategy to bring peace or stability to Afghanistan – it’s all just a brutal kind of “muddling along,” as U.S. General McChrystal put it. Now the U.S.-backed Afghan government is finally in peace talks with the Taliban on a political power-sharing plan to bring an end to this “endless” war, because only a political solution can provide Afghanistan and its people with the viable, peaceful future that decades of war have denied them.

In Libya, it has been nine years since the U.S. and its NATO and Arab monarchist allies launched a proxy war backed by a covert invasion and NATO bombing campaign that led to the horrific sodomy and assassination of Libya’s long time anti-colonial leader, Muammar Gaddafi. That plunged Libya into chaos and civil war between the various proxy forces that the U.S. and its allies armed, trained and worked with to overthrow Gaddafi. 

A parliamentary inquiry in the U.K. found that, “a limited intervention to protect civilians drifted into an opportunist policy of regime change by military means,” which led to “political and economic collapse, inter-militia and inter-tribal warfare, humanitarian and migrant crises, widespread human rights violations, the spread of Gaddafi regime weapons across the region and the growth of Isil [Islamic State] in north Africa.” 

The various Libyan warring factions are now engaged in peace talks aimed at a permanent ceasefire and, according to the UN envoy “holding national elections in the shortest possible timeframe to restore Libya’s sovereignty”—the very sovereignty that the NATO intervention destroyed.

Senator Bernie Sanders’ foreign policy adviser Matthew Duss has called for the next U.S. administration to conduct a comprehensive review of the post-9/11 “War on Terror,” so that we can finally turn the page on this bloody chapter in our history. 

Duss wants an independent commission to judge these two decades of war based on “the standards of international humanitarian law that the United States helped to establish after World War II,” which are spelled out in the UN Charter and the Geneva Conventions. He hopes that this review will “stimulate vigorous public debate about the conditions and legal authorities under which the United States uses military violence.”

Such a review is overdue and badly needed, but it must confront the reality that, from its very beginning, the “War on Terror” was designed to provide cover for a massive escalation of U.S. “regime change” operations against a diverse range of countries, most of which were governed by secular governments that had nothing to do with the rise of Al Qaeda or the crimes of September 11th. 

Notes taken by senior policy official Stephen Cambone from a meeting in the still damaged and smoking Pentagon on the afternoon of September 11, 2001 summarized Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld’s orders to get “…best info fast. Judge whether good enough hit S.H. [Saddam Hussein] at same time – not only UBL [Osama Bin Laden]… Go massive. Sweep it all up. Things related and not.”

At the cost of horrific military violence and mass casualties, the resulting global reign of terror has installed quasi-governments in countries around the world that have proved more corrupt, less legitimate and less able to protect their territory and their people than the governments that U.S. actions removed. Instead of consolidating and expanding U.S. imperial power as intended, these illegal and destructive uses of military, diplomatic and financial coercion have had the opposite effect, leaving the U.S. ever more isolated and impotent in an evolving multipolar world.

Today, the U.S., China and the European Union are roughly equal in the size of their economies and international trade, but even their combined activity accounts for less than half of global economic activity and external trade. No single imperial power economically dominates today’s world as overconfident American leaders hoped to do at the end of the Cold War, nor is it divided by a binary struggle between rival empires as during the Cold War. This is the multipolar world we are already living in, not one that may emerge at some point in the future. 

This multipolar world has been moving forward, forging new agreements on our most critical common problems, from nuclear and conventional weapons to the climate crisis to the rights of women and children. The United States’ systematic violations of international law and rejection of multilateral treaties have made it an outlier and a problem, certainly not a leader, as American politicians claim.

Joe Biden talks about restoring American international leadership if he is elected, but that will be easier said than done. The American empire rose to international leadership by harnessing its economic and military power to a rules-based international order in the first half of the 20th century, culminating in the post-World War II rules of international law. But the United States has gradually deteriorated through the Cold War and post-Cold War triumphalism to a flailing, decadent empire that now threatens the world with a doctrine of “might makes right” and “my way or the highway.” 

When Barack Obama was elected in 2008, much of the world still saw Bush, Cheney and the “War on Terror” as exceptional, rather than a new normal in American policy. Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize based on a few speeches and the world’s desperate hopes for a “peace president.” But eight years of Obama, Biden, Terror Tuesdays and Kill Lists followed by four years of Trump, Pence, children in cages and the New Cold War with China have confirmed the world’s worst fears that the dark side of American imperialism seen under Bush and Cheney was no aberration. 

Amid America’s botched regime changes and lost wars, the most concrete evidence of its seemingly unshakeable commitment to aggression and militarism is that the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex is still outspending the ten next largest military powers in the world combined, clearly out of all proportion to America’s legitimate defense needs. 

So the concrete things we must do if we want peace are to stop bombing and sanctioning our neighbors and trying to overthrow their governments; to withdraw most American troops and close military bases around the world; and to reduce our armed forces and our military budget to what we really need to defend our country, not to wage illegal wars of aggression half-way round the world.

For the sake of people around the world who are building mass movements to overthrow repressive regimes and struggling to construct new models of governing that are not replications of failed neoliberal regimes, we must stop our government–no matter who is in the White House–from trying to impose its will. 

Bolivia’s triumph over U.S.-backed regime change is an affirmation of the emerging people-power of our new multipolar world, and the struggle to move the U.S. to a post-imperial future is in the interest of the American people as well. As the late Venezuela leader Hugo Chavez once told a visiting U.S. delegation, “If we work together with oppressed people inside the United States to overcome the empire, we will not only be liberating ourselves, but also the people of Martin Luther King.”


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Medea Benjamin is the cofounder of CODEPINK for Peace, and the author of several books, including Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the US-Saudi Connection and Inside Iran: the Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Nicolas J. S. Davies is an independent journalist, a researcher with CODEPINK, and the author of Blood On Our Hands: the American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq

Featured image: Bolivian President-elect Luis Arce (centre) shortly after the announcement of the election results, October 18, 2020. Photo courtesy of Luis Arce/Twitter.


With the explosion of digital media and technologies, scholars, educators and the public have become increasingly vocal about the role that an ‘attention economy’ has in our lives[1].

The rise of the current digital culture coincides with longstanding scientific questions about why humans sometimes remember and sometimes forget, and why some individuals remember better than others[2–6].

Here we examine whether spontaneous attention lapses—in the moment[7–12], across individuals[13–15] and as a function of everyday media multitasking[16–19]—negatively correlate with remembering. Electroencephalography and pupillometry measures of attention[20,21] were recorded as eighty young adults (mean age, 21.7 years) performed a goal-directed episodic encoding and retrieval task[22]. Trait-level sustained attention was further quantified using task-based[23] and questionnaire measures[24,25].

Using trial-to-trial retrieval data, we show that tonic lapses in attention in the moment before remembering, assayed by posterior alpha power and pupil diameter, were correlated with reductions in neural signals of goal coding and memory, along with behavioural forgetting. Independent measures of trait-level attention lapsing mediated the relationship between neural assays of lapsing and memory performance, and between media multitasking and memory. Attention lapses partially account for why we remember or forget in the moment, and why some individuals remember better than others. Heavier media multitasking is associated with a propensity to have attention lapses and forget.

Click here to read full report.


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On St. Francis Day, the Minister of Defense Lorenzo Guerini (Democratic Party) sent the Frecce Tricolori fighters to fly over the Basilica of Assisi. “It is the strongest homage that our Italy has been able to pay to the Poverello (the little poor fellow),  whom thousands of people turn to, while the pandemic aggravates poverty,” the Franciscan magazine wrote. 

It is a questionable gift: an hour  flight of the nine Frecce Tricolori fighters’ costs over 40,000 euros in public money, an amount  with which 27 average net monthly salaries could be paid. 

Next year the new and more powerful advanced training fighter T-345A, produced by Leonardo,  that the Italian Air Force, buying in the number of 23 units,  at a cost of nearly 380 million euros, will be flying. They will ensure better “training effectiveness” by preparing pilots for the use of F-35s and other warplanes. 

Our thanks go to the Generals and Minister of Defense Lorenzo Guerini,” wrote the Franciscans after the Frecce Tricolori aircrafts’ flyover. “Tonight, we will all go to sleep hoping for a better day.”

These are soothing words, pronounced while other Italian fighters like Ghedi’s Tornado PA-200s,  are about to be replaced by F-35As, and were already in Germany to participate in Steadfast Noon, NATO’s annual nuclear war exercise under US command. 

Italy, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands participated with their own air forces and kept the US B-61 nuclear bombs ready for use on their territory, soon to be replaced by the more deadly B61-12 . 

In this way, having reached 50 ratifications on October 24 2020, they violate the Non-Proliferation Treaty and reject the UN Treaty on the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons which will enter into force within 90 days. However,  nine countries with nuclear weapons and  thirty  NATO partners did not join. 

In Europe, the UN Treaty has only been ratified by Austria, Ireland, Malta, Liechtenstein, San Marino, and the Holy See. In order to achieve the vital objective of the Treaty, a vast mobilization of public opinion for nuclear disarmament is indispensable, though currently non-existent since the threat of nuclear war is silenced by the political-media apparatuses, today even more than before since they speak only of a virus threat.

Thus, the increasingly dangerous steps, that Italy is taking in war preparation  and  consequent increase in military spending, are hidden. At the NATO Defense Ministers meeting on October 23, Minister Guerini confirmed Italy’s participation in a new NATO Space Center in Ramstein (Germany) and the necessary strengthening of nuclear forces to “keep our nuclear deterrent safe and efficient,” in front of “the serious challenge of Russia’s growing arsenal of nuclear missiles.” 

Minister Guerini also signed on behalf of Italy with nine other NATO countries, a letter of intent for the construction of a ground-based missile system formally directed to the realization of a defense against short and intermediate-range missiles; while in reality it could be used for the launch of intermediate-range nuclear missiles similar to the US Euromissiles of the 1980s. Finally, Minister Guerini has pledged to further increase Italy’s military spending, from the current 26 to 36 billion euros per year. An additional 35 billion has already been allocated to this objective, especially by the Ministry of Economic Development, plus another 30 billion euros to be drawn from the Recovery Fund. 

“The resources allocated to the defense” – said Minister Guerini – “represent a strategic lever for the country’s economy.” It is, therefore, necessary “to make our fellow citizens better understand that in the Aerospace, Defense and Security industry there is a relevant piece of Italy’s competitiveness, which will be able to guarantee the future of the younger generations.” The future is therefore not so black: to paraphrase the well-known film, as long as there is war there is hope.


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This article was originally published in Italian on Il Manifesto.

Manlio Dinucci is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

In the same way the CIA invented foreign enemies which required us to go to war, there are people who have invented stories of fearful germs that demand medical treatment and prevention. The story tellers know that among the public, many people WANT the germ, need it, and even love it. Yes, love it, after enough conditioning has helped them along the path of surrender.

The COVID operation aims to engulf all of civilization in a preposterous and fake medical nightmare.

The operation has its roots in “modifying” citizens to accept medical dictates.

There are many kinds of such dictates, and it would take volumes to explore them all. Here I present a set of numbers from the US National Center for Health Statistics, a division of the CDC, covering the year 2018:

  • Percent of adults who had contact with a health care professional: 84.3%.
  • Percent of children who had contact with a health care professional: 93.6%.
  • Number of physician office visits (2016): 883.7 million.

Here is another related estimate: according to the US National Alliance on Mental Illness, in a recent year, “More than 25 percent of college studentshave been diagnosed or treated by a professional for a mental health condition…”

Try to grasp how this unprecedented rate of exposure to doctors shapes the minds of Americans. Appointments, tests, diagnoses, advice, orders, prescriptions, drugs and vaccines, follow-ups, referrals to specialists.

These factors alone—never mind the toxic effects of treatments, or wall to wall medical ads and other propaganda—add up to a medical civilization.

Given this reality, how do you think people are going to respond when they are told there is a pandemic and they must follow orders?

After a hundred years of Rockefeller Medicine…new normal? We’ve been living under the new normal for a long time.

How many drug prescriptions do you think are written in the US every year? According to, “It is estimated that in 2019, 4.38 billion retail prescriptions will be filled throughout the United States.”

Many, many people accept the ubiquitous medical civilization without thought or pause. It’s “just the way things are.”

Pretended pandemics are an arm of medical civilization. But now we’ve reached a point where The Medical is a gateway into a technocratic Brave New World.

This attempted transition is launched from the foundation of lifelong conditioning of the public to doctors and everything those doctors order and represent.

Mind control par excellence.

Two important groups of people—politicians and journalists—are operating from bias in their decisions, because they, too, have been trained to place themselves under the care of doctors on an ongoing basis. Are they going to rip out that hard wiring of their own experience when the rubber meets the road, when they’re faced with professional questions about medical credibility? No. They’re going to side with the CDC and WHO and university experts.

What I’m describing in this article goes beyond the acceptance of “Science” as the dominant paradigm. This conditioning is deeply personal and deeply seated in the minds of people who have been trudging along the bleak path of medical care since early childhood. Medical care for every so-called “symptom.”

I have spent many hours exposing the actual death and maiming effects of medicines on the population. Again, here I’m simply discussing the up-close connection between eternal patient and doctor.

In that sense, telling a dedicated person to take off his mask is telling him to destroy what he believes is a deep lifeline, without which he might very well drown.

Medical civilization’s leaders want us to bow down to the germ. They want us to drool like Pavlov’s dogs, when they ring the bell signaling the presence of a “new virus.” Our anticipated food, in this case, is supposed to be treatment. Treatment and containment measures.

Surely, a Declaration of Medical Independence is needed. “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the medical bands which have connected them with some Health Authority…whenever any Form of Medicine becomes destructive…it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Medicine, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness…”

Under the heading of “such principles,” one statement would make it clear that every person has the natural right to reject false faith in the germ, in its power, and in its very existence.

Let those who fear the germ, or want it, cling to it like an idol, if they must, if they refuse to be dissuaded. The rest of us will go our way, secure in our freedom from the idolatry, knowing that medicalized civilization is a tyrant, built without our consent.

Keeping freedom is now the great challenge.

The global lockdowns, present and future; the business closures; the bankruptcies; the resultant family breakups and suicides and drug addictions; the expansion of poverty, hunger, starvation; the desolation of once-great cities—on what basis has all this destruction been launched?

A story about a virus.

So pardon me if I keep attacking that story. If I keep pointing out gaping holes in that story. My basic position is this: I reject the cultish rhetoric coming out of labs. It is divorced from the world of human beings. It aims to claim ownership over our bodies, minds, and souls. Through one abstraction piled on another, its proponents have staked out a cause that is anti-life. With the data they derive and invent from their serums and sequencing, they set up a prison in which we are supposed to be biological machines that merely react to the stimuli of microbes.

Reject that lunatic non-reality.

The set-up and the con are clear: “We say there is a deadly virus on the loose. We describe it and promote it. We run the game and make the rules. We say you are unprotected unless we protect you with treatment and containment measures. We can quibble about which treatments. We can quibble about how much containment, where and when, and under what circumstances, since we define the circumstances; and we can loosen and tighten the rules at our discretion. But in the end, we are the sellers and you are the buyers. You buy our story. We are a protection racket. You give us your lives or we close you down. And guess what? Either one of those choices produces the same result. Get it?”

So when I hear someone say, in effect, THIS containment measure is necessary and effective, but THAT one is minimally effective, and THIS country did well by adopting a LESS RESTRICTIVE MODEL, and SMART CONTAINMENT WOULD LOOK LIKE THIS, I know that person has bought enough of the story to keep the basic con going; and the elite planners are winning.

The war is long. They must not win.


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The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power.

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In any given news cycle it is sometimes the lesser articles that are more illuminating in terms of where everything in a country as vast as the United States is heading. This is particularly true in terms of what the U.S. has been experiencing in 2020: a pandemic, civil unrest, wars and continued turmoil overseas plus an election that promises to result in one of two radically different visions of what America should be.

Ironically, Joe Biden is being depicted as the establishment candidate but the Democratic Party program is actually far more radical than that of the Republicans. The Democrats are locked into support of policies that are ostensibly meant to address racial disparities and gender related issue but will instead increasingly turn government into an intrusive mechanism for social engineering, abandoning America’s traditional meritocracy while also creating categories that some might describe as fostering reverse racism and sexism. There could be devastating impact on American education, on maintaining law and order, on controlling immigration, on setting hiring quotas and on First and Fourth Amendment rights relating to free speech and association. A glorious multicultural and gender bending future shaped by Democratic Party social justice hacks will be nothing but a disaster for most Americans, effectively disenfranchising many citizens based on the color of their skin or for other attributes yet to be determined.

And the widespread support for Biden by neoconservatives, who would return to power with his administration, would mean that the likes of Bill Kristol, Max Boot, and Jennifer Rubin will be driving a pro-Israel anti-Iran policy that might even outdo what Trump and Mike Pompeo have contrived, which now will include labeling international human rights agencies as anti-Semitic. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee would be headed by Robert Menendez, corrupt even by congressional standards, who is a totally owned shill for the Israel Lobby. Dan Shapiro, who has apparently become Biden’s leading adviser on the Middle East, is an American Jew now living in Israel and working for an Israeli think tank who should be registered as a Foreign Agent.

The neocons and their media allies are also architects of much of the anti-Russian sentiment in Congress, making the current bad relationship measurably worse. As the Democrats have been blaming practically everything on Russian President Vladimir Putin one cannot expect any serious effort to reset the relationship.

Trump for his part brings with him the negative baggage of his abrasive persona as well as his apparent inability to assimilate and apply simple facts relating to how the nation and the rest of the world work. He has been the aggressor directly against Syria and Iran as well as Venezuela and has been using NATO to threaten Russia. His attitudes towards the environment and climate change are also a disgrace but whatever you think of Trump’s actual performance, the fact is that throughout the campaign and since taking office most of the media and the entire “progressive” left has been labeling him a fascist and a racist. And hanging the racist tail on Trump has continued in the current campaign, to include the lines of questioning in the recent presidential debates and the town hall hosted by Savannah Guthrie.

Trump might make America worse in some ways, but he will not substantially change it as the Democrats almost certainly will do either willfully or by not paying attention to what is developing. Several stories circulating on social media demonstrate just how much “equal justice under law” has been eroded in the minds of some Democratic Party luminaries. Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich tweeted a demand to create a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” after the expected defeat of Donald Trump. The commission borrows the name and would be modeled on the organization set up in South Africa after the fall of the apartheid government and the establishment of majority black rule, an exercise in attempted democratization that has nevertheless failed to put an end to extremely high levels of corruption and communal violence in the country.

Reich’s objective is not limited to punishing the Trump White House’s top officials who may have promoted policies considered anathema by the incoming Democratic administration. Reich tweeted “When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.” The Reich proposal would potentially mean punishing thousands of otherwise innocent individuals who had little influence over what happened during the past four years. “Enabled” covers a lot of ground, and is prone to devolve into something like a witch hunt. “McCarthyism” only much worse comes immediately to mind.

Reich followed up on his proposal with a second tweet saying “I love the people responding to this tweet as if it’s a radical, undemocratic idea” and, to be sure, there are a lot of people out there who think like he does. One Reich supporter wrote in defense of the proposal “As long as unresolved historic injustices continue to fester in the world, there will be a demand for truth commissions” and there have been numerous comments on social media sites like Facebook insisting that “something be done” about the “deplorables” who voted for and supported Trump.

Other comments made on Twitter in response to the Reich demand include “It is the right idea and I fully support it. It is not right for people to do so much damage to people and get away Scott free. The GOP is Complicit in Genicide and Senicide. There need to be repercussions.” And “I agree 100%… my fear is Joe Biden is going to come into office and want to heal the nation and work with the GOP and ignore all this… if he does that, I will work to ensure he is a 1 term president too.” And also “But it doesn’t go far enough, clearly. Trump’s assets and those of his voters should be seized by the state through legislation and distributed to those he’s harmed as reparations. Surely that’s the only way to heal our nation. Land of the free!” And finally “Robert… you’re right. And after we win… we’ll come for you all… we’re pretty much over trying to share a country with you anyway. Four years ago I thought you were people with bad ideas. I was wrong: YOU’RE BAD PEOPLE.”

Another good Democrats-are-in-power story comes from Virginia where Governor Ralph Northam is preparing to sign a bill that will prevent policemen from stopping cars with expired registrations or inspection stickers, no headlights, brake lights, or other moving violations relating to safety. The reasoning behind the bill is that black drivers appear to be stopped for such offenses disproportionately. That may be true, but the assumption by Northam and his crew is that blacks are being targeted by police, whereas the actual cause just might be that a disproportionate number of blacks don’t maintain their cars very well. Some black public officials including Arlington’s so-called Public Defender Brad Haywood loves the idea, saying: “This might be the most significant reform of the state’s criminal justice system in decades. This is a big step forward for racial justice in Virginia.”

While some of the offenses might be regarded as relatively painless, allowing cars to drive without brake lights in a state like Virginia where drivers routinely proceed at over 70 miles an hour on highways could prove catastrophic if someone had to stop quickly with the cars behind not knowing it until too late. The safety of all citizens is clearly being sacrificed to render what is perceived as social justice for a minority, but when Democrats are in a full pander mode anything is possible.

And a third and final story, also from Virginia, is about the impending death of the once formidable American public education system. It concerns the destruction of what is regarded as the best high school in the United States because it is not diverse enough. The Fairfax County school board has ruled that the high admission standards at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, a prestigious magnet school, are now to be eliminated after approval of a proposal submitted by Superintendent Scott Brabrand. The decision by the board eliminates the test and the $100 application fee, long requirements of the rigorous admissions process at Thomas Jefferson. Brabrand’s proposal also increases the size of the school, known as TJ. The changes have been implemented and this year’s eighth-graders — many of whom have prepared for the test — will not take the multi-part exam covering math, reading and science.

Details of how the new admissions policy will work have not been finalized, but a lottery is being considered. One mother protested that a lottery “trashes the meaning of hard work.” TJ’s student body is currently more than 70 percent Asian and about 20 percent white, with single-digit percentages of black and Hispanic students. The intention is to have the school more closely resemble the demographics of Fairfax County’s schools, which is 10 per cent black, 27 per cent Hispanic and 38 per cent white. It will be accomplished by fiat policies and quotas. Though whites are actually under-represented in the school nothing will be done to increase their presence.

Other select by-examination-only schools in New York City, Boston, Chicago and on the West Coast are similarly being stripped of their exclusivity and will instead be embracing diversity. The San Diego school district is completely eliminating testing grades so more minorities can graduate. And the students will no longer be downgraded for exhibiting behavior problems or truancy.

The Beatles once sang “You say you want a revolution!” It seems that many so-called progressives, minority spokespersons and assorted radicals want one here in America. Truth commissions, laws that only apply based on race and quotas in schools are only the beginning. Joe and Kamala, if they are elected, will no doubt encourage all that and more. As there are many “deplorable” Americans who want to preserve what the United States once was, the Democrats might well regret the path that they have chosen even if they do win the election.


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Philip M. Giraldi is a former CIA counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer who served nineteen years overseas in Turkey, Italy, Germany, and Spain. He was the CIA Chief of Base for the Barcelona Olympics in 1992 and was one of the first Americans to enter Afghanistan in December 2001. Phil is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a Washington-based advocacy group that seeks to encourage and promote a U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East that is consistent with American values and interests. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Leaked documents seen by Good Law Project set out special pathways by which “VIP” and “Cabinet Office” contacts could be awarded lucrative PPE contracts at the height of the pandemic – and at inflated prices.

Lord Bethell, a junior Health Minister, promised that “suppliers will be evaluated by Departmental officials on their financial standing.” But questions arose over how enormous contracts came to be awarded to dormant or new entities and those of dubious financial standing including:

  • PPE Medpro won two contracts worth over £200m to supply PPE to the NHS. The £100 company, set up by the former business associate of Conservative peer Baroness Mone, won the contract just seven weeks after it was set up.
  • SG Recruitment UK Limited, a staffing agency, won two PPE contracts worth over £50m, despite auditors raising concerns about its solvency. Tory Peer Lord Chadlington sits on the Board of its parent company, Sumner Group Holdings Limited.
  • P14 Medical Limited, controlled by former Conservative Councillor Steve Dechan, who stood down in August this year, was awarded three contracts worth over £276m despite having negative £485,000 in net assets.

The leaked documents disclose that special procurement channels – outside the normal process – were set up for VIPs.

Leaked document

Leaked document

They also show that Cabinet Office was feeding its contacts into the procurement process, outside the normal public channel.

Leaked document

Good Law Project is also aware that successful contractors – like Ayanda which received a £252m contract for supplying facemasks most of which were unusable – were guided through the process by the Cabinet Office.

Leaked document

Leaked document

The leaked documents also evidence a startling opportunity for price gouging by favoured suppliers.  It is only if prices were more than 25% above the average paid to other suppliers that questions were to be asked about value for money.

Leaked document

Good Law Project understands that most suppliers were operating on 10-20% margin. The leaked documents reveal that Cabinet Office contacts and others were helping ‘VIPs’ sell PPE to Government outside normal procurement channels. The information that Government would buy at 25% above the price paid to ‘regular’ suppliers was a licence to make enormous margins – 35% – 45% – on contracts sometimes worth hundreds of millions of pounds. Although Government has tried to cover up the per unit prices it paid to connected suppliers, we know that Ayanda enjoyed staggering margins above the prices paid to others. So there are certainly questions to be asked about whether other politically connected ‘VIPs’ benefited from lucrative inside information about pricing.


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Human Rights, Terrorism and Organized Crime

October 29th, 2020 by Stephen Sefton

An outstanding characteristic of the Western human rights industry has long been the way it politicizes its production to serve the foreign policy needs of its countries’ governments. To that end corporate and government investors fund leading industry producers like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Freedom House or the International Federation for Human Rights. The formal reports and social media content of these producer organizations downplay abuse and violations by governments supported by NATO and allied country governments. By contrast, these Western NGOS exaggerate or even invent human rights abuses in countries targeted by their countries’ governments.

In Latin America, widespread abuses under right wing regimes in, for example, Colombia, Honduras, Haiti or Brazil get mentioned in low key terms, if at all, while false claims by US funded opposition groups in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela are amplified and broadcast with minimal or zero effort at responsible corroboration. Neither the human rights industry itself, nor the communications media and academic industries which are its main consumers, make any serious effort at investigation because they too are funded by the same or similar corporate and government investors as their human rights industry brand name suppliers.

Given the close integration across these various Western knowledge and information industries, it has been impossible for them to avoid complicity in the criminal support of their governments for terrorism and organized crime around the world. In Latin America, Bolivia, Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua are the clearest examples of this reality. In Nicaragua’s case, the violent failed coup attempt of 2018 involved the use of both terrorism and organized crime by US funded and directed proxies. Abundant material exists, for example here and here, based on reliable, often first-hand sources that narrate and document very serious crimes and egregious human rights abuses in Nicaragua by the violent US funded opposition between April and July 2018.

The UN Office on Drugs and organized Crime has produced valuable material on the use of organized crime for political ends in its “University Module Series on Linkages between Organized Crime and Terrorism”. The UNODC Module Series offers various definitions of terrorism, for example:

  • the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

  • the conduct of premeditated violent acts or the threat of violence perpetrated by members of an organized group, designed to create fear in an adversary or specific segment of society

  • the deliberate creation and exploitation of fear through violence or the threat of violence in the pursuit of political change

  • the threatened or actual use of illegal force and violence to attain a political, economic, religious, or social goal through fear, coercion or intimidation.

  • illegitimate use of force to achieve a political objective by targeting innocent people

All of these definitions apply to the violent actions of Nicaragua’s US funded and controlled opposition in 2018. They and their US funders and strategists sought to overthrow Nicaragua’s democratically elected government. They used the threat of violence and actual acts of violence to create fear to achieve the political change they sought. They used illegal force, violent extortion and murder to coerce and intimidate innocent people to achieve their political objectives. Furthermore, the UNODC Module Series explains that the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime defines organized crime as “A structured group of three or more persons, existing for a period of time and acting in concert with the aim of committing one or more serious crimes or offences established in accordance with this Convention, in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or other material benefit.”

The Convention defines a serious crime as any offence punishable by at least four years imprisonment. Likewise, among the Convention’s definitions of transnational organized crime is any offence committed in one State but when a substantial part of its preparation, planning, direction or control takes place in another State. All these definitions apply to the violent crimes of the US funded Nicaraguan opposition in 2018. Among the crimes prosecuted by the Nicaraguan authorities many of which have been independently documented and corroborated, figure multiple cases of arson, extortion, hostage taking, serious assault causing grievous bodily harm, robbery with violence, torture and murder.

When in 2018 Nicaragua’s Vice-Foreign Minister Valdrack Jaentshcke asked then head of the Inter American Commission for Human Rights delegation to Nicaragua, Paulo Abrao, why the IACHR refused to investigate opposition killings of police officers and government workers, Abrao replied that they fell outside the IACHR mandate because IACHR doctrine was that human rights can only be violated by States. Later, when the Nicaraguan authorities defeated the terrorist coup attempt and applied due process to prosecute those guilty of the opposition’s violent crimes, the IACHR and the rest of the Western human rights industry rose up and accused Nicaragua’s government of mounting political prosecutions.

To the contrary, the material brought together in the UNODC Module Series is very helpful in terms of revealing the nature of the unquestionable systematic crimes committed by the US funded political opposition in Nicaragua during 2018. For example, the 1979 International Convention against the Taking of Hostages expressly asserts that taking hostages is a terrorist act. It defines a hostage taker as “any person who seizes or detains and threatens to kill, to injure or to continue to detain another person in order to compel a third party, namely, a State, an international intergovernmental organization, a natural or juridical person, or group of persons, to do or abstain from doing any act as an explicit or implicit condition for the release of the hostage”.

In relation to the funding of terrorism, the UNODC notes that

The 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism has far- reaching implications for investigating and punishing criminal financial activities used to fund acts of terrorism. Within the framework of this Convention, a person commits a criminal offence if they: [B]y any means, directly or indirectly, unlawfully and wilfully, provide or collect funds with the intention that they should be used or in the knowledge that they are to be used, in full or in part, in order to carry out: […] (b) Any other act intended to cause death or serious bodily injury to a civilian, or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities in a situation of armed conflict, when the purpose of such act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population, or to compel a government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act.”

Victim testimony and media reports confirm that US funded terrorist criminals and human rights abusers like Felix Maradiaga, Eva Coppens, Francisca Ramirez and Medardo Mairena all committed terrorist crimes in 2018 in Nicaragua. Even so, they and other terrorist criminals have been feted by the Western human rights industry as heroic defenders of human rights. While certainly outrageous, this fact is far from surprising, since the US authorities and their NATO country vassals have been sponsors and funders of terrorism against various target governments and countries for decades. One way or another, governments and corporate interests fund their accomplices in the Western human rights industry and in both the related knowledge and information industry in Western universities and the communications industry of Western corporate and alternative media. Beyond Nicaragua, in their reporting of events from Syria to Venezuela or Iran to Ukraine, they are all guilty to one degree or another of promoting terrorism and covering up organized crime.


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This article was originally published on Tortilla con Sal.

Background: An Auspicious October

October 2, 2020: United Nations High Level Meeting Commemorating and Promoting the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons: This Meeting Was Boycotted by United Kingdom, United States and France, AGAIN!

For many years the saner members of the United Nations, the majority, deplored the fact that there were treaties prohibiting biological weapons, chemical weapons, and other weapons of mass destruction, but the only weapons which were not yet prohibited by an international treaty were the most deadly weapons of all: nuclear weapons. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty was signed by the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, China, and other countries, and Article 6 of this treaty requires the nuclear weapons states to eliminate their arsenals of nuclear weapons. Not only are the major nuclear powers, in particular the United States and the United Kingdom failing to eliminate their nuclear weapons, they are now spending trillions of dollars in upgrading their nuclear stockpiles, in brazen violation of Article 6 of the Nuclear NPT. At the same time, they are inflicting savage sanctions decimating the population of the DPRK, which is developing a nuclear deterrent, in realistic efforts to protect their country from the horrific fate suffered by Libya, and other countries which abandoned efforts to build nuclear protections.

In this connection, it is important to highlight the speech of China, the only major nuclear power state who spoke at this important meeting Commemorating and Promoting the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons:

Ambassador Geng Shuang affirmed:

Ever since the first day of possessing nuclear weapons, China has been advocating the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons. China has declared the policy of no-first-use of nuclear weapons at any time and under any circumstances, and unconditionally commits itself not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against Non-Nuclear-Weapon States or Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones. China calls upon other Nuclear-Weapon States to make similar commitments and conclude a legally-binding instrument in this area…..The complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons and the ultimate realization of a nuclear-weapon-free-world is in the common interest of mankind. China supports the GA resolutions on nuclear disarmament proposed by NAM, supports the establishment of the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, and supports a nuclear-weapons-free world.

Ambassador Geng continued:

“For the past years the US has been advocating American exceptionalism and America First, pushing for modernization of its nuclear arsenal, lowering the threshold of using nuclear weapons, and seeking to free its hands in the nuclear field. The US has unilaterally withdrawn from the INF Treaty, responded negatively to the proposal for extending the New START, and tried to evade its special responsibility in nuclear disarmament by trumpeting the so-called “trilateral talks.” The US is imposing unilateral sanctions and exerting maximum pressure on the Iranian and Korean Peninsular issues to advance its own geo-political agenda. Such US behaviors run counter to the goal of a nuclear-weapon-free world and the common interests of the international community.”

Among the memorable speeches at the October 2 meeting was the address by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Algeria, Sabri Boukadoum, who recalled that Algeria had been the Chairman of the First Committee on Disarmament, when the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was adopted. Mr. Boukadoum stated that Algeria was well aquainted with the devastation of nuclear weapons, which had been tested on Algerian territory while Algeria was still a colony of a nuclear power. His speech was one of the most powerful and compelling.

On October 9, the DPRK spoke at the First Committee, and excerpts of Ambassador Kim Song’s address follow:

“In order to achieve nuclear disarmament, the countries with the largest nuclear arsenals should take the lead in dismantlement and withdraw nuclear weapons deployed outside their territories. Recently, show-down and rivalry aimed at extending military influence and gaining strategic edge in and around Asia are becoming increasingly fierce, which hampers peaceful development of the countries in the region. The DPRK delegation hereby stresses that any attempt to bring about a new Cold War and trigger a global arms race should not be tolerated as it is an affront to the common aspiration of humankind for a peaceful world. This year, even in the midst of the turmoil caused by the spread of the pandemic, undisguised acts of hostility threatening peace continued in the southern half of the Korean Peninsula such as joint military exercises of provocative nature and steady introduction of modern military hardware from the outside…We possess a self-defensive deterrent to reliably defend ourselves against any form of high-intensity pressure, military threats or blackmail by hostile forces… From the standpoint of using the outer space solely for peaceful purposes, we oppose arms race in the outer space and reaffirm the need to conclude a legally-binding treaty prohibiting militarization and weaponization of outer space at an early date.”

October 24, 2020: Entry-into-Force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

In 2017, the majority of nations within the United Nations voted to adopt the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. The DPRK supported the Treaty from its inception. When the UN General Assembly voted, Iran voted “yes,” in support of the Treaty, along with the majority of UN member states.

On October 24, 2020, the fiftieth country, Honduras, ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. This fiftieth ratification, deposited with the United Nations Secretary-General, made possible the Entry Into Force of the Treaty. “In accordance with its article 15(1) the Treaty shall enter into force on 22 January, 2021.

“The Secretary-General commends the States that have ratified the Treaty and salutes the work of civil society, which has been instrumental in facilitating the negotiation and ratification of the Treaty. Entry-into-Force is a tribute to the survivors of nuclear explosions and tests, many of whom advocated for the Treaty. The entry-into-force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is the culmination of a worldwide movement to draw attention to the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons. It represents a meaningful commitment towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons, which remains the highest disarmament priority of the United Nations.”

Last week, as the forty-ninth ratification of the Treaty was announced at the UN Daily Noon Press Briefing, with the added remark that only one more nation needed to ratify the Treaty in order for it to Enter-Into-Force, one journalist asked the Spokesman of the Secretary-General if he was aware of pressures upon treaty signatories to persuade (or compel) them not to ratify the treaty; the Spokesman made no comment about the ominous allegation. In fact, on October 24, 2020, the day the fiftieth country, Honduras, ratified the treaty, the distinguished Associated Press correspondent Edith M. Lederer reported that the “United States had written a letter to the treaty signatories saying the Trump administration believes they made ‘a strategic error’ and urging them to rescind their ratification.”

Beatrice Fihn, executive director of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, a major supporter and campaigner for the treaty stated:

“The 50 countries that ratify this Treaty are showing true leadership in setting a new international norm that nuclear weapons are not just immoral but illegal….The United Nations was formed to promote peace with a goal of the abolition of nuclear weapons.  This treaty is the UN at its best—working closely with civil society to bring democracy to disarmament.”

The arguments in the US letter to oppose and prevent the Entry-Into-Force of this historic treaty are spurious and preposterous, and indicative of their determination to retain possession of nuclear weapons while avoiding the stigma of now being known as a “rogue state.”  The Treaty requires ratifying countries must “never under any circumstances..develop, test, produce, manufacture, otherwise acquire, possess or stockpile nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices—and the threat to use such weapons—and requires parties to promote the treaty to other countries.”

The US letter pressured the countries that ratified the treaty to withdraw from it, thereby demolishing its Entry-Into-Force status.  The US, UK and France have ferociously opposed the treaty from its inception, and its Entry-Into-Force will expose and consign the US (and the UK, etc.) to the opprobrium of world history, as the first and only  country to use nuclear weapons on a defenseless civilian population in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and henceforth, a danger to the entire world, determined to hold this “Sword of Damocles” over a now clearly demonstrated opposition by the vast majority of humanity.


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Carla Stea is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and Global Research’s Correspondent at UN headquarters, New York. 

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War” 

by Michel Chossudovsky

Available to order from Global Research! 

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-5-3
Year: 2012
Pages: 102
Print Edition: $10.25 (+ shipping and handling)
PDF Edition:  $6.50 (sent directly to your email account!)

Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website . He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages.


“This book is a ‘must’ resource – a richly documented and systematic diagnosis of the supremely pathological geo-strategic planning of US wars since ‘9-11’ against non-nuclear countries to seize their oil fields and resources under cover of ‘freedom and democracy’.”
John McMurtry, Professor of Philosophy, Guelph University

“In a world where engineered, pre-emptive, or more fashionably “humanitarian” wars of aggression have become the norm, this challenging book may be our final wake-up call.”
-Denis Halliday, Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

Michel Chossudovsky exposes the insanity of our privatized war machine. Iran is being targeted with nuclear weapons as part of a war agenda built on distortions and lies for the purpose of private profit. The real aims are oil, financial hegemony and global control. The price could be nuclear holocaust. When weapons become the hottest export of the world’s only superpower, and diplomats work as salesmen for the defense industry, the whole world is recklessly endangered. If we must have a military, it belongs entirely in the public sector. No one should profit from mass death and destruction.
Ellen Brown, author of ‘Web of Debt’ and president of the Public Banking Institute   

WWIII Scenario

On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin offered mutual inspections of each other’s military bases to NATO to prevent the deployment of missiles banned under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.

The INF was signed between the US and the Soviet Union in 1987 and banned land-based cruise and ballistic missiles with a range of 500km to 5,500 km (310 to 3,410 miles). The treaty expired in August 2019 after the US withdrew, citing Russian violations.

“We reaffirm the commitment to the Russian Federation’s previously announced moratorium on the deployment of ground-launched intermediate-and shorter-range missiles as long as no similar class missile weapons of US manufacture emerge in the respective regions,” Putin said, according to Russia’s Tass news agency.

Putin offered access to sites in Kaliningrad, where the US has accused Russia of deploying 9M729 missiles. The US claims Russia’s 9M729 missiles are a violation of the INF, one of the reasons Washington cited to withdraw from the treaty, but Moscow insists the 9M729’s are a lower range than banned under the INF.

Still, Putin says Russia has not deployed the 9M729 in Europe. He is asking for access to US and NATO sites in Europe in exchange for Kaliningrad. Since the US withdrew from the INF, Washington has abstained from deploying INF-banned missiles to Europe but is seeking to deploy such missiles in Asia to face China.

Russia has argued that a US missile system deployed in Europe, known as the Mk 41 Aegis Ashore, violates the INF. Moscow says the MK 41 can launch Tomahawk missiles, but the US maintains the MK 41 is meant for defense purposes.

“In particular, it might be possible to consider verification measures regarding the Aegis Ashore systems equipped with Mk 41 launchers at US and NATO bases in Europe and the 9M729 missiles at Russian military facilities in the Kaliningrad Region,” Putin said.

“The purpose of such verification measures would be to confirm the absence from the facilities, encompassed by the agreements, of ground-launched intermediate and shorter-range missiles as well as weapons whose parameters and classification have remained a controversy between the two parties (Russia’s missile 9M729).”

Putin’s offer comes as the fate of the last nuclear arms control treaty between the two powers remains uncertain. The New START limits the number of warheads each country can have deployed. The treaty will expire in February 2021 if an agreement is not reached. Moscow has offered to extend the treaty for five years with no preconditions, as it allows, but the US is demanding more.

Putin recently offered to temporarily extend the treaty for one year in exchange for a freeze on both countries’ nuclear arsenals, a key US demand. The US State Department welcomed Putin’s offer, and negotiations to finalize a deal are expected to start soon.


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Dave DeCamp is the assistant news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.

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The “Fortress Taiwan” arms deal overseen by ex-Assistant Secretary of Defense Randall Schriver is one of the most provocative U.S. moves against China in years – and a big win for his think tank’s arms industry and Taiwanese patrons.

When the United States finalized a set of seven arms sales packages to Taiwan in August, including 66 upgraded F-16 fighter planes and longer-range air-to-ground missiles that could hit sensitive targets on mainland China, it shifted U.S. policy sharply toward a much more aggressive stance on the geo-strategic island at the heart of military tensions between the United States and China.

Branded “Fortress Taiwan” by the Pentagon, the ambitious arms deal was the engineered by Randall Schriver, a veteran pro-Taiwan activist and anti-China hardliner whose think tank had been financed by America’s biggest arms contractors and by the Taiwan government itself. 

Since assuming the post of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs in early 2018, Schriver has focused primarily on granting his major arms company patrons the vaunted arms deals they had sought for years.

The arms sales Schriver has overseen represent the most dangerous U.S. escalation against China in years. The weapons systems will give Taiwan the capability to strike Chinese military and civilian targets far inland, thus emboldening those determined to push for independence from China. Although no U.S. administration has committed Washington to defend Taiwan since it normalized relations with China, the Pentagon is developing the weapons systems and military strategy it would need for a full-scale war. If a conflict breaks out, Taiwan is likely to be at its center.

Returning the favor to arms makers and Taiwanese government donors

Schriver is a longtime advocate of massive, highly provocative arms sales to Taiwan who has advanced the demand that the territory be treated more like a sovereign, independent state. His lobbying has been propelled by financial support from major arms contractors and Taiwan through two institutional bases: a consulting business and a “think tank” that also led the charge for arms sales to U.S. allies in East Asia.

The first of these outfits was a consulting firm called Armitage International, which Schriver founded in 2005 with Richard Armitage, a senior Pentagon and State Department official in the Reagan and George W. Bush administrations. Schriver had served as Armitage’s Chief of Staff in State Department and then as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs. (Armitage, a lifelong Republican, recently released a video endorsement of Joseph Biden for President).

As a partner in Armitage International, Schriver was paid consulting fees by two major arms contractors — Boeing and Raytheon — both of which hoped to obtain arms sales to Taiwan and other East Asian allies to compensate for declining profits from Pentagon contracts.

Schriver started a second national security venture in 2008 as President and CEO of a new lobbying front called The Project 2049 Institute, where Armitage served as Chairman of the Board. The name of the new institution referred to the date by which some anti-China hawks believed China intended to achieve global domination.

From its inception, The Project 2049 Institute focused primarily on U.S. military cooperation with Northeast Asian allies — and Taiwan in particular — with an emphasis on selling them more and better U.S. arms. Schriver, known as the Taiwan government’s main ally in Washington, became the key interlocutor for major U.S. arms makers looking to cash in potential markets in Taiwan. He was able to solicit financial support for Institute from Lockheed Martin, General Atomics, BAE and Raytheon, according to the Institute’s internet site, which provides no figures on the amounts given by each prior to 2017.

Equally important, however, is the Project 2049 Institute’s heavy dependence on grants from the government of Taiwan. The most recent annual report of the Institute shows that more than a third of its funding in 2017 came either directly from the Taiwan government or a quasi-official organization representing its national security institutions. 

Project 2049 received a total of $280,000 from the Taiwan Ministry of Defense and Taiwan’s unofficial diplomatic office in Washington (TECRO) as well as $60,000 from the “Prospect Foundation”, whose officers are all former top national security officials of Taiwan.  Another $252,000 in support for Schriver’s Institute in 2017 came from the State Department, at a time when it was taking an especially aggressive public anti-China line.

By creating a non-profit “think tank,” Schriver and Armitage had found a way to skirt rules aimed at minimizing conflicts of interest in the executive branch. The Executive Order 13770 issued by President Donald Trump in early 2017 that was supposed to tighten further restrictions on conflicts of interest barred Schriver from participation for a period of two years “in any particular matter that is directly and substantially related to my former employer or former clients….”

However, the financial support for Project 2049 from Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, General Atomics, Northrop Grumman and Raytheon, and from Taiwanese official and quasi-official bodies were considered as outside that prohibition, because they were not technically “clients.”

Big wins for Schriver’s corporate supporters and anti-China interests

Brought into the Pentagon at the beginning 2018 to push China policy toward a more confrontational stance, Schriver spent 2018 and the first half of 2019 moving proposals for several major arms sales to Taiwan — including the new F-16s and the air-to-ground missiles capable of hitting sensitive targets in China — through inter-agency consultations.  He secured White House approval for the arms packages and Congress was informally notified in August 2019, however, Congress was not notified of the decision until August 2020. That was because Trump was engaged in serious trade negotiations with China and wanted to avoid unnecessary provocation to Beijing.

Lockheed Martin was the biggest corporate winner in the huge and expensive suite of arms sales to Taiwan. It reaped the largest single package of the series: a ten-year, $8 billion deal for which it was the “principle contractor” to provide 66 of its own F-16 fighters to Taiwan, along with the accompanying engines, radars and other electronic warfare equipment.

The seven major arms sales packages included big wins for other corporate supporters as well: Boeing’s AGM-84E Standoff Land Attack Missile (SLAM), which could be fired by the F-16s and hit sensitive military and even economic targets in China’s Nanjing region, and sea surveillance drones from General Atomics.

In February 2020, shortly after Schriver left the Pentagon, the Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen received the lobbyist in her office in Taipei and publicly thanked him for having “facilitated the sale of F-16V fighter jets to Taiwan and attached great importance to the role and status of Taiwan in the Indo-Pacific region.” It was an extraordinary expression of a foreign government’s gratitude for a U.S. official’s service to its interests.

Having delivered the goods for the big military contractors and the Taiwan government, Schriver returned to the Project 2049 Institute, replacing Armitage as chairman of the board.

Realizing the neocon PNAC’s vision

The arms sales to Taiwan represented a signal victory for those who still hoping to reverse the official U.S. acceptance the People’s Republic of China as the legitimate government of all of China. Ever since the 1982 U.S.-China Joint Communique, in which the United States vowed that had “no intention of interfering in China’s internal affairs or pursuing a policy of “two China’s” or “one China, one Taiwan”, anti-China hardliners who opposed that concession have insisted on making the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act, which called for the United States to sell Taiwan such arms “as may be necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability” as keystone of U.S. Taiwan policy.

The neoconservative Project for a New American Century (PNAC) led by William Kristol and Robert Kagan wanted to go even further; it pushed for the United States to restore its early Cold War commitment to defend Taiwan from any Chinese military assault.  Thus a 1999 PNAC statement called on the United States to “declare unambiguously that it will come to Taiwan’s defense in the event of an attack or a blockade against Taiwan, including against the offshore islands of Matsu and Kinmen.”

After leaving the World Bank in 2008 amidst a scandal involving his girlfriend, Paul Wolfowitz – the author of that 1999 statement on East Asia – turned his attention to protecting Taiwan. Despite the absence of any business interest he was known to have in Taiwan, Wolfowitz was chairman of the board of the U.S.-Taiwan Business Council from 2008 to 2018. The Project 2049 Institute was a key member of the Council, along with all the major arms companies hoping to make sales to Taiwan.

During the first days of Wolfowitz’s chairmanship, the U.S.-China Business Council published a lengthy study warning of a deteriorating air power balance between China and Taiwan.  The study was obviously written under the auspices of one or more of the major arms companies who were members, but it was attributed only to “the Council’s membership” and to “several outside experts” whom it did not name. 

The study criticized both the Bush and Obama administrations for refusing to provide the latest F-16 models to Taiwan, warning that U.S. forces would be forced to defend the island directly if the jets were not immediately supplied.  It also called for providing Taiwan with land-attack cruise missiles capable of hitting some of the most sensitive military and civilian targets in the Nanjing province that lay opposite Taiwan.

The delicacy of the political-diplomatic situation regarding Taiwan’s status, and the reality of China’s ability to reunify the country it chooses to do so has deterred every administration since George H.W. Bush sold 150 F-16 fighter jets to Taiwan. That was, until Shriver’s provocative “Fortress Taiwan” sale went through. 

The triumph of corporate and foreign interests in determining one of the most consequential U.S. decisions regarding China is likely to bedevil U.S. policy for years to come.  At a moment when the Pentagon is pushing a rearmament program based mainly on preparation for war with China, an influential former official backed by arms industry and Taiwanese money has helped set the stage for a potentially catastrophic confrontation.


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Gareth Porter is an independent investigative journalist who has covered national security policy since 2005 and was the recipient of Gellhorn Prize for Journalism in 2012.  His most recent book is The CIA Insider’s Guide to the Iran Crisis co-authored with John Kiriakou, just published in February.

Featured image is from The Grayzone

What Trump and Biden Get Wrong About North Korea

October 29th, 2020 by Christine Ann

At last week’s presidential debate, the American people were presented with two widely divergent points of view on how to address North Korea’s growing nuclear arsenal: Either engage with its leader (and thereby “legitimize” a “thug”) or apply more sanctions and pressure in order to “control” North Korea.

But this is a false dichotomy. Meeting or not meeting with the North Korean leader hasn’t been the failure of U.S. policy. And more pressure and sanctions will not convince North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons arsenal.

To make any substantial progress, the next administration must take a wholly new approach to achieve a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula.

Most urgently, the next administration should officially end the Korean War with a peace agreement. Contrary to the belief held by most Americans, the 70-year-old war never officially ended and was only halted by a fragile ceasefire signed in 1953. That means that the risk of an escalation (intentional or accidental) that triggers a full-scale — potentially nuclear — war remains, endangering us all.

Both the Trump and Obama administrations depended on a mixture of sanctions, political isolation, and the threat of military force to try to compel North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons program. But both “maximum pressure” (Trump) and “strategic patience” (Obama) failed to make progress toward that goal. A positive step was the 2018 Singapore Agreement in which the United States and North Korea agreed to establish new relations toward a peace regime and a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula. While North Korea has improved its military capability, it has not tested any long-range missiles or new nuclear weapons since then.

But since last year’s Hanoi Summit, talks between North Korea and the United States have stalled. That’s because engagement with North Korea was not accompanied by a fundamental change in U.S. policy. The United States keeps expecting that pressure will convince North Korea to unilaterally disarm without providing any sanctions relief or security guarantees.

What actually put the prospect of denuclearization on the table was the possibility of peace that began with the 2018 Olympics diplomacy between North Korea and South Korea. It manifested in the Panmunjom Declaration, in which President Moon Jae-in and Chairman Kim Jong Un declared “that there will be no more war and a new era of peace has begun on the Korean peninsula.” The Declaration calls for inter-Korean economic and civic projects and replacing the Armistice Agreement with a peace agreement. But the United States has impeded these reconciliation efforts.

Instead of further militarizing the region and applying more sanctions and pressure, which are harming innocent North Korean civilians, the next administration should engage in the hard work of sustained diplomacy based on specific, concrete next steps. Diplomacy isn’t a “gift” to North Korea; it’s what needs to happen to get to peace. Talking with North Korea should not be viewed differently from what Washington does with any authoritarian power. Ignoring North Korea only kicks the can down the road in addressing Pyongyang’s growing nuclear capabilities and arms proliferation. Furthermore, a majority of Americans support the United States negotiating with adversaries like North Korea to avoid a military confrontation.

Specifically, the next administration should replace the “all or nothing” stance with step-by-step, reciprocal, verifiable actions to advance denuclearization and peace. That could mean building confidence through opening liaison offices, easing sanctions, facilitating reunions between Korean-American families and their loved ones in North Korea, and formalizing a moratorium on North Korean long-range missile and nuclear testing and U.S.-South Korea military exercises.

But most crucially, we must end the Korean War. This continued state of war is not a mere technicality; it’s the root cause of militarism and tensions that must be resolved if there is to be real progress with North Korea.

The good news is that there are growing voices in Congress that recognize the importance of peace with North Korea as a crucial step towards denuclearization. There are now 50 members of Congress who have co-sponsored House Resolution 152, which calls for an end to the Korean War and a peace agreement. Notably, all of the Democratic contenders for the next chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee — Reps. Brad Sherman, Joaquin Castro, and Gregory Meeks — are co-sponsors of this important resolution.

The status quo means more nuclear weapons, more human rights violations, more separated families, more suffering from sanctions, and the ongoing risk of nuclear war. It’s in everyone’s interest to change course with a realistic, concrete plan toward peace and denuclearization, but this is ultimately in the hands of the next U.S. president. Americans must urge him to choose wisely.


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Featured image: Kim Jong Un and Moon Jae-in holding hands after signing the Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity, and Reunification of the Korean Peninsula in April 2018. Photo credit: Cheongwadae/Blue House

new report from Airwars raises the question of whether the Trump administration has switched to using the CIA for strikes in Yemen in order to shroud US operations there in greater secrecy.

Airwars documented at least 30 locally-claimed US drone strikes, including 11 in the past ten months. The US has not officially declared a strike in Yemen since mid-2019.

The report found that US strikes and raids in Yemen since Trump came into office have killed at least 86 civilians, including 28 children and 13 women.

When Airwars contacted the US military with evidence of these incidents, the US declined to respond. Instead, officials confirmed that there is no functioning civilian casualty monitoring cell covering Yemen operations within the US Department of Defense. The DoD claimed there were zero civilian deaths in both its 2018 and 2019 reports to Congress.

The failure to carry out adequate post-strike investigations was just one of a series of criticisms levelled at the US drone programme by a German court in a landmark decision in March 2019. The case, brought on behalf of Faisal bin ali Jaber, a Yemeni engineer who lost family members to a strike in August 2012, marked the first time a European country has been found to play an essential role in US drone strikes. The court’s decision, which held that Germany must do more to ensure its territory is not used by the US to carry out unlawful drone strikes in Yemen, is set to be heard on appeal at Germany’s highest Administrative Court on November 25.

Jennifer Gibson, who leads Reprieve’s work on drone strikes, said:

 “These findings paint a shocking picture of a US administration gone rogue in Yemen, so unconcerned with accountability that they haven’t even allocated a desk to track how many civilians their missiles kill. This shadowy assassination programme makes none of us safer, and is causing irreparable harm.”


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Poland Wants New “Marshall Plan” to “Save” Belarus

October 29th, 2020 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

Poland is currently experiencing one of the most difficult periods in its recent history. The effects of the new coronavirus pandemic have been devastating in the country, considering that it has effectively reduced Polish industrial production – which decreased by 24.6% compared to last year – and structurally weakened the tourism sector in which the orders in hotels and restaurants fell by 80%, registering the worst numbers in the country’s history. Unemployment also affects the Polish people terribly. Only in April this year, 165 thousand people lost their sources of income due to the crisis generated by the virus, which is a number five times greater than the Polish citizens who lost their jobs during the 2008 crisis. Still, small and medium-sized private businesses have completely broken down, leading to countless breaches of workers’ contracts who are now unemployed and, therefore, dependent on government aid. The authorities will have to pay benefits of 209 million zlotys to unemployed citizens, the money that comes from the Ministry of Labor’s social security fund, which further increases the government spending. In total, the state has already spent 47 billion dollars to fight the coronavirus pandemic, even though it has had few practical results so far.

Faced with this absolutely catastrophic scenario, the most strategic attitude for the Polish state would be to invest heavily in a national economic recovery plan, rescuing companies affected by the crisis and guaranteeing maximum employment for the people. However, the Polish government’s priorities appear to be different. Poland recently announced an economic aid plan for Belarus valued at more than 500 million dollars. The project goes far beyond the Polish borders since an economic recovery plan for Belarus was already presented to the European Union under the condition of new elections in Minsk. Such economic aid from the EU is valued at more than a billion dollars and is still being evaluated in the bloc.

However, Poland’s situation in the EU is getting worse. Because of the crisis of democracy in the country The EU wants to pressure Poland to move forward in its democratic process through economic punishments that will further affect the Polish economy, and it is possible that Warsaw will soon stop receiving its annual aid from the EU. In fact, despite contributing to various Western interests, Poland is still a nation considered “retrograde” on issues such as the implementation of democracy and the defense of human rights, which creates serious problems in their relations.

Interestingly, neither the crisis of relations between the EU and Poland nor the Polish economic collapse seems enough to stop the plan to “save” Belarus. In this sense, to ensure that the plan for Belarus is carried forward, the Polish government is investing in a truly dishonest propaganda. Polish Finance Minister Tadeusz Kosczynski even announced that “everything is very good with public finances and the banking sector is working normally”, which is contradicted by the country’s official data. Still, the little “stability” that remains in Polish public finances is thanks to European aid – every year Warsaw receives 11 billion euros from the EU.

It is also important to consider that not only is Poland experiencing a serious economic crisis, but also the EU itself is inserted in a scenario of great economic difficulties, which is being aggravated by the advance of the second wave of the new coronavirus. The pandemic makes several European nations impose measures of social isolation that severely hamper economic development. So, what would be the advantage of offering so much money to Belarus?

The idea of a “Marshall plan” to “save” Belarus must be analyzed far beyond the economic aspect. The EU is more concerned with the economy of its members than with the situation of Belarusians. We can only understand the real nature of the plan when we analyze it from a strictly political point of view: in fact, Poland is so concerned with Lukashenko’s victory that in order to change the Belarusian scenario it demands to spend such huge amount of money.

The pandemic situation in Belarus is far less worrying than in Poland or any European country. The small Slavic nation has managed to control the major effects of the crisis. In this sense, the proposal for economic aid from Poland is not intended to rescue a country in ruins due to a crisis, but simply to guarantee the interests of the nation that sends such “aid” which mostly destined for the Belarusian political opposition. Poland has been one of the most active countries in the Belarusian political crisis, openly supporting the opposition, collaborating with protest organizers and protecting political activists who committed crimes during the unrest.

Both Poland and the EU see Lukashenko’s victory as a threat due to the rapprochement between the Belarusian president and Russia, which has strengthened considerably recently. In parallel, Poland, although acting as a satellite of Western interests, is far from the democratic ideal desired by Europeans, who are already considering some kind of sanctions against Warsaw. In this sense, attracting the focus of European concern to Belarus and trying to promote a falsely “democratic” and “humanitarian” campaign of economic support for the opposition is an interesting strategy for Poland. However, until Europeans actually decide to send the large sum requested by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, it is Poland itself that is leading this “new Marshall plan” while its own population suffers from unemployment and exponential increase in poverty.

Undoubtedly, Poland’s priority must be to protect its own people, while the EU’s priority must be to ensure that all its members are indeed in line with the democratic values and standards upheld by the organization (isn’t it the case with Poland?) before worrying about nations outside the bloc.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Lucas Leiroz is a research fellow in international law at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

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How do you call something “Russian disinformation” when you don’t have evidence it is? Let’s count the ways.

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By Dr. Ruel F. Pepa, October 28 2020

Poverty still dominates the informal settlements–squatters areas–in major cities where people generally lead scratch-and-peck existence in tightly packed neighborhoods because of the large-scale unemployment situation.

By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 28 2020

As millions of people in the United States cast early ballots for the upcoming presidential and Congressional elections, tensions are escalating over the future of racial politics inside the country.

The Neoliberal Capitalist Lockdown: Class Consciousness in the Age of COVID

By Colin Todhunter, October 28 2020

COVID marks a crucial stage of neoliberal capitalism. Under yet another strategy of creative destruction, millions of livelihoods across the world continue to be destroyed and small businesses are on the edge of bankruptcy.

“The World That I See Today”: Sanity, Her Son, and the Credulous

By Jordan Henderson, October 28 2020

I have recently completed a large painting (oil on canvas), exploring the emotional and spiritual side of mandatory masks, and what they symbolize. Visual art can serve as a medium to express sentiments from an angle that cannot be achieved verbally.

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The Dangers of Environmental Toxins

October 28th, 2020 by Jemma Nott

While California, Brazil and Bolivia have spent the past Northern Hemispheric summer burning and we all await more chaos created by more frequent natural disasters, a climate emergency of a different nature has gone under the radar for some time.

In fact, to even raise it as something that requires alarm or a sense of emergency seems to often be dismissed as conspiracy in spite of mounting evidence to the contrary.

Environmental toxins are wreaking havoc through our environment and while it’s cool to challenge our major polluters we ignore some of the other major corporations that are letting toxins go unchecked.

One of the most obvious and best culprits to challenge on this particular topic is Monsanto – one which many perceive as attracting perhaps unwarranted ire.

Worker spraying strawberry fields with pesticide

But yet, Monsanto were discovered in 2018 to have been ghost writing scientific studies only revealed when plaintiffs filed suits against the mega-corporation in an attempt to prove that glyphosate or Roundup was a carcinogen and in particular the result of their aggressive Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. The court case also revealed that a prominent academic and proponent of GMO crops had asked Monsanto to draft an article for him which was identical to an article he had purportedly authored on Forbes.

Even further, one of the ‘BBC reporters’ at the trials was also later revealed to be a “reputation manager” for FTI consulting who’s clients include Monsanto. The results of the trial saw the plaintiffs walking away successfully with a jury satisfied that there is sufficient evidence that it is in fact a carcinogen.

The trial pushed open the door into a world that even the biggest tin-hatters could not have really imagined. Monsanto was revealed to have feelers and money spread all throughout industry and including scientific boards like the American Council on Health and Science, which purports to be independent of industry.

When the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified glysophate as a possible carcinogen in 2017, it was revealed that one of Monsanto’s PR firms had ‘contacts’ at Reuters who immediately published an article questioning the legitimacy of the IARC decision.

What’s most troubling about this of course is that the only study on Roundup since the EPA studies with fraudulent data implies that Monsanto has known since 1974 that their products are carcinogenic. In Australia, the agricultural chemical regulator, which receives funding from Monsanto, received pressure to review Roundup after the IARC decision but it refused despite a revelation in a Four Corners episode that they are in fact themselves funded by the agricultural industry.

Companies like Monsanto are a product of the post-WW2 blending of military and industry in the United States.

The military industrial complex sought to normalize the use of chemical weapons in warfare and the consequence of this was the rapid expansion of pesticide industries.

As Frank A Von Hippel reveals in his new book the Chemical Age, DDT an organic pollutant now primarily used for killing mosquitos is not just dangerous and harmful in that it negatively disrupts our hormones but that is has trans-generational epiginetic effects revealed after a study across Africa where it is used heavily. Organaphosphates were later developed as a purported replacement for DDTs as they were considered to able to degrade in the environment and detoxified by the human body several decades ago but this is now known to not be true.

The EPA banned them from being used in the home as late as 2001 because they were revealed to be disrupting developing brains and childrens nervous systems. However, pyrethroids and pyrethrins (a class of insecticide) continue to be used across suburbs, lawns and farmlands globally.

The EPA still considers this class safe for use despite a 2011 study of New York mothers which found that prenatal exposure to piperonyl butoxide — an additive commonly used in pyrethroid sprays — is strongly associated with delayed mental development in toddlers. The Transport Workers Union of Australia even in 2013 considered a class action suit for their airline workers over a link between Parkinsons Disease and insecticides used in long-haul flights since it is an Australian government measure that all flights are sprayed for insects before landing.

Hippel proposes that there is absolutely no square inch of Earth (including extremely remote tribes of the Antarctic, the upper layers of the atmosphere and in women’s breast milk) that insecticides and pesticides do not exist. And what’s more, there are a plethora of other herbicides have known impacts on human health.

Alex Jones is more infamously known for his theories around Atrazine but what we do know is that Atrazine is in fact an endocrine disruptor meaning that it can dysregulate hormones in the human body and any dysregulation of hormones necessarily leads to adverse health effect. And it is a herbicide found in many global populations water supply and was found in a Melbourne University study to be affecting men’s fertility.

Another better known endocrine disruptor is BPA found in most plastic which is most commonly linked to endometriosis or other forms of infertility in women but it can also act to suppress the production of testosterone in men. And if you think you are one of those people that can simply ‘go plastic-free’ I’m sure you’ll be surprised to learn that, that is quite impossible because it is literally everywhere.

Plastic is not just in your computer, your lunch box, your car or your phone, your clothes but more importantly in the form of microplastics covering the entirety of the Earth from sediments on the deep sea floor to ice in the Arctic.

Microplastics are said to poison the soil and in turn enter into our food supply.

And we know that microplastics are harming animals organs including their liver and bloodstream so its reasonable to guess that they are having at least a low grade negative effect on human health. The Lancet dubbed microplastics an “urgent human health problem” calling for strong regulations on plastic producers. And in fact, with so many endocrine disruptors now in the atmosphere and in every day items that we encounter its suspected to be at least partially linked to drastically declining fertility rates in men – declining by over 50% in the past 40 years. Which not only leaves men less healthy but the species in jeopardy of real decline.

Not only do insecticides and pesticides destroy human fertility but they also destroy long-term soil fertility too creating larger and larger chunks of the Earth that will not be arable in decades to come. But what’s damning right now is that GMO crop production methods are increasingly producing vegetables with higher and higher levels of lectins. If you are unfamiliar with lectins, it is a natural insecticide produced by some plants (a part of their natural defensive mechanisms) which high intake in humans is increasingly showing strong association with an array of chronic diseases from diabetes to fibromyalgia and association with damaged gut permeability.

Most vegetables have some level of lectins already but it’s inconsequential to most GMO Big Agra companies how high the level is that they are raising them to if it is a cheap and profitable guard for their crops.

It’s no coincidence of course that we don’t treat these issues with the same level of alarm that is afforded climate change, which of course deserves weight in its own right, but to ignore a holistic approach to environmental destruction leaves us not knowing the full array of people (or more accurately multinational corporations) to point fingers at. Because ultimately, the reason so many of us are hoodwinked into, in many cases, dismissing this aspect of environmental destruction as nothing but sheer conspiracy is exactly because of industry conspiracy to hide the real harm these producers in fact do.

The only difference is that they’ve somehow managed to wage a much better PR campaign than most coal producers. Most countries regulate these chemicals in different ways the UK has 50% less pesticides and insecticides in their foods than the US does for example but until in all countries we have determined that there are safe human levels (and exactly what that is) without corporate fraud and bullying, we may never know if there even is a safe level for human exposure. Whether it’s the insectides in your soft tissues, or the microplastics you are ingesting, we will never not feel the consequences of pollutant mega-corporations from the military industrial complex to Big Agra, and in the West we need to learn the confidence to teach them to pay a price for it.


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Jemma Nott is a multimedia journalist.

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