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The mainstream media have inaccurately reported that Pfizer’s and Moderna’s new COVID-19 vaccine trials found no potential risk of Bell’s palsy, a condition that causes the faces of patients to be paralyzed and droop on one side. 

The “observed incidence of Bell’s palsy in the vaccine arms is between three to five times and seven times higher than would be expected in the general population,” researchers from the Precision Vaccines Program in the Division of Infectious Diseases at Boston Children’s Hospital in Boston said in a paper published late February in The Lancet.

“Combining data from both trials, among nearly 40,000 vaccine arm participants, there were seven Bell’s palsy cases compared with one Bell’s palsy case among placebo arm participants,” wrote Harvard Medical School infectious disease and pediatric specialists Al Ozonoff, Etsuro Nanishi, and Ofer Levy.

The researchers looked at publicly available data from the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccine trials that they said “suggested an imbalance in the incidence of Bell’s palsy following vaccination compared with the placebo arm of each trial.”

Comparing the trial data to that of the general population in detail, they reported that “this finding signals a potential safety phenomenon and suggests inaccurate reporting of basic epidemiological context to the public.”

Bell’s palsy is a condition often mistaken for a stroke because many of the symptoms are similar, but it is not as serious. The condition results from dysfunction of a cranial nerve that directs the muscles on one side of the face, including those that control eye blinking and smiling, according to National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.

Most symptoms, including pain, distorted facial features, watery eyes, and inability to close one eye or speak, drink or eat normally, will improve within a few weeks and a complete recovery is usually anticipated within six months.

Symptoms of Bells palsy. Pacific Neuroscience Institute

In some cases, people have lingering effects, however, and others may be burdened with symptoms for life. Former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien suffered Bell’s palsy as a child and was permanently affected.

Mainstream media reports have dismissed the higher incidence of Bell’s palsy in the trials as comparable with the normal rate of the condition.

In December, the CBC interviewed Pfizer Canada president Cole Pinnow, who said,

“I can appreciate the concern, but I’m going to defer to scientific experts who look at the data in totality. From what I understand, they say that that incidence is on par with the general population and therefore isn’t considered to be statistically significant.”

The Boston researchers say that “this reporting is based on a misconception, driven by a subtle distinction between rates and proportions, that has persisted in the lay media.”

Since the trial participants were followed only for a median of two months, the incidence was significantly higher than the estimated incidence rate of Bell’s palsy in the general population, which ranges from 15 to 30 cases per 100 000 person-years.

The cause of most cases of Bell’s palsy is unknown, although it has been linked in previous medical reports to infections and various vaccines, including the influenza vaccine and the meningococcal vaccine when given in tandem with other vaccines.

A Swiss intranasal influenza vaccination was discontinued in 2001 after 46 cases of Bell’s palsy were reported and a subsequent study estimated conservatively that the relative risk of Bell’s palsy was 19 times the risk in the controls, corresponding to 13 excess cases per 10,000 vaccinated individuals within 1 to 91 days after vaccination.

“Overall, both passive and active surveillance systems will be important to ensure vaccine safety,” The Lancet paper researchers write. “While we call for robust surveillance for potential mRNA vaccine-associated Bell’s palsy, we also note that Bell’s palsy usually self-resolves and we feel the available coronavirus mRNA vaccines offer a substantial net benefit to public health.”

As of February 26, the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention included 177 reports of patients who developed symptoms that included Bell’s Palsy after COVID-19 vaccinations. While the VAERS data does not imply that the vaccine is the cause of the condition in the reported cases, it is a reportable condition of concern. A sampling of VAERS reports include:

A 38-year-old Iowa woman who received the first dose of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine on December 29, 2020. “Patient’s adverse reactions started day of vaccination with right arm pain up to right ear as well as complete tongue numbness,” the VAERS report states. By January 1, the patient had “increased Bell’s Palsy symptoms including: inability to raise left eyebrow, inability to close left eye in its entirety, teeth being numb on left side, and numbness and tingling in left foot and left hand (from palm to fingers).” The patient was hospitalized for two days and her symptoms had improved but had not fully resolved at the time of the report on January 4.

A 35-year-old Minnesota physician reported to VAERS that she had received a second dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine on January 15 and on the same day started to experience pain in the left side of her face which intensified over the following days and spread to her ear and jaw. She also experienced a tingling sensation in the left side of her forehead and facial weakness and a Bell’s palsy diagnosis was confirmed on the fourth day after the shot.

A 51-year-old New York woman received a second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine on January 29 and began to experience a “headache (and) sharp right side pain in my neck, jaw, and ear” the same day. The following day she woke up and found that the right side of her face was numb, and her right eye would not blink. She underwent a CT scan and was hospitalized and diagnosed with Bell’s palsy before being discharged on January 31 with instructions to consult a neurologist, immunologist, ophthalmologist, and her primary care physician.

A case report published February 21 in the Journal of Neurology describes a previously healthy 37-year-old male with no other likely triggers who developed Bell’s palsy within a few days of vaccination with Pfizer/BioNTech’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.

As well, a YouTube video posted on December 26 features a tearful woman who says she is a nurse from Nashville, Tennessee who developed Bell’s palsy three days after a COVID vaccination shot.

A December 10 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) briefing document from the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting on Pfizer’s COVID vaccine states that the “observed frequency of reported Bell’s palsy in the vaccine group is consistent with the expected background rate in the general population, and there is no clear basis upon which to conclude a causal relationship at this time, but FDA will recommend surveillance for cases of Bell’s palsy with deployment of the vaccine into larger populations.”

The statement was removed from the subsequent FDA briefing notes on Moderna’s vaccine, according to The Lancet commentary.

Requests to Pfizer and Moderna’s media offices on Friday to respond to the commentary in The Lancet were not immediately answered.


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The CDC has done another data dump today into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines.

The data goes through February 18, 2021, with 19,907 recorded adverse events, including 1,095 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna.

Besides the recorded 1,095 deaths, there were 4,151 visits to Emergency Room doctors, 403 permanent disabilities, and 2,298 hospitalizations.

Over 71% of the recorded deaths were over the age of 65, but there were also 158 deaths where the age was “unknown,” and it is likely that a majority of those deaths were among the elderly as well.

Several questions about this data remain unanswered. For example, why is data only released every Friday? Why can’t the public see the actual reports submitted as it comes in? Is the CDC releasing ALL of the data, or are they filtering it?

For example, earlier today we reported on the death of 28-year-old Haley Link Brinkmeyer from Indiana, which occurred in late January.

But a search for deaths in the State of Indiana reveals only 16 deaths recorded so far, and all above the age of 44. Haley’s is not included, even though the mother stated on a social media post that they suspected the vaccine, and that the coroner was investigating it as a vaccine related death.

We have reported other occasions where people injured by a COVID experimental vaccine report their injury to VAERS, but it never shows up.

The CDC also updated their Selected Adverse Events Reported after COVID-19 Vaccination page on February 25, 2021, where they are now stating that VAERS has received 1,099 reports of death following experimental COVID vaccines. They are almost back to the original number of 1,170 deaths that they reported two weeks ago.

However, there is nothing to worry about, because:

“CDC and FDA physicians review each case report of death as soon as notified and CDC requests medical records to further assess reports. A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths.”

UK Reports

The UK Government also has a reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency.

Their latest report goes through February 25, 2021. They supply three reports: one from the experimental Pfizer COVID vaccine, one from the experimental AstraZeneca COVID vaccine, and one where the “vaccine brand is unspecified.”

For the COVID-19 mRNA Pfizer- BioNTech vaccine analysis they report:

  • 1835 Blood disorders
  • 919 Cardiac disorders including 23 deaths
  • 1 Congenital disorder
  • 620 Ear disorders
  • 6 Endocrine disorders
  • 1098 Eye disorders
  • 8506 Gastrointestinal disorders including 10 deaths
  • 24,313 General disorders including 107 deaths

For the COVID-19 vaccine Oxford University/AstraZeneca analysis they report:

  • 577 Blood disorders
  • 1069 Cardiac disorders including 22 deaths
  • 6 Congenital disorders
  • 617 Ear disorders
  • 14 Endocrine disorders
  • 1157 Eye disorders
  • 12,776 Gastrointestinal disorders including 3 deaths
  • 41,429 General disorders including 127 deaths

For the COVID-19 vaccine brand unspecified analysis they report:

  • 2 Blood disorders
  • 1 Cardiac disorder including 1 death
  • 8 Ear disorders
  • 8 Eye disorders
  • 58 Gastrointestinal disorders
  • 223 General disorders including 1 death

Nothing to worry about here either, as the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency concludes:

The overall safety experience with both vaccines is so far as expected from the clinical trials.

Based on current experience, the expected benefits of both COVID-19 vaccines in preventing COVID-19 and its serious complications far outweigh any known side effects.

Don’t you feel better now that the vaccines have finally arrived to save the world?


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Despite the purported 95% effectiveness of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla announced Thursday that the vaccine maker is testing a third dose of its vaccine in anticipation of annual booster shots.

In a press release, Pfizer stated its goal was to understand the effect of a booster on immunity against COVID caused by the circulating and newly emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants and to engage in ongoing discussions with the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Medicines Agency regarding a clinical trial to test a modified mRNA vaccine.

Pfizer director and board member Scott Gottlieb, who also served as former FDA commissioner in charge of vaccine approval, told CNBC the vaccine maker is exploring two paths to boost effectiveness of the COVID vaccine.

The first study will give 144 participants from the phase 1 clinical trial conducted last May a third lower-dosage of the current two-dose formulation. The second study involves testing a modified version of the existing vaccine designed to provide broad defense against a range of COVID mutations.

Pfizer hopes to prepare for a potential rapid adoption of the vaccine to address new variants that will allow for the development of booster vaccines within weeks. This “regulatory pathway” is already established for other infectious diseases like influenza, said the vaccine maker.

Pfizer’s CEO hopes a third dose will boost the immune response even higher or will offer protection against COVID variants.

“Every year, you need to go to get your flu vaccine,” Bourla said. “It’s going to be the same with COVID. In a year, you will have to go and get your annual shot for Covid to be protected,” Bourla told NBC News.

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine is not yet licensed by the FDA but has obtained Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to prevent COVID-19 for use in ages 16 years and older. The emergency use of this vaccine is only authorized as long as “circumstances exist justifying the authorization of emergency use.”

The FDA has said it is willing to authorize booster shots based on small clinical trials, accepting data on how well vaccines prime the immune system rather than holding out for long-term safety and efficacy results on protecting against COVID-19.

Moderna is also bolstering its worldwide manufacturing capacity in anticipation of a sustained demand for COVID-19 boosters in the coming years. The company plans to test additional doses of their vaccine, booster shots and a new shot combined with its current vaccine as soon as regulators give the green light.

As The Defender reported last week, Bill Gates is also on record suggesting a “third shot” could be required to combat COVID.


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Megan Redshaw is a freelance reporter for The Defender. She has a background in political science, a law degree and extensive training in natural health.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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The scary red numbers are all going down. Check any newspaper or covid tracking website you want. Cases. Deaths. Hospitalisations. They’re all going down, sharply, and have been for weeks, especially in the US and UK.

So, why would that be?

Pundits across the media world have made suggestions – from vaccines to lockdowns – but there’s only one that makes any real sense.

It’s Not Vaccines

The assumption most people would make, and would be encouraged to make by the talking heads and media experts, is that the various “vaccines” have taken effect and stopped the spread of the “virus”.

Is this the case? No, no it’s not.

The decline started in mid-January, far too early for any vaccination program to have any effect. Many experts said as much:

Dr. Wafaa El-Sadr, professor of epidemiology and medicine at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, said the falling case numbers can’t be attributed to the COVID-19 vaccine, because not even a tenth of the population has been vaccinated, according to the CDC.

Further, the drop is happening simultaneously in different countries all around the world, and not every country is vaccinating at the same rate or even using the same vaccine. So no, the “vaccines” are not causing the drop.

It’s Not Lockdown Either

Another suspect is the lockdown, with blaring propaganda stating that all the various government-imposed house arrests and “distancing” measures have finally had an impact.

That’s not it either.

Sweden, famously, never locked down at all. Yet their “cases” and “Covid related deaths” have been dropping exactly in parallel with the UK:





Clearly, if countries that never locked down are also seeing declines in case numbers, the lockdown cannot be causing them.

So what is?

The WHO PCR Test Guidelines

Maybe for our answer, we should look at the date the decline started.

Observe this graph:



As you can see, the global decline in “Covid deaths” starts in mid-to-late January.

What else happened around that time?

Well, on January 13th the WHO published a memo regarding the problem of asymptomatic cases being discovered by PCR tests, and suggesting any asymptomatic positive tests be repeated.

This followed up on their previous memo, instructing labs around the world to use lower cycle thresholds (CT values) for PCR tests, as values over 35 could produce false positives.

Essentially, in two memos the WHO ensured future testing would be less likely to produce false positives and made it much harder to be labelled an “asymptomatic case”.

In short, logic would suggest we’re not in fact seeing a “decline in Covid cases” or a “decrease in Covid deaths” at all.

What we’re seeing is a decline in perfectly healthy people being labelled “covid cases” based on a false positive from an unreliable testing process. And we’re seeing fewer people dying of pneumonia, cancer or other disease have “Covid19” added to their death certificate based on testing criteria designed to inflate the pandemic.

Just as we at OffG predicted would happen the moment the memo was published.


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How We Got the Bikini and Learned to Hate the Bomb

March 1st, 2021 by Gerry Condon

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On March 1, 1954, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and the Department of Defense exploded a huge thermonuclear bomb on Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands, where they had been testing bombs since 1946. Between 1946 and 1958, the United States detonated 67 nuclear bombs in the Marshall Islands — vaporizing entire islands and exiling hundreds of people from their homes.

One peculiar legacy of the U.S. nuclear testing was the introduction of the “bikini” swimsuit, named after the first two nuclear tests on Bikini atoll. French fashion designer Louis Reard hoped his new swimsuit sensation would cause the same reaction as when people first saw the mushroom clouds of atomic bombs. Other legacies of this nuclear destruction are not so pleasant to look at. 

The designers of Castle Bravo seriously miscalculated the yield of their “device.” They predicted it would yield between five and six megatons (a megaton is equivalent to one million tons of TNT). Scientists were shocked when Castle Bravo produced an astounding 15 megaton yield, 1,000 times as powerful as the U.S. nuclear weapons dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

This fearsome blast resulted in massive radiation contamination, in the Marshall Islands and as far away as Guam, 1,200 miles away. U.S. authorities later cleaned up contaminated soil on Enewetak Atoll, where it had detonated the bulk of its weapons tests, and where it had also conducted a dozen biological weapons tests and dumped 130 tons of irradiated soil from the Nevada testing site. It then deposited the atoll’s most lethal debris and soil into a huge dome, which locals call “the Tomb.” The dome is now at risk of collapsing from rising seas and other effects of climate change.

Marshallese Suffer Grave Health Consequences

As the nuclear testing occurred, the Marshallese were not informed of the potential dangers. A Senator of the Marshall Islands Parliament, Jeton Anjain, explained the effects of Castle Bravo, “Five hours after detonation, it began to rain radioactive fallout at Rongelap. The atoll was covered with a fine, white, powder- like substance. No one knew it was radioactive fallout. The children played in the ‘snow.’ They ate it.” 

Many Marshallese have suffered from forced relocation, burns, birth defects, and cancers. Researchers have conducted numerous studies on the health effects of nuclear tests conducted by the U.S. in the Marshall Islands. In 2005, the National Cancer Institute reported that that the risk of contracting cancer for those exposed to fallout was greater than one in three. Many adults developed cancerous thyroid nodules, two or three decades after the testing ended. In 2010, the National Cancer Institute suggested that up to 55% of all cancers in the northern atolls are a result of nuclear fallout.

Tony deBrum, the former Foreign Minister of the Marshall Islands, argued that the U.S. nuclear test victims “have been taken from us before their time,” so the U.S. could learn more about the “effects of such evil and unnecessary devices.”

“Our people have suffered the catastrophic and irreparable damage of these weapons, and we vow to fight so that no one else on earth will ever again experience these atrocities. The continued existence of nuclear weapons and the terrible risk they pose to the world threaten us all.”

– Tony deBrum

As a boy, de Brum was unavoidably a witness to several of these tests, including Castle Bravo. He and his family lived about 200 miles away, on Likiep Atoll. He was nine years old. He later described it thus: “No sound, just a flash and then a force, the shock wave . . . as if you were under a glass bowl and someone poured blood over it. Everything turned red: sky, the ocean, the fish, my grandfather’s net.

“The Sun Rose in the West”

“People in Rongelap nowadays claim they saw the sun rising from the West. I saw the sun rising from the middle of the sky. . . . We lived in thatch houses at that time, my grandfather and I had our own thatch house and every gecko and animal that lived in the thatch fell dead not more than a couple of days after. The military came in, sent boats ashore to run us through Geiger counters and other stuff; everybody in the village was required to go through that.”

The Rongelap Atoll was inundated with radioactive fallout from Castle Bravo and rendered uninhabitable. “The Marshall Islands’ close encounter with the bomb did not end with the detonations themselves,” de Brum said more than half a century later, in his 2012 Distinguished Peace Leadership Award acceptance speech. “In recent years, documents released by the United States government have uncovered even more horrific aspects of this burden borne by the Marshallese people in the name of international peace and security.”

These included the natives’ deliberately premature resettlement on contaminated islands and the cold-blooded observation of their reaction to nuclear radiation, not to mention U.S. denial and avoidance, for as long as possible, of any responsibility for what it did.

Tony deBrum Fought For Independence and Climate Justice

In 2014, Foreign Minister deBrum was the driving force behind an extraordinary initiative.  The Marshall Islands, which had gained independence in 1986, filed lawsuits, both in the International Court of Justice and U.S. federal court, against the nine nations that possess nuclear weapons, demanding that they start living up to the terms of Article VI of the 1970 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, which includes these words:

“Each of the Parties to the Treaty undertakes to pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control.”

The lawsuits brought by the Marshall Islands government and the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation were dismissed on legalistic grounds, more or less amounting to “nuclear weapons are above the law.”

Mr. deBrum, who helped gain his nation’s independence from the United States in 1986 — and then helped sue the United States for allegedly breaching an international treaty on nuclear nonproliferation — died of cancer on Aug. 22, 2017 in Majuro, the capital city of his Pacific island nation. He was 72. His death was announced by Hilda C. Heine, the president of the Marshall Islands:

“He fought for our independence, he fought against the tyranny of nuclear weapons and for nuclear justice for our people, and he led the international fight against climate change,” Heine said in a statement. “The very existence of the Paris agreement owes a lot to Tony deBrum.”

 “I wonder how many in this room have actually witnessed a detonation of a nuclear weapon,” Mr. deBrum said to 191 nations in the U.N. General Assembly hall in April 2015, when he was the republic’s minister of foreign affairs. He paused for effect, then continued: “I have.” The Marshallese people “still carry a burden which no other people or nation should ever have to bear.”

Nuclear Guinea Pigs

Previously classified documents reveal that the U.S. performed dangerous experiments on some Marshallese to learn how radiation damages the human body. Over the course of four decades and 72 research trips to the islands, U.S. medical teams examined the Marshallese using X-rays and photography, and took samples of blood, urine and tissue. Some Marshallese were even injected with radioisotopes and subjected to experimental surgery. Since that time, the U.S. government has formally recognized some of the harm caused by the bombings, and it has provided minimal health care and government assistance on the Marshall Islands. But those programs aren’t available to Marshallese who have migrated to the United States.

Today, there are more than 23,000 Marshallese living in the U.S., with communities in Arkansas, Washington, Oregon and California, as well as in Hawaii. They were able to migrate because of an agreement made between the Marshall Islands and the U.S. — the Compact of Free Association. The Compact allows Marshallese to work and live freely on U.S. soil for as long as they want, but does not convey citizenship.  Because of their unique migration status, several states are denying Marshallese access to Medicaid. Marshallese communities in the U.S. remain poor and isolated, and too often face discrimination and bullying.

Marshallese Lives Matter

To say that the Marshallese have been used and abused by U.S. militarism would be a gross understatement.  The bombing of their islands and destruction of their environment and health are gross human rights violations and continuing crimes.  The men, women and children of the Marshall Islands have been treated as sub-human guinea pigs, and then discarded with little care or concern.  It is all the more outrageous that their mistreatment continues to this day – in their home islands and in the United States, where they are denied meaningful reparation or even adequate healthcare.

To make matters worse, the Marshall Islands are gradually disappearing underwater, claimed by the rising seas of global warming.  People all over the globe are also rising up to meet the challenges of climate catastrophe.  The movement to abolish nuclear weapons is also growing. The UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons went into effect on January 22, 2021.  This is a watershed moment for peace-loving people.

March 1, the date of the Castle Bravo detonation, is a national holiday in the Marshall Islands.  It is called “Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day” or just “Remembrance Day.” Some Marshallese actually call it “Bikini Day,” but not after the revealing swimwear. Those of us in the United States must remember what our government has done in our name.  We must take better care of past victims of nuclear testing.  And we must do all we can to prevent a nuclear war that would claim many millions more. Before it is allowed to destroy human civilization, we can – and we must – bring an end to nuclear weapons and war.

March 1 Events: A 24-hour Round the World virtual commemoration will take place on March 1; also Youth Fusion Elders, an intergenerational dialogue on nuclear abolition. The crew of the historic anti-nuclear sailboat, Golden Rule, a project of Veterans For Peace, has invited Marshallese leaders to sail with them in Honolulu Bay on March 1, Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day.


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Gerry Condon is a Vietnam-era veteran and war resister, a longtime antiwar activist, and a former president of Veterans For Peace. He can be reached at

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The non-partisan Congressional Research Service maintains a list of every “notable” use of U.S. military force abroad. As of June of last year, the list ran on for 46 pages. Last night, President Joe Biden added his first entry when he ordered airstrikes on militia forces on the Iraq-Syria border. What happens next will help determine just how many more pages get added during the rest of the Biden administration. 

While details are still emerging, the basic outlines of the airstrikes appear to be that the president ordered them in retaliation for recent missile strikes on U.S. forces in Iraq, particularly the February 15 strike that killed a Filipino defense contractor and injured a U.S. servicemember in Erbil, Iraq. It’s worth noting that this was seemingly not an isolated incident, with multiple attacks having occurred off and on for some time now on various bases housing U.S. personnel throughout Iraq.

As is often the case with recent instances of U.S. military force abroad, a debate has quickly emerged on what legal authority such an attack was conducted under and if it complied with international law. The administration claims it acted in self-defense. Multiple members of Congress have weighed in, with some of Congress’s strongest war powers champions either outright rejecting or raising significant concerns about the administration’s claims.

These are all important questions, and they deserve urgent and fulsome answers. Yet even as we get to the bottom of these issues, we should not lose sight of what the entire episode says about where we find ourselves today and the strategic choices sitting on Joe Biden’s desk awaiting answers.

Browsing through those 46 pages of military force, you’ll notice something striking. The first century and a half of our nation’s history, from its founding through the end of World War II, take up less than one quarter of the entries. Moving from there to the end of the Cold War only takes another pair of pages. The journey from the start of 1991’s Operation Desert Storm to the present, though, will take you through more than 30 long pages of airstrikes, invasions, and other instances of trying to bomb our way to peace.

Making sense of that history requires us to not just debate legal questions — important and serious though they are — but to begin to reckon with the big picture, structural questions at the very core of our broken status quo of endless war.

Once again, our nation used its ultimate power without the very public and purposeful debates our founders enshrined as our most important check against war. When the framers were choosing where to put the power to declare war in the hands of their new government, they had a choice between the executive and Congress.

Living in a time of monarchs who sent their nations to war for petty grievances and personal aggrandizement, they wisely chose the latter. They wanted the government to have to debate and vote in public about whether or not we should commit ourselves to war. They wanted the public to have a chance to weigh in and say no. They wanted it to be hard to go to war. And for two centuries, that mostly worked. Yesterday’s strikes in Syria remind us, though, just how badly the current system is broken — how far we’ve come from the way it’s supposed to work.

Whatever authority was used to launch the strikes, it has been nearly 20 years since Congress debated and weighed in on our wars in the Middle East. The U.S. forces who came under attack in Erbil are serving in a mission that itself has never been explicitly authorized, which only highlights the absurd paradox of debating the legality of self defense authority in an otherwise illegal, unauthorized mission.

The fact of the matter is whatever is happening today in Iraq and Syria is a state of conflict, an endless war, existing in a perpetual cycle of attack and counterattack, retaliation and retribution, that can only be broken by choosing to walk away. There is no winning an endless war, there is only loss and suffering, not least of all for the people in Iraqi, Syria, and Iran on whose homes we are waging it.

Thankfully, there is another path forward. Six years ago, the United States, along with Germany, France, the United Kingdom, China, Russia, and Iran collectively successfully negotiated the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the JCPOA or Iran nuclear deal. After decades of trying to resolve security challenges on the battlefield with little success, the JCPOA represented a historic bet on diplomacy. At its core, the JCPOA is a demonstration that a country’s diplomats could achieve what their warriors had failed to: a resolution of their differences and a mutually beneficial path forward.

It was not a comprehensive peace, few ever are. Rather, it was a step-by-step process, starting by constraining Iran’s nuclear program and eliminating the risk of nuclear proliferation, that could and should have been built upon with further progress on our countries’ numerous other challenges. Unfortunately, Donald Trump chose to walk away — despite his own administration’s recognition that the deal was working — and embark on a path of “maximum pressure.” That path brought the United States and Iran to the brink of all-out, direct war multiple times during his presidency and remains one of the key drivers of the instability and conflict so violently on display this week in Iraq and Syria.

Today, as President Biden assesses his next steps, he would do well to remember how we got here, and use this opportunity to quickly and sharply change course. He should, of course, begin by ending “maximum pressure” and rejoining the JCPOA, putting the United States and Iran firmly back on the path of diplomacy. That alone, of course will not be enough to undo the damage already done not just in the last four years but the last 30. To achieve that will require the president fulfilling another campaign promise: to truly end our endless wars in the Middle East.

That will be no small undertaking, and it will require questioning and rejecting the status quo thinking that led him to his first airstrikes. But the alternative is unthinkable. Failing to do so will not only mean Joe Biden adds even more pages of military misadventures to the 46 that came before him, he will have missed a historic chance to choose peace, diplomacy, and justice, over war.


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Featured image: President Joe Biden, joined by Vice President Kamala Harris and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, delivers remarks during a press conference Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2021, at the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

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Analysis of India’s Nuclear Weapons Program

February 28th, 2021 by Anum A. Khan

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It is India, not Pakistan with the oldest and fastest growing nuclear program. India enjoys the leverage over Pakistan regarding fissile material estimates because it started its fissile material production more than two decades earlier than that of Pakistan. In 1972, during Multan’s conference at Nawab Sadiq Hussain Qureshi’s ‘White House,’ Bhutto made it clear that he wanted the scientists to be ready to deliver if India exploded the nuclear device. Pakistan was ready, fully knowing Indian intentions, but only decided to start its small scale-cum-indigenous fissile material production after Indian 1974 nuclear tests.

Over years, India has continuously accrued large stocks of Reactor Grade Plutonium (RGPu). Indian placement of eight of its Nuclear Power Plants under IAEA safeguards because of Indo-U.S. nuclear deal. Nevertheless, the spent fuel which was already generated by these reactors is not subject to safeguards. Hence, some of this spent fuel has already been reprocessed and directed to be used for nuclear weapons.

According to the estimates provided by independent scholars, it has been deduced that India has the intentions as well as the capacity to produce at least 356 nuclear weapons. Likewise, even when the fuel needs are met by India for its Fast Breeder Reactor which is 500MW, India is still prepared with the capacity to produce maximum number of 493 weapons. Another alarming evidence paving way to the fastest growing nuclear program is the fact that, by 2039, India will be able to acquire six FBRs. The time when these FBRs will be able to add a surplus of 28 nuclear weapons per year. As these estimates were calculated in 2016, the capacity of India to produce such weapons will have only increased, considering its operational nuclear triad. This has resulted in blind eyed uncapping of the oldest, biggest and fastest growing nuclear arsenal among non-NPT nuclear weapon states.

India is in a process to build a clandestine nuclear city in Chakkakere. One of the motivations behind this nuclear city is to acquire additional enriched uranium fuel for consumption by Indian thermonuclear weapons. According to a report, it is debated that India will be able to retain 1050 enrichment machines in its Saperative Work Units (SWU) in addition to older 700 centrifuges.

Herewith, India could attain 42000 SWUs per year. This will be more than enough to harvest Weapon Grade Uranium up to 403 pounds per year. Even when India dedicates INS Arihant with 143 pounds, it will be left with an optimal capacity to fuel approx. 22 thermonuclear weapons.

However, on the other hand, other analysts accurately challenge the aforementioned estimates of enrichment capacity through un-fuzzy math. They state that, from the Rattehalli Rare Materials Plant (RMP) and Bhabha Atomic Research Center’s (BARC) facilities, Indian enrichment capacity sums to 42300 SWUs per year. It is important to note that India needs only 5835 SWUs to 10375 SWUs for its planned nuclear submarines which are 4 to 5 in number. Startlingly, this equates to only 24 percent of India’s total capacity. The remaining 75 percent, i.e. 31925 SWUs will be enough to produce nukes. Once this secret enrichment facility is operative, it will increase Indian enrichment capacity to 100,000 SWUs per year. This was the main reason why India has not kept many of its facilities under IAEA safeguards.

The underplayed estimates of Indian nuclear weapons which discredit Indian intentions to use reactor grade plutonium for nuclear weapons coupled with blind eyed policies of the West towards Indian nuclear modernization can be a sharp coup-de-grâce to the strategic stability in the region.

These false estimates can generate a false narrative of India being a state with no intentions to be a global power (Which is untrue). It is to say that a man has a gun, but, he will never shoot at me. The international scholars need to realize that downplaying Indian nuclear weapon estimates will only lead the foreign policies of major powers astray. This will pose serious challenges for the U.S. in the future where India starts challenging the U.S. when Indian interests start to diverge.

A few western scholars equate the South Asian case to Cold War through Missile Gap Theory. According to this Missile Gap, during Cold War, there was a perception in the U.S. that the Soviet Union was developing and then increasing its nuclear superiority. This led to the U.S. garnering public support to increase defense spending to counter this threat, thereby, fueling arms race.

In contrast, Pakistan does not want to opt for an arms race in South Asia, rather, is defending its stance on the issue via restraint and responsibility. Pakistan’s development of nuclear weapons was and still is driven by regional drivers including Indian hegemonic designs.


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Ms. Anum A. Khan is a visiting Senior Research Fellow at Strategic Vision Institute (SVI), Islamabad, and a PhD Scholar at Defense and Strategic Studies Department (DSS), Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad.

Is Russia Losing Patience with the EU’s Constant Provocations

February 28th, 2021 by Paul Antonopoulos

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Another meeting of European Union foreign minister’s took place this week, with one of the main topics being the new sanctions against Russia. The EU’s Chief of Diplomacy, Josep Borrell, said on Monday that “It’s clear that Russia is on a confrontational course with the European Union. In the case of Mr Navalny, there is a blunt refusal to respect their engagements, including the refusal of taking into account the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights.”

In this context, on the eve of the meeting, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis initiated contact with his colleagues, particularly Navalny’s 2018 Presidential campaign staff head, Leonid Volkov, and the head of the Russian Anti-Corruption Foundation, Ivan Zhdanov. Both this, and Borrell’s humiliation during his visit to Moscow earlier this month, as well as Russia’s refusal to comply with the ruling made on Navalny by the European Court of Human Rights, should have prompted European diplomats to support tough sanctions against the Eurasian country. These sanctions would have included a wide circle of those close to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Lithuania’s hope was for the EU to suspend the Nord Stream 2 project. As Germany opposes the suspension of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, Landsbergis even desperately suggested:

“Let us give Vladimir Putin the opportunity to hold a free election to the State Duma this autumn with the participation of the opposition. Until then, let us stop the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.”

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said that the EU would not remain silent and would impose additional sanctions on Russia, but also noted that even in the current situation, we need to think about maintaining a constructive dialogue with Russia, because without Moscow, various international conflicts cannot be resolved. Athens was even more blunt and said days before sanctions were imposed that “Greece believes that the European Union must maintain open channels of communication and dialogue with Russia because we have many common problems. Therefore, there must always be an open channel.”

For his part, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov openly stated that Moscow’s relations with the EU have hit a low point and that they are prepared to end them. The EU reacted nervously to his statement, but did not lose the determination to somehow provoke Russia. As Lavrov pointed out, it is straightforward in Europe that sanctions against Russia are the standard response now when Moscow enacts its interests.

It can also be interpretated that the EU, despite endless complaints from Lithuania and Poland, are making tokenistic sanctions against Moscow to somewhat appease anti-Russia member states without destroying the Nord Stream 2 project. In fact, there is a huge divide in the EU between states that are aggressively Russophobic and those who want positive relations with Moscow, while most member states remain indifferent.

The sanctions agreed by the EU’s foreign ministers are unlikely to make any economic impact against Russia, rendering them symbolic just to quieten the complaints emanating from Vilnius and Warsaw. Lithuania, which thought that the EU would act more harshly towards Russia, at least for now, failed once again.

It should be noted that during the EU’s ministerial meeting, they spoke with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Earlier, American President Joe Biden talked a lot about the need to fight Russia together. Therefore, it is likely that Blinken encouraged his European colleagues to take an aggressive position against Moscow. However, the result shows that the EU, at least for now, is not enacting Washington’s wishes. And in general, the EU’s conversation with Blinken concluded that they must form a joint global leadership to fight the pandemic and deal with recovery, mitigate climate change and ensure the promotion of democratic values.

Russia’s opponents in Washington and across Europe are doing everything they can to harm the EU’s political and economic relations with Moscow. Despite this, Berlin will not give up its policy of symbolic sanctions. The weak sanctions show that EU’s relationship with the U.S. is uncertain. Biden seems to have formulated his priorities in the fight for so-called democracy, but so far there are no indications that the EU intends to comply unconditionally with all of Washington’s instructions.

More importantly, Moscow appears tired of looking sensible in the face of endless public accusations made by the EU and is becoming firmer with its tone. Moscow understands that a radical curtailment of relations with the EU will only benefit its opponents, such as Lithuania and Poland. Therefore, its tougher tone is likely a warning to the EU that it should not cross red lines like the Americans want them to because there will be a response from Moscow.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Paul Antonopoulos is an independent geopolitical analyst.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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Forget Al-Qaeda, Washington has a new domestic enemy in town and they are called the White Supremacists.  But the reality is that the new enemy is basically anyone who disagrees with the US government will be considered a terrorist.  For the Democratic Party and its mainstream-media lapdogs, January 6th, 2021 will live in infamy, in fact, there was even talk on making that day, a federal holiday.  It all began when Trump supporters who showed up in Washington D.C. to reject Joe Biden’s 2020 election results because they claimed that the elections had been stolen, but the Democrats insisted that it was not. 

Then, the unimaginable happened, the so-called White Supremacists invaded the US capital, declaring war on the treasonous congress members who were about to certify Joe Biden’s election victory.  It is widely known as ‘The storming of the capital’ which does sound like a name made for a Hollywood movie.  The Democrats say that they feared for their lives, some people were injured and even killed during the chaos.  There are many questions concerning as to who were the people behind the protests because many of the protesters believed that they were doing something right for their democracy, so it is quite possible that they were led by agent provocateurs.  So was it a domestic false-flag operation by placing agent provocateurs to blame all conservative Trump supporters who happen to be pro-2nd amendment, law-abiding citizens?  As of now, we still don’t know for sure.

The Biden administration and the rest of the Democratic party are in-lock step with the Military-Industrial Complex and the globalist cabal who are using the January 6th incident to further erode the basic freedoms of the US population.

We can say with certainty that the US is one false-flag operation away for the Biden administration to declare war on “right-wing” conservatives and everyone else who does not agree with their policies.

One thing to keep in mind is that if they go after one specific group of people, in due time, they will go after everyone else.  The mainstream media circus of CNN, MSNBC and a number of print media networks including The New York Times are using the term ‘White Supremacy’ to demonize certain groups of people who happen to support Trump.

They say that the White Supremacists are a major threat against anyone who shares the same values of the Democratic Party.  However, Washington’s war on terrorism did not start with the “White Supremacists” on January 6th, it began on September 11th,2001 with Al-Qaeda led by their mastermind, Osama Bin Laden who allegedly attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

It is known as the September 11th Attacks, a proven false-flag operation conducted by the Bush regime and his Neocon cabal with help from their Israeli and to an extent, their Saudi counterparts.

The September 11th attacks allowed Washington to set its sights on invading Afghanistan in early October 2001, but also on Saddam Hussein who was accused of supporting Al-Qaeda, but at the same time, it also initiated the process of targeting US citizens at home and abroad.  

On October 26th, 2001, the Bush administration signed into law the USA Patriot Act against international and domestic terrorism. In Section 802 of the bill, it defines what can be considered domestic terrorism, but the interesting part of the document clarifies which intended acts imposed by the alleged perpetrators can be considered terrorism.

The Patriot Act states that suspected terrorists can “intimidate or coerce a civilian population”and “can influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion” or they can “affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping” as long as the acts of terrorism is within US jurisdiction.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) published an analysis on how the USA Patriot Act can be used on US citizens, ‘How the USA Patriot Act Redefines “Domestic Terrorism” says that “Section 802 does not create a new crime of domestic terrorism”  but it “does expand the type of conduct that the government can investigate when it is investigating “terrorism.”  The ACLU confirmed that “The USA PATRIOT Act expanded governmental powers to investigate terrorism, and some of these powers are applicable to domestic terrorism.”  Examples that the ACLU brings to the table involves various types of organizations that oppose US government policies:

The definition of domestic terrorism is broad enough to encompass the activities of several prominent activist campaigns and organizations. Greenpeace, Operation Rescue, Vieques Island and WTO protesters and the Environmental Liberation Front have all recently engaged in activities that could subject them to being investigated as engaging in domestic terrorism

The absurdity of the Patriot Act on how they can define who or what can fall under the domestic terrorism category mentioned by the ACLU was Vieques Island which is part of Puerto Rico where protests took place against the US Navy’s occupation and constant bombing of Vieques.  Vieques can be used as an example as to how far the US government can go under these new Domestic Terrorism laws.

To better understand what led to the decades-long protests in Puerto Rico began with the US military occupation of Vieques by the US Navy in 1938.  The US Navy had managed to occupy a large portion of the island with the forced evictions of thousands of Puerto Rican residents from their homes, most had to relocate to other areas of the island while active training exercises where taking place.

Bombing sites were open in close proximity to populated areas.  There were other activities conducted by the US Navy that included air-to-ground bombings, ship-to-shore shelling and other maneuvers sometimes in coordination with other allied countries who participated.  The history of civil disobedience campaigns in Puerto Rico began in the 1970’s with the Puerto Rican population forcing US Navy out of Culebra Island, another island east of Puerto Rico in 1974 and continued its struggle to the island of Vieques with the formation of the Comite pro Rescate y Desarrollo de Vieques (Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques, CPRDV).  It was not just dropping bombs, which was a very serious problem, but it was also what was in those bombs that was a major concern for the future of the island.

The US government had been dropping bombs that polluted the air and contaminated the island’s soil and its water supplies.  For many years, the US Navy had used depleted uranium, a metal that is made from uranium hexafluoride, technically a compound known as “Hex” used to enrich uranium.  In the nuclear industry, DU is called uranium 238 isotope.  Dr. Doug Rokke is a scientific expert on depleted uranium and former veteran of the 3rd U.S. Army Medical Command’s Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) research team released a report titled “Depleted Uranium: Uses and Hazards” exposed what was happening:

The incident in Puerto Rico involved the deliberate use of DU in preparation for combat in Kosovo.  Although DU use is prohibited except during combat, the Navy fired at least 258 rounds in Vieques.  Navy personnel have reported that the Navy has been firing DU into Vieques for years but this was the first time they were caught.  Vieques is currently a national and international issue with confirmed environmental contamination and documented adverse health effects similar to those already observed

In 1998 alone, there were more than 20,000 bombs that were dropped on the island while live training exercises were taking place throughout the year.  In April 19th, 1999, David Sanes, a civilian security guard was killed by an accidental misfire from two F-18 bombs which ignited mass protests on the island.  Many around the world including Americans such as the phony opportunist, the reverend Al Sharpton who moonlights for extra cash on MSNBC sometimes participated in acts of civil disobedience against the US government and its occupied territory.

The ACLU said that “the protesters illegally entered the military base and tried to obstruct the bombing exercises” therefore, according to the ACLU its “domestic terrorism” since the protesters basically broke federal law “by unlawfully entering the airbase and their acts were for the purpose of influencing a government policy by intimidation or coercion.”  Under the USA Patriot Act “the act of trying to disrupt bombing exercises arguably created a danger to human life – their own and those of military personnel.”  In other words, the US government had established a new set of powers that can be used on the Vieques protesters whose actions “falls within the overbroad definition of domestic terrorism.” Despite the fact that a crime committed by the US government against the Puerto Rican people practically destroying the beautiful island with some of the best beaches in the world with depleted uranium, the Vieques protesters would now be considered “Domestic Terrorists.”  This is not dismissing the fact that there has been individuals and movements throughout US history who have committed serious acts of terrorism, because there were incidents.  However, under these new Domestic Terrorism laws, they can target anyone who opposes US government policies or corruption on any issue will be punished accordingly.

The Mainstream-Media Bypasses Al-Qaeda for White Supremacy

The Southern Poverty Law (SPLC) Center, a left-wing nonprofit legal advocacy organization which specializes in civil rights and public interest cases supported by Soros’s ‘Open Society Foundation, J. P. Morgan Chase and others have been leading the charge against White Supremacists:

The vast majority of hate groups – including neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan, racist skinheads, neo-Confederates  and white nationalists – adhere to some form of white supremacist ideology. Not surprisingly, the number of white nationalist groups, those particularly electrified by Trump’s presidency, surged by almost 50 percent – from 100 groups to 148 – in 2018.

But in an equal yet opposite reaction, black nationalists groups also expanded their ranks, growing from 233 chapters in 2017 to 264 in 2018. These groups are typically antisemitic, anti-LGBT and anti-white. Unlike white nationalist groups, however, they have virtually no supporters or influence in mainstream politics, much less in the White House

So how many neo-Nazis, neo-Confederates, Ku Klux Klan members are there?  Are they really a threat to a population of 320 million US citizens?

According to a 2016 article published by the Associated Press (AP)

‘At 150, KKK sees opportunities in US political trends’ stated that “the Alabama-based SPLC says there’s no evidence the Klan is returning to the strength of its heyday. It estimates the Klan has about 190 chapters nationally with no more than 6,000 members total, which would be a mere shadow of its estimated 2 million to 5 million members in the 1920s.” 

Even the left-wing based, The Daily Beast which published an article entitled ‘How Many Nazis Are There in America, Really? reiterates what the AP exposed:

However, they estimate that the KKK counts between 5,000 and 8,000 members nationwide. Back in the 1920’s, when cities across the south were erecting monuments to Confederate generals, the Klan had 4 million members. As Roger L. Simon points out, this would be an impressive decrease even if the population of the U.S. hadn’t swelled since the 1920’s. Back then, the Klan constituted about 4 percent of the entire U.S. population. Now, the KKK is near its nadir. That would make them less than 0.003 percent of the population, even on the higher end of the SPLC’s estimate. “It’s a small group of real bad people,” Simon writes

How many neo-Nazis exist in the US? The London-based news organization, The Independent published an article in 2017 with a title that reeks of pure propaganda ’22 million Americans support neo-Nazis, new poll indicates’ reported that  a “Washington Post ABC poll” that was conducted during a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia claimed that:

“If extrapolated to the entire US population, nine per cent would equate to 22 million people” and that “according to the survey, 83 per cent of Americans think holding neo-Nazi views is unacceptable.” 

However, one of the biggest neo-Nazi organizations in the US who call themselves the National Socialist Movement (NSM) has about several hundred members according to the Zionist Anti-Defamation League (ADL) archives who said that it is “the largest neo-Nazi group in the United States” and “Nonetheless, despite the stability of having the same leader for nearly two decades, the group has not managed to attract a large following. It has consistently maintained a membership of several hundred members.”

In other words, White Supremacist groups that the Democratic Party and the mainstream-media who claim that they are threat is an over-exaggeration.  We could probably say that there are over 250,000 neo-Nazis and other ultra right-wing extremists operating in the US, and that is a generous number.

Is White Supremacy an excuse to go after law-abiding citizens just like how Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State was used to invade countries in the Middle East?

Here is something to think about, in a federal study called the 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment – Emerging Trends confirmed that there are at least 33,000 gangs with 1.4 million gang members in the US.  So who is a bigger threat if you look at the numbers?

The  Washington Post recently’ headlined ‘The agency founded because of 9/11 Shifts to Face the Threat of Domestic Terrorism’ sounded the alarm on who can be considered domestic terrorists, and some will surprise you.

The article began its piece from a tragic incident that occurred in 2019 when a “21-year white man” killed 23 Latinos with an Ak-47 in El Paso, Texas.  They claim that the authorities said that “he wanted to kill Latinos.”  The media mentioned the incident that occurred in El Paso to remind the public that it is the conservatives who are armed and dangerous because of this 21 year-old deranged white man who wanted to stop the invasion of illegal immigrants from invading the US.

It was indeed a horrible crime, but that “white man” does not represent all conservatives in the US, but the media wants you to believe their narrative to create a deeper divide among the US population.

The Washington Post article goes on to say that the “the Jan. 6 attack has left many lawmakers, and especially Democrats, insisting that domestic terrorism has eclipsed the threat from foreign actors such as the Islamic State and al-Qaida.”The article said that

“the DHS and its agencies are responsible for securing the country’s borders, ports, transportation and cybersystems, generally leaving the monitoring of extremist groups and terrorism investigations to the FBI” but according to the article “the DHS and its agencies have nearly eight times as many employees as the FBI, and calls for the department to play a more muscular role in combating domestic extremism have policymakers looking at new ways to use its resources.”

Are they expanding the role of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other federal agencies to target White Supremacists?

Homeland Security Investigations, a branch of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), has about 6,000 agents nationwide who investigate drug smuggling, human trafficking and illicit goods or currency. The branch has not focused on countering domestic extremism, but it’s an armed component of the DHS that, in theory, could have a more hands-on role stopping homegrown terrorists and white supremacists

The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a bi-partisan think tank based in Washington, D.C. who in the past and present employed several familiar US government officials who worked in both Democrat and Republican administrations since its founding released an analysis on Domestic Terrorism.  Some of the most infamous war criminals are associated with the CSIS include long-time Globalist Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinki, the former national security advisor to the Carter administration and former CIA director under Barack Obama, Leon Panetta.  The CSIS published a brief on June 17, 2020 titled ‘The Escalating Terrorism Problem in the United States’ made their case claiming that the threat of Domestic Terrorism has become a major problem within the US:

The United States faces a growing terrorism problem that will likely worsen over the next year. Based on a CSIS data set of terrorist incidents, the most significant threat likely comes from white supremacists, though anarchists and religious extremists inspired by the Islamic State and al-Qaeda could present a potential threat as well. Over the rest of 2020, the terrorist threat in the United States will likely rise based on several factors, including the November 2020 presidential election

Interestingly, the analysis excludes religious terrorism associated with Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State (ISIS) and other terrorist organizations (especially when it is well-known that certain factions of the US government has supported these same terrorist groups in the past),

”while religious terrorism is concerning, the United States does not face the same level of threat today from religious extremists—particularly those inspired by Salafi-jihadist groups such as the Islamic State and al-Qaeda—as some European countries.”

So their focus is on Domestic Terrorism, “there are three broad types of right-wing terrorist individuals and networks in the United States,” the categoriesare “white supremacists, anti-government extremists, and incels” who have certain types of ideologies and a specific threat level they might impose including other factors that can fall under the realm of Domestic Terrorism.

However, they say that terrorists operate under a decentralized model” and that the “threats from these networks comes from individuals, not groups.”  The CSIS brief points out that terrorist networks who “operate and organize to a great extent online”, leaving the door open for more censorship, “right-wing terrorists have used various combinations of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Gab, Reddit, 4Chan, 8kun (formerly 8Chan), Endchan, Telegram, Vkontakte, MeWe, Discord, Wire, Twitch, and other online communication platforms.”

It also highlights the threat of right-wing groups who are mostly described as “anti-government extremists” such as the militias who are legal under the US constitution and the Sovereign Citizen Movement and others who see the US government as threat to their civil liberties, “most militia extremists view the U.S. government as corrupt and a threat to freedom and rights.”

One of the militias ‘The Three Percenters’ believe in their right to bear arms and to limit the power of the U.S. government over the American people mentioned an incident that occurred on August 2017 when an alleged member of the Three Percenters by the name of Jerry Varnell “a 23-year-old who identified as holding the “III% ideology” and wanted to “start the next revolution, attempted to detonate a bomb outside of an Oklahoma bank, similar to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.”

The majority of militia members are law abiding citizens.  The original Three Percenters website published a home-page in response to the mainstream-media’s demonization campaign, “We Are Not The” Three Percenters. We are “A” group of Three Percenters, known at The Three Percenters Original.  Our group is the exact opposite of what is being reported about Three Percenters in the news today.” their reaction to what the media has been accusing them of is made clear on to what they stand for, “We’re not violent. We’re not anti-government. We’re not extremists. We’re not a militia. We’re not white supremacists. We’re not racists. We’re not terrorists.  We DID NOT conspire or participate in the DC riots and Capitol breach on January 6th.”

The CSIS claims that right-wing activities occurred in various US states and even in Puerto Rico, “these incidents occurred in 42 states, Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico.”  The most concerning claim made by the CSIS is described in a section called ‘The Rising Specter of Terrorism’ mentioned the possibility of those who oppose Covid-19 lockdowns.  They describe what factors can contribute to domestic terrorism because it “will likely increase based on several factors, such as the November 2020 presidential election and the response to the Covid-19 crisis.”

The CSIS admits that both factors do not cause terrorism, but they do say it can “fuel anger and be co-opted by a small minority of extremists as a pretext for violence.”  They say that those who seek violence are strong supporters of former President Donald Trump.  The CSIS brief admits that far-left extremism also exists.  “Alternatively, some on the far-left could resort to terrorism if President Trump is re-elected. In June 14, 2017, James Hodgkinson—a left-wing extremist—shot U.S. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise.”  They conveniently blame Trump for Hodgkinson’s crime.  It’s fair to say that The Washington Post and the CSIS cherry-picked certain incidents to prove their point.  They even said that anti-vaxxers can turn to violence since they oppose the dictates of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Big Pharma, “on the far left and far right, some anti-vaxxers—who oppose vaccines as a conspiracy by the government and pharmaceutical companies—have threatened violence in response to Covid-19 response efforts.”

So who is on the list?

From what it looks like, Biden’s team led by the long-time Democrat warmonger Susan Rice, the former diplomat and policy advisor under Bill Clinton and Barack Obama is now the Director of the United States Domestic Policy Council with other Democrats who want to confiscate weapons from law-abiding citizens.  As I mentioned earlier, they will target all militias who are pro-2nd Amendment who follow the US constitution first.

So who is on the list?

What I will exclude from the list are the billionaire-funded organizations such as Black Lives Matter and others who do the bidding for the Democratic Party establishment.

However, there are many organizations and movements within the US and its colonial territories that will be on the government’s domestic terror watch list who are considered a threat to their agenda of total control over the people.  One of them will surely be the Anti-War movement which obviously want to end all US wars, which is a threat to the Military Industrial Complex.

Then there is the anti-GMO movement who fight for the right to healthy food which is another threat to the Big Food industry such as Monsanto.  Then you have Pro-life movements, a clear threat to the Democrat-supported Planned Parenthood organization.

You have the 911 Truth movement, anti-vaccination movements, various Indigenous organizations including the American-Indian movement, another big one never mentioned in the media is the Tax Protest movement which is another threat to the establishment because without the US government’s Internal Revenue Service (IRS) who tax its people to death, they won’t be able to impose its American-style democracy around the world.

They will also target Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, the Libertarian Party, The Green Party, Anti-Israel and Pro-Palestinian organizations, student activists who protest for real economic and social change will also be on the list.

They will eventually try to go after the Alternative Media through more censorship and other available means.  Washington will also target their ‘commonwealth’ territories including political parties who want independence from the US government including the Puerto Rico Independence Party and other political movements, the Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement and the growing independence movement in the island-nation of Guam.  Then they will also go after individuals or what they call suspected “lone wolves” who don’t agree with the US government.

This is just the beginning, tyranny has come to haunt US citizens.  Over the last 70 years or so, US military interventions around the world has killed tens of millions of people. Now the war is coming to the US. The guns are now pointing inward on its own population.  I am sure many good people in the US will resist in some form because if they don’t, someday in the Orwellian future, many will find themselves in re-education camps.  I will conclude with the German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemoller who spoke out during the rise of the Nazis when they were purging various ethnic groups they did not like and those who did not agree with their fascist ideology.  Niemöller was eventually arrested on July 1st, 1937 for activities against the Nazi Party.  Here is what he said:

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


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Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Silent Crow News

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Fifty-six years after the assassination of Malcolm X, new details from a former New York Police Department officer’s deathbed confession has further implicated the NYPD and FBI in the killing. Raymond Wood, the former NYPD officer, requested the letter be publicized only after his death due to fears of retaliation. Wood’s cousin, Reggie Wood, read out the letter’s contents in a press conference held in New York City on Saturday. Malcolm X’s family has demanded that the investigation of his murder be reopened.

Malcolm X, an iconic revolutionary and fighter for Black liberation, was assassinated on February 21, 1965, in the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem. Three men were tried and sentenced to prison for their role in the murder, but the official investigation has always been criticized for its failure to scrutinize the role of the government.

Wood’s letter claims that the NYPD and the FBI conspired to cover up the details of Malcolm X’s killing.

“I participated in actions that in hindsight were deplorable and detrimental to the advancement of my own Black people. My actions on behalf of the New York City Police Department were done under duress and fear,” the letter stated.

Furthermore, a press release described:

“Without any training, Wood’s job was to infiltrate civil rights organizations and encourage leaders and members to commit felonious acts. He was also tasked with ensuring that Malcolm X’s security detail was arrested days prior to the assassination, guaranteeing Malcolm X didn’t have door security while at the Audubon Ballroom.”

This evidence of FBI involvement in conjunction with local police departments is hardly without precedent. This is a part of a larger pattern, which includes the infamous Counter-Intelligence Program, also known as COINTELPRO. COINTELPRO was established in 1956 targeting the Communist Party and grew to have a particular focus on destroying the Black liberation movement. The FBI accomplished this through illegal wiretapping, surveillance, harassment, spreading false rumors, and even assassinations.

This revelation comes at an important time, particularly in the wake of renewed public consciousness about the murder of leading Black Panther Fred Hampton, who was also killed by the FBI and Chicago police in 1969. The FBI is also widely believed to have been involved in the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968.

The FBI has a long history of disrupting progressive movements using all possible underhanded and illegal tactics in their arsenal. Despite its attempts at rehabilitating its image, this institution continues to be an incredibly repressive force protecting the interests of the United States government against all those who seek a better, more just world.


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Canadian Backed Police Support Dictatorship in Haiti

February 28th, 2021 by Yves Engler

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Canada is supporting a dictatorship in Haiti. And our government is not just offering some vague assistance, but rather is paying for the central instrument of that dictatorship’s repression. Ottawa is backing a violent police force that keeps Jovenel Moïse’s regime in power.

Last week a public letter was released criticizing Canada’s “support for a repressive, corrupt Haitian president devoid of constitutional legitimacy.” It was signed by three current MPs and three former MPs, as well as Noam Chomsky, David Suzuki, Naomi Klein, Roger Waters, El Jones and 500 others.

The letter notes that Canada “continues to fund and train a police force that has violently repressed anti-Moïse protests. The Canadian ambassador in Haiti has repeatedly attended police functions all the while refusing to criticize their repression of protesters. On January 18 ambassador Stuart Savage met the controversial new head of police Leon Charles to discuss ‘strengthening the capacity of the police.’”

In November Moïse appointed Charles head of the police. The former military man oversaw the police in the 17 months after the 2004 US, France and Canada-sponsored coup against elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and thousands of other elected officials. At that time the US Naval Academy-trained Charles publicly referred to a “war” the police waged against the pro-democracy sector. A 2004 University of Miami human rights report found that Charles “routinely [gave] orders to stop political demonstrations” while an early 2006 Council on Hemispheric Affairs report noted that “he oversaw the gunning down of unarmed pro-Aristide Lavalas demonstrators by his own men, even … planting weapons on the innocent victims’ corpses.” Thousands were killed in political violence after the overthrow of Aristide.

Even before the 2004 coup Charles was close to the country’s oligarchs. He reportedly participated in a July 2003 meeting organized by leading sweatshop owner and opposition figure, André Apaid, where he tried to bribe “several Lavalas street leaders in Cité Soleil” to join the opposition. In “Loyal to Washington, New Police Chief Léon Charles Specializes in Counter-Insurgency Intelligence Gathering and Repression” Haiti Liberté editor Kim Ives writes, “under Léon Charles in 2004 and 2005, the Haitian police became a virtual private army of Haiti’s bourgeoisie, which provided officers with weapons and money.”

Charles oversaw the reincorporation of hundreds of human rights abusing former soldiers into the police force. At the time US officials privately reported, according to cables released by WikiLeaks, “Charles was unwilling or unable to discipline or arrest officers that everybody knows are corrupt and colluding with the kidnappers.”

Amidst significant criticism of his appointment, ambassador Savage met Charles. Even if one questions whether the meeting with Charles was designed to bolster a police force that’s maintaining a dictatorship, why exactly is Canada’s ambassador in Haiti meeting the head of the police? Does Guatemala’s ambassador in Ottawa meet the head of the RCMP?

Unfortunately the answer to why a Canadian ambassador would meet with the head of Haiti’s police is obvious.

Much to the delight of Haiti’s über class-conscious elite, Ottawa took the lead in strengthening the repressive arm of the Haitian state after the 2004 coup. Since then Canada has pushed to increase the size of the Haitian National Police (HNP) from 5,000 to over 15,000.

But the population has identified police as a leading threat to their safety. Haitian prisons are full of poor individuals in pre-trial limbo. In 2017 Le Regroupement des Haïtiens de Montréal contre l’occupation d’Haïti explained that the UN-US-Canada effort to “develop and professionalize the existing National Police… will actually translate into more repression of the Haitian people … The power to maintain order…is really the power to defend the status quo, the power to keep intact the dominant order…One cannot pretend to ‘reinforce’ the rule of law when the state, by its nature and orientation, exists only to defend without compromise the interests of the dominant class and of a certain political class.”

Canadian officials have previously suggested that strengthening the HNP was good for business. After meeting Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe in 2014 Canada’s International Development Minister, Christian Paradis, linked strengthening the HNP to “attracting private investment”. Paradis said, “we discussed the priority needs of the country as well as the increased size of the Haitian National Police (PNH), in order to create a climate to attract private investment.”

Through its diplomatic and policing support for Jovenel Moïse, notes the public letter, Canada is “propping up a repressive and corrupt dictatorship in Haiti.” More than that, it is supporting a police force (with the emphasis on force) that is imposing an extremely inequitable economic order.

Is this how Canadians want their “aid” dollars used?


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The United States military Thursday (Feb. 25) carried out airstrikes targeting Iranian-backed militias in Syria in retaliation for rocket attacks on U.S. targets in Iraq — the first military action undertaken by the Biden administration.

The strikes reportedly resulted in multiple deaths — a grave violation of international law, according to Notre Dame Law School professor Mary Ellen O’Connell, a respected expert on international law and the use of force.

“The United Nations Charter makes absolutely clear that the use of military force on the territory of a foreign sovereign state is lawful only in response to an armed attack on the defending state for which the target state is responsible,” O’Connell said. “None of those elements is met in the Syria strike. There is no right of reprisal, right to use military force for deterrence, right to attack Iran on the territory of Syria, or right to use major military force in response to the type of violence that occurred last week.

“President Biden has done much to restore the United States’ standing in the world in a short time following the chaotic years of the Trump administration,” she said, “but among Trump’s lawless actions were reprisal attacks in Syria.”

In 2017 and 2018, President Donald Trump ordered dozens of Tomahawk missile strikes on Syria in retaliation for chemical weapons attacks. But, O’Connell said, international law “clearly and unreservedly” prohibits the use of military force for retaliation, reprisal or deterrence.

“President Biden has named an effective diplomat to resolve issues with Iran,” O’Connell said. “But Robert Malley’s job just became far more difficult if not impossible. Malley is supposed to tell Iran that it has a duty under international law to comply with the Iran nuclear deal. What about the U.S. duty under the United Nations Charter?”

Iran has a grievance for the 2020 assassination of Commander Qassem Soleimani, a senior Iraqi security official. The criticism for that killing, along with nine others who were with him, led to a Congressional resolution restricting the president’s right to attack Iran.

“Congress should have demanded that the president adhere strictly to the law,” O’Connell said. “President Biden wants the world to recover better from the pandemic. He has promised respect for the law, especially following the Jan. 6 attack on the capitol. The law forbids retaliatory military force.

“This lawlessness will not lead to stability in the Middle East,” she continued. “Quite the opposite. Even if Iran does not counter-attack, unlawful military action will not advance any appropriate policy. For the U.S. to achieve the stature it should enjoy in the world, we must respect the rule of law. And the rule of law begins with the prohibition on the use of force.”

O’Connell is Notre Dame’s Robert and Marion Short Professor of Law and Research Professor of International Dispute Resolution in the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. She is the author of “The Popular but Unlawful Armed Reprisal,” and is co-author of “Self-Defense against Non-State Actors.” O’Connell has served as a Fulbright Fellow at the Norwegian Nobel Institute and also has been a professional military educator for the U.S. Department of Defense.


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A billion dollars is wildly more than anyone needs, even accounting for life’s most excessive lavishes. It’s far more than anyone might reasonably claim to deserve, however much he believes he has contributed to society”(Tom Scocca(1)) 

Most people who are successful like to believe that their success is due to either intelligence or hard work. However, there are many case studies showing that success for individuals involves many other factors. The economy is rigged to help those who already have wealth(2); those who are born into the right families; those who go to the right schools and universities; those with the right political connections. The billionaire investor, Warren Buffett, has famously said:

“If I had been a female, my life would have been entirely different…I had two sisters that have every bit the intelligence that I had, have every bit the drive, but they didn’t have the same opportunities.”

Many of the most successful people had opportunities laid out on a plate in front of them. Taking those opportunities involves a combination of luck, gambling, ruthlessness, cheating, talent and hard work.

Inheritance and Family Wealth 

In the past, a huge proportion of wealth was inherited. This decreased for a while during the 20th century, when tax rates were very high, but it is now on the rise again because of more complex ways of hiding wealth and avoiding tax. A recent study indicated that one-third of billionaire wealth came from inheritance.(3) There has always been a question about whether it is fair for some people to inherit large fortunes, but there is an additional argument for questioning inheritance. Historically, powerful people and big companies have been ruthless in their pursuit of wealth. This is particularly true with land. Originally, most land was common land, shared by everyone. In Britain, over a period of a few hundred years, the most ruthless landowners took more and more land from everyone else.(4) Much of the wealth that is inherited today was accumulated by previous generations using unethical or criminal means.

All over the world, families form dynasties with significant control over major businesses. The US Walton family, who control Wal-Mart, are perhaps the most famous, with wealth totalling an estimated $215 billion(5) yet the Wal-Mart organisation is notorious for exploiting its employees.

Recent Evidence 

Most people mistakenly believe that excessively wealthy people are usually entrepreneurs, but in a recent study of the richest 0.1% of the population, it was found that only 4% were entrepreneurs.(6) On the 2014 UK list of 100 richest people, only 2 of them were entrepreneurs. Approximately one-third of people with excessive wealth work in finance, and another third were corporate professionals in other fields. In a study of billionaires from all over the world, it was found that many of them gained their wealth from industries that rely heavily on support from the government, or from businesses that dominate an industry (monopoly).(7)

Free Lunches for Individuals – Ownership of Stockmarket Investments

We have seen in earlier posts that big companies extract excess wealth from the economy (known as ‘rent’ or a ‘free lunch’) because they are dominant in their industry, or by using a range of criminal or unethical techniques such as fraud, exploitation and offloading costs onto others. The richest people own a large proportion of shares in those big companies and therefore receive large amounts of unearned income. The increase in value of these shares over time also plays a big part in helping the rich become richer. An economist called Thomas Piketty wrote a landmark book in 2013 called ‘Capital in the 21st Century’ explaining that returns to finance outstrip growth, which means that people who already have wealth are able to increase it more quickly than the rest of society. Often their wealth is taken from the rest of society.

Warren Buffett, mentioned above, had a number of different investment strategies, but a key one was to invest in companies that were so dominant in their industries that they could make monopoly profits for a long time. This would include companies such as Coca-cola and McDonalds, IBM and Microsoft in the past, and Apple more recently.

In 2008 there was a global financial crisis. The causes of this are discussed in a later post. It was widely noted that the 1,000 richest people in Britain doubled their wealth in the five years after the crisis, despite the fact that the economy was doing badly and many people were suffering.(8) The policy known as ‘quantitative easing’, where governments gave money to banks to stop them going bust, turned out to create hugely increased wealth for the richest people, because the value of the things they already owned increased. We then had the remarkable situation where the British government claimed it had to decrease social spending (known as austerity), whilst at the same time it was offering tax breaks to the rich.(9)

Ownership of Land and Property 

Studies looking at land and property investments show they can provide huge returns, because investors receive both capital gains (where something increases in value) and income.(10) Land and property tend to increase in value substantially in the long term because there is usually a shortage of it, particularly in the most desirable locations.

Factors that affect land and property prices include government spending on public infrastructure such as railways, and banks providing bigger mortgages. The former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, once said:

“Land is by far the greatest of monopolies…the land monopolist only has to sit still and watch complacently his property multiplying in value, sometimes many fold, without either effort or contribution on his part.”(11)

The same is true of housing.

If you own a £100,000 house and it doubles in value, you receive £100,000 unearned wealth. If you own a £10,000,000 house and it doubles in value, you receive £10,000,000 unearned wealth. If you rent someone else’s house, you get nothing, but your rent is likely to go up, and it has become harder for you to buy a property in future. The rise in value of property actually makes the poor poorer. It is a huge transfer of wealth from poor to rich. The richer you are, the more the system is loaded in your favour. 

Unlimited Executive Pay 

In 1965, chief executives at big companies in the US were paid approximately 20 times as much as the average worker. By 2007 this had jumped to 400 times as much.(12) There appears to be no upper limit to how much chief executives can demand.(13) Yet recruitment consultants have pointed out that there is nothing special about the people who run most big companies – for every successful applicant there are 100 other people who could do the job just as well, possibly better. Their astronomical pay is not about talent, intellect or hard work. It is simply because the system is rigged for their benefit. Even in years when a business makes a loss, many executives receive large payments. Most notably, finance-industry executives paid themselves huge amounts even when their companies collapsed during the 2008 financial crisis.

Outright criminal activity such as drugs, money-laundering and fraud 

In Russia they have a saying – “never ask a rich man how he made his first million.”(14) It is estimated that 2-5% of global economic activity is criminal(15) – that’s $3-7 trillion per year.

Stealing From The Company 

Individuals can also make personal fortunes by stealing from their companies in various ways,(16) including fromcompany pension funds.(17) The system is such that people are able to buy a company, then use the company to borrow money to pay themselves back. They load the company up with debt, then extract wealth from it to make themselves rich.(18) If the company goes bust, the law allows these people to keep the money they have extracted, without having to pay back all of the company’s debts.


The rigged nature of the world’s financial system is so important that it will be discussed in multiple posts later on.

The Role of Society in Creating Wealth – A Pyramid of Knowledge 

It has been suggested that most wealth is due to the inheritance of knowledge from the past, accumulated over thousands of years(19) which means that there really is no such thing as a self-made person.(20) We have a pyramid of knowledge, going right back to the invention of writing and mathematics. All that any one individual or company does is to add a single stone to the top of this pyramid. The developments that take place tend to be a natural evolution of the technology that exists at that moment in time. For example, lots of companies were writing internet search engines at the same time as Google, but Google became dominant (for a variety of reasons, including the support of the US government(21)). If the Google search engine had never been created, a different one (or a small group of them) would probably have become dominant. These people have not done anything exceptional, and do not deserve immense wealth.

“The personal contribution to society of extremely wealthy people is not as important as meets the eye, in the sense that, if they did not exist, other talented, hard-working, and risk-taking people would fill their shoes.”(22)

It is also important to recognise the role that state schools and universities; financial and legal systems; transport, communications and information networks; healthcare; and more general infrastructure play in creating a system that enables people and businesses to succeed. All companies in advanced nations have access to large numbers of well-educated, healthy people with specialist skills to work in their companies. They use modern equipment, which has been developed over many generations. They have networks of experts and other businesses to call upon for purchases, sales and all manner of additional knowledge and skills. Warren Buffett noted that if he had been born into a tribe, his talents would not have been very useful, and he could not have become rich. The creation of immense human wealth has been a joint activity, involving millions of people.

Even the mainstream magazine, The Economist, has recognised that the ‘knowledge economy’ is largely based upon knowledge that is inherited.(23)

Personal and Political connections matter 

With some businesses in certain industries, such as newspapers and technology, the company is almost the same as the individual. Bill Gates was synonymous with Microsoft. Rupert Murdoch controlled a huge media empire. Russian billionaires control energy companies, which they obtained because they had the right political connections when Russia privatised much of its economy (known as crony capitalism). These individuals are able to lobby the government in exactly the same way that companies lobby governments to change laws and regulations to suit them.

Some billionaires own private islands where they can entertain political decision-makers.(24) The heads of various banks and weapons companies have direct access to policymakers. People used to joke that the head of British Aerospace had a key to the Prime Minister’s office.(25) In the US at the highest levels, senior personnel from finance actually are the government.

A case study of Bill Gates(26) provides an excellent example for questioning why anyone deserves excessive wealth. His success was partly down to being born in the right family, and involved a great deal of luck. He went to a private school that was one of the first in the world to have a computer for its students to use. At the time computers were rare and expensive. Paul Allen, another co-founder of Microsoft, had also been at the same school. The software that Gates wrote, which became the main operating system for IBM and then for many other computers, was no better than other systems available at the time. His mother had personal connections to the chairman of IBM, and this helped him get the contract that led to the dominance of Microsoft.(27)

The US government had invested immense amounts of money into developing the technology industries as an extension of its military, and then encouraging private firms to develop on the back of this. Gates was in the right place at the right time, as miniaturisation of computer technology was rapidly spreading around the world.

Economics textbooks don’t discuss how the economy is rigged to help the rich 

As we have seen, much individual wealth has nothing to do with merit, and where merit plays a part, such as creating a new product, the rewards are excessive, for what is often a very small contribution to human society. In earlier posts I discussed the idea of Bloodsucker Capitalism, where the most powerful companies are able to extract wealth in a variety of criminal or unethical ways.(28) Many excessively wealthy individuals benefit from this. Economics textbooks don’t discuss how the economy is rigged to help the rich get richer, often at the expense of everyone else.

Abolish Billionaires  

The mainstream press occasionally discuss one or two of these issues, but until recently did not get anywhere close to discussing the full extent of the problem, and tended to present rich people in positive terms. However, in the last couple of years there have been a small number of articles explaining that the presence of excessively wealthy people is an obvious sign of an economic system that is not working properly, with the recommendation that we abolish billionaires.(29)


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Rod Driver is a part-time academic who is particularly interested in de-bunking modern-day US and British propaganda, and explaining war, terrorism, economics and poverty, without the nonsense in the mainstream media. 


1) Tom Scocca, ‘No Billionaires’, Hmm Daily, 16 Oct 2018, at

2) Andrew Van Dam, ‘It’s better to be born rich than gifted’, Washington Post, 10 Sep 2018, at

3) Max Lawson, ‘Billionaires are a sign of economic failure’,, 26 August 2019 

4) George Monbiot, ‘A Land Reform Manifesto’, 22 Feb 1995, at

5) Sean Ross, ‘Top 10 of the Wealthiest families in the world’, Investopedia, 21 Jan 2012, at

6) Linda McQuaig and Neil Brooks, The trouble with billionaires: How the Super-Rich Hijacked the World, 2013

7) Didier Jacobs, Extreme Wealth is not Merited’, Oxfam Discussion Paper, Nov 2015, at

8) 2005-2015 Sunday Times Rich List.

9) Oxfam Media Briefing, ‘The G7’s Deadly Sins: How the G7 is fuelling the inequality crisis’, 22 Aug 2019, at 

Didier Jacobs, Extreme Wealth is not Merited’, Oxfam Discussion Paper, Nov 2015, at

10) Samuel Jefferies, Property vs Shares – Which is the Better Investment?, Money Nest, 2021, at 

11) Land Value Tax Campaign, ‘Winston Churchill said it all better than we can’, 14 Feb 2010 

12) Lawrence Mishel and Julia Wolfe, ‘CEO Compensation has grown 940% since 1978’, Economic Policy Institute, 14 Aug 2019, at

13) Adam Hurting, ‘Why CEOs Make So Much Money’, Forbes, 22 June 2015, at 

14) MoneyWeek, ‘How Britain’s Richest Man Made His £13bn Pile – and got a halo in the process’, 11 May 2015, at 

15) United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Money Laundering, at

16) Eric Mack, ‘Just as you always suspected, Most CEOs admit to stealing company ideas when they leave’, Inc, 24 July 2018, at 

17) Ellen Schultz, ‘How Business Elites Looted Private Sector Pensions’, PSC-Cuny, March 2012, at

18) Matt Taibbi, Greed and Debt: The true story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital’, Rolling Stone, 13 Sep 2012, at


20) Linda McQuaig and Neil Brooks, The trouble with billionaires: How the Super-Rich Hijacked the World, 2013

21) Julian Assange, When Google Met Wikileaks,

22) Didier Jacobs, Extreme Wealth is not Merited’, Oxfam Discussion Paper, Nov 2015, at

23) The Economist, ‘America’s New Aristocracy’, 24 Jan 2015, at

The Economist, ‘Dynasties’, 18 April 2015, at


25) David Leigh and Robert Evans, ‘BAE’s Lobbying’, The Guardian, 8 June 2007, at

26) Linda McQuaig and Neil Brooks, The trouble with billionaires: How the Super-Rich Hijacked the World, 2013

27) Taylor Locke, ‘ How Bill Gates’ Mom helped Microsoft get a deal with IBM in 1980 – and it propelled the company’s huge success’, CNBC 5 Aug 2020, at

28) Joseph Stiglitz, ‘America has a monopoly problem – and it’s huge’, The Nation, 23 Oct 2017, at 

29) Farhad Manjoo, ‘Abolish Billionaires’, New York Times, 2 June 2019, at

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“It is sheer white supremacist power that managed to undermine the second election of Aristide because what few people understand in what is happening in Haïti today is that what we are observing is a struggle of White Supremacy against the Black Majority in Haïti and that struggle is the whole history of Haïti and it hasn’t changed.”

Jean Saint-Vil (from this week’s interview)


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On February 7, 2021, Jovenel Moïse, was supposed to step down from his role as president according to Haitian legal authorities.

But instead, the 52 year-old politician, according to the Associated Press, announced at the Port-au-Prince airport that he had been the near victim of an overthrow attempt and death instituted by more than 20 people including Supreme Court Judge Yvickel Dabrezil.

This president of Haiti who has ruled by decree since January 13, 2020, the man who has cracked down on protesters, allegedly orchestrated acts of corruption, and instituted police reforms with accelerating tendencies toward oppression, intends to serve one more year citing the five year mandate in the Republic of Haiti’s constitution. Moïse’s analysis, however, discounts the fact that the date of his term is tied with the date of the election, and not the date he started serving.

But in spite of push back from the political opposition, the Haitian Bar Federation, the Supreme Court, and the Higher Council of the Judicial Power (CSPJ), not to mention legions of protesters in the streets of Port-au-Prince, the president does have the backing of the military, the police and one powerful guardian of democracy – U.S. President Joe Biden! [1]

Another notable figure appearing to give Moïse the nod is Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a man notable for taking a knee during an anti-racism protest on June 5. Considering these two figures are now aiding and abetting Haiti in what some are calling a return to the dictatorial politics of Papa Doc Duvalier is appalling!

This week, on the Global Research News Hour, we are taking a closer look at the latest incident in Haiti’s history, the role of Canada and the United States in these developments historically and the role people in those two countries can play in reshaping the future bondage or freedom of a people.

First up, Kim Ives gives us an update on how Jovenel Moise started securing his dictatorship months ago, and how the big imperialist leaders are backing him. Then in the second half hour Jean Saint-Vil brings us more in depth coverage of the role of Canada and the U.S. historically and how ordinary Canadians and Americans can play a role in backing Haiti’s appeals for democracy and freedom.

Kim Ives is a founder and a writer and editor for Haiti Libré with offices in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and Brooklyn, New York. He was previously worked as a writer and photographer for Haïti Progrès for 23 years.

Jean Saint-Vil was born and raised in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and is currently based in Ottawa. He has been an activist who helped to found the Canada Haiti Action Network. He has been featured as political analyst by Canadian radio and television as well as by Embassy Magazine, ZNet and Rogers Ottawa Television.

The Canadian Foreign Policy Institute is hosting a discussion on February 28 at 7:30pm. Speakers to include Haiti Betrayed film-maker Elaine Brière, and activist Jean Saint-Vil.

(Global Research News Hour episode 306)


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Transcript: Interview with Jean Saint-Vil, Feb. 24, 2021.

Global Research News Hour: How did Canadian and US agencies shape the landscape to suit the return of Haïti to a Papa Doc Duvalier dictatorship rule?

Jean Saint-Vil: That first government lasted seven months. And the coup took place by direct intervention of the CIA which used the remnants of what they used to call the Forces Armées d’Haïti, the military, to overthrow, and the president’s life was barely saved. And he spent three years in exile during which the United States government had officials basically pressured Aristide as if he was a hostage to return on the condition that he’s going to apply policies of the candidate who was against him who was the well banked official Marc Bazin. Privatization to stop things like doubling the minimum wage, etc. So, all of the literacy programs, the health care programs, all of this he had to abandon if he accepted to return with the Americans.

The thing is he didn’t have really a choice in the matter. And so, there was a transition in the United States at the time between Bill Clinton and George H. W., the elder. and Clinton returned with President Aristide in 1994, essentially to observe that his mandate was stolen because the Haïtian constitution does not allow you to have two consecutive terms, and so he had to organize elections for someone to replace him.

And so, logically everybody knew that the Haïtian people are not stupid! They realized that their democracy was stolen from them by the CIA, and we know that G.H.W. Bush was the former Director of the CIA – I mean, we’re not confused about what happened. It’s the same story of what happened in the Congo when the White Supremacists forces overthrow Prime Minister Patrice Lamumba and put puppets in his place. So, they took away Aristide’s first mandate, and the people basically were waiting for the next opportunity to elect him again, which they did. And that’s where we started to see the direct and active involvement of Canadian officials in the undermining of the second Aristide government. He was elected in the same year that George Bush the lesser was also supposedly elected – remember the Florida fiasco.

Two elections. The one in Haïti where anybody could have predicted the outcome months ahead of time because people knew they stole the first mandate from Aristide. And then George Bush who got his brother Jeb Bush to help him win Florida and therefore the U.S. presidency. Yet, you see the reaction. President Aristide is being maligned in political circles, diplomatic circles, the OAS, everybody tweeting him as if he stole the election in 2000. Yet if you ask them, okay, so they say George Bush stole the election in 2000. Yet if you asked them ok, so they say George Bush stole the 2000 elections from Al Gore. Who did Aristide steal the election from in 2000? And then silence, because they cannot point to anybody. It’s a stupid question. It’s not based on fact. It is sheer white supremacist power that managed to undermine the second election of Aristide because what few people understand in what is happening in Haïti today is that what we are observing is a struggle of White Supremacy against the Black Majority in Haïti and that struggle is the whole history of Haïti and it hasn’t changed.

It is seldom discussed, and I’m one of the rare people who talk about it, that there are twelve White families in Haïti that control the economy of that country. In collaboration – because they could not have done that on their own – in cahoots with their cousins in White North America and in Europe.

This is not something that’s particular to Haïti. I mean we saw it play out in Bolivia and in other places. However, in Haïti, it takes a very wicked form. So, if you take for instance one personality, one family, his name in André Apaid, he’s a White American who owns TV stations, the sweat shops, things of the sort in Haïti and he participated in both coups – 1991 and 2004. And to this day, this man is essentially the equivalent of Cecil Rhodes in the old Rhodesia. So, the latest puppet president that they’ve put in place. So you know the Core group in Haïti is for all intents and purposes the equivalent of the Lima Group as they use it to try to overthrow a legitimate government in Venezuela and put a puppet of their own like him.

So, that Core group is setting up a fake president in Haïti, Jovenel Moïse, and you can see, you know, Haïtians have used all kinds of graphic representations to say that this dude is a fake president, he’s a fake entrepreneur, he’s a fake banana farmer, but he’s a real money launderer, a real thief, a real drug dealer. And all of these things are documented! And everybody who does any research about who Jovenel Moïse is have that information. However, he is serving a very good purpose by helping those twelve mafia families in Haïti maintain the economy and sharing it with a few Black Haïtians who are their collaborators, their partners in crime.

GR: There was a story about a group – well, it was a senator’s wife that had purchased about a $4.2 million piece of property and it was really quite controversial. It brings up the whole issue of the ways in which the Duvaliers of the world through money laundering and enabling Haïtian control and other things through the Royal Bank and other crooked accounts are operating. Could you maybe elaborate a little bit on that incident and how…

JS: Yeah!

GR: …that figures into the larger…

JS: Actually, the name of the senator in question is Rony Célestin and his wife Marie-Louisa Aubin Célestin was also consul at the Montreal Consulate, Haitian Consulate. I mean, despotism is the feature of that fake government that was established in Haïti after the coup. See?

What people need to realize is that Haïti had seven thousand elected officials. When the invasion happened in February 2004, and they removed all of these elected officials including the president who was shipped to Africa in exile. Okay? But sometimes people forget about the other seven thousand elected officials. So they were replaced by unelected thugs, some of them convicted criminals. And later when they studied organizing fake elections that are completely under the control of the foreign powers. The United Nations are used for that, the OAS, the Core group, they’re the ones who carry that balance. They control the whole thing. They declare when there is going to be an election.

Well, Haïti is not an independent country right now. Okay? So, this guy, Rony Célestin, was first elected as a lower chamber member of parliament –  député – in those fake elections of 2011, which gave us also as president someone who doesn’t actually qualify because he has U.S. citizenship: Michel Martelly. But Hilary Clinton came into Haïti and said that he has to be the one who goes to the second round and eventually he became president. So, it’s in those same fake elections that Rony Célestin became a member of the lower chamber, and then he was given the title of senator in the second set of fake elections in 2016.

And now, when they found out, and it’s actually a local Haïti an activist who does a Facebook blog and YouTube blog in Montreal – his name is Marvin John Coleman – who put out the information about this outrageous situation. I mean, people from all over the place are calling me and saying, “Jean. Can you actually buy a house, cash, for $4.2 million in Canada?” And I’m saying I didn’t know that I could do that! Ha ha.

GR: Ha ha!

JS: Of course, I never asked myself the question because I know I don’t have that kind of money! But, you know, you have all of the media that is available to us here and none of them put out the story. You know, this guy had the story out for several weeks, and eventually it became too embarrassing to ignore it and it made it to La Presse and so in the news.

And you know what this guy had said to defend himself? He said that he was always rich – not that he was always rich, but he was rich before he became a member of the ruling party. And that he made his money because he has a special contract with the government to produce oil. Haïti doesn’t produce oil, okay? So what it means is that this fake government, they distribute all the contracts among themselves, and so he’s saying that he makes about $8 million a month. So, you know, this $4.2 million people are making a big deal out of this – this is like money that he uses to buy spices for his cooking. That’s what he said, actually! Okay?

So, now the question is, who facilitated such a thing in Montreal? Because I mean you don’t go and buy houses like that, and it’s not just one house. He has a lot of houses that his wife has purchased in Montreal, etc, so it will be interesting to see what the investigation shows. But often what is not talking about is the underlying story of the corruption that we were talking about here. That is, the money that became very evident in circulation in Haïti since 2008, it’s origin is actually Venezuela.

There’s a Petro-Caribbean fund, which is an arrangement that President Hugo Chavez started in the Caribbean, and several countries have used those funds to invest in their infrastructure. And if there’s one thing that Haïti always needed, it’s the opportunity to invest in its physical infrastructure – roads, healthcare, things like that – because as you understand, to what its history, Haïti has been at war with White Supremacy. So whenever Haïtians had a progressive president or leader, we had what they call “gun-boat diplomacy.” If you look at the whole 19th century when it’s not a German boat that heads up in the Port-au-Prince harbor and says that they going to blow the national palace with the president unless a ransom of one million dollars is paid, a few months later it’s the British who show up, and then a few months later it’s the Spanish, etc, etc. So – and the French collected from 1825 to 1947 the equivalent of $40 billion from the impoverished people of Haïti.

So you understand that it is in that context that when the Petro-Caribbean funds were mobilized, Haïtians saw an opportunity for them to finally move away from that situation, ridiculous situation such as when President Aristide was elected in 1991, where the national budget of Haiti was the equivalent of some kind of a high school in Canada. Okay? You can’t do much. And of course, when we had the government of Aristide, he was boycotted by the IMF, the World Bank, you know. In fact Haïti was being ransomed by the IDB, because the IDB was pressured by the United States, Canada and the European Union to say that before Haïti can access loans that were approved for its health care and for structure, etc, the government of Aristide had to pay loans that were taken by the Duvalier dictatorship, and which were never paid. Because of course, Duvalier was a dictator who stole the money and went to France with it, and put it in Swiss banks.

So, this is the context that this Petro-Caribbean funds came in. And what happened is that Hilary Clinton and Bill Clinton were very much present in Haïti at the time. And that’s why Hilary Clinton insisted that Michel Martelly becomes president of Haïti. Although he was fifth in the group of people who were moving from the first round to the second round, and only the first top people are supposed to win in the second round. Hilary Clinton, and the OAS – you know this is well documented – you had even officials like Ricardo Seitenfus, the Brazilian member of the OAS, who actually wrote a book to say, “This is outrageous! You guys are playing with the lives of Haïtians, because this is not the result of the election. It’s the White men and women who went in there and changed the election results.”

GR: So, what is that…

JS: The reason why they did that is that the United States wanted to squander the Petro-Caribbean funds. They wanted it to fail. And what better way to do it than to put a puppet in there who they know to be corrupt, and of course, no investigation has been able to be conducted since in detail, although there has been some studies that show that, you know for instance, that Martelly, his wife, his son, all of them were involved in stealing millions and possibly billion of dollars in cahoots with Bill Clinton when the Clinton Foundation was inescapable in anything that has to do – especially after the earthquake where if you are friends of Bill, you couldn’t get a contract in Haïti. And that’s why people need to ask for the CBC and other instances in our country to go and investigate…

GR: Well, what if…

JS: …where the money went.

GR: Well, you’re getting to the next thought that I had. The issue of solidarity with the Haïtian people? Because this would strike most people as an outrage! I mean we saw how much animosity there was towards the killing of George Floyd, and yet now with the protests there have been scores of people who have been subjected to it by the police, trained by the Canadian authorities. What needs to come together in Haïti and in Canada to ensure restoration for the Haïtian people?

JS: Yes, so with Solidarité Québec-Haïti , Montreal and Ottawa based group that we’ve been trying to educate ourselves and fellow Canadians about what’s happening in Haïti. We focus on dignity, justice and reparations, because Haïti is an international crime scene. It’s an ongoing crime! And our country unfortunately participated in this crime. It’s documented.

You have tons of books like Yves Engler’s Canada in Haïti: Waging war Against the Poor (Majority), (Upholding a coup: ) Haïti’s New Dictatorship by Justin Podur, or Jeb Sprague’s Paramilitarism and the Assault on Democracy in Haïti – I mean, it’s well documented. Okay?

The Ottawa Initiative on Haïti where the meeting took place here at Meech Lake to overthrow the legitimate government of Haïti and replace it by these thugs like Rony Célestin who bought this $4.2 million mention in Montreal – I mean, all of this is known to us. So, now what we asking is for people to become citizens, and that means to take a closer look at Canadian foreign policy, and ask ourselves, “Have we done everything in our power to remove, to banish any trace of racism and White Supremacy in Canadian foreign policy.” Because in 2021, we cannot pretend to be obfuscated and walking the streets because of what happened in Minneapolis about George Floyd, and pretend not to see that this is also happening in the realm of international politics. Okay?

I mean, Haïti currently have knees on its neck, and those knees have been on the Haïtian neck for centuries, and it is related to race, because like I mentioned, it is not a coincidence that the richest person in Haïti, his name is Gilbert Bigio, and he’s not of African descent whereas the Haïtian population is 99 percent of African descent! It’s not a coincidence, because these guys have their own private ports, and they inherit those ports, those contracts where they have exclusive rights. So Jovenel Moïse just issued a decree on February the 8th where he allocated eight thousand six hundred hectares of land to André Apaid, the same guy who participated in the coups and participated in a fraudulent election. And when you do fraud, according to the Haïtian electoral law, they were supposed to be banished for at least ten years, and put in jail for at least two years. But, of course, the Core group, the OAS, and the United Nations intervened, and so instead of banishing the people who were caught because there was an investigation – that’s why the election was delayed – they were caught cheating in the election, and instead of applying the law and putting in jail, the Haïtians who were put in power were so cowardly, they accepted the pressure from the United Nations and the OAS, and really the U.S. Embassy – that really runs the show down there. And they allowed him to remain as president, and now the Haïtian people are demonstrating on a regular basis, and they are being killed.

Today I am watching the news because kidnappings are happening in high numbers every day, and the phenomenon we’ve never had before is that these kidnappings are not only happening in the capital city, but they’re happening in the country-side. There are some areas that were very productive for agriculture, in particular rice production, and now the peasants are leaving those places because gangs have taken over. And Haïti doesn’t produce guns. So how come this island is receiving so many weapons and ammunitions on a regular, steady pace. Okay?

And you see this young man who are you know not dressed in any rich way and they have, you know, weapons that are like seven thousand, eight thousand dollars. It’s not a mystery because a few cases have happened where they found the weapons cash and invariably it’s those twelve families that have access to the ports that control the import-export business in Haïti who bring in those weapons. And a characteristic of this situation is that they’re asking sometimes a million or two million dollar ransom per kidnapped person. Yet, they have never kidnapped a millionaire in Haïti…

GR: Could you…

JS: …but Millionaires exist, ha ha.

GR: Just to bring it…

JS: But they don’t kidnap millionaires. They’re kidnapping people who go on vacation as a diaspora, or even some of the most impoverished people. Because the idea is that they’re not really looking just for money, they’re creating a situation of terror especially along the border, that being near the waterfront, okay? So that people can sell their land cheaply to those families and so they can take it over. So they’re creating – that’s why they’re setting up those guns in those areas.

GR: Just bringing it back to our topic of solidarity, I know that there’s an event coming this weekend.

JS: Yes!

GR: Do you want to say a little bit about who’s in it and what they’re doing?

JS: Yes! So, on Sunday the 28th of February, we are having a showing of the film Haïti Betrayed, which Canadian film-maker Elaine Brière produced and it’s the first work that documented – I mean the film work – that documented so well what happened and what is happening in Haïti. Featured in that film, several other people have participated in it. You will see some Canadian officials like Denis Coderre, Denis Paradis who participated in some of these outrageous meetings. And it’s actually available online now.

So, what the week people can go on They will see the announcement, and then Haïti Betrayed is the name of the film. And after, at 7:30 EST, we will have an open discussion about Canadian Foreign Policy towards Haïti and what we suggest should be done. And I have repeatedly made the call to several Canadian Prime Ministers and governments to really, really think about an overhaul of Canadian foreign policy towards Haïti.

We could have influence in the region! I mean, we’ve had so many stupid bids to get a seat at the United Nations that never went anywhere because we are trying to get there by being subservient to the United States. This is a ridiculous strategy! Canada is too beautiful of a nation for that kind of an approach.

I mean, Haïti needs to develop its mining industry, okay? Haïtians want to exploit their gold reserves. But they don’t want the same model that is being applied in Guatemala or in the Congo. Where the natives are impoverished, and they have a proper government in their country that is there to mobilize the military to control the natives whose lands are being stolen. And then the multi-national companies shows up, you know, exploits the land, takes the gold and leaves nothing for the people, especially without any sort of remediation for environmental protection.

What we’re saying is that we want a normalized relationship between Canada and Haïti. So, Haïtians and Canadians should mobilize so that Haïtians have the last word as to who is their president, who is their prime minister, who is their government, and whether or not they will exploit their minds, their natural resources. If they decide to not exploit it that’s their business. But if they want to invite Canadians to participate, it should not be on the old colonial terms!

I mean, I particularly think that, in the day when people are talking about the end of white supremacy and George Floyd and all of this Black Lives Matter, it will need to really take seriously what it means that Black Nationhood matters! I mean, we don’t treat countries in Europe like that!

Why? Why is it we understand that it wouldn’t make sense for a bunch of Black diplomats in Ottawa to meet and have a discussion about removing the Queen of England from power? We understand that would be stupid! Barbaric! Unacceptable! Then why is it that people who are supposedly intelligent people can have a meeting here at Meech Lake, all of them White, and they decide they’re going to kidnap the president of Haïti, not only that, but they’re going to do that in the year of the bi-centennial of the end of racial slavery!

GR: Yeah…

JS: But, you know, the same people will be out there in the streets, Black Lives Matter! Heh heh Heh.

GR: Jean Saint-Vil, its been a real pleasure speaking to you again! Thank you so much for sharing this information with our listeners!

JS: Thank you! And thank you for the beautiful work that you guys are doing in!

The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at .

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Last month, after a year-long investigation, former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder and eight other officials were charged for their roles in the Flint water crisis – the environmental disaster that shocked the nation seven years ago. All nine defendants pleaded not guilty to 42 charges, including willful neglect of duty, manslaughter, extortion, perjury and obstruction of justice.

In Flint, extremely high levels of lead in the city’s drinking water had wide-ranging and severe health effects, including a community-wide outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease, a form of pneumonia. The children of Flint experienced serious and lasting health problems, including lost teeth. A study conducted by the state found that from 2014 to 2017, the share of third graders with reading proficiency plummeted from about 42 percent to less than 11 percent. Lead is a potent neurotoxin that can cause diminished IQ in young children.

The water crisis in Flint, a majority-Black city of about 100,000, is the “most egregious” example of environmental injustice and racism in recent history, says Paul Mohai, a University of Michigan professor who has studied the U.S. environmental justice movement for decades. The Michigan Civil Rights Commission’s investigation foundthat the water crisis resulted from “systemic racism that was built into the foundation and growth” of the city.

This sobering fact is true of the entire nation.

Environmental racism in America disproportionately burdens communities of color with health hazards and polluted environments through policies, structures and practices. As the Michigan commission said: “Environmental Justice requires that all people and communities receive the equal protection of environmental and public health laws, and should have an equal and meaningful voice in decisions related to their environment.”

Many of the most polluted places in our nation are close to or even in poor, largely non-white communities. According to a recent report by the Shriver Center on Poverty Law and Earthjustice, 70 percent of the country’s Superfund sites, America’s most polluted environments, are located within a mile of government-assisted housing, where a majority of residents are typically Black.

In EWG’s almost three decades, we have seen time and time again how racism lies at the root of many of the worst threats to public health. Here are just two tragic examples:

PCBs in a small Southern town

In Anniston, Ala., another largely Black community, carcinogenic PCB chemicals contaminated the soil and water for almost half a century, unbeknownst to the residents. The chemical manufacturer Monsanto routinely dumped toxic waste into a creek on the west side of town and released millions of pounds of PCBs into open landfills.

For decades, Monsanto deceived the residents of Anniston, attempting to cover up the extent to which their community had been contaminated by these toxic chemicals. When government and environmental laws failed them, community organizers had to take matters into their own hands and file their own lawsuits against Monsanto to ensure justice.

In 2002, EWG worked with local activists in Anniston to help draw attention to Monsanto’s decades-long deception and coverup of its PCB contamination, which ultimately resulted in a $700 million fine after the company was found guilty by the state of “negligence, wantonness, suppression of truth, nuisance, trespass, and outrage.” Still, today Anniston remains one of the most toxic cities in the U.S.

Factory farms in North Carolina

In North Carolina, intensive hog and poultry confined animal feeding operations, or CAFOs, place an immense burden on the environment and the health of the residents in rural, poor and largely minority communities.

In 2017, an Environmental Protection Agency review of a civil rights suit alleging discriminatory impacts of state permitting of hog operations found a “linear relationship between race/ethnicity [of residents within three miles of industrial hog operations] and … density of hogs.” Duke University researchers found that North Carolina communities located near these concentrated hog operations had higher total and infant deaths, deaths due to anemia, kidney disease, tuberculosis, septicemia and higher hospital admissions, and emergency room visits of low birthweight infants.

In 2016, in collaboration with Waterkeeper Alliance and local environmental justice advocates, EWG mapped the location of every swine and poultry factory farm in North Carolina, allowing residents to see for the first time how many CAFOs are close to their homes, schools, churches and places of work.

On the long road to environmental justice, the U.S. has far to go.

Following a vote of the Virginia legislature this week, a state “long associated with racist and segregationist behavior” is expected to become the first Southern state to declare that racism is a public health crisis. The sponsor of the measure, Delegate Lashrecse D. Aird, told USA Today that systemic racism “defines the Black experience in our nation and in our commonwealth.” The resolution, she added, “provides the framework for all of us to formally and finally reckon with those injustices so we can build a more equitable and just society for us all.”

To address systemic racism, we must acknowledge the role race and racism have played in our history and how they continue to affect the present; develop a deeper understanding of how structural racialization and implicit bias influence decision-making; and ensure that public concerns get heard and addressed. Until all communities are met with equal protection, racial equity and justice must be the foundation of environmental and public health laws and standards.


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After the European Commission convened to discuss the potential of so called ‘vaccine passports’ Thursday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters that “We have all agreed that we need vaccine certificates.”

Bloomberg reports that Merkel added

“In the future, it will certainly be good to have such a certificate but that will not mean that only those who have such a passport will be able to travel; about that, no political decisions have been made yet.”

The German leader also stated

“This will make travelling within the EU possible and could pave the way for further travel from third countries into the EU,” suggesting that it will take three months to implement a vaccine passport system.

The report also notes that Commission President Ursula von der Leyen urged member states to make haste in agreeing a Europe wide system before Big Tech gets there first.

Von der Leyen reportedly cited Israel’s ‘Green Pass’ system, which the country is using as a domestic internal document, denying entry for the unvaccinated topublic spaces including sports events, restaurants and hotels.

While admitting that it is “unclear whether you can transmit the disease even if you are vaccinated,” the Commission leader stated “It is important to have a European solution because otherwise others will go into this vacuum.”

“Google and Apple are already offering solutions to the WHO [World Health Organization]. And this is sensitive information so we want to be very clear here that we offer a European solution,” Von der Leyen emphasised.

Alex Patelis, chief economic adviser to Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, noted

“If we as European Union don’t provide a solution, somebody else will, whether it’s going to be the U.S. big tech companies or somebody else, the solution will be provided.”

“Let’s get the infrastructure ready,” Patelis added.

French President Emmanuel Macron has expressed skepticism over the notion of vaccine passports, but stated

“We’ll have, in the end, a harmonious EU approach,” adding “It’s obvious because there is no other choice.”

While there have been scant reports of Apple or Google developing vaccine passports, and the WHO has expressed caution on the issue, there are plenty of other schemes under development and being rolled out, as we have repeatedly highlighted.


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Don Foreman, National Union Representative for the 55,000 members of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW), did an exclusive February 21 interview for The Canada Files. In the interview, he responded to a question about his own immediate personal reaction to Pompeo’s last-minute designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism. Foreman said it “was one of disgust at a last-ditch effort to completely end all progress made between the two countries under the previous administration.” Asked if he had a message to the Canadian Government that had not taken a stand: 

“My message to the government is simple. Cuba knows who its friends are. The Canadian people are included as friends and are speaking up. The time has come when the Government should immediately speak out on behalf of the Canadian people and condemn the addition of Cuba to any terrorist list by the US administration.”

Furthermore, as reported in The Canada Files, two New Democratic Party MPs took a stand. In addition, the CUPW issued the following statement:

“The United States Must Stop Penalizing Cuba

Friday, January 15, 2021

On January 11, the United States put Cuba back on their list of State Sponsors of Terrorism, having removed it from the list in 2015 as part of an agreement between the nations to restore diplomatic relations.

CUPW condemns this move. The State Department has no democratic mandate to designate countries this way; the list serves only to isolate and punish countries that, for whatever reason, are seen by the US government as uncooperative. We hope that this does not indicate a reversal of the slow rapprochement with Cuba that began under President Obama.

CUPW and our postal worker allies in Cuba would rather see an end to a pattern of sanctions since 1960 that have only hurt the Cuban people. The embargo – called el bloqueo in Cuba – is viewed internationally as outside of the norms of international relations and a violation of the United Nations Charter.

It’s particularly ironic for Cubans, who have experienced terrorism that was condoned by U.S. officials, and who lobbied for years to free the Cuban Five – Cuban agents who were detained by the United States after handing over information intended to help the U.S. prevent a terrorist attack.

We support the sovereignty and self-determination of Cuba, and we ask our members to stand with the Cuban people, who have been victims of terrorism and reject it in all its forms.”

World opposition 

Governments and associations from around the world spoke out, such as China, RussiaIran and Venezuela. The World Peace Council (WPC) added its voice. However, it is striking that the Coordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement, composed of 120 countries almost all from Asia, Africa and Latin America and the African Union, composed of all 55 states on that continent, dared to raise their voices. These two associations are based in the Global South, namely in Asia, Africa and Latin America/Caribbean, with Africa belonging to both institutions.

In North America, the corporate media, normally so attracted to the term ‘terrorism,’ refuses to report on these positions held by countries in the Global South? However, this is not surprising as they also censure voices even in their own northern regions, such as the trade union organization cited above.

“Terrorism” is a highly-charged, partisan political term developed over the centuries. It is wielded by the colonial and imperial powers to the detriment of the South, the countries that have unanimously condemned the US for its latest move. It first emerged during the French Revolution of the 18th century, used by the bourgeoisie to characterize and intimidate its opponents, the Jacobins. The victims of this weaponized term are mostly countries in the South.

Cuba, Venezuela and Ecuador 

Look at Cuba for example. The 1960 blockade has as its explicit goal, “denying money and supplies to Cuba, to decrease monetary and real wages, to bring about hunger, desperation and overthrow of government.” Overt US-backed terrorist activities got under way soon after the 1959 Revolution, resulting since then in some 1,000 documented incidents, with more than 3,000 deaths and 2,000 injuries. The blockade is multidimensional and includes economic and cultural warfare, involving ideological, political and artistic assault, as well as the most obvious bilateral economic and extraterritorial restrictions (involving third countries that would like to trade with Cuba.)

It must therefore be said that US Cuba policy, with its differing degrees of animosity depending on the administration, is itself a genuine form of terrorism geared to overthrow the government. It is no accident that one of the most important Cuban media outlets, Cuba Debate, carries as part of its banner “contra el terrorismo mediático” (against media terrorism).

The US labels President Maduro as a “narco-terrorist” without any evidence, going so far as to slap a terrorist-type bounty on his head similar to the “wanted dead or alive” pathology of the Far West. Crippling sanctions against Venezuela were initiated by Obama and increased multifold by the Trump administration, even during the pandemic. They were interspersed with paramilitary terrorist attacks against Chavistas, government buildings and even an assassination attempt against Maduro.

The goal of the sanctions and the accompanying demonizing of Maduro, as it was against Salvador Allende in Chile, was in their own words to “make the economy scream.” In the case of Allende, it was intended to cause harm and suffering, leading up to a full-scale terrorist attack on the elected president, on the pretext of saving the economy. The objective is no different some 50 years later, in Venezuela.

Ecuador is in the vortex of elections in which the successor to Rafael Correa, Andrés Arauz, is on the verge of victory. The US and Colombia have made a last-ditch effort to stall the movement led by Arauz, using “terrorism” as the preferred weapon. Colombia, like the US, has added the leftist Colombian National Liberation Army (ELN) to its terrorist list. “The Colombian Attorney General Francisco claimed to have ‘intelligence’ proving that the Union for Hope (UNES) electoral coalition, Mr. Arauz’s party and the vehicle of supporters of former president Rafael Correa, was funded by the National Liberation Army (ELN).

Asia, Africa and the Middle East 

In Asia, Western powers terrorized and massacred the Vietnamese people. Palestinians are under a permanent terrorist siege (apartheid). In Africa, the colonial powers assassinated anti-colonialist leaders, as part of its war against Black people on the African continent. The US has terrorized and assassinated black people on its own territory, such as the Black Panther Party in the 1960s and 70s.

There is no end to the list of victims. Many valuable books have been published that detail all these crimes. Who cannot forget ‘The War on Terror” after September 11, 2001, still going on today, whereby millions of people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya have been killed, maimed and displaced? Rather than being a war on terror, it is war by the US terrorists and its allies against the peoples in those regions.

As these lines are being written, all eyes are on Haiti. It was the first country to follow the initial ‘terrorists” of the French Revolution, the Jacobins, to establish the first black republic. Yet the supposed inheritors of the French Revolution’s Liberté, équalité et fraternité, in the French Republic, and its variety in the US, are presently terrorizing the Haitian people.

Peoples of the world must remain vigilant against the use of the term “terrorism.” It is arbitrarily manipulated by the biggest terrorists of all, the US and its allies, against the peoples of the Global South, all of whom condemn the US for designating Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism.


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This article was originally published on The Canada Files.

Arnold August is a Montreal-based author and journalist whose articles are published in web sites across North America, Latin America, Europe and the Middle East in English, Spanish and French. He is a Fellow at the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute.

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The February 25 U.S. bombing of Syria immediately puts the policies of the newly-formed Biden administration into sharp relief. Why is this administration bombing the sovereign nation of Syria? Why is it bombing “Iranian-backed militias” who pose absolutely no threat to the United States and are actually involved in fighting ISIS? If this is about getting more leverage vis-a-vis Iran, why hasn’t the Biden administration just done what it said it would do: rejoin the Iran nuclear deal and de-escalate the Middle East conflicts?

According to the Pentagon, the U.S. strike was in response to the February 15 rocket attack in northern Iraq that killed a contractor working with the U.S. military and injured a U.S. service member. Accounts of the number killed in the U.S. attack vary from one to 22.

The Pentagon made the incredible claim that this action “aims to de-escalate the overall situation in both Eastern Syria and Iraq.” This was countered by the Syrian government, which condemned the illegal attack on its territory and said the strikes “will lead to consequences that will escalate the situation in the region.” The strike was also condemned by the governments of China and Russia. A member of Russia’s Federation Council warned that such escalations in the area could lead to “a massive conflict.”

Ironically, Jen Psaki, now Biden’s White House spokesperson, questioned the lawfulness of attacking Syria in 2017, when it was the Trump administration doing the bombing. Back then she asked: “What is the legal authority for strikes? Assad is a brutal dictator. But Syria is a sovereign country.”

The airstrikes were supposedly authorized by the 20-year-old, post-9/11 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF), legislation that Rep. Barbara Lee has been trying for years to repeal since it has been misused, according to the congresswoman, “to justify waging war in at least seven different countries, against a continuously expanding list of targetable adversaries.”

The United States claims that its targeting of the militia in Syria was based on intelligence provided by the Iraqi government. Defense Secretary Austin told reporters: “We’re confident that target was being used by the same Shia militia that conducted the strike [against U.S. and coalition forces].”

But a report by Middle East Eye (MEE) suggests that Iran has strongly urged the militias it supports in Iraq to refrain from such attacks, or any warlike actions that could derail its sensitive diplomacy to bring the U.S. and Iran back into compliance with the 2015 international nuclear agreement or JCPOA.

“None of our known factions carried out this attack,” a senior Iraqi militia commander told MEE. “The Iranian orders have not changed regarding attacking the American forces, and the Iranians are still keen to maintain calm with the Americans until they see how the new administration will act.”

The inflammatory nature of this U.S. attack on Iranian-backed Iraqi militias, who are an integral part of Iraq’s armed forces and have played a critical role in the war with ISIS, was implicitly acknowledged in the U.S. decision to attack them in Syria instead of in Iraq. Did Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, a pro-Western British-Iraqi, who is trying to rein in the Iranian-backed Shiite militias, deny permission for a U.S. attack on Iraqi soil?

At Kadhimi’s request, NATO is increasing its presence from 500 troops to 4,000 (from Denmark, the U.K. and Turkey, not the U.S.) to train the Iraqi military and reduce its dependence on the Iranian-backed militias. But Kadhimi risks losing his job in an election this October if he alienates Iraq’s Shiite majority. Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein is heading to Tehran to meet with Iranian officials over the weekend, and the world will be watching to see how Iraq and Iran will respond to the U.S. attack.

Some analysts say the bombing may have been intended to strengthen the U.S. hand in its negotiations with Iran over the nuclear deal (JCPOA). “The strike, the way I see it, was meant to set the tone with Tehran and dent its inflated confidence ahead of negotiations,” said Bilal Saab, a former Pentagon official who is currently a senior fellow with the Middle East Institute.

But this attack will make it more difficult to resume negotiations with Iran. It comes at a delicate moment when the Europeans are trying to orchestrate a “compliance for compliance” maneuver to revive the JCPOA. This strike will make the diplomatic process more difficult, as it gives more power to the Iranian factions who oppose the deal and any negotiations with the United States.

Showing bipartisan support for attacking sovereign nations, key Republicans on the foreign affairs committees such as Senator Marco Rubio and Rep. Michael McCaul immediately welcomed the attacks. So did some Biden supporters, who crassly displayed their partiality to bombing by a Democratic president.

Party organizer Amy Siskind tweeted: “So different having military action under Biden. No middle school level threats on Twitter. Trust Biden and his team’s competence.” Biden supporter Suzanne Lamminen tweeted: “Such a quiet attack. No drama, no TV coverage of bombs hitting targets, no comments on how presidential Biden is. What a difference.”

Thankfully though, some Members of Congress are speaking out against the strikes. “We cannot stand up for Congressional authorization before military strikes only when there is a Republican President,” Congressman Ro Khanna tweeted, “The Administration should have sought Congressional authorization here. We need to work to extricate from the Middle East, not escalate.” Peace groups around the country are echoing that call. Rep. Barbara Lee and Senators Bernie Sanders, Tim Kaine and Chris Murphy also released statements either questioning or condemning the strikes.

Americans should remind President Biden that he promised to prioritize diplomacy over military action as the primary instrument of his foreign policy. Biden should recognize that the best way to protect U.S. personnel is to take them out of the Middle East. He should recall that the Iraqi Parliament voted a year ago for U.S. troops to leave their country. He should also recognize that U.S. troops have no right to be in Syria, still “protecting the oil,” on the orders of Donald Trump.

After failing to prioritize diplomacy and rejoin the Iran nuclear agreement, Biden has now, barely a month into his presidency, reverted to the use of military force in a region already shattered by two decades of U.S. war-making. This is not what he promised in his campaign and it is not what the American people voted for.


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Medea Benjamin is cofounder of CODEPINK for Peace, and author of several books, including Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran. 

Nicolas J. S. Davies is a freelance writer and a researcher with CODEPINK, and the author of Blood On Our Hands: the American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq. 

Featured image is from CODEPINK

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This Month’s Most Popular Articles

February 28th, 2021 by Global Research News

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Opening the CIA’s Can of Worms

February 28th, 2021 by Edward Curtin

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“The CIA and the media are part of the same criminal conspiracy,” wrote Douglas Valentine in his important book, The CIA As Organized Crime

This is true.  The corporate mainstream media are stenographers for the national security state’s ongoing psychological operations aimed at the American people, just as they have done the same for an international audience.

We have long been subjected to this “information warfare,” whose purpose is to win the hearts and minds of the American people and pacify them into victims of their own complicity, just as it was practiced long ago by the CIA in Vietnam and by The New York Times, CBS, etc. on the American people then and over the years as the American warfare state waged endless wars, coups, false flag operations, and assassinations at home and abroad.

Another way of putting this is to say for all practical purposes when it comes to matters that bear on important foreign and domestic matters, the CIA and the corporate mainstream media cannot be distinguished.

For those who read and study history, it has long been known that the CIA has placed their operatives throughout every agency of the U.S. government, as explained by Fletcher Prouty in The Secret Team, The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World; that CIA officers Cord Myer and Frank Wisner operated secret programs to get some of the most vocal exponents of intellectual freedom among intellectuals, journalists, and writers to be their voices for unfreedom and censorship, as explained by Frances Stonor Saunders in The Cultural Cold War and Joel Whitney in Finks, among others; that Cord Myer was especially focused on and successful in “courting the Compatible Left” since right wingers were already in the Agency’s pocket.

All this is documented and not disputed.  It is shocking only to those who don’t do their homework and see what is happening today outside a broad historical context.

With the rise of alternate media and a wide array of dissenting voices on the internet, the establishment felt threatened and went on the defensive.  It therefore should come as no surprise that those same elite corporate media are now leading the charge for increased censorship and the denial of free speech to those they deem dangerous, whether that involves wars, rigged elections, foreign coups, COVID-19, vaccinations, or the lies of the corporate media themselves. Having already banned critics from writing in their pages and or talking on their screens, these media giants want to make the quieting of dissenting voices complete.

Just the other day The New York Times had this headline:

Robert Kennedy Jr. Barred From Instagram Over False Virus Claims.

Notice the lack of the word alleged before “false virus claims.”  This is guilt by headline. 

It is a perfect piece of propaganda posing as reporting, since it accuses Kennedy, a brilliant and honorable man, of falsity and stupidity, thus justifying Instagram’s ban, and it is an inducement to further censorship of Mr. Kennedy by Facebook that owns Instagram.

That ban should follow soon, as the Times’ reporter Jennifer Jett hopes, since she accusingly writes that RFK, Jr. “makes many of the same baseless claims to more than 300,000 followers” at Facebook.  Jett made sure her report also went to and The Boston Globe.

This is one example of the censorship underway with much, much more to follow.  What was once done under the cover of omission is now done openly and brazenly, cheered on by those who, in an act of bad faith, claim to be upholders of the First Amendment and the importance of free debate in a democracy.  We are quickly slipping into an unreal totalitarian social order.

Which brings me to the recent work of Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi, both of whom have strongly and rightly decried this censorship. As I understand their arguments, they go like this.

First, the corporate media have today divided up the territory and speak only to their own audiences in echo chambers: liberal to liberals (read: the “allegedly” liberal Democratic Party), such as The New York Times, NBC, etc., and conservative to conservatives (read” the “allegedly” conservative Donald Trump), such as Fox News, Breitbart, etc.

They have abandoned old school journalism that, despite its shortcomings, involved objectivity and the reporting of disparate facts and perspectives, but within limits. Since the digitization of news, their new business models are geared to these separate audiences since they are highly lucrative choices. It’s business driven since electronic media have replaced paper as advertising revenues have shifted and people’s ability to focus on complicated issues has diminished drastically.  Old school journalism is suffering as a result and thus writers such as Greenwald and Taibbi and Chris Hedges (who interviewed Taibbi and concurs: part one here) have taken their work to the internet to escape such restrictive categories and the accompanying censorship.

Secondly, the great call for censorship is not something the Silicon Valley companies want because they want more people using their media since it means more money for them, but they are being pressured to do it by the traditional old school media, such as The New York Times, who now employ “tattletales and censors,” people who are power hungry jerks, to sniff out dissenting voices that they can recommend should be banned. Greenwald says:

They do it in part for power: to ensure nobody but they can control the flow of information.

They do it partly for ideology and out of hubris: the belief that their worldview is so indisputably right that all dissent is inherently dangerous ‘disinformation.’

Thus, the old school print and television media are not on the same page as Facebook, Twitter, etc. but have opposing agendas.

In short, these shifts and the censorship are about money and power within the media world as the business has been transformed by the digital revolution.

I think this is a half-truth that conceals a larger issue. The censorship is not being driven by power hungry reporters at the Times or CNN or any media outlet. All these media and their employees are but the outer layer of the onion, the means by which messages are sent and people controlled.

These companies and their employees do what they are told, whether explicitly or implicitly, for they know it is in their financial interest to do so.  If they do not play their part in this twisted and intricate propaganda game, they will suffer. They will be eliminated, as are pesky individuals who dare peel the onion to its core. For each media company is one part of a large interconnected intelligence apparatus – a system, a complex – whose purpose is power, wealth, and domination for the very few at the expense of the many.  The CIA and media as parts of the same criminal conspiracy.

To argue that the Silicon valley companies do not want to censor but are being pressured by the legacy corporate media does not make sense.  These companies are deeply connected to U.S. intelligence agencies, as are the NYTimes, CNN, NBC, etc.  They too are part of what was once called Operation Mockingbird, the CIA’s program to control, use, and infiltrate the media.  Only the most naïve would think that such a program does not exist today.

In Surveillance Valley, investigative reporter Yasha Levine documents how Silicon valley tech companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Google are tied to the military-industrial-intelligence-media complex in surveillance and censorship; how the Internet was created by the Pentagon; and even how these shadowy players are deeply involved in the so-called privacy movement that developed after Edward Snowden’s revelations.  Like Valentine, and in very detailed ways, Levine shows how the military-industrial-intelligence-digital-media complex is part of the same criminal conspiracy as is the traditional media with their CIA overlords. It is one club.

Many people, however, might find this hard to believe because it bursts so many bubbles, including the one that claims that these tech companies are pressured into censorship by the likes of The New York Times, etc.  The truth is the Internet was a military and intelligence tool from the very beginning and it is not the traditional corporate media that gives it its marching orders.

That being so, it is not the owners of the corporate media or their employees who are the ultimate controllers behind the current vast crackdown on dissent, but the intelligence agencies who control the mainstream media and the Silicon valley monopolies such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.  All these media companies are but the outer layer of the onion, the means by which messages are sent and people controlled.

But for whom do these intelligence agencies work?  Not for themselves.

They work for their overlords, the super wealthy people, the banks, financial institutions, and corporations that own the United States and always have. In a simple twist of fate, such super wealthy naturally own the media corporations that are essential to their control of the majority of the world’s wealth through the stories they tell.  It is a symbiotic relationship. As FDR put it bluntly in 1933, this coterie of wealthy forces is the “financial element in the larger centers [that] has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.”

Their wealth and power has increased exponentially since then, and their connected tentacles have further spread to create what is an international deep state that involves such entities as the IMF, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, those who meet yearly at Davos, etc.  They are the international overlords who are pushing hard to move the world toward a global dictatorship.

As is well known, or should be, the CIA was the creation of Wall St. and serves the interests of the wealthy owners. Peter Dale Scott, in “The State, the Deep State, and the Wall Street Overworld,” says of Allen Dulles, the nefarious longest running Director of the CIA and Wall St. lawyer for Sullivan and Cromwell:

There seems to be little difference in Allen Dulles’s influence whether he was a Wall Street lawyer or a CIA director. 

It was Dulles, long connected to  Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, international corporations, and a friend of Nazi agents and scientists, who was tasked with drawing up proposals for the CIA.  He was ably assisted by five Wall St. bankers or investors, including the aforementioned Frank Wisner who later, as a CIA officer, said his “Mighty Wurlitzer” was “capable of playing any propaganda tune he desired.”  This he did by recruiting intellectuals, writers, reporters, labor organizations, and the mainstream corporate media, etc. to propagate the CIA’s messages.

Greenwald, Taibbi, and Hedges are correct up to a point, but they stop short.  Their critique of old school journalism à la Edward Herman’s and Noam Chomsky’s Manufacturing of Consent model, while true as far as it goes, fails to pin the tail on the real donkey.  Like old school journalists who knew implicitly how far they could go, these guys know it too, as if there is an invisible electronic gate that keeps them from wandering into dangerous territory.

The censorship of Robert Kennedy, Jr. is an exemplary case.  His banishment from Instagram and the ridicule the mainstream media have heaped upon him for years is not simply because he raises deeply informed questions about vaccines, Bill Gates, the pharmaceutical companies, etc. His critiques suggest something far more dangerous is afoot: the demise of democracy and the rise of a totalitarian order that involves total surveillance, control, eugenics, etc. by the wealthy led by their intelligence propagandists.

To call him a super spreader of hoaxes and a conspiracy theorist is aimed at not only silencing him on specific medical issues, but to silence his powerful and articulate voice on all issues.  To give thoughtful consideration to his deeply informed scientific thinking concerning vaccines, the World Health Organization, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, etc., is to open a can of worms that the powerful want shut tight.

This is because RFK, Jr. is also a severe critic of the enormous power of the CIA and its propaganda that goes back so many decades and was used to cover up the national security state’s assassinations of his father and uncle, JFK.  It is why his wonderful recent book, American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family, that contains not one word about vaccines, was shunned by mainstream book reviewers; for the picture he paints fiercely indicts the CIA in multiple ways while also indicting the mass media that have been its mouthpieces. These worms must be kept in the can, just as the power of the international overlords represented by the World Health Organization and the World Economic Forumwith its Great Reset must be.  They must be dismissed as crackpot conspiracy theories not worthy of debate or exposure.

Robert Kennedy, Jr., by name and dedication to truth seeking, conjures up his father’s ghost, the last politician who, because of his vast support across racial and class divides, could have united the country and tamed the power of the CIA to control the narrative that has allowed for the plundering of the world and the country for the wealthy overlords.

So they killed him.

There is a reason Noam Chomsky is an exemplar for Hedges, Greenwald, and Taibbi.  He controls the can opener for so many. He has set the parameters for what is considered acceptable to be considered a serious journalist or intellectual.  The assassinations of the Kennedys, 9/11, or a questioning of the official Covid-19 story are not among them, and so they are eschewed.

To denounce censorship, as they have done, is admirable. But now Greenwald, Taibbi, and Hedges need go up to the forbidden gate with the sign that says – “This far and no further” – and jump over it.  That’s where the true stories lie.  That’s when they’ll see the worms squirm.


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Distinguished author and sociologist Edward Curtin is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. He is the author of the new book:

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The use of universal lockdowns in the event of the appearance of a new pathogen has no precedent. It has been a science experiment in real time, with most of the human population used as lab rats. The costs are legion. 

The question is whether lockdowns worked to control the virus in a way that is scientifically verifiable. Based on the following studies, the answer is no and for a variety of reasons: bad data, no correlations, no causal demonstration, anomalous exceptions, and so on. There is no relationship between lockdowns (or whatever else people want to call them to mask their true nature) and virus control.

Perhaps this is a shocking revelation, given that universal social and economic controls are becoming the new orthodoxy. In a saner world, the burden of proof really should belong to the lockdowners, since it is they who overthrew 100 years of public-health wisdom and replaced it with an untested, top-down imposition on freedom and human rights. They never accepted that burden. They took it as axiomatic that a virus could be intimidated and frightened by credentials, edicts, speeches, and masked gendarmes.

The pro-lockdown evidence is shockingly thin, and based largely on comparing real-world outcomes against dire computer-generated forecasts derived from empirically untested models, and then merely positing that stringencies and “nonpharmaceutical interventions” account for the difference between the fictionalized vs. the real outcome. The anti-lockdown studies, on the other hand, are evidence-based, robust, and thorough, grappling with the data we have (with all its flaws) and looking at the results in light of controls on the population.

Much of the following list has been put together by data engineer Ivor Cummins, who has waged a year-long educational effort to upend intellectual support for lockdowns. AIER has added its own and the summaries. The upshot is that the virus is going to do as viruses do, same as always in the history of infectious disease. We have extremely limited control over them, and that which we do have is bound up with time and place. Fear, panic, and coercion are not ideal strategies for managing viruses. Intelligence and medical therapeutics fare much better.

(These studies are focused only on lockdown and their relationship to virus control. They do not get into the myriad associated issues that have vexed the world such as mask mandates, PCR-testing issues, death misclassification problem, or any particular issues associated with travel restrictions, restaurant closures, and hundreds of other particulars about which whole libraries will be written in the future.)

1. “A country level analysis measuring the impact of government actions, country preparedness and socioeconomic factors on COVID-19 mortality and related health outcomes” by Rabail Chaudhry, George Dranitsaris, Talha Mubashir, Justyna Bartoszko, Sheila Riazi. EClinicalMedicine 25 (2020) 100464. “[F]ull lockdowns and wide-spread COVID-19 testing were not associated with reductions in the number of critical cases or overall mortality.”

2. “Was Germany’s Corona Lockdown Necessary?” by Christof Kuhbandner, Stefan Homburg, Harald Walach, Stefan Hockertz. Advance: Sage Preprint, June 23, 2020. “Official data from Germany’s RKI agency suggest strongly that the spread of the coronavirus in Germany receded autonomously, before any interventions became effective. Several reasons for such an autonomous decline have been suggested. One is that differences in host susceptibility and behavior can result in herd immunity at a relatively low prevalence level. Accounting for individual variation in susceptibility or exposure to the coronavirus yields a maximum of 17% to 20% of the population that needs to be infected to reach herd immunity, an estimate that is empirically supported by the cohort of the Diamond Princess cruise ship. Another reason is that seasonality may also play an important role in dissipation.”

3. “Estimation of the current development of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Germany” by Matthias an der Heiden, Osamah Hamouda. Robert Koch-Institut, April 22, 2020. “In general, however, not all infected people develop symptoms, not all those who develop symptoms go to a doctor’s office, not all who go to the doctor are tested and not all who test positive are also recorded in a data collection system. In addition, there is a certain amount of time between all these individual steps, so that no survey system, no matter how good, can make a statement about the current infection process without additional assumptions and calculations.”

4. Did COVID-19 infections decline before UK lockdown? by Simon N. Wood. Cornell University pre-print, August 8, 2020. “A Bayesian inverse problem approach applied to UK data on COVID-19 deaths and the disease duration distribution suggests that infections were in decline before full UK lockdown (24 March 2020), and that infections in Sweden started to decline only a day or two later. An analysis of UK data using the model of Flaxman et al. (2020, Nature 584) gives the same result under relaxation of its prior assumptions on R.”

5. “Comment on Flaxman et al. (2020): The illusory effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 in Europe” by Stefan Homburg and Christof Kuhbandner. June 17, 2020. Advance, Sage Pre-Print. “In a recent article, Flaxman et al. allege that non-pharmaceutical interventions imposed by 11 European countries saved millions of lives. We show that their methods involve circular reasoning. The purported effects are pure artefacts, which contradict the data. Moreover, we demonstrate that the United Kingdom’s lockdown was both superfluous and ineffective.”

6. Professor Ben Israel’s Analysis of virus transmission. April 16, 2020. “Some may claim that the decline in the number of additional patients every day is a result of the tight lockdown imposed by the government and health authorities. Examining the data of different countries around the world casts a heavy question mark on the above statement. It turns out that a similar pattern – rapid increase in infections that reaches a peak in the sixth week and declines from the eighth week – is common to all countries in which the disease was discovered, regardless of their response policies: some imposed a severe and immediate lockdown that included not only ‘social distancing’ and banning crowding, but also shutout of economy (like Israel); some ‘ignored’ the infection and continued almost a normal life (such as Taiwan, Korea or Sweden), and some initially adopted a lenient policy but soon reversed to a complete lockdown (such as Italy or the State of New York). Nonetheless, the data shows similar time constants amongst all these countries in regard to the initial rapid growth and the decline of the disease.”

7. “Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions against COVID-19 in Europe: a quasi-experimental study” by Paul Raymond Hunter, Felipe Colon-Gonzalez, Julii Suzanne Brainard, Steve Rushton. MedRxiv Pre-print May 1, 2020. “The current epidemic of COVID-19 is unparalleled in recent history as are the social distancing interventions that have led to a significant halt on the economic and social life of so many countries. However, there is very little empirical evidence about which social distancing measures have the most impact… From both sets of modelling, we found that closure of education facilities, prohibiting mass gatherings and closure of some non-essential businesses were associated with reduced incidence whereas stay at home orders and closure of all non-businesses was not associated with any independent additional impact.”

8. “Full lockdown policies in Western Europe countries have no evident impacts on the COVID-19 epidemic” by Thomas Meunier. MedRxiv Pre-print May 1, 2020. “This phenomenological study assesses the impacts of full lockdown strategies applied in Italy, France, Spain and United Kingdom, on the slowdown of the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak. Comparing the trajectory of the epidemic before and after the lockdown, we find no evidence of any discontinuity in the growth rate, doubling time, and reproduction number trends. Extrapolating pre-lockdown growth rate trends, we provide estimates of the death toll in the absence of any lockdown policies, and show that these strategies might not have saved any life in western Europe. We also show that neighboring countries applying less restrictive social distancing measures (as opposed to police-enforced home containment) experience a very similar time evolution of the epidemic.”

9. “Trajectory of COVID-19 epidemic in Europe” by Marco Colombo, Joseph Mellor, Helen M Colhoun, M. Gabriela M. Gomes, Paul M McKeigue. MedRxiv Pre-print. Posted September 28, 2020. “The classic Susceptible-Infected-Recovered model formulated by Kermack and McKendrick assumes that all individuals in the population are equally susceptible to infection. From fitting such a model to the trajectory of mortality from COVID-19 in 11 European countries up to 4 May 2020 Flaxman et al. concluded that ‘major non-pharmaceutical interventions — and lockdowns in particular — have had a large effect on reducing transmission’. We show that relaxing the assumption of homogeneity to allow for individual variation in susceptibility or connectivity gives a model that has better fit to the data and more accurate 14-day forward prediction of mortality. Allowing for heterogeneity reduces the estimate of ‘counterfactual’ deaths that would have occurred if there had been no interventions from 3.2 million to 262,000, implying that most of the slowing and reversal of COVID-19 mortality is explained by the build-up of herd immunity. The estimate of the herd immunity threshold depends on the value specified for the infection fatality ratio (IFR): a value of 0.3% for the IFR gives 15% for the average herd immunity threshold.”

10. “Effect of school closures on mortality from coronavirus disease 2019: old and new predictions” by Ken Rice, Ben Wynne, Victoria Martin, Graeme J Ackland. British Medical Journal, September 15, 2020. “The findings of this study suggest that prompt interventions were shown to be highly effective at reducing peak demand for intensive care unit (ICU) beds but also prolong the epidemic, in some cases resulting in more deaths long term. This happens because covid-19 related mortality is highly skewed towards older age groups. In the absence of an effective vaccination programme, none of the proposed mitigation strategies in the UK would reduce the predicted total number of deaths below 200 000.”

11. “Modeling social distancing strategies to prevent SARS-CoV2 spread in Israel- A Cost-effectiveness analysis” by Amir Shlomai, Ari Leshno, Ella H Sklan, Moshe Leshno. MedRxiv Pre-Print. September 20, 2020. “A nationwide lockdown is expected to save on average 274 (median 124, interquartile range (IQR): 71-221) lives compared to the ‘testing, tracing, and isolation’ approach. However, the ICER will be on average $45,104,156 (median $ 49.6 million, IQR: 22.7-220.1) to prevent one case of death. Conclusions: A national lockdown has a moderate advantage in saving lives with tremendous costs and possible overwhelming economic effects. These findings should assist decision-makers in dealing with additional waves of this pandemic.”

12. Too Little of a Good Thing A Paradox of Moderate Infection Control, by Ted Cohen and Marc Lipsitch. Epidemiology. 2008 Jul; 19(4): 588–589. “The link between limiting pathogen exposure and improving public health is not always so straightforward. Reducing the risk that each member of a community will be exposed to a pathogen has the attendant effect of increasing the average age at which infections occur. For pathogens that inflict greater morbidity at older ages, interventions that reduce but do not eliminate exposure can paradoxically increase the number of cases of severe disease by shifting the burden of infection toward older individuals.”

13. “Smart Thinking, Lockdown and COVID-19: Implications for Public Policy” by Morris Altman. Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy, 2020. “The response to COVID-19 has been overwhelmingly to lockdown much of the world’s economies in order to minimize death rates as well as the immediate negative effects of COVID-19. I argue that such policy is too often de-contextualized as it ignores policy externalities, assumes death rate calculations are appropriately accurate and, and as well, assumes focusing on direct Covid-19 effects to maximize human welfare is appropriate. As a result of this approach current policy can be misdirected and with highly negative effects on human welfare. Moreover, such policies can inadvertently result in not minimizing death rates (incorporating externalities) at all, especially in the long run. Such misdirected and sub-optimal policy is a product of policy makers using inappropriate mental models which are lacking in a number of key areas; the failure to take a more comprehensive macro perspective to address the virus, using bad heuristics or decision-making tools, relatedly not recognizing the differential effects of the virus, and adopting herding strategy (follow-the-leader) when developing policy. Improving the decision-making environment, inclusive of providing more comprehensive governance and improving mental models could have lockdowns throughout the world thus yielding much higher levels of human welfare.”

14. “SARS-CoV-2 waves in Europe: A 2-stratum SEIRS model solution” by Levan Djaparidze and Federico Lois. MedRxiv pre-print, October 23, 2020. “We found that 180-day of mandatory isolations to healthy <60 (i.e. schools and workplaces closed) produces more final deaths if the vaccination date is later than (Madrid: Feb 23 2021; Catalonia: Dec 28 2020; Paris: Jan 14 2021; London: Jan 22 2021). We also modeled how average isolation levels change the probability of getting infected for a single individual that isolates differently than average. That led us to realize disease damages to third parties due to virus spreading can be calculated and to postulate that an individual has the right to avoid isolation during epidemics (SARS-CoV-2 or any other).”

15. “Did Lockdown Work? An Economist’s Cross-Country Comparison” by Christian Bjørnskov. SSRN working paper, August 2, 2020. “The lockdowns in most Western countries have thrown the world into the most severe recession since World War II and the most rapidly developing recession ever seen in mature market economies. They have also caused an erosion of fundamental rights and the separation of powers in a  large part of the world as both democratic and autocratic regimes have misused their emergency powers and ignored constitutional limits to policy-making (Bjørnskov and Voigt, 2020). It is therefore important to evaluate whether and to which extent the lockdowns have worked as officially intended: to suppress the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and prevent deaths associated with it. Comparing weekly mortality in 24 European countries, the findings in this paper suggest that more severe lockdown policies have not been associated with lower mortality. In other words, the lockdowns have not worked as intended.”

16.”Four Stylized Facts about COVID-19” (alt-link) by Andrew Atkeson, Karen Kopecky, and Tao Zha. NBER working paper 27719, August 2020. “One of the central policy questions regarding the COVID-19 pandemic is the question of which non-pharmeceutical interventions governments might use to influence the transmission of the disease. Our ability to identify empirically which NPI’s have what impact on disease transmission depends on there being enough independent variation in both NPI’s and disease transmission across locations as well as our having robust procedures for controlling for other observed and unobserved factors that might be influencing disease transmission. The facts that we document in this paper cast doubt on this premise…. The existing literature has concluded that NPI policy and social distancing have been essential to reducing the spread of COVID-19 and the number of deaths due to this deadly pandemic. The stylized facts established in this paper challenge this conclusion.”

17. “How does Belarus have one of the lowest death rates in Europe?” by Kata Karáth. British Medical Journal, September 15, 2020. “Belarus’s beleaguered government remains unfazed by covid-19. President Aleksander Lukashenko, who has been in power since 1994, has flatly denied the seriousness of the pandemic, refusing to impose a lockdown, close schools, or cancel mass events like the Belarusian football league or the Victory Day parade. Yet the country’s death rate is among the lowest in Europe—just over 700 in a population of 9.5 million with over 73 000 confirmed cases.”

18. “Association between living with children and outcomes from COVID-19: an OpenSAFELY cohort study of 12 million adults in England” by Harriet Forbes, Caroline E Morton, Seb Bacon et al., by MedRxiv, November 2, 2020. “Among 9,157,814 adults ≤65 years, living with children 0-11 years was not associated with increased risks of recorded SARS-CoV-2 infection, COVID-19 related hospital or ICU admission but was associated with reduced risk of COVID-19 death (HR 0.75, 95%CI 0.62-0.92). Living with children aged 12-18 years was associated with a small increased risk of recorded SARS-CoV-2 infection (HR 1.08, 95%CI 1.03-1.13), but not associated with other COVID-19 outcomes. Living with children of any age was also associated with lower risk of dying from non-COVID-19 causes. Among 2,567,671 adults >65 years there was no association between living with children and outcomes related to SARS-CoV-2. We observed no consistent changes in risk following school closure.”

19. “Exploring inter-country coronavirus mortality“ By Trevor Nell, Ian McGorian, Nick Hudson. Pandata, July 7, 2020. “For each country put forward as an example, usually in some pairwise comparison and with an attendant single cause explanation, there are a host of countries that fail the expectation. We set out to model the disease with every expectation of failure. In choosing variables it was obvious from the outset that there would be contradictory outcomes in the real world. But there were certain variables that appeared to be reliable markers as they had surfaced in much of the media and pre-print papers. These included age, co-morbidity prevalence and the seemingly light population mortality rates in poorer countries than that in richer countries. Even the worst among developing nations—a clutch of countries in equatorial Latin America—have seen lighter overall population mortality than the developed world. Our aim therefore was not to develop the final answer, rather to seek common cause variables that would go some way to providing an explanation and stimulating discussion. There are some very obvious outliers in this theory, not the least of these being Japan. We test and find wanting the popular notions that lockdowns with their attendant social distancing and various other NPIs confer protection.”

20. “Covid-19 Mortality: A Matter of Vulnerability Among Nations Facing Limited Margins of Adaptation” by Quentin De Larochelambert, Andy Marc, Juliana Antero, Eric Le Bourg, and Jean-François Toussaint. Frontiers in Public Health, 19 November 2020. “Higher Covid death rates are observed in the [25/65°] latitude and in the [−35/−125°] longitude ranges. The national criteria most associated with death rate are life expectancy and its slowdown, public health context (metabolic and non-communicable diseases (NCD) burden vs. infectious diseases prevalence), economy (growth national product, financial support), and environment (temperature, ultra-violet index). Stringency of the measures settled to fight pandemia, including lockdown, did not appear to be linked with death rate. Countries that already experienced a stagnation or regression of life expectancy, with high income and NCD rates, had the highest price to pay. This burden was not alleviated by more stringent public decisions. Inherent factors have predetermined the Covid-19 mortality: understanding them may improve prevention strategies by increasing population resilience through better physical fitness and immunity.”

21. “States with the Fewest Coronavirus Restrictions” by Adam McCann. WalletHub, Oct 6, 2020. This study assesses and ranks stringencies in the United States by states. The results are plotted against deaths per capita and unemployment. The graphics reveal no relationship in stringency level as it relates to the death rates, but finds a clear relationship between stringency and unemployment.

22. The Mystery of Taiwan: Commentary on the Lancet Study of Taiwan and New Zealand, by Amelia Janaskie. American Institute for Economic Research, November 2, 2020. “The Taiwanese case reveals something extraordinary about pandemic response. As much as public-health authorities imagine that the trajectory of a new virus can be influenced or even controlled by policies and responses, the current and past experiences of coronavirus illustrate a different point. The severity of a new virus might have far more to do with endogenous factors within a population rather than the political response. According to the lockdown narrative, Taiwan did almost everything ‘wrong’ but generated what might in fact be the best results in terms of public health of any country in the world.”

23. “Predicting the Trajectory of Any COVID19 Epidemic From the Best Straight Line” by Michael Levitt, Andrea Scaiewicz, Francesco Zonta. MedRxiv, Pre-print, June 30, 2020. “Comparison of locations with over 50 deaths shows all outbreaks have a common feature: H(t) defined as loge(X(t)/X(t-1)) decreases linearly on a log scale, where X(t) is the total number of Cases or Deaths on day, t (we use ln for loge). The downward slopes vary by about a factor of three with time constants (1/slope) of between 1 and 3 weeks; this suggests it may be possible to predict when an outbreak will end. Is it possible to go beyond this and perform early prediction of the outcome in terms of the eventual plateau number of total confirmed cases or deaths? We test this hypothesis by showing that the trajectory of cases or deaths in any outbreak can be converted into a straight line. Specifically Y(t)≡−ln(ln(N/X(t)),is a straight line for the correct plateau value N, which is determined by a new method, Best-Line Fitting (BLF). BLF involves a straight-line facilitation extrapolation needed for prediction; it is blindingly fast and amenable to optimization. We find that in some locations that entire trajectory can be predicted early, whereas others take longer to follow this simple functional form.”

24. “Government mandated lockdowns do not reduce Covid-19 deaths: implications for evaluating the stringent New Zealand response” by John Gibson. New Zealand Economic Papers, August 25, 2020. “The New Zealand policy response to Coronavirus was the most stringent in the world during the Level 4 lockdown. Up to 10 billion dollars of output (≈3.3% of GDP) was lost in moving to Level 4 rather than staying at Level 2, according to Treasury calculations. For lockdown to be optimal requires large health benefits to offset this output loss. Forecast deaths from epidemiological models are not valid counterfactuals, due to poor identification. Instead, I use empirical data, based on variation amongst United States counties, over one-fifth of which just had social distancing rather than lockdown. Political drivers of lockdown provide identification. Lockdowns do not reduce Covid-19 deaths. This pattern is visible on each date that key lockdown decisions were made in New Zealand. The apparent ineffectiveness of lockdowns suggests that New Zealand suffered large economic costs for little benefit in terms of lives saved.”

25. “Lockdowns and Closures vs COVID – 19: COVID Wins” by Surjit S Bhalla, executive director for India of the International Monetary Fund. “For the first time in human history, lockdowns were used as a strategy to counter the virus. While conventional wisdom, to date, has been that lockdowns were successful (ranging from mild to spectacular) we find not one piece of evidence supporting this claim.”

26. “Effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19: A Tale of Three Models” by Vincent Chin, John P.A. Ioannidis, Martin A. Tanner, Sally Cripps, MedXriv, July 22, 2020. “Inferences on effects of NPIs are non-robust and highly sensitive to model specification. Claimed benefits of lockdown appear grossly exaggerated.”

27. “Assessing Mandatory Stay‐at‐Home and Business Closure Effects on the Spread of COVID‐19” by Eran Bendavid, Christopher Oh, Jay Bhattacharya, John P.A. Ioannidis. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, January 5, 2021. “Implementing any NPIs was associated with significant reductions in case growth in 9 out of 10 study countries, including South Korea and Sweden that implemented only lrNPIs (Spain had a non‐significant effect). After subtracting the epidemic and lrNPI effects, we find no clear, significant beneficial effect of mrNPIs on case growth in any country. In France, e.g., the effect of mrNPIs was +7% (95CI ‐5%‐19%) when compared with Sweden, and +13% (‐12%‐38%) when compared with South Korea (positive means pro‐contagion). The 95% confidence intervals excluded 30% declines in all 16 comparisons and 15% declines in 11/16 comparisons.”

28. “Lockdown Effects on Sars-CoV-2 Transmission – The evidence from Northern Jutland” by  Kasper Planeta Kepp and Christian Bjørnskov. MedXriv, January 4, /2021.”The exact impact of lockdowns and other NPIs on Sars-CoV-2 transmission remain a matter of debate as early models assumed 100% susceptible homogenously transmitting populations, an assumption known to overestimate counterfactual transmission, and since most real epidemiological data are subject to massive confounding variables. Here, we analyse the unique case-controlled epidemiological dataset arising from the selective lockdown of parts of Northern Denmark, but not others, as a consequence of the spread of mink-related mutations in November 2020. Our analysis shows that while infection levels decreased, they did so before lockdown was effective, and infection numbers also decreased in neighbour municipalities without mandates. Direct spill-over to neighbour municipalities or the simultaneous mass testing do not explain this. Instead, control of infection pockets possibly together with voluntary social behaviour was apparently effective before the mandate, explaining why the infection decline occurred before and in both the mandated and non-mandated areas. The data suggest that efficient infection surveillance and voluntary compliance make full lockdowns unnecessary at least in some circumstances.”

29. “A First Literature Review: Lockdowns Only Had a Small Effect on COVID-19” by Jonas Herby, SSRN, January 6, 2021. “How important was the economic lockdowns in the spring of 2020 in curbing the COVID-19 pan-demic and how important was the lockdown in comparison to voluntary changes in behavior? In the spring, the overall social response to the COVID-19 pandemic consisted of a mix of voluntary and government mandated behavior changes. Voluntary behavior changes occurred on the basis of information, such as the number of people infected, the number of COVID-19-deaths and on the basis of the signal value associated with the official lockdown combined with appeals to the population to change its behavior. Mandated behavior changes took place as a result of the ban-ning of certain activities deemed non-essential. Studies which differentiate between the two types of behavioral change find that, on average, mandated behavior changes accounts for only 9% (median: 0%) of the total effect on the growth of the pandemic stemming from behavioral changes. The remaining 91% (median: 100%) of the effect was due to voluntary behavior changes. This is excluding the effect of curfew and facemasks, which was not employed in all countries.”

30. “The effect of interventions on COVID-19” by Kristian Soltesz, Fredrik Gustafsson, Toomas Timpka, Joakim Jaldén, Carl Jidling, Albin Heimerson, Thomas B. Schön, Armin Spreco, Joakim Ekberg, Örjan Dahlström, Fredrik Bagge Carlson, Anna Jöud & Bo Bernhardsson . Nature, December 23, 202. “Flaxman et al. took on the challenge of estimating the effectiveness of five categories of non-pharmaceutical intervention (NPI)—social distancing encouraged, self isolation, school closures, public events banned, and complete lockdown—on the spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). On the basis of mortality data collected between January and early May 2020, they concluded that only one of these, the lockdown, had been effective in 10 out of the 11 European countries that were studied. However, here we use simulations with the original model code to suggest that the conclusions of Flaxman et al. with regard to the effectiveness of individual NPIs are not justified. Although the NPIs that were considered have indisputably contributed to reducing the spread of the virus, our analysis indicates that the individual effectiveness of these NPIs cannot be reliably quantified.”


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This text, crossposted on GR was first published in October 2020

It is of relevance in understanding the governments’ decision to enforcing a lockdown in defiance of scientific evidence.





October 2020  

Dr. Bonnie Henry,
British Columbia Provincial Health Officer,
Ministry of Health,
Victoria, BC V8W 3C9

Dear Dr. Henry,  

I am a physician who has been in family medical practice in BC for more than 40 years and a member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC since 1978.   

I am writing this letter with the hope that you will be able to clarify the basis of your decision-making that has led our provincial government, health ministry, regional health officers, hospitals, medical staff, WorkSafe BC, businesses, and everyday citizens to follow pandemic policies that do not appear based on high-quality scientific research and, in fact, appear to be doing everyone a great deal of harm.1 

The early intent of mitigation measures to “flatten the curve”, when we knew very little about SARS-CoV-2, its mode of transmission, and the severity of COVID-19, was reasonable. I believe that most physicians in Canada, myself included, whether active or retired, prepared themselves to take part on the front lines for the expected COVID-19 tsunami. Very soon it was apparent that the expected overwhelming of the hospital system was not going to occur, and now BC physicians have questions about the appropriateness of your public health policies.

The epidemiological evidence clearly shows that the “pandemic” is over and no second wave will follow. The evidence has been available for at least 4-5 months and is irrefutable.24 Yet, in spite of this substantial body of research, your office is perpetuating the narrative that a pandemic still exists and a second wave is expected. This false story is being used to justify public health policies that appear to have no health benefits, have already caused considerable harm, and threaten to create more harm in the future.

As you are aware, Sweden took an entirely different approach and, as of mid-September, their infection rate reached an all-time low and Covid-19 related deaths were at zero; 22 of 31 European countries, most of which enacted strict lockdowns, had higher infection rates. Sweden has also largely escaped the financial ruin and catastrophic mental health problems experienced in other countries, including Canada and the U.S.A.

Dr. Lawrence Rosenberg, Montréal’s medical officer, has stated “this COVID virus is much like the seasonal flu”.

A group of over 400 Belgian doctors have stated “COVID is not a killer virus, but a treatable condition”.

Eighteen Canadian doctors wrote the Ontario Premier, Doug Ford, stating “your policies risk significantly harming our children with lifelong consequences”. The Ontario policies are very similar to those of British Columbia.

In 2011, a review of the literature by the British Columbia Centres for Disease Control that sought to evaluate the effectiveness of social distancing measures such as school closures, travel restrictions, and limitations on mass gatherings as a means to address an influenza pandemic concluded that “such drastic restrictions are not economically feasible and are predicted to delay viral spread, but not impact overall mortality”. [Italics added]

Specifically, there appears to be no scientific or medical evidence for56 

  1. Self-isolation of asymptomatic people
  2. social distancing
  3. facemasks
  4. arbitrary closure of businesses
  5. closure of schools, daycares, park amenities, and playgrounds
  6. the discontinuance of access to education, medical, dental, chiropractic, naturopathic, hearing, dietary, therapeutic, and other support for the physically and mentally disabled, particularly special needs children with neurological disorders
  7. the closing down of or restrictions on religious places of worship.

According to the CDC Pandemic Severity Index, none of these measures have been warranted. The Great Barrington Declaration, signed by more than 30,000 health scientists and medical doctors from around the world, adds support for this statement.

Surprisingly, the recommendation for reducing COVID-19 morbidity and mortality by supplementing with vitamin D, a measure that is supported by high-quality research, has been absent from your frequent public broadcasts and professional bulletins.7

Optimizing nutrition is a convenient, inexpensive, and safe method of improving immune resistance and has been confirmed through numerous studies for both prevention and treatment of COVID19. As far as I am aware, you have never mentioned something as simple as vitamin D supplements for our most vulnerable citizens. Yet, it was the promise to protect these same citizens that was used to justify the lockdown of a healthy population and the closure of businesses.

Why are you still using PCR testing?

The Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Health in Ontario has publicly stated that the PCR test yields over 50% false positives.

A New York Times investigative report found that PCR testing yields up to 90% false positives due to excessive amplification beyond the recommendations of the manufacturer.

The PCR test was never designed, intended or validated to be used as a diagnostic tool. Even the Alberta Health Services COVID-19 Scientific Advisory Group has stated “clinical sensitivity and specificity values have not been determined for lab developed RT-PCR testing in Canada”.8

Despite expert consensus, you continue to use this inappropriate and inaccurate test to report so-called “cases” and justify your decisions.9-18

The public health definition of a “case” is very broad. As all experienced doctors know, a “case” is a patient with significant symptoms who is often hospitalized. A “case” is not a person who simply has a questionably positive PCR test and presents with no symptoms or an unrelated diagnosis. Pictures of healthy young adults standing in line to get PCR tests, with a cell phone in one hand and a Starbucks coffee in the other, are everywhere in the media. These are not sick people and do not need testing.

Nevertheless, your public announcements repeatedly emphasize that the “case” counts are rising and we are in big trouble. Recently, “out-of-control” case counts were used to justify a second lockdown in Ontario and Quebec. Curfews have been put into place. People are being asked to risk their livelihoods to make sacrifices for the general good, based on Public Health’s misrepresentation of “cases” as sick people.

Meanwhile, hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths from COVID-19 have dropped to pre-pandemic levels. Where are all the patients?

Why not simply tell the public that

  • the PCR testing is not reliable and is meaningless for diagnosing COVID-19
  • positive PCR test results do not represent sick patients,
  • rarely are people now becoming ill from SARS-CoV-2,
  • provincial hospitals are essentially empty of COVID-19 patients,
  • decisions should not be based on “cases” in the news,
  • the morbidity/mortality of COVID-19 has not exceeded seasonal influenza,
  • the median age of death from COVID-19 in Canada was 85 years,
  • the pandemic is over, and
  • no second wave is coming?

It is your duty as the provincial health officer to provide facts, not propaganda, and make every effort to stop the public panic. The only reason for emphasizing “cases” is to induce more fear and thereby compliance in the name of promised safety.

Why are children being pursued with a new rinse-and-spit saliva test that is also based on a worthless PCR test? Children have been terrorized and are being given the message that they can never be trusted not to infect their family and friends — essentially, that they are naturally bad. The insistence on covering their faces with masks, a proven useless and even harmful measure, only worsens this sense of shame. The psychological fallout from such messaging is going to be horrific. One only needs to walk down Main Street to already see the catastrophic effects of these messages on the mental and emotional health of families.

The excess death toll from partial lockdowns, social distancing and other public health measures is staggering. The Canadian media reports that provincial measures have been shown to create 12:1 more deaths than the virus; there has been a 40% increase in heart attack deaths in Canada from fear, anxiety and cancelled hospital procedures; suicide and drug overdose deaths have increased and outnumber COVID-19 deaths by a ratio of 3:1; suicides have doubled in BC since April; and anxiety and depression, food insecurity, domestic violence, and child abuse have skyrocketed. With unnecessary school closures, the ability of teachers to identify children subject to abuse and malnourishment has been curtailed. Many of our friends, family and patients died alone, terrified, and isolated against their will in facilities and nursing homes. That cruel policy was unjustified and inhuman.

How is it possible that a doctor with your previous training and experience did not anticipate the collateral damage of your public health policies – the economic disruption, the psychological and physical health consequences, and the deaths from despair?

The mainstream media has created a religion out of public health, one based on superstition, not science, with the power to rule over an obedient public. The news channels have raised you to almost saint-like status. Tea towels, shoes and murals have been designed to celebrate your accomplishments. Yet, your public directives do not make sense, contradict the research, and are causing people a great deal of harm. As a fellow doctor, I appeal to you to re-examine your policies and change direction before Public Health causes irreparable damage to our province’s health and economic well-being. That about-face will require you to meet the obligations of your office.


Stephen Malthouse, MD

Member, College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia,

Denman Island, British Columbia

Email: [email protected]


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  5. The Doctor Is In: Scott Atlas and the Efficacy of Lockdowns, Social Distancing, and Closures   
  8. Alberta Health Services COVID-19 Scientific Advisory Group. How do the testing characteristics for the Alberta Health Services lab-developed test for COVID-19 differ between samples collected from nasal, nasopharyngeal, and throat swabs? 15 April 2020 [Internet]. (accessed 16 May 2020).  
  15. Zhang GH et al. Potential false-positive rate among the ‘asymptomatic infected individuals’ in close contacts of COVID-19 patients.CMA.J.CN, 2020 Mar 5;41(4):485-488.  
  17. Insert from sample COVID testing kit: RealStar® SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR Kit 1.0 For research use only! The RealStar® SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR Kit 1.0 is a reagent system, based on realtime PCR technology, for the qualitative detection and differentiation of lineage B-betacoronavirus (B-βCoV) and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) specific RNA. For research use only
    (RUO)! Not for use in diagnostic procedures.[Italics added]
  18. Insert from sample COVID testing kit: LightMix® Modular SARS-CoV Assays. Roche continues to monitor the virus, SARS-CoV-2, that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and is pleased to announce the availability of the LightMix Modular Assays used to detect this virus. These assays are for Research Use Only (RUO*) on the LightCycler® 480 and/or cobas z 480 instruments, and Roche is the exclusive distributor for these assays. The MagNA Pure 96 instrument or High Pure Viral Nucleic acid kit can be used for extraction. The three LightMix Modular assays are used to detect the SARS and CoV genes outlined in the table below in human tracheal aspirates or bronchoalveolar lavage samples from individual human donors. These assays are not intended for use as an aid in the diagnosis of coronavirus infection. [Italics added] 

Featured image is from Wikimedia Commons

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According to new data released today, as of Feb. 12, 15,923 adverse reactions to COVID vaccines, including 929 deaths, have been reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) since Dec. 14, 2020.

VAERS is the primary mechanism in the U.S. for reporting adverse vaccine reactions. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a determination can be made as to whether the reported adverse event was directly or indirectly caused by the vaccine.

Feb. 12 release VAERS data.

The latest VAERS data show that 799 of the deaths were reported in the U.S., and that about one-third of those deaths occurred within 48 hours of the individual receiving the vaccination.

As is consistent with previous VAERS data reports, 192 of the reported deaths — or 21% — were cardiac-related. As The Defender reported earlier this month, Dr. J. Patrick Whelan, a pediatric rheumatologist, warned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in December that mRNA vaccines like those developed by Pfizer and Moderna could cause heart attacks and other injuries in ways not assessed in safety trials.

Of the 929 deaths reported since Dec. 14, 2020, the average age of the deceased was 77.8 and the youngest was 23. Fifty-two percent of the reported deaths were among men, 45% were women and 3% are unknown. Fifty-eight percent of the deaths were reported in people who received the Pfizer vaccine, and 41% were related to the Moderna vaccine.

States with the highest reported number of deaths were:

  • California (71);
  • Florida (50);
  • Ohio (38);
  • New York (31);
  • Kentucky (41);
  • Michigan (31); and
  • Texas (31)

CBS Detroit reported this week that a 68-year old news anchor died one day after being vaccinated for COVID of a suspected stroke.

Reports of deaths among elderly people after being vaccinated for COVID continue to surface, including the article published this week by The Defender about 46 nursing home residents in Spain who died within one month of receiving the Pfizer vaccine.

According to the latest data, 3,126 “serious” adverse reactions have been reported. Adverse reaction reports from the latest CDC data also include:

So far, only Pfizer and Moderna vaccines — approved for emergency use, but not fully licensed — are being used in the U.S.

AstraZeneca’s COVID vaccine, which does not use mRNA technology, was approved for emergency use this week by the World Health Organization, paving the way for some countries to start using it. However, as The Defender reported this week, some nations have said they won’t use it, citing safety and efficacy concerns.

FiercePharma reported today that the FDA may reject the AstraZeneca vaccine over concerns relating to efficacy, especially against new COVID variants, and manufacturing issues.

News reports indicate that a growing number of people, including nearly 30% of healthcare workers, now say they don’t want the COVID vaccine, citing safety concerns.

The Washington Post reported this week that nearly a third of military personnel are opting out of the vaccines, and ESPN reported that top NBA players are reluctant to promote the vaccine.

Meanwhile, the FDA has not yet implemented systems to monitor the safety of the experimental COVID vaccines. FDA officials told The New York Times they don’t expect the systems to be up and running before the Biden administration reaches its goal of vaccinating 100 million Americans — nearly one third of the U.S. population.

As of Feb. 19, about 56.3 million people in the U.S. had received one or both doses of a COVID vaccine.

While the VAERS database numbers may seem sobering, according to a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services study, the actual number of adverse events is likely significantly higher. VAERS is a passive surveillance system that relies on the willingness of individuals to submit reports voluntarily.

According to the VAERS website, healthcare providers are required by law to report to VAERS:

  • Any adverse event listed in the VAERS Table of Reportable Events Following Vaccination that occurs within the specified time period after vaccination
  • An adverse event listed by the vaccine manufacturer as a contraindication to further doses of the vaccine

The CDC says healthcare providers are strongly encouraged to report:

  • Any adverse event that occurs after the administration of a vaccine licensed in the United States, whether or not it is clear that a vaccine caused the adverse event
  • Vaccine administration errors

However, “within the specified time” means that reactions occurring outside that timeframe may not be reported, in addition to reactions suffered hours or days later by people who don’t report those reactions to their healthcare provider.

Vaccine manufacturers are required to report to VAERS “all adverse events that come to their attention.”

Historically, however, fewer than fewer than 1% of adverse events have ever been reported to VAERS, a system that Children’s Health Defense has previously referred to as an “abject failure,” including in a December 2020 letter to Dr. David  Kessler, former FDA director and now co-chair of the COVID-19 Advisory Board and President Biden’s version of Operation Warp Speed.

A critic familiar with VAERS’ shortcomings bluntly condemned VAERS in The BMJ as “nothing more than window dressing, and a part of U.S. authorities’ systematic effort to reassure/deceive us about vaccine safety.”

CHD is calling for complete transparency. The children’s health organization is asking Kessler and the federal government to release all of the data from the clinical trials and suspend COVID-19 vaccine use in any group not adequately represented in the clinical trials, including the elderly, frail and anyone with comorbidities.

CHD is also asking for full transparency in post-marketing data that reports all health outcomes, including new diagnoses of autoimmune disorders, adverse events and deaths from COVID vaccines.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


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Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

First published on December 25, 2020

On December 1, 2020, the ex-Pfizer head of respiratory research Dr. Michael Yeadon and the lung specialist and former head of the public health department Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg filed an application with the EMA, the European Medicine Agency responsible for EU-wide drug approval, for the immediate suspension of all SARS CoV 2 vaccine studies, in particular the BioNtech/Pfizer study on BNT162b (EudraCT number 2020-002641-42).

Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon demand that the studies – for the protection of the life and health of the volunteers – should not be continued until a study design is available that is suitable to address the significant safety concerns expressed by an increasing number of renowned scientists against the vaccine and the study design.

On the one hand, the petitioners demand that, due to the known lack of accuracy of the PCR test in a serious study, a so-called Sanger sequencing must be used. This is the only way to make reliable statements on the effectiveness of a vaccine against Covid-19. On the basis of the many different PCR tests of highly varying quality, neither the risk of disease nor a possible vaccine benefit can be determined with the necessary certainty, which is why testing the vaccine on humans is unethical per se.

Furthermore, they demand that it must be excluded, e.g. by means of animal experiments, that risks already known from previous studies, which partly originate from the nature of the corona viruses, can be realized. The concerns are directed in particular to the following points:

  • The formation of so-called “non-neutralizing antibodies” can lead to an exaggerated immune reaction, especially when the test person is confronted with the real, “wild” virus after vaccination. This so-called antibody-dependent amplification, ADE, has long been known from experiments with corona vaccines in cats, for example. In the course of these studies all cats that initially tolerated the vaccination well died after catching the wild virus.
  • The vaccinations are expected to produce antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. However, spike proteins also contain syncytin-homologous proteins, which are essential for the formation of the placenta in mammals such as humans. It must be absolutely ruled out that a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 could trigger an immune reaction against syncytin-1, as otherwise infertility of indefinite duration could result in vaccinated women.
  • The mRNA vaccines from BioNTech/Pfizer contain polyethylene glycol (PEG). 70% of people develop antibodies against this substance – this means that many people can develop allergic, potentially fatal reactions to the vaccination.
  • The much too short duration of the study does not allow a realistic estimation of the late effects. As in the narcolepsy cases after the swine flu vaccination, millions of healthy people would be exposed to an unacceptable risk if an emergency approval were to be granted and the possibility of observing the late effects of the vaccination were to follow. Nevertheless, BioNTech/Pfizer apparently submitted an application for emergency approval on December 1, 2020.

CALL FOR HELP: Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon ask as many EU citizens as possible to co-sign their petition by sending the e-mail prepared here to the EMA.

Nachtrag: Wegen teilweiser Überlastung der Server hier der Inhalt der E-Mail und die Kontaktadressen zum späteren Selbst-Versenden:

An: [email protected]; [email protected]

Betreff: Co-signing the petition of Dr. Wodarg, Germany, and Dr. Yeadon, UK (submitted on 1-Dec-2020)

Dear Sir or Madam, I am hereby co-signing the petition of Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon to support their urgent request to stay the Phase III clinical trial(s) of BNT162b (EudraCT Number 2020-002641-42) and other clinical trials.

The full text of the petition of Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon can be found here:

I hereby respectfully request that EMA act on the petition of Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon immediately. Regards 


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Featured image is from 2020 news

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Via a Monday Twitter post, President Joe Biden made an unqualified assertion that the experimental coronavirus vaccines, which are not even vaccines under the normal meaning of vaccines, the United States government is encouraging Americans to take are “safe” for everyone. However, taking a look through the fact sheets for recipients and caregivers regarding the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna experimental coronavirus vaccines, available at the website of the US government’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you find a very different representation.

These fact sheets warn that there are many known health risks of taking either vaccine and that there are also other potential health risks that remain unknown because the experimental vaccines went through rushed and incomplete testing.

Biden stated the following in his tweet:

If there’s one message I want to cut through to everyone in this country, it’s this: The vaccines are safe.

For yourself, your family, your community, our country — take the vaccine when it’s your turn and available. That’s how we’ll beat this pandemic.

Wow. It would be absurd to make such a claim even about the many vaccines that have gone through complete regular testing. There is a basis for arguing taking such injections for many people can be expected to provide greater benefit than detriment. But, to say outright that those vaccines are safe for any particular person is to give false assurance. And to say outright that they are safe for everyone is preposterous.

People are hurt by vaccines that have gone through the full, regular testing process. Further, recognition of the predictable heightened danger for some people taking such vaccines leads doctors to recommend that those individuals not take them at all.

Looking at the fact sheets for recipients and caregivers for the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna experimental coronavirus vaccines makes clear how far off Biden’s blanket assurance of safety is. The US government is admitting there are potential negative health consequences of taking the experimental vaccines.

The first warning sign in the fact sheets for the two experimental vaccines is in the fact sheets’ titles. Both titles refer to the “emergency use authorization” of the vaccines. At the end of the fact sheets it is explained that emergency use authorization means the experimental coronavirus vaccines have “not undergone the same type of review as an FDA approved or cleared product.” Further, it is made clear that the emergency use authorization does not mean the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has determined the vaccines are safe. Instead, “the FDA decision is based on the totality of scientific evidence available showing that the product may be effective to prevent COVID-19 during the COVID-19 pandemic and that the known and potential benefits of the product outweigh the known and potential risks of the product.”

Unlike Biden who seems to say everyone should rush out and take the vaccines, the fact sheets explicitly say that some people should not receive the injections: people under a certain age (16 for Pfizer-BioNTech and 18 for Moderna), as well as people who have “had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of this vaccine” (both vaccines have a two shot regimen) or “had a severe allergic reaction to any ingredient” of the respective vaccines.

The fact sheets for both the Pfizer-BioNTech and the Moderna experimental coronavirus vaccines also include this section that suggests that, for particular individuals, taking one of the vaccines will carry greater risk of harm and may be better avoided:


Tell your vaccination provider about all of your medical conditions, including if you:

• have any allergies

• have a fever

• have a bleeding disorder or are on a blood thinner

• are immunocompromised or are on a medicine that affects your immune system

• are pregnant or plan to become pregnant

• are breastfeeding

• have received another COVID-19 vaccine

For each of the experiment vaccines, the respective fact sheets also provide a list of some of potential health harms from receiving the vaccinations — potential health harms Biden seems to claim do not exist.

The Pfizer-BioNTech experimental coronavirus vaccine fact sheet provides these details about risks from having the shots:


Side effects that have been reported with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine include:

• injection site pain

• tiredness

• headache

• muscle pain

• chills

• joint pain

• fever

• injection site swelling

• injection site redness

• nausea

• feeling unwell

• swollen lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy)

Similarly, the Moderna experimental coronavirus vaccine fact sheet provides these details about risks from having the shots:


Side effects that have been reported with the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine include:

• Injection site reactions: pain, tenderness and swelling of the lymph nodes in the same arm of the injection, swelling (hardness), and redness

• General side effects: fatigue, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, chills, nausea and vomiting, and fever

Both experimental coronavirus vaccines’ fact sheets also provide this warning:

There is a remote chance that the [Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna] COVID-19 Vaccine could cause a severe allergic reaction. A severe allergic reaction would usually occur within a few minutes to one hour after getting a dose of the [Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna] COVID-19 Vaccine. For this reason, your vaccination provider may ask you to stay at the place where you received your vaccine for monitoring after vaccination. Signs of a severe allergic reaction can include:

• Difficulty breathing

• Swelling of your face and throat

• A fast heartbeat

• A bad rash all over your body

• Dizziness and weakness

These may not be all the possible side effects of the [Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna] COVID-19 Vaccine. Serious and unexpected side effects may occur. The [Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna] COVID-19 Vaccine is still being studied in clinical trials.

So, are the experimental coronavirus vaccines safe? The answer is “no” according to the fact sheets provided at the FDA website. There are significant known dangers from taking the vaccines. Also, especially given the rushed and abbreviated testing of the experimental vaccines, there may be numerous unlisted health problems that arise in people who receive the shots.

Biden says to everyone in his tweet “take the vaccine when it’s your turn and available.” A wiser course is for people to consider the potential risks carefully and make their own informed decisions regarding taking the experimental coronavirus vaccines.

The experimental coronavirus vaccines’ fact sheets are a good starting point for that risk investigation. It may also be worthwhile to take a look at a few of my earlier articles — “Everyone Should Take the Experimental Coronavirus Vaccines? Dr. Joseph Mercola Says No.” from February 3, “Worries of Coronavirus Vaccine Deaths and Injuries in America and Abroad” from January 19, “Coronavirus Vaccinations Seem to be Causing 50 Times the Adverse Events of Flu Vaccinations after Just the First of Two Shots” from January 6, and “Doctors, Normal and Abnormal” from December 19.


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Featured image is from OffGuardian

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US foreign policy has clearly continued in the same direction, without missing a beat. Unlike in previous transitions in the White House, this time US President Joe Biden has not even really tried to promise even the faintest hope that it wouldn’t. 

There were a few glimpses of remote hope – particularly regarding the possibility the US wouldn’t abandon its last arms treaty with Russia, New START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) – and Biden’s promise of returning to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran Nuclear Deal.

However, in Biden’s first speech regarding foreign policy since taking office, now posted on the White House’s official website and titled, “Remarks by President Biden on America’s Place in the World,” reveals that, if anything, US belligerence on the global stage is set to only expand.

“America is back.  Diplomacy is back at the center of our foreign policy.” 

Biden’s opening remarks attempt to suggest that America has drifted away under his predecessor US President Donald Trump. But when he says “America is back,” we are left to assume he means “back” to what the US was doing under the administration of US President Barack Obama under which he served as vice president.

This was a president elected into office by the American people to end the wars of his predecessor, US President George W. Bush. Not only did he fail to end those wars – one in Iraq and one in Afghanistan – he expanded both. He also started several new wars including in Libya, Syria, and Yemen.

Under the administration of Obama-Biden, the US also overthrew the government of Ukraine in 2014 precipitating deadly violence in the nation’s eastern region.

Obama also continued Bush-era policies aimed at overthrowing the government of Venezuela and instituted the so-called US “pivot” to Asia in which US meddling was expanded in a bid to peel Southeast Asian states away from China’s orbit – or create an arc of chaos to disrupt China’s rise, trying.

And in Biden’s recent foreign policy speech – he has vowed to continue all of this.

Myanmar: We will “Impose Consequences on Those Responsible”  After declaring his intentions of meeting the challenges of “the growing ambitions of China to rival the United States and the determination of Russia to damage and disrupt our democracy,” he immediately set upon Myanmar – which he continuously referred to in his speech as “Burma” – the British colonial nomenclature for the now independent nation.

He would claim:

There can be no doubt: In a democracy, force should never seek to overrule the will of the people or attempt to erase the outcome of a credible election.  

The Burmese military should relinquish power they have seized, release the advocates and activists and officials they have detained, lift the restrictions on telecommunications, and refrain from violence.

Indeed, the military in Myanmar seized power – removing Aung San Suu Kyi from office as well as her National League for Democracy (NLD) political party.

While Biden demands “democracy” for  Myanmar – he fails to admit that democracy by definition is a process of self-determination and Washington’s role in installing Aung San Suu Kyi and her NLD into power in the first place was as much a violation of Myanmar’s political independence and he claims the military’s recent move was.

The US government through the US National Endowment for Democracy (NED) funds over 80 programs alone in support of the now ousted government of Aung San Suu Kyi and her NLD. The US has created what is essentially a parallel structure of institutions it had – until the military took power – run the country with.

Yemen War: Ending All [Relevant] American Support

President Biden’s remarks about Yemen and his desire to end the war might – at first glance appear positive.

Yet upon closer examination, the prospect of peace is much less promising.

Biden would claim (emphasis added):

This war has to end.  

And to underscore our commitment, we are ending all American support for offensive operations in the war in Yemen, including relevant arms sales.

Biden would quickly follow up his comment by noting attacks on Saudi Arabia – omitting the context that they are being carried out in retaliation for Saudi Arabia’s war of aggression on Yemen.

Thus, Biden is simply saying the US will not sell Saudi Arabia (directly) “relevant” weapons that will be used in the war on Yemen – but will surely continue selling Saudi Arabia weapons – a fact that will nonetheless continue to enable Saudi aggression both against Yemen and throughout the region – either directly or indirectly.

Biden’s desire to “negotiate” a settlement to the conflict means that Washington’s desire to end the war is not unconditional – but very  conditional – and likely involves the necessity of a government of Washington’s choosing finding its way into power in Yemen.

It should be remembered that Biden was vice president when this US-enabled proxy war began in the first place and for the sole purpose of installing a Western-friendly regime into power.

Regarding Yemen, Biden managed to vow continued war while appearing to seek peace.

Russia’s “Interfering with our Elections, Cyberattacks, Poisoning its Citizens” is “Over” 

While Biden has extended New START with Russia – his comments about Russia signal the creation of the same sort of pretext all of his predecessors have used to then walk away from other essential arms control treaties.

Biden would claim:

I made it clear to President Putin, in a manner very different from my predecessor, that the days of the United States rolling over in the face of Russia’s aggressive actions — interfering with our elections, cyberattacks, poisoning its citizens — are over.  We will not hesitate to raise the cost on Russia and defend our vital interests and our people.

The US conducted an investigation for over 2 years regarding alleged “Russian interference” in US elections and found no such evidence.

The same can be said of alleged “Russian cyberattacks,” particularly when considering experts submitting reports to US Congress on the matter were then caught themselves posing as Russians and engaging in coordinated inauthentic behavior in America’s information space – and worst of all – during US elections.

The “poisoning” of Russian citizens regards the alleged poisoning of US-backed opposition figure Alexei Navalny – an extremely unpopular figure in Russian politicals with no prospect of ever holding political office. The alleged poisoning came at a time when Russia and Germany were nearly finished with the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. The “poisoned” Navalny was flown by a shadowy Western NGO to Germany to serve as a prop in last-minute efforts by the US to shame Germany into cancelling the project.

It is clear who had the motive to poison Navalny and it wasn’t the Kremlin.

Thus, Biden is repeating three accusations of which he has evidence for none – followed by a threat to “raise the cost on Russia” which will most certainly include the shredding of treaties, additional sanctions, and more hybrid warfare directed along Russia’s peripheries and within Russian borders themselves.

And while Biden poses as breaking away from alleged warm relations between “Trump’s” America and Russia – shredding treaties, imposing sanctions, and using hybrid warfare against Russia continued under all four years of Trump’s presidency.

“We’ll Take On Directly China”

Biden vowed to carry US hostility toward China, predicated on the same lies the Trump administration used to justify what has become a full-blown trade war between the US and China.

Biden would claim:

We’ll confront China’s economic abuses; counter its aggressive, coercive action; to push back on China’s attack on human rights, intellectual property, and global governance.

China’s “economic abuses” are simply China out-competing the US economically. “Aggressive, coercive action” most likely refers to China’s ability to leverage its growing power in defense against what was for decades unchecked Western abuses and aggression against both China directly and its neighbors.

And US claims regarding China’s “attack on human rights, intellectual property, and global governance” are three repetitive lies the US is using with more frequency against any and all nations that refuse to fall under its “intentional order.”  The notion of the US taking the moral high-ground on “human rights” despite being the worst offender of human rights this century – including Biden’s own personal role in the wars in Libya, Syria, and Yemen – plums new depths of American hypocrisy.

Biden would also at one point claim (emphasis added):

If we invest in ourselves and our people, if we fight to ensure that American businesses are positioned to compete and win on the global stage, if the rules of international trade aren’t stacked against us, if our workers and intellectual property are protected, then there’s no country on Earth — not China or any other country on Earth — that can match us. 

Back in reality, China is a nation with four times the population of the US, with an economy increasingly dependent on cutting edge technology, and with access to plenty of resources. Unless US President Joe Biden is suggesting that the people of China are somehow inferior to Americans – China will not only “match” the US, it will inevitably surpass it several times over.

US President Joe Biden’s first foreign policy speech was a vow to maintain America’s belligerent posture around the globe. Biden all but vowed to continue ratcheting up pressure on both Russia and China – and for reasons we know for a fact are verified lies.

He all but stated that the war in Yemen will only end when the outcome the US seeks is finally achieved. 

And in the end – ultimately – Biden is making a renewed declaration of American exceptionalism – stating that no nation can “match” the US as long as the “rules” aren’t “stacked against” America.

Of course – for a nation with a smaller population and access to fewer resources – the only way for that to be possible is if the rules are instead stacked against everyone else on Earth – and that is precisely what the Biden administration is promising the world over the next four years – the continued stacking of those rules against all other nations on Earth and punishment to anyone who attempts to stop America from doing so.

Brian Berletic is a Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine New Eastern Outlook”.  

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The following article is the second in a series of interviews with a nurse who works in a hospital on the outskirts of Toronto, Ontario.

She has provided sufficient evidence, and links to public records, to satisfy me that she is indeed a nurse working for over a decade in multiple Canadian hospitals, serving both in the emergency room and intensive care unit. To protect her identity, position and family, details about her and her place of work have been changed or omitted, without altering her message.

Life-Threatening Reactions After COVID-19 Vaccination

JOHN C. A.: Are you being forced to take the COVID-19 vaccine?

NURSE ANDREA: I’ve not been forced to take it (yet).  The pressure is more social, rather than a legal or occupational requirement, at this time.  Most people seem to get vaxed because they want to socially signal that they “believe in science.”

The politically-induced vaccine supply restriction in Canada, that is making most people upset, is actually to my advantage.  Everyone keeps asking, “Andrea, did you get the vaccine?”  My standard reply is something like, “No, I already had my tubes tied; I don’t need any more medically induced infertility,” or I say, “No, I’m just exploiting everyone else’s enthusiasm for self-imposed medical experimentation.”

JOHN: How have the other staff members responded to their first injection of the COVID-19 vaccine?

NURSE ANDREA: I was just talking to a colleague who has no history of passing out easily, but she completely lost consciousness after getting the vaccine.  In medical terms, this is called a syncope.  Anecdotally, she was told at the vax clinic (off the record) that about one in ten people were experiencing syncope after injection. It seems to happen randomly.

My colleague said she witnessed someone pass out as they were walking to the exit!  This is extremely dangerous because even if the syncope is benign, all it takes is a bump to the head on the way down resulting in severe injury or death.  Imagine: a healthy young person with almost zero chance of dying from COVID, driven by media and social pressure to “believe in science,” getting jabbed with fake immune stimulation and dying. Seems kinda evil to me.

Vaccinated Patients Filing into Otherwise Underused ERs

JOHN: Have you seen any adverse reactions among patients?

NURSE ANDREA:  A patient came to the emergency department with severe lightheadedness and an episode of chest pain.  They had a hard time standing. I was taking their history and they told me they had recently taken the corona vax.

Of course, there are other possible causes for symptoms, such as mild heart attack or recent dietary change involving severe caloric restriction.  But how do we really know if the vax didn’t precipitate, or act as one (among the confluence of factors) that led to hospital admission?

The history of medicine is replete with entrenched fantasies about cause and effect — especially when the government, pharmaceutical, and agricultural big players are involved.

Vaccine Reactions Not Being Recorded Properly

JOHN: Did the doctor record her condition as a possible vaccine reaction?

NURSE ANDREA: The doctor immediately dismissed the idea that the corona vax could have played any role in the patient’s symptoms. It got me thinking, how much data about possible reactions to the vax are simply not being collected because of the bias of the clinician to ignore them?

JOHN: How many of these patients, following a COVID-19 rejection, are elderly?

NURSE ANDREA: We’re seeing a surge of patients come to the hospital from the nursing homes after getting vaxed.  These poor folks, in their 80s and 90s with chronic heart and lung disease, can’t handle the metabolic stimulation caused by the COVID vax.

I have to be intellectually honest and say I can’t ascribe direct causation by the vax for their presentation.  It could be a urinary infection or bacterial pneumonia, for example.

But what I find shocking is how, for instance, my recent patient had “COVID” back in January (and survived despite being extremely elderly with severe heart, lung, and kidney conditions).  According to the CDC, immunity for COVID is supposed to last 90 days after infection, yet my patient got vaccinated anyway, well within the window of immunity.  One of my colleagues said, “Are they literally trying to kill this patient!?”  And yet, the doctor in emergency says, “I think it’s COVID”.  Doesn’t Occam’s razor apply if the patient is within the window of immunity from COVID, just got vaxed yesterday, and is here today with a severe immune response requiring hospitalization?

JOHN: What exactly are the symptoms you are seeing in these elderly people after receiving the COVID-19 vaccination?

NURSE ANDREA: Fever, extreme chills, tremors, headache, weakness, lightheadedness, and shortness of breath are symptoms that stand out to me. Nothing too specific which makes it hard to differentiate right away whether it’s from the vax, some other underlying problem, or combination of both, especially when patients are just walking in off the street or offloading from an ambulance stretcher.

Hospitals Long Track Record of Administering Dangerous and Ineffective Pharmaceuticals

JOHN: Are the doctors truly overlooking the correlation or are they simply not saying anything?

NURSE ANDREA: I think we clinicians in general are heavily biased toward belief in the efficacy of our interventions. For example, in hospitals, there are many routine prescriptions, such as laxatives, sedatives, and antacids that have zero evidence of benefit.  Sleeping pills, sedatives, and antipsychotic medication are actually quite dangerous.

Despite the evidence of danger with these drugs, many doctors routinely prescribe them and many nurses unquestioningly administer them because they appear to work, at least in the short run.

Consider the following highly realistic scenario: a delirious elderly patient constantly wanders the hallway without a mask while touching public surfaces, which generates extra concern from staff, especially during a “pandemic” when everyone is supposed to remain distanced and surfaces remain sanitized.  In response, we give the patient a drug to “settle them down.”  So they sleep for a night, and the next day the nurse gives a report and says, “The patient slept well and didn’t wander after I gave the pill to help them sleep.”  This gets reported to the doctor who is pleased that the patient stayed in bed and didn’t wander around disrupting other patients, causing an infection control concern, or creating an inconvenience for the staff.

Consequently, the patient continues to get drugged every night.  Then, after a few days, the delirium is worse and the patient starts their usual wandering. However, now they are loaded up with sedatives and can’t keep their balance. The cascade of nightly drugging results in a fall, leading to severe maiming and/or death.

JOHN: It sounds the like this aspect of “new normal” — using unproven methods to seemingly deal with a problem — isn’t all that new.

NURSE ANDREA: The lesson here is that much of what we are doing right now in response to COVID (such as constant mask enforcement, vaccinating the elderly with limited physiologic reserves to handle the side-effects, and keeping them isolated and locked up in rooms “for their own safety”) is all part of the same myopic mindset that has always plagued medicine and the healthcare system broadly.

JOHN: It’s strange how medicine will look back and laugh at practices like blood letting, yet continue with equally unscientific and harmful practices.

NURSE ANDREA: I believe that when we look back on all this intervention for COVID — both pharmaceutical and not — we will be ashamed of what we have done.  Just as countless patients in the past have been defacto murdered with tranquilizers, we are murdering people today with interventions aimed at controlling or curing COVID.

JOHN: Thank you for speaking out.

John C. A. Manley has spent over a decade ghostwriting for medical doctors, naturopaths and chiropractors. Since March 2020, he has been writing articles that question and expose the contradictions in the COVID-19 narrative and control measures. He is also completing a novel, Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story. You can visit his website at

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Selected Articles: Haiti Betrayed

February 26th, 2021 by Global Research News

Video: The Stats on COVID-Vaccine Injury and Death Don’t Add Up

By Rosemary Frei, February 26 2021

There’s a big mystery that needs to be solved. It’s how many people are getting sick and dying from the Covid vaccines.

Why Joe Biden Will Continue the US War on Nord Stream 2 till the Bitter End

By Johanna Ross, February 26 2021

Any doubts as to whether Joe Biden will continue Donald Trump’s opposition to Nord Stream 2 should now be laid to rest. With 18 companies quitting the gas pipeline project this week following threats of US sanctions, there has never been so much pressure on Angela Merkel to ditch the scheme.

There Is No Crisis for NATO’s Italian Military

By Manlio Dinucci, February 26 2021

While Italy is paralyzed by the “economic crisis that the pandemic unleashed” (as Draghi defined it in his programmatic speech), there is a sector that is not affected but is in full development: the NATO Italian military sector.

SARS Variants, Spike Proteins and More All Rest on One Big Fat Assumption

By Makia Freeman, February 26 2021

Without virus isolation, the SARS variants brainwashing theme is being increasingly pushed by the NWO (New World Order) social engineers to prop up the pandemic.

UK and Greece Collude to Push New ‘Vaccine Passport’ on Holiday Travelers

By 21st Century Wire, February 26 2021

As 21WIRE reported earlier this week, despite various public denials by UK ministers it has been revealed that the Government is indeed planning to roll-out a new Vaccine Passport.

US-China Win-Win Cooperation? The Competitive Mindset is Destined to Fail

By Andrew Korybko, February 23 2021

The simple solution to “winning the competition of the future” with China is for the US to stop perceiving relations in a zero-sum manner and instead embrace the paradigm shift of regarding them in a win-win cooperative manner.

Scientists: Vaccination Before Every Holiday May be Needed

By Steve Watson, February 26 2021

Scientists at Oxford University have suggested that people may need to have a coronavirus vaccination not once, not twice, but EVERY time they want to travel out of their home country.

US Doctors Propose ‘Vaccine Bill of Rights’ to Protect Citizens from Forced Shots

By Patrick Delaney, February 26 2021

With a push for vaccine mandates on the rise, America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) has provided a tool to assist state law makers in protecting the rights and dignity of their constituents in the face of such intrusive, dangerous and unnecessary proposals.

The Issue of Vaccines: Open Letter to Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Federal President of Germany

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, February 26 2021

As an independent scientist, I am very well informed about the very questionable “efficacy” and “tolerability”, especially of the vaccines offered in Germany, due to my international networking with safe friends and colleagues, and I understand the hesitation of my fellow citizens.

Haiti Betrayed: Screening and Discussion

By Global Research News, February 26 2021

To commemorate the anniversary of the US/France/Canada led overthrow of Haiti’s elected government, we are hosting a screening and discussion of Haiti Betrayed, a powerful indictment of Canada’s role in the 2004 coup and subsequent policy in the country.

US Sponsored Coup d’État: The Destabilization of Haiti

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 26 2021

This article was written in the last days of February 2004 in response to the barrage of disinformation in the mainstream media. It was completed and published on February 29th, the day of President Jean Bertrand Aristide’s kidnapping and deportation by US Forces.

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Haiti Betrayed: Screening and Discussion

February 26th, 2021 by Global Research News

To commemorate the anniversary of the US/France/Canada led overthrow of Haiti’s elected government, we are hosting a screening and discussion of Haiti Betrayed, a powerful indictment of Canada’s role in the 2004 coup and subsequent policy in the country.

Join us for a discussion with the filmmaker and special guests on February 28. The film will be available to watch free (in the week leading up to the event) for all those who register in advance.


This webinar is free and open to the public.


Elaine Brière, filmmaker (Haiti Betrayed)

Jean Saint-Vil, author and activist (Solidarité Québec-Haïti)

Kira Paulemon, scholar

Brian Concannon, Blueprint Project (founder Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti)


Organizer: The Canadian Foreign Policy Institute

Co-sponsors: Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Haiti Liberté, Inter Pares


Facebook event.


Haitian Lives Matter. This fact has eluded the Canadian media, and the general Canadian population, which prefers to think of itself as, “good guys” when it comes to foreign policy—if they even give foreign policy a second thought. Elaine Briere’s deeply-researched and highly engaging documentary, “Haiti Betrayed” lays bare a hidden history that now—of all times—we all need to pay attention to.

Mark Achbar – The Corporation

This powerful film, with its heart-stopping footage, captures the brutality of what the “advanced” world has done to the people of Haiti since their heroic revolution against slavery. Canada’s shameful role – braying about human rights even as it provides political cover for the US overthrow of Haitian democracy – exposes the lie behind Canada’s good-guy image in the world.

 Linda McQuaig – author, The Sport & Prey of Capitalists

The Haitian revolution established the first free country of free men in the Americas, but it drew the bitter hostility of a colonial world that has persisted through Haiti’s tortured history. This evocative film pointing to Canada’s role in the 2004 coup d’état portrays yet another chapter of sordid betrayal. This film should be a call to action.

Noam Chomsky
Haiti Betrayed may be the most important documentary ever made on Canadian foreign policy. It is a powerful indictment of Canada’s role in overthrowing the Jean-Bertrand Aristide/Lavalas democratic government in 2004 and the devastating consequences that decision had on Haitians. Haiti Betrayed  also reveals the inhumanity of the Canadian military’s response to the 2010 earthquake and Ottawa’s continued backing of regressive political forces in Haiti. All Canadians should watch this film about a country born in struggle to make Black lives matter.”

Bianca Mugyenyi, Director, Canadian Foreign Policy Institute

“Canada always looks so cute, clean and a non-profit country. Nobody talks about Canada in the international news.  This film is so interesting because we can see another Canada.”

Jaume Barrull – Diari Segre, Barcelona

The modus operandi of Canada remains colonial at home and abroad. This film is so important because it pulls the curtain away to show what is going on in a place far from the minds of Canadians – which is where the government would like it to stay.

Henri Robideau – photographer & social commentator

In her new film, Haiti Betrayed, Elaine Brière raises deeply disturbing questions about Canada’s active role and complicity in perpetrating neocolonial injustices over decades in Haiti. Haiti Betrayed is a film that absolutely needs to be seen.

Rita Morbia –  Inter Pares



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The Alt-Media Community is suspiciously silent about the S-300s’ no-show following Biden’s latest strike in Syria despite passionately promoting them over the past few years as the solution to defending the Arab Republic from foreign attacks such as this most recent one.

The S-300 No-Show

The US just bombed alleged Iranian allies in Eastern Syrian last night, which reportedly killed at least 17 of them and thus represents the Biden Administration’s first major international strike since taking office last month. The Alt-Media Community rose in unison to condemn this attack but many of its members are suspiciously silent about the S-300s’ no-show despite passionately promoting them over the past few years as the solution to defending the Arab Republic from foreign attacks such as this most recent one. It can’t be known for sure, but they might have realized that the dispatch of these systems to Syria in late 2018 following the tragic mid-air incident with “Israel” that September was nothing more than a psy-op to placate the angry masses. At the time, Syria accidentally shot down a Russian spy plane while aiming to hit an “Israeli” jet.

The Reality Of Russian-”Israeli” Coordination In Syria

Russia condemned “Israel” for its reckless mid-air tactical evasive maneuver which led to that missile hitting its own plane instead. It also claimed that it didn’t receive adequate enough notice in advance of that attack in order to take precautionary action to avoid the tragedy that ultimately transpired. This was in violation of their 2015 military “deconfliction” pact that was agreed to in the run-up to Russia’s anti-terrorist intervention in Syria. While Russia officially regards such “Israeli” attacks as violations of international law that complicate the country’s already complex conflict, it never does anything to stop them. This explains why the SAA has yet to obtain control of the S-300s since they’d likely use them to shoot down those jets, which Moscow might believe would further escalate the situation and potentially lead to it dangerously spiraling out of control.

Russia’s “Balancing” Act

After all, Syria got lucky in February of that year when one of its outdated S-200s destroyed an “Israeli” jet, proving that the SAA does indeed have the intent to use the S-300s to bolster its defensive capabilities in the face of such unprovoked aggression against it and in full accordance with international law. Nevertheless, that outcome would run contrary to Russia’s grand strategic “balancing” act of trying to promote a so-called “compromise political solution” to the country’s conflict, one which envisions the eventual withdrawal of Iranian forces and their allies such as hezbollah in possible exchange for “Israel” and the US stopping their conventional aggression against the Arab Republic. This isn’t mere speculation either since President Putin’s Special Envoy to Syria Alexander Lavrentiev explicitly called for those forces’ departure from the country.

Moscow’s Machiavellian Machinations

The Arabic editorial of Russia’s publicly financed international media outlet Sputnik reported on his official statement in May 2018. According to Google Translate, he specified that: “We are talking about all the foreign military units present in Syria, including the Americans, the Turks, Hezbollah, and of course the Iranians.” While Moscow soon thereafter clarified that it acknowledges Tehran’s legal military presence in the country at Damascus’ request for anti-terrorist purposes, the Kremlin continues to deny the SAA the right to use the S-300s for the purpose of defending its allies from “Israeli” and American attacks against them. This observation very strongly suggests that Russia is pursuing a Machiavellian strategy whereby it unofficially hopes that “Israeli” and American strikes will result in Iran and Hezbollah’s forced withdrawal from Syria.

The De Facto Russian-”Israeli” Alliance In Syria Is Aimed Against Iran

I elaborated in detail on this hypothesis in the following analyses which should be reviewed by the reader:

The second answer in my recent interview with Iran’s Farhikhtegan newspaper also addresses this issue.

The Russian-”Israeli” Meeting On The Eve Of Last Night’s Attack

Curiously, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and “Israeli” Foreign Ministry Director General Ushpiz met in Moscow on the eve of last night’s attack to discuss the situation in Syria, according to Russian publicly financed international media outlet TASS. The official Twitter account of the Russian Embassy in “Israel” also shared a picture of their diplomatic teams smiling, laughing, and visibly enjoying themselves ahead of discussing such a serious topic as that one. It can only be speculated, but it might very well be the case that “Israel” was serving as an intermediary between Russia and the US to inform the former of the latter’s impending strike as part of the “deconfliction” agreement between their forces to avoid mid-air incidents such as September 2018’s tragic one. Sputnik later reported that Russia condemned last night’s strike, yet it did nothing to help Syria stop it.

It’s Time To Break The Taboo

At this point, honest members of the Alt-Media Community must publicly question why the S-300s haven’t yet been used for their official purpose of defending Syria from foreign attacks by “Israel” and the US. Under no circumstances should those who respectfully raise their concerns about this ultra-sensitive issue be accused of being “Zionists”, “agents”, or whatever else by the community’s gatekeepers who’ve hitherto aggressively pushed back against anyone who dares to ask this “politically incorrect” question. To the contrary, the objectively existing and easily verifiable fact that the S-300s have never even once been used to defend Syria since they were dispatched there in late 2018 for that explicit purpose very strongly suggests that those who attack others for asking this obvious question might be the real “Zionists”, “agents”, or whatever else.

Russia vs. The Resistance

There’s no “diplomatic” way to say this, but everyone in the Alt-Media Community must now declare whether they stand with Russia or the Resistance in Syria since their goals no longer overlap in the Arab Republic. They’re both against terrorism there, but that’s where their common interests end. Now that ISIS has all but been defeated, they disagree over the post-war presence of Iranian forces and their allies there. Russia’s reluctance to let the SAA operate the S-300s to defend its partners from American and “Israeli” attacks has resulted in Moscow passively facilitating those strikes against them. Everyone must now make their positions clear about whether they believe that Russia has the right to deny Syria the S-300s “for its own good” to avoid a larger escalation or if Syria should have the sovereign right to decide for itself if and when to use them.

Concluding Thoughts

Last night’s American strike against alleged Iranian allies in Eastern Syria forces everyone in the Alt-Media Community to ask why the S-300s weren’t used to defend them considering the fact that they were dispatched to the Arab Republic nearly two and a half years ago for the explicit purpose of deterring foreign attacks such as this most recent one. Only those who are dishonest will shirk away from asking this, while the provocateurs among them will attack those who respectfully do so as “Zionists”, “agents”, or whatever else. I’ve argued in this analysis that the S-300s were never really meant to be used against “Israel” or the US but were sent as part of psychological operation to placate the Arab Republic’s angry masses after the tragic September 2018 mid-air incident. Russia won’t let Syria use them because it wants “Israel” and the US to bomb Iran out of the country.


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This article was originally published on TheAltWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from TheAltWorld

This Week’s Most Popular Articles

February 26th, 2021 by Global Research News

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“The map raises a number of questions. Why is the United States militarily active in so many countries? Are these operations meeting the stated U.S. goals of reducing violence against Americans?”

A new report published Thursday details United States so-called “counterterrorism” operations by the U.S. military in 85 nations since 2018 as part of its “Global War on Terror,” the open-ended post-9/11 campaign that has seen over half a dozen countries attacked or invaded, hundreds of overseas military bases built, hundreds of thousands of lives lost, and trillions of dollars spent—with no end in sight.

The report—published by the Costs of War Project at Brown University’s Watson Institute and USA Today—features an interactive map showing U.S. military operations on every inhabited continent on Earth, including combat, training, exercises, and bases.

click map to access interactive map on USA Today:

“Despite the Pentagon’s assertion that the U.S. is shifting its strategic emphasis away from counterterrorism and towards great power competition with Russia and China, examining U.S. military activity on a country-by-country basis shows that there is yet to be a corresponding drawdown of the counterterror apparatus,” the report states. “If anything, the map demonstrates that counterterrorism operations have become more widespread in recent years.”

According to the report, the U.S. has provided “counterterrorism” training or assistance in 79 nations since 2018, with U.S. troops carrying out bombing or ground attacks in 10 countries—Afghanistan, Iraq, Kenya, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen—over the same period. American forces participated in training exercises in 41 nations over the past three years. Additionally, under “Section 127e” programs, U.S. special operations forces have planned, controlled, and participated in missions in numerous African nations.

Despite recently closing hundreds of bases in Afghanistan and Iraq, the U.S. still maintains nearly 800 overseas military bases on six continents, according toindependent research by Base Nation author David Vine. The new report’s interactive map shows how these have proliferated during the post-World War II era, especially in the 21st century.

“Meanwhile,” notes USA Today, “China—considered by many to be the greatest competitor and threat to the U.S.—has only one official overseas base, in Djibouti,” a country in the Horn of Africa that also hosts an American base.

The report then details the approximately $6.4 trillion the U.S. has spent on the never-ending War on Terror, noting annual U.S. military spending of $731.8 billion—or more than the next 10 biggest military spenders combined.

In the section on casualties, the report states that more than 15,000 U.S. troops and contractors, nearly 12,500 allied troops, 177,000 national military and police officers, 1,300 journalists and humanitarian aid workers, nearly 260,000 enemy fighters, and nearly 336,000 civilians have been killed.

Stephanie Savell, co-director of the Costs of War Project and report lead researcher, says that “the map raises a number of questions. Why is the United States militarily active in so many countries? Are these operations meeting the stated U.S. goals of reducing violence against Americans and/or other civilians around the world? If not, what could the U.S. be doing instead? What human rights abuses or other negative consequences do these U.S. engagements have for people who live in these countries? What are the financial implications of this vast expanse of activities?”

“Now, as many Americans are calling for an end to ‘endless war,’ the map is a stark reminder that this war stretches far beyond Afghanistan,” adds Savell. “If the U.S. is truly to end the post-9/11 wars and related activities around the world, then the U.S. public and its leaders must take a broader view of their reach.”

From Common Dreams: Our work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Feel free to republish and share widely.


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Any doubts as to whether Joe Biden will continue Donald Trump’s opposition to Nord Stream 2 should now be laid to rest. With 18 companies quitting the gas pipeline project this week following threats of US sanctions, there has never been so much pressure on Angela Merkel to ditch the scheme, which would see Russian gas transported to Germany direct.

Merkel has done well to stand her ground to date. For even her European partners aren’t backing her. The Director General of the European Commission’s energy department, Ditte Juul Jorgensen said on Tuesday that ‘For the European Union as a whole, Nord Stream does not contribute to security of supply’, emphasising that it was a decision for the German state, not the EU as to whether the project should be completed.  Given the fact that European demand for Russian gas has increased, not decreased of late, however, one might think that it is in the EU’s interest to support Nord Stream 2.

Not if the US has anything to do with it. Citing concern at Russia’s increased influence over Europe if the pipeline goes ahead, Joe Biden has proclaimed Nord Stream 2 a ‘bad deal’ for Europe, which America will continue to oppose. The US claims that Russia would have more leverage over the EU politically as a result. What it really means, though, is that the US would have less leverage over Europe, and a reduced demand for its fracked gas. EU countries imported as much as 36% of American natural gas in 2019 – an increase of around 5 billion cubic metres from the previous year – a considerable amount given Russia is just on its doorstep, and also bearing in mind the EU’s environmental pledges (fracking produces heavy amounts of methane gas, responsible for global warming).

Source: InfoBrics

Nevertheless, the US is careful to package this as an energy security issue and persuade us that its real concern is the ‘Russian threat’ that comes with the gas pipeline. At the moment the US has some influence over Russian exports to Europe through Ukraine, which as Ukrainian politician Victor Medvedchuk recently emphasised, is merely a ‘colony’ now of the US.  If Ukraine, the middleman, was cut out of the process, America simply wouldn’t have the same leverage over European energy supplies.

Moreover, it is clearly part of the US’ geopolitical strategy to prevent Nord Stream 2 construction. In fact, it has been stated so explicitly in a document published by the US government-affiliated think-tank RAND in 2019, entitled ‘Extending Russia: Competing from Advantageous Ground’. This is a revealing paper, as it demonstrates the extent to which the US is stuck in a 19th century-style ‘great power game’ with Russia.  In the 354-page policy document, Russia’s natural gas resources are mentioned in the very first paragraph. Confronting Russia in the energy sector is seen as a priority ‘in a  campaign designed to unbalance the adversary’ as it puts it:

‘…the United States can adopt policies that expand world supply and thus depress global prices, thereby limiting Russian revenue.  Imposing tougher sanctions is also likely to degrade the Russian economy, and could do so to a greater extent and more quickly than maintaining low oil prices, provided the sanctions are comprehensive and  multilateral.’

Hardly surprising, therefore, that ‘stopping Nord Stream 2’ is listed as the first of ‘A variety of options exist for diversifying European gas supplies and extending Russia economically’. Interestingly, in the report, Nord Stream 2 features heavily in terms of, not so much aiding Ukraine as we keep hearing about in the western media, but instead in relation to undermining Russia.  Furthermore, the question of Ukraine losing out on money from transit fees, paid by Russia, which amount to around $3 billion a year, is repeatedly mentioned in the document, which emphasises the extent to which this is an economic issue for the US:

“In terms of extending Russia economically, the main benefit of creating  supply alternatives  to  Russian  gas  is  that  it  would  lower  Russian export revenues. The federal Russian budget is already stressed, leading to planned cuts in defense spending, and lowering gas revenues would stress the budget further.”

The RAND report looks at other ways of undermining Russia in the energy sector, describing the possibility of engineering its own pipeline project involving southern European countries and of course, mentions the development of US fracking schemes across Europe.

Aside from US policy in general towards Russia, Joe Biden has his own personal ties to Ukraine which will influence his attitude towards Nord Stream 2.  One of the largest companies involved in gas exploration and production across Ukraine is Burisma, a company closely tied to Biden, as his son used to be on the board of directors.  Indeed it was widely reported that when the company was involved in a corruption scandal back in 2016, Biden, then US Vice President, incredibly threatened to withhold $1 billion of US aid from Ukraine if it didn’t fire the prosecutor investigating the case.

Joe Biden’s son may no longer be involved in Burisma, but the US President still has considerable influence in Ukraine. Indeed, when Biden’s position as Vice President came to an end, it was speculated that Ukraine wouldn’t manage without him: ‘Ukraine’s government has relied heavily on its direct channel to the U.S. vice president, and Biden’s departure will leave a gaping hole’ said Foreign Policy, adding that ‘No one in the U.S. government has wielded more influence over Ukraine than Vice President Joe Biden’.

Taking both US policy on the whole towards Russia, and Joe Biden’s commitments to Ukraine, it’s therefore likely that we will see this Biden administration only ramp up pressure in the final stages of the Nord Stream 2 project. However unlikely it may seem that the US could stop the pipeline at such a late stage in the game, stranger things have happened.  As usual, the US will continue to use both economic pressure in the form of sanctions, and diplomatic pressure to push Germany into a corner. So far, Merkel has been tenacious, but only time will tell if her personal determination is enough to stand up to the might of Uncle Sam.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Johanna Ross is a journalist based in Edinburgh, Scotland. You can follow the author on Twitter.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

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The United States has deployed a Patriot defense battery to Syria’s northeast, at least according to the fairy tales told by Kurdish media. This deployment reportedly took place on February 24th in an entirely different reality, since the reports claiming so are entirely fake. Several Kurdish and opposition outlets claimed that the deployment of Patriot batteries is taking place in Alomar and Al-Shaddadi. There could even be more batteries. Reports also claim that the US is improving its capabilities in al-Hasakah and Deir Ezzor as well.

The claims of Patriot batteries in northeastern Syria are currently merely fake news, as any review of the photographs, even to casual observers on Twitter, reveals that they show an entirely different location. What is fact is that Washington is truly attempting to increase its presence and capability in Syria.

In another and more realistic report from state outlet SANA, the US sent “shoulder-launched missiles” to northeastern Syria. Two American military helicopters allegedly landed in al-Shaddadi and unloaded artillery shells and shoulder-launched missiles. Prior to this, the coalition built a new airstrip in the al-Omar oil fields in southeastern Deir Ezzor. And the base in al-Hasakah is really being built. These developments, however, aren’t as major as reports make them out to be.

Saudi Arabia, a staunch US ally, one which Washington has vowed to defend and assist, is losing two of its Patriot defense batteries.

The two units in Saudi Arabia were helping to protect the Kingdom’s oil fields, but will likely be replaced by Saudi Patriot batteries. Their effectiveness – or lack thereof – was proven back in 2019, when they failed to protect Aramco’s facilities. As such, even if they were to be relocated in Syria, their usefulness remains in doubt.

Still, the Kurds as US allies are hopeful that the patriot battery remains mighty and capable of protecting its positions as they are likely hoping that it would help protect them against the Turkish Armed Forces.

Washington, though, is focused on Iran, which, especially so far in 2021, it has largely failed to contain. Iran continues expanding its influence in key areas such as Syria, Iraq and Yemen. In Syria, after being subject to ISIS attacks, Tehran’s forces are building new positions in the southern Homs countryside to protect phosphate mines in the region from the ISIS cells responsible.

Empty claims may go around the world quickly, their effectiveness, however, is dubious at this point. The United States is attempting to increase its presence and capabilities in Syria, but so far it appears to be too little too late. Iran’s presence in Syria and influence in the entire region continue to grow despite containment efforts by Washington and its allies.


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„Es existiert eine unbegründete öffentliche Hysterie, die von Medien und Politikern angetrieben wird. Es ist ungeheuerlich, dies ist der größte Schwindel, der jemals an einer ahnungslosen Gesellschaft verübt wurde.“ Dies sagte der kanadische Top-Pathologe und Virologe Dr. Roger Hodkinson bereits Ende November 2020 während eines Zoom-Konferenzgesprächs den kanadischen Regierungsvertretern in Sachen Corona (1). Und er hat Recht! Diesen Pandemie-Schwindel können wir nur dann stoppen und unseren Kindern eine lebenswerte Zukunft ermöglichen, wenn wir uns darüber bewusst werden, dass wir Opfer und Täter zugleich sind.

Keinem die Macht übergeben!

Alle paar Jahre wieder wählen wir korrupte Politiker in hohe Regierungsämter und sehen sie als respektable Autoritäten an. Die Politiker verbinden mit dieser Zuschreibung umgehend Herrschaftsansprüche, schaffen ein Verhältnis der Über- und Unterordnung und setzen gegenüber den Bürgern den Willen beziehungsweise die Anweisungen der globalen Machtelite durch. Diesen verlogenen Politikern kann man weder heute noch in Zukunft vertrauen, schrieb Leo Tolstoi bereits 1905 (2).

Seit über einem Jahr schüren sie mit ihren loyalen Massenmedien ohne Grund irrationale Ängste und eine öffentliche Hysterie und Panik vor einem furchtbaren Erstickungstod. Dabei ist das bewusste Schüren von irrationalen Ängsten seit Jahrhunderten ein Disziplinierungs- und Herrschaftsinstrument skrupelloser Despoten. Sie betreiben damit das Werk des Teufels und nicht das Werk Gottes. Wir haben weltweit kein medizinisches Problem, sondern ein politisches! Wir alle sollen in Panik versetzt werden, damit wir gehorchen und sie mit uns machen können, was sie wollen.

Doch Despoten schüren nicht nur unbegründete Ängste, sie bedienen sich für ihre satanischen Pläne auch der Religion. Staat und Kirche sind seit alters her Verbündete beziehungsweise Spießgesellen! Beide wollen, dass wir an die so genannten Autoritäten glauben und einen absoluten geistigen Gehorsam zeigen – einen so genannten Kadavergehorsam! Den forderte Ignatius von Loyola, der Begründer des Jesuitenordens bereits Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts ein: Nach göttlicher Vorsehung sollten wir uns von den Oberen führen und leiten lassen, als seien wir ein toter Körper oder der Stab eines alten Mannes, mit dem man machen kann, was man will.

Wir sind Opfer…

Und genauso verhalten sich die meisten von uns auch! Viele Erwachsene reagieren auf diese Politiker wie Kinder oder wie die primitiven Urmenschen reagierten: In Form eines „magischen Autoritätsglaubens“ – kritiklos, und umnebelt von Stimmungen, Gefühlen und Glücksverheißungen. Und das hat Folgen: Die Autoritätsgläubigkeit führt unweigerlich zur Autoritätshörigkeit, die in der Regel den Reflex eines absoluten geistigen Gehorsams und eine Verstandeslähmung auslöst. Vollsinnige Erwachsene können dann nicht mehr selbstständig denken und vernünftig urteilen und übergeben die Entscheidungsgewalt sittenlosen Politikern oder einem übernatürlichen Wesen, das uns als „Gottheit“ bis ans Ende der Tage führen uns beschützen soll.

Deshalb werden Priester von der weltlichen Obrigkeit massiv finanziell und ideologisch unterstützt. Und uns Menschen wird dieser Gehorsam von Kindesbeinen an eingebläut! Dies alles führt unter anderem dazu, dass sich die Bürger weltweit:

  • zuhause oder in Absonderungslagern einsperren lassen,
  • sich von Verwandten, Freunden und Nachbarn distanzieren,
  • tagaus, tagein einen gesundheitsgefährdenden Mundschutz tragen,
  • sich mit einem unerprobten und damit lebensgefährlichen Impfstoff impfen lassen
  • und Mitbürger, die sich gegen diesen Wahnsinn auflehnen, bei der Obrigkeit anschwärzen.

…und Täter zugleich

Aufgrund der unbegründeten Angstreaktion, der religiös bedingten Autoritätsgläubigkeit und des absoluten geistigen Gehorsamsreflexes zeigen wir kein Mitgefühl mit unseren in Not geratenen und leidenden Mitmenschen und lassen sie im Stich. Das geht so weit, dass wir sogar unsere eigene Brut, unsere Kinder, die durch den verbrecherischen Schwindel in große Not geraten sind und zum Teil nicht mehr leben wollen, nicht mehr schützen. Damit verbauen wir unsere gesamte Zukunft. Dabei ist es das Mitgefühl mit allen Geschöpfen, was Menschen erst wirklich zu Menschen macht, meinte Albert Schweitzer.

Liebe Mitbürgerinnen und Mitbürger, ich bitte Sie inständig, sich meine Worte durch den Kopf gehen zu lassen und auszusteigen

  • aus der Autoritätsgläubigkeit,
  • aus der Angstspirale und
  • aus dem Gehorsamsreflex.

Bitte wachen Sie auf und haben Sie den Mut, ihren gesunden Menschenverstand zu gebrauchen – bevor es zu spät ist!


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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, NRhZ-ONLINE.

Dr. Rudolf Hänsel is a graduate psychologist and educationalist.


(1) ORBIS(nju:S), Contra-Mainstream-Blog vom 22. November 2020

(2) Hänsel, R. (2020). Keinem die Macht übergeben! Ein psychologisches Manifest des gesunden Menschenverstands. Gornji Milanovac. ISBN 978-86-7432-119-5. Die „Neue Rheinische Zeitung NRhZ“ veröffentlichte den gesamten Text in drei Folgen. Eine Kurzfassung wurde ebenfalls in der NRhZ publiziert und zusätzlich in „Rubikon“ sowie in englischer Sprache in „Global Research“ (

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In the unfolding extreme winter tragedy in Texas as well as many other regions of the United States not prepared for severe winter weather, a notable point is that much of the vast windmill batteries across the state, supposed to generate 25% of the state electric power grid, have frozen and are largely useless. The recent severe winter weather across not only the continental USA but also large parts of the EU, and even the Middle East, warrants a closer look at a subject that has been too long ignored by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports, as well as by a new group of academics known as Climate Scientists. That is, the influence of our sun on global climate.

Cold Climate Change

On February 14, 2020 a record Arctic cold front swept from Canada far south to the southernmost parts of Texas on the Mexican border. The immediate impact has been power outages for up to 15 million Texans who as of February 17 remained without heat and electricity, as almost half the wind units were frozen and inoperable from ice storms, many permanently. Texas over the past five years has doubled its share of wind generation to the grid in a rush to adopt a green energy profile. With some 25% of the state electric grid from wind sources, almost half that is out of commission, many permanently, from the storm.

Tyler, Texas, once known as the “Rose Capital of America,” saw temperatures of near -20 C.

Gas processing plants across Texas are shutting as liquids freeze inside pipes further reducing power just as demand for heating fuel explodes. Heating fuel prices in Oklahoma jumped 4000% in two days and are rising. Wholesale prices for delivery in Texas are trading as much as $9000 per mega-watt hour. Two days before the storms price was $30. In a summer peak demand, a price of $100 is considered high.

Reduced gas supplies from Texas to Mexican power companies have led to blackouts in northern Mexico, with almost 5 million households and businesses left without power on February 15.

The Green Energy Fallacy

In addition US oil production, centered in Texas, has plunged by a third, and more than 20 Gulf Coast oil refineries are blocked as are grain barge shipments along the Mississippi River. Several analysts of the deregulated Texas grid model point out that had the state maintained a “reliable emergency backup” such as is possible with nuclear or coal power, the blackout could have been averted. Recently Texas has forced six coal power plants to close since 2018, owing to state rules that force power companies to take the subsidized wind and solar power, undercutting the cost of their own coal generation. It simply forced them to shut down functioning coal plants that generated 3.9 GW. Had those still been on line, sources say the blackouts could easily have been averted. Unlike current wind technology or solar, coal and nuclear plants can store up to a month or more capacity on site for power emergencies.

While in northern states like Minnesota where severe winters are common and prepared for, Texas has no such requirements for reserve capacity. For example, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission requires plants to have enough reserve capacity online to ensure the power stays on during extreme circumstances. Instead, Texas operates an “energy-only” market, where wholesale power prices are seen as an adequate incentive to bring more power plants online. The aim of the energy only model was to make intermittent wind and solar more profitable to increase their market share over conventional alternatives like coal or nuclear.

The state grid model forced Texas coal and nuclear plants to sell electricity at a loss on the market because they are unable to reduce their electricity output when high wind and solar output force prices into the red. Ultimately, it forced the unnecessary closing of the six coal plants, just what the green energy advocates wanted. The flaws in the model are glaring, as is the growing dependence on unreliable wind and solar options to get a dubious zero carbon footprint.

Grand Solar Minimum?

However there is a far more alarming lesson to come out of the Texas disaster. That states like Texas and countries across the globe are mandating trillions of dollars investment in Green Energy to create the UN 2030 goal of Net Zero Carbon by 2050, by turning to manifestly unreliable solar and wind to replace oil, gas and coal power, and even carbon-free nuclear power, is the opposite of what we need if solar cycle analysis is accurate. That flaw has roots in a several-decade campaign by the UN IPCC and political figures such as Al Gore and a lobby of scientists whose careers depend on ignoring the greatest factor affecting Earth Climate and climate change, one which is definitely real—solar cycles.

Unlike the computer models of the climate scientists which project a linear rise in Earth temperature as “manmade” emissions of CO2 rise, the unproven “Greenhouse Effect,” Earth temperature and climate changes are non-linear. They have been proven, going back several thousand years, to be cyclical. And CO2 emissions to not drive the cycles. If this is so, we as a human species could well be implementing policies which will leave great parts of our world totally unprepared and vulnerable to far worse and more prolonged climate changes than the recent disaster in Texas.

According to the US NASA, the planet just entered into a new solar cycle. They predict that the current 11 year solar cycle, known as Cycle 25, which began in 2020, “will be the weakest of the last 200 years.” If so that would put it in the time of what is known as the Dalton Minimum which went roughly from 1790 to 1830.

Sunspots or dark spots on the sun surface that are usually accompanied by huge magnetic energy flares out of the sun, have been measured daily since the process was begun at a Zurich, Switzerland observatory in 1749. It was noted that the number of sunspots or solar activity rose and fell in roughly 11 year cycles. Recent research has also identified more complex longer cycles of around 200 years period, and 370-400 years. Solar physicists have numbered the 11 year cycles beginning from 1749, giving us from mid-2020 the onset of Solar Cycle 25.

In 2018 a group of solar physicists and mathematicians led by Prof. Valentina Zharkova at Northumbria University in the UK, developed a complex model based on the observed role of the solar background magnetic field in defining solar activity. They could predict that the next Solar Minimum which began in 2020, would approximate the most extreme recent period of solar minimum, the so-called Maunder Minimum, which went from 1645 to 1710. That was termed a Grand Solar Minimum, a prolonged period of extremely low solar activity, and began about 370 years ago.

Zharkova’s group has linked the present minima to a drastic falloff in the sun’s internal magnetic field, a roughly 70% downswing in magnetic field intensity from its average value, arising from regular variations in behavior of the very hot plasma powering our sun. In other words we could be at the early phase of drastic changes in Earth climate lasting several decades. Zharkova’s research predicts that this Grand Solar Minimum period started in 2020, and expects it to last until about 2053.

During the Maunder Minimum volcanic eruptions sending tons of ash high into the atmosphere created dense grey clouds that further blocked solar radiation. Volcanic activity and solar minimum phases are well correlated, believed to come from intensified penetration of cosmic rays on the Earth atmosphere that force greater eruptions.

During the Maunder Minimum, known in the Northern Hemisphere as the “Little Ice Age,” the temperatures across much of the northern hemisphere plunged. According to Zharkova this likely occurred because the total solar irradiance was greatly reduced, leading to severe winters.

A far milder Grand Solar Minimum, called the Dalton Minimum, from about 1790 to 1830, while less extreme than the Maunder period, led to a series of huge volcanic eruptions between 1812-1815 culminating on the record eruption in Indonesia of Mount Tambora, the world’s largest volcanic eruption during historic times. It in turn created so much cloud density from ash that 1816 was known in Europe as The Year Without a Summer.

The cold temperatures saw snow in New York in summer of 1816. Crops across North America and Europe failed in what has been called, “the last great subsistence crisis in the Western world.” In China in 1816 there was a massive famine. Floods destroyed crops. The monsoon season was disrupted, resulting in overwhelming floods in the Yangtze Valley. In India, the delayed summer monsoon caused late torrential rains that aggravated the spread of cholera from a region near the Ganges in Bengal to as far as Moscow.

Volcanic eruptions are in a recent uptick since eruption of two huge volcanoes in November 2020 in Indonesia at Lewotolo and Semeru, as the present Grand Solar Minimum began, tied to the solar-related drop in the magnetosphere, and the stronger influx of solar cosmic radiation penetrating silica-rich magma of the volcanoes.

As Sacha Dobler author of Solar Behavior notes, “As far as temperature is concerned, what is crucial is not the energy that leaves the sun, but how much of this energy is blocked by clouds and how much reaches the Earth’s surface, and how much is reflected back into space by ice and snow.”

Higher cosmic ray penetration of the atmosphere during solar minima adds to cloud nucleation as do volcanic eruptions. Dobler adds, “In a Grand Solar Minimum, cosmic rays trigger larger flash floods, hailstorms and – due to jet stream disturbance and mixing of atmospheric layers – local long-duration precipitation events… Due to the shifting jet streams and changing wind patterns, singular heat waves and more wild fires are expected.” In short we can expect unstable, irregular weather events over the coming decade to three decades if solar physicists such as Zharkova are right.

Changing Jet Stream

A significant effect of a major or Grand Solar Minimum we are now entering is changes in the position of our Jet Stream. In periods of high solar activity the jet stream forms a relatively stable belt around the Northern Hemisphere on the level of southern Canada and Siberia, keeping severe winter cold contained. In solar minima such as now, the Jet Stream, instead of forming a stable ring, becomes highly irregular or wavy. That is what allowed the unprecedented Arctic cold as far south as Texas. This irregular and weak Jet Stream allows severe cold and snowfall in some areas and unusual warm pockets in places like Siberia, as well as unusually warm and dry or wet periods. As we advance deeper into the present Grand Solar Minimum by 2030 or so, physicists expect this “extreme” weather change to intensify.

The sun is by orders of magnitude the most influential force affecting Earth climate and its climate changes. Unfortunately for mankind the prevailing group of climate scientists endorsing the narrow untested CO2 manmade global warming hypothesis do not model any effect of changing solar radiation on our climate. The IPCC dismisses the sun as an irrelevant factor, something that is proving extremely dangerous.

Are the “Powers That Be” e.g. associated with the WEF, aware of the coming solar minimum and the fact that this one is likely to be as bad or worse than the 1790-1830 Dalton Minimum? Does this explain their selection of the period 2030 to 2050 in the target for UN Agenda 2030?

If the world is spending trillions and diverting precious resources to prepare for “zero carbon,” while the worst solar effects of the past 200 years or more unfold in events such as Texas and other parts of the world experience, the world would be caught unprepared for severe crop failure and mass famine.


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F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook” where this article was originally published. 

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Featured image is from NEO

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There’s a big mystery that needs to be solved.

It’s how many people are getting sick and dying from the Covid vaccines.

There are reports from around the world of large numbers of elderly people dying right around the time they’re vaccinated.

On rare occasions those reports of those deaths even percolate into the mainstream press. An example is this January 16, 2021, Bloomberg article. It quotes the Norwegian Medicines Agency as attributing more than a dozen deaths, perhaps many more, among people 75 and over to effects of the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine such as nausea and vomiting.

And I’ve heard first-hand that a lot of people are getting sick after vaccination, particularly seniors. I’ve heard this also from others, including health care professionals.

But officials almost always quickly proclaim that deaths aren’t caused by the vaccines. Instead they tell us that serious injuries are extremely rare.

For example, at a February 11, 2021, Ontario’s top public-health official, Dr. David Williams, said there had been just four serious adverse events so far from more than 380,000 vaccine doses administered.

Two of the four were severe allergic reactions, he reported. One was a “renal injury.” The fourth was “an unusual event. And the details [of it] are not available,” Dr. Williams said. He didn’t mention any deaths.

So that’s four serious adverse events in 380,000 injections, which equates to about 1 in 100,000 or 0.001%.

That doesn’t fit with the facts on the ground.

There are at least three clues to why there is dramatic under-reporting of serious illness and death from the vaccine.

One clue is that for years now politicians and public-health bureaucrats have been saturating the airwaves, academe and health-care institutions with the messaging that vaccines are safe and effective. They tell us ceaselessly that serious adverse events are one in a million.

The same goes for the Covid vaccines. We’re told the Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech and other shots were thoroughly tested in “large clinical trials” before being used in the populace at large. And that they had to be rushed into use because they’re critical for saving lives in the midst of the worldwide Covid emergency.

The second clue for here in Ontario is that the same person who’s in charge of the rushing of vaccines into millions of people’s arms also heads the office that leads death investigations, including deaths of people who died from Covid or who passed away shortly after receiving a Covid vaccine.

That person is Dirk Huyer. I’ve written previously about his prominence in pushing the official Covid narrative and rushing Covid vaccines into millions of Ontarians’ arms. (On May 11 and May 26, 2020, I documented his role in drastically changing the way deaths are handled in Ontario, making it far harder to determine whether a death attributed to Covid was instead caused by something else; and on October 20, 2020, I wrote about how Huyer has climbed the bureaucratic ladder by serving the powerful rather than the populace).

Others have also written about how the Office of the Chief Coroner for Ontario has performed shockingly poorly under his watch. For example, investigative journalists at the National Post, Toronto Star and Hamilton Spectator showed that Huyer and a  colleague likely shut down a busy forensic-pathology unit in southwestern Ontario as revenge for the unit’s staff lodging official complaints about the pair’s bullying behaviour including interference in evidence-based decision-making.

And Ontario Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk’s 2019 annual report devotes a chapter to the Office of the Chief Coroner and the Ontario Forensic Pathology Service. Among the serious deficits she documented were that, “The Office misses the opportunity to make more effective use of its death investigation data to identify actions to improve public safety and reduce preventable deaths.”

Officially, Dirk Huyer doesn’t have a direct role in investigations of deaths related to Covid. Stephanie Rea, a spokesperson for Huyer and his office, responded to a question from me about this; she indicated that Huyer stepped back from such investigations last August.

“The Chief Coroner for Ontario has recused himself from any work the Office of the Chief Coroner is doing in regard to COVID-19 to maintain the impartiality of the death investigation system. COVID-19 related work with the Office of the Chief Coroner is overseen by two Deputy Chief Coroners,” Rea wrote in an email to me.

However, Dr. Huyer doesn’t say he’s recused himself. And he seemed to indicate in a press conference that he was involved in the investigation of a person who died after getting one of the Covid vaccines.

The third clue is that doctors seldom report adverse events. When people get really sick or die after getting a vaccination the docs attribute that to anything but the vaccines. It’s been that way for years. Anyone who wonders aloud whether the Covid vaccines or other shots cause harm is immediately branded as “anti-vax” and “anti-science.” That’s a career-threatening consequence for health professionals.

And of course on top of that there’s huge pressure to go along with the push to vaccinate billions of people in as short a time as possible.

So that’s where we’re at today. More than half a million vaccine doses have been given to people in Ontario alone. The rush is on to vaccinate all 15 million of us in the province by September. And the mainstream media are screaming for this to be sped up even more.

That all adds up to only a very slim likelihood that we’re going to be told the truth by officials about how many people are gretting sick or dying from the vaccines.

So we’ll have to solve the mystery ourselves.

I just heard that an organization called VaxxTracker has stepped into the breach. The organization’s website says they “provide those who have received any vaccination a safe place to report negative side-effects and assist developers as they work to perfect it. The VaxxTracker web site acts independently from all government, pharmaceutical, or lobbying groups. We represent those who have already received or those who are considering taking taking a vaccination.”

Perhaps with collective efforts like this we can we can bring the true stats to light.


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After obtaining an MSc in molecular biology from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary, Rosemary Frei became a freelance writer. For the next 22 years she was a medical writer and journalist. She pivoted again in early 2016 to full-time, independent activism and investigative journalism. Her website is

Featured image is from Rosemary Frei

There Is No Crisis for NATO’s Italian Military

February 26th, 2021 by Manlio Dinucci

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While Italy is paralyzed by the “economic crisis that the pandemic unleashed” (as Draghi defined it in his programmatic speech), there is a sector that is not affected but is in full development: the NATO Italian military sector. On February 17-18, when Italian Senate and Parliament voted their trust to Draghi’s government, the reconfirmed Minister of Defense Lorenzo Guerini (Pd, Democratic Party) was already participating in the North Atlantic Council, the first meeting with the presence of the new Biden’s Administration.

Further increase in military spending was on the agenda.  NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg underlined, 2021 will be the seventh consecutive year of increased military spending by  European Allies, and compared to 2014 will have a 190-billion-dollar increase. USA and NATO are asking for much more. Minister Guerini conferred Italy’s commitment and the increase in military spending (in real terms) from 26 to 36 billion euros per year, adding to the Defense appropriations those expenses earmarked for military purposes by the Ministry of Economic Development: 30-billion plus 25 -billion  dollars are requested from the Recovery Fund. All from public money, of course. 

Italy committed to allocate at least 20% of military spending to the purchase of new armaments within NATO. For this reason, as soon as he took office, Minister Guerini signed on February 19 a new agreement with 13 NATO countries plus Finland, called Air Battle Decisive Munition, for the joint purchase of “missiles, rockets and bombs that have a decisive effect in air battle”. With this formula, similar to that of a solidarity buying group (not vegetables but missiles), savings are made and NATO claimed them to be the 15-20% without however saying how much the expenditure will be. The new generation missiles and bombs Italy is buying, will also be used to arm the Lockheed Martin F-35B fighters, embarked on the Cavour aircraft carrier, which arrived on February 13 at the US base in Norfolk (Virginia): here it will remain until April acquiring the operating certification with these aircraft. Italy, Minister Guerini proudly announced, will be one of the few countries in the world – together with the United States, Great Britain and Japan – to have a fifth generation aircraft carrier.

In this way, Italy – as Prime Minister Mario Draghi underlined – will strengthen its role as “protagonist of the Atlantic Alliance, in the wake of the Great Western democracies, in defense of their inalienable principles and values”, particularly increasing  – focusing on “our projection towards areas of natural priority interest, such as the enlarged Mediterranean, with special attention to Libya and Eastern Mediterranean, and to Africa”. In the “enlarged Mediterranean” – which  NATO geography extends from the Atlantic to the Black Sea and South to the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean – NATO operates from Sigonella, with AGS RQ-4D drones supplied by the US, the NATO Force of “Ground surveillance”. It became operational on February 15: the announcement was made by US General Told Walters, Supreme Allied Commander in Europe (this position is always pertinent to a US general). From Sigonella (Sicily) the NATO drones “monitor” (ie spy on) this area to prepare for military actions,  which are under the orders of another US General, Houston Cantwell.

Prime Minister Draghi, who considers the new US administration “more cooperative with its allies”, declared to be “confident that our relations and our collaboration will only intensify”. That is for sure. On February 17, the first meeting, sponsored by the Pentagon,  where 40 Italian military industries and university research centers offered their products and services to the US Armed Forces, took place via videoconference. Title of the meeting was “Innovate to Win“. Innovation – the Ministry of Defense explained – is “the keystone not only for a competitive advantage over current and future potential adversaries  on the military level, but for the recovery of the national industrial sector at the end of the crisis period due to the Covid-19 pandemic “.


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This article was originally published in Italian on Il Manifesto.

Manlio Dinucci is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Without virus isolation, the SARS variants brainwashing theme is being increasingly pushed by the NWO (New World Order) social engineers to prop up the pandemic. With more people becoming aware that there is no emergency and there is no pandemic, the COVID manipulators are propagating more lies by inventing SARS variants and using them as fuel to continue the scamdemic.

Apparently, there are now South African, UK and Californian variants of which you need to be very afraid. However, whether it’s new variants, spike proteins or other SARS-CoV-2 paraphernalia, all of these stories depend on a basic assumption: that a new virus SARS-CoV-2 exists. You can’t have variants of a virus that doesn’t exist. You can’t have spike proteins on a virus that doesn’t exist. Likewise, you can’t make a true traditional vaccine (not the gene editing devices of Pfizer and Moderna) of a virus that doesn’t exist. So we keep coming back to the same point: SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated or purified, and thus so much of the current reporting about it is disinformation that cannot be true.

One Big, Fat, Unfounded Assumption

As always, Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Andrew Kaufman (whom I have quoted extensively in previous articles such as this one and this one) shine light on the true state of affairs. According to them, no true isolation of a virus has EVER happened, either for SARS-CoV-2 or other viruses like HIV. In a recent discussion, they talk about the lack of scientific evidence for the proof of viruses alleged to cause disease in the context of a recently aired debate between Dr. Judy Mikovits and Kaufman. The discussion became a little tense as Kaufman prodded Mikovits to explain how she had ever isolated a virus (as she claims to have repeatedely done), when all she had done was show viruses budding out of the cell (not true isolation). Mikovits replied it had to be that way for retroviruses, because the human body would eat up loose RNA or DNA. Mikovits did however agree and explicitly state that SARS-CoV-2 had never been isolated.

Cowan makes the following point around the 16-minute mark about virus isolation:

“If they [viruses] are not isolated … they don’t exist as independent entities. These is simply no way they can cause disease, there’s no way we can characterize them, there’s no way we can take a segment and say ‘that’s unique to this’, so there’s no way we can do a PCR test.”

Kaufman brings up an interesting jaguar analogy around the 26-minute mark. Imagine a European explorer had heard of new wild cats/leopards in the South American jungle, and set out to find one. Since they are stealthy predators, he could not find one, but instead found some teeth. Would that count as proof of a new wild cat (a jaguar)? A scientist claiming discovery a new virus, amidst all the millions of tiny particles that swim around in our cells and bloodstream, is like a European explorer visiting South America for the first time and claiming he found a jaguar just because he found the tooth of a wild cat, despite not having found the skeleton or body of it. Why does a tiny piece of RNA count as proof of an alleged novel virus SARS-CoV-2?

Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)

Cowan, Kaufman and Sally Fallon Morell have together written a short document entitled Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI) where they definitively explain that, according to “common sense, the laws of logic and the dictates of science,” the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been isolated or purified. The word isolation is often defined differently by virologists trying to justify their methods (adding it to other media like milk and bovine serum, plus mixing it with chemicals like antibiotics). The SOVI statement includes the Oxford definition of the word isolation: “the action of isolating; the fact or condition of being isolated or standing alone; separation from other things or persons; solitariness.” Therefore, logically, these points follow:

  • the structure and composition of something not shown to exist can’t be known, including the presence, structure, and function of any hypothetical spike or other proteins;
  • the genetic sequence of something that has never been found can’t be known;
  • “variants” of something that hasn’t been shown to exist can’t be known;
  • it’s impossible to demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called Covid-19.

The writers then outline how a person would isolate the virus if they were being scientifically rigorous and careful:

In as concise terms as possible, here’s the proper way to isolate, characterize and demonstrate a new virus. First, one takes samples (blood, sputum, secretions) from many people (e.g. 500) with symptoms which are unique and specific enough to characterize an illness. Without mixing these samples with ANY tissue or products that also contain genetic material, the virologist macerates, filters and ultracentrifuges i.e. purifies the specimen. This common virology technique, done for decades to isolate bacteriophages and so-called giant viruses in every virology lab, then allows the virologist to demonstrate with electron microscopy thousands of identically sized and shaped particles. These particles are the isolated and purified virus.

These identical particles are then checked for uniformity by physical and/or microscopic techniques. Once the purity is determined, the particles may be further characterized. This would include examining the structure, morphology, and chemical composition of the particles. Next, their genetic makeup is characterized by extracting the genetic material directly from the purified particles and using genetic-sequencing techniques, such as Sanger sequencing, that have also been around for decades. Then one does an analysis to confirm that these uniform particles are exogenous (outside) in origin as a virus is conceptualized to be, and not the normal breakdown products of dead and dying tissues. (As of May 2020, we know that virologists have no way to determine whether the particles they’re seeing are viruses or just normal break-down products of dead and dying tissues.)”

That is how it would be done to ensure proper virus isolation. However what has happened since the outbreak of the COVID scamdemic is scientific fraud over and over and over again:

“Instead, since 1954, virologists have taken unpurified samples from a relatively few people, often less than ten, with a similar disease. They then minimally process this sample and inoculate this unpurified sample onto tissue culture containing usually four to six other types of material — all of which contain identical genetic material as to what is called a “virus.” The tissue culture is starved and poisoned and naturally disintegrates into many types of particles, some of which contain genetic material. Against all common sense, logic, use of the English language and scientific integrity, this process is called “virus isolation.” This brew containing fragments of genetic material from many sources is then subjected to genetic analysis, which then creates in a computer-simulation process the alleged sequence of the alleged virus, a so called in silico genome. At no time is an actual virus confirmed by electron microscopy. At no time is a genome extracted and sequenced from an actual virus. This is scientific fraud.

The observation that the unpurified specimen — inoculated onto tissue culture along with toxic antibiotics, bovine fetal tissue, amniotic fluid and other tissues — destroys the kidney tissue onto which it is inoculated is given as evidence of the virus’ existence and pathogenicity. This is scientific fraud.”

Mainstream Virology Claims True Virus Isolation is Impossible

Let’s return to what Mikovits said, and what many mainstream virologists say: we can’t isolate viruses from their host cell because there’s not enough of them, they’re too small or they would immediately die if we did so (and therefore must be found within the host cell). So mainstream virology redefines what isolation means when it comes to viruses. Cowan has countered this point repeatedly:

“From now on, when anyone gives you a paper that suggests the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated, please check the methods sections. If the researchers used Vero cells or any other culture method, you know that their process was not isolation. You will hear the following excuses for why actual isolation isn’t done:

  1. There were not enough virus particles found in samples from patients to analyze.
  2. Viruses are intracellular parasites; they can’t be found outside the cell in this manner.

If No. 1 is correct, and we can’t find the virus in the sputum of sick people, then on what evidence do we think the virus is dangerous or even lethal? If No. 2 is correct, then how is the virus spread from person to person? We are told it emerges from the cell to infect others. Then why isn’t it possible to find it?”

Imaginary SARS-CoV-2 Variants and Spike Protein Changes

Predictably, both the WHO and the CDC are pushing the idea that imaginary variants of an imaginary virus are breaking out worldwide. They are even giving these so-called variants technical names: the supposed UK variant is called B.1.1.7, the supposed Brazil variant is called P.1 and the supposed California variant is B.1.427 and B.1.429 (aka CAL.20C/L452R). The supposed South African variant is B.1.351 or 501Y.V2, allegedly due to its N501Y mutation. N501Y is scientific shorthand for the substitution of one protein building block (amino acid) for another at position 501 in the part of the virus called the spike protein. Speaking of spike protein, we all have all been told since the start of this fake pandemic that this is what made the SARS-CoV-2 virus so deadly, but remember: the spike protein is part of the digital, in silico, computer database genome of the virus. They could have made up anything. There is no proof of a real virus with a real spike protein. It’s more technical gobbledygook to give the virus the appearance of existence and reality when it DOES NOT EXIST.

Once this concept is fully grasped, the implications are quite astounding. Even people who have done a great job speaking out against the COVID scamdemic – people like Dr. James Lyons-Weiler and Dr. Judy Mikovits (who deserve kudos for their courage) – are basing their conclusions on the idea that the virus has been isolated and purified when it simply has not. Lyons-Weiler has written scientific paperson the idea of pathogenic priming but that idea is based on the premise of an existing virus whose genome has been actually sequenced from a real life specimen, as opposed to a computer-generated theoretical sequence.

The Vaccine Can’t Possibly Work, Because It’s Based on an In Silico, Theoretical Virus

Vaccines are dangerous inventions, but even if you are pro-vax, the COVID vaccines can’t possibly work (the traditional ones not the mRNA ones) because the Big Pharma manufacturers never had a real viral specimen to use to develop them. They are using a theoretical virus as their starting point. This makes all the COVID vaccines even less desirable, and lowers their benefit-to-risk ratio to 0.


It is a famous maxim of life that you can know the tree by its fruits. Thus, if the root of a tree is poisoned, so shall be its fruit. The foundational structure of the entire COVID narrative is not just shaky but indefensible scientific fraud. Without virus isolation, the additional permutations of the COVID narratives are just more stories of no substance. By now, many people have awoken to the truth that there is not one virus, not one disease called COVID (which is essentially just reclassification of existing disease) and not one cause of that disease. Why would we assume that a deadly “virus” is the only cause of disease – not poor hygiene, poor sanitation, toxic elements, pollution, EMFs (5G), pesticides, synthetic chemicals, stress, emotional imbalance, lack of adequate exercise and deficiency of vital nutrients like vitamins B, C or D? We must keep attacking the entire narrative at its base in order to uncover the truth.


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Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of the book Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at Makia is on Steemit and Parler.


Featured image is from The Freedom Articles

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As 21WIRE reported earlier this week, despite various public denials by UK ministers it has been revealed that the Government is indeed planning to roll-out a new Vaccine Passport, and will be using the NHS COVID Track & Trace App as the initial Trojan horse vehicle for the project – transitioning the App into the “digital certificate” on smart phones to prove their supposed “immunity status” (even though the COVID vaccine does not actually provide immunity). 

After managing to sneak this unprecedented bio-surveillance measure under the radar for months, the political leadership will no doubt be facing serious push-back by virtue of the fact a Vaccine Passport is a total abrogation of constitutional, civil and human rights.

Certainly, on a domestic level this would be draconian in the extreme – potentially restricting access to shops, transport, schools and other venues on the basis of one’s vaccine status. But for international travel, it’s now abundantly clear that governments are already colluding in order to normalise what can only be described as a new level of social control and medical fascism.

To soften the opposition for international travelers, conspiring governments are seeing to be providing what looks like a conciliatory gesture for travelers between regime countries by allowing the ‘non-vaccinated’ to bypass Vaccine Passport control by taking a COVID test. If they negative, they will then be allowed to pass through unhindered. This includes use of the wildly inaccurate and arbitrary PRC Test.

This is exactly what the UK and Greece governments have quietly cooked-up, proposing what is an illegal regulation behind the backs of the population – without any public debate or public consultation on the issue. It is literally pharmaceutical fascism by administrative fiat.

With summer rapidly approaching, and millions suffering under repressive lockdown measures, the governments have already engineered an artificial supply (freedom) and demand (holiday travel) for this new policy which they are in completely control of. The British government’s convenient excuse for falling into this seemingly ‘unavoidable’ situation is that a vaccine passport is “going to come on the international stage whatever” for foreign travel as “other countries would insist on it.” In other words, ‘there is no alternative.’ This is patently untrue, but by employing this policy by stealth and laundering via ‘other countries’ politicians can safely push the illegal vaccine passport regime without ever having to take a legal or ethical position on it – in effect, creating a de facto standard by fiat.

By pushing ahead in a bilateral fashion, the UK and Greek governments have created a political juggernaut – an artificial accelerator designed to pressure Brussels to ‘move quicker on the issue’ and thus bypass due process and legal considerations on this issue. The headlines are proving that this is exactly what the UK and Greece have done, with the Financial Times already reporting, “Greece presses EU to ‘move more quickly’ on vaccine passports.”

Behind closed doors, participating governments are attempting to make this highly coercive policy the ‘New Normal’ in perpetuity for international travel.

ITV reports…

Haris Theoharis said Britons who have had the Covid vaccine will be able to travel to Greece and will no longer be required to self-isolate upon arrival. Those who have not been vaccinated will require a negative Covid-19 test before traveling to Greece.

Mr Theoharis said: “We feel that the vaccination programmes is a game changer, together with rapid tests and alongside PCR tests.”

“We feel that vaccination means someone with the required certificates which will be issued by the government will mean you don’t need to have a negative test before the flight.

“But it doesn’t mean that only vaccinated people can travel. We still have the option of a negative test for those who haven’t had a vaccine.”

He added that talks are ongoing between the UK and Greek governments regarding the implementation of a vaccine passport, to prove that visitors have had a jab.

Watch Greece Tourism minister, Haris Theoharis, explain the new rushed policy here:


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Scientists at Oxford University have suggested that people may need to have a coronavirus vaccination not once, not twice, but EVERY time they want to travel out of their home country.

The scientists published a report in the Royal Society Journal last week that acknowledged there is little data on how efficient or long lasting the current vaccines are, and so it is likely that countries will require a recent vaccination.

Having endless vaccinations when there is no indication of how effective they are, or what long term side effects there may be sounds absolutely mental, but that is what is being suggested.

Speaking to the London Telegraph, Epidemiologist Christopher Dye, a leading author of the reports stated

“If we thought that the duration of protection was just a matter of months, then the sort of criteria that might be introduced – we’re not saying they should be – is that when one travels internationally for a short trip, going on vacation for example, that one is vaccinated each time on that occasion for that particular trip.”

The scientists also stated that vaccine passports are “feasible,” but only when global standards can be agreed upon.

“An effective vaccine passport system that would allow the return to pre-Covid activities, including travel, without compromising personal or public health, must meet a set of demanding criteria,” said Dye.

Other co-authors of the study wanted that the covid passports, which the government’s vaccines minister has repeatedly said are not going to be used domestically, “need to be fully explored.”

Professor Melinda Mills warned that such a system “could inadvertently discriminate or exacerbate existing inequalities,” adding “The intended use will have significant implications across a wide range of legal and ethical issues.”

“Is it literally a passport to allow international travel or could it be used domestically to allow holders greater freedoms?” Professor Mills further questioned.

“We need a broader discussion about multiple aspects of a vaccine passport, from the science of immunity through to data privacy, technical challenges and the ethics and legality of how it might be used,” Mills added.

In the face of globalists repeatedly pushing for the vaccination passport system, Silkie Carlo, the director of civil liberties campaign group Big Brother Watch, has penned an important op-ed warning that we risk “emerging like some sort of China-adjunct – a high-tech dystopia where citizens flash their vaccine IDs and biological risk scores to buy a pint of milk, or government-approved facial recognition for a pint of beer.”

Carlo urged that we “survived the 20th century because our forebearers gave up their lives for freedom. Today, some are willing to give up their freedom for just about anything.”


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War Mongering for Artificial Intelligence

February 26th, 2021 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

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The ghost of Edward Teller must have been doing the rounds between members of the National Commission on Artificial Intelligence.  The father of the hydrogen bomb was never one too bothered by the ethical niggles that came with inventing murderous technology.  It was not, for instance, “the scientist’s job to determine whether a hydrogen bomb should be constructed, whether it should be used, or how it should be used.”  Responsibility, however exercised, rested with the American people and their elected officials.

The application of AI in military systems has plagued the ethicist but excited certain leaders and inventors.  Russian President Vladimir Putin has grandiloquently asserted that “it would be impossible to secure the future of our civilization” without a mastery of artificial intelligence, genetics, unmanned weapons systems and hypersonic weapons. 

Campaigners against the use of autonomous weapons systems in war have been growing in number.  The UN Secretary-General António Guterres is one of them.  “Autonomous machines with the power and discretion to select targets and take lives without human involvement,” he wrote on Twitter in March 2019, “are politically unacceptable, morally repugnant and should be prohibited by international law.”  The International Committee for Robot Arms Control, the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots and Human Rights Watch are also dedicated to banning lethal autonomous weapons systems.  Weapons analysts such as Zachary Kallenborn see that absolute position as untenable, preferring a more modest ban on “the highest-risk weapons: drone swarms and autonomous chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons”. 

The critics of such weapons systems were far away in the Commission’s draft report for Congress.  The document has more than a touch of the mad scientist in the bloody service of a master.  This stood to reason, given its chairman was Eric Schmidt, technical advisor to Alphabet Inc., parent company of Google, which he was formerly CEO of.  With Schmidt holding the reins, we would be guaranteed a show shorn of moral restraint.  “The AI promise – that a machine can perceive, decide, and act more quickly, in a more complex environment, with more accuracy than a human – represents a competitive advantage in any field.  It will be employed for military ends, by governments and non-state groups.” 

In his testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee on February 23, Schmidt was all about “fundamentals” in keeping the US ascendant.  This involved preserving national competitiveness and shaping the military with those fundamentals in mind.  But to do so required keeping the eyes of the security establishment wide open for any dangerous competitor.  (Schmidt understands Congress well enough to know that spikes in funding and outlays tend to be attached to the promotion of threats.)  He sees “the threat of Chinese leadership in key technology areas” as “a national crisis”.  In terms of AI, “only the United States and China” had the necessary “resources, commercial might, talent pool, and innovation ecosystem to lead the world”.  Within the next decade, Beijing could even “surpass the United States as the world’s AI superpower.”

The testimony is generously spiked with the China threat thesis.  “Never before in my lifetime,” he claimed, “have I been more worried that we will soon be displaced by a rival or more aware of what second place means for our economy, our security, and the future of our nation.”  He feared that such worries were not being shared by officials, with the DoD treating “software as a low priority”.  Here, he could give advice on lessons learned in the spawning enterprises of Silicon Valley, where the principled live short lives.  Those dedicated to defence could “form smart teams, drive hard deliverables, and move quickly.”  Missiles, he argued, should be built “the way we now build cars: use a design studio to develop and simulate in software.”

This all meant necessarily praising a less repressible form of AI to the heavens, notably in its military applications.  Two days of public discussion saw the panel’s vice chairman Robert Work extol the virtues of AI in battle.  “It is a moral imperative to at least pursue this hypothesis” claiming that “autonomous weapons will not be indiscriminate unless we design them that way.”  The devil is in the human, as it has always been.

In a manner reminiscent of the debates about sharing atomic technology in the aftermath of the Second World War, the Committee urges that the US “pursue a comprehensive strategy in close coordination with our allies and partners for artificial intelligence (AI) innovation and adoption that promotes values critical to free and open societies.”  A proposed Emerging Technology Coalition of likeminded powers and partners would focus on the role of “emerging technologies according to democratic norms and values” and “coordinate policies to counter the malign use of these technologies by authoritarian regimes”.  Fast forgotten is the fact that distinctions such as authoritarianism and democracy have little meaning at the end of a weapon.

Internal changes are also suggested to ruffle a few feathers.  The US State Department comes in for special mention as needing reforms.  “There is currently no clear lead for emerging technology policy or diplomacy within the State Department, which hinders the Department’s ability to make strategic technology decisions.”  Allies and partners were confused when approaching the State Department as to “which senior official would be their primary point of contact” for a range of topics, be they AI, quantum computing, 5G, biotechnology or new emerging technologies. 

Overall, the US government comes in for a battering, reproached for operating “at human speed not machine speed.”  It was lagging relative to commercial development of AI.  It suffered from “technical deficits that range from digital workforce shortages to inadequate acquisition policies, insufficient network architecture, and weak data practices.”

The official Pentagon policy, as it stands, is that autonomous and semi-autonomous weapons systems should be “designed to allow commanders and operators to exercise appropriate levels of human judgment over the use of force.”  In October 2019, the Department of Defence adopted various ethical principles regarding the military use of AI, making the DoD Artificial Intelligence Centre the focal point.  These include the provision that, “DoD personnel will exercise appropriate levels of judgment and care, while remaining responsible for the development, deployment, and use of AI capabilities.”  The “traceable” principle is also shot through with the principle of human control, with personnel needing to “possess an appropriate understanding of the technology, development processes, and operational methods applicable to AI capabilities”.

The National Commission pays lip service to such protocols, acknowledging that operators, organisations and “the American people” would not support AI machines not “designed with predictability” and “clear principles” in mind.  But the note of warning in not being too morally shackled becomes a screech.  Risk was “inescapable” and not using AI “to solve real national security challenges risks putting the United States at a disadvantage”.  Especially when it comes to China.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

North Korea Steadfastly Resisting US Hegemony

February 26th, 2021 by Kim Petersen

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I learned a while back to be especially skeptical of western mass media and their governments. [1] My experience of life in China is nothing like how western demonization portrays it to be. Therefore, I looked forward to the chance to experience North Korea first hand. I traveled there with a Chinese group departing China. Starting out from Dandong, China, we crossed the Yalu River to Sinuiju, the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK). From Sinuiji we took a train to Pyongyang and explored other areas of the DPRK in 2017. I wrote about this in “There Are Human Beings in North Korea. Neither Wealthy Nor Poor.” My impression of North Korea was extremely positive, and I look very forward to returning there one day.

A.B. Abrams has written a comprehensive book, Immovable Object: North Korea’s 70 Years at War with American Power, [2] that is extensively footnoted and details how American imperialism works. Abrams does this by focusing on a United States-designated enemy state: the DPRK.

Abrams begins with the history. He writes about the role of Lyuh Woon Hyung (aka Yo Un Hyung) [3] and the seldom-mentioned formation of the People’s Republic of Korea at the end of World War II, a republic that was successfully functioning before the arrival of the Americans in Korea. However, the “independence and nationalist character of the People’s Republic was seen as a threat to American designs for the Korean nation…” and the republic was deposed and outlawed. (p 14)

The US split the peninsula into northern and southern states. The United States Army Military Government in Korea (USAMGIK) ruled the southern half of the Korean Peninsula using the despised former Japanese occupiers to aid in ruling. Later the US brought in an Americanized Korean, Sygnmann Rhee, to be a dictator. The US staunchly opposed reunification fearing a democratic result that would bring about socialism in the entire peninsula. North Koreans formed their own government and at the outset outperformed the Republic of Korea (ROK, i.e., South Korea) economically.

To maintain a grip, the Americans and Rhee government brutally suppressed socialism in South Korea, committing many massacres. (ch 6) This helped set the stage for war on the peninsula.

Abrams casts serious doubt on the notion that the Korean war started by the North. Several South Korean attacks on North Korean communities “confirmed by U.S. and British intelligence” and the seizure of the small North Korean city of Haeju initially confirmed by South Korean sources. (p 68)

Regardless of whichever side fired the first shots, Abrams posits this may be inconsequential to the actual casus belli. He points to

… the forceful abolishment of the Korean People’s Republic and later extremely brutal suppression of its remnants by the United States Army Military Government with the assistance of youth groups–described as terrorists even by their American allies–and with the backing of the Rhee government itself. (p 59)

After the onset of war, the DPRK almost achieved a quick military victory, but after the US landing at Inchon, the forces and military equipment of the US were too much for the small republic to withstand. In addition, the DPRK was facing a United Nations coalition arranged to back the US. The US pushed back and carried out a scorched earth campaign. General Douglas MacArthur of the UN Forces in Korea referred to the devastation as “a slaughter never heard of in the history of mankind.” (p 65)

Chapters 3 to 8 in Immovable Object are a must read to grasp the magnitude of the extreme brutality and gore fomented by US warfare; the killing of civilians (including South Korean political prisoners); [4] widespread rapes and sexual violence; torture by US forces; its willfulness to lie for imperial ends; the obliteration of agriculture (to create famine), industry, cities, towns, and buildings; firebombing and the use of chemical and biological weapons along with the demands by the US military brass to use nuclear bombs.


It is important to realize that the US carries out it warring and provocations against foreign countries often with overwhelming approval of the American populace. Abrams writes that the majority of American citizens supported using nukes against North Korea. (p 131) American public support for warring was also evident by support for intensified bombing by the US during armistice negotiations. (p 224) This American public support was also the case during the US attacks on Muslim nations following 9-11, with 70% of Americans indicating belief in Saddam Hussein being connected to Al Qaeda. (p 390)


Abu Ghraib, Bagram, and My Lai are just more recent accounts of the cornucopia of American war crimes. WARNING: The following accounts are graphic!

Kim Sun Ok, 37, the mother of four children [who had been] killed by a bomb, stated that she was evacuated in the village by Americans…. The Americans led her naked through the streets and later killed her by pushing a red-hot iron bar into her vagina. Her small son was buried alive. (p 175)

Kim Sen Ai, another 11-year-old girl…, said she was in the fourth class in school when American soldiers entered her village and apprehended her and her parents. Her mother was a member of the Korean Workers’ Party, and so earned special treatment–her breasts were cut off. Her father was tortured and thrown in a river, and her four-year-old sister was then buried alive. (p 177)

Jo Ok Hi, chairman [sic] of the Haeju women’s organization, was imprisoned and submitted to slow torture. Her eyes were pulled out, and after some time her nose and breasts were cut off. (p 178)

The Commission of the Association of Democratic Lawyers issued a report that concluded:

Taking the view that excessive murders are not the result of individual excesses, but indicate a pattern of behaviour by the U.S. forces throughout the areas occupied by them… the Commission is of the opinion that the American forces are guilty of the crime of Genocide as defined by the Geneva Convention of 1948. (p 183)

With the US military approaching the Yalu River despite warnings from China to steer clear, China entered the war and together China and the DRRK pushed the US-ROK-UN forces back to the middle ground of the peninsula. China had recently emerged from a civil war, and the war on the peninsula was a costly proposition for China.

Americans threw a wrench in talks to end the war by…..

what can only be described as gross violations of the law and serious war crimes. These pertained to the brutal mistreatment of prisoners including killings, medical experimentation, torture and coercion of the most extreme kind to force them to remain behind enemy lines after the war’s end. (p 230)

China has trumpeted the end of the warring 70 years later as a victory for itself and North Korea. Abrams is more circumspect: “Which party, if any, ‘won’ the Korean War [5] remains open to interpretation.” (p 240)

The results reverberate through to today as the clean-up for unexploded American ordnance is estimated to endanger North Koreans for another century. (p 66, 242)

An armistice has been signed but no peace treaty; therefore, the foes remain technically at war. The DPRK has learned from its experience and has made itself militarily adept at defending itself. North Korea has become a leader in underground fortifications, and has placed much of its armaments and materials deep beyond easy reach of missiles. Northerners have also become technically proficient and have developed an intercontinental ballistic missile capability of striking anywhere in the continental US. These missiles can be topped with miniaturized nuclear devices and pose a most credible deterrent. And a deterrent it is, as the DPRK has pledged no first use of nukes — unlike the US. As well, it is well known that the DPRK will not hesitate to respond to provocation. The DPRK’s nuclearization has prevented any attack against it by a rational actor, as both sides would be extremely bloodied and damaged by such a conflict.

It is an important lesson that Iran ought to closely consider: the effectiveness of military strength, including nuclearization, as deterrence. In fact, much of Iran’s missile capability and fortification resulted from cooperation with the DPRK. (p 289-295)

Libya paid the price for

having ignored direct warnings from both Tehran and Pyongyang not to pursue such a course [of unilaterally disarming], Libya’s leadership would later admit that disarmament, neglected military modernisation, and trust in Western good will proved to be their greatest mistake–leaving their country near defenceless when Western powers launched their offensive in 2011. (p 296)

Has South Korea Not Also Paid a Price for Trusting Western Goodwill?

Abrams examines how the ROK has fared as an independent and sovereign state. Is South Korea independent and sovereign? [6] Asked Abrams, “Could America claim to ‘liberate’ southern Korea while at the same time occupying it, forcefully dismantling its existing government and threatening those Koreans who did not abide by its will with death?” (p 310)

Abrams describes the “apparently sadistic pleasure [American] personnel took in tormenting the [South] Korean people…,” (p 312) the objectification of “servile Korean women,” (p 313) and the massive expansion of the Japanese system of comfort station. (p 314) “Methods used to recruit comfort women to serve American soldiers involved rape and violence to disorient and break women in. They would afterwards have little choice but to ‘consent’ to sex work for the U.S. Military.” (p 327)

In contrast,

Pyongyang not only abolished the comfort women system from 1945, but strictly enforced the outlawing of prostitution entirely and establishing formal legal equality for women…. [Thus] the nation’s dignity, pride and right to self-determination were never violated–neither were its women. (p 330)

In the 1990s, the North Koreans were hit hard by weather calamities, crop failures, while the western sanctions continued to be applied, but the DPRK pulled through what they call the Arduous March.

How did the North Koreans resist? Early on, the war-ravaged homefront on the Korean peninsula ably put up a staunch defense, abetted by a Chinese peasant fighting force. North Koreans practiced Juche (self-reliance), and Songun, a military first posture that “is firmly rooted in resistance to external pressure as a means of safeguarding Korea independence.” (p 553) To this end, the DPRK emphasized modernization, advanced technologies, and providing for economic needs.

The DPRK has a no first use of nukes policy, but any strike against the DPRK will result in a lethal counter attack. It must be emphasized that the DPRK military’s orientation is: “among the most defensively oriented in the world, with its power projection capabilities negligible to non-existent–in stark contrast to the U.S. Military which is heavily oriented towards overseas power projection.” (p 437) Along with having achieved a self-sustaining economy that provides the basics for the people, it would appear that the DPRK has withstood, and some would say triumphed, against US machinations aimed at the country and its system of governance.

To be fair, it is not just a US persecution and war crimes against the DPRK. Every country that participates in the sanctions against the DPRK, arguably, has sullied itself. Take Canada, for example; Canadian peace activist James Endicott was harassed by his government for verifying American biological weapon use in the war, in which Canada was also a belligerent against the DPRK. (p 141) Reporter George Barrett wrote that Canadian troops along with US troops committed “widespread and regular rapes.” (p 168, 184) Canada was a destination for human trafficking of young girls and women from South Korea. (p 330)

It must also be pointed out that in stark contrast to western forces raping and committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in Korea, the Chinese and North Korean troops were highly disciplined in their conduct toward civilians and adversaries. (p 152)

A Highly Recommended Read

Abram has irrefutably laid bare the intentions of US imperialism. Immovable Object leaves no stone unturned. The sordid history of the US toward Koreans, in the north and south, is scrutinized, detailed, and substantiated. It is a battle of ideologies that drives Americans to pursue information warfare (actually a disinformation war) and economic warfare (sabotaging the economies of designated enemy states through sanctions, “a weapon of mass destruction,” and hence the well-being and lives of the people in targeted countries). In the case of imposing US hegemony to Korea, it appears that while the US is succeeding in the ROK, it has suffered ignominious failure against the DPRK.

Immovable Object: North Korea’s 70 Years at War with American Power is a superb book that I most highly recommend. There is so much more information and narrative to be gleaned from Abrams’s book that a review (even as lengthy as this) can touch on. Abrams goes into western media disinformation and propaganda campaigns against the DPRK. He answers why the DPRK state secrecy, media censorship, and why North Korean defector accounts should be regarded with deep skepticism. Read the impeccably substantiated Immovable Object and find out for yourself what undergirds the DPRK’s resistance to US hegemony.


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Kim Petersen is a former co-editor of the Dissident Voice newsletter. He can be emailed at: kimohp@gmail. Twitter: @kimpetersen.


  1. This can also hold for the purportedly progressivist media. Paul Jay, then with the Real News, interviewed the former United States state department employee Lawrence Wilkerson and received a jaundiced opinion on North Korea. The Real News presented an account that the DPRK had fired a missile that sank the ROK navy ship Cheonan without definitive evidence. Abrams questions placing blame on the DPRK, (p 411-415) noting, “Pyongyang has historically never shied away from claiming credit for previous strikes.” (p 414)
  2. I submit that a more accurately worded subtitle would be American Power’s 70 Years at War with North Korea.
  3. Lee Wha Rang, “Who was Yo Un-hyung? (Part 2),” Association for Asian Research, 1 March 2004.
  4. “South Korean authorities have logged reports of 61 separate massacres of civilians carried out by U.S. forces…” (p 162)
  5. I submit that this is a misnomer; more accurately it should be depicted as a US war on Korea since as Abrams makes clear, South Koreans had no heart for battling their northern kin.
  6. It is a question I have posed previously.

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Students from over 50 leading U.S. law schools — including Stanford, Harvard, Yale, and New York University — have announced a recruiting boycott of a prominent Chevron law firm to protest its “unethical” private prosecution of U.S. human rights lawyer Steven Donziger after he helped win a $9.5 billion pollution judgment against Chevron.

“We pledge to boycott Seward & Kissel recruitment activities in response to the firm’s unethical prosecution of U.S. human rights attorney Steven Donziger,” the students wrote in a letter with signatories representing 52 law schools. “Despite a significant conflict of interest, Seward & Kissel continues to drive Mr. Donziger’s unprecedented 18-month pre-trial detention on misdemeanor contempt charges.”

The letter was organized at Stanford and several other law schools that Seward & Kissel relies on as a pipeline for new hires. Shockingly, the Seward firm is prosecuting Mr. Donziger in the name of the government even though it has a client relationship with Chevron and even though the charges were rejected by the U.S. Attorney in New York.

Seward’s targeting of Mr. Donziger is thought to be the first corporate criminal prosecution in U.S. history and has been called a violation of U.S. and international law by international lawyers who serve on a trial monitoring committee that is tracking the case. (See this background article.)

“We are proud to stand in solidarity with Steven Donziger in the face of this unprecedented assault by Chevron and its allies.” said Catherine Rocchi, the president of Stanford’s Environmental Law Society. “Human rights violations are happening in plain sight in New York City. Seward & Kissel’s behavior is an embarrassment to our courts, the legal profession, and the United States’ global image.”

“This injustice affects all of us,” added Rocchi. “As members of the legal community, we feel obliged to take a stand.”

“We are horrified by the precedent this corrupt prosecution sets,” said Elias Schultz, a Stanford law student who also organized the letter. “No matter what type of employment we will seek after law school, we must avoid firms involved in this assault on human rights lawyering. Seward’s brazen push to punish lawyers who challenge its corporate clients puts it as the top of this list.”

Donziger was instrumental in helping Indigenous peoples and rural farmers in Ecuador’s Amazon win the pollution judgment against Chevron in 2011 after the company was found liable for dumping 16 billion gallons of cancer-causing oil waste onto Indigenous ancestral lands. The judgment has been affirmed for enforcement purposes by 29 appellate judges, including the entire Supreme Courts of Ecuador and Canada.

After having insisted for years that the trial take place in Ecuador, Chevron’s lawyers later vowed never to pay the judgment and have threated the Indigenous groups with a “lifetime of litigation” if they don’t drop their claims. Chevron also pushed for Mr. Donziger to be held in criminal contempt of court after he appealed an apparently unlawful order that he turn over his computer and cell phone to the company – devices that contain highly sensitive and confidential attorney-client information.

Filed by Judge Lewis A. Kaplan, the contempt charges were rejected by the regular federal prosecutor in New York. Judge Kaplan then appointed the Seward & Kissel law firm to “prosecute” Mr. Donziger knowing the firm had financial ties to Chevron. Kaplan also appointed a judge to preside who is a prominent member of the Chevron-funded Federalist Society, another flagrant conflict of interest.

Even more bizarre is that the Seward firm, via lead partner Rita Glavin, never revealed it had a client relationship with Chevron while pushing for Mr. Donziger’s pre-trial home detention. Glavin herself has a history of ethical lapses that took place when she was a supervisor of the botched prosecution of former Alaska Senator Ted Stevens in 2008. (See here.)

Legendary U.S. civil rights attorney Martin Garbus—who has represented Nelson Mandela—has called Seward’s prosecution of Mr. Donziger “maybe the most corrupt in contemporary U.S. history”. Mr. Donziger has been locked up in his home for 567 days without trial when the longest sentence ever imposed on a lawyer convicted of contempt is 90 days of home confinement.

Mr. Donziger also was forced to post (via friends) an exorbitant $800,000 bond – higher than the bonds imposed on the four police officers who killed George Floyd (all of whom are free pending trial.) Mr. Donziger is also the only person in U.S history with no criminal record detained on a federal misdemeanor charge, according to his lawyers.

“The unethical behavior of Seward & Kissel’s Chevron-linked prosecutors opens the door to future cases in which judges give private law firms the authority to prosecute the critics of multinational corporations—without disclosing their ties to those same industries,” the law student letter said. “We, the undersigned law students, refuse to consider employment with the firm until it withdraws from its conflicted position as Chevron’s private prosecutor.”

The Seward firm is known for its close ties to the oil and gas industry. One of its leading clients, Oaktree Capital, has two executives who have served on Chevron’s Board of Directors. Ethics expert Ellen Yaroshefsky submitted an affidavit calling on the firm to disqualify itself due to its financial ties to Chevron and Chevron-related entities in the oil industry.

Donziger has won wide support for his principled stand on behalf of his clients. Fifty-five Nobel Laureates have demanded his release and dismissal of the contempt case (here); 475 lawyers and 37 law associations around the world have protested his detention (here); and another 200 lawyers have filed a misconduct complaint against Judge Kapan for his “abusive targeting” of Mr. Donziger (here).

Last week, Amnesty International and 12 other prominent human rights groups sent a letter to incoming U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding a review of the Donziger contempt case and the removal of the Seward & Kissel law firm from its prosecutorial role. Attorney Marty Garbus also wrote a powerful memo explaining why he believes the contempt charges against Mr. Donziger have no valid legal basis.

The students come from an array of U.S. law schools from the entire country – among them the University of Arkansas, University of Arizona, University of Miami, University of Illinois, University of California at Berkeley, Boston College, University of North Carolina, University of Oregon, Georgetown, Penn, and George Washington, among many others. Students from all ten of the nation’s top-ranked law schools are represented.

“Seward and Kissel and other law firms should be put on notice that this campaign will happen repeatedly until unethical private prosecutions of any sort – but particularly those orchestrated by fossil fuel companies like Chevron – are brought to a complete halt,” said Matthew Burton, a third-year law student at Boston College Law School and a signatory.


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The politicization of the COVID-19 pandemic has not been overlooked in the health literature.  University-based researchers from different quarters conclude political party affiliation is the strongest factor in the COVID-19 pandemic.  Here is a sampling:

  • Yet another journal, Nature Human Behavior, publishes a report that concludes: “the possibility that political partisanship in the United States is now sufficiently far-reaching and pernicious enough to threaten the health of citizens during a pandemic.”
  • Again, in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, university-based researchers concluded that “political partisanship influences citizens decisions to voluntarily engage in physical distancing in response to communications by their governor.”
  • A letter published in JAMA Internal Medicine also confirms political affiliation influenced physical distancing and restrictive recreational activities.
  • In a pre-publication report at MedRxIV, from March to early June 2020 investigators indicate Republican-led states had lower COVID-19 incidence rates compared to Democratic-states. This association reversed on June 3, 2020.  For death rates, Republican-led states had lower rates early in the pandemic, but higher rates from July 4 through mid-December, as if a virus somehow recognized political party affiliation.
  • A report published in Science Advances reveals 80% of Democrats but jut 40% of Republicans reported being concerned about catching COVID-19 in the early months of lockdown and quarantine.
    I hope readers understand this.  Not only did politicians invoke guidelines for face masks, social distancing and avoidance of large crowds for political purposes, the public accepted these guidelines along political party lines.
    The news media then portrayed these restrictions as public law rather than unauthorized decrees which is what they are.  Laws require a vote in the state legislature.
    Now public health agencies were “kicking a_s” on restaurant chains and owners who are largely Red-Party elephants, not Blue Donkeys.  The National Restaurant Association largely contributes to the Red Party.  The Red plates outnumber the Blue plates in the restaurant business.
    Annihilate the political opposition by putting them out of business, which is the objective of the World Economic Forum and its global government push.
    Researchers at Vanderbilt University proclaim: “The COVID-19 pandemic in the United States is currently as much a political problem as it is a public health problem.”  One party failed to heed social mobility restrictions “required to mitigate the further spread of the pandemic,” said researchers, though as you will read below, those measures were only based on manipulated data.

State governors, not Federal authorities, have legal control over public health emergencies.  Stay-at-home orders were issued by nearly all state governors.  Republican governors were slower to adopt stay-at-home orders, if they did so at all, while Democrat governors issued stay-at-home orders of long duration.  Political party affiliation was shown to be the most important predictor of state mandates to wear face masks.

The problem is that the protective measures employed to impede the spread of infection and reduce deaths were often nothing more than arbitrary rules with little or no substantiation.

My own investigation found countries where face masks are commonly worn have the highest COVID-19 death rates.

Social distancing is a farce.  It is more likely someone will acquire any infectious disease at home due to close contact with family members.  The social distancing could be a covert measure to block public meetings against government.

Social distancing, use of face masks and population lockdown could not have been responsible for any decline in COVID-19 infections or deaths as they only delay, not prevent, infectious disease. In fact, lockdowns just resulted in forty-percent of elderly patients getting sick from family members in the same living quarters.

PCR testing has led to restrictions for large groups of people who do not present an infection risk.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Infectious Disease, states in a July 16, 2020 podcast, says that when the PCR test is run at 35-doubling cycles or higher it cannot be believed or accepted.  Most PCR tests have been conducted at 35 doublings.

The COVID-19 deaths also appear to be fraudulent, with patients on their death-bed, diagnosed with COVID-19 infection by a flawed test, are tagged with COVID-19 on their death certificates.  Upon audit The Centers For Disease Control itself concedes 94% of COVID-19 deaths were accompanied by life-threatening comorbid conditions, most deaths occurring among elderly patients.

More than 90% of human populations are already positive for at least three of the “common cold” coronaviruses.  Prior coronavirus infections confer protection for COVID-19.

About 9 in 10 people diagnosed with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 may not be carrying enough of it to infect anyone else.  The guidelines established by public health authorities to slow or halt the pandemic may be nothing more than stress relievers.

Understand all these lockdowns and social distancing and face masks were to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed while the masses wait for a vaccine.  But there may never be a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine.

In the end, political operatives needed deaths to frighten the public into acceptance of these draconian measures. Without scrutiny by the nation’s politically slanted news press, fear of death spread rapidly.  Reports of shipping containers in hospital parking lots filled with dead bodies that could not be accommodated in hospital morgues was one fear-mongering publicity stunt.

And deaths they did produce, in at least once instance by returning hospitalized infected patients to nursing homes.  Then to side-step the political heat for all the deaths, COVID-19 fatality numbers in nursing homes were not completely reported.  Americans allowed this to go on because they too were sucked into applying political blame.  The pandemic became political theatre.  Americans were swept into the false drama.  If you refused to wear a face mask you were a public threat.  Americans will never face up to reality because the news press keeps beating a political drum.  God help you if your loved ones got caught up in this contrived tragedy and paid for it with their lives.


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With a push for vaccine mandates on the rise, America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) has provided a tool to assist state law makers in protecting the rights and dignity of their constituents in the face of such intrusive, dangerous and unnecessary proposals.

The “Vaccine Bill of Rights” (VBOR) was composed “so that state legislatures can re-affirm their commitment to individual rights of conscience, assembly, and movement,” an AFLDS announcement states.

With this draft resolution, AFLDS encourages their readers: “You are now armed with the tools to fight for your freedom. THIS IS YOUR MISSION.”

AFLDS urges everyone to contact their “state representative with a copy of the VBOR urging him/her to pass the resolution immediately.”

In order to help facilitate the dissemination of this critical and urgent appeal to state representatives, the LifeSite Action Center has sponsored a nation-wide “Alert” on its Voter Voice platform, which allows constituents to contact their state legislators in one easy step using a single simple contact form. This system will automatically match citizens to their representatives’ email and / or Twitter accounts, and with a single click they can send their message to them directly. Calling the legislators’ offices is an option provided as well.

The VBOR first reviews how such an initiative is merely an actualization of established Constitutional law as well as federal law reflecting broadly recognized international norms as articulated in the Nuremberg Code of 1947.

The Nuremberg Code came about as a result of the post-World War II trials, convictions and executions of Nazi doctors who had conducted deadly experiments, without the subjects’ consent, on prisoners of war.

The Code’s first and most extensive principle provides the strict conditions for establishing voluntary consent, including that the individual may not be exposed to “any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion.” In addition, they must have “sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved.”

One such necessary element of legitimate informed consent would include the fact that these experimental vaccines do not enjoy the status of being “FDA-approved,” but have only “a temporary Emergency Use Authorization as experimental (investigational) agents.” As AFLDS founder Dr. Simone Gold affirms elsewhere, this means one is being enrolled in a medical trial when they receive these injections which “almost nobody chooses to do” under normal circumstances when they are provided with this necessary information.

For these reasons and more, the VBOR confirms that it is a violation of federal law to mandate such substances (“21 U.S.C. §360bbb-3”). As the statute reads: “Authorization for medical products for use in emergencies … require … the option to accept or refuse administration of the product.”

The VBOR goes on to articulate those human and civil rights it seeks to ensure according to “six general categories of protections for individuals against overweening government and attempted interventions by private businesses and organizations.” These protections include the following:

  • No persons will be mandated, coerced, forced or pressured to take a COVID-19 vaccine.
  • No physician or nurse shall be asked by their employer to promote a COVID-19 vaccine.
  • All persons reserve the right, at all times, to determine what is in their own best medical interest without threat to their livelihood or freedom of movement.
  • All persons must be given access to independent information to help them determine what is in their own best medical interest, including the risk of death based upon age/condition from contracting COVID-19 naturally. This information must include information from sources that are independent of a conflict of interest such as a government, political or commercial entity. Such information can be included but cannot be the sole source of information.
  • The elderly are additionally entitled to a knowledgeable, independent advocate with medical training to help them determine their own medical interest.
  • Private businesses operating within the jurisdiction have no legal authority to require or mandate or coerce medication or experimental medication for any persons.

In a press release announcing the VBOR, AFLDS went on to state, “Mandates, ‘passports’ or any effort to intimidate Americans into taking a vaccine for a virus with a 99.7% survival rate not only is damaging to individual liberty, it also contradicts safe medical practice. Yet state governments, along with powerful private interests, are moving in the direction of requiring inoculations for large segments of our society as a condition to return to a ‘normal’ life. This is wrong.”

“As part of the AFLDS commitment to science-based information exchange, transparency, and accountability, our organization developed this Vaccine Bill of Rights so that state legislatures can re-affirm their commitments to individual rights of conscience, assembly, and movement. America’s Frontline Doctors encourages our representatives to immediately pass this critical measure, direct public health officials to comply, and preserve the freedom of their constituents.”

The LifeSite Action Alert clarifies that the fundamental rights listed above are “at risk of total violation thanks to extreme government efforts around the world to force people to get vaccinated.”

“The AFLDS proposal is a reasonable, responsible, and reassuring step in the right direction as we move into the next phase of the pandemic, and state legislators should either introduce its provisions as legislation or model their proposal after them,” the Alert states.

“No one – not the government, employers, nor any individual – should maintain the authority to force anyone to get vaccinated, and a Vaccine Bill of Rights in your state will ensure that they don’t.”

To access the Voter Voice system, and quickly message your state representatives on this crucial topic, please click here.


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Mein Herr,

Am heutigen 25. Februar 2021 meldeten die deutschen Medien, dass Sie bei einem digitalen Gespräch mit Bürgern aus Bayern zur Akzeptanz aller Impfstoffe aufgerufen hätten. Laut „Deutsches Ärzteblatt“ hätten Sie bei den Bundesbürgern um Vertrauen in alle zugelassenen Impfstoffe gegen das Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 geworben. Außerdem hätten Sie kein Verständnis für die Zurückhaltung gegenüber dem einen oder anderen Impfstoff geäußert. Diese Zauderei sei ein „Luxusproblem“. Wissenschaftliche Studien zeigten laut „Ärzteblatt“, „dass alle von der Europäischen Arzneimittel-Agentur (EMA) genehmigten Impfstoffe wirksam und verträglich seien.“ Wörtlich sagten Sie:

„Das ist ein Luxusproblem, (…) Erst recht aus der Sicht von Millionen Menschen, die noch auf die erste Dosis warten. Schneller zu impfen, das ist das Gebot der Stunde. (…) Und dafür verdienen alle zugelassenen Impfstoffe unser Vertrauen.“ (See this)

Mein Herr!

Ich kann nur schwer in anständige Worte fassen, was ich bei dieser Meldung empfand. Ich bin Erziehungswissenschaftler, Diplom-Psychologe und arbeitete Jahrzehnte als Professor in der Erwachsenenbildung in Deutschland und in der Schweiz. Als unabhängiger Wissenschaftler bin ich aufgrund meiner internationalen Vernetzung mit sicheren Freunden und Kollegen sehr gut über die sehr fragliche „Wirksamkeit“ und „Verträglichkeit“ vor allem der in Deutschland angebotenen Impfstoffe informiert und verstehe das Zögern der Mitbürger.

Dass Sie mit dem Gewicht des Ersten Mannes im Staate und als Jurist und Christ in das gleiche Horn blasen wie Big Pharma und suspekte Wissenschaftler, hat mich sehr empört und erschüttert. Es bestätigte meinen Argwohn gegenüber Politikern – niedergeschrieben in einem Büchlein mit dem Titel „Keinem die Macht übergeben! Ein psychologisches Manifest des gesunden Menschenverstands“.

Am 18. Dezember 2020 schrieb ich angesichts des Corona-Pandemie-Schwindels als einem Verbrechen gegen die Zivilgesellschaften weltweit einen Artikel mit dem Titel: „Wann ist der nächste ‚Nürnberger Prozess‘ fällig?“ Darin zitierte ich einen Ausschnitt aus der Eröffnungsrede des US-amerikanischen Chefanklägers im Nürnberger Prozess, Robert H. Jackson. Er sagte am 21.11.1945:

„…Wir dürfen niemals vergessen, dass nach dem gleichen Maß, mit dem wir die angeklagten heute messen, auch wir morgen von der Geschichte gemessen werden. Diesen Angeklagten einen vergifteten Becher reichen, bedeutet, ihn an unsere eigenen Lippen zu bringen.“

Vielleicht überdenken Sie Ihre Äußerungen ja noch einmal.

Dipl.-Psych. Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

Zur Zeit: Belgrad / Serbien


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Dr. Rudolf Hänsel ist Diplom-Psychologe und Erziehungswissenschaftler.

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  • Posted in Deutsch
  • Comments Off on Die Impfstoffe: Offener Brief an den Herrn Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier Bundespräsident

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Today, 25 February 2021, the German media reported that you had appealed to citizens of Bavaria to accept all vaccines during a digital conversation. According to the “Deutsches Ärzteblatt”, you would have appealed to the German citizens to trust in all approved vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Moreover, you would not have expressed any understanding for the hesitation towards one or the other vaccine. This procrastination was a “luxury problem”. According to “Ärzteblatt”, scientific studies showed “that all vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) were effective and tolerable.” Literally, you said:

“This is a luxury problem, (…) Especially from the point of view of millions of people who are still waiting for the first dose. To vaccinate faster, that is the order of the day. (…) And for that, all approved vaccines deserve our trust.”(See this)


I find it difficult to put into decent words what I felt at this news item. I am an educationalist, a graduate psychologist and worked for decades as a professor in adult education in Germany and Switzerland. As an independent scientist, I am very well informed about the very questionable “efficacy” and “tolerability”, especially of the vaccines offered in Germany, due to my international networking with safe friends and colleagues, and I understand the hesitation of my fellow citizens.

The fact that you, with the weight of the First Man in the State and as a lawyer and Christian, are blowing the same horn as Big Pharma and suspect scientists, has greatly outraged and shaken me. It confirmed my suspicion of politicians – written down in a booklet entitled “Don’t hand over power to anyone! A Psychological Manifesto of Common Sense”.

On 18 December 2020, in light of the Corona pandemic hoax as a crime against civil societies worldwide, I wrote an article entitled: “When is the next ‘Nuremberg Trial’ due?” In it I quoted an excerpt from the opening speech of the US Chief Prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trial, Robert H. Jackson. He said on 21.11.1945:

“…We must never forget that by the same standard by which we measure the accused today, we too will be measured by history tomorrow. To hand these accused a poisoned cup is to bring it to our own lips.”

Perhaps you will reconsider your remarks.

Dipl.-Psych. Dr. Rudolf Hänsel

Currently: Belgrade / Serbia


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Dr. Rudolf Hänsel is a graduate psychologist and educationalist. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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Texas had only just frozen over.  In the wake of a devastating winter storm, millions in the state were without power and struggling to find warmth. They boiled snow for water; some were dying. And against all evidence the anti-climate political right was grousing about windmills and blaming a Green New Deal that doesn’t yet exist.

“Unbeknownst to most people, the Green New Deal came to Texas,” Tucker Carlson said on February 16 on Fox News. “The power grid in the state became totally reliant on windmills. Then it got cold, and the windmills broke, because that’s what happens in the Green New Deal.” An hour later, on Hannity, routinely America’s most-watched cable news program, Texas governor Greg Abbott said his state’s predicament “shows how the Green New Deal would be a deadly deal for the United States of America.” In the days that followed, similar disinformation was repeated across Fox News and Fox Business programming, on competitor right-wing outlets OAN and Newsmax, in right-leaning newspapers, and in myriad statements by Republican elected officials.

These claims were nonsense. Texas runs primarily on natural gas, and it was frozen pipelines and wells—amid an energy infrastructure not designed to withstand cold—that were most responsible for the blackouts. Moreover, in the spirit of deregulation, state officials years ago had isolated their grid from the rest of the country, meaning Texas was unable to import electricity from elsewhere to keep the lights on. Some windmills did freeze, but only because they weren’t winterized—not due to an innate vulnerability of windmills in general.

In the reality-based press, experts defended renewable energy, and outlets issued explainers debunking Republican assertions. As the saying goes, though, a lie gets halfway around the world before the truth gets its shoes on. And so a story that should have been about Texans in need and a harrowing warning of the climate emergency turning life upside down was instead given over to a political mud fight—and that’s when it wasn’t reduced to a story about the high-flying misadventures of Ted Cruz.

Of course, disinformation is nothing new to the climate story. Exceptional investigative journalism has shown that fossil fuel companies knew as far back as the 1970s that their operations threatened humanity’s future, but they kept silent to keep their profits flowing. Now the fossil fuel industry is decidedly on the defensive—losing in the court of public opinion, shedding investors, and facing a new US president who vows expansive climate action. It’s no surprise the industry and its backers are again turning to disinformation. Judging by the chorus that followed the Texas freeze, they’re willing to get louder.

The question is, what can, and should, journalists do about that?

The best approach, simple as it sounds, is to lead with the facts, not punditry, says Kristy Roschke, managing director of the News Co/Lab at Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism. Reporters should favor local sources and expertise over outsiders; coverage of the Texas storms that centered in-state climate and energy experts was exemplary. And as much as possible, journalists should focus on information that people need to make real-world decisions; if disinformation is often meant to distract, Roschke says, “the counter to distraction is usefulness.”

Above all, Roschke says, journalists must shirk the habit of framing everything as a two-sided debate. “We can’t keep reinforcing the debate when there’s no debate there,” Roschke says.

Research shows that repetition affects both how our brains imprint information and the claims we judge as true. Repeating falsehoods, then, even to debunk, can inadvertently reinforce them. A tool journalists can use to avoid this trap is what retired UC Berkeley linguistics professor George Lakoff calls a “truth sandwich”—that is, presenting disinformation between two statements of truth. For example: Power outages in Texas were caused mainly by gas and coal-fired power plants freezing up. Some right-wing media figures and Republican politicians have instead inaccurately blamed renewable energy and the Green New Deal. But wind and solar energy in fact fared better than fossil fuels did during the Texas cold snap, and the Green New Deal does not exist yet, either at the federal level or in the state of Texas.

Many pieces in the wake of the freeze instead led with false statements from officials, even when reporters’ intentions were to call them out. “The aspiration of journalists here is good, it’s to help people,” Roschke says. But the effect is to let disinformation drive the news agenda. By treating bad-faith arguments as worthy points of public discourse, journalists inadvertently lend credibility to false notions that climate change or the need for green energy are up for debate, when the science clearly says otherwise. “It becomes this self-perpetuating cycle,” Roschke says. “Childish behavior and posturing around a topic become news, because elected officials are noteworthy. That news then reinforces those false narratives, which makes politicians keep feeding into [the cycle].”

That’s not to say intensive fact-checking doesn’t have its place. But for the average newsroom, dedicating too much time and space to batting down untruths—from determined bad-faith actors, no less—can come at the expense of the actual news. “No, frozen windmills didn’t cause the Texas blackouts” is perhaps a satisfying headline to write. But to readers searching for the truth—who, crucially, may never read past the headline—it sustains a lie, Roschke says. (Open-ended headlines like “Did frozen windmills cause the blackouts?” are worse.)

If they’re careful, journalists can examine false narratives to gain insight into genuine concerns and questions audiences may have, says Shaydanay Urbani, who conducts research and training at First Draft, a nonprofit helping journalists and the public defend against disinformation. “Most misinformation has a kernel of truth,” Urbani says. The common charge from the political right that green energy will kill jobs, for example, is partially true, insofar as the fossil-fuel industry will necessarily contract in an energy transition. The argument ignores the fact that market forces are shifting to renewables already and that more jobs are being created in green energy than are being lost in fossil fuels. But it’s only natural that audiences would fear job loss and what change will mean for their communities—why fossil fuel backers harp on the specter of lost jobs in the first place. “What reporters can do,” Urbani says, “is dig into those narratives that misinformation plays into and then do stories that address those concerns, while emphasizing the truth.” Put differently: “Try to use the misinformation to understand the deeper concerns people have and provide reporting that answers those concerns.”

Granted, all of this is easier said than done. Disinformation is easy, because it employs simple narratives and plays to people’s emotions. Careful and nuanced reporting is hard, especially at a time when many newsrooms are strapped for resources. What’s more, the imperatives of social media and search-engine optimization make it more complicated than ever to frame a story. And even pitch-perfect stories exist in a fast-moving information ecosystem where best intentions can be effortlessly ripped out of context and repurposed to serve all manner of agendas.

At the end of the day, though, the public desires good information. With meaningful climate action now on the table, the usual suspects can be counted on to lie and obfuscate. This poses a challenge for journalists, but it could also be an opportunity to recover public trust and win over new audiences. “I think newsrooms should think of misinformation and disinformation as an opportunity to earn their audiences,” Urbani says. “We can always be doing more to connect with people.”


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Heating the Planet Through a New Cold War

February 26th, 2021 by Michael T. Klare

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It began with fire. It ended with ice. In between, there were the storms and floods. And the extremity of it all should have caught anyone’s attention.

First, of course, there was that burning season that set staggering records across California four million acres incinerated, double the previous high — Oregon, and Washington.  Those devastating burns spread as far east as Colorado at a moment when the Southwest may well have entered a climate-change-induced “megadrought.”

Then, of course, there was that Atlantic hurricane season: a record fifth-straight above-normal season with 30 named storms stretching across two alphabets, 12 of which “landed” with often devastating effect in this country.  Let’s not forget those floods either, one of which set a record in Michigan.

And finally, of course, as 2021 began, the stunning winter storms with record cold and ice that essentially turned Texas into a failed state. Millions of Texans were left without power or running water in freezing temperatures evidently caused at least in part because the Arctic is rapidly overheating, pushing frigid air southward in winter. Of course, the governor of Texas promptly went on Fox News to assure those iced-in millions that it was all the fault of alternative energy systems. (It wasn’t, not faintly.)

And keep in mind that such climate extremity is becoming the norm. After all, the last seven years have been the hottest in recorded history and 2020 tied for the warmest of them all.

Such records (a word that, when it comes to climate change, has to be used again and again) should be daunting enough to make one thing obvious, as TomDispatch regularMichael Klare, author of All Hell Breaking Loose: The Pentagon’s Perspective on Climate Change, points out today: the two greatest greenhouse gas emitters on planet Earth, the United States and China, desperately need to collaborate to bring climate change under control. It’s so self-evident it should hardly need to be said and yet, eerily enough, as Klare has been reporting, the U.S. and China seem ever more locked into a new, increasingly militarized, cold-war-style relationship, one that the Biden administration seems by no means prepared to avert. Under the circumstances, that’s the definition of a catastrophe.



Biden, Climate Change, and China

A New Cold War = A Scalding Planet

by Michael T. Klare

Slowing the pace of climate change and getting “tough” on China, especially over its human-rights abuses and unfair trade practices, are among the top priorities President Biden has announced for his new administration. Evidently, he believes that he can tame a rising China with harsh pressure tactics, while still gaining its cooperation in areas of concern to Washington. As he wrote in Foreign Affairs during the presidential election campaign, “The most effective way to meet that challenge is to build a united front of U.S. allies and partners to confront China’s abusive behaviors and human rights violations, even as we seek to cooperate with Beijing on issues where our interests converge, such as climate change.” If, however, our new president truly believes that he can build an international coalition to gang up on China andsecure Beijing’s cooperation on climate change, he’s seriously deluded. Indeed, though he could succeed in provoking a new cold war, he won’t prevent the planet from heating up unbearably in the process.

Biden is certainly aware of the dangers of global warming. In that same Foreign Affairs article, he labeled it nothing short of an “existential threat,” one that imperils the survival of human civilization. Acknowledging the importance of relying on scientific expertise (unlike our previous president who repeatedly invented his own version of scientific reality), Biden affirmed the conclusion of the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that warming must be limitedto 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels or there will be hell to pay. He then pledged to “rejoin the Paris climate agreement on day one of a Biden administration,” which he indeed did, and to “make massive, urgent investments at home that put the United States on track to have a clean energy economy with net-zero [greenhouse gas] emissions by 2050” — the target set by the IPCC.

Even such dramatic actions, he indicated, will not be sufficient.  Other countries will have to join America in moving toward a global “net-zero” state in which any carbon emissions would be compensated for by equivalent carbon removals. “Because the United States creates only 15 percent of global emissions,” he wrote, “I will leverage our economic and moral authority to push the world to determined action, rallying nations to raise their ambitions and push progress further and faster.”

China, the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases right now (although the U.S. remains number one historically), would obviously be Washington’s natural partner in this effort. Here, though, Biden’s antagonistic stance toward that country is likely to prove a significant impediment. Rather than prioritize collaboration with China on climate action, he chose to castigate Beijing for its continued reliance on coal. The Biden climate plan, he wrote in Foreign Affairs, “includes insisting that China… stop subsidizing coal exports and outsourcing pollution to other countries by financing billions of dollars’ worth of dirty fossil-fuel energy projects through its Belt and Road Initiative.” Then he went further by portraying the future effort to achieve a green economy as a potentially competitive, not collaborative, struggle with China, saying,

“I will make investment in research and development a cornerstone of my presidency, so that the United States is leading the charge in innovation. There is no reason we should be falling behind China or anyone else when it comes to clean energy.”

Unfortunately, though he’s not wrong on China’s climate change challenges (similar, in many respects, to our own country’s), you can’t have it both ways. If climate change is an existential threat and international collaboration between the worst greenhouse gas emitters key to overcoming that peril, picking fights with China over its energy behavior is a self-defeating way to start. Whatever obstacles China does pose, its cooperation in achieving that 1.5-degree limit is critical. “If we don’t get this right, nothing else will matter,” Biden said of global efforts to deal with climate change. Sadly, his insistence on pummeling China on so many fronts (and appointing China hawks to his foreign policy team to do so) will ensure that he gets it wrong.  The only way to avert catastrophic climate change is for the United States to avoid a new cold war with China by devising a cooperative set of plans with Beijing to speed the global transition to a green economy.

Why Cooperation Is Essential

With such cooperation in mind, let’s review the basics on how those two countries affect world energy consumption and global carbon emissions: the United States and China are the world’s two leading consumers of energy and its two main emitters of carbon dioxide, or CO2, the leading greenhouse gas. As a result, they exert an outsized influence on the global climate equation. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), China accounted for approximately 22% of world energy consumption in 2018; the U.S., 16%. And because both countries rely so heavily on fossil fuels for energy generation — China largely on coal, the U.S. more on oil and natural gas — their carbon-dioxide emissions account for an even larger share of the global total: China alone, nearly 29% in 2018; the U.S., 18%; and combined, an astonishing 46%.

It’s what will happen in the future, though, that really matters. If the world is to keep global temperatures from rising above that 1.5 degrees Celsius threshold, every major economy should soon be on a downward-trending trajectory in terms of both fossil-fuel consumption and CO2 emissions (along with a compensating increase in renewable energy output). Horrifyingly enough, however, on their current trajectories, over the next two decades the combined fossil-fuel consumption and carbon emissions of China and the United States are still expected to rise, not fall, before stabilizing in the 2040s at a level far above net zero. According to the IEA, if the two countries stick to anything like their current courses, their combined fossil-fuel consumption would be approximately 17% higher in 2040 than in 2018, even if their CO2 emissions would rise by “only” 3%.  Any increase of that kind over the next two decades would spell one simple word for humanity: D-O-O-M.

True, both countries are expected to substantially increase their investment in renewable energy during the next 20 years, even as places like India are expected to account for an ever-increasing share of global energy use and CO2 emissions. Still, as long as Beijing and Washington continue to lead the world in both categories, any effort to achieve net-zero and avert an almost unimaginable climate cataclysm will have to fall largely on their shoulders. This would, however, require a colossal reduction in fossil-fuel consumption and the ramping up of renewables on a scale unlike any engineering project this planet has ever seen.

The Institute of Climate Change and Sustainable Development at Tsinghua University, an influential Chinese think tank, has calculated what might be involved in reshaping China’s coal-dependent electrical power system to reach the goal of a 1.5-degree limit on global warming. Its researchers believe that, over the next three decades, this would require adding the equivalent of three times current global wind power capacity and four times that of solar power at the cost of approximately $20 trillion.

A similar transformation will be required in the United States, although with some differences: while this country relies far less on coal than China to generate electricity, it relies more on natural gas (a less potent emitter of CO2, but a fossil fuel nonetheless) and its electrical grid — as recent events in Texas have demonstrated — is woefully unprepared for climate change and will have to be substantially rebuilt at enormous cost.

And that represents only part of what needs to be done to avert planetary catastrophe. To eliminate carbon emissions from oil-powered vehicles, both countries will have to replace their entire fleets of cars, vans, trucks, and buses with electric-powered ones and develop alternative fuels for their trains, planes, and ships — an undertaking of equal magnitude and expense.

There are two ways all of this can be done: separately or together. Each country could devise its own blueprint for such a transition, developing its own green technologies and seeking financing wherever it could be found. As in the fight over fifth generation (5G) telecommunications, each could deny scientific knowledge and technical know-how to its rival and insist that allies buy only its equipment, whether or not it best suits their purposes — a stance taken by the Trump administration with respect to the Chinese company Huawei’s 5G wireless technology. Alternatively, the U.S. and China could cooperate in developing green technologies, share information and know-how, and work together in disseminating them around the world.

On the question of which approach is more likely to achieve success, the answer is too obvious to belabor. Only those prepared to risk civilization’s survival would choose the former — and yet that’s the choice that both sides may indeed make.

Why a New Cold War Precludes Climate Salvation

Those in Washington who favor a tougher approach toward China and the bolstering of U.S. military forces in the Pacific claim that, under President Xi Jinping, the Chinese Communist regime has become more authoritarian at home and more aggressive abroad, endangering key U.S. allies in the Pacific and threatening our vital interests. Certainly, when it comes to the increasing repression of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang Province or pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong, there can be little doubt of Beijing’s perfidy, though on other issues, there’s room for debate. On another subject, though, there really should be no room for debate at all: the impact of a new cold war between the planet’s two great powers on the chances for a successful global response to a rapidly warming planet.

There are several obvious reasons for this. First, increased hostility will ensure a competitive rather than collaborative search for vital solutions, resulting in wasted resources, inadequate financing, duplicative research, and the stalled international dissemination of advanced green technologies. A hint of such a future lies in the competitive rather than collaborative development of vaccines for Covid-19 and their distressingly chaotic distribution to Africa and the rest of the developing world, ensuring that the pandemic will have a life into 2022 or 2023 with an ever-rising death toll.

Second, a new cold war will make international diplomacy more difficult when it comes to ensuring worldwide compliance with the Paris climate agreement. Consider it a key lesson for the future that cooperation between President Barack Obama and Xi Jinping made the agreement possible in the first place, creating pressure on reluctant but vital powers like India and Russia to join as well. Once President Trump pulled the U.S. out of the agreement, that space evaporated and global adherence withered. Only by recreating such a U.S.-China climate alliance will it be possible to corral other key players into full compliance. As suggested recently by Todd Stern, the lead American negotiator at the 2015 Paris climate summit, “There is simply no way to contain climate change worldwide without full-throttle engagement by both countries.”

A cold war environment would make such cooperation a fantasy.

Third, such an atmosphere would ensure a massive increase in military expenditures on both sides, sopping up funds needed for the transition to a green-energy economy. In addition, as the pace of militarization accelerated, fossil-fuel use would undoubtedly increase, as the governments of both countries favored the mass production of gas-guzzling tanks, bombers, and warships.

Finally, there is no reason to assume a cold war will always remain cold. The current standoff between the U.S. and China in the Pacific is different from the one that existed between the U.S. and the Soviet Union in Europe during the historic Cold War. There is no longer anything like an “Iron Curtain” to define the boundaries between the two sides or keep their military forces from colliding with each another. While the risk of war in Europe was ever-present back then, each side knew that such a boundary-crossing assault might trigger a nuclear exchange and so prove suicidal. Today, however, the air and naval forces of China and the U.S. are constantly intermingling in the East and South China Seas, making a clash or collision possible at any time. So far, cooler heads have prevailed, preventing such encounters from sparking armed violence, but as tensions mount, a hot war between the U.S. and China cannot be ruled out.

Because American forces are poised to strike at vital targets on the Chinese mainland, it’s impossible to preclude China’s use of nuclear weapons or, if preparations for such use are detected, a preemptive U.S. nuclear strike. Any full-scale thermonuclear conflagration resulting from that would probably cause a nuclear winter and the death of billions of people, making the climate-change peril moot. But even if nuclear weapons are not employed, a war between the two powers could result in immense destruction in China’s industrial heartland and to such key U.S. allies as Japan and South Korea. Fires ignited in the course of battle would, of course, add additional carbon to the atmosphere, while the subsequent breakdown in global economic activity would postpone by years any transition to a green economy.

An Alliance for Global Survival

If Joe Biden genuinely believes that climate change is an “existential threat” and that the United States “must lead the world,” it’s crucial that he stop the slide toward a new cold war with China and start working with Beijing to speed the transition to a green-energy economy focused on ensuring global compliance with the Paris climate agreement. This would not necessarily mean abandoning all efforts to pressure China on human rights and other contentious issues. It’s possible to pursue human rights, trade equity, and planetary survival at the same time. Indeed, as both countries come to share the urgency of addressing the climate crisis, progress on other issues could become easier.

Assuming Biden truly means what he says about overcoming the climate threat and “getting it right,” here are some of the steps he could take to achieve meaningful progress:

  • Schedule a “climate summit” with Xi Jinping as soon as possible to discuss joint efforts to overcome global warming, including the initiation of bilateral programs to speed advances in areas like the spread of electric vehicles, the improvement of battery-storage capabilities, the creation of enhanced methods of carbon sequestration, and the development of alternative aviation fuels.
  • At the conclusion of the summit, joint working groups on these and other matters should be established, made up of senior figures from both sides. Research centers and universities in each country should be designated as lead actors in key areas, with arrangements made for cooperative partnerships and the sharing of climate-related technical data.
  • At the same time, presidents Biden and Xi should announce the establishment of an “Alliance for Global Survival,” intended to mobilize international support for the Paris climate agreement and strict adherence to its tenets. As part of this effort, the two leaders should plan joint meetings with other world leaders to persuade them to replicate the measures that Biden and Xi have agreed to work on cooperatively. As needed, they could offer to provide financial aid and technical assistance to poorer states to launch the necessary energy transition.
  • Presidents Biden and Xi should agree to reconvene annually to review progress in all these areas and designate surrogates to meet on a more regular basis. Both countries should publish an online “dashboard” exhibiting progress in every key area of climate mitigation.

So, Joe, if you really meant what you said about overcoming climate change, these are some of the things you should focus on to get it right. Choose this path and guarantee us all a fighting chance to avert civilizational collapse. Opt for the path of confrontation instead — the one your administration already appears headed down — and that hope is likely to disappear into an unbearable world of burning, flooding, famine, and extreme storms until the end of time. After all, without remarkable effort, a simple formula will rule all our lives: a new cold war = a scalding planet.

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Michael T. Klare, a TomDispatch regular, is the five-college professor emeritus of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College and a senior visiting fellow at the Arms Control Association. He is the author of 15 books, the latest of which is All Hell Breaking Loose: The Pentagon’s Perspective on Climate Change.

Featured image is from OneWorld

Corona Crisis: How Does All of this End?

February 26th, 2021 by Jeffrey A. Tucker

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There is a sense in the air that the pandemic is winding down, and the toxic culture of division, fear, and hatred along with it. Cases are down dramatically. Deaths too. Hospitalizations are no longer irregular. Restrictions are being repealed. You can follow all the action daily at the CDC’s new and unusually competent landing page on the virus (it only took them a year to build this). 

Despite all the talk of a new normal and infinite mandates, there is hope that it could all unwind quickly, pushed by force of public impatience and frustration with restrictions, and a political scramble to avoid responsibility by running away from all that they did for the last year.

The list of signs and symbols could be made very long.

  • The politicians who overreached are suddenly being held accountable, with both Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsom on the hotseat. Calls for governors and mayors to resign consume state and local news. There is clearly major political tumult building.
  • The experience in open states like Florida, Georgia, South Dakota, and so on, makes it impossible to ignore the grim truth that the lockdowns achieved nothing for public health but did harm health, businesses, liberties, law, and civilized life.
  • The push to open economies, by the same people who locked down the economies, such as Boris Johnson in the UK, is an implicit repudiation of the nonsensical ZeroCovid movement. Everyone seems now to agree with what AIER has been saying for a year: humanity must deal intelligently with pathogens and stop pretending that political forces can control them.
  • AIER visiting senior fellow Naomi Wolf had a hit just last evening on the Tucker Carlson show, and they spoke as allies in the reopening efforts after years of ideological sparring.
  • There is growing weariness of Anthony Fauci’s daily word salads that have massively mixed up the public health messaging for a full year, to the point that Meghan McCain has called for his firing.
  • A year ago, Slate was making sense until the virus became political and they joined the lockdown mob. Now the publication is back to making sense again, with this excellent piece.
  • British medical journal The Lancet is publishing excellent short pieces on the cost of lockdowns, including this riveting letter from Martin Kulldorff.
  • A prestigious European journal of public health has published a blistering attack on the very idea that a power government should ever be trusted with virus mitigation.

The people who have committed their careers and lives to this pandemic and the policies surrounding it might soon need to find a new raison d’etre. Then the clean up begins – how did this happen, who did it, how to make sure it never happens again – and does not end perhaps for decades.

It’s been fascinating to see the early drafts on the reasons why. There will be some perfunctory efforts to credit lockdowns, masks, human separation, and closures for somehow making the virus go away. The trouble is that there is no evidence of this. There is evidence for many other explanations having to do with herd immunity and “seasonality” (another way of saying the pathogen comes and then goes) and possibly more precision in testing.

For example, this new article by the very sensible Jennifer Beam Dowd of Oxford names many factors (while downplaying the role of vaccines) but says of masks and so on that it is “challenging to identify their specific effects, and cases are dropping in almost all states even with a wide range of policies.”


The reckoning will be taking place for months if not years. In the end people will be left wondering why we took such extreme measures that wrecked so many lives when the endemic equilibrium comes in time regardless of all these measures. We tried a crazy experiment in social and economic control and we are left with scant evidence that it made much difference on the virus but vast evidence that they demoralized and ruined life for billions of people.

What about the opening? There will continue to be those who will cower in fear, still dealing with the deep psychological trauma that comes from watching TV journalists scream panic for the better part of a year. But there will be an emerging majority that will be more than willing to go back to real life.

My go-to book on the pandemic and the response has been Albert Camus’s remarkable novel The Plague. He wrote it as partially autobiographical about his own quarantine. It was published in 1947. It still stands as a brilliant account of the sociology and psychology of fear during pandemic and lockdown.

As we approach the end of the novel, the plague begins to lift, not because of anything that the townspeople did or because of the restrictions on their lives. It lifts because the virus ran its pandemic course. What’s striking is how quickly the dawn of normalcy happens, followed by a new appreciation for life, fun, revelry, and exuberance.

As people begin to see the end, Camus records the fictional scene.

No doubt the plague was not yet ended—a fact of which they were to be reminded; still, in imagination they could already hear, weeks in advance, trains whistling on their way to an outside world that had no limit, and steamers hooting as they put out from the harbor across shining seas. Next day these fancies would have passed and qualms of doubt returned. But for the moment the whole town was on the move, quitting the dark, lugubrious confines where it had struck its roots of stone, and setting forth at last, like a shipload of survivors, toward a land of promise….

In streets and squares people were dancing. Within twenty-four hours the motor traffic had doubled and the ever more numerous cars were held up at every turn by merry-making crowds. Every church bell was in full peal throughout the afternoon, and the bells filled the blue and gold sky with their reverberations. Indeed, in all the churches thanksgiving services were being held. But at the same time the places of entertainment were packed, and the cafés, caring nothing for the morrow, were producing their last bottles of liquor. A noisy concourse surged round every bar, including loving couples who fondled each other without a thought for appearances. All were laughing or shouting. The reserves of emotion pent up during those many months when for everybody the flame of life burned low were being recklessly squandered to celebrate this, the red-letter day of their survival. Tomorrow real life would begin again, with its restrictions. But for the moment people in very different walks of life were rubbing shoulders, fraternizing. The leveling-out that death’s imminence had failed in practice to accomplish was realized at last, for a few gay hours, in the rapture of escape.

And so on goes the opening, slowly at first, then quickly, then all at once. The decisive turn is when the public returns to thinking rationally, refuses to be locked up anymore, and decides to trust themselves and the medical profession rather than the powerful elites who only pretend to manage disease. The trauma lasts, of course, but the healing also begins.

Last April, in a more naive time, I truly did imagine that these lockdowns and restrictions could not last. I had underestimated both the public panic and the government’s willingness to double- and triple-down on unworkable policies.

I also overestimated what I had previously imagined to be a widespread commitment to liberty and property that would have inspired some public revolt early on. So here we are a full year later, with the reports of lockdown carnage pouring in by the day and hour. It’s a gigantic mess, to be sure, but the end does seem to be in view, and thank goodness for that. Let the blowback begin.


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Jeffrey A. Tucker is Editorial Director for the American Institute for Economic Research. He is the author of many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press and nine books in 5 languages, most recently Liberty or Lockdown. He is also the editor of The Best of Mises. He speaks widely on topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture.

Jeffrey is available for speaking and interviews via his emailTw | FB | LinkedIn

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In the six decades of Cuban medical collaboration abroad, its health personnel have assisted 1.988 billion people in the world, almost a third of mankind, said Dr. Jorge Delgado Bustillo, director of the Central Unit for Medical Cooperation (UCCM).

Delgado Bustillo also assured that Cuban doctors have performed more than 14,500,000 surgical operations, 4,470,000 deliveries and have saved 8,700,000 lives, results that increase the prestige of Cuban medicine in the international arena.

Currently, when the COVID-19 pandemic causes the death of thousands of people every day, more than 30,407 Cuban health professionals are in 66 nations, distributed in permanent medical brigades and the Henry Reeve Contingent.

He pointed out that at the request of governments, this force arrived for the first time in Europe, in the Italian region of Lombardy and the city of Turin; it was also in the Principality of Andorra and in dozens of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

He also mentioned that out of the 56 brigades that were created to fight SARS-CoV-2, 25 are active, with around 2,500 collaborators.

The UCCM director affirmed that this is not the first time Cuba has taken the lead in this health emergency, and recalled its presence after the earthquake in Pakistan in 2005, and in 2010 during another earthquake in Haiti and the cholera epidemic, when Cuban doctors were the first to attend to the victims and identify the disease in that country.

There were also 265 of our professionals in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea Conakry, during the Ebola epidemic in 2014, while from Cuba another 12,000 volunteers were ready to fulfill that mission, the official stressed.

Delgado Bustillo remarked that the island has thousands of health professionals who voluntarily go to the most distant nations and under the most difficult conditions, without any pressure, since it is a spontaneous decision of each one of them.

The fraternal history with other nations dates back to 1960, when an emergency brigade went to Chile to help the victims of an earthquake of 9.5 on the Richter scale in the southern city of Valdivia, the largest earthquake ever registered in history.

Three years later, Cuban medical collaboration officially began with the sending of permanent brigades to the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, a nation that had achieved its independence after the end of an anti-colonial war with France.
Since then, Cuba has been present in more than 150 countries with more than 420,000 health professionals.


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From Menlo Park to Dublin, Johannesburg to Tel Aviv-Yaffo, activists in 17 cities across the globe delivered petitions with over 54,000 signatures to Facebook corporate offices today. The petitions call on the social media giant to not include “Zionist” in its hate speech policy, as Facebook is currently considering. The COVID-safe petition delivery in New York City was live-streamed on Facebook, during a virtual petition delivery event

Signed by leading human rights activists, academics and artists, the petition calls on Facebook to ensure that any amendments to its hate speech policy keep all people safe – and connected.

The global campaign “Facebook, we need to talk,” co-sponsored by 55 organizations, began in response to an inquiry by Facebook to assess if critical conversations that use the term “Zionist” fall within the rubric of hate speech as per Facebook’s Community Standards. Zionism is a political ideology and movement that emerged in the 19th century and led to the founding of the state of Israel on Palestinian land; It has been deeply contested since its conception, including within the Jewish community.

The petitions were delivered in-person to Facebook’s US headquarters in the San Francisco Bay Area, and to their European HQ in Dublin, Ireland. Petitions were also delivered in-person to Facebook offices in: Amsterdam, Berlin, Boston, Brussels, Denver, Johannesburg, London, Los Lunas, New York City, Paris, Seattle, Sydney, Tel Aviv,  Toronto, and Vancouver. In Dublin, the petition delivery also included a letter of support signed by over fifty Members of the Irish Parliament, delivered by MP Gino Kenny TD, Vice-Chair of Parliamentary Friends of Palestine.

The virtual petition delivery included live-streamed deliveries, phone and fax actions, and speeches and performances by Noura Erekat, Judith Butler, Remi Kanazi, Le Trio Joubran and Gabrielle Spears.

Judith Butler said: “As Jews, we have the choice to not be Zionist, which is the only possible just position… We refuse the argument that only Zionists are Jews – and Facebook should not claim that our criticism of Zionism is antisemitic.”

Noura Erakat said: “As Palestinians, we cannot under-estimate the impact of social media in enabling us to be seen and to actually tell our story. But when I tried to share the story of how my cousin was killed by Israeli soldiers, Facebook took it down. This is why we have to fight.”

Voices from petition deliveries around the world:

BRUSSELS, Dr. Anya Topolski, Another Jewish Voice: “We’re here today at five Facebook offices across Europe saying loud and clear: Facebook should refuse to cooperate with those who are destroying solidarity between Jews and Palestinians. Instead, Facebook should help us to connect across differences so that, together, we can dismantle all forms of racism, which includes both antisemitism and Islamophobia, as well as all forms of bigotry used to keep us apart.”

DUBLIN, Fatin Al Tamimi, Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign: “We must stand together against antisemitism! But instead, Facebook may end up preventing Palestinians from naming the ideology of the state that has colonized and oppressed us for more than seventy years. Here in Dublin, at Facebook’s European headquarters, human rights campaigners are demanding that Facebook ensure that we, indigenous Palestinians and our global allies, will not be prevented from holding the Israeli government accountable for its human rights violations.”

SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, Eve Hershcopf, JVP-Bay Area: “As the home of the Free Speech movement and of Facebook’s international headquarters, Bay Area organizations have a particular responsibility to speak up against Facebook’s efforts to suppress speech critical of Zionist ideology and Israel’s actions against Palestinians.” 

SYDNEY, Vivienne Porzsolt, Jews against the Occupation:Here in Sydney, we join the global action to oppose Facebook’s support of the efforts of the Israeli government to silence opposition to the actions of the state of Israel. Labeling it ‘antisemitic’ is fundamentally dishonest. Facebook certainly shouldn’t undertake political censorship at the request of the Israeli government.” 

TEL AVIV-YAFFO, Michal Sapir, human rights activist: “Today, along with a group of Israeli activists in Tel Aviv, I’m asking Facebook to help us hold all governments, including the Israeli government, accountable. I’m asking Facebook not to censor Palestinian and other voices from telling our stories and criticizing the state.”

Notable human rights activists and cultural figures such as Hanan Ashrawi, Norita Cortiñas, Wallace Shawn, Alia Shawkat and Peter Gabriel have signed the petition, which garnered over 50,000 signatures in a month. The open letter notes that if Facebook restricts the usage of the word “Zionist,” it would prevent Palestinians from talking about their daily lives, shield the Israeli government from accountability for human rights violations, and do nothing to make Jewish people safer from antisemitism.

This attempt to stifle conversations about Zionist political ideology and Zionist policies — both of which have real implications for Palestinian and Israeli people, as well as Jewish and Palestinian people around the world — is part of an emerging pattern of political censorship by the Israeli government and some of its supporters. The most prominent example of these efforts to shield the Israeli government from accountability is the current campaign to impose the controversial IHRA working definition of antisemitism on campuses and civil society, and to codify it in government legislation. The IHRA definition conflates antisemitism with holding the Israeli government accountable for rights violations, stifling protected political speech that is necessary for healthy, open discussions about foreign policy and human rights.

The campaign was launched by 7amleh – The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media, Palestine Legal, MPower Change, Jewish Voice for Peace, Independent Jewish Voices Canada, Eyewitness Palestine, BDS National Committee, American Muslims for Palestine and Adalah Justice Project. (See below for a complete list of 55 co-sponsors.)

Rabbi Alissa Wise, Deputy Director of Jewish Voice for Peace: “Across five continents, Facebook users brought a simple and urgent message to Facebook: A move to equate “Zionist” and “Jew” in your hate speech policies would harm Palestinians and Jews. In 17 cities, we brought the over 50,000 names of those across the globe who are urging Facebook to not accede to the Israeli government’s demand to shield them from accountability, and undermine our shared commitment to dismantle antisemitism.”

Linda Sarsour, Executive Director, MPower Change: “Over 52,000 people from varying faith and cultural backgrounds across the globe have come together to urge Facebook: don’t make a special exception limiting the speech of Palestinians and their allies. Facebook won’t crackdown on white supremacist groups using their platform to push antisemitic, anti-Black, and Islamophobic rhetoric — so they are targeting a marginalized people living under apartheid instead. I wish this pattern weren’t all too familiar to me as a Palestinian-American woman and committed activist. Let’s make sure they don’t set this dangerous precedent.”

Nadim Nashif, Executive Director of 7amleh – The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media: “Having 50,000 signatures delivered to Facebook offices in more than a dozen cities around the world shows that there is public support for the freedom of expression of Palestinians online. ‘Zionist’ should not be part of Facebook’s hate-speech policy – and the Israeli government does not get to dictate what we can and cannot say.”

To read the full text of the open letter, list of signatories, and background about the campaign, visit For interviews with the campaign organizers and activists who delivered the petitions, contact Sonya E. Meyerson-Knox at [email protected] or 929-290-0317. Footage of the petition deliveries is available upon request.

Campaign background

We all want to connect. And social media can be a powerful tool to help us get past walls and share our stories, grow our networks and stand up for one another. But some politicians and governments are trying to turn these necessary guardrails into walls that keep us apart, generating fear and keeping us divided so they can avoid being held accountable for their actions.

Right now, Facebook is reaching out to stakeholders to ask if critical conversations that use the term “Zionist” fall within the rubric of hate speech as per Facebook’s Community Standards. Basically, Facebook is assessing if “Zionist” is being used as a proxy for “Jewish people or Israelis” in attacks on its platform.

Launched just a month ago, an open letter calling on Facebook to not include “Zionist” in its hate speech policy already has over 50,000 signatures. The petition reads: “We are deeply concerned about Facebook’s proposed revision of its hate speech policy to consider “Zionist” as a proxy for ‘Jew’ or ‘Jewish’.” “The proposed policy would too easily mischaracterize conversations about Zionists — and by extension, Zionism — as inherently antisemitic, harming Facebook users and undermining efforts to dismantle real antisemitism and all forms of racism, extremism and oppression.”

After 12 hours the petition already had thousands of signers, including: Alia Shawkat, Atilio Boron, Judith Butler, Michael Chabon, Noam Chomsky, Julie Christie, Richard Falk, Amos Goldberg, Marc Lamont Hill, Adnan Jubran, Ronnie Kasrils, Elias Khoury, Karol Cariola, Ken Loach, Miriam Margloyses, Ilan Pappe, Vijay Prashad, Prabir Purkayastha, Rima Berns-McGown, Jessica Tauane, Einat Weizman and Cornel West. (See for a complete list of initial signatories.)

This move is part of a concerning pattern of the Israeli government and its supporters pressuring Facebook and other social media platforms to expand their hate speech policies to include speech critical of Israel and Zionism – and falsely claiming this would help fight antisemitism. They are hoping that by mischaracterizing critical use of the term “Zionists” as anti-Jewish, they can avoid accountability for its policies and actions that violate Palestinian human rights.  Such a move would do nothing to address antisemitism, especially the violent antisemitism of right-wing movements and states — which, as recent events have shown, is the source of the most tangible threats to Jewish lives.

Attempts to stifle conversations about Zionist political ideology and Zionist policies carried out by state actors — both of which have real implications for Palestinian and Israeli people, as well as Jewish and Palestinian people around the world — are part of an emerging pattern of political censorship by the Israeli government and some of its supporters.

The most prominent example of these efforts to shield the Israeli government from accountability is the current campaign to impose the controversial IHRA working definition of antisemitism on campuses and civil society, and to codify it in government legislation.

If Facebook does move to restrict use of the word Zionist, this would block important conversations on the world’s largest social media platform, harm Facebook users attempting to connect across space and difference, and deprive Palestinians of a critical venue for expressing their political viewpoints to the world. Palestinians need to be able to talk about Zionism and Zionists in order to share their family stories and daily lived experience with the world. That language is essential to clearly distinguishing between Judaism and Jewish people, on the one hand, and the State actors responsible for human rights violations against Palestinians, on the other.


Facebook, we need to talk campaign co-sponsors:

  • 7amleh: The Arab Center for Advancement of Social Media
  • Action Center on Race & the Economy (ACRE)
  • Adalah Justice Project
  • American Friends Service Committee
  • American Muslims for Palestine
  • Association France-Palestine Solidarité
  • BDS Berlin
  • BDS France
  • BDS México
  • BDS Movement, International
  • AROC (Arab Resource & Organizing Center)
  • CAIR
  • California Scholars for Academic Freedom
  • Center for Constitutional Rights
  • Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME)
  • Codepink
  • Color of Change
  • Defending Rights and Dissent
  • Disciples Palestine Israel Network
  • docP Netherlands
  • European Legal Support Center
  • EyeWitness Palestine
  • Falistiniyat
  • Fight for the Future
  • Foundational for Middle East Peace
  • France-Palestine Solidarité Association
  • Free Press
  • Free Speech on Israel
  • Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA)
  • Independent Jewish Voices Canada
  • If Not Now
  • Jewish Voice for Labour
  • Jewish Voice for Peace
  • Jews Against the Occupation Sydney
  • Kairos
  • Los Otros Judíos
  • Massachusetts Peace Action
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As we rapidly approach the one year anniversary of Covid madness I’ll freely admit I’ve been shocked by the millions upon millions of American’s who appear so traumatized they are unable to think clearly. They clamor for an unproven, untested, hastily cobbled together DNA altering gene therapy mislabeled as a “vaccine”.

They stand in long lines for hours to have this experimental cocktail injected into their bodies with the very real possibility of death as has already happened to hundreds of Covid Vaccine victims. At least 271 deaths, 9,845 adverse events after COVID vaccination so far: CDC data | News | LifeSite ( Who in their right mind would agree to risk their life by taking this concoction to hopefully protect themselves from a virus that according to the CDC is survivable by 99.74% of those exposed?

It doesn’t make any sense does it?

In addition there are thousands of highly credentialed medical experts who totally disagree with the official narrative that Covid is a “novel” deadly health threat. Great Barrington Declaration (

And while the public health “experts” loudly proclaim (maybe too loudly) that an experimental “vaccine” is our only hope, tens of thousands of doctors around the globe are having great success treating virus patients with simple, inexpensive, proven therapies. America’s Frontline Doctors – Empowering patients and physicians with independent, evidence-based medicine.

Yes, it’s certainly true that you won’t see this information on CNN or MSNBC or any other main stream media outlet. But the information is out there for any “thinking” person to discover if they can tear themselves away from thrilling episodes of “Keeping up with the Kardashian’s!” To me it seems like I’m living in a real life version of “The Twilight Zone” where the general population has been hypnotized.

And to a degree I think that’s what’s happened and here’s why. I came across an article from way back in 2013 titled, “Science Reveals the Impact of Fear on the Human Brain”. Science Reveals the Impact of Fear on the Human Brain – Learning Mind ( Here are a few interesting quotes from the article:

‘The impact of fear on the human brain is very powerful: it completely changes the way we process information.

‘When people are frightened, the parts of the brain that are responsible for rational thinking cease to dominate’, Dr. Bruce Perry explains, quoted in an article published on the Time magazine website.

‘When faced with a threat, the cortex, which is responsible for risk assessment and actions, ceases to function. In other words, logical thinking is replaced by overwhelming emotions, thus favoring short-term solutions and sudden reactions.”

It might be helpful to ponder on this for a moment because I believe it explains an awful lot of what’s been going on. Fear literally changes the way our brains work, or in this case don’t work. Intense fear short circuits our brains ability to think rationally. The constant fear porn spewing out of the mainstream media 24/7 has terrorized people the world over.

Here’s another interesting quote from the article:

A traumatic event has long-term consequences. Anything that reminds us about the threat triggers an involuntary state of fear. Events of this type lead to chain reactions in the human brain: people become more anxious . . .

Think about the constant reminders we see all around us to be afraid, VERY afraid. Last March we were told by the U. S. Surgeon General, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) that healthy people should not wear face masks. US health officials say Americans shouldn’t wear face masks to prevent coronavirus — here are 3 other reasons not to wear them – MarketWatch

Then suddenly they all changed their minds (with NO hard science backing them up) and decreed that indeed everyone should wear a face mask to be SAFE.

The ubiquitous face mask is a constant reminder to be afraid. The message is there is a deadly virus that could take your life if you don’t follow the rules. It’s a great tool to ramp up the fear and indoctrinate millions into blind submission, obedience and above all else to follow the dictates of the “experts”. It’s also a great tool to “expose” the unbelievers guilty of “wrong think.”

So what’s the antidote to all this fear? It’s the truth for those able to receive it. And that’s why those of us still capable of critical thinking need to share the truth with others through whatever means we have. Of course we know most people are so frightened they’re incapable of escaping their fear cocoon and will refuse to listen to anything that doesn’t align with the main stream narrative.

We can also go about our daily lives demonstrating our fearlessness by not wearing a face mask. Please don’t delude yourself by thinking you’re showing respect to others by doing so. All you’re really doing is perpetuating a crippling lie. Yes, you’ll have to put up with being shunned, glared at and possibly being publicly ridiculed by a fear crazed mask Nazi!

But the time for bold action is right now! We don’t have the luxury of waiting for the madness to end because if we don’t stand up to the tyrants they will continue to stomp all over our hard won liberty. I will not comply!


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William Burns, Biden’s pick for CIA chief, had tough words for China during his Senate confirmation hearing and identified countering Beijing as a top priority.

“Adversarial, predatory Chinese leadership poses our biggest geopolitical test,” Burns told the Senate Intelligence Committee on Wednesday. He described China as “a formidable, authoritarian adversary.”

“Out-competing China will be key to our national security in the days ahead,” Burns said. For the CIA, he said this means “intensified focus and urgency, continually strengthening its already impressive cadre of China specialists, expanding its language skills, aligning personnel and resource allocation for the long haul and employing a whole of agency approach.”

Although he focused on China, Burns also mentioned Russia, urging the US not to underestimate what he described as a “declining power.”

Burns’ tirade against Beijing seemed to please the Senate, and he is expected to be easily confirmed. Throughout the confirmation process, Biden nominees have been grilled on Beijing, and all had harsh words for China.

Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines said the US should take an “aggressive stance” against Beijing. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said President Trump “was right in taking a tougher approach to China.” Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin identified China as the “most significant threat” to the US military.

Besides the rhetoric, the Biden administration has reshuffled the National Security Council to focus on Asia, reducing the staff that works on Middle East issues. The Pentagon is currently conducting a review of the US military’s posture in Asia and its overall China policy. The review is being led by Ely Ratner, a China hawk who co-authored an op-ed last year titled “Trump Has Been Weak on China, and Americans Have Paid the Price.”


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Dave DeCamp is the assistant news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.

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In a surprise twist on the Alexei Navalny saga, and on the very day that it’s being widely reported Biden is preparing sanctions on Russia as punishment for his alleged poisoning by nerve agent last August, the human rights organization Amnesty International has withdrawn its formal designation of Navalny as a “prisoner of conscience”

US state-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reports the following on Tuesday:

Amnesty International has reportedly withdrawn its recent designation of Russian opposition politician Aleksei Navalny’s as a “prisoner of conscience” over his alleged advocacy of violence and discrimination and comments that included hate speech.

Aleksandr Artemyev, the rights watchdog’s media manager for Russia and Eurasia, confirmed the decision to Mediazona on February 23 after the news was first reported by U.S. journalist Aaron Mate.

And just like that it appears the narrative which cast Navalny and his supporters as some kind of ‘anti-Putin freedom fighters’ has been deflated.

The early February street protests following Navalny’s arrest after he arrived from Berlin where he’d been recovering from an alleged poisoning were widely supported by officials in the West, including by the US and some European embassies in Moscow.

This created tensions leading to the Kremlin expelling a handful of European diplomats, citing their stoking unrest related to ‘illegal’ protests. US mainstream media also gave the large pro-Navalny protests close coverage.

Here’s how Amnesty International previously described Navalny and his plight in a January press release:

“He has previously been tried and convicted in two separate, politically-motivated criminal cases. On 29 December, the Russian Investigative Committee levelled new charges against Navalny, accusing him of embezzling 356 million rubles (£3.6m) in donations to the Anti-Corruption Foundation and affiliated non-profit organisations. Amnesty believes these charges are trumped-up.

Navalny has been deprived of his liberty for his peaceful political activism and for exercising free speech. Amnesty considers him a prisoner of conscience and is calling for his immediate and unconditional release.”

This “prisoner of conscience” designation is what Amnesty has now walked back in a clearly humiliating and devastating blow to his cause and his supporters.

In the wake of the initial reports, an Amnesty official confirmed to independent Russian news outlet Meduza: “Yes, we will no longer use the phrase ‘prisoner of conscience’ when referring to [Navalny], insofar as our legal and political department studied Navalny’s statements from the mid-2000s and determined that they qualify as hate speech.”

As an example of Navalny’s “newly uncovered” hate speech (though long well-known inside Russia), see this…

He was recently sentenced by a Moscow court to serve over 2.5 years in prison for probation violation stemming from a prior embezzlement case.

Amnesty’s dramatic change in designation is related to the “jailed Russian opposition politician’s past statements about migrants from Central Asia and the North Caucasus [which] constitute hate speech,” Meduza writes. But the question now remains how quickly he’ll be dropped as a darling of Western media coverage which has included a recent flurry of ‘romanticized’ reports on the anti-Kremlin activist, if at all.


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Tensions Between US and Saudi Arabia on the Rise

February 25th, 2021 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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Joe Biden’s ideological commitment to Western liberal values promised to recover old US alliances, which were threatened by Trump’s nationalism – as in the European case. However, the rigid defense of these same values can apparently also hinder important points of American foreign policy, destroying other historic alliances, mainly in the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia, a historical representative of Western interests in the Middle East, remains uncertain about the future of its relations with the US, considering the rise of Biden. So far, Saudi officials have received no contact from the new American president. Not only that: Washington has already stated that it will not make a call to Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman and that any matter needing dialogue will be dealt directly with King Salman.

For the Saudis, Biden’s attitude is a real affront and threatens the future of a historic friendship between these two countries. For the ideological wing of the American government, however, Biden’s attitude is fair and necessary, considering that America, as a “protector of democracy”, cannot maintain close ties with “human rights violating” nations.

Further deepening the rupture of its ties with the Kingdom, Washington completely changed its attitude towards one of the main enemies of the Saudis, the Houthis. The American government recently revised its stance on Houthis and stopped considering them a terrorist organization. The case surprised everyone, including the Houthis and other enemies of the US, who did not expect such a u-turn from the US. However, far from representing a possible solution to the conflict in Yemen, the American decision only tends to cause more problems.

But not all members of the American political elite are satisfied with this situation. The defense and intelligence sectors are concerned about Biden’s attitude and are trying to convince the president of the strategic importance of maintaining friendly relations with the Saudi kingdom in order to guarantee American positions in the Middle East. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin spoke on the phone with the Saudi prince, trying to ease tensions and establish diplomacy in order to ensure the mutual interests of the two countries. Obviously, the ideological wing of the government did not like the attitude, and this may generate internal strain in Washington.

It is important to emphasize how, with Donald Trump, Saudi Arabia was safer, despite a much less interventionist policy than the one planned and promised by Biden. The new president has an aggressive rhetoric towards the Middle East and promises to increase the number of military personnel in the region, but he is not concerned with the preservation of the old alliances and does not hesitate to create new enemies. Biden disrupted almost all of the deals Trump had previously had with Riyadh, which mainly included the sale of advanced military technology to the security forces. For example, the US government recently announced the cancellation of the sale of 7,500 guided bombs to Saudi Arabia, ending an estimated 500 million dollars deal.

Faced with the possibility of becoming a new target of American sanctions and losing the military protection guaranteed by Washington in recent decades, what remains for the Saudis is to seek new allies. In terms of arms supply and military trade, alternative options to the US abound. Russia and China, for example, will certainly be willing to negotiate fair prices as long as elementary conditions of diplomacy are preserved. Another option is to strengthen ties within the Middle East itself: considering the recent rapprochement between Arabs and Israelis, the Kingdom may tighten negotiations with Israel and seek the supply of military equipment as a condition for maintaining a peace agreement between both countries – and then opposition to Iran and the Houthis would be strengthened, with Saudis and Israelis as allies.

Still, it is necessary to consider that there is an old Gulf Cooperation Council’s project for the countries of the bloc to create a local military alliance, focused on the objective of protecting themselves from possible attacks by their regional enemies. The project is currently delayed, but American attitudes can lead to a recovery of this idea. If this happens, we will have a curious scenario, where the Arabian Gulf will assume a role of increasing autonomy in relation to Washington and will assert itself on the international stage as an independent economic and military bloc. Biden will certainly try to prevent this with sanctions and blockades, but at the same time, by sanctioning these nations, Washington will be encouraging them to do even more negotiations with other powers and become less and less dependent on the West.

As we can see, Biden’s ideological commitment is causing a series of structural changes in American politics, and that can cause different problems. The reason Biden is revising his position in relation to the Saudis is the endless list of denunciations and accusations of human rights violations in the Arab country. Certainly, a considerable part of these accusations is true, but breaking historical ties in the name of humanitarian causes seems to be an irresponsible step. After all, what will Biden do with the structural violation of human rights within the American legal system, which each year incarcerates suspected terrorists without the right to defense? If the new president really wants to be such a strong advocate for these agendas, he will have to submit his own country to international trial.

In any case, this shows how the president’s own ideological crusade, in practice, drives a process of multipolarisation by breaking historical ties and forging new alliances.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Lucas Leiroz is a research fellow in international law at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

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The French Navy days ago announced that the Tonnerre amphibious assault ship and the Surcouf frigate departed from the port of Toulon on February 18 and would travel to the Pacific for a three-month mission. According to Naval News, the French warships will pass through the South China Sea twice and in May participate in joint military exercises with the U.S., Australia, India and Japan. China has strongly criticized this French move.

The fact that the French Navy sent the Surcouf and the multi-purpose landing craft Tonnere to patrol the South China Sea, which is over 10,000 kilometers away from France, proves that the disputed sea region is one of the most important geopolitical hotspots in the world. The French claim that attention is focused on ensuring navigational security as the South China Sea is a particularly important bridge between the Indian and Pacific Oceans, and has influence on geopolitics and geoeconomics, not only within Asia-Pacific and the Indo-Pacific region, but for the entire world.

By sending modern warships to Asia-Pacific, France proved that they have a new approach to Vietnam, a former French colony. The recent moves by Paris marks the return of the French to Southeast Asia, not as an invader like in the previous century, but as a country willing to challenge and provoke China in its own backyard. This is something that would also appeal to Vietnam as it has centuries long enmity with China that continues to this day and is far deeper compared to the relatively short-lived French colonial era of Indochina. Another point to note is that the French energy company Total is one of the most important partners for Vietnam in the oil and gas sector. The French company is currently cooperating with Vietnam and some other countries in the region to exploit resources.

Since 2018, France has built an Indo-Pacific strategy. France is the first European country to make this move. In addition, in 2015 and 2017, French warships also passed through the South China Sea. It is likely that France will now step up its position against Beijing’s claims in the South China Sea by increasing the frequency of its activities in the region, including military exercises.

Four permanent members of the United Nations Security Council send their fleets on irregular or periodic patrols in the South China Sea, proving how important this region is for the global economy and the world’s superpowers. It should be emphasized that having a major power from outside the region deploy its modern weapons in the South China Sea is a major provocation. France, whose closest territory to the South China Sea is New Caledonia over 6,500 kilometers away, has no business in being involved in the region’s problems. But none-the-less, the French are most likely motivated to be interested in South China Sea affairs to support Total’s business plans in the area.

In the words of French Defense Minister Florence Parly, the patrol of French warships in the South China Sea is “evidence of the French navy’s ability to deploy operations in remote areas in the long run with strategic partners,” making reference to the U.S., Japan and Australia. It can be seen that France is ready to strengthen cooperation with QUAD, a coalition consisting of the U.S., India, Japan and Australia whose aim is to challenge China in the Indo-Pacific region.

France is not a member of QUAD; however, the European country can strengthen its ties with the alliance on the basis of bilateral military agreements signed with the U.S. and the other three countries. On the other hand, France is an ally of the U.S. through NATO, in which Japan and Australia are also considered Major non-NATO allies. The dispatch of two important warships to the South China Sea shows that France is ready to stand alongside the U.S., Japan, India and Australia in Indo-Pacific geostrategic, political and military issues with a focus against China.

For the U.S., the introduction of French warships to the South China Sea is an important step towards establishing an anti-China alliance on a global scale, not just at a regional level. Although China has denounced these recent provocations emanating from non-regional powers, it has not yet revealed how they may respond.

Although the French Colonial Empire is long gone, Paris is still attempting to maintain its global influence through its former colonies, not only in Southeast Asia through countries like Vietnam, but also in Africa, the South Pacific, South America and the Caribbean. However, despite France’s antagonizations, Paris does not have the capabilities to be able to challenge China unilaterally in the South China Sea, hence why it is relying on former colonial possessions like Vietnam and partners like the U.S., Australia and India. For now, there is no indication that France will successfully deter China from pursuing its interests in the South China Sea.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Paul Antonopoulos is an independent geopolitical analyst.

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