Synthetic mRNA COVID Vaccines: A Risk-Benefit Analysis

March 24th, 2021 by Dr. Sadaf Gilani

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First published in February 2021

With a “vaccine” based on untested technology, and safety trials still ongoing, is it safe to take the shot? And does it even work? And does a disease with an IFR of 0.2% even justify that risk?

Amidst the plethora of Covid-related issues, the Covid injections are the most imminent. Two formulations have received interim approval from the FDA, and Health Canada: Pfizer/BioNtech and Moderna.

Both these injections are employing the same technology, synthetic gene therapy (SGT), which is being dispensed to the populace for the first time in human history.

Medications are given to sick people to treat disease. Vaccines are given to healthy people to prevent an infection. Therefore consideration of risk-benefit analysis is paramount.

Covid is the umbrella label for PCR “positive” people regardless of clinical presentation. Most are “asymptomatic,”some have generic cold/flu symptoms, and a few present with moderate or severe respiratory distress. Unfortunately, the PCR assays being used for diagnosis, are not fit for purpose. Most PCR assays are constructed based on the German Drosten et al. protocol.

On November 27th 2020, 22 scientists submitted a request for retraction of this protocol which was published in the journal Eurosurveillance, citing a number of fatal design flaws.

It is also important to note, despite SarsCov2 virus and the syndrome labelled as Covid being used interchangeably, causation has not been proven as per Koch’s postulates.

The first metric which every medical doctor must convey to a person is how deadly Covid actually is. This is context for the legal and ethical practice of informed consent.

Incidentally, all Covid death stats are inflated: under direction of the WHO, deaths ‘from” and incidentally “with” Covid are not distinguished. Death coding has changed compared to Influenza/Pneumonia. According to one published analysis, this has resulted in over 16 times inflation of death stats, as supported by CDC data.

Furthermore, Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) stats based on seroprevalence antibody studies are also inflated since T-cell immunity, is not measured in these studies. This may result in a 3-5X lower IFR for Covid. Regardless, the general IFR is on order of the seasonal influenza, approx. 0.2%.

Covid mortality is a reflection of increased mortality with age, more so than influenza/pneumonia of previous years. The median age of Covid deaths (86) exceeds average life expectancy in Canada. Tragically, 70% of the deaths in the province of Ontario took place in care homes. The mortality rate from Covid in Canada under 59 years of age is 0.0017%.

According to the CDC, the survival from Covid (with inflated stats) is as follows: (under 20) 99.997%, (29-49) 99.98%, (50-69) 99.5% and (over 70), 94.6%.

The Covid synthetic gene therapy injections employ synthetic, thermostable nucleotide sequences which are wrapped in a PEG (polyethylene glycol)-lipid nanoparticles to protect from destruction in the bloodstream and facilitate entry into the cells. The claim is that the cellular machinery will engage with these synthetic sequences and produce segments which code for the SarsCov2 S1 spike protein. It is believed that the immune system will mount a sufficient antibody response.

Dr David Martin, emphasized that this technology does not meet the definition of a traditional vaccine as per the manufacturers’ claims. The trials do not test for reduction in transmission. These therapies do not prevent infection, merely reduction in one or more symptoms.

Interestingly, Moderna describes its technology as the “software of life,” not a vaccine.

Media outlets, politicians, and public health officials have blared the 95% efficacy for both formulations. To the casual observer, this would denote 95% reduction in hospitalizations or deaths. When in fact the 95% is calculated, based upon the “Primary Efficacy Endpoints.”

In the trial literature these endpoints are described by both companies as non-severe cold/flu SYMPTOMS coupled with a positive PCR.

Pfizer has reported:

For the primary efficacy endpoint, the case definition for a confirmed COVID-19 case was the presence of at least one of the following symptoms and a positive SARS-CoV-2 NAAT within 4 days of the symptomatic period: Fever; New or increased cough; New or increased shortness of breath; Chills; New or increased muscle pain; New loss of taste or smell; Sore throat; Diarrhea; Vomiting.”

Moderna reported in likeness:

For the primary efficacy endpoint, the case definition for a confirmed COVID-19 case was defined as: At least TWO of the following systemic symptoms: Fever (≥38ºC), chills, myalgia, headache, sore throat, new olfactory and taste disorder(s), OR At least ONE of the following respiratory signs/ symptoms: cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, OR clinical or radiographical evidence of pneumonia; and NP swab, nasal swab, or saliva sample (or respiratory sample, if hospitalized) positive for SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR.”

To reiterate, in both trials, once one/two symptoms appeared in a participant, it was designated a “case” or “event” when coupled with a positive PCR “test”. Once 170 “cases” occurred in Pfizer/BioNtech trial, and 196 “cases” occurred in Moderna trial, this data was used to calculate efficacy. Shockingly, only under 200 cases for a novel therapy which is being deployed/subjected on millions of people around the world.

Furthermore, people are not being informed that “95%” or so efficacy, is calculated based on a useless metric of relative efficacy and is therefore very misleading.


8 “cases” in vaccine group
162 “cases” in placebo group

8/162 = 5%
100%-5%= 95%

Therefore, they are claiming that the synthetic gene therapy injections are 95% efficacious. What they are not factoring in is the size of the denominator. If it is large, then with 8 vs 162, the difference becomes less significant. It matters how many people were in each group, for example, whether this be 200, 2,000, or 20,000.

This is the absolute risk reduction for Pfizer/BioNtech, each group had over 18,000 people!

Injection Group: 8/18,198 = 0.04%
Placebo Group: 162/18,325= 0.88%

Therefore, the absolute risk reduction for Primary Efficacy Endpoint is 0.84%. (ie. 0.88-0.04)

This means, that someone who takes the Pfizer/BioNtech injection, has less than 1% chance of reducing at least one symptom of non-severe “Covid” for a period of 2 months. This means that someone who takes this injection has over 99% chance that it won’t work, regarding the efficacy. Over 100 people have to be injected for it to “work” in one person.

The actual efficacy of Pfizer/BioNtech Synthetic Gene Therapy

The actual efficacy of Moderna Synthetic Gene Therapy

There are many issues with the trial data, and design. It must be noted that PCR tests are not fit for purpose and without Sanger sequencing we have no idea how many of these people actually had “Covid” vs another respiratory virus or something else. This is a preeminent reason why Dr Yeadon and Dr Wodarg filed a Stay of Action on the vaccine trials.

As Dr Peter Doshi, Associate Editor of BMJ highlighted, access to the raw data is required to further elucidate the areas of concern:

With 20 times more suspected covid-19 than confirmed covid-19, and trials not designed to assess whether the vaccines can interrupt viral transmission, an analysis of severe disease irrespective of etiologic agent—namely, rates of hospitalizations, ICU cases, and deaths amongst trial participants—seems warranted, and is the only way to assess the vaccines’ real ability to take the edge off the pandemic.”

Approximately 5-6 symptoms listed as “side effects” are the same as Covid symptoms. Pfizer/BioNtech only started counting “cases” one week after the second dose, and Moderna, 2 weeks after the second dose. Therefore, if these side effects were labelled as “Covid” symptoms instead, even the paltry efficacy of about 1% would be relegated into the negative integers.

In others words, the injected group may have been sicker with “Covid” more than the placebo group.

There have been many critiques of the applicability of the limited data to the general populace, especially the vulnerable elderly. An important analysis of this was done by Dr James Lyons-Weiler who discovered the general population is dying at a rate 6.3 times the rate of participants in the Moderna trial (including placebo and injection groups).

If Moderna’s on-vaccine death rate is so far below the national death rate and also simultaneously more than five times greater than Pfizer’s on-vaccine death rate, then Pfizer’s study sample appears even less representative of the entire population. This, too, requires due consideration.”

An integral question as to whether Pfizer/BioNtech and Moderna recruited supermen and women for their trials, comes to mind. The incidence of “severe” Covid in Placebo groups which scrutinizing the details, wasn’t necessarily severe presentation, is so low that trials of 30,000-40,000 lacked statistical power to determine reductions in hospitalizations and deaths, according to Tal Zaks, CMO Moderna.

Zaks is correct, the incidence of severe “Covid” was only 0.04% in Pfizer/BioNtech and 0.22% in Moderna. Due to this very low attack rate of severe presentation in the population, the absolute risk reduction in severe presentation, even taking data at face value, is nominal.

Therefore, potential SGT recipients must be informed that to reduce “severe” presentation, chances are over 99.5% that these synthetic gene therapies will not work.

The British Medical Journal has reported:

Hospital admissions and deaths from covid-19 are simply too uncommon in the population being studied for an effective vaccine to demonstrate statistically significant differences in a trial of 30 000 people. The same is true of its ability to save lives or prevent transmission: the trials are not designed to find out.”

To convey informed consent, the side effect profile must also be considered. Up to 80% of injected trial recipients experienced side effects, in a setting for a nebulous syndrome where 80% of people are asymptomatic.

The incidences of immediate side effects in both trials were significant and dwarfed the absolute risk reduction in both the primary efficacy endpoints, as well as for “severe” Covid.

For example, for Moderna 81.9% experienced any systemic reaction. Grade 3 reactions (considered severe) were experienced by 17.4%. This is 79X more likely than the incidence of severe Covid in the Moderna group. (17.4/.22=79X) Based on preliminary reports of adverse events [emphasis added]:

This is an injury rate of 1 in every 40 jabs. This means that the 150 shots necessary to avert one mild case of COVID will cause serious injury to at least three people.

The safety data for both companies is approximately only two months before receiving emergency use authorization status. Therefore, there is no data for mid-long term side effects, as the trials are ongoing.

The estimated completion date for Pfizer/BioNtech trials is Jan 31, 2023. The estimate completion date for Moderna trials is October 27, 2022.

According to the data, and elaborated by Tal Zaks (CMO of Moderna)the trials are not designed to demonstrate a reduction in transmission, due to “operational realities”. It is therefore baffling how medical doctors and public health officials are proclaiming these SGTs will promote herd immunity.

The manufacturers have also made it clear that efficacy beyond 2 months or so is unknown. Therefore, the 1% absolute risk reduction in mild/moderate, cold/flu symptoms may not last more than a few months.

Tragically, there is no pervasive data-centred discourse, only excessive fear-mongering. Without addressing the data people cannot make an informed choice about experimental SGTs.

Many are not aware any SGT recipient who participates in this therapy is now a part of an unprecedented experiment. When Health Canada shockingly agreed to interim authorization of the Pfizer/BioNtech injection, it came alongside a caveat: The company must submit 6 months of trial data when it is available.

To underscore: Health Canada approved this experimental SGT on the populace without even 6 months of trial data.

It is difficult to embark on a comprehensive risk-benefit analysis, as there is no safety data beyond a couple of months. New vaccines typically take about 7 to 20 years of research and trials before going to market. Pfizer/Moderna ran all of their trials simultaneously, including their animal trials, instead of sequentially. As retired Health Canada research scientist Dr Qureshi elaborated, it is during proper animal trials that meaningful toxicology data is obtained.

The anaphylactic reactions observed in some people is also worrisome, worthy of analysis. Children’s Health Defense submitted a request to the FDA to address PEG allergies, as up to 70% of the populace has antibodies to these compounds. PEG has never been a component in a vaccine before.

It must also be noted that according to an internal Health Human Services and Harvard study, less than 1% of vaccine side effects are reported. At this juncture, based on: paltry efficacy, issues with data transparency and trial design, high level of immediate side effects, and low IFR for Covid, there is already enough reason for concern.

Yet, the more disconcerting side effects are the potential mid-long term effects.

Many doctors and researchers around the world have promulgated concerns about the well-documented phenomena referred to as Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) seen in some viruses such as coronaviruses.

In previous SARS, MERS, Dengue fever and RSV virus vaccine trials the exposure of wild viruses to vaccine recipients resulted in severe disease, cytokine storms, and deaths in some animal and human trials. The phenomenon of ADE did not present initially in vaccine recipients, rather it presented after vaccine recipients were exposed to wild viruses.

This is the reason we do not have a vaccine for the common cold, MERS and SARS which is 78% homologous with SarsCov2 (based on analysis of the digital genome). Immunology Professor Dolores Cahill warnedthat this disease enhancement may cause many vaccine recipients to die months or years down the road. Esteemed German infectious disease specialist, Dr Sucharit Bhakdi opined:

This vaccine will lead you to your doom.”

Researchers in The International Journal of Clinical Practice stated:

The absence of ADE evidence in COVID-19 vaccine data so far does not absolve investigators from disclosing the risk of enhanced disease to vaccine trial participants, and it remains a realistic, non-theoretical risk to the subjects. Unfortunately, no vaccines for any of the known human CoVs have been licensed, although several potential SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV vaccines have advanced into human clinical trials for years, suggesting the development of effective vaccines against human CoVs has always been challenging.”

Traditional vaccines involve injection of the pathogen/toxin in whole/part to elicit an immune reaction. For the first time in history, the recipients’ cells will manufacture the pathogen, the S1 spike protein of SarsCov2 virus.

In a presentation for Emergency Use Authorization to the FDA, Moderna reps explained that the mRNA stays in the cytoplasm of the cells, manufactures the S1 Spike Protein and then is destroyed. As Dr Sucharit Bhakdi and others have queried:

Where else do these packages go?”

Also, based on a couple of months of safety data, we do not know that these mRNAs last long enough to manufacture the protein but not long enough to exert deleterious effects. This nascent technology is risky.

Firstly, the RNA sequences are synthetic. Therefore, we do not know how long they will last in the cells. Dr Judy Mikovits has expressed concerns in that they may not be degraded immediately, and perhaps linger for days, months, years.

Moderna previously tried to use this same technology to treat Crigler-Najjar syndrome and was not able to strike the balance between therapeutic dose and toxic side effects.

It’s encased in nanolipid to prevent it from degrading too rapidly, but what happens if the mRNA degrades too slowly, or not at all? What happens when you turn your body into a “viral protein factory”, thus keeping antibody production activated on a continual basis with no ability to shut down?

So, taking a synthetic messenger RNA and making it thermostable — making it not break down — [is problematic]. We have lots of enzymes (RNAses and DNAses) that degrade free RNA and DNA because, again, those are danger signals to your immune system. They literally drive inflammatory diseases.

Moderna boldly claims that these synthetic mRNAs will not integrate with the host cell DNA. The discovery of epigenetics has revealed that DNA expression is in flux and constantly interacts with environmental signals. Dr Lanka explained that RNA-DNA is also a two-way process, dynamic.

There is the potential for this synthetic RNA to integrate into human DNA via the enzyme, reverse transcriptase. This may lead to mutagenesis, possibly cancer. It may lead to birth defects if it integrates into the germ cells of the injected. Reassurances cannot be made based on such limited safety data.

Therefore, it is important to clearly understand the potential risks of this type of mRNA-based vaccine, which include local and systemic inflammatory responses, the biodistribution and persistence of the induced immunogen expression, possible development of autoreactive antibodies and toxic effects of any non-native nucleotides and delivery system component”

It has been discovered that commonly transcribed mRNA sequences can integrate with DNA for form “R loop” patterns. Dysregulation of these sequences is implicated in different pathologies, including “oncogenic stress.”

This finding was referred to as:

unexpected interplay between RNA modifications (the epitranscriptome) and the maintenance of genome integrity.”

Clearly, we are in the nascent stages of understanding the complex field of epigenetics. The S1 SarsCov2 spike protein is highly homologous with HERV (human endogenous retrovirus) protein knowns as Syncytin-1. There is the potential for autoimmunity, as the Spike protein antibodies might attack Syncytin-1.

Whilst natural infections are benign and self-limiting for the vast majority of affected people, autoimmune diseases are mostly irreversible. This is even more terrifying with the mRNA treatment.

If the translation of SarsCov2 S1 spike protein persists there is potential to cause amplification of the expression of autoimmunity. As the SGT recipients’ cells are now producing the viral spike proteins, there is the potential for explosion of auto-immune diseases in coming years.

Syncytin-1’s primary function is in the placenta as well as sperm. Dr Wodarg and Yeadon’s Stay of Action, included concerns that the potential for antibodies against Syncytin-1 proteins (part of the placenta) may result in permanent infertility in women and possibly men as well. The manufacturers give the caveat:

It is unknown whether COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 has an impact on fertility. And women of childbearing age are advised to avoid pregnancy for at least two months after their second dose.”

Pregnant women were not included in either of the trials. Trial recipients were instructed to use birth control.

The PEG-lipid nanoparticle is highly lipophilic, to cross cell membranes. Renowned aluminum and neurotoxicity expert Dr Chris Shaw, stated that these nanoparticles do cross the BBB (blood-brain barrier) and cited evidence from Moderna’s previous animal trials.

On social media, there have been many documented cases of bizarre neurologic symptoms in the SGT recipients. Could one mechanism be dysregulation of Syncytin-1 in the brain?

Except for the normal physiologic function of Syncytin-1 in the development of placenta, the activity and expression of Syncytin-1 increase in several diseases, such as neuropsychiatric disorders, autoimmune diseases, and cancer […] Syncytin-1 participates in human placental morphogenesis and can activate a pro-inflammatory and autoimmune cascade […] A growing number of studies indicate that Syncytin-1 plays an important role in MS.”

Bottom line: elevated levels of Syncytin-1 = brain inflammation.

We now have a therapy that uses the body’s own cells to produce unknown (perhaps continuous) levels of a protein that is almost identical to Syncytin-1. This is potential for disaster, as Dr Mikovits elaborated:

Syncytin is the endogenous gammaretrovirus envelope that’s encoded in the human genome…We know that if syncytin…is expressed aberrantly in the body, for instance in the brain, which these lipid nanoparticles will go into, then you’ve got multiple sclerosis […] The expression of that gene alone enrages microglia, literally inflames and dysregulates the communication between the brain microglia, which are critical for clearing toxins and pathogens in the brain and the communication with astrocytes that dysregulates not only the immune system but the endocannabinoid system…”

In the longer term, she suspects we’ll see a significant uptick in migraines, tics, Parkinson’s disease, microvascular disorders, different cancers, including prostate cancer, severe pain syndromes like fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis, bladder problems, kidney disease, psychosis, neurodegenerative diseases such as Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) and sleep disorders, including narcolepsy. In young children, autism-like symptoms are likely to develop as well, she thinks.

Heart attacks are another documented side effect. Loved ones of the deceased have shared on social media that these deaths are not considered vaccine reactions and are therefore not recorded as such.

Cardiothoracic surgeon and researcher, Dr Hooman Noorchashm, wrote a letter of warning to the FDA. His concern, the spike protein will cause inflammation, clot formation and heart attacks in SGT recipients who previously were exposed to SarsCov2:

So if a person with a recent or active COVID-19 infection is vaccinated, the highly effective and antigen specific immune response incited by the vaccine will, very likely, attack the inner lining of the blood vessel and cause damage, leading to blood clot formation. This could result in major serious problems like strokes and heart attacks, at least in some people…Additionally, if the immunological risk I am prognosticating herein is in reality material, over the next months as millions more Americans are immunized, it will become quite visible to the public..Thromboembolic complications, 10–20 days following activation of a vaccine induced antigen specific immune response, in elderly frail vasculopaths, will not register as classical “vaccine related complications.”

Moderna and Pfizer reps have boasted that spike protein will result in reduction of symptoms without presenting with clinical disease, as only a portion of SarsCov2 is being produced. Dr Whelan expressed concernthat the spike protein alone is sufficient to cause injury.

I am concerned about the possibility that the new vaccines aimed at creating immunity against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein have the potential to cause microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver and kidneys in a way that does not currently appear to be assessed in safety trials of these potential drugs.”

There are many avenues of potential harm and death, many are unknown as this experiment is only a few months old.

In contemplation of risk-benefit analysis, one must also consider low-risk efficacious treatments. It is well established that vitamin D deficiency is linked to presentation of severe respiratory distress, and cytokine storm sequelae, which also includes Covid.

This is a small study, but well supported in scientific literature. All the risk factors for Covid are also risk factors for vitamin D deficiency. We have a pandemic of vitamin D deficiency in many temperate climates. Over two hundred scientists urged consideration of vitamin D supplementation for prevention and treatment of Covid.

As Dr Raharusun expressed optimism after conducting his study, he felt this is a solution that is pennies on the dollar. Sadly, he met with an untimely death shortly after conducting his study.

Chinese health officials have recommended a moratorium on these SGT Covid injections, after the investigations of deaths in care homes in Norway. Daily, there are a barrage of reports detailing disconcerting side effects that result in death as this great experiment on humanity unfolds.

On Feb 5th, the UK Medical Freedom Alliance penned a letter to Boris Johnson, urging him to address the post-injection vaccine deaths in care homes:

We now call for an immediate and urgent audit of deaths that have occurred since the beginning of the Covid-19 vaccine rollout, to ascertain if Covid-19 vaccines (in general or any one brand in particular) are leading to an increased number of deaths (Covid-19 and non-Covid-19 related), Covid19 cases or increased risk of death in certain age groups or cohorts.”

There are now over 900 deaths in VAERS registry. As per Health and Human Services’ own analysis, these are likely a small percentage of actual deaths. Both companies wish to have the trials “unblinded” so that the placebo groups can acquire synthetic gene therapies. If this happens the placebo cohort will be lost which will further obfuscate deleterious side effects.

Worldwide, over 206 million doses have been dispensed. Pfizer has projected a profit of 15 billion for 2021. A very lucrative start for all companies benefitting from the Covid Industrial Complex.

Sadly, people are not being informed that Phase 3 trials are ongoing. The FDA and Health Canada have not approved these injections for licensure. The injections are highly experimental. These SGTs were designed and “assessed” at a record speed of less than a year and then given interim approval based on 2 months of safety data.

Recently, the Indian government declined the Pfizer SGT, which prompted America’s Front Line Doctors to call on Biden in addressing their concerns. Public Health Authorities are making claims about the SGTs that the manufacturers have not made.

ICAN recently wrote a letter to Cuomo urging retraction of fraudulent NY state advertisements that SGT injections are FDA approved and underwent rigorous safety trials.

Below is an example of the propaganda found in Government of Canada advertisement:

A family gathering for a meal is now tantamount to criminal behaviour.

Dr Peter Doshi, Associate Editor, BMJ stated:

Products can be marketed without access to the data, but doctors and professional societies should publicly state that, without complete data transparency, they will refuse to endorse covid-19 products as being based on science.”

Dr Michael Yeadon, former Vice-President of Pfizer has also stated[emphasis added]:

All vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 virus are by definition novel. If any such vaccine is approved for use under any circumstances that are not EXPLICITLY experimental, I believe that recipients are being misled to a criminal extent.

The American Frontline Doctor’s white paper reports,

An Experimental Vaccine Is Not Safer Than a Very Low IFR.”

To exercise informed consent, any recipient of this SGT must be made aware that they are now participating in a clinical trial. There is no claim about reduction of transmission. All risk-benefit analysis must be focused on the individual, as is treatment with a drug therapy.

Therefore, the potential trial recipient must understand IFR, the absolute risk reduction in symptoms, and potential side effects, including ADE as well as efficacious alternatives for treatment if the need arises.

If the potential trial subject is not relayed this information, or does not comprehend the information, it is a blatant violation of Nuremberg code.

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential…This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.

This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

There is a substantial body of experts around the world, warning about the potential disasters of this novel SGT. The sanctity of life is relegated to the proclamations of those substantiating and in command of the New Covid Religion.

The new normal breeds hysteria, “safe and effective” are the cacophonous mantras. Only a heretic dare analyze the actual data or initiate rational query. The unscrupulous message proclaimed from on high, Covid is extremely fatal, the injections are extremely safe and effective. Full stop.

Dr Vernon Coleman did not mince any words, in his emotional plea:

Legally all those people giving “vaccinations” are war criminals…There is no doubt in my mind, this is global genocide.”

Of course, Dr Coleman’s comments were flagged as False information by Facebook.

Meanwhile, Orwellian messages such as the following abound:


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This article was originally published on OffGuardian.

Sadaf Gilani MD is a Canadian entrepreneur and activist.

All images in this article are from OffGuardian unless otherwise stated

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First published on March 1, 2021

Remember “The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”?,

This Gates / Gavi Agenda ID2020 has already been approved by the German Parliament, without any public debate whatsoever.

In Switzerland too, the government wanted to ram this infamous Agenda ID2020 through without any public debate. However, the swiss still have the constitutional right to a referendum, for which they gathered sufficient signatures to oppose Agenda ID2020 – and, would you believe, the government’s plan to outsourcing its management to private companies! – The referendum will be put before a people’s vote on 7 March 2021.

With Swiss government’s propaganda (paid for with tax-payer’s money) against the referendum, propaganda carried out by the Swiss Executive which is against the Swiss Constitution, chances are that the Swiss will once more vote against their own interests. (See this)

In how many other European countries will this nefarious Agenda ID2020 just be pushed through the legislative – or validated by an Executive Order – without the public at large even noticing?

This is about a universal digital identification that eventually contains all – meaning ALL – personal information, including intimate private data, information from vaccinations, to health records, behavioral patterns, police records – to bank and other financial records and much more.

This agenda might eventually be embedded in your body through electromagnetic substances injected with your COVID vaccine, creating an electromagnetic field, accessible through 5G technologies, the perfect surveillance equipment – see this.

Dr. Barten’s analysis of RNA Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease

An equally horrendous truth, the pursuit of a parallel objective, has just been revealed by Dr. J. Bart Classen, MD, Classen Immunotherapies, Inc.

He published (18 January 2021) a peer-reviewed Research Paper entitled “COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease”, for the SCIVISION Publication “Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ISSN 2639-9458) – (see this) which is the premier global open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of prevention, diagnosis and management of infectious diseases and covers the topics dealing with the epidemiology, clinical diagnosis, treatment, and control of infectious diseases.

As we know by now, the current RNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines were approved in the US using an emergency order without extensive long term safety testing.

In Dr. Bart Classen’s Research Paper, the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was evaluated for the potential to induce “prion”-based diseases in vaccine recipients. “Prion” is short for “proteinaceous infectious particle”, in reference to its ability to self-propagate and transmit its conformation to other proteins.

The peer-reviewed research article says in Dr. Bart Classen’s et al, work,

“the RNA sequence of the vaccine as well as the spike protein targeted interaction were analyzed for the potential to convert intracellular RNA binding proteins TAR DNA binding protein (TDP-43) and Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) into their pathologic prion conformations.”

In other words, do RNA-based vaccines link to DNA binding protein, causing potential medium- and long-term degenerative diseases?

According to Dr. Classen, the results indicate that the RNA-based vaccine has specific sequences that may induce pathologic prion conformations.

Furthermore, the spike protein, created by the translation of the vaccine RNA, may create intercellular interactions, causing ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases.

It also may create 3 to 4 years down the road diabetes and immunity disorders.

These findings, as well as additional potential risks lead the researchers to believe that regulatory approval of the RNA-based vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 was premature and that the vaccine may cause much more harm than benefit. For more details, see full Research Paper here.

See this also.

It should be also noted that Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca any other RNA-based “vaccines” licensed in the US are protected from legal pursuit for injury caused by the inoculation, under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986. In other words, they are exempt from any lawsuit resulting from vaccine injuries.

To counter-balance this protection in the US, Pfizer is now seeking collateral assets from governments in Latin America, maybe also in other parts of the world, in case they may be sued because of injuries or death caused by their vaccines – imagine! It’s like bullying countries in order for them to get Pfizer jabs. Read this.

Isn’t this saying that there is something wrong with the vaccine? Pfizer knows, their injection may do harm, maybe a lot of harm to a lot of people. Are they aware of these harmful features of the RNA-based vaccines?

On another but clearly related case and presumably for similar reasons of protecting the vaccine-pharmas and the government from lawsuits, Australia has banned any medical establishment, doctors, medical personnel, pharmacies, hospitals from divulging to their patients the origin or brand of the vaccine they are being given. Fines and penalties could run as high as US$ 880,000 equivalent, plus five years in jail in case of a conviction by a court of law.

What could be the reason, other than preventing vaccine injury victims from suing the vaccine companies and / or the government?

Under the pretext of health protection, vaccine injuries are being played out in plain sight, in front of our eyes. And the insanity is that many people see it, but nobody stops it.

Massive civil disobedience is needed by a coherent and solidary society that realizes what is at stake and what is being done to us.

This may include boycotting airlines, travel agencies, theatres, concerts – and so on – if they follow the narrative of “higher orders”, dictating vaccine passports for them to open the gates;

Boycott transport companies and event organizers, if they want to coerce us into getting vaccinated with toxic material from which no long-term effects are known yet, but which are suspected they may be disastrous (see Dr. Bart Classen’s peer-reviewed Research paper above).

Disobey lockdowns and shut downs, as well as imposed compulsive testing, masking and social distancing – en masse.

They are not designed to protect you from getting infected with covid – because they DO NOT protect you – but these measures are designed to harm you physically and psychologically, fracture society, break-up families, friendships, clubs, associations, school classes – it’s the old “divide to conquer”.

See also RT’s “Welcome to Snitch Nation” (27 February 2021).

Foremost, beware of RNA-based so-called vaccines! They may bear long-term yet unknown incurable health consequences, including death.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020)

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Featured image is from Shutterstock

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Dr. Simone Gold of America’s Frontline Doctors shared information about the experimental COVID-19 vaccines and talked about the massive disinformation campaign that has taken over America and the rest of the world.


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Video: Bill Gates and “Philantro-Imperialism”

March 24th, 2021 by Dr. Vandana Shiva

All Global Research articles can be read in 27 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).


The so-called philanthropists, Bill Gates in particular, are taking more and more power over our governments.

Vandana Shiva warns us on how this is bringing new and more dangerous threats to our agriculture, food, seed sovereignty, and to the biodiversity of our planet.

Together with the “surveillance capitalism” all this is putting at risk the rights to our health, our freedom and our future. 


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American Encircling Strategy Forces Russia and China to Get Closer

March 24th, 2021 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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The United States does not seem willing to change its policy of encircling China. More and more Washington is showing interest in practicing an aggressive agenda against Beijing, with no opening for productive diplomatic dialogue. The main American bet to implement this plan is to harden the actions of QUAD in cooperation with NATO, however, what the American government does not seem to be considering in its strategic calculations is that this policy may have a terrible side effect for the US, since this will lead China more and more to seek an alignment with Russia as a way to neutralize the actions of the West and QUAD in the Eurasian space.

Last Friday, Chinese and American diplomats met in Alaska to establish dialogues about the future of bilateral relations. The outcome of such dialogues can be summed up in what happened after the end of the meeting: Antony Blinken traveled to Brussels to meet with NATO’s top echelons and China began preparations to receive the visit of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. In parallel, American Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin met with his Indian counterpart Rajnath Singh on Saturday to talk about China – the meeting was secret, and its actual content is unknown.

In other words, the meetings in Alaska did not reach any agreement and both countries are following a path of increasing rivalry, each isolating itself in their respective antagonistic international alliances. In summary, during the meeting, American diplomats highlighted the concerns of the Biden government in relation to China, which were responded with an unfriendly Chinese call for Washington to stop interfering in China’s internal affairs and to no longer try to take American form of democracy to all nations of the world. Without any point of mutual agreement, the meeting was a real diplomatic failure.

In fact, American policy towards China has been extremely authoritarian – and the same can be said about Russia. Two examples of how the US has been working with Russia and China are the recent escalation of diplomatic tensions between Washington and Moscow after Biden called Putin a “killer” and, in the same vein, repeated statements that China would be “the greatest geopolitical challenge of the 21st century”, in addition to the accusations of “genocide” in the Chinese management of the Xinjiang Uygur Region. The lack of restraint in words by the new American government is an impressive point and highlights what that government really thinks about the nations it criticizes. Biden’s international agenda is just the materialization of his diverse radical ideological assumptions. The Democrat seems willing to use any resources to guarantee the US absolute world leadership, completely overpowering any other nation. Biden does not act in the geopolitical scenario with caution or respect towards his opponents, but with aggressiveness and arrogance – which deeply irritates his opponents.

The Biden government’s tactic to contain China has changed from a purely economic and commercial perspective – as was Trump’s strategy – to a more militarized stance. Biden bets on QUAD as a way to achieve his main plans for China. Recently, on March 12, the American president and several officials from the new government participated in a virtual QUAD meeting where some strategies were developed. QUAD does not intend to act only in military and economic strategies, but also in several fronts of cooperation, such as medical diplomacy – having recently announced a billion-dollar aid plan for India in the production of vaccines. However, in any case, such strategies are drawn up by nations that directly rival China and, in the end, the realization of any of these plans tends to affect to some extent the regional Chinese interests – which are disputed by India, Japan and South Korea.

Bliken’s almost simultaneous encounters with NATO leaders and Lloyd’s with India (and consequently QUAD) authorities show the American bipartite strategy of trying to contain Russia and China with these two alliances, respectively. But at the same time, this can collaterally lead Moscow and Beijing to unite more and more, forming a much stronger coalition.

The Russian and Chinese governments have already agreed to renew the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation, a topic that is likely to be discussed during Lavrov’s visit. Such a visit takes place at a time of particular need for rapprochement between both countries – something that has been going on for some time. Apparently, the American government is too focused on containing Russia through NATO’s European action and is ignoring the Russian influence power in the Asian zone, which, if it works in partnership with China, can neutralize a large part of QUAD’s actions. Russia is one of India’s biggest partners in military trade, for example. Pre-agreed policy coordination between the Chinese and the Russians could undermine such cooperation and harm India, which depends on Russian equipment.

In addition, the evolution of the Russian-Chinese partnership to a military alliance would be relentless. If China and Russia implement a joint military exercise agenda, tensions across the Eurasian area will increase, but in return, QUAD will be completely neutralized in the face of its powerlessness to face such a coalition. In the same vein, Washington could do nothing, considering the impossibility of facing a Russian-Chinese coalition by any means.

Biden does not seem to be realizing that the more he forces a siege policy on Russia and China simultaneously, the more he will boost cooperation between these two countries and the search for a common cooperation agenda. And such an episode would represent the end of any American project with global dimensions, considering that it would unite the two biggest powers in Eurasia on one axis – and no other power or military alliance in the world today could contain such a coalition.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Lucas Leiroz is a research fellow in international law at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

This article by renowned author Nebojsa Malic was first published on March 26, 2005

In the early hours of March 24, 1999, NATO began the bombing of what was then the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. For some reason, many in the targeted nation thought the name of the operation was “Merciful Angel .” In fact, the attack was code-named “Allied Force ” – a cold, uninspired and perfectly descriptive moniker. For, however much NATO spokesmen and the cheerleading press spun, lied, and fabricated to show otherwise (unfortunately, with altogether too much success), there was nothing noble in NATO’s aims. It attacked Yugoslavia for the same reason then-Emperor Bill Clinton enjoyed a quickie in the Oval Office: because it could.

Most of the criticism of the 1999 war has focused on its conduct (targeting practices, effects, “collateral damage”) and consequences. But though the conduct of the war by NATO was atrocious and the consequences have been dire and criminal , none of that changes the fact that by its very nature and from the very beginning, NATO’s attack was a war of aggression: illegal, immoral, and unjust; not “unsuccessful” or “mishandled,” but just plain wrong.


There is absolutely no question that the NATO attack in March 1999 was illegal . Article 2, section 4 of the UN Charter clearly says:

“All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.”

Some NATO members tried to offer justification. London claimed the war was “justified” as a means of preventing a “humanitarian catastrophe,” but offered no legal grounds for such a claim. Paris tried to create a tenuous link with UNSC resolutions 1199 and 1203 , which Belgrade was supposedly violating. However, NATO had deliberately bypassed the UN, rendering this argument moot.

Article 53 (Chapter VIII ) of the UN Charter clearly says that:

“The Security Council shall, where appropriate, utilize such regional arrangements or agencies for enforcement action under its authority. But no enforcement action shall be taken under regional arrangements or by regional agencies without the authorization of the Security Council.” (emphasis added)

Furthermore, Article 103 (Chapter XVI ) asserts its primacy over any other regional agreement, so NATO’s actions would have been illegal under the UN Charter even if the Alliance had an obligation to act in Kosovo. Even NATO’s own charter – the North Atlantic Treaty of 1949 – was violated by the act of war in March 1999:

“Article 1

“The Parties undertake, as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, to settle any international dispute in which they may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered, and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations. […]

“Article 7

“This Treaty does not affect, and shall not be interpreted as affecting in any way the rights and obligations under the Charter of the Parties which are members of the United Nations, or the primary responsibility of the Security Council for the maintenance of international peace and security.” (emphasis added)

The attack violated other laws and treaties as well: the Helsinki Final Act of 1975 (violating the territorial integrity of a signatory state) and the 1980 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (using coercion to compel a state to sign a treaty – i.e., the Rambouillet ultimatum ).

Yugoslavia had not attacked any NATO members, nor indeed threatened the security of any other country in the region; it was itself under an attack by a terrorist , irredentist organization. What NATO did on March 24, 1999 was an act of aggression, a crime against peace .


Perfectly aware that the bombing was illegal, NATO leaders tried to create justifications for it after the fact. They quickly seized upon a mass exodus of Albanians from Kosovo, describing it as “ethnic cleansing” and even “genocide .” But as recent testimonies of Macedonian medical workers who took care of Albanian refugees suggest, the Western press was engaging in crude deceit , staging images of suffering refugees and peddling the most outrageous tall tales as unvarnished truth.

Stories abounded of mass murder, orchestrated expulsions, mass rapes, seizure of identity papers, even crematoria and mine shafts filled with dead bodies. Little or no evidence was offered – and not surprisingly, none found afterwards. The stories were part of a Big Lie , aimed to justify the intervention, concocted by professional propagandists, and delivered by the KLA-coached refugees. The KLA ran every camp in Macedonia and Albania, and there are credible allegations they organized the exodus in many instances. Albanians who did not play along were killed.

Eventually, the “genocide” and other atrocity stories were debunked as propaganda. But they had served their purpose, conjuring a justification for the war at the time. They had allowed NATO and its apologists to claim the war – though “perhaps” illegal – was a moral and legitimate affair. But there should be no doubt, it was neither .


Even if one can somehow gloss over the illegal, illegitimate nature of the war and the lies it was based on, would the war still not be justified, if only because it led to the return of refugees? Well, which refugees? Certainly, many Kosovo Albanians – and quite a few from Albania, it appears – came back, only to proceed to cleanse it systematically of everyone else. Jews, Serbs, Roma, Turks, Ashkali, Gorani, no community was safe from KLA terror , not even the Albanians themselves. Those suspected of “collaborating” were brutally murdered, often with entire families.

According to the Catholic doctrine of “just war ,” a war of aggression cannot be just. Even if one somehow fudges the issue, “the use of arms must not produce evils and disorders graver than the evil to be eliminated.”

The evil conjured by NATO’s and KLA’s propaganda machine was indeed grave. But it was not real. In contrast, what took place after the war – i.e., under the NATO/KLA occupation – is amply documented. At the beginning of NATO’s aggression, there were fewer dead, fewer refugees, less destruction, and more order than at any time since the beginning of the occupation. NATO has replaced a fabricated evil with a very real evil of its own.

Monument to Evil

What began six years ago may have been Albright’s War on Clinton’s watch, but both Albright and Clinton have been gone from office for what amounts to a political eternity.

For four years now, the occupation of Kosovo has continued with the blessing – implicit or otherwise – of Emperor Bush II, who launched his own illegal war in Iraq . Kosovo is not a partisan, but an imperial issue; that is why there has been virtually no debate on it since the first missiles were fired.

Albright and KLA leader Hashim Thaci, Rambouillet, 1998

Six years to the day since NATO aircraft began their onslaught, Kosovo is a chauvinistic, desolate hellhole.

Serbian lives, property, culture, and heritage been systematically destroyed , often right before the eyes of NATO “peacekeepers.” Through it all, Imperial officials, Albanian lobbyists, and various presstitutes have been working overtime to paint a canvas that would somehow cover up the true horror of occupation.

Their “liberated” Kosovo represents everything that is wrong about the world we live in.

It stands as a monument to the power of lies, the successful murder of law, and the triumph of might over justice. Such a monument must be torn down, or else the entire world may end up looking like Kosovo sometime down the line. If that’s what the people in “liberal Western democracies” are willing to see happen, then their civilization is well and truly gone

Video: “Police On Guard for Thee”: Toronto Police Officers Challenge “Unconstitutional Public Health Measures”

By Len Faul and Julius Ruechel, March 23 2021

For those officers who are silent while we are ordered to enact questionable policies, mandates and bylaws, we hope you will #Remember your Oath” Important commitment by police officers in Toronto.

Is Joe Biden Enabling Russiagate 2?

By Philip Giraldi, March 23 2021

Joe is relying on the “evidence” provided by a conveniently timed new declassified “Intelligence Community Assessment” entitled “Foreign Threats to the 2020 US Federal Election.”

COVID-19 Vaccine Tested on Babies Even as Death Toll Mounts. Greatest Public Health Calamity in Modern History

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 23 2021

If early statistics are any indication, we are facing the greatest public health calamity in modern history. No, I’m not talking about a third, fourth or fifth wave of COVID-19. I’m talking about the current vaccination campaign.

New Research Points to Link Between AstraZeneca Vaccine and Blood Clots

By Megan Redshaw, March 23 2021

Researchers in Norway and Germany say they’ve identified antibodies that provoke immune reactions leading to the type of cerebral blood clots experienced by some people who received AstraZeneca’s COVID vaccine.

Germany: Whistleblower Says Seven of 31 Nursing Home Residents Died Immediately after Forced Pfizer mRNA Shots

By and Reiner Fuellmich, March 23 2021

A frightening video of a lawyer interviewing an anonymous whistleblower tells stories of horror at a Berlin nursing home for dementia patients.

Want a Job? Get a Shot!

By Rep. Ron Paul, March 23 2021

Masks and TSA screenings are “security theater” done to reassure those frightened by government and media propaganda regarding coronavirus and terrorism that the government is protecting them. Covid oppression will worsen if vaccine passports become more widely required.

“Lockdown Children’s Rights”: We Are Killing the Souls of Our Children!

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, March 23 2021

Why do we still believe that politicians can be trusted and that they only have our health in mind with their illegal measures: whether masking or muzzling, whether social distancing, whether compulsory testing for small school children or compulsory vaccination for adults. All without scientific evidence!

Capitalizing on Conflict: How Defense Contractors and Foreign Nations Lobby for Arms Sales

By Dan Auble, March 23 2021

Defense companies spend millions every year lobbying politicians and donating to their campaigns. In the past two decades, their extensive network of lobbyists and donors have directed $285 million in campaign contributions and $2.5 billion in lobbying spending to influence defense policy.

The Gen Z Emergency: The Best Climate Book You Will Ever Read

By Elizabeth Woodworth, March 23 2021

Generation Z is the newest generation, born between 1997 and 2012/15. They are currently 6 to 24 years old. In the US alone, they number 68 million. Gen Z is in the crosshairs of the coming climate catastrophe.

America Should Swallow Its Pride on Iran

By Geoff LaMear, March 23 2021

The United States will only provide sanctions relief after Iran returns to full compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal, while Iran will not budge before the U.S., whose policy rests on the assumption that Iran can be forced to capitulate. This assumption is faulty.

Israeli Knesset Elections: Will Bibi Prevail? Despite “Charges of Bribery, Fraud and Breach of Trust”

By Stephen Lendman, March 22 2021

Knesset coalitions run Israel. Multiple parties participate, at times new ones. No single party has enough support to gain a 61-seat Knesset majority. On Tuesday, Israelis will again go to the polls.

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Twenty-two years ago in the early hours of March 24, 1999, NATO began the bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. “The operation was code-named “Allied Force ” – a cold, uninspired and perfectly descriptive moniker” according to Nebosja Malic. 

This article was first written in early May 1999 at the height of the bombing of Yugoslavia. 

The causes and consequences of this war have over the years been the object of a vast media disinformation campaign, which has sought to conceal and dismiss NATO and US war crimes against the people of the former Republic of Yugoslavia. 

It is important to note that in the late 1990s a large segment of the “Progressive Left” in Western Europe and  North America were part of this disinformation campaign, presenting NATO military intervention as a necessary humanitarian operation geared towards protecting the rights of ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.

The intervention was in violation of international law. President Milosevic at the 1998 Rambouillet talks had refused the stationing of NATO troops inside Yugoslavia.

The demonization of Slobodan Milošević  has served over the years to uphold the legitimacy of the NATO bombings as well as conceal the crimes committed by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).

It also provided credibility to “a war crimes tribunal” under the jurisdiction of those who committed extensive war crimes in the name of social justice.  

Slobodan Milosevic was arrested and deported to The Hague Tribunal ICTY detention Centre. The Just War thesis was also upheld by several prominent intellectuals who viewed the Kosovo war as: “a Just War”.

In turn the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) was upheld by several “Leftists” as a bona fide liberation movement rooted in Marxism.

The KLA –whose leader Hachim Thaci until recently was president of Kosovo– was a paramilitary army supported by Western intelligence, financed and trained by the US and NATO. It had ties to organised crime. It also had  links to Al Qaeda, which is supported by US intelligence. Hashim Thaci has been on the Interpol list in the 1990s. 

In April -May 1999, there  was ample evidence that the KLA leader supported by NATO was responsible for war crimes and that he was the Interpol list. On a personal note: I was blacklisted by so-called progressives as well as by the mainstream media for revealing this evidence as well confirming that Hashim Thaci was on the Interpol list.

On March 11, 2006, Milošević was found dead in his prison cell.  According to his lawyer, who had been in contact with him, Milosevic had been  poisoned.

Exactly ten years later on March 24, 2016The Hague ICTY Tribunal exonerated Milosevic stating he was innocent of the crimes he was accused of.

In a bitter irony, Thaci was rewarded for his crimes, appointed prime minster of Kosovo in 2008, and then president in early April 2016.

Meanwhile, the United States established Camp Bondsteel in 1999,  “the largest and the most expensive foreign military base built in Europe since the Vietnam War”.

It took the “international community” to acknowledge that Hashim Thaci had committed extensive crimes against humanity.

In June 2020, Kosovo President Hashim Thaci was charged with 10 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity for his role in the country’s conflict in the 1990s” by the Kosovo Tribunal in The Hague.

“Thaci and three other former leaders of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) are accused of overseeing illegal detention facilities where the movement’s opponents were kept in inhumane conditions, tortured and sometimes killed.He continues to be described  as a wartime hero.

It is worth noting that the same “Leftists” who supported the KLA in 1999 are now supporting the Syrian “revolutionaries”  (affiliated to Al Qaeda and supported by US-NATO).

Today our thoughts are with the people of Yugoslavia whose country was fragmented and destroyed by US-NATO.

Our thoughts are also with the people of Kosovo who were their victims of extensive NATO bombings as documented in this article written 21 years ago at the height of NATO’s War of Aggression against Yugoslavia .

Michel Chossudovsky, March 2006, updated March 2021

*       *      *

NATO’s War of Aggression against Yugoslavia: Who are the War Criminals?

by Michel Chossudovsky, 15 May 1999

Low Intensity Nuclear War

With NATO air-strikes entering their third month, a new stage of the War has unfolded. NATO’s “humanitarian bombings” have been stepped up leading to mounting civilian casualties and human suffering. Thirty percent of those killed in the bombings are children.1 In addition to the use of cluster bombs, the Alliance is waging a “low intensity nuclear war” using toxic radioactive shells and missiles containing depleted uranium. Amply documented, the radioactive fall-out causes cancer potentially affecting millions of people for generations to come. According to a recent scientific report, “the first signs of radiation on children including herpes on the mouth and skin rashes on the back and ankles” have been observed in Yugoslavia since the beginning of the bombings.2

In addition to the radioactive fall-out which has contaminated the environment and the food chain, the Alliance has also bombed Yugoslavia’s major chemical and pharmaceutical plants. The bombing of Galenika, the largest medicine factory in Yugoslavia has contributed to releasing dangerous, highly toxic fumes. When NATO forces bombed plants of the Pancevo petrochemical complex in mid-April “fire broke out and huge quantities of chlorine, ethylene dichloride and vinyl chloride monomer flowed out. Workers at Pancevo, fearing further bombing attacks that would blow up dangerous materials, released tons of ethylene dichloride, a carcinogen, into the Danube.”3

Nato to the “Rescue of Ethnic Albanians”

Ethnic Albanians have not been spared by NATO air raids. Killing ethnic Albanians in Kosovo is said to be “inevitable” in carrying out a “humanitarian operation on behalf of ethnic Albanians”. In addition to the impacts of the ground war between the KLA and the Yugoslav Armed Forces, the bombings and the resulting radioactive fall-out in Kosovo have been more devastating than in the rest of Yugoslavia.

Presented as a humanitarian mission, the evidence amply confirms that NATO’s brutal air raids of towns and villages in Kosovo have triggered the exodus of refugees. Those who have fled their homes to refugee camps in Macedonia and Albania have nothing to return to, nothing to look forward to… An entire country has been destroyed, its civilian industry and public infrastructure transformed into rubble. Bridges, power plants, schools and hospitals are displayed as “legitimate military targets” selected by NATO’s Combined Air Operations Centre (CAOC) in Vicenza, Italy and carefully “validated prior to the pilot launching his strike.”

With the “diplomatic shuttle” still ongoing, the Alliance is intent on inflicting as much damage on the Yugoslav economy (including Kosovo) as possible prior to reaching a G8 brokered “peace initiative” which will empower them to send in ground troops. “Allied commanders have steadily widened their list of economic targets… Increasingly, the impact of NATO air strikes has put people out of work… causing water shortages in Belgrade, Novi Sad and other Serbian cities. … [T]he effect was to shut down businesses, strain hospitals’ ability to function and cut off water…”4. Some 115 medical institutions have been damaged of which several have been totally demolished. And hospital patients –including children and the elderly– are dying due to the lack of water and electricity…5

General Wesley Clark, NATO’s Supreme commander in Europe, confirmed in late May that “NATO’S air campaign has not reached its peak yet and the alliance should be prepared for more civilian casualties.”6. General Clark also confirmed that “he would be seeking to increase the number of air strikes in Kosovo and expand the range of targets.7 As the bombings entered their third month, there was also a noticeable change in “NATO rhetoric”. The Alliance had become increasingly unrepentant, NATO officials were no longer apologising for civilian casualties, claiming that the latter were contributing to “helping Milosevic’s propaganda machine.”

Extending the Conflict Beyond the Balkans

Drowned in the barrage of media images and self-serving analyses, the broader strategic interests and economic causes of the War go unmentioned. The late Sean Gervasi writing in 1995 had anticipated an impending War. According to Gervasi, Washington’s strategic goals stretched well beyond the Balkans. They largely consisted in “installing a Western-style regime in Yugoslavia and reducing the geographic area, power and influence of Serbia to a minimum….”8

In this context, the installation of American power in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean also constitutes a step towards the extension of Washington’s geopolitical sphere of influence beyond the Balkans into the area of the Caspian Sea, Central Asia and West Asia.

In this regard, NATO’s military intervention in Yugoslavia (in violation of international law) also sets a dangerous precedent. It provides “legitimacy” to future military interventions. To achieve its strategic objectives, national economies are destabilised, regional conflicts are financed through the provision of covert support to armed insurgencies… In other words, the conflict in Yugoslavia creates conditions which provide legitmacy to future interventions of the Alliance into the “internal affairs of sovereign nations”.

The consolidation of American strategic interests in Eastern Europe, the Balkans (and beyond) was not only marked by the enlargement of NATO (with the accession of Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic as NATO members) barely two weeks before the beginning of the bombings, the War in Yugoslavia also coincided with a critical split in geopolitical alignments within the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

In late April, Georgia, the Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and Moldava signed a pact in Washington, creating GUUAM, a regional alliance which lies strategically at the hub of the Caspian oil and gas wealth, “with Moldava and the Ukraine offering [pipeline] export routes to the West”.9 This geopolitical split bears a direct relationship to the crisis in Yugoslavia. The region is already unstable marked by nationalist conflicts and separatist movements.

The members of this new pro-NATO political grouping not only tacitly support the bombings in Yugoslavia, they have also agreed to “low level military cooperation” with NATO while insisting that “the group is not a military alliance directed against any third party, namely Moscow.”10

Dominated by Western oil interests, the formation of GUUAM is not only intent on excluding Russia from the oil and gas deposits in the Caspian area but also in isolating Moscow politically thereby potentially re-igniting Cold War divisions…

The War Has Stalled Nuclear Arms Controls

In turn, the War in Yugoslavia has significantly stalled nuclear arms-control initiatives leading to the cancellation of an exchange program “that would have had US and Russian nuclear weapons officers in constant contact at year’s end to prevent any launches as a result of Year 2000 computer troubles.”11

Moreover, Russia’s military has also voiced its concern “that the bombing of Yugoslavia could turn out in the very near future to be just a rehearsal for similar strikes on Russia.”12.

According to Dr. Mary-Wynne Ashford, co-president of the Nobel Peace Prize winning International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), the impact of NATO bombings of Yugoslavia “on nuclear weapons policy is an extremely serious development… Russians feel a sense of betrayal by the West… because NATO took this action outside the UN.”13

Aleksander Arbatov, deputy chairman of the Defence Committee of the Russian State Duma U.S.-Russian relations describes the War in Yugoslavia as the “worst most acute, most dangerous juncture since the U.S.-Soviet Berlin and Cuban missile crises.”14 According to Arbatov:

“START II is dead, co-operation with NATO is frozen, co-operation on missile defence is out of the question, and Moscow’s willingness to co-operate on non-proliferation issues is at an all-time low. Moreover, anti-U.S. sentiment in Russia is real, deep and more wide-spread than ever, and the slogan describing NATO action – “today Serbia, tomorrow Russia,” is “deeply planted in Russian’s minds.”…15 Mary-Wynne Ashford also warns that whereas Russia was moving towards integration with Europe, they [the Russians] now:

“…. perceive their primary threat from the West. Officials in [Russia’s] Foreign Affairs (Arms Control and Disarmament) told us that Russia has no option but to rely on nuclear weapons for its defence because its conventional forces are inadequate…. Even if the bombings stop now, the changes in Russia’s attitude toward the West, its renewed reliance on nuclear weapons with thousands on high alert, and its loss of confidence in international law leave us vulnerable to catastrophe…. This crisis makes de-alerting nuclear weapons more urgent than ever. To those who say the Russian threat is all rhetoric, I reply that rhetoric is what starts wars”.16

 The Media War: “Silencing the Silent Majority”

This war is also “a War against the Truth”. With protest movements developing around the World, NATO has reinforced its clutch over the mass media. In a stylised (“wag the dog”) media mascarade, the Alliance is relentlessly portrayed as “the saviour of ethnic Albanian Kosovars”. A full-fledged “cover-up operation” has been set in motion with a view to thwarting public debate on the War. The hidden agenda is to “silence the silent majority.” The Western media heeding to the Alliance’s demands has blatantly misled public opinion. Casually portrayed on TV screens, civilian deaths are justified as inevitable “collateral damage”. According to the Pentagon, “there is no such thing as clean combat.”17

Meanwhile, anti-war commentators (including former ambassadors and OSCE officials) have been carefully removed from mainstream public affairs programmes, TV content is closely scrutinised, the images of civilian deaths and destruction relayed from Belgrade are seldomly and selectively displayed, journalists are under tight supervision. While the media does not hesitate to criticize NATO for having committed “errors” and “tragic mistakes”, the legitimacy of the military operation and its “humanitarian mandate” are not questioned:

“Public opinion is confronted with a loaded question which allows only one answer. In the present war, that question is, “Doesn’t ethnic cleansing have to be stopped?” This simplification allows the media to portray Yugoslavia rather than NATO as the aggressor. The alliance, in a complete inversion of reality, is presented as conducting an essentially defensive war on behalf of the Kosovar Albanians…” when in fact ethnic Albanians are the principle victims of NATO’s “humanitarian bombings.”18

According to NATO’s propaganda machine, “ethnic Albanians do not flee the bombings” and the ground war between the KLA and the Yugoslav Army. According to Diana Johnstone this makes them “nearly unique [because] throughout history, civilians have fled from war zones…. No, as we have heard repeatedly from NATO spokesmen and apologists, Kosovo Albanians run away from only one thing: brutal ethnic cleansing carried out by Serbs.”19

The refugee crisis we are told by NATO is limited to Kosovo. Yet the evidence (withheld by the Western media) confirms that people throughout Serbia are fleeing major cities:

Reliable estimates put the number of refugees who have left Belgrade to escape the bombing at 400,000. Most are women and children, as with the Kosovo Albanians. At least another 500,000 have left Serbia’s other cities, notably Novi Sad and Nish, where NATO bombing has caused air pollution, cut the water supply, and struck purely civilian targets such as market squares. Altogether, according to the Italian daily “Il Manifesto”, the NATO bombing has produced at least a million refugees in Serbia. Predrag Simic, foreign policy adviser to Serbian opposition leader Vuk Draskovic, told a Paris conference [in late May] that Kosovo was being so thoroughly devastated by NATO bombing that nobody, neither Albanians nor Serbs, would be able to go back and live there”.20

 Who is Responsible for War Crimes?

Public “disapproval” of NATO bombings is immediately dismissed as “Serbian propaganda”. Those who speak out against NATO are branded as “apologists of Milosevic”. While most anti-War critics in NATO countries are not defenders of the Milosevic regime, they are nonetheless expected to be “balanced” in their arguments. “Looking at both sides of the picture is the rule”: anti-war commentators are invited to echo NATO’s fabricated media consensus, to unequivocally “join the bandwagon” against Milosevic. Under these circumstances, an objective understanding and analysis of the role of the Milosovic government since the civil War in Bosnia and in the context of the present crisis in Kosovo has been rendered virtually impossible.

Media double standards? Whereas President Milosevic and four members of his government were indicted by the Hague International Criminal Tribunal (ICTY) (late May) for organising a policy of “ethnic cleansing” in Kosovo, the news media failed to mention that several parallel law suits were launched at The Hague Tribunal (ICTY), accusing NATO leaders of “crimes against humanity.”21

It is also worth mentioning that the UK government (whose Prime Minister Tony Blair is among the list of accused in one of the parallel law suits) has provided The Hague Tribunal with “intelligence on the situation within Kosovo” since the beginning of the bombings.22 Part of this intelligence material was relayed by the KLA with which British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook has been in frequent contact as well as through British Special Forces (SAS) directly collaborating with the KLA.

Law Suit Directed Against Nato Leaders

In May, a group of 15 Canadian lawyers and law professors together with the American Association of Jurists (with members in more than 20 countries) launched a suit against NATO leaders at the ICTY in the Hague.23 The suit points to “open violation” of the United Nations Charter, the NATO treaty, the Geneva Conventions and the “Principles of International Law Recognized by the Nuremberg Tribunal”. The latter makes: “planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances” a crime.24

The list of crimes allegedly committed by NATO leaders includes:

“wilful killing, wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health, extensive destruction of property,… employment of poisonous weapons [implying radioactive fall-out] or other weapons to cause unnecessary suffering, wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity,… “25

Under the terms of reference of the ICTY “a person who planned, instigated, ordered, committed or otherwise aided and abetted in the planning, preparation or execution of a crime shall be individually responsible for the crime” and “the official position of any accused person, whether as Head of State or Government or as a responsible Government official, shall not relieve such person of criminal responsibility or mitigate punishment.”26

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson (and former President of Ireland) confirmed in Geneva on 30 April that the Prosecutor of the War Crimes Tribunal (ICTY) has the mandate not only to prosecute Serb forces but that the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and NATO may also come under scrutiny, “if it appears that serious violations of international humanitarian law have occurred.”

According to Walter J. Rockler, former prosecutor of the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials:

“The bombing war also violates and shreds the basic provisions of the United Nations Charter and other conventions and treaties; the attack on Yugoslavia constitutes the most brazen international aggression since the Nazis attacked Poland to prevent “Polish atrocities” against Germans. The United States has discarded pretensions to international legality and decency, and embarked on a course of raw imperialism run amok.”27

Shaky Evidence of a “Humanitarian Catastrophe” Prior to the Bombings

In the course of “covering-up” the real motivations of NATO in launching the War, the international media has also failed to mention that an official intelligence report of the German Foreign Ministry (used to establish the eligibility of political refugees from Kosovo) confirmed that there was no evidence of “ethnic cleansing” in Kosovo in the months immediately preceding the bombings. Who is lying? German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer had justified NATO’s intervention pointing to a “humanitarian catastrophe”, yet the internal documents of his own ministry say exactly the opposite:

“Even in Kosovo an explicit political persecution linked to Albanian ethnicity is not verifiable. The East of Kosovo is still not involved in armed conflict. Public life in cities like Pristina, Urosevac, Gnjilan, etc. has, in the entire conflict period, continued on a relatively normal basis. The actions of the security forces [were] not directed against the Kosovo-Albanians as an ethnically defined group, but against the military opponent [KLA] and its actual or alleged supporters.”… “29

[W]ith an agreement made with the Serbian leadership at the end of 1998 … both the security situation and the conditions of life of the Albanian-derived population have noticeably improved… Specifically in the larger cities public life has since returned to relative normality.”29

The above assessments are broadly consistent with several independent evaluations of the humanitarian situation in Kosovo prior to the onslaught of the bombing campaign. Roland Keith, a former field office director of the OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM), who left Kosovo on March 20th reported that most of the violence in Kosovo was instigated by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA):

“Upon my arrival the war increasingly evolved into a mid intensity conflict as ambushes, the encroachment of critical lines of communication and the [KLA] kidnapping of security forces resulted in a significant increase in government casualties which in turn led to major Yugoslavian reprisal security operations… By the beginning of March these terror and counter-terror operations led to the inhabitants of numerous villages fleeing, or being dispersed to either other villages, cities or the hills to seek refuge… The situation was clearly that KLA provocations, as personally witnessed in ambushes of security patrols which inflicted fatal and other casualties, were clear violations of the previous October’s agreement [and United Nations Security Council Resolution 1199]. The security forces responded and the consequent security harassment and counter-operations led to an intensified insurrectionary war, but as I have stated elsewhere, I did not witness, nor did I have knowledge of any incidents of so-called “ethnic cleansing” and there certainly were no occurrences of “genocidal policies” while I was with the KVM in Kosovo. What has transpired since the OSCE monitors were evacuated on March 20, in order to deliver the penultimate warning to force Yugoslavian compliance with the Rambouillet and subsequent Paris documents and the commencement of the NATO air bombardment of March 24, obviously has resulted in human rights abuses and a very significant humanitarian disaster as some 600,000 Albanian Kosovars have fled or been expelled from the province. This did not occur, though, before March 20, so I would attribute the humanitarian disaster directly or indirectly to the NATO air bombardment and resulting anti-terrorist campaign.”30

Chronology of Nato Planning

Carefully removed from the public eye, preparations for both “the air campaign” and “the ground War” have been ongoing for almost a year prior to the beginning of NATO’s “humanitarian bombings” on March 24th 1999.

Responding to broad strategic and economic objectives, the Alliance’s first priority was to secure the stationing of armed combat troops in Macedonia on the immediate border with Kosovo. US Secretary of Defense William Cohen had travelled to Skopje in late December 1997 for discussions with the Macedonian government and Military. These high levels talks were followed a few months later by the visit of Macedonia’s Defense Minister L. Kitanoski to Washington for meetings at the Pentagon. On the agenda: the establishment of a NATO base in Macedonia.31

No time was lost: on May 6, 1998, the NATO Council met “to review alliance efforts” in the region; a major military exercise entitled “Cooperative Best Effort” was slated to take place in Macedonia in September. NATO nonetheless “reassured the international community” that the military exercise was not meant to be “a rehearsal”, rather it was to enable “NATO military authorities to study various options. Decisions on whether to execute any of those options would be a matter for future decision.”32

Largely the consequence of KLA terrorism, the deterioration of the security situation in Kosovo conveniently provided NATO with a pretext to build up its ground forces in Macedonia (composed largely of British and French troops). According to NATO, it was therefore necessary to envisage “a more complicated and ambitious [military] exercise [in Macedonia] to send a clear political signal [to Belgrade] of NATO’s involvement”.33

 The Role of the Kosovo Liberation Army

In parallel with the setting up of its military operations in Albania and Macedonia, NATO had established direct links with the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). A US Department of Defense briefing confirms in this regard that “initial contacts” between the KLA and NATO had taken place by mid-1998:

“…the realization has come to people [in NATO] that we [NATO] have to have the UCK [acronym for KLA in Albanian] involved in this process because they have shown at least the potential to be rejectionists of any deal that could be worked out there with the existing Kosovo parties. So somehow they have to be brought in and that’s why we’ve made some initial contacts there with the group, hopefully the right people in the group, to try and bring them into this negotiating process. 34

While these “initial contacts” were acknowledged by NATO officially only in mid-1998, the KLA had (according to several reports) been receiving “covert support” and training from the CIA and Germany’s Bundes Nachrichten Dienst (BND) since the mid-nineties.35

The concurrent building up of KLA forces was part of NATO planning. By mid-1998 “covert support” had been gradually replaced –despite the KLA’s links to organised crime– by official (“overt”) support by the military Alliance in violation of UN Security Council Resolution UNSCR 1160 of 31 March 1998 which condemned: “…all acts of terrorism by the Kosovo Liberation Army or any other group or individual and all external support for terrorist activity in Kosovo, including finance, arms and training.”

On 24 September 1998, another key UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR 1199) was adopted which called “upon the authorities in Belgrade and the leadership of the Kosovar Albanian community urgently to enter without preconditions into a meaningful dialogue on political status issues.” It also required Belgrade to withdraw its troops from Kosovo.

Following a renewed wave of KLA terrorism, the Yugoslav authorities were blamed for the “crackdowns on ethnic Albanians” providing NATO defense ministers meeting in Vilmoura Portugal (September 24th on the same day as the adoption of UNSCR 1199) with the “justification” to issue an “activation warning” for a campaign of air strikes against Serb positions. The Vilmoura statement called upon Belgrade to “take immediate steps to alleviate the humanitarian situation…, stop repressive actions against the population and seek a political solution through negotiations with the Albanian majority”.36

This so-called “activation warning” was followed in mid-October by “an activation order” by the North Atlantic Council authorising NATO’s Supreme Commander for Europe General Wesley Clark to initiate “limited air strikes” and a “phased air campaign” … should the Yugoslav authorities refuse to comply with UNSCR 1199.37

Under the impending threat of air strikes, a partial withdrawal was carried out by Belgrade (following the adoption of UNSCR 1199) creating almost immediately conditions for the KLA to occupy positions previously held by retreating Serb forces. In turn, the strengthening of the KLA was accompanied by renewed terrorist activity and a consequent “worsening of the security situation”. NATO’s hidden objective, in this regard, was to use the KLA insurgency to further provoke ethnic tensions and generate social strife in Kosovo.

In the meantime, US envoy Richard Holbrooke had entered into discussions with President Milosovic. Forged under the threat of NATO air strikes, negotiations on Kosovo’s political status had also been initiated in Pristina between a Serbian delegation led by President Milan Milutinovic and Ibrahim Rugova, President of the Democratic League (DLK) representing ethnic Albanians. While Mr Christopher Hill, the US envoy had been invited as an observer to these meetings, Milutinovic had insisted that the negotiations (which proceeded from UNSCR 1199) were an internal matter.

Following the agreement between US envoy Richard Holbrooke and President Slobodan Milosevic, Yugoslavia was to complete negotiations on “a framework for a political settlement” by the 2nd of November 1998. Moreover, a Verification Mission to establish compliance with resolutions UNSCR 1160 and UNSCR 1199, was put in place in Kosovo under the auspices of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). A parallel NATO air verification mission (complementing the OSCE verification mission) was established following an agreement signed in Belgrade on 15 October 1998 by the Yugoslav Chief of General Staff and NATO Supreme Allied Commander for Europe, General Wesley Clark.

The terms of both the OSCE and NATO verification agreements were subsequently embodied in UNSCR 1260 of October 24th. Whereas Belgrade was given a 96 hour “deadline for compliance”, the Alliance decided to postpone the initiation of air strikes following talks in Belgrade (October 25-26) between President Slobodan Milosevic and General Wesley Clark. According to the Alliance statement: “NATO will remain prepared to carry out air operations should they be necessary” 38. In the meantime, NATO launched Operation Eagle Eye using unarmed aircraft and unmanned predator aerial vehicles (UAVs). Eagle Eye surveillance activities were coordinated with the “ground verification” mission conducted by OSCE observer teams and by the Kosovo Diplomatic Observer Mission (KDOM).

A Former “Iran-Contragate” Official Heads the OSCE Verification Mission

In the meantime, a career US diplomat, Ambassador William G. Walker was appointed Head of the OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM). A tailor-made assignment: Walker was well-known for his role in the “Iran-Contragate” scandal during the Reagan administration. The KLA insurgency was in many regards a “carbon copy” of the Nicaraguan Contras which had also been funded by drug money with covert support from the CIA.

Well documented by court files, William G. Walker –in association with Oliver North– played a key role in channelling covert funding to the Nicaraguan Contras while serving as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs in the Reagan Administration. In this capacity, he became a special assistant to Assistant Secretary of State Elliot Abrams, “a figure whose name would soon be making its way into the headlines on a daily basis in connection with … the “Iran-Contra” affair.”39

William G. Walker had been involved in the so-called Nicaraguan Humanitarian Assistance Office (“NHAO”) in the State Department which was a cover-up fund whereby covert military aid was supplied to the Contras. The objective was to circumvent the so-called “Boland Amendments”, –ie. “riders” to the Department of Defense Appropriation Act, “which prohibited the [US] government from spending money for the purpose of overthrowing the government of Nicaragua”. 40 Confirmed by files of the US Court of Appeal (District of Columbia), “Walker attended some meetings of the Restricted Interagency Group for Central America, of which Oliver North was a member”.41

Walker was never indicted for criminal wrong-doings in the Iran- Contragate scandal. Upon completing his work with Oliver North, he was appointed US Ambassador to El Salvador. His stint in El Salvador coincided with the rise of the death squadrons and a period during which the country was virtually “under the grip of US sponsored State terror.”42

In Kosovo, William G. Walker applied his skills in covert operations acquired in Central America. As head of the Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM), Walker maintained close links to the KLA military command in the field.43 From the outset of his mission in Kosovo, he used his position to pursue the interests of the Alliance.

“The Racak Massacre”

The so-called “Racak massacre” occurred shortly before the launching of the Rambouillet “peace initiative”. although it turned out to be a fake, the Racak massacre nonetheless played a key role in “setting the stage” for NATO’s air raids. William Walker declared (in his capacity as head of KVM) that the Yugoslav police had carried out a massacre of civilians at Racak on January 15th. The Yugoslav authorities retorted that local police had in fact conducted an operation in this village against the Kosovo Libration Army and that several KLA soliders had died in cross-fire. As later reported by several French newspapers (Le Monde, Le Figaro and Liberation), it was confirmed that the “Racak massacre” was indeed a fake put together with a view to discrediting Belgrade:

“Eventually, even the Los Angeles Times joined in, running a story entitled “Racak Massacre Questions: Were Atrocities Faked?” The theory behind all these exposs was that the KLA had gathered their own dead after the battle, removed their uniforms, put them in civilian clothes, and then called in the observers.”44.

The Rambouillet Process

On January 22, senior officials of the so-called “Contact Group” of six countries (including the US, Russia, Britain, France, Germany and Italy) meeting in London called for a peace conference which would bring together the Yugoslav government and “representatives of ethnic Albanians.” In turn, NATO warned that it was “ready to act” if the peace plan to be finalised by the Contact Group were rejected. United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan concurred during a visit to NATO headquarters in Brussels that the threat of force was “essential” to press both sides into a settlement.45

In the meantime, while supporting the KLA insurgency on the ground, the Alliance had also contributed to spearheading KLA leader Hashim Thaci (a 29 year “freedom fighter”) into heading the Kosovar delegation to Rambouillet, on behalf of the ethnic Albanian majority. The Democratic League headed by Ibrahim Rugova had been deliberately side-stepped. The Alliance was relying on its KLA puppets (linked to organised crime) to rubber-stamp an agreement which would have transformed Kosovo into an occupied territory under NATO military rule.

While negotiations were ongoing in Rambouillet, NATO decided to increase the readiness of its assigned forces “so as to make them able to execute the operation within 48 hours”.46 In other words, “peace negotiations” had been initiated in Rambouillet (contrary to the Vienna Convention) under the threat of impending air strikes. NATO had granted a three weeks period to the parties meeting in Rambouillet to conclude negotiations.

On February 19, one day prior to the deadline, NATO Secretary General Javier Solano reaffirmed that, “if no agreement is reached by the deadline set by the Contact Group, NATO is ready to take whatever measures are necessary to avert a humanitarian catastrophe”.47 And on 22 March 1999, NATO’S North Atlantic Council authorised “the Secretary General to decide, subject to further consultations, on a broader range of air operations if necessary.”48

And on 23 March 1999, NATO’s Secretary General directed the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe General Wesley Clark to initiate air operations in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Air operations commenced on 24 March 1999 under the nickname “Operation Allied Force.”49

 Sending in Ground Troups Under a G-8 “Peace Plan”

Since the brutal onslaught of the air campaign on March 24, the Alliance has continued to build up its ground combat troops on the Macedonian border in anticipation of an impending military invasion. Initially NATO had envisaged a Kosovo occupation force of 50,000 troops which could be increased to 60,000 with a larger US share than the 4,000 initially envisaged under Rambouillet.

In other words, the proposed invasion force was to be more than double that under Rambouillet (28,000 troops) while also enforcing all the normative clauses of the initial Rambouillet agreement including the “free movement” of NATO combat units throughout Yugoslavia.

In the meantime, NATO’s military establishment was forcing the pace of international diplomacy. The Alliance hinted in May that a ground offensive could be launched prior to reaching a “peace agreement” sanctioned by the G8 and ratified by the United Nations Security Council.

In addition to the 16,000 ground troops already stationed (well before the beginning of the bombings) in Macedonia (of which almost half are British), some 7000 NATO troops and “special forces” were also present in Albania, not to mention the NATO troops stationed in Bosnia-Herzegovina under Operation Joint Endeavour:

“We’ve already put quite a lot of troops in Macedonia as the nucleus of that operation”, said British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook. “There are over 12,000 there already… and last weekend [14-15 May] we committed another two and a half thousand to go there. We need to build up – actually we need to build up now…”50.

In late May, the 60,000 troops target was revised to 150,000. Alliance officials estimating that “if the alliance later decides to mobilize for a land attack … an invasion force could number more than 150,000 soldiers.”51 Prime Minister Tony Blair in a separate statement had (without any form of parliamentary debate) confirmed the sending of 50,000 British troops as part of the 150,000 invasion force.

In early June, a NATO led invasion under a bogus G8-UN peace initiative was put forth. While the latter served to appease and distract public opinion, it usefully provided the Alliance with a semblance of legitimacy under the UN Charter. It also purported to overcome the hesitation of elected politicians including German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and Italian Prime Minister Massimo D’Alema. The US Administration also required the “rubber stamp” of the United Nations Security Council so as to acquire the assent of the Republican dominated Congress:

“House and Senate Democrats agree there is little support at this point for launching ground troops… even if Clinton and other NATO leaders could reach a consensus on such a dramatic shift in tactics. For now, Clinton has said he is opposed to ground troops.”52

The US House of Representatives (in what appeared to be a partisan “anti-Clinton” vote) has declined to even endorse the air campaign while signifying its refusal to authorize a “ground war” without congressional approval. In early April, Republicans and Democrats joined hands in the House and threw out a proposed “declaration of war on Yugoslavia” by an overwhelming 427-2 vote.

In late May, seventeen members of Congress launched a suit against President Clinton pointing to the blatant breach of the US Constitution:

“that the Defendant, the President of the United States, is unconstitutionally continuing an offensive military attack by United States Armed Forces against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia without obtaining a declaration of war or other explicit authority from the Congress of the United States as required by Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution, and despite Congress’ decision not to authorize such action.” 53

The law suit launched in District Court (District of Columbia) also pointed to the violation of the War Powers Resolution of 1973, a Vietnam War-era legislation which requires “the sitting President congressional approval for the “introduction into hostilities” of the U.S. armed forces for longer than 60 days”:

Plaintiffs also seek a declaration that a report pursuant to Section 1543(a)(1) of the War Powers Resolution was required to be submitted on March 26, 1999, within 48 hours of the introduction into hostilities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia of United States Armed Forces. Additionally, Plaintiffs seek a declaration that, pursuant to Section 1544(b) of the Resolution, the President must terminate the use of United States Armed Forces engaged in hostilities against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia no later than sixty calendar days after March 26, 1999. The President must do so unless the Congress declares war or enacts other explicit authorization, or has extended the sixty day period, or the President determines that thirty additional days are necessary to safely withdraw United States Armed Forces from combat.54

NATO as “Peace-keepers”

Echoing the barrage of self-serving NATO propaganda, the media scam now consists in skilfully portraying Alliance ground troops as bona fide “peace-keepers”. Public opinion should not be deluded as to the meaning of a G8-UN brokered diplomatic solution.

An “international presence” consisting largely of NATO troops under the G8 proposal (ratified by the Serbian Parliament in early June) could include a token participation of “non-NATO forces” including Russia and the Ukraine. While Moscow agreed in early June that all Yugoslav forces be withdrawn from Kosovo alongside the disarmement of the KLA, Russian envoy Viktor Chernomyrdin nonetheless insisted that the command structure of the proposed international force be under the control and jurisdiction of the United Nations.

Despite his perfunctory condemnation of NATO bombings, Russian President Boris Yeltsin is a Western puppet. Chernomyrdin writing in the Washington Post had earlier warned that a continuation of the air raids could hurt US-Russian relations: “The world has never in this decade been so close as now to be on brink of nuclear war…” adding that “Russia would pull out of the negotiating process if NATO bombing, which started March 24, doesn’t stop soon.”55

In the meantime, the Alliance, however, had persisted in maintaining a unified NATO command structure (which was unacceptable to Moscow and Belgrade). NATO has also stepped up the bombings as a means of pressuring Belgrade into accepting (without prior negotiation) NATO’s “five conditions”.

If the G-8 proposal were to be ratified, NATO would first send in US Marines into Kosovo from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit in the Adriatic Sea. The Marines would be part of a so-called “Enabling Force” prior to the moving in of a force of 50,000 troops.

A G-8 “peace proposal” (implying a de facto military occupation of Kosovo) could be formally ratified at the Cologne G7-G8 Summit in mid-June. All G7 heads of government and heads of State together with President Boris Yeltsin will be in attendance at Cologne in what is hoped to be a highflown display of unity in favour of a (G8 sanctioned) NATO led invasion. NATO nonetheless warned in early June that should the diplomatic initiative not succeed, the Alliance would proceed with a ground invasion involving 150,000 troops….

The Sending in of “Special Forces”

In the meantime, an incipient undeclared ground War has already commenced: special British, French and American forces were reported to be advising the KLA in the conduct of ground combat operations against regular units of the Yugoslav Army. To support this initiative, a Republican sponsored bill was launched in the US Congress to provide direct military aid to the KLA.

These “special forces” are “advising the rebels at their strongholds in northern Albania, where the KLA has launched a major recruitment and training operation. According to high-ranking KLA officials, the [British] SAS is using two camps near Tirana, the Albanian capital, and another on the Kosovar border to teach KLA officers how to conduct intelligence-gathering operations on Serbian positions”.56 In May, three French special forces officers wearing uniforms of the French Armed Forces (“Parachutistes”) were reported killed on the Albania-Yugoslavia border by the Yugoslav daily Vecernje Novosti. According to the French daily Libration, the three men were allegedly “instructors in charge of coordinating ground war activities by the KLA…”57.

 An Unholy “Marriage of Convenience”

In addition to the dispatch of Western special forces, Mujehadeen mercenaries and other Islamic fundamentalist groups (financed inter alia by Iran and Saudi financier Osmane Bin Laden) have been collaborating with the KLA in the ground war.

“[B]y early December 1997, Iranian intelligence had already delivered the first shipments of hand grenades, machine-guns, assault rifles, night vision equipment, and communications gear… Moreover, the Iranians began sending promising Albanian and UCK [KLA] commanders for advanced military training in al-Quds [special] forces and IRGC camps in Iran…58.

Bin Laden’s Al Qa’ida allegedly responsible for last year’s African embassy bombings “was one of several fundamentalist groups that had sent units to fight in Kosovo, … Bin Laden is believed to have established an operation in Albania in 1994 … Albanian sources say Sali Berisha, who was then president, had links with some groups that later proved to be extreme fundamentalists”.59

Nato in Close Liaison with KLA Ground Operations

According to Jane Defence Weekly (10 May 1999), the KLA’s new chief of staff is former Croatian Armed Forces Brigadier General Agim Ceku (an ethnic Albanian) who is currently under investigation by the War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague (ICTY) for his role in “summary executions, indiscriminate shelling of civilian populations and `ethnic cleansing’ during the War in Bosnia.”60

NATO spokesman Jamie Shea’s response to the appointment of a War criminal as KLA chief of staff was communicated in a Press Briefing:

“I have always made it clear, and you have heard me say this, that NATO has no direct contacts with the KLA. Who they appoint as their leaders, that is entirely their own affair. I don’t have any comment on that whatever.61

Shea’s statement that NATO has “no direct contacts with the KLA” is a lie. It is in overt contradiction with other Alliance statements: “I speak regularly to Hashim Thaci, the leader of the Kosovo Liberation Army who’s in Kosovo. I spoke to him at the end of last week” said British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook.62

Operations on the ground (led by the KLA and NATO Special forces) are now being carefully coordinated with the air campaign. Moreover, some 50 Canadian armed forces “are working with the KLA in Kosovo” to help report “where the bombs are falling” so they can better target “where the next bomb should go.”63

 Pentagon Sponsored Mercenaries in Kosovo

The KLA has also been provided with “a long-term training deal with Military and Professional Resources International [MPRI], a mercenary company run by former American officers who operate with semi-official approval from the Pentagon and played a key role in building up Croatia’s armed forces [during the War in Bosnia].”64 And General Brigadier Agim Ceku (despite his role in “ethnic cleansing” in Bosnia), is currently collaborating closely with the Pentagon’s mercenary outfit MPRI on behalf of the KLA.

The KLA to Form a “Post-conflict Government”

A self-proclaimed provisional KLA government of Kosovo has been established. With KLA leader Hashim Thaci as Prime Minister designate, the KLA has already been promised a central role in the formation of a “post-conflict government”.

While openly promoting a “freedom movement” with links to the drug trade, NATO was also intent in bypassing the civilian Kosovo Democratic League and its leader Ibrahim Rugova who had earlier called for an end to the bombings. Rugova was branded as a “traitor” by the KLA. According to Albanian state-run TV, the KLA had sentenced Rugova to death accusing him of being “an agent of the regime in Belgrade.”65

In April, Fehmi Agani, one of Rugova’s closest collaborators in the Democratic League was killed. The Serbs were blamed by NATO spokesperson Jamie Shea for having assassinated Agani. According to Skopje paper Makedonija Danas quoting reliable sources in Albania: “Agani was killed… on the orders of Tirana where Thaci is located with the members of his illegal government”.66

According to a report of the Foreign Policy Institute:

“…the KLA have [no] qualms about murdering Rugova’s collaborators, whom it accused of the “crime” of moderation. Most recently, although Rugova’s recent meeting with Milosevic may well have been under duress, the KLA declared Rugova a “traitor” – yet another step toward eliminating any competitors for political power within Kosovo.”67

The KLA military regime had replaced the duly elected (by ethnic Albanians) civilian provisional Kosovar government of President Ibrahim Rugova. In a statement issued in April, the KLA considered the (parallel) “parliamentary elections” organised by the Democratic League and held in March 1998 to be invalid.

The self-proclaimed Kosovar administration is made up of the KLA and the Democratic Union Movement (LBD), a coalition of five opposition parties opposed to Rugova’s Democratic League (LDK). In addition to the position of prime minister, the KLA controls the ministries of finance, public order and defence. In the words of US State Department spokesman James Foley:

`We want to develop a good relationship with them [the KLA] as they transform themselves into a politically-oriented organization,’ ..`[W]e believe that we have a lot of advice and a lot of help that we can provide to them if they become precisely the kind of political actor we would like to see them become.’68

With the KLA poised to play a central role in the formation of a “post conflict” government, the tendency is towards the installation of a “Mafia State” with links to the drug trade. The US State Department’s position is that the KLA would “not be allowed to continue as a military force but would have the chance to move forward in their quest for self government under a ‘different context'” meaning the inauguration of a de facto “narco-democracy” under NATO protection: “If we can help them and they want us to help them in that effort of transformation, I think it’s nothing that anybody can argue with.”69

In recent developments, the Alliance, however, has sought through the intermediation of US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to reconcile divisions between Thachi, Rugova and other ethnic Albanian leaders “primarily with a view to strengthening its [the Alliance’s] own position in the region.”70

Imposing “Free Market” Reforms

Wall Street analysts concur that “war is good for business” particularly during a period of “economic slowdown”. The US Congress has approved increased budgetary allocations to finance the War in Yugoslavia which will result in multi-billion contracts for America’s Defense industry. In turn, the War will boost the military-industrial complex and its related high tech sectors in the US and Western Europe. A ground war combined with a prolonged military occupation (as in Bosnia) will prop up military spending. In turn, covert support and financing of “freedom fighters” (extending beyond the Balkans into Central Asia and the Middle East) will contribute to boosting the lucrative contraband in small arms for an expanding market of insurgent nationalist movements.

 “Economic Reconstruction”

The “post conflict” agenda (under the proposed G8 “peace initiative” consists in establishing in Kosovo an occupied territory under Western administration (broadly on the same model as the 1995 Dayton Agreement imposed on Bosnia-Herzegovina).

“Free market reforms” are envisaged for Kosovo under the supervision of the Bretton Woods institutions. Article I (Chapter 4a) of the Rambouillet Agreement stipulates that: “The economy of Kosovo shall function in accordance with free market principles”.

“Civilian administration [in Kosovo] and reconstruction would be carried out by non-military bodies including the EU and the OSCE, with input from the World Bank and the IMF to rebuild war-damaged infrastructure and rehouse refugees.71

In close liaison with NATO, the Bretton Woods institutions had already analyzed the consequences of an eventual military intervention leading to the military occupation of Kosovo: almost a year prior to the beginning of the War, the World Bank conducted “simulations” which “anticipated the possibility of an emergency scenario arising out of the tensions in Kosovo”.72 The “simulations” conducted in Washington have in fact already been translated into a panoply of “emergency recovery loans” for Macedonia and Albania, and there is more to come… Since the imposition of the embargo, Yugoslavia, however, is no longer considered a member of the Bretton Woods institutions and will not be eligible for IMF-World Bank loans until the sanctions are lifted.

The proposed “Marshall Plan” for the Balkans is a delusion. We recall that in Bosnia, the costs of reconstruction were of the order of 50 billion dollars. Western donors initially pledged $3 billion in reconstruction loans, yet only a meagre $518 million dollars were granted in December 1995, part of which was tagged (under the terms of the Dayton Peace Accords) to finance some of the local civilian costs of the Implementation Force’s (IFOR) military deployment as well as repay debt arrears with international creditors.73

The eventual “reconstruction” of Yugoslavia formulated in the context of the “free market” reforms and financed by international debt largely purport to create a safe haven for foreign investors rather than rehabilitate the country’s economic and social infrastructure. The IMF’s lethal “economic medicine” will be imposed, the national economy will be dismantled, European and American banks will take over financial institutions, local industrial enterprises which have not been totally destroyed will be driven into bankruptcy. The most profitable State assets will be transferred into the hands of foreign capital under the World Bank sponsored privatisation programme. In turn, “strong economic medicine” imposed by external creditors will contribute to further boosting a criminal economy (already implanted in Albania and Macedonia) which feeds on poverty and economic dislocation.

“The Allies will work with the rest of the international community to help rebuild Kosovo once the crisis is over: The International Monetary Fund and Group of Seven industrialized countries are among those who stand ready to offer financial help to the countries of the region. We want to ensure proper co-ordination of aid and help countries to respond to the effects of the crisis. This should go hand in hand with the necessary structural reforms in the countries affected — helped by budget support from the international community.74

In turn, the so-called “reconstruction” of the Balkans by foreign capital will signify multi-billion contracts to multinational firms to rebuild roads, airports and bridges which will eventually be required (once the embargo is lifted) to facilitate the “free movement” of capital and commodities.

The proposed “Marshall Plan” financed by the World Bank and the European Development Bank (EBRD) as well as private creditors will largely benefit Western mining, petroleum and construction companies while fuelling the region’s external debt well into the third millennium. And the countries of the Balkans are slated to reimburse this debt through the laundering of dirty money in the domestic banking system which will be deregulated under the supervision of Western financial institutions. Narco-dollars from the multi-billion dollar Balkans drug trade will be recycled (through the banking system) and channelled towards servicing the external debt as well as “financing” the costs of “reconstruction”.

The pattern for Kosovo is, in this regard, similar to that of Macedonia and Albania. Since the early 1990s, the IMF’s reforms have impoverished the Albanian population while spearheading the national economy into bankruptcy. The IMF’s deadly economic therapy transforms countries into open territories. In Albania and Macedonia it has fostered the growth of illicit trade and the criminalisation of State institutions.

Moreover, even prior to the influx of refugees, NATO troops in Macedonia and Albania had already occupied civilian facilities (including hotels, schools, barracks and even hospitals) without compensating the national governments for the use of local services.75

In a cruel irony, a significant part of these incurred costs as well as those associated with the refugee crisis are now to be financed not by the Alliance but by the national governments on borrowed money:

“[T]he Albanian government’s formal structures have been paralysed by the crisis. The country’s treasury has been emptied by the initial efforts to help the refugees.”76

 Who Will Pay War Reparations?

The extensive destruction of Yugoslavia, would normally require the Alliance to “pay war reparations” to Belgrade. However, following a pattern set in both Vietnam and Iraq, the Alliance will no doubt compel Belgrade “to pay for the costs” of Operation Allied Force (including the cruise missiles and radioactive shells) as a condition for the “normalisation of relations” and the lifting of the economic embargo.

We recall in this regard that whereas Vietnam never received War reparations payments, Hanoi was compelled –as a condition for the “normalisation” of economic relations and the lifting of the US embargo in 1994–, to recognize the “bad debts” of the defunct Saigon regime which were largely used to finance the US War effort. By recognizing (in a secret Paris Club agreement negotiatied in 1993) the legitimacy of these debts, Vietnam had accepted “to pay war reparation damages” to her former enemy.77

Similarly Baghdad has been “billed for the costs of the Gulf War”, – –ie. accumulated Iraqi debts including private claims against Iraq have been carefully recorded by a special unit of the UN Security Council. The recognition of these debts by Baghdad at some future date will be a condition for the lifting of sanctions on Iraq.

In 2014, Michel Chossudovsky was awarded the Gold Medal for Merit of the Republic of Serbia for his writings on NATO’s war of aggression against Yugoslavia.


1. Statement by UNICEF Representative in Belgrade, quoted in Yugoslav Daily Survey, Belgrade, 23 May 1999, No. 4351.

2. Report by Dr Siegwart-Horst Guenther, meeting of the PBS (Federal Socialists), Bonn, 17 May 1999.

3. International Action Center, “NATO Bombing Unleashes Environmental Catastrophe in Europe”, Press Release, 14 May 1999).

4. Joseph Fitchett, “Is Serb Economy the True Target? Raids Seem Aimed at Bolstering Resistance to Milosevic”, International Herald Tribune, Paris, 26 May 1999.

5. Tanjug Press Release, 25 May 1999.

6. Statement to Ambassadors of 19 NATO Countries, quoted in Daily Telegraph, London, 28 May 1999.

7. Ibid.

8. Sean Gervasi, Bosnia and Vietnam, draft text, 1995.

9. Financial Times, London, 6 May 1999, p. 2.

10. Ibid.

11. The Boston Globe, 8 April 1999.

12. According to Viktor Chechevatov, a Three-star General and Commander of ground forces in Russia’s Far East, quoted in The Boston Globe, 8 April 1999

13. Dr. Mary-Wynne Ashford, “Bombings Reignite Nuclear War Fears”, The Victoria Times-Colonist. 13 May 1999, page A15. Mary-Wynne Ashford is co-president of the Nobel Peace Prize winning IPPNW.

14. Quoted in Mary-Wynne Ashford, op. cit.

15 Quoted by Dr. Mary-Wynne Ashford, op. cit.

16. Dr. Mary-Wynne Ashford, op cit.

17. Quoted in The Washington Post, May 9, 1999, page A20.

18. World Socialist Website editorial, 24 May 1999.

19. Diana Johnstone, On Refugees, Paris, 30 May 1999.

20. Ibid.

21. See “Lawyers Charge NATO Leaders Before War Crimes Tribunal”, Toronto, 6 May 1999.

22. See Financial Times, 27 May 1999.

23. See “Lawyers Charge NATO Leaders Before War Crimes Tribunal”, Toronto, 6 May 1999; see also Jude Wanniski, “Memo to US House Majority Leader”, Polyeconomics, New York, 10 May 1999.

24. Lawyers Charge NATO, op cit.

25. Ibid.

26. Ibid.

27. Chicago Tribune, 10 May 1999. 28. Intelligence Report from the German Foreign Office, January 12, 1999 to the Administrative Court of Trier.

29. Status Report of the German Foreign Office, November 18, 1998 to the Upper Administrative Court at Mnster, February 24, 1999.

30. See, Roland Keith, “Failure of Diplomacy, Returning OSCE Human Rights Monitor Offers A View From the Ground in Kosovo”, The Democrat, May 1999.

31. US Department of Defense Press Release, 6 April 1999. The stated purpose of the mission was “to discuss a range of security issues with the recent ethnic clashes in Kosovo.” In Skopje, the agenda consisted in examining security arrangements to be implemented after the termination of United Nations UNPREDEP programme.

32. Background briefing by a Senior Defense Official at NATO Headquarters, Thursday, June 11, 1998.

33. Ibid.

34. US Department of Defense, Background Briefing, July 15, 1998.

35. For further details see Michel Chossudovsky, Kosovo `Freedom Fighters’ Financed by Organised Crime, Ottawa, 1999.

36. Quoted in The Daily Telegraph, London, 25 September 1998.

37. See Federation of American Scientists, “Operation Determined Force”, 24 March 1999, see also Financial Times, October 12, 1998.

38. Quoted in Federation of American Scientists, op. cit.

39. See Roland Keith, Appendix, op. cit.

40. United States Court of Appeals, for the District of Columbia Circuit, Filed January 23, 1996, Division No. 86-6, in Re: Oliver L. North.

41. Ibid.

42. Roland Keith, Appendix, op. cit.

43. Confirmed by several press reports as well as statements of the KLA, see also Radio 21 Dispatch, Tirana, February 28, 1999.

44. Roland Keith, Appendix, op cit.

45. Daily Telegraph, London, 29 January 1999.

46. Federation of American Scientists, op. cit.

47. Ibid.

48. Ibid.

49. Ibid.

50. “Margaret Warner talks with Cook about the latest developments in the Yugoslav conflict”, Jim Lehrer News Hour, 21 May 1999.

51. New York Times, 26 May 1999.

52. Washington Post, 23 May 1999.

53. Action launched in United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Complaint for Declaratory Relief, Preliminary Statement, District of Columbia, 27 May 1999.

54. Ibid., see also Truth in Media, Phoenix, 23 May 1999.

55. Washington Post, 27 May 1999.

56. Sunday Telegraph, London, 18 April 1999.

57. Libration, Paris, 19 May 1999.

58. Yossef Bodansky, “Italy Becomes Iran’s New Base for Terrorist Operations,” Defense and Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy, London, February 1998. Bodansky is Director of the US House Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare

59. Chris Steven, “Bin Laden Opens European Terror Base in Albania”, Sunday Times, London, 15 November 1998.

60. “War Crimes Panel Finds Croat Troops ‘Cleansed’ the Serbs,” New York Times, 21 March 1999.

61. NATO Press Briefing, 14 May 1999.

62. Jim Lehrer News Hour, op cit.

63. According to Canadian MP David Price, April 19, 1999, UPI Press Dispatch. 64. Sunday Telegraph, London, 18 April 1999.

65. “US Is Trying to Reconcile Ethnic-Albanian Separatists”, Belgrade, Tanjug Press Dispatch, 30 May 1999.

66. Quoted in Tanjug Press Dispatch, 14 May 1999.

67. See Michael Radu, “Don’t Arm the KLA”, CNS Commentary from the Foreign Policy Research Institute, 7 April, 1999).

68. New York Times, 2 February 1999.

69. Ibid.

70. Tanjug Press Dispatch, 30 May 1999.

71. See World Bank Development News, Washington, 27 April 1999.

72. Ibid.

73. See Michel Chossudovsky, Dismantling Yugoslavia, Colonising Bosnia, Covert Action Quarterly, No. 56. Spring 1996.

74. Statement by Javier Solano, Secretary General of NATO, published in The National Post, Toronto May 1999).

75. See Jan Oberg, Press Info, no. 59, Insecuring Macedonia, Transnational Foundation TFF, March 18, 1999.

76. Jane Intelligence Review, June 1999.

77. See Michel Chossudovsky, The Globalisation of Poverty, Impacts of IMF and World Banks Reforms, Third World Network Penang and Zed Books, 1997, chapter 8.

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Kosovo can expect retaliation from Turkey for opening its embassy in Jerusalem on May 14. Kosovo’s authorities in Pristina made a huge risk considering Turkey offers significant support in forming the so-called Kosovo Army. If Turkey chooses to react against Kosovo, it could also see Pristina fall out of favor with Turkish-aligned Muslim-majority countries like Qatar, Azerbaijan and Pakistan.

It is unlikely that any country aligned with Turkey will withdraw their recognition of Kosovo, but Pristina still risks a lot. What is certain is that there will undoubtedly be a change in the bilateral relations between Pristina and Ankara as the latter now realizes that Kosovo pursues a path of self-interest rather than Turkish vassalage.

In reaction to the embassy opening, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said:

“By acting in such a manner, Kosovar leaders have violated relevant UN resolutions regarding Jerusalem’s status, as well as the status quo under the scope of the peace process and have damaged the vision of a two-state solution and hopes for peace in the region.” The ministry also urged Kosovo to use common sense and renounce its “irresponsible and lawless step.”

Although UN resolutions on Jerusalem were evoked, Turkey itself violates numerous UN resolutions by defying Security Council Resolution 1244 on the status of Kosovo, as well as several resolutions regarding its occupation of northern Cyprus and the opening of Varosha beach in Famagusta, among others.

Kosovo’s independence is recognized by 98 out of 193 (51%) United Nations member states and was awarded because of Pristina’s willingness to enact U.S. interests in the Balkans against Russia by weakening Serbia. Kosovo’s de facto independence is purely thanks to U.S. actions and not because of Turkish support. By Kosovo not only establishing relations with the Jewish State, but also deciding to open its embassy in Jerusalem instead of Tel Aviv, Pristina is advancing U.S. interests in having Jerusalem internationally recognized as Israel’s capital.

Although Turkey was the first Muslim-majority state to recognize Israel and has a burgeoning multibillion dollar trade exchange with its supposed enemy, Ankara is picking up the mantle of the Palestinian Cause as Arab states are long disinterested in it and are beginning to normalize relations with Tel Aviv. By ardently supporting the Palestinian Cause, at least rhetorically and not with any real material support, Turkey is attempting to fill the void created by Arab disinterest to gain more influence and prestige in the Islamic World.

However, Turkey mistakenly believed that Pristina would automatically align with Turkish foreign policy due to their historical connection during the Ottoman Empire. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan adopts a syncretic ideology of neo-Ottomanism and pan-Turkism that envisages Turkey as a major pole of power that stretches its influence from the Balkans and North Africa to the Turkic heartland of Central Asia. What Erdoğan failed to realize is that the Albanians, who were once crucial to Ottoman control over the Balkans, are today overwhelmingly nationalist and not Pan-Islamist. Whereas once Ottoman authorities could count on Albanian servitude as they were co-religionists, the dominating ideology of Albanians today is nationalism. As Kosovo’s existence as an Albanian-dominated independent state hinges on U.S. support and not Turkish, it is unsurprising that Pristina did not hesitate to open its embassy in Jerusalem instead of Tel Aviv, knowing full well that this would elicit a reaction from Ankara.

Turkey has been providing strong support for Pristina in preparing the so-called Kosovo Army. Ankara not only provides arms but has even stored heavy weapons and mechanized armored vehicles in army warehouses in Albania intended for the so-called Kosovo Army. Turkey is also training a part of the future officer corp. Whereas the U.S. gives Kosovo diplomatic and international legitimacy, Turkey is muscling in with the hope that it will create a military force in the middle of the Balkans that is loyal to Turkey, just as it has achieved in the Caucasus with Azerbaijan, in the Persian Gulf with Qatar, and in the Horn of Africa with Somalia.

Any Turkish suspension of military aid would be a striking move against Pristina. It would be especially devastating as Serbia and Turkey signed defense cooperation agreements last year. Belgrade, even in the midst of the Turkish-sponsored invasion of Nagorno-Karabakh, announced its intentions to purchase Turkish-assembled Bayraktar drones.

The European Union also reacted to the opening of Kosovo’s embassy in Jerusalem because it is not in line with their Israel-Palestine policy. Pristina will be exposed to American pressure to keep the embassy in Jerusalem as it is part of the Washington Agreement, but on the other hand will also have pressure from the European Union and Turkey to withdraw the decision. As already emphasised though, it is unlikely that Kosovo will go against Washington’s consensus as its existence as an independent state is only because of American support, and not that of the European Union or Turkey.

The question begs whether Turkey will continue to support the so-called Kosovo Army or retaliate in another way. Although it is unlikely that Turkey will abandon Kosovo for opening an embassy in Jerusalem as it can expose Turkish contradictions for their own UN resolution violations, multibillion dollar trade with Israel, and being the first Muslim-majority country to recognise the Jewish State, undoubtedly relations will be affected as Pristina will remain an American vassal rather than a Turkish one.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Paul Antonopoulos is an independent geopolitical analyst.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

Israel’s Election Is All About Netanyahu

March 23rd, 2021 by James J. Zogby

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Israelis are going to the polls for the fourth time in two years. It’s a weird election, to be sure, in part because for some it’s so very important, while for others so very little is at stake.

The only suspense for much of the Israeli public and Israel’s supporters in the US is whether this election will finally finish off Benjamin Netanyahu or give him yet another term as prime minister. Since he’s been Prime Minister for 15 of the past 25 years — including the last 12 years — this election is really all about Netanyahu.

Netanyahu has always been a deeply polarising figure. Yitzhak Rabin’s widow blamed him for inciting the hatred and violence that led to her husband’s assassination. He ran his first campaign promising to end the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and left his first term in office in 1999 with that process mortally wounded.

While Netanyahu has always been a far-right ideologue, he has never hesitated to feign moderation or cast off faithful allies if it would secure his hold on power. In the last 12 years he has been prime minister, his brazen quest for power has led him to become increasingly autocratic. Not only has his behaviour alienated members of his own party and other partners who felt betrayed by his usurping authority and his broken promises, it has also resulted his facing trial for charges of gross corruption and misuse of his office.

Netanyahu’s policies during the past 25 years have also frustrated the Democratic administrations of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, while endearing him to Republicans, especially from the neoconservative and Christian fundamentalist wing of that party. This was compounded during the past four years by his complete embrace of Donald Trump.

There are, of course, other issues in this election, maybe the most significant of which is the alliance Netanyahu has made with the ultra-Orthodox parties. Though he is not known to be an especially religious person, for electoral reasons, he has been tied to the hip with these parties. They give him votes and he continues allowing them to be exempted from military service, providing them with generous subsidies and granting them a veto over matters of religious practice. What should be of even greater concern is how, born of his desperate desire to win, Netanyahu has courted and promised a ministerial post to the overtly racist Kahanist party. It is deeply troubling that there has been so little negative fallout in Israel or in the US over this inclusion of a party that has been implicated in acts of terror against Arabs and Jews who do not adhere to their fanatic messianic nationalism.

As has been the case in the past three elections, polls show that the pro- and anti-Netanyahu coalitions are near evenly split, making it difficult to predict which will emerge victorious. His Likud grouping remains the strongest of the parties, but together with their allies in the religious parties, they do not appear able to secure the 61 Knesset seats needed for him to remain as prime minister.

Netanyahu’s opponents, most of whom were former Likudniks or former partners with Likud, despite collectively winning more seats than Netanyahu’s coalition, also appear to be short of the 61-seat majority. To even come close to that number, they will need overcome their personal animosity for one another and include the support of the major bloc representing the Palestinian citizens of Israel. Relying on Arab support, however, remains anathema to most of these parties.

So not unlike the last election, for a new government to be formed, it will be necessary for some party leaders to hold their noses and make deals with rivals whom they either dislike or don’t trust. This is pretty much what happened after the last election when one of Netanyahu’s rivals joined with him to form a government, breaking faith with his own party.

Since both Netanyahu and his leading opponents all largely agree on maintaining Israeli control and expanding settlements in most of the occupied lands, denying Palestinians full sovereignty and freedom, and denying equal rights to Palestinian citizens of Israel — this election won’t be about peace with justice. It will be between Netanyahu and a collection of “I’m not Netanyahus.” It is an election about whether his corrupt and autocratic rule should be rewarded and if kowtowing to the religious right should continue.

Many of Israel’s liberal supporters in the US believe that a Netanyahu defeat will be important to restore support for Israel among Democrats. This is, at best, a delusion. While Netanyahu created tension with the Democratic establishment, it is Israeli policy and a growing awareness of what Palestinians have been forced to endure under occupation that has caused the split — not only between the two parties, but between the Democratic base and the party’s leadership in Congress. So, while getting rid of the corrupt autocrat might clean up Israel’s image for some, it will not fundamentally change attitudes, unless there is a change in policy. And this is not on the agenda of any of Netanyahu’s opponents.

For Palestinians and their supporters, it is bewildering to hear commentators in the US refer to this election as being one that pits the right-wing (Netanyahu and the religious parties) against a centre-left coalition. Bewildering, because Israeli politics has moved so far to the right, that what can properly be called the left will not be able to amass more than one-sixth of the seats in the next Knesset. They will be in no position to shape the policies of the next government — whether it is led by Netanyahu or a coalition of his opponents.

Maybe the only new and negative dynamic in this election has been the rupture of the Joint Arab List that, for a time, brought the more than two million Arab citizens of Israel under one roof. Suffering from systemic racism, inequities in employment and government services, and police neglect and violence, one of the Arab parties was courted by Netanyahu with the promise of greater support. They split from the Joint List, failing to learn the lessons of the past. Netanyahu will betray them, as he has with his other allies time and again. Polls now show that this party, a Muslim Brotherhood affiliate, may barely win enough votes to enter into the Knesset, while the major bloc of the Joint List will win only eight or nine seats, as opposed to the 15 they won when unified.

For more than five million Palestinians living under occupation, this election is “much ado about nothing” as it will only change which party governs the occupation. In fact, their concern is that a new face at the helm may cause Israel’s supporters in the US to breathe easier for a time, buying Israel some good PR, but it will not change their lives or the ever-deepening hold Israel has over their lands and their future.


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The writer is president of the Washington-based Arab American Institute.

Featured image is from IMEMC

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For those officers who are silent while we are ordered to enact questionable policies, mandates and bylaws, we hope you will #Remember your Oath”

Important commitment by police officers in Toronto.

Remember your Oath. Law enforcement officers Worldwide should follow suit. Spread the word.


Len Faul is a retired former Inspector with the Toronto Police.

He agreed to sit down with me for an interview to talk about how he and a group of active and former police officers are working to stop these unconstitutional public health measures and how we can work together to push back against what our politicians and health authorities are doing to us.

A big thank you to Len Faul and his colleagues at Police On Guard For Thee for meeting with me and letting me ask all these questions, and most of all for the enormous effort they are making on our behalf! I know it’s a volunteer effort so it means the world to me that they are doing this on all our behalf.

00:00 Intro


02:56 public health – look at the evidence

04:04 “it’s not a policing issue” – mandatory laws vs asking nicely

05:16 the police oath

07:48 the court case being brought to court to challenge the “regulations” that they’re being forced to enforce

08:58 risk of reprisals 

09:56 examples of police standing for the public 

10:38 educating citizens & frontline police officers

12:41 2. PRESSURE COOKER: the toll on citizens & police

14:57 legal risks to police officers

16:05 Crimes Against Humanity – government accountability

16:58 police officers in danger

18:39 destroying community support for police


22:00 how policing works in Canada

22:07 Police Service Boards 

23:28 churches, business closures & protests 

26:58 4. STOP ENFORCEMENT – courts, police associations & police service boards

29:54 what if an individual police officer refuses?

31.20 “They must obey a lawful order, they must not obey an unlawful order” 

32:52 what if an entire department refuses? 

36:59 courts have surrendered to health authorities

42:54 5. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS – petitions, masks, overzealous officers

44:26 Know your rights – tips and tricks from Police On Guard

44:41 disarming overzealous officers

45:06 mask laws


48:16 the failure of the media

49:18 writing letters to your local police department 

51:10 guide to protesting during COVID

53:09 organizing protests

54:20 government hypocrisy and overreach

58:22 civil injunctions, business closures, etc. 

1:00:01 what to do if you get a ticket 

1:01:11 overwhelming the courts – it will never get to a trial

1:01:38 Malicious Prosecution – message to the public and police officers

1:03:21 we cannot stop because we must not let this happen again 


1:06:24 Forcing the government’s hand – lessons from Italy and color revolutions

1:09:12 Inquiries and trials

1:09:46 8. CHECKS AND BALANCES to prevent this ever happening again 

1:12:06 government propaganda, opposition parties, debate, and freedom of speech 

1:17:40 Len’s message to police officers and the public.


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Escalated US-Led Sanctions War on China

March 23rd, 2021 by Stephen Lendman

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Sanctions are weapons of war by other means.

They’re a hammer against peace, stability and cooperative relations with other countries.

They’re extrajudicial collective punishment on the population of targeted countries, what international law prohibits.

They’re a favored US tactic against invented enemies and adversaries.

When imposed, they fail to achieve its geopolitical aims.

Yet they’re used repeatedly by the US against Russia, China, Iran, and other nations its policymakers want transformed into pro-Western vassal states.

Where the US goes, other Western nations most often tag along.

On Monday, the Biden regime in cahoots with Brussels, Britain and Canada imposed illegal sanctions on China over invented human rights abuses.

Beijing is falsely accused of abusing Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang detention camps.

The world’s leading human rights abuser USA and its imperial partners want China punished for alleged abusive practices no evidence corroborates.

Glaaring hypocrisy needs no elaboration.

The so-called US Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020 calls for government agencies to report on alleged human rights abuses by Beijing against Xinjiang Muslims — despite no evidence of any.

A US House passed Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (2020) calls for preventing American entities from funding alleged forced labor camps in Xinjiang no evidence suggests exist.

These measures and other hostile US actions against China are part of its war by other means on the country, its enterprises, entities, ruling authorities and people.

After frosty Sino/US talks in Anchorage last week, Biden’s interventionist geopolitical team escalated things on Monday with likely more harshness in mind.

A joint US, UK, EU, Canada statement said the following on Monday:

Expressing hollow concern for China’s Uyghur Muslims, it accused Beijing of human rights abuses against them — despite presenting no credible credible evidence.

Yet the above countries claimed so-called “documents, satellite imagery, and eyewitness testimony is overwhelming (sic).”

Separately, Blinken invented his own reality, saying:

China “continues to commit genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang (sic),” adding:

Actions by the US, UK, EU and Canada “demonstrate our ongoing commitment to working multilaterally to advance respect for human rights and shining a light on those in the PRC government and CCP responsible for these atrocities (sic).”

Beijing retaliated by sanctioning 10 European officials and four entities — before announced Western sanctions.

According to the Washington-based Asia Society Policy Institute’s vice president Wendy Cutler, Monday’s coordinated action by US-led Western countries elevated anti-China policy to a “new level.”

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell defended the indefensible action, saying:

“There will be no change in the EU’s determination to defend human rights and to respond to serious violations and abuses, irrespective of where they are committed (sic).”

In cahoots with US forever wars by hot and/or other means against numerous countries, Brussels shares Washington’s culpability.

The same goes for Britain, Canada, and other US imperial partners.

Along with targeting Chinese officials, the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Public Security Bureau (XPCC) was sanctioned, an EU statement saying:

It’s “responsible for serious human rights violations in China, in particular large-scale arbitrary detentions and degrading treatment inflicted upon Uyghurs and people from other Muslim ethnic minorities (sic).”

The US sanctioned XPCC last July.

Sanctions on targeted Chinese officials include travel bans, asset freezes, and denial of funds to these individuals.

Beijing slammed the above actions  taken, saying they “severely (harm)  China’s sovereignty and interests and maliciously (spread) lies and disinformation.”

EU sanctions were the first ones imposed on Beijing since  orchestrated 1989 events by US dark forces in China’s Tiananmen Square and the surrounding area.

The GHW Bush regime’s attempt to destabilize and topple its government failed.

Despite externally caused violence, no student massacre occurred.

Claims otherwise to this day remain fabricated, typical of how the US operates — propaganda part of its war by other means on nations it doesn’t control.

Things in the square were resolved peacefully. The US didn’t get the massacre it wanted so it invented what didn’t happen.

The latest US coordinated action against China continues its war on the country by other means — Biden continuing Trump’s hostile agenda.

A Final Comment

According to China’s Global Times, Beijing “is formulating countermeasures against the EU.”

“Some EU institutions that have been spearheading the accusations against China’s Xinjiang policies will bear the brunt of the countermeasures, and some individuals in EU countries who have behaved badly will not escape punishment, so do some high-profile individuals who frequently bash China on its Xinjiang affairs.”

Beijing is committed to defend “its core interests and unswervingly (counter) disinformation and smear campaign(s) concerning (its) policies and internal affairs.”

On Monday, European Studies director at the China Institute of International Studies Cui Hongjian said sanctions on the EU sent a strong signal to its policymakers to stop interfering in Beijing’s internal affairs.

Institute of Law at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences research fellow Wang Jiang said Beijing may take legal action to defend the legitimate rights of its entities and individuals.

If this avenue is pursued, Western countries will be hard-pressed to present credible evidence in support of their dubious accusations that doesn’t exist.


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Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

VISIT MY WEBSITE: (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].

My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

“How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War”

“Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity”

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The world must urgently act to relieve the Yemeni people’s years-long suffering in the midst of what the UN previously described as the planet’s worst humanitarian crisis, but this will require difficult compromises on the side of each warring party and their international supporters (both military and political ones alike), though all stakeholders can hopefully learn from the recent progress in peacefully resolving the Afghan War to bravely pioneer a new diplomatic track for bringing this about.

An Incomplete Peace Push

The Yemeni people continue to suffer in the midst of what the UN previously described as the planet’s worst humanitarian crisis, which shows no signs of improving anytime soon considering recent back-and-forth strikes by the Ansarullah rebels and Saudi Arabia against one another. Difficult compromises are required on the side of each warring party and their international supporters (both military and political ones alike), particularly the need for them to acknowledge the impossibility of achieving their envisaged maximalist outcomes. The Ansarullah will never control the entirety of Yemen, nor will the Saudi-led coalition succeed in militarily restoring the writ of internationally recognized President Hadi’s government over the northern reaches of the country. Against this backdrop, the Saudis’ renewed peace push in Yemen is certainly welcome, but it’s nevertheless incomplete. What’s crucially required is for all stakeholders to learn from the recent progress in peacefully resolving the Afghan War so as to bravely pioneer a new diplomatic track towards lasting peace.

The Afghan Antecedent

The past week saw Moscow host another round of peace talks that resulted in a promising joint statement which indicated each party’s willingness to continue negotiations towards the end result of an inclusive government. Russia’s diplomatic efforts complement Qatar’s as well as the upcoming US-proposed talks that are slated to be hosted in Istanbul next month. What these tracks have in common is that neutral parties are facilitating meaningful dialogue between the warring sides and other stakeholders in the conflict. In the Yemeni context, this excludes the GCC, the US, and Iran from hosting such talks considering that the first-mentioned is an active participant in the war, the second supporters the former, and the latter politically backs the Ansarullah rebels. As such, other states with positive relations with all parties must step up to the plate to propose hosting peace talks between the warring sides and stakeholders, with the most viable among them arguably being Russia and Pakistan.

A Russian-Pakistani Peace Push?

I wrote back in October 2019 that “Pakistan & Russia Might Hold The Keys To Iranian-Saudi Peace” after each of their leaders embarked on trips to the region around the same time as tensions were spiking between the two Gulf powers. No progress was achieved, whether individually or jointly, though Pakistan and Russia’s relations with Iran and Saudi Arabia continued to improve in the year and a half since. Moreover, intensified Pakistani-Russian diplomatic coordination in peacefully resolving the Afghan War has resulted in a newfound surge of trust between these two Old Cold War-era rivals which has served to accelerate their ongoing rapprochement. It would therefore be a natural extension of their evolving relationship, particularly in light of the progress that they’ve achieved in Afghanistan thus far, to consider the possibility of jointly proposing to host Yemeni peace talks in their respective capitals. This could solidify their rising diplomatic roles in becoming indispensable solutions to some of the world’s most seemingly intractable conflicts like Afghanistan.

Incipient Progress

Moscow already seems to be considering something of the sort with respect to Yemen after hosting the Southern Transitional Council (STC) last month while Islamabad’s offer of mediating between Riyadh and Tehran remains open, the latter of which can be indirectly accomplished by hosting Yemeni talks. Even if those two don’t get involved in the proposed peace process, it’s still important for a neutral state to host such negotiations, though it should preferably one with extensive experience in this field. Any random country wouldn’t suffice, and while the Europeans might be interested in playing this role, it’s unlikely that the Ansarullah and their Iranian political supporters would trust them. Observers should also remember that the Iranian nuclear deal hangs over the heads of every Western diplomat, and Tehran might suspect that this issue could be exploited throughout the course of Yemeni peace talks in a way that could put further pressure upon the Islamic Republic. By contrast, the Ansarullah and Iran don’t have the same concerns with Russia or Pakistan.

Pressing Issues

In any case, the proposed diplomatic track should first focus on immediately lifting the Saudi blockade of Yemen irrespective of whichever country or countries host this new process. It’s the continued imposition of that crippling blockade that provokes the Ansarullah into asymmetrically responding to Saudi Arabia through drone strikes, which in turn prompt reprisal attacks against them, the latter of which target economic and humanitarian infrastructure like grain silos as part of what many have compellingly claimed is the Kingdom’s genocidal war against its southern neighbor. On the topic of back-and-forth strikes, a ceasefire must also be negotiated in parallel with lifting the blockade in order to put an end to this destabilizing tit-for-tat and thus relieve the Yemeni people’s suffering. The other pressing issues that would eventually have to be addressed are the fate of the internationally recognized Hadi government and the final political status of South Yemen, which aspires to regain its independence.

A Federal Compromise

Once again, difficult compromises are required. Concerning the first of these two associated issues crucial to the long-term viability of any political solution to the conflict, the only pragmatic outcome might be the interim federalization of the country between its warring sides along the line of control as it exists at the moment of the ceasefire. The Ansarullah-controlled north would largely remain de facto independent while the south would remain de facto controlled by the STC but nominally under Hadi’s sway. The finer details of this arrangement – such as defense, taxes, parliamentary composition, travel between the two de facto internally partitioned halves, and so on – could be worked out later. What’s most important right now is to freeze the state of military-political affairs as it currently exists considering the near-impossibility of altering it by force and how unacceptable the humanitarian consequences of such a move would be for the average Yemeni who’s already been suffering worse than anyone else in the world for over six years already.

The Democratic Restoration Of South Yemen

As for the second of these associated issues, the only fair solution rests in allowing the South Yemenis to exercise their UN-enshrined right to democratic self-determination under a free and fair referendum, the timeline of which could be determined throughout the final stages of the peace process. On that topic, the key question is whether a majority vote throughout the lands of the former Democratic Republic of South Yemen should suffice for granting the entirety of that territory independence or if its peripheral regions that might not agree with this outcome should reserve the right to remain within the proposed Federal Yemen while the democratic secessionists regain part of their historic state. Of course, the internationally recognized Hadi government will probably oppose this pragmatic proposal since it almost certainly stands to lose its power, at least insofar as its nominal control of Aden goes, but his Saudi patrons must do their utmost to convince him that his purpose should be to serve as an interim leader in the run-up to this referendum.

Southern Scenario Forecast

Prognosticating that the outcome will see at least some geographic part of the former Democratic Republic of South Yemen opt for independence (most likely Aden and its immediate surroundings), the Hadi government would then have to relocate to whatever “loyalist” regions might remain, though provided of course that the pertinent peace agreement allows for regions that don’t vote for independence to stay within the proposed Federal Yemen and not automatically join the restored South Yemen. With this likely scenario in mind, it’s therefore advisable to include such a clause in any prospective peace agreement in order to avoid stoking the fire for a secondary conflict within a newly independent South Yemen between Aden and the peripheral regions that might have voted against joining the revived state. This option could also give the Hadi government a political future, though of course only if those people who would nominally remain under its writ accept its authority. In all likelihood, however, Hadi and his ilk might realize that it’s better to retire from political life if that happens and let the remnants of Federal Yemen democratically choose another leader.

Concluding Thoughts

The path to peace in Yemen is long, hard, and full of difficult compromises, but it can still be charted so long as the warring sides and their international supporters (both military and political) have the will to do what’s needed for the sake of the suffering Yemeni masses. Maximalist outcomes are impossible to attain at this point, and any continued push in that direction by either party is fraught with unacceptable humanitarian consequences. What’s required at this moment is for the involved stakeholders to learn from the recent progress in peacefully resolving the Afghan War and seriously consider the diplomatic involvement of neutral third parties like Pakistan and Russia to jump-start this process through the use of their mediation services between all direct and indirect parties to the conflict. The most immediate objective is to simultaneously lift the blockade and agree to a new ceasefire, after which plenty of thought must be put into the South Yemeni dimension of any political solution in order for it to be truly sustainable.


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This article was originally published OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Another Day in the Empire

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Six years of the Saudi-led war have passed in Yemen, and it keeps going with no sign of a peaceful solution on the horizon.

The “occasion” was “commemorated” with a briefing by Ansar Allah, or as they are popularly known – the Houthis. Some impressive numbers were shared.

Houthi spokesperson Yahya Sari said that the Saudi-led coalition carried out more than 266,150 airstrikes throughout these 6 years. The predominant number of those strikes targeted Yemeni citizens, homes, cities and other infrastructure.

On the side of the Houthis, at least 1,348 separate missile operations were launched, with nearly 500 being behind enemy lines on key military facilities of the Kingdom and the UAE. In total, the Houthi Air Force carried out 12,623 raids with drones. In 2021 alone, Ansar Allah has carried out 1,464 operations, including 124 attack operations, and the rest reconnaissance.

The Ansar Allah ground forces carried out 12,366 combat operations throughout the years. When it comes to losses, the Houthis didn’t share theirs. They claimed that over the 6 years, the Saudi-led coalition had suffered some significant losses. In total, more than 240,000 fighters were either killed or injured.

This includes UAE forces, Sudanese mercenaries, Saudi armed forces, as well as the troops of the Yemen puppet government.

As expected, the update focuses more on what the Houthis achieved and what Saudi Arabia has lost, but it has been an open secret that Riyadh’s intervention in Yemen hasn’t been a glowing example of success.

In just the past few days, leading up to March 22nd, the Houthis carried out a significant attack on Aramco oil facilities. A refinery was struck by 6 suicide drones. The Saudi Ministry of Energy claimed that the attack caused a fire that was “quickly” controlled by the refinery’s staff. Satellite imagery, however, showed the damage to be much more extensive than Riyadh let on.

Saudi Arabia, on its part, released footage of its airstrikes on Ansar Allah in the Marib province. The videos presented 17 pinpoint airstrikes by Riyadh warplanes on vehicles and positions on several fronts of the province. The Saudi-led coalition also released a video showing precision airstrikes on a cave supposedly used by the Houthis to store suicide drones. It is purportedly located near Yemen’s capital Sana’a.

In spite of these videos, and the Saudi attempt to present the situation in a somewhat positive light, the Saudi-led coalition has been slowly retreating in Marib.

Six years of war have passed in Yemen, in which massive amounts of funds were “invested” by Riyadh to fight a war that it still can’t even go near winning.


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Is Joe Biden Enabling Russiagate 2?

March 23rd, 2021 by Philip Giraldi

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The old expression that “lightning never strikes the same place twice” is frequently used in the aftermath of a truly awful experience, meaning that the odds are that something exactly like that will never occur again. Unfortunately, however, we Americans will now have to endure lightning striking twice due to the emergence of President Joe Biden and whoever is telling him what to say. I am referring specifically to Russiagate, which is possibly the single most discredited bit of politically motivated chicanery that this country has seen in the past twenty years. Joe is relying on the “evidence” provided by a conveniently timed new declassified “Intelligence Community Assessment” entitled “Foreign Threats to the 2020 US Federal Election.” The document was dated March 10th but released by Director Avril Haines of the Office of National Intelligence (ONI) on March 16th.

The new report consists of eleven pages of text and charts. It specifically discounts any direct evidence to alter votes electronically, but asserts that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally directed his spies and proxies to turn the US election in favor of Donald Trump. Based in part on the report, Joe Biden subsequently labeled Putin a “killer” and vowed that both Russia and its president would “pay a price” which we will be “seeing shortly” for their claimed meddling in American politics. The Bidenesque grotesque overreach has led to the Kremlin recalling its ambassador in Washington home for “consultations” and will at a minimum put US forces in the Middle East at risk.

Does it sound more than a bit like the Democratic Party is still looking for revenge for 2016? You bet, and the name calling that took place during the 2020 campaign made it predictable that they would turn on Russia as soon as an opportunity presented itself, if only because it is always convenient to have a foreign enemy to blame one’s own failings on. And there is also payoff personally for Joe and his sons in the report, which strongly suggests that the claims and evidence of Biden family corruption were actually just disinformation put out by the Kremlin’s spy agencies.

Anyone who reads the report and tries to assess its credibility from the viewpoint of the evidence that it presents to make its case will notice that there is very little solid to back up the conclusions, which themselves are weasel worded. The report in fact concludes with the disclaimer “Judgments are not intended to imply that we have proof that shows something to be a fact.” There is, to be sure, no evidence that even a single vote was changed or that anyone succeeded in influencing any persons or policies that emerged from the election. And, as a former CIA field officer, I found that whoever drafted the final report in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) really doesn’t have a clue regarding how and why nations spy on each other, much less still how one runs what it is referred to as “covert action.”

The most important key judgement of the report, number two, reads as follows: “We assess that Russian President Putin authorized, and a range of Russian government organizations conducted, influence operations aimed at denigrating President Biden’s candidacy and the Democratic Party, supporting former President Trump, undermining public confidence in the electoral process, and exacerbating socio-political divisions in the US.”

Every foreign government with an external intelligence capability, including that of the United States, does exactly what Russia is being accused of. If there is another country that is either seen as an adversary or even a threat, the intelligence agencies will attempt to influence opinion of the public and elites in that country to avoid their doing things that do damage to one’s own interests. That is accomplished through placements in the media and direct contact with influential politicians in the country being targeted. As the Russians correctly saw a Democratic victory as detrimental to their interests, it is inevitably that they should use their own media resources to surface alternative views that might help the other candidate, in this case Donald Trump.

Lying is, as after all, a traditional role for intelligence services. The Romans had a spy service run out of the imperial palace that provided military and political intelligence all across their vast empire. It included what might be called deception operations carried out to confuse enemies about intentions and capabilities. In more recent centuries, the British became masters of both spying and deception. Major influencing intelligence operations run against the United States can be credited with having led to American involvement in both world wars.

Currently, the world’s preeminent spy agency in terms of manpower, resources and global reach is undoubtedly the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). That is not to suggest that it is necessarily the best intelligence agency, as smaller, more nimble, focused organizations can outperform the spies from the large countries in the niche areas that they consider important.

America’s federal government’s various intelligence agencies are in fact into deception big time, so much so that they have a number of euphemisms that permit them to lie about lying. The CIA regards spreading false information as part of its “covert action” activity while the military prefers variations on “perception management.” Both occasionally refer to “influence” or “influencing” operations. Either way, it is in reality a form of “information warfare” in which words and ideas are used to shape a perspective favorable to the country engaging in the practice and damaging to one’s adversaries.

The United States Department of Defense defines “perception management” as “Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all levels to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator’s objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.” In other words, perception management is a multi-tasked mechanism designed to get an adversary to think or believe what one wishes, no matter what the truth actually is.

The CIA has historically disseminated disinformation primarily through press placements, using agents and collaborators worldwide to circulate stories that were presumed to be supportive of presumed U.S. interests. When possible, local politicians or journalists might be recruited and paid to support the effort, but the ODNI report does not accuse the Russians of doing that. In fact, given the U.S. disinformation efforts vis-à-vis Venezuela, Iran, China and regarding Russia itself, it would be wise to consider that the largest portion of disinformation circulating on the internet is produced by the United States government itself. And when all of that doesn’t work, the U.S. is more than willing to directly interfere in foreign elections. In fact, it has played an active role in elections worldwide, up and including regime change in places like Ukraine, at least 81 times according to its own publicly available data.

The ODNI report also mentions other countries that “interfered” or attempted to do so in 2020, naming Iran as a Biden supporter in Key Judgment Three: “We assess that Iran carried out a multi-pronged covert influence campaign intended to undercut former President Trump’s reelection prospects— though without directly promoting his rivals— undermine public confidence in the electoral process and US institutions, and sow division and exacerbate societal tensions in the US.” China was let off this time around, with the assessment even conceding that there was no evidence that it had been involved in the election, but reports from Washington suggest that it will be sanctioned anyway, along with Iran and Russia as a consequence of being out of favor with the White House and Congress.

One suspects that in drafting up the report the neoconnish Avril Haines saw what she wanted to see because there is scant evidence to condemn the behavior of either Russia or Iran acting in their own interests without breaking into voting machines or suborning officials. Even the New York Times in its own reporting on the “Assessment” included a judgement taken directly from the document, that “Russian state and proxy actors who all serve the Kremlin’s interests worked to affect U.S. public perceptions” before admitting that “The declassified report did not explain how the intelligence community had reached its conclusions about Russian operations during the 2020 election. But the officials said they had high confidence in their conclusions about Mr. Putin’s involvement, suggesting that the intelligence agencies have developed new ways of gathering information after the extraction of one of their best Kremlin sources in 2017.” In other words, the Times is taking the assertions in the report as an act of faith as it has no idea what evidence actually supports the claims that are being made.

To be sure the release of the report was greeted by the usual players in Congress, including Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, who enthused that “The American people deserve to know the full truth when a foreign government seeks to interfere in our elections, and today’s release of the Intelligence Community’s Assessment is an important step.” Schiff predictably does not know what “interfere” means, for which there is no evidence, and he exhibits no curiosity about the report’s omission of the one country that does regularly interfere in American elections down to the local level. That country is, of course, Israel, which Noam Chomsky has referred to, oberving that “Israeli intervention in U.S. elections ‘vastly overwhelms’ anything Russia has done.” It seems that Biden, Haines and Schiff all missed that little detail.

So here we go again. New president, new national security team, same old nonsense. Russiagate one more time around will not render the entire argument being made about a vast conspiracy to destroy democracy any more credible. Yeah, nations spy on each other and try to influence things their way but get over it. If the whole world is out to “get” the United States it just might be because the whole world has finally realized that Washington is neither exceptional nor a force for good. Leave everyone else alone and they will leave you alone. That’s a law of nature.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected]

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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If early statistics are any indication, we are facing the greatest public health calamity in modern history. No, I’m not talking about a third, fourth or fifth wave of COVID-19. I’m talking about the current vaccination campaign. I have no doubt that deaths caused by COVID-19 vaccines will end up far exceeding the number of actual COVID-19 deaths.

The greatest tragedy here is that while COVID-19 kills already unhealthy elderly individuals who are just years from their natural death, the vaccines are killing the young and healthy who typically have many more decades to live. From my perspective, there’s simply no justification for this. There’s no “greater good” argument that can ever make this type of tradeoff OK.

Equally unjustifiable is the fact that death within months of a positive SARS-CoV-2 test was automatically pegged as a COVID-19 death, whereas death within days or even hours of the vaccine is shrugged off as coincidental, no matter how many times it happens. It is reprehensibly inexcusable the way these deaths are being attributed.

Now, these experimental gene therapy “vaccines” are being tested on young children and even babies as young as 6 months old, the ramifications of which are wholly unknown.

According to Forbes1 and The New York Times,2 Moderna has officially started testing its vaccine on children between the ages of 6 months and 11 years. A total of 6,750 children will be included in the trial. Testing on 12- to 17-year-olds began in December 2020, the data from which are still unpublished. Considering what’s happening in the adult population, testing on young children and babies seems extremely premature and risky beyond belief.

Deaths Mount by the Week

Unfortunately, there’s no simple way to keep tabs on vaccine-related deaths. Each country has its own reporting mechanism, and vaccine reactions aren’t always properly reported.

In the U.S., for example, past investigations have shown only somewhere between 1%3 and 10%4 are ever reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which is a passive, voluntary reporting system.

Granted, unlike other vaccines, deaths following COVID-19 vaccination are supposedly required to be reported,5 so perhaps VAERS data are more reliable for COVID-19 vaccines than for others. As of yet, though, it’s impossible to confirm that all related deaths are in fact being reported.

VAERS data processed as of March 5, 2021, show a total of 1,551 deaths. (This includes all locations, ages, genders and location of vaccine administration.) At that time, a total of 31,079 adverse reaction reports had been filed for COVID-19 vaccines, which means deaths account for 4.99% of adverse events. Life-threatening events account for 3.56% of total side effects reported, and permanent disability accounts for 2.10% of total side effects reported.


Comparing COVID-19 and Vaccine Death Rates

Another difficulty is matching different data sets together. For example, to put these numbers into greater context, you’d want to know how many people have been vaccinated as of that same date, March 5, 2021.

This too can be tricky to determine, as vaccination statistics6 will often use breakdowns such as the number of vaccinated people per 100, or vaccine doses administered, which doesn’t tell you how many people were vaccinated, seeing how some vaccines require a single dose while others require two.

Accepting those limitations, we can at least get an approximate idea. Using Our World in Data’s statistics,7 as of March 5, 2021, 55.55 million Americans had received at least one dose. (Another graph shows that as of March 5, 28.7 million Americans were considered fully vaccinated, having received all prescribed doses. However, since side effects can occur after the first dose, I will use that statistic.)

COVID-19 Vaccine Data

Dividing reported deaths, 1,551, by the number of people having received at least one dose, 55,550,000, we end up with a reported lethality rate of 0.0028%. If only 10% of adverse events are reported to VAERS, we’re looking at approximately 15,510 deaths and a lethality rate of 0.028%.

If only 1% are reported, there may be around 155,100 deaths, and vaccines may be killing 0.28% of all who get them. Again, while any and all deaths following COVID-19 vaccination are supposed to be reported, it’s still unclear whether mandatory reporting is actually taking place.

While 0.0028% or even 0.28% might not seem like a shockingly high percentage of deaths, it’s hard to justify even a single death of a young and healthy individual. For comparison, the overall noninstitutionalized infection fatality ratio from COVID-19, for all age groups, is 0.26%. Those under 40 have only a 0.01% risk of dying from COVID-19 if infected.8

As of right now, the vaccine may not match or exceed the lethality of COVID-19 itself, but we’re only three months into the vaccination campaign. According to NPR,9 21.7% of the U.S. population had received at least one vaccine dose as of March 16, 2021.

There are compelling reasons to suspect these vaccines may contribute to death further down the line, perhaps months or a few years into the future. Those ending up with permanent disability as a result of these vaccines will be at increased risk of early death, for example, and there’s no telling how these vaccines might impact the longevity of children.

If premature death occurs a year or more down the line, it’s unlikely that anyone will suspect it being connected to the vaccine. Right now, even deaths that occur within 24 hours in people who were young and in good health are chalked up to coincidence, which is truly remarkable.

Comparing COVID-19 Vaccines With Flu Vaccines

Another way to judge the lethality of COVID-19 vaccines is to compare it to seasonal flu vaccines which, by the way, used to account for a majority of vaccine injuries. As reported by The Vaccine Reaction:10

“The death rate following COVID mRNA vaccination is much higher than that following influenza vaccination. The CDC’s data allows only a ballpark estimation of the rate of deaths following flu vaccination. In the 2019-2020 influenza season the CDC reports that 51.8 percent of the U.S. population received a vaccine, which is approximately 170 million people.

VAERS reports that in the calendar year 2019 (not the 2019-2020 influenza season) there were 45 deaths following vaccination. To provide context, in 2018 VAERS reports 46 deaths, and in 2017 it reports 20 deaths.

The 45 deaths in 2019 are occurring at a rate of 0.0000265% when calculated using the number of vaccines given in the 2019–2020 influenza season. As of Feb. 26, 47,184,199 COVID vaccinations had been given with 1,136 deaths reported following vaccination, which is approximately a rate of .0024%.”

Are These Deaths Pure Coincidence?

As of March 5, 2021, the youngest recorded death shortly following COVID-19 vaccination was 23.11Among the more recent reports is that of a healthy 39-year-old mother who died of multiple organ failure just four days after receiving her second dose of the Moderna vaccine.12

The average age of death post-vaccination is 75 and older,13 which is near-identical to the age of death for COVID-19 itself. However, whereas COVID-19 primarily kills elderly in nursing homes who have multiple comorbidities, the vaccines are cutting lives short among elderly who appear to be in relatively good health.

Examples include baseball legend Hank Aaron, who died in his sleep 17 days after receiving the vaccine. He was 86. His death was reported as completely natural and unrelated to the vaccine.14

Another is that of boxing champ Marvin Hagler who, according to his friend Thomas Hearns, was admitted to the ICU due to side effects from his COVID-19 vaccination. (Hearns had posted on his Instagram and Twitter accounts that Hagler was in the hospital ICU “fighting the after effects of the vaccine” and that he wanted fans to pray for his recovery.15

His posts have since been removed, but a screenshot of a retweet16 by Tariq Nasheed is still available.) Hagler died shortly thereafter. He was 66.

I suspect that once more celebrities start dying from the vaccines, more people might start to rethink their decision to get vaccinated. Mainstream media and industry-allied fact checkers are working overtime, though, to “debunk” any suggestion of a link between deaths and the vaccines.

Side Effects Range From Mild to Serious

Aside from sudden death,17,18,19,20,21,22 which is most serious of all, a range of other side effects are being reported, many of which will have a significant impact on quality of life. Examples of side effects reported after vaccination with Pfizer’s, Moderna’s and AstraZeneca’s vaccines from around the world include:

  • Persistent malaise23,24
  • Bell’s Palsy25,26,27
  • Extreme exhaustion28
  • Swollen, painful lymph nodes
  • Severe allergic, including anaphylactic reactions29,30,31
  • Thrombocytopenia (a rare, often lethal blood disorder)32,33
  • Multisystem inflammatory syndrome34 and/or myocarditis35
  • Miscarriages and premature birth.36,37,38 As of March 5, 2021, 85 cases of miscarriage or premature birth had been reported39
  • Chronic seizures and convulsions40,41
  • Severe headache/migraine that does not respond to medication
  • Paralysis42
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Psychological effects such as mood changes, anxiety, depression, brain fog, confusion, dissociation and temporary inability to form words
  • Cardiac problems, including myocardial and tachycardia disorders43
  • Blindness, impaired vision and eye disorders44,45
  • Stroke46,47

As reported by The Defender, March 5, 2021, while vaccine injury reports are growing in number, consistent trends have emerged, including the following:48

  • Overall, 31% of deaths have occurred within 48 hours of vaccination
  • People who report getting sick within 48 hours of vaccination account for 47% of deaths
  • About 20% of deaths are cardiac-related

A majority of these side effects are from the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, which use mRNA technology. The AstraZeneca vaccine uses a chimpanzee adenovirus vector genetically engineered to express the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein instead. However, while many hoped this vaccine would be safer than mRNA versions, this doesn’t seem to be the case.

As of March 16, 2021, more than 20 European countries had suspended the use of AstraZeneca’s vaccine, either in full or in part, following reports of deadly blood clots.49,50 According to a March 2, 2021, report51 by The Defender, U.K. data show the AstraZeneca vaccine actually has 77% more adverse events and 25% more deaths than the Pfizer vaccine.

Like AstraZeneca’s vaccine, Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine also uses an adenovirus vector to carry the gene for SARS-CoV-2 spike protein into your cells, thereby triggering your cells to produce this protein.52 Business Insider has created a comparison chart53 of the four vaccines currently available in the U.S. and Europe — Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson.

Concerned Doctors Speak Out

Sadly, the vaccine debate is nothing if not one-sided. Medical professionals expressing concern are roundly ignored, despite their growing number. Among them is cardiac surgeon and patient advocate Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, who recently sent a public letter54 to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration commissioner detailing the risks of vaccinating individuals who have previously been infected with SARS-CoV-2, or who have an active SARS-CoV-2 infection.

He’s urging the FDA to require prescreening for SARS-CoV-2 viral proteins to reduce the risk of injuries and deaths following vaccination. He warns the vaccine may trigger an adverse immune response in those who have already been infected with the virus.

Immunologist Dr. Bart Classen has also warned there is troubling evidence suggesting some mRNA shots may cause prion diseases such as Alzheimer’s and ALS,55 and Dr. J. Patrick Whelan, a pediatric rheumatologist specializing in multisystem inflammatory syndrome, has expressed concern about mRNA vaccines’ ability to cause “microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver and kidneys in ways that were not assessed in safety trials.”56

Doctors for COVID Ethics Want Answers to Safety Questions

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February 28, 2021, a dozen doctors and scientists with Doctors for COVID Ethics published an open letter to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), expressing a number of concerns about COVID-19 vaccines. It reads, in part:57

“We note that a wide range of side effects is being reported following vaccination of previously healthy younger individuals with the gene-based COVID-19 vaccines. Moreover, there have been numerous media reports from around the world of care homes being struck by COVID-19 within days of vaccination of residents.

While we recognize that these occurrences might … have been unfortunate coincidences, we are concerned that there has been and there continues to be inadequate scrutiny of the possible causes of illness or death under these circumstances …”

Doctors for COVID Ethics is requesting the EMA provide responses to a series of questions, including evidence that gene-based vaccines won’t enter the bloodstream and disseminate throughout the body and be taken up by endothelial cells, and that platelet activation won’t result in disseminated intravascular coagulation.

Importantly, they also “demand conclusive evidence that an actual emergency existed at the time of the EMA granting conditional marketing authorization” for all three vaccines, seeing how by the time the vaccines became available, “health systems of most countries were no longer under imminent threat of being overwhelmed because a growing proportion of the world had already been infected and the worst of the pandemic had already abated.”

If the EMA fails to produce all of the evidences requested, the group demands “that approval for use of gene-based vaccines be withdrawn” until all safety issues have been properly addressed.

What to Do if You Regret Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine

If you already got the vaccine and now regret it, you may be able to address your symptoms using the same strategies you’d use to treat actual SARS-CoV-2 infection. I review these strategies at the end of “Why COVID Vaccine Testing Is a Farce.”

Additionally, if you’re experiencing side effects, please help raise public awareness by reporting it. The Children’s Health Defense is calling on all who have suffered a side effect from a COVID-19 vaccine to do these three things:58

  1. If you live in the U.S., file a report on VAERS
  2. Report the injury on, which is a nongovernmental adverse event tracker (you can file anonymously if you like)
  3. Report the injury on the CHD website

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) recently posted more than 50 video presentations from the pay-for-view Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination held online October 16 to 18, 2020, and made them available to everyone for free.

The conference’s theme was “Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century” and it featured physicians, scientists and other health professionals, human rights activists, faith community leaders, constitutional and civil rights attorneys, authors and parents of vaccine injured children talking about vaccine science, policy, law and ethics and infectious diseases, including coronavirus and COVID-19 vaccines.

In December 2020, a U.K. company published false and misleading information about NVIC and its conference, which prompted NVIC to open up the whole conference for free viewing. The conference has everything you need to educate yourself and protect your personal freedoms and liberties with respect to your health.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity. I was a speaker at this empowering conference and urge you to watch these video presentations before they’re censored and taken away by the technocratic elite.


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1 Forbes March 16, 2021

2 New York Times March 17, 2021 (Archived)

3 The Vaccine Reaction January 9, 2020

4 BMJ 2005;330:433

5, 10 The Vaccine Reaction March 13, 2021

6 Our World in Data COVID-19 Vaccination

7 Our World in Data COVID-19 Vaccination, Number of people who received at least one dose as of March 5, 2021

8 Annals of Internal Medicine September 2, 2020 DOI: 10.7326/M20-5352

9 NPR March 16, 2021, Updated March 17, 2021

11, 48 The Defender March 5, 2021

12 The Vaccine Reaction March 15, 2021

13 NVIC March 5, 2021 VAERS data

14 January 27, 2021

15 Fox News March 15, 2021

16 Twitter Tariq Nasheed March 13, 2021

17 Daily Star December 30, 2020

18 RT January 4, 2021

19 The Defender January 7, 2021

20 The Vaccine Reaction January 24, 2021

21, 26, 36, 44, 46 Gov.UK Weekly Summary of Yellow Card Reporting February 25, 2021

22, 27, 37, 45, 47 Principia Scientific International February 9, 2021

23 Facebook Haley Nelson December 30, 2020

24 Facebook Tara Sekikawa December 27, 2020

25 Mirror December 11, 2020

28 Facebook Karl Dunkin case January 5, 2021

29 RT December 26, 2020

30 The Defender December 21, 2020

31 Anaphylaxis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccine receipt (PDF)32 The New York Times February 8, 2021 (Archived)

33 Newsweek February 10, 2021

34 The Defender January 12, 2021

35 Israel National News February 15, 2021

38, 39 March 5, 2021

40 Facebook, Shawn Skelton January 7, 2021

41 WioNews January 2, 2021

42 Facebook, Alanna Tonge-Jelley January 9, 2021

43 The Defender February 16, 2021

49 The Defender March 16, 2021 Countries Suspend AstraZeneca Vaccine

50 The Defender March 11, 2021

51 The Defender March 2, 2021

52 New York Times February 27, 2021

53 Business Insider March 1, 2021

54 Medium February 15, 2021

55 Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 2021; 5(1): 1-3 (PDF)

56 University of California Public Comment related to consideration of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, December 8, 2020 (PDF)

57 Doctors for COVID Ethics February 28, 2021

58 The Defender January 25, 2021

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Researchers in Norway and Germany say they’ve identified antibodies that provoke immune reactions leading to the type of cerebral blood clots experienced by some people who received AstraZeneca’s COVID vaccine.

Researchers at the Greifswald teaching hospital in northern Germany said Friday they’ve discovered how the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine could cause blood clots that could lead to rare thrombosis in the brain, public broadcaster Norddeutscher Rundfunk reported.

The German team, led by professor Andreas Greinacher, said in a statement that AstraZeneca’s vaccine may, in some cases, prompt overactivation of platelets in the blood, which can lead to potentially deadly clots. As NPR reported, Greinacher said it’s similar to what happens with a condition called heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.

Greinacher and his team analyzed 13 cases of cerebral blood clots reported in Germany within 4 – 16 days of administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Twelve of the 13 cases were women and almost all were under the age of 55. In four of the 12 patients, the team was able to isolate and identify the specific antibodies that provoked the immune reaction leading to the cerebral blood clots.

The researchers found that AstraZeneca’s vaccine activates blood platelets, or thrombocytes, which typically only happens in the body when a wound is healing –– when the blood coagulates as the wound closes. In some patients, the vaccination activated a mechanism that caused blood clots to form in the brain, according to Deutsche Welle.

Experts hope the discovery could lead to targeted treatment for those who suffer similar clotting. But researchers emphasized that treatment would help only after the blood clot appeared — it wouldn’t prevent the clot from occurring.

The German research team did not release detailed data but planned to submit their findings to The Lancet, reported The New York Times.

While researchers were studying cases in Germany, a team led by Pål Andre Holme, chief physician at Oslo University Hospital, was investigating three cases of post-vaccination blood clots in Norway that occurred in healthcare workers under the age of 50.

Holme told the Norwegian newspaper VG he’s confident they’ve identified antibodies triggered by the vaccine that caused an overreaction of the immune system leading to blood clots.

“Our theory is that this is a strong immune response that most likely comes after the vaccine,” Holme said. “There is no other thing than the vaccine that can explain this immune response,” Holme said. It’s the same theory that Greinacher and his colleagues have put forward in Germany.

Holme added that there’s “no other history in these patients that can give such a strong immune response. I’m pretty sure it’s these antibodies that’s the cause, and I see no other reason than that it’s the vaccine that triggers it.”

As The Defender reported last week, more than 20 countries suspended Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccinations due to reports of blood clots — some resulting in death — in healthy people who received the vaccine.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) investigated the reports of blood clot-related injuries and deaths and concluded that AstraZeneca’s vaccine was not associated with an overall risk of blood clots in those vaccinated. But it did not rule out an association with rare cases of blood clots in vessels draining the blood from the brain known as cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, reported Reuters.

EMA researchers said Thursday they will investigate whether the rare blood clots are linked to the vaccine or occurred by chance, noting that cerebral venous sinus thrombosis is rare but mostly associated with pregnancy and oral contraceptives, said Sabine Straus, chair of EMA’s safety committee.

Despite the possible risk of blood clots, the head of the EMA, Emer Cooke, stated the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks of potential side-effects and AstraZeneca’s vaccine is safe and effective.

Denmark reported on Saturday that two more people experienced brain hemorrhages after receiving AstraZeneca’s COVID vaccine, and that one of them had died, according to the New York Times.

A spokesperson for the Capital Region of Denmark confirmed the death. According to The New York Times, the Danish Ritzau news agency reported that the other person was a female in her 30s and was critically ill. The Danish Medicines Agency said it was looking into whether the condition was a potential side effect.

“Right now we are examining whether this is the exact same disease picture with multiple blood clots, a low count of platelets and hemorrhages,” Tanja Erichsen, a director at the Danish Medicines Agency, said in a radio interview with the Danish national broadcaster DR.

Dr. James Bussel, an expert on platelet disorders and a professor emeritus at Weill Cornell Medicine, said the occurrence of abnormal clotting and low platelets in people under 50 is uncommon. He noted that the antibodies identified by researchers in Europe may, in a highly unusual response to the vaccine, have activated the platelets and started a cascade of abnormal clotting and bleeding, according to The Times.

Denmark has suspended the use of AstraZeneca’s vaccine until Thursday, despite the EMA’s reassurances that the vaccine is safe. Other Scandinavian countries and Finland made similar decisions due to the preliminary findings from medical experts in Norway and Germany that suggested a possible link between the vaccine and rare blood disorders.

AstraZeneca’s vaccine has been approved for emergency use in 70 countries but has not received Emergency Use Authorization in the U.S. Some U.S. vaccine experts remain cautious about the antibody theory and said high publicity of events could be causing more clinicians to report the condition than normal, making it appear related to the vaccine, according to Reuters.

Some U.S. experts also question why events are occurring at increased rates with AstraZeneca compared to Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine, all of which are designed to produce antibodies aimed at the COVID spike protein that it uses to enter cells.

Though Johnson & Johnason also uses a non-replicating adenovirus to deliver spike proteins into cells, it was only recently approved in the U.S. in February 2021.

“We’ll have to see when (German and Norwegian scientists) submit a peer-reviewed publication and the scientific community can review it,” said Dr. Peter Hotez, a vaccine researcher at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. “There’s no reason why the AstraZeneca vaccine would do this whereas the others, including the adenovirus-based COVID-19 vaccines, wouldn’t.”


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Megan Redshaw is a freelance reporter for The Defender. She has a background in political science, a law degree and extensive training in natural health.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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A frightening video of a lawyer interviewing an anonymous whistleblower tells stories of horror at a Berlin nursing home for dementia patients.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is one of the most important voices for truth about COVID-19 and so-called vaccines in the world. He is an attorney admitted to the Bar of Germany and the State Bar of California. His organization helps business owners in Germany recover damages resulting from COVID-19 lockdowns and other measures. Dr. Fuellmich is also one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee. The committee, after nine months of investigation, has already concluded that COVID-19 and experimental shots are “probably the greatest crime against humanity ever committed.”

Dr. Fuellmich and associate attorney Viviane Fischer conducted an interview with a Berlin nursing home caregiver on February 8. The whistleblower’s voice is distorted and his face hidden to protect his identity. The 40-minute video is conducted in German, with English subtitles. The whistleblower talks about how seven residents died almost immediately after the first Pfizer mRNA shot in January. Several more got sick. Despite the deaths and adverse affects, the surviving residents were given  the second shot a few weeks later. One more resident died and 11 more became severely ill.

Disturbing details and footage

Everyone must watch the full video. But the 3:46 mark is where the disturbing images commence. The whistleblower said outside teams of four people, including German soldiers, administered the shots. He described the horror and fear on the residents’ faces because of the military presence. You can also clearly see their anxiety in the footage. Further, all of them have dementia. They cannot consent to getting experiment mRNA shots.

Click here to watch the video.

Many residents were old enough to remember World War II. The 6:59 mark shows how residents were fearful of doctors they did not recognize. One resident was an opera singer and in good physical health before the shots. He had convulsions within 30 minutes after the first shot. Medics rushed him to a nearby hospital. But doctors refused to take into consideration that he just received the Pfizer shot. Instead they determined his symptoms were caused by COVID-19. The resident is now dying despite jogging and being physically active before the shots. Another 11 residents are now in grave condition after the second shot, according to the whistleblower.

The lawyers filed a complaint with local law enforcement and prosecutors. There is no further update on the matter.

Complicit in senior deaths

Some family member of the German residents are blaming themselves for the deaths of their loved ones. They signed off on the shots, thus essentially signing their loved ones’ death warrants. These incidents are likely happening more than is being reported in Germany. We wrote in January how 10 Germans over age 79 died within four days of the Pfizer mRNA shot. If you love your parents and grandparents, don’t let them be injected with experimental shots.


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Featured image: Screenshot from very disturbing forced vaccination video.

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Diesen Dokumentarfilm „Lockdown Kinderrechte“ von Patricia Marchart und Judith Raunig, der auf dankenswerterweise publizieret wurde, hält ein Mensch mit einem mitfühlenden Herz nicht aus. Er zeigt die erschreckenden Auswirkungen der Covid-Maßnahmen – die man besser Covid-Foltermaßnahmen nennen sollte – auf Kinder und Jugendliche auf. Er wurde mit ihnen zusammen entwickelt und will ihnen eine Stimme geben.


Wieso glauben wir immer noch, man könnte sich auf Politiker verlassen und sie hätten mit ihren illegalen Maßnahmen nur unser aller Gesundheit im Sinne: Ob Masken- oder Maulkorbzwang, ob soziale Distanzierung, ob Testpflicht für kleine Schulkinder oder Impfpflicht für Erwachsene. Alles ohne wissenschaftliche Evidenz!

Wo bleibt der Aufschrei der Väter und Mütter, der Kindergärtnerinnen und Sozialpädagogen, der Schulberater und Schulpsychologinnen, der Eltern- und Lehrerverbände, der Jugendpsychiater und Juristen? Der Konsum von Drogen aller Art, das Spielen von Killergames, die häusliche Gewalt, sexuelle Übergriffe und vor allem Depressionen, Suizidgedanken und vollendete Suizide steigen unter der Jugend seit Monaten sprunghaft an.

„Ich habe seit dem Lockdown 2700 Stunden gezockt.“, rechnete Anna, 19 Jahre, aus. Sie wollte eigentlich ein Work- und Travel-Jahr in Amerika machen und würde jetzt zuhause sitzen und nicht wegkommen.

Wieso glauben wir immer noch, mit diesen macht- und geldgierigen sowie korrupten Verursachern dieser staatlichen Verordnungen könnte man sprechen. Nein, sie sind zu krank. Mit denen kann man nicht sprechen!

Wir Bürgerinnen und Bürger müssen unser Schicksal und unsere Zukunft selbst in die Hand nehmen, laut und entschieden NEIN! sagen und den Staat – gewaltfrei, aber durch entschiedenes Handeln – dazu zwingen, diesen Wahnsinn sofort zu beenden! Ansonsten machen wir uns mitschuldig am Seelenmord unserer Kinder!

Wenn wir uns weiter daran beteiligen, sind wir keine Menschen mehr, sondern ferngesteuerte transhumane und seelenlose Mensch-Maschinen – und zwar schon heute, und nicht erst in der geplanten nahen Zukunft!


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Dr. Rudolf Hänsel ist Vater, Großvater, ehemaliger Lehrer und Schulberater, Erziehungswissenschaftler und Diplom-Psychologe.

Featured image is a screenshot from the film

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Want a Job? Get a Shot!

March 23rd, 2021 by Rep. Ron Paul

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Mask tyranny reached a new low recently when a family was kicked off a Spirit Airlines flight because their four-year-old autistic son was not wearing a mask. The family was removed from the plane even though the boy’s doctor had decided the boy should be exempted from mask mandates because the boy panics and engages in behavior that could pose a danger to himself when wearing a mask.

Besides, four-year-olds do not present much risk of spreading or contracting coronavirus. Even if masks did prevent infections among adults, there would be no reason to force children to wear masks.

Mask mandates have as much to do with healthcare as Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screenings have to do with stopping terrorism. Masks and TSA screenings are “security theater” done to reassure those frightened by government and media propaganda regarding coronavirus and terrorism that the government is protecting them.

Covid oppression will worsen if vaccine passports become more widely required. Vaccine passports are digital or physical proof a person has taken a coronavirus vaccine. New York is already requiring that individuals produce digital proof of taking a coronavirus vaccine before being admitted to sporting events.

Imagine if the zealous enforcers of mask mandates had the power to deny you access to public places because you have not “gotten your shot.” Even worse, what if a potential employer had to ensure you were “properly” vaccinated before hiring you? This could come to pass if proponents of mandatory E-Verify have their way.

E-Verify requires employers to submit personal identifying information — such as a social security numbers and biometric data — to a government database to ensure job applicants have federal permission to hold jobs.

Currently, E-Verify is only used to assure a job applicant is a citizen or legal resident. However, its use could be expanded to advancing other purposes, such as ensuring a potential new hire has taken all the recommended vaccines.

E-Verify could even be used to check if a job applicant has ever expressed, or associated with someone who has expressed, “hate speech,” “conspiracy theories,” or “Russian disinformation,” which is code for facts embarrassing to the political class.

Many employers will be reluctant to hire such an employee for fear their businesses will become the next targets of “cancel culture.” Those who doubt this should consider how many businesses have folded under pressure from the cultural Marxists and fired someone for expressing an “unapproved” thought.

Politicians and bureaucrats have used overblown fear of coronavirus to justify the largest infringement of individual liberty in modern times. Covid tyranny has been aided by many Americans who are not just willing to sacrifice their liberty for phony security, but who help government take away liberty from their fellow citizens.

The good news is that, as it becomes increasingly clear that there was no need to shut down the economy, throw millions out of work, subject children to the fraud of “virtual” learning, and force everyone to wear a mask, more people are turning against the politicians and “experts” behind the lockdowns and mandates. Hopefully, these Americans will realize that, in addition to coronavirus lockdowns and mandates, the entire welfare-warfare-fiat money system is built on a foundation of lies.


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This documentary film “Lockdown Children’s Rights” by Patricia Marchart and Judith Raunig, which was thankfully published here, cannot be endured by a person with a compassionate heart. It shows the terrifying effects of covid measures – which should better be called covid torture measures – on children and young people. It was co-developed with them and aims to give them a voice.

Video in German

Why do we still believe that politicians can be trusted and that they only have our health in mind with their illegal measures: whether masking or muzzling, whether social distancing, whether compulsory testing for small school children or compulsory vaccination for adults. All without scientific evidence!

Where is the outcry of fathers and mothers, kindergarten teachers and social pedagogues, school counsellors and school psychologists, parents’ and teachers’ associations, youth psychiatrists and lawyers? The use of drugs of all kinds, playing killer games, domestic violence, sexual assault and, above all, depression, suicidal thoughts and completed suicides have been skyrocketing among youth for months.

“I’ve gambled 2700 hours since Lockdown,” Anna, 19, calculated. She was supposed to be doing a work and travel year in America and now she would sit at home and not get away.

Why do we still think we can talk to these power- and money-hungry as well as corrupt perpetrators of these state regulations. No, they are too sick. You can’t talk to them!

We citizens must take our fate and our future into our own hands, say loudly and decisively NO! and force the state – non-violently, but through decisive action – to end this madness immediately! Otherwise we will be complicit in the murder of our children’s souls!

If we continue to participate in this, we will no longer be human beings, but remote-controlled transhuman and soulless human-machines – and that already today, and not only in the planned near future!


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Dr. Rudolf Hänsel is a father, grandfather, former teacher and school counsellor, educationalist and qualified psychologist.

Featured image is a screenshot from the film

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Defense companies spend millions every year lobbying politicians and donating to their campaigns. In the past two decades, their extensive network of lobbyists and donors have directed $285 million in campaign contributions and $2.5 billion in lobbying spending to influence defense policy. To further these goals they hired more than 200 lobbyists who have worked in the same government that regulates and decides funding for the industry.

Defense companies sell a variety of products and services around the world from missiles, rifles and personnel equipment to tanks, aircraft and complex electrical and computer systems. The industry’s political activity is dominated by the well known behemoths. Just 200 defense companies reported lobbying the federal government in 2020. The top five account for more than 50 percent of the industry’s lobbying and the top 15 spend 75 percent of the lobbying money. The five biggest spenders in 2020 — Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon Technologies and General Dynamics — spent $60 million altogether.

The defense industry’s business prospects are tightly controlled and in many ways entirely decided by official decisions made in Congress and the Pentagon in a way that other industries don’t have to contend with. Despite those restrictions, business is undeniably good both at home and abroad. Foreign sales delivered an average of $12 billion worth of arms per year between 2016 and 2018, according to Security Assistance Monitor data analyzed by the Center for Responsive Politics.

That’s on top of a sizable portion of the $740 billion Pentagon budget spent on weapons for use by the U.S. military. When it comes time for Congress to decide funding levels for a Pentagon that spends nearly three times as much as any other military in the world, arms manufacturers and military support sellers have an extensive network of lobbyists and former government employees pushing their business interests to members of Congress who have taken contributions from them and also often have constituents employed by them.

While it is well known that the U.S. spends enormous sums to keep the most powerful military in history humming, many may be unaware that a major part of the industry’s business model is selling arms to other countries with the blessing of the U.S. Congress and State Department. Often those arms are developed using taxpayer money. Over the last year, American defense firms struck deals to sell $175 billion worth of weapons, including $23 billion worth of F35 fighters and drones to the United Arab Emirates, and multi-billion dollar sales to Taiwan and Saudi Arabia.

These deals are sometimes controversial. The Senate tried — and failed — to block the Trump administration backed sales to the UAE and Saudi Arabia amid concerns about their use in Yemen as well as worries about human rights abuses such as the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, a Washington Post journalist and U.S. green card holder critical of the Saudi government. The presidential election did what the Senate could not, and within weeks of taking office, President Joe Biden paused those sales for review. With Democrats in charge of the Senate, Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) and Jack Reed (D-R.I.), both instrumental in the effort to block the deals, now chair the Foreign Relations and Armed Services committees respectively.

Despite the suspensions, new sales agreements continue. Since Biden’s inauguration, the State Department approved an $85 million sale of Raytheon manufactured missiles to Chile and $60 million worth of Lockheed Martin’s F-16 aircraft and services to Jordan.

While Biden has touted strict ethics rules that attempt to thwart the influence of lobbyists on the administration, several of his earliest appointees, including Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken consulted for a private equity firm that emphasized its “access, network and expertise” in the defense industry. Austin also had a seat on the United Technologies and Raytheon board, earning more than $250,000 from the now merged companies. Raytheon CEO Greg Hayes seems optimistic about the company’s prospects under the new administration, telling investors in January that “peace is not going to break out in the Middle East anytime soon” and that the region “remains an area where we’ll continue to see solid growth.”

Playing both sides

Both customers and suppliers are putting the squeeze on the U.S. government to continue the flow of arms. Some of the biggest foreign consumers of U.S. arms are also spending considerable sums to exert their influence in the U.S., though some of the biggest spenders, including South Korea and Japan, are focused on trade and commercial issues rather than military matters, according to disclosures.

Since 2017, Saudi Arabia has become the second biggest buyer of U.S. arms, with $26 billion worth of sales reported to Congress so far. At the same time, the Saudi government and state owned enterprises like SABIC reported spending $108 million since 2016 on their U.S. influence operation, the sixth most of any country in the world. They hired prestigious firms such as Brownstein Hyatt, Squire Patton Boggs and the BGR Group. Those firms are also top lobbyists for domestic clients, including defense companies.

Saudi Arabia also benefits from the influence wielded by major U.S. arms manufacturers that would like to sell to them. Just four of the biggest companies received 90 percent of promised sales between 2009 and 2019, according to the Center for International Policy. Those four — Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics and Boeing — also happen to make up four of the top five defense-related companies spending the most on lobbying, pouring over $10 million each into their policy influence efforts in 2020 alone.

In fact, some defense industry lobbyists are also registered foreign agents on behalf of the very same countries that are angling to buy U.S. arms.

Squire Patton Boggs

Squire Patton Boggs, a perennial K Street powerhouse, represented Saudi Arabia during 2017 for $750,000, the year the country first signed a monumental $110 billion dollar U.S. arms deal. In the preceding and following years, they would represent two of the major beneficiaries of those sales, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman.

Akin Gump

In 2018 UAE bought $270 million worth of Raytheon Sidewinder missiles. Meanwhile, Akin Gump has represented UAE since 2007, working on a myriad of issues including defense policy and the Arms Export Control Act originally and currently covering “withdrawal from the war in Yemen, export controls and possible arms sales.” With the 2020 merger of United Technologies — an Akin Gump client since late 2008 — and Raytheon, Akin Gump now represents both Raytheon and the UAE. Among the sales under review by the Biden administration are a $10 billion sale to UAE, partially consisting of Raytheon missiles and munitions.

American Defense International

The aptly named American Defense International specializes in lobbying and consulting on defense matters and made $3.9 million in 2020 representing clients that nearly all have business with the Pentagon.

Among ADI’s clients are well-known defense manufacturers such as General Dynamics, Raytheon and L3Harris. But over the last 10 years, ADI’s biggest client has been General Atomics, a leading manufacturer of drone systems and major beneficiary of the Trump administration’s decision to loosen restrictions on selling drones abroad. Among the sales to the United Arab Emirates currently under review is $3 billion worth of General Atomics made SkyGuardian drones and equipment.

At the same time, they also represent one of the biggest buyers of U.S. arms. Starting in 2018, ADI began representing the UAE for work on “legislative and related policy matters” on the topics of “engagement in Yemen, military sales from the United States and relationship with the United States.” Soon after, ADI began lobbying to unfreeze weapons sales to the UAE — a move that could potentially benefit weapons manufacturers and foreign clients alike.

The Foreign Agents Registration Act requires foreign entities such as foreign governments and political parties to report their U.S. influence efforts to the Department of Justice. But U.S. based organizations and most companies report a more limited set of activities under the Lobbying Disclosure Act.

Spending millions to make billions

The defense industry spent $216 million directly lobbying the federal government since the start of 2019. While other industries spend far more on lobbying — the pharmaceutical industry spent almost $306 million in 2019 alone — the military budget continues to dominate the country’s discretionary spending and American weapons producers export more arms abroad than any other country.

As of 2019, the most recent year for which arms data is available, American companies make up the top five arms sellers globally and export to nearly 100 countries in every region of the world according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Meanwhile, those five companies spent $54.6 million lobbying Congress and the executive branch that same year.

Depending on the type of transaction, overseas arms sales are approved by the Foreign Affairs committees and the State Department’s Arms Sales and Defense Trade office, specifically the Bureau of Political Military Affairs.

While few companies report lobbying the relatively obscure State Department office that approves arms sales, Raytheon does consistently report lobbying the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, a Pentagon office that administers sales approved by the State Department, on “Congressional notifications of proposed foreign military and direct commercial sales.” Among the five defense companies that spend the most on lobbying, all but one lobbied the State Department in 2020. General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman and Raytheon reported lobbying State Department officials specifically about foreign military sales. Lockheed Martin also reported contacting the State Department.

Revolving door keeps defense contractors connected

In addition to spending millions, the defense industry makes use of one of the most well-connected lobbying corps in Washington, D.C. Seventy-three percent of the 663 lobbyists employed by defense companies in 2020 formerly worked for the federal government. These connections make for cozy relationships and highly useful contact lists. Overworked and underpaid congressional staffers can also hope that lucrative lobbying jobs await them at the same companies who come to them pushing their own agendas. No other sector has a higher percentage of lobbyists who also worked in the government.

A similarly cozy relationship exists between the industry and the Defense Department. In a 2018 report informed by the OpenSecrets revolving door database, the Project on Government Oversight found that 95 former Pentagon officials went through the revolving door to represent just the top five defense contractors in 2016. Our original research similarly finds hundreds of defense industry lobbyists with Defense Department backgrounds. Common career paths also take people through Congress, think tanks and defense companies with significant connections to decisions made in the Pentagon.

But the relationship between the industry and the Pentagon is only part of the story. The House and Senate Armed Services and Foreign Relations committees and the Defense Appropriations subcommittees examined here have seen at least 250 people pass through on their way to the private sector or vice versa in the last 30 years, a quarter of whom were officially registered lobbyists for defense companies or trade groups. Even more striking are the numbers for the staff of committee members. Nearly 530 people have worked for both a member of one of the six main defense related committees and as a lobbyist for defense companies. Some staffers straddle both groups, working for both the committee and a member of the committee, not infrequently at the same time.

On balance, a third of revolvers identified by CRP as working for these committees and their members also have been a registered lobbyist representing defense companies.

Lester Munson, BGR Group

Among them is Lester Munson, a principal at BGR Group who represents a number of international and defense clients including Raytheon, Chevron and the government of Azerbaijan. Munson spent nearly two decades working on international relations issues on Capitol Hill in addition to a stint at USAID. Most recently, he served under former Chairman Bob Corker for the Senate Foreign Relations committee.

Mark Esper, Former Secretary of Defense

Former Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, spent the late ’90s and early 2000s working his way through the Senate Foreign Relations and House Armed Services committees in addition to a couple of years as an assistant deputy secretary of defense. After spending seven years in the government relations office of Raytheon, he was tapped by President Trump as Secretary of the Army and ultimately headed up the Pentagon.

John Bonsell, SAIC

The last decade has seen John Bonsell spinning through the revolving door repeatedly between managing staffing at the Senate Armed Services committee, advising chairman James Inhofe (R-Okla.) and lobbying on behalf of defense industry powerhouse SAIC. Prior to 2013, he spent five years as head lobbyist at Robison International representing BAE Systems, Boeing and SAIC. Over the next nine years, he sandwiched government relations work at SAIC between two stints at the Armed Services Committee. He rejoined SAIC this month after Democrats took over the majority on the committee.

Jeff Bozman, Armed Services Committee

After serving as a Marine officer, Jeff Bozman spent seven years at Covington & Burling representing defense giants Northrop Grumman, BAE Systems and Bombardier as a specialist in government contracts and national security. In 2020, Bozman joined the House Armed Services staff to serve as counsel to committee Chairman Adam Smith (D-Wash.)

Bob Simmons, Boeing

Bob Simmons spent 12 years as staff director of the House Armed Services Committee, managing strategic planning for one of the largest committees in Congress before moving to Boeing, where he is now a vice president of government operations. He was succeeded at the time by his deputy, Jenness Simler, but not for long — she joined him at Boeing less than six months later.

Maria Bowie, Leidos

For 10 years, Maria Bowie served as deputy chief of staff for Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.). In February 2021, she became the director of government affairs at Leidos, a leading software and IT defense contractor. She was a lobbyist for BAE Systems between 2001 and 2003.

Justin Brower, JA Green & Co

After working for Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Md.) as a military advisor as well as for the House defense subcommittee on which he sits, Justin Brower left in 2019 and promptly registered to lobby on behalf of Raytheon Technologies and German-owned munitions manufacturer American Rheinmetall.

Defense contractors invest in congressional committees

Lobby reports don’t provide enough detail to know which members were pressed by defense industry lobbyists, but we do know whose campaigns the companies funded. The defense sector is expert at targeting members of committees that more or less directly decide their income levels. Over the last 20 years defense PACs and employees poured $135 million into the campaign coffers and leadership PACs of members who sit on the key committees that oversee them. That accounts for 60 percent of the total money they gave to all members of Congress even though these key politicians made up only 43 percent of the members the industry supported. In other words, Six in 10 dollars went to just 4 in 10 politicians.

While the defense industry clearly favors key committee members, they still cast a wide net, giving an additional $92 million since 2001 to members of Congress who did not sit on those committees. Still, the average member of Congress got $179,000 in campaign contributions from defense companies during that period while members of the committees averaged $250,000.

House Armed Services members attracted more than twice as much money as the other committees at $54 million in campaign support. The committee is responsible for the Pentagon’s main funding vehicle, the National Defense Authorization Act, which also happens to be one of the most lobbied bills of each cycle. In 2020, more than 730 organizations enlisted 1,633 lobbyists to press their case regarding the $740 billion funding bill and among the most active were General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon Technologies.

Among the top defense contribution recipients over the last 20 years, the last three chairmen of House Armed Services are all represented in the top eight. Current Chairman Adam Smith (D-Wash.) raised $1.9 million while a member of the committee and predecessors Buck McKeon (R-Calif.) and Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) raised $1.8 million and $2.1 million respectively. McKeon is now a lobbyist working on behalf of both Saudi Arabia and major defense contractors.

Only Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), who chaired the powerful Appropriations Committee and its defense subcommittee for the last three years, outraised Thornberry, raking in over $3.5 million since 2001. Shelby recently announced he would not run for reelection in 2022 after a four-decade career in Congress.

Contributions to the members of most defense-related committees from the industries they fund and regulate tend to favor Republicans — with 54 percent going to fund GOP candidates and their leadership PACs — but there is no reluctance to fund key allies in Congress. Six of the top 10 recipients of defense money are Democrats, several of them having served on the defense appropriations subcommittee. Among those are Reps. John Murtha (D-Penn.), Jim Moran (D-Va.) and Pete Visclosky (D-Ind.), all one-time members of the House Defense Appropriations subcommittee and all of whom raised more than $1.9 million.


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A previous version of this report incorrectly attributed lobbying by Buck McKeon on behalf of Saudi Arabia and defense contractors to Mac Thornberry.

A previous version of this report stated the U.S. planned to deliver $450 billion in weapons to Saudi Arabia. While Trump cited that figure numerous times, the verifiable total so far is $26 billion.

Karl Evers-Hillstrom contributed to this report.

Featured image is from NationofChange

The Gen Z Emergency: The Best Climate Book You Will Ever Read

March 23rd, 2021 by Elizabeth Woodworth

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Generation Z is the newest generation, born between 1997 and 2012/15. They are currently 6 to 24 years old. In the US alone, they number 68 million.

Gen Z is in the crosshairs of the coming climate catastrophe. They have the most to lose – and the most to win if we can allay their climate grief:

“Although Gen Zs comprise 25 percent of the human population (a little more than two billion inhabitants) this ‘climate generation’ claims, and rightfully so, that they own 100 percent of the future. They are tired and angry from being lied to. They intend on forcing societal change because it is their birthright to breathe unpolluted air, to drink nontoxic fresh water and to eat fruits, nuts and vegetables not slathered in nerve poisons and cancer-causing glyphosate.”

Dr. Halter’s book is mesmerizing – not just for Gen Z, but for all of us. It is a fascinating read, full of intricate and engaging realities we seldom encounter.

He first addresses “the beleaguered state of the animal and plant kingdoms – my speciality as a forensic naturalist and ecological stress physiologist.” (p. 15)

Regarding this beleaguerment, although things were dire enough in 2017 when Dr. Peter Carter and I co-authored, “Unprecedented Crime: Climate Science Denial and Game Changers for Survival,” I was not prepared for the extraordinary devastation of the past three years.

Nor was I prepared for such a deep and compelling journey into the plight of individual creatures as their habitats burn and dry up.

To take the bees, with two-thirds of their species already endangered:

“It takes 12 honeybees a combined flying distance of 6,000 miles (~9,600km), and their entire foraging lives of three weeks, to produce a teaspoon of honey.” (p. 138)

But in November 2019,

“…when New South Wales and Queensland beekeepers ‘went bush’ after the fires to inspect their hives, none were prepared for the unmanning sights and sounds of the wounded wailing animals. “It’s doing their heads in, the screaming animals, the animals that are in pain, that are crying out in the forest, it’s absolutely horrific.” (p. 56)

To change our lives in the ways necessary to slow down this debacle, we first need to feel. Feeling is what the complicit, profit-driven media does not want us to do – unless it’s displaced into systemic racism, me-too, and “hate speech.”

Ignoble as these things may be, they are distractions from the global emergency, which is no longer simply “looming” as it was three years ago – but is here…right now. (The fossil-fuel heat upheaval is occurring decades ahead of worst-case modelling scenarios.)

So Dr. Halter poignantly leads us through Earth’s natural world as it collapses into chaos.  He feels – and in a singular, unexpected way he makes us feel too.

This is a simple but necessary read.  If any book will inspire us to transcend our outdated human habits to preserve the kingdom of natural life on this planet, this is the book.



Chockfull of poetic imagery, Gen Z spills onto page after page as it lures us almost addictively through fascinating eye-openers and insights into nature. And it is second to none in exposing the dark resource-mauling underworld, countered by some amazing heroes of resistance.  (All Halter’s claims – which are casually yet competently readable – are backed up with accessible references.)

Here you will get an insider education that you won’t find anywhere else.  And I guarantee that it will fire you up, as it did me:

“Old-growth rainforests are supreme climate stabilizers, flying rivermakers, castles of biodiversity and superlative CO2 stockpilers. As they age, the ancient ones get even better at turning atmospheric carbon into woody warehouses. Where there are old-growth forests, it is wet. In a hot world, freshwater is king. Quite simply, primeval (old growth) forests are unparalleled planetary gatekeepers, the Gen Z’s legacy. Every living old-growth forest requires immediate protection from bulldozers, chainsaws, poachers, ranchers, miners and fossil fuel extracting planet-killers. Bring on the Universal Declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth and grant The International Court of Justice (ICJ) at The Hague the authority along with the enforcement obligations to get this imperative life-sustaining job done.” (p. 120)

All of nature has been in harmony, unappreciated by humans, for eons:

“The biodiversity on this planet is mesmerizing! There are about two million different forms of life and possibly 10 times that yet to be found. What we see today in nature is the result of 1.2 billion years of reproductive evolution. Every single organism is wonderful, timetested, sculpted by the environment and perfected. All life exists within a habitable range of temperatures. Migrating animals time their reproduction to a temperature cue. In turn, they depend upon a plentiful food source of prey, greened-up vegetation, insect blooms or aquatic life-forms for their offspring. When temperature spikes or habitats are destroyed or poisoned, life ceases. At all costs, we must protect Earth’s incomparable interconnected web, its biodiversity!” (pp. 93-94)

Yet we have been totally disrupting this balance. The predators we have been happiest to kill have protected vast tracts of vegetation from being grazed and removed from the carbon capture cycle.  Wolves formerly culled ungulates who now over-graze river-banks. Sharks culled marine dwellers who now over-graze wetland sea grasses, releasing their carbon.

We emerge from this book with the fine appreciation of nature’s miraculous web that will move us to voluntarily suspend our disruption.


Solutions are where it’s at, and this book abounds with peaceful revolutionary answers.

Back to the endangered bees:

“Lawmakers in the Netherlands…prudently allocated $38.5 million to repair bee populations by rewilding floral patches throughout the nation.” (p. 140)

To encourage bees, billions of people could be planting wildflower seeds around their dwellings and neighbourhoods.

Similarly, regarding the destruction of massive old-growth forests – the “weathered living monuments” that were seedlings when vegetarian Leonardo de Vinci died in 1519 –

“Indigenous Peoples don’t plant trees, instead, they grow them. Across Africa, the Indigenous Peoples are growing trees, food, medicines, shade, increasing water yields and circumventing the sprawl of the Sahara Desert.” (p. 119)

Insects have also been decimated. Halter highlights “a solution for over 200,000 kinds of insects that man-made nerve poisons, like neonics and others, currently target”,

“Apart from banning these terrible poisons worldwide, a solution may be found by replacing them with natural and safe ‘smart’ biocides…based upon certain fungi conferring incredible resistance to the plants…making them unattractive to the pests. This solution doesn’t kill the insects, rather, it allows them to coexist in the fields…

It’s 100 percent safe…It’s a global gamechanger for urban and rural farmers.” (p. 140)


The Revolution

“Economic growth at the expense of all life is an unnecessary evil.”

The author quantifies our insanity:

“Ninety-six percent of all mammals are now livestock or humans. Just four percent are wild animals. Scandalous. Farmed caged birds comprise 70 percent of all birds left on the planet. Cattle, pigs and sheep account for 60 percent of all living mammals. The other 36 percent are humans. Livestock uses 83 percent of farmland to produce a meager 18 percent of the human population’s calories and 37 percent of its protein.” (p. 164)

Where to begin? Halter cites the “sagacious advice on transformative changes of Sir Robert Watson, the British atmospheric chemist who chaired the 2019 UN panel on Biodiversity”, who says that we need

“a fundamental, system-wide reorganisation across technological, economic and social factors, including paradigms, goals and values. We need the guidance, knowledge, innovations and practises, institution and values of the Indigenous Peoples front and centre in order for civilisation to survive.” (p. 163)

Halter cites Victor Hugo that “no army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come”. He then asks, “Is not protecting life on Earth the greatest of all ideas? Its time has certainly come.”

This is where Gen Z comes in – to revolutionize our path towards the peaceful, respectful values of Indigenous Peoples worldwide. Their values are being translated into action:

“Many Gen Zs worldwide are refusing to accept the predatory debt loads of tertiary education institutions. Instead, they are embarking upon becoming makers, growers, readers, thinkers, reimaginers, walkers, cyclists, tiny foot-printers, caretakers of nature and tiny home occupants. They own their tiny dwellings and they’re having fun. These Gen Zs are good at fixing and building things, and they’re especially gifted at repurposing materials. They embrace two central concepts: there’s no waste in nature and that diversity within ecosystems equals strength. These Gen Z makers are both problem-solvers and toolmakers. They have a fresh way of looking at the world.” (p. 147)

These responsible values can be further achieved through nonviolent mass civil disobedience, which is twice as likely to succeed as violent insurgence, according to Harvard professor Erica Chenoweth and Maria Stephan, of the US Institute of Peace. Incredibly, they reported, 3.5 percent of a population becoming active could force societal change.

Halter frequently admires the ethical character of Gen Z:

“All Gen Z warriors instinctively embrace the following dictum: ‘Forti nihil difficile – To the brave nothing is difficult’”. (p. 136)

“Their living footprint is as light as a feather.” (p.148)

“These congenial Gen Z caretakers have deliberately replaced fear with:  truth, compassion, action, and love of nature and Mother Earth. Instead, they also seek peace, joy, harmony, curiosity, and love of being.” (p. 168)

The greatest literary works of all time owe their power to the deep and sacred feelings they evoke in humanity. We are not small people:  We have the Great Spirit within us and we can rise to meet the challenge if we allow this magnificent book to penetrate our depths.

It is a masterpiece.


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Bill Gates’ Bad Bet on Plutonium-fueled Reactors

March 23rd, 2021 by Frank N. von Hippel

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One of Bill Gates’ causes is to replace power plants fueled by coal and natural gas with climate-friendly alternatives. That has led the billionaire philanthropist and Microsoft co-founder to embrace nuclear power, and building nuclear power plants to combat climate change is a prospect worth discussing. But Gates has been persuaded to back a costly reactor design fueled by nuclear-weapon-usable plutonium and shown, through decades of experience, to be expensive, quick to break down, and difficult to repair.

In fact, Gates and his company, Terrapower, are promoting a reactor type that the US and most other countries abandoned four decades ago because of concerns about both nuclear weapons  proliferation and cost.

The approximately 400 power reactors that provide about 10 percent of the world’s electric power today are almost all water-cooled and fueled by low-enriched uranium, which is not weapon usable. Half a century ago, however, nuclear engineers were convinced—wrongly, it turned out—that the global resource of low-cost uranium would not be sufficient to support such reactors beyond the year 2000.

Work therefore began on liquid-sodium-cooled “breeder” reactors that would be fueled by plutonium, which, when it undergoes a fission chain reaction, produces neutrons that can transmute the abundant but non-chain-reacting isotope of natural uranium, u-238, into more plutonium than the reactor consumes.

But mining companies and governments found a lot more low-cost uranium than originally projected. The Nuclear Energy Agency recently concluded that the world has uranium reserves more than adequate to support water-cooled reactors for another century.

And while technologically elegant, sodium-cooled reactors proved unable to compete economically with water-cooled reactors, on several levels. Admiral Rickover, who developed the US Navy’s water-cooled propulsion reactors from which today’s power reactors descend, tried sodium-cooled reactors in the 1950s. His conclusion was that they are “expensive to build, complex to operate, susceptible to prolonged shutdown as a result of even minor malfunctions, and difficult and time-consuming to repair.” That captures the experience of all efforts to commercialize breeder reactors. The United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Japan all abandoned their breeder-reactor efforts after spending the equivalent of $10 billion or more each on the effort.

Today, despite about $100 billion spent on efforts to commercialize them, only two sodium-cooled breeder reactor prototypes are operating—both in Russia. India is building one, and China is building two with Russian help. But it is not clear India and China are looking only to generate electricity with their breeders; they may also be motivated in part by the fact that breeder reactors produce copious amounts of the weapon-grade plutonium desired by their militaries to expand their nuclear-weapon stockpiles.

The proliferation risks of breeder-reactor programs were dramatically demonstrated in 1974, when India carried out its first explosive test of a nuclear-weapon design with plutonium that had been produced with US Atoms for Peace Program assistance for India’s ostensibly peaceful breeder reactor program. The United States, thus alerted, was able to stop four more countries, governed at the time by military juntas (Brazil, Pakistan, South Korea, and Taiwan), from going down the same track—although Pakistan found another route to the bomb via uranium enrichment.

It was India’s 1974 nuclear test that got me involved with this issue as an advisor to the Carter administration. I have been involved ever since, contributing to the plutonium policy debates in the United States, Japan, South Korea and other countries.

In 1977, after a policy review, the Carter administration concluded that plutonium breeder reactors would not be economic for the foreseeable future and called for termination of the US development program. After the estimated cost of the Energy Department’s proposed demonstration breeder reactor increased five-fold, Congress finally agreed in 1983.

But the dream of plutonium breeder reactors lived on in the Energy Department’s Idaho National Laboratory, and, during the Trump administration, the department agreed to back the construction at INL of a plutonium-fueled, sodium-cooled reactor, deceptively called the “Versatile Test Reactor.” The VTR is a bigger version of INL’s Experimental Breeder Reactor II, which I helped shut down in 1994 because the reactor no longer had a mission, when I worked in the Clinton administration’s White House.

The consortium that is to build the Versatile Test Reactor, at an estimated cost of up to $5.6 billion, includes Bill Gates’ Terrapower.

Gates is obviously not in it for the money. But his reputation for seriousness may have helped recruit Democratic Senators Cory Booker, Dick Durbin, and Sheldon Whitehouse to join the two Republican senators from Idaho in a bipartisan coalition to co-sponsor the Nuclear Energy Innovations Capabilities Act of 2017, which called for the VTR.

I wonder if any of those five Senators knows that the VTR is to be fueled annually by enough plutonium for more than 50 Nagasaki bombs. Or that it is a failed technology. Or that the Idaho National Laboratory is collaborating on plutonium separation technology with the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute at a time when about half of South Korea’s population wants nuclear weapons to deter North Korea.

Fortunately, it is not too late for the Biden administration and Congress to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past and to zero out the Versatile Test Reactor in the Department of Energy’s next budget appropriations cycle. The money could be spent more effectively on upgrading the safety of our existing reactor fleet and on other climate-friendly energy technologies.


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Frank N. von Hippel is a co-founder of the Program on Science and Global Security at Princeton University’s School of Public and International Affairs, a founding co-chair of the International Panel on Fissile Materials, and a member of the Bulletin’s Board of Sponsors.

America Should Swallow Its Pride on Iran

March 23rd, 2021 by Geoff LaMear

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The United States and Iran remain at an impasse over the nuclear issue two months into President Biden’s administration. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has stated that the United States will only provide sanctions relief after Iran returns to full compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal, while Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif recently stated that Iran will not budge before the U.S., whose policy rests on the assumption that Iran can be forced to capitulate. This assumption is faulty.

The economic impact of sanctions are diminishing as Iran adapts, echoing Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s call for a “Resistance Economy” able to withstand sanctions. Iran’s domestic manufacturing is up. Iran’s currency depreciation has likewise accelerated the shift towards economic autarky, with domestically manufactured goods replacing costly imports.

As sanctions continue, U.S. leverage will wane as Iran’s economy adapts. Iran’s oil revenues are down, but focus on this ignores that oil revenues now account for only 15 percent of GDP, meaning Iran is less oil-reliant than Saudi Arabia or even Texas. Iran has also turned to China and Venezuela to buy its oil exports to evade sanctions.

U.S. sanctions have undermined American credibility and are not likely to achieve any sort of popular uproar in Washington’s favor. Iranians have not rallied against their government in response to the economic devastation in the country. Instead, recent polling in Iran conducted by the University of Maryland reflects a shift towards hardline figures and a rejection of further concessions. Sixty-eight percent of Iranians polled opposed returning to the nuclear deal until after the United States relieves economic sanctions.

Iran is unlikely to capitulate to economic pressure. The U.S. has a lot to lose if it pretends otherwise.If Iran can be forced to capitulate, then why didn’t it do so in 2018, when the impact of sanctions had its greatest effect? Why is Iran still not budging on negotiation now that the Biden administration is offering better terms than President Trump’s?

Continuing sanctions is risky for U.S. troops in the region. Rockets targeting U.S. troops are commonplace in Iraq, and widely understood as Iran applying pressure to Washington through proxy attacks. President Biden has already fallen into the same tit-for-tat which characterized the final year of Trump’s administration, with the recent U.S. strike in Syria proving ineffective to stop further attacks. U.S. troops deserve better than having their lives endangered to save face in a negotiation.

The standoff against Iran is altogether unnecessary for U.S. security. Iran is a regional power in a region which accounts for 4 percent of global GDP. Iran isn’t exactly a powerhouse in this region, either. It fields an outdated air force left over from before the 1979 revolution, while Israel fields advanced F-35 fighter jets. Iran’s entire military is furthermore postured to fight against a superior enemy like the United States, not to conquer territory. Even in Shia-majority Iraq, Iran’s influence is contested.

Iran can’t win with hard power and its soft power is manageable. The U.S.’s threat perception of Iran is disproportionate and has not improved U.S. security. Instead, the U.S.’s confrontation of Iran has enabled Saudi Arabia and the UAE to hide behind an American bulwark rather than engage in diplomacy.

Harp Seal Pups in Trouble in Quebec Due to Low Sea Ice

March 23rd, 2021 by Olivia Rosane

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The sea ice cover in Canada’s Gulf of St. Lawrence is the lowest it has ever been since measurements began, and that is seriously bad news for the harp seals that are typically born on the ice.

A cold-water mammal, harp seals rarely spend any time on land, National Geographic explained. Instead, they feed in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, but every year return to the sea ice where they were born to give birth to their own young. But this year, the seals that usually return to the Gulf of Saint Lawrence to give birth on the ice around the Îles de la Madeleine in late February and early March were in for a shock.

“This year, there is absolutely no ice,” wildlife photographer and expedition leader Mario Cyr told National Geographic. “These seals are out of options.”

Instead, hundreds of pups have washed up on a beach in Blanc-Sablon, Québec, where Cyr has photographed them for the magazine. Baby seals on land don’t tend to do well. They are in danger of being crushed by ice, drowned or eaten by land carnivores like coyotes.

“They’re evolutionarily designed for ice. They’re not designed to survive onshore… and it puts them literally in the proximity of every predator out there. So yes, they’re in trouble,” National Geographic contributor Jen Hayes told ABC7.

2021 is expected to be a bad year for baby harp seal mortality, and marine mammal expert Mark Hammill told National Geographic that it is unlikely the baby seals on the beach will make it.

The Gulf of St. Lawrence is usually covered by more than 90,000 square miles of ice in March, according to ABC7. But this year, the gulf is essentially ice-free. The ice extent is the lowest it has been since record-keeping began in 1969.

However, this isn’t the first time that ice cover has been so low that it has impacted the seals and the community that relies on their nurseries to bring tourism to the Îles de la Madeleine, or Magdalen Islands. This is the fifth time that the seal observation season there has been canceled in the last decade.

“2010 was our rupture point,” Ariane Bérubé, sales director for the Château Madelinot hotel, told The Guardian. “It was the first year we had to cancel. We had more than 350 people who had reserved and we had to try to explain to them what was happening. It was the first time since 1958 that we had no ice. Then it happened again in 2011. And again in 2016 and 2017. And now this year.”

While the low ice is bad for baby seals this year, Hammill says that overall the 7.6 million harp seals in the world are doing well and will simply change their migration patterns as the planet warms and ice distribution shifts. What will end is seal tourism in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

“We need to keep in mind that seals always return to the place where they were born. So, if we skip a year, like now, nothing changes genetically for the seals. But if it goes on for three or four years in a row, during which the seals don’t give birth to their pups here, then they won’t come back because they will have changed their migration route,” Cyr explained to The Guardian. “So for each year that we lose, that makes fewer who will return. These are the effects of climate change that are really visible.”


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With a possible revival of the Iran nuclear deal on the table, there are many forces at work opposing a US return to the accord, known as the JCPOA. One form this opposition takes is through anonymous leaks to Western media outlets that are happy to publish whatever intelligence officials tell them to. This week, two dubiously-sourced reports came out that accused Iran of plotting an attack in Washington and operating a secret nuclear program. Missing from the stories was any evidence to back up the claims.

On Sunday, The Associated Press published a story that cited “two senior US intelligence officials” who claimed that Iran made threats against Fort McNair, a waterfront Army base in Washington DC. The officials said the NSA intercepted communications of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps discussing possible “USS Cole-style attacks” on Fort McNair, referring to the 2000 attack on a US Navy destroyer off Yemen that was launched using a small explosive-laden boat. The AP story offers no other evidence to back up the claim besides the word of the unnamed officials.

Iran hawks benefit from such stories since it gives the US more reasons not to return to the JCPOA. But another reason to hype a threat to Fort McNair was explained in the AP story. The US Army wants to create a security buffer zone extending 250 to 500 feet into the water of the Washington Channel, the busy waterway that Fort McNair sits on. Eleanor Holmes Norton, DC’s representative to Congress, has been fighting this buffer zone and said the military has shown her no evidence that constitutes a threat big enough to justify it.

“I have asked the Department of Defense to withdraw the rule because I’ve seen no evidence of a credible threat that would support the proposed restriction,” Norton said. “I have a security clearance. And they have yet to show me any classified evidence.”

The AP doesn’t explain these doubts until a few paragraphs into the story, so most readers with faith in the outlet that read the headline and skimmed a few paragraphs are left believing Iran is considering attacking Washington.

Following the AP report, on Monday, The Telegraph published a story that cited unnamed “Western intelligence officials” who claimed Iran is “deliberately concealing key components of its nuclear program from UN inspectors that can be used for producing nuclear weapons.” The officials claimed that Iran is hiding equipment that can be used to enrich uranium at 90 percent, which is needed for weapons-grade.

The Telegraph report follows a familiar script. For decades now, Western and Israeli officials have claimed Iran is operating a secret nuclear weapons program. Like most of these claims, the Telegraph offers absolutely no evidence to corroborate the story. All the officials say is that they tracked containers they “believe” this equipment is held in through satellite images.

President Biden claims that he wants to revive the JCPOA but has taken no action to do so. He is demanding that Iran reverse the activity of its civilian nuclear program to comply with the limits set by the agreement before sanctions imposed by the Trump administration are lifted. Since the US is the party that violated the deal, Tehran wants Biden to act first.

While Biden has not lifted sanctions, his administration is calling for talks with Iran to restore the JCPOA. This is enough to evoke a strong response from Iran hawks in Congress. With intense domestic pressure and opposition to the JCPOA from US allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia, it is unlikely that Biden will take a unilateral action like lifting sanctions to revive the JCPOA. Dubiously-sourced reports like the ones from AP and the Telegraph give Iran hawks more ammunition to pressure Biden into not returning to the agreement. In the meantime, Iran’s economy remains under crippling economic sanctions, and ordinary Iranians continue to suffer.


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Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.

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The Globalization of War: America’s “Long War” against Humanity

Michel Chossudovsky

The “globalization of war” is a hegemonic project. Major military and covert intelligence operations are being undertaken simultaneously in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and the Far East. The U.S. military agenda combines both major theater operations as well as covert actions geared towards destabilizing sovereign states.

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-6-0
Year: 2015
Pages: 240 Pages

List Price: $22.95

Special Price: $15.00

Click here to order.

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Both Russia and Turkey have celebrated on March 16 the centennial of the Friendship and Fraternity Treaty of Moscow, and have exchanged diplomatic pleasantries. Mustafa Sentop, speaker of the Turkish Parliament stated that Russia is “not only our neighbor, but also our friend and cooperation partner”. The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, stated that the two countries’ relations are based “on the principle of good-neighborliness and added that Russia is ready to further cooperate with Turkey in all areas, including investment cooperation and infrastructure and energy.

Turkey launched the construction of its third Russia-funded nuclear reactor at Akkuyu nuclear power plant. The funds are being provided by Russian investors. The nuclear power point is expected to cost around $20 billions, 93% of which come from Rosatom, the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation, and the construction is being carried out by a Turkish-Russian joint venture.

But not everything is well regarding Russian-Turkish relations. In fact, such relations have always been complex.

A few years ago, when a Turkish fighter jet shot down the Russian Sukhoi Su-24 above the Turkish-Syrian border in November 2015 and a crisis ensued, some Russian politicians even proposed annulling the Treaty of Moscow. The Russian Foreign Ministry actually considered taking such action so as to send a powerful political message to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, but, in the end, Moscow dropped the idea in an effort to de-escalate tensions with its neighbor. Nowadays, Moscow and Ankara are not close allies, but they remain important partners.

The relations between the antecedent states of modern Russia and Turkey were conflictual: the so-called Russo-Turkish wars between the Russian and Ottoman empires are among the longest wars in History. One could say in fact relations between the two countries remained bitter up until the First World War. The 1921 Treaty of Moscow was an agreement between the Russia, led by Vladimir Lenin, and the revolutionary National Assembly of Turkey, led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, at a time when the government of Mehmed VI (last Sultan of the Ottoman Empire) was still recognized by most of the international community. The Moscow Treaty finally established friendly relations between the two countries and, by signing it, Russia recognized the then Turkish borders (as well as those of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia) – later confirmed by the Treaty of Kars of October 1921.

Such borders are still in existence and that remains a point of contention between Turkey and Armenia to this very day. Turkey supported Azerbaijan, its close ally, against the Armenians during the so-called First Nagorno-Karabakh War, between 1988 and 1994, and has done so again in the recent 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war, an event which may have profoundly altered Russian-Turkish bilateral relations.Such was a Turkish move to both extend its sphere of influence and to marginalize Russian influence in the region.

In October 2020, Russia targeted with airstrikes a training camp for the Failaq al-Sham, an alliance of Sunni Islamist rebels that was backed by Turkey. This was clearly a kind of warning Moscow sent to the Turkish authorities in Ankara. Russian President Vladimir Putin was a party to the ceasefire agreement signed between Azerbaijan and Armenia. After Armenian forces left the Azerbaijani territories (as part of the peace deal), Russian and Turkey signed an agreement establishing a joint observation center in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. Currently there are about 2,000 Russian soldiers in the Lachin corridor between Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia who are being deployed as peacekeeping forces.

Today there are joint Russian-Turkish operations in Nagorno-Karabakh as well as in Syria. However, Turkish support for recent Ukrainian moves towards the Donbass region is a major issue and so is Turkey’s NATO membership, as Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu stated last Wednesday (claiming it is an impediment to cooperation). While the minister said that the current Russian-Turkish joint operations are “fruitful” (both Russia and Turkey patrol the northeast of Syria, fighting together against the terrorism) and common ground is possible, he also noted that the work is difficult precisely because of the issue of NATO membership.

There seems to be also a deep geopolitical and geostrategic issue: the interests of Russians and Turks tend to clash in the Caucasus and Central Asia – and their rivalry in the Middle East is notorious. A proxy competition between Russia and Turkey is one recurring pattern that can be seen behind the current conflict in Libya, for example. On the other hand, an alliance with Turkey, from a Russian perspective, would further undermine NATO, which to a certain extent only exists today to antagonize Russia (and China). As for Turkey, its ambitions of joining the European Union do not seem to have any significant chance of success.

Bilateral relations between Moscow and Ankara have shown its ability to overcome their regional competitions, but tensions are escalating. The way things develop in Donbass might become a new test for such ability.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts.

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By buying 54 armoured vehicles for its military from the U.S., North Macedonia is paying a heavy price for joining NATO because member states have an expectation, if not an obligation, to buy American-made weapons whether they need them or not. North Macedonia has no need to spend $210 million on armaments, especially as it does not have the money to spare when we consider it has much more immediate concerns, such as permeating issues of poverty, unemployment, and national unity. Although the purchase of 54 armoured vehicles is partly in reaction to the rearmament programs of neighbouring countries, these programs are not aimed against North Macedonia nor will they lead to a conflict. 

The Balkans is rearming, and as can be seen, North Macedonia does not want to be left out either. However, a mere $210 million will lead nowhere significant, especially if we consider neighboring Greece is spending over €10 billion on its Air Force and Navy, while Bulgaria, Serbia and Albania are also going through significant military upgrades.

Serbia, Greece and Bulgaria do not have direct territorial claims against North Macedonia, and in fact Greece, under a NATO mandate, controls the skies of the Balkan country. Although the majority of Albanians have territorial aspirations against western North Macedonia, Albania has been a NATO member since 2009. It is unlikely that NATO will allow an Albania-North Macedonia War, especially as the alliance has prevented Greece and Turkey from going to war on numerous occasions since they both became member states in 1952.

The only reason an Albania-North Macedonia War may be tolerated is if it serves U.S. interests. If Washington deems such a conflict necessary, there is little that $210 million worth of armored vehicles will be able to do to protect North Macedonia’s territorial integrity. Skopje however has become a loyal ally of Washington, and for now is not under threat of being Balkanized or absorbed into a Greater Albania. This arrangement will continue so long as Skopje continues serving U.S. interests and does not pivot towards Russia. A Balkanization or the emergence of a Greater Albania in North Macedonia will only be supported if Skopje turns away from Washington.

NATO membership, as North Macedonia would have been aware of when it joined the Alliance last March, opens new financial obligations. This is despite poverty in the country being enormous. The fact that the U.S. will allegedly give a part of the money is nothing compared to what will be paid by the North Macedonian state and taxpayers.

North Macedonia has so far spent about €100 million on defense, but according to NATO obligations, that figure must be increased to 2% of the GDP, meaning that Skopje should allocate a lot more per year on its defense. Although it will not correspond to the interests of North Macedonian citizens, it is a policy that Skopje will undoubtedly follow.

The Ministry of Defense of North Macedonia states that these are Infantry Carrier Vehicle Stryker’s and that the participation of the U.S. in the purchase of these vehicles will amount to 20 to 25% of the total amount. Delivery will begin in 2022.

Stryker is manufactured by American company General Dynamics Land Systems and is used by the American military. Stryker was created in the early 2000s and is intended for transporting motorized infantry units on the battlefield. It has the ability to fire directly from vehicles, provide infantry fire support, and offer comprehensive support for combat operations of mechanized military units.

Despite being American made and used, there have been a lot of negative reactions to the Stryker vehicle. The U.S. military used Stryker’s during its war against Iraq and compiled a special report on the efficiency of these vehicles. According to military experts, this vehicle is so incompatible with the tasks assigned to it that further modifications for troop use is unlikely. According to the soldiers who used Stryker’s in Iraq, it turned out to be very unreliable, poorly protected from anti-tank shells and small arms, and has low firepower. This is in addition to having significant structural shortcomings. Among the few advantages are the smoothness of driving, comfort on uneven terrain, and the fact that it has wheels instead of tank treads.

In 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic, poverty in North Macedonia was at 17%. It is estimated to have risen to 20-25% of the population because of the pandemic. In 2020, the unemployment rate in North Macedonia was approximately 16.44%. There is also a lack of welfare services and an ethnic crisis between self-identifying Slavic North Macedonians and Albanians. Considering the North Macedonian GDP amounted to only $12.5 billion in 2020, allocating $210 million towards badly reviewed Stryker armoured vehicles suggests that Skopje is prioritizing its NATO obligations despite no current credible external threats against it. This money could instead be used towards poverty and unemployment reduction.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Paul Antonopoulos is an independent geopolitical analyst.

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Syria: The Price of Resistance

By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, March 22 2021

Few nations in recent decades have been targeted by a superpower the way the United States of America has subjected Syria to various forms of attack.

“The Great Reset” Is Here: Follow the Money. “Insane Lockdown” of the Global Economy, “The Green Agenda”

By F. William Engdahl, March 21 2021

The top-down reorganization of the world economy by a technocratic cabal led by the group around the Davos World Economic Forum– the so-called Great Reset or UN Agenda 2030– is no future proposal. It is well into actualization as the world remains in insane lockdown.

Tony Blair and the Iraq War of 2003: Should He Stand Trial for the Crime of Waging a “War of Aggression”?

By Adeyinka Makinde, March 22 2021

March 20th 2003 was the start of the Iraq War, a war many argue was an illegal “war of aggression” as prescribed under the Nuremberg Principles.


Walmart, Amazon and the Colonial Deindustrialisation of India

By Colin Todhunter, March 21 2021

In June 2018, the Joint Action Committee against Foreign Retail and E-commerce (JACAFRE) issued a statement on Walmart’s acquisition of Flipkart. It argued that it undermines India’s economic and digital sovereignty and the livelihood of millions in India.

John Magufuli: Death of an African Freedom Fighter, Confronted Big Pharma and the Corrupt Covid Cabal

By Celia Farber, March 21 2021

With humor, cheek, and audacity, Magufuli had crossed a line—exposing the fraud and illegitimacy of the PCR testing apparatus that the WHO relied on to justify the global lockdown, the terror, and the vaccine rollouts.

Biden’s Tough-guy Flexing at ‘Soulless Killer’ Putin Would be Funny if the Consequences Weren’t So Serious

By Scott Ritter, March 19 2021

Joe Biden’s effort to label Vladimir Putin as a “soulless killer” is the latest in a series of fact-free allegations that define US-Russian relations today. The real aim is to make Biden look like the strong leader he isn’t.

The American Terror State

By Donald Monaco, March 22 2021

On February 26, 2021, imperial President Joe Biden ordered the bombing of “Iranian backed militias” in Syria. Biden’s action was rationalized as “retaliation” for rocket attacks on American troops in Iraq that killed a mercenary contractor and injured a U.S. soldier.

CDC Ignores Inquiry into Increasing Number of Deaths, Injuries Reported After COVID Vaccines

By Megan Redshaw, March 22 2021

Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the number of injuries and deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID vaccines showed 38,444 reports of adverse events since Dec. 14, 2020.

IBM Partners with Moderna for “COVID Reset”. “Health Passports Are Here”

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, March 22 2021

Better hang on folks, as technocracy’s plan to digitize you to the blockchain so you can be manipulated and controlled as a digital asset is being deployed — just as they said they would.

“The Chicken Little” Act Isn’t Working – COVID Mania Is Wearing Off. Resistance is Unfolding

By Jordan Schachtel, March 22 2021

The “public health experts” are scrambling to remain in the spotlight, and even their most reliable scare tactics are failing to keep the masses compliant, paranoid, and afraid.

COVID-19 Vaccine Risks and Research

By Nina Beety, March 21 2021

COVID-19 and related policy steps are causing great suffering, devastation, and economic harm. Below is the letter I sent to my county’s health officer with my research on COVID-19 vaccine risks, treatment options, and prevalence statistics, and asking him to take action.

Video: COVID-19 the “Pandemic” Is Over. “A Novel Virus Closely Related to Corona Viruses Which Contribute to the Common Cold”

By Dr. Mike Yeadon and Julia Hartley-Brewer, March 22 2021

Mike Yeadon, Pfizer former chief scientific advisor: “Yes, its a novel virus but its very closely related to at least four other viruses that circulate freely in the population, which are all corona viruses and contribute to the common cold, so bluntly it was naive of them (government etc) to assume everyone was susceptible..”

Call for a Moratorium on COVID Jabs in North America

By Anthony Hall, March 21 2021

In responding to the dangers of the COVID concoctions currently being injected into the blood streams of the general public, vaccine designer Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche warned that humanity may be on the brink of “a global catastrophe without equal.”

By Michael WelchAbayomi Azikiwe, and Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, March 20 2021

“This is injustice, it is clear aggression, and it is uncalculated risk for its consequences on the Mediterranean and Europe…We are confronting Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, nothing more. What would you do if you found them controlling American …”

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Global Research Needs Your Support

March 22nd, 2021 by The Global Research Team

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The entire world is watching in horror as death rates have skyrocketed in Israel since the Israeli government brokered a secret deal with Pfizer to inject the entire population with their experimental COVID shots, which are now being mandated as a condition to participate in society. See: Death Rates Skyrocket in Israel Following Pfizer Experimental COVID “Vaccines”

The National File reported this past week that a group of Israeli doctors, lawyers, campaigners and concerned citizens have hired the services of Tel Aviv-based firm A. Suchovolsky & Co. Law to file a criminal complaint in the International Criminal Court, stating that the mandatory vaccine laws are a violation of the Nuremberg Code.

Israel became one of the first nations in the world to mandate COVID-19 vaccines, and to introduce a COVID passport system that would only allow individuals to participate in society – including commerce – after they received the vaccine and were approved to join the system.

Now, a group of Israeli Jews are suing the Netanyahu administration in international court, making the case that Israel is violating the Nuremberg Code by essentially making Israelis subject to a medical experiment using the controversial vaccines.

Reporting for Church Militant, Jules Gomes wrote:

The Anshe Ha-Emet (People of the Truth) fellowship — comprising Israeli doctors, lawyers, campaigners and concerned citizens — complained to the ICC prosecutor at the Hague, accusing the government of conducting a national “medical experiment” without first seeking “informed consent.”

“When the heads of the Ministry of Health as well as the prime minister presented the vaccine in Israel and began the vaccination of Israeli residents, the vaccinated were not advised, that, in practice, they are taking part in a medical experiment and that their consent is required for this under the Nuremberg Code,” the Anshe Ha-Emet suit states.

Tel Aviv-based firm A. Suchovolsky & Co. Law argues that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s agreement with Pfizer and Netanyahu’s own admission make it clear that Israel’s warp-speed vaccination campaign “is indeed a medical experiment and that this was the essence of the agreement.”

The complaint has now been accepted by the International Criminal Court (ICC), and will be considered.

The Nuremberg Code was “written after Nazi doctors were put on trial for performing their medical experiments on concentration camp prisoners, stipulates that it is deeply unethical to force or coerce a person to take part in medical experiments,” according to a Jewish anthropologist. Those behind the lawsuit believe this is especially relevant after Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla called Israel the “world’s lab” due to its ready acceptance of the company’s COVID-19 vaccine.

This comes after an Israeli group decried the country’s green passport system, which allows only those who have taken the COVID-19 vaccine or developed immunity from the virus to engage in commerce and leave their homes, as “demonic” and a “second Holocaust.”

In an interview that has now been viewed by over a half million people, Ilana Rachel Daniel has made an emotional outcry for help from Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.

“Civil rights are put aside and people can only participate in society again after vaccination,” told Ilana to Flavio Pasquino in the BLCKBX studio via a live stream connection, who tracked down Ilana after an – even – more emotional audio clip on Telegram.

Ilana talks about the Green Pass, the Freedom Bracelet, the mRNA vaccine and human rights violations.

“Currently reminiscent of the Holocaust,” said the Jewess who emigrated from the US to Jerusalem 30 years ago.

Ilana Rachel is active in Jerusalem as a health advisor and information officer for a new political party (Rappeh) that is heavily opposed by the regime. Opening a banc account is not possible and members of the party are also thwarted in their daily lives.

Watch her impassioned plea for help (this is still on YouTube – if it disappears let us know.)

Israeli Rabbi Chananya Weissman’s 31 Reasons Why I Won’t Take the Vaccine, read it here


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This is to serve warning that what ‘the authorities’ are planning for us in the very near future is a ‘Great Reset’ of what we are accustomed to eating at our daily meals.

Under plans laid out by Klaus Schwab, executive director of the World Economic Forum, what food ‘is’ and how it is produced are to take a dramatic turn for the worse. From something broadly natural to something essentially synthetic.

Under the cold technocrat agenda know as ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’ and ‘Green New Deal’ agriculture will have less and less to do with farmers cultivating the land and more and more to do with the laboratory production of synthetic foods by robots.

The great majority of mankind already carry traces of dozens of toxic synthetic chemicals in their bodies, with significant amounts of the carcinogenic herbicide glyphosate (Roundup) having been detected in more than 90% of the tens of thousands tested in Europe and the USA during recent years.

Right now in Holland, Israel and California entirely fake laboratory meat (‘cultured meat’) is commencing manufacture – using animal based cellular tissue; while nanoparticles are increasingly being adopted in the processing of many of the mass produced factory foods found on supermarket shelves today.

The GMO threat is also once again part of the plan, going under a new name: ‘gene editing’. These are foods that have been molecularly re-engineered to suit the profit motivated ambitions of the pesticide and pharmaceutical industries. Consuming them on a regular basis will irrevocably alter our own DNA to the point where ‘human’ will no longer fit the description of our species.

Most people are completely unaware of these so called ‘developments’. One of the excuses used for moving humanity onto a space-age laboratory engineered diet is that scientists in the pay of the global warming lobby say that dairy cows and beef cattle are causing climate change due to their natural flatulence negatively effecting the atmospheric methane balance.

This is at the extreme end of plausible, but only in the case of large scale factory farms on which cattle are fed entirely inappropriate diets.

This is the same bunch of ‘scientists’ who are warning that earthworms need controlling due to their supposed negative influence on the upper atmosphere.

Well, frankly, I would have thought that even the most dim members of the scientific community would have thought up something a little more credible for closing down conventional farming systems. But such is the insanity at large today that almost any theory backed by enough mass propaganda indoctrination seems capable of achieving its desired ends.

So let us be reminded of the words of Dr Henry Kissinger

“Who controls the food supply controls the people.”

Food production coming under the jurisdiction of a centralised global cabal, is a very dangerous move. Already just six vast seed corporations own and control 80% of the world’s seed production and distribution.

Using Codex Alimentarius clauses of the World Trade Organisation governments have already been influenced to pass laws severely restricting the use of native seeds and a wide variety of fruit and vegetables once on sale in traditional grocery stores.

The population as a whole is now confronted by the despotic Green New Deal programme forcing its fake ‘zero carbon’ policy on humanity and weaponising it to be the vector for the digitalisation and re-engineering of the food chain, as described earlier.

The largely synthetic diet that emerges out of this sterilisation programme will free-up the land for what is termed ‘re-wilding’, the leisure pursuits of the wealthy and large scale US style robotic factory farming units.

What to do?

Here follows a list of immediate actions to take to ensure you don’t get caught-out and find yourself on a corporate/state controlled artificial GMO diet with no way out.

  • Immediately cease relying on the supermarket/hypermarket for your main food purchases. They are global killers of small, diverse and animal friendly farms and of real food. They will be the first to comply with the cabal government controls.
  • If you are not already living in the countryside or small town/village with direct links to the surrounding land, plan your move to such a location straight away. Big cities are saturated with electro magnetic microwaves, CCTV monitors, traffic polluted air and a great excess of sterile concrete. They can no longer support the health and welfare of sentient humans.
  • Once in your countryside location, establish contact with a small or medium sized (SME) pro-ecological and/or traditional farmer and start making your food purchases ‘direct from the farm’ or via a food cooperative/independent small shop selling good quality fresh foods from local farms.
  • Rent, share or buy a piece of land to start your own cultivation on. Make a plan to grow a percentage of your basic dietary needs on this land. Seek help from those who have experience, to get you started.
  • Spend as much time as possible in/with nature. This is the antidote to the materialistic, mechanistic mind controlled world of urban dependency – the main target for the WEF’s fake Green New Deal programme of oppression and control.
  • Learn the skills of gardening, medicinal herb growing and building natural good health. Particularly build-up your immune system to resist various diseases, minor sicknesses like a flu called Covid and major sicknesses like cancer and build into your daily routine a spiritual practice which puts you in touch with your deeper self and divine origins.  This is going to be particularly important in protecting against dark entities and in opening your life to the vital pathway of full conscious awareness.
  • Barter and share wherever possible. The cabal’s aim is to phase out bank notes and coinage by 2030 at the latest, making people fully dependent on plastic cards and digital nano-chips inserted under the skin. In both cases total 24/7 surveillance of all activities and direct access to your bank account will be the order of the day.
  • Get involved with your local community. Help it become self governing. Share information (like this) with neighbours and leaders of local authorities. Build initiatives to get your community linked-up with neighbourhood farms and woodlands so that these resources can be used to support the needs of the local community.
  • Make sure to retain a wood or coal burning stove/boiler and ‘human scale’ agricultural tools for cultivating the land. Learn the skills needed to work the land with horses. Petroleum and gas are likely to become ever harder to acquire for all but the 1%, who will retain access to supplies for heating cooking and transportation purposes. This is not because of a supply shortage – there is none – but because The Fourth Industrial Revolution/Green Deal is founded on ‘Green Fascism’, a ‘zero carbon’ policy that will starve the population of access to fossil fuels and force people into a slavish dependency on the state (cabal) and conformity with long planned global depopulation goals.

Lastly, let the Changes recommended here be seen as a positive. A welcome challenge for all concerned. A chance for ‘real life’ to replace the digitalised virtual reality existence of today. You will be bringing about a world in which nature and man can finally start to heal and return to a state of equilibrium.

Envision and meditate on this healed world now. Make your move the number one priority of your life and join those already building their arks. Arks destined to become the foundation stones of a simple, creative and just New Society.


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Julian Rose is an early pioneer and practitioner of UK organic farming; an entrepreneur and leader of projects to create self sufficient communities based on local supply and demand; a teacher of holistic life approaches and the author of four books – one of which ‘Creative Solutions to a World in Crisis’ ( lays-out detailed guide-lines for the transformation of society into caring communities built upon ecological and spiritual awareness, justice and cooperation. See Julian’s website for more information

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Genetic Literacy Project

The Insanity of the PCR Testing Saga

March 22nd, 2021 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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For several months, experts have highlighted the true cause behind the COVID-19 pandemic, namely the incorrect use of PCR tests set at a ridiculously high cycle count (CT), which falsely labels healthy people as “COVID-19 cases.” In reality, the PCR test is not a proper diagnostic test, although it has been promoted as such.

An important question that demands an answer is whether the experts at our federal health agencies and the World Health Organization were really too ignorant to understand the implications of using this test at excessive CT, or whether it was done on purpose to create the illusion of a dangerous, out-of-control pandemic.

Regardless, those in charge need to be held accountable, which is precisely what the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee (Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss,1 or ACU),2,3 intends to do.

They’re in the process of launching an international class-action lawsuit against those responsible for using fraudulent testing to engineer the appearance of a dangerous pandemic in order to implement economically devastating lockdowns around the world. I wrote about this in “Coronavirus Fraud Scandal — The Biggest Fight Has Just Begun” and “German Lawyers Initiate Class-Action Coronavirus Litigation.”

FDA Demands Higher False Positives

An interesting case detailed in a January 21, 2021, Buzzfeed article4 that raises those same questions in regard to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is its recent spat with Curative, a California testing company that got its start in January 2020. It has since risen to become one of the largest COVID-19 test providers in the U.S.

Curative’s most popular PCR test differs from other providers in that it uses spit swabbed from the patient’s tongue, cheek and mouth rather than from the back of the nasal cavity.

In April 2020, the FDA issued an accelerated emergency use authorization5 for the Curative spit test, but only for patients who had been symptomatic within the two weeks prior to taking the test, as the data available at that time showed it failed to catch asymptomatic “cases.”

However, the test was subsequently used off-label on individuals without symptoms anyway, and the company has been urging the FDA to expand its authorization to include asymptomatic individuals based on newer data.

In December 2020, Curative submitted that data,6 showing its oral spit test accurately identified about 90% of positive cases when compared against a nasopharyngeal PCR test set to 35 CT.7

The FDA objected, saying that Curative was comparing its test against a PCR that had a CT that was too low, and would therefore produce too many false negatives.8 According to the FDA, the bar Curative had chosen was “not appropriate and arbitrary,” Buzzfeed reports.9

This is a curious statement coming from the FDA, considering the scientific consensus on PCR tests is that anything over 35 CTs is scientifically unjustifiable.10,11,12

From the start, the FDA and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended running PCR tests at a CT of 40.13 This was already high enough to produce an inordinate number of false positives, thereby labeling healthy people as “COVID-19 cases,” but when it comes to Curative’s spit test, the FDA is demanding they compare it against PCR processed at a CT of 45, which is even more likely to produce false positives.

The FDA’s concern is that Curative’s test is missing infections and giving infectious people a clean bill of health. However, in reality, it’s far more likely that the test is accurately weeding out people who indeed are not infectious at all and rightly should be given a clean bill of health. It seems the FDA is merely pushing for a process that will ensure a higher “caseload” to keep the illusion of widespread infection going.

When Are You Actually Infectious?

A persistent sticking point with the PCR test is that it picks up dead viral debris, and by excessively magnifying those particles with CTs in the 40s, noninfectious individuals are labeled as infectious and told to self-isolate. In short, media and public health officials have conflated “cases” — positive tests — with the actual illness.

Medically speaking, a “case” refers to a sick person. It never ever referred to someone who had no symptoms of illness. Now all of a sudden, this well-established medical term, “case,” has been arbitrarily redefined to mean someone who tested positive for the presence of noninfectious viral RNA.

The research is unequivocal when it comes to who’s infectious and who’s not. You cannot infect another person unless you carry live virus, and you typically will not develop symptoms unless your viral load is high enough.

As it pertains to PCR testing, when excessively high CTs are used, even a minute viral load that is too low to cause symptoms can register as positive. And, since the test cannot distinguish between live virus and dead viral debris, you may not even be carrying live virus at all.

These significant drawbacks are why PCR testing really only should be done on symptomatic patients, and why a positive test should be weighed as just one factor of diagnosis. Symptoms must also be taken into account. If you have no symptoms, your chances of being infectious and spreading the infection to others is basically nil, as data14 from 9,899,828 individuals have shown.

Of these, not a single person who had been in close contact with an asymptomatic individual ended up testing positive. This study even confirmed that even in cases where asymptomatic individuals had had an active infection, and had been carriers of live virus, the viral load had been too low for transmission. As noted by the authors:15

“Compared with symptomatic patients, asymptomatic infected persons generally have low quantity of viral loads and a short duration of viral shedding, which decrease the transmission risk of SARS-CoV-2.

In the present study, virus culture was carried out on samples from asymptomatic positive cases, and found no viable SARS-CoV-2 virus. All close contacts of the asymptomatic positive cases tested negative, indicating that the asymptomatic positive cases detected in this study were unlikely to be infectious.”

PCR Picks Up Dead Virus for Weeks After Infection Has Cleared

Because the PCR test cannot discern between live virus and dead, noninfectious viral debris, the timing of the test ends up being important. One example of this was presented in a letter to the editor of The New England Journal of Medicine,16 in which the author describes an investigation done on hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Seoul, South Korea.

Whereas the median time from symptom onset to viral clearance confirmed by cultured samples was just seven days, with the longest time frame being 12 days, the PCR test continued to pick up SARS-CoV-2 for a median of 34 days. The shortest time between symptom onset to a negative PCR test was 24 days.

In other words, there was no detectable live virus in patients after about seven days from onset of symptoms (at most 12 days). The PCR test, however, continued to register them as “positive” for SARS-CoV-2 for about 34 days. The reason this matters is because if you have no live virus in your body, you are not infectious and pose no risk to others.

This then means that testing patients beyond, say, Day 12 to be safe, after symptom onset is pointless, as any positive result is likely to be false. But there’s more. As noted in that New England Journal of Medicine article:17

“Viable virus was identified until 3 days after the resolution in fever … Viral culture was positive only in samples with a cycle-threshold value of 28.4 or less. The incidence of culture positivity decreased with an increasing time from symptom onset and with an increasing cycle-threshold value.”

This suggests symptomology is a really important piece of the puzzle. If no viable virus is detectable beyond Day 3 after your fever ends, it’s probably unnecessary to retest beyond that point. A positive result beyond Day 3 after your fever breaks is, again, likely to be a false positive, as you have to have live virus in order to be infectious.

Even more important, these results reconfirm that CTs above 30 are inadvisable as they’re highly likely to be wrong. Here, they found the CT had to be below 28.4 in order for the positive test to correspond with live virus. As noted by the authors:18

“Our findings may be useful in guiding isolation periods for patients with Covid-19 and in estimating the risk of secondary transmission among close contacts in contract tracing.”

Testing for Dead Viruses Will Ensure Everlasting Lockdowns

To circle back to the Curative PCR test, the company argues that the test is accurate when it comes to detecting active infection, and as CEO Fred Turner told Buzzfeed:19

“If you’re screening for a return to work and you’re picking up everyone who had COVID two months ago, no one’s going to return to work. If you want to detect active COVID, what the ‘early’ study shows is that Curative is highly effective at doing that.”

Again, this has to do with the fact that the Curative spit test has a sensitivity resembling that of a nasopharyngeal PCR set at a CT of 30. The lower CT count narrows the pool of positive results to include primarily those with higher viral loads and those who are more likely to actually carry live virus. This is a good thing. What the FDA wants Curative to do is to widen that net so that more noninfectious individuals can be labeled as a “case.”

In an email to Buzzfeed, Dr. Michael Mina, an epidemiologist at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, stated that using a CT of 45 is “absolutely insane,” because at that magnification, you may be looking at a single RNA molecule, whereas “when people are sick and are contagious, they literally can have 1,000,000,000,000x that number.”20

Mina added that such a sensitive PCR test “would potentially detect someone 35 days post-infection who is fully recovered and cause that person to have to enter isolation. That’s crazy and it’s not science-based, it’s not medicine-based and it’s not public health-oriented.”21

While the FDA has issued a warning not to use the Curative spit test on asymptomatic people, Florida has dismissed the warning and will continue to use the test on symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals alike. Only Miami-Dade County is reconsidering how it is using the test, although a definitive decision has yet to be announced.22

The Lower the CT, the Greater the Accuracy

While the FDA claims high sensitivity (meaning higher CT) is required to ensure we don’t end up with asymptomatic spreaders in our communities, as reviewed above, this risk is exceedingly small. We really need to stop panicking about the possibility of healthy people killing others. It’s not a sane trend, as detailed in “The World Is Suffering from Mass Delusional Psychosis.”

According to an April 2020 study23 in the European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, to get 100% confirmed real positives, the PCR test must be run at just 17 cycles. Above 17 cycles, accuracy drops dramatically.

By the time you get to 33 cycles, the accuracy rate is a mere 20%, meaning 80% are false positives. Beyond 34 cycles, your chance of a positive PCR test being a true positive shrinks to zero.

Similarly, a December 3, 2020, systematic review24 published in the journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases, which assessed the findings of 29 different studies, found that “CT values were significantly lower … in specimens producing live virus culture.” In other words, the higher the CT, the lower the chance of a positive test actually being due to the presence of live (and infectious) virus.

“Two studies reported the odds of live virus culture reduced by approximately 33% for every one unit increase in CT,” the authors noted. Importantly, five of the studies included were unable to identify any live viruses in cases where a positive PCR test had used a CT above 24.

In cases where a CT above 35 was used, the patient had to be symptomatic in order to obtain a live virus culture. This again confirms that PCR with a CT over 35 really shouldn’t be used on asymptomatic people, as any positive result is likely to be meaningless and simply force them into isolation for no reason.

PCR Testing Based on Erroneous Paper

In closing, the whole premise of PCR testing to diagnose COVID-19 is in serious question, as the practice appears to be based on an erroneous paper that didn’t even undergo peer-review before being implemented worldwide.

November 30, 2020, a team of 22 international scientists published a review25 challenging the scientific paper26 on PCR testing for SARS-CoV-2 written by Christian Drosten, Ph.D., and Victor Corman (the so-called “Corman-Drosten paper”).

According to Reiner Fuellmich,27 founding member of the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee mentioned at the beginning of this article, Drosten is a key culprit in the COVID-19 pandemic hoax.

The scientists demand the Corman-Drosten paper be retracted due to “fatal errors,”28 one of which is the fact that it was written, and the test itself developed, before any viral isolate was available. The test is simply based on a partial genetic sequence published online by Chinese scientists in January 2020. In an Undercover DC interview, Kevin Corbett, Ph.D., one of the 22 scientists who are now demanding the paper’s retraction, stated:29

“Every scientific rationale for the development of that test has been totally destroyed by this paper … When Drosten developed the test, China hadn’t given them a viral isolate. They developed the test from a sequence in a gene bank. Do you see? China gave them a genetic sequence with no corresponding viral isolate.

They had a code, but no body for the code. No viral morphology … the bits of the virus sequence that weren’t there they made up. They synthetically created them to fill in the blanks …

There are 10 fatal errors in this Drosten test paper … But here is the bottom line: There was no viral isolate to validate what they were doing. The PCR products of the amplification didn’t correspond to any viral isolate at that time. I call it ‘donut ring science.’ There is nothing at the center of it. It’s all about code, genetics, nothing to do with reality …

There have since been papers saying they’ve produced viral isolates. But there are no controls for them. The CDC produced a paper in July … where they said: ‘Here’s the viral isolate.’ Do you know what they did? They swabbed one person. One person, who’d been to China and had cold symptoms. One person. And they assumed he had [COVID-19] to begin with. So, it’s all full of holes, the whole thing.

The critique against PCR testing is further strengthened by the November 20, 2020, study30 in Nature Communications, which found no viable virus in any PCR-positive cases. I referenced this study earlier, noting that not a single person who had been in close contact with an asymptomatic individual ended up testing positive.

But that’s not all. After evaluating PCR testing data from 9,899,828 people, and conducting additional live cultures to check for active infections in those who tested positive, using a CT of 37 or lower, they were unable to detect live virus in any of them, which is a rather astonishing finding.

On the whole, it seems clear that mass testing using PCR is inappropriate, and does very little if anything to keep the population safe. Its primary result is simply the perpetuation of the false idea that healthy, noninfectious people can pose a mortal threat to others, and that we must avoid social interactions. It’s a delusional idea that is wreaking havoc on the global psyche, and it’s time to put an end to this unhealthy, unscientific way of life.


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1 Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss

2 Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee, English

3 Algora October 4, 2020

4, 7, 9, 19, 20, 21 Buzzfeed January 29, 2021

5 Curative SARS-CoV-2 Assay EUA Summary (PDF)

6 medRxiv January 26, 2021 DOI: 10.1101/2021.01.26.21250523

8 Safety Communications January 4, 2021

10 The Vaccine Reaction September 29, 2020

11 Jon Rappoport’s Blog November 6, 2020

12 YouTube TWiV 641 July 16, 2020

13 CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel Instructions, July 13, 2020 (PDF) Page 35

14, 15, 30 Nature Communications November 20, 2020; 11 Article number 5917

16, 17, 18 NEJM January 27, 2021 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc2027040

22 Florida Bulldog February 8, 2021

23 European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases April 27, 2020; 39: 1059-1061

24 Clinical Infectious Diseases December 3, 2020; ciaa1764

25 Corman Drosten Review Report

26 Eurosurveillance, Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus by real-time RT-PCR

27, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Bio (German)

28, 29 Undercover DC December 3, 2020

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“Hunger is caused by poverty and inequality, not scarcity. Over the past two decades, the rate of global food production has increased faster than the rate of global population growth. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, the world produces more than 1 1/2 times enough food to feed everyone on the planet. That’s already enough to feed 10 billion people, the world’s 2050 projected population peak. But the people making less than two dollars a day – most of whom are resource-poor farmers cultivating un-viably small plots of land – cannot afford to buy this food.

In reality, the bulk of industrially produced grain crops go to biofuels and confined animal feedlots rather than food of the one billion hungry. The call to double food production by 2050 only applies if we continue to prioritize the growing population of livestock and automobiles over hungry people.”

This comes from the editorial of Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (USA) commenting on a study from McGill University and the University of Minnesota published in the journal Nature.

One of many similar studies from universities, research centers and organizations on humans and the environment all over the world. Understandably, the scientific truth on food is incompatible with the nature of the capitalist system, in which choices and priorities are determined by profit maximization and not by the real needs of the people.

That is why even politicians who are well-informed in the rich West do not raise such issues in depth. And when they are under pressure, they do so in line with the logic of large multinational corporations that see food not as a necessity for all people, but as a means to increase their profitability and increase their shareholders’ dividends.

A plant that the common man considers as food, the food companies exploit it as merchandise, as fuel for cars! Also, along the capitalist logic, only those who can afford to pay have access to food and, in fact, with prices that the capitalist market sets.

So whoever does not have enough money to buy food is indifferent to the capitalist provider, indifferent to the politician who believes in the same system, capitalism, and protects it.

In recent years, it has been revealed in detail, creepy to those with non-capitalist sensitivities, but completely normal to those favored by the way the market directs food, that, in addition to the unnatural conversion of food into diesel and other lucrative non-food products, the rich world consumes much larger quantities of food per capita –people even harming their own health from the greed that has taken over them, and accordingly throws away as garbage huge quantities corresponding to about 30% of world food produced! Outrageous, but true.


People in the western world consume quantities and calories well above the maximum permissible for the physical and mental health of man. As a result, the percentage of overweight tends to exceed the percentage of people with normal weight. If we take into account that, for example in the USA, which is on top of the world in food consumption and obesity rates, the percentage of overweight, even from childhood, is of the order of 36.20%! Below, but high in the ranking, are Great Britain with a percentage of 27.80%, Germany 22.30%, France 21.60% and Italy 19.90%, but also Greece with 24.90%.

That is, people in the West, to the detriment of themselves, eat abusively and excessively the food which others need to survive! At this point, it is interesting to mention that China, which has become the second largest economy, still has one of the lowest overweight rates in the world at 6.20%.

According to the World Health Organization, obesity has nearly tripled since 1975.

Worldwide, over two billion people are estimated to be overweight, one third of whom are obese. Note that overweight-related deaths are higher than underweight-related deaths (with the exception of sub-Saharan Africa and some parts of Asia). Obesity-related deaths in the United States alone number about 300,000 a year. The main cause of obesity, in simple Greek, is hypertrophy burdened with sugars and fats. Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoarthritis, and even coronavirus are preferred by the overweight.


Wasting food is also outrageous. One third of the food does not end up in the bellies of the hungry, but in garbage cans and landfills. In Germany alone, which is one of the most organized countries and the issue of waste is open and discussed, 15 million tons of food are thrown away every year!

And of these, according to experts, 9 million could be saved and distributed properly!

The same is true everywhere, especially in the developed western world. To change this disgrace, to stop or contain this crime against humanity, we need a decisive stance on the part of the political staff, which does not exist, the reorganization of food management and the adaptation of the food industry, which also does not exist, plus, given that 50% of food ends up in landfills by households, a different kind of education, which does not exist either.

And of course, there is another very serious reason to reduce waste and better redistribute food. The perverse way of managing food from the design, production, processing, transportation, sale and consumption, all of which are basically run and determined by the metropolises of capitalism and multinational corporations, has frighteningly negative consequences for the environment, climate change and the overall survival of every living organism, including humans.

Huge quantities of drinking water are wasted, seas, rivers, lakes and groundwater are polluted, forests are cleared to spread crops and the atmosphere is polluted by carbon dioxide produced in the process of production, processing and transport of food, etc.


This is the normal function of capitalism imposed by the West worldwide. And the lack of a real and organized Left is glaring. A Left that will not imitate the Right, even the Center, a Left that, in addition to salaries, wages and freedom of expression, will have on its flag the issue of climate change and the right of people, of all people, in food.

The ultimate goal of overthrowing the current political regime, which is destroying every ecosystem and threatening all species of life on earth, will be achieved, as a just and lasting solution, only if the Left is able to inform and cultivate, awaken and stir up the society against everything that is inhuman and unnatural.

But even if there is no such Left in the West, and if no other force does, it will -sooner or later- be adjusted and regulated by nature itself, part of which, and not a stallion from another universe and another dimension, extraterrestrial or metaphysical, is every society. Because this imbalance and inequality that is constantly widening, if not addressed by the prevalence of another culture that is more just, equal, balanced and natural, and if there is no harmony based on common sense, inevitably will lead to unpredictable magnitude explosions that no mind can conceive.

Coronavirus is just a small warning…


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This article first appeared in Dromos tis Aristeras, Greece.

The author is a journalist and documentary filmmaker.

Featured image is from OneWorld

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It has gotten tongues wagging in the diplomatic corps of Beijing, Washington and distant Canberra.  The opening session of the two-day summit between China and the United States in Anchorage, Alaska was ill-tempered.  “We do not seek conflict,” insisted White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan from the outset, “but we welcome stiff competition, and we will always stand up for our principles, for our people, and for our friends.”  There was little doubt that what followed was stiff.  

Particular concern was expressed regarding claims of economic coercion exerted by Beijing towards US allies, with Australia featuring.  US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was all reiteration, outlining a list of sins to add to accusations of coercion: China’s policy towards Tibet and the Uighurs in Xinjiang; actions in Hong Kong and the stance on Taiwan; assertiveness in the South China Sea; and cyber-attacks on US targets. “Each of these actions threaten the rules-based order that maintains global stability,” stated a grave Blinken.  “That’s why they’re not merely internal matters and why we feel an obligation to raise these issues here today.”

The “rules-based international order” proved to be the stubborn fixation.  “That system is not an abstraction,” lectured Blinken.  “It helps countries resolve differences peacefully, coordinate multilateral efforts effectively, and participate in global commerce with the assurance that everyone is following the same rules.”  Sullivan attempted to rub matters in, talking about the Quad leaders’ summit “that spoke to the can-do-spirit of the world’s democracies and committed to [realizing] the vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific.”  Beyond the ritualistic cant of order and rules, Sullivan was convinced that the US approach to China benefited “the American people and protects the interests of our allies and partners.”

Given that rules-based-orders have been forged by guns, bombs and steel, along with a good measure of coercion of the military and economic sort, this was mighty rich indeed.  It was certainly too rich for China’s highest ranking diplomat, Yang Jiechi.  Himself no slouch in the field of history, he spoke of the “United Nations-centred international system and the international order underpinned by international law, not what is advocated by a small number of countries of the so-called ‘rules-based’ international order.”  He suggested that the US “change its own image” and “stop advancing its own democracy in the rest of the world.”  As for human rights, the US had its own backyard problems. “They did not just emerge over the past four years, such as Black Lives Matter.”

On the subject of interference, Yang was unsparing and accurate.  In certain cases, he argued, the “problem is that the United States has exercised long-arm jurisdiction and suppression and overstretched the national security through the use of force or financial hegemony”. 

State Councillor Wang Yi sought clarification and a more nuanced view.  Why see China’s relationship with Australia and Japan as identical to that of the US?  “I don’t think we could know from all being together because for all of those instances, they each have their own set of issues and different positions are involved.”  Were the US to “indiscriminately protest and speak up for those countries just because they are your allies or partners” the development of international relations would be “very difficult”.

Undeterred, Sullivan moved into the register of US exceptionalism, claiming that “a confident country is able to look hard at its own shortcomings and constantly seek to improve.”  Oddly, he called this “the secret sauce of America.”  Taking much of it, he praised the US for its constant reinventions, collaborations and producing “the kind of progress that benefits all of us, and is rooted in a concept of human dignity and human rights that is truly universal that every man, woman, and child in this world aspires to.”  At that point, a bucket should have been passed to the sauce-filled advisor. 

The unfortunate consequence of the buttering up of allies and rebuking China is a certain big-headedness, one encouraged by the recent remarks of the White House Indo-Pacific coordinator, Kurt Campbell that “we are not going to leave Australia alone in the field”. Campbell’s reputation in the Australian security establishment is “Mr Asia in Washington,” to use the words of the Lowy Institute’s Michael Fullilove, has caused spells of giddy excitement in Canberra.  He, extols the Sydney Morning Herald, “understands not only Australia’s geopolitical significance but is well-versed in its domestic politics.”

This has caused an outbreak of Australian fawning, with Canberra content that its own bellicose, and self-damaging approach to China, has been sound, justifiable diplomacy.  Trade Minister Dan Tehan, speaking to reporters in Canberra, was prostrate in gratitude.  “I think all Australians should be reassured by the fact that the Americans have come out and they’ve got our back, and they won’t leave us alone on the playing field.”  Foreign Minister Marise Payne was delighted by Campbell’s remarks, which was a “very clear and unequivocal statement of the importance of allies and partners, and is very much acknowledged and appreciated.”

Neither Blinken nor Sullivan seemed acquainted or cared to acknowledge Australia’s own China policies, which featured, as economist Percy Allan ably points out, a range of provocations after signing a free trade and investment agreement with Beijing in 2015.  A few of the seven grounds he mentioned can be cited: the blocking of over 100 Chinese imports by resorting to anti-dumping provisions found inappropriate by the Productivity Commission under WTO rules; the crusade against Huawei and 5G technology; the selective condemnation of Chinese human rights abuses without noting those of other states in the region (Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia) including Australia’s own policy towards refugees; and publicly requesting an investigation by the World Health Organisation into the origins of COVID-19 having consulted the Trump administration but not Beijing.

All of this wrangling troubles a few sane voices, including Stan Grant of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.  “Make no mistake: we are now in a phase of preparation for war.  China is becoming more aggressive in tone and actions, while the US is strengthening its regional alliances.”  And Australia found itself in the “crosshairs of this new great power rivalry” in which Canberra had made a choice.  “We are paying a price with a deteriorating relationship with China and our exporters are suffering.”   

Former Australian diplomat Bruce Haigh was less glum, finding the talks refreshingly revealing. “Today, in my opinion, marked a turning point in international relations; China drew a line in the sand, did not bend at the knee nor tug its forelock.”  Its significance remains undigested.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research. Email: [email protected]

Featured image: Jake Sullivan (Source: Public Domain)

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The “public health experts” are scrambling to remain in the spotlight, and even their most reliable scare tactics are failing to keep the masses compliant, paranoid, and afraid. For the “public health” cartel, 2020 was the best year of their lives, and it seems that after one year of “two weeks to slow the spread,” they just can’t muster up the momentum needed to replicate that power high.

If you don’t know the beginning of the Chicken Little story, here’s a quick summary:

Under the impression that the sky is falling, Chicken Little sounds the alarm to his community. In telling everyone to run for their lives, he sets in motion a series of chaotic events that otherwise would never have happened.

Chicken Little’s self-generated incident of mass chaos and confusion results in tremendous damage to his community, which later turns on him after they realize that his panicked warnings were all entirely unnecessary.

As COVID-19 has been revealed as an entirely political issue, at least half of the country is finally reaching that Chicken Little end point.

A once panicked population, which for the past year has been captured under the spell of COVID hysteria, is slowly coming to the realization that power drunk governors, bureaucrats like Anthony Fauci and the “public health” cartel, and other snake oil salesmen have done so much residual harm in the name of a virus, while never contributing in a positive manner to anything related to COVID-19.

In recent months, when it was becoming clear that their latest avenue for panic was reaching its end point, the “public health” gang seamlessly shifted to another issue of “concern.” From lockdowns, to curfews, to masks and the like, these draconian moves were not met with much hostility. Despite our best efforts to inform the public that COVID-19 — with its 99.8% recovery rate — is really not that big of a deal, the “public health” terror campaigns worked incredibly well.

However, now a full year into the “two weeks to slow the spread” campaign, we are seeing real signs of resistance.

For the last few months, the ruling class has settled on promoting “new variants” of the coronavirus in order to keep the power grab going. I discussed the “new variants” propaganda at length here in The Dossier. 

But now, the new mutation panic is simply not imprinting in the collective mindset in the same way that the old tactics were deployed. The ruling class feels their control slipping away. For the first time in a full year, they’re losing the argument. The momentum for their causes are collapsing. “New variants” just don’t hit hard enough for people to care.

The attitudes shift played out today in Congress, with Dr. Rand Paul representing the rational side of the COVID argument.

Here’s a terrific clip from this morning of Sen Rand Paul taking Dr Fauci to the woodshed over his hysterical proclamations concerning the “new variants,” and why Fauci feels the need to wear a double mask signal, even after he was vaccinated for COVID-19:

In my view, the mass awakening of those once under the spell of COVID mania is happening for several reasons.

First off, whatever your position is on the COVID vaccines, they are working from at least a psychological standpoint to help rid people of the fear and paranoia they’ve experienced related to pandemic mania. More people are leaving their houses and going out, citing the vaccine as the reason why. Of course, they never should have locked themselves indoors in the first place, but that’s a separate issue.

Second, COVID fatigue is getting real. Not everyone wants to suffer and be miserable forever.

Third, the corporate media and authoritarian politicians and bureaucrats can no longer continue to disregard the fact that states like Florida, South Dakota, and others have had similar to and better results without lockdowns and other strict mandates. “Just wait two weeks” for disaster doesn’t stick when it’s been an entire year.

Fourth, people who can move the needle and shape opinions are finally speaking out against the failed draconian mandates, from scientists to doctors to politicians to other influential individuals, they came to the party a year late, but at least they’re here now.

The repeated Chicken Little act is getting old and tiresome. Eventually, people have come to realize that the sky is not, in fact, falling.


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The American Terror State

March 22nd, 2021 by Donald Monaco

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On February 26, 2021, imperial President Joe Biden ordered the bombing of “Iranian backed militias” in Syria. Biden’s action was rationalized as “retaliation” for rocket attacks on American troops in Iraq that killed a mercenary contractor and injured a U.S. soldier.  

Missing from coverage in the corporate media was any mention of the illegal U.S. military occupation of Iraq and Syria.  The occupation was simply airbrushed from discussion.  By so doing, reality is inverted.  Victim is portrayed as aggressor and aggressor as victim.

From the standpoint of international law, aggressive military action taken by occupation forces cannot be termed self-defense.  Yet political elites and media propagandists finesse basic truths by detaching U.S. forces from the context of illegal invasion and occupation.  They assume the military has a ‘right’ to be deployed anywhere in the world.

Paradoxically, the militias assaulted by the United States have been fighting ISIS, once again exposing the ‘war on terror’ as a massive lie.  The same militia forces Biden attacked were once led by Iranian General Soleimani, who was assassinated by Trump, further demonstrating the genuine purpose of military deployment which is to destabilize regimes targeted as unfriendly, meaning not subservient to the Washington.

Almost simultaneously, the Biden administration signaled that there would be no punishment of Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, who was identified by the CIA as having given the order to assassinate Washington Post journalist, Jamal Khashoggi.

Also, unsurprisingly, the Biden administration announced that it would appeal a British magistrate’s decision not to extradite Julian Assange to the United States for prosecution under the espionage act.  Assange languishes in a British prison pending the appeal.  His transgression? Exposing U.S. war crimes in Iraq.

The pattern is clear.  Any action that supports U.S. global hegemony is justified, while any opposition is criminalized and repressed.

The core mission of the American terror state is to make the world safe for U.S. corporate profiteering.  A corollary imperative is to prevent any challenge to U.S. global domination.

First, the United States is a permanent warfare state that fights perpetual wars for perpetual profits.  The profits accrue to the “merchants of death” who sell their wares within the iron triangle of a military-industrial-complex that guarantees a massive return on capital investments.  The process is known as “military Keynesianism.”  Corporations such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, and Boeing provide the arms for a global military empire to defend the global corporate empire.  Profits also flow to members of congress who own stock in the defense industry.

The permanent warfare state also allows profits to accumulate for corporations that exploit the world’s land, labor, and resources by protecting their access to foreign markets.  Corporations such as World Mineral Inc, Peabody Energy, Rio Tinto, General Motors, Lithium Americas, AES, and Blackberry Ltd in the mineral extraction industry, Exxon Mobile, ConocoPhillips, and Chevron in the energy industry, Apple, Amazon, Alphabet, and Microsoft in the technology industry, General Motors, Ford, and Tesla in the automotive industry, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, and Pfizer in the pharmaceutical industry, and Walmart, Amazon, and Costco in the retail industry all operate in the global market.

Commercial banks such as JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America in the banking industry, Wall Street investment firms led by JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley in the financial industry, and private equity firms such as The Blackstone Group, The Carlyle Group, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts Co, and TPG Capital in the investment management industry finance global corporate transactions.

U.S. Fortune 500 companies made $14.2 trillion in revenues during 2020 and held an estimated $2.6 trillion offshore to avoid paying taxes.  The largest American corporations made billions of dollars in profits while laying off thousands of workers during the coronavirus lockdown.  Billionaires Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, and their cohorts increased their net worth by half a trillion dollars during a pandemic that saw 8 million people join the ranks of 38.1 million poor Americans.  Another 93.6 million live close to the poverty level in the richest nation on earth.

Second, any country that wants to control its own land, labor, and resources by implementing an agenda of economic nationalism becomes a barrier to free trade, globalization, and the neoliberal economic paradigm that emphasizes privatization and deregulation of economies for the benefit of private capital.  Countries that do not throw themselves open to foreign investment are punished by crippling economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. Department of Treasury.

Third, the neoliberal economic agenda of free market privatization drives the neoconservative political agenda of American global hegemony as justified by Bush Jr.’s “Preemptive War on Terror,” Obama’s “Humanitarian Intervention,” Trump’s “America First,” and Biden’s “Advancement of Democracy” ideologies.

Neoconservatives dominate the foreign policy establishment.  Besides protecting U.S. empire, they are rabidly pro-Israel.  The neocons conflate the interests of the United States with the interests of Israel, ignoring George Washington’s admonition to avoid “foreign entanglements.”  They want the United States to go to war with Iran, as they understand that the destruction of resistance to Zionist colonization in Palestine can only be accomplished by defeating Tehran.

Other Middle Eastern and North African countries that supported the Palestinian cause and had large reserves of oil coveted by empire, were decimated by implementation of a neoconservative plan to attack seven Muslim countries in five years, beginning with Iraq and ending with Iran.

George W. Bush, the Texas oil man, Dick Cheney, former Chief Executive Officer of Halliburton, and a rat’s nest of neoconservatives led by Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, Richard Perle, and I. Lewis Libby decimated Iraq.

Barack Obama, the University of Chicago law professor and Nobel Peace Prize winner and neoconservative Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, destroyed Syria and turned Libya into a failed state that resulted in the enslavement of Black Africans.

Donald Trump, the real estate mogul and celebrity show host and Mike Pompeo, neoconservative war hawk and Secretary of State, continued the occupations of Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, supported Saudi Arabia’s genocidal war in Yemen, recognized Israel’s annexation of the Syrian Golan Heights, moved the U.S. embassy to the occupied city of Jerusalem and offered the Palestinians the “Deal of the Century” that was promptly rejected.

Despite his rhetoric, Trump failed to stand-up to the military-industrial-complex by ending ongoing U.S. wars.

Finally, Joe Biden, a self-professed Zionist, supported every U.S. war to come down the pike during his tenure as U.S. senator and vice-president, making him a warmonger.

The policies of empire are planned in the corridors of the Council on Foreign Relations, Heritage Foundation, Rand Corporation, Center for Strategic and International Studies, American Enterprise Institute and a myriad array of pro-war institutes that function within the policy formulation network financed by the corporate rich.

The matrix of power in the United States is strikingly transparent.  The corporate rich own the country.  The political class protects their property and their empire by pursuing the interests of oligarchic masters as defined by ‘experts’ in the policy formulation network.  Academic and media elites rationalize the need for an empire that is never called by its proper name.

The costs of empire paid by the American people are staggering.

A study conducted by the Watson Institute of International & Public Affairs at Brown University concluded that the United States has spent $6.4 trillion on war since 9/11.

The National Defense Authorization Act of 2021 allocated $740 Billion for the military and prohibited President Trump from withdrawing troops from Afghanistan and Iraq.  Joseph Biden works within in the same institutional framework that enmeshed his predecessor.  The Biden administration is considering troop re-deployment to confront Russia and China.  But no return of troops to the United States is contemplated.

The United States currently has over 1.3 million active-duty troops, with 450,000 stationed on over 800 military bases in 70 countries around the world. Special military operations are being conducted in 141 countries.  U.S. global military presence escalated under both the Obama and Trump administrations.

As U.S. military presence increases around the world, so do the crimes of empire.  Obama prosecuted drone warfare that killed approximately 5,000 innocent civilians.  Trump escalated drone strikes.   Obama launched 1,878 attacks during his eight years in office.  Trump ordered 2,243 strikes during his four-year tenure in the White House while concealing deaths that occurred as the result of attacks.

Since 9/11 the U.S. has killed an estimated 6 million people in wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Syria, Somalia, and Yemen.  At least 37 million people have been displaced by U.S. wars.  The U.S. has bombed 9 countries since 9/11 adding to the list of 24 other nations it bombed after World War II.  Exactly 80 countries have been subjected to U.S. counter-terrorism operations during the “war on terror.”  Behind the statistics lies an ocean of human suffering.

The monumental questions of peace and war in the United States will not be decided by an election.  They will ultimately be decided by a revolt.  The shell-game of American politics wherein populist rhetoric is used to conceal plutocratic governance is bankrupt.

The United States is a militarized terror state.  The magnitude of violence perpetrated by the U.S. government has become so routine that perpetual war is normalized.  The question remains, how long will the American people continue to be slaves of a terror state?


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Donald Monaco is a political analyst who lives in Brooklyn, New York.  He received his Master’s Degree in Education from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1979 and was radicalized by the Vietnam War.  He writes from an anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist perspective.  His recent book is titled, The Politics ofTerrorism, and is available at  

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Knesset coalitions run Israel. Multiple parties participate, at times new ones.

No single party has enough support to gain a 61-seat Knesset majority.

On Tuesday, Israelis will again go to the polls.

Competing parties include Netanyahu’s Likud, Yesh Lapid, New Hope, Labor, Yamina, Shas, United Torah Judaism, Israel Beiteinu, Kahol Lavan, Meretz, Religious Zionism, New Economic Party, Joint (Arab) List (combining Hadash, Balad and Ta’al), and United Arab List running on its own.

Comprising around 20% of Israel’s population, Arab citizens are treated like fifth column threats.

They’re discriminated against, denied their fundamental rights, and have no say over how apartheid Israel is run.

Hard right Zionist ideologues and religious fundamentalists run the country.

A fantasy democracy like the US and other Western societies, the real thing is effectively banned.

Ordinary Israeli Jews and Arab citizens are powerless. Militant extremists run things.

Millions of Occupied Palestinians are harmed most, notably about two million Gazans.

Suffocating under a repressive blockade since 2007, time and again the Strip is invaded and terror-bombed by Israel at its discretion.

When farcical elections are held, Israeli voters effectively get to choose between death by hanging or firing squad.

Most Israelis are unaware of how greatly their rights eroded under hardline Netanyahu-led rule.

According to final poll results last Tuesday, neither the pro-or-anti-Netanyahu bloc has enough support for a 61-seat Knesset majority.

Naftali Bennett’s Yamina Party is uncommitted. Whichever bloc it aligns with post-election could tip the balance of power in its favor.

Last Tuesday’s poll showed Netanyahu-led Likud winning 31 seats, followed by Yesh Atid with 19, New Hope and Yamina each with 9, Shas with 8, United Torah Judaism (UTJ) and Yisrael Beytenu with seven each.

Labor and the Religious Zionist Party are each projected to win 5 seats, Blue and White, Meretz and Ra’am each with 4.

The above are projections. Tuesday election results could surprise — though based on most past elections, it’s unlikely.

According to last Tuesday’s poll, anti-Netanyahu bloc parties are projected to win 56 seats to 51 for Likud and allied parties.

A separate poll has Netanyahu allied parties winning 60 seats with Yamina support, one short of a Knesset majority.

At this time, results are unclear — a final “poll” to be held Tuesday when Israelis vote.

According to Haaretz on Saturday, “tens of thousands protested against Netanyahu throughout Israel (for the) 39th consecutive week.”

Over 20,000 massed near his official residence.

“A convoy of cars from around the country is also making its way to Netanyahu’s Balfour Street residence,” Haaretz reported.

On Friday, Supreme Court Justice Uzi Vogelman rejected a Likud petition against anti-Netanyahu demonstrations.

Saying there’s no legal basis to deny the right of public assembly, his ruling applies to Jews alone, not Arab Israeli citizens or Occupied Palestinians oppressed under military rule. Civil rule denied them.

Netanyahu was first elected Israeli prime minister in February 1993.

Succeeded by Ariel Sharon, Bibi regained power in March 2009, holding it to the present time.

Based on the latest poll results, he’s favored over challengers this week.

Results won’t be known until a majority bloc of at least 61 seats is formed post-election.

Separately, Netanyahu’s trial on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust drags on endlessly.

In late February, the Jerusalem District Court postponed its evidentiary stage until post-elections.

Since trial proceedings began last May, his lawyers repeatedly used delaying tactics, including complaints alleging “criminal tactics” against the prosecution.

It’s unclear how much longer proceedings will last until charges against Netanyahu are ruled on for or against him — despite strong evidence showing culpability.


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Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

VISIT MY WEBSITE: (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].

My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

“How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War”

“Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity”

All Global Research articles can be read in 27 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).


Better hang on folks, as technocracy’s plan to digitize you to the blockchain so you can be manipulated and controlled as a digital asset is being deployed — just as they said they would.

Please understand, though, that this technocracy blockchain implementation is centralized, which is the primary problem as it is under the government’s control. This is in radical contrast to decentralized crypto assets like bitcoin, which I believe actually offers a solution to the impending tyranny and seizure of our finances.

Health Passports Are Here

Since the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, it became clear that “health passports” would be implemented, and in recent months the reality of what we’re facing is getting clearer. Make no mistake: The voluntary “health passes” now being rolled out are just the tip of the iceberg.

Before long, they will become mandatory, at which point unvaccinated individuals will be effectively excluded from society. This is the slippery slope I’ve warned about that will create two separate classes of citizens: those with approved and verified health status, and the “untouchables.”

Not only will these passes — once mandatory — restrict your ability to move about and engage in social activities if you’re unvaccinated, but you will also face financial penalties. Even your ability to obtain employment will ultimately be based on your medical decisions.1

Evidence of this can be found in IBM Watson Health’s announcement that IBM’s Digital Health Pass will be integrated into Salesforce’s “to help businesses, schools and governments verify vaccine and health status.”2

In short, we will soon find ourselves in an iatrarchy, meaning we’re governed by physicians’ decisions (although the ruling agency is more likely to be Bill Gates than a qualified medical expert), and if you refuse, you’re penalized. Other descriptive terms include medical technofascism and medical technocracy.

Regardless of how you describe it, the fact is you will no longer have the right of self-determination. You will no longer have the right to decide what medical risk-taking you’re willing to submit to, and which you’d rather do without. Your body and your health will no longer be yours to preside over.

If you want to have the ability to shop, socialize, get an education and work, you’ll have to hand over your body, and all your biological data, for the medical technocracy to do with what it will. It’s hard to imagine a less free society than that.

IBM Partners With Moderna

IBM and Moderna have taken the next step toward tracking vaccinated individuals in real time by teaming up to produce COVID-19 digital health passes to allow people to “return to the activities and things they love.” As reported by Raul Diego in a March 10, 2021, Mint Press News article:3

“According to a company press release,4 the collaboration will ‘focus on exploring the utility of IBM capabilities in the U.S.,’ such as a recently unveiled pilot program for a COVID-19 Digital Health Pass in the State of New York, which effectively deputizes private businesses to enforce government-imposed Covid-19 regulations.”

IBM and Moderna will “explore technologies, including artificial intelligence, blockchain and hybrid cloud” to “support smarter COVID-19 vaccine management,” according to the press release.5 In short, the partnership is aimed at facilitating data sharing between “governments, health care providers, life science organizations and individuals,” but this data is not restricted to health data.

As reported by Diego,6 other “multiple blockchain ledger applications” being leveraged include IBM’s Blockchain Transparent Supply and Food Trust services, which shares food sourcing and supply-chain data, and its Blockchain World Wire cross-border payment processing service.

Vaccine Pass Rolled Out in New York

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the so-called Excelsior Pass,7 built on IBM’s Digital Health Pass, during his January 2021 state of the state address.8

The first test of the Excelsior Pass took place during an NBA game at the Barclays Center. A second test occurred March 2, 2021, at an NHL game at Madison Square Garden. Other pilot programs for health verification passes have also been rolled out in various places around the world.

In Israel, for example, there’s the Green Pass,9 and in Los Angeles, California, schools have adopted the Daily Pass QR Health Portal, a partnership between Microsoft and Anthem Health, the largest membership health system in the U.S.10 And, March 17, 2021, the European Commission proposed its version of “digital green certificates” that the EC says will offer a “coordinated approach” to allow citizens to freely travel around Europe.11

Right now, vaccine passports are voluntary, but IBM is already looking at the Excelsior Pass as a model for what it predicts will be mandatory digital health passes in the future. According to IBM’s U.S. public and federal market leader, Steve LaFleche, the passes will cease to be voluntary “once government guidelines and regulations force the private sector to enforce their implementation.”12As noted by Diego:13

“Conveniently, IBM’s strong presence in the law enforcement space, as one of the largest providers of digital profiling technologies and AI policing systems in the world, may also help with any obstacles Moderna may face among vaccine-hesitant populations.”

Genetic Profiteering Is Part of the New Economy

In his article,14 Diego highlights the connection between these health passes and the far broader agenda known as the Great Reset, which involves a complete “redesign of supply chain and capital organization structures.” The plan is to replace conventional capitalism with a data-driven economic model, and part of this scheme is the collection of our genomic data.

DNA is the single point of data convergence across humanity that allows for these new ‘moral’ economic models to generate enough volume to replicate present-day economies of scale and design financial instruments to exploit human beings at a cellular level,” Diego writes.15

He points out that in 2017, Tal Zacks, former chief medical officer at Moderna, gave a Ted Talk16 in which he explained that the company’s mRNA “information technology” is — contrary to current denials — designed to manipulate the human genetic code.

Transhumanist Dr. Bradley Perkins — former deputy director of the Office of Strategy and Innovation at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and chief medical officer for The Commons Project, responsible for the creation of the CommonPass17 in collaboration with the World Economic Forum — has also discussed the profit potential of genomic data collection across the health care and insurance industries.18 In an article discussing the scaling up of data-capitalism, Diego writes:19

“Stored in Amazon’s cloud servers, Human Longevity’s bioinformatics platform is only one of several next-generation sequencing technologies designed to perform the type of comparative genome sequencing work Perkins and his life science industry colleagues are counting on to carry out what he estimates is ‘probably the largest scale enterprise ever’ of ‘translating the language of biology in the form of linear DNA code into the language of health and disease.’

Perkins admits that ‘the genome in isolation, it’s not very useful’ and that what the business of genomics basically boils down to is the ‘building [of] integrated health records,’ in order to be able to correlate ‘high-quality clinical data’ with the whole genome sequence.

‘We’re in the business of building a large database,’ Perkins reveals … With CommonPass, Perkins is continuing to do all he can to build that database. After all, a biometric passport required at all ports of entry would go a long way to procuring a goldmine of genomic data.”

Technofascism in the Name of COVID Response

It’s now beyond clear that COVID-19 is being used as the justification for the implementation of new economic and social systems20 that have been decades in the making. And, while changes are couched in socially appealing terms like social justice, environmental protection and all things fair and wonderful, the truth is diametrically opposed to the terms used.

The Great Reset will separate the technocratic elite from the masses and turn global government into a dictatorship. I’ve written many articles detailing this scheme from various angles.

Without doubt, this is an economic war on the working class. Since the beginning of the pandemic around March 2020, the greatest transfer of wealth has taken place, from the middle class to the wealthiest among us, and the Great Reset will complete this transfer such that we eventually will own nothing.21,22

That proclamation is not hyperbole. It comes straight from the horse’s mouth — the World Economic Forum — which, for years, has been one of the driving forces of this technocratic, transhumanistic agenda.

One of the reasons why many have a hard time wrapping their minds around the problem of the Great Reset and the technocratic agenda is because they don’t understand how technocrats view humanity. It is in fact very different from the view most of us have of what it means to be human. Most tend to agree with the view that humans are sovereign beings who are free by divine authority.

This is the view enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Technocracy, on the other hand, views humans as a natural resource, no different from an oil deposit or livestock, and they are to be used as such.

To minimize problems within this human resource management system, there needs to be maximum compliance with minimal effort. This is where social engineering through media propaganda (brainwashing), censorship and artificial intelligence comes in, and this is why they are using centralized blockchain technology. Their goal is to digitize you and your family, and convert everyone into digital assets that are easily manipulated and controlled.

For the most part, once fully implemented, the control system will be fully automated. To use the health pass as one example, say you miss your vaccination date. The system will know you didn’t show up for your shot, and your access to banking might be cut off until it registers that you got your inoculation.

There doesn’t even need to be another human involved, because your physical body, health records, geolocation, activities and financials are all connected and trackable in real time by artificial intelligence-driven software that analyzes everything you do.

Revealing Their Plan Can Help Stop It

If you want to take a deep-dive into the COVID economic reset, check out my new hero and technocracy exposure queen, Alison McDowell. She has a blog called Wrench in the Gears. In the video above,23 McDowell discusses the Fourth Industrial Revolution and human capital commodity markets, which are part and parcel of the Great Reset, and how the pandemic has allowed the technocrats to push through longstanding plans to radically change the way we learn, work and live.

As noted by McDowell, what we’re looking at down the road is basic human needs being turned into global investment markets, and the condition for this is massive surveillance tied to a predatory police state apparatus.

This anti-human “new normal” that world leaders are now urging us to accept and embrace is the trap of all traps. The good news is that while the trap has been sprung, the door has not yet closed. The way we prevent the implementation of the Great Reset in all its glory is through transparency. If enough people end up understanding what’s really going on and what the goal of this Great Reset actually is, they won’t be able to implement it.

The technocratic elite need us all to passively acquiesce, because there are far more of us than there are of them. That’s what pandemic measures are achieving. We’re growing to accept work and travel restrictions. We’re growing to accept government telling us where and how we can celebrate holidays, and with whom. With the rollout of voluntary health passes, we’ll grow to accept the idea that we cannot enter certain venues unless we can show the proper “papers.”

We simply must refuse to accept this. The days of uncertainty about what COVID-19 is are over, and we must take a strong stand against the continued erosion of our personal freedoms. We must also carefully reconstruct how we live and interact in order to minimize our contribution to the transhumanist technocratic control system, because we are actually the ones financing and helping build the very control system that is meant to enslave us.

We work for companies that are building the system. We buy products from them, which allows them to generate the needed revenue. So, we must stop buying their products and stop working for them. Google, for example, and also to a large extent Facebook, have been collecting your personal data for nearly two decades.

They have created massive server farms that are capable of analyzing this data with deep learning and artificial intelligence software to generate incredibly precise details on just what type of propaganda and false narrative is required to surreptitiously manipulate you into the behavior they are seeking.

By using these products, you’re giving them the very things they need to control and enslave you. It’s crucial to understand that the vast majority of information you are exposed to is carefully designed propaganda crafted from nearly two decades of personal data mining.

Never Surrender to the New Normal

Right now, we only have two choices: freedom or living under authoritarian rule. Temporary oppressive controls might be warranted in certain extreme circumstances where public health is at grave risk, but COVID-19 is not a threat to a majority of the population. It’s no more perilous to the masses than the seasonal flu that we’ve lived with all our lives.

Data24 show the overall noninstitutionalized infection fatality ratio is 0.26%. People under the age of 40 have a mere 0.01% risk of dying from the infection. The vast majority that test positive for SARS-CoV-2 have no symptoms at all, and most do not get seriously ill.

What’s more, the average age of death from COVID-19 is somewhere between 76.925 and 82.26Either way, this is right around the average age of death from any cause anyway, and therefore not an outrageous threat to public health. The answer, if we really want to protect the masses, is to educate and promote healthy living at all stages of life.

Segregating society into classes based on vaccination status achieves nothing except the willful destruction of our freedom. The goal of this agenda is profit through control. Nothing else. By tying health care into the digital surveillance apparatus, you end up with a very robust platform for automated mass control that can then be expanded into all other areas of life until the very idea of self-determination and personal decision-making becomes obsolete.

Safeguarding our Constitutional rights and civil liberties against unlawful government overreach is essential. Once those freedoms are relinquished, they will be difficult, if not impossible, to get back. By showing proof that you’ve received a COVID-19 vaccine, through a digital certificate or app on your phone, the hope is that you can once again board an airplane and travel freely, attend a concert or enjoy a meal in your favorite restaurant, just like you used to.

Except, being required to present your “papers” in order to live your life isn’t actually freedom at all — it’s a loss of personal liberty that you once had, one that disappeared right before your eyes and one that’s setting the stage for even more intrusive surveillance and privacy erosion.

While government has a duty to protect the health and welfare of its citizens, this duty must be balanced against the loss of individual rights and liberties.

Since many of our elected leaders are clearly not up to the task of defending those rights and liberties on their own accord, we must demand it, and refuse to comply with tyrannical proposals such as “voluntary health passports,” because soon enough, they will become mandatory. After that, there’s no telling what you’ll have to do next.


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1 Fox News March 14, 2021

2, 3, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15 Mint Press News March 10, 2021

4, 5 IBM News Room March 4, 2021 7 Excelsior Pass

9 Wrench in the Gears March 12, 2021

10 Wrench in the Gears March 8, 2021

11 European Commission March 17, 2021

16 YouTube Ted Talk Moderna boss: mRNA jabs are “rewriting the Genetic Code” we call it “information therapy”

17 The Commons Project CommonPass

18, 19 Mint Press News March 3, 2021

20 Rockefeller Foundation June 19, 2020

21 Medium December 8, 2020

22 World Economic Forum November 11, 2016

23 Wrench in the Gears Introduction to the Fourth Industrial Revolution

24, 25 Annals of Internal Medicine September 2, 2020 DOI: 10.7326/M20-5352

26 The Telegraph February 15, 2021 (Archived)

Featured image is from Pixabay

Ten Years On, Syria Is Almost Destroyed. Who’s to Blame?

March 22nd, 2021 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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In George Orwell’s novel Animal Farm, the ruling pigs led by Napoleon constantly rewrote history in order to justify and reinforce their own continuing power. The rewriting by the western powers of the history of the ongoing conflict in Syria leaps out of Orwell. 

The joint statement issued by the foreign ministers of the US, UK, France, Germany and Italy last week to mark the tenth anniversary of the Syrian conflict begins with an outright falsehood by holding President Bashar al-Assad and “his backers” responsible for the horrific events in that country. It asserts that the five western powers “will not abandon” the Syrian people — till death do us part. 

The historical reality is that Syria has been a theatre of the CIA’s activities ever since the inception of that agency in 1947. There is a whole history of CIA-sponsored “regime change” projects in Syria ranging from coup attempts and assassination plots to paramilitary strikes and funding and military training of anti-government forces. 

It all began with the bloodless military coup in 1949 against then Syrian president Shukri al-Quwatli which was engineered by the CIA. As per the memoirs of Miles Copeland Jr, the CIA station chief in Damascus at that time — who later actually went on to write a fine book of high literary quality on the subject — the coup aimed at safeguarding Syria from the communist party and other radicals!

However, the CIA-installed colonel in power, Adib Shaishakli, was a bad choice. As Copeland put it, he was a “likeable rogue” alright who had not “to my certain knowledge, ever bowed down to a graven image. He had, however, committed sacrilege, blasphemy, murder, adultery and theft” to earn American support. He lasted for four years before overthrown by the Ba’ath Party and military officers. By 1955, CIA estimated that Syria was ripe for another military coup. By April 1956, a joint CIA-SIS (British Secret Intelligence Service) plot was implemented to mobilise right-wing Syrian military officers. But then, the Suez fiasco interrupted the project.   

The CIA revived the project and plotted a second coup in 1957 under the codename Operation Wappen — again, to save Syria from communism — and even spent $3 million to bribe Syrian military officers. Tim Weiner, in his masterly 2008 book Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA, writes:

“The president (Dwight Eisenhower) said he wanted to promote the idea of an Islamic jihad against godless communism. “We should do everything possible to stress the ‘holy war’ aspect,” he said at a 1957 White House meeting… (Secretary of state) Foster Dulles proposed a “secret task force,” under whose auspices the CIA would deliver American guns, money, and intelligence to King Saud of Saudi Arabia, King Hussein of Jordan, President Camille Chamoun of Lebanon, and President Nuri Said of Iraq.” 

“These four mongrels were supposed to be our defence against communism and the extremes of Arab nationalism in the Middle East… If arms could not buy loyalty in the Middle East, the almighty dollar was still the CIA’s secret weapon. Cash for political warfare and power plays was always welcome. It could help an American imperium in Arab and Asian lands.”

But, as it happened, some of those “right-wing” officers instead turned in the bribe money and revealed the CIA plot to the Syrian intelligence. Whereupon, 3 CIA officers were kicked out of the American embassy in Damascus, forcing  Washington to withdraw its ambassador in Damascus. With egg on its face, Washington promptly branded Syria as a “Soviet satellite”, deployed a fleet to the Mediterranean and incited Turkey to amass troops on the Syrian border. Dulles even contemplated a military strike under the so-called “Eisenhower Doctrine” as retaliation against Syria’s “provocations”. By the way, Britain’s MI6 was also working with the CIA in the failed coup attempt; the details came to light accidentally in 2003 among the papers of British Defence Minister Duncan Sandys many years after his death. 

Now, coming down to current history, suffice to say that according to the WikiLeaks, since 2006, the US had been funding London-based Syrian dissidents, and he CIA unit responsible for covert operations was deployed to Syria to mobilise rebel groups and ascertain potential supply routes. The US is known to have trained at least 10000 rebel fighters at a cost of $1 billion annually since 2012. President Barack Obama reportedly admitted to a group of senators the operation to insert these CIA-trained rebel fighters into Syria. 

The well-known American investigative journalist and political writer Seymour Hersh has written, based on inputs from intelligence officers, that CIA was already transferring arms from its Benghazi station (Libya) to Syria around that time. Make no mistake, Obama was the first world leader to openly call for the removal of Assad. That was in August 2011. Then CIA chief David Petraeus paid two unannounced visits to Turkey (in March and September 2012) to persuade Erdogan to step in as the flag carrier of the US’ regime change project in Syria (under the rubric of “anti-terror fight”.) 

In fact, the US’ key allies in the Persian Gulf — Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE — took the cue from Obama to loosen their purse strings to recruit, finance and equip thousands of jihadi fighters to be deployed to Syria. Equally, from the early stages of the conflict in Syria, major western intelligence agencies provided political, military and logistic support to the Syrian opposition and its associated rebel groups in Syria. 

Curiously, the Russian intervention in Syria in September 2015 was in response to an emergent imminent defeat of the Syrian government forces at the hands of the jihadi fighters backed by the US’ regional allies. Saudi Arabia withdrew from the arena only in 2017 after the tide of the war turned, thanks to the Russian intervention. 

The joint statement issued last week by the US and its NATO allies belongs to the world of fiction. In reality, there is Syrian blood in the hands of these NATO countries (including Turkey) and the US’ Gulf allies. Look at the colossal destruction that the US has caused: in the World Bank’s estimation, a cumulative total of $226 billion in gross domestic product was lost to Syria due to the war from 2011 to 2016 alone. 

The Syrian conflict has been among the most tragic and destructive conflicts of our time. Hundreds of thousands of Syrians have died, half a nation has been displaced, and millions have been forced into desperate poverty and hunger. In the UNHRC estimation, after ten years of conflict, half of the Syrian population has been forced to flee home, 70% are living in poverty, 6.7 million Syrians have been internally displaced, over 13 million people need humanitarian assistance and protection, 12.4 million people suffer from lack of food (or 60% of the entire population), 5.9 million people are experiencing a housing emergency and nearly nine in 10 Syrians are living below the poverty threshold. 

And, come to think of it, Syria used to have one of the highest levels of social formation in the entire Muslim Middle East. It used to be a middle income country until the US decided to destabilise Syria. Ever since the late 1940s, the US’ successive regime change projects were driven by geopolitical considerations. The agenda is unmistakeable: the US has systematically destroyed the heart, soul and mind of “Arabism” — Iraq, Syria and Egypt — with a view to perpetuate the western domination of the Middle East. 

Former President Donald Trump intended to withdraw the US troops from Syria and end the war. He tried twice, but Pentagon commanders sabotaged his plans. What Joe Biden proposes to do is anybody’s guess. Biden doesn’t seem to be in any rush to withdraw the US troops. 

The most disturbing aspect is that the US is methodically facilitating a Balkanisation of Syria by helping the Kurdish groups aligned with it to carve out a semiautonomous enclave in the country’s northeast. In fact, the the Arab population in northeastern Syria resents being under the Kurds’ governance, and this may eventually turn into a new source of recruits for Islamic State. Meanwhile, Turkey seized the US-Kurdish axis as alibi to occupy vast territories in northern Syria. 

The sad part of the joint statement by the US and its European allies is not only that it is rewriting history and spreading falsehood but conveys a sense of despair that there is no hope for light at the end of the tunnel in the Syrian conflict in a conceivable future. 

The US policy in Syria is opaque. It has oscillated between aiming to prevent a resurgence of IS, confronting Iran, pushing back against Russia, providing humanitarian aid, and even protecting Israel, while the crux of the matter is that successive US administrations have failed to articulate a clear strategy and rationale for the US military presence in Syria. 


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Mark Taliano combines years of research with on-the-ground observations to present an informed and well-documented analysis that refutes  the mainstream media narratives on Syria. 

Voices from Syria 

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-1-6

Author: Mark Taliano

Year: 2017

Pages: 128 (Expanded edition: 1 new chapter)

List Price: $17.95

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In attacking the moral character of Russia’s president and China’s human rights record, the Biden administration opened the door for a critical examination of America’s own troubled history.

President Joe Biden has defined his administration with the mantra of “America is back,” hinting at a return to what he and his supporters believe to be the halcyon days of President Barack Obama’s two-term tenure as president, as well as a sharp departure from the policies and practices of the man who usurped Hillary Clinton’s bite at the presidential apple, Donald Trump.

In an effort to “build back better,” as Biden is wont to exclaim, his administration has embraced an ambitious agenda that aggressively seeks to both promote and install America as the world’s indispensable nation. And yet, in the span of less than 24 hours, the president and his primary foreign policy advisor, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, managed to undermine the very policies they sought to promote through a combination of narcissistic posturing and plain diplomatic incompetence.

By labeling Russian President Vladimir Putin a “soulless killer,” Biden put US-Russian relations in their worst posture since the Cold War. And Blinken, during the Biden administration’s initial meeting between the US and China, managed to unleash the ire and rage of Beijing by forgoing any pretense at diplomatic norms and aggressively calling out China on a host of issues which touched upon its sovereignty.

The collapse of what passed for a coordinated position of diplomatically confronting both Russia and China has left the US scrambling to navigate through the detritus of its own policy shipwreck. A controlled approach to dealing with Russia and China was supposed to serve as the anchor of Biden’s new national security policy formulation. Instead, the American ship of state has been cast adrift, unable to steer as a diplomatic storm of its own making bears down upon it.

The White House recently published a document, entitled ‘Interim National Security Guidance’, which outlined its policy priorities to help shape and direct the work of the various US departments and agencies charged with implementing national security and foreign policy. This document is unprecedented in the 35-year history of implementation of the 1986 Goldwater-Nichols Act, which mandated that the White House produce a “national security strategy” document every four years to help streamline US defense spending.

Normally, the National Security Strategy is produced through an interagency process that takes several months to complete. The Biden administration, in deciding to publish interim guidance while the primary document is still being written, is putting a marker down on the importance of separating its administration’s policies from those of its predecessor. The issuance of this interim guidance underscores the sense of urgency that exists within the Biden administration regarding the optics, vice reality, of change.

While promoting the mantra of “America is Back,” the interim guidance goes out of its way to highlight the fact that while the heart of the Biden policy is centered on the notion of “build back better,” the America Biden inherited operates in a world that is very much different from the one that existed when Biden served as President Obama’s vice president.

We cannot pretend the world can simply be restored to the way it was 75, 30, or even four years ago,” Biden wrote. “We cannot just return to the way things were before. In foreign policy and national security, just as in domestic policy, we have to chart a new course.

This “new course,” as Biden described it, must “contend with the reality that the distribution of power across the world is changing, creating new threats.” For Biden, the major threats posed to the US came from two nations. “China,” Biden declared, “has rapidly become more assertive. It is the only competitor potentially capable of combining its economic, diplomatic, military, and technological power to mount a sustained challenge to a stable and open international system.”

The identity of the second threat should come as no surprise to anyone tracking US foreign policy over the course of the past 20 years. “Russia remains determined to enhance its global influence and play a disruptive role on the world stage,” Biden stated. “Both Beijing and Moscow have invested heavily in efforts meant to check US strengths and prevent us from defending our interests and allies around the world.

The interim guidance set forth three major policy objectives for the Biden administration in confronting both Russia and China. The first is for the US to “Defend and nurture the underlying sources of American strength, including our people, our economy, our national defense, and our democracy at home.” The second is to “Promote a favorable distribution of power to deter and prevent adversaries from directly threatening the United States and our allies, inhibiting access to the global commons, or dominating key regions.” Last but not least, the US will seek to “Lead and sustain a stable and open international system, underwritten by strong democratic alliances, partnerships, multilateral institutions, and rules.

In the span of less than 48 hours, the Biden administration managed to undermine all three objectives.

Biden’s interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos is a matter of the historical record. The American president, in answering a series of questions, described Vladimir Putin as a “soulless killer,” violating diplomatic norms which hold that heads of state project a modicum of discretion when talking about one another, if for no other reason than that eventually the two will need to meet and discuss matters in person. As Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan astutely observed, “Mr. Biden’s statements about Mr. Putin are not fitting of a president, and a president coming out and using such remarks against the president of a country like Russia is truly unacceptable, not something that can be stomached.”

Russia’s response was immediate and decisive. In an unprecedented move, the Russian Foreign Ministry recalled its ambassador to the US for “consultations,” a clear sign that Russia was reconsidering its relationship – or lack thereof – with the US. Putin, in an appearance on Russian television, took a more diplomatic approach in responding to Biden’s insults, noting that he wished the American president “good health.” But the Russian president also used a child’s saying, roughly translated as “whatever you say about others is what you are yourself,” to underscore his view that Biden’s utterances were but a reflection on the US’ own inherent problems. Putin raised the US’ use of nuclear weapons against Japan and its history of slavery of blacks and genocide of Native Americans as examples of America’s own tortured history on injustice.

Responding to Putin’s comments, White House spokesperson Jen Psaki countered by noting that the American president “believes that one of the greatest attributes of the United States is our honest self-reflection and our constant striving for progress, and there’s always more work to do.” She stated that Biden had nothing to apologize for, adding “the president gave a direct answer to a direct question.” She added that Biden and Putin have known each other for a long time and have worked through “many iterations of the [US-Russian] relationship.

If Biden and Psaki believed that US-Russian relations would return to square one following Biden’s undiplomatic insult, Putin quickly put that notion to bed.

The US authorities in general seek certain relations with us but only in areas the US is interested in, and on their own terms,” Putin said. “They think that we are just like them but we aren’t. Our genetic, cultural and moral codes are different. However, we know how to protect our interests. We will work with them [the US], but only in areas we are interested in and on terms we find favorable. They will have to take it into account, despite attempts to stop our development, sanctions and insults. We will be guided by our national interests when boosting relations with all countries, including the United States,” he concluded.

If the US’ goal was to minimize Russia’s ability and desire to be less disruptive toward US policy objectives, then Biden cemented its failure.

On China, the interim guidance indicated that it was the US’ goal to “prevail in strategic competition” by enabling America “to out-compete a more assertive and authoritarian China over the long-term.” A key element of this strategy hinged on the US investing “in our people, our economy, and our democracy.” By restoring US credibility, the Biden administration sought to “ensure that America, not China, sets the international agenda.”

The idea of American democracy serving as the foundation of foreign and national security policy was not just a throw-away sentence, but a core part of the interim guidance. “Building back better,” the guidance document emphasized, “requires us to commit ourselves to revitalizing our own democracy. America’s ideals of democracy, equality, and diversity are a fundamental and enduring source of advantage – but they are not a given. Embracing that advantage means living up to the founding promises of our nation, strengthening and renewing our democratic processes and ideals, and demonstrating by our actions that democracy is essential to meeting the challenges of our time.”

Biden’s “soulless killer” faux pas had already opened the door to a very public and credible refutation of the narrative of infallible US democracy by Russia’s President Putin. Less than a day later, Anthony Blinken paved the way for a similar take down by China. Blinken took on a confrontational posture during his opening remarks at high-level talks between the US and China  in Anchorage, Alaska, chiding China’s top diplomat Yang Jiechi and state councilor Wang Yi on their country’s record regarding human rights.

When his turn came to speak, Yang stated that the US was no longer able to “speak to China from a position of strength,” demanding that the US stop promoting as superior its own version of democracy at a time when the US was embroiled in racial and political discontent at home. Yang went on to lecture Blinken, noting that “there are many problems within the United States regarding human rights, which is admitted by the US itself.” These issues, Yang said, were “deep-seated…they did not just emerge over the past four years, such as Black Lives Matter.

If promoting the superiority of US democracy was seen as the salient sales pitch for Biden’s “America is back” policy, the diplomatic gaffes on the part of Biden and Blinken ensured that their first opportunity to promote this policy was instead spent on their back foot, counter-punching against barbs delivered by senior Russian and Chinese officials that, because of the actions of the US in prompting these attacks, gave their words greater emphasis. The main teaching from this 48-hour lesson in bad diplomacy on the part of the US goes beyond reining in the foot-in-mouth tendencies of both Biden and Blinken. The fact is that if the Biden administration wants to sell the narrative of the primacy of US democracy, then it had better get its own house in order before criticizing that of other nations. In short, if you live in a glass house, don’t throw stones.

America is a glass house.


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Scott Ritter is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and author of ‘SCORPION KING: America’s Suicidal Embrace of Nuclear Weapons from FDR to Trump.’ He served in the Soviet Union as an inspector implementing the INF Treaty, in General Schwarzkopf’s staff during the Gulf War, and from 1991-1998 as a UN weapons inspector. Follow him on Twitter @RealScottRitter

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Syria: The Price of Resistance

March 22nd, 2021 by Dr. Chandra Muzaffar

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Few nations in recent decades have been targeted by a superpower the way the United States of America has subjected Syria to various forms of attack. Apart from military assaults and acts of political subversion aimed at overthrowing the government in Damascus, the US has also imposed crippling economic sanctions upon Syria, sometimes regarded as the crucible of human civilisation. These sanctions which intensified in the last few years have impacted adversely upon a huge segment of the population. They culminated in the Caesar Act of 2020 which prohibits any country or entity from engaging in any economic activity with any firm or institution in Syria. For transgressing the Act, the violating party can also be subjected to punitive action by the US.

The wide-ranging sanctions would be one of the primary causes of the humanitarian crisis confronting the Syrian people today. Many of them are in dire need of the essentials of life. Making ends meet has become a major challenge for even the middle-class. It must be emphasised that before the mainly orchestrated unrest beginning in 2011, the government was able to provide for the basic needs of the population and managed one of the best-run health services in West Asia and North Africa (WANA) that provided free medical care to the poor and marginalised.

Yet the mainstream Western media which is echoed by the media in most parts of the world has created the erroneous impression that the humanitarian crisis in Syria is due entirely to the mismanagement and corruption of the Bashar Assad government. While there are acts of omission and commission for which the government should be held responsible, they pale into insignificance compared to the intervention and manipulation by the US elite, Israel and their allies, such as Britain and France and those in WANA.

The unjust imposition of sanctions aside, these actors from the West and WANA are also guilty of engineering a sectarian war between the Sunni majority and the Shia minority which failed miserably and of sponsoring terrorist groups such as ISIS that caused death and destruction on a massive scale between 2011 and 2017. These organised and well-funded terrorist groups were defeated by the cohesive strength of the Bashar government and its security forces buttressed by the determined support provided by the Hezbollah, Iran and Russia. On top of all this, Syria’s economy has also been robbed of millions of dollars by the systematic US theft of its oil in the north east of the country which is under opposition control.  The truth about this theft, or about how sanctions, war and terrorism have contributed to the immense suffering of the Syrian people and the current humanitarian crisis has not been highlighted in the media but it is a reality that the Syrians a are painfully aware of.

The media has also distorted the first bombing of the Biden administration on 25th February 2021 against a militia in Syria allegedly backed by Iran. Most newspapers and television networks claimed that the bombing was in retaliation to a February 15th rocket attack in northern Iraq by that Syrian militia which killed a contractor working with the US military. Since the US bombing took place on Syrian territory, the Syrian government rightly condemned it as a violation of its territorial integrity. China and Russia also condemned it from the perspective of national sovereignty. The western media as a whole side-stepped the sovereignty issue and instead presented the US bombing as a response to Syrian-Iranian aggression. Both Syria and Iran denied any involvement in the February 15 rocket attack arguing that they sought a period of calm to encourage as it were the Biden administration to restore the earlier nuclear deal with Iran which president Trump had unilaterally aborted.

But the Western media’s agenda against Syria is so heavily skewed that it will not entertain any other interpretation of the US’s military action. The power of this biased agenda became even more blatant recently when the media ignored completely a huge scandal involving the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons’ (OPCW) investigation into the alleged chemical attack in Douma, Syria in 2018. When the OPCW published its final report in March 2019, some OPCW inspectors involved in the actual investigation raised fundamental and substantive questions about the report’s conclusions.  These questions cast doubt about the claims of Western governments and the Western media of Syrian government involvement in the chemical attack. The inspectors wanted their views heard by the OPCW management which refused to grant them a hearing. Instead it chose to publicly condemn the inspectors for speaking out.

It is because of the unbecoming conduct of the OPCW leadership that five of its former inspectors and the first Director-General of the OPCW Jose Bustani decided to express their deep concern in a public statement recently. The statement has also been endorsed by outstanding public figures such as Daniel Ellsberg, Noam Chomsky, Richard Falk and John Avery Scales. It is telling that the statement has received so little attention from the media.

If news that is favourable to Syria within the context of the geopolitics of WANA is blocked out of the media, it is because those who dominate the region want it that way. The US, Israel and their allies do not want the truth about the interplay of politics and power in WANA to be known to the people. It is because Syria which is linked to Hezbollah and Iran has been consistent in opposing the hegemonic power of the US, Israel and their allies in WANA that it has had to pay such a high price. It is a price that the triumvirate of resistance is prepared to pay because it cherishes the independence and integrity of the citizens of WANA and the people of the world.


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Dr Chandra Muzaffar is the president of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST), Malaysia. He is a Research Associate of  the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

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The Globalization of War: America’s “Long War” against Humanity

Michel Chossudovsky

The “globalization of war” is a hegemonic project. Major military and covert intelligence operations are being undertaken simultaneously in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and the Far East. The U.S. military agenda combines both major theater operations as well as covert actions geared towards destabilizing sovereign states.

ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-6-0
Year: 2015
Pages: 240 Pages

List Price: $22.95

Special Price: $15.00

Click here to order.

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Dr. Anthony Fauci is no stranger to media interviews. Since the pandemic made him a household name, he’s even been called a media darling.

So when Fauci agreed to an interview with Eugenio Derbez, he may have assumed the famed Mexican actor, director and producer would treat him the way the U.S. mainstream media usually does — with kid gloves.

That didn’t happen. Instead, Derbez lobbed one pointed question after another — and didn’t settle for non-answers.

From lack of long-term safety testing, to vaccine makers’ lack of liability, to the eventual mandating of COVID vaccines for kids (even though their risk of getting the virus is about 0.00% – 0.19% ) to the use of fetal cell lines in the Johnson & Johnson vaccine — no subject was off limits.

How did Fauci do?

Watch this video clip of the interview here to find out.

Read the transcript (edited for length and clarity):

Eugenio Derbez: (00:00)

I was telling people that I was a little concerned. And so I had a lot of doubts about, uh, the vaccine, and then I got this invitation to talk to you. So it will be really helpful for all of us to learn and to understand about the vaccine. I’m going to play here, the devil’s advocate, what is the difference between an Emergency Use Authorization and an official approval by the FDA?

Dr. Fauci: (00:24)

So an emergency use authorization is based on the criteria. If the benefit clearly outweighs the risk and that you get a good degree of efficacy and safety, the full licensure is when you follow it for a longer period of time and you get more information and data. I have no doubt given how very, very efficacious, all three of these are that they will ultimately get the full authorization in the sense of what’s called a biological license approval. But an emergency use authorization is really, uh, quite of an important step in the direction of getting it the official approval.

Eugenio Derbez: (01:11)

That seems sort of safe and effective. Why hasn’t the FDA given any of them, the full, official approval and license?

Dr. Fauci: (01:19)

Actually, that is a very good question. There isn’t like they have any problem with it. It just takes logistically a long time to get the approval. So when this is such a good product that you want to get it to people as quickly as possible because it’s life saving, you give it what’s called an emergency use authorization.

Eugenio Derbez: (01:45)

What about the long term? I mean, what is the medical and legal responsibility of the companies that are making the vaccines? What happens if secondary effects are seen, let’s say in five or 10 years, can I sue the manufacturer of the product that hurts me, or if there’s long-term effectsyears down the road?

Dr. Fauci: (02:06)

You know, there is a fund that allows the, um, compensation for injury, but I have to tell you [inaudible] that it’s very, very, very unlikely that you’re going to have an effect five or 10 years down the pike. The reason we say that is that we have decades of experience in the field of vaccinology and virtually all of the effects if they even occur, and they’re very rare, occur within 15 to 45 days following the dose,

Eugenio Derbez: (02:42)

I’m more concerned about the long term effects, honestly. So, uh, that’s what I asked about the, if I can sue a manufacturer, but because, um, governments around the world are taking the liability governments, but I’m thinking about the manufacturer. If there’s a problem, can I sue the people that made the vaccine now, not the government, the people that made the vaccine, because I’ve heard they are protected from liability. If they’re not willing to stand for their product, or if I can’t sue them, does that mean they’re worried it’s going to hurt people.

Dr. Fauci: (03:17)

You know, they are very sensitive about hurting people, but you can sue anybody you want to sue. There’s no guarantee it goes, it will be in a court that would decide whether or not you get compensation, but we have not had, we have not had any issues with that in any of the other vaccines. So I would be really a surprised if that’s the case.

Eugenio Derbez: (03:40)

Let me tell you why, but there’s one thing that I suppose would make people or skeptical, like me more confident about vaccines. I’m thinking if they remove the protection, some vaccine manufacturers, I think that the ability to be sued and when I’m talking about suing is not about money at all. The ability to be sued is what makes companies make a better product. If you take that away, what incentive do they have to fix a problem with their product? You, you know what I mean? Either manufacturers could be sued for every death and injury that is caused by the vaccination. Probably they wouldn’t put it in the market right now, or they, I think they should be responsible for the product they made.

Dr. Fauci: (04:25)

You know, they really actually are. I think one of the things you got to separate is when you get injury in a trial or injury in a product after it has been fully approved, you have the opportunity. I mean, I understand where you’re coming from and why you bring it up, but you have the opportunity to sue anybody anytime for anything you want, that is the truth. The question is you have to show that it’s related to the vaccine itself. And we have so few, in fact, I can’t even think of a situation where five or 10 years later, something related to a vaccine, causes someone an injury. That’s the reason why I say almost everything that occurs is within a very short period of time.

Eugenio Derbez: (05:17)

But if I sue the manufacturer who pays for that, that is the government not the company, right?

Dr. Fauci: (05:27)

Right. Okay.

Eugenio Derbez: (05:30)

Okay. Got it. Got it. I’ve heard that the reason people should take vaccines is to create herd immunity. What is herd immunity?

Dr. Fauci: (05:39)

Well, the first reason to take the vaccine is to protect yourself, your family and your community herd immunity refers to a situation where you have a high percentage of people who are vaccinated so that when the virus enters the community, there are so few people to attack that the virus has a difficulty in propagating itself. Herd immunity means you get an umbrella of protection because so many people are protected that when the virus comes in, it spreads only when there are a lot of vulnerable people. But if a certain percentage of the people are protected, like with measles, if you get 90% of the people vaccinated with measles, 91, 92%, when you get measles introduced into the community, it will not spread. But if you get down to level two in the eighties, there’s enough vulnerable people that the virus can spread.

Dr. Fauci: (06:43)

They use the word herd, you know what it refers to you ever see when you look at the movie pictures of Africa, where you see the herds of wildebeest and the lions trying to get to them, and you have all of the adult wildebeest around and the weak ones, the older ones or the babies they’re in there. But there were a few of them. The herd protects the vulnerable because in this case, the lion or whatever the animal is, that is the prey animal that’s trying to prey on them can’t get to the vulnerable ones because there’s too many people that are protected. That’s why they use the word herd immunity.

Eugenio Derbez: (07:25)

If herd immunity is of paramount importance, what can be done with all the undocumented immigrants that will not want to get a vaccine out of fear of deportation?

Dr. Fauci: (07:37)

Yeah. That’s a very important question. And the department of Homeland security has made it very clear that there will be nothing punitive associated with getting vaccinated.

Eugenio Derbez: (07:50)

And now I have a question about that. The news has reported that the Moderna and Pfizervaccines are 95% effective. Does this mean that if I get the vaccine, I won’t get infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus?

Dr. Fauci: (08:05)

That means that there’s a 95% chance that you will not get symptomatic infection, namely, that you won’t get infected to the point that you get symptoms. But we are unsure right now what the protection is against infection, because it’s conceivable that you could get vaccinated, get exposed, get infected, not know it because the vaccine is protecting you against symptoms, but that you could have virus in your nasal pharynx, which is the reason why we say until we prove that the vaccine prevents transmission, that people who were vaccinated should wear a mask when they’re near people who might be vulnerable to infection.

Eugenio Derbez: (08:51)

Yeah. But I think it’s a different thing. Um, the, the stop, the clinical disease or the symptoms is different from getting the virus infection, right? So basically the vaccine lowers my symptoms, but it may not prevent me from being infected with SARS-CoV-2, which means there’s the possibility that I can still spread the virus even after I received the vaccine.

Dr. Fauci: (09:21)

Right. That’s the reason why we ask you to wear a mask after you’ve been vaccinated. But the evidence is accumulating that the level of virus in the nasal pharynx is very low and it is unlikely that you would transmit it. But just to be sure, we’re saying, wear a mask in the next couple of months, we will get enough data to be able to prove whether or not, if you get infected, despite the fact that you’re vaccinated, proving that, in fact, it is a very, very low risk that you would transmit it to someone else.

Eugenio Derbez: (09:59)

Yeah. But because I’ve been reading and I saw that you stopped getting the symptoms, but you still can get infected and you can still spread it … what is the main aim of the vaccines? If they neither stop you from getting the virus or transmitting it, right?

Dr. Fauci: (10:23)

The main purpose of the vaccine is to prevent you from getting sick, going to the hospital and maybe dying.

Eugenio Derbez: (10:33)

Moderna and Pfizer are both mRNA vaccines, correct? Has this kind of mRNA vaccine technology ever been injected into humans before?

Dr. Fauci: (10:46)

Well, this is the first time. And the good news is that the results have been really, really good.

Eugenio Derbez: (10:51)

Okay. But in essence, this is an experimental technology.

Dr. Fauci: (10:58)

The new technology and it is proven in a very large group of clinical trials to be safe and highly effective.

Eugenio Derbez: (11:07)

Are you completely positive that this new technology is safe? I mean, how can we be sure there won’t be long-term effects when these vaccines were seemingly developed so quickly and have only been tested for months and not years?

Dr. Fauci: (11:24)

Speed with which it’s been done is a reflection of the extraordinary advances in science. And there was no compromise of safety. But as I said before, in the history of vaccinology, you don’t see effects that occur years later, almost all of the bad effects, as rare as they are — and they are very rare — occur between 15 and 45 days from the time you get vaccinated.

Eugenio Derbez: (11:58)

I have some questions from the audience. The Johnson and Johnson vaccine is not an mRNA vaccine, correct? What kind of vaccine is it?

Dr. Fauci: (12:09)

It’s a vaccine that uses a harmless common cold virus in which you insert the gene of the protein that you want the body to make an immune response against you, you inject it. The body sees the protein, makes an immune response and then protects you against infection.

Eugenio Derbez: (12:28)

And this is the first time it has been injected into humans, too?

Dr. Fauci: (12:32)

No, no, no. They have a lot of experience with Ebola in Africa with this.

Eugenio Derbez: (12:38)

Okay. Mmany Latinos in the community that are practicing Catholics last week, Catholic bishops, weren’t the Catholic, the Catholic community that they should not use the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. Can you explain why?

Dr. Fauci: (12:54)

Well, some not all, because there are Catholic bishops who are saying the opposite of that. And the reason is in the preparation of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, they use the cell line that was taken from fetal tissue from years and years ago, to be able to produce the vaccine. So some of the bishops felt that because that was used that we should not use the vaccine.

Eugenio Derbez: (13:24)

Yeah. Sorry. Is that true? That there, there is a residual DNA from an aborted baby in the Johnson, right?

Dr. Fauci: (13:29)

No, there’s no residual DNA that gets injected into you at all. It’s there in the preparation of the vaccine, there is no residual human, fetal DNA at all.

Eugenio Derbez: (13:42)

Kids. I’m concerned about my daughter. I have a 6-year-old daughter. I heard the death rate for kids is extremely low. Do they really need the vaccine? Are there going to be COVID vaccines for kids in the future? It’s going to be mandatory?

Dr. Fauci: (13:58)

In order to be able to completely crush this outbreak, you want to get as many people, including children vaccinated as you possibly can. Because when you do, you will get such a broad protection that you could eliminate this virus. And that’s what we’re trying to do. Also, even though children unusually can’t get a serious outcome, some children do get very seriously ill when they get infected. And that’s the reason why you want to vaccinate them, not only to protect them, but they can be the vehicles for spreading the virus to other people.

Eugenio Derbez: (14:42)

Is it going to be mandatory at school because my daughter, when I enrolled her into school, it was mandatory to have all the vaccines covered. Didn’t exist back then, but is it going to be mandatory at schools to have the COVID vaccine.

Dr. Fauci: (14:59)

I can’t say that it would. It is certainly conceivable that it might ultimately turn out to be mandatory. But right now, nothing we’re talking about is mandatory in the future. It could be similar to the measles, mumps, rubella and the hepatitis and meningitis, all of which are required. If you go into a public school right now, there is no mandatory anything about it, but someday it might.

Eugenio Derbez: (15:29)

So last question, with over so many variants and counting, how effective are each of the approved vaccines if I get the vaccine, but it doesn’t protect me against the new variants?

Dr. Fauci: (15:42)

The most prevalent variant in the United States is the one from the UK, and the vaccines that are available right now, are highly effective against that particular variant. It’s less effective against the South African variant, but that is not a prevalent variant in this country right now. The most prevalent one is the one from the UK.

Eugenio Derbez: (16:09)

What if I get the vaccine, but it doesn’t protect me against the new variant. Exactly. The pharmaceuticals are working on a third booster shot. Is that true? Yes.

Dr. Fauci: (16:21)

But let me explain what happened in a trial in South Africa, with the J and J vaccine, it didn’t completely protect against getting infected or getting symptoms, but it totally protected you against getting into the hospital and dying. So when you get exposed to a variant, you may not be completely protected, but it has a very, very good at protecting you from getting seriously ill.

Eugenio Derbez: (16:49)

And this third booster shot that they’re working on, that says to me that probably they’re not confident that the two shots are going to be good enough …

Dr. Fauci: (17:03)

That they want to be doubly sure. In case they have to give a booster, they want to determine what the effect of that booster is. So in order to be doubly sure, we’re proceeding with studies to see what happens when you give a third shot that has nothing to do with being confident or not confident. It means you want to be doubly sure that you’re covering all the bases.

Eugenio Derbez: (17:30)

Good. Okay. Good. Well, I think we covered most of the questions.


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Study Finds Glyphosate in More Than Half of All Sampled Florida Manatees

March 22nd, 2021 by Center For Biological Diversity

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A scientific study published this week concludes that Florida manatees are chronically exposed to glyphosate because of application of the pesticide to sugarcane and aquatic weeds.

The study found glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup and the world’s most-used pesticide, in the plasma of 55.8% of the Florida manatees sampled. The concentration of glyphosate in plasma has increased from 2009 to 2019.

Additionally, the study’s authors determined that glyphosate concentrations in the Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie rivers and Everglades Agricultural Area stormwater treatment areas were significantly higher before and during sugarcane harvesting, when glyphosate is more likely to be applied, than after harvest.

“Manatees are Exhibit A that Florida’s waters are in crisis and they shouldn’t be facing this kind of pesticide threat,” said Jaclyn Lopez, Florida director of the Center for Biological Diversity. “Our beloved, chubby sea cows are dodging boat strikes, reeling from red tide and starving in the Indian River Lagoon because of water pollution. It’s heartbreaking to add chronic glyphosate exposure to the list of factors threatening manatee survival.”

“The results of this recent study are cause for serious concern about the chronic use, fate and effects of glyphosate on the manatee population in south Florida,” said John Cassani of Calusa Waterkeeper. “An increasing trend for glyphosate in manatee plasma that correlates with concurrent increased usage of glyphosate is disturbing, especially at a time when manatee mortality is at very high levels. The authors report the same level of glyphosate exposure that manatees experience, causes kidney and liver damage in laboratory animals.”

The study found that the amount of glyphosate sprayed by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to control aquatic weeds in Lake Okeechobee exceeded the sample waters, reaching up to 10,000 kilograms per year, and that the Army Corps’ Lake Okeechobee discharges result in high concentrations of glyphosate in the Caloosahatchee and St. Lucie rivers.

The study, published in Environment International, also found that manatees were exposed to glyphosate in non-agricultural areas, such as the Crystal River, and that exposure was higher during winter, when manatees depend on the warm water refuge.

The study concluded that the chronic exposure in Florida water bodies may have consequences for Florida manatees’ immune and renal systems, which may be further compounded by other environmental factors, such as red tide or cold stress.

Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide, with about 280 million pounds a year used across 285 million acres in agriculture alone. Its total volume of application has increased by a factor of 12 from 1995 to 2014. The EPA recently determined that glyphosate’s labeled uses are likely to adversely affect 93% of all listed species and 96% of critical habitats, including the Florida manatee.

In 2010, in response to a petition filed by the Center, Defenders of Wildlife and Save the Manatee Club, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service determined that the revision of critical habitat was warranted. The Service found that the loss of Florida’s warm water habitats is one of the leading threats to manatees and that it was important to identify specific areas essential to the species’ conservation.

But the Service never revised the manatee’s critical habitat. Instead the agency downlisted the manatee to threatened in 2017 despite ongoing threats to the species and manatee habitat.


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Good for Governor Ron DeSantis. In sharp contrast with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo who recently imposed “vaccine passport” requirements for people in New York to attend certain events, DeSantis is standing up for freedom and against the imposing of vaccine passports in Florida.

In a Thursday press conference, DeSantis stated his firm opposition to vaccine passports, as well as to requiring people to demonstrate they have tested negative for coronavirus. A WCJB-TV report quotes DeSantis’ comments on the matter from the press conference:

‘I just want to make very clear in Florida, we are not doing any vaccine passports,’ Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said during his news conference on Thursday afternoon. ‘I think it’s a bad idea. And so that will not happen. And so folks should get vaccinated if they want to obviously provide that. But under no circumstances will the state be asking you to show proof of vaccination.’

‘And I don’t think private companies should be doing that either,’ added DeSantis. ‘So we’re going to look into see what we need to do to be able to make sure we’re protecting Floridians. But I do think it would be a big problem to start going down the road of vaccine passports.’

‘You have some of these states saying to go to a sporting event, you have to show either a negative test or a vaccine proof. I think you just got to make decisions. If you want to go to an event go to an event if you don’t don’t, but to be requiring people to provide all this proof,’ said DeSantis. ‘That’s not how you get society back to normal. So we’re rejecting any vaccine passports here in the state of Florida.’

Back in September, when most governors were extending and even adding to their states’ coronavirus crackdowns because of “the science,” DeSantis was terminating restrictions in Florida and giving a platform to scientists opposed to the multitude of draconian government actions taken in the name of countering coronavirus.


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Jordan on Sunday made public a defence agreement with the United States that allows free entry of US forces, aircraft and vehicles onto the kingdom’s territory.

Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi told parliament that the defence accord was “the fruit of long negotiations”, according to AFP.

The agreement was signed in January and the government approved it last month, but in an exceptional move it bypassed parliament. The royal decree was published in the official journal this week.

The terms of the agreement, published on Jordanian news site Ammon, stipulate that “US forces may possess weapons and circulate with them on Jordanian territory while exercising their duties”.

It also states that US forces may transport and stock equipment and that personnel, their aircraft and ships are authorised to “freely enter and exit Jordanian territory”.

Islamist lawmaker Saleh al-Armuti decried the lack of parliamentary oversight and called on the government to cancel the accord, claiming it “violates the constitution and affects Jordan’s sovereignty”.

‘A vital US partner’

But Safadi pushed back, saying the agreement “in no way affects Jordan’s sovereignty, and everything it contains is subject to Jordanian law and is compatible with international law”.

“The agreement does not authorise American forces to carry out combat actions within the kingdom,” he told lawmakers.

“The agreement aims to frame defence cooperation and reinforce US support for defence programmes and the kingdom’s security and stability through military training and equipment,” Safadi said.

The US State Department considers the Hashemite kingdom “a vital US partner on a wide range of regional security issues”.

Jordan is a key recipient of American financial aid – including $425m in military assistance annually, according to Safadi.


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Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the number of injuries and deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID vaccines showed 38,444 reports of adverse events since Dec. 14, 2020.

On March 8, The Defender contacted the CDC with questions about how the agency is investigating reports of deaths and injuries after COVID vaccines. We provided a written list of questions asking the status of investigations on deaths reported in the media, if autopsies are being done, the standard for determining whether an injury is causally connected to a vaccine and the known issues with VAERS — namely whether healthcare providers are reporting all injuries and deaths that might be connected to the COVID vaccine, and what education initiatives are in place to encourage and facilitate proper and accurate reporting. We asked for a reply within two days.

As of today, 11 days later, the CDC has not answered our questions. Instead, when we call them, they respond saying, “they have received our email, they will escalate it and it is in the system.” When we asked if we could speak with the person reviewing the email, we were told that information could not be provided. When we emailed them to follow up, we received no response.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received by the system as of Friday of the previous week. The 34,444 adverse events reported between Dec. 14, 2020, and March 11 include 1,739 deaths and 6,286 serious injuries.

This week’s data included reports of 478 cases of Bell’s Palsy. Of those, 66% of cases were reported after Pfizer-BioNTech vaccinations — almost twice as many as reported (36%) following vaccination with the Moderna vaccine.

The first Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine was administered in the U.S. on March 2. As of March 11, nine anaphylactic reactions associated with J&J’s vaccine had been reported to VAERS. As The Defender reported earlier this month, the J&J vaccine contains polysorbate 80, known to trigger allergic reactions, The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines contain polyethylene glycol (PEG), also known to trigger anaphylactic reactions.

In the U.S., 98.2 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of March 11.

From the 3/11/2021 release of Vaers data.

VAERS is the primary mechanism for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

For the most part, today’s data reflect trends that have emerged since The Defender first began tracking VAERS reports related to COVID vaccines.

This week’s VAERS data show:

  • Of the 1,739 deaths reported as of March 11, 30% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 21% occurred within 24 hours, and 46% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated. By comparison, during the same period, there were only 85 deaths reported following flu vaccines.
  • Nineteen percent of deaths were related to cardiac disorders.
  • Fifty-three percent of those who died were male, 44% were female and the remaining death reports did not include gender of the deceased.
  • The average age of those who died was 77.9 and the youngest death was an 18-year-old.
  • As of March 11, 289 pregnant women had reported adverse events related to COVID vaccines, including 90 reports of miscarriage or premature birth. None of the COVID vaccines approved for Emergency Use Authorization has been confirmed safe or effective for pregnant women, although J&J said earlier this month it would begin testing on pregnant women, infants and the immunocompromised.
  • There were 1,689 reports of anaphylaxis, with 59% of cases attributed to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and 41% to Moderna.

The average age of death reported remains 77.9, however the youngest reported death this week dropped from 23 to 18. According to VAERS, the teenager developed fatigue, body aches and a headache one day after receiving the Moderna vaccine on March 3. On March 5 he complained of chest pain, and died in his sleep later that day.

The latest data also includes the report of a 22-year-old woman with a “significant, lifelong underlying medical condition” who died 24 days after the vaccine.

According to the CDC’s website, “the CDC follows up on any report of death to request additional information and learn more about what occurred and to determine whether the death was a result of the vaccine or unrelated.”

To date, the only information the CDC has published related to the investigation of COVID vaccine-related deaths and how those investigations were conducted is a COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Update via the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) published on Jan. 27.

The safety update analyzed only the 198 reported deaths that occurred within the first month after the first COVID vaccine was administered in the U.S. It is unknown whether the CDC has investigated any of the 1,541 reported deaths since or, if investigations were conducted, what the results showed.

On March 16, The Defender reported that more than 20 countries suspended use of AstraZeneca’s COVID vaccine after reports of blood clots, some resulting in death, in healthy people who received the vaccine. The World Health Organization (WHO) said an ongoing analysis by its vaccines advisory committee had not established a causal link between the vaccine and blood clots and that countries should keep using it.

On March 18, the European Medicine Agency (EMA) released the results of its investigation into the AstraZeneca vaccine. The EMA said Thursday the vaccine “may be associated with very rare cases of blood clots,” but the agency still considers it to be “safe and effective” and countries should continue to use it.

The EMA determined AstraZeneca’s vaccine was not associated with an “overall risk” of blood clots in those vaccinated and there was no evidence of a problem related to specific batches of the vaccine or manufacturing sites, The Defender reported.

According to Reuters, about a dozen countries resumed use of AstraZeneca’s COVID vaccine today, including Germany, Indonesia and France as EU and British regulators said the benefits outweighed any risks of potential blood clots. AstraZeneca’s vaccine is not yet approved for emergency use in the U.S.

On March 18, The Defender reported Pfizer’s chief financial officer told analysts and investors during a recent earnings call that the company plans to turn its COVID vaccine with German company BioNTech into an even bigger cash cow once the pandemic ends.

Pfizer’s vaccine is already the second-highest revenue-generating drug in the world. The vaccine maker expects revenues of $15 billion in 2021 based on current contracts for its COVID vaccine, but that number could double as Pfizer says it can potentially deliver 2 billion doses this year.

Leaked documents obtained as a result of a cyberattack on the EMA and reviewed by The BMJ revealed regulators had major concerns over unexpectedly low quantities of intact mRNA in batches of the Pfizer’s COVID vaccine developed for commercial production, as reported this week by The Defender.

A leaked email identified “a significant difference in % RNA integrity/truncated species” between the clinical batches and proposed commercial batches — from around 78% to 55%. Pfizer was not manufacturing vaccines to the specifications expected, and the impact of this loss of RNA integrity on safety and efficacy of the vaccine was not identified, according to the email. The EMA responded by filing two “major objections” with Pfizer, along with a host of other questions it wanted addressed. It’s unclear if the agency’s concerns were satisfied.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


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Megan Redshaw is a freelance reporter for The Defender. She has a background in political science, a law degree and extensive training in natural health.

Featured image is from Natural News

Terminate NATO

March 22nd, 2021 by Jacob G. Hornberger

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The Washington Post has published a long piece calling for NATO to take on a new official enemy — China. The piece is written by Sara Bjerg Moller, an assistant professor in the School of Diplomacy and International Relations at Seton Hall University. She argues that after 30 years since losing the Soviet Union as its official enemy and struggling to find a replacement to justify its continued existence, a perfect replacement would be China.

I’ve got a better idea. Let’s just put NATO out of its misery and terminate it.

After all, let’s not forget NATO’s original mission: to defend Europe from the possibility of an invasion by the Soviet Union, which had been America’s and Britain’s World War II partner and ally but which had been converted to their official enemy at the end of the war.

But the likelihood of a Soviet invasion of Europe was always nil. The Soviet Union had been decimated by World War II, especially as a result of the German invasion of the country. Even though the invasion was ultimately repelled and Germany was defeated, the Soviet Union’s industrial capacity had been destroyed, not to mention the millions of Russian citizens who had been killed. The last thing the Soviet Union wanted was another war, especially given that the United States possessed nuclear weapons and had shown a willingness to employ them against large cities.

The advocates of a national-security state in the United States, however, needed a new official enemy to replace Nazi Germany, especially to justify the conversion of the U.S. government from a limited-government republic to a national-security state, a type of governmental structure with omnipotent, non-reviewable powers. The Soviet Union and “godless communism” fit the bill perfectly. The American people were then inculcated with the notion that there was an international communist conspiracy to take over the United States and the rest of the world that was based in Moscow, Russia.

To convince Americans and western Europeans that the Soviet Union posed a grave threat to them, U.S. officials pointed to the postwar Soviet occupations of Eastern Europe and East Germany as examples of communist aggression. They apparently forgot that President Franklin Roosevelt had delivered such lands into the hands of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, who FDR affectionately referred to as his “Uncle Joe,” at their wartime summit in Yalta. Was it really too surprising that Stalin accepted FDR’s gift, especially given that Eastern Europe and East Germany would serve as a buffer against another German invasion of the Soviet Union?

It was within this fervent anti-communist environment that NATO was formed. But in 1989, the Cold War suddenly and unexpectedly came to an end, which, needless to say, put the U.S. national-security establishment and NATO into a panic. After all, the Cold War was the justification for both of these institutions. With no Cold War, they could both be dismantled.

Instead, the national-security establishment simply went into the Middle East and began poking hornets’ nest, which ultimately brought terrorist retaliation, which in turn brought the “war on terrorism,” another racket that has kept the national-security establishment in high cotton.

Meanwhile, unwilling to let Russia go as an official enemy, NATO began gobbling up former members of the Warsaw Pact, with the aim of placing U.S. troops and missiles ever closer to Russia’s borders and with the hope of provoking a reaction, which ultimately came about in Ukraine.

As Moller argues, however, Russia poses no real threat to Europe and, therefore, cannot be seriously considered to be a justification for NATO. Instead, she argues, it’s time to replace Russia with China, owing to China’s rise as an international powerhouse. The reasoning is classic empire-think: If a nation starts to prosper and rise, it’s best to put it down before it gets too large and powerful.

How about just leaving China and Russia alone? What’s wrong with that? What’s wrong with other nations becoming prosperous? The fact is that NATO should never have been established in the first place. Moreover, the biggest mistake in U.S. history was to convert the federal government to a national-security state. The best thing American could do now is terminate NATO and restore a limited-government republic to our land.


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Jacob G. Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation. He was born and raised in Laredo, Texas, and received his B.A. in economics from Virginia Military Institute and his law degree from the University of Texas. He was a trial attorney for twelve years in Texas. He also was an adjunct professor at the University of Dallas, where he taught law and economics. In 1987, Mr. Hornberger left the practice of law to become director of programs at the Foundation for Economic Education. He has advanced freedom and free markets on talk-radio stations all across the country as well as on Fox News’ Neil Cavuto and Greta van Susteren shows and he appeared as a regular commentator on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s show Freedom Watch. View these interviews at and from Full Context. Send him email.

Featured image is from The Future of Freedom Foundation

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Britain will be joining the US’s new cold war against China in a move that is both dangerous for the entire world and against the interests of the British people.

That is the meaning of the Tory government’s latest Defence and Foreign Policy Review, Global Britain in a Competitive Age, that was published on Tuesday March 16.

Not only will this cold war see Britain waste billions of pounds in a ridiculously provocative and aggressive military build-up against China in the Pacific region but it is also inevitable that engaging in such acts of belligerence will cost Britain many jobs as vital trade and investment from China will be lost.

US offensive against China

The central foreign policy priority of the US administration under President Joe Biden is to wage a multi-faceted offensive against China, with the goal of blocking China’s national rejuvenation, and Britain is joining in with this attack as a junior partner.

The new US Secretary of State Antony Blinken set the tone for Biden’s administration in his first major speech on March 3 when he described the rise of China as the “biggest geopolitical test” facing the US in the 21st century.

Days later on March 9 the head of the US Indo-Pacific Command, Admiral Philip Davidson, asked the US Congress for $27 billion (£19.3bn) extra funds for new military hardware and practice military exercises so that the US could get into a position of being “prepared to fight and win should competition turn into conflict.”

Biden’s team has already started the work of attempting to build an international front of US allies against China as the central pillar of Washington’s foreign policy — and that’s where “Global Britain” fits in.

The Tory government’s Defence and Foreign Policy Review essentially presents Britain’s role in the world as junior partner to the US, which the document describes as “the UK’s most important strategic ally” in confronting the “systemic challenge” represented by China and the “hostile” threat that Russia allegedly poses.

Britain’s increasing military aggression against China

Despite Boris Johnson’s subdued and conciliatory rhetoric and tone, which attempted to pose Britain’s participation in the new cold war against China as an “Indo-Pacific tilt” which would include building “a stronger and positive economic relationship” with Beijing, the truth is that Britain is increasing its military aggression against China.

This includes the recent decisions to increase Britain’s military spending to the tune of £24bn over the next four years and to deploy Britain’s new aircraft carrier, the Queen Elizabeth, to the South China Sea in May, alongside a US Destroyer as part of a flotilla of nine ships.

In addition engaging in such provocative military escapades just off China’s coastline, it is extremely threatening and dangerous that the Tory government has now announced it will be increasing its nuclear arsenal by 40 per cent at precisely the same time that Washington is escalating its massive offensive against China.

This outrageous decision to increase Britain’s nuclear arsenal contravenes our legal obligations under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which Britain ratified in 1970 and which requires countries that have nuclear weapons to disarm.

For Britain to spend billions of pounds on new nuclear weapons and a military build-up against China is a criminal waste of resources — such vast funds are urgently needed to tackle the pandemic, create jobs, fund public services and to tackle climate breakdown.

The new cold war against China will cost British jobs

The reality is that Britain’s participation in the new cold war is an act of self-harm and the material interests of the British people are going to be sacrificed in order to carry out the dictates of Washington.

It is absurd that the government’s “Global Britain” Review suggests that at the same time as increasing military aggression against China, Britain will also be able to “continue to pursue a positive trade and investment relationship with China.”

The Tories are completely naive to believe that China will invest and create jobs in Britain if this country enthusiastically participates in Washington’s cold war.

The exact opposite will happen — China’s investment into the US has already collapsed following the US launching its cold war, costing the US many thousands of jobs.

It is obvious that China would prefer to trade with and invest in countries that are not engaged in a cold war and so Britain, which is already facing high unemployment, stands to lose even more jobs and suffer severe economic damage in pursuing an anti-China policy.

The Labour front bench argues that Britain should actively choose to shun trading with China, the world’s most rapidly growing major economy, which would cost Britain thousands of jobs and puts Labour to the right of the Tories on this issue.

Another aspect of the Tory government’s anti-China policy which is also directly against the economic interests of the British people is the ban on Huawei, which means 5G will be delivered later and more expensively in Britain.

We need global co-operation not a new cold war

Johnson’s decision to take Britain into a new cold war against China is against the interests of both the Chinese and British people.

Instead of wasting billions of pounds on weapons of mass destruction and supporting the US’s military build-up against China, Britain should genuinely pursue dialogue and global co-operation with China to tackle the immense problems facing humanity.


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Featured image: A soldier walking on the deck of a Trident nuclear submarine (Source: Morning Star)

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Criticism of Canadian Policy in Haiti Growing

March 22nd, 2021 by Yves Engler

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A growing number of voices are criticizing Canadian policy in Haiti and a petition to be read in Parliament on Monday will shine a light on the historical roots of the issue.

In recent weeks many groups and individuals have criticized Canadian support for a dictator who is actively opposed by the overwhelming majority of Haitians. Three current MPs and three former MPs, as well as Stephen Lewis, Roger Waters, David Suzuki, Naomi Klein and 500 others, signed a letter last month criticizing Canada’s “support for a repressive, corrupt Haitian president devoid of constitutional legitimacy.” As Jovenel Moïse extended his mandate beyond the February 7 deadline that should have ended his presidential term La Coalition Haïtienne au Canada contre la dictature en Haïti was established in Montréal. The coalition of Haitian community groups’ criticism of Moïse’s unlawful appointment of an electoral council and constitutional referendum is backed by many Canadian organizations. The Canadian Labour Congress, Canadian Union of Public Employees, all of Québec’s major labour unions and its main NGO coalition, as well as numerous other groups, recently signed a statement calling on Ottawa to “stop supporting” Moïse who has criminalized protest blockades as “terrorism” and established a new intelligence agency empowered to infiltrate and arrest anyone engaged in “subversive” acts.

In a statement last week headlined “Canada must stop supporting Haiti’s unconstitutional government” Public Service Alliance of Canada national president Chris Aylward aggressively opposed Ottawa’s policy.

“Tragically, Canada has been working against democracy in Haiti for two decades, all too often choosing to support right-wing politicians who have little concern for Haiti’s poor majority”, noted Aylward in a statement citing Canada’s role in “helping overthrow a democratically-elected Haitian government” in 2004.

On Sunday Solidarité Québec-Haïti is organizing a demonstration in front of foreign affairs minister Mark Garneau’s office in Montréal and on Monday a petition the group sponsored will be read in the House of Commons by Bloc Québecois MP Mario Beaulieu. The petition highlights Moïse’s dependence on the “Core Group”, which includes the representatives of the US, France, Germany, Brazil, Organization of American States (OAS), UN, Spain and Canada. The petition links the creation of the “Core Group” to the “Ottawa Initiative on Haiti”.

On January 31, 2003 the Canadian government convened top US, French and OAS officials to discuss Haiti’s future. No Haitian representatives were invited to the two-day meeting where they discussed the removal of the elected president, re-creating the dreaded military and putting the country under UN trusteeship. Thirteen months later US Marines forced President Jean-Bertrand Aristide out of the country in the middle of the night with Canadian special forces “securing” the airport from which Aristide said he was “kidnapped”. UN forces have been in Haiti for most of the past 17 years and the Haitian military has been re-created.

In what was likely a government-organized trial balloon, prominent journalist Michel Vastel brought the meeting to public attention in the March 15, 2003 issue of Québec’s L’actualité magazine. Despite a major outlet reporting on the meeting at the time, the media barely mentioned or investigated the “Ottawa Initiative on Haiti” after the coup. Until last year.

In a 45-minute report tied to the 10th anniversary of the horrible 2010 earthquake Radio-Canada’s flagship news program “Enquête” looked back on the Ottawa Initiative on Haiti. They interviewed Denis Paradis, the minister responsible for organizing the meeting, who admitted no Haitian representatives were invited to discuss their own country’s future at the get together.

Spurred by Enquête’s investigation, the parliamentary petition calls on the federal government to “publish all documents relating to the ‘Ottawa Initiative on Haiti’” and to “hold a hearing of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development to learn everything there is to know about the ‘Ottawa Initiative on Haiti,’ including its link to the “Core Group.”

A look back at the Ottawa Initiative on Haiti will help make sense of Canada’s role in Haiti. To do the right thing we must understand this country’s contribution to the repression facing Haiti’s impoverished majority today.


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Featured image: Protesters seek to burn Canadian embassy in Haiti (Source: Yves Engler)

First published on September 14, 2020

Mike Yeadon, Pfizer former chief scientific advisor: Ferguson’s model has no validity in the view of most scientists: 

“Yes, its a novel virus but its very closely related to at least four other viruses that circulate freely in the population, which are all corona viruses and contribute to the common cold, so bluntly it was naive of them (government etc) to assume everyone was susceptible..”

Four or five scientific papers have since come out that suggest that between 30 – 50% of people have T-Cell immunity cross reacting from having been exposed to these other common cold-inducing coronaviruses”

Most scientists don’t accept that Ferguson’s model was even faintly right.

The NHS will maintain Covid stance, allegedly to deal with the “second wave”.

“Someone in government, either Hancock, Ferguson or SAGE has decided that [..] its ok to have excess avoidable deaths in order to “be prepared”. Now, I want someone [..] to come on the air and announce the calculus they have made because it is not an accident, it is a deliberate policy.”

Why no second wave?

“30-50% started with a level of immunity which means they are not susceptible to the virus at all – that is well accepted by almost every clinical immunologist and virologist by now. They have circulating T-Cells, these are cells that remember what you have been exposed to and allow you to quickly respond to a new but related threat”.

“Only 20/25 % of people needed to be infected for the “pandemic” to come to a standstill through the herd immunity threshold. I know its controversial but I am afraid it’s fact – when you look at the shape of the daily deaths versus time curve, it is obvious to any biological expert that the “PANDEMIC” IS FUNDAMENTALLY OVER”.

“I will challenge the government – Ferguson, Hancock, SAGE – to cite the research literature that underscores their belief in a “second wave” [..] it doesn’t exist”

“SARS and MERS, novel coronaviruses, each of them – one wave each and that is what most people expect with SARS Covid19. There is NO underlying literature that says a second wave is coming , this is an assertion”

Basically, Ferguson is trying to save face by predicting a second wave after his alarmist predictions were, yet again, hysterical overreach that served the BIg Pharma interests in UK Government and further afield.

The swab test:

“They use a technique called PCR – a molecular biology technique which involves a terrific amount of amplification over and over and over again. That technique is well known to produce a risk of false positives , that is it comes up positive even though the virus is not present”.


In a major U-turn, the government has issued a demand for revision but there is no media coverage of this fact. The public is kept in the dark.

WITHOUT THE FALSE TEST DATA “you would rightly conclude that the pandemic was over”

“I am demanding that the government, SAGE, pause introducing any more restrictions until they have made the change that they have recognised as necessary”


Who is Mike Yeadon:

Dr. Yeadon is an Allergy & Respiratory Therapeutic Area expert, developed out of deep knowledge of biology & therapeutics and is an innovative drug discoverer with 23y in the pharmaceutical industry. He trained as a biochemist and pharmacologist, obtaining his PhD from the University of Surrey (UK) in 1988 on the CNS and peripheral pharmacology of opioids on respiration.

Dr Yeadon then worked at the Wellcome Research Labs with Salvador Moncada with a research focus on airway hyper-responsiveness and effects of pollutants including ozone and working in drug discovery of 5-LO, COX, PAF, NO and lung inflammation. With colleagues, he was the first to detect exhaled NO in animals and later to induce NOS in lung via allergic triggers.

Joining Pfizer in 1995, he was responsible for the growth and portfolio delivery of the Allergy & Respiratory pipeline within the company. During his tenure at Pfizer, Dr Yeadon was responsible for target selection and the progress into humans of new molecules, leading teams of up to 200 staff across all disciplines and won an Achievement Award for productivity in 2008.

Under his leadership the research unit invented oral and inhaled NCEs which delivered multiple positive clinical proofs of concept in asthma, allergic rhinitis and COPD. He led productive collaborations such as with Rigel Pharmaceuticals (SYK inhibitors) and was involved in the licensing of Spiriva® and acquisition of the Meridica (inhaler device) company.

Dr Yeadon has published over 40 original research articles and now consults and partners with a number of biotechnology companies. Before working with Apellis, Dr Yeadon was VP and Chief Scientific Officer (Allergy & Respiratory Research) with Pfizer.

Bring on the Covid-19 believers.


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Watch Dr. Mike Yeadon as he talks about COVID-19 and governments’ response to the pandemic.


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Inside the Horror Show of Northern Uganda

March 21st, 2021 by Otim Tonny

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The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) began as an evolution of the ‘Holy Spirit Movement’—a rebellion against president Museveni’s oppression of northern Uganda, led by Alice Lakwena.

The Acholi people of the north had allied with Museveni’s rival in the Ugandan bush war, Milton Obote (Ugandan President 1961-1971, 1980-1985), and were subjected to reprisals.

When Alice Lakwena was exiled, Joseph Kony took over, changing the name of the group to the Lord’s Resistance Army. As the group lost regional support, he quickly started a trend of self-preservation that would come to characterize the rebel group, stealing supplies and abducting children to fill his ranks.

The LRA terrorized northern Uganda for two decades. In 2006 they indicated an interest in peace negotiations. These were hosted by Juba, Sudan (now South Sudan), and dubbed the Juba Peace Talks.

Meanwhile the LRA set up camp in Garamba National Park in northeastern Congo, gathering its strength and stockpiling food. There was significant evidence that Kony ordered his fighters to attack villages and abduct children in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) during the peace talks.


In August 2006, a Cessation of Hostilities agreement was signed by the LRA and the government of Uganda. The talks took place over the course of two years.

Kony sent a delegation to negotiate on his behalf. But when the Final Peace Agreement was ready to be signed, he repeatedly postponed the date of signing or failed to show up. Most notably, he failed to show up to sign the Final Peace Agreement with the Government of Uganda in April 2008 and November 2008. It is believed that Kony may have entered peace talks as a means of resting and regrouping. The entire time that the LRA was involved in peace talks, they were provided with food, clothing, and medicine as a gesture of good faith.

Operation Lightning Thunder

In December 2008, when it became clear that Kony was not going to sign the agreement, Operation Lightning Thunder was launched. It was the coordinated effort of Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic, and Sudan, with intelligence and logistical support from the United States.

The operation failed. Joseph Kony somehow learned of the attack in the hours before the air-raid and was able to escape. In retribution for the attempted attack, the LRA, led by ICC-indictee Dominic Ongwen, attacked villages in the DR Congo on December 24, 2008, killing 865 civilians and abducting 160 more over the course of two weeks. The LRA fighters were reportedly instructed to target churches, where people would be gathered with their families for Christmas Eve services.

LRA soldiers survey the bodies of victims of another massacre in the war in northern Uganda. (Source:

A year later the LRA reprised the Christmas massacres in the Makombo region of northeastern Congo as a reminder of their powers of destruction. These attacks took place over four days, December 14-18, 2009. This time they killed 321 people and abducted 250. Because of the remote location of the Makombo massacres in December 2009, the outside world knew nothing about the attacks until three months later. Human Rights Watch broke the news internationally on March 28, 2010.

Since Operation Lightning Thunder, the LRA has functioned in small, highly mobile units across the porous border regions of DR Congo, the Central African Republic, and South Sudan. The African Union was leading counter-LRA efforts, with a large military contingent from Uganda. These efforts were assisted by U.S. military advisers, who have been present in the region since 2011. This advisory mission was expanded in March 2014 to include the use of four V-22 Ospreys; the cap on U.S. personnel tripled from 100 advisers to a maximum of 300.

Starting in 1996, the Ugandan government, unable to stop the LRA, required the people of northern Uganda to leave their villages and enter government-run camps for internally displaced persons (IDPs). These camps were supposedly created for the safety of the people, but the camps were rife with disease and violence. At the height of the conflict, 1.7 million people lived in these camps across the region in squalid conditions with no way to make a living. Thus, a generation of Acholi people were born and raised in criminal conditions.

Water hole outside refugee camp in northern Uganda where 1.7 million people have been displaced. (Source:

Consider the testimony of a former LRA abductee below:


“I was in Primary 2 when I was abducted. I was coming home for lunch and as I rounded a bend, eight rebels suddenly appeared and aimed a gun at me. They dared me to run or else they would shoot me. They took my books and tore them all, and tied me up.

One person was made to guard me and asked me if Ugandan People’s Defense Force (UPDF) soldiers like patrolling that route. I denied but they maintained their ambush. At five o’clock in the evening, I heard gunshots and after a short while, four rebels were shot dead by the UPDF.

When the others came back, they then decided to kill me because I had deceived them and made them lose four soldiers. They tied me up again but one of them decided that I should not be killed. I had lost all hope of living again, and my heart pounded loudly, and still, I believed they would kill me during the night.”

Life in the Bush

“We walked most of the night and the next day in the evening we met a bigger group. The four rebels each wanted to take me to join his household at the time of distribution of captives, but their commander prevented a quarrel erupting by taking me for himself. I became his escort and would go with him to the battlefront. I carried his bag, tent and hoe. When we went for operations two times, he recommended that I should be given my own gun because I am not afraid and I am well disciplined.

The next day I proved my worth at battlefield during an attack by the UPDF. I charged them and got four magazines of ammunition and the commander gave me two very important assets. One day after several operations, I threw away my gun during a battle, but I was forced to go back and get it or else I would be killed. I fought at Opit, Lagile, Lira, Aromo and many times at Soroti.

At Soroti, I was given [orders] to kill a man but I refused, so I was slapped with a machete on my bare back and was about to be killed. I gave in and killed the man by hitting [him] on the head with a club. Another man was brought and again I refused and I was beaten severely, until I killed him. I could not eat for three days because of the sight of blood. I also witnessed commander Tabuley killed during a battle. He was shot at the neck and his escorts carried him away. I was also shot on the head but was not badly injured. We also laid an ambush and shot a bus along the Lira-Soroti road; only two people survived whom we took captive, a man and a child.

Thereafter we suffered several attacks by the UPDF. We also attacked a UPDF detachment: we were 40 in number but we were repulsed and 16 people were killed and only I and three others were not injured. Some of the casualties were ghastly to look at.”

Life in Sudan

“Joseph Kony the Commander sent a message that sodas, soap, clothes and other supplies be taken. We walked from Lira district and took 3 days to enter Sudan.

We suffered hunger and six recruits (children) died of hunger. We had to attack Pajok in Sudan (occupied by the Sudanese People’s Liberation Army—SPLA) for food. We walked through the Imotong Mountains and many people died of fatigue and hunger while climbing.

After six days of trouble, even attacks by Lotuko Militias, we reached the other side of the mountain and met Joseph Kony who insulted us and warned us not to escape. Thereafter he planned a mission to raid the Morule of cattle and they brought over six hundred cattle. They counter attacked twice but were repulsed. The SPLA also attacked us for the cattle and we realized them to be tough soldiers.”


“In March we suffered a heavy attack by UPDF helicopter gunships and a woman, child and two boys were killed. The commander Vincent Otti ordered that everybody should spread out and move alone to avoid casualties. I took this chance to escape: I went and got lost but kept moving for four days without any food and water. I carried my gun and ammunitions pouch. I reached the river Nile on the fifth day and drank water at a certain point, dodging SPLA soldiers who were fishing.

I walked and followed the river upstream and went and drank water again, but when I stood up and moved, I heard something following me in the water. I looked back and saw a dark, large animal like a bull. It began to move in upon me, looking straight at me, its tail up and its eyes dark and terrible. I realized it was a buffalo, very dangerous.

I was feeling very weak and felt dizzy with hunger. I turned to look ahead, and I saw an SPLA soldier take his gun and aimed at me. He said ‘de munu,’ meaning ‘Who are you?’ in local Arabic and began to fire at me. I was too weak to react and the bullets clouded me in dust.

I turned round and saw the buffalo, mad with anger but undecided whether to charge or not, partly distracted by the bullets. I was in a dilemma. I held my gun at a firing position but did not cock it and tried to decide which way to go. I decided that I better be killed by men, not this cruel and terrible buffalo. The man completed a whole round of ammunition and I wasn’t hurt, but during this interlude, over thirty SPLA soldiers came in and released a volley of bullets at me. I fell down by instinct and crawled to a nearby outcrop of rock.

I looked back and saw the buffalo, mad with rage and intent upon crushing me as it followed me. My attackers released a rocket-propelled grenade, which split the outcrop of rock and almost crushed me as it rolled past. They thought I was the one rolling so they directed their line of fire towards the spot where the rock stopped. I creeped and looked back from among the rocks and the buffalo had disappeared.

My attackers were surprised when I stood up again and leaned against a tree. One of them (whom I later realized to be an Acholi from Atiak in Uganda) became inquisitive and came over and ordered me to throw my gun and pouch down. I responded but he ran back in fear. He came again and I threw the gun down and my pouch too. He snatched it and ordered me to follow him.

The SPLA everywhere shouted ‘Kill him’ but the man refused. We reached their barracks amidst insults and many people wanted to stone me. The SPLA had always suffered at the hands of the LRA and I now faced their anger alone. A woman who carried firewood had a machete in her hand and cut at me and missed my face. I clung to the man called Otim, and he protected me for a week until one day he sent a message to Attiak and UPDF soldiers came and took me across the border to Uganda. The SPLA followed me but the UPDF refused to release me. I was subsequently brought to World Vision Children’s Centre at Gulu.”

Amidst War and Death: Profits for a Few

Amongst those affected by the war in northern Uganda, it is sometimes difficult to disentangle victims and perpetrators. For more than a decade, starting in the early 1990s, young Acholi boys and girls followed their parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts into one of the hundreds of displaced camps created by the government of Uganda.

The rebels abducted tens of thousands of children and youth, and if they did not escape or were released shortly thereafter, they were trained, given a weapon and made to fight. As the abducted girls matured, they were forced to marry rebel commanders and give birth, fulfilling the spiritual vision of Joseph Kony to create a “New Acholi.”

The war took so long partly because Museveni and his commanders were making huge profits from the war, and it was around that time when “ghost soldiers” were created by then Army Commander Major General James Kazini and his senior commanders who were active in the Northern conflict.

A whole Brigade of 700 soldiers was created; yet it did not even exist but continued to draw taxpayers’ money in salaries every month. This money ended up in Kazini’s pocket and his commanders.

The United States of America and UK also contributed to prolonging the conflict as they contributed troops that offered training to the UPDF, bought military hardware and gave cash to the Ministry of Defence for maintenance of equipment. It is the flow of such money which ended in individual bank accounts that kept the war going.

President Obama signs bill to send military advisers to assist in the war against Joseph Kony in 2010. (Source:

Each party to the conflict—the rebels and the Ugandan military—terrorized the civilian population, displacing more young boys and girls and the cycle continued. Those who avoided recruitment or abduction had to continue to dodge both parties.

If either rebels or soldiers encountered civilians, they forced them to pledge allegiance to their cause. If they mixed up a rebel and soldier—something that was very easy to do in the dark, and because both parties to the conflict wore similar uniforms, they were accused of being traitors and punished. It was perhaps no surprise then that so many young men and women who did escape the rebels found it difficult to integrate within communities that had been afflicted and divided by more than two decades of violence. This extends to the children born in the rebel group.

Consider the reflections of one mother on how community members treat the child she gave birth to in captivity below: “He is called Kony even from home. They don’t call him any other name. They always call him Kony. They say that his mind is like Kony. They say that he acts like Kony in every way and that people should just wait and see because the boy will be a general like his father.”


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Otim Tonny was born in 1990 in Gulu, located in northern Uganda. He grew up witnessing the atrocities of the Lords Resistance Army rebels. He spends most of his time campaigning for peace and the abolition of militarism. Otim can be reached at [email protected].

Featured image: Joseph Kony in the bush. (Source:

The Case of Alexei Navalny. Reviving the Cold War

March 21st, 2021 by Prof. John Ryan

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The mainstream media considers Alexei Navalny to be Vladimir Putin’s main opponent. However, a “Levada Center poll from November 2020 — three months after Navalny’s poisoning — found that only 2% of Russians would vote for Navalny if he were a presidential candidate. That is a number that has remained steady for years.” How is it possible that there can be such a divergence of views?

In the western media, Navalny has been portrayed as an indefatigable Russian patriot who is trying to expose corruption in Russian society and has been victimised by various criminal prosecutions.

To set the record straight, in 2014 Navalny was charged and convicted of fraud and embezzlement of a French cosmetic firm and a Russian state-owned timber firm, totalling about $1,000,000. For the first criminal offence he was given a 3½-year sentence and for the second, a 5-year sentence, but both sentences were suspended. On the other hand, his brother who was similarly charged did go to jail. During this probation period Alexei Navalny was to report at regular intervals to police officials.

Much has been written in the Western press about an “assassination attempt” on Navalny using a weapons grade nerve agent known as Novichok and Navalny’s accusation that “Putin was trying to poison me” has been taken at face value. However, little has been said about the many questions that have arisen around these important matters and they are worth airing

On August 20th, Navalny fell seriously ill while in mid-flight from Tomsk, Siberia to the Russian capital. The Moscow-bound plane was abruptly re-routed to make an emergency landing in the Siberian city of Omsk where the Navalny was hospitalized.

Somehow while Navalny was still on the plane bound for Omsk, Pyotr Verzilov, a member of the protest punk rock Pussy Riot group, was notified of Navalny’s illness. He then immediately managed to arrange for the Berlin-based NGO Cinema for Peace Foundation to send an aircraft to Omsk with a coma-specialised team on board. This plane arrived the next day, on August 21, and these German doctors were allowed to take part in the examination and treatment of Navalny. In fact, they were able to make tests and report these back to Berlin.

The Russian doctors have affirmed that despite comprehensive toxicology tests on his biological fluids and organs, they detected no traces of toxins. He was tested for many types of poisons, including organophosphorus compounds and narcotic substances. Moreover, the atropine treatment by Russian doctors was exactly the same as would later be done at the Berlin Charité medical university. And most importantly, no evidence was detected by the German doctors of a poison attack on Navalny in the Omsk hospital, as Navalny and the western media have recently alleged.

The chief toxicologist at the Omsk Emergency Hospital, Dr. Alexander Sabaev, stated that their doctors found no traces of toxic substances in the comatose Navalny’s kidneys, liver, or lungs, which led them to conclude that Navalny’s condition was caused by a metabolic disorder and an “internal trigger mechanism.” It appeared that Navalny had suffered  a grand seizure due to hyperglycemia after going into diabetic shock in which a combination of alcohol, lithium and benzos taken by Navalny himself were involved. Sabaev also noted that tests were conducted in multiple laboratories at once.

By their skilled quick intervention, these doctors saved Navalny’s life. The Omsk doctors not only stabilized Navalny’s condition but also had demonstrated the effectiveness of the Russian antidote medication. The crucial point is that these Russian toxicology tests found no Novichok or any other such nerve poison in Navalny’s body. The Russian medics still possess the original body samples taken when Navalny was being treated in Russia.

On August 22 Navalny was flown in this German plane to Germany, along with his medical condition reports, which were to be given to the Charité Clinic in Berlin. His transport on a medically equipped plane with German specialists was permitted by the Russian authorities. In fact, it was Vladimir Putin who personally authorized this, afterwards saying, “I immediately asked the Prosecutor General’s office to allow that.”

Two days later, on August 24, a report on Navalny from the Charité hospital stated “Clinical findings indicate poisoning with a substance from the group of cholinesterase inhibitors. The specific substance involved remains unknown, and a further series of comprehensive testing has been initiated.”

This claim was signed by a press agent, not a doctor or head of the patient treatment team. However, German hospital protocol requires the treating doctor to take responsibility for the release of a patient’s medical record. There is no evidence that such permission was granted.  In fact, Florian Roetzer of Telepolis, asked Manuela Zingl, the press agent who signed her name to this, to name the head of the Navalny’s treatment team and to provide details of the treatment. She refused. We will return to the question of why protocol was breached so seriously on such an important matter at a later point when we come to additional information that came out in December.

Notably, the Berlin doctors admit they did not detect organophosphate poisoning in Navalny’s blood, urine or on his skin; they tested no water bottle or clothing evidence which had been brought to Berlin by Navalny’s staff on the evacuation aircraft. They also acknowledge they did not know what might have caused “severe poisoning with a cholinesterase inhibitor” until the German armed forces laboratory in Munich reported the Novichok allegation two weeks later.

For an undisclosed reason, further research on Navalny was not done at the Charité hospital in Berlin.  This was assigned to be done at the German army’s chemical warfare laboratory in Munich, the Institut fur Pharmakologie und Toxikologie der Bundeswehr (IPTB). On September 2 the IPTB issued a brief report, with no details, directly to Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin stating that on the basis of their toxicological investigation “definite proof of a chemical nerve agent of the Novitchok (sic) group was produced.”

However, there is a problem with IPTB’s entire report. There was no toxicology report from the IPTB, no name of the IPTB expert in charge of the testing and of the interpretation of the results, and there was no name of the chemical compound of the “Novichok group,” which IPTB should have explicitly reported on paper, according to the naming protocol of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry; or else the report fails to do that because it was inconclusive. The failure to compile a full report on these matters seems to indicate their analysis was inconclusive.

Immediately after receiving the report on Navalny from the IPTB, Chancellor Merkel met with her cabinet and issued a report saying, “The German federal government condemns this attack in the strongest possible terms. The Russian government is urged to explain itself regarding the incident.” A communiqué was sent to Russia saying that Germany now has “unequivocal proof” Navalny was poisoned with a Novichok nerve agent and demanded that Russia conduct an investigation into this. The next day Russia rejected Merkel’s accusations and demanded documents and proof to support their case.

Germany’s announcement immediately led to a series of charges in the media that the Kremlin was responsible for the attempted murder of Navalny using the Soviet-era nerve poison. Without providing any supporting evidence to Moscow or the public, the German government demanded an explanation from the Kremlin. Amazingly, Germany refused to share their analytical data and samples with Russia, but in spite of this they demanded that Moscow launch a criminal investigation into the Navalny case.

Upon hearing these accusations, the scientists behind Novichok developmentLeonid Rink and Vladimir Uglev – dismissed the German claims. They stated that Novichok is an extremely deadly nerve agent and there’s no way Navalny could have survived its application. Furthermore, Uglev pointed out that others who interacted with the Navalny after he fell ill – fellow plane passengers, ambulance crews, and others would also have been contaminated. Leonid Rink stated that Navalny’s symptoms are not consistent with poisoning by Novichok. According to him, if Novichok was used, Navalny would have had seizures, and he would have already died, instead of falling into a coma.

Russia then sent a formal request from the Prosecutor-General in Moscow to Germany to provide medical condition evidence on their Navalny findings. In response, the German authorities have not produced a single medical datum, pathology, toxicology or forensic report. In European protocols of patient care and in medical professional terms, this is unprecedented. As such it appears that German doctors were under government orders not to communicate with their Russian colleagues or to respond to an official Russian government request.

German doctors who treated Navalny wrote a report that became the basis for an article in The Lancet. This was published December 22 as a four-page clinical report on Navalny. In this report, the main editors Eckardt and Steindl say “severe poisoning with a cholinesterase inhibitor was subsequently diagnosed,” not at the Charité hospital in Berlin, but by a “laboratory of the German armed forces”, i.e., the IPTB.

British toxicologists have repeatedly cautioned there can be many causes and sources for the cholinesterase inhibition detected from metabolites in Navalny’s blood and urine, and they continue to ask the German doctors and the IPTB: “Name the compound. That would be a good start.” Writing in The Lancet, the doctor in charge of Navalny’s treatment at the Charité, Kai-Uwe Eckardt and a British colleague, David Steindl note that: “results of toxicology analyses conducted in a special laboratory of the armed forces [IPTB] are not included.”

A British organo-phosphate expert adds: “I can’t stress enough the need for the German scientists to be specific. To speak of ‘Novichok family’ or ‘Novichok class or group” is just not good enough. There is no reason why the correct IUPAC chemical name should not be stipulated.  Without this certainty, there is no analysis that can stand up as toxicologically defensible evidence of a crime.”

As cited in the December issue of The Lancet, German doctors reported that “based on clinical and laboratory findings, severe cholinesterase inhibition was diagnosed and the patient was started on atropine and obidoxime . . . cholinergic signs returned to normal within 1 hour after the onset of this antidotal therapy.” This report is in stark contrast to the Charité press agent’s report on August 24 which spoke of “poisoning with a substance from the group of cholinesterase inhibitors.”  It also neglected to mention that the atropine treatment was effective within one hour and that the atropine treatment by Russian doctors at Omsk was the same as provided to Navalny by German doctors.

Thus, the August 24 announcement by Charité hospital’s press agent was not only inaccurate, it was overly alarmist. As we have seen, it was also released by a press agent, without the signature or the authorization of a doctor. Now we know why: it appears to be a purposeful misrepresentation of Navalny’s medical condition. But questions still remain . . . why was this done, who authorized it, and for what purpose?

At Germany’s request, on September 10 OPCW sent experts to collect biomedical samples from Navalny’s blood and urine. This was three weeks after Navalny became ill and by this time he was reasonably well recovered. Almost a month later, on October 5, the OPCW sent a report on its findings to Germany claiming that “The results of the analysis of biomedical samples conducted by the OPCW designated laboratories demonstrate that Mr Navalny was exposed to a toxic chemical acting as a cholinesterase inhibitor. The biomarkers of the cholinesterase inhibitor found in Mr Navalny’s blood and urine samples have similar structural characteristics to the toxic chemicals belonging to schedules 1.A.14 and 1.A.15, which were added to the Annex on Chemicals to the Convention at the Twenty-Fourth Session of the Conference of the States Parties in November 2019. This cholinesterase inhibitor is not listed in the Annex on Chemicals to the Convention.”

There was no further report to clarify what this actually meant. Despite this, it became accepted that OPCW claimed it was a variant of Novichok. Overall, OPCW’s remarkably late intervention in this matter is questionable and their report remains cryptic. The fact that immediately after Navalny became ill Russian and German doctors at Omsk were not able to find any traces of toxins in his blood and urine, three weeks later OPCW’s “experts” supposedly managed to do so stretches credulity.

The latest on this is that it is now reported, as of February 15, that on the day OPCW took samples of Navalny’s blood and urine, the German record shows his cholinesterase scores were so close to normal, it was impossible for the OPCW to claim they had evidence of a Novichok attack. This substantially undermines Germany’s claim that the Novichok attack was perpetrated by the Russians, on order of President Vladimir Putin.

It’s not that OPCW has an unblemished impartial record. Its reputation was seriously compromised in 2019 when the head office leadership altered the report of its own on-site investigators in Douma in Syria in an attempt to justify an unwarranted and illegal bombing raid in Syria by US and British aircraft.  Because of this, the two top investigators quit their jobs, and one of them later presented a detailed report at the United Nations in which the true course of events was presented on what actually happened at Douma in 2018.

On December 22 the Charité clinic released some of its laboratory test results on Navalny. These reveal a surprising number of medical symptoms: acute pancreatitis, diabetes, liver failure, severe dehydration, muscular rigidity, as well as serious bacterial infection, and a possible heart attack associated with his kidney problems. According to the clinic’s experts, these are not recognizable symptoms of a nerve agent attack. Given this great variety of ailments, it is clear that Navalny is not in good health.

The Charité hospital’s doctors also revealed that Navalny had a medico-psychiatric problem and was a heavy user of lithium and benzodiazepine drugs. They reported this in a set of four data tables they attached as appendices to their case report on Navalny. Their data raises the question — what would happen if Navalny was forced to withdraw from his drugs quickly.  Further on this later.

Navalny’s wife, Yulia, had refused to reveal or allow Navalny’s doctors to report on several of his prior illnesses and medical preconditions; these are known to cause sudden reduction in blood sugar and cholinesterase levels—diabetes, Quincke’s Disease, and allergies leading to anaphylactic shock. It is not known if Navalny afterwards allowed this.

The disclosure that in his Tomsk hotel on August 19, hours before he collapsed, Navalny had taken a large dose of lithium, diazepam, nordazepam, oxazepam, and temazepam, was first published on December 22 in The Lancet. The medico-psychiatric literature is clear on what happens to a habitual user of these drugs if rapid withdrawal is attempted: for lithium, read this; for the benzodiazepines, click to open.

European medical sources report that the lithium found in Navalny’s blood is commonly used to treat bipolar disorders. It is known to depress the butyryl cholinesterase which Navalny’s laboratory testing revealed at the

Charité hospital. Navalny was also being treated to stabilise his insulin level with Metformin, a drug that is known to be a cholinesterase inhibitor.  From the combination of these drugs and the additional ones he took in the Tomsk hotel, Navalny would have suffered dramatic cholinesterase inhibition effects before his collapse on the plane from Tomsk to Moscow.

As such there is medical evidence provided by Russian and German doctors that Navalny may have collapsed because of the combination of drugs he was taking. The use of benzodiazepines is especially dangerous when used with alcohol or other drugs.

Independent western toxicologists, pharmacologists, and physicians believe that the Lancet evidence of Navalny’s drug intake shows that he had consumed a potentially lethal cocktail of drugs, which, if combined with alcohol and a pre-existing diabetic condition, could have triggered the cholinesterase inhibitor.  An expert from the above-cited group adds that the 0.2 blood alcohol level reported from the Omsk hospital testing on August 20 “is an extremely high level.”

The mystery of what the Berlin doctors treating Navalny discovered in his bloodstream and urine tests has deepened after the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov publicly referred in mid-February to the clinical findings of a

Swiss-based neurologist, Vitaly Kozak. He revealed that Kozak has been reporting for several weeks that the biomedical data tables published in The Lancet in December reveal evidence of cholinesterase inhibition effects of poisoning by the drug lithium which Navalny was taking himself before his

collapse on August 20.  Why is it that The Lancet has refused to publish a clinical commentary in the form of questions from Dr. Kozak?

Kozak has pointed out there is evidence that lithium inhibits cholinesterase activity in the blood. Also not explained was that 31 hours after Navalny collapsed from his illness “he had ‘wide pupils non-reactive to light’ which is contrary to cholinergic toxidrome.” He explained the significance of this, which was not reported by The Lancet.  Dr. Kozak’s expert credentials as a neurologist are such that he is more qualified to comment on Navalny’s clinical data than the neurologists in the Charité hospital team who listed themselves as co-authors of December 22 Lancetreport. Despite this, Kozak’s observations and inferences from the data tables have been rejected for publication in The Lancet.

It is noteworthy that career diplomat Frank Elbe, who headed the office of German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher for five years and negotiated the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons as head of the German delegation in Geneva from 1983 to 1986, stated that “I am surprised that the Federal Ministry of Defence concludes that the nerve agent Novichok was used against Navalny.”

As he put it, Novichok belongs to a group of “super-lethal substances that cause immediate death” and that it “made no sense to modify a nerve poison that was supposed to kill instantly in such a way that it did not kill, but left traces behind allowing its identification.”

To sum up this issue, the case from Germany and the west is that Navalny was the target of an attempted murder, and that Novichok was the weapon used. The Russian government case is that the medical evidence is of a metabolic crisis caused by the combination of alcohol, lithium and benzodiazepines taken by Navalny himself.

The balance of evidence available and outlined here would suggest that the Russian assessment is more credible than the Western consensus.

Aside from all of the above, there is a further more sinister possibility that should be considered. It was the doctors at the Omsk hospital who first treated Navalny and saved his life from his strange ailment. Several German doctors were there at the time and fully approved of the tests and medical care that he received. The Russian doctors still have Navalny’s biological samples, which show no presence of toxins. Hence, because of such evidence, surely there is reasonable cause to suspect that the German version may be a fabrication. That could mean that the claimed detection of Novichok by the Germans was the result of deliberate contamination of his body fluids while he was being treated in the Berlin hospital, or that his was done later at the Munich military laboratory.

Russia has been transparent in all this from the outset. But strangely, the Germans rebuffed all Russian requests for reciprocal transparency from their side to back up their extraordinary claims that Navalny was poisoned with a military nerve agent.  All efforts by Moscow for cooperation in investigating what happened when Navalny fell ill on August 20 have been stonewalled. However, the German lab did share some of their information with personnel from other countries.

There are additional questions. After Russian doctors saved his life and were prepared to deal with his recovery, why was there an urgent request from his family and his supporters to have him flown to Germany for further hospital care? Why was there an urgency to do so? Why did Moscow relent in allowing this strange foreign intervention in its internal affairs?

If, for argument’s sake, the Kremlin had in some way plotted to cause Navalny harm with Novichok or some other poison, why would Moscow permit his relocation to Berlin where toxicology tests would uncover the purported plot? That scenario is illogical.

A further point on this matter is that Novichok substances exist in at least twenty Western countries while Russia claims to have none. Furthermore, the Russian scientists who invented Novichok have stated categorically that if used, it would have killed Navalny almost instantly. Moreover, anyone who came in contact with him – his aides, doctors, fellow passengers – would inevitably have been contaminated, sickened and perhaps died, so deadly is this chemical weapon.

Recently a Russian doctor died at the Omsk hospital where Navalny was a treated six months ago. Immediately there was speculation that it was that this was somehow connected to Navalny. Upon inquiry it was reported that the doctor died of a heart attack and that this had nothing to do with Navalny.

When in Germany for treatment, a mysterious water bottle was produced by his family that the Bundeswehr labs are now claiming had traces of Novichok on its surface. If Novichok truly were on the bottle, Navalny and his assistants would have died, as well as the Bundeswehr technicians.

In addition to the water bottle, other purported methods were considered such as a bad tasting cocktail Navalny had in the hotel or perhaps it was the cup of tea while he was waiting for his plane in Tomsk. But the latest and the final idea is that Novichok was applied to Navalny’s underwear while he was staying at a hotel in the hours before his flight to Tomsk.  Laughable, yes, but this is their latest idea.

This latest explanation is based on a claim that Navalny somehow through a phone call tricked a person from the Russian Federal Security Service to admit that they had applied Novichok to his underwear. Russia immediately denied such an accusation and showed that his claim was preposterous and a fake.

In all of this there was an astounding dereliction of legal process by the Europeans, as well as the flouting of diplomatic norms in their communications with Moscow . . . all unworthy of normal bilateral relations.

Despite all this, critics wonder why “the Russian regime has not yet even opened a criminal inquiry.” Why should Russia do this? The Russian doctors who saved Navalny’s life did not find any toxic substance in his body. The German investigators have not provided any evidence of their findings of Novichok in Navalny’s body. Without such evidence what would be the point of any such inquiry?

The timing of Navalny’s alleged assassination came as the Nord Stream-2 natural gas project between the European Union and Russia entered into a final phase for completion. Predictably, there have been vociferous calls from the EU and from some sectors in Germany for that project to be cancelled, in accordance with Washington’s long-held demands. The USA is involved in this because it wants to sell its own abundant gas (from fracking) to Europe, even though it would be far more expensive than Russian gas. Obviously, this is about trade and American financial interests. In response to this, Russia is considering an international court challenge against US actions.

This $11 billion pipeline is the likely reason why the Navalny issue has been handled in this manner in Germany. Strangely there are a number of pro-Washington German politicians who have been persistent in their opposition to the ambitious boost to energy trade between Russia and Europe. On the other hand, most German politicians realize that Germany needs Russian natural gas as it phases out dirty coal and nuclear power.  Natural gas is a cleaner source of energy than coal or nuclear power. The completion of this line would double the supply of Russian gas to the EU.

Despite sanctions to disrupt construction over the past year, the Nord Stream-2 project resumed near the end of 2020. All that is needed is about 150 kilometers of pipe-laying to the German coastline in an overall 12,000-km route from Russia.

From a strategic political and commercial viewpoint, the Americans are crazed by this partnership between Europe and Russia. Navalny’s bizarre poison story and subsequent media agitation seems central to halting the Nord Stream-2 project.

So desperate is Washington to sabotage the pipeline that it is now throwing caution to the winds in its efforts at trying to incite a colour revolution in Russia. The hypocrisy is astounding considering the shrill and unfounded accusations the Americans have leveled at Russia about its supposed interference in US affairs.

But also astounding is the servility of European governments and media who entertain the American agenda. Germany wants and needs Russian gas, but Berlin has accepted the Navalny nonsense and has endangered its relationship with Russia.

In any case, under the laws of the Russian Federation, during Navalny’s five-month stay in Germany, he was on probation for a suspended jail sentence concerning his fraud conviction in 2014.  For the last two months of 2020, according to his German doctors, he was fully recovered and in good health. Hence there were no grounds for him not to return to Russia and thereby to abide by Russian laws.

Near the end of December Russia’s Federal Penitentiary Service warned Alexei Navalny to return immediately from Germany or else face a suspended sentence being made into jail time. He ignored this and returned on January 17. He was detained at the airport and placed in detention till February 2.

At the ensuing court case on February 2, seemingly because he had been unable to take his usual drugs, Navalny became unhinged during the proceedings. During the court hearing, he was asked to apologize to a 95-year-old World War II veteran for insulting and defaming him some months before because the veteran had supported an amendment to Russia’s constitution.  Instead of doing this, Navalny proceeded to further ridicule and malign not only the veteran but his family as well, to the extent that it even appalled his supporters in court. As later reported “Navalny’s constant shift into shouting, rolling into hysterics, bickering with the court, and insulting other participants . . .  the judge, unable to stand the circus, gave five minutes to the lawyers to ‘bring the defendant to his senses’, since ‘there is no longer any possibility to tolerate this.’” It’s fairly certain that if Navalny had done this in the USA he’d have been charged with contempt of court and given an additional sentence. At the end of the hearing, he was jailed for parole violations resulting from an earlier embezzlement conviction and sent to serve the remaining 2½ years in a penal colony.

Probably because of Navalny’s bizarre performance in court, his staff announced they have suspended their demonstration plans until the spring.

Russia has dismissed US and EU criticism of the jailing of Navalny as meddling in its domestic affairs and said Navalny’s current situation is a procedural matter for the court, not an issue for the government.

It should be noted that while he was in Germany “recuperating,” Navalny proceeded to accuse President Putin of personally ordering his alleged assassination. On the basis of these bizarre and totally unsubstantiated charges the European governments proceeded to impose further sanctions on Russia.  The abdication by European governments of due process and of respect for Russian state laws, its government, and its president is astounding.

In a question directed at Putin regarding Navalny’s comments about him, Putin responded by saying that Navalny’s claims are merely “laundering of US intelligence” for which the dissident figure is an asset.

The notion that Russian President Vladimir Putin would try to assassinate an opposition person who holds a minuscule 2 to 4% support amongst the population is contrary to any reason or common sense. There is a reason Putin consistently polls about 60 to 70% in favorability with the Russian people.  Such polling is done regularly by the Levada Center, an independent non-governmental polling association.

Russians are fully aware that it was Putin who directed the country away from Western domination under the ruinous neoliberal economic policies of his corrupt and inebriated predecessor Boris Yeltsin.  Under Yeltsin in a matter of five years from 1990 to 1994 life expectancy dropped from age 69 to age 64, and economic output fell by 45 percent during 1989 – 1998.  Under Putin the economy recovered and life expectancy in 2020 was 72.3.

After his arrest, Navalny’s supporters released a two-hour YouTube video about an opulent Black Sea residence allegedly built for Putin. It immediately got wide media attention, especially in the West, and it has been widely viewed in Russia. President Putin immediately denied having anything to do with this structure.  Shortly afterwards, a Russian businessman, Arkady Rotenberg, provided proof that he owns this property and that this has nothing to do with the Russian president.

Navalny’s so-called Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) has a checkered history of shady financing, from allegations of foreign funding by the U.S. State Department to charges of embezzling millions of dollars. The FBK is registered as a ‘foreign agent’ by the Russian Ministry of Justice because they have evidence that it has received funding from abroad in the past.

Navalny is being used by the USA as a useful agent in its attempts to subvert the Russian state by fomenting social unrest.  For example, upon Navalny’s return to Russia on January 17, the US embassy in Moscow published detailed street maps of planned protests. Just imagine the hue and cry if, for example, the Russian embassy in Washington had published maps of the Capitol buildings prior to the January 6 violent assault there by Trump supporters.

Navalny’s FBK on January 31 asked the White House to enact additional sanctions on Russia. Russia’s Foreign Affairs official, Vladimir Dzhabarov, denounced the organization, saying: “It smacks of treason. Can you imagine an American organization appealing to Vladimir Putin with a request to impose sanctions on the US president?”

Amnesty International has recently withdrawn its designation of Navalny as a “prisoner of conscience” due to past xenophobic statements he has never retracted. The group said it “is no longer able to consider” Navalny a prisoner of conscience because he “advocated violence and discrimination” and has never retracted any of such statements he made in the past. They noted that he has compared Muslims to cockroaches and flies and recommends shooting them with guns if swatters and shoes fail.

At a party in 2013, celebrating the anniversary of the newspaper The New Times, Navalny suggested that they “make the first toast for the Holocaust”; he referred to religious Jews in his blog as: “dandies in fox hats and rags.” Also, Navalny in 2013 supported the Biryulyovo race riots in which Russian skinheads attacked immigrants in a Moscow district. In 2017, in an interview with the Guardian, he said he has “no regrets” about his past statements and called it “artistic licence.”

Navalny’s world view was formed under the total dominance of the right-wing market liberal ideology in the 2000s, when he supported radical privatization and decreases in social guarantees as a member of the Yabloko Party.

Even though Navalny is now in prison he may still face an investigation for a newer fraud case, in which he and his Anti-Corruption Foundation have been accused of misusing donations from supporters. There is a possibility he may also be charged with treason. A recently released video reveals new evidence of links between MI6 and Navalny. The video exposes the role of the US and UK in helping Navalny to foment political discord in Russia and other countries. With respect to Navalny and his supporters, Russia’s media spokesperson, Maria Zakarova was even more direct, saying “stop calling them opposition, they are NATO agents.

The case of Andrei Navalny is Russia’s problem, but because the Cold War has now been revived, in the West he is being used an instrument to try to undermine that country.


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John Ryan, Ph.D., is a retired Professor of Geography and Senior Scholar at the University of Winnipeg.

COVID-19 Vaccine Risks and Research

March 21st, 2021 by Nina Beety

All Global Research articles can be read in 27 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).


COVID-19 and related policy steps are causing great suffering, devastation, and economic harm. Below is the letter I sent to my county’s health officer with my research on COVID-19 vaccine risks, treatment options, and prevalence statistics, and asking him to take action. 


The current vaccines — Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines, the J&J vaccine (using a human adenovirus vector), and the AstraZenica/Oxford vaccine (using a modified chimpanzee adenovirus) — instruct a person’s cells to produce COVID19 spike proteins.

Recent research has found that the COVID19 spike protein by itself may be causing much of the damage in COVID19 patients in endothelium and organs, without the virus itself present.

If this is the case, deliberately causing a person’s body to make these spike proteins, and for an unknown period of time, could subject healthy people as well as the most vulnerable (including those with pre-existing conditions most at risk according to the scientific literature) to grave public health risks — extensive damage in the endothelium and in many organs including the brain, heart, kidneys, and liver, thrombosis/blood clotting, severe illness, heart attacks, and death.

Further, the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA is encapsulated in a lipid envelope to protect the mRNA from destruction. It will send its message to a person’s cells to produce spike proteins for an unknown period of time, perhaps permanently.

Some medical experts also report that people of Hispanic/Native American and African genetic background degrade mRNA more slowly, making them particularly at risk for long-lasting spike protein production and its related effects. These people may also have lower Vitamin D due to genetics, putting them at greater overall immune risk. And they often have a higher immune response – another risk factor. In their recent white paper “COVID-19 experimental vaccine candidates”, the organization America’s Frontline Doctors warns:

A too strong immune reaction to a vaccine can result in inflammatory disease like transverse myelitis (inflammation and paralysis of the spinal cord). This raises grave concern about prioritizing African Americans to receive an experimental vaccine when so much available science shows that this demographic is already at a higher risk for adverse reactions to vaccines. (p. 23)

Patrick Whelan MD, UCLA, alerted the FDA in December prior to Pfizer vaccine emergency use authorization (EUA) that the COVID19 spike protein might be causing tissue damage associated with COVID19, — “microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver, and kidneys in a way that does not currently appear to be assessed in safety trials of these potential drugs.”

In a September 2020 article, Forbes writer Dr. William Hasseltine said that vaccine protocols had minor symptom mitigation as a first priority, not immunity or major symptom or death reduction. This makes sense because how can immunity or protection from the virus happen when only spike proteins are the target? Immunity happens when the virus itself is the target of the body’s response. In October, Associate Editor Peter Doshi wrote in the British Medical Journal:

“None of the trials currently underway [J&J was not in this group] are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospital admissions, use of intensive care, or death. Nor are the vaccines being studied to determine whether they can interrupt transmission of the virus.”

Doshi’s chart in his article drives home his point. He cites Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks who said, “Our trial will not demonstrate prevention of transmission”. This isn’t being disclosed to the public. These vaccines are being sold to all of us on the basis of immunity, but they likely won’t affect immunity or transmissibility at all.

Nor is it being disclosed that past SARS vaccines have failed, severely sickening or killing many of the animal and human subjects when they encountered the wild virus, with some scientists warning that new SARS vaccine development should not be attempted again.

Vaccination could dramatically exacerbate what you and the county are trying to stop. If that happened, the financial and economic costs to the county could be staggering and not repairable. Every business sector would be affected but Monterey County’s agriculture industry, already negatively impacted by fewer ag workers, would be disabled if significant numbers of workers have vaccine-related health problems. And the tourism industry would plummet if there are vaccination-related health effects on the overall state, national, and international population, and on local workers.

Suspend mass vaccinations and county vaccinations immediately and investigate this public health risk. Raise these urgent issue with state health officials.

On December 1, former Pfizer head of respiratory research Dr. Michael Yeadon and German epidemiologist and pulmonary specialist Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg petitioned the European Medicine Agency to suspend immediately all SARS COV2 vaccine studies over adverse effects.

“Governments are planning to expose millions of healthy people to unacceptable risks…”

There are other vaccine risks. Spike proteins also contain syncytin-homologous proteins. Syncytin-1 is necessary for placental attachment in pregnancy. Antibodies against the spike protein could trigger an immune response against syncytin-1, causing an auto-immune rejection of the placenta. and permanently interfere with a woman’s ability to maintain a pregnancy. A syncytin-homologous protein in the brain could cause multiple sclerosis.

Other autoimmune reactions could result. Immune thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP) where the immune system attacks the platelets or the cells that make them, is being investigated in connection with the vaccines. Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) causes a vaccinated person to get a worse case of the disease when exposed to the wild virus. In addition, a reported 70% of people develop antibodies to polyethylene glycol (PEG) which is in the mRNA vaccines and can experience anaphylactic reactions or shock. Polysorbate-80 in the J&J vaccine can also cause anaphylactic reactions, has caused cancer in animal studies, and can cross the blood-brain barrier. PEG and polysorbates may cause cross-reactive hypersensitivity.

There is an already high rate of deaths and adverse reactions reported from December 14 through March 5 on the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following vaccine administration – 1,524 deaths, 5,507 serious injuries, 390 incidents of Bell’s palsy – a 31% spike from the previous week, 85 reports of miscarriage or premature birth, and a total of 31,079 cases of adverse reactions in this short span of time. The VAERS system is entirely voluntary, and a government study found that fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse reactions were reported there. High rates of death following vaccination have been reported in some nursing homes. J&J had to pause its trial due an adverse event it refused to disclose. The AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine has now been suspended in over 20 countries including Germany, Austria, and France, due to many adverse events following vaccination. AZ trials were paused when transverse myelitis, multiple sclerosis, acute neuro encephalopathy and one death occurred. Since rollout, adverse events include severe cases of brain hemorrhage or blood clots, reduced blood platelets and deaths, affecting even healthy young people with no medical problems.

It is estimated to take 6 weeks for the body to begin producing spike proteins. Who is monitoring mid-term or long-term effects once that happens and the body produces antibodies to the proteins, especially adverse events in migrant farmworker and homeless populations?

Since it is unknown how long the mRNA signal will continue to tell the cells to produce spike proteins, how long can the body continue to manufacture antibodies to the spike protein? At what point will the body’s immune response be exhausted and fail, leaving the person unprotected and biological homeostasis at risk?

Moderna chief medical officer Tal Zaks said in a 2017 TED talk, “We are actually hacking the software of life.”

“Imagine if instead of giving [the patient] the protein of a virus, we gave them the instructions on how to make the protein, how the body can make its own vaccine,” he said. , “we’ve been living this phenomenal digital scientific revolution, and I’m here today to tell you, that we are actually hacking the software of life, and that it’s changing the way we think about prevention and treatment of disease.”

“In every cell there’s this thing called messenger RNA or mRNA for short, that transmits the critical information from the DNA in our genes to the protein, which is really the stuff we’re all made out of. This is the critical information that determines what the cell will do. So we think about it as an operating system.

So if you could change that, if you could introduce a line of code, or change a line of code, it turns out, that has profound implications for everything, from the flu to cancer.”

These new vaccines are gene therapy, which may permanently alter people’s DNA.

In December, the FDA acted “to permit the emergency use of the unapproved product [Pfizer], for active immunization…”(emphasis added). The vaccines will remain in trials through 2023. They are experimental vaccines that are being tested on the public. COVID19 vaccine manufacturers were given legal immunity from adverse effects in the U.S. In countries where they are not given immunity, companies are demanding sovereign country assets as collateral against lawsuits.

Accurate testing and statistics are essential to make sure that Monterey County and California are not mis-categorized and put in the wrong tiers due to false positives. Many medical experts warn that PCR testing is a research tool, not a diagnostic one, and that it can’t be used as an indicator of disease. It may only detect viral DNA and artifacts, not the virus itself. They also warn that the number of PCR amplifications encouraged by the WHO, especially last year (which then revised its guidance downward in January 2021) caused a high number of false positives – as high as 97%.. “Falling” COVID19 numbers may be due to fewer false positives. What percentage are still false positives is unknown. WHO shows no 2020-2021 flu season. Are flu cases being re-characterized or mis-characterized as COVID19 numbers, inflating the totals?


A shift in focus to treatment with safe and well-studied therapeutics and tools, especially early on, is recommended by medical professionals as essential. The public should be equipped with this information.

Magro et al. (2020) suggested that Lectin Affinity plasmapheresis, used to treat Ebola virus and MERS, might be a therapeutic tool to filter and remove circulating virus and pseudovirions including the spike protein. Other literature suggests UV blood irradiation could be a useful tool for killing viruses.

The independent literature on HCQ (including Dr. Vladimir Zelenko’s work – see below), CQ, Ivermectin (Dr. Pierre Kory testified to the U.S. Senate on his results), and other inexpensive and long-tested interventions indicate they are safe and provide relief and even preventative value to stop the deaths and treat severe illness. The NIH’s Virology Journal published research in 2005 by scientists at the CDC and the Clinical Research Institute of Montreal entitled “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread”.

“Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by a newly discovered coronavirus (SARS-CoV). No effective prophylactic or post-exposure therapy is currently available.

Results: We report, however, that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage. In addition to the wellknown functions of chloroquine such as elevations of endosomal pH, the drug appears to interfere with terminal glycosylation of the cellular receptor, angiotensinconverting enzyme 2. This may negatively influence the virusreceptor binding and abrogate the infection, with further ramifications by the elevation of vesicular pH, resulting in the inhibition of infection and spread of SARS CoV at clinically admissible concentrations.

Conclusion: Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. (emphasis added)

Vitamin D and L-Cysteine has been suggested to boost immunity especially for African Americans.

There are additional important COVID19, vaccine, and policy issues, and I hope that these key issues have gotten your attention.

I urge you: listen to the independent physicians and researchers that are risking their careers to act as whistleblowers and join them. Lead on this critical, far-reaching public health crisis for the public’s sake. And stop COVID19 vaccinations in Monterey County.

Very sincerely,

Nina Beety, Monterey, California


Patrick Whelan MD, Letter to the FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee related to consideration of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, 8 December 2020
Petition of Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and Dr. Michael Yeadon to EMA to stay the Phase III clinical trial(s) of BNT162b (EudraCT Number 2020-002641-42) and other clinical trials. 1 December 2020
Urgent Open Letter from Doctors and Scientists to the European Medicines Agency regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Concerns, February 28, 2021, made public on March 10, 2021
Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us, Peter Doshi, Associate Editor, BMJ 2020;371:m4037, 21 October 2020
Complement associated microvascular injury and thrombosis in the pathogenesis of severe COVID-19 infection: A report of five cases, Magro et al., Transl Res. 2020 Jun; 220: 1–13. April 2020
Endothelial Dysfunction in COVID-19: Lessons Learned from Coronaviruses, Gavriilaki et al., Current Hypertension Reports (2020) 22:63. August 2020
Severe COVID-19: A multifaceted viral vasculopathy syndrome, Magro et al. Annals of Diagnostic Pathology 50 (2021) 151645. October 2020
Endothelial cell damage is the central part of COVID-19 and a mouse model induced by injection of the S1 subunit of the spike protein, Nuovo et al. Annals of Diagnostic Pathology 51 (2021) 151682. December 2020
The S1 protein of SARS-CoV-2 crosses the blood–brain barrier in mice, Rhea et al., Nature Neuroscience Vol 24, March 2021. 368–378
Covid-19 Vaccine Protocols Reveal That Trials Are Designed To Succeed

William Hasseltine MD, Forbes, September 23, 2021
Note: Dr. Hasseltine was a professor at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health, and founded two academic research departments, the Division of Biochemical Pharmacology and the Division of Human Retrovirology. Doctorʼs Death After Covid Vaccine Is Being Investigated, NY Times, 2-8-21

Dr. Jerry L. Spivak, an expert on blood disorders at Johns Hopkins University, who was not involved in Dr. Michael’s care, said that based on Ms. Neckelmann’s description, “I think it is a medical certainty that the vaccine was related.”

Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

(ESP:VAERS). 12/01/07 – 09/30/10. Principal Investigator: Lazarus, Ross, MBBS, MPH, MMed, GDCompSci. Submitted to Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

“Adverse events from drugs and vaccines are common, but underreported. Although 25% of ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. Low reporting rates preclude or slow the identification of “problem” drugs and vaccines that endanger public health. New surveillance methods for drug and vaccine adverse effects are needed. Barriers to reporting include a lack of clinician awareness, uncertainty about when and what to report, as well as the burdens of reporting: reporting is not part of clinicians’ usual workflow, takes time, and is duplicative.” TED talk with Moderna chief medical officer Tal Zaks
How COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ May Destroy the Lives of Millions, Dr. Joseph Mercola, January 31, 2021

Example of PCR testimony:

False Positives: Evidence Based Fact, What is the Reliability of the PCR Test?
Dr. Gary G. Kohls, Prof. Stefan Homburg and A. Castellitto, January 11, 2021

Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread, Martin Vincent et al., Virology Journal 2005, 2:69
Hypothesis paper: The potential link between inherited G6PD deficiency, oxidative stress, and vitamin D deficiency and the racial inequities in mortality associated with COVID-19, Jain et al., Free Radical Biology and Medicine 161 (2020) 84–91

Compared with whites, the incidences of inherited [glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenase (G6PD)] deficiency and 25(OH)VD deficiency are markedly higher in the [African American] population… We believe that combined supplementation using vitamin D along with the GSH precursor L-cysteine could potentially correct the status of GSH, vitamin D metabolism genes, and the biologic action of vitamin D [56,57]. Recent studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency is linked to the hospitalization length of COVID-19 infected subjects [3,107–111]…The available literature suggests the potential benefits of enhancing immunity and reducing inflammation can help prevent or reduce the adverse effects of COVID-19 infection in the AA population by increasing circulating levels of 25(OH)VD using oral supplementation with vitamin D and a GSH precursor, L-cysteine.
Website of Dr. Vladimir Zelenko: treatment and prophylaxis protocols, peer-reviewed research on HCQ, CQ, zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D
Pierre Kory MD: Doctor pleads for review of data on ivermectin as COVID-19 treatment during Senate hearing, December 8, 2020
Use of Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation Against Viral Infections, Boretti et al. Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology, 7 October 2020
America’s FrontLine Doctors

AFLDS White Paper: Covid-19 Experimental Vaccine Candidates
FLCCC Alliance Response to the NIH Guideline Committee Recommendation on Ivermectin use in COVID-19 dated January 14th, 2021

Pfizer – CDC Weekly / December 18, 2020 / 69(50);1922-1924

“On December 11, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Pfzer-BioNTech COVID-19 (BNT162b2) vaccine (Pfzer, Inc; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), a lipid nanoparticle-formulated, nucleoside-modifed mRNA vaccine encoding the prefusion spike glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).” p. 1

Moderna — Clinical Study Protocol, August 20, 2020 

“The mRNA-1273 IP is an LNP dispersion of an mRNA encoding the prefusion stabilized S protein of SARS-CoV-2…” p. 12
Johnson and Johnson — Fact Sheet For Healthcare Providers Administering Vaccine

“The vaccine consists of a replication-incompetent recombinant adenovirus type 26 (Ad26) vector expressing the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus- 2 (SARS-CoV-2) spike (S) protein in a stabilized conformation.” p. 16

AstraZenica/Oxford – Recommendation for an Emergency Use Listing of AZD1222

“AZD1222, previously known as ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, is a novel recombinant replication-deficient chimpanzee adenovirus carrying a gene encoding the S protein antigen of SARS-CoV-2.

The genetic material in the vaccine, once injected into a person, enables the synthesis of Spike protein…”


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Call for a Moratorium on COVID Jabs in North America

March 21st, 2021 by Prof. Anthony J. Hall

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To Jason Kenney, Premier of Alberta,

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, and

Joe Biden, President of the United States


In responding to the dangers of the COVID concoctions currently being injected into the blood streams of the general public, vaccine designer Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche warned that humanity may be on the brink of “a global catastrophe without equal.”

As Dr. Bossche sees it, the experimental injections are threatening to decimate humanity. According to the vaccinologist, the injections are quite possibly turning “a relatively harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction.” A “wild monster” is in the making. Concludes the scientist, “It is becoming increasingly difficult to imagine how the consequences of the extensive and erroneous human intervention in this pandemic are not going to wipe out large parts of the human population.” See this.

Dr. Bossche is a principled and highly qualified whistleblower. He is well known and respected inside his industry as a man that has devoted the best part of his successful career to designing, testing and making vaccines. Dr. Bossche’s CV points to his involvement in many well-known agencies including Gavi, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization sponsored by Bill Gates. Such a notorious association inevitable raises a host of suspicions. In the current context, however, Dr. Vanden Bossche’s professional background serves to support the conclusion that he is breaking ranks to ring an alarm bell of major importance to the entire global population.

Given the character of his credentials, achievements, and professional associations, there is absolutely no way for media spin doctors and their partners in government to dismiss Dr. Bossche.  They cannot easily discredit this whistleblower with cheap epitaphs such as “anti-VAXXER” or the all-purpose smear, “conspiracy theorist.” In fact Dr. Bossche makes fun of those who employ such small-minded tactics. He condemns those who have reduced the media discourse on COVID into something he compares with stock market pontificating.

Dr. Vanden Bossche is the most recent whistleblower in a long line of scientific truth tellers who have addressed a myriad of misrepresentations integral to the official narrative of COVID-19. The industry insider has felt no qualms about putting his very impressive career on the line. Dr. Bossche is presenting the shocking outlines of a monumental public policy gaff with enormous implications for humanity’s future. The tragic twist in this most recent scenario has its origins in the official COVID narrative which has been feverishly spun since this coronavirus scare was first incited in early 2020.

Geertz Vanden Bossche is careful to credit the work of his colleagues in their “brilliant” design of the new COVID vaccines. The inclination of this industry insider to be overly generous with his influential colleagues is understandable. Having sidelined the issue of blame for the imminent cataclysm he is predicting, Dr. Bossche moves boldly into his core analysis. He sees the marshalling of “prophylactic vaccines” against the supposed plague as rash and dangerous. This strategy has created the “wrong weapon” to win what Dr. Bossche considers a war against COVID-19.

Dr. Bossche blames human error rather than malevolent intent for the dangerous dissemination of this set of COVID injections to the general public at this time. Many of those who have grappled with the dismal cost-benefit relationship of our current medical impasse, however, are not so forgiving. They are decidedly unwilling to give Big Pharma’s vaccine developers the benefit of the doubt.

Bossche underlines that the current set of COVID injections is designed with the very limited goal of reducing symptoms. The manufacturers of the injections make no claims that their products are designed to stop viral infection or prevent its transmission.

The modest goal of symptom reduction contrasts dramatically with the very broad implications of introducing the COVID injections so aggressively and so experimentally into the biological matrix of human heath. While the complete record is being kept from us, we already know that over a thousand deaths and many thousands of injuries can already be traced back to the injections.  Are the real figures ten times greater than the public figures or maybe even 100 times greater?

The COVID shots are making more lethal the evolutionary course of viral mutations that are inevitably taking place inside the biology of injected people. The coronavirus mutations that are taking place in response to the COVID shots will almost certainly render the viral pathogen more toxic and more transmissible. That development constitutes one of many reasons why a moratorium on the dissemination of COVID injections is imperative at this time.

Although Dr. Bossche himself holds back from drawing out the full implications of his analysis, some of those who have considered his diagnosis hold the view that vaccines are making humans into the designated hosts for Gain of Function alterations.

Gain of Function research usually employs animals, not humans, for experimental testing including the testing of new bioweapons and new remedies including vaccines. In this case, however, human subjects are being used to replace guinea pigs in the course of new research. Humans, it seems, are being set up as host organisms for Gain of Function research whose ultimate goal is to increase the lethality of bioweapons.

Gain of Function research together with the designing and deployment of bioweapons is technically outlawed by a UN instrument known as the Biological Weapons Convention. There is, however, no mechanism for enforcing this international prohibition. Thus there is currently a free-for-all when it comes to mixing medical and military research in high-tech biological labs like those that are situated in, for instance, Wuhan China, Fort Detrick Maryland, and Winnipeg Canada.

Questions about the role of bioweapons research have been swirling around the COVID crisis since it was introduced to the general public beginning in January of 2020.  Are COVID injections now being deployed as part of Gain of Function research aimed at bringing about infertility and massive depopulation? Are the injections the final ingredients in the development of bioweapons made to depopulate us? The issues raised by Dr. Bossche help put this question in a compelling context.

There is an ironic side to the exclusion of animal testing in the very rushed development of the COVID injections. Dr. Bossche posits that the plague of heightened viral infection he anticipates might extend to domestic animal populations including pigs, cows, and chickens.

The Merger of Military and Medical Objectives as Reflected in COVID Gain of Function Research

Who could have imagined that the makers of the jabs coming from Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca as well as Johnson and Johnson would circumvent well established scientific procedures by beginning the testing of new drugs with testing on animals. Humans continue to be the object of ongoing testing in the introduction of highly experimental products. These products have been introduced with the hope that genetic modification can trigger COVID immunity.

The transition from GMO food to GMO humans represents a shocking alteration in humanity’s evolutionary trajectory. Humans have been commandeered into playing the role of guinea pigs in ongoing rounds of experimentation still being pushed forward at “Warp Speed.”

This emphasis on speed over safety has resulted in the cutting and compression of many standard precautionary measures usually employed in the development of drugs. Observations of the effects of drugs should unfold over a number of years rather than a few months.

The scamdemic has supplied the rationale  for the quick buffalo jump into a zealously guarded pharmaceutical killing field. Were the risks from COVID severe enough to justify taking so many short cuts through well-established procedures for protecting public health? Many of those who have looked beyond the heavily engineered media spectacle to the known facts of this plandemic reply to this question with a resounding no.

In the procedures developed after the Second World War, the Nuremberg Principles outlawed experiments on human subjects without informed consent. The current dissemination of experimental COVID injections clearly violates the Nuremberg Principles. Moreover, there is a paucity of clinical information available on these ill-tested injections. The lack of proven outcomes to widely replicated experiments makes it impossible for those currently receiving the still-experimental injections to get to the level of genuine informed consent.

The COVID injections have not gained full approval from even rigged regulatory agencies like Health Canada and the US Food and Drug Administration.  The full industrial capture of regulatory agencies over recent decades endangers us all. When regulatory agencies are essentially owned and operated by the very corporations they are supposed to monitor and discipline, we are all subjected to increased risks and hazards. The ill-regulated and unregulated activities of Big Pharma epitomize the phenomenon.

The regulatory agencies typically undermine the health conditions of the many to further enrich the rich and to further empower the most powerful. The inequitable apportionment of benefits and risks from the COVID injections well reflects this pattern. This class of injections have only been given a temporary Emergency Use Authorization. The government’s certification of the injections is therefore limited, conditional and temporary.

The authorizations are accompanied by government grants of indemnification to drug producers. These producers are thereby shielded from being sued for causing vaccine injuries. Why provide such a shield of impunity from being sued for causing injection injuries and death? Who gains and who loses? What are the implications of governments helping drug companies who seek release from the responsibility of standing behind the supposed safety of their products?

The Revelations of Prior Whistleblowers

Dr. Bossche is the most recent addition to a long line of whistleblowers that have questioned and overturned various aspects of COVID orthodoxy as evangelized by Big Pharma and its minions in media, academia, and government. It would be far beyond the scope of this open letter to outline the interventions of all the many whistleblowers that have helped set the record straight for those who are attentive. It makes sense, however, to acknowledge briefly some of the alterations of interpretation achieved even in the face of sweeping censorship, woke cancel culture, and corporate-corrupted “fact checking.”

Much of the COVID-related cancel culture has been directed at experts in fields such as virology, immunology, microbiology, and demography. Often ad hominem attacks are aimed at smearing the professional reputations of those attempting to speak truth to power. The tactic is old. It has long been widely deployed. The goal of the defamers is to kill the messenger in order to kill the message.

The overall number of COVID casualties has been the subject of considerable sceptical inquiry and revision by conscientious whistleblowers. Significantly the supposed deaths from COVID did not meaningfully alter normal mortality rates from all causes. The implication is that COVID deaths were largely drawn from other categories of morbidity grouped according to causes like diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, flu and bacterial pneumonia.

Those who looked into it found the numbers of official deaths from COVID have in many instances been significantly inflated, sometimes by several orders of magnitude. The mother lode of supposed COVID mortalities so far has been in nursing homes where some of the residents are on death’s doorstep. In 2020 nursing homes, places where the causes of death are often complex and unclear, formed primary sites of registered COVID mortalities.  In Canada, for instance, about 80% of registered COVID deaths are nursing home deaths.

This pattern of statistical manipulation was reinforced by significant changes in many jurisdictions in the altered legal wording that appears on death certificates in various jurisdictions. The aim was to make it easier for motivated officials to inflate COVID deaths. Often individuals and institutions receive cash incentives for recording COVID fatalities regardless of the real causes of death.

Again and again people who passed away supposedly with COVID were listed as if they expired from COVID. The energy devoted to inflating the statistics on COVID deaths raises important issues about the nature of the motivations and objectives of those behind the fraud in calculating COVID death numbers.

The inflation of death numbers has been matched in the problematic procedures used to calculate COVID case numbers, a favourite topic for front page news coverage throughout 2020 and early 2021. Most of the statistics concerning the number of people who have contracted COVID are almost completely unreliable. They reflect the notorious inaccuracies produced by misguided dependence on PCR testing.

Are the failures in accurately counting COVID cases inadvertent? Or are these problems part of a scheme giving media and government agents added leeway to take artistic license in generating fear, anxiety and confusion in the general public? The inventor of these PCR tests, Kary Mullis, made it very clear he never intended his invention to be used for the purpose of diagnosing diseases, but especially viral diseases.

The massive evidence of efforts to inflate COVID death figures and case figures has not been much presented or discussed in the agencies charged to put across the official narrative of COVID-19. Nevertheless the understanding is becoming widespread that the COVID numbers being pushed at us are much exaggerated.

Fortunately, many millions of citizens have learned to see through the lies by conducting their own independent research on COVID controversies. They have come to understand that much depends on looking beyond the mind-rotting poison being pushed at us like a cheap drug by mainstream media and much social media as well.

Whistleblowers have shed significant light on the tsunami of media signals whose goal is to influence us to see and treat our fellow human beings primarily as potential biohazards. This signalling has caused a shift in public perceptions. The shift helps justify the mass imposition of social distancing together with the travesty of mandatory masking. The intellectual poverty of those pumping the propaganda of the false pandemic includes weird spectacles like putting checkout clerks, bank tellers, butchers and such in plastic-wrapped cubicles.

The problematic PCR tests have made it especially easy to inflate artificially the number of so-called “Covid cases.” The inflated case and death numbers have helped to give the appearance of a genuine crisis severe enough to justify lockdowns.

Whistleblowers have made advancements in establishing the wrongheaded and even criminal nature of the lockdowns imposed on communities and businesses without popular consent. It will become clear over time that the lockdowns are an instrument of sabotage responsible for inflicting more severe injuries on the public than the flu-like effects of COVID-19.

There are many different types and degrees of lockdown. The process begins with governments ordering the incarceration of people in their own homes as if they are under house arrest.

In my view the lockdowns will probably become a permanent feature of social control as COVID police states become more and more repressive. Lockdowns provide governments with a way of discouraging public involvement in the little that remains of parliamentary democracy. Covid lockdowns have already provided a rationale for altering electoral rules so that the Democratic Party could cheat its way into the White House.

The abuse of lockdowns have simply become too valuable as a political strategy for social control. Lockdowns have been established as useful weapons in marginalizing effective popular resistance to many forms of police state repression.

Lockdowns help in dividing people so that they do not develop solidarity in opposing their real enemies. Lockdowns put in place restrictions aimed at undermining the working and middle classes in order to further reward the most aggressive members of the billionaires club.

The billionaires’ big box businesses like Amazon, Costco and WalMart have flourished at the expense of local businesses. Lockdowns can extend from the domestic sphere to the commercial sphere affecting stores, schools, gyms, movie theatres, airlines, pubs, restaurants, and stadiums just for starters. Thousands of universities remain locked down to this day. These institutions have been locked down for over a year. It is not at all certain they will be offering next September live education in real space. Schooling at all levels has become a chaos of conflicting political agendas, a victim of labour/management disputes as well as non-partisan lies and alarmism.

When it comes to the subject of lockdowns not all whistleblowers have been completely censored from mainstream media. For instance Dr. Jay Battacharya from Stanford University told Newsweek that lockdowns don’t work and have proven to be “the single worst public health mistake in the last 100 years.” See this.

Whistleblowers like Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. Michel Chossudovsky and Del Bigtree have done much to document the efforts of government and media to represent the interests of Big Pharma’s owners and lackies. They have called skeptical attention to the efforts of the COVID cabal to prevent the wide adoption of viable remedies for COVID infection.

The campaigns to limit the availability of relatively cheap and widely available remedies have targeted invermectine, bedononide as well as the combination of zinc plus hydroxychloroquine. It seems that the application of cancel culture to cheap and accessible COVID remedies is part of the strategy to put the clinical emphasis on expensive patented drugs but especially the COVID injections.

From the beginning of this crisis, those who seem to have engineered it have emphasized that their ultimate solution lies in mandatory vaccines. As the larger agenda pushed by the vaccine extremists comes to light, all the talk of immunity passports, green passes, and such help expose the real goals of the billionaires’ scamdemic.

The strategic gateway to what Justin Trudeau and Karl Schwab refer to as the “Great Reset” is to replace what we have known as citizenship with a system ruled by a cradle-to-grave scheme of mandatory vaccines.

Those who opt out of this project of mandatory vaccines potentially face a future of harsh recriminations. The vaccine fanatics make it clear they want to usher in an era of medical apartheid. In the apartheid regime being planned for the Reset world to be ruled by AI and totalitarian autocrats, the ruling council of billionaires and their agents will extend their discriminatory propensities to new extremes. Those of us who refuse to sacrifice our immune systems to the Frankenstein schemes of Big Pharma are to be treated as a permanent underclass without freedom of movement, assembly, and religion.

The effort to integrate the use of hydroxychloroquine plus zinc into standard COVID treatments is being intensely resisted by the medical mafia. Its Don Corleone is Anthony Fauci, Big Pharma’s main man inside the federal government. Fauci is the highest paid civil servant in the US government.

The usefulness of the hydroxycloroquine treatment for COVID 19 found many very expert and committed champions including, for instance, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, a practising medical doctor in New York state, and Dr. Didier Roult, a French physician and research biologist based at Aix-Marseille University.

Both doctors happily circulated their clinical findings showing that, with proper doses, the remedy, hydroxychloroquine plus zinc, is very effective at easing COVID symptoms and accelerating recovery in ways that avoid hospitalization.

Hydroxycloroquine comes from the bark of an abundant tropical tree. This elixir from nature has for generations been known as an effective remedy for malaria illness.

As Dr. Simone Gold and many other critics of government policy have observed, the COVID cabal has invested huge financial and political capital in discrediting the hydroxychloroquine cure for COVID. Why?

The most obvious reason is the desire of the vaccine pushers to eliminate any treatment that might limit or undermine the allure the expensive COVID injections. How many have already died from COVID who might not have died if other remedies had been made readily and inexpensively available? How many people would feel an improved sense of security by having easy access to real COVID remedies? There are murderous implications in the suppression of proven COVID remedies to favour dangerous experimental injections. With some exceptions, the medical establishment is doing great harm by its complicity in the lie that these life and death experiments offer the only means of returning to some sort of normalcy? Dr. Zelenko went as far as to propose that because of the wide professional complicity in the banishment of viable COVID cures, the American Medical Association should be renamed the American Murder Association.

Those who attacked unpatented remedies not owned and controlled by Big Pharma have intervened in issues that touch directly on life and death matters. The attacks and attackers targeting viable COVID remedies seem to fly the banner of science while actually defying its evidence-based requirements.

This contention forms an important facet of my broadly-published article on the major outlines of the whole COVID scam. The article points to an ongoing “assault on science in the name of science.

In the article I go into some detail outlining a major fraud aimed at discrediting the hydrochloroquine-zinc treatment. The fraud puts into serious doubt the credibility of a primary means of honing in on scientific truth through systems of academic peer review.

This fraud involved in the presentation of pseudo-evidence concocted to support a false conclusion about the alleged health dangers attending the use of hydroxychloroquine. The various elements of the fraud were put together by an organization known as Surgisphere. The operatives of this criminal outfit managed to get their dishonest study published in the prestigious peer-reviewed journals, Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine.

The discovery of the fraud put into disrepute the peer-review process of two pillars of published scholarship in the field of medicine. Attentive expert readers managed to see through the fabrication of data that was presented as if it was based on findings derived from scientific assessment of about 100,000 patients and over 600 hospitals.

Surgisphere was nothing but an empty shell disguised as a legitimate research organization. Before the fraudulent nature of Surgisphere’s study was exposed, however, its publication resulted in the sidelining of hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 remedy in many jurisdictions including the United States and many Canadian provinces including Alberta.

The Surgisphere/hydroxycloroquine fraud was quickly recognized as one of the most monumental deceptions of scientific research ever conducted. This episode serves as one of the best examples that those pushing an agenda of compulsory injections as the best means of combating COVID-19 are the foes rather than the friends of the scientific method.

Now Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has sent out an alarm indicating that the current injection program may pose one of the greatest threats ever pointed at humanity. That is why many interveners including this one are calling for a moratorium on the project of injecting a major portion of the global population.

The COVID cabal persisted after the Surgishere fiasco with their political agenda to recruit Bill Gates- supported agents in organizing more rigged tests. These tests were designed to deprive the hydoxychloroquine-zinc treatment of acceptance by the dominant cliques in the medical profession.

The post-Surgishere tests were organized at a number of academic institutions including at McGill University. The tests were organized based on dosage amounts 4 times the size of those administered by Drs. Zelenko and Raoult. Why is the medical establishment not living up to its Hippocratic Oath to do no harm? Will the doctors complicit in creating the causes of unnecessary deaths be held accountable for their silence and for their other crimes of omission?

Mandatory Vaccines?

This plea is directed at North American leaders. It demands that they respond to news of the enormous threat that might eliminate major portions of the global population. It is hard to grapple with the possibility that such a gross depopulation might be the goal of some of those that concocted and promoted the COVID crisis.

In the face of all of this, the author of this document is joining many well informed people in Europe that are calling for a moratorium on the mass injection of experimental COVID products. In rounding out the argument supporting this demand, let us briefly examine calls from senior European scientists that the European Medical Agency should stop with the injections of citizens in European countries.

Image on the right is from Shutterstock

One of the senior interveners is Dr. Mike Yeadon who lives in Great Britain. Dr. Yeadon is a retired Chief of Research at Pfizer, a Big Pharma manufacturer of one of the experimental mRNA injections. Significantly Pfizer has recently contracted with the Israeli government whose leader agreed to let the county and its population be used as the site of major experiments on human subjects. This agreement runs classically against the terms of the Nuremberg Principles.

Dr. Bosse’s warnings seem to be born out with the delivery of the Pfizer double shot to more than half of the Israeli population. With the mass injections, rates of death from COVID rose quickly and dramatically. Those killed included an unexpectedly large percentage of younger people, a dramatic change in the initial demography of death for the supposedly new coronavirus.  The evidence seems clear that the injection program is creating in Israel types of mutations that are significantly altering the character of the Covid coronavirus.

Dr. Yeadon announced in the summer of 2020 that the COVID crisis was essentially over and that authorities should act accordingly. The time had come to end the lockdowns and go back to work and school without the monitoring and control of the COVID police, COVID media, and Covid-obsessed governments.

Back in December Dr Yeadon teamed up with German medical research scientist, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg. The Yeadon-Wodarg team introduced a petition calling for a “stay of action” in order to reorient clinical trials so that they follow appropriate scientific methodologies and procedures. See this.

Twelve renowned research scientists in Europe recently intervened also with the European Medical Agency (EMA). They demanded answers to a number of specific health questions that they had already been asking repeatedly without receiving any responses. They asked in their most recent communication about the findings from the tests leading up the grant of Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) to the makers of the three injection products.

The twelve scientists explained that

 the approval of the COVID-19 vaccines by the EMA was premature and reckless, and that the administration of the vaccines constituted and still does constitute ‘human experimentation’, which was and still is in violation of the Nuremberg Code.” See this.

The scientists made it explicit that if they failed to receive answers this time around they would have no choice but to insist that the Emergency Use Certificates be withdrawn. Especially after Dr. Bossche’s warning this same type of Emergency Use Certificate should also be withdrawn from the companies selling COVID injections in North America.

The scientists’ questions pertained to the failure to do animal tests and the possibility of autoimmune reactions. Autoimmune reactions can include the nightmare scenario of antibody dependent amplifications causing the chaos of immune dysfunction in the throes of cytokine storms. When this convergence occurs the body essentially goes to war with itself. Ironically this reaction is sometimes triggered by the presence of the very “wild” viruses that the injections were supposed to protect against.

The scientists also called for answers to questions involving the injections as possible stimulants of blood clotting, stroke, and internal bleeding especially of the brain, spinal cord and heart. The experts pointed out that injuries are three times as common among those that have been previously infected with COVID. What lies behind the persistence of this pattern?

The authors asked for a full enumeration and evaluation of all those who died within 28 days of receiving the injection. They asked for a comparison between the health of those who have and have not received the injections.

The main spokesperson for the group of experts is Virologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi. He is the co-author of Corona, False Alarm? Facts and Figures. Dr. Bhakdi has recorded a video offering an explanation of the expert group’s position. See this.

In Europe the AstraZeneca injections have already been removed from their Emergency Use Authorizations because the experimental COVID product has caused dozens of recipients to develop  blood clots. So the precedent for the withdrawal of an emergency measures product has already been established. However Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, did not go along with withdrawing the AstraZeneca product from the market. The Canadian version of the AstraZeneca product was manufactured in India.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has recently legislated a very important provision in Resolution 2361. That Resolution calls for a prohibition against medical apartheid. This form of discrimination would be ushered into place if adhesion to mandatory vaccines and injections were to become a prerequisite for freedom of movement, assembly, and religion as well the basis of eligibility for employment and schooling.

Section 7.3.1 is to “ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is politically, socially, or otherwise pressured to get themselves vaccinated, if they do not wish to do so themselves.”

Section 7.3.2 is to “ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated.” See this.

There is much North Americans can learn from Europeans about the COVID crisis. The Europeans are developing a strong resistance movement against all the police state infractions being mounted in the name of COVID. This resistance is being led by a partnership of leading jurists and scientists who are becoming very effective critics of where the woke COVID fanatics are trying to point society.

We North American critiques of the unbridled COVID zealotry on the part of our cultish corrupt governments and our fake news media should learn from our European peers and allies. We should accept and adapt their leadership in some matters even as we develop our own style of pushing back on the madness with poise, determination, and inventiveness.


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Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Al-Miqdad arrived in the Sultanate of Oman, on his first official visit to an Arab country since he assumed office, succeeding the late Minister Walid Al-Muallem.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry announced that Al-Miqdad and his accompanying delegation began a working visit in Oman that would last for several days, while Al-Miqdad was received upon his arrival by the head of the Department of Economic Gatherings and Dialogue in charge of running the work of the Protocol Department at the Omani Ministry of Foreign Affairs “Khaled Bin Saeed Al-Jaradi”, and Minister “Mahmoud Bin Khamis Al-Hinai”, who’s in charge of running the business of the Arab Mashreq at the Omani Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Al-Miqdad is expected to meet with his Omani counterpart “Badr Bin Hamad Al-Busaidi”, and a number of Omani officials, noting that the file of the political settlement in Syria will be on top of the reasons for the visit.

It is noteworthy  that Al-Miqdad’s visit comes after Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov‘s recent tour to several Gulf countries, and the subsequent talk about a Russian initiative to create an Arab role in helping to end the Syrian crisis and support the political solution.

Muscat is known to play the mediating role in the most complex files, especially as it was the link between “Washington” and “Tehran” in the Iranian nuclear agreement, and other files that Muscat was the head of its negotiations, indicating the possibility that the Sultanate will play a role in the Syrian file negotiations or mediation between the Arab countries and Damascus.

It’s noteworthy that the Syrian-Omani relations continued during the years despite the Gulf boycott of Syria and the Sultanate of Oman reopened its embassy in Damascus and appointed an ambassador to strengthen the cooperation with Syria.

Perhaps there is something that cannot be delayed until tomorrow in Muscat until the foreign minister and his deputy arrive at night.

The long visit resembles Omani mediation between Syria and another party. We do not know who it is, but it is certain that there is political cooking on an Omani fire.


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According to CBS report

Pfizer execs discuss hiking vaccine price after pandemic wanes

A top executive for Pfizer suggested to investors last week that pricing for its COVID-19 vaccine could increase post-pandemic. The suggestion raises questions about whether a drug, developed at the behest of the federal government to respond to a global crisis, could turn a profit for one company.

VIDEO. Incisive analysis by Kim Iversen 

“The possibility was raised by Carter Lewis Gould, a senior analyst for Biopharma Equity Research at Barclays, during a virtual global healthcare conference hosted by the bank. Gould, referencing comments made by Pfizer executives over the summer, asked how the pharmaceutical company still envisioned pursuing “higher pricing” as “we move from a pandemic to an endemic phase,” according to an edited transcript of the conversation.

“Clearly got a lot of focus on the street. And in particular, some of your comments around the potential for higher pricing,” Gould said of Pfizer’s summer suggestion. “I think one of the things that people point to is both the optics of that as well as some of their experience with the flu market. Now this is absolutely different. But I was hoping you could maybe give us a little bit more depth on your thoughts here and around the potential to pursue higher pricing down the road?”

For full CBC article, click here 

Source: Kim Iversen


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