Robert Fisk, the Independent’s Middle East correspondent, died on 30 October aged 74. In reviewing his life and career, the newspaper for which he worked for more than two decades wrote of their star reporter:

‘Much of what Fisk wrote was controversial…’

As John Pilger noted, in describing Fisk’s journalism as ‘controversial’ the Independent was using a ‘weasel word’.

The Washington Post published a piece titled:

‘Robert Fisk, daring but controversial British war correspondent and author, dies at 74’

Al Jazeera’s piece was subtitled:

‘The Independent newspaper confirms its acclaimed and controversial journalist died following a short illness.’

A piece in Le Monde was titled:

‘La mort de Robert Fisk, grand reporter au Moyen-Orient et personnage controversé’ (Christophe Ayad, Le Monde, 4 November 2020)

The trend is clear. When The Times subjected Fisk to one of its full-on hit pieces in April 2018, it wrote: ‘Fisk is no stranger to controversy.’

So why do ‘mainstream’ commentators feel obliged to red-flag Fisk’s journalism with ‘controversial’ in this way, and why is it a ‘weasel word’?

Consider that the likes of the BBC’s Andrew Marr, the Guardian’s Martin Chulov and The Times’ David Aaronovitch, and numerous others, will never be described as ‘controversial’, despite their highly controversial, in fact outrageous, warmongering bias.

Marr is not labelled ‘controversial’ for supporting a ground invasion of Serbia in 1999:

‘I want to put the Macbeth option: which is that we’re so steeped in blood we should go further. If we really believe Milosevic is this bad, dangerous and destabilising figure we must ratchet this up much further. We should now be saying that we intend to put in ground troops.’ (Marr, ‘Do we give war a chance?’, The Observer, 18 April 1999)

Was that ‘controversial’? How about this?

Was it ‘controversial’ for the Guardian to write this of the country that has relentlessly waged war and supported tyranny around the world since 1945:

‘Joe Biden looks to have done enough to win the White House… He will have to reassert America’s role as the global problem-solver.’ (Our emphasis)?

Was it ‘controversial’ for the supposedly impartial global news agency, Associated Press, to write this of the United States:

‘For decades, the U.S. has been an advocate for democracy abroad, using diplomatic pressure and even direct military intervention in the name of spreading the principles of a pluralistic system with a free and fair vote for political leaders’?

An awesome level of gullibility is required to believe that the direct military ‘interventions’ (wars) in oil-rich Iraq and Libya were about spreading pluralistic principles. Whether or not Iraqis have had ‘a free and fair vote’ since 2003 is a matter of complete indifference to Western politics and journalism.

It turns out that the term ‘controversial’ is only applied in corporate media to political writers and leaders deemed ‘controversial’ by elite interests.

This was unwittingly made clear by the big brains at the BBC who noted that Fisk ‘drew controversy for his sharp criticism of the US and Israel, and of Western foreign policy’. If Fisk had drawn ‘controversy’ from China, Iran or North Korea, the ‘weasel word’ would not have appeared in the Beeb’s analysis.

A second piece in the Independent also allowed us to read between the letters that make up ‘controversial’:

‘Often writing and speaking of his pity for the people he saw being killed at the same time as becoming a forthright critic of the US and Israel. His writing could be controversial – such as his later reporting on Syria…’ (Our emphasis)

Fisk is not alone, of course. The BBC controversially echoed numerous other media in describing Hugo Chavez as ‘Venezuela’s… controversial president’.

If Chavez was ‘controversial’, which national leader is not? Should they all be described as ‘controversial’? By the way, Biden very controversially described Chavez’ successor Nicolas Maduro as a ‘tyrant’, adding:

‘I was among the first Democratic foreign policy voices to recognize Juan Guaidó as Venezuela’s legitimate leader and to call for Maduro to resign.’ (See here for more on Biden’s grim record.)

As we have discussed, these were deeply embarrassing propaganda claims in pursuit of regime change. Even the BBC was eventually forced to give up the pretence that Guaidó was ‘interim leader’, reverting to the title ‘opposition leader’.

Although Obama bombed seven Muslim countries from 2009 to 2017, all but destroying Libya, the BBC would, of course, never refer to ‘America’s controversial president, Barack Obama’, or even to ‘America’s controversial president, George W. Bush’. Specific Bush policies might be described as ‘controversial’, but the term would never be applied as a broad brush description of who he is.

In corporate media newspeak, ‘controversial’ can actually be translated as ‘offensive to power’. The term is intended as a scare word to warn readers that the labelled person is ‘dodgy’, ‘suspect’: ‘Handle with care!’ The journalist is also signalling to his or her editors and other colleagues: ‘I’m not one of “them”!’

The same effect can be achieved by praising establishment figures. Peter Oborne did not cover himself in glory by tweeting:

‘Tony Blair has emerged as probably the most authoritative and persuasive voice during the Covid crisis.’

As we noted:

‘If it was some other leader of some other country who had waged an illegal war of aggression killing one million people, Oborne might not have sent this.’

Journalists and leaders who serve power, including ‘Teflon Tony’, somehow retain fundamental ‘respectability’, are welcomed by elite media and the powers that be. (For completists interested in this subliminal misuse of language, the same use is made of the term ‘narcissist’: Julian Assange, Russell Brand, George Galloway, Glenn Greenwald, Seumas Milne, John Pilger, Edward Snowden, Hugo Chavez, and – alas! – us at Media Lens, have all been repeatedly accused of ‘narcissism’. Recently, Andrew Rawnsley wrote of the almost comically humble and selfless Jeremy Corbyn:

‘Many things have been said about his character over the years, but one thing has not been said enough: he is a narcissist.’

An unwitting, backhanded compliment from the Observer’s great warmonger. (See our book ‘Propaganda Blitz’ for more discussion on ‘narcissism’, Pluto Press, 2018, pp.54-55)

‘How Do They Get Away With These Lies?

In 2004, at a time when all of US-UK journalism was celebrating the ‘transfer of sovereignty’ from the forces still occupying Iraq and stealing its oil, Fisk was a rare voice mocking the charade:

‘Alice in Wonderland could not have improved on this. The looking-glass reflects all the way from Baghdad to Washington… Those of us who put quotation marks around “liberation” in 2003 should now put quotation marks around “sovereignty”.’ (Fisk, ‘The handover: Restoration of Iraqi sovereignty – or Alice in Wonderland?’ The Independent, 29 June 2004)

In 2014, after Tony Blair made one of his frequent attempts to exonerate himself in relation to Iraq while calling for more violence to bomb Syria better, the Guardian editors performed painful contortions in declaring Blair’s analysis ‘thoughtful’ if ‘wrong-headed’. Fisk’s response to Blair was different:

‘How do they get away with these lies?’

Fisk was also a virtual lone ‘mainstream’ voice contesting the US-UK’s audacious, well-funded attempts to re-run their Iraq ‘weapons of mass destruction’ scam in Syria:

‘Washington’s excuse for its new Middle East adventure – that it must arm Assad’s enemies because the Damascus regime has used sarin gas against them – convinces no-one in the Middle East. Final proof of the use of gas by either side in Syria remains almost as nebulous as President George W. Bush’s claim that Saddam’s Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction.’

For this, as the obituaries make unsubtly clear, Fisk was never forgiven.

An obituary in The Times commented on Fisk:

‘While he was an outstandingly poetic writer, he developed an emotional obsession with the plight of the Palestinian people and a visceral dislike of the Israeli government and its allies, especially America. In the jargon of news reporting he “went native”, unable to provide a dispassionate account of events and their context.’ (‘Robert Fisk: Obituaries – Trenchant yet lyrical foreign correspondent who interviewed Osama bin Laden three times and was often accused of “going native”‘, The Times, 3 Nov 2020)

Given the appalling racism and ethnic cleansing faced by the Palestinian people, the reference to Fisk ‘going native’ was a grotesque observation.

The Times noted, of course, that Fisk ‘remained no stranger to controversy’. It asked us to believe that ‘critics poured cold water on Fisk’s writing’, although ‘awards committees did not’. In translation: Fisk was subjected to exactly the kind of ugly propaganda smears from ‘critics’ contained in The Times’ obituary.

The comments are no great surprise, given the honesty with which Fisk described his departure from The Times to join the Independent in 1989:

‘The end came for me when I flew to Dubai in 1988 after the USS Vincennes [a US Navy guided missile cruiser] had shot down an Iranian passenger airliner over the Gulf. Within 24 hours, I had spoken to the British air traffic controllers at Dubai, discovered that US ships had routinely been threatening British Airways airliners, and that the crew of the Vincennes appeared to have panicked. The foreign desk told me the report was up for the page-one splash. I warned them that American “leaks” that the IranAir pilot was trying to suicide-crash his aircraft on to the Vincennes were rubbish. They agreed.

‘Next day, my report appeared with all criticism of the Americans deleted, with all my sources ignored. The Times even carried an editorial suggesting the pilot was indeed a suicider. A subsequent US official report and accounts by US naval officers subsequently proved my dispatch correct. Except that Times readers were not allowed to see it.’

Fisk said that he believed Murdoch did not personally intervene. However:

‘He didn’t need to. He had turned The Times into a tame, pro-Tory, pro-Israeli paper shorn of all editorial independence.’

Echoing virtually every other obituary, the Guardian commented that Fisk ‘tended to absolve the Assad regime of some of the worst crimes credited to it’, which had ‘provoked a backlash, even among his anti-imperialist acolytes’.

It is ironic that the Guardian should highlight Fisk’s supposed tendency to ‘absolve’ Syria of ‘the worst crimes credited to it’. Whistleblowing revelations relating to OPCW and the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria, while almost completely ignored by the ‘mainstream’, have overwhelmingly vindicated Fisk and made a nonsense of official claims. See recent comments here from Noam Chomsky, and excellent in-depth analysis here.

The Guardian naturally deployed the ‘weasel word’ in noting ‘all the controversy generated by his later commentary on the evils of western, and specifically US, involvement in the Middle East’. This was followed by a distorted version of ‘balance’:

‘Some of Fisk’s most ardent admirers have suggested that to describe his journalism as controversial is a vulgar slight.’

Some people might think so, but only ‘ardent admirers’, ‘acolytes’ – themselves controversial narcissists.

Who knows where this unsubtle red-flagging of Fisk’s journalism as ‘controversial’ would have ended? The intent behind ‘mainstream’ propaganda, particularly on Fisk’s Syria reporting, has increasingly been to suggest that Fisk was morally tainted; that he got it badly, shamefully wrong. Flitting like barely-glimpsed bats at the back of the readers mind are supposed to be terms like ‘Assad apologist’, ‘genocide denial’. Not Holocaust denial exactly, but a shameful mutation of the same moral blindness.

Another rare, excellent ‘mainstream’ journalist, Patrick Cockburn, dispensed with the herdthink, copycat smears, and captured the truth of a journalist who was ‘a meticulous and highly-informed reporter, one who responded sceptically – and rigorously investigated – the partisan claims of all parties, be they gunmen, army officers or government officials’. Cockburn added:

‘He took nothing for granted and was often openly contemptuous of those who did. He did not invent the old journalist saying “never believe anything until it is officially denied” but he was inclined to agree with its sceptical message. He was suspicious of journalists who cultivated diplomats and “official sources” that could not be named and whose veracity we are invited to take on trust.’

This explains exactly why Fisk was and is viewed as ‘controversial’; a word that did not appear in Cockburn’s summing up.

The Invisible Tweets

A storm had been made to brew around Fisk’s reputation in recent years. But it had not yet reached the Category 5 propaganda hurricane that engulfed Jeremy Corbyn who, like Fisk, ‘drew controversy for his sharp criticism of the US and Israel, and of Western foreign policy’.

Corbyn was not just accused of anti-semitism and Holocaust denial; he was accused of being a de facto Nazi who ‘wants to reopen Auschwitz’. These claims were baseless and insane, but not ‘controversial’.

By contrast, we discovered what is deemed ‘controversial’ on Twitter on November 3. That day, we tried three times to tweet a link to a Red Pepper article by Lynne Segal as she ‘looks back on her experience of 40 years as a party member in [Corbyn’s] constituency’. We tweeted a screenshot of this important passage from Segal’s excellent piece:

‘Right now, along with the many other Jewish activists I know in Islington North, I am simply devastated that this process has climaxed in the suspension of our cherished MP, and former leader. It’s so hard to accept that I must repeat again what every Jewish member I know in Islington North has frequently confirmed and it is we who actually know and regularly meet with Jeremy Corbyn – unlike most of critics. What we can confirm is that as Jews in North Islington we have always felt more than safe, more than welcome, unfailingly supported, in everything we do in the borough, and the Party. As it happens, we often feel this all the more strongly as Jews, knowing that ­– unlike Corbyn – so many who choose to speak in our name completely disrespect our commitment to antisemitism and racism of all kinds in struggles for a better world, including the vital struggle for Palestinian rights.’

We also tweeted a screenshot of this passage:

‘So, let me provide a few pertinent facts. Over the years, Corbyn has had mutually supportive relations with the practising Jewish community in Islington, attending Shabbat dinners with the orthodox Chabad Rabbi, Mendy Korer, and attending numerous other official Jewish events in North London. Against some local resistance, Corbyn promoted the installation of a plaque on a demolished synagogue site in 2015 to celebrate Jewish life in the borough. Unlike most of his critics in Westminster, Corbyn unfailingly turned up to vote for motions addressing anti-Semitism in Parliament, just as he worked tirelessly against racism on every front.’

This is extremely powerful, credible evidence exposing the claims against Corbyn, not just as a sham, but as a monstrous reversal of the truth.

We know what our readers like and we know how they will likely react to our tweets, so we were surprised that the two tweeted screenshots did not immediately pick up a few likes and retweets. In fact, after four hours, they had not been liked or retweeted by anyone. We tried tweeting the screenshots again, and again they received no likes or retweets. We checked with friends and it became clear that while these tweets were visible to us, they had been secretly rendered invisible to everyone else by Twitter without us knowing. Unlike the smears unleashed on Corbyn for five years, our words had been banished because they were deemed ‘controversial’ by a giant, profit-maximising tech corporation. And we are not alone; we discovered that independent journalist Glenn Greenwald had earlier tweeted:

‘I posted this tweet 3 times and all 3 times it just won’t appear in my time-line, allowing nobody to see it. Genuinely confused. Is anyone else experiencing this problem?’

No surprise, Greenwald is also ‘controversial’, having, like Fisk, Corbyn and us, attracted ‘controversy’ ‘for his sharp criticism of the US and Israel, and of Western foreign policy’.

On Twitter, in response to corporate media censoring Donald Trump, science writer Marcus Chown commented:

‘This is what we DESPERATELY need in the UK. We need our media to interrupt speeches by Johnson and others and point out to viewers their lies. Retweet if you would like to seee [sic] this happen.’

If giant, profit-maximising, advertiser-dependent corporate media decide it is their job and right to censor political leaders like Trump and Johnson, they will have no qualms at all about censoring you, us, and everyone else. Is that what we want? What on earth qualifies Big Business as an arbiter of Truth?


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One of the most frustrating aspects of COVID-19 coverage has been the emphasis on “cases,” reinforced by Dr. Anthony Fauci. In fact, he was wringing his hands about rising “case” numbers on CNN in early October. These numbers are actually positive tests. The New York Times and several experts admitted in late August that up to 90% of positive PCR tests were not indicative of the active illness that could be transmitted to others.

As it turns out, Fauci expressed a similar opinion in July. As I have reported several times before, the cycle threshold (Ct), or the number of times the test sample is amplified, is too high. According to Just the News, Dr. Fauci acknowledged this in an interview with “This Week in Virology”:

Joining the hosts of This Week in Virology in July, Fauci directly responded to a question about COVID-19 testing, specifically how patients with positive tests might determine whether or not they are actually infectious and need to quarantine.

“What is now sort of evolving into a bit of a standard,” Fauci said, is that “if you get a cycle threshold of 35 or more … the chances of it being replication-[competent] are minuscule.”

“It’s very frustrating for the patients as well as for the physicians,” he continued, when “somebody comes in, and they repeat their PCR, and it’s like [a] 37 cycle threshold, but you almost never can culture virus from a 37 threshold cycle.”

So, I think if somebody does come in with 37, 38, even 36, you got to say, you know, it’s just dead nucleotides, period.”

He also noted that the Ct count is not provided to patients and physicians automatically. The tests are simply returned as positive or negative. The entire idea of “asymptomatic” cases dissolves once you understand this. Especially when you understand there is a level of immunity in the population because of T-cell reactivity. This is long-term immunity related to exposure to other coronaviruses. People who have this reaction would have the same presentation as a recovered patient.

Obviously, the CDC knew there was an issue with picking up inert viral RNA. In July, the agency discouraged retesting recovered patients who suffered mild-to-moderate illness. Here was the rationale:

Recovered persons can continue to shed detectable SARS-CoV-2 RNA in upper respiratory specimens for up to 3 months after illness onset, albeit at concentrations considerably lower than during illness, in ranges where replication-competent virus has not been reliably recovered and infectiousness is unlikely.

It looks like the FDA was aware of this glitch in the PCR test as well. In the Emergency Use Authorization for Panther Fusion’s COVID-19 PCR test, it is noted under “Limitations”:

A positive result indicates the detection of nucleic acid from the relevant virus. Nucleic acid may persist even after the virus is no longer viable.


The Panther Fusion SARS-CoV-2 assay may be used to test asymptomatic individuals, although performance has not been demonstrated in an asymptomatic population. This assay has been shown to exhibit high sensitivity when tested with the FDA reference panel.

Granted, Panther is one of many PCR tests. However, The New York Times‘ reporting, the CDC guidelines, and Dr. Fauci’s comments confirm these principles can be applied to PCR testing generally. Experts interviewed by The New York Times suggested a cutoff of 30 Ct would be appropriate. If Dr. Fauci arrived at this conclusion in July, why are labs in the United States still using up to 40 Ct. as the standard when it appears the right Ct is somewhere between 30 and 35?

Dr. Fauci and other “experts” like former FDA Director Dr. Scott Gottlieb are constantly pushing positive tests and lamenting a rise in their numbers. They erroneously refer to these numbers as cases, which they are not under any previous definition. It is also clear there is likely some significant number of false positives. So what gives?

COVID-19 was obviously used as a rhetorical weapon to club President Trump. It became clear late in the election that Dr. Fauci was more political than he portrayed when he essentially endorsed Joe Biden.

Further, some segment of the public health establishment wants widespread vaccination and other policies like mask mandates and rolling lockdowns. High “case” numbers allow them to push these policies. High positive test numbers also create a higher R-naught, which is the measure of contagiousness. These policies are easier to push if the public believes COVID-19 is horribly contagious, making it seem a danger to at-risk loved ones.

Perhaps most deceptive, the Ct is a simple lever to pull to keep you in line and make Joe Biden look like a hero. His new COVID panel will develop and implement a plan. Then positive cases will magically drop, not because these policies were effective but simply because they will dial down the Ct with clear guidelines.

However, this will cement the supremacy of “experts” in the minds of many Americans who have not seen the dishonest little man behind the curtain. Don’t be one of those people.


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Featured image is an Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead

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To believe that the Palestinian problem can be resolved once the Arab-Israel relations are normalised is delusional for the very simple reason that Palestine is not central to the agreement arrived at under the circumstances.

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Let’s do a reality check: many of us wake-up in the morning with our default memory sleepily reverted back to a pre-covid state of seeming ‘normality’. But after splashing our face with cold water, taking the dog for a walk and having some breakfast, it dawns on us that we are being strung-along by the hands of a puppet master, whose tweaking of the strings of power is making us dance to a tune which is 100% alien to our natural evolutionary inclinations.

That puppet master is actually not one person, but a number of people; although calling them ‘people’ might already be an error, since they operate in the shadows of a life less than human and impose their will based on a narcissistic ambition to ‘own’ everything – and of course, to control it too.

So you turn on your radio/television, open a newspaper/computer and you get something called ‘The News’. And what is it you are actually getting? Is it really The News?

Your slow mind, which prefers to remain in a convenience/comfort mode, leads you to believe you are actually receiving The News – well doesn’t it?

But once you get that mind sharpened-up a little, straighten your back, and let some sense of the true reality start to manifest, you recognize that it is not the news at all – but simply ‘the spin of the day’. The Daily Spin.

It’s a formula designed and constructed by the puppet master and his less than human cabal, to ensure they remain on course to ‘own’ everything on this planet – which includes you, me our children, aunt Mary, uncle Tom, granny and grandad, our/their houses, furniture, gardens, money, cars, and even – thoughts.

With something of a jolt you realize (once again) that The News is a grand indoctrination exercise, duplicitously contrived by those who own and run ‘the media’; and that these ‘less than human’ entities work hand in hand with the grand puppet master, as part of a mafia-esque stitch-up in which the ‘news owner’s’ get a handsome reward for printing and broadcasting ‘The Daily Spin’.

But, you may well ask, from where does the cabal get its billions? How can it pay-off the great majority of the media chiefs so as to keep The Spin going from day to day?  Pay-off not just the media chiefs but all the other operators who work from the shadows to keep this virtual agenda pumping its fake news into our overloaded psyches?

Where does their blood money come from? These fake kings and queens of imposed virtual reality whose psychopathic ambition is to rule the world.

Wait a minute – don’t we know this? I mean, we take out a loan or get an overdraught agreement from our bank – and suddenly we owe that enterprise/corporation some repayment for its supposed ‘generosity’.

Puppet master Big Banker really is a true master of deception – a magician! He applies a simple but brilliant formula which has been around a good few centuries now, but still works a dream. Yes, he simply ‘lends’ you that which he does not have – and commands you to pay him back with something you do actually have – your earnings garnered from your work, your job. A truly treacherous slight-of-hand, wouldn’t you agree?

But you see, in this way the great cabal – which is actually a very small fiefdom (probably less than 0.2% of the population) can acquire an infinite amount of dosh and thereby ‘run the world’ according to its desired despotic blueprint. That is – just so long as you and I keep taking out loans or overdraughts with Big Banking plc.

They press a button and hey presto! We have 50,000 pounds/dollars in our bank account – wow! But if you go to the cashier and ask for that 50,000 in bank notes, you will be refused. Why? Because the bank doesn’t actually have it. It’s just on paper, created from thin air. Once you get into your repayments you may be allowed to withdraw around 10% in notes, but only in separate tranches and at separated time gaps. And only so long as bank notes are kept in circulation, in this digital age of illicit surveillance.

They control how you can use your money. It is this amazingly deft act of in-your-face theft which keeps the cabal, media, fake democracies and corporations in the high chairs of control. It is this supreme act of deception which underpins the destructive capacity and longevity of the deep state; the huge debts now faced by ‘forever borrowing’ governments of nation states. Governments that then circulate the fraud by borrowing at interest from the Goldman Sachs’s of this corporate world, who in turn are supplied with endless liquidity by the Bank of International Settlements, the biggest launderer of all launderers.

Give your dirty laundry to the BIS and it will redistribute it around all the banking fiefdoms of the planet. And thus wars are financed, Big Money ‘colour revolution’ putsch’s underwritten, false flag events fueled; propaganda, social engineering and behavioral psychology agencies kept at work. All engaged in mind controlling the masses into submission.

“Keep the Great Reset on course!” demands the puppet master. The Reset, with its dystopian fake green techno-fascistic agenda brazenly heralded by The Daily Spin. The ‘green new deal’ ‘zero carbon’, ‘smart grid internet-of-things’ promised land we have all been dreaming about?

Yes, dear friends, many among us – and maybe you – shout “Crime!” briefly grasping the truth during that high moment of the day, or night, when the cabal’s road map suddenly comes into focus and the truth is out. But the next morning, once again bamboozled by the digitalised torrent of words; the tinkling announcement of incoming calls on your pocket sized microwave handset; the beckoning big brother flat screen TV on your living room wall; the long list of sterile supermarket fake-foods you need to purchase – not to mention Covid, the social agenda, the demands of the job – if one still has one – all this and so much more – cloud that moment of truth once again – and leave one as slavishly dependent as ever on the puppet master’s darkly disguised template for global control.

“Take the vaccine and submit to my will.”

How in God’s name to get out of this manic cul-de-sac?

Answer: you must want to get out.

That’s the precondition of all freedom. One must want it. One must love what it offers, uncertainties and all, more than one loves one’s slavery. But the puppet master quite obviously doesn’t want you to want to get out. He wants you to continue to buy-into his little game of domestic and digital distractions. He wants his empire and its occupants, to be largely robotic; 5G driven and mindless.

Now, draw back. Listen. Just around the corner is the ‘cashless society’, according to the cabal’s blueprint. If and when that little objective is put in place we will have to admit to having capitulated to becoming an instrument of a 100% surveillance coup which leaves no recourse to daily survival other than a piece of digitally primed traceable plastic or RFID chip under the skin.

Let’s not let it get that far shall we? Let’s take the steps today that will keep freedom alive tomorrow. One by one you can wean yourself off all the convenience items you adopted to make surviving in the rat-race that little bit more..err..’comfortable’.

On one level it’s quite simple: you don’t want 5G scrambling your DNA? Give up the cell phone. You don’t want sterile, denatured, genetically modified and irradiated food busting your immune system? Give up the stupor-market. You don’t want big banks stealing your money? Give-up big banking.. You don’t want Covid? Give up being afraid of life and give-up your mask. You don’t want to be permanently under the cosh of arrogant technocrats? So say “No” to those bully-boy fake authority figures. “I do not consent.”

Give it all up. Give your support instead to down to earth decentralized life affirmative alternatives. They exist, in embryonic forms and will flourish once a critical mass joins-up. Once you have started down this road you have shifted from being an “it’s them!” accusative in-activist, into an  “it’s us” self assertive activist. Now that’s real. Once tens of thousands – in each country – get on the same trajectory, the Big Brother blueprint starts to wobble. Once tens of millions take up the challenge, the globalist agenda starts to pale. Once that wave becomes a surfer’s dream, the Great Reset becomes the Great Reject.

We the people have made the only move that really matters: taking control of our destinies and choosing to support people friendly enterprises that are already demonstrating that a whole other range of  ‘life positive’ initiatives exist and are just waiting to be built upon.

In order to finally pull the rug out from under the feet of our oppressors we have to recognize ourselves as the real actors – as people taking charge. Psychologically we must overcome victim-hood and develop faith in our creative abilities.

The great majority of national and international political assemblies that orchestrate the ways of the world, have been exposed as immeasurably corrupted. Giant institutions like the UN, WHO, WEF (World Economic Forum)  are hornets nests of corrupted self interest and speculative financial wheeler-dealing. Vast global financial institutions like the WTO, IMF and World Bank are just geopolitical hegemonic levers and money laundering exercises.  Add it all together and where else is there left to go other than right back home, to reactivate and fiercely defend your indigenous local resource base. The place which is your immediate point of reference and hub around which your daily life revolves. That is where the revolution starts.

The gardens, parkland, orchards, bees, allotments, renewable energy schemes, artisan skills, all micro elements that when joined together give a community some form of genuine sovereignty, self sufficiency and excitement.

As much as we might not wish to recognize it, the world of the Great Reset is best counteracted by the revivification of our immediate neighbourhoods. Those still non-digitalized, human scale places of shared endeavour where one can rebuild the true connections without which life becomes intolerable. Vital connections that form the most fundamental antidote to the collapse of community  and natural intimacy; irreplaceable qualities deliberately crushed by the anti-life ambitions of the master puppeteer and his less than human cabal.

You want to break the puppet master’s grip on your life?

Yes? Then heal this severance. Make life whole again. Be life affirmative. The new humanity affirms life over death. And that affirmation starts here, right in our back yards.


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Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, writer, international activist, entrepreneur and holistic teacher. His latest book ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind – Why Humanity Must Come Through’ is particularly prescient reading for this time: see

Featured image is from OneWorld

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Petition to Congress to initiate a Congressional Investigation into the 2001 Anthrax Attacks

November 10th, 2020 by The Lawyers' Committee for 9-11 Inquiry, Inc.

The Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry has recently petitioned Congress to reopen the 2001 anthrax investigations.. All 435 House of Representatives and 100 United States Senators received the Executive Summary and links to the Petition and Exhibits you are receiving.

The Exhibits include documents from scientists and military officers who worked at the United States Army Medical Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Some of these important documents have never before been publicly seen.

Executive Summary: Lawyers’ Committee For 911 Inquiry. Inc

Petition To Congress To initiate A Congressional Investigation Into The 2001 Anthrax Attacks

To read executive click screenshot

This Petition is a formal request to Congress for redress of grievances regarding the federal government’s misconduct detailed in the referenced Petition related to the post-9/11 anthrax attacks of 2001. These attacks against Congress and the media involved use of a lethal biological warfare agent. This lethal agent killed 5 individuals, injured at least 17 others, and was used to attempt the assassination of two United States Senators.

This Petition centers on multiple lines of evidence relating to the FBI’s investigation of the anthrax attacks beginning in 2001 and concluding in 2010 which was intentionally obstructed and was not conducted in good faith.

The FBI’s analyses and reports were knowingly deceptive.

The Petition is 75 pages with 69 Exhibits supporting the urgent need for a Congressional investigation.

The Major Conclusions of the Lawyers’ Committee in this Petition are:

1. The FBI’s sole identified anthrax killer, Dr. Bruce Ivins, a distinguished scientist with a 28-year career at U.S. Army’s Medical Research Institute, was innocent and an unfortunate scapegoat of FBI contrivance.

2. The FBI intentionally, by concealing and avoiding key evidence, steered its investigation away from the most likely suspects, those personnel associated with Dugway Proving Grounds, Battelle Memorial Institute and their contractual CIA partner, and institutions and individuals associated with them, and concentrated instead on the least likely suspects, scientists from United States Army Medical Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), and prematurely concluded its investigation upon the death of Dr. Ivins.

3. Congressional involvement is necessary as the Department of Justice has a conflict of interest in investigating its own alleged misconduct.

4. Those responsible for the anthrax attacks are still at large and the Nation remains in peril.

5. The anthrax attacks appear to have been intended to rush the passage of the United States Patriot Act, thus undermining civil liberties, facilitating a War on Iraq predicated on nonexistent weapons of mass destruction and inaugurating the War on Terror which continues to this day

Read the full executive summary here or click screenshot above 


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Featured image: Anthrax assassination letter addressed to United States Senator Tom Daschle in 2001 shortly before the Congressional passage of the United States Patriot Act. (Source: Lawyers’ Committee for 9-11 Inquiry)

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U.S. Arms Manufacturers Are Profiting from Atrocities

November 10th, 2020 by Fernando C. Saldivar

A century ago, as Europe was emerging from World War I, there was a consensus that arms proliferation had been one of the chief causes of the conflict. This is why Article Eight of the Covenant of the League of Nations affirmed that “the manufacture by private enterprise of munitions and implements of war is open to grave objections.” The League was therefore committed to the regulation and curtailment of the private arms industry.

Today, that old consensus has largely been forgotten, and the U.S. arms industry—uncurtailed and inadequately regulated—does a brisk business in every corner of the world, but especially in the Middle East. The effects of this are especially gruesome in Yemen, where since 2015 Saudi Arabia has been engaged in an unremitting air war, supplied and supported chiefly by U.S. arms manufacturers.

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) estimates that in the past five years at least 112,000 people have been killed as a direct result of the conflict, including 12,600 civilians killed in targeted attacks. ACLED estimates there were more than 25,000 fatalities in 2019 alone. According to UNICEF, “Yemen is the largest humanitarian crisis in the world, with more than 24 million people—some 80 per cent of the population—in need of humanitarian assistance, including more than 12 million children.” Since the Saudi air campaign began, UNICEF reports that Yemen has become “a living hell” for the country’s children. And the scale of the humanitarian crisis has only been magnified by COVID-19.

Saudi Arabia cannot wage war on this scale without Washington’s seal of approval. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Saudi Arabia was the world’s largest importer of arms between 2015 and 2019—the first four years of its war in Yemen—with a whopping 73 percent of those imports coming from the United States. Although U.S. support for the Saudi campaign began under the Obama administration, President Donald Trump has bent over backward to accommodate the Saudis and replenish their arsenal. Three of Trump’s eight vetoes have involved Saudi Arabia’s campaign in Yemen: he blocked two congressional prohibitions of arms sales and a joint resolution directing the removal of U.S. armed forces from hostilities in Yemen.

The Trump administration has been able to fill the Saudi shopping list by manipulating the federal regulatory scheme designed to ensure congressional oversight of foreign-arms transfers. Two federal laws, the Arms Export Control Act (AECA) and the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (FAA), govern foreign military sales and direct commercial sales to foreign consumers. (Foreign military sales are government to government, while direct commercial sales are between U.S. firms and foreign governments or international organizations.)

Generally, under the AECA and the FAA, the executive branch is free to proceed with an arms sale unless Congress passes legislation that prohibits or modifies the proposed sale at any time prior to the actual transfer of arms. Even then, the president may veto this legislation, and then, unless Congress can muster enough votes to override the veto, the sale proceeds. In short, without overwhelming bipartisan opposition to an arms sale Congress’s ability to stop it is relatively modest. In 2019, under the provisions of AECA, Congress passed two resolutions challenging the Trump administration’s arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Trump vetoed them both in July of that year, and that was the end of that.

Even worse, the AECA’s relatively weak congressional-oversight provisions can easily be circumvented altogether. Section Thirty-Six of the AECA allows the president to bypass Congress if, within the statutory notice period, the White House informs Congress that there is an “emergency ” that requires an arms sale to proceed without delay “in the national security interests of the United States.”

In May 2019, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo certified just such an emergency, forcing through twenty-two separate arms transfers to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Jordan. Together, these deals were worth $8.1 billion. The sales to Saudi Arabia included the Paveway and Enhanced Paveway bomb systems, manufactured by Raytheon. Members of Congress objected to this particular deal partly because it would allow the Saudis themselves to begin joint production of the Paveway system once they secured a U.S. manufacturing license. Sen. Robert Menendez, the ranking member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, led a bipartisan effort to quash that sale. Menendez also questioned other arms sales to Saudi Arabia, raising concerns about civilian casualties in Yemen and about the murder of the Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, which many believe to have been ordered by the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman. In the end, though, none of these objections had any effect: Pompeo’s emergency certification made it possible for the Trump administration to simply sidestep Congress.

Among the many federal watchdogs President Trump has sacked is Steve Linick, the State Department inspector general who was fired in May 2020. At the time of his removal, Linick was investigating Pompeo’s emergency certification. In August, the inspector general’s report was finally issued. It found that, while Pompeo had used proper procedures to expedite the arms sale to Saudi Arabia, he had failed to properly assess the deal’s humanitarian impact on Yemen.

For countries like Saudi Arabia, one of the advantages of working with the U.S. arms industry is precisely America’s lack of any legal requirement to consider the humanitarian impact of an arms transfer to a foreign state. Unlike its European competitors, who are legally obligated to perform such an analysis prior to any arms sale, the U.S. arms industry can sell abroad with relative impunity, especially when it enjoys the enthusiastic support of a sitting U.S. president. This is one of the major obstacles to international efforts to regulate the private-arms industry. The United States is not a party to the 2014 Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)—the heir to Article Eight of the Covenant of the League of Nations and the best hope for increasing transparency in the global arms trade. President Obama submitted the ATT to the Senate for ratification before leaving office in 2016, but President Trump withdrew it from consideration in April 2019. All the European Union’s member states—including major arms producers like France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Italy—have signed the treaty. Even China, which had been a holdout, signed this past July.

What makes the ATT so important—and the absence of the United States so glaring—is that, unlike other international arms agreements that deal primarily with the illicit arms trade, the ATT restricts authorized arms transfers by state parties. A key provision of the treaty requires that states refrain from exporting arms if there is evidence they will be used to commit atrocities. In other words, the treaty requires the very kind of analysis that the U.S. State Department failed to undertake before it signed off on the arm transfers to Saudi Arabia.

The ATT is not a panacea, but it does introduce a new level of transparency and accountability to the global arms trade. And it is already having real results. In June 2019, the U.K. Court of Appeal determined that the government had failed to assess whether British arms exports to Saudi Arabia might be used in a manner inconsistent with international law. The U.K. government had to suspend all sales while it reviewed its processes.

The war in Yemen is the first proxy war of the ATT era, with one side supplied principally by Iran and the other backed by the Saudis and the United States. The war continues with the tacit approval of three of the four permanent members of the UN Security Council—the United States, France, and the United Kingdom, the three countries that happen to be Saudi Arabia’s major arms suppliers. But France and the United Kingdom, as parties to the ATT, are prohibited from selling arms that will be used to commit human rights abuses, while the U.S. arms industry, working hand in hand with the State Department, operates with no such impediment. Our weapons manufacturers enjoy a highly lucrative freedom to look the other way while the Saudis target noncombatants.

So long as the United States continues to re-arm Saudi Arabia, no questions asked, it is complicit in the atrocities committed in Yemen. That such complicity remains legal in the United States is no excuse—and no accident. Signing the ATT would entail moral obligations that the Trump administration and its friends in the arms industry would prefer to avoid. If President Trump is reelected, there is every reason to believe the State Department will use every tool at its disposal to help the Saudis win their war against the Houthis, whatever the human consequences. Just this August it threatened to invoke its emergency authority yet again to rearm Saudi Arabia without congressional oversight. If Joe Biden wins the election, he must immediately end this indefensible arrangement, and make sure the United States finally ratifies the Arms Trade Treaty. We can no longer pretend not to know—or appear not to care—what is being done with bombs and missiles made in America.


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Fernando C. Saldivar, SJ, is a Jesuit Scholastic of the USA West province currently working as the Global Policy and Advocacy Officer for the Jesuit Justice and Ecology Network Africa (JENA) in Nairobi, Kenya.

The US has been a fantasy democracy from inception, never the real thing, designed this way by the founders.

Of all US presidential elections in my memory since Franklin Roosevelt’s 1944 last hurrah and Harry Truman’s 1948 surprise triumph over Tom Dewey — our neighbor telling my dad “I told you so” — Election 2020 stands out as the most brazen of manipulated outcomes.

When losers are declared winners and legitimate winners mocked for crying foul, cracks in the system are beyond repair.

When establishment media across the board cheerlead the ruse — suppressing the truth — US hypocrisy, a fantasy democracy, tops the list of banana republics for its outlandish pretense.

When self-styled American exceptionalism, the indispensable state, a bastion of fundamental freedoms and moral superiority is exposed to be rotten to the core, banana republic designation isn’t strong enough to describe its total/irreversible fall from grace.

America never was beautiful. It’s always been a government of duplicitous/self-serving politicians, not laws.

They  lie, connive, misinterpret and pretty much operate ad libitum in discharging their duties as they see fit for themselves and cronies.

The same goes for duplicitous media. Serving powerful interests and themselves over truth and full-disclosure, they long ago lost credibility.

From inception to now, “we the people” exclusively means its ruling class — ordinary people exploited, not served.

America’s 1776 revolution left things intact under new management.

Throughout US history, names and faces alone changed, dirty business as usual remaining as always before.

Today’s America is pockmarked by endless wars on humanity at home and abroad, criminality in the halls of Congress and corporate suites, rampant injustice for ordinary people, festering social problems left unaddressed, and fantasy democracy — duopoly rule and electoral fraud two of its defining features.

The nation’s supreme law of the land, its Constitution, is however deceitful politicians and judicial authorities define it — the rights and interests of ordinary Americans ignored.

Government of, by, and for everyone was never the law of the land.

US governance from inception was always about privileged interests exclusively, most others exploited to serve them.

Falsely called the father of the Constitution, James Madison later said the following:

“I am not of the number if there be any such, who think the Constitution…was a faultless work.”

It’s “the best that could be obtained from the jarring interests of the states.”

“Something, anything, was better than nothing.”

Other so-called founding fathers shared his view. Serving as envoy to France at the time, Jefferson didn’t think the nation’s supreme law of the land would stand the test of time.

He called for a new constitutional convention every 20 years to update it and correct flaws.

The nation’s framers were members of its privileged class, including bankers, merchants, slave-owners, and various other profiteers — what today we’d call a self-serving Wall Street/corporate predator crowd.

They created a system, similar to what existed under the British crown, monarchal wrappings removed.

Everything changed but stayed the same, colonial era lawyer Daniel Leonard saying:

“Never in history had there been so much rebellion with so little real cause.”

America was and continues to be run by self-serving monied interests that own it.

The nation’s first president, George Washington, had no party affiliation, ran unopposed twice, and was unanimously selected, not elected — a process resembling coronations.

From then to now, ordinary Americans have had no say over who’s chosen to serve in high places, no say over how the nation is run.

Outcomes of farcical elections when held pretend to reflect the popular will.

Reality is worlds apart from a process amounting to mass deception.

Biden/Harris were anointed Dem standard bearers — selected to prevent a second Trump term the old-fashioned way, by well-planned in advance election fraud.

It’s not the first time a US election was stolen. It’s perhaps the most brazen, establishment media supporting the anointment of losers Biden/Harris over winner Trump.

Even if he’s got hard evidence for multiple lawsuits that began in earnest on Monday, if deep state dark forces want Biden/Harris installed as president, Trump will leave office in January after one term.

While nothing is certain until things play out in the coming days or weeks, that outcome seems most likely.

What’s gone on already proves beyond a reasonable doubt that democracy in America is pure fiction, not fact.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Featured image is from Infowars

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Capitalist realism is the official ideology of the neoliberal state, and is an insidious form of propaganda that seeks to eliminate resistance to regressive corporate tyranny. “Capitalist Realism,” the seminal text by Mark Fisher, forensically dissects the dynamics by which late capitalism ensures world domination, enforcing its mantra of “there is no alternative,” which discourages and represses radical public critique of the late capitalist social system, making democracy only notional. Today, capitalist realism maintains a monopoly on interpretation of culture and politics, raising questions about the dictatorship of the market, which spreads its ideology like an aggressive virus in to all parts of society. Neoliberalism rejoices in the desecration of the public. This essay argues that the best defence against the seemingly total power of predatory capitalist realism is a strong public sphere, where healthy debate about alternatives to the prevailing social reality is permitted, allowing civic society the space to conceive and construct programmes for revolution conceived in the public good.

Capitalist realism isn’t an objective schema but rather is an exercise in PR, advertising and branding for the forces that want to maintain aggressive marketisation as the dominant social and political reality. As such, capitalist realism is a convenient, cynical fiction, nonetheless elevated to the status of science by complicit neoliberals in academia, who are the advocate of “late capitalism”. Within Mark Fisher‘s analysis is a necessary commentary on the way the dictatorship of the market corrupts public institutions like academia, instituting a managerial bureaucracy indoctrinated to defend neoliberalism.

This way, capitalism reforms the institutions and actors of the social democratic state to become evangelists for the total rule of the global market, leading to the normalization of post-democratic governance and transferring power upwards to a transnational elite. This way, society becomes sterile, immunised from the emergence of ideals that compete with neoliberalism, the hegemony of the markets protected from public scrutiny.

Realism is a school of thought that professes to know the objective truth of social reality, but in all truth, science is coopted by politics and realisms are detached from the truth.

Realisms are often tainted by subjective ideological bias, hidden beneath a false pretence of positivism. Ideologically motivated interpretations of science often prevail as academic orthodoxy, immunising the propagandist schools of thought from the authority of facts that contradict them. The authority of capitalist realism is diametrically opposed to the rule of logic, because it demands uncritical obedience to fallacies about the social responsibility of capitalism. The dialectical process of reason is subordinated to the predetermined processes of thought dictated by market ideology. In neoliberal institutions, official claims are no longer contested, and difference is eliminated. Science, by definition, must be falsifiable, whereas capitalist realism militantly protects itself from the power of discourses that may falsify it.

Mark Fisher’s text is indispensable as the first attempt to describe capitalism as a totalitarian system. Marketisation erodes autonomy of the individual and replaces the role of agonistic citizenship with the authoritarian command of a transnational monolith. Neoliberalism is a parasite on the body politic, draining democracy of its life force by replacing the central role of conscientious citizenship with corporate public management. The erasure of competing political ideals reduces the possibility of change to a dangerous illusion and the cultural unconscious is the territory of domination by corporations. The orthodox narratives about the inherent liberalism of western government are wrong because western government fiercely polices resistance to the regime of capital and gives an unfair advantage to the markets.

Capitalist realism is the censorship of reason, and it betrays science because it is overly reductive and deterministic. It is reductive because in its schema, which defines humans as rational utility maximisers, the richness of human cognition is reduced to nothing more than the expression of cynical self-interest. It relies on a narrow calculus of what drives social behaviour, which testifies less to its scientific objectivity and more to its desire to model citizens as captive consumers. It is deterministic because it rationalises human behaviour as an outcome of the economic system and emasculates the role of free will.

Romanticism is the enemy of capitalist realism. It is the defence of great humanitarian causes, whereas the market suppresses the logic of solidarity. The romantic movement sought to privilege the labour of creativity, whereas capitalist realism represses the imagination by subodinating it to the teachings of officialdom. Romantic poetry often sought to condemn the social ills beget by capitalism and constituted a critical counter-narrative, whereas capitalist realism militantly polices coexisting perspectives. Romanticism is based on the virtues of the critical public intellectual, whereas capitalist realism eliminates their liberty to think. Romanticism was deeply invested in the American and French revolutions, which constituted a popular, international resistance to tyrannical absolutism. Capitalist realism can be seen as a contemporary form of absolutism.

In a vein of thought similar to Walt Whitman, the defence of democracy consists in the defence of multitudes. Capitalist realism subordinates social reality to a uniform prefabricated model. Non-conformism and heterogeneity in values are essential to breaking the dominance of market ideology. Walt Whitman defended what it meant to live as an authentic individual in an age when the citizenship were becoming homogenized by the project of imperialist mercantilism. Individual conscience, critical thinking, creativity and reason are an antidote to the tyranny of capitalism. Where capitalism coopts public discourse and has a stultifying effect on debate, true democracy disrupts this regime of conformity with a lively exchange of ideas buoyed by diversity. Russell Brand said that tyranny is the removal of nuance, and his statement could pertain to the tendency of neoliberalism to homogenise public debate by eliminating dissent from the mainstream narrative.

The exercise of critical reason stands in contrast to the commands of unthinking consumerism, and stands in solidarity with the principles of the enlightenment, which defended the life of the mind against the encroachments of absolute power. We must defend the innately progressive drive of dialectical thought from the stale logic of the market, which censors critical reason. Capitalist realism insinuates itself in the thought processes of citizens, which works to make the possibility of utopian society seem obscure. Progressive change requires sleepless vigilance against the encroachments of capitalist realism upon thought and behaviour.

Time, which itself became subordinated to the imperative of profit, may yet see the resurgence of a thinking resistance to corporate rule that sets the foundations for a utopian society enshrining the socialist precepts of democratic civilisation. In the presence of such great thinkers as Marx, we as students of history and politics are compelled to bring to fruition an internationale of independent workers republics, liberated from capitalist repression. Socialism is the last refuge of the power of thinking against the absolutism of market ideology.


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Powerful Presidents Are Incompatible with Liberty

November 10th, 2020 by Rep. Ron Paul

The mainstream media has declared former Vice President Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 presidential election. However, this does not mean the 2020 Presidential campaign has come to an end. President Donald Trump is continuing his legal challenges to the vote counts in some key states.

The emotional investment of many Americans into the race between Trump and Biden would have shocked the drafters of the Constitution. The Constitution’s authors intended the presidency to be an office of strictly limited powers that would not impact most Americans. The Constitution authorizes the president to administer laws passed by Congress, not create laws via executive orders. The president serves as Commander-in-Chief of the military following a Congressional declaration of war, with no authority to unilaterally send troops into foreign conflict.

The Founders did not intend for the president to set the “national agenda, “ and they would be horrified to see modern presidents assume the authority to order American citizens indefinitely detained and even killed without due process.

The idea that the president should exercise almost unlimited powers is a legacy of the progressive movement. Progressives, who are responsible for the rise of the American welfare-warfare state, have an affinity for a strong Presidency that is not surprising. A government that aspires to run our lives, run the economy, and run the world requires a strong executive branch unfettered by the Constitution’s chains. The Cold War also provided a boost to presidential power, as it justified presidents assuming more unchecked authority in the name of “national security.”

The concentration of power in the executive branch does not mean presidents are all-powerful. For example, even though presidents are judged by the state of the economy, the unelected, unaccountable Federal Reserve Board typically has greater influence over the economy then the president. Presidents often must tailor their economic policies to deal with the consequences of the Fed’s actions. This is why presidents spend so much time and energy trying to influence the “non-political” Fed. Fed Chairs usually, but not always, reciprocate by attempting to tailor polices to be “useful” to the incumbent president.

It has become cliché to say that “politics stops at the water’s edge.” This means no one—not even Members of Congress, should ever oppose or second-guess a president’s foreign policy decisions. However, this rule does not apply to those comprising what has become popularly known as the “deep state”: the military-industrial complex, the national security bureaucracy—including the CIA— congressional staffers, and members of the media. This deep state serves a permanent government and has an agenda it pursues regardless of the wishes of the president or the American people.

The deep state has derailed President Trump’s (modest) efforts to fulfill his campaign promise to pursue a less interventionist foreign policy and end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Members of the deep state were instrumental in the Russiagate hoax and the impeachment of President Trump. Many supported impeachment because President Trump’s actions contradicted the DC “consensus” on US -Ukraine relations and the need for a new Cold War with Russia. President Trump is not the first president to be undermined by the deep state and he will certainly not be the last.

The 2020 election has awoken many Americans to the corruption of the modern welfare-warfare state. These Americans are ripe for the message of liberty. They can help with the vital task of demystifying the US Presidency, destroying the deep state, restoring our constitutional republic, and regaining our lost liberties.


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President Donald Trump’s administration is set to announce “new sanctions every week” against Iran until the end of the president’s term in January, a US media report has claimed.

Citing Israeli sources, Axios reported that new sanctions on Iran are currently being planned by Trump – in coordination with key Arab allies – and will be imposed before President-elect Joe Biden resumes office on 20 January.

The report said that US Special Representative on Iran, Elliott Abrams, was in Israel on Sunday and held a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss the new sanctions.

According to the report, Abrams will brief top Israeli officials on the plan this Monday.

The report comes a day after the US State Department released a statement saying Abrams will travel to Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE for “consultations on Iran”, between 7 and 12 November.

During his term, Trump has applied a “maximum pressure” policy on Iran with crippling sanctions after unilaterally withdrawing from the nuclear deal with Tehran in 2018.

A week before losing the US elections, Trump slapped fresh sanctions on Iran’s oil sector due to sales to Syria and Venezuela, among other issues.

The new “flood” of sanctions are aimed at increasing pressure on Tehran and make it harder for the Biden administration to revive the 2015 nuclear deal, Israeli sources told Axios.

Biden has indicated he wishes to return the US to the nuclear deal between Iran and world powers.


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The Globalization of War: America’s “Long War” against Humanity

Michel Chossudovsky

The “globalization of war” is a hegemonic project. Major military and covert intelligence operations are being undertaken simultaneously in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and the Far East. The U.S. military agenda combines both major theater operations as well as covert actions geared towards destabilizing sovereign states.

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-6-0
Year: 2015
Pages: 240 Pages

List Price: $22.95

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La politica estera di Joe Biden

November 10th, 2020 by Manlio Dinucci

Quali sono le linee programmatiche di politica estera che Joe Biden attuerà quando si sarà insediato alla Casa Bianca? Lo ha preannunciato con un dettagliato articolo sulla rivista Foreign Affairs (marzo/aprile 2020), che ha costituito la base della Piattaforma 2020 approvata in agosto dal Partito Democratico.

Il titolo è già eloquente: «Perché l’America deve guidare di nuovo / Salvataggio della politica estera degli Stati uniti dopo Trump». Biden sintetizza così il suo programma di politica estera: mentre «il presidente Trump ha sminuito, indebolito e abbandonato alleati e partner, e abdicato alla leadership americana, come presidente farò immediatamente passi per rinnovare le alleanze degli Stati uniti, e far sì che l’America, ancora una volta, guidi il mondo».

Il primo passo sarà quello di rafforzare la Nato, che è «il cuore stesso della sicurezza nazionale degli Stati uniti». A tal fine Biden farà gli «investimenti necessari» perché gli Stati uniti mantengano «la più potente forza militare del mondo» e, allo stesso tempo, farà in modo che «i nostri alleati Nato accrescano la loro spesa per la Difesa» secondo gli impegni già assunti con l’amministrazione Obama-Biden.

Il secondo passo sarà quello di convocare, nel primo anno di presidenza, un «Summit globale per la democrazia»: vi parteciperanno «le nazioni del mondo libero e le organizzazioni della società civile di tutto il mondo in prima linea nella difesa della democrazia».

Il Summit deciderà una «azione collettiva contro le minacce globali». Anzitutto per «contrastare l’aggressione russa, mantenendo affilate le capacità militari dell’Alleanza e imponendo alla Russia reali costi per le sue violazioni delle norme internazionali»; allo stesso tempo, per «costruire un fronte unito contro le azioni offensive e le violazioni dei diritti umani da parte della Cina, che sta estendendo la sua portata globale».

Poiché «il mondo non si organizza da sé», sottolinea Biden, gli Stati uniti devono ritornare a «svolgere il ruolo di guida nello scrivere le regole, come hanno fatto per 70 anni sotto i presidenti sia democratici che repubblicani, finché non è arrivato Trump».

Queste sono le linee portanti del programma di politica estera che l’amministrazione Biden si impegna ad attuare. Tale programma – elaborato con la partecipazione di oltre 2.000 consiglieri di politica estera e sicurezza nazionale, organizzati in 20 gruppi di lavoro – non è solo il programma di Biden e del Partito Democratico. Esso è in realtà espressione di un partito trasversale, la cui esistenza è dimostrata dal fatto che le decisioni fondamentali di politica estera, anzitutto quelle relative alle guerre, vengono prese negli Stati uniti su base bipartisan.

Lo conferma il fatto che oltre 130 alti funzionari repubblicani (sia a riposo che in carica) hanno pubblicato il 20 agosto una dichiarazione di voto contro il repubblicano Trump e a favore del democratico Biden. Tra questi c’è John Negroponte, nominato dal presidente George W. Bush, nel 2004-2007, prima ambasciatore in Iraq (con il compito di reprimere la resistenza), poi direttore dei servizi segreti Usa.

Lo conferma il fatto che il democratico Biden, allora presidente della Commissione Esteri del Senato, sostenne nel 2001 la decisione del presidente repubblicano Bush di attaccare e invadere l’Afghanistan e, nel 2002, promosse una risoluzione bipartisan di 77 senatori che autorizzava il presidente Bush ad attaccare e invadere l’Iraq con l’accusa (poi dimostratasi falsa) che esso possedeva armi di distruzione di massa.

Sempre durante l’amministrazione Bush, quando le forze Usa non riuscivano a controllare l’Iraq occupato, Joe Biden faceva passare al Senato, nel 2007, un piano sul «decentramento dell’Iraq in tre regioni autonome – curda, sunnita e sciita»: in altre parole lo smembramento del paese funzionale alla strategia Usa.

Parimenti, quando Joe Biden è stato per due mandati vicepresidente dell’amministrazione Obama, i repubblicani hanno appoggiato le decisioni democratiche sulla guerra alla Libia, l’operazione in Siria e il nuovo confronto con la Russia.

Il partito trasversale, che non appare alle urne, continua a lavorare perché «l’America, ancora una volta, guidi il mondo».


(il manifesto, 10 novembre 2020)

Of Color Revolutions: Foreign and…Domestic? The First 72 Hours

November 10th, 2020 by Brett Redmayne-Titley

In a further attempt to circumvent the intelligence of the voter, the American media machine has, this past Saturday, Nov 7, 2020, arbitrarily declared Joe Biden president. There are many problems with this report being accurate. The largest problem is that of the media itself.

In declaring Biden the winner, this media ignores very credible accusations of Biden campaign election fraud, substantiated problems with the mail-in ballots, successful legal challenges and, more importantly, that at least three of the states in question will be available to Trump, by state law, to perform a recount. When these recounts do occur, they will likely be under court order and also allow all Republican vote watchers to view the millions of mail-in ballots of which thousands are already in question.

To begin this presentation of the first 72 hours since election night Nov 3, it would serve the voter well to remember: This is same media which first spent more than two years championing, like Biden himself, the utterly debunked Russia Gate allegations and next the Democrat’s very flawed and deliberately tepid Impeachment attempt against incumbent Trump.

More to the point, as of Election Day of this past Tuesday, that media had worked a blanket media censorship of the very credible allegations of a Biden family influence-peddling operation while their candidate was, then, Vice President.

It must be now also be recalled that Biden, during a campaign stop Q&A presser on Oct 25, stated very clearly, that…

“[W]e have put together and you guys did it for President Obama’s administration before this, we have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

While his statement may also prove the upcoming need for the 25th Amendment, if it is not an admission of complicity, it is certainly an indictment of the media.

These past seventy-two business hours are already the stuff of American history and a good reason for a journalist to stay up all night to follow and report this ongoing daily history. Unless Trump concedes, this election has many more days to go. This reporter, thus sleep-deprived and objectively irritable, will in the days to come update the proceedings within the body of this series.

To the student of history and American backed Color Revolutions, when MSM divisively anointed Biden far too early as US president- after a two-and-a-half-year quest to do so- their candidate, Joe Biden, became, instead, America’s own Juan Guaido.

It has become apparent that the Trump campaign’s concern about the Dems use of mail-in ballots was justified since all allegations begin here. Trump strategists were expecting this. What was not expected was that the DNC would be so brazenly obvious in using the mail-in ballots to Biden’s advantage.

The chronology of questionable vote counting began in the wee hours of election night morning.

Still barely awake and by then cross-eyed, news hit the screen at approx. 2:30 AM EST that despite the national back and forth of the vote count, suddenly that vote count had been suspended for the night in NV, AZ, MI, Wi, PA, GA and NC. These were the last of the swing states that were still key to any victory. All but two (GA and AZ) are under a democratic governor’s control. This stoppage seemed very strange. Brief research did not reveal a precedent to this, at which time the vote favored Trump in all but AZ and NV.

Interestingly, on that night several hours before every network had already called AZ for Biden with only 75% counted. This early declaration came despite the Trump campaign’s protests and AZ governor, Doug Ducey saying,

I encourage media outlets, cable news and national pundits to… avoid the temptation to declare a winner until our Arizona election officials have finished their jobs.”

A look at the converse is also enlightening.

As of this Sunday morning, despite NC reporting, a 99% tally and a recount proof 1.3 % lead all weekend for Trump, not one media source has, as they did so quickly for Biden in AZ, NV, WI, PA, GA, declared that state and NC’s fifteen delegates for Trump’s total.

Deliberately, this action continues to deceive the uneducated voter that there is a much larger, and presumably insurmountable electoral lead for Biden. The intent is to sow disinterest and make the allegations irrelevant to the win.

Before pursuing some much-needed strong tea and a walk, I wrote down the existing vote counts in all these states as a reference for the restart of the media’s count beginning the next day.

Revitalized, I took a quick look at tabulations on my screen merely out of habit. What I saw sent me scrambling for my notes. Suddenly Biden was up in MI. This had happened while the count was reportedly suspended!

A quick search provided a graph comparing the Biden to Trump vote count, minute-by-minute per state. Looking back in time, the graph had spiked straight up, not diagonally, for Biden during my few minutes of absence. This sudden upward tick was so large that it had put Biden in the lead. The same graph showed no uptick for Trump at the same moment at all. All Biden votes. No Trump votes?

As dawn broke, Michigan’s “Decision Desk HQ” attempted to explain away too easily this discrepancy:

The data showing Biden receiving 100% of the newly counted votes was released at 5:04 a.m. by Decision Desk HQ which showed Biden with 2,130,695 votes at Trump with 2,200,902 votes. But that data was not correct…Once we identified the error, we cleared the erroneous data and updated it with the correct data as provided by officials. We stand by our data as reflected… “


Since that morning’s reawakening, many more questions have been buried by the media. N ot in these pages.

This day, news surfaced of Trump’s observers being barred from their duties by the vote counters in many locations in many states. This, at the least, called into question the workers neutrality.

Hindsight would recall that before the election there were successful efforts by Democrats to loosen electoral administration standards. This did legalize ballot harvesting, where, such as in Texas, partisan “volunteers” went out and collected ballots, sometimes after helping voters fill them out. The same laws facilitated same-day voter registration and mass mail-in voting.

At the same time, the DNC decried efforts by the RNC to require ID or proof of citizenship to vote.

After the early morning irregularities of November 4, there continued the mysterious discoveries of huge tranches of ballots that were overwhelmingly, if not exclusively for Biden. This turned out not to be surprising.

It was reported that US District Judge Emmet Sullivan was outraged at Postmaster General Louis DeJoy for not following his specific court order to “sweep” all USPS facilities for any possible stashes of ballots before 3 PM on Election Day. Prudently, Sullivan’s order was crafted to prevent ballots surfacing for counting after the close of the polls at 8 PM. Of course, this, in part, was exactly what happened. Said Sullivan , “At some point, the postmaster is either going to have to be deposed or appear before me and testify under oath,” adding, “The court has been very clear that it expects full compliance,” while excoriating the US Postal Service’s legal team for failing to promptly notify him after the agency supposedly realized it couldn’t meet his deadline.

Naturally, it was then confirmed by the vote counters in many districts that “glitches”with the digital voting machines had flipped Republican votes into the Democrats’ column as was documented.

As Wednesday continued, next were reports from people who showed up to vote in person but were told by poll workers that they had already voted as absentees, despite not having requested an absentee ballot. This was confirmed by a voter, Eugene R. who contacted the author through his website, stating that this happened to both he and his wife in Allentown, PA.

In many of the Democrat-controlled precincts in PA reports coming in regarding vote counters limiting access to Republican observers, in defiance of court orders, were frequent.

Combined, these individually insignificant reports began to quickly add up to suspicion. However, next came a very large statistical anomaly, in both Georgia and Michigan.

In Michigan for example, by using the old screenshots provided, there showed a minimal mathematical difference of just 7,131 votes between Trump and GOP Senate candidate John James. This was as expected since, as PEW research agreed, the vote for senator almost always closely follows that of the presidential vote and adheres to party preference.

However, the difference between Joe Biden and Democrat candidate Gary Peters was, very strangely, 69,093.

In Georgia, as of 6:05 AM EST Wed the difference between Trump and GOP offering Senator David Purdue was also in line with party preference. However , in checking the difference between Biden and the Democrat candidate for Senator, Jon Ossoff, it was 98,501. (Biden: 2,414,651 Jon Ossoff : 2,318,850)

This math is worthy of further scrutiny and explanation, but on the first examination can only be explained by either a lot of dyed in the wool republicans not voting the party line for Trump and Biden instead. Or….?

Certainly, this report from the first full day of post-election 2020 should pique the interest of any concerned voter, democrat and republican and demand their further personal scrutiny of the ongoing events. However, in anointing Biden as the winner already, the goal of America’s media is to suggest via its cover-up, that these current allegations, just like those of influence peddling, are now over and done with.

A review of the states that remain in play show, that unless Trump concedes, both sets of allegations will remain very much in play in each of these contested states and then, likely, in the Electoral College’s “Certification of Attainment” on Dec 14.

There is much penny ante finger-pointing by the GOP and combined these smaller allegations, such as restrictions of Republican observers, may turn into a playable hand. However, it is the legislative law and violations thereof that are the serious political chess moves that will, this week, be revealed by Trump.

Before looking at the main legal challenge, the easier subject is per state recounts.

Recounts can be required or commissioned by state law in WI, GA, MI and PA. While it is true that recounts rarely change a previous outcome, one might well remember the Florida recount of 2000 and…the strength of the allegations that seem to favor Trump. Should there be a recount, it will certainly be done under direct scrutiny, no matter what, by the GOP state operatives and the supervision of the courts.

At this time the margin for Biden-reportedly– is GA: 10,195; MI: 46,113; PA: 19,423 and WI: 20,510. This is a total of 96,241. Considering the cumulative total of allegedly illegal votes, this number, subject to a recount and the courts, would seem to be plausible.

Of, Recounts.

Already the Trump campaign has informally requested a recount in WI, but cannot as yet do so per WI statute.

Under Wisconsin election law, there is no automatic recount, even if the unofficial results are extremely close; a candidate must request one. According to the state’s manual outlining the process, candidates can request a recount if they are within the 1% margin of victory. Biden currently has a lead of just 0.7 percentage points with 99% of votes tallied. The request cannot be filed before the initial counting is complete, so that news is pending.

During a WI recount, it must be open to the public, and the Board of Canvassers has the option of a hand-count or to use voting equipment to re-tabulate the ballots, unless a court orders otherwise.

In Pennsylvania, where the margin is less than or equal to 0.5% of the total vote, an automatic recount may be required in the event of certain discrepancies as described here. At this time, Joe Biden has 49.608 percent of the vote, and Donald Trump has 49.098 percent of the vote, a margin of 0.51 percent.

Regardless of percentage difference, the recount can be requested, if filed, and subsequently paid for by the complainant, within five days of the election or five days after the computational canvass and must be requested through the Court of Common Pleas. If error or fraud is found, an additional five days is provided to make additional requests elsewhere, like the courts.

Georgia does not automatically initiate a recount. However, if a candidate falls with a 0.5% margin or less, a recount can be requested. Georgia law also states that a recount must be requested within two business days following the certification of results. State law does not specify who pays for the recount, but like PA percentage difference is not a requirement.

Michigan sets five criteria for requesting a recount: 1) The candidate ran for president. 2) The request “alleges that the candidate is aggrieved on account of fraud or mistake in the canvass of the votes.” 3) the request “shall contain specific allegations of wrongdoing only if evidence of that wrongdoing is available to the petitioner.” 4) The request “sets forth…the nature and character of the fraud or mistakes…” 5) The request “specifies the counties, cities, townships, and precincts in which the recount is requested.”

Presumably, Trump’s legal army have checked-off all five boxes.

It is true that in all four states Trump is losing, and in states like MI, PA, WI, is at the moment slightly over the threshold for an automatic recount. But it is the allegations of fraud that may put Trump within those limits for a recount, or possibly swing the state in his favor afterwards. With all these states still a day or more from final results, the term, “Re-count,” will soon hit the news on four separate fronts.

Pennsylvania, SCOTUS… and the Re-Count.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito late Friday ordered Pennsylvania election officials to segregate and separately count ballots that arrived after Election Day.

Alito ordered (pdf) that those segregated ballots must be kept “in a secure, safe and sealed container separate from other voted ballots.”

The justice, however, did not order the counties to stop counting but instead ordered those ballots to be counted separately pending review of their legitimacy. Here, Trump won a significant, although partial victory as to the segregation of these challengeable ballots and possible reduction of the Biden total.

This ruling and Alito’s words may be a forewarning of SCOTUS decisions to come.

In 2019, the PA legislature passed a law called Act 77 that permitted all voters to cast their ballots by mail but, in Justice Alito’s words, “unambiguously required that all mailed ballots be received by 8 p.m. on election day.”

Indeed, the exact text from 2019 Pa. Leg. Serv. Act 2019-77, reads, “No absentee ballot under this subsection shall be counted which is received in the office of the county board of elections later than eight o’clock P.M. on the day of the primary or election.”

Even more prohibitively, Act 77 also provided that if this portion of the law was ever invalidated, that the rest of Act 77, including its liberalization of mail-in voting, would also be void.

Pretty clear so far, except if you’re on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

After a four to three party-line vote, this court very strangely ruled that, first, mailed ballots don’t need to be received by election day and that ballots can be accepted if they are postmarked on election day or received within three days thereafter. Next, the court got creative allowing that, a mailed ballot with no postmark, or an illegible postmark, must be regarded as timely if it is received by that same date.

Of course, to most who read English this court’s rulings were not in keeping with Act 77.

Before Friday’s order, Alito had already assessed that,

The provisions of the Federal Constitution conferring on state legislatures , not state courts, the authority to make rules governing federal elections would be meaningless if a state court could override the rules adopted by the legislature simply by claiming that a state constitutional provision gave the courts the authority to make whatever rules it thought appropriate for the conduct of a fair election.” [Emph.added]

When bringing suit the Republicans also raised concerns that PA Secretary of the Commonwealth, Kathy Boockvar, had issued new guidance on Nov. 1 (pdf) directing county election boards to count late-arriving ballots.

Bottom of Form

Alito said in his order that he had not been informed that his guidance issued on Oct. 28, “which had an important bearing on the question whether to order special treatment of the ballots in question,” had been modified. Alito suggested that segregating the ballots would be necessary because, “if the State Supreme Court’s decision is ultimately overturned, a targeted remedy will be available.”

This means Alito, Thomas and Gorsuch (who joined Alito’s apparent skepticism on the Pennsylvania ruling) are open to legal challenges brought by Trump regarding post- Election Day fraud. That one decision will, after a full hearing, very likely invalidate thousands of votes cast illegally in Pennsylvania. However, with new allegations surfacing, more illegal ballots could add up. Or at the very least legitimize a recount.

This willingness by SCOTUS to already provide certiorari to actions brought to it regarding 2020 election fraud may foreshadow consequences in other states soon.

Case in point may be the news of the last hour that the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) told poll workers to ‘add a missing witness address’ to any deficient ballot and that some poll workers allegedly took it one step further by signing for non-existent witnesses. If true, in doing so, the workers may have invalidated thousands of more ballots, committed a felony offense and necessitated further SCOTUS intervention.

Wisconsin Statute 6.86 provides that

an absentee ballot must be signed by a witness, who is also required to list his or her address. If a witness address is not listed, then the ballot is considered invalid and must be returned to the voter to have the witness correct.”

The statute is very, very clear,” said retired Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman, a Milwaukee poll watcher on Election Day. “If an absentee ballot does not have a witness address on it, it’s not valid.”

With Alito’s words and Thomas’ and Gorsuch’s concurrence in mind, WI may have just come back into play; re-count pending.

The former ambassador to Russia under the Obama Administration, Michael McFaul, presumably knows a lot about Color Revolutions, since his boss used him in Ukraine in 2014. McFaul, who was also instrumental in the Russia-Gate disinformation campaign against Trump, also authored, “7 Pillars of Color Revolution,”

As this historic election continues, reporting and further analysis will highlight daily events and their parallels that already warn that these seven pillars are seemingly right in place here in America, as they were in the examples Ukraine, Bolivia and Venezuela, at least.

The initial step in each example has been to use a national election as the reason for a razor-thin and disputed vote result, one that the media stirs into a frenzy on both sides: A frenzy so viscous that the result becomes massive civil unrest followed next by violence.

And then military intervention.

In this, the first seventy-two hours of news from the election battleground of America 2020, this first step of a media fabricated victor, of which the other side detests and alleges criminal behavior, would seem in play.

Unless Trump concedes.

As this report continues to delve into the hard allegations of equally outrageous American election fraud, like its funded Color Revolutions past, America’s color may turn out to be, here in the homeland, “Pale Blue.”

Good night…


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Brett Redmayne-Titley has authored and published over 180 in-depth articles over the past twelve years. Many have been translated and republished worldwide. He can be reached at: live-on-scene ((at)) Prior articles can be viewed at his archive:

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America 2020: First Comes a Rolling Civil War…

November 10th, 2020 by Pepe Escobar

This article was originally published on Asia Times.

The massive psyops is ongoing. Everyone familiar with the Transition Integrity Project (TIP) knew how this would imperatively play out. I chose to frame it as a think tank gaming exercise in my Banana Follies column. This is a live exercise. Yet no one knows exactly how it will end.

US intel is very much aware of well-documented instances of election fraud. Among them: NSA software that infiltrates any network, as previously detailed by Edward Snowden, and capable of altering vote counts; the Hammer supercomputer and its Scorecard app that hacks computers at the transfer points of state election computer systems and outside third party election data vaults; the Dominion software system, known to have serious security issues since 2000, but still used in 30 states, including every swing state; those by now famous vertical jumps to Biden in both Michigan and Wisconsin at 4am on November 4 (AFP unconvincingly tried to debunk Wisconsin and didn’t even try with Michigan); multiple instances of Dead Men Do Vote.

The key actor is the Deep State, which decides what happens next. They have weighed the pros and cons of placing as candidate a senile, stage 2 dementia, neocon warmonger and possible extorsionist (along with son) as “leader of the free world”, campaigning from a basement, incapable of filling a parking lot in his rallies, and seconded by someone with so little support in the Dem primaries that she was the first to drop out.

The optics, especially seen from vast swathes of the imperial-interfered Global South, may be somewhat terrible. Dodgy elections are a prerogative of Bolivia and Belarus. Yet only the Empire is able to legitimize a dodgy election – especially in its own backyard.

Welcome to the New Resistance

The GOP is in a very comfortable position. They hold the Senate and may end up picking up as may as 12 seats in the House. They also know that any attempt by Biden-Harris to legislate via Executive Orders will have…consequences.

The Fox News/ New York Post angle is particularly enticing. Why are they suddenly supporting Biden? Way beyond internal family squabbles worthy of the Succession saga, Rupert Murdoch made it very clear, via the laptop from hell caper, that he has all sorts of kompromat on the Biden family. So they will do whatever he wants. Murdoch does not need Trump anymore.

Nor, in theory, does the GOP. Former CIA insiders assure of serious backroom shenanigans going on between GOP honchos and the Biden-Harris gang. Trade-offs bypassing Trump – which most of the GOP hates with a vengeance. The most important man in Washington will be in fact GOP Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell.

Still, to clear any lingering doubts, a vote recount would be absolutely necessary in all 6 contested states – WI, MI, PA, GA, NV and AZ. Through hand counting. One by one. The DoJ would need to act on it, immediately. Not gonna happen. Recounts cost a ton of money. There’s no evidence Team Trump – on top of it short of funds and manpower – will be able to convince Daddy Bush asset William Barr to go for it.

While relentlessly demonizing Trump for spreading “a torrent of misinformation” and “trying to undermine the legitimacy of the US election”, mainstream media and Big Tech have declared a winner – a classic case of pre-programming the sheep multitudes.

Yet what really matters is the letter of the law. State legislatures decide whose electors go to the Electoral College to appoint the President.

Here it is – Article II, Section 1, Clause 2: Each state shall appoint electors “in such Manner as the Legislature Thereof May Direct.”

So this has nothing to do with governors, not to mention the media.  It’s up to GOP state legislatures to act accordingly. The drama may roll out for weeks. The first step of the Electoral College procedure takes place on December 14. The final determination will only happen in early January.

Meanwhile, talk of a New Resistance is spreading like wildfire.

Trumpism, with 71 million + votes, is firmly established as a mass movement. No one in the GOP commands this kind of popular appeal. By sidelining Trumpism, the GOP may be committing seppuku.

So what will Deplorables do?

The always indispensable Alastair Crooke hits the nail on the head in a powerful essay: Trump is the President of Red America. And depending on how the scripted (s)election tragicomedy develops next, the Deplorables are bound to become The Ungovernables.

Crooke references a crucial parallel evoked by historian Mike Vlahos, who shows how the current American saga mirrors Ancient Rome in the last century of the Republic, pitting the Roman elite against the Populares – which today are represented by Red (Trumpist) America:

“This was a new world, in which the great landowners, with their latifundia [the slave-land source of wealth], who had been the ‘Big Men’ leading the various factions in the civil wars, became the senatorial archons that dominated Roman life for the next five centuries — while the People, the Populares, were ground into a passive — not helpless — but generally dependent and non-participating element of Roman governance: This sapped away at the creative life of Rome, and eventually led to its coming apart.”

So as much as the Dem machine had wanted it, Trump is not yet Imperator Caesar Augustus, whom the Greeks called Autokrator (autocrat), but was a de facto monarch. The American Augustus, Tiberius and most of all Caligula is still further on down the road. He will definitely be a benign, humanitarian imperialist.    

In the meantime, what will imperial Big Capital do?

The West, and especially the American Rome, is on the edge of a double precipice: the worst economic depression ever, coupled with imminent, myriad, uncontrollable explosions of social rage.

So the Deep State is reasoning that with Biden – or, sooner rather than later, Supreme shakti and Commander-in-Chief Maa Durga Kamala – the path gets smoother towards the Davos Great Reset. After all, to reset the chess pieces, first the chessboard must be knocked over. This will be one step beyond Dark Winter – which not accidentally was evoked  by teleprompter-reading Biden himself on the final presidential debate. The script gets ominously closer to the Rockefeller Foundation’s 2010 Lock Step.

Meanwhile, Plan B is kept in ready, steady, go mode: the lineaments of a global rampage, focused on “malign” Russia’s sphere of influence to satisfy a “revived” NATO and the military-industrial complex, which selected the now media-appointed President-Elect in the first place because he’s no more than a pliant cardboard figure.


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Pepe Escobar is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

The Armenian defense in the central part of the Nagorno-Karabakh region is in a deep crisis.

Intense clashes in the areas of Martuni and Shusha were ongoing for the entire last week. Nonetheless, on the evening of November 7, Azerbaijani units were able to achieve notable progress in the battle for this key Armenian stronghold by reaching its northeastern countryside and disrupting the road link between Shusha and Stepanakert. Some Azerbaijani units even entered the town itself.

On the morning of November 8, clashes there continued and, in the afternoon, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev announced that Azerbaijani forces had captured the town. Pro-Azerbaijani sources immediately declared that at least 800 Armenian soldiers were killed during the clashes there. These developments came amid the evacuation of civilians from the capital of the Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, Stepanakert, which is located just north of Shusha. Nonetheless, local authorities were able to contain the panic. On top of this, the Armenian military declared that the Azerbaijani statement about the capturing of Shusha is untrue and that clashes were still ongoing in the town and its surroundings. According to Armenian sources, a large number of Azerbaijani troops were already killed there.

As of the morning of November 9, the Azerbaijani military has not been able to fully secure Shusha. This allows the Armenian side to declare that the claims of Aliyev and the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry are false. The fact that clashes erupted inside Shusha itself already demonstrate the scale of the troubles faced by the Armenians.

On the afternoon of November 9, the Azerbaijani military released a video confirming its control over the town of Shusha. Therefore, the Armenian resistance is now likely concentrated in its northern countryside. The town is outflanked from at least three sides: from the south, west and east. The only road outside Shusha not under control of the Turkish-Azerbaijani bloc leads to the north, towards Stepanakert. It is under a de-facto fire control of the advancing forces and clashes are ongoing near it.

If Ankara and Baku cut off the road towards Stepanakert, the Armenian forces remaining there will have almost no chance to challenge Azerbaijani control over the town. They will have two main options: The first is to die trying to buy time for the evacuation of civilians from Stepanakert and a possible counter-attack from the north. The second is to retreat from the town via the mountains and try to conduct sabotage and reconnaissance raids against the Turkish-Azerbaijani forces from the gray zone.

The inability of the Armenian side to defend its key stronghold in the center of Nagorno-Karabakh demonstrates that they don’t have not enough means and measures to regain the initiative in the ongoing war and their current main hopes are now concentrated on the nearing winter that should complicate the military activities in the mountains and the intervention of some third party.

The current Armenian leadership has been actively working in an attempt to gain support of the United States and the European Union to pressure Azerbaijan and Turkey to agree on some kind of ceasefire that would allow the Armenian forces to avoid a total defeat. Nonetheless, so far, these efforts have led to no results as the Western world is more concerned regarding the negative tendencies in the US amid the controversial elections that led to the alleged victory of Joe Biden. As to Russia, with which Yerevan had been destroying relations over the previous years, it is not likely to directly intervene in the war on the side of Armenia if there is no direct threat to sovereign Armenian borders or the undeniable evidence of ethnic cleansing of Armenians on the territories captured by the Azerbaijani-Turkish bloc.

Another factor is Iran. Tehran has already concentrated a large group of forces on the border with Karabakh. This group is much larger than that needed to contain some incidents that may appear on the border in the current conditions. Iran as well as Russia are not interested in the further destabilization of the region. Therefore, while the current government in Yerevan cannot be described as being allied to them, they will likely contribute additional diplomatic efforts and pressure to the sides to de-escalate the conflict. The Turks and Azerbaijanis fully understand this situation and thus their current goal is to make as many military achievements as possible in order to set conditions for securing of these gains on the diplomatic scene.


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Will the Biden Team be Warmongers or Peacemakers?

November 10th, 2020 by Medea Benjamin

Congratulations to Joe Biden on his election as America’s next president! People all over this pandemic-infested, war-torn and poverty-stricken world were shocked by the brutality and racism of the Trump administration, and are anxiously wondering whether Biden’s presidency will open the door to the kind of international cooperation that we need to confront the serious problems facing humanity in this century.

For progressives everywhere, the knowledge that “another world is possible” has sustained us through decades of greed, extreme inequality and war, as U.S.-led neoliberalism has repackaged and force-fed 19th century laissez-faire capitalism to the people of the 21st century.  The Trump experience has revealed, in stark relief, where these policies can lead.

Joe Biden has certainly paid his dues to and reaped rewards from the same corrupt political and economic system as Trump, as the latter delightedly trumpeted in every stump speech. But Biden must understand that the young voters who turned out in unprecedented numbers to put him in the White House have lived their whole lives under this neoliberal system, and did not vote for “more of the same.” Nor do they naively think that deeply-rooted problems of American society like racism, militarism and corrupt corporate politics began with Trump.

During his election campaign, Biden has relied on foreign policy advisors from past administrations, particularly the Obama administration, and seems to be considering some of them for top cabinet posts. For the most part, they are members of the “Washington blob” who represent a dangerous continuity with past policies rooted in militarism and other abuses of power.

These include interventions in Libya and Syria, support for the Saudi war in Yemen, drone warfare, indefinite detention without trial at Guantanamo, prosecutions of whistleblowers and whitewashing torture. Some of these people have also cashed in on their government contacts to make hefty salaries in consulting firms and other private sector ventures that feed off government contracts.

Image on the right: Michele Flournoy

  • As former Deputy Secretary of State and Deputy National Security Advisor to Obama, Tony Blinken played a leading role in all Obama’s aggressive policies. Then he co-founded WestExec Advisors to profit from negotiating contracts between corporations and the Pentagon,  including one for Google to develop Artificial Intelligence technology for drone targeting, which was only stopped by a rebellion among outraged Google employees.
  • Since the Clinton administration, Michele Flournoy has been a principal architect of the U.S.’s illegal, imperialist doctrine of global war and military occupation. As Obama’s Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, she helped to engineer his escalation of the war in Afghanistan and interventions in Libya and Syria. Between jobs at the Pentagon, she has worked the infamous revolving door to consult for firms seeking Pentagon contracts, to co-found a military-industrial think tank called the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), and now to join Tony Blinken at WestExec Advisors.
  • Nicholas Burns was U.S. Ambassador to NATO during the U.S. invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Since 2008, he has worked for former Defense Secretary William Cohen’s lobbying firm The Cohen Group, which is a major global lobbyist for the U.S. arms industry. Burns is a hawk on Russia and China and has condemned NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden as a “traitor.”
  • As a legal adviser to Obama and the State Department and then as Deputy CIA Director and Deputy National Security Advisor, Avril Haines provided legal cover and worked closely with Obama and CIA Director John Brennan on Obama’s tenfold expansion of drone killings.
  • Samantha Power served under Obama as UN Ambassador and Human Rights Director at the National Security Council. She supported U.S. interventions in Libya and Syria, as well as the Saudi-led war on Yemen. And despite her human rights portfolio, she never spoke out against Israeli attacks on Gaza that happened under her tenure or Obama’s dramatic use of drones that left hundreds of civilians dead.
  • Former Hillary Clinton aide Jake Sullivan played a leading role in unleashing U.S. covert and proxy wars in Libya and Syria.
  • As UN Ambassador in Obama’s first term, Susan Rice obtained UN cover for his disastrous intervention in Libya. As National Security Advisor in Obama’s second term, Rice also defended Israel’s savage bombardment of Gaza in 2014, bragged about the U.S. “crippling sanctions” on Iran and North Korea, and supported an aggressive stance toward Russia and China.

A foreign policy team led by such individuals will only perpetuate the endless wars, Pentagon overreach and CIA-misled chaos that we—and the world—have endured for the past two decades of the War on Terror.

Making diplomacy “the premier tool of our global engagement.”

Biden will take office amid some of the greatest challenges the human race has ever faced—from extreme inequality, debt and poverty caused by neoliberalism, to intractable wars and the existential danger of nuclear war, to the climate crisis, mass extinction and the Covid-19 pandemic.

These problems won’t be solved by the same people, and the same mindsets, that got us into these predicaments. When it comes to foreign policy, there is a desperate need for personnel and policies rooted in an understanding that the greatest dangers we face are problems that affect the whole world, and that they can only be solved by genuine international collaboration, not by conflict or coercion.

During the campaign, Joe Biden’s website declared,

“As president, Biden will elevate diplomacy as the premier tool of our global engagement. He will rebuild a modern, agile U.S. Department of State—investing in and re-empowering the finest diplomatic corps in the world and leveraging the full talent and richness of America’s diversity.”

This implies that Biden’s foreign policy must be managed primarily by the State Department, not the Pentagon. The Cold War and American post-Cold War triumphalism led to a reversal of these roles, with the Pentagon and CIA taking the lead and the State Department trailing behind them (with only 5% of their budget), trying to clean up the mess and restore a veneer of order to countries destroyed by American bombs or destabilized by U.S. sanctions, coups and death squads.

In the Trump era, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reduced the State Department to little more than a sales team for the military-industrial complex to ink lucrative arms deals with India, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and countries around the world.

What we need is a foreign policy led by a State Department that resolves differences with our neighbors through diplomacy and negotiations, as international law in fact requires, and a Department of Defense that defends the United States and deters international aggression against us, instead of threatening and committing aggression against our neighbors around the world.

As the saying goes, “personnel is policy,” so whomever Biden picks for top foreign policy posts will be key in shaping its direction. While our personal preferences would be to put top foreign policy positions in the hands of people who have spent their lives actively pursuing peace and opposing U.S. military aggression, that’s just not in the cards with this middle-of-the-road Biden administration.

But there are appointments Biden could make to give his foreign policy the emphasis on diplomacy and negotiation that he says he wants. These are American diplomats who have successfully negotiated important international agreements, warned U.S. leaders of the dangers of aggressive militarism and developed valuable expertise in critical areas like arms control.

William Burns was Deputy Secretary of State under Obama, the # 2 position at the State Department, and he is now the director of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. As Under Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs in 2002, Burns gave Secretary of State Powell a prescient and detailed but unheeded warning that the invasion of Iraq could “unravel” and create a “perfect storm” for American interests. Burns also served as U.S. Ambassador to Jordan and then Russia.

Wendy Sherman was Obama’s Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, the # 4 position at the State Department, and was briefly Acting Deputy Secretary of State after Burns retired. Sherman was the lead negotiator for both the1994 Framework Agreement with North Korea and the negotiations with Iran that led to the Iran nuclear agreement in 2015. This is surely the kind of experience Biden needs in senior positions if he is serious about reinvigorating American diplomacy.

Tom Countryman is currently the Chair of the Arms Control Association. In the Obama administration, Countryman served as Undersecretary of State for International Security Affairs, Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation, and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Political-Military Affairs. He also served at U.S. embassies in Belgrade, Cairo, Rome and Athens, and as foreign policy advisor to the Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps. Countryman’s expertise could be critical in reducing or even removing the danger of nuclear war. It would also please the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, since Tom supported Senator Bernie Sanders for president.

Image below: Representative Ro Khanna at Bernie Sanders’s Campaign (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

File:Ro Khanna - Bernie Sanders rally - 1.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

In addition to these professional diplomats, there are also Members of Congress who have expertise in foreign policy and could play important roles in a Biden foreign policy team. One is Representative Ro Khanna, who has been a champion of ending U.S. support for the war in Yemen, resolving the conflict with North Korea and reclaiming Congress’s constitutional authority over the use of military force.

Another is Representative Karen Bass, who is the chair of the Congressional Black Caucus and also of the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Human Rights, and International Organizations.

If the Republicans hold their majority in the Senate, it will be harder to get appointments confirmed than if the Democrats win the two Georgia seats that are headed for run-offs, or than if they had run more progressive campaigns in Iowa, Maine or North Carolina and won at least one of those seats. But this will be a long two years if we let Joe Biden take cover behind Mitch McConnell on critical appointments, policies and legislation. Biden’s initial cabinet appointments will be an early test of whether Biden will be the consummate insider or whether he is willing to fight for real solutions to our country’s most serious problems.


U.S. cabinet positions are positions of power that can drastically affect the lives of millions of Americans and billions of our neighbors overseas. If Biden is surrounded by people who, against all the evidence of past decades, still believe in the illegal threat and use of military force as key foundations of American foreign policy, then the international cooperation the whole world so desperately needs will be undermined by four more years of war, hostility and international tensions, and our most serious problems will remain unresolved.

That’s why we must vigorously advocate for a team that would put an end to the normalization of war and make diplomatic engagement in the pursuit of international peace and cooperation our number one foreign policy priority.

Whomever President-elect Biden chooses to be part of his foreign policy team, he—and they—will be pushed by people beyond the White House fence who are calling for demilitarization, including cuts in military spending, and for reinvestment in our country’s peaceful economic development.

It will be our job to hold President Biden and his team accountable whenever they fail to turn the page on war and militarism, and to keep pushing them to build friendly relations with all our neighbors on this small planet that we share.


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Medea Benjamin is the cofounder of CODEPINK for Peace, and the author of several books, including Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the US-Saudi Connection and Inside Iran: the Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran 

Nicolas J. S. Davies is an independent journalist, a researcher with CODEPINK, and the author of Blood On Our Hands: the American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq

Featured image: Obama and Biden meet Gorbachev – did Biden learn anything? (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Biden and Harris Call for Unity. But Does Their Discourse Unify?

November 10th, 2020 by Prof. Charles McKelvey

Much of the United States was in a celebratory mood on November 7.  The major news networks had projected the Biden-Harris ticket as winners in the states of Pennsylvania and Nevada, giving it the necessary majority in the Electoral College.  Thousands of young people were in the streets, obviously happy and for the most part behaving themselves, many carrying American flags. It was an image that itself was a powerful call to the nation for unity and healing.

In the evening, Vice-President-Elect Kamala Harris and President-Elect Joe Biden addressed the nation and the world.  They stressed the need for the unity of the people in confronting such problems as the pandemic, an economy crippled by the pandemic, system racism, and threats to the environment.  They pledged that they will govern for the benefit of all the people, not just those in their political band; and they pledged to seek cooperation with the opposition party.  Such words provided a welcome emotional relief from the divisive and confrontational discourse coming from the White House during the past four years.

However, the discourses of Biden and Harris were shaped by an ideology that is historically dated, and therefore it has a limited capacity to unify the people.  The newly elected President and Vice President stressed a view of the nation as a land opportunity, where there is no limit to what individuals born in modest circumstances can attain.  They acknowledged that some social sectors historically had been denied opportunity.  But as a result of the struggles in recent decades by women, blacks, Latinos, immigrants, and gays, the American promise of equal opportunity is today being fulfilled.  They proclaimed the results of the 2020 presidential elections to be a confirmation of this fulfillment.

The idea of equal individual opportunity can no longer serve as the ideological foundation of democracy.  It once had its day as a progressive idea, guiding the American Republic as an advanced expression of democracy.  The concept was central to the Jeffersonian-Jacksonian Revolution of the period 1774 to 1840, in which it was understood that the full realization of democracy required the containment and gradual abolition of slavery as well as a wide distribution of land to individual agricultural producers.

However, during the course of the nineteenth century, the concentration of banking and industry occurred, driven by natural tendencies in the development of capitalism as well as by the illegal and unethical practices of the Robber Barons.  The emergence of monopoly capitalism established the need for a reformulation of the meaning of democracy beyond the Jeffersonian-Jacksonian concept of individual liberty and opportunity.  Now it became a question a strong state rather than a limited state, a state that directs the economy in defense of the rights of the people and the needs of the nation, a state that regulates and controls the great corporations, constraining their demonstrated disregard for the rights and practical needs of the people.

State direction of the economy, however, is not easy to accomplish.  The problem is that the concentration of productive enterprises is to some extent natural, that is, resulting from the greater productive efficiency of large scale in many industries.  So the state, which has the duty to promote the growth of the economy in order to better satisfy the material needs of the people, has to discern how to induce the corporations to produce in economic sectors of national need and to pay just wages, without restricting the continually expanding productive capacity of the corporations.

The progressive movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries sought to break up or regulate the trusts, in defense of the rights and needs of the people.  The Interstate Commerce Commission was created and the Sherman Anti-Trust Act was enacted, but both were cynically designed by politicians in response to the clamor of the people, and they were not effective in regulating the trusts.  In the 1912 presidential campaign, third party candidate and ex-president Theodore Roosevelt and Democratic Party candidate Woodrow Wilson proposed significant anti-trust reforms.  Wilson’s package of 1913-1914, enacted by the Congress, may have been sufficient to accomplish the effective regulation of the trusts, but the laws were not implemented, as a result of the nation entering World War I.

The casting aside of Wilson’s program by World War I demonstrated that war favors the interests of the corporations, undermining the interests of the people.  War upsets the delicate balancing act that the state must play, in which it has to regulate the corporations without undermining productive capacity.  War gives the corporations a nearly free hand, inasmuch as it establishes an urgent need for the rapid production of arms and war supplies.

Thus, World War I consolidated corporate dominance in the United States, which the New Deal reforms did not confront, and which was reinforced by World War II.  A military-industrial complex emerged, justified first by the Cold War ideology and later by the ideology of the War on Terrorism.  State expenditures for the military became the easiest to rationalize; arms became the nation’s strongest industry.

The militarization of the economy and society was intertwined with imperialism.  Since the beginning of the twentieth century, and regardless of which political party was in power, the United States has pursued imperialist policies, that is, policies that seek to control the governments of the world in order to attain access to natural resources, cheap labor, and markets for surplus U.S. goods, in accordance with the interests of U.S. corporations.  In all regions of the world, when anti-imperialist popular movements took control of states, and when such states acted to defend their sovereign right to control their natural resources and their economies, the U.S. government acted against said governments, portraying them as a threat to democracy, and imposing economic sanctions and/or military interventions.  After World War II, all U.S. wars have been imperialist wars, justified by fundamentally false claims that ignored the historical and political developments unfolding in the nations under attack.

But a spectacular U.S. economic ascent obscured the corporate betrayal of the people and the nation.  The economic ascent of the United States from 1776 to 1968 was made possible by various factors, including: the commercial relation with the slave system of the Caribbean; the economic relations of the manufacturing Northeast with the slave South; the conquest of the indigenous nations of the North American continent; imperialist policies, especially with respect to Latin America and the Middle East; and profits and economic development from two world wars.  The ascent, although driven by elite interests, had residual benefits for the people, inasmuch as it resulted in a higher standing of living for the nation as a whole.

However, beginning around 1965, the spectacular economic ascent came to an end.  To some extent, this was driven by domestic factors, such as overspending in relation to productive capacity, including the maintenance of military bases all over the world.  But it was also driven by global factors:  the world-economy has reached and overextended the geographical and ecological limits of the earth, thus eliminating the possibility to conquer new lands and peoples, which functioned as its historic engine driving economic expansion; and at the same time, the neocolonized peoples of the world have emerged to demand a New International Economic Order.  The U.S. power elite, with the support of most of the political establishment, responded to the system global crisis with an ideological and economic attack on the rights and needs of the people, an era initiated by Reagan and continuing to the present.  In the past four decades, economic opportunities have stagnated, and inequalities have increased.

Thus, a vision of democracy as individual economic opportunity has been made outdated by developments of the past nearly two hundred years.  Democracy today has to be understood in a different way, as popular control of the state and the utilization of the power of the state against the interests concentrated corporate power, against war, and against imperialism.  Political leaders today, if they were to stand with the people, would politically educate the people with respect to the historic popular struggle against concentrated corporate power, and call the people to the fulfillment of the unfinished American popular revolution.

Because it is out-of-date, the Biden-Harris discourse cannot connect to the actual needs of many of the people.  In stressing individual attainment by sectors that have been historically excluded, the discourse sets aside the popular struggles against corporate power; and it ignores the increasing anxiety and insecurity of the people in the face of rapidly expanding corporate power.  To be politically effective, celebration of gains against of blacks, Latinos, and women have to be framed as a dimension of the historic struggle of the American people for democracy and as a call to all sectors of the people to participate in its renewal.

The key to Trump’s success in 2016 was the fact that he took on the political establishment in the name of the people.  And he followed up in practice.  His administration took steps to preserve manufacturing in the United States, to rectify the unfavorable U.S. balance of trade, and to eliminate what it considered to be unnecessary government regulatory constraints on manufacturing.  However flawed his assumptions, and however offensive he was to many people, his project appealed to many who felt betrayed by the political establishment.  In spite of the administration’s astonishing mismanagement of the pandemic, Trump received more than 47% of the vote in the 2020 presidential elections, including a solid majority of white voters, and a greater percentage of black and Latino voters than he received in 2016.

A truly democratic discourse from the progressive side, capable of galvanizing enough popular support to forge a governing consensus, would take on the political establishment and its betrayal of the nation and the people during the last four decades.  A truly progressive movement would politically educate the people with respect to the concept of the decisive role of the state in protecting the social and economic rights of all citizens (such as affordable health care and education).  Here it would have to acquire political intelligence, avoiding the appearance of special treatment for any group, except for those most vulnerable or most in need.  And it would have to propose measures for the protection of social and economic rights as a dimension of a long-range and comprehensive economic plan, demonstrating its mastery of practical economics.

A discourse capable of marshalling a governing popular consensus would base itself in the unfinished revolution of the people against corporate power, calling the people resist corporate power in all of its manifestations, including its control of the political process, the media, and the educational system.  It would be firmly against imperialism and imperialist wars, standing on the principle of the sovereign right of all nations to control their natural resources and their economies.  It would propose a comprehensive and long-term economic plan, that intelligently seeks to gradually ween the nation’s economy from its dependence on imperialist penetration of other lands, on the arms industry, and on ecologically unsustainable forms of production and distribution.

A politically-effective discourse, capable of marshalling a governing consensus, can emerge from dedication to the long-term political education of the people, which itself can only be based on the conviction of the fundamental decency of the people, of all the people.


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Charles McKelvey is Professor Emeritus, Presbyterian College, Clinton, South Carolina.  He has published three books: Beyond Ethnocentrism:  A Reconstruction of Marx’s Concept of Science (Greenwood Press, 1991); The African-American Movement:  From Pan-Africanism to the Rainbow Coalition (General Hall, 1994); and The Evolution and Significance of the Cuban Revolution: The Light in the Darkness (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018).

Featured image is by Tony Webster/Wikimedia Commons

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Palestinian Feminist Leader Khitam Saafin Ordered to Six Months in Israeli Administrative Detention

November 10th, 2020 by Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Detained Palestinian feminist and women’s organizer Khitam Saafin was ordered by an Israeli military commander to six months in administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial, on 9 November 2020. The President of the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees, Saafin was seized along with six other Palestinian activists and human rights defenders on 2 November 2020. She was last arrested by Israeli occupation forces in 2017, when she was ordered to three months in administrative detention — leading to a global outcryWe urge all supporters of justice in Palestine and women’s organizing to speak out and protest to demand freedom for Khitam Saafin and her fellow Palestinian women prisoners.

Khitam Saafin is a well-known international advocate for Palestinian women and freedom and justice for the Palestinian people. She has spoken around the world about the struggle of Palestinian women, including at the World Social Forum, and served as chair of the Global Women’s March Palestine.

Administrative detention, a practice first introduced to Palestine by the British colonial mandate, imprisons Palestinians without charge or trial on the basis of a so-called “secret file.” Even the detainee’s lawyer is denied access to any of the contents of this file; instead, it is simply asserted by the Israeli occupation military commander. These detention orders are issued for up to six months at a time and are indefinitely renewable; Palestinians routinely spend years a a time jailed under administrative detention. There are currently approximately 370 Palestinian prisoners held under administrative detention orders, among approximately 4500 Palestinian political prisoners in total.

The Israeli policy of administrative detention is a colonial weapon targeting the Palestinian people. In addition, it is also a violation of international law, violating the Fourth Geneva Convention, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and representing a cruel, inhumane and degrading form of arbitrary imprisonment.

Alkarama Palestinian Women’s Mobilization called for the release of Saafin, noting that

“Saafin’s arrest occurs in the context of the ongoing imprisonment of Palestinian activists by the Israeli occupation authorities. This can be seen in the growing number of Palestinian Legislative Council members, human rights activists and civil society leaders arrested by Israeli occupation forces in recent years.”

A group of left and progressive women’s organizations in the Arab region, including the Women’s Sector of the Democratic Way in Morocco, Palestinian Working Women Committees Union, Jin Women Association of Lebanon, the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees and the World March of Women – MENA region, also urged her immediate release in a statement

“Demanding the human rights and women’s organizations in the region to crystallize a regional and international solidarity campaign to demand the release of the comrade Khitam and the rest of the Palestinian prisoners and calls for serious and real support to the Palestinian captive movement.”

Member of European Parliament Manu Pineda, chair of the parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Palestine, issued a statement to the European External Action Service, calling on the EEAS and the EU to “mobilize its diplomatic resources to obtain the prompt release of Ms. Saafin and all other Palestinian citizens detained without formal charges.”

Saafin is among approximately 40 imprisoned Palestinian women, including several fellow administrative detainees, imprisoned student activists and political leaders, including feminist and leftist parliamentarian Khalida Jarrar. On 9 November, Palestinian journalist and advocate for political prisoners Bushra al-Tawil was also seized by Israeli occupation forces at a checkpoint south of Nablus, only three months after her last release from administrative detention without charge or trial.

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network denounces this latest attack on the Palestinian women’s movement. We urge women’s organizations, student organizations and people of conscience everywhere to raise their voices and act in solidarity with Khitam Saafin and her fellow Palestinian prisoners targeted by the Israeli occupation – including by building the movement for the boycott of Israel, its institutions and complicit corporations like HP, Puma, Teva Pharmaceuticals and G4S. The Israeli occupation wants to continue its colonization of Palestine unchecked by isolating and detaining the leaders of the Palestinian people’s movement. Join us to act and urge their immediate release and the liberation of all Palestinian prisoners, and of Palestine, from the river to the sea!

Take Action:

1. Post pictures and graphics on your social media accounts urging the release of Khitam Saafin and all Palestinian prisoners. Send your photos to us at Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network on Facebook, @SamidounPP on Twitter, and at [email protected].

2. Issue a statement from your group, association, women’s organization or union demanding freedom for Khitam Saafin. In 2017, dozens of organizations around the world joined in the call for her release, making her detention – and that of Khalida Jarrar – an international issue. Send your statements to us at [email protected]

3. Organize protests, demonstrations creative actions. Ad hacks, postering and other outdoor actions – especially near an Israeli embassy or consulate – can draw a significant amount of attention to Khitam Saafin and the Palestinian cause at this critical time.

4. Build the boycott of Israel! Join the movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel. Highlight the complicity of corporations like Hewlett-Packard and the continuing involvement of G4S in Israeli policing and prisons. Build a campaign to boycott Israeli goods, impose a military embargo on Israel, or organize around the academic and cultural boycott of Israel.


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Featured image is from Samidoun

One of the more pivotal years in modern history was 1979 and its geopolitical events.  Until recently I had considered them to be the most important alignment of events influencing future actions.  It is still of paramount importance in the hindsight of history, but events of our most recent year, 2020, will probably highlight another set of significant changes.  These changes will occur in seemingly disparate genres as climate change, financial and economic relationships, and military alignments.

Two of the biggest factors in these are the arrival of a global pandemic, and the last year of the Trump presidency.  The former highlighted the ill preparedness of ‘modern’ countries to handle such a pandemic with the resulting economic and geopolitical turmoil it generated.  The latter, the Trump presidency, revealed the ugly underside of the beast that is the U.S. empire and all its moral failings, domestic and international.


In 1979, three important changes took place affecting the larger geopolitical shape of the world for decades to come.

The Camp David Accords were signed, providing vague hopes for a two state solution to the intractable problem of the occupation and settlement of Palestine by Israel.  For many years afterwards, negotiations and discussions of various scale were undertaken, while Israel continued building settlements beyond the ‘green line’ established after the 1948 nakba.  Its essence allowed Israel to continue its colonial-settler project while continually denying any agreement with the imposed Palestinian Authority, relegating it to a means of controlling the Palestinian people.

Late in the year, Soviet forces entered Afghanistan in order to assist the socialist government of the time maintain its ability to function.  The intervention became, as the U.S. under National Security advisor Brezezinski  wished, the Soviet Union’s Vietnam.  This lead to nine years of warfare during which the CIA and other U.S. operations and the assistance of Pakistan helped the development of the mujahideen, Ronald Reegan’s famous “freedom fighters” who later morphed into the Taliban (and many other warlord groups) and on into al-Qaeda, and ISIS and now into a variety of terrorist groups supported by Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the U.S., and other countries from the EU and the Gulf States.

The third major event of this pivotal year was the overthrow of the Shah of Iran – a U.S. CIA supported government – and the rise to power of the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.  This developed into the Carter-Reagan hostage taking and its effects on the 1980 U.S. elections.  After that, the U.S. and its ally Israel have maintained an ongoing effort to destroy the government of Iran through open war and various subversive operations.  The open war did not involve the U.S. or Israel directly, but was the war between Iraq and Iran, initiated by Iraq, during which both sides were aided in their efforts to defeat the other, operating on the idea of letting them beat each other into irrelevance.

Those events created the origins of much of what has occurred in the Middle East and South Asia and indeed throughout the world.  The Soviet Union eventually collapsed, partially under the burden of its Afghan war but also its economic and political inefficiencies.  After a decade of Yeltsin’s corrupt government under the aegis of U.S. economists and corporate profiteers, Vladimir Putin began modernizing the shrunken state of Russia.  Major wars and operations destroyed much of the political and civilian infrastructure of the Middle East while U.S.covert and overt actions continued in Latin America and Africa.

2020 – tipping points

It may not be evident yet, but in another ten or twenty years, the year 2020 may also be looked on as a pivotal year in global interactions – geopolitical, environmental, and financial – all of which are highly interrelated.

Imagine the lowly teeter totter, a playground piece not as common as it used to be.  The teeter-totter is aptly named as many a child, and many an adult, has stood above the bar that makes the plank teeter and totter, trying to maintain balance but also testing how far they can go before touching down on one side or the other.   Now imagine that teeter-totter is poised on the edge of a cliff, where one side can touch down and avoid the unknown drop, and the other side obviously is the drop from which there is no recovery to equilibrium.

It is a simple metaphor, but it illustrates for several sectors of our lives, we have allowed ourselves to drop into the unknown.

The unknown is simply the future.  This future is to be determined by a declining global economy becoming saturated with massive U.S. money printing to prop up the banksters and corporate CEOs.  It will be determined by the disregard domestically and in foreign affairs for the supposed ‘rule of law’ but more importantly international law and true justice for all people. The changes to our environment are at the moment relatively slow, but are becoming irreversible under current trends.   Finally, the massive military investments on a global scale for both nuclear and conventional weaponry threatens everyone with a very delicate balance of power.


The main event of the year was the global COVID-19 pandemic.  It had enormous impacts around the world, with the largest effect highlighting the poor condition of the United States in general.  Along with other ongoing problems in the U.S., the pandemic displayed the poor state of healthcare in the U.S. as hundreds of thousands per day were becoming infected, and over 240 thousand have died (as of this writing) with an average death rate of one thousand per day.  Even if one can accept it as a particularly infectious disease, several other implications can be carried forward other than the poor health care.

The majority of people dying – apart from the already weakened elderly – tend to be African-American and Hispanic, a trend that has nothing to do with genetics and much to do with racism and poverty.  Racism and poor economic opportunities go hand in hand, and poor economic opportunities affect lifestyle habits such as food quality and access to health care.  Not only were these people hit hardest by the disease, but they were also one of the hardest hit groups of workers in the service sector, adding further distress to an already poor societal position.

Along with the racism, poverty, and a poor health care system highlighted by the disease, the incompetence of the different levels of government should have been obvious to observers.  The initial responses were uncertain and confused both by the poor health system, but also by the denial and initial lack of comprehension of the virus’ seriousness by local and national officials.  Above all, the COVID virus met up with another level of utter incompetence, the Trump presidency.

Presidential Election 2020

It is hard to know which had the worst effect, the virus or President Trump.   Trump has shown himself to be narcissistic to the extreme, misogynist, racist, xenophobic and essentially uncaring about anything that did not pander to his need for attention.  His lack of intelligence – not that he isn’t a crafty manipulator of the media in his own right – and lack of critical thinking skills combined with his psychopathic personality created the perfect political and structural environment for the virus to devastate the lives of so many people.

Thus the second main event of 2020 was Trump’s reaction to the virus, but more importantly his defeat in the presidential elections (at least as of this writing – there are still seventy plus days to go until he is officially out).  Regardless, the Trump effect will carry on for a while.[1]

The Trump effect has a good side in a macabre sort of way:  The good component is that the ugly side of the U.S., which has always been there, somewhat subdued but nevertheless very real, has been exposed for what it is, for all the world to see and hopefully realize that the U.S. is no paragon of democracy, freedom, nor liberty.   It ranges from Pompeo’s declaration about the CIA, “We lie, we cheat, we steal” to the Proud Boys new logo  “Stand down, stand by.”

The bad component is the very same – the ugly side has been revealed and is very unlikely to be subdued again without significant changes to the U.S. system.  With this electoral season almost past, and because of its enormous impact on the world due to its economic and military clout, it seems we are at the point of no return in several areas.

The flipside is that a Biden win will not erase the domestic mayhem created – mostly by the agitation of systemic racism. [2]   Another significant factor is the continued catering to the oligarchs as the Federal Reserve continues money printing and low interest rates to essentially help the rich get richer while the poor remain poor.   Neither of these factors are Trump’s fault as both existed well before his reign of narcissism; they were highly exacerbated by his actual lack of policies and actions derived only to stimulate his ego.

Nor will Biden ease the international situation.  If his record continues the actions of the Obama government he was part of and he continues to use all the neocon warhawk advisors of that era, the international situation – while promoted in kinder gentler words – could also produce harsher and uglier actions.

Until Debt do us part – global economic outlook

Under the Trump presidency, combined with the economic impact of the virus and actions to contain it (for better or worse, not a point of discussion here), the U.S. has assuredly reached a point where its huge national debt can never be repaid.   Combine this with the main source of income and wealth in the U.S. no longer being production but financialized services simply creating money at the stroke of a keyboard and the economy is surviving precariously on the whim of people servicing the US$.

Put simply, the U.S. survives on the Federal Reserve Bank (a consortium of private banks) pumping money into the economy.   With much of the economy based on debt, and interest rates kept necessarily low in order to service the debt, the strength of the US$  as global reserve currency – the petrodollar – is jeopardized.

What keeps the US$ alive is its role as the global reserve currency.  With agreements from some oil producing countries, oil is priced in US$ and thus most countries require U.S. money in order to carry out international transactions.  Also operating in the US$’s favour are the global financial institutions controlled directly or indirectly by western corporate financiers:  the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Bank of International Settlements, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT – through which all global financial transactions in US$ pass) and on.  This assists the U.S. tremendously in placing sanctions on companies and individuals in order to cripple their financial resources and thus their systems of operation.

Counteracting that influence are the systems created by China and Russia in order to avoid using the US$.  This makes sanctions ineffective to the degree that others are slowly buying into these alternate programs.

When the necessity of printing endless amounts of money to support the domestic dollar, heading in the direction of inflation to hyperinflation, combines with the rest of the world’s desire to disentangle itself from a depreciating dollar and its political influence, the dollar could quickly lose the global reserve status it now holds.  This is a simplification and there are many factors involved in this making for an uncertain timeline, but eventually the US$ will inflate its way into uselessness.

There is little recourse – the financialized economy is well past the tipping point of maintaining its long term stable reserve status.

The tip of the iceberg

The environment is not generally considered a geopolitical topic for most individuals.  What they do not connect are the relationships between our economy, our support for the military, and the consequences for that on the environment.  In part, this is another area exacerbated by Trump and his lack of scientific knowledge or processing skills.  His not quite denial of climate change, his actions on deregulating many industrial controls, and his opening up of more lands and wilderness areas to exploitation signal a complete disregard for the environment.

With Biden as President, the rhetoric will change and some of the regulations may be restored, the U.S. may rejoin the Paris Accord (ineffective as it is) but the overall environmental damage will continue.  This is due to three main factors:  our consumptive wasteful society; our ongoing dependence on oil – industrially and financially; and our ongoing support of imperial military adventurism abroad in order to support…the oil and the US$.

This year there have been several accounts of how the climate/environment is showing signs of tipping into conditions where there can be no reversals to ‘normal’ without serious changes to our atmospheric inputs:  Greenland’s ice sheet melts more than it accumulates in snowfall each year by a significant amount; the Amazon has reached the status where it can no longer regenerate itself after a series of droughts; the forest fires in Siberia, Australia, and California demonstrate the overall pattern of global warming.

The global demand on resources, the changes imposed on the environment, will have significant effects on future behaviours – for consumption and for conflict.  Most recently, environmental and resource conflict has played significant roles in Palestine and Syria.

“We lie, we cheat, we steal” – the modern MIC.

(We also murder, bribe, sanction, assassinate, torture, imprison.)

Under Trump’s lack of leadership, common sense, and basic knowledge of…well most everything…the world has increasingly become more susceptible to conditions leading to war both in different regions and as a global catastrophe.  Again, Trump is not responsible for the ongoing tenor of U.S. interventions around the world to support its economy of oil and consumption and the global reserve currency, but under his weird foreign policy directives the world has become a more contentious place.  And another ‘again’, Biden will not necessarily reconstruct the military in a manner allowing it to step back, in particular if he continues the same manner of presidency as performed by Obama and Clinton.

One of the main benefits of having Biden win – separate from having Trump out – is that two other important players are also out.  Both Pence and Pompeo will be gone, two ardent believers waiting for the Rapture and Armageddon.  Pence was always low key about it, biding his time, hoping for more power for the Christian evangelical right in the future.  Pompeo was more abrupt about his positions, including his wonderful admission about his role as director of the CIA – “We lie, we cheat, we steal.”  In 2018 he became Trump’s Secretary of State and surpassed Hillary Cllinton in attempting to verbally coerce other states into falling into line behind U.S. militarism.

‘Advised’ by Pence and Pompeo, with Jared Kushner being appointed a special envoy to Israel, the Trump administration came up with the failed “deal of the century” which essentially allows Israel to do whatever it wants in Palestinian territory (being realistically, all of Israel if the chain of events is followed back to the Balfour Declaration).   The U.S. has since 1967 been the major supporter of Israel, trading back and forth in military and security equipment, much of it “battle tested” in Palestine.  Under Trump, the U.S. has simply become even more so a devout advocate of whatever Israel wants.

In essence, Israel is still the radioactive irritant in the Middle East, the “outpost” desired by the British and the United States in order to control the oil, resources, and transportation routes of the region.   Trump never did actually start a war with Iran, but he allowed the Pentagon, the State Department, the CIA and whomever else to attempt to try and set up an event that would initiate the fight. He moved out of the JCPOA with Iran and applied tighter sanctions to try and bring about the collapse of Iran or cause it to go to war.

In his inability to understand foreign policy and not able to resist domestic pressures, Trump oversaw the increasing alienation of China and Russia.  Russia was the Democrats favorite, but in order not to be outdone, the Trump administration increased both the rhetoric and frontline NATO positioning against Russia.  This includes the current war between Armenia and Azerbaijan which has overtones of geopolitical interests of NATO, Turkey, Israel, and various terrorist groups involved.

China was Trump’s favorite as he challenged them economically, failing miserably (always remember, tariffs imposed by the U.S. on Chinese goods are paid by U.S. consumers, not China).  He also continued the Obama era “pivot” using the tired argument of open and free sea lanes without feeling any cognitive dissonance about the fact that the China Sea is on the other side of the world from the U.S. and is China’s main corridor for shipping imports (oil included).

Trump also upheld Obama’s “modernization” of U.S. nuclear forces, and in light of Russia’s surprising display of technological military finesse, pushed for more Pentagon money for more military toys and a new space force.  These arrangements can also be considered as moves against China as well.

The main feature here is that the combination of China and Russia have created a multi-polar world whether the U.S. is willing to admit it or not.  Russian resources, defensive military achievements, and a renewed domestic scene under the direction of the much vilified Vladimir Putin have combined with China’s increasing defensive measures in the Western Pacific, its Belt and Road initiative throughout Asia and extending elsewhere, and the economic power that China has achieved as the largest economy in the world (on a purchasing power and domestic market basis).

Above all, both China and Russia have stated they no longer support the hegemony of the US$ as the global reserve currency.  They cannot replace it themselves, but they can operate outside of it, and they can support alternate global systems such as a ‘basket’ of reserve currencies, and their own digital exchange systems.   That is what truly scares the U.S. as it sees its own debt problems trap it into hyperinflation while other countries start to shift away from supporting the US$.   That could mean war, hybrid for sure, but it could also go kinetic.

In the year 2020…

There are so many possible futures with many problems to confront, with the three largest – the economy, the environment, and the military, interwoven all – creating a requirement for common sense, humanitarian, peaceful solutions.  We have reached several tipping points leading to the necessity of change if we are to have a soft landing in the unknown drop off our metaphorical cliffs.

It is highly presumptive to label already 2020 as important a year as 1979, but the advent of COVID-19 and the fall of Trump [3] are two significant events that may well be seen as turning points in global events….and we still have two months to go.

[1]  As much as Biden has been declared winner by the media, he is the winner of a seriously divided country, and Trump still has a couple of months to work through the courts to try and have the vote changed.  Reading many pundits on this morning after the declaration, the road ahead appears that it will be very rocky and rubble strewn, making progress very difficult.

[2] The U.S. is a country founded on racism, the combination of the genocide of indigenous aboriginal people and the importation of  black Africans for slavery.  If something is truly done about systemic racism, it should…should…change the shape of U.S. military adventurism overseas as it is essentially a racist endeavour for hegemonic control of the world.

[3] …or his eventual vindication through the courts….or should it be his vindictive victory through the courts….


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Jim Miles is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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There are 70 million furious people in America.  They voted for Donald Trump.  They lost.  Joseph Biden was elected president by a razor thin margin under a cloud of suspicion, most of it generated by Trump, who challenged the outcome of the election with yet to be proven claims of widespread voter fraud.     

Across the great divide are 74 million voters who supported Biden in anticipation of securing a humane and sustainable future.  They are elated by the election of Biden and Kamala Harris, a woman of color, greeting the news with an enthusiasm not seen since the election of Barack Obama.  Their hopes will be disappointed.

Biden’s was a pyrrhic victory.  His party lost seven seats in the House of Representatives and missed an opportunity to gain control of the Senate, unless the Democrats win a two-seat run-off election in the State of Georgia, a daunting prospect.  Should they fail in this effort, any bill Biden sends to Congress will be dead on arrival.  He would not be able to govern by anything other than executive order.

The continued paralysis caused by a bitter partisan chasm that began when Republicans won control of the Senate during Obama’s presidency and intensified when Democrats in the House of Representatives voted to impeach Trump, will continue to deepen, prolonging a crisis of political legitimacy in Washington.

Biden must stabilize plutocratic rule in a country that has been unsettled by the contentious presidency of Donald Trump.  He will fail.

Biden’s party has no solution for the structural crisis of capitalism that it helped create by implementing, along with their Republican counterparts, a neoliberal economic agenda that hastened the deindustrialization and financialization of the United States.  The Democrats are not an opposition party. They are one of two partner parties of American capitalism.

Rather than spend the last four years challenging Trump on domestic and foreign policy, the Democrats concocted the myth of Russiagate to explain away their loss in 2016 and Ukrainegate to reverse the results of the last presidential election.  They failed on both counts, showing the morbidity of a political party that lacks commitment to fundamental economic and social rights such as universal health care, free public higher education, cancellation of student debt, full employment, protection of Social Security and an end to war.  For their part, Senate Republicans struck back by exposing Joe Biden’s corrupt dealings with Ukraine in a sordid political fight.

It is telling that the Democrats’ most enthusiastic endorsement of Trump’s foreign policy came when he dropped bombs on Syria and assassinated Iran’s top general in a missile strike.  In an obscene gesture of support for the American war-machine, the Democrats voted to increase the size of Trump’s already bloated defense budget approving $738 billion for the pentagon and $632 billion for all non-discretionary spending on domestic programs in a single fiscal year.

The supporters of Donald Trump voted for the orange billionaire because they saw him as an enemy of Washington corruption who promised to “drain the swamp” so many Americans hate.  By engineering the most stunning upset in modern presidential history, Trump proved his effectiveness as a con artist who manipulated genuine popular discontent to win office.  The grievances that propelled Trump to victory in 2016 will only intensify when Biden occupies the White House.

The presidential election of 2020 will deepen the polarization of America as legions of right-wing Trump supporters reject a Biden presidency, they view resulted from an election that was stolen from their president by a political and media establishment that fought relentlessly to oust Trump from office since day one of his unlikely election in 2016.  The Democrats worked feverishly to portray the presidency of Donald Trump as illegitimate for four grewsome years.  Mr. Trump will respond in kind to the Biden presidency.

On the other side of the barricade are Biden supporters who saw Trump as a sexist, racist, homophobic and xenophobic bigot who preached hate to divide the public for personal aggrandizement.  From Biden, they hear the moderate voice of reason.  It is a duplicitous voice that must now pledge to create unity amidst discord.

Among the ranks of anti-Trump multitudes are millions of activists who renounce a militarized police state that exterminates Blacks lives in the streets of an institutionally racist nation.  One of the chief architects of the police state is a ‘law’ and ‘order’ politician named Joseph Biden, who despite massive protests against wonton police violence, has called for more funding for the men and women in blue, despite promises to reform the criminal justice system and address the problem of systemic racism in America.

Biden is also at odds with progressive forces because of his unapologetic support for a Wall Street bailout that bankrupted Main Street during his tenure as vice-president.  The progressive left remembers only too well, that under the leadership of Barack Obama and Joseph Biden, the FBI and DHS coordinated the repression of Occupy Wall Street while wagging endless war in seven Muslim countries.  The Wall Street bailout has been compounded by a coronavirus bailout that gave billions to the rich and a pittance to the rest.  Trump’s bailout had the support of Joe Biden.

Like Hillary Clinton before him, Biden crushed the Sander’s progressive opposition in his own party, intentionally jettisoning proposals such as ‘Universal Basic Income’ and ‘Medicare for All,” that would begin to address the social crisis produced by neoliberal capitalism.

His current proposals for economic and social reform are mere palliatives that will deepen systemic crisis, and with it, the ranks of disgruntled Trump Republicans and progressive Democrats.

The progressives have no political home in a corporatist Democratic party that did not even court their support during the presidential campaign, choosing instead to woo moderate Republicans such as Cindy McCain, wife of the late war-mongering Senator from Arizona and John Kasich, former Republican governor of Ohio.  Despite being openly rebuked by a cynical party leadership, left-liberal luminaries counseled progressives to vote for Biden and fight him once elected.  This is the same dead-end strategy that led to the co-optation of the liberal-left during Barack Obama’s presidency.

By crushing the left, Biden renounced a progressive policy platform that would have mobilized massive opposition to the Republican agenda, weakening a centrist Democratic party that narrowly defeated Trump.  Discontented Trump supporters, many of whom identify with libertarian causes and the Christian fundamentalist right, saturate the ranks of the Republican party.  Biden’s victory will further radicalize the Republican base and dwarf moderate voices within the party establishment, making compromise with GOP lawmakers difficult to impossible.

Caught between a pincer movement of right and left-wing opposition, Biden will be tightly constricted within a narrow policy paradigm.  His vapid rhetoric of “healing the nation” will fall on deaf and angry ears.  He will try, as the Democrats always do, to diffuse social dissent by promising to close the wealth, gender and racial divide that bisects this nation.  He will no doubt use long-time ties with colleagues in the Senate forged when he served as Chairman of the Foreign Intelligence and Judiciary Committees, to negotiate concessionary legislation aimed at diffusing social protest.  But the concessions, if they can be achieved, will be modest.

Through it all, the American oligarchy will rest assured that no systemic changes will be contemplated by their Democratic or Republican lapdogs.  It should be remembered that Bill Clinton’s Democratic party supported neoliberal free trade agreements such as NAFTA and GATT, deregulated Wall Street with passage of the Financial Services Modernization Act and integrated the United States into a globalized economy, the ill effects of which led to the rise of Trump.

Now that the orange menace is defeated, the question Biden must answer is, what next?

Promises to control the corona-virus by instituting a program of mass vaccinations, putting the country back to work by creating green jobs and addressing the existential threat of climate change by establishing a zero-carbon emissions standard by 2050 must be matched by passing progressive legislation without which, pledges are hollow.  Given the political divisiveness in Congress, genuine bi-partisan compromise is highly unlikely.  If Democrats do not win control of the Senate, Biden will blame Senate Republicans for any impasse in the same manner Trump blamed Houses Democrats when the roles were reversed, as the shell game of American politics continues.

What the country must brace for is the next ‘Trump’, who will be even more nationalistic, xenophobic, and bitterly divisive than the current incarnation.  Just as Ronald Reagan ushered in four decades of neoliberal and conservative politics, the presidency of Donald Trump inaugurated the ascendency of the far-right with its extreme blend of ultra-nativist, ultra-nationalist, white supremacist, and religious fundamentalist politics.

Ronald Reagan moved the Democratic party to the right, giving rise to Bill Clinton and the ‘New Democrats’ who pursued a neoliberal agenda hidden behind the veneer of identity politics.  By so doing, they betrayed a liberal labor coalition that lasted for 60 years.  The Clintonites discarded Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal and Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty, along with the Keynesian economic principles that underwrote those programs in favor of the neoliberal ideology of Milton Friedman.  In short, they adopted Reaganite economics.

Just as the presidency of Ronald Reagan represented a seismic shift to the right in American politics, the presidency of Donald Trump propelled American politics to the far-right by attacking identity politics and creating a mass organizational base for Christian fascism.  In the process, Biden’s Democratic party has been pulled further right of center in the political spectrum.

The Republican voting base will emerge from the 2020 election deeply aggrieved.  They are not going away.  Their ranks will fester and grow.  The Democratic voting base will breathe a sigh of relief as the long nightmare of a deeply reactionary Trump presidency ends and they wait for some measure of genuine economic and social justice that will never come.

The Trump presidency pronounced a death sentence on the politics of moderation.  There are now two polarized political cultures in America, one red, one blue.  Each seeks the destruction of the other in a rapidly disintegrating social order.

Behind the fractured electorate are corporate and financial oligarchs who get fatter and richer at the expense of a population that will be subjected to a ‘great reset’ deliberately calculated to annihilate jobs, strip social services and lead to the privatized paradise of Ayn Rand, where individualism and greed create a Hobbesian ‘war of all against all’ in the streets of a once prosperous nation.

The stark reality lurking behind America’s Kabuki theatre of elections is the perpetuation of plutocratic rule, whose tyranny will only be ended by the politics of solidarity and struggle for socialism, the only antidote to a predatory economic system that breeds conflict, cynicism and despair.


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Donald Monaco is a political analyst who lives in Brooklyn, New York.  He received his Master’s Degree in Education from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1979 and was radicalized by the Vietnam War.  He writes from an anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist perspective.  His recent book is titled, The Politics of Terrorism, and is available at

Featured image is from Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons

Viral Optimism: The Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine

November 10th, 2020 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

The announcement that Pfizer Inc., along with its collaborative partner BioNTech SE, had come up with a successful vaccine candidate to combat the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 sent the markets soaring.  In New York, Pfizer’s shares rose by 15 percent in pre-market trading; those of BioNTech, Nasdaq-listed, rose 25 percent.  “Today is a great day for science and humanity,” a confident Pfizer Chairman and CEO Albert Bourla crowed.  “We are reaching this critical milestone in our vaccine development program at a time when the world needs it most with infection rates setting new records, hospitals nearing over-capacity and economies struggling to reopen.”

Bourla was in no mood to be modest about the record of the mRNA-based vaccine candidate, called BNT162b2.  “With today’s news, we are a significant step closer to providing people around the world with a much needed breakthrough to help bring an end to this global health crisis.  We look forward to sharing additional efficacy and safety data generated from thousands of participants in the coming weeks.”

The phase 3 clinical trial began on July 27, using 43,538 study participants. 

“The first interim analysis of our global Phase 3 study provides evidence that a vaccine may effectively prevent COVID-19,” explained Uğur Şahin of BioNTech, its co-founder and CEO.  “This is a victory for innovation, science and a global collaborative effort.”

Bourla, perhaps realising that sceptics and the unsure will be eyeing such claims with reservation, has done much to squeeze the public relations process.  In an open letter on October 16, he assumed a voice almost presidential in character. Forget elected officials or world leaders – here was Bourla as de facto vaccine president and humanitarian rescuer, “wanting to speak directly to the billions of people, millions of businesses, and hundreds of governments around the world that are investing their hopes in a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine to overcome this pandemic.”

He promised transparency in the three areas where success had to be shown before approval for public use could be sought. The vaccine had to first be effective in preventing COVID-19 “in at least a majority of vaccinated persons.”  It had to be demonstrated as safe “with robust safety data generated from thousands of patients.”  It also had to be shown “that the vaccine can be consistently manufactured at the highest quality standards.”

Pfizer has also not exactly been transparent in releasing the full details of its preliminary analysis, but it certainly has been keen to celebrate the findings so far.  The vaccine candidate, for instance, was “more than 90% effective in preventing COVID-19 in participants without evidence of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection in the first interim efficacy analysis.”  Data was also drawn from 94 confirmed COVID-19 cases, though nothing has been said about the vaccine’s effectiveness on the issue of re-infection. 

Of the enrolled participants, 42% had “diverse backgrounds” (“racially and ethnically”). No serious safety concerns were noted.  Submission to the US Food and Drug Administration for Emergency Use Authorization is anticipated once “the required safety milestone is achieved”.  The clinical trial is set to continue to its final analysis of 164 confirmed cases “to collect further data and characterize the vaccine candidate’s performance against other study endpoints.”

Such news, despite being based on interim data as yet unpublished in peer-review literature, delighted certain members of the scientific community.  Sir John Bell, regius professor of medicine at Oxford University, could barely contain his excitement.  “I am probably the first guy to say that [life will be back to normal by spring], but I will say that with some confidence.”  Anthony Fauci of the US National Institutes of Health found the returns of the trial “just extraordinary”.

But even amidst the frothy enthusiasm, notes of caution gurgled.  Erika Edwards for NBC News lists a few reservations.  “Pfizer’s vaccine is a new type of technology that’s never been used in mass human vaccination before and experts caution that much remains unknown about its safety, how long it might work and who might benefit most.” 

One such expert is Gregory Poland, director of the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group in Rochester, Minnesota. 

“We don’t know anything about groups they didn’t study, like children, pregnant women, highly immunocompromised people and the eldest of the elderly.”  Virologist Brenda Wren of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine is another.  “It is a case of ‘so far so good’ but more confirmatory safety and efficacy studies are required.”

The heralded nature of the untried technological feature of the vaccine – at least when it comes to being applied to humans – lies in the speed and scale it can be manufactured at.  Messenger-RNA (mRNA) tutors the immune system to target the spike protein of the virus.  As Isabelle Bekeredjian-Ding of Germany’s Paul Ehrlich Institut describes it, “An mRNA is basically like a pre-form of a protein and its [sequence encodes] what the protein is basically made of later on.” Once delivered into the body, the cells readthe mRNA as a set of instructions to build the viral protein in question.  The molecules of the virus are thereby created but do not form the virus itself.  The immune system, tricked as it were, picks up on the presence of such viral proteins, producing a defensive response.

Pfizer’s bubbly confidence will have to be read alongside its history of data manipulation and publication strategy, all in the service of profit maximisation.  In 2008, it was found that Pfizer had tinkered with the publication of studies on the use of its epilepsy drug Neurontin, enabling it to sell the drug for uses not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.  Studies undertaken showing negative outcomes for the use of the drug for unapproved uses were suppressed or delayed. 

In 2014, the company agreed to pay $325 million to resolve claims it defrauded insurers and health care benefit providers by marketing Neurontin for those unapproved uses.  Despite forking out in the settlement, Pfizer refused to admit wrongdoing.  Worth thinking about as more data from the BNT162b2 trials is gathered and released.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

Please allow me to preface this article by saying that I am not a Trump supporter, but a neutral observer who would like these important elections to be conducted in fairness and full transparency.

As it looks now, the Democrats may have committed massive election fraud. It is not in the interest of the US and the World that the next US President emerges from a swamp of corruption and fraud.  Peter Koenig, November 10, 2020


-Remember when Donald Trump said before the 2016 Elections, he wanted to be President to clean up the swamp in Washington?

Well, he may be just doing that, belatedly. President Trump may have just launched a massive sting operation against the flagrant corruption of the “Democrats”.

He knew they were planning a massive election fraud, when they insisted on mail-in votes from US citizens living in the US, similar to the absentee votes, and asked that the mail-in votes would be counted at the end.

Pretext for the mail-in votes was “covid” – social distancing, not getting near each other standing in line for voting. A perfect excuse, transformed into a massive voter fraud.

  • Between 3:30 AM and 4:30 AM, they “found” 140,000 mail-in ballots for Biden in Wisconsin;
  • Between 3:30 AM and 5:00 AM, they “found” 200,000 mail-in ballots for Biden in Michigan;
  • Between 2:00 AM and 4:00 AM, they found a million (1,000,000) mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania

All mail-in ballots “received” in the morning hours of November 4, way beyond the voting deadline. All for Biden, none for Trump
Reference video about minute 1:45”.

Republicans were not allowed to be near the ballot counting as observers, as is the common rule in election vote counting, that the opposition is present, to observe the counting process. Example given in Pennsylvania by former Mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani, who denounces “fraud and corruption” in Philadelphia, his home town; see video below.

And fraud and corruption has been going on in at least two more States, Wisconsin and Michigan, and possibly also in Georgia – and maybe others.

President Trump did not agree in principle with the mail-in vote from citizens withing the US, because that is usually not done. Absentee votes yes, from military and Americans living abroad, but not from US citizens living in the US. He finally agreed, but said these mail-in votes must have been received before the voting deadline – 3 November – and must be counted first.

However, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) decided differently, namely that the mail-in votes would be counted last. This leaves room for fraud, as these latter votes will most likely not be matched against votes already cast, nor will they be scrutinized with the rigor of validity the way the ballots cast at the polls are checked, so duplicate votes maybe possible. There have indeed been reports of “dead” people voting.

Trump had sizable leads in the key swing states Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, and also in Georgia – until the mail-in ballots arrived and were counted – see above. That’s when the pendulum swung to the other side, giving Biden the win.

On 7 November, the mainstream media declared Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 US Presidential Election, with 290 against 214 electoral votes (270 are needed to win), even though no legal state or government authority has yet acknowledged Biden’s win. See also “Media trying to RUSH the outcome before the FRAUD comes out!” (7 November 2020)

At the same time, Biden received congratulatory messages from the European Union, as well as from some of staunchest US stooges, like Germany, France and the UK – possibly from others too. That reminds of the EU’s recognition (sic) of Juan Guaidó, as President of Venezuela.

The Trump Team must have suspected that fraud may be part of the “Democrats” strategy. They have planned a sting operation, assisted by the CIA. Each valid ballot distributed to the eligible voters has a small almost unrecognizable water mark.

Lawsuits are already under way in the three key swing states and more may follow. Recounts will be requested. On the basis of the recounts and the watermarks on the valid ballots, the level of fraud may be determined.

So, the election is far from over, and may end up like in 2000 in the Supreme Court for a final decision. But we are not there yet.

There are other dangers too.

Already now, street riots take place. Protests for or against Woke, the Blacks, the police… you name it. They are funded by disruptive forces, like the Soros Open Society Foundation and others, with similar objectives. More of such riots may ensue, the longer the final decision is postponed. Wouldn’t such social upheavals be a good reason to declare officially a state of emergency – merging into Martial Law?

That would be the ultimate example for the world to see a totally defunct and dystopian “Democracy”.


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Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organization around the world in the fields of environment and water. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals such as Global Research; ICH; New Eastern Outlook (NEO) and more. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Some fifty-three years ago, in 1967, in Khartoum, Sudan, the Arab League met. Then the League adopted the moral high ground “The Three No’s”: no peace with Israel; no recognition of Israel; and, no negotiation with Israel. But today these moral principles are too costly to sustain for Sudan.

Sudan is in deep economic difficulties, where petrol queues run parallel to bread queues. The years long US sanctions against it have left the country near paralysed unable to access loans from foreign lenders. It is, too, part of the US’ terror sponsoring countries list. So desperate is Sudan that its transitional government has abandoned the nation’s moral principles to survive. It is the third country, after the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain to normalise relations with Israel in the recent past.

To believe that the Palestinian problem can be resolved once the Arab-Israel relations are normalised is delusional for the very simple reason that Palestine is not central to the agreement arrived at under the circumstances. Rather, Palestine is mentioned as a marginal issue. But when Israel is a sovereign nation in West Asia recognised by its neighbours, even while it is occupying Palestine and establishing Jewish settlements all over on occupied Palestinian territories, challenging international law with impunity, is the world to believe that Palestine can be restored, a two-state solution realised?

That all parties involved in the recent spate of normalised relations with Israel are unapologetic speaks of a time of flux. UAE and Bahrain are oil rich economies facing a possible threat from a green economic future.

That Pan-Arabism is being eroded, chiselled away bit by bit by US President Donald Trump in the run-up to the presidential elections to please his strongly pro-Israel Christian evangelical support, jeopardises the buffer that has sustained Palestine as a body politic.

Sudan is betraying Palestine at a huge cost, both morally and financially. Sudan will be paying more than US$330 million to US victims of terrorism but this will be paid off by Saudi Arabia. And for recognising Israel it will be taken off the US list of countries sponsoring terrorism. The US sanctions on it will, too, be lifted. Sudan’s opening to Israel is reportedly promoted by Saudi Arabia and the UAE, its two main financiers. This champion of Palestine is defeated by economic impoverishment. Sudan is said to be on the verge of bankruptcy. But yet, the people and the large political parties are not with the transitional government. Why then has Sudan agreed to normalising relations with Israel if this move by the transitional government is not supported by the people?

Some believe that Sudan’s economic problems will deliver to the Israelis another “peace” agreement. The US is a deadly bully as its sanctions against Iraq proved. Half a million dead Iraqi children due to US imposed sanctions are considered by its then Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, as an acceptable part of a strategy to decimate Iraq. Few countries are like Cuba having been the victim of US sanctions since the 1960’s and surviving the resulting economic harshness. Sudan is not Cuba and a change in leadership in recent months has brought to today’s normalisation with Israel. But can a leader yet to be fully legitimised take such a risky decision if the threats of the major political parties in the country come to pass? Could financial gifts of millions of dollars smooth the path? After all investigations showed, the former Sudanese leader, General Omar al-Bashir, was gifted US$90 million by Saudi King Abdullah.

Now that Joseph Biden is the US President elect will he continue delivering more Arab countries to Israel? Will Saudi Arabia be next as President Trump has hinted? Can Saudi Arabia imperil its position as guardian to Islam’s most sacred sites? Granted the very existence of the Saudi royal family is as much a British machination as is Israel, but the Muslim world lends the Saudi royal family its legitimacy. That very fact must surely inhibit its freedom to manoeuvre vis-a-vis Israel. Indeed both the President and Vice President-elect are strongly pro-Israel would it not be better to view the Muslim world as more than Arab. Biden was President Obama’s Vice President and if the Iran Deal is to be restored joining the Sunni frontal assault might become an obstacle, if the intention is to re-establish American leadership of the West, if not the world now that China’s strength has been irrevocably demonstrated.

There is a sense that the USA under President Trump thinks that Palestine is really a non-issue and that the geopolitics of West Asia can be resolved without direct Palestinian participation. For example, his “deal of the century” was arrived at without even consultations with the Palestinians. His intention is that others who dance to Washington’s fiddle may persuade or pressure Palestine into surrender. Unfortunately, signs are that Palestine will not capitulate without a fight. The Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment, Sanction (BDS) movement is fast spreading worldwide. That it has been challenged in Europe and the US is a sign of gathering strength. Then there was the recently suspended, but easily resurrected Great March of Return occurring every Friday for more than a year, a grassroots social movement which included various and diverse groups of Palestinian society.

And even while the UAE and Bahrain normalisation agreements were inked Israel was bombing Gaza on the pretext that HAMAS had fired rockets into Israel. If at all true then obviously HAMAS’ claims to be a militia are true. And, of course, Sudan has been accused of facilitating the delivery of arms to HAMAS and its Qassam Brigade from Iran. Israel is wary of militias as the Hezbollah, in Lebanon, has proven itself able to defend Lebanese territory and frustrate Israel’s security scheme in the region.

And now that Sudan is a friend of Israel’s Palestine is no longer its cause in this respect. And, like President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya, will the Sudan’s Prime Minister, Abdalla Hamdok be a guest at a US “friendship” party ? Kenyatta was rewarded for his support for Washington when Kenya abstained in voting for the United Nations General Assembly resolution to condemn Trump’s embassy move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

But other Arab governments adamantly stand with Palestine. Qatar, for example, even while home to a US millitary base insists that it remains faithful to its Pan Arab position. Will Palestine crumble as Pan Arabism disintegrates? Or can it survive and make the transition to a multipolar world where Zionism can be challenged. For, Zionism is the ideology upon which was built the mass migration of Jews to Palestine to escape European persecution. Zionism it was that depopulated Palestine, firstly, through lies and then physically through genocide and ethnic cleansing, the Nakba or catastrophe of 1948.

But Zionism is a strange political beast. Some argue that it is anti-Semitic and white supremacist. Others claim that it is Jewish supremacist. And then there is Christian Zionism. But many of the early leaders of Israel were atheists or agnostics. The certainty is that Zionist Tel Aviv practices apartheid having declared Israel a Jewish state. Palestinians, the indigenous people, are second class citizens to a people who claim ownership of biblical lands which they had long abandoned and on which the Palestinians have built a four thousand year old history, once a thriving nation of Jews, Christians and Muslims. And, unfortunately, according to the publication Israel Hayom, “Biden is known for his affection for Israel, and his pro-Zionist stances.” He has already indicated that the US Embassy will remain in Jerusalem.


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Askiah Adam is the Executive Director of International Movement for a JUST World (JUST).

Featured image is from Palestine Solidarity Campaign

A política externa de Joe Biden

November 10th, 2020 by Manlio Dinucci

Quais são as linhas do programa de política externa, que Joe Biden irá concretizar quando for empossado para assumir o cargo na Casa Branca?

Anunciou-as com um artigo detalhado, na revista Foreign Affairs (Março/Abril de 2020), que consitituiu a base da Plataforma 2020, aprovada em Agosto pelo Partido Democrata.

O título é, por si, eloquente: “Por que é que a América deve liderar de novo. Resgatar a política externa dos EUA depois de Trump”.

Biden resume, assim, o seu programa de política externa: Embora “o Presidente Trump tenha menosprezado, enfraquecido e abandonado aliados e parceiros e abdicado da liderança americana, como Presidente, darei passos, de imediato, para renovar as alianças dos Estados Unidos e garantir que a América, mais uma vez, lidere o mundo».

O primeiro passo será fortalecer a NATO, que é “o próprio coração da segurança nacional dos Estados Unidos”. Para tanto, Biden fará os “investimentos necessários” para que os Estados Unidos mantenham “a força militar mais poderosa do mundo” e, ao mesmo tempo, fá-lo-á de modo que “os nossos aliados da NATO aumentem a sua despesa com a Defesa” de acordo com os compromissos já assumidos com a Administração Obama-Biden.

O segundo passo será convocar, no primeiro ano da presidência, uma “Cimeira Global em prol da Democracia”: participarão as nações do mundo livre e as organizações da sociedade civil de todo o mundo, que estão na primeira linha da defesa da democracia”.

A Cimeira decidirá uma «acção colectiva contra a ameaça global».

Em primeiro lugar, para “conter a agressão russa”, mantendo afiadas as capacidades militares da Aliança e impondo custos reais à Rússia pelas suas violações das normas internacionais”; ao mesmo tempo, para “construir uma frente única contra as acções ofensivas e as violações dos direitos humanos por parte da China, que está a expandir o seu alcance global”.

Visto que “o mundo não se organiza por si mesmo”, aponta Biden, os Estados Unidos devem voltar a “desempenhar o papel de liderança na redacção das regras, como fizeram durante 70 anos sob os presidentes democratas e republicanos, até à chegada de Trump.”

Estas são as linhas principais do programa da política externa que a Administração Biden se compromete concretizar. Este programa – elaborado com a participação de mais de 2.000 conselheiros de política externa e de segurança nacional, organizados em 20 grupos de trabalho – não é unicamente o programa de Biden e do Partido Democrata. Na verdade, é a expressão de um partido transversal, cuja existência é demonstrada pelo facto de que as decisões fundamentais da política externa, sobretudo as relacionadas com as guerras, são tomadas nos Estados Unidos de forma bipartidária.

Confirma-o o facto de que mais de 130 altas patentes republicanas (aposentadas e em funções) publicaram, em 20 de Agosto, uma declaração de voto contra o republicano Trump e a favor do democrata Biden. Entre elas está John Negroponte, nomeado pelo Presidente George W. Bush em 2004-2007, primeiro Embaixador no Iraque (com a tarefa de suprimir a resistência) e, posteriormente, Director dos Serviços Secretos dos Estados Unidos.

Confirma-o o facto de que o democrata Biden, então presidente da Comissão de Relações Exteriores do Senado, apoiar em 2001 a decisão do Presidente republicano Bush de atacar e invadir o Afeganistão e em 2002, promover uma resolução bipartidária de 77 senadores que autorizava o Presidente Bush a atacar e invadir o Iraque sob a acusação (posteriormente provada falsa) de que possuía armas de destruição em massa.

Sempre durante a Administração Bush, quando as forças USA não conseguiam controlar o Iraque ocupado, Joe Biden fez aprovar no Senado, em 2007, um plano de “descentralização do Iraque em três regiões autónomas – curda, sunita e xiita”: por outras palavras, o desmembramento do país, em função da estratégia dos EUA.

Da mesma forma, quando Joe Biden foi, durante dois mandatos, Vice-Presidente da Administração Obama, os republicanos apoiaram as decisões democráticas sobre a guerra na Líbia, a operação na Síria e o novo confronto com a Rússia

O partido transversal, que não aparece nas urnas, continua a trabalhar para que “a América, mais uma vez, governe o mundo”.

Manlio Dinucci


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La politica estera di Joe Biden

Tradutora: Maria Luísa de Vasconcellos

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La politica estera di Joe Biden

November 10th, 2020 by Manlio Dinucci

Quali sono le linee programmatiche di politica estera che Joe Biden attuerà quando si sarà insediato alla Casa Bianca?

Lo ha preannunciato con un dettagliato articolo sulla rivista Foreign Affairs (marzo/aprile 2020), che ha costituito la base della Piattaforma 2020 approvata in agosto dal Partito Democratico.

Il titolo è già eloquente: «Perché l’America deve guidare di nuovo/Salvataggio della politica estera degli Stati uniti dopo Trump».

Biden sintetizza così il suo programma di politica estera: mentre «il presidente Trump ha sminuito, indebolito e abbandonato alleati e partner, e abdicato alla leadership americana, come presidente farò immediatamente passi per rinnovare le alleanze degli Stati uniti, e far sì che l’America, ancora una volta, guidi il mondo».

Ø  Il primo passo sarà quello di rafforzare la Nato, che è «il cuore stesso della sicurezza nazionale degli Stati uniti». A tal fine Biden farà gli «investimenti necessari» perché gli Stati uniti mantengano «la più potente forza militare del mondo» e, allo stesso tempo, farà in modo che «i nostri alleati Nato accrescano la loro spesa per la Difesa» secondo gli impegni già assunti con l’amministrazione Obama-Biden.

Ø  Il secondo passo sarà quello di convocare, nel primo anno di presidenza, un «Summit globale per la democrazia»: vi parteciperanno «le nazioni del mondo libero e le organizzazioni della società civile di tutto il mondo in prima linea nella difesa della democrazia».

Il Summit deciderà una «azione collettiva contro le minacce globali».

Ø  Anzitutto per «contrastare l’aggressione russa, mantenendo affilate le capacità militari dell’Alleanza e imponendo alla Russia reali costi per le sue violazioni delle norme internazionali»;

Ø  allo stesso tempo, per «costruire un fronte unito contro le azioni offensive e le violazioni dei diritti umani da parte della Cina, che sta estendendo la sua portata globale».

Poiché «il mondo non si organizza da sé», sottolinea Biden, gli Stati uniti devono ritornare a «svolgere il ruolo di guida nello scrivere le regole, come hanno fatto per 70 anni sotto i presidenti sia democratici che repubblicani, finché non è arrivato Trump».

Queste sono le linee portanti del programma di politica estera che l’amministrazione Biden si impegna ad attuare. Tale programma – elaborato con la partecipazione di oltre 2.000 consiglieri di politica estera e sicurezza nazionale, organizzati in 20 gruppi di lavoro – non è solo il programma di Biden e del Partito Democratico. Esso è in realtà espressione di un partito trasversale, la cui esistenza è dimostrata dal fatto che le decisioni fondamentali di politica estera, anzitutto quelle relative alle guerre, vengono prese negli Stati uniti su base bipartisan.

Ø  Lo conferma il fatto che oltre 130 alti funzionari repubblicani (sia a riposo che in carica) hanno pubblicato il 20 agosto una dichiarazione di voto contro il repubblicano Trump e a favore del democratico Biden.  Tra questi c’è John Negroponte, nominato dal presidente George W. Bush, nel 2004-2007, prima ambasciatore in Iraq (con il compito di reprimere la resistenza), poi direttore dei servizi segreti Usa.

Lo conferma il fatto che il democratico Biden, allora presidente della Commissione Esteri del Senato, sostenne

nel 2001 la decisione del presidente repubblicano Bush di attaccare e invadere l’Afghanistan e,

nel 2002, promosse una risoluzione bipartisan di 77 senatori che autorizzava il presidente Bush ad attaccare e invadere l’Iraq con l’accusa (poi dimostratasi falsa) che esso possedeva armi di distruzione di massa.

Sempre durante l’amministrazione Bush, quando le forze Usa non riuscivano a controllare l’Iraq occupato, Joe Biden faceva passare al Senato, nel 2007, un piano sul «decentramento dell’Iraq in tre regioni autonome – curda, sunnita e sciita»:

Ø  in altre parole lo smembramento del paese funzionale alla strategia Usa.

Parimenti, quando Joe Biden è stato per due mandati vicepresidente dell’amministrazione Obama, i repubblicani hanno appoggiato le decisioni democratiche

sulla guerra alla Libia,

l’operazione in Siria e

il nuovo confronto con la Russia.

Il partito trasversale, che non appare alle urne, continua a lavorare perché «l’America, ancora una volta, guidi il mondo».

Manlio Dinucci

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Banana Republic USA. Dirty Politics and Rigged Elections: Evidence of Fraud in Swing States

By Stephen Lendman, November 09 2020

Time and again throughout US history since the early 19th century, elections were stolen, not won — at the federal, state, and local levels.

Dr. Fauci Versus Frontline Doctors and Science: “Pandemic Malpractice”

By Joel S. Hirschhhorn, November 09 2020

Americans suffer and die unnecessarily in this pandemic. Frontline doctors are ready and willing to use an effective at home/outpatient remedy. But they are being blocked because their medical freedom has been squashed.

Why Do People Believe Propaganda? Creating Submissively “Obedient Individuals”

By Robert J. Burrowes, November 09 2020

At a time in human history when so much is at stake, why is it so difficult to engage most people in anything resembling a thoughtful investigation, consideration and analysis of what is taking place?

Dystopian “Great Reset”: “Own Nothing and Be Happy”, Being Human in 2030

By Colin Todhunter, November 09 2020

The Great Reset entails a transformation of society resulting in permanent restrictions on fundamental liberties and mass surveillance as entire sectors are sacrificed to boost the monopoly and hegemony of pharmaceuticals corporations, high-tech/big data giants, Amazon, Google, major global chains, the digital payments sector, biotech concerns, etc.

The UK Equalities Commission’s Labour Antisemitism Report Is the Real ‘Political Interference’

By Jonathan Cook, November 09 2020

Senior officials stalled antisemitism complaints not because they were especially antisemitic but because they knew the delays would embarrass Corbyn and weaken him inside the party, as the leaked report of an Labour internal inquiry revealed in the spring.

Big Telecom 5G Networks: The Devious Art of Camouflaging Its Dangerous 5G Telecommunication Towers

By Dr. Gary G. Kohls, November 09 2020

The big question that AT&T’s CEO (as well as any of the many other Big Telecom corporations) doesn’t want asked is this: “What are the enormously powerful, multinational, Big Telecom corporations that are rolling out the untested for safety 5G networks all over the world trying to hide – and why?”

The Other Global Health Crisis: Highly Hazardous Pesticides

By Monica Piccinini, November 09 2020

COVID-19 isn’t the only global health crisis occurring right now. There is another crisis, propagated by a global industry, that is entirely man made.

What Biden’s Foreign Policy Might Look Like

By Steve Brown, November 09 2020

Subsequent to the Captured State’s nearly four-year setback in its attempt to shape the world to suit their Globalist-Neoliberal agenda, let’s examine what a Biden-Harris regime’s foreign policy might look like.

End the Government’s War on America’s Military Veterans

By John W. Whitehead, November 09 2020

“For soldiers … coming home is more lethal than being in combat.” ― Brené Brown, research professor at the University of Houston. The 2020 presidential election may be over, but nothing has really changed.

Information War? Internet Archive to Rewrite History with Alerts for Sites that Have Been Fact Checked

By Aaron Kesel, November 09 2020

You might think the CIA owning journalists is conspiratorial, but it happened with MK ultra’s Operation Mockingbird and was showcased again in 2001 after 9/11, with every media outlet and their grandmother saying Iraq had WMDs, a blatant blunt lie.

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During the last 10 years I have written multiple articles documenting how Cuba has better medical practice and education than the US. To be honest, I have known for a long time that there is an area of medical training where medical students in the US get considerably more training than do those who study in Cuba.

This realization came to me when my daughter Rebecca was in her first year of medical school in Havana. When I phoned after she had been there for a few months, she said, “Dad, I am really glad that when I was a girl you gave me a needle and thread to sew up rips in my clothes. In clinic today, we saw someone with his head whacked open by a machete and a medical student was sewing it back together. It was clear that the guy trying to sew the wound did not have experience with a needle and thread and that the guy getting his head patched up could tell. With the sewing I’ve done, I know that I could handle a wound.”

We chatted about other injuries she had come across and I asked, “How many gunshot wounds have you seen?” She told me that she had never seen one but she would ask other students in her class. None of her friends had treated a gunshot wound.

The subject dropped until a couple of years later when she let me know, “A while back you asked me if any of the med students I know had seen a gunshot wound. Well, someone just told me she had. She treated a cop who had taken a gun out of his holster after getting off work, and, before he put the safety on, he dropped it, it hit the floor and went off, with a bullet going into his foot.”

At that moment I understood that, while there are innumerable false accusations regarding Cuban medicine, one thing could be said that is true: students who study medicine in Cuba get a lot less practice in handling gunshot wounds than do those who study in the US.


Why is it that Cuba has so many fewer gun injuries that does the US? It is definitely not because it is an island of pacifists who never get in fights. When I was walking down a back street early one morning, a rum bottle came skipping along the pavement and stopped near my feet. I saw two men tying to restrain a third who was yelling something in Spanish that I was unable to understand. Ten or 15 yards away another guy was similarly yelling and being held back. In my daughter’s home, I described the scene and heard, “They had probably been drinking rum all night and got into a fight over a woman. There’s cuts and bruises in the Emergency Room all the time from crap like that.” Other events I heard about taught me that Cubans can get into pointless scraps as much as Americans do.

Could less gun violence be because Cuba has virtually no crime? No, that is not it. I remember being awakened from the screaming of a neighbor’s outrage at his two turkeys being stolen from his Havana yard. I’ve been robbed three times in my life – twice in St. Louis and once in Havana. When boarding a Havana bus, I was knocked down, thinking that someone had slipped against me. But when we got off the bus, I reached in my briefcase for my camera to find it missing. My daughter explained, “I bet that guy bumping into you was not an accident. He might have seen your camera at the last stop and grabbed it out of your bag when you fell down.” Getting robbed is thoroughly unpleasant anywhere, but it is quite a bit less odious to have something picked from your briefcase than have a gun pointed at you (as occurred both times when I was robbed in the US).

This leads directly to the question of whether gun violence in the US could be greater than it is in Cuba due to the availability of guns. Vastly more Americans keep a gun handy. “The United States is the most heavily armed country in the world with 90 guns for every 100 citizens.” Yet, the Centre for Economic Policy Research found no support for the belief that more guns cause more homicides and documented methodological flaws in research that claimed a link existed.

Additionally, I suspect there is a difference between Cubans and Americans in their attitudes toward guns. Not being an expert in Cuban law, I asked multiple folks about laws on gun ownership. Some said they could not own a gun and others said they could. The clarity that emerged from this ambiguity is that none of the Cubans I spoke with seemed to be concerned with the topic until I asked them. Not one Cuban said anything remotely like, “I must have a gun to protect myself from someone breaking into my home.”

What a sharp contrast to the US! While some say that guns would cause more danger than protection, millions insist that a gun is the best way to keep their families safe and a very large number become highly upset at the thought that guns could not be an important part of their lives.

Could the reason that there are so many homicides by firearm in the US be that so many Americans are trained to fight in wars? One author thinks so. He did a careful analysis of mass shooters in the US and found that “34% of US mass shooters … are military veterans, as compared with 14.76% in the general population.” After a string of mass shootings in the US, he insisted that the solution would be to “Ban the damn guns. All of them. Everywhere. Do it now, you fucking idiots!”

That’s a very intense opinion; but it is not correct. In addition to the previously mentioned research showing more guns do not lead to more homicides, mass shootings account for only for a small number of gun deaths in the US.

Also, there is the contrast between US veterans in its war against Viet Nam vs. Cuba’s participation in the Angolan Wars of 1975 – 88 which I document in Cuban Health Care: The Ongoing Revolution. Those military interventions had profound effects on each country. While 2.5 million Americans had tours in Viet Nam, over a third of a million soldiers from Cuba (a much smaller country than the US) served in Angola. Cubans were roughly three times as likely to go to Angola as Americans were to go to Viet Nam. Of course, a major difference was that the US invaded a smaller country while Cuba’s actions were in solidarity with black Africans and were critical for elimination of apartheid domination in South Africa.

To have an accurate picture, it is important to be aware that the US is not the most violent country in the world and Cuba is not the most non-violent. The PBS News Hour lists Brazil as the most violent, with 43,200 gun-related deaths and the US as the second most violent with 37,200 such deaths. Other countries topping the most violent list are largely in Latin America, along with South Africa. Knoema gives Cuba a ranking of fifty-third most violent with 27 gun deaths annually, below many European countries. Though the US has about 30 times the population of Cuba, it has 1378 times as many gun deaths.

This enormously higher level of gun killings in the US than Cuba cannot be explained by pacifism on the island, absence of Cuban crime, the higher level of US gun ownership, or involvement in international conflicts (though the last mentioned could have a strong twist). However, two factors are likely to play a strong role in American gun killings.

There is a climbing mountain of consistent and well-researched evidence that unequal wealth distribution is associated with death by firearms. The journal BMC Public Health documents that, among 3244 US counties, those “with growing levels of income inequality are more likely to experience mass shootings.” Authors reason that income inequality fosters anger and resentment, leading to mass murder.

Research between countries likewise confirms that a high rate of homicide by firearms accompanies greater income inequality. An article in Scientific American summarized multiple research reports. One reported an “unambiguous” finding that “income inequality alone explained 74% of the variance in murder rates.” Also, World Bank research confirmed a global link between unequal distribution of resources and murder rates.

The other likely factor in gun deaths is based less on numbers because it is historical and cultural. As Noam Chomsky describes so clearly, the US War for Independence was based on the desire of wealthy colonists to (a) expand westward to take more land from Native Americans and (b) increase slavery. Since England opposed both, the colonists created a culture of gun violence to crush Indian and slave revolts. Chomsky explains that the US Civil War was followed by a lull in the desire for guns, but the desire was exhumed decades later by romanticized visions of the Wild West.

Many Cubans find American obsessions with violence to be a bit vile. As Cuban physician Dr. Gilberto Fleites Gonzalestold interviewer Candace Wolf: “There are many things that are very bad in the States, such as not having universal health care and the high rate of violence in your society.… You are on your way to destroying the earth and the peoples of the planet with your greed and your nuclear weapons.”

Part of the reason that many want to take away guns rather than understand the centrality of a culture of violence is abelief that capitalism is eternal, making it impossible to create a different society. Yet, violence has been nurtured by capitalism much like racism and sexism are exacerbated by economics of dominance. Just as racism and sexism and many other forms of oppression will exist long after capitalism has fallen, so violence in general and gun violence in particular require struggles of consciousness to overcome them. No shortcuts such as “taking guns away” will ever work as long as economics of dominance thrive.

Nevertheless, personal squabbles are not in the same league as violence taught in a culture of domination. Such a culture trains people from childhood that they are entitled to kill because they are superior to others – superior because of their class, or superior due to race or religion or caste, or, increasingly important, superior because they live in a country that has an inborn right to rob wealth from people of the world they consider to be inferior.

This is what is fundamentally different from the US incursion into Viet Nam and Cuba’s participation in wars of southern Africa. The US went into Viet Nam, insisting that it had a right to do so despite the lack of a threat. Cuba went into Angola and fought South African troops to liberate people from racist domination. Wars could well prepare soldiers for mass killings if they are wars of domination.

This charts a meaningful path to lowering gun violence in the US. The US must end its massive and increasing wealth disparity and non-stop wars of domination if it is to reduce killings within its borders. It must cease expandingwealth differentials, both internally and externally.

A final note on the bright side. An American who is thinking of going to medical school in Cuba should not worry about being ill-prepared for treating gunshot wounds. Completing a residency in any US city and working in the Emergency Room during a couple of Friday and Saturday nights will give that student all the practice needed.


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Don Fitz ([email protected]) is on the Editorial Board of Green Social Thought, where a version of this article originally appeared. He was the 2016 candidate of the Missouri Green Party for Governor. His book on Cuban Health Care: The Ongoing Revolution has been available since June 2020.

Global Research: Exposing Political Spin and Media Manipulation

November 9th, 2020 by The Global Research Team

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Trump Defeated at the Polls by Mass Sentiment

November 9th, 2020 by Abayomi Azikiwe

All the major United States based corporate news networks finally called the national presidential elections in favor of former Vice President Joe Biden on Saturday morning, November 7.

President Donald J. Trump and his supporters have vowed to fight the results of the elections in the courts claiming massive vote fraud and a vast conspiracy to deny him a second term of office.

Trump has been saying since the summer that if he did not win in November it would be due to the manipulation of the polls in regard to mail-in and early voting. He has hired teams of lawyers to file objections in state and federal courts, planning to force the U.S. Supreme Court to hear a case filed by him and ultimately voting in his favor.

These ideas which permeate some conservative press agencies and social media groups represent the monumental divisions which exist in U.S. society. Although President-elect Joe Biden won a decisive victory in many regions of the country, overall, the results were extremely close.

There have been demonstrations by Trump-Pence supporters in Detroit and Phoenix claiming conspiratorial voter fraud and the denial of Republican challengers to monitor the tabulation processes. State election officials and many media agencies have said that these allegations are preposterous.

Detroit demonstration carrying banner saying Black and Brown voices matter on Nov. 4, 2020 (Photo by Abayomi Azikiwe)

In fact, it took four days of constant reporting and analyzing from the media to become convinced that the Biden-Harris ticket was insurmountable in the important states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada. Even though most outlets agree that Biden and Senator Kamal Harris of California are ensured victory, votes are still being counted in many states.

Demonstrations were held as well by opponents of Trump. In Detroit on November 4, the day after the elections when the state of Michigan was declared as a Biden victory, a youth-led rally and march brought together numerous organizations and progressive political figures. Speakers at the rally included Nia Winston, the powerful president of Unite Here Local 24 labor organization, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib of the 13th District, representatives of the Black Lives Matter and prisoner rights movements denounced the outrageous claims of the Trump campaign related to voter fraud and pledged to continue the struggle for healthcare, housing, education, anti-racism, environmental quality and the rights of all working and oppressed peoples in the U.S.

Developments in the U.S. Set the Tone for Trump’s Electoral Defeat

2020 has been a tumultuous year in the U.S. and internationally. The outgoing Trump administration weathered the storm of an impeachment trial only to be faced with the worst public health crisis in the more than a century.

The COVID-19 pandemic, due to the inaction of the administration, has killed and sickened more people in the U.S. than any other country in the world. Consequently, the economic impact of the virus has rendered tens of millions unemployed, without health insurance and threatened with evictions from their homes.

Moreover, the escalation in racist vigilante and police violence against African Americans and other oppressed peoples fueled resentment and anger from California to New York City. The names of Ahmaud Abery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd became the rallying cries of millions who flooded the streets and highways screaming “Black Lives Matter.”

Mass demonstrations and rebellions erupted in many cities including Minneapolis, the city where George Floyd was publicly executed by the racist police, along with the municipalities of Chicago, Philadelphia, Louisville, Los Angeles, New York City, Detroit, Portland, Seattle and many others, indicated that the social situation was reaching an important historical conjuncture.

It was the role of the electorate in these cities which turned the tide against the Trump administration. The president said as much in his attacks on Detroit during his speech in the evening hours of November 5. The administration has over the last several months in response to the protests and civil unrest against police misconduct, deployed thousands of federal forces ostensibly to bolster the local authorities.

Detroit demonstration demanding that all votes be counted on Nov. 4, 2020 (Photo by Abayomi Azikiwe)

The anti-racist Black Lives Matter protests were severely attacked by police, National Guard units and federal agents. Dozens of people have lost their lives in the events since late May. Thousands more have been injured and arrested. Curfews have been imposed while Philadelphia, which played such a critical role in the defeat of Trump, was occupied by National Guard troops after a mass rebellion the week before the elections in the aftermath of the police execution of Walter Wallace, Jr.

Attorney General William Barr has stood by Trump while he blatantly violated the fundamental rights of due process and equal protection under the law purportedly guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. As Trump seeks to wage a legal and political battle over his defeat by the electorate it will be interesting to see how members of his cabinet, the leadership within the Senate and Republican minority figures in the House of Representatives fall out around his attempts to remain in office after his repudiation by the majority of voters in the U.S.

Implications for the Unfolding Situation in the Coming Weeks and Months

The Trump administration has declared that it will not leave office without a legal and political challenge to his electoral defeat. However, his opponents, particularly those on the Left and militant elements within the oppressed communities across the U.S., have pledged to wage a relentless struggle to ensure that he exits the White House by January 20.

The Moratorium NOW! Coalition in Detroit and other mass organizations in Wisconsin and the Bay Area of California has called for the formation of Peoples’ Committees to organize against the attempted coup by the Trump forces. These Peoples’ Committees can further agitate for a general strike among broad sections of labor, youth and community people in order to effectively shut down the U.S.

Such actions would alarm Wall Street and the Pentagon forcing them to either side with the coup makers or to demand along with the masses that Trump should leave the White House in an attempt to maintain some semblance of social stability. Nevertheless, during the transition process, the situation will inevitably become much more complicated both politically and economically.

An incoming Biden administration will be overwhelmed with the public health and financial crises impacting the U.S. at present. Biden has never come out in support of universal healthcare coverage for everyone living in the country. This is one of the critical issues along with the need for a guaranteed annual income, the halt to all foreclosures and evictions and the reigning in of the police and all law-enforcement agencies from their relentless war on the African American, Middle Eastern, Asian, Native and Latin American populations in the U.S. If these issues are not immediately addressed by the incoming Democratic administration the masses of workers and youth will remain in the streets in defiance of the status-quo.

In addition, the U.S. foreign policy must be radically altered in order to prevent the continuation of the permanent war against the peoples of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the oppressed nations and working class within the confines of the U.S. and other imperialist states in Western Europe. A Biden administration should rekindle the Iran Nuclear Deal, the Paris Climate Accords, the lifting of sanctions against Zimbabwe, Cuba, Venezuela and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and move towards developing a foreign policy based upon peaceful co-existence as opposed to imperialist war and international exploitation of labor and resources.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of Pan-African News Wire. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Detroit demonstration says all votes must be counted to defeat Trump on Nov. 4, 2020 (Photo by Abayomi Azikiwe)

A massive psyop was launched across the world after the Mainstream Media’s “projection” that Biden will become the President-Elect deceived average folks and foreign governments alike into thinking that the US’ contentious 2020 presidential election has finally concluded, but the existing and forthcoming litigation from the Trump team might change the final tally in key battleground states and in turn influence how the Electoral College votes in the middle of next month since it’s this institution — not the media or the popular vote — which legally decides the presidency as per the Constitution.

An Unprecedentedly Intense Psyop

Most of the world fell for the massive psyop that was launched over the weekend after the Mainstream Media “projected” that Biden will become the President-Elect. This dramatic declaration is factually false and deliberately ignores the legal process for deciding the presidency as stipulated by the Constitution, instead relying on the masterful manipulation of carefully cultivated perceptions to craft the impression of a fait accompli despite the coup plotters’ desired outcome not yet being legally certified. It’s of the utmost importance to explain the latest development in the decades-long Hybrid War of Terror on America since the “perception management” method that’s presently being perfected will almost certainly be employed in future regime change operations across the world for the purpose of delegitimizing targeted incumbent governments and demoralizing their supporters after disputed elections.

The Election College Reigns Supreme

First things first, it’s actually the Electoral College — and not the media or even the popular vote like many folks (both Americans and especially foreigners) wrongly believe — which legally decides the presidency as per the Constitution. Each state’s electors are expected — but not always legally obligated — to vote for the candidate who wins the popular vote in their state when this institution meets in mid-December. The existing and forthcoming litigation from the Trump team might change the final tally in key battleground states, however, which could in turn influence the outcome of this process. There’s also the possibility of so-called “dueling slates of electors” being nominated by the governor and legislature of some contested states, especially given the legally unresolved outcomes there, the scenario of which was described in detail by Reuters in their informative article on the topic from last month.

Edward Bernays Is Back

It’s for this reason why the Mainstream Media’s claim about Biden becoming the President-Elect is factually false, yet it’s nevertheless being propagated far and wide for the purpose of manipulating the masses. Psychological operations, or psyops for short, aren’t anything “conspiratorial” like self-deluded or dishonest critics might claim, but are part and parcel of human history, having become all the more ubiquitous in everyday life as a result of the relatively recent revolution in information-communication technology which brought most of the planet online through internet-connected cell phones with social media apps. Never before have Edward Bernays’ teachings about “Propaganda” and “The Engineering Of Consent” been more relevant, which is felt by all folks across the world, even if only subconsciously for most of those who still remain unaware of these techniques’ very existence.

The Gaslighting Game

What the coup plotters want to have happen — and make no mistake about it, this is definitely a coup because of the credible claims that fraud was committed in several key battleground states — is to manipulate Trump’s supporters into becoming defeatist so that they don’t employ “Democratic Security” strategies such as exercising their constitutionally enshrined right to stage peaceful rallies in his support while the litigation process continues. They’re also unsure of what the legal outcome will be, especially if the Supreme Court’s new conservative supermajority is ultimately forced to rule on one or some of the cases, hence why they want everyone to wrongly believe that the issue is already decided so that they can then gaslight their targeted audience into thinking that the election was stolen from them instead of them being the ones who are actually trying to steal it from Trump.

The International Community’s Self-Interested Reaction

There are also several international dimensions at play as well. By prematurely “projecting” the victor with the strategic motivation of misleading the masses, the anti-Trump members of the US’ permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (“deep state”) expected that sympathetic foreign officials will fall for their Mainstream Media proxies’ psyop by following suit and congratulating Biden before the results are legally certified, as most of them ended up doing since it conformed with their “wishful thinking” expectations. Others, however, might not necessarily have been supportive of this “deep state” coup, but simply thought to safeguard their national interests in the (likely?) event that it succeeds, hence why they took a calculated risk congratulating Biden in order to get on his team’s good side. Polish President Duda was probably the most measured, however, since he said wisely wrote that “we await the nomination by the Electoral College”.

Perfecting The Syrian & Venezuelan Precedents

The Anti-Trump Regime Change Sequence Is Worthwhile Studying” for other reasons as well. As the author warned in his latest piece about how “Schadenfreude Towards The US Is Acceptable, But Don’t Sacrifice Your Principles!” which he wrote for The Iranian Council For Defending The Truth, a new Iranian think tank, the “perception management” method that’s presently being perfected in the final stage of the four-year-long psyop against Trump is intended to be used in other regime change operations across the world for delegitimizing targeted incumbent governments after disputed elections and demoralizing their supporters. It’s actually not all that novel of a method either since it was earlier employed against Syrian President Assad and Venezuelan President Maduro but to no avail, though its use against Trump is unprecedentedly intense and carries with it globally significant consequences considering the US’ fading superpower status.

The Future Victims Tie Their Own Infowar Noose

Those in general society and the halls of foreign governments who sympathize with this rolling coup for whatever their reasons may be might eventually find themselves on the receiving end of these “political technologies”, except they’ll be applied even more intensely and arguably more convincingly since the “deep state’s” Mainstream Media proxies could present evidence of those targeted leaders tacitly endorsing the anti-Trump regime change psyop which was later used against them. The carefully cultivated impression of hypocrisy that would then be on full display could deal enormous damage to the morale of those leaders’ supporters and could even result in other governments once again ignoring constitutional processes to congratulate their target’s opponent on their so-called “victory” instead. The de-facto establishment of “dueling governments” partially recognized by the international community could worsen any political crisis as seen in Venezuela.


With the psyop reaching its crescendo towards what might ultimately end up being Trump’s official capitulation (although no such concession on his side is constitutionally required), the question on his supporters’ minds is whether or not they should recognize the contentious results even if the Electoral College certifies them. That’s a personal decision that every person must make for themselves, though it should be said that everyone should abide by the law and not burn, loot, riot, and even murder in rare instances like the “deep state’s” de-facto street militias of Antifa and “Black Lives Matter” have done for nearly the past half-year with practical impunity when expressing their rage against the system. Nevertheless, consent is purely personal and doesn’t have to be given even if one goes through the motions of abiding by the certified outcome in order to avoid the possible consequences of being placed on the “enemies list” that the dictatorial Democrats are currently compiling.

Concluding Thoughts

The “deep state’s” Mainstream Media proxies launched a massive psyop against the world by prematurely declaring Biden the President-Elect despite the outcome still being litigated and the Electoral College not yet having cast their ballots for the Democrat puppet. Many average folks and foreign governments fell for it either out of innocent ignorance or willing hypocritical complicity with the coup due to their political sympathies for Trump’s opponents. In any case, just like “The Connection Between World War C & Psychological Processes Is Seriously Concerning”, so too should the widespread manipulation of global perceptions be equally concerning for all those are aware of what’s happening. Biden’s possible presidency is already off to an ominous start after he’s on the brink of being installed through a superficially “democratic” coup that his handlers felt compelled to defend by launching a worldwide psyop in the (unlikely?) event that the Supreme Court saves Trump.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from OneWorld

Lebanon Economy is Sinking and Pulling Syria Down with Them

November 9th, 2020 by Steven Sahiounie

Syrian President Bashar al Assad recently revealed the main source of Syria’s deepening economic crisis.  He pointed to the $20 to $42 billion in deposits in Lebanese banks by Syrian customers, which are now frozen and unable to be accessed, and feared lost.

“This figure for an economy like Syria is terrifying,” said President Assad, and added, “It’s the money they put in Lebanese banks and we paid the price, this is the core of the problem that no one talks about,” Assad said while speaking during a recent Damascus trade fair broadcast on state media.

While some have blamed the Caesar Act on Syria’s economic suffering, Assad offered the main cause.

“The crisis began before the Caesar Act and years after long-imposed Western sanctions … It’s the money (in Lebanese banks) that has been lost,” Assad said.

Western sanctions on Syria have caused widespread hardship among ordinary residents, where the currency’s collapse since the start of the year has led to soaring prices and people struggling to afford food and basic supplies. The war-weary population suffered severe fuel shortages and has seen bread prices rise as domestically grown wheat stocks dwindle. Syrian wheat was once imported to Europe in huge quantities before 2011; however, during the US-NATO attack on Syria for regime change, the terrorists captured and stole the wheat stocks and took them to Turkey, where the Erdogan government re-sold the stolen Syrian wheat to the EU.

Syrian business shut down by the Lebanese banks

Hassan (a pseudonym) was a Syrian who had withstood ten years of war and refused to leave his country, constantly leaning on the hope of victory over terrorism and foreign involvement.  He bet his savings that the country would return to peace, and the rebuilding process would begin.  During the war years, he had not been able to use his Syrian bank account for wire transfer in US dollars to the suppliers of machines in Germany, because of US banking sanctions.  His business was importing machines made in Germany and selling them to Syrian customers. He had a Lebanese bank account in US dollars, which he used to continue his business in Syria.  However, just as he was hopeful his business was picking up again, the Lebanese banking crisis put him out of business, as he could no longer access his US dollars in his account and therefore, could not make any wire transfer to suppliers in Germany, or elsewhere. Hassan was just one of the hundreds of Syrian businessmen who President Assad recently referred to.

Lebanese driven out of business by the banks

Ali (a pseudonym) was a Syrian working in Lebanon in a mini-market chain, which had five locations and was stocked with primarily American and French-made products that were shipped in from abroad. The stores were open 24 hours a day and offered home delivery.  The Lebanese owner had previously worked in Africa, and through hard work had saved enough to return home after decades to open the stores and stock them with western-made food products which the Lebanese and ex-pats depended on.  Because the Lebanese have a long history of living and working abroad in areas that have western commodities, their tastes have been deeply influenced by items, such as foods and clothing, made in the USA and France. Knowing the Lebanese demand for fine products, the French have long depended on Lebanon as a market for their products.

When the street protests began in June of 2019, the chain stores did a brisk business as protesters needed water, soft drinks, and snacks while in the street.  Beer and alcohol products also sold well after night-fall as the protesters enjoyed the social aspect of large gatherings of mainly young people.

The protests turned violent, but the chain stores were not damaged, as the protesters focused their anger on destroying banks, which they saw as part of their problems.

The COVID-19 pandemic is raging in Lebanon, which has no free-hospitals and routinely turns away the dying at the doors of private hospitals, which charge fees comparable to an American or European private hospital.

The owner of the mini-market chain couldn’t access the US dollars in his bank account, because the Lebanese banking crisis caused capital controls to be enforced, preventing customers from withdrawing their money in US dollars and perhaps leaving the country.  Without the US dollars in his account, he was not able to order more foreign products, which is required to be paid in US dollars by a bank to bank wire transfer.

The Lebanese banking collapse caused the owner to begin moving stock from one of the five stores to another, and closing down the shops which were made empty by the merchandise removal to the few stores remaining open.

One of the most vibrant of all of the stores was located in Gemaysee, and it was almost destroyed by the August explosion at the nearby Port of Beirut.  None of the staff were killed, but the neighborhood suffered deaths and injuries.  Now, the chain down-sized further after the loss of that location.

The clerks, cashiers, delivery persons, managers, business administrators, and human resources department were one by one losing their jobs, and the once five-store chain became ever smaller until only one store was left open, selling stock which had not yet gone beyond expiration date, but time was running out quickly. Without the ability to buy new fresh merchandise because of the banks withholding withdrawals, the whole business was doomed and would die a slow death reflecting the entire Lebanese economy in a microcosm.

Most of the clerks and delivery people were Syrians who couldn’t return home for a variety of reasons.  They faced living in the street if they couldn’t pay their rent. For the Lebanese workers, the situation was just as dire.  Many were renting, and living pay-check to pay-check. A Lebanese passport is still accepted in a few places abroad, and they started checking on jobs available, but for the Syrians, the choices were few, as the Syrian passport is not readily accepted by the majority of countries, and refugee or asylum status is a long process which can take years to accomplish in Canada or Europe, and in the US is fairly impossible. Some Lebanese and Syrians in Lebanon took small fishing boats to Cyprus as economic refugees, but virtually all were prevented from making it ashore. The doors were closing in their faces.  While the possibility of a Lebanese economic recovery seems hopeless in the face of lack of unity and will from the political establishment.

 How to engineer an economic meltdown in Lebanon, and Syria

The Lebanese pound had been pegged to the dollar at 1,500 for over two decades and could be freely exchanged at a bank or by a supermarket cashier.

Lebanon was politically dysfunctional, with the political elite refusing to unite, which kept the county without a president for most of 2016.

Riad Salameh, the head of the central bank, Banque du Liban, formerly of the US firm of Merrill Lynch, introduced “financial engineering”. Some have referred to this as a form of the Ponzi scheme.  He offered banks lavish returns for new dollars. The dollars received were spent by the government on projects which left little show for, other than the lavish kickbacks received by the political elite, who are the same aging war-lords of the 1975-1990 civil war.

Today, the central bank’s assets are more than wiped out by what it owes. Prime Minister Hassan Diab complained about Riad Salameh, but the US Ambassador warned him not to fire Salameh, as that was a ‘red-line’ for the US.

Once dubbed the “Switzerland of the Middle East”, the Lebanese banking sector held over $170 billion in foreign currency deposits, which may now be lost forever to account holders.

What is a Ponzi scheme?

Many economists have deemed Lebanon’s financial system as a nationally condoned Ponzi scheme, where new money is borrowed to pay existing creditors. It works great until the new money stops coming in.

Saudi Arabia, the oil-rich monarchies of the Persian Gulf, and the US and EU have in the past been infusing cash into the Lebanese system, as they each were buying political influence in the tiny nation.  However, the war in Syria which began in 2011 began the process of stopping the “Friends of Syria” support in Lebanon.  The attack on Syria was actual, with terrorists and bullets, but a simultaneous attack on Lebanon took the form of economic warfare.

What is next for Lebanon’s economy?

France is demanding Lebanon tackle corruption and implement other reforms stressed by donors, and Lebanon needs to resume stalled talks with the International Monetary Fund.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is an award-winning journalist. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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The Other Global Health Crisis: Highly Hazardous Pesticides

November 9th, 2020 by Monica Piccinini

COVID-19 isn’t the only global health crisis occurring right now. There is another crisis, propagated by a global industry, that is entirely man made.

The world’s five largest agrochemical companies: Bayer, BASF, Sygenta, Corteva and FMC – members of Croplife International lobby group – are making huge profits by selling chemicals that pose a serious risk to human health.

Research has shown links to increased cancer, liver disease, DNA damage, reproductive failure, endocrine disruption and also to the environment like groundwater contamination, microbiome disruption, poisoning of birds, mammals, fish and bees.

The main markets for these dangerous chemicals are low and middle-income countries, like Brazil and India. Although in European markets some of these products have already been banned, European companies can still produce and sell them to regions with lesser regulations.

Why are these companies allowed to sell such harmful chemicals already banned in the EU to countries that are known to have weaker regulations?

Highly Hazardous Pesticides

“Even though the climate is different, our bodies are made from the same matter”, explains spokesperson for the Permanent Campaign Against Pesticides and for Life, an umbrella of social movements and NGOs, Alan Tygel. “Substances that are dangerous for Europeans, are also dangerous for Brazilians, Indians, Argentinians, and so on”.

The ammonia process, which uses nitrogen from the atmosphere as its key ingredient, was invented by German chemist Fritz Haber to help farmers around the world significantly improve their profitability. There is a darker side to his work as one of the most effective insecticides Harber helped to develop was Zyklon B, used by the Nazis to murder more than a million people, even including members of his own family.

Fossil fuels and greenhouse gases are great contributors to climate change, but Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs), which affect the health of large parts of the population and our environment, have gone largely unrecognised.

According to the World Health Organisation and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, HHPs are described as “pesticides that are acknowledged to present particularly high levels of acute or chronic hazards to health or the environment according to internationally accepted classification systems”.

An investigation by Unearthed and Public Eye found that CropLife companies made approximately 27% of sales income from HHPs in high-income countries compared to 45% to low to mid-income countries. In markets like Brazil and India, HHPs made up 49% and 59% of sales respectively.

“We are in the midst of an invisible explosion of pesticide use in low to mid-income countries that are ill-equipped to manage such hazards”, said the United Nations former special rapporteur on toxic substances and human rights, Baskut Tuncak who is an international lawyer, specialising in laws and policies on the management of toxic chemicals and pollution.

There is a huge concern that in some of the low to mid income countries, many agrochemical manufacturers are involved in intensive lobbying in order to relax its pesticides regulations. For example, in May 2019, the Brazilian Agriculture Ministry approved 31 pesticides, three of them being composed of glyphosate, a substance associated with cancer that has been the target of multi-million dollar lawsuits in America. In 2018, a total of 450 of agrochemicals were approved by the Bolsonaro administration. In the same year, Brazil used more than 60,000 tons of HHPs banned in the European Union (EU).

“Many people in Europe ask us what they can do to contribute to the fight against pesticides in Brazil”, says Tygel. “And the answer is closer than it looks: the largest pesticide companies in the world are in Europe, and the continent is a major exporter of these substances. European states need to compel these companies to comply in other countries with the same rules they do in their countries of origin.”

EU is Tightening Regulation but Not Brexit Britain

The US has the most relaxed pesticide regulations amongst high-income countries and is a major exporter of banned agrochemicals to low to mid income countries. The EU is not far behind. In 2018, EU countries, including Britain, notified exports of 81,615 tons of banned pesticides, more than half of it destined to lower and middle-income countries, like Brazil, Morocco, Mexico, Ukraine and South Africa. Sygenta, Swiss-based but Chinese owned is the largest exporter of banned agrochemicals with exports of 29,307 tons.

Recently, it was announced that the EU Commission was committed to ending the practice of EU factories manufacturing banned HHPs for export. The European Commission strategy is welcomed and key to the European Green Deal, but its efforts could be broken by loopholes in European law and the fact is this deal would not prevent European companies selling those pesticides if they are manufactured outside the EU. There is absolutely nothing stopping these companies from moving their manufacturing facilities to lower and middle-income countries.

Britain is by far the largest pesticide exporter of banned pesticides in Europe and the European Commission’s decision will not apply once Brexit takes effect. Leaving the EU could mean the UK embracing a larger role in the trade and Brexit may be used to weaken regulations. In 2018, 28,185 tons of paraquat products that Sygenta notified for export from its factory in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, was larger than all the banned pesticides for export from Italy, the Netherlands and Germany.

Paraquat has been described by Bakut Tuncak as an “unquestionably harzadous pestide that is killing countless people around the world and resulting in who knows how many cases of health impacts such as Parkinson’s”.

In 2018, UK exports included 4,000 tons of the soil fumigant 1,3-Dichloropropene, produced by a subsidiary of the chemicals giant Ineos, which is majority-owned by Sir Jim Ratcliffe. 1,3-D is classified as a probable carcinogen and is banned in the EU.

Greenpeace described the trade as “exploitative hypocrisy” and demanded the UK Government put an end to it. Doug Parr, the campaign group’s scientist, said that the UK should stop the manufacture and export of all banned pesticides.

It is alarming that of the $13.4 billion of sales by the CropLife companies, $4.8 billion went on chemicals found by regulatory agencies to pose hazards like acute poisoning or chronic illness, or high toxicity to bees and other wildlife.

The world’s most popular weed-killing pesticide is glyphosate, first patented by Monsanto in 1974 and now manufactured and sold by many companies in hundreds of products. Glyphosate accounts for approximately £1 billion of CropLife sales. Bayer alone accounts for $840 million of those sales, after its controversial takeover of Roundup manufacturer Monsanto in 2018.

“It is absolutely clear that glyphosate can cause cancers in experimental animals”, affirmed former Director of the US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Chris Portier, who worked on the International Agency for Research on Cancer review of glyphosate. “And the human evidence for an association between glyphosate and cancer is also there, predominantly for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.”

Detrimental to Human Health and the Environment

In America, Bayer is facing billion dollar lawsuits from tens of thousands of plaintiffs who allege Roundup gave them cancer.

Herbicide atrazine and parquat, sold mainly by Sygenta, have been around since the 1960s and are now banned in the EU and Switzerland. A very small amount of parquat can be fatal, and it has been used as means of suicide in poor rural areas. Atrazine has been found to be an endocrine disruptor and researchers in the US have found it “wreaks havoc with the sex lives of male frogs”. It has been banned in the EU since 2004 over concerns about groundwater contamination, and has been found by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to pose reproductive and developmental risks to animals and humans, particularly children.

Fipronil is another active ingredient used in insecticides marketed by BASF. This product entered Pesticide Action Networkn (PAN) list for its fatal effect on bees. In 2017 millions of chicken eggs were contaminated by it in Belgium and the Netherlands. It was then banned from the entire EU.

According to a report released by Swiss non-Government organisation Public Eye, “51 of the 120 pesticide active ingredients in Sygenta’s portfolio are not authorised for use in its home country, Switzerland; 16 of them were banned because of their impact on human health and the environment. But Sygenta continues selling them in lower income countries”.

The PAN International list of HHPs provides a basis for action to implement the progressive ban of highly hazardous pesticides and replace them with safer, agro-ecological and other appropriate non-chemical alternatives. PAN International was founded in 1982 and has been one of the key driving forces among non-governmental organisations for improving pesticide and crop protection policies.

The agrichemical industry refuses to accept the impact and damage it has caused to our health and environment, therefore contributing massively to climate change. The hypocrisy of it is that all HHPs banned in the EU and that are sold to developing countries end up in our supermarkets – in the food we consume.

The efforts the EU is making in order to stop the export of HHPs is commendable, but we know this is not enough. Like the tobacco industry and the fossil fuel lobby, the agrichemical industry is unlikely to give up HPPs easily. It is essential that everyone pressures them to change their products and avoid the other global health disaster that is already threatening us all.


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Health Effects of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

November 9th, 2020 by Dr. Hisako Sakiyama


Hisako Sakiyama has a PhD in Medicine and is a Member of the Takagi School of Alternative Scientists, a Japanese NGO established in 1998 to study the environment, nuclear issues, human rights, and other issues in modern society from the perspective of citizens. The School seeks to create ways that scientists and prospective scientists can link their specialized expertise and capabilities with citizen movements. She has been a Research Associate at MIT and worked on cancer cell biology as Former Senior Researcher at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) in Japan. Sakiyama served as a member of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission (NAIIC), a commission established by the Japanese Diet in 2011. She subsequently co-established the 3.11 Fund for Children with Thyroid Cancer with Ruiko Muto in 2016. As a former member of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigative Commission, Dr Sakiyama continues to be active in sharing her findings, which often contradict those of the Japanese government and its associated scientists’ in terms of their evalution of the health effects of the nuclear disaster, with media and citizens around the world (K.H.).

The interview was held on June 3rd, 2018 and updated on August 13, 2020.

Health Effects of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

Hirano: Seven years have passed since the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. Do you think that the effects of radiation on the human body have decreased since then?

Sakiyama: Although radiation has gone down significantly, there are still many radiation hotspots, such as forests, rivers and riverbeds, and satoyama1, where decontamination is not possible.

Image on the right: Hisako Sakiyama, M.D. & Ph.D

The health impact of radiation adds up over time, so long-term exposure certainly becomes a health concern. The risk is determined by how long you live in a contaminated area. The risk in a given locality may diminish, but the effects of cumulative radiation exposure will gradually increase over time. Sensitivity to radiation differs among individuals, but the risks for children are generally greater than for adults.

You inherit two sets of genes, one from each parent. Cells have DNA repair enzymes that correct any physical damage of DNA — including that caused by exposure to radiation. If you inherit a mutated gene of a repair enzyme, however, the repair mechanism becomes less effective. With even a little radiation, there is a likelihood that cancerous tumors can grow. As time goes by, we will see more cancer cases among the people exposed to radiation in Fukushima, since it may take years for cancer to develop. In fact, childhood thyroid cancer cases have already increased.

Hirano: Despite such scientific data, the Japanese government continues to maintain a safety standard of up to 20 mSv/yr – which is twenty times the usual limit. This applies only in Fukushima. as part of a policy to encourage residents to return home. Using this standard, the government has been telling people to go back home, and compensation payments for evacuees were cut off in March 2017.

Sakiyama: Exactly. Just think about it. The government used the threshold of a 20 mSv radiation dose as the basis for evacuation orders soon after the accident, so residents in the applicable areas were forced to leave everything and flee their hometown in order to evacuate to areas where the radiation level was below 1 mSv/yr.

Now, the government is trying to bring people back to hometowns which are still contaminated with radiation levels of up to 20 mSv/yr, claiming that decontamination efforts have made it safe to return. It just does not make any sense at all.

Another problem related to the decontamination effort is that there are now about 10 million bags of decontamination waste from all over Fukushima prefecture. Without knowing what to do with all that contaminated soil and materials, the government decided to open up the bulk bags, sift through them, and reuse the contaminated soil below 8000 Bq/kg in public construction projects. How can they proceed with such a ridiculous plan? It’s unthinkable.2

Going back to the subject of age-dependent radiation risks, there is a report from the American Academy of Sciences called BEIR-VII (Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation). I made a graph using the data and submitted it when the NAIIC (National Diet of Japan Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission) met (see Figure 1). This data was included in NAIIC’s report. It’s easy to see that children are particularly vulnerable. Under the government return policy, children, including infants, are encouraged to return to places with 20mSv. You can see how terrible the government policy is. The recommended dose limit for adults employed in radiation work is 20 mSv/yr. Minors under the age 18 are usually prohibited from entering places like that.

Fig 1. Sensitivity to radiation by age, gender (no. of incidences of cancer among population of 100,000 people) (NAIIC Report)

Hirano: I’ve heard a lot of concerns regarding the 20mSv standard itself, but I understand that it’s also dangerous to apply the standard in a uniform way regardless of differences in age and gender — particularly to children and those who are pregnant.

Sakiyama: That’s true. I believe the standard should be lowered from 20 to at most 1 mSv for women, anyone who may become pregnant. Of course, the lower the better.

Hirano: In Japan, is the limit of radiation exposure differentiated by age or sex?

Sakiyama: In general, yes. Those under 18 years old are not allowed to enter radiation-controlled areas.

Hirano: I see. But when it comes to the return policy, I take it there is no differentiation, is there?

Sakiyama: Exactly. None at all. It’s what we call ‘Fukushima discrimination’. Considering the radiation level, I believe some parts of Fukushima prefecture should really be treated as a radiation-controlled areas. Such areas are usually identified and fenced off. As Dr. Koide Hiroaki has also stated, simply staying overnight, let alone living a regular lifestyle is impossible in such a dangerous environment.3

Hirano: Obviously, the central government does not acknowledge the risks associated with its return policy, does it? So far 199 children and young adults have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer or suspected malignancy, haven’t they?

Sakiyama: That’s right. Among them, 162 have been already confirmed as malignant, and one of these was diagnosed as benign after operation. (As of June 15th 2020, 195 people received definitive diagnosis of thyroid cancers after undergoing surgery. See the Table below).

Fukushima Medical University examined thyroids of children in Fukushima who were 18 years old and younger at the time of accident. Examinations will be carried out every two years until they are 20 years old, and every 5 years after that. The screening flow chart is shown in Fig.2.

Fig 2. Thyroid screening flow chart. The ordinary consultation course (the surveillance course) was not made public until March 2017 when the 3.11 Fund for Children with Thyroid Cancer announced that a boy who was 4 years old at the time of the accident had been operated on at Fukushima Medical University. His case had not been reported to the oversight committee. As of October 2017, there were 2,881 patients who underwent this ordinary consultation course, but they were neither covered by the Fukushima Health Management Survey, nor reported to the oversight committee even after being diagnosed as malignant as a result of surgery.

Hirano: Early on there were some scholars who disputed those findings. They claimed that more cases are cropping up simply because of more aggressive screening with ultrasonic examinations, so that the high numbers are driven by new screening technology, and are unrelated to radiation exposure from the nuclear disaster. Please tell me your thoughts on this.

Sakiyama: In the first round of screening, a total of 116 children, out of roughly 300,000 children tested, were suspected of having thyroid cancer. That is a thyroid cancer rate dozens of times higher than usual over a 2-year period. Yet, these scholars still dismiss the link between this unusually high occurrence of childhood thyroid cancer and radiation exposure, and insist that it was the result of “mass screening.”

In fact, by that time just 10% of the first round of screening had been completed, Dr. Yamashita Shunichi had already noticed that cancer rates had spiked, with 3 confirmed and 10 suspected cases. So he had to come up with some explanation for the findings. He announced that it was due to the “effect of mass screening” and not an epidemic. I believe the announcement was actually made right on March 11th, 2013, at an annual meeting of the NRC (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission) in the US.

Hirano: Which means that Dr. Yamashita and his colleagues were working from the beginning to establish a discourse, even in international spaces, that the Fukushima disaster had done nothing harmful to the human body.

Sakiyama: Exactly. It was a discussion with a foregone conclusion. The decision had already been made before the screenings had even begun. Even after it became clear that thyroid cancer incidence rates in the affected areas were several tens of times greater than the national average, they insisted that it was due to the effects of mass screening.

However, during the second round of screening, they began seeing some results that were not normal, and could not be explained by the mass screening effect. At this point some of these medical experts started voicing concerns about the possibility of “over-diagnosis.” By “over-diagnosis” they mean that they examine cases that would not otherwise cause symptoms or death during a patient’s ordinarily expected lifetime. But, these concerns weren’t coming from clinicians – they were from epidemiologists such as Dr. Tsugane Shoichiro, the director of Research Center for Cancer Prevention and Screening, National Cancer Center Japan, and Dr. Shibuya Kenji, the Visiting Professor of the Department of Global Health Policy, Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo.

Dr. Tsugane said that in general, thyroid cancer has an appropriate prognosis, but by over-diagnosing children, they might be subjected to unnecessary surgeries. This would eventually give them not only scars on their necks, but also the stigma that they had developed cancer due to radiation exposure. He warned that it would probably affect their eligibility for cancer insurance, and they might face discrimination in marriage or other contexts for having been exposed to radiation. He argued that there is little merit in examining children, and suggested reducing the thyroid cancer screenings in Fukushima. Actually, it is official policy that is now moving in this direction with scaling down thyroid screening all together.

On the other hand, Dr. Suzuki Shinichi, professor of thyroid surgery at Fukushima Medical University, who has operated on most thyroid cancer patients at the university, refuted the charge of over-diagnosis. He presented evidence at the Japanese Society of Thyroid Surgery that among 145 patients who were operated on, about 78% had lymph node metastasis, and about 45% showed invasive growth. Based on these facts, he said that over-diagnosis is unlikely.

Hirano: It sounds like they are appropriating a discourse about discrimination and prejudice in order to confuse the issue of radiation and cancer, and sweep everything under the rug.

Sakiyama: Exactly. As you know, Dr. Yamashita is unfortunately an influential figure in the Thyroid Association. At first, he used to say that it was necessary to conduct thyroid cancer screenings, but now he has become one of the loudest voices advocating scaling down the program.

There was an International Experts Meeting last year in Fukushima, and after the meeting Dr. Yamashita and Dr. Niwa, the Chairman of the Radiation Effects Research Foundation, made a recommendation to the governor of Fukushima Prefecture. In their interim report Dr. Yamashita and Dr. Niwa stated that it was difficult to find a link between the cancers found through the screenings, and radiation exposure. They suggested curtailing the screenings, not stopping them altogether but making participation “voluntary.”

One justification for this was the so-called theory of fetal thyroid cell carcinogenesis that was introduced by Dr. Takano Tōru of Osaka University. According to him, young children develop a higher risk of thyroid cancer because thyroid tumor cells are derived directly from thyroid fetal cells, which exist only in fetuses and young children, and the fetal cells possess cancerous characteristics; however, the tumors from these immature fetal cells in the young diminish during infancy and stop growing altogether after middle age. Therefore the prognosis is excellent and the process does not progress to cause cancer deaths.

On the contrary, he continued, if you develop thyroid cancer in the middle or old age, the tumor cells undergo sudden proliferation, which can lead to cancer death. Therefore, he concludes that thyroid cancer in young children should be left undiagnosed.

I did not know much about thyroid cancer, but since Dr. Takano talked about his new theory so confidently, I studied it quite a bit. What I learned was that Dr. Takano is the only person who actually advocates this fetal thyroid cell carcinogenesis theory. Yet he has not published any paper on the isolation and characterization of the fetal thyroid cells.

Kasai: You mean he is the only one in the entire world?

Sakiyama: Yes, but he is so self-confident in his theory that he claims that the problem is that everyone has fallen behind his new scientific findings. If you propose this theory, however, you should first find a fetal cell, and then characterize it. That is the path a researcher should take, but he does not seem to be doing this. I have been checking his papers, and they seem to all be hypothetical. If we imagine that there is such-and-such, one can then imagine that there is so-and-so, and therefore fetal thyroid cell carcinogenesis exists. There is no experimental evidence.

Hirano: Do you mean that without any experimental evidence, he has been arguing thyroid exams, which have a crucial role in monitoring children’s health, should be scaled down?

Sakiyama: Exactly. And a person like him was appointed as a member of the Prefectural Oversight Committee for the Fukushima Health Management Survey.

I am sure you heard about Dr. Yamashita telling Fukushima residents to smile and relax at a public meeting right after the nuclear accident. He said to his audience, “Radiation does not affect people who are happy and smiling. The effects of radiation come to you if you worry about it. This theory has been proven by experiments on animals.”4

Hirano: Yes, I know he was criticized in the media for being flippant. Such a dismissive remark was beyond acceptable, they said.

Sakiyama: That is right. Unfortunately, it did not end there. Just recently Dr. Takano gave a lecture in Osaka, and it was uploaded to YouTube, so I watched it. You wouldn’t believe what I heard in the video. At the beginning of the lecture, Dr. Takano mentioned Dr. Yamashita’s remark and praised him for it. “Professor Yamashita really knows what to say.” When I heard this, I was at a loss for words.

I heard that knowledge of Dr. Yamashita’s remark spread all over Japan but also overseas. Someone actually made it into a cartoon.6

Kasai: A satirical cartoon.

Sakiyama: Yes! How can Dr. Takano possibly say, “Dr. Yamashita really knows what to say?” It is beyond my comprehension.

Hirano: What has always seemed strange to me is that Dr. Yamashita visited Chernobyl more than 100 times and has been deeply involved in medical aid projects there, well before the Fukushima nuclear disaster. As you mentioned, he is considered Japan’s number one authority on radiation health. It is hard to comprehend that a person like him, who has seen the health effects of the Chernobyl incident first-hand, has been so active in trying to cover up the health risks associated with radiation exposure.

Even in Chernobyl, early on there was a cover up of the effects on human health, and some used the idea of over-diagnosis to downplay the risks. He would have witnessed it all.

Sakiyama: Exactly.

Hirano: He must have seen that there was a large increase in the cases of thyroid cancer after the disaster, and that the governments of the Ukraine and nearby countries were forced to admit the various health problems stemming from the accident. When it comes to Fukushima, however, Dr. Yamashita is using the same methods used by the Soviet Union to continue to hide those problems. What do you think of this from a scientist’s perspective?

Sakiyama: I don’t think he is taking a stance as a scientist. I feel that he has abandoned science. So many people ask me why Dr. Yamashita acts the way he does and what his intentions are, but I tell them that people who take science seriously and value ethics have no answer for that question.

I remember, however, that he said once that he has a hard time saying ‘No’ to whatever the central government wants.

Hirano: Oh, I also remember that. He said something like, “As a Japanese, I cannot say no (to the government).”

Sakiyama: That’s probably a reason why he sticks with the central government. He has told his audiences that absolute truth lies with the government. He is now serving as vice president of Fukushima Prefectural Medical University, so it seems likely that he will keep covering up one thing after another and just go along with what the government says.

Kasai: So I believe you are saying that some kind of hypothesis, or a pseudo-hypothesis, about how thyroid cancer develops has appeared that deviates from the fundamental methods of science and medicine, and is being disseminated to society in a way that deviates from the normal rules? Furthermore, you’re also saying that this discussion seems to have taken on a political dimension.

Sakiyama: Right. It has been exploited for political gain.

Kasai: Yet, when they give explanations to the general public, they make use of their statures as an expert in medical science.

Sakiyama: That’s right.

Kasai: So, ordinary citizens like us, are told through the media that experts in this field are saying this or that and come to think ‘oh, radiation has been scientifically proven to be safe, or not dangerous’ and ‘20 mSv/yr is not something to worry about.’ That’s how we have been producing a social consensus about radiation risk.

Sakiyama: Absolutely. I just don’t understand why they are doing it and what their motivations are. Dr. Yamashita already had plenty of social status as vice president at Nagasaki University. But it was obvious that he lied about a 4-year-old boy who had developed thyroid cancer. He at first decided not to make the case public, but when we announced it, he finally came clean.

In fact, one journalist interviewed him and asked why he wanted to hide the case,. Dr. Yamashita answered, “I am not able to say anything unless it is announced officially.” But even as he said that, he had officially announced that there were no cancer cases among children 5 years and under.

Hirano: He obviously contradicted himself.

Sakiyama: It is ridiculous, isn’t it? By the time the interim report was being compiled, it had become clear that there was an incident of thyroid cancer in a 5-year-old child immediately following the accident. He ignored that case, however, and decided to announce that there were no cancer cases in children ages 5 or younger. He used that claim as the basis on which to dismiss the link between thyroid cancer and radiation to other experts. .

Hirano: I see. You mentioned earlier that 162 children (as of June 15th, 2020, 195 children) have been confirmed to have contracted thyroid cancer, but how well known is this in Japan?

Sakiyama: Well, this might sound strange, but not many people even in Fukushima are aware of this.

Hirano: People in Fukushima do not know?

Sakiyama: No, they don’t. I visited a recuperation center last year, and met about 10 mothers there. You may assume that these families, who sent their children to a place like this, are likely to be particularly concerned about radiation, but surprisingly, none of the mothers knew about the high prevalence of childhood thyroid cancer. I was just shocked.

I was trying to understand why, and I realized that people in Fukushima get their information mainly from local news sources, such as Fukushima Minpō (福島民報) and Fukushima Minyū (福島民友) newspapers, and Fukushima TV or other local television channels.These do not take up this news as major stories.

Hirano: The local media don’t report such facts?

Sakiyama: Right. These mothers also shared with me that they kept it secret from neighbors and even relatives that they were sending their children to a recuperation facility. They were afraid that they might be criticized or labeled as oversensitive about radiation exposure, so they just told people that they were going on vacation, not mentioning recuperation at all.

I was also surprised when we went to Koriyama City Hall to see if our organization, 3.11 Fund for Children with Thyroid Cancer,7 could leave some application forms at the front desk. As a matter of of fact, the city of Koriyama has the highest incidents of childhood thyroid cancer, along with places like Iwaki. But the Koriyama city officials had no idea. When we told them about the rising number of cancer cases, they were shocked, and even panicked.8

Kasai: In other words, even in this region where the cases of childhood thyroid cancer are actually occurring, the people in charge of the local government are not aware of the facts.

Sakiyama: Exactly. This is happening in Fukushima, so in other prefectures they know even less.

Hirano: Were the children who developed thyroid cancer living in the so-called evacuation areas at the time of the nuclear accident? Were they exposed to the meltdown for some period of time before they were able to evacuate?

Sakiyama: There is geographic variation in cancer rates. Professor Tsuda Toshihide of Okayama University divided the prefecture into 9 areas, and that division reflects the external radiation dose to some extent, Based on his findings, radiation exposure as a factor behind the rise in thyroid cancer.

On the other hand, there is a paper written by Dr. Suzuki Shinichi and Dr. Ohira Tetsuya, who compared childhood thyroid cancer prevalence in three regions, and argued that those regions did not reflect a correlation between radiation dosage and thyroid cancer. However, their method didn’t pay attention to a variation that existed between high and low dose areas. It won’t tell you anything about geographic variation in radiation dosage. Therefore, the thyroid cancer prevalence appeared random, and they then concluded that there was no significant correlation between location and thyroid cancer.

Kasai: Do you think Dr. Suzuki and Ohira’s research was intentionally designed to draw that conclusion?

Sakiyama: I am not positive, but I feel that this was the case. In the second round of screening results you can see an extremely clear differences across 4 geographical regions in the prefecture: Hamadori, Nakadori, Aizu, and the evacuation zone. This was also discussed at the review committee meeting, and the regional differences became even clearer as more data analysis was done by age and sex. So I don’t think we can deny the effects of radiation exposure.

Hirano: There are also radiation hotspots outside of Fukushima prefecture, including in Chiba, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Iwate, and Miyagi. Do you think people, especially parents of small children, should be concerned about the risk of radiation exposure? The government did not take any measurements to protect them, did they?

Sakiyama: No, they didn’t. They focused exclusively on Fukushima and left all the other prefectures on their own.

Within a year of the accident, prefectures such as Gunma, Ibaraki, Iwate, and Tochigi convened an advisory council. Each prefecture summoned experts and let them discuss whether they also should administer thyroid cancer screenings. But these experts came to the conclusion that testing was not necessary, and their decision was reported to the Ministry of the Environment. The final decision was made at the so-called ‘Expert Conference’ held under the aegis of the Ministry of Environment, chaired by Dr. Nagataki Shigenobu, Professor Emeritus of Nagasaki University.9

There were many worried mothers in small communities in those prefectures, however, so some municipal governments have given support for screening sessions. That there are only a handful of such places. Most screenings are conducted by volunteers from NPOs and NGOs with help from concerned doctors, but what they’re doing is just a small-scale thyroid examination program.

They have found one person with thyroid cancer in Ibaraki prefecture.

Hirano: It was in the northern part of Ibaraki near Fukushima, wasn’t it?

Sakiyama: Yes, it was in the north. I believe it was a young child.

As of October 2017 there were 2881 individual screenings conducted which were being observed closely, but it has not been confirmed whether they are thyroid cancer (see Figure 2). We don’t know how many cases have been confirmed as malignant among them. In fact, Fukushima Prefectural Medical University is supposed to be investigating this, but they only count the cases that have been operated at their hospital. Anyone who was operated on elsewhere won’t be counted. Therefore, nobody knows the actual number of thyroid cancer cases in Fukushima.

Even then, they said it would take 2 years to calculate the final number of cancer cases. I don’t understand that because Fukushima Prefectural Medical University has a comprehensive database, and they should know the number right away. But they said they would spend 2 years finding out. The thing is that none of the oversight committee members have complained about this at all.

When the case of thyroid cancer in the 4-year-old was confirmed, the oversight committee must have realized that the data they received from Fukushima Prefectural Medical University did not reflect reality. They found out about the 4-year-old’s cancer case at the oversight committee’s 28th meeting. They met once every three or four months, but they obviously were not notified about this. If I were one of the committee members, I would be furious that such things were being kept secret, and I would start to feel suspicious. I would wonder what the purpose of all 27 meetings had even been. But none of them got angry.

When I heard the news about the case of the 4-year-old, I thought at least some committee members would yell at the government and call the whole thing a sham, or even storm out of the meeting room and quit altogether, but no one seemed to be upset, and they continued to meet as if nothing had happened. I was in total despair.


3.11 Fund for Children with Thyroid Cancer

Hirano: So you witnessed the repeated cover-ups and realized the incompetence of the government in terms of helping the victims. Did you launch the ‘3.11 Fund for Children with Thyroid Cancer,’ out of a sense of urgency about the crisis?

Sakiyama: Yes.

Hirano: Another thing you mentioned earlier that sticks out in my mind was how radiation exposure has become a target of stigma in the public mind, which forces people in Fukushima to be silent about their health concerns. This kind of social pressure is creating a situation where they have to keep going to recuperation centers secret, and they even hesitate to have cancer screenings.

My understanding is that you wanted to relieve some of that pressure for people who are worried about their health and cancer treatment, by providing financial support through the ‘3.11 Fund for Children,’ which is an independent, not-for-profit organization, for people to actually get access to screening. Is that right?

Sakiyama: That’s right. We have held many meetings and lectures, but we noticed that we tended to get the same audience at these kinds of events. Then we started to look for a way to reach out to those in need of help, and we realized that children with thyroid cancer and their families have often been isolated by not knowing where to go and how to get help. They are also burdened by the medical expense of repeated examinations and hospital visits, and some patients will require a lifetime of medical care. We all agreed that these are the people we really want to help and we were looking for a way to reach them.

We felt that meetings and lectures weren’t getting us anywhere, so we talked with several people and came up with the idea of giving money. At first, we felt uneasy about giving support in the form of money, but it is the only option to help those who tend to be isolated.

Hirano: You have said that there are actually eight more cases of pediatric thyroid cancer apart from the 199 children and young adults who have officially been diagnosed with thyroid cancer or suspected malignancy. Did those people contact the organization by themselves to ask for support after hearing about the ‘3.11 Fund for Children’?

Sakiyama: I believe so. We posted a full-page advertisement about ‘3.11 Fund for Children with Thyroid Cancer’ in the Fukushima Minpō (福島民報) newspaper, which cost nearly one million yen. People contacted us then, and since that time NHK has been following our activities. Every time we hold a news conference, they broadcast it nationwide, so we have received a lot of inquiries and applications as a result of media coverage. For example, a grandmother was watching NHK news and applied to the fund for her grandchild who had developed thyroid cancer.

By the way, people who have come to mistrust Fukushima Medical University don’t want to get their screening there, so of course they won’t be counted in official statistics. So even if Fukushima Medical University publishes the number of cancer cases they see, we still do not have the real count.

Hirano: Could you explain to readers what internal radiation exposure is and how it occurs, since it is understood to be the cause of cancer?

Fig.3. External and internal exposure.

Sakiyama: Internal radiation exposure occurs when radioactive material gets inside your body and irradiates you from the inside, This may happen through the air while there was a plume of radioactive material, or by consuming contaminated food and water. External radiation exposure takes place when radioactive substances are outside of the body (see Fig. 3).

In general, external radiation exposure does not occur with alpha and beta rays because their tracks of radiation are very short (alpha ray: about 4μm, beta ray: several mm) and are not likely to pass through the skin. For example, even if there were plutonium emitting alpha radiation in front of me right now, I wouldn’t be exposed to radiation.

Once radioactive materials emitting alpha or beta rays get inside the body, however, they stay there for a long period of time, which increases the chance of DNA damages and cell death, because inside the body cells and tissues are next to the radiation and are exposed directly to alpha or beta rays.

As far as the relative biological effectiveness (RBE), the ratio between the dose and the ultimate biological effects, alpha radiation is about 20 times more damaging than beta, gamma, and X-rays. Furthermore, the half-life of plutonium is 24,000 years, and it’s insoluble in water. Therefore, if plutonium gets inside your body, you will be irradiated for the rest of your life.

In order to assess health hazards to the human body caused by both internal and external radiation exposure, we measure in mSv (millisieverts). We assumed that radioactive materials are spread inside the body fairly uniformly when we try to calculate the damage. That’s why it is very difficult to figure out the actual health effects.

For example, tritium emits very weak beta rays, which do not have enough energy to travel very far in the air and to penetrate the skin, so it is believed not to be dangerous externally. But tritium is a radioactive form of hydrogen and can become incorporated into DNA. When that tritium decays into helium, it causes the DNA strand to break.

Tritium exposure used to be considered a low, or level 1 risk, due to its weak beta radiation energy, but now some scientists argue that the risk could be 6 times higher than was originally thought.

So, the issues remain contested. But some reputable researchers claim that internal exposure poses a significant health risk.

According to Dr. John William Gofman, a renowned physician and nuclear/physical chemist, there is not much difference in terms of health effects on humans between internal and external exposure, given the same radiation doses. I agree. But the problem is that we don’t know exactly whether the dose coefficient of radioactive substances that we use to convert a unit of pure radioactivity (becquerel: Bq) to a medically effective dose (sievert: Sv) is right or not. For instance, the dose coefficient used to calculate Sv equivalent to 1Bq of Cesium 137 is based on the assumption that Cesium 137 is distributed evenly in the human body as in the case of water. However, when Cesium 137 becomes particulates, this assumption breaks down because they are insoluble. Then dose coefficient itself may not be accurate.

Hirano: What about the campaign to get people to buy and eat food from Fukushima? It’s been going on for a long time as an expression of moral and economic support, with slogans like “Let’s Help Fukushima” and “Hang in There Fukushima!” (ganbare Fukushima!). The discussions have been carried on in the context of the possibility of internal radiation exposure, and also involve the issue of economic damage caused by harmful rumors (風評被害) about the dangers of Fukushima food.

As a medical scientist, what position do you take on Fukushima produce? Do you think people should avoid eating it as much as possible? Do you think it is okay to consume as long as each item is inspected?

Sakiyama: This is a major question. Fukushima prefecture does conduct repeated inspections and testing on all their foods more thoroughly than surrounding prefectures such as Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma. So, I hope that most of the Fukushima products sold on the market do not exceed the standard limit of 100 Bq/kg. But that still means foods with dozens of becquerel have been going into the market. Recently a group held a conference on the level of food contamination. They concluded that there are essentially no items from the prefecture that exceed 100 Bq/kg, and the highest is around 50 to 60 Bq/kg. Despite the fact that they are inspecting their foods, that fact makes me feel very uneasy . For example, it takes about 120 days for Cesium-137 inhaled or ingested by an adult to reduce the biological half-life. If someone takes 10 Bq/kg into the body everyday, it amounts to about 1400 Bq in a year. If 40 Bq/kg, it will be 5600 Bq. This is a very high number that might cause a serious health issue like cancer. That’s why I have suggested to officials in Fukushima that they lower the cesium contamination limit to 20 Bq/kg from 100 Bq/kg. However, they are unwilling to do so.

Hirano: Is it because in reality, a great deal of Fukushima produce exceeds 20 Bq/kg, so they might not be able to sell anything if they set 20 as the new standard?

Sakiyama: It could be, but I don’t think they would have nothing to sell if the limit were 20Bq/kg. Because Fukushima prefecture has been saying that their food is safe, I said that if the government standard is 100 Bq/kg, surely they can do even better with 20. But they did not go for it.

Once I really upset officials with that suggestion. There was a conference where a Fukushima official was coming to give a talk. I wanted to get some information from him, so I attended the lecture and asked about the possibility of lowering the standard. Of course, I had no intention to offend him, but he got so upset with my suggestion that he told the organizer that the prefecture would no longer send anyone to lecture to that group. (laughs)

Kasai: What do you think is the reason those people from the government found your suggestion so offensive?

Sakiyama: The group that invited the official from Fukushima prefecture is called “Skilled Veteran Corps for Fukushima.” They are older volunteers, age 60 and up, who are retired workers from Fukushima, including engineers and technicians who formerly worked in the nuclear power industry. They have signed up to help clean up the contaminated Fukushima plant in order to protect and replace younger workers, since they are not as concerned about exposure to radiation.

I think that the officials had trust in that group and were willing to come to talk to them. Maybe they did not expect to be questioned about their policy, particularly by an outsider like me. But anyway, they became upset and told the group that the prefecture would not send anyone anymore. I feel bad for that volunteer group!

Hirano: But I think it is true that we, consumers, have concerns about the safety of Fukushima produce. Any food under 100 Bq/kg are considered to be safe, and sold in stores, right?

Sakiyama: Exactly.

Hirano: Whenever I go to a supermarket in my hometown, Ibaraki, there is a special section with fresh produce from Fukushima. Every single package of fruits and vegetables has a sticker on it, which says ‘inspected.’ These products actually look very good, but often are left unsold. I think that consumers are not quite convinced of their safety and they hesitate to buy them.

I believe that a sense of distrust towards the government is still there in the consumers’ minds, and that it has something to do with the safety standard for radiation in food. There is a big difference between 20Bq/kg and 100Bq/kg.

Sakiyama: I agree. There are many independent, citizen-run food testing labs, such as COOP’s ‘pal system’ and ‘seikatsu club.’10 I heard that certain food items, particularly shiitake mushrooms, continue to contain at least 4 or 5 Bq/kg, so the ‘pal system’ decided to stop carrying wild shiitake mushrooms altogether.

Also, some farmers treat their contaminated soil with fertilizers based on potassium chloride in order to prevent their crops from absorbing cesium, but that does not prevent farmers from being exposed to radioactive material while working in the field. You would expect farmers to carry a dosimeter, but they don’t have dosimeters at all.

In fact, I feel the risk to farmers and decontamination workers is likely greater than for those working at the site of the nuclear power plants. They inhale dust with radioactive materials, and that puts them at risk for both internal and external radiation exposure. But they don’t even measure radiation doses.

When I think about the impact of radiation on human health, I feel that Fukushima is going to face a very tough future.


Cover-up Culture and Social Pressure

Hirano: I see. There are two things to note here; one is the systematic cover-up practices of the government, and the other is the so-called social pressure that makes victims unwilling to talk about radiation concerns in public. When you think of Fukushima’s current situation and the possible health consequences of the incident, which of those do you think poses a more serious problem to society?

In other words, is it more important to build a society where people can say well, I may be seen as strange for this, but I am worried about my child’s health, so they can be open about discussing ways to protect children’s health? Or is it more crucial to try to change the cover-up practices of the government — which, honestly, I don’t really know is possible? Of course, both of these things should change.

Which change should come first in your opinion?

Sakiyama: Well, it is citizens who can change the government. For example, the Education Ministry initially did not even acknowledge the recuperation program for children in Fukushima, but as more private individuals got involved through NGOs and other means, and people in Fukushima petitioned for financial assistance, the government finally had no choice but to agree to fund the program.

There is no way that the Education Ministry would have changed right away without pressure from citizens. And there is no way that the Ministry of the Environment will change without pressure from citizens. We need to make it happen. We are the ones who elect public officials.

So, I think that citizens will have to change and initiate movement in politics and government. I agree with you that change will not start with the government; it will not abandon the cover-up by itself. For example, can you even imagine the possibility of the International Nuclear Power Village (changing its course?) Maybe if they were broken there may be a change, but I don’t think it’s possible considering how powerful the organization is.11 The only possibility left is that we, citizens, change politics through our own actions.

The Japanese public now favors phasing out nuclear power. And Japan’s renewable energy industry has been growing rapidly.

Have you heard about an organization called Genjiren (原自連)? It’s an antinuclear, pro-natural energy confederation. The ‘ji’ 自actually refers to natural energy (自然エネルギー).

Kasai: It must be named to contrast with Denjiren (電事連), the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan.

Sakiyama: Exactly. Genjiren is headed by Mr. Kawai Hiroyuki, a lawyer; former Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro; and Mr. Yoshiwara Tsuyoshi, a former president of Jonan Shinkin Bank. Indeed, the renewable energy market in Japan has been growing very vigorously over the past decade.

There are various sites throughout Japan that generate electricity on a small scale. I heard that altogether there are more than 500 of these nationwide. If we continue to promote and invest in renewable energy, there is a chance to create a largely non-nuclear and fossil fuel-free future.

Running nuclear energy is almost too expensive considering capital costs for building nuclear plants, the challenges of disposal of nuclear waste, and the risk of meltdown. So we have to keep spending money in order to sustain nuclear power, not to mention the cost of decontamination after the accident. It would be a disaster to discontinue the decontamination work due to lack of money. It’s time to just end the whole nuclear business – you know, like they say, “when poverty knocks at the door, love flies out of the window.” (laughs)

Right now the government seems to have money and keeps throwing it at general contractors. The thing is, though, these construction companies have made so much profit building the nuclear power plants, and after the accident they have made huge profit through decontamination work. How terrible is that?

Hirano: I agree. In English, it is called Disaster Capitalism.

Kasai: It is 災害便乗資本主義 (saigai binjō shihonshugi) in Japanese.

Sakiyama: That’s right. Exactly.

Hirano: They can fail and still make a profit.

Sakiyama: Actually, I believe that it is badly poisoning Fukushima. The decontamination work keeps some tiny share of money flowing into the prefecture, and it also provides employment opportunities for those who are over 18 years old. Considering how scarce jobs are in that area, the decontamination work has been giving them plenty of steady job opportunities.

A friend who is a physician told me once that young people, after graduating from high school, come to her clinic seeking health screening. They want documentation to prove they are healthy enough to work at the decontamination sites. My friend tells them that it’s a bad idea, but they say there’s no work, so they end up working there anyway.


Scientists and Civic Engagement

Hirano: I would like to move on to the next question. What kind of role do you think a scientist with specialized knowledge should play in civil society? This has to do with what you have been doing through the Takagi School.12

Mr. Kasai and I were talking about this before this interview – until recently neither of us have read through scientific journals. At first, they seemed to be rather difficult for people like us, with so little science background. But after the nuclear disaster, it seems that some scientists who have strong social and civic consciousness started to publish very accessible papers in science-related journals. As we moved forward with this Fukushima interview project, we came to realize how important the role of these scientists has been in providing their knowledge to the general public in order to build a democratic civil society going forward. What kind of social role do you think those who have expertise in medicine and science should play in the future?

Sakiyama: The most important thing for us, in my opinion, is education. Education is the top priority. However, the Education Ministry is in charge of education, and they promote myths about nuclear power safety right from elementary school. We really need to figure out how to deal with that.

The anti-nuclear movement has simply have not been involved in doing something about education. There are a few teachers who are interested in nuclear energy education, but they are an absolute minority. Still, we decided to team up with some educators and formed an organization called the Committee for Nuclear Power Education 原子力教育を考える会, and in around 2005 we created a website “Understanding Nuclear Power”「よくわかる原子力」.

The Takagi School hosted some public lectures about nuclear energy and environmental education, and teachers from all over the country made presentations. We decided to form a group, the Committee for Nuclear Power Education.

We wanted to counter the Ministry of Education, for example by writing our own textbook, but then we realized that we didn’t have enough financial resources to do so successfully. It can get very expensive when we consider the expenses associated with publishing textbooks, such as printing costs and so on.

Then we agreed that the best way would be to create our own webpage, and, actually, my daughter helped get it started.

We also needed to figure out a way to make our information available for lessons at school, so I gave some suggestions to teachers as to what information we’d like them to introduce in classrooms. But they said that they couldn’t use it, since what they can teach during lessons is pretty restricted due to educational guidelines, and they know those restrictions very well.

They are required to write lesson plans, and they said their principals would not approve the plans if the teachers put it in the plans, so the only way to get our information or messages across for them is to walk that fine line somehow.

Then we decided to produce a set of educational DVDs called “What’s REAL about Radiation” (放射線のホントのこと) for classroom use for junior high and high school students. The first volume, ‘What is Radiation?’ covers the scientific aspects, including what exactly happened in Fukushima, how radioactive materials spread in the air, what kinds of effects radiation can cause to living things, and what we should do to protect ourselves from radiation exposure.

The second volume, ‘What is going on in Fukushima now?’ focuses more on social consequences of the disaster in local communities and social issues faced in Fukushima. In order to introduce ‘real voices’ from Fukushima, we visited various places throughout the prefecture, conducted interviews, and compiled them, along with some photos of the current situation in the evacuation areas, as well as of the millions of bulk bags full of radioactive soil stacked in huge piles.

As you know, even seven years after the Fukushima disaster, people are still being exposed to radiation from radioactive fallout. The victims are still suffering, but these struggles have been largely neglected. We have less and less media coverage on Fukushima. So, it is our hope that the DVDs will give children a chance to learn about not only what has happened and what is happening in Fukushima, but also what radiation really is and what they should and can do to protect themselves.

Children don’t know about these things. In order for teachers to use these DVDs in the classroom, we managed to make each of them about 20 minutes long. They come with supplemental worksheets that help teachers give more detailed explanations and encourage classroom discussions. But the reality is that very few teachers use them in the classroom.

The video created by the Education Ministry is up online, so anyone can watch it. Have you seen it? It’s awful. I have to question if it is even okay to teach the things it claims.

One member of the Committee for Nuclear Power Education had an opportunity to visit Belarus and learn about how children learn about radiation after Chernobyl. I believe the school he visited was one of the more liberal institutions, but according to him, preschoolers were taught through a kind of a fairy tale.

The story goes like this. There was a castle. One day the fireplace at the castle was broken and a radiation queen popped up and ran outside of the castle. Her henchmen also got out and are hiding inside food. So do not eat such food. Or wash the food before eating it, or cook the food before eating it.

That’s how they teach small children to protect themselves from radiation. They seem to focus on training children from a young age to be able to protect themselves without parental help and give them the knowledge they need to keep healthy.

When I went to Ukraine as a member of the National Diet of Japan Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission, I noticed that they don’t really treat radiation as something special. Instead, they talk about radiation along with other dangers in daily life. What do you do if there is a burglar, or what do you do if there is a car accident, and, right along with that, what do you do about radiation. They teach it as a normal part of protecting your body.

From that perspective Japanese children are totally vulnerable when it comes to protecting themselves. All they have heard about radiation is that no one can avoid it since radiation is everywhere, and is useful in various fields including industries and medicine. They are also taught that the risk of radiation less than 100mSv is equivalent to lack of vegetables or exercise — without showing any evidence for such claims. The message is that a low dose is okay and there is no need to worry about radiation anymore.

Have you heard about a new information and learning facility, called “Comyutan Fukushima” コミュタン福島? The Fukushima prefectural government opened it in Miharu town as a part of the Center for Environmental Creation in 2016.

They claim that the facility teaches visitors about radiation and Fukushima’s environmental restoration activities through interactive fun activities, such as games, crafts, and a simple science experimenta.

In my opinion, however, what they are trying to do is to instill inaccurate knowledge about radiation. Their main message is that we are all surrounded by naturally occurring radioactive materials on a daily basis, and we are also exposed to man-made radiation such as X-rays; therefore, there is no need to worry about what happened in Fukushima. This is nothing but brainwashing, which is making people, especially children and young people, defenseless against radiation. It is very dangerous. The young will not know how to protect themselves from radiation, and in the end, they will suffer health effects if something happens.

Hirano: It sounds as if safety is being abandoned to a myth of safety. This has to be the most serious adverse effect of the safety myth on individuals.

Sakiyama: Absolutely.

Hirano: So, contrary to Comyutan Fukushima, Belarus has successfully created an educational program that teaches children the risks of radiation very clearly, so they will learn how to protect their own safety.

Sakiyama: Yes.

Hirano: Where do you think such differences are coming from?

I don’t want to draw a conclusion just on the basis of cultural comparison. But as you mentioned earlier, in Japan, in particular among mothers with young children, it has become almost taboo to talk about concerns about the effect of radiation on their children’s health.13 I have to wonder why this kind of social phenomenon is happening.

Do you think it has something to do with a low level of awareness of rights to wellbeing in Japan? In other words, do you think the problem comes from a lack of public awareness that we have right in order to protect our livelihood or ourselves?

Sakiyama: I think so. In general, Japanese people have a low awareness of human rights.

Kasai: I agree. It’s indicated just in the word itself, Okami お上,14 we are not used to critically examining what the authorities say and then making our own judgments. That is one thing that is lacking in our education system. This has been a problem in Japan even before the nuclear power accident. I feel that more people ought to be angry with the current political situation in Japan. You know, if a burglar broke into your house and stole things, you’d be upset, wouldn’t you? But even though it’s widely discussed that the taxes you paid have been misused, a lot of people are not upset about it. In some sense, I feel that people’s engagement with public affairs is weak. So it seems to me, as you pointed out earlier, that this is the result of something that has been perpetuated in society through our education over the years, rather than coming from some essentialist notion about Japanese culture.

When we asked earlier what kind of role scientists should play in civil society, you answered that it should be in education. As an educator myself, I totally agree. I feel that the problem is serious and there is a need for change.

Sakiyama: By and large the people who have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer do not seem to be angry with the central government or TEPCO, who are responsible for the nuclear disaster. Instead, they have been trying to hide from the public.

The other day some members of FOE (Friends of the Earth International) from Germany came to visit us, so I asked what they thought of this. They said if it were in Germany, the thyroid cancer patients would be very angry for sure, and file a suit to get compensation.

I would really like to tell them that they are the victims, and that they should not feel ashamed at all for having gotten thyroid cancer. It is the central government and TEPCO that should be ashamed and held accountable. Unfortunately, it’s the opposite of that, since most victims are still living in the shadow of the nuclear disaster.

Hirano: That is what I have been very concerned about. Really, society should be supporting these socially vulnerable people, but that is not the society we have in Japan. Instead, they have to face the stigma attached to radiation exposure, and the victims fear becoming the targets of social opprobrium if they speak out. This is causing them to suffer from fear and psychological trauma. All these factors have led to a situation where the victims are pushed into a corner and forced into hiding. That’s what most worries me.

These massive cover-ups from the government are not new or uncommon, especially as relates to nuclear power, even outside Japan. But the fact that citizens are creating social pressure against the victims means that citizens are taking the side of the government without even realizing it, and is building a structure of discrimination and oppression.

Kasai: As you mentioned earlier about Ukraine and Belarus, we should have a more active debate regarding both social issues and scientific subjects such as radiation. We only have one interpretation that is widely circulated and shared. What we need, at a minimum, is to introduce other views on the same footing, and then listen to and discuss them thoroughly before making a judgment.

If we don’t exercise a process like that, we won’t be able to break our patterns of uncritically accepting whatever teachers say, or whatever the government or other authorities say, and we’ll have no other recourse even if we think something is troubling. I think this is a very important issue we Japanese face.

Sakiyama: I agree with you. In that sense, it is imperative that scientists work very hard not to just get on the good side of the government and authorities, but to convey scientific facts and disseminate truth to citizens.

Hirano & Kasai: Thank you very much for speaking with us today.


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Katsuya Hirano is Associate Professor of History, UCLA. He is the author of The Politics of Dialogic Imagination: Power and Popular Culture in Early Modern Japan (U of Chicago Press).

Hirotaka Kasai is Professor of Department of International and Cultural Studies at Tsuda University in Tokyo, Japan.


In Satoyama (里山), mountain woodlands surrounding people’s homes, radiation levels have remained high since the current decontamination process has been mainly limited to residential and farm areas people use on a daily basis. Satoyama is considered a place where nature and people exist in harmony and has been a key part of Japanese village life for centuries.

Dr. Sakiyama told us on August 13, 2020 that she had discovered an ongoing experiment to grow crops in one of the most contaminated regions, Warabidaira in Iitate village. 

See Koide Hiroaki’s point in our interview with him. Koide makes it clear that there is no absolute standard that guarantees “safe” exposure to radiation. Any radioactive exposure, especially internal exposure, poses some risk. It is best to minimize exposure. It is also clear that infants, young people, and pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to radioactive exposure. The Japanese government’s evacuation plans never took this factor into consideration. It is worth noting that in the vicinity of Chernobyl, 20mSv would still be enough to declare a “no-go zone.” The Japanese government has never rescinded the Declaration of a Nuclear Emergency Situation (原子力緊急事態宣言)clause of a law enacted in 1999. This law reflected ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection) “post-accident” period standards and took the upper end of that and seemingly made it applicable indefinitely. I thank Norma Field for providing this important perspective on ICRP.

Dr. Yamashita made this remark in a lecture held on March 21st, 2011 in Fukushima City. On January 28, 2019, however, Tokyo Shimbun (東京新聞) published an article which revealed that Dr.Yamashita expressed concern to Dr. Yasuda Hiroshi, a researcher at the National Institute of Radiological Science stationed at the off-site emergency response center, stating on the day of the lecture that “there is a possibility that the risk of pediatric thyroid cancer due to the radiation exposure could reach a serious level”. This was recorded by Dr. Yasuda and kept at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences in Chiba City. Tokyo Shimbunobtained the documentation per a request for disclosure of information.

Responding to Tokyo Shimbun in writing, Dr. Yamashita admitted the meeting with Dr. Yasuda on that day and said, “I simply expressed my view that radiation exposure within the exclusion zones immediately after the nuclear accident was very worrisome, and the influence caused by radioactive iodine on children should be most considered.” As for the comment telling Fukushima residents to smile and be happy, Dr. Yamashita explained that it was “a comment made for residents in Fukushima City. No explosion occurred there and no serious situation was anticipated in that city located far away from the nuclear power plant.” He explained that his views regarding the exclusion zones and Fukushima City, outside of the zones, differed. (Reported by Tokyo Shimbun’s morning edition on January 28, 2019)

The lecture titled “Ethical problems of thyroid screening test in Fukushima prefectural health survey” was given on April 14th, 2018 in Osaka

Witch Doctor Yamashita Shunichi to Head Fukushima Health Study;

The 3.11 Fund for Children with Thyroid Cancer has provided medical expenses to a total of 120 from December of 2016 to March of 2018 with the amonunt of 100,000 yen for each case and additional 100,000 yen for relatively serious patients who underwent reoperative surgery. It also offers an additional 100,000 yen to the people who received RI treatment. The Fund can be used for any puroposes that concern children with thyroid cancer.

The city of Koriyama, located at the center of Fukushima prefecture and 43 miles (70km) west of the nuclear power plant, is well outside the area where tens of thousands of people were ordered to evacuate.

The Ministry of Environment’s Experts’ Meeting regarding the Issues of Health Management of Residents Due to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident, chaired by Dr. Nagataki Shigenobu, published its Interim Report on December 2014, and it stated that the higher risks of cancer due to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident “cannot be statistically proven.” It also denied the need for thyroid screenings outside of Fukushima by stating that “it is quite unlikely that people who reside in the prefectures surrounding Fukushima have been exposed to more radiation dose than the people who lived in the evacuation areas and such in Fukushima prefecture.” In acknowledging the mounting concern and anxiety regarding thyroid cancer from residents outside of Fukushima, the report concluded that “we first need to take a wait and see stance and see how the Fukushima Health Management Survey ‘Thyroid Ultrasound Examination’ makes progress. Careful explanation of the information gained through individual health consultation, and risk communication, etc. for residents with anxiety about thyroid cancer, are also important.” See the complete Interim Report here

10 ‘Pal System’ and ‘Seikatsu Club’ are both food delivery co-ops that established their own stricter guidelines around food, as well as stricter testing procedures than supermarkets following government standards. These food supplies are well supported by those individuals who feel skeptical about the government doing enough to minimize the risk of radiation to children’s health and distrust in the government’s ability to deal with radiation risk.

11 “International nuclear village” is the term commonly used in Japan to refer to the international network of pro-nuclear advocates who comprise International Atomic Energy Agency, governments, banks, investors, media and academia.

12 Takagi School (高木学校) was founded by a Japanese scientist, Takagi Jinzaburo (高木仁三郎), an internationally renowned critic of the nuclear industry. After graduating in 1961 from the University of Tokyo, he worked for a private nuclear firm and the nuclear institute at University of Tokyo. In his next post, as associate professor of nuclear chemistry at Tokyo Metropolitan University, he started a career of nuclear activism. Leaving the post in 1975, he joined with a group of colleagues to create the Citizen’s Nuclear Information Center (CNIC), a network of antinuclear groups across the nation, and became its head.  Takagi conducted numerous research projects and published many books and articles on nuclear issues. His extensive scientific analytical work has contributed greatly to educating the public, media and officials on the threat of nuclear waste, and on environmental protection. In 1997, he received the prestigious Right Livelihood Award, jointly with his colleague Mycle Schneider, for contributions to resolving issues facing mankind, for his work informing the world of the risks and the environment implications of plutonium. In 1998, with the prize money, Dr. Takagi started Takagi School to educate people who aim to be “citizen/alternative scientists” who share concerns held by citizens about the environment, nuclear weapons, human rights and other issues facing the contemporary world. Dr. Takagi passed away in 2000.

13 Concerned mothers, who left contaminated areas, have often been labeled as “radiophobic” or “neurotic” and have suffered ridicule and derision from their relatives as well as their communities for leaving. This phenomenon has led these women to feel isolated and depressed. Moreover, with the layers of stress associated with the nuclear crisis, and disagreements over radiation safety among married couples, a lot of women separated from their husbands, which has led to a trend called “atomic divorce” (Genpatsu rikon) in not only Fukushima but also outside the region. The reality is that, with the loss of essential financial support from the government for evacuees, these mothers and their children have faced severe economic disadvantage.

14 The meaning for O お(御)is honorable, and kami 上means above. Okami generally refers to the Emperor, authorities and government.

Featured image is from The Millennium Report

Time and again throughout US history since the early 19th century, elections were stolen, not won — at the federal, state, and local levels.

My own city of Chicago is notorious for dirty politics, rigged elections a longstanding tradition, things controlled by the Dem machine.

“Big Bill” Thompson was the city’s last GOP mayor — from 1927-1931. For nearly the past 90 years, Chicago’s Dem machine controlled city politics.

Longtime University of Illinois Political Science Professor Dick Simpson explained that Chicago’s dirty politics “reputation is true.”

In 1931, Mayor Anton Cermak created the Dem machine, winning elections the old-fashioned way by stealing them how it operated.

Machine election rigging discouraged politicians from rival parties to run for mayor and aldermanic offices.

During his 1955 – 1976 tenure as mayor, Richard J. Daley fine-tuned machine politics in the city.

His son Richard M. was Chicago major from 1989 – 2011.

Between them, father and son Daley ran the city for a near-half century.

They in their time and Dems today are automatic winners when mayoral elections are held.

In the 1960 US presidential election, the Daley machine manufactured large numbers of votes for JFK.

According to Simpson, he would have carried Illinois without Chicago shenanigans in his favor.

Electoral dirty tricks in Chicago included keeping deceased city residents on voter rolls, even filling out voter registration cards with names from tombstones.

According to Simpson and former former political reporters, city residents were promised a few dollars, a good meal, and drinks at a local pub if voted on election day for the “right” candidates.

Dem precinct captains notoriously filled in ballots for city residents, doing the same thing for others who didn’t show up to vote.

Ward committeemen filled in ballots for nursing home residents who were unable to show up at polling stations.

Things today are different from Daley era politics but still suspect.

“Vote early and often” once said in the city is largely true today for legitimate absentee-ballot early voting alone.

The 2020 race for the White House one day will be remembered as one of the most flagrant examples of US election rigging.

Pre-dawn Wednesday morning,  six-digit vote dumps in Wisconsin and Michigan — a 7-digit one in Pennsylvania — went 100% for Biden, erasing Trump’s lead in these states.

In the above ones, Georgia, Nevada, and likely others, votes from former state residents — now deceased — and others no longer residing in various states were counted for Biden over Trump.

So were un-postmarked mail-in ballots and others received after the voting deadline.

Countless numbers of ballots in swing states that should have been tossed out were added to the Biden count.

In at least Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, Dems controlled ballot counting, GOP monitors prevented from watching it close-up for most of the process.

When significant leads for one candidate evaporate overnight, shenanigans are likely responsible.

That’s precisely what happened for Biden over Trump in key swing states DJT likely won — Dem state officials falsely claiming otherwise.

According to the, “evidence (of) fraud (in key swing states) is rapidly piling up,” adding:

“(E)yewitness testimon(ies)” tell a tale of “falsif(ied) postmarks (or none at all) on late mail-in ballots.”

GOP “(e)lection observers were being harassed and kept away from the counting tables in Detroit.”

“Software glitches have been discovered switching votes from Trump to Joe Biden in Michigan, and the same software is being used in other battleground states.”

Near-90% turnout in Wisconsin raises automatic red flags.

Near-unanimity among establishment media for Biden over Trump throughout the campaign and its aftermath — notably calling it for the challenger on Saturday while vote-counting continued — begs the question.

Was the above planned well in advance — establishment media in cahoots with Dems claiming Biden won, drowning out alternative views?

On Thursday during Trump’s post-election press conference, ABC, CBS, NBC, and MSNBC cut away from it in progress when he justifiably claimed election fraud in key swing states.

Trump reportedly won’t concede. He intends to challenge “voter fraud” through the judicial process.

Nine Supreme Court justices will likely have final say, a repeat of Election 2000 in new form.

Banana republic USA is clear from Election 2020 alone.

The notion refers to a repressive nation, an undemocratic one, at times politically unstable.

It’s a country where a small percent of the population has a disproportionate share or wealth and power.

It’s where ordinary people are exploited, not served.

It’s where profits are privatized, working households bearing the burden of debt.

It’s a kleptocracy run by dark forces — complicit with monied interests, benefitting at the expense of most others.

In the US, it’s wrapped in the American flag, dominant media supporting what demands exposure and denunciation.

Elections when held are farcical. Powerful interests run things. Ordinary people have no say.

Election 2020 is one of many examples. Deep state interests alone decide things.

If they’re for Biden/Harris over Trump, what seems likely, the incumbent will be a one-term president.

The process works the same way in all banana republics, including ones masquerading as democracies — notably the USA from inception to the present day.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

Featured image is from The Unz Review

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Trump ainda não aceitou a derrota nas eleições e sua permanência na Presidência dos EUA até a posse de Biden pode representar o período de maior ameça de intervenção armada na Venezuela, sobretudo antes do dia 6 de dezenbro próximo, data das próximas eleições legislativas na Venezuela.

Além de tentar questionar judicialmente o resultado das eleições – possibilidade cada vez mais remota – Trump pode decidir por tentar uma invasão armada para depor o governo venezuelano do Pesidente eleito Maduro como estratégia de aumentar a sua popularidade dentro dos EUA, inclusive entre apoiadores do Partido Democrata, antes que  Biden venha a tomar posse, para tentar um golpe que o mantenha no poder. 

A hostilidade ao Governo da Venezuela é um consenso bipartidário nos EUA. Foi o ex-Presidente Barack Obama quem declarou a Venezuela uma “ameaça” aos EUA. A estrela em ascenção do Partido Democrata Ocasio-Cortez caracterizou o governo venezuelano como “autoritário” e “anti-democrático” – o que levou um de seus apoiadores a enviar uma carta pública denunciado sua postura. Esta carta – que vale a pena ser lida – esta aqui.

E tanto Ocasio-Cortez quanto Bernie Sanders apoiaram a tentativa de golpe na Venezuela em fevereiro de 2019 sob o pretexto de “ajuda humanitária”. Na ocasião, Bernie Sanders declarou:

“O povo da Venezuela está a atravessar uma grave crise humanitária. O governo de Maduro deve colocar as necessidades do seu povo em primeiro lugar, permitir a entrada de ajuda humanitária no país, e abster-se de violência contra os opositores.”

Ao que Roger Waters –  do Pink Floyd – rebateu por twitter:

“Bernie, voce está brincado comigo ( are you f-ing kidding me!)! Se voce aceita  a linha Trump, Bolton, Abrams, Rubio de ‘intervenção humanitária’ e conspira na destruição da Venezuela, voce não tem cridibilidade para ser  candidato à Presidente dos EUA. Ou, talvez tenha, talvez seja o fantoche perfeito para o 1 %.”

Mais sobre a declaração de Sanders, a posição de Ocasio -Cortez e a reação de Roger Waters podem ser vistas neste outro artigo:

É importante lembrar também que praticamente toda a mídia ‘mainstream’ dos EUA sempre foi hostil à Venezuela e tem apoaido não só as sanções econômicas contra o país mas mesmo as sucessivas tentativas de golpe que, até agora, falharam. 

As próximas eleições legislativas na Venezuela são uma ameaça à narrativa ‘fake’ do império sobre o ‘ditador’ Maduro. E o fato de uma considerável parte da oposição venezuelana ter aceitado participar da eleição, repudiando o fantoche ‘presidente auto-declarado’ Juan Guaidó, coloca uma pá de cal em qualquer vestígio – se  ainda os há – de legitimidade na oposição representada por  Guaidó e seus comparsas.

Portanto, um ataque militar dos EUA antes das eleições venezuelanas de 6 de dezembro seria uma tentativa também de impedir estas eleições. As recentes manobras conjuntas da marinha brasileira com a marinha dos EUA na região do Caribe indicam que ao menos as preparações para um  ataque já estão em andamento.

Se Trump decidir por uma tal intervenção, não há de se esperar práticamente nenhuma oposição ou críticas dentro dos EUA nem da mídia dominante nem de significativos quadros do Partido Democrata ou das Forças Armadas.Portanto, ele teria todo o espaço para manifestar-se nos meios de comunicação dos EUA. No imáginário social norte-americano, Trump afirmaria para um grupo bem mais amplo do que o de seus apoiadores atuais a imagem do ‘homem forte’, decidido, aquele que pode recuperar a ‘grandeza’ perdida da América. E isto pode lhe trazer o apoio necessário para uma nova tentativa de golpe antes da posse de Biden. Não lhe restam muitas opções para continuar no poder e para Trump esta pode ser uma opção válida. Os últimos dias do Presidente Trump podem ser o período mais perigoso já enfrentado pelo Governo Maduro.

                                                                                                Franklin Frederick

Este artigo foi publicado no site Brasil de Fato (opinião), 8 de Novembre de 2020.

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End the Government’s War on America’s Military Veterans

November 9th, 2020 by John W. Whitehead

For soldiers … coming home is more lethal than being in combat.” ― Brené Brown, research professor at the University of Houston

The 2020 presidential election may be over, but nothing has really changed.

The U.S. government still poses the greatest threat to our freedoms.

More than terrorism, more than domestic extremism, more than gun violence and organized crime, even more than the perceived threat posed by any single politician, the U.S. government remains a greater menace to the life, liberty and property of its citizens than any of the so-called dangers from which the government claims to protect us.

This threat is especially pronounced for America’s military veterans, especially that portion of the population that exercises their First Amendment right to speak out against government wrongdoing.

Consider: we raise our young people on a steady diet of militarism and war, sell them on the idea that defending freedom abroad by serving in the military is their patriotic duty, then when they return home, bruised and battle-scarred and committed to defending their freedoms at home, we often treat them like criminals merely for exercising those rights they risked their lives to defend.

The government even has a name for its war on America’s veterans: Operation Vigilant Eagle.

As first reported by the Wall Street Journal, this Department of Homeland Security (DHS) program tracks military veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan and characterizes them as extremists and potential domestic terrorist threats because they may be “disgruntled, disillusioned or suffering from the psychological effects of war.”

Coupled with the DHS’ dual reports on Rightwing and Leftwing “Extremism,” which broadly define extremists as individuals, military veterans and groups “that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely,” these tactics bode ill for anyone seen as opposing the government.

Yet the government is not merely targeting individuals who are voicing their discontent so much as it is taking aim at individuals trained in military warfare.

Don’t be fooled by the fact that the DHS has gone extremely quiet about Operation Vigilant Eagle.

Where there’s smoke, there’s bound to be fire.

And the government’s efforts to target military veterans whose views may be perceived as “anti-government” make clear that something is afoot.

In recent years, military servicemen and women have found themselves increasingly targeted for surveillance, censorship, threatened with incarceration or involuntary commitment, labeled as extremists and/or mentally ill, and stripped of their Second Amendment rights.

In light of the government’s efforts to lay the groundwork to weaponize the public’s biomedical data and predict who might pose a threat to public safety based on mental health sensor data (a convenient means by which to penalize certain “unacceptable” social behaviors), encounters with the police could get even more deadly, especially if those involved have a mental illness or disability coupled with a military background.

Incredibly, as part of a proposal being considered by the Trump Administration, a new government agency HARPA (a healthcare counterpart to the Pentagon’s research and development arm DARPA) will take the lead in identifying and targeting “signs” of mental illness or violent inclinations among the populace by using artificial intelligence to collect data from Apple Watches, Fitbits, Amazon Echo and Google Home.

These tactics are not really new.

Many times throughout history in totalitarian regimes, such governments have declared dissidents mentally ill and unfit for society as a means of rendering them disempowering them.

As Pulitzer Prize-winning author Anne Applebaum observes in Gulag: A History: “The exile of prisoners to a distant place, where they can ‘pay their debt to society,’ make themselves useful, and not contaminate others with their ideas or their criminal acts, is a practice as old as civilization itself. The rulers of ancient Rome and Greece sent their dissidents off to distant colonies. Socrates chose death over the torment of exile from Athens. The poet Ovid was exiled to a fetid port on the Black Sea.”

For example, government officials in the Cold War-era Soviet Union often used psychiatric hospitals as prisons in order to isolate political prisoners from the rest of society, discredit their ideas, and break them physically and mentally through the use of electric shocks, drugs and various medical procedures.

Insisting that “ideas about a struggle for truth and justice are formed by personalities with a paranoid structure,” the psychiatric community actually went so far as to provide the government with a diagnosis suitable for locking up such freedom-oriented activists.

In addition to declaring political dissidents mentally unsound, Russian officials also made use of an administrative process for dealing with individuals who were considered a bad influence on others or troublemakers.

Author George Kennan describes a process in which:

The obnoxious person may not be guilty of any crime . . . but if, in the opinion of the local authorities, his presence in a particular place is “prejudicial to public order” or “incompatible with public tranquility,” he may be arrested without warrant, may be held from two weeks to two years in prison, and may then be removed by force to any other place within the limits of the empire and there be put under police surveillance for a period of from one to ten years. Administrative exile–which required no trial and no sentencing procedure–was an ideal punishment not only for troublemakers as such, but also for political opponents of the regime.

Sound familiar?

This age-old practice by which despotic regimes eliminate their critics or potential adversaries by declaring them mentally ill and locking them up in psychiatric wards for extended periods of time is a common practice in present-day China.

What is particularly unnerving, however, is how this practice of eliminating or undermining potential critics, including military veterans, is happening with increasing frequency in the United States.

Remember, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) opened the door for the government to detain as a threat to national security anyone viewed as a troublemaker. According to government guidelines for identifying domestic extremists—a word used interchangeably with terrorists—technically, anyone exercising their First Amendment rights in order to criticize the government qualifies.

It doesn’t take much anymore to be flagged as potentially anti-government in a government database somewhere—Main Core, for example—that identifies and tracks individuals who aren’t inclined to march in lockstep to the government’s dictates.

In fact, as the Washington Post reports, communities are being mapped and residents assigned a color-coded threat score—green, yellow or red—so police are forewarned about a person’s potential inclination to be a troublemaker depending on whether they’ve had a career in the military, posted a comment perceived as threatening on Facebook, suffer from a particular medical condition, or know someone who knows someone who might have committed a crime.

The case of Brandon Raub is a prime example of Operation Vigilant Eagle in action.

Raub, a 26-year-old decorated Marine, actually found himself interrogated by government agents about his views on government corruption, arrested with no warning, labeled mentally ill for subscribing to so-called “conspiratorial” views about the government, detained against his will in a psych ward for standing by his views, and isolated from his family, friends and attorneys.

On August 16, 2012, a swarm of local police, Secret Service and FBI agents arrived at Raub’s Virginia home, asking to speak with him about posts he had made on his Facebook page made up of song lyrics, political opinions and dialogue used in a political thriller virtual card game.

Among the posts cited as troublesome were lyrics to a song by a rap group and Raub’s views, shared increasingly by a number of Americans, that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were an inside job.

After a brief conversation and without providing any explanation, levying any charges against Raub or reading him his rights, Raub was then handcuffed and transported to police headquarters, then to a medical center, where he was held against his will due to alleged concerns that his Facebook posts were “terrorist in nature.”

Outraged onlookers filmed the arrest and posted the footage to YouTube, where it quickly went viral. Meanwhile, in a kangaroo court hearing that turned a deaf ear to Raub’s explanations about the fact that his Facebook posts were being read out of context, Raub was sentenced to up to 30 days’ further confinement in a psychiatric ward.

Thankfully, The Rutherford Institute came to Raub’s assistance, which combined with heightened media attention, brought about his release and may have helped prevent Raub from being successfully “disappeared” by the government.

Even so, within days of Raub being seized and forcibly held in a VA psych ward, news reports started surfacing of other veterans having similar experiences.

“Oppositional defiance disorder” (ODD) is another diagnosis being used against veterans who challenge the status quo. As journalist Anthony Martin explains, an ODD diagnosis

“denotes that the person exhibits ‘symptoms’ such as the questioning of authority, the refusal to follow directions, stubbornness, the unwillingness to go along with the crowd, and the practice of disobeying or ignoring orders. Persons may also receive such a label if they are considered free thinkers, nonconformists, or individuals who are suspicious of large, centralized government… At one time the accepted protocol among mental health professionals was to reserve the diagnosis of oppositional defiance disorder for children or adolescents who exhibited uncontrollable defiance toward their parents and teachers.”

Frankly, based on how well my personality and my military service in the U.S. Armed Forces fit with this description of “oppositional defiance disorder,” I’m sure there’s a file somewhere with my name on it.

That the government is using the charge of mental illness as the means by which to immobilize (and disarm) these veterans is diabolical. With one stroke of a magistrate’s pen, these veterans are being declared mentally ill, locked away against their will, and stripped of their constitutional rights.

If it were just being classified as “anti-government,” that would be one thing.

Unfortunately, anyone with a military background and training is also now being viewed as a heightened security threat by police who are trained to shoot first and ask questions later.

Feeding this perception of veterans as ticking time bombs in need of intervention, the Justice Department launched a pilot program in 2012 aimed at training SWAT teams to deal with confrontations involving highly trained and often heavily armed combat veterans.

The result?

Police encounters with military veterans often escalate very quickly into an explosive and deadly situation, especially when SWAT teams are involved.

For example, Jose Guerena, a Marine who served in two tours in Iraq, was killed after an Arizona SWAT team kicked open the door of his home during a mistaken drug raid and opened fire. Thinking his home was being invaded by criminals, Guerena told his wife and child to hide in a closet, grabbed a gun and waited in the hallway to confront the intruders. He never fired his weapon. In fact, the safety was still on his gun when he was killed. The SWAT officers, however, not as restrained, fired 70 rounds of ammunition at Guerena—23 of those bullets made contact. Apart from his military background, Guerena had had no prior criminal record, and the police found nothing illegal in his home.

John Edward Chesney, a 62-year-old Vietnam veteran, was killed by a SWAT team allegedly responding to a call that the Army veteran was standing in his San Diego apartment window waving what looked like a semi-automatic rifle. SWAT officers locked down Chesney’s street, took up positions around his home, and fired 12 rounds into Chesney’s apartment window. It turned out that the gun Chesney reportedly pointed at police from three stories up was a “realistic-looking mock assault rifle.”

Ramon Hooks’ encounter with a Houston SWAT team did not end as tragically, but it very easily could have. Hooks, a 25-year-old Iraq war veteran, was using an air rifle gun for target practice outside when a Homeland Security Agent, allegedly house shopping in the area, reported him as an active shooter. It wasn’t long before the quiet neighborhood was transformed into a war zone, with dozens of cop cars, an armored vehicle and heavily armed police. Hooks was arrested, his air rifle pellets and toy gun confiscated, and charges filed against him for “criminal mischief.”

Given the government’s increasing view of veterans as potential domestic terrorists, it makes one think twice about government programs encouraging veterans to include a veterans designation on their drivers’ licenses and ID cards.

Hailed by politicians as a way to “make it easier for military veterans to access discounts from retailers, restaurants, hotels and vendors across the state,” it will also make it that much easier for the government to identify and target veterans who dare to challenge the status quo.

Remember: no one is spared in a police state.

Eventually, as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, we all suffer the same fate.

It stands to reason that if the government can’t be bothered to abide by its constitutional mandate to respect the citizenry’s rights—whether it’s the right to be free from government surveillance and censorship, the right to due process and fair hearings, the right to be free from roadside strip searches and militarized police, or the right to peacefully assemble and protest and exercise our right to free speech—then why should anyone expect the government to treat our nation’s veterans with respect and dignity?

It’s time to end the government’s war on the American people, and that includes military veterans.

Certainly, veterans have enough physical and psychological war wounds to overcome without adding the government to the mix. Although the U.S. boasts more than 20 million veterans who have served in World War II through the present day, large numbers of veterans are impoverished, unemployed, traumatized mentally and physically, struggling with depression, suicide, and marital stress, homeless, subjected to sub-par treatment at clinics and hospitals, and left to molder while their paperwork piles up within Veterans Administration offices.

At least 60,000 veterans died by suicide between 2008 and 2017.

Screenshot from

On average, 6,000 veterans kill themselves every year, and the numbers are on the rise.

The plight of veterans today—and their treatment at the hands of the U.S. government—remains America’s badge of shame.

So here’s a suggestion: if you really want to do something to show your respect and appreciation for the nation’s veterans, why not skip the parades and the flag-waving and instead go exercise your rights—the freedoms that those veterans swore to protect—by pushing back against the government’s tyranny.

It’s time the rest of the nation did its part to safeguard the freedoms we too often take for granted.

Freedom is not free.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His new book Battlefield America: The War on the American People  is available at Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

For much more on the dangers of 5G, go to my March 10, 2020 Duty to Warn column here. Also check this out.

“5G networks will become the connecting digital tissue for drones, autonomous vehicles, blockchains, the “internet of things”, supply chains, smart homes, smart meters, smart appliances, smart buildings, and smart cities.” – James Grundvig

“Each of these EMF (electromagnetic frequency) effects will lead to existential threats to our survival … In mice, EMF led to a drop in reproduction to essentially zero. … 5G will incur much higher frequencies and pulsations to that of being in a microwave.” Dr Martin Pall

“EMF and RF waves corrupt human DNA. They contribute to the environmental impact of autism, Parkinson’s disease, cancers, and low sperm count.”  – Dr Fiorella Belpoggi, director of research at the Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center

“The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans.” – Dr Belpo


The Duluth News-Tribune recently announced: “AT & T Debuts 5G Networking in Duluth” by installing its 5G Tower right behind its next-door neighbor Subway at its Central Entrance location, but did not post the following warning:


The big question that AT&T’s CEO (as well as any of the many other Big Telecom corporations) doesn’t want asked is this:

“What are the enormously powerful, multinational, Big Telecom corporations that are rolling out the untested for safety 5G networks all over the world trying to hide – and why?”

And that question also needs to be asked of the other CEOs at Verizon, Samsung, Huawei, Ericsson, Nokia, Qualcomm, ZTE, NEC, Mobile TeleSystems and Cisco.

To document the fact that all the Big Telecom corporations are indeed trying to hide something, it needs to be pointed out that many 4G and 5G cell towers below are being camouflaged as artificial trees and also hidden from view in any number of cunning methods.

The artificial tree/fake 5G towers are being manufactured by the telecom industry for the purpose of deceiving the public that will be toxified in any number of ways by the toxic electromagnetic radiation that is coming from the towers 24/7.

The images below reveal some of the “tricks of the trade” that are commonly employed by multinational corporations to hide the presence of the dangers of the products they are trying to sell (as in Big Pharma’s toxic drugs and vaccines), in this case the dangers of electromagnetic radiation from its towers.

These photos are collated by Dr. Gary Kohls

Big Corporations – through their disinformation/advertising campaigns – always do whatever they can to foster the ignorance of the unaware public from understanding the serious dangers that 5G radiation presents to “children and other living things”. (Please refer to the two websites above for the documentation of that statement.)

Considerable research has been done for decades on the dangers of 5G. What has been shown in thousands of independent studies is that EMR can easily be toxic to all types of living cells, especially to nerve and brain cells and the cells of the immune system. In addition, EMR has also been shown to be carcinogenic.

Here is a partial list of symptoms caused by EMR exposure:

headaches, dizziness, fatigue/tiredness, disorientation, nausea, tinnitus, anxiety, irritability, depression, memory loss, sleep disturbances, dysesthesia, loss of appetite, loss of concentration, attention dysfunction, itchy/burning/tingling/flushing skin, swelling and rashes.

Now back to the deviousness of Big Telecom in its 5G roll-out.

The photos below show fake trees and cacti that are actually 5G towers. Then there are examples of a 5G installation mounted on a water tower, in church steeples and on school buildings. The final photo is of one of many examples of sabotage of these dangerous EMR towers in Europe.

Apparently there has been a rash of unjustifiable high-power rifle assaults against some 5G towers in England and elsewhere. Such stories have been censored out of the public consciousness by the Multinational Media Corporations that are frequently in partnership with or actually owned by Big Telecom or wealthy globalist investors such as those at the World Economic Forum.

And this is what these neurotoxic, immuno-toxic, potentially carcinogenic, electromagnetic 5G irradiation machines actually look like when they are not being camouflaged. Some of the images are 5G installations on top of water towers, schools, churches and in or on whatever structures whose owners can be bribed by lucrative contracts.


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Dr Gary G. Kohls lives in the USA and writes a weekly column, entitled Duty to Warn, for the Duluth Reader, Duluth, Minnesota’s alternative newsweekly magazine. His columns deal with the dangers of American Friendly Fascism, corporatism, Oligarchy, militarism, racism, malnutrition, and Big Pharma’s over-drugging and over-vaccinating agendas as well as other movements that threaten the environment, democracy, civility, health and the sustainability and livability of the planet and the future of the children.

Dr. Kohls is a past member of Mind Freedom International, the International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology and the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies and is a signatory to and/or an advocate of the principles of the Great Barrington Declaration, the World Doctors Alliance and Americas Front Line Doctors. His practice of holistic medicine mainly involved helping the survivors of psychiatry that had often been mis-diagnosed, over-diagnosed and always over-medicated with un-approved and un-tested-for-safety cocktails of neurotoxic psychiatric drugs that not only had sickened them but to which they had also become addicted.

His Duty to Warn columns have been re-published around the world for the last decade. They deal frequently also deal with Big Vaccine’s over-vaccinating, Big Medicine’s over-screening, over-diagnosing and over-treating agendas

Many of Dr Kohls’ columns have been archived at a number of websites, including:;;;; and,%20MD

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On Saturday, the Associated Press announced Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections. Although this has not been officially confirmed, especially as Donald Trump is refusing to concede defeat, the Associated Press boasts that they were 99.8% accurate in calling U.S. races in 2016 and 100% accurate in calling presidential and congressional races for each state.

World leaders, including Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu, Canada’s Justin Trudeau, Australia’s Scott Morrison, South Korea’s Moon Jae-in and Britain’s Boris Johnson, sent their congratulations to Biden on being elected to become the 46th President of the United States of America. However, one notable world leader was silent, and for good reason, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Erdoğan always had cordial relations with the U.S., including when Biden was Vice President to Barack Obama. But it was under Trump that the Turkish President became increasingly emboldened to act unilaterally and more aggressively. Although it was under Obama’s watch that the Erdoğan family were involved in blood oil trade with ISIS when they controlled Syrian and Iraqi oil wells between 2014 and 2016, Turkish aggression was primarily aimed against the Kurds, whether in Turkey, Syria or Iraq.

However, under Trump’s administration, Erdoğan became so emboldened that he established a Syrian mercenary army that has been dispatched to Libya and Azerbaijan, continues attempts to redraw the map of the East Mediterranean at Greece’s and Cyprus’ expense, broke two United Nations resolutions by opening the beach of Varoshia in occupied northern Cyprus, converted the Hagia Sophia into a mosque, and among many other things too, also hosted Hamas terrorist leaders in Turkey.

In fact, according to the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) that Trump himself signed into law on August 2, 2017, Turkey should be sanctioned by Washington for purchasing the Russian-made S-400 missile defense system and for state-owned Halkbank helping Iran evade sanctions. Trump’s former National Security Adviser John Bolton described the relationship between the American and Turkish president’s as a “bromance.” In fact, Trump never really hid away from this either, often describing Erdoğan as “a friend” and “very good.”

Following the money, it is easy to see why Trump often praised Erdoğan and directly intervened in the justice system in an attempt to prevent legal action against Halkbank. That paper trail goes directly to the Trump Towers in Istanbul, the first of Trump’s iconic towers on the European continent.

It is also partly for this reason that in the months leading up to the elections, officials of Erdoğan’s government verbally bashed the Democrats, including Biden. Erdoğan’s spokesperson, İbrahim Kalın, said on Twitter on August 16 “The analysis of Turkey by Joe Biden is based on pure ignorance, arrogance and hypocrisy. The days of ordering Turkey around are over. But if you still think you can try, be our guest. You will pay the price.” This was followed on September 25 with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu saying on Twitter that Democratic Nancy Pelosi’s “rise to become Speaker of the House is what is truly worrisome for American democracy, given her blatant ignorance. You will learn to respect the Turkish people’s will,” before having the audacity to tag Trump in the same tweet.

Last week however, Çavuşoğlu had completely changed his language when it became more apparent that Biden would win the election, saying “Regardless of which candidate takes office in the U.S., we will pursue a sincere approach to improve our relations.”

Things may not be that simple though for Turkey. To help secure voting blocs, Biden directly appealed to the Armenian and Greek communities in the U.S., promising to not only recognize the genocide perpetrated by Turkey in the 20th century, but to directly deal with Erdoğan’s increasing militarism.

A Biden administration will likely escalate hostilities between the U.S. and Russia. With this, it is likely that Biden will sanction Turkey for procuring the S-400 system. Biden has also repeatedly expressed that he supports the political opposition in Turkey and will back them against Erdoğan if he becomes president. It is with little surprise that Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, leader of the main opposition party, congratulated Biden on his victory on Saturday on Twitter.

“I look forward to strengthening Turkish-American relations and our strategic alliance,” he added in the tweet.

There is no doubt that Biden will be tougher against Erdoğan than both Trump and Obama, however it is likely that Biden will attempt to push Athens into scaling back its growing relations with Moscow in exchange for his personal intervention in opposing Turkish aggression against Greece. Although Greek-Russian relations reached a historical low under the previous government, the current government that came into power last year has accelerated the restoration of ties, with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visiting Athens as recently as last month.

Source: InfoBrics

In addition, Biden in 2014 became the first U.S. Vice President to ever visit Cyprus. As president, he will be the only one to have actually been to the island. Biden, unlike any other former president, has seen the situation and reality of Turkey’s occupation of northern Cyprus. The Trump administration is currently pressuring Cyprus to sever its ties with Russia, something that leaders in Nicosia have insisted they will not do. Biden will likely continue this policy.

Because a Biden presidency will be more confrontational against Erdoğan, this will help create immediate remedies to end Turkish aggression against Greece and Cyprus, as well as the Turkish-sponsored invasion attempt of Artsakh, or more commonly known as Nagorno-Karabakh. However, concessions will likely have to be made so that it could be aimed against Russia.

Although Greece, Cyprus and Armenia need immediate relief from Turkish militarism, the potential long-term repercussions of how this is achieved could have a far greater destabilizing impact on the region if it comes at the price of these countries severing ties with Moscow. By turning against Moscow, these countries will become platforms to oppose Russian influence and interests in the region which will have destabilizing effects.

Erdoğan’s main opposition has already announced that they will strengthen U.S.-Turkish relations if they succeed in the next elections. Erdoğan, who acts unpredictably and mostly unilaterally, is increasingly becoming uncontrollable for Washington. A potential backing of Kılıçdaroğlu by Biden would also be aimed against Russia as it would bring Turkey fully back into the NATO-fold. Therefore, although Biden will likely deal with Erdoğan by supporting Greece, Cyprus, Armenia, the Kurds and the Turkish political opposition, this is in the effort to unify these players to then turn against Moscow.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Paul Antonopoulos is an independent geopolitical analyst.

Americans suffer and die unnecessarily in this pandemic. Frontline doctors are ready and willing to use an effective at home/outpatient remedy. But they are being blocked because their medical freedom has been squashed. Dr. Anthony Fauci has ensured that the government only addressed the COVID-19 pandemic through contagion control and hospital treatment. Missing is what other nations have pursued: early home/outpatient treatment to keep people with symptoms and/or a positive test result out of hospital. Which is why they have much lower death rates.

Collusion between Fauci and media block information and access to a hydroxychloroquine cocktail proven safe and effective by some courageous doctors offering home treatment. Countering his very positive image created by leftist media, this article digs deep into who Fauci really is and what he has done. Rather than following science and pursuing a complete public health strategy, he has seriously harmed Americans. He alone, it will be shown, accounts for at least half of deaths in the US.

1. The fight for HCQ based on good science is being defeated by Fauci controlled government and media bias against HCQ. He has killed medical freedom. Fauci biggest blunder, actually malpractice, is his emphasis on contagion control and hospitalized victims of the virus. He has stubbornly refused to acknowledge a mountain of evidence proving home, outpatient actions by doctors keeps people well and out of hospital. Here are examples of important data.

In those countries with wide early use of HCQ the death rate is 71 percent lower than in those nations, like the US, where its use has been limited by government. Close to 600,000 people have been saved worldwide. The data imply a saving of over 150,000 US lives, a figure that will increase as the number of deaths, sadly, keeps increasing without using home/outpatient use of HCQ.

Recently Dr. Harvey Risch said: “Many or most of the 220,000 deaths in the United States to date could have been prevented by widespread HCQ use that the FDA blocked. It is the FDA that is responsible for these deaths, not the president.” But Fauci is the power behind the throne, dictating FDA actions.

Frontline doctor Brian Tyson said that he has cured over 1,900 patients, and has said that between 75 and 80 percent of the over 200,000 deaths thus far could have been prevented by using HCQ!

A White Paper by Dr. Simone Gold concluded: “What we do know is that 70,000-100,000 excess American lives have been lost due to lack of access to HCQ.” The best website to help people get the proven early home care remedy is America Front Line Doctors.

Dr. Zev Zelenko a pioneer in using a HCQ cocktail, including zinc, that cut hospitalizations by 84 percent, started a petition in October, naming Fauci and other government officials who blocked HCQ use in March, noting: “Over 160,000 people were hospitalized and died unnecessarily. Let’s make life saving treatment available and end the pandemic. Let’s bring these criminals to justice.” Will this petition work? Not likely.

Another petition effort by top Texas doctors in July together with a direct request to FDA to unblock access to HCQ failed. This was emphasized: “At a statistically significant level, early-use hydroxychloroquine alone was associated with a 51 % reduction in the mortality rate of COVID patients receiving an early five-day course of hydroxychloroquine.”

A lawsuit by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons against the FDA aims at releasing the federal HCQ stockpile. It makes the point: “They care more about their power over the HCQ Stockpile than the lives being lost daily without access to it.” Also: “Foreign countries have kept their mortality rates far lower – sometimes 90% lower – than the United States’ rate, by encouraging use of HCQ.”

And this group has published the excellent “A Guide to Home-Based COVID Treatment” that embraces early use of a HCQ cocktail. It makes this key point: “Zinc is critical. It helps block the virus from multiplying. Hydroxychloroquine is the carrier taking zinc INTO the cells to do its job.” Another key point: “During the ten days that Defendants took to file their mostly non-substantive opposition brief, roughly another 10,000 Americans died without timely access to HCQ.” Other drugs that also can be used early include: ivermectin, bromhexine, faviprivir, bamlanivimab, antibiotics, and steroids.

For early use of HCQ, 155 studies have shown a 64 percent reduction in negative virus impacts, hospitalizations or deaths. Early treatment studies are 100 percent effective.

But Fauci gets away with not refuting specific data. And has prevented the federal stockpile of HCQ being used by frontline doctors. In a recent Fauci article this statement undercuts his persistent claim that only randomized clinical trials can prove HCQ safe and effective, a view that has been thoroughly debunked: “Observational studies have substantial limitations but can be instructive.” Many of these support HCQ use.

The eminent Dr. Peter McCullough got it right:

“HCQ was singled out as a political football early in spring. … [Fauci’s] opposition has become a rallying cry of the left-leaning mainstream media’s ‘Hydroxy Hysteria.’ The politicization of HCQ is an ongoing tragedy.”

He got COVID-19 and used HCQ as part of his treatment protocol.

NIH officially says that it “does not recommend any specific antiviral or immunomodulatory therapy for the treatment of COVID-19” for non-hospitalized patients. This puts physicians in a terrible position who want to use what works. Moreover, over 40 state medical and pharmacy licensing boards and governors prohibit doctors from prescribing HCQ and patients from obtaining it.

Americans must understand that home/outpatient care is the missing, key element in the government’s management of the COVID-19 pandemic. They must shift their trust to frontline doctors who have a weapon against the virus as the latest activity of America’s Frontline Doctors proclaimed.

The Economic Standard deeply examined HCQ and concluded:

“By systematically misrepresenting HCQ’s efficacy and safety for political ends, its opponents have deprived many tens of thousands of Americans of a potentially life-saving treatment and risk even more in the months and years to come. Members of the news media, public health community, and regulatory agencies must stop politicizing the use of this medicine…The burden of proof has been met. HCQ should be more widely recommended, prescribed and promoted to treat COVID-19 right now.

The main point regarding all these data and conclusions is that there is substantial evidence on the side of using HCQ and that the media-hyped meme that Fauci is a trusted expert is nonsense. In his essay “How Expert Worship Is Ruining Science” Pasha Kamyshev made this astute observation: “The debate over HCQ has both sides thinking the other is killing people. One side happens to be right. History will not judge those who were wrong on this very kindly.” To be crystal clear: Fauci is wrong. But as long as he prevails more people die unnecessarily every day.

2. In his emphasis on contagion control, Fauci continually promotes public fear, anxiety and loss of freedoms by promoting masks and lockdowns. Though necessary to some extent, it has failed in getting even close to ending the pandemic. An insightful analysis says it all in its headline: “Italy Did Everything Fauci Recommends. Now, They Have Near Record-Breaking Virus Numbers.” The New England Journal of Medicine received attention when it said in May: “wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection…universal masking alone is not a panacea …masks serve symbolic roles.” Also in May, as to wearing masks, Fauci said: “I think we should be recommending it.” But in October as soon as candidate Biden talked about a national mandate for masks, Fauci said it would be a “great idea” to have a national mask mandate. Moreover, Fauci also said that constitutional states’ rights helped explain why the pandemic was not being overcome.

3. He is close to big drug companies who want to make billions of dollars selling medicines, vaccines and treatments. Example: His pushing the expensive drug remdesivir for hospitalized patients only while ignoring home/outpatient care using inexpensive generic medicines. It can make billions of dollars for Gilead. The government spent at least $70.5 million of taxpayer money on its development. He got the drug approved before usual phase 3 testing was completed, and paid for the clinical trial. Significantly, the NIH advisory panel that reviewed remdesivir for the FDA had, among 54 scientific panel members 18 with financial ties to pharma companies

A recent study by WHO produced negative findings for this drug. Science Magazine did a thorough examination of remdesivir. Consistent with all of its findings is this: “The bottom line from the trials so far is there simply isn’t enough evidence that remdesivir works, says Jason Pogue, president of the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists.”

A detailed examination of remdesivir concluded: “When you consider that Fauci, by virtue of being NIAID’s director, has a vested interest in the development of remdesivir, and that it was he who declared the results to be ‘highly significant,’ it certainly suggests that he, too, should be declaring a conflict of interest in remdesivir’s fate.” It is now fully approved for hospital use despite much evidence against it.

4. Fauci the fearmonger rarely provides relevant specific facts, numbers and details. He is a master of generalities and hedging language. He routinely emphasizes the number of rising cases but not the number of declining death rates as many people get cured naturally, and better hospital treatments curb deaths. Judy Mikovits who worked at NIH for many years warned:, what Fauci “is saying is absolute propaganda.”

Fauci is brilliant at using soft language to deliver a hard blow. Recently, he told a conference of infectious disease experts that the covid pandemic is worse in the US because of a failure to avoid crowds. First, at least 20 countries have a higher death rate per number of confirmed cases. Second, Americans have more serious underlying health problems, such as obesity. heart problems, and diabetes, often with poor access to health care.

At another conference Fauci emphasized that it is “absolutely essential” to have full transparency, subtly criticizing President Trump for saying that early in the pandemic he did not want to panic everyone. Yet early on Fauci said wearing masks was not necessary. Later he said he was originally afraid of making it difficult for frontline health providers obtaining masks. So, his lack of transparency was okay.

5. As a globalist he has not condemned China for intentionally creating the global pandemic or the World Health Organization for its many failures. Fauci has had a long relationship with both China and the WHO. With an annual budget of near $6 billion he has funneled money to help create the China Wuhan lab that produced COVID-19 ($7.4 million). Early in the pandemic he praised China’s response efforts that WHO championed and China’s transparency, but this did not hold up under scrutiny. As a federal civil servant, he has not always put his country ahead of the interests of China and the WHO.

6. Fauci is a self-serving narcissist, now a household name. He uses every opportunity to keep his name ubiquitous. This is how he maintains power. He opines on all aspects of life, like advising Americans to not celebrate Thanksgiving with family. The highest paid federal employee – $417,608 versus $400,000 for the president – also makes big money, legally, in other ways. Ken McCarthy revealed: “The Albany Medical Center gave him half a million dollars for ‘science innovation.’ Now, it just happens that Albany Medical Center lives on NIH grants.”

7. He poses as a public health official, but does not fully acknowledge all the negative impacts of actions he advocates. Particularly, he ignores many negative health impacts from contagion controls, especially lockdowns that seriously harm American society and economy. Neither is Fauci an epidemiologist. Trained as a physician, he is a super-bureaucrat who has largely supplanted CDC, the Surgeon General and FDA. A new investigation revealed his power to control whether any vaccine gets approved or not. It noted “Dr. Anthony Fauci will see data from government-funded vaccine trials before the FDA does.”

8. He is the epitome of a deep state operative. Though on the White House pandemic task force he subversively undermines efforts by frontline doctors and the president. On an extensive interview on CBS 60 Minutes he complained about having constraints from the White House on media appearances. On 6o Minutes! He has opined against White House events being unsafe. But he did not condemn the many leftist [black lives matter] street protests and riots in many cities with huge numbers of people without masks in close proximity to each other.

Fauci opined recently that President Trump resuming in-person rallies is “asking for trouble.” But a recent analysis found that “there is no verifiable evidence to show that Trump rallies have meaningfully increased the spread of Covid-19.” Emma Coltonput Fauci on the spot by getting him to refuse to criticize a large women’s march as a virus spreading event, in contrast to his widely spread comment criticizing a rather small White House event.

At a recent conference Dr. Fauci said that the first COVID-19 vaccines will aim to reduce symptoms but not necessarily prevent infection. This undermines President Trump’s emphasis on vaccine use as well as public interest in using a vaccine.

Fauci recently said: “it will be easily be the end of 2021 and perhaps even into the next year before we start having some semblances of normality.” This undermines the positive stance of President Trump and cannot possibly make the public feel good.

9. With his huge annual budget of nearly $6 billion, he dispenses about $4 billion a year to outside people and groups. Many physicians and epidemiologists have widely divergent professional opinions. But they fear talking about Fauci and losing financial support. Several frontline doctors sent a detailed letter in August with many serious questions, but Fauci did not respond. One of those doctors observed “rigorous questioning of Dr. Fauci with challenges from his peers has never has occurred. Dr. Fauci’s opinions remain not only unchallenged, but those with opposing views are censored.”

10. Don’t be fooled by his grandfather demeanor. Recognize that he is a subversive collaborator with the leftist media campaign against President Trump. Worse, as a physician he has failed his oath to first do no harm. Daily, the mainstream media treat Fauci as a deity, but there have been some critics with wise observations, mostly in conservative media. These views counter the propaganda of the mainstream media.

Jim Hoft said: “From the beginning of this pandemic Fauci has been completely misguided and inaccurate in his predictions and treatment of the Chinese COVID-19 virus.”

Brent Smith asked the right question: “How does Dr. Anthony Fauci still have a job? He’s part of the Inside-the-Beltway Deep State and has attempted to undermine the president since he was elevated to the position of Doctor COVID Know-it-All.”

Thomas Lifson made this wise observation: “The suppression of the use of hydroxychloroquine in combination with zinc to treat COVID-19 amounts to the biggest public health scandal since the Tuskegee Study.”

Stacey Lennox correctly noted:

“Every possible outpatient treatment from HCQ to inhaled corticosteroids have been suppressed or ignored by the NIH and FDA and Dr. Fauci specifically. This dismissal of early outpatient treatment is unconscionable as is the suppression and silencing of clinicians who have observational data to share from caring for actual patients.”

On the FDA stopping HCQ use, Dr. Kristin Held, president of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, said it

“contributed to increased COVID cases and death…. Who bears responsibility for such evil? …Dr. Fauci failed us. We were not prepared, and preparedness was his charge. He can no longer be trusted.”

But all these truth-telling efforts have, so far, failed to budge Fauci, FDA and NIH into a new position unblocking HCQ use for early home/outpatient use. Evidence of this failure is that on November 1 just ahead of the presidential election the Washington Post had a full-page story with the headline “Fauci offers blunt assessment of what lies ahead in U.S.” In it Fauci praised Biden’s approach over Trump’s, again revealing Fauci’s leftist commitment.

The next day the Washington Post had another full-page story on the White House bypassing FDA to distribute HCQ from the national stockpile. Only at the end of the story is there some limited attention to doctors using HCQ for treating COVID-19 patients, including 400,000 prescriptions for HCQ from May through August. At the same time another Washington Post story on the possible firing of Fauci after the presidential election does not justify it on the basis of his failure to save lives. All three articles miss the critical point. Missing from the official government-Fauci strategy is early home/outpatient treatment, as used successfully in some nations. This is being defeated by politics, not science. Would firing Fauci open the door for this missing approach?

A letter to the editor sent to the Post by three eminent doctors made this important observation: “Now Fauci is the architect of 200,000 needless deaths from COVID-19, while he pushed the approval of the now-discredited remdesivir by larding his review panels with inordinate members having economic ties to its manufacturer. There are clinically-established medications to treat COVID-19 immediately when it becomes symptomatic: hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, bromhexine, faviprivir, bamlanivimab, antibiotics, steroids, zinc, vitamins, on-and-on. But Fauci did not direct NIH randomized trials of early use of these medications. Instead he gambled away millions of lives on a strategy of late-stage hospitalization with remdesivir and the rest of us sheltering in place in fear, waiting to be saved by a COVID-19 vaccine of unknown effectiveness.”

Need more proof that the pro-HCQ battle is being lost? The day before the first Post story a medical publication had an article by a senior doctor with impeccable credentials making the point that studies on HCQ “conclusively demonstrated the drug’s lack of efficacy.”

In sum, Americans, including politicians, stop trusting Fauci if saving lives and preventing hospitalizations are paramount. Understand that he has cut medical freedom, preventing doctors from using their best judgment to keep patients healthy and out of hospital. Follow the science. Stop following Fauci. Stay with this question: How many more will die unnecessarily due to not getting the available, proven treatment? Do not remain stuck on stupid.


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Dr. Hirschhorn has long worked on health issues, including being a full professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, directing a research program between the colleges of engineering and medicine; also, a senior official at the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment and the National Governors Association. He has authored a number of books and hundreds of articles and has served as an executive volunteer at a major hospital for over ten years. He is active with a network of physicians and epidemiologists advocating early home/outpatient care to keep Americans out of hospital and is a member of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons.

Featured image is from Wikimedia Commons

In his 1995 book The Demon-Haunted World Carl Sagan lamented as follows:

I have a foreboding of [a] time when… awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.

The dumbing down… is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media… but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance…. The plain lesson is that study and learning – not just of science, but of anything – are avoidable, even undesirable.

We’ve arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements… profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces. See The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark. (pdf)

While it is 25 years since these words of Sagan’s were published a year before his death, one can only lament the ongoing decline of what might simply be labeled the capacity for critical thinking, whether in relation to society and politics, or the science and technology that so concerned Sagan.

At a time in human history when so much is at stake, why is it so difficult to engage most people in anything resembling a thoughtful investigation, consideration and analysis of what is taking place? Why is it that more people do not question what they are told, what they read and what they are shown? In short, why is it that most people do not seek out the evidence for themselves rather than simply believing what is presented to them?

In one sense, the answer to this question might seem simple. People are daily bombarded with ‘information’, in various guises, and a lifetime of submissively accepting what they are told leaves few with any inclination, or energy, to question anything. But let me offer a fuller explanation given the critical importance of this issue if we are to mobilize an effective response to the challenges confronting humanity.

So first: What is propaganda? A false flag attack? Why do most people simply believe what they are told without investigating, carefully, for themselves? And why are those who challenge the elite-driven narrative often labeled ‘conspiracy theorists’ or, depending on the issue, some other pejorative such as ‘peddling debunked science’, ‘anti-vaxxer’ or ‘anti-semitic’ for example?

What is Propaganda?

Propaganda is the deliberate and systematic effort, using a variety of means, to manipulate people into believing and behaving in accordance with something that is not true. For one comprehensive explanation of how this is done, see

Trust Us, We’re Experts! How Industry Manipulates Science and Gambles with Your Future, a book which Robert F. Kennedy Jr. observes ‘shows how giant corporations employ sophisticated psychiatric techniques, unscrupulous public figures, junk science, tainted studies and clever PR mercenaries in a relentless effort to market products that routinely kill, maim, deform and poison consumers and our environment’.

See ‘Trust Us, We’re Experts!: How Industry Manipulates Science and Gambles with Your Future’.

While some people argue that propaganda can be used for good, the fact is that something that is simply true should appeal to people anyway, even if it is unpleasant. This is because the truth is the only powerful place from which to start to address any circumstance, including unpleasant and difficult ones.

Propaganda is delivered by a variety of means. Aside from that issued, in various ways, by governments and corporations, propaganda is delivered by education systems as ‘knowledge’, by the corporate media as ‘news’ and by the entertainment industry as films, television programs, video games, music, literature and in other forms. But all propaganda is designed to instill and reinforce a limited set of fears, approved beliefs and endorsed behaviours so that the ‘individual’ responds submissively within the carefully managed system of elite political, social and economic control.

For example, education is designed to teach the individual a limited range of technical functions intended to help create, maintain but essentially serve the emerging technocratic tyranny (as it supersedes the existing version of industrial capitalism), make the individual a passive consumer and politically submissive, while ensuring that an intelligent mind capable of seeking out relevant evidence for themselves, critiquing society and responding powerfully does not develop.

See ‘Do We Want School or Education?’

What is a False Flag Attack?

A false flag attack occurs when a government carries out a terror attack against its own population and then falsely blames an enemy to justify a political course of action, such as going to war against the country or countries it blames. While, again, those who question false flag attacks are often denounced by elite propagandists as ‘conspiracy theorists’, in fact the documentation of false flag attacks that have later been admitted is quite long.

For one list, see ‘53 Admitted False Flag Attacks’. Of course, plenty of false flag attacks have not been admitted, even when the evidence is overwhelming, as in the case of 9/11 for example.

So Why Do Most People Believe Propaganda?

In an early book on propaganda written in 1928 by Sigmund Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays, he opened with this paragraph:

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

See Propaganda.

As Bernays makes clear from the outset, his preoccupation is the manipulation of people to do the bidding of others: clearly, a debased and cynical view of the human individual on which many of humanity’s less morally committed characters have capitalized since Bernays wrote the book.

For example, Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda from 1933 to 1945 and an avid reader of Bernays’ work, observed that ‘Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will.’

But to understand why the approach of Bernays and his disciples such as Goebbels even works, we need to consider why it is that most people are so gullible in the first place. Why don’t more people ask deeper questions about what is taking place rather than simply accepting, without serious question, whatever is presented to them (whether by parents, teachers, religious figures, doctors, propagandists, marketing agents, governments or the corporate media)?

The fundamental problem is simply this: parents, teachers, religious figures and other significant adults in the child’s life require obedience. And obedience means that the child not only behaves as directed by the adult but also that the child believes what the adult believes. This latter point is easily overlooked but is actually the key issue. Why? Because a child who does not believe what the adult believes might think and behave in a way that scares the adult. And demanding obedience is essentially about eliminating beliefs (and their consequent behaviours) that would frighten the parent, teacher or other adult.

Parents require obedience virtually from the moment of birth, doing everything from comforting a child to stop them crying – see

‘Comforting a Baby is Violent’ – to punishing them for acting contrary to parental will once they start moving independently.

Of course, once the child starts to think or believe differently, especially if this ‘difference’ is too far from a belief of the child’s parents, teachers or religious leaders (or a widely-accepted belief within their society), the child is quickly pulled back into line with some combination of inducements and/or violence.

See ‘Punishment is Violent and Counterproductive’.

Despite legal conventions meaninglessly affirming versions of it – such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 18 declaring ‘Everyone has the right to freedom of thought…’ – the freedom to think for oneself is not a human right in any meaningful sense of the term and, even if it were, it would really only mean the freedom to think for oneself within certain clearly defined and narrow parameters. And only if you are an adult.

This is why, for example, a child who decides not to go to school does not emerge. Such a possibility would be frightening to virtually every parent, so no child is given that option, let alone allowed the opportunity to come up with, consider and act on that option for themself. Why? Because attendance at school, wherever it exists, is legally compulsory (meaning punishment will be inflicted for failure to comply), and only the rarest parent has the vaguest concept of freedom themselves, let alone the courage to defend their child’s freedom, including the freedom to choose how they spend the bulk of their time for the 8-13 years of ‘school age’.

Consequently, the freedom to think for oneself and act accordingly is strangled at a very young age and certainly by the time a child is compelled to attend a prison for children, also known as ‘school’. As a result the child’s concept of freedom, should they ever come across the notion, can only be a parody of the real thing. And the adult who emerges from this childhood is simply incapable of comprehending what freedom might mean for the obvious reason that to be meaningfully understood, freedom must be experienced.

Of course, is it not just parental authority and school that denies any child the experience of liberty. As Jean-Jacques Rousseau noted in his treatise The Social Contract in 1762, ‘Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains’. Every institution in society is designed to circumscribe freedom, one way or another. It is just that a childhood spent living under the control of their parents and then teachers and religious figures leaves all children devoid of the experience of freedom and so any subsequent limits are not even noticed. In fact, they are expected and ‘taken for granted’.

So with parents, teachers and religious figures endlessly inflicting ‘visible’, ‘invisible’ and ‘utterly invisible’ violence on the child in the name of ‘socialization’ (which includes requiring obedience under threat of violence for non-compliance), the child progressively and rapidly loses several innate capacities, notably including a sense of their own Self-will, the capacities to think and feel for themselves, as well as conscience.

See Why Violence? and Fearless Psychology and Fearful Psychology: Principles and Practice.

Anything that is too far from the dominant narrative simply becomes ‘unthinkable’ because the child’s innate capacity to perceive the truth is suppressed along with other mental capacities.

But soon it is not just parents, teachers and religious leaders that are the accepted ‘authority figures’ in the child’s life. No longer able to seriously question the imperatives of parents, teachers and religious figures because they have been terrorized out of doing so, the child has also unconsciously ‘learned’ that virtually any information with which they are presented must be true, even when the source is simply a government or corporate media outlet presenting elite propaganda. For the vast bulk of adult humans, the idea of questioning a dominant narrative does not even occur to them and it is certainly not something they can do with any intelligence, persistent research effort or courage.

So just as Hitler, ably supported by his Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, was able to direct most Germans prior to and into World War II, it is quite straightforward for the global elite to be able to direct the bulk of the human population to believe, for example, that

  • President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by the ‘lone gunman’ Lee Harvey Oswald,
  • that the ‘Gulf of Tonkin incident’ justified the United States war on Vietnam,
  • that a ‘virus’ labeled HIV caused a ‘disease’ labeled AIDS,
  • that the three buildings 1,2 and 7 of the World Trade Center were destroyed by two aircraft flown by novice pilots into the top stories of the Twin Towers and justified the subsequently launched US ‘War on Terror’,
  • that a ‘virus’ labeled SARS-Cov-2  causes a ‘disease’ labeled Covid-19 that has justified the destruction of everything from a range of human rights to the global economy
  • that we live in a democracy in which each adult has a say in how they are governed, or even that ongoing effort is being made to bring a greater degree of shared prosperity to the people of the world.

For just a taste of the extensive evidence to debunk each of these propaganda-driven delusions, see these respective analyses of what the evidence actually demonstrates:

On the Trail of the Assassins: One Man’s Quest to Solve the Murder of President Kennedy,

the Pentagon Papers, AIDS Inc.: Scandal of the Century, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth,

‘Unmasking the Lies Around COVID-19: Facts vs Fiction of the Coronavirus Pandemic’,

‘The Elite’s COVID-19 Coup to Destroy Humanity that is also Fast-Tracking Four Paths to Human Extinction’,

America After the Election: A Few Hard Truths About the Things That Won’t Change’ and

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families.

In essence: my point is that is it is not the power of the propaganda, increasingly sophisticated though it has become, that makes people believe it, but a ‘socialization’ model designed to produce submissively obedient ‘individuals’ who gullibly interpret what is happening, and even their own ‘experience’, in terms of the information or scenario (that is, propaganda) with which they are presented.

And because of the deeply-seated and unconscious fear of holding a divergent view, most people simply believe the widely-promulgated propaganda narrative with which they become familiar and, hence, comfortable. Moreover, those who challenge the elite-driven narrative frighten them, particularly when elite agents in government and the corporate media label them ‘conspiracy theorists’.For one explanation of why the term ‘conspiracy theorist’ emerged to denigrate those who challenge elite orthodoxy, see

In defence of conspiracy theories (and why the term is a misnomer)’.

And so this combination of dysfunctional parenting, education and religious exposure leaves the child devoid of their intuitive ‘truth register’ as well as the other mental faculties that would make them question explanations that obviously lack credibility while investigating and analyzing the evidence for themself.

In fact, the idea of doing so never even occurs to them.  Hence, a terrorized, gullible and easily manipulated individual enters adulthood. And, as the elite intends, galvanizing an effective response by such people to the truth hidden behind the propaganda is very difficult.

Resisting Propaganda

There is no point hoping that the global elite will discontinue their use of propaganda to shape the course of human events. This is largely because the global elite is insane. See ‘The Global Elite is Insane Revisited’. Moreover, attempts to curb the use of propaganda must inevitably run into the institutions and organizations that the elite controls. And while we can strategically resist these if we choose, the most powerful defence we have against elite propaganda is the human mind that can perceive and critique it. Hence, as a priority, I would profoundly alter our parenting model to achieve this outcome. See ‘My Promise to Children’.

If you are uncertain of your own capacity to critique propaganda, you can expand your capacity to do so by feeling the fear (to release it) that limits your mental faculties. See Putting Feelings First’.

If you are interested in planning or participating in a strategy to achieve a peace, environmental or social justice outcome (particularly in relation to those issues that threaten human extinction), or to resist the elite coup currently taking place under cover of Covid-19, you can read sets of strategic goals for doing so in Campaign Strategic Aims or Coup Strategic Aims.

Moreover, if you wish to tackle the environmental threats to human existence while also strengthening your self-reliant capacity to resist the latest elite onslaught to take (much) greater control of your life, consider participating in The Flame Tree Project to Save Life on Earth. The greater your dependence on elite systems and processes of any kind, the less power you will have to resist as the noose tightens.

If you are interested in participating in the worldwide effort to resist elite and other violence, you are also welcome to sign the online pledge of The Peoples Charter to Create a Nonviolent World.


The world is complex: it is difficult to understand and requires enormous effort.

Propaganda is designed to give people information that is easy to understand (and sometimes frightening) while distracting them from the truth and offering a simple ‘choice’ (or command) designed to mobilize action in support of an elite-driven narrative.

For example, by telling people they are threatened by a virus, most will be scared into focusing their attention on the ‘virus’. They will pay no attention to the many more complex and dangerous things that are taking place under cover of the ‘virus’: a technocratic/transhumanist coup that is utterly transforming the very essence of human society, economy and even the human individual. See

‘Beware the Transhumanists: How “Being Human” is being Re-engineered by the Elite’s Covid-19 Coup’ and

‘Klaus Schwab and His Great Fascist Reset’.

Only a tiny proportion of the human population has even the vaguest idea of how the world actually works. But not even a tiny proportion of these people recognize that terrorizing children into obedience is the fundamental explanation of why the world works in the way that it does.

Unless we can mobilize greater recognition of our responsibility for giving the global elite the control over us that it has, and tackle this problem at its core – by fundamentally revising existing parenting and education models so that we produce powerful individuals – it will continue to be enormously difficult to mobilize sufficient strategic response to the challenges that confront humanity.

And while we are now fast-tracking four distinct paths to human extinction, there is an urgency about our predicament that accelerates daily.


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Robert J. Burrowes has a lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence. He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist since 1981. He is the author of Why Violence? His email address is [email protected] and his website is here. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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More simply, if you like, you might consider committing to:

The Earth Pledge 

Out of love for the Earth and all of its creatures, and my respect for their needs, from this day onwards I pledge that:

  1. I will listen deeply to children. See ‘Nisteling: The Art of Deep Listening’.
  2. I will not travel by plane
  3. I will not travel by car
  4. I will not eat meat and fish
  5. I will only eat organically/biodynamically grown food
  6. I will minimize the amount of fresh water I use, including by minimizing my ownership and use of electronic devices
  7. I will not own or use a mobile (cell) phone
  8. I will not buy rainforest timber
  9. I will not buy or use single-use plastic, such as bags, bottles, containers, cups and straws
  10. I will not use banks, superannuation (pension) funds or insurance companies that provide any service to corporations involved in fossil fuels, nuclear power and/or weapons
  11. I will not accept employment from, or invest in, any organization that supports or participates in the exploitation of fellow human beings or profits from killing and/or destruction of the biosphere
  12. I will not get news from the corporate media (mainstream newspapers, television, radio, Google, Facebook, Twitter…)
  13. I will make the effort to learn a skill, such as food gardening or sewing, that makes me more self-reliant
  14. I will gently encourage my family and friends to consider signing this pledge.
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Biden’s Victory: A Eunuch Presidency Beckons

November 9th, 2020 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

Whatever was set to happen on November 3, President Donald J. Trump would not lose.  Falling in that establishment firebreak against democracy known as the Electoral College would not erase, let alone repudiate him.  His now victorious opponent, far from convincing, strengthened by only one fact – not being Trump – remains a projection of all the unresolved problems of the republic.

A Joe Biden presidency promises to be a return, not a progression.  But a glance at the US electoral map suggests no easy pathway to political amnesia.  A vote count shy of 71 million for Trump will be a hard statistic to ignore; even harder for the new administration will be the Republicans in the House of Representatives and Senate.  The high priests and priestesses of news at CNN attempted to strangle any suggestion that they had gotten the election so horribly wrong.  Embarrassment would not be countenanced; Biden, despite struggling in various key states in the initial count, would come through on the mail-in ballots so vigorously slandered by Trump. 

CNN anchor Jake Tapper could not be accused of any complexity, preferring to summarise the Trump administration as a “time of extreme divisions… it’s a time of several significant and utterly avoidable failures, most tragically, of course, the unwillingness to accept the facts and science and do everything that can be done to save lives during a pandemic.”  A “long national nightmare” for Americans had concluded.

What various networks were loath to admit was how Trump, despite the pandemic calamity, the worst economic performance since the Great Depression, the misinformation, the conspiracies, the misogyny, the racist claims, scandals and corruption, could still outperform his own showing in 2016 by millions of votes. 

Trump’s performance till January, before the pandemic struck, was such as to make the Democratic challenge indefeasibly weak.  As Luke Savage suggests in Jacobin, “Had the virus never hit and the situation that prevailed in January remained – which saw Trump’s economic approval rating rise to levels not seen by any president for two decades – there can be little doubt that the former host of TV’s The Apprentice would have flattened the hapless Biden on his road to a second term.”

Biden, straightjacketed by the DNC establishment, barely disturbed the policy manual.  As good parts of the West Coast burned, he uttered pieties on climate change while refusing to saddle himself to the Green New Deal, preferring his own “Biden Green Deal”.  He also rejected Medicare for All and held out on the issue of abolishing the legislative filibuster.  On the issue of whether he would expand the Supreme Court beyond nine justices, he suggested the creation of a national commission.  But in all this, a nod of approval was made to Trumpist rhetoric in an effort to lure back rust belt voters: the “Buy America” plan making US manufacturing “the Arsenal of American Prosperity”.

The elections for Congress did nothing to indicate that Trumpism had been washed blue.  Quite the opposite.  The cash expended on attempting to dislodge various GOP Senate incumbents went begging.  Lindsey Graham held firm in South Carolina; likewise Joni Ernst of Iowa.  Susan Collins survived in Maine, despite the challenge from Sara Gideon, funded to the tune of $130 million.  (Collins received $76 million.)  The Democrats actually lost five seats in the House of Representatives.   Such outcomes prompted Eric Levitz to remark that, “The 2020 election was likely a nigh-catastrophic setback for progressive politics in the United States.”

The results reveal a reorientation in US politics that Biden’s team will struggle to cope with.  So will some Republicans, who find themselves, according to Steve Bannon, architect of Trump’s 2016 victory, a “working class party.”  Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri certainly thinks so, making the claim on Election Day that, “We are a working class party now. That’s the future.”

Trump did increase his share of the vote, but the composition was not identical to that of 2016.  An increased base among Latino voters in Texas and Florida was secured, suggesting the failure of the Democrats to convince them of Trump’s racist credentials.  There was a rise in Black American votes for Trump, notably amongst males, despite the Black Lives Matter protests.  Biden can also claim to have snared some former Republicans, notably of the middle-class, who found Trump a meal too rich to digest.  Democrats seemed to better the Republicans in numerous suburban counties. 

The remarks by the Biden-Harris team on the occasion of declaring victory did little to suggest a patching up of differences, a desire to understand the voters who cast their ballots for Trump.  The illusion of “people power” was promoted by Kamala Harris.  She also positioned the Democrats in such a manner as to continue the sneer against Trump’s voters.  A vote for the Democrats was one for “truth” and “science”.  By implication, those who voted against the Democrats were ignoramuses.  Identity politics was reiterated: race, colour, sex.  The lines in the sand, affirmed again.

Then came Biden, wishing to look more alive than not by running to the podium.  Had he received a jab or two, a handy stimulant?  Certainly, the commander-in-chief to be would have to dispel notions of lethargy and sleepiness.  In animated, forced fashion, he claimed that a “clear victory” had been achieved.  He spoke of an “outpouring” of joy across the globe. He promised to unify the country, again claiming that he was colour blind to “Blue States” and “Red States”.  The electoral jigsaw suggests something glaringly different. 

He thanked the African-American vote that always had his back as he had theirs.  Identity markers were carefully inserted into the speech: African-American, White, Latino, Asian, Native American, straight, transgender, gay.  This would have had Mark Lilla rolling his eyes, having warned in 2016 that celebrating diversity is “a splendid principle of moral pedagogy but disastrous as a foundation for democratic politics in our ideological age.”

There was the briefest mention to Trump supporters: “time to lower the temperature again.”  He called for a “fair shot”.  Enemies were not to be found, only Americans.  Forces of fairness, science and hope were to be mastered.  Scientists were to be appointed as advisors to the transition team to “turn around this pandemic”.  He wished to “restore the soul of America”.  Then, predictably, the words of his grandfather to him to “keep the faith”; and of his grandmother, to spread it.

More than faith, kept or spread, will be required.  What this election victory for Biden promises is a eunuch presidency, one weak and emasculated before it begins.  Anticipate deadlock and the agitations of continued tribalism.  Trumpism, maddeningly, will linger behind the curtain, ever threatening to bromide politics.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

On Sunday 21 May 2017, four months after he was inaugurated as US president, Donald Trump entered a darkened room at the Global Centre for Combating Extremist Ideology, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. There, Trump, with his wife Melania looking on, stood alongside his host King Salman and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, placed his hands on a glowing orb mounted atop a pedestal, then looked out at the assembled media.

The photo of this moment, tweeted by the Saudi embassy in the United States, captured the global imagination. Here was the new leader of what was still the world’s most powerful country, in a chamber full of computers, surrounded by darkness and accompanied by two strongmen of the Middle East, appearing to draw some kind of ungodly power from a mysterious spheroid.

Opening this centre for “combating extremist ideology,” the new president heralded a “clear declaration that Muslim-majority countries must take the lead in combating radicalisation, and I want to express our gratitude to King Salman for this strong demonstration of leadership”.

There were two Trump fixations lurking behind this statement: a belief that, as he put it in March 2016, “Islam hates us”; and a conviction that it was high time that America’s allies did the work they had previously outsourced to the US.

Domestically, the Islamophobic nature of his administration had been confirmed in Trump’s first week of office, with the signing of Executive Order 13769, commonly known as the “Muslim ban,” which suspended entry to the US from a slew of Muslim-majority countries. Before becoming president, Trump said in November 2015 that he would “certainly implement” a database to track Muslims in the US, and had expressed agreement with a supporter at a 2015 rally in New Hampshire who told him, “We have a problem in this country; it’s called Muslims.”

In Riyadh, it turned out the glowing orb was just a translucent globe – nothing more than a prop. But this was Trump’s first foreign trip – and everything was laden with symbolism.

Beginning in Saudi Arabia, he later went on to Israel, where he descended from the plane to a red carpet and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who clasped him by the arm and repeated the line: “Welcome my good friend.” Trump later visited the Western Wall, becoming the first sitting US president to do so. He told a press conference that it was time Iran stopped their “deadly funding” of “terrorists and militias”.

These moments turned out to be significant. They are worth consideration now that Trump will be replaced as president by Joe Biden, his Democrat opponent.

Trump and the ties that bind

At the time of writing, this transition looks unlikely to be smooth. Congress is set to be controlled by the Democrats, while the Senate will likely be held by the Republicans. The next US administration may not find itself with much room for manoeuvre. Trump – and Trumpism – have not been given the shellacking many liberals hoped for. Both the man and the ideology are here to stay, with the deep divisions the US faces domestically impacting on its flailing performance abroad.

The foreign policy positions taken by the White House during the last four years may not easily be undone. It is also worth noting that Biden, the embodiment of a Democratic establishment that saw the systemic change offered by Bernie Sanders as just as dangerous as Trump, may have no real desire to undo them.

Those positions have been most steadfast when it comes to Saudi Arabia and Israel. During Trump’s time in office, these two allies – already lavishly assisted by Washington – have received more diplomatic and political support from the US than any other states. This backing has existed alongside the personal championing of Netanyahu and Mohammed bin Salman, the self-proclaimed modernising crown prince of Saudi Arabia, who has been directly linked to a number of human rights abuses, including the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

That championing is reciprocated, and if there is anything that has defined a seemingly erratic American foreign policy under this president, then it is Trump’s mercantile fondness for strongmen he can do business with; leaders and nations whose ravenous self-interest makes cutting a deal possible.

More significantly, the president has been akin to a puppet or useful idiot for a series of foreign policy advisers, whose views were previously deemed extreme even by Washington’s standards, a leader often led by whoever is talking loudly in his ear. Trump would tire of these advisers after a while (or they would tire of him). Then they would leave the White House to write a book about what an idiot their boss was, usually laundering their reputation in the process.

Hostility towards Iran, aggressive championing of Israel, a selective interest in democracy, and a fondness for absolute rulers you could do business with have always been features of US foreign policy. But as with so many things during the Trump presidency, those features were distorted into their most severe form, with the usual victims – Palestinians, leftists, democracy advocates, Muslims – in a far worse position at the end of his term than they were four years ago.

Trump’s road to the White House

For decades before he became president, Trump was a famous man who liked the sound of his own voice. This was compounded by the nature of his celebrity, which meant he was often asked about whether he was going to run for president, as well as his views on this or that policy.

It is probably fair to say that before he became US president in 2017, this son of a New York real estate millionaire, who spent as much time in front of the camera as he could, had never given much thought to the question of peace in the Middle East.

But it’s also true that here was a man with a set of very distinct feelings and prejudices, who viewed life as a struggle for dominance and who valued the art of the deal above all else.

When it came to the world at large, a common theme Trump returned to during his decades as a real estate celebrity and reality TV star was that countries which enjoyed some form of US military protection were not paying their way, that they were leeches and that American political leaders were being taken for suckers.

It’s a theme that continued into his campaign to become president and which has been present particularly in his stance towards Nato, whose fellow members he believes are subsidised by the US.

In September 1987, Trump took out full-page adverts – branded “an open letter from Donald J Trump” – in several major American newspapers. “Make Japan, Saudi Arabia, and others pay for the protection we extend as allies,” said the advert, which cost Trump $94,801. In TV interviews, he added Kuwait to the list. Trump urged the US to “tax these wealthy nations,” relieving itself of the “cost of defending those who can easily afford to pay us for the defence of their freedom”.

Screenshot from Politico Magazine

Trump is known to be over-sensitive. The open letter concluded: “Let’s not let our great country be laughed at anymore.”

Saudi Arabia: Money matters

By the time Donald J Trump hit the presidential campaign trail in 2015, his stance on Saudi Arabia appeared to have changed. While countries like Germany and other members of the North Atlantic alliance were still deemed freeloaders, the Gulf kingdom was a well from which to drink deeply. “Saudi Arabia – and I get along great with all of them,” he said at one of his rallies in 2015. “They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million. Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.”

In essence, this approach to Saudi Arabia changed little once Trump became president. On that first foreign trip as US leader, he and his family delighted at being ferried around in gold golf carts, and attending a $75m party thrown in his honour, complete with a throne for him to sit on. For a man whose main residence in Manhattan is a palace of brass and chintz, situated in a tower bearing his own name, Trump was at home in the Gulf.

With his son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner hitting it off with Mohammed bin Salman, who was made crown prince in June 2017 and became the kingdom’s de facto leader, Trump doubled down on an alliance that had been slowly weakening since the turn of the 21st century.

Barack Obama, Trump’s predecessor, had told the Saudis to stop amplifying “external threats” and signed the nuclear deal with Iran. Trump pulled out of the deal in May 2018.

Influenced by a string of virulently anti-Iranian advisers from Michael Flynn to Jim Mattis (who reportedly referred to the “idiot raghead mullahs” ruling the Islamic Republic) to Mike Pompeo to John Bolton, who had made regime change in Iran his life’s work, Trump amplified the threat from Tehran, imposing crippling sanctions, sending troops to the Persian Gulf and, in January 2020, ordering the killing of top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani.

The assassination of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in October 2018, which the CIA eventually linked back to bin Salman, provoked bi-partisan outrage in Washington. Trump was called on to take action against the errant crown prince: none was taken. “I saved his ass,” the president said of MBS in January 2020, according to Bob Woodward. “I was able to get Congress to leave him alone. I was able to get them to stop.”

While Trump, and particularly Kushner, clearly liked MBS personally, the real reason for their support was money, and the president’s mercantile view of the world. The Saudi crown prince promised investment and he promised more money for American weapons.

In March 2018, five months before Khashoggi’s murder, bin Salman sat next to Trump in the Oval Office while the president held up a chart that read, “12.5 billion in finalised sales to Saudi Arabia,” illustrated by pictures of US arms bought by the kingdom.

At a press conference in Japan in June 2019, eight months after the assassination of the Saudi journalist, Trump referred to bin Salman as “a great friend of mine,” a man who had “done things in the last five years in terms of opening up Saudi Arabia… especially for women”. What was happening in the Gulf kingdom was, Trump said, “like a revolution in a very positive way”. Asked more than once about Khashoggi, Trump dodged the question.

A couple of months earlier, in April 2019, Trump had vetoed a bipartisan resolution to end American military involvement in Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen.

Israel: Moving ever further to the right

The president’s support for Israel’s right-wing, led by Netanyahu, has, if anything, been more extreme than that for Saudi Arabia. On the campaign trail in March 2016, Trump told CNN that he was “very pro-Israel,” boasting about the donations he had made to the country and the awards he had received there.

His business interests in Israel prior to becoming president seemed to amount to not much more than a planned Trump Tower and a brand of vodka that was somewhat popular with the ultra-Orthodox community at Passover but deemed undrinkable by almost everyone else.

As for the Palestinians, Trump said that he would “love to be neutral,” but that it was hard because they were inflicting too much terror. “They have to stop with the terror because what they’re doing with the missiles and with the stabbings and with all of the other things they do, it’s horrible and it’s got to end,” he said in March 2016, repeating a view that is hardly uncommon among many Americans, namely that Palestinians are defined by their “terrorism”.

It’s worth noting that, at this early stage, there were plenty of American commentators who deemed even this kind of rhetoric not sufficiently pro-Israel, with one CNN pundit noting Trump’s “unusually objective language on Israel” and pointing out that at that time, the Republican candidate had “initially dodged a question on the possibility of moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem”.

The wind was only blowing in one direction though. Sheldon Adelson, a strident Zionist whose longstanding dream was to see the embassy move to Jerusalem, eventually put tens of millions of dollars into Trump’s 2016 campaign (he put even more into the 2020 one). It was clear that the Republican nominee would most likely take a strongly pro-Israeli position should he become president.

Always a man comforted by the presence of familiar faces, Trump’s Middle East policy was defined by his son-in-law Jared Kushner and by two former Trump Organisation employees: the bankruptcy lawyer David Friedman and the real estate lawyer Jason Greenblatt.

Friedman, who became the US ambassador to Israel, was a supporter and donor to illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian land. The son of a conservative rabbi, he had helped raise about $2m in tax-deductible donations each year from supporters of the settlement movement – including the Kushner family – through an organisation called American Friends of Beit El Institutions.

Greenblatt, who had worked for Trump since 1997, was catapulted into the role of special representative for international negotiations, becoming one of the chief architects of Trump’s Middle East peace plan – the so-called “deal of the century,” which was rejected unanimously by the Palestinians. An advocate for illegal West Bank settlements, in November 2016 Greenblatt declared that they were “not an obstacle to peace,” and that he preferred them to be referred to as “neighbourhoods”.

With Kushner also a family friend of Netanyahu’s, the odds were stacked heavily against the Palestinians: a 2017 Trump administration document stated that “Israel is not the cause of the region’s problems” and that “jihadist terrorist organisations” were the only thing standing in the way of peace.

In October 2019, Trump broadened his regular attacks on Somalia-born Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, an “America-hating socialist,” into a general broadside at the Somali community in Minnesota, telling a rally that he would “give local communities a greater say in refugee policy and put in place enhanced vetting and responsible immigration controls”. In March 2019, a gunman who cited Trump as “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose” killed 51 people at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.

The 2017 national security document was followed by a slew of moves in support of Netanyahu and Israel’s nationalist right-wing. In February of that year, the US dropped its longstanding commitment to a two-state solution after Trump met with Netanyahu. In December 2017, Washington announced that it would move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

When the move came in May 2018, Adelson, who had offered to fund it, wept tears of joy: on that same day, more than 60 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces in a single day (some later died from their injuries) as they protested their right to return to ancestral homes.

This was four months after the Trump White House announced that it was cutting half its planned funding to UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees. Before the year was out, the rest of the funding had been cut as well, as the US declared the agency an “irredeemably flawed operation”.

The Middle East at its worst

When it was released in January 2020, Trump’s Middle East peace plan was even worse than his many detractors had feared.

It accepted Israeli calls to annex the Jordan Valley and Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. It called for Jerusalem to become Israel’s undivided capital. It said that a Palestinian state could only happen when the Palestinian leadership wholly accepted Israel’s new borders, disarmed completely, removed Hamas from power in Gaza and agreed to Israeli security oversight across all of its territories until a point in the future deemed ripe for withdrawal. There was much more, none of it good for the Palestinians, who unanimously rejected the deal.

This plan for peace was then followed by normalisation agreements between Israel and the UAE, then between Israel and Bahrain. Sudan, crippled by US sanctions for years, has had its revolution rewarded by having a gun stuck to its head: sign a normalisation deal with Israel or else stay on the US terrorist list. It chose the former, to much crowing from Trump and Kushner.

Other Arab nations may well follow: Kushner was quick to celebrate how he and his father-in-law broke down the decades-long solidarity between those nations when it came to Palestine.

Once, there was no peace with Israel without some justice for Palestine. That accord has been bludgeoned to the ground by a new regional order headed by Netanyahu and the Gulf kingdoms of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, from where Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed wields considerable influence over both Trump and Mohammed bin Salman.

In Egypt, President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, another strongman, has been dubbed a “killer” by Trump.

This is a word used by the president both literally and as a mark of business acumen: tough dealmakers are, in the president’s language, “killers”. Sisi fits the bill for both and has also been referred to by Trump as his “favourite dictator”.

More recently, the US president suggested that Egypt could “blow up” the Ethiopian-built Nile Renaissance Dam that is causing enormous tensions between the two large African US allies. While Obama ended up tacitly removing support for Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak, Trump has actively championed Sisi, whose appalling record on human rights has gone virtually unacknowledged.

Elsewhere in the Middle East and North Africa, it was interesting for those of us who covered the real estate mogul’s campaign first for the Republican nomination, then for president, to take note of what he did once he was in office.

Back in 2016, the foreign policy community was fixated with Trump’s perceived isolationism. At rally after rally, he claimed to have opposed the Iraq war – in fact, he only did so explicitly a year after the invasion – and talked of bringing US troops home.

While it has to be acknowledged that Trump has certainly gone some way to making good on these promises by withdrawing thousands of troops from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, thousands more remain out in the field.

Civilian deaths have skyrocketed. The US drone strikes which escalated under Obama further escalated under Trump. In March 2019, the Republican president revoked a policy, introduced by his predecessor, requiring that intelligence officials publish the number of civilians killed in drone strikes outside of war zones.

During the past four years, Washington has ceded geopolitical control in parts of Syria to Russia. Iran’s influence in Iraq has grown at its expense. But Trump’s position has been far from isolationist, however erratic it has been.

US troops remain in northeastern Syria, where there is a longstanding military engagement with the Islamic State (IS) group, whose leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was killed by the US in October 2019, a big win for Trump. Washington is unlikely to give up its base at al-Tanf in the Homs governorate any time soon, however useless it may be.

US sanctions against Syria appear to be hurting its population much more than its ruler, Bashar al-Assad, and his cronies. The removal of US military support from its Kurdish allies, long anticipated in the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, also known as Rojava, has nevertheless been a huge betrayal, even if American involvement was always seen by most citizens there as self-interested and likely to expire.

In April 2017, Trump responded to a chemical weapons attack by the Syrian government with an air strike, which he ordered just after he sat down to dinner with Chinese President Xi Jinping at his mansion in Mar-a-Lago, Florida. The US president reportedly ordered the attack after his daughter Ivanka showed him pictures of Syrian children affected by the chemical raid, a scene Steve Bannon described as “disgusting”.

Trump was responding emotionally, perhaps, but it was also a show of strength before a meeting with Xi: China has since taken the place of the Soviet Union in a new Cold War cooked up by the White House.

Donald Trump’s time as president ends with many of America’s worst tendencies as global hegemon severely exacerbated and a few of its better ones more or less abandoned. Trump went at the question of Israel and Palestine with the scattershot enthusiasm of the showy dealmaker he is, eventually resulting in the darkest of Palestinian nightmares.

Uninterested in working but interested in being flattered and pampered, scornful of sincerely held beliefs but in thrall to power and money, Trump showed the world what America is at its worst: a place of desperate injustice, ruled by a wealthy few.

In bringing the US close to war with Iran, humiliating the Palestinians, having no coherent plan in Syria or Iraq and in championing murderous autocrats in the Gulf and North Africa, this US president and his administration has left the region in dreadful straits.


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Oscar Rickett is a journalist who has written and worked for Middle East Eye, VICE, The Guardian, BBC, Channel 4, openDemocracy, Africa Confidential and various others.

Featured image: President Donald Trump and King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia sign a Joint Strategic Vision Statement for the United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, during ceremonies, Saturday, May 20, 2017, at the Royal Court Palace in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. (Official White House Photo Shealah Craighead)

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Biden press agent media were quick to claim he defeated Trump.

Given incomplete vote-counting in key battleground states, and numerous GOP lawsuits over irregularities — the Supreme Court likely to be the final arbiter of who won and lost — calling the election for Biden on Saturday didn’t surprise but remains a question mark.

What’s going on smacks of an orchestrated plot to replace an unorthodox president with a longstanding establishment figure considered safe.

The real Joe Biden is a shadow of his long ago former self, a figure perhaps no longer able to handle the daily rigors of the presidency.

It entails major decision-making on domestic and geopolitical issues, including interactions with other heads of states, congressional members, and key figures in all walks of life.

Decision-making by a physically and mentally weakened leader is vulnerable to major errors with consequences.

That’s avoided by delegating responsibility for domestic and foreign policy to others.

If a US head of state requires this arrangement, why did Dems chose Biden as standard bearer over a more competent alternative?

Did party bosses believe that he represented their best chance to defeat Trump?

Do they want an easily manipulated weak figurehead president?

Or is Kamala Harris their choice, remaining in the wings as vice president, to replace Biden when it’s clear that he cannot function as head of state.

If he’s affirmed as president and inaugurated in January — what’s likely but uncertain until litigation plays out and the process is declared completed by relevant authorities — will he be little more than a cardboard cutout on the job, major decisions made for him?

US election 2020 is a glaring example of fantasy democracy in action.

Based on what’s known so far — covered in previous articles — there’s nothing legitimate about declaring a Biden victory over Trump on Saturday.

Will it hold? Are establishment media the new arbiter of who wins and loses?

Is electoral theft OK as long as the media’s favorite wins?

Are they all on the same page for Biden? Even the Wall Street Journal and Fox News are onboard for him over Trump.

Ignoring suspect results in key swing states, Journal editors said “Biden is leading in enough states to win the presidency,” adding:

“As for fraud, the Trump campaign will have to prove it to prevail in court.”

“We’ve…seen no concrete evidence” of it.

Fox News, Trump’s favorite TV channel, headlined:

“Biden wins presidency, Trump denied second term in White House…Joe Biden Elected President.”

If it survives Trump’s court challenges — what seems likely but not certain — he’ll have been selected by US establishment forces, not democratically elected.

Key for Trump is whether the judicial process to the highest level does or does not go along with what has clear earmarks of significant electoral fraud — perhaps enough for an Electoral College majority in his favor if illegal ballots are tossed out in key swing states?

What’s unfolding is a diabolical  plot to declare Biden president-elect by mass media acclamation to drown out claims of fraud —  and doing it over the weekend before Trump’s court challenges begin in earnest on Monday.

If the US establishment wants Biden as president over a second Trump term, his chances of turning things around in his favor are slim.

The power of near-single-minded mass media propaganda for Biden — blasting a one-sided message — most likely will be too much for Trump to overcome.

One more thing is key. US presidents are figureheads for dirty business as usual continuity.

If US power brokers want Biden/Harris over DJT and he persists in contesting their will, he’ll risk a JFK fate.

While the outcome of US presidential election 2020 is undecided until Electoral College electors vote in mid-December — followed by affirmation of their majority tally in January by House, Senate, and National Archives’ representatives — most likely Biden/Harris will be inaugurated in January.

Once again in the US like countless times before, democracy the way it should be is nowhere in sight.

Ordinary Americans — registered voters — have no say over who becomes president or holds high-level congressional posts.

Behind-the-scenes power brokers decide how the nation is run and by whom.

When farcical elections are held, things always turn out the same way.

A Final Comment

Vladimir Putin earlier explained how things in the US work when a new president takes office, saying the following:

“They come and go, but politics stay the same at all time.”

“Do you know why? Because of the powerful bureaucracy.”

“When a person is elected, they may have some ideas. Then people with briefcases arrive, well dressed, wearing dark suits, just like mine, except for the red tie, since they wear black or dark blue ones.”

“These people start explaining how things are done. And instantly, everything changes.”

“This is what happens” when a new US president takes office.

Names and faces change. Dirty business as usual continuity remains hard-wired like always before — things worsening over time, not improving.

Governance of, by, and for privileged interests exclusively will continue next year and beyond no matter who serves in high office.

It’s the American way, a fantasy democracy from inception, never the real thing.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

GM Canola Persists 20 Years after Field Trials Ended in Tasmania

November 9th, 2020 by Third World Network

Australia accounts for 0.4% of the world’s GM agriculture hectares. Its island state of Tasmania is however marketed as ‘clean and green’, and sometimes as ‘clean and green and smart’. Tasmania has maintained a GM Moratorium since 2001, and has excluded genetically modified organisms (GMOs) from the state since then.

In the late 1990s, and before Tasmania’s GM Moratorium was in place, there were Monsanto and Bayer field trial sites of herbicide-resistant GM canola across the state. For the two decades since the end of those GM trials, these sites have been audited yearly by the state government because of “the likely persistence of GM canola seeds in the soil”.

A timeline of the audit outcomes reveals that despite the efforts to exterminate the trial crops, GM canola has persisted in the environment, and, even after the passage of two decades, some trial sites still report the presence of volunteer (rogue) canola plants.

This situation points to the conclusion that any jurisdiction considering allowing GM crops, needs to consider GM crops as an invasive species and put in place appropriate biosecurity mechanisms. Reversal of introduced GMOs can be expected to be difficult, and perhaps even impossible.


The Persistence of Genetically Modified (GM) Canola in the Environment: The Experience of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Trials in Tasmania, Australia

by John Paull


Australia’s island state of Tasmania is marketed as ‘clean and green’, and sometimes as ‘clean and green and smart’. These sentiments underpin the positioning of the state as both a tourist destination and as a premium food producer. Tasmania has maintained a GM Moratorium since 2001, and has excluded genetically modified organisms (GMOs) from the state since then. Australia accounts for 0.4% of the world’s GMO agriculture hectares (Fig.1). Tasmania’s GMO Moratorium is consistent with Australian consumer sentiment that GMOs are not safe, and international consumer sentiment that GMOs are to be avoided. In the late 1990s, and before Tasmania’s GM Moratorium was in place, there were Monsanto and Bayer field trial sites (n=57) of herbicide-resistant GM canola across the state.

For the two decades since those GM trials finished, and while the GM Moratorium has been in place, the trail sites have been monitored by the state government because of “the likely persistence of GM canola seeds in the soil”. Audit reports have been conducted annually by the Tasmanian Government. A timeline of the audit outcomes reveals that despite the efforts to exterminate the trial crops, GM canola has persisted in the environment, and, even after the passage of two decades, some trial sites still report the presence of volunteer (rogue) canola plants (Fig.2). The conclusion is that any jurisdiction considering allowing GM crops, needs to consider GM crops as an invasive species and to put in place appropriate biosecurity mechanisms. Reversal of introduced GMOs can be expected to be difficult, and perhaps even impossible. A strategic plan of how a GMO introduction may be reversed needs to go hand in hand with any GMO approval and subsequent environmental release. To reinstate a GM-free environment, unless a strategic plan with a clearly formulated recall pathway, including a clear endpoint and assurances, is in place, a jurisdiction is left with ongoing auditing and/or extermination challenges.

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Featured image is from Genetic Literacy Project

When governments don’t abide by the law, it is imperative that the international community hold those governments to account. Let’s be reminded that during World War II, the United Nations was established as an assembly of nations with the unified imperative, in part, to act as an international watchdog—to ensure that the rights of citizens accord with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Governments that fail to comply to human rights laws must be identified, prosecuted for war crimes, and when necessary boycotted by the international community. Now is the time for the international community to demand that the United States government atone for its unlawful and abhorrent violation of the U.S. Whistleblower Protection Act by disregarding the rights of Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden.

A whistleblower is described by Ralph Nader as anyone who exposes information about an organization they serve that is engaged in activities that are corrupt, illegal, fraudulent, or harmful to the public. According to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the U.S. Whistleblower Protection Act was established to protect informants from persecution and threats to their lives and livelihoods. A noted American whistleblower, Daniel Ellsberg, released the Pentagon Papers in 1969 that exposed U.S. government lies about activities that cost widespread human losses in Vietnam and Cambodia. According to Ellsberg, it is a necessary duty of employees who have access to information to guard against becoming morons who turn a blind eye and obediently follow orders. A worrisome outcome when authority is unquestionably obeyed is typically called the Eichman Defense. Adolf Eichmann was the architect of the Nazi extermination camps who infamously stated that he was not responsible for the mass genocides he committed against the Jewish and Roma peoples because he was like a solier who was following the orders of his superiors.

Today, the U.S. continues to malign whistleblowers Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden. Instead of championing them for exposing unlawful activities, the U.S. government is persecuting them. We must demand that the U.S. government answer to its rejection of rights for these three who should be protected under the U.S. Whistleblower Protection Act. The U.S. government must stop treating Assange, Manning, and Snowden as criminals by manufacturing charges of espionage, hacking, and theft. In their effort to demonize the whistleblowers, to deny them their first amendment rights, and justify suppression of the vital information released to the public, the U.S. government continues to rely on the false claim that any information marked classified and issued without a security clearance is violating the Espionage Act of 1917. However, any reasonable person considering the information that they had access to, that clearly falls under the definition of the U.S. Whistleblower Act, would agree that they, like Daniel Ellsberg, had a duty to report.

In 2010, Chelsea Manning, a U.S. intelligence analyst stationed in Baghdad provided photographs, videos, and documents showing how the U.S. State Department was engaged in ongoing and appalling breaches of the 1994 UN Convention Against Torture. This information was released in the Iraq War Logs, Cablegate, and Guantanamo Files through WikiLeaks publisher, Julian Assange. Manning exposed atrocities that were committed in the military ranks and up to the highest leadership levels of the U.S. government. Unthinkable murders, senseless tortures, and the cover up of those crimes that were committed by the U.S. military were revealed. In the Collateral Murder video, that was released to WikiLeaks and that caught the attention of mainstream media, U.S. pilots were shown gunning down journalists and other civilians as though they were playing a video game. Like Manning, the public was shocked by the documents, photographs, and video footage that showed the extent of inhuman brutality executed by taxpayer funded trained soldiers and supported by military psychologists under the orders of U.S. government leaders. It is unfathomable that Manning was not recognized for her valor. Instead she was court-martialed and served seven years in prison. In 2019 she was imprisoned again for non payment of the outstanding and exorbitant legal fines from her court-martial. In March of 2020, Manning was released from prison following a suicide attempt. The public can recognize Manning as a role model who demonstrates the clear distinction between blind obedience and patriotic discipline.

Thanks to WikiLeaks and its publisher Julian Assange, Manning’s documents were made public by their inclusion in The WikiLeaks Public Library of US Diplomacy (PlusD) archive. The library contains over 2.3 million documents by sources who, like Manning, made the choice to expose compromising information that needed to be brought to the public eye. The Camp Delta prison in Guantanamo, Cuba exposed barbaric use of torture. The U.S. Department of Defense Camp Delta Standard Operating Procedure and its detainee policies consists of over 100 files detailing the procedures sanctioned by high ranking government officials. The leave no marks interrogation techniques were also used by the U.S. prisons based at Camp Bucca and Abu Ghraib, Iraq. One WikiLeaks source, described methods included sleep and sensory deprivation, loud music, and being terrorized by dogs—all in violation of the U.S. Torture and War Crimes Act. In 2004, the Abu Ghraib Photographs were published by mainstream media. The disgusting photographs, taken by guards as macabre souvenirs, showed the degradation of prisoners with guards posing near them. Images include naked prisoners bound together in contorted positions, naked prisoners blindfolded and grouped in human pyramids, prisoners leashed at the neck and made to crawl on the floor like dogs, and others forced to engage in sexually degrading acts. Haunting accounts were provided by sources that confirmed prisoners endured waterboarding—inhaling lungfuls of water until nearly drowning; strappado—binding hands with a rope and being dropped from a height that resulted in dislocated shoulders or crushing the chest; mock execution by enclosure in a coffin filled with insects; and being raped with chemical light sticks. Clear violations of the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, Degrading Treatment or Punishment were committed.

In 2012, after refusing to expose WikiLeaks sources to U.S. authorities, Assange relocated to Sweden to avoid U.S. persecution on charges of espionage. While in Sweden, rape accusations were levied against him and then dropped after he received asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. He lived there for seven years until being forcibly removed to one of Britain’s most notorious prisons. Without charge against the U.K. he was denied bail and held under the US-UK Extradition Treaty of 2003. The U.K. court also dismissed the urging for Assange’s release by the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. Award winning journalist, John Pilger reports that the two successive judges overseeing Assange’s trial have shown significant bias and disdain toward Assange. The decision regarding Assange’s extradition to the U.S. is delayed to January 2021. According to Pilger, Assange suffers declining health while he continues to be held in the London prison. For all these eight years, the Australian government has been complicit with the U.S. and U.K. by offering no protection to their citizen.

In 2013, Edward Snowden, a contract employee of the National Security Agency (NSA) single-handedly exposed the extent of unconstitutional surveillance being committed against the American people by its own government. Today, Snowden lives in exile in Russia where this year he was granted permanent residency. It is ironic that a supposed enemy of the U.S. is protecting his rights. There are Americans who understand the injustice and have recently advocated for Snowden’s pardon. In October 2020, U.S. House Representatives Tulsi Gabbard and Matt Gaetz introduced a resolution for Snowden’s charges to be dropped. When presenting the H.Res.1162 resolution, Gabbard stated “We need to protect whistleblowers, not the powerful elite,” and Gaetz argued, “The Ninth Circuit’s recent ruling, holding that the NSA’s bulk collection program was unconstitutional, vindicates him.” So what is stopping the U.S. government from adhering to its Whistleblower Protection Act?

Arguably, one of the U.S. government’s goals is to maintain power and prestige on the world stage. This means the U.S. State Department, and/or deep state, shuns scrutiny. Assange’s introductory essay in The Wikileaks Files: The World According to the US Empire explains the U.S. State Department is unlike other U.S. government bureaucracies. The deep state is one administrative body representing all facets of U.S. power. It is composed of 191 countries and 27 government agencies that include the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the National Security Agency (NSA), and various branches of the U.S. Military. Documents and materials marked classified for U.S. State Department employees are withheld or made inaccessible to the public for decades until their contents are deemed impotent. Additionally, the U.S. State Department spent $2.28 billion in 2017 for “public diplomacy” that “explicitly aims to influence journalists and civil society, so that they serve as conduits for State Department messaging.” The propagandist outlets for the U.S. government emphasize other issues to divert public attention. In a January 26, 2020 Washington Post op-ed piece, Edward Snowden wrote, “The most essential journalism of every era is precisely that which a government attempts to silence. These prosecutions demonstrate that they are ready to stop the presses — if they can.” The shameful complicity of today’s mainstream media, entertainment industry, and social media technocracy that act as state mouthpieces and censors reflects the urgent need for the public to have access to objective dissemination of information as demonstrated by WikiLeaks.

Whistleblowers Assange, Manning and Snowden remind the entire international community—which includes the United States of America (home of patriots Manning and Snowden), the United Kingdom (where Assange is currently being unlawfully imprisoned), and Australia (Assange is a national citizen)—that democratic governments are public institutions and are subject to public international laws. When they violate their laws it is essential for whistleblowers to come forward. When their governments won’t protect them, the international community must step up. The international community must laud Assange, Manning, and Snowden for exposing unlawful government conduct and prevent a future history that will look back on this time and question what we are willing to tolerate.

Last month, we saw the Nobel Peace Prize committee miss an important opportunity to make their political decision count where values of world peace are concerned. Among the nominations were calls by seventeen members of German parliament to recognize Assange, Manning, and Snowden. Had the committee split their decision, sharing the prize between the UN World Food Program and the work of whistleblowers Assange, Manning, and Snowden, the values of peace and freedom would have been duly expressed. Furthermore, the Nobel Peace Prize committee would have made a strong statement to the U.S. and U.K. and Australia, in particular, that the world does not condone the continuing and appalling mistreatment of Assange, Manning and Snowden.

As we near the end of 2020, let’s reflect that it has been over ten years since Manning courageously released those horrific Iraq War Logs. It has been nearly nine years since Assange was treated as a free citizen. It has been eight years since Snowden was forced to live in exile. The international community must send the clear message that the U.S. government’s blatent disregard of the law is not acceptable. We demand that the U.S. adhere to its Whistleblower Protection Act and with the U.K. and Australian governments secure the immediate and safe release of Assange. We demand that the U.S. administer immediate and appropriate pardons for Assange, Manning and Snowden, and provide immediate and retroactive financial recompense for all three whistleblowers’ legal costs, fines, and lost wages. Further, all reparations by the U.S. for Assange, Manning, and Snowden along with investigations of U.S. State Department and its allies’ wrongdoings must be documented on the United Nations and WikiLeaks websites—and not manipulated nor suppressed by the propagandist media outlets. The international community has the power and duty to demand the timely and humane protection of Assange, Manning and Snowden, and to apply pressure as we stand with the UN to oversee immediate and accurate accountability measures.


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Laurel Smith is an artist and writer who lives in Calgary, Canada.

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I recently published for the Middle East Eye website a detailed analysis of last week’s report by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission into the question of whether the UK Labour party had an especial antisemitism problem. (You can read a slightly fuller version of that article on my website.) In the piece, I reached two main conclusions.

First, the commission’s headline verdict – though you would never know it from reading the media’s coverage – was that no case was found that Labour suffered from “institutional antisemitism”.

That, however, was precisely the claim that had been made by groups like the Jewish Labour Movement, the Campaign Against Antisemitism, the Board of Deputies and prominent rabbis such as Ephraim Mirvis. Their claims were amplified by Jewish media outlets such as the Jewish Chronicle and individual journalists such as Jonathan Freedland of the Guardian. All are now shown to have been wrong, to have maligned the Labour party and to have irresponsibly inflamed the concerns of Britain’s wider Jewish community.

Not that any of these organisations or individuals will have to apologise. The corporate media – from the Mail to the Guardian – are continuing to mislead and misdirect on this issue, as they have been doing for the best part of five years. Neither Jewish leadership groups such as the Board of Deputies nor the corporate media have an interest in highlighting the embarrassing fact that the commission’s findings exposed their campaign against Corbyn as misinformation.

Breaches of procedure 

What the report found instead were mainly breaches of party protocol and procedure: that complaints about antisemitism were not handled promptly and transparently.

But even here the issue was not really about antisemitism, as the report indicates, even if obliquely. Delays in resolving complaints were chiefly the responsibility not of Corbyn and his staff but of a party bureaucracy that he inherited and was deeply and explicitly hostile to him.

Senior officials stalled antisemitism complaints not because they were especially antisemitic but because they knew the delays would embarrass Corbyn and weaken him inside the party, as the leaked report of an Labour internal inquiry revealed in the spring.

But again, neither the media nor Jewish leadership groups have any interest in exposing their own culpability in this false narrative. And the new Labour leadership, under Keir Starmer, has absolutely no incentive to challenge this narrative either, particularly as doing so would be certain to revive exactly the same kind of antisemitism smears, but this time directed against Starmer himself.

Too hasty and aggressive 

The corporate media long ago styled Labour staff who delayed the complaints procedure to harm Corbyn as antisemitism “whistleblowers”. Many of them starred in last year’s BBC Panorama programme on Labour in which they claimed they had been hampered from carrying out their work.

The equalities commission’s report subtly contradicts their claims, conceding that progress on handling complaints improved after senior Labour staff hostile to Corbyn – the “whistleblowers” very much among them – were removed from their posts.

Indeed, the report suggests the very opposite of the established media narrative. Corbyn’s team, far from permitting or encouraging delays in resolving antisemitism complaints, too often tried to step in to speed up the process to placate the corporate media and Jewish organisations.

In an example of having your cake and eating it, the commission castigates Corbyn’s staff for doing this, labelling it “political interference” and terming these actions unfair and discriminatory. But the unfairness chiefly relates to those being complained against – those accused of antisemitism – not those doing the complaining.

If Labour had an identifiable problem in relation to antisemitism complaints, according to the report, it seems to have occurred mostly in terms of the party being too hasty and aggressive in tackling allegations of antisemitism, in response to relentless criticism from the media and Jewish organisations, rather than being indulgent of it.

Again, no one in the media, Jewish leadership organisations, or the new Labour leadership wants this finding to be highlighted. So it is being ignored.

Flawed approach 

The second conclusion, which I lacked the space to deal with properly in my Middle East Eye piece, relates more specifically to the commission’s own flawed approach in compiling the report rather than the media’s misrepresentation of the report.

As I explained in my earlier piece, the commission itself is very much an establishment body. Even had it wanted to, it was never going to stick its neck out and rubbish the narrative presented by the establishment media.

On procedural matters, such as how the party handled antisemitism complaints, the equalities commission kept the report as vague as possible, obfuscating who was responsible for those failings and who was supposed to benefit from Corbyn staff’s interference. Both issues had the potential to fatally undermine the established media narrative.

Instead, the commission’s imprecision has allowed the media and Jewish organisations to interpret the report in self-serving ways – ways convenient to their existing narrative about “institutional antisemitism” emerging in Labour under Corbyn’s leadership.

Scouring social media 

But the report misleads not only in its evasion and ambiguity. It does so more overtly in its seemingly desperate effort to find examples of Labour party “agents” who were responsible for the “problem” of antisemitism.

It is worth pondering what it would have looked like had the commission admitted it was unable to find anyone to hold to account for antisemitism in Labour. That would have risked blowing a very large hole in the established media narrative indeed.

So there must have been a great deal of pressure on the commission to find some examples. But extraordinarily – after five years of relentless claims of “institutional antisemitism” in Labour, and of organisations like the Campaign Against Antisemitism and the Jewish Labour Movement scouring through Labour members’ social media accounts – the commission is able to muster sufficient evidence against only two individuals.


Both are found responsible for “unlawful harassment” of Jewish people.

In those circumstances, therefore, it is important to critically examine just what evidence exists that these two individuals exhibited antisemitic attitudes or harassed Jews. Presumably, this pair’s behaviour was so egregious, their antisemitism so unmistakable, that the commission felt it had no choice but to single them out and hold the party responsible for failing to punish them summarily (without, of course, exhibiting at the same time any “political interference”).

I won’t test readers’ patience by examining both examples. In any case, I have dealt with one of them, Ken Livingstone, London’s former mayor, at length in previous blog posts. They can be read here and here, for example.

Outward appearances 

Let us focus instead on the other person named: a minor Labour party figure named Pam Bromley, who was then a local councillor for the borough of Rossendale, near Bolton.

First, we should note that the “harassment” she was deemed to have carried out seems to have been limited to online comments posted to social media. The commission does not suggest she expressed any hatred of Jews, made threats against any Jews individually or collectively, or physically attacked anyone Jewish.

I don’t know anything about Bromley, apart from the handful of comments attributed to her in the report. I also don’t know what was going on inside her head when she wrote those posts. If the commission knows more, it does not care to share that information with us. We can only judge the outward appearance of what she says.

One social media post, it is true, does suggest a simplistic political outlook that may have indicated an openness to anti-Jewish conspiracy theories – or what the commission terms a “trope”. Bromley herself says she was making “general criticisms about capitalism”. Determining antisemitic conduct on the basis of that one post – let alone allowing an entire party of 500,000 members to be labelled “institutionally antisemitic” for it – might seem more than a little excessive.

But notably the problematic post was made in April 2018 – shortly after Corbyn’s staff wrestled back control of the complaints procedure from those hostile to his project. It was also the same month Bromley was suspended from the party. So if the post was indeed antisemitic, Corbyn’s Labour lost no time in dealing with it.

Did Bromley otherwise demonstrate a pattern of posting antisemitic material on social media that makes it hard to dispute that she harboured antisemitic motives? Were her comments so obviously antisemitic that the Labour party bureaucracy should have sanctioned her much sooner (even if at the time Corbyn’s staff had no control over the disciplinary process to do so)?

Let us examine the two comments highlighted by the commission in the main section of the report, which they deem to constitute the most clearcut examples of Bromley’s antisemitism.

Raw emotions 

The first was posted on Facebook, though strangely the commission appears not to know when:

“Had Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party pulled up the drawbridge and nipped the bogus AS [antisemitism] accusations in the bud in the first place we would not be where we are now and the fifth column in the LP [Labour Party] would not have managed to get such a foothold … the Lobby has miscalculated … The witch hunt has created brand new fightback networks … The Lobby will then melt back into its own cesspit.”

The strong language doubtless reflects the raw emotions the antisemitism claims against Corbyn’s supporters provoked. Many members understood only too well that the Labour party was riven by a civil war and that their socialist project was at stake. But where exactly is the antisemitism in Bromley’s tirade? 

In the report, the commission says it considered the reference to a “fifth column” as code for Jews. But why? The equalities commission appears to have placed the worst possible interpretation on an ambiguous comment and then advanced it as an “antisemitic trope” – apparently a catch-all that needed no clarification.

But given what we now know – at least since the leaking of the internal Labour report in the spring – it seems far more likely Bromley, in referring to a “fifth column”, was talking about the party bureaucracy hostile to Corbyn. Most of those officials were not Jewish, but exploited the antisemitism claims because those claims were politically helpful.

Interpreted that way – and such an interpretation fits the facts presented in the leaked internal report – Bromley’s comment is better viewed as impolite, even hurtful, but probably not antisemitic.

Joan Ryan, an MP who was then head of Labour Friends of Israel – part of the lobby Bromley is presumably referring to – was not Jewish. But she was clearly very much part of the campaign to oust Corbyn using antisemitism as a stick to beat him and his supporters with, as an Al-Jazeera undercover documentary exposed in early 2017.

Ryan, we should remember, was instrumental in falsely accusing a Labour party member of an “antisemitic trope” – a deeply unfair characterisation of their exchange that was only exposed because it was secretly caught on film.

Internecine feud 

Here is the second comment by Bromley highlighted by the commission. It was posted in late 2019, shortly after Labour had lost the general election:

“My major criticism of him [Corbyn] – his failure to repel the fake accusations of antisemitism in the LP [Labour Party] – may not be repeated as the accusations may probably now magically disappear, now capitalism has got what it wanted.”

Again, it seems clear that Bromley is referring to the party’s long-standing internecine feud, which would become public knowledge a few months later with the leaking of the internal report. 

In this case, Bromley was suggesting that the media and anti-Corbyn wing of the party would ease up on the antisemitism allegations – as they indeed largely have done – because the threat of Corbyn’s socialist project had been ended by a dismal election result that saw the Tories gain a commanding parliamentary majority.

It could be argued that her assessment is wrong, but how is it antisemitic – unless the commission believes “capitalism” is also code for “Jews”?

But even if Bromley’s comments are treated as indisputably antisemitic, they are hardly evidence of Corbyn’s Labour party indulging antisemitism, or being “institutionally antisemitic”. As noted, she was suspended by the party in April 2018, almost as soon Corbyn’s team managed to gain control of the party bureaucracy from the old guard. She was expelled last February, while Corbyn was still leader.

Boris Johnson’s racism 

It is instructive to compare the certainty with which the commission treats Bromley’s ambiguous remarks as irrefutable proof of antisemitism with its complete disregard for unmistakably antisemitic comments from Boris Johnson, the man actually running the country. That lack of concern is shared, of course, by the establishment media and Jewish leadership organisations.

The commission has repeatedly rejected parallel demands from Muslim groups for an investigation into the ruling Conservative party for well-documented examples of Islamophobia. But no one seems to be calling for an investigation of Johnson’s party for antisemitism.

Johnson himself has a long history of making overtly racist remarks, from calling black people “piccanninies” with “watermelon smiles” to labelling Muslim women “letterboxes”.

Jews have not avoided being stigmatised either. In his novel 72 Virgins, Johnson uses his authorial voice to suggest that Jewish oligarchs run the media and are able to fixed an election result.

In a letter to the Guardian, a group of Jewish Corbyn supporters noted Johnson’s main Jewish character in the novel, Sammy Katz, was described as having a “proud nose and curly hair”, and he was painted “as a malevolent, stingy, snake-like Jewish businessman who exploits immigrant workers for profit”.

Nothing in the equalities commission’s report on Labour comes even close to suggesting this level of antisemitism among the leadership. But then again, Johnson has never argued that antisemitism has been politically weaponised. And why would he? No one, from the corporate media to conservative Jewish leadership organisations, seems to be taking any serious interest in the overt racism demonstrated by either him or his party.


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This essay first appeared on Jonathan Cook’s blog:

Jonathan Cook won the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His books include “Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East” (Pluto Press) and “Disappearing Palestine: Israel’s Experiments in Human Despair” (Zed Books). His website is He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

How Strategic Empathy Makes for Wiser Foreign Policy

November 9th, 2020 by Daniel Larison

Anatol Lieven explains how strategic empathy is supposed to work:

This kind of empathy has very valuable consequences for foreign policy. It makes for an accurate assessment of another state establishment’s goals based on its own thoughts, rather than a picture of those goals generated by one’s own fears and hopes; above all, it permits one to identify the difference between the vital and secondary interests of a rival country as that country’s rulers see them.

A vital interest is one on which a state will not compromise unless faced with irresistible military or economic pressure. Otherwise, it will resist to the very limit of its ability, including, if necessary, by war. A statesman who sets out to challenge another state’s vital interests must therefore be sure not only that his or her country possesses this overwhelming power, but that it is prepared actually to use it.

American policymakers are notoriously bad at understanding how other governments perceive things and the reasons why they act in the way that they do, and we have seen on many occasions how this failure to understand the other side’s thinking has led us into one crisis after another. Our leaders often fail to grasp that they are threatening another country’s perceived vital interests, because they frequently deny that the other government has any legitimate interests at all. Instead of trying to see an issue from the other side, our leaders will often insist that there is only one acceptable way of seeing it and it is invariably the same as ours. If the other government responds angrily to this approach, they are then deemed hostile and “revisionist” rather than a normal state reacting as any other state would. Practicing this kind of empathy does not mean agreeing that the other government is right, but it does mean acknowledging what their actual position is rather than projecting one onto them.

H.R. McMaster likes to talk a lot about practicing strategic empathy, but in fact he refuses to understand how other governments see the world. He prefers instead to imagine that they are all driven to achieve ideological, expansionist goals just as he is, and then he warns about the aggressive intentions that he has imputed to them. This is exactly the opposite of what Lieven is talking about, and it is nothing more than reading his own hawkish inclinations into everyone else’s worldview. If McMaster were willing to see things as the Russian government or Chinese government did, he would understand that they perceive aggressive U.S. foreign policy since the end of the Cold War as a threat, and at least some of their conduct over this same period has been in reaction to American overreaching. But McMaster doesn’t understand this at all. Instead, he insists that the behavior of other states has nothing to do with U.S. actions whatsoever, because to admit this would be to acknowledge that an interventionist foreign policy can create more problems than it solves.

Lieven points out how this lack of empathy has particularly poisoned our dealings with Russia over the last thirty years:

Straightforward Western prejudices (now dignified with the abominable euphemism of “narratives”) are part of the reason for these false perceptions derived from the Cold War. The collapse of Communism, however, also led to a growth in Western hubris that led Western policymakers to fail either to listen to their Russian colleagues when they stated Russia’s vital interests, or to study Russia in sufficient depth to understand that they were not bluffing but really meant what they said. Instead, you had the tragicomic picture of American officials lecturing Russian officials on the “real” interests of Russia.

This failure to listen and failure to understand account for a lot of the deterioration in U.S.-Russian relations. While Russia has contributed to this deterioration, the U.S. has repeatedly taken actions that our government knew would be perceived as provocations and threats and went ahead with them anyway. Promoting NATO expansion and promising that Ukraine and Georgia would eventually become members were some of the big provocations, but beyond specific issues there is the overarching conceit that Russian interests end at their border while ours are seemingly limitless. If we were in their position, we would have found this intolerable as well. Eventually, Russia was bound to push back, and that is what it has been doing for the last twelve years. Predictably, the pushback has been interpreted in the West as irrational aggression, and this is just more of the same failure to understand why other states act as they do.

If we would avoid unnecessary crises and clashes with other states, especially nuclear-armed major powers, our government has to begin paying closer attention to what other states say their vital interests are. There needs to be an understanding that the U.S. cannot cajole or sanction them into giving up those interests, and these interests will always matter far more to them than they do to us. Our leaders need to start understanding that and then adjusting our policies accordingly.


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Daniel Larison is a senior editor at TAC, where he also keeps a solo blog. He has been published in the New York Times Book Review, Dallas Morning News, World Politics Review, Politico Magazine, Orthodox Life, Front Porch Republic, The American Scene, and Culture11, and was a columnist for The Week. He holds a PhD in history from the University of Chicago, and resides in Lancaster, PA. Follow him on Twitter.

Featured image is from danielo/Shutterstock

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Australia Enters the Race for Digital Currency

November 9th, 2020 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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As more Arab countries normalise relations with Israel, it presses on with a policy of “silent transfer” – an intricate system that targets Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem with residency revocation, displacement through house demolitions, barriers in obtaining building permits, and high taxes.

Palestinian researcher Manosur Manasra notes Israel launched this policy of transfer against Palestinians in East Jerusalem almost immediately after the 1967 war and the subsequent occupation of the eastern part of the city.

The policy continues to this day with the aim to dominate East Jerusalem.

Land expropriation for Jewish settlements has taken place around East Jerusalem and in the heart of Palestinian neighbourhoods such as the Old City’s Muslim and the Christian Quarters and beyond in Sheikh Jarrah, Silwan, Ras al-Amoud and Abu Tur since as early as 1968.

Following the June 1967 war, Israel applied Israeli law to East Jerusalem and granted Palestinians “permanent resident” status. However, in effect, it is a fragile one. B’tselem, the Israeli human rights information centre in the occupied Palestinian territories describes this status as one “accorded to foreign nationals wishing to reside in Israel”, except that Palestinians are indigenous to the land.

Palestinians of East Jerusalem do not have a right to automatic Israeli citizenship nor are issued Palestinian passports by the Palestinian Authority (PA). They are usually able to obtain temporary Jordanian and Israeli travel documents.

By allotting a fragile residency status to Palestinians in East Jerusalem, Israel has succeeded to revoke and subsequently uproot more than 14,200 Palestinians from East Jerusalem since 1967. These measures coincide with an aggressive house demolition practice.

Home demolitions in the West Bank did not stop despite the coronavirus pandemic.

According to the United Nations, there was a nearly fourfold increase in the number of people displaced from January-August 2020, and a 55 percent rise of structures targeted with demolitions or confiscations compared with a year earlier.

In East Jerusalem, 24 structures were demolished last month, half of them by their owners following the issuance of demolition orders by the Jerusalem municipality.

The “permanent residency” status is maintained as long as Palestinians keep a physical presence in the city. However, in some cases, the Israeli authorities move to withdraw the residency status of Palestinians in East Jerusalem as a retribution measure because they are political dissidents. Israel’s pursuit of Palestinian activists is extensive and does not exclude any faction.

The most recent case is that of 35-year-old Salah Hammouri, a lawyer and activist. Arye Deri, Israel’s interior minister, says Salah is a member of the Palestine Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Israel outlawed the group and wants him out of the country.

In some cases, Israeli authorities cancel the residency permits of spouses of political activists as a punishment. Shadi Mtoor, a Fatah member from East Jerusalem, is currently fighting a case in the Israeli courts to keep his wife’s residence in East Jerusalem. She is originally from the West Bank.

In 2010, Israel revoked the Jerusalem residency of four senior Hamas members – three of whom were elected to the Palestinian Parliament in 2006 and one who served as a cabinet minister – on the grounds they pose a danger to the state. Three live in Ramallah now and one is under administrative detention. A hearing at the Israeli High Court is scheduled for October 26.

In some cases, Israel does not issue a residency ID for a child whose father is from Jerusalem and mother from the West Bank.

International law explicitly condemns the forcible transfer of civilians.

“Ultimately our decision is to remain in this city,” says Hammouri.

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Featured image: Salah Hammouri, a lawyer and activist, has had his residency status for East Jerusalem threatened by Israeli authorities [Courtesy: Salah Hammouri]

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According to an blog post, you will now know if a page was pulled down or received an alert over what “fact-checkers” consider “misinformation.”

This also includes “dead” web pages that were archived. The Internet Archive has started adding fact checks and context to Wayback Machine pages to explain just why the pages were removed. If a page was part of a disinformation campaign or pulled due to a policy violation, a distinct yellow banner will explain why.

The fact checks will come from a variety of mainstream outlets, including, Politifact, the Associated Press, and the Washington Post. Which absolutely in no way will be manipulated, right?

Of course, that’s obvious sarcasm, as those controlling what is and isn’t disinformation will be the wolves guarding the hen house so to speak. A good question to ask is how does treat verifiable information like the Bush administration lying about WMDs, the Al-Nayirah testimony lie that almost sunk us into a war with Afghanistan or the validated conspiratorial facts surrounding 9/11, like the hijackers being given Visas from the Saudi Arabia consulate, as documented by Michael Springmann, who worked as the Head of the Visa Department at the CIA’s consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Springman isn’t the only intelligence official who alleges the attack was allowed to happen. In addition, two veteran FBI investigators, FBI Agents Wright and John Vincent were told to back off investigating the Saudis and Osama Bin Laden, who was a CIA tactician expert used against the Soviet Union in the 1980s.

If that’s not enough, what about former CIA PROMIS whistleblower Michael Riconosciuto warning Colin Powell from prison months prior that 9/11 was about to take place through a liaison, his friend and one of my former sources, former FBI senior agent Ted L. Gunderson. All of these are factual holes in a story that if dared to be peeled back will reveal shocking secrets the U.S. government would rather keep hidden. How about the recently exposed lies about Syria’s chemical weapons attack in Douma 2018 whistleblown by several members of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, revealed by WikiLeaks?

The one thing in common all this information has is that it could harm the U.S. and what’s often reflected as “National Security” — in other words, inconvenient truths that could hurt the government’s narrative on a story.

Guess what? It was recently revealed this year amid all the CV-1984 chaos that Saudi Arabia was involved in the attacks. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) accidentally disclosed the name of a Saudi diplomat suspected of directing support to two al-Qaeda hijackers in the September 11, 2001 attacks, Yahoo News reported.

Of course, if you follow Activist Post, we told you that court documents had revealed the Saudi Arabian embassy in Washington may have funded a “dry run” for the hijackings carried out by two Saudi employees years ago. hopes users will “better understand what they are reading” in its archives run by government stooges who would likely flag this information as disinformation on 9/11. The website also says it strives for neutrality — one banner for context explained that including a page in the Wayback Machine “should not be seen” as endorsing the content. However, if you are pushing your opinion on someone else you are effectively endorsing the ideas of one of your fact-checkers.

Fact-checkers have seen a lot of flak lately as they are exposed for doing nothing more than pushing their bias or information spinners for clicks. For example, this author wrote for The Mind Unleashed earlier this year that a scientific phenomenon known as an “air burst” was warned by NASA for near-passing asteroids above the Earth. The fact-checker for Lead Stories then defamed this author by spinning a perfectly normal article going through what an “air burst” is, why an atmospheric explosion could occur if the asteroids came closer enough to Earth and what protections NASA was working on for the future. Which, by doing so, they made a scientific article with more citations than most of these fact-checkers can dig up for their day jobs, into a malicious article. When in reality the malicious article was actually the fact-checkers responding article which when confronted about their erroneous defamatory remarks they refused to correct it; as such, this writer lost a job.

Giving someone the power to fact-check with no accountability to anyone is a lot like giving someone a badge and hoping for them not to abuse their power over others. Oh wait, we have witnessed a lot of that this year. While you may view the metaphor of comparing fact-checking to police brutality as silly, there’s actually no better comparison as the fact-checkers treat information and those putting out unfortunate dark truths exactly the same way that police treat civilians, by beating the shit out of them. Albeit one is physical and the other is less direct, the fact still remains that fact-checkers bully their competition and act exactly as law enforcement does with a power mentality complex that they are above everyone else.

Implementing a fact-checking solution that is a centralized mechanism powered by journalists they could easily control is certainly the CIA’s wet dream, as a CIA director was once quoted stating that once the public’s perception is confused about what is real and what is propaganda then their mission would be complete. Now you might think the CIA owning journalists is conspiratorial, but it happened with MKultra’s Operation Mockingbird and was showcased again in 2001 after 9/11, with every media outlet and their grandmother saying Iraq had WMDs, a blatant blunt lie.

We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” CIA Director William Casey during the first meeting of President Ronald Reagan’s Cabinet, as cited by CounterPunch.

The other issue that is less conspiratorial, and one that needs to be highly considered is, what if the human doing the fact-checking lacks the proper skills to dig up information online, as not everyone is as skilled as this author when it comes to finding documents and data.

Activist Post has previously shown links between one such fact-checker, NewsGuard, and the intelligence community. The fact that anyone wants to police information like they are the Ministry Of Truth should scare the living shit out of you. However, the truth is scarier than you can even imagine. Especially when it comes to 9/11, which if you want the truth add up all the available public information to determine what really happened, an attack that was not only allowed to happen but it was helped along and you would still have unanswered questions. But of course, the fact-checkers have all the answers right? Let’s go to war fact-checkers.


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Aaron Kesel writes for Activist Post.

Featured image is from The Corbett Report

What Biden’s Foreign Policy Might Look Like

November 9th, 2020 by Steve Brown

Subsequent to the Captured State’s nearly four-year setback in its attempt to shape the world to suit their Globalist-Neoliberal agenda, let’s examine what a Biden-Harris regime’s foreign policy might look like, if Biden is declared winner of the presidential race:


Biden will be eager to voice his support for NATO, and reinforce NATO’s long-term opposition to the Sino-Russian Pact.  NATO will welcome cooperation with the regime, since NATO’s hand is always out and the aggression Democrats routinely engage in provides NATO with its heavily conjured raison d’etre.  In addition, NATO hopes Biden’s Neoliberal[1] approach may bring Turkey back into the NATO fold, to counter any Russo-Turk rapprochement, a major statist goal.  (See Turkey, below)


Don’t celebrate the demise of the current Secretary for too long, since an equally vile and perhaps more effective crew of geopolitical miscreants is eager to leap into the fray. Potentially to include “‘Toria” Kagan-Nuland, Sam Power, Susan Rice, “Ginger Jen“,  Kimberly Breier, Leon Panetta and just about any other unsavoury globalist aggressor that can possibly be imagined (rumor: perhaps including Nimrata “Nikki” Haley) getting the Democrat’s Warfare State back on track will be a primary goal for Biden-Harris.[2]


The State Capture class has made it clear that Russia is viewed as a top threat to the United States. Washington’s Elites and their media — including National Public Radio and the US Public Broadcasting Service — have pummeled the public with Russophobic hysteria for many years, while the House of Representatives attempted to impeach Trump via a conspiracy theory based on provably bogus Russian 2016 ‘election meddling’.

Via Biden, sanctions versus the Russian Federation and its business interests will likely expand, invoking the dark winter Biden promised us. Biden-Harris’s belligerence will escalate attempts to topple Syria’s leadership, a policy which began in earnest with Hillary Clinton in 2011 at the behest of Israel and the CIA. Now Biden-Harris may attempt to confront Russia in Syria since Russia is a top Neoliberal target.

Confronting Russia in Syria will implicitly prove the Biden regime’s compliance to Israel’s policy of aggression versus Iran, and Israel’s goal of removing Assad while leaving Syria a failed state.  But a US confrontation with Russia in Syria will prove to be a grave miscalculation, and highlight continuing dangerous Neoliberal-Neoconservative designs on the middle east, which have already cost trillions in treasure and lives. Expanded Biden sanctions versus Russia will be counterproductive and further isolate the United States.


NATO member Turkey has long been a double-agent, courting both the Russian Federation and former United States to advantage. An aggressive but weak Biden regime may look to Turkey to rebuild credibility with NATO and oppose Russian influence in Syria and elsewhere. The foregoing however is a supremely dangerous game for Biden to play. No incoming State Dept actor in the new regime will be capable of handling a sophisticated and canny operator like Erdogan and co. Look for regional instability and potential for conflicts such as Nagorno-Karabakh to increase in number, severity, and cost.

Venezuela and Cuba

Cuban immigrants to Florida largely supported Trump-Pence, thus the potential for a Biden-Harris thaw in relations with Cuba – and for that matter Venezuela — appear unlikely. That’s because with such a narrow political margin, Biden must court Florida’s Cuban immigrants and relax US immigration policies to gain the reactionary Cuban vote, while resisting détente with Cuba. On Venezuela, due to the premise of US confiscation of Venezuela’s gold reserves and confiscation of Venezuela’s natural resources, Biden is unlikely to reduce US sanctions and aggressive policy toward Venezuela.


Despite media portrayal otherwise, Trump did not purge subversive elements within his regime, and missed treachery in the form of Gina Haspel and Christopher Wray while distracted by Russiagate. Trump appeared to favour perceived loyalty and personality over competence and ability. Trump seemingly misjudged the disloyal in his Court.  Point being, that Biden will inherit a nasty brew and crew of scheming Bureaucrats charged to blunt the truth regarding the many scandals surrounding the political class; these include Huntergate, Russiagate, the Epstein-Maxwell affair, and many others.

In other words, there will be no time for the current Attorney General of the United States to prosecute grievous crimes versus the Constitution, such as the impeachment attempt initiated not even one year ago.  Biden will likely end these investigations and perhaps even cut a deal with Ghislaine Maxwell to protect powerful players.


Perhaps controversial to some,  no nation should  give away the crown jewels of manufacturing then ask for them back later on, as Trump has attempted. But for Biden, to reverse the Trump approach and seek rapprochement with China may be tricky.  While China needs US trade, it already owns large swathes of US goods production and circumvented many of the sanctions and trade penalties the US leveraged against it.  Ultimately China understands that the United States is experiencing decline, and that China must maintain dominance not just in manufacturing, but must also challenge US dollar hegemony going forward.

This China trade war is far along, and Biden-Harris may not easily address it. Establishment of trade relations with Huawei and influence Biden engaged in as vice president may ease China tensions somewhat, especially if trade and political sanctions versus China are eased, and abrasive US statements on Hong Kong protests end.  Still, China is unlikely to see the United States as a reliable partner going forward… just as the Russian Federation does not. Meaning that US trade and diplomatic missions in the world will continue to deteriorate and decline under Biden-Harris overall. China is now a first power and has 20-20 vision when it comes to double-dealing regimes… which most of the world perceives the US to be.


Trump-Kushner’s recognition of Israel’s annexation of the occupied Golan Heights cannot be undone. Whether Biden-Harris will support Israel’s ongoing push to annex the Jordan Valley — or stop it — is unknown, but opposition to annexation and arguing against the continued expansion of militant Zionist extremist settlements will be an early test for Biden.  US rapprochement with the people of Palestine is impossible, and based on the nature of this US political structure, any US support for Palestinians and their plight is highly unlikely.

Evidence suggests that Trump provided his support to Netanyahu’s JTF regime as a means to gain and maintain power. But the Israeli lobby, as powerful as it may be, could not guarantee Trump a two-term tenure.  Even so, the Israeli lobby will be essential to Biden in maintaining power.  Ironically, to pay tribute to the Israeli lobby and shore up his power base, Biden must escalate US harassment of Iran — especially in Syria and Iraq.

As such, Iran will eye the new US regime with great suspicion. Biden has indicated there may be some attempt to revive the JCPOA but Iran will not countenance any such overture.  Attempting to revive the JCPOA will incite Israel to war too, as as ‘Settlements Minister’ Tzachi Hanegbi has stated. Iran has been successful in circumventing US sanctions and resisting US-Israeli aggression while expanding its influence in Syria and Iraq, and there is no need for Iran to bargain with US State actors as described above, thus any attempt at US-Iran rapprochement is exceedingly unlikely.


America’s longest war is fueled by the bankrupt coffers of the Treasury’s Federal Reserve and a yawning US hubris that seeks war only for profit’s sake. Trump’s plans to draw down troops there seems like a last hurrah at providing proof to the people that he keeps his promises. Biden-Harris will certainly reverse this.


Since Trump assumed the presidency, there have been no ISIS/jihadist terror attacks inside the United States. For reason unknown the president did not list that as being a major accomplishment of his term. The US media has never credited Mr Trump for the absence of domestic takfiri terror attacks during his term. The situation is treated such that when even France experienced major terror attacks by ISIS terrorists, the events received only minimal reporting in the US. Regardless of how one feels about the so-called Muslim ban the fact remains that takfiri terror attacks in the US seem like a distant memory.  But Biden has already vowed to end Trump’s immigration controls, and, if so, Biden’s actions (among others) will likely result in serious and sustained new terror threats to the US going forward.

North Korea

North Korea understands what Saddam Hussein did not: if you’re a “rogue state” and really do possess nuclear weapons, then you don’t get attacked by the United States. Biden’s approach to North Korea will likely mirror that of his former boss, which is to do nothing, and refuse to accept that North Korea has the right to defend itself.  No progress there.


As a businessman, Mr Trump could be no more than an outsider in Washington’s snake pit. Likewise, Mr Trump did himself no favors by appearing unpresidential at times, and by acting without diplomacy … twitter may not be the best medium for advocating presidential policy or addressing the people.  Mr Trump’s true failing however was loyalty to political allies he believed in and that he believed were loyal to him, when in fact they were not.

Perhaps Mr. Trump did not fully learn Machiavelli’s lessons on leadership and apparently did not fully comprehend the depth of Beltway intrigue. The Beltway culture of scheming and double-dealing allowed Neoconservative and Statist apparatchiks to rule Washington with reckless abandon for decades — to the very day Mr Trump assumed office. But the Beltway’s vampiric malaise is steeped in diseased thinking that cannot be easily overcome by a Washington neophyte or defeated overnight… even after three years.

Misguided or not, Trump believed he could make a positive difference for America by his best efforts. He kept America out of new wars – for example with Iran – wars that the Captured State so desires.  He thought he could drain a vile swamp, but now the Captured State has prevailed again.

And that is what Mr Biden’s foreign policy will be all about…


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Steve Brown: “Iraq: the Road to War” (Sourcewatch) editor of “Bush Administration War Crimes in Iraq” (Sourcewatch) and “Federal Reserve: Out-sourcing the Monetary System to the Money Trust Oligarchs Since 1913”. Steve is an antiwar activist, a published scholar on the US monetary system, and has appeared as guest contributor to The Duran, Ron Paul Institute, Herland Report and Strategika51. twitter: @newsypaperz  


[1] Neoliberal (def.): US hubris promotes US Corporate interests and financialized systems on a global basis without restraint. By puppet regimes, brutal dictators, war, or creating failed states; American influence must prevail at all costs whether human or financial, so long as financial gain results.

[2] To do so will require removal or submission of the Secretary of the Treasury since Mr Mnuchin has pledged US weaponization of the USD and financial sanctions as a surrogate for traditional and historic US military aggression.

Featured image is by Adam Schultz/Flickr

Media “Fact Checking”: President Trump “Censored” by CNBC

November 8th, 2020 by Prof Michel Chossudovsky

I am not a fan of Donald Trump.  But this concerted action on behalf of the corporate media to prevent the President from speaking on election results is tantamount to a de facto “Color Revolution” Made in America.

Trump is not an online “conspiracy theorist” subject to media censorship. He is the sitting president of the US.

We must understand, however, that this election is not between Trump and Biden.

Biden is a groomed politician, a trusted proxy, serving the interests of the financial establishment.

The Smoking Gun is Covid-19.  Biden is committed to closing down the US economy as well as the global economy as a means to “combating the killer virus”.

The closing down of the global economy is a “crime against humanity”.

Biden is the presidential candidate of the upper echelons of the financial establishment.

Trump has not endorsed the dominant Covid narrative.  He favors the reopening of the US economy. And that’s why he is now being “sidetracked” by the “Deep State”. Of course, this “sidetracking” goes back to November 2016. (It is not limited to Trump’s stance on Covid-19).

According to The Atlantic in a timely article published on November 2, 2020:

“President Donald Trump has repeatedly lied about the coronavirus pandemic and the country’s preparation for this once-in-a-generation crisis”.

Here, a collection of the biggest lies he’s told as the nation endures a public-health and economic calamity.

Below are pointed comments by three prominent authors, who present an independent viewpoint: Max Parry, Vanessa Bealey, and Catte Black

(They are not supporters of Donald Trump)

Also See the full press conference.

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, November 8, 2020

 Comments by: 

Max Parry  

I am going to be crucified by many of my fellow “leftists” for saying this, but something smells incredibly fishy about these election results. How in the world can the Democrats lose several house seats, gain no ground in the senate, but manage to win the presidency?

How did Trump win Ohio again (which previously went to Obama twice) by 8 points just like he did in 2016, but lose all these other key swing states at the 11th hour? Am I really supposed to believe a candidate as poor as Biden got more votes than even Obama in his 2008 landslide?
The projection polls were again way off and Trump was massively exceeding expectations getting several million more votes than last time, but he still ends up losing? Did the media cut away in the middle of Bush’s speeches when he was stealing the 2000 election?
None of this adds up and you have partisan blinders on if you can’t see it.
Not to say the GOP doesn’t engage in voter suppression, but there is no way in a million years you will ever convince me there isn’t a coup d’etat under way right now.


Vanessa Beeley

“The world has really gone insane. Trump is still President of the US and he just got fact checked live on air.

I am not pro Trump but if you can’t see the madness heading our way, please try to inform yourself  beyond a binary argument of Trump vs Biden.

Both are largely irrelevant compared to the gathering predator class storm on the horizon.

They are both part of the same theatre that is designed to plunge humanity into chaos for the foreseeable future while the powers behind the throne roll out the Great Reset road map.

#Covid_19 is a gateway to hell.”

Catte Black

Thought I was shockproof but this really shocked me – and should shock anyone with any sense of what this actually means.

Like him or hate him this man is the elected and sworn-in president of the United States – and  he’s being silenced in front of our eyes by the paid and unelected employees of a privately owned propaganda outlet.


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“Mercury/thimerosal and lead (and aluminum) are extremely neurotoxic and cytotoxic, but their combined synergistic effect is much worse.

A dose of mercury sufficient to kill 1% of tested rats, when combined with a dose of lead sufficient to kill less than 1% of rats, resulted in killing 100% of rats tested.

Mercury has a similar synergistic effect with aluminum, which is also in most vaccines.” — Bernard Windham, M.D.



Previously healthy infants shortly after receiving their “routine” baby shots. (Infant # 2 had been given both the live virus MMR and the mercury-containing flu shot simultaneously.)

Below are charts showing that many epidemic infectious diseases had already become far less lethal (and also less common) by the time mass vaccinations were popularized in America

Read these authors and their truth-telling books because the WHO, the CDC, the AAP, the AMA, the AAFP and most MDs, even Pediatricians, WILL NOT!

And finally, note the wisdom and skepticism in the following, very pertinent post-World War I poem that was published in the Salt Lake City Telegram in 1923. Recall that the world-wide epidemic of (likely vaccine-caused) “influenza” was most likely caused by the Rockefeller Institute’s mass (live virus) vaccination programs of all newly conscripted US soldiers shortly after they arrived at their basic training camps. The vaccine-sickened soldiers who managed to recover from their acute vaccine-caused illnesses then went “over there” and likely spread the virulent vaccine flu virus to the rest of the world.



By F.C. BUSH, 166 East 2nd St, Salt Lake City  

They’ll vaccinate the young men
Upon their arms so warm
They’ll vaccinate the babies
The moment they are born
They’ll vaccinate the maidens
On the ankle or the thigh
They’ll vaccinate the old men
A week before they die

Another craze has struck Salt Lake
Folks are asking “Did it take?”
When you go out
The news-boys shout
“Have you been vaccinate(d)?”

They’ll vaccinate the old maids
Upon their modest arms
They’ll vaccinate the sheep and pigs
Upon their separate farms
They’ll vaccinate your auto
And your license number too
They’ll vaccinate the polar bears
And the elephant in the zoo

They’ll vaccinate the roosters
And the hens upon their legs
Two days before they’re even laid
They’ll vaccinate the eggs
They’ll vaccinate the table
They’ll vaccinate the chairs
They’ll vaccinate the apples and
They’ll vaccinate the pears

They’re vaccination crazy
They’ll vaccinate the loon
They’ll climb up when it’s hazy
And they’ll vaccinate the moon
The sun, the stars, the universe
They are vaccination mad
They’ll vaccinate the sorrowful
And vaccinate the glad

They’ll vaccinate the dogs and cats
They’ll vaccinate the fleas
They’ll vaccinate the cabbage head
They’ll vaccinate the peas
They’ll vaccinate the clothes you wear
Your razor, brush and soap
And if you want to hang yourself
They’ll vaccinate the rope

The world is full of jazz and cranks
It’s full of syncopation
But let us keep these vaccine pranks
Outside of legislation
Or they’ll vaccinate your hydrant
And they’ll vaccinate your well
Then they’ll vaccinate your heaven
And make life an itching hell


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Dr Gary G. Kohls lives in the USA and writes a weekly column, entitled Duty to Warn, for the Duluth Reader, Duluth, Minnesota’s alternative newsweekly magazine. His columns deal with the dangers of American Friendly Fascism, corporatism, Oligarchy, militarism, racism, malnutrition, and Big Pharma’s over-drugging and over-vaccinating agendas as well as other movements that threaten the environment, democracy, civility, health and the sustainability and livability of the planet and the future of the children. Dr. Kohls is a frequent contributor to Global Research 

Many of Dr Kohls’ columns have been archived at a number of websites, including:;;;; and,%20MD

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“The worst case scenario is a new pandemic, starting all over again out of Denmark,” came the words of a grave Kåre Mølbak, director of the Danish health authorities, the State Serum Institute.  According to the Institute, COVID-19 infections were registered on 216 mink farms on November 6.  Not only had such infections been registered; new variants, five different clusters in all, were also found.  Mink variants were also detected in 214 people among 5,102 samples, of whom 200 live in the North Jutland Region.  

A noticeable tremor of fear passed through the public health community.  It was already known that mink are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2.  On April 23 and 25, outbreaks linked with mink farms were reported at farms in the Netherlands holding 12,000 and 7,500 animals respectively.  The mink had been infected by a farm worker with COVID-19 and, like humans, proved to be either asymptomatic, or evidently ill with symptoms such as intestinal pneumonia.  In time 12 of the 130 Dutch mink farms were struck.  What interested researchers was the level of virulence in the transmission of the virus through the population.  “Although SARS-CoV-2 is undergoing plenty of mutations as it spreads through mink,” writes Martin Enserik for Science, “its virulence shows no signs of increasing.” 

The Danish discoveries, however, fuelled another concern: the possibility that the virus from cluster 5, as identified by the Institute, was more resistant to antibodies from humans infected with SARS-CoV-2 when compared to other non-mutated SARS-CoV-2 viruses.  Potential vaccines, in other words, could be threatened with obsolescence.  “This hits all the scary buttons,” claimed evolutionary biologist Carl Bergstrom. 

In her November 6 briefing, Tyra Grove Krause, head of the department of infectious disease epidemiology and prevention at the SSI, did not wish to strike the doomsday register.  But she was none the less abundantly cautious.  “We definitely need to do more studies on this specific variant and its possible effect on future vaccines, but it takes a long time to do these kinds of studies.”  But she was in no mood to wait to “get all the evidence” given the possible risks.  “You need to act in time to stop transmission.” 

The World Health Organization is attempting to provide some reassurance, and while this is welcome, that body’s public image has been often unjustly frayed by its initial approach to the novel coronavirus.  In a statement to National Geographic, the WHO admitted concern “when a virus has gone from humans to animals, and back to humans.  Each time this happens, it can change more.”  But Soumya Swaminathan, the WHO’s chief scientist, refrained from drawing any conclusions from the current crop of revelations from Denmark.  “We need to wait and see what the implications are but I don’t think we should come to any conclusions about whether this particular mutation is going to impact vaccine efficiency.”  

Francois Balloux, director of University College London’s Genetics Institute, is also making his own infectious disease wager, thrilled by this “fantastically interesting” scenario.  “I don’t believe that a strain which gets adapted to mink poses a higher risk to humans.”  This comes with qualification, of course.  “We can never rule out anything, but in principle it shouldn’t. It should definitely not increase transmission.  I don’t see any good reason why it should make the virus more severe.”

In Denmark, no scientific chances are being taken on either the issue of virulence or the matter of vaccine effectiveness. The entire mink herd of 17 million is being culled.  The Danish Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen, attempted to see the problems of her country and its mink industry in humanitarian terms.  “We have a great responsibility toward our population,” she explainedon Wednesday, “but with the mutation that has now been found we have an even greater responsibility for the rest of the world as well.”  Residents in seven areas in North Jutland have also been told “to stay in their area to prevent the spread of infection …. We are asking you in North Jutland to do something completely extraordinary.  The eyes of the world are upon us.” 

Despite the immediate and effective destruction of an industry, Mogens Jensen, Minister for Food and Fisheries, stated that this would be “the right thing to do in a situation where the vaccine, which is currently the light at the end of a very dark tunnel, is in danger.”  Magnus Heunicke, the Minister for Health, also reiterated the point that “mink farming during the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic entails a possible risk to the public health – and for possibilities to combat COVID-19 with vaccines.”

The inevitably callous and brutal measure means that both the animals concerned and an industry, are being confined to history.  Animal welfare advocates see mixed promise in the measure: cruelty in the culling, but hope in the eradication of a trade.  “The right decision,” according to Animal Protection Denmark, “would be to end mink farming entirely and help farmers into [another] occupation that does not jeopardize public health and animal welfare.” 

Joanna Swabe, the senior director of public affairs for Humane Society International/Europe, did express some pleasure at what was otherwise a grim end to Denmark’s mink population.  As one of the largest fur producers in the global market, the “total shutdown of all Danish mink fur farms amid spiralling COVID-19 infections is a significant development.”  She even went so far as to congratulate the Danish prime minister for the “decision to take such an essential and science-led step to protect Danish citizens from the deadly coronavirus.”

Fur lobbyists and traders, while accepting of the health risks, have had reservations at the absolute nature of the Danish response.  Magnus Ljung, CEO of Saga Furs, noted how control of COVID-19 infections in mink populations was achieved in the Netherlands and Spain without a need to resort to mass culling.  Mick Madsen of the Brussels-based industry group Fur Europe accepted that “public safety must come first” but urged Danish authorities to “release their research for scrutiny amongst international scientists.” 

In the United States, mass culling is yet to take off.  The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention remains cool to any drastic measures, despite cases of contracted coronavirus at mink farms in Utah, Wisconsin and Michigan.  Transmission to humans had yet to be documented, though spokesperson Jasmine Reed noted “ongoing” investigations.

Some scrutiny from international sources regarding Denmark’s decision has been forthcoming, though it is more in the order of modest scepticism.  Marion Koopmans of the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam, recalling the research into mink outbreaks in Dutch mink populations, considered the claim on a resistant mutation a bold one.  “That is a very big statement.  A single mutation, I would not expect to have that dramatic an effect.”  Emma Hodcroft, a molecular epidemiologist based at the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine in Bern, Switzerland, was also doubtful.  “It’s almost never the case that it’s such a simple story of one mutation and all your vaccines stop working.” 

After the great Danish mink massacre, it may well transpire that Prime Minister Frederiksen’s decision might have been less “science-led” as was presupposed.  This does not dishearten Hodcroft, who warmly embraces the Danish approach to “take a step too far rather than a step too little”.  Pity about the mink, then.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image is by Jo-Anne McArthur/Redux Pictures

Azerbaijani troops and Turkish-backed Syrian militants continue storming the town of Shusha, located just south of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic capital, Stepanakert. During the past 24 hours, infantry of the Turkish-Azerbaijani bloc under cover of intense artillery and drone strikes captured several heights southeast of Shusha and were able to keep fire control over the road linking the town with the Lachin corridor area. At the same time, Armenian forces repelled several Azerbaijani attacks on the town itself inflicting, at least according to Yerevan, heavy casualties to pro-Baku forces. This goes contrary to claims of Azerbaijani sources that in their reports have almost captured the town already.

In fact, Shusha is not even encircled and the Armenians still have an option to send supplies and reinforcements to it from the north and northwest. Most likely, the Azerbaijani-Turkish bloc wants to repeat the Hadrut scenario by taking control of the main heights surrounding Shusha and block the main nearby roads with drone and artillery fire. In the case of Hadrut, this forced the Armenians to withdraw their forces from the town. Nonetheless, Shusha is different story. This is the iconic town for the Armenian patriotic narrative and the gates to Stepanakert. So, Yerevan will likely try to defend it as long as it is possible.

It could be said that the fate of the entire conflict is being decided in the battle of Susha. If Armenian forces are able to contain the Azerbaijani advance, they will get a chance to keep the Turkish-Azerbaijani bloc in the areas that it has captured in the south. If Shusha falls into Turkish hands, the fate of the central part of Nagorno-Karabakh will be predetermined.

The situation near Martuni, Martakert and Lachin is much better for Armenians. The trend of clashes there tend to be turned to positional fighting amid the inability of Baku and Azerbaijan to deliver a devastating blow to their opponent in this area. Nonetheless, the control of these areas will not help to the Armenians if Shusha is captured. At the same time, they are not able to redeploy forces from Lachin to the east because this will immediately trigger a new attempt by Azerbaijan to capture the area.

Meanwhile, Turkish and Azerbaijani sources complain that Armenia continues receiving help – military equipment and likely intelligence sharing assistance – in the conflict. The Armenians use this discontent to speculate that soon the airspace over Nagorno-Karabakh will be closed by Russia and the Azerbaijanis will have to run away to Baku. Despite this, the chances of a direct Russian intervention in the current regional situation remains unlikely. However, if Turkey and Azerbaijan continue to extensively exploit Syrian militants in the conflict as cannon folder, the strategy that Ankara already tried in Syria and Libya, the scale of indirect Russian support to the Armenians will definitely grow. If one takes into account the reaction in the public sphere, even current limited Russian support already created difficulties for the Azerbaijani-Turkish advance.

A further increase of involvement of Russia in the conflict will make a direct military victory over the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic a hardly possible scenario for the Azerbaijani-Turkish alliance. This explains its diplomatic positons in the region while Baku and Ankara develop their Karabakh offensive claiming that it is just a forced reaction to the regular ceasefire violations by Armenia. Nonetheless, if red lines are passed, diplomatic rhetoric alone will not help.


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The Government’s Lust to Spy

November 8th, 2020 by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano

In 2019, agents of the federal and state governments persuaded judges to issue 99% of all requested intercepts. An intercept is any type of government surveillance — telephone, text message, email, even in-person. These are intercepts that theoretically are based on probable cause of crime, as is required by the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution.

The 2019 numbers — which the government released as we were all watching the end of the presidential election campaign — are staggering. The feds, and local and state police in America engaged in 27,431,687 intercepts on 777,840 people. They arrested 17,101 people from among those intercepted and obtained convictions on the basis of evidence obtained via the intercepts on 5,304. That is a conviction rate of 4% of all people spied upon by law enforcement in the United States.

Here is the backstory.

Readers of this column are familiar with the use by federal agents of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to obtain intercepts using a standard of proof considerably lesser than probable cause of crime. That came about because Congress basically has no respect for the Constitution and authorized the FISA Court to issue intercept warrants if federal agents can identify an American or a foreign person in America who has spoken to a foreign person in another country.

Call your cousin in Florence or a bookseller in Edinburgh or an art dealer in Brussels, and under FISA, the feds can get a warrant from the FISA Court to monitor your future calls and texts and emails.

This FISA system is profoundly unconstitutional; the Fourth Amendment expressly requires that the government — state and federal — can only lawfully engage in searches and seizures pursuant to warrants issued by a judge based upon a showing under oath of probable cause of crime. The Supreme Court has ruled consistently that intercepts and surveillances constitute searches and seizures. The government searches a database of emails, texts or recorded phone calls and seizes the data it wants.

Thus, when the feds have targeted someone for prosecution and lack probable cause of crime about that person, they resort to FISA. This is not only unlawful and unconstitutional, but also it is corrupting, as it permits criminal investigators to cut constitutional corners by obtaining evidence of crimes outside the scope of the Fourth Amendment. The use of the Fourth Amendment is the only lawful means of engaging in surveillance sufficient to introduce the fruits of the surveillance at a criminal trial.

If the feds happen upon evidence of a crime from their FISA-authorized intercepts, they then need to engage in deceptive acts of parallel construction. That connotes the false creation of an ostensibly lawful intercept in order to claim that they obtained lawfully what they already have obtained unlawfully.

Law enforcement personnel then fake the true means they used to acquire evidence — even duping the prosecutors for whom they work — so the evidence will appear to have been obtained lawfully and thus can be used at trial. At its essence, parallel construction is a deception on the court. If the deception is perpetrated under oath, it is perjury — a felony.

This corruption of the Constitution by those in whose hands we have reposed it for safekeeping happens every day in America.

The FISA-induced corruption has regrettably bled into the culture of non-FISA law enforcement, and even into the judiciary. The statistics I cited above are not from FISA — those numbers are secret. Rather, the statistics reflect the government’s voracious appetite for spying that now pervades non-FISA law enforcement. This is so because judges accept uncritically the applications made before them for intercept or surveillance warrants.

Thus, even though the Fourth Amendment permits judges to issue warrants only upon the probable likelihood of evidence of a crime in the place to be searched or the person or thing to be seized, the attitude of what constitutes probable cause has been attenuated by both the law enforcement personnel who seek warrants and the judges who hear the applications. We know this because we have not seen a number like 99% of all warrant applications — every one supposedly based on probable cause of crime — granted. Nor have we seen only 4% of those intercepts resulting in convictions.

The rational conclusion is that the government’s appetite for surveillance remains voracious, and judges — whose affirmative duty it is to uphold the Constitution as against the other two branches of government — have done very little to abate this.

So, what becomes of the remaining 96% of those on whom the government spied? That depends on whether the government charges anyone. If a person is charged and acquitted, and law enforcement unlawfully obtained evidence against that person, his remedy is either persuading the court to suppress the evidence thus resulting in the acquittal, or suing the law enforcement agents who unlawfully spied on him.

Yet, under current Supreme Court decisions about who can sue the government, if the government has spied on you and not charged you and not told you, you have no cause of action against the law enforcement agents who did this.

Stated differently, in 2019, at least 760,739 people in America were spied upon pursuant to judicial orders allegedly based upon probable cause of crime and were neither charged nor informed of the spying.

My Fox colleagues often deride my attacks on those who fail to safeguard our privacy because they argue, we have no privacy. Yet, as Justice Louis Brandeis wrote, the most comprehensive of rights is the right to be let alone. If we forget this, my colleagues will have the last laugh. If we expose its violation, we might know the joys of unmonitored personal fulfillment.


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US Election Theft 2020? Election Results are “Shady”

November 8th, 2020 by Stephen Lendman

If November 3 elections proved anything, it’s what Buttercup explained in Gilbert & Sullivan’s HMS Pinafore, saying the following:

“Things are seldom what they seem. Skim milk masquerades as cream.”

“Highlows pass as patent leathers. Jackdaws strut in peacock’s feathers.”

“Black sheep dwell in every fold.

All that glitters is not gold.”

“Storks turn out to be but logs.

Bulls are but inflated frogs.”

There’s more, but the message is clear.

Reported US 2020 election results so far favoring Biden over Trump are “shady.”

What’s presented in key battleground states appears other than the popular will.

Trump’s team has good reason to challenge results, the winner very much uncertain until litigation plays out.

As in 2000, nine Supreme Court justices may have final say on who wins and loses in the contest for the nation’s highest office.

Nevada is one of five swing states where Trump’s team is challenging the vote count.

The others are Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.

Law Professor Jonathan Turley explained the following about Nevada, saying:

“(T)hings…happen(ing) in (Las) Vegas may not stay” there.

The GOP is “arguing that thousands of votes in the close presidential election were cast by workers who moved out of the state or even by deceased individuals.”

“Various voters reported their deceased relatives receiving live ballots in the mail.”

“Many states like Nevada are relying on notoriously outdated voter lists and applying fairly lax standards for confirming the identity of voters for mail-in ballots.”

Any voting-age American who moved out-of-state to another one over 30 days pre-election is ineligible to vote in the state where they formerly claimed residence.

Trump’s team claims that thousands of votes cast in Nevada were by ineligible or deceased individuals.

If the Supreme Court hears this challenge and upholds it, results in the above five swing states —and perhaps others — will be suspect.

Turley explained that “reliance on questionable voter lists (in Nevada) and the lack of authentication systems were raised months ago.”

The same issue likely applies to other states, though proving it in court is another matter.

Turley noted that if the judicial process “believes that thousands of unlawful votes” were included in one or more state counts, “the only certain way to address a systemic failure would be a special election.”

At the same time, he believes it’s unlikely to happen in states with suspect results, especially because it could take months for the process to be planned, organized and completed.

Yet based on what’s known and discussed in previous post-election articles, fraud by Dems appears to be playing what be the decisive determinant of final results.

According to the’s John Daniel Davidson and Chris Bedford, pro-Biden electoral shenanigans are playing out in Pennsylvania’s self-styled “city of brotherly love” — Philadelphia, saying:

“Judges who obtained their positions by fraud, according to an indictment, have denied the Trump campaign’s ballot-watchers access, providing crucial unsupervised time (for Dem) vote counters,” adding:

During the week, “GOP monitors were being kept too far away from absentee ballot-counters to observe whether ballots were being properly counted.”

On Thursday, a state appellate court ordered that vote-counting observers be allowed to stand within six feet of the process.

Philadelphia authorities appealed the ruling to the state’s Supreme Court.

Will nine US High Court justices have final say on this and other Election 2020 issues in Pennsylvania and other contested swing states?

A GOP lawsuit “accused (Dem) election leaders (in PA) of violating state code by authorizing local election officials to give information about rejected mail-in ballots to (Dem) operatives so they could contact those voters and offer them a new ballot.”

This violates both state law and Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court earlier ruling that states the following:

“(M)ail-in or absentee voters are not provided any opportunity to cure perceived defects (to their ballot) in a timely manner.”

Results so far in the above five battleground states are close.

Michigan and Wisconsin were already (perhaps prematurely) called for Biden.

Pennsylvania, Georgia and Nevada remain undecided.

If the above two states hold for Biden and he’s declared winner in one of the other three, he’ll reach or exceed a majority 270 Electoral College votes to triumph over Trump.

If things turn out this way, he’ll likely have won by foul, not fair, means — though at this time the race for the White House is undecided and fraud allegations require proof to hold up in court.

On Friday, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito ordered Pennsylvania election officials to separate mail-in ballots received after election day November 3 — granting a request by the state’s Republican party, saying the following:

“All (PA) county boards of election are hereby ordered, pending further order of the Court, to comply with the following guidance provided by the Secretary of the Commonwealth on October 28 and November 1, namely, (1) that all ballots received by mail after 8:00 p.m. on November 3 be segregated and kept ‘in a secure, safe, and sealed container separate from other voted ballots,’ and (2) that all such ballots, if counted, shall be counted separately,” adding:

“Until today, this Court was not informed that the guidance issued on October 28, which had an important beating on the question where to order special treatment of the ballots in question, had been modified. The application received today also informs the Court that neither the applicant not the Secretary has been able to verify that all bards are complying with the Secretary’s guidance, which, it is alleged, is not legally binding on them.”

According to court papers filed on Friday, Republicans said that “a total of 25 Pennsylvania county boards of elections have not indicated whether they are segregating the late-arriving ballots,” adding:

“If county election boards count and do not segregate late-arriving ballots, it could become impossible for this Court to repair election results tainted by illegally and untimely cast or mailed ballots.”

Will the US Supreme Court order the same procedure for other contested states, including recounts if requested by Trump’s team?

High Court justices are likely to be the final arbiter of how the US presidential election turns out.

A Final Comment

There are many issues to be unpacked (and likely judicially ruled on at the highest level) before Trump v. Biden is decided.

At this time, the jury remains out.

Here’s what may be turn out to be the deciding factor.

According to information published by James Fetzer on his website:

“Trump and the USPS have had a master plan all along to secure the integrity of the 2020 election. Blockchain is the key.”

“In their plan, an invisible and unique QFS code was printed on each and every USPS-produced ballot.”

“They know exactly all the relevant details, including dates, paths, identities (anonymized)…et al.”

Blockchain “digital ledgers… make it virtually impossible to alter records of past events.”

“According to the USPS patent, ‘a registered voter receives a computer-readable code in the mail and confirms the identity and confirms correct ballot information in an election.’ ”

What’s going on is a “sting operation” as follows — if reported information is correct.

“(E)very ballot with QFS blockchain encryption code (was) watermarked.”

So it’s “know(n) where every ballot is, where it went and who has it” — to protect against a stolen election.

The above is a developing story with more information likely coming, perhaps very soon.

If credible evidence of fraud by Dems is presented by Trump’s team to the Supreme Court, it could order recounts that perhaps could shift final results for Biden to Trump.

How things turn out ahead will be determined one way or the other in the fullness of time.

Note: Time and again, US dark forces meddled in foreign elections to try manipulating their outcome — successfully and unsuccessfully.

Should anyone be surprised that the same thing goes on at home?

Electoral fraud and other dirty trick have been commonplace throughout US history — at the federal, state and local levels.

Perhaps the most brazen election theft happened in 1948.

Lyndon Johnson’s race for the Texas senate “miraculously” overcame a 20,000 vote deficit to gain an 87-vote triumph.

When the dust settles on Trump v. Biden, if DJT overcomes what appears to be a manipulated process against him, US presidential election 2020 may one day be memorable for having foiled the best laid plans of dark forces against him.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

Visit his blog site at

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Will the Turkish Economy Kill Erdogan’s New Ottoman Empire?

November 8th, 2020 by F. William Engdahl

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s Turkey in the past two years has engaged in a remarkable series of active geopolitical foreign interventions from Syria to Libya to Cyprus and most recently on the side of Azerbaijan in the territory conflict with Armenia over the status of Nagorno-Karabakh. Some have called it Erdogan’s ‘New Ottoman Empire’ strategy. Yet a free-falling Lira and a collapsing domestic economy threaten to put an unplanned end to his grand geopolitical ambitions. How serious is the economic crisis in Turkey today and does Erdogan have a Plan B?

Lira Freefall

By the end of October, as open conflict between President Erdogan, who demands low interest rates from the central bank to stimulate growth, and financial markets who demand higher rates to “offset risk,” the Turkish Lira dropped a sharp 3% in a day. To date in 2020 the Lira is down 34% against the US dollar and by 70% over the past five years. While some think it would stimulate Turkish goods exports, what it is doing is exposing the entire Turkish banking system and economy to a colossal debt blowout. The problem is that to spur Erdogan’s growth agenda, Turkish banks have turned to the dollar-based low-interest rate inter-bank market to borrow funds to lend on to Turkish consumers to build houses or open hotels and other small businesses. Every time the Lira falls against the dollar, it needs that much more Lira to repay the old dollar debts, 34% more since January as of this writing.

Foreign investors, seeing the data, are rushing to liquidate Turkish stocks and bonds and exit, sending the Lira down further and hitting financial assets that back loans throughout the economy. Moreover inflation officially near 12% is adding to the crisis.

In recent years, spurred by Erdogan, the Turkish economy has expanded at an annual rate above that of China or India pre-corona. Most of that has been in the construction sector with new homes, shopping centers and tourism hotels booming. The problem is that now, with the Lira crisis showing no sign of end, and the EU states going into lockdown for coronavirus, Turkish tourism, the is being devastated. In August, peak foreign tourism season, tourism arrivals were down a huge 70% from August 2019. And with a world economic slump since the corona crisis, all exports are down.

Crisis of Foreign Debt

Erdogan’s problems are compounded by the fact that Turkish businesses and banks have largely turned to foreign markets to borrow at lower interest rates, something attractive if the Lira is stable or even rising. When the Lira falls 34% this year or more, it is a catastrophe for the borrowers. To prevent that Lira fall the central bank has used much of its hard currency foreign reserves and even drawn on foreign currency swap lines to avoid rate increases. This is bringing the situation to a new potential crisis in many ways similar to the 1997 Asia Crisis. The falling Lira means construction companies are unable to repay foreign loans in dollars or Euros. Bankruptcy is next. In 2018 Turkish banks and private companies as well as government owed some $467 billion in foreign currencies. The central bank foreign currency reserves as of September, 2020 amount to $36 billion or less, after losing some $65 billion of foreign currency reserves in a fruitless defense of the Lira. Gold reserves decreased to USD 42 billion. This is not stable.

To make matters worse, in September Moodys’ credit rating agency lowered the rating on Turkish government debt to 5 grades below “junk,” the lowest ever. At this point, Erdogan has limited options to salvage the economy and with it, his re-election in three years. Extremely low interest rates from 2012 through until 2018 created an unprecedented economic boom, but in reality a debt-financed construction and real estate bubble dependent on foreign credits. That is now unravelling and it will have major consequences for Erdogan’s “active” foreign policy.

Geopolitical Agenda Threatened

In 2010 Erdogan’s then-Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu proclaimed the famous “Zero Problems Policy” with its neighbors. That has long since vanished along with the foreign minister. Today Erdogan seems intent on creating clashes with all Turkey’s once-allies.

Erdogan’s bold attempt to place Turkish gas exploration ships in recent months into territorial waters of EU member Cyprus and Greece, claiming sovereignty over the offshore region, has brought it into direct clash with fellow NATO member Greece which plans a gas pipeline from Israel and Cyprus to Greece and on to Italy, as well as with France. Turkey has refused to sign the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

To further complicate matters, some months ago Erdogan openly backed the embattled Muslim Brotherhood-led Government of National Accord in Tripoli Libya against a strong military advance by General Haftar. In June Erdogan, who supports the Muslim Brotherhood, sent Turkish troops to support Tripoli. Haftar is backed by Russia, Egypt, the UAE and France. The Turkey-Libya Special Economic Zone declared earlier this year provocatively cuts across the planned EastMed Israel-Cyprus-Greece gas pipeline path.

In Syria, France supports the Syrian Kurds, bitter foes of Erdogan who maintains a military presence in the border region of Syria to control the Kurds. As well France backs the Cyprus-Greek position on their rights to the offshore gas, against Turkey. The French Total energy group is active in the Cyprus project.

Most recently, in the wake of the gruesome beheadings in France by Jihadists, Erdogan has called for a boycott of French goods and called Macron mentally ill after Macron defended the free speech rights of a French satire magazine for reprinting a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed.

Straining ties with Russia in addition to Libyan adventures, has been the open backing from Erdogan, including reportedly of military supplies and possible troops, in Azerbaijan’s clash with Russian ally Armenia over Nogorno-Karabakh. A new factor in Turk-Azeri relations is the Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline from Arerbaijan to Turkey where Turkey imported for the first time 5.44 bcm Azrei gas in the first half of this year, a 23 percent increase compared to the same period of 2019.

Yet Erdogan has gone to great lengths to cultivate good relations with Russia’s Putin among other things to buy the advanced Russian S-400 Russian anti-missile defense system, earning the condemnation of NATO and Washington.

At this point the hyper-active foreign interventions by Erdogan’s Turkey have met little serious sanction or opposition by the EU. One obvious reason is the large exposure of EU banks to Turkish loans. According to a September 17 report in the German Die Welt newspaper, Spanish, French, British and German banks have over a hundred billion dollars invested in Turkey. Spain is most exposed with $62 billion, followed by France with $29 billion. That means the EU is walking on eggshells, not eager to sink more money into Turkey but leery of precipitating a full clash of economic sanctions.

As Erdogan for many reasons refuses to go hat in hand to the IMF, his options at present are to drastically reduce his foreign geopolitical operations to concentrate on stabilizing the domestic economy, or find a Plan B. At this point, the only possible contender for a Plan B financial rescue would be China.

Can China Fill the Gap?

In recent years Erdogan has taken remarkable steps to better relations with Xi Jinping and China. In 2019 during a visit to Beijing Erdogan shocked many by refusing to condemn China’s reported harsh treatment of the large Muslim Uyghur population in Xinjiang region. For decades, Turkey, which calls the Uyghur region “East Turkestan,” accepted Uyghur Muslim refugees and condemned what Erdogan once called China’s “genocide” in Xinjiang. In July 2019 during a visit in Beijing, Erdogan buried all mention of the Uyghurs and praised Turkey cooperation with China. Cynics might suggest hopes of huge China financial largesse influnced Erdogan’s shift.

During the previous Lira crisis in 2018 when the Lira plunged by 40%, China’s state-owned Industrial and Commercial Bank of China loaned the Turkish government $3.6 billion for energy and transportation projects. In June 2019, in the wake of Istanbul municipal elections that indicated crumbling support for Erdogan, China’s central bank transferred $1 billion—the largest cash inflow, under a swap agreement. The July, 2019 Beijing meeting with Xi Jinping came just after that election setback at a time Erdogan was vulnerable as never before on the economy. Chinese Uyghurs might be fellow Muslims, but they don’t vote in Turkish elections.

Beijing has responded. Under the umbrella of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), earlier this year China’s Export and Credit Insurance Corp. committed up to $5 billion for Turkey’s Sovereign Wealth Fund, to be used for BRI projects. Previously China has invested in a railroad from Kars in eastern Turkey via Tbilisi, Georgia, to Baku, Azerbaijan, on the Caspian Sea, where it links to transportation networks to China. In 2015, a Chinese consortium bought 65 percent of Turkey’s third-largest container terminal, Kumport, in Istanbul. Chinese investors this January saved an Erdogan prestige project buying 51 percent of the Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge connecting Europe and Asia across the Bosporus when an Italian-Turkish consortium controlling the bridge opted out. And Beijing is now allowing Turkish companies to use the Chinese yuan to make trade payments, allowing them easier access to Chinese liquidity.

While the Chinese involvement clearly gives Erdogan some aid, it has not been able to stop the latest free-fall of the Lira or to be enough to replace the $100 billion EU and related borrowings to revive the Turkish economy. China yuan-Lira trade and swap agreements help Turkey import more Chinese goods, but she needs dollars to repay the EU and other dollar loans. China, despite optimistic headlines in media, has been severely hit by the global lockdowns and trade collapse from the coronavirus this year. Exports from China have by no means recovered to 2019 levels and domestic food problems from severe flooding and locust plague this year have put added strains on the world’s second largest economy.

With Beijing beefing up its military responses in the East China Sea and around Taiwan as well as being forced to renegotiate many debt deals with BRI countries in Africa and elsewhere that have been unable to pay, it is questionable whether Xi Jinping regards his recent alliance with the unpredictable Erdogan as his highest priority during China’s present redirection of its economy inward.

2023, the year of next elections was to be the glory year for Erdogan’s AKP as Turkey celebrated 100 years since founding. The party’s “2023 Vision” program calls for Turkey to become a Top Ten economy with autos, steel and defense industries of world class and a GDP of some $2.6 trillion.

That all now looks very implausible. The next months for Erdogan and the Turkish economy look to be quite turbulent and far from clear. The shrewd Erdogan is rapidly running out of winning cards to play.


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F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook” where this article was originally published. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Featured image is from NEO


Seeds of Destruction: Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation

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This skilfully researched book focuses on how a small socio-political American elite seeks to establish control over the very basis of human survival: the provision of our daily bread. “Control the food and you control the people.”

This is no ordinary book about the perils of GMO. Engdahl takes the reader inside the corridors of power, into the backrooms of the science labs, behind closed doors in the corporate boardrooms.

The author cogently reveals a diabolical world of profit-driven political intrigue, government corruption and coercion, where genetic manipulation and the patenting of life forms are used to gain worldwide control over food production. If the book often reads as a crime story, that should come as no surprise. For that is what it is.

The Use of Language to Manipulate People

November 8th, 2020 by Prof. Ruel F. Pepa

We have encountered day in day out language-using manipulators in practically all areas/sectors of life. In one particular instance, we regularly hear them over the radio and see them on TV. We read their messages on the pages of dailies and magazines, even in posters that line-up walls of public places. The Internet is full of websites that banner the captivating ideas of these thought influencers. The term we use to specifically refer to their kind of game is advertisement. This is the basic intent of an advertisement: To attract, fascinate and ultimately persuade people to dig into their pockets for the amount needed to satisfy the desire that has so far been created in their minds by the power of advertisement. This is manipulation at its most subtle and sophisticated refinement.

Nowadays, with the advancement of cybertechnology, professional advertisers have literally at the tip of their fingers all conceivable tools to come up with the best presentations of product promotion in all forms of the available media. Striking logos, snappy slogans, attention-grabbing illustrations, mellifluous jingles, eye-catching photos, among others, conspire altogether to create a powerful advertising stunt, so powerful that it can knock out analysis and reason in an instant. Using the classic Aristotelian categories of persuasion modes or artistic proofs, this is a case of how pathos (appeal to emotion) exerts a significantly tremendous edge over logos (appeal to reason) and ethos (appeal to a person’s credibility and ethical character). Manipulation of this type is so easily effected because its operators have already mastered the art of handling the general tendency of people to succumb to what their “hearts” dictate at the expense of what their “heads” would reasonably tell them.

This is humanity at its most prevalent and persistent configuration: a creature of emotions. And the modern – as well as post-modern – commercial sphere has taken advantage of this seemingly perennial reality to its extremest point, full steam ahead, so to speak. Within the warp and woof of the human fabric, the pathos reigns supreme and is deaf to the call of logos most of the time. It even has the forceful motion of a whirlwind to bypass and ignore the wisdom of the purveyors of ethos. The pathos is, therefore, the central arena where the ebb and flow of manipulative undertakings function with clockwork precision.

But there is nothing new in this consideration. As an emotional being, humanity has always been the subject of manipulation since time immemorial, i.e., long before the age of advertising. Well concatenated words that constitute a delightful message can instantly – i.e., spontaneously–capture the heart of an individual person. The head equipped with its reasoning power has to get through a more tedious process of coming up with a clear-cut and rational/reasonable decision on whether to accept or reject something presented before it. Besides, the individual who is supposed to be at the disposal of both heart and head has a much easier predisposition to utilize the former and set aside the latter. As has been observed time and again, it is the heart that easily gives in – even caves in – to the pleasing lines articulated by an apparent persuader like an irresistible confectionery offered to a child by someone who wants to win her/his friendship.

Friendship is basically a matter of the heart and could breed manipulation on the wrong side of its broad layout. It starts with a proposition along the line of amity that in many cases gets deeper so that it could even reach a high degree of intimate connection. And once the target has already been taken over, that’s the point where manipulation sets in. A well-stringed set of pleasurable words can easily disarm and capture the emotional framework of an individual and put her/him in a situation of non-resistance. Again, this is nothing new to us even in a large-scale scenario wherein the power of a minister’s preaching becomes a manipulative tool to gather together unquestioning believers in the context of a religious assembly. This is not advertising but all its components run parallel to its commercial counterpart.

Many religious assemblies – whether you call them “fellowships” or “churches” – in the present modern dispensation have gained the notoriety of being called manipulators of the first order as their leaders have transformed themselves into multi-millionaire and billionaire high rollers who own luxurious mansions, travel by land in their chauffeur-driven limousines and visit their overseas congregations on their sophisticated private jets. And it is a known fact that all their riches are drawn from the ten percent of the incomes sweated out by their hardworking members. This shows how powerful manipulative words are as these preaching conmen put them all together in the language of a homily that they deliver from the pulpits of their churches’ sanctuaries “Sunday in Sunday out”.

But why specifically zero in on the religious preachers when these guys have their exact kins in the political arena? We see the same manipulative acts among politicians during the campaign period prior to an election. They all want to get elected and in their campaign sorties, it is not unusual to hear the manipulative promises of these political thugs whom the electorate tends to give in and give up their votes when election day comes. But it does not stop after the election. Those elected officials continue to use the power of political rhetoric to further deceive their constituents with more promises despite the fact that those they had promised during the campaign period haven’t even been implemented, much less fulfilled. However, in this particular scenario, what is so strange is the reality that the people who have been manipulated in the past continue to allow themselves to be manipulated more.

In the final analysis, it is with a certain degree of logical accuracy to conclude that the majority of the people in the world have the general tendency to let themselves get manipulated in whatever life condition they are located. This reality is sustained by the dictum that human beings are predominantly creatures of pathos, i.e., people who find it much easier to cope with life’s complexity by way of emotion rather than by way of reason. But on a more serious note, the more honest-to-goodness question is, Is that really the best way to cope with life’s reality with all its complexity and difficulties?


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Prof. Ruel F. Pepa is a Filipino philosopher based in Madrid, Spain. A retired academic (Associate Professor IV), he taught Philosophy and Social Sciences for more than fifteen years at Trinity University of Asia, an Anglican university in the Philippines.

How Could 70 Million Still Have Voted for Trump?

November 8th, 2020 by Dr. Jack Rasmus

Media pundits and others have been deeply perplexed as to why so many Americans in this election–70 million in fact– nonetheless voted for Trump.

But it’s not all that difficult to understand. There are 3 major explanations: One economic. Second, health. And the third, and most important, a matter of culture and racism manipulated by clever politicians for the past quarter century at least.

The first explanation—economics—is that the red states (Trump’s base) did not ‘suffer’ as much economically from the recession as have (and are) the blue states and big urban areas.

The red states shut down only in part and for just a couple weeks then quickly reopened as early as May. A few hot spots in New Orleans and Florida were quickly contained. By reopening quickly they economically minimized the negative effects of the shutdowns and quarantines. They would eventually pay the price in health terms for early reopening, but they clearly chose to trade off later health problems for early economic gains.

At the same time they quickly reopened, the red pro-Trump states still received the economic benefits of the March-April Cares Act bailout that pumped more than a $trillion into the economy benefitting households directly–i.e. this was the $670 billion in small business PPP grants, the $350 billion in extra unemployment benefits, the $1,200 checks, and other direct spending on hospitals and health providers. The Trump states got their full share of the bailout, even if they didn’t need it as much after having reopened early. Finally, if Trump supporters lived in the farm belt sector of Red State America, they additionally got $70B more in direct subsidies and payments from Trump that was designed to placate the farm belt during Trump’s disastrous China trade war. That’s 3 main sources of added income the red states as a general rule received that the blue states, coasts, big cities elsewhere did not get. In short the economic impact of this recession was therefore far less severe in the geographic areas of the greatest concentration of Trump’s political support.

Second, Covid did not negatively impact the red states as much as it did the blue states and major urban areas of America—at least not until late in Sept-Oct after which much voting had already begun and political positions had hardened. And then when Covid did hit the red states late, it impacted relatively more the larger cities and not as much initially in the small towns and rural areas of Trump’s red states. Covid’s impact economically was therefore relatively worse in big urban areas, especially in the coasts.

But even more important than these relative economic and health effects, the continued support that exists for Trump in his base of red states—i.e. in the small town, rural, small business, and religious right areas—is grounded in the ‘ethnic’ composition of his mostly White European heritage followers who are fearful ‘their’ white culture is being overwhelmed by the growing numbers and diversity of people of color in America.

This fear is the foundation of his—and their—white nationalism which is really a form of racism. So too is their anti-immigration. It is anti-immigration directed against people of color–whether latinos, blacks, muslims or whomever. White European heritage, small town, rural, evangelical, small business ‘heartland’ of the south & midwest America sees ‘their America’ disappearing or at least having to share more equally with people of color America. The latter are now almost equal in population to White Europeans but are not equal politically or economically. They are knocking on the door and want in. They want their equal share.

But clever politicians have convinced White European America that it’s a zero sum game: what people of color America may get will be only at their expense! Sharing is not possible. Trump and others, who are manipulating this fear and discontent for their own political careers, have convinced them that it’s an ‘Us vs. Them’ zero sum game. That way those with wealth and real power redirect discontent from their four decades of obscene wealth accumulation at the expense of everyone else, white or non-white Americans. Whipping up and redirecting discontent into identity and racial identity themes means the super well off won’t have to share with either White European or non-White European people of color.

Pit the one against the other, while they–those of wealth and power–continue to ‘pick the pockets’ of both. That was, and remains, Trump’s strategy in a nutshell. It’s also the strategy of his wealthy backers. It’s the age old American ruling class racism ‘shell game’. Just now in the form of ‘old wine in new bottles’, as they saying goes. ‘America First’ means in effect White America of his political base comes first. Trump and financial backers and power brokers–like the Adelsons, Mercers, Singers and their allies–have convinced White European America in the heartland to be fearful and oppose equality for Americans of color elsewhere. That’s why Trump sounds very much like a ‘White Nationalist’, and even at times as pro-fascist because that’s the message of the far right as well. His theme of ‘Make America Great Again’ is really, when translated, make White European America safe again and stop the hoards of people of color taking ‘their America’ from them.

Here’s why they fundamentally support him: Trump has become their ‘bulwark’ against this demographic change which they fear above all else. That’s why Trump could do or say whatever he wanted and move increasingly to further extremes, and they’d still support him. They would support him even in dismantling what remains of truncated Democracy in America, if it were necessary in their view. And they still will continue to support him. Neither Trump nor Trumpism is going away. It has taken deep root in the 70 million, waiting for a resurrection in 2024 or even 2022.

All this is not unlike what happened in the USA in the 1850s decade. The USA is about at 1854 in terms of historical times and events. The 2024 election may therefore be even more ‘contentious’, should Biden and the Democrats fail to aggressively resolve the economic and health dual crises deepening this winter in America. Should Biden adopt a minimalist program and solution–in the name of a renewed ‘bipartisanship’ strategy aimed at placating Mitch McConnell’s Republican Senate–then ‘Bidenomics’ is doomed. It will result in a midterm 2022 election sweep return of Trump forces, maybe under the leadership of Trump, or maybe a Ted Cruz, or maybe a Marco Rubio. Or maybe some clever new face. A minimalist Biden program will suffer the fate of Obama’s minimalist economic stimulus program of January 2009, which resulted in a massive loss of electoral support for Democrats in the midterm elections of 2010 and in turn led to the loss of the US House of Representatives Democrat majority and then the Senate soon after. The economic consequences of that particular gridlock following that are all well known. There is a great risk of the same occurring in 2021-22.

The 2020 election looked in some fundamental ways a lot like 2016, with the differences today being the working and middle classes in the swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania flipped back to Democrats in 2020 after having voted for Trump in 2016. It was a 3 state flip. That flip was because Trump simply did not deliver on his 2016 promises to bring good paying industrial jobs back to those states after 20 years of free trade, offshoring, and the de-industrialization of the region. A good example of Trump’s failed promises was the Asian Foxconn Corp., maker of Apple iphone parts. Trump and Foxconn promised to bring 5000 jobs to the US upper midwest. It never happened. Foxconn’s operation in the US today is limited to only 250 jobs in a warehouse. So the upper midwest again slipped back by narrow margins to the Democrats. But if the Democrats now can’t deliver jobs either, they’ll just as easily slip back again in 2022 and 2024.

The other difference in 2020 from 2016 is the emergence of real grass roots movements in Georgia and in the southwest in Arizona-Nevada; Black folks and their allies in Georgia and Latinos and Native Americans in the southwest. Also new organizing and mobilizing of people of color and workers in places like Philadelphia, Detroit, Erie, Pittsburg, and elsewhere.

These new growing grass roots movements are the real political forces that determined Biden’s win, along with the working class and middle classes disenchantment with Trump’s failed promises. Biden’s win had therefore less to do with Nancy Pelosi’s strategy of targeting suburban white women, vets, professionals and independents. That strategy failed to produce any ‘blue wave’ whatsoever. In fact, it resulted in Democrat loss of seats in the House of Representatives, while wasting tens of millions of dollars on futile Senate races like that in Kentucky against Mitch McConnell. Just think if that money was spent in Georgia. If it was, there might not be the need to have runoff elections there this coming January for the state’s two Senate seats.

No, the Democrat leadership grand strategy was a definite failure; the strategy of mobilizing the grass roots in Georgia and the southwest, a strategy not supported much financially by the Democrat party leadership, is what has put Biden in the White House.

What remains to be seen is whether Pelosi, Shumer and the moneybag corporate donors of their party will understand what has really happened this election cycle and really why Biden won (and the House and Senate campaigns largely failed). If the leaders of the party now go the route of a minimalist program in 2020, as did Obama in 2009, they will no doubt come 2022 suffer a similar fate as Obama and they did in 2010. Then we will all be back to ‘square one’ with a resurgence of Trump and Trumpism once again.

The Democrats are at an historical crossroads. They can either understand the real forces behind the 70 million supporters who voted for Trump, or they can ignore history in the making and repeat history of the past of 2009-10 and subsequently suffer the same consequences in 2022 and certainly 2024. But don’t expect the media pundits to understand any of this, any more than they can even now comprehend why Trump’s followers number in the tens of millions despite his loss. They and Trump are not defeated yet. They have been merely ‘checked’ for a while.


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Dr. Jack Rasmus writes on his blog site where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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