Israel’s Atrocities Continue Unabated

March 6th, 2024 by The Intercept

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On Monday, February 12, a young Palestinian man named Jamal Abu Al-Ola who had been sheltering in a hospital in southern Gaza was seized and detained by the Israeli military. 

The next day, Al-Ola reappeared at the hospital dressed head to toe in a hazmat suit with his hands bound and showing signs of having been beaten. He was there to deliver a warning from the Israel Defense Forces:

“Get out of the hospital, you need to get out of the hospital because they are going to blow it up.”

Then, as instructed by his captors, he walked back toward the hospital gate, where he was shot dead as his mother looked on. Others who obeyed the IDF warning and left the hospital appear to have been fired on as well.

Benjamin Netanyahu claims that the Israeli army is “the most moral army in the world” that “does everything to avoid harming those not involved.” And far too many major news outlets in the U.S. reinforce these myths by passing unverified claims and propaganda from the Israeli government as neutral fact.

The killing of Jamal Abu Al-Ola, which The Intercept independently corroborated through multiple eyewitness accounts, photos, and videos, is just one of countless atrocities that have occurred during Israel’s brutal siege of Gaza — atrocities that the mainstream U.S. media has ignored.


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Israel and 911, an Orchestrated War in the Middle East?

March 6th, 2024 by Timothy Alexander Guzman

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


“If the West doesn’t wake-up to the suicidal nature of militant Islam, the next thing you will see is that militant Islam is bringing down the World Trade Center.” —Benjamin Netanyahu quoted from his book, “Fighting Terrorism’ published in 1995

After the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Al-Qaeda and Saudi Arabia were immediately blamed.

When you ask people who believe that 911 was an inside job, they will tell you that it was the Saudi government who funded and armed Al-Qaeda and that they planned the operation with elements of the CIA to start new wars in the Middle East. 

Yes, that is true to an extent, and yes, the Saudis did play a role on 911, but that is just part of the story because there were others who had a much greater role that is rarely mentioned.  In other words, Saudi Arabia is just window dressing.

So, who was behind the World Trade Center attacks?

We can say that the Bush-Cheney Regime and their Project for a New American Century (PNAC) agenda played a significant role. 

For starters, PNAC was a neoconservative think tank with many of its members holding dual citizenships with the state of Israel.

They had introduced an aggressive foreign policy aimed at the Middle East. Some of those members included US Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Under Secretary of Defense and Policy Advisor, Douglas Feith, National Security Council Advisor Elliott Abrams, White House Speech writer David Frum and several others. In terms of war propaganda, the mainstream media and Israel’s influential lobbies including the American Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC) all convinced the American public and most members of the US congress that a war with Iraq was the right thing to do.

Remember when they pushed the narrative that Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction and that his soldiers had taken babies out of incubators in Kuwait City and left them out to die because they had shipped the incubators back to Baghdad? 

It was all a lie that led the Americans and Europeans to support a war that ultimately destroyed Iraq.

Was it about “spreading Democracy” to help the Iraqi people defeat a brutal dictator?

Not really because the US government had always supported dictatorships who were worse than Saddam Hussein.

So, was it about oil? 

Or was it about Saddam Hussein making the decision to use Euros instead of US Dollars for oil transactions?

Yes, to both of those questions, but there was one other reason to why they invaded Iraq and that was for the state of Israel and its long-term agenda to become the hegemonic power in the Middle East.

As we all know, the Biden regime with most US congress members from both sides of the aisle and the mainstream media who all support Israel, are once again, on the same path leading the American people and its European vassals into another war, but this time with Iran.  As more talk in the US and European mainstream media about the dangers of Iran as a terrorist state and the threat it imposes on Israel and the United States so it’s worth looking back at who was really behind the September 11th attacks that started the war in Iraq in the first place. Now these same actors are using the same lies against Iran and that will lead to a third world war with dire consequences.

In the aftermath of the September 11th attacks, former US Army General, Wesley Clark revealed a plan by the Bush Neocons on Democracy Now to “take out” Iran and six other Middle Eastern nations according to a Pentagon memo that was circulated within the highest-level of power within the Defense Department, according to Clark,

“This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.”

The truth is that the attacks in New York City’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001, was the start of a wider Middle East war that did benefit the US government’s imperial ambitions and its weapons manufacturers to a certain extent, but it mostly benefited the Israeli government and its main agenda to dominate and control the Middle East, perhaps to expand its territory to become a Greater Israel.

Israeli Propaganda: Was Iran Behind the September 11th Attacks?

Over the years since 911, Osama Bin Laden and his Saudi Arabian handlers have been accused of having a significant role, but according to an Israeli funded news organization, the Jewish News Syndicate (JNS), it was Iran who had a major role in the 911 attacks.

On September 13th, 2022, the ‘Mideast News Hour’ with Caroline Glick, a show produced by the Jewish News Syndicate (JNS) suggested that one country has been overlooked regarding the September 11th attacks and that was Iran. Yes, according to Glick, Iran is the invisible hand behind the worst terrorist attacks in US history.

Caroline Glick, is an American-born Israeli conservative columnist, journalist, and author who writes for the Jerusalem Post, Breitbart news and others news media platforms hosted a segment on JNS called 21 years later, US still doesn’t recognize Iran’s role in 9/11 invited a guest by the name of David Wurmser, an expert on Middle East affairs who served as one of the senior members of the Bush administration’s National Security Council (NSC) claimed on Glick’s show that

“This administration thinks that the actual ability to restrain Iran isn’t as important as the political gain from having done what Trump couldn’t do or didn’t do.”

In an anti-Iran fashion, Glick claimed that

“In the immediate aftermath, George Bush said that the enemy was terrorism. The real enemy, though, is radical Islam, not one group or another,” Glick continued “For the past 22 years, Americans have never acknowledged it” and that “America’s willful blindness to Iran’s role in global terrorism, including in the September 11 attacks, is part of the collective amnesia about the events of September 11.”

There are several facts that downplays Glick’s assertion that Iran was behind the 911 attacks.

But the real facts about who was involved will be undeniable. 

As we piece together the evidence and trace who, what and where they came from, we will know the root cause of the September 11th attacks.

Setting the Stage: When the Israelis Predicated 911 in ‘1979’

It seems that the Israelis were preparing the world for a 911 style attack since the early 1970’s.

According to journalist and author of several books on Israeli involvement in the September 11th attacks, Christopher Bollyn, who I will be referring to as we go through some of the missing pieces of the puzzle has been trying to tell the world who was behind the September 11th attacks, yet he has been ignored by the mainstream media and by some alternative media networks and been labeled an anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theorist by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) when it comes to exposing who was behind 911.

In his website,, he mentions his book, The War on Terror: The Plot to Rule the Middle East’ where he says that the “9/11 and the War on Terror are linked plots that were designed to trick us into accepting the open-ended wars we have been engaged in since September 2001” and that “both plots were hatched by Israeli military intelligence to bring the U.S. military into the Middle East to wage war against the enemies of the Zionist state.” 

There are several important points Bollyn brings to light on the propaganda inspired by Israeli interests in its anti-Muslim crusade and that is to propel the US and its Western allies into open ended wars in the Middle East. Bollyn published an article titled ‘Netanyahu’s Terrorist Party and 9/11’ and said that the

“Israeli military intelligence operates within the political framework of the state of Israel” he continued “This means that the 9/11 plot had to be approved at the highest political level in Israel since the late 1970s when the first Israeli movie depicting a plane-into-building attack was made by Arnon Milchan, a senior Israeli intelligence agent. Milchan’s first film, The Medusa Touch, was made in 1978 and featured a Boeing 747 being flown into the Pan Am building in New York City.” 

Isser Harel, the founder and first chief of the Israeli intelligence unit, Shin Bet who later became the head of Mossad, according to Bollyn’s research,

“One year later, in 1979, the founding chief of Israeli intelligence predicted that Arabs would attack the tallest building in New York. Isser Harel made this prediction to Michael Evans, an American Zionist activist.”  

The Jerusalem Post published Mike Evan’s article on September 18th, 2019 ‘America the target’ where he recalled his conversation with Harel that took place in Tel Aviv back in 1980:

Harel looked at this American visitor and replied, “I fear it will come to you in America. America has the power, but not the will, to fight terrorism. The terrorists have the will, but not the power, to fight America. But all that could change with time. Arab oil money buys more than tents.” As to the where, Harel continued, “New York City is the symbol of freedom and capitalism. It’s likely they will strike the Empire State Building, your tallest building [at that time] and a symbol of your power

Now the most intriguing part of Bollyn’s article is where he explains the most infamous terrorist coming out of Israel, Menachem Begin, the former chief of the terrorist organization, Irgun, which online dictionaries including Wikipedia describes them as a “Zionist paramilitary organization”:

In July 1979, Menachem Begin, the former chief of the terrorist Irgun who became prime minister in 1977, organized a conference on “international terrorism” in Jerusalem that was described as a “propaganda offensive” meant to initiate a global war on terror. The three-day conference was hosted by an organization called the Yonatan [Netanyahu] Institute, headed by Benjamin Netanyahu and his father, Benzion. George H.W. Bush was one of the speakers on the final day.

These three events:  Milchan’s movie, Harel’s prediction, and the conference on international terrorism, indicate that Israeli planning for 9/11 and the War on Terror began when the notorious terrorist Menachem Begin came to power in 1977. Begin had been involved in terror atrocities in Palestine in the 1940s as the leader of the Irgun. He had organized the bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946 and the massacre of the entire village of Deir Yassin in 1948

New terrorist bombing campaigns took center stage in the Middle East when Yitzhak Shamir, the former head of terrorist Stern Gang (LEHI), became Israel’s prime minister on October 10th,1983, so in “less than two weeks later a truck bomb devastated the U.S. Marine barracks at the Beirut airport, killing 241. A simultaneous attack on French troops resulted in 58 French military personnel being killed.” Since 1979, the Israeli military had been using car and truck bombs in and around Lebanon, however, Israel, the US, and its European vassals blame Iran for the terrorist attacks that killed both US and French troops. The US and Israelis have supported and armed various terrorists’ organizations since the 1980’s eventually led to the September 11th attacks:

During Shamir’s first term as prime minister from October 10, 1983, until September 13, 1984, Israeli military intelligence began arming and training “Arab jihadis” in Pakistan including Osama bin Laden. The Hezb-e-Islami fighters led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar were provided with arms paid for by the CIA and Saudi Arabia and delivered by Israelis from the weapons taken from the battlefields of Lebanon.  

What was odd about this arrangement is that the U.S. was funding the training and arming of the least effective and most anti-Western of the militia waging jihad against the Red Army in Afghanistan. The so-called Afghan Arabs, trained by Israel in the arts of terrorism, became Al Qaida in 1994

One of the most influential members of Hollywood is Arnon Milchan, but did you know that he was an Israeli spy? The Guardian, ‘Arnon Milchan reveals past as Israeli spy’ said that Milchan was proud working on behalf of Israel’s interests, “the Hollywood producer behind box office hits including Fight Club, Pretty Woman and LA Confidential has spoken about his life as an Israeli secret agent and arms dealer, saying he was proud of working for his country.” 

Since the The Guardian failed to mention the first film produced by Milchan in 1978 which is described as a ‘supernatural horror thriller film’ called ‘The Medusa Touch’ which is based on a book written by Peter Van Greenaway about a telekinetic novelist played by actor Richard Burton who caused terrible disasters by just thinking about them. But there is one part of the film that Bollyn mentions, a Boeing 747 crashing into the PanAm building in New York City. Of course it does not mean it was a blueprint for the September 11th attacks or the start of a psychological operation on the public, to some people that would constitute a conspiracy theory, who knows, but you have to admit, that is interesting.

Milchan does have a reputation in Hollywood for being a former arms dealer,

“In Hollywood, they don’t like working with an arms dealer, ideologically … with someone who lives off selling machine guns and killing. Instead of someone talking to me about a script, I had to spend half an hour explaining that I’m not an arms dealer. If people knew how many times I risked my life, back and forth, again and again, for my country” and that country is the state of Israel, “I should have been aware of that, of what I’ll go through, and said, ‘F**k you. You know what? I did it for my country, and I’m proud of it.”

Milchan was a member of one of Israel’s top-secret intelligence agencies, Lakam and was part of an operation in obtaining information on the necessary technologies and materials for Israel’s nuclear weapons program,

“In Hollywood, he said, he detached himself from “physical activities” in order to devote himself to filmmaking. However, he claimed to have used connections to promote the apartheid regime in South Africa in exchange for it helping Israel acquire uranium.”

Simon Peres was Israel’s president at the time and was one of the main architects of Israel’s nuclear weapons program said that he recruited Milchan as an agent. In 2010, Peres was interviewed for Milchan’s biography in

Confidential: The Life of Secret Agent Turned Hollywood Tycoon – Arnon Milchan by Meir Doron and Joseph Gelman

and said that

“Arnon is a special man. It was I who recruited him … when I was at the ministry of defence Arnon was involved in numerous defence-related procurement activities and intelligence operations” he claimed that “his strength is in making connections at the highest levels … his activities gave us a huge advantage, strategically, diplomatically and technologically.”

Did Menachem Begin, Arnon Milchan  have advanced knowledge that a terrorist attack was going to take place ?

They predicted a plane hitting New York City’s Empire State building by terrorists back in 1979 to the passenger airliners being hijacked and striking the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. For the Israelis, the ‘I told you so moment’ worked in their favor, it gave them the credibility as a reliable partner for the US government’s war on terror.

It is important to understand Hollywood’s role in grooming Western audiences to believe that Muslims/Arabs are born terrorists and are out to chop your head off because they hate your freedoms.

In fact, Hollywood has been setting the stage, propagandizing the American and European public in preparation for the “War on Terror” that preceded the September 11th attacks which really means a war to conquer the Muslim world.

In an article by the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs ( ‘Dr. Jack Shaheen Discusses Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People’ spoke about the Israeli-connection to Hollywood and its influence to produce films demonizing Arabs.  

Reel Bad Arabs is documented proof that there has been a propaganda campaign to convince Western audiences that Arabs are bad, that they are born terrorists, and in many films, some happen to be Palestinian terrorists,

“Not surprisingly, Israel is a vital part of the equation. Shaheen’s book examines 28 movies with an Israeli connection, released between 1983 and 1998, that vilify Arabs and often feature Palestinians as terrorists. More than half were filmed in Israel and, if the Israeli government didn’t finance the production, it assisted in various ways.”   

What is interesting about Shaheen’s research is that he found many of these films to have a common enemy in their scripts, the “Arabs” who always depicted as terrorists who manage to attack the US on its homeland or abroad:

The plot of “Death Before Dishonor” (1987) is a perfect example of these “made-in-Israel” films. A fanatical terrorist group attacks an American Embassy compound in the Middle East.

For decades Israeli filmmakers and producers have collaborated with their supporters in Hollywood to produce films with a common theme: Arabs invade the U.S.—New York, Los Angeles, or even a high school in Indiana. Terrorists storm in, take hostages, and kill civilians. Arabs enslave and abuse Africans. While Hollywood concocted “True Lies,” “Wanted Dead or Alive” (1986) and “The Siege,” Israel made “Iron Eagle” (1986), “Chain of Command” (1992), “Death Before Dishonor,” (1987) and “Delta Force” (1986)

All part of the long-term plan to convince Western audiences with films that depict Arabs as terrorists who are hellbent on bringing death and destruction to non-Muslim countries all around the world.  So far, it has worked in favor of Israel especially after the September 11th attacks.

A Global ‘Art Student Scam’ That Was a Cover for ‘Israeli Art Student Spy Ring’

It was known that there was an art student scam taking place globally in which mass-produced paintings and prints was presented as original works of art, but in fact they were cheap paintings produced in China and sold by young people posing as inspirational art students or dealers from various countries including Canada, China, Chile, Nigeria, the US and Israel to raise money for college tuition and art supplies since around 2000.

So, did the Israelis blend in their spying operations to sort of get lost in the mix? Besides, if you mix all the various art students from different nationalities whether they are Chinese, Nigerian, or Israeli, then they are just poor art students trying to raise money for their education, therefore, you will not assume that any of them would be actual spies for a foreign country. We must admit, it is a clever way to get under the radar and avoid getting caught.

There was a report on a group of Israelis spying on US government agencies in several states which was published by

‘The Israeli “art student” mystery’ based on a group of Israeli art students in the US who were most likely, more than just “art students,”

In January, 2001, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Office of Security Programs (IS), began to receive reports of Israeli art students attempting to penetrate several DEA Field Offices in the continental United States.

Not only where the Israelis visiting DEA field offices, they were going to the homes of employees of the DEA,

“Additionally, there have been reports of Israeli art students visiting the homes of numerous DEA employees. ” 

If that is not incredibly suspicious, I don’t know what is, but it did not stop at the DEA, “These incidents have involved several other law enforcement and Department of Defense agencies, with contacts made at other agencies’ facilities and the residences of their employees.” 

These incidents occurred in several places “from California to Florida. The majority of the incidents have occurred in the southern half of the continental U.S. with the most activity reported in the state of Florida.” Suspicion at the office of Security Programs (IS) led them to believe that the art students followed a familiar pattern as to what Israeli organized crime syndicates had done in the past, gather intelligence:

The activities of these Israeli art students raised the suspicion of IS and other field offices when attempts were made to circumvent the access control systems at DEA offices, and when these individuals began to solicit their paintings at the homes of DEA employees.

The nature of the individuals’ conduct, combined with intelligence information and historical information regarding past incidents involving Israeli Organized Crime, leads IS to believe the incidents may well be an organized intelligence gathering activity

In fact, a few of the Israelis lived in Hollywood, Florida, home to Mohammed Atta and other alleged members of the 19 hijackers:  

In some cases, the Israelis visited locations not known to the public — areas without street addresses, for example, or DEA offices not identified as such — leading authorities to suspect that information had been gathered from prior surveillance or perhaps electronically, from credit cards and other sources. One Israeli was discovered holding banking receipts for substantial sums of money, close to $180,000 in withdrawals and deposits over a two-month period. A number of the Israelis resided for a period of time in Hollywood, Fla. — the small city where Mohammed Atta and three terrorist comrades lived for a time before Sept. 11

Now here is where it gets very suspicious because the Israeli students were not enrolled in any of the art schools or colleges, in fact, they all lied:

Officials began dealing more aggressively with the “art students.” According to one account, some 140 Israeli nationals were detained or arrested between March 2001 and Sept. 11, 2001. Many of them were deported. According to the INS, the deportations resulted from violations of student visas that forbade the Israelis from working in the United States. (In fact, Salon has established that none of the Israelis were enrolled in the art school most of them claimed to be attending; the other college they claimed to be enrolled in does not exist.) After the Sept. 11 attacks, many more young Israelis — 60, according to one AP dispatch and other reports — were detained and deported

Here is where Salon’s report gets interesting:

On Oct. 1 of last year, Texas newswoman Anna Werner, of KHOU-TV in Houston, told viewers about a “curious pattern of behavior” by people with “Middle Eastern looks” claiming to be Israeli art students. “Government guards have found those so-called students,” reported Werner, “trying to get into [secure federal facilities in Houston] in ways they’re not supposed to — through back doors and parking garages.” Federal agents, she said, were extremely “concerned.” The “students” had showed up at the DEA’s Houston headquarters, at the Leland Federal Building in Houston, and even the federal prosecutor’s office; they had also appeared to be monitoring the buildings.

Guards at the Earle Cabell Federal Building in Dallas found one “student” wandering the halls with a floor plan of the site. Sources told Werner that similar incidents had occurred at sites in New York, Florida, and six other states, “and even more worrisome, at 36 sensitive Department of Defense sites”

This story deserved more attention by the mainstream media, barely any of them reported on the mysterious Israeli art students spying on federal agencies who in fact, all served in the IDF including military intelligence and explosives ordinance units, the two most important military specializations needed to conduct a special operation including wiring a building for demolition purposes. 

According to the DEA’s report, the Israeli art students consisted of a team leader with 8 to 10 members, all of them in their mid-20s with the females being described as attractive, “Most admit to having served in the Israeli Military. This is not surprising given the mandatory military service require in Israel, however, a majority of those questioned has stated they served in military intelligence, electronic signal intercept, or explosive ordinance units.” Several arelinked to high-ranking officials in the IDF. “One was the son of a two-star general, one served as the bodyguard to the head of the Israeli Army, one served in a Patriot missile unit.”  However, none of the students were actually “art students” enrolled in any institution including those based in Israel.  The art that they were selling, was produced in China:  

Their stories are remarkable only in their consistency. At first, they will state that they are art students, either from the University of Jerusalem, or the Bezalel Academy of Arts in Jerusalem. Other times they will purport to be promoting a new art studio in the area. When pressed for details as to the location of the art studio or why they are selling the paintings, they become evasive. Some claim to be the artist who painted the artwork, others claim they promoting the work of others or of Israel. Information has been received which indicates the art is actually produced in China. When told that they cannot solicit on federal facilities, they will claim that the paintings are not for sale, but that they are soliciting interest in the paintings, either for an art studio or for a future art sale

The Washington Post downplayed the DEA’s report by claiming that the agent who produced this report was “angry that his theories have not gained currency” the article, ‘Reports of Israeli Spy Ring Dismissed’ conveniently claimed that the DEA’s report was a conspiracy theory:

A wide array of U.S. officials yesterday dismissed reports that the U.S. government had broken up an Israeli espionage ring that consisted of young Israelis attempting to penetrate U.S. agencies by selling artwork in federal buildings.  “This seems to be an urban myth that has been circulating for months,” said Justice Department spokeswoman Susan Dryden. “The department has no information at this time to substantiate these widespread reports about Israeli art students involved in espionage.”

Several officials said the allegations — first reported by a French online publication and later by other news organizations — of a massive U.S. probe of Israeli spies appear to have been circulated by a single employee of the Drug Enforcement Administration who is angry that his theories have not gained currency

Let’s look at some of the incidents mentioned in the DEA report involving IDF soldiers who specialized in demolitions, the report names three Israeli nationals who arrived in Frankfurt, Germany on March 27th, 2001, and they were Julia Vainshtein, Dilka Borenstein and Ofir Navon.  “NAVON claimed to be a former Israeli Army demolition/explosive ordnance disposal specialist” and that “they intended to tour the Dallas area for a few days, and then go to Houston, New York, and Los Angeles.” They were picked up by Michael Calmanovic whose address led to a mailbox. Zeev Miller was another Israeli explosive ordinance/combat engineer who was going to visit Canada, Mexico, and New York. The report said that Miller had over $1200 in cash and a credit card.  

The next person in the report was another IDF soldier by the name of Peer Segalovitz, a Lieutenant who was in Lebanon involved in making explosive devices to eliminate Hezbollah. “Segalovitz reluctantly stated that he was an officer of the Israeli military special forces 605 battalion in Golan Heights.” Now what was interesting was his description on what he was involved in during his time in the IDF where he was in an infantry unit, “but as a platoon leader he and his men specialized in demolition.” Segalovitz spoke about the “various types of explosives that he was familiar with and stated that his main purpose was to clear mine fields for Israeli tanks and soldiers.” But there is more to Segalovitz’s story, as he “acknowledged he could blow up buildings, bridges, cars, and anything else that he needed too” and that he “admitted that he had been in two (2) military actions in Lebanon involving explosives.”  

Another suspect, Akyuz Shmuel Sagiv was a bodyguard for a General in the Israeli army also admitted that he was a demolition expert as well.

“Sagiv stated he was in the Israeli military in 1995-1996 and was the personal bodyguard of the highest ranking General in the Israeli Army. He also stated he was a demolition expert.” 

These individuals were not art students, they were IDF soldiers and spies trying to gather information on how the US government operated, but I guess that angry DEA agent is just a tin-foiled hat wearing conspiracy theorist.

Read Part II of this article.


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Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his own blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

All images in this article are from SCN

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


April 21, 2023 – Pearland, TX – Sherri and David Moody are both COVID-19 Vaccinated Teachers in Texas. Sherri was admitted to hospital with dehydration which turned into a life-threatening condition that included pneumonia, sepsis, and ultimately septic shock.

From their GoFundme:



My Take on Sherri Moody:

A healthy Texas teacher (COVID-19 Vaccinated as mandated) goes to hospital for mild dehydration and ends up losing both her arms and legs, returning home only after 108 days and multiple surgeries.

How can anyone see this and not be alarmed? This is not normal.

And this is far from a unique incident, there are hundreds (if not thousands) of these.

A young healthy person doesn’t get Sepsis – IMMUNOCOMPROMISED people do!


The media is full of these stories lately. 

Feb. 6, 2024 – Trainer learning to walk again after losing legs and fingers 

  • 52 year old James Mackay, super-fit personal trainer

  • completed 72-mile bike rides and daily 3-hour yoga sessions before developing a cough which wouldn’t go away
  • was rushed to hospital, lapsed into a coma, diagnosed with Strep A which triggered sepsis
  • the infection “chewed through his muscles.
  • Surgeons were then forced to amputate both legs from below the knee and all his fingers.
  • he was in a coma for over 6 weeks while doctors battled to save his life in Christmas 2022.



Feb. 18, 2024 – Hertfordshire, UK – 30 year old Gina Campanini died suddenly from sepsis on Sep. 14, 2023, the day after “Sepsis Awareness Day”.

  • On a monday September morning, Gina woke up with what she thought was flu
  • She was suffering from a tight chest, muscle pain and high temperature
  • by thursday her symptoms worsened, she saw a GP who said it was likely just a virus, was told to go home, drink plenty of fluids.
  • by friday morning she struggled to breathe, went to hospital, was admitted to Intensive Care Unit, had a stroke and died one week later.



Feb. 24, 2024 – Nanaimo, BC, Canada – 23 year old Sophia, a shelter worker, was misdiagnosed with various ailments during summer of 2023, was transported to hospital on Nov. 24, 2023 with sepsis and died 3 days later on Nov. 26.



Jan. 28, 2024 – Moncton, NB, Canada – 49 year old Dan Wetmore was sick for a week. By the time he went to the hospital it was too late and he died from Strep A sepsis.



Jan. 14, 2024 – 18 year old Nat Manhertz had a strep throat but deteriorated rapidly with sepsis and had to have all her limbs amputated.



Jan. 9, 2024 – UK – 38 year old Kirsten Martin, a bride to be, developed crippling stomach pains over Christmas and died 2 weeks later from SEPSIS on Jan. 9, 2024.




Dec. 17, 2023 – CA – Progressive Evangelical Pastor Shawn Koester died Dec. 17, 2023 from pneumonia and sepsis.




Oct. 13, 2023 – Toronto, ON – 39 year old Canadian doctor (COVID-19 Vaccinated) Dr.Adam Robert Rossi died Oct. 13, 2023. He was diagnosed with HLH, had a stroke & sepsis (I was informed by someone who knew the case).




Sep. 30, 2023 – Peabody, MA – Lisa Dunbar-Link died unexpectedly on Sep. 30, 2023 of sepsis after an emergency surgery.




Sep. 20, 2023 – Norfolk, UK – 33 year old Nakita Harden almost died after scratching herself on a bowling ball. She developed sepsis & almost died.




Sep. 12, 2023 – 36 year old Former NFL football player 36 year old Mike Williams died on Sep. 12, 2023 after being hospitalized following a construction accident while working as an electrician in August. Cause of death: sepsis with cerebral abscesses and necrotizing Lobar Pneumonia.




My Take…

According to mainstream media, Sepsis deaths in the UK are up 30%.

It’s not just the increased numbers.

Young, healthy adults are dying from Sepsis. This is unprecedented.

Those who survive lose fingers and limbs (multi-organ failure, blood clots, cardiac arrest, etc)

This is a consequence of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Immune system damage.

Some people are calling this “VAIDS” (Vaccine Induced AIDS), a term I’m not very fond of.

We don’t know how long COVID-19 Vaccine Immune damage lasts, but it appears to be a common Long term side effect.

As horrific as they are, these cases are not mysteries at all. Doctors are simply ignoring the cause to protect the vaccines and keep their jobs.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


US State Department fixture and Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland, aka “Regime Change Karen,” apparently woke up one day recently, took the safety off her nuclear-grade mouth, and inadvertently blew up the West’s Ukraine narrative. 

Until now, Americans have been told that all the US taxpayer cash being earmarked for Ukrainian aid is to help actual Ukrainians.

Anyone notice that the $75 billion American contribution isn’t getting the job done on the battlefield? 

Victory in military conflict isn’t supposed to look like defeat.

Winning also isn’t defined as, “Well, on a long enough time axis, like infinity, our chance of defeat will eventually approach zero.”

And the $178 billion in total from all allies combined doesn’t seem to be doing the trick, either.

Short of starting a global war with weapons capable of extending the conflict beyond a regional one, it’s not like they’ve been holding back.

The West is breaking the bank. All for some vague, future Ukrainian “victory” that they don’t seem to want to clearly define. We keep hearing that the support will last “as long as it takes.” For what exactly? By not clearly defining it, they can keep moving the goal posts. 

But now here comes Regime Change Karen, dropping some truth bombs on CNN about Ukrainian aid. She started off with the usual talking point of doing “what we have always done, which is defend democracy and freedom around the world.” 

Conveniently, in places where they have controlling interests and want to keep them – or knock them out of a global competitor’s roster and into their own.

“And by the way, we have to remember that the bulk of this money is going right back into the US to make those weapons,” Nuland said, pleading in favor of the latest Ukraine aid package that’s been getting the side eye from Republicans in Congress. 

So there you have it, folks.

Ukrainians are a convenient pretext to keep the tax cash flowing in the direction of the US military industrial complex.

This gives a whole new perspective on “as long as it takes.” It’s just the usual endless war and profits repackaged as benevolence. But we’ve seen this before. It explains why war in Afghanistan was little more than a gateway to Iraq.

And why the Global War on Terrorism never seems to end, and only ever mutates.

Arguably the best one they’ve come up with so far is the need for military-grade panopticon-style surveillance, so the state can shadow-box permanently with ghosts while bamboozling the general public with murky cyber concepts that it can’t understand or conceptualize. When one conflict or threat dials down, another ramps up, boosted by fearmongering rhetoric couched in white-knighting. There’s never any endgame or exit ramp to any of these conflicts. And there clearly isn’t one for Ukraine, either. 

Still, there’s a sense that the realities on the ground in Ukraine, which favor Russia, now likely mean that the conflict is closer to its end than to its beginning.

Acknowledgements abound in the Western press.

And that means there isn’t much time left for Europe to get aboard the tax cash laundering bandwagon and stuff its own military industrial complexes’ coffers like Washington has been doing from the get-go.

Which would explain why a bunch of countries now seem to be rushing to give Ukraine years-long bilateral security “guarantees,” requiring more weapons for everyone. France, Germany, Canada, and Italy have all made the pledge.

Plus Denmark, which also flat-out said that it would send all its artillery to Ukraine. If security for Europe is the goal, that sounds kind of like the opposite.

Particularly when Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba told the EU that “Russia has gotten closer to your home” in the wake of the most recent defeat in Avdeevka. He sounds like one of those guys in TV ads trying to peddle burglar alarms. Seems like Russia only exists in the minds of the West these days to justify sending weapons to Ukraine to get blown up, while also justifying to taxpayers why they should continue funding this whole charade.  

Meanwhile, the West’s drive towards peace seems to be taking the scenic route.

“As we move forward, we continue our support to Ukraine in further developing President Zelensky’s Peace Formula,” G7 leaders said after a recent meeting with Zelensky in Kiev. 

Nice to see that he’s devoting all his time to this magic peace formula instead of running around extorting his friends for cash by threatening them with Putin.

It was already a pretty big hint of what’s really been going on when the EU decided to use the taxpayer-funded European Peace Facility to reimburse EU countries for the unloading of their mothballed, second-hand weapons into Ukraine, where Russia can then dispose of them before anyone could be accused of overcharging for clunkers. Now, with the clunker supply running dry, they just have to make more weapons. Maybe funneling cash into weapons for themselves will be the Hail Mary pass that saves their economies that they’ve tanked “for Ukraine”?  

Thanks to Nuland’s nuking of any plausible deniability on Ukrainian “aid” not going to Washington, it’s now clear that Ukrainians continue to die so poor weapons makers don’t end up shaking tin cans on street corners.

She has also removed any doubt about the ultimate US goal being Russian regime change, calling Putin’s leadership “not the Russia we wanted,” and sounding like someone who chronically sends back a meal to kitchens of a dining establishment. 

“We wanted a partner that was going to be Westernizing, that was going to be European. But that’s not what Putin has done,” she told CNN.

That’s exactly what Putin has done, actually. It’s the West that’s moved away from itself and is becoming increasingly unrecognizable by its own citizens.

Pretty sure that it goes beyond just wanting a country to be “European,” too. Because Germany’s European, and an ally, and Nuland wouldn’t shut up about how much she hated its Nord Stream gas supply — until it mysteriously went kaboom.

Regime Change Karen saying the quiet part out loud has decimated the Western establishment’s narrative so badly that it’s a miracle no one has yet accused her thermonuclear mouth of being an asset of Russia’s weapons program.


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Rachel Marsden is a columnist, political strategist, and host of independently produced talk-shows in French and English.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

We are reposting this article for Women’s Day 2024. This article was first published in March 2013.


It was former British Prime Minister Harold Wilson who is attributed with the quote “a week is a long time in politics”, referring to the speedy shifting sands of political priorities.

If a week is a while, approaching twelve years is a millennium.

Remember the deluge of political concern over the subjugation of Afghan women at the time of the October 2001 invasion? The tsunami of documentaries, articles, books on their plight, contributing to the justification of another invasion – actually for $trillions of minerals, a geographically strategic country and a pipeline.

It is salutary to recap a few.

In November 2001 First Lady Laura Bush gave the President’s weekly radio address, stating that the fight against terrorism was: “also a fight for the rights and dignity of (Afghan) women.” The State Department marked her broadcast with an eleven page document on the Taliban’s “war against women.”

Hillary Clinton wrote of: “A post-Taliban” country “where women’s rights are respected …” The then UK Prime Minister Tony Blair talked of aid to Afghanistan being conditional on restoration of rights to women and girls.

General Colin Powell stated: “women’s rights will not be negotiable.”

Eight years later, UK politicians still said publicly that women’s rights were a justification for war. Mark Malloch Brown, former Minister of State in the  UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, with responsibility for Africa, Asia and the UN, subsequently Administrator of the UN Development Programme, said in 2009: “The rights of women was one of the reasons the UK and many in the West threw ourselves into the struggle in Afghanistan. It matters greatly to us and our public opinion.” (Action Aid Report: 7th October 2011.)

In a major speech, the same year, the then Foreign Secretary, David Miliband stated that the UK’s relationship with Afghanistan was a “partnership.” (27th July 2009.)

Fast forward then, to 8th March 2013, International Women’s Day, for which the UN had declared this year’s theme as: “The Gender Agenda Gaining Momentum.”

On the eve of Women’s Day the Kabul Girls’ Boxing Team, who were to participate in various events marking the Day, were refused entry to Britain by the UK Border Agency.

Organisations who had long planned welcomes, events and raised funds for the visit of three remarkable young people, who had overcome the restrictions of the most conservative of Afghan culture, expressed their frustration.

It has to be a supreme irony that it was not the Mullahs in Afghanistan who forced disappointment and curtailment on the team’s movements – but the Mullahs in Whitehall. Ironically, the supreme “Mullah” at the UK Border Agency is woman, the Home Secretary, Theresa May.

On 7th March, the East London Fawcett Society, a branch of the UK’s leading equality campaign, wrote to those involved with the initiative:

“We are very sorry to be sending this email to update you that the three boxers on their way to the UK for Saturday’s event ‘Fighting for Freedom – Afghanistan v UK’ … have been refused entry visas and will thus not be here for the bout with UK rivals on Saturday. This event is now cancelled.

On the eve of International Women’s Day, we are thinking of our inspiring sisters in Afghanistan and around the world ..”.

The UK Border Agency in Delhi had, for the second time, refused entry visas into the UK for Sadaf Rahem, Fahima Mohammad, Shabnam Rahman. The three boxers were on their way to the UK to train and fight as guests of the Foundation Women in Sport to mark International Women’s Day.

The decision was lambasted as “utterly ridiculous’” and “at odds with the ideals of the 2012 ‘Olympic Legacy’ “, which the Department for Culture, Media and Sport announced, would aim to:

• Make Britain and great sporting nation

• Inspire

• Show off London’s multicultural heritage.The young women had, for a second time, to travel all the way to the UK Border Agency in Delhi – history does not relate why it is beyond the UK Embassy in Kabul to issue such visas, avoiding considerable expense to people from a war torn country, where living for most is exceptionally hard.

All requested documentation, identification and a letter of support from the Centre of Peace and Unity, their long term supporters in Afghanistan, were presented – and rejected. The girls had expected to finally have their visas and head for the airport and London. Instead, they dejectedly returned to Kabul.

So much for the aims of the “Olympic Legacy”, including “multicultural heritage.”

Margaret Pope, Founder of Women in Sport, which raised funds for the visit, commented on her “extreme disappointment”, adding: “We are made to believe that avenues, especially here in the UK, are opening up to people such as Sadaf Rahem, Fahima Mohammad and Shabnam Rahman, who are trying to pursue their sporting dreams. There has been much talk of the legacy of the Olympics and rights for women in sport, but today, it is not the case for these women.”

Despite it being made clear to officials that the purpose of the visit to the UK was sport and that the women, who are all students, had financial support from Women In Sport for the duration of their trip, they were refused entry based on being unable to illustrate their financial circumstances in Afghanistan and concerns from the High Commission that they may not return to Afghanistan after their visit to the UK.

Melanie Brown, a former aid worker who has made a documentary, “Fighting for Peace” (i) about the women said: “I know how many challenges they have had to overcome in pursuit of their sport. They have continued boxing in the face of these, reaching excellence and representing their country internationally. However, in the face of (UK) bureaucracy they are powerless. This visa refusal will come as a bitter disappointment to them. They may as well have a big tick box saying are you from Afghanistan? Don’t bother.”

Rahimi, Mohammad and Rahman were also to train with Britain’s first licensed female boxer, Jane Couch, and to attend a charity auction in London to raise money for their gym in Kabul. Couch slammed the decision as: “absolutely unbelievable. They are just trying to make a change.”

The Women in Sport Foundation is down but definitely not out and: “remains committed to bringing them here to the UK this year, fighting for freedom.”

Margaret Pope adds:“One of the justifications for Britain’s military involvement in Afghanistan was to help improve the terrible situation for the country’s women. It is therefore a bitter irony that when there is a clear opportunity to assist some of the bravest, talented and most inspiring young Afghan women, bureaucratic delays are quashing their dreams.”

Melanie Brown states: “Making Afghans who request visas travel to a third country in order to receive them and then wait weeks to hear if they have been successful could cynically be seen as a way of discouraging all those but the very wealthy from visiting the UK..”

She has a point, just a week later, on 14th March, a Guardian headline read  (Home Secretary) “Theresa May relaxes immigration rules for senior executives and elite graduates.” (ii)

In September 2010, at the United Nations in New York, Prime Minister David Cameron said: “Let’s be clear, you can’t build strong economies, open societies and inclusive political systems if you lock out women.”

Foreign Secretary William Hague said: “women must not be forgotten …”

Just after the invasion, the then Prime Minister, Tony Blair, said on television “We will not walk away as the outside world has done so many times before.”

Between the former and current Prime Minister, Britain has clearly walked away from Afghan women, slammed the door and locked them out..




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Some of the Best Vegetables to Grow in Times of Crisis

March 6th, 2024 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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During times of crisis, staple foods and plants you know will grow well are ideal; it’s not the time to be trying out experimental varieties

Choose vegetables that can be canned, fermented or pickled so you can eat them at your leisure, or those that can be stored for months without the need for refrigeration

Top foods to plant in troubled times include potatoes, green beans, heirloom onions, carrots, winter squash and okra

In addition to providing you with fresh vegetables without a trip to the grocery store, gardening is a simple way to reduce stress — another important benefit during times of crisis


The idea of being as self-reliant as possible is suddenly becoming more appealing to many, some are taking an interest in gardening for the first time.

In late March 2020, Oregon State University waived the fee for its online vegetable gardening course and had 15,000 people sign up in the next week. Normally, they would have had two to five people register in that time period. Meanwhile, seed companies have reported “an unprecedented surge of orders” while plant nurseries are seeing an uptick in business.1

“It has been like wildfire,” Elliot Dasler, owner of a nursery in Oregon, told KOIN 6 News about how their business has taken off.2 During times of crisis, staple foods and plants you know will grow well are ideal; it’s not the time to be trying out experimental varieties. Even better, choose vegetables that can be canned, fermented or pickled so you can eat them at your leisure, or those that can be stored for months without the need for refrigeration.

Such foods not only exist but can be quite easy to grow right in your own backyard. If you’re among those looking to test out your green thumb, whether for stress-relief purposes, sustenance or both, Hoss Tools has created the useful video I’ve posted here about some of the most crisis-worthy vegetables to plant.

Staple ‘Crisis Crops’ to Plant in Your Vegetable Garden

Hoss Tools, located in Georgia, provides tools, seeds and other supplies for growing your own food, including for those interested in homesteading or leading a self-sufficient lifestyle. In the video, they’ve detailed their top foods to plant in troubled times, which include the following:

Potatoes — Potatoes can be stored for up to six months, offering a source of nutrition that doesn’t require refrigeration. They can also be canned, which extends their storage life to three to five years. Hoss recommends planting potatoes two to three weeks before your region’s last frost, in rows spaced 36 inches apart. You should incorporate compost into your soil before planting.

Their favorite varieties include Kennebec, a round white potato with creamy flesh and low- to medium starch, and Yukon gold, which has a buttery yellow flesh. Red Norland, which is a medium-sized rose-colored potato with dense flesh and low starch, is another favorite.

Importantly, potatoes love to be hilled, which means adding additional soil to the bed and molding it around the plants. You should hill the potatoes two or three times during the growing season. The idea is that, since potatoes are a part of the plant’s stem, not the root, the more “stem” you keep underground, the more potatoes will grow and the better your harvest will be.3

Potatoes, which are rich in fiber, vitamins B and C and minerals like potassium, are easy to grow in the early spring and take about 85 to 100 days to mature, depending on environmental conditions.

Once you harvest the potatoes, it’s important to store them properly — loosely (not in plastic) in a dark, dry spot at around 50 to 60 degrees F. While potatoes like a dark, cool environment, they should not be chilled, as they’re damaged by refrigeration.

Green beans — Green beans, which offer a rich source of vitamins A, C and K and manganese, fiber and folate, are another excellent, productive storage crop, which can be canned right along with potatoes, or fermented.

Green beans can also be blanched and frozen for up to a year. Hoss recommends the momentum bush bean variety,4 which they say is the most productive bush bean variety out there, with high yields, concentrated harvests and high tolerance to stress.

Beans should be planted in spring after the last frost has occurred, as germination typically occurs when soil temperatures are 65 degrees F or higher (with optimal germination temperature being 77 degrees F).

The seeds can be planted directly outdoors and can be planted every couple of weeks in the spring and early summer so you’ll have production throughout the entire growing season.

Plant them as early as possible in the spring, since the plants will drop blooms, or cease production, during hot summer temperatures. Bush beans can be harvested three or four times in the season, and can also be planted in double rows to save space and increase your harvest.

To do this, make two rows of beans spaced 6 inches apart, with the double rows spaced 3 feet apart.5

If you have access to drip irrigation or a soaker hose, you can use it to provide irrigation to both rows of beans at once. Beans can also be planted densely, with Hoss suggesting gardeners “stack the plants thick” to ensure you’ll have plenty of beans to eat in the cooler months if you can them.

Heirloom onions — Heirloom onions are a truly sustainable food source. Homesteaders in the past growing such onions would come out to the field and dig up onions as they needed them, then dig up the bulbs and store them as you would normal onions to be replanted the next year.

Not only do onions store really well, keeping for two months or more after harvest, depending on variety, but you have your own seed stock that you can reuse and share with your neighbors. Further, onions, which are rich in vitamin C, sulphuric compounds, flavonoids and other phytochemicals, are incredibly healthy.

Carrots — As with most homegrown vegetables, the taste of a store-bought carrot can’t compare to the flavor of a homegrown variety. Plus, carrots are another useful vegetable during hard times, as they can be stored in the refrigerator for two to three weeks or blanched and frozen for even longer storage.

Other options include canning and fermenting, making these a versatile vegetable for long-term usage.

Like green beans, carrots can be grown in double rows with irrigation in between. Plant rows 6 inches apart, skip 3 feet, then plant two more rows 6 inches apart. Hoss recommends seeding carrots in a thick band and not thinning them, so you’ll have a “dense forest of carrots” and get a lot of production out of a little bit of space.

When grown this way, your carrots may not all come out uniform in size — some will be smaller and some bigger — but they’ll taste great just the same. Carrots should be seeded directly outdoors, as they don’t transplant well, and do best when planted in cooler temperatures during the early spring or fall.

Carrots, which are rich in valuable beta carotene, require longer to germinate than most other crops, and you’ll need to keep the soil moist for at least seven days for germination to occur. A soil temperature of about 75 degrees F is optimal.

If you live in the South, you can grow two crops of carrots per year. Plant one in the fall, allowing the crop to overwinter so you can harvest in the spring. Since it’s not too hot yet, the carrots will hold well in the soil, allowing you to harvest them as you need them. You can then plant another crop in the early spring, which will be ready for a late spring/early summer harvest.

Winter squash — Winter squash, with its thick skin, is another excellent food for storage purposes. Though they’re called “winter” squash, they’re grown during the warm part of the year but can be stored without refrigeration for use during the winter. Generally, the sweeter the variety, the less time they can be stored.

Kabocha, a winter squash with a creamy flesh that’s useful for soups, can be stored for about three months while more common butternut and acorn squash will keep for six months. The sweet dumpling variety, which is one of the sweetest winter squashes, has an average storage time of 30 to 45 days.

Winter squash is a good source of vitamins K1, A, C and E, as well as B vitamins, calcium and magnesium. Storage time is important, as winter squash produce one harvest at the end of the growing season, giving you food to enjoy all winter long.

Okra — Okra is a warm-weather crop that produces pods measuring 2 to 3 inches long, which grow on a large, leafy and perennial plant with hibiscus-type flowers. High in fiber, okra also offers vitamin K, manganese, folate and vitamin C, as well as plentiful amounts of flavonoids and antioxidants.

It’s an important crisis-crop because it’s a high-producing crop with long-term production. The plants may start producing pods when they’re 1 to 2 feet tall and will continue producing, as the plants grow 5 to 6 feet tall.6 However, you can cut the tops off when it gets about 4 feet tall, and plant three succession plants per year.

Hoss recommends planting okra — especially the most productive jambalaya variety — in the spring and again in midsummer and early fall, as it will grow up until the first frost date. It’s important to rotate where you plant okra, coming back only on a three-year rotation, due to nematodes, which are tiny worms that act as plant parasites.

However, once planted, okra is a hearty and versatile food that can be frozen, canned or pickled. It’s a staple food source in the South, and though it prefers irrigation for the most abundant productivity, it is somewhat drought-resistant and will still grow well in very hot, drier conditions.

Planting Your Own ‘Victory Garden’

During World War II, a time when potential food shortages were looming, victory gardens became so prolific that they supplied an estimated 40% of Americans’ fresh vegetables.7 Now, “corona victory gardens” are becoming a thing, and while it’s always an excellent time to grow your own food, if you’ve been considering it in the past, now is a perfect time to get started.

In addition to providing you with fresh vegetables without a trip to the grocery store, gardening is a simple way to reduce stress — another important benefit during times of crisis.

A study in the journal Preventive Medicine Reports also concluded, “A regular dose of gardening can improve public health,” noting that gardening is associated with reductions in depression and anxiety and increases in life satisfaction, quality of life and sense of community.8 Gardening by older adults is also linked to:9

  • Feelings of accomplishment
  • Well-being and peace
  • A decrease in depressive symptoms
  • A protective effect on cognitive functions
  • The development of social links

In addition to the vegetables mentioned above, which are ideal for their high productivity and/or long storage potential, other popular garden vegetables include tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, cucumbers, snow peas, spinach, lettuce and chard — all of which are easy to grow.

Remember, too, that the No. 1 rule for growing nutrient-dense food is healthy soil. To develop healthy soil, protect it by diversifying your plants, avoiding tilling and covering the surface with cover crops or mulch. Even starting with one or two vegetables will provide you with an important food source, increasing your food security and giving you a pastime you can be proud of.


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1, 2 KOIN 6 News April 5, 2020

3 Our Stoney Acres June 11, 2019

4, 5 Grow Hoss, Momentum Bush Bean

6 Grow Hoss, Jambalaya Okra

7 Modern Farmer April 6, 2020

8 Prev Med Rep. 2016 Nov 14;5:92-99

9 Geriatr Psychol Neuropsychiatr Vieil. 2014 Dec;12(4):424-31

Featured image is from Adobe Stock

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


With the Super Tuesday massacre now behind us, it’s clear Donald Trump will be the 2024 Republican Party nominee, and panicked Democrats are concerned that even their well-oiled cheating machine may not be enough to keep him from winning the general election. But don’t sell Democrats short, because, if nothing else, they are relentless.  They will never stop lying; they will never stop cheating; they will never stop trying to rig elections.

You may think the Supreme Court’s ruling on the ridiculous Colorado ballot case is a triumph of good over evil, but I can assure you it will not deter Democrats from trying again … and again … and again.  They are already talking about legislation in Congress that would cut right to the chase and keep Trump off the ballot. And if all else fails, they are threatening to refuse to certify the upcoming election. (You know, the same thing they accused Donald Trump of doing in 2020.)

It’s time to face up to the reality that the United States is no longer a nation where the rule of law reigns supreme. 

This is not some big, new revelation.  It’s long been an open secret that the United States is a dangerous, crime-ridden country with a wide-open border and blatant criminality at the highest levels of government.  Ransacking retail establishments from Walgreens to Gucci seems perfectly normal in a country where it’s common knowledge that the man posing as president has made millions of dollars through a massive bribery and money-laundering scheme for half a century.

This was driven home recently by El Salvadore President Bukele when he spoke at CPAC.  In the days of yore, Americans would have been insulted if the head of state of another country — especially a third-world country — lectured them on what they need to do to pull their country back from the brink of disaster.  At CPAC, however, his remarks were met with loud applause and cheering, because those in attendance realized that everything he was saying was true.

Bukele warned Americans not to make the same mistakes El Salvadore made in the sixties and seventies, urging them to reject globalism and fight against unelected bureaucrats, corrupt prosecutors, judges, and attorneys, and activists posing as journalists.  His depth of understanding of the problems that are turning the United States into a third-world country was eye opening.

Bukele reminded me of the late Andrew Breitbart, because of his emphasis on the need for Americans to take immediate action.  I interviewed Breitbart less than a year before he passed away, and I believe his greatest contribution was that he emphasized the importance of being proactive rather than playing defense against Democrat treachery.  He understood that passivity in politics is death, particularly in this day and age of lawless Democrats running roughshod over the Constitution.

If Democrats manage to cheat their way to victory in November — particularly if they manage a clean sweep by winning majorities in the House, Senate, and the presidency — it’s hard to see how America can survive.  They have clearly decided that 2024 is the time to go for full and permanent control of the government by pulling out all stops.  They are now openly working to subvert the 2024 election.  If they achieve power, they will try to imprison their political opponents, pack the Supreme Court, import tens of millions of new Democrat voters, and write laws aimed at watering down the Constitution.

On the other hand, if Republicans somehow manage to overcome the Democrats’ massive election-fraud antics, Donald Trump will have a very brief window of opportunity to take serious action. Repeat, serious action as opposed to tinkering around the edges.  I believe he’s sincere when he says he intends to do many things to push back against Democrat criminality, but to actually follow through on them, he must overcome his addiction to sycophantism.

If he surrounds himself with sycophant Republicans like Tim Scott (who endorsed Lisa Murkowski!), prim and proper Matt Whitaker, and Kristie Noem (who has referred to John Thune as “my good friend”), his efforts will be doomed.  All of them are nice, well-meaning people, but nice and well-meaning don’t cut it during wartime.  And, make no mistake about it, we are at war.

This isn’t fun and games anymore. It’s the final battle, literally. If Republicans lose this battle, the war will be over. 

If he is serious about holding the line against criminal Democrats, Trump needs to pick ruthless warriors like Stephen Miller, Kash Patel, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Ric Grenell, to name but a few. If he gets this wrong, we all may as well start booking our reservations for the gulag.

If liberty is your goal, the one battle you cannot afford to lose is the final battle. That being the case, we would all do well to make certain like-minded people understand that in the lead-up to November 5.


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Robert Ringer is an American icon whose unique insights into life have helped millions of readers worldwide. He is also the author of two New York Times #1 bestselling books, both of which have been listed by The New York Times among the 15 best-selling motivational books of all time.

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Sending NATO Soldiers to Ukraine Is “Apocalypse Warning,” Says Slovak Prime Minister

By Ahmed Adel, March 06, 2024

Fico also highlighted Ukraine’s inability to resolve the conflict despite the West’s substantial financial and military aid. He emphasised that an EU and NATO military presence in Ukraine could potentially alter the dynamics of the conflict and trigger catastrophic consequences. 

The Seven Horsemen of the Pharmaceutical Apocalypse

By John C. A. Manley, March 06, 2024

In an open letter, seven ministers of the UK parliament have requested (demanded would have been better) that the Office of National Statistics publish a comprehensive analysis of deaths of vaccinated and unvaccinated people to prove or disprove whether the mRNA injections are “safe and effective” or “dangerous and defective.”

Secretary Blinken Announces Warhawk Nuland’s Resignation

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 06, 2024

The announcement is a surprise for many reasons. Nuland is the primary and best-placed operative of the neoconservatives’ control over US Foreign Policy. Moreover, things are going well for her war agenda. For a year of longer she has been advocating for supplying Ukraine with long range missiles, and now German generals are recorded talking about doing so. She has pushed for NATO troops for Ukraine, and Washington’s French puppet has called for this step to be taken. 

Seven Members of Parliament Request UK Statistics Authority to Re-do the Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness

By Andrew Bridgen MP, Dame Andrea Jenkyns MP, Sir Robert Syms MP, and et al., March 06, 2024

We applaud the UK ONS for producing a number of time-series cohort analyses which looked at vaccinated and unvaccinated people over time since vaccination to determine whether or not the COVID vaccines are safe. These can be found at “Deaths by Vaccination Status, England” on the ONS website. Unfortunately, the parameters chosen by the Authority are insufficient to make a dispositive determination as to whether the vaccines are “safe and effective” or not because the interval sizes were too few and too large.

Gaza Airdrops: Propaganda and Possibilities

By Dr. Paul Larudee, March 06, 2024

With the entry of the US into the airdrop arena, propaganda is becoming an even more dominant function of the project. 38,000 MRE (Meals Ready to Eat) provide less than one day’s food supply for less than 2% of Gaza’s population, and none of its medicine, potable water, fuel or shelter needs, but the airdrop dominated the US media.

The Great Election Fraud: Manufactured Choices Make a Mockery of Our Republic

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, March 06, 2024

This year’s presidential election, much like every other election in recent years, is what historian Daniel Boorstin referred to as a “pseudo-event”: manufactured, contrived, confected and devoid of any intrinsic value save the value of being advertised.

40-Year Old Fox News Journalist Diagnosed with Stage 4 Appendix Turbo Cancer After Fox News Mandated COVID-19 Vaccines

By Dr. William Makis, March 05, 2024

Just over two years ago, when I was pregnant with my daughter, I had a complete lung collapse and ended up needing emergency lung surgery when I was six months pregnant. It was then that I had been diagnosed with another very rare lung disease that affects women in the child-bearing years called Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM).  I just couldn’t fathom that I would be hit with not one extremely rare disease, but two…and in less than two years!  

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


The Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico, said on March 2 in a video posted on social media that sending soldiers from the European Union and NATO to Ukraine could precipitate a global apocalypse. The social media post was made on the same day that the Slovakian foreign minister met with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov.

Fico also highlighted Ukraine’s inability to resolve the conflict despite the West’s substantial financial and military aid. He emphasised that an EU and NATO military presence in Ukraine could potentially alter the dynamics of the conflict and trigger catastrophic consequences. 

“The West sees that, despite significant financial and military aid, Ukraine is incapable of resolving this armed conflict,” said the Slovak prime minister, adding: “The situation could change with the arrival of EU and NATO military personnel in Ukraine, but then there would be nothing left but to wait for the arrival of the global apocalypse.”

Fico highlighted the pressing need for modern air defence systems for Ukraine but warned that the West could not provide these systems without a commitment to maintaining and operating this equipment. He argued that sending Western military personnel would only worsen the conflict rather than resolve it.

French President Emmanuel Macron said on February 27 during a conference of European leader that he does not rule out sending troops from Western allies to Ukraine and announced a coalition to deliver missiles to the Ukrainian Army.

“There’s no consensus today to send in an official, endorsed manner troops on the ground. But in terms of dynamics, nothing can be ruled out,” declared Macron.

However, several NATO members, including Slovakia, ruled out the possibility of on-the-ground support for Ukraine which has been part in armed conflict for more than two years.

It is recalled that on February 26, Fico warned when speaking ahead of a meeting of EU and NATO national leaders in Paris that several EU and NATO members are considering military deployments to Ukraine. He cited a “restricted document” listing topics to be discussed in Paris that “sends shivers down your spine.”

“These topics,” the Slovak said, “imply that a number of NATO and EU member states are considering sending troops to Ukraine on a bilateral basis. I can’t say for what purpose or what they would do there.”

According to Fico,

“This [Paris] meeting is confirmation that the Ukraine strategy of the West has completely failed.”

Macron’s statement was intended to send a strong warning to the Kremlin, but it failed miserably since his comments revealed Western divisions and disagreements instead. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz led the group of European leaders who disagreed with Macron’s claim that NATO had not ruled out sending troops, whilst Washington abandoned Paris in the idea of sending troops and let the French president receive all the flak.

A survey of 12 European Union countries, commissioned by the European Council on Foreign Relations and published on February 21, reveals that only 10% of respondents believe Ukraine can defeat Russia. Furthermore, only 31% of respondents favoured Europe supporting Ukraine until it regained lost territory, while 41% favoured Europe pushing Ukraine to negotiate a peace agreement with Russia.

Unlike many of his European counterparts, Fico acknowledges the reality that Ukraine cannot win the war with Russia. For this reason, Fico sent Foreign Minister Juraj Blanar to hold talks with his Russian counterpart on March 2 on the sidelines of a diplomatic forum in Turkey, a rare high-level encounter between a European Union member state and the country Brussels has attempted to isolate.

The Slovakian prime minister highlighted that the meeting “was an example of our balanced and sovereign [foreign policy],” adding that Blanar and Lavrov spoke about the possibility of a Ukraine peace summit in Switzerland.

For his part, Blanar said in a statement that the war did not have a military solution and urged peace talks. The foreign minister added in the statement that he told Lavrov that Slovakia was against creating an “iron curtain” between Russia and the EU, and its position was based on respect for international law principles, such as territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Fico returned to power after winning an election in 2023 on promises to stop state military aid to Ukraine and has been critical of anti-Russia sanctions. The leftist populist leader also recently said the West’s approach to the Ukraine war is “an absolute failure,” which, as observed by the European Council on Foreign Relations survey, is what most EU citizens also believe. Fico joins Viktor Orban, prime minister of neighbouring Hungary, in resisting major pressure from Brussels and Washington to relent on their efforts to normalise with Moscow, and his actions once again demonstrate the fractures in the EU and NATO.  


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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The Seven Horsemen of the Pharmaceutical Apocalypse

March 6th, 2024 by John C. A. Manley

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


The seven horsemen of the pharmaceutical apocalypse may have arrived:

In an open letter, seven ministers of the UK parliament have requested (demanded would have been better) that the Office of National Statistics publish a comprehensive analysis of deaths of vaccinated and unvaccinated people to prove or disprove whether the mRNA injections are “safe and effective” or “dangerous and defective.”



After all, a lot of people are dying. MP Andrew Bridgen has been speaking out about excess deaths and the dangers of the clot shots since 2021. Now he has six more MPs willing to join him in his war against big pharma’s depopulation and profit scheme.

Now, yes, I know there were only four horsemen of the apocalypse in the Bible, but considering our horsemen are all politicians, four is probably not enough. I’ll take seven.

After all, seven is a holy number: seven days of creation; seven chakras; seven Harry Potter novels…

But even better than seven, would be three times seven.

Three is also a holy number: the Father, Son and Holy Ghost; Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva; The Fellowship of the Rings, The Two Towers and The Return of the King…

3 x 7 = 21

And twenty-one is the number UK parliamentarians who have signed another letter which has “accused the Health Secretary of withholding data that could link the Covid vaccine to excess deaths, and criticised a ‘wall of silence’ on the topic” (according to The Telegraph).

21 politicians finally waking up. Some will say it’s too little, too late. But those kind of nay-sayers usually annoy me, so I don’t hang around them.

Back to the original four horsemen: do you know what they represent?

1. Death (Thanatos)

2. Famine (Limos)

3. War (Ares)

4. Conquest or Glory (Zelus).

Well, we started with death. Lots of sudden, “unexplained deaths.”

Then we moved into a media famine, where no one would listen to the “vaccine-hesitant” (trust me, I wasn’t hesitant, I was outright against it).

Now we are at war — in which probably half the population suspects or knows that the COVID jabs are about as “safe and effective” as Russian Roulette.

Hopefully that means conquest and glory are approaching. I’m not saying these twenty-one MPs who have finally mounted their horses of war are going to save the day. I wouldn’t give them much credit (save Andrew Bridgen). I rather see what is happening as the result of the actions of millions of people fighting, resisting and speaking out — in big and little ways — for truth and justice.

Most of these MPs are probably just trying to avoid spending the rest of their lives in prison when the truth comes out that they sold out their constituents to big pharma.


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John C. A. Manley is the author of the full-length novel, Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story. He is currently working on the sequel, Brave New Normal. John lives in Stratford, Ontario, with his son Jonah, and the ever-present spirit of his late wife, Nicole. You read his full bio, find out more about his novel or subscribe to his Blazing Pine Cone email newsletter.

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


Josep Borrell, Vice-President of the European Commission, and High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, has recently acknowledged the fact that the “era of Western dominance has indeed definitively ended”, adding that while “this has been theoretically understood, we have not always drawn all practical conclusions from this new reality.”

By his own accounting, this was one of the four main tasks on European Union’s (EU) geopolitical agenda he proposed at the Munich Security Conference (MSC), the other three being ending the humanitarian catastrophe in Palestine by implementing the two-state solution, improving European relations with the Global South, and “supporting Ukraine more and quicker.”

In July 2023 the European diplomat’s statement about Europe being “a garden” (while the rest of the word was “a jungle”) became a matter of much controversy globally. Well, it seems something is rotten in the garden. Moreover, the “garden” does need the “jungle”, that is, the Global South, and thus the former is being urged by Borrell to court the latter, even though his words do not help much.

Deeds do speak even louder than words, and I’ve written before on how time and again the West, including Europe, antagonizes African energy projects (while Moscow and Beijing offer cooperation). For instance, in 2022 the EU Parliament passed a resolution stating that the Uganda-Tanzania EACOP project, might pose “social and environmental risks.” On the other hand, since early 2022, Europe has been working with its American ally to find non-Russian gas suppliers in North Africa and other places.

In that context, some hoped Algeria could be the big next thing in terms of hydrocarbon supplies. But this is far from being the case, for a number of reasons, as I wrote elsewhere, its ongoing tensions with Morocco, largely made worse by Washington, being one of them. The fact is that the US-led West’s so-called “Green Agenda” hampers energy security in Africa and elsewhere in the Global South. Ironically, it does so in Europe itself too, and, moreover, European interests pertaining to its own energy security have been used by Washington. In 2019, Washington was already threatening Europe with a “gas war”, as Peter Iskenderov, a RAS Slavic Studies Institute researcher, describes it.

And already in 2021, Europe’s energy crisis and energy prices rise could have been at least partly avoided if Nord Stream 2 had not been delayed. The latter was a complex of natural gas pipelines running from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea that was the target of a ferocious American boycott campaign. One may recall that in May 2021 German members of parliament even suggested Berlin should retaliate by sanctioning the United States. All of that is water under the bridge now – and so is Nord Stream, by the way, the explosion of its pipelines being denounced by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh as a US act of sabotage. Meanwhile, Ukraine today basically blackmails Europe by refusing to renew gas shipments,

Back  to Borrell, it is worth quoting his points at some length. With regards to the crisis in Gaza (which puts “the security of the EU at risk”), there is not a word on the US role in it. In fact, the whole Red Sea crisis involving the Houthis, which threatens international trade, is arguably a direct spillover effect of the US-backed disastrous Israeli military campaign in Palestine.

Borrell acknowledges that “if the current global geopolitical tensions continue to evolve in the direction of ‘the West against the Rest’, Europe’s future risks to be bleak”, and adds that many in the “Global South” (that is the “jungle”, as he described it before) accuse Westerns of double standards, and Russia “has managed to take advantage of the situation.”

Borrell does not delve any deeper into that: for one thing, it is no wonder at all that the global rise in commodity prices has largely been perceived, in that part of world, as a product of US-led Western sanctions policies (that did not just “backfired” against Europe but also against developing nations). In the same way fuel wars have been made worse by American sanctions such as the US Ceasar Act. This is the overall context of Global South nations looking for parallel mechanisms and alternatives. It is in this spirit that a new non-aligned tendency has emerged, and the BRICS+ expansion is certainly part of that. On that, Josep Borrell, in his account, merely states that “we must make a massive effort to win back the trust of our partners.”

In the same accounting, Borrell also reiterated the need to reinforce European “defense capacities” and “defense industry”. Something that has been made impossible by Europe’s own Atlantic ally, namely the US itself, as I detailed elsewhere. European deindustrialization is of course only being made worse by the American subsidy war, as Jakob Hanke and Barbara Moens, writing for Politico, described the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) enacted by US Congress. The European response to it has been “heated”, as detailed in a February 2024 European Parliament study.

So, Europe basically wants to further arm itself (which would require re-industrializing itself, something Washington won’t allow) so that it can fight a US proxy war in Ukraine, to the detriment of its own energy interests. It remains divided though on budgetary issues with regards to further aiding Ukraine, amid farmers protests.

To sum it up, the European bloc’s top diplomat accurately sees that the West, and Europe particularly is in decline and is “losing” the Global South which seems to be the new trendy word for what used to be the “Third World”. EU does not seem to see or to be ready to admit, though, that a lot of it has to do with the costs of a transatlantic alliance that has not been marked by symmetry.

In other words, the price of having thrived, for a while, under an American nuclear umbrella, in the post-Marshall Plan world, can be quite high. This is the post-Nord Stream world and the future does not look good. So much has been talked about “strategic autonomy”, but Western Europe simply cannot assert its sovereignty. It is too entangled in NATO’s structures to see the American elephant in the room.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: EU High Commissioner for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell’s comments have threatened an upcoming EU electoral mission to Venezuela. (Reference)

Secretary Blinken Announces Warhawk Nuland’s Resignation

March 6th, 2024 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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In a surprise statement this morning Secretary of State Blinken announced the resignation of Under Secretary Victoria Nuland to take place “in the coming weeks.” 

Over the past three years, Toria has led this Department on everything from addressing complex crises in the Sahel, Haiti, and the Middle East, to broadening and strengthening America’s alliances and partnerships across Europe and the Indo-Pacific.

But it’s Toria’s leadership on Ukraine that diplomats and students of foreign policy will study for years to come. Her efforts have been indispensable to confronting Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, marshaling a global coalition to ensure his strategic failure, and helping Ukraine work toward the day when it will be able to stand strongly on its own feet – democratically, economically, and militarily.

—Secretary of State Antony Blinken, US Department of State, March 5, 2024

Blinken’s Statement on the Retirement of Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland (Source: US Department of State)

The announcement is a surprise for many reasons. Nuland is the primary and best-placed operative of the neoconservatives’ control over US Foreign Policy. Moreover, things are going well for her war agenda. For a year of longer she has been advocating for supplying Ukraine with long range missiles, and now German generals are recorded talking about doing so. She has pushed for NATO troops for Ukraine, and Washington’s French puppet has called for this step to be taken. 

In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Nuland has seen the opportunity to expand the conflict to an attack on Iran, long a neoconservative agenda. The war has already expanded into Yemen, and there are reports that Israel intends to expand the war into Lebanon against Hezbollah, an Iranian ally.  

Why would a neoconservative in an influential and powerful position on the verge of achieving neoconservative goals resign?

Another puzzle is Blinken’s resignation announcement. No reason is given. The announce is full of praise for Nuland, but there is no expression of regret of her leaving. Instead, there is only this: “We are so grateful for Toria’s service” (Toria is Victoria’s nickname).

My quarter century experience in Washington tells me that Blinken has just told Nuland that she is fired.  

I have seen no US news reports of Nuland’s resignation/firing. This is amazing. The principle architect of Washington’s aggressive foreign policy toward Russia and Iran is removing herself, or is being removed, from a powerful office without explanation, and the presstitutes are silent?

I think it is too much to hope that the Democrats, a collection of bird brains, realized that Nuland was the face of the war party and that the Democrats could not survive that face in the upcoming elections. After the many years of demonization of Putin, Russia, and Iran, how can the effects of such demonization suddenly be called off?

Another puzzle is the absence of reporting in the presstitute media of Blinken’s announcement of Nuland’s resignation. RT mentioned it and Gilbert Doctorow on his personal site. Apparently, the official narrative hasn’t yet been prepared and handed to the presstitutes. 

It will be interesting to see what the official narrative is.


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Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


Dear Professor Diamond, 

We applaud the UK ONS for producing a number of time-series cohort analyses which looked at vaccinated and unvaccinated people over time since vaccination to determine whether or not the COVID vaccines are safe. These can be found at “Deaths by Vaccination Status, England” on the ONS website. 

Unfortunately, the parameters chosen by the Authority are insufficient to make a dispositive determination as to whether the vaccines are “safe and effective” or not because the interval sizes were too few and too large. The UK Statistics Regulator agrees and said,

“Our view is that the Deaths by Vaccination Status publication does not provide information on vaccine effectiveness or vaccine safety and should not be used in this way.”

Click here to read the full letter.


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Featured image is from Ghion Journal

Gaza Airdrops: Propaganda and Possibilities

March 6th, 2024 by Dr. Paul Larudee

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The airdrops in Gaza began as a Jordanian project to resupply its small field hospital, established in 2009, in Tel al-Hawa in northern Gaza in early November 2023. Toward the end of November, Jordan established a second field hospital in Khan Younis, southern Gaza, also supplied by airdrops. At least 21 airdrops have been made to these two facilities until now. Several have been made in cooperation with France, the UK and the UAE. 

The Jordanian airdrops demonstrate that they need not be ineffectual. While they are costly, often wasteful (due to inaccuracies in the drop location and other factors) and thus far quite limited in scope, they are not necessarily mere “theater” as sometimes argued.

But theater is part of the appeal for Israel, Jordan itself, countries that have partnered with Jordan, and, more recently, the US. Israel can appear to be less heartless than its genocidal practices would otherwise suggest, and similar PR applies to the other participants that are collaborating with the genocide. Jordan, whose population is more than half of Palestinian origin, including their queen, and which undoubtedly actually cares but recognizes its limitations, probably sold the idea to Israel on that basis. Of course, Israel also agrees to the airdrops because they exercise control over them.

With the entry of the US into the airdrop arena, propaganda is becoming an even more dominant function of the project. 38,000 MRE (Meals Ready to Eat) provide less than one day’s food supply for less than 2% of Gaza’s population, and none of its medicine, potable water, fuel or shelter needs, but the airdrop dominated the US media.

But propaganda does not have to be the primary function. Massive airdrops can help to close the immense gap between what is needed and what Israel is permitting by truck, which is the most efficient means of delivery. Unfortunately, there is no way to defy the Israeli bottleneck by truck. Any attempt to do so will be blocked.

Not so with airdrops. In 2008, the Free Gaza Movement broke through Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza with two boats. I was one of the organizers. One of the keys to the project’s success was that the boats and their passengers and cargo were thoroughly inspected by Cypriot authorities before sailing. In fact, Israeli spokesperson Arye Mekel confirmed on Israeli media that Israel felt no need to block the boats for this reason. But we organizers did not request nor receive Israeli permission. We defied the blockade, but we made sure to prove our peaceful intentions to all parties. 

A similar plan can be used for unlimited airdrops even if, unlike the Jordanian airdrops, they are not under the control of the Israeli military. The protocol can be as follows:

1. The participants should be countries that are not hostile to Israel, even if they are critical of its actions. Norway, Brazil, Spain, Japan, Ireland, Portugal, Greece, and others come to mind.

2. The participants will coordinate with authorities and relief organizations operating in Gaza, and possibly with other international aid organizations such as United Nations agencies and the International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent and their affiliates. 

3. All participating organizations will provide the occupying authority with as much as possible of its logistics and manifests, and cooperate in terms of communication and possibly other ways. Perhaps Israeli observers can even be welcomed on the flights. Israel’s suggestions and requests can also be considered, but not to the extent of compromising the mission objectives. Transparency will be an important element in assuring safety, credibility and protection. Israeli acceptance and cooperation are welcome, but the mission will go forward even if that is withheld. No nation can be permitted a veto on aid to suffering civilians.

4. All flights will depart from the participating country and overfly only countries authorizing such overflight. They will enter Gaza airspace only through international airspace over the Mediterranean, avoiding all Israeli airspace and territory, unless otherwise negotiated.

This plan assumes that Israel will acquiesce to such missions even if they have objections. Blocking flights is more difficult and more drastic than blocking trucks. Israel is unlikely to shoot down aircraft of non-hostile countries because the consequences would be too great. Doing so will almost certainly result in total suspension of all diplomatic and commercial relations with most of the world. Israel will lose their main supply lines with Asia. They will be subject to a worldwide embargo and their airlines will lose their routes. Israeli passports will not be recognized anywhere except among a few collaborating countries, and even some of them will find collaboration no longer tenable, especially in the Arab world.

Is there a risk? Of course. But it is a reasonable one, because the risk of forcible action against the flights is greater to Israel than to the participants in the airdrops. In fact, it is possible that, after only partial implementation of such flights, or even prior to them, Israel might do the sensible thing and enable 500 or more trucks per day to deliver the needed aid to Gaza, and make a massive international airdrop campaign of up to 100 flights per day from dozens of countries superfluous. 


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Paul Larudee is a retired academic and current administrator of a nonprofit human rights and humanitarian aid organization. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Global Research Fundraising: Stop the Pentagon’s Ides of March

March 6th, 2024 by The Global Research Team

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A Wishful Gamble: Rugby League in Las Vegas

March 6th, 2024 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


The history of such experiments is not promising. Why would those in the US like the game of rugby league, when an established code of superficial similarity already exists? Fundamental differences, for one thing, abound. The US NFL Superbowl tries to keep blood and violence off the pitch  Force, when exercised, is chivalric, the moves ceremonially packaged.  Such contests are astonishingly contained, hemmed in by a distinct netting of protocol and protections. These US padded gladiators remain calm, composed and, when irate, kept within the confines of expected conduct.

Rugby league extols speed, the violent tackle, the brutish push, the military assault. Heads are often confused for balls. Punches fly, tempers fray. Unlike the NFL, the Australian NRL (National Rugby League) offers up a thuggish spectacle: combatants with no padding, unhelmeted heads, and no visible protective gear to speak of. Undeterred, the NRL mandarins were hoping to nab a US audience by opening the season in Las Vegas, a move that has been promoted with aggressive enthusiasm by Australian Rugby League Commission chairman Peter V’landys. This is all a bit rich, given that the code has barely made it, even after a century, beyond the states of New South Wales and Queensland.

The chairman’s reasoning for pursuing the Vegas dream is not just the glitz, the glamour or the lucrative market that supposedly awaits. It’s intended as a blow against other Australian sporting codes trying to move into the US market.  The Australian Football League, for instance, has borne the brunt of V’landys’s mockery. “Because they don’t have the right-sized field in Las Vegas, the AFL couldn’t do it,” he states. Like Christopher Columbus, he envisages a viral conquest. “Ironically, if we’re successful, it will open up for all sports in Australia. If we get tens of millions of dollars of new revenues, I don’t care if they also chase it.  Good luck to them.”

In such ventures, the players are not necessarily the best equipped to respond. But respond to this experiment, they did. “That’s what the NRL are trying to right? Bring this game to America,” said that green salad wonder and, it so happens, Manly captain Daly Cherry-Evans. “I was pretty hopeful this was going to be the turnout.”

Well and good but wait for what follows. “It’s great to see all the Australians here.” Given that that Cherry-Evans took a little trip out of Australia to promote a game for those who are not Australians, the captain seems to come across as nobly thick and hopeful. “They’re obviously promoting it just as much as we as players.  If we can spark the interest of the Americans, that’s the job done.” For whom, pray?

Illusion in Las Vegas has a celestial pull. Its crown glistens, defies time, rejects reality. You go there to lose it, and much else. It produces such gurgling wishful thinking as that of the Brisbane Broncos captain Adam Reynolds: “It’s unbelievable, it’s got a bit of the grand final feel about it with all the build-up.” Hardly, but Reynolds has hit a vein of self-assurance. “There’s a lot of Broncos fans here, you could definitely feel the atmosphere when they mentioned our names. It’s exciting to just get out there and start playing.” Was Reynolds confusing the fanbase with Australians who had made it to the event? Probably.

Hollywood star Russell Crowe, who is also part owner of the South Sydney Rabbitohs, has been roped in to advertise the game to NFL traditionalists. His message to them, posted as a YouTube video, is a valiant if not overly convincing effort to explain the rules: “rugby league is footfall – but maybe not as you know it”. For one thing, there are “no helmets, no pads”.

A broader, less noble motivation is also at play here. In Australia, gambling advertising and promotion have been anathematised by politicians and activists, despite the fact that 73% of Australian adults like a punt. Best, then, to consider such options as the US, where the wagering industry is burgeoning.

Dreams are being entertained about partnering with a dedicated sports wagering provider, which will be able to purchase the broadcast rights for customers wishing to bet on rugby league. The game, argues V’landys, is a perfect fit “because it has so many exotic bets.”  But to suggest that US punters will wager on a sport they do not understand over baseball and basketball, which take place during the NRL season, is to wander in the realms of fantasy.

Australian journalists, eager to take the pulse of American reactions, were on the ground to gauge responses to the first rugby league displays at Allegiant Stadium. The task was complicated by the sheer numbers of Australian fans. One Robert “Bojo” Ackah, a Nevada native, was taken by how “fast” and “hard hitting” the game was. “I feel like these guys are really a bit out of their mind, but at the same time these guys are very athletic and skilled.” An unnamed Las Vegas Raiders fan observed that, “These guys make the NFL look soft.” Sheer music to the ear of any eager Australian sports scribbler.

On the other hand, a stiff corrective was offered by former Australian cricketer, Colin Miller, who has been a resident of Las Vegas for two decades. Despite the slushy, optimistic courage in Australian press and media outlets claiming a monumental advertising campaign in Nevada and other parts of the US, Miller was left cold. “I have not seen much publicity for the rugby games,” came the dampening remark.

The US has found, much to its cost and others, that exporting its own political system does not work. The principle applies to certain sports uniquely grown in soils of certain flavour and environments of certain temper. The Australians should have learned that certain codes rarely take root in the stubborn terrain of such countries as the United States. This has also worked in reverse.  Markets established are often markets impervious, and tradition will have its powerful say.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected]

Featured image: A typical game of rugby league being played (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


“Dictators are not in the business of allowing elections that could remove them from their thrones.”—Gene Sharp, political science professor

The U.S. Supreme Court was right to keep President Trump’s name on the ballot.

The high court’s decree that the power to remove a federal candidate from the ballot under the Constitution’s “insurrectionist ban” rests with Congress, not the states, underscores the fact that in a representative democracy, the citizenry—not the courts, not the corporations, and not the contrived electoral colleges—should be the ones to elect their representatives.

Unfortunately, what is being staged is not an election. It is a mockery of an election.

This year’s presidential election, much like every other election in recent years, is what historian Daniel Boorstin referred to as a “pseudo-event”: manufactured, contrived, confected and devoid of any intrinsic value save the value of being advertised.

For the next eight months, Americans will be dope-fed billions of dollars’ worth of political propaganda aimed at persuading them that 1) their votes count, 2) the future of this nation—nay, our very lives—depends on who we elect as president, and 3) electing the right candidate will fix everything that is wrong with this country.

Incredible, isn’t it, that in a country of more than 330 million people, we are given only two choices for president?

The system is rigged, of course.

Forcing the citizenry to choose between two candidates who are equally unfit for office does not in any way translate to having some say in how the government is run.

Indeed, no matter what names are on the presidential ballot, once you step away from the cult of personality politics, you’ll find that beneath the power suits, they’re all alike.

The candidate who wins the White House has already made a Faustian bargain to keep the police state in power.

We’ve been down this road before.

Barack Obama campaigned on a message of hope, change and transparency, and promised an end to war and surveillance. Yet under Obama, government whistleblowers were routinely prosecuted, U.S. arms sales skyrocketed, police militarization accelerated, and surveillance became widespread.

Donald Trump swore to drain the swamp in Washington DC. Instead of putting an end to the corruption, however, Trump paved the way for lobbyists, corporations, the military industrial complex, and the Deep State to feast on the carcass of the dying American republic.

We’ve been mired in this swamp for decades now.

Joe Biden has been no different. If his job was to keep the Deep State in power, he’s been a resounding success.

Follow the money. It always points the way.

With each new president, we’ve been subjected to more government surveillance, more police abuse, more SWAT team raids, more roadside strip searches, more censorship, more prison time, more egregious laws, more endless wars, more invasive technology, more militarization, more injustice, more corruption, more cronyism, more graft, more lies, and more of everything that has turned the American dream into the American nightmare.

What we’re not getting more of: elected officials who actually represent us.

No matter who wins the presidential election come November, it’s a sure bet that the losers will be the American people if all we’re prepared to do is vote.

After all, there is more to citizenship than the act of casting a ballot for someone who, once elected, will march in lockstep with the dictates of the powers-that-be.

Yet as long as Americans are content to let politicians, war hawks and Corporate America run the country, the police state will prevail.

Total continuity” is how Chris Hedges refers to the manner in which the government’s agenda remains unchanged no matter who occupies the Executive Branch. “Continuity of government” (COG) is the phrase policy wonks use to refer to the unelected individuals who have been appointed to run the government in the event of a “catastrophe.”

You can also refer to it as a shadow government, or the Deep State, which is comprised of unelected government bureaucrats, corporations, contractors, paper-pushers, and button-pushers who actually call the shots behind the scenes.

Whatever term you use, the upshot remains the same: on the national level, we’re up against an immoveable, intractable, entrenched force that is greater than any one politician or party, whose tentacles reach deep into every sector imaginable, from Wall Street, the military and the courts to the technology giants, entertainment, healthcare and the media.

This is no Goliath to be felled by a simple stone.

This is a Leviathan disguised as a political savior.

So, what is the solution to this blatant display of imperial elitism disguising itself as a populist exercise in representative government?

Stop playing the game. Stop supporting the system. Stop defending the insanity. Just stop.

Washington thrives on money, so stop giving them your money. Stop throwing your hard-earned dollars away on politicians and Super PACs who view you as nothing more than a means to an end. There are countless worthy grassroots organizations and nonprofits—groups like The Rutherford Institute—working to address real needs like injustice, poverty, homelessness, etc. Support them and you’ll see change you really can believe in in your own backyard.

Politicians depend on votes, so stop giving them your vote unless they have a proven track record of listening to their constituents, abiding by their wishes and working hard to earn and keep their trust.

It’s comforting to believe that your vote matters, but presidents are selected, not elected. Despite what is taught in school and the propaganda that is peddled by the media, a presidential election is not a populist election for a representative. Rather, it’s a gathering of shareholders to select the next CEO, a fact reinforced by the nation’s archaic electoral college system. In other words, your vote doesn’t elect a president. Despite the fact that there are 218 million eligible voters in this country (only half of whom actually vote), it is the electoral college, made up of 538 individuals handpicked by the candidates’ respective parties, that actually selects the next president.

The only thing you’re accomplishing by taking part in the “reassurance ritual” of voting is sustaining the illusion that we have a democratic republic.

In actuality, we are suffering from what political scientists Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page more accurately term an “economic élite domination” in which the economic elite (lobbyists, corporations, monied special interest groups) dominate and dictate national policy.

No surprise there.

As an in-depth Princeton University study confirms, democracy has been replaced by oligarchy, a system of government in which elected officials represent the interests of the rich and powerful rather than the average citizen.

As such, presidential elections merely serve to maintain the status quo. Once elected president, that person becomes part of the dictatorial continuum that is the American imperial presidency today.

So how do we prevail against the tyrant who says all the right things and does none of them? How do we overcome the despot whose promises fade with the spotlights? How do we conquer the dictator whose benevolence is all for show?

We get organized. We get educated. We get active.

Whether you vote or don’t vote doesn’t really matter. What matters is what else you’re doing to push back against government incompetence, abuse, corruption, graft, fraud and cronyism.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that the only road to reform is through the ballot box.

If you feel led to vote, fine, but if all you do is vote, “we the people” are going to lose.

If you abstain from voting and still do nothing, “we the people” are going to lose.

If you give your proxy to some third-party individual or group to fix what’s wrong with the country and that’s all you do, then “we the people” are going to lose.

If, however, you’re prepared to turn off the television, tune out the talking heads, untether yourself from whatever piece of technology you’re affixed to, wean yourself off the teat of the nanny state, and start flexing those unused civic muscles, then there might be hope for us all.

For starters, know your rights and then put that knowledge into action. What we desperately need is a concerted, collective commitment to the Constitution’s principles of limited government, a system of checks and balances, and a recognition that they—the president, Congress, the courts, the military, the police, the technocrats and plutocrats and bureaucrats—answer to and are accountable to “we the people.”

Second, think nationally but act locally. Understand how your local government is structured. Who serves on your city council and school boards? What recourse does the community have to voice concerns about local problems or disagree with decisions by government officials? Are your locally elected officials accessible and open to what you have to say? Are your police chiefs being appointed from within your community? Who runs your local media? Does your newspaper report on local events? Who are your judges?

Third, don’t stop doing the hard work of holding your government accountable. Don’t let personal politics and party allegiances blind you to government misconduct and power grabs. This will mean holding all three branches of government accountable to the Constitution (i.e., vote them out of office if they abuse their powers). And it will mean making the president play by the rules of the Constitution.

Finally, don’t remain silent in the face of government injustice, corruption, or ineptitude. Speak truth to power.

A healthy, representative government is hard work. It takes a citizenry that is informed about the issues, educated about how the government operates, and willing to make the sacrifices necessary to stay involved. It also takes a citizenry willing to do more than grouse and complain.

We must act—and act responsibly.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, any hope of restoring our freedoms and regaining control over our runaway government must start from the bottom up. And that will mean re-learning step by painful step what it actually means to be a government “of the people, by the people and for the people.”


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Featured image is licensed under Creative Commons

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


Oct. 2023 – Long-time Fox News Journalist 40 year old Ashley Papa was diagnosed with Stage 4 Appendix Turbo Cancer, her 2nd “rare” disease in 2 years. 

I was sworn in as an official member of a club I never wanted to join last October. I’m a 40-year-old wife and mother of a toddler.  I’ve been a journalist with Fox News for 15 years.  Now, I also belong to the cancer club.  

I had barely celebrated my birthday when I was told I had cancer. The diagnosis metastatic appendiceal cancer. (Stage 4) 

My reaction when I got the news was just what you’d expect. Everything went blank as my oncologist started rattling off these very scientific terms, the treatment plan and long list of possible side effects from chemo. Appendix cancer? That’s a thing? This useless organ did this?   

As the diagnosis sunk in, along came the companion feelings of fear, despair, anger, even betrayal (how could my body do this to me?). The list still goes on. But let’s go back to how it all started.   

It was early June when I recall feeling some dull pains in my abdomen. It never once crossed my mind that it could be cancer. It usually never does. That’s not uncommon, especially for someone as young as me.


I did a little Internet self-diagnosing and chalked it up to not eating the right foods or drinking enough water and carried on with life and our summer plans.   

But over the next two months, the pain slowly got worse. I have known my body for 40 years. I’ve known the pains of cramps, pulled muscles, broken bones, even emergency cesarean sections.   

This was different.  

Still, I figured it was diet related, but decided to see my doctor and have HER confirm that. Her first thought also was that the symptoms were probably related to my diet. But she ordered a CT scan anyway.   

Now, I often think, if she hadn’t ordered that scan… Because the pain wasn’t that bad, I could’ve just kept on dealing with the symptoms the way I had all summer — while the cancer continued to spread. 


The evening after the CT scan, I got a call from my doctor. ‘That was really fast,’ I thought seeing her number on my caller ID.  She told me she wanted me to get to a gynecological oncologist as soon as possible. It looks like ovarian cancer. I was home alone with my daughter at the time. I went numb. It was not the call I would’ve ever expected.   

There was a lot of fear and confusion between my husband and me that night. We didn’t want to believe it was cancer. But the next day, I sent my scan to Dr. Nicole Saphier, a trusted radiologist, colleague, and Fox News Medical contributor. She came close to confirming the cancer. But what kind was it, really? We were still not sure.  

There was a mass on the scan, but it was hard to see exactly where it was located. 


Within three days of that scan, I was in with an oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK). What followed was a month of tests, surgeries, scans and lots and lots of tears, until the official, and rare, diagnosis finally came.     

Just over two years ago, when I was pregnant with my daughter, I had a complete lung collapse and ended up needing emergency lung surgery when I was six months pregnant.  

It was then that I had been diagnosed with another very rare lung disease that affects women in the child-bearing years called Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM).  I just couldn’t fathom that I would be hit with not one extremely rare disease, but two…and in less than two years!  

I’ve never had more than the flu in the past four decades. How is this possible? You’ve got a better chance at winning the Powerball! This isn’t fair!  

Maybe this is related to the lung disease, my husband and I questioned and hoped, but it wasn’t.   

When they asked if I wanted to harvest any eggs before starting chemo, I said no. I am already so blessed to have a healthy daughter after what I went through then. Now I wanted to do everything to make sure I will be here for her. I wanted to get started with the cancer treatment right away.   

I am now 7 rounds into my chemotherapy with 5 more rounds to go. What comes after, is to be determined. Likely, another surgery.   

Yes, chemo is brutal. But, so far, I have typically bounced back quickly. I feel fairly good in between infusions. I think I am lucky in that regard.  

Right now, I can ultimately live normally for about ten days between treatments.  And in those ten days of feeling fine, I live life as if I didn’t have cancer, which is vital for my mental and physical health.   

We make plans as a family and have little celebrations after I finish a chemo round.   

Having those things to look forward to in the face of grueling treatment and this evil disease is crucial. It’s like giving the middle finger to cancer, like saying to the disease, ‘you’re not going to stop me from living my life’.  Besides, what is the alternative?  

Well, otherwise, I’d be living from treatment to treatment, in a state of constant fear and dread.   


I believe there is a lot of truth behind the mind’s ability to overpower the body.   

I thank God every day—as soon as I wake up—that I am not in pain and often feel good, which enables me to continue to live life and chase around my very energetic toddler — who is currently in a phase of not wanting to ever get dressed!   

Faith over fear is what I strive for. Of course, this is easier said than done and there are times my mind goes to the dark side. 


Feb. 25, 2024 – Las Cruces, NM – 29 year old Sam Sigfrid was diagnosed with Appendix Cancer that didn’t respond to chemotherapy treatment. It has spread to his liver.



Feb. 11, 2024 – UK – 46 year old Simon Atkins was diagnosed with Stage 4 Appendix cancer and died 2 weeks later on Feb. 11, 2024.




Jan. 9, 2024 – Mexican singer and actor best known for his role in “X-Men: Days of Future Past”, 42 year old Adan Canto died suddenly on Jan. 9, 2024 after battling a very rare cancer of the Appendix.

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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


The scramble for the multidimensional control of the African continent by global players is a geopolitical reality. In order to be part of this geopolitical arena, foreign players have been devising different mechanisms for revitalizing partnership and strengthening cooperation with Africa, says Dr. Babafemi A. Badejo, Professor of Political Science/International Relations at Chrisland University, Abeokuta, Nigeria and former Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia.

Many foreign players and investors are now looking forward to exploring several opportunities in the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), he adds. With an array of economic activities undertaken currently in various sectors, building media network is one of the instruments for consolidating their influence, and broadly boost the understanding of their corporate interest, products’ image and business services among the large spectrum of the population.

During this interview, Professor Babafemi A. Badejo says Russia needs a comprehensive African agenda and a well-defined approach with its economic diplomacy, it has to take hyperbolic steps in raising its economic influence in Africa.

Comparatively, not much of Russia’s image is promoted by the media in Africa, he adds, and suggests that Russia could similarly use the media to do more advisory services for its companies, and secondly design public outreach diplomacy (people-at-large oriented activities) that could help change negative perceptions and common skepticism among the estimated 1.4 billion population in Africa. Here are the interview excerpts.

Kester Kenn Klomegah (KKK): How would you characterize the media landscape, what foreign players are consistently teaming up with African partners in the media sphere in the continent?

Professor Babafemi A. Badejo (PBAB): The traditional media has followed the dictates of the world power distribution in the large part. In this respect, the colonial domination of the past has remained very relevant in almost all of the African territories. This has been especially so in sub-Saharan African countries that kept the metropole languages as their respective lingua-franca. The United States as a dominant power had the initial advantage of partaking of English being a language of communication in much of Africa. It went on to add social and technological prowess to dominate traditional and new media especially the social media of today.

KKK: Do you think that the media be part of a decisive factor in building effective bilateral ties for foreign players with Africa?

PBAB: The media as a major aid to conceptualization of reality will always play a decisive role in building bilateral ties among players at the international level. This is irrespective of whatever language is used as a medium of interaction. As a matter of fact, the media is a critical tool in the expression of diplomacy, especially unofficial interactions between states.

KKK: Which global players are very keen here, adding an additional dimension to development, especially utilizing it to boost their image across Africa?

PBAB: The modern scramble for Africa is on. Many major powers, including the five permanent members at the UN Security Council and many emerging powers are struggling for a piece of the Action in Africa. Getting a piece of what Africa has to offer is more important than any power wanting to develop Africa. It is a case of each attempting to maximize the media for their greatest good.

KKK: What issues are currently encountered in the formation of the modern media landscape, and the prospects for collaboration in the information sphere?

PBAB: Technological advantage of the West and the dominant position of many Western corporations providing information services will, for long, shape the media landscape in Africa. Others are not necessarily locked out. Counter efforts to the hegemonic choke hold could involve building partnerships with African entities on information flow with local African media outlets.

Regional and national regulations, socio-cultural and languages dynamics, ideologies are some issues that affects prospects for collaboration in the media landscape. But today’s technologies are bridging the language divides. Others are moving beyond their respective zones of language comfort to build popular soft power attributes and affect with the African people.

KKK: Considering what you have told us, above, what role and place would you assign Russia the information space of Africa today?

PBAB: The Soviet Union as a post-Second World-War major power had a major media influence in Africa. However, this major influence did not move to Russia as the main successor state to the Soviet Union. It did not move to other states in the cluster either. It remains extremely easy for the US or the West in general to use a large media presence to define so much in the African space with respect to media and information flow. The new tech giants being American has helped and continue to deepen the Western information hold on Africa. This choke hold has made bilateral interaction between the West and Africa much easier than it would have otherwise been. In the information space, Russia could be at the front of offering viable alternative solutions.

KKK: What role can African media play in promoting Russia’s image in Africa, and what could be the expectations, after holding two summits, from Russia?

PBAB: Russia’s gradual engagement can be boosted by African media popularizing and boosting knowledge on such engagements by Russia. Hosting summits would feed very well into popularizing Russia’s efforts at engagement with African leaders. However, promoting relations with the continent of Africa would require more than a one-off event with African leaders who have varying levels of legitimacy from performance or lack of it in their respective countries.

The Russian desire to engage more with Africa should go beyond the notoriety of the AK-47, general arms sales and involvement on wars to realize peace in Africa. African media should have the opportunity to report more about Russian corporate presence in Africa and their added value to the realization of the sustainable development goals in Africa. This corporate presence can support the building of the media image of Russia in Africa through involvements with people-at-large oriented activities.

So many Russian speaking African experts who were trained by the Soviet Union can still bolster a Russian re-engagement with Africa through many activities that are reported using media that link Russia with the many countries in Africa. This will be beyond a focus on the African Union or support to African governments at the United Nations, which support are hardly known about by the people of Africa given the weak media engagement.

Interestingly, and at the current moment, not much of Russia’s image is promoted by the media in Africa. At best, it is Western perception and narrative of Russia that pervades the African media. Russia needs to do more in using media to tell its own story and interest in Africa. The socio-cultural and language barriers need to be cracked. In this final analysis, Russia has to make consistent efforts in building its media network that could further play key role in strengthening relations with Africa.


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Kester Kenn Klomegah, who worked previously with Inter Press Service (IPS), Weekly Blitz and InDepthNews, is now a regular contributor to Global Research. He researches Eurasia, Russia, Africa and BRICS. His focused interest areas include geopolitical changes, foreign relations and economic development questions relating to Africa. As a versatile researcher, he believes that everyone deserves equal access to quality and trustworthy media reports.

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Much has been said about the F-16, a US-made fighter that the Neo-Nazi junta has been “begmanding” for the last two years. Its frontman Volodymyr Zelensky insists it will “help close the sky” over Ukraine, obviously referring to the political West’s much-touted “no-fly zones”, a euphemism for US/NATO aggression against numerous helpless countries around the world. It seems nobody told Zelensky that such strategies don’t really work against the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS). And yet, the Kiev regime and the political West insist F-16s will “help Ukraine even the odds”. To make sure they can operate from Ukraine, there’s been a massive repurposing of both military and civilian infrastructure to enable the F-16’s proper accommodation.

However, precisely this is a clear indicator of the F-16’s major flaw that not even the political West bothers to hide – logistics and maintenance.

The “Fighting Falcon”, despite being a single-engine design, is much more maintenance-heavy and less robust than even the twin-engine MiG-29s and Su-27s that the Kiev regime inherited. Recent footage of a MiG-29 that flew back to its base after one of its engines was hit shows just how robust these Soviet-made jets are. Apart from being much more sensitive, the simple fact that the F-16 is a single-engine design means that it would be impossible for it to accomplish a similar feat. What’s more, Ukrainian pilots themselves have warned that Soviet-era jets they’ve inherited are superior in most aspects. Despite this, the Neo-Nazi junta is adamant that getting F-16s will be a supposed “game changer”.

So far, NATO offered approximately 60 jets owned by the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway and Denmark, but the Kiev regime has already complained it needs at least a hundred more, while also demanding they be modernized.

Numerous issues with personnel training are also slowing down the process. And yet, this is only the tip of the iceberg. According to Politico, getting the jets flying “will be hugely difficult”. The airbases that are supposed to house F-16s “will be prime targets for Russian attack, the planes themselves will be marked by Russian air defense systems, repairing them will be a challenge and even using unprepared runways could sabotage the delicate aircraft”. It should be noted that InfoBRICS predicted such issues years ago, while Politico just confirmed it all by interviewing a retired US military pilot Tom Richter.

“If you ever walked up and put your hands on a MiG-29 at an air show and then walked right over and put your hands on an F-16, you can feel just from the outside how the F-16 is highly engineered. It is a prima donna, and it is very sensitive and needs high maintenance,” said Richter, who has flown the F-16 when in the National Guard, adding: “The Soviet planes are more rough and tumble and can fly off poorly maintained airfields, and need less maintenance.”

Politico admits that, in a different situation, the Neo-Nazi junta would build modern bases and runways to host the jets, but that this is impossible during the ongoing conflict. In other words, F-16s aren’t built for high-intensity warfare against a near-peer adversary, but are more accustomed to fighting largely helpless countries targeted by the political West. On the other hand, the Soviet Union/Russia built its military to fight any opponent while being able to survive the horrible conditions of actual warfare.

“Falcons indeed need some adaptation — this is the preparation of the runways because the landing gear is more delicate [than] in the MiGs, the wheels are small, the air intakes are low to the strip, there may be a danger of swallowing objects,” Yuriy Ihnat, the Kiev regime forces spokesman, told Politico.

It should be noted that Ihnat, although (in)famous for bragging about the Neo-Nazi junta supposedly shooting down six “Kinzhal” hypersonic missiles at once (while being unable to do the same with the three times slower and less maneuverable “Oniks”), is right in this case. Justin Bronk of the London-based RUSI also confirmed this, saying that maintenance crews will have to “use sealant to cover cracks and crevices or uneven concrete on runways as close to the frontline as possible to avoid making an obvious target out of just a few well-maintained sites”.

“For a start, runways and taxi routes at multiple sites will need to be smooth and constantly checked for debris given how susceptible the low-slung, single-engine F-16s are to ground debris compared to MiG-29s,” Bronk warned.

Politico admits that’s a drastic change, adding that the Kiev regime had 71 Su-27 and MiG-29 fighters, 14 Su-24M tactical bombers and 31 Su-25 close air support (CAS) jets back in early 2022, further claiming this now stands at 78 combat aircraft, nearly half of which are modernized former Warsaw Pact jets provided by NATO, specifically Slovakia and Poland. Quoting the Danish Ministry of Defense, Politico also stated that the Neo-Nazi junta will receive F-16s only after all the conditions for their housing are met. This includes the requirement to make sure everything from toolkits to spare parts and stands is in place — along with equipment to safely manage hydrazine, a highly flammable liquid used to power the F-16’s emergency backup system. This fact alone is surely very interesting to the Russian military.

According to Bronk, apart from Ukrainian pilots and ground crews who are undergoing training to fly and maintain F-16s, it’s almost certain that highly-specialized Western contractors will also need to be in the country to oversee work, which is yet another proof of NATO involvement. At the same time, the Kiev regime will need to hide both the jets and these Western contractors from Russian ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) assets, particularly military intelligence and space-based surveillance. All this is without even taking into account Moscow’s world-class air superiority fighter jets such as the Su-35S which already broke several world records in terms of simultaneous downing of up to half a dozen enemy aircraft at once. Not to mention the deadlier next-generation Su-57 that is seeing more action lately.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

First published on March 8, 2012

In 1963, a senior Australian government official, A.R. Taysom, deliberated on the wisdom of deploying women as trade representatives. “Such an appointee would not stay young and attractive forever [because] a spinster lady can, and very often does, turn into something of a battleaxe with the passing years [whereas] a man usually mellows.”

On International Women’s Day 2012, such primitive views are worth recalling; but what has happened to modern feminism? Why is it so bereft of its political, indeed socialist roots that any woman who “achieves” within an immoral system is to be admired? Take the rise of Julia Gillard as Australia’s first female prime minister, so celebrated by leading feminists such as writer Anne Summers and Germaine Greer. Both are unstinting in their applause of Gillard, the “remarkable woman” who on 27 February saw off a challenge from Kevin Rudd, the former Labor prime minister she deposed in a secretive, essentially macho backroom coup in 2010.

On 3 March, Greer wrote in the Sydney Morning Herald that she “fell in love with” the “matter-of-fact” Gillard long ago. Omitting entirely Gillard’s politics, she asked, “What’s not to like? That she’s a woman, that’s what. An unmarried, middle-aged woman in power – any man’s and many women’s nightmare”.

That Gillard might be a nightmare to the Aboriginal women, men and children whom this quintessential machine politician has abused and blamed for their impoverishment, while implementing punitive and racist measures against their communities in defiance of international law, is apparently not relevant. That Gillard might be a nightmare to refugees detained behind razor wire, children included, in places that are “a huge generator of mental illness”, according to Australia’s ombudsman, is of no interest.

That Gillard has pledged to keep Australian soldiers in Afghanistan indefinitely and that the overwhelming majority of those killed or wounded has happened during her period as prime minister, is beside the point. Gillard’s feminist distinction, perversely, is her removal of gender discrimination in combat roles in the Australian army. Thanks to her, women are now liberated to kill Afghans and others who offer no threat to Australia, just like their comrades in “hunter-killer” units currently accused of massacring civilians.  In ending the “cultural and other taboos that have kept women from combat roles in the past”, wrote Summers, Gillard has ensured that “Australia will again lead the world in a major reform”.

The devotion of this new “feminist icon” to imperial war is impressive, if strange. Referring to the dispatch of Australian colonial troops to Sudan in 1885 to avenge a popular uprising against the British, she described the forgotten farce as “not only a test of wartime courage, but a test of character that has helped define our nation and create the sense of who we are”. Invariably flanked by flags, she makes her point well.

And the point is that celebration of this kind of politician, regardless of gender, has nothing to do with feminism. On the contrary, it is complicity in some of the wickedest crimes of our age. It was Margaret Thatcher who ordered the sinking of the Belgrano, with the loss of 323 young Argentinean conscripts, and rejoiced. It was the outspoken British feminist MP Harriet Harman, along with other Labour feminists known as “Blair’s Babes”, who supported the invasion of Iraq and stood cheering one of its principal war criminals.

In the west, “glass ceilings” remain the issue-of-choice of bourgeois feminism. How many women who “make it” in politics speak out against the machine, reaching down to women left behind? How many resist the addiction of vanity to power and the media? How many use their platforms, to analyse and expose the psychopathic militarism and its industries of death and lies that contaminate our political, cultural and media life and are the source of so much violence against women in stricken, faraway countries, if not against women at home? Who spoke out against Julia Gillard’s junket to Israel in the wake of the massacre of 1400 people in Gaza, mostly women and children, and her unctuous support for their killers? Where in the coverage of politics are the principled voices of women such as Medea Benjamin, Arundhati Roy and the bravehearts of the Rawa women in Afghanistan?

Hillary Clinton was applauded by famous feminists for her support for the west’s invasion of Afghanistan to “liberate women from the Taliban”. No matter that this was never the reason; no matter that tens of thousands were killed and maimed as a consequence. In her 2008 campaign for the White House, Clinton, supported by feminists such as Anne Summers, boasted that she was prepared to “annihilate” Iran.

Here in Australia familiar distractions apply:  the same insidious corporate PR aimed mostly at women and the young that says personal identity is the limit of politics; the same organised forgetting of people’s history and any notion of class and our servitude to an undemocratic elite.

Yet, Australian feminism has an especially proud past.  With New Zealanders, Australian women led the world in winning the vote. During the slaughter of the first world war, Australian women mounted a uniquely successful campaign against a vote for conscription. A poster declared illegal in several states was headed “The Blood Vote” and showed a defiant woman placing her vote in the ballot-box rather than, “that I doomed a man to death”.

On polling day all but one of Australia’s political leaders urged a “yes” vote. They lost. A majority followed the women. Such is true feminism.

For more information, visit John Pilger‘s website at

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


In a new book titled The Lies of Green Politics and How the Green Party Betrayed the People of Ireland, I detail a number of the main falsehoods of modern green politics; and I also comprehensively detail how the Green Party betrayed the people of Ireland during the bailout of privately-owned banks in 2010.

The Green Party (GP) was in a coalition government with the Ireland’s largest political party at that time, the Fianna Fáil party.

The Green leaders had supported Fianna Fáil in the implementation of a highly controversial banking guarantee. Following a crisis meeting in government buildings on the night of 29th September 2008, a small group gathered in government buildings to make the biggest financial decision in Irish history. The Irish government, in consultation with privately-owned banks, decided to guarantee all deposits and the bulk of other liabilities in the following banks and building societies: AIB, Bank of Ireland, Anglo Irish Bank, Irish Life and Permanent, EBS, and Irish Nationwide. This was estimated as totalling €440 billion of liabilities. 

  • The cost of the guarantee: what the taxpayer has spent: €440 billion
  • Fees earned by the Government from the banks on the guarantees: €33 billion
  • Amount of State money injected or pledged to the banking system: €25 billion

In essence, this process unjustly passed these massive banking debts onto the shoulders of the Irish people, the overwhelming majority of whom had absolutely nothing to do with the impending failure of these privately owned commercial banks.

Banks had flooded the Irish economy with cheap credit, i.e., debt money credited out of nothing via the trick of fractional reserve banking.

The following video provides the basic, but effective, analogy of a bathtub filled with water as credit. The analogy enables us to see how the whole process is based on a fraud – note that the interest component has never been created, thus capital plus interest can never be repaid across the board (that water does not exist) and the bathtub soon becomes empty. 

The GP leaders in Ireland at that time were complicit and pivotal in the process of bailing out the banks. A consequence was the loss of Ireland’s economic sovereignty as, of course, the government itself then needed a bailout from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Central Bank (ECB). Thus, many people in Ireland at that time regarded the GP leaders as traitors.

The GP supported the banking bailout despite criticisms of the government’s banking bailout plans by almost 50 economists. With the implementation of the banking garauntee, the people of Ireland were essentially forced by the government to pay for the gambling debts of these commercial banks and the international bondholders involved. To put this in perspective consider that these bondholders (a long list of mostly privately-owned banks and international financial institutions, as well as some wealthy private individuals) held wealth and assets that was over 100 times the wealth of the entire population of Ireland (about 4 million people). Yet, the Irish government (lapdogs of the banker-controlled EU) were bailing them out – it was a total scam.

The common corporate media narrative is that commercial banks in any country are somehow ‘Irish’, ‘Greek’, ‘Portugese’, or somehow native to whatever country they are located in. However, this is a misnomer or word trick, because commercial banks are privately-owned corporations with no national allegiance.

The real culprits are not any country, such as Germany or the UK. The real culprits are the banks, and the banker-controlled institutions of the EU and the IMF, and the Irish government politicians that sold the Irish people down the river rather than go against the political orthodoxy. Via deceptive policies, the EU has systematically undermined the people of the EU countries, and advanced the corporate-communist type ‘one world government’ political project of so-called globalists. A world in which mega-banks and mega-corporations pull the strings. 

The following video is a general approximation of this tragic story.

Furthermore, the media-spun narrative was that Ireland was having an economic crisis, however, this was a corporate media promoted lie. Ireland as a trading entity was making, and continued to make, a profit of around €40 billion per annum throughout the so-called national crisis. In reality, private banking insolvency was intentionally twisted by the spin doctors into a ‘national’ problem and a bailout scam in which vast debts were unjustly heaped onto the taxpayers.

15 years ago, as a person working in the environmental sector, I was for a short time an active member of the Green Party of Ireland. That time coincided with the bailout process so I have an inside story and perspective on the debacle. At that time, I quickly became angered and disgusted by the actions of the GP leadership, as did many other people, and indeed many GP members. I left the Green Party in disgust, 14 years ago (in 2010) for a litany of reasons, including the actions of the party leaders during this infamous bailout by the Irish government.

These actions were regarded by myself and many people as a traitorous betrayal of the people living in Ireland. My emails to the GP leaders at that time informed them I did not support these traitorous actions. I put my name to, and endorsed, the following message to the GP leadership at that time: 

“I ask all of the members of the green party to do the decent thing and bring down the government before they sell our country out. For the sake of the people of Ireland don’t commit economic treason to our beloved country just for the sake of a pension.”

At that time (2009 and 2010) I wrote a blog criticising the whole corrupt bailout process/scam. The experience taught me that modern democracy is a complete sham. He ‘ins’ become the ‘outs’ and the ‘outs’ become the ‘ins’. Meanwhile it is the international bankers beyond the revolving door of national politics that have control of money creation and thus actual political power.

I finally got around to collating my notes, along with relevant email communications, into a short book, which I have published here for the historical record. I have published this short book now as, although the bailout story was well documented by commentators at the time, it appears that few young people in Ireland today are even aware of the actions of their GP ‘climate heroes’ between 2008 and 2010, as part of an Irish government coalition that consigned generations of Irish people to debt slavery.

It appeared to me at the time in 2010 that at least 50% of the GP party members also left the party being very unhappy about the actions of the leadership.  Some members perceived, as many Irish people did, that the GP was selling out the country. Furthermore, the GP share of the national vote was rightly decimated at the next general election. 

Despite national level protests at that time against the bailout, and calls to bring down the government, the GP leaders had proceeded to support the largest political party Fianna Fail in what amounted to the handover of Irish economic sovereignty to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European Central Bank (ECB). Worse still, the Minister for the Environment, the Green Party’s Eamon Ryan, was regularly heard on TV and radio strongly supporting the bailout of the privately-owned banks and the ‘intervention’ of the IMF and ECB.

This bailout really was also a bailout of privately-owned European and international banks which would have collapsed otherwise. Of course, banks do not really collapse as their parent central banks simply conjure endless amounts of more debt-money out of thin air, and the whole privately-owned debt-money scam network lives on. The whole banking bailout process is in actuality a scam that has been implemented in many countries – it involves a boom-bust-bailout process that heaps debt burdens onto governments, and thus the taxpaying people in that country. Regardless of whether it is a boom or a bust or bailout the international mega-banks/bankers are always the winners in this rigged process. For more information on this boom-bust-bailout cycle see my book Demonic Economics and the Tricks of the Bankers. 

This bailout bill amounted to a national debt in perpetuity for future generations so colossal it could never be paid. The net cost to the Irish taxpayer has been estimated at somewhere between €64 billion to €100 billion.

To this day Ireland over a decade later, Ireland has one of the highest per capita debt burdens in the world. According to RTE (the national broadcaster) the national debt stood at €226 billion at the end of 2022, according to the Department of Finance’s Annual Report on Public Debt in Ireland, see Endnote . That is equal to €44,250 for every man, woman and child in the country.

Therefore, the Fianna Fáil Green Party coalition government consigned the people of Ireland to generations of debt slavery. The debt was, and is, so large that all that can be paid is the interest on it each year. The interest on the national debt in Ireland is in the region of €6-10 billion per annum, which amounts to a chain around the neck of the Irish taxpayers. Unsurprisingly, this was all implemented without consulting the Irish people via a referendum. According to a poll by the Irish Independent newspaper in 2010, a substantial majority of the Irish people wanted the state to default on debts to bondholders (see Endnote ), therefore, it appears the GP leaders ignored the wishes of the majority of the Irish people.

The Green Party role (the role of the party leaders and ministers at that time) is significant because the party held the balance of power in the coalition government, and could have brought the government down to stop the entire process in its tracks; or could have insisted on a national referendum on this topic of generational importance – but they did not. A few poorly qualified green politicians leading the party arrogantly presumed they could make decisions for an entire nation of four million people. 

It is notable that in contrast to Ireland, the Government of Iceland did not bailout the private banks and stood up against the IMF. The above topics are described in detail in the book The Lies of Green Politics and How the Green Party Betrayed the People of Ireland. The book details additional topics including:

  • Why did the GP leadership support this controversial banking bailout? The policy deal that was done to implement more so-called green policies in the new programme for government.
  • The GP leaders also supported Fianna fail in the creation of the controversial National Assets Management Agency (NAMA), and the implementation of consequent austerity measures against the Irish people.
  • GP councillors and members that resigned in protest at the actions of the GP leaders.
  • The GP leaders and the NAMA controversy. The leadership supported the creation of NAMA against the wishes of many of its own members. Quotes from GP members that opposed the formation of NAMA.
  • The GP leaders and the Lisbon Treaty Controversy. The GP leadership supported a YES vote during the outrageously staged second Lisbon Treaty referendum, thereby blatantly disregarding the democratic vote of the Irish people during the first Lisbon Treaty referendum.
  • Accusations of irregularity and fraud in the GP convention vote on the Lisbon Treaty. 
  • Note that the Lisbon Treaty was deemed by those commentators that could see truth, as the final nail in the coffin of political freedom in Ireland, and in the countries of Europe. Since then the vast majority of national government policy has been dictated by the institutions of the EU. 


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Mark Gerard Keenan is a former scientist at the UK Government Dept. of Energy and Climate Change, and at the United Nations Environment Division. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is author of the following books available on

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[1] Source:

[2] Source: 

Featured image: Sticker on van window in Dublin reacts to banking crisis (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


After the vote by the Hungarian parliament to approve the Swedish NATO membership on February 26th, my home country has now officially abandoned 200-years of non-alignment and neutrality.

How did this happen and what will be the consequences?

The last time Sweden was part of an alliance was during the Napoleonic Wars in the early 19th century, which led to the cession of Finland to Russia in 1809 and (as a way to compensate for this devastating loss) our final war campaign in 1814 that forced Norway to accept the Swedish–Norwegian Union (1815–1905).

This ended a long period of wars that Sweden had been involved in with its neighbours since the founding of the nation. Especially against the rival regional powers Denmark and Russia.

Whereas Denmark was defeated and lost all of their possessions on the Swedish mainland in 1658 and Norway in 1814, Russia had been too powerful an adversary.

The Battle of Poltava, 1709

Russia effectively ended the Swedish Empire with nations conquered during the Thirty Years’ War (1618–1648) and the looting of Prague’s treasures.

The turning point was the battle of Poltava in Ukraine 1709 during the Great Northern War (1700–1721).[1] It almost totally obliterated the once mighty and “unbeatable” Swedish army and eventually led to Sweden’s loss of Vyborg, Estonia, Livonia, and Ingria in 1721.[2]

Russia did thereby gain access to the Baltic Sea, and built their new imperial capital St Petersburg near the place of the former Swedish fortress and city Nyen.

The peace treaty of Nystad marked the birth of the Russian Empire.

Twenty years later, Sweden was tricked and lured into attacking Russia as part of an insidious plan to install Peter the Great’s daughter Elizaveta Petrova on the Russian throne.

The offered reward was the return of territory lost in the Great Nordic War. Behind the plan was the French diplomat Jacques-Joachim Trotti and Elizavetas advisor French-German physician Count Jean Armand de Lestocq who had approached the Swedish diplomat in S:t Petersburg. Both Trotti and Lestocq sought to dominate Russian state affairs behind the scenes with the aid from France. Lestocq received a pension of 15,000 livres from the French King Louis XV and continued to incite intrigues and conspiracies at the court.[3] These intriguers were clearly not to be trusted.

Jean Armand de Lestocq, Jacques-Joachim Trotti and Elizabeth of Russia

As soon as the coup d’état had succeeded the promise was broken and instead the Russian army defeated the poorly trained Swedish army and occupied Finland. Sweden had to cede even more territory in the humiliating peace treaty that followed. As if this land loss wasn’t enough, Russia was given the right to interfere in Swedish foreign policy and came to decide that the tsarina’s relative Adolf Frederick would be appointed as Swedish Crown Prince (to ensure a friendly relationship between the nations). Sweden thus ended up as a vassal state.

Russian troops were even sent to Swedish cities for “protection” against a feared Danish invasion and the insurrection that had followed in the wake of the disastrous war. My own hometown Norrköping had to welcome Russian soldiers and give them accommodation. This was only 24 years after Russian troops ravaged the city and burnt it to the ground during the end of the Great Nordic War. This opened up scars that only recently had begun to heal.[4]

The son of Adolf Frederick, Gustavus III, planned a revenge and started another war against Russia in 1788 to win back lost territory and put and end to Russian interference in Swedish internal affairs. Despite Sweden’s largest naval victory ever (at the battle of Svensksund), the war ended with a status quo, with no land gains or losses, but Russia now lost its right to interfere. This, however, would soon change during the Napoleonic Wars.

Sweden, with King Gustavus IV on the throne, was a part of the British-led alliance against Napoleon and refused to participate in the blockade (continental system) against Great Britain. This was not tolerated by Napoleon. During the peace conference in Tilsit 1807, Napoleon made a secret agreement with Tsar Alexander to attack Sweden from the east, whereas the Danes were supposed to attack from the south. The Danes had no success but the Russian war campaign resulted in the permanent loss of the eastern part of the Swedish territory.

This was a prize too high to pay, and led to a coup d’état against the stubborn King Gustavus IV.

Sweden also had to comply with the French demands and declare war on Great Britain. Three years later, the French army met its tragic fate in Russia despite Napoleon’s meticulous preparedness, with lessons learned from Charles XIIs failed campaign in 1709. This changed circumstances.

Sweden again became part of the alliance (together with Russia) against France and asked the former French commander, Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte, to be the new Crown Prince of Sweden. It was expected that he would reconquer Finland but instead he decided to go for the much easier military target, Norway.

It was probably a wise decision as the war campaigns against Russia had been too disastrous and another war with the the Great Bear could result in even more severe blows to the war-torn and almost bankrupt kingdom. The Russian Empire even supported Sweden’s claims of dominion over Norway, which was ceded to Sweden from Denmark in accordance with the peace treaty in Kiel in 1814.

The Norwegians themselves were not very enthusiastic about this and instead wanted to regain their sovereignty but, after a short military campaign, had to accept the Swedish king Charles XIV John as their Head of State. (The Swedish–Norwegian Union lasted until 1905 when Norway became independent.)

In 1815, Sweden chose the policy of non-alignment during peacetime and neutrality in times of war, and would during the next 200 years shift position from one of Europe’s poorest countries to one of its wealthiest. Staying out of war was clearly good for business.

Selling weapons to other countries was more profitable than participating.

The famous Swedish neutrality policy has, however, been disputed. Especially during World War II, with the Swedish concessions towards Nazi Germany (permitting transit of German troops through Sweden). Swedish sales of iron ore and ball bearings probably prolonged the war.[5]

During the Cold War, it was also clear that the Soviet Union was our prime enemy. All our defences were designed to manage a threat from the East. At this time, Sweden secretly developed a close military cooperation with USA and NATO for protection. In 1952, an agreement was signed that gave NATO the right to use Swedish military bases if needed. In exchange, Sweden got fuel, cannons, and ammunition.[6]

State propaganda, however, told another story: Sweden was a peace-loving country that cared for the third world and only sold “friendly” weapons to countries that didn’t engage in war. In reality, it was easy to circumvent these self-imposed rules by selling to a third party nation.

In 1981 a Russian submarine got stranded in the Swedish archipelago, followed by the Hårsfjärden incident in 1982.[7] These events created a national hysteria, with a wave of false alarms about submarine activity in the calmest of waters. The fear of Russian aggression was at its peak and Swedish media helped whip up a frenzy. When I did my military service in the late 1980s, it was obvious who was our enemy. This was soon to change. I finished my military service in April 1989 and only seven months later the Berlin Wall fell.

With the unexpected and sudden fall of the Soviet Empire, the old enemy evaporated like smoke.

A new unipolar order was born. Our national defences were dismantled and kept to a minimum during the 1990s and early 2000s. National preparedness for a nearby conflict was discontinued and emergency stocks of basic supplies and fuel were emptied (and sold when oil prices were at a historical low). Conscription was abolished as late as in 2010.

The door to Sweden was swung wide open. It was clear that we would not be able to defend ourselves for more than a few days if attacked by Russia.

But other things were going on in the background. An even bigger fish was preparing to swallow our unguarded little nation.

In 1994, Sweden became a member of NATOs “Partnership for Peace”. This could be seen as the first step in becoming a member of the alliance.

When Sweden became a member of the European Union in 1995, this meant that Sweden in effect abandoned its neutrality principle. In 1999, the European Union adopted the European Security and Defence Policy and in 2009, the Common Security and Defence Policy.[8] According to this policy, it is NATO that is responsible for securing the borders of the Union! The cooperation between EU and NATO goes back to the “Berlin Plus agreement” in 2002.[9]

In 2016, the EU and NATO signed a formal partnership with seven concrete areas of cooperation.[10]


EU-NATO cooperation


In July 2018, a second Joint Declaration was signed in Brussels that called for a “swift and demonstrable progress in implementation”. EU and NATO cooperation became “the established norm”.

None of these agreements were mentioned in the press or public debate. The Swedish government didn’t care to inform the public, as this agenda probably wouldn’t have gained enough public support at that time. But a convenient trigger event would soon change these circumstances and rally the masses in support for NATO.

On January 24th, 2022, a meeting was arranged between NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the Finnish and Swedish Foreign Ministers Pekka Haavisto and Ann Linde at the NATO headquarters in Brussels. NATO had an offer:

NATO’s door remains open. While NATO cooperates closely with Finland and Sweden, we fully respect your strong and independent security policies. It is for Finland and Sweden alone to decide on your path. Not Russia. Not anyone else. Sovereign nations have the right to self-determination.[11]

They clearly had full knowledge of things to come. Exactly one month later, Russia started its “special operation“ against Ukraine.

Sweden and Finland could now jointly apply for NATO-membership in May, with a majority support from their respective populations. The European Union also got a chance to display a united front against the Russian aggression.

Without a moment’s hesitation, the Swedish government started sending weapons to Ukraine.[12] This can be interpreted as a late revenge for the military defeat in Poltava in 1709, the broken promises from 1741, and the disastrous loss of Finland in 1809.

The Swedish military support has since included “artillery ammunition, an anti-aircraft system, light anti-tank weapons, recoilless rifles, hand grenades, medical equipment, medical transport vehicles, food, and financial support” at a value of 30 billion SEK.[13]

This is the first time (at least officially) since the Finnish Winter War against Russia in 1939–40 that Sweden has sent large shipments of weapons directly to one of the parties in an armed conflict.[14]

This has also offered fantastic business opportunities for the Swedish arms industry (the Wallenberg-controlled SAAB Group, and the British-owned BAE Systems AB, previously Bofors, the crown jewel of the Swedish arms industry) which not only supplies weapons for the war in Ukraine, but also the rearmament of the Swedish military forces.

War is good for business. The profits and stock value of weapons producing companies have soared.[15] All with a little help from our tax payer money, while at the same time we see cutbacks in healthcare, social services, and education.[16]

In December 2023, Sweden signed a special agreement for US military forces to operate in Sweden This gives US the right to use 17 of our military bases.[17]

The process of Sweden becoming a full NATO member, through approval by NATO member state parliaments, has met with some obstacles. Turkey and Hungary have delayed approval for almost two years but eventually got what they wanted from the Swedish goody bag (terror classification of some Kurdish organisations, and a couple of fighter jets, respectively), and finally gave their approval.

Some questions need to be asked.

Will the NATO-membership be the saviour that it has been portrayed as in the propaganda or will Swedish military bases become launching pads for a major conflict in the quest for world domination? A new Napoleonic War?

Russia will now strengthen its defences on the Western border. This will again gain the arms industry. It is now time to stock up supplies and tidy up our bomb shelters. The Swedish Commander-in-Chief recently urged us to prepare for war.[18]

Vladimir Putin recently said, with a nod to Sweden, France, and Germany:

We remember the fate for all of those who once sent their troops to our country’s territory. But the consequences for an eventual involvement will now be much more tragic.[19]

The swift response from Russia was a poo attack on the Swedish embassy in Moscow.[20]

While all eyes are on the conflict in the East, negotiations and preparations are underway for the UN Summit of the Future and the Pact for the Future.[21] 

This is what the members of G20, including United States, European Union and the Russian Federation, are working on.[22] A new technocratic global order.

  • The League of Nations was created after the First World War.
  • The United Nations was created after the Second World War.
  • So what will transpire out of the third?

As the Carnegie Endowment of International Peace concluded at the beginning of the 20th century: there is no more effective method than war to change a society.

The same measures can also be applied in the west as in the east.

A digital world brain with an all-seeing eye (AI) rises out of the ashes of the old crumbling order.


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Dr. Emanuel Garcia of NZDSOS speaking outside parliament yesterday, when a letter demanding the immediate halt of the Covid-19 mRNA injections was handed over to deputy PM Winston Peters.


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Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand. Visit his substack at

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

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A celebrity performer who devoted his life to social justice struggles, Paul Robeson is an icon of the civil rights movement who helped set the groundwork for the political awakening of the 1960s.

However, during his lifetime, the FBI and CIA considered Robeson a dangerous subversive and used all kinds of dirty tricks attempting to neutralize him.

According to Paul Robeson, Jr., a lawyer and activist like his father, Robeson was a victim of the CIA’s infamous Operation MK-ULTRA, which involved illegal drug testing and the injection of drugs in unwitting people in order to incapacitate them.

In his 2010 book, The Undiscovered Paul Robeson: Quest for Freedom 1939-1976 (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010), Robeson Jr. alleges that Richard Helms, then the CIA’s chief of operations, poisoned Robeson with drugs to prevent his visit to Havana at the time of the Bay of Pigs landing.[1]

At the time of his drugging, Robeson Sr. was staying at the Sovietsky Hotel in Moscow, where he had gone after a trip to London in which he had visited Eastern European embassies and met with a top aide to Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana’s first post-independence leader who was overthrown in a CIA-backed coup in 1966.

Helms gave the green light to widespread overseas operations under MK-ULTRA making use of the new hallucinatory drug LSD, lethal toxins, and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).

MK-ULTRA subproject 111 was headed by Professor Hans Jürgen Eysenck, the director of the psychology department of London’s Maudsley Hospital, a staging point for European and African MK-ULTRA operations.

Robeson was targeted because his stature as an artist, combined with his increasingly radical political activities, made him a serious threat to the establishment. He was a leading light of anti-colonial movements in Africa, spoke out strongly against American wars like Vietnam and Korea, and urged Blacks to resist the draft.[2]

In August 1955, after being hauled before the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) and asked about a speech that he gave that allegedly lauded Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, Robeson replied that he

“wasn’t here to talk about Stalin—a matter for the Soviet people”—and was not going to argue with “representatives of the people who in building America wasted 60 to 100 million lives of my people, black people drawn from Africa on the plantations. You are responsible, and your forebearers, for 60 to 100 million black people dying in the slave ships and on the plantations, and don’t you ask me about anybody, please.”[3]

As early as 1935, officers of Britain’s MI5 visited Robeson on the set of Sanders of the River, the first Hollywood film to feature a powerful Black male star. The FBI opened a file on Robeson in 1941.[4] At the end of World War II, his case was assigned to a special agent responsible for covert operations, and he nearly died subsequently after his vehicle was sabotaged.[5]

While attending a cocktail party in New York City, a Black member of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations told Robeson Jr. about an exchange that allegedly took place between Richard Helms and CIA Director Allen Dulles in the late 1950s.

Helms floated the idea to Dulles about “solving the Robeson problem,” though Dulles urged caution because he did not “want to create a martyr.” John Stockwell, chief of the CIA’s Angolan Task Force, told Robeson Jr. that the CIA had viewed his father as a “dangerous badman.”[6]

Robeson Sr. felt anxiety during his time in Moscow because he knew the CIA was surveilling him. Robeson Jr. wrote that

“the CIA knew [his father] intended to visit Cuba from Moscow and it would seem likely that they would not want him there as they prepared for the [Bay of Pigs] invasion. All of this contributed to my belief that he had been subjected to a CIA ‘hit.’”[7]

On April 4, 1961, Robeson had a heart attack, a week after he was found lying on the bathroom floor of his hotel suite, semi-conscious, after having slashed his wrists.[8]

The night before the suicide attempt, a raucous party had been held in his suite lasting well past midnight. Robeson Jr. was suspicious of the party because it was uncharacteristic, he said, for his father to expose himself to strangers in this manner. He felt that he was probably deceived into agreeing to the party by someone claiming to be a government official but who was in reality a Western intelligence agent.

Robeson Jr. believed that, in the environment of the party, it would have been possible to drug his father.[9] Robeson’s symptoms were identical to those produced by BZ (3-Quinuclidinyl Benzilate), a mind-altering drug developed by the intelligence agencies in Britain and in the U.S. for use in MK-ULTRA. They included “paranoiac psychosis” with depressive symptoms thought to have been caused by acute anxiety.

Robeson Jr. said that, after he visited his father the day after the suicide attempt, Robeson Sr. said that he had felt trapped in a real life “James Bond nightmare.” The walls were always closing around him. He shut himself in his bedroom, suffering extreme depression and feelings of utter worthlessness—all symptoms induced by hallucinogenic drugs that were given to him.

Shortly after he left Moscow, Robeson was admitted to the Priory Hospital in London. Within 36 hours of his arrival, and against the advice of Soviet doctors, Robeson was subjected to the first of 54 electro-convulsive shock therapy sessions.

The drug therapy left Robeson in a debilitative state, from which he never really recovered (he died in 1976 at age 77).

Robeson Jr. said that the shock therapy sessions, combined with the prescription of anti-depressants, resembled the “mind depatterning” treatment funded by the MK-ULTRA project, which consisted of “intensive electroshocks usually combined with prolonged, drug-induced sleep.”[10]

Robeson Jr. found out that at least three doctors who treated his father in London and in New York had links to MK-ULTRA.

The doctors were

a) Nathan Kline, a researcher regarded as “the father of psychopharmacology,” who made a name for himself promoting use of antidepressants and administering drugs in mental hospitals;

b) Brian Ackner, of the Maudsley Institute, a pioneer in the development of drug treatments for schizophrenia; and

c) Kline’s associate, Ari Kiev, a specialist in depression and suicide prevention, who was attached to the Maudsley Institute of Psychiatry and Harvard, Cornell Medical College and Johns Hopkins Hospital, all of which had psychological research programs directed by contractors for the CIA’s MK-ULTRA project and funded by the CIA through a study group called the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology.

Dr. Kiev had also worked at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas from 1962 to 1964, where he served as a captain and was attached to Wilford Hall Medical Center, the site of secret MK-ULTRA research conducted by psychologist Frank Barron.[11]

Mike Minnicino, an MK-ULTRA historian with close contacts in American intelligence, said that the allegations that Paul Robeson was really targeted by the CIA were “entirely plausible.” 

Between April and June 1961, the FBI kept a dossier and a “status of health” file on Robeson, which reveals that plans were already made to prevent the world communist movement from exploiting Robeson’s “imminent” death.

“The fact that such a file was opened at all, is very sinister in itself,” Robeson Jr. said. “This indicates a degree of prior knowledge that something was about to happen to my father.”


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Jeremy Kuzmarov is Managing Editor of CovertAction Magazine. He is the author of five books on U.S. foreign policy, including Obama’s Unending Wars (Clarity Press, 2019), The Russians Are Coming, Again, with John Marciano (Monthly Review Press, 2018), and Warmonger. How Clinton’s Malign Foreign Policy Launched the U.S. Trajectory From Bush II to Biden (Clarity Press, 2023). He can be reached at: [email protected].


  1. The CIA in the Bay of Pigs sent counter-revolutionaries to try to sabotage Fidel Castro’s revolutionary government. 

  2. Jordan Goodman, Paul Robeson: A Watched Man (London: Verso, 2013), 154. 
  3. Goodman, Paul Robeson, 240. 
  4. Paul Robeson, Jr., The Undiscovered Paul Robeson: Quest for Freedom 1939-1976 (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010), 24. 
  5. Robeson, Jr., The Undiscovered Paul Robeson, 330. 
  6. Robeson, Jr., The Undiscovered Paul Robeson, 309. 
  7. Robeson, Jr., The Undiscovered Paul Robeson, 317. 
  8. Robeson, Jr., The Undiscovered Paul Robeson, 311. 
  9. Robeson, Jr., The Undiscovered Paul Robeson, 311, 312. 
  10. Robeson, Jr., The Undiscovered Paul Robeson, 326. 
  11. Robeson, Jr., The Undiscovered Paul Robeson, 355, 356. 

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Last week, former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss gave us a stonker of a revelation which, I believe deserves to be set to the record. Truss appeared in Steve Bannon‘s War Room and said this:

“What I found out when I got into No. 10 is, I thought that if I got to the top of the tree, I would be able to implement those conservative policies… And what I discovered was that I was not holding the levers. The levers were held by the Bank of England, by the Office of Budget Responsibility, they weren’t held by the Prime Minister or the Chancellor…”

Truss goes on to point out the obvious problem with this: you can sack the Prime Minister, but you can’t sack the BOE officials who hold the levers of power. Around the same time of this revelation, Glenn Beck dropped a similar clue. In his interview with Tucker Carlson published on 21 February 2024 he shared a story of his encounter with George W. Bush:

I thought of something George Bush told me in the Oval Office. I was asking about the policies and how they were going to change, and he said, “Glenn, don’t worry, whoever sits behind this desk, in that chair, is going to have the same advice given by the same advisors and they’ll realize, the President’s hands are tied.” I walked out of that room horrified… Why do we even have elections?”

What G. W. Bush had revealed to Beck and what Liz Truss discovered when she got to the top of the tree, has been the defining feature behind our “democracies” for a very long time. Former British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli said in 1844 that, “The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” Sir William Pitt, Prime Minister in 1770 said that, “There is something behind the throne greater than the King himself.”

The Power ‘Behind the Throne’ Are the Bankers 

In untangling the causal factors behind the many crises we face today, the trail of breadcrumbs always leads to the international banking cartel which appears to have the determining influence shaping the system of governance under which our societies operate. This network likely constitutes the very “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” that President John F. Kennedy had warned us about.

As a famous member of that cartel proclaimed, “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!” At the money power’s receiving end, Napoleon Bonaparte understood that relationship all too well: “When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation.” This, it would seem, is how it is today.

In his 1965 book “Tragedy and Hope,” Carroll Quigley warned us that, “The powers of financial capitalism had [a] far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. … The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and direct injury of all other economic groups.” That world system of financial control is what’s today being promoted as the “rules based global order.” 

Bankers and Forever Wars 

In particular, the banking interests appear to be the key movers behind the perpetual warfare we are witnessing today. The better we understand the way the systems work, the more the saying, “all wars are bankers’ wars” rings true. US Congressman Ron Paul said that it was no coincidence that the century of central banking coincided with a century of total war.

Today we know, for example, that Adolf Hitler and his National Socialists were cultivated and lavishly funded by prominent Wall Street bankers (including George W. Bush’s grampa Prescott Bush) and that the multinational corporations they controlled provided the technology and assistance for Germany’s rearmament. The shadow operator steering the course of events was Bank of England’s Montagu Norman who was the best friend and confidant of his German counterpart Hjalmar Schacht. Few of those details have made it into our history curriculum, but the whole point of militarizing and Nazifying Germany was to invade and subjugate Russia. In 1935, Lord Lothian assured a delegation of visiting ministers from Germany that, “they would cut through Russia as through butter.”

In the most recent past, it was Ukraine which was militarized and Nazified to strike against Russia with the same powers behind the throne pulling the levers. As the US-installed Prime Minister of Ukraine, Arseniy Yatsenyuk spoke appreciatively in 2014, “… international bankers are ready to help us. … We would not have survived without the international assistance.”

After Breaking Ukraine, They’ll Use European Nations Next

These discoveries should be profoundly disturbing. As the Ukrainian bludgeon broke against Russia, there is every reason for us to expect that they’ll turn to transforming other European nations to serve the same purpose. That process is now under way as we can hear from the growing chorus of European leaders talking about militarization, conscription, and the prospect of war against Russia. We should not be complacent in the face of these mad musings. The vast majority of Ukrainian people were in favor of peace and normalization of relations with Russia. Yet the powers behind the throne determined otherwise and were able to sacrifice half a million young Ukrainian men and destroy the lives of millions.

Unless we accept that in the near future our children also be sacrificed for bankers’ pursuit of Russian collateral, we need to shine the spotlight at those behind the thronewho are pulling the levers and pushing us into war. It is our duty today to push against them with all our might, creativity and determination. Anything short of that risks turning more European nations into what Ukraine is today. And no, it has never been about democracy nor about freedom. It is strictly about banking and about the collateral.

It’s About Collateral, Not About “Democracy” 

All the money in circulation represents debt. Debt represents assets on the bankers’ balance sheets. To conjure up more debt, they need to control the collateral: it directly boosts their wealth and power over us. To all the rest of us it’s all the same: whether we pay money to Gazprom for our gas or to Royal Dutch Shell, we still have to pay.


That’s a LOT of collateral to turn into financialized flows for our banks, if only we could crack that nut open somehow…


Even to the Royal Dutch Shell it wouldn’t matter: they could simply buy Russian resources from Russia and resell it at home for a profit. Truly, the only group in society to whom the control of collateral makes any difference are the bankers, making them the one main group with the incentive to foment forever wars for control of resources. They won’t hesitate to go nuclear and sacrifice one nation after another to achieve this.

Lord Acton prophesied long ago that, “the issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the bankers.” This fight is now upon us. The “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” is clearly waging an undeclared war on humanity, which  may be the ultimate struggle between our emancipation or our enslavement.


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It’s been just two months into 2024 and it already seems that the world is falling apart.


Last week began with French President Emmanuel Macron effectively calling for the deployment of NATO ground troops to Ukraine. His Prime Minister Gabriel Attal supported the idea, although both conceded there’s no consensus on the matter. France’s involvement might be multifaceted, including both the conflict in West Africa and French personnel already in Ukraine. Namely, in mid-January, Moscow obliterated at least 60 French mercenaries in Kharkov, which could partially explain Macron’s rather emotional reaction.

However, this certainly isn’t the only possible reason for Paris to get so much invested in directly supporting the Neo-Nazi junta.

French interests in Africa primarily revolve around maintaining the extremely exploitative neocolonialist system that ensures the continued extraction of African natural resources.

United Kingdom

With Russia firmly standing behind the forces that are deconstructing this system, France has the additional motivation to get directly involved in Ukraine, which transcends its mere subservience to Anglo-American geopolitical interests. This leads to another point – British involvement. Namely, just two days after Macron’s rather shocking statements, the United Kingdom effectively bragged about helping the Kiev regime forces fight the Russian military.

This includes the direct involvement of the UK’s General Staff, headed by Admiral Tony Radakin, in the destruction of Russian naval assets, primarily targeted against the Black Sea Fleet. Radakin also seems to have been involved in other covert operations in Ukraine, all aimed at diminishing Russian capabilities. And just when one would think that it couldn’t possibly get worse, it turned out Germany is also involved.


On March 1, Margarita Simonyan, the Editor-in-Chief of RT, released a bombshell report containing the leaked conversation between high-ranking German military (Bundeswehr) officers casually talking about striking the Crimean Bridge with up to 20 “Taurus” air-launched cruise missiles.

The conversation, nearly 40 minutes long, includes the part where the Bundeswehr officers also talk about maintaining plausible deniability.

This tells you all you need to know about the supposed “non-involvement” of NATO when it comes to various terrorist attacks and sabotage operations targeting Russian infrastructure, both within and outside of the country. The leaked conversation also reveals the dangerous self-delusions of the political West’s top leadership, as the officers argued that destroying the Crimean Bridge “would be very good and that it wouldn’t be too sensitive for the Russians because of the land bridge”.

This is an obvious reference to the former Ukrainian regions that joined Russia back in September 2022. Needless to say, the idea that Moscow would simply tolerate the destruction of the longest bridge in Europe is ludicrous. Whoever truly believes something like that would go unanswered is certifiably insane.

However, considering the mental state of the political West’s leadership, this notion doesn’t seem all too farfetched. In addition, all this is yet another confirmation of the direct involvement of NATO assets, primarily its ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) platforms, meaning that Berlin, London and Paris are most certainly not alone in their support for the Neo-Nazi junta. This is hardly surprising, as it’s long been known that Western personnel have been directly involved in every major operation officially conducted by the Kiev regime forces. In other words, the poking of the Bear continues unabated.

The clear proof of this notion can be found in Germany’s reaction to the leaks. Namely, it acknowledged that the conversation was real, but instead of at least formally apologizing, it accused Russia of “waging information warfare” and attempts to “sow disunity”. The mainstream propaganda machine even admitted that the conversation involved the commander of the Luftwaffe (German Air Force) General Ingo Gerhartz and Brigadier General Frank Graefe, along with another two Bundeswehr officers, wondering how Simonyan got the recordings. German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius stated that the “timing of the release of the recording was not a coincidence” and that it was aimed at “destabilizing Germany”. He even called it “Putin’s information war” and a “hybrid attack aimed at disinformation”. It’s rather interesting how even when the West is caught red-handed, it’s still “Russian disinformation”.

On the other hand, the idea that Russian President Vladimir Putin is “waging war against Germany” by revealing information about Berlin’s actual war plans against Moscow shows that the dangerous self-delusions of NATO leaders are most definitely of a psychiatric nature, specifically narcissistic and sociopathic (or even psychopathic) tendencies. Such mental disorders are characterized by the so-called “victim mentality”, as the perpetrator tries to justify his/her actions by shifting blame. On the other hand, the (geo)political dynamics of last week’s shocking revelations cannot be overlooked. In a somewhat weird way, Pistorius is right (albeit not in the way he thinks) that the Bundeswehr leaks are indeed extremely well-timed. Namely, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz recently admitted that British and French soldiers had been directly helping the Neo-Nazi junta fire long-range missiles at Russian targets.

The frenzied reaction of numerous mainstream propaganda machine outlets shows that this admission doesn’t sit very well with the UK and France. Scholz was even criticized for a “flagrant abuse of intelligence” after he used the admission to explain his alleged “reluctance” to send the previously mentioned “Taurus” cruise missiles. London was particularly infuriated by Scholz’s comments, which might suggest that MI6 had some involvement in the Bundeswehr leaks, particularly to divert attention away from the UK’s complicity in direct attacks on Russian naval assets. In other words, it seems as if the Europeans are now tossing the hot potato to each other in order to avoid the possible consequences of Russian anger. And indeed, Moscow is certainly (and rightfully) furious, but the political West is still completely colorblind to any red lines. Or at least it will continue to be until it dawns at 3:00 AM one day.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Putin’s Warning to Western Leadership: ‘War Is Not a Cartoon’

March 4th, 2024 by Timothy Alexander Guzman

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American Politicians like Senators Lindsay Graham and Chuck Schumer are just two of the most hawkish individuals in Washington D.C. who want a war with Russia, China, and Iran and whoever is on their extensive list of enemies until the world is on fire.

These politicians who receive enormous contributions from the arms industry, Multinational Corporate interests, Big Oil, and Israeli lobbying groups and so on are psychotic warmongers who seem not to understand the grave consequences of a world war with rising global powers. One of the Senators, Lindsay Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, you know the tough guy with the biggest mouth who is usually spewing his insanity on the mainstream media networks happens to be one of the loudest cheerleaders for war.

Graham was in the US Air Force and the South Carolina Air National Guard in both active and reservist roles, but not in any fighting capacity, he was not a combat soldier, in fact, he was a lawyer who never saw a battle up-close.

Martha Raddatz of ABC News interviewed Graham in early 2023 on the situation in Ukraine and said that

“We need to do two things quickly, make Russia a state sponsor of terrorism under US law which would make it harder for China to give weapons to Russia and we need to start training Ukrainian pilots on the F-16 now.” 

Then a couple of months later, Graham paid a visit to Zelensky and said that “the Russians are dying” and that in terms of US support, it is the “best money we’ve ever spent.”  Russia issued an arrest warrant soon after Graham’s reckless statements. One year later, Graham made it to Russia’s list of ‘extremists and terrorists.’

CNN’s recent headline ‘Schumer leads congressional delegation to Ukraine to mark 2-year anniversary of Russian invasion’ said that

“Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is in Ukraine to reiterate US support for the country and ratchet up pressure on House Republicans back home to pass a foreign aid bill that includes further assistance for Ukraine and Israel.”

There were other Senators, all Democrats who went with Schumer to greet Zelensky,

“Jack Reed of Rhode Island, Michael Bennet of Colorado, Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut and Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire, traveled with Schumer as part of a congressional delegation to mark the two-year anniversary of the Russian invasion and to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, according to a statement from his office.” 

Schumer told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that if Congress gives more aid to Ukraine, they will win, according to Schumer’s “brilliant” observation,

“He said if we get the aid, if Ukraine gets the aid and we vote for the supplemental package, they will win the war,” Schumer continued “They have the troops, they still have a great plan and they have much better fighting ability than the Russians.”

We can say that Senator Chuck Schumer is either delusional, on serious drugs or just an evil person who wants Russia, Iran, and others on the enemies list to become another Iraq or Libya.

American politicians are psychopathic criminals who believe that the US military can defeat Russia and China in a world war, but the reality is that US and NATO forces lost on the battlefield to less formidable adversaries such as the Taliban in Afghanistan and the resistance fighters in Iraq. Russia, China, and Iran are different, they are not on the same level as Afghanistan or Iraq, they are much stronger militarily.

French President Emmanuel Macron is another delusional European politician. Another tough-guy politician who was never in the military who wants to start a war with Russia. One fact about Macron was that he was a former investment banker for one of the top globalist firms, Rothschild and Co. According to Reuters, “Some 20 European leaders gathered in Paris on Monday to send Russian President Vladimir Putin a message of European resolve on Ukraine and counter the Kremlin’s narrative that Russia is bound to win a war now in its third year.” What Macron said should concern Russia,

“There is no consensus at this stage … to send troops on the ground,” Macron told reporters. “Nothing should be excluded. We will do everything that we must so that Russia does not win.”

Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a speech to the Federal Assembly in Moscow and warned Western nations of attempting to start a war with Russia. Putin said that

“The West has provoked conflicts in Ukraine, the Middle East, and other regions around the world while consistently propagating falsehoods. Now they have the audacity to say that Russia harbours intentions of attacking Europe. Can you believe it?”  Then he spoke about what Western powers are attempting to do when Ukraine loses the war, “and at the same time, they are selecting targets to strike on our territory and contemplating the most efficient means of destruction. Now they have started talking about the possibility of deploying NATO military contingents to Ukraine.”

Putin mentioned what happened in the past when former European empires such as Napolean’s France and Nazi Germany attempted to invade Russia and they were both defeated as a result, “But we remember what happened to those who sent their contingents to the territory of our country once before.” Putin made it clear to Western powers that there is a new Russia that has the capabilities that can cause severe damage to the European continent:  

Today, any potential aggressors will face far graver consequences. They must grasp that we also have weapons – yes, they know this, as I have just said – capable of striking targets on their territory. Everything they are inventing now, spooking the world with the threat of a conflict involving nuclear weapons, which potentially means the end of civilisation – don’t they realise this?

The problem is that these are people who have never faced profound adversity; they have no conception of the horrors of war. We – even the younger generation of Russians – have endured such trials during the fight against international terrorism in the Caucasus, and now, in the conflict in Ukraine. But they continue to think of this as a kind of action cartoon

Putin is correct, the Lindsay Grahams and Emmanuel Macrons of the world are delusional politicians who don’t know what it means to be in a real war. 

Wars destroy countries, just look at what happened to Iraq, Libya, and Palestine, the US-NATO and Israel created hell on earth for the civilians in those countries who suffered the most, many of them had to leave thus creating refugees in the process.

In the US, there are many stories about veterans who were former soldiers or marines who have experienced real wars end up with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), many have committed suicide or have thoughts of suicide, some get addicted to drugs and alcohol, and the list goes on.

The US and European political establishments who promote war do not know anything about war. The closest thing to war for many of these politicians is watching Hollywood movies that makes war look like a cakewalk.  What is wrong with these people?


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Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his own blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Ververidis Vasilis/

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Over the past four years farmers have been holding protests across Europe.

The farmers are protesting against excessive EU environmental regulation and red tape, rising operating and fuel costs, and so-called “green” policies.

Protests have been taking place in countries including France, Italy, Spain, Romania, Poland, Greece, Germany, Denmark, Portugal, Ireland, Czech Republic, and the Netherlands[1]. For example, below is a picture of Dutch farmers protesting at government measures which impact on their livelihood. 

In 2024, the farmer protests continue to spread across Europe. For example, in February hundreds of tractors rolled into Prague,[2]. In January, nearly 1,000 farmers protested in Toulouse, and Belgian farmers initiated widespread roadblocks as part of their protest[3]. In December, German farmers protested in Berlin with 1700 tractors blocking the road leading to the Brandenburg Gate. 

Farmers claim to be struggling with some in danger of bankruptcy.

It appears to me that at the root of EU agricultural policy is the bogus EU and UN ‘climate change is caused by manmade CO2 and methane from cows narrative’.

This UN narrative has now been widely exposed worldwide as being based on fake science. See this article for more details of the fake science and the 1850 scientists and climate professionals that have signed a declaration refuting the UN climate narrative. This information is of relevance to dairy farmers because the EU plans to cull millions of dairy cows due to the bogus assertion that methane from livestock, such as cows, causes catastrophic climate change. 

The Gap Between Climate Hysteria and Reality – Perhaps Climate Warriors Should Try Working on a Farm?

Climate warriors, and indeed all of us, may do well to bear in mind that the food we buy in supermarkets does not come out of magic box!

It takes the hard work of farmers, along with the magic of God’s earth and sun, to produce the food for the people of Europe and the world. While countless farmers are impacted by EU climate and agricultural policies, the climate warriors of the world protest (mistakenly) about man-made, cow-made, and farmer-made climate change.

What a surreal and bizarre situation. It has been estimated that if there was a severe shortage of oil most supermarkets and ports could become empty within a week – what deluded starving climate warrior would have the time or energy to block roads and protest about climate change or fossil fuels then?

Since the age of 15, activist and icon, Greta Thunberg has called for world leaders and the public to take action for climate change mitigation stating the narrative of the UN IPCC.  Miss Thunberg, has obviously been manipulated, and used as a public relations instrument on behalf of the architects of the bogus climate consensus. It appears she has been cynically and professionally marketed and used by organizations, including the UN, and the EU Commission.

As detailed in this book the architects appear to include a wider network tied to the organization of former Vice-President Al Gore, who was featured in the film An Inconvenient Truth. Gore appears to be a very wealthy climate profiteer, and Gore’s partner, ex-Goldman Sachs official David Blood, is a member of the Bank of International Settlements-created Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), which represents $118 trillion of assets globally[4]. The misleading documentary An Inconvenient Truth was even made mandatory viewing in many public schools. 

It appears nothing we can say scientifically can ‘unbrainwash’ the brainwashed minds.

With the rise of ‘political correctness’ and ideological conformity how can one help people to see reality for what it is, and escape from the mental panic that the UN climate catastrophe narrative induces? We all should be safe in the knowledge that tomorrow is another day, and be able to wake up knowing the world will not end in 12 years-time due to catastrophic climate change! 

Maybe getting out into the countryside would bring a smile to the faces of climate warriors who often seem to have a climate-induced frown. Below we see Greta Thunberg enjoying a rare day out on a farm – look how happy she seems.

Fake Reality – The Problematic Use of AI-generated Images and AVR Software

[Aside: Disclaimer and Exclusion of Liability.]

I wish all people well and to have a sunny smile, including Miss Thunberg. Note that the above picture of Miss Thunberg driving a tractor is of course, fictious, not real, and was created in a matter of minutes using free AI software. I simply typed the words “Greta Thunberg smiling while driving a tractor on a farm” into AI software and ‘it’ produced the above picture. 

This simple example demonstrates that anyone can now create fake images via the increasing availability of AI and augmented virtual reality (AVR) software. The fact that such software can manipulate human images and create fake pictures and videos is in itself a separate issue that is extremely problematic. Note, however, this is not all simply a new phenomenon, such software has been in use and development for many years, for example, NASA have been utilising AVR software for years, as I evidence in this article. 

The fact that these tools exist raises many issues in relation to the possibility of reality being faked, and in relation to the ethics of manipulating someone’s image. AI software can produce such manipulations in a matter of seconds – where will this AI path take us? We can hardly imagine what deceptive shenanigans could be embarked upon by those groups who would wield the most sophisticated AI tools to advance their own agenda and ends. It appears that the most sophisticated AI tools are not currently not available to the general public.] 

Food Security – The Systemic Issue of Oil Dependency and the Question of ‘Peak Oil’

I turn now to the subjects of food security, oil dependency, and the future of farming. Many questions arise in relation to these subjects. One aspect that is clear is that the current industrial economic system of the world, including modern commercial industrialized farming, is extremely dependent on the availability of affordable oil. It is clear that famers do vital work for society in relation to food and milk provision. 

Note that without farmers and affordable oil, the supermarket shelves that most us on rely on for food, would quickly become empty of food. Thus, rather than the fake climate agenda a topic of more relevance, surely, is the long-term availability of oil, and other energy-intensive fossil-fuels. I wrote about these subjects on my blog as far back as 15 years ago when I was a member of an NGO that had a focus on this research area.

It appears that farmers face challenging times. There is a veritable swathe of issues and questions to consider including:

  • Commercial farming is dependent on the availability of affordable oil – what could happen if affordable oil become unavailable long-term, or if predictions about peak oil are correct? Are peak oil predictions simply more misinformation and scaremongering?
  • The WEF reset agenda involving the Internet of Things (IoT) and electrification of everything, including the farming sector. What is the future of farming? And how will it be powered?
  • Farmers today have been born into times of monetization and inflation, commercialisation and globalization, government taxes, and excessive government regulations, etc.
  • The ‘system’ appears to squeeze small and mid-scale operators – it appears millions of small to mid-scale farmers worldwide are struggling, and in some countries, for example in India, many have gone bankrupt.
  • Aspects of modern commercial farming that are viewed as problematic by many people, such as the use of vaccines, growth hormones, chemical-based fertilisers, health impacting chemical-based pesticides and herbicides, GMOs, genetically-modified terminator seeds, etc. None of the aforementioned were needed in thousands of years of traditional farming cultures, and appear to have been imposed by corporate and financial forces, in particular, over the past two or three generations. 
  • The historical perspective – the takeover over of the commons land in recent centuries, and how the onset of monetisation, globalisation, and oil-based industrial farming gradually displaced traditional organic farming cultures and methods worldwide. Some of us still have memories of organic milk, eggs, vegetables, cheese, apples, etc., produced on our own family plot, or by a neighbour, or at least widely available locally. 

I discuss some of these topics in this book. Perhaps I will attempt to write an article on these subjects and I welcome input from farmers and persons with specific insight on these subjects.


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Mark Gerard Keenan is a former scientist at the UK Government Dept. of Energy and Climate Change, and at the United Nations Environment Division. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is author of the following books available on

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[1]  Sources:

[2] Source:

[3] Source:

[4] Source:

Featured image: Greta Thunberg leads protests in Italy ahead of COP26. Credit: Radio Habana Cuba 

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One of the most horrifying facts about this dystopia we live in is that large-scale military operations are routinely used as testing grounds for new war machinery, using human bodies as guinea pigs for experimentation in what amount to giant blood-soaked field laboratories — all to benefit the strategic objectives of empire managers and the profit margins of the military-industrial complex.

Haaretz has a new article out titled “Gaza Becomes Israel’s Testing Ground for Military Robots”, which reports that “In an effort to avoid harming soldiers and dogs, the IDF has been experimenting with the use of robots and remote-controlled dogs in the Gaza War.”

(Yeah because my gosh, can you imagine how terrible it would be if Israeli soldiers and dogs got harmed while carrying out a genocide?)

The article’s author Sagi Cohen reports that drone-mounted robot dogs and remotely controlled bulldozers are two of the new apocalyptic horrors currently being battle-tested in Gaza, saying “defense establishment officials confirm that there has been a leap in the use and sophistication of robots on the battlefield.” Which is a pretty disconcerting sentence to read.

This news comes out at the same time as a new Public Citizen report warning of the likely imminent arrival of autonomous weapons systems which will kill people with minimal instruction from human pilots, saying “The most serious worry involving autonomous weapons is that they inherently dehumanize the people targeted and make it easier to tolerate widespread killing, including in violation of international human rights law.”

The more normalized robots become within the world’s militaries the closer we come to this point, and steps are already being taken in that direction. As Common Dreams’ Thor Benson notes in an article about the Public Citizen report, “Israel has purchased and at times deployed self-piloting, lethal drones.”

Back in January I wrote that

“Gaza is a live laboratory for the military industrial complex,” saying “Data is with absolute certainty being collected on all the newer weapons being field-tested on human bodies in Gaza (just like has been happening in Ukraine) to be used to benefit the war machine and arms industry.”

What sparked this comment at the time was reports and first-hand witness accounts we’d seen coming out about the prolific use of IDF “sniper drones” in Gaza since October, with Israeli forces frequently shooting Palestinians with quad drones armed with rifles. Copious records are most assuredly being compiled on the effectiveness of these newer weapons and tactics in ending human lives, which will then be used to help market those weapons to other states and to improve their efficiency in killing.

When I say this is most assuredly happening, I am not being hyperbolic for effect.

Author and journalist Antony Loewenstein gave a lengthy interview on The Chris Hedges Report back in December about Israel’s long and extensively documented history of using Gaza as a testing ground for new weapons, spyware, surveillance and security systems, AI, drones, and tactics, which has profited scores of corporations and enabled Israel to become a player of outsized success in the global weapons industry. 

“Israel’s drones, surveillance technology including spyware, facial recognition software, and biometric gathering infrastructure, along with smart fences, experimental bombs, and AI-controlled machine guns are all tried out on the captive population in Gaza, often with lethal results,” says Hedges in introduction. “These weapons and technologies are then certified as ‘battle-tested’ and sold around the world.”

This doesn’t only happen in Gaza. This past September The Wall Street Journal published an article titled “The War in Ukraine Is Also a Giant Arms Fair,” subtitled “Arms makers are getting orders for weapons being put to the test on the battlefield.” In January of last year CNN published a report titled “How Ukraine became a testbed for Western weapons and battlefield innovation,” with one source saying that Ukraine is “absolutely a weapons lab in every sense because none of this equipment has ever actually been used in a war between two industrially developed nations.”

And of course we are also seeing this same phenomenon in Africa. In 2021 Mintpress News published a report by Scott Timcke titled “West Africa is the Latest Testing Ground for US Military Artificial Intelligence” about this very same trend. In 2020 Libya saw what is believed to have been the first time a human being has ever been killed by a fully automated drone attack — that is, killed without the machine having been told to do so by a human.

The other day we discussed how the empire’s great weakness is that it depends on normal human beings to carry out its orders and turn the gears of the machine. If you look at the facts and think about them for a moment, it’s not hard to see how the empire managers are hoping to overcome this weakness in the future.


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In Mike Whitney’s recent post “Israel’s Psych-War Is Relentless, Vicious and Deliberate” (among other places at The Unz Review (4 March 2024), he writes,

“If we look carefully at some of the more unusual elements in Israel’s strategy, we see the outline of plan that is clearly aimed at inflictin maximum psychological damage on its victims.”

This is important. If we look carefully at what actually happens (allowing for the confused opacity of most mass media) and not at what the official policy statements and apologetics relate, we can see what we are trained not to notice. If we direct our attention to basic data sources like maps and sensory perception rather than focussing on the face and voice of the cultivated performers, then it is possible to draw intelligent (logically and factually coherent) conclusions about the events on our street corners or those in foreign lands.

However we must admit that most of modern warfare- no later than US wars in Indochina- has been and continues to be mainly psychological. Thus the real damage can be concealed from bystanders, “news” consumers, and even from the victims themselves. To say that the true battlespace today is the human mind is no exaggeration.

“War is the continuation of policy…” was the dictum of Clausewitz. The analyst ought to work forensically. What are the results and then what policy do they imply? A great and irrational desire prevails to exclude unattractive or noxious results as “unintended consequences” of explicit policy rather than investigating implicit policy that is coherent with those consequences. The wish to see evil as mere error is as resilient as the celebration of religious holidays by atheists and non-observant alike.

Consider something banal: the difference between Ford’s concept of the Model T and the current notion of a quality motor vehicle.

The Model T could run on virtually any combustible fuel and was easy to repair. The modern car is often worthless after three-years paying for it (excessive special repair costs, obsolete parts, etc.) So what has changed? The car or the policy of manufacturers? The Model T was an affordable, durable hybrid vehicle. Today’s “hybrid” is neither. 

If the same tactics and strategy are used repeatedly in Western (US-led and fed) wars for more than 50 years, it may be because the implicit policy remains the same.

Since the vast majority of dead and injured in all US wars (since the invasion of the Continent) have been civilians/ non-combatants one ought to consider that this too is not accidental. Moreover it demonstrates the “Global War of Terror” not “on terror” is the USP of Western and hence Israeli policy.

Unfortunately the discussion of war and migration has also been carefully segregated from the global migration tsunamis that are in fact a major (policy) result of the wars in Ukraine, Afghanistan, Palestine and invisibly throughout Africa.

Those who can recall either directly or from close relatives the refugee flow from East to West in the wake of the Red Army advance in 1944 (or who rely on the historical accounts from school) could recall that even then the “refugee” problem was treated as a natural catastrophe or the current pandemic of “communism”, like the Second World War itself. The forward advance of colonizers in the East behind the Wehrmacht was forgotten when they fled the advancing Soviet armed forces. I recall one day in the clubhouse of the Royal Overseas League in Edinburgh a conversation between two elderly women complaining how terrible it had been to abandon India. I have heard almost the exact same words in Portuguese, French and to a lesser extent German. There have always been refugees and refugees. Since 1945– actually Herbert Hoover pioneered this business line after 1918– the traffic in displaced persons has replaced the slave trade as the leading edge of labor exploitation.

Consider that even where the occasional recognition that a particular war induces refugee (deportation) flows, there remains a stubborn refusal to end the wars that cause these migrations. The disputes are deliberately channeled into a skewed immigration debate which we can see is easily manipulated by hypocritical bureaucrats applying “moral” pressure.

When the Soviet Union was defeated, new human trafficking markets expanded.

The NATO war to destroy the Yugoslav Federation filled Austria and Germany with Slavic surplus which had to be absorbed to preserve the myth that the destruction of their homelands were humanitarian gestures.

The sober and honest observer would notice that 1989 was not only the year in which the GDR was annexed and the final destruction of the Soviet Union was begun.

It was also the initiation of the mass deportation and confiscation process in western Eurasia that in many ways can be compared to the westward expansion of the Anglo-American Empire in the 19th century.

It is almost impossible to penetrate the euphemistic rhetorical armor that prevents ordinary people from seeing what should be obvious.

If Bill Gates can become the single largest owner of farm land in the US although he has never done a day of honest work in his life, then where are all the people who farmed the land he now owns?

If no later than 2014, millions from the breadbasket of Europe abandoned their homes even for poor, low-wage countries like Portugal, is it a surprise that Mr. George Soros is among the largest landowners in that country?

Is it a surprise that after 1990 German banks and those behind them generated the enormous debt in the Baltic and Ukraine through which the below market price sale of indebted assets could be forced?

One does not have to focus on Eastern Europe.

For centuries Portugal and Greece have been mines for labor displaced by governments inhibiting any kind of domestic economic development.

Not even ten years ago I had a student in Germany who bought toothpaste to take home to Greece because it was too expensive there. Greece had no factories to manufacture such high-tech products. The Anglo-American war against the Soviet Union (aka WW2) inhibited but did not stop industrialization in the East. Yet the continuous psychological attack on the country — together with covert action– created a readiness among the young and mobile to abandon their homeland either physically or spiritually. The vacuum created was filled by those whose core business has been to deport and expropriate, to enclose (as the English did) the commons and declare its natural inhabitants outlaws.

Some of these deportees may possess the personality traits that bind them with those who have induced their expulsion. They are often recruited as sheepdogs for the rest who live in unacknowledged submission. Any attempt to describe general historical phenomena must allow for the peculiarities of class and other distinctions among the human participants. The purpose of an analysis like this is to correct the lens with which those who are truly concerned view the events they sense in daily life and those that are projected by the mass media devices they use. The entertainment industry– to which the “news” belongs– demands segmentation and fractive optics. News about any other topic can only be enjoyed if it is compact and masturbatory. The bomb’s detenation must be parsed so that the “boom” is not corrupted by the whine and howl of the half-dead it creates. The scream of the dying has to be separated from the view of the trigger and the gunner satisfied by his “hit”. The streams of refugees and migrants have to be displayed at more than a decent interval from the squadrons of bombers loaded for a “nape scrape”.

There is another way to see the Palestinian expulsion. If one sees Palestine in terms of the Crusades and the establishment of a neo-feudal regime in the West (and takes the Round Table program seriously), the “biblical kingdom“ that Netanyahu professes to restore is really the conquest that failed in the Fourth Crusade. A “holy Roman Empire” will be restored on a new technological platform.

The purity of the empire‘s emergent aristocracy must be assured. The nation-state, based on indigenous citizenry, will be replaced by continuous flows of labor and cash. All that has to be governed/ managed from a safe haven. Moreover like in the original Crusades the financial class aimed to maintain a chokehold on East-West (Eurasian) trade.

All the consequences we see are consistent with this permanent policy of the Western oligarchy. The inhabitants of Gaza once removed will be a perfect prototype, stuffed with Prozac, owning nothing and being happy.


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This article was originally published on Seek Truth from Facts Foundation.

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This article was first published on January 27, 2023  following the controversial statement of Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock intimating that Germany’s Bundeswehr was preparing to wage war on Russia.

In recent developments it would appear that Chancellor Scholz:

“doesn’t have any idea about what his armed forces [Bundeswehr] are doing behind his back, which risks dragging Germany deeper into this conflict.

The underlying statements should be taken seriously.

They suggest that an all out war against Russia is contemplated –beyond Germany’s military aid and delivery of weapons to the Kiev regime.

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, March 4, 2024



While there are divisions within NATO, Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock  –who assiduously studied foreign policy in Klaus Schwab’s WEF Forum of Young Global Leaders (YGL)– confirmed in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) (January 25, 2023), that Germany and its allies [NATO] are at war with Russia: 

“Baerbock’s comments come on the heels of nearly a year of direct Russophobic narrative, including openly declared plans for war with Russia.

In mid-November 2022, Der Spiegel published a leaked German Defense Ministry document [68 pages], revealing that the Bundeswehr is preparing for war with Russia [See below]

The secret document titled “Operational guidelines for the Armed Forces” was drafted by Germany’s Chief of Staff, General Eberhard Zorn. 

“He stressed the need for a “mega-reform” of the German military and clearly identified Russia as an “immediate threat”. Infobrics

Screenshot from Der Spiegel, November 14, 2022

Translation of the above (From German by Global Research)

Feared confrontation with Russia   

Preparation for “forced war” – The Bundeswehr must become significantly more powerful”

In a confidential strategy paper, General Chief of Staff Zorn swears that the Bundeswehr will face tough years ahead. A conflict with Russia is becoming more likely. The troops must concentrate fully on defence [Abwehr] against an attack.

What this bold statement suggests is that Germany and its allies should “defend themselves” (plural) against a Russian attack.

See also the contradictory statement of  Germany’s Foreign Minister:

“The most important is that we do it together, we are fighting against Russia” 

Say No to Article V of The Washington Treaty

We are at a dangerous crossroads.

These confused “do it together” statements tacitly pertain to Article Five of the Washington Treaty and NATO’s Doctrine of Collective Defence, namely the undocumented “claim of an attack” against one member of the Atlantic Alliance (aka Germany) could be presented as an Attack against ALL members of the Atlantic Alliance, leading  humanity into a “World War III Scenario”.

Is Article V of the Washington Treaty (with regard to Russia) a talking point in the corridors of the U.S, State Department and the White House?

At the moment. The “official” Answer is No. According to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken:

“President Biden’s determination is to avoid direct military conflict with Russia. … 

“Biden has always been emphatic that one of his requirements in Ukraine is that there be no World War III,” Blinken said. (WP)

Inasmuch as Ukraine has lost this war before it started (No Navy and No Air Force), direct or indirect US-NATO confrontations against Russia are  difficult to avoid  unless there are meaningful peace negotiations.

Germany’s Defense Ministry document by General Zorn opens up a Pandora’s box.

His statements are in many regards outlandish, bordering on the absurd without evidence, but at the same time instrumental in triggering political confusion and divisions. It is unclear as to whether Washington was behind this initiative.

His statement also has an “unforgettable”  historical connotation: While the War between Russia and the Prussian Empire broke out in 1914 (World War I), and Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941 (Operation Barbarossa), leading to 26 million deaths,  General Eberhard Zorn now claims that Russia is threatening to:

“Wipe Germany off the map at any moment”.  


Below is a summary article of  General Zorn’s 68 page document published by (translated into English by GR)

Scroll down for the original German version.

We hope to eventually be able to have access to the complete 68-page document.

Russian invasion increasingly likely: General warns of possible Russian attack on Germany


Translated and Edited by GR, emphasis added

In a shocking report, the Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Eberhard Zorn swore that the Bundeswehr is in for hard times.

A conflict with Russia is becoming more likely, the general warned. The Bundeswehr must prepare for a possible attack, he said.

A shocking [confidential report of 68 pages] warns that a Russian invasion of Europe is “more likely than ever.”

But this is far from the only shock forecast to emerge from the explosive documents.

According to the report, Germany could be wiped off the map “at any moment”.

Confidential paper revealed: Conflict with Russia increasingly likely

As claimed by The Sun, officials in Germany are said to have already urged the country to prepare for a looming war with Russia.

The confidential documents, leaked to Der Spiegel [68 pages drafted by General Zorn] , reveal that one of the country’s top generals, Eberhard Zorn, has ordered the country’s army to put itself on war-readiness in the face of “existential” threats.

General Eberhard Zorn warns of a possible Russian attack in Germany

The 68-page strategy paper, prepared in late September, is titled “Operational Guidelines for the Armed Forces.” In it, General Zorn calls for the German military to be completely rebuilt and prepared for war.

“Attacks on Germany can potentially occur without warning and with great, possibly even existential, damage,” he warned in the paper, according to the report.

Fear of Russian invasion of Europe grows: Bundeswehr barely able to defend itself in case of emergency

Although the modern German army has been involved in foreign conflicts such as Afghanistan, Zorn calls for the Bundeswehr to prepare “for a forced war” at home.

Data from February 2022 show that the Bundeswehr has 183,638 active soldiers and 949,000 reservists. However, despite a billion-dollar package, the Bundeswehr is barely defensible, Army Inspector General Alfons Mais recently warned.

Germany must create “more robust” armed forces

Nevertheless, fears of a possible war are growing. General Zorn said that war in an Eastern European NATO member state had  “become more likely again” and called on Germany to play a leading role in defending the continent and to create “more robust” forces.

He called for large units ready to fight for NATO at a moment’s notice. “Alliance defense, including the ability to provide visible and credible deterrence, will dominate Germany’s military actions,” Zorn said.

Report: Bundeswehr prepares for war on NATO’s eastern flank

The paper goes on to say that in the event of a Russian attack on NATO’s eastern border, Germany would have to provide “reactive and combat forces” and could not wait for U.S. support.

Zorn warned that neither the EU nor NATO could afford “to start planning and deploying forces only after the attack.” In a warning, he declared, “If we don’t act quickly, no army will move in Europe.”

Germany’s military chiefs frustrated by slow pace of Bundeswehr development

The leak of the report, however, could also be a sign that Germany’s military chiefs are frustrated with what they see as their government’s slow response to earlier promises of money, according to the Britain’s Daily Express, for example. One defense executive told Reuters, “There’s a war raging in Ukraine, but here procedures are still running in peace mode while inflation eats up the money.”

Original text in German 

Russische Invasion wird immer wahrscheinlicher: General warnt vor möglichem Russland-Angriff auf Deutschland

von  18. 11. 2022

In einem schockierenden Bericht schwört Generalinspekteur Eberhard Zorn die Bundeswehr auf harte Zeiten ein.

Ein Konflikt mit Russland werde wahrscheinlicher, warnte der General. Die Bundeswehr müsse sich auf einen möglichen Angriff vorbereiten.

Ein schockierender Bericht hat davor gewarnt, dass eine russische Invasion in Europa “wahrscheinlicher denn je” ist.

Doch dies ist längst nicht die einzige Schock-Prognose, die aus den brisanten Dokumenten hervorgeht. Demnach könnte Deutschland “jeden Moment” von der Landkarte getilgt werden.

Vertrauliches Papier offenbart: Konflikt mit Russland immer wahrscheinlicher

Wie die “The Sun” behauptet, sollen Beamte in Deutschland das Land bereits aufgefordert haben, sich auf einen drohenden Krieg mit Russland vorzubereiten. Aus den vertraulichen Dokumenten, die dem “Spiegel” zugespielt wurden, geht hervor, dass einer der obersten Generäle des Landes, Eberhard Zorn, die Armee des Landes angewiesen hat, sich angesichts “existenzieller” Bedrohungen in Kriegsbereitschaft zu versetzen.

General Eberhard Zorn warnt vor möglichen Russen-Angriff in Deutschland

Das Ende September erstellte 68-seitige Strategiepapier trägt den Titel “Operative Richtlinien für die Streitkräfte”. Darin fordert General Zorn, das deutsche Militär komplett umzubauen und auf den Krieg vorzubereiten. “Angriffe auf Deutschland können möglicherweise ohne Vorwarnung und mit großen, möglicherweise sogar existenziellen Schäden erfolgen.”, warnte er dem Bericht nach in dem Papier.

Angst vor russischer Invasion in Europa wächst: Bundeswehr im Ernstfall kaum verteidigungsfähig

Obwohl die moderne deutsche Armee an ausländischen Konflikten wie in Afghanistan beteiligt war, fordert Zorn, dass sich die Bundeswehr “auf einen erzwungenen Krieg” im eigenen Land vorbereitet. Daten vom Februar 2022 zeigen, dass die Bundeswehr über 183.638 aktive Soldaten und 949.000 Reservisten verfügt. Allerdings sei die Bundeswehr trotz Milliardenpakets kaum verteidigungs fähig, warnte zuletzt der Heeresinspekteur Alfons Mais.

Deutschland muss “robustere” Streitkräfte schaffen

Dennoch wächst die Angst vor einem möglichen Krieg. General Zorn erklärte, dass ein Krieg in einem osteuropäischen NATO-Mitgliedstaat “wieder wahrscheinlicher geworden” sei und forderte Deutschland auf, eine führende Rolle bei der Verteidigung des Kontinents zu spielen und “robustere” Streitkräfte zu schaffen. Er forderte große Einheiten, die jederzeit bereit sind, für die NATO zu kämpfen. “Die Bündnisverteidigung, einschließlich der Fähigkeit zur sichtbaren und glaubwürdigen Abschreckung, wird das militärische Handeln Deutschlands dominieren.”, so Zorn.

Bericht: Bundeswehr wappnet sich für Krieg an NATO-Ostflanke

In dem Papier heißt weiter, dass Deutschland im Falle eines russischen Angriffs an der Ostgrenze der NATO “reaktive und kämpferische Kräfte” bereitstellen müsse und nicht auf Unterstützung durch die USA warten könne. Zorn warnte, dass weder die EU noch die NATO es sich leisten könnten, “erst nach dem Angriff mit der Planung und der Aufstellung von Streitkräften zu beginnen”. In einer Warnung erklärte er: “Wenn wir nicht schnell handeln, wird sich keine Armee in Europa bewegen.”

Deutschlands Militärchefs frustriert über schleppende Entwicklung der Bundeswehr

Das Durchsickern des Berichts könnte jedoch auch ein Zeichen dafür sein, dass die deutschen Militärchefs frustriert sind über die ihrer Meinung nach schleppende Reaktion ihrer Regierung auf frühere Geldversprechungen, heißt es etwa beim britischen “Express“. Ein Verteidigungsmanager sagte gegenüber Reuters: “In der Ukraine tobt ein Krieg, aber hier laufen die Verfahren noch im Friedensmodus, während die Inflation das Geld auffrisst.”

Anti-war Martyr Aaron Bushnell vs the Pro-war Western Media

March 4th, 2024 by Elizabeth Woodworth

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The rather sweet-faced young airman planned his final act carefully.

After realizing that his life was not worth more than the lives that are being destroyed in Palestine, Aaron Bushnell imagined a way to “turn our eyes to Gaza” and its enormous human losses, while adding his life to theirs.

To succeed in turning attention to Gaza meant somehow capturing the extensive media coverage that has been mostly supportive of Israel.

Therefore, on Sunday February 25, 2024, Aaron strode grim-faced towards the Israeli embassy in Washington. 

En-route, wearing his military fatigues, he spoke calmly to his camera. 

He had chosen his words carefully:

“I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest for compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it is not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.”

After setting up his camera on the ground, he walked several paces, turned his back to the embassy, and poured a powerful accelerant all over himself and ignited it. Immediately engulfed in flames, Aaron repeatedly yelled “Free Palestine,” until he finally collapsed.

He streamed the entire event on twitch. (It’s disturbing footage; please consider your decision before watching it.)

Aaron left a final Facebook message just before he carried out his plan. It provided a link to the live-stream documentation he had set up. And he asked us to consider:

“Many of us like to ask ourselves, ‘What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?’

“The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now.”

What Followed in the Media?

The media headlines responded typically as follows, doing an immense disservice to the 30,000 Palestinians killed to date, and to the man who gave his life to generate media coverage:

The Washington Post even smeared him:


NPR, after nearly 24 hours, was not able to identify Bushnell’s motives, even though he had shouted “free Palestine” as he burned:



Only CNN reported Aaron’s words about the normalization of genocide:



Regarding CNN’s response, independent journalist Caitlin Johnstone observed on Twitter/X:

He did it. Aaron Bushnell forced this to happen. He did something so jarring and impactful that the mass media would be forced to report the raw facts about it if they want to avoid internal conflict like CNN and NYT have been experiencing in recent weeks. He left them no choice.

Journalist Abby Martin wrote:

For Bushnell, the torment meant also having to put on the uniform of the institution loading the weapons, running the supply missions, providing assistance to the genocide. Bushnell saw he was an accomplice to all that. The truth killed him.

But the media has been historically blind to the agony in Gaza:


Screenshot from The Intercept


Somehow, we have to make Aaron Bushnell’s ultimate sacrifice worthwhile.

We need to stop this war in the names of all who have died in Gaza — whom he chose to join in suffering and death — and mark his gift of sacrifice to peace on the day he died, February 25th of each year.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Lizzy’s Newsletter.

Elizabeth Woodworth is highly engaged in climate change science and activism. She has published 42 articles on Global Research, is co-author of “Unprecedented Climate Mobilization”, “Unprecedented Crime: Climate Science Denial and Game Changers for Survival,” and co-producer of the COP21 video “A Climate Revolution For All.” She is author of the popular handbook on nuclear weapons activism, “What Can I Do?” and the novel, “The November Deep”. For 25 years, she served as head medical librarian for the BC Government. She holds a BA from Queen’s and a Library Sciences Degree from UBC.

She is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image source

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The number of registered American voters willing to vote for former US president Donald Trump is higher than the number of those planning to vote for current US president Joe Bidenaccording to a survey released on March 2. This is unsurprising since Biden has been the harbinger of failed foreign and domestic policy and is evidently experiencing cognitive decline.

According to The New York Times and the Siena College research organisation, who conducted the survey between February 25 and 28, if the US election were held at this moment, 48% of American voters would vote for Trump, while 43% would vote for Biden.

The survey also revealed Americans’ preferences based on their ethnicity. About 53% of white voters, 46% of Hispanic citizens, but only 23% of African Americans were willing to vote for Trump. On the other hand, Biden received 66% of the black vote but trails his rival in all other groups, receiving 40% support from potential white and Hispanic voters.

Furthermore, when respondents were asked who they thought would win the 2024 presidential election, 48% of voters chose Trump, and only 39% chose Biden.

“It’s going to be a very tough decision — I’m seriously thinking about not voting,” said Mamta Misra, 57, a Democrat and an economics professor in Lafayette, La., who voted for Mr. Biden in 2020. “Trump voters are going to come out no matter what. For Democrats, it’s going to be bad. I don’t know why they’re not thinking of someone else.”

Mr. Rivera, who is Puerto Rican, said he doesn’t like the way Mr. Trump talks about immigration and the southern border, but is planning to vote for him anyway. “Biden? I don’t know,” Mr. Rivera said. “It looks like we’re weak, America’s weak. We need someone stronger.”

The New York Times, March 2, 2024

The next US presidential election will be held in November 2024. Donald Trump is the likely Republican Party candidate, and current President Joe Biden has also declared his intention to be re-elected by the Democratic Party.

The rise of Trump, especially as the election approaches, is unsurprising since Biden is very evidently experiencing a cognitive decline. In his latest gaff on March 1, the US president mistakenly mentioned Ukraine a few times when talking about American plans to drop aerial aid into the Gaza Strip.

While speaking alongside Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Biden said,

“In the coming days, we are going to join with our friends in Jordan and others who are providing airdrops of additional food and supplies in Ukraine.”

He added that the US would

“seek to continue to open up other avenues in Ukraine, including the possibility of a marine corridor to deliver large amounts of humanitarian assistance. In addition to expanding deliveries by land, we are going to insist Israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more and more people the help they need.”

White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby later clarified that the president was referring to Gaza, not Ukraine.

Although some might like to sweep this under the rug as a simple mistake, the slip-up is not Biden’s first, and it joins a long series of other similar incidents that are becoming more common.

It is recalled that last month, Biden gave a speech defending his memory after being examined by his doctor, but later mistook Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi for Mexico’s leader and became upset after reporters questioned whether his memory had worsened with age.

He has previously confused French President Emmanuel Macron with Francois Mitterrand, who died in 1996, while recounting a G7 meeting in Cornwall in June 2021. Then, in New York a few days later, he claimed to have discussed the 2021 Capitol riot with German chancellor Helmut Kohl, who passed away in 2017, when he was thinking of Angela Merkel.

Due to Biden’s evident cognitive decline, it is little wonder that Trump is surging in the polls. Trump has emphasised that he will quickly make a deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin to end the conflict with Ukraine. Whether he can achieve this or not will be seen if he is elected, but it does point to him wanting to end the war, unlike Biden.

It is difficult for Biden to convince Americans why Ukraine is important for their interests when he confuses the country for Gaza. This is in addition to an infamous slip-up when speaking to reporters on the South Lawn of the White House in June 2023 when he confused the war in Ukraine with the Iraq war, which ended in 2011.

With victories in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, the US Virgin Islands, South Carolina and now Michigan and Missouri, Trump is by far the favourite in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, with Nikki Haley, his last remaining rival for the nomination, holding on only thanks to support from donors who do not want a return of the former president. And as the polls have been indicating for several months, which would be alarming for the Democrats, it appears that it is likely Trump will be the next US president, with Biden’s cognitive decline playing a huge part in this outcome.


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Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Countercurrents

Genetically Modified Ingredients in Most US Cheeses

March 4th, 2024 by Dr. Ashley Armstrong

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Traditionally, cheese was made with just four ingredients: milk, salt, starter culture and animal rennet

Rennet is used as a clotting agent to curdle the milk into cheese, separating the liquid parts of milk from the solids. It’s an essential part of the cheese making process

Today, there are four types of rennet used in the cheese making industry: animal rennet, vegetable rennet, microbial rennet, and a genetically modified version called FPC (fermentation-produced chymosin), made by Pfizer

Bioengineered chymosin (FPC) was granted Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) status, which exempted Pfizer was exempt from the pre-approval requirements that apply to other new food additives. This despite the fact that studies have detailed concerns about safety

An estimated 90% of North American cheese is made with FPC rennet, and ingredient labels do not distinguish between bioengineered rennet and the original animal-based type so consumers have no way of knowing what they’re eating


In this article let’s dive into why I believe you should only be eating cheese made with ANIMAL RENNET, and how over 90% of the cheese sold in the U.S. does not use this and instead uses a genetically modified version made by Pfizer.

Cheese History

Who doesn’t love cheese?! And for good reason — it is not only delicious but also incredibly nutritious. And despite what mainstream tells us, humans have been making and consuming this superfood for over 7,000 years.1,2,3 In fact, cheese serves an important role in human history.

Historians document that milk, dairy and fermented dairy products, like cheese, served as a nutrient-dense calorie source that was storable, allowing some of the first explorers to safely travel and expand communities, creating more demographic shifts and diverse farming communities.

Dairy provided food security, as it is a nutrient-rich superfood.

Consumption of milk and dairy products would have had many advantages for early farming populations. Milk, yogurt, and cheese are good sources of calories, protein, and fat. They provide a reliable food between harvests or during droughts, epidemics, or famines.

Milk is a relatively pathogen-free source of fluids that could be critical during times of water scarcity. Cheese provides a means of storing these nutrients to be used when milk production is low, and can be easily transported.

Furthermore, fermentation of milk into yogurt or cheese lowers lactose content and allows lactose intolerant individuals to reap the benefits, while maintain, or in some cases enhancing, other essential nutrients such as fat and calcium.”4

But cheese was traditionally made with just these four ingredients:

1. Milk

2. Salt

3. Starter culture, what’s used to make the desired cheese strain (for ex. Muenster versus Swiss)

4. Animal rennet, used as a clotting agent to curdle the milk into cheese, separating the liquid parts of milk from the solids — a very vital part of the cheese making process!

You add culture to milk and let it ferment. Then, you add rennet, which separates the milk into curds and whey. Then you press the curds and age them. And voila — cheese!

Rennet is a complex set of enzymes that are naturally produced in the stomachs of ruminant animals, like cows. The main enzyme present is chymosin, which is a protease enzyme, meaning it breaks down protein. Rennet from animals also contains other enzymes like pepsin and lipase.

So these enzymes in rennet target casein, the main protein in milk. They cause the casein molecules to divide and re-coagulate into even larger clumps, forming cheese curds. So, rennet serves as a vital part of cheesemaking since it helps curdle the milk into cheese, separating the liquid part from the solid part.

Types of Rennet

There are four types of rennet used in the cheese making industry: animal rennet, vegetable rennet, microbial rennet, and FPC (a GMO version).

1. Animal rennet — Animal rennet is the most natural and oldest form of rennet, and what was traditionally used in cheese making. There are milk-clotting enzymes naturally occurring in the stomach lining of ruminant animals. It is well known in the cheese making industry that animal rennet produces a superior flavor, likely because this rennet is a complex set of enzymes (as nature intended), rather than a single isolated enzyme derived in a lab.

Animal rennet is usually 90% chymosin enzyme and 10% pepsin enzyme. The small amount of pepsin will break down the casein protein in milk in a slightly different way compared to just chymosin alone, producing a final product with an enhanced taste.

Cheese made using animal rennet not only tastes better, but it also produces a safer and more natural final cheese product, which will be discussed in depth below.

2. Vegetable rennet — One alternative to animal rennet is vegetable rennet, which unfortunately varies a lot depending on the source, and the term “vegetable rennet” is misused a lot. True vegetable rennet is derived from plants that possess coagulation enzymes. And these plant extracts have been used as milk coagulants since ancient times. Some examples include cardoon thistle, fig tree bark, or nettles.

However, it is well known in the cheese industry that vegetable rennet can negatively impact the final texture and flavor of the cheese.5,6

“Most plant-derived [enzymes] typically exhibit low MCA/PA ratios resulting in poor cheese yield and formation of bitter substances during cheese ripening … Therefore, most of them are not suitable for cheese production.”7

Which is why most of the cheese with the label “vegetable rennet” isn’t real vegetable rennet. It’s either microbial rennet (made from mold) or FPC (the GMO version) since there is no regulation on the terms used for what rennet is used in cheese labeling.

3. Microbial rennet — Another alternative to animal rennet is “microbial rennet,” where the coagulating enzymes are produced by a specific type of mold, fungus or yeast organism grown and fermented in a lab setting (often fed soy). Yum. So while the microorganisms aren’t genetically modified, their food source likely is.

This is considered vegetarian friendly as the enzyme produced by the organism is not derived from an animal. There is again a large consensus in the cheesemaking world that cheeses made with this type of microbial rennet can lead to a final cheese product with a bitter taste. This option is commonly used in “certified organic” and “certified vegetarian” cheeses.

“Microbial [enzymes] are mainly produced by fungi and bacteria in the process of growth and metabolism. Microorganisms have the advantages of a short growth cycle, easy fermentation, and are not limited by space and region of production …

Therefore, the cost of microbial MCEs is low … However, it is found that most MCEs [microbial enzymes] have high PA and low MCA/PA ratios leading to low cheese yield and bitterness.”8

4. Genetically modified FPC — To overcome some of the shortcomings of the vegetable and microbial rennets like the potential bitter cheese taste, scientists have leveraged genetic engineering technology to create new, genetically modified species that generate these milk-curdling enzymes.

Introducing the most common alternative to animal rennet in cheese making — FPC, which stands for Fermentation-Produced Chymosin (FPC). (Chymosin referring to the enzyme that curdles milk, and is naturally present in the stomach lining of ruminant animals).

In fact, 90% of the cheese manufactured in the U.S. uses these enzymes from genetically modified organisms.9

FPC was created by the one and only Pfizer (biotech company) and is made possible by using CRISPR gene editing technology10 where the genomes of living organisms are modified. The “safety” of FPC was evaluated by a 90 day trial in rats.11

How FPC Is Made

Here’s how it is made: The rennet producing gene is taken out of the animal cell’s DNA string and then inserted into the bacteria, yeast or mold host cell’s DNA string in a process known as gene splicing (a type of recombinant DNA technology). Once inserted, the newly placed gene initiates the production of the chymosin enzyme within the host. The host culture is then cultivated and fermented.

These recombinant DNA technologies are relatively new and became popular in the 1980s when the U.S. Supreme Court by a 5-4 vote ruled that new life forms can be patented.12 So then in 1990, in another precedent-setting decision by a U.S. government office, the FDA approved the use of FPC in food. It was the first time a bioengineered product was permitted in food in the U.S. It gets better.

This bioengineered chymosin (FPC) was granted Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) status. Meaning, Pfizer was exempt from the pre-approval requirements that apply to other (non GRAS) new food additives.

Since Pfizer demonstrated what is often referred to as “substantial equivalence,” the FDA concluded that bioengineered chymosin was substantially equivalent to calf rennet and needed neither special labeling nor indication of its source or method of production.

In case you didn’t know, this “GRAS” label is a little hand wavy and just a big loophole. In general, federal law requires the FDA to ensure that food additives are safe and mandates a rigorous pre-market safety review process. But the loophole = GRAS.

The GRAS Loophole

Forty-three percent of food additives are designated “GRAS” and don’t get FDA oversight. Essentially, we must trust that food companies will conduct unbiased safety determinations before adding these new GRAS substances to our food.

“According to the FDC Act, food additives that are non-GRAS need approval prior to marketing. In contrast, GRAS substances do not require approval or notification to the USFDA prior to marketing.”13

Meaning the public and other regulatory agencies lack the data needed to assess the safety of some chemicals in our foods. In 2014, Former Deputy FDA Commissioner for Foods Michael Taylor commented on FDA’s failure to regulate food chemicals, saying:14 “We simply do not have the information to vouch for the safety of many of these chemicals.”

GRAS may have started out with good intentions, but it has turned out to be a giant loophole for food companies to get a free pass to use chemical additives in our food with little to no oversight. And of course, there is no other developed country in the world that has a system as archaic as GRAS for approving food additives. Okay tangent aside, back to FPC.

FPC Cheese Is Exempt From GMO Labeling

Even though the organisms that produce this FPC are genetically modified, dairy products using this technology are exempt from having to label their products as “GMO.” In fact, FPC is just listed as “microbial rennet” or “vegetable rennet” on labels. (The source of the rennet is not required to be listed). So it is a little deceiving.

The “Non-GMO” national project does not agree with this FPC technology and believes this is a high-risk ingredient. Moreover, FPC is not permitted in USDA Organic cheeses. And here is a comment from the American Cheese Society:

“FPC rennet is a genetically modified organism (GMO). According to the culture companies, 90% of North American cheese is made with FPC rennet. But ingredient labels do not distinguish between this type of microbial rennet and the original non-GMO type.

And the fact that use of FPC-type microbial rennet is not labeled a GMO leaves those who oppose GMOs in the dark when it comes to choosing cheese.”

And once again, FPC is used in 90% of the cheese made in the U.S.! These alternative rennet methods are up to 2X cheaper than using animal rennet, since it speeds up the aging process to make cheese ready for market faster, which means more profits.

They also allows cheese companies to market to vegetarians (since animal rennet, derived from the stomach of a ruminant animal, would not be allowed). But is FPC safe?

Safety Concerns of GM Enzymes

Well, again, this technology is new. So there are no long term studies evaluating the safety of eating a small amount of this genetically modified food additive every single day.15 But there are two main concerns: 1) toxicity and 2) digestive issues since these rennet alternatives can serve as an allergen.16

Toxicity Concerns

Toxicity meaning that the enzyme solution contains bio toxins from the genetically modified host (mold or fungus) that is being cultured and fermented in the lab. The producers of these enzymes claim the final FPC enzyme solution is highly purified, but some people react as though they still contain some of the allergens from the host microorganisms themselves.

In fact, traces of the genetically engineered bacteria have been found in enzymes.17 A few quotes from the literature regarding these toxicity concerns. I don’t know about you, but I have no desire to consume bio toxins from genetically modified organisms!

“Genetically modified food enzymes are currently produced from GMOs. Safety concerns have been raised regarding potential contamination of food with bacterial toxins or mycotoxins, allergens, or uncharacterized extraneous substances as impurities.”18

“Because these enzymes are purified from microbial sources, toxic substances might be present in enzyme preparations/isolates. The toxic substances are basically bacterial toxins and mycotoxins, which might cause problems/risks related to the health of consumers.

Safety legislation is also very much attentive regarding the allergenic properties of manufactured enzymes, as it is well known that enzymes are potent inhalative sensitizers.

Apart from that, numerous uncharacterized extraneous substances/ impurities of microbial/biological origin may also be present in the enzyme preparation, which is also a matter of prime concern while evaluating the safety of commercial enzyme products.”19

“While food enzyme preparations are considered unlikely to cause any acute toxicity, genotoxicity, or repeat-dose oral toxicity, it is the fermentation product(s) of microorganisms from the manufacturing process that is/are of interest due to the potential presence of secondary metabolites that may induce toxicity when ingested (eg. aflatoxins, fumonisins and/or ochratoxins).”20

So, some are concerned about continuous ingestion of these bio toxins over time, and the negative health consequences those would have over the course of years. And unfortunately, there isn’t much regulation here. “Currently, the companies themselves are responsible for the quality control of their products.”21 Gee, that’s not helpful!

Allergens and Digestive Issues

So as a result of a small amount of these toxins potentially showing up in the final cheese product (and slight structural changes in the final proteins), the cheese can now serve as an allergen and can cause an allergic reaction, or digestive and respiratory issues.22

  • Stomach upset or discomfort
  • Runny nose, increase in mucus production

Consumers then may think they can’t digest cheese — but hey, maybe it is just the cheese that was made! It may not be the dairy itself, but the microorganism residues that elicit an allergic response, or irritate the gut lining.

I personally do not digest cheese that is made with this FPC (which again can be “vegetable rennet” or “microbial rennet” on labels). I get stomach upset and a disruption of my normal bowel movements. So something isn’t going right there! I can only digest cheese made with animal rennet, so I am very picky with what cheese I consume day to day!

GMO Cheese May Compromise Your Gut Health

One of the biggest issues here is the potential disruption of the gut microbiome.

“Lastly, the case study highlights the issues related to the dissemination of [antimicrobial resistance] genes due to their potential acquisition by the human commensal flora, via direct food consumption and by environmental bacteria through contact with soil and water surfaces or food waste. This is especially the case as a living GMM [genetically modified micro-organism] was found in a FE [enzyme] preparation.”23

In addition, allergic responses from ingesting the biotoxin residues or modified protein structures.

“A known safety risk linked to industrial enzyme use is respiratory allergy and for most proteases there is also some potential for skin and eye irritation … Enzymes present a risk of a respiratory allergy (e.g. Aspergillus-derived enzymes in bakers’ asthma) and it is well described in the scientific literature …”24

“Genetic modification of enzymes may also change their allergenic properties, posing new potential health risks. For instance, type I sensitization was found in a study of 813 exposed industrial workers using genetically modified enzymes.”25

So, it is documented in the literature, I experience it personally, and have heard from multiple other people — some people have digestive issues digesting the microbial and vegetable rennets. But do just fine with cheese made in a traditional manner with animal rennet. There are consequences when we try to outsmart nature!

Our Cheese

So, if you have previously had digestive issues or allergy-like reactions to cheese, the type of rennet may have been the issue, not the dairy itself! KNOW YOUR DAIRY!

Our cheese at Nourish Cooperative is not only made with raw, A2A2 milk, but we ONLY use animal rennet in all of our cheese varieties — leading to easier to digest, NON GENETICALLY MODIFIED, nourishing and delicious cheese. We prefer that cheese is made the traditional way, as nature intended. So if you don’t digest other cheeses well, you can likely digest ours just fine! KNOW YOUR FARMER AND KNOW YOUR CHEESE INGREDIENTS!

We are soon accepting new members to our farm cooperative, where we ship the best cheese (along with meat, dairy and sourdough) to all 50 states. Join the waitlist here:

About Angel Acres Egg Co. and the Nourish Cooperative

Angel Acres ships their eggs to all 50 states — but there is currently a waiting list as she slowly increases the number of chickens within the network to fulfill the demand. If you want to purchase low-PUFA eggs from Armstrong’s farm, join the waiting list at More egg boxes opening up this spring!


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Ashley Armstrong, with a Ph.D., MS and BS in mechanical engineering and a certified personal trainer, is the cofounder of Angel Acres Egg Co., which specializes in low-PUFA (polyunsaturated fat) eggs. We discussed the importance of low-PUFA eggs in a recent interview, embedded above for your convenience.


1 September 5, 2018

2 National Geographic September 5, 2018

3, 4 PLOS ONE 2018; 13(9); e0202807

5 Rennet for Cheese Making FAQ

6 Dairy Science & Technology 2014; 94: 5-16

7, 8 Food Res Int November 2021; 149: 110704

9, 10 Trends in Food Science & Technology January 2022; 119: 467-475

11 EFSA August 3, 2022

12 Diamond v Chakrabarty 447 US 303, Supreme Court 1980

13, 19 Enzymes in Food Biotechnology 2019: 739-767

14 The Washington Post August 17, 2014

15, 21, 23 Foods 2020; 9(3): 326

16, 20, 24 WHO Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives 11-14 December 2018

17 Test Biotech November 18, 2021

18, 25 Current Opinion in Food Science February 2019; 25: 14-18

22 Center for Food Safety GE Food and Your Health

Featured image is from dibettadifino, Shutterstock.

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


Feb. 12, 2024 – 36 year old Sheriff’s Detective Robert Wright suffered two heart attacks within 2 months

  • 1st heart attack in early December 2023
  • 2nd heart attack as he was going to work to submit paperwork, had a massive heart attack on Feb. 12, 2024
  • In coma From Feb. 12 to Feb. 14
  • His daughter was born on Feb.14 and is now in neonatal ICU
  • doctors are currently evaluating him for a cardiac transplant





COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate


Here’s the family’s GOFUNDME profile:

My Take…

You will notice that in none of the media reports on this story is there any mention of COVID-19 Vaccines or Vaccine injury.

I have noticed this pattern more and more in the past year.

A young vaccinated couple has health problems (one of them or both) and pregnancy complications, often at the same time.

In this case, to have two heart attacks at age 36, to the point where he requires a heart transplant is extremely unusual. If he had severe coronary artery disease, they would have done a bypass surgery after his 1st mild heart attack. They didn’t.

So it’s likely he has diffuse cardiac injury, either a myocarditis or cardiomyopathy that caused heart scarring which is so severe that it gave him two cardiac arrests, the 2nd one almost killed him.

According to Associated Press, in 2022, a record 4111 heart transplants were performed in the US, not enough to meet the need.



That’s a 20% increase since 2018, according to webmd:


His wife Heather had pregnancy complications. She believes due to stress but premature labor (at 28 weeks) is a common COVID-19 Vaccine complication.

These disasters in young families are the consequence of lack of informed consent. Young people didn’t understand the risks of experimental LNP/mRNA Vaccines, nor did the doctors administering them.

The consequences are now devastating for many.




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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


One part of Israel’s military operation in Gaza that’s been largely ignored by the mainstream media is the extremely sophisticated psychological war that’s being waged on the Palestinian people. If we look carefully at some of the more unusual elements in Israel’s strategy, we see the outline of plan that is clearly aimed at inflicting maximum psychological damage on its victims.

Take, for example, Israel’s repeated demand that civilians leave a particular city at a designated time. Every time this demand has been made it was followed shortly after by airstrikes on the fleeing civilians. We could easily dismiss this unfortunate action as an operational snafu attributable to human error, but that does not appear to be the case. After all, these airstrikes have not happened just once or twice, but over and over again. This suggests that it is official policy.

The same is true of the seemingly random killing of civilians by Israeli snipers, (some of them waving white flags) or the so-called “indiscriminate bombing” of homes, hospitals and refugee camps, or the hyper-belligerent pronouncements by political leaders, or the massive slaughter of civilians peacefully gathering food at humanitarian aid trucks.

What we’re saying is that none of these things have any apparent tactical value, rather their efficacy can only be measured in terms of how they help Israel achieve its overall strategic objective which is the expulsion of the entire Arab population. In that regard, the strategy appears to be working quite well because the majority of the population is now convinced that “nowhere is safe”. This, in fact, is the cornerstone upon which Israel has developed its psychological battleplan, to eradicate any sense of personal security prompting feelings of anxiety, confusion and hopelessness. Keep in mind, this mindset did not appear out of thin air. This mindset is the product of a meticulously-plotted and thoroughly-sinister plan to inflict maximum psychological damage on 2 million people so they will be easier to expel from their historic homeland. That is the underlying goal of Israel’s operation, ethnic cleansing. And the psychological aspect of the campaign may be more critical to its success than the relentless airstrikes or nascent ground war. This is from an article at Save The Children:

“In times of war, people usually seek refuge in safe places. There are no safe places in Gaza right now, and there is no way of reaching safety outside. With a sense of safety, the constant reassuring presence of family, some kind of a routine and appropriate treatment, children can recover. But so many children have already lost family members, some have lost all, and the violence and displacement are relentless,” Jason Lee, Save the Children’s Country Director for the occupied Palestinian territory. Children’s Mental health Pushed Beyond the Breaking Point, Save The Children

While Lee recognizes the importance of “safe places”, he fails to connect the dots. He seems to think the present situation is an accident of war, but it’s not an accident of war. Israeli leaders have undoubtedly worked hand-in-glove with groups of behavior psychologists to settle on a plan that would achieve their political goals while minimizing casualties. (Mass casualties lead to fierce political opposition which Israel wanted to avoid.) The current psyops achieves both which is why we should assume that it is not ‘accidental’. In short, Israel’s bombing campaign is more focused on terrorizing and traumatizing than it is on killing. Can you see that?

Once we realize that there’s a rational motive for Israel’s seemingly random violence, we begin to see it everywhere. Every day there are new airstrikes on tent cities and refugee camps that have no strategic value at all. Why? Have Israeli leaders lost their minds?

No, they haven’t lost their minds. They are deliberately terrorizing the Palestinians so they will eagerly stampede into Egypt as soon as the wall is breached. This is the real purpose of Israel’s psychological war.

So, what are the consequences of Israel’s psych-war on the Palestinians?

Well, if we review the data from the past, we see that Israel’s frequent incursions have been nothing short of catastrophic. Check out this excerpt from a report by a group of scholars from the University of Washington in 2009:

“A recent report found that 91.4 percent of children in the Gaza Strip suffer moderate to severe symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.”…

The most recent studies indicate that the vast majority of Gaza’s children exhibit symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)….. Of a representative sample of children in Gaza, more than 95 percent experienced artillery shelling in their area or sonic booms of low-flying jets. Moreover, 94 percent recalled seeing mutilated corpses on TV and 93 percent witnessed the effects of aerial bombardments on the ground. Vast majority of Gaza children suffer PTSD symptoms, Electronic Intifada

Repeat: “91.4 percent of children in the Gaza Strip” already have “moderate to severe symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.”

So, even back in 2009, Palestinians were experiencing a “staggering level of psychological trauma.” Imagine how many more people will be severely impacted by today’s bloody rampage. It’s worth noting, that the psychological damage from the current conflict will not vanish when the hostilities end. Many of these people will spend the rest of their lives wrestling with their own demons in a hell that is entirely of Israel’s making. Here’s more from a 4-month-old article at the Guardian:

Children in Gaza are developing severe trauma symptoms alongside the risk of death and injury, according to a Palestinian psychiatrist….

The psychological impact of the war on children was showing, said Fadel Abu Heen, a psychiatrist in Gaza. Children had “started to develop serious trauma symptoms such as convulsions, bed-wetting, fear, aggressive behaviour, nervousness, and not leaving their parents’ sides.”

The “lack of any safe place has created a general sense of fear and horror among the entire population and children are most impacted,” he said….

Studies conducted after earlier conflicts have shown a majority of children in Gaza exhibiting symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Among Unicef’s other findings were: 91% of children reported sleeping disturbances during the conflict; 94% said they slept with their parents; 85% reported appetite changes; 82% felt angry; 97% felt insecure; 38% felt guilty; 47% were biting their nails; 76% reported itching or feeling ill….

A report last year by Save the Children on the impact of 15 years of blockade and repeated conflicts on the mental health of children in Gaza found their psycho-social wellbeing had “declined dramatically to alarming levels”.

Children that the aid agency interviewed “spoke of fear, nervousness, anxiety, stress and anger, and listed family problems, violence, death, nightmares, poverty, war and the occupation, including the blockade, as the things they liked least in their lives”.

The report quoted António Guterres, the secretary general of the UN, describing the lives of children in Gaza as “hell on earth”. Children in Gaza ‘developing severe trauma’ after 16 days of bombing, The Guardian

We tend to think of the survivors (of war) as the “lucky ones”, but that is not always the case. When you strip a child of all sense of personal security and cast him into a world of uncertainty, violence and death, his ability to feel joy or love or self-fulfillment are greatly impaired. We think Israeli war planners deliberately created the conditions required for inflicting maximum psychological damage on the Palestinians living in Gaza. We don’t think there is anything ‘accidental’ about what we are seeing. We think this is the only rational explanation for an erratic battle plan that focuses less on beating the enemy than it does on terrorizing the population. For Israel, driving the Palestinians out of Gaza is simply not enough. They want to ensure that their victims face years of agonizing psychological pain until the day they die.

While we do not yet have sufficient data to accurately assess the magnitude of the damage, we can safely say that the ongoing massacre vastly exceeds any in the past. For all practical purposes, Israel has destroyed the lives of every man, woman and child in Gaza. But when we see video of the wasteland Israel has created – with the rubble extending in all directions– we should remember that the psychological damage they have inflicted is far greater. These are the invisible wounds that will never heal and will thrust an entire population into a world of chronic anxiety, depression and despair.

Israel alone is responsible for their suffering.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney is a renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).  

Featured image is from TUR

The Pentagon’s “Ides of March 2024”: Best Month to Go to War?

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 01, 2024

The Ides of March is also known as the date on which Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC. Lest we forget, the month of March (in the Roman Calendar) is dedicated to Mars (Martius), the Roman God of War. For the Romans, the month of March (Martius) marked “the time to start new military campaigns.”

Mistakes, Misfiring and Trident: Britain’s Flawed Nuclear Deterrence

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 04, 2024

Nuclear weapons are considered the strategic silverware of nation states. Occasionally, they are given a cleaning and polishing. From time to time, they go missing, fail to work, and suffer misplacement. Of late, the UK Royal Navy has not been doing so well in that department, given its seminal role in upholding the doctrine of nuclear deterrence.

They Complained About Others Not Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, Then They “Died Suddenly”

By Dr. William Makis, March 03, 2024

26 people who died due to COVID propaganda and disinformation. 36 year old John Earnest Culberson Jr died suddenly Jan. 27, 2024. He just celebrated 10 years at CDC! 

New York Times’ Exposé Details Expansion of CIA Secret War in Ukraine Over a Decade Ago

By Uriel Araujo, March 03, 2024

The US “has nurtured a secret intelligence partnership” with Ukraine “for more than a decade”, and it “has transformed Ukraine” into “one of Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin”.

The Rome-Kiev Pact of Steel Under CIA Shadow

By Manlio Dinucci, March 03, 2024

The “Agreement on security cooperation” between Italy and Ukraine, which Italian Prime Minister Meloni and President Zelensky signed in Kijev, is not a formal declaration, but a real military pact that makes Italy a belligerent country in the war against Russia.

How Canada’s Liberal Party Was Infiltrated by Misanthropic Technocrats. Matthew Ehret

By Matthew Ehret-Kump, March 02, 2024

Ever since the Liberal Party of Chrystia Freeland and Justin Trudeau took power in 2015, policies favorable to the formation of a technocratic dictatorship have incrementally taken control of Canada. This policy outlook is a far cry from the “old school Liberal party” of the post-WWII decades which ushered in some of the greatest rates of technological and scientific progress ever seen in history under the leadership of C.D. Howe.

Genocidal Policies Towards Gaza and Other West Asian States Have Increased Solidarity Efforts with the Palestinian People

By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 01, 2024

Biden’s poor showing in recent polls indicates that his reelection is by no means certain. African Americans and their progressive leaders will continue to play an important role in the Palestine solidarity movement both inside the U.S. and around the world.

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


Nuclear weapons are considered the strategic silverware of nation states. Occasionally, they are given a cleaning and polishing. From time to time, they go missing, fail to work, and suffer misplacement. Of late, the UK Royal Navy has not been doing so well in that department, given its seminal role in upholding the doctrine of nuclear deterrence. In January, an unarmed Trident II D5 nuclear missile fell into the Atlantic Ocean after a bungled launch from a Royal Navy submarine.

The missile’s journey was a distinctly shorter than its originally plotted 6,000 km journey that would have ended in a location somewhere between Africa and Brazil. In language designed to say nothing yet conceal monumental embarrassment, UK Defence Secretary Grant Shapps called it “an anomaly” while the Labour opposition expressed concern through its shadow defence secretary, John Healey. An anonymous military source was the most descriptive of all: “It left the submarine but it just went plop, right next to them.”

The anomaly in question, which Shapps witnessed on board the HMS Vanguard, took place off the coast of Florida during a January 30 exercise at the US’s Navy Port site. Its failure is the second for the missile, which was also tested in 2016 and resulted in its automatic self-destruction after veering off course and heading to the United States. It was therefore galling for the Defence Secretary to then claim in a written statement to Parliament that Trident was still “the most reliable weapons system in the world”, a claim also reiterated by the missile’s manufacturers, Lockheed Martin. With a gamey sense of delusion, Shapps continued to argue that the test merely “affirmed the effectiveness of the UK’s nuclear deterrent, in which the government has absolute confidence. The submarine and crew were successfully certified and will rejoin the operational cycle as planned.”

Reports of the misfiring were first noted in The Sun, a newspaper otherwise given to bellicose airings and tits-and-bums rhetoric. “The government has absolute confidence that the UK’s deterrent remains effective, dependable, and formidable,” Shapps insists. “That is why we are continuing to invest in the next generation of Dreadnought Class ballistic missile submarines, in extending the life of the Trident missile and replacing the warhead, to keep us safe for decades to come.”

This is tickling, if only for reiterating talking points supplied by the Ministry of Defence. In its statement to The Sun, the MoD expressed much confidence that,

“HMAS Vanguard and her crew [had] been fully capable of operating the UK’s Continuous At-Sea Deterrent, passing all tests during a recent demonstration and shakedown operation (DASO) – a routine test to confirm that the submarine can return to service following deep maintenance work.”

In all of this, Shapps comes across as a mock figurine and stuffed effigy, with the MoD the exemplar of wishful thinking.  If nuclear deterrence ever had any reason for existing, it would surely do so on the presumption that the platforms launching the warheads would work. As David Cullen of the Nuclear Information Service saliently notes,

“The whole point of billions we are spending on the nuclear weapons programme is that it supposed to work, and be seen to work, at the prime minister’s command. Without that assurance, the entire endeavour is a failure in its own terms.”

Even at the best of times, deterrence, as a claim, is the stuff of fluffy fiction, astrological flight and fancy. It is unverifiable, speculative, highly presumptuous. Who is to know if a nuclear weapon will be fired at any point, at any time, against any target, on whatever pretext presents itself?

The madman theory suggests that such a weapon will be deployed, though we are not sure when this might eventuate. Keeping company with such a theory is the rational, mass murderer type who takes comfort in the prospect that 100 humans might survive a holocaust killing billions. Shoot and take your chances. Human stupidity glows with the hope that errors will be healed, and mass crimes palliated.

In actual fact, the true proof of such deterrence would lie in hellish murder: weapons launched, catastrophe ensuing. Those recording such evidence are bound to be done by coarse skinned mutants with plumbing problems.

The Trident misfiring episode can be seen in one of two ways. First, it illustrates the point that we are here because of dumb luck, having survived error, misunderstanding and miscommunication. In the second sense, it yields an uncomfortable reality for the war planners in White Hall: Trident may not work when asked to.

Whether a system fails because of faulty machinery or accident, the problem of misfiring does not go away. At some point, a misfire with potency will result in deaths, though we can perhaps be assured that Trident may simply fail to live up to the heavy sense of expectation demanded of it. We can hope it just plops.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He currently lectures at RMIT University. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected] 

Featured image source

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


“The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history.

The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.” —Michel Chossudovsky

“Connecting the Dots: interview with Matt Ehret:

  • The Criminalization of International Justice
  • The Broader Middle East War
  • The History of World War II and the Role of Wall Street
  • The Cold War and the Arms Race
  • America’s Preemptive Nuclear War Doctrine
  • The Geopolitics of China-US Relations


Video: Connecting the Dots, Michel Chossudovsky with Matt Ehret


On today’s (February 10, 2024) show, Professor Michel Chossudovsky discusses the Weaponization of International Law and Lessons of Nuremberg.

“What we are living is the most serious economic-social crisis in world history.

What is happening in Palestine is interconnected with what is happening in other parts of the world. It requires a historical background.” —Prof. Michel Chossudovsky


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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign



Feb. 4, 2024 – (Nashville, TN) 30 year old Hannah Quintero, died unexpectedly on Feb. 4, 2024.

  • Apr. 15, 2021: “How is it that the “all lives matter” and the “I refuse to get my COVID vaccine for some dumb reason” crew overlap SO much?”

  • Apr. 1, 2019: “Please start penalizing antivaxers”

Feb. 3, 2024 – Northampton, UK – Justin Carlin died suddenly on Feb. 3, 2024 

  • Oct. 21, 2021: “if you choose not to have the vaccine and you get sick, tough shit. If you choose not to have the Covid Vaccine, then you choose to be back of the line for the free COVID treatment that is available on the NHS.”



Jan. 27, 2024 – Waterloo, Ontario, Canada – 51 year old Dave Mumby died after a “sudden illness” 

  • Apr. 2021: “Ever notice the people that bitch about lockdown are the same ones that whine about following the rules and break them every chance they get and refuse to get the vaccine?”



Jan. 27, 2024 – Lithonia, GA – 36 year old John Earnest Culberson Jr died suddenly Jan. 27, 2024. He just celebrated 10 years at CDC! 

  • Dec. 30, 2021: “Get vaccinated so you can have not only a better year (2022) but a better you!!! The Vaccine/booster is safe because you is in GOD’s Hands and no weapon shall form against you”



Jan. 24, 2024 – PA – 37 year old Sarina Mihailoff died suddenly on Jan. 24, 2024 – was found dead in hotel room during a work trip.

  • Feb. 14, 2021: “I dont give a f… if there is a microchip in the vaccine. They could put a whole ipod nano inside me if it meant i was allowed to get drunk at Olive Garden again”
  • Feb. 14, 2021:” “F me up with that sweet sweet vaccine goodness”
  • “You could try social distancing, wearing a mask, and getting vaccinated”



Jan. 18, 2024 – 40 year old Tyler Cecil Willden died suddenly on Jan. 18, 2024

  • Oct. 2021: “People that are afraid of the covid shots I categorize them as “the world is flat” people. Now there is a covid pill will they take the pill?



Jan. 6, 2024 – 49 year old Michelle Kieft died suddenly

  • Aug. 22, 2021: “A really great read for anyone that thinks getting vaccinated is unnecessary. It’s not just about YOU, and stop thinking that it can’t happen to you or someone you love! Stop being selfish, do the right thing, help save the world!”
  • Aug. 29, 2021: “If you don’t trust doctors and science to keep you from getting sick, why the hell are you clogging up hospitals trusting them to cure you?”



Dec. 15, 2023 – Philippines – 58 year old Dr. Rowena Burden died suddenly of a heart attack on Dec. 15, 2023

  • Jan. 29, 2021: “Idiots in this pandemic, Haste is mandatory!”
  • Aug. 25, 2021: “Even our househelper is fully vaccinated”




Dec. 7, 2023 – Atlee M Parr had a cardiac arrest and died suddenly while driving from San Antonio to Kingsville.

  • Apr. 22, 2021: “An unvaccinated worker set off an outbreak at a US nursing home. This is still a real threat to everyone. Keep your mask on.”



Dec. 5, 2023 – 33 year old Canadian journalist Ian Vandaelle supported illegal COVID-19 vaccine mandates & passports

  • July 9, 2021: “I for one, advocate we bring the carrot “and the stick. Incentivize getting the vaccine however we like – ice cream, lotteries, literally whatever, I don’t care – and require vaccination to do, uh, non-essential things. Wanna go to a bar to watch the game? Passport.”

Click here to read the full article.


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Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


The US “has nurtured a secret intelligence partnership” with Ukraine “for more than a decade”, and it “has transformed Ukraine” into “one of Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin”.

In the past eight years, particularly,  a CIA-backed “network of spy bases” has been created, and it includes

“12 secret locations along the Russian border.”

Moreover, in 2016 the Central Intelligence Agency even started training an elite Ukrainian commando force which captured Russian drones for the agency to reverse-engineer them.

This is no “Russian propaganda”, but a recent New York Times story by Adam Entous, a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, and Michael Schwirtz.

Screenshot from The NYT

Maybe top Russian officials have known something about it for a while.

One may recall how Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused the US of having played a major role in the 2014 Maidan revolution in Ukraine – naming the CIA particularly. Well, considering the aforementioned NYT exposé, if one looks at the timeline, it would be difficult not to wonder how much involvement the American espionage agency had with Maidan or with the training and funding of the Azov battalion, the far-right militia turned National Guard regiment in Ukraine.

This is precisely what Mark Episkopos, a Eurasia Research Fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft reasons:

“within days of the February 2014 Euromaidan Revolution that culminated with the ouster of President Viktor Yanukovych and ushered in a firmly pro-Western government, the newly appointed head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, reportedly proposed a ‘three-way partnership’ with the CIA and MI6, the UK’s foreign intelligence service.”

He adds that a “graduate of one such CIA training program, then-Lt. Col. Kyrylo Budanov, went on to become the chief of Ukrainian military intelligence”, and that “Kyiv-CIA partnership deepened under the Trump administration.” Here, some context on the US agency is needed.

Far from being a mere “spy agency”, with a focus on HUMINT (human intelligence), the CIA is actually known for years to also play a “central combat role”, having for instance organizing a “hidden war” in Afghanistan, “with secret paramilitary units on the ground”, according to a 2001 Washington Post story. Through its Special Activities Center, the division tasked with covert and paramilitary operations (carried out by the SOG – Special Operations Group), and with covert political action (conducted by the PAG – Political Action Group), plus other departments, the Agency coordinates training in torture to foreign groups, promotes false flag terrorist attacks, assassinations of foreign leaders, “regime chances” (a code for coup d’état) and much more.

In Greg Grandin’ words (a professor of history at Yale University), the CIA has, for the last decades, used terror to fortify “illiberal forces”, and “militarized societies”, particularly in Latin America. It has been described as being involved in drug trafficking by the likes of professor and diplomat Peter Dale Scott, historian Alfred McCoy, and journalists Gary Webb and Alexander Cockburn. It is no exaggeration at all to describe the CIA as one of most (if not the most) dangerous organizations on the planet today.

It would make a lot of sense for the CIA to have helped orchestrate the ousting of Ukrainian President Yanukovych and set up a new regime in that country – because that is precisely what the CIA does.

Referring to NATO expansion and the possibility of Ukraine becoming a NATO member, Putin once famously asked how would Washington react if China decided to sign a military pact with Mexico and established military bases near the border. Likewise, one could rhetorically ask: what if the Russian FSB mounted a network of spy bases alongside the US-Mexican border? Well, Washington has been doing precisely that, for years.

The aforementioned expert Mark Episkopos wrote this week that

“Moscow repeatedly warned — for many years before 2014 – that it was and remains prepared to take drastic action to prevent Ukraine from being used by the West as a forward operating base against Russia.”

He adds:

“Yet that, as recounted in lurid detail by The New York Times, is precisely what has happened over the past 10 years.”

Thus, he argues, Russia’s military campaign in Ukraine (launched in 2022), whether one agrees with it or not, “is also not without its context, which includes a litany of grievances that,  however unjustified from the perspective of the West, constitute what the Kremlin saw as sufficient provocation.”

Many people have written on the important topic of NATO enlargement, which is all about the militarization of Europe and the encirclement of Russia. It is about time to talk about CIA enlargement – which in turn is all about assassinations, clandestine and covert actions and paramilitary activity. The CIA role in the Ukrainian crisis is yet another thus far untold part of the story of post-Soviet Eastern Europe.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts.

Featured image: President Joe Biden travels to Kyiv, Ukraine Monday, February 20, 2023. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


US lawmakers are urging President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken to refrain from recognising a new government in Pakistan until allegations of election rigging are thoroughly investigated.

The lawmakers, all Democrats like President Biden, in their joint letter, expressed concerns about pre- and post-poll rigging in Pakistan’s recent parliamentary elections. They have called for a transparent and credible investigation before recognising a new Pakistani government, citing evidence of violations and disruptions on election day.

All 33 signatories are pivotal progressive Democrats essential for securing President Biden’s second term. In the recent Michigan primary, he faced a formidable “uncommitted” campaign led by activists dissatisfied with his Gaza war stance, surpassing Trump’s 2016 margin by over 10,000 votes. This development is causing considerable concern for the Biden camp, especially as influential Muslim lawmakers in Michigan have also endorsed the pro-PTI letter.

Muslim members with influence in Michigan, and who signed the letter, are Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Andre Carson.

Pramila Jayapal, the chai­r­person of the Prog­r­e­ssive Caucus and who often advocates for the Kashmir cause, has endorsed the letter. Additionally, Chair Em­­eritus Barbara Lee and Whip Greg Casar have also added their signatures. Ilhan Omar, serving as the deputy chair of the Caucus, is among the signatories as well.

In addition to urging caution in recognition, the lawmakers called for State Department officials to gather information about detained political activists and media personnel in Pakistan and advocate for their release.

They emphasised the significance of conveying to Pakistani authorities that US law mandates accountability for acts violating human rights, undermining democracy, or fostering corruption.

The lawmakers brought attention to concerns about post-poll rigging, citing delays in reporting results, video evidence of abuses, and discrepancies in vote totals. They referenced re­­ports by nonpartisan obser­vers, which highlighted the necessity of a transparent and credible audit process before acknowledging a new Pakistani government.

The dispute centers arou­­nd discrepancies between polling centre results issu­­ed to candidates and the final constituency-wide tally. The lawmakers noted that respected election monitors, human rights organisations, and Dawn, the nation’s newspaper of record, echoed these findings.

The lawmakers argued that safeguarding democracy in Pakistan and ensuring that election results genuinely reflect the interests of the people, rather than the elite and military, aligns with US interests.

They stressed the importance of a comprehensive in­­­vestigation and adheren­ce to democratic principles.


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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


Provisional estimates and finalized reports reveal a significant decline in American life expectancy with young adults bearing the brunt of excess deaths

The gender life expectancy gap in the U.S. has reached its widest point since 1996, primarily driven by COVID-19 and the opioid crisis, highlighting systemic issues in health care and societal structures

Contrary to historical trends, the burden of death now falls disproportionately on young and working-aged Americans, prompting concerns about the underlying causes and the absence of a public health response

Amidst censorship and controversy, there’s a growing call for a thorough investigation into pandemic management, including lockdowns, treatment protocols and vaccine deployment, to understand the root causes of excess deaths

The need for a new approach to global health is underscored by the current crisis, with emphasis on addressing health disparities and reconnecting with consciousness, as advocated in my forthcoming book, “The Power of Choice”


As it turns out, one of the biggest news stories of 2023 never made the headlines, which is understandable considering its implications. The world is now grappling with the aftermath of a global crisis that, thanks to the sophisticated and meticulously engineered brainwashing strategies deployed by government and mass media, are unbeknownst to the masses.

In August 2022, provisional life expectancy estimates1,2 for 2021 were released showing Americans had lost nearly three years of life expectancy during 2020 and 2021. In December 2022, the finalized mortality report3 confirmed these shocking data.

In 2019, the average life span of Americans of all ethnicities was 78.8 years.4 By the end of 2020, it had dropped to 77.0 years5 and by the end of 2021, it was 76.4.6 As noted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in its finalized mortality report for 2021,7 “From 2020 to 2021, death rates increased for each age group 1 year and over …”

At the time, Virginia Commonwealth University professor of population health Dr. Steven Woolf told USA Today,8 “That means all the medical advances over the past quarter century have been erased.”

COVID Was a Turning Point

The COVID-19 pandemic was a turning point in human history and we are just now compiling the data to document the impact of government’s irrational responses. The big news that virtually no one is talking about is that a) the life expectancy of men has dropped far more than that of women, and b) young, working-age adults make up the bulk of excess deaths.9

This should be headline news across all mainstream media stations; instead, it has been suppressed probably because pandemic measures likely play a significant role in this trend. I didn’t even find out about it until I saw Jimmy Dore’s interview with Dr. Pierre Kory (above). According to research published in JAMA Internal Medicine in November 2023:10,11,12,13

“As life expectancy at birth in the U.S. decreased for the second consecutive year, from 78.8 years (2019) to 77.0 years (2020) and 76.1 years (2021), the gap between women and men widened to 5.8 years, its largest since 1996 and an increase from a low of 4.8 years in 2010.

For more than a century, U.S. women have out-lived U.S. men, attributable to lower cardiovascular and lung cancer death rates related largely to differences in smoking behavior. This study systematically examines the contributions of COVID-19 and other underlying causes of death to the widened gender life expectancy gap from 2010 to 2021.”

The opioid crisis further compounded the trend, driving down male life expectancy through a surge in drug overdoses, accidents and suicides. Deaths of despair, a term encapsulating the rise in suicide, drug use disorders and alcoholic liver disease, are often linked to economic hardship, depression and stress.

These deaths have particularly impacted men, marking a significant shift in the life expectancy landscape. Studies now reveal a stark reality, namely that working-age men are increasingly bearing the brunt of the damage from the COVID-19 crisis.

Widening Gender Gap in Life Expectancy

The architects of this carefully orchestrated plot have produced these results with chilling precision. Their goal was not merely to unleash a virus, but to test the resilience of societal structures and the adaptability of health care systems to unprecedented stressors by manipulating variables, including health care access and public health responses.

The pandemic disproportionately affected men, not solely due to biological predispositions, but also due to social and behavioral patterns. For example, men’s reluctance to seek medical help and prevalence in high-risk behaviors likely contributed significantly to the observed life expectancy gap.

As the world emerges from the shadow of the pandemic, we are now forced to reconsider the foundational aspects of health care, employment and social support systems. As detailed in the JAMA paper, the gender gap in life expectancy in the U.S. — a difference of nearly six years — is the largest it’s been since 1996:14

“The gender life expectancy gap increased 0.23 years from 2010 to 2019 and 0.70 years from 2019 to 2021. Prior to COVID-19 in 2020, the largest contributors to worsening life expectancy for men vs women were unintentional injuries, diabetes, suicide, homicide, and heart disease …

The absolute difference in age-adjusted death rates between men and women increased from 252 to 315 per 100,000 between 2010 and 2021, with a persistent gap for heart disease and widening gaps for COVID-19, unintentional injuries, and several other causes.

This analysis finds that COVID-19 and the drug overdose epidemic were major contributors to the widening gender gap in life expectancy in recent years.”

Young Americans Are Dying at Frightening Pace

In a December 12, 2023, article for The Hill,15 Kory also reviewed the actuarial data, which reveals another shocking shift: The burden of death now falls disproportionately on the young and working-aged, a demographic that once epitomized health and vitality within American society. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s decision to archive its excess deaths webpage in September, ceasing updates, adds a layer of mystery to this already perplexing situation.

The financial implications for insurers are profound. The surge in death claims since 2020 reflects the gravest increase since the 1918 influenza pandemic, prompting calls for an early-warning system to safeguard the insured against emerging health threats. As noted by Kory:16

“Unlike in the pandemic’s early phase, these deaths are not primarily among the old. For people 65 and over, deaths in the second quarter of 2023 were 6% below the pre-pandemic norm, according to a new report from the Society of Actuaries.

Mortality was 26% higher among insured 35-to-44-year-olds, and 19% higher for 25-to-34-year-olds, continuing a death spike that peaked in the third quarter of 2021 at a staggering 101% and 79% above normal, respectively.”

Interestingly, the increase in mortality is not confined to the elderly but is significantly higher among younger, insured adults. This shift raises critical questions about the causes, which extend beyond COVID-19 to include rises in liver, kidney and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and drug overdoses, though not predominantly among the young working class.

This scenario begs a critical examination: why has the response from public health officials, who were once at the forefront of the pandemic management, been conspicuously absent in addressing these excess deaths?

The United Kingdom’s independent public inquiry into post-pandemic excess deaths offers a stark contrast, highlighting the need for a similar, rigorous investigation in the United States. This inquiry should scrutinize the pandemic’s management, including lockdowns, treatment protocols, and the rapid deployment of vaccines, amidst over a million reports of potential adverse effects and emerging studies on post-vaccination syndromes.

The unparalleled censorship of dissent and the enforcement of pandemic measures raise further concerns about the decisions made during the crisis. As actuaries warn of continued excess deaths — particularly among younger insured individuals — until 2030, the necessity for a comprehensive assessment becomes clear.

This evaluation must dissect what strategies succeeded and which failed, to better prepare for future pandemics and safeguard all segments of society, especially the most vulnerable.

We Need a New Paradigm

It couldn’t be more obvious — as we are now collecting the data that confirms everything I’ve been saying these past few years — that we have been lied to and are now reaping the results of that deception.

It is my intention to usher in a new era of global health — one that recognizes and addresses the intricate web of factors that contribute to health disparities. One of the primary factors being the disconnection between ourselves and consciousness.

I’m just finishing my new book, “The Power of Choice,” which I expect to be published in the next few months. It is designed to be a seminal work addressing the foundational issues that have led to the desperate state of affairs that we are now in. In many ways it’s a handbook for how to get out of this crisis.


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1, 6 CDC Provisional Life Expectancy Estimates for 2021, August 2022

2 New York Times August 31, 2022 (Archived)

3, 5, 7 CDC NCHS Data Brief December 2022

4 CDC Press release July 21, 2021

8 USA Today December 22, 2022

9, 15, 16 The Hill December 12, 2023

10, 14 JAMA Internal Medicine November 2023; 184(1)

11 Harvard Press Release November 13, 2023

12 STAT News November 13, 2023

13 Medical Xpress November 13, 2023

Featured image is from Mercola

The Rome-Kiev Pact of Steel Under CIA Shadow

March 3rd, 2024 by Manlio Dinucci

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


The “Agreement on security cooperation” between Italy and Ukraine, which Italian Prime Minister Meloni and President Zelensky signed in Kijev, is not a formal declaration, but a real military pact that makes Italy a belligerent country in the war against Russia.

The pact commits Italy to supply more armaments to Kijv and to train its troops according to NATO operational procedures. Not only this. The pact states that

“In the event of a future Russian armed attack against Ukraine, Italy, and Ukraine will consult within 24 hours to determine the measures necessary to counter the aggression and Italy will provide Ukraine with rapid defence support.”

Since French President Macron announced that European NATO countries might send their troops to Ukraine against Russia, there is a real possibility that Italy will do so too, taking us directly into war against Russia. Moscow’s voice went unheeded, warning that in this case there would be a direct clash between NATO forces and Russian forces, both equipped with nuclear weapons.

In this situation, “the war of spies” takes place. As a major New York Times investigation shows, the CIA has built its vast network in Ukraine and other European countries. It trains Ukrainian agents on how to assume false identities and “find out Russian spies in other countries!” The program was called Operation Goldfish. Operation Goldfish operatives have been deployed to 12 new operational bases along the Russian border, linked to two new secret electronic espionage bases.

What Zelensky declared falls into the same context: “Meloni is with us but there are too many pro-Putin in Italy.” Zelensky then announced: “We are preparing a list of Russian propagandists – it is not regarding only Italy. It’s a long list and we want to present it to the European Commission, to the European Parliament, to the EU leaders.” Soon, therefore, Zelensky will hand over to Meloni the proscription list of “pro-Putins”, drawn up by the CIA.


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This article was originally published in Italian on Grandangolo, Byoblu TV.

Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Russia About to Overrun Ukraine?

March 3rd, 2024 by Karsten Riise

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


Everywhere, Russia is breaking through Ukraine’s most hardened frontline defenses.

As Russia breaks Ukraine’s outer shell, what remains is a soft interior with an incomplete, haphazard archipelago of more or less improvised Ukrainian defense positions.

Even The New York Times recognizes that Ukraine is running out of defensive positions capable of even slowing down the Russian armed forces, which are constantly growing bigger through voluntaries, better training, more experienced leadership, and better equipment.

But there is more to it than what The New York Times reports.

Ukraine as a society is running out of capable soldiers.

For instance, Ukraine has only got two assault brigades left, the 3rd “Azov” (Neonazi) and the 5th assault brigades.

And in a desperate attempt to stave off Russia’s conquest of Avdeeka and subsequent further advances, Kiev threw the 3rd Azov assault brigade into unprepared positions just West of Avdeeka. Now, by all information, the 3rd Azov assault brigade has been just about destroyed by Russia in anything but name – leaving all of Ukraine with only one effective assault brigade, the 5th. Alone the training of a high quality brigade for advanced and powerful operations, assuming you have the right men, leaders, equipment, and facilities, takes more than a year.

As Ukraine’s last strong brigades get annihilated now in days rather than weeks, Ukraine doesn’t have the physically fit men, nor the time or the equipment to build new strong brigades. Even worse, Ukraine has virtually lost its stock of capable military leaders – leaders who take years (not months) to educate and train. And Ukraine and NATO are out of ammunition.

Hastening Ukraine’s breakdown everywhere is Russia’s immensely powerful use of devastating air bombing. With depleted Ukrainian air defenses and new powerful Russian 1500 pound precision guided air bombs, Russia is simply obliterating even Ukraine’s hardest positions one by one in days or weeks. This explains the surprising speed at which Avdeevka, fortified over 10 years, suddenly crumbled to the Russians.

Russia on the Eurasian continent is vastly superior to NATO in everything conventional and nuclear. Troops, leadership experience, material quantity, even material quality, logistics, morale.

Ukraine is about to be overrun. Soon, Russia can stand on the border to Poland, and NATO cannot prevent that in any way. The UK army is the smallest in 300 years. Germany and France are not better. Denmark has just given away its last artillery. The US population doesn’t want to fund Ukraine, and American people will resist dying for Ukraine. US and NATO stockpiles of weapons and basic ammunition are depleted and cannot be replenished for years. The US cannot knock Russia’s advanced nuclear forces out. And Russia’s economy is doing better than ever in its history, and with more friends backing Russia in the World.

Is this is game over for the US, NATO, EU, and Ukraine?

NATO is falling apart, the EU will be abandoned by the US, and the US itself emerges as a paper tiger.

No White House spin, fake US news, or propaganda about non-existent problems of others will change that. This is reality.


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Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Russian President Vladimir Putin in June, during the St Petersburg International Economic Forum. (Ramil Sitdikov, RIA Novosti Host Photo Agency, Kremlin)










Sickening Profits:

The Global Food System’s

Poisoned Food and Toxic Wealth


Colin Todhunter


About the Author


Colin Todhunter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). In 2018, he was named a Living Peace and Justice Leader/Model by Engaging Peace Inc. in recognition of his writings. 

With reference to the section on India in the author’s 2022 e-book Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order, Aruna Rodrigues, lead petitioner in the GMO mustard Public Interest Litigation in the Supreme Court of India, stated:

“Colin Todhunter at his best: this is graphic, a detailed horror tale in the making for India, an exposé on what is planned, via the farm laws, to hand over Indian sovereignty and food security to big business. There will come a time pretty soon — (not something out there but imminent, unfolding even now), when we will pay the Cargills, Ambanis, Bill Gates, Walmarts — in the absence of national buffer food stocks (an agri policy change to cash crops, the end to small-scale farmers, pushed aside by contract farming and GM crops) — we will pay them to send us food and finance borrowing from international markets to do it.” 

Table of Contents


Chapter I:

BlackRock’s Economic Warfare on Humanity

Chapter II:

Millions Suffer as Junk Food Corporations Rake in Global Profits

Chapter III:

Fast-Food Graveyard: Sickened for Profit

Chapter IV:

Toxic Contagion: Funds, Food and Pharma

Chapter V:

Rachel Carson and Monsanto: The Silence of Spring

Chapter VI:

From Union Carbide to Syngenta: Pouring Poison

Chapter VII:

GMOs Essential to Feed the World? Case Study India 

Chapter VIII:

Food Transition: A Greenwashed Corporate Power Grab

Chapter IX:

Challenging the Ecomodernist Dystopia  

Chapter X:

The Netherlands: Template for a Brave New World?

Chapter XI:

Resisting Genetically Mutilated Food and Eco-Modernism

Chapter XII:

Post-COVID Food Crisis by Design?




This is a follow up to the author’s e-book Food, Dispossession and Dependency — Resisting the New World Order, which was originally published in February 2022 by Global Research and is hosted on the Centre for Research on Globalization’s [CRG] website.

That book set out some key trends affecting food and agriculture, including the prevailing model of industrial, chemical-intensive farming and its deleterious impacts. Alternatives to that model were discussed, specifically agroecology. The book also looked at the farmers’ struggle in India and how the COVID-19 ‘pandemic’ was being used to manage a crisis of capitalism and the restructuring of much of the global economy, including food and agriculture.

This new e-book begins by examining how the modern food system is being shaped by the capitalist imperative for profit, with specific focus on the situation in Ukraine, and discusses the role of the world’s most powerful investment management firm, BlackRock. It then goes on to describe how people (not least children) are being sickened by corporations and a system that thrives on the promotion of ‘junk’ (ultra-processed) food laced with harmful chemicals and the use of toxic agrochemicals. 

It’s a highly profitable situation for investment firms like BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, Fidelity and Capital Group and the food conglomerates they invest in. But BlackRock and others are not just heavily invested in the food industry. They also profit from illnesses and diseases resulting from the food system by having stakes in the pharmaceuticals sector as well. A win-win situation. 

The book goes on to describe how lobbying by agri-food corporations and their well-placed, well-funded front groups ensures this situation prevails. They continue to capture policy-making and regulatory space at international and national levels and promote the notion that without their products the world would starve. 

Moreover, they are now pushing a fake-green, ecomodernist narrative in an attempt to roll out their new proprietary technologies in order to further entrench their grip on a global food system that produces poor food, illness, environmental degradation, the eradication of smallholder farming, the undermining of rural communities, dependency and dispossession.

The final chapter looks at the broader geopolitical aspects of food and agriculture in a post-COVID world characterised by food inflation, hardship and multi-trillion-dollar global debt.

Modern Food System

The prevailing globalised agrifood model is built on unjust trade policies, the leveraging of sovereign debt to benefit powerful interests, population displacement and land dispossession. It fuels export-oriented commodity monocropping and food insecurity as well as soil and environmental degradation. 

This model is responsible for increasing rates of illness, nutrient-deficient diets, a narrowing of the range of food crops, water shortages, chemical runoffs, increasing levels of farmer indebtedness and the eradication of biodiversity.  

It relies on a policy paradigm that privileges urbanisation, global markets, long supply chains, external proprietary inputs, highly processed food and market (corporate) dependency at the expense of rural communities, small independent enterprises and smallholder farms, local markets, short supply chains, on-farm resources, diverse agroecological cropping, nutrient dense diets and food sovereignty.    

There are huge environmental, social and health issues that stem from how much of our food is currently produced and consumed. A paradigm shift is required.  

The second edition of the United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) took place in July 2023. The UNFSS has claimed that it aims to deliver the latest evidence-based, scientific approaches from around the world, launch a set of fresh commitments through coalitions of action and mobilise new financing and partnerships. These ‘coalitions of action’ revolve around implementing a ‘food transition’ that is more sustainable, efficient and environmentally friendly.  

Founded on a partnership between the United Nations (UN) and the World Economic Forum (WEF), the UNFSS is, however, disproportionately influenced by corporate actors, lacks transparency and accountability and diverts energy and financial resources away from the real solutions needed to tackle the multiple hunger, environmental and health crises.  

According to an article on The Canary website, key multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs) appearing at the 2023 summit included the WEF, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, EAT (EAT Forum, EAT Foundation and EAT-Lancet Commission on Sustainable Healthy Food Systems), the World Business Council on Sustainable Development and the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa.  

The global corporate agrifood sector, including Coca-Cola, Danone, Kelloggs, Nestlé, PepsiCo, Tyson Foods, Unilever, Bayer and Syngenta, were also out in force along with Dutch Rabobank, the Mastercard Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation.  

Through its ‘strategic partnership’ with the UN, the WEF regards MSIs as key to achieving its vision of a ‘great reset’ — in this case, a food transition. The summit comprises a powerful alliance of global corporations, influential foundations and rich countries that are attempting to capture the narrative of ‘food systems transformation’. These interests aim to secure greater corporate concentration and agribusiness leverage over public institutions.  

The UN is knowingly giving the very corporations sponsoring the current deleterious food system prime seats at the table. It is precisely these corporations who already shape the state of the global food regime. The solutions cannot be found in the corporate capitalist system that manufactured the problems described.  

Challenging Corporate Power

During a press conference in July 2023, representatives from the People’s Autonomous Response to the UNFSS highlighted the urgent, coordinated actions required to address global food-related issues. The response came in the form of a statement from those representing food justice movements, small-scale food producer organisations and indigenous peoples.  

The statement denounced the United Nations’ approach. Saúl Vicente from the International Indian Treaty Council said that the summit’s organisers aimed to sell their corporate and industrial project as ‘transformation’.  

The movements and organisations opposing the summit called for a rapid shift away from corporate-driven industrial models towards biodiverse, agroecological, community-led food systems that prioritise the public interest over profit making. This entails guaranteeing the rights of peoples to access and control land and productive resources while promoting agroecological production and peasant seeds.  

The response to the summit added that, despite the increasing recognition that industrial food systems are failing on so many fronts, agribusiness and food corporations continue to try to maintain their control. They are deploying digitalisation, artificial intelligence and other information and communication technologies to promote a new wave of farmer dependency or displacement, resource grabbing, wealth extraction and labour exploitation and to re-structure food systems towards a greater concentration of power and ever more globalised value chains.   

Shalmali Guttal, from Focus on the Global South, said that people from all over the world have presented concrete, effective strategies based on food sovereignty, agroecology, the revitalisation of biodiversity and territorial markets and a solidarity-based economy. The evidence is overwhelming — the solutions devised by small-scale food producers not only feed the world but also advance gender, social, economic justice, youth empowerment, workers’ rights and real resilience to crises.  

However, the UN has climbed into bed with the elitist, unaccountable WEF, corporate agrifood and big data giants, which have no time for democratic governance.  

A report by FIAN International was released in parallel to the statement from the People’s Autonomous Response. The report — Food Systems Transformation – In which direction?  — calls for an urgent overhaul of the global food governance architecture to guarantee decision making that prioritises the public good and the right to food for all.  

Sofia Monsalve, secretary general of FIAN International, says:  

“The main stumbling block for taking effective action towards more resilient, diversified, localized and agroecological food systems are the economic interests of those who advance and benefit from corporate-driven industrial food systems.”  

These interests are promoting multi-stakeholderism: a process that involves corporations and their front groups and armies of lobbyists co-opting public bodies to act on their behalf in the name of ‘feeding the world’ and ‘sustainability’.  

A process that places powerful private interests in the driving seat, steering policy makers to facilitate corporate needs while sidelining the strong concerns and solutions being forwarded by many civil society, small-scale food producers’ and workers’ organisations and indigenous peoples as well as prominent academics.  

The very corporations that are responsible for the problems of the prevailing food system. They offer more of the same, this time packaged in a biosynthetic, genetically engineered, bug-eating, ecomodernist, fake-green wrapping.  

While more than 800 million people go to bed hungry under the current food regime, these corporations and their wealthy investors continue to hunger for ever more profit and control. The economic system ensures they are not driven by food justice or any kind of justice. They are compelled to maximise profit, not least, for instance, by assigning an economic market value to all aspects of nature and social practices, whether knowledge, land, data, water, seeds or systems of resource exchange.  

By cleverly (and cynically) ensuring that the needs of global markets (that is, the needs of corporate supply chains and their profit-seeking strategies) have become synonymous with the needs of modern agriculture, these corporations have secured a self-serving hegemonic policy paradigm among decision makers that is deeply embedded.    

It is for good reason that the People’s Autonomous Response to the UNFSS calls for a mass mobilisation to challenge the power that major corporate interests wield:  

“[This power] must be dismantled so that the common good is privileged before corporate interests. It is time to connect our struggles and fight together for a better world based on mutual respect, social justice, equity, solidarity and harmony with our Mother Earth.”  

This may seem like a tall order, especially given the financialization of the food and agriculture sector, which has developed in tandem with the neoliberal agenda and the overall financialization of the global economy. It means that extremely powerful firms like BlackRock — which hold shares in a number of the world’s largest food and agribusiness companies — have a lot riding on further entrenching the existing system.  

But there is hope. In 2021, the ETC Group and the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems released the report A Long Food Movement: Transforming Food Systems by 2045. It calls for grassroots organisations, international NGOs, farmers’ and fishers’ groups, cooperatives and unions to collaborate more closely to transform financial flows and food systems from the ground up.  

The report’s lead author, Pat Mooney, says that civil society can fight back and develop healthy and equitable agroecological production systems, build short (community-based) supply chains and restructure and democratise governance structures.  


Chapter I:

BlackRock’s Economic Warfare on Humanity


Why is much modern food of inferior quality? Why is health suffering and smallholder farmers who feed most of the world being forced out of agriculture?

Mainly because of the mindset of the likes of Larry Fink of BlackRock — the world’s biggest asset management firm — and the economic system they profit from and promote.

Image: Larry Fink

In 2011, Fink said agricultural and water investments would be the best performers over the next 10 years.

Fink Stated:

“Go long agriculture and water and go to the beach.”

Unsurprisingly then, just three years later, in 2014, the Oakland Institute found that institutional investors, including hedge funds, private equity and pension funds, were capitalising on global farmland as a new and highly desirable asset class.

Funds tend to invest for a 10-15-year period, resulting in good returns for investors but often cause long-term environmental and social devastation. They undermine local and regional food security through buying up land and entrenching an industrial, export-oriented model of agriculture.

In September 2020, showed that private equity funds — pools of money that use pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, endowment funds and investments from governments, banks, insurance companies and high net worth individuals — were being injected into the agriculture sector throughout the world.

This money was being used to lease or buy up farms on the cheap and aggregate them into large-scale, US-style grain and soybean concerns. Offshore tax havens and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development had targeted Ukraine in particular.

Plundering Ukraine

Western agribusiness had been coveting Ukraine’s agriculture sector for quite some time. That country contains one third of all arable land in Europe. A 2015 article by Oriental Review noted that, since the mid-90s, Ukrainian-Americans at the helm of the US-Ukraine Business Council have been instrumental in encouraging the foreign control of Ukrainian agriculture.

In November 2013, the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation drafted a legal amendment that would benefit global agribusiness producers by allowing the widespread use of genetically modified (GM) seeds.

Even before the conflict in the country, the World Bank incorporated measures relating to the sale of public agricultural land as conditions in a $350 million Development Policy Loan (COVID ‘relief package’) to Ukraine. This included a required ‘prior action’ to “enable the sale of agricultural land and the use of land as collateral.”

Professor Olena Borodina of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine says:  

“Today, thousands of rural boys and girls, farmers, are fighting and dying in the war. They have lost everything. The processes of free land sale and purchase are increasingly liberalised and advertised. This really threatens the rights of Ukrainians to their land, for which they give their lives.”  

Borodina is quoted in the February 2023 report by the Oakland Institute War and Theft: The Takeover of Ukraine’s Agricultural Land, which reveals how oligarchs and financial interests are expanding control over Ukraine’s agricultural land with help and financing from Western financial institutions.  

Aid provided to Ukraine in recent years has been tied to a drastic structural adjustment programme requiring the creation of a land market through a law that leads to greater concentration of land in the hands of powerful interests. The programme also includes austerity measures, cuts in social safety nets and the privatisation of key sectors of the economy.   

Frédéric Mousseau, co-author of the report, says:  

“Despite being at the centre of news cycle and international policy, little attention has gone to the core of the conflict — who controls the agricultural land in the country known as the breadbasket of Europe. [The] Answer to this question is paramount to understanding the major stakes in the war.”   

The report shows the total amount of land controlled by oligarchs, corrupt individuals and large agribusinesses is over nine million hectares — exceeding 28 per cent of Ukraine’s arable land (the rest is used by over eight million Ukrainian farmers).   

The largest landholders are a mix of Ukrainian oligarchs and foreign interests — mostly European and North American as well as the sovereign fund of Saudi Arabia. A number of large US pension funds, foundations and university endowments are also invested in Ukrainian land through NCH Capital — a US-based private equity fund, which is the fifth largest landholder in the country.   

President Zelenskyy put land reform into law in 2020 against the will of the vast majority of the population who feared it would exacerbate corruption and reinforce control by powerful interests in the agricultural sector.   

The Oakland Institute notes that, while large landholders are securing massive financing from Western financial institutions, Ukrainian farmers — essential for ensuring domestic food supply — receive virtually no support. With a land market in place, amid high economic stress and war, this difference of treatment will lead to more land consolidation by large agribusinesses.  

All but one of the 10 largest landholding firms are registered overseas, mainly in tax havens such as Cyprus or Luxembourg. The report identifies many prominent investors, including Vanguard Group, Kopernik Global Investors, BNP Asset Management Holding, Goldman Sachs-owned NN Investment Partners Holdings and Norges Bank Investment Management, which manages Norway’s sovereign wealth fund.   

Most of the agribusiness firms are substantially indebted to Western financial institutions, in particular the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank, and the International Finance Corporation — the private sector arm of the World Bank.   

Together, these institutions have been major lenders to Ukrainian agribusinesses, with close to US$1.7 billion lent to just six of Ukraine’s largest landholding firms in recent years. Other key lenders are a mix of mainly European and North American financial institutions, both public and private.   

The report notes that this gives creditors financial stakes in the operation of the agribusinesses and confers significant leverage over them. Meanwhile, Ukrainian farmers have had to operate with limited amounts of land and financing, and many are now on the verge of poverty.    

According to the Oakland Institute, small-scale farmers in Ukraine demonstrate resilience and enormous potential for leading the expansion of a different production model based on agroecology and producing healthy food. Whereas large agribusinesses are geared towards export markets, it is Ukraine’s small and medium-sized farmers who guarantee the country’s food security.   

This is underlined by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine in its report ‘Main agricultural characteristics of households in rural areas in 2011’, which showed that smallholder farmers in Ukraine operate 16 per cent of agricultural land, but provide 55 per cent of agricultural output, including 97 per cent of potatoes, 97 per cent of honey, 88 per cent of vegetables, 83 per cent of fruits and berries and 80 per cent of milk.  

The Oakland Institute states:  

“Ukraine is now the world’s third-largest debtor to the International Monetary Fund and its crippling debt burden will likely result in additional pressure from its creditors, bondholders and international financial institutions on how post-war reconstruction — estimated to cost US$750 billion — should happen.”  

Financial institutions are leveraging Ukraine’s crippling debt to drive further privatisation and liberalisation — backing the country into a corner to make it an offer it can’t refuse.   

An airman loads weapons cargo bound for Ukraine onto a C-17 Globemaster III during a security assistance mission at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, Sept. 14, 2022. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Marco A. Gomez)

Since the war began, the Ukrainian flag has been raised outside parliament buildings in the West and iconic landmarks have been lit up in its colours. An image bite used to conjure up feelings of solidarity and support for that nation while serving to distract from the harsh machinations of geopolitics and modern-day economic plunder that is unhindered by national borders and has scant regard for the plight of ordinary citizens.  

It is interesting to note that Larry Fink and BlackRock are to ‘coordinate’ investment in ‘rebuilding’ Ukraine.

An official statement released in late December 2022 said the agreement with BlackRock would:

“… focus in the near term on coordinating the efforts of all potential investors and participants in the reconstruction of our country, channelling investment into the most relevant and impactful sectors of the Ukrainian economy.”

According to the Code Pink organisation, BlackRock has $5.7 billion invested in Boeing, $2 billion in General Dynamics; $4.6 billion in Lockheed Martin; $2.6 billion in Northrop Grumman; and $6 billion in Raytheon. It profits from both destruction and reconstruction.

Since the start of the conflict in Ukraine in February 2022, billions of dollars’ worth of military hardware have been sent to Ukraine by the EU. By late February 2023, it had forwarded €3.6 billion worth of military assistance to the Zelensky regime via the European Peace Fund. However, even at that time, the total cost for EU countries could have been closer to €6.9 billion.  

In late June 2023, the European Union (EU) pledged a further €3.5 billion in military aid.  

Great news for European and UK armaments companies like BAE Systems, Saab and Rheinmetall, which are raking in huge profits from the destruction of Ukraine (see the CNN Business report Europe’s arms spending on Ukraine boosts defense companies).  

US arms manufacturers like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin are also acquiring multi-billion-dollar contracts (as outlined in the online articles Raytheon wins $1.2 billion surface-to-air missile order for Ukraine and Pentagon readies new $2 billion Ukraine air defense package including missiles).  

Meanwhile, away from the boardrooms, business conferences and high-level strategizing, hundreds of thousands of ordinary young Ukrainians have died.   

Irish Members of the European Parliament Mick Wallace and Clare Daly have been staunch critics of the EU stance on Ukraine (see Clare Daly talking in the EU parliament about Ukraine burning through a generation of men on YouTube).  

Wallace addressed the EU Parliament in June 2023, describing the heist currently taking place in that country by Western corporations.  

Wallace said:  

“The damage to Ukraine is devastating. Towns and cities that endured for hundreds of years don’t exist anymore. We must recognise that these towns, cities and surrounding lands were long being stolen by local oligarchs colluding with global financial capital. This theft quickened with the onset of the war in 2014.  

“The pro-Western government opened the doors wide for massive structural adjustment and privatisation programmes spearheaded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. Zelensky used the current war to concentrate power and accelerate the corporate fire sale. He banned opposition parties that were resisting deeply unpopular reforms to the laws restricting the sale of land to foreign investors.  

“Over three million hectares of agricultural land are now owned by companies based in Western tax havens. Ukraine’s mineral deposits alone are worth over $12 trillion. Western companies are licking their lips.  

“What are the working-class people of Ukraine dying for?”  

Hard-edged Rock

BlackRock is a publicly owned investment manager that primarily provides its services to institutional, intermediary and individual investors. The firm exists to put its assets to work to make money for its clients. And it must ensure the financial system functions to secure this goal. And this is exactly what it does.

Back in 2010, the website reported that BlackRock’s global agriculture fund would  target (invest in) companies involved with agriculture-related chemical products, equipment and infrastructure, as well as soft commodities and food, biofuels, forestry, agricultural sciences and arable land.

According to research by Global Witness, it has since indirectly profited from human rights and environmental abuses through investing in banks notorious for financing harmful palm oil firms (see the article The true price of palm oil, 2021).

Blackrock’s Global Consumer Staples exchange rated fund (ETF), which was launched in 2006 and, according to the article The rise of financial investment and common ownership in global agrifood firms (Review of International Political Economy, 2019), has:

“US$560 million in assets under management, holds shares in a number of the world’s largest food companies, with agrifood stocks making up around 75 per cent of the fund. Nestlé is the funds’ largest holding, and other agrifood firms that make up the fund include Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Walmart, Anheuser Busch InBev, Mondelez, Danone, and Kraft Heinz.”

The article also states that BlackRock’s iShares Core S&P 500 Index ETF has $150 billion in assets under management. Most of the top publicly traded food and agriculture firms are part of the S&P 500 index and BlackRock holds significant shares in those firms.

The author of the article, Professor Jennifer Clapp, also notes BlackRock’s COW Global Agriculture ETF has $231 million in assets and focuses on firms that provide inputs (seeds, chemicals and fertilizers) and farm equipment and agricultural trading companies. Among its top holdings are Deere & Co, Bunge, ADM and Tyson. This is based on BlackRock’s own data from 2018.

Jennifer Clapp states:

“Collectively, the asset management giants — BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, Fidelity, and Capital Group — own significant proportions of the firms that dominate at various points along agrifood supply chains. When considered together, these five asset management firms own around 10–30 per cent of the shares of the top firms within the agrifood sector.”

BlackRock et al are heavily invested in the success of the prevailing globalised system of food and agriculture.

They profit from an inherently predatory system that — focusing on the agrifood sector alone — has been responsible for, among other things, the displacement of indigenous systems of production, the impoverishment of many farmers worldwide, the destruction of rural communities and cultures, poor-quality food and illness, less diverse diets, ecological destruction and the proletarianization of independent producers.

Due to their size, according to journalist Ernst Wolff, BlackRock and its counterpart Vanguard exert control over governments and important institutions like the European Central Bank (ECB) and the US Federal Reserve. BlackRock and Vanguard have more financial assets than the ECB and the Fed combined.

BlackRock currently has $10 trillion in assets under its management and, to underline the influence of the firm, Fink himself is a billionaire who sits on the board of the WEF and the powerful and highly influential Council for Foreign Relations, often referred to as the shadow government of the US — the real power behind the throne.

Researcher William Engdahl says that since 1988 the company has put itself in a position to de facto control the Federal Reserve, most Wall Street mega-banks, including Goldman Sachs, the Davos WEF great reset and now the Biden administration.

Engdahl describes how former top people at BlackRock are now in key government positions, running economic policy for the Biden administration, and that the firm is steering the ‘great reset’ and the global ‘green’ agenda.

Fink recently eulogised about the future of food and ‘coded’ seeds that would produce their own fertiliser. He says this is “amazing technology”. This technology is years away and whether it can deliver on what he says is another thing.

More likely, it will be a great investment opportunity that is par for the course as far as genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture are concerned: a failure to deliver on its inflated false promises. And even if it does eventually deliver, a whole host of ‘hidden costs’ (health, social, ecological etc.) will probably emerge.

And that’s not idle speculation. We need look no further than previous ‘interventions’ in food/farming under the guise of Green Revolution technologies, which did little if anything to boost overall food production (in India at least, according to Professor Glenn Stone in his paper New Histories of the Green Revolution) but brought with it tremendous ecological, environmental and social costs and adverse impacts on human health, highlighted by many researchers and writers, not least in Bhaskar Save’s open letter to Indian officials and the work of Vandana Shiva.

However, the Green Revolution entrenched seed and agrichemical giants in global agriculture and ensured farmers became dependent on their proprietary inputs and global supply chains. After all, value capture was a key aim of the project.

But why should Fink care about these ‘hidden costs’, not least the health impacts?

Well, actually, he probably does — with his eye on investments in ‘healthcare’ and Big Pharma. BlackRock’s investments support and profit from industrial agriculture as well as the hidden costs.

Poor health is good for business (for example, see on the BlackRock website BlackRock on healthcare investment opportunities amid Covid-19). Scroll through BlackRock’s website and it soon becomes clear that it sees the healthcare sector as a strong long-term bet.

And for good reason. For instance, increased consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) was associated with more than 10 per cent of all-cause premature, preventable deaths in Brazil in 2019 according to a peer-reviewed study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

The findings are significant not only for Brazil but more so for high income countries such as the US, Canada, the UK and Australia, where UPFs account for more than half of total calorific intake. Brazilians consume far less of these products than countries with high incomes. This means the estimated impact would be even higher in richer nations.

Due to corporate influence over trade deals, governments and the World Trade Organization (WTO), transnational food retail and food processing companies continue to colonise markets around the world and push UPFs.

In Mexico, global agrifood companies have taken over food distribution channels, replacing local foods with cheap processed items. In Europe, more than half the population of the European Union is overweight or obese, with the poor especially reliant on high-calorie, poor nutrient quality food items.

Larry Fink is good at what he does — securing returns for the assets his company holds. He needs to keep expanding into or creating new markets to ensure the accumulation of capital to offset the tendency for the general rate of profit to fall. He needs to accumulate capital (wealth) to be able to reinvest it and make further profits.

When capital struggles to make sufficient profit, productive wealth (capital) over accumulates, devalues and the system goes into crisis. To avoid crisis, capitalism requires constant growth, expanding markets and sufficient demand.

And that means laying the political and legislative groundwork to facilitate this. In India, for example, the now-repealed three farm laws of 2020 would have provided huge investment opportunities for the likes of BlackRock. These three laws — imperialism in all but name — represented a capitulation to the needs of foreign agribusiness and asset managers who require access to India’s farmland.

The laws would have sounded a neoliberal death knell for India’s food sovereignty, jeopardised its food security and destroyed tens of millions of livelihoods. But what matters to global agricapital and investment firms is facilitating profit and maximising returns on investment.

This has been a key driving force behind the modern food system that sees around a billion people experiencing malnutrition in a world of food abundance. That is not by accident but by design — inherent to a system that privileges corporate profit ahead of human need.

The modern agritech/agribusiness sector uses notions of it and its products being essential to ‘feed the world’ by employing ‘amazing technology’ in an attempt to seek legitimacy. But the reality is an inherently unjust globalised food system, farmers forced out of farming or trapped on proprietary product treadmills working for corporate supply chains and the public fed GMOs, more ultra-processed products and lab-engineered food.

A system that facilitates ‘going long and going to the beach’ serves elite interests well. For vast swathes of humanity, however, economic warfare is waged on them every day courtesy of a hard-edged (black) rock.


Chapter II:

Millions Suffer as Junk Food Corporations Rake in Global Profits


As mentioned in the previous chapter, increased consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) was associated with more than 10 per cent of all-cause premature, preventable deaths in Brazil in 2019. That is the finding of a peer-reviewed study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Study indicates that ultra-processed foods are linked to depression

UPFs are ready-to-eat-or-heat industrial formulations made with ingredients extracted from foods or synthesised in laboratories. These have gradually been replacing traditional foods and meals made from fresh and minimally processed ingredients in many countries.

The study found that approximately 57,000 deaths in one year could be attributed to the consumption of UPFs — 10.5 per cent of all premature deaths and 21.8 [per cent of all deaths from preventable noncommunicable diseases in adults aged 30 to 69.

The study’s lead investigator Eduardo AF Nilson states:

“To our knowledge, no study to date has estimated the potential impact of UPFs on premature deaths.”

Across all age groups and sex strata, consumption of UPFs ranged from 13 per cent to 21 per cent of total food intake in Brazil during the period studied.

UPFs have steadily replaced the consumption of traditional whole foods, such as rice and beans, in Brazil.

Reducing consumption of UPFs by 10 to 50 per cent could potentially prevent approximately 5,900 to 29,300 premature deaths in Brazil each year. Based on this, hundreds of thousands of premature deaths could be prevented globally annually. And many millions more could be prevented from acquiring long-term, debilitating conditions.

Nilson adds:

“Consumption of UPFs is associated with many disease outcomes, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, some cancers and other diseases, and it represents a significant cause of preventable and premature deaths among Brazilian adults.”

Examples of UPFs are prepackaged soups, sauces, frozen pizza, ready-to-eat meals, hot dogs, sausages, sodas, ice cream, and store-bought cookies, cakes, candies and doughnuts.

And yet, due to trade deals, government support and WTO influence, transnational food retail and food processing companies continue to colonise markets around the world and push UPFs.

In Mexico, for instance, these companies have taken over food distribution channels, replacing local foods with cheap processed items, often with the direct support of the government. Free trade and investment agreements have been critical to this process and the consequences for public health have been catastrophic.

Mexico’s National Institute for Public Health released the results of a national survey of food security and nutrition in 2012. Between 1988 and 2012, the proportion of overweight women between the ages of 20 and 49 increased from 25 to 35 per cent and the number of obese women in this age group increased from 9 to 37 per cent. Some 29 per cent of Mexican children between the ages of 5 and 11 were found to be overweight, as were 35 per cent of the youngsters between 11 and 19, while one in 10 school age children experienced anaemia.

The North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) led to the direct investment in food processing and a change in Mexico’s retail structure (towards supermarkets and convenience stores) as well as the emergence of global agribusiness and transnational food companies in the country.

NAFTA eliminated rules preventing foreign investors from owning more than 49 per cent of a company. It also prohibited minimum amounts of domestic content in production and increased rights for foreign investors to retain profits and returns from initial investments.

By 1999, US companies had invested 5.3 billion dollars in Mexico’s food processing industry, a 25-fold increase in just 12 years.

US food corporations also began to colonise the dominant food distribution networks of small-scale vendors, known as tiendas (corner shops). This helped spread nutritionally poor food as they allowed these corporations to sell and promote their foods to poorer populations in small towns and communities. By 2012, retail chains had displaced tiendas as Mexico’s main source of food sales.

A Spoonful of Deceit  

Turning to Europe, more than half the population of the European Union (EU) is overweight or obese. Without effective action, this number will grow substantially by 2026.

That warning was issued in 2016 and was based on the report A Spoonful of Sugar: How the Food Lobby Fights Sugar Regulation in the EU by the research and campaign group Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO).

CEO noted that obesity rates were rising fastest among lowest socio-economic groups. That is because energy-dense foods of poor nutritional value are cheaper than more nutritious foods, such as vegetables and fruit, and relatively poor families with children purchase food primarily to satisfy their hunger.

The report argued that more people than ever before are eating processed foods as a large part of their diet. And the easiest way to make industrial, processed food cheap, long-lasting and enhance the taste is to add extra sugar as well as salt and fat to products.

In the United Kingdom, the cost of obesity was estimated at £27 billion per year in 2016, and approximately 7 per cent of national health spending in EU member states as a whole is due to obesity in adults.

The food industry has vigorously mobilised to stop vital public health legislation in this area by pushing free trade agreements and deregulation drives, exercising undue influence over regulatory bodies, capturing scientific expertise, championing weak voluntary schemes and outmanoeuvring consumer groups by spending billions on aggressive lobbying.

The leverage which food industry giants have over EU decision-making has helped the sugar lobby to see off many of the threats to its profit margins.

CEO argued that key trade associations, companies and lobby groups related to sugary food and drinks together spend an estimated €21.3 million (2016) annually to lobby the EU.

While industry-funded studies influence European Food Standards Authority decisions, Coca Cola, Nestlé and other food giants engage in corporate propaganda by sponsoring sporting events and major exercise programmes to divert attention from the impacts of their products and give the false impression that exercise and lifestyle choices are the major factors in preventing poor health.

Katharine Ainger, freelance journalist and co-author of CEO’s report, said:

“Sound scientific advice is being sidelined by the billions of euros backing the sugar lobby. In its dishonesty and its disregard for people’s health, the food and drink industry rivals the tactics we’ve seen from the tobacco lobby for decades.”

ILSI Industry Front Group  

One of the best-known industry front groups with global influence is what a September 2019 report in the New York Times (NYT) called a “shadowy industry group” — the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI).

The institute was founded in 1978 by Alex Malaspina, a Coca-Cola scientific and regulatory affairs leader. It started with an endowment of $22 million with the support of Coca Cola.

Logo of International Life Sciences Institute

Since then, ILSI has been quietly infiltrating government health and nutrition bodies around the globe and has more than 17 branches that influence food safety and nutrition science in various regions.

Little more than a front group for its 400 corporate members that provide its $17 million budget, ILSI’s members include Coca-Cola, DuPont, PepsiCo, General Mills and Danone.

The NYT says ILSI has received more than $2 million from chemical companies, among them Monsanto. In 2016, a UN committee issued a ruling that glyphosate, the key ingredient in Monsanto’s weedkiller Roundup, was “probably not carcinogenic,” contradicting an earlier report by the WHO’s cancer agency. The committee was led by two ILSI officials.

From India to China, whether it has involved warning labels on unhealthy packaged food or shaping anti-obesity education campaigns that stress physical activity and divert attention from the food system itself, prominent figures with close ties to the corridors of power have been co-opted to influence policy in order to boost the interests of agri-food corporations.

As far back as 2003, it was reported by The Guardian newspaper that ILSI had spread its influence across the national and global food policy arena. The report talked about undue influence exerted on specific WHO/FAO food policies dealing with dietary guidelines, pesticide use, additives, trans-fatty acids and sugar.

In January 2019, two papers by Harvard Professor Susan Greenhalgh, in the BMJ and the Journal of Public Health Policy, revealed ILSI’s influence on the Chinese government regarding issues related to obesity. And in April 2019, Corporate Accountability released a report on ILSI titled Partnership for an Unhealthy Planet.

2017 report in the Times of India noted that ILSI-India was being actively consulted by India’s apex policy-formulating body — Niti Aayog. ILSI-India’s board of trustees was dominated by food and beverage companies — seven of 13 members were from the industry or linked to it (Mondelez, Mars, Abbott, Ajinomoto, Hindustan Unilever and Nestle) and the treasurer was Sunil Adsule of Coca-Cola India.

In India, ILSI’s expanding influence coincides with mounting rates of obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

In 2020, US Right to Know (USRTK) referred to a study published in Public Health Nutrition that helped to further confirm ILSI as little more than an industry propaganda arm.

The study, based on documents obtained by USRTK, uncovered “a pattern of activity in which ILSI sought to exploit the credibility of scientists and academics to bolster industry positions and promote industry-devised content in its meetings, journal, and other activities.”

Gary Ruskin, executive director of USRTK, a consumer and public health group, said:

“ILSI is insidious… Across the world, ILSI is central to the food industry’s product defence, to keep consumers buying the ultra-processed food, sugary beverages and other junk food that promotes obesity, type 2 diabetes and other ills.”

The study also revealed new details about which companies fund ILSI and its branches.

ILSI North America’s draft 2016 IRS form 990 shows a $317,827 contribution from PepsiCo, contributions greater than $200,000 from Mars, Coca-Cola and Mondelez and contributions greater than $100,000 from General Mills, Nestle, Kellogg, Hershey, Kraft, Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Starbucks Coffee, Cargill, Unilever and Campbell Soup.

ILSI’s draft 2013 Internal Revenue Service form 990 shows that it received $337,000 from Coca-Cola, and more than $100,000 each from Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow AgroSciences, Pioneer Hi-Bred, Bayer Crop Science and BASF.

Global institutions, like the WTO, and governments continue to act as the administrative arm of industry, boosting corporate profits while destroying public health and cutting short human life.

Part of the solution lies in challenging a policy agenda that privileges global markets, highly processed food and the needs of ‘the modern food system’ — meaning the bottom line of dominant industrial food conglomerates.

It also involves protecting and strengthening local markets, short supply chains and independent small-scale enterprises, including traditional food processing concerns and small retailers.

And, of course, we need to protect and strengthen agroecological, smallholder farming that bolsters nutrient-dense diets — more family farms and healthy food instead of more disease and allopathic family doctors.


Chapter III:

Fast-Food Graveyard: Sickened for Profit


The modern food system is responsible for making swathes of humanity ill, causing unnecessary suffering and sending many people to an early grave. It is part of a grotesque food-pharma conveyor belt that results in massive profits for the dominant agrifood and pharmaceuticals corporations.  

Much of the modern food system has been shaped by big agribusiness concerns like Monsanto (now Bayer) and Cargillgiant food companies like Nestle, Pepsico and Kellog’s and, more recently, institutional investors like BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street.

For the likes of BlackRock, which invests in both food and pharma, fuelling a system increasingly based on ultra processed food (UPF) with its cheap and unhealthy ingredients is a sure-fire money spinner.

Toxic Junk  

Consider that fast food is consumed by 85 million US citizens each day. Several chains are the primary suppliers of many school lunches. Some 30 million school meals are served to children each day. For millions of underprivileged children in the US, these meals are their only access to nutrition.

In 2022, Moms Across America (MAA) and Children’s Health Defense (CHD) commissioned the testing of school lunches and found that 5.3 per cent contained carcinogenic, endocrine-disrupting and liver disease-causing glyphosate; 74 per cent contained at least one of 29 harmful pesticides; four veterinary drugs and hormones were found in nine of the 43 meals tested; and all of the lunches contained heavy metals at levels up to 6,293 times higher than the US Environmental Protection Agency’s maximum levels allowed in drinking water. Moreover, the majority of the meals were abysmally low in nutrients.

As a follow up, MAA, a non-profit organisation, with support from CHD and the Centner Academy, decided to have the top 10 most popular fast-food brand meals extensively tested for 104 of the most commonly used veterinary drugs and hormones.

The Health Research Institute tested 42 fast-food meals from 21 locations nationwide. The top 10 brands tested were McDonald’s, Starbucks, Chick-fil-A, TacoBell, Wendy’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, Burger King, Subway, Domino’s and Chipotle.

Collectively, these companies’ annual gross sales are $134,308,000,000.

Three veterinary drugs and hormones were found in 10 fast-food samples tested. One sample from Chick-fil-A contained a contraceptive and antiparasitic called Nicarbazin, which has been prohibited.

Some 60 per cent of the samples contained the antibiotic Monesin, which is not approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for human use and has been shown to cause severe harm when consumed by humans.

And 40 per cent contained the antibiotic Narasin. MAA says that animal studies show this substance causes anorexia, diarrhoea, dyspnea, depression, ataxia, recumbency and death, among other things.

Monensin and Narasin are antibiotic ionophores, toxic to horses and dogs at extremely low levels, leaving their hind legs dysfunctional. Ionophores cause weight gain in beef and dairy cattle and are therefore widely used but also “cause acute cardiac rhabdomyocyte degeneration and necrosis”, according to a 2017 paper published in Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology (Second Edition).

For many years, ionophores have also been used to control coccidiosis in poultry. However, misuse of ionophores can cause toxicity with significant clinical symptoms. Studies show that ionophore toxicity mainly affects myocardial and skeletal muscle cells.

Only Chipotle and Subway had no detectable levels of veterinary drugs and hormones.

Following these findings, MAA expressed grave concern about the dangers faced by people, especially children, who are unknowingly eating unprescribed antibiotic ionophores. The non-profit asks: are the side effects of these ionophores in dogs and horses, leaving their hind legs dysfunctional, related to millions of US citizens presenting with restless leg syndrome and neuropathy? These conditions were unknown in most humans just a generation or two ago.

A concerning contraceptive (for geese and pigeons), an antiparasitic called Nicarbazin, prohibited after many years of use, was found in Chick fil-A sandwich samples.

The executive director of MAA, Zen Honeycutt, concludes:

“The impact on millions of Americans, especially children and young adults, consuming a known animal contraceptive daily is concerning. With infertility problems on the rise, the reproductive health of this generation is front and center for us, in light of these results.”

MAA says that it is not uncommon for millions of US citizens to consume fast food for breakfast, lunch or dinner, or all three meals, every day. School lunches are often provided by fast-food suppliers and typically are the only meals underprivileged children receive and a major component of the food consumed by most children.

Exposure to hormones from consuming ​​concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) livestock could be linked to the early onset of puberty, miscarriages, increasing incidence of twin births and reproductive problems. These hormones have been linked to cancers, such as breast and uterine, reproductive issues and developmental problems in children.

So, how can it be that food — something that is supposed to nourish and sustain life — has now become so toxic?

Corporate Influence 

As already noted with ILSI, the answer lies in the influence of a relative handful of food conglomerates, which shape food policy and dominate the market. 

For instance, recent studies have linked UPFs such as ice-cream, fizzy drinks and ready meals to poor health, including an increased risk of cancer, weight gain and heart disease. Global consumption of the products is soaring and UPFs now make up more than half the average diet in the UK and US.

In late September 2023, however, a media briefing in London suggested consumers should not be too concerned about UPFs. After the event, The Guardian newspaper reported that three out of five scientists on the expert panel for the briefing who suggested UPFs are being unfairly demonised had ties to the world’s largest manufacturers of the products.

The briefing generated various positive media headlines on UPFs, including “Ultra-processed foods as good as homemade fare, say experts” and “Ultra-processed foods can sometimes be better for you, experts claim.”

It was reported by The Guardian that three of the five scientific experts on the panel had either received financial support for research from UPF manufacturers or hold key positions with organisations that are funded by them. The manufacturers include Nestlé, Mondelēz, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Unilever and General Mills.

Professor Janet Cade (University of Leeds) told the briefing that most research suggesting a link between UPFs and poor health cannot show cause and effect, adding that processing can help to preserve nutrients. Cade is the chair of the advisory committee of the British Nutrition Foundation, whose corporate members include McDonald’s, British Sugar and Mars. It is funded by companies including Nestlé, Mondelēz and Coca-Cola.

Professor Pete Wilde (Quadram Institute) also defended UPFs, comparing then favourably with homemade items. Wilde has received support for his research from Unilever, Mondelēz and Nestlé.

Professor Ciarán Forde (Wageningen University in the Netherlands) told the briefing that advice to avoid UPF “risks demonising foods that are nutritionally beneficial”. Forde was previously employed by Nestlé and has received financial support for research from companies including PepsiCo and General Mills.

Professor Janet Cade told the media briefing in London that people rely on processed foods for a wide number of reasons; if they were removed, this would require a huge change in the food supply. She added that this would be unachievable for most people and potentially result in further stigmatisation and guilt for those who rely on processed foods, promoting further inequalities in disadvantaged groups.

While part of the solution lies in tackling poverty and reliance on junk food, the focus must also be on challenging the power wielded by a small group of food corporations and redirecting the huge subsidies poured into the agrifood system that ensure massive corporate profit while fuelling bad food, poor health and food insecurity.

A healthier food regime centred on human need rather than corporate profit is required. This would entail strengthening local markets, prioritising short supply chains from farm to fork and supporting independent smallholder organic agriculturalists (incentivised to grow a more diverse range of nutrient-dense crops) and small-scale retailers.

Saying that eradicating UPFs would result in denying the poor access to cheap, affordable food is like saying let them eat poison.

Given the scale of the problem, change cannot be achieved overnight. However, a long food movement could transform the food system, a strategy set out in a 2021 report by the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems and ETC Group.

More people should be getting on board with this and promoting it at media briefings. But that might result in biting the hand that feeds.


Chapter IV:

Toxic Contagion: Funds, Food and Pharma


In 2014, the organisation GRAIN revealed that small farms produce most of the world’s food in its report Hungry for land: small farmers feed the world with less than a quarter of all farmland. The report Small-scale Farmers and Peasants Still Feed the World (ETC Group, 2022) confirmed this.

Small farmers produce up to 80 per cent of the food in the non-industrialised countries. However, they are currently squeezed onto less than a quarter of the world’s farmland. The period 1974-2014 saw 140 million hectares — more than all the farmland in China — being taken over for soybean, oil palm, rapeseed and sugar cane plantations.

GRAIN noted that the concentration of fertile agricultural land in fewer and fewer hands is directly related to the increasing number of people going hungry every day. While industrial farms have enormous power, influence and resources, GRAIN’s data showed that small farms almost everywhere outperform big farms in terms of productivity.

In the same year, policy think tank the Oakland Institute released a report stating that the first years of the 21st century will be remembered for a global land rush of nearly unprecedented scale. An estimated 500 million acres, an area eight times the size of Britain, was reported bought or leased across the developing world between 2000 and 2011, often at the expense of local food security and land rights.

Institutional investors, including hedge funds, private equity, pension funds and university endowments, were eager to capitalise on global farmland as a new and highly desirable asset class.

This trend was not confined to buying up agricultural land in low-income countries. Oakland Institute’s Anuradha Mittal argued that there was a new rush for US farmland. One industry leader estimated that $10 billion in institutional capital was looking for access to this land in the US.

Although investors believed that there is roughly $1.8 trillion worth of farmland across the US, of this between $300 billion and $500 billion (2014 figures) is considered to be of “institutional quality” — a combination of factors relating to size, water access, soil quality and location that determine the investment appeal of a property.

In 2014, Mittal said that if action is not taken, then a perfect storm of global and national trends could converge to permanently shift farm ownership from family businesses to institutional investors and other consolidated corporate operations.

Why It Matters  

Peasant/smallholder agriculture prioritises food production for local and national markets as well as for farmers’ own families, whereas corporations take over fertile land and prioritise commodities or export crops for profit and markets far away that tend to cater for the needs of more affluent sections of the global population.

In 2013, a UN report stated that farming in rich and poor nations alike should shift from monocultures towards greater varieties of crops, reduced use of fertilisers and other inputs, increased support for small-scale farmers and more locally focused production and consumption of food. The report stated that monoculture and industrial farming methods were not providing sufficient affordable food where it is needed.

In September 2020, however, GRAIN showed an acceleration of the trend that it had warned of six years earlier: institutional investments via private equity funds being used to lease or buy up farms on the cheap and aggregate them into industrial-scale concerns. One of the firms spearheading this is the investment asset management firm BlackRock, which exists to put its funds to work to make money for its clients.

BlackRock holds shares in a number of the world’s largest food companies, including Nestlé, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Walmart, Danone and Kraft Heinz and also has significant shares in most of the top publicly traded food and agriculture firms: those which focus on providing inputs (seeds, chemicals, fertilisers) and farm equipment as well as agricultural trading companies, such as Deere, Bunge, ADM and Tyson (based on BlackRock’s own data from 2018).

Together, the world’s top five asset managers — BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, Fidelity and Capital Group — own around 10–30 per cent of the shares of the top firms in the agrifood sector.

The article Who is Driving the Destructive Industrial Agriculture Model? (2022) by Frederic Mousseau of the Oakland Institute showed that BlackRock and Vanguard are by far the biggest shareholders in eight of the largest pesticides and fertiliser companies: Yara, CF Industries Holdings K+S Aktiengesellschaft, Nutrien, The Mosaic Company, Corteva and Bayer.

These companies’ profits were projected to double, from US$19 billion in 2021 to $38 billion in 2022, and will continue to grow as long as the industrial agriculture production model on which they rely keeps expanding. Other major shareholders include investment firms, banks and pension funds from Europe and North America.

Through their capital injections, BlackRock et al fuel and make huge profits from a globalised food system that has been responsible for eradicating indigenous systems of production, expropriating seeds, land and knowledge, impoverishing, displacing or proletarianizing farmers and destroying rural communities and cultures. This has resulted in poor-quality food and illness, human rights abuses and ecological destruction.

Systemic Compulsion  

Post-1945, the Rockefeller Chase Manhattan bank with the World Bank helped roll out what has become the prevailing modern-day agrifood system under the guise of a supposedly ‘miraculous’ corporate-controlled, chemical-intensive Green Revolution (its much-heralded but seldom challenged ‘miracles’ of increased food production are now being questioned; for instance, see the What the Green Revolution Did for India and New Histories of the Green Revolution).

Ever since, the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO have helped consolidate an export-oriented industrial agriculture based on Green Revolution thinking and practices. A model that uses loan conditionalities to compel nations to ‘structurally adjust’ their economies and sacrifice food self-sufficiency.

Countries are placed on commodity crop production treadmills to earn foreign currency (US dollars) to buy oil and food on the global market (benefitting global commodity traders like Cargill, which helped write the WTO trade regime — the Agreement on Agriculture), entrenching the need to increase cash crop cultivation for exports.

Today, investment financing is helping to drive and further embed this system of corporate dependency worldwide. BlackRock is ideally positioned to create the political and legislative framework to maintain this system and increase the returns from its investments in the agrifood sector.

The firm has around $10 trillion in assets under its management and has positioned itself to effectively control the US Federal Reserve, many Wall Street mega-banks and the Biden administration: a number of former top people at BlackRock are in key government positions, shaping economic policy.

So, it is no surprise that we are seeing an intensification of the lop-sided battle being waged against local markets, local communities and indigenous systems of production for the benefit of global private equity and big agribusiness.

For example, while ordinary Ukrainians are currently defending their land, financial institutions are supporting the consolidation of farmland by rich individuals and Western financial interests. It is similar in India (see the article The Kisans Are Right: Their Land Is at Stake) where a land market is being prepared and global investors are no doubt poised to swoop.

In both countries, debt and loan conditionalities on the back of economic crises are helping to push such policies through. For instance, there has been a 30+ year plan to restructure India’s economy and agriculture. This stems from the country’s 1991 foreign exchange crisis, which was used to impose IMF-World Bank debt-related ‘structural adjustment’ conditionalities. The Mumbai-based Research Unit for Political Economy locates agricultural ‘reforms’ within a broader process of Western imperialism’s increasing capture of the Indian economy.

Yet ‘imperialism’ is a dirty word never to be used in ‘polite’ circles. Such a notion is to be brushed aside as ideological by the corporations that benefit from it. Instead, what we constantly hear from these conglomerates is that countries are choosing to embrace their entry and proprietary inputs into the domestic market as well as ‘neoliberal reforms’ because these are essential if we are to feed a growing global population. The reality is that these firms and their investors are attempting to deliver a knockout blow to smallholder farmers and local enterprises in places like India.

But the claim that these corporations, their inputs and their model of agriculture is vital for ensuring global food security is a proven falsehood. However, in an age of censorship and doublespeak, truth has become the lie, and the lie is truth. Dispossession is growth, dependency is market integration, population displacement is land mobility, serving the needs of agrifood corporations is modern agriculture and the availability of adulterated, toxic food as part of a monoculture diet is called ‘feeding the world’.

And when a ‘pandemic’ was announced and those who appeared to be dying in greater numbers were the elderly and people with obesity, diabetes and cardio-vascular disease, few were willing to point the finger at the food system and its powerful corporations,  practices and products that are responsible for the increasing prevalence of these conditions (see campaigner Rosemary Mason’s numerous papers documenting this on Because this is the real public health crisis that has been building for decades.

But who cares? BlackRock, Vanguard and other institutional investors? Highly debatable because if we turn to the pharmaceuticals industry, we see similar patterns of ownership involving the same players.

A December 2020 paper on ownership of the major pharmaceuticals companies, by researchers Albert Banal-Estanol, Melissa Newham and Jo Seldeslachts, found the following (reported on the website of TRT World, a Turkish news media outlet):

“Public companies are increasingly owned by a handful of large institutional investors, so we expected to see many ownership links between companies — what was more surprising was the magnitude of common ownership… We frequently find that more than 50 per cent of a company is owned by ‘common’ shareholders who also own stakes in rival pharma companies.”

The three largest shareholders of Pfizer, J&J and Merck are Vanguard, SSGA and BlackRock.

In 2019, the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations reported that pay outs to shareholders had increased by almost 400 per cent — from $30 billion in 2000 to $146 billion in 2018. Shareholders made $1.54 trillion in profits over that 18-year period.

So, for institutional investors, the link between poor food and bad health is good for profit. While investing in the food system rakes in enormous returns, you can perhaps double your gains if you invest in pharma too.

These findings predate the 2021 documentary Monopoly: An Overview of the Great Reset, which also shows that the stock of the world’s largest corporations are owned by the same institutional investors. ‘Competing’ brands, like Coke and Pepsi, are not really competitors, since their stock is owned by the same investment companies, investment funds, insurance companies and banks.

Smaller investors are owned by larger investors. Those are owned by even bigger investors. The visible top of this pyramid shows only Vanguard and Black Rock.

A 2017 Bloomberg report states that both these companies in the year 2028 together will have investments amounting to $20 trillion.

While individual corporations — like Pfizer and Monsanto/Bayer, for instance — should be (and at times have been) held to account for some of their many wrongdoings, their actions are symptomatic of a system that increasingly leads back to the boardrooms of the likes of BlackRock and Vanguard.

Professor Fabio Vighi of Cardiff University says:

“Today, capitalist power can be summed up with the names of the three biggest investment funds in the world: BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street Global Advisor. These giants, sitting at the centre of a huge galaxy of financial entities, manage a mass of value close to half the global GDP, and are major shareholders in around 90 per cent of listed companies.”

These firms help shape and fuel the dynamics of the economic system and the globalised food regime, ably assisted by the World Bank, the IMF, the WTO and other supranational institutions. A system that leverages debt, uses coercion and employs militarism to secure continued expansion.


Chapter V:

Rachel Carson and Monsanto: The Silence of Spring


Former Monsanto Chairman and CEO Hugh Grant was in the news a couple of years back. He was trying to avoid appearing in court to be questioned by lawyers on behalf of a cancer patient in the case of Allan Shelton v Monsanto.

Shelton has non-Hodgkin lymphoma and is one of the 100,000+ people in the US claiming in lawsuits that exposure to Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer and its other brands containing the chemical glyphosate caused their cancer.

According to investigative journalist Carey Gillam, Shelton’s lawyers argued that Grant was an active participant and decision maker in the company’s Roundup business and should be made to testify at the trial.

But Grant said in the court filings that the effort to put him on the stand in front of a jury is “wholly unnecessary and serves only to harass and burden” him.

His lawyers stated that Grant does not have “any expertise in the studies and tests that have been done related to Roundup generally, including those related to Roundup safety.”

Gillam notes that the court filings state that Grant’s testimony “would be of little value” because he is not a toxicologist, an epidemiologist, or a regulatory expert and “did not work in the areas of toxicology or epidemiology while employed by Monsanto.”

Bayer acquired Monsanto in 2018 and Grant received an estimated $77 million post-sale payoff. Bloomberg reported in 2017 that Monsanto had increased Grant’s salary to $19.5 million.

By 2009, Roundup-related products, which include GM seeds developed to withstand glyphosate-based applications, represented about half of Monsanto’s gross margin.

Roundup was integral to Monsanto’s business model and Grant’s enormous income and final payoff.

Consider the following quote from a piece that appeared on the Bloomberg website in 2014:

“Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Hugh Grant is focused on selling more GM seeds in Latin America to drive earnings growth outside the core US market. Sales of soybean seeds and genetic licenses climbed 16 per cent, and revenue in the unit that makes glyphosate weed killer, sold as Roundup, rose 24 per cent.”

In the same piece, Chris Shaw, a New York-based analyst at Monness Crespi Hardt & Co, is reported as saying “Glyphosate really crushed it” — meaning the sales of glyphosate were a major boost.

All fine for Grant and Monsanto. But this has had devastating effects on human health. ‘The Human Cost of Agrotoxins. How Glyphosate is killing Argentina’, which appeared on the Lifegate website in November 2015, serves as a damning indictment of the drive for earnings growth by Monsanto. Moreover, in the same year, some 30,000 doctors in that country demanded a ban on glyphosate.

The bottom line for Grant was sales and profit maximisation and the unflinching defence of glyphosate, no matter how carcinogenic to humans it is and, more to the point, how much Monsanto knew it was.

Noam Chomsky underlines the commercial imperative:

” … the CEO of a corporation has actually a legal obligation to maximize profit and market share. Beyond that legal obligation, if the CEO doesn’t do it, and, let’s say, decides to do something that will, say, benefit the population and not increase profit, he or she is not going to be CEO much longer — they’ll be replaced by somebody who does do it.”

But the cancer lawsuits in the US are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the damage done by glyphosate-based products and many other biocides.

Silent Killer    

June 2022 marked 60 years since the publication of Rachel Carson’s iconic book Silent Spring. It was published just two years before her death at age 56.

Carson documented the adverse impacts on the environment of the indiscriminate use of pesticides, which she said were ‘biocides’, killing much more than the pests that were targeted. Silent Spring also described some of the deleterious effects of these chemicals on human health.

She accused the agrochemical industry of spreading disinformation and public officials of accepting the industry’s marketing claims without question. An accusation that is still very much relevant today.

Silent Spring was a landmark book, inspiring many scientists and campaigners over the years to carry on the work of Carson, flagging up the effects of agrochemicals and the role of the industry in distorting the narrative surrounding its proprietary chemicals and its influence on policy making.

In 2012, the American Chemical Society designated Silent Spring a National Historic Chemical Landmark because of its importance for the modern environmental movement.

For her efforts, Carson had to endure vicious, baseless smears and attacks on her personal life, integrity, scientific credentials and political affiliations. Tactics that the agrochemicals sector and its supporters have used ever since to try to shut down prominent scientists and campaigners who challenge industry claims, practices and products.

Although Carson was not calling for a ban on all pesticides, at the time Monsanto hit back by publishing 5,000 copies of ‘The Desolate Year’, which projected a world of famine and disease if pesticides were to be banned.

A message the sector continues to churn out even as evidence stacks up against the deleterious impacts of its practices and products and the increasing body of research which indicates the world could feed itself by shifting to agroecological/organic practices.

The title of Carson’s book was a metaphor, warning of a bleak future for the natural environment. So, all these years later, what has become of humanity’s ‘silent spring’?

In 2017, research conducted in Germany showed the abundance of flying insects had plunged by three-quarters over the past 25 years. The research data was gathered in nature reserves across Germany and has implications for all landscapes dominated by agriculture as it seems likely that the widespread use of pesticides is an important factor.

Professor Dave Goulson of Sussex University in the UK was part of the team behind the study and said that vast tracts of land are becoming inhospitable to most forms of life: if we lose the insects then everything is going to collapse.

Flying insects are vital because they pollinate flowers and many, not least bees, are important for pollinating key food crops. Most fruit crops are insect-pollinated, and insects also provide food for lots of animals, including birds, bats, some mammals, fish, reptiles and amphibians.

Flies, beetles and wasps are also predators and important decomposers, breaking down dead plants and animals. And insects form the base of thousands of food chains; their disappearance is a principal reason Britain’s farmland birds have more than halved in number since 1970.

Is this one aspect of the silence Carson warned of — that joyous season of renewal and awakening void of birdsong (and much else)? Truly a silent spring.

The 2016 State of Nature Report found that one in 10 UK wildlife species is threatened with extinction, with numbers of certain creatures having plummeted by two thirds since 1970. The study showed the abundance of flying insects had plunged by three-quarters over a 25-year period.

Campaigner Dr Rosemary Mason has written to public officials on numerous occasions noting that agrochemicals, especially Monsanto’s glyphosate-based Roundup, have devastated the natural environment and have also led to spiralling rates of illness and disease.

She indicates how the widespread use on agricultural crops of neonicotinoid insecticides and the herbicide glyphosate, both of which cause immune suppression, make species vulnerable to emerging infectious pathogens, driving large-scale wildlife extinctions, including essential pollinators.

Providing evidence to show how human disease patterns correlate remarkably well with the rate of glyphosate usage on corn, soy and wheat crops, which has increased due to ‘Roundup Ready’ seeds, Mason argues that over-reliance on chemicals in agriculture is causing irreparable harm to all beings on the planet.

In 2015, writer Carol Van Strum said the US Environmental Protection Agency has been routinely lying about the safety of pesticides since it took over pesticide registrations in 1970.

She has described how faked data and fraudulent tests led to many highly toxic agrochemicals reaching the market and they still remain in use, regardless of the devastating impacts on wildlife and human health.

The research from Germany mentioned above followed a warning by a chief scientific adviser to the UK government, Professor Ian Boyd, who claimed that regulators around the world have falsely assumed that it is safe to use pesticides at industrial scales across landscapes and the “effects of dosing whole landscapes with chemicals have been largely ignored.”

Prior to that particular warning, there was a report delivered to the UN Human Rights Council saying that pesticides have catastrophic impacts on the environment, human health and society as a whole.

Authored by Hilal Elver, the then special rapporteur on the right to food, and Baskut Tuncak, who was at the time special rapporteur on toxics, the report states:

“Chronic exposure to pesticides has been linked to cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, hormone disruption, developmental disorders and sterility.”

Elver says that the power of the corporations over governments and the scientific community is extremely important: if you want to deal with pesticides, you have to deal with the companies which deny the damage inflicted by their chemicals as they continue to aggressively market their products

While these corporations falsely claim their products are essential for feeding a burgeoning global population, they also mouth platitudes about choice and democracy, while curtailing both as they infiltrate and subvert regulatory agencies and government machinery.

Whether it is the well-documented harm to the environment or tales of illness and disease in Latin America and elsewhere, the devastating impacts of chemical-intensive agriculture which the agribusiness-agritech corporations rollout is clear to see.

Corporate Criminals   

Post-1945, the nutritional value of what we eat has been depleted due to reliance on a narrower range of crops, the side-lining of traditional seeds which produced nutrient-dense plants and modern ‘cost-effective’ food-processing methods that strip out vital micronutrients and insert a cocktail of chemical additives.

Fuelling these trends has been a network of interests, including the Rockefeller Foundation and its acolytes in the US government, giant agribusiness conglomerates like Cargill, the financial-industrial complex and its globalisation agenda (which effectively further undermined localised, indigenous food systems) and the giant food corporations and the influential groups they fund, such as the International Life Sciences Institute.

Included here in this network is the agrochemical-agritech sector which promotes its proprietary chemicals and (genetically engineered) seeds through a well-developed complex of scientists, politicians, journalists, lobbyists, PR companies and front groups.

Consider what Carey Gillam says:

“US Roundup litigation began in 2015 after the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified glyphosate as a probable human carcinogen. Internal Monsanto documents dating back decades show that the company was aware of scientific research linking its weed killer to cancer but instead of warning consumers, the company worked to suppress the information and manipulate scientific literature.”

Over the years, Monsanto mounted a deceitful defence of its health- and environment-damaging Roundup and its genetically engineered crops and orchestrated toxic smear campaigns against anyone — scientist or campaigner — who threatened its interests.

In 2016, Rosemary Mason wrote an open letter to European Chemicals Agency Executive Director Geert Dancet: Open Letter to the ECHA about Scientific Fraud and Ecocide. More of an in-depth report than a letter, it can be accessed on the site.

In it, she explained how current EU legislation was originally set up to protect the pesticides industry and Monsanto and other agrochemical corporations helped the EU design the regulatory systems for their own products.

She also drew Dancet’s attention to the journal Critical Reviews in Toxicology and how, in 2016 Volume 46, Monsanto commissioned five reviews published in a supplement to the journal.  Monsanto also funded them. Mason argues the aim was to cast serious doubts about the adverse effects of glyphosate by using junk science. Straight out of the Big Tobacco playbook.

Mason told Dancet:

“CEO Hugh Grant and the US EPA knew that glyphosate caused all of these problems. The corporation concealed the carcinogenic effects of PCBs on humans and animals for seven years. They have no plans to protect you and your families from the tsunami of sickness that is affecting us all in the UK and the US.”

Meanwhile, on the US Right to Know site, the article Roundup Cancer Cases – Key Documents and Analysis sets out just why more than 100,000 cancer sufferers are attempting to hold Monsanto to account in US courts.

In a just (and sane) world, CEOs would be held personally responsible for the products they peddle and earn millions from. But no doubt they would do their utmost to dodge culpability.

After all, they were ‘just doing their job’ — and they would not want to feel harassed or burdened, would they?


Chapter VI:

From Union Carbide to Syngenta: Pouring Poison


Do you remember the iconic Union Carbide image from the 1950s/early 1960s? The one with the giant hand coming from the sky, pouring pesticides onto Indian soil.       

The blurb below the image includes the following:

“Science helps build a new India — India has developed bold new plans to build its economy and bring the promise of a bright future to its more than 400 million people. But India needs the technical knowledge of the western world. For example working with Indian engineers and technicians, Union Carbide recently made available its fast scientific resource to help build a chemicals and plastics plant near Bombay. Throughout the free world, Union Carbide has been actively engaged in building plants for the manufacture of chemicals, plastics, carbons, gases and metals.”


In the bottom corner is the Union Carbide logo and the statement ‘A HAND IN THINGS TO COME’.

This ‘hand of god’ image has become infamous. Union Carbide’s ‘hand in things to come’ includes the gas leak at its pesticides plant in Bhopal in 1984. It resulted in around 560,000 injured (respiratory problems, eye irritation etc.), 4,000 severely disabled and 20,000 dead.

As for the chemical-intensive agriculture it promoted, we can now see the impacts: degraded soils, polluted water, illness, farmer debt and suicides (by drinking pesticides!), nutrient-dense crops/varieties being side-lined, a narrower range of crops, no increase in food production per capita (in India at least), the corporate commodification of knowledge and seeds, the erosion of farmers’ environmental learning, the undermining of traditional knowledge systems and farmers’ dependency on corporations.

Whether it involves the type of ecological devastation activist-farmer Bhaskar Save outlined for policy makers in his 2006 open letter or the social upheaval documented by Vandana Shiva in the book The Violence of the Green Revolution, the consequences have been far-reaching.

And yet — whether it involves new genetic engineering techniques or more pesticides — there is a relentless drive by the agritech conglomerates to further entrench their model of agriculture by destroying traditional farming practices with the aim of placing more farmers on corporate seed and chemical treadmills.

These corporations have been pushing for the European Commission to remove any labelling and safety checks for new genomic techniques. The European Court of Justice ruled in 2018 that organisms obtained with new genetic modification techniques must be regulated under the EU’s existing GMO laws. However, there has been intense lobbying from the agriculture biotech industry to weaken the legislation, aided financially by the Gates Foundation.

Since 2018, top agribusiness and biotech corporations have spent almost €37 million lobbying the European Union. They have had more than one meeting a week with European Commissioners, their cabinets and director generals. 

Exposing Syngenta’s Agenda

Over the last couple of years or so, we have seen rising food prices due to a combination of an engineered food crisis for geopolitical reasons, the conflict in Ukraine, financial speculation by hedge funds, pension funds and investment banks and profiteering by global grain trade conglomerates like Cargill, Louis Dreyfus, ADM and Bunge.

Firms like Bayer, Syngenta and Corteva cynically regard current circumstances as an opportunity to promote their agenda and seek commercialisation of unregulated and improperly tested genetic engineering technologies.

These companies have long promoted the false narrative that their hybrid seeds and their genetically engineered seeds, along with their agrichemicals, are essential for feeding a growing global population. This agenda is orchestrated by vested interests and career scientists — many of whom long ago sold their objectivity for biotech money — lobby groups and disgraced politicians and journalists.

Meanwhile, in an attempt to deflect and sway opinion, these industry shills also try to depict their critics as being Luddites and ideologically driven and for depriving the poor of food and farmers of technology.

This type of bombast disintegrates when confronted with the evidence of a failing GMO project.

The GMO biotech emperor has been shown to have no clothes time and again — it is a failing, often detrimental technology in search of a problem. And if the problem does not exist, the reality of food insecurity will be twisted to serve the industry agenda (see the following chapter), and regulatory bodies and institutions supposedly set up to serve the public interest will be placed under intense pressure or subverted.

The performance of GMO crops has been a hotly contested issue and, as highlighted in a 2018 piece by PC Kesavan and MS Swaminathan in the journal Current Science, there is sufficiently strong evidence to question their efficacy and the devastating impacts on the environment, human health and food security, not least in places like Latin America.

2022 report by Friends of the Earth (FoE) Europe shows that big global biotech corporations like Bayer and Corteva, which together already control 40 per cent of the global commercial seed market, are now trying to cement complete dominance. Industry watchdog GMWatch notes these companies are seeking to increase their control over the future of food and farming by extensively patenting plants and developing a new generation of GMOs.

These companies are moving to patent plant genetic information that can occur naturally or as a result of genetic modification. They claim all plants with those genetic traits as their ‘invention’.  Such patents on plants would restrict farmers’ access to seeds and impede breeders from developing new plants as both would have to ask for consent and pay fees to the biotech companies.

Corteva has applied for some 1,430 patents on new GMOs, while Bayer has applications for 119 patents.

Mute Schimpf, food campaigner at Friends of the Earth Europe, says:

“Big biotech’s strategy is to apply for wide patents that would also cover plants which naturally present the same genetic characteristics as the GMOs they engineered. They will be lining their pockets from farmers and plant breeders, who in turn will have a restricted access to what they can grow and work with.”

For instance, GMWatch notes that Corteva holds a patent for a process modifying the genome of a cell using the CRISPR technique and claims the intellectual property rights to any cells, seeds and plants that include the same genetic information, whether in broccoli, maize, soy, rice, wheat, cotton, barley or sunflower.

The agri biotech sector is engaged in a corporate hijack of agriculture while attempting to portray itself as being involved in some kind of service to humanity.

In recent times, Syngenta (a subsidiary of ChemChina) CEO Erik Fyrwald has come to the fore to cynically lobby for these techniques.

While Monsanto’s crimes are well documented, Syngenta’s transgressions are less well publicised.

In 2006, writer and campaigner Dr Brian John claimed:

“GM Free Cymru has discovered that Syngenta, in its promotion of GM crops and foods, has been involved in a web of lies, deceptions and obstructive corporate behaviour that would have done credit to its competitor Monsanto.”

Fyrwald has called for organic farming to be abandoned. In view of the recent food crisis, he claimed rich countries had to increase their crop production — but organic farming led to lower yields. Fyrwald also called for gene editing to be at the heart of the food agenda in order to increase food production.

He stated:

“The indirect consequence is that people are starving in Africa because we are eating more and more organic products.”

In response, Kilian Baumann, a Bernese organic farmer and president of the Swiss Small Farmers’ Association, called Fyrwald’s arguments “grotesque”. He claimed Fyrwald was “fighting for sales.”

Writing on the GMWatch website, Jonathan Matthews says the Russian invasion of Ukraine seems to have emboldened Fyrwald’s scaremongering.

Matthews states:

“Fyrwald’s comments reflect the industry’s determination to undermine the European Union’s Farm to Fork strategy, which aims by 2030 not just to slash pesticide use by 50 per cent and fertilizer use by 20 per cent but to more than triple the percentage of EU farmland under organic management (from 8.1 per cent to 25 per cent), as part of the transition towards a ‘more sustainable food system’ within the EU’s Green Deal.”

He adds:

“Syngenta view[s] these goals as an almost existential threat. This has led to a carefully orchestrated attack on the EU strategy.”

The details of this PR offensive have been laid out in a report by the Brussels-based lobby watchdog Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO): A loud lobby for a silent spring: The pesticide industry’s toxic lobbying tactics against Farm to Fork.

Mathews quotes research that shows GM crops have no yield benefit. He also refers to a recent report that draws together research clearly showing GM crops have driven substantial increases — not decreases — in pesticide use. The newer and much-hyped gene-edited crops look set to do the same.

Syngenta is among the corporations criticised by a report from the UN for “systematic denial of harms” and “unethical marketing tactics”. Matthews notes that selling highly hazardous pesticides is actually at the core of Syngenta’s business model.

According to Matthews, even with the logistical disruptions to maize and wheat crops caused by the war in Ukraine, there is still enough grain available to the world market to meet existing needs. He says the current price crisis (not food crisis) is a product of fear and speculation.

Matthews concludes:

“If Erik Fyrwald is really so concerned about hunger, why isn’t he attacking the boondoggle that is biofuels, rather than going after organic farming? The obvious answer is that the farmers being subsidised to grow biofuels are big consumers of agrichemicals and, in the US case, GMO seeds — unlike organic farmers, who buy neither.”

Fyrwald has a financial imperative to lobby for particular strategies and technologies. He is far from an objective observer. And he is far from honest in his appraisal — using fear of a food crisis to push his agenda. GMOs were never intended to ‘feed the world’. They have always been about value capture, patents and market penetration.

Meanwhile, the sustained attacks on organic agriculture have become an industry mainstay, despite numerous high-level reports and projects indicating it could feed the world, mitigate climate change, improve farmers’ situations, lead to better soil, create employment and provide healthier and more diverse diets.

There is a food crisis, but not the one alluded to by Fyrwald —  denutrified food and unhealthy diets that are at the centre of a major public health crisis, a loss of biodiversity which threatens food security, degraded soils, polluted and depleted water sources and smallholder farmers, so vital to global food production (especially in the Global South), squeezed off their land and out of farming.

Transnational agribusiness has lobbied for, directed and profited from policies that have caused much of the above. And what we now see is these corporations and their lobbyists espousing (fake) concern (a cynical lobbying tactic) for the plight of the poor and hungry while attempting to purchase EU democracy to the tune of €37 million. Cheap at the price considering the financial bonanza that its new patented genetic engineering technologies and seeds could reap.

Various scientific publications show these new techniques allow developers to make significant genetic changes, which can be very different from those that happen in nature. These new GMOs pose similar or greater risks than older-style GMOs.

By attempting to dodge regulation as well as avoid economic, social, environmental and health impact assessments, it is clear were the industry’s priorities lie.

Unfortunately, Fyrwald, Bill Gates, Hugh Grant and their ilk are unwilling and too often incapable of viewing the world beyond their reductionist mindsets that merely regard seed/chemical sales, output-yield and corporate profit as the measuring stick of success.

What is required is an approach that sustains indigenous knowledge, local food security, better nutrition per acre, clean and stable water tables and good soil structure. An approach that places food sovereignty, local ownership, rural communities and rural economies at the centre of policy and which nurtures biodiversity, boosts human health and works with nature rather than destroying these.

Fyrwald’s scaremongering is par for the course — the world will starve without corporate chemicals and (GM) seeds, especially if organics takes hold. This type of stuff has been standard fare from the industry and its lobbyists and bought career scientists for many years.

It flies in the face of reality; not least how certain agribusiness concerns have been part of a US geopolitical strategy that undermines food security in regions across the world. These concerns have thrived on the creation of dependency and profited from conflict. Moreover, there is the success of agroecological approaches to farming that have no need for what Fyrwald is hawking.

Instead, the industry continues to promote itself as the saviour of humanity — a hand of God, powered by a brave new techno-utopian world of corporate science, pouring poison and planting seeds of corporate dependency with the missionary zeal of Western saviourism.


Chapter VII:

GMOs Essential to Feed the World? Case Study India 


A common claim by the likes of Erick Fyrwald is that GMOs are essential to agriculture if we are to feed an ever-growing global population. Supporters of genetically engineered crops argue that by increasing productivity and yields, this technology will also help boost farmers’ incomes and lift many out of poverty. 

Although it will be argued that the performance of GM crops to date has been questionable to say the least, the main contention is that the pro-GMO lobby, both outside of India and within, has wasted no time in wrenching the issues of hunger and poverty from their political contexts to use notions of ‘helping farmers’ and ‘feeding the world’ as lynchpins of its promotional strategy. 

There exists a ‘haughty imperialism’ within the pro-GMO scientific lobby that aggressively pushes for a GMO ‘solution’ which is a distraction from the root causes of poverty, hunger and malnutrition and genuine solutions based on food justice and food sovereignty.

In 2019, in the journal Current Science, Dr Deepak Pental, developer of GM mustard at Delhi University, responded to a previous paper in the same journal by eminent scientists PC Kesavan and MS Swaminathan, which questioned the efficacy of and the need for GMOs in agriculture. Pental argued that the two authors had aligned themselves with environmentalists and ideologues who have mindlessly attacked the use of genetic engineering technology to improve crops required for meeting the food and nutritional needs of a global population that is predicted to peak at 11.2 billion. 

Pental added that aspects of the two authors’ analysis reflect their ideological proclivities.

The use of the word ‘mindlessly’ is telling and betrays Pental’s own ideological disposition. His words reflect tired industry-inspired rhetoric that says criticisms of this technology are driven by ideology not fact.

If hunger and malnutrition are to be tackled effectively, the pro-GMO lobby must put aside this type of rhetoric, which is designed to close down debate. It should accept valid concerns about the GMO paradigm and be willing to consider why the world already produces enough to feed 10 billion people but over two billion are experiencing micronutrient deficiencies (of which 821 million were classed as chronically undernourished in 2018).

Critics: Valid Concerns or Ideologues?

The performance of GM crops has been a hotly contested issue and, as highlighted in Kevasan and Swaminathan’s piece and by others, there is already sufficient evidence to question their efficacy, especially that of herbicide-tolerant crops (which by 2007 already accounted for approximately 80 per cent of biotech-derived crops grown globally) and the devastating impacts on the environment, human health and food security.

We should not accept the premise that only GMOs can solve problems in agriculture. In their paper, Kesavan and Swaminathan argue that GMO technology is supplementary and must be need based. In more than 99 per cent of cases, they say that time-honoured conventional breeding is sufficient. In this respect, conventional options and innovations that outperform GMOs must not be overlooked or sidelined in a rush by powerful interests like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to facilitate the introduction of GM crops into global agriculture; crops which are highly financially lucrative for the corporations behind them.

In Europe, robust regulatory mechanisms have to date been in place for GMOs because it is recognised that GMO food/crops are not substantially equivalent to their non-GMO counterparts. Numerous studies have highlighted the flawed premise of ‘substantial equivalence’. Furthermore, from the outset of the GMO project, the sidelining of serious concerns about the technology has occurred and despite industry claims to the contrary, there is no scientific consensus on the health impacts of GM crops as noted by Hilbeck et al (Environmental Sciences Europe, 2015). Adopting a precautionary principle where GM is concerned is therefore a valid approach.

As Hilbeck et al note, both the Cartagena Protocol and Codex share a precautionary approach to GE crops and foods, in that they agree that GE differs from conventional breeding and that safety assessments should be required before GMOs are used in food or released into the environment. There is sufficient reason to hold back on commercialising GM crops and to subject each GMO to independent, transparent environmental, social, economic and health impact evaluations.

Critics’ concerns cannot therefore be brushed aside by claims that ‘the science’ is decided and the ‘facts’ about GMOs are indisputable. Such claims are merely political posturing and part of a strategy to tip the policy agenda in favour of GMOs.

In India, various high-level reports have advised against the adoption of GM crops. Appointed by the Supreme Court, the ‘Technical Expert Committee (TEC) Final Report’ (2013) was scathing about India’s prevailing regulatory system and highlighted its inadequacies and serious inherent conflicts of interest. The TEC recommended a 10-year moratorium on the commercial release of all GE crops.

As we have seen with the push to get GM mustard commercialised, the problems described by the TEC persist. Through her numerous submissions to the Supreme Court, Aruna Rodrigues, as lead petitioner in a public interest litigation, has argued that GM mustard is being pushed through based on outright regulatory delinquency. It must also be noted that this crop is herbicide tolerant, which, as stated by the TEC, is wholly inappropriate for India with its small biodiverse, multi-cropping farms.

While the above discussion has only scratched the surface, it is fair to say that criticisms of GMO technology and various restrictions and moratoriums have not been driven by ‘mindless’ proclivities.

Can GM Crops ‘Feed the World’?

The ‘gene revolution’ is sometimes regarded as Green Revolution 2.0. The Green Revolution too was sold under the guise of ‘feeding the world’. However, emerging research indicates that in India it merely led to more wheat in the diet, while food productivity per capita showed no increase or actually decreased.

Globally, the Green Revolution dovetailed with the consolidation of an emerging global food regime based on agro-export mono-cropping (often with non-food commodities taking up prime agricultural land) and (unfair) liberalised trade, linked to sovereign debt repayment and World Bank/IMF structural adjustment-privatisation directives. The outcomes have included a displacement of a food-producing peasantry, the consolidation of Western agri-food oligopolies and the transformation of many countries from food self-sufficiency into food deficit areas. 

And yet, the corporations behind this system of dependency and their lobbyists waste no time in spreading the message that this is the route to achieving food security. Their interests lie in ‘business as usual’.

Today, we hear terms like ‘foreign direct investment’ and making India ‘business friendly’, but behind the rhetoric lies the hard-nosed approach of globalised capitalism. The intention is for India’s displaced cultivators to be retrained to work as cheap labour in the West’s offshored plants. India is to be a fully incorporated subsidiary of global capitalism, with its agri-food sector restructured for the needs of global supply chains and a reserve army of labour that effectively serves to beat workers and unions in the West into submission.

Global food insecurity and malnutrition are not the result of a lack of productivity. As long as the dynamics outlined above persist and food injustice remains an inbuilt feature of the global food regime, the rhetoric of GMOs being necessary for feeding the world will be seen for what it is: bombast.

Although India fares poorly in world hunger assessments, the country has achieved self-sufficiency in food grains and has ensured there is enough food (in terms of calories) available to feed its entire population. It is the world’s largest producer of milk, pulses and millets and the second-largest producer of rice, wheat, sugarcane, groundnuts, vegetables, fruit and cotton.

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), food security is achieved when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.

Food security for many Indians remains a distant dream. Large sections of India’s population do not have enough food available to remain healthy nor do they have sufficiently diverse diets that provide adequate levels of micronutrients. The Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey 2016-18 is the first-ever nationally representative nutrition survey of children and adolescents in India. It found that 35 per cent of children under five were stunted, 22 per cent of school-age children were stunted while 24 per cent of adolescents were thin for their age.

People are not hungry in India because its farmers do not produce enough food. Hunger and malnutrition result from various factors, including inadequate food distribution, (gender) inequality and poverty; in fact, the country continues to export food while millions remain hungry. It’s a case of ‘scarcity’ amid abundance.

Where farmers’ livelihoods are concerned, the pro-GMO lobby says GM will boost productivity and help secure cultivators a better income. Again, this is misleading: it ignores crucial political and economic contexts. Even with bumper harvests, Indian farmers still find themselves in financial distress.

India’s farmers are not experiencing financial hardship due to low productivity. They are reeling from the effects of neoliberal policies and years of neglect and a withdrawal of state support, part of a deliberate strategy to displace smallholder agriculture at the behest of the World Bank and predatory global agri-food corporations Little wonder then that the calorie and essential nutrient intake of the rural poor has drastically fallen.

However, aside from putting a positive spin on the questionable performance of GMO agriculture, the pro-GMO lobby, both outside of India and within, has wasted no time in wrenching these issues from their political contexts to use the notions of ‘helping farmers’ and ‘feeding the world’ as lynchpins of its promotional strategy.

GM Was Never Intended to Feed the World

Many of the traditional practices of India’s small farmers are now recognised as sophisticated and appropriate for high-productive, sustainable agriculture. It is no surprise therefore that a July 2019 FAO high-level report called for agroecology and smallholder farmers to be prioritised and invested in to achieve global sustainable food security. It argues that scaling up agroecology offers potential solutions to many of the world’s most pressing problems, whether, for instance, climate change and carbon storage, soil degradation, water shortages, unemployment or food security.

Agroecological principles represent a shift away from the reductionist yield-output industrial paradigm, which results in among other things enormous pressures on soil and water resources, to a more integrated low-input systems approach to food and agriculture that prioritises local food security, local calorific production, cropping patterns and diverse nutrition production per acre, water table stability, climate resilience, good soil structure and the ability to cope with evolving pests and disease pressures. Such a system would be underpinned by a concept of food sovereignty, based on optimal self-sufficiency, the right to culturally appropriate food and local ownership and stewardship of common resources, such as land, water, soil and seeds.

Traditional production systems rely on the knowledge and expertise of farmers in contrast to imported ‘solutions’. Yet, if we take cotton cultivation in India as an example, farmers continue to be nudged away from traditional methods of farming and are being pushed towards (illegal) GM herbicide-tolerant cotton seeds. 

Researchers Glenn Stone and Andrew Flachs note the results of this shift from traditional practices to date does not appear to have benefited farmers. This isn’t about giving farmers ‘choice’ where GMO seeds and associated chemicals are concerned. It is more about GM seed companies and weedicide manufactures seeking to leverage a highly lucrative market.

The potential for herbicide market growth in India is enormous. The objective involves opening India to GM seeds with herbicide tolerance traits, the biotechnology industry’s biggest money maker by far (86 per cent of the world’s GM crop acres in 2015 contain plants resistant to glyphosate or glufosinate, and there is a new generation of crops resistant to 2,4-D coming through).

The aim is to break farmers’ traditional pathways and move them onto corporate biotech/chemical treadmills for the benefit of industry.

Calls for agroecology and highlighting the benefits of traditional, small-scale agriculture are not based on a romantic yearning for the past or ‘the peasantry’. Available evidence suggests that (non-GMO) smallholder farming using low-input methods is more productive in total output than large-scale industrial farms and can be more profitable and resilient to climate change. 

It is for good reason that the FAO high-level report referred to earlier as well as the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Prof Hilal Elver, call for investment in this type of agriculture, which is centred on small farms. Despite the pressures, including the fact that globally industrial agriculture grabs 80 per cent of subsidies and 90 per cent of research funds, smallholder agriculture plays a major role in feeding the world.

That’s a huge amount of subsidies and funds to support a system that is only made profitable as a result of these financial injections and because agri-food oligopolies externalize the massive health, social and environmental costs of their operations.

But policy makers tend to accept that profit-driven transnational corporations have a legitimate claim to be owners and custodians of natural assets (the ‘commons’). These corporations, their lobbyists and their political representatives have succeeded in cementing a ‘thick legitimacy’ among policy makers for their vision of agriculture.

From World Bank ‘enabling the business of agriculture’ directives to the World Trade Organization ‘agreement on agriculture’ and trade related intellectual property agreements, international bodies have enshrined the interests of corporations that seek to monopolise seeds, land, water, biodiversity and other natural assets that belong to us all. These corporations, the promoters of GMO agriculture, are not offering a ‘solution’ for farmers’ impoverishment or hunger; GM seeds are little more than a value capture mechanism.

To evaluate the pro-GMO lobby’s rhetoric that GM is needed to ‘feed the world’, we first need to understand the dynamics of a globalised food system that fuels hunger and malnutrition against a backdrop of (subsidised) food overproduction. We must acknowledge the destructive, predatory dynamics of capitalism and the need for agri-food giants to maintain profits by seeking out new (foreign) markets and displacing existing systems of production with ones that serve their bottom line.  And we need to reject a deceptive ‘haughty imperialism’ within the pro-GMO scientific lobby which aggressively pushes for a GMO ‘solution’.


Chapter VIII:

Food Transition: A Greenwashed Corporate Power Grab


Today, in the mainstream narrative, there is much talk of a ‘food transition’. Big agribusiness and ‘philanthropic’ foundations position themselves as the saviours of humanity due to their much-promoted plans to ‘feed the world’ with ‘precision’ farming’, GMOs, ‘data-driven’ agriculture and ‘sustainable’ production.  

These are the very institutions responsible for the social, ecological and environmental degradation associated with the current food system. The same bodies responsible for spiralling rates of illness due to the toxic food they produce or promote.  

In this narrative, there is no space for any mention of the type of power relations that have shaped the prevailing food system and many of the current problems.    

Tony Weis from the University of Western Ontario provides useful insight:  

“World agriculture is marked by extreme imbalances that are among the most durable economic legacies of European imperialism. Many of the world’s poorest countries in the tropics are net food importers despite having large shares of their labor force engaged in agriculture and large amounts of their best arable land devoted to agro-export commodities.”  

He adds that this commodity dependence has deep roots in waves of dispossession, the establishment of plantations and the subjugation of peasantries to increasing competitive pressures at the same time as they were progressively marginalised.  

In the 2018 book The Divide: A Brief Guide to Global Inequality and its Solutions, Jason Hickel describes the processes involved in Europe’s wealth accumulation over a 150-year period of colonialism that resulted in tens of millions of deaths.  

By using other countries’ land, Britain effectively doubled the size of arable land in its control. This made it more practical to then reassign the rural population at home (by stripping people of their productive means) to industrial labour. This too was underpinned by massive violence (burning villages, destroying houses, razing crops).  

In more recent times, neoliberal globalisation has further reinforced the power relations that underpin the system, cementing the control of agricultural production by global corporations, facilitated by the policies of the World Trade Organization, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.  

Corporate Food Transition  

The food transition is couched in the language of climate emergency and sustainability. It envisages a particular future for farming. It is not organic and relatively few farmers have a place in it.  

Post-1945, corporate agribusiness, largely backed by the US state, the Rockefeller Foundation and financial institutions, has been promoting and instituting a chemical-dependent system of industrial agriculture. Rural communities, ecological systems, the environment, human health and indigenous systems of food cultivation have been devastated in the process.  

Now, the likes of Bayer, Corteva and Syngenta are working with Microsoft, Google and the big-tech giants to facilitate farmerless farms driven by cloud and AI technology. A cartel of data owners and proprietary input suppliers are reinforcing their grip on the global food system while expanding their industrial model of crop cultivation.  

One way they are doing this is by driving the ‘climate emergency’ narrative, a contested commentary that has been carefully promoted (see the work of investigative journalist Cory Morningstar), and net-zero ideology and tying this to carbon offsetting and carbon credits.  

Many companies from various sectors are securing large areas of land in the Global South to establish tree plantations and claim carbon credits that they can sell on international carbon markets. In the meantime, by supposedly ‘offsetting’ their emissions, they can carry on polluting.  

In countries where industrial agriculture dominates, ‘carbon farming’ involves modifying existing practices to claim that carbon is being sequestered in the soil and to then sell carbon credits.  

This is explained in a recent presentation by Devlin Kuyek of the non-profit GRAIN who sets out the corporate agenda behind carbon farming.  

One of the first major digital agriculture platforms is called Climate FieldView, an app owned by Bayer. It collects data from satellites and sensors in fields and on tractors and then uses algorithms to advise farmers on their farming practices: when and what to plant, how much pesticide to spray, how much fertiliser to apply etc. FieldView is already being used on farms in the US, Canada, Brazil, Argentina and Europe.  

To be part of Bayer’s Carbon Program, farmers have to be enrolled in Bayer’s FieldView digital agriculture platform. Bayer then uses the FieldView app to instruct farmers on the implementation of just two practices that are said to sequester carbon in the soils: reduced tillage or no-till farming and the planting of cover crops.   

Through the app, the company monitors these two practices and estimates the amount of carbon that the participating farmers have sequestered. Farmers are then supposed to be paid according to Bayer’s calculations, and Bayer uses that information to claim carbon credits and sell these in carbon markets.  

In August 2022, Bayer launched a new programme in the US called ForGround. Upstream companies can use the platform to advertise and offer discounts for tilling equipment, forage seeds and other inputs. But Bayer’s big target is the downstream food companies which can use the platform to claim emissions reductions in their supply chains.  

Places like India are also laying the groundwork for these types of platforms. In April 2021, the Indian government signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Microsoft, allowing its local partner CropData to leverage a master database of farmers.  

Microsoft will ‘help’ farmers with post-harvest management solutions by building a collaborative platform and capturing agriculture datasets such as crop yields, weather data, market demand and prices. In turn, this would create a farmer interface for ‘smart’ agriculture, including post-harvest management and distribution.  

CropData will be granted access to a government database of 50 million farmers and their land records. As the database is developed, it will include farmers’ personal details —  

1) Profile of land held — cadastral maps, farm size, land titles, local climatic and geographical conditions.  

2) Production details — crops grown, production history, input history, quality of output, machinery in possession.  

3) Financial details — input costs, average return, credit history.  

The stated aim is to use digital technology to improve financing, inputs, cultivation and supply and distribution.  

However, this initiative also involves providing data on land holding deeds with the intention of implementing a land market so that investors can buy up land and amalgamate it — global equity funds regard agricultural land as a valuable asset, and global agritech/agribusiness companies prefer industrial-scale farms for rolling out highly mechanised ‘precision’ agriculture.    

‘Data-driven agriculture’ mines data to be exploited by the agribusiness/big tech giants who will know more about farmers than farmers know about themselves. The likes of Bayer and Microsoft will gain increasing control over farmers, dictating exactly how they farm and what inputs they use.  

And as GRAIN notes, getting more farmers to use reduced tillage or no-till is of huge benefit to Bayer.  The kind of reduced tillage or no-till promoted by Bayer requires dousing fields with its RoundUp (toxic glyphosate) herbicide and planting seeds of its genetically engineered Roundup resistant soybeans or hybrid maize.  

Bayer also intends to profit from the promotion of cover crops. It has taken majority ownership of a seed company developing a gene-edited cover crop, called CoverCress. Seeds of CoverCress will be sold to farmers who are enrolled in ForGround and the crop will be sold as a biofuel.  

GMO technology has always been a solution in need of a problem. Along with its associated money-spinning toxic chemicals, it has failed to deliver on its promises (see GMO Myths and Truths, published by Open Earth Source) and has sometimes been disastrous when rolled out, not least for poor farmers in India.  

Whereas traditional breeding and on-farm practices have little or no need for such GMO technology, under the guise of ‘climate emergency’, the data and agritech giants are commodifying knowledge and making farmers dependent on their platforms and inputs. The commodification of knowledge and compelling farmers to rely on proprietary inputs overseen by algorithms will define what farming is and how it is to be carried out.  

The introduction of technology into the sector can benefit farmers. But understanding who owns the technology and how it is being used is crucial for understanding underlying motivations, power dynamics and the quality of food we end up eating.  

Net-zero Ponzi Scheme  

In its article From land grab to soil grab: the new business of carbon farming, GRAIN says control rather than sequestering carbon is at the heart of the matter. More than half of the soil organic matter in the world’s agricultural soils has already been lost. Yet, the main culprits behind this soil catastrophe are now recasting themselves as soil saviours.  

Under the guise of Green Revolution practices (application of chemicals, synthetic fertilisers, high water usage, hybrid seeds, intensive mono-cropping, increased mechanisation etc.), what we have seen is an exploitative form of agriculture which has depleted soil of its nutrients. It has also resulted in placing farmers on corporate seed and chemical treadmills.  

Similarly, carbon farming draws farmers into the digital platforms that agribusiness corporations and big tech companies are jointly developing to influence farmers on their choice of inputs and farming practices (big tech companies, like Microsoft and IBM, are major buyers of carbon credits). The companies intend to make their digital platforms one-stop shops for carbon credits, seeds, pesticides and fertilisers and agronomic advice, all supplied by the company, which gets the added benefit of control over the data harvested from the participating farms.  

Those best placed to benefit from these programmes are the equity funds and the wealthy who have been buying up large farmland areas. Financial managers can now use digital platforms to buy farms in Brazil, sign them up for carbon credits, and run their operations all from their offices on Wall Street.  

As for the carbon credit and carbon trading market, this appears to be another profitable Ponzi scheme from which traders will make a financial killing.   

Journalist Patrick Greenfield states that research into Verra, the world’s leading carbon standard for the rapidly growing $2bn (£1.6bn) voluntary offsets market, has found that more than 90 per cent of their rainforest offset credits — among the most commonly used by companies — are likely to be ‘phantom credits’ and do not represent genuine carbon reductions.  

The analysis raises questions over the credits bought by a number of internationally renowned companies — some of them have labelled their products ‘carbon neutral’ or have told their consumers they can fly, buy new clothes or eat certain foods without making the ‘climate crisis’ worse.  

Washington-based Verra operates a number of leading environmental standards for climate action and sustainable development, including its verified carbon standard (VCS) that has issued more than a billion carbon credits. It approves three-quarters of all voluntary offsets. Its rainforest protection programme makes up 40 per cent of the credits it approves.  

Although Verra disputes the findings, only a handful of Verra’s rainforest projects showed evidence of deforestation reductions — 94 per cent of the credits had no benefit to the climate.  

The threat to forests had been overstated by about 400 per cent on average for Verra projects, according to an analysis of a 2022 University of Cambridge study.  

Barbara Haya, the director of the Berkeley Carbon Trading Project, has been researching carbon credits for 20 years, hoping to find a way to make the system function.  

She says that companies are using credits to make claims of reducing emissions when most of these credits don’t represent emissions reductions at all:  

“Rainforest protection credits are the most common type on the market at the moment. But these problems are not just limited to this credit type. These problems exist with nearly every kind of credit.”  

Current green agenda ‘solutions’ are based on a notion of ‘stakeholder’ capitalism or private-public partnerships whereby vested interests are accorded greater weight, with governments and public money merely facilitating the priorities of private capital.

A key component of this strategy involves the ‘financialization of nature’ and the production of new ‘green’ markets. The banking sector is especially set to make a killing via ‘green profiling’ and ‘green bonds’.

Looking at the wider picture, creating new markets helps deal with the over accumulation of capital (productive wealth) due to weak consumer demand caused by decades of neoliberal policies and the declining purchasing power of working people. These markets represent fresh opportunities for the wealthy to park their wealth, create viable returns on their investments and offset the overaccumulation referred to and the devaluation of their assets. 

At the same time, according to Friends of the Earth (FoE), corporations and states will use the financialization of nature discourse to weaken laws and regulations designed to protect the environment with the aim of facilitating the goals of extractive industries, while allowing mega-infrastructure projects in protected areas and other contested places.

Global corporations will be able to ‘offset’ (greenwash) their activities by, for example, protecting or planting a forest elsewhere (on indigenous people’s land) or perhaps even investing in (imposing) industrial agriculture which grows herbicide-resistant GMO commodity crop monocultures that are misleadingly portrayed as ‘climate friendly’.

FoE states:

“Offsetting schemes allow companies to exceed legally defined limits of destruction at a particular location, or destroy protected habitat, on the promise of compensation elsewhere; and allow banks to finance such destruction on the same premise.”

This agenda could result in the weakening of current environmental protection legislation or its eradication in some regions under the pretext of compensating for the effects elsewhere. How ecoservice ‘assets’ (for example, a forest that performs a service to the ecosystem by acting as a carbon sink) are to be evaluated in a monetary sense is very likely to be done on terms that are highly favourable to the corporations involved, meaning that environmental protection will play second fiddle to corporate and finance sector return-on-investment interests.

As FoE argues, business wants this system to be implemented on its terms, which means the bottom line will be more important than stringent rules that prohibit environmental destruction.

The envisaged commodification of nature and carbon trading will ensure massive profit-seeking opportunities through the opening up of new markets and the creation of fresh investment instruments.

As alluded to above, capitalism needs to keep expanding into or creating new markets to offset the tendency for the general rate of profit to fall (according to writer Ted Reese, it has trended downwards from an estimated 43 per cent in the 1870s to 17 per cent in the 2000s). The system suffers from a rising overaccumulation (surplus) of capital.

Reese notes that, although wages and corporate taxes have been slashed, the exploitability of labour continued to become increasingly insufficient to meet the demands of capital accumulation. By late 2019, the world economy was suffocating under a mountain of debt. Many companies could not generate enough profit and falling turnover, squeezed margins, limited cashflows and highly leveraged balance sheets were prevalent. 

In effect, economic growth was already grinding to a halt prior to the massive stock market crash in February 2020.

In the form of COVID ‘relief’, there has been a multi-trillion bailout for capitalism as well as the driving of smaller enterprises to bankruptcy. Or they have being swallowed up by global interests. Either way, the likes of Amazon and other predatory global corporations have been the winners.

New ‘green’ Ponzi trading schemes to offset carbon emissions and the commodification of ‘ecoservices’ (nature) represent a further restructuring of the capitalist economy and fresh money-making opportunities.

And it essentially leaves those responsible for the current food system and environmental degradation at the wheel, imposing their will and their narrative on the rest of us. Major agribusiness firms like Syngenta and Monsanto (now Bayer) and financial institutions who have funded them in the past are now positioning themselves as ‘green’ and take every opportunity to express their concerns about sustainability, sustainable food and protecting the environment. 

Agribusiness: Saving the Planet?

Between 2000 and 2009, Indonesia supplied more than half of the global palm oil market at an annual expense of some 340,000 hectares of Indonesian countryside. Consider too that Brazil and Indonesia have spent over 100 times more in subsidies to industries that cause deforestation than they received in international conservation aid from the UN to prevent it.

These two countries gave over $40bn in subsidies to the palm oil, timber, soy, beef and biofuels sectors between 2009 and 2012, some 126 times more than the $346m they received to preserve their rain forests.

India is the world’s leading importer of palm oil, accounting for around 15 per cent of the global supply. It imports over two-thirds of its palm oil from Indonesia.

Until the mid-1990s, India was virtually self-sufficient in edible oils. Under pressure from the WTO, import tariffs were reduced, leading to an influx of cheap (subsidised) edible oil imports that domestic farmers could not compete with. This was a deliberate policy that effectively devastated the home-grown edible oils sector and served the interests of palm oil growers and US grain and agriculture commodity company Cargill, which helped write international trade rules to secure access to the Indian market on its terms.

Indonesia leads the world in global palm oil production, but palm oil plantations have too often replaced tropical forests, leading to the killing of endangered species and the uprooting of local communities as well as contributing to the release of potential environment-damaging gases. Indonesia emits more of these gases than any country besides China and the US, largely due to the production of palm oil.

The issue of palm oil is one example from the many that could be provided to highlight how the drive to facilitate corporate need and profit trumps any notion of environmental protection or addressing any ‘climate emergency’. Whether it is in Indonesia, Latin America or elsewhere, transnational agribusiness — and the system of globalised industrial commodity crop agriculture it promotes — fuels much of the destruction we see today.

Back in 2017, agribusiness giant Monsanto was judged to have engaged in practices that impinged on the basic human right to a healthy environment, the right to food and the right to health. Judges at the ‘Monsanto Tribunal’, held in The Hague, concluded that if ecocide were to be formally recognised as a crime in international criminal law, Monsanto could be found guilty.

The tribunal called for the need to assert the primacy of international human and environmental rights law. However, it was also careful to note that an existing set of legal rules serves to protect investors’ rights in the framework of the WTO and in bilateral investment treaties and in clauses in free trade agreements. These investor trade rights provisions undermine the capacity of nations to maintain policies, laws and practices protecting human rights and the environment and represent a disturbing shift in power.

The tribunal denounced the severe disparity between the rights of multinational corporations and their obligations.

While the Monsanto Tribunal judged that company to be guilty of human rights violations, including crimes against the environment, in a sense we also witnessed global capitalism on trial.

Global conglomerates can only operate as they do because of a framework designed to allow them to capture or co-opt governments and regulatory bodies and to use the WTO and bilateral trade deals to lever influence. As Jason Hickel notes in his book (previously referred to), old-style colonialism may have gone but governments in the Global North and its corporations have found new ways to assert dominance via leveraging aid, market access and ‘philanthropic’ interventions to force lower income countries to do what they want.

The World Bank’s ‘Enabling the Business of Agriculture’ and its ongoing commitment to an unjust model of globalisation is an example of this and a recipe for further plunder and the concentration of power and wealth in the hands of the few.

Brazil and Indonesia have subsidised private corporations to effectively destroy the environment through their practices. Canada and the UK are working with the GMO biotech sector to facilitate its needs. And India is facilitating the destruction of its agrarian base according to World Bank directives for the benefit of the likes of Bayer and Cargill.

The TRIPS Agreement, written by Monsanto, and the WTO Agreement on Agriculture, written by Cargill, was key to a new era of corporate imperialism. It came as little surprise that in 2013 India’s then Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar accused US companies of derailing the nation’s oil seeds production programme.

Powerful corporations continue to regard themselves as the owners of people, the planet and the environment and as having the right — enshrined in laws and agreements they wrote — to exploit and devastate for commercial gain.

Partnership or Co-option?

It was noticeable during a debate on food and agriculture at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow a couple of years ago that there was much talk about transforming the food system through public-private partnerships and agreements. Fine-sounding stuff, especially when the role of agroecology and regenerative farming was mentioned.

However, if, for instance, elected governments hope to form partnerships with corporations that are responsible for the type of environmental degradation outlined above, are coercing countries to eradicate their essential buffer food stocks then bid for such food on the global market with US dollars (as in India) or are lobbying for the enclosure of seeds through patents (as in Africa and elsewhere), then surely this deepening of dependency should be challenged; otherwise ‘partnership’ really means co-option.

Similarly, the UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) seems to be little more than an enabler of corporate needs. The UNFSS was founded on a partnership between the UN and the WEF and is disproportionately influenced by corporate actors.

Those granted a pivotal role at the UNFSS support industrial food systems that promote ultra-processed foods, deforestation, industrial livestock production, intensive pesticide use and commodity crop monocultures, all of which cause soil deterioration, water contamination and irreversible impacts on biodiversity and human health. And this will continue as long as the environmental effects can be ‘offset’ or these practices can be twisted on the basis of them somehow being ‘climate-friendly’.

Critics of the UNFSS offer genuine alternatives to the prevailing food system. In doing so, they also provide genuine solutions to climate-related issues and food injustice based on notions of food sovereignty, localisation and a system of food cultivation deriving from agroecological principles and practices. 

Current greenwashed policies are being sold by tugging at the emotional heartstrings of the public. This green agenda, with its lexicon of ‘sustainability’, ‘carbon neutrality’, ‘net-zero’ and doom-laden forecasts, is part of a programme that seeks to restructure capitalism, to create new investment markets and instruments and to return the system to viable levels of profitability.

Genuine Food Transition  

The ‘food transition involves’ locking farmers further into an exploitative corporate-controlled agriculture that extracts wealth and serves the market needs of global corporations, carbon trading Ponzi schemes and private equity funds. Farmers will be reduced to corporate labourers or profit-extracting agents who bear all of the risks.  

The predatory commercialisation of the countryside is symptomatic of a modern-day colonialist mindset that cynically undermines indigenous farming practices and uses flawed premises and fear mongering to legitimise the roll-out of technologies and chemicals to supposedly deliver us all from climate breakdown and Malthusian catastrophe.  

A genuine food transition would involve transitioning away from the reductionist yield-output industrial paradigm to a more integrated low-input systems approach to food and agriculture that prioritises local food security, diverse cropping patterns and nutrition production per acre, water table stability, climate resilience, good soil structure and the ability to cope with evolving pests and disease pressures.   

It would involve localised, democratic food systems and a concept of food sovereignty based on self-sufficiency, agroecological principles and regenerative agriculture (there are numerous concrete examples of regenerative agriculture, many of which are described on the website of Food Tank).  

This would also involve facilitating the right to culturally appropriate food that is nutritionally dense and free from toxic chemicals and ensuring local (communal) ownership and stewardship of common resources, including land, water, soil and seeds.  

This is the basis of genuine food security and genuine environmentalism — based on short-line supply chains that keeps wealth within local communities rather than it being siphoned off by profit-seeking entities half a world away.  


Chapter IX:

Challenging the Ecomodernist Dystopia  


“Ecomodernists offer no solutions to contemporary problems other than technical innovation and further integration into private markets which are structured systematically by centralized state power in favour of the wealthy… ” — Chris Smaje

In 2017, the then Monsanto Chief Technology Officer Robb Fraley argued that his company made a mistake in not reaching out to the public about GMOs when they first appeared on the market in the 1990s. He felt consumers had been unduly swayed by an anti-GMO movement and the industry got its PR campaign wrong first time around.

Fraley said the industry and universities currently involved in rolling out genome editing technology have done a much more extensive communication to both the public and key regulatory and policy makers. The industry’s message is that gene editing can precisely delete and insert genes in an organism’s DNA and presents no risks.

However, there is sufficient research indicating that the technology is error prone, the effects of editing are not controllable and there is no simple pathway between gene and trait. Gene editing has unexpected outcomes and risks, and unintended mutations and off-target effects occur.

These issues have been noted in various articles, reports and papers which are listed on the GMWatch website. Even intended modifications can result in traits which could raise food safety, environmental or animal welfare concerns.

Various scientific publications show that new GM techniques allow developers to make significant genetic changes, which can be very different from those that happen in nature. These new GMOs pose similar or greater risks than older-style GMOs. Despite gene editing being touted by the industry as ‘precision breeding’, it is anything but.

In addition to these concerns, researchers say that what we can expect is just more of the same — GM herbicide-tolerant crops and increased herbicide use.

However, the industry is seeking the unregulated commercial release of its new technologies.

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has ruled that organisms obtained with new genetic modification techniques must be regulated under the EU’s existing GMO laws. But there has been intense lobbying from the agriculture biotech industry to weaken the legislation.

As mentioned earlier, since the ECJ decision in 2018, top agribusiness and biotech corporations have spent almost €37 million lobbying the EU. They have had more than one meeting a week with European Commissioners, their cabinets and director generals. 

Little surprise then that the EU Commission’s secret policy scenarios show full GMO deregulation is on the cards with the commission considering ending safety checks, traceability and GMO labelling for GM foods, seeds and crops.

Of course, GM is little more than a value-capture mechanism. An important article, previously referred to, by P C Kesavan and M S Swaminathan in the journal Current Science says there is sufficient evidence to question the efficacy of GM crops in terms of yields, pesticide use, the effects on farmers and on the environment etc.

Important not only because of the evidence it drew upon but also because of the status of both authors, especially that of Swaminathan, considered the father of the Green Revolution in India.

The two scientists argue that GM technology is supplementary and must be need based. In more than 99 per cent of cases, therefore, they say there is no need — time-honoured conventional breeding is sufficient.

Dystopian Vision  

We need to bear this in mind because there is a disturbing view emerging of a future based on an ecomodernist perspective and a techno-utopia founded on GM crops, lab-engineered ‘food’ and 90 per cent of humanity being crammed into mega-cities.

Academics write reports and books on this vision, but among the high-profile foot soldiers promoting it are the likes of The Guardian’s George Monbiot and industry-funded GMO lobbyist Mark Lynas.

The following forms part of the ecomodernist vision of the future (translated from Dutch) and appears on the website:

“In 2100, the planet is home to around 10 billion people. More than 90 per cent of these live and work in the city, compared to 50 per cent in 2000. Around the city are large farms full of GM crops that achieve four times as high a yield as at the beginning of the 21st century.”

It goes on to state:

“Beyond the farmland begins nature, which now occupies most of the surface of our planet. Whereas in 2000 half of the earth’s surface was still in use by humans, today that is only a quarter. The rest has been returned to nature. Both biodiversity and CO2 emissions are back to pre-1850 levels. Hardly anyone is in extreme poverty anymore.”

Those pushing for this transition want large-scale government interventions to help ‘the market’ achieve the goals set out, including massive government investment in “game-changing innovations in precision fermentation and biotech” (precision fermentation = lab engineered ‘food’).

Very much like the type of ‘stakeholder capitalism’ we hear so much about from the WEF and like-minded bodies when they discuss the ‘climate emergency’ and ‘resetting’ economies and societies in line with market-driven ‘economic, social and corporate governance’ targets.

What this really means is governments becoming junior stakeholders and facilitators, paving the way for private capital to carve up the planet as it sees fit — imperialism repackaged and rebranded with a veneer of ‘green’.

The ecomodernists regard their solutions as ‘progress’ — as progressive — as if their vision is the only vision worth considering because it somehow represents the pinnacle of human evolution. Such a view of human development is arrogant, ahistorical and unilinear.

If history teaches us one thing, it is that humanity ended up at its current point due to a multitude of struggles and conflicts, the outcomes of which were often in the balance. In other words, as much by chance as design.

We need look no further than Robert Brenner (Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in Pre-industrial Europe, 1976) and Barrington Moore (Social origins of dictatorship and democracy: lord and peasant in the making of the modern world, 1966) to appreciate this. Their research was based on broad comparative sociological analyses of the cultural, historical, agrarian and economic factors and (class) conflicts that led to the rise of different forms of modernity and social structures.

Their work has important implications: the ecomodernist vision for the future should not be accepted as a given — as some predetermined fixed endpoint. There are alternative visions, potential outcomes and resistance that can challenge the world these elitists have in mind.

In 2021, for instance, the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems released a report with ETC Group, which set out a very different future for food systems, people and the planet.

The report asks: what if the initiative is reclaimed by civil society and social movements — from grassroots organisations to international NGOs, from farmers’ and fishers’ groups to cooperatives and unions?

It imagines what a ‘long food movement’ could achieve by 2045 if these movements succeed in collaborating more closely to transform financial flows, governance structures and food systems from the ground up.

The ecomodernist vision is ahistorical in another way too. Back in 2015, farmer and writer Chris Smaje wrote that a word you will not find in the ecomodernist vocabulary is inequality. While there are glancing references to poverty, poor people and poor nations, in the ecomodernist vision of modernity, poverty is equated with a lack of modernisation.

Smaje says there is no sense that processes of modernisation cause any poverty: nothing on uneven development, historical cores and peripheries, proletarianization, colonial land appropriation and the implications of all this for social equality. 

The ecomodernist solution to poverty is simply more modernisation.

Smaje also explains why the ecomodernist notion that nobody wants to farm and everybody wants to move to the city meshes neatly with neoliberal ideology.

He also argues that alternative visions are not about ‘oppressing’ people by keeping them in villages and engaging in subsistence farming:

“It’s about choosing policies that best support people’s realistic aspirations — all people’s, both rural and urban. The EM, and other keystone ecomodernist works like Brand’s Whole Earth Discipline, are conspicuously silent on global economic governance policies. They say nothing about the IMF, the WTO, the free flow of global capital and the constrictions on the flow of global labour.”

In other words, if you deliberately run down the farming sector, say via trade policies, and withdraw key extension service that support farmers and do away with guaranteed minimum support prices for crops, then there’s a good chance rural dwellers will flow to cities to live in a slum in the hope of a better life.

People do not necessarily ‘choose’ to move out of farming. They are very often forced out and their land appropriated. 

We see this in India. The intention by global agricapital and the World Bank is to displace hundreds of millions from the countryside, amalgamate their land and move them into cities. The nation’s agri-food sector is to be restructured for the needs of global supply chains and global agricapital.

Between 1991 and 2016, the population of Delhi and its suburbs increased from 9.4 million to 25 million. In 2023, the World Population Review website estimates Delhi’s population to be 32.9 million.  

In the December 2016 paper Future urban land expansion and implications for global croplands, it was projected that by 2030, globally, urban areas will have tripled in size, expanding into cropland and undermining the productivity of agricultural systems.  

Around 60 per cent of the world’s cropland lies on the outskirts of cities. The paper states that this land is, on average, twice as productive as land elsewhere on the globe.  

Africa and Asia will together bear 80 per cent of the projected cropland loss due to rising urbanisation. The disappearance of this productive land will impact staple crops such as maize, rice, soya beans and wheat, which are cornerstones of global food security.   

In South Asia, farmland can’t simply spread elsewhere because fertile land is already running out.  

One of the paper’s authors, Felix Creutzig (currently Professor of Sustainability Economics at the Technical University of Berlin), said at the time that, as cities expand, millions of small-scale farmers will be displaced. These farmers produce the majority of food in developing countries and are key to global food security.  

However, what Creutzig says is not inevitable. Far from it. Urbanisation is being encouraged and facilitated by design.  

According to the World Bank’s lending report, based on data compiled up to 2015, India was easily the largest recipient of its loans in the history of the institution. On the back of India’s foreign exchange crisis in the early 1990s, the IMF and World Bank wanted India to shift hundreds of millions out of agriculture: India was to embark on a massive rural depopulation/urbanisation project.  

In addition, in return for up to more than $120 billion (accounting for inflation, this would be $269 billion in 2023) in loans, India was directed to dismantle its state-owned seed supply system, reduce subsidies, run down public agriculture institutions, facilitate the entry of global players and offer incentives for the growing of cash crops to earn foreign exchange.  

The details of this plan appear in a January 2021 article by the Mumbai-based Research Unit for Political Economy (RUPE). In effect, it constitutes a massive urbanisation project and the opening of India’s agriculture sector to foreign agribusiness corporations.  

Unsurprisingly, therefore, Felix Creutzig predicted the following:  

“As peri-urban land is converted, smallholders will lose their land. The emerging mega-cities will rely increasingly on industrial-scale agricultural and supermarket chains, crowding out local food chains.”  

The opening of India’s agriculture and food economy to foreign investors and global agribusinesses has been a longstanding project of the imperialist countries.  

Industrial-scale agriculture is key to the plan. And integral to this model of farming is GM food crops — whether first generation GM crops based on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or newer techniques involving the likes of gene editing.   

If unchallenged, the outcome will be a country reliant on industrial agriculture and all it entails — lab engineered items, denutrified food, monolithic diets, the massive use of agrochemicals and food contaminated by hormones, steroids, antibiotics and a range of chemical additives.

A cartel of seed, chemical and food manufacturing and processing companies with total control over the food production and supply chain in India and throughout the globe.

And it will be total. As previously mentioned, big global biotech corporations like Bayer and Corteva are extensively patenting plants. Such patents on plants would restrict farmers’ access to seeds and impede breeders from developing new plants as both would have to ask for consent and pay fees to the biotech companies.

This is ‘ecomodernism’ in action. It goes hand-in-hand with elite interests who will rake in enormous profit as they seek to control every aspect of food, farming and, indeed, life.

In India, we see various tactics at work to bring this about — the deliberate strategy to make smallholder farming financially nonviable, attempts to dismantle public distribution systems and minimum support prices, the relentless drive to get GM food crops cultivated, the data-gathering Agristack initiative overseen by Microsoft and the increasing capture of the retail sector by Walmart, Amazon, Facebook and Google (all described in the 2022 e-book Food, Dependency and Dispossession: Resisting the New World Order).

The Indian government is trying to establish a system of ‘conclusive titling’ of all land in the country, so that ownership can be identified and land can then be bought or taken away. As farmers lose access to land or can be identified as legal owners, predatory institutional investors and large agribusinesses will buy up and amalgamate holdings, facilitating the further roll out of industrial agriculture.

In this brave new world, notions of food sovereignty and seed sovereignty have no place. A case of you will own nothing, be happy and eat a diet of genetically and biochemically engineered ‘food’ — junk food to complement existing junk food that claims hundreds of thousands of lives across the globe annually.

‘Food’ courtesy of giant ‘fermentation’ vats and farms manned by driverless machines, monitored by drones and doused with chemicals to produce crops from patented GM seeds for industrial ‘biomatter’ to be engineered, processed and constituted into something edible. An AI-driven, corporate-controlled, ‘solyent green’ dystopia where the marketplace has been eradicated and a handful of companies and e-commerce platforms control the global economy.

However, none of this is a given. The farmers’ protest in India led to the repeal of corporate-backed legislation that would have accelerated the trends described above, and, as Vandana Shiva notes, more than 150 community seed banks have been established in the country — local seeds, adapted to local cultures which provide better nutrition and are more resilient to climate change.

Shiva says:

“At the Navdanya Farm and Earth University, we have trained more than one million farmers who now practice organic agriculture based on biodiversity and without the use of synthetic chemicals. The shift from globalisation driven by multinational corporations to a progressive localisation of our economies has become an ecological and social imperative, essential for food sovereignty.”

She concludes:

“Food sovereignty means feeding ourselves real, genuine, biodiverse food and freeing ourselves from the false promises of artificial food.”

Of course, the agri biotech sector are dismissive of the ability of organic agriculture to feed the world and of a world described by Shiva, which rejects corporate dominance and new forms of imperialism.

Their anti-organic, pro-synthetic food stance should be seen for what it is — fearmongering (the world will starve without GM agriculture), pro-corporate ideology and an adherence to centralised power, which flies in the face of firm evidence that indicates organic supported by an appropriate policy framework is more than capable of addressing the challenges ahead.

Chapter X:

The Netherlands: Template for a Brave New World?


Disaster capitalism and crisis narratives are currently being used to manipulate popular sentiment and push through a set of unpalatable policies that would otherwise lack sufficient political support.  

These policies are being promoted by wealthy interests that stand to make billions of dollars from what is being proposed. They seek to gain full control of food and how it is produced. Their vision is tied to a wider agenda aimed at shaping how humanity lives, thinks and acts.

Throughout much of 2022, protests by Dutch farmers grabbed the headlines. Plans to reduce the Netherlands’ nitrogen output by half come 2030 led to mass protests. The government talks of the need to move away from animal-based agriculture and its climate-impacting emissions.

This ‘food transition’ often goes hand-in-hand with the promotion of ‘precision’ agriculture, genetic engineering, fewer farmers and farms and lab-made synthetic food. This transition is sold under the banner of ‘climate-friendly’ and piggy backs on the ‘climate emergency’ narrative.

Campaigner Willem Engel claims the Dutch government is not seeking to eliminate farmers from the landscape for environmental reasons. Instead, it is about the construction of Tristate City, a megalopolis with a population of around 45 million extending to areas of Germany and Belgium.

Engel suggests the ‘nitrogen crisis’ is being manipulated to drive through policies that will result in reshaping the country’s landscape. He argues that the main nitrogen emitter in the Netherlands is not agriculture but industry. However, land currently occupied by farms is strategically important to industry and housing.

The tristate concept is based on a giant unified ‘green’ urban region linked by ‘smart’ technologies that can economically compete with the massive metropolises we see in Asia, especially in China.

The Dutch government announced plans to buy out up to 3,000 farms in a bid to comply with controversial targets to reduce run-off from synthetic nitrogen fertilisers. Dutch nitrogen minister Christianne van der Wal says farmers are to be offered more than 100 per cent of the value of their farms. But there are plans to enforce buyouts if voluntary measures fail.

Is what we see happening in the Netherlands the initial step in trying to get the public to accept GM crops, lab-engineered ‘food’ and 90 per cent of humanity being crammed into mega-cities?

Recall the ecomodernist vision of the future referred to above, which appears in Dutch on the Netherlands-based

It’s a case of driving farmers out of farming, grab their land for urbanisation and rewilding, and we will all live happily ever after on genetically engineered crops and synthetic food created in giant vats. In this techno make belief land, no one is poor, and everyone is fed.

A technocratic vision where the stranglehold of the current food conglomerates remains intact and is further entrenched, and politics is reduced to decisions about how best to tweak the system for optimal gains (profit).

In this future, digital platforms will control everything, the brain of the economy. E-commerce platforms will become permanently embedded once artificial intelligence (AI) and algorithms plan and determine what will be produced and how it will be produced and distributed.

We will be reduced to little more than serfdom as a handful of digitally enabled megacorporations control everything. Bayer, Corteva, Syngenta, Cargill and the like will work with Microsoft, Google and the big-tech giants to facilitate AI-driven farmerless farms and e-commerce retail dominated by the likes of Amazon and Walmart. A cartel of data owners, proprietary input suppliers and retail concerns at the commanding heights of the economy, peddling toxic industrial (fake) food.

And what of elected representatives (if they still exist in this dystopian vision)? Their role will be highly limited to technocratic overseers of these platforms.

This is where the interlocking hegemonic class steered by the likes of the Gates Foundation, Big (Agri)Tech, Big (digital) Finance, Big Pharma and ‘environmentalists’ like journalist George Monbiot who peddle this vision want to take us.

And they will tell you this is for your own good — to avoid hunger and starvation and to ensure wildlife is protected, the planet is ‘saved’, zoonotic pandemics are avoided or that some other doomsday scenario is dodged.

The current food system is in crisis. But many of its problems were brought on by the same corporate interests who are behind what is outlined above. They are responsible for an inherently unjust food regime driven by World Bank, WTO and IMF policies which act on their behalf.

These corporations are responsible for soil degradation, synthetic fertiliser run offs into waterways, the displacement of rural populations and land appropriation, the flight to over-populated cities and proletarianization (former independent producers reduced to wage labour/unemployment), the massive decline in bird and insect numbers, less diverse diets, a spiralling public health crisis due to chemical-intensive farming and so on.

And yet, despite the massive problems caused by this model of agriculture, it is an inconvenient truth that the (low input and impact/low-energy) peasant food web — not industrial agriculture — still feeds most of the world even though the industrial model sucks up huge amounts of subsidies and resources.

Peasant Agriculture Feeds the World

In October 2020, CropLife International said that its new strategic partnership with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) would contribute to sustainable food systems. It added that it was a first for the industry and the FAO and demonstrates the determination of the plant science sector to work constructively in a partnership where common goals are shared.

A powerful trade and lobby association, CropLife International counts among its members the world’s largest agricultural biotechnology and pesticide businesses: Bayer, BASF, Syngenta, FMC, Corteva and Sumitoma Chemical. Under the guise of promoting plant science technology, the association first and foremost looks after the interests (bottom line) of its member corporations.

Not long after the CropLife-FAO partnership was announced, PAN (Pesticide Action Network) Asia Pacific along with 350 organisations wrote a letter to FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu urging him to stop the collaboration and for good reason.

A 2020 joint investigation by Unearthed (Greenpeace) and Public Eye (a human rights NGO) revealed that BASF, Corteva, Bayer, FMC and Syngenta bring in billions of dollars by selling toxic chemicals found by regulatory authorities to pose serious health hazards.

It also found more than a billion dollars of their sales came from chemicals — some now banned in European markets — that are highly toxic to bees. Over two thirds of these sales were made in low- and middle-income countries like Brazil and India.

The Political Declaration of the People’s Autonomous Response to the UN Food Systems Summit in 2021 stated that global corporations are increasingly infiltrating multilateral spaces to co-opt the narrative of sustainability to secure further industrialisation, the extraction of wealth and labour from rural communities and the concentration of corporate power.

With this in mind, a major concern is that CropLife International will now seek to derail the FAO’s commitment to agroecology and push for the further corporate colonisation of food systems.

The July 2019 UN FAO High Level Panel of Experts Report concluded that agroecology provides greatly improved food security and nutritional, gender, environmental and yield benefits compared to industrial agriculture. This report formed part of the FAO’s ongoing commitment to agroecology.

But agroecology represents a direct challenge to the interests of CropLife members. With the emphasis on localisation and on-farm inputs, agroecology does not require dependency on proprietary chemicals, seeds and knowledge nor the long-line global supply chains dominated by transnational agrifood corporations.

There does now appear to be an ideological assault from within the FAO on alternative development and agrifood models that threaten CropLife International’s member interests.

In the report ‘Who Will Feed Us? The Industrial Food Chain vs the Peasant Food Web (ETC Group, 2017), it was shown that a diverse network of small-scale producers (the peasant food web) actually feeds 70 per cent of the world, including the most hungry and marginalised.

The flagship report indicated that only 24 per cent of the food produced by the industrial food chain actually reaches people. Furthermore, it was shown that industrial food costs us more: for every dollar spent on industrial food, it costs another two dollars to clean up the mess.

However, two prominent papers have since claimed that small farms feed only 35 per cent of the global population.

One of the papers is ‘How much of our world’s food do smallholders produce?’ (Ricciardi et al, 2018).

The other is an FAO report, ‘Which farms feed the world and has farmland become more concentrated? (Lowder et al, 2021).

Eight key organisations wrote to the FAO sharply criticising the Lowder paper which reverses a number of well-established positions held by that organisation. The letter is signed by the Oakland Institute, Landworkers Alliance, ETC Group, A Growing Culture, Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa, GRAIN, Groundswell International and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy.

The open letter calls on the FAO to reaffirm that peasants (including small farmers, artisanal fishers, pastoralists, hunters and gatherers and urban producers) provide more food with fewer resources and are the primary source of nourishment for at least 70 per cent of the world population.

ETC Group also published the 16-page report ‘Small-scale Farmers and Peasants Still Feed the World‘ in response to the two papers, indicating how the authors indulged in methodological and conceptual gymnastics and certain important omissions to arrive at the 35 per cent figure — not least by changing the definition of ‘family farmer’ and by defining a ‘small farm’ as less than two hectares. This contradicts the FAO’s own decision in 2018 to reject a universal land area threshold for describing small farms in favour of more sensitive country-specific definitions.

The Lowder et al paper also contradicts recent FAO and other reports that state peasant farms produce more food and more nutritious food per hectare than large farms. It maintains that policy makers are wrongly focused on peasant production and should give greater attention to larger production units.

The signatories of the open letter to the FAO strongly disagree with the Lowder study’s assumption that food production is a proxy for food consumption and that the commercial value of food in the marketplace can be equated with the nutritional value of the food consumed.

The Lowder paper feeds into an agribusiness narrative that attempts to undermine established facts about the effectiveness of peasant production in order to promote its proprietary technologies and agrifood model.

Smallholder peasant farming is regarded by these conglomerates as an impediment. Their vision is fixated on a narrow yield-output paradigm based on the bulk production of commodities that is unwilling to grasp an integrated social-cultural-economic-agronomic systems approach.

This systems approach also boosts rural and regional development based on thriving, self-sustaining local communities rather than eradicating them and subordinating whoever remains to the needs of global supply chains and global markets. Industry lobbyists like to promote the latter as ‘responding to the needs of modern agriculture’ rather than calling it for what it is: corporate imperialism.

The FAO paper concludes that the world small farms only produce 35 per cent of the world’s food using 12 per cent of agricultural land. But ETC Group says that by working with the FAO’s normal or comparable databases, it is apparent that peasants nourish at least 70 per cent of the world’s people with less than one third of the agricultural land and resources.

But even if 35 per cent of food is produced on 12 per cent of land, does that not suggest we should be investing in small, family and peasant farming rather than large-scale chemical-intensive agriculture?

While not all small farms might be practising agroecology or chemical-free agriculture, they are more likely to be integral to local markets and networks, short supply chains, food sovereignty, more diverse cropping systems and healthier diets. And they tend to serve the food requirements of communities rather than those of external business interests, institutional investors and shareholders half a world away.

When the corporate capture a body like the FAO occurs, too often the first casualty is truth.

Fake Green

Those who promote the ecomodernist vision are using genuine concerns about the environment to push through an agenda. But where does genuine environmentalism begin?

It does not begin with bought democracy (see the article How big business gets control over our food) or state coercion (see WikiLeaks: US targets EU over GM crops) to get GM crops and food onto the market.

It does not start with ‘precision’ agriculture in which gene-editing and the like is akin to using a blunt ax and constituting genome vandalism (according to Harvard professor George Church).

And it does not begin and end with genetically engineered crops that have failed to deliver on their promises and chemically doused plants to be used as ‘feed’ for energy-consuming vats that engineer matter into food.

Nor does it begin and end with the World Bank/IMF using debt o enforce dependency, displace populations, crowd people into densely packed high-rises and strip humanity of its inherent connection to the land.

Many of the problems inherent to the current globalised food system could be overcome in the long term by prioritising food and seed sovereignty, localised production and local economies and agroecological farming. But this is of no interest to Bayer, Microsoft, Cargill and the like because none of that fits their business model — indeed, it poses an existential threat.

Rather than forcing farmers out of farming, the Dutch government could encourage them to farm differently. But that requires a different mindset from that which depicts farmers and farming as a problem in order to ram through an agenda.

The globalised system of food production based on an industrialised, high-input, chemical-dependent and corporate dependent model underpinned by geopolitical interests is the real problem.

Hans Herren, World Food Prize Laureate, says:

‘We need to push aside the vested interests blocking the transformation with the baseless arguments of “the world needs more food” and design and implement policies that are forward-looking… We have all the needed scientific and practical evidence that the agroecological approaches to food and nutrition security work successfully.’

These policies would facilitate localised, democratic food systems and a concept of food sovereignty, based on optimal self-sufficiency, agroecological principles, the right to culturally appropriate food and local (communal) ownership and stewardship of common resources, not least land, water, soil and seeds.

Because when discussing food and agriculture, that’s where genuine environmentalism starts.


Chapter XI:

Resisting Genetically Mutilated Food and Eco-Modernism


The Union Carbide ‘hand of god’ flyer that appears at the beginning of Chapter VI is symbolic of everything that is wrong with modern society. 

It is worth saying again. A gas leak from Union Carbide’s pesticide plant in Bhopal in 1984 resulted in around 560,000 injured (respiratory problems, eye irritation etc.), 4,000 severely disabled and 20,000 dead. Not only that, but the pesticides produced at the factory and the model of farming promoted has caused well-documented misery for farmers, harm to soil, water sources and the health of the population and a radical transformation of social relations in rural communities. And these issues apply not only to India but also to other countries.

That old advertising brochure encapsulates the arrogance of billionaires and their companies that think they are the hand of God, that they are the truth and the science, and that we should all be in awe of the technology they produce.   

Facilitated by the likes of the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, they uproot highly productive traditional agriculture, saying it is deficient. They poison the soil, the food, the waterways and people. But that’s not enough. They pirate, own and genetically engineer the seeds. The chemicals and engineering do not result in more or better food. Quite the opposite. Diets have become narrower, and the nutritional content of many food items has progressively diminished (see McCance and Widdowson’s the Mineral Depletion of Foods). Moreover, food secure regions have become food insecure.   

But it goes beyond this. Consider the amount of killer-chemicals that the likes of Union Carbide’s promised techno-utopian consumer society (Union Carbide produced numerous other similar brochures to the one presented above, promoting the role of science and technology across all sectors) has gifted to humanity in everyday products from shampoos to toys, pans, packaging, sofas and tins.   

It is notable that glyphosate, the world’s most used agricultural herbicide, began life as an industrial chelator of minerals in metal pipes to prevent blockages and deterioration. It now ensures mineral depletion/nutrient deficiencies in the human body. Glyphosate affects human soil — the gut microbiome — which directly feeds the major organs. Little wonder we witness a proliferation of illness and disease.   

But forget about what has become modernism’s spiralling public health crisis — don’t forget to take that money-spinning experimental booster jab because, remember, they said that they really care about you and your health.  

Meanwhile, bioscience parks across the world expand and promise an even more marvellous techno-dystopia than the one already created. They are working on injecting you with nanotechnology to ‘cure’ you of all the diseases that the modernist type of thinking, products and technology created in the first place — or on manipulating your DNA-physiology to hook you up to the internet (of things).

And as these bioscience parks expand, their success is measured in annual turnover, profits and ‘growth’. They want more and more ‘talent’ to study life sciences and health subjects and to take up positions at the biotech companies. And they call for more public subsidies to facilitate this. More kids to study science so that they can be swept up into the ideology and practices of the self-sustaining paradigm of modern society.   

Of course, ‘sustainability’ is the mantra. Sustainability in terms of fake-green, net-zero ideology but, more importantly, sustainable growth and profit.  

Meanwhile, across the world, most notably in the Netherlands, these parks demand more land. More land for expansion and more land to house ‘global talent’ to be attracted to work. That means displacing farmers under the notion that they are the major emitters of ‘greenhouse gases’, which, in the Netherlands at least, they are clearly not. Look towards other sectors or even the US military if you require a prime example of a major polluter. But that’s not up for discussion, not least because military-related firms are often intertwined with the much-valued bioscience-business ‘ecosystems’ promoted.   

And once the farmers have gone and the farmland is concreted over under the concept (in the Netherlands) of a Tristate City, do not worry — your ‘food’ will be created in a lab courtesy of biosynthetic, nanotechnological, biopharmaceutical, genetically engineered microbes and formulas created at the local bioscience park. Any carbon-related pollution created by these labs will supposedly be ‘offset’ by a fraudulent carbon credit trading Ponzi scheme — part of which will mean buying up acres in some poor country to plant trees on the land of the newly dispossessed.    

This brave new ecomodernism is to be overseen by supranational bodies like the UN and the WHO. National uniparty politicians will not be engaged in policy formation. They will be upholders of the elite-determined status quo — junior ‘stakeholders’ and technocratic overseers of an algorithm/AI-run system, ensuring any necessary tweaks are made.   

Of course, not everything that happens under the banner of bioscience should be dismissed out of hand, but science is increasingly the preserve of an increasingly integrated global elite who have created the problems that they now rollout the ‘solutions’ for. It is a highly profitable growth industry — under the banner of ‘innovation’.   

But the disturbing trend is that the ‘science’ and the technology shall not be questioned. A wealthy financial-digital-corporate elite funds this science, determines what should be studied, how it should be studied and how the findings are disseminated and how the technology produced is to be used.   

As we saw with the COVID event, this elite has the power to shut down genuine debate, prevent scrutiny of ‘the science’ and to smear and censor world-renowned scientists and others who even questioned the narrative. And it also pulls the strings of nation states so much so that former New Zealand PM Jacinda Arden said that her government is ‘the truth’. The marriage of science and politics in an Orwellian dystopia.   

The prevailing thinking is that the problems of illness, hunger, malnutrition, unemployment, pollution, resource usage and so on are all to be solved down at the bioscience park by what farmer/author Chris Smaje says through technical innovation and further integration into private markets which are structured systematically by centralised power in favour of the wealthy.  

The ecomodernist ideology we see embedded within the mindsets of those lobbying for more resources, land and funding have nothing much to say about how humanity got ill, infertile, poor, dispossessed, colonised, depressed, unemployed or marginalised in the first place. Driven by public funding, career progression and profit, they remain blinkered and push ahead with an ideology whose ‘solutions’ only produce more problems that call for more ‘innovation’ and more money.   

At the same time, any genuine solutions are too often dismissed as being driven by ideology and ignorance that will lead us all to ruin. A classic case of projection.    

Current hegemonic policies prioritise urbanisation, global markets, long supply chains, commodified corporate knowledge, highly processed food and market dependency at the expense of rural communities, independent enterprises and smallholder farms, local markets, short supply chains, indigenous knowledge, diverse agroecological cropping, nutrient-dense diets and food sovereignty.    

And this has led us to where we are now.   

Trade and agriculture policy specialist Devinder Sharma once said that we need family farms not family doctors. Imagine the reduction in illnesses and all manner of conditions. Imagine thriving local communities centred on smallholder production, nutrient-dense food and healthy people. Instead, we get sprawling bioscience parks centred on economic globalisation, sickness and the manipulation of food and human bodies.    

Although a few thousand immensely powerful people are hellbent on marching humanity towards a dystopian ecomodernist future, we can, in finishing, take some inspiration from the words of John Seymour (1912-2004), a pioneer of the self-sufficiency movement.   

Seymour was described as a one-man rebellion against modernism by writer and ecologist Herbert Girardet. But as a farmer himself, Seymour regarded himself a ‘crank peasant’ and offered solutions in terms of localism, small-scale economics, a return to the land and organic agriculture.   

In a call to action, he stated:  

​“The tiny amount you and I can do is hardly likely to bring the huge worldwide moloch of plundering industry down? Well, if you and I don’t do it, it will not be done, and the Age of Plunder will terminate in the Age of Chaos. We have to do it — just the two of us— just you and me. There is no ‘them’ – there is nobody else. Just you and me. On our infirm shoulders we must take up this heavy burden now… Tomorrow will be too late.”  


Chapter XII:

Post-COVID Food Crisis by Design?


In 2009, Andrew Gavin Marshall described how in 1973 — not long after coming off the gold standard — Henry Kissinger was integral to manipulating events in the Middle East (the Arab-Israeli war and the ‘energy crisis’). This served to continue global hegemony for the US, which had virtually bankrupted itself due to its war in Vietnam and had been threatened by the economic rise of Germany and Japan.

Kissinger helped secure huge OPEC oil price rises and thus sufficient profits for Anglo-American oil companies that had over-leveraged themselves in North Sea oil. He also cemented the petrodollar system with the Saudis and subsequently placed African nations, which had embarked on a path of industrialisation, on a treadmill of dependency and debt due to the spike in oil prices.

It is widely believed that the high-priced oil policy was aimed at hurting Europe, Japan and the developing world.

Today, the US is again waging a war on vast swathes of humanity, whose impoverishment is intended to ensure nation states remain dependent on US corporations and the financial institutions the US government uses to create dependency and indebtedness — the World Bank and IMF.

Contrary to what many believe, the US has not miscalculated the outcome of the sanctions placed on Russia. Renowned economist Michael Hudson notes energy prices are increasing. This benefits US energy companies and US balance of payments as an energy exporter. Moreover, by sanctioning Russia, the aim is to curtail Russian exports of wheat and gas used for fertiliser production and, the effects of commodity speculation aside, for agricultural commodity prices to therefore increase. This too will also benefit the US as an agricultural exporter.

Current policies are creating a debt crisis. The US can use this crisis to force countries to continue privatising and selling off their public assets in order to service the debts to pay for higher priced energy and food imports.

However, we must also turn to COVID policies to fully understand this crisis. According to Professor Michel Chossudovsky of the Centre for Research on Globalization, the closure of the world economy in March 2020 via lockdowns triggered an unprecedented process of global indebtedness. Governments are now more or less under the control of global creditors in the post-COVID era.

In April 2020, the Wall Street Journal stated the IMF and World Bank faced a deluge of aid requests from scores of poorer countries seeking bailouts and loans from financial institutions with $1.2 trillion to lend. World Bank Group President David Malpass stated that poorer countries will be ‘helped’ to get back on their feet after the various lockdowns that had been implemented. This ‘help’ will be on condition that neoliberal reforms and the undermining of public services are implemented and become further embedded.

In late 2019, former governor of the Bank of England Mervyn King warned that the world was sleepwalking towards a fresh economic and financial crisis that would have devastating consequences. He argued that the global economy was stuck in a low growth trap and recovery from the crisis of 2008 was weaker than after the Great Depression.

King concluded that it was time for the Federal Reserve and other central banks to begin talks behind closed doors with politicians. That is precisely what happened as key players, including BlackRock, got together to work out a strategy going forward. This took place in the lead up to COVID.

Aside from deepening the dependency of poorer countries on Western capital via COVID-related loans, Professor Fabio Vighi of Cardiff University says lockdowns and the global suspension of economic transactions allowed the US Fed to flood the ailing financial markets with freshly printed money while shutting down the real economy to avoid hyperinflation. Lockdowns suspended business transactions, which drained the demand for credit and stopped the contagion.

Investigative journalist Michael Byrant says that €1.5 trillion was needed to deal with the crisis in Europe alone. The financial collapse staring European central bankers in the face came to a head in 2019:  

“All talk about big finance bankrupting the nation by looting public funds, politicians destroying public services at the behest of large investors and the depredations of the casino economy were washed away with COVID. Predators who saw their financial empires coming apart resolved to shut down society. To solve the problems they created, they needed a cover story. It magically appeared in the form of a ‘novel virus’.”  

The European Central Bank agreed to a €1.31 trillion bailout of banks followed by the EU agreeing to a €750 billion recovery fund for European states and corporations. This package of long-term, ultra-cheap credit to hundreds of banks was sold to the public as a necessary programme to cushion the impact of the pandemic on businesses and workers.  

What happened in Europe was part of a strategy to avert the wider systemic collapse of the hegemonic financial system.

COVID provided cover for a multi-trillion-dollar bailout for the capitalist economy that was in meltdown. Despite a decade or more of ‘quantitative easing’, this new bailout came in the form of trillions of dollars pumped into financial markets by the US Fed (in the months prior to March 2020) and subsequent ‘COVID relief’.

What we are now seeing is a de facto privatisation of the state as governments capitulate to the needs of Western financial institutions. Moreover, the debts are largely dollar-denominated, helping to strengthen the US dollar and US leverage over countries.

In 2021, an Oxfam review of IMF COVID-19 loans showed that 33 African countries were encouraged to pursue austerity policies. The world’s poorest countries were due to pay $43 billion in debt repayments in 2022, which could otherwise cover the costs of their food imports.

Oxfam and Development Finance International have also revealed that 43 out of 55 African Union member states face public expenditure cuts totalling $183 billion over the next five years.

The US is creating a new world order and needs to ensure much of the Global South remains in its orbit of influence. 

Geopolitics of Food

Back in 2014, Michael Hudson stated that the US has been able to dominate most of the Global South through agriculture and control of the food supply. The World Bank’s geopolitical lending strategy has transformed countries into food deficit areas by convincing them to grow cash crops — plantation export crops — not to feed themselves with their own food crops.

The dominant notion of ‘food security’ promoted by global agribusiness players like Cargill, Archer Daniel Midland, Bunge and Louis Dreyfus and supported by the World Bank is based on the ability of people and nations to purchase food. It has nothing to do with self-sufficiency and everything to do with global markets and supply chains controlled by giant agribusiness players.

Along with oil, the control of global agriculture has been a linchpin of US geopolitical strategy for many decades. The Green Revolution was exported courtesy of oil-rich interests and poorer nations adopted agri-capital’s chemical- and oil-dependent model of agriculture that required loans for inputs and related infrastructure development.

It entailed trapping nations into a globalised food system that relies on export commodity mono-cropping to earn foreign exchange linked to sovereign dollar-denominated debt repayment and World Bank/IMF ‘structural adjustment’ directives. What we have seen has been the transformation of many countries from food self-sufficiency into food deficit areas.

And what we have also seen is countries being placed on commodity crop production treadmills. The need for foreign currency (US dollars) to buy oil and food entrenches the need to increase cash crop production for exports.

The WTO’s Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) set out the trade regime necessary for this type of corporate dependency that masquerades as ‘global food security’.

This is explained in a July 2022 report by Navdanya International — Sowing Hunger, Reaping Profits – A Food Crisis by Design — which notes international trade laws and trade liberalisation has benefited large agribusiness, which continues to piggyback off the implementation of the Green Revolution.

The report states that US lobby and trade negotiations were headed by former Cargill Investors Service CEO and Goldman Sachs executive — Dan Amstutz — who in 1988 was appointed chief negotiator for the Uruguay round of GATT by Ronald Reagan. This helped to enshrine the interests of US agribusiness into the new rules that would govern the global trade of commodities and subsequent waves of industrial agriculture expansion.

The AoA removed protection of farmers from global market prices and fluctuations. At the same time, exceptions were made for the US and the EU to continue subsidising their agriculture to the advantage of large agribusiness.

Navdanya notes:

“With the removal of state tariff protections and subsidies, small farmers were left destitute. The result has been a disparity in what farmers earn for what they produce, versus what consumers pay, with farmers earning less and consumers paying more as agribusiness middlemen take the biggest cut.”

‘Food security’ has led to the dismantling of food sovereignty and food self-sufficiency for the sake of global market integration and corporate power.

We need look no further than India to see this in action. The now repealed recent farm legislation in India was aimed at giving the country the ‘shock therapy’ of neoliberalism that other countries have experienced.

The ‘liberalising’ legislation was in part aimed at benefiting US agribusiness interests and trapping India into food insecurity by compelling the country to eradicate its food buffer stocks — so vital to the nation’s food security — and then bid for food on a volatile global market from agribusiness traders with its foreign reserves.

The Indian government was only prevented from following this route by the massive, year-long farmer protest that occurred.

The current crisis is also being fuelled by speculation. Navdanya cites an investigation by Lighthouse Reports and The Wire to show how speculation by investment firms, banks and hedge funds on agricultural commodities are profiting off rising food prices. Commodity future prices are no longer wholly linked to actual supply and demand in the market.

Archer Daniels Midland, Bunge, Cargill and Louis Dreyfus and investment funds like Black Rock and Vanguard continue to make huge financial killings, resulting in the price of bread almost doubling in some poorer countries.

The cynical ‘solution’ promoted by global agribusiness to the current food crisis is to urge farmers to produce more and seek better yields as if the crisis is that of underproduction. It means more chemical inputs, more genetic engineering techniques and suchlike, placing more farmers in debt and trapped in dependency.

It is the same old industry lie that the world will starve without its products and requires more of them. The reality is that the world is facing hunger and rising food prices because of the imperialist system of trade and finance that big agribusiness helped to institute.

And it is the same old story — pushing out new technologies in search of a problem and then using crises as justification for their rollout while ignoring the underlying reasons for such crises.

Navdanya sets out possible solutions to the current situation based on principles of agroecology, short supply lines, food sovereignty and economic democracy — policies that have been described at length in many articles and official reports over the years.

Solidarity and Action

As for fighting back against the onslaught on ordinary people’s living standards, support is gathering.

A minor but significant spark of direct action occurred in New York on 15 December 2023. A group of people entered a Whole Foods store (owned by Amazon), took groceries without paying and exited wearing Jeff Bezos masks. 

Independent reporter Talia Jane posted the following on Twitter/X:  

“The action was in protest against corporate wealth alongside increased food insecurity & to call attention to Amazon’s contracts with Israel.” 

She also posted a video of the event with people throwing around flyers and shouting, “Feed the people, eat the rich!” Jane stated the food was later redistributed and given to food ‘distros’ and community care spaces feeding migrants and the unhoused. 

It’s Going Down — which describes itself as “a digital community center for anarchist, anti-fascist, autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements across so-called North America” — has published on its website the texts of the flyers.  

Here is an abridged version of one of the texts: 

“We assert that corporations like Amazon and Whole Foods do a tremendous amount of harm: hoarding wealth and resources, stealing labor, and destroying the land we live on. When we purchase food from Whole Foods, only a small fraction of what we spend is going back to those doing the labor to produce the food — the vast majority of it is funneled into Jeff Bezos’s coffers, where it is in turn reinvested in weapon manufacturing, war, and big oil. 

“Furthermore, Amazon’s contract for Project Nimbus with the IOF [Israel Occupation Forces] means that Bezos profits directly from the ongoing genocide in Palestine. Boycott. Divest. Shoplift. Not another dime for genocide! 

“We believe direct action is a vital form of resistance against the capitalist institutions built to crush, starve, and bleed us to death. Solidarity with shoplifters everywhere! We hope you will be inspired to take similar action wherever you are. 

“Move like water. Take back what has always been yours. Become ungovernable.” 

Some of the unscrupulous practices and the adverse impacts of Bezos and his Amazon corporation are described in the online article ‘Amazon, ‘Economic Terrorism’ and the Destruction of Livelihoods’. Indeed, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in 2019 that Amazon had “destroyed the retail industry across the United States.” 

Project Nimbus, referred to in the flyer, is a $1.2bn contract to provide cloud services for the Israeli military and government and it will allow for further surveillance of and unlawful data collection on Palestinians while facilitating expansion of Israel’s illegal settlements on Palestinian land. 

Of course, there will be those who condemn the direct action described above. And they will do so while remaining blissfully unaware of or silent on the direct action of the super-wealthy that has plunged hundreds of millions into hardship and poverty. 

The wholly unavoidable conflict in Ukraine (which profits corporate vultures), speculative food commodity trading, the impact of closing down the global economy via the COVID event and the inflationary impacts of pumping trillions of dollars into the financial system have driven people into poverty and denied them access to sufficient food.  

All such events did not result from an ‘act of God’. They were orchestrated and brought about by deliberate policy decisions. And the effects have been devastating. 

In 2022, it was estimated that a quarter of a billion people across the world would be pushed into absolute  poverty in that year alone.   

In the UK, poverty is increasing in two-thirds of communities, food banks are now a necessary part of life for millions of people and living standards are plummeting. The poorest families are enduring a ‘frightening’ collapse in living standards, resulting in life-changing and life-limiting poverty. Absolute poverty is set to be at 18.3 per cent by 2023-2024.   

In the US, around 30 million low-income people are on the edge of a “hunger cliff” as a portion of their federal food assistance is taken away. In 2021, it was estimated that one in eight children were going hungry in the US.   

Small businesses are filing for bankruptcy in the US at a record rate. Private bankruptcy filings in 2023 have exceeded the highest point recorded during the early stages of COVID by a considerable amount. The four-week moving average for private filings in late February 2023 was 73% higher than in June 2020. 

As hundreds of millions suffer, a relative handful of multi-billionaires have gained at their expense.     

And as mentioned earlier, a February 2023 report by Greenpeace International showed that 20 food corporations delivered $53.5 billion to shareholders in the financial years 2020 and 2021. At the same time, the UN estimated that $51.5 billion would be enough to provide food, shelter and lifesaving support for the world’s 230 million most vulnerable people.   

These ‘hunger profiteers’ exploited crises to gain grotesque profits. They plunged millions into hunger while tightening their grip on the global food system.  

Meanwhile, nearly 100 of the biggest US publicly traded companies recorded 2021 profit margins that were at least 50 per cent higher than their 2019 levels.   

In a July 2021 report, Yahoo Finance noted that the richest 0.01% — around 18,000 US families — hold 10% of the country’s wealth today. In 1913, the top 0.01% held 9% of US wealth and just 2% in the late 1970s. 

The wealth of the world’s billionaires increased by $3.9tn between 18 March and 31 December 2020. Their total wealth then stood at $11.95tn, a 50% increase in just 9.5 months. Between April and July 2020, during the initial lockdowns, the wealth held by these billionaires grew from $8 trillion to more than $10 trillion.  

The world’s 10 richest billionaires collectively saw their wealth increase by $540bn over this period. In September 2020, Jeff Bezos could have paid all 876,000 Amazon employees a $105,000 bonus and still be as wealthy as he was before COVID. 

And do not forget the offshoring of plundered wealth by the super-rich of $50 trillion into hidden accounts. 

These are the ‘direct actions’ we should really be concerned about.  

A point rammed home via another flyer that was issued during the protest in New York: 

“The shelves in this store have been stocked with items that were harvested, prepared, and cooked via a long supply chain of exploitation and extraction from people and land. 

“This food was made by the People and it should fill the bellies of the People. 

“Don’t fall prey to the myth of scarcity! Look around you: there is enough for all of us. This food is being hoarded, and we are giving it back to our communities. The world belongs to us — everything is already ours. 

“We deserve to eat whether we can pay or not. Tear down the system that starves and kills people, one liberated apple at a time!” 

That was just one minor action. But within the labour movement in the UK, for instance, rail union leader Mick Lynch has called for a working-class movement based on solidarity and class consciousness to fight back against a billionaire class that is acutely aware of its own class interests.

For too long, ‘class’ has been absent from mainstream political discourse. It is only through organised, united protest that ordinary people will have any chance of meaningful impact against the devastating attacks on ordinary people’s rights, livelihoods and standards of living that we are witnessing.

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign

First published February 28, 2024


This week, February 24, 2024 marks the beginning of the third year of the war in Ukraine. Hundreds, if not thousands, of assessments of the first two years of the war will be published, heard, or viewed. 

As the war now enters its third year, Russia recently announced victory in a major regional battle for the strategic city of Avdeyevka in the Donetsk region of east Ukraine. Avdeyevka was the lynchpin for Ukrainian defenses throughout the region which, by some indications, are beginning to fracture.

After similar Russian strategic victories in the strategic cities of Bakhmut in 2023, and Mariupol in 2022, Russia lacked sufficient numerical forces to capitalize on those victories and launch new offensives to further expand its area of control.

However, after the taking of Avdeyevka it appears that now may be changing. This time Russia is pressing westward and taking more villages and towns formerly in Ukrainian control. Moreover, rumors of an ever bigger Russian offensive coming soon are being reported by reliable sources.

Some of those sources report more than 110,000 new, additional Russian forces have been positioning in the north Kharkhov-Kupiansk area directly bordering Russia. A new Russian front and offensive may soon emerge in that region. If so, it would make Russia’s recent Avdeyevka victory—where 40,000 Russian troops were employed— appear as mere dress rehearsal.  Others have identified another 60,000 Russian troops are also amassing in the far south Zaporozhiye region.

In short, the bigger picture that emerges is that Russian forces have now significantly increased in number all along the Ukraine front. While its initial invasion in February-March 2022 involved only 190,000, spread across roughly 1500 miles of front from Kiev to Crimea, the Russian Ministry of Defense admits it has more than 600,000 troops now deployed along a front in East Ukraine half that long. This number is also more or less confirmed by the Ukrainians as well. In contrast, while Ukraine had a total force of more than 500,000 in 2022, and likely significantly more by the summer of 2023, it now has by various accounts no more than 350,000 available combat troops.

In 2023 Ukraine launched a general offensive starting in early June. It called a halt to the offensive by early fall 2023 after suffering massive losses in killed and wounded. Estimates vary from 100-300,000 Ukrainian forces killed and wounded depending on sources. 

Most independent sources put Ukraine’s losses around 200,000 during the summer 2023 offensive and including all of 2023. The magnitude of the losses have resulted in Ukraine recently announcing plans to draft another 500,000 in 2024 to replenish its ranks. Initially this 2024 mobilization was to include women and students. However, a public outcry has now forced the Ukraine government to reconsider and change the composition of that planned draft, the results of which have yet to be finalized yet. In the meantime reports and smartphone videos abound showing ‘recruitment teams’ composed of Ukrainian police and other para-military forces kidnapping military age Ukrainian men off the streets who are then sent to quick military training and then to military units on the front in east Ukraine.

In contrast to Ukraine’s difficulties replenishing its military forces, in the fall of 2023 Russia announced it was already training 420,000 new troops in 2023, available for combat by the winter 2024 and after. This mobilization of manpower was composed, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, completely of volunteers, not draftees. Russia said Russian citizens were volunteering to join the Russian army at a rate of 1500 per day. It’s likely some of the 420,000 may have already been committed to the recent strategic battle of Avedeyevka, as part of Russia’s 40,000 troops there who took that city in mid-February 2024.

Residential building in Avdiivka city (Donetsk region of Ukraine) after Russian shelling and airstrikes on the city on 17 March 2023 (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

Some of the 420,000 recruited and trained in 2023 are also certainly among the 110,000 Russia has amassed in the north Kharkhov-Kupiansk front, as well as among the 60,000 Russia has additionally assembled at its southern Zaporozhiye front.

All this preceding reference to the relative force numbers engaged at the outset of the conflict, then lost over two years, and now being mobilized in the third year is with a purpose.

The Principles of War

Wars are seldom won when both sides are roughly evenly matched in numbers of troops, weapons and equipment.  According to the Principles of War a decided military advantage lies with the side that is able to concentrate superior forces and commit that relatively superior force at the opponent’s weakest point.

Concentration of Force is probably the first principle of war, although there are clearly others—not least of which include: element of Surprise, Mobility, Maneuver, sufficient Reserves, which side has Internal lines of Communication and Supply, quality of Intelligence, Morale, Deception, etc. However, all these other principles mostly serve in various ways to enhance the principle of Concentration of Force.

The principle of Surprise may allow a smaller attacking force to catch a larger off guard, create confusion and disarray, disperse its forces, and disrupt its ability to respond.  Mobility is about moving forces to a point to quickly create a concentration; Mobility and Maneuver enables the concentration temporarily of superior forces along an opponent’s various weak points. Having sufficient Reserves is a principle of particular importance the longer the conflict; Reserves restore a concentration when depleted; Intelligence discovers weakness of an opponent along a line of conflict; Deception convinces an opponent to incorrectly deploy its forces, etc.

The point here is not a lesson in basic military tactics or strategy. It is to provide a basis for explaining why the Ukraine war over the past two years has appeared to swing back and forth in its outcome.

When conflict initially erupted in February 2022 there were significant Russian gains and advances in spring of 2022; thereafter Ukrainian gains later that late summer-fall 2022; followed by Ukraine’s defeat in its summer 2023 offensive by Russia’s superior defense; now, in 2024 once again, Russia is advancing at multiple locations across the Donbas front and appears may soon launch even broader offensives elsewhere. 

The Principles of War are universal and apply in every conflict, whether during the world wars of the 20th century, US wars of Empire in the 21st, civil wars, regional wars, and even guerilla insurgencies—in the latter case one side may be outnumbered but is able nonetheless to concentrate its forces at a single point to gain a relative force advantage temporarily and thereby defeat a larger opponent. 

These and other basic principles of war have been observed and written about for centuries. Julius Caesar wrote of them in his War Commentaries and in his reflections on the Roman civil war.  So did Napoleon’s general and military theorist, Bertrand de Jomini, during the Napoleonic wars. Britain’s Liddell Hart during the world wars of the 20th century.  And in guerrilla warfare both Mao and Vietnam’s general Giap.  

Image is from the Public Domain


Perhaps best known to the general public, however, are summations of the Principles of War by the Prussian General Carl von Clausewitz. Clausewitz wrote about applying the Principles of War both tactically as well as strategically. The latter includes how the Principles are impacted by economic power, political  maneuvering by elites, and psychological factors. 

The infamous phrase, ‘war is the extension of politics by other means’ is generally attributed to him. Although others have reversed that phrase to say no, in contrast, ‘politics is an extension of war’ (Henry Kissinger). 

So how have the Principles of War appeared to influence the current Ukraine war? How have the two sides–NATO/Ukraine on the one hand and Russia on the other— applied (or misapplied) the principles to date, such that the seesaw outcomes between the two sides is the result? Which side has Clausewitz’s Ghost haunted the most? 

Russia’s Initial Special Military Operation (SMO): First Offensive Spring 2022 

For the past two years western media and the Biden administration has tried to create the message that Russia’s Special Military Operation (SMO) launched in February 2022 was about capturing the capital of Ukraine, Kiev. As the message goes, Russia was then defeated in some mystical battle of Kiev and retreated from Kiev that spring. Ukraine’s army then drove the Russians all the way back to the eastern Donbas region of the breakaway ‘provinces’ (called Oblasts) of Lughansk and Donetsk.

However, evidence that has appeared over the past year, and in recent months in particular, reveals this was not true. There was no battle of Kiev. And Russian forces withdrew from around Kiev and were not defeated in some assumed major combat event.

This actual alternative reality was revealed by public statements of participants of both sides in the secret negotiations held in Istanbul, Turkey in March-April 2022 where the representatives of Ukraine and Russia apparently reached a tentative peace deal and compromise at that time. The key elements of that tentative deal were that Ukraine would not join NATO and the eastern ‘states’ of Lughansk and Donetsk would remain in Ukraine, albeit with a degree of autonomy. 

In the middle of the Istanbul negotiations Russia was asked by leaders of France and Germany (Macron and Sholtz) to show good faith in the negotiations by withdrawing its troops around Kiev. It did. While the withdrawal was underway, and the Istanbul tentative peace deal was being considered by Ukraine’s president Zelensky, it is now confirmed that British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, flew overnight to Kiev and convinced Zelensky to reject the tentative deal and continue the war.  Johnson reportedly promised Zelensky all the military arms, money and NATO support necessary to defeat Russia militarily. 

Johnson and NATO’s military strategy was based on NATO’s inaccurate intelligence assessment at the time that the Russian military was weak and disorganized; that its economy could not survive the sanctions being imposed by the US and NATO; and that Putin’s political position was tenuous and regime change likely as Russia losses mounted and its economy crashed. That intelligence and that NATO strategy proved completely erroneous as the historical record has since shown.  But Russia’s own intelligence assessment when it launched its initial SMO in February 2022 may not have been any more accurate than NATO’s. In terms of Principles of War, the principle of Intelligence was misapplied by both sides. 

It is now known that the initial objective of Russia’s SMO was political, not military. As the tentative Istanbul deal in March-April, shortly after the invasion revealed, the goal was a military show of force by Russia in order to convince Ukraine to come to the negotiations table in Istanbul. In that regard, Russia’s SMO was successful. It brought Ukraine to the negotiations table in Istanbul.  

However, Russian intelligence politically underestimated the influence of NATO in the Zelensky government and the ability of NATO (Johnson) to convince Zelensky to continue the war. Russia’s political objective was thus trumped by NATO’s political influence to convince Zelensky to continue the military conflict. 

Politics thus drove Russia’s initial SMO while NATO political counter-measures by Boris Johnson led to a continuation of military conflict. Clausewitz’s famous dictum ‘war is an extension of politics’ was confirmed by Zelensky’s decision to continue fighting. But so apparently was Kissinger’s reverse dictum: ‘politics is an extension of war’ was confirmed as Russia succeeded in bringing Ukraine to the negotiations table. 

There was no way that Russia’s initial SMO intended to take Kiev by military action—let alone conquering all of Ukraine as western media . The SMO force was composed of only around 190,000 Russian troops. That’s about four divisions, spread along a 1500 mile front from Kiev to Crimea. That wasn’t even a sufficient Concentration of Force to even take Kiev let alone all of Ukraine. The initial phase SMO was therefore ultimately and fundamentally a political not a military strategy. Its objectives were ultimately political, not military. If the SMO first phase failed in its political objective, it was due to poor application of the principle of Intelligence. 

Putin’s intelligence advisors reportedly assured him Ukraine would come to the table and compromise if a military show of force were undertaken. That intelligence assessment underestimated US/NATO ability to ensure the war’s continuation, however. Not surprising, after Ukraine rejected the Istanbul compromise and opted for more war, Putin reported sacked a hundred of Russia’s intelligence operatives.

Putin himself was also deceived during the Istanbul negotiations by the request of France’s Macron and Germany’s Sholtz to show good faith by withdrawing Russian forces from around Kiev. Putin admitted he fell for that NATO use of the Principle of Deception in his public interviews later in 2024. 

NATO failed in its Intelligence as well. NATO grossly underestimated the political, economic and military strength and durability of Russia.  But NATO’s intelligence failure was more long term consequential, while Russia’s was more short term tactical. 

It wasn’t the first time Putin fell for NATO deception. He recently  also admitted he trusted France and Germany’s assurances in 2015 when they, in the persons of then German Chancellor, Merkel, and France President, Holland, assured him Germany and France would enforce the Minsk agreement of 2015. That agreement called for a halt in hostilities between Ukraine and the Donbas breakaway provinces, Lughansk and Donetsk. But Ukraine’s Kiev government did not halt its attacks on the Donbas for the next eight years, continually shelling Donbas from 2015 to 2022, in the process killing 14,000 of Donbas Ukraine citizens. 

Of course the grandest deception was US and EU assurances in 1991 when the USSR collapsed that NATO would not ‘move east’. Starting in 1999 it did so. So in its effort to reach some strategic security arrangement with NATO, Russia has repeatedly been duped. 

Given the events of 1991, 2015 at Minsk, and now March 2022 in Istanbul, it’s not likely Putin will ever trust any verbal assurances by Germany and France—or the UK or US—ever again. As the well-known American saying goes: ‘fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me’.  

It is thus highly unlikely Putin and Russia will fall for any tentative agreements in the Ukraine war. In 2024 any resolution of the conflict will be determined by military force. Kissinger’s reverse statement ‘politics is the extension of military action’ (not military action the extension of politics) seems more likely the application in 2024 and beyond. 

Ukraine’s First Offensive: Summer-Fall 2022 

If Concentration of Force, Intelligence and Deception were the key Principles of War at play in the initial phase of the Ukraine War in spring 2022, by late summer 2022 Concentration of Force and the element of Surprise were the dominant forces.

In the summer of 2022 Ukraine quickly followed up on Russia’s withdrawal from Kiev and northern Ukraine and launched an offensive of its own. It used the four months from February 2022 to build its manpower and arm itself with western weapons (or older Soviet weapons that East Europe was giving it). By summer it had 500,000 troops available, to Russia’s still limited 190,000 most of which were no longer located in the north but were committed to the taking of the strategic city of Mariupol in the south. That left the northern Kharkhov region sparsely defended and overly extended.  With the planning and strategy assistance of NATO officers, including US generals in Kiev, that summer 2022 Ukraine overwhelmed Russian forces in Kharkhov province in the north and drove them back to Lughansk. It was a clear tactical defeat for Russia. 

Russia consolidated its forces in Lughansk by mobilizing an emergency force of 300,000 from its reservists in Russia. That regrouping also included pulling some forces back across the Dnipr river in the southern province of Kherson. That too was a withdrawal not a defeat, notwithstanding the spin by western and Ukraine government media. 

Thus by early 2023 Ukraine’s initial advantage in numerical forces committed to its 1st offensive in Kharkhov was neutralized by Russia’s call up of 300,000 reservists. As 2022 came to a close both sides were about numerically equal with around 400,000 troops. 


A bombed-out school in Orikhiv (pictured in July 2023), around which much of the fighting has taken place in western Zaporizhzhia (Licensed under CC BY 4.0)

Ukraine’s Defeated Second Offensive: Summer 2023 

A new military phase in the conflict was about to begin in 2023. Russia went over to the defensive while Ukraine planned on yet another, larger 2nd offensive for some time in the spring or early summer 2023. And here Ukraine made a major strategic mistake which may in hindsight indicate a turning point in the war long term: Ukraine waited nine months to launch a second offensive in June 2023.  While it delayed, Russia built massive defenses in depth all along the now shorter 800 mile front. Those defenses were especially deep in Zaporozhiye where Russia expected Ukraine’s next offensive to concentrate. It was not difficult to assume that location was where Ukraine would concentrate its forces. Zelensky and his government repeatedly said publicly that’s where the offensive would come. So much for the Principle of Surprise which Ukraine used to its advantage in its prior summer 2022 offensive in the north. 

Clausewitz and every general before and after knows that defensive forces have a numerical advantage over offensive when it comes to Concentration of Force. Typically and on average an offensive force needs to be at least three times as large as a defensive one in order to prevail. In attacking a major urban area, the ratio needs to be perhaps as much as five to one. (Another reason why Russia in February-March could not have planned to take Kiev with only around 40,000 in that area). 

Russia’s massive defense, called the Surovikin line, were at least three lines deep. Extensive fields of mines, anti-tank gun emplacements, artillery or all kinds were positioned on the high points, along with drones, thousands of tanks and around 400,000 Russian troops most of which were concentrated in the Zaporozhiye line. Ukraine in turn failed to concentrate sufficient force in that region as part of its offensive, keeping large forces deployed elsewhere. US military advisors at the time reportedly criticized Ukraine’s failure to concentrate sufficient forces in its major point of offensive in Zaporozhiye.  The outcome of Ukraine’s 2023 offensive was predictable.  The Principle of relative Concentration of Force determined Ukraine’s failed offensive. Defensive warfare–which Russia has always been good at–prevailed—as the Nazis in world war II discovered in battles for Moscow in 1941, Stalingrad in 1942, and then Kursk in summer 1943. 

Ukraine’s summer 2023 offensive proved a military disaster and a huge tactical defeat. Reports of Ukrainian losses ranged from 90,000 killed or wounded in the summer offensive alone and 250 to 300,000 through the first two years of the war. The western source Mediazone estimates Russia’s total losses in killed and wounded for the first two years of the war at 37,000. 

Ukraine’s 2nd offensive gains for that expenditure of manpower during were measured in mere hundreds of meters in a handful of locations.  Many tens of thousands more of its troops were also lost trying to hold the strategic city of Bakhmut in central Donetsk in spring 2023. These losses were sorely felt when a couple of months later the main 2nd offensive was launched. Ukraine’s summer offensive needed a force of perhaps one million to prevail over Russia’s dug in 400,000. It barely had a ratio of 1.5 to 1, if that.  Clausewitz’s primary Principle of War was thus fundamentally violated, with predictable results. 

Ukraine’s 2nd offensive was decimated by Russia’s 1st Defensive. Actually ‘decimated’–a word taken from the old Roman word for 1/10 of losses–was an underestimation. Ukraine may have lost one third and certainly one-fourth. Clausewitz must have looked down and just shook his head.

As Ukraine’s 2nd offensive cracked its teeth on the rock of the Surovikin line, Russia was already preparing for 2024. Once Ukraine’s 2023 offensive was halted by fall 2023 Russia announced it had been training 420,000 new troops.  These forces be available to join the front in 2024. 

In contrast, by year end 2023 Zelensky announced Ukraine needed to recruit (draft) and mobilize another 500,000 in 2024 to replenish forces lost in 2023. At first that draft plan included students and women but Ukrainian public protests forced him to back off that plan. To date, the final plan has not yet been defined in final form; nor recruitment begun. Reportedly the new plan will employ means to force the estimated 6 million Ukrainian men who emigrated to Europe when the war began to return.  In the interim teams of Ukrainian police and paramilitaries have been forcibly kidnapping military aged Ukrainian men off the streets and sending them to the military. 

So the picture as of February 2024 entering the third year of war is Russia with 600,000 men in arms on the front at start of 2024, as confirmed by Russia’s Ministry of Defense, with possible more of the 420,000 enlisted and trained in 2023 also coming on line. Assuming some rotation, Russia’s total deployment in Ukraine should reach around 800,000 this year. Meanwhile, Ukraine’s forces are estimated at 350,000 which includes 100,000 of reserves of its best units. 

Russia’s Second Offensive: Spring 2024? 

Russia forces are amassing across multiple fronts. There are the 60,000 located reportedly in south Zaporozhiye province who may be planning to take the rest of that province still occupied by Ukraine.  And an estimated 110,000 more amassed in the north reportedly preparing to retake Kharkhov province as well. One or both of those regional offensives are expected to begin sometime this spring. In the meantime, Ukrainian forces are steadily being driven back from their recent defeat in Avdeyevka—the third major strategic city taken by Russia (the first Mariupol and second Bakhmut)–as 40,000 Russian forces push a third front west from Avdeyevka. This time the Concentration of Force advantage lies decisively with the Russians.

Internal Lines of Supply and Communication are also key principles of war. Here as Russia’s anticipated second offensive begins, Russia has another strategic advantage. It has virtually all internal lines of supply. In contrast, Ukraine has to depend on lines reaching back into Europe and across the Atlantic. And Ukraine’s lines appear to be drying up for two reasons. 

First, Europe has run out of the old USSR weapons it had been given Ukraine. Now it is dipping into its store of more modern US provided weapons like cruise missiles and F-16s. More troublesome, both the USA and Europe appear unable to provide Ukraine with necessary military ammunition, most notably 155mm artillery shells. EU at best produces only 4-5,000 a month. (During the summer offensive Ukraine was using 6,000 a day!) US production of 155mm is barely more sufficient. It began the war producing 14,000 a month. Now it’s 28,000 a month. Still not enough. After one more year US claims it will produce 50,000 a month. But Zelensky says he needs 1m shells a year now. 

The US has had to arrange ammunition for Ukraine from South Korea and reportedly now from Japan. Russia on the other hand produces 1m shells a year. That’s nearly 100,000 a month plus the additional shells it’s getting from No. Korea. This ammunition problem is replicated across other ammunition production to varying degrees. 

At the same time, opposition appears to be growing within the US military to provide Ukraine with more modern US weapons thereby depleting US stocks. For example, only a small number of Abrams tanks have been provided Ukraine to date. F-16s will be drawn from Europe’s stock but of older versions of the aircraft. The US has provided so far only 7 Patriot anti-missile defense units but 5 have already been destroyed. Patriot systems cost billions and take a long time to produce. It’s not likely the US military will want to sacrifice too many more in 2024 quickly. 

Then there’s the matter of US funding for Ukraine which continues to struggle through Congress with little light at the end of that tunnel. Ukraine’s totally dependent, in other words, on sources other than its own production and those supply lines are susceptible to political winds changing in the west. Even Ukraine’s early advantage in battlefield intelligence via surveillance is fading. It initially had total use of Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite system but Russia has reportedly found a way to tap into that on the battlefield as well now. 

In short, Ukraine’s disadvantage in critical weapons is growing. So too is its disadvantage in air superiority on the front. It’s main successes have been sinking several Russian ships with west provided drones and long range missiles. But that has not had any appreciable impact on the progress of the ground war. Nor have any of the western media’s many NATO ‘game changing’ weapons throughout the war. 

Shifting Strategies in the Ukraine War 

Ukraine may have lost the war as far back as its failed summer-fall 2023 offensive. Since then it has not been able to recoup its losses in men or material, as Russia’s advantages in both grows steadily.  Ukraine is totally dependent on US/NATO funding, both for weapons and for keeping its economy afloat. Half of Ukraine’s budget has been provided by the west. And that funding is getting harder to provide, as events in Congress have shown recently with the failure of the Biden administration to convince it to pass his requested $61B further aid to Ukraine. For its part, Europe has passed legislation to provide Ukraine with another $54 billion, but that’s in the form of loans distributed over several years.

But no amount of funding by the west can substitute for Ukraine’s simply running out of men (and women) in arms as war depletes its available sources of military manpower. Whether Ukraine can restore a Concentration of Force to neutralize Russia’s is highly doubtful. 

At the outset of the conflict, US and NATO strategy was to arm Ukraine to the teeth with weaponry to fight the war, impose sanctions on Russia they thought would undermine its economy and ability to produce military arms, reduce its ability to sell oil globally with which to fund its military and even its civilian economy, and bet that the losses in the war and economic crises would result in political instability in Russia and Putin’s overthrow.  But none of the above had, or will, happen. If anything, the war has strengthened Putin’s position in which polls show a 80% pubic favorable impression. His re-election this spring is all but ensured. 

In contrast, Zelensky’s government is rift with discontent and rumors of coups. He has replaced most senior military generals and many government officials. His ability to continue martial law runs out in a couple months after which elections are likely and, if held, most independent accounts predict he’ll lose re-election by wide margins. 

In this increasing bleak scenario for NATO and the Biden administration, the US and NATO strategy is now shifting as well.  The US new strategy is not formally finalized but appears to be moving toward the following elements: Ukraine militarily must shift to a defensive strategy with a new line somewhere east of the Dnipr river in the Donbas-Zporozhiye area and Kharkhov in the north. It must rebuild its military forces in 2024. The US/NATO will provide it new advanced weaponry needed (F-16s, ATACMS long range missiles, long range drones, etc.) to hold the Russians back from bigger gains. After the US elections in November 2024, Ukraine can then launch yet another, 3rd offensive in 2025 after it has rebuilt its forces.  In the meantime, Ukraine (and NATO) should ‘play for time’ behind the scenes, as it had in 2015. 

However, not all in Washington DC accept this future change in US strategy. Some neocons want again to ‘double down’, either sending NATO troops to west Ukraine to release more Ukraine forces to the front; to allow Ukraine to use US provided long range weapons (F-16s, ATACMS missiles, drones) to attack deep inside Russia; to seize and distribute Russia’s $300B assets in western banks frozen at the start of the war and use them to fund Ukraine; and even to consider using tactical nuclear weapons should Russia ever cross the Dnipr river or try to take Kiev. 

For its part, Russia’s SMO has changed as well.  While Russia is open for discussions with the west (some early contacts reportedly going on in secret), military action will determine the outcome of the war. No more western verbal ‘assurances’. At minimum, Ukraine must clearly reject joining NATO. It must remove fascist influences in its military and government—i.e. de-nazify. It must henceforth be neutral and no longer a strategic threat to Russia. NATO must agree to a longer term security arrangement with Russia. But there may be more. 

Signals from Putin and other high ranking Russian officials in recent months also suggest that, should Ukraine continue the war, or the west escalate further, then Russia considers all the Russian speaking provinces must become part of Russia just as the four eastern ones already have. That means the area of Kharkov, all the provinces east of the Dnipr river and the southern provinces of Mykolaiv and Odessa as well. Perhaps even Kiev. Russia will likely not talk to Zelensky either, but only with NATO. In other words, continued military action will determine the eventual outcome of the war.

As the respective positions indicate, all sides are still quite far apart. Negotiations or a deal is not on any table or about to be. That means all sides are still betting on a military solution. 

But as Clausewitz’s Principles of War have already shown, which side has the greater Concentration of Forces, both tactically and strategically, has the ultimate advantage. In addition, the equation of war is influenced as well by which side runs out of Reserves first; which has the stronger Internal Lines; which can deceive the other better as to how and where it will attack next; which forces have the better training and morale; which economy can out produce the other; which has the more and better weapons. And, not least, which leaders are more capable and can remain in office to provide continuity of effective leadership.  In 2024 it appears Russia either has, or is gaining, advantage in all the above.


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Dr. Rasmus is author of the books, ‘Central Bankers at the End of Their Ropes’, Clarity Press, 2017 and ‘Alexander Hamilton and the Origins of the Fed’, Lexington Books, 2020. Follow his commentary on the emerging banking crisis on his blog,; on twitter daily @drjackrasmus; and his weekly radio show, Alternative Visions on the Progressive Radio Network every Friday at 2pm eastern and at

Why Is the Pentagon “Weaponizing Insects”?

March 3rd, 2024 by F. William Engdahl

With foresight, this article by William Engdahl was published on October 30, 2018. In recent months Global Research has published several articles on the “Weaponization of Mosquitos”.


There is strong evidence that the Pentagon, through its research and development agency, DARPA, is developing genetically modified insects that would be capable of destroying agriculture crops of a potential enemy. The claim has been denied by DARPA, but leading biologists have sounded the alarm on what is taking place using new “gene-editing” CRISPR technology to in effect weaponize insects. It’s like a 21st Century update of the Biblical plague of locusts, only potentially far worse.

The Pentagon Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA, is funding a program with the bizarre name “Insect Allies.” Dr. Blake Bextine of DARPA describes the program as “leveraging a natural and efficient two-step delivery system to transfer modified genes to plants: insect vectors and the plant viruses they transmit.” DARPA claims the program is to provide “scalable, readily deployable, and generalizable countermeasures against potential natural and engineered threats to the food supply with the goals of preserving the US crop system.” Check the language: scalable, readily deployable…

Under the DARPA project, Genetic Alteration Agents or viruses will be introduced into the insect population to directly influence the genetic makeup of crops. DARPA plans to use leaf hoppers, white flies, and aphids to introduce select viruses into crops. Among other dubious claims they say it will help farmers combat “climate change.” What no one can answer, especially as neither the Pentagon nor the US FDA are asking, is how will the genetically engineered viruses in the insects interact with other microorganisms in the environment? If crops are constantly being inundated by genetically modified viruses, how could this could alter the genetics and immune systems of humans who depend on the crops?

Bio-warfare alarm

Since most of the present US food supply is contaminated with toxic Roundup and other herbicides and pesticides along with GMO plants, one might doubt the honesty of the Pentagon statements of concern for the present US crop system. A group of European scientists have published a scientific paper in the October 5 issue of Science magazine, whose lead author is Dr. Guy Reeves of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Plön, Germany.

The paper notes that the DARPA “Insect Allies” program, “aims to disperse infectious genetically modified viruses that have been engineered to edit crop chromosomes directly in fields.” This is known as “horizontal inheritance,” as opposed to the dominant vertical method of GMO alteration that make laboratory-generated modifications into target species’ chromosomes to create GMO plant varieties. The genetic alterations to the crops would be carried out by “insect-based dispersion” in free nature.

The European scientists point out that no compelling reasons have been presented by DARPA for the use of insects as an uncontrolled means of dispersing synthetic viruses into the environment. Furthermore, they argue that the Insect Allies Program could be more easily used for biological warfare than for routine agricultural use.

“It is very much easier to kill or sterilize a plant using gene editing than it is to make it herbicide or insect-resistant,” according to Guy Reeves at the Max Planck Institute.

The Science article points out that there has been no scientific discussion, let alone oversight, of the safety of such methods of gene-editing in open fields or even whether there are any benefits at all. The US Department of Agriculture flatly rejects any health or safety testing of gene-edited plants or insects. “As a result, the program may be widely perceived as an effort to develop biological agents for hostile purposes and their means of delivery, which—if true—would constitute a breach of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC).” So far $27 million US taxpayer dollars have been spent on “Insect Allies.”

Unstable technology

Though details are not available, it is most certain that the Insect Allies gene-editing project with CRISPR-Cas tools utilizes what is called “gene drive.” Gene Drive which is also being heavily funded by the Pentagon’s DARPA, with gene-editing, aims to force a genetic modification to spread through an entire population, whether of mosquitoes or potentially humans, in just a few generations.

The scientist who first suggested developing gene drives in gene editing, Harvard biologist Kevin Esvelt, has publicly warned that development of gene editing in conjunction with gene drive technologies has alarming potential to go awry. He notes how often CRISPR messes up and the likelihood of protective mutations arising, making even benign gene drives aggressive. He stresses, “Just a few engineered organisms could irrevocably alter an ecosystem.” Esvelt’s computer gene drive simulations calculated that a resulting edited gene “can spread to 99 percent of a population in as few as 10 generations, and persist for more than 200 generations.”

Despite what Bill Gates, a major funder of gene-editing, may claim, gene-editing is not a precise technology in any sense. In China scientists used human embryos given by donors of embryos that could not have resulted in a live birth, to edit a specific gene. The results were a bad failure, as the tested cells failed to contain the intended genetic material. Lead researcher Jungiu Huang told Nature. “That’s why we stopped. We still think it’s too immature.”

Georgia Bioweapons Lab for Insect Allies?

Are there mad scientists at DARPA or other agencies of the US government preparing to unleash deadly new forms of bio-weapon agents on adversaries such as Russia, today the world’s most important grain producer and a country whose crops are by law GMO-free? Or against China, or Iran or India…?

A series of recent reports in Russian and western media has recently put the spotlight on a high-security Pentagon-financed bio-lab near the Tbilisi Airport in Georgia, adjacent to Russia. The lab, the Richard G. Lugar Center for Public Health Research, a $350 million facility, according to Georgian eyewitness reports, is built to what’s called Bio-Safety Level III standards, which means it can handle all but a handful of the most dangerous known microbes, including anthrax and the bacteria that causes bubonic plague. The Lugar center is staffed by scientists from the US Army Medical Research and Material Command.

Earlier this year Georgia’s former state security minister, Igor Giorgadze, gave a press interview in Moscow in which he said he had evidence confirming the center staged risky experiments in which a number of people died. He shared his evidence with the relevant Russian authorities.

All this reads like a chapter from the 1969 Robert Crichton science-fiction novel Andromeda Strain, only it’s not science fiction. The EU courts have ruled that gene-editing must be regulated as another form of GMO or genetic modified organisms. The US has refused regulations of any sort. It’s not difficult to believe that the people who tear up the 1987 Intermediate Nuclear Forces treaty and impose repeated sanctions on Russian officials and industry would be tempted to unleash or threaten to unleash a terrifying new bio-weapon that, via billions of gene-edited virus-infected insects, would destroy Russia’s vital breadbasket, all in the name of “world peace.”

Is the Pentagon through DARPA engaged in “dual use,” research by developing a bio weapon under the guise of agricultural advancement? There are those who would say, “Yes, but nobody in their right mind would risk what could be an irrevocable alteration of our ecosystem.” But, as one biophysicist remarked in connection with GMO, there are some people not in their right mind…”


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F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook” where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from NEO.

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


At the end of 2023, Reporters Without Borders (Reporters sans Frontieres, RSF), the international organization ostensibly advocating for freedom of information, released its annual report. The paper massively downplays the widespread and deliberate targeting of Palestinian journalists in the Israel-Gaza war.

The report’s announcement, titled, “Round-up: 45 journalists killed in the line of duty worldwide – a drop despite the tragedy in Gaza,” excludes most of the Palestinian journalists killed by Israel in 2023, particularly in the past few months. It claims 16 fewer journalists were killed worldwide in 2023 than in 2022. This doesn’t reflect reality.

The report claims that (as of December 1, 2023), only 13 Palestinian journalists were killed while actively reporting, noting separately that 56 journalists were killed in Gaza, “if we include journalists killed in circumstances unproven to be related to their duties.”

Other sources put the overall number of Palestinian journalists killed in the enclave much higher. The UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported on December 1 that 73 journalists and media workers had been killed, citing to the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS).

While The Committee to Protect Journalists’ (CPJ) December 20, 2023 numbers are lower (at least 61 Palestinian journalists killed since October 7), CPJ at least didn’t disregard dozens of slain Palestinian journalists like RSF did.

In fact, in contrast to RSF’s cheerful “things are much better for journalists than previous years” tone, CPJ emphasized that in the first 10 weeks of Israel’s war on Gaza, more journalists have been killed than have ever been killed in a single country over an entire year.” It voiced its concern about, “an apparent pattern of targeting of journalists and their families by the Israeli military.”

That summary is far more honest, and shocking, than the watered-down RSF report.

It isn’t clear how RSF discerns which circumstances were “unproven to be related” to the duties of slain Gazan journalists, nor who is “actively reporting” when Gaza is under relentless Israeli bombardment and suffers frequent internet cuts. In fact, given the nonstop Israeli bombing (and sniping) throughout the Strip, it would be nearly impossible to discern whether journalists were reporting (including from their homes) at the time of their death.

However, in the methodology section near the end of its more detailed report, RSF notes it “logs a journalist’s death in its press freedom barometer when they are killed in the exercise of their duties or in connection with their status as a journalist.”

Many Palestinian journalists in Gaza have received death threats from officers in the Israeli army precisely due to their status as journalists. And many of those threatened have subsequently been killed, along with family members, when Israeli airstrikes targeted their homes or places of shelter.

We also have the precedent in prior wars (in 2009, 2012, 2014, and 2021) of Israel bombing Gazan media buildings (including one I was in in 2009) with varying severity, damaging and finally destroying two major media buildings in 2021. This is clearly intended to stop the flow of reports from Gaza under Israeli bombs, and so is the killing of journalists.

On December 15, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate criticized the RSF report, going as far as accusing RSF of complicity with Israel’s war crimes against Palestinian journalists through whitewashing.

This is the same PJS whose statistics the UN’s OCHA cites, statistics which PJS says are “accurate and based on professional and legal documentation that follows the highest standards in documenting crimes against journalists.” This documentation includes journalists who Israeli airstrikes targeted in their homes, killed precisely because they are journalists.

In response, RSF claimed it, “did not yet have sufficient evidence or indications,” to state that any more than 14 journalists in the Gaza Strip (as of December 23, the date of its response) “had been killed in the course of their work or because of it.”

RSF called the PJS accusations “inane,” complaining that they “damage our organisation’s image,” and chastised the PSJ to not “impugn our motives,” or “quarrel” over numbers. “Quarreling over numbers” is a pretty cavalier objection from an organization espousing concern over journalists being targeted.

At least three journalists were shot dead, at least three killed by an Israeli airstrike on media outlets in central Gaza City, and many more were killed by Israeli airstrikes on “safe” areas – areas south of Wadi Gaza, which Israel had commanded civilians to flee to for their “safety.” In spite of this command, Israeli bombings continued all over the strip, including all the way south to Rafah.

Still many more – in Gaza City, as well as to the north and to the south of it – were killed at home with their families, including one journalist in Khan Younis, killed along with 11 members of his family when an Israeli airstrike targeted his home on November 2. On November 23, a journalist was killed in an Israeli airstrike on his home in Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza, along with 20 family members.

The Cradle reported that, “The Israeli army sent a letter to legacy news outlets, Reuters and AFP.” The letter said, “The [Israeli Army] is targeting all Hamas military activity throughout Gaza. Under these circumstances, we cannot guarantee your employees’ safety.”

One Israeli bombing of a journalist’s home on November 7 killed him and 42 family members. Like many of his slain colleagues, he was a journalist for Palestinian Authority-run Wafa news. Many of the other murdered journalists worked for: Palestinian Authority-run Palestine TV, independent news agencies, local TV and radio programs, and larger outlets like al Jazeera. Others worked with Hamas-affiliated media and radio. Still others were freelancers.

On November 5, PJS reported that at least 20 of the journalists killed (since October 7) “were intentionally targeted by strikes on their homes or during their work covering Israel’s attacks.” This tally is already greater than RSF’s reported total of 13 journalists killed at work or because of their work, even though the RSF report covers a period of almost a month more.

Israel Threatens Journalists, Kills Family Members

Many Gaza journalists report being threatened by the Israeli army. CPJ noted it is “deeply alarmed by the pattern of journalists in Gaza reporting receiving threats, and subsequently, their family members being killed.”

One such incident followed a threat to Al-Jazeera Arabic reporter Anas Al-Sharif. CPJ noted he had received multiple phone calls from officers in the Israeli army instructing him to cease coverage and leave northern Gaza. Additionally, he received voice notes on WhatsApp disclosing his location. His 90-year-old father was killed on December 11 by an Israeli airstrike on their home in the Jabalia refugee camp.

On November 13, CPJ noted“eight family members of photojournalist Yasser Qudih were killed when their house in southern Gaza was struck by four missiles. Qudih survived the attack.”

On October 25, an Israel airstrike on the Nuseirat refugee camp in the center of Gaza killed the wife, son, daughter, and grandson of Al-Jazeera’s bureau chief for Gaza, Wael Al Dahdouh.

The popular young independent journalist, Motaz Azaiza, reported receiving multiple threats from anonymous numbers urging him to cease his coverage, CPJ reported, noting that another Al-Jazeera correspondent, Youmna El-Sayed, said her husband received a threatening phone call from a man who identified himself as a member of the IDF and told the family “to leave or die.”

RSF Bias: Not Only in Palestine

Whereas RSF only reluctantly, as an afterthought, mentioned Palestinian journalists killed in “circumstances unproven to be related to their duties,” in a 2021 report on Syria, it stated, “at least 300 professional and non-professional journalists have been killed while covering artillery bombardments and airstrikes or murdered by the various parties to the conflict,” since 2011, going on to say, “this figure could in reality be even higher.”

It cited a report by the Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) claiming the number could be up to 700. While endorsing these numbers, the RSF also gave a caveat, albeit a much meeker one than the one about Gaza journalists: “Confirming such estimates is not currently possible because of the difficulty of accessing information.”

Aside from reporting numbers it could not confirm, RSF cited a body in no way impartial or credible. As an investigative article noted, the SNHR is “based in Qatar… funded by foreign governments and staffed by top opposition leaders,” and “has openly clamored for Western military intervention.”

In 2017, Stephen Lendman wrote of RSF’s attempt to shut down a panel sponsored by the Swiss Press Club in which British journalist Vanessa Beeley would be participating. “An organization that defends freedom of information is asking me to censor a press conference,” the club’s executive director Guy Mettan said at the time. He refused to cancel the event.

RSF’s 2023 roundup also didn’t include two Russian journalists killed this year, one by a Ukrainian cluster bomb strike and the other by a Ukrainian drone attack (targeting journalists).

Sputnik pursued the matter and reported that RSF, “refused to give any comments to Sputnik” citing “editorial policy.”

Journalist Christelle Neant likewise noted RSF’s glaring omission of the Russian journalists. She wrote about the body’s funding from various governments, and more notably from regime change agencies: the Open Society foundation, The Ford Foundation, and the National Endowment for Democracy, funded by the US Congress.

RSF’s notorious funders explain why it cherry picks or inflates its reports. The borderless organization has lines it won’t cross. It reports a grain of truth but otherwise whitewashes the crimes of Israel and Washington.

Additional Notes:

On December 19, freelance journalist Adel Zorob was killed in an Israeli airstrike on his home in Rafah, southern Gaza, along with 25 family members.

On December 30, journalist Jabr Abu Hadrous ascended as a martyr with several of his family members after the IOF bombed his home in Nusseirat camp, central #Gaza, becoming the 106th journalist in Gaza to be martyred since October 7th.

On January 7, 2024, journalist Hamza Al Dahdouh (son of Al-Jazeera Gaza bureau chief Wael Al Dahdouh), was killed in an Israeli drone strike along with freelance journalist Mustafa Thuraya, according to Al-Jazeera Arabic. They were driving to an assignment in southern Gaza when the strike occurred.


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L’ “Accordo sulla cooperazione per la sicurezza” tra Italia e Ucraina, siglato a Kiev dalla premier Meloni e dal presidente Zelensky, non  è una  formale dichiarazione, ma un vero proprio patto militare che rende l’Italia paese belligerante nella guerra contro la Russia.

Il patto impegna l’Italia a fornire altri armamenti a Kiev e ad addestrare le sue truppe secondo le procedure operative della NATO. Non solo. Il patto stabilisce che “In caso di futuro attacco armato russo contro l’Ucraina, Italia e Ucraina si consulteranno entro 24 ore per determinare le misure necessarie per contrastare l’aggressione e l’Italia fornirà all’Ucraina un sostegno rapido nel campo della Difesa.”

Poiché il presidente francese Macron ha  annunciato che i paesi europei della NATO potrebbero inviare proprie truppe in Ucraina contro la Russia, c’è la concreta possibilità che lo faccia anche l’Italia portandoci direttamente in guerra contro la Russia. Inascoltata la voce di Mosca, la quale avverte che in tal caso ci sarebbe uno scontro diretto tra forze della NATO e forze della Russia, entrambe dotate di armi nucleari.

In tale situazione si svolge “la guerra delle spie”. Come dimostra una importante inchiesta del New York Times, la CIA ha costruito una propria vasta rete in Ucraina e in altri paesi europei. Essa addestra agenti ucraini a come assumere false identità e a “stanare le spie russe in altri paesi! Il programma è stato chiamato Operazione Goldfish. Gli agenti dell’Operazione Goldfish sono stati dislocati in 12 nuove basi operative lungo il confine russo, collegate a due nuove basi segrete di spionaggio elettronico.

Nello stesso quadro rientra quanto ha dichiarato Zelensky: “Meloni è con noi ma in Italia troppi pro-Putin”. Zelensky annuncia quindi: “Stiamo preparando una lista – non solo riguardo all’Italia – sui propagandisti russi. È una lunga lista e vogliamo presentarla alla Commissione Europea, al Parlamento Europeo, ai leader della UE”. Tra non molto quindi Zelensky consegnerà alla Meloni la lista di proscrizione dei “pro-Putin”, redatta dalla CIA.

Manlio Dinucci



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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


Ever since the Liberal Party of Chrystia Freeland and Justin Trudeau took power in 2015, policies favorable to the formation of a technocratic dictatorship have incrementally taken control of Canada.

This policy outlook is a far cry from the “old school Liberal party” of the post-WWII decades which ushered in some of the greatest rates of technological and scientific progress ever seen in history under the leadership of C.D. Howe.

Even if you are not Canadian, it is worth understanding how and why that pro-industrial orientation was subverted, since similar programs occurred across Europe and the USA as well.

Although the operation created to re-organize today’s Liberal government is called Canada 2020, this think tank (formed in 2003) is merely the most recent manifestation of a systematic foreign takeover which goes back to 1933… and I’m not talking about the Russians or Chinese.

This takeover has been led by an operation called the Round Table movement and it’s sister organization the Fabian Society. In volume four of The Untold History of Canada, that story is told at some length.

Over the course of the past century, technocratic planning conferences have been instrumental in guiding this process geared towards Borg-like assimilation of target nation states into a homogeneous blob, and in this short essay I will outline two major examples as it applies to the Round Table/Fabian takeover of Canada…

Gordon’s Thinkers Conference: 1960 Kingston 

The original conference that brought this new Liberal makeover scheme together was known as the Kingston “Thinkers” Conference of 1960, led by members of the Canadian Institute of International Affairs (CIIA) Walter Gordon, Maurice Lamontagne, Lester B. Pearson, Lionel Chevrier, Tom Kent, Keith Davey and other social engineers who were obsessed with cleaning out the political landscape of all forces committed to scientific and technological progress and continental cooperation with the pro-development America of John F. Kennedy (1).

Under the chairmanship of Walter Gordon, the participants of the “Thinkers” conference created the Committee to Restructure the Liberal Party Organization which set itself to work to counter the fight which President John F. Kennedy had recently launched against the oligarchy [2].

Under Kennedy’s leadership, Canada was in danger of slipping away from the hands of the oligarchy’s influence as a bold vision of new frontiers called forth the pioneering spirit of Canadian citizens and policy-makers.

Although the C.D. Howe Liberals and Diefenbaker Conservatives differed in their methods, both were fundamentally committed to achieving progress and increasing the productive powers of the nation through scientific and technological progress. Diefenbaker himself had attempted to found a new Canadian nationalism upon a bold vision for Arctic development which represented a grave threat to the oligarchy and had to be undermined at all cost.


In response to this danger, the Liberal party was wiped clean of C.D. Howe Liberals in what Henry Erskine Kidd, General Secretary for the Liberal Party, called “a palace revolution” run directly by Walter Gordon, while Gordon managed the downfall of Diefenbaker 3. C.D. Howe himself, now nearing his last days watched the Thinkers conference with sadness when he wrote: “I am afraid that Mike [Pearson] is being advised by the wrong type of officers. The meeting of the Thinkers Club certainly didn’t help him politically”[4].

On top of this, a new Fabian-inspired centralized-socialist planning structure was adopted to provide social incentives for Canadians to remain complacent and controlled, in 1963 a new national anthem and flag were adopted to promote the mythology that Canada had been freed from its British mother to become a sovereign country, and a new technocratic structure of bureaucracy and systems planning was adopted.

C04- Lamontagne Trudeau Pearson

The blueprint that guided this reform was led by Gordon’s partner at Clarkson-Gordon John Grant Glassco, who ran the Royal Commission on Government Organization in 1962 and Gordon’s protégé Maurice Lamontagne, who ran the Senate Commission on Science Policy from 1968-1972. Both Gordon and Lamontagne served as Presidents of the Privy Council consecutively. Lamontagne went on to found the Canadian Club of Rome alongside Pierre Trudeau and Maurice Strong a little later.

To understand this structural overhaul which began to bring in a vast compartmentalized bureaucracy run by technocratic social scientists and accountants, it is worth noting that this 1960 conference was itself modeled on a yet earlier precedent that had occurred 27 years prior named the Port Hope Conference under the guidance of Gordon’s CIIA controller Vincent Massey.

Massey was identified by American scholar Caroll Quigley as the leader of the Canadian branch of the Round Table Movement which was set up with funds and mandate of Cecil Rhodes in 1902. Both Gordon and Massey (along with Rhodes Scholar George Grant) are credited as the fathers of Canada’s post-1963 “New Nationalism”. Key founding blueprints for this ‘New [anti-American] Nationalism’ were laid out in Gordon’s powerful Royal Commission on Economic Prospects for Canada 1955-1957 which followed Massey’s 1949-1952 Royal Commission on National Development in the Arts, Letters and Sciences.

Massey’s Conference: 1933 Port Hope

The 1933 Port Hope conference was sponsored by Vincent Massey. The danger for the Canadian-British oligarchy represented by Massey even then was that pro-nationalist forces had dominated the Liberal Party throughout the 1920s in the form of the “Laurier Liberals” of O.D. Skelton, Chubby Power and Ernest Lapointe, all three of whom exerted enormous influence on the leader of the Liberal Party, William Lyon Mackenzie King, who became Prime Minister once again in 1935 after the party had fallen from power in 1930.

Then serving as President of the Liberal Party, Vincent Massey, a student of Lord Alfred Milner (5), noted that the 1933 Conference marked the transformation of the Liberal Party “from the laissez-faire traditions of the party to a new, more technocratic and interventionist view of government”[6]. Just as would occur 27 years later in Kingston, the challenge for the oligarchy involved

1) keeping Canada complacent by encouraging a technocratic managerial class and

2) blocking greater cooperation with an anti-Imperial America led by the great Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

This conference was designed to coincide with the 1933 London Economic Conference that had brought together 66 nations to deal with the global depression by the establishment of a globalized standard of balanced budgets, and currency controls under the dictatorship of the Bank of England.

Fortunately in 1933, the power of the oligarchy was thwarted as the London Economic Conference was sabotaged by Roosevelt who refused to attend and decided not to sacrifice American sovereignty on the City of London altar.

It was FDR’s sabotage of this conference that put a final nail in the coffin of the imperial League of Nations. Fabian Society eugenicist H.G. Wells blamed the rise of global fascism on FDR’s nationalist sabotage of this very conference.

Canada 2020 and the Kingston Conference of the 21st Century 

In the modern period, the 1933 Massey Port Hope Conference and 1960 Gordon Kingston Conference has taken the form of a June 2006 conference in Mont Tremblant Quebec hosted by a London-run think tank known as Canada 2020 and a pack of Rhodes Scholars.

The two day conference sponsored by this new think tank was keynoted by none other than Al Gore, who was brought in by high level members of the Queen’s elite Privy Council such as John Manley, Bob Rae and Anne McLellan, in order to reform the policy structures of the federal government, the Liberal Party and the Canadian culture itself after the downfall of Paul Martin in February 2006.

The Liberal Party of Jean Chretien and Paul Martin, which had been in power from 1993-2006, distinguished itself as being the last major federal party to resist, even in some small form, aspects of the Empire’s agenda in the form of their rejection of Canada’s participation in the Iraq war in 2003, rejection of the Anti-Ballistic Missile shield in 2005 and the failed 1997 attempt to consolidate the “big 5” banks into the “big 3”.

Battles between Prime Minister Chretien and such pro-British establishment figures as Lord Conrad Black expressed this lack of British control over its Canadian dominion to a large degree. Such lack of control of an important dominion within the British Commonwealth had to be reined in and a more virulent form of Canadian nationalism more conducive to a globally extended empire had to be weaved in its place.

C08- Canada 2020 figures


An important decision made during the conference of 2006 was to groom a young Justin Trudeau to become the spokesperson of the new liberal party.

Prize assets of Power Corporation, the World Wildlife Fund and the Canadian International Council (CIC)[7] were subsequently deployed to manage this new cult of “Justin” in preparation for the 2015 elections with CIC President Bill Graham playing a key role in the event. Both Al Gore, Barack Obama and Larry Summers have acted as leading spokesmen, appearing at Canada 2020 events over the years.

Today, the chairman of the Canada 2020 Advisory Council is non other than eco-warrior central banker Mark Carney, who joins his wife (and co-founder of Canada 2020 Diane Carney) managing Canada’s transformation into a fascist ‘post-nation state’ state. He is joined by Thomas Pitfield (co-founder of Canada 2020 and its current executive chairman).

Thomas Pitfield is one of Justin Trudeau’s boyhood friends’ whose Privy Council father Michael Pitfield was both the right hand man of both Pierre Trudeau and Paul Desmarais Sr.

Michael Pitfield got his start working as the assistant to Rhodes Scholar Davie Fulton, and went on to become Clerk of the Privy Council Office as key member of Pierre Trudeau’s powerful cabal. After forming CSIS in 1984, Pitfield went on to become Vice-President of Power Corporation. It was through these positions that Michael acquired a job for his son first on the Powercorp sponsored Canada-Chinese Business Council.

The Case of Axworthy and Manley 

A vital player in this process is none other than former Principal Secretary to Pierre Trudeau, Thomas Axworthy. By the end of the 2006 conference, Axworthy had been made responsible for chairing the Liberal Party Renewal Commission in where he oversaw 36 task forces which examined each aspect of the party. The outcome of Axworthy’s task forces resulted in the current Obama-modelled behaviorist design represented by Justin Trudeau.

Not only is Axworthy the President of the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation, Senior Fellow at Massey College, former Executive Director of the Charles Bronfman Foundation, but has gotten his start in social engineering working as research assistant directly under Walter Gordon on the 1967 “Task Force on the Structure of the Canadian Economy” (aka: Gordon Task Force). Axworthy was joined by Walter Gordon’s other surviving protégé Keith Davey, who also helped co-found Canada 2020 and who participated in the Gordon 1960 Thinkers Conference.

It is also noteworthy that both Thomas Axworthy and the 2006 Conference co-chair John Manley were both members of the failed Independent Task Force on North America to integrate the North American Economies under a European Union-modeled zone called the “North American Union”.

Where We Stand Now 

The Canada 2020 agenda calls for an absolute commitment to the nation-destroying measures such as a banning of all arctic development, a commitment to depopulation through low quality green energy grids, carbon taxes, smart grids, Public Private Partnerships and green victory bonds (aka: the Green New Deal)… all punctuated by a destruction of nuclear power.

This arrangement must be recognized for what it is: a scheme which is designed to reduce the world population. Canada’s low population density of 9 people/ square mile is an idealized global density for the oligarchy.

Bering Strait Tunnel

Bering Strait Tunnel

The only way to stop this green zero-growth program from being acted upon is the immediate restoration of Glass-Steagall and the re-enactment of national banking measures to produce the productive credit necessary to finance those projects which can increase the productive powers of society such as building the Bering Strait tunnel joining the Polar Silk Road, launching Arctic development and pushing for high intensity investments into fission, fusion power and space exploration.

Rejecting this “Great Reset”/London Conference means picking up the torch which was dropped with the demise of C.D. Howe, the Kennedy brothers, Charles de Gaulle, W.A.C. Bennett and Quebec’s great statesman Daniel Johnson Sr.


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This article was originally published on Matthew Ehret’s Insights.

Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow, and Director of The Rising Tide Foundation. He has authored three volumes of the Untold History of Canada book series and four volumes of the Clash of the Two Americas. He hosts Connecting the Dots on TNT Radio, Breaking History on Badlands Media, and The Great Game on Rogue News.


[1] It is important to note that Pearson was not terribly respected by these “new reformers” led by Gordon, and was largely used as their Nobel Prize winning instrument. When Pearson became too easily influenced by the pro-C.D. Howe Liberals remaining in his party such as Robert Winters and Mitchell Sharp, as well as JFK himself, Pearson was scrapped for a more effective replacement in the form of Pierre Trudeau in 1968.

[2] For the full story of Kennedy’s battle to liberate the world from the British Empire, see JFK vs the Empire

[3] As Diefenbaker himself wrote in his autobiography “One of the ironies of recent Canadian history is that Walter Gordon, a man whom I only met for a few minutes when he delivered to me his Royal Commission Report, has stated that he decided to do everything in his power to make Mr. Pearson Prime Minister because he hated me and feared that my policies would wreck Canada”, Diefenbaker Memoirs, p.202. Rhodes Scholar Governor of the Bank of Canada, James Coyne, and two Rhodes scholars embedded in Diefenbaker’s own cabinet (J.M. Mcdonald, and Davie Fulton) played a key role in Diefenbaker’s final 1963 downfall and failure of his Northern Vision.

[4] Stephen Azzi, Walter Gordon and the Rise of Canadian Nationalism, McGill-Queens Press, 1999, p.80

[5] The young Massey, then on the cusp of inheriting the fortunes of his family’s farm equipment dynasty, had helped install a Round Table chapter in Ontario in 1910 and was rewarded for his services by being sent off to Oxford to study under the Round Table’s founder and controller, the eugenics obsessed “race patriot” Lord Alfred Milner in 1911.

[6] Vincent Massey is quoted from Richard Blake’s From Rights to Needs: A History of Family Allowances in Canada, UBC Press, p.33

[7] The Canadian International Council became the new name for the Canadian institute for International Affairs (CIIA) in 2007. The CIIA had been the new name for the Round Table Movement, formed in London by Lord Milner in 1910 and run by the Rhodes Trust network of Oxford scholars in order to advance Cecil Rhodes’ design to recapture America as a lost colony and form the rebirth of a new globally extended British Empire. For more on how this hive has mis-shaped the 21st century, see “British Dictatorship or American System part I and II” by this author in the Canadian Patriot #7 and 8, downloadable on

Featured image is from the author

The Clash of the Two Americas

Vol. 1 & 2

by Matthew Ehret

In his new two volume series The Clash of the Two Americas, Matthew Ehret introduces a new analysis of American history from the vantage point that the globally-extended supranational shadow government that managed the British Empire was never fully defeated and has acted within the USA itself since 1776 as a continuous multi-generational fifth column managing every significant event and assassination of American presidents for the next 250 years.

Click here to order.

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Big Tech’s Effort to Silence Truth-tellers: Global Research Online Referral Campaign


Russophobia has always been present in the political West. Whether it’s simply the fear of a near-peer adversary or perhaps the age-old sea power (thalassocracy) vs. a land power (tellurocracy) competition, the fact is that the belligerent power pole really does not like Russia, to put it mildly. Moscow has been trying to find common ground with the political West for centuries. However, that seems all but impossible, as the latter stubbornly refuses to engage with the Eurasian giant. It can even be argued that this has been the defining characteristic of European and global geopolitics, pushing the “old continent” and the world into several destructive conflicts. Interestingly, the leading Western power, the United States, doesn’t really have a long history of Russophobia, unlike many European countries.

After WWII and the advent of the (First) Cold War, the enmity between America and Russia became the standard in the global geopolitical arena. And yet, even then, a level of mutual respect existed, while international treaties were largely respected and played a significant role in keeping the balance of power relatively intact. The unfortunate dismantling of the Soviet Union put an end to this, especially after neocons and Atlanticists took power in Washington DC. However, of all US allies, vassals and satellite states, there’s one that makes even such endemically Russophobic countries like Poland or the Baltic states seem “moderate enough” – the United Kingdom. London’s Russophobia is so deeply ingrained in its geopolitical strategy, even when it was officially allied to Moscow, both during the Napoleonic and World Wars.

The escalation of the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict exposed this hatred to the fullest, as the UK was among the first to insist on a broader confrontation with Russia. Realizing that trying to talk to anyone with such pathologically Russophobic policies is simply pointless, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) even contemplated cutting all diplomatic ties with Downing Street. The latter’s extremely escalatory actions such as the delivery of ever more advanced and longer-range weapons to the Kiev regime, as well as various dangerous munitions, particularly the depleted uranium ones, made it impossible to maintain normal diplomatic contacts.  Moscow has repeatedly warned London to stop its ever-growing meddling in Ukraine, but to no avail, as the latter only keeps escalating it.

In the latest revelations about the UK’s involvement in helping the Neo-Nazi junta, the Times essentially praised the British military’s contribution to the destruction of Russian naval assets. According to the report, the UK’s General Staff, headed by Admiral Tony Radakin, directly took part in planning and executing attacks on the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Radakin also seems to have been involved in other covert operations in Ukraine, all aimed at diminishing Russian capabilities. Worse yet, it seems that other NATO assets have also been involved, presumably various ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) platforms, meaning that London certainly wasn’t alone in this “noble endeavor”. In other words, this isn’t a simple arming of the Kiev regime forces, but a direct participation in hostilities.

For all intents and purposes, it’s tantamount to a declaration of war. And that’s precisely how Moscow sees it. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova slammed the UK for its involvement. She said the Russian MFA has repeatedly pointed out the undeniable evidence of the complicity of UK intelligence and other special services in the ongoing hostilities in Ukraine. Worse yet, this includes their involvement in terrorist attacks on Russian territory. Zakharova also said that Russian intelligence detected British involvement long ago, but London refused to acknowledge their presence, insisting that only individuals with UK passports participate as “volunteers”. And while there are certainly such people in Ukraine, direct British military presence is a very different story.

“It has been detected that the British, along with the US, acted as spotters, supplying the Kiev regime with coordinates of targets. As for the terrorist attacks against the Black Sea Fleet, they were literally conducted under the direction of British special services,” Zakharova said, adding: “In general, the question that should be asked is not about Britain’s involvement in separate episodes of the conflict in Ukraine, but about the unleashing and participation of London in the anti-Russian hybrid war.”

Other high-ranking Russian officials, such as the Kremlin Spokesman Dmitriy Peskov, also warned about London’s direct involvement in the Ukrainian conflict. Russian military experts note that the recognition of direct participation in hostilities against the Russian Federation could also serve to prepare the public in NATO countries for a full-fledged entry into the war. This could also be a demonstrative crossing of Moscow’s red lines, recently reiterated by Russian President Vladimir Putin during his speech to the Federal Assembly. Perhaps the UK was hoping to “encourage” NATO member states that are too reluctant to enter a direct confrontation with Russia. However, they don’t seem to be very keen on doing so, as evidenced by their rejection of a similar proposal by French President Emmanuel Macron.

For some inexplicable reason, London believes that Moscow will leave such unashamedly hostile actions unanswered. Responsibility and patience may be the bedrock of Russian foreign policy, but that certainly doesn’t mean that the Eurasian giant will follow these principles even when it becomes ultimately self-defeating to do so. It’s perfectly clear to Moscow that the political West decided to deliberately cross all Russian red lines long ago. However, even though the Eurasian giant is trying its best not to push the world into the abyss by reciprocating such actions, it may soon be left with no other choice. It’s yet to be seen in what ways Moscow will react, but for the time being, I would be extremely worried if I were a British sailor, as the Russian military may soon decide to start responding tit for tat.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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The World Health Organization and its partner organization, the Bill Gates-controlled GAVI, announced Wednesday that they will be flooding Africa with 18 million doses of malaria vaccines.

During a Wednesday press conference, WHO director Tedros Adhanom declared that 12 African countries will be receiving 18 million doses of malaria vaccine in the coming months, declaring that climate change is largely responsible for the continuing disease burden in the continent.

While it seems like great news at the surface, considering Africa’s continuing malaria epidemic, we’ve again encountered a situation in which the “cure” appears to be more threatening than the disease itself.

Malaria indeed plagues the African continent. It is reported to be the culprit for the annual deaths of about half a million children in sub Saharan Africa.

And before the mid 20th century, there were few medical means to defeat parasite infestations, other than to improve sanitation and living standards. Today, there are several medications that prevent and treat malaria, but do not provide sterilizing immunity to the disease.

The only malaria “vaccine” that has been rolled out thus far is an injection called Mosquirix (RTS,S/AS01), which is produced by Big Pharma giant GSK.

Mosquirix not only does not provide sterilizing immunity, it requires 4 separate shots, and its supposed preventive effects only lasts a handful of months.

Additionally, the drug is not only seemingly worthless, but uniquely dangerous.

The largest Mosquirix trials produced shockingly poor results, with the vaccine cohort having much worse outcomes than the placebo group. (McGill University Study)

The vaccine group displayed ten times higher risk of meningitis and cerebral malaria, and a doubling in the risk of death compared to the placebo group. Even if the shots “work,” they do not achieve any temporary or long term sterilizing immunity or significant efficacious benefit, so in no way would it reduce the actual disease burden.

Nonetheless, the notoriously corrupt and captured World Health Organization has given its stamp of approval for the dangerous vaccine, recommending it for at risk youth. They even baselessly claim on the WHO website that for every 200 malaria shots deployed, one child’s life will be saved by the “vaccine.”

Last year, UNICEF awarded GSK (which, again, is currently the lone supplier of malaria shots) with a $170 million contract for 18 million doses of its malaria injections ($9.44 per dose).

Now, Gates Inc and its middleman partners have released a white paper detailing their roadmap for the deployment of these shots. They are seeking to establish a system in which 80-100 million shots are injected into the arms of sub Saharan African children on an annual basis by 2030. This would create a malaria vaccine industry in Africa that is poised to rake in close to $1 billion annually.

There is no evidence that these shots work to prevent malaria, but that hasn’t stopped Big Pharma and global “Public Health” institutions from executing its designs upon the African continent.

The news out of Africa is remarkably timed with a continuing series of malaria scare stories coming out of the United States. Not to worry though, the corporate media will be sure to let you know that the Pfizer-backed BioNTech is working on its own malaria vaccine!


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Inside a two-story brick building in Medellín, Colombia, scientists work in muggy labs breeding 30 million genetically modified mosquitoes weekly in labs. 

They tend to the insects’ every need as they grow from larvae to pupae to adults, keeping the temperature just right and feeding them generous helpings of fishmeal, sugar, and, of course, blood. They are then released into the wild in 11 countries.

Billionaire Bill Gates, who is funding the project, assures us it’s not a scene from a horror movie.

“The factory is real. And the mosquitoes that are released do not terrorize the locals. They help save and improve millions of lives.”

Just as his ‘covid vaccines’ have ‘saved’ millions of lives or his’ previous vaccination projects have left thousands of women sterile in India and Kenya. Or even his Polio vaccines have caused paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions in Sub-Saharan Africa, Afghanistan, Congo, and the Philippines.


Wolbachia Bacterium

“The mosquitoes grown in this factory carry the Wolbachia bacterium, which prevents them from transmitting dengue and other viruses – including Zika, chikungunya, and yellow fever – to humans. By releasing them and breeding them with wild mosquitoes, they spread the bacteria, reducing virus transmission and protecting millions of people from disease,” claims Gates – just as his ‘covid vaccines’ have ‘reduced’ virus transmission and have ‘protected’ millions of people from disease.

Research conducted in Indonesia has shown that mosquitoes carrying Wolbachia offer 77 percent protection against dengue fever, and 86 percent are effective against hospitalization. Just like his ‘corona vaccines’ offer almost 100 percent ‘protection’ against covid and hospitalization.

11 countries

The mosquitoes are released in Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Australia, Fiji, Kiribati, New Caledonia, and Vanuatu – eleven countries total.

Gates plans to breed hundreds of millions of Wolbachia mosquitoes.

Did Gates and his researchers consider all the variables that are likely to occur with a program where a new vector of spreading a bacteria by an insect that bites humans and other animals and, in the process, injects that bacteria into them?

Where is the one, two, five, and ten-year report on the safety of such a program from a controlled environment?

What could possibly go wrong?


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Amy Mek is Investigative Journalist: Banned in parts of Europe, Wanted by Islamic countries, Threatened by terror groups, Hunted by left-wing media, Smeared by Hollywood elites & Fake religious leaders.

Featured image is from RAIR

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Read Part I: 

Pan-Africanism and Palestine Solidarity, Then and Now

By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 01, 2024

When the Al-Aqsa Storm began on October 7, 2023, the corporate and government-controlled media in the United States and European countries utilized their resources to justify the Israeli genocidal assaults on the Gaza Strip and the Occupied West Bank.

Israeli governmental and military spokespersons were given free reign by the television, radio and newspaper platforms to denounce the Hamas Resistance Movement and the Palestinian people as a whole.

Palestinians were referred to as “animals, sub-humans, murderers and rapists.” These comments made by the Zionist officials did not receive any rebuttal by the western media outlets.

However, despite the demonization of Palestinians and their allies in the region by numerous news agencies such as the British Broadcasting Corporations (BBC), Cable News Network (CNN), MSNBC and many others, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to denounce the blanket bombing and later ground invasion into the Gaza Strip. From New York City to the West Coast, protest actions were organized on college campuses, in business districts along with vigils outside the homes of leading Congressional figures such as Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

Although the majority of African American elected officials for both the Democratic and Republican parties tripped over themselves to express support for Tel Aviv, many rank-and-file activists issued statements and joined demonstrations in solidarity with the Palestinians. President Joe Biden was quickly labeled as “Genocide Joe” for his unconditional support for the Zionist state.

In an article published by the Black Agenda Report written by radio host Jacqueline Luqman, she emphasized:

“It shouldn’t need to be said at this late date, but imperialism and settler colonialism are the pertinent issues to address in any discussion of Zionism. The foundational issue in the ongoing and existential conflict between Israeli settlers and indigenous Palestinians, not a continued and historical hatred of Jews, as many Zionists claim. But why do we make the distinction that opposition to Zionism is not automatically opposition to Jewish people? I believe that to understand this is to understand what Zionism is and the contradictions therein. First, Zionism itself is not entirely synonymous with Judaism. Although it is true that the Zionist movement was ‘officially’ organized by Theodor Hertzl in Austria in 1896 to establish a Jewish homeland in response to the bigotry and repression against Jews, it is important to understand that Hertzl was not himself an Orthodox, or ‘observant’ Jew; he was more secular than religious.” 

Biden who has described himself as a “Zionist” traveled to Tel Aviv just hours after a hospital was bombed in Gaza City killing hundreds of patients and civilians October 17. Biden in a joint press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, apportioned blame for the Al-Ahli Hospital massacre on the Palestinian resistance absent any investigation by any outside entity. He quoted former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir as saying that the Jewish people had nowhere else to go other than Palestine. Biden has expressed no sympathy for the plight of the Palestinian people who have been dislocated from their traditional homeland.

Weapons were immediately sent to Israel while the Pentagon deployed an aircraft carrier to the Eastern Mediterranean to bolster the military onslaught in the Gaza Strip. U.S. military drones enhanced their surveillance over Palestine while it was revealed that the White House would bolster its already existent military base in the Negev.

Black Clergy Begins to Break with White House Calling for Ceasefire in Gaza

During late January after the annual federal holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and on the eve of African American History Month, one thousand African American members of the clergy issued a statement indicating that the White House under President Biden was jeopardizing its possibility of reelection by its unconditional support for the Israeli war against the Palestinians in Gaza.

This clear message sent to Biden and the Democratic Party in general has been ignored by the administration and many within the U.S. Congress.

In a report published by the Root, a news website which is geared towards the African American community, it says in relations to these political developments:

“Black faith leaders from around the country are calling for an end to the Israel-Gaza war with an urgent message to President Joe Biden and Democratic leadership that inaction could cost them Black voters. According to The New York Times, a coalition of 1,000 Black pastors has launched a multi-tiered effort on behalf of their congregations, calling for a cease-fire and the release of Palestinian hostages in Gaza. In letters, ads and meetings with the White House, the pastors reportedly put Democrats in Washington on notice about where they stand on the issue. The Black faith leaders said their congregations feel a connection between the Palestinians’ struggle in the region and their fight for civil rights in the United States, and they are growing impatient with the president’s support for Israel. According to NBC News, an overwhelming 70 percent of all voters ages 18 to 34, disapprove of the way Biden is handling the war.” 

The following month of February, yet another blow to the Biden administration took place when the Board of Bishops of the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) and the African Methodist Episcopal Zion (AMEZ), two of the oldest Black congregations in the U.S. which can trace their origins to the late 18th and early 19th centuries, made its opposition to the genocidal war in Gaza public. These two denominations combined represent 4.9 million members located across the U.S. and internationally.

AMEZ official statement calling for ceasefire in Gaza

The official statement issued by the AMEZ Church emphasized:

“Our faith and our heritage demand a consistent stand for the value of all life. Whenever we witness acts of violence and human suffering, we have no choice but to raise our collective voices in prayer but also in protest. It is in this spirit that the Board of Bishops of the A.M.E. Zion Church joins with other Faith Leaders, including Bishops of the A.M.E. Church, our sister denomination, to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the immediate release of all remaining hostages…. We call upon President Biden and the members of Congress to issue a call for an immediate ceasefire, the release of all remaining hostages, and reviving efforts towards a two-state solution where both Israelis and Palestinians can live with security, prosperity, and peace….

The International Court of Justice has issued a ruling calling on Israel to take all measures to prevent genocide and ensure access to humanitarian aid. We believe that the line has been crossed. According to UN human rights experts, much of the population in Gaza is starving and struggling to find food, drinkable water, healthcare, and fuel. Women and children are the disproportionate victims of this humanitarian crisis. It must be ended immediately. 

Undoubtedly, the bulk of the AME and AMEZ members along with other clergy in opposition to the Biden policy on Palestine are participants in electoral politics as consistent voters. These events and other policy decisions of the Biden White House could easily lead to the Democratic Party losing control of the executive branch as well as the Senate.

The lawsuit filed by the African National Congress (ANC) government in the Republic of South Africa against the Israeli regime at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has drawn support worldwide. Former ANC leader and the first democratically elected President Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) stated repeatedly that the people of South Africa cannot be completely liberated until the Palestinians are freed.

As the struggle against apartheid in South Africa during the 1980s was an issue which mobilized millions around the globe, the same situation is developing in regard to the Free Palestine movement. African Americans and peoples of African descent will continue to play a critical role in these efforts.

Electoral Challenge Through the Uncommitted Primary Vote

In the state of Michigan, activists led by young people within the Arab American community launched the “Abandon Biden” and “Listen to Michigan” campaigns. This protest action operating in the electoral arena encouraged voters in the primary to mark “uncommitted” as a rebuke of the White House policy on Palestine.

The call resulted in 101,000 voters casting their ballots as “uncommitted” sending a powerful message to the Democratic Party and the Biden administration. Michigan is considered a “swing state” where, as in 2016, its loss due to the negligence of the Hillary Clinton for president campaign, resulted in the victory of Donald Trump.

A mass rally held at the Dearborn Manor on February 25 by the Michigan Task Force for Palestine featured a panel composed of Maureen Taylor of the Welfare Rights Organization in the state as the chair; Nina Turner, former State Senator from Ohio; Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud; Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib; Gabriela Santiago-Romero of the Detroit City Council; Atty. Julie Hurwitz of Jewish Voice for Peace and the National Lawyers Guild; Rev. Ed Rowe, Pastor Emeritus of the Central United Methodist Church; Rev. Robert Smith, Jr., Senior Pastor of the Historic New Bethel Baptist Church; and Jay Makled, Financial Secretary of the UAW Local 600. Such an alliance of diverse forces is reflective of the growing support for not only a ceasefire in Gaza it represents a repudiation of the longstanding U.S. policy towards Palestine.

Dearborn rally for Palestine chaired by MWRO Chair Maureen Taylor, Feb. 25, 2024

Biden’s poor showing in recent polls indicates that his reelection is by no means certain. African Americans and their progressive leaders will continue to play an important role in the Palestine solidarity movement both inside the U.S. and around the world.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Detroit Palestine solidarity march mobilized thousands on Oct. 28, 2024 / All images in this article are from the author

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The US Supreme Court agreed on Wednesday that it will decide whether “former President Donald Trump was granted presidential immunity” after being prosecuted for trying to reverse the results of the 2020 elections. Such a decision would be a victory and an oxygen ball for a Trump cornered by the judicial crusade, as it involves the stay of pending trials against him and the suspension of the decision of an Illinois judge to disqualify him for the primaries in that State, pending the ruling of the Supreme Court.

Given that three of the Supreme Court’s new judges were appointed by Trump, it seems likely that the Supreme Court’s decision will be delayed by several months, which will allow him to gain precious time to complete his electoral campaign in the face of the November Presidential elections, with which Donald Trump would have already cleared the way to the White House, not being discardable to be finally exonerated of such a charge by the High Court. On the other hand, if he is inaugurated President after the November Presidential elections, he would have the power to order his Attorney General to dismiss all federal charges against him and thus enjoy a clean political record.

Irregular Immigration as the Central Axis of the Electoral Campaign

Irregular immigration, signs of Biden’s senility, the fentanyl crisis, the high cost of living and increased citizen insecurity would have plunged Biden’s popularity to historic lows of 38%, which would facilitate the triumphant return of Donald Trump in the presidential elections of November after clearly imposing himself on his rival Nikki Haley in the Supermartes of March 5 and being designated an official Republican candidate for the Presidential elections of November, focused its election campaign on irregular immigration.

Thus, according to Gallup’s latest monthly survey, irregular immigration tops the list of concerns of Americans. Specifically, immigration arrests would have increased from 1 million arrests with Trump to 2,47 million in 2023, according to figures from the Department of Homeland Security. So, Trump in his visit to the border with Mexico, has stated in Eagle Pass (Texas) that “the United States is being invaded by Biden’s migrant crime”, so the issue of irregular immigration and the construction of the Wall, will be the central axis of his electoral campaign. Trump is a specialist in pushing the limits of the Everton window to introduce into it issues placed outside the framework and initially considered unacceptable by public opinion and that once inside the debate can be perceived as tolerable and as a paradigm for building the Wall to contain illegal immigrants.

Return of the Isolationist Doctrine with Trump

In 2000, in his book “The America We Deserve” (The America We Deserve), Trump defended the exit of the United States from the Atlantic Alliance to save spending and in his electoral program, which is called ‘Agenda 47’, it is stated that “we have to finish the process initiated under my Government of deeply reassessing the mission and purpose of NATO”.

Also, in a conference delivered by Trump at the headquarters of the influential political magazine “The National Interest”, Donald Trump exposed the outlines of his foreign policy that could be summarized in his motto “The United States first”, which in fact would mean the return to the Monroe Doctrine (America for the Americans) and the exit of the US from the military structures of NATO.

Trump’s probable victory in November would represent the decline of the Atlantist strategy of Biden and Soros committed to defending Putin from power, the return to the Doctrine of Peaceful Coexistence with Russia and the enthronement of the G-3 (US, Russia and China) as “primus inter pares” in world governance, with the EU, Japan, India and Brazil passing as stone guests in the new geopolitical scenario.

Trump and the Autocracy

After being defended Trump of the main social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube, proceeded to the launch of “Truth Social”, a new social network born “to combat the great technological” called to be the media loudspeaker of the Trump ideology with a view to the 2024 Presidential Elections and which would be the first product of his company Trump Media Technology Group (TMTG) a media loudspeaker that will be used to spread the benefits of an autocratic government in the US, a kind of invisible dictatorship based on solid strategies of cohesion (mass manipulation and leader worship).

Given the current division of American society into two symmetrical and irreconcilable halves, it is likely that Trump will implant an Orwellian government that will drink from the sources of paternalism of soft dictatorships and be characterized by the cult of the leader, the use of disinformation and surveillance of the non-white population and political dissent, which would de facto be an autocratic government or kind of invisible dictatorship supported by solid strategies of cohesion (mass manipulation and cult of the leader).


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Germán Gorraiz Lopez is a political analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Provided that Scholz was speaking sincerely in expressing the reasons why he’s opposed to sending Taurus missiles to Ukraine, then this suggests that he doesn’t have any idea about what his armed forces are doing behind his back, which risks dragging Germany deeper into this conflict.

RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan claimed in a Telegram post on Friday that she’d heard a leaked recording from senior Bundeswehr officers discussing how to bomb Russia’s Crimean Bridge in a way that would enable German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to maintain plausible deniability. This follows his inadvertent revelation that France and the UK have clandestinely deployed troops to Ukraine to assist with “target control” while explaining why his country won’t send long-range Taurus missiles there.

Although she didn’t share the recording with her followers, it’s possible that either she, RT, or some other source might do so in the future. In the meantime, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova responded to her post urging German media to prove their independence by asking Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock about this claim. In the absence of evidence, one can only speculate on its veracity, but this development is still sufficient for wondering whether the Bundeswehr is going rogue.

Provided that Scholz was speaking sincerely in expressing the reasons why he’s opposed to sending Taurus missiles to Ukraine, then this suggests that he doesn’t have any idea about what his armed forces are doing behind his back, which risks dragging Germany deeper into this conflict. Their country is currently resuming its long-lost superpower trajectory with full American support after comprehensively subordinating Poland in order to contain Russia in Europe while the US “Pivots (back) to Asia”.

This newfound role might have emboldened some elite members of the Bundeswehr into thinking that they can further expand Germany’s influence in Ukraine by competing with France and the UK there through the clandestine dispatch of troops and Taurus missiles without him knowing. Upon doing so and then successfully striking the Crimean Bridge, this could be blamed on those two in order to deflect from Berlin’s responsibility, after which Scholz would be forced to accept this fait accompli.

The pressure that could then be placed on those two might create space for Germany to expand its influence in Ukraine at their expense as the G7 competes with one another over who’ll get the biggest piece of its economic pie in the run-up to that group’s reported plans to appoint a special envoy there. Germany is already Ukraine’s second-largest military supplier, but its arms industry might fear losing out on post-conflict contracts to France and the UK if it continues to withhold these missiles and troops.

Neither of Germany’s historical rivals wants to see it become a superpower, but the only way to decelerate this trajectory is to chip away at its influence in Ukraine through their own “military diplomacy” there, which takes the form of their unofficial deployment of troops. While the “military Schengen” that’s formed between the Netherlands, Germany, and Poland will likely lead to Berlin soon expanding its influence into the Baltics, those two could influence the Balkans as a counterweight.

The “Moldova Highway” through NATO’s increasingly pivotal Greek ports, Bulgaria, and Romania alongside the “Black Sea Corridor” that was informally created with British support after the end of the grain deal could combine to keep a check on Germany’s post-conflict influence across the continent. That’s not to argue that it would be adequate enough to derail that country’s resumed superpower trajectory, but just that it could enable France and the UK to carve out their own “spheres of influence”.

The abovementioned scenario is contingent on them continuing to provide military support to Ukraine that Germany has thus far been unwilling to give, namely long-range missiles and associated troop deployments for “target control”, without which these corridors lose their importance. Although both could utilize the German-led “military Schengen” to these ends, Berlin would of course prioritize the export of its own equipment across this route, hence the need for them to have alternatives just in case.

Circling back to Simonyan’s claim after informing readers of the strategic backdrop, it might very well be that a nebulous faction within the Bundeswehr wants to unilaterally act behind Scholz’s back in order to offset this latent challenge to Germany’s envisaged control of Europe. Their plans were just foiled though since the alleged recording means that their country can no longer retain “plausible deniability” in the event that Taurus missiles and troops are secretly deployed to Ukraine to attack Russia’s Crimean Bridge.

Scholz can now either break up this subversive group or go with the flow if he’s powerless to do so, the first of which is the most responsible option but would cede influence in Ukraine to France and the UK, while the second would further embroil Germany in this conflict in order to retain its influence. The possibility also exists that this faction calls off its plans without being broken up after they were just exposed. At any rate, next week will provide more clarity, both into Scholz’s power and Germany’s role.


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This article was originally published on Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.  

Featured image: A Taurus on display at the 2006 ILA air show (From the Public Domain)