Poisoned Land

December 22nd, 2020 by Prison Radio

It is no surprise that many prisons are built on polluted land that has been torn apart for resources, brutally mistreated, and virtually destroyed. The land is dangerous, wrought with toxins and pollutants. 

Prisons — places created to lock up and lock down the most marginalized people — are often chosen to inhabit these desolate and poisonous lands.

People who are imprisoned face atrocious environmental conditions on a daily basis, from contaminated drinking water to polluted air. In the midst of a pandemic, the living conditions for our people inside are only deteriorating. As correspondent Cecil Brookins notes, “We’re force-fed cancers, contagions, flus, and coronavirus with no tests or medical treatment.”

Prison Radio has access to the cruel and unlivable environment of prison through commentaries we record, written and spoken by people who are incarcerated, and we need your help to keep those voices on air. These commentaries, embedded with facts, research, and personal stories, are essential in the fight to expose the environmental abuse in prison administrations; by donating to our Winter Campaign now, you can make this impact. Work with us to ensure that the voices we need most are not silenced.

In Pennsylvania, State Correctional Institution (SCI) Fayette is located directly on a coal ash dump. According to the Abolitionist Law Center, 80% of the people imprisoned suffer from the toxic ash, causing a slew of health conditions, from routine headaches to respiratory illnesses. Our people inside have no choice but to sit and watch their health decline.

As correspondent Mumia Abu-Jamal commented on SCI Fayette,

“The culprit here is the wide array of chemicals…The other culprit? The PA Department of Corrections, which chose to build a prison in the midst of a toxic waste dump. In Pennsylvania, every prison sentence can be a death sentence.”

To build a prison on toxic land is extremely negligent to the lives of people who are incarcerated. Yet government officials have another priority: jobs. Since 1992, there have been five federal prisons built in central Appalachia, triggered from the downfall of coal mining, according to The National Resources Defense Council. This is a direct example of the prison industrial complex, as these prisons were not built to “fight crime,” but rather, to re-energize a dying economy.

In order to understand the state of the environmental conditions that people experience in prison, we need first-hand accounts. Our correspondents report the truth, and it is essential to amplify their voices. Donate if you are able, as correspondent Byrant Arroyo makes it clear that it is simply not an option to leave this fight in government hands.

“Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, DOC, knows it has a water crisis on its hands. The top agencies…know about this open secret, and have conspired to ignore most, if not all of prisoners’ official complaints,” Bryant Arroyo said.


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Selected Articles: The New Cold War with China

December 21st, 2020 by Global Research News

VIDEO: Ask The Experts: Covid-19 Vaccine – Now Banned on YouTube and Facebook

By Global Research News, December 21 2020

The opinions of prominent scientists who question the lockdown, the face-mask or social distancing are “taken down” by Google: “YouTube doesn’t allow content that spreads medical misinformation that contradicts the World Health Organization (WHO) or local health authorities‘

Joe Biden and the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty: A Timeline of Inaction and Disingenuous Proposals

By Shannon Bugos, December 21 2020

Upon entering office on January 20, 2021, President-elect Joe Biden will have 16 days before the last remaining treaty limiting US and Russian nuclear arsenals, the 2010 New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), expires.

Prosecution of Alleged War Crimes: Need for Afghan Voices in Australian Judicial Process

By Dr. Melinda Rankin and Dr. Jacinta OHagan, December 21 2020

The release of the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force’s report on the Afghanistan Inquiry (the Brereton Report) into alleged war crimes committed by Australian SAS soldiers has prompted outrage and shock.

Video: Mainstream Media vs. Real Journalism: John Pilger on the New Cold War with China, Biden’s Victory and the Coronavirus

By John Pilger, December 21 2020

He discusses the devastating impact of Covid-19 in the UK, rising poverty and militarism, the Western logic for the new Cold War with China, the victory of Joe Biden over Donald Trump and why not much will change with Trump leaving the White House, the Yemen War, the survival of Venezuela despite crippling international sanctions.

Donald Trump Administration’s Approval of “Radioactive Roads”: Lawsuit against EPA

By Center For Biological Diversity, December 21 2020

Environmental, public health and union groups sued the Environmental Protection Agency today for approving the use of radioactive phosphogypsum in roads. The groups also petitioned the agency to reconsider its Oct. 20 approval.

By Matthew Ehret-Kump, December 21 2020

Today, a new coordinated psychological operation has been sprung to convince every living patriot across the Five Eyes sphere of influence that the enemy of the free world who lurks behind every conspiracy to overthrow governments, and western values is…China.

Warning: Covid Vaccines! Huge Risks, Huge Injuries – Huge Compensations?

By Peter Koenig, December 21 2020

Did you know that the US Government since 1988 paid as of 1 December 2020 more than 4.4 billion dollars to vaccine-injury victims? – It’s your money – Taxpayers Money. This is Health Services and Service Administration Vaccine Injury Compensation Data.

Covid-19: Mass Testing Is Inaccurate and Gives False Sense of Security: British Medical Journal Report

By The BMJ, December 21 2020

Mass testing of people without covid-19 symptoms is “not an accurate way of screening the general population,” a senior figure at the Department of Health and Social Care has said in a letter seen by The BMJ.

Final Weeks in Office, Donald Trump Blacklists Dozens More Chinese Firms

By Stephen Lendman, December 21 2020

During his final weeks in office, Trump and hardliners surrounding him are on a virtual scorched earth rampage against nations on the US target list for regime change — notably China and Iran.

The Covid Vaccine: The Fate of “Human Guinea Pigs” from the Lab’s “Mouse Point of View”.

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 21 2020

How is it that a vaccine for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which under normal conditions would take years to develop, was promptly launched in early November 2020?

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Global Research: Analysis of a World in Crisis

December 21st, 2020 by The Global Research Team

Dear Readers,

As the year slowly draws to a close, we remain committed to providing a diverse and wide range of opinion and analysis of a World in crisis. Our sincere hope is that truth will ultimately prevail and will be used as an instrument of social, political and economic transformation. We are much indebted to our readers, to our authors and members of our team for their support and commitment.

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On this season finale episode of Going Underground, we speak to legendary journalist and filmmaker John Pilger.

He discusses the devastating impact of Covid-19 in the UK, rising poverty and militarism, the Western logic for the new Cold War with China, the victory of Joe Biden over Donald Trump and why not much will change with Trump leaving the White House, the Yemen War, the survival of Venezuela despite crippling international sanctions,

Mainstream journalism vs real journalism and much more!


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We contacted HM Treasury and they directed us to Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s words following the Spending Review:

Well, you know, yesterday was a spending review we were setting the budgets. And I was very clear when I set out the fiscal situation that what is happening this year is obviously not sustainable. You know that, your viewers know that, it is right to act in the way that we have this year to protect the economy in the medium term and I’m glad that the Office for Budget Responsibility who or independent fiscal watchdog acknowledged that what we’ve done has made a difference and it made a difference to keeping people in work primarily, which is what we’re trying to do.

But yes, you’re right, that can’t go on. Now is not the time to make those decisions because we’re dealing with so much uncertainty with the economy. The OBR yesterday presented three different scenarios. But once we get through this and we have greater certainty about the outlook, we can’t obviously have a situation where we’re borrowing this much and that is going up forever and a day.

When we get to an appropriate point, where we have certainty over the economy, we’ll look at how best to make sure that we have strong public finances. And the reason for that is simple. I have been able to respond in a comprehensive and generous way during this crisis, in part because of the decisions of my predecessors, which meant that we came into this with a strong set of public finances. I want to make sure whenever the next difficult thing comes along, the Chancellor can do the same response that I’ve done, and that will require us to make sure we get back to that strong position.

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During his final weeks in office, Trump and hardliners surrounding him are on a virtual scorched earth rampage against nations on the US target list for regime change — notably China and Iran.

They’re going all-out to prevent incoming Biden/Harris regime hardliners from reversing escalated US war on these nations by other means.

Pompeo announced the latest assault on China.

Defying reality, he falsely claimed that Beijing “harms US interests and undermines the sovereignty of our allies and partners (sic).”

Saying the Commerce Department “add(ed) 59 PRC entities to its export-control Entity List,” he added the following Big Lie:

Blacklisted Chinese firms “undermine our national security and foreign policy interests (sic).”

In response to the above hostile action, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said the following:

“The US side claims that it champions market economy and fair competition, but its politicization of trade issues goes against its words as well as international trade rules and is detrimental to the interests of both Chinese and American companies, the normal technological exchanges and trade flows between the two countries…on a global scale, and the stability of global industrial chains, supply chains, and value chains.”

“China will continue to take necessary measures to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese companies.”

“The US side has been smearing China and oppressing Chinese companies under the (phony) pretext of national security.”

“China firmly opposes such practice which violates market competition and international trade rules, jeopardizes global industrial and supply chains.”

Along with scores of other firms, the Trump regime blacklisted, China’s Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. (SMIC), its leading chipmaker, was targeted.

The US Commerce Department’s so-called Entity List includes “foreign persons…businesses, research institutions, government and private organizations, individuals, and other types of legal persons — that are subject to specific license requirements for the export, reexport and/or transfer (in-country) of specified items.”

Commerce Department Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) license requirements for exporting goods and service to the US are all about blacklisting designated firms of targeted countries like China.

The policy aims to give corporate America a leg up on foreign competition, notably from China.

Blacklisted firms are prohibited from purchasing US technology without Washington’s permission.

On Friday, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said the following:

“We will not allow advanced US technology to help build the military of an increasingly belligerent adversary (sic),” adding:

“Between SMIC’s relationships of concern with the military industrial complex, China’s aggressive application of military civil fusion mandates and state-directed subsidies, SMIC perfectly illustrates the risks of China’s leverage of US technology to support its military modernization (sic).”

Whenever accusations like the above are made about China or other nations free from US control, no credible evidence accompanies them because none exists.

No nations threaten US national security. In stark contrast, imperial USA threatens everyone everywhere — at home and abroad.

SMIC, tech giant Huawei, and other Chinese firms on the US entity list are targeted for involvement in developing world-class/state-of-the-art telecommunications, semiconductor, and other high-tech products able to compete with their US counterparts globally.

On Friday, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi slammed “unacceptable” US actions against its firms.

Since Trump took office in January 2017, his regime blacklisted over 300 Chinese entities — an act of war by other means.

It’ll likely continue in similar form against all nations on the US target list for regime change after a January 20 change of the guard in Washington.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

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While Donald Trump’s policies towards Latin America sought to disrupt China’s investments in the region, the ever-increasing presence of the Asian giant in the continent will be something with which the new Biden administration will have to contend.

China has been increasing its investments and business associations across vast areas of Latin America during the Trump administration, a fact that the administration of President-elect Joe Biden will have to contend with, as it deals with the resource-rich region once considered the United States’s backyard.

A Reuters investigation, which includes interviews with current and former officials and advisers, and an analysis of trade data, has found that under Trump, China has surpassed the United States in terms of power and influence across most of Latin America.

This presents a challenge for Biden, who has pledged to restore Washington’s role as a global leader after years of Trump’s “America First” policies and has said that slipping U.S. influence in Latin American is a threat to national security.

Since 2018, China has overtaken the United States as the biggest trade partner to Latin America – excluding Mexico – concentrating on Andean copper, Argentine grains, and Brazilian meat. Beijing has also been actively promoting low-interest loans to the region, backing energy projects, solar farms, dams, ports, railway lines, and highways.

Officials in the region have warned that China, a major economic and diplomatic partner for many developing and emerging economies around the world, will be difficult to displace. Billions of Chinese dollars have given crucial lifelines for indebted emerging countries, a need further stressed by the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

“I think China has more interest in Argentina than the United States has in Argentina. And that is what makes the difference,” an Argentine government official told Reuters.

China is now the number one trade partner to Brazil, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, and others. It far outpaces the United States in terms of trade with Argentina.

According to an analysis of trade figures from the U.N. Comtrade database, China’s trade with the region overtook the United States in 2018 and extended that in 2019 to more than $223 billion versus U.S. trade of $198 billion, figures which exclude Mexico. The United States’ trade with Mexico – its top trade partner globally last year – continue to remain at higher numbers than that of the Latin American country with China.

The Trump administration was viewed by some countries in the region as doing little more than criticizing its Latin American counterparts for getting too close to China, particularly through cheap financing or technology ties as the race for 5G dominance heats up.

Mark Feierstein, who advised former President Barack Obama, said Trump’s lack of engagement and exit from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade bloc created a vacuum that China had filled – and that Biden will look to reverse.

“What Trump has done is to make China look like a better partner. All that will change,” said Feierstein, now a senior adviser at Albright Stonebridge Group and CLS Strategies.

Featured image: Deputy Director General of International Cooperation of the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture, Xie Jianmin, highlighted that bilateral trade in agriculture between China and Latin America will exceed $40 billion USD in the next five years. | Photo: EFE/Alfonso Bauluz

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Behold the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

December 21st, 2020 by Pepe Escobar

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. – Oscar Wilde

Today all radio stations on Planet Earth should be playing this song. What the aptly named Fifth Dimension immortalized in their spring of 1969 psychedelic soul classic is now literally true: This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius – the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21st  at 𝟬° in Aquarius.

Aquarius starts just as some dodgy, self-important elites gear up to impose a Great Reset on most of the planet – following a very specific, reductionist and exclusionist political agenda. Yet the real deal is not the Reset; it’s the Mutation.

So we’re all into something much bigger than any neo-Orwellian scenario. To shed much needed light into what seems our current, interminable darkness, I posed selected questions to Vanessa Guazzelli, a respected astrologer, writer and speaker in astrology conferences worldwide, as well as a practicing psychoanalyst and psychologist.

Let astrology fertilize geopolitics. Let the sunshine in.

Image: The astro-cartographic map of the Great Mutation

All that is solid mutates into air

PE: Arguably not many people around the world are aware that a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction this December 21st seems to represent the ultimate game-changer – defined by serious astrology scholars as the Great Mutation.

Could you please elaborate on what this Mutation really means, astrologically, as it seems to take place every 200 years? And bringing it back to everyday life and politics, are we permitted to infer geopolitical parallels from what the stars are telling us?   

VG: By Great Mutation we refer to when the Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions change elements, which happens every 200 years as you mentioned. Jupiter and Saturn are in conjunction, astrologically, by ecliptic longitude, every 20 years, not that long a period. However, they keep on intersecting in signs of the same element for 200 years, with the possibility of another 40 years of transition, indicating a greater cycle.

Jupiter and Saturn are what we call social planets and are to be considered in regards to politics and geopolitics. When the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction starts to effectively happen in the next element, it marks the Great Mutation, denoting important socioeconomic and cultural changes. That’s what is happening now.

Image: Vanessa Guazzelli.

We come from a two-century period of conjunctions in Earth signs. The emphasis has been on matter and the more tangible dimension of life – material boys and girls in a material world. As we now move on into the element of air, as they conjoin at 0º of Aquarius, a call for sublimation takes place.

All that is solid mutates into air. Things and procedures can be less material and more digital and, to some extent, virtual. But not only that. Shared ideas and ideals gain yet more importance. More then what we materially have, with whom and what for is what matters most. Collaboration and cooperation are, now more than ever, the winds which make the world go around.

This is indeed a highly significant astrological aspect and configuration happening on December 21, at 18h20 UTC. In parts of Asia and Oceania, it will be already past midnight, on December 22.

This is not only the Great Mutation but a Great Conjunction, when the two farthest visible planets conjoin not merely by longitude but also by latitude (ecliptic coordinates), by both right ascension and declination (equatorial coordinates). That means they are not just aligned in the same direction but really, really close to each other in the sky as seen from Earth, almost as if they were one and the same star.

Last time the two heavenly bodies have been that close was in 1623, but that was not a Great Mutation, just a regular conjunction in terms of ecliptic longitude. Astrologically, the fact that all these enhancements happen together at this time intensifies the significance of what this conjunction now indicates, how powerful a mutation it marks.

In everyday life, it also speaks of an increase in technological development, digitalization of things and procedures, including crypto-currencies and digital money as a sort of “sublimed” money, from matter to a lighter, less material “substance” which can quickly circulate through air.

At a more personal level, we tend to lose interest in social contexts which are not in tune with our ideas and ideals, and we’re pulled towards groups, associations and projects in the same wavelength as we are.  It is not a time to merely rely on institutions to take care of people, but a time to discern for oneself and then connect with others with shared interests, ideals, purposes.

The air element is where we open space and make room for the Other, be it in respect for differences or to collaborate and cooperate towards shared interests and projects. Co-op’s, where every participant gets a fair, proportional share, in a joint enterprise, is surely a way to go.

Aquarius is opposite to the centralizing sign of Leo. Geopolitically, that is to say, it is not the time for a hegemonic single star to rule the world, but a time of many stars illuminating the entire sky. It is not a time for a single empire. There can be empires, if in plural. The strength of powerful nations now lies, more than ever, in the quality of their partnerships and alliances in mutual respect, as equals.

Any power which loses sight of that crucial key will see it, in the short or long run, backfire. Some are more powerful than others and some will be more prominent than others. Nonetheless, they are not alone. It is time for a multipolar world – now that is the Mandate of Heaven.

Regarding the Great Mutation’s astro-cartographic map, which shows the lines of planetary positions on the face of the Earth, it is interesting to notice that the IC lines of Jupiter and Saturn go through Beijing, indicating the relevance of China in the foundation of this 200-year cycle, for the IC is the root of an astrological chart.

On the other side of the globe, we see the MC lines of the two planets going through South America (Venezuela, Brazilian Amazon, Bolivia, Argentina), showing the value of the continent’s resources in this new cycle.

What the Davos crew is up to

PE: Our current, turbulent juncture seems to be pointing towards increased bio-security and what some serious systemic analysis defines as techno-feudalism. All this implies hyper-concentration of power – and not only power exercised by the geopolitical hegemon, the United States. Should we now expect a serious mutation of the world-system – as studied by Immanuel Wallerstein, in the sense of serious changes to our capitalist system? 

                                                    Image: Immanuel Wallerstein. Source: Wikimedia Commons

VG: Yes, we should. We are at the very turning point of the world-system. Along with the Great Mutation, another immensely significant aspect in the 2020s is the Saturn-Neptune conjunction, in February 2026, at 0º of Aries. This is precisely the first degree of the whole Zodiac, also called the Vernal Point – crucial in astrological interpretation.

Saturn and Neptune conjoin every 36 years, which is a relatively short historical cycle. However, as with the Great Mutation, the way it occurs and where in occurs in the Zodiac can lead us to broader historical perspectives and indicate more expressive historical moments.

If we go back up to 7,000 years ago, this conjunction has occurred at the Vernal Point only in 4361 B.C. and 1742 B.C. If we look up three thousand years ahead, the closest it gets to the Vernal Point is 3º of Aries in 3172. Quite rare. So this conjunction at the first degree of the Zodiac, 0º of Aries – the very beginning – is not that small a deal.

Neptune impregnates and conceives; Saturn refers to the concrete structure of reality; and 0º of Aries means new, springing up. Saturn-Neptune on 0º Aries means a new conception of reality.

Aspects between Saturn and Neptune, by historical observation, are associated with socialism and communism – these movements on Earth coincide with the transiting contacts between these two planets in the sky. It has already been proven in mundane astrology historically. Moreover, this does not just tell us about the past, for it is in fact just about to begin – upgrading and advancing, reconfiguring itself in yet new forms of socialism.

According to Wallerstein, during the structural crisis which characterizes the final period of a world-system, a bifurcation of the system can tilt to one of either directions, or to multiple systems. Before passing away last year, he did consider us to be right in the middle of the structural crisis of capitalism, which lasts 60 to 80 years.

I’d say at this moment we are past the mid-point. It could, initially, go towards multiple systems in two branches: on the one hand, the freshness of the Eastern winds inspiring socialism and multipolarity through the Belt and Road Initiative and the integration of Eurasia and its partners; on the other hand, the whirlwind of the collapsing empire and its Western allies as a terminator cyborg operated by the perverse 0.0001% who are so lifeless they cannot conceive other people’s right to exist.

When I first heard about it in June 2020, it astonished me how they set the “Great Reset” for January 2021, so close to the Great Mutation at the end of December 2020. I doubt this is a mere coincidence or “synchronicity.” J P Morgan is known to have affirmed that millionaires don’t need astrologers, but billionaires do.

Possibly aware of this great transition, the Davos crew seem to be actually trying to reset the system they already rule with their own settings and revive the dying system as a cyborg from hell.

Image: ‘Wall Street Bubbles – always the same,’ 1901 cartoon by Keppler, depicts J.P. Morgan as a bull blowing soap bubbles for eager investors. Source: Wikimedia Commons

The nefarious potential of the Aquarian emphasis is the control of society through technology, be it techno-feudalism or, gods forbid, techno-slavery. On the brighter side of the Force, Aquarius is about a social project to sustain life and meet the needs of the people. Both dimensions or systems might co-exist on Earth for a while.

Western powers – not to mention the Masters of the Universe, as you say, who pull their strings – seem to have a long way to go before reaching a state of real and respectful cooperation. Perhaps more ancient civilizations found in the East have a deeper, more consistent root from which to draw the wisdom and maturity necessary in such challenging times for humanity.

Often remembered for the food and goods traded along the route, the Silk Roads involved in the past and involve nowadays the exchange of ideas. It is interesting to observe the strong Aquarian edge activated in China’s astrological progressions when the Belt and Road Initiative was first proposed by Xi Jinping in Astana, in 2013, and how it connected to the degree of the Great Mutation (progressed Venus and Jupiter conjunct AC at 1º Aquarius).

When some years before that Vladimir Putin gave his historical speech in Munich, proposing the Eurasian Integration, in February 2007, there was a Saturn-Neptune aspect – an opposition. When at the 70th UN Assembly, both Putin and Xi delivered long, strong and synchronized speeches affirming the multipolarity of the world, in 2015, there was also a Saturn-Neptune aspect – a square.

The next Saturn-Neptune aspect will be the conjunction, in February 2026, inaugurating a brand new cycle and we can expect it to be related to these previous movements, keeping in mind the cycle points towards multipolarity and new forms of socialism.

The Black Moon spell

PE: Could Covid-19, on a certain level, be interpreted as the – unpleasant – preamble towards a Great Mutation? After all the new social (un)reality represents a system upside down: near-total economic devastation, especially of small businesses; canceling of constitutional rights; governments practically ruling by decree, with no popular consultation; global corporations censoring any manner of informed dissent; whole societies practically under house arrest; most of the planet reduced to a sort of totalitarian theme park.

VG: Oh, Covid-19 – we could have a whole conversation just on the implications of it at so many dimensions, and how it can be, to some extent, astrologically tracked. It definitely can be interpreted as the unpleasant preamble, perhaps aiming to the Great Reset, one could ponder.

An unprecedented worldwide collective experience – and experiment. Nevertheless, serving to shake it all up, transforming our very perception of time, preparing for the conception of a new time. To all those paying attention, a call to be yet more alive, more vivid, against all odds.

A nearly black moon. Image: Getty/AFP

The very dichotomy which has been so emphasized between “either caring for life or caring for the economy” in and of itself shows how absurd a world it already was. How many people so easily got caught into separating one thing from the other, as if it was a means to resist the system and finally say no to the demands of capital accumulation. To eventually see, indeed, small businesses devastated, poverty increasing drastically, whilst billionaires concentrate wealth to yet more bizarre levels.

Something fundamental to consider is how it has affected the human body.  The pandemic was declared with Black Moon (the lunar apogee) in Aries and that indicates the importance of being sharply present and responsive as Michael Jackson danced, Bruce Lee moved and Maria Zakharova responds.

In October, Black Moon, this astrological point representing the visceral and instinctive dimension of existence, moved into Taurus, highlighting the importance of being aware of how the life force in us is conditioned or channeled, shaping how we perceive our own existence. For instance, how the confinement of the body might – or might not – confine our psyche.

What are the psychological effects of the lack of touch or the physical experience of constantly having our mouths covered? How those situations affect our psyche is not irrelevant. Both René Descartes and Wilhelm Reich had Black Moon in Taurus. How are mind and body related? Are they a cartesian dichotomy or are they intertwined as bio-energetic unity moved by libido?

This is an important underlying issue in our collective until July 2021.

The fate of the American empire

PE: Astrology in History is full of fascinating stories about celestial interpretations opening the way to a crucial political or military move. For instance, right before the Mongol conquest of Baghdad in 1258, the Great Khan, Hulegu, asked the court astrologer about the prospects ahead. The astrologer, Husam al-Din, said that if he followed his generals and invaded Baghdad, the consequences would be ominous.

But then Hulegu turned to a Shi’a astronomer, Tusi, a polymath. Tusi said the invasion would be a major success. That’s what happened – and Tusi was admitted into Hulegu’s inner circle. So the Mongols – who built the largest empire in history – were big fans of “celestial insurance.” Could “celestial insurance” in our times end up predicting the fate of another empire – the US?

VG: That’s true, there are so many fascinating stories. The end of the Byzantine Empire and conquest of Constantinople by Sultan Mehmet II of the Ottoman Empire was also marked by an astrological prediction of the Ottoman victory related to an eclipse.

The US Pluto return happens in 2022. That’s massive. It’s a cycle of approximately 247 years. Pluto has a sense of fate to it. The return of the lord of the underworld also speaks of the return of that which was repressed, hidden or rejected. It will have three exact hits throughout 2022, and the final and definitive of the next Pluto cycle has the planet of death and regeneration facing Black Moon Lilith in Cancer, in opposition. Karma is a bitch and hits home.

It is also a cycle related to power and power status. It won’t all be bad and some victorious moments will be there, but there is a change in the country’s position in the balance of powers in the world which is not so easy to digest. The power struggle will be intense, both externally and internally, with considerable risks of destructive manifestations. The best way to go through such a moment would be to purge – although it’s hard to believe “the swamp” can be so easily drained.

It is a call for a deep transformation, when all things under the rug and corpses out of the basement are to be dealt with. For the nation’s people it is a call for maturity (Saturn conjoins Moon), compassion and a more humanly receptive disposition (Neptune opposition), letting illusions dissolve and realizing the empire is losing its hegemony and status, but the nation will continue. What nation should it be for its people – as opposed to against other peoples?

This doesn’t mean the American Empire will fall by 2022, but it is collapsing and will undergo dramatic transformations in the coming decade.

A Dystopian Renaissance

PE: Amid so much gloom, looks like you are introducing a very hopeful concept: “Dystopian Renaissance”. That’s the exact opposite of what is being largely interpreted as our inevitable neo-Orwellian future. How would you characterize this Dystopian Renaissance – in terms of individual, collective, political and cultural struggle?

VG: The concept emerges precisely to elucidate the extreme complexity of our times. Well, the renaissance part seems very hopeful, doesn’t it? But, there’s the dystopian part to it too. It is not a utopian renaissance, as we well know. Perhaps in 200 years, when we reach the Great Mutation into water, the same element as the magnificent Italian Renaissance, humanity might be able to feel and better comprehend deeper dimensions of life. Why not aim for Utopia next? But whatsoever may be possible by then passes through right now.

It is now that, along with this special Great Mutation, a few significant astrological aspects point to a real change of the world-system. It takes this crucial moment in time and this period of air to elevate perspectives, to share ideas and ideals and understand how enriching it can be to build “a community with a shared future for mankind,” as Xi Jinping puts it.

A highly enhanced turning point, opening new horizons, offering the possibility of enriching exchanges in a multipolar world, and with a call for socialism like we haven’t known before.

Catalan Atlas, detail showing family Of Marco Polo 1254-1324 traveling by camel caravan, 1375, drawing by Spanish School. Source: Wikimedia

Let’s not forget this moment in time also resonates with the 13th century, when Venetian Marco Polo, traveling through the Silk Roads to Asia, brought back to Europe the freshness of the Eastern winds, with news from Kublai Khan’s Yuan Dynasty, including the “sublimation” of money into a lighter form, from coin to paper.

At that time, there was a stellium (a concentration of planets) in Capricorn just as we had in 2020, with the following Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius (although not as a Great Mutation), and Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius as we will also have in 2023/2024. It is an absurdly dystopian context, but a turning point for a new conception of reality and the possibility for surprising new horizons.

A new world system is in the air

PE: Giorgio Agamben has referred to that famous Foucault intuition in Les Mots et les Choses, when Foucault writes that humankind may disappear like a figure drawn in the sand being erased by waves hitting the shore. The striking image may apply to our present, mutating condition, as we are about to enter a trans-human and even post-human era, dominated by artificial intelligence (AI) and genetic engineering.

Agamben argues that Covid-19, global warming and, more radically, direct digital access to our psychic life – all these elements are destroying humanity. Would the Great Mutation install a different paradigm – and lead us away from post-humanity?

FG: The rapid development in technology will be something seriously complex to deal with. It will be amazing in many ways, but not all pretty, presenting undeniable challenges, some of which are already here and about to intensify.

What are the effects of technology and artificial intelligence in both our organic and our subjective bodies? Mind control with bidirectional devices, both collecting information and inducing commands is a work in progress.

Perverse levels of technological control of society are a serious concern as Pluto, aka Hades, lord of the underworld, will also transit in technological and futuristic Aquarius from 2023/24 on, up until 2043/44 – times of intense social transformation, when technological advancements will blow our minds and the very conception of science will change considerably, but with serious risks of trans-human and post-human madness.

We cannot disregard our organicity. We cannot disregard our subjectivity, either. Pluto is about transformation or domination – in other words, quoting a recent article of yours: “Here’s our future: hackers or slaves.”

We’ve got to go hacking not only in the objective sense – which surely becomes more and more a desirable skill – but in the subjective sense as well, finding lines of flight and keeping Eros alive, the life force in us vivid.

Considering we’re already here, living through dystopian times, we might as well make the best out of this undeniably epic adventure. Instead of succumbing to fear and isolation, overtaken by the doom and gloom, let’s not forget Wallerstein’s observation on destiny versus free will – a very cool take, by the way, which my experience as an astrologer observing collective and individual cycles very much confirms: Both exist.

During the stable period of a world-system, its normal life when its structure is functioning well, even if there are some fluctuations in it, it is very hard to change things in the system, it tends to stabilization. It’s destiny: you gotta put a whole lot of effort to get perhaps very little change trying to escape destiny.

But when the world-system has reached its final phase, it can no longer be rescued and there is a lot of instability. The crisis is not going away and the only possibility is change, in one way or another – it’s free will time. In the structural crisis, Wallerstein says we have more free will, our actions have a stronger impact and every little move counts to decide in which direction the change of the system will go.

In our personal lives at this turning point in time, as Foucault questions, we may also ask ourselves: As humans, are we an obstacle or obstruction? Are we a way of imprisoning life – or are we an opening, a line of flight?

In regard to Foucault’s words you and Agamben bring to light, please allow me to refer to the previous paragraph, just before that final one in Les Mots et les Choses, when he states that by “taking a relatively short chronological sample within a restricted geographical area – European culture since the sixteenth century – one can be certain that man is a recent invention within it.”

The “man” he is referring to as the effect of a change in the fundamental arrangements of knowledge a couple of centuries ago, with the newer arrangements perhaps about to end, is within European references. That is neither the beginning nor the end of man, nor its only interesting expression. With huge, deep appreciation for so much of European culture, perhaps one of the things coming to a necessary end is Eurocentrism.

Nonetheless, of course, it is deeply worrying how faces are being at the same time digitally traced by machines and hidden from other humans by masks – especially the effects of that in children.  The current transition is not without epistemological effects and effects on how we conceive man, humans. But it’s not all said and done.

To counter the objectification of humans, it may be timely to draw from the Tupis’ conception of human beings: tu + pi , seated sound. A human being is a sound which has taken a seat, has taken place and vibrates. We gotta keep our bodies, faces and words vibrant. For the native South American Tupis, each human being is a new music, a new word vibrating and co-creating life with others and nature.

Albert Eckhout painting of a Tupi man. Source: Wikipedia

It seems that the deeper roots of aboriginal-indigenous wisdom still need to be more fully acknowledged and reintegrated in the Americas before the reinvention of the world in the West can take place.

Now winds blow from the East and from Eurasia, inspiring new forms of co-existence. But the controllers of capital, wealth and worldly power won’t give it up without a fight – or a few wars and a heavy load of social control via technology, capturing bodies and minds. What will it be – Great Reset or Great Mutation?

Is there a way out? Yes. And it seems to go along the New Silk Roads and the Eurasia Integration – literally to some important extent, but symbolically as well. The West can gain a lot from opening up to the Eastern winds, the news and the ideas they bring, stories of a community of shared future for mankind. A new world-system is in the air.

Originally published on Asia-Times

Featured image: The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn is upon us and there is no looking back. Image: Twitter

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Capitalism and patriotism do not share the same stable. When those in the business of accumulating profits suggest a love for flag and country, be wary.  Wars might take place and trade agreements struck by governments, but the capitalist will go for the market that matters, whatever the flag.

A recent exponent of this proposition is Sir Jim Ratcliffe, a billionaire who was a strong advocate for Britain leaving the European Union.  In approaching negotiations with the EU after the referendum result, he had an instruction to Britain’s diplomats: “We must listen, we must be unwaveringly polite and retain our charm.  But there is no room for weakness or crumpling at 3am when the going gets tough and when most points are won or lost.”  He praised Britain’s “decent set of cards”: London as a key financial centre; companies such as Mercedes continuing to sell cars in the country.

This sentiment was echoed by other wealthy British billionaires who simply assumed that the consequences of a UK exit from the EU were going to be minor ripples rather than a massive shake.  It was the sort of advice given by occupants of mansions and gilded penthouses, gradually ossifying with time.  Lord Anthony Bamford, Chairman of JCB and Construction Equipment, claimed from his summit of comfort that “European markets are important to many UK businesses, including JCB, and this will not change.”  The UK, being the “world’s fifth largest trading nation” had “little to fear from leaving the EU.”

Ditto the Barclay twins Sir David and Sir Frederick and John Caudwell, founder of Phones4u.  Caudwell remains dogmatically convinced that the EU was thieving from Britons, claiming that the “Brussels Bully Boys” had benefited “by £80 billion in trade benefit in trading with Britain,” plundered the UK’s fishing waters and obtained “£8 billion in net value from the country.”

In the aftermath of the Brexit vote in 2016, Ratcliffe’s business mind initially turned to the Union Jack and all matters Britannic. He had hoped to build the Grenadier off-roader, inspired by the original Land Rover Defender, at a new plant at Bridgend in south Wales.  To do so showed, according to Ratcliffe, “a significant expression of confidence in British manufacturing”.  It also showed a leap of faith on his part, given how he had made his previous fortune.  As he told the Times in September 2017, “Maybe it’s a little bit arrogant for a chemical company to think it can produce a world class 4×4 but I think we can have confidence we can manufacture things.”

But Sir Jim, with fine arrogance, was sniffing for other options, as have many firms who have been relocating, closing, and hacking through staff.  In July, Ratcliffe’s Ineos Automotive began negotiations to purchase Mercedes-Benz’s Hambach site in Moselle.  He was all praise for the facility and the workforce, which he considered “world-class”.  His company had “set out a vision to build the world’s best utilitarian 4×4, and at our new home in Hambach, we will do just that.”

The Welsh Labour MP for Ogmore, Chris Elmore, was unimpressed by the extolling of French expertise at the expense of a British workforce.  “The highly-skilled and dedicated workforce in Ogmore, Bridgend and surrounding areas would have risen to the challenge.”

Sir James Dyson, despite being warm for his country’s EU departure, has also given Brexiteers a false sense of Making Britain Great Again.  In September 2017, the inventor revealed his dreams to employees that “we’ve begun work on a battery electric vehicle, due to launch in 2020.”  In immodest terms, this would become something like a European Tesla.

Such optimism began to sour.  First came an epiphany on where the cars would be manufactured.  In October 2018, Dyson abandoned RAF Hullavington as a production site for the proposed cars, preferring Singapore.   Twelve months later, staff were informed that, despite developing “a fantastic electric car,” the project had not proved to be “commercially viable.”  That same year, it became clear to all that Singapore was his new love, with reports that Dyson had spent $54.24 million on purchasing the small state’s most expensive penthouse at Guoco Tower.

Dyson had also taken a shine to Singapore’s company tax arrangements.  Chief executive for Dyson’s company Jim Rowan suggested that the decision had little to with Brexit or even that thorny issue of tax.  He preferred using a hideous term to cover the obvious: “future-proofing”.  The billionaire was merely being prudent.  But Rowan also tellingly revealed that Dyson should not be considered a British entity so much as a “global technology company.”  Patriotism could sod it.

Not to be outdone on the issue of tax, Ratcliffe has also made a critical move on preserving his earnings.  Just to show how bound up he feels to his fellow Britons, the Ineos boss has also changed his tax domicile.  Brexit Britain will no longer be receiving tax revenue from a man whose wealth is valued at £17.5 billion.  His move to Monaco will save him, and lose the UK government, £4 billion.  Patriotic he might claim to be, but certainly not when it comes to his wallet.  As Jonathan Freedland caustically observes, such figures are part of “a Brexiteer elite who believe that the pain of Brexit is for the little people.”


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

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Thousands of people have been unable to work or perform daily activities, or required care from a healthcare professional, after getting the new COVID-19 vaccine, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

As of Dec. 18, 3,150 people reported what the agency terms “Health Impact Events” after getting vaccinated.

The definition of the term is: “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional.”

As The Epoch Times’ Zachary Stieber reportsthe people reporting the negative effects reported them through V-safe, a smartphone application. The tool uses text messages and web surveys to provide personalized health check-ins and allows users to quickly tell the CDC if they are experiencing side effects.

The CDC and Pfizer, which produces the vaccine with BioNTech, didn’t respond to request for comments.

The information was presented by Dr. Thomas Clark, a CDC epidemiologist, to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, an independent panel that provides recommendations to the agency, on Saturday.

The CDC said that 272,001 doses of the vaccine were administered as of Dec. 19. That means most people who were vaccinated did not experience negative effects.

The CDC has identified six case reports of anaphylaxis, or severe allergic reaction, that occurred following vaccination with the new vaccine, Clark reported. Other case reports were reviewed and determined not to be of anaphylaxis.

In an update on Friday, the agency stressed that anyone who has ever had a severe allergic reaction to any ingredient in a COVID-19 vaccine should not get that vaccine. People with severe allergic reactions to other vaccines should consult their doctor about getting the new vaccine while those with a history of anaphylaxis not related to vaccines “may still get vaccinated.”

“CDC recommends that people with a history of severe allergic reactions not related to vaccines or injectable medications – such as allergies to food, pet, venom, environmental, or latex – may still get vaccinated,” the CDC said.

“People with a history of allergies to oral medications or a family history of severe allergic reactions, or who might have a milder allergy to vaccines (no anaphylaxis) – may also still get vaccinated.”

Anyone who experiences anaphylaxis after getting the first vaccine should not get the second shot, the CDC said. COVID-19 vaccines are meant to be given across two doses, spaced about three weeks apart.

At least five healthcare workers in Alaska experienced adverse reactions after getting the Pfizer vaccine, the Anchorage Daily News reported. One of two experiencing adverse reactions at the Bartlett Regional Hospital required treatment at the hospital for at least two nights.

An Illinois hospital halted vaccinations after four workers suffered adverse reactions.

Dr. Peter Marks, the director of Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, told reporters in a call on Thursday night that the agency is working with the CDC, and colleagues in the United Kingdom, on probing the allergic reactions.

“We’ll be looking at all of the data we can from each of these reactions to sort out exactly what happened. And we’ll also be looking to try to understand which components of the vaccine might be helping to produce them,” he said.

A container of 5 doses of COVID-19 vaccine sits on a table at Roseland Community Hospital in Chicago, Ill., on Dec. 18, 2020. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Noting that he was speculating, Marks said it’s known that polyethylene glycol – a component present in both the Pfizer vaccine and one from Moderna that regulators approved earlier in the day – can be associated, uncommonly, with allergic reactions.

“So that could be a culprit here. And that’s why we’ll be watching very closely,” he said. “But we just don’t know at this point.”

Both vaccines have “systemic side effects,” which are “generally mild,” Marks said.

They go away after a day. According to the FDA website, the most commonly reported side effects include tiredness, headache, muscle pain, and chills. The agency said they go away after several days.

One volunteer in Pfizer’s late-stage clinical trial experienced an allergic reaction. Two people in Moderna’s phase 3 clinical trial experienced anaphylactic reactions, the company said during a meeting on Thursday. But the data showed the benefits outweigh the risk, FDA officials said, as they granted emergency use authorization to the vaccines about seven days apart.

People who get a COVID-19 vaccine should be monitored for at least 15 minutes after getting vaccinated, according to the CDC.

If someone experiences a severe allergic reaction against getting a COVID-19 vaccine, vaccination providers are supposed to provide rapid care and call for emergency medical services. The person should continue to be monitored in a medical facility for at least several hours.

Featured image courtesy of Zero Hedge

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Mass testing of people without covid-19 symptoms is “not an accurate way of screening the general population,” a senior figure at the Department of Health and Social Care has said in a letter seen by The BMJ (see Related content).

The comments were made by James Bethell, , in response to a letter from an MP raising concerns about blanket polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing on behalf of a constituent.

In his letter Bethell stated that “swab testing people with no symptoms is not an accurate way of screening the general population, as there is a real risk of giving false reassurance.” He added, “Widespread asymptomatic testing could undermine the value of testing, as there is a risk of giving misleading results. Rather, only people with covid-19 symptoms should get tested.”

The comments were made as the government expanded mass testing of asymptomatic people after a pilot scheme in Liverpool and announced a further rollout of widespread testing in schools.

Swabs are used both for PCR tests and for rapid tests that have been deployed by the government for mass testing in Liverpool and care homes and do not need to be sent to a laboratory for results. One of the main rapid tests used is the Innova Lateral Flow SARS-CoV-2 antigen test, which involves a self-administered swab. However, data released from the Liverpool pilot programme showed that this test detected just 48.89% of covid-19 infections in asymptomatic people when compared with a PCR test.1

When questioned about the letter a spokesperson for the Department of Health and Social Care told The BMJ, “The government is committed to using lateral flow tests in community testing to break the chains of transmission among those with asymptomatic infection . . . The minister’s letter was in reply to a specific question about ‘blanket PCR testing,’ and it remains the case that PCR testing is prioritised for symptomatic testing.”

Less accurate

However, experts have argued that it does not make sense that lateral flow tests—which are far less accurate than PCR tests—are considered good enough for mass asymptomatic testing, while PCR testing is being avoided because of its potential for false reassurance.

Jon Deeks, professor of biostatistics at the University of Birmingham and leader of the Cochrane Collaboration’s covid-19 test evaluation activities, said, “There are particular concerns about false reassurance. It doesn’t make sense that the government is concerned about false reassurance for PCR tests but not lateral flow tests.

“Lateral flow tests are going to give more false reassurance than PCR testing, because they are less accurate. It’s good to see the government is concerned about false reassurance, but haven’t they got this the wrong way around?”

Mass testing has been used at universities throughout England to help keep the virus under control on campuses. Most programmes use lateral tests, although some, such as Cambridge University, have used PCR tests.

Mike Gill, former regional director of public health for the South East England region, said, “This letter has emerged as [the education secretary] Gavin Williamson has announced the introduction of widespread testing in schools with the statement, ‘This expansion of testing into schools and colleges will ensure more certainty for children and parents and everyone working so hard in education.’

“Williamson’s statement was bad enough on its own, since it comes across as yet another egregious display of not being guided by science. The last thing anybody should be encouraged to entertain after an Innova test result, whether positive or negative, is certainty, let alone ‘more’ of it.

“Put alongside the very welcome position taken by Lord Bethell in his letter, it becomes impossible to use the word ‘coherent’ in the context of current government approaches to policy development and implementation.”

The BMJ did not receive a response to a request for clarification from Lord Bethell.


Correction: We amended paragraphs 3 and 5 this article on 18 December 2020 to make clear that rapid lateral flow tests are a type of swab test. On 21 December we posted a redacted version of James Bethell’s letter alongside the article.

Wise Covid-19: Lateral flow tests miss over half of cases, Liverpool pilot data showBMJ2020;371:m4848. doi:10.1136/bmj.m4848 pmid:33323368 FREE Full Text Google Scholar 

View Abstract

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The U.S., via its Space Policy Directive-6 (SPD-6), announced plans to set up a nuclear power plant on the Moon by 2027. The SPD-6 states that the Moon will be installed with a fission power system that will have a power range of 40 kilowatt-electric (kWe) and higher so that the celestial body can support a sustained lunar presence and allow Mars to be more easily explored.

China’s Global Times reported that the U.S.’ ambitions will lead to future lunar military projects as it seeks space supremacy. According to Song Zhongping, a Chinese military expert, the moon is rich in helium-3, which can be used to produce energy by nuclear fusion. Song warned that by setting up a nuclear power plant, the Americans can theoretically turn the Moon “into a production site of nuclear weapons”.

U.S. President Donald Trump, as Eurasian Times reported, issued the SPD-6, which lays out a national strategy for the responsible and effective use of space nuclear power and propulsion (SNPP) systems.

Li Haidong, a professor at the Institute of International Relations of the China Foreign Affairs University highlighted that the use of SNPP is in the attempt to establish “American unilateralism” over space. As per the Moon Treaty, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1979, celestial bodies and the Moon are “not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means”. Washington has generally adhered to the Moon Treaty, but never formally signed or ratified it.

Earlier this year, Trump attempted to challenge this Treaty by proposing new rules, dubbed the “Artemis Accord”, which would change the status quo. The Artemis Accord would allow for the exploitation of lunar resources for commercial gain and focus on establishing so-called safety zones around landing sites. This could be interpreted as de facto ownership of areas of the moon, forbidden by the Outer Space Treaty that provides a basic framework for international space law.

In addition, on April 6, Trump passed a decree that allows the U.S. to extract mineral resources from outer space. The document, states: “Americans should have the right to engage in commercial exploration, recovery, and use of resources in outer space, consistent with applicable law. Outer space is a legally and physically unique domain of human activity, and the United States does not view it as a global commons”.

It adds: “the United States does not consider the Moon Agreement to be an effective or necessary instrument to guide nation states regarding the promotion of commercial participation in the long-term exploration, scientific discovery, and use of the Moon, Mars, or other celestial bodies”. Finally, the document emphasizes that the U.S. will challenge any attempt by another state or international organization that wants to treat the Moon Agreement as customary international law.

With the U.S. planning to violate international treaties to unilaterally exploit the resources of space and construct a nuclear plant on the Moon, it is understood why Trump established the United States Space Force (USSF), the space service branch of the U.S. Armed Forces. Russia, India and China all have interests on the Moon too, and the USSF was established to ensure U.S. dominance over space rivals.

India in 2019 launched the Chandrayaan 2 mission with the aim to land on the south pole of the Moon to search for water and minerals. No other landing craft has reached this part of the moon before. Unfortunately for India, the landing failed because of a software glitch. This has not deterred Indian ambitions though and Chandrayaan-3 is scheduled to land on the Moon in the second quarter of 2021.

Meanwhile, China launched the Chang’e 5 robotic Moon mission on November 23 from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site and landed on the Moon on December 1. By December 16 it returned to Earth with lunar soil and rock samples. It was China’s first sample-return mission, making it the third country after the U.S. and the Soviet Union to successfully obtain samples returned from the Moon.

Russia will be returning to the Moon after 45 years of inactivity. Vladimir Kolmykov, head of the Lavochkin Scientific and Production Association at the Russian space agency Roscosmos, told Russian President President Vladimir Putin on April 10 that: “The Luna-25 spacecraft is currently in the assembly and first trial stages. Yes, there are some cooperation problems but we are working on them. I hope that the 2021 goal of launching Luna-25 will be achieved.”

With the world’s Great Powers (the U.S., Russia and China), and emerging Great Power, India, all having vested interests in space and the Moon, the construction of a nuclear plant on the celestial body is a major challenge as it will propel a race for its resources and weaponization. All countries will try and claim parts of the moon for mining, resembling something akin to Western Europe’s Scramble for Africa or the race to claim large swathes of Antarctica. The U.S. is trying to dominate space policies from a very narrow U.S.-centric view when space should be viewed as a Common Heritage to Mankind. Russia, China and India could also claim large swathes of the moon in reaction to U.S. unilateral activities, thus kicking off another, more fundamental “Scramble for the Moon.”

Originally published on InfoBrics 

Featured image courtesy of InfoBrics

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In his wide-ranging annual media conference held Dec 17, Russian President Vladimir Putin expects the newly elected U.S. President Joe Biden and his administration to build back better relations with Russia and further to cooperate in resolving a number of pressing regional problems around the world.

Russia and United States relations have slipped downward, many issues have still remained unresolved during the past years. Russia is, currently slapped with Western and European sanctions. Russia has also stepped up confrontation with Western and European powers over many of these issues.

“The Russian-U.S. relations have become a hostage of the U.S. domestic policy. In my opinion, it’s bad for them but it’s their choice, let them do what they want. We believe the U.S. president-elect will sort things out due to his domestic and foreign policy experience and hope that all arising problems, if not all then at least some of them, will be resolved during the tenure of the next administration,”

Putin said at his annual press conference.

For example, speaking about new arms race, the president made it clear that this race has been going on for a long time – since the US withdrew from the ABM Treaty in 2002. The only arms control agreement that is still in effect is the New START Treaty, and even that, according to Putin, will end in February 2021. That however, Moscow is ready for dialogue on this topic with the new US administration.

The other issues of international relations focused on Belarus, Nagorno-Karabakh, Moldova and Kyrgyzstan. Touching on the steps by the Ukrainian leadership to resolve the conflict in Donbass, Putin noted that Russia will not only continue, but will bolster its support for Donbass. As for Nagorno-Karabakh, Putin said that the situation there erupted not as a result of outside interference.

Referring to interference in each other affairs, Putin explicitly pointed in his comments at the conference attended by both local and foreign reporters that Russian hackers did not help the Donald Trump campaign and did not interfere in the U.S. electoral process.

“Russian hackers did not help the incumbent U.S. president get elected and did not interfere in internal affairs of that great nation. That’s mere hearsay aimed to spoil relations between Russia and the United States and to deny recognition to the legitimacy of the incumbent U.S. president for U.S. domestic political considerations,”

he said.

Meanwhile, Russia knows that there will be attempts to interfere in the elections to the State Duma in 2021 from the outside, but it is capable of countering them. “Of course, there’ll be attempts to interfere; they always act this way, and not only in our elections but virtually around the world. This is global politics, both as concerns bases around the world and interference around the world. We know this and are preparing for this,” Putin said.

During the conference that lasted for about four and half hours, and intended to round up or summarized activities of the year, Putin also discussed at length various important questions both internal and external, particularly the economy and health central to Russians. Some of the domestic issues are discussed as follows.

Coronavirus Pandemic and Vaccine

On the current situation with coronavirus, Putin reminded efforts that are being taken inside Russia, called to global cooperation in the fight against the pandemic. While Russia claims to be the first in the race for vaccine, Putin said that cooperation between the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, and that of AstraZeneca on a coronavirus vaccine is particularly important for the whole world.

“There are a lot of rumors indeed, but I wouldn’t like to talk about this to the whole country and the whole world, especially considering that we don’t see any evidence confirming the accusations leveled at anyone. We should focus on something else, not look for culprits but combine efforts to fight the problem, and this would be the right line of our cooperation,”

he said

The Anglo-Swedish AstraZeneca is ready to work with Russia, and is in the process of signing a corresponding agreement. This is very good especially top-notch specialists – this is a large and good company with a global reputation – join forces, including with their Russian partners.

“Thank God, our foreign colleagues turned their faces towards us too and are ready for cooperation, they’re struggling with something, and the AstraZeneca company is ready to work with us, a relevant agreement is signed now. It is excellent, I am happy when experts of such a high level, – and it’s a good major company that’s internationally renowned – when they join efforts with Russian partners among others, I am sure the results will be a very good thing not only for our citizens, but the whole world,”

he said.

Putin explained that as the pandemic ranges on, millions of coronavirus vaccine doses will have be produced in Russia at the beginning of next year. The primary objective is to vaccinate the Russian population. “Production of this vaccine requires relevant plants, enterprises, and hardware – all that will be scaled up. I expect all of these plans to be fulfilled and production of millions of vaccine doses to be ensured next year, at the beginning of the year,” he said.

With regard to cooperation with other countries, it will boost the technological capabilities, enterprises to produce the vaccine, foreign countries will invest their own money into expanding their production capacities and purchasing the corresponding equipment.

Foreign countries will be investing in these projects: the enlargement of production facilities and the purchase of equipment. “As for cooperation with foreign countries: nothing is stopping us from manufacturing vaccine components at facilities in other countries precisely because we need time to enhance technological capacities of our vaccine manufacturing enterprises. This does not hinder vaccination in the Russian Federation in any way,” he said.

Domestic politics, Employment and Living Standards

He spoke extensively about domestic economy and measures that are needed to improve the situation. “We all know that this was a challenging year, to an extent that I can hardly find the right words to describe it. It is a matter of concern for all of us: the coronavirus pandemic. However, not only Russia, but also the entire world has been hit by this scourge,” he stressed.

What is a pandemic? It means lockdowns, curbed production, declining passenger and cargo traffic and all that goes with it. Unfortunately, it also means fewer jobs, and lower incomes. This has all become a reality.

“As I have said at the outset, this is a challenging situation. When I said that the pandemic caused the shutdown of several manufacturers, rising unemployment and a decline in disposable incomes, these were not empty words, and not something that can be overlooked. This means that we see and understand what is going on,”

he said.

Unemployment rate in Russian was 4.7 percent at the beginning of 2020; now, as you know, it has grown to 6.3 percent, he pointed out, and added, “Everything we do to support the economy, to support the affected industries, is aimed at maintaining employment. We have [unemployment at] 6.3 percent now, but I hope that over the next year, we will be able to bring it down to the earlier figures. A positive trade balance be considered as a good indicator. It creates conditions for good macroeconomic development.”

Some statistics have shown that in 2000, 29 percent of the population lived below the poverty line. Almost one third of the country earned less than the subsistence level. One person out of three lived below the poverty line earning less than the subsistence level. In 2017, it was 12.3 percent of the population below the poverty line. Unfortunately, today this level increased to 13.5 percent, due to internal problems. Of course, 20 million people is still too many.

Of course, there is a plan, according Putin. Reducing the number of people below the poverty line is one of our key priorities. First, here is the plan: by 2030, the need to bring down the share of the population living in poverty from the current 13.5 percent to 6.5 percent. Having 6.5 percent of the population earning less than the subsistence level is still not good, but the need to be realistic. This is a far-reaching, but feasible goal, according Putin.

He, however, offered an elaboration on what should be done. “But the main point, is that we need to develop the economy, reach the national development goals and implement national projects that contain these goals, create new jobs, raise the economy to a new level meeting the latest requirements, as well as develop artificial intelligence, digitization and modern production lines that would allow people to have interesting jobs and receive decent incomes. The entire package of our measures envisaged by the national projects aimed at reaching these goals.”

Domestic Tourism

Putin used the platform to promote Russia’s domestic tourism. He urged the media, those who work online to support the development of domestic tourism, show and talk more often about the opportunities that the country and its various regions offer for Russian citizens and guests from abroad. In general, it would be great if Russian nationals explore domestic tourism opportunities more. They can benefit from the related government support measures and go to St Petersburg. There is no need to open borders for this.

Air travel has been among the affected sectors. “In this sense, it is definitely important to enable airlines to serve Russian destinations and for our companies to operate overseas routes. We have 32 million people flying abroad every year. Let’s redirect this passenger flow to St Petersburg. These people spend $35 billion abroad every year. If we can attract them to domestic destinations and thus promote domestic tourism, this would be great. St Petersburg deserves it. I am certain that we will succeed. It will happen as soon as it becomes possible,” he said about domestic tourism.

“The government should provide the necessary support, of course, infrastructural primarily. We will allocate appropriate funds for this; money has been earmarked. As I have said, we will support business in general, including regional businesses, and an agency is being created that is responsible for domestic tourism exclusively,” he informed the conference participants.

Putin’s first news conference in 2001 was also the shortest one lasted for one hour and 35 minutes. In 2019, Putin spent 4 hours and 18 minutes on the podium in front of the audience to answer questions from 57 mass media outlets.

As usual, the news conference was broadcast live by Rossiya 1, Rossiya 24, Channel One, NTV and MIR television channels, as well as Mayak, Vesti FM and Radio Rossii radio stations. According the official document, a total of 774 journalists were accredited at the news conference, including 237 at the International Trade Center.

Due to the current coronavirus pandemic, there were special platforms set up in all federal districts (Tula, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Stavropol, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Vladivostok), where representatives of regional media participated and asked questions, while some representatives of federal and foreign media representatives worked at the World Trade Centre in Moscow.

Featured image courtesy of the author

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Today, a new coordinated psychological operation has been sprung to convince every living patriot across the Five Eyes sphere of influence that the enemy of the free world who lurks behind every conspiracy to overthrow governments, and western values is…China.

Over the past weeks, a surge in slanderous, and often conjectural stories of Chinese subversion has repeatedly been fed to a gullible western audience desperate for an enemy image to attach to their realization that an obvious long-term conspiracy has been unleashed to destroy their lives. While the left has been fed with propaganda designed to convince them that this enemy has taken the form of the Kremlin, the conservative consumers of media have been fed with the narrative that the enemy is China.

The reality is that both Russia and China together have a bond of principled survival upon which the entire multipolar order is based. It is this alliance which the actual controllers of today’s empire wish to both destroy and ensure no western nation joins… especially not the USA.

Every day we read that secret lists of millions of Chinese communist party members have infiltrated western national governments or that espionage honey pots have targeted anti-Trump politicans in California, or that Chinese military are conducting operations in Canada, or that China intentionally created COVID-19 and deployed it around the world to subvert the western liberal order.

In all cases, the stories pumped out by mainstream media rags reek of

1) Five Eyes propaganda psy-op techniques, and often unverified accusations, while

2) deflecting from the actually verifiable British Intelligence tentacles caught repeatedly shaping world events, regime change, infiltration, assassination and conspiracies for over a century including the push to overthrow Trump under a color revolution.

Among the most destructive of these conspiracies orchestrated by British Intelligence during the past century was the artificial creation of the Cold War which destroyed the hopes for a multipolar world of win-win collaboration guided by a U.S.-China-Russia alliance as envisioned by FDR and Henry Wallace.

When reviewing how this perversion of history was manufactured, it is important to hold firmly in mind the parallels to the current anti-China/anti-Russian operations now underway.

Cold War Battle Lines are Drawn

Historians widely acknowledge that the actual catalyst for the Cold War occurred not on March 5, 1946, but rather on September 5, 1945. It was at this moment that a 26-year-old cipher clerk left the Soviet Embassy in Ottawa with a list of code names for supposed spies planted within the British, Canadian and American governments controlled by the Kremlin. In total this young defector took telegram notes attributed to his boss Colonel Zabotin and 108 other strategic documents that supposedly proved the existence of this Soviet conspiracy to the world for the first time.

The young clerk’s name was Igor Gouzenko, and the scandal that emerged from his defection not only created one of the greatest abuses of civil liberties in Canadian history, but a sham trial based on little more than hearsay and conjecture. In fact, when the six microfilms of evidence were finally declassified in 1985, not a single document turned out be worthy of the name (more to be said on that below).

The outcome of the Gouzenko Affair resulted in the collapse of all U.S.-Canada-Russia alliances that had been fostered during fires of anti-fascist combat of WWII.

Voices like Henry Wallace (former Vice-President under FDR) watched the collapse of potential amidst the anti-Communist hysteria and sounded the alarm loudly saying:

“Fascism in the postwar inevitably will push steadily for Anglo-Saxon imperialism and eventually for war with Russia. Already American fascists are talking and writing about this conflict and using it as an excuse for their internal hatreds and intolerances toward certain races, creeds and classes.”

In “Soviet Mission Asia,” Wallace revealed the true agenda for the conspiracy that would infiltrate nation states of the west and orchestrate the next 75 years of history saying: “Before the blood of our boys is scarcely dry on the field of battle, these enemies of peace try to lay the foundation for World War III. These people must not succeed in their foul enterprise. We must offset their poison by following the policies of Roosevelt in cultivating the friendship of Russia in peace as well as in war.

This fight against those actual top-down controllers of fascism whom Wallace had bravely put into the spotlight would sadly not prove successful. Between 1945 and the collapse of Wallace’s Progressive Party USA presidential bid in 1948, those strongest anti-Cold War voices both in the USA and in Canada were promptly labelled “Russian agents” and saw their reputations, careers and freedoms destroyed under the CIA-FBI managed spectre of the Red Scare and later McCarthyism. In Canada, Wallace’s Progressive Party co-thinkers took the form of the Labor Progressive Party (LPP) then led by Member of Parliament Fred Rose, LPP leader Tim Buck and LPP National Organizer Sam Carr- all three would represent the anti-Cold War fight to save FDR’s vision in Canada and all of whom would figure prominently in the story of Igor Gouzenko.

The Gouzenko Hoax Kicks Off

When Canada’s Prime Minister MacKenzie King heard those claims made by Gouzenko, he knew that it threatened the post war hopes for global reconstruction and for this reason was very hesitant to make the unverifiable claims public for many months or even offer the defector sanctuary for that matter.

After the story was eventually strategically leaked to American media, anti-communist hysteria skyrocketed forcing MacKenzie King to establish the Gouzenko Espionage Royal Commission on February 5, 1946 under Privy Council Order 411. Earlier Privy Council Order 6444 had already been passed extending the War Measures Act beyond the end of the war and permitting for detention incommunicado, psychological torture and removing Habeus Corpus of all those who would be accused of espionage.

By February 15, 1946 the first 15 targets were arrested and held for weeks in isolation in Ottawa’s Rockliffe Military Barracks without access to family or legal counsel. All those arrested without charge suffered weeks of psychological torture, sleep deprivation and were put on suicide watch with no communication with anyone but inquisitors from the Royal Commission. Both Judges who presided over the show trial were rewarded with Orders of Canada and were made Supreme Court Justices in the wake of the affair.

With a complete disregard for any notion of civil liberties (Canada still had no Bill of Rights), lead counsel E.K. Williams blatantly argued for the creation of the Royal Commission “because it need not be bound by the ordinary rules of evidence if it considers it desirable to disregard them. It need not permit counsel to appear for those to be interrogated by or before it”.

During the show trial, none of the defendants were allowed to see any evidence being used against them and everyone involved including RCMP officers were threatened with 5 years imprisonment for speaking about the trial publicly. The only person who could speak and write boundlessly to the media was the figure of Igor Gouzenko himself. Whenever appearing on TV or in court, Gouzenko who was to charge over $1000 for some interviews and received generous book deals, and government pensions for life, always appeared masked in a paper bag on his head. Even though this cipher clerk never actually met any of the figures standing trial, his testimony against them was treated like gold.

By June 27, 1946 the Royal Commission released its final 733 page report which, along with Gouzenko’s own books, became the sole unquestionable gospel used and re-used by journalists, politicians and historians for the next decades as proof of the vast Russian plot to undermine western values and steal atomic secrets. There was in fact nowhere else to go for a very long time if a researcher wished to figure out what actually occurred.

As it so happened, all trial records were either destroyed or “lost” in the days after the commission disbanded, and if people wanted to look at the actual evidence they would have to wait 40 years when it was finally declassified.

The result of the trials?

By the end of the whole sordid affair, 10 of the 26 arrested were convicted and imprisoned for anywhere from 3-7 years. While these convictions are themselves often cited as “proof” that the Gouzenko evidence must have been valid, on closer inspection we find that this is merely the effect of a game of smoke and mirrors.

It must first be noted that of the 10 found guilty, not one indictment or conviction of espionage was found. Instead, five defendants were found guilty of assisting in the acquisition of fake passports during the 1930s which were used by Canadian volunteers to fight with the MacKenzie-Papineau Battalions in the Spanish Civil War against Franco’s fascist coup while the other five were convicted of violating Canada’s Official Secrets Act during WWII entirely on Gouzenko’s testimony. The other 16 targets were released without ever having been charged of a crime. The two leaders of the supposed spy ring that received the longest sentences were Labor Progressive Party leaders Fred Rose and Sam Carr who had been the loudest advocates of FDR’s international New Deal and the exposure of the financial sponsors of fascism that aimed at world empire (more to be said on this in an upcoming report).

When the Gouzenko evidence was finally declassified in 1985, Canadian journalist William Reuben wrote a fascinating analysis called “The Documents that Weren’t There” where he noted the absence of anything one could reasonably call “evidence” among the thousands of items.

After spending weeks investigating the six reels of declassified microfilm, Reuben found only what could be described as “a hodgepodge, reminiscent of one of Professor Irwin Corey’s double talk monologues”.

Listing the vast array of telephone directories from 1943, RCMP profiles, lists of travel expense vouchers and passport applications, Reuben asked:

“What is one to make of this jumble? With no indication as to when any of the exhibits were obtained by the RCMP, how they related to espionage or any wrongdoing and for the most part, no indication of when they were placed in evidence at the hearings it is impossible to determine their significance, authenticity or relationship to other evidence.”

In short, not a single piece of actual evidence could be found.

Additionally when reviewing the 8 handwritten telegrams of Russian notes outlining the spy code names and instructions from the Kremlin which Gouzenko originally took from his embassy in 1945, no forensic evidence was ever attempted to match the handwriting with Colonel Zubatov to whom it was attributed and who always denied the accusation.

Reuben goes further to ask where are the 108 secret documents that Gouzenko famously stole and upon which the entire case against the accused spies was based? These documents were not part of the declassified microfilms, and so he noted: “as with the eight telegrams, there is no physical evidence to prove that the originals existed or came from the Soviet Embassy”.

He also asked the valid question why it was only on March 2, 1946 (six months after Gouzenko’s defection) that any mention was made of the 108 documents?

Could the lack of evidence and the long gap in time be related to Gouzenko’s five and a half month stay at Ottawa’s Camp X spy compound under the control of Sir William Stephenson before his defection was made public? Could those apparent 108 documents used by Gouzenko’s dodgy dossier have anything to do with the Camp X Laboratory which specialized in forging letters and other official documents?

If you find yourself thinking about the parallels of this story to the more recent case of the Brookings Institute’s Igor Danchenko who was found to be the “source” of the dodgy dossiers used to create RussiaGate by MI6’s Christopher Steele, Richard Dearlove and Rhodes Scholar Strobe Talbott, then don’t be shocked. It means you are using your brain.

What was Camp X?

Camp X was the name given to the clandestine operations training center in the outskirts of Ottawa, Canada on December 6, 1941.

It was created by the British Security Cooperation (BSC) headed by Sir William Stephenson- a spymaster who worked closely with Winston Churchill. BSC was created in New York in 1940 as a covert operation set up by the British Secret Service and MI6 to interface with American intelligence. Since the USA was still neutral in the war, Camp X was used to train the Special Operations Executive, as well as agents from FBI’s Division 5 and OSS in the arts of psychological warfare, assassination, espionage, counter-intelligence, forgeries and other forms of covert action.

The leadership cadre that was to survive the purge of OSS in October 1945 and go on to lead the new CIA when it was formed in 1947 were all trained in Camp X.

In his book Camp X: OSS, Intrepid and the Allies’ North American Training Camp for Secret Agents, historian David Stafford notes that Gouzenko’s attempts to contact media and government offices on the night of September 5, 1945 were met with cold shoulders and even Prime Minister William Lyon MacKenzie King himself wanted nothing to do with the man, writing in his diary: “if suicide took place let the city police take charge and secure whatever there was in the way of documents, but on no account for us to take the initiative.”

It was only due to the combined direct intervention of Stephenson and Norman Robertson (head of External Affairs and leading Rhodes Scholar) after an emergency meeting, that King was persuaded to give Gouzenko sanctuary. King had not even known about Camp X’s purpose at the time.

While King wished to defend FDR’s vision for a post-war world of cooperation with Russia, Stafford notes: “Stephenson vigorously opposed King’s view. Like SIS headquarters in London, BSC (British Security Cooperation) for most of the war had operated a counter espionage section to keep an eye on Communist subversion… he was convinced, even before the Gouzenko affair, that BSC could provide the nucleus of a post-war intelligence organization in the Western Hemisphere. The cipher clerk’s defection provided him a golden opportunity”. (1)

Canadian Journalist Ian Adams had reported that Gouzenko’s “defection came at a wonderful time when there was tremendous resistance from the scientists involved in developing the atomic bomb. They wanted to see an open book on the development of nuclear power with everybody collaborating so that it wouldn’t become the ungodly arms race that it did become and is today. So if Gouzenko hadn’t fallen into the western intelligence services’ lap, they would have had to invent somebody like him.”

A Final Word on the Real Infiltration of Western Governments

As Henry Wallace and FDR understood all too well, the real subversive threat to world peace was not the Soviet Union, or China… but rather the supranational financial-intelligence-military architecture that represented the globally extended British Empire that had orchestrated the dismemberment of Russia during the Crimean War, the USA during the Civil War and China during two Opium Wars. This was and is the enemy of the Labour Progressive Party of Canada that took the form of the Fabian Society CCF run by 6 Rhodes Scholars and it was this Rhodes Scholar/Round Table agency that was resisted by Canadian nationalists O.D. Skelton and Ernest Lapointe, and which fully took over Canada’s foreign ministry with their deaths in 1941.

This story was told in my Origins of the Deep State in North America.

This same hive of Rhodes Scholars and Fabians increasingly took control of American foreign policy with the death of Franklin Roosevelt, the ouster of Wallace and the rise of the new Anglo-American Special Relationship manufactured by Churchill, Stephenson and their lackies in the USA. This is the beast that infiltrated and undermined labor unions across the Five Eyes during the Cold War and ensured that pesky patriots like Paul Robeson, John Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and many others who resisted, would not be long for this world.

This is the structure whose hands have shown themselves time and again behind the dodgy dossiers that started the Iraq War, to the false intelligence used to justify wars in Libya, and Syria. It is the same structure which has been caught managing the regime change in the USA since 2016 with its assets cooking up dodgy dossiers accusing Russia of putting their puppet into the White House, to orchestrating mass vote fraud in the elections of 2020.

This is the same operation which has always aimed at dismembering the USA, Russia, China and every other nation state who may at any time utilize the power of their sovereignty to declare political and economic independence from this supranational parasite and choose to work together to establish a world of win-win cooperation rather than tolerate a new technocratic feudal dark age.

Matthew J.L. Ehret is a journalist, lecturer and founder of the Canadian Patriot Review. He can be reached at [email protected]

This article originally appeared on Strategic Culture Foundation


(1) Stephenson immediately flew two of his top SIS officials in from the BSC HQ in New York to manage the Gouzenko affair for the next 8 months: Peter Dwyer (head of counter-espionage for BSC) and Jean-Paul Evans. Evans is an interesting figure whose SIS successor was none other than triple agent Kim Philby who replaced him when he left his post as British liaison to the FBI and CIA in 1949. Evans himself went onto work with leading Round Table controller and soon Governor General Vincent Massey in the creation of a new system of promoting the arts in Canada pouring millions of dollars into modernist/abstract art, music and drama under the Canada Council which grew out of the Massey-Levesque Royal Commission for the Arts in Canada. This body founded in 1957 took over the reins of control from the CIA and Rockefeller Foundations who had formerly enjoyed a near monopoly sponsoring such things as part of the post-WWII cultural war against communism. Stafford notes that “the man who impressed Ottawa with his love of the arts had also played an important part in the history of Anglo-Canadian secret intelligence.”

Related to the Gouzenko Affair, early September 1945.

It is worth noting that on September 15, 1945, the US released a secret plan to bomb 66 cities of the Soviet Union with more than 200 atomic bombs.

“On September 15, 1945 — just under two weeks after the formal surrender of Japan and the end of World War II — Norstad sent a copy of the estimate to General Leslie Groves, still the head of the Manhattan Project, and the guy who, for the short term anyway, would be in charge of producing whatever bombs the USAAF might want. As you might guess, the classification on this document was high: “TOP SECRET LIMITED,” which was about as high as it went during World War II. (Alex Wellerstein, The First Atomic Stockpile Requirements (September 1945)

The Kremlin was aware of the 1945 plan to bomb sixty-six Soviet cities. The documents confirm that the US was involved in the “planning of genocide” against the Soviet Union.

Let’s cut to the chase. How many bombs did the USAAF request of the atomic general, when there were maybe one, maybe two bombs worth of fissile material on hand? At a minimum they wanted 123. Ideally, they’d like 466. This is just a little over a month after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Of course, in true bureaucratic fashion, they provided a handy-dandy chart (Alex Wellerstein, op. cit)


Michel Chossudovsky, December 21, 2020


For further details see complete article see: 

“Wipe the Soviet Union Off the Map”, 204 Atomic Bombs against 66 Major Cities, US Nuclear Attack against USSR Planned During World War II

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 04, 2020

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Environmental, public health and union groups sued the Environmental Protection Agency today for approving the use of radioactive phosphogypsum in roads. The groups also petitioned the agency to reconsider its Oct. 20 approval.

The EPA has long prohibited use of phosphogypsum in roads because it contains uranium and radium that produce radionuclides linked to higher risks of cancer and genetic damage.

The agency ignored its own expert consultant, who found numerous scenarios that would expose the public — particularly road-construction workers — to a cancer risk the agency considers to be unacceptably dangerous.

Because the phosphogypsum is likely to be used in roads within 200 miles of phosphogypsum storage stacks, most of which in are Florida, the approval may also affect hundreds of protected plants and animals and their critical habitat.

“This shameless, political favor to the fertilizer industry will have devastating, long-term environmental and human health effects,” said Jaclyn Lopez, Florida director at the Center for Biological Diversity. “Americans should be outraged that the agency charged with protecting us from harm has greenlighted the construction of radioactive roads.”

Since 1989 the EPA has required phosphogypsum to be stored in mountainous piles called “stacks,” because if dispersed, the material would present an unreasonable public health threat from radon gas emissions that would continue for generations given their radioactive 1,600-year half-life.

The EPA has also found that phosphogypsum contains appreciable quantities of radium-226, uranium, uranium-238, uranium-234, thorium-230, radon-222, lead-210, polonium-210, chromium, arsenic, lead, cadmium, fluoride, zinc, antimony and copper.

Phosphate ore, mined largely in Florida, is transported to fertilizer plants for processing by chemically digesting the ore in sulfuric acid.

“This is a slap in the face to the Gulf communities and workers who will be most impacted by this decision,” says Cynthia Sarthou, executive director of Healthy Gulf. “Building radioactive roads is about the dumbest idea I’ve heard of in my 30 years in the environmental protection field. We won’t let this stand.”

“The distribution of phosphogypsum will unnecessarily expose workers, the environment and the general public to otherwise avoidable radiation exposure. To allow the use of phosphogypsum as a construction material is the height of irresponsibility,” said Glenn Compton, chair at ManaSota-88.

For every ton of phosphoric acid produced, the fertilizer industry creates five tons of radioactive phosphogypsum waste. The phosphogypsum must be stored in stacks, and the resulting radon gas emissions must be limited.

The majority of these stacks are in Florida, but can also be found in Arkansas, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Texas, Utah and Wyoming.

“This about-face by EPA is a big gift to the fertilizer industry. EPA has completely ignored the science and bypassed public input,” said Chandra Rosenthal, director of Rocky Mountain PEER.

“Though the Southeast will bear the brunt of this egregious decision, Wyoming and Idaho are also threatened by this idiotic radioactive roads assault.”

“Central Floridians will bear an especially heavy burden of the dispersion of phosphogypsum in roads which are subject to erosion, sinkholes, abandonment and lagging maintenance,” said Brooks Armstrong, president at People for Protecting Peace River. “Gypstacks pose a troubling threat in our area, and we do not want the situation worsened by having this radioactive waste beneath our feet as well.”

“We’re not in favor of building roads out of radioactive material, there’s enough pollution in the air, water and land,” said Milton Cayette treasurer with RISE St. James. “We don’t need any more radioactive waste to be dispersed in the environment.”

“The Sierra Club has fought to limit the environmental and health impacts of phosphate mining in Florida for more than 35 years. The proposed action would reverse decades of important safeguards,” said Craig Diamond, Sierra Club Florida executive committee chair.

In Florida there are 1 billion tons of radioactive phosphogypsum, and the fertilizer industry adds approximately 30 million tons each year.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has authorized an additional 100,000 acres of phosphate mining in Florida, with at least 95% of that phosphate ore to be processed into fertilizer.

Today’s lawsuit was filed on behalf of Center for Biological Diversity, construction unions, Healthy Gulf, ManaSota-88, People for Protecting Peace River, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), RISE St. James, and Sierra Club and its Florida Chapter by attorneys with Earthjustice and Center for Biological Diversity.

Phosphogypsum stack
Riverview phosphogypsum stack in Florida/Mike Knepper. B-roll footage is available upon request. Image is available for media use.

The Center for Biological Diversity is a national, nonprofit conservation organization with more than 1.7 million members and online activists dedicated to the protection of endangered species and wild places.

Healthy Gulf’s purpose is to collaborate with and serve communities who love the Gulf of Mexico by providing the research, communications, and coalition-building tools needed to reverse the long pattern of over exploitation of the Gulf’s natural resources.

ManaSota-88, Inc. is a public interest conservation and environmental protection organization, which is a Florida not-for-profit corporation and a citizen of the State of Florida. The corporate purposes of ManaSota-88 include the protection of the public’s health, the preservation of air and water quality, and the protection of wildlife habitat.

PEER supports current and former public employees who seek a higher standard of environmental ethics and scientific integrity within their agencies. We do this by defending whistleblowers, shining the light on improper or illegal government actions, working to improve laws and regulations, and supporting the work of other organizations.

RISE St. James is a non-profit, grassroots, faith-based organization formed to advocate for racial and environmental justice in St. James Parish, Louisiana.

The mission of the Sierra Club is to explore, enjoy and protect the planet. To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth’s ecosystems and resources; to educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out those objectives.

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Dr. Wolfgang Wordarg, pulmonologist and former head of a public health department, and Dr. Michael Yeadon, ex-Pfizer research director for respiratory diseases, petitioned the EMA, the European Medicines Agency, on December 1, 2020, to immediately stop clinical trials of the Corona vaccines.

The petition has been supported by at least 80,000 people and can be further supported.

The flood of emails from concerned supporters was so high so that during the peaks the EMA’s server was temporarily unavailable. Nevertheless, as of December 11, 2020, there has been no response, no comment from the EMA on the petitioners’ submission.

In response to the petitioner’s email, Ms. Irene Bachmann ([email protected]), acting as Mr. Enzmann’s absentee deputy, responded, stating in substance that it was assumed that the EMA would get back to the petitioners on this matter.

As 2020News has learned, the petition has not yet been brought to the attention of the relevant staff of the entities responsible for deciding on vaccine approval at the national level – in Germany, for example, the Paul Ehrlich Institute. It is unclear why the EMA has not sought dialogue regarding the concerns raised with the institutes of the EU member states.

Dr. Wordarg and Dr. Yeadon see major vaccine threats to the population.

They point to the extremely short period of clinical trials: vaccines are supposed to be emergency licensed after a few months of human clinical trials, whereas in the normal course it takes five to ten years for a vaccine to undergo all safety testing.

There are significant concerns about the possible occurrence of an exuberant immune response, which, for example, had led to the death of all cats in a Corona vaccine under development for cats.

In addition, there are fears that the vaccine could render women infertile because it can trigger antibodies that can then attack not only the Corona viruses but also special proteins that are structurally very similar to the viruses and essential for the formation of a placenta. These dangers cannot be ruled out due to the extremely shortened observation period, which, the petitioners told 2020News, is not compatible with the European precautionary principle.

In the EU, the precautionary principle applies, among other things, to drug approval. A product is only approved in the EU if its harmlessness is essentially proven. This corresponds to the comparatively low level of compensation for physical damage suffered. If you can no longer use your arm because you suffer paralysis from a heart medication, you will receive a maximum of about €100,000 in compensation for the loss of enjoyment of life from the pharmaceutical company that caused the damage, if you win your lawsuit. In addition, the injuring party must pay for material resources and costs for caregivers who have become necessary due to the injurious event.

In the USA, the precautionary principle does not apply.

Here, the regulations regarding potentially hazardous products are much more manufacturer-friendly. Market approval is only denied to products for which the potential for harm has already been proven. However, injured persons in the USA receive incomparably higher compensation payments. In the case of a paralyzed arm, compensation payments of several million US dollars may be due in the USA. The fear of high compensation claims is a similarly effective deterrent in the USA as the precautionary principle is in Europe.

The TTIP, CETA, etc. trade agreements were intended to override the precautionary principle for Europe in favor of companies, but without changing the compensation rules. They would have given companies the most advantageous of both worlds: low barriers to market entry with little risk of being obliged to pay damaged from harmful products. TTIP did not come about, but CETA entered into force, at least provisionally, under pressure from lobbyists. The similarly structured free trade agreement with Japan (JEFTA) has been concluded. It remains to be seen to what extent these agreements will play a role in the Corona and lockdown events.

However, vaccinations are already a very low-risk proposition in both the U.S. and the European region. Liability for vaccine damage is shifted to the state in both legal systems. Accordingly, from an economic point of view, vaccine manufacturers have little reason to invest particularly heavily in studies or to refrain from marketing a potentially toxic vaccine. It is the responsibility of the government authorities to prevent damage to the population by careful examination and the prevention of undesirable influence on the authorities called upon to make decisions.

In the USA, the Emergency Preparedness and Response Act (PREP) applies in the event of damage caused by the use of drugs, medical devices and vaccines that, like the Corona vaccines, are marketed under emergency use authorizations. This could result in a complete exemption from liability for the manufacturing companies.

Featured image courtesy of 2020 News


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Canadian oil and gas company Recon Africa said in an August 2020 press release that they are planning to drill oil and gas wells into an environmentally sensitive, protected area in Africa that supplies the Okavango Delta with water.

The drilling location sits along the banks of the Kavango River, straddling the border between Namibia and Botswana, inside of the newly proclaimed Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area, called the KAZA Park.



Image: Lake Nguma in the north part of the Delta. The Okavango Delta is one of the center pieces of the new KAZA Park. Lake Nguma is in a community-run conservancy that works in partnership with a private lodge called Nguma Island Lodge. 

Five years ago Alliance Earth produced the award winning film The High Cost Of Cheap Gasan in-depth look at gas and oil developments that use the controversial technique called hydraulic fracturing (fracking). The film uncovers why fracking is unsustainable, dangerous to communities, the environment, the financial system and contributes towards climate change.The movie also uncovered how fracking in Botswana had been going ahead without proper environmental permits. You can see that movie in its entirety for free here.


The Polluting Legacy Of Oil And GasThe main issue with fracking is that it uses a vast amount of water, as much as 35 million liters per frack, which it then leaves highly polluted, explains the US government.Fracking companies have invaded communities in the USA, made a lot of money and then departed, leaving hundreds of towns across America polluted and unable to clean up the mess, explains this US government study.The towns most affected? Economically disadvantaged communities with little ability to defend themselves and their homes against the greed of these industrial giants.

The produced water from fracking is so toxic that it will kill anything that drinks it, and it is often left on the ground or poorly disposed of, according to the US National Wildlife Federation.

Fracking has also been shown to have polluted the groundwater permanently in some US States where it has been allowed, according to a report published in Scientific American.


Image: Halliburton’s Red Crew sets up a large slick-water hydraulic frac, or frack, on a gas pad in Colorado on Battlement Mesa.

The international governance site Governing, says that the financial losers in fracking are local communities, as drillers and national governments take profits and leave communities poorer and less well off than before they arrived.

Ohio State University explains  that fracking releases highly dangerous gases into the air that can cause cancer, birth defects and other serious long term health issues. These gases are unregulated, and even tiny amounts of exposure to them can cause cancer in the offspring of people and animals exposed.

Fracking companies are oil and gas companies and they have been lobbying governments for generations. This lobbying essentially weakens the regulations that frackers are forced to follow, which is one reason such a dangerous industry has been allowed to operate in such a harmful way, according to the journalist Hal Harvey at the news website Politico.

People On The Fracking Frontline

Tweet Blancett

Rancher Tweety Blancett

Landowner: 200 wells on property, New Mexico, USA

“The well-heads are leaking, the pits have overflowed, they’re un-lined, and they seep into the water sources and into the springs. That was the main thing that caused us to quit ranching – it’s because our water’s contaminated”.

Cormac Cullinan

Lawyer Cormac Cullinan

Cullinan and Associates, Cape Town

“There is no question that environmental degradation hurts the poorest of the poor much more than it hurts anybody else. When developments like fracking are proposed the response that you get is that it creates jobs but frankly it depends what kind of jobs. There is no benefit in my view in creating jobs, which harm society”

Jumanda Gakelebone

Jumanda Gakelebone

Community Activist, Botswana

“Look at our country – it is still a developing country. If you bring gas companies like this they have destroyed and did bad things in the US what about Botswana? What will happen here? It’s going to be a mess.”

Featured image: A typical oil and gas development near the Green River area of Colorado. Photo: Bruce Gordon/Ecoflight

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How is it that a vaccine for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which under normal conditions would take years to develop, was promptly launched in early November 2020?  The vaccine announced by Pfizer is based on an experimental gene editing mRNA technology which has a bearing on the human genome. 

Were the standard animal lab tests using mice or ferrets conducted?

Or did Pfizer “go straight to human “guinea pigs.”? Human tests began in late July and early August. “Three months is unheard of for testing a new vaccine. Several years is the norm.”  

The Lab’s “Mouse Point of View”

Our thanks to Large and JIPÉM

This caricature by Large + JIPÉM  explains our predicament:

Mouse No 1: “Are You Going to get Vaccinated”,

Mouse No. 2: Are You Crazy, They Haven’t finished the Tests on Humans”

Barely reported by the media: “Six people died in Pfizer’s late-stage trial of the COVID-19 vaccine, the FDA revealed just hours after Britain became the first country in the world to roll out the vaccine.”


Excerpt from

The 2020 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 21, 2020

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The release of the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force’s report on the Afghanistan Inquiry (the Brereton Report) into alleged war crimes committed by Australian SAS soldiers has prompted outrage and shock. Questions are being asked in Australia and around the world: what happened? How did it happen? And who bears responsibility?

It has provoked debates about how this could have happened in one of Australia’s elite fighting units and the extent to which it was due to a type of warrior culture in this institution; one more akin to “First Person Shooter” than the “ANZAC tradition” on which Australia typically prides itself. There is debate about what the Brereton findings mean in terms of the efficacy of the chain of command in the Australian armed forces in the light of the failure of senior officers to recognise what was going on and to respond to it. And there are, of course, debates about how these revelations effect the reputation of the Australian military and of Australia more broadly as a state that respects the laws of war, and the rules-based international order more broadly. Many commentators have been at pains to cast the perpetrators as outlaws, and to insist that these actions should not be taken as representative of others who have served in the Australian armed forces.

Finally, there has been extensive debate about what is to be done in the wake of these revelations. There is widespread consensus that those accused of the crimes should be prosecuted. The Australian Prime Minster has indicated that a special investigator will be appointed to prosecute allegations of Australian war crimes in Afghanistan. The Office of the Special Investigator will

“address the criminal matters made in the Inspector General’s report and investigate those allegations, gather evidence and, whether appropriate, refer briefs to the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions for consideration.”

Whose voices?

There are many voices and perspectives being expressed in the discussion of these alleged events and a plethora of issues being canvassed. All are important. These are critical debates that need to be out in the open for both the Australian and the world’s public. But there is one set of voices that is conspicuously absent: the voices of Afghan people.

An important component of the reporting done by the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Company) investigative team, which helped break this story to the Australian public, included travelling to Afghanistan to speak to the families who had survived some of these attacks and lost loved ones. But more generally one has to hunt in the maelstrom of commentary to find the perspectives of those who have suffered grievously from these events.

The debate focuses instead on the Australian actors and the consequences of these events for and in Australia. When the Afghan people are referred to, it is largely as victims. The paucity of recognition of the agency of those who have been subjected to failures of humanitarian protection, including the protection of international humanitarian law, is not unusual. It is often external actors, such as international institutions, international NGOs or outside government, who are seen as the protectors whilst affected communities are often portrayed simply as passive victims. This can serve to disempower affected populations.

Nevertheless, the field of prosecutions is an evolving arena in which there are important developments that warrant support and further analysis.

Providing an interface for the Afghan witnesses, victims and survivors

Attention must be given to those suspected of core international crimes, as well Australia’s legal obligation to investigate and prosecute those suspected in its armed forces. Yet, a third voice is also critical: how do we ensure that Afghan witnesses, victims and survivors are also heard and their views reflected in the investigative and prosecution processes? And how do we ensure they have the capacity to sufficiently interface with Australia’s legal system The Brereton report noted that any future legal process will include reparations and engage with the victims. Yet, more could be done.

There is an opportunity to draw upon the legal processes and procedures of other states and legal systems to ensure Afghan witnesses, victims and survivors are not only sufficiently engaged, but have the capacity to actively participate. Germany has one of the broadest universal jurisdictions in the world, and has also engaged actively in the investigation and prosecutions of core international crimes, including crimes suspected of its citizens. In this respect, there are many lessons learned that the Office of the Special Investigator and the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (in the event of referrals) could draw upon from the German experience of criminal accountability for core international crimes. Moreover, the processes outlined below could be coordinated between the Office of the Special Investigator and the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions to ensure Afghan witnesses, victims and survivors have the opportunity to play an active role in the investigation and prosecution of those suspected of international crimes.

1. Support ‘criminal accountability communities’

First and foremost, the Office of the Special Investigator and the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions could work with groups that are genuinely representing the Afghan witnesses, victims and survivors. While it is not necessary for witnesses, victims and survivors of core international crimes to agree on all matters of justice, it does help if there is a coordinated and cooperative ‘criminal accountability community’[1] which works along-side the witnesses, victims and survivors of these crimes to ensure accountability.

While Australia has an independent legal system, core international crimes have a tendency to be sidelined by the political priorities of the State in question. As Geoffrey Robertson recently noted, the UK and the US are excellent relevant examples. Cooperative ‘criminal accountability communities’ are ‘private’ non state actors (led by witnesses, victims and survivors of core crimes) and state legal ‘officials’ that work together to ensure accountability for those most responsible for heinous international crimes. They are also supported by State government actors in that they do not intervene in the judicial process, nor seek to limit the application of international criminal law to the domestic jurisdiction.

A positive recent example is the work of the Office of the Federal Public Prosecutor General in Germany with the justice group Yazda when Daesh members – two German women and a foreign national – suspected of killing a Yazidi child in Syria, were arrested. It was the interaction with witnesses, victims and survivors, who were supported by a cooperative community of criminal accountability practitioners, which established the facts and the basis for the case against the Daesh suspects.

2. Accessory prosecutors or civil parties to the criminal prosecution

Moreover, in the German court system, victims can apply to act as ‘private accessory prosecutors’, alongside the public prosecutor. Similarly, in many other civil legal systems, such as in Spain and Senegal (including in the Extraordinary African Chamber) victims can request to participate as civil parties in a criminal prosecution.

In the Australian context, this would provide victims and survivors with the means to actively engage and participate in the trial. It would serve to provide greater confidence and transparency in the prosecution process. Again, while Australia is ordinarily known for its judicial independence, it has traditionally struggled with independence from government interference when it relates to prosecution of core international crimes according to universal jurisdiction, including prosecuting those suspected in the Australian armed forces. The fact that Australian journalists were arrested for attempting to expose allegations of war crimes in the Australian armed forces is testament to this lacklustre record.

Another example, is when Aung San Suu Kyi arrived in Australia in 2018, five lawyers filed a private application in the Melbourne magistrate court in Australia against her for crimes against humanity. She was in Australia in her capacity as Foreign Minister and de facto leader of Myanmar. The Australian attorney general, Christian Porter, granted her immunity, which had the effect of blocking any further judicial action within Australia. The Office of the Special Investigator and the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions could lead the way in providing victims and survivors with greater authority, as a counterbalance to the political concerns that have previously overshadowed allegations of core international crimes.

3. Ensure adequate translation that is made publicly available

Lastly, providing language translation services is key. In an ongoing German criminal prosecution in the Higher Regional Court of Koblenz against Anwar R., a Syrian senior government leader suspected of significant international crimes, including torture, the court has decided, where possible, to provide Arabic interpretation services. This will ensure that witnesses, victims and survivors of core crimes are adequately able to participate in the trial and also that official records are provided in German and Arabic. Similarly, The Office of the Special Investigator and the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions could ensure that witnesses, victims and survivors of core international crimes are empowered to participate through audio and written translation. This will also ensure that information about the case is accessible not only to victims and survivors, but more broadly across Afghanistan.


The uncovering of alleged Australian war crimes in Afghanistan demonstrates the importance of Australia’s independent media, insider witnesses and whistle-blowers, and civil society action in inhibiting the whitewashing of war crimes and avoidance of accountability.

Yet, adding some or all of the above processes to the newly established Office of the Special Investigator and the way the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions may engage with possible referrals allows Australians to view Afghan witnesses, victims and survivors as more than passive and anonymous actors in an enduring war that no longer has any concrete or tangible objectives from a Canberra perspective. Rather, it provides an opportunity to see the human side of Afghan people, which was not displayed towards them when the alleged crimes were committed. It allows us to see them as actors with agency. Like most Australians, Afghan witnesses, victims and survivors of core international crimes would prefer to seek justice for those suspected of crimes through an independent, impartial criminal court.


[1] Melinda Rankin. forthcoming. De facto International Prosecutors in a Global Era: With My Own Eyes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Featured image courtesy of United Against Inhumanity

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The Trump regime, its FDA, Pharma, and press agent media are playing fast and loose with human health.

On Thursday, the FDA authorized emergency use of Moderna’s experimental covid vaccine after doing the same for Pfizer days earlier.

The FDA did not approve these fast-tracked, experimental, hazardous to human health vaccines for human use.

It issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) to begin mass-vaxxing when the “emergency” claimed to exist is invented, not real.

The public is repeatedly and consistently lied to by politicians, Pharma, and establishment media — human health and welfare jeopardized by their actions.

The FDA’s EUA lets Pharma use unwitting Americans as guinea pigs for a high-risk, widespread human experiment that may turn out badly.

Ignored is that widely available, low-cost hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) combined with either azithromycin or doxycycline and zinc is highly effective in treating and curing covid when taken early after infection is diagnosed.

And so is ivermectin.

In congressional testimony, Dr. Pierre Kory said “mountains” of data on the FDA-approved drug shows it’s safe and effective in treating covid.

“If you take it, you will not get sick,” he stressed.

There’s a “solution” to what’s going on. “There is a drug that is proving to be of miraculous impact.”

“And when I say ‘miracle,’ I do not use that term lightly.”

Ivermectin “obliterates (covid) transmission.”

“I’m a lung specialist…an ICU specialist.”

“Early treatment is key. We need to offload the hospitals.”

When used as directed, ivermectin “prevents the (need for) hospitalization.”

Testimony by Kory fell on deaf ears, evidence presented by other medical and scientific experts in their writing and public remarks also ignored.

On December 13, Thailand Medical News (TMN) said the following about ivermectin:

When used “to treat COVID-19 in various stages of the disease (it’s) a more viable and proven option despite strong opposition from groups with vested interest in America and Europe.”

TMN cited a study conducted by researchers from Clinica Universidad de Navarra-Spain, ISGlobal and Inselspital.

“(P)ositive results from (their) trials showed that ivermectin merits being used to treat” covid.

A trial in India also had positive results, TMN reported.

“(N)umerous…observational clinical trials trials showed” ivermectin to be safe and effective in treating patients severe and milder covid symptoms.

“However, there was a concerted effort by the big pharmaceutical companies and even government authorities in America and Europe to ensure that cheaper repurposed generic drugs, herbs and supplements were never promoted to treat COVID-19 as they preferred to promote new expensive drugs that had no efficacy but were in fact toxic as there were financial gains for all vested parties,” said TMN.

According to general counsel for Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Mary Holland:

“To imagine that Moderna’s unlicensed COVID vaccine, tested for under a year, will be safe is wishful thinking.”

“There’s a reason vaccine producers insist on blanket indemnification from injuries and deaths” — because many occur after vaxxing that go largely unreported.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act give Pharma blanket immunity from liability for their vaccines — to assure their widespread use.

According to Public Citizen, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) owns a 50% stake in Moderna’s experimental covid vaccine.

Under a National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) contract, the Pentagon will buy 500 million doses of Moderna’s experimental covid vaccine for $9 billion — a bonanza for the company before an EUA was issued.

According to infectious disease expert Dr. Tal Brosh, experimental mRNA covid vaccines have “unique and unknown risks,” including inflammatory responses that may cause autoimmune diseases.

Both Pfizer and Moderna covid vaccines contain polyethylene glycol (PEG) that risks possible severe adverse reactions.

Moderna publicly admitted that use of PEG in its covid vaccine “could lead to significant adverse events in one or more of our clinical trials.”

Rushed development of now available Pfizer and Moderna covid vaccines circumvented longstanding protocol by skipping animal testing.

Months earlier, Children’s Health Defense warned followers of its reports to “beware the Moderna vaccine.”

The same warning applies to Pfizer’s entry into the covid vaccine sweepstakes.

Both are fast-tracked, inadequately tested, experimental vaccines that risk possible widespread adverse events from their use.

Highly touted vaccines to the rescue don’t work as promoted.

Despite years of research, no safe and effective coronavirus vaccines were ever developed.

No credible evidence suggests things changed with the availability of experimental vaccines Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

As the saying goes, buyers beware.

Stay safe, not sorry, by refusing to be a Pharma guinea pig.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

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The official inquiry into the 2017 Manchester bombing has yet to probe the links between the terrorist, Salman Abedi, and UK covert action during the 2011 war in Libya – yet there is no point in the inquiry unless it asks difficult questions the British establishment would rather avoid.

Four days after the terrorist atrocity at the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017, which killed 22 people, Jeremy Corbyn made the bravest speech of his career.

The then Labour leader went much further than the pro forma condemnations of terrorist barbarity customary in the wake of such attacks.

He raised the forbidden subject of British foreign policy. Corbyn highlighted a connection between “wars our government has supported or fought in other countries and terrorism here at home”.

This intervention was all the more remarkable because he made it in the middle of a general election campaign. At first Conservative strategists could not believe their luck.

Thinking that Corbyn had gifted them the election, Ben Wallace, then security minister (and today defence secretary), went on the offensive. He declared: “We have to be unequivocal that no amount of excuses, no amount of twisted reasoning about a foreign policy here or a foreign policy there can be an excuse.”

But the Conservative strategists were wrong. Corbyn probably rose rather than fell in the polls after his speech.

The British public could see the Labour leader had a point. He was echoing the explicit warning given by British intelligence to then prime minister Tony Blair ahead of the Iraq war in 2003: “The threat from al-Qaeda will increase at the onset of any military action against Iraq.”

In other words, there is an undeniable link between foreign adventurism and so-called blowback at home.

Politicians rarely admit this connection. Indeed, Blair refused to accept the relevance of the Iraq invasion in the aftermath of the London terrorist attacks in July 2005, which killed 56 people.

Neither Blair nor David Cameron allowed a full, independent public inquiry into the London bombings, so links to British foreign policy were never properly investigated.

I am beginning to wonder whether the current inquiry into the Manchester Arena atrocity will duck the issue as well.

Britain’s then Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, centre, stands for a minute’s silence for the victims of the Manchester attack, before delivering a speech in London, 26 May 2017. Corbyn said that the war on terror had failed and that foreign policy would change under a Labour government. (Photo: EPA / Andy Rain)

Elephant in the room

The inquiry was launched on 15 June this year. Since then Sir John Saunders, the chairman, has devoted his time to a minute examination of the response of the emergency services and security arrangements at the Manchester Arena.

But he has side-stepped the elephant in the room: Britain’s role in the downfall of Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in the war of 2011.

Yet the facts are hard to ignore.

The Manchester bomber was Salman Abedi, a 22-year-old with a Libyan background whose family had fled and settled in Manchester to escape Gaddafi’s regime.

Abedi’s father, Ramadan, was a long-standing member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), which was founded to overthrow Gaddafi. The primary opposition force to Gaddafi, the LIFG was until 2009 an affiliate of al-Qaeda.

In 2011, both Ramadan and a young Salman Abedi returned to Libya to fight in the civil war that toppled Gaddafi, partly thanks to a Nato bombing campaign in which the UK played a key role.

Salman was later known to have made repeated trips to Libya, including one shortly before his attack in Manchester.

Perhaps Salman Abedi’s links to Libya are irrelevant. It would be wrong to rule out the idea that Abedi was “radicalised” in Britain.

Yet questions abound. Questions which scream out to be asked. Questions which Saunders has so far shown little sign of examining.

The first concerns Britain’s “open door policy”, which allowed Libyan exiles and British Libyan citizens, most of whom lived in Manchester, to join the 2011 uprising.

Some of these British Libyans had previously been under control orders, which subjected them to electronic tagging and required them to remain at a registered address for 16 hours a day.

Control orders are designed for the purpose of “protecting members of the public from a risk of terrorism”.

Yet in advance of the Libyan intervention, the British government had decided that the Manchester Libyans no longer posed a terrorist threat.

An article by Middle East Eye interviewed Libyans who claimed strings were pulled by Britain’s domestic security service, MI5, to allow them to travel to Libya and fight with “no questions asked”.

In other words, the UK was allowing individuals they suspected of involvement in terrorist activity to travel to Libya and join up with radical Islamist groups, including the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group.

Why were these control orders lifted and on whose advice? What caused the government to change its mind? Were the control orders lifted in connection with the Libyan conflict – or is there some other explanation?

CCTV of Salman Abedi, the Islamist terrorist who killed 22 people in the Manchester Arena bombing in 2017.

Ministerial accountability

Saunders has the power to call then home secretary Theresa May and probably her immediate predecessor Alan Johnson and ask them. He should do so.

He also needs to call Cameron, the prime minister who ordered Britain’s military intervention in 2011. We need to know whether he was advised that domestic consequences might flow from his Libyan mission.

MI5 warned in advance about the danger of bloodshed on British streets as a result of the Iraq invasion. Was a similar warning issued in private ahead of British meddling in Libya?

The inquiry also needs to hear about Britain’s relations with the LIFG, which in the 1990s seems to have been in hock with MI6, and paid by the agency to carry out an assassination attempt against Gaddafi.

When their attempts at regime change failed, the Libyan radicals fled to Manchester – sometimes called the “second capital” of Libya.

After 9/11, the British state changed its approach and Gaddafi became an unexpected ally. Now, LIFG exiles in Britain were deprived of their passports.

In 2011 the LIFG came back into favour as Cameron ordered airstrikes and secretly deployed some ground troops to help local forces remove Gaddafi.

This has rarely been acknowledged. But General David Richards, then chief of the defence staff, told a parliamentary inquiry in 2016 that Britain “had a few people embedded” with rebel forces in Libya, saying that they were “in the rear areas” and “would go forward and back”.

Shouldn’t we be able to know more details about this? Who exactly did they work with? What support did they provide? Did it include armed support or training to Islamist forces?

These questions are supremely important since Abedi and his father were among those rebel forces at the time. I cannot establish whether they had been under control orders.

The questions are especially relevant because of the circumstances which applied during the British military action in Libya.

Abdul-Hakim Belhaj, centre, senior member of the Islamist Party al-Watan, addresses his supporters during an election rally in Tripoli, Libya, 4 July 2012. Belhaj is the former emir of the now defunct Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. (Photo: EPA / Amel Pain)

The terms of the United Nations resolution, which authorised British and French intervention, specifically prohibited sending in ground troops.

Britain mainly seems to have thrown our weight behind Islamist fighters, including the LIFG, who had a long-standing hatred of Gaddafi.

Some LIFG fighters in Libya in 2011 had earlier fought alongside the Islamic State of Iraq – the al-Qaeda entity which went on to establish a presence in Syria and then became Islamic State.

Put another way, Qaeda-connected forces were Britain’s boots on the ground in the war against Gaddafi.

In 2018, then foreign minister Alastair Burt admitted to parliament that the UK “likely” had contacts with “former members” of the LIFG and another Islamist group, the 17 February Martyrs Brigade, in Libya in 2011. What were these contacts?

Following the 2011 war, there are grounds for assuming that Abedi came into contact with other militant Islamist groups on his trips to Libya. There are suggestions, for example, that Abedi was trained in a camp complex run by Islamic State in Sabratha, near the border with Tunisia.

After the Gaddafi regime fell, Libya became a largely lawless country and a base for terrorism, including a launch pad for terrorist attacks in Europe.

We need to know what groups Abedi met, whether they trained him, and whether they were a danger to Britain.

And what were the true circumstances of Abedi being “rescued” by the British military in 2014, when he and other British citizens in Libya at the time were brought back to the UK. Why was Abedi allowed to return to Britain unhindered?

The Secret Intelligence Service (SIS, also known as MI6) should be able to shed light on this, making it frankly odd and absurd that no SIS officer seems to have been called to give evidence (an MI5 witness has been scheduled). Saunders’ inquiry will have limited credibility without SIS testimony.

What did they know about Abedi’s visits to Libya? Did SIS press for control orders to be relaxed? And the key question – what role did SIS play, exactly, in Libya in 2011?

People lay flowers in St Ann’s Square, Manchester, on the first anniversary of the Manchester Arena bombing, 22 May 2018. (Photo: EPA-EFE / Nigel Roddis)

Blood price?

Did innocent Manchester citizens pay a blood price for Britain’s cynical policy six years earlier? Was the British state itself ultimately part of the apparatus of terror which killed innocent people in Manchester?

This is why Saunders also needs to call William Hague, foreign secretary in 2011, to face forensic questioning about the relationship between the LIFG and the British state.

Did Hague understand what he was doing?

Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee later concluded he didn’t: “We have seen no evidence that the UK government carried out a proper analysis of the nature of the rebellion in Libya. It may be that the UK government was unable to analyse the nature of the rebellion in Libya due to incomplete intelligence and insufficient institutional insight”.

It added: “It failed to identify the militant Islamist extremist element in the rebellion.”

But was the Foreign Office really that naïve? Did Britain blindly stumble into an alliance with terrorist forces which might later turn on it? Or did we know exactly who we were getting involved with?

Since the hearings began in September, Saunders has spent three months interrogating the emergency services, and those responsible for Arena security. I have no doubt that there are important lessons to be learnt.

However, the purpose of the Manchester inquiry is to ensure a similar catastrophe can be averted in future. That’s why Saunders should spend at least the same amount of time interrogating British foreign policy.

There is no point in his inquiry unless it asks the difficult questions the British establishment would rather avoid, and look into the underlying causes.

Some might feel that this is unfair to Saunders. These questions would have been answered if there had been a formal inquiry, as there should have been, into Cameron’s calamitous decision to intervene in Libya.

In the absence of such an inquiry it’s up to Saunders. DM

Peter Oborne is a columnist for Middle East Eye. His new book – The Assault on Truth: Boris Johnson, Donald Trump and the Emergence of a New Moral Barbarism – will be published by Simon & Schuster in February. 

Featured image courtesy of Daily Maverick

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Upon entering office on January 20, 2021, President-elect Joe Biden will have 16 days before the last remaining treaty limiting US and Russian nuclear arsenals, the 2010 New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), expires.

The treaty limits the two countries’ strategic nuclear arsenals to no more than 1,550 deployed warheads and 700 deployed missiles and heavy bombers each. The two countries met these limitations by the implementation deadline in 2018.

If the treaty expires on February 5, it will be the first time since 1972 that the United States and Russia would have no negotiated constraints on their strategic nuclear arsenals.

Fortunately, New START allows for an extension of up to five years so long as the US and Russian presidents both agree to it.

While Russia initially proposed a five-year extension with no preconditions in December 2019, the two countries exchanged dueling proposals in October 2020, pairing a one-year extension with a one-year freeze on all nuclear warheads. No deal ultimately came to fruition as Moscow rejected the additional US condition that the freeze be subject to verification measures.

Since the US presidential election, Russia has said that it would still be willing to extend New START by five years without any preconditions.

President-elect Biden has repeatedly expressed his support for an extension of New START. But there is uncertainty about how long of an extension he might pursue. His nominee for Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, suggested in November that a full five-year extension is on the table for the incoming administration, but more recent reports revealed debate among Biden’s advisors about whether to pursue a five-year extension or something shorter. There are also questions about what Biden might do with the warhead freeze concept that he stands to inherit from the Trump administration.

Below is a timeline that illustrates how the United States and Russia have landed here, chronicling each shift in both countries’ respective arms control negotiating positions. It demonstrates how the Trump administration largely delayed engagement with Russia on the future of New START for three and a half years and how, once it did engage, its actions raised questions about whether it genuinely wanted to secure an extension of the accord or was instead merely trying to run out the clock on the treaty.

The timeline helps paint a picture of the arms control situation the Biden administration will take charge of in January.

Click here to view timeline.

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click screen below to view: important testimonies of medical doctors censored by Youtube and  Facebook

The opinions of prominent scientists who question the lockdown, the face-mask or social distancing are “taken down” by Google:

YouTube doesn’t allow content that spreads medical misinformation that contradicts the World Health Organization (WHO) or local health authorities‘ medical information about COVID-19, including on methods to prevent, treat or diagnose COVID-19, and means of transmission of COVID-19.” (emphasis added)
They call it “fact checking”. Similarly, Twitter has confirmed that “it will remove all posts that suggest there are ‘adverse impacts or effects of receiving vaccinations’… Twitter will: memory-hole any posts that “invoke a deliberate conspiracy” or “advance harmful, false, or misleading narratives’ about vaccines.”

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Robert H. Jackson, US-amerikanischer Chefankläger im Nürnberger Prozess gegen die deutschen Hauptkriegsverbrecher im Zweiten Weltkrieg sagte in seiner Eröffnungsrede am 21. November 1945:

„…wir dürfen niemals vergessen, dass nach dem gleichen Maß, mit dem wir die Angeklagten heute messen, auch wir morgen von der Geschichte gemessen werden. Diesen Angeklagten einen vergifteten Becher reichen, bedeutet, ihn an unsere eigenen Lippen zu bringen.“ (1)

Am 24. Oktober 1946 schlug der Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen in einem mündlichen Bericht an die Volksversammlung vor, die Prinzipien, die in den insgesamt 13 Nürnberger Prozessen angewandt wurden, zu einem ständigen Teil des internationalen Rechts zu machen. Am 29. Juli 1950 formulierte die Völkerrechtskommission (International Law Commission ILC) ihre aus sieben Artikeln bestehende Fassung der Nürnberger Prinzipien. Sie waren Wegweiser für das neue Völkerstrafrecht:

  1. „Jede Person, welche ein völkerrechtliches Verbrechen begeht, ist hierfür strafrechtlich verantwortlich.
  2. Auch wenn das nationale Recht für ein völkerrechtliches Verbrechen keine Strafe androht, ist der Täter nach dem Völkerrecht strafbar.
  3. Auch Staatsoberhäupter und Regierungsmitglieder sind für die von ihnen begangene völkerrechtliche Verbrechen verantwortlich.
  4. Handeln auf höheren Befehl befreit nicht von völkerrechtlicher Verantwortlichkeit, sofern der Täter auch anders hätte handeln können.
  5. Jeder, der wegen eines völkerrechtlichen Verbrechens angeklagt ist, hat Anspruch auf ein ordnungsgemäßes Verfahren.
  6. Folgende Verbrechen sind als völkerrechtliche Verbrechen strafbar: a) Verbrechen gegen den Frieden b) Kriegsverbrechen c) Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit.
  7. Die Mittäterschaft zur Begehung der genannten Verbrechen stellt ebenfalls ein völkerrechtliches Verbrechen dar.“ (2)

Wann ist der nächste „Nürnberger Prozess“ fällig?


Dr. Rudolf Hänsel ist Diplom-Psychologe und Erziehungswissenschaftler.


  1. http://www.von-nuernberg-nach-den-haag.de/seite1/die_nuernberger_prinzipien/
  2. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nürnberger_Prinzipien
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COVID-19 is a cultural and institutional virus that eats away at the foundations of organized human action. The COVID19 campaign is best seen as a horrific coupling of two linked, but distinct, phenomena: the emergence of full-scale class warfare as a result of the rapid concentration of wealth over the past ten years and the transformation of artificial intelligence  (which lurks behind automation, drones, media and the internet) into the primary weapon in the ruthless battle of the super-rich against the vast majority of humanity.

A critical factor in the effectiveness of this combination of class warfare and information warfare has been the willingness of the vast majority of public intellectuals and other authority figures to go along with the current false narrative, actively misleading and distracting the general public.

As a result, few people understand what is going on in the United States behind the fear-mongering false reports in the news, with the exception of those at a high level who handle the classified planning, promulgation and enforcement of the COVID19 “great reset.”

An increasing number of people, however, are aware that something is profoundly wrong with the United States. Abandoned by a decadent establishment, they are forced to search for the truth in the trash produced by the corporate media, limited in their understanding by the primitive schemata for understanding economics and politics produced by consulting firms whose primary task is to frustrate understanding.

Class Warfare

A shift has taken place in American society over the last two years. The manipulation of digital currencies, bonds, derivatives and other financial products, combined with the radical privatization of the banking system has made it possible for a tiny handful of the super-rich, and the swarms of CEOs who buzz around them like flies, to create money out of nothing and to use that money to bribe everyone in a position of authority—or to threaten them.

This radical class fragmentation in American society has been festering for years, but it was only when the COVID19 crisis was hyped up as a means of calling attention away from the destruction of the economy resulting from the theft by super-rich of between 5 and 12 trillion dollars from the United States government through a series of loans to buy up stock, refinance and to transfer cash was successful. The rich decided that the time had come to implement their plan. .

The operation included a series of classified directives that forced all government officials, and many in media and academia, to lay all blame for the economic and political disruption on COVID19 and that prohibited the mention of this massive theft. This theft was the most important event of 2020 but was never mentioned in the US election.

Although this massive transfer of wealth dwarfed the quantitative easing scams of the last decade, and empowered a handful of multi-billionaires to run the economy without interference, their advisors warned them that such a move was extremely dangerous and that they must take ruthless measures to destroy all opposition before a truly revolutionary movement could get off the ground.

The term “class warfare” was popular in Marxist discourse and formed a central pillar of mass mobilization in the 1930s by communist movements. The term is not communist by nature, however. Today “class warfare” is not treated in a serious manner by the toothless left (who use the term as a colorful expression and not to describe this literal war). It is rather the far right that identifies the threat of class warfare, and describes it graphically, although not always in an accurate manner.

It is clear that the current plan, well underway, is intended to reduce the entire population to slavery under the control of the 0.01%. The the progressives and the flaccid left, however, refuse to grapple with this reality, and, with rare exceptions, they refuse to speak honestly about COVID19.

The best-known right-wing figure to describe class warfare was Alex Jones whose website was Info Wars and news broadcast “Prison Planet”.  Jones combined a systematic release of information about massive corporate and government conspiracies with trivia and some misleading material in a manner that allowed informed viewers to learn quite a bit. I suspect that he was forced to mix garbage in his reports because many of the materials he used were classified.

Today, Alex Jones has become a popular media figure in the Republican Party interested only in select crimes of the Democratic Party. There remain, however, plenty of other far right sources that are willing to take on the topic of class warfare.

The progressives, however, are allergic to any serious consideration of class warfare. Bernie Sanders will talk about the unfair or selfish actions of the 1% but he refuses to mention the systematic efforts of the 0.01% to destroy the economic, educational and cultural foundations of life for the majority of Americans. He never mentions the actions of Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Warren Buffett “progressive”-branded billionaires who are actively destroying the lives of citizens.

There are two critical components to the current strategy of class warfare.

First, the attacks are purposely audacious and extreme because it is assumed that this “shock and awe” approach will inhibit most intellectuals from engaging in a serious discussion or  engaging in political organization.

The “big lie” strategy is a core element in this campaign. Forcing government officials, academics and journalists to repeat obvious lies and to bombard the public with such lies quickly reduces the intellectual capacity of citizens to reflect on current events, and impedes collective action.

The scale of lie, of the deceit, is so massive that is seems like an unbelievable fairytale.

There have been any number of lies perpetrated by the super-rich since the Kennedy assassination, but the two big lies that form the core of the current ideological preparation for class warfare are the 9.11 incident and COVID19. It is likely that the same groups were involved in organizing and implementing both and that the key planners came from around the world, not simply from the United States, Saudi Arabia and Israel.

The best analogy for the planning of these two big lies is Agatha Christie’s detective novel “Murder on the Orient Express.” In that novel, the American gangster Cassetti is murdered on a train by a group of his rivals who agree in advance to sedate him and then each of them, in turn, stabs him once. The manner in which the implementation of the crime is shared makes the case difficult to crack. Because all the major players are involved at some level in the crime, they all are driven to support the false narrative and they all stand to face persecution, and a  loss of face, if that narrative is not maintained.

The manner in which America’s most famous public intellectuals stick to the 9.11 and COVID19 narratives, even in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence, suggests that a similar process is at work.

Those few stupid enough to demand an investigation of the facts in these cases have been punished. Those who have displayed leadership skills have been isolated or destroyed. The rest have been bought off with ego-flattering media coverage, with funds for superficial research, or with “entrepreneurial” business opportunities. All these rewards come with strings that render potential leaders harmless.

The other critical point to this preparation for full-spectrum class warfare can be found in the remarkable silence and calm before the storm. The media, academic experts, NGOs and global organizations like the United Nations, even the so-called radical left, give the public the impression that although there are serious problems in the United States, and the country is not as free as it could be, that, basically, things are normal.

Even as private militias roam the country, engaging in mayhem and killing, public intellectuals refuse to address the question of how Goldman Sachs and BlackRock manipulate the political process, or engage in domestic terrorism. The message repeated is that the situation will return to normal, perhaps under a Biden administration, is repeated ad nauseum until citizens have no choice but to embrace the fiction or lose the ability to interact with friends and family.

Citizens are encouraged by the media to take up meditation, spend time with family and read a book at a café. The implication of such advice, fed to us by corporate-sponsored self-help mavens, is that any tension our lives is the result of internal emotions, not of external forces.

There is a tendency in social animals like humans to try to define reality in response to social consensus, and to seek out traces of the normal in daily life, and to latch on to them as a means of avoiding the painful reality of radical political and economic shifts. The super-rich exploit this human weakness.

Thus, citizens are slowly dragged into a new reality of techno-totalitarian rule through a subtle dance, a gradual alternation between punctuated moments in which a feelings of danger and panic are encouraged cultivated and periods when citizens are told that things are slowly going back to normal. This melody that weaves between panic and relaxation without reflection means that citizens are convinced that they live in a normal society with occasional disruptions when in fact politics is becoming radically repressive with occasional moments of release.

This process is aided by efforts to frustrate understanding of who responsible for the crime.

The Left, groups like Socialist Equality Party (that run the WSWS report) or the Green Party, avoid any serious analysis of who owns what and how they own it. They speak of social justice, but they are silent (for the most part) about the specific machinations of Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and George Soros.

The far Right, by contrast, is willing to go after certain billionaires like Bill Gates and George Soros with the appropriate seriousness, but turns a blind eye to the billionaires Shelden Adelson, Robert Mercer and Charles Koch, the players who created the Trump phenomenon and have pushed for climate catastrophe and for a pro-Zionist policy.

The citizen is offered a baited gambit, a choice between

1) a right wing that addresses real class issues and describes massive conspiracies like the murderous vaccine regime that is being planned, but that is silent on climate change, and wants to end all government, and that does not provide a systemic analysis of the manner in which the Zionist and imperialist billionaires play a role in the destruction of our society, on the one hand and, on the other hand,

2) a “progressive” movement that promotes racial and ethnic diversity, talks about a more egalitarian society, makes plans for the response to climate change, but is silent on the crimes of the Super rich billionaires and turns a blind eye to the COVID19 scam.

The unsavory choice is not an accident. It is forced on us by the super-rich who have been advised that their only hope for survival is to use their extreme wealth to fool us into fighting each other rather than confronting them.

The advisors to the super-rich know that the concentration of wealth, and intentional impoverishment of the population, will reach a breaking point and citizens will start to organize. Their supercomputers have already presented them with detailed models for how revolutionary actions will unfold.

The super-rich want to steer those who see the criminal conspiracy, and the threat of world government for the few, towards the right which lacks the analytical framework to address class issues in a rigorous manner. That right wing is telling the truth, but the explanations for why do not include a systematic plan for reform. Instead, the right’s arguments fall back on simplistic narratives about threats from the Chinese Communist Party or from Jewish capital. Although there are, of course, serious financial conspiracies linked directly to China and to Israel, they are only part of the global integration of finance driven by AI that includes multiple players.

On the other hand, the super-rich want to steer those concerned with inequity and racism in society towards ineffective multiculturalism and feel-good ethnic identity rituals. The multiethnic new team of the Biden administration is typical of such identity politics. The ritual of appointing women, African Americans, Asians and Indians to prominent positions in government, business, the military, intelligence and academics signifies “progress” even if they are products of corporate finance and have deep stakes in private equity, or in the promotion of weapons systems.

The argument advanced by progressives is that there is no conspiracy but rather that the inequity we face is the product of  bad apples, of greedy and thoughtless men, who can be brought to their senses if they only have their photograph taken with Greta Thunberg.

Goldman Sachs could not be happier with the result.

As they say on the Upper Westside, “I like my fascism with a shot of progressive rhetoric and a thin layer of multicultural performance art on top.”

Consider how when Drew Faust retired as president of Harvard in 2018 she immediately joined the board of Goldman Sachs. There was total silence on the Left concerning this blatant conflict of interest. Harvard, once famous for the quality its research, is now valued primarily for its 50 Billion USD endowment, and not for its academic achievements. The endowment, and increasingly the faculty (who chase after corporate funding) have been reduced to the toys of investment banks.

Intellectuals who might serve as leaders are marginalized by policies that force them to write tedious papers for obscure journals. Those in the NGO world are forced to run around begging for donations from the rich and powerful and are therefore incapable of articulating a message with broad appeal. None of this is an accident.

The use of AI

A key weapon in the battle to the death between a tiny handful of the super-rich and the rest of humanity is AI, or artificial intelligence.

The threat of AI is a common theme touched upon by the attention-craving billionaire Elon Musk. But his warnings are abstract, about some future amorphous danger beyond the horizon, and not presented as a threat to us right now.

If anything, AI is hyped as an inevitable development in human civilization, and never presented as the political strategy of the rich to marginalize and destroy the majority of humanity. AI is presented to us as a boon for human potential that will boost creativity in a bid to distract and mislead the citizen. Youth are encouraged to learn computer science with the assumption that they will somehow find a place to work in this alien new economy without people.

Artificial Intelligence is capable of analyzing massive amounts of information and coming up with aggregate conclusions. AI is used to test airplanes in flight simulations, to model chemical reactions in organic compounds and to explore other complex phenomenon such as weather, or ocean currents.

But these are not the concerns that corporations think about when they invest billions in supercomputers.

AI has two fundamental uses today.

1) The calculation of potential profit from stock, bonds and other derivatives and the formulation of, and implementation of, strategies for maximizing that profit. In many cases, the supercomputers not only calculate the value of derivatives, they create those derivatives and thus create value out of nothing by alchemy.

2) The large-scale manipulation of the Earth’s population, starting with the United States, through a complex symphonic presentation of narratives in different gendres that serves to, in alternation, frighten and intimidate, cajole and berate, encourage and reassure, the population. These patterns of stimulation aimed at social manipulation take place locally, nationally and globally and they unfold on such a large scale, and with such complexity that, unless you are involved in the plan, you will have trouble keeping up, and you will join the billions of people persuaded by these AI coordinated campaigns to engage in acts, or support policies, that are not in the interest of anyone but a tiny handful of billionaires.

The propagandistic role of AI is perhaps one of the most poorly understood threats that mankind faces. That is not an accident.

The next stage of brutal class warfare will be starting soon, and as the vast majority of humanity is forced into poverty, and revolutionary action no longer seems unthinkable, we can be sure that AI will take on an aggressive new role in manipulating the thinking of citizens.

It is true that there is tremendous competition between China, Japan, the United States, Germany, Russia, Israel and other countries to develop the next generation of super computers as quickly as possible. The details of this competition, however, are classified (or subject to non-disclosure agreements). Most information released in the media is intentionally misleading.

The competition between nations to develop AI is increasingly secondary to the competition between corporations, or even between individual billionaires, to set up banks of  supercomputers that enable them to engage in the calculation of profit, and the manipulation of the public, for themselves.

National boundaries are not important in the competition.

The popular rhetoric of a “new Cold War” between China and the United States is used to obscure the degree of cooperation in the calculation of profit between Google and Tencent, between Microsoft and Alibaba. How much cooperation in supercomputing takes place? I doubt anyone really knows. What we know is that super-rich in both the United States and China have a similar interest in preempting any effort to organize opposition.

We know from the case of the First World War that it is possible to wage a brutal total war while the cooperation at a higher level between financial oligarchs continued.

The nature of AI warfare is unlikely to be a Pearl Harbor-like attack on the United States by a nation state like China or Russia, but rather the systematic manipulation of all the citizens of the world that grinds them down and disempowers them economically and intellectually.

How is AI used in war

The capacity of AI is understated in the media intentionally. The application of AI in business is to create algorithms for the manipulation of the information culled from surveillance and transmissions that assure that almost no citizens are aware of how the information collected is used against them. It is not that hard for supercomputers to outsmart and trick entire populations, especially if those populations are engrossed in playing video games, watching pornography or wasting their time on images of food or fashion.

The primary directive in this information war is that it must be conducted in a friendly and sensitive manner so that almost no one grasps what is taking place until they are locked up permanently in their homes.

Extremely detailed information about all aspects of the lives of most humans on the Earth is already available and programs exist that calculate possible responses to future changes on the part of individuals, groups, nations and the entire world. The detail of the information available, and the ability to calculate responses at multiple levels, grows increasingly sophisticated.

We can assume that there is a core group of say five million people globally who are carefully tracked and whose actions are anticipated because they are potential political leaders or opinion makers. At the same time, all significant groups (leftists of different flavors, Christian or libertarian conservatives, Jews, African Americans, or Hispanics) are tracked individually, in small groups and in aggregate and projections for their responses to political shifts are calculated.

Each individual, and each population group, is targeted and then slowly frightened, and/or seduced, into accepting dangerous shifts in governance (for businesses, schools, NGOs and local, state and federal government) through a complex back and forth, an alternation of rewards and punishments, the creation of moments of crisis and uncertainty.

Those who find Fox News convincing require different presentations of information from those who read the Washington Post or the Atlantic, and also different approaches are required for those who read the New York Review of Books or Common Dreams. The arguments advanced are subtly varied with the help of AI computations of the fluid state of public opinion with minute attention to each small audience.

The citizen gets the impression from this calibrated process that politics are a steady state, alternating between crisis and progress. The reality, however, is that society is becoming rapidly more authoritarian, serving as a tool for multinational corporations.

These algorithms determine what news stories, or dramas and commercials, should be placed in which media sources, over what period of time so as to modify behavior and thinking patterns for each population group (Chinese Americans interested in science, conservative Christians invested in real estate, African Americans interested to sports). Because the messaging is spread out in waves over months and years. The process resembles it is like drawings of birds in the Peruvian Nazca desert that are only visible from the sky and not to people on the ground. Even the smartest mind at MIT is unable to perceive the patterns for manipulation that have been worked out by supercomputers.

Several steps had to be taken before this program of information warfare could be launched. First, all scientists employing the scientific method were removed from the public discussion concerning COVID19 and authority figures like Anthony Fauci a man who senselessly calls for the universal use of masks, for social distancing and for vaccines, had to be held up by the media, including the progressives, as a model for science in opposition to the anti-science Trump. That required them to completely overlook how Bill Gates created Fauci as a corporate hack to push his for-profit healthcare agenda.

Once a stake was driven through the heart of the scientific method, it was then possible to manipulate this pandemic so as to advance the interests of financial elites.

A perfect example of the weaponization of the left for this covert war on science is the call for mobilization by 314 Action, an “NGO” that describes itself as a grassroots movement to “elect Democratic scientists who will use science and facts to address some of our most pressing issues like climate change and health care.”

The post describes the “incredible work” of Rebekah Jones, an expert who created a COVID database. She was fired, the post tells us, for refusing to follow orders from the Republican governor to “manipulate and falsify COVID numbers to downplay the number of cases and infections.”

Therefore, the posting declares, we should support a “COVID whistleblower being targeted ruthlessly.” But what if the entire COVID data was itself a fraud and what if the Republican governor is the one who is standing on the side of science?

The strategists behind this post are assuming that those accustomed to “progressive” politics will not be able to wrap their mind around such a scenario and will thus be seduced into embracing an anti-science agenda in the name of science.

The media today is filled with screaming articles peppered with scary photographs of people being carted away wrapped up in plastic in a blatant effort at systematic fear mongering. Many of those photographs, and the content, are most likely fabricated.

New statistics for how many people have become infected by COVID19 in each city or state are plastered everywhere in a manner that displaces all real news. None of the information about outbreaks, about treatment, about vaccines, or anything else is reliable or even believable.

That is to say that all aspects of journalism have been fully weaponized. Behind the headlines, supercomputers alternate stories of dramatic outbreaks and lulls in COVID 19 cases, breakthroughs and setbacks in developing vaccines. We read about experts who suggest there is hope just around the corner and then about others who foresee a “dark winter.”  The process makes sure that all debate is about process and personalities, not the fundamental question of why. The corporate media focuses on the personality of Trump or Biden, or on the weather, or on just about anything other than an analysis of what is taking place.

This AI driven information warfare is best seen as the equivalent of a game of chess, or “go.” The supercomputers owned by Goldman Sachs, or by Jeff Bezos, work to calibrate precisely how to lull to sleep, or how to disorient and shock, individuals and specific population groups over months so that they will accept as normal an increasingly alien landscape.

The privatization of the control of information in government is also part of information warfare.

Imagine my surprise when a friend forwarded to me a job listing for “senior intelligence analyst for North Korea” at Microsoft. The trend of taking intelligence positions out of the government and giving them to private companies has increased over the last twenty years and reached a peak over the last year.

Multinational corporations, accountable to no one, can’t wait to drive the final nail in the coffin of government so that they can regulate all aspects of daily life for citizens in a reign of terror while using the innocuous term “service” to describe the process.

It was announced on November 21 that the CIA will give a massive cloud computing contract worth “tens of billions” to Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, IBM and Oracle. Perhaps it would be better to simply say that the CIA will be split up into the fiefdoms of Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Larry Page, and Larry Ellison. And that is just the part that actually appears in the newspaper.

Strategies for manipulation

Data by itself is not so helpful. It must be combined with a strategy for manipulation. The current strategy can be traced back to the public relations and advertising strategies of corporations and government developed in the 1950s based on the principles of Sigmund Freud’s disciple Edward Bernays. Bernays developed concrete methods to manipulate the public through powerful images and simplistic slogans. He saw humans as irrational and inclined to seek out safe interpretations of events when they are presented by authority figures in accord with a “herd instinct.”

His classic books “Propaganda” (1928) and “The Engineering of Consent” (1955) form how-to manuals for political control.

More recently, there was a dramatic shift in public discourse after the 9/11 incident that demolished rational and scientific thinking from left to right, from comic books to scientific journals. A horrific monster, spawned by the stimulation of instinct and of reactive thinking by technology, emerged to take the place of science in our society.

How anybody could think that the crash of two airplanes could cause three buildings constructed out of reinforced steel to collapse into dust is beyond my understanding.

Yet the American public was subject to a long line of experts who said it happened like that and the icons of the supposed “radical left” like Chris Hedges and Noam Chomsky were trotted out to convince us that this fairytale was beyond question.

Another important part of the preparation for class warfare can be traced back to classified programs for psychological manipulation that were undertaken by the CIA and other organizations. As far back as the 1960s, programs to employ drugs, isolation, and other forms of invasive stimulation (or sensory deprivation) as a means to modify behavior and thinking were undertaken with corporate backing.

It was the programs run at Guantanamo Bay after 9/11 to destroy the minds of prisoners using isolation, mind-altering drugs, masks and sadistic abuse (described in the book “Murder at Camp Delta” by a former guard Joseph Hickman) that directly inform current strategies for mass control. Such programs had nothing to do with gathering “intelligence.”

I do not have access to the results of those experiments, but I can speculate as to what they were trying to determine. There are distinct flaws in the structure of the brain that make it possible to manipulate people without their knowledge or consent and those experiments helped to refine the specific methods.

The central weakness in the human mind derives from the contest for control between the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala. The prefrontal cortex makes decisions based on the rational analysis of the environment and a sophisticated calculation of the current situation in coordination with other parts of the brain. The amygdala, however, responds to threats with a sudden and irrational drive to flight, or to fight, that is not rational (and can be highly destructive). Although the amygdala traditionally played a critical role in allowing the human to drop everything and pursue self-preservation, its ability to override the decisions of the prefrontal cortex offers the manipulator a tremendous opportunity.

The results of the torture programs at Guantanamo Bay, combined with the work of Bernays’s modern disciples, provide the basis for sophisticated strategies to stimulate the amygdala so that its compulsive response and short-term irrationality overrides the prefrontal cortex. In addition, the pleasure centers (sexual arousal, appeals of food, or of other sensual pleasures) also help this campaign by inhibiting long-term rational planning in the individual and reinforcing an anti-intellectual agenda. This “softening up” operation is carried out in a slow and methodical manner globally to prepare for the next step in the conflict.

In effect, highly educated and capable people are rendered harmless and passive through this process. The promotion of media and educational content full of advanced vocabulary but lacking logical argumentation, serves to lull the educated American to sleep. One need only read the Nation or the American Prospect to see the level of linguistic sophistication employed in articles that are mind-numbing and completely inaccurate in their description of reality.

The result of this process has been the founding of a nation of “sleepwalkers,” to borrow the title from the novel by the Austrian author Hermann Broch. Broch describes in that novel (1932) how educated Germans allowed themselves to be led into the catastrophe of World War One with eyes wide open. German intellectuals became sleepwalkers in the sense that they were functional in society, sophisticated in carrying out their jobs, even appreciative of music and art, but completely oblivious to the signs of institutional and cultural collapse. The current class-warfare strategy encourages such behavior.

The next stage in this horrific combination of information and class warfare may be launched by the COVID19 Task Force appointed by president-elect Joe Biden. Headed by Vivek Murthy (former surgeon general), David Kessler (former commissioner at the FDA) and Marcella Nunez-Smith (Yale Professor) the task force is positioned to play the role of judge, jury and executioner in the pursuit of a response to COVID19 that has no legal limits. Any scientific mandate is ruled out from the start because the virus itself is bogus. Biden’s statement that “I will spare no effort, none, or any commitment to end this pandemic” suggests that the door is open to massive repression of freedom of action and expression.

Biden vowed to establish a “pandemic testing board” modeled on the Wartime Production Panel of the Second World War and to empower the Federal government to fight COVID19 with the full authority of the Defense Production Act of the Korean War. The analogies to military mobilization to describe tracking down people supposedly suffering from COVID19, and their treatment with hundreds of millions of mandatory vaccines, is not random.

Biden demands a national “mask mandate” that will force everyone to wear these masks 24/7. Such a move cannot be seen as a misunderstanding of medicine. It is a deliberate effort to force government officials, corporations and citizens to accept orders even if they have no logical or scientific basis.

The closest parallel to the mask mandate is the demand in Germany that everyone of Jewish ancestry wear a yellow star starting on September 1, 1941. This policy, which had no basis in science, was accepted by the vast majority of intellectuals and opinion makers of the time and it served to create distance between populations, to encourage hostility, and to accustom citizens to non-sensical and authoritarian policy. After a year of watching some Germans forced to wear yellow stars of the first time in history, it was easy for the population to play stupid when those people were sent off to settlements in Poland and never returned.

Similarly, we can imagine that Americas will be prepared to accept the development of corona camps for groups of thousands, or millions, who are suddenly reported to be suffering from this disease. Citizens fearing that they themselves may be subject to treatment will have no choice but to wear “smart masks” or to have CCTV cameras placed in their homes, or to be subject to any number of mandatory vaccines that allow corporations (posing as “government”) to inject into their bodies with poorly understood substances and sensors.

That is the frightening prospect that confronts us today.

The historian Hannah Arendt got it right when she wrote,

“Evil comes from a failure to think. It defies thought for as soon as thought tries to engage itself with evil and examine the premises and principles from which it originates, it is frustrated because it finds nothing there. That is the banality of evil.”

AI is being used promote a “failure to think” at “warp speed” that will serve a critical role in inhibiting resistance in the next stage of class warfare.


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Emanuel Pastreich was an Independent Candidate for US President.

Featured image: Public domain image from Wiki’s COVID-Protest page.

This Project Censored Review by Prof. Nolan Higdon and Michael Smith on the H1N1 “pandemic” and vaccine scandal was originally published in 2010 following the 2009 H1N1 virus outbreak.

Below is the link to Michel Chossudovsky‘s detailed article which was granted the 2010-2011 Project Censored Award (recently reposted on Global Research).  

Michel Chossudovsky, “The H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Manipulating the Data to Justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency,” Global Research, August 25, 2009


The H1N1 virus has spawned widespread panic and fear throughout the world. However, upon closer examination, many of the claims made by the World Health Organization (WHO) seem to be based on weak and incomplete data. The Atlanta-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has created and used data to grossly exaggerate the need for an expensive and unnecessary vaccine aimed at creating profits for the pharmaceutical industry—not protecting Americans.


The WHO claimed that a worldwide public health emergency had unfolded on an unprecedented scale in 2009, and 4.9 billion doses of H1N1 swine flu vaccine were needed to stop the spread. Very soon thereafter countries all around the globe began preparation for the inoculation of millions of people in accordance with WHO recommendations. In some countries the WHO recommended that the H1N1 vaccination be mandatory. However, most people were unaware that the data used by the WHO was faulty at best.

In the US, both federal and state governments began preparation for the pandemic. State governments are generally responsible for these preparations, in coordination with federal agencies. President Obama’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology released a report that “considered the H1N1 pandemic ‘a serious health threat’ to the US—not as serious as the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic but worse than the swine flu outbreak of 1976.” Responding to such terrifying language, Massachusetts’s legislation introduced hefty fines and prison sentences for those who refused to be vaccinated. The US military was expected to have an active role in this health emergency.

There was no uniform system for collecting data on suspected swine flu victims in the US, which led to confusion in the absence of accurate statistics. The CDC acknowledged that the figures being collected on “confirmed and probable cases” in the US contained no separation between “confirmed” and “probable.” In fact, only a small percentage of the reported cases were “confirmed” by laboratory tests. This faulty data and much more like it from around the globe was given to the WHO, who in turn used the numbers to justify a pandemic.

The need for a perfected method of diagnosing and counting infected people was demonstrated when the WHO’s “data” caused a wave of inaccurate conclusions as to the severity of the flu and the distance it had spread.

The WHO declared a Phase 4 level of severity on April 27. Just two days later (April 29), without corroborating evidence, the pandemic was raised to Phase 5. Just over a month later (June 11) it was raised again to Phase 6, the level of an actual pandemic. The abrupt change in numbers should have been a wake-up call to the WHO that something had gone wrong in its data collection. Yet despite the suspicious changes, there was no attempt to improve the process of data collection in terms of laboratory confirmation. In fact quite the opposite occurred. Following the Phase 6 pandemic announcement, the CDC decided that data collection of individual confirmed and probable cases was no longer necessary to determine the spread of swine flu. The WHO ignored the change in data collection and that same month predicted with authority that “as many as 2 billion people could become infected over the next two years—nearly one-third of the world population.” The report created an atmosphere of fear and insecurity.

By August 2009, the WHO casually acknowledged that the underlying symptoms were moderate and that “most people will recover from swine flu within a week, just as they would from seasonal forms of influenza.”

The inaccurate data collection exaggerated numbers of infected people due to the CDC’s quantitative model created in July 2009. From April 15 to July 24, 2009, states reported a total of 43,771 confirmed and probable cases of novel influenza A (H1N1) infection. Of these reported cases, 5,011 people were hospitalized and 302 died.

On July 24, 2009, counts were discontinued by the CDC. Instead of collecting data that could have provided empirical backing for assessments of how the H1N1 virus was spreading, the CDC announced that it had developed its model to determine the true number of novel H1N1 flu cases in the United States.

The CDC further stated, “The model took the number of cases reported by states and adjusted the figure to account for known sources of underestimation,” such as accounting for people who never reported their illness, despite no proof that these infected people existed. These estimations caused an inaccurate and basically made-up figure of infections. The CDC recognized early in the outbreak that, once the disease was widespread, it would be more valuable to transition to standard surveillance systems to monitor illness, hospitalizations, and deaths.

The CDC’s data was then used to justify massive vaccinations, which created huge profits for the pharmaceutical industry. The CDC posits that the data sent to them by the states is “underestimated.” The CDC then inflates figures of “unconfirmed” cases, many of which are cases of seasonal influenza. The “corrected figures” are then inserted into the model. Using the CDC model approach, it is estimated that more than one million people became ill with novel H1N1 flu between April and June 2009 in the United States. Since these estimates are not based on confirmed illness, the numbers can grow and shrink at the whim of those controlling the model. The CDC’s model simulations and predictions of the spread of H1N1 swine flu are then used to plan the implementation of a nationwide vaccination program. Based on the model’s “predictions,” mass vaccination of half of the US population is required, with the possible provision for quarantines under civilian and/or military jurisdiction.

According to reports, the US government expected to have 85 million doses of the vaccine by the end of October 2009. The US government had ordered 195 million doses from the pharmaceutical companies. On July 29, 2009, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)—an advisory committee to the CDC—recommended that novel H1N1 flu vaccine be made available first to priority groups; these groups together would equal approximately 159 million individuals. The Agence France-Presse reported that the United States put in orders for the vaccine that would cover between 30 and 78 percent of Americans. As a result, the pharmaceutical industry gained massive profits from Americans who purchased an unnecessary and potentially dangerous vaccine in large quantities.

It is essential that physicians, epidemiologists, and health workers speak out through their respective associations and refute the government officials who are acting on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry, as well as denounce the manipulation of data. An accurate method of counting infected people has to be created in time for the next pandemic, should one hit, in order to better serve the needs of the public. It is also important to warn the public on the dangers of untested H1N1 flu vaccines. The WHO cannot accurately serve the people it claims to serve without the cooperation of groups like the CDC. Sadly, the CDC is not protecting humanity because it is too busy expanding the bottom line of the pharmaceutical industry.



Michel Chossudovsky, “The H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Manipulating the Data to Justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency,” Global Research, August 25, 2009, http://www.globalresearch.ca/PrintArticle.php?articleId=14901

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“With wrongs yet legal, curse a future age!
Still spread, fair Liberty! thy heav’nly wings,
Breath plenty on the fields, and fragrance on the springs.”

Windsor Forest, Alexander Pope, 1713

The UK government has introduced a parliamentary Bill that seeks to give the police and a host of other organisations a power to authorise informants to participate in criminal conduct. The government claims that the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill [1] will create a legal way to break the law – in other words, to use the law to break the law.

The Bill is the government’s response to the legal challenge from Privacy International, Reprieve, the Committee on the Administration of Justice and the Pat Finucan Centre, who challenged the existing policy of authorising criminal conduct by officials and agents of the security services [2].

The government has also published a handy Home Office European Convention on Human Rights Memorandum [3] that explains how and why they believe that such law breaking is compatible with the Human Rights Convention. The memorandum says:

“A criminal conduct authorisation may only be granted where that conduct is believed to be necessary and proportionate in the interests of national security, for the purpose of preventing or detecting crime or disorder, or in the interests of the economic well-being of the UK for certain statutory purposes and where it is proportionate to what is sought to be achieved by that conduct.”

At first glance it may seem as if there might be some safeguards buried in such an obtuse statement. In fact the Home Office are using the language of war, language that comes from international law, that has come to dominate modern political discourse and is being used to facilitate the introduction of totalitarian measures. It may seem like our system is suddenly falling apart. In fact the building (or rather destruction) blocks were put in place quite some time ago.

To get an understanding of how this situation has come about and of the above quoted memorandum we need to look at the language used in the laws of war and see how it has made its way into the language of freedoms via the bait and switch of the language of “rights”. And to do this first we must address the murky heritage of two words at the heart of modern discourse on freedoms and police actions – “proportionate” and “necessary”.

The Caroline Incident

Back in 1837 Canada was made up of two British colonies (Upper and Lower Canada) run by an oligarchy of wealthy men. In December of that year a Scotsman, William Lyon Mackenzie planned a revolt in Upper Canada to try and institute political reforms [4]. Mackenzie and his men took over Navy Island in the Niagara river and proclaimed the Republic of Canada there. The rebels had a few stolen cannons which they used to fire at mainland Canada. The British were none too happy and asked the United States Government to stop the rebels, who were allegedly amassing weapons and new recruits in the US.

The rebels had hired a steamboat, the Caroline, to transport men and supplies from New York to Navy Island. On the evening of 29th December 1837, whilst the Caroline was docked at Schlosser in New York, a Royal Navy boat with 60 men rowed across the Niagra river and attacked the steamboat. The Caroline was seized, towed to Niagra Falls and set ablaze, killing two members of the crew.

The Caroline was a United States boat moored in the United States and so this act was seen as an unprovoked attack on a neutral state. The US Secretary of State John Forsyth wrote a letter to Henry Fox, the British minister in Washington stating that the incident would be made “the subject of a demand for redress.” Fox replied that Britain had acted under “the necessity of self-defence and self-preservation”. Through an exchange of letters between Forsyth, his successor Daniel Webster, Fox and Lord Ashburton, a political excuse was transformed into a legal doctrine- the Caroline doctrine [5] – the legacy of which would have far reaching consequences.

The key elements of the doctrine as penned by Webster are:

i) “It will be for [the British] government to show a necessity of self-defense,
instant, overwhelming, leaving no choice of means, and no moment for deliberation.”

ii) “It will be for [the British government] to show, also, that… [it] did nothing unreasonable or excessive; since the act, justified by the necessity of self-defense, must be limited by that necessity, and kept clearly within it.” [6]

International Law

In the years following the Caroline incident there were calls for the creation of an organisation to act as an arbitrator for disputes between nations, a role that interestingly had been undertaken by the Pope [7]. These calls would eventually lead to the formation of the League of Nations and the United Nations. In the meantime a number of law societies formed, such as the Association for the Reform and Codification of the Law of Nations (1873) [8} concerning themselves with the new and controversial area of law, “international law” as it came to be known. In 1888 the British Prime Minister Lord Salisbury said of this new “international law” that it “has not any existence in the sense in which the term ‘law’ is usually understood” [9] – but they didn’t let a small thing like that hold them back.

From the Caroline doctrine then came the core concepts in international law relating to the self-defence of states – “necessity” and “proportionality”. These concepts recur frequently in international treaties and in the ongoing work of the United Nations’ International Law Commission (ILC) [10] to codify international law.

The ILC tweaked the “necessity of self-defence” by adding a requirement for an “essential interest”, so that states cannot invoke necessity with regards to an act unless the act:

is the only means for the State to safeguard an essential interest against a grave and imminent peril [11]

Article 51 of the United Nations Charter acknowledges a State’s right to self defence when it states that: “Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations” [12].

The inclusion of this clause in the Charter acknowledges and codifies what was used as a legal excuse into the law of war.

In the nineteenth century, whilst this new language was being created for international law, domestically in England the same words were being used very differently.

1878 Royal Commission to consider the Laws Relating to Indictable Offences

In 1878 a Royal Commission was appointed in England to scrutinise the Criminal Code (Indictable Offences) Bill, an attempt by barrister and civil servant James Fitzjames Stephen to convert the unwritten English criminal law into statute law (i.e. codifying it). In their report the commission described what most people would probably understand as a definition of self-defence:

“We take one great principle of the common law to be, that though it sanctions the defence of a man’s person, liberty, and property against illegal violence, and permits the use of force to prevent crimes, to preserve the public peace, and to bring offenders to justice, yet all this is subject to the restriction that the force used is necessary ; that is, that the mischief sought to be prevented, could not be prevented by less violent means; and that the mischief done by, or which might reasonably be anticipated from the force used is not disproportioned to the injury or mischief which it is intended to prevent.” [13]

So although the words “necessary” and “proportionate” were not considered by many to be features of the English legal system, the words were used in the language of individual self-defence.

Just to add a little more confusion to the issue, the British jurist A.V.Dicey, commenting on the above quoted section of the 1879 report, referred to this definition of self-defence as “the doctrine of the legitimacy of necessary and reasonable force” [14]. This introduces the English legal principle of “reasonableness” which was the primary tool used in judicial review cases (cases that challenge government decisions). In the English legal system the terms “reasonable” and “proportionate” have meant the same thing [15]. And the idea of reasonableness relates to the view of an ordinary and reasonable person generally known as the man on the Clapham omnibus.

Dicey noted that the use of the word “necessary” in the 1879 report is “somewhat peculiar, since it includes the idea both of necessity and of reasonableness”. This peculiarity of circular definitions would become a recurring feature of the reframed “necessary” and “proportionate” in the modern era.

More recently the doctrine of individual self-defence has been codified in English statute law (the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act2008) where the definition rather unhelpfully uses both reasonableness and proportionality [16].

Crucially the use of “necessity” can be tracked back even further and I’ll return to this later.

Human Rights and the language of war

So how does all of this relate to freedoms and police actions? The answer lies in the European Convention on Human Rights, which was drafted in the aftermath of the second world war. At a series of meetings from 1947, the Movement for European Unity discussed the idea of a Charter of Human Rights [17]. The stated aim was that countries in Europe would sign up to a set of broad minimum principles of human rights and if a country fell into totalitarianism, as had Nazi Germany in the 1930s, then they could be challenged in an international court under a breach of the Charter.

The Charter was drafted in Strasbourg by representatives of eleven different countries [18]. As the proposal progressed a right of individual petition was also added to the Charter, as an optional clause, allowing individuals as well as governments to take cases to the court.

The Charter proposed a right to life, prohibition of torture, prohibition of slavery, a right to liberty and security, right to a fair trial, a requirement for no punishment without breach of a law, a right to respect for private and family life, a right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, a right to freedom of expression, a right to freedom of assembly and a right to marry.

The original privacy right (respect for private and family life) read as follows:

freedom from all arbitrary interferences in private and family life, home and correspondence, in accordance with Article 12 of the United Nations Declaration. [19]

According to British cabinet papers, the UK did not see any need for a privacy right, but as other delegates did, the UK delegation did all they could to limit it and so drafted a number of permitted restrictions . This meant that the original privacy article of the Charter, after having “hurriedly to find a better text”, became:

1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.

And was then restricted or “qualified” by an additional paragraph:

2. There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic wellbeing of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

This qualification paragraph, which was also used in other rights, takes some unpicking but the key point to understand is the use of a necessity clause, that of the so-called “democratic necessity” buried in the phrase “necessary in a democratic society”. Also note the list of essential interests detailed under “democratic necessity”. Compare this with the language used in the necessity clause of the war-time 1939 Emergency Powers Act [20]:

Subject to the provisions of this section, His Majesty may by Order in Council make such Regulations (in this Act referred to as “Defence Regulations “) as appear to him to be necessary or expedient for securing the public safety, the defence of the realm, the maintenance of public order and the efficient prosecution of any war in which His Majesty may be engaged, and for maintaining supplies and services essential to the life of the community.

This so-called “necessity of state” looks remarkably similar to the “democratic necessity” of the European Charter and the reason for this similarity becomes clearer when the origins of necessity clauses is explored.

The use of necessity can be tracked back to canon law in medieval times and the Latin phrase “necessitas legem non habet” – necessity knows no law [21]. Its original use related to a way of individuals being excused from the harshness of religious law when acting out of good faith e.g eating someone else’s food to ward off hunger. So it was an individual’s self defence against religious law.

Over time however states began using necessity for their own ends, switching its application to justify the state doing whatever it felt was required for self-preservation – “necessity of state”. Thus it became a self defence for states and became a legal concept used to switch off the law to protect some “essential interest” of the state. The state of emergency or state of exception used to justify war time powers is the prime example of the use of this “necessity of state”. International law has been built on the foundations of the self defence of states and this has been achieved by re-working the language used to describe individual self-defence.

Therein lies the problem when these words are used in the language of rights. When an individual’s right is interfered with by the state it would seem that the state is the attacker and the individual whose rights are being interfered with is the injured party. But international law has been constructed by states to protect the interests of the state, and so the state is afforded the legal concepts related to self-defence. This means that the individual and the rights of the individual are seen as the attacker and the state and the interests of the state are seen as the defender. So the state can use necessity as a defence for its attack on an individual’s right and can use proportionality (explored more below) to defend the severity of the attack.

This topsy-turvy use of self-defence is key to understanding the rigged legal casino of international law and the Human Rights agenda that has been attached to it. Once this construct has been unpicked it becomes clearer why the allied powers immediately after World War Two were so keen to introduce international human rights treaties and why those treaties were constructed by committees of politicians and bureaucrats rather than the real people who were supposedly going to be the beneficiaries. In the hands of state actors the language of rights became the language of war and the individual became the enemy.

When World War Two ended in 1945 the UK government was not keen to restore the freedoms restricted under the 1939 Emergency Powers Act. In fact the Act was not repealed until 1959. Similarly the 1939 National Registration Act that introduced compulsory ID cards was not repealed until 1952 [22]. It now becomes clear that the 1950 European Rights Charter was constructed to embody the same spirit of restricting freedoms to safeguard state interests.

The right to privacy and other rights in the European Charter were restricted at the outset via the “democratic necessity” clause. This was not formally defined in the Charter but over time proceedings of the international court fleshed out some details, such as the requirement for a “pressing social need” when using democratic necessity as a defence for restricting rights, akin to the “essential interest” requirement in the laws of war.

Attaching a necessity clause to the right as a qualification in this way meant that the right itself defines large areas where it can be removed. This is a perverse turn of events particularly for a common law country like England, where the custom was that people are free to do anything not explicitly restricted. Traditionally rights were described more clearly as “residual rights” that emerge in the gaps between restrictions created by the state. With the European Charter of Human Rights, English statesmen were instrumental in the drafting of a charter that restricted freedoms in the name of granting rights.

Ratification of the European Convention

The Charter was agreed to and opened for signature in 1950. The United Kingdom was the first country to ratify it in 1951 [23].

In 1966 the UK government agreed to allow individuals to petition the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and by the late ‘60s there were calls to incorporate the European Convention into UK law so that individuals could bring cases in the UK courts rather than having to go to Strasbourg.

In 1977 a select committee of the House of Lords conducted an inquiry into enacting a Bill of Rights incorporating the European Convention rights.

By this time the European Court in Strasbourg had heard a number of cases and several doctrines or principles used in their deliberations had become established. One such doctrine was the “margin of appreciation”. Stay with me.

The margin of appreciation

This doctrine basically amounts to a very generous benefit of the doubt or discretionary authority – a way of strengthening the “self-defence” necessity clause used by states. The logic used by the Court to explain this benefit of the doubt was that as the Convention applies to a number of countries with varying cultures and social attitudes, the Court should allow for these cultural differences by only applying minimum standards [24].

Lawyer and then Governor of the British Institute of Human Rights, Cedric Thornberry expressed to the 1977 House of Lords Committee the dangers of incorporating the European Convention into UK domestic law:

I can, of course, see many reasons why the Government should prefer the enactment of the European Convention; it would probably be the principal beneficiary. A much wider area of administrative discretion than it presently enjoys would be legitimised by such enactment. But the law of human rights is not about the protection of persecuted governments. And in the attainment of such human rights there are no easy ways forward and certainly no easy answers. To paraphrase Pericles:—the attainment of human rights requires both courage and virtue [25].

Thornberry went on to warn that enacting the Convention “could not but set back the cause of human rights in this country, considered overall”. But alas Thornberry’s warnings were not heeded and in 1998 the European Convention was incorporated into UK law via the Human Rights Act.

So a rights charter, written by a committee of bureaucrats, severely restricted by the insertion of a “necessity” clause along with a wide area of administrative discretion, became the defence for British freedoms.

Not great, but things were about to get even worse.

The decisions of the European Court had introduced that familiar sounding doctrine, or more precisely two doctrines of “proportionality” and “necessity”, which are the reason for this meander through history in search of the heritage of the words “proportionate” and “necessary”. Hang in there, we’re getting closer.

So, we have explored the foundations of necessity, now let’s look at the Strasbourg court’s definition and then look at what proportionality is.

The European Court in Strasbourg defined the word “necessary” as applied in the “democratic necessity” test in a 1976 case relating to an Obscene Publications Act prosecution in the UK as follows:

whilst the adjective “necessary” [..] is not synonymous with “indispensable” [..], neither has it the flexibility of such expressions as “admissible”, “ordinary” [..], “useful” [..], “reasonable”[..] or “desirable”. Nevertheless, it is for the national authorities to make the initial assessment of the reality of the pressing social need implied by the notion of “necessity” in this context [26].

That’s cleared “necessity” up then! The Court then pointed out that the restricting/qualifying paragraph in Charter rights leaves a “margin of appreciation” to the domestic legislator and domestic bodies called upon to interpret laws in force in the Contracting State.


Meanwhile “proportionality” is a legal concept used in various courts around the world as a tool of weighing and balancing competing interests and seeing which side wins. This has been a tool used in German administrative law following World War Two [27]. The German administrative formulation of proportionality is a 3 stage test made up of a suitability test (the measure used must be suitable for the achievement of the aim), a necessity test (no other milder means could have been used to achieve the aim) and a proportionality/appropriateness bit (the benefit at large must outweigh the injury to the implicated individual).

In 1960 a United States Supreme Court Judge warned that this type of balancing was another tool that would favour state power over individual rights:

“The great danger of the judiciary balancing process is that in times of emergency and stress it gives Government the power to do what it thinks necessary to protect itself, regardless of the rights of individuals. If the need is great, the right of Government can always be said to outweigh the rights of the individual.” [28]

The European Court of Human Rights has often exacerbated this problem by applying proportionality as a single stage test, made up of just the final balancing bit of the German version above.

In the UK public bodies such as the police have very much plumped for the single stage proportionality test that allows them to apply a simple balancing test. A 2011 report [29] on the police’s interpretation of the Human Rights Act found that:

Proportionality was commonly described by officers as posing a very specific question: ‘Am I using a sledgehammer to crack a nut?’

Furthermore police officers felt that the restricting/qualifying paragraph in rights such as the Right to Privacy was useful for facilitating their actions:

“one officer drew attention to the ‘exceptions’ in the HRA (by which he meant the qualifications) as ‘sufficient to give the police the powers that they need to do their job’ “

And the police also saw the compliance with the Human Rights Act as little more than a box ticking exercise:

“A lot of my job involves impinging on people’s private lives and I have to be justifying this all of the time in terms of legality, necessity and proportionality. I am always signing forms saying ‘I have considered human rights’ but I’m not sure we understand what we are signing off.”

Proportionality and Facial Recognition Cameras

A September 2019 High Court case into the Police use of facial recognition cameras illustrates how proportionality is used to protect “essential interests” of the state. The high court judgment used a proportionality test known as the ‘Bank Mellat test’, which added a fourth prong to the three pronged proportionality test and that fourth prong gifted the police with a greater margin of appreciation. I won’t go into all of the gory details here but I have written about this case elsewhere, and it is a good example of the sleight of hand used to attack individual freedoms [30].

As Stavros Tsakyrakis puts it:

“The problem with the rhetoric of balancing in the context of proportionality is that it obscures the moral considerations that are at the heart of human rights issues and thus deprives society of a moral discourse that is indispensable.” [31]

The Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill

Which brings us back to the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill and the granting of criminal conduct authorisations only if that conduct is believed to be “necessary and proportionate in the interests of national security, for the purpose of preventing or detecting crime or disorder, or in the interests of the economic well-being of the UK for certain statutory purposes and where it is proportionate to what is sought to be achieved by that conduct.”

We are now in a position to see what this statement means – that the state may protect its “essential interests” and when it is acting to protect these interests, it (the state) can rely on the law of self-defence as it attacks anyone it sees fit to attack to defend said interests. The government is favouring the person attacking the freedoms, the informant, the state’s proxy, who is afforded discretion, margin of appreciation and the benefit of the doubt – because under the Human Rights construct it is the state that is seen as the party who should benefit from the principles of self-defence and it is the individual’s rights that are seen as the attacker that can be repelled when the state or its proxy decides it is “necessary” and “proportionate”.

The Covert Human Intelligence Sources Bill is an odious piece of legislation but the defeat of the Bill will not be enough to restore freedoms. The whole rhetoric of the rights agenda and the use of international law needs to be challenged. The current regulations surrounding house arrests (“lockdowns”) in the UK stem from International Law, namely the WHO (ie the UN), as enacted by the International Health Regulations 2005 [32] that were inserted into the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 [33] via the 2008 Health and Social Care Act [34]. We constantly hear politicians say that the introduction of draconian measures is “proportionate” to what they seek to achieve. That their actions are proportionate and necessary, necessary and proportionate, necessary and proportionate, proportionate and necessary, necessary and proportionate… You get the point.

Or do you?

These words are not neutral. This is the language of war, a war in which we the people are viewed as the enemy.

“There is nothing proportionate between the armed and the unarmed”
– Machiavelli, ‘The Prince’ 1532

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”
– William Pitt the Younger, House of Commons 18 November, 1783

Understanding the true meaning of the words at the heart of modern political rhetoric is a crucial step in reclaiming our freedoms.


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[ 1] Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill

[ 2] https://www.ipt-uk.com/judgments.asp?id=53

[ 3] https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/bills/cbill/58-01/0188/CHIS%20(CC)%20Bill%20-%20ECHR%20Memo%20FINAL.pdf

[ 4] ‘The 1837-38 Upper Canadian Rebellion’, Australasian Canadian Studies VOL 29, No 1- 2, 2011

[ 5] ‘Here, There, and Everywhere: Assessing the Proportionality Doctrine and U.S. Uses of Force in Response to Terrorism after the September 11 Attacks’, Michael C. Bonafede, Cornell Law Review 2002

[ 6] 1848, ‘The diplomatic and official papers of Daniel Webster, while secretary of state’, p110

[ 7] ‘Commentaries Upon International Law’. Vol. 1, 1854, Robert Phillimore MP, Preface pxix

[ 8] ‘Association for the Reform and Codification of the Law of Nations :A brief sketch of its formation’, James B. Miles, 1875

[ 9] ‘International Arbitration’, House of Lords, 25 July 1887 vol 317 cc1830-4

[10] International Law Commission – https://legal.un.org/ilc/

[11] Article 25, Necessity, ‘Draft articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts’, 2001

[12] UN Charter Article 51

[13] p11, Report of the Royal Commission Appointed to Consider the Law Relating to Indictable Offences (1879) (C. 2345)

[14] 1889 Dicey, Introduction to the law of the constitution, 3rd edition, p406-408

[15] ‘Beyond Wednesbury: Substantive Principles of Administrative Law’, Jeffrey Jowell and Anthony Lester, Administrative Law’ (1988) 14 Commw L Bull 858

[16] Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008, section 76 ‘Reasonable force for purposes of self-defence etc’

[17] The establishment of the European Movement
https://www.cvce.eu/recherche/unit-content/-/unit/en/04bfa990-86bc-402f-a633-11f39c9247c4/272166ae-84b2– 466b-9cfa-4df511389208

[18] See A. W. Brian Simpson, Human Rights and the End of Empire: Britain and the Genesis of the European Convention (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001)

[19] UK Cabinet Papers, CP. (50) 2 11, 20th September, 1950

[20] 1939 Emergency Powers (Defence) Act
Text of the Bill, From The Times, Friday, August 25, 1939

[21] ‘Innocent III and the Ius commune’
‘Necessity and National Emergency Clauses’, Diane A. Desierto, BRILL, 2012, Chapter 3 ‘The Historical Genesis of Necessity Doctrine’ ‘State of Exception’, Chapter 1, Giorgio Agamben, The University of Chicago Press, 2005

[22] ‘The origins of Emergency Powers Acts in the UK’, Statewatch 2012
https://www.statewatch.org/news/2003/june/statewatch-news-online-the-origins-of-emergency-powers-acts-in-the– uk/

[23] See A. W. Brian Simpson, Human Rights and the End of Empire: Britain and the Genesis of the European Convention (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), Chapter 16

[24] However, as always happens, the UK has applied these minimum standards as a maximum and has thus used the Convention to lower the rights and freedoms of people in the UK (see for instance the increased powers of arrest contained in the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 (SOCPA)
https://www.theyworkforyou.com/pbc/2004-05/Serious_Organised_Crime_and_Police_Bill/05-0_2005-01– 18a.3.0#g4.49

[25] Memorandum of evidence by Cedric Thornberry, Governor of the British Institute of Human Rights, paragraph 21,Minutes of evidence taken before the Select Committee on a Bill of Rights (p224-239), HMSO 1977

[26] Paragraph 48, Case of Handyside v The United Kingdom, 7th December 1976

[27] “Three Aspects of Proportionality”, Margit Cohn, paper presented at VIII Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law, Mexico City, December 2010
‘Proportionality Balancing and Global Constitutionalism’, Alec Stone Sweet and Jud Mathews, 2008

[28] ‘The Bill of Rights’, Hugo L. Black, New York University Law Review, 1960

[29] ‘The Impact of the Human Rights Act 1998 on Policing in England and Wales’, Karen Bullock, Paul Johnson, British Journal of Criminology, (2012) 52, 630–650

[30] ‘”Proportionality” used to rubber-stamp mass surveillance in Sept 2019 Live Facial Recognition JR’, No CCTV

[31] ‘Proportionality: An Assault on Human Rights?’, Stavros Tsakyrakis

[32] UN Interational Health Regulations 2005
International Health Regulations: Activity of the UK National Focal Point from 2012 to 2016

[33] Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984

[34] Health and Social Care Act 2008
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A Moscow-based public policy advisor specializing in Russia, the Eurasian Union and Africa explains some of the aspects of current Russia-Africa relations, problems and challenges, as well as its future perspectives. While over the past two decades, Russia’s efforts to regain its Soviet-era influence in Africa have achieved success, times have changed significantly, according to Nataliya Zaiser, Founder and CEO of Africa Business Initiative (ABI).

Since March 2016, Zaiser has been the Chair (Head) of Africa Business Initiative (ABI), created with the support of Russian businesses as a platform for humanitarian, economic and legal expertise aimed at strengthening relations between Russia and Africa. The main goal of this organization is to unite efforts in promoting and supporting the interests of Russian businesses within the framework of broader international cooperation on the territory of the African continent.

In this exclusive interview, Nataliya Zaiser explains some of the aspects of the current Russia-African relations, problems and challenges, and its future perspectives with Kester Kenn Klomegah in Moscow.


Kester Kenn Klomegah: As one of the participants, what were some of the significant questions raised during the roundtable discussions on Russia and Africa?

Nataliya Zaiser: The roundtable was very interesting. Both sides (Russian and African) demonstrated a strong desire for cooperation. We talked about some specifics: about the main economic sectors that various African countries are interested in most; about business diversification away from a focus on mining and oil and gas towards infrastructure projects, telecommunications and biotechnologies.

We spoke about the need to encourage the participation of small and medium-size businesses in Africa; about bilateral cooperation; about the importance of the legal aspects of all these and about improving the system of legal regulation of projects, from customs and tax matters to export licenses.

The panelists also touched on enhancing cooperation with Africa in the global fight against drugs and epidemiological diseases, and combating terrorism. We listened to the companies that are active and successful on the continent; they shared some of their experiences, particularly good practice in building business relationships.

KKK: Why have Russia’s efforts to regain its economic influence achieved little success, why is soft power softer than in Soviet days?

NZ: We shouldn’t say whether power is “softer” or “harder” than in the days of the Soviet Union. It’s just different. Times have changed significantly: new economic and political environment, new challenges, new competitive conditions, new bases for cooperation. People are different, minds are different, technologies are different.

In all that, we have to find absolutely different approaches and strategies to building business relationships. What remains the same is a will, a very loyal mutual attitude between Russia and African countries and a strong desire to push forward these mutual efforts.

KKK: In your expert view, looking at Russia’s economic power, its global status and its staunch membership of the BRICS bloc, how would you assess its current investment and business engagement with Africa?

NZ: Many organizations are trying to solve local problems and find ways for business cooperation with the African continent. The issue of investment looms, perhaps, particularly largely. I think that in cooperating with African states, organizations can be guided by an approach of shared responsibility, including the financial aspects.

Russia is clearly showing that open partnership with and support of Africa remains a priority. In the current conditions, it will seek ways of co-financing, co-investment and co-partnership. There may also be opportunities too for international partnerships, whether BRICS or any other groupings, formal or otherwise, on African projects.

KKK: Some policy experts have attributed Russia’s economic policy setbacks to the lack of a system of projects and business financing. For instance, China has set up the China Africa Development Fund as one major source of support and is implementing its projects in Africa. What are your views about this?

NZ: Russia has developed a number of business councils for cooperation both with individual African countries as well as with its own regions and neighbors. For Africa in particular, the Africa Business Initiative offers the chance of a consolidated approach, and an independent organization that can work with the business community in Russia and at the same time combine the interests of the diplomatic community, the state, academic views and so forth.

KKK: At this stage, when Russia is feverishly struggling to raise its economic profile through dialogues and consultations at the state level, do you suggest that Russia’s financial institutions, especially the banks, get involved in financing corporate projects on the continent?

NZ: Investors and lenders today understand the potential benefits of investing in emerging markets like African countries. They also understand the critical importance of addressing the political and economic risks that may accompany an investment in such markets. This is the work which needs to be carried out. MIGA (Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency) is one of the biggest international organizations, for example, that helps investors and lenders to deal with such risks by insuring eligible projects against losses.

In Russia, there’s EXIAR (the Russian Agency for Export Credit and Investment Insurance) which was established in late 2011 as Russia’s first ever export credit agency. I’m sure it has big potential and expect that they will look closely at African projects to support Russian business and guarantee the insurance and safety of their investments.

In any case, for a start, it’s important that Russia becomes a member or starts cooperation with key major African organizations, such as the African Development Bank, the African Union, the NEPAD [New Partnership for Africa’s Development], etc. That will significantly extend the boundaries for Russian-African business opportunities.

KKK: We’ve been talking about economic diplomacy between Russia and Africa. And it’s also important to look at the relations as a two-way street. Could you please explain the possible reasons why African business is extremely low or completely absent, compared to Asian countries, in the Russian Federation?

NZ: This is a good question that I want to address to you as a representative of the African diaspora. Of course, this is a bilateral cooperation. Russia is open. Africa has much to offer Russia, which is a large country and has excellent prospects in the regions, many of which are developing very rapidly and are ready to accept new partnerships, and discuss forms of cooperation.

Moreover, the Russian regions are facing similar problems to several African countries: the development of the agricultural sector, technological investment and progress that will support a rise in the standard of living of the population. There’s a good case for creating a specific program (a roadmap if you will) for cooperation between African countries and the Russian regions.

KKK: As a Founder and CEO of Africa Business Initiative (ABI), what would you say about the prospects of the Eurasian Economic Community (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan)? Explain further what African countries can make out of this economic bloc.

NZ: There’s often a compelling case for neighboring countries to get together and engage in some kind of union because it can facilitate and stimulate trade relations, reducing barriers without overloading them with tax and customs issues, bureaucratic procedures and other things that may mitigate mutual economic progress.

I’s sure Africa will take an active part in working with the Eurasian Union as with other international or supra-national organizations and alliances because this kind of cooperation opens the gates to wider initiatives.

With an understanding of key legal, economic and political issues that surround doing business in Africa, we’ve established ourselves as a premier firm for Africa-based transactions offering in-depth market knowledge, extensive experience and unique transactions and public policy combination that helps companies to achieve their African business strategies.

KKK: Finally, tell us more about the Africa Business Initiative (ABI), why it has become necessary at this time, its primary roles or tasks and its overall future plans.

NZ: The Africa Business Initiative was launched and initiated primarily by businesses in Russia. The concept behind this is to develop a focal point for the promotion of business interests which would consolidate the efforts of existing structures: diplomats, scientists, academics, consultants and so on.

The key participation of Institute for African Studies, as a serious platform for research, analysis and database, means that we can add significant insight to the actual experience of corporations that are successfully working on the ground.

The main goal is to create a pool of economic expertise aimed at revitalizing the “chemistry” in African-Russian business relationships. It has been widely acknowledged many times that Africa is on the path towards economic prosperity. The economies of many African states are becoming more balanced and there have been a lot of institutional transformations.

We need to fundamentally accelerate the approach, backed by a program of long-term trade, geo-economic relations and strategy that would keep pace with the ambitions of individual states. What the African continent needs now is the broad development of infrastructure, agriculture, consumer goods, health care and information technology.

The Africa Business Initiative can help outline an approach for Russian companies to come to the African market as a whole, as reliable business partners. Through this framework, it will be able to consolidate the interests of companies in different sectors; to address and promote the development of a common position on a whole range of issues; to establish joint strategic initiatives and to expand its presence in the investment field. The task is not to duplicate or simulate the activity of state bodies.

The participation of and partnership with the Institute for African Studies is very important. Historically, the institute has been and remains the alma mater for many Africans. It has the most powerful research base in Russia and a deep knowledge about developments on the continent.

Education and increasing awareness among Russian businesses is key. To understand the features of successful business in Africa, people should be well-versed in the social and political organization of all African countries, especially in their internal relationships, geographical peculiarities, and culture, in legislation, public administration, and so on.

The role of the institute, as a partner to Africa Business Initiative, is to provide maximum assistance. Good knowledge of the legal field, regulation, competent interaction with decision-makers and government structures of African states – all these constitute the key to a mutually beneficial and balanced cooperation. The Africa Business Initiative allows us to assist businesses in broader international cooperation, involving foreign colleagues and contacts that are interested in doing business in Africa.


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Pentagon Report: “China Poses Greatest Threat to America”

December 20th, 2020 by Stephen Lendman

In early December, Trump regime DNI John Ratcliffe defied reality saying:

“China poses the greatest threat to America today (sic), and the greatest threat to democracy and freedom world-wide since World War II (sic),” adding:

“Beijing intends to dominate the US and the rest of the planet economically, militarily and technologically (sic).”

A further litany of bald-faced Big Lies followed.

Whenever US officials criticize sovereign independent nations, managed news misinformation and disinformation propaganda follows.

Throughout the post-WW II period, no nations threatened US national security — not China, Russia, Iran, or any others.

Claims otherwise are false.

In response to Ratcliffe’s remarks, China’s US embassy called them “fact-distorting” rubbish, reflecting Cold War ideological prejudice, adding:

No nation more greatly warrants being called the “empire of hacking and spying” than hegemonic USA.

China’s Foreign Ministry accused Ratcliffe of repeating long ago debunked Big Lies.

The US wages permanent wars by hot and/or other means on all nations unwilling to subordinate their sovereign rights to a higher power in Washington.

A new Pentagon report titled “US Maritime Strategy: Advantage at Sea” called China and Russia the greatest threats to US naval power, with emphasis on the former, saying:

“We prioritize competition with China due to its growing economic and military strength, increasing aggressiveness (sic), and demonstrated intent to dominate its regional waters and remake the international order in its favor (sic).”

“China is the only rival with the combined economic and military potential to present a long-term, comprehensive challenge to the United States.”

“Naval Service operations and force posture will focus on countering PRC malign behavior (sic) globally and strengthening regional deterrence in the Indo-Pacific region.”

“Malign behavior” describes how the US operates domestically and on the world stage — not China, Russia, Iran, or other nations on its target list for regime change.

According to the Pentagon report, the US “must operate more assertively to prevail in day-to-day competition as we uphold the rules-based order (sic) and deter our competitors from pursuing armed aggression (sic).”

“If our rivals escalate into conflict, becoming our adversaries, we must control the seas to deny their objectives, defeat their forces, protect our homeland and defend our allies.”

The unacceptable above remarks suggest further escalation of US war by other means on China and other countries, risking direct confrontation.

It could be sparked in East Asia by what the Pentagon calls “freedom of navigation” operations.

They’re provocative US military drills near Chinese waters.

Imagine how the US and its Western partners would react if Chinese, Russian, or Iranian warships conducted military exercises in the Gulf of Mexico and/or off America’s east or west coasts.

Bipartisan hardliners in Washington and establishment media would likely call them provocatively assertive and aggressive, demanding they be countered.

The Pentagon report vowed greater US Indo/Pacific visibility, claiming its increased presence in a part of the world not its own will “detect…document, (and perhaps act to deter) our (regional rival).”

US warships in the region will “adopt a more assertive posture in our day-to-day operations” — heightening the risk of possible clashes that could escalate to war.

About 60% of US naval forces operate in the Indo-Pacific, the Pentagon report explained.

According to a South China Sea Probing Initiative (SCSPI) that tracks the Pentagon’s regional presence and movements, the US greatly increased its naval and aerial operations near China in the last decade.

It nearly doubled its aerial reconnaissance activities near Chinese sea and land borders — flying around 1,500 South China Sea sorties annually.

“According to (SCSPI monitoring), the US military significantly enhanced the frequency of activities in the region by boosting the presence of surface vessels by more than 60 percent (since 2009), reaching about 1,000 ship-days a year.”

Hostile US actions dangerously push the envelope toward eventual confrontation with China.

Irreconcilable differences define bilateral relations.

Strategic mistrust appears irreversible.

Neither country wants unthinkable war because of potentially catastrophic consequences.

Despite going all-out for peace and cooperative relations with the US and West, the risk of direct confrontation with China is dangerously real.

Increasing US hostility and distrust toward Beijing makes the unthinkable possible.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Project Veritas released today an exclusive audio tape of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange speaking in 2011 with State Department attorney Cliff Johnson, pleading with the government lawyer to act to contain the release of information classified by the U.S. government.

“A whistleblower provided this audio to Project Veritas, so that the American people have a more accurate account of Assange and his conduct,” said James O’Keefe, the founder and CEO of Project Veritas.

“Political pressure is building for President Donald Trump to pardon Assange at the end of his first term and this tape goes a long way to rebooting how he has been portrayed,” O’Keefe said.

Assange warns State Department upcoming leak of classified information

During the 75-minute conversation, Assange, who initiated the call, said to Johnson that WikiLeaks is very concerned that classified information from the State Department is about to be released—outside of its control by a rogue former employee, who stole the information in order to establish his own rival media outlet.

“Yes, so the situation is that we have intelligence that the State Department Database Archive of 250,000 diplomatic cables including declassified cables is being spread around and is to the degree that we believe that within the next few days it will become public,” said Assange.

“We’re not sure but the timing could be imminently or within the next few days to a week and there may be some possibility to stop it,” he said.

Assange said to Johnson that in the past WikiLeaks only released unclassified State Department, but the next tranche from Wikileaks would have classified information with sensitive information redacted.

Click here to listen to the audio.

However, he said, he was alerting the U.S. government that the rogue former employee would not take care to protect sensitive information and that unless something was done to stop him—that release was days or hours away.

State Department attorney Cliff Johnson: “Who would be releasing these cables? Is this WikiLeaks?”

Julian Assange: “No, we would not be releasing them–this is Daniel Domscheit-Berg, a previous employee that we suspended last August.”

Johnson: “And he apparently has access to the material that Wikileaks also has?”

Assange: “Yes. That’s correct.”

Johnson: “And he has access to everything you have is that right?”

Assange: “That’s correct.”

Johnson: “OK. And that includes classified as well as the unclassified cables.”

Assange: “That’s correct.”

O’Keefe said,

“The thing that stands out throughout this tape is that over and over again, Assange expresses his concern for the people endangered by what he believes to be a reckless release—like when he told Johnson: ‘In case there are any individuals who haven’t been warned that they should be warned.’”

Assange even shows his concern for possible political blowback onto the United States, he said.

“There is an integrity to Assange’s conduct that cannot be denied, whether you welcomed his releases or not,” he said.

State Department attorney thanks Assange

Although Assange said to the attorney, he did not actually control the classified information, he did have the encryption key to unlock the materials and he knew where on the web it was being held.

“The material, there is an encrypted version of the materials on the web somewhere, that we do not control,” Assange said. “One doesn’t actually need to convey the material itself, one only needs to convey the location of the material, and its encryption key.”

With Assange’s help, the journalist said he believed the U.S. government with its resources could corral the information in time to prevent its release or to even eliminate the files covertly.

“If there is another possibility which is the taking down of those files, that is a degree of research and effort that we do not have the capacity to do,” he said. “There are not so many of them.”

Cliff Johnson: “And, you know all the locations of them, do you think?”

Julian Assange: “We know several and it’s probably not that hard to find the others.”

Johnson: “Can you provide us with that location information?”

Assange: “I can encourage other people to do so.”

Johnson: “Right. I appreciate what you’ve told us Mr. Assange.”

Assange’s work with Manning made him a fugitive from American justice

The Australian-born journalist has been targeted by the U.S. government since 2011, when he partnered with Pvt. Chelsea Manning, an Army intelligence specialist, to release documents and videos Manning downloaded from Army computers.

Manning pleaded guilty to violating the Espionage Act and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and accepted a 35-year sentence.

President Barack Obama commuted Manning’s sentence to time served, roughly seven years, Jan. 17, 2017—three days before the end of his term.

For many years, Assange was holed up in the Ecuador’s embassy in London, until he was turned out in 2019, and then apprehended by British officials acting in concert with the U.S. government.

The day he was arrested by British officials, April 11, 2019, the Justice Department unsealed its indictment of Assange charging him with conspiracy to commit computer intrusion, or hacking. The conspiracy charge carries a maximum of five years in prison and stems from Assuage offering Manning help cracking a government password.

Journalists have broad privilege to publish classified or otherwise illegally obtained information, only if they do not participate in the acquisition.

Assange remains in British incarceration awaiting his January hearing where it will be decided if the United Kingdom will extradite the WikiLeaks founder to the United States.

Full length audio of the call can be found here.


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Russian state media reported a successful test flight of its new hypersonic missile, the Zircon. Flying at Mach 8 (8 times the speed of sound or around 10,000 kph), the missile poses a new and credible threat to the air defense systems of potential aggressors.

Fired from vertical launch tubes on a Russian warship, the missile is capable of striking both targets at sea and on land. This most recent test took place over a range of 350 kilometers, but claims the missile is capable of ranges of up to 1,000 kilometers have been reported.

This would mean that missiles fired from the Mediterranean Sea, for example, could hit virtually any target amid the ongoing Syrian conflict, both within Syria but also in neighboring nations backing militants fighting against the Syrian government and its Russian allies.

Is the West Downplaying ‘Zircon’s’ Capabilities to Hide Fears? 

The Western media has reported on Russia’s hypersonic missiles for a while. And now that the first Zircon missiles have taken flight in reportedly successful tests – speculation among the West as well as an attempt to downplay Russia’s technological achievement is in full motion.

Articles like Popular Science’s, “Don’t believe the hype about Russia’s hypersonic missile,” claim:

Despite headlines to the contrary, not enough about the missile is known yet to definitely claim that it poses an uncounterable threats to ships at sea.

The article continues by noting that speed alone is not necessarily an undefeatable trait of the Zircon missile and that an ability to maneuver – particularly end-game maneuverability right before hitting a target – would make it a truly credible and nearly unstoppable threat to the fleets of aggressor nations.

Then there is Military.com’s article, “Why Russia’s Hypersonic Missiles Can’t Be Seen on Radar,” which notes (emphasis added):

The missile flies with an advanced fuel that the Russians say gives it a range of up to 1,000 kilometers. And it’s so fast that the air pressure in front of the weapon forms a plasma cloud as it moves, absorbing radio waves and making it practically invisible to active radar systems.

U.S. Aegis missile interceptor systems require 8-10 seconds of reaction time to intercept incoming attacks. In those 8-10 seconds, the Russian Zircon missiles will already have traveled 20 kilometers, and the interceptor missiles do not fly fast enough to catch up.

The only hope to stopping an incoming Zircon missile – or any hypersonic missile for that matter – would be to detect it early enough and be able to react fast enough to throw up defenses in its flight path. Barring its ability to maneuver at the last moment to evade these defenses – there is the possibility of intercepting them.

But that’s if just one, or a few missiles are launched. Even a full-fledged US carrier strike group would be able to shoot down only so many of these missiles at one given time.

The footage made available of the Zircon’s recent test flight shows it deploying from one of several vertical launch tubes meaning that in the future – multiple missiles will be aboard any given Russian military vessel – meaning that several vessels can launch several missiles at any given time.

With the possibility of altering their flight paths accordingly – large numbers of missiles could reach a potential target or targets simultaneously and from multiple angles, overwhelming even the best air defenses in a process known as saturation.

This means that should enough of these missiles make it into service with Russia’s naval forces and  should the need arise to use them – large numbers can be used to overwhelm air defense systems even if they are tuned specifically to counter hypersonic weapons like the Zircon missile.

Raising the Cost of Western Military Aggression 

Not only does the development and deployment among Russia’s fleet of Zircon hypersonic missiles give Russia yet another conventional weapon serving as a deterrence against Western aggression, the prospect of these weapons being sold to allies would extend a credible deterrence well beyond Russia’s borders and shores as well.

In fact, US-based think-tank – RAND Corporation – detailed the threat proliferation poses to US military aggression around the globe in a lengthy policy paper titled, “Hypersonic Missile Nonproliferation: Hindering the Spread of a New Class of Weapons.”

The paper notes that:

…because of the difficulties of defending against hypersonic missiles, relatively small hypersonic forces can pose threats against major powers’ forward-projected forces, or even deterrent threats against the homelands of major powers.

And this “threat” to the “forward-projected forces” of “major powers” – referring almost exclusively to the United States and is multiple, ongoing campaigns of military aggression, occupation, and intervention around the globe – is what the US fears the most.

It is a non-nuclear military deterrence capable of sinking a US fleet or demolishing a US military base built illegally in an occupied nation, and one the US has very few means to defend against. There is also no real pretext to oppose a nation of developing or acquiring such weapons either, besides the ability of hypersonic missiles to thwart otherwise illegal military aggression carried out by the US. It would be a very difficult case to make and produce policy very difficult to sell to the international community.

For the US itself – a nation surrounded by two vast oceans – the Atlantic and Pacific – the prospect of hypersonic missiles posing a threat to its actual territory is minimum. It is its illegally deployed military forces engaged in likewise illegal military aggression around the globe that are most at risk.

The RAND Corporation’s paper advocating for moves to limit the proliferation of hypersonic missiles is already an uphill battle. While not hypersonic, the incredibly fast and advanced BrahMos cruise missile – jointly developed by Russia and India – is set to be further developed into a hypersonic missile in the near future.

This technology will undoubtedly be proliferated by nations like Russia and China specifically because of the check and balance it serves against US military aggression around the globe – a non-nuclear alternative that raises the stakes and price for US military aggression, thus leaving policymakers in Washington and their sponsors on Wall Street with more constructive competition and collaboration as as their only alternatives.

In many ways, Russia’s hypersonic missile – the Zircon – is not just a technological achievement or a newly acquired and formidable military capability – it is also a useful component of a much wider diplomatic effort to shift the world from the Western-dominated unipolar “rules-based international order” – one underwritten by Western military aggression – and toward multipolarism where the cost of conflict is higher than the cost of fair competition and cooperation.


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Brian Berletic is a Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine New Eastern Outlook” where this article was originally published. 

Featured image is from NEO

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The meeting of the Food and Drug Administration’s vaccines advisory committee last week was perhaps the most momentous in the agency’s history. A panel of outside experts chosen by the agency was asked whether the FDA should authorize emergency use of a still experimental vaccine to curb the pandemic that has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans and devastated the nation.

But the FDA and the acting chairman of the committee, a former consultant to one of the companies that made the vaccine, curbed and corralled the discussion—cutting off questions, limiting debate, and forcing committee members to cast an up-or-down vote without giving them a chance to vote on any refinement to the authorization.

In the end, the committee voted 17-4 with one abstention to recommend emergency authorization of the vaccine developed by Pfizer and its partner BioNTech.

Whether that was the best decision—whether the vaccine’s benefits outweigh its risks for people 16 and older—isn’t the issue here. At issue here is part of the process by which the FDA and its advisory committee arrived at that conclusion.

As it unfolded online, the virtual meeting on December 10 seemed to degenerate into a race to the finish—and an outcome that seemed all but preordained.

The FDA’s handpicked acting committee chairman, University of Michigan professor of epidemiology Dr. Arnold Monto, 87, punctuated the dialogue with efforts to hurry it along.

Dr. Arnold Monto, the acting chairman of the vaccines advisory committee, curbed and corralled the discussion to authorize emergency use of the Pfizer vaccine—cutting off questions, limiting debate, and forcing committee members to cast an up-or-down vote without giving them a chance to vote on any refinement to the authorization.

“Okay, we have many, many questions and we’re going to have to limit them.”

“We need to keep it brief.”

“No follow up. We’re pressed for time. I got 10 people who want to ask questions.”

“I’m going to excuse Dr. Fink”—Doran Fink of the FDA—”from having to answer that part of the question.”

“Okay, we’re going to not worry about adaptive and innate immune responses right now. We’ll take that offline.”

“I think we want to stay away from more discussions about immune response and other things that could be taken offline.”

“Very quickly!”

“Let’s keep the answer relatively short. That’s a very big question.”

“One part only!”

Toward the end of the daylong meeting, a committee member from the National Institutes of Health tried to ask a two-part question.

“That would be my first question,” he said. “The other—”

Monto cut him off.

“I said one part only.”

“Well, I’m just going to put my hand up again then, Arnold,” the committee member said.

“Then you’ll go to the bottom of the queue,” Monto said.

Was the FDA interested in what its advisory committee members had to say? Or was it more interested in going through the motions of consulting outside experts and projecting the appearance of a thorough and objective process?

As committee members pointed out, they had weighty issues to consider. With more people dying from COVID-19 each day than perished in the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the nation has become desperate for relief. But the vaccine employs pathbreaking mRNA technology, and, in an ongoing clinical trial, test subjects had been followed for a median of only two months of safety observations after receiving the second of two doses. The clinical trial focused primarily on prevention of mild symptoms; the number of severe cases captured in the data could be counted on one or two hands. Some populations, such as pregnant women, were barely represented. Residents of nursing homes weren’t included in the data at all.

“We’re going from 20,000 people who get this vaccine to millions who get this vaccine with a very limited amount of risk assessment.” – A. OVETA FULLER, COMMITTEE MEMBER AND AN ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN

Committee member A. Oveta Fuller, an associate professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of Michigan, worried about potential side effects.

“So we have no idea what putting a messenger RNA lipid vaccine into people does long-term,” she said. “And we’re going from 20,000 people who get this vaccine to millions who get this vaccine with a very limited amount of risk assessment.”

Others argued that the vaccine has been proven highly effective.

“We have clear evidence of benefit. And all we have on the other side is theoretical risk,” said Dr. Paul Offit, a professor of pediatrics in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Granting emergency authorization threatened to compromise the ongoing clinical trial and the collection of additional data, because Pfizer had said it felt an ethical obligation to offer an authorized vaccine to test subjects who had been given a placebo. Clinical trials often compare subjects receiving the experimental product with subjects given a harmless fake—in this case, a saline solution.

During the December 10 meeting, which was live-streamed online, senior FDA official Peter Marks described the meeting as one of the steps the agency was taking to “enhance vaccine confidence across the country.”

But the rushed hearing seemed like it might have been “a dog and pony show for the public,” patient advocate Kim Witczak, the consumer representative on another FDA advisory committee, told the Project On Government Oversight (POGO).

Witczak said she was left shaking her head as questions were dismissed in disturbing fashion.

“I don’t think at the end of the day I had full trust in the process,” Witczak said.


It didn’t have to be that way, Peter Doshi, an associate professor of pharmaceutical health services research at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, noted in an email to POGO.

“I do not feel one should be rushing a decision like this. If the meeting required additional discussion, the meeting should have been extended,” Doshi said.

Addressing questions from POGO, an FDA spokesperson said by email, “The committee conducted a thorough review of the issues over nine hours with several parts of the meeting set aside for robust public discussion.”

POGO also sought comment from Monto but did not receive a response.

Before the meeting even began, the agency and the Trump administration had given the public reason to worry about the process.

Monto, tapped to fill in as chairman of the committee, had received tens of thousands of dollars from companies working on coronavirus vaccines. According to a federal database, in 2018, Pfizer paid him a $3,500 consulting fee.

When the advisory committee met on October 22 to begin a public discussion about the testing and review of coronavirus vaccines, Monto and Marion Gruber, director of the FDA’s Office of Vaccines Research and Review, summed up the discussion in a way that glossed overa variety of concerns that committee members raised.

Later, when the FDA posted the roster of temporary and standing committee members who would be participating in the December 10 meeting, some of the people who were most outspoken about their concerns at the earlier meeting were not on the list. Whatever the reasons, their disappearance could send a message that people who rock the boat won’t be invited back. Meanwhile, many new people were added.

President Donald Trump had been pressing for a vaccine to be approved by Election Day. Then, in the runup to the December 10 meeting, he stated publicly that he was putting pressure on the FDA, and he made clear that he considered authorization a foregone conclusion.

“We’re just days away from authorization from the FDA, and we’re pushing them hard, at which point we will immediately begin mass distribution,” Trump said on December 8.

The agenda for last week’s meeting allotted relatively little time for committee debate. Most of the day was devoted to presentations by a series of speakers, including representatives of the FDA and Pfizer. The FDA and Pfizer talks generally recited information committee members had been given to read days earlier.

A total of 125 minutes late in the afternoon was set aside for “Committee Discussion and Voting.” With 23 committee members on the roster, that would have amounted to less than five-and-a-half minutes per member—without accounting for whatever time FDA or Pfizer representatives used addressing their questions or comments.

Committee members also had time to ask some questions after presentations. But, as Monto noted, not everyone who had a question got to ask it.

With the fate of millions of Americans hanging in the balance, it often seemed that keeping the meeting on schedule was more important to the chairman than having a free and full discussion.

“The meeting on October 22nd went on till a quarter to seven Eastern,” Monto said. “And I … don’t think we want to go on that late tonight.”

Did Monto have somewhere more important to go or something more important to do, as we asked on Twitter?

“This AdComm spent like 5 hours this morning basically reading from slides that were already made public, and now the Acting Chair, Arnold Monto, is limiting the challenging questions from the experts, saying they’re short on time. Utterly asinine,” Alexander Gaffney, head of research at Politico’s AgencyIQ, tweeted as the scene played out.

One of the more absurd moments came when the FDA’s Gruber addressed reports of allergic reactions in people who had received the vaccine in the U.K. Gruber said the FDA and Pfizer had drafted a warning that “this vaccine should not be administered to individuals with known history of severe allergic reactions to any components of the Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.”

Offit, the Philadelphia pediatrician, told Gruber that people concerned about potential allergic reactions would not recognize a long chemical name. “Nobody’s going to look at that name and say, you know, I’m allergic to that,” he said.

Spoiler alert: Despite Offit’s warning, the “Fact Sheet” the FDA later issued says people who’ve had a severe allergic reaction to any ingredient of the vaccine should not get the vaccine. It adds:

The Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine includes the following ingredients: mRNA, lipids ((4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl) bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate), 2 [(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide, 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, and cholesterol), potassium chloride, monobasic potassium phosphate, sodium chloride, dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate, and sucrose.

The issue most debated during the meeting was whether to include people 16 and 17 years old in the emergency authorization. Several committee members said they wanted to exclude them because they are at less risk from the coronavirus and because less is known about how the vaccine might affect them.

The committee members didn’t get the chance to vote on that modification or any other.

Monto turned to the FDA’s Gruber for direction on how to proceed, and Gruber urged him to call for a vote on the question as originally drafted—whether the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks for people 16 and older.

“It is 5:30, and Arnold, we have a strategy,” Gruber said. “Provided that other committee members do no longer want to weigh in, I would like for the committee to really vote on this question as is.”

It was unclear how many members still might have wanted to weigh in, because no one asked them.

It was also unclear whether any members wanted to discuss other possible modifications to the authorization.

Monto proceeded to call the vote.

“The votes will be announced and then we will have an explanation of vote from those who wish to give an explanation of their vote,” he said.

One committee member, Dr. H. Cody Meissner, chief of the division of pediatric infectious disease at Tufts Children’s Hospital in Boston, tried again. Meissner said he didn’t want to vote against the emergency authorization just because he was uncomfortable including the 16- and 17-year-olds, and he asked if the committee could modify the wording if the question didn’t pass. He was shut down.

“I would recommend voting on this question as is for now because we have not heard from all the committee members,” Gruber said, with baffling logic.

Another member, Dr. Michael Kurilla of the National Institutes of Health, spoke up, asking if he could ask one last question.

“Only about the voting process,” Monto said.

After the votes were counted, members were not given the chance they had been promised to explain the thinking behind their votes.

Instead, Gruber delivered concluding remarks and Monto closed the meeting.

“And therefore our work for the day is done,” Monto said. “So thank you very much, good night, and see you soon.”

The following night, the FDA issued the emergency authorization. By Monday morning, Americans began receiving injections.

The advisory committee is scheduled to meet again tomorrow to consider another experimental coronavirus vaccine.


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David Hilzenrath is the Chief Investigative Reporter for the Project On Government Oversight.

Featured image is from Renzo Velez / POGO

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A self-funding national infrastructure bank modeled on the “American System” of Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt would help solve not one but two of the country’s biggest problems.

Millions of Americans have joined the ranks of the unemployed, and government relief checks and savings are running out; meanwhile, the country still needs trillions of dollars in infrastructure. Putting the unemployed to work on those infrastructure projects seems an obvious solution, especially given that the $600 or $700 stimulus checks Congress is planning on issuing will do little to address the growing crisis. Various plans for solving the infrastructure crisis involving public-private partnerships have been proposed, but they’ll invariably result in private investors reaping the profits while the public bears the costs and liabilities. We have relied for too long on private, often global, capital, while the Chinese run circles around us building infrastructure with credit simply created on the books of their government-owned banks.

Earlier publicly-owned U.S. national banks and U.S. Treasuries pulled off similar feats, using what Sen. Henry Clay, U.S. statesman from 1806 to 1852, named the “American System” – funding national production simply with “sovereign” money and credit. They included the First (1791-1811) and Second (1816-1836) Banks of the United States, President Lincoln’s federal treasury and banking system, and President Franklin Roosevelt’s Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) (1932-1957). Chester Morrill, former Secretary of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, wrote of the RFC:

[I]t became apparent almost immediately, to many Congressmen and Senators, that here was a device which would enable them to provide for activities that they favored for which government funds would be required, but without any apparent increase in appropriations. . . . [T]here need be no more appropriations and its activities could be enlarged indefinitely, as they were, almost to fantastic proportions. [emphasis added]

Even the Federal Reserve with its “quantitative easing” cannot fund infrastructure without driving up federal expenditures or debt, at least without changes to the Federal Reserve Act. The Fed is not allowed to spend money directly into the economy or to lend directly to Congress. It must go through the private banking system and its “primary dealers.” The Fed can create and pay only with “reserves” credited to the reserve accounts of banks. These reserves are a completely separate system from the deposits circulating in the real producer/consumer economy; and those deposits are chiefly created by banks when they make loans. (See the Bank of England’s 2014 quarterly report here.) New liquidity gets into the real economy when banks make loans to local businesses and individuals; and in risky environments like that today, banks are not lending adequately even with massive reserves on their books.

A publicly-owned national infrastructure bank, on the other hand, would be mandated to lend into the real economy; and if the loans were of the “self funding” sort characterizing most infrastructure projects (generating fees to pay off the loans), they would be repaid, canceling out the debt by which the money was created. That is how China built 12,000 miles of high-speed rail in a decade: credit created on the books of government-owned banks was advanced to pay for workers and materials, and the loans were repaid with profits from passenger fees.

Unlike the QE pumped into financial markets, which creates asset bubbles in stocks and housing, this sort of public credit mechanism is not inflationary. Credit money advanced for productive purposes balances the circulating money supply with new goods and services in the real economy. Supply and demand rise together, keeping prices stable. China increased its money supply by nearly 1800% over 24 years (from 1996 to 2020) without driving up price inflation, by increasing GDP in step with the money supply.

HR 6422, The National Infrastructure Bank Act of 2020

A promising new bill for a national infrastructure bank modeled on the RFC and the American System, H.R. 6422, was filed by Rep. Danny Davis, D-Ill., in March. The National Infrastructure Bank of 2020 (NIB) is projected to create $4 trillion or more in bank credit money to rebuild the nation’s rusting bridges, roads, and power grid; relieve traffic congestion; and provide clean air and water, new schools and affordable housing. It will do this while generating up to 25 million union jobs paying union-level wages. The bill projects a net profit to the government of $80 billion per year, which can be used to cover infrastructure needs that are not self-funding (broken pipes, aging sewers, potholes in roads, etc.). The bill also provides for substantial investment in “disadvantage communities,” those defined by persistent poverty.

The NIB is designed to be a true depository bank, giving it the perks of those institutions for leverage and liquidity, including the ability to borrow at the Fed’s discount window without penalty at 0.25% interest (almost interest-free). According to Alphecca Muttardy, a former macroeconomist for the International Monetary Fund and chief economist on the 2020 NIB team, the NIB will create the $4 trillion it lends simply as deposits on its books, as the Bank of England attests all depository banks do. For liquidity to cover withdrawals, the NIB can either borrow from the Fed at 0.25% or issue and sell bonds.

Modeled on its American System predecessors, the NIB will be capitalized with existing federal government debt. According to the summary on the NIB Coalition website:

The NIB would be capitalized by purchasing up to $500 billion in existing Treasury bonds held by the private sector (e.g., in pension and other savings funds), in exchange for an equivalent in shares of preferred [non-voting] stock in the NIB. The exchange would take place via a sales contract with the NIB/Federal Government that guarantees a preferred stock dividend of 2% more than private-holders currently earn on their Treasuries. The contract would form a binding obligation to provide the incremental 2%, or about $10 billion per year, from the Budget. While temporarily appearing as mandatory spending under the Budget, the $10 billion per year would ultimately be returned as a dividend paid to government, from the NIB’s earnings stream.

Since the federal government will be paying the interest on the bonds, the NIB needs to come up with only the 2% dividend to entice investors. The proposal is to make infrastructure loans at a very modest 2%, substantially lower than the rates now available to the state and local governments that create most of the nation’s infrastructure. At a 10% capital requirement, the bonds can capitalize ten times their value in loans. The return will thus be 20% on a 2% dividend outlay from the NIB, for a net return on investment of 18% less operating costs. The U.S. Treasury will also be asked to deposit Treasury bonds with the bank as an “on-call” subscriber.

The American System: Sovereign Money and Credit

U.S. precedents for funding internal improvements with “sovereign credit” – credit issued by the national government rather than borrowed from the private banking system – go back to the American colonists’ paper scrip, colonial Pennsylvania’s “land bank”, and the First U.S. Bank of Alexander Hamilton, the first U.S. Treasury Secretary. Hamilton proposed to achieve the constitutional ideal of “promoting the general welfare” by nurturing the country’s fledgling industries with federal subsidies for roads, canals, and other internal improvements; protective measures such as tariffs; and easy credit provided through a national bank. Production and the money to finance it would all be kept “in house,” without incurring debt to foreign financiers. The national bank would promote a single currency, making trade easier, and would issue loans in the form of “sovereign credit.” ’

Senator Henry Clay called this model the “American System” to distinguish it from the “British System” that left the market to the “invisible hand” of “free trade,” allowing big monopolies to gobble up small entrepreneurs, and foreign bankers and industrialists to exploit the country’s labor and materials. After the charter for the First US Bank expired in 1811, Congress created the Second Bank of the United States in 1816 on the American System model.

In 1836, Pres. Andrew Jackson shut down the Second U.S. Bank due to perceived corruption, leaving the country with no national currency and precipitating a recession. “Wildcat” banks issued their own banknotes – promissory notes allegedly backed by gold. But the banks often lacked the gold necessary to redeem the notes, and the era was beset with bank runs and banking crises.

Abraham Lincoln’s economic advisor was Henry Carey, the son of Matthew Carey, a well-known printer and publisher who had been tutored by Benjamin Franklin and had tutored Henry Clay. Henry Carey proposed creating an independent national currency that was non-exportable, one that would remain at home to do the country’s own work. He advocated a currency founded on “national credit,” something he defined as “a national system based entirely on the credit of the government with the people, not liable to interference from abroad.” It would simply be a paper unit of account that tallied work performed and goods delivered.

On that model, in 1862 Abraham Lincoln issued U.S. Notes or Greenbacks directly from the U.S. Treasury, allowing Lincoln’s government not only to avoid an exorbitant debt to British bankers and win the Civil War, but to fund major economic development, including tying the country together with the transcontinental railroad – an investment that actually turned a profit for the government.

After Lincoln was assassinated in 1865, the Greenback program was discontinued; but Lincoln’s government also passed the National Bank Act of 1863, supplemented by the National Bank Act of 1864. Originally known as the National Currency Act, its stated purpose was to stabilize the banking system by eradicating the problem of notes issued by multiple banks circulating at the same time. A single banker-issued national currency was created through chartered national banks, which could issue notes backed by the U.S. Treasury in a quantity proportional to the bank’s level of capital (cash and federal bonds) deposited with the Comptroller of the Currency.

From Roosevelt’s Reconstruction Finance Corporation (1932-57) to HR 6422

The American president dealing with an economic situation most closely resembling that today, however, was Franklin D. Roosevelt. America’s 32nd president resolved massive unemployment and infrastructure problems by greatly expanding the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) set up by his predecessor Herbert Hoover. The RFC was a remarkable publicly-owned credit machine that allowed the government to finance the New Deal and World War II without turning to Congress or the taxpayers for appropriations. The RFC was not called an infrastructure bank and was not even a bank, but it served the same basic functions. It was continually enlarged and modified by Pres. Roosevelt to meet the crisis of the times until it became America’s largest corporation and the world’s largest financial organization. Its semi-independent status let it work quickly, allowing New Deal agencies to be financed as the need arose. According to Encyclopedia.com:

[T]he RFC—by far the most influential of New Deal agencies—was an institution designed to save capitalism from the ravages of the Great Depression. Through the RFC, Roosevelt and the New Deal handed over $10 billion to tens of thousands of private businesses, keeping them afloat when they would otherwise have gone under ….

A similar arrangement could save local economies from the ravages of the global shutdowns today.

The Banking Acts of 1932 provided the RFC with capital stock of $500 million and the authority to extend credit up to $1.5 billion (subsequently increased several times). The initial capital came from a stock sale to the U.S. Treasury. With those modest resources, from 1932 to 1957 the RFC loaned or invested more than $40 billion. A small part of this came from its initial capitalization. The rest was financed with bonds sold to the Treasury, some of which were then sold to the public. The RFC ended up borrowing a total of $51.3 billion from the Treasury and $3.1 billion from the public.

Thus the Treasury was the lender, not the borrower, in this arrangement. As the self-funding loans were repaid, so were the bonds that were sold to the Treasury, leaving the RFC with a net profit. The RFC was the lender for thousands of infrastructure and small business projects that revitalized the economy, and these loans produced a total net income of over $690 million on the RFC’s “normal” lending functions (omitting such things as extraordinary grants for wartime). The RFC financed roads, bridges, dams, post offices, universities, electrical power, mortgages, farms, and much more–all while generating income for the government.

HR 6422 proposes to mimic this feat. The National Infrastructure Bank of 2020 can rebuild crumbling infrastructure across America, pushing up long-term growth, not only without driving up taxes or the federal debt, but without hyperinflating the money supply or generating financial asset bubbles. The NIB has growing support across the country from labor leaders, elected officials, and grassroots organizations. It can generate real wealth in the form of upgraded infrastructure and increased employment as well as federal and local taxes and GDP, paying for itself several times over without additional outlays from the federal government. With official unemployment at nearly double what it was a year ago and an economic crisis unlike the U.S. has seen in nearly a century, the NIB can trigger the sort of “economic miracle” the country desperately needs.


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This article was first posted on ScheerPost.

Ellen Brown is an attorney, chair of the Public Banking Institute, and author of thirteen books including Web of DebtThe Public Bank Solution, and Banking on the People: Democratizing Money in the Digital Age.  She also co-hosts a radio program on PRN.FM called “It’s Our Money.” Her 300+ blog articles are posted at EllenBrown.com. She is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Corona Mask Mandates: Science or Political Dogma?

December 20th, 2020 by Michael J. Talmo

When it comes to masks, U.S. government officials have more waffles than a pancake house. Back in March we were told not to wear masks. Then, starting in April, they do an about-face and for the past several months have been telling us to wear surgical and even cloth masks.

But they insisted that the masks won’t protect the people wearing them from COVID-19—only the people they come in contact with. “My mask protects you, your mask protects me” was the mantra. This is because respiratory droplets are supposed to be the primary mode of viral transmission which the masks supposedly block. This is mainly why surgeons wear masks in operating rooms—they prevent droplets from their nose and mouth from going into a patient’s open wound. Now, since November, we are being told that masks protect both the wearer as well as the people they come in contact with.

For years the scientific literature has demonstrated that the primary mode of transmission for respiratory viruses are fine aerosol particles that can remain suspended in the fluid air for up to 16 hours and can travel much further distances than 6 ft. Back in July, more than 200 scientists asked public-health agencies in a letter published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases to recognize these facts.

In September the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) added aerosols as a primary mode of transmission for SARS-CoV-2—the virus that supposedly causes COVID-19. Then they took it down. Why the flip-flop? Because in my opinion, claiming that droplets and close contact are the primary mode of transmission make the mask and social distancing nonsense easier to sell. But if aerosols are the primary mode of transmission, there’s no point in forcing people to wear masks or socially distance.

As explained in my previous article, “The Plain Truth About Face Masks,” the only scientific studies that matter are Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) with verified outcomes because they test the masks directly with control groups to see if they actually prevent viral diseases. In contrast, observational studies, such as statistical correlations (epidemiological) and computer modeling are based on speculation that can be tainted by bias. They are highly inaccurate and as explained in the July 31 issue of JAMA (Journal of The American Medical Association) can get in the way of doing legitimate research.

Here are three RCTs to consider:

CDC Website: a May 2020 study published in Emerging Infectious Diseases did a systematic review of 10 RCT’s on masks from 1946-2018. That’s a period of over 70 years. Results:

“In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks…either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure…Proper use of face masks is essential because improper use might increase the risk of transmission.”

Canadian Family Physician in July 2020 published a study that conducted a “PEER umbrella systematic review” that included 11 systematic reviews and 18 RCTs involving a combined total of 26,444 participants in both clinical and community settings. Results:

Synthesis: “Overall, the use of masks in the community did not reduce the risk of influenza, confirmed viral respiratory infection, influenzalike illness, or any clinical respiratory infection.”

On November 18 2020, the Annals of Internal Medicine published an RCT study from Denmark. This is the first RCT conducted to determine if masks are effective against SARS-CoV-2. The study involved over 6,000 Danes. Three of the world’s top medical journals, JAMA, the Lancet, and the New England Journal of Medicine rejected it. Could the reason be because it yielded the same results as all other RCTs on masks when it comes to viral diseases? Yep! It found that the infection rate between the control group that wore masks as opposed to the group that didn’t was less than one half of one percent in favor of the masks. In other words, the benefit, if any, turned out to be insignificant.

The reason masks are useless against viral diseases is because viral particles are much smaller than the microscopic pores that are present in all masks. The rigorous 2008 U.K. study conducted by the HSE (Health Safety Executive) found that huge quantities of viruses contained in aerosol particles easily penetrate all types of medical masks. And this was in a controlled environment under optimal conditions with the masks fitted and worn properly. Numerous other studies show the same thing. This is why mechanistic studies that show the amount of droplets a mask blocks or the percentage of viral particles they might filter out are worthless. As long as some viral particles get through the mask, and they always will, you can be infected. It’s like spraying water from a garden hose at a chain link fence as opposed to a screen window. The holes in the screen are a lot smaller but plenty of water will still get through.

What especially irks me are the legions of corrupt bureaucrats and ignorant brainwashed nincompoops who cackle that wearing a mask is a small thing—a minor inconvenience. The scientific literature disagrees.

Clinical Research in Cardiology July 2020 study evaluated the effects of surgical masks and FFP2/N95 masks on 12 healthy males. Conclusion:

“Ventilation, cardiopulmonary exercise capacity and comfort are reduced by surgical masks and highly impaired by FFP2/N95 face masks in healthy individuals. These data are important for recommendations on wearing face masks at work or during physical exercise…Medical face masks have a marked negative impact on cardiopulmonary capacity that significantly impairs strenuous physical and occupational activities. In addition, medical masks significantly impair the quality of life of their wearer. These effects have to be considered versus the potential protective effects of face masks on viral transmissions. The quantitative data of this study may, therefore, inform medical recommendations and policy makers.”

If this is the effect masks have on young healthy people, imagine what they are doing to the elderly and to people who aren’t healthy.

Another problem with long-term mask wearing is what dentists are calling “mask mouth.” An August 5 2020 article in the New York Post reported that wearing a mask all the time causes a decrease in saliva which helps cleanse the teeth and prevent the growth of bad bacteria which causes bad breath. Saliva also helps neutralize the buildup of acid which helps prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Dentists quoted in the article said all of these conditions have been increasing in their practices since people have been wearing masks. They also warned that Periodontal diseases increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

More people than I can count, especially employees who have to wear masks in order to keep their jobs, have told me how much they hate them. They tell me about the headaches, and the fatigue all of which are symptoms of oxygen deprivation as well as the damage to their skin. But I’ve encountered a few people who claim that wearing a mask doesn’t bother them at all. Over the years I’ve also encountered a lot of smokers who claim that they enjoy puffing away and feel great, but admit that they know they are slowly poisoning themselves. The same applies to mask wearers who for whatever reason don’t feel any ill effects. Depriving yourselves of oxygen is damaging your brain and weakening your internal organs and immune system. Deny it all you want but remember this: the head and the tongue in it may lie, but the body doesn’t.

Masks have become a global dogma. Truth doesn’t matter. Science doesn’t matter. Compliance is all that matters. Globalists like Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation have created a cult. Masks have become our penance—the cross we must bear. It’s our fault that cases and deaths continue to rise because we’re not doing what the high priests of science are telling us to do. We’re not obedient enough, were not compliant enough. Never mind that none of the COVID tests look for an actual virus and have high false positive rates. Never mind that the CDC’s own website says that the survival rate for everyone under 70 years of age is well over 99%. Never mind that there is no excess mortality. Less people have died this year than the 2.8 million national average. Nevertheless, vaccines that would normally take years to test for safety and efficacy have been rolled out that we’re supposed to shut up and take. We need this vaccine like the Sahara Desert needs a pile of sand.

How much whackier can it get? Take China, for example, a December 2020 article in Business Insider reported that the Civil Aviation Administration of China is advising flight attendants to wear diapers on planes instead of using the bathroom in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. But for some mysterious, unfathomable reason it’s okay for the pilot and flight crew to use the bathroom.

Honestly folks, how much longer are you going to put up with this lunacy? Do you really want to go through life with a diaper on your face? Do you really want to be afraid to hug or kiss a stranger and even members of your own family ever again? Do you really want to be dehumanized, controlled, degraded, and humiliated? Do all of you really want to walk around in masks looking like a bunch of idiots while your globalist overlords sit back and laugh at how easily they can frighten you into doing whatever they want you to do—including taking a vaccine that they will have no liability for even if it kills you? And in case you haven’t been paying attention, they intend to keep that mask on your face even now that the vaccines are here. This nonsense isn’t going away unless you make it go away.

Most people have bought into the idea that government can do something against viral diseases. Abandon this delusion people. I know it’s difficult because of all the fear mongering generated by politicians and the media. But the grim reality is that viruses have to run their course. This ultimately makes our immune systems stronger and allows us as a species to survive. We have as much if not more bacteria in our bodies than we have cells and many more times that in viruses. We infect each other with numerous microbes all the time. All of us have unknowingly killed who knows how many sickly, frail, inmmunocompromised souls with our germs. It doesn’t make you Typhoid Mary—it’s part of the human condition. All the masks, hand sanitizers, and social distancing in the world won’t change this.

One of the biggest obstacles to ending this dystopian nightmare is that human beings, like many members of the animal kingdom, have a herd mentality. They follow the leader, they are awed by the voice of authority, and can be captivated by charisma. But as I learned a long time ago, appearances can be deceiving.

Back in the early 1990s, I used to secure locations for vending machine routes. It was an easy job. I would just walk into a small business, show the owner or manager a picture of a gumball machine, and ask if we could put it there. Either the business owner or a charity would get a percentage of the profits.One day, in New Jersey, I go into this beauty salon and do my usual 15 second routine. The owner was eloquent and charismatic. He proceeded to give me a friendly but firm ten minute lecture as to why beauty salons were not the place to put them. I was mesmerized by his words and physical presence—and I don’t mesmerize easily. But what he said made so much sense that he convinced me. So I walked out of his salon and just stood there thinking to myself: “beauty salons are my best customers. What am I going to do without them?” Then, it hit me: “Hey, wait a minute, beauty salons are my best customers, they love the machines—I just placed ten today.” Then, my inner voiced literally screamed: “HE’S AN IDIOT!” Lucky for me I woke up.

The point is: Government, scientific institutions, and the medical profession are filled with idiots just like that beauty parlor owner. People who look and sound impressive but couldn’t find their way out of a single occupant toilet. And they are incapable of admitting they are wrong so if you’re expecting an apology forget it. Positions of authority are often filled with narcissists, psychopaths, and other types of power hungry fanatics. They will never own up to the carnage they have caused. So, to everyone everywhere I say, wake up before it’s too late. End this nonsense, Take your masks off, get rid of the plexiglass barriers and the hand sanitizers. Throw all of this junk away. Stop obeying. Stop complying.


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Michael J. Talmo has been a professional writer for over 40 years and is strongly committed to the protection of civil liberties. He also did two music videos on COVID-19. The Masker Mash and COVID Vaccine Man. He can be reached at [email protected]

Featured image is from howstuffworks

The Russian military and Russian-backed Syrian forces have been increasing their presence on the border with Iraq.

Less than a week ago, the Russian Military Police established a local HQ in al-Bukamal. Recently, the 5th Corps of the Syrian Army, known for its links with the Russian military, created a network of border posts in the area. The move was apparently coordinated with Iranian-backed forces and the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces that actively operate in the border area.

Al-Bukamal is locating less than 30km from the town of al-Qaim, the stronghold of the Popular Mobilization Forces on the Iraqi side of the border.

Pro-Israeli sources claim that the increasing Russian presence in southern Deir Ezzor and along the border with Iraq may be a sign of a nearing Iranian withdrawal from the region. At the same time, there are no indications that Iranian-backed forces are going to withdraw from al-Bukamal anytime soon.

The presence of the Russians on the Iraqi-Syrian border is not something new. Russian forces played an important role in the anti-ISIS operations in the province, including the liberation of Deir Ezzor, al-Mayadin and al-Bukamal itself. In fact, the increasing Russian involvement is likely linked with the ongoing anti-ISIS operations in the central Syrian desert.

Just recently, the ISIS propaganda wing, Amaq, claimed that ISIS militants repelled a large attack of the Syrian Army on its hideouts in the eastern part of Hama province. 3 soldiers were allegedly killed, 10 others were inured and a vehicle was destroyed. Pro-militant sources also confirmed the increase of Russian airstrikes on terrorist targets in the region.

The remaining ISIS threat in the central part of the country also has a negative impact on the situation in the south. Negative processes have been taking place in Quneitra and Daraa provinces, which remain under the permanent destructive influence of Israel and its special services.

Recently, Israeli media and think tanks have started promoting the idea of the Israeli intervention into the ‘unstable’ Syrian south under the pretext of restoring ‘peace and prosperity’ in this region. Therefore, it is possible to expect the resumption of active Israeli military and clandestine operations to undermine the Syrian statehood in this particular region.


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“And how are you today? Are you feeling all right?”

“Couldn’t feel better, Doc. Thanks.”

“Good. Good. But you do realise it hasn’t gone away.”

“No, I feel great.”

“Unfortunately this is one of those illnesses you can never get out of your system.”

“Look, Doctor, I feel better than I did. Even before I got it.”

“That, though, is the nature of COVID-19. It lies in wait.”

“How do you mean ‘lies in wait’?”

“What I mean is the virus lies dormant waiting to strike.”

“Waiting to strike?”

“Yes. One day it will kill you.”

“Oh, my God. How long have I got?”

“That’s something the medical world cannot predict. It could be days.”


“Yes, some people die within days of contracting it. Others take weeks, months or even years, we suspect. That’s not been established yet. But we do know you are going to die from it. Of that we are sure.”

“Die from it?”

“Yes. . . You look a little pale. Are you all right?”

“I’m concerned about how long I have left.”

“Don’t worry about it. Worrying won’t help. There are vaccines now to stop you getting it.”

“But, I’ve already got it.”

“Anyway, try not to worry. It could be years before you die. . . Next please.”

England – no recovery

A deserted Golden Mile at Blackpool

In mid-July this year the Spectator republished an article by Professors Yoon K Loke and Carl Heneghan entitled Why no one can ever recover from Covid-19 in England. It begins by contrasting the “relentless daily toll of more than a hundred Covid-associated deaths” and contrasts it with Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland “where there are days with no Covid-associated deaths whatsoever.”

Johns Hopkins University figures up to yesterday (17/12/2020) show that in the UK there have been 66,150 deaths from 1,954,311 positive tests (3.38%) while in Ireland there have been 2,143 deaths from 77,678 positive tests (2.75%). No great anomaly there. The anomaly comes with the recovered figure.

In Ireland 23,364 (30%) have recovered while in the UK only 4,133 (0.2%) have recovered. Bearing in mind that nobody recovers in England all those recoveries must be from Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Having established that there are countries (the vast majority of them in fact) where you can recover let’s take a look at a handful.



Today, Vladimir Lukashenko lights a candle in the temple of St Elizabeth convent in Minsk

If you recall Belarus did not lock down, did not enforce mask-wearing, social distancing or curfews. From 970,758 positive tests there were 16,848 deaths (1.73%) and 582,457 recoveries (60%).

Count the face masks! (Above pictures courtesy of Севодня – Today in English)

Herd immunity seems to be working well in Belarus, as it always has with viruses everywhere, but the UK government does not want people to recover and live normal lives. Living normal lives does not support the agenda of control which empowers the likes of Matt Hancock and Boris Johnson.


Image may contain: 1 person, standing and outdoor

Early December. Some with masks, some without. No one social-distancing. Courtesy: Bolsa De Noticias Grupoese

Nicaragua is another country that did not lock down. Its record is better than that of Belarus. Out of 5,938 who have tested positive for COVID-19 there have been 163 deaths (2.74%). Recoveries have been an impressive 4,225 (71%).



School vaudeville 4 December 2020. (Courtesy: Sankei Shimbun)

You might be forgiven for thinking that Japan is out on its own in controlling the “killer” virus. Like the UK it is an island and like the UK has pockets of densely populated areas. The only difference is its alternative policy on lockdowns, social distancing and other evils we in the west have to endure.

From 193,744 positive tested subjects only 2,708 have died (1.4%) and even more impressive is the recovery (which we in England do not have). 160,630 of those providing positive tests have recovered. That’s a stunning 83%. Suzuki Kasuto gives some thoughts here on why Japan has fared so well without lockdowns. But even Japan cannot compare with China’s recoveries even though it’s death-rate is not as bad as China’s.


The Daily Mail has many photos showing how Wuhan has got back to normal.

China, where allegedly the virus was manufactured with the help of USA experts, has the most impressive record of all. From 94,804 who tested positive, 4,762 have died (5%). A massive 88,524 have recovered (94%).

This indicates that the virus SARS-CoV-2 in China has become the ghost of Christmas past.

Back in England – where nobody recovers

In recent months daily cases of COVID-19 have gone up alarmingly – proportional to the number of tests being recorded. In the most serious stage, between March and April, hardly any tests were done. As soon as the virus had run its course our government started using the totally unreliable RT-PCR test. Figures then started to soar. Yesterday in the Austrian parliament, Michael Schnedlitz MP, performed a PCR test on a sample of Coca Cola “so you can see how worthless and misguided these mass tests are” he said. Some of us have been saying the very same thing for months.

Well done those of you who spotted that the featured image at the top of the post indeed came from the inside of a tomato and has nothing to do with COVID-19 other than the fact that it would in all probability test positive for the virus. There’s not much chance of you falling for the nonsense.


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Featured image: Public domain image from Wiki’s COVID-Protest page.

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“We are called to speak for the weak, for the voiceless, for victims of our nation and for those it calls enemy, for no document from human hands can make these humans any less our brothers.”

– Martin Luther King Jr. (April 4, 1967) [1]


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Over the course of only two months in the past year, three men of uncommon bravery, intelligence, compassion and vision passed away.

On September 5, Fighter for Truth Kevin Zeese died unexpectedly at home, apparently of a heart attack. [2]

Then on September 22, less than three weeks later, globe trotting filmmaker, investigative journalist and philosopher André Vltchek died in a chauffeur driven car in Istanbul, Turkey. He died in his sleep. [3]

Finally, on October 30, after a career spanning nearly five decades, journalist Robert Fisk died of an apparent stroke. [4]

Three ordinary deaths for apparently extra-ordinary individuals.

Many individuals you run into in the modern western world lose hope for the welfare of the peoples who live abroad. They shrug, and resign themselves to circumstances they say are beyond their control as they knuckle down and commit themselves to the realities of day to day living.

The approach may make a certain sense. However, it also guarantees men and women who subscribe to it end up never making a difference for those far away souls.

The three individuals who will be the focus of this instalment of the Global Research News Hour followed a different calling, one that led them to fight for their voices to be heard no matter what!

I myself met all three of these individuals, all over the course of 2019. One only by email. One in a brief but memorable conversation before a talk in Winnipeg. And one in a more extensive visit to Winnipeg when I spent a half hour interviewing him in the back of a car driving him to the airport.

I was profoundly privileged to speak with all three of these men.

In this testimonial edition of the Global Research News Hour we will use past audio, recorded talks and the testimonial of friends to share more of what kind of people these great Internationalists were and how their memories can live on and possibly inspire others.

Robert Fisk was a reporter for the Independent for more than 30 years. His books include The Point of No Return (1975), In Time of War (1985), Pity the Nation: Lebanon at War (1990), The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East (2005),[1] and Syria: Descent Into the Abyss (2015). He has earned numerous British and international journalism awards including a seven time winner of the Press Awards Foreign Reporter of the Year award.

André Vltchek was a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He has covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. Five of his latest books are “China Belt and Road Initiative”,China and Ecological Civilization”with John B. Cobb, Jr., “Revolutionary Optimism, Western Nihilism”, the revolutionary novel Aurora” and a bestselling work of political non-fiction: “Exposing Lies Of The Empire”. He was a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Kevin Zeese was an American lawyer, U.S. Senate candidate and political activist. He worked to end the war on drugs and mass incarceration, and was instrumental in organizing the 2011 Occupy encampment in Washington, D.C. at Freedom Plaza and occupying the Venezuelan Embassy in the District of Columbia in 2019. He co-founded the news site PopularResistance.org in 2011 with his partner, Margaret Flowers. The Kevin Zeese Emerging Activists Fund was set up to provide activists or small organizations each year whose work complements own life work and philosophy. Kevin Zeese was a frequent Contributor to Global Research. 

Click the links to Robert Fisk, André Vltchek and Kevin Zeese to access the archive of their articles on Global Research.


Richard Falk is a member of the TRANSCEND Network, an international relations scholar, professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University, Distinguished Research Fellow, Orfalea Center of Global Studies, UCSB, author, co-author or editor of 60 books, and a speaker and activist on world affairs. In 2008, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) appointed Falk to two three-year terms as a United Nations Special Rapporteur on “the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967.”

Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Margaret Flowers is an American pediatrician, public health advocate, and activist. After 17 years of practicing medicine, she became an advocate for a single-payer insurance system. Flowers is an adviser to the board of Physicians for a National Health Program, serving as a Congressional Fellow during the health reform process in 2009-10 and is co-chair of the Maryland chapter. She Directs Popular Resistance, and is currently co-chair of the Green Party of the United States.



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The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at globalresearch.ca .


  1. A Time to Break Silence: By Rev. Martin Luther King (informationclearinghouse.info); informationclearinghouse.info/article2564.htm
  2. Kevin Zeese Dies of a Sudden, Unexpected Apparent Heart … (ballot-access.org); ballot-access.org/2020/09/06/kevin-zeese-dies-of-a-sudden-unexpected-apparent-heart-attack/
  3. The Death of Andre Vltchek, a Passionate Warrior for Truth – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization; www.globalresearch.ca/death-andre-vltchek-passionate-warrior-truth/5724819
  4. Robert Fisk, veteran UK journalist, dies aged 74 – BBC News; www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-54774539
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“COVID Vaccines” and “Genetically Modified Humans”

December 19th, 2020 by Dr. Carrie Madej

The main video has been removed. This report was first published by Global Research on July 19, 2020

In the following video, Dr. Carrie Madaj questions what “it is to be human”. Why? Because the so-called “COVID” vaccines deploy recombinant DNA/RNA technology that “rewrites” the genetic code much as Monsanto, for example, rewrites the genetic code of numerous seeds (including tomatoes, corn, etc) not to mention the application of genetic bio-technology to animals:

Biotechnology can be classified as the cloning of animals with identical genetic composition or genetic engineering (via recombinant DNA technology and gene editing) to produce genetically modified animals or microorganisms. Cloning helps to conserve species and breeds, particularly those with excellent biological and economical traits. Recombinant DNA technology combines genetic materials from multiple sources into single cells to generate proteins. (Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology)

Genetically-modified organisms can be patented and owned. Monsanto owns the GMO seeds. Once DNA vaccines are used on humans — and it has never been done before — humans could possibly be “owned”. We could in theory be “patented”.

None of this has been discussed at length, and very little about this is known publicly.

No randomized placebo-controlled trials have been conducted. Vaccine manufacturers are exempt from these and many other safeguards.

In 2010, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) admitted that this type of technology can be used to “enhance and subvert” humans at a genetic level.

Hydrogel nanotechnology is injected beneath the skin. It can interface with cell phones and Artificial Intelligence to monitor basically everything within the body, including anxieties, emotions, ovulations, vitamins etc. etc.

Once implanted, the technology spreads throughout the body. Scientists do not know how this affects our DNA.

Recombinant RNA and DNA technology will, argues Dr. Madej, cause permanent and unknown genetic changes in a person’s body.

Will it create a new species and destroy an old one?

Video (Youtube)  Dr. Carrie Madej


Complete video (Facebook version) Dr. Carrie Madej with introduction by Krystal Tini


Our thanks to Mark Taliano for bringing this study to our attention.

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Dr. Carrie Madej, DO is a internal medicine specialist in McDonough, GA. Dr. Madej completed a residency at Mercer University The Med Center Of Central Ga. She currently practices at Phoenix Medical Group of Georgia, LLC and is affiliated with Piedmont Fayette Hospital.

Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017. Visit the author’s website at https://www.marktaliano.net where this article was originally published.

Featured image is from Natural News

Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria” directly from Global Research.

Mark Taliano combines years of research with on-the-ground observations to present an informed and well-documented analysis that refutes  the mainstream media narratives on Syria. 

Voices from Syria 

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-1-6

Author: Mark Taliano

Year: 2017

Pages: 128 (Expanded edition: 1 new chapter)

List Price: $17.95

Special Price: $9.95 

Click to order

Coronavirus – No Vaccine Is Needed to Cure It

December 19th, 2020 by Peter Koenig

Incisive article by Peter Koenig first published by Global Research on April 1st, 2020

The New York Times reported on 30 March that President Trump retreated from his earlier statement that by 12 April the COVID-19 lock-down should be over and its “back-to-work” time. Instead he said that an extension to the end of April was necessary – and possibly even to June. This, he said, was following the guidance of his advisors, of whom Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), within the National Institute for Health (NIH), is one.

Virus COVID-19 has so far caused far less infections and death than the common flu in past years. WHO reports on 30 March worldwide 750,000 infections with a death toll of 36,000. In the US about 161,000 cases and 3,000 deaths. Yet, alarmist Fauci claims that there may be millions of US coronavirus cases and 100,000- 200,000 deaths. And, coincidentally, so does Bill Gates, using pretty much the same figures.

All with the idea of pushing a vaccine down the throat of the public.

A multibillion dollar vaccine is not necessary.

The NIAD and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are collaborating with a view to developing a COVID-19 Vaccine.

China has proven that COVID-19 could be brought under control at rather low-cost and with strict discipline and conventional medication. The same medicines and measures have been used for centuries to prevent and cure successfully all kinds of viral diseases.

First, a vaccine against COVID-19, or coronaviruses in general, is a flu vaccine. Vaccines don’t heal. In the best case, flu-vaccines may prevent the virus from affecting a patient as hard as it might without a vaccine. The effectiveness of flu vaccines is generally assessed as between 20% and 50%. Vaccines are foremost a huge money-making bonanza for Big Pharma.

Second, here are a myriad of remedies that have proven very successful. See also this and this.

COVID-19: More Hydroxychloroquine Data From France

  • French Professor Didier Raoult, who is one of the world’s top 5 scientists on communicable diseases, suggested the use of hydroxychloroquine (Chloroquine or Plaquenil), a well-known, simple, and inexpensive drug, also used to fight Malaria, and that has shown efficacy with previous coronaviruses such as SARS.  By mid-February 2020, clinical trials at his institute and in China already confirmed that the drug could reduce the viral load and bring spectacular improvement. Chinese scientists published their first trials on more than 100 patients and announced that the Chinese National Health Commission would recommend Chloroquine in their new guidelines to treat Covid-19.
  • China and Cuba are working together with the use of Interferon Alpha 2B, a highly efficient anti-viral drug developed in Cuba some 39 years, but little known to the world, because of the US imposed embargo on anything from Cuba. Interferon has also proven to be very effective in fighting COVID-19 and is now produced in a joint-venture in China.
  • There is an old natural Indian / Ayurveda medicine, Curcumin, that comes in capsules as C90. It is an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant compound that has been successfully used to treat cancer, infectious diseases and, yes, coronaviruses.
  • Other simple, but effective remedies include the use of heavy doses of Vitamin C, as well as Vitamin D3, or more generally the use of Micronutrients essential to fight infections, include vitamins A, B, C, D, and E.
  • Another remedy that has been used for thousands of years by ancient Chinese, Romans and Egyptians, are Colloidal silver products. They come in forms to be administered as a liquid by mouth, or injected, or applied to the skin. Colloidal silver products are boosting the immune system, fighting bacteria and viruses, and have been used for treating cancer, HIV/AIDS, shingles, herpes, eye ailments, prostatitis – and COVID-19.
  • A simple and inexpensive remedy, to be used in combination with others, is menthol-based “Mentholatum”. It’s used for common flu and cold symptoms. Rubbed on and around the nose, it acts as a disinfectant and prevents germs to enter the respiratory track, including corona viruses.

China Is Using Cuba's Interferon Alfa 2B Against Coronavirus ...

  • Northern Italy and New Orleans report that an unusual number of patients had to be hospitalized in Intensive Care Units (ICU) and be put 24×7 on a 90%-strength respirator, with some of the patients remaining unresponsive, going into respiratory failure. The reported death rate is about 40%. The condition is called acute respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS. That means the lungs are filled with fluid. When this description of ARDS episodes applies, Dr. Raoult and other medical colleagues recommend COVID-19 patients to “sleep sitting up” until they are cured. This helps drain the liquid out of the lungs. The method has been known to work successfully since it was first documented during the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic.
  • Finally, Chinese researchers in cooperation with Cuban and Russian scientists are also developing a vaccine which may soon be ready for testing. The vaccine would attempt to address not just one strand of coronaviruses, but the basic coronaviral RNA genome (RNA = Ribonucleic Acid), to be applied as a prevention of new coronavirus mutations. In contrast to the west, working exclusively on profit-motives, the Chinese-Cuban-Russian vaccine would be made available at low cost to the entire world.

These alternative cures may not be found on Big Pharma controlled internet. Internet references, if there are any, may advise against their use. At best, they will tell you that these products or methods have not proven effective, and at worst, that they may be harmful. Don’t believe it. None of these products or methods are harmful. Remember, some of them have been used as natural remedies for thousands of years. And remember, China has successfully come to grips with COVID-19, using some of these relatively simple and inexpensive medications.

Few doctors are aware of these practical, simple and inexpensive remedies. The media, under pressure from the pharma giants and the compliant government agencies, have been requested to censoring such valuable information. The negligence or failure, to make such easily accessible remedies public knowledge is killing people.

The Role of Bill Gates and the Lockdown

Bill Gates may have been one of Trump’s ‘advisors’, suggesting that he should extend the “back-to-work” date to at least end April, and, if Gates has his way, to at least June. That still remains to be seen. Gates is very-very powerful:

President Donald Trump said Tuesday that he wants businesses to open by Easter, April 12, to soften the economic impact. … Gates acknowledged Tuesday that self isolation will be “disastrous” for the economy, but “there really is no middle ground.” He suggested a shutdown of six to 10 weeks. (CNBC, March 24, 2020)

 Screenshot, CNBC, March 24, 2020

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, will drive the mass vaccination effort which is scheduled to be launched in the period after the lockdown.

The vaccination association includes, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), a semi-NGO, to which NIH / NIAID outsourced oversight of the vaccination program – supported by Bill Gates; GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization – also a Bill Gates creation, supported by WHO, also amply funded by the Gates Foundation; the World Bank and UNICEF; plus a myriad of pharmaceutical partners.

 Bill Gates also strongly suggests that travelers must have in their passport a vaccination certificate before embarking on a plane, or entering a country.

 The program implementation, including a related global electronic identity-program, possibly administered with nano-chips that could be embedded in the vaccine itself, would be overseen by the little-know agency Agenda ID2020 which is also a Bill and Melinda Gates foundation initiative.

Bill Gates is also known as a strong proponent of drastic and selective population reduction. Knowing what we know, who would trust any vaccine that carries Bill Gate’s signature. Hope that this evil endeavor will not succeed is omnipresent. We must hope to the end, then the end will never come – and gradually Light will drown Darkness

For further details on Agenda ID2020, see

The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”

By Peter Koenig, March 12, 2020*


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Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organization around the world in the fields of environment and water. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for Global Research; ICH; RT; Sputnik; PressTV; The 21st Century; Greanville Post; Defend Democracy Press, TeleSUR; The Saker Blog, the New Eastern Outlook (NEO); and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

“The flu season is upon us. Which type will we worry about this year, and what kind of shots will we be told to take? Remember the swine flu scare of 1976? That was the year the U.S. government told us all that swine flu could turn out to be a killer that could spread across the nation, and Washington decided that every man, woman and child in the nation should get a shot to prevent a nation-wide outbreak, a pandemic.

Well 46 million of us obediently took the shot, and now 4,000 Americans are claiming damages from Uncle Sam amounting to three and a half billion dollars because of what happened when they took that shot. By far the greatest number of the claims – two thirds of them are for neurological damage, or even death, allegedly triggered by the flu shot. (CBS, 60 MINUTES, 1979)

This 1979 CBS 60 Minutes was shown only once.



Global Research Editor’s Note

We first posted this report on July 18, 2009 at the height of the 2009 H1N1 Pandemic, at a time when the WHO and Big Pharma with the support of the mainstream media were involved in a Worldwide propaganda campaign to implement compulsory vaccination.

What this CBS report reveals is that there was “honest journalism” in 1979.

Both in 2009 during the H1N1 epidemic as well as now in relation to COVID-19, mainstream media is complicit in spreading lies and fabrications.

The H1n1 Fraud was revealed, it was the object of an investigation by the European Parliament.

Below are statements of WHO director General Margaret Chan, excerpts from press reports in 2009, followed by the transcript of the CBS 1979 Report.

Today’s mainstream media lies are unparalleled in relation to those of H1N1. Moreover, today there is a vicious campaign to suppress the truth which includes the arrest of medical doctors who have the courage to speak out.

That’s why we need an independent media.

Corruption at the WHO in 2020 far surpasses that pertaining to the H1N1 Pandemic in 2009.

Michel Chossudovsky, December 19, 2020 


The WHO Lies Concerning the H1N1

“On the basis of … expert assessments of the evidence, the scientific criteria for an influenza pandemic have been met. I have therefore decided to raise the level of influenza pandemic alert from Phase 5 to Phase 6. The world is now at the start of the 2009 influenza pandemic.Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO), Press Briefing  11 June 2009)

 “As many as 2 billion people could become infected over the next two years — nearly one-third of the world population.” (World Health Organization as reported by the Western media, July 2009)

“Vaccine makers could produce 4.9 billion pandemic flu shots per year in the best-case scenario”,Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO), quoted by Reuters, 21 July 2009)

US Government and Media Lies concerning H1N1

Swine flu could strike up to 40 percent of Americans over the next two years and as many as several hundred thousand could die if a vaccine campaign and other measures aren’t successful.” (Official Statement of the US Administration, Associated Press, 24 July 2009).

“The U.S. expects to have 160 million doses of swine flu vaccine available sometime in October”, (Associated Press, 23 July 2009)

Wealthier countries such as the U.S. and Britain will pay just under $10 per dose [of the H1N1 flu vaccine]. … Developing countries will pay a lower price.” [circa $400 billion for Big Pharma] (Business Week, July 2009)

The 1976 Swine Flu Vaccine. CBS ’60 Minutes’ Transcript

Below is the full transcript of the 1979 broadcast from the CBS investigative news program 60 Minutes on government propaganda around the 1976 swine flu scare.

The program was aired on Sunday, November 4, 1979.

MIKE WALLACE: The flu season is upon us [1979]. Which type will we worry about this year, and what kind of shots will we be told to take? Remember the swine flu scare of 1976? That was the year the U.S. government told us all that swine flu could turn out to be a killer that could spread across the nation, and Washington decided that every man, woman and child in the nation should get a shot to prevent a nation-wide outbreak, a pandemic.

Well 46 million of us obediently took the shot, and now 4,000 Americans are claiming damages from Uncle Sam amounting to three and a half billion dollars because of what happened when they took that shot. By far the greatest number of the claims – two thirds of them are for neurological damage, or even death, allegedly triggered by the flu shot.

We pick up the story back in 1976, when the threat posed by the swine flu virus seemed very real indeed.

PRESIDENT GERALD FORD; This virus was the cause of a pandemic in 1918 and 1919 that resulted in over half a million deaths in the United States, as well as 20 million deaths around the world.

WALLACE: Thus the U.S. government’s publicity machine was cranked into action to urge all America to protect itself against the swine flu menace. (Excerpt from TV commercial urging everyone to get a swine flu shot.) One of those who did roll up her sleeve was Judy Roberts. She was perfectly healthy, an active woman, when, in November of 1976, she took her shot. Two weeks later, she says, she began to feel a numbness starting up her legs.

JUDY ROBERTS: And I joked about it at that time. I said I’ll be numb to the knees by Friday if this keeps up. By the following week, I was totally paralyzed.

WALLACE: So completely paralyzed, in fact, that they had to operate on her to enable her to breathe. And for six months, Judy Roberts was a quadriplegic. The diagnosis: A neurological disorder called “Guillain-Barre Syndrome” – GBS for short. These neurological diseases are little understood. They affect people in different ways.

As you can see in these home movies taken by a friend, Judy Roberts’ paralysis confined her mostly to a wheelchair for over a year. But this disease can even kill. Indeed, there are 300 claims now pending from the families of GBS victims who died, allegedly as a result of the swine flu shot. In other GBS victims, the crippling effects diminish and all but disappear. But for Judy Roberts, progress back to good health has been painful and partial.

Now, I notice that your smile, Judy, is a little bit constricted.

ROBERTS: Yes, it is.

WALLACE: Is it different from what it used to be?

ROBERTS: Very different, I have a – a greatly decreased mobility in my lips. And I can’t drink through a straw on the right-band side. I can’t blow out birthday candles. I don’t whistle any more, for which my husband is grateful.

WALLACE: It may be a little difficult for you to answer this question, but have you recovered as much as you are going to recover?

ROBERTS: Yes. This – this is it.

WALLACE: So you will now have a legacy of braces on your legs for the rest of your life?

ROBERTS: Yes. The weakness in my hands will stay and the leg braces will stay.

WALLACE: So Judy Roberts and her husband have filed a claim against the U.S. government. They’re asking $12 million, though they don’t expect to get nearly that much. Judy, why did you take the flu shot?

ROBERTS: I’d never taken any other flu shots, but I felt like this was going to be a major epidemic, and the only way to prevent a major epidemic of a – a really deadly variety of flu was for every body to be immunized.

WALLACE: Where did this so called “deadly variety of flu”, where did it first hit back in 1976? It began right here at Fort Dix in New Jersey in January of that year, when a number of recruits began to complain of respiratory ailments, something like the common cold. An Army doctor here sent samples of their throat cultures to the New Jersey Public Health Lab to find our just what kind of bug was going around here. One of those samples was from a Private David Lewis, who had left his sick bed to go on a forced march. Private Lewis had collapsed on that march, and his sergeant had revived him by mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. But the sergeant showed no signs of illness. A few days later, Private Lewis died.

ROBERTS: If this disease is so potentially fatal that it’s going to kill a young, healthy man, a middle-aged schoolteacher doesn’t have a prayer.

WALLACE: The New Jersey lab identified most of those solders’ throat cultures as the normal kind of flu virus going around that year, but they could not make out what kind of virus was in the culture from the dead soldier, and from four others who were sick. So they sent those cultures to the Federal Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, for further study. A few days later they got the verdict: swine flu. But that much-publicized outbreak of swine flu at Fort Dix involved only Private Lewis, who died, and those four other soldiers, who recovered completely without the swine flu shot.

ROBERTS: If I had known at that time that the boy had been in a sick bed, got up, went out on a forced march and then collapsed and died, I would never have taken the shot.

DR DAVID SENCER: The rationale for our recommendation was not on the basis of the death of a – a single individual, but it was on the basis that when we do see a change in the characteristics of the influenza virus, it is a massive public-health problem in the country.

WALLACE: Dr David Sencer, then head of the CDS – the Center of Disease Control in Atlanta – is now in private industry. He devised the swine flu program and he pushed it.

WALLACE: You began to give flu shots to the American people in October of ’76?

DR SENCER: October 1st.

WALLACE: By that time, how many cases of swine flu around the world had been reported?

DR SENCER: There had been several reported, but none confirmed. There had been cases in Australia that were reported by the press, by the news media. There were cases in –

WALLACE: None confirmed? Did you ever uncover any other outbreaks of swine flu anywhere in the world?


WALLACE: Now, nearly everyone was to receive a shot in a public health facility where a doctor might not be present, therefore it was up to the CDC to come up with some kind of official consent form giving the public all the information it needed about the swine flu shot. This form stated that the swine flu vaccine had been tested. What it didn’t say was that after those tests were completed, the scientists developed another vaccine and that it was the one given to most of the 46 million who took the shot. That vaccine was called “X-53a”. Was X-53a ever field tested?

DR SENCER: I-I can’t say. I would have to –

WALLACE: It wasn’t

DR SENCER: I don’t know

WALLACE: Well, I would think that you’re in charge of the program

DR SENCER: 1 would have to check the records. I haven’t looked at this in some time.

WALLACE: The information form the consent form was also supposed to warn people about any risk of serious complications following the shot. But did it?

ROBERTS: No, I had never heard of any reactions other than a sore arm, fever, this sort of thing.

WALLACE: Judy Roberts’ husband, Gene, also took the shot.

GENE ROBERTS: Yes, I looked at that document, I signed it. Nothing on there said I was going to have a heart attack, or I can get Guillain Barre, which I’d never heard of.

WALLACE: What if people from the government, from the Center for Disease Control, what if they had indeed, known about it, what would be your feeling?

JUDY ROBERTS: They should have told us.

WALLACE: Did anyone ever come to you and say, “You know something, fellows, there’s the possibility of neurological damage if you get into a mass immunization program?”


WALLACE: No one ever did?


WALLACE: Do you know Michael Hattwick?

DR SENCER: Yes, uh-hmm.

WALLACE: Dr Michael Hattwick directed the surveillance team for the swine flu program at the CDC. His job was to find out what possible complications could arise from taking the shot and to report his findings to those in charge. Did you know ahead of time, Dr Hattwick that there had been case reports of neurological disorders, neurological illness, apparently associated with the injection of influenza vaccine?


WALLACE: You did?


WALLACE: How did you know that?

DR Hattwick: By review of the literature.

WALLACE: So you told your superiors – the men in charge of the swine flu immunization program – about the possibility of neurological disorders?

DR RATTWICK: Absolutely

WALLACE: What would you say if I told you that your superiors say that you never told them about the possibility of neurological complications?

DR HAJTWICK: That’s nonsense. I can’t believe that they would say that they did not know that there were neurological illnesses associated with influenza vaccination. That simply is not true. We did know that.

DR SENCER: I have said that Dr Hattwick had never told me of his feelings on this subject.

WALLACE: Then he’s lying?

DR SENCER: I guess you would have to make that assumption.

WALLACE: Then why does this report from your own agency, dated July 1976, list neurological complications as a possibility?

DR SENCER: I think the consensus of the scientific community was that the evidence relating neurologic disorders to influenza immunization was such that they did not feel that this association was a real one.

WALLACE: You didn’t feel it was necessary to tell the American people that information

DR SENCER: I think that over the – the years we have tried to inform the American people as – as fully as possible.

WALLACE: As part of informing Americans about the swine flu threat, Dr Sencer’s CDC also helped create the advertising to get the public to take the shot. Let me read to your from one of your own agency’s memos planning the campaign to urge Americans to take the shot. “The swine flu vaccine has been taken by many important persons,” he wrote. “Example: President Ford, Henry Kissinger, Elton John, Muhammad Ah, Mary Tyler Moore, Rudolf Nureyev, Walter Cronkite, Ralph Nader, Edward Kennedy” -etcetera, etcetera, True?

DR SENCER: I’m not familiar with that particular piece of paper, but I do know that, at least of that group, President Ford did take the vaccination.

WALLACE: Did you talk to these people beforehand to find out if they planned to take the shot?

DR SENCER: I did not, no.

WALLACE: Did anybody?

DR SENC ER: I do not know.

WALLACE: Did you get permission to use their names in your campaign?

DR SENCER: I do not know.

WALLACE: Mary, did you take a swine flu shot?

MARY TYLER MOORE: No, I did not.

WALLACE: Did you give them permission to use your name saying that you had or were going to?

MOORE: Absolutely not. Never did.

WALLACE: Did you ask your own doctor about taking the swine flu shot?

MOORE: Yes, and at the time he thought it might be a good idea. But I resisted it, because I was leery of having the symptoms that sometimes go with that kind of inoculation.

WALLACE: So you didn’t?

MOORE: No, I didn’t.

WALLACE: Have you spoken to your doctor since?



MOORE: He’s delighted that I didn’t take that shot.

WALLACE: You’re in charge. Somebody’s in charge.

DR SENCER: There are –

WALLACE: This is your advertising strategy that I have a copy of here.

DR SENCER: Who’s it signed by?

WALLACE: This one is unsigned. But you–you’ll acknowledge that it was your baby so to speak?

DR SENCER: It could have been from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. It could be from CDC. I don’t know. I’ll be happy to take responsibility for it.

WALLACE: It’s been three years now since you fell ill by GBS right?


WALLACE: Has the federal government, in your estimation, played fair with you about your claim?

ROBERTS: No, I don’t think so. It seems to be dragging on and on and on, and really no end in sight that I can see at this point.

JOSEPH CALIFANO: With respect to the cases of Guillain Barre…

WALLACE: Former Secretary of HEW Joseph Caifano, too was disturbed that there was no end in sight. So a year and a half ago, he proposed that Uncle Sam would cut the bureaucratic red tape for victims suffering from GBS and would pay up quickly.

CALIFANO: We shouldn’t hold them to an impossible or too difficult standard of proving that they were hurt. Even if we pay a few people a few thousand dollars that might not have deserved it, I think justice requires that we promptly pay those people who do deserve it.

WALLACE: Who’s making the decision to be so hard-nosed about settling?

CALIFANO: Well, I assume the Justice Department is.

WALLACE: Griffin Bell, before he left?

CALIFANO: Well, the Justice Department agreed to the statement I made. It was cleared word for word with the lawyers in the Justice Department by my HEW lawyers.

CALIFANO: That-that statement said that we should pay Guillain Barre claims without regard to whether the federal government was negligent, if they – if they resulted from the swine flu shot.

GENE ROBERTS: I think the government knows its wrong.

JUDY ROBERTS: If it drags out long enough, that people will just give up, let it go.

GENE ROBERTS: I—I am a little more adamant in my thoughts than my wife is, because I asked – told Judy to take the shot. She wasn’t going to take it, and she never had had shots. And I’m mad with my government because they knew the fact, but they didn’t realize those facts because they – if they had released them, the people wouldn’t have taken it. And they can come out tomorrow and tell me there’s going to be an epidemic, and they can drop off like flies to – next to me, I will not take another shot that my government tells me to take.

WALLACE: Meantime, Judy Roberts and some 4,000 others like her are still waiting for their day in court.

First posted on GR on August 23, 2019

The original article was published in the Swiss magazine Weltwoche (World Week) on June 10th. The author, Beda M Stadler is the former director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of Bern, a biologist and professor emeritus. Stadler is an important medical professional in Switzerland, he also likes to use provoking language, which should not deter you from the extremely important points he makes.

This article is about Switzerland and it does not suggest that the situation is exactly the same globally.

I am advocating for local measures according to locale situations. And I advocate for looking at real data rather than abstract models. I also suggest to read to the end, because Stadler makes crucial points about testing for Sars-CoV-2.

Back to Reason, Medium, June 2, 2020


This is not an accusation, but a ruthless taking stock [of the current situation]. I could slap myself, because I looked at Sars-CoV2- way too long with panic. I am also somewhat annoyed with many of my immunology colleagues who so far have left the discussion about Covid-19 to virologists and epidemiologists. I feel it is time to criticise some of the main and completely wrong public statements about this virus.

Firstly, it was wrong to claim that this virus was novel.

Secondly, It was even more wrong to claim that the population would not already have some immunity against this virus.

Thirdly, it was the crowning of stupidity to claim that someone could have Covid-19 without any symptoms at all or even to pass the disease along without showing any symptoms whatsoever.

But let’s look at this one by one.

1. A new virus?

At the end of 2019 a coronavirus, which was considered novel, was detected in China. When the gene sequence, i.e. the blueprint of this virus, was identified and was given a similar name to the 2002 identified Sars, i.e. Sars-CoV-2, we should have already asked ourselves then how far [this virus] is related to other coronaviri, which can make human beings sick. But no, instead we discussed from which animal as part of a Chinese menu the virus might have sprung. In the meantime, however, many more people believe the Chinese were so stupid as to release this virus upon themselves in their own country. Now that we’re talking about developing a vaccine against the virus, we suddenly see studies which show that this so-called novel virus is very strongly related to Sars-1 as well as other beta-coronaviri which make us suffer every year in the form of a colds. Apart from the pure homologies in the sequence between the various coronaviri which can make people sick, [scientists] currently work on identifying a number of areas on the virus in the same way as human immune cells identify them. This is no longer about the genetic relationship, but about how our immune system sees this virus, i.e. which parts of other coronaviri could potentially be used in a vaccine.

So: Sars-Cov-2 isn’t all that new, but merely a seasonal cold virus that mutated and disappears in summer, as all cold viri do — which is what we’re observing globally right now. Flu viri mutate significantly more, by the way, and nobody would ever claim that a new flu virus strain was completely novel. Many veterinary doctors where therefore annoyed by this claim of novelty, as they have been vaccinating cats, dogs, pigs, and cows for years against coronaviri.

2. The fairy tale of no immunity

From the World Health Organisation (WHO) to every Facebook-virologist, everyone claimed this virus was particularly dangerous, because there was no immunity against it, because it was a novel virus.

Even Anthony Fauci, the most important advisor to the Trump administration noted at the beginning at every public appearance that the danger of the virus lay in the fact that there was no immunity against it.

Tony [Anthony Sauci] and I often sat next to each other at immunology seminars at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda in the US, because we worked in related fields back then. So for a while I was pretty uncritical of his statements, since he was a respectable colleague of mine.

The penny dropped only when I realised that the first commercially available antibody test [for Sars-CoV-2] was put together from an old antibody test that was meant to detect Sars-1.

This kind of test evaluates if there are antibodies in someone’s blood and if they came about through an early fight against the virus. [Scientists] even extracted antibodies from a Lama that would detect Sars-1, Sars-CoV-2, and even the Mers virus. It also became known that Sars-CoV-2 had a less significant impact in areas in China where Sars-1 had previously raged. This is clear evidence urgently suggesting that our immune system considers Sars-1 and Sars-Cov-2 at least partially identical and that one virus could probably protect us from the other.

That’s when I realised that the entire world simply claimed that there was no immunity, but in reality, nobody had a test ready to prove such a statement. That wasn’t science, but pure speculation based on a gut feeling that was then parroted by everyone. To this day there isn’t a single antibody test that can describe all possible immunological situations, such as: if someone is immune, since when, what the neutralising antibodies are targeting and how many structures exist on other coronaviri that can equally lead to immunity.

In mid-April work was published by the group of Andreas Thiel at the Charité Berlin. A paper with 30 authors, amongst them the virologist Christian Drosten. It showed that in 34 % of people in Berlin who had never been in contact with the Sars-CoV-2 virus showed nonetheless T-cell immunity against it (T-cell immunity is a different kind of immune reaction, see below). This means that our T-cells, i.e. white blood cells, detect common structures appearing on Sars-CoV-2 and regular cold viri and therefore combat both of them.

A study by John P A Ioannidis of Stanford University — according to the Einstein Foundation in Berlin one of the world’s ten most cited scientists — showed that immunity against Sars-Cov-2, measured in the form of antibodies, is much higher than previously thought. Ioannidis is certainly not a conspiracy theorist who just wants to swim against the stream; nontheless he is now being criticised, because the antibody tests used were not extremely precise. With that, his critics admit that they do not have such tests yet. And besides, John P A Ioannidis is such a scientific heavy-weight that all German virologists combined area a light-weight in comparison.

3. The failure of modellers

Epidemiologist also fell for the myth that there was no immunity in the population. They also didn’t want to believe that coronaviri were seasonal cold viri that would disappear in summer. Otherwise their curve models would have looked differently. When the initial worst case scenarios didn’t come true anywhere, some now still cling to models predicting a second wave. Let’s leave them their hopes — I’ve never seen a scientific branch that manoeuvred itself so much into the offside. I have also not yet understood why epidemiologists were so much more interested in the number of deaths, rather than in the numbers that could be saved.

4. Immunology of common sense

As an immunologist I trust a biological model, namely that of the human organism, which has built a tried and tested, adaptive immune system. At the end of February, driving home from the recording of [a Swiss political TV debate show], I mentioned to Daniel Koch [former head of the Swiss federal section “Communicable Diseases” of the Federal Office of Public Health] that I suspected there was a general immunity in the population against Sars-Cov-2. He argued against my view.

I later defended him anyway, when he said that children were not a driving factor in the spread of the pandemic. He suspected that children didn’t have a receptor for the virus, which is of course nonsense. Still, we had to admit that his observations were correct. But the fact that every scientist attacked him afterwards and asked for studies to prove his point, was somewhat ironic. Nobody asked for studies to prove that people in certain at-risk groups were dying. When the first statistics from China and later worldwide data showed the same trend, that is to say that almost no children under ten years old got sick, everyone should have made the argument that children clearly have to be immune. For every other disease that doesn’t afflict a certain group of people, we would come to the conclusion that that group is immune. When people are sadly dying in a retirement home, but in the same place other pensioners with the same risk factors are left entirely unharmed, we should also conclude that they were presumably immune.

But this common sense seems to have eluded many, let’s call them “immunity deniers” just for fun. This new breed of deniers had to observe that the majority of people who tested positive for this virus, i.e. the virus was present in their throats, did not get sick. The term “silent carriers” was conjured out of a hat and it was claimed that one could be sick without having symptoms. Wouldn’t that be something! If this principle from now on gets naturalised into the realm of medicine, health insurers would really have a problem, but also teachers whose students could now claim to have whatever disease to skip school, if at the end of the day one didn’t need symptoms anymore to be sick.

The next joke that some virologists shared was the claim that those who were sick without symptoms could still spread the virus to other people. The “healthy” sick would have so much of the virus in their throats that a normal conversation between two people would be enough for the “healthy one” to infect the other healthy one. At this point we have to dissect what is happening here: If a virus is growing anywhere in the body, also in the throat, it means that human cells decease. When [human] cells decease, the immune system is alerted immediately and an infection is caused. One of five cardinal symptoms of an infection is pain. It is understandable that those afflicted by Covid-19 might not remember that initial scratchy throat and then go on to claim that they didn’t have any symptoms just a few days ago. But for doctors and virologists to twist this into a story of “healthy” sick people, which stokes panic and was often given as a reason for stricter lockdown measures, just shows how bad the joke really is. At least the WHO didn’t accept the claim of asymptomatic infections and even challenges this claim on its website.

Here a succinct and brief summary, especially for the immunity deniers, of how humans are attacked by germs and how we react to them: If there are pathogenic viri in our environment, then all humans — whether immune or not — are attacked by this virus. If someone is immune, the battle with the virus begins. First we try to prevent the virus from binding to our own cells with the help of antibodies. This normally works only partially, not all are blocked and some viri will attach to the appropriate cells. That doesn’t need to lead to symptoms, but it’s also not a disease. Because the second guard of the immune system is now called into action. That’s the above mentioned T-cells, white blood cells, which can determine from the outside in which other cells the virus is now hiding to multiply. These cells, which are now incubating the virus, are searched throughout the entire body and killed by the T-cells until the last virus is dead.

So if we do a PCR corona test on an immune person, it is not a virus that is detected, but a small shattered part of the viral genome. The test comes back positive for as long as there are tiny shattered parts of the virus left. Correct: Even if the infectious viri are long dead, a corona test can come back positive, because the PCR method multiplies even a tiny fraction of the viral genetic material enough [to be detected]. That’s exactly what happened, when there was the global news, even shared by the WHO, that 200 Koreans who already went through Covid-19 were infected a second time and that there was therefore probably no immunity against this virus. The explanation of what really happened and an apology came only later, when it was clear that the immune Koreans were perfectly healthy and only had a short battle with the virus. The crux was that the virus debris registered with the overly sensitive test and therefore came back as “positive”. It is likely that a large number of the daily reported infection numbers are purely due to viral debris.

The PCR test with its extreme sensitivity was initially perfect to find out where the virus could be. But this test can not identify whether the virus is still alive, i.e. still infectous. Unfortunately, this also led some virologists to equate the strength of a test result with viral load, i.e. the amount of virus someone can breathe out. Luckily, our day care centres stayed open nontheless. Since German virologist missed that part, because, out of principle, they do not look at what other countries are doing, even if other countries’ case numbers are falling more rapidly.

5. The problem with corona immunity

What does this all mean in real life? The extremely long incubation time of two to 14 days — and reports of 22 to 27 days — should wake up any immunologist. As well as the claim that most patients would no longer secrete the virus after five days. Both [claims] in turn actually lead to the conclusion that there is — sort of in the background — a base immunity that contorts the events, compared to an expected cycle [of a viral infection] — i.e. leads to a long incubation period and quick immunity. This immunity also seems to be the problem for patients with a sever course of the disease. Our antibody titre, i.e. the accuracy of our defence system, is reduced the older we get. But also people with a bad diet or who are malnourished may have a weakened immune system, which is why this virus does not only reveal the medical problems of a country, but also social issues.

If an infected person does not have enough antibodies, i.e. a weak immune response, the virus slowly spreads out across the entire body. Now that there are not enough antibodies, there is only the second, supporting leg of our immune response left: The T-cells beginn to attack the virus-infested cells all over the body. This can lead to an exaggerated immune response, basically to a massive slaughter; this is called a Cytokine Storm. Very rarely this can also happen in small children, in that case called Kawasaki Syndrome. This very rare occurrence in children was also used in our country to stoke panic. It’s interesting, however, that this syndrome is very easily cured. The [affected] children get antibodies from healthy blood donors, i.e. people who went through coronavirus colds. This means that the hushed-up [supposedly non-existent] immunity in the population is in fact used therapeutically.

What now?

The virus is gone for now. It will probably come back in winter, but it won’t be a second wave, but just a cold. Those young and healthy people who currently walk around with a mask on their faces would be better off wearing a helmet instead, because the risk of something falling on their head is greater than that of getting a serious case of Covid-19.

If we observe a significant rise in infections in 14 days [after the Swiss relaxed the lockdown], we’d at least know that one of the measures was useful. Other than that I recommend reading John P A Ioannidis’ latest work in which he describes the global situation based on data on May 1st 2020: People below 65 years old make up only 0.6 to 2.6 % of all fatal Covid cases. To get on top of the pandemic, we need a strategy merely concentrating on the protection of at-risk people over 65. If that’s the opinion of a top expert, a second lockdown is simply a no-go.

On our way back to normal, it would be good for us citizens if a few scaremongers apologised. Such as doctors who wanted a triage of over 80 year old Covid patients in order to stop ventilating them. Also media that kept showing alarmist videos of Italian hospitals to illustrate a situation that as such didn’t exist. All politicians calling for “testing, testing, testing” without even knowing what the test actually measures. And the federal government for an app they’ll never get to work and will warn me if someone near me is positive, even if they’re not infectious.

In winter, when the flu and other colds make the rounds again, we can then go back to kissing each other a little less, and we should wash our hands even without a virus present. And people who’ll get sick nonetheless can then don their masks to show others what they have learned from this pandemic. And if we still haven’t learned to protect our at-risk groups, we’ll have to wait for a vaccine that will hopefully also be effective in at-risk people.

The original article was published in the Swiss magazine Weltwoche (World Week) on June 10th. The author, Dr. Beda M Stadler is the former director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of Bern, a biologist and professor emeritus. 

Our thanks to Back to Reason, Medium, for having brought this important article to our attention


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Featured image is from OneWorld

Yesterday Pfizer announced to much media fanfare that it has a breakthrough in the search for a reliable COVID-19 vaccine claiming studies showed it can prevent 90% of people contracting the virus. But respected former vice-president of Pfizer, Dr. Michael Yeadon, raises serious concerns.

World stocks and shares are surging upwards after hearing the press announcement on Monday that the drugmaker has claimed a major victory in the war against a virus that allegedly killed over a million people, but has certainly battered the world’s economy.

Reuters.com are reporting:

“Pfizer and German partner BioNTech SE 22UAy.F said they had found no serious safety concerns yet and expected to seek U.S. emergency use authorization this month, raising the chance of a regulatory decision as soon as December.

If granted, the companies estimate they can roll out up to 50 million doses this year, enough to protect 25 million people, and then produce up to 1.3 billion doses in 2021.

“Today is a great day for science and humanity,” said Pfizer Chief Executive Albert Bourla, noting the data milestone comes with “infection rates setting new records, hospitals nearing over-capacity and economies struggling to reopen.”

Experts said they wanted to see the full trial data, but the preliminary results looked encouraging.”

But Pfizer has an enormous fly in the ointment of their corporate bragadaccio: former vice-president of Pfizer, Dr. Michael Yeadon, now coming to the fore as a prominent whistleblower of the global pandemic vaccine fraud.

As reported on www.weblyf.com and other alternative media outlets, Professor Yeadon is exposing a host of junk science claims:

“As a founder and CEO of the biotech company Ziarco, now owned by Novartis, Dr. Yeadon has more than three decades of experience and expertise in the research and development, as well as in the areas of biochemistry, toxicology, including the development of new drugs and treatment. Dr. Yeadon believes that the data regarding COVID 19 that most governments rely are “fake” and mostly impossible to be validated objectively. Sad to say, despite all these debacles about a fake pandemic, many governments in various parts of the world still continue to defend this coronavirus rhetoric no matter how absurd their justifications are.”

Batting for Big Pharma is CDC and White House pandemic task force front man, Dr Anthony Fauci, who lauded Pfizer’s new claims, telling CNN:

“But the bottom line is, as a vaccine it’s more than 90% effective, which is extraordinary.”

However, Dr Anthony Fauci – along with his boss at NIH – are among many key government medical advisers who are hardly impartial observers. They are heavily invested in Big Pharma vaccine shares. There are growing calls for a full investigation of this medical elite clique. Curiously, even Fauci admitted the COVID test Has a Fatal Flaw.

Fauci knows dissent is growing and further admits it is “disturbing” that so few people want the new vaccine. As such governments like the UK are pushing through mandatory vaccine laws.

But the most compelling opposition is among independent medical professionals. Over 30,000 medical doctors and related experts have signed the Great Barrington Declaration calling out proven irregularities and expressing grave concerns.

Not only have governments and their ‘science advisers’ grossly overreacted to the pandemic, it has become very clear from the evidence that the claimed novel coronavirus has no more impact on global health than any normal flu bug.

The need to roll out a trillion-dollar mass compulsory vaccination program using ‘rushed through’ vaccines is not only reckless, it may end up killing more people than the virus itself.

Pointing to the fact evidence shows no mass winter vaccination program is warranted, Dr. Yeadon stated:

“Were it not for the test data that you get from the TV all the time, you would rightly conclude that the pandemic was over, as nothing much has happened. Of course people go to the hospital, moving into the autumn flu season…but there is no science to suggest a second wave should happen.”

So distressed by the way the UK government has pandered to the vaccine lobby on this key issue, Professor Yeadon wrote an open letter to Matt Hancock, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care of United Kingdom, who has ordered his department to publish the proposed changes to the Human Medicine Regulations “to cover a potential roll-out of a vaccine”.

Dr Yeadon’s letter to the UK Health Minister reads:

“Dear Mr. Hancock,

I have a degree in Biochemistry & Toxicology & a research based PhD in pharmacology. I have spent 32 years working in pharmaceutical R&D, mostly in new medicines for disorders of lung & skin. I was a VP at Pfizer & CEO of a biotech I founded (Ziarco – acquired by Novartis). I’m knowledgeable about new medicine R&D.

I have read the consultation document. I’ve rarely been as shocked & upset.

All vaccines against the SARS-COV-2 virus are by definition novel. No candidate vaccine has been in development for more than a few months.

If any such vaccine is approved for use under any circumstances that are not EXPLICITLY experimental, I believe that recipients are being misled to a criminal extent.

This is because there are precisely zero human volunteers for whom there could possibly be more than a few months past-dose safety information. My concern does not arise because I have negative views about vaccines (I don’t), Instead, it’s the very principle that politicians seem ready to waive that new medical interventions at this, incomplete state of development- should not be made available to subjects on anything other than an explicitly experimental basis. That’s my concern.

And the reason for that concern is that it is not known what the safety profile will be, six months or a year or longer after dosing.

You have literally no data on this & neither does anyone else.

It isn’t that I’m saying that unacceptable adverse effects will emerge after longer intervals after dosing. No: it is that you have no idea what will happen yet, despite this, you’ll be creating the impression that you do.

Several of the vaccine candidates utilise novel technology which have not previously been used to create vaccines. There is therefore no long term safety data which can be pointed to in support of the notion that it’s reasonable to expedite development & to waive absent safety information on this occasion.

I am suspicious of the motives of those proposing expedited use in the wider human population. We now understand who is at particularly elevated risk of morbidity & mortality from acquiring this virus.

Volunteers from these groups only should be provided detailed information about risk / benefit, including the sole point I make here. Only if informed consent is given should any EXPERIMENTAL vaccine be used.

I don’t trust you. You’ve not been straightforward & have behaved appallingly throughout this crisis.

You’re still doing it now, misleading about infection risk from young children. Why should I believe you in relation to experimental vaccines?

Dr. Michael Yeadon

References: See this and this

As each week passes it becomes all too clear that the  British government cares little about what independent medical experts say and is going all in on implementing their mass compulsory vaccination plan using the military, as stated in the controversial consultation document.

In a separate Tweet about the UK’s plans Professor Yeadon lamented:

I Have Read The Consultation Document. I’ve Rarely Been As Shocked And Upset. I Believe Recipients Are Being Misled To A Criminal Extent.”

Here at Principia Scientific International we are actively building a highly-qualified team of international experts presenting robust empirical and documented evidence exposing the scam. Central to the science we present is the inescapable fact that no laboratory anywhere in the world has been proven to have isolated, refined and reproduced the virus to the accepted standard.

The COVID-19 Cart Is STILL In Front Of The Horse. We Argue That COVID19 Is Really A CDC Computer-Generated ‘Virus’ And The Shocking Admission From The United States’ Centers For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) Which Admitted In An Official Document That:

“No Quantified Virus Isolates Of The 2019-NCoV Are Currently Available…”

Freedom of Information law (FOI) requests to several international government science agencies have revealed English-speaking nations have no such ‘gold standard’ proof of any such SARS-Cov-2 virus (the claimed cause of the pandemic). Admitting this key flaw is the UK and Ireland. Health Canada Has No Record Of ‘COVID-19 Virus’ Isolation.

While a New Zealand university has been exposed for falsely claiming it has isolated the virus.

The question we pose to the Big Pharma crony capitalists and their bought-off friends in government is: how can you remotely claim to have a successful vaccine for a virus you haven’t even properly isolated and verified?


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John O’Sullivan is CEO and co-founder (with Dr Tim Ball) of Principia Scientific International (PSI).  John is a seasoned science writer and legal analyst who assisted Dr Ball in defeating world leading climate expert, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann in the ‘science trial of the century‘. O’Sullivan is credited as the visionary who formed the original ‘Slayers’ group of scientists in 2010 who then collaborated in creating the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory plus their new follow-up book.

The Controversial Covid RT-PCR Test: What Do We Know?

By Mark Taliano, December 18 2020

We know that the PCR tests being used are not “fit for purpose”, that they are for Research Use Only. They are not meant to be used as diagnostic tools, and the late inventor of the RT-PCR instruments was very clear about this.

Scary ‘R’ Us: The Exaggerated Threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)

By Rod Driver, December 18 2020

The mainstream media repeatedly feeds us government propaganda about other countries and their supposed Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). Much of this untrue or distorted. This post looks at how these weapons are really another exaggerated threat used to justify US and British war crimes.   

Latin America: 21st Century Popular Movements against Neocolonialism and Imperialism. The ALBA-TCP Summit

By Prof. Charles McKelvey, December 18 2020

These two hundred years of struggle are the foundation for the full attainment in the twenty-first century of an alternative world characterized by respect for the sovereignty and true independence of the nations of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Health and Wealth in India – Farmers’ Lives Matter

By Colin Todhunter, December 18 2020

Development used to be about breaking with colonial exploitation and radically redefining power structures. Today, neoliberal dogma masquerades as economic theory and the subsequent deregulation of international capital ensures giant transnational conglomerates are able to ride roughshod over national sovereignty.

By Stephen Lendman, December 18 2020

The world’s richest country USA has one of the least healthy populations. Among developed nations, Americans have shorter lifespans, more illnesses and injuries — despite around double the per capita amount spent on healthcare.

A Return to Normalcy? Joe Biden’s Vision of Normal Raises Concerns

By Philip Giraldi, December 18 2020

That’s the bad news as it very much looks like business as usual as the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Wall Street kleptocracy is reasserting itself and will be in place for the next four years.

America’s Ongoing Imperial Scam

By Karen Kwiatkowski, December 18 2020

So-called overseas contingency operations, or little wars, have seen their funding go “off-book,” as the Pentagon budget now covers just its routine expenses — wars are paid for on top of that budget, so long as the Congress can be convinced by their Pentagon liaisons.  And they nearly always are.

By Cassandra Fairbanks, December 18 2020

The formal pardon request comes on the heels of a viral claim from a Trump ally that the president would be pardoning the publisher. While he ended up retracting his statement, claiming he had faulty sources, it was clear that it was a move that people from both sides of the political spectrum support.

This Book Turns Everything You Thought You Knew About North Korea Upside Down

By Jeremy Kuzmarov, December 18 2020

How 70 years of CIA deceit and mainstream media complicity convinced the American public that North Korea was the Bad Guy and the U.S. was the Good Guy—when it was almost always the other way around.

The Great Unraveling: The Corona 2020 Financial Crash. Devastating Consequences

By Chuck Burr, December 17 2020

The 2008 Crash was caused by collapse of mortgage-backed securities. Loans were given to non-credit worthy borrowers until the system collapsed. What is happening today that may cause a greater multi-level crash? Several trends are coming together that may create a perfect storm and a long decline.

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UK Parliamentarians, the British Press and Julian Assange

December 18th, 2020 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

The number of figures extolling the merits of Britain’s Westminster system and how it supposedly embodies a glorious model of democracy are too numerous to mention.  This is despite exploits by the government of Boris Johnson, marked by the appointment of unelected advisers with enviable, unaccountable powers and a record of assault on Parliament’s scrutineering functions.  “As the government blunders from one disaster to the next,” wrote a resigned George Monbiot in June, “there seem to be no effective ways of holding it to account.”

Press freedoms supposedly axiomatic in holding government to account have been regarded with increasing suspicion by Johnson and his coterie.  When the prime minister’s chief adviser, Dominic Cummings, was found breaking the very lockdown rules that the government had imposed, a statement from Downing Street was coolly dismissive of the “stream of false allegations about Mr Cummings from campaigning newspapers.”

With the Britannic press increasingly clipped in holding power to account, it is little wonder that coverage of the most significant, contemporary threat to press freedom remains a small affair, rarely rising above yellow press murmurings.  The Julian Assange case, through the good offices of the US Department of Justice, has already laid a few bombs in the bedcovers of the Fourth Estate, but its members continue to suffer an apathetic torpor, indifferent and oblivious to the dangers his extradition trial poses.

A few fire-cracking exceptions abound, among them the consistent Peter Oborne in a slew of publications, the prickly Peter Hitchens of the Mail on Sunday, and the ferociously reliable Patrick Cockburn in The Independent.  All have expressed constructive, detailed outrage at the treatment of Julian Assange by authorities on both sides of the Atlantic.  Organisations such as Media Lens and Bridges for Media Freedom have also done their bit to stir interest in the gravity of the case.

This month Oborne, in a co-authored piece with Millie Cooke for the British Journalism Review, urged readers to appreciate that the consequences of Assange’s extradition would be “grim” for investigative journalism.  “Any story which depends on obtaining documents from US government sources will become impossibly dangerous. No British journalists would dare to handle it, let alone publish it.”

As Media Lens found, looking at various programmes such as BBC News at Ten, “there was not a single substantive item (there may have been a passing mention on the first day).”  When BBC home affairs correspondent Daniel Sandford was asked about why his reporting on the extradition hearing was conspicuously absent, he passed the parcel and gave an insight profound in its shallowness.  “The case is being covered by our World Affairs unit.  I have been in a few hearings and it is slightly repetitive. It will return as a news story.”  A flagging attention span, perhaps.

The lamentable coverage of Assange’s trial was instructive.  The conservative Spectator refused to take of the draught, keeping references to the extradition trial to a minimum.  The pro-extradition outlet, The Economist, went one better in ignoring the trial altogether, having already decided in April 2019 that the “central charge – computer hacking – is an indefensible violation of the law.”   The Sunday Telegraph was asleep to it since April last year.  Tetchy Richard Littejohn of the Daily Mail was awake to Assange, if only because, on being evicted from the Ecuadorean Embassy in London, “he stank the place to high heaven”.

When the left-leaning New Statesman, a forum for periodic Assange bashing, was asked why it did not take an interest in the trial, it responded tartly that it had, in fact, covered the trial and would continue doing so. “We are a magazine mostly of essays, long reads and cultural criticism, not a breaking new site or a newspaper.  And we don’t publish court reports.”

Oborne and Cooke pondered the thesis long advanced by Noam Chomksy that the media tycoon dominated stable of hacks are all too happy to play gatekeepers, defending corporate and state interests.  “The Assange case suggests that this analysis is plausible.  At best, the London media reported Assange dutifully.  At worst, not at all.”

While the British press remains reliably despicable for the most part in dealing with the implications of USA v Assange, UK parliamentarians have had a shot of inspiration.  Leading a pack of seventeen figures, Richard Burgon, Labour MP for East Leeds, has requested Robert Buckland, the Secretary of State for Justice, “that provision be made to hold an online video discussion between Julian Assange and a cross-party group of UK parliamentarians.”

What stands out in the letter is an acknowledgment of Assange’s “journalistic work with WikiLeaks including information exposing US war atrocities in Afghanistan and Iraq” for which he risks facing prison “of up to 175 years”.  The parliamentarians also note the case’s “important implications for press and publishing freedoms in the UK, for the US-UK Extradition Treaty including its ban on extradition for political offense and for wider human rights.”

Amnesty International’s concerns that “prosecuting Julian Assange on these charges could have a chilling effect on the right to freedom of expression” and the views of Nils Melzer, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, also feature.  Expressing deep concern “by the implications of this unprecedented extradition case,” the parliamentarians are hoping to discuss the matter with Assange prior to the January 4, 2021 extradition decision.

While this surge of sentience can only be welcomed, Buckland is not likely to wish MPs to be airing such views with the publisher.  There is a relationship – namely that of the US-UK alliance – to preserve.  Having previously refused to grant Assange compassionate release from prison for posing a flight risk (this, even during the pandemic), there is a good chance he will be stubborn again.  British injustice, when it chooses to be, can be both implacable and illogical.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

The nineteenth century was the era of the Latin American struggle against colonialism, culminating in the twentieth century in popular movements against neocolonialism and imperialism.  These two hundred years of struggle are the foundation for the full attainment in the twenty-first century of an alternative world characterized by respect for the sovereignty and true independence of the nations of Latin America and the Caribbean. So declared Nicolas Maduro, President of Venezuela, at the XVIII Summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-Trade Agreement of the Peoples (ALBA-TCP for its initials in Spanish).  Maduro further declared that ALBA-TCP is in the vanguard of the struggle for the definitive independence of the Latin American and Caribbean nations.

ALBA-TCP: An Alternative Project of Integration

ALBA-TCP was initially the idea of Hugo Chávez, the late president of Venezuela.  From 1999 to 2002, in various Latin American and Caribbean forums, Chávez proposed the creation of a mechanism that would promote solutions to the various problems resulting from neocolonialism, on the basis of the principle of the unity and integration of the nations of the region, a vision formulated in the nineteenth century by Simón Bolívar and José Martí.  The idea became reality on December 14, 2004, when Fidel Castro and Chávez signed in Havana the Joint Declaration for the establishment of the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA), as it was then known.

The Joint Declaration of 2004 maintained that integration in Latin America historically “has served as a mechanism for deepening dependency and foreign domination.” It proposed an alternative form of integration: “Only an integration based on cooperation, solidarity, and the common will to advance together with one accord toward the highest levels of development can satisfy the needs and desires of the Latin American and Caribbean countries, and at the same preserve their independence, sovereignty, and identity.”  The Joint Declaration proclaimed that ALBA seeks social justice and popular democracy: “ALBA has as its objective the transformation of Latin American societies, making them more just, cultured, participatory, and characterized by solidarity.  It therefore is conceived as an integral process that assures the elimination of social inequalities and promotes the quality of life and an effective participation of the peoples in the shaping of their own destiny.”

The 2004 Joint Declaration maintained that just and sustainable development is one of the principles of ALBA, and this implies an active role of the state.  “Commerce and investment ought not be ends in themselves, but instruments for attaining a just and sustainable development, since the true Latin American and Caribbean integration cannot be a blind product of the market, nor simply a strategy to amplify external markets or stimulate commerce.  To attain a just and sustainable development, effective participation of the State as regulator and coordinator of economic activity is required.”

ALBA was created in the historic moment of a neoliberal onslaught, when the United States was attempting to impose on the continent the so-called Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), which designed an integration favorable to the interests of U.S. corporations.  With the emergence of governments of the left in the region, on a foundation of a popular rejection of neoliberalism, the U.S. initiative was blocked.  Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay played a central role in the burial of the FTAA at the 2005 Summit of the Americas, held in Argentina.

Participants in the XVIII Summit of ABLA-TCP, conducted in a virtual form on December 14, 2020, included, in addition to Maduro: Miguel Díaz-Canel, President of Cuba; Luis Arce, President of Bolivia; Daniel Ortega, President of Nicaragua; Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of Dominica; and Gaston Browne, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda.  The participants celebrated the return of Bolivia to ALBA-TCP following the recapturing of democracy in the South American nation, one year after the breaking of the constitutional order by a U.S.- and OAS-supported coup d’état that overthrew the democratically elected president Evo Morales.

The participants stressed the importance of ALBA-TCP for the promotion of a Latin American integration that seeks sovereign complementarity and cooperation among the nations.  Recently-elected Bolivian President Arce, for example, described ALBA-TCP as an instrument for the liberation of peoples in the struggle against imperialism and neoliberalism, an alternative to the plundering of the natural resources of Latin America and the Caribbean, to persistent damage to the environment, and to the privatization of resources and services that has increased the levels of poverty and inequality.

In his commentary, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega emphasized the significance of the recent presidential and parliamentary elections in Bolivia, the parliamentary elections in Venezuela, and the elections for Prime Minister in Saint Vincent and Grenadines.  These electoral victories show that the powerful enemy does not have reason or right on its side and is only able to attain temporary victories, but the definitive victory will be won by the peoples.  He criticized the United States, the Organization of American States, and the European Parliament as accomplices in the coup d’état against Evo Morales, the democratically-elected constitutional president in Bolivia, in November 2019.  He also noted the importance of Cuba in the current stage of struggle for unity by the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean.

ALBA-TCP summit, 2017 (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, declared that the member nations of ALBA have in common such principles as resistance to colonialism and imperialism, the sovereignty and independence of the nations, and justice for the peoples.  He noted that we have just passed through a dark period, but now we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  We must be prepared, he maintained, for the possibilities that likely will be provided by the upcoming post-pandemic and post-Trump historic moment.

The Summit agreed to the reactivation of the Economic Council of ALBA and of the Sucre as a money of interchange as well as the strengthening of PetroCaribe and the Bank of ALBA.  Many of the participants proposed the creation of a Bank of Medicines, and Cuba and Venezuela were designated to coordinate this project.  In addition, the countries voted unanimously in support of the designation of Sacha Llorenti as general secretary of the Alliance; Llorenti previously was the representative of Bolivia in the United Nations.

ALBA has suffered setbacks in recent years as a result of the fall of two self-proclaimed socialist governments that have been key members of the alliance.  In Ecuador, the Citizen Revolution led by Rafael Correa fell following the presidential elections of 2017, won by Lenin Moreno, who was a Trojan Horse, the candidate of Correa’s Nation Alliance Party who did not announce his intentions to dismantle the revolution and take the nation to the right.  In Bolivia, the socialist government of Evo Morales fell to a violent, military coup d’état in November, 2019.  In Venezuela, U.S. illegal and unilateral sanctions have weakened its capacity to play a leadership role in the alliance and to provide support for development projects in small Caribbean nations.

At the same time, there were other setbacks in the region, in which governments that were allies of ALBA fell.  The Worker’s Party in Brazil was removed from power through a parliamentary-judicial coup d’état.  And progressive governments in Argentina and Uruguay lost elections.

The right retook power from progressive and socialist governments through deceptive and/or illegal and unconstitutional means.  When it retook power, the right made evident its lack of commitment to the people and the nation and its lack of a viable political project.  Returning to the discredited neoliberal polices of the past and to the repression of the people, and implementing a project that responds to imperialist interests and not to the interests of national sovereignty nor to the needs of the people, governments of the right cannot maintain sufficient support among the people.  The right is demonstrating in practice that its restoration project is unsustainable.

Recent developments show the unsustainability of the restoration project of the right.  In Bolivia, the Movement toward Socialism has retaken the control of the government, reestablishing the democratic and constitutional order.  In Venezuela, the Chavist alliance has recaptured control of the parliament, beating back the U.S. campaign for regime change.  In Argentina, a progressive government has returned to power.  In Mexico, a progressive government has been elected, culminating years of struggle.  In Ecuador, the Citizen Revolution is organizing itself for the next elections.  In Brazil, the neofascist government is completely lacking in legitimacy.  These regional developments are supported by international developments, including the fall of the government of Trump and the development of COVID-19 vaccines by Russia, China, Cuba, the United States, and Great Britain.

ALBA-TCP and the construction of a more just and democratic world 

The complementary integrationist project of ALBA-TCP is an advanced formulation of the vision expressed in 1955 in Bandung, Indonesia, where leaders of twenty-nine newly independent nations of Asia and Africa met.  Sukarno, Nehru, Nasser, and Zhou En-lai played leading roles in putting forth the strategy of Third World unity in opposition to European colonialism and Western imperialism and in formulating the principle of economic cooperation among nations.  The relations among newly independent nations was given organizational form in 1961, when twenty-one governments of Asia and Africa plus the former Yugoslavia and Cuba established the Non-Aligned Movement in Belgrade, Yugoslavia.  In 1964, seventy-seven nations formed the G-77 as a bloc within the United Nations, which called upon Third World nations to develop new forms of mutually beneficial trade among one another in order to ameliorate the effects of imperialist exploitation.  In 1966, eighty-three governments and national liberation movements from Africa, Asia, and Latin America met in Havana for the First Solidarity Conference of the Peoples of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, which named colonialism and imperialism as the source of Third World underdevelopment and defended nationalization as an effective strategy for attaining control over a national economy.

In 1974, the Third World brought its vision to the General Assembly of the United Nations, which approved the Non-Aligned Movement’s proposal for a New International Economic Order.  The document affirmed the principles of the right of self-determination of nations and the sovereignty of nations over their natural resources.  It advocated: the creation of raw materials producers’ associations to give raw materials exporting states control over prices; a new international monetary policy that did not punish the weaker states; increased industrialization of the Third World; the transfer of technology from the advanced industrial states to the Third World; regulation and control of the activities of transnational corporations; the promotion of cooperation among the nations of the Third World; and aid for Third World development.  In 1979, ninety-three nations at the Sixth Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in Havana reaffirmed “their deep conviction that a lasting solution to the problems of countries in development can be attained only by means of a constant and fundamental restructuring of international economic relations through the establishment of a New International Economic Order.”

The world-system, however, was entering into a sustained structural crisis, as a consequence of the fact that it had reached and overextended the geographical limits of the earth.  The global elite responded to this situation with a sharp turn to the right, and the Third World project was derailed.  But in the late 1990s, the Third World project was brought to renewed life on the basis of popular social movements in opposition to neoliberalism, which found their most advanced expression in Latin America.  This time, however, not only would ideas be expressed, they also would be implemented in practice.  Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, and Ecuador began to develop mutually beneficial economic and cultural relations, on a basis of respect for sovereignty.  Their evolving relations with one another during the first fifteen years of the twenty-first century constituted an effort to move from dependency on trade with the global powers of the European-centered world-economy, which were economically disadvantageous, toward trade with other nations of the South, looking for win-win strategies based on mutual respect.  They took the lead in forming regional associations, seeking to provide practical support for mutually beneficial trade and to include other nations in the process.  In addition to ALBA-TCP, UNASUR (the South American Union of Nations) was established in 2008, calling for solidarity in the use of the resources of the region.  CELAC (the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States) was established in 2010.  In CELAC’s Second Summit in Havana in 2016, the Declaration of Havana affirmed the commitment of the 33 governments to expand commerce within the region and to develop a form of integration based on complementariness, solidarity, and cooperation.

The revitalization of the Third World project at the beginning of the twenty-first century included the retaking by the Non-Aligned Movement of its historic principles.  The 2006 Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in Havana affirmed historic principles, including the equality and sovereignty of nations, non-intervention in the affairs of other states, and “the free determination of peoples in their struggle against foreign intervention.”  The Seventeenth Summit of the Non-Aligned movement in Venezuela in 2016 called upon the peoples of the Third World to struggle against colonialism and neocolonialism and to participate in the construction of a more just world, established on a foundation of solidarity and cooperation.

The evolution of Chinese foreign policy dovetailed with the Latin American turn to South-South cooperation, inasmuch as China in recent years has followed a strategy of development through cooperation with other nations.  In 2014, Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, met with the heads of state of the nations of CELAC, including Cuba, Venezuela, and Bolivia, to establish the China-CELAC Forum, and he subsequently visited Venezuela and Cuba.  In an interchange with Latin American journalists, the Chinese President maintained that China is seeking to develop its economy through trade based on cooperation and win-win relations of mutual benefit.  He advocated the promotion of South-South cooperation in order that underdeveloped nations can attain autonomous and sustainable development, and he viewed the expanding economic and social relation between China and CELAC to be an example of South-South cooperation.  He affirmed that China is committed to a more just and reasonable international economic and political order.

For its part, Russia, after a period of neoliberal disorientation following the collapse of the Soviet Union, has retaken the Leninist principle of support for oppressed nations seeking transformation of unjust global structures.  Accordingly, Russia at the present time is expanding relations with Cuba and Venezuela.

With the formulation of alternative principles to those of the capitalist world-economy and with the implementation in practice of economic and cultural interchanges, China, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua are developing, step-by-step, a world-system with alternative concepts and practices, and they are pointing the way toward the construction of a just, democratic, and sustainable world-system.

The Peoples of the North also are Called 

The socialist and progressive governments and movements of the Third World are calling upon the peoples of the North to join in their global movement for a more just, democratic, and sustainable international world order.  Joined with South-South cooperation, they envision a world characterized by North-South cooperation, in which trade relations are developed with respect for the sovereignty and development needs of the South, including the transfer of technology and open access to knowledge as a possession of all humanity.  Compensation for the historic crimes of the North should be conceived as compensation for the crimes of colonialism, slavery, neocolonialism, and imperialism; and the payment of this historic debt ought to be made through a common human struggle to overcome the underdevelopment and poverty that these crimes have created.

The call of the Third World for an anti-imperialist struggle in the North is not inconsistent with the historical popular struggles of the peoples of the North.  In the United States in the late 1960s, both the black power movement and the white student anti-war movement had their anti-imperialist dimensions, stimulated by study of the historic causes of the Vietnam War, in which it was learned that U.S. military involvement in Vietnam constituted a colonialist and imperialist war of aggression and a people united to attain independence and self-determination.  In that historic moment, anti-imperialism was a dimension of a comprehensive popular movement in the United States that conceived itself as a movement against racism, poverty, and war.

The anti-imperialist struggle is necessarily a movement against poverty and war.  Because, in the first place, colonialism, neocolonialism, and imperialism are the root causes of poverty and underdevelopment.  And because, in the second place, the neocolonized peoples of the earth resist imperialism, which therefore provokes a militarist reaction by the imperialist powers, which maintain huge standing armies and launch ideological campaigns that fabricate pretexts for imperialist wars of aggression.  In the resulting distortion of the consciousness of the people, enemies of civilization and violators of human rights and democratic norms are found everywhere.  With an Orwellian logic, governments with advanced democratic structures are called authoritarian dictatorships, effectively preying upon the ignorance of the people concerning political dynamics in other lands.  The people become confused and divided, distracted from the necessary struggle against the trusts, the transnational corporations, and the one percent.

The popular movement of 1965 to 1972 was on the right road, but it committed historic errors, and it encountered obstacles that it could not overcome.  It was defueled by: the elimination of the military draft; the insufficient intellectual work of its activists; the emergence of stagflation and related economic problems; the distractions of Watergate; and the turn of the power elite to neoliberalism at home and abroad.  In the 1980s, Jesse Jackson tried to resurrect the movement with the concept of the Rainbow Coalition, but what was needed was the development of mass organizations on the basis of the concept, and not presidential candidacies.  By the 1990s, identity politics emerged among progressives and liberals, a tendency that today is supported by the power elite, because it facilitates the inclusion of historically marginalized groups in the American project of imperialist domination of the world.

The peoples of the North today are called by the peoples of the Third World to participate in a common struggle by humanity against imperialism, war, underdevelopment, and poverty.


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Charles McKelvey is Professor Emeritus, Presbyterian College, Clinton, South Carolina.  He has published three books: Beyond Ethnocentrism:  A Reconstruction of Marx’s Concept of Science (Greenwood Press, 1991); The African-American Movement:  From Pan-Africanism to the Rainbow Coalition (General Hall, 1994); and The Evolution and Significance of the Cuban Revolution: The Light in the Darkness (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018). 

Featured image is CC BY-SA 3.0

CNN has the story. And it’s quite a story: “Why vaccinate our most frail? Odd vote out shows the dilemma”, December 4. [1]

“The vote to recommend long-term care residents be among the first to receive Covid-19 vaccinations was not unanimous.”

“Out of a panel of 14 CDC vaccine advisers, a lone doctor said no.”

“’Odd woman out, I guess,’ Dr. Helen ‘Keipp’ Talbot, of Vanderbilt University, told her colleagues. ‘I still struggle with this. This was not an easy vote’.”

“Talbot was worried about whether the vaccine would even work in such frail, vulnerable patients. Even more, she worried about how it might look if the vaccine failed in that group, or how it would affect public perception if residents died soon after getting the vaccine.”

“The Covid-19 vaccines have not been tested in the frail elderly, many of whom are residents of long-term care facilities.”

Let’s stop here for a moment. First, we learn that the clinical trials of the COVID vaccine have not used the frail and elderly as volunteers. Therefore, there is NO evidence that the vaccine is safe or effective in that very large group. If this doesn’t give the frail and elderly and their families pause for thought, nothing will.

Second, Dr. Talbot is worried about “public perception,” when the elderly die right after getting the vaccination.

Well, what would YOU think if your mother died the day after she received the COVID shot?

The CNN article gets worse. Read on. Next up is a comment from Dr. Kelly Moore, “associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition, which is supporting frontline workers who will administer Covid-19 vaccinations.”

“’Since they [the COVID vaccines] haven’t been studied in people in those [elderly] populations, we don’t know how well the vaccine will work for them. We know that most vaccines don’t work nearly as well in a frail elderly person as they would in someone who is fit and vigorous, even if they happen to be the same age,’ Moore said.”

Again—zero evidence the COVID vaccines work in elderly and frail populations. Most vaccines don’t “work nearly as well.”

CNN: “When shots begin to go into arms of [nursing home and long-term care facility] residents, Moore said Americans need to understand that deaths may occur that won’t necessarily have anything to do with the vaccine.”

“’We would not at all be surprised to see, coincidentally, vaccination happening and then having someone pass away a short time after they receive a vaccine, not because it has anything to do with the vaccination but just because that’s the place where people at the end of their lives reside,’ Moore said.”

“’One of the things we want to make sure people understand is that they should not be unnecessarily alarmed if there are reports, once we start vaccinating, of someone or multiple people dying within a day or two of their vaccination who are residents of a long-term care facility. That would be something we would expect, as a normal occurrence, because people die frequently in nursing homes’.”

Right. Don’t be alarmed.

Don’t worry if people who are doing reasonably well suddenly die right after getting the COVID shot. It’s just a coincidence.

Their long-term health conditions just happened to kick in a day or two after vaccination. Nothing to wonder about.

Don’t kick up a fuss if it’s YOUR father or mother who died. Stay calm. You can be sure the doctors will let you know if your mother died from the vaccine. Of course they will.

Even though the vaccine has never been tested on the elderly and frail, the doctors know whether a death occurred from the vaccination or from other causes. And they’ll tell the truth. They always do.

The doctors quoted in this CNN article are obviously worried about people dying as a result of the vaccine. They know it’s going to happen. They’re thinking out loud about what they can do to stem the tide of public outrage—particularly from the families of those who die.

The best idea they can come up with is: “these people die anyway.”

I remind readers that, for months, I’ve been reporting on the huge percentage of all so-called COVID deaths that have been occurring among the elderly in nursing homes, in long-term care facilities, in hospitals, in their homes. [2]

These people were already suffering from multiple long-term serious health conditions. On top of that, they had been treated for years with an array of toxic medical drugs.

And then, they’re absolutely terrified when they receive a diagnosis of COVID. Then they’re isolated, cut off from family and friends.

And they give up and die.


This is forced premature killing of old people. It’s murder by COVID diagnosis and isolation. [2]

And now, these people will receive an experimental RNA vaccine, whose effects include auto-immune reactions; the body basically attacks itself. [3]

More killing.

And doctors advising the CDC are telling us not to be alarmed.

The deaths are just routine.

Lots and lots of doctors who know what’s going on are thinking, “What if all this comes back on ME?”

Well, it IS coming back on you, Doctors.

You’re killers in white coats who are supposed to be saving lives.


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The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power.


[1] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/09/pfizer-covid-vaccine-nhs-extreme-allergy-sufferers-regulators-reaction

[2] https://www.denverpost.com/2020/12/09/pfizer-covid-vaccine-allergic-reactions/

[3] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/01/26/vaccine-for-the-china-virus-the-planet-is-the-guinea-pig-for-a-vast-experiment/

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The Controversial Covid RT-PCR Test: What Do We Know?

December 18th, 2020 by Mark Taliano

We know that the PCR tests being used are not “fit for purpose”, that they are for Research Use Only. They are not meant to be used as diagnostic tools, and the late inventor of the RT-PCR instruments was very clear about this. According to the late Dr. Kary Mullis,

“PCR detects a very small segment of the nucleic acid which is part of a virus itself. The specific fragment detected is determined by the somewhat arbitrary choice of DNA primers used which become the ends of the amplified fragment. “ (1)

We also know that Coding changes to Death Certificates have fabricated false perceptions about COVID lethality. CDC coding changes blurred the important distinction between dying OF COVID and dying WITH COVID. Consequently co-morbidities such as heart disease, cancer, etc. have been largely negated and COVID has been relegated an artificially high importance in terms of Cause of Death reporting.

Dr. Ngozi Ezike explained the “death count” in a May 2020 press conference with these words:

“I just want to be clear in terms of the definition of ‘people dying of COVID’.

So, the case definition is very simplistic. It means, at the time of death, it was a COVID positive diagnosis.

So, that means that if you were in hospice and had already been given, you know, a few weeks to live, and then you were also to have found to have COVID, that would have counted as a COVID death.

It means that if technically even if you died of a clear alternate cause, but you had COVID at the same time, it’s still listed as a COVID death.

So, everyone who is listed as a COVID death, doesn’t mean that that was the cause of death, but they had COVID at the time of death.

I hope that’s helpful.” (2)

According to H. Ealy, M. McEvoy et al in “Covid-19: Questionable Policies, Manipulated Rules of Data Collection and Reporting. Is It Safe for Students to Return to School?”:

“The 2003 guidelines for establishing death certificates had been cancelled. “Had the CDC used its industry standard, Medical Examiners’ and Coroners’ Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting Revision 2003, as it has for all other causes of death for the last 17 years, the COVID-19 fatality count would be approximately 90.2% lower than it currently is.” (3)

To summarize then, the tests that are widely used to test for COVID are not fit for diagnostic purposes.  Additionally, prior to the announced pandemic, coding changes were made to Death Certificates that have resulted in false and very significantly increased COVID Death Statistics.

These two factors alone create substantial misperceptions about the danger and lethality of COVID-19.


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Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017. Visit the author’s website at https://www.marktaliano.net where this article was originally published.


(1) John O’Sullivan, ” The COVID-19 PCR Test Is Key To The Pandemic Fraud.” Principia Scientific International, 8 September, 2020. (The COVID-19 PCR Test Is Key to the Pandemic Fraud | Principia Scientific Intl. (principia-scientific.com) ) Accessed 16 December, 2020.

(2) “THE DEATH COUNT EXPLAINED: Dr. Ngozi Ezike, director of Illinois Department of Public Health.” 16 May, 2020. YouTube (THE DEATH COUNT EXPLAINED: Dr. Ngozi Ezike, director of Illinois Department of Public Health – Mark Taliano ) Accessed 16 December, 2020.

(3) H. Ealy, M. McEvoy et al , “Covid-19: Questionable Policies, Manipulated Rules of Data Collection and Reporting. Is It Safe for Students to Return to School?/If COVID Fatalities Were 90.2% Lower, How Would You Feel About Schools Reopening?” Global Research, August 09, 2020/Children’s Health Defense, 24 July 2020. (Covid-19: Questionable Policies, Manipulated Rules of Data Collection and Reporting. Is It Safe for Students to Return to School? – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization ) Accessed 16 December, 2020.

Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria” directly from Global Research.

Mark Taliano combines years of research with on-the-ground observations to present an informed and well-documented analysis that refutes  the mainstream media narratives on Syria. 

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Author: Mark Taliano

Year: 2017

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“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” (H. L. Mencken 1880-1956)

The mainstream media repeatedly feeds us government propaganda about other countries and their supposed Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). Before the invasion of Iraq in 2003 we were told that Iraq had chemical weapons that could be used to attack us in 45 minutes. Then we were told scare stories about Iran and North Korea posing a threat because they were developing nuclear weapons. Then we were told that the Syrian government was using chemical weapons, and this was a ‘red line’ being crossed, so the US had to attack Syria. Much of this was untrue or distorted. This post looks at how these weapons are really another exaggerated threat used to justify US and British war crimes.   

Nuclear Weapons and Double Standards 

“I would characterize current US nuclear weapons policy as immoral, illegal, militarily unnecessary, and dreadfully dangerous”  –(Robert McNamara, former US Secretary of Defence) 

“Nuclear War has no politically, militarily or morally acceptable justification” – (General Lee Butler, former commander-in-chief, US Strategic Air Command)(1)

The only country ever to have used nuclear weapons is the US. At the end of World War 2, in 1945, US bombers dropped two bombs on Japanese cities; one on Hiroshima, the other on Nagasaki. Each city was completely destroyed. Russia developed its own nuclear weapons shortly afterwards. For the next few decades, both countries developed huge arsenals of nuclear weapons, both sides claiming that they needed them to deter the other from invading. Britain, France and China created their own nuclear arsenals, and Israel, India, Pakistan and North Korea have all developed them more recently. Politicians in countries that possess them claim they are for ‘security’, but the whole process increases the chances that nuclear weapons will be used again. Modern versions are much more powerful than the early ones. A single missile can now carry many warheads and is capable of killing millions of people in a large city. There are currently 13,000 warheads in the world’s nuclear arsenals. The vast majority in the US and Russia.(2) This is enough to destroy the world many times over.

The situation with nuclear weapons today is one of the most obvious examples of double standards. Countries that already have them want to keep them, but they tell everyone else not to develop their own. A large number of countries signed an agreement called the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which came into force in 1970. The whole point of the treaty was to work towards a world free of nuclear weapons. This treaty had two key parts. The first was that all countries that already had nuclear weapons would work towards complete disarmament.(3) The second was that other countries would not develop their own nuclear weapons. Western politicians and their media focus on the second part of the treaty, frequently discussing countries that might develop them, such as Iran, whilst rarely discussing their failure to eliminate their own nuclear weapons. Although the total number of warheads is less than it was, the existing nuclear weapons states have made no genuine effort to eliminate their weapons and clearly no longer intend to. We are now firmly headed in the wrong direction. The US has been developing smaller nuclear weapons called bunker-busters. These are intended to destroy bunkers that are deep underground, but the effects of these bombs would be similar to the bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Large numbers of innocent people would die if they were ever used. Britain also intends to update its nuclear missiles. 

Nuclear Deterrence – To Stop the US and Britain from Attacking Others 

If powerful countries like the US and Britain persist with invading other countries to control their resources, there is little that a small, non-nuclear country can do to stop them. However, a single nuclear weapon is sufficient to deter the US from invading.(4) This is known as a nuclear deterrent. If you were running a country and a US President listed you in an ‘Axis of Evil’ and then invaded one of the other ‘evil’ countries, you would feel threatened. The US has effectively said “we can attack anyone we choose provided they are defenceless.” It has been pointed out that whilst America continues to invade countries that do not have nuclear weapons, Iranian and North Korean leaders would be mad not to develop them.(5)

A small country is not likely to fire nuclear missiles at anyone, as that country would immediately be destroyed by large numbers of nuclear missiles from other countries. As one commentator pointed out, “What possible reason would Iran have for attacking the US or Israel other than an irresistible desire for mass national suicide?”.(6) North Korea now has nuclear weapons and shows no signs of using them to attack anyone. Mainstream media discussions about Iran or North Korea’s potential nuclear capabilities are propaganda to scare us into supporting war or sanctions against countries whose leaders refuse to be manipulated by the US.

Many independent experts (that is, those who do not profit from nuclear weapons) have recognised that nuclear weapons are far too dangerous to have on a planet that still thinks in terms of war and exploitation, and are now in favour of the total elimination of nuclear weapons.(7)

Chemical and Biological Weapons 

Nuclear weapons are a recent invention, but chemical and biological warfare has been used for thousands of years. The Spartans used arsenic smoke (chemical warfare) in approximately 400bc. Poisoning the water of your enemy with dead animals is a simple form of biological warfare and was used as far back as 590bc. Poisoning wells is still used in some conflicts. The modern version of this type of warfare is when the US destroys the sanitation system or the water supply of a country that it is invading. This causes large numbers of people (mostly innocent civilians) to become ill. The most vulnerable people (children, the elderly, and people without a good diet) will die due to the spread of disease.(9) The governments of advanced nations have been responsible for the development of both biological and chemical weapons, many of which have been supplied to other countries. The US and Britain continue to research both biological and chemical weapons. The British research facility is at Porton Down. Both governments claim that they only want to understand them better, in case someone else uses them, but they will not allow independent inspectors to check their research facilities.(10) 

The US uses more chemical weapons than any other country 

There is much talk by politicians about the illegality of these weapons but this is just a smokescreen. Their lack of genuine concern can be seen in the historical record. Between the two world wars, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill supported the use of poison gas for killing enemies. The US used chemical weapons extensively throughout the Vietnam war (and there is even some evidence of their use of biological weapons.(11)) The most famous of these is napalm, a gel that sticks to the skin whilst burning for a long time at extremely high temperatures. The US also used millions of gallons of defoliants, such as agent orange, to kill the leaves on trees so that it would be easier for the US military to find their targets. They used poison gas that killed livestock and people,(12) and they used rice-killing herbicides to starve the population. Some of these herbicides contain dioxin, which has been described as the most poisonous molecule known to science. This poison caused large numbers of health problems, together with birth defects in the children of exposed victims. In a lawsuit in 1984 US soldiers were awarded compensation for exposure to some of these chemicals, but no compensation has ever been paid to the Vietnamese victims, many of whom are still suffering fifty years later.(13) More recently, the US has used white phosphorous – a chemical that burns intensely when water is thrown on it. Both the US and Britain have used depleted uranium, which is believed to have contributed to a rise in birth defects following the wars in Iraq.(14)

Bullets and Bombs are the real weapons of mass destruction

There is some inconsistency in moral arguments about chemical and biological weapons. In discussing the possible use of cyanide artillery, one observer noted that this would actually kill people with much less suffering than other weapons.(15) They are no worse than bullets, bombs and other weapons that hack off limbs, or leave people paralysed, brain-damaged or mutilated in many other ways. Ordinary bombs and missiles are capable of destroying whole cities. The weapons that cause the greatest suffering worldwide every year are small arms.

As we saw in earlier blogs, the US and Britain justified their attacks on Iraq and Syria by saying that those countries either possessed (Iraq) or were using (Syria) chemical weapons. We also discovered that both claims were lies. But we need to question these claims in another respect. The possession or use of chemical weapons by another country does not give the US or Britain the right to wage war against that country. It makes no sense to accept militaries using unlimited bombs and bullets to create carnage, but to object to chemical weapons on humanitarian grounds. This is just propaganda. 


Biological weapons have never been successfully used for large-scale terrorism, although five people were killed in the US by anthrax in 2001.(16) The reason these attacks are rare is that it is very difficult for anyone other than governments to create effective biological weapons without advanced research labs, because they are so dangerous to work with. Chemical weapons have been used for terrorism, although the scale of the injuries has so far been no worse than an ordinary bomb. Sarin gas was released on the Tokyo underground in 1995, injuring many people but only killing twelve.(17) As with nuclear weapons, western governments use our fear of chemical and biological weapons to manipulate us.(18) 

The term WMD is propaganda to exaggerate a threat 

Older readers might recall that before 2003 the terms ‘weapons of mass destruction’ and ‘WMD’ were rarely used. Since President Bush decided to invade Iraq, the terms have been used repeatedly. If a politician says someone else has WMD, most people imagine a mushroom cloud over a city destroyed by a nuclear bomb. However, the phrase is often used to refer to chemical weapons. WMD is a clever propaganda phrase to mix-up these different weapons. The Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein, possessed chemical battlefield shells that were old and degraded.(19) Even in their original, working condition they are ineffective for large scale killing unless fired in their thousands, as might happen on a battlefield. By calling them WMD, members of the public, politicians and journalists were duped into believing that he had been a much greater threat than was really the case, in order to scare people into accepting a criminal invasion of Iraq. The term WMD is deliberately used to exaggerate a threat.

Key Points 

Nuclear weapons deter the US and Britain from invading other countries.

Leaders from nuclear powers are the biggest obstacle to eliminating nuclear weapons.

The threat posed by biological and chemical weapons is small.

The term WMD is propaganda to confuse chemical weapons with nuclear weapons, in order to exaggerate a threat.

Bullets and bombs are the real weapons of mass destruction


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This article was first posted at medium.com/elephantsintheroom.

Rod Driver is an academic who is particularly interested in de-bunking modern-day US and British propaganda. This is the seventh in a series entitled Elephants In The Room, which attempts to provide a beginners guide to understanding what’s really going on in relation to war, terrorism, economics and poverty, without the nonsense in the mainstream media.


1) Robert McNamara, ‘Apocalypse Soon’, Foreign Policy magazine, May/June 2005, p.29-35. Lee Butler, ‘The false God of Nuclear Deterrence’, Global Dialogue I.2 (Autumn 1999). Both sources cited in Achin Vanaik (ed.) Selling US Wars, 2007, p.180 

2) Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Report, at https://www.ploughshares.org/world-nuclear-stockpile-report

3) ‘The Treaty On The Non-Proliferation Of Nuclear Weapons’, at https://www.un.org/disarmament/wmd/nuclear/npt/text

The relevant part is section 6 where nuclear powers agree “to pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to… nuclear disarmament.”

4) Noam Chomsky, Hegemony or Survival, 2003, p.37

5) Martin Van Creveld, ‘Sharon On The Warpath: Is Israel Planning To Attack Iran’, Aug 21, 2004, at https://www.nytimes.com/2004/08/21/opinion/sharon-on-the-warpath-is-israel-planning-to-attack-iran.html

6) William Blum, Keynote speech, ‘Building a New World’ conference, May 23, 2008, at


7) George Lee Butler, ‘We Still Drift Toward Unparalleled Catastrophe’, in International Herald Tribune, Jan 23, 1997, at


Helen Caldicott, The New Nuclear Danger 

8) Ian Roberts, ‘Biological Warfare and The People of Iraq’, International Journal of Epidemiology, 2003, 32, pp.660-661, at http://ije.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/32/4/660

9) Richard Du Boff, ‘Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the biggest rogue of all’, Sep 2003, at www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Rogue_State_US/Biggest_Rogue.html 

Francis Boyle, Biowarfare and Terrorism, 2005, claims that the US government still has a large scale, active biowarfare research department.

Tim Wyatt, ’Research into deadly viruses at US army weapons lab shut down over fears they could escape’, Independent 6 Aug 2019, at


10) Animesh Roul, ‘State Actors and Germ Warfare: Historical Perspective’, CBW Magazine, July-December 2010, at


11) Mark Selden, ‘A forgotten holocaust: US bombing strategy’, 2 May 2007, at https://apjjf.org/-Mark-Selden/2414/article.html

12) Robert Dreyfuss, ‘Apocalypse Still’, Mother Jones, Jan/Feb 2000 issue, at www.motherjones.com/news/feature/2000/01/orange.html 

13) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depleted_uranium

14) Sir Lyon Playfair, cited in ‘Medical Management of Chemical Casualties Handbook’, at


15) Stephen Lendman, ‘The Bush Administration’s Secret Biowarfare Agenda’, July 28, 2008, at


16) K.B.Olson, ‘Aum Shinrikyo: Once and Future Threat?’, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol. 5, No. 4,  July/Aug 1999, pp.513-516, at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2627754/

17) M.G.Zimeta, ‘Why are we so afraid of chemical weapons?’, New Internationalist, 19 Jun 2013, at https://newint.org/features/web-exclusive/2013/06/19/syria-chemical-weapons-existential-threat 

18) ‘Scott Ritter and Seymour Hersh: Iraq Confidential’, 26 Oct 2005, The Nation, at https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/scott-ritter-and-seymour-hersh-iraq-confidential/ 

C.J. Chivers, ‘The Secret Casualties of Iraq’s Abandoned Chemical Weapons’, New York Times, 14 October 2014, at


Featured image: U.S. Army survey team member Staff Sgt. Nicky Lam, 21st Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civil Support Team, New Jersey National Guard, inspects vials at a simulated crime scene during a training exercise at Fort Hancock and Sandy Hook Proving Ground National Historic Landmark, Sandy Hook, N.J., Sept. 25, 2018. The 21st WMD-CST support civil authorities at man-made or natural disasters by identifying chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear substances, as well as assess the consequences, advise on response measures, and assist in requesting follow-on forces. (New Jersey National Guard photo by Mark C. Olsen)

The National Post is apoplectic again.

This time, the target of the Post’s ire is an online event held in November by the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute, the Canadian Peace Congress and the Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War. Entitled “Free Meng,” the event was organized in anticipation of the second anniversary of the arrest of Meng Wanzhou, the Huawei executive being detained in Vancouver pursuant to an extradition request of the Trump administration.

The keynote speakers for the event were planned to be Green Party of Canada MP Paul Manly and NDP MP Niki Ashton (Manly ultimately participated, but Ashton withdrew and instead provided a written statement after the NDP distanced itself from her stance on the issue).

In an op-ed published by the National Post on November 23, columnist John Ivison accused the event’s organizers of demonstrating “a reflexive contempt and loathing toward the United States that excuses any and all atrocities by other nations.”

The facts, however, tell a different story.

The background of Meng’s arrest

46 year old Wanzhou Meng resides in China. She is a Chinese citizen and does not hold citizenship in any other country. For the past 25 years, she has worked for Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., China’s largest telecommunications company, holding the position of CFO and Deputy Chairwoman of the Board.

On December 1, 2018, Meng was travelling from Hong Kong to Mexico, with a stopover in Vancouver. Before she could board her connecting flight, she was arrested at Vancouver Airport.

The arrest was based on a Provisional Arrest Warrant issued on November 30, 2018, pursuant to a request made by the United States of America under the Treaty on Extradition between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United States of America.

Three months earlier, a US District Court Judge had issued a warrant for Meng’s arrest. The warrant arose from US government allegations that, starting in 2009, Meng and others conspired to make misrepresentations to HSBC, a British bank, to induce HSBC to continue to provide banking services to Huawei while the company was allegedly doing business through a subsidiary in Iran, which was subject to US sanctions. Meng denies the allegations.

The US government’s extradition request attempts to portray HSBC as a victim of Meng’s alleged fraud, but the bank’s sordid history makes the victimhood story hard to swallow. In 2012, HSBC agreed to pay a record $1.92 billion in fines to US authorities for allowing itself to be used to launder a river of drug money flowing out of Mexico and for violating US sanctions laws by doing business with customers in Iran, Libya, Sudan, Burma and Cuba.

To this day, no Court in Canada has evaluated the evidence upon which the US charges against Meng are based.

Canada’s unjust extradition regime

The Meng case has generated a mountain of press coverage, but precious little of it—including Ivison’s National Post op-ed—exhibits a meaningful understanding of Canada’s unjust extradition regime.

Among other flaws, Canada’s Extradition Act requires no sworn evidence at all to deprive a person of liberty. An unsworn allegation by a foreign official is all that is required.

Moreover, the accused does not have the normal procedural protections of the domestic justice system—full disclosure of all relevant evidence, sworn evidence, the right to challenge through cross-examination (the foreign official who has made the allegation can’t even be questioned), and the right to present evidence showing innocence.

Even worse, the unsworn allegation of the foreign official is “presumed” to be “reliable evidence.” That presumption reverses the presumption of innocence which lies at the heart of Canada’s criminal justice system.

With complete justification, Canadian law professor Anne La Forest, who has written extensivelyon Canada’s unjust extradition law, observed that “Canada has gone further than virtually any other country in facilitating extradition.”

The infamous case of Hassan Diab

Perhaps no case exposed the flaws of Canada’s extradition regime as much as that of Canadian citizen Dr. Hassan Diab.

In November 2008, when Diab was a sociology professor living in Ottawa, the RCMP arrested him in response to a request by French authorities. They falsely accused him of involvement in a 1980 bombing near a synagogue in Paris.

Diab was eventually extradited to France, largely on the basis of handwriting evidence. The judge ordered his extradition despite finding the French handwriting report “very problematic,” “very confusing,” and with “suspect conclusions.” The judge likened handwriting analysis to “pseudo-science,” and found merit in the defense argument that the flawed methodology used in the French handwriting analysis results in manifestly unreliable conclusions. Nevertheless, he ruled that Canada’s extradition law does not permit him to apply Canadian standards of evidence admissibility to foreign evidence.

After more than three years in solitary confinement in a French prison, Diab was released in 2018, based primarily on an overwhelming body of evidence showing that he could not have been in France in 1980 when the attack was perpetrated.

The Meng case: Abuse of process?

In Canada, one of the few means by which an accused can defeat an extradition request is by persuading the Court that the request is an “abuse of process.” That is precisely the position Meng has taken.

Meng’s abuse of process argument has three branches, each alleging a separate form of abuse.

In one branch of her abuse of process argument, Meng alleges that the US government has deliberately misstated evidence and withheld it from the Canadian Court. Earlier this year, Canada’s attorney general applied for an order summarily dismissing that branch of Meng’s argument, but in October 2020, the Court dismissed the attorney general’s request after finding that Meng’s allegations had an “air of reality.”

In another branch of her abuse of process argument, Meng alleges that the Trump administration is using her as a “bargaining chip.” There is compelling evidence to support that claim. As pointed out in a press release issued by Huawei in June 2020, a new book by Trump’s former National Security Advisor John Bolton reveals that Trump viewed the arrest and detention of Meng as a way of exerting political leverage on China. In The Room Where It Happened, Bolton writes: “At the December 7 [2018] White House Christmas dinner, Trump raised Meng’s arrest, riffing about how much pressure this put on China.”

According to Bolton, Trump viewed Meng’s freedom as a powerful bargaining chip in trade negotiations with the Chinese government.

The political character of the charges against Meng

Quite apart from Meng’s credible abuse of process arguments, there are strong grounds to believe that the US government’s allegations against the Huawei executive are political in nature.

This is important, because Article 4.1.c of the Canada-U.S. Extradition Treaty provides that “extradition shall not be granted… when the offence in respect of which extradition is requested is of a political character…” Similarly, section 46(1)(c) of the Canada Extradition Act provides that the Minister “shall refuse to make a surrender order if the Minister is satisfied that… (c) the conduct in respect of which extradition is sought is a political offence or an offence of a political character.”

Much has been made of the fact that Meng has been accused of fraud, but her alleged fraud relates to allegations that Huawei sought to circumvent US sanctions on Iran.

The principal justification advanced for those sanctions is that Iran is allegedly seeking to develop a nuclear weapon. Over a decade ago, however, the CIA confirmed that Iran halted its nuclear weapons program in 2003. More recently, just before the Trump administration withdrew from the Obama-era nuclear deal with Iran and re-imposed crushing sanctions on the country, the International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed that Iran was in compliance with the deal.

Not only is the principal justification for US sanctions on Iran demonstrably false, but both the US and its principal ally Israel—whose government fiercely opposes Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran and has strongly advocated for devastating sanctions on the country—both possess abundant nuclear weapons.

Indeed, the US is flagrantly violating its disarmament obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NNPT) by dismantling the post-WWII arms control architecture and by embarking on a $1.7 trillion ‘modernization’ of its massive nuclear arsenal.

Similarly, Israel is the only state in the Middle East that possesses nukes and the only country in the region that is not a party to the NNPT or any of the major treaties regarding non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

It ought also to be recalled that the US is the only country in history to have used these horrific weapons on civilian populations. At a moment when Japan was on the verge of surrender, the US intentionally incinerated between 129,000 and 226,000 Japanese (including tens of thousands of innocent children) by dropping atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. This surely constitutes one of the worst atrocities in the modern era, yet no US official was ever held accountable.

Efforts to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons are entirely laudable and should in fact be strengthened, but when it comes to lecturing other states about nuclear proliferation, the US government has no moral authority whatsoever. The Iran sanctions regime not only constitutes the height of hypocrisy, but it also inflicts untold suffering on innocent Iranians and impedes Iran’s ability to control the pandemic.

Moreover, there is a powerful argument to be made that US sanctions on Iran violate international law. In other words, the sanctions regime which Meng is alleged to have circumvented is itself illegal.

Ultimately, US sanctions on Iran have nothing to do with nuclear proliferation, nor do they have anything to do with the rule of law or human rights, as is amply demonstrated by US support for Saudi Arabia’s genocidal war on Yemen and its coddling of other human rights abusers around the world.

Rather, the sanctions regime upon which Meng’s extradition request is ultimately based is plainly motivated by the US government’s objective of acquiring hegemony over a region possessing vast reserves of conventional oil. Thus, not only are the Trump administration’s allegations political in nature, but they constitute the worst kind of geopolitics.


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Dimitri Lascaris is a lawyer, journalist, activist and member of the Canadian Dimension coordinating committee. He was a candidate in the federal Greens’ leadership race, and finished second with just over 10,000 votes.

Featured image is from Canadian Dimension.

Finally, democracy is coming to the Persian Gulf.

Israel announced plans to deploy a joint missile defense system in the Persian Gulf as a part of a joint effort with US- and Israeli-allied monarchies to deter Iran.

The idea was announced at the official level by the head of the Israeli Missile Defense Organization, which is part of the Defense Ministry. Moshe Patel said that “in the future”, Israel is ready to deploy its own systems and to synchronize them with comparable systems employed by the Gulf Monarchies.

“From an engineering point of view, of course there is a lot of advantage. That information can be shared, like sensors that can be deployed in both countries because we have the same enemies,” Patel stated.

The announced plan is a logical continuation of the recent diplomatic achievements of the Trump administration, which had finally forced several US regional partners to accept a formal normalization with Israel. For years, the UAE, Saudi Arabia and others were silently cooperating with Israel in the security, intelligence and military fields. Now, when the tensions between the Iranian Axis of Resistance and the US-Israeli-led bloc are on the rise, Washington has finally forced its allies to accept existing reality and even to expand the existing cooperation under the pretext of fighting the so-called Iranian threat.

The coming months will likely lead to even more revelations of the reality of modern diplomatic and security policy in the Middle East with the Israeli leadership taking the leading place in the policy of the Gulf monarchies.

The inability, and in some cases unwillingness, of the current format of the US-led anti-Iranian alliance to achieve its main goal – to destroy the current political regime in Iran – under the Trump leadership does not mean that these plans would cease when Mr. Trump leaves office. Instead, Tel Aviv is once again taking a leading role in their implementation. It is likely that the proactive position of Israel in the current conditions will be aimed at preventing the softening of US policy on the Iranian question under the incoming Democratic administration in the White House.

Israel is interested in creating such conditions in the region that would leave no other option for the US, but to continue the existing course towards further confrontation with Iran.


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Health and Wealth in India – Farmers’ Lives Matter

December 18th, 2020 by Colin Todhunter

To appreciate what is happening to agriculture and farmers in India, we must first understand how the development paradigm has been subverted. Development used to be about breaking with colonial exploitation and radically redefining power structures. Today, neoliberal dogma masquerades as economic theory and the subsequent deregulation of international capital ensures giant transnational conglomerates are able to ride roughshod over national sovereignty.

The deregulation of international capital flows has turned the planet into a free-for-all bonanza for the world’s richest capitalists. Under the post-World-War Two Bretton Woods monetary regime, governments could to a large extent run their own macroeconomic policy without having to constantly seek market confidence or worry about capital flight. However, the deregulation of global capital movement has increased levels of dependency of nation states on capital markets and the elite interests who control them.


The dominant narrative calls this ‘globalisation’, a euphemism for a predatory neoliberal capitalism based on endless profit growth, crises of overproduction, overaccumulation and market saturation and a need to constantly seek out and exploit new, untapped (foreign) markets to maintain profitability.

In India, we can see the implications very clearly. Instead of pursuing a path of democratic development, India has chosen (or has been coerced) to submit to the regime of foreign finance, awaiting signals on how much it can spend, giving up any pretence of economic sovereignty and leaving the space open for private capital to move in on and capture markets.

India’s agri-food sector has indeed been flung open, making it ripe for takeover. The country has borrowed more money from the World Bank than any other country in that institution’s history. Back in the 1990s, the World Bank directed India to implement market reforms that would result in the displacement of 400 million people from the countryside. Moreover, the World Bank’s ‘Enabling the Business of Agriculture’ directives entail opening up markets to Western agribusiness and their fertilisers, pesticides, weedicides and patented seeds and compel farmers to work to supply transnational corporate global supply chains.

The aim is to let powerful corporations take control under the guise of ‘market reforms’. The very transnational corporations that receive massive taxpayer subsidies, manipulate markets, write trade agreements and institute a regime of intellectual property rights, thereby indicating that the ‘free’ market only exists in the warped delusions of those who churn out clichés about ‘price discovery’ and the sanctity of ‘the market’.

What could this mean for India? We only have to look at the business model that keeps these companies in profit in the US: an industrialised system that relies on massive taxpayer subsidies and has destroyed many small-scale farmers’ livelihoods.

The fact that US agriculture now employs a tiny fraction of the population serves as a stark reminder for what is in store for Indian farmers. Agribusiness companies’ taxpayer-subsidised business models are based on overproduction and dumping on the world market to depress prices and rob farmers elsewhere of the ability to cover the costs of production. The result is huge returns and depressed farmer incomes.

Indian agriculture is to be wholly commercialised with large-scale, mechanised (monocrop) enterprises replacing family-run farms that help sustain hundreds of millions of rural livelihoods while feeding the masses.

India’s agrarian base is being uprooted, the very foundation of the country, its (food and non-food) cultural traditions, communities and rural economy. When agri-food corporations like Bayer (and previously Monsanto) or Reliance say they need to expand the use of GMOs under the guise of feeding a burgeoning population or to ‘modernise’ the sector, they are trying to justify their real objective: displacing independent cultivators, food processors and ‘mom and pop’ retailers and capturing the entire sector to boost their bottom line.

Indian agriculture has witnessed gross underinvestment over the years, whereby it is now wrongly depicted as a basket case and underperforming and ripe for a sell off to those very interests who had a stake in its underinvestment.

Today, we hear much talk of ‘foreign direct investment’ and making India ‘business friendly’, but behind the benign-sounding jargon lies the hard-nosed approach of modern-day capitalism that is no less brutal for Indian farmers than early industrial capitalism was for English peasants whose access to their productive means was stolen and who were then compelled to work in factories.

The intention is for India’s displaced cultivators to be retrained to work as cheap labour in the West’s offshored plants, even though nowhere near the numbers of jobs necessary are being created and that under the World Economic Forum’s ‘great reset’ human labour is to be largely replaced by artificial intelligence-driven technology under the guise of a ‘4th Industrial Revolution’.

As independent cultivators are bankrupted, the aim is that land will eventually be amalgamated to facilitate large-scale industrial cultivation. Those who remain in farming will be absorbed into corporate supply chains and squeezed as they work on contracts dictated by large agribusiness and chain retailers.

Cocktail of deception

A 2016 UN report said that by 2030, Delhi’s population will be 37 million.

One of the report’s principal authors, Felix Creutzig, said:

“The emerging mega-cities will rely increasingly on industrial-scale agricultural and supermarket chains, crowding out local food chains.”

The drive is to entrench industrial agriculture, commercialise the countryside and to replace small-scale farming, the backbone of food production in India. It could mean hundreds of millions of former rural dwellers without any work. And given the trajectory the country seems to be on, it does not take much to imagine a countryside with vast swathes of chemically-drenched monocrop fields containing genetically modified plants and soils rapidly degrading to become a mere repository for a chemical cocktail of proprietary biocides.

Transnational corporate-backed front groups are also hard at work behind the scenes. According to a September 2019 report in the New York Times, ‘A Shadowy Industry Group Shapes Food Policy Around the World’, the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) has been quietly infiltrating government health and nutrition bodies. The article lays bare ILSI’s influence on the shaping of high-level food policy globally, not least in India.

ILSI helps to shape narratives and policies that sanction the roll out of processed foods containing high levels of fat, sugar and salt. In India, ILSI’s expanding influence coincides with mounting rates of obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Accused of being little more than a front group for its 400 corporate members that provide its $17 million budget, ILSI’s members include Coca-Cola, DuPont, PepsiCo, General Mills and Danone. The report says ILSI has received more than $2 million from chemical companies, among them Monsanto. In 2016, a UN committee issued a ruling that glyphosate, the key ingredient in Monsanto’s weed killer Roundup, was “probably not carcinogenic,” contradicting an earlier report by the WHO’s cancer agency. The committee was led by two ILSI officials.

From India to China, whether it has involved warning labels on unhealthy packaged food or shaping anti-obesity education campaigns that stress physical activity and divert attention from the role of food corporations, prominent figures with close ties to the corridors of power have been co-opted to influence policy in order to boost the interests of agri-food corporations.

Whether through IMF-World Bank structural adjustment programmes, as occurred in Africa, trade agreements like NAFTA and its impact on Mexico, the co-option of policy bodies at national and international levels or deregulated global trade rules, the outcome has been similar across the world: poor and less diverse diets and illnesses, resulting from the displacement of traditional, indigenous agriculture by a corporatised model centred on unregulated global markets and transnational monopolies.

For all the discussion in India about loan waivers for farmers and raising their income levels – as valid as this is – the core problems affecting agriculture remain.


Recent developments will merely serve to accelerate what is happening. For example, the Karnataka Land Reform Act will make it easier for business to purchase agricultural land, resulting in increased landlessness and urban migration.

Eventually, as a fully incorporated ‘asset’ of global capitalism, India could see private equity funds – pools of money that use pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, endowment funds and investments from governments, banks, insurance companies and high net worth individuals – being injected into the agriculture sector. A recent article on the grain.org website notes how across the world this money is being used to lease or buy up farms on the cheap and aggregate them into large-scale, US-style grain and soybean concerns.

This process of ‘financialisation’ is shifting power to remote board rooms occupied by people with no connection to farming and who are merely in it to make money. These funds tend to invest for a 10-15 year period, resulting in handsome returns for investors but can leave a trail of long-term environmental and social devastation and serve to undermine local and regional food insecurity.

This financialisation of agriculture perpetuates a model of commercialised, globalised farming that serves the interests of the agrochemical and seed giants, including one of the world’s biggest companies, Cargill, which is involved in almost every aspect of global agribusiness.

Cargill trades in purchasing and distributing various agricultural commodities, raises livestock and produces animal feed as well as food ingredients for application in processed foods and industrial use. Cargill also has a large financial services arm, which manages financial risks in the commodity markets for the company. This includes Black River Asset Management, a hedge fund with about $10 billion of assets and liabilities.

A recent article on the Unearthed website accused Cargill and its 14 billionaire owners of profiting from the use of child labour, rain forest destruction, the devastation of ancestral lands, the spread of pesticide use and pollution, contaminated food, antibiotic resistance and general health and environmental degradation.

While this model of corporate agriculture is highly financially lucrative for rich investors and billionaire owners, is this the type of ‘development’ – are these the types of companies –  that will benefit hundreds of millions involved in India’s agrifood sector or the country’s 1.3-billion-plus consumers and their health?

Farm bills and post-COVID

As we witness the undermining of the Agricultural Produce Market Committees or mandis, part of an ongoing process to dismantle India’s public distribution system and price support mechanisms for farmers, it is little wonder that massive protests by farmers have been taking place in the country.

Recent legislation based on three important farm bills are aimed at imposing the shock therapy of neoliberalism on the sector, finally clearing the way to restructure the agri-food sector for the benefit of large commodity traders and other (international) corporations: smallholder farmers will go to the wall in a landscape of ‘get big or get out’, mirroring the US model of food cultivation and retail.

This represents a final death knell for indigenous agriculture in India. The legislation will mean that mandis – state-run market locations for farmers to sell their agricultural produce via auction to traders – can be bypassed, allowing farmers to sell to private players elsewhere (physically and online), thereby undermining the regulatory role of the public sector. In trade areas open to the private sector, no fees will be levied (fees levied in mandis go to the states and, in principle, are used to enhance market infrastructure to help farmers).

This could incentivise the corporate sector operating outside of the mandis to (initially at least) offer better prices to farmers; however, as the mandi system is run down completely, these corporations will monopolise trade, capture the sector and dictate prices to farmers.

Another outcome could see the largely unregulated storage of produce and speculation, opening the farming sector to a free-for-all profiteering payday for the big players and jeopardising food security. The government will no longer regulate and make key produce available to consumers at fair prices. This policy ground has been ceded to market players – again under the pretence of ‘letting the market decide’ through ‘price discovery’.

The legislation will enable transnational agri-food corporations like Cargill and Walmart and India’s billionaire capitalists Gautam Adani (agribusiness conglomerate) and Mukesh Ambini (Reliance retail chain) to decide on what is to be cultivated at what price, how much of it is to be cultivated within India and how it is to be produced and processed.  Industrial agriculture will be the norm with all the devastating health, social and environmental costs that the model brings with it.

Of course, many millions have already been displaced from the Indian countryside and have had to seek work in the cities. And if the coronavirus-related lockdown has indicated anything, it is that many of these ‘migrant workers’ have failed to gain a secure foothold and were compelled to return ‘home’ to their villages. Their lives are defined by low pay and insecurity after 30 years of neoliberal ‘reforms’.

Today, there is talk of farmerless farms being manned by driverless machines and monitored by drones with lab-based food becoming the norm.  One may speculate what this could mean: commodity crops from patented GM seeds doused with chemicals and cultivated for industrial ‘biomatter’ to be processed by biotech companies and constituted into something resembling food.

Post-COVID, the World Bank talks about helping countries get back on track in return for structural reforms. Are even more smallholder Indian farmers to be displaced from their land in return for individual debt relief and universal basic income? The displacement of these farmers and the subsequent destruction of rural communities and their cultures was something the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation once called for and cynically termed “land mobility”.

It raises the question: what does the future hold for the hundreds of millions of others who will be victims of the dispossessive policies of an elite group of powerful interests?

The various lockdowns around the globe have already exposed the fragility of the global food system, dominated by long-line supply chains and global conglomerates. What we have seen underscores the need for a radical transformation of the prevailing globalised food regime which must be founded on localisation and food sovereignty and challenges dependency on global conglomerates and distant volatile commodity markets.


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Colin Todhunter is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Wikipedia

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The world’s richest country USA has one of the least healthy populations.

Among developed nations, Americans have shorter lifespans, more illnesses and injuries — despite around double the per capita amount spent on healthcare compared to other developed countries.

In cahoots with Pharma, large hospital chains, and insurers, US ruling authorities prioritize profits over human health.

America has the world’s best healthcare system — based on the ability to pay.

Proper care when most needed  is increasingly unaffordable for millions.

What should be a model system for the rest of the world community of nations to emulate is dysfunctional for most of its people.

Sickness is prioritized over good health because the latter is unprofitable.

Among 37 OECD countries, the US has one of the lowest life expectancy rates.

It has one of the highest per capita rates of infant mortality, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, strokes, respiratory illnesses and other illnesses.

The incidence of premature births in the US for lack of proper care is much like in underdeveloped countries.

In most all health categories, including chronic illnesses affecting half the population, the US ranks poorly.

A combination of processed foods and hazardous GMOs, further contaminated by pesticides, unsafe air and water, along with toxic drugs, including vaccines, benefits a sickness industry by creating an unhealthy population.

Earlier US generations were healthier than the current one.

High-cost/unaffordable US healthcare for most Americans is a leading cause of death.

So are prescription drugs, notably toxic vaccines.

A 2014 Harvard study found that nearly three million adverse prescription drug reactions happen annually.

Over 100,000 Americans die each year from prescribed drugs, including vaccines.

Low income and poverty are leading causes of poor health.

In January, the Commonwealth Fund reported the following:

“The US spends more on health care than any other high-income country but has the lowest life expectancy.”

“The US has the highest suicide rate among wealthy nations.”

“The US had worse (health) outcomes… compared to other high-income countries.”

“The US has the highest chronic disease burden and an obesity rate that is two times higher than the OECD average.”

“Compared to peer nations, the US has among the highest number of hospitalizations from preventable causes and the highest rate of avoidable deaths.”

According to a 2016 study on the relationship between income and life expectancy in the US, men in the top 1% income bracket live 15 years longer than those in the bottom 1%.

For women, the difference is about 10 years.

Millions of Americans lack health insurance, many millions more inadequately covered because of unaffordability.

According to the Urban Institute,  the US “lags behind (many other countries on healthcare), education…child poverty, and income inequality.”

Predatory capitalism, high unemployment and underemployment, along with neoliberal harshness made the US one of the most unhealthy nations among developed ones.

According to LearnTheRisk.org, “(v)accines do not create immunity.”

“They create customers. It’s the best business model in the world. It keeps people coming back for more – forever.”

Toxins in vaccines produce customers for other Pharma drugs.

The UN Human Development Report ranked life expectancy in the US 36th among the world community of nations.

In the 1950s, the US had one of the world’s highest life expectancy rates.

It also had high tax rates on the rich and less spent on militarism, endless wars, and so-called homeland security — all of the above causing harm, not good.

Today the US has the world’s highest child poverty rate among developed nations and increasing social inequality.

Both are harmful to human health in a nation of, by, and for the privileged few at the expense of most others.

Americans can have whatever they want based on the ability to pay.

Mass unemployment, underemployment, and growing poverty deny the fruits of the richest country to most of its people.


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Award-winning author Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com.

Featured image is from PYMNTS.com

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The International Movement for a JUST World (JUST) has published an ebook. “Exploring the Coronavirus Crisis”, a collection of articles contributed by the President, the Vice President, some members of the Executive Committee, some individuals within the general membership and staff of JUST.

They run through the pandemic looking at the socio-economic consequences of the lockdowns and the persistence of geopolitical persecutions through unforgiving sanctions and even an invasion as if the pandemic was a convenience to be exploited for the convenience of the hegemon.

The collection tells a story of humanity quite able to abandon the moral compass and yet, some optimism lives on for a humane future.

Click here to read the e-Book.


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Askiah Adam is the Executive Director of JUST.

Featured image is a screenshot of the cover page of the e-Book

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It has already been observed that Joe Biden’s incoming cabinet looks a bit like old wine in new bottles, drawing as it does on veterans from the Barack Obama and even the Bill Clinton administrations. That’s the bad news as it very much looks like business as usual as the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Wall Street kleptocracy is reasserting itself and will be in place for the next four years. Which is not to say that the Donald Trump version thereof was a whole lot different, but Trump was erratic enough to make the power brokers in America nervous, which was presumably enough reason to possibly rig the election and get rid of him.

The four key appointees to the new administration in terms of how the United States confronts the world are the Secretaries of State and Defense, the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the National Security Advisor. All of Biden’s picks are, if not completely hawkish, at least dedicated to the notion that the U.S. should be actively pre-emptively engaged in democracy promotion and liberal interventionism. If a little regime change is needed here and there, so be it. General Lloyd Austin, who may have trouble in getting confirmed by the Senate as Secretary of Defense, Tony Blinken, Secretary of State presumptive, and DNI Avril Haines have all been involved in making money out of the defense/national security establishment since they have been out of office. There is an assumption among ex-officials in the United States government that lobbying one’s former colleagues to buy products or services that are not needed is a perfectly legitimate semi-retirement avocation. Some, however, do not see it that way and General Austin’s service on the board of major defense contractor Raytheon may have crossed the red line, even for those who are accustomed to looking the other way when corruption looms.

It is assumed that the former torture-prison chief and currently Director of CIA Gina Haspel will be fired either by Donald Trump or by Biden, meaning that that position will also be vacant, likely to be filled by another friend of Clinton/Obama. David Cohen, a former analyst has been spoken of as the likely candidate. He previously served as a widely acknowledged utterly incompetent and out of place Director of Operations, appointed by Barack Obama in 2015 even though he had no real experience in intelligence operations, much less in running the Agency’s Clandestine Service. Unfortunately, incompetence and irrelevancy have never stopped anyone from moving onward and upward in the U.S. government. Quite the contrary.

Some see a silver lining in the clouds, namely a “return to diplomacy” after the debacle of the belligerent dispensationalist Mike Pompeo. Alas Pompeo for all his bluster has not actually started any new wars, while Blinken was the main man behind the bid to overthrow the Syrian government even though it posed no threat to the United States. He has never apologized for the wars he was involved in under Obama and has only regretted that they were not more successful, so we can safely assume that he will continue to do what he can in support of the globalist agenda as well as for the country that he loves best, which is Israel.

And there are also the somewhat more elusive aspects of Democratic Party leadership thinking that will shape the course of the new Administration. Still simmering hatred for Russia over the phony narrative that the Kremlin was behind the 2016 defeat of the execrable Hillary Clinton means that relations with that country will if anything get worse, particularly if the Clintons continue to be a major driving force behind the Democratic National Committee. And then there is China. There is every indication that the Democrats have bought into the China-bashing initiated by Donald Trump and sustained by the conspiracy theory that Beijing both weaponized a virus to destroy Western democracy and threatens “freedom.” Pentagon plans to build up the U.S. Navy to confront China in its own coastal waters while also reshaping the Marine Corps to equip it with breakthrough guided battlefield weapons to confront the “Yellow Menace” will not be reversed by Biden and company.

It can be taken as a given that the Biden/Harris regime will continue America’s Israel-centric foreign policy but it will be interesting to see if they persevere in the Trump program of bribing fringe Arab states to “recognize” Israel. Up until now, Washington’s buying of desperate regimes has included F-35s for the UAE’s Mohammed bin Zayed, canceling of the inclusion on the economy-brutalizing “State Sponsors of Terrorism” list for the military junta of starving Sudan, and now, uniquely, endorsing Morocco’s 45-year-old sovereignty claim over the Western Sahara, a region that has its own government and has become a member state of the African Union. It has also been diplomatically recognized by 84 other governments represented at the U.N. The U.S. is in addition the only state to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Syrian Golan Heights while also giving the green light to the Jewish state’s stated intention to declare formal sovereignty claim over most of the occupied State of Palestine. It is unlikely that Biden will seek to reverse those sell-outs and he will not move the U.S. Embassy from Jerusalem back to Tel Aviv.

The Israelis have already warned Biden not to re-enter any U.N. human rights organizations or fund the agency that provides relief to Palestinian refugees. They have also advised him against trying to cut any kind of deal with the Iranians, sending the signal that when it comes to Iran, including assassinations, Israel is in charge. And also, the Biden “plan,” if one can dignify it by using that word, to reengage with Iran is a non-starter. American and Israeli belligerency over the past four years has soured the Iranian people on any kind of rapprochement, with conservatives now politically dominant. They will likely sweep the elections scheduled to be held next year. Biden’s intention to get the Iranians to abandon their sophisticated missile weapons program and their support for Syria in addition to reopening their nuclear sites to U.S. inspectors will also go nowhere. Iran will continue to be enemy number one for the Democrats just as it has been for Trump and his principal financial backer Israel-firster casino magnate Sheldon Adelson.

Joe Biden will certainly have to work hard to equal the interventionist policies entertained by his predecessors in office, but he, of course, has had experience both in Congress and as Vice President in shaping those policies and promoting American “exceptionalism” as we have come to know it. And he will be helped along the way by Tony Blinken, Avril Haines, Jake Sullivan and General Lloyd Austin lest he stray from the established path. The fact is that elections change nothing in Washington but the name plates on the doors.


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Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is https://councilforthenationalinterest.org,address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected]. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Vice President Joe Biden, Austin, and Command Sergeant Major Earl Rice, at an event marking the award of the Iraq Commitment Medal in December 2011 (Source: Flickr)

The Covid Scare Campaign Relentlessly Continues

December 18th, 2020 by Prof. Ruel F. Pepa

This headline on a leading online news site stares me in the face: Coronavirus infection is on the rise in Spain. Here’s another “scare campaign” news in the time when people are catching the flu. Besides, there are those who have been tested “positive” using the inaccurate and unreliable PCR test. They feel well and have no symptoms at all yet declared “infected”. As long as the vaccine hasn’t yet been fully made ready for the public, scaremongering will continue to flood media outlets. In fact, the Spanish Health Ministry has already warned the public that the country is already entering the “third wave” of this BULLSHIT.  At least, here in Madrid, we see a growing number of people who have already woken up to reality and can no longer be fooled by these scaremongers who have been the mouthpiece of the criminals behind this FALSE PANDEMIC.

Through and through, from the “first wave” to the ensuing waves thereafter, it was, is, and will be nothing but the flu. The promoters of this PLAndemic called “Covid-19” have deceived the whole world through scaremongering. There is no pandemic and the so-called “Covid-19” is nothing but HF-20 (Hyped Flu in the year 2020). It will continue until the vaccine is made available for the public. But why vaccinate when HF-20 can be treated by over-the-counter medicines like Fluimucil Forte 600 mg and  Paracetamol 500 mg? Even the home-remedy steam inhalation has been proven effective in declogging the lungs to makes the “infected” person feel better instead of subjecting them to the lethal risk of intubation in the hospital. 

Three months ago, a woman surfer was arrested in San Sebastian north of Spain after someone reported to authorities that she was tested “positive” for coronavirus infection. It seems like the “dirty pieces” are falling into their proper places and the canards about the so-called virus infection are only meant to scare people and condition their minds to effect global economic disruption. The scare tactics have paid off and fostered extreme paranoia in people’s minds. The aftermath is the severe destruction of a country’s economy. The PLANdemic has been very successful in Spain and the criminals behind it are rejoicing. The world’s been single-mindedly caught up and terrorized by the PLANdemic unaware that we’re heading toward a global economic disaster. Everybody’s been positive about the “new normal” but nobody sees the evil of the “Great Reset”. That’s the power of brainwashing. 

Take that woman as a case in point: Tested “positive” but didn’t feel sick at all. “Asymptomatic” as the term applied to her. But she could get into surfing which is one heck of a strenuous sport. You think a really sick person could do surfing? And now you say that the danger she posed to the general public was the real issue. Whatever the real issue was, I’d like to think that the woman was taking care of herself well and careful enough not to be in close contact with the others. In fact, when she was arrested, she was all alone on the beach isolated from her colleagues and from the general public. But she fell victim to this whole “scare network” to advance the programme of economic disempowerment globally perpetrated by the criminals behind the coronavirus PLANdemic.

The news item carrying the story on an online news site has a photo and a short video clip projecting the impact of a nasty drama intended to strike heightened terror and trepidation in the minds of people who have been conditioned by media propaganda to believe that the coronavirus PLANdemic is out there to get them. When the lies are no longer sustainable and defiance is not only looming but has already become overwhelming, this is the kind of news they come up with.

The Covid-19 that’s proliferating all over the world could actually be “PSYCHOLOGICAL COVID”! [1]. Now that practically all of us have already been caught within this nasty loop, there’s no way to get out unless there’s a radical change of mind. The global propaganda has imprisoned us in what could be likened to Plato’s cave. In this condition, the most difficult thing to do is to shatter the chimera and free ourselves from enslavement.

Media outlets subservient to the “scare narratives” imposed by the criminals behind the spread of this virus have regularly been coming up with reports condemning people defiant of prescriptions laid down by the powers that take advantage of the situation. Because of the on-going regimen imposed to control the spread of the virus, there will not only be a “second wave” but a “third wave” and a “fourth wave” and so on and so forth even in the next two or three decades. Simply put, this event, misnomered as a “pandemic” will go on and on and on. And this is what the criminal economic dictators have designed it to be. In the final analysis, they will certainly be in absolute control of the global economy.

In countries where hundreds of thousands of people have been heavily infected by Covid-19, the massive number of deaths was not due to the virus itself but because of killer drugs (anti-Malaria, anti-HIV, anti-Ebola, etc.) administered to severely ill patients in hospitals. And all along, my theory stands: “Covid-19” which in reality is HF-20 (hyped flu in 2020) is not a joke but it is not as deadly as it has been peddled by its creators. Patients don’t have to be hospitalized even in severe cases because treatment may be administered at home: (1) To declog the lungs of thick phlegm/mucus that could lead to infection resulting in pneumonia, Fluimucil Forte 600 mg is the solution; (2) To ease breathing, intubation is not necessary (in fact, it could even cause lethal consequences); steam inhalation is the solution; (3) There’s fever? Nothing beats Paracetamol 500 mg.

In conclusion, one thing is certain: We’ve been deceived – and immensely deceived – by the creators of this virus (1) to take total control over global economies and (2) to sell to us the vaccine they have been developing and fast-tracking with no serious consideration of all the clear and present risks it can possibly cause to the detriment of human lives.


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Prof. Ruel F. Pepa is a Filipino philosopher based in Madrid, Spain. A retired academic (Associate Professor IV), he taught Philosophy and Social Sciences for more than fifteen years at Trinity University of Asia, an Anglican university in the Philippines.


[1] “How many people have ‘psychological COVID?” by John Rappoport  


Featured image is from dreamstime

America’s Ongoing Imperial Scam

December 18th, 2020 by Karen Kwiatkowski

One week after the most attention-demanding election of our lifetimes, another Veteran’s Day came and went.  For the occasion, presumed President-elect Joe Biden laid a wreath at the Korean War Memorial in Philadelphia; whilst yet-to-conceded incumbent President Donald Trump held a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. 

Both channeled and invoked the great reverence Americans still hold for veterans of the bygone Second World War and more complicated Korean conflagration.  Only some 300,000 of the men, and women, who fought in the former are still living.  No doubt we will continue to hear how many succumbed to Covid-19 in the past year, and whose fault that is.

Yet, in his official statement, Biden added a personal touch — his son Beau’s service in Iraq — and a “personal commitment:” “I will never treat you or your families with anything less than the honor you deserve.”  If he really means it, rebalancing U.S. war-making authority and ditching the dated Second World War analogies would be a good start.

World War II remains the go-to conflict for commemoration almost 80 years after America entered the fray.  It marks the last time the U.S. Congress did its constitutional duty and actually declared war before sending America’s young men off to kill and die on foreign fields.

All subsequent wars,from Korea and Vietnam, to the Iraqs (1991, 2003, 2014), Somalia, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and a host of military deployments on every continent around the world were waged at the pleasure of the sitting president, amply funded by the Congress, yet conveniently never rose to the level of a declared war.

Little Wars & Presidencies 

We should consider these wars linked to the presidents themselves, or — perhaps more accurately — to their executive staffs, and the Department of Defense.  War policy-making power has almost completely shifted from the peoples representatives (House and Senate) to unelected appointees often recruited from think tanks — these funded by an array of organizations interested not in peace, but in accessing tax dollars, and gaining revenues at home and abroad. 

Biden’s incoming national security team is chock-full of them.  War spending, even in the absence of any notable war, is so compelling that for years, a Congress often unable to come up with a budget ensured the flow stayed strong to the Pentagon — and its cousin, the CIA — through continuing resolutions. 

So-called overseas contingency operations, or little wars, have seen their funding go “off-book,” as the Pentagon budget now covers just its routine expenses — wars are paid for on top of that budget, so long as the Congress can be convinced by their Pentagon liaisons.  And they nearly always are.

This obscene spending for military weapons, training, gifts to allies, technology enhancement — for everything from cyberwar, surveillance, data collection, AI, robotics — as well as for standard “pocketbook” weapons systems like the F-35 fighter and aircraft carriers, represent the Military Industrial Complex’s (MIC) mainstay. 

Consider a disturbingly accurate recent diagnosis of the current situation:

“…the U.S. Presidents and their aides are quite aware of the current state of the US military: it is a military which simply cannot win even simple conflicts…a military whose Air Force spent absolutely obscene amounts of money to create a supposedly 5th generationfighter which in many ways is inferior to US 4th generation aircraft!”

It is against this larded and incompetent backdrop — of economic dependencies for a war machine directed by men and women who’ve never fought a declared war, and scant understanding of what defending the nation ought look like — that Americans await an inbound president who now feels obliged to add the patriotic tick “May God protect our troops” at the tail end of speeches.

Empty Gestures

Veterans, Memorial, Independence, or even just Tuesdays — replete with military flyovers at football games amidst an age of pandemic — have become empty gestures.  VA hospitals across the country had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century, and it is there today that many of our Vietnam veterans — of another little war mainly designed to entertain Pentagon fantasies at their expense — rot, for lack of a better word. 

Ultimately, these sacrifices, all part of a larger Washingtonian game, hardy matter to anyone but Vietnam alumni’s wives, kids — and this generation’s numbers now also dwindle.

What purpose then, does obligatory national celebration — in prose or pageantry — of veterans actually serve in year 20 of intractable and hopeless wars?  Clearly, veterans and their families are the only ones who truly sacrificed anything.  Those negotiating massive defense contracts — including built-in clauses covering delays, flaws, and implicit corruption — won’t even sacrifice surplus profits for the good of the country. 

Money isn’t blood, and stock prices can’t compensate limbs (to the tune of 1,645 single or multiple amputee veterans between 9/11 and 2015). 

The war machine is largely about money (for select elites) and creating new and expanding markets (benefitting the same) — the modern veteran’s primary function is simply that of “patriotic” bait for the public.  In fact, trotting out idealized veterans rationalizes and justifies MIC-corruption — trading on the good will that most American have for those who served (even if the government they served was lying about why) is increasingly unworkable.

Military recruitment has long been a challenge, partly because Americans increasingly see through the systemic scam, and are left wondering whether it’s such a great deal after all.  Despite the Pentagon’s massive data collection efforts and widespread access to high school and college students, recruitment is becoming more and more difficult. 

The latest army and air force recruiting approach involves convincing economically-insecure parents to encourage their kids to get out of their basements, and pursue dreams of playing soldier in the woods or flying video game-like drones.  In an era where more young people live at home for longer, this approach may appeal to parents, but it’s also a tell. 

Despite repeated and routine public deference to veterans, the truth is out.  There are just too many truth bombs available from potential recruits’ family and friends; too much outrage at the increasingly exposed police militarization in America’s streets — many of their new hires practicing what they learned patrolling Baghdad or Kandahar, policing Baltimore and Kansas City.

There’s scant solace in knowing top defense contractors rake in untold billions, whilst too many American families slip further through the cracks, unsure of whence their next thousand will come.  And here’s a truth uncomfortable for far too many privileged and polite liberals so ready for a quiet return to a Biden-induced normalcy: both Trumpism and left-leaning progressivism was partly fueled by that shared realization.

Our veterans, too, have a solid sense of this truth — a truth that’s often painful, embarrassing and sometimes shameful. The Pentagon has little intrinsic interest in helping veterans, except to the extent that veterans, individually or collectively, can both execute and justify profitable business-as-usual foreign policies — which are increasingly crass, contradictory, and unconstitutional affairs.

To truly honor our troops and veterans, Biden’s bunch should be brutally honest about what Washingtonian war” is, and should respect the very real sacrifices of the “other 1 percent” who actually serve—by demanding a more honorable and restrained foreign policy.  That’s going to require more action than obligatory utterance, and admission of a final hard truth: 

The imperial scam we’ve kept calling a republic these past 70 years is collapsing, and it will take all of us — veteran and civilian alike — to ensure a soft landing.


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Karen Kwiatkowski, Ph.D, is a farmer, teacher, and retired USAF lieutenant colonel, who spent years working in the Pentagon.  She was a notable critic and whistleblower in the run-up to the 2003 Iraq invasion.  Karen was featured in the acclaimed documentary, “Why We Fight” (2005), writes regularly for Lewrockwell.com, and has had her work published in Salon, The American Conservative, and the Huffington Post, among others.  She is a senior fellow at the Eisenhower Media Network (EMN), an organization of independent veteran military and national security experts.

Featured image: On Memorial Day, Joe Biden, accompanied by his wife Jill Biden, at Veterans Memorial Park, Wilmington, Delaware, May 25, 2020. (Adam Schultz, Biden for President, Flickr, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

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People from across the political spectrum have called on President Trump to pardon the WikiLeaks founder, citing the importance of the freedom to publish.

Assange’s fiancé Stella Morris, the mother of his two young children, has previously called for a pardon — but a formal request was not filed with the White House until this week.

Assange is imprisoned in the United Kingdom pending a decision about his extradition to the United States where he faces charges under the Espionage Act for his publication of the Iraq and Afghan War Logs. If convicted he could face a maximum sentence of 175 years for the “crime” of publishing material that the US government did not want the population to know.

In 2018, President Trump’s attorneys quietly made a case in defense of WikiLeaks throughout legal filings responding to a lawsuit filed by Democrat Party donors who alleged that the campaign and former advisor Roger Stone conspired with Russians to publish the leaked Democratic National Committee emails.

Buried within hundreds of pages of case filings, in a motion filed in October 2018, Trump lawyer Michael A. Carvin argued that under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (47 U.S.C. § 230), “a website that provides a forum where ‘third parties can post information’ is not liable for the third party’s posted information.”

“That is so even when even when the website performs ‘editorial functions’ ‘such as deciding whether to publish,’” the filing contends. “Since WikiLeaks provided a forum for a third party (the unnamed ‘Russian actors’) to publish content developed by that third party (the hacked emails), it cannot be held liable for the publication.”

This defense holds true for the war log releases that Assange has been charged for publishing.

“In addition, the First Amendment generally denies the government power to punish truthful speech,” Carvin wrote. He added that privacy cannot justify these violations of core First Amendment norms. The filing then refers to the 1989 case of Florida Star v. B.J.F., in which it was determined that “punishing truthful publication in the name of privacy” is an “extraordinary measure.”

The formal pardon request comes on the heels of a viral claim from a Trump ally that the president would be pardoning the publisher. While he ended up retracting his statement, claiming he had faulty sources, it was clear that it was a move that people from both sides of the political spectrum support. The tweet gained over 75,000 “likes” on Twitter in about an hour, before being retracted.

National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden weighed in on the news saying that “I very much hope this is true. The case against Assange is based on a legal theory that would criminalize the work of every journalist, both at home and abroad.”

Snowden has previously lobbied for a pardon for Assange, even before one for himself.

“Mr. President, if you grant only one act of clemency during your time in office, please: free Julian Assange. You alone can save his life,” Snowden tweeted earlier this month.


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Cassandra Fairbanks is a former leftist who came out in support of Donald Trump in 2016. She has been published in the International Business Times, RT, Sputnik, The Independent and countless other publications.

Featured image is from Gateway Pundit

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A campanha de medo tem servido como instrumento de desinformação.

No decorrer dos últimos onze meses, desde o princípio de Janeiro, tenho analisado quase diariamente a evolução da crise do Covid. Desde o próprio anúncio em Janeiro de 2020, as pessoas foram levadas a acreditar e aceitar a existência de uma epidemia em progressão rápida e perigosa.

Media mentirosos apregoaram a imagem de um vírus mortal , o que inicialmente contribuiu para desestabilizar o comércio EUA-China e interromper viagens aéreas. E a seguir, em Fevereiro, “V- o Vírus” (o qual aliás é semelhante à gripe sazonal) foi considerado responsável por disparar a mais grave crise financeira da história mundial.

Então, em 11 de Março, foi imposto um confinamento sobre os 193 estados das Nações Unidas, levando ao “encerramento” de economias nacionais à escala mundial.

A partir de Outubro, foi anunciada uma “segunda onda”. “A pandemia não está acabada”.

A campanha de medo prevalece. E as pessoas são agora levadas a acreditar que a vacina corona patrocinada pelos seus governos é a “solução”. E que a “normalidade” será restaurada uma vez vacinada toda a população do planeta.

Uma palavra sobre a vacina SARS-CoV-2

Como é que uma vacina para o vírus SARS-CoV-2, a qual sob condições normais levaria anos para ser desenvolvida, foi prontamente lançada no início de Novembro de 2020. A vacina anunciada pela Pfizer é baseada numa edição experimental de genes mRNA que têm influência no genoma humano .

Foram realizados os testes padrão de laboratório em animais utilizando ratos ou furões?

Ou será que a Pfizer “foi directamente para cobaias humanas” ? Os testes em humanos começaram em finais de Julho e princípios de Agosto. “Nunca se ouviu falar de três meses para testar uma nova vacina”. “Vários anos é a norma” .

Pouco divulgado pelos media:   ” Seis pessoas morreram na fase final do ensaio da vacina COVID-19 da Pfizer , revelou a FDA apenas horas depois de a Grã-Bretanha se ter tornado o primeiro país do mundo a aplicar a vacina”.

“Fique tranquilo”, a vacina é “segura”. De acordo com a FDA : diz-se que as mortes não levantam novas questões de segurança ou questões sobre a eficácia da vacina”.

E porque precisamos de uma vacina para a Covid-19 quando tanto a OMS como o Centro de Controlo e Prevenção de Doenças (CDC) dos EUA confirmaram inequivocamente que a Covid-19 é “semelhante à gripe sazonal” ?

O plano para desenvolver uma vacina é conduzido pelo lucro. Ele é apoiado por governos corruptos ao serviço dos interesses da Big Pharma. O governo dos EUA já encomendou 100 milhões de doses já em Julho em a UE está para comprar 300 milhões de doses. É o Big Money para a Big Pharma, generosos subornos para corromper políticos, a expensas dos contribuintes.

Nos capítulos seguintes, definimos o vírus SARS-CoV-2 e o controverso teste RT-PCR que está a ser usado para “identificar o vírus” bem como para estabelecer as “estimativas” dos assim chamados “casos positivos” (Capítulo II).

No Capítulo III, examinamos em pormenor a cronologia dos eventos desde Outubro de 2020 que levou ao histórico confinamento de 11 de Março de 2020.

Avaliamos as vastas consequências económicas e sociais desta crise incluindo o processo de empobrecimento e redistribuição de riqueza à escala mundial em favor dos multimilionários Super Ricos (Capítulos IV e V).

O programa de vacinação da Big Pharma, o qual está destinado a ser imposto sobre milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo é revisto no Capítulo VII.

O Capítulo IX conclui com uma análise da “Grande Reinicialização” (“Great Reset”) proposta pelo World Economic Forum, a qual, se adoptada, consistiria em sucatear o Estado de bem-estar social (Welfare State) e impor medidas maciças de austeridade sobre uma população empobrecida.

Este E-Book é preliminar. Há um sentido de urgência. Os povos à escala mundial estão a ser enganados pelos seus governos.

Uma palavra acerca da metodologia: o nosso objectivo é refutar a “Grande Mentira” através de análise cuidadosa consistente de:

  • Uma visão histórica geral da crise do Covid,
  • Análise científica e revisão pormenorizada de dados “oficiais”, estimativas e definições,
  • Análise dos impactos das “linhas orientadoras” da OMC e de políticas governamentais sobre variáveis económicas, sociais e de saúde pública.

Nosso objectivo é informar os povos à escala mundial e refutar a narrativa oficial que tem sido usada como pretexto e justificação para desestabilizar o tecido económico e social de países inteiros.

A crise afecta a humanidade na sua totalidade:   7,8 mil milhões de pessoas. Posicionamo-nos em solidariedade com nossos companheiros seres humanos em todo o mundo. A verdade é um instrumento poderoso.

Estou em dívida para com os nossos leitores e a equipe do Global Research.

Michel Chossudovsky

O original encontra-se em www.globalresearch.ca/…

The 2020 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset” 15 de Dezembro de 2020

Tradução por o site Resistir.info

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Background: Up-to-date, there is no recognized effective treatment or vaccine for the treatment of COVID-19 that emphasize urgency around distinctive effective therapies. This study aims to evaluate the anti-parasitic medication efficacy “Ivermectin” plus standard care (azithromycin, vitamin C, Zinc, Lactoferrin & Acetylcystein & prophylactic or therapeutic anticoagulation if D-dimer > 1000) in the treatment of mild/moderate and severely ill cases with COVID 19 infection, as well as prophylaxis of health care and/ or household contacts in comparison to the Hydroxychloroquine plus standard treatment.

Subject and methods: 600 subjects; 400 symptomatic confirmed COVID-19 patients and 200 health care and household contacts distributed over 6 groups; Group I: 100 patients with Mild/Moderate COVID-19 infection received a 4-days course of Ivermectin plus standard of care; Group II: 100 patients with mild/moderate COVID-19 infection received hydroxyxholorquine plus standard of care; Group III: 100 patients with severe COVID-19 infection received Ivermectin plus standard of care; Group IV: 100 patients with Severe COVID-19 infection received hydroxyxholorquine plus standard of care. Routine laboratory investigations and RT-PCR were reported before and after initiation of treatment. Group V stick to personal protective equipment (PPE) plus Ivermectin 400mcg / kg to be repeated after one week, and Group VI stick to PPE only and both groups V&VI were followed for two weeks.

Results: Patients received ivermectin reported substantial recovery of laboratory investigations; and significant reduction in RT-PCR conversion days. A substantial improvement and reduction in mortality rate in Ivermectin treated groups; group I (mild/moderate cases), (99%, and 0.0%, respectively) and group III (severe cases), (94%, and 2.0%, respectively) versus hydroxychloroquine plus standard care treated groups; group II (mild/moderate cases), (74% and 4%, respectively) and group IV (severe cases) (50% and 20%, respectively). Ivermectin had significantly reduced the incidence of infection in health care and household contacts up to 2% compared to 10% in non ivermectin group

Conclusion: Addition of Ivermectin to standard care is very effective drug for treatment of COVID-19 patients with significant reduction in mortality compared to Hydroxychloroquine plus standard treatment only. Early use of Ivermectin is very useful for controlling COVID 19 infections, prophylaxis and improving cytokines storm.

Read full article here.


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Authored by: Ahmed Elgazzar, Basma Hany, Shaimaa Abo Youssef, Mohy Hafez, Hany Moussa

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