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As more reports surface of breakthrough COVID cases, in and outside the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today said it will change how breakthrough cases are reported, effective May 14.

According to a statement on the CDC’s website, the agency said to help “maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance” it will stop reporting weekly COVID breakthrough infections unless they result in hospitalization or death.

The news followed another change, announced late last month, in how PCR tests should be administered to the fully vaccinated.

Both changes will result in lower overall numbers of reports of breakthrough cases in the U.S.

A breakthrough case is recorded if a person tests positive for SARS-Cov-2 two weeks after receiving the single-dose Johnson & Johnson (J&J) shot or completing the two-dose Moderna or Pfizer vaccination.

Why the changes matter

In April, the CDC issued new guidance to laboratories recommending reducing the RT-PCR CT value to 28 cycles — but only for those fully vaccinated individuals being tested for COVID.

In an RT-PCR test — the gold standard for detecting SARS-CoV-2 — RNA is extracted from the swab collected from the patient. It is then converted into DNA, which is then amplified.

CT, or cycle threshold, is a value that emerges during RT-PCR tests. A CT value refers to the number of cycles needed to amplify viral RNA to reach a detectable level.

According to the Indian Council of Medical Research, a patient is considered positive for COVID if the CT value is below 35. In other words, if the virus is detectable after 35 cycles or earlier, then the patient is considered positive.

Dr. Anthony Fauci recommends a CT value of 35. Globally, the accepted cut-off for CT value for COVID ranges between 35 and 40, depending on instructions from manufacturers of testing equipment.

“If the benchmark were to be lowered to 24 it would mean that CT values in the range 25-34 would not be considered positive,” according to the Indian Council of Medical Research, as reported by The Indian Express. “A benchmark of 35, therefore, means that more patients would be considered positive than we would get if the benchmark were 24.”

In other words, lowering CT threshold parameter may lead to missing infectious persons.

CDC won’t report new breakthrough numbers this week

Because the change in how the CDC will report breakthrough cases is still being implemented and won’t take effect until May 14, the CDC did not report new numbers this week.

According to the latest available numbers, as of April 26, the CDC reported 9,245 people had tested positive for COVID at least two weeks after getting their final COVID vaccination. About 9%, or 835, people required hospitalization and 132 died.

Of the hospitalized patients, 241 were said to be asymptomatic or having an illness not related to COVID, and 20 deaths were reported as asymptomatic or not related to the disease.

The latest numbers are from 46 U.S. states and territories. It’s not clear which four states didn’t submit breakthrough case figures to the CDC.

“These surveillance data are a snapshot and help identify patterns and look for signals among vaccine breakthrough cases,” the CDC said in an April 27 statement. “As CDC and state health departments shift to focus only on investigating vaccine breakthrough cases that result in hospitalization or death, those data will be regularly updated and posted every Friday.”

According to the CDC, actual vaccine breakthrough numbers are likely higher as the surveillance system is passive and relies on voluntary reporting from state health departments and may not be complete. In addition, some breakthrough cases will not be identified due to lack of testing. This is particularly true in instances of asymptomatic or mild illness, CDC added.

The CDC said vaccines are still effective, noting the breakthrough cases represent a small percentage of those who have been vaccinated.

‘Most-vaccinated’ country returns to lockdowns, as breakthrough cases surge

The island of Seychelles, which has fully vaccinated more of its population against COVID than any other country in the world, has re-implemented lockdown measures similar to those imposed in 2020 as infections surge.

According to Bloomberg, 62.2% of the island’s adult population has received two doses of COVID vaccines. That compares with 55.9% for Israel, the second most vaccinated nation. Sinopharm and AstraZeneca’s Covishield are the two vaccines being administered in the Seychelles.

“Despite all the exceptional efforts we are making, the Covid-19 situation in our country is critical right now, with many daily cases reported last week,” Peggy Vidot, the nation’s health minister, said at a press conference Tuesday.

On a per capita basis, the Seychelles outbreak is worse than India’s raging surge. Peaking at an average of just more than 100 new cases a day is a big deal in a country with a population of fewer than 100,000 people, The Washington Post reported.

Of those cases, 84% are Seychellois and 16% are foreigners, Daniel Lucey, clinical professor of medicine at Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine, said in a blog post. Just under two-thirds of those are either unvaccinated or have only had one dose, and the remainder have had two doses, Lucey added.

A comparison between Sinopharm, Covishield and unvaccinated infected persons could be done using genetic sequencing and data on the severity of their infections, Lucey said. “Given the widespread international use of these two vaccines there are global implications to what is happening now in the Seychelles.”

Officials at a press conference gave little detail on what could be behind the infection surge other than to say people were taking fewer precautions against the virus than before and the surge may be due to celebrations after Easter.

California experiencing thousands of breakthrough COVID infections

Between Jan. 1 and April 28, California public health officials recorded 3,084 breakthrough cases of COVID, The Sacramento Bee reported.

“As more time passes and more people are fully vaccinated, it is likely that additional post-vaccination cases will occur,” the California Department of Public Health said in a statement.

Post-vaccination cases are recorded if a person tests positive for SARS-Cov-2 two weeks after receiving J&J or completing the two-dose Moderna or Pfizer vaccination.

The state health department did not have information on hospitalizations and deaths attributed to breakthrough cases.

The Defender previously reported on breakthrough cases in Washington, Florida, South Carolina, Texas, New York, California and Minnesota.


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Megan Redshaw is a freelance reporter for The Defender. She has a background in political science, a law degree and extensive training in natural health.

Featured image is from Natural News

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Europe’s drug regulator says it’s evaluating an assortment of potential side effects following inoculation with leading COVID-19 vaccines, including heart inflammation, facial swelling and a rare nerve-degenerating disorder. Yet in most circumstances, it’s not clear whether the vaccines are to blame.  

In AstraZeneca’s case, the European Medicines Agency’s safety committee, known as PRAC for short, said it’s examining reports of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) among people who received the drugmaker’s COVID-19 vaccine, according to a report released on Friday. The agency is tracking the data for all coronavirus shots as part of its routine safety procedures.

GBS syndrome is a rare disorder that causes nerve inflammation and can result in pain, numbness, muscle weakness and difficulty walking. GBS was previously identified by regulators as a potential adverse side effect that required monitoring following AstraZeneca’s jab, the EMA said. The regulator asked AstraZeneca to provide more detailed data and an analysis of all reported GBS cases for its next safety report, which are required on a monthly basis.

Concerns of rare but serious blood clots among AstraZeneca vaccine recipients have beset Europe’s vaccine rollout for months. In early April, the EMA said the unusual blood clots with low blood platelets should be listed as very rare side effect for the company’s vaccine, marketed as Vaxzevria.

Additionally, the committee said Friday that it would update its warning for Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine, which has also faced blood clotting issues. The warning will advise patients who have been diagnosed with thrombocytopenia, or low blood platelets, within three weeks of vaccination to be “actively investigated” for blood clot formations.

Despite close monitoring, the EMA committee said it hasn’t found similar blood clot cases among the mRNA shots from Pfizer and Moderna. However, those companies may have some of their own potential safety concerns that require additional observation, the committee said.

PRAC recommended adding a new side effect to Pfizer’s product information for people with dermal fillers, which are soft, gel-like substances injected under the skin. The committee now believes there’s “at least a reasonable possibility” the vaccine causes facial swelling in people with the fillers.

Additionally, the committee said it’s aware of cases of myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, as well as pericarditis, inflammation of the membrane around the heart, following vaccination with Pfizer’s shot, known as Comirnaty.

At the moment, regulators don’t see an indication that the vaccine caused these cases. As a precaution, the committee asked Pfizer to present additional data, including an analysis of the events according to age and gender, and will “consider if any other regulatory action is needed.” Since Moderna also uses mRNA technology for its vaccine, the committee asked the mRNA biotech to monitor for similar cases.

This isn’t the first time officials have probed the potential risk of heart inflammation following COVID-19 vaccination. Late last month, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said the agency hasn’t found a link between the shots and the myocarditis cases.

Those comments followed the news that the U.S. Department of Defense would investigate 14 cases of heart inflammation among people who were vaccinated through the military’s health services. Israel also said it would examine a small number of cases, Reuters reported.

“We have not seen a signal and we’ve actually looked intentionally for the signal in the over 200 million doses we’ve given,” Walensky said during a press briefing in April.


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The local corporate media in Draper, Utah, is reporting that a 17-year-old student from Corner Canyon High School ended up in the ICU with blood clots in his brain just after receiving an experimental COVID injection.

The day after his COVID-19 vaccine shot, 17-year-old Everest Romney felt his neck swelling. In the coming days, he suffered from severe headaches.

His mother, who tells ABC4 the pediatrician initially dismissed the symptoms as a pulled neck muscle, says she was convinced it was something else.

“He could not move his neck without the assistance of his hands,” says mother Cherie Romney.

That was just a few days after the shot. Plus, now her son suffered from fevers and incessant headaches.

Romney says she knew she needed to keep advocating to doctors that something wasn’t right.

Finally, after more than a week of the symptoms, the Corner Canyon High School basketball player and his family had answers: two blood clots inside his brain, and one on the outside.

“The hardest thing was I let him get that shot. And he was healthy and well before,” says Romney.

“But you question it, you can’t help but question it when it all goes wrong,” she added. (Full article here.)

However, as with ALL stories of COVID “vaccine” injuries or deaths that make it into the corporate media, they continue to state that there is no link between the injuries and the injections.

In fact, the reporter in the video of this story tells us that they are not even going to name which “vaccine” he received, showing just how much control Big Pharma has on the media.

The media not only is protected under the First Amendment to state the facts and name the company who made this shot, but the job of the media is supposed to be to inform the public, which they are clearly not doing when they report a “vaccine” injury but refuse to name which one caused it.

Since the Johnson and Johnson shot has already been linked to “rare” blood clots, my guess is that this was one of the mRNA injections from either Pfizer or Moderna, and they just don’t want the bad publicity which would slow down their efforts to inject even more people.

Here is the video from ABC (if it disappears let us know).

Continuing to call these reactions “rare” is criminal, as more people have died following COVID injections now than recorded deaths following vaccines for the past 20 years.

How many more lives will be destroyed, like this 17-year-old healthy high school student who had his whole career and life still before him, just because Big Pharma wants to use the public as lab rats to fulfill their eugenic view of medicine and develop novel, new vaccines designed to reduce the world’s population and enslave everyone to the medical system?


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The CDC released more data in their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) today, and it included two new deaths of infants age 2 and age 1.

While none of the COVID injections have emergency use authorization for children under the age of 17 yet, there are ongoing trials with children being injected with the experimental shots as young as 6 months old.

One of the infants who died was apparently in a Pfizer trial, while the other one was apparently in a Moderna trial.

VAERS ID 1255745 involved a 2-year-old baby girl in Virginia who died 5 days after she was injected. The VAERS entry appears to be made by a family member who laments that the child’s death “was going to happen anyway,” apparently repeating what health officials were telling them, and that they would probably claim her death “had nothing to do with the shot.”

VAERS ID: 1255745 – Pfizer

Symptoms: Death, Product administered to patient of inappropriate age

SMQs:, Medication errors (narrow)

Write-up: she was going to die/dies after vaccine; 2-year-old patient; This is a spontaneous report from a non-contactable consumer via a Pfizer-sponsored program.

A 2-year-old female patient received bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), second dose at the age of 2-years-old via an unspecified route of administration on 25Feb2021 (Batch/Lot number was not reported) as single dose for covid-19 immunisation.

The patient”s medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. It was reported that the 2-year-old dies after vaccine on 03Mar2021. Reported on VAERS.

Look for the researchers to exclude her from the study, probably claiming her death had nothing to do with the shot, she was going to die that day, five days after vaccination anyway.

That”s how they roll. The patient died on 03Mar2021. The outcome of the event was fatal. No follow-up attempts are possible. Information on lot/batch cannot be obtained. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: she was going to die

VAERS ID 1261766 involved a year-old baby boy in Florida who suffered convulsions and seizures after the Moderna shot and died 2 days later.

VAERS ID: 1261766 – Moderna

Symptoms: Body temperature increased, Death, Seizure

SMQs:, Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (broad), Systemic lupus erythematosus (broad), Convulsions (narrow), Noninfectious encephalitis (broad), Noninfectious encephalopathy/delirium (broad), Noninfectious meningitis (broad), Generalised convulsive seizures following immunisation (narrow), Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome (broad), Hypoglycaemia (broad)

Write-up: increased body temperature, seizure, death

TV Doctor Puts 5-Year-Old and 7-Year-Old Children on TV After Participating in Duke Pfizer Trial for Children Age 5 to 11

Dr. Cameron Wolfe with his wife and two children. Image source.

I can’t even imagine what it takes to convince parents of young children to allow their children to be guinea pigs for a vaccine trial.

In what looks more like a publicity stunt to convince parents and children to sign up for the experimental COVID shots, Dr. Cameron Wolfe, an infectious disease specialist at Duke University who makes regular appearances on WRAL-TV talking about COVID, brought his two children on TV to show how they got the experimental shots and are now “feeling great and full of energy.”

A clinical trial at the Duke University Health System is currently studying its use on ages 5 to 11.

WRAL News spoke with two young boys who are excited to be part of that trial.

Their father is someone who has become familiar in the Triangle during the pandemic. Dr. Cameron Wolfe, infectious disease specialist at Duke, makes regular appearances on WRAL-TV talking about COVID.

He and his wife, who is also a doctor, hope sharing their story about their kids getting the vaccine will encourage other parents about the vaccine’s safety.

Wolfe tweeted photos of his boys getting their second doses of the Pfizer vaccine on Monday.

Drs. Sarah and Cameron Wolfe said they had no reservations about their 5-year-old Lachlan and 7-year-old Callum joining the Duke trial for kids ages 5 to 11.

“I think it was an easy choice to get the vaccine, and early,” said Sarah. “We were going to have peace of mind for caregivers, teachers, and the kids they interact with in school that we were adding safety.”

And the kids were eager to get the shots.

“I thought it would protect me. And also stop me from spreading it – protecting me, and protecting everyone else,” said Callum. “And the scientists would get to know if it works on kids also.”

After getting the vaccine, both kids seem to be feeling great – and full of energy.

When asked what he would tell other kids about the vaccine, 7-year-old Callum said, “Well, that you should do it. Because then you’ll be safe and you’ll be protecting everyone else around you.”

His father agrees with him, pointing out that if enough school children get vaccinated, the community can get closer to herd immunity level.

Unlike some of the adult trials where you might get placebo, everyone gets the real shot in this trial. Health officials are looking at dose level and how much to give.

As far as a timeline — Pfizer expects to have approval from the FDA for kids as young as 2 by this fall. (Full story.)

The corporate media, the government health agencies, and the pharmaceutical companies for many months now have been conditioning the public to always expect serious side-effects to these shots, and that when they become seriously ill after an injection, that this is “proof” that the shots work.

And this kind of propaganda works, if one just spends a few minutes on social media reading about people’s reactions.

So if this is the “logic” that convinces people to just accept side effects as “proof” the shots “are working,” what does it mean when there are no side effects (other than maybe injection site temporary pain) and are reported “to be feeling great – and full of energy”?

Was this just a publicity stunt to get more parents and children to sign up for the trials?

For the baby girl in Virginia and the baby boy in Florida who participated in these COVID “vaccine” trials and were added to VAERS, they are not “feeling great and full of energy.”

They’re dead.

They are now just a number, a statistic, to be added to the other 4000+ unprecedented deaths that have been recorded by the CDC following non-FDA approved COVID shots during the last 4 months.

And earlier this week it was announced that Pfizer has requested the “emergency use” authorization on their COVID shot to be fully approved by the FDA, which would open the door to making them mandatory.


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Dr. Peter McCullough is an outstanding scholar and medical doctor. 

Scientific information is being taken down by Facebook.

There is a total blackout on information to patients regarding treatment. 

Patients are led to believe that Covid cannot be treated. 

Medical doctors are prevented from treating.


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George W. Bush’s Finest Piece of War

May 10th, 2021 by Nabil Salih

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George W. Bush is back. He is back, this time not to bomb countries and cause the death of thousands. This time the man is back as an artist who advocates for the rights of immigrants, and the US media is on heat.

Bush, the former US president, recently penned an Op-Ed for The Washington Post, and received a round of applause on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live!’ when the eponymous host complimented him on his painting of American politician Madeleine Albright. He appears on TV to speak about his new book of oil paintings of America’s immigrants, ‘Out of Many, One’, he is not wearing handcuffs, and all rehabilitated. It is all normal.

What is also normal is how the starvation and deprivation of medication that caused the early death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children because of the severe UN sanctions on the country in the 1990s, have fallen into oblivion. To Albright, speaking in a 1996 TV interview, the political price was “worth it”, though she would later express regret for her wording.

Bush’s grinning face seems to be traveling at a smooth pace from one TV show to the next. Kimmel admired his guest’s reflexes when he dodged Muntadhar al-Zaidi’s shoe throw, and the two had a laugh about it. Of course, it slipped Kimmel’s mind to ask his guest about his time ordering cluster bombs be dropped on my family’s house in Baghdad to “liberate it”. It also slipped the host’s mind to ask why in the first place a man would want to throw a shoe at the former president.

For their part, the cheering crowd gave the impression that the next rich guy to oversee the annihilation of inferior beings overseas could as well re-emerge from the gutter and be celebrated as a cool, funny grandpa.

Bush’s blood-stained past tells us the man is dangerous. If Richard Nixon – in the words of the late Hunter S. Thompson – “could shake your hand and stab you in the back at the same time”, you might lose a finger or two if you extend your hand to shake Bush’s.

And with the way things are going, there’s a big chance he will get away with it – again.

George W. Bush is responsible for the destruction of an incalculable number of innocent Iraqi lives. Have the decency to remember his victims

It is well known that columnists in the US were at war with Iraq even before depleted uranium was generously distributed among its citizens in 2003, but the slick anchors and boring television hosts of today seem to be suffering from amnesia.

In an interview after a tour of Bush’s Texas ranch, CBS’s Norah O’Donnell told the former president that she thought the paintings in his new book were “beautiful”. And when she asked him about the 6 January storming of the Capitol, Bush said that it made him sick: “This sends a signal to the world, you know, like, we’re no different, and this book says we are different, much different”.

In the words of the great Iraqi poet Saadi Youssef:

But I am not an American

Is it enough that I am not American for the Phantom pilot to send me back to stone age?”[1]

The entire charade reeks with hypocrisy. Even when preaching on immigration reforms, Bush failed to hide his ‘us versus them’ complex.

But the American exceptionalism is not what bothers me the most.

That death in Iraq is eliminated from the conversation makes it clear that to ‘them Americans’, ‘us Iraqis’ are non-existent. We are not worthy of receiving justice or of anybody at least bothering to ask Bush about that long-forgotten ‘blunder’, as Iraqi scholar Sinan Antoon reminds us.

Meanwhile, war is ongoing in Iraq. Its signs are unmistakable; walls and road signs riddled with bullet holes, concrete barriers blocking main streets, dead youth staring from faded billboards and military choppers occupying the skies above.

In Baghdad, militiamen nurtured under the lawlessness birthed by the US invasion still fire rockets on the airport and the ‘Green Zone’. They still roam the streets, armed to the teeth, terrorizing the city’s traumatized residents who are left unprotected by empty promises from the Iraqi state.

While Iraq no longer receives aerial bombing from the West, death has become a permanent resident of Baghdad. The lethal failure of its subsequent ‘post-liberation’ rulers continues what George W. Bush started 18 years ago: non-stop civilian killings in Iraq.

The negligence behind the recent al-Amiriyah-like incineration of dozens of patients inside Ibn al-Khatib’s hospital is an example of the consequences of war faced by the people of Iraq since 2003.

George W. Bush is responsible for the destruction of an incalculable number of innocent Iraqi lives. Have the decency to remember his victims.


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[1] From Saadi Youssef’s poem, America America. Translated by the author of the piece.

Featured image is a U.S. Air Force photo by Carlos Cintron. Public Domain

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The recent announcement by the British government that it plans a 40 Percent Increase in the number of nuclear weapons it possesses highlights the escalation of the exceptionally dangerous and costly nuclear arms race.

After decades of progress in reducing nuclear arsenals through arms control and disarmament agreements, All The Nuclear Powers are once again busily upgrading their nuclear weapons capabilities. For several years, the U.S. Government has been engaged in a massive nuclear “modernization” program, designed to refurbish its production facilities, enhance existing weapons, and build new ones. The Russian government, too, is investing heavily in beefing up its nuclear forces, and in July 2020, President Vladimir Putin announced that the Russian navy would soon be armed with hypersonic nuclear weapons and underwater nuclear drones. Meanwhile, China, India, Pakistan, and North Korea are expanding the size of their nuclear arsenals, while Israel is building a new, secret nuclear weapons facility and France is modernizing its ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and missile-carrying submarines.

This nuclear buildup coincides with the Scrapping Of Key Nuclear Arms Control And Disarmament Agreements, including the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, the Iran nuclear agreement, and the Open Skies Treaty.

Like arms races of the past, the reviving nuclear arms race places the world in immense danger, for when nations engage in military conflict, they are inclined to use the most powerful weapons they have available. How long will it be before a nuclear-armed, aggressive government—or merely one threatened with military defeat or humiliation—resorts to nuclear war?

In addition to creating an enormous danger, a nuclear arms race also comes with a huge financial price—in this case, in the trillions of dollars. Military analysts have estimated that the U.S. government’s nuclear “modernization” program alone will cost about $1.5 Trillion.

Of course, the nuclear arms control and disarmament process is not dead—at least not yet. One of U.S. President Joseph Biden’s first actions after taking office was to offer to Extend The U.S.-Russia New Start Treaty, which significantly limits the number of U.S. and Russian strategic nuclear weapons. And the Russian government quickly accepted. In addition, efforts are underway to Restore The Iran Nuclear Agreement. Most dramatically, the UN Treaty On The Prohibition Of Nuclear Weapons, which was adopted by 122 nations in 2017, secured sufficient ratifications to become International Law in January 2021. The provisions of this landmark agreement, if adhered to, would create a nuclear weapons-free world.

Even so, when it comes to freeing the world from the danger of nuclear destruction, the situation is not promising. None Of The Nuclear Powers has signed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. And without their participation, a nuclear-free world will remain an aspiration rather than a reality. In fact, The Most Powerful Nuclear Nations remain in a state of high tension with one another, which only enhances the possibility of nuclear war. Assessing the situation at the beginning of 2020 and 2021, a panel appointed by the editors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists placed the hands of their famous “Doomsday Clock” at 100 Seconds To Midnight, the most dangerous setting in its history.

As a result, a fateful choice lies before the nuclear powers. They can plunge ahead with their nuclear arms race and face the terrible consequences. Or they can take the path of sanity in the nuclear age and join other nations in building a nuclear weapons-free world.


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Dr. Lawrence Wittner, syndicated by PeaceVoice, is Professor of History emeritus at SUNY/Albany and the author of Confronting The Bomb (Stanford University Press).


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Revised, May 10, 2021


The Kent State community commemorated the 51st anniversary of the May 4, 1970, shootings outside Taylor Hall on Tuesday. It was a solemn gathering as many former students returned to visit the site of a tragedy where the Ohio National Guard opened fire on anti-Vietnam War protestors. The shootings resulted in the deaths of four students and nine others were wounded.

Fast-forward 51 years later and so much has changed on the Kent campus. However, the sadness brought on by the events of May 4th remains. And behind the tears, pain and uncertainty is a longing for answers. 

A Timeline of Events

On April 30, 1970, President Richard Nixon announced the invasion of Cambodia, a country which remained neutral during the Vietnam War. The announcement was met with a surge in anti-war protests across the country including on college campuses like Kent State University.

Following President Nixon’s announcement, an anti-war rally was held on the Commons on Friday May 1. Protestors delivered anti-war speeches and one demonstrator even buried a copy of the Constitution to symbolize the Nixon Administration’s disregard for the historical document.

On Saturday May 2, the Ohio National Guard was ordered to duty at the university by Governor Rhodes following a request from Kent Mayor Satrom who feared that socalled radicals would destroy the city. Later that evening the ROTC building went up in flames and radical protestors were blamed for causing the fire. However, it is unknown to this day who the real perpetrators were.

By Sunday May 3, nearly 1,000 National Guard troops were present on the campus. Photographs of the university at the time resemble that of a war zone rather than an educational institution. In the morning, Governor Rhodes visited Kent State and held a press conference where he expressed disdain for the anti-war protestors. Due to the nature of the governor’s speech, it was then assumed that all protests and demonstrations were banned.

A Fateful Day

An anti-war protest was scheduled for noon on Monday May 4th near the victory bell. The protest was thought to be banned but students still gathered and exercised their right to assembly. The guardsmen ordered for the protestors to disperse but they refused and tensions began to escalate. This led to the guardsmen firing into the crowd of protestors killing four students and injuring nine others.

The four students who were killed:

  • Allison Krause, 19
  • Jeffrey Miller, 20
  • Sandra Scheuer, 20
  • William Schroeder, 19

The nine students who were injured:

  • Alan Canfora
  • John Cleary
  • Thomas Grace
  • Dean Kahler
  • Joseph Lewis Jr.
  • Donald Scott MacKenzie
  • James Russell
  • Robert Stamps
  • Douglas Wrentmore

A Hero Emerges

The shooting lasted for 13 seconds and was followed with a brief period of silence before many in the crowd began to scream and cry. A tragedy had just occurred and perhaps more violence was yet to come. However, one brave and courageous man stepped up to be the voice of reason.

Glenn Frank, a geology professor on campus, was a faculty peace marshal that weekend. Earlier that day he had jumped into an ambulance and requested the driver to take him to the scene. After helping to get the deceased and wounded students into the ambulances, a group of 1,000 students sat down in front of the guard.

“The General said, you have five minutes to move those students. Another group of guardsmen began to march towards the student gathering. Glenn ran up to Major Jones, who was in charge of the guardsmen and said, ‘my God, what are you doing?’ Jones responded, ‘I have my orders.’ ‘Over my dead body,’ said Glenn. Jones then threw down his baton, but the Guard stopped. After the General gave him five minutes to disperse, he then made his impassioned plea.” — Alan Frank

Professor Frank’s actions on May 4, 1970, are said to have saved hundreds of lives. In an emotional plea to the students and protestors, Glenn Frank said:

“I don’t care whether you’ve never listened to anyone before in your lives. I am begging you right now if you don’t disperse right now they’re going to move in and it can only be a slaughter. Would you please listen to me. Jesus Christ. I don’t want to be a part of this,”

KSU faculty member Glenn Frank talking to a crowd of people, blood in parking lot is visible in background

After hearing Glenn Frank’s plea, many students left the premise and no one else was killed by the National Guard that day. However, for Glenn Frank himself, he remained deeply troubled by the events that took place. While continuing to work as a geology professor at Kent State, Glenn spent the rest of his life searching for the truth by investigating what led up to the senseless killing of four college students.

A Search for Answers

It has been 51 years since the May 4, 1970, shootings and many questions remain unanswered. The public deserves clarity. A passage of time should not comfort those in positions of power who continue to suppress the truth.

Glenn Frank’s son, Alan Frank, who was present during the May 4, 1970 shootings, shares his experience. Alan, who has been an active member of the Kent State May 4th community, revisits the work of his father who has sought answers to our many unanswered questions surrounding the events on and leading up to that day.


Interview with Alan Frank 

The following is a transcript of an interview between independent journalist Taylor Hudak and Alan Frank, the son of Geology Professor Glenn Frank. The interview took place on May 4, 2021, at Kent State University.

A note from the author: Due to the passage of time and with many of the subjects deceased, I cannot independently verify all of the claims made during this interview. If you have additional information on the events leading up to and on May 4th 1970, please contact [email protected].


Taylor Hudak: First of all, Alan Frank, I want to thank you for doing this interview with me. And I know it’s been 51 years since the shooting on May 4, 1970. What does it feel like to be back here on this day?

Alan Frank: Oh, it’s something very personal to me because I just feel the need to come and pay my respects. I try to do it every May 4th when I’m in town for sure. And I’m probably going to run into some people that are very close to me that I’m looking forward to seeing.

TH: If you could just take me back to May 4th, 1970, on the Kent State campus. What was your experience?

AF: Let me go back a few days before that when Nixon announced the invasion of Cambodia. On Friday May 1st, there were a couple of rallies on campus, one where a guy buried a copy of the Constitution. That evening I was downtown. It was a beautiful, beautiful evening. People were getting kind of rowdy. And I saw a lot of people that I didn’t usually recognize. There were a lot of people that just normally didn’t come downtown like that. And there are some high school kids that were going around.

Eventually a police cruiser came through and some rocks and bottles were thrown at the police car. And eventually they put a bunch of trash out into the middle of the street on Water Street and set it on fire. And then apparently police had come in and told everybody that the bars were shut down. So part of the crowd moved up towards Main Street, broke windows and some other things.

Two friends and I eventually kicked out the bonfire that was in the street. And a lot of times you’ll see the caption there’s two or three guys by the fire and they say these are radicals that started the fire. Now, we were there kicking the fire out and hoping that the bikers didn’t beat us up.

So that evening, my father had been out of town with my my mother. And I told them that people were out, but I didn’t know if it was a riot. Everybody says it was a riot, but I didn’t experience a whole lot of that. The next day, on Saturday May 2nd, my father was contacted by Dr. Matson, who was in charge since Dr. White was off campus in Iowa at the time. He was asked to gather faculty marshals and they had a meeting at seven o’clock that evening.

At that time, for many weeks, a lot of people felt that the ROTC building was going to burn. So he was right by the ROTC building and a group of students were there throwing rocks and breaking windows. Eventually, they went to Tri Towers to get some more students to back them up. They came back and continued hurling more rocks and came down over the hill and tried to start the fire. And I just listened to a police report and it said the ROTC building is burning. And then about 48 minutes into it, it said the building looks like it’s going to go back up (in flames) again. So it took at least those 48 minutes on the tape that I had heard. There were lots of stories going around about what was going on that night (Saturday May 2nd). People saw other people with walkie talkies. A lot of them had billy clubs.

TH: These so-called radicals had walkie talkies?

AF: Right, right. Yeah. So anyhow, after a good hour to an hour and a half, they attempted to burn the ROTC building. Police were standing right by the heating plant, which was not far away from there but didn’t do anything. My dad was out there, got hit with rocks around his legs several times. My dad, Glenn Frank, was a faculty marshal. However, they were not to get into anything with any of the students and just tried to maintain order as much as possible. That was the day that he had gone out and purchased a bunch of cloth, robin’s egg blue cloth. And one of the reasons was that, and I’m sure you know this, everybody had red and blue and white bandanas. Nobody had a robin’s egg blue bandana. So he passed those out and so the faculty had those and the student marshals had white armbands. So eventually the protestors ran over to an athletic shed down near the tennis courts and set the tennis shed on fire. And apparently a tree started to burn, and they started a bucket brigade. Well, in that time, somebody had come in and finally torched the (ROTC) building. Nobody knows who.

TH: And it’s still unclear to this day?

AF: Yes, to this day. There’s 167 pages of the FBI report that are still redacted. I’ve got some pictures here, and I’ll show you. They name about 20 some people who are suspected to have participated in the burning of the ROTC building on May 2. However, almost half of them are redacted. And why on earth would they conceal the identities of the radicals who they suspected started the fire?

However, their names are redacted and when you look at their pictures, there’s black magic marker that’s just been drawn across their face so you can’t tell who it is. In some parts of the burn report, there are 25 pages at a time that are just totally deleted. You know, what’s with that?

FBI report


TH: Can you think of any reason why they would do that?

AF: I’m wondering, you know, if it was a false flag operation or something like that. I’m not saying the CIA did this, but the CIA had a program called Chaos. And the FBI also had a program called COINTELPRO. So both of them had counterintelligence programs. Every military intelligence group had people that would try to infiltrate the radical groups.

So you almost wonder whether more people were infiltrating these groups than were actually the radical students a part of these groups. But there’s no doubt that some of the students tried to participate. I talked to Tom Grace and I said, Tom, I never knew that the the FBI released the burn report saying the students did it. He said, well, no, we’re pretty sure that the students did it. And I kind of called B.S. on that because there were these other people on campus that nobody recognized. Tom Grace said some had disguises on. So it’s hard to say, you know. Until the FBI releases the burn report unredacted, we’re never going to know. And I wonder, is it for national security? Is it for the fact that they’re hiding undercover agents? I don’t know. But so many different intelligence agencies were around campus at that time.

Note: Federal Bureau of Investigation (Department of Justice) Form No. 4-694a (Rev. 12-4-86), “Explanation of Exemptions, Subsections of Title 5, United States Code, Section 552”. (FOIA)

TH: Right. And there’s been a long history of infiltration in different activist groups, and it’s something that still goes on today but it’s expanded with the internet.

AF: I talked to Alan Canfora for, I don’t know, probably since this started. He was one of the people that said he and others tried to start a fire for an hour and a half, and they couldn’t do it. And then soon as he and the others left and the police surrounded the building, it went up (in flames). And I also talked to a friend of mine who is a biology professor. His name was Denny Cooke. And I said, Denny, the Justice Department has two different quotes by you. And they say, check with Denny Cooke to see which one is correct.

In one statement, Denny said that he had seen a small fire going. In the other statement, he said that it was almost out. And when I asked Denny about it at the 25th anniversary, I was right over here in the Student Center. And he said to me, Alan, you are the first person to ask me this question in 25 years. He said, I put the fire out. We talked a little bit, and he said again, I put the fire out. And a third time to make sure I got it, he said, I put the fire out. And he said, I don’t know what happened to the mob when they left. But that’s what Denny had said to me.

TH: And again, what was Denny’s position or role at the university?

AF: He was a faculty marshal and a biology professor right over here. So there are so many questions. And it just bothers me that we see things that happen in the United States, such as the January 6th attack on the Capitol building. And people aren’t trusting the police. They’re not trusting the FBI. They’re not trusting anybody and part of that, I understand because it is hard to believe the truth when you’re either not lying or you’re trying to create a situation where then you can go in and either blame it on somebody else or be the hero that solves that problem. We can’t afford to do that. I mean, it’s obvious to me that this is a great country as far as our Constitution is concerned. There are some people that are really being inappropriate with what’s happening in this country.

TH: And who would that be?

AF: Well, focusing on May 4th, what bothers me the most right now is the FBI report.

I’m just concerned. I would love to see the unredacted FBI report.

TH: And specifically on what happened on the evening of May 2? The burning of the ROTC building?

AF: Yeah, yeah. Especially, on that evening. I had another friend, who was around that evening, who sat near the victory bell watching people come out of the crowd, run up, do something and run back. And he said they did it with military precision. And I said, man, could you write that down for me? And he said no. And I’m just wondering, is that because this is a very relatively conservative guy? But for some reason, he doesn’t want to be associated with what he saw.

TH: And he saw the fire go up?

AF: He saw the fire go up.

TH: And who is this person? Do they want to remain anonymous? AF: Yes.

TH: Ok, I understand.

AF: Yeah, and he said it was like military precision when they would come up and then go back and he saw, you know, five to 10 people doing this. And many of the reports say that there were probably only five to ten people that did it. But I think they were able to talk students into being a part of it and thereby, you know, taking their role. Yeah.

TH: Yeah, that’s entrapment. I know we are speculating here, but do you think that that’s a possibility?

AF: I think so. The FBI report is very difficult to read. The copies are bad. But when you read the report, you will notice it doesn’t have the right hand margin in some of the documents and you’ve got to figure out what the words are. But this is my fifth time going through it. The first time I probably spent two hundred hours trying to figure out some of the things in the documents. In my opinion, there should be no reason to include records of the murdered students in the report. However, they talk within the first couple sections about the four students who were killed. It mentions that Bill Schroeder was a ROTC student and that he was thinking about or he was having some dissonance regarding the Vietnam War and thought about going to Canada. Now, back then, that was pretty sacrilegious, you know.

TH: Right. That was a crime at the time.

AF: Yeah.

TH: So they put this in the report to perhaps make it look as if it was acceptable to shoot the students?

AF: Exactly. That’s my feeling now. TH: And that’s in the FBI report?

AF: It’s in the FBI report. And there were two FBI reports. Well, they’re very similar. One is like one out of eight and it’s about twelve hundred pages. The other is one out of twenty two. So they’re divided up like that. But why would it even mention details about the students if you didn’t want to kind of blame them? Like Sandy Scheuer. I mean, I don’t think she was in any radical group. She was on her way to class when she was murdered. And it said, in the report, she would hang out with some of the radicals like the long hairs and the beards and stuff like that. Why would they even put that crap in there, you know?

TH: So it included information that was unnecessary?

AF: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. They have a story about Allison Krause going into one dorm. It says that this R.A. saw her come in and she had a bottle and she had to use the bathroom. And the R.A. said, I’m pretty sure that she went in there to pee in the bottle to spray it on people. I mean, they are making this crap up, you know?

TH: They’re smearing the victims.

AF: Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. When they are mentioned like that, when in my opinion, there’s no need to have that information in the report, I just see it as an effort to skew the narrative in a certain direction. In another 50 years, nobody’s going to know this information. They’re going to see, oh, well, you know, they all deserved to be shot. It’s garbage. It’s really garbage. So there are times when I thought either the FBI report was written in a genius manner or it was just a total screw up just because of some of the information that’s in there. So just reading through it critically and considering what they have put in there, it makes me wonder. And I don’t think it’s going to be solved until everything is unredacted.

TH: Ok. Let’s shift our focus to what took place on and around May 4th. If you can please continue to share your experience.

AF: Ok, Sunday May 3, I was not on campus. My dad was with the faculty marshals though. And at that time, I was a jock on the swim team, and a lot of jocks and frat guys were against these radicals. So I was having lunch with a friend of mine in the Student Center. After lunch, I jokingly said to him, let’s go beat up some hippies. And I ran into him a couple years ago and he said, yeah, back then we never beat up anybody, you know, we just didn’t do it. And that’s what I was joking about it.

TH: So you were more conservative?

AF: Oh, yeah, I was. I was conservative.

TH: So you were not someone who was out there protesting?

AF: I went up there on May 4th, quote, to make sure that nobody hurt the Guard. I don’t know what I would have done. I don’t know if I could have done anything, but it was such a joke. And so we walked up and stood behind the couple hundred people that were down below by the victory bell. The Guard enforced Governor’s Rhodes decision that no rallies were to be allowed. After tensions escalated, the Guard shot off tear gas. I went into Johnson Hall because I had stayed there as a swimming recruit. And so I had a connection with Johnson Hall and came out after they had gone up over the hill. And then they walked down to the practice football field.

And it was such a circus, you know, nobody was close enough to them (the National Guard). All these guardsmen say, oh, yeah, we were getting pelted by rocks. And somebody said the sky was black with rocks. It’s bullshit. And it’s the lies that are put in that FBI report that really bothered me and the BCI report, the Bureau of Criminal Investigation report. There are just so many pieces of information that are in these reports that make one think that all of these guys got what they deserved. I read in James Michener’s book, “Kent State: What Happened and why,” that a very good former baseball player went down to the site of the shooting, placed himself where one of the students was and tried to hurl a rock toward where the Guard was. And he said, you’d have to be Joe DiMaggio to be able to to hit anybody. Even the General picked up a rock and threw it back at kids. General Canterbury talked later about how he and his friend, Sylvester Del Corso, did this. General Canterbury and Del Corso said, yeah, we had a fun time this weekend throwing rocks back at these demonstrators. It’s totally, totally inappropriate and totally unprofessional. But this guy, General Canterbury, kind of bragged that he messed with the students.

And the number of people that had been bayonetted is higher than I had realized. One black guy was in a car bringing his girlfriend back to campus, and the guardsmen went through an open window and bayoneted him. And another woman got hit in the buttocks because she was trying to get into the window of the library.


Letter from Civil Rights Divison Attorney John C. Hoyle concerning a guardsmen stabbing a girl with a bayonet. September 24, 1973.

So what the guard was doing was just totally inappropriate, which I didn’t realize at the time because it took years for this to come out. But back to Monday May 4, we get up on campus and we’re watching the circus back and forth. Now some people called it a tennis match because it was just so ridiculous. The guardsmen got down and they knelt and aimed their weapons especially towards Alan Canfora who had the black flag.

Alan Canfora waving the back flag before the National Guard on May 4, 1970. Taken by John Filo.

After about 10 minutes on the field, they started to walk back up. There’s a lot of people who were just observers on the Hill. Ten to 20 people, maybe, were throwing things. I don’t remember anybody getting hit at that time. However, as the guard is coming back up, the guardsmen report that they (the protestors) were within six inches of their bayonets and that they had to shoot in order to protect themselves. And the pictures didn’t come out initially so they had the ability to make up what was really going on.

TH: They initially said that protestors were six feet from their bayonets?

AF: Inches. Six inches from their bayonets.

TH: Well, that is definitely not corroborated by the photographic evidence.

AF: Right, exactly. So who in their right mind would even get near somebody with a bayonet? Come on. This buddy of mine from the swim team and I are walking up the hill probably 50 to 75 feet in front of the guard. We were some of the closest people there and there was no sense of danger. There were no rocks being thrown at that time that I saw, even though, people say, oh, I got hit in the stomach with a rock, I got hit in the testicles with a rock, etc.

But I felt absolutely no danger. I said to my buddy Al, shouldn’t we be walking faster? And he said, what are they going to do, shoot? And I thought, how could I be so stupid to even think that? I was embarrassed for about 15 seconds. And as we walked up, The Guard turned in unison and started firing. And we were like, whoa! And so we ran to Johnson Hall because that’s where I luckily had a connection.

Otherwise, I might have gone down near Taylor Hall where a few other people were. The photographs don’t show that at all. So we run from the top of the hill near the pagoda down into the bathroom. Meanwhile, the firing is still going on and it was like the longest 13 seconds of my life. And we’re in there (the bathroom) and we’re laughing and saying they’re shooting blanks, they’re trying to scare us, etc. The National Guard then went down the hill, and we came out the bathroom window. And I hear this guy screaming, “They killed them! They killed them!” And in my in my mind I’m thinking, what? No way. And so we came out and there’s a picture of me just kind of looking over the scene. And I walked down to where Jeffrey Miller was and Mary Ann Vecchio, the fourteen year old runaway, was by him.

John Filo/Getty Images

So I was right there when John Filo was taking these shots. And I was in shock because I could not make a connection that there was any reason for the Guard to fire at that time. Several of the guardsmen have said that it was not a shooting situation and they didn’t feel like they were in danger. While other guardsmen said that the protestors were so close to them that they were afraid their weapons would be taken off of them by the demonstrators. Well, between Johnson Hall and Taylor Hall there was an opening pathway. They could have gone down there if they wanted to. They said a surge came up with the rocks and there was yelling. But I don’t remember any of that. I remember the shooting, and it was so totally inappropriate.

TH: Initially, when you heard the gunshots, what was going through your head at the time?

AF: We thought they were shooting blanks in an attempt to scare people. But we ran into Johnson Hall and came back out, it was like, wait a second, what is happening? This is so inappropriate and so was what came after that. One guard captain said that he had walked over to Jeffrey Miller’s body and found a pistol on him, which is totally bullshit. The Guard eventually claimed that he said he turned it into the FBI about a month and a half to two months afterwards. The FBI looked at the pistol and noticed the initials on the pistol were SNY. And the man who turned in the pistol, his name was Snyder. And it was a drop pistol. It was a pistol that was, I think, an 1850 pin fire revolver, which they don’t make ammunition for anymore. Snyder had said he was in C company between Taylor and Prentice Hall. He said that he watched Jeff Miller running back and forth with a pistol saying, “kill, kill, kill.” I mean, come on. And then people really went nuts and they found out that he (Snyder) was lying to the grand jury and everybody else. Yet nothing was ever done. Nothing was ever done.

TH: And who is this Snyder? What is his full name?

AF: Captain Ron (nickname) “Cyanide” Snyder. That’s what his nickname was to his–

TH: And what was his role?

AF: He was one of the people who was apparently making decisions on what the Guard should be doing at that time. So you know, we’re friends on Facebook. We’ve talked, and I’ve asked him certain questions. But it just bothers me that he was caught lying at least a couple of times and nothing was ever done about it.

TH: So he lied that there was a gun found on Jeffrey Miller?

AF: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And the FBI said, you know, the initials SNY make us doubt that–

TH: So the initials on the gun were SNY?

AF: SNY. Snyder is his name. s-n-y-d-e-r.

TH: So we can’t be sure of this right now, but it seems as if that gun was his and he placed it there?

AF: Well, it probably wasn’t even there. I believe he had it at home. You know, he had said that he turned it into the FBI a month and a half or two months later when he said they were going to charge the Guardsman with something. And so he said, well, I’ve got the perfect solution, we’ve got this gun here. And it’s just to show that these so-called radical students had weapons and therefore, the Guard was justified. But this was not true.


Memorandum from Attorney John C. Hoyle concerning Capt. Snyder’s allegation that he took the gun off of the body of victim Jeffrey Miller. September 25, 1973.

TH: Oh that’s beyond corrupt.

AF: Oh yeah. Yeah. There are so many stories about just inappropriate things that the Guard did, and it just bothers me. It just bothers me terribly. And the FBI report continues to allow people to believe a certain narrative. On Saturday night, May 2, when the fire truck came to put out the fire, the people that were supposedly the radicals ran up and took the fire hoses slashed them with machetes and icepicks. My dad was given a part of the FBI report that wasn’t really the FBI report, but it was all the physical evidence, at the very end it says that these items were in Seabury Ford’s office. And this brings me to another point. Seabury Ford was the prosecuting attorney who had been with 107th Cavalry and came out with a story in October saying they should have shot them all. And he said he keeps a loaded .45 in his desk, but that’s a different story. And that’s when my father said, wait a second, you know, we’re under a gag order but this guy can say whatever he wants?

(Note from the author: The investigation and gag order is addressed later in the interview)

So my dad defied the judge to arrest him. He said, I defy Judge Jones to arrest me because my dad knew if he was arrested that they would also have to arrest Seabury Ford. And like I said, that’s another story. But anyways, somebody was given a three foot piece of fire hose, a .32 caliber pistol and a machete. And you wouldn’t give these items back to radical students. So who has them? And that was redacted at the very end of the report.

First and page of the report obtained by Glenn Frank that includes the evidence. The document shows weapons including a blue steel .32 caliber revolver, one section of a fire hose and one machete style knife was returned to individuals whose identities are redacted.

TH: So they gave these materials back to so-called radical students?

AF: Well, they gave it to somebody. I can’t say that it was radicals. Well, I’m sure it wasn’t radical students, because if there was any way to indicate that they deserved what they got by being in possession of these items, they would have made it public. But I think somebody in charge got these things as mementos. One thing Ron Snyder said to me was, I’m probably the only person that has a weapon that was up on campus that day. And I didn’t respond to that statement. But, yeah, he had brought several illegal weapons. He brought a .22 Beretta that he gave to Major Jones. In Michener’s book, Snyder was talking about Jeff Miller running back and forth and he said, I had just about decided to shoot him with my revolver. And my dad goes, wait a second, would a captain in the guard refer to their sidearm .45 as a revolver unless he had another illegal weapon? And so then Snyder and some of his guys walked over to Jeff Miller’s body.

Somebody tried to “toe” him over the Guard (use boot to toe him over) and people went nuts. I mean there was blood just flowing down the asphalt. According to Michener, Snyder had gone over to there to make sure he was dead. Now, my dad said if you weren’t part of the shooting, wouldn’t you go over there to make sure he was alive?

TH: That is a great question. It doesn’t add up. But I wanted to ask you about your dad, Glenn Frank. And his role in all of this? Because he had a significant role on May 4, 1970, and is credited with saving many, many lives.

AF: Absolutely. Absolutely. On that day, my dad came out of the Student Center and got in an ambulance. When he jumped into the ambulance, he just said, that’s it, take me up there. And it shows them going up near Taylor Hall in this ambulance. And at the time, I was wandering around in a daze, I’m sure. And once he got there, I walked up to him and he pointed his finger at me and he goes, “you get the hell out of here.”

TH: Your dad said this to you?

AF: My dad. Yeah.

TH: How did you feel at the moment?

AF: I knew I wasn’t going to get out of there because what I had just seen was murder. You know, there’s just absolutely no way.

TH: Were you there when your dad told the students to leave and that this wouldn’t end well?

AF: Yes. Yeah.

TH: Tell me about that moment.

AF: There were probably 1,000 students who were there including jocks and fraternity guys and other people who had showed up just because of what had happened. And so I sat down and many, many other people sat down. And my dad and I never talked about this, but I’ve always wondered what would I do if I thought my son might be in a situation where within five minutes he could be in a shooting situation. And just one bullet into a crowd would probably go through at least six, seven, eight people. So it would have been a slaughter. And my dad even mentioned that in his speech. But I was not going to move. I remember him coming back and forth between The Guard and the students and some of the other faculty.

And I thought, this guy is going to try to get me to move and I’m not moving. I made my decision. I just saw murders take place. And this was the only thing I felt that I could do to protest. But when he said what he said and then he ended with “Jesus Christ, I don’t want to be a part of this,” it was shocking. It was such an incredible moment. Jerry Lewis, a sociology professor, said it was like a prayer, an anguished plea. And people heard my dad’s words and we all just started to stand up and walk away.

And I saw Dad and he had his head down and he was kneeling on the ground. He was crying. And I thought somebody had hit him in the head with a rock. That’s all I could think of. And a friend and I walked him over to the tennis courts just to get away from The Guard. But yes, he saved hundreds of lives that day. No question. And I was one of them, you know, because I was not going to listen to him. I was not going to move.

TH: Your dad had dedicated so much of his life to investigating exactly what had happened on that day. Can you talk about why your dad was so passionate about getting to the truth?

AF: One of the things that my dad said was that he was so high on America. And he would do whatever it took to find it out what really happened. He was in the Marines, he was a scout leader and he was a Boy Scout. He was pretty conservative, which is where I’m sure I got my views from at the time. And the more that he looked into it (what happened on and around May 4, 1970, the more he said, “my country doesn’t do this, my country doesn’t do this.” I’m sure he felt that the country was constitutionally wonderful, and he just he could not believe that this happened.

TH: Do you think it changed his faith in the system and in the intelligence community?

AF: Yeah, yeah. He was able to contact people in the CIA. He got access to the quote secret police files. He had friends all over and they were pretty much conservative, law abiding people. He was in the Fraternal Order of the police. He had the ability to talk to anybody about anything and was able to add a different perspective. And he said, I’ve always felt that I need to know my perspective and I need to know the other perspective as well so I can to be able to to discuss a situation. But I don’t know if he ever had good access to the FBI report. But I came across a couple files within the last month or so that were just sitting up in my attic. And he had so many files on so many people. I mean, if he talked to somebody about Kent State, he would make a file. With regard to the gag order from October, when the prosecuting attorney said they should have shot all students, somebody started a petition drive to support my dad. And there were like 5-6,000 signatures in this one file. So there was so much support for him. But he was finally arrested, I think on the last day of probably spring quarter. And he announced it to his class that if somebody comes in everything’s fine.

TH: And what exactly was he arrested for?

AF: He was arrested for breaking the gag rule.


In the fall of 1970, A Ravenna Grand Jury assembled to investigate the Kent State shootings. The court implemented a gag order, which prevented anyone involved in the investigation from speaking on the case. Seabury Ford, a special prosecutor overseeing the case, violated the gag order by speaking to the press, where he is quoted in an article saying, “National Guardsmen should have shot all the trouble-makers.” After seeing such a comment by one of the prosecutors, Glenn Frank spoke out in response, and both Frank and Ford were charged with contempt of court. However, following Frank’s arrest, he received a significant amount of support from his students. You can view news coverage of the incident and the letters of support here.

TH: Ok, let’s talk about the aftermath here and the investigation. Your dad was he skeptical of the official narrative, right?

AF: Eventually, he was. I think initially he felt ok this is what it appears to be. He talked to certain professors that had maybe more of a radical viewpoint, and they gave him enough information that he started to question the official findings. And eventually he testified in front of the Scranton Commission. And the Scranton Commission essentially said that they felt that the guardsman had fabricated their side of the story. He felt that they got together and said that no this isn’t what happened. And the more information he was able to obtain, the more he questioned some of the things that people, not the government necessarily, but people were claiming. So it was just such a painful event. He and I never ever really talked about it.

TH: You never really talked about it?

AF: No. Oh, no, no. I mean, I remember one time one of the police officers had mentioned to him that he was on a hit list–

Caption: First and page of the report obtained by Glenn Frank that includes the evidence. The document shows weapons including a blue steel .32 caliber revolver, one section of a fire hose and one machete style knife was returned to individuals whose identities are redacted.

TH: So they gave these materials back to so-called radical students?

AF: Well, they gave it to somebody. I can’t say that it was radicals. Well, I’m sure it wasn’t radical students, because if there was any way to indicate that they deserved what they got by being in possession of these items, they would have made it public. But I think somebody in charge got these things as mementos. One thing Ron Snyder said to me was, I’m probably the only person that has a weapon that was up on campus that day. And I didn’t respond to that statement. But, yeah, he had brought several illegal weapons. He brought a .22 Beretta that he gave to Major Jones. In Michener’s book, Snyder was talking about Jeff Miller running back and forth and he said, I had just about decided to shoot him with my revolver. And my dad goes, wait a second, would a captain in the guard refer to their sidearm .45 as a revolver unless he had another illegal weapon? And so then Snyder and some of his guys walked over to Jeff Miller’s body.

Somebody tried to “toe” him over the Guard (use boot to toe him over) and people went nuts. I mean there was blood just flowing down the asphalt. According to Michener, Snyder had gone over to there to make sure he was dead. Now, my dad said if you weren’t part of the shooting, wouldn’t you go over there to make sure he was alive?

TH: That is a great question. It doesn’t add up. But I wanted to ask you about your dad, Glenn Frank. And his role in all of this? Because he had a significant role on May 4, 1970, and is credited with saving many, many lives.

AF: Absolutely. Absolutely. On that day, my dad came out of the Student Center and got in an ambulance. When he jumped into the ambulance, he just said, that’s it, take me up there. And it shows them going up near Taylor Hall in this ambulance. And at the time, I was wandering around in a daze, I’m sure. And once he got there, I walked up to him and he pointed his finger at me and he goes, “you get the hell out of here.”

TH: Your dad said this to you?

AF: My dad. Yeah.

TH: How did you feel at the moment?

AF: I knew I wasn’t going to get out of there because what I had just seen was murder. You know, there’s just absolutely no way.

TH: Were you there when your dad told the students to leave and that this wouldn’t end well?

AF: Yes. Yeah.

TH: Tell me about that moment.

AF: There were probably 1,000 students who were there including jocks and fraternity guys and other people who had showed up just because of what had happened. And so I sat down and many, many other people sat down. And my dad and I never talked about this, but I’ve always wondered what would I do if I thought my son might be in a situation where within five minutes he could be in a shooting situation. And just one bullet into a crowd would probably go through at least six, seven, eight people. So it would have been a slaughter. And my dad even mentioned that in his speech. But I was not going to move. I remember him coming back and forth between The Guard and the students and some of the other faculty. And I thought, this guy is going to try to get me to move and I’m not moving. I made my decision. I just saw murders take place. And this was the only thing I felt that I could do to protest. But when he said what he said and then he ended with “Jesus Christ, I don’t want to be a part of this,” it was shocking. It was such an incredible moment. Jerry Lewis, a sociology professor, said it was like a prayer, an anguished plea. And people heard my dad’s words and we all just started to stand up and walk away. And I saw Dad and he had his head down and he was kneeling on the ground. He was crying. And I thought somebody had hit him in the head with a rock. That’s all I could think of. And a friend and I walked him over to the tennis courts just to get away from The Guard. But yes, he saved hundreds of lives that day. No question. And I was one of them, you know, because I was not going to listen to him. I was not going to move.

TH: Your dad had dedicated so much of his life to investigating exactly what had happened on that day. Can you talk about why your dad was so passionate about getting to the truth?

AF: One of the things that my dad said was that he was so high on America. And he would do whatever it took to find it out what really happened. He was in the Marines, he was a scout leader and he was a Boy Scout. He was pretty conservative, which is where I’m sure I got my views from at the time. And the more that he looked into it (what happened on and around May 4, 1970, the more he said, “my country doesn’t do this, my country doesn’t do this.” I’m sure he felt that the country was constitutionally wonderful, and he just he could not believe that this happened.

TH: Do you think it changed his faith in the system and in the intelligence community?

AF: Yeah, yeah. He was able to contact people in the CIA. He got access to the quote secret police files. He had friends all over and they were pretty much conservative, law abiding people. He was in the Fraternal Order of the police. He had the ability to talk to anybody about anything and was able to add a different perspective. And he said, I’ve always felt that I need to know my perspective and I need to know the other perspective as well so I can to be able to to discuss a situation. But I don’t know if he ever had good access to the FBI report. But I came across a couple files within the last month or so that were just sitting up in my attic. And he had so many files on so many people. I mean, if he talked to somebody about Kent State, he would make a file. With regard to the gag order from October, when the prosecuting attorney said they should have shot all students, somebody started a petition drive to support my dad. And there were like 5-6,000 signatures in this one file. So there was so much support for him. But he was finally arrested, I think on the last day of probably spring quarter. And he announced it to his class that if somebody comes in everything’s fine.

TH: And what exactly was he arrested for?

AF: He was arrested for breaking the gag rule.


In the fall of 1970, A Ravenna Grand Jury assembled to investigate the Kent State shootings. The court implemented a gag order, which prevented anyone involved in the investigation from speaking on the case. Seabury Ford, a special prosecutor overseeing the case, violated the gag order by speaking to the press, where he is quoted in an article saying, “National Guardsmen should have shot all the trouble-makers.” After seeing such a comment by one of the prosecutors, Glenn Frank spoke out in response, and both Frank and Ford were charged with contempt of court. However, following Frank’s arrest, he received a significant amount of support from his students. You can view news coverage of the incident and the letters of support here.

TH: Ok, let’s talk about the aftermath here and the investigation. Your dad was he skeptical of the official narrative, right?

AF: Eventually, he was. I think initially he felt ok this is what it appears to be. He talked to certain professors that had maybe more of a radical viewpoint, and they gave him enough information that he started to question the official findings. And eventually he testified in front of the Scranton Commission. And the Scranton Commission essentially said that they felt that the guardsman had fabricated their side of the story. He felt that they got together and said that no this isn’t what happened. And the more information he was able to obtain, the more he questioned some of the things that people, not the government necessarily, but people were claiming. So it was just such a painful event. He and I never ever really talked about it.

TH: You never really talked about it?

AF: No. Oh, no, no. I mean, I remember one time one of the police officers had mentioned to him that he was on a hit list–

TH: Wait. What kind of hit list?

(See attached photo evidence for more details)

AF: A hit list, an assassination list. He was told by a person that he was on two assassination lists. President White was on two or three and he said he was only on one. And it was almost like this person was sharing this information with my dad and my dad’s thinking, why the hell would I be on any of them? You know? So anyhow, finally, my dad said to the guy, are you CIA? And the guy just kind of stopped. And he said, well, no, but we’ve had a long relationship.

TH: Well what does that mean?

AF: Exactly. Exactly!

TH: This man told your dad that he was was on an assassination list?

AF: Yes and so did one of the police chiefs as well as one of the people with the Mod Squad.

TH: And who is this person? Do you know?

AF: His name is Barclay McMillen. (McMillen was a professor at Kent State at the time) And he wrote some things about what was happening. I don’t know what his official position really was. But the CIA had another program way back when where they were recruiting or getting people from the CIA to be involved in university positions.

TH: So there was a CIA program to infiltrate the universities?

AF: Yeah, yeah. So it was not just the radical student organizations which they tried to infiltrate create problems when there were no problems. I shared this with Alan Canfora before he died and that this guy was a DEA agent.



Memorandum from Acting Administrator of the DEA John R. Bartels, Jr. to J. Stanely Pottinger the Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division requesting information on DEA agents who were present on the Kent State campus on May 4, 1970. Ron Mohr is written on the document. October 9, 1973.


And you don’t know if these people are CIA or exactly what because the CIA has had the ability to put people in certain positions where you didn’t know that they were really CIA. I mean, I’ve heard that once a spook, always a spook. And so with this particular guy, in 1972, he went to the Vietnam vets–

TH: What is his name? Who is he? 

AF: His name is Ron Reinhold Mohr. And Reinhold Mohr told people at the VVAW, Vietnam Vets Against the War, that they should kill some pigs. And they said, really? He said he had an automatic AK-47 and a grenade launcher. And they said, oh, gosh, you know, why don’t you bring them over so we can take a look at them? In the meantime, they contacted the Kent Police, the city police, and they said we got this nut case that’s saying that we should kill pigs. And one of the people that he had talked about was a guy named Willie. Willie was a big, heavyset black guy who is the most wonderful person. I mean, if anybody ever hurt him, whether it was radicals or whatever, they would have been wiped out. The students would be angry because Willie was just a wonderful person.

So he (Mohr) suggested that Willie should have been killed. And so anyhow, they contacted the Kent City Police and they (VVAW) arranged for this guy to come over and show them the weapons. There was the AK-47, you know, an automatic weapon. And many times you’ve got a gas port and there was a little tiny hole drilled into the gas port. So on this weapon you had to continue to pull the trigger. You couldn’t just pull the trigger and then shoot automatically. And so what happened was the police came in, they busted the guy and took him down to the police station. And they get a call from the Kent State University police saying you just busted our number one undercover agent. 

TH: Is there any proof of documentation of this? 

(See attached documents) 

AF: I’ve got reports from a guy by the name of Mike White who writes about it. Another guy by the name of Alan Morris who was with the VVAW at that time. So a lot of people have talked about this. Then they eventually let him go since it was an automatic weapon and a grenade launcher despite that it was illegal.

I think they were made illegal in the 68′ if I’m not correct. But anyhow the ATF had to be called in, the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms because this is illegal. And so they came in and they examined the weapons and they said, well, the AK-47 had a little hole drilled into the gas chamber and the VVAW said it would take one little tiny spot weld and it would be fully automatic because it’s the guts inside that make it an automatic, either semiautomatic or automatic.

So they said that it wasn’t really automatic and they said there were no gas containers for the grenade launcher or no grenades with the grenade launcher. You know, this is bullshit. Anyhow, Reinhold Mohr eventually got sacked at the university, sued later, got his position back, plus all of his back pay. He sued the university to get his job back in his back pay and eventually was successful in doing that. 



Article from The Daily Kent Stater, April 26, 1972

TH: Really?

AF: Yeah. So, you know, the people that are pulling the strings will do it for what they feel is appropriate. But Reinhold Mohr, I saw his name on something that said he was a DEA agent. There were three DEA agents on campus at that time. And there was also a document that my dad got from the police. It was a list called the Mod Squad. And there are 32 people, students, whatever, or police that were on the Mod Squad. They were undercover. And Reinhold Mohr was one of the people, an agent provocateur, getting this stuff out there. 


William Bess, with the Kent State University police, correspondence to KSU President Robert Winkler with a list of the Mod Squad members. The list includes Reinhold Mohr. November 15, 1973.

I’m reminded of my dad trying to talk to Bob White about this. Bob White was the president of the university and he and Bob had a great relationship. A little side story– many years before, Bob White had announced to the faculty that tuition was not going to go up a certain quarter. So my dad got into the class and announced to the students that tuition is not going to go up next quarter. Well, then all of a sudden, Bob White said tuition is going to go up. And my dad was furious and he called up Bob. And Bob said, Glenn, now I want you to just wait for a moment. Wait five minutes, and if you still feel the same way, call me back. So my dad watched the clock to the second to call him back and told him what he thought. And as a result, tuition didn’t go up that year. I mean, there weren’t that many professors on campus at that time and a lot of people knew everybody else. But he wanted Bob to tell him what happened on May 4th. He would ask Bob and say, just tell me.

And Bob said, I cannot. And this was many years later. This is probably close to 20 years later. Bob gave my dad a letter saying I cannot comment on something that’s still actionable. So somebody is telling him, you say this and you’re going to get in trouble. And eventually Bob sent him a little letter saying, Glenn, you’re a good guy, a good man, and I’m sorry that you’re so– I can’t remember the exact word that he (Bob) used. But essentially, it said, I want to tell you that from my better than average point of view, there were crazies on all sides. And he said that’s more than two or three. I can’t remember exactly what was in the letter.

But I think he died with information that we need to know about. And from Bob, we will never, never hear it. So I think it’s going to take either people that were actively involved in this stuff to come forward. I think that the people that were redacted in the FBI report should come forward, but most of them are probably dead. And many people had never seen so many of these quote radicals before on campus. 

TH: It’s quite telling the FBI would redact the names and black out the faces of some so-called radicals but not others. I mean that cannot be common practice? 

AF: Yeah. It’s crazy. Isn’t that crazy? 

TH: It is. I mean, I can’t verify this but it seems a likely explanation is that these people were cops or informants working for the police. But I want to shift the focus back to your dad and the work he was involved with after the shootings. What was it like to see him research and dedicate so much of his time to determining what happened on May 4th, 1970? And also, did his perspective on the United States change after all of this? 

AF: I saw what it was doing to him. I saw that he was just so focused on getting whatever information that he could. And I would ask my dad why he was doing this. But I didn’t have the knowledge that he had. Had I had this knowledge, I would have been going, wow, are you kidding me? You know, this is incredible. So hopefully he had access to certain parts of the FBI report. I really don’t know. He died in 93′ so 23 years afterwards. But he didn’t care where the truth took him, he just wanted the truth to come out. He talked to governors and he talked to anyone who could give him information. 

TH: Did the official reports or initial media coverage of the May 4th shootings coincide with what you experienced on that day? 

AF: No, no. Well, to say that the Guard felt that they had to fire to extricate themselves doesn’t match with my experience. No way. I was one of the closest people to them. I would guess 50 to 75 feet away because we were walking just in front of them. But Joe Lewis, a protestor, was giving them the finger. Larry Shafer is the only guardsmen who admitted to shooting someone, and he shot Joe Lewis. And he said that this guy (Lewis) was approaching him. He (Shafer) said he couldn’t see what was in his left hand and in his right hand he was giving him the bird. Reports are that he was anywhere between 60 and 71 feet away when Shafer fired. Apparently, he shot him twice, once in the leg and once in the groin. And the story that I had heard was that he (Shafer) bragged about it. And a couple of people fired their shotguns. James Russell was hit by a shotgun around 350 feet away. Another friend of mine said that he was up on the railing at Taylor Hall, and there are a lot of people at Taylor Hall, but they fired down into the parking lot. The closest person was Jeffrey Miller who was 270 feet away. Sandy and Bill were, I think, 390 feet away when they were killed. And Allison was 330 feet away. So there’s absolutely no way that these people were a danger to anybody. 

TH: Exactly. 

AF: It’s almost like people who are being bullied, and they finally have a chance to get back at the bully. I just feel that many of the guardsmen felt, fuck you, you know, we’re going to show you. 

TH: I can see that. So taking a step back a little bit and looking at the broader picture, what does it tell you about the United States’ military industrial complex? I mean, these were students who were protesting the Vietnam War, and they have a right to do that. And meanwhile, the intelligence community is, and still to this day, putting a lot of funding, time, money and energy into these different programs to infiltrate these activist groups. What does it tell you about the importance of the United States’ war efforts? 

AF: There’s a person that I contacted within the last year or two, his name is Christopher Pyle. He was either a major or a captain in charge of army intelligence. And they had over a thousand agents that would infiltrate these different groups. 

TH: At what time was this? 

AF: He finally came out with this in April of 1970, and said we got to stop this. So just just before the shootings. It’s Christopher Pyle. He’s a professor at Mount Holyoke. I contacted him about the possibility that it could have been Army intelligence that burned the ROTC building. He didn’t think so because essentially that would be a good skill to have. Even though around the United States, several ROTC buildings were burned and one was in Tuscaloosa, AL, and that guy was an FBI agent. Some people say there were no provocateurs. Sorry. Every military agency has provocateurs infiltrate groups except possibly the Coast Guard. I don’t know. I’ve never seen anything with the Coast Guard. But Army, Air-Force, Marines and Navy all had these programs. And the purpose was to infiltrate these groups. And how many of those people are the ones who might try to turn up the heat just a little bit like Reinhold Mohr? How many people before that? There are so many stories about Central Intelligence having agents who were following Mark Rudd from, I think, Mark is at Colombia? 

TH: And he was with Weather Underground at the time. 

AF: Yes. You know, my buddy who said he had seen these five or 10 people on Saturday night burn down the ROTC building, he purposely stayed away on Monday because he didn’t trust what could happen. And he was right. 

TH: Now, I want to shift focus back on your dad and the work that he’s done.What was his perspective on, say, the United States after this had happened as well as the military and the intelligence agencies? 

AF: You know, deep down, I believe he just felt that we still have the greatest country in the world, but the things that certain people were doing was just totally inappropriate. 

TH: It’s been 51 years since the shootings, how has this impacted the Kent State community and what has the community done to commemorate the lives lost? 

AF: I’m fairly certain that the community wanted to let it go. I mean, even weeks later, people were saying, oh, come on, this is old news. I never knew that the quote radicals on campus were were bad enough that they would go up to the store owners and threaten them with burning their shops if they didn’t put either peace signs or “get out of Vietnam” signs on their windows. So my dad was like, ok, yeah, I understand where they were coming from. But essentially they’re believing the big lie, you know, and it’s a big lie. And it’s just so unfortunate. And for me, in this day and age, I think it’s going to be so important to recognize the mistakes that we’ve made and decide that we can’t continue to do this or else we’re going to get more people breaking into The Capitol, etc. We can’t afford to continue the way we’re going. 

TH: Can you be a little more specific? 

AF: We can’t continue to have people create problems and then have those same people solve the problems that they created. So it bothers me. And I still believe this is one of the greatest countries, but we have screwed so many things up. It’s the individuals. It’s the individuals that think that they’re above the law and who are doing things that are just totally inappropriate. 

TH: You have been very involved in the Kent State May 4th community and keeping the memory going. How has that process been over the past 50 years? 

AF: Well, relating back to the town and gown relationships, it used to be terrible. It was terrible. And I see people that are trying to pull everyone together. I’ve also seen the people that still believe that they should have shot more students or all students on that day. But they may not know some of the things that actually happened to get us to that point. As I said, why would you even have something in an FBI report about people who were murdered that demonizes them? You’re going after the victim again. And I just want to be able to trust what people say initially. Maybe it’s my naiveté, but initially I want to believe what people are doing until I find out, wait a minute, yeah, that’s not true. But that’s not even close. 

TH: What has it been like organizing events with others who were also present on that day? Is there a group of people from your generation who are keeping this going? 

AF: Yeah, myself and three or four other people were trying to give support to the May 4th Task Force. And I used to tell Alan (Canfora) all the time, thank you for doing what you do because I wasn’t physically capable of doing it. I continue to have chronic pain. And there are times that I can’t do it, but there are times I can’t not do it. It’s too important. And I even talked to Seymour Hersh. He said to me, why are you looking into this? There were so many other things that were going on. Hersh also told me that Kent State offered him a lot of money to come and speak at the 50th anniversary. And I said, well, just come to my house and stay, you’ll have a much better time just hanging out than you will with the university people. He sees so many things and he has information about so many activities that he just felt it was just ill-trained guards. 

TH: Sy Hersh? Really? 

AF: Yeah. 

TH: When was this? When did you last speak with him?

AF: Oh, within I say, I was trying to think if it was before Covid. It was within the past few years or so. 

TH: We, of course, today still have many protests in the United States. But what are your thoughts on how protests and organizing today has changed compared to back in 1970. 

AF: I think one of the most important things is that everybody walks around with a camera, essentially. And they can film the actual things that are occurring, such as the George Floyd killing. Had we believed what was in the initial report that George Floyd had a medical emergency is nothing compared to the filming of the actual event. And yet we had a lot of people that were photographers taking pictures that day (May 4th 1970). A lot of the things that haven’t come out, as far as I’m aware, you know, there just thousands of pictures from that day.

I’m not sure about anybody else, but for me, I’m always aware that I never want to say something that I wouldn’t want the entire world to know about me. And with Derek Chauvin, I don’t know that he could have possibly thought the inappropriateness of his restraint with George Floyd would not be public. How was it that he didn’t think somebody’s going to come back and show this unless he just felt that, you know, police had immunity? 

TH: So lastly, is there anything else you want to add? Anything else you would like to say about your dad and his legacy? 

AF: Yeah. My dad would be the last person to ever think that he was a hero that day. But he was. He absolutely was. And some people have seen the 1981 docudrama of him, and the person who portrayed him is nothing at all like him. This guy was a homer milquetoast. And my dad would do whatever he needed to do. Like when we all sat down in front of the Guard and he basically said “if you’re going to shoot somebody, shoot me.” He ran up as Major Jones was coming down the hill with a whole line of guardsmen. And unfortunately, a friend that helped with this video that’s on the website absconded with this film. And in 25 years, I finally found out that he’s around this area. But essentially it shows my dad running up to Major Jones. And Major Jones said, I have my orders and my dad said over my dead body. And that’s when Jones threw his baton down and they stopped. And my dad meant it what he said. He absolutely meant it– if you’re going to kill somebody, kill me. 

TH: Very heroic.

AF: Yeah.

TH: Alan Frank, thank you for your time and for sharing your story with me today. 


The events of May 4, 1970, have left a generation with considerable pain, frustration and a yearning for answers. Professor Glenn Frank’s heroic actions saved hundreds of lives that day, positively changing the course of history. He further served the Kent State community with his 20 years of research into the events surrounding that devastating spring day. May the revisiting of his unparalleled work and research bring us closer to the truth. And in the words of the 1994 tribute to the award-winning professor, “Let his quest for the truth continue!”  

“I can’t understand this reluctance to tell the truth unless there is something to hide. If, on the other hand, the truth has been presented, why does the evidence seem to conflict with public perceptions?” — Glenn Frank


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Glenn Frank’s handwritten notes during his phone call with Police Officer Bob Winkler on September 22, 1989, from 9:30 to 12:00:

Glenn Frank’s handwritten notes during his phone call with KSU professor Barclay McMillen on Friday November 24, 1989 at 2pm (1 hour phone call):

Glenn Frank’s handwritten notes during a second phone call he received from professor Barclay McMillen on Saturday December 24, 1989, at 10am.

According to Glenn Frank’s written notes from his communications with Police Officer Bob Winkler and with Professor Barclay McMillen, both men corroborate the claim that a hit list in relation to the events of May 4, 1970, was created.

The hit list, according to Glenn’s notes, is said to include (himself) Glenn W. Frank and Kent State University President Robert White. While this cannot be proven at this point in time, if such claims were to be true, it suggests the creators of the hit list wanted to keep the truth of May 4th a secret from the public.


Memorandum from October 5, 1973. J. Stanley Pottinger Assistant Attorney General of the Civil Rights Division letter to Robert A. Murphy Chief of Criminal Section.

The letter states that Joseph Rhodes, the Governor of Ohio at the time, who ordered the National Guard to Kent State University on May 3, 1970, has been quoted in the past saying “that two guardsmen had gone to Kent State with the intent to shoot at students and that the FBI knew who they were.”

Intelligence Unit Report. The document includes additional information including “At 12:09 on Monday, May 3, 1971, one unidentified female receptionist at Beall-McDowell Hall, contacted this office. Just prior to the call she overheard NBC newsmen state that if trouble did not occur at Kent State University, they would have to create some.” The document was signed by Detective Charles H. Siemer.

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Taylor Hudak, MA, is an independent journalist covering human rights abuses in the West, the corruption of the intelligence community and whistleblowing. Taylor’s work can be found on acTVism Munich, YouTube and The Last American Vagabond.  

Covid-19: Fifteen Important Concepts

May 10th, 2021 by Dr. Meryl Nass

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These are the facts concerning Covid-19 and the vaccine

1.  Covid-19 is a nasty disease when allowed to progress for more than a week, untreated, and develop into an autoimmune illness.

2.  It is highly contagious.

3.  In some parts of the country (not Maine) 80% herd immunity has already been reached, based on antibody levels.  Eventually we will reach this too, and then everyone will breathe a sigh of relief.

4.  It appears that the adenovirus vectored DNA vaccines are about to be scuttled, due to high rates of bleeding (3% in Norway) and clotting (rate uncertain). Platelet activation was a known complication of adenovirus vaccines since at least 2007.

5.  The mRNA vaccines were authorized by the FDA using poorly designed studies whose goal was to get them to market as quickly as possible.  They cause higher rates of short-term reactions than any other licensed US vaccines.  No one knows what kinds of long-term reactions they may cause, nor how often.

6.  They were tested to see if they prevented mild disease.  We still don’t know to what extent they prevent severe disease, nor to what extent they prevent asymptomatic spread.

7.  It is almost impossible to receive any type of compensation if you are injured by an Emergency Use Authorized product, including all Covid vaccines and some new Covid drugs, as everyone involved with them has been given a waiver of liability, so you cannot sue anyone. The Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program was created as an alternative, but so far, this program has turned away over 90% of applicants.  There is a one-year statute of limitations.

 Now for the good news. Treatment

8. Most people with severe cases of Covid had low levels of Vitamin D, and multiple comorbidities.  Unless you work outside all day, everyone should be supplementing with this vitamin and should consider checking a blood level.

9.  Multiple old, licensed, generic medications work wonders against Covid. The best one is ivermectin, which has been shown to reduce both deaths and hospitalizations by 80% when used early. Had it been used routinely in the US, up to 400,000 of the 500,000 deaths might have been prevented. There are now 50 studies supporting its use.  All are positive.  And it’s very safe.

10.  Many other old drugs are also beneficial, and others are being tested and look very promising. It is remarkable what a wide range of repurposed drugs have activity against Covid, from antihistamines (H1 and H2 blockers), melatonin, Zinc, the chloroquine drugs, an antidepressant, an anti-estrogen, a gout drug and several more.

11.  The two most devastating complications of Covid are thrombosis and autoimmune cytokine storm.  A whole aspirin daily reduces thrombosis when Covid hits, and an inhaled or oral steroid reduces autoimmunity.  These are simple, safe measures.

12.  I have posted information about treatment on my blog, and have posted several other protocols from different groups of American doctors who treat Covid aggressively and early.  There are plenty of doctors who are able and willing to effectively treat Covid patients.

13.  Early treatment is key.  None of my patients have needed oxygen or hospitalization; none have died.  With early treatment you will almost always develop a robust immune response to all currently known Covid variants, which is something the vaccines are not able to provide.

14.  The most complete source of information on every common treatment for Covid is, which updates constantly as studies are published.

15.  My colleagues said that dealing with Covid is a team sport.  Maybe.  But armed with knowledge, everyone can hit a home run when Covid comes calling.

16.  Dr. Peter McCullough, a distinguished cardiology professor at Baylor, has a 20 minute video on Covid that nobody should miss.  Watch below.


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In an interview with Klartext podcast host, Uwe Alschner, frontline doctors Stephen Karanga and Dr. Wahome Ngare of the Catholic Doctors Association say early COVID treatment is highly effective and question whether vaccines—which they say are misnamed and should be called gene therapy—are necessary or safe.

They also say that the World Health Organization has a history of coming to Africa with questionable vaccines and explain why the WHO’s advisory telling patients testing positive for COVID to go home and take analgesics until they have problems breathing instead of immediately treating them with effective, re-purposed drugs, including hydroxychloroquine with zinc and Ivermectin, is wrong.

Watch the interview below.


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In light of the current COVID-related situation in India, Dr Anthony Fauci, the top US adviser on COVID, has called for India to implement a hard lockdown and for the mass roll-out of vaccines.

However, Fauci has no clue and no authority to lecture on what is good for India.

That is the view of journalist Ratna Chakraborty. Writing on the Empire Diaries website, she argues that the US is a rich nation, prints the world’s reserve currency, has robust financial coverage for the jobless and its population is spread out.

On the other hand, India is finance-strained, has a brittle economy that lives on the brink of disaster, does not have any financial coverage for the jobless, is densely populated and its people mostly live in congested clusters.

Given the government’s incompetence and the callousness demonstrated towards poorer sections of Indian society the first time around, Chakraborty says any new lockdown would again result in disaster. She adds that nothing has been learnt, with no attempt to upgrade the healthcare set-up nationwide.

It is worth recalling what renowned academic and activist Noam Chomsky said about India’s first lockdown.

During an interview with Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! back in May 2020, Chomsky said:

“… you can almost describe it as genocidal. Modi gave, I think, a four-hour warning before a total lockdown. That’s (affected) over a billion people. Some of them have nowhere to go.”

He added:

“People in the informal economy, which is a huge number of people, are just cast out. Go walk back to your village, which may be a thousand miles away. Die on the roadside. This is a huge catastrophe in the making…”

During the first lockdown in India, rural affairs commentator P Sainath painted a dreary picture of the impacts, not least the desperate plight of migrant workers, a shortage of cash to buy food and a potential shortage of food as farmers were unable to complete their harvests.

Sainath also reported the views of Dr. Sundararaman, a former executive director of the National Health Systems Resources Centre, who argued that there was a desperate need to:

“identify and act on the reverse migrations problem and the loss of livelihoods. Failing that, deaths from diseases that have long tormented mostly poor Indians could outstrip those brought about by the corona virus.”

Regardless of the destructive impact of the first lockdown in India and the questionable efficacy of lockdowns in terms of what they are supposed to achieve, another one would further push hundreds of millions towards poverty and hunger. It would merely fuel and accelerate the impoverishment caused by the first lockdown.

A new report prepared by the Centre for Sustainable Employment at Azim Premji University (APU) has highlighted how employment and income had not recovered to pre-pandemic levels even by late 2020.

The report, ‘State of Working India 2021 – One year of Covid-19’ highlights how almost half of formal salaried workers moved into the informal sector and that 230 million people fell below the national minimum wage poverty line.

Even before COVID, India was experiencing its longest economic slowdown since 1991 with weak employment generation, uneven development and a largely informal economy. A recent article by the Research Unit for Political Economy highlights the structural weaknesses of the economy and the often desperate plight of ordinary people.

The study also found that there was a loss in monthly earnings for all types of workers: 13% for casual workers, 18% for the self-employed, 17% for those with temporary salaries, 5% for the permanent salaried and 17% overall.

The poorest 25% of households borrowed 3.8 times their median income, as against 1.4 times for the top 25%. The study noted the implications for debt traps.

Six months later, it was also noted that food intake was still at lockdown levels for 20% of vulnerable households.

How bad is COVID?

Given this impact, before listening to prominent individuals with apparent conflicts of interest related to vaccine roll-outs (see the editorial in the British Medical Journal ‘Covid-19, Politicisation, Corruption, and Suppression of Science’), the current COVID-related situation in India must be contextualised. The sensationalism needs to be put to one side.

According to Yohan Tengra, a Mumbai-based political analyst and healthcare specialist, the true number of infection rates can only be known by testing symptomatic people who have tested positive with either a virus culture test or PCR test that uses 24 cycles or less.

The PCR test has been used as the gold standard for COVID cases around the world. But it has been sharply criticised for being inaccurate, inappropriate, for using cycles in excess of 40 (thereby inflating the numbers) and for producing ‘false positives’.

It seems that even the Swedish Ministry of Health now thinks that it is not fit for purpose:

“The PCR technology used in tests to detect viruses cannot distinguish between viruses capable of infecting cells and viruses that have been neutralised by the immune system and therefore these tests cannot be used to determine whether someone is contagious or not. RNA from viruses can often be detected for weeks (sometimes months) after the illness but does not mean that you are still contagious.”

We also need to be reminded what the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated about the PCR in December 2020. It is especially important to focus on PCR testing because these tests are the entire basis for restrictions and lockdowns (and vaccination); even when deaths were within normal annual ranges, ‘case’ levels were high and restrictions and ‘tiered lockdowns’ were still being imposed in places like the UK.

The following extract can be found on page 39 of the report from the CDC 2010-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel:

“Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms. This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.”

Perfectly healthy people are being tested and small often insignificant fragments of flu, common cold or some other virus can be detected. People are then labelled as a COVID ‘case’.

But that is not all. In their recent article ‘The Nuremberg Doctors Trial and Modern Medicine’s Panic Promotion of the FDA’s Experimental and Unapproved COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines’, Dr Gary G Kohls and Professor Michel Chossudovsky state that – with regard to the so-called ‘emergency use authorization’ (EUA) of COVID-19 vaccines – it is now established and confirmed by the WHO (January 20, 2021) that the entire data base pertaining to tabulation of confirmed positive cases (RT-PCR test) (since early February 2020 in 193 member states of the UN) is invalid.

The two authors note that this flawed methodology cannot be used to confirm the existence of an emergency situation. EUA criterion is therefore not only invalid but illegal.

Furthermore, there is currently decent scientific evidence to indicate asymptomatic transmission may not be significant.

According to Tengra, the case numbers being reported in India are mainly asymptomatic cases. The directors of the All India Institute of Medical Science and the India Council of Medical Research both say that there are many more asymptomatic cases this time than in the so-called ‘first wave’.

As these ‘cases’ comprise most of India’s case numbers, we should therefore be questioning the data as well as the PCR tests being used to detect the virus.

Tengra says the case fatality rate for COVID-19 in India was over 3% last year but has now dropped to below 1.5%. The infection fatality rate is even lower, with serosurvey results showing them to be between 0.05% to 0.1%.

As has occurred in many other countries, Tengra notes the way that death certificate guidelines are structured in India makes it easy for someone to be labelled as a COVID death just based on a positive PCR test or general symptoms. It is therefore often difficult to say who has died from the virus and who has been misdiagnosed.

We should also bear in mind that respiratory diseases like TB and respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis leading to pneumonia are major killers in India. These conditions are severely aggravated by air pollution and often require oxygen which can be in short supply during air pollution crises in places like Delhi at this time of the year.

Therefore, the current harrowing scenes we see in the media might not necessarily be due to the lethality of the virus but by the numbers who are ending up in hospital.


If the pandemic narrative has been constructed on the house of (statistical) cards outlined thus far, then we should be questioning the need for a mass vaccination campaign, which could actually lead to aggravating the current situation.

This is not lost on Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, a virologist who has held positions at several vaccine companies, carrying out vaccine research and development. He has also been involved with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and has worked with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). Not an ‘anti-vaxxer’ in any sense of the term.

He offers insight into why it is quite possible that mass vaccine rollouts will actually lead to very disturbing levels of deaths directly related to COVID-19. Far from reducing the numbers and facilitating immunity, he anticipates ‘vaccine mitigated immune escape’.

Vanden Bossche warns that mass infection prevention and mass vaccination with Covid-19 vaccines in the midst of the pandemic can only breed highly infectious variants. He offers a truly worrying scenario. Of course, not everyone might agree with his analysis but it is certainly a cause for concern.

There is also the entire issue regarding the necessity, efficacy and safety of the vaccines now being rolled out. The group ‘Doctors for COVID Ethics’ has recently raised serious doubts in all of these areas (its concerns have been published on the UK-based OffGuardian website).

In finishing, there are two questions we should ask.

Can we have confidence in science and evidence-based health and social policy where COVID-19 is concerned? And can we just assume – as governments and the media imply we should – that Anthony Fauci and the pharmaceutical corporations have ordinary people’s interests at heart?

In response to the first question, not much. In response to the second, certain interests have been riding and fuelling a wave of sensationalism and duplicity throughout.


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Colin Todhunter is a frequent contributor to Global Research and Asia-Pacific Research.

Featured image is from Zero Hedge

Declaration of Canadian Physicians for Science and Truth

May 10th, 2021 by Dr. Stephen Malthouse

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The Declaration of Canadian Physicians for Science and Truth, which rebuts the recent unethical statement of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (Apr 30, 201), is now up on the internet. (posted on Global Research). We believe that this Declaration has global significance. 

In the Canadian province of Ontario, the regulatory medical College has publicly stated that doctors must now follow public health policy, even when it is harming patients, or face punishment. This issue is not only about the province of Ontario or even the physicians of Canada. It is an international concern regarding unethical overreach by authorities that affects the way doctors practice or fear to practice in all countries around the world. It does not allow us to put the welfare of our patients first.

The statement from the Ontario college essentially says “Do as you are told or you will be sanctioned as a doctor.”

In the current global environment of misinformation and coercion by powerful government and public health authorities, we cannot allow this statement to go unchallenged. If it can happen in Canada, it can happen in every country and already has in many.

We ask you, as our global medical brethren, to read our Declaration and sign it. When choosing who comes first — the patient or regulatory policy –, we are must stand shoulder-to-shoulder and united in our decision. It is the patient.


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On the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany and the end of World War Two in Europe (Victory in Europe Day to much of the world), what since the 2014 coup in Ukraine has been celebrated as the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation, President Volodymyr Zelensky visited a common gravesite where the remains of Ukrainian soldiers killed in that war are buried. He chose a war memorial in Lugansk – where his army is engaged in a seven-year war with the Lugansk People’s Republic.

His words spoke of peace; his appearance denoted something different. Accompanied by representatives of the European Union and the G7 (both groups have recently been subjected to fierce anti-Russian diatribes from NATO Secretary Jens Stoltenberg and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, respectively), his address included this hardly opaque parallel:

“Today, like last year, I am in Luhansk region, in Milove district….Today, the Bell of Memory has appeared in this place. Each bell toll means that we will never forget what our ancestors did so that the next generations of Ukrainians could live freely on their land, in their state in peace and harmony.”

To drive the point home, he added the war against the Third Reich “was definitely not for…war to take our people’s lives 76 years later.” That is, eighty years later Nazi Germany 1941 = Russia 2021.

Regarding Russia, which he implied threatens Ukraine today as Germany did earlier, Zelensky also said that no nation has the right to “privatize victory in WWII.” What Russia celebrates as Victory Day for itself and all other former Soviet republics, Ukraine marks as the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation exclusively for itself.

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry also marked the day by commemorating the deaths of an estimated eight million Ukrainians.

Interfax-Ukraine‘s report of the Foreign Ministry statement (it’s not yet posted in English online) has the title “Ukraine today defends Europe, which emerged on ruins of World War II – Foreign Ministry.”

Part of the statement is paraphrased as “Despite the hope that war will never again come to the Ukrainian land, in 2014 Russia launched a military aggression against Ukraine and occupied part of the Ukrainian territory.”

Quoting directly, it shares this from the Foreign Ministry: “Today Ukraine defends not only itself, but the entire democratic Europe. The Europe that appeared on the ruins of World War II and is united by the main idea ‘Never Again.’” Lest the point be missed.

For those who have learned (or think they’ve learned) the history of the world’s deadliest war from viewing Steven Spielberg films or playing live-action video games, the last two words will clinch the deal.

Russia is the new Third Reich. Its president is the new Adolph Hitler. What Hillary Clinton said seven years ago in relation to Ukraine. The seeds of this revisionism were sown years ago. In one version, the one echoed today by the Ukrainian government, Ukraine was invaded by both Germany and Soviet Russia in the early 1940s, much as with Poland in 1939.

The dissemination of that claim aims to terrify citizens in the West with the dire prospect of Never Again becoming Once Again.


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Canadians Sinking Under a Trillion Dollar Debt Tab

May 10th, 2021 by Franco Terrazzano

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If you think the federal government’s so-called historic spending on a national child-care scheme is big, wait until you hear how much the government is spending to cover its debt interest costs.

In its 2021 budget, the Justin Trudeau government is promising to spend $30 billion over five years on a national child-care program. That’s a tonne of money considering we couldn’t afford it pre-pandemic.

But it’s still five times less than what the feds will have to pay in debt interest charges over that period, which will total $153 billion by 2026. That’s nearly $4,000 per Canadian. And instead of that money going towards health care or lower taxes, it’s going into the pockets of bond fund managers.

Assuming the feds can hold the line on budgeted spending – a generous assumption given the government’s track record – the deficit by the end of 2025 will still be $30 billion. The interest charges that year will be $39 billion. That means the borrowing to make up the budget gap couldn’t even cover the interest payments.

On top of this interest, taxpayers will have to eventually pay back the $1,000,000,000,000 – one trillion – debt tab.

It’s no wonder economists’ spidey senses are tingling from this debt-fueled spending spree.

The University of Calgary’s Jack Mintz noted that Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland “is rolling the dice that never-ending deficits will be manageable.” Mintz added that “just a one-point increase in interest rates would then increase the annual deficit by close to $5 billion.”

In the few months since the fall economic statement was released, the private sector has revised its 10-year government bond rate forecast up about half a percentage point. What happens if low interest rates inch up?

Mintz isn’t the only expert raising concerns.

“Are we really going to make this assumption that interest rates are going to stay static for the next 10 or 20 years?” said David Rosenberg, chief economist and strategist at Rosenberg Research, on BNN Bloomberg. “I just find so many people have short memories against what happened in the 1970s into the 1980s, and then all the tough choices and the hardship to get our fiscal situation back into some mode of stability.”

Former finance minister Paul Martin knows a thing or two about tough choices. After all, he cut government spending by about 10 per cent during his mission to erase the federal deficit in the 1990s. He also knows a thing or two about the dangers of debt binges.

“The debt and deficit are not inventions of ideology,” said Martin during his budget speech in 1995. “They are facts of arithmetic. The quicksand of compound interest is real.”

The provinces also learned their lesson the hard way.

“When [Ralph] Klein became premier, government debt daily snatched money away from patients and students due to escalating interest costs,” said government finance expert Mark Milke in his book Ralph vs. Rachel. “Between 1985 and 1993 in Alberta, the cost of interest on Alberta’s growing debt was $7.2 billion, equivalent to two full years of what the province spent on health care just a few years previous.”

Saskatchewan had to come to terms with its deficit addiction by enduring “a lot of pain,” according to former finance minister Janice MacKinnon who closed 52 hospitals across the prairie province.

“We left a fiscal situation in Saskatchewan until it was a crisis and so we had to make dramatic cuts to fundamental programs and raise taxes to get out of the situation,” said MacKinnon.

The moral of the story is that the best time to put out a fire is before it spreads. But by betting the house that interest rates will stay low forever and nearly doubling Canada’s debt in a few short years, Budget 2021 is adding fuel to the fire.


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Franco Terrazzano is the Federal Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.

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Comrades, let it not be said the ministry of COVID compliance does not listen to the citizens.  After considering the bad optics of armbands, due to negative historic references, the government is allowing the private sector to create a modern method of compliance with vaccination protocols.

To enjoy your new freedom the COVID Ministry is working on QR Code wristbands to speed up the vaccination checkpoint scanning process.

The wristbands will be connected to a secure governmental database so you don’t have to worry about your travel habits being tracked, and the governmental contractors have promised they will not use the data to monitor citizens.  The government cares about you.

Your unique wristband may even come in a variety of colors so you can coordinate your outfits.

(CNN/Meredith) — New technology in the form of a wearable wristband could carry your COVID-19 vaccination card’s information and tell others around you that you’ve been fully vaccinated.

ImmunaBand is a blue silicone bracelet that has two purposes — first, it has a built-in QR code that carries your COVID-19 vaccination card’s information that can be used as a back-up for people who lose or misplace their CDC vaccination card. ImmunaBand’s second function is to show an outward display that a person has been fully vaccinated, thus making them safe to be near.

So how does it work? Wearers have to upload their vaccination cards for review before they can receive the band. The documentation is stored on a server compliant with medical privacy laws and the process is end-to-end encrypted, the company said in a news release.  The company makes two bands — one with just the QR code, and another with the QR code plus the wearer’s name and type of vaccine they received. The bands are both priced at $19.99. That code can be scanned with a smartphone to prove vaccination, the company said.  (read more)

Apparently a COVID vaccination card, a COVID vaccination passport, or a new COVID wristband are going to be needed as identification to enjoy the new freedom permitted by the state.  However, don’t even think about asking for election ID’s for voting…. because, well, that violates all kind of progressive needs.  Just sayin’.


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76 years ago Germany surrendered to allied forces finally ending the ravages of the Second World War.

Today, as the world celebrates the anniversary of this victory, why not think very seriously about finally winning that war once and for all?

If you’re confused by this statement, then you might want to sit down and take a deep breath before reading on. Within the next 12 minutes, you will likely discover a disturbing fact which may frighten you a little bit: The allies never actually won World War II…

Now please don’t get me wrong. I am eternally thankful for the immortal souls who gave their lives to put down the fascist machine during those bleak years… but the fact is that a certain something wasn’t resolved on the 9th of May, 1945 which has a lot to do with the slow re-emergence of a new form of fascism during the second half of the 20th century and the renewed danger of a global bankers’ dictatorship which the world faces again today.

It is my contention that it is only when we find the courage to really look at this problem with sober eyes, that we will be able to truly honor our courageous forebears who devoted their lives to winning a peace for their children, grandchildren and humanity more broadly.

The Ugly Truth of WWII

I’ll stop beating around the Bush now and just say it: Adolph Hitler or Benito Mussolini were never “their own men”.

The machines they led were never fully under their sovereign control and the financing they used as fuel in their effort to dominate the world did not come from the Banks of Italy or Germany. The technologies they used in petrochemicals, rubber, and computing didn’t come from Germany or Italy, and the governing scientific ideology of eugenics that drove so many of the horrors of Germany’s racial purification practices never originated in the minds of German thinkers or from German institutions.

Were it not for a powerful network of financiers and industrialists of the 1920s-1940s with names such as Rockefeller, Warburg, Montague Norman, Osborn, Morgan, Harriman or Dulles, then it can safely be said that fascism would never have been possible as a “solution” to the economic woes of the post-WWI order. To prove this point, let us take the strange case of Prescott Bush as a useful entry point.

The patriarch of the same Bush dynasty that gave the world two disastrous American presidents (and nearly a third had Donald Trump not annihilated Jeb at the last minute in 2016) made a name for himself funding Nazism alongside his business partners Averell Harrimen and Averell’s younger brother E. Roland Harriman (the latter who was to recruit Prescott to Skull and Bones while both studying at Yale). Not only did Prescott, acting as director of Brown Brothers Harriman, provide valuable loans to keep the bankrupt Nazi party afloat during Hitler’s loss of support in 1932 when the German population voted into office the anti-Fascist General Kurt von Schleicher as Chancellor, but was even found guilty for “Trading with the enemy” as director of Union Banking Corporation in 1942!

That’s right! As demonstrated in the 1992 Unauthorized Biography of George Bush, eleven months after America entered WWII, the Federal Government naturally conducted an investigation of all Nazi banking operations in the USA and wondered why Prescott continued to direct a bank which was so deeply enmeshed with Fritz Thyssen’s Bank voor Handel en Scheepvart of the Netherlands.

Thyssen for those who are un-aware is the German industrial magnate famous for writing the book “I Paid Hitler”. The bank itself was tied to a German combine called Steel Works of the German Steel Trust which controlled 50.8% of Nazi Germany’s pig iron, 41.4% of its universal plate, 38.5% of its galvanized steel, 45.5% of its pipes and 35% of its explosives. Under Vesting Order 248, the U.S. federal government seized all of Prescott’s properties on October 22, 1942.

The U.S.-German Steel combine was only one small part of a broader operation as Rockefeller’s Standard Oil had created a new international cartel alongside IG Farben (the fourth largest company in the world) in 1929 under the Young Plan.

Owen Young was a JP Morgan asset who headed General Electric and instituted a German debt repayment plan in 1928 that gave rise to the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and consolidated an international cartel of industrialists and financiers on behalf of the City of London and Wall Street. The largest of these cartels saw Henry Ford’s German operations merging with IG Farben, Dupont industries, Britain’s Shell and Rockefeller’s Standard Oil. The 1928 cartel agreement also made it possible for Standard Oil to pass off all patents and technologies for the creation of synthetic gasoline from coal to IG Farben thus allowing Germany to rise from producing merely 300 000 tons of natural petroleum in 1934 to an incredible 6.5 million tons (85% of its total) during WWII! Had this patent/technology transfer not taken place, it is a fact that the modern mechanized warfare that characterized WWII could never have occurred.

Two years before the Young Plan began, JP Morgan had already given a $100 million loan to Mussolini’s newly established fascist regime in Italy- with Democratic Party kingmaker Thomas Lamont playing the role of Prescott Bush in Wall Street’s Italian operation. It wasn’t only JP Morgan who loved Mussolini’s brand of corporate fascism, but Time Magazine’s Henry Luce unapologetically gushed over Il Duce putting Mussolini on the cover of Time eight times between 1923 and 1943 while relentlessly promoting fascism as the “economic miracle solution for America” (which he also did in his other two magazines Fortune and Life). Many desperate Americans, still traumatized from the long and painful depression begun in 1929, had increasingly embraced the poisonous idea that an American fascism would put food on the table and finally find help them find work.

A few words should be said of Brown Brothers Harriman.

Bush’s Nazi bank itself was the spawn of an earlier 1931 merger which took place between Montagu Norman’s family bank (Brown Brothers) and Harriman, Bush and Co. Montague Norman was the Governor of the Bank of England from 1920 to 1944, leader of the Anglo-German Fellowship Trust and controller of Germany’s Hjalmar Schacht (Reichsbank president from 1923-1930 and Minister of Economy from 1934-1937). Norman was also the primary controller of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) from its creation in 1930 throughout the entirety of WWII.

The Central Bank of Central Banks

Although the BIS was established under the Young Plan and nominally steered by Schacht as a mechanism for debt repayments from WWI, the Swiss-based “Central Bank of Central Banks” was the key mechanism for international financiers to fund the Nazi machine. The fact that the BIS was under the total control of Montagu Norman was revealed by Dutch Central Banker Johan Beyen who said “Norman’s prestige was overwhelming. As the apostle of central bank cooperation, he made the central banker into a kind of arch-priest of monetary religion. The BIS was, in fact, his creation.”

The founding members of the Board included the private central banks of Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Belgium as well as a coterie of 3 private American banks (JP Morgan, First National of Chicago, and First National of New York). The three American banks merged after the war and are today known as Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase.

In its founding constitution, the BIS, its directors and staff were given immunity from all sovereign national laws and not even authorities in Switzerland were permitted to enter its premises.

This story was conveyed powerfully in the 2013 book Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World.

A Word on Eugenics

Nazi support in the build up to, and during WWII didn’t end with finance and industrial might, but extended to the governing scientific ideology of the third Reich: Eugenics (aka: the science of Social Darwinism as developed by Thomas Huxley’s X Club associate Herbert Spencer and Darwin’s cousin sir Francis Galton decades earlier).

In 1932, New York hosted the Third Eugenics Conference co-sponsored by William Draper Jr (JP Morgan banker, head of General Motors and leading figure of Dillon Read and co) and the Harriman family. This conference brought together leading eugenicists from around the world who came to study America’s successful application of eugenics laws which had begun in 1907 under the enthusiastic patronage of Theodore Roosevelt. Hiding behind the respectable veneer of “science” these high priests of science discussed the new age of “directed evolution of man” which would soon be made possible under a global scientific dictatorship.

Speaking at the conference, leading British Fascist Fairfield Osborn said that eugenics:

“aids and encourages the survival and multiplication of the fittest; indirectly, it would check and discourage the multiplication of the unfitted. As to the latter, in the United States alone, it is widely recognized that there are millions of people who are acting as dragnets or sheet anchors on the progress of the ship of state…While some highly competent people are unemployed, the mass of unemployment is among the less competent, who are first selected for suspension, while the few highly competent people are retained because they are still indispensable. In nature, these less-fitted individuals would gradually disappear, but in civilization, we are keeping them in the community in the hopes that in brighter days, they may all find employment. This is only another instance of humane civilization going directly against the order of nature and encouraging the survival of the un-fittest”.

The dark days of the great depression were good years for bigotry and ignorance as eugenics laws were applied to two Canadian provinces, and widely spread across Europe and America with 30 U.S. states applying eugenics laws to sterilize the unfit. Eugenics’ successful growth was due in large measure to the fierce financial support of the Rockefeller Foundation and the science magazine Nature which had been created in 1865 by T.H. Huxley’s X Club. The Rockefeller Foundation went onto fund German eugenics and most specifically the rising star of human improvement Joseph Mengele.

The Nazi Frankenstein Monster is Aborted

Describing his January 29, 1935 meeting with Hitler, Round Table controller Lord Lothian quoted the Fuhrer’s vision for Aryan co-direction of the New World Order saying:

“Germany, England, France, Italy, America and Scandinavia … should arrive at some agreement whereby they would prevent their nationals from assisting in the industrializing of countries such as China, and India. It is suicidal to promote the establishment in the agricultural countries of Asia of manufacturing industries”

While it is obvious that much more can be said on the topic, the Fascist machine didn’t fully behave the way the Dr. Frankensteins in London wished, as Hitler began to realize that his powerful military machine gave Germany the power to lead the New World Order rather than play second fiddle as mere enforcers on behalf of their Anglo masters in Britain. While many London and Wall Street oligarchs were willing to adapt to this new reality, a decision was made to abort the plan, and try to fight another day.

To do this a scandal was concocted to justify the abdication of pro-Nazi King Edward VIII in 1936 and an appeasing Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain was replaced with Winston Churchill in 1940. While Sir Winston was a life long racist, eugenicist and even Mussolini-admirer, he was first and foremost a devout British Imperialist and as such would fight tooth and nail to save the prestige of the Empire if it were threatened. Which he did.

The Fascists vs Franklin Roosevelt

Within America itself, the pro-fascist Wall Street establishment had been loosing a war that began the day anti-fascist President Franklin Roosevelt was elected in 1932. Not only had their attempted February 1933 assassination failed, their 1934 coup d’etat plans were also thwarted by a patriotic General named Smedley Darlington Butler. To make matters worse, their efforts to keep America out of the war in the hopes of co-leading the New World Order alongside Germany, France and Italy was also falling apart. A As I outlined in my recent article How to Crush a Bankers’ Dictatorship, between 1933-1939, FDR had imposed sweeping reforms on the banking sector, thwarted a major attempt to create a global Bankers’ dictatorship under the Bank of International Settlements, and mobilized a broad recovery under the New Deal.

By 1941, Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor polarized the American psyche so deeply that resisting America’s entry into WWII as Wall Street’s American Liberty League had been doing up until then, became political suicide. Wall Street’s corporatist organizations were called out by FDR during a powerful 1938 speech as the president reminded the Congress of the true nature of fascism:

“The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism – ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power… Among us today a concentration of private power without equal in history is growing. This concentration is seriously impairing the economic effectiveness of private enterprise as a way of providing employment for labor and capital and as a way of assuring a more equitable distribution of income and earnings among the people of the nation as a whole.”

While America’s entry into WWII proved a decisive factor in the destruction of the fascist machine, the dream shared by Franklin Roosevelt, Henry Wallace and many of FDR’s closest allies across America, Canada, Europe, China and Russia for a world governed by large-scale development, and win-win cooperation did not come to pass.

Even though FDR’s ally Harry Dexter White led in the fight to shut down the Bank of International Settlements during the July 1944 Bretton Woods conference, the passage of White’s resolutions to dissolve BIS and audit its books were never put into action. While White, who was to become the first head of the IMF, defended FDR’s program to create a new anti-imperial system of finance, Fabian Society leader, and devout eugenicist John Maynard Keynes defended the Bank and pushed instead to redefine the post-war system around a one world currency called the Bancor, controlled by the Bank of England and BIS.

The Fascist Resurgence in the Post-War World

By the end of 1945, the Truman Doctrine and Anglo-American “special relationship” replaced FDR’s anti-colonial vision, while an anti-communist witch hunt turned America into a fascist police state under FBI surveillance. Everyone friendly to Russia was targeted for destruction and the first to feel that targeting were FDR’s close allies Henry Wallace and Harry Dexter White whose 1948 death while campaigning for Wallace’s presidential bid put an end to anti-colonialists running the IMF.

In the decades after WWII, those same financiers who brought the world fascism went straight back to work infiltrating FDR’s Bretton Woods Institutions such as the IMF and World Bank, turning them from tools of development, into tools of enslavement. This process was fully exposed in the 2004 book Confessions of an Economic Hit man by John Perkins.

The European banking houses representing the old nobility of the empire continued through this reconquering of the west without punishment. By 1971, the man whom Perkins exposed as the chief economic hit man George Schultz, orchestrated the removal of the U.S. dollar from the Gold-reserve, fixed exchange rate system director of the Office of Management of Budget and in the same year, the Rothschild Inter-Alpha Group of banks was created to usher in a new age of globalization. This 1971 floating of the dollar ushered in a new paradigm of consumerism, post-industrialism, and de-regulation which transformed the once productive western nations into speculative “post-truth” basket cases convinced that casino principles, bubbles and windmills were substitutes for agro-industrial economic practices.

So here we are in 2020 celebrating victory over fascism.

The children and grandchildren of those heroes of 1945 now find themselves attached to the biggest financial collapse in history with $1.5 quadrillion of fictitious capital ripe to explode under a new global hyperinflation akin to that which destroyed Weimar in 1923, but this time global. The Bank of International Settlements that should have been dissolved in 1945 today controls the Financial Stability Board and thus regulates the world derivatives trade which has become the weapon of mass destruction that has been triggered to unleash more chaos upon the world than Hitler could have ever dreamed.

The saving grace today is that the anti-fascist spirit of Franklin Roosevelt is alive in the form of modern anti-imperialists Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and a growing array of nations united under the umbrella of the New Deal of the 21st Century which has come to be called the “Belt and Road Initiative”.


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Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , a BRI Expert on Tactical talk, and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and in 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation . Consider helping this process by making a donation to the RTF or becoming a Patreon supporter to the Canadian Patriot Review.

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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We are a broad and diverse group of Canadian physicians from across Canada who are sending out this urgent declaration to the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons of our various Provinces and Territories and to the Public at large, whom we serve.

On April 30, 2021, Ontario’s physician licensing body, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), issued a statement forbidding physicians from questioning or debating any or all of the official measures imposed in response to COVID-19. 1

The CPSO then went on to threaten physicians with punishment – investigations and disciplinary action.

We regard this recent statement of the CPSO to be unethical, anti-science and deeply disturbing.

As physicians, our primary duty of care is not to the CPSO or any other authority, but to our patients.

When we became physicians, we pledged to put our patients first and that our ethical and professional duty is always first toward our patients. The CPSO statement orders us to violate our duty and pledge to our patients in the following ways:

1. Denial of the Scientific Method itself:  The CPSO is ordering physicians to put aside the scientific method and to not debate the processes and conclusions of science.

We physicians know and continue to believe that throughout history, opposing views, vigorous debate and openness to new ideas have been the bedrock of scientific progress.  Any major advance in science has been arrived at by practitioners vigorously questioning “official” narratives and following a different path in the pursuit of truth.

2. Violation of our Pledge to use Evidence-Based Medicine for our patients:  By ordering us not to debate and not to question, the CPSO is also asking us to violate our pledge to our patients that we will always seek the best, evidence-based scientific methods for them and advocate vigorously on their behalf.

The CPSO statement orders physicians for example, not to discuss or communicate with the public about “lockdown” measures. Lockdown measures are the subject of lively debate by world-renown and widely respected experts and there are widely divergent views on this subject. The explicitly anti-lockdown Great Barrington Declaration – – was written by experts from Harvard, Stanford and Oxford Universities and more than 40,000 physicians from all over the world have signed this declaration. Several international experts including Martin Kuldorf (Harvard), David Katz (Yale), Jay Bhattacharya (Stanford) and Sunetra Gupta (Oxford) continue to strongly oppose lockdowns.

The CPSO is ordering physicians to express only pro-lockdown views, or else face investigation and discipline. This tyrannical, anti-science CPSO directive is regarded by thousands of Canadian physicians and scientists as unsupported by science and as violating the first duty of care to our patients.

3. Violation of Duty of Informed Consent:  The CPSO is also ordering physicians to violate the sacred duty of informed consent – which is the process by which the patient/public is fully informed of the risks, benefits and any alternatives to the treatment or intervention, before consent is given.

The Nuremberg Code, drafted in the aftermath of the atrocities perpetrated within the Nazi concentration camps – where horrific medical experiments were performed on inmates without consent – expressly forbids the imposition of any kind of intervention without informed consent.

In the case of the lockdown intervention for example, physicians have a fiduciary duty to point out to the public that lockdowns impose their own costs on society, including in greatly increased depression and suicide rates, delayed investigation and treatment of cancer (including delayed surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy), ballooning surgical waiting lists (with attendant greatly increased patient suffering) and increased rates of child and domestic abuse.

We physicians believe that with the CPSO statement of 30 April 2021, a watershed moment in the assault on free speech and scientific inquiry has been reached.

By ordering physicians to be silent and follow only one narrative, or else face discipline and censure, the CPSO is asking us to violate our conscience, our professional ethics, the Nuremberg code and the scientific pursuit of truth.

We will never comply and will always put our patients first.

The CPSO must immediately withdraw and rescind its statement of 30 April 2021.

We also give notice to other Canadian and international licensing authorities for physicians and allied professions that the stifling of scientific inquiry and any order to violate our conscience and professional pledge to our patients, itself may constitute a crime against humanity.


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1 College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Statement on Public Health Misinformation(4/30/21).

The College is aware and concerned about the increase of misinformation circulating on social media and other platforms regarding physicians who are publicly contradicting public health orders and recommendations. Physicians hold a unique position of trust with the public and have a professional responsibility to not communicate anti-vaccine, anti-masking, anti-distancing and anti-lockdown statements and/or promoting unsupported, unproven treatments for COVID-19. Physicians must not make comments or provide advice that encourages the public to act contrary to public health orders and recommendations. Physicians who put the public at risk may face an investigation by the CPSO and disciplinary action, when warranted. When offering opinions, physicians must be guided by the law, regulatory standards, and the code of ethics and professional conduct. The information shared must not be misleading or deceptive and must be supported by available evidence and science.

Featured image: The private Herron nursing home in a Montreal suburb lost 31 patients to COVID-19 after their caregivers fled the premises (Source: Eric THOMAS/AFP)

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Clotting and COVID Vaccine “Science”

May 10th, 2021 by Dr. Mike Williams

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Even a cursory look at social media demonstrates that there are three main areas of concern around Covid vaccines at the moment: clotting disorders; abnormal menses; and the possibility that those that are vaccinated are shedding that vaccine material.

There are of course other significant concerns not least neurological damage following receipt of the vaccine but, as you will see, that may be as a consequence of one of the other three.

Only one of these concerns is recognised by governments and health agencies at the moment – clotting disorders; the other two are not.

I’m going to try and sketch out what we know about the first; the other two will be for later articles. I’ll attempt to use the scientific and medical literature to help me to do that.

Clotting Disorders

The problem of clots after Covid vaccination was taken more seriously when a preprint paper appeared in Research Square investigating reports “of some vaccine recipients developing unusual thrombotic events and thrombocytopenia”.

The researchers “investigated whether such patients could have a prothrombotic disorder caused by platelet-activating antibodies directed against platelet factor 4 (PF4), as is known to be caused by heparin and sometimes other environmental triggers”.

In short: some of the patients were positive for antibodies to PF4 and the authors concluded that “The AZD1222 [AstraZeneca] vaccine is associated with development of a prothrombotic disorder that clinically resembles heparin-induced thrombocytopenia but which shows a different serological profile”.

They proposed calling this new problem vaccine-induced prothrombotic immune thrombocytopenia (VIPIT). Something tells me that name is going to be changed ASAP.

The authors’ conflict(s) of interest included receiving fees from AstraZeneca’s competitor, Pfizer. This is something we may have to forgive them for, as any help in unravelling this problem is much needed.

Effectively we have two opposing problems here: thrombosis forming a clot that can block a vessel supplying blood to an organ; and thrombocytopenia reducing the number of platelets that are needed to form a clot, causing bleeding, aka haemorrhage. Either of these problems can be very difficult to manage and extremely dangerous, even lethal for the patient — but to have both at the same time!

The combined thrombosis and thrombocytopenia linked to Covid vaccination is being considered as something new and very rare, and if clotting happens in a vital organ … well, we’re seeing the results: young people that should not be dying, are.

At the time of writing this article, Reuters reported:

In a weekly update on side effects from COVID-19 vaccines, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) said there were a total of 209 clots with low platelet counts following vaccination with AstraZeneca’s shot, compared to a total of 168 reported last week.

Considering that adverse events are generally accepted to be massively underreported, that is very concerning.

Clotting following vaccination — A surprise?

If we were to rely on mainstream news and government reports, we might be led to believe that clotting problems with Covid vaccines were entirely unexpected and rare.

Yet the first warnings about the Astrazeneca clotting disorder came before the preprint (above) was published: and long before they even started making the current Covid ‘vaccines’. Well over a decade before, to be precise.

Adenoviral viral vector delivery systems that are being employed by Astrazeneca, Sputnik and Johnson & Johnson, for example, were known to be problematic in the past. In 2007 a research paper laid it out very clearly:

Thrombocytopenia has been consistently reported following the administration of adenoviral gene transfer vectors. The mechanism underlying this phenomenon is currently unknown. In this study, we have assessed the influence of von Willebrand Factor (VWF) and P-selectin on the clearance of platelets following adenovirus administration. In mice, thrombocytopenia occurs between 5 and 24 hours after adenovirus delivery. The virus activates platelets and induces platelet-leukocyte aggregate formation. There is an associated increase in platelet and leukocyte-derived microparticles. Adenovirus-induced endothelial cell activation was shown by VCAM-1 expression on virus-treated, cultured endothelial cells and by the release of ultra-large molecular weight multimers of VWF within 1 to 2 hours of virus administration with an accompanying elevation of endothelial microparticles.

Consistently reported? In 2007?

It was known in 2007 that the same vector used for many of the Covid vaccines consistently caused thrombocytopenia. But apparently, that did not deter the UK regulatory authorities from allowing an emergency authorisation for that technology to be released not just on the UK population but also many other countries around the world.

In September 2020, another paper was published SARS-CoV-2 binds platelet ACE2 to enhance thrombosis in COVID-19, that outlined a problem with SARS-CoV-2:

Our findings uncovered a novel function of SARS-CoV-2 on platelet activation via binding of Spike to ACE2. SARS-CoV-2-induced platelet activation may participate in thrombus formation and inflammatory responses in COVID-19 patients.

Specifically, they noted:

SARS-CoV-2 and its Spike protein directly stimulated platelets to facilitate the release of coagulation factors, the secretion of inflammatory factors, and the formation of leukocyte–platelet aggregates.

But what has that got to do with the vaccine?

This paper identified a spike protein as causal factor in clotting. And, of course, a spike protein is what is being produced by most of the Covid vaccines. Alarm bells should have been ringing with regulators, but nothing was done.

It should also be noted that platelet-leukocyte aggregation was mentioned in both the 2007 and 2020 papers. How did the authorities and drug manufacturers miss that?


Of more concern was the fantastic work of Margo et al, available as early as October 2020, in a paper entitled Severe COVID-19: A multifaceted viral vasculopathy syndrome.

They demonstrated brilliantly that in small blood vessels the spike protein, all by itself, can induce clotting by docking in various tissues.

[V]iral spike protein without viral RNA localized to ACE2+ endothelial cells in microvessels that were most abundant in the subcutaneous fat and brain.

We see immediately a reason why overweight people have a higher risk of a poorer outcome from SARS-CoV-2 infection. We also get a prophetic warning of what was to come post vaccination — brain clots and death.

Dr Magro and her colleagues exquisitely demonstrated that the spike protein, even absent viral RNA, could cause thrombosis:

It is concluded that serious COVID-19 infection has two distinct mechanisms: 1) a microangiopathy of pulmonary capillaries associated with a high infectious viral load where endothelial cell death releases pseudovirions into the circulation, and 2) the pseudovirions dock on ACE2+ endothelial cells most prevalent in the skin/subcutaneous fat and brain that activates the complement pathway/coagulation cascade resulting in a systemic procoagulant state as well as endothelial expression of cytokines that produce the cytokine storm.

Lung Septal Capillaries

The above diagram depicts the virus attaching to the inner lining of small blood vessels, causing an immune reaction and destruction of the infected cells. That results in debris being released —pseudovirions — that travel to other areas, where the process repeats itself with some modifications.

In the brain (below), those viral-free pseudovirions (including spike protein) induce a clotting response initiated by a part of the immune system called Complement. Specifically, the Mannose Binding Lectin Complement pathway.

Skin, Adipose, Brain

The key point to this paper in relation to Covid vaccines is that the spike protein, devoid of viral RNA travels to the brain and causes clotting. Once again, in case you needed reminding: Covid vaccines produce such a spike protein.

Another paper by Nuovo et al, entitled Endothelial cell damage is the central part of COVID-19 and a mouse model induced by injection of the S1 subunit of the spike protein, which also featured Dr Magro, was available online from 24 December 2020.

It concluded that:

ACE2+ endothelial damage is a central part of SARS-CoV2 pathology and may be induced by the spike protein alone … including neurological damage in test animals.

There seems to be a common theme developing here.

Resistant clots

The journey doesn’t end there. SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 induces fibrin(ogen) resistant to fibrinolysis: Implications for microclot formation in COVID-19:

Here we suggest that, in part, the presence of spike protein in circulation may contribute to the hypercoagulation in COVID-19 positive patients and may cause substantial impairment of fibrinolysis. Such lytic impairment may result in the persistent large microclots we have noted here and previously in plasma samples of COVID-19 patients. This observation may have important clinical relevance in the treatment of hypercoagulability in COVID-19 patients.

Loosely translated: the spike protein may contribute to clotting and those clots may be resistant to be being broken up by the body.

Another one: The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alters barrier function in 2D static and 3D microfluidic in-vitro models of the human blood-brain barrier:

[in vitro] [e]vidence provided suggests that the SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins trigger a pro-inflammatory response on brain endothelial cells that may contribute to an altered state of BBB function. Together, these results are the first to show the direct impact that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein could have on brain endothelial cells; thereby offering a plausible explanation for the neurological consequences seen in COVID-19 patients.

Not only can the spike protein cause clots all by itself, that may well be resistant to being broken up, it also looks like it also may alter the blood-brain barrier, causing neurological damage.

As if mocking the intelligence of those that still believe in science this, just published — SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alone may cause lung damage:

“These findings show that the genetically modified mouse together with just a segment of the spike protein can be used to study SARS-CoV-2 lung injury,” said Solopov. “We can use this tool to develop a better understanding of how the spike protein causes lung symptoms—even without the intact virus—in order to develop new targets and therapeutics for COVID-19.

Using a newly developed mouse model of acute lung injury, researchers found that exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alone was enough to induce COVID-19-like symptoms including severe inflammation of the lungs.

The spike protein alone can be studied whilst it alone is causing lung injury … does that raise any alarm bells within the scientific community?

A recent paper stated clearly that the risk of clotting from a Covid vaccine is far less than if you contract SARS-CoV-2. The message is that taking risk/reward into account, everyone should be vaccinated.

Well, those pushing that narrative failed to take into account that to make that risk/reward calculation, the risk in the Oxford paper has to be multiplied by the risk of actually being (officially) diagnosed with Covid. Once that is done, the risk is much higher for those vaccinated.

The image below demonstrates how successful the current crop of vaccines are at producing spike proteins. The white arrows point to spike proteins on the cell surface following the Astrazeneca vaccine. Those vaccine induced spike proteins were claimed to provoke an immune response to protect life — but, based on the literature I have referenced, we should now look at them very differently.

Spike proteins on the surface of cells as a result of Astrazeneca vaccine

In Conclusion

Simply put, there is overwhelming evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (that is also synthetically produced by the Covid vaccines) is a central part of the mechanisms of morbidity and mortality of SARS-CoV-2, and therefore is also a risk of the vaccine. In regard to clotting, that risk is greater if you receive a vaccine.

The data clearly demonstrate that the last thing you would ever want to do is make a vaccine that produces a spike protein. As the literature clearly showed, it would cause significant damage, including brain clots and death. And that literature, for the most part, was available before the release of Covid vaccines to the public.


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Dr. Mike Williams is a medical consultant, operating in private practice.

Featured image is from UKColumn

Selected Articles: US Encirclement of China

May 10th, 2021 by Global Research News

US Encirclement of China: A Progress Report

By Brian Berletic, May 09, 2021

Tensions between Washington and Beijing are not merely the recent results of former US President Donald Trump’s time in office – but rather just the latest chapter in US efforts to contain China that stretch back decades.

No Vaccine Passports in Texas! Medical Doctors Testify Before State Senate to Oppose Mandatory COVID Shots

By Brian Shilhavy, May 09, 2021

This past week the Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs took testimony from Texas physicians regarding SB 1669: Stop Forced Vaccination and Vaccine Passports in Texas. SB 1669 was sponsored by Senator Bob Hall.

Let Mumia Out! Exploring Racial Justice as the Sun Sets over George Floyd

By Michael Welch, Suzanne Ross, and Johanna Fernandez, May 08, 2021

Even in the midst of an apparent pandemic keeping all Americans and many around the world in the grip of heightened fear, that did not stop people from rising up in centres globally to massively dispute and condemn the death of a black man – George Floyd – under the knee of a Minneapolis police officer. Anywhere from 15 to 26 million people are estimated to have shown up at protests in the USA in the month of June alone condemning the actions against Floyd and evidence of racism conducted by police generally.

Beware of Covid PCR Testing and the Relentless “Vaccinate Vaccinate Vaccinate” Campaign

By Peter Koenig, May 08, 2021

The validity of the PCR test has been questioned for months, if not from the very beginning of the declared covid-19 plandemic, including lately also by WHO. However, this test is still and ever more so being forced upon us. This despite the fact that ever more scientific evidence comes to the fore that the test is absolutely unsuited to determine whether a person is “infected” with the covid-19 virus.

Walking with Fr. Daniel Berrigan, S.J., a Criminal for Peace 

By Edward Curtin, May 08, 2021

Today is a day to celebrate the prophetic voice and witness of Fr. Daniel Berrigan, the non-violent anti-war activist and poet, whose life and witness has touched so many lives.  He was born on May 9, 1921 and would have been 100 years old today.  He died five years ago, but his spirit continues to animate and inspire so many others. 

The Spoils of War: Afghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 08, 2021

The US opioid crisis broadly defined bears a relationship to the export of heroin out of Afghanistan.  There were 189,000 heroin users in the US in 2001, before the US-NATO invasion of Afghanistan. By 2016 that number went up to 4,500,000 (2.5 million heroin addicts and 2 million casual users). In 2020, deaths from opioids and drug addiction increased threefold. It’s Big Money for Big Pharma.

The COVID-19 Crisis Has Already Left Too Many Children Hungry in America

By Lauren Bauer, May 09, 2021

I document new evidence from two nationally representative surveys that were initiated to provide up-to-date estimates of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the incidence of food insecurity. Food insecurity occurs when a household has difficulty providing enough food due to a lack of resources.

Children Are Far More Likely to Die from Diarrhea than COVID-19

By Simon Black, May 07, 2021

In the winter of 1837, Charles Dickens published the first two chapters of what would become one of his most popular works– the story of an orphan called Oliver Twist. If you’ve never read it, the book is one of Dickens’ most damning condemnations of the poverty, crime, and child labor that dominated 19th century Britain.

NATO’s Southeastern Spearhead: Turkey’s Military Aggression in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Caucasus Signals Proxy Conflict with Iran

By Rick Rozoff, May 07, 2021

The past week has witnessed reports of increased Turkish military activity in Iraq and Syria as well as its intruding itself deeper into the war in Yemen. In all three cases Ankara has pitted itself against forces that are or can be seen to be pro-Iranian: Shiite parties in northern Iraq, the government of Syria and the Houthi-led government in Yemen.

The True Meaning of the Afghan “Withdrawal”

By Prof Alfred McCoy, May 07, 2021

The Taliban’s fighters have already captured much of the countryside, reducing control of the American-backed Afghan government in Kabul, the capital, to less than a third of all rural districts. Since February, those guerrillas have threatened the country’s major provincial capitals — Kandahar, Kunduz, Helmand, and Baghlan — drawing the noose ever tighter around those key government bastions.

Global Casinos: Financial Markets Are a Fraudsters Paradise

By Rod Driver, May 07, 2021

Many of the biggest banks, and many other financial companies, devote most of their resources to activities that provide no benefit to the real world, but which can have negative consequences for everyone else. This post summarises some of the most problematic activities, such as speculation, private equity, hedge funds, vulture funds, and high frequency trading.

COVID Vaccines: The Tip of the Iceberg

By Swiss Policy Research, May 07, 2021

SPR carefully distinguishes between short-term and long-term safety, short-term and long-term effectiveness, age- and sex-specific aspects, and medical and political questions. Some people might prefer a simpler, more black-and-white assessment, but this would not reflect complex reality.

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Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch.


The Office of the Inspector General at the U.S. Agency for International Development concluded that the U.S. aid to Venezuela in 2019 was not fully allocated to the country, and it was part of a mechanism to unseat democratically elected President Nicolás Maduro. The findings, known on Thursday, belong to a report published by this office on April 16.

Titled “Enhanced Processes and Implementer Requirements Are Needed To Address Challenges and Fraud Risks in USAID’s Venezuela Response,” the report highlights that “the shipment of U.S. supplies responded in part to the Trump administration’s campaign to put pressure on Maduro rather than simply provide aid to Venezuelans in need.”

Moreover, the Inspector General Office remarked that only eight out of 386 tons of U.S. humanitarian aid reached Venezuela, with some of those goods ending up in Colombia and Somalia. This, as the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), allocated $2 million for this particular operation.

Likewise, a Venezuelan non-profit organization unnamed in the report received funding based on its alignments with U.S. interests despite concerns about the non-profit financial requirements.

In this sense, the report, which has examined humanitarian information for over two years, highlights that “the directive to pre-position humanitarian commodities was not driven by technical expertise or fully aligned with the humanitarian principles of neutrality, independence and being based on needs assessments.”

On the other hand, the experts remarked the contradictions of humanitarian help being politicized. One example was the aid convoy that the U.S. tried to send via Colombia, preceded by a “Venezuela Live Aid” concert sponsored by billionaire Richard Branson, which promoted Opposition lawmaker and self-appointed interim president Juan Guaido. This concert featured international artists such as Carlos Vives, Juanes, Alejandro Sanz and became a platform explicitly focused on anti-Venezuelan government messages throughout.

Furthermore, the report notices that “the verbal direction did not establish clear accountability nor did it provide justification for decision-making.” For instance, “supplies were unnecessarily shipped in huge Air Force C-17 cargo planes instead of more economical commercial options that were available.”

In addition, “ready-to-eat food to combat child malnutrition was also sent even though USAID’s experts had determined that the nutritional condition of children in Venezuela did not warrant its use at the time.”

Ultimately and upon close analysis, the report highlights that the U.S government’s goal was not to aid but rather to force the Venezuelan government to surrender to its interests.


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Featured image: Venezuelans marched on Angostura bridge at the border with Colombia to reject the alleged humanitarian aid on February 20, 2019. | Photo: Twitter/ @teleSURtv

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The title is courtesy of the Transylvania Now new site. The Pentagon’s Special Operations Command Europe kicked off the Trojan Footprint 21 exercise on May 3; what is identified as its premier special operations forces drills.

The war games will be held until May 14 in five Black Sea and Balkans nations: Bulgaria, Georgia, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Romania. Special forces from the U.S. – all branches of the armed forces including Green Berets – the five host nations, Britain, Germany, Spain and Ukraine are involved. With the exception of Turkey, all Black Sea littoral states but Russia are participating.

The exercise is designed for “enhancing interoperability between NATO allies” to prepare for “counter[ing] myriad threats.” Though there aren’t a thousand, only one, threat. Russia.

Just as it is all-service so it is “all-domain” with air, land and sea forces engaged in combating an unnamed adversary in the Black Sea. One which has a fleet based in Sevastopol in Crimea.

Trojan Footprint 21 is occurring simultaneously with the massive DEFENDER-Europe 21 war games in the same area and ahead of the Steadfast Defender exercise, also to be held in the Black Sea region.


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The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is embarking on a new beginning that could change the Middle East. To enhance security and stability, a Saudi delegation headed by the head of the intelligence service, Lieutenant General Khaled Al-Humaidan, visited Damascus on Monday and met Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad and the Vice President for Security Affairs, Major General Ali Mamlouk. The talks were aimed at restoring diplomatic relations after a ten-year pause, reported the private London-based Arabic daily, Rai Al-Youm

Saudi Arabia will reopen its embassy in Damascus following continuing talks planned in Damascus after the end of Ramadan, and the Eid al-Fitr holiday. The Syrian ambassador to Lebanon issued a positive statement on the topic.

Lebanon remains at the core of Saudi interests in the eastern Mediterranean region, and the assistance of Damascus in stabilizing Lebanon is crucial. A US State Department assessment in 2020 found evidence that Damascus was regaining its pre-eminent place in Lebanese politics. Following the collapse of Lebanese banks, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has worked towards making Riyadh a player in Lebanon again, and the Saudis need President Assad on their side to help shape the region.

Saudi Arabia is recalibrating its foreign policy and repairing relations with its neighbors as it works to stop the influence of global powers in the region. The visit to Damascus comes after the UAE and Bahrain have publically shown support for the Assad administration in recent years.

Giorgio Cafiero, CEO, and founder of Gulf State Analytics, a geopolitical risk consultancy based in Washington, said

“The Saudis have to be pragmatic in how they deal with Syria. It’s very clear that Damascus isn’t on the verge of falling and I think the Saudis are coming to terms with the inevitable in moving toward some sort of rapprochement with Syria,” he said. “It’s important to realize that as Assad has proven triumphant on the ground and as the Saudis have deepened their relationship with Russia,” said Cafiero. “We need to keep in mind that Syria is very much in need of reconstruction and redevelopment and the Syrian government is going to want help from the wealthy Gulf countries, so this is certainly a card that the Saudis can play at some point – to support reconstruction with deep pockets,” said Cafiero.

Syria would also be able to lobby Washington indirectly through Abu Dhabi and Riyadh to lift sanctions, and thereby access the funds being offered by the Gulf states to rebuild Syria. The UAE has publicly called for the removal of US Caesar Act sanctions, and is delivering regular medical aid and helping to facilitate Syria’s regional rehabilitation. The Emirati foreign minister had declared that “the return of Syria to its environment is inevitable and is in the interest of Syria and the region as a whole, and the biggest challenge facing coordination and joint work with Syria is the Caesar Act.”

Algeria is insisting that Syria be readmitted to the Arab League, and the UAE has restored ties with Syria as it seeks to contain Turkish expansion. The UAE, a Saudi ally, reopened its embassy in Damascus in December 2019 in an attempt to re-engage with Syria. Oman and the UAE, have recently rekindled ties with the Syrian government.  Iraq, another Syrian ally, has also pushed for Damascus to rejoin the Arab League.

Iraq is turning to Syria as a transit route for Egyptian gas imports. Iraqi oil minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar Ismail said on April 29 that discussions have opened with his Syrian counterpart Bassam Toumeh.

“We have a common vision about the possibility of steering and moving Egyptian gas through Syria land,” a spokesman for the Iraqi oil ministry said.

The Arab Gas Pipeline runs from Egypt to Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon, with the Syrian section having been completed in 2008. Gas exports from Egypt to Iraq would flow through an extension to the pipeline.

The Akkas gas field is in western Al-Anbar province in Iraq, but the field development was put on hold while the area was occupied by ISIS.  However, both the Syrian and Iraqi governments control the areas on both sides of the border, and Iraq has planned to supply surplus gas to Syria.  US-based energy firm Schlumberger is to lead a consortium to develop Akkas, a project that also involves Saudi companies.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov visited Saudi Arabia in March, sending signals to Washington that the Saudis are seeming to inch closer to the Russian position on Syria. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan said in a joint press conference with Lavrov,

“We are keen to coordinate with all parties, including Russia, to find a solution to the Syrian crisis.”

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz met with the Russian president’s special envoy for Syrian settlement affairs Alexander Lavrentiev, the day before meeting with Lavrov, and discussed the latest developments in Syria.

Sami Hamdi, the editor-in-chief at The International Interest, says that the Saudi displeasure with the Biden administration has something to do with the shift as well. “Bin Salman may also have eyes on deepening ties with Russia as Riyadh becomes increasingly disillusioned with Washington. Engaging with Syria is likely to increase Saudi-Russia ties and cooperation,” Hamdi said.

Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Russia have coordinated well on the issue of oil within the OPEC framework and the pursuit of market equilibrium.

Iraq has played host recently to Saudi Arabia and Iran in last month’s direct talks that officials hope will defuse the tension between the two regional powers. Talks behind closed doors between the two were held in Baghdad as senior representatives from both worked to find common ground. The Lebanese newspaper Al Akhbar reported that the discussions which started in Baghdad will continue.

Iran will also urge Saudi Arabia to recognize President Assad as the legitimate leader of Syria, paving the way for Syria’s re-entry into the Arab League. This may be timed to coincide with the outcome of the Syrian presidential election on May 26.

The Saudi, Jordan, Syria highway for the movement of goods and people is now open.  Jordan held the key and has opened the border crossing with Saudi Arabia at Al-Omari post, while also opening the Jaber crossing into Syria, which is called Nassib on the Syrian side.

The Saudi-UAE reset with Syria sends a clear message to the Biden administration: you want to restart relations with Iran, and we want to restart relations with Syria.

Saudi Arabia will push for a solution to the Syrian crisis and that will place the interests of the region above all else, even if they conflict with Washington.

The US-allied Gulf Arab states, especially Saudi Arabia and Qatar, were the main regional backers of armed groups opposed to the Syrian government, providing finance and weapons as part of a program of support for the armed opposition coordinated by Washington.

The Syrian battleground has provided fertile ground to feed extremism among the region’s youth, as radical groups can use social media. By pushing for a solution in Syria and the return of Damascus to the Arab fold, would end the use of Syria as a battlefield for conflicting regional and international agendas.

The US State Department responded to the Emirati foreign minister’s statements on Tuesday regarding the effects of the US “Caesar Act” on the lives of Syrians, by claiming the sanctions have nothing to do with the humanitarian crisis in Syria, even though medical supplies and equipment are forbidden by US-EU sanctions.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is an award-winning journalist. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Mideast Discourse

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Exposing Myanmar’s US-Backed Opposition

May 10th, 2021 by Brian Berletic

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The Chairperson of the Commission, H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, has announced the appointment of H.E John Dramani Mahama, former President of the Republic of Ghana, as his High Representative to Somalia.

As the High Representative for Somalia’s political track, President Mahama will work with the Somali stakeholders, to reach a mutually acceptable compromise towards an all-encompassing resolution for the holding of Somali elections in the shortest possible time.

In fulfilling his mandate, the High Representative will be supported by the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), to ensure that the mediation efforts and the peace support operation work together seamlessly.

The Chairperson of the Commission calls on the Somali stakeholders to negotiate in good faith, and to put the interests of Somalia and the well-being of the Somali people above all else in the search for an inclusive settlement to the electoral crisis.

This should usher in a democratically elected government with the legitimacy and mandate to resolve the remaining outstanding political and constitutional issues that are posing a threat to the stability of the country and the region as a whole.

The Chairperson of the Commission also encourages all the Somali stakeholders and the international community to extend every support to the High Representative, who will arrive the country in the coming days.

Ambassador Abukar Arman, a former Somalia special envoy to the United States and a foreign policy analyst says there have previously been interventions from neighbors have not brought Somalia the promised peace.

It is clear that no Somali can pursue a political career in his own country without first getting Ethiopia’s blessings. Already, Ethiopia has installed a number of its staunch cohorts in the current government and (along with Kenya) has been handpicking virtually all of the new regional governors, mayors and so forth.

In October 2010, the African Union appointed Jerry John Rawlings as the AU High Representative for Somalia to “mobilize the continent and the rest of the international community to fully assume its responsibilities and contribute more actively to the quest for peace, security and reconciliation in Somalia.”

That however, Ambassador Arman says the former Ghana president and AU Special Representative for Somalia is now assuming his new post with significant diplomatic capital, mainly resulting from the credible work of his fellow countryman, former president, and Special Envoy to Somalia, Jerry John Rawlings.

“On the other hand, he would be carrying the hefty political burden that comes with the so-called African Solutions for African Problems and its cash-gulping record. The concept is taken hostage by African sloganeers and foreign elements eager to advance zero-sum interests,” he wrote me in an emailed message.

Make no mistake, Somalia is held in a nasty headlock by a neighbourhood tag-team unmistakably motivated by zero-sum objective. It is their so-called African solution (not so much of the extremist group al-Shabaab) that is setting the Horn on fire.

According to AFP news report, Mogadishu had been on edge since February, when President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed’s term ended before elections were held, and protesters took to the streets against his rule. But a resolution in April to extend his mandate by two years split the country’s fragile security forces along all-important clan lines.

Soldiers loyal to influential opposition leaders began pouring into the capital. The fighting drove tens of thousands of civilians from their homes and divided the city, with government forces losing some key neighborhoods to opposition units.

Under pressure to ease the tension, Mohamed abandoned his mandate extension and instructed his prime minister to arrange fresh elections and bring together rivals for talks. Indirect elections were supposed to have been held by February under a deal reached between the government and Somalia’s five regional states the previous September.

But that agreement collapsed as the president and the leaders of two states, Puntland and Jubaland, squabbled over the terms. Months of UN-backed talks failed to broker consensus between the feuding sides.

In early May, Mohamed re-launched talks with his opponents over the holding of fresh elections, and agreed to return to the terms of the September accord.

Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble has invited the regional leaders to a round of negotiations on May 20 in the hope of resolving the protracted feud and charting a path to a vote. In the meanwhile, the international community has threatened sanctions if elections are not held soon.

Somalia remains the epicenter of global geopolitical and geo-economic competition. Some of the major ones are in a cut-throat competition that further complicates the Somalia conundrum. With its longest coastline, bordering Ethiopia to the west, Kenya to the southwest and the Gulf of Eden, Somalia has attracted many foreign countries to the region in East Africa.


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Kester Kenn Klomegah, who previously worked with Inter Press Service (IPS), is now a frequent and passionate contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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First published on November 17, 2021


The global energy shortages which have driven prices for coal, oil and natural gas to explosive highs in the last months are a predictable consequence of the mad pursuit of “Zero Carbon” economic policies that have seen foolish governments subsidize a growing share of electricity from unreliable solar and wind generation.

One consequence has been a five-fold rise in the price of natural gas or methane across the globe. That extends from China to the EU, USA and beyond. A follow-on consequence of that natural gas shortage and price explosion is a growing crisis in world agriculture fertilizer production. This may all be no accident. It fits the WEF Great Reset Agenda of UN 2030.

Ammonia-based fertilizers made from nitrogen (most of our air, so never in shortage) and natural gas or methane (CH4) make up almost 70% of all fertilizers used to support major agriculture crops such as wheat, corn, rice and even coffee. As natural gas prices have soared by anywhere from 300% to 500% over the past months, this has had a devastating impact on world fertilizer production where some 80% of the cost of making ammonia fertilizers is due to natural gas.

When Hurricane Ida stormed across Louisiana on August 25, the largest ammonia factory complex in the world, owned by CF Industries, was closed for safety reasons and only reopened ten days later. Curiously at that point two more factories from the same CF Industries, those in the UK, announced they would close two more fertilizer plants on September 22, claiming high natural gas prices as the cause, despite the fact their Louisiana plant had just been out for ten days. The two plants supply some two-thirds of UK domestic fertilizer demand. The Government was forced to agree emergency subsidies to CF Industries to reopen one of the two plants temporarily to ease the pressuresThe combined effect of the three major closures by the same group added to the crisis in world fertilizer supply. It may be just coincidence that the two largest stock owners of CF Industries are Vanguard and BlackRock.

This crisis is snowballing. As of early October reported closures of ammonia fertilizer production had been announced by the giant German chemicals company, BASF, in Belgium and Germany, indefinitely. It also affects production of ammonia-based diesel fuel additive, AdBlue.

Further closings are ongoing in Achema in Lithuania, OCI in Netherlands. Yara International is reducing 40% of its EU ammonia fertilizer production. Fertiberia in Spain is closing a plant along with OPZ in Ukraine, a major fertilizer producer. In Austria Borealis AG has closed production and Germany’s largest ammonia producer, SKW Piesteritz, has cut production by 20%.

Worsening the overall global fertilizer crisis, the Biden Administration in August slapped sanctions on the Belarus government, explicitly naming Belaruskali OAO, the world’s fourth largest fertilizer producer, for “sustaining the Belarusian regime at the expense of the Belarusian people.” Belaruskali controls about one-fifth of the world potash-based fertilizer market.

Heart of global food security

Nitrogen-based fertilizers are far the most widely used in global farming, about three-fourths of all commercial fertilizers. Since the development of the Haber-Bosch process in Germany just before the First World War, artificial production of nitrogen fertilizers has supported the enormous expansion in agriculture productivity. Nitrogen fertilizers are made from ammonia (NH3) produced by the Haber-Bosch process. It is energy-intensive using natural gas (CH4) which is methane, to supply hydrogen. This NH3 or ammonia is used as a feedstock for other nitrogen fertilizers, such as anhydrous ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) and urea (CO(NH2)2). Crop yields since World War Two have become strongly dependent on nitrogen-based fertilizers. It is estimated for the US that average corn yields would decline by 40 percent without nitrogen fertilizer.

Today estimates are that perhaps half the global population is dependent on nitrogen fertilizers. According to studies published in the scientific journal, Nature, 48 percent of the world population in 2008 was dependent on nitrogen fertilizers for their daily access to food. “This means that nitrogen fertilizers in 2015 provided food security for 3,5 billion people who would otherwise have starved to death.”

China shock

Adding a huge shock to the growing global fertilizer shortage is the decision by Beijing in recent weeks to severely cut or freeze fertilizer exports for a variety of reasons including shortages of coal and natural gas for electric power and a panicked try to control domestic inflation. Record summer floods in Henan Province hit the heart of the China grain region, and the government has started a campaign to have citizens undergo a “Clean Plate Campaign 2.0″ to stop food waste, which some believe is a way to disguise the serious harvest failures.

China, India and USA are far and away the world’s largest users of nitrogen fertilizers in tons per acre. China is also one of the largest fertilizer exporters and there the government in September announced a ban on nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer export until June 2022. With soaring global natural gas prices, as well as coal which China imports, the country has seen significant electric power blackouts owing to electric companies closing rather than sell power at a loss. One consequence of the complex crisis is the fertilizer export ban. China is the largest exporter of urea nitrogen fertilizer, accounting for nearly a third of the global supply, and is also a major manufacturer of phosphate.

In Bavaria in southern Germany, farmers are reportedly unable to buy fertilizer until at least next summer. The spreading global fertilizer crisis will mean sharp reductions in feed corn, wheat, rice, coffee and other crops in 2022. This hits amid the steepest food price inflation in decades, further aggravated by covid measures and disruptions in global shipping trade.

COP26 Methane Attack

Behind the growing global fertilizer shortage crisis is the five-fold explosion in the price of methane or natural gas as it is usually called. This has its origins in deliberate “anti-carbon” green policies of the Biden Administration and of the European Union with its “Fit for 55” program to cut CO2 emissions by 55% by 2030, including methane or natural gas. The Biden administration has forced disinvestment in USA shale gas, and the forced expansion of highly-subsidized Green Energy such as wind and solar have created an unreliable electric grid. When the wind doesn’t blow or the sun doesn’t shine alternative electric power is missing. Storage is a huge problem. That was not so critical when solar or wind made up a tiny percent of the grid. But today in countries such as energy-dependent Germany, alternatives can make up 42% of gross electric consumption. As nuclear and coal plants are taxed into extinction for the Zero Carbon madness, prices for oil and natural gas are exploding. New investment in hydrocarbon exploitation is collapsing as a result, and supplies limited just when everyone needs it.

The growing crisis in world fertilizer production fits well into the UN Agenda 2030 for “sustainable” (sic) agriculture by which the globalists such as World Economic Forum of Klaus Schwab and BlackRock of Wall Street, the world’s largest private investment fund with a reported $9 trillion in assets it manages, mean dramatic reduction in meat production, replacing it with fake lab-grown meats or even insects as a protein source.

There is a growing demonization of agriculture and especially meat production, claiming it is a major source of global warming.

Methane is now a major target of the Green Agenda from the USA and EU. Notably, at the recent UN COP 26 global warming gathering, some 100 nations signed on to a joint EU-US proposal to cut methane gas emissions by 30% by 2030. We can expect to see growing government and NGO attacks on our food system using soaring fertilizer prices, campaigns against meat and demands for “sustainable” agriculture to further raise our now-soaring cost of food. Key to this attack is the Green New Deal war on oil, gas and coal, the low-cost energy system that has been the heart of today’s global economy and escape from poverty since World War II.


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F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.


US Encirclement of China: A Progress Report

May 9th, 2021 by Brian Berletic

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Tensions between Washington and Beijing are not merely the recent results of former US President Donald Trump’s time in office – but rather just the latest chapter in US efforts to contain China that stretch back decades.

Indeed, US foreign policy has for decades admittedly aimed at encircling and containing China’s rise and maintaining primacy over the Indo-Pacific region.

The “Pentagon Papers” leaked in 1969 would admit in regards to the ongoing US war against Vietnam that:

…the February decision to bomb North Vietnam and the July approval of Phase I deployments make sense only if they are in support of a long-run United States policy to contain China.

The papers also admitted that China, “looms as a major power threatening to undercut [American] importance and effectiveness in the world and, more remotely but more menacingly, to organize all of Asia against [America].

The papers also made it clear that there were (and still are), “three fronts to a long-run effort to contain China: (a) the Japan-Korea front; (b) the India-Pakistan front; and (c) the Southeast Asia front.”

Since then, it is clear that from the continued US military presence in both Japan and South Korea, the now two decades-long US occupation of Afghanistan on both Pakistan’s and China’s borders, and the emergence of the so-called “Milk Tea Alliance” aimed at overthrowing Southeast Asian governments friendly with China and replacing them with US-backed client regimes – this policy to contain China endures up to today.

Assessing US activity along these three fronts reveals the progress and setbacks Washington faces – and various dangers to global peace and stability Washington’s continued belligerence pose.

The Japan-Korea Front in their article, “Here’s What It Costs to Keep US Troops in Japan and South Korea,” reports:

In all, more than 80,000 US troops are deployed to Japan and South Korea. In Japan alone, the US maintains more than 55,000 deployed troops — the largest forward-deployed US force anywhere in the world.

The article notes that according to the US Government Accountability Office (GAO), the US spent “$34 billion to maintain military presences in Japan and South Korea between 2016 and 2019.”

The article cites the GAO providing an explanation as to why this massive US military presence is maintained in East Asia:

“…US forces help strengthen alliances, promote a free and open Indo-Pacific region, provide quick response to emergencies and are essential for US national security.”

“Alliances” that are “strengthened” by the physical presence of what are essentially occupying US forces suggests the “alliance” is hardly voluntary and claims of promoting a “free and open Indo-Pacific region” is highly subjective – begging the question of to whom the Indo-Pacific is “free and open” to.

And as US power wanes both regionally in the Indo-Pacific as well as globally, Washington has placed increasing pressure on both Japan and South Korea to not only help shoulder this financial burden, but to also become more proactive within Washington’s containment strategy toward China.

Japan is one of three other nations (the US itself, Australia, and India) drafted into the US-led Quadrilateral Security Dialogue – also know as the “Quad.”

Rather than the US solely depending on its own military forces based within Japanese territory or supported by its Japan-based forces, Japan’s military along with India’s and Australia’s are also being recruited to take part in military exercises and operations in and around the South China Sea.

India’s inclusion in the Quad also fits well into the US 3-front strategy that made up Washington’s containment policy toward China as early as the 1960s.

The India-Pakistan Front 

In addition to recruiting India into the Quad alliance, the US helps encourage escalation through political support and media campaigning of India’s various territorial disputes with China.

The US also targets Pakistan’s close and ongoing relationship with China – including the support of armed insurgents in Pakistan’s Baluchistan province.

Recently, a bombing at a hotel in Quetta, Baluchistan appears to have targeted China’s ambassador to Pakistan, Ambassador Nong Rong.

The BBC in its article, “Pakistan hotel bomb: Deadly blast hits luxury venue in Quetta,” would claim:

Initial reports had suggested the target was China’s ambassador.
Ambassador Nong Rong is understood to be in Quetta but was not present at the hotel at the time of the attack on Wednesday.

The article also noted:

Balochistan province, near the Afghan border, is home to several armed groups, including separatists.
Separatists in the region want independence from the rest of Pakistan and accuse the government and China of exploiting Balochistan, one of Pakistan’s poorest provinces, for its gas and mineral wealth.

Absent from the BBC’s reporting is the extensive and open support the US government has provided these separatists over the years and how – clearly – this is more than just a local uprising against perceived injustice, but yet another example of armed conflict-by-proxy waged by Washington against China.

As far back as 2011 publications like The National Interest in articles like, “Free Baluchistan” would openly advocate expanding US support for separatism in Pakistan’s Baluchistan province.

The article was written by the late Selig  Harrison – who was a senior fellow at the US-based corporate-financier funded Center for International Policy – and would claim:

Pakistan has given China a base at Gwadar in the heart of Baluch territory. So an independent Baluchistan would serve US strategic interests in addition to the immediate goal of countering Islamist forces.

Of course, “Islamist forces” is a euphemism for US-Persian Gulf state sponsored militants used to both fight Western proxy wars as well as serve as a pretext for Western intervention. Citing “Islamist forces” in Baluchistan, Pakistan clearly serves as an example of the latter.

In addition to op-eds published by influential policy think tanks, US legislators like US Representative Dana Rohrabacher had proposed resolutions such as (emphasis added),

“US House of Representatives Concurrent Resolution 104 (112th): Expressing the sense of Congress that the people of Baluchistan, currently divided between Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan, have the right to self-determination and to their own sovereign country.”

There is also funding provided to adjacent, political groups supporting separatism in Baluchistan, Pakistan as listed by the US government’s own National Endowment for Democracy (NED) website under “Pakistan.” Organizations like the “Association for Integrated Development Balochistan” are funded by the US government and used to mobilize people politically, constituting clear interference by the US in Pakistan’s internal political affairs.

The Gwadar Port project is a key juncture within China’s growing global network of infrastructure projects as part of its One Belt, One Road initiative. The US clearly opposes China’s rise and has articulated robust strategies to counter it; everything up to and including open war as seen in the Pentagon Papers regarding the Vietnam War.

The recent bombing in Baluchistan, Pakistan demonstrates that this strategy continues in regards to utilizing local militants to target Chinese-Pakistani cooperation and is one part of the much wider, region-wide strategy of encircling and containing China.

The Southeast Asia Front

Of course the US war against Vietnam was part of a wider effort to reassert Western primacy over Southeast Asia and deny the region from fueling China’s inevitable rise.

The US having lost the war and almost completely retreating from the Southeast Asia region saw Southeast Asia itself repair relations amongst themselves and with China.

Today, the nations of Southeast Asia count China as their largest trade partner, investor, a key partner in infrastructure development, a key supplier for the region’s armed forces, as well as providing the majority of tourism arrivals throughout the region. For countries like Thailand, more tourists arrive from China than from all Western nations combined.

Because existing governments in Southeast Asia have nothing to benefit from by participating in American belligerence toward China, the US has found it necessary to cultivate and attempt to install into power various client regimes. This has been an ongoing process since the Vietnam War.

The US has targeted each nation individually for years. In 2009 and 2010, US-backed opposition leader-in-exile Thaksin Shinawatra deployed his “red shirt” protesters in back-to-back riots – the latter of which included some 300 armed militants and culminated in city-wide arson across Bangkok and the death of over 90 police, soldiers, protesters, and bystanders.

In 2018, US-backed opposition groups took power in Malaysia after the US poured millions of dollars for over a decade in building up the opposition.

Daniel Twining of the US National Endowment for Democracy subsidiary – the International Republican Institute – admitted during a talk (starting at 56 minutes) by the Center for Strategic and International Studies that same year that:

…for 15 years working with NED resources, we worked to strengthen Malaysian opposition parties and guess what happened two months ago after 61 years? They won.

He would elaborate on how the NED’s network played a direct role in placing US-backed opposition figures into power within the Malaysian government, stating:

I visited and I was sitting there with many of the leaders the new leaders of this government, many of whom were just our partners we had been working with for 15 years and one of the most senior of them who’s now one of the people running the government said to me, ‘gosh IRI you never gave up on us even when we were ready to give up on ourselves.’

Far from “promoting freedom” in Malaysia – Twining would make clear the ultimate objective of interfering in Malaysia’s internal political affairs was to serve US interests not only in regards to Malaysia, but in regards to the entire region and specifically toward encircling and containing China.

Twining would boast:

…guess what one of the first steps the new government took? It froze Chinese infrastructure investments.

And that:

[Malaysia] is not a hugely pro-American country. It’s probably never going to be an actual US ally, but this is going to redound to our benefit, and and that’s an example of the long game.

It is a pattern that has repeated itself in Myanmar over the decades with NED money building a parallel political system within the nation and eventually leading to Aung San Suu Kyi and her US-backed National League for Democracy (NLD) party taking power in 2016.

For Myanmar, so deep and extensive is US backing for opposition groups there that elections virtually guarantee US-backed candidates win every single time. The US National Endowment for Democracy’s own website alone lists over 80 programs and organizations receiving US government money for everything from election polling and building up political parties, to funding media networks and “environmental” groups used to block Chinese-initiated infrastructure projects.

The move by Myanmar’s military in February this year, ousting Aung Sang Suu Kyi and the NLD was meant to correct this.

However, in addition to backing political groups protesting in the streets, the US has – for many decades – backed and armed ethnic rebels across the country. These rebels have now linked up with the US-backed NLD and are repeating US-backed regime change tactics used against the Arab World in 2011 in nations like Libya, Yemen, and Syria – including explicit calls for “international intervention.”

A US-Engineered “Asia Spring”  

Just as the US did during the 2011 “Arab Spring” – the US State Department, in a bid to create synergies across various regime change campaigns in Asia, has introduced the “Milk Tea Alliance” to transform individual US-backed regime change efforts in Asia into a region-wide crisis.

The BBC itself admits in articles like, “Milk Tea Alliance: Twitter creates emoji for pro-democracy activists,” that:

The alliance has brought together anti-Beijing protesters in Hong Kong and Taiwan with pro-democracy campaigners in Thailand and Myanmar.

Omitted from the BBC’s coverage of the “Milk Tea Alliance” (intentionally) is the actual common denominators that unite it – US funding through fronts like the National Endowment for Democracy and a unifying hatred of China based exclusively on talking points pushed by the US State Department itself.

Circling back to the Pentagon Papers and recalling the coordinated, regional campaign the US sought to encircle China with – we can then look at more recent US government policy papers like the “Indo-Pacific Framework” published in the White House archives from the Trump administration.

The policy paper’s first bullet point asks:

How to maintain US strategic primacy in the Indo-Pacific region and promote a liberal economic order while preventing China from establishing new, illiberal spheres of influence, and cultivating areas of cooperation to promote regional peace and prosperity?

The paper also discusses information campaigns designed to “educate” the world about “China’s coercive behaviour and influence operations around the globe.” These campaigns have materialized in a propaganda war fabricating accusations of “Chinese genocide” in Xinjiang, China, claims that Chinese telecom company Huawei is a global security threat, and that China – not the US – is the single largest threat to global peace and stability today.

In reality US policy aimed at encircling China is predicated upon Washington’s desire to continue its own decades-long impunity upon the global stage and the continuation of all the wars, humanitarian crises, and abuses that have stemmed from it.

Understanding the full scope of Washington’s “competition” with China helps unlock the confusion surrounding unfolding individual crises like the trade war, the ongoing violence and turmoil in Myanmar, bombings in southwest Pakistan, students mobs in Thailand, riots in Hong Kong, and attempts by the US to transform the South China Sea into an international conflict.

Understanding that these events are all connected – then assessing the success or failure of US efforts gives us a clearer picture of the overall success Washington in encircling China.  It also gives governments and regional blocs a clearer picture of how to manage policy in protecting against US subversion that threatens national, regional, and global peace and stability.


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Brian Berletic is a Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine New Eastern Outlook” where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from NEO

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This past week the Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs took testimony from Texas physicians regarding SB 1669: Stop Forced Vaccination and Vaccine Passports in Texas.

SB 1669 was sponsored by Senator Bob Hall.

You can learn more about this bill at the National Vaccine Information Center’s Advocacy Portal (registration required.)

Here is some of the text provided to the public regarding Senate Bill 1669:

Contact your Texas State Legislators and Demand No Forced Vaccination, No Vaccine Passports, No Exceptions – Support SB 1669

Mandated vaccination in Texas with COVID-19 vaccines will be the reality unless the legislature takes decisive action now.  In fact, it has already started happening.

Houston Methodist Hospital has told its 26,000 employees to get vaccinated by June 7th or get fired. Atria Senior Living, which has 16 facilities in Texas, is requiring all employees to receive 2 COVID-19 vaccines by May 1, 2021 as a condition of employment or face termination.

The city of Farmer’s Branch, Texas is requiring COVID-19 vaccination to access the city run facility called The Branch Connection. Forget taking a cruise with Royal Caribbean from Texas unless you’ve been COVID-19 vaccinated. St. Edwards University in Austin became one of the first colleges to mandate COVID-19 vaccines.

This is just the beginning.

Governor Abbott’s Executive Order Prohibiting COVID-19 Vaccine Passports Falls Short at Protection

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has been quoted saying that in Texas, COVID-19 vaccines “are always voluntary and never forced.”

The truth is Executive Order GA 35 falls short at preserving the right of law-abiding Texas citizens to be able to function normally in society without having to show proof of a COVID-19 vaccination.

EO GA 35 only prohibits the government, or public or private entities funded by the government, from requiring documentation of an individual’s COVID-19 vaccination status. This does nothing to prohibit businesses not receiving government funding from banning customers who don’t have a COVID-19 vaccine. Also, this executive order fails to give any protection to employees whose employers are requiring COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of employment.

In addition, the limited protections offered in EO GA 35 will be short lived because the order only applies to “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA) COVID-19 vaccines.  Once a vaccine has received full FDA approval, the EUA designation no longer applies and therefore neither will any protection in this executive order including the ban on forced vaccination by the government. Full FDA approval will be soon. Moderna, the manufacture of one of the 3 available COVID-19 vaccines, is already seeking full FDA approval, and Pfizer, one of the other manufacturers, announced it would seek full approval in the first half of 2021.

Governor Abbott’s executive order also falls short when compared to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s executive order banning vaccines passports which additionally prohibits all business from requiring COVID-19 vaccination status or post infection recovery status to gain access to or service from the business, and it applies to all COVID-19 vaccines instead of expiring after full FDA approval is achieved. It also protects personal privacy rights by prohibiting the government from publishing or sharing a person’s COVID-19 vaccination status to third parties.

Texans Need a Law Passed to Protect them From Forced Vaccination and Vaccine Passports (If you want to immediately see what you can do to help pass SB 1669 into law in Texas scroll down to “Action Needed)”

We are grateful to announce that Texas history has been made with the filing of
SB 1669 in the Texas Legislature by Senator Bob Hall.

SB 1669 prohibits discrimination or segregation based on vaccination or immune status and prohibits forced vaccination in all areas of your life.

We need your help getting SB 1669 moving as the bill is currently stalled awaiting a hearing in the Senate State Affairs Committee. Legislators need to be educated about the shortcomings in Governor Abbott’s executive order and the vulnerabilities for mandated vaccination in Texas based on current law so they can pass this bill or amend parts of it onto other bills.

This is by far the most comprehensive bill prohibiting mandated vaccination in all areas that could affect your life including government orders, employment, healthcare, education, access to businesses, access to events and venues like sports and concerts, long-term care, nursing homes, insurance, and childcare.

Read more at the National Vaccine Information Center’s Advocacy Portal.

Senator Bob Hall, in his opening statements at the Senate hearing this week stated:

The chief responsibility and Constitutional role of our government is to protect the rights of the individual. Employees can take off their helmets, masks, and uniforms at the end of the work day, but they cannot remove a vaccine.

Dr. Richard Bartlett was the first physician to testify in favor of SB 1669 to Stop Forced Vaccination and Vaccine Passports in Texas.

Dr. Bartlett has over 28 years of medical practice experience and is a veteran primary care and emergency room doctor in West Texas.

Dr. Bartlett is best known since the COVID crisis started as a doctor who has cured many patients using an older, already FDA approved drug, called budesonide, which is an inhaled corticosteroid. (Learn more here.)

During his testimony, Dr. Bartlett explained that there are existing treatments already available to treat COVID patients, making it unnecessary to mandate experimental new “vaccines.”

He pointed to a recent Oxford University study just published that showed 90% success rate in using inhaled budesonide with COVID patients in preventing long-term care or hospitalization.

From the Oxford study:

The STOIC study found that inhaled budesonide given to patients with COVID-19 within seven days of the onset of symptoms also reduced recovery time. Budesonide is a corticosteroid used in the long-term management of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Findings from the phase 2 randomised study, which was supported by the NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (BRC), were published on the medRxiv pre-print server.

The findings from 146 people – of whom half took 800 micrograms of the medication twice a day and half were on usual care – suggests that inhaled budesonide reduced the relative risk of requiring urgent care or hospitalisation by 90% in the 28-day study period. Participants allocated the budesonide inhaler also had a quicker resolution of fever, symptoms and fewer persistent symptoms after 28 days. (Source.)

Dr. Bartlett works in the Emergency Room, and he stated that there are very few patients coming in now with COVID, but “I am now seeing more people come in (to the ER) who are having complications from the COVID shot.”

And Dr. Bartlett points out that these are mostly younger people who were in excellent health before the shot, since Dr. Bartlett works in Lubbock, Texas, which is a college town.

Dr. Ben Edwards of Veritas Medical in Lubbock, Texas, was the next physician to give testimony in favor of SB 1669 to Stop Forced Vaccination and Vaccine Passports in Texas.

Dr. Edwards received his degree from Baylor University, and later graduated from UT-Houston Medical School. He moved to Waco to complete his training at the Waco Family Practice Residency Program where he was Chief Resident. He now operates three clinics in West Texas.

Dr. Edwards stated his concern that “the forced and coerced COVID-19 vaccinations would, in my opinion, be a violation of the Nuremberg Code,” as well as several other international codes on bioethics and human rights.

He cited the fact that the CDC is now reporting 4,178 deaths reported to VAERS, while for the previous 20 years combined there were 4,182 deaths recorded from all vaccines.

He also pointed out that a Harvard Study has previously estimated that only about 1% of all adverse reactions to vaccines are ever reported to VAERS. Two other subsequent studies showed the same thing.

In his own practice, Dr. Edwards stated that he has received “numerous reports within hours of receiving the COVID vaccines that people have suffered strokes, heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms (blood clots), and sudden death.”

Dr. Edwards went on to cite research which shows that those with natural immunity to COVID (they already had it) will see a 2 to 3 fold increase risk of adverse reactions from the COVID shots.

Over half of Texans now have this natural immunity. He stated:

On a personal note, I believe that God gave us an amazingly robust immune system, and I don’t think you can improve on God.

The next physician to testify in favor of SB 1669 to Stop Forced Vaccination and Vaccine Passports in Texas was Dr. Amy Offutt from St. Marble Falls, TX.

Dr. Offutt is trained in Integrative Medicine. She was recently appointed by Governor Greg Abbott to the Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome Advisory Council. In addition, she serves on the Board of Directors for ILADS (International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society).

Dr. Offutt is another physician who has been successfully treating COVID patients with existing early treatment protocols.

She testified:

As of last Friday, my practice has treated 579 acutely ill patients as old as 98 years of age, with only ten hospitalizations and one dead.

The man who died presented on the 12th day of illness was a transplant patient and had already been to the ER multiple times before seeking care from us. This was such an unnecessary tragedy.

Dr. Offutt believes that “informed consent is the core to shared decision making in medicine.”

The next physician to testify in favor of SB 1669 to Stop Forced Vaccination and Vaccine Passports in Texas was Dr. Angelina Farella from Webster, TX.

Dr. Farella is a pediatrician with over 25 years experience. She started out her testimony to the Senate Committee by stating:

I am here today to protect our children in Texas. This is a very scary situation that we are in right now.

Dr. Farella stated that as a pediatrician she has given out tens of thousands of vaccines, and that she is not “anti-vaccine,” but:

I am against this COVID vaccine, if we can even call it that (a vaccine.)

What we are doing to our children with this vaccine is actually criminal.

All of these physicians are “frontline physicians” who actually treat patients, but their clinical experiences in treating COVID patients is being censored by the corporate media, and ignored by the government and Big Pharma, in favor mass vaccination instead.

Here is their testimony. This is from our Rumble Channel, and it is also on our Bitchute Channel.


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Featured image is from Health Impact News

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, food insecurity has increased in the United States. This is particularly true for households with young children.

I document new evidence from two nationally representative surveys that were initiated to provide up-to-date estimates of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the incidence of food insecurity. Food insecurity occurs when a household has difficulty providing enough food due to a lack of resources.

The COVID Impact Survey and The Hamilton Project/Future of the Middle Class Initiative Survey of Mothers with Young Children asked validated questions taken from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) food security questionnaire in late April 2020.[1] Households and children are considered food insecure if the respondent indicates the following statements were often or sometimes true:

  • The food we bought just didn’t last and we didn’t have enough money to get more.
  • The children in my household were not eating enough because we just couldn’t afford enough food.

To compare April 2020 estimates of food insecurity with statistics from earlier time points, I use the same questions listed above to replicate these results with the Current Population Survey Food Security Supplement (FSS), the source of USDA’s official food insecurity statistics.[2]

Figure 1 illustrates the high levels of food insecurity observed in the COVID Impact Survey and in the Survey of Mothers with Young Children. By the end of April, more than one in five households in the United States, and two in five households with mothers with children 12 and under, were food insecure. In almost one in five households of mothers with children age 12 and under, the children were experiencing food insecurity.

Rates of food insecurity observed in April 2020 are also meaningfully higher than at any point for which there is comparable data (2001 to 2018; Figure 2). Looking over time, particularly to the relatively small increase in child food insecurity during the Great Recession, it is clear that young children are experiencing food insecurity to an extent unprecedented in modern times.

Food Insecurity Has Deteriorated More among Households with Children

In the Survey of Mothers with Young Children, 17.4 percent of mothers with children ages 12 and under reported that since the pandemic started, “the children in my household were not eating enough because we just couldn’t afford enough food.” Of those mothers, 3.4 percent reported that it was often the case that their children were not eating enough due to a lack of resources since the coronavirus pandemic began.

By comparison, in the 2018 FSS, 3.1 percent of mothers with a child age 12 and under reported that their children were not eating enough because they could not afford enough food ever in the past twelve months. The incidence of hardship among children as measured by responses to this question has increased 460 percent.

But responses to this question alone do not fully capture child food insecurity. To estimate food insecurity, the USDA aggregates a battery of questions on access to food from the Current Population Survey. In total for 2018, 7.4 percent of mothers with children under the age of 12 had food insecure children in their household, more than double the share who said that the children in their household were not eating enough because they couldn’t afford enough food (3.1 percent). If the ratio between this single question and the overall measure of child food insecurity were to continue to hold today, 17.4 percent children not eating enough would translate into more than a third of children experiencing food insecurity.

The Survey of Mothers with Young Children found that 40.9 percent of mothers with children ages 12 and under reported household food insecurity since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is higher than the rate reported by all respondents with children under twelve in the COVID Impact Survey (34.4 percent) but the same as women 18–59 living with a child 12 and under (39.2 percent.) In 2018, 15.1 percent of mothers with children ages 12 and under affirmatively answered this question in the FSS, slightly more than the 14.5 percent that were food insecure by the complete survey. The share of mothers with children 12 and under reporting that the food that they bought did not last has increased 170 percent.

Food insecurity in households with children under 18 has increased by about 130 percent from 2018 to today. Using the COVID Impact Survey, I find that 34.5 percent of households with a child 18 and under were food insecure as of late April 2020. On this single question (“the food we bought didn’t last…”) in the 2018 FSS, 14.7 percent of households with children 18 and under affirmatively answered this question; this value is slightly higher than the overall rate of food insecurity among households with children 18 and under for that year.

High levels of food insecurity are not just a problem of households with children. Prior to the crisis, in 2018, 11.1 percent of households were food insecure and 12.2 percent of households answered the single question in the battery affirmatively. The Urban Institute’s Health Reform Monitoring Survey, in the field from March 25 to April 10, used the six-question short form food insecurity module and found that 21.9 percent of households with nonelderly adults were food insecure. By late April 2020, 22.7 percent of households reported in the COVID Impact Survey not having sufficient resources to buy more food when the food that they purchased didn’t last. Overall rates of household food insecurity have effectively doubled.

Families Need More Resources to Handle these Material Hardships

Policymakers must act to protect the health and well-being of the American people, especially children.

Luckily, food insecurity is an unusual policy challenge in that it recommends a clear solution. To reduce the number of people, including children, who have insufficient food due to a lack of resources, policymakers can supply the resources.

To increase food security, economic security, and economic stimulus, Congress should increase the generosity of food security programs immediately and ensure that benefits levels stay elevated consistent with economic data. Governors should work with USDA to implement these programs. Specifically:

  • Increase maximum Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly the Food Stamp program) benefits by at least 15 percent and double the minimum benefit;
  • Provide SNAP emergency allotments, authorized under Families First, to those households that are eligible to receive the maximum level of benefits (more than 5 million children reside in these households and they have received no additional SNAP benefits during this crisis);
  • Pandemic-EBT through this summer and through at least the end of the 2020-2021 school year to ensure there are sufficient resources to purchase food in the event of ongoing schooling disruptions (Pandemic-EBT is a new program which provides the value of school meals as a grocery voucher to eligible families when schools are closed, a little more than $100 per child per month);
  • Support families with children ages 5 and under through an additional SNAP multiplier or by broadening eligibility for Pandemic-EBT; and,
  • Suspend SNAP work requirements for students and sustain the ABAWD SNAP work requirement suspension.

At the very beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, Diane Schanzenbach and I called for “at least” a 15 percent benefit increase to SNAP. Evidence presented in this piece reiterates that a 15 percent increase to SNAP should be the floor.

New nationally representative surveys fielded since the pandemic began show that rates of food insecurity overall, among households with children, and among children themselves are higher than they have ever been on record. Food insecurity represents an urgent matter for policymakers in the capitol and in state houses across the country. Food security programs, centrally SNAP and Pandemic-EBT, must be strengthened and expanded immediately.


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[1] The COVID Impact Survey is a nationally representative survey conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago on behalf of the Data Foundation; it uses the AmeriSpeak panel and was in the field from April 20 to April 26, 2020. The Hamilton Project and the Future of the Middle Class Initiative, both affiliates of the Brookings Institution, conducted a nationally representative survey of mothers with children ages 12 and under using SurveyMonkey from April 27 to April 28, 2020. Technical documentation for the COVID Impact Survey can be found here. The Survey of Mothers with Young Children was developed by Lauren Bauer and Richard Reeves; Katherine Guyot and Emily Moss contributed substantially to the development of the survey and we acknowledge the contributions of The Hamilton Project, Future of Middle Class Initiative, and Economic Studies staff at the Brookings Institution. Both surveys used an iterative raking procedure to adjust the surveyed data to match demographic weighting variables obtained from the 2020 Current Population Survey. The COVID Impact Survey was weighted to reflect the U.S. population 18 and over while the Survey of Mothers with Young Children was weighted to reflect the population of mothers with at least one of their own children age 12 and under in their household. Additional technical documentation regarding the Survey of Mothers with Young Children is available from the author.

[2] While this is a cleaner approach than comparisons to the complete food insecurity battery, the food insecurity time period about which the three surveys ask are each different. I have presented the most conservative estimates throughout this piece, comparing affirmative responses on single questions from the food insecurity battery for the last twelve months (FSS), the last 30 days (COVID Impact Study), and since the coronavirus pandemic began (Survey of Mothers with Young Children). Additional analyses are available from the author.

First published on April 16, 2021

“Life has become very difficult. We spend all our time looking for basic life necessities. We spend hours searching for either oil, electricity, solar energy, gas, any way to provide for our basic necessities, a life that is difficult in Sana’a, in rural areas it is even more difficult. All of these shortages are caused by the blockade.”

– Ahmed Jahaf, Yemeni artist [1]


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The country of Yemen, once renowned for its architectural gems and theatre shaping the minds and memory of its population, is now scraping itself out from under the wreckage of homes, schools, mosques and hospitals downed by Saudi-led coalition airstrikes.[2]

The battle for control of Yemen has persisted for more than six years. According to December 2020 statistics from the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs:

“The war had already caused an estimated 233,000 deaths, including 131,000 from indirect causes such as lack of food, health services and infrastructure”[3]

According to UNICEF, 80 per cent of the population are in need of humanitarian assistance. That includes 12 million children. [4]

According to  the latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) Acute Malnutrition report:

“Nearly 2.3 million children under the age of five in Yemen are projected to suffer from acute malnutrition in 2021, four United Nations agencies warned today. Of these, 400,000 are expected to suffer from severe acute malnutrition and could die if they do not receive urgent treatment.”[5]

This colossal catastrophe, the largest humanitarian crisis in the world, nevertheless has not generated much in the way of mainstream media concern. More than that, the U.S., UK, Canada are willingly complicit in the carnage![6]

Some moves have been made in recent days by the newly sworn in U.S. President Joe Biden promising to end arms sales to the Saudi Arabia assault on Yemen, freezing arms sales to Saudi Arabia and backing off of designating the rebel group in Yemen, the targets of Saudi wrath, as terrorists. But will this do anything to meaningfully end the conflict or the widespread suffering resulting from blocks to commercial trade which predominantly brings in assistance to the starving region? Can moves by ordinary people throughout the world resolve the turmoil in time to avoid a worsening horror? These are questions the Global Research News Hour hopes will be addressed in this special hour. [7][8][9]

Coming in our first half hour we are joined by the antiwar and social justice activist Azza Robji. She breaks down the extent of the crisis, the role of aggressor states, including Canada, and outlines the various ways people can come together to alter the course of the dangerous powers we live in.

In our second half hour we are joined by two journalists, Steven Sahiounie based in Latakia, Syria, and Yousra Abdulmalik based in Sana’a in Yemen to outline details about the current approach by Biden, the UN’s involvement, and efforts by the Western countries to make a real difference for the people of Yemen.

Azza Robji was born in Ariana, Tunisia. She is an executive member of Vancouver’s anti-war coalition Mobilization Against War & Occupation (MAWO). She authored the 2019 book U.S. and Saudi War on the People of Yemen.

Steven Sahiounie is an award-winning journalist. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Abdulmalik Yousra is a Yemeni journalist based in the capital Sana’a. Her articles appear on major Yemeni news outlets.

(Global Research News Hour Episode 312)


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The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at .

Other stations airing the show:

CIXX 106.9 FM, broadcasting from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. It airs Sundays at 6am.

WZBC 90.3 FM in Newton Massachusetts is Boston College Radio and broadcasts to the greater Boston area. The Global Research News Hour airs during Truth and Justice Radio which starts Sunday at 6am.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 7pm.

CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River Community Radio, airs the Global Research News Hour every Saturday at 8am. 

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 9am pacific time. 


  1. Robji, Azza (2019), p.161 ‘U.S. and Saudi War on the People of Yemen’, Battle of Ideas Press
  2. Robji, azza op cit. pg 49, 50
  6. Rabji, Azza op cit. Pg 58-60,
  7. Borger, Julian and Wintour, Patrick (Feb 4, 2021), ‘Biden announces end to US support for Saudi-led offensive in Yemen’, The Guardian;
  9.  , Daphne and, Michelle (Jan 19, 2021), ‘U.S. exempts U.N., aid groups from effort to cut off Yemen’s Houthis’, Reuters;

All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the “Translate Website” drop down menu on the top banner of our home page (Desktop version).


Updated on May 10, 2021

The validity of the PCR test has been questioned for months, if not from the very beginning of the declared covid-19 plandemic, including lately also by WHO. However, this test is still and ever more so being forced upon us. This despite the fact that ever more scientific evidence comes to the fore that the test is absolutely unsuited to determine whether a person is “infected” with the covid-19 virus. According to some scientists there are up to 90% false positives. Besides, a positive in 97% of the cases does not indicate that you will come down with symptoms. Especially young people, and people without any co-morbidities rarely show any symptoms.

On the other hand, there is a relentless drive by western countries, foremost Europe and the US to vaccinate-vaccinate-vaccinate – and this with a substance that is not even qualifying as a vaccine, namely a new type of what’s also called “gene-therapy”, a mRNA-type injection which will affect the human genome and most likely the human ADN. mRNA stands for messenger ribonucleuc acid.

The best-known pharma-manufacturers of these mRNA-type substances, falsely called vaccines, include Pfizer, Moderna and a few other inoculations from the Bill Gates created GAVI Alliance, or the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations, also called the Vaccine Alliance. They are located in Geneva, next door to WHO.

There are also adenovector-based covid so-called vaccines, such as AstraZeneca and J&J which have been banned by several countries, because of their high risk of blood clotting, or post-vaccination cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT). These are particularly dangerous for young people. In fact, AstraZeneca recently and officially acknowledged that thrombocytopenia (low blood platelet count due to an autoimmune reaction) is a ‘frequent (1% to 10%)’ vaccine adverse event, even though it wasn’t detected during the vaccine trial.

Yet, AstraZeneca and J&J do not have the decency to withdraw them from the market. To the contrary, they continue to push them – letting governments ban them, if they feel the risk is too high. What’s even worse is that the European Medicine’s Agency (EMA) has approved them and is silent in the face of increasing injuries and death rates.

Both of these therapies are basically untested. No substantial animal trials. In the few animal trials carried out on ferrets and rats, all animals died. Claiming an emergency, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recognizes the gravity of the current public health emergency and has granted a so-called Emergency Use Application (EUA) for what effectively is a gene-therapy, not a vaccine. Therefore, further animal trials were skipped and this experimental gene-treatment, the mRNA-type jabs went directly to humans – which are now acting as guinea pigs.

For the tremendous risks and dangers of this therapy, see the recent exclusive interview with (7 April 2021), and testimony of former Pfizer VP and Chief Science Officer, Mike Yeadon, who says “Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’ See full interview here. 

It appears that so-called vaccination and testing are in reverse proportions related, i.e. the fewer people volunteer to take the jab, the more governments force these false PCR test on the population. In many countries, Switzerland is a case in point, governments “allow” schools to test school children, including Kindergarten up to four times per month, and businesses may do the same, for the “safety of co-workers” – never mind that most people in many countries still work from their home offices. Not submitting to a test or a highly questionable vaccine, may result in dismissal – losing your job. That’s as gloomy and spooky as it has become, this covid-craze.

Now they have introduced “self-testing kits” sold or distributed by pharmacies. Despite intense propaganda, most of these government bought and subsidized tests remain in pharmacies warehouses, as ever fewer people are willing to submit to this lunacy. On top of it all, you have to report only the positive tests of the self-tests – a further up-wards distortion of the anyway false picture of the so-called “infection rate”. – And nobody seems to ask why. Or if they do, they do it not LOUD ENOUGH.

Of course, the higher the number of covid positives, the higher the willingness to vaccinate, so the propaganda assumes, and if not, the better the justification for more lockdowns, more fear – and again – maybe – more willingness to vaccinate. You see – all actions drive to more fear and eventually “more vaccination”. It is as if countries were given a vaccination quota they have to fulfill, and there seems to be no measure of coercion strong enough to get people to submit to this awful, untested jab.

Even the US top-doc, Dr. Anthony Fauci, expresses his doubts on the vaccines’ effectiveness. See here.

One may also ask, why does Europe and the US not allow the Russian Sputnik V or one of the internationally rolled-out Chinese vaccines? Maybe because these vaccines are real vaccines, based on a decades long experience, the traditional method of injecting a weak or dead virus which will react when it comes in contact with a live virus and creates antibodies to create immunity – without affecting your DNA?

It becomes increasingly obvious that there is a special agenda behind this fierce testing and vaccination craze. To top it all off, and to come closer with a reason for it all, a recent report suggests (yet to be confirmed) that according to Johns Hopkins University, You can be vaccinated with a PCR test, even without knowing (11 April 2021). There we go. See here for more details.

So, why is “vaccination” so important? – And especially vaccination with an mRNA-type injection   why? – One reason may be this: as reported by The Daily Mail and RT.

Pentagon scientists reveal a microchip that senses COVID-19 in your body.

The technology was developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which operates under the Pentagon. The microchip is sure to spark worries among some about a government agency implanting a microchip in a citizen. And who knows what else the microchip does in your body. Anything coming from DARPA is not as benign as it is made to believe, and is certainly not an attraction or a convincer for people who are anyway not keen on getting covid-jabbed.

In addition, the collateral damage of these untested toxins that go as vaccines, the immediate side effects are already by an order of magnitude higher than those of conventional vaccinations. The Defender (Children’s Health Defense – CHD) lists statistical figures from CDC, that the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) received data that between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 1, 2021, a total of 56,869 adverse events were reported, including 2,342 deaths — an increase of 93 over the previous week — and 7,971 serious injuries, up 245 over the same time period. This is the latest from CDC.

According to CDC, these figures are vastly under-reported.


In January 2019, the WHO defined the growing number of vaccine critics as one of the ten greatest threats to global health, and since the unprecedented corona vaccination fiasco, the number of vaccine refusers has multiplied. Meanwhile, resistance is emerging even within the conventional medical community. But the masterminds at WHO continue to insist on an unrealistic vaccination rate of at least 70 percent.

Why this tremendous push for vaccination? We know that the covid-19 death rate is comparable to that of a common flu. See Dr. Fauci in peer-reviewed “Navigating the Uncharted”. Listening to Dr. Yeadon, we also know that vaccination is unnecessary, as there are many effective preventive and curing medicines available.

In addition to the immediate side effects, the medium to long-term collateral damage may be much more significant. Dr. Yeadon, Pfizer’s former VP says that two to three years down the road, we may see massive genocide-like deaths from mRNA-type injections. See this.

It is increasingly clear that behind this covid cum vaccination drive, there is a eugenics agenda of gigantic proportions. This has recently also been recognized by the leading German Human Rights lawyer, Dr. Reiner Füllmich, a member of the Corona Investigative Committee, which investigates globally on the prosecution of fraudulent reporting of covid- vaccination, testing and leading to fraudulent “case figures” – and to a massive drive to instill fear in the population. He and his team are launching several Class Action suits in the US and in Canada, and several lawsuits against individuals and institutions in Europe and the US. He calls these coming trials “Nuremberg 2”, after the Nuremberg trials following WWII.

In a recent interview (12 April 2021), Dr. Füllmich said he sees the light at the end of the tunnel. He also said about Corona measures,

“These are the worst crimes against humanity ever committed. The few people who can still think independently, about 10 to 20 percent of the population, they know that the question was never about a virus or human health, but about a massive thinning of the world population, and total control.” – See the full interview here.

Add to the horrendous deadly future for maybe hundreds of millions of people from the vaccines, that more mRNA-type substances will be implanted in people old and young, including children, without them knowing, by repeated testing – and in some countries even forced or coerced repeated testing.

If we go by the words of experienced Dr. Mike Yeadon, former VP Chief Science for Pizer, we might be in for mass-dying – an outright genocide – in a few years.

And this in addition to the collateral social, economic and health damage already perpetuated by false covid-data and government fear-instilling lying, leaving hundreds of millions in misery, despair and abject famine – leading to death.

Is massive depopulation an objective of this corona fraud?

Hence, be aware of even more exposure to the risk by accepting the incessant call for testing-testing and more testing. Be alert and aware and follow the light.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020)

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Today is a day to celebrate the prophetic voice and witness of Fr. Daniel Berrigan, the non-violent anti-war activist and poet, whose life and witness has touched so many lives.  He was born on May 9, 1921 and would have been 100 years old today.  He died five years ago, but his spirit continues to animate and inspire so many others. 

The following essay by Edward Curtin is from his recent book, Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies. (click here to order from Clarity

Radical dissidents and prophets have never had an easy time of it.  When alive, that is.  Once safely dead, however, honors and respect are often heaped on their heads.  The dead can’t talk back, or so it is assumed.  Nor can they cause trouble.

Jesuit priest Fr. Daniel Berrigan was one such man.  When he died on April 30, 2016, the major media, organs of propaganda and war promotion, noted his death in generally respectful ways.  This included The New York Times.  But back in 1988 when Daniel was a spry 68 years old, the Times published a review of his autobiography, To Dwell in Peace, which was a nauseating hatchet job aimed at dismissing his anti-war activism through the cheap trick of psychological reductionism and reversal.   

How could Berrigan really be a Christian, a man of peace, the reviewer Kenneth Woodward (himself a product of eight years of Jesuit education) asked rhetorically, and be so angry?  Wasn’t he in truth a bitter, ungrateful, and angry – i.e. violent – “celebrity priest” masquerading as an apostle of peace?  And therefore, were not his peace activities, his writings, and his uncompromising critique of American society null and void, the rantings of a disturbed man?  Furthermore, by the unspoken intentional logic of such an ad hominem attack, were not those who follow in his footsteps, those who hear his words and – God forbid! – take them seriously, were not they too wolves in sheep’s clothing, angry children trying to exact revenge on their parents?  “Gratefulness, we learn, is not a Berrigan trait,” Woodward concluded in his bilious review of a “pervasively angry autobiography.”  “The Berrigans (note the plural usage), it seems, never learned to laugh at themselves.”

Such character assassination has long been one tool of the power elite. Silence or kill the prophets one way or another.

When Dan and I first met we walked together in the blue cold snowy silence of Ithaca nights.  It was December 1967.  He was a 46-year-old black-bereted whirling dervish orbiting a profound spiritual and poetic stillness; I, a 23-year-old Marine intent on declaring myself a conscientious objector before my reserve unit was activated and sent to Vietnam.

He had been arrested for the first time at a Pentagon demonstration in late October.  A few days later his brother, Philip, together with three others, had upped the ante dramatically by pouring blood on draft files in Baltimore. This action, which became known as the Baltimore Four and started a chain of draft board raids over the next years, and the raging Vietnam War that Johnson was dramatically escalating, were the backdrop for my three-day visit with Dan.  The invitation had been arranged by my inspirational college teacher, Bill Frain, Dan’s friend.

Walking and talking, talking and walking, we whirled around the Cornell campus where Dan was a chaplain, into and out of town, from apartment to apartment, a gathering here, a Mass there.  The intensity was electric.  At a party I met and learned from the brilliant Pakistani scholar and activist Eqbal Ahmad. At an apartment Mass led by Dan in his inimitable style I felt as if we were early Jewish-Christians gathering in secret.  There was a sense of foreboding, as if something would soon break asunder as the U.S. rained bombs and napalm down on the Vietnamese. 

I recall a sense of intense agitation on Dan’s part, as if events were conspiring to push him to answer an overwhelming question.  I knew from the first that he was no J. Alfred Prufrock who would sit on the fence.  He would never say, “I am no prophet – and here’s no great matter/I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker/And I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker/And in short, I was afraid.”  A poet, yes, a lover of beauty, that I could tell; but I felt his fierceness from the start, and it was something I viscerally connected with. He was preparing for a great leap into the breach; was Odysseus readying to leave Ithaca, not for Troy to wage a violent war, but a peaceful Odysseus readying to leave Ithaca to travel to Vietnam to wage a non-violent war against war – a lifelong journey. I too felt that my life would never be the same and I was venturing out onto unchartered waters. His courage rubbed off on me.

In those few days with Dan I unlearned most of the lessons my Jesuit education had instilled in me.  Deo et Patria were rent asunder.  I had never accepted the Marine slogan that “my rifle is my life,” nor had I fully ingested the Jesuits’ conservative ideology – what Dan called “consensus, consensus” – that I should become a man successful through speaking out of both sides of my mouth and serving two masters.  But at that point I had no Jesuit mentor who embodied another path.  In Dan I found that man, or he found me. 

Contrary to some public images of him, he was a man of indirection as well as bluntness. He had the gift of discernment. Not once during my initial stay with him did he suggest a course of action for me.  We talked about the war, of course, of his brother Phil’s and others’ courage, but we also talked of poetry and art, of the beauty of starry winter nights and the dramatic waterfalls surrounding the Cornell campus.  Most of all he wanted to know about me, my family, my background; he listened intently as if he were contemplating his own past as well, weighing the future.  I had already decided to leave the Marines one way or the other, but we never discussed this. He arranged for me to speak to a Cornell lawyer who did anti-war work in case I needed legal help.  But I felt I was in the presence of a man who knew and respected that such momentous decisions were made in solitary witness to one’s conscience. I felt he supported me whatever I did.

When I set sail from Ithaca, I felt blessed and confirmed.  I would never go to war; I knew that.  But I also came away with a different lesson: that not participating in the killing wasn’t enough. I would have to find ways to resist the forces of violence that were consuming the world.  They would have to be my ways, not necessarily Dan’s.  I was unyielding in my conviction that I would not stay in the Marines no matter what the consequences; but after that I would have to choose and take responsibility for what Dan referred to as “the long haul” – a lifelong commitment to the values we shared.  But values are probably too abstract a way to describe what I mean.  Dan conveyed to me through his person that each of us must follow his soul’s promptings – there was no formula.  I was young enough to be his son, and yet he spoke to me as an equal.  Despite his adamantine strength of purpose and conviction, he let me see the scarecrow man within.  No words can describe the powerful stamp this set on my heart that has never left me.

Less than two months later the TET offensive exploded, and Dan was on that night flight to Hanoi with Howard Zinn to bring back three US airmen who had been shot down while bombing North Vietnam. Then the great anti-war leader, Martin Luther King, was executed by government forces in Memphis.  The message sent was clear.  Shortly Dan was invited by Philip to join the Catonsville action.  He gave it prayer and thought, and then jumped in, knowing that the children he had met in the North Vietnamese bomb shelters hiding from American bombs were pleading with him. He later wrote of holding a little boy:

In my arms, fathered

In a moment’s grace, the messiah

Of all my tears, I bore reborn

A Hiroshima child from hell.

He was a changed man.  No longer just a priest-poet, he would now become a revolutionary anti-war activist for life.  He wrote in “Mission to Hanoi, 1968.” 

“Instructions for return. Develop for the students the meaning of Ho’s ‘useless years.’  The necessity for escaping once and for all the slavery of ‘being useful.’  On the other hand, prison, contemplation, life of solitude.  Do the things that even ‘movement people’ tend to despise and misunderstand.  To be radical is habitually to do things which society at large despises.”

Shortly after Catonsville, I was privileged to be invited by Bill Frain to a meeting at his house in Queens, New York of the Catonsville Nine.  We met deep in his backyard, huddled in a circle away from the prying eyes and listening devices of the FBI.  There my education continued.  In January I had submitted my request to be discharged from the Marines as a conscientious objector.  Now I was gathering with nine incredibly courageous Americans who had taken personal responsibility for the nation’s war crimes in an act that sent shock waves around the world.  Although I don’t recall feeling it at the time, I now realize how blessed I was to have been allowed into that august company.  For them to have trusted a 23-year-old whom eight of them had never met takes my breath away.  I am sure Dan gave the okay.

Later that night I drove him back to where he was staying in Yonkers.  So true to form, as we crossed the Whitestone Bridge in the dark, this beautiful man spoke of the exquisiteness of the sparkling lights and the illuminated Manhattan skyline.  He was a hunger artist for beauty. And we talked again of poetry and family, of our relationships, how important they were, and how fractious relationships could get when one stood up for truth and victims everywhere.  He asked about my girlfriend: what did she think about these things?  I sensed that without being explicit he was warning me, while simultaneously telling himself that he was in for some sharp criticism from people close to him.  As we rolled along in that cocoon of intimate talk, I again realized how rare this man was, how multi-faceted and deep.

Afterwards, as I drove home, I kept thinking of the great novel by Ignazio Silone, Bread and Wine, a book Bill Frain had introduced me to; of Pietro Spina, the revolutionary in hiding disguised as a priest, and his former teacher, the priest Don Benedetto. Hunted and surveilled by Italy’s fascist government, they secretly meet and talk of the need to resist the forces of state and church collaborating in violence and suppression.  Dan and the others had dramatically confronted these twin ogres and were willing to face the consequences. My problem was that Dan was both the revolutionary and the priest, but I was neither.  Who was I? The meaning, if not the exact words, of Don Benedetto came back to me: “But it is enough for one little man to say ‘No!’ murmur ‘No!’ in his neighbor’s ear, or write ‘No!’ on the wall at night, and public order is endangered.” And Pietro: “Liberty is something you have to take for yourself.  It’s no use begging it from others.” 

A few days later another conspiratorial murder took place as Bobby Kennedy was murdered in Los Angeles.  First King, then Kennedy.  Again I heard Don Benedetto’s words: “Killing a man who says ‘No!’ is a risky business because even a corpse can go on whispering ‘No! No! No!’ with a persistence and obstinacy that only certain corpses are capable of.  And how can you silence a corpse?”

Then the police riots at the Democratic convention followed.  Fascist forces had been unleashed.  The Trial of the Catonsville Nine took place in October, and of course they were convicted – sentenced as Dan so famously put it, for “the burning of paper instead of children.” That fall I received a letter from Marine Headquarters in Washington D.C. informing me that I was being released from the Marine Corps so I “could take final vows in a religious order.”  It was a complete fabrication since I was engaged to be married, but it was a way to get rid of me without honoring my request as a CO.  Yet in its weird way it was true: I was religious and I was trying to follow an order, but as one of the dissenters led by Dan and his brave companions who formed a different corps – one dedicated to life, not death.

In 1970 when Dan had gone underground instead of reporting for prison, I travelled to the big antiwar event, “America is Hard to Find,” at Cornell. Word had gone out that Dan would appear, which he did in Barton Hall in front of a crowd of 15,000, including the FBI who were ready to pounce on him.  When Dan appeared on stage and gave a moving speech about the need to oppose the war, silence and a sense of held breath filled the hall.  When he finished to thunderous applause, the lights went out and when they came back on, he was gone.  It was like being at a magic show.  He had escaped inside a puppet of one of the twelve apostles – oh what great joy and laughter! A circus act!  Puckish Dan, imaginative through and through, irreverently funny, later said, “I was hoping it wasn’t a puppet of Judas.”

That was the man.

Once my wife and I were eating dinner with him at the 98th St apartment where he lived with other Jesuits.  The conversation turned to Dorothy Day, the founder of The Catholic Worker and long-time pacifist and servant of the poor. Day had been a mentor to Dan.  I told him how I had followed his example when I was teaching in Brooklyn and brought my students to The Catholic Worker to meet with Day.  Now that Day had died, we asked, what would be the Catholic Church’s attitude toward this great dissident?  I said that I thought the church would eventually declare her a saint now that she was safely dead.  Dan strongly demurred; that would never happen, he said, she was too radical and the institution would not recognize her.  Now that Day is being considered for canonization – i.e. declared a saint – I can’t help think of the ways the powers-that-be, both ecclesiastical and secular, have characterized him before and after his death.  Is irony the right word?

I return to a question he had the effrontery to ask, not as an academic exercise but as an existential question demanding a living answer: “What is a human being, anyway?”  It is the type of question asked by Emerson and Thoreau, Gandhi and King, dead sages all.

In the truest sense he answered that question with his life.  A human being is not cannon fodder, a human being is not a piece of paper, not an abstraction, a human being is not a human being when forced to wage war or live off the spoils of war, a human being is not a human being when in the grip of “Lord Nuke.”  None of these.  A human being is a child of God, and as such is called to resist the rule of death in the world, to resist violence with love and non-violence.  A human being is a lover.

This means a human being is necessarily at odds with the powers-that-be, the governments and corporations that in the name of peace prepare for and wage war.  It is a view of human being that is bound to be unpopular, except when it can be affirmed with pieties but contradicted by actions

Sainthood is a piety, the kiss of death bestowed as a guilt offering by authorities lacking authority. It is the Judas kiss – a cosmic joke made to make God laugh.

Dan wasn’t a saint.  He was something more – a man – a brave, brilliant, and prophetic inspirational dissident, full of contradictions like us all. He was a true human being of the highest sacramental order – flesh and blood, bread and wine, life and death. At the height of the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, when social panic consumed the nation and people, including the institutional churches, shunned gay men as lepers, only a man of supreme non-judgmental compassion would have befriended and cared for dying patients, as Dan did for many years.  This didn’t attract headlines as his anti-war activities did, but it symbolized the man.  He was a genuine Christian.

Today, he is in death what he was in life – a great spiritual leader.  Ever faithful, he leads us on, by deeds and words.  There are no bars to manhood (or womanhood), he once wrote.  Freedom is our birth-right.

This mess of mythological pottage, this self-contradictory dream, makes slaves of us,” he wrote, “keeps most of us inert and victimized, makes hostages of our children as well as ourselves.  And yet we are instructed by the highly placed smilers to keep smiling through, as if the dollars in our pockets or the brains in our heads were still workable, negotiable, a sound tender.  As though, in plain fact, our world was not raving mad in its chief parts.  And driving us mad, as the admission price to its Fun House.

On the afternoon of April 30, 2016, I was cleaning out files and had emptied two large drawers of papers.  I noticed there was one green sheet left in one drawer.  It was a saying Dan had sent to me about death.  “Though invisible to us our dead are not absent.”  I thought how true that was and wondered when Dan would die, knowing he was failing.

The next morning I was informed that Dan had died the previous day.  The presence of his absence struck me forcibly.  It consoles me in my sadness, as I know it does so many others.

On the morning of his funeral, there was a march around lower Manhattan in his honor.  Outside the Catholic Worker someone asked me to carry a large photo of Dan, circa 1968.  As we proceeded through the rainy streets, it dawned on me that we were walking together again, and although I was now carrying his image, he had carried me for so many years as that indelible stamp on my heart.  When I emerged from a coffee shop after urinating, some marchers laughed at the incongruous sight of Dan’s photo and me.  I pointed to Dan’s photo and said, “He really had to go.”  I think I heard Dan laugh and say, “That’s the way to shirk responsibility.”

I believe he walks beside us still, or in my case, he walks before me, beckoning me on, since I have such a long way to go to learn the lessons that he first taught me long ago on those snowy night walks through Ithaca.

No, you can’t silence certain corpses.

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Die „Neue Rheinische Zeitung NRhZ“ aus Köln veröffentlichte am 14. April ein Interview mit der Holocaustüberlebenden Vera Sharav (1). Frau Sharav sprach in der 44. Sitzung des Corona-Untersuchungsausschusses mit Rechtsanwalt Dr. Füllmich und seinem Team über „Die Wurzeln des Übels“. Dabei schilderte sie, wie sie als Kind der Verfolgung durch den deutschen Faschismus ausgeliefert war und deshalb in den USA die „Alliance Human Research Protection“ zum Schutz der Menschen vor medizinischer Willkür und vor Menschenversuchen gründete.

Zu Hitlers Masterplan Eugenik gehörte die „T-4-Aktion“, die systematische Ermordung von Menschen mit körperlichen, geistigen und seelischen Behinderungen. Die Leitung oblag der Zentraldienststelle T4 (eine Abkürzung für die Adresse Tiergartenstraße 4). Diesen Krankenmorden fielen bis zum Jahr 1945 über 200.000 Menschen zum Opfer. Ausgehend von Hitlers Masterplan kam Frau Sharav auf den heutigen Masterplan „Eugenik“ von Rockefeller, Gates und Schwab zu sprechen. Ihre Schlussfolgerung lautete:

„Das Virus ist nicht das Problem, …es ist die Eugenik. Hinzu kommt – wie vor 70 Jahren – der Gleichklang der Medien mit der Regierungspraxis (2).“

Deshalb richtete sie einen dringenden Appell an die Deutschen:

Stoppt den Masterplan Eugenik!

Zur Sprache kam dabei auch der sogenannte Nürnberger Kodex.

Nürnberger Kodex 

Am 19. August 1947 endete vor einem Militärgericht im Nürnberger Justizpalast der erste der sogenannten Nachfolgeprozesse des Nürnberger Kriegsverbrechertribunals. Sieben der 23 angeklagten Ärzte und Gesundheitsbeamten wurden zum Tode verurteilt und hingerichtet. Ihnen allen wurden verbrecherische medizinische Experimente und Zwangssterilisationen vorgeworfen. Als Konsequenz wurden klare rechtliche Kriterien geschaffen, die für den Bereich der medizinischen Menschenversuche festlegten, inwieweit es sich um „normale“ Experimente oder Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit handelt.

Der Nürnberger Kodex ist somit eine zentrale ethische Richtlinie zur Vorbereitung und Durchführung medizinischer, psychologischer und anderer Experimente am Menschen und gehört zu den medizinethischen Grundsätzen in der Medizinerausbildung. Die zehn Punkte des Nürnberger Kodex von 1947 besagen, dass bei medizinischen Versuchen an Menschen

„die freiwillige Zustimmung der Versuchsperson unbedingt erforderlich (ist). Das heißt, dass die betreffende Person im juristischen Sinne fähig sein muss, ihre Einwilligung zu geben; dass sie in der Lage sein muss, unbeeinflusst durch Gewalt, Betrug, List, Druck, Vortäuschung oder irgendeine andere Form der Überredung oder des Zwanges, von ihrem Urteilsvermögen Gebrauch zu machen; dass sie das betreffende Gebiet in seinen Einzelheiten hinreichend kennen und verstehen muss, um eine verständige und informierte Entscheidung treffen zu können (3).“ 

Corona-Impfung als Verletzung des Nürnberger Kodex? 

Nach Aussage der Professorin Heike Egner hat der Internationale Strafgerichtshof in Den Haag „eine aus Israel eingereichte Klage wegen Verletzung des Nürnberger Kodex durch die israelische Regierung und Pfizer angenommen – die Entscheidung darüber steht nun aus (4)“.

Eingereicht worden sei die Klage von einer Gruppe von Anwälten, Ärzten und besorgten Bürgern, die von ihrem demokratischen Recht Gebrauch machen möchten,

„keine experimentelle medizinische Behandlung (COVID-Impfstoff) zu erhalten und sich deswegen unter großem und schwerem illegalem Druck der israelischen Regierung fühlen (5).“


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Dr. Rudolf Hänsel ist Diplom-Psychologe und Erziehungswissenschaftler.


1. Siehe Video und Transkript der deutschen Fassung

2. Dito



5. Dito

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As soon as the al-Qaeda-affiliated “moderate opposition” of Greater Idlib considers that it could have a bit of freedom to act, the Syrian Arab Army reminds it that the situation isn’t so.

Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham and the other factions attempt to act, thinking that Damascus is preoccupied in its endeavor to contain ISIS in the central region with Russia’s help. It seems that they are mistaken.

On May 3rd, at least 4 militants of the Ahrar al-Sham Movement near the area of al-Burnas in the northern countryside of Lattakia were killed in a Syrian Arab Army (SAA) operation that included guided missile strikes by Damascus forces.

Then, on the very next day, the army struck a pickup and motorcycle of the al-Qaeda-affiliated Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) near the village of al-Qarqur with an ATGM.

Both Arhar al-Sham and the TIP are allies of al-Qaeda’s Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, which leads the al-Fateh al-Mubeen Operations Room in Greater Idlib.

The operations room is highly likely behind all ceasefire violations that take place in Greater Idlib, and the positions of the factions it coordinates are continuously pounded by the SAA and its Russian support.

Furthermore, it is probably a matter of time until Turkey’s efforts and those of the factions it backs are also impeded in northeastern Syria.

May 5th was the seventh day in a row in which an electricity power outage continued in Hasaka province due to Turkish forces’ control of the quantities of water supplying the Euphrates Dam.

To top it all off, the US continues smuggling resources away from the Syrian people.

On May 5th, 35 trucks loaded with wheat were escorted in a convoy towards northern Iraq and away from Hasaka province.

In northern Iraq, instability is also a constant. On May 5th, unidentified militants attacked the Bai Hasan oil fields in the northern Iraqi province of Kirkuk, where large oil reserves are located.

The militants blew up two wells in the oil fields with explosive devices while attacking a nearby security post to distract the guards. A police officer was killed and three more were wounded in the attack.

Incidents such as this aren’t uncommon. Earlier, two other wells were blown up in the same field and ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack, which didn’t result in any real material losses.

Damascus and Baghdad have recently held talks on bilateral relations and cooperation in different fields. Security is likely one of them, and it is simply a matter of time until coordinated actions begin, initially against ISIS, and then likely against the Turkish forces whose encroachment both Syria and Iraq oppose.


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 “I went through the anteroom on my way to that courtroom where Judge Sabo and another person were engaged in conversation. Judge Sabo was discussing the case of Mumia Abu-Jamal. During the course of that conversation, I heard Judge Sabo say, ‘Yeah, and I’m going to help them fry the n––-.’ There were three people present when Judge Sabo made that remark, including myself.” – in a sworn affidivit by Philadephia court reporter Terri Maurer-Carter, August 2001


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Even in the midst of an apparent pandemic keeping all Americans and many around the world in the grip of heightened fear, that did not stop people from rising up in centres globally to massively dispute and condemn the death of a black man – George Floyd – under the knee of a Minneapolis police officer. Anywhere from 15 to 26 million people are estimated to have shown up at protests in the USA in the month of June alone condemning the actions against Floyd and evidence of racism conducted by police generally.

Newspapers and broadcasts around the world couldn’t get enough of this incident and the unrest it was setting off. The fate of George Floyd resulted in the first major demonstration and possibly even the first news story generally that actually shoved COVID reporting aside. [2]

Mumia Abu Jamal was not so lucky.

In recent days, it was learned that Mumia Abu-Jamal, the former Black Panther and radio journalist who was arrested and charged under suspicious conditions, was taken to a hospital. He had suffered from Cirrhosis of the liver, Hepatitis C, a severe, chronic and debilitating skin condition, and COVID-19. As well, his heart was requiring major surgery. Advocates argue these concerns were a reflection of a court-documented medical neglect. [3]

Mumia has just entered his 40th year as an incarcerated prisoner. His trial was considered by Amnesty International, “clearly failed to meet minimum international standards safeguarding the fairness of legal proceedings” – meaning there are plenty of reasonable doubts about his guilt. And now his life is in peril. While Mumia’s got a cast of dedicated supporters in Philadelphia and around the world bringing attention to his plight, the media by and large is not paying attention.

If the guilty verdict given to former police officer Derek Chauvin in relation to the murder and manslaughter of George Floyd was to be the beacon signaling the downfall of racial policing everywhere, as some had hoped, than why is there a pause in the case of what is arguably the most famous political prisoner in America who has the fingerprints of bigoted treatment all over his body?

This week on the Global Research News Hour we plan to examine Mumia’s current health, legal and political situation and probe the distorted treatment of this legendary voice.

In our first half hour, long time Mumia supporter Suzanne Ross returns again with updates on Mumia’s situation, including the disappointing news brief from a so-called “progressive” lawyer. In the second half hour, we listen to another supporter Professor Johanna Fernández expand on the racial injustice angle from shackles in the hospital to the neglect in medical care, to media avoidance. Finally, running near the end of the show, Mike Africa Jr, member of the MOVE family, spends a few minutes taking the conversation beyond Mumia to discuss the bombing of their home by the police in May of ‘85 and the various events connected with the anniversary of that event.

Dr. Suzanne Ross is a New York City based clinical psychologist, a long-time anti-imperialist activist and representative of International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal.

Associate Professor Johanna Fernández teaches 20th Century US history and the history of social movements in the Department of History at Baruch College (CUNY). She is the editor of Writing on the Wall: Selected Prison Writings of Mumia Abu-Jamal and one of the coordinators of the Campaign to Bring Mumia Home. She is also the host of the daily program Its a New Day for WBAI radio in New York City.

Mike Africa Jr. Is a writer, activist and hip hop artist. He hosts the weekly podcast “Ona Move w/Mike Africa, Jr.” and is the star of the HBOmax documentary “40 Years A Prisoner, he is a stage performer, keynote speaker.” He is the son of one of the MOVE 9 who gave birth to him while in prison.

(Global Research News Hour Episode 315)


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The Global Research News Hour airs every Friday at 1pm CT on CKUW 95.9FM out of the University of Winnipeg. The programme is also podcast at .

Other stations airing the show:

CIXX 106.9 FM, broadcasting from Fanshawe College in London, Ontario. It airs Sundays at 6am.

WZBC 90.3 FM in Newton Massachusetts is Boston College Radio and broadcasts to the greater Boston area. The Global Research News Hour airs during Truth and Justice Radio which starts Sunday at 6am.

Campus and community radio CFMH 107.3fm in  Saint John, N.B. airs the Global Research News Hour Fridays at 7pm.

CJMP 90.1 FM, Powell River Community Radio, airs the Global Research News Hour every Saturday at 8am. 

Caper Radio CJBU 107.3FM in Sydney, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia airs the Global Research News Hour starting Wednesday afternoon from 3-4pm.

Cowichan Valley Community Radio CICV 98.7 FM serving the Cowichan Lake area of Vancouver Island, BC airs the program Thursdays at 9am pacific time


  2. Amy Mitchell, Mark Jurkowitz, J. Baxter Oliphant, and elisa Shearer (June 12, 2020), ‘Majorities of Americans Say News Coverage of George Floyd Protests Has Been Good, Trump’s Public Message Wrong’, Pew Research Centre: Journalism and Media;

A recent Associated Press (AP) “report” entitled “The superspreaders behind top COVID-19 conspiracy theories”,  directed against several authors, academics and independent media including Global Research describes Michel Chossudovsky as “a professor emeritus of economics … and a conspiracy theorist who has argued the U.S. military can control the weather”. (emphasis added)

The insinuation is that the Independent media including Global Research are “Superspreaders” intent upon misleading public opinion.

My response: “do you home work”.  Sloppy journalism and “Fake News” on this and other issues including Covid.

There is a vast literature on weather modification for military use. Do your “Fact-checking”. The US Military can control the weather. And that is not a conspiracy theory, that’s a conspiracy fact.

I refer the distinguished AP journalists David Klepper, et al to consult the US Air Force document entitled “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025

We are dealing with REAL weapons of mass destruction and WHY is it not being reported upon.

It’s scary? Weather Modification for Military Use (2025) coincides chronologically with Joe Biden’s “New Cold War” and the World Economic Forum’s “Global Reset”.

I also suggest that the Associated Press consult the following document:

The Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, United Nations, Geneva: 18 May 1977

Guided by the interest of consolidating peace, … and of saving mankind from the danger of using new means of warfare, (…) Recognizing that military … use of such [environmental modification techniques] could have effects extremely harmful to human welfare, Desiring to prohibit effectively military … use of environmental modification techniques in order to eliminate the dangers to mankind. … and affirming their willingness to work towards the achievement of this objective, (…) Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to engage in military … use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party.

(Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, United Nations, Geneva, May 18, 1977. Entered into force: 5 October 1978)

What we are dealing with is a Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) which has been virtually ignored by the mainstream media, with some exceptions. Its deployment by the US Air Force is in violation of the 1978 convention quoted above.

This CBC documentary below released in the 1990s says the truth.

Those were the days of honest journalism.

(I will not comment on what the CBC has become today).

To watch this engaging 15-minute CBC documentary online, click here.


When the Lie Becomes the Truth. When War Becomes Peace

I have undertaken research on both “weather warfare” as well on as the use of “low yield” tactical nuclear weapons which are now being upheld as an instrument of peace. They are categorized as mini-nukes “harmless to civilians” with an explosive capacity between one third and 12 times a Hiroshima bomb.

The mainstream media casually describes nuclear weapons as a means to achieving World peace. It’s called “nuclear peace”.

According to “scientific opinion” (quoted by the  mainstream media “Superspreaders”):

“controlled nuclear proliferation [by the US] may be beneficial for inducing stability”.

And Joe Biden is now committed to extending Obama’s $1.2 trillion dollar nuclear weapons program which is intended to protect the “Free World”. What nonsense!


See also

Michel Chossudovsky, Weather Warfare: Beware the US military’s experiments with climatic warfare, The Ecologist, December 2007


Come tutto è iniziato con Damasco, la fine verrà da Damasco

Durante il mandato dell’ex presidente americano George W. Bush e dopo l’ammissione pubblica del fallimento delle guerre da lui condotte attraverso la pubblicazione del famoso “rapporto Baker-Hamilton” emesso [6 dicembre 2006] da una commissione composta da membri dei partiti repubblicano e democratico del Congresso degli Stati Uniti, il presidente siriano Bashar al-Assad ha lanciato il suo appello per la formazione di un sistema regionale che riunisca gli stati che si affacciano su cinque mari [il Mar Mediterraneo, il Mar Rosso, il Mar Caspio, il Mar Nero e il Mar del Golfo Arabico] per riempire il vuoto lasciato dal fallimento americano.

Il presidente siriano aveva quindi avviato una prima mossa includendo Russia, Iran, Turchia, Egitto e Arabia Saudita, motivando i suoi alleati russi e iraniani ad accettare il suo invito e cercando di convincere Turchia, Arabia Saudita ed Egitto della portata dei rischi derivanti dal vuoto strategico annunciato; un vuoto che sarebbe stato riempito dal caos e dal terrorismo, a meno che non si trovasse un’alternativa che garantisse la stabilità nella regione.

Ma il Partito Democratico ha finito per rifiutare l’opzione raccomandata dal rapporto Baker-Hamilton di aprire alla Siria, che è il cuore stesso di questo sistema regionale a cinque mari, perché non includeva l’entità occupante israeliana. Questo nonostante il suo ruolo sia stato considerato decisivo di fronte alle guerre dei neoconservatori, dato che la Siria avrebbe contribuito a spianare la strada al ritorno dei democratici alla Casa Bianca, secondo le parole della presidente della Camera dei rappresentanti degli Stati Uniti, Nancy Pelosi, dopo la sua visita a Damasco e il suo incontro con il presidente Bashar al-Assad nel 2007.

Inoltre, con l’arrivo di Barak Obama al potere e lo sbocciare della cosiddetta primavera araba, divenne presto chiaro che l’opzione del caos e del terrorismo era diventata un’opzione ufficiale per Washington, dimostrando la validità delle previsioni del presidente al-Assad.

Infatti, da allora in poi, l’Egitto fu la prima vittima presa di mira dal caos e dal terrorismo avendo approfittato della rabbia del popolo egiziano che aspirava al cambiamento, fino a cadere sotto l’influenza della Fratellanza dei cosiddetti Fratelli Musulmani, prima che l’esercito lo recuperasse due anni dopo. Per quanto riguarda la Turchia e l’Arabia Saudita, hanno partecipato attivamente al nuovo piano americano, di cui la Siria era l’obiettivo principale: la Turchia, motivata da dichiarate ambizioni ottomane, essendo il perno e l’incubatore della guerra alla Siria; l’Arabia Saudita essendo il finanziatore, istigatore e organizzatore di gruppi terroristici che costituiscono l'”esercito ausiliario” di questa guerra, al fine di compensare l’inettitudine degli eserciti occidentali e l’esercito israeliano nel combattimento [terrestre].

È così che, negli ultimi dieci anni, la guerra in Siria è diventata una versione geograficamente ridotta di una terza guerra mondiale, sia per l’enormità delle risorse destinate a vincerla, sia per la molteplicità dei paesi coinvolti.

Ed è così che dieci anni dopo l’aggressione alla Siria, Egitto, Arabia Saudita e Turchia, invitati ieri a unirsi al sistema di stabilità regionale proposto dal presidente Al-Assad, si trovano oggi di fronte a scadenze drammatiche. L’Egitto è minacciato esistenzialmente dalla diga Rinascimento in Etiopia. Turchia e Arabia Saudita stanno raccogliendo i risultati del fallimento delle guerre in cui sono stati coinvolti, in Siria per la prima, in Siria e Yemen per la seconda.

Nel frattempo, è stata la resistenza ormai leggendaria della Siria la ragione decisiva del fallimento degli aggressori nel raggiungere i loro obiettivi principali, i suoi fedeli alleati che sono rimasti al suo fianco essendo pienamente consapevoli che questa non era solo una guerra alla Siria, ma anche una guerra progettata per cambiare il mondo dalla porta della Siria e seminare caos e terrorismo in esso.

Infatti, il piano degli alleati che hanno lanciato la guerra alla Siria è andato ben oltre i suoi confini. Attaccandola, hanno preso di mira la Russia nella sua sicurezza, la Cina nel suo accesso al Mediterraneo, l’Iran nel suo ruolo, la sua resistenza e le sue relazioni con i vari movimenti di resistenza, cercando di spezzare la schiena della Resistenza libanese e bloccare le sue vie di approvvigionamento. E, nel processo, hanno lavorato per garantire la sicurezza di Israele e dell’occupante americano in Iraq, per mettere il Libano nelle mani del “gruppo di Jeffrey Feltman” e, implicitamente, per tagliare la strada alla resistenza risorgente in Yemen, Palestina e Iraq.

Ma con la partenza dell’amministrazione dell’ex presidente Donald Trump e il fallimento dei suoi piani per far rivivere e generalizzare il caos e il terrorismo, a causa delle vittorie della Siria sulle organizzazioni ISIS-Daesh, il Fronte al-Nusra e i cosiddetti Fratelli Musulmani, la Casa Bianca si è aperta nuovamente a un’amministrazione democratica nella persona del presidente Joe Biden.

Una nuova amministrazione che ha riaffermato il fallimento delle guerre condotte dagli Stati Uniti e ha espresso l’intenzione di entrare in un processo di risoluzione dei conflitti, a partire dal ritorno all’accordo nucleare iraniano. Ha anche preso la decisione di ritirare le sue truppe dall’Afghanistan, sapendo bene che mantenere la stabilità è incompatibile con un vuoto strategico. Così come sa che non c’è più posto per l’entità occupante israeliana in un sistema destinato a preservare la stabilità regionale e che le politiche di normalizzazione, guidate da Donald Trump, sono incapaci di creare un contesto sul quale potrebbe contare a questo scopo.

E ora che la guerra sembra volgere al termine, con il suo principale sponsor che ha perso le possibilità di continuarla e si trova bloccato per mancanza di una strategia di uscita, ecco che Washington bussa alla porta di Teheran e Mosca, seguita dall’Arabia Saudita di fronte alla necessità di ammettere che le regole di ingaggio sono cambiate e la risposta significa: “Per noi, per andare avanti, dovete andare verso Damasco, perché è lì il cuore della questione”.

L’Arabia Saudita sta quindi cercando di normalizzare le sue relazioni con l’Iran e la Siria. E la Turchia, la cui presenza in Libia solleva importanti questioni internazionali e regionali, si sta muovendo per normalizzare le relazioni con l’Egitto.

Quindi, la domanda diventa di nuovo: “Quale sistema regionale sarebbe in grado di preservare la stabilità? “. Apparentemente, la risposta è che non ci sono altre possibilità degne di discussione per scegliere tra l’opzione dei cinque mari di Al-Assad e quella che porta al caos e al terrorismo. E infine, come tutto è iniziato con Damasco, la fine verrà da Damasco.

E Damasco rimarrà la capitale della regione

A questo proposito, ricordiamo che per anni i media hanno parlato di rapporti secondo cui Teheran e Mosca avevano raggiunto accordi in privato per decidere il futuro della presidenza in Siria. Al che abbiamo risposto: “Se è quello che vogliono, non lo avranno, ma non lo vogliono e non lo vorranno!”.

Ora, Teheran e Mosca sostengono la decisione del presidente Bashar al-Assad di rispettare la scadenza delle elezioni presidenziali secondo la costituzione siriana in vigore, così come la sua candidatura per un nuovo mandato. E questo, prima di tutti i negoziati che dovrebbero portare a una nuova costituzione che gli permetterebbe di correre per un primo e poi un secondo mandato, in modo che il detto ‘Al-Assad resta e gli altri vanno! “.

E ora i media ci raccontano delle delegazioni che si sono precipitate a Damasco, la risposta sentita da quelli dei paesi coinvolti nella guerra contro la Siria è invariabile: “Senza riorganizzare le relazioni con la Siria, la regione rimarrà bloccata in mezzo all’abisso”.

In altre parole, per chi non l’avesse notato, gli eventi si stanno muovendo verso una nuova realtà regionale e internazionale che sarà coronata dall’incontro al vertice tra il presidente Putin e il presidente Biden. Una realtà che inizierà con l’accordo sul nucleare iraniano e il cui ritmo dovrebbe accelerare dopo le elezioni presidenziali siriane aprendo sulla Siria attraverso questioni di grande importanza. Tra queste questioni: l’occupazione dei territori siriani da parte degli Stati Uniti e della Turchia, le aggressioni dell’esercito di occupazione israeliano, la questione dei separatisti curdi, la formulazione di una soluzione politica, il ritorno degli sfollati e la ricostruzione.

Questi sono sviluppi che alcuni potrebbero non essere in grado di digerire, ma saranno sufficienti per confermare che Damasco rimarrà la capitale della regione, che la Resistenza è la potenza nascente nella regione, e che il vicino Libano è il paese fratello della Siria e il centro della Resistenza, oltre ai loro nemici. Infatti, l’ora della verità farà capire a questi ultimi che non sono altro che nani anche se hanno occupato i troni della finanza e della politica per molti anni.

Quindi, è ragionevole immaginare un governo libanese nel 2022 che non stabilisca le migliori relazioni con la Siria? È ragionevole immaginare un governo e delle elezioni nel 2022 che non partano dall’equazione tra Damasco, la capitale della regione, e la Resistenza? Chiunque immagini questo farebbe bene a seguire questo consiglio: “Non stare in fondo alla carovana, non troverai nessuno ad accoglierti! “.

Nasser Kandil



*Politico libanese, ex deputato e direttore del quotidiano libanese “Al-Binaa”


Fonte: Sintesi di due articoli di Al-Binaa (Libano)

Traduzione dall’arabo al francese di Mouna Alno-Nakhal.

Le monde revient à la vision des « cinq mers » d’Al-Assad

Par Nasser Kandil, 07 mai 2021

Traduzione dal Francese all’italiano di Nora




1][Israele sta solo cercando di guadagnare tempo!]

[2][Trump e le missioni date al futuro re dei Saud salmani]

[3][Yemen / La battaglia di Al-Hodeida alla luce della “teoria dei cinque mari” di Bashar al-Assad]

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The World Economic Forum (WEF) will stage another cyber attack exercise as it continues to prep for a potential cyber pandemic that founder Klaus Schwab says will be worse than the current global crisis.

The SolarWinds hack served as a wake-up call to the supply chain attack vulnerabilities still present in public and private organizations, and it served as a warning that the next breach could be exponentially worse in spreading through any device connected to the internet.

Following up on last year’s Cyber Polygon cyber attack exercise and event aimed at preventing a digital pandemic, the WEF has announced that the 2021 edition will be taking place on July 9.

“A cyber attack with COVID-like characteristics would spread faster and farther than any biological virus” — World Economic Forum

This year, Cyber Polygon 2021 will simulate a fictional cyber attack with participants from dozens of countries responding to “a targeted supply chain attack on a corporate ecosystem in real time.

According to the WEF, COVID-19 was known as an anticipated risk, and so is its digital equivalent.

What’s more, “A cyber attack with COVID-like characteristics would spread faster and farther than any biological virus. Its reproductive rate would be around 10 times greater than what we’ve experienced with the coronavirus.”

“It is important to use the COVID-19 crisis as a timely opportunity to reflect on the lessons of cybersecurity community to draw and improve our unpreparedness for a potential cyber pandemic” — Klaus Schwab

Here, we take a look at three trends emerging from Cyber Polygon 2020 to uncover what moves the public and private sectors may make in anticipation of a digital pandemic.

But first, where did the notion of a cyber pandemic come from?

An Anticipated Cyber Pandemic

In his welcoming remarks at Cyber Polygon 2020, WEF Founder Klaus Schwab warned about a coming “cyber pandemic” that would be worse than the current global crisis.

“We all know, but still pay insufficient attention to, the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack, which would bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole,” he said.

“The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack.”

Schwab added,

“It is important to use the COVID-19 crisis as a timely opportunity to reflect on the lessons of cybersecurity community to draw and improve our unpreparedness for a potential cyber pandemic.”

As the digital world encroaches on our physical and biological worlds, an effective cyber attack could compromise anything connected to the internet, including:

  • Medical devices that keep people alive
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem of connected devices that run smart homes (i.e. cameras, microphones, sensors, etc.)
  • The Internet of Bodies (IoB) ecosystem of digitally-connected humans
  • Global financial systems
  • Energy grids
  • Water treatment facilities
  • Government IT systems
  • Military and defense infrastructure
  • And more

Currently, “The only way to stop the exponential propagation of a COVID-like cyber attack threat,” according to the WEF, “is to fully disconnect the millions of vulnerable devices from one another and from the internet.”


“A single day without the internet would cost our economies more than $50 billion, and that’s before considering economic and societal damages should these devices be linked to essential services, such as transports or healthcare.”

“The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack” — Klaus Schwab

Needless to say, a cyber pandemic would wreak havoc on nearly all aspects of society.

However, the devil is in the details, and the solutions recommended for a cyber pandemic could be far more detrimental to individual liberty than the cyber attack itself.

Cyber Polygon 2020 Emerging Trends

The central theme of the Cyber Polygon 2020 exercise was “digital pandemic: how to prevent a crisis and to reinforce cybersecurity on all levels.”

The stated goal of last year’s Cyber Polygon event was to:

  • Develop the teams’ competencies in repelling cyber attacks
  • Engage the management of global organizations and corporations in the cybersecurity dialogue
  • Raise public awareness in cybersecurity

The exercise featured two parallel tracks: a live stream for a mass audience and technical training for cybersecurity specialists, and 120 of the largest Russian and international organizations from 29 countries joined the technical training to practice response to a targeted attack, aimed at hacking company data and undermining its reputation.

While the technical training side of the event was dedicated to responding to a single attack, the conversations from the live stream portions provided the most insights for dealing with the potential fallout of the attack — the digital pandemic.

Here are three trends emerging from the live stream discussions and the Cyber Polygon 2020 results report.

1) Governments Will Inevitably Move Towards Digital Identity Schemes

Speaking at Cyber Polygon 2020, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair stated with confidence that governments are “absolutely, inevitably” moving in the direction of digital identity adoption.

“Digital ID for me is a very big part of the future” — Tony Blair

Digital identity is a major component of the WEF’s great reset agenda as it relates to transformative technologies powering the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

A digital identity keeps a record of everything you do online, including what you share on social media, the websites you visit, and your smartphone’s geolocation, and it can house all of the credentials you would normally find in a physical wallet, such as your driver’s license, insurance card, and credit cards.

In his talk, Blair didn’t make the case for why having a digital identity was actually necessary to prevent a cyber pandemic, but rather that digital identities would be an inevitable part of the digital ecosystem, and so governments should work with technology companies to protect and regulate their use.

“Digital ID for me is a very big part of the future,” said Blair.

“Inevitably, governments are going to move in this direction — absolutely, inevitably,” he added.

“And so what I think’s most important is that we from the political side wake-up to the potential of technology and engage with the changemakers inventing the technology, so that we understand it and can regulate it sensibly and not stupidly.”

WEF Great Reset Digital ID

Image Source: World Economic Forum

If a hacker were to gain control over someone’s digital identity, they could essentially shut them out of participating in civil society by erasing them completely, or exploiting their information in such a way that blocks victims from proving they have money in the bank, a passport that allows them to travel, a valid driver’s license, proof of immunity, and any other credentials that are necessary for citizens to access goods and services.

And while digital identities show promise towards improving the livelihoods of millions when governed ethically, they are also used by authoritarian governments to profile and police citizen behavior under a social credit system.

Whether the data be secured or not, individual liberty will depend on how the technology is used and the level of trust given to those who govern it.

According to a WEF report from 2018, “digital identity determines what products, services and information we can access – or, conversely, what is closed off to us” — the level of which to be determined by our online behavior.

If Blair is right and governments will inevitably adopt digital identities, then a well-coordinated cyber attack affecting digital identity systems would lead to a cyber pandemic affecting the whole of society.

2) ‘Fake News’ Is a Digital Pandemic & the Majority of Citizens Are Incapable of Thinking Critically

Cyber Polygon 2020 dedicated one of its live streams sessions to the concept of “fake news” as being a deadly, digital pandemic plaguing 2020.

“If you’re talking about someone who […] has not read very much, whose knowledge is limited — that person is much easier to fool and much more ready to accept whatever he or she is told” — Vladimir Pozner, Journalist

By the end of their conversation, BBC World News presenter Nik Gowing and veteran journalist Vladimir Pozner arrived at the conclusion that the average person of voting age was not capable of thinking critically for themselves and was more likely to swallow any information put out there than someone who went to a university.

Both Gowing and Pozner agreed that the majority of citizens were uneducated, were not well-read, and hadn’t traveled enough to know the difference between what was fake and what was real.

Pozner: “You’re launching your argument based on a sense that your average viewer, listener, reader has a critical outlook from the outset.”

“I think that there are an awful lot of people who don’t have that critical outlook and just swallow it whole.”

Gowing: “I agree […] “You have to have that questioning instinct.”

Pozner: “If someone is well-educated, has a university education, has read, has traveled — that person’s reaction to what he or she is reading or listening to is one thing.

“If you’re talking about someone who finished grammar school or the like and has not had the opportunity because of where that person comes from, has not read very much, whose knowledge is limited — that person is much easier to fool and much more ready to accept whatever he or she is told.

“When we’re dealing with this deliberate lie, who is it directed at mainly?

“In my opinion, it’s mainly directed towards the ordinary person — not towards the intellectual elite, not towards those who have the ability to actually think it through, but to those who have not had that advantage, to the less privileged people who are the majority, and who are the ones who vote, and who are the ones who, ultimately, when they say, ‘the people,’ they are ‘the people,’ and I think they are the ones who are victimized by this trend.”

With the assumption that average people aren’t capable of thinking critically and that the majority of citizens are therefore “victims,” the two journalists turned the conversation towards how to protect victims of the “fake news pandemic.”

But in the end, they had no idea how to do that, and fake news, misinformation, and disinformation remain “existential threats.”

Cyber Polygon 2020 didn’t issue any concrete recommendations with regards to dealing with fake news; however, the WEF-led Event 201 coronavirus pandemic simulation did recommend that, “Governments will need to partner with traditional and social media companies to research and develop nimble approaches to countering misinformation.”

3) Trustworthy Public & Private Partnerships Will Need To Be Strengthened

Establishing trustworthy collaborations among the public and private sectors can help prevent a digital pandemic, according to the Polygon 2020 report.

“A critical situation cannot be tackled by an organization or a lone individual,” it reads, adding, “In a highly interconnected world, a single cyber attack can spread exponentially across the global community.

“This situation can be prevented by promoting collaboration between the public and private sectors and law enforcement agencies.

“Furthermore, efficient interaction requires the implementation and regulation of a range of standards, the exchange of information and establishing trustworthy relationships.”

“When we do see this next crisis, it will be faster than what we’ve seen with COVID, the exponential growth rate will be much steeper, the impact will be greater, and as a result the economic and social implications will be even more significant” — Jeremy Jurgens, WEF Chief Business Officer

However, with countries like China stealing intellectual property, sponsoring state-run cyber attacks that have compromised the personal information of nearly every single American adult, and silencing doctors and whistleblowers about the CCP’s responsibility in the coronavirus pandemic, establishing trust and bolstering collaborations among governments and corporations are lofty goals to set.

During the Polygon 2020 live session, WEF Chief Business Officer Jeremy Jurgens said that preventing the next crisis will require that all sectors of society and the economy come together.

“I believe that there will be another crisis,” he said. “It will be more significant. We need to actually start preparing for that now.”

“We need to start this cooperation and understanding early, so that when the crisis does hit, we’re in a position to respond effectively to it.

“I would anticipate that when we do see this next crisis, it will be faster than what we’ve seen with COVID, the exponential growth rate will be much steeper, the impact will be greater, and as a result the economic and social implications will be even more significant.

“I think it’s really important that we don’t underestimate the severity of a crisis like this — the impact it could have.

“It’s going to take all sectors of society and the economy to come together to address that,” Jurgens added.

The Cyber Polygon 2020 report, along with the virtual sessions recorded during Davos Week at the end of January, 2021, all highlight the need/desire for public and private collaboration — not just as a means to avert a cyber pandemic — but for reshaping the entire global economy and revamping all aspects of society under a new form of stakeholder capitalism brought on by the great reset.

Trends Emerging From Digital Pandemic Exercise

In this article, we looked at three trends emerging Cyber Polygon 2020:

  • A greater consolidation of resources and collaborations among corporations and states
  • A plan to deal with fake news, disinformation, and misinformation that has yet to be unveiled
  • A push towards digital identity that will need to be secured and protected

While these basic observations were plucked from last year’s exercise, this year’s Cyber Polygon will present new challenges in which participants will respond to a different threat — a targeted supply chain attack on a corporate ecosystem in real-time.

If the results and recommendations from previous pandemic simulations are any indication of what may lie ahead for society, then the findings and policies coming out of Cyber Polygon 2021 may have real-world societal impact in the very near future.

For example, many scenarios played out in the WEF-backed fictional pandemic simulations Clade X(May, 2018) and Event 201 (October, 2019) later came to pass, along with several policy recommendations for dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

These scenarios depicted:

  • Governments implementing lockdowns worldwide
  • The collapse of many industries
  • Growing mistrust between governments and citizens
  • A greater adoption of biometric surveillance technologies
  • Social media censorship in the name of combating misinformation
  • The desire to flood communication channels with “authoritative” sources
  • Mass unemployment
  • Rioting in the streets
  • And a whole lot more!

When the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the coronavirus a pandemic on March 11, 2020, governments all over the world went into lockdown, which had devastating effects on the economy with businesses closing, civil unrest skyrocketing, unemployment surging, housing foreclosures on the horizon, and the largest transfer of wealth ever recorded in human history.

However, many of these scenarios were already anticipated and taken into account in previous simulations, and yet they all still came to pass.

Will the conversations coming out of Cyber Polygon 2021 prove to be as prophetic for the digital world as Event 201 and Clade X were for the physical one?


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Tim Hinchliffe is the editor of The Sociable. His passions include writing about how technology impacts society and the parallels between Artificial Intelligence and Mythology. Previously, he was a reporter for the Ghanaian Chronicle in West Africa and an editor at Colombia Reports in South America. [email protected]

Featured image is from The Sociable

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There has been virtually no American media coverage of last week’s arrival of a senior Israeli delegation in Washington to discuss Iran. The delegation included the head of the Israeli external intelligence service Mossad Yossi Cohen and Israel’s National Security Advisor Meir Ben-Shabbat. Their itinerary included briefings at the Pentagon and also with national security and State Department officials at the White House. Lest there be any confusion about the “mission” of the delegation, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced unambiguously that his team would be explaining why Iran should not be trusted and that any agreement with it is “fundamentally flawed” in that it opens the door to a nuclear weapon for the Iranians when the deal enters its “sunset” phase after ten years.

Consequently, the Israelis pushed hard for maintaining U.S. non-participation in the multilateral Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear inspection program that was established in 2015 and which President Donald Trump chose to withdraw from.

The secondary message from Jerusalem was that U.S. “extreme pressure” sanctions should remain in place and should, if anything, be made even more punitive. The Israeli team produced “intelligence” to help make their case, but those of us experienced in the information provided by America’s “best friend” and “closest ally” Israel would probably agree that it tends to be highly politicized and often lacking any credible sourcing. In short, it is frequently little more that fabricated material that is only intended to influence gullible U.S. government officials.

The Israeli media has, unlike the U.S. media, closely followed the pushback against President Joe Biden’s apparent willingness to do what it takes to bring about re-entry into the non-proliferation arrangement, which is in the interest of the United States, Iran, and even Israel. Biden is reportedly now willing to cancel sanctions against the petroleum and banking sectors , which Iran has cited as a precondition for moving talks currently taking place in Austria forward. Nevertheless, there are certainly a number of high officials in Washington that favor retaining a hardline versus Iran along the lines the Israel is demanding in the belief that the pressure will make Iran concede on all points. They include the three most senior relevant officials at the State Department, all of whom are Jewish and Zionists, as well as many other appointees at the Pentagon and National Security Council.

To return to JCPOA, some in both Washington and Jerusalem are demanding that Iran also make additional concessions that go beyond the nuclear program, to include abandoning its ballistic missile program and ceasing its “interference” and alleged “terrorist support” outside its borders in the Middle East. Those demands are deal breakers for Iran and the intent is clearly maintain a high level of aggression directed against the Islamic Republic while also labeling the country as a “pariah.”

Former senior Israeli diplomat Dore Gold also has come out with another Israeli argument that is being replayed by its supporters in the U.S.: “…there is a real dilemma, because if you remove sanctions there is a huge windfall of funds that becomes available for terrorist activities in the Middle East and around the world.” Of course, the money belongs to Iran, having been frozen by the U.S., and how one defines terrorist is dependent on whom one is seeking to defame. Gold clearly has no problem with Israeli support of ISIS and al-Qaeda linked groups, and he is referring, of course, to Hezbollah, which successfully resisted the Israeli occupation of south Lebanon and which much of the world currently regards as a legitimate party of government.

There is also something of a secret, undeclared war going on between Iran and Israel on the high seas, where drone and limpet mining attacks on tankers and merchant vessels have been increasing. Israel also has been bombing alleged Iranian targets in Syria on a regular basis. Some high-level attacks, including a possible bombing at the Iranian nuclear research center at Natanz and the assassination of scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, both accomplished possibly with the assistance of the U.S., are designed to make it more difficult to resurrect the JCPOA. Last week also saw a claim by pundits hostile to Iran and apparently also to former Secretary of State John Kerry, that Kerry had provided top secret information to Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif. Kerry allegedly revealed to the Iranian that Israel had attacked targets in Syria over two hundred times. As it turned out, the Israeli Defense Ministry had already publicly revealed that fact while boasting about all it is doing against the enemy Iran.

The danger is, of course, that Israel is working hard to suck the United States into a war of its own choosing against Iran and it has a fifth column of allies in the United States that are willing to do its bidding by fair means or foul. Its leadership may be thinking that it is now or never to take the steps to initiate an armed conflict and that just might mean staging a false flag attack on a U.S. merchant or war ship, a diplomatic mission, or a vulnerable military base.

The Middle East region is certainly a target-rich environment for those seeking to identify American facilities and vessels, so it wouldn’t be that hard to set up something that could appear to be an Iranian act of aggression that Joe Biden would have to respond to. And he would find plenty of support both in Congress and in the media to do so. Even if the American counter-attack were strictly limited, the prime beneficiary would of course be Israel, which would have made the possibility of any U.S.-Iranian agreement go away forever.

As is frequently the case when Washington gets entangled with Israel’s perceived interests, this would not be good for the United States and would keep the American forces locked into the Middle East region for many years to come. The question becomes, if Netanyahu pulls a trick and everyone knows or at least suspects that it is fraudulent, will Biden under pressure from the powerful Israel Lobby in the U.S. take the bait? It will be a true test of whether any president will be able to stand up to the Israelis and tell that country “hell no!” It hasn’t happened yet, but hope springs eternal.


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Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected]

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivers a speech on Iran’s nuclear programme at the defence ministry in Tel Aviv on 30 April 2018 (Source: Middle East Eye)

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It is the purpose of this brief study to shed light upon a personality which has played a powerful role in creating the current dynamic shaping the monetarist, ecological and anarchistic tendencies now activated among the land of “strong and free”. The name of this personality is Walter Lockhardt Gordon.

Who Was Walter Gordon?

Walter Lockhart Gordon’s legacy typifies the Delphic methods applied by the British Empire to subvert the cultures of their victim populations. Walter Gordon’s master’s understood that in order to maintain a modern empire, both the greatest control of a victim population must occur while maintaining the greatest illusion of democracy. This is only possible to the degree that the perception of a victim is as far removed from their sad reality as possible. Gordon’s role in shaping the current of Canadian history is so strong, that a brief biography is in order before proceeding to the substance of this report.

While Gordon was an executive director of the Canadian Institute for International Affairs (CIIA- formerly the Rhodes-Milner Roundtable Group), he was known to be one of Canada’s wealthiest entrepreneurs, having inherited the reins to Clarkson Gordon from his father in the 1940s. For a time, Clarkson Gordon was the largest management consulting and accounting firm in Canada. Gordon became involved in the Canadian government during World War II when he worked alongside a young Lester B. Pearson on the Price Spreads Royal Commission of 1942.

After becoming close friends, Pearson was assigned to work under the control of CIIA chief Vincent Massey in the London High Commission for the duration of WW II. In 1955, Gordon was assigned by his London masters to head the Royal Commission on Canada’s Economic Prospects. This Royal Commission produced the first report of its kind by officially painting America as an Empire poised to take over the Canadian economy.

The report called for a new economic strategy to cut America off from the Canadian economy even if it meant a lowering of living standards for Canadians! This report was joined by a sister Royal Commission conducted earlier under the leadership of CIIA leader Vincent Massey calling for the need to create a synthetic Canadian culture for fear of the “Americanization” of the Canadian identity.

Both reports were promoted by the Canadian press and rapidly polarized the Canadian population into largely becoming paranoid of America’s immanent takeover (1). The rampant anti-Americanism became the foundation for the policies that followed in the subsequent decades.

After helping to organize the downfall of the well-intentioned, but highly misguided Conservative government of John Diefenbaker, which fell in 1963, Gordon organized a complete cleansing of all pro-development “C.D. Howe Liberals” and brought in a new breed of technocrats to begin a revolution in bureaucratic affairs under the guidance of the newly formed Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) headed by Club of Rome co-founder Alexander King.

During this time, Gordon was fully in control of Lester B. Pearson, having taken Pearson’s leash from Vincent Massey in the 1950s. Gordon had organized Pearson to head the Liberal Party ever since 1949, writing to Pearson in 1955 that “I have a feeling that people would like to follow your star in droves- if and when you decide the time is right to give them the nod.” (2). Before even becoming a member of the Liberal Party, Gordon even paid for a large scale Nobel Prize gala in Pearson’s honour from his own pocket in 1958 (3).

By this time, Gordon was officially the kingmaker and controller of Pearson under whom he served as Minister of Finance from 1963-1965. Revisionist historian and Gordon protégé Peter Newman described his role during this time as being “in undisputed command of the liberal policy apparatus. Nearly every initiative taken during the 60 days was inspired by the Minister of Finance”. It was in this powerful position during the first “60 days” that Gordon began to apply the “nationalist” financial measures prescribed in his 1957 Royal Commission Report to limit foreign investment limits and cut off “continentalist” forces that were seeking greater US-Canadian involvement around a nation building paradigm.

The greatest threat from the continentalist forces centered around the continental approach to water and energy resource management provoked by the efforts of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, whose allies in Canada included B.C Premier W.A.C. Bennett and C.D. Howe.

Eisenhower’s water management plans were announced for the first time in his 1955 address, and again re-iterated in his 1960 State of the Union. The political climate created by the strong intention to deal with water scarcity decades before the crisis was to strike inspired the design of the North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) by the Parson’s Corporation in 1955. This orientation to breaking out of those closed parameters of water scarcity was advanced boldly by the likes of John F. Kennedy, and his brother Robert. RFK even endorsed the NAWAPA resolution introduced by Senator Frank Moss.

After two years, his economic program turned out to be such a disaster that Gordon was forced to resign from his position, only to become President of the Privy Council Office (1966-68) where he set the stage for the second purge of the Liberal Party and re-organization of the Privy Council Office.

It was this second purge which saw Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Jean Marchand and Gerald Pelletier brought in to prominent positions within the federal Liberal Party.

Even though Gordon preferred Marchand (Pearson’s lieutenant in Quebec) to Trudeau, he became an early backer of Trudeau nonetheless. By 1967, Lester Pearson was considered compromised as he was too easily influenced by the anti-Gordon faction in the Liberal Party, and resigned due to “health reasons”.

Pearson’s incapacity to speak French had also contributed to making him incapable of dealing with the republican nationalist ferment created in Quebec under Premier Daniel Johnson Sr., and exacerbated by French President Charles de Gaulle’s intervention into Quebec in July 1967.

De Gaulle sent shockwaves through Canada and the world when he called for a “Quebec libre” as a pillar to a global ‘Francophonie’ founded upon scientific and technological progress. After successfully attacking Johnson in a public debate, followed by a successful assignment coercing French speaking African leaders to ignore de Gaulle’s strategy in favour of a ‘Canadian option’, Pierre Trudeau was quickly rewarded by being made Prime Minister following a social engineering campaign seemingly modelled on Beatlemania.

Walter Lockhart Gordon left the government in 1968, and quickly set up two pivotal instruments as part of the ongoing social engineering campaign of which he had long been a part. The names for these organizations were:

1- Committee for an Independent Canada (CIC) in 1970

2- The Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation in 1965

The Committee for an Independent Canada

The CIC was an influential group used to promote Gordon’s New Nationalism which involved a small coterie of populist gatekeepers influential in controlling mass perception such as authors Peter C. Newman and Abraham Rotsein, publishers Jack McClelland, and Claude Ryan. Ryan remained a strong voice for Liberals, especially as editor of Le Devoir and later, as head of the Quebec Liberal Party. A young founding member of the CIC was Mel Watkins who was recruited to head a Task Force of 1967 chaired by Walter Gordon called “Foreign Ownership and the Structure of Canadian Investment”. This task force’s recommendations led directly to the creation of the Canada Development Corporation to “buy back Canada” from foreign investment in 1971, the creation of Petro Canada as Canada’s first state run oil company in 1976 and the Foreign Investment Review Agency to limit American influence in the Canadian economy.

The CDC was be headed by British asset Maurice Strong in 1980, who was also serving as Petro Canada’s first CEO. Strong had risen to prominence as a recruit of David Rockefeller, and given the role of Vice President of Canada’s conglomerate Power Corporation in 1963 before it was given to Paul Desmarais, whose family has run it to this day.

Other important institutions which Maurice Strong had run included the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) which arose out of the External Affairs Department’s foreign aid institution which Strong had headed under Pearson in 1968.

CIDA’s job, alongside USAID, was to bring the third world countries, then seeking true sovereign development and access to advanced technology, into debt slavery and trap them into “ecologically appropriate technologies” instead of advanced infrastructure and nuclear power. This occured via Strong’s connections as the Secretary General of the first United Nations Stockholm Conference on the Environment in 1972 which formalized the framework of “bottom up planning” and NGOs in foreign aid.

CIDA’s sister organization, the International Development Research Center (IDRC) was created in 1968 and was also headed by Strong after he replaced CIIA agent Lester Pearson in 1970. The methodology applied in entrapping former colonies into a depopulation paradigm by offering barrels of money in one hand, while enforcing standards of “appropriate” technologies”, IMF conditionalities and cultural identities compatible with “indigenization” in the other, will be the same method applied to the First Nations in Canada. “Nuclear power and advanced infrastructure is incompatible with an “innately” tribal people” says the imperialist. (3)

Gordon’s young protégé Mel Watkins of the 1967 Gordon Task Force went on to co-found the Waffle Movement in 1969 as a radical socialist branch of the NDP whose founding manifesto called for socialist revolution to destroy capitalism, and an independent Canada free of American imperialism.

They were one of the three major Marxist-Anarchist movements spreading across Canada at this time. The Waffle’s sister movements were the Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ) headed by Trudeau’s collaborator at the  journal Cité Libre, Pierre Vallières and the Canadian Liberation Movement (1968-1975).

The Waffle movement was typically supportive of Quebec separation, and all three ran parallel to the Weathermen Underground terrorist movement in the United States.

The Waffle Movement took on steam during the 1970s, but petered out by 1983. As the Canadian economy and population seemed adequately “domesticated” by this time, radical revolution was no longer deemed necessary.

The United States’ economic program of extreme liberalization under Reaganomics resulted in an economic re-colonization of American finance and industry which had advanced to the point that the City of London deemed Canada’s anti-American isolationist program no longer necessary. A new phase could be unleashed.

By 1984, Gordon’s New Nationalist program was sacrificed as Trudeau left his 17 year post as Prime Minister and entered into an array of new projects, one of which include his role as a founding member of the Inter Action Group, followed later by a role on the International Advisory Board of Power Corporation.

Even though John Turner briefly stood in as Prime Minister for several months in 1984, attempting to undo some of Trudeau’s bureaucratic reforms, it is too little, and too late. By the end of 1984, Power Corporation’s obsequious Brian Mulroney (5) became the Prime Minister with a landslide victory with his infamous battle cry “Canada is now open for business”.

Full scale liberalization leading up to the North American Free Trade Agreement was brought in, the destruction of productive banking laws occurred in Britain and then Canada, the Maastricht Treaty was signed and George Bush Sr. and Margaret Thatcher proclaim the “New World Order” to have arrived.

The program to bind the Americas under a fascist monetary union similar to that of the Euro under the control of a “one world government” was begun.

Canada’s next two liberal prime ministers, Jean Chretien and Paul Martin Jr., have risen to prominence under Trudeau and Maurice Strong, and worked for Power Corp directly, while Canada’s current Prime Minister Stephen Harper has affiliated with Power Corp indirectly.

The Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation

This think tank, begun by Walter Gordon and his brother in 1965, is partnered directly with the World Wildlife Fund, the Royal Bank of Canada, the Munk School of Global Affairs, the Canadian Water Network and George Soros’ Tides Foundation.

Since 1965, the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation has provided a continuous supply of grants to the Canadian Institute for International Affairs (CIIA)- now re-named the Canadian International Council (CIC), Massey College, the University of Toronto School of Global Governance, and the Canadian Club of Rome (CACOR).

Since Pierre Trudeau’s former principal secretary Thomas Axworthy was made President and CEO in 2009, the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation (WDGF) now focuses upon Arctic control, water conservation, and brainwashing the First Nations into believing their culture is irreconcilable with the tenets of a productive modern economy, especially scientific and technological progress.

A September 2012 paper submitted by Axworthy at the Polar Law Symposium in Finland begins with the following statement which demonstrates the influence of the zero growth axioms of the Club of Rome on Axworthy which attempt to infuse an anti-development racist ethic under the cover of respecting indigenous rights:  “Indigenous people in the Arctic view themselves as an integral part of the ecosystem. Their inseparable relationship with their territories has a special importance for their cultures and spiritual values. Any emerging framework of policies and laws in the Arctic must fully accommodate indigenous perspectives and concerns.”  (6)

The Club of Rome, having been brought into Canada by Axworthy’s mentors Pierre Trudeau and Maurice Strong decades earlier, had made the basis for its war on technological progress sit upon the dual precepts espoused in this paragraph, namely that: 1) ecosystems are fixed systems governed by entropy and thus always seek “equilibrium”, and 2) that humanity in its “pure” state is, like the other primates, in no way superior to the imagined fixed ecosystems. The Club of Rome’s notion of humanity is subservient to the ecosystem’s supposed entropic laws (7).

Under the “benevolent guidance” of the foundation, First Nations communities have been provided masses of free legal aid to ensure that they make as much money as possible when mining companies do business with their reserves. This apparent benevolence betrays a deadly trap which the First Nations have fallen into, as none of that abundance of cash provided to their communities is used to develop the conditions of life to even minimal standards.

No lasting industries or durable infrastructural improvements are permitted to northern reservations under this approach and because of the foundation’s indoctrination, such development is rarely even desired from those communities. To ensure that talented native youth displaying leadership qualities become enforcers of this racist imperial policy, the foundation has been providing scholarships to create “native leaders to protect the natural ecology of the North” through its Arctic Fellowship Program.

One of the major initiatives advertized on the foundation’s website includes “the preservation of the largest basin in the world (the Mackenzie River Basin) from development”. Specifically, the Mackenzie River Basin Initiative is designed to stop the mega dam called “site C” in British Columbia from being constructed, as well as ending the Alberta oil sands’ use of this basin’s water.

Thomas Axworthy chairs the Blue Economy Initiative with the Royal Bank of Canada.  The Blue Economy initiative seeks to monetize water’s conservation in the “new green economy” (a major success story on their website features several cities’ use of waste water for industrial use saving). Perhaps the initiative would be more aptly titled the “Brown Economy Initiative.”

While enslaving himself to RBC’s contemptible business model, Axworthy also sits as a senior fellow at the Munk School of Global Affairs. The Munk School is typically a free trade-right wing hive whose monetarist doctrines have been associated with the Fraser Institute and Stephen Harper’s conservatives. It is of note that the school’s founder, Peter Munk made his fortune pillaging Africa and plundering its resources with his company Barrick Gold, whose International Advisory Board is chaired by Brian Mulroney and a company that once had George Bush Sr. as senior advisor. It is notable that Peter Munk was also a founding member of the 1001 Club alongside Maurice Strong in 1971 to finance the World Wildlife Fund’s activities and promote global depopulation and world governance.

Axworthy was appointed chairman of the Inter-Action Council (IAC) in May 2011. The IAC is a group of former heads of state who promote the British monarchy’s agenda of depopulation through conservation and global governance. Axworthy is joined in his post by Margaret Jay; she is the former leader of the House of Lords and Lord Privy Seal, and Minister of State for Health during the NHS reforms of 1999 which brought in the “useless eater” program under Blair and served as a model for Obamacare. In 2007, Mrs. Jay served as co-chair of the Iraq Commission that absolved Tony Blair of his sins in fraudulently starting the Iraq war. Axworthy proudly announces on his website that his work for the Inter Action Council involved the co-authoring of the utilitarian framework for a global constitution called “The Declaration of Human Responsibilities” in 1997.

On November 15, 2012, Axworthy formally attacked the Russian Ministry of Justice for suspending the RAIPON treaty (Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East) and the detention of two community leaders in Buryatia. RAIPON is a permanent participant in the Arctic Council. The Arctic Council’s blueprint goes back to 1971 and is the brainchild of the CIIA. In 1989 the CIIA Chairman and former Clerk of the Privy Council (1963-1975) Gordon Robertson, called for the creation of an “Arctic Basin Council”. The formation of this council was vigorously championed by none other than eco-globalist and British agent Mikhail Gorbachev.

The Arctic Council was set up in 1996 with the aid of the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation to ensure that an anti-development logic was instituted as framework for Arctic relations ensuring that such projects as the Bering Strait tunnel program advocated by Vladimir Putin would never occur.

Today’s Strategic Situation: A Powder Keg Ready to Blow?

It is known that George Soros’ Tides Foundation, partner of the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation, was the catalyst behind the Occupy movements, and the green anarchists who have increasingly come to be radicalized under the Extinction Rebellion, Zero Hour, and Sunrise Movement.

Deep Green Resistance, a California based group of “radical” environmentalists now recruiting in British Columbia even call openly for the complete destruction of major infrastructure around the world. Under the section called “Decisive Ecological Warfare”, its website reads:

“The above grounders would work to build sustainable and just communities wherever they were, and would use both direct and indirect action to try to curb the worst excesses of those in power, to reduce the burning of fossil fuels, to struggle for social and ecological justice. Meanwhile, the under grounders would engage in limited attacks on infrastructure, especially energy infrastructure, to try to reduce fossil fuel consumption and overall industrial activity. The overall thrust of this plan would be to use selective attacks to accelerate collapse in a deliberate way.”

The thread uniting these various anarchist organizations and their wealthy founders is not only to be found within a profound materialist interpretation of history, but complete lack of understanding of the role of the anti-entropic quality of mind which makes humanity both unique and superior to all forms of life within the biosphere.

The tendency to treat human economy as a mere closed entropic system striving for equilibrium as an “ecosystem” when applied in a conscious way will always lead the ideologue to conclude along with late WWF founder Prince Phillip, that the mass culling the population is occasionally necessary when confronting resource scarcity.

Ever since the OECD and UNESCO first began applying their doctrines of Cybernetics and Systems Analysis to world policy making, fixed parameters have been deemed necessary to help those “managers” of the world control the masses. In Canada, this process began in full force with the ouster of John Diefenbaker and the emergence of the new age of Walter Lockhart Gordon, Pierre Elliot Trudeau and Maurice Strong.

The only means currently available to reverse this downward trend in civilization is for nations of the west to let go of the Great Reset Agenda, say no to nuclear war with Eurasian leaders and instead choose to begin cooperating on Belt and Road Initiative projects at home and abroad.

This unlikely, yet entirely necessary reform begins with adopting a global Glass-Steagall and a policy of Productive Public Credit, followed by major scientific and infrastructural endeavours vectored around space exploration, asteroid defence, and arctic development. The quickest path to this orientation is to be found in the 64 km tunnel which can be built to accommodate high speed rail across the Bering Strait connecting the two great continents for the first time. The parameters defining mankind’s limits must be changed via the fruits of creative thought, not adapted to as today’s elitist demands.


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Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , a BRI Expert on Tactical talk, and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and in 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation . Consider helping this process by making a donation to the RTF or becoming a Patreon supporter to the Canadian Patriot Review.


[1] While 60% of Canadians thought American investment should continue in 1950, that number had fallen to a mere 30% by 1957

[2] This PR campaign was popularly known as “Trudeaumania”.

[3] It is in this period that the Club of Rome is formed and brought quickly into Canada. The CIDA and IDRC would apply the Club of Rome’s “system’s thinking” to their methods of operation and Trudeau would enthusiastically attempt to make over the federal government using the same model.)

[4] The FLQ was the RCMP steered separatist movement used to usher in marshal law in Quebec during October 1970 when British Consulate James Cross and Liberal Labour Minister Pierre Laporte were kidnapped, suspending the Bill of Rights even across British Columbia where no terrorist activities were taking place. Cross was released within weeks, but Laporte was killed. The leader of the FLQ, Pierre Vallières had been given the editorial control of Pierre Trudeau’s Cité Libre magazine in 1965.

[5] Mulroney’s friend Ian Macdonald described Paul Desmarais, the CEO of  Power Corporation, as “Mulroney’s mentor in the business world”

[6] After the Queen’s personal bank Coutts was found guilty in April 2012 of massive drug money laundering and settled in court for $8.75 million pounds, all of its offshore CaymanIsland, Caribbean and Latin American branches were purchased by none other than RBC a month later. See the Royal Dope: What is Canada’s Role in the Empire’s Global Drug Addiction, The Canadian Patriot #1, Autumn 2012

Featured image: Walter Lockhart Gordon, Former Finance Minister, and President of Privy Council of Canada/All images in this article are public images

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North Atlantic Treaty Organization Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg had a busy week in the U.S., though he didn’t visit the institutions or meet with the personnel traditionally engaged by the head of history’s longest and largest military bloc. He didn’t, for example, interact with the Pentagon, the NATO Allied Command Transformation headquarters in Norfolk, Virginia, the State Department or the White House. Instead, in a revealing indication of where NATO understands substantive foreign policy decisions to be deliberated over and agreed upon, he addressed a university-based elite international affairs think tank, the Goldman Sachs investment bank and financial services company and America’s preeminent global affairs think tank, the Council on Foreign Relations.

From the most recent backwards, on March 11 Stoltenberg delivered the David A. Morse Lecture at the Council on Foreign Relations with Admiral James Stavridis, formerly NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe and now with the Carlyle Group, moderating. The NATO website reported his insisting “NATO must strengthen collective defence, step up transatlantic consultations, and stand up for the international rules based order – which he warned ‘is being challenged by authoritarian powers, including China.’”

NATO’s definition of the rules-based international order and its plans for China will be examined later.

He also, as though it was in his nature to refrain from doing so, condemned “Russia’s use of diverse tools such as cyber-attacks and disinformation on social media to interfere with Allied democracies and political processes.”

On March 10 Stoltenberg was guest of honor at the Talks at GS [Goldman Sachs] forum with John Waldron, president and chief operating officer of The Goldman Sachs Group. He didn’t waste much time before evoking NATO’s Article 5 collective war clause, which in 2001 was employed to deploy military forces to Afghanistan and later Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, and conduct under Operation Active Endeavor the naval surveillance and interdiction of the entire Mediterranean Sea. He affirmed that “our core task is to protect and defend each other,” and that, correspondingly, if “one Ally is attacked that will be regarded as an attack on the whole Alliance.” That is as stark a military threat as can be made in the nuclear age and it’s aimed squarely at Russia.

He also spoke of the almost twenty-year war in Afghanistan, where NATO troops now outnumber American ones by four times, 10,000 to 2,500, and Iraq where NATO recently announced it would have twice as many troops as the U.S., 5,000 compared to 2,500.

Although acknowledging that “The Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact was [sic] the main reason for NATO’s existence for decades,” despite the fact that both were dissolved thirty years ago NATO has gone from sixteen members and no partners to thirty members and forty partners in the interim, with members and partners on all inhabited continents. Stoltenberg didn’t address the obvious contradiction, nor did Goldman Sachs ask him about it. Global expeditionary NATO suits its concerns entirely. Though by way of both candor and no little vainglory, he said this about the process:

“There were actually some people talking about the possibility of Russia joining NATO because we had all the members….the Warsaw Pact – there were eight members to the Warsaw Pact, the Soviet Union, Poland, Eastern Germany, Romania and these central and eastern European countries. Out of those eight countries, seven are today a member of NATO. And the eighth, the Soviet Union, doesn’t exist. But three former republics in the Soviet Union, the Baltic countries, are member[s] of NATO….”

He went on to identify 2014 as the watershed year in which Russia went from a partner to an adversary, and itemized how NATO has pushed the military advance toward Russia in a detailed manner:

“[T]hings have really changed and especially in 2014, when Russia used military force to annex a part of another country, Crimea in Ukraine. And we see a more assertive Russia. We see Russia investing heavily in new military capabilities, new nuclear weapons, new advanced delivery systems and of course that’s the reason also why NATO has implemented the biggest reinforcement to our collective defence since the end of the Cold War, with combat ready battlegroups in the eastern part of the Alliance – we didn’t have that before, we have it now, higher readiness of our forces, increased defence spending – after years of cutting defence spending, all Allies have started to increase defence spending, and also changed our command structure and implemented really big changes of this Alliance since 2014.”

Surely someone in Russia must realize that, just as in 1812 and 1941, massive multinational military forces aren’t deployed along its entire western border with any other intent but to intimidate and ultimately attack the country.

His indictment of Russia, the precise sort of litany of accusations ordinarily used to justify a military attack, continued:

“But then, this is not only about military. Because what we see is that Russia is using a wide range of tools. Military tools, as they have done for instance in Syria or in Libya or against Ukraine, but they use economic tools and they use cyber and political tools, and they try to meddle in our domestic political processes. We have seen that in the United States. We have seen it in other European countries. We have seen many reports about cyberattacks.”

Truly, any adversary that nefariously, that comprehensively, that incorrigibly hostile and threatening must be neutralized. And that is what NATO is bent on achieving.

Once Russia is disposed of NATO will contend with China. In fact it’s already begun to do so. Stoltenberg had this to say on the topic:

“China is an authoritarian regime, they don’t share our values, they don’t pretend that they share our democratic values. They believe in another set of principles and values, and it will be the first time actually in centuries that the biggest economy in the world doesn’t share our liberal democratic values.”

At the NATO defense ministers meeting in February Stoltenberg said that “China and Russia are at the forefront of an authoritarian pushback against rules-based international order.”

This is a good time to discuss the expression rules-based international order as it’s employed on most every occasion by NATO of late. Variants of its are values-based international order and liberal international order. Much like the term a Europe whole and free (or a Europe whole, free and at peace) introduced by President George H. W. Bush in Mainz, Germany in 1989, it’s an example of a codeword, catchphrase, countersign, shibboleth routinely exchanged by Atlanticist and broader globalist elites but which the general public in their respective countries have never heard of.

It has to be understood that what is meant as the rules-based international order is distinct from and frequently openly opposed to international law, the United Nations Charter, treaties and traditional norms. practices and precedents in many cases going back centuries, in the case of Europe to the end of the Thirty Years’ War in 1648.

An excerpt from a presentation at the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House) in London in 2015 entitled Challenges to the Rules-Based International Order offers a concise and unequivocal illustration of what the NATO chief means when he speaks of threats to the rules-based international order:

“The danger today is that this questioning of US global leadership has opened the space for other countries to pursue a ‘might is right’ approach to their own policy priorities. Russia has annexed Crimea in violation of commitments to the Budapest Memorandum, has intervened directly in the conflict in Ukraine, and has laid out a doctrine that brazenly demands recognition of a Russian sphere of influence around its neighbourhood. [emphasis added – RR]

The Chinese leadership is taking steps to turn its contested claims over islands in the South China and East China seas into a fait accompli. And regional powers in the Middle East, concerned about the current and future US administrations responding to the post-Iraq experience by being more selective in their support for traditional allies, are taking the preservation of their security into their own hands. The question arises, therefore, whether the post-Second World War institutions and rules can survive these challenges to US global leadership.”

U.S. global leadership that includes control of international financial institutions and the Internet as well as assigning the entire surface of the earth to six regional military commands and six naval fleets.

In the same year then-U.S ambassador to Germany John Emerson presented an address to the 14th Berlin Security Conference: Euro-Atlantic Partnership entitled The Importance of a Rules-Based International Order, which contained these words:

“We have spent a lot of time today discussing the threat of terrorism, the crisis in Ukraine, and the war in Syria, but let me give you three aspects of our collective security interests that we must also address. They are cyber stability, climate control, and trade and investment.”

In this week’s presentations at Goldman Sachs, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Center for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford University, Stoltenberg repeatedly mentioned cyber security and climate control and occasionally world trade and financial matters. He addressed Goldman Sachs after all.

On March 9 he spoke at the Center for International Security and Cooperation where he was hosted by Rose Gottemoeller, former Deputy Secretary General of NATO during the Barack Obama and Donald Trump administrations and also Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security at the U.S. State Department, and by Michael McFaul, U.S. ambassador to Russia from 2012-2014 and currently a professor at the International Studies in the Department of Political Science at Stanford University.

There he could hardly contain his enthusiasm for someone who has been militantly pro-NATO to a degree and for a length of time, in both intensity and duration arguably uncontested in the world currently, effusing: “[O]n the Biden administration, I really welcome the very strong commitment and a very strong message from a President Biden and from his whole security team, the message on strengthening alliances, strengthening NATO. And I have had the privilege of working with President Biden in his previous capacities as Vice President, but also as the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. And I know that he knows NATO and he knows Europe. And he really understands the importance of NATO bringing North America and Europe together.”

Specifically he applauded the Biden administration’s decision to rescind his predecessor’s pledge to withdraw a third of American troops stationed in Germany.

He also celebrated the deployment of NATO’s first surveillance drones in Sigonella in Italy, which the government of South Ossetia revealed had been deployed along its and Russia’s southern border almost immediately. And he praised NATO as “the only institution where North America and Europe meets [sic] every day.”

While touting NATO’s 2030 initiative he emphasized its role in preparing a new Strategic Concept to replace that adopted at the bloc’s summit in Lisbon, Portugal in 2010 because “the world has changed,” and “in the current Concept, we refer to Russia, where we say that we are aspiring for a strategic partnership with Russia.” But that “was before Ukraine, before Crimea and before the much more assertive behaviour of aggressive actions by Russia over the last years and especially since 2014.”

Similarly. he said that “the rise of China really is defining for the transatlantic relationship and NATO has to address the rise of China.” It would seem rather incumbent on China to address the rise of global NATO as the latter counts as military partners Asia-Pacific nations like Australia, Japan, South Korea, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and New Zealand, six of which border China.

Further regarding China, and by extension the world, he said: China is “now the second largest defence spender in the world, soon the biggest economy, the challenge China represents to the rules-based order, to our core values of democracy, that we have a big power, China, not sharing our values, all of that makes it necessary for NATO to remain a regional alliance, but to respond to the global challenge that the rise of China represents.”

To the point he added: “NATO should respond in many different ways. Partly, we should work more closely with our partners in the Asia-Pacific: Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea and potentially also others.”

Again, no challenges to the rules-based international order will be tolerated.

And as for Russia:

“We have to understand that we have implemented the biggest reinforcement of our collective defence in a generation, since the end of the Cold War, with the battlegroups in the eastern part of the Alliance, something we never had before, combat-ready battlegroups in Poland and the Baltic countries, tripled the size of the NATO response force, higher readiness of our forces, and increased investments in defence, 190 billion extra across Europe and Canada just since 2014. Part of that adaptation is also new command structures for the Atlantic, the vital link between Europe and North America and in Europe, in Germany. Then, on the Black Sea, well, that has been part of our adaptation, that we also have increased our presence in the Black Sea, with air policing, with more naval presence. Just the last few couple of months we have seen several US naval ships sailing in the Black Sea. All the NATO Allies have operated there with naval and air assets.

“And we have also established what we call a tailored forward presence in Romania. And we are working not only, of course, we have three littoral states, Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey, but also two very close partners, Georgia and Ukraine, and we are working closely with them. So we have also the Enhanced Air Policing in the region. And all of this is part of NATO’s response to a more assertive Russia. Let me just add briefly that by saying that we are delivering credible deterrence and defence, because we see Russia responsible for aggressive actions against Ukraine, increased military presence in North Africa and elsewhere in the Middle East.”

Regarding both Russia and China, NATO’s activities at the top of the world were outlined by its secretary general as follows:

“Five NATO Allies are actually Arctic countries and much of NATO territory and NATO waters are in the Arctic. And therefore, NATO is present in the Arctic. And as part of the broader adaptation of our Alliance over the last years, we have increased our presence in the Arctic, meaning with more naval presence, more air presence. We have NATO Allies, but also including the United States, operating more in the Arctic.

“And we, of course, realise the increasing strategic importance of the Arctic, partly caused by global warming, because less ice, more open sea, and partly because of the increased Russian presence in the Arctic.”

The preservation and all-inclusive expansion of the post-World War II, post-Cold War U.S.-engineered rules-based international order is now NATO’s main mission. It is preparing final mopping-up operations after having dispensed with holdouts like Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Macedonia, Slovakia, Ivory Coast and others. The remaining recalcitrants, however, are in at least three instances nuclear powers.


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A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts lead by Dr. Reiner Fullmich have begun legal proceedings over the CDC, WHO, the Davos Group for crimes against humanity.

Fullmich and his team present the faulty PCR test and the order for doctors to label any comorbidity death as a Covid death as fraud.

The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is 100% faulty at 35 cycles.

All the PCR tests issued by the CDC are rated at 37 to 45 cycles. The CDC admits that any test over 28 cycles are not admissible for any positive reliable result. This alone invalidates over 90% of the alleged covid infections tracked by the use of this faulty test.

In addition to the flawed tests and fraudulent death certificates, the “experimental” vaccine itself is in violation of Article 32 of the Geneva Convention.

Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV, “mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not necessitated by the medical treatment of a protected person” are prohibited.

According to Article 147, conducting biological experiments on protected persons is a grave breach of the Convention.

The “experimental” vaccine is in violation of all 10 of the Nuremberg Codes which carry the death penalty for those who seek to violate these International Laws.

The “vaccine” fails to meet the following five requirements to be considered a vaccine and is by definition a medical “experiment” and trial:

Provides immunity to the virus

This is a “leaky” gene-therapy that does not provide immunity to Covid and claims to reduce symptoms yet double-vaccinated are now 60% of the patients requiring ER or ICU with covid infections.

Protects recipients from getting the virus

This gene-therapy does not provide immunity and double-vaccinated can still catch and spread the virus.

Reduces deaths from the virus infection

This gene-therapy does not reduce deaths from the infection. Double-Vaccinated infected with Covid have also died.

Reduces circulation of the virus

This gene-therapy still permits the spread of the virus as it offers zero immunity to the virus.

Reduces transmission of the virus

This gene-therapy still permits the transmission of the virus as it offers zero immunity to the virus.

The following violations of the Nuremberg Code is as follows:

Nuremberg Code #1: Voluntary Consent is Essential

No person should be forced to take a medical experiment without informed consent. Many media, political and non-medical persons are telling people to take the shot, it’s safe and offer no information as to the adverse effects or dangers of this gene-therapy. Countries are using lockdowns, duress and threats to force people to take this vaccine or be prohibited to participate in free society under the mandate of a Vaccine Passport or Green Pass. During the Nuremberg trail, even the media was prosecuted and members were put to death for lying to the public amongst many of the doctors and Nazis found guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.

Nuremberg Code #2: Yield Fruitful Results Unprocurable By Other Means

As listed above, the gene-therapy does not meet the criteria of a vaccine and does not offer immunity to the virus. There are other medical treatments that yield fruitful results against Covid such as Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc and boosted immune systems for flu and colds.

Nuremberg Code #3: Base Experiments on Results of Animal Experimentation and Natural History of Disease

This gene-therapy skipped Animal testing and went straight to human trials. In mRNA research that Phizer used a candidate study on mRNA with rhesus macaques monkeys using BNT162b2 mRNA and in that study all the monkeys developed pulmonary inflammation but the researchers considered the risk low as these were young healthy monkeys from the age of 2-4. Israel has used Phizer and the International Court of Law has accepted a claim for 80% of the recipients having pulmonary inflammation from being injected with this gene-therapy. Despite this alarming development Phizer proceeded to develop their mRNA for Covid without animal testing.

Nuremberg Code #4: Avoid All Unnecessary Suffering and Injury

Since the rollout of the experiment and listed under the CDC VAERS reporting system over 4,000 deaths and 50,000 vaccine injuries have been reported in America. In the EU over 7,000 deaths and 365,000 vaccine injuries have been reported. This is a grievous violation of this code.

Nuremberg Code #5: No Experiment to be Conducted if There’s Reason to Think Injury or Death Will Occur

See #4, based on fact-based medical data this gene-therapy is causing death and injury. Past research on mRNA also shows several risks that have been ignored for this current trial gene-experiment. A 2002 study on Sars-Cov spike proteins showed they cause inflammation, immunopathology, blood clots and impede Angiotensin 2 expression. This experiment forces the body to produce this spike-protein inheriting all these risks.

Nuremberg Code #6: Risk Should Never Exceed the Benefit

Covid-19 has a 98-99% recover rate. The vaccine injuries, deaths and adverse side-effects of mRNA gene-therapy far exceed this risk. The use of “leaky” vaccines were banned for agriculture use by the US and EU due to the Marek Chicken study that shows ‘hot-viruses’ and variants emerge making the disease even more deadly. Yet, this has been ignored for human use by the CDC knowing fully the risk of new deadlier variants emerge from leaky vaccinations.

Nuremberg Code #7: Preparation Must Be Made Against Even Remote Possibility of Injury, Disability or Death

There were no preparations made. This gene-therapy was approved under an Emergency Use only act, skipped animal and human trials and forced on a misinformed public.

Nuremberg Code #8: Experiment Must Be Conducted by Scientifically Qualified Persons

Politicians, media and actors claiming that this is a safe and effective vaccine are not qualified. Propaganda is not medical science. Many retail outlets such as Walmart, drive-through vaccine centers are not qualified to administer experimental medical gene-therapies to the uninformed public.

Nuremberg Code #9: Anyone Must Have the Freedom to Bring the Experiment to an End At Any Time

Despite the outcry of over 85,000 doctors, nurses, virologists, epidemiologist the experiment is not being ended. In fact, more attempts to change laws to force vaccine compliance, mandatory and forced vaccinations are being pushed through, and experimental ‘update’ shots are planned for every 6 months without any recourse to the surmountable amount of deaths and injuries already caused by this experiment. Hopefully this new Nuremberg Trial will put an end to this crime against humanity.

Nuremberg Code #10: The Scientist Must Bring the Experiment to an End At Any Time if There’s Probable Cause of it Resulting in Injury or Death

It is clear in the statistical reporting data that this experiment is resulting in death and injury yet all the politicians, drug companies and so called experts are not making any attempt to stop this gene-therapy experiment from inflicting harm on a misinformed public.

What can you do to help put an end to this crime against humanity?

Share this information.

Make your politicians, media, doctors, nurses informed that if they are complicit in this crime against humanity they too are subject to the laws set forth in the Geneva Convention and Nuremberg code and can be tried, found guilty and put to death. Legal proceedings are moving forward, evidence has been collected and a large growing body of experts are sounding the alarm.

Visit the Covid Committee website here and if you have been affected by this crime, report the event, persons involved, and as much detail to this website.

Crimes against humanity affect us all. They are a crime against you, your children, your parents, your grandparents, your community and your country and your future.


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A “new” proposal by the Biden administration to create a health-focused federal agency modeled after DARPA is not what it appears to be. Promoted as a way to “end cancer,” this resuscitated “health DARPA” conceals a dangerous agenda.

Last Wednesday, President Biden was widely praised in mainstream and health-care–focused media for his call to create a “new biomedical research agency” modeled after the US military’s “high-risk, high-reward” Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA. As touted by the president, the agency would seek to develop “innovative” and “breakthrough” treatments for cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes, with a call to “end cancer as we know it.”

Far from “ending cancer” in the way most Americans might envision it, the proposed agency would merge “national security” with “health security” in such as way as to use both physical and mental health “warning signs” to prevent outbreaks of disease or violence before they occur. Such a system is a recipe for a technocratic “pre-crime” organization with the potential to criminalize both mental and physical illness as well as “wrongthink.”

The Biden administration has asked Congress for $6.5 billion to fund the agency, which would be largely guided by Biden’s recently confirmed top science adviser, Eric Lander. Lander, formerly the head of the Silicon Valley–dominated Broad Institute, has been controversial for his ties to eugenicist and child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and his relatively recent praise for James Watson, an overtly racist eugenicist. Despite that, Lander is set to be confirmed by the Senate and Congress and is reportedly significantly enthusiastic about the proposed new “health DARPA.”

This new agency, set to be called ARPA-H or HARPA, would be housed within the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and would raise the NIH budget to over $51 billion. Unlike other agencies at NIH, ARPA-H would differ in that the projects it funds would not be peer reviewed prior to approval; instead hand-picked program managers would make all funding decisions. Funding would also take the form of milestone-driven payments instead of the more traditional multiyear grants.

ARPA-H will likely heavily fund and promote mRNA vaccines as one of the “breakthroughs” that will cure cancer. Some of the mRNA vaccine manufacturers that have produced some of the most widely used COVID-19 vaccines, such as the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, stated just last month that “cancer is the next problem to tackle with mRNA tech” post-COVID. BioNTech has been developing mRNA gene therapies for cancer for years and is collaborating with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to create mRNA-based treatments for tuberculosis and HIV.

Other “innovative” technologies that will be a focus of this agency are less well known to the public and arguably more concerning.

The Long Road to ARPA-H

ARPA-H is not a new and exclusive Biden administration idea; there was a previous attempt to create a “health DARPA” during the Trump administration in late 2019. Biden began to promote the idea during his presidential campaign as early as June 2019, albeit using a very different justification for the agency than what had been pitched by its advocates to Trump. In 2019, the same foundation and individuals currently backing Biden’s ARPA-H had urged then president Trump to create “HARPA,” not for the main purpose of researching treatments for cancer and Alzheimer’s, but to stop mass shootings before they happen through the monitoring of Americans for “neuropsychiatric” warning signs.

Still from HARPA’s video “The Patients Are Waiting: How HARPA Will Change Lives Now”, Source: HARPA

For the last few years, one man has been the driving force behind HARPA—former vice chair of General Electric and former president of NBC Universal, Robert Wright. Through the Suzanne Wright Foundation (named for his late wife), Wright has spent years lobbying for an agency that “would develop biomedical capabilities—detection tools, treatments, medical devices, cures, etc.—for the millions of Americans who are not benefitting from the current system.” While he, like Biden, has cloaked the agency’s actual purpose by claiming it will be mainly focused on treating cancer, Wright’s 2019 proposal to his personal friend Donald Trump revealed its underlying ambitions.

As first proposed by Wright in 2019, the flagship program of HARPA would be SAFE HOME, short for Stopping Aberrant Fatal Events by Helping Overcome Mental Extremes. SAFE HOME would suck up masses of private data from “Apple Watches, Fitbits, Amazon Echo, and Google Home” and other consumer electronic devices, as well as information from health-care providers to determine if an individual might be likely to commit a crime. The data would be analyzed by artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms “for early diagnosis of neuropsychiatric violence.”

The Department of Justice’s pre-crime approach known as DEEP was activated just months before Trump left office; it was also justified as a way to “stop mass shootings before they happen.” Soon after Biden’s inauguration, the new administration began using information from social media to make pre-crime arrests as part of its approach toward combatting “domestic terror.” Given the history of Silicon Valley companies collaborating with the government on matters of warrantless surveillance, it appears that aspects of SAFE HOME may already be covertly active under Biden, only waiting for the formalization of ARPA-H/HARPA to be legitimized as public policy.

The national-security applications of Robert Wright’s HARPA are also illustrated by the man who was its lead scientific adviser—former head of DARPA’s Biological Technologies Office Geoffrey Ling. Not only is Ling the main scientific adviser of HARPA, but the original proposal by Wright would have Ling both personally design HARPA and lead it once it was established. Ling’s work at DARPA can be summarized by BTO’s stated mission, which is to work toward merging “biology, engineering, and computer science to harness the power of natural systems for national security.” BTO-favored technologies are also poised to be the mainstays of HARPA, which plans to specifically use “advancements in biotechnology, supercomputing, big data, and artificial intelligence” to accomplish its goals.

The direct DARPA connection to HARPA underscores that the agenda behind this coming agency dates back to the failed Bio-Surveillance project of DARPA’s Total Information Awareness program, which was launched after the events of September 11, 2001. TIA’s Bio-Surveillance project sought to develop the “necessary information technologies and resulting prototype capable of detecting the covert release of a biological pathogen automatically, and significantly earlier than traditional approaches,” accomplishing this “by monitoring non-traditional data sources” including “pre-diagnostic medical data” and “behavioral indicators.”

While nominally focused on “bioterrorist attacks,” TIA’s Bio-Surveillance project also sought to acquire early detection capabilities for “normal” disease outbreaks. Bio-Surveillance and related DARPA projects at the time, such as LifeLog, sought to harvest data through the mass use of some sort of wearable or handheld technology. These DARPA programs were ultimately shut down due to the controversy over claims they would be used to profile domestic dissidents and eliminate privacy for all Americans in the US.

That DARPA’s past total surveillance dragnet is coming back to life under a supposedly separate health-focused agency, and one that emulates its organizational model no less, confirms that many TIA-related programs were merely distanced from the Department of Defense when officially shut down. By separating the military from the public image of such technologies and programs, it made them more palatable to the masses, despite the military remaining heavily involved behind the scenes. As Unlimited Hangout has recently reported, major aspects of TIA were merely privatized, giving rise to companies such as Facebook and Palantir, which resulted in such DARPA projects being widely used and accepted. Now, under the guise of the proposed ARPA-H, DARPA’s original TIA would essentially be making a comeback for all intents and purposes as its own spin-off.

Silicon Valley, the Military and the Wearable “Revolution” 

This most recent effort to create ARPA-H/HARPA combines well with the coordinated push of Silicon Valley companies into the field of health care, specifically Silicon Valley companies that double as contractors to US intelligence and/or the military (e.g., Microsoft, Google, and Amazon). During the COVID-19 crisis, this trend toward Silicon Valley dominance of the health-care sector has accelerated considerably due to a top-down push toward digitalization with telemedicine, remote monitoring, and the like.

One interesting example is Amazon, which launched a wearable last year that purports to not only use biometrics to monitor people’s physical health and fitness but to track their emotional state as well. The previous year, Amazon acquired the online pharmacy PillPack, and it is not hard to imagine a scenario in which data from Amazon’s Halo wellness band is used to offer treatment recommendations that are then supplied by Amazon-owned PillPack.

Companies such as Amazon, Palantir, and Google are set to be intimately involved in ARPA-H’s activities. In particular, Google, which launched numerous health-tech initiatives in 2020, is set to have a major role in this new agency due to its long-standing ties to the Obama administration when Biden was vice president and to President Biden’s top science adviser, Eric Lander.

As mentioned, Lander is poised to play a major role in ARPA-H/HARPA if and when it materializes. Before becoming the top scientist in the country, Lander was president and founding director of the Broad Institute. While advertised as a partnership between MIT and Harvard, the Broad Institute is heavily influenced by Silicon Valley, with two former Google executives on its board, a partner of Silicon Valley venture capital firm Greylock Partners, and the former CEO of IBM, as well as some of its top endowments coming from prominent tech executives.

The Broad Institute, Source: Broad Institute

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, who was intimately involved with Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign and who is close to the Democratic Party in general, chairs the Broad Institute as of this April. In March, Schmidt gave the institute $150 million to “connect biology and machine learning for understanding programs of life.” During his time on the Broad Institute board, Schmidt also chaired the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, a group of mostly Silicon Valley, intelligence, and military operatives who have now charted the direction of the US government’s policies on emerging tech and AI. Schmidt was also pitched as potential head of a tech-industry task force by the Biden administration.

Earlier, in January, the Broad Institute announced that its health-research platform, Terra, which was built with Google subsidiary Verily, would partner with Microsoft. As a result, Terra now allows Google and Microsoft to access a vast trove of genomic data that is poured into the platform by academics and research institutions from around the world.

In addition, last September, Google teamed up with the Department of Defense as part of a new AI-driven “predictive health” program that also has links to the US intelligence community. While initially focused on predicting cancer cases, this initiative clearly plans to expand to predicting the onset of other diseases before symptoms appear, including COVID-19. As noted by Unlimited Hangout at the time, one of the ulterior motives for the program, from Google’s perspective, was for Google to gain access to “the largest repository of disease- and cancer-related medical data in the world,” which is held by the Defense Health Agency. Having exclusive access to this data is a huge boon for Google in its effort to develop and expand its growing suite of AI health-care products.

The military is currently being used to pilot COVID-19–related biometric wearables for “returning to work safely.” Last December, it was announced that Hill Air Force Base in Utah would make biometric wearables a mandatory part of the uniform for some squadrons. For example, the airmen of the Air Force’s 649th Munitions Squadron must now wear a smart watch made by Garmin and a smart ring made by Oura as part of their uniform.

According to the Air Force, these devices detect biometric indicators that are then analyzed for 165 different biomarkers by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency/Philips Healthcare AI algorithm that “attempts to recognize an infection or virus around 48 hours before the onset of symptoms.” The development of that algorithm began well before the COVID-19 crisis and is a recent iteration of a series of military research projects that appear to have begun under the 2007 DARPA Predicting Health and Disease (PHD) project.

While of interest to the military, these wearables are primarily intended for mass use—a big step toward the infrastructure needed for the resurrection of a bio-surveillance program to be run by the national-security state. Starting first with the military makes sense from the national-security apparatus’s perspective, as the ability to monitor biometric data, including emotions, has obvious appeal for those managing the recently expanded “insider threat” programs in the military and the Department of Homeland Security.

One indicator of the push for mass use is that the same Oura smart ring being used by the Air Force was also recently utilized by the NBA to prevent COVID-19 outbreaks among basketball players. Prior to COVID-19, it was promoted for consumer use by members of the British Royal family and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey for improving sleep. As recently as last Monday, Oura’s CEO, Harpeet Rai, said that the entire future of wearable health tech will soon be “proactive rather than reactive” because it will focus on predicting disease based on biometric data obtained from wearables in real time.

Another wearable tied to the military that is creeping into mass use is the BioButton and its predecessor the BioSticker. Produced by the company BioIntelliSense, the sleek new BioButton is advertised as a wearable system that is “a scalable and cost-effective solution for COVID-19 symptom monitoring at school, home and work.” BioIntelliSense received $2.8 million from the Pentagon last December to develop the BioButton and BioSticker wearables for COVID-19.

BioIntelliSense, cofounded and led by former Microsoft HealthVault developer James Mault, now has its wearable sensors being rolled out for widespread use on some college campuses and at some US hospitals. In some of those instances, the company’s wearables are being used to specifically monitor the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine as opposed to symptoms of COVID-19 itself. BioIntelliSense is currently running a study, partnered with Philips Healthcare and the University of Colorado, on the use of its wearables for early COVID-19 detection, which is entirely funded by the US military.

While the use of these wearables is currently “encouraged but optional” at these pilot locations, could there come a time when they are mandated in a workplace or by a government? It would not be unheard of, as several countries have already required foreign arrivals to be monitored through use of a wearable during a mandatory quarantine period. Saint Lucia is currently using BioButton for this purpose. Singapore, which seeks to be among the first “smart nations” in the world, has given every single one of its residents a wearable called a “TraceTogether token” for its contact-tracing program. Either the wearable token or the TraceTogether smartphone app is mandatory for all workplaces, shopping malls, hotels, schools, health-care facilities, grocery stores, and hair salons. Those without access to a smartphone are expected to use the “free” government-issued wearable token.

The Era of Digital Dictatorships Is Nearly Here

Making mandatory wearables the new normal not just for COVID-19 prevention but for monitoring health in general would institutionalize quarantining people who have no symptoms of an illness but only an opaque algorithm’s determination that vital signs indicate “abnormal” activity.

Given that no AI is 100 percent accurate and that AI is only as good as the data it is trained on, such a system would be guaranteed to make regular errors: the question is how many. One AI algorithm being used to “predict COVID-19 outbreaks” in Israel and some US states is marketed by Diagnostic Robotics; the (likely inflated) accuracy rate the company provides for its product is only 73 percent. That means, by the company’s own admission, their AI is wrong 27 percent of the time. Probably, it is even less accurate, as the 73 percent figure has never been independently verified.

Adoption of these technologies has benefitted from the COVID-19 crisis, as supporters are seizing the opportunity to accelerate their introduction. As a result, their use will soon become ubiquitous if this advancing agenda continues unimpeded.

Though this push for wearables is obvious now, signs of this agenda were visible several years ago. In 2018, for instance, insurer John Hancock announced that it would replace its life insurance offerings with “interactive policies” that involve individuals having their health monitored by commercial health wearables. Prior to that announcement, John Hancock and other insurers such as Aetna, Cigna, and UnitedHealthcare offered various rewards for policyholders who wore a fitness wearable and shared that data with their insurance company.

In another pre-COVID example, the Journal of the American Medical Association published an article in August 2019 that claimed that wearables “encourage healthy behaviors and empower individuals to participate in their health.” The authors of the article, who are affiliated with Harvard, further claimed that “incentivizing use of these devices [wearables] by integrating them in insurance policies” may be an “attractive” policy approach. The use of wearables for policyholders has since been heavily promoted by the insurance industry, both prior to and after COVID-19, and some speculate that health insurers could soon mandate their use in certain cases or as a broader policy.

These biometric “fitness” devices—such as Amazon’s Halo—can monitor more than your physical vital signs, however, as they can also monitor your emotional state. ARPA-H/HARPA’s flagship SAFE HOME program reveals that the ability to monitor thoughts and feelings is an already existing goal of those seeking to establish this new agency.

According to World Economic Forum luminary and historian Yuval Noah Harari, the transition to “digital dictatorships” will have a “big watershed” moment once governments “start monitoring and surveying what is happening inside your body and inside your brain.” He says that the mass adoption of such technology would make human beings “hackable animals,” while those who abstain from having this technology on or in their bodies would become part of a new “useless” class. Harari has also asserted that biometric wearables will someday be used by governments to target individuals who have the “wrong” emotional reactions to government leaders.

Unsurprisingly, one of Harari’s biggest fans, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, has recently led his company into the development of a comprehensive biometric and “neural” wearable based on technology from a “neural interface” start-up that Facebook acquired in 2019. Per Facebook, the wearable “will integrate with AR [augmented reality], VR [virtual reality], and human neural signals” and is set to become commercially available soon. Facebook also notably owns the VR company Oculus Rift, whose founder, Palmer Luckey, now runs the US military AI contractor Anduril.

As recently reported, Facebook was shaped in its early days to be a private-sector replacement for DARPA’s controversial LifeLog program, which sought to both “humanize” AI and build profiles on domestic dissidents and terror suspects. LifeLog was also promoted by DARPA as “supporting medical research and the early detection of an emerging pandemic.”

It appears that current trends and events show that DARPA’s decades-long effort to merge “health security” and “national security” have now advanced further than ever before. This may partially be because Bill Gates, who has wielded significant influence over health policy globally in the last year, is a long-time advocate of fusing health security and national security to thwart both pandemics and “bioterrorists” before they can strike, as can be heard in his 2017 speech delivered at that year’s Munich Security Conference. That same year, Gates also publicly urged the US military to “focus more training on preparing to fight a global pandemic or bioterror attack.”

In the merging of “national security” and “health security,” any decision or mandate promulgated as a public health measure could be justified as necessary for “national security,” much in the same way that the mass abuses and war crimes that occurred during the post-9/11 “war on terror” were similarly justified by “national security” with little to no oversight. Yet, in this case, instead of only losing our civil liberties and control over our external lives, we stand to lose sovereignty over our individual bodies.

The NIH, which would house this new ARPA-H/HARPA, has spent hundreds of millions of dollars experimenting with the use of wearables since 2015, not only for detecting disease symptoms but also for monitoring individuals’ diets and illegal drug consumption. Biden played a key part in that project, known as the Precision Medicine initiative, and separately highlighted the use of wearables in cancer patients as part of the Obama administration’s related Cancer Moonshot program. The third Obama-era health-research project was the NIH’s BRAIN initiative, which was launched, among other things, to “develop tools to record, mark, and manipulate precisely defined neurons in the living brain” that are determined to be linked to an “abnormal” function or a neurological disease. These initiatives took place at a time when Eric Lander was the cochair of Obama’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology while still leading the Broad Institute. It is hardly a coincidence that Eric Lander is now Biden’s top science adviser, elevated to a new cabinet-level position and set to guide the course of ARPA-H/HARPA.

Thus, Biden’s newly announced agency, if approved by Congress, would integrate those past Obama-era initiatives with Orwellian applications under one roof, but with even less oversight than before. It would also seek to expand and mainstream the uses of these technologies and potentially move toward developing policies that would mandate their use.

If ARPA-H/HARPA is approved by Congress and ultimately established, it will be used to resurrect dangerous and long-standing agendas of the national-security state and its Silicon Valley contractors, creating a “digital dictatorship” that threatens human freedom, human society, and potentially the very definition of what it means to be human.


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Featured image: Oura Ring biometric tracker. Source: Oura Ring

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“Speculators may do no harm as bubbles on a steady stream of enterprise. But the position is serious when enterprise becomes the bubble on a whirlpool of speculation. When the capital development of a country becomes a by-product of the activities of a casino, the job is likely to be ill-done” (John Maynard Keynes(1)). 

In other words, the financial sector should be the servant of the real economy, not its master.(2) Unfortunately, this is not currently the case.

Many of the biggest banks, and many other financial companies, devote most of their resources to activities that provide no benefit to the real world, but which can have negative consequences for everyone else. This post summarises some of the most problematic activities, such as speculation, private equity, hedge funds, vulture funds, and high frequency trading.

Currency Speculation – It’s Just Gambling But It Destroys Economies 

Currency speculation is where traders buy and sell different currencies in order to make profits. The trade on the international currency exchange markets is over $6 trillion per day, which totals over $2 quadrillion per year.(3) This is over 100 times greater than the total size of international trade in goods, which is only $19 trillion.(4) It is also many times greater than the economy of the whole world, which totalled about $133 trillion in 2019.(5)  The scale of these numbers is rather difficult to comprehend, but for every $1 of genuine trade in physical goods like bananas or cars, there is $100 of currency trading. Therefore, almost all of this is for speculation, which is really just a euphemism for gambling.

Up until the 1970s, this currency trading was much smaller, and it was used to finance genuine trade between countries. Unfortunately banks realised that it could be used as a form of gambling to make enormous profits. Buying and selling large amounts of currency can cause exchange rates to change, sometimes very quickly. A sudden drop in the value of a currency can destabilise a country, as prices for basic essentials rise. In poor countries this can cause widespread poverty virtually overnight.

This system of gambling with the world’s currencies causes serious financial crises on a fairly regular basis, and these have become more frequent in the last forty years. In 1997 the currencies of Thailand, Indonesia and South Korea plummeted in value during what became known as the East Asian currency crisis. Indonesia’s currency dropped almost to one-tenth of its previous value, causing riots because ordinary people could not afford to buy food. It is estimated that 24 million people lost their jobs in Asia during this crisis and the huge rise in poverty led to an increase in the child sex industry. At the same time, corporations from rich countries were able to move in and buy up large numbers of Asian businesses for fire-sale prices.(6)

For British people, the most notorious currency trader was George Soros. In 1992 he gambled against Sterling (the financial term used to refer to the currency in Britain) and made $1 billion on what became known as Black Wednesday. It is estimated that the cost to the British taxpayer was £3.4 billion. Soros has subsequently spoken out against the worst aspects of the system. He stated:

“The totally free flow of capital is not advisable, so you need to create some mechanism for introducing stability.”(7)

Even longtime believers in the free movement of money, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have admitted that controlling flows of currency is sometimes necessary.(8)

Derivatives – Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction 

The system of large-scale gambling carried out by the biggest financial companies is much broader than just buying and selling currencies. This is known as derivatives trading. In 2020 the total value of derivatives trades was $600 trillion.(9) There are a wide variety of derivatives, some of them incredibly complex, with names such as futures, options or swaps. This includes some of the investments that were at the heart of the frauds committed during the financial crisis, such as Credit Default Swaps (CDSs).

Gamblers use derivatives to bet on the future price of all manner of things, such as food and oil. Unfortunately, the betting can cause the prices of food and oil to change. Poverty in poor countries increased dramatically in 2007-2008 because gamblers pushed up the price of basic essentials, leading to food riots around the world.(10) Some of these systems of gambling have been described as ‘financial weapons of mass destruction’ due to the potential devastation that they can cause.(11)

It is difficult to run a country well if your currency is not fairly stable, or if the cost of essentials is increasing rapidly. In advanced nations like the US and Britain the downsides involve job losses and businesses going bankrupt. In a poor country, the downsides are malnutrition, starvation, disease and death. There are a number of ways to control the gambling, most simply by taxing each bet (this is known as a Tobin Tax) but governments in rich countries have so far shown little inclination to do so because international financiers based in Britain and the US make too much profit from it.(12)

Shadow Banking – Hedge Funds and Private Equity Funds 

Shadow banking refers to businesses that carry out banking activities but are not regulated like banks. This includes private equity funds and hedge funds.

Private equity funds have been described as locusts, because they buy, manage and sell companies, siphoning off wealth as they go, by cutting jobs and wages, making fraudulent valuations, and charging excess fees.(13) Inadequate regulation means that they can obtain funds from other countries with no oversight, making them ideal for money launderers.(14) They take payments from selected clients or investors to give them advantages, at the expense of other investors.

Private equity funds borrow huge amounts of money (this is known as leverage) to buy and re-finance companies. If their investment is successful, leverage enables them to make much bigger profits, but if it is unsuccessful, they make much bigger losses. However, the debt is owed by the company, not the private equity firm, so the employees and creditors bear the risk.(15) This makes companies more prone to bankruptcy.

The regulator that is meant to oversee private equity firms in the US is the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Private equity billionaires donated to Donald Trump(16) and in return he appointed a private equity lawyer to run the SEC. He immediately pushed for more deregulation to allow pension funds to invest more into private equity funds. This allows private equity firms to grow enormously and to earn much higher fees.

Courts have no power to punish private equity funds that rip-off investors. At best, a court can insist that money is returned. There have been some fines for misleading investors about fees, and for conflicts of interest(17) butregulators appear powerless to stop fraud. In 2020:

“The SEC issued a scathing report documenting a private equity crime spree that is fleecing pension funds, university endowments and other investors. The timing of the report is particularly important. The SEC’s report reads like a career regulators’ last-ditch plea for help at the very moment they see private equity billionaires on the verge of creating a lawless autonomous zone for themselves.”(18)

Hedge Funds 

Hedge-funds specialise in using complex mathematics and sophisticated trading strategies (known as hedging) to gamble on the markets. If they are successful, they keep a chunk of the profits. If they are unsuccessful, the managers lose nothing, as they are using other people’s money. In 2020, 5 hedge fund managers were paid over $1billion each.(19)

In her book about hedge funds and insider trading, Black Edge,(20) Sheelah Kolhatkar explains that they make much of their profit from illegal activities known as insider trading, which means that they have information that other investors do not have. Corrupt financiers have a long history of insider trading on stock markets, so this is nothing new, but hedge funds have taken it to a new level. As an example Kolhatkar points out that 10% of US doctors have connections to financial companies. They are paid to provide information about pharmaceuticals and healthcare that is not known to the public. In the US, over 70 people have been found guilty of insider trading in recent prosecutions.(21)

Vulture Funds 

When a poor country cannot pay its debts, lenders will eventually write them off. However, these debts can be sold to someone else. A vulture fund is a company that buys these debts for a fraction of their original value. If the vulture fund can force the debtor to pay by suing them in court, they make huge profits.(22) It is estimated that two vulture funds made 1,500% profit by suing Argentina.(23) Even the World Bank and the IMF have criticized Vulture Funds, as they undermine efforts to give debt relief to poor countries. In the UK, new laws were introduced in 2010 to block vulture funds from using British courts to pursue these debts.

High Frequency Trading (HFT), Co-location and Microwave Transmitters 

Banks invest in technology to get information before anyone else has it. They locate their computers next to financial exchanges (known as co-location), and they build microwave transmitters to carry information between exchanges, such as New York and Chicago.(24) Banks also use computers to make huge numbers of trades in a fraction of a second, with no human involvement (known as high-frequency trading or HFT). The combination of these things enables them to consistently make small profits on huge numbers of trades.

All of these methods give advantages to the biggest, richest companies, but so far, regulators have shown little interest in ending these techniques. They also make the system much more unstable, leading to what are known as ‘flash crashes’,(25) where multiple computers respond to each others’ actions in unpredictable ways. In 2012, Knight Capital lost $440 million dollars after its computers placed huge numbers of incorrect orders because of problems with their software.(26)

HFT is impossible to regulate. Everything takes place within a computer (sometimes called a black box) so no-one really knows what is going on. Most of these trades will never be audited, so fraud and manipulation become almost impossible to detect. If companies use information that is only available to insiders, it is a crime known as insider trading. These new technologies effectively make it legal for insiders to trade with information not yet available to everyone else.

Societies would be better off if these activities were outlawed 

Financiers will always try to justify their activities by claiming that they make the markets ‘more liquid’ (easier to buy and sell) or more efficient. However, these techniques are essentially old wine in new bottles. New forms of obtaining information before everyone else; new forms of complexity to hide information; new forms of gambling with other people’s money whilst making someone else take the risks. Insiders have admitted that the purpose of financial engineering is to move around the excess profits (known as rents) in the financial system, and to increase them.(27) If financiers are making huge profits, it is usually coming out of someone else’s pocket.

There is a very strong case for making most currency trading, and most derivatives trading, illegal, and for ensuring that any organisation that is allowed to carry out a small amount of trading cannot destabilize the rest of the financial system. There is also a strong case for banning High Frequency Trading, and for banning the activities of the most exploitative types of hedge funds, private equity funds, and vulture funds.

Investing in companies should mostly be a long-term activity, to provide stable financing for business. Instead it has become a gamblers’ paradise for insiders and fraudsters. Everything discussed in this post makes the financial system more complex, less transparent, and less stable. It is impossible to regulate or audit. The scale is so great that it poses a risk to the entire economic system. A handful of rich people and corporations should not have the power to gamble with the world’s finances.


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Rod Driver is a part-time academic who is particularly interested in de-bunking modern-day US and British propaganda, and explaining war, terrorism, economics and poverty, without the nonsense in the mainstream media. This article was first posted at


1) John Maynard Keynes, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, 1936

2) Larry Elliott and Dan Atkinson, The Gods That Failed: How blind faith in markets has cost us our future, 2008, p.48

3) BIS, ‘Triennial central bank survey of foreign exchange and over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives markets in 2019’, at 

Jeff Desjardins, ‘All of the world’s money and markets in one visualisation’, Visual Capitalist, 27 May 2020, at 

4) Tugba Sabanoglu, ‘Trends in global export volume of trade in goods from 1950-2019’, Statista, 4 Jan 2021, at 

5) Nada Hamadeh, Mizuki Yamanaka and Edie Purdie, ‘The size of the world economy in 2019’, World Bank Blogs, 28 July 2020, at

6) Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine, 2007, pp.272-276


8) ‘IMF Survey: Controls on capital part of the policy mix’, says IMF staff, 19 Feb 2010, at 

9) BIS, ‘OTC derivatives statistics at end-June 2020’, Bank for International Settlements, at 

Derivatives are valued in two different ways. The figure quoted is known as the nominal value. The transaction value in 2020 was $11 trillion, down from $35 trillion in 2008.

10) WDM, ‘The great hunger lottery’, July 2010, at

11) Bob Bryan, ‘Buffett: This is the time bomb in the markets’, Business Insider, 30 April 2016, at 

12) For an explanation of the Tobin Tax, see

13) David Sirota, ‘The newest threat to the middle class: why private equity is becoming a public problem’, Salon, 6 June 2014, at 

14) Matthew Rozsa, ‘FBI says private equity, hedge funds pose huge risk for money laundering’, Salon, 20 July 2020, at 

Jubilee Debt Campaign, ‘UK development fund implicated in money-laundering investigation’, 17 April 2012, at 

15) Helena Vieira, ‘How private equity firms are designed to earn big while risking little of their own’, LSE Busines Review, 23 Jan 2017, at

16) Michela Tindera, ‘Here are the billionaires backing Donald Trump’s campaign’, Forbes, 17 April 2020, at 

17) Francine McKenna, ‘SEC fines Apollo Global Management $52.7 million for misleading investors on fees, conflicts’, MarketWatch, 23 Aug 2016, at

18) David Sirota, ‘SEC regulators: Private equity is on a crime spree’, Jacobin, 25 June 2020, at 

19) Ben Winck, ‘These are the 5 hedge fund managers who took home more than $1 billion last year’, Markets Insider, 11 Feb 2020, at

20) Sheelah Kolhatkar, Black Edge: Inside information, dirty money, and the quest to bring down the most wanted man on wall street, 2017  

21) Dan Berman, ‘Top 10 Wall St Crooks: Insider Trading’, ThinkAdvisor, 24 Sep 2013, at 

22) Nick Dearden, ’Africa’s wealth is being devoured by tyrants and vultures’, The Guardian, 22 July 2012, at

23) Jubilee Debt Campaign, ’Debt resistors’, at

24) Sebastian Anthony, ‘The secret world of microwave networks’, arstechnica, 3 Nov 2016, at 



27) WSJ, ‘Paul Volcker: Think More Boldly’ Wall Street Journal, 14 Dec 2009, at

Will Oil Hit $80 this Summer?

May 7th, 2021 by Julianne Geiger

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India, the world’s third-largest oil importer, is the latest coronavirus hotspot. It has recently hit a record-breaking number of new daily coronavirus cases—a statistic that dented oil demand and pressured oil prices.

OPEC+, out of its own necessity, has intervened in the oil market on the supply side of the equation to offset the pandemic-depressed oil demand. And despite the group’s relative success at curbing oil production to prevent excess oil inventories from ballooning before the market fully recovers, India’s booming case counts have prevented oil prices from a quicker recovery.

This has put even more pressure on OPEC+ to perform to meet market expectations. But there is no doubt a shift in the momentum of the oil markets. Indeed, oil prices have recovered somewhat in recent months, and the overwhelming majority of oil experts and analysts think this trend will continue.

The question isn’t whether the market will improve. The question is how quickly will it improve, and where will that recovery peak.

Lockdowns in Europe add another unknown element into the oil price mix. A month ago, Europe renewed many of its lockdown restrictions, delaying the oil price recovery. But now, as India is in the midst of its worst COVID-19 surge since the pandemic began, Europe is getting ready to lift those lockdowns. EU officials have submitted this week a proposal to ease summer travel restrictions to its 27 nations. This will increase the demand for jet fuel—a critical component of crude demand.

In the United States, Covid-19 cases are also shrinking while the number of vaccinated grows. As a result, several U.S. states, including New York, are relaxing restrictions. All of this will have a profound effect on the price of crude oil.

But that’s not to say that all analysts agree on what this will do to oil demand, let alone what effect it will have on oil prices.

The IEA, for starters, revised up its oil demand outlook for this year on April 14. By its estimates, oil demand will now increase by 5.7 million bpd this year, reaching 96.7 million bpd. The reason for this upward revision was due to increases in the IEA’s oil demand forecast for the United States and China—the two largest oil importers in the world.

As of April 6, the EIA saw global oil demand at 97.7 million bpd this year. Compared to Brent prices that were near $65 per barrel in March, the EIA sees not much movement in the price of Brent, estimating $65/barrel in Q2 2021, $61 per barrel in H2 2021, and even worse–$60 per barrel in 2022.

Not even a week ago, Rystad Energy adjusted its oil demand for April down by almost 600,000 bpd. For the month of May, it revised it down by 914,000 bpd, citing India’s demand problems as a result of the pandemic—a situation that would no doubt result in a new inventory glut.

But not everyone is so pessimistic. Goldman Sachs sees things as much rosier, with oil reaching as much as $80 this summer. Its rationale for this positive outlook on oil prices is simple. “The magnitude of the coming change in the volume of demand—a change which supply cannot match—must not be understated.”

Rystad analyst Louise Dickson said that oil demand should still increase by 3 million bpd between now and the end of June, India troubles or no. According to her, oil prices should make their way back to $70 per barrel in the coming months.

UBS sees vaccine rollouts as a major positive for the oil industry. As people return to normal activities and businesses fully reopen, oil demand will cause Brent to increase to $75 per barrel in H2, according to analyst Giovanni Staunovo.

Moody’s has a rather positive view of the timing of an oil price rebound as well, citing pent-up consumer demand that will propel forward a global economic recovery. But their medium-term price range is still capped at $65 per barrel. Moody’s sees this economic recovery as hastening a rebound in oil demand through the end of this year and the beginning of next year.

The outlook may be uncertain, but the current trend is definitely one of drawing down oil stocks—a sign of increased oil demand while OPEC+ continues to restrict output. In the highly visible U.S. oil market, for example, commercial crude inventories have finally retreated back to the five-year average for this time of year at 493 million barrels.

India’s virus explosion will not prevent an oil price recovery. But it very likely that it will slow the recovery well into the second half of this year or even the beginning to middle of next year.

If that turns out to be the case, that’s a long time for OPEC+ members to continue their output restrictions while demand takes its sweet time recovering.


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Julianne Geiger is a veteran editor, writer and researcher for, and a member of the Creative Professionals Networking Group.

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Health Experts Admit Outdoor Mask Wearing Is Ridiculous

May 7th, 2021 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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According to an expert on viral transmission mechanics, brief outdoor encounters present a “very low risk” for transmission of COVID-19. Viral particles quickly disperse in outdoor air, so the risk of inhaling aerosolized virus from passersby is negligible

Using mathematical models, Italian researchers have calculated the amount of time it would take for you to contract the SARS-CoV-2 virus outdoors in Milan. If 10% of the population were infected, you would require 31.5 days of continuous outdoor exposure to inhale a dose of virus sufficient to transmit infection

Other research has shown your odds of transmitting COVID-19 are 18.7 times greater indoors than in an open-air environment

Several investigations looking at SARS-CoV-2 RNA concentrations in air have come up empty. No detectable RNA was found in air samplings from various locations in Wuhan, China, Venice in northern Italy, or Lecce in southern Italy, during the pandemic

Germany’s first registry for side effects of mask wearing on children has identified 24 physical, psychological and behavioral health issues, including irritability (60%), headache (53%), difficulty concentrating (50%), reduced happiness (49%), reluctance to go to school/kindergarten (44%), malaise (42%), impaired learning (38%) and drowsiness or fatigue (37%)


After a year of questionable advice on masking, ranging from head-scratching and mildly amusing to outright laughable — such as Spain mandating use of face masks while swimming in the ocean — health experts who counter the prevailing narrative on universal masking are finally getting some airtime in the mainstream media.

In an April 22, 2021, article in The New York Times,1 Tara Parker-Pope cites several doctors and virologists who advise against universal mask wearing outdoors.

Health Experts Weigh in on Outdoor Mask Wearing

Among them is Linsey Marr, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Virginia Tech and an expert on viral transmission mechanics, who notes that brief outdoor encounters, such as walking past someone on a sidewalk or hiking trail, present a “very low risk” for transmission.

“Viral particles quickly disperse in outdoor air, and the risk of inhaling aerosolized virus from a jogger or passers-by is negligible,” Marr told Parker-Pope.2 “Even if a person coughs or sneezes outside as you walk by, the odds of you getting a large enough dose of virus to become infected remain low.”

Similarly, Dr. Muge Cevic, a clinical lecturer of infectious disease and medical virology at the University of St. Andrews School of Medicine in Scotland, is quoted saying:3

“I think it’s a bit too much to ask people to put the mask on when they go out for a walk or jogging or cycling. We’re in a different stage of the pandemic. I think outdoor masks should not have been mandated at all. It’s not where the infection and transmission occurs.”

Parker-Pope also quotes Dr. Nahid Bhadelia, an infectious diseases physician and medical director of the special pathogens unit at Boston Medical Center:4

“Let me go for my run, maskless … Given how conservative I have been on my opinions all year, this should tell you how low [the] risk is, in general, for outdoors transmission for contact over short periods …”

Vaccinated or Not, Masks Don’t Work

Of course, most all of the doctors quoted in The New York Times article make the claim that vaccination lowers your risk of COVID-19, thus you can be more lenient when around other vaccinated individuals. I’ve written many articles explaining why this narrative is nonsensical and just flat out wrong.

In a nutshell, it makes no sense because all COVID-19 “vaccines” are designed to do is reduce your symptoms if or when you get infected. They are not designed to prevent infection, they do not give you immunity against SARS-CoV-2, and they do not prevent transmission, so you can still spread the virus to others if you get infected.

All of this means you present the same “risk” to others whether you’re vaccinated or not. And, to be clear, if you have no symptoms of respiratory infection, the health risk you pose to others is virtually nonexistent.5 You simply cannot spread an infection you do not have.

The minuscule bits of viral RNA that the PCR test can pick up if run through too many augmentation cycles — thereby rendering a false positive result — are not infectious. You need a whole, and live, virus for that.

CDC Grants Special Permission to Fully Vaccinated

Despite science being rather clear on these points, at the end of April 2021, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention eased its outdoor mask guidelines for vaccinated-only.

If you’ve gotten all of the required doses of the COVID-19 “vaccine,” you no longer need to wear a mask outdoors when in small groups or when exercising. Masks are still recommended when in crowded outdoor venues, though, such as sports stadiums. According to another New York Times article:6

“President Biden hailed it as a landmark moment in the pandemic, wearing a mask as he approached the lectern on a warm spring day on the White House grounds — and pointedly keeping it off as he walked back into the White House when he was done. ‘Go get the shot. It’s never been easier,’ Mr. Biden said. ‘And once you’re fully vaccinated, you can go without a mask when you’re outside and away from big crowds.'”

Researchers Set the Record Straight

Breaking with The New York Times’ typical propaganda, Parker-Pope actually goes on to cite research7 published in February 2021 in the Environmental Research journal:

“To understand just how low the risk of outdoor transmission is, researchers in Italy used mathematical models to calculate the amount of time it would take for a person to become infected outdoors in Milan.

They imagined a grim scenario in which 10% of the population was infected with the coronavirus. Their calculations showed that if a person avoided crowds, it would take, on average, 31.5 days of continuous outdoor exposure to inhale a dose of virus sufficient to transmit infection.

‘The results are that this risk is negligible in outdoor air if crowds and direct contact among people are avoided,’ said Daniele Contini, senior author of the study and an aerosol scientist at the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate in Lecce, Italy.

Even as more-infectious virus variants circulate, the physics of viral transmission outdoors haven’t changed, and the risk of getting infected outdoors is still low, say virus experts.”

Other research8 has shown your odds of transmitting COVID-19 are 18.7 times greater indoors than in an open-air environment. Several investigations looking at SARS-CoV-2 RNA concentrations in air have also come up empty, including air samplings done in various locations in Wuhan,9,10 China, Venice in northern Italy, and Lecce in southern Italy.11

The Problems We Ignore When Mandating Masks

Aside from all the research demonstrating that mask wearing is an ineffective and largely pointless strategy against respiratory viruses — which I’ve detailed in several articles, including “More Evidence Masks Don’t Work to Prevent COVID-19,” “Mindless Mask Mandates Likely Do More Harm Than Good” and “Landmark Study Finds Masks Are Ineffective” — there’s the issue of potential adverse effects.

This part of the equation has been roundly ignored since the very beginning, even though there are both environmental drawbacks to universal mask use and individual health hazards, including the following:12

  • Wearing a face mask increases breathing resistance, and since it makes both inhaling and exhaling more difficult, individuals with pre-existing medical conditions may be at risk of a medical emergency if wearing a face mask.

This includes those with shortness of breath, lung disease, panic attacks, breathing difficulties, chest pain on exertion, cardiovascular disease, fainting spells, claustrophobia, chronic bronchitis, heart problems, asthma, allergies, diabetes, seizures, high blood pressure and those with pacemakers. The impact of wearing a face mask during pregnancy is also wholly unknown.

  • Face masks can reduce oxygen intake, leading to potentially hazardous oxygen deficiency (hypoxia).
  • They also cause rapid accumulation of harmful carbon dioxide, which can have significant cognitive and physical impacts. Germany’s first registry13,14 recording the effects mask wearing has on children, has identified 24 physical, psychological and behavioral health issues associated with wearing masks. Recorded symptoms include:

“… irritability (60%), headache (53%), difficulty concentrating (50%), less happiness (49%), reluctance to go to school/kindergarten (44%), malaise (42%), impaired learning (38%) and drowsiness or fatigue (37%).”

Of the 25,930 children included in the registry, 29.7% reported feeling short of breath, 26.4% being dizzy and 17.9% were unwilling to move or play. Hundreds more experienced “accelerated respiration, tightness in chest, weakness and short-term impairment of consciousness.”

  • Wearing a face mask increases your body temperature and physical stress, which could result in an elevated temperature reading that is not related to infection.
  • All face masks can cause bacterial and fungal infections in the user as warm, moist air accumulates inside the mask. This is the perfect breeding ground for pathogens. This is why disposable medical masks were designed for short-duration, specific-task use only, after which they are supposed to be discarded.

Medical doctors have warned that bacterial pneumonia, facial rashes, fungal infections on the face,15mask mouth” (symptoms of which include bad breath, tooth decay and gum inflammation) and candida mouth infections16 are all on the rise.

A study17,18 published in the February 2021 issue of the journal Cancer Discovery also found that the presence of microbes in your lungs can worsen lung cancer pathogenesis and can contribute to advanced stage lung cancer. The same types of bacteria, primarily Veillonella, Prevotella, and Streptococcus bacteria, can also be cultivated through prolonged mask wearing.19

  • With extended use, medical masks will begin to break down and release chemicals that are then inhaled. Tiny microfibers are also released, which can cause health problems when inhaled. This hazard was highlighted in a performance study20 being published in the June 2021 issue of Journal of Hazardous Materials.

Mask mandates also represent another erosion of freedom, and normalizes the false notion that people are sick unless proven healthy, and that it’s acceptable to be forced to cover your face just to go about your daily life, even when you’re outdoors.

The public narrative is building prejudice against people who refuse to wear masks or get an experimental vaccine, such that some are now fearful of people who aren’t masked or those who choose not to get vaccinated. With societal norms rapidly changing, and an increasingly authoritative environment emerging, it raises the question of whether or not the public will continue to blindly obey, no matter the consequences.

The Only Type of Mask That Is Safe and Effective

To provide any benefit whatsoever, users must be fitted with the right type and size of respirator, and must undergo fit testing by a trained professional. However, N95 respirators, even when fitted properly, will not protect against viral exposures but can adequately protect against larger particles.

Surgical masks, which do not seal to your face, do not filter out anything. They are designed to prevent bacteria from the mouth, nose and face from entering the patient during surgical procedures, and researchers have warned that contaminated surgical masks actually pose an infection risk.21 After just two hours, a significant increase in bacterial load on the mask was observed.

Nonmedical cloth masks are not only ineffective, but also particularly dangerous as they’re not engineered for effective purging of exhaled carbon dioxide, making them wholly unsuitable for use.

The only type of mask that is actually safe and effective to wear is the gas mask kind of respirator you’d use to protect yourself against painting fumes, organic vapors, smoke and dust. These respirators are built to filter the air you breathe in, and to get rid of the carbon dioxide and humidity from the air you breathe out, thereby ensuring there’s no dangerous buildup of carbon dioxide or reduction in oxygen inside the mask.

Where Are the Data Supporting Mask Mandates?

While there are a lot of data and science showing that masks are ineffective against viral transmission and that mandates do nothing to protect public health, government spokespeople simply continue spouting the propaganda narrative that mask wearing saves lives. “Listen to the experts; follow the science,” they say. Yet they have yet to produce a single credible piece of scientific support for universal mask wearing.

Where are the data showing that masks work? Where are the data showing it lowers infection and hospitalization rates? Where is the evidence that mask mandates have had any positive influence at all on the COVID-19 pandemic during these past 14 months? We ought to have a mountain of data to support it by now.

I suspect the reason we don’t have massive studies filled with global data showing that mask mandates were a breakthrough success is because they either had no impact, or made matters worse. Case in point: “Texas, Mississippi See Lowest COVID Cases in Almost a Year 1 Month After Lifting Mask Mandate,” Newsweek reported in an April 6, 2021, article.22

Yes, ironically, despite fears that lifting mask mandates would result in hospitals overflowing with COVID-19 cases, the opposite actually happened. Both Texas and Mississippi are now, four weeks later, reporting their lowest case and COVID-related mortality numbers since May 2020.

North Dakota Aims to Secure Freedom From Mask Mandates

A special ray of hope shines in North Dakota, where the House of Representatives has approved a bill (H.B.1323) that would actually ban schools, businesses and local governments from making face masks a requirement for service. The bill, which passed 50 to 44 at the end of February 2021, is now being reviewed by the Senate.

The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Jeff Hoverson, characterized the state’s mask mandate, imposed in November 2020, as “diabolical silliness.”23 He told the Prairie Public Press he’d received “a lot of emails” from constituents opposed to mask mandates, adding:24

“They do not want North Dakota to get sucked into what is becoming obvious. The mask is a part of a larger apparatus of a movement of unelected, wealthy bureaucrats, who are robbing our freedoms and perpetuating lies.” 

Yes. That about sums it up.


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1, 2, 3, 4 New York Times April 22, 2021 (Archived)

5 Nature Communications November 20, 2020; 11 Article number 5917

6 The New York Times April 27, 2021

7 Environmental Research February 2021; 193: 110603

8 MedRxiv March 3, 2020 DOI: 10.1101/2020.02.28.20029272

9 Nature June 2020; 582(7813):557-560

10 Preprints May 29, 2020: 202005464

11 Environ Int January 2021; 146: 106255

12 Todayville June 2020

13 Research Square, 2021;

14 Montana Daily Gazette, January 25, 2021

15 Global Research January 21, 2021

16 The Crimson White August 20, 2020

17 Cancer Discovery February 2021 DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-20-0263

18 AZO Life Sciences November 12, 2020

19 Global Research February 3, 2021

20 Journal of Hazardous Materials June 5, 2021; 411: 124955

21 Journal of Orthopaedic Translation July 2018; 14: 57-62

22 Newsweek April 6, 2021

23 Fox News February 23, 2021

24 Prairie Public February 23, 2021

Featured image is from Mercola

COVID Vaccines: The Tip of the Iceberg

May 7th, 2021 by Swiss Policy Research

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SPR carefully distinguishes between short-term and long-term safety, short-term and long-term effectiveness, age- and sex-specific aspects, and medical and political questions. Some people might prefer a simpler, more black-and-white assessment, but this would not reflect complex reality.

A. Vaccine safety

  1. The updated chart above shows the previously reported post-vaccination increase in Israeli 65+ all-cause mortality, based on official data up to April 4. There appears to be a complete media blackout on this issue, both inside and outside of Israel, despite the fact that an Israeli hospital director described a “murky wave of heart attacks” in March. However, in late April Israeli authorities announced an investigation into cases of post-vaccination heart inflammation and heart attacks, primarily in young adults, where the issue is much harder to explain away. In the US, too, multiple cases of heart inflammation and heart attacks after mRNA vaccines have already been reported in young adults. The independent Israeli People’s Committee gathered data on about 320 post-vaccination deaths and about 2500 serious adverse events until early May.
  2. In the USA and Europe, official reporting systems currently show about 10,000 post-vaccination deaths. Based on official case reports, some of these deaths are clearly unrelated to the vaccine, but many were clearly caused or triggered by the vaccine. Due to significant underreporting and a massive reporting backlog, SPR estimates that there could be up to 50,000 post-vaccination deaths in the US and Europe combined. While this is a small number compared to the 1,3 million official covid deaths and the 150 million fully vaccinated people, it is not a trivial number.
  3. Health authorities and the media primarily focus on the issue of post-vaccination cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT, i.e. blood clots in the brain), simply because CVT is such a rare issue that the post-vaccination increase cannot be explained away statistically. However, CVTs are really just ‘the tip of the iceberg’, whereas the ‘invisible’, but much larger iceberg of post-vaccination adverse events consists primarily of severe and fatal cardiac (heart inflammation, heart attack), cardiovascular (blood clots anywhere) and neurological events. Since the background rate of these conditions is much higher, vaccine-related events are easier to ignore or hide.
  4. Several countries have already suspended or stopped adenovector-based covid vaccines (AstraZeneca and J&J), arguing that ‘the risks outweigh the benefits’, especially for young people, and referring only to CVTs (the tip of the iceberg), not cardiac and cardiovascular events in general (the iceberg). In fact, AstraZeneca recently and officially acknowledged that thrombocytopenia (low blood platelet count due to an autoimmune reaction) is a ‘frequent (1% to 10%)’ vaccine adverse event, even though it wasn’t detected during the vaccine trial.
  5. There is still no reliable data on the long-term safety of covid vaccines and on the safety in children and adolescents. Nevertheless, several countries have already announced ‘booster shots’ (against new virus variants and to counter antibody waning) and the vaccination of children. This is despite the fact that data from Israel and the UK has shown that the vaccination of adults is sufficient to suppress the epidemic, simply because children are not drivers of Sars-CoV-2 infections. Thus, the only (medical) rationale for vaccinating low-risk children, adolescents and young adults could be the risk of long covid and PIMS (the latter is about 0,02%).
  6. In many Western countries, vaccination rates seem to level off at about 50% to 70% of the adult population. Moreover, about 10% of people decline the second vaccine dose, likely due to severe adverse events after the first dose.
  7. To review personal case reports of severe and fatal covid vaccine adverse events, see the Nashville collection (18+) and Covid Legal USA. In the US, there have already been several reports of post-vaccination deaths of healthy children and adolescents. Facebook deleted a group with 120,000 members reporting and discussing covid vaccine adverse events.
  8. There are also several reports of peculiar post-vaccination deaths of celebrities, such as box legend Marvin Hagler (66), rap legend DMX (50), cybersecurity expert Dan Kaminsky (42), comedian El Risitas (65), or fashion designer Alber Elbaz (59). In the case of fully-vaccinated Elbaz, it was reported that he got infected with the ‘South African’ coronavirus variant.

All-cause deaths 65+, previous 7 days (Source: Israeli CBS)

B. Vaccine effectiveness

A vaccine may be not particularly safe (compared to the highest medical standards) and still be quite effective, at least in the short term. This seems to be the case for most experimental covid vaccines.

  1. The decrease in covid infections in many US states and European countries since late winter or early spring was driven not primarily by vaccination campaigns, but by seasonal effects and other epidemic dynamics (both of which are well-known but poorly understood). This is shown by the fact that infections decreased simultaneously and to a similar extent in countries with a rather low vaccination rate.
  2. Population-wide data from the UK and Israel were quite difficult to interpret, as these countries were running their vaccination campaigns in parallel to an ongoing infection wave. As a matter of fact, their decrease in infections wasn’t any faster than in some countries with a low or very low vaccination rate, such as Portugal and South Africa. However, since about mid-April, the infection rate in Israel and the UK have indeed been lower than in most other countries.
  3. Despite these uncertainties, independent cohort studies do confirm a (short-term) vaccine effectiveness after the second dose of about 90% in people up to 70 years of age and about 65% in care home residents (in the case of the Pfizer vaccine and in terms of infections). The protection against (severe) disease and death may be even higher.
  4. A Swedish study found that compared to vaccination, a prior infection protects just as well, or even somewhat better, against a new Sars-CoV-2 infection (91% vs. 86%).
  5. Moreover, European countries that started their vaccination campaign prior to the spring waveconfirm a very good protective effect even in people over 80. For instance, the chart below shows that in Switzerland, hospitalizations in April of people aged 40 to 59 reached almost the level of the second wave, whereas they remained much lower in people aged 60 to 79 and especially in people 80+, who had been vaccinated first (orange vs. red curves).
  6. In contrast, multiple countries and several studies have confirmed that the mass vaccination campaign can itself ignite or boost an infection wave, an effect first described by SPR in February. Most recently, this was observed in the Seychelles, the country with the highest vaccination rate in the world, that entered into another lockdown (“despite” a mask mandate). Most likely, this effect is a combination of the vaccination campaign spreading the virus (even into high risk groups), and people exposing themselves to higher risks prior to full protection.
  7. Given this risk of a post-first-dose infection spike, early and prophylactic treatment protocolsare still relevant even – or especially – during vaccination campaigns.

Switzerland: Hospitalizations by age group. The difference between the orange curve (40-59) and the red curves (60-79 and 80+) in the second and third waves indicates vaccine effectiveness. (Source: BAG)

C. Political aspects

An Israeli lawyer speaks of “increasing coercion, discrimination, marking and division into two civil societies” due to the Israeli “green mark (pass)” system: “Basic activities such as work, education, health and recreation have become a luxury for only vaccinated people. And even then, only temporary.” The Israeli lawyer believes that “Israel is the ‘pilot’ that should serve as an example and justification for the whole world. If they convince the general public that there is ‘success’ here, it will be done all over the world and then it will get worse for all of us.”


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Unvaccinated people are to be segregated from those who have received the COVID-19 jab at New York Yankees & Mets games, it has been revealed.

Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the news in a tweet, adding that capacities will be reduced to 33% in unvaccinated areas “to comply with CDC social distancing rules.”

All fans will be forced to wear face masks, despite CDC guidelines stating that those who have received the vaccine should no longer have to wear masks outside.

Cuomo provided no details on how fans would prove they have been vaccinated before attending the game.

This represents the beginning of a de facto domestic vaccine passport for Americans.

While unvaccinated fans will be allowed to attend games, albeit in a segregated area, there’s no guarantee they won’t be prevented from entering stadiums in the near future when the vaccine has been offered to everybody.

The segregation policy is also being implemented by other countries, including Hong Kong, where unvaccinated people are seated in different areas of restaurants and restricted to a total of 4 people per table.

Respondents to Cuomo’s announcement expressed a mixture of sentiments, with some saying unvaccinated people should be barred altogether, while others complaining that they won’t be able to bring their unvaccinated kids to the game.

Others pointed out that the policy is straight up segregation and will only end in disaster.


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Judge Susan Illston of the Northern District of California Wednesday heard arguments for and against the defendants’ motion to dismiss in the Children’s Health Defense (CHD) lawsuit, which claims that Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg and three fact-checking operations censor truthful public health posts and engage in racketeering activities against CHD. 

According to CHD’s complaint, Facebook has insidious conflicts with the pharmaceutical industry and its captive health agencies, and has economic stakes in vaccines, telecom and 5G.

Facebook currently censors CHD’s page, targeting factual information about vaccines, 5G and public health agencies. Facebook-owned Instagram deplatformed CHD Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on Feb. 10 without notice or explanation.

This is an important First Amendment case that tests the boundaries of government authority to openly censor unwanted critique of its narrative, attorneys Roger Teich and Jed Rubenfeld argued before the court. Attorneys Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Mary Holland, CHD president, also are lawyers on the legal briefs.

CHD is a nonprofit watchdog group that roots out corruption in federal agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and exposes wrongdoings in the pharmaceutical and telecom industries.

CHD has been a frequent critic of WiFi and 5G Network safety and of certain vaccine policies that place profits ahead of public health. CHD has fiercely criticized agency corruption at the WHO, CDC and FCC.

Facebook has publicly stated it is assisting efforts of the White House, the CDC and the WHO to censor unwanted speech about vaccines. While earlier court decisions have upheld Facebook’s right to censor user pages, CHD argues that the social media giant’s open collaboration with government makes it a proxy for government censorship, violating the First Amendment.

The government’s role in Facebook’s censorship goes deeper than its close coordination with the CDC and WHO — it began at the suggestion of powerful Democratic Congressman and Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, who in March 2019, asked Facebook to suppress and purge internet content critical of government vaccine policies.

Facebook, Schiff and many other government officials use the term “misinformation” as a euphemism for any statement, whether truthful or not, that contradicts official government pronouncements.

The WHO issued a press release commending Facebook for coordinating its ongoing censorship campaign with public health officials. That same day, Facebook published a “warning label” on CHD’s page, implying that CHD’s content is inaccurate and directing CHD followers to turn to the CDC for “reliable, up-to-date information.”

CHD’s lawsuit also challenges Facebook use of so-called “independent fact-checkers,” which, in truth, are neither independent nor fact-based, to create oppositional content on CHD’s page, superimposed over CHD’s original content, about matters of heated scientific controversy.

To further silence CHD’s dissent against government policies and the pharmaceutical industry, Facebook deactivated CHD’s donate button and uses a variety of deceptive technologies, including shadow banning, to minimize CHD’s reach and visibility.

In short, the lawsuit contends Facebook and the government collude to silence CHD and its followers. Such tactics violate the First Amendment, which guarantees the American public the free flow of information in the marketplace of ideas.

The First Amendment forbids the government from censoring private speech — particularly speech that criticizes government policies or officials. As Justice Holmes famously said, “The best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market.”

The ongoing COVID crisis makes the need for open and fierce public debate on health issues in our democracy more critical than ever.

Mark Zuckerberg publicly claims social media platforms shouldn’t be “the arbiters of truth.” Yet his acts to suppress critique of government officials and policies belie those pronouncements.

The court will decide whether Facebook’s new government-directed business model of false and misleading “warning labels,” deceptive “fact-checks” and disabling a nonprofit’s donate button passes muster under the First and Fifth Amendments, the Lanham Act and the federal racketeering statute. Those statutes protect CHD against online wire fraud and knowingly false statements disparaging to the organization, while the Constitution protects CHD against government censorship — even through third parties — and from uncompensated taking of its property interests.

“Mainstream media and social media giants are imposing a totalitarian censorship to prevent public health advocates, like myself, from voicing concerns and from engaging in civil informed debate in the public square,” said Kennedy.

Kennedy added:

“They are punishing, shaming, vilifying, gaslighting and abolishing individuals who report their own vaccine injuries. Anyone can see that this is a formula for catastrophe and a coup d’état against the First Amendment, the foundation stone of American democracy.”

CHD awaits Judge Illston’s ruling on the defendants’ motion to dismiss.


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In the winter of 1837, Charles Dickens published the first two chapters of what would become one of his most popular works– the story of an orphan called Oliver Twist.

If you’ve never read it, the book is one of Dickens’ most damning condemnations of the poverty, crime, and child labor that dominated 19th century Britain.

It was personal for Dickens; as a boy, he was forced to work long hours in a shoe polish factory for pitiful wages after his father had been hauled off to debtors’ prison.

And Oliver Twist was so shocking it began a global conversation about child labor and contributed to the worldwide Children’s Rights Movement.

By the early 20th century, children were starting to be viewed as more than just cheap, easily exploitable workers. Instead, western nations began to prioritize children’s well-being.

It’s been that way for generations. Then along came COVID-1984… and all the dictatorial public health measures that have accompanied it.

Entire economies were locked down, borders closed, business shuttered, and basic human interactions forbidden.

These restrictions have been especially damaging for children.

Even to this day, more than a YEAR later, schools are still closed in many parts of the world.

Millions of children simply stopped learning at the age when their minds develop more rapidly than at any other time in life.

Sheepish bureaucrats hid behind Zoom classes as an adequate substitute for real learning and human interaction, though hardly a thought was given to the cost versus benefit.

It’s hard to fault anyone for the decisions they made back in March or April of 2020. There was no data. And plenty of people took the most conservative approach.

But by summer 2020, there were mountains of data to support an informed decision.

Consider, for example, precisely 54 children in the Land of the Free have died from COVID (according to CDC data through April 28).

Given that there have been roughly 4 million confirmed COVID cases among children, this implies a survival rate of 99.999%.

For kids, even the Chicken Pox is more fatal, not to mention a variety of other common illnesses ranging from the flu to strep throat.

Yet the world never closed schools due to the chicken pox.

Curiously, his grace, Lord Protector Anthony Fauci, noted back in 2009 during the Swine Flu epidemic that “we have already 76 children dying from the 2009 H1N1 virus, and it’s only the beginning of October.”

Yet his eminence did not demand schools close. And the CDC specifically recommended NOT closing schools.

(Fauci also stated then, “you can’t isolate yourself from the rest of the world for the whole flu season. . .”)

Then there’s the Holy See of the World Health Organization, of whom no one is worthy to question. Yet the WHO says that “diarrhea kills around 525,000 children under five” every year.

Yet did anyone ever close the schools to prevent the spread of the diarrhea-causing rotavirus?

(And as long as we’re all wearing masks, should we be forced to wear diapers too?)

Point is, public health bureaucrats and school officials clearly didn’t conduct a basic cost/benefit analysis before closing the schools.

They didn’t consider how many kids would fall behind. Or the mental health consequences of social isolation, like the higher rates of self-harm and skyrocketing calls to suicide hotlines.

The only thing that mattered was a disease with a 99.999% survivability rate. Not their learning, their future, or their mental health.

And for schools that did open, students were subjected to ridiculous protocols, including even literally being placed inside of plastic bubbles.

But this doesn’t even scratch the surface of the real damage.

It’s bad enough that the COVID hysteria has caused generational academic regression. But on top of this, teachers and school administrators are now prioritizing a new, woke curriculum.

Rather than focus on helping students become more intellectually and professionally competitive, children are instead being taught to view themselves and others as either victims or oppressors, and to define themselves and everyone around them by skin color, gender, or sexual orientation.

The content of one’s character is now irrelevant.

Kids who are too young to know anything about sexual intercourse are being forced to learn about sexuality in an effort to break free of ‘heteronormative thinking.’

Biology is now a social science that has become completely subjective. History is being rewritten on the fly in front of the children’s very eyes.

Even mathematics is now full of white supremacy. Several state education departments, including Oregon and California, are promoting new training for their teachers aimed at “Dismantling Racism in Mathematics Instruction.”

I’ve read the full 82-page document. It’s bizarre. They lament, for example, that “White Supremacy culture shows up in math classrooms when teachers are teachers and students are learners.”

Come again? Unless Doogie Howser is sitting in the front row ready to teach Calculus, aren’t the teachers supposed to do the teaching?

But apparently this “reinforces the ideas of paternalism and powerhoarding” which somehow relates to White Supremacy.

It’s truly astonishing what they’re doing to young minds.

Children have been indoctrinated to believe that other human beings are disease-infested filth.

They’re taught to subordinate themselves to idiotic bureaucrats and to never question authorities, no matter how illogical their edicts may be.

They’re taught that thinking outside the box results in being ridiculed and censored.

They’re taught that science is subject to the whims of the Twitter mob, and that mathematics is racist.

Honestly I don’t think any of this is on purpose. The people who control the education system probably feel like they’re doing the right thing.

But as they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. And they’re on course to completely ruin an entire generation.

Frankly I can’t think of any job that’s more important right now than being a parent… and teaching proper values and independent thinking to a child.


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James (aka Simon Black) is an international investor, entrepreneur, and founder of Sovereign Man. His free daily e-letter Notes from the Field is about using the experiences from his life and travels to help you achieve more freedom, make more money, keep more of it, and protect it all from bankrupt governments.

Featured image is from Xavier Donat

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The True Meaning of the Afghan “Withdrawal”

May 7th, 2021 by Prof Alfred McCoy

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Many of us have had a recurring nightmare. You know the one. In a fog between sleeping and waking, you’re trying desperately to escape from something awful, some looming threat, but you feel paralyzed. Then, with great relief, you suddenly wake up, covered in sweat. The next night, or the next week, though, that same dream returns.

For politicians of Joe Biden’s generation that recurring nightmare was Saigon, 1975. Communist tanks ripping through the streets as friendly forces flee. Thousands of terrified Vietnamese allies pounding at the U.S. Embassy’s gates. Helicopters plucking Americans and Vietnamese from rooftops and disgorging them on Navy ships. Sailors on those ships, now filled with refugees, shoving those million-dollar helicopters into the sea. The greatest power on Earth sent into the most dismal of defeats.

Back then, everyone in official Washington tried to avoid that nightmare. The White House had already negotiated a peace treaty with the North Vietnamese in 1973 to provide a “decent interval” between Washington’s withdrawal and the fall of the South Vietnamese capital. As defeat loomed in April 1975, Congress refused to fund any more fighting. A first-term senator then, Biden himself said, “The United States has no obligation to evacuate one, or 100,001, South Vietnamese.” Yet it happened anyway. Within weeks, Saigon fell and some 135,000 Vietnamese fled, producing scenes of desperation seared into the conscience of a generation.

Now, as president, by ordering a five-month withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Afghanistan by this September 11th, Biden seems eager to avoid the return of an Afghan version of that very nightmare. Yet that “decent interval” between America’s retreat and the Taliban’s future triumph could well prove indecently short.

The Taliban’s fighters have already captured much of the countryside, reducing control of the American-backed Afghan government in Kabul, the capital, to less than a third of all rural districts. Since February, those guerrillas have threatened the country’s major provincial capitals — Kandahar, Kunduz, Helmand, and Baghlan — drawing the noose ever tighter around those key government bastions. In many provinces, as the New York Times reported recently, the police presence has already collapsed and the Afghan army seems close behind.

If such trends continue, the Taliban will soon be primed for an attack on Kabul, where U.S. airpower would prove nearly useless in street-to-street fighting. Unless the Afghan government were to surrender or somehow persuade the Taliban to share power, the fight for Kabul, whenever it finally occurs, could prove to be far bloodier than the fall of Saigon — a twenty-first-century nightmare of mass flight, devastating destruction, and horrific casualties.

With America’s nearly 20-year pacification effort there poised at the brink of defeat, isn’t it time to ask the question that everyone in official Washington seeks to avoid: How and why did Washington lose its longest war?

First, we need to get rid of the simplistic answer, left over from the Vietnam War, that the U.S. somehow didn’t try hard enough. In South Vietnam, a 10-year war, 58,000 American dead, 254,000 South Vietnamese combat deaths, millions of Vietnamese, Laotian, and Cambodian civilian deaths, and a trillion dollars in expenditures seem sufficient in the “we tried” category. Similarly, in Afghanistan, almost 20 years of fighting, 2,442 American war dead, 69,000 Afghan troop losses, and costs of more than $2.2 trillion should spare Washington from any charges of cutting and running.

The answer to that critical question lies instead at the juncture of global strategy and gritty local realities on the ground in the opium fields of Afghanistan. During the first two decades of what would actually be a 40-year involvement with that country, a precise alignment of the global and the local gave the U.S. two great victories — first, over the Soviet Union in 1989; then, over the Taliban, which governed much of the country in 2001.

During the nearly 20 years of U.S. occupation that followed, however, Washington mismanaged global, regional, and local politics in ways that doomed its pacification effort to certain defeat. As the countryside slipped out of its control and Taliban guerrillas multiplied after 2004, Washington tried everything — a trillion-dollar aid program, a 100,000 troop “surge,” a multi-billion-dollar drug war — but none of it worked. Even now, in the midst of a retreat in defeat, official Washington has no clear idea why it ultimately lost this 40-year conflict.

Secret War (Drug War)

Just four years after the North Vietnamese army rolled into Saigon driving Soviet-made tanks and trucks, Washington decided to even the score by giving Moscow its own Vietnam in Afghanistan. When the Red Army occupied Kabul in December 1979, President Jimmy Carter’s national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, crafted a grand strategy for a CIA covert war that would inflict a humiliating defeat on the Soviet Union.

Building upon an old U.S. alliance with Pakistan, the CIA worked through that country’s Inter Service Intelligence agency (ISI) to deliver millions, then billions of dollars in arms to Afghanistan’s anti-Soviet guerrillas, known as the mujahideen, whose Islamic faith made them formidable fighters. As a master of geopolitics, Brzezinski forged a near-perfect strategic alignment among the U.S., Pakistan, and China for a surrogate conflict against the Soviets. Locked into a bitter rivalry with its neighbor India that erupted in periodic border wars, Pakistan was desperate to please Washington, particularly since, ominously enough, India had only recently tested its first nuclear bomb.

Throughout the long years of the Cold War, Washington was Pakistan’s main ally, providing ample military aid and tilting its diplomacy to favor that country over India. To shelter beneath the U.S. nuclear umbrella, the Pakistanis were, in turn, willing to risk Moscow’s ire by serving as the springboard for the CIA’s secret war on the Red Army in Afghanistan.

Beneath that grand strategy, there was a grittier reality taking shape on the ground in that country. While the mujahideen commanders welcomed the CIA’s arms shipments, they also needed funds to sustain their fighters and soon turned to poppy growing and opium trafficking for that. As Washington’s secret war entered its sixth year, a New York Times correspondent travelling through southern Afghanistan discovered a proliferation of poppy fields that was transforming that arid terrain into the world’s main source of illicit narcotics. “We must grow and sell opium to fight our holy war against the Russian nonbelievers,” one rebel leader told the reporter.

In fact, caravans carrying CIA arms into Afghanistan often returned to Pakistan loaded with opium — sometimes, reported the New York Times, “with the assent of Pakistani or American intelligence officers who supported the resistance.” During the decade of the CIA’s secret war there, Afghanistan’s annual opium harvest soared from a modest 100 tons to a massive 2,000 tons. To process the raw opium into heroin, illicit laboratories opened in the Afghan-Pakistani borderlands that, by 1984, supplied a staggering 60% of the U.S. market and 80% of the European one. Inside Pakistan, the number of heroin addicts surged from almost none at all in 1979 to nearly 1.5 million by 1985.

By 1988, there were an estimated 100 to 200 heroin refineries in the area around the Khyber Pass inside Pakistan operating under the purview of the ISI. Further south, an Islamist warlord named Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the CIA’s favored Afghan “asset,” controlled several heroin refineries that processed much of the opium harvest from the country’s southern provinces. In May 1990, as that secret war was ending, the Washington Post reported that American officials had failed to investigate drug dealing by Hekmatyar and his protectors in Pakistan’s ISI largely “because U.S. narcotics policy in Afghanistan has been subordinated to the war against Soviet influence there.”

Charles Cogan, director of the CIA’s Afghan operation, later spoke frankly about the Agency’s priorities. “We didn’t really have the resources or the time to devote to an investigation of the drug trade,” he told an interviewer. “I don’t think that we need to apologize for this… There was fallout in term of drugs, yes. But the main objective was accomplished. The Soviets left Afghanistan.”

There was also another kind of real fallout from that secret war, though Cogan didn’t mention it. While it was hosting the CIA’s covert operation, Pakistan played upon Washington’s dependence and its absorption in its Cold War battle against the Soviets to develop ample fissionable material by 1987 for its own nuclear bomb and, a decade later, to carry out a successful nuclear test that stunned India and sent strategic shockwaves across South Asia.

Simultaneously, Pakistan was also turning Afghanistan into a virtual client state. For three years following the Soviet retreat in 1989, the CIA and Pakistan’s ISI continued to collaborate in backing a bid by Hekmatyar to capture Kabul, providing him with enough firepower to shell the capital and slaughter some 50,000 of its residents. When that failed, from the millions of Afghan refugees inside their borders, the Pakistanis alone formed a new force that came to be called the Taliban — sound familiar? — and armed them to seize Kabul successfully in 1996.

The Invasion of Afghanistan

In the aftermath of the September 2001 terrorist attacks, when Washington decided to invade Afghanistan, the same alignment of global strategy and gritty local realities assured it another stunning victory, this time over the Taliban who then ruled most of the country. Although its nuclear arms now lessened its dependence on Washington, Pakistan was still willing to serve as a springboard for the CIA’s mobilization of Afghan regional warlords who, in combination with massive U.S. bombing, soon swept the Taliban out of power.

Although American air power readily smashed its armed forces — seemingly, then, beyond repair — that theocratic regime’s real weakness lay in its gross mismanagement of the country’s opium harvest. After taking power in 1996, the Taliban had first doubled the country’s opium crop to an unprecedented 4,600 tons, sustaining the economy while providing 75% of the world’s heroin. Four years later, however, the regime’s ruling mullahs used their formidable coercive powers to make a bid for international recognition at the U.N. by slashing the country’s opium harvest to a mere 185 tons. That decision would plunge millions of farmers into misery and, in the process, reduce the regime to a hollow shell that shattered with the first American bombs.

While the U.S. bombing campaign raged through October 2001, the CIA shipped$70 million in bundled bills into Afghanistan to mobilize its old coalition of tribal warlords for the fight against the Taliban. President George W. Bush would later celebrate that expenditure as one of history’s biggest “bargains.”

Almost from the start of what became a 20-year American occupation, however, the once-perfect alignment of global and local factors started to break apart for Washington. Even as the Taliban retreated in chaos and consternation, those bargain-basement warlords captured the countryside and promptly presided over a revived opium harvest that climbed to 3,600 tons by 2003, or an extraordinary 62% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). Four years later, the drug harvest would reach a staggering 8,200 tons — generating 53% of the country’s GDP, 93% of the world’s illicit heroin, and, above all, ample funds for a revival of… yes, you guessed it, the Taliban’s guerrilla army.

Stunned by the realization that its client regime in Kabul was losing control of the countryside to the once-again opium-funded Taliban, the Bush White House launched a $7-billion drug war that soon sank into a cesspool of corruption and complex tribal politics. By 2009, the Taliban guerrillas were expanding so rapidly that the new Obama administration opted for a “surge” of 100,000 U.S. troops there.

By attacking the guerrillas but failing to eradicate the opium harvest that funded their deployment every spring, Obama’s surge soon suffered a defeat foretold. Amid a rapid drawdown of those troops to meet the surge’s use-by date of December 2014 (as Obama had promised), the Taliban launched the first of its annual fighting-season offensives that slowly wrested control of significant parts of the countryside from the Afghan military and police.

By 2017, the opium harvest had climbed to a new record of 9,000 tons, providing about 60% of the funding for the Taliban’s relentless advance. Recognizing the centrality of the drug trade in sustaining the insurgency, the U.S. command dispatched F-22 fighters and B-52 bombers to attack the Taliban’s labs in the country’s heroin heartland. In effect, it was deploying billion-dollar aircraft to destroy what turned out to be 10 mud huts, depriving the Taliban of just $2,800 in tax revenues. To anyone paying attention, the absurd asymmetry of that operation revealed that the U.S. military was being decisively outmaneuvered and defeated by the grittiest of local Afghan realities.

At the same time, the geopolitical side of the Afghan equation was turning decisively against the American war effort. With Pakistan moving ever closer to China as a counterweight to its rival India and U.S.-China relations becoming hostile, Washington grew increasingly irritated with Islamabad. At a summit meeting in late 2017, President Trump and India’s Prime Minister Modi joined with their Australian and Japanese counterparts to form “the Quad” (known more formally as the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue), an incipient alliance aimed at checking China’s expansion that soon gained substance through joint naval maneuvers in the Indian Ocean.

Within weeks of that meeting, Trump would trash Washington’s 60-year alliance with Pakistan with a single New Year’s Day tweet claiming that country had repaid years of generous U.S. aid with “nothing but lies & deceit.” Almost immediately, Washington announced suspension of its military aid to Pakistan until Islamabad took “decisive action” against the Taliban and its militant allies.

With Washington’s delicate alignment of global and local forces now fatally misaligned, both Trump’s capitulation at peace talks with the Taliban in 2020 and Biden’s coming retreat in defeat were preordained. Without access to landlocked Afghanistan from Pakistan, U.S. surveillance drones and fighter-bombers now potentially face a 2,400-mile flight from the nearest bases in the Persian Gulf — too far for effective use of airpower to shape events on the ground (though America’s commanders are already searching desperately for air bases in countries far nearer to Afghanistan to use).

Lessons of Defeat

Unlike a simple victory, this defeat offers layers of meaning for those with the patience to plumb its lessons. During a government investigation of what went wrong back in 2015, Douglas Lute, an Army general who directed Afghan war policy for the Bush and Obama administrations, observed: “We were devoid of a fundamental understanding of Afghanistan — we didn’t know what we were doing.” With American troops now shaking the dust of Afghanistan’s arid soil off their boots, future U.S. military operations in that part of the globe are likely to shift offshore as the Navy joins the rest of the Quad’s flotilla in a bid to check China’s advance in the Indian Ocean.

Beyond the closed circles of official Washington, this dismal outcome has more disturbing lessons. The many Afghans who believed in America’s democratic promises will join a growing line of abandoned allies, stretching back to the Vietnam era and including, more recently, Kurds, Iraqis, and Somalis, among others. Once the full costs of Washington’s withdrawal from Afghanistan become apparent, the debacle may, not surprisingly, discourage potential future allies from trusting Washington’s word or judgment.

Much as the fall of Saigon made the American people wary of such interventions for more than a decade, so a possible catastrophe in Kabul will likely (one might even say, hopefully) produce a long-term aversion in this country to such future interventions. Just as Saigon, 1975, became the nightmare Americans wished to avoid for at least a decade, so Kabul, 2022, could become an unsettling recurrence that only deepens an American crisis of confidence at home.

When the Red Army’s last tanks finally crossed the Friendship Bridge and left Afghanistan in February 1989, that defeat helped precipitate the complete collapse of the Soviet Union and the loss of its empire within a mere three years. The impact of the coming U.S. retreat in Afghanistan will undoubtedly be far less dramatic. Still, it will be deeply significant. Such a retreat after so many years, with the enemy if not at the gates, then closing in on them, is a clear sign that imperial Washington has reached the very limits of what even the most powerful military on earth can do.

Or put another way, there should be no mistake after those nearly 20 years in Afghanistan. Victory is no longer in the American bloodstream (a lesson that Vietnam somehow did not bring home), though drugs are. The loss of the ultimate drug war was a special kind of imperial disaster, giving withdrawal more than one meaning in 2021. So, it won’t be surprising if the departure from that country under such conditions is a signal to allies and enemies alike that Washington hasn’t a hope of ordering the world as it wishes anymore and that its once-formidable global hegemony is truly waning.

Click here to buy Alfred McCoy’s book.


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Alfred W. McCoy, a TomDispatch regular, is the Harrington professor of history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is the author most recently of In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of U.S. Global Power (Dispatch Books). His latest book (to be published in October by Dispatch Books) is To Govern the Globe: World Orders and Catastrophic Change.

Featured image is from New Eastern Outlook

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The past week has witnessed reports of increased Turkish military activity in Iraq and Syria as well as its intruding itself deeper into the war in Yemen. In all three cases Ankara has pitted itself against forces that are or can be seen to be pro-Iranian: Shiite parties in northern Iraq, the government of Syria and the Houthi-led government in Yemen.

Direct tensions between Turkey and Iran have been increasing since last year over the above three nations as well as the Turkish-directed attack on Nagorno-Karabakh by Azerbaijan (Turkey and Azerbaijan identify themselves as “one nation, two states’) and its aftermath.

Each time the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has rushed to Turkey’s defense over the past eighteen years – holding Article Four consultations four times (one time to “protect” it against Iraq, three times against Syria), maintaining three Patriot anti-ballistic missile batteries since 2013 – it has referred to the nation as NATO’s southeastern border. In addition to Turkey having the largest population and the largest military of any NATO member state except for the U.S., it is also the only member of the military bloc to border countries in the Middle East and the Caucasus: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. Turkey has invaded the first and third and participated in a near-invasion against the fourth. (Last September a Turkish F-16 shot down an Armenian SU-25, killing its pilot.)

The U.S. maintains B61 nuclear bombs in Turkey under a NATO nuclear sharing/burden sharing arrangement which mandates that the host country provide aircraft to deliver the bombs. NATO also has its Joint Command Southeast and Allied Air Component Command headquarters in Turkey. It moved its Allied Land Command to Turkey in 2012. In the same year it installed a Forward-Based X-Band Transportable anti-missile radar facility with a range of 2,900 miles. This year it handed over the command of its Very High Readiness Joint Task Force to Turkey.

Nothing Turkey does in the Middle East, the Caucasus, North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean can be seen aside from its status as a NATO member. Nothing it has done and is doing in those locations has ever been criticized by NATO.

On April 23 Turkey’s military launched Operations Claw-Lightning and Claw-Thunderbolt in northern Iraq, claiming to have destroyed over 500 targets in attacks that included strikes from warplanes, drones and artillery and airdropping paratroopers and commandos from Chinook and Black Hawk helicopters.

On May 1 Turkey’s Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu announced that Turkey will construct a military base in Iraq, ostensibly to combat the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), stating, “Just like we did in Syria, we will establish bases and control the area.”

The leader of the al-Nahj al-Watani party in the Iraqi parliament, Ammar Ta’meh, denounced Turkey’s “expansionist plans,” stating they would further vitiate already strained relations between the two countries and “bring harm and loss to everyone.”

In addition to the PKK, Turkish military forces in northern Iraq have increasingly come into conflict with pro-Iranian Shiite groups, leading to direct engagements as well as to worsening the antagonism between Ankara and Tehran.

In February the Iranian Foreign Ministry summoned the Turkish ambassador to Iran, Derya Örs, to express grave concerns over the Turkish interior minister accusing Iran of harboring PKK fighters. Iran condemned the remark as being “unacceptable” and a violation of protocols befitting cooperation and good relations between nations.

The Foreign Ministry also communicated objections to comments by Turkey’s ambassador to Iraq (see below), with the government news agency adding, “the territorial integrity and national sovereignty of countries were stressed as the fortifying base of international relations.”

Later the same month Turkey summoned the Iranian ambassador to condemn remarks by Tehran’s ambassador to Iraq, Iraj Masjedi, accusing Turkey of violating Iraq’s sovereignty and territorial integrity – which is the simple truth – with ongoing cross-border military operations. His words were: “We reject military intervention in Iraq and Turkish forces should not pose a threat to violate Iraqi soil.”

Turkey’s ambassador to Iraq, Fatih Yildiz, responded in a tweet with: “Ambassador of Iran would be the last person to lecture Turkey about respecting borders of Iraq.”

The Turkish accusations against Iran center in part on claims that Iranian units of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PNF) were in some – truly convoluted – manner affiliated with PKK fighters in northern Iraq. And on the contention of Turkish Foreign Minister Soylu, as seen above, that Iran was harboring “525 terrorists.” He didn’t indicate how he had determined the exact figure.

Almost two months before the current Turkish offensive in Iraq, Iraqi news reports stated that Popular Mobilization Forces militias were deploying three brigades in the Sinjar district of the Nineveh Governorate in northern Iraq to confront Turkish incursions. It was also reported that “the PMF has deployed 15,000 fighters and built new bases in Sinjar to counter any Turkish military threat.”

Another proxy conflict between Turkey and Iran is in Yemen. Recently Abdul Wahab Al-Mahbashi, member of the Supreme Political Council in Yemen, the executive body of the Houthi-led government based in Sanaa, warned Turkey against further military involvement in his nation. He predicted that Turkey, like its new ally Saudi Arabia, would be defeated in any attempt to do so, stating, “If Turkish soldiers enter Yemen they will have a fate worse than that of the aggressors who preceded them.”

Recent reports claim that Turkey has unloaded twenty armored vehicles and equipment at Somali ports to be shipped to the Yemeni port of Qena for Saudi-backed Islah militias.

From the beginning of the horrific catastrophe inflicted on the Yemeni people by Saudi Arabia, the U.S. and their allies, the perception has existed that at root the crisis there was in part a Saudi-Iranian proxy war. Turkey has now entered that conflict on behalf of Saudi Arabia and against Iran.

In a recent report by the Middle East Monitor based on regional press accounts it was suggested that Turkey will replicate in Yemen what has proven effective for it in Libya and Nagorno-Karabakh. A two-pronged strategy of drone warfare and importing Islamist mercenaries. The Shaam Times reported that 300 Syrian fighters have joined the ranks of the Islah militia in Marib, the last stronghold of Saudi-backed forces in the north of Yemen.

Turkish drones were used extensively in Libya and against Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia, and Turkey has now provided Bayraktar TB2 drones to Ukraine for the war in the Donbass. The Middle East Monitor feature indicates that Turkish drones have already been used in Yemen.

Abdul Wahab Al-Mahbashi, the above-cited Yemeni official, warned that Turkey could deploy troops to his country, in which case “Invading Yemen will not have a happy ending for Erdogan himself as well as the country’s government and military,” or could repeat what it did in Libya and Nagorno-Karabakh by deploying mercenaries.

During last year’s war by Azerbaijan and Turkey against Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenian, Syrian and Russian officials and other sources warned of Turkey deploying thousands of Syrian and other mercenaries, as many as 4,000, to Nagorno-Karabakh.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of Armenia as an independent nation in 1991, Iran has had no closer or more reliable ally in the world. The Azerbaijani-Turkish war against Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia last year was then also a message to Iran. In two ways. First, its closest ally was attacked and humiliated. Second, a war to “liberate” ethnic Azeris was a warning to Iran itself, where as many as 18 million ethnic Azeris reside.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was the guest of honor at the postwar victory parade in the capital of Azerbaijan on December 10, where among other matters he praised Enver Pasha, one of the key architects of the Armenian genocide of the last century, and read a poem condemning the “division of Azerbaijani territory” between Iran and Russia in the 1800s.

As a result of Erdoğan’s incitement in Baku, the Iranian Foreign Ministry summoned Turkey’s ambassador to Tehran. “The Turkish ambassador was informed that the era of territorial claims and expansionist empires is over,” Iran’s Foreign Ministry said on its website.

“Iran does not allow anyone to meddle in its territorial integrity.”

In addition to Turkey’s proxy wars with Iran in Iraq, Yemen and the Caucasus, there is also that in Syria. As the Turkish interior minister acknowledged above, Turkey has troops and bases in the north of the country. Its military incursions have displaced tens if not hundreds of thousands of Syrian civilians. In the past week Syrian news sources have reported that:

The governor of Raqqa, Abdul Razzaq Khalifa, accused Turkey of reducing the water supply from the Euphrates River to Syria from 500 to 200 cubic meters per second, contrary to a 1987 agreement not to reduce the rate to under the first level, “which prevented the operation of the turbines from generating electricity produced in the Euphrates Dam, in addition to reducing irrigation and drinking water.”

Syrian Arab News Agency places the event in the context of continued military attacks by Turkey and mercenaries under Turkish control.

An explosive device was triggered in the city of Ras al-Ayn “where Turkish occupation forces and their terrorist mercenaries” operate.

The Turkish military and its mercenary allies fired a barrage of rocket and artillery shells against several villages in the northern Aleppo countryside and near the Meng Military Airport.

Two pro-Turkish fighters were killed in internecine fighting in the city of Jarablus.

By expanding military attacks against Iran’s few allies in the world – in Iraq, in Yemen, in Armenia, in Syria – Turkey is spearheading the West’s campaign to isolate, contain and confront Iran.


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Exactly thirty years ago I was Head of Maritime Section at the FCO and negotiating the voisinage agreement on mutual fishing rights in territorial waters between France and the Channel Islands. Memory dims with age, but it is hard to forget the evening in Cherbourg where a meeting with French fishermen became so heated we found ourselves diving into an alley to escape a pursuing group who wished to remonstrate further. In fact, the same fishermen in the same town three years later took hostage, for a day or so, British fisheries enforcement officers, which helped obtain some changes to the agreement in France’s favour in 1994. In 1991, the ire was directed not so much at me, as at the head of the French government delegation, an Enarque from the Quai D’Orsay of superb aristocratic demeanour and French Vietnamese ancestry, who was perhaps not the best choice to explain things to the fleet.

It should be noted that the later British “hostages” said they were fed and wined superbly and had rather a nice time of it.

It is hard to understand whether today the British media or the British government have the worse grasp of the issues at stake in this fisheries dispute. Let me make a few basic points.

Firstly, the Channel Islands were never in the EU and their waters were never part of the Common Fisheries Policy – the more so as both the French and the Channel Islands waters involved are all twelve mile territorial sea and not 200 mile exclusive economic zone. The extent to which this relates to Brexit is therefore much exaggerated.

Secondly, the issue dates back hundreds of years and is concerned with the maintenance of traditional fishing rights within each other’s waters by the French and Channel Islands fishermen. Both sides have always acknowledged these time hallowed rights of access.

Thirdly, the French and Channel Islands fishing communities concerned are inextricably interlinked and indeed intermarried. Certainly thirty years ago French was the first language among the fishermen on both sides (though I am told this is less true now).

To try to explain further, fishermen are taking specific types of catch in specific areas, and their boats are equipped for this. They cannot simply be told to go and catch something different in their state’s “own” area without changing equipment and indeed sometimes boat. To state the obvious, if you are putting down your lobster pots it is not easy to be told to go fish for mackerel somewhere else instead. That is the principle, though I don’t pretend to remember the catches now.

It is not just a technical and financial matter. It is a question of personal identity and survival of communities. Fishing families have been taking the same catch in the same areas for many generations. The boats are inherited, the community set up for the appropriate processing and sales.

In making the voisinage agreement we took care to interact very closely with the fishing communities on each side and learn their stories and history. We heard tales of catches going back centuries, and fishermen viewed access to the sea their fathers had fished as a right that was nothing to do with governments; this was very even. Some Channel Islands fishermen fished certain French waters, and some French fishermen fished certain Channel Island waters. We also heard of bitter disputes between families. Tales of nets cut or pots lifted were recounted with vivid detail, only for it to be subsequently revealed the incident was in 1905 and it was somebody’s great grandfather who did it. These are complex and intermixed communities, and there is rivalry between islands as much as with the French communities. There are cross-cutting community alliances too.

Above all, as in all fishing communities, there was mutual support in the face of the sea, tales of drownings, disasters and long remembered community grief, and of course tales of rescues – of French boats rescuing Channel Island boats, and Channel Island boats rescuing French boats.

These are proud communities. The monumental stupidity of the Tory government in not seeking to understand and talk through the issues, but rather sending in intimidatory gunboats and wildly exacerbating the dispute, is heartbreaking. Of course I understand the Tories don’t actually care about the issue at all and are using anti-French jingoism for electoral purposes, but the poison they have injected will have effects for many decades.

The voisinage agreement that was drawn up and signed off by Exchange of Note between ministers in 1992 (which really did involve me doing stuff with ribbons and sealing wax) was therefore perhaps not what you would expect to see, and bore no relation to the simplistic nostrums being discussed about the dispute this morning. It named specific individual fishing boats, it named individual captains, and detailed exactly where they could exercise their family’s traditional rights to fish. There were “grandfather rights” – inherited, traditional rights that could not be achieved by newcomers. There was the right to replace a boat, but specific and individually tailored limits of the size and type of boat it could be replaced with. There were sunset clauses – I have a recollection many of the rights expired to be renegotiated in 2010, which seemed a long way away in those days. I believe that much of “my” voisinage agreement was replaced by the Granville Bay Agreement of 2000, which sounds to me unwise in decoupling French rights in Channel Island waters from Channel Island rights in French waters, but I was Deputy High Commissioner in Ghana by then and I confess I have not studied the Granville Bay agreement.

The political right today misinterpret this as some kind of English/French territorial dispute. As I hope I have explained, it is nothing of the sort, and none of the fishermen involved would ever call themselves English. The political left must not confuse the fishermen with the beneficiaries of the Channel Islands status as a great international centre for tax evasion and the laundering of illegal money. The beneficiaries of that activity are overwhelmingly not in the Channel Islands at all, but spivs in the lap dancing clubs and penthouses of the City of London. There are few beneficiaries in the Channel Islands beyond the sleazy lawyers who host thousands of paper companies, the political crooks and the token bank facades fronting for London. The fishermen are nothing to do with that world.

I should make very plain that my own negotiations were guided and in reality led by David Anderson, FCO legal adviser and a major influence in the development of the Law of the Sea. But empathy is an essential negotiating skill, and I was much helped by the fact that I grew up myself in an inshore fishing community and from a fishing family. As you may know, my mother was English and I was born in West Runton and grew up in neighbouring Sheringham. My great grandfather John Johnson had been one the last builders of traditional Sheringham fishing boats, and many relatives were still fishing in my childhood. To give you an idea, I have four direct ancestors in this photo of the Augusta lifeboat, including the cox’n at the stern, who is my great, great grandfather John Long. My grandmother had a copy of this postcard and used to tell me we were related to every single man in the photo (which is what is known as NfN, Normal for Norfolk). She could name them all. I believe six generations later my cousin Nick Grice is today still cox of the Sheringham lifeboat.

I shall allow myself to be a bit morbid today. The UK used to have an envied foreign service which valued expertise, diligence and negotiation. It now prizes bluff, jingoism and cheap popularity. We are sending gunboats, not negotiators, to the Channel Islands. Meantime I am being sentenced, probably to prison, this morning for Contempt of Court, for the crime of diligent journalism. O Tempora! O Mores!

You can read something of my case and contribute to my defence fund for an appeal to the Supreme Court here.

UPDATE: The court has been adjourned until Tuesday 11 May at 9:45am, (ostensibly) to enable consideration of mitigating factors submitted this morning. Read Taylor Hudak’s summary of the court hearing here and consult her timeline for a record of her live tweeting as it happened.


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Featured image is from Craig Murray

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This is the third installment in a multi-part Quincy Institute series on the Strategic Competition Act (S. 1169), a bill under consideration that would effectively constitute a declaration of a cold war on China by the U.S. Congress. The introduction to this series critiquing the overall approach of the bill can be read here

Read the first two installments of the series:

The ‘Strategic Competition Act’ is a dangerous declaration of cold war on China

Stability in the Taiwan Strait at risk under ‘Strategic Competition Act’


Tucked inside the massive 400-page Strategic Competition Act (SCA) is a declaration that it is the United States’ policy to maintain “sustained maximum economic pressure” against North Korea until it takes “complete, verifiable, and irreversible actions toward denuclearization.” The bill also creates new congressional reporting requirements for negotiations between the United States and other countries, which, in the case of North Korea, could disincentivize American policymakers and diplomats from talking to North Koreans early and often.

A declarative statement that it is U.S. policy to sustain not just economic pressure but “maximum” economic pressure until North Korea gives up all of its nuclear weapons suggests a finality to the issue in ways that are highly misleading. While U.S. and UN sanctions have been a key component of Washington strategy toward North Korea in the past, they have proven to have limited impact in curbing North Korea’s nuclear weapons development. Sustained sanctions also have a secondary order impact of stigmatizing legitimate humanitarian activities to help North Koreans. Encouraging their use without mitigating, or at least acknowledging, serious consequences of broad economic sanctions plays into North Korea’s narrative on the need for nuclear weapons.

Further, Sec. 234 of the SCA glosses over the fact that there are major differences between the United States and China on how best to deal with the North Korea challenge. China does not want instability along its borders and it will take a tough stance if North Korea crosses the line. Chinese leaders have long made it clear that they support a peace process with North Korea.

For example, in December 2019, China and Russia jointly proposed lifting several of the UN Security Council’s ban on North Korea exporting statues, seafood and textiles, and other restrictions. The United States opposed the draft measure, leading to its demise. On May 3, China’s Ambassador to the United Nations Zhang Jun reiterated China’s preference for the United States and North Korea to return to the negotiating table.

A blanket assertion that “maximum” economic sanctions will be in place until North Korea gives up all of its nuclear weapons is being made without public debate or scrutiny. It does not appear to take into account how countries in the region, such as South Korea, think about this approach, and how it could reduce room for inter-Korean diplomacy. U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken recently stated that it is up to North Korea to decide whether or not it wants to engage with the United States diplomatically. If that is the case, Washington should avoid giving North Koreans an excuse to doubt its sincerity by sending mixed signals. Unfortunately, that is precisely what Sec. 234 would do.

It is not a foregone conclusion that maximum economic pressure provides the best chance to denuclearize North Korea. It is simply an assumption made by a group of senators. According to Siegfried S. Hecker, a Stanford professor who once directed the Los Alamos National Laboratory, North Korea nuclear disarmament could take 10 to 15 years to complete. Much can happen during that time, especially if the Biden administration were to lift the travel ban and allow more Americans to engage with North Koreans beyond governmental level. As Keith Luse, who traveled to North Korea five times as a senior staff member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, observed, “the development of North Korean leaders’ attitudes and policy development toward the U.S. were based on faulty or incomplete analysis…[and] American officials are afflicted with the same dilemma in their consideration of North Korea.”

Another provision in the SCA that could influence US’s North Korea policy is in Section 310. This language would require the executive branch to submit written details of any international agreement or qualifying “non-binding instrument” reached with another country to Congress afteran agreement is reached. According to legal scholars Curtis Bradley, Jack Goldsmith, and Oona Hathaway, requiring the executive branch to share various aspects of negotiations with foreign countries with relevant congressional committees is good for transparency, but Sec. 310 goes above and beyond their recommendation. The provision as it is written could create serious logistical and political barriers for negotiators. For instance, the bill does not explain what constitutes a “non-binding instrument” and how it differs from international agreements. Does the former include exchanges during official negotiations? Near-final agreements? Agreements approved at the highest levels of the U.S. government? In the context of U.S.-North Korea talks, this provision could be misused by members of Congress to slow walk negotiations, second-guess negotiators’ actions, and disincentivize rigorous exploration of what the North Koreans want and are willing to give up.

Given the long history of mismatched expectations between the administration and Congress on North Korea policy dating back to the 1994 Agreed Framework, it is imperative for the White House and Congress to work collaboratively on the North Korea issue. When there is disconnect, no agreement can survive. As Ambassador Stephen Bosworth described, the low level of trust between the executive branch and the legislative branch turned the Agreed Framework between the U.S. and North Korea into “a political orphan” between the Democratic President Bill Clinton and the Republican-controlled Congress.

To avoid repeating that experience, both branches of government must do better. For the executive branch, that means having the ability to negotiate with foreign countries without overly-burdensome congressional requirements. For the legislative branch, that means getting sufficiently briefed on the issue to conduct timely oversight on issues and hold the administration accountable to its stated goals. Protecting these constitutional prerogatives is not just good for North Korea policy. It is vital for our democracy.

In general, a more restrained posture that creates space for diplomacy with North Korea, rather than the threat of broad, indiscriminate sanctions, would better promote U.S. interests in a stable Korean Peninsula. The House companion bill should consider the serious consequences of Sections 234 and 310 in U.S.-North Korea negotiations, as well as consider alternative approaches, such as one that prioritizes peace and tension reduction toward the long-term goal of denuclearization.


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A “relatively swift” return to the Iran nuclear deal is possible if Tehran makes a “genuine” political decision to push to revive the accord, a senior US State Department official has said.

Speaking to reporters in a phone briefing on Thursday, the official said talks in Vienna to restore the deal are not about inventing a new agreement because the 2015 accord, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), is already written.

“If Iran makes a political decision that it genuinely wants to return to the JCPOA – as the JCPOA was negotiated – then it could be done relatively quickly, and implementation could be relatively swift,” the official said.

At this point, the official added, it is not clear whether Tehran is prepared for a “strict mutual return to compliance” with the multilateral pact, which saw Iran scale back its nuclear programme in exchange for lifting sanctions against its economy.

“Is it possible that we’ll see a mutual return to compliance in the next few weeks or an understanding of mutual compliance? Is it possible? Yes. Is it likely? Only time will tell because, as I said, this is ultimately a matter of a political decision that needs to be made in Iran,” the official said.

A fourth round of negotiations is set to begin in the Austrian capital on Friday, as the US and world powers push to revive the deal with Iran.

Former US President Donald Trump quit the agreement in 2018 and started piling sanctions on the Iranian economy as part of his maximum pressure campaign – in the hopes of pressuring Tehran to capitulate to American demands that far exceed the nuclear restrictions set by the JCPOA.

In response, Iran has been loosening its commitments to the pact and enriching uranium at a grade as high as 60 percent in violation of the JCPOA, which sets the enrichment limit at 3.67 percent.

Reviving the deal

President Joe Biden, who took office in January, has said he is seeking a return to the deal, but Washington and Tehran have not been able to agree on a path back into the agreement.

The US administration is proposing a compliance-for-compliance approach, where both countries mutually honour the text of the deal.

Iranian officials, however, say all US sanctions imposed since 2018 must be lifted first to revive the agreement.

On Monday, the US official reiterated Washington’s willingness to revoke all sanctions inconsistent with the deal, including non-nuclear related measures imposed by the previous administration to sabotage a future return to the agreement.

However, the official issued a stern warning to Iran – that the administration prefers diplomacy to deal with Iran’s nuclear programme, but if talks fail, Washington will use other tools to prevent Tehran from getting a nuclear weapon.

“President Biden decided that we will seek to come back into a state of mutual compliance with a deal that was working, and then use that as a platform to build on the JCPOA to get a longer, stronger deal and also address some other aspects of regional security,” the official said.

“If Iran is not prepared to do that, the administration will deal with the situation and will do everything it can to make sure that Iran does not acquire nuclear weapons. So, we’re prepared for that scenario as well.”

Iranian officials deny that Tehran is seeking a nuclear bomb, which they say goes against the Islamic Republic’s ideology and strategic interests.


In Vienna, Iranian and American officials are negotiating indirectly through intermediaries.

The JCPOA’s Joint Commission – made of the remaining participants in the agreement: the UK, Russia, Germany, France, Iran and China – is meeting separately to advance the talks.

On Thursday, Mikhail Ulyanov, the diplomat representing Moscow at the talks, voiced optimism about the prospects of reviving the deal.

“The next (who knows- maybe final?) round of the Vienna talks on restoration of full implementation of the #JCPOA will start on May 7,” Ulyanov wrote on Twitter.

“Of course, if the need arises the negotiators may decide to make a new break to seek further instructions from the capitals.”

Last month, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani also presented a hopeful outlook about restoring the agreement.

“The talks have progressed about 60, 70 percent, and if the Americans act within the framework of honesty, we will achieve results in a short time,” Rouhani said.


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Details of former Chief of the Defence Staff Jonathan Vance’s sexual relations with a subordinate has put the patriarchal character of the military back in the spotlight. But there’s been insufficient discussion of the ways in which the issue highlights the authoritarian nature of the armed forces and its negative impact on pluralistic, democratic, values.

Six years ago former Supreme Court justice Marie Deschamps released a report detailing widespread sexual assault within the Canadian Forces (CF). Her 2015 investigation found a “culture of misogyny” in the CF “hostile to women and LGTBQ members.” In 2019 Deschamps told the House of Commons defence committee there had been little progress in eliminating sexism within the CF and between April 1 2016 and March 9 of this year there were 581 sexual assault and 221 sexual harassment complaints implicating CF members.

In a bid to change the culture of the military and offer greater protection to victims, Deschamps made 10 proposals. The most important suggestion was to establish a misconduct reporting system outside of the chain of command to receive reports of sexual assault and harassment. But the military largely failed to implement her proposals.

Instead of calling on the military to immediately move forward with Deschamps’ proposals, the Trudeau government responded to growing criticism of their complicity in Vance’s sexual misdeeds by asking another former Supreme Court judge, Louise Arbour, to conduct an … investigation. On CBC’s Power and Politics last week the panelists were clear that the government instigated a new investigation simply to change the channel on an embarrassing scandal. But they ignored broader questions about the military, ignoring the ways in which Deschamps’ proposals put into question not only CF patriarchy, but also its authoritarian and hierarchal, character.

Ranging from Private Basic/Ordinary Seaman to General/Admiral, there are nineteen ranks in the CF. In deference to authority, the lower ranks must salute and obey orders from higher ranks. CF uniforms, badges and bars help individuals know who they must salute and obey.

There are few ways to legitimately challenge authority in the CF. Military members are not permitted to sign petitions complaining of unjust conditions. Nor are the rank-and-file allowed to unionize. Majority rule or even influence runs counter to CF principles. The rank-and-file collectively refusing an order is considered mutiny and is punishable by life in prison (formerly by death).

Military personnel are not entitled to jury trials. Unlike a number of European countries, the CF military justice system is not under civilian authority. CF members are subject to military law and tried in military courts even when the alleged crimes are committed off-duty and aren’t related to military affairs.

Soldiers must follow a DND code of values and ethics and Queens Regulations and Orders, which reinforce hierarchy and undercut solidarity. Members are required to reveal secrets about their peers when supervisors ask. Failure do so is severely punished.

CF members are restricted in what they can say publicly or post online. Under the Defence Administrative Orders and Directives and Queens Regulations and Orders, soldiers are not allowed to discredit the CF or discourage other troops from their duties. Any “enunciation, defence or criticism, expressed or implied, of service, departmental or government policy” is forbidden.

The military’s authoritarian ways seep into other areas of Canadian life. The largest and oldest government-funded youth program, 50,000 kids participate in the cadets.  The CF boasts that cadets “develop a great sense of pride and discipline through their involvement in a hierarchical system that allows them to hone their leadership skills.”

The cadets have also been embroiled in sexual assault scandals. In 2006 Ottawa agreed to pay $8 million to 35 former sea cadets who were sexually assaulted and a 2016 suit launched by former cadets in the Atlantic provinces alleged the organization created an environment “which encouraged or fostered silence and obedience” when abuse took place. Some suggest that abusers are attracted to cadet training positions since it puts them in contact with children and the hierarchical structure — having to obey commanding officers — enables abuse.

The authoritarian, hierarchical, nature of the military isn’t simply a danger to those abused. CF culture and structures are frequently in opposition to pluralistic, democratic, values. So are the demands of warfare. This is the reason why people with extreme right-wing beliefs are often attracted to the military as it conforms to their views on how society should function.

Loyalty, conformity and obeying orders are considered essential by the CF. There’s little room to challenge authority or injustices and voting is nearly nonexistent. Political meetings are not allowed on base and it is prohibited to establish a feminist, environmental or socialist club.

The military command structures reinforce the most undemocratic and ignorant impulses of Canadian society while the patriarchal, authoritarian, nature of the Canadian Forces is a threat to many within the institution. Fixing this will not be simple.


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There are hundreds of Palestinian high school and university students among the approximately 4,500 Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails, in many cases specifically targeted for Israeli colonial imprisonment and repression for their student activism, organizing student events and participation in student elections and other political and social activities on campus. As Israeli settlers rampage through Jerusalem and Palestinians resist the threatened impending forced transfer and ethnic cleansing in Sheikh Jarrah, occupied Jerusalem, the attacks on Palestinian students — and their organizing and resistance — have continued.

A number of new organizations have joined the over 350 global social movements, political parties, Palestine solidarity groups and justice campaigns in the #FreePalestinianStudents campaign, including Academics for Peace North America, Women Against Military Madness, Basler Frauen für Frieden und Fortschritt, Baslerfreuenvereinigung für Frieden und Fortschritt, Palästina/Nahost-Intiative Heidelberg, Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) Germany, Atelier Gaza, Solidarität International, KAIROS Palästina-Solidaritätsnetz Deutschland, and Dar al Janub – Union for Antiracism and Peace Policy.

On 7 May, at 1 pm New York time (10 am Pacific, 8 pm Palestine), FREE CUNY will host an online event in solidarity with Palestinian students, including a talk by Palestinian activist and Within Our Lifetime chair Nerdeen Kiswani. The event will include an online gathering to write letters to imprisoned Palestinian students. Join the event here.

Students at the University of Nanterre in France with ARENE (Association des Résidents de Nanterre) showed their support for Palestinian students by taking solidarity photos with imprisoned Palestinian students.

In May, people at the market in Clermont-l’Herault in France showed their solidarity with imprisoned Palestinian students, joining the campaign to demand their liberation.

As the support campaign continues to grow, Palestinian students continue to face severe injustice and fight back against Israeli colonialism, occupation and oppression. Zuhdi al-Qawariq, an engineering student at An-Najah University in Nablus, was seized by occupation forces at the Huwarra checkpoint on 28 February 2021. On 20 April, after 40 days under interrogation, he was ordered to administrative detention for four months — imprisonment without charge or trial. Qawariq, 24, has been delayed repeatedly in graduating because he has been imprisoned by the Israeli occupation for nearly two years in multiple detentions, while also being arrested by Palestinian Authority “security” forces under “security coordination” with the Israeli occupation.

On 30 March, Birzeit University student activist Abdel-Majeed Majed Hassan was seized from his home in Ramallah by Israeli occupation forces. A student of business at Birzeit, he is the brother of imprisoned student Mohammed Hassan and of former student prisoner Shatha Hassan, both also Birzeit students.

Imprisoned Palestinian student Zaid Qaddoumi, 22, an economics student at Birzeit from Bethlehem, was brutally attacked by Israeli jailers in Megiddo prison. He was brought to the occupation Ofer military court on 11 April — only for his case to be postponed another 7 days. When his mother saw him, she was shocked to see her son covered in bruises with significant injury to his left eye. He was violently attacked on the morning of 6 April; he has been imprisoned since 31 December 2020.

Also on 11 April, Palestinian student Ahmed Kharouf was sentenced to 22 months in Israeli prison by an illegitimate Israeli military court for his student activity.

We cannot and must not remain silent about the persecution of the Palestinian student movement and of individual Palestinian students behind Israeli barsWe stand with Palestinian students! 

Visit the main #FreePalestinianStudents campaign page:

Add your organization’s name to the #FreePalestinianStudents campaign:

We join together to call for action and support for Palestinian students behind bars, including: 

  • Boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel, including Israeli academic institutions, which are fully complicit in the systematic deprivation of Palestinian rights.
  • Ending all military and economic aid, military transactions, joint projects and direct funding to the Israeli occupation regime by governments around the world.
  • Challenging “normalization” programs that aim to legitimize Israeli occupation — this is an attempt to legitimize the criminalization and targeting of Palestinian students.
  • Organizing to build direct links of solidarity with Palestinian students and the Palestinian student movement, to ensure that they will not be isolated from their global community of support despite all attempts by the Israeli occupation.

Download posters, flyers and an organizing toolkit at:

Endorsers of the Campaign

  • 100 Idee per la Pace Siena – Italy
  • Action Antifasciste Paris Banlieue
  • AFPS 0726 (Association France Palestine Solidarité Groupe local Ardèche Drôme)
  • AFPS 63 (France)
  • AFPS Douai
  • AFPS Nord- Pas de Calais
  • AFPS Paris 14-6
  • Africa4Palestine
  • Al Quds Day Committee of New York
  • Al-Awda NY, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition
  • Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition
  • Alkarama Palestinian women’s movement)
  • All Nepal Peasants’ Federation (ANPFa)
  • All Nepal Peasants’ Federation (Revolutionary Centre)
  • Alliance for Global Justice
  • Alliance for Water Justice in Palestine
  • Allt åt Alla Kvinnofront
  • القطب الطلابي الديمقراطي التقدمي Al Qutob – Progressive Democratic Student Pole at Bir Zeit University
  • Al-Yudur Juventud Palestina | Al-Juzour Palestinian Youth
  • Amis des Arts et de al Culture de Palestine
  • AMP-NJ
  • Anakbayan-USA
  • Anti Imperialist Action Ireland
  • Anti-Imperialist Alliance – Ottawa
  • Anti-Imperialist Alliance Youth (AIA Youth – Ottawa)
  • Anti-Imperialist Front – France (AIF)
  • Antirasistiska Akademin
  • Arbetarmakt (Workers Power) – Swedish Section of The League for the Fifth International
  • ARENE (Association des ResidEnts de NanterrE)
  • Asamblea Plaza de los Pueblos Madrid
  • Asociación Brasileña Maloka
  • Asociación Estudiantil Madrid
  • Asociación Palestina Biladi
  • Asociación Punto Feminista Alcorcón
  • Asociación Teatro de la Tierra
  • Asociación Unadikum
  • Associación Americana de Juristas
  • Association Car t’y es libre
  • Association des Universitaires pour le Respect du Droit International en Palestine (AURDIP)
  • Association Eunomia
  • Association for Investment in Popular Action Committees
  • Association France Palestine Solidarité d’Albertville
  • Association France Palestine Solidarité Loire
  • Association France Palestine Solidarité Nîmes
  • Association Najdeh
  • Association Nationale des Communistes – ANC
  • Association of Palestinian Students – University of Toronto Mississauga
  • Association of Student Activism for Palestine (A.S.A.P))
  • Associazione Amicizia Sardegna Palestina
  • Associazione Senza Paura Genova
  • AssoPacePalestina
  • Atelier Gaza
  • Australia Solidarity with Latin America
  • Bahraini society against normalization with Zionist enemy
  • Bahraini Society to Resist Normalization with Zionism
  • Basler Frauen für Frieden und Fortschritt
  • Baslerfreuenvereinigung für Frieden und Fortschritt
  • Bathurst Street United Church
  • BAYAN Canada
  • BAYAN Canada
  • BDS France Marseille
  • BDS France Montpellier
  • BDS Genova
  • BDS Maroc – BDS المغرب
  • BDS Mexico
  • BDS Vancouver – Coast Salish Territories
  • Belgian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (BACBI)
  • Bloque Nacionalista Galego (BNG)
  • Boycott, Divest, Sanction, on CATerpillar
  • Bündnis gegen Krieg / Hände weg von Syrien
  • California Scholars for Academic Freedom
  • Campagne Unitaire pour la Libération de Georges Abdallah
  • Campaign for International Cooperation and Disarmament (CICD)
  • Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat
  • Canada Palestine Association
  • Canada Palestine Support Network (CanPalNet)
  • Canada-Philippines Solidarity for Human Rights (CPSHR)
  • Canadian BDS Coalition
  • Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3902 BDS Committee
  • Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME)
  • CAPJPO-EuroPalestine
  • Catholics for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land (Canada)
  • Center for Study and Preservation of Palestine
  • Centre for Counter Hegemonic Studies
  • Centro Culturale Handala Ali – مركز حنظله علي الثقافي
  • Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
  • Claremont Students for Justice in Palestine
  • Col·lectiu Intifada
  • Coletivo Feminista Classista ANA MONTENEGRO
  • Coletivo pelos direitos no Brasil
  • Collectif 65 pour la liberation de Georges Ibrahim Abdallah
  • Collectif 69 de soutien au peuple palestinien
  • Collectif Judéo Arabe et Citoyen pour la Palestine
  • Collectif Palestine Vaincra
  • Collectif stéphanois de soutien au peuple palestinien
  • Collettivo Palestina Rossa
  • Comité Antifa Saint Etienne
  • Comité d’actions et de soutien aux luttes du peuple marocain
  • Comité de Défense des Internés des Camps du Sud (Algérie)
  • Comite de Liberté pour Musa Aşoğlu!
  • Comité de solidarité avec le peuple palestinien/Casablanca
  • Comité de solidarité tunisien pour la libération de Georges Abdallah
  • Comité justice et vérité 31
  • Comité pour une Paix Juste au Proche Orient (CPJPO)
  • Committee of Anti-Imperialists in Solidarity with Iran (CASI)
  • Communist Organization of Greece (KOE)
  • Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninst) Liberation
  • Communist Workers League
  • Comunidad Palestina de Chile
  • Confederación Intersindical Galega (CIG)
  • Confederation of Workers from Turkey in Europe – ATIK
  • Cordillera Peoples Alliance
  • Couserans-Palestine
  • Cultura è Libertà, una campagna per la Palestina
  • Dallas Palestine Coalition
  • Dar al Janub – Union for Antiracism and Peace Policy
  • Deutsch-Palästinensischer Frauenverein e.V.
  • Dirección de DDHH y Pluralismo Cultural. FHyAr
  • Droit Solidarite
  • DSA BDS & Palestine Solidarity Working Group Steering Committee
  • East Los Angeles Revolutionary Action Party
  • Éirígí- for A New Republic
  • End the Deadly Exchange Seattle
  • Europal Forum – London
  • Eye On Palestine Arts and Film Festival
  • Fédération Syndicale Étudiante (FSE)
  • Femmes de diverses origines/Women of Diverse Origins
  • Festiclown
  • Finnish-Arab Friendship Society, FAFS
  • FIRMES: Federación Internacional de Resistencia Migrante en España
  • Fordham SJP
  • Framåt kamrater
  • Free CUNY!
  • Free Palestine Movement
  • Freedom Road Socialist Organization
  • French Friends of the Freedom Theatre in Jenin (ATL Jénine)
  • Frente Antiimperialista Internacionalista
  • Friends of Palestine Against Imperialism and Zionism (Filistin Dostlari)
  • Friends of Sabeel North America
  • Front Populaire France (Turquie)
  • Front Uni des Immigrations et des Quartiers Populaires de Grenoble (FUIQP 38)
  • GABRIELA Alliance of Filipino Women
  • Galizan People’s Union-UPG
  • GATS
  • Gazainfo
  • Giovani palestinesi d’Italia
  • Giuristi Democratici
  • GMB union z60 branch Lincoln
  • Green Mountain Solidarity With Palestine
  • Groupe Non-Violent LOUIS LECOIN
  • GUPS Aix-Marseille
  • Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers
  • Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War
  • HRA:PI/CD3-IP (Human Rights Awareness: Palestine Israel/CD3 Israel Palestine
  • Human Rights March, Denmark
  • Humanity For Palestine
  • ILPS Commission on Children
  • Indiana Center for Middle East Peace
  • Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self-Determination and Liberation (IPMSDL)
  • Inminds Human Rights Group
  • International Action Center
  • International Association of Democratic Lawyers
  • International Committee for Breaking the Siege on Gaza (ICBSG)
  • International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN)
  • International League of Peoples’ Struggle – Australia Chapter
  • International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) – Commission 10
  • International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) – US Northeast
  • International League of Peoples’ Struggle-US
  • International Movement for a Just World (JUST)
  • International Prisoners’ Network IPN
  • International Solidarity Movement
  • International Solidarity Movement France
  • Internationalist Socialist League in Israel(occupied Palestine)
  • Internationalt Forum – Denmark
  • Int’l Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity
  • IPNOTGlobal
  • Ireland Information Group of Sweden
  • ISM Northern California
  • Israel Palestine Task Force
  • Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) Germany
  • IU-Marx Madera
  • IWA – Europe
  • Jailhouse Lawyers Speak
  • Jeune Garde Lyon
  • Jeunes Communistes de la Loire (JC42)
  • Jeunes Communistes du Bas-Rhin (France)
  • Jeunesse Patriote Communiste – PCQ
  • Jeunesse solidaire
  • Jewish Voice for Peace – Bay Area
  • Jewish Voice for Peace – Los Angeles
  • Jewish Voice For Peace Central Ohio
  • Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
  • Jóvenes Izquierda Unida
  • Just Peace Advocates/Mouvement Pour Une Paix Juste
  • Justice for Palestinians, Calgary
  • Justice pour la Palestine
  • KAIROS Palästina-Solidaritätsnetz Deutschland
  • KAMARAD-مجموعة عمل نشريّة كاماراد/تونس
  • Kia Ora Gaza (Aotearoa New Zealand)
  • La Coalition Marocaine des Instances des Droits Humains
  • Labor for Palestine
  • Landless Workers Movement – MST
  • Le Collectif Rouge Internationalistes pour la libération des prisonniers révolutionnaire (Le CRI Rouge – Paris)
  • Le Collectif Solidarité Palestine Ouest Étang de Berre
  • Le Poing Levé Mirail
  • Le poing levé Paris 8
  • League of Filipino Students
  • League of Filipino Students – Cavite State University
  • League of Filipino Students PUP
  • Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
  • Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
  • Letters for Palestine – Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Lynne Stewart Organization
  • Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights
  • Mar de Lumes – Comité Galego de Solidariedade Internacionalista
  • Massachusetts Peace Action
  • Melbourne Unitarian Peace Memorial Church (MUPMC)
  • Mesa Migración y Antirracismo SBC
  • Muslim Action Committee
  • الحملة الوطنية لتحرير الأسير جورج عبدالله National Campaign for the Liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah
  • National Jericho Movement
  • National Lawyers Guild
  • National Lawyers Guild International Committee
  • National Lawyers Guild, Loyola Chicago Chapter
  • National Students for a Democratic Society
  • National Students for Justice in Palestine
  • Netherlands Palestine Committee
  • Netzwerk Freiheit für alle politischen Gefangenen Magdeburg
  • Niagara Movement for Justice in Palestine-Israel (NMJPI)
  • Noi Restiamo
  • NorCal Sabeel
  • North America Nakba Tour
  • Nouveau Parti anticapitaliste (NPA, France)
  • NPA Jeunes
  • NWRG-onlus
  • NY Boricua Resistance
  • NY4Palestine Coalition
  • Oakland Jericho
  • Opera con Grazia
  • Opposizione Studentesca d’Alternativa (OSA)
  • OPRA (Oakville Palestinian Rights Association)
  • Palästina Antikolonial
  • Palästina/Nahost-Intiative Heidelberg
  • Palestina Libre Murcia España
  • Palestine Advocacy Project
  • Palestine Foundation
  • Palestine Network Shining Waters Region, United Church of Canada
  • Palestine Solidarity Alliance of Hunter College CUNY
  • Palestine Solidarity Committee Stuttgart, Germany
  • Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa
  • Palestine Speaks Palästina Spricht ( Coalition for Palestinian Rights and Against Racism)
  • Palestine13
  • Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU)
  • Palestinian Cultural Club at the American University of Beirut
  • Palestinian Youth Movement
  • Pallasos en Rebeldia
  • Parti des Indigènes de la République
  • Peace Alliance Winnipeg
  • Peoples Power Assemblies NYC
  • Peoples Power Assembly
  • Peoria No Ban No Wall
  • Philippines ‐ Palestine Friendship Association
  • Philippines Australia Union Link
  • Plataforma Bolivariana de Solidaridad con Venezuela de Madrid
  • Plataforma Solidaria con Palestina de Valladolid
  • Plate-forme Charleroi-Palestine
  • Popular Resistance
  • Principles NOT Parties
  • Prisoners Solidarity Committee
  • Prisoners Solidarity Committee of Workers World Party
  • Progressive Lawyers Association, CHD
  • Project South
  • Rattvise och frihet center
  • Red Banner Anti-Imperialist Collective
  • Release Aging People in Prison/RAPP
  • Resistance Festival – Athens, Greece
  • Resistencia Saharaui
  • Rete della Conoscenza
  • Rete Romana di Solidarietà cin il Popolo Palestinese
  • Revolutionaire Eenheid
  • Revolutionary Communist Group
  • Rojavakommittéerna Göteborg
  • Sacramento Area Peace Action
  • Sacramento Regional Coalition for Palestinian Rights
  • Sada Movement
  • Salinlahi Alliance for Children’s Concerns
  • Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
  • Santa Feans for Justice in Palestine
  • سير وصيرورة Sayr wa Sayroura
  • SDS (Students for a Democratic Society)
  • Secours Rouge de Belgique
  • Secours Rouge Genève
  • Secours Rouge International / International Red Help
  • Secours Rouge Montréal
  • Secours Rouge Toulouse
  • Secrétariat International de la CNT-France
  • Ship to Gaza – Gothenburg
  • جمعية شموع للمساواة / المغرب Shumu’a Association for Equality/Morocco
  • Sikhay-Marikina
  • SJP Chicago
  • SJP DePaul
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This Week’s Most Popular Articles

May 7th, 2021 by Global Research News

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As NATO Summit Approaches: Will Biden Keep U.S. Nuclear Weapons in Turkey?

By Rick Rozoff, May 07, 2021

It has been estimated that the Pentagon maintains 50 B61 tactical nuclear weapons at the İncirlik Air Base in the country among an estimated 350 of those kept in Europe under the auspices of a NATO nuclear sharing or burden sharing arrangement. Both expressions are used. The other 300 bombs are reputed to be in Belgium, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. Those in Turkey have the advantage of being closer to Russia and the Middle East.

India Will be Front-line State in Myanmar Civil War

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A piece was published in Turkey’s Hürriyet on May 5 by its editor-in-chief Sedat Ergin analyzing the prospects of the Biden administration removing American nuclear bombs from Turkey.

It has been estimated that the Pentagon maintains 50 B61 tactical nuclear weapons at the İncirlik Air Base in the country among an estimated 350 of those kept in Europe under the auspices of a NATO nuclear sharing or burden sharing arrangement. Both expressions are used. The other 300 bombs are reputed to be in Belgium, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. Those in Turkey have the advantage of being closer to Russia and the Middle East. The İncirlik Air Base, in Adana, is not far from Turkey’s border with Syria.

It was only in 2019 that an American official appeared to acknowledge the existence of the bombs. In a meeting in the Oval Office with the president of Italy President Donald Trump was asked by a reporter if he was concerned about the “as many as 50 nuclear weapons at Incirlik Air Base,” at a time when Turkey had launched a major military incursion into Syria and backed anti-government rebel groups in conflict with those supported by military forces of the U.S. in the country. Neither country had, or now has, any right to station troops in the sovereign nation of Syria.

Trump answered obliquely – “We’re confident. We have a great air base there, a very powerful air base.” – but didn’t deny the assertion.

Because of the adamant opposition of Washington, then and now, to Ankara purchasing S-400 anti-aircraft weapons from Russia, and with President Biden recently using the word genocide in regard to Turkey’s treatment of Armenians during World War I, many observers, including the author of the article mentioned above, are musing over whether Washington will keep its nuclear weapons in Turkey.

By way of background, the arrangement with NATO to base the B61s in European nations also contains the proviso that they can be loaded onto and delivered by host countries’ bombers. That is in flagrant violent of the first two articles of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, which read:

Article I

Each nuclear-weapon State Party to the Treaty undertakes not to transfer to any recipient whatsoever nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices or control over such weapons or explosive devices directly, or indirectly; and not in any way to assist, encourage, or induce any non-nuclear-weapon State to manufacture or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices, or control over such weapons or explosive devices.

Article II

Each non-nuclear-weapon State Party to the Treaty undertakes not to receive the transfer from any transferor whatsoever of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices or of control over such weapons or explosive devices directly, or indirectly; not to manufacture or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices; and not to seek or receive any assistance in the manufacture of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.

Yet the U.S. continues to maintain theater nuclear weapons in five European nations under a mandate from NATO.

At the NATO summit in Brussels next month the thirty-nation military bloc will deliberate on a new Strategic Concept to replace that adopted at the Lisbon summit in 2010. Section 16 of the current version states that “The greatest responsibility of the Alliance is to protect and defend our territory and our populations against attack, as set out in Article 5 of the Washington Treaty.” The article is a collective military assistance clause. Section 17 follows that up with: “Deterrence, based on an appropriate mix of nuclear and conventional capabilities, remains a core element of our overall strategy. As long as nuclear weapons exist, NATO will remain a nuclear alliance.”

The last sentence is a standard one and was employed recently in a video issued by NATO ahead of this year’s summit.

Section 18 affirms: “The supreme guarantee of the security of the Allies is provided by the strategic nuclear forces of the Alliance, particularly those of the United States; the independent strategic nuclear forces of the United Kingdom and France, which have a deterrent role of their own, contribute to the overall deterrence and security of the Allies.”

In addition to the estimated 350 American tactical nuclear weapons in Europe, France has 300 of its own nuclear bombs and Britain has recently pledged to increase its stockpile to 280, for a total of 930. The British and French weapons are not covered by any treaty honored by the U.S. and Russia.

Section 19 of the current NATO Strategic Concept says:

We will ensure that NATO has the full range of capabilities necessary to deter and defend against any threat to the safety and security of our populations. Therefore, we will:

  • maintain an appropriate mix of nuclear and conventional forces;
  • maintain the ability to sustain concurrent major joint operations and several smaller operations for collective defence and crisis response, including at strategic distance;
  • develop and maintain robust, mobile and deployable conventional forces to carry out both our Article 5 responsibilities and the Alliance’s expeditionary operations, including with the NATO Response Force….

The statement released by NATO at its last summit in Brussels in 2018, reaffirms the above principles that 1) NATO will collectively support any member or members that seeks its assistance in time of armed conflict. 2) That it will deploy expeditionary, including strike, forces anywhere in the world it chooses to, and 3) It will use nuclear weapons when and where it sees fit.

The 2010 summit statement lists the following items, in many ways duplicating the relevant parts of the Strategic Concept:

“The greatest responsibility of the Alliance is to protect and defend our territory and our populations against attack, as set out in Article 5 of the Washington Treaty. No one should doubt NATO’s resolve if the security of any of its members were to be threatened. Faced with a highly diverse, complex, and demanding international security environment, NATO is determined to maintain the full range of capabilities necessary to deter and defend against any threat to the safety and security of our populations, wherever it should arise.

“…credible deterrence and defence is essential and will continue to be based on an appropriate mix of nuclear, conventional, and missile defence capabilities.

As long as nuclear weapons exist, NATO will remain a nuclear alliance. The strategic forces of the Alliance, particularly those of the United States, are the supreme guarantee of the security of Allies. The independent strategic nuclear forces of the United Kingdom and France have a deterrent role of their own and contribute significantly to the overall security of the Alliance….NATO’s nuclear deterrence posture also relies on United States’ nuclear weapons forward-deployed in Europe and the capabilities and infrastructure provided by Allies concerned. National contributions of dual-capable aircraft to NATO’s nuclear deterrence mission remain central to this effort. Supporting contributions by Allies concerned to ensure the broadest possible participation in the agreed nuclear burden-sharing arrangements further enhance this mission. Allies concerned will continue to take steps to ensure sustained leadership focus and institutional excellence for the nuclear deterrence mission, coherence between conventional and nuclear components of NATO’s deterrence and defence posture, and effective strategic communications.”

Any nation or nations that could find themselves embroiled in a dispute with a NATO member state have been served notice that they may well be on the receiving end of a nuclear attack. Nothing less. NATO reserves the right to use nuclear arms for not only deterrent effect but for actual warfighting purposes and would do so with American bombs stationed on the territory of European countries that are not signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty – in open breach of that treaty.


The Turkish columnist, after reflecting on a 2019 comment by Joe Biden that he was “worried” about U.S. nuclear bombs in Turkey, indicates that Biden’s foreign policy priority of strengthening transatlantic – which is to say NATO and European Union – ties will override concerns about Turkey, hence American nuclear weapons will remain in the nation.

He quotes from the Brussels summit statement of three years ago concerning U.S. nuclear weapons based in Europe being the main deterrent to – let’s be honest – Russian actions.

In that context the author states of the Turkish air base where Washington keeps its nuclear bombs:

“Without a doubt, İncirlik has a very essential place in the infrastructure provided to the U.S. nuclear weapons in Europe. By allowing the possession of U.S. nuclear weapons in İncirlik and becoming the host to these weapons, Turkey has assumed a significant role in NATO’s nuclear deterrence. In this respect, İncirlik forms one of the most critical pillars of NATO’s nuclear umbrella under current conditions. Of course, the proximity of this base to not only Russia but also to the Middle East is undoubtedly a factor that needs to be taken into account.”

That is, Turkey, because of its location as much as any other factor, remains too critical to U.S. and NATO war plans relating to Russia and nations like Syria and Iran to in any manner weaken the strategic relations between the two countries.

Biden and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan are likely to confirm that continuing relationship next month in Brussels. The summit statement and the new Strategic Concept will both reaffirm NATO as a nuclear alliance, one that reserves the right to use nuclear weapons for defensive, and not only defensive, purposes.


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India Will be Front-line State in Myanmar Civil War

May 7th, 2021 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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