For a nation that prides itself on being the world’s wealthiest, most innovative and technologically advanced, the US’ healthcare system is nothing less than a disaster and disgrace. Not only are Americans the least healthy among the most developed nations, but the US’ health system ranks dead last among high-income countries. Despite rising costs and our unshakeable faith in American medical exceptionalism, average life expectancy in the US has remained lower than other OECD nations for many years and continues to decline. The United Nations recognizes healthcare as a human right. In 2018, former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon denounced the American healthcare system as “politically and morally wrong.”

During the pandemic it is estimated that two to three years was lost on average life expectancy. On the other hand, before the Covid-19 pandemic, countries with universal healthcare coverage found their average life expectancy stable or slowly increasing. The fundamental problem in the U.S. is that politics have been far too beholden to the pharmaceutical, HMO and private insurance industries. Neither party has made any concerted effort to reign in the corruption of corporate campaign funding and do what is sensible, financially feasible and morally correct to improve Americans’ quality of health and well-being.

The fact that our healthcare system is horribly broken is proof that moneyed interests have become so powerful to keep single-payer debate out of the media spotlight and censored. Poll after poll shows that the American public favors the expansion of public health coverage. Other incremental proposals, including Medicare and Medicaid buy-in plans, are also widely preferred to the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare mess we are currently stuck with.

It is not difficult to understand how the dismal state of American medicine is the result of a system that has been sold out to the free-market and the bottom line interests of drug makers and an inflated private insurance industry. How advanced and ethically sound can a healthcare system be if tens of millions of people have no access to medical care because it is financially out of their reach? 

The figures speak for themselves. The U.S. is burdened with a $41 trillion Medicare liability. The number of uninsured has declined during the past several years but still lingers around 25 million. An additional 30-35 million are underinsured. There are currently 65 million Medicare enrollees and 89 million Medicaid recipients. This is an extremely unhealthy snapshot of the country’s ability to provide affordable healthcare and it is certainly unsustainable. The system is a public economic failure, benefiting no one except the large and increasingly consolidated insurance and pharmaceutical firms at the top that supervise the racket.

Our political parties have wrestled with single-payer or universal healthcare for decades. Obama ran his first 2008 presidential campaign on a single-payer platform. Since 1985, his campaign health adviser, the late Dr. Quentin Young from the University of Illinois Medical School, was one of the nation’s leading voices calling for universal health coverage. 

During a private conversation with Dr. Young shortly before his passing in 2016, he conveyed his sense of betrayal at the hands of the Obama administration. Dr. Young was in his 80s when he joined the Obama campaign team to help lead the young Senator to victory on a promise that America would finally catch up with other nations. The doctor sounded defeated. He shared how he was manipulated, and that Obama held no sincere intention to make universal healthcare a part of his administration’s agenda. During the closed-door negotiations, which spawned the weak and compromised Affordable Care Act, Dr. Young was neither consulted nor invited to participate. In fact, he told us that he never heard from Obama again after his White House victory.

Past efforts to even raise the issue have been viciously attacked. A huge army of private interests is determined to keep the public enslaved to private insurers and high medical costs. The failure of our healthcare is in no small measure due to it being a fully for-profit operation. Last year, private health insurance accounted for 65 percent of coverage. Consider that there are over 900 private insurance companies in the US. National Health Expenditures (NHE) grew to $4.8 trillion in 2023, a 7.5 percent increase and outpacing GDP growth at 6.1 percent. Older corporate rank-and-file Democrats and Republicans argue that a single-payer or socialized medical program is unaffordable. However, not only is single-payer affordable, it will end bankruptcies due to unpayable medical debt. In addition, universal healthcare, structured on a preventative model, will reduce disease rates at the outset. 

Corporate Democrats argue that Obama’s Affordable Care Act (ACA) was a positive step inching the country towards complete public coverage. However, aside from providing coverage to the poorest of Americans, Obamacare turned into another financial anchor around the necks of millions more. According to the health policy research group KFF, the average annual health insurance premium for single coverage is $8,400 and almost $24,000 for a family. In addition, patient out-of-pocket costs continue to increase, a 6.6% increase to $471 billion in 2022. Rather than healthcare spending falling, it has exploded, and the Trump and Biden administrations made matters worse. 


File:Health Care Delivery System Reform and The Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act.pdf

From the introduction, “The report draws attention to the importance of health care delivery system reform and highlights the best practices of innovative models currently being used across the United States. This report also is an exercise in congressional oversight, tracking and evaluating the implementation of the delivery system reform provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act by the Obama Administration.” (By Sheldon Whitehouse / Public Domain)

Clearly, a universal healthcare program will require flipping the script on the entire private insurance industry, which employed over half a million people last year.  Obviously, the most volatile debate concerning a national universal healthcare system concerns cost. Although there is already a socialized healthcare system in place — every federal legislator, bureaucrat, government employee and veteran benefits from it — fiscal Republican conservatives and groups such as the Koch Brothers network are single-mindedly dedicated to preventing the expansion of Medicare and Medicaid. A Koch-funded Mercatus analysis made the outrageous claim that a single-payer system would increase federal health spending by $32 trillion in ten years. However, analyses and reviews by the Congressional Budget Office in the early 1990s concluded that such a system would only increase spending at the start; enormous savings would quickly offset it as the years pass. In one analysis, “the savings in administrative costs [10 percent of health spending] would be more than enough to offset the expense of universal coverage.” 

Defenders of those advocating for funding a National Health Program argue this can primarily be accomplished by raising taxes to levels comparable to other developed nations. This was a platform Senator Bernie Sanders and some of the younger progressive Democrats in the House campaigned on. The strategy was to tax the highest multimillion-dollar earners 60-70 percent. Despite the outrage of its critics, including old rank-and-file multi-millionaire Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, this is still far less than in the past. During the Korean War, the top tax rate was 91 percent; it declined to 70 percent in the late 1960s. Throughout most of the 1970s, those in the lowest income bracket were taxed at 14 percent. We are not advocating for this strategy because it ignores where the funding is going, and the corruption in the system that is contributing to exorbitant waste. 

But Democratic supporters of the ACA who oppose a universal healthcare plan ignore the additional taxes Obama levied to pay for the program. These included surtaxes on investment income, Medicare taxes from those earning over $200,000, taxes on tanning services, an excise tax on medical equipment, and a 40 percent tax on health coverage for costs over the designated cap that applied to flexible savings and health savings accounts. The entire ACA was reckless, sloppy and unnecessarily complicated from the start. 

The fact that Obamacare further strengthened the distinctions between two parallel systems — federal and private — with entirely different economic structures created a labyrinth of red tape, rules, and wasteful bureaucracy. Since the ACA went into effect, over 150 new boards, agencies and programs have had to be established to monitor its 2,700 pages of gibberish. A federal single-payer system would easily eliminate this bureaucracy and waste. 

A medical New Deal to establish universal healthcare coverage is a decisive step in the correct direction. But we must look at the crisis holistically and in a systematic way. Simply shuffling private insurance into a federal Medicare-for-all or buy-in program, funded by taxing the wealthiest of citizens, would only temporarily reduce costs. It will neither curtail nor slash escalating disease rates e. Any effective healthcare reform must also tackle the underlying reasons for Americans’ poor state of health. We cannot shy away from examining the social illnesses infecting our entire free-market capitalist culture and its addiction to deregulation. A viable healthcare model would have to structurally transform how the medical economy operates. Finally, a successful medical New Deal must honestly evaluate the best and most reliable scientific evidence in order to effectively redirect public health spending. 

For example, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a former Obama healthcare adviser, observed that AIDS-HIV measures consume the most public health spending, even though the disease “ranked 75th on the list of diseases by personal health expenditures.” On the other hand, according to the American Medical Association, a large percentage of the nation’s $3.4 trillion healthcare spending goes towards treating preventable diseases, notably diabetes, common forms of heart disease, and back and neck pain conditions. In 2016, these three conditions were the most costly and accounted for approximately $277 billion in spending. Last year, the CDC announced the autism rate is now 1 in 36 children compared to 1 in 44 two years ago. A retracted study by Mark Blaxill, an autism activist at the Holland Center and a friend of the authors, estimates that ASD costs will reach $589 billion annually by 2030. There are no signs that this alarming trend will reverse and decline; and yet, our entire federal health system has failed to conscientiously investigate the underlying causes of this epidemic. All explanations that might interfere with the pharmaceutical industry’s unchecked growth, such as over-vaccination, are ignored and viciously discredited without any sound scientific evidence.

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Therefore, a proper medical New Deal will require a systemic overhaul and reform of our federal health agencies, especially the HHS, CDC and FDA. Only the Robert Kennedy Jr presidential campaign is even addressing the crisis and has an inexpensive and comprehensive plan to deal with it. For any medical revolution to succeed in advancing universal healthcare, the plan must prioritize spending in a manner that serves public health and not private interests. It will also require reshuffling private corporate interests and their lobbyists to the sidelines, away from any strategic planning, in order to break up the private interests’ control over federal agencies and its revolving door policies. Aside from those who benefit from this medical corruption, the overwhelming majority of Americans would agree with this criticism. However, there is a complete lack of national trust that our legislators, including the so-called progressives, would be willing to undertake such actions. 

In addition, America’s healthcare system ignores the single most critical initiative to reduce costs – that is, preventative efforts and programs instead of deregulation and closing loopholes designed to protect the drug and insurance industries’ bottom line. Prevention can begin with banning toxic chemicals that are proven health hazards associated with current disease epidemics, and it can begin by removing a 1,000-plus toxins already banned in Europe. This should be a no-brainer for any legislator who cares for public health. For example, Stacy Malkan, co-founder of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, notes that “the policy approach in the US and Europe is dramatically different” when it comes to chemical allowances in cosmetic products. Whereas the EU has banned 1,328 toxic substances from the cosmetic industry alone, the US has banned only 11. The US continues to allow carcinogenic formaldehyde, petroleum, forever chemicals, many parabens (an estrogen mimicker and endocrine hormone destroyer), the highly allergenic p-phenylenediamine or PBD, triclosan, which has been associated with the rise in antibiotic resistant bacteria, avobenzone, and many others to be used in cosmetics, sunscreens, shampoo and hair dyes.

Next, the food Americans consume can be reevaluated for its health benefits. There should be no hesitation to tax the unhealthiest foods, such as commercial junk food, sodas and candy relying on high fructose corn syrup, products that contain ingredients proven to be toxic, and meat products laden with dangerous chemicals including growth hormones and antibiotics. The scientific evidence that the average American diet is contributing to rising disease trends is indisputable. We could also implement additional taxes on the public advertising of these demonstrably unhealthy products. All such tax revenue would accrue to a national universal health program to offset medical expenditures associated with the very illnesses linked to these products. Although such tax measures would help pay for a new medical New Deal, it may be combined with programs to educate the public about healthy nutrition if it is to produce a reduction in the most common preventable diseases. In fact, comprehensive nutrition courses in medical schools should be mandatory because the average physician receives no education in this crucial subject.  In addition, preventative health education should be mandatory throughout public school systems.

Private insurers force hospitals, clinics and private physicians into financial corners, and this is contributing to prodigious waste in money and resources. Annually, healthcare spending towards medical liability insurance costs tens of billions of dollars. In particular, this economic burden has taxed small clinics and physicians. It is well past the time that physician liability insurance is replaced with no-fault options. Today’s doctors are spending an inordinate amount of money to protect themselves. Legions of liability and trial lawyers seek big paydays for themselves stemming from physician error. This has created a culture of fear among doctors and hospitals, resulting in the overly cautious practice of defensive medicine, driving up costs and insurance premiums just to avoid lawsuits. Doctors are forced to order unnecessary tests and prescribe more medications and medical procedures just to cover their backsides. No-fault insurance is a common-sense plan that enables physicians to pursue their profession in a manner that will reduce iatrogenic injuries and costs. Individual cases requiring additional medical intervention and loss of income would still be compensated. This would generate huge savings. 

No other nation suffers from the scourge of excessive drug price gouging like the US. After many years of haggling to lower prices and increase access to generic drugs, only a minute amount of progress has been made in recent years. A 60 Minutes feature about the Affordable Care Act reported an “orgy of lobbying and backroom deals in which just about everyone with a stake in the $3-trillion-a-year health industry came out ahead—except the taxpayers.” For example, Life Extension magazine reported that an antiviral cream (acyclovir), which had lost its patent protection, “was being sold to pharmacies for 7,500% over the active ingredient cost. The active ingredient (acyclovir) costs only 8 pennies, yet pharmacies are paying a generic maker $600 for this drug and selling it to consumers for around $700.” Other examples include the antibiotic Doxycycline. The price per pill averages 7 cents to $3.36 but has a 5,300 percent markup when it reaches the consumer. The antidepressant Clomipramine is marked up 3,780 percent, and the anti-hypertensive drug Captopril’s mark-up is 2,850 percent. And these are generic drugs! 

Medication costs need to be dramatically cut to allow drug manufacturers a reasonable but not obscene profit margin. By capping profits approximately 100 percent above all costs, we would save our system hundreds of billions of dollars. Such a measure would also extirpate the growing corporate misdemeanors of pricing fraud, which forces patients to pay out-of-pocket in order to make up for the costs insurers are unwilling to pay. 

Finally, we can acknowledge that our healthcare is fundamentally a despotic rationing system based upon high insurance costs vis-a-vis a toss of the dice to determine where a person sits on the economic ladder. For the past three decades it has contributed to inequality. The present insurance-based economic metrics cast millions of Americans out of coverage because private insurance costs are beyond their means. Uwe Reinhardt, a Princeton University political economist, has called our system “brutal” because it “rations [people] out of the system.” He defined rationing as “withholding something from someone that is beneficial.” Discriminatory healthcare rationing now affects upwards to 60 million people who have been either priced out of the system or under insured. They make too much to qualify for Medicare under Obamacare, yet earn far too little to afford private insurance costs and premiums. In the final analysis, the entire system is discriminatory and predatory. 

However, we must be realistic. Almost every member of Congress has benefited from Big Pharma and private insurance lobbyists. The only way to begin to bring our healthcare program up to the level of a truly developed nation is to remove the drug industry’s rampant and unnecessary profiteering from the equation.


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

Richard Gale is the Executive Producer of the Progressive Radio Network and a former Senior Research Analyst in the biotechnology and genomic industries.

Dr. Gary Null is host of the nation’s longest running public radio program on alternative and nutritional health and a multi-award-winning documentary film director, including his recent Last Call to Tomorrow.

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

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Over the last ten months the workers and youth of the Federal Republic of Nigeria have organized general strikes and mass demonstrations to express their disagreements over the economic policies of the administration of President Bola Tinubu.

In response to these mass and industrial actions, the government has intensified its repressive methods aimed at suppressing the mass sentiments of the 230 million citizens.

For several days in early August, the #endbadgovernance campaign called for rallies and marches which demanded that the government abandon its neoliberal policies which have been imposed at the aegis of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Nigeria, despite its vast wealth in petroleum resources, is facing a burgeoning problem of international debt service obligations.

The lifting of subsidies and other measures have triggered hyperinflationary pricing where the national currency, the Niara, has fallen rapidly against the United States dollar. Consequently, the cost of food has risen sharply, which was reflected in the rallies and demonstrations several weeks ago when people carried empty pots as a symbol of hunger.

Rather than hold substantive talks with the youth groupings and mass organizations leading the demonstrations, a heightened mobilization of the security forces used crowd control techniques and live ammunition to drive people off the streets. Statistics from human rights organizations indicate that 22 people died during the demonstrations. See this.

Image: Nigerian Labor Congress leader threatened with arrest Joseph Ajaero (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

The latest attack is being leveled against the trade union movement through a threat to arrest the President of the Nigerian Labor Congress (NLC) Joe Ajaero. The labor leader has been an outspoken critic of the economic policies of the Tinubu administration involving the removal of subsidies from fuel, electricity and other consumer goods and services.

In October of 2023, the NLC engaged in a one-day strike demanding the immediate increase of the minimum wage. Although commitments were made to the workers, the rate of wage increases fall far short of the rise in inflation which has grown precipitously since the advent of the Tinubu government during last year.

On August 21, the Nigerian security forces demanded that Ajaero report to the authorities for questioning on suspicions that he is involved in funding so-called “terrorist” activity. Ajaero denied any wrongdoing while the NLC promised to shut down the supply of electricity and communication services nationwide if their leader is detained by the authorities.

A report published in the Nigerian Daily Post on August 21 says of the current situation:

“Nigerian workers in telecommunications and electricity sectors have threatened to shut down the National grid, and telecom services at midnight Wednesday if the President of the Nigeria Labor Congress, Joe Ajaero, is arrested by the Nigerian Police Force. This was contained in separate notices on Tuesday by the General Secretaries of the National Union of Electricity Employees and the National Union of Postal and Telecommunications Employees, Dominic Igwebike and Mary Nwosu, respectively. This comes after the police in a letter on Monday summoned Ajaero for questioning on Tuesday over an alleged link to terrorism financing and other allegations. The NLC, president in a letter in response to the Police on Tuesday turned down the invitation because it came late. He, however, fixed Wednesday, August 29 to honor the invitation.”

While the #endbadgovernance protests were underway, there were people in the north of the country who flew Russian flags. The purpose of these gestures was to condemn the foreign and domestic policy orientation of the Tinubu administration which is closely allied with the U.S. and other western imperialist states.

Security officials arrested people on charges of treason for flying the Russian flag. In addition, a tailor accused of manufacturing the flags was also detained.

These arbitrary arrests provided a clear indication of the fear embodied within the Nigerian ruling elites. These concerns over the identification with Moscow clearly stems from the developments which have occurred in other West African states in the recent period.

In Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, the military-led administrations have expelled imperialist forces from France. In the case of Niger, the CNSP government which came to power on July 26, 2023, demanded the withdrawal of both French and U.S. soldiers.

All three of these states have formally broken with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), chaired at present by Tinubu. Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger have since formed their own Alliance of Sahel States (AES) in the aftermath of the signing of the Liptako-Gourma Charter. This agreement was signed after Niger was threatened with a U.S.-French backed invasion by ECOWAS to reinstall the imperialist-backed President Mohamed Bazoum who was overthrown in the July 26 coup.

Similar conditions which prevailed in the Sahel states are also present within Nigeria: an ongoing ineffective counter-insurgency operation against terrorist groupings; the failure of the western-allied administrations to improve the living standards of the majority of people; and the misrepresentation of democratic governance where neoliberal policies and political repression characterize the states. There is widespread dissatisfaction among the population in Nigeria as the overall economic crisis worsens.

Cryptocurrency Dealer from the U.S. Detained in Nigeria

Another example of the character of the Nigerian legal system is the detention of a U.S. citizen, Tigran Gambaryan, a former Internal Revenue Service (IRS) employee arrested alongside a Kenyan-British citizen for financial crimes. The case has drawn the attention of 12 U.S. Congresspersons who have appealed for the release of Gambaryan.

The charges against Gambaryan are money laundering and tax evasion. This incident illustrates the complicated relationship between the U.S. financial sector and the Nigerian ruling elites. Although the U.S-based IMF is pressuring the Tinubu administration to implement austerity measures impacting the workers, farmers and youth, the Nigerian police are holding this U.S. citizen for allegations which are being denied by the indicted individual and elements within the U.S. Congress.

Some speculate that Gambaryan is being held in order to extort money from the Biance cryptocurrency firm he is associated with. The Congresspersons who visited Gambaryan said that his medical condition is deteriorating as he is suffering from pneumonia and Malaria.

In a June article published by an online journal which follows the national currency noted that:

“Nairametrics reported on February 28th that Nigerian officials had detained two high-ranking executives from Binance, a prominent cryptocurrency exchange.  Among those detained were Nadeem Anjarwalla, a 37-year-old British Kenyan serving as the regional manager for Africa, and Tigran Gambaryan, a 39-year-old American responsible for financial crime compliance at Binance. Their visit to Nigeria coincided with the government’s recent crackdown on several cryptocurrency trading platforms. In response to the detention of its executives, Binance decided to cease trading the Nigerian naira against popular cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and tether on its exchange platform.”

This same firm has also had problems with India. Although they did not detain any of their executives, Biance was hit with a $2.2 million fine which will allow the company to operate in the South Asian state.

Cryptocurrencies are by no means free from risk. Millions in the U.S. have lost money to these investment schemes which are heavily promoted over social media platforms.

Barron’s reprinted an article in November 2022 from the French Press Agency (AFP) which says:

“Roughly three-quarters of people who have bought bitcoin have lost money according to a study published Monday as the cryptocurrency sector reels from the collapse of a major exchange that has sapped confidence. Economists at the Bank of International Settlements, an institution widely considered as the central banks of central banks, analyzed data on investors in cryptocurrencies in 95 countries between 2015 and 2022. ‘Overall, back of the envelope calculations suggest that around three-quarters of users have lost money on their bitcoin investments,’ they said in their study.”

Consequently, whether through the more traditional financial and monetary platforms which have ensnared the people of Nigeria and other African states with unpayable debts for decades or the recent investment mechanisms utilizing cryptocurrencies, neither has resulted in social stability and sustainability in the labor market and financial sectors operating in the developing states.

Potential for a Broad United Front in Nigeria

The imperialist system worldwide is committed to the maintenance of exploitation and oppression of the majority of peoples around the globe. Nigeria has a large well-organized working class operating amid the rising militancy of the youth and students inside the country.

The security apparatus of the Nigerian state is upholding the class interests of the international bourgeoisie and their surrogates within the country. However, the workers and youth far outnumber those who operate as functionaries for the system of neo-colonialism.

These progressive social forces should unite to put forward a program of action designed to transform the economic crisis into opportunities for social transformation. Nigeria must embark upon a path of non-capitalist and anti-imperialist development. Africa as a whole must move towards an existence where the workers and youth realize their rightful dominant social position within society.


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.  

Featured image: Nigeria mass demonstration (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

Ocular Hemorrhage Attributed to COVID-19 Vaccination

August 22nd, 2024 by Dr. Peter McCullough

In clinical practice I have seen a range of ocular pathologies in patients after COVID-19 vaccination and confirmed findings with ophthalmologists. One thing I have learned is that the Spike protein from COVID-19 vaccination can cause a wide array of both bleeding and clotting abnormalities long after injection.

This may be worsened by intercurrent COVID-19 illness. Because of the widespread use of fibrinolytic and anticoagulant supplements (nattokinase, bromelain) and medicinal antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs (aspirin, clopidogrel, apixaban, rivaroxaban, dabigatran, warfarin), I wondered if use of these agents was worsening the risk of bleeding in the eye among the vaccinated.



I found numerous reports of ocular hemorrhage after COVID-19 vaccination. Diabetes, prior cataract surgery, and injections for macular degeneration were cited as risk factors or co-incident conditions. It was interesting that not a single report cited an over-the-counter or prescription blood thinner as a contributing factor.

While all supplements and drugs have risks and benefits, I believe our usual and customary practice of warning patients concerning mucosal and major bleeding is reasonable. The risks of clotting after vaccination far outweigh the risks of bleeding, and thus I will continue to recommend anticoagulant regimens in the appropriate clinical scenarios with bleeding caveats given to patients.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

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Was Nord Stream Sabotaged with Germany’s Approval?

August 22nd, 2024 by Nauman Sadiq

On August 14, German public broadcaster ARD, the daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung and the weekly Die Zeit claimed in a joint report that federal prosecutors obtained an arrest warrant in June against a Ukrainian diving instructor believed to have resided until recently in Poland. The reports identified the alleged saboteur as Volodymyr Z.

The Polish prosecutor’s office confirmed it had received a German arrest warrant for a Ukrainian man. It said it received the warrant in June, but the suspect left for Ukraine last month. The prosecutor’s office offered a lame excuse that the authorities failed to prevent him from leaving because the relevant information had not percolated down to the country’s border guard.

Clearly, there was a collusion between German and American establishment media, because the very next day, on August 15, The Wall Street Journal published a bizarre scoop, claiming the Nord Stream gas pipelines, providing Russian natural gas to European countries before the war, were blown up by a six-member Ukrainian sabotage team of skilled deep-sea divers in an operation that was initially approved by Vladimir Zelensky and then called off, but which went ahead anyway.

German reports, published only a day before the WSJ scoop, were evidently meant to create a media hype and lend credence to an otherwise asinine report, clearly meant to tarnish the reputation of Ukraine’s former top military commander, who was sacked in February for defying Washington’s diktats of committing more cannon fodder for Ukraine’s much-touted albeit easily foiled counteroffensive last year, while simultaneously attempting to exonerate Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky.

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The WSJ report claims the subversive operation was allegedly directed by a serving army general, who reported to Ukraine’s then commander in chief, Valery Zaluzhny. Zelensky initially approved the plan, but later backtracked after the CIA found out about it and asked Kyiv to call it off. Nonetheless, Zaluzhny pressed ahead with the mission, claiming once dispatched, a sabotage team goes incommunicado and cannot be withdrawn.

Nord Stream pipelines were ruptured by blasts under the Baltic Sea in September 2022. Early the following year, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh conclusively proved with irrefutable facts and incontrovertible evidence that explosives were planted on the Nord Stream pipelines by US Navy divers under the cover of a NATO exercise, and detonated on orders from Washington in order to wean Germany off Russian energy amidst the Ukraine War.

Seymour Hersh, however, elided over the obvious fact that the sabotage operation was tacitly approved by the German government. For a heavily industrialized nation like Germany, energy security is the lifeline of economy dependent on industrial production. Hence, how is it possible that a six-member team of amateur divers, as claimed by WSJ, or professional US Navy divers, as stated by Hersh, blew up one of the world’s largest natural gas pipeline network without the knowledge of German maritime security forces?

Following Russia’s intervention in Ukraine in February 2022, German political establishment, under tremendous pressure from Washington, was itself looking for a pretext to stop importing natural gas from Russia. But violating the international contract was a controversial issue because East Germany, which until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 was in the Soviet sphere of influence, has a significant political constituency that shares historical and cultural ties with Russia, and favored cordial relations and energy reliance on Russia despite the war.

The US security establishment, however, persuaded the Scholz government behind the scenes that its notorious saboteurs would do the dirty work and Germany would simply have to acquiesce or maybe point fingers at banana republics like Poland and Ukraine for orchestrating the Nord Stream sabotage.

Despite being an industrial powerhouse of Europe, Germany might have been a sovereign state at liberty to pursue independent foreign policy during the reign of the Third Reich, but since the defeat of the Nazis in the Second World War, it has become a virtual colony of the imperial United States, where 50,000 US troops are currently deployed in sprawling Ramstein Air Base and several other military bases.

After the United States, Germany is one of the largest contributors of military assistance to Ukraine, and has provided billions of dollars economic aid during the course of two years. During Ukraine’s Kursk incursion inside Russia, besides British Challenger battle tanks, German Marder infantry vehicles, donated by Berlin to Kyiv, took the lead in mounting the assault.

Ukrainian conscripts and pilots are being trained by German and American military personnel at military bases in Germany. It’s ironic that Germany still claims to be the torchbearer of pacifism and idealism while simultaneously pandering to Washington’s diktats and adding fuel to the fire in the Ukraine War.

Immediately following Russia’s intervention in Ukraine, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced plans in April 2022 to spend an additional €2 billion ($2.16 billion) on military needs, most of which was aimed at providing weapons to Ukraine. Scholz also pledged €100 billion ($112.7 billion) of the 2022 budget for the German armed forces and committed to reaching the target of 2% of GDP spending on defense that was requested by NATO.

Image is from Flying Camera/Shutterstock

Rheinmetall secures ammunition order and co-operation agreement - Army Technology

In addition, German government announced financial support allowing Kyiv to directly buy tanks from German defense companies like Rheinmetall. Germany specifically provided substantial number of Marder light tanks, armored vehicles equipped with anti-tank missiles, to Ukraine that are now being deployed by Ukraine’s forces in the Kursk battlefield inside Russia. Berlin similarly provided heavy-combat Leopard tanks to Ukraine, though in smaller number.

Despite desperate German attempts to assuage American patrons, a diplomatic furor erupted in May 2021 after it was revealed the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) used a partnership with Denmark’s foreign intelligence unit to spy on senior European officials, including then-German Chancellor Angela Merkel. European diplomats complained that it was “grotesque and unacceptable” that friendly intelligence services were keeping tabs on allies, even though Washington’s policy toward servile client states has always been “trust but verify.”

The Wall Street Journal, the official mouthpiece of establishment Republicans, owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch, that has taken the lead in publishing insider scoops during the four-year tenure of the Biden admin while the Democratic shills, the New York Times and Washington Post, took a backseat out of deference for self-styled “progressives” in the White House, has a history of publishing fabricated reports.

In the aftermath of Russia’s intervention in Ukraine, the Wall Street Journal published a misleading report in April 2022 that German chancellor Olaf Scholz had offered Volodymyr Zelensky a chance for peace days before the launch of the Russian military offensive, but the Ukrainian president turned it down.

Then newly elected German chancellor told Zelensky in Munich on February 19, days before the Russian invasion,

“that Ukraine should renounce its NATO aspirations and declare neutrality as part of a wider European security deal between the West and Russia,” the Journal revealed. The newspaper also claimed that “the pact would be signed by Mr. Putin and Mr. Biden, who would jointly guarantee Ukraine’s security.”

However, Zelensky rejected the offer to make the concession and avoid confrontation, saying that

“Russian President Vladimir Putin couldn’t be trusted to uphold such an agreement and that most Ukrainians wanted to join NATO.”

While making the preposterous allegation that the intransigent Ukrainian leadership vetoed NATO’s “flexible and conciliatory approach” to peacefully settle the dispute in order to exonerate the transatlantic military alliance for its confrontational approach toward Russia since the inception in 1949, the Journal report conveniently overlooked the crucial fact that in November 2021, the US and Ukraine had already signed a Charter on Strategic Partnership.

The agreement unequivocally confirmed “Ukraine’s aspirations for joining NATO” and “rejected the Crimean decision to re-unify with Russia” following the 2014 Maidan coup. Then in December 2021, Russia, in the last-ditch effort to peacefully resolve the dispute, proposed a peace treaty with the US and NATO.

The central Russian proposal was a written agreement assuring that Ukraine would not join the NATO military alliance and, in return, Russia would drawdown its troop buildup along Ukraine’s borders. After the proposed treaty was contemptuously rebuffed by Washington, it appeared the die was cast for Russia’s inevitable invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.


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Nauman Sadiq is an Islamabad-based geopolitical and national security analyst focused on geo-strategic affairs and hybrid warfare in the Middle East and Eurasia regions. His domains of expertise include neocolonialism, military-industrial complex and petro-imperialism. He is a regular contributor of diligently researched investigative reports to Global Research. 

Featured image: Half a million tons of methane rise from the sabotaged Nord Stream pipeline. Photo: Swedish Coast Guard

A recente eleição presidencial na Venezuela chamou a atenção da imprensa brasileira para a atuação dos observadores internacionais. Um dos fatores para governos como os de EUA, União Europeia e Argentina deslegitimarem as eleições venezuelanas foi a participação de observadores internacionais supostamente sem independência política.

Não eram observadores independentes, disseram repórteres e comentaristas da Rede Globo. O Poder 360 noticiou que a Venezuela “barrou a participação de observadores da União Europeia”. Já O Globo afirmou que o Carter Center foi “um dos poucos observadores internacionais no país”. A Folha de S.Paulo apontou que as outras organizações que participaram dessas missões são “simpáticas ao chavismo”.

 Uma das organizações que acompanharam o pleito foi a Associação Brasileira de Juristas pela Democracia (ABJD). Em nota publicada no dia 30 de julho, a entidade declarou que “o pleito ocorreu com respeito à constituição venezuelana e à legislação eleitoral, em um clima ordeiro, de paz e tranquilidade” – contrastando com as acusações de fraude, repercutidas pelos grandes meios de comunicação.

A ABJD também atuou como observadora nas eleições brasileiras de 2022, as primeiras em que observadores nacionais participaram. Naquele pleito, oito instituições nacionais e 120 observadores internacionais acompanharam o processo brasileiro. Um exame atento dessas organizações estrangeiras aponta que elas tampouco têm independência política.

Imagem destacada do post: Associação Brasileira de Juristas pela Democracia (ABJD) diz em nota que eleições na Venezuela foram transparentes e democráticas

Foto ABJD : Associação Brasileira de Juristas pela Democracia (ABJD) diz em nota que eleições na Venezuela foram transparentes e democráticas

As únicas entidades internacionais que participaram como observadoras das últimas eleições brasileiras que podem ser consideradas neutras e cujo financiamento de governos alheios aos de seus países é inexistente ou irrelevante são o Parlamento do Mercosul, a Rede de Órgãos Jurisdicionais e de Administração Eleitoral da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (Rojae-CPLP) e a União Interamericana de Organismos Eleitorais (Uniore). As demais recebem financiamento direto ou indireto de governos como o dos EUA e da União Europeia, como veremos.

International Foundation for Electoral Systems (Ifes)

O Ifes foi uma das entidades estrangeiras que acompanharam as eleições de 2022 no Brasil. Essa instituição tem atuado em mais de 145 países desde 1987. É financiada publicamente, como consta em seu site, por órgãos de governos como o dos Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, França, Canadá, Suíça, Dinamarca e Suécia. Entre seus financiadores estão o Departamento de Estado dos EUA e os ministérios de relações exteriores da França e do Reino Unido. Segundo o relatório anual de 2022 do Ifes, o governo dos EUA é responsável por 68% de seu financiamento.

Na página do próprio Ifes é destacado que o Escritório para o Estrangeiro, Comunidade Britânica e Desenvolvimento é o “departamento do governo do Reino Unido responsável por proteger e promover os interesses britânicos pelo mundo”. Algo muito semelhante é descrito sobre o Ministério para a Europa e as Relações Exteriores da França: “trabalha para representar, defender e promover os interesses da França e dos cidadãos franceses em todas as áreas nos países estrangeiros e nas organizações internacionais.”

Isto é, o Ifes reconhece que é financiado por órgãos governamentais que têm como missão favorecer os interesses desses governos. Outro órgão que financia o Ifes é a Agência dos Estados Unidos para o Desenvolvimento Internacional (USAID). Essa entidade, por sua vez, é sustentada com dinheiro do governo dos EUA, o qual ela distribui para uma rede de organizações não-governamentais que atuam em todo o mundo. De fato, a USAID tem financiado revoluções coloridas e golpes de Estado bem-sucedidos nas últimas três décadas.

Outra organização que cumpre um papel semelhante ao da USAID é a Open Society Foundations, do especulador bilionário George Soros, que também é doadora do Ifes. A OSF financiou abertamente o Euromaidan de 2014 na Ucrânia, que levou ao poder um regime de características fascistas, infestado de neonazistas e que baniu boa parte da oposição, em particular os partidos de esquerda.

O conselho administrativo do Ifes é formado por “líderes empresariais, governamentais e da sociedade civil, incluindo atuais e antigos funcionários eleitos dos EUA e de outros países”. O diretor regional do Ifes para a América Latina e o Caribe (incluindo o Brasil) é o salvadorenho Máximo Zaldívar. O Ifes também informa que Zaldívar tem seu trabalho “financiado” pela USAID, o Departamento de Estado dos EUA e o Fundo Nacional para a Democracia (NED). O NED é uma instituição semelhante à USAID e também é financiado pelo governo americano.

Em uma entrevista concedida em 1991, Allen Weinstein, um dos fundadores do NED em 1983, por iniciativa do presidente Ronald Reagan, revelou: “muito do que fazemos hoje era feito de modo encoberto pela CIA 25 anos atrás.” De fato, o NED foi criado pelos mesmos criadores da CIA para fazer exatamente o que faz a CIA. Mas, por quê? O próprio Weinstein respondeu, na mesma entrevista: “seria terrível para grupos democráticos em todo o mundo serem vistos como subsidiados pela CIA.” E completou: “por isso o fundo foi criado.” Ele também criou, um ano depois, o Center for Democracy, “um guarda-chuva para o seu intervencionismo global”, segundo uma reportagem do Washington Post. Já naquela época a organização enviava equipes para acompanhar eleições em países “antidemocráticos”, como Nicarágua e Panamá – que terminaram com a derrubada desses regimes inconvenientes aos EUA. “Nós criamos o NED”, disse Phill Agee, um ex-oficial da CIA, em uma entrevista na década de 1990. Segundo ele, o NED despejou dinheiro na campanha da oposição nicaraguense para derrotar os sandinistas nas eleições de 1989 – o que foi bem-sucedido. Assim como a Open Society Foundations, o NED também financiou a derrubada dos regimes comunistas do leste europeu no final da década de 1980.

Talvez o ex-diretor da CIA, James Woolsey, tenha pensado justamente no NED e nos outros tentáculos da agência quando admitiu, em entrevista à Fox News em 2018, que os Estados Unidos ainda interferem nas eleições de outros países. Claro que “só por uma causa muito boa nos interesses da democracia”.

The Carter Center

Este também se envolveu na polêmica sobre a suposta fraude nas eleições venezuelanas. Os meios de comunicação do Brasil destacaram a declaração do Carter Center como comprovação de que o presidente Nicolás Maduro não venceu as eleições e que elas foram fraudadas.

Observadores ‘The Carter Center” na Venezuela, eleições de julho de 2024.

Fonte :  Eleição na Venezuela ‘não pode ser considerada democrática’, dizem observadores do Centro Carter

Porém, o Carter Center está longe de ser um órgão independente. Foi fundado em 1982 pelo ex-presidente americano Jimmy Carter. Atualmente, tem como principal financiador justamente… a USAID. O seu relatório anual de 2023 revela que o centro recebe fundos dos governos de Alemanha, Reino Unido, União Europeia e do democraticamente eleito… Reino da Arábia Saudita! Também são doadores a Freedom House e o National Democratic Institute (NDI), dois tentáculos do NED e do governo dos EUA, como exposto tanto por Weinstein quanto por Agee. E claro, o próprio Departamento de Estado dos EUA, novamente a Open Society e as fundações Ford e Rockefeller, braços da CIA documentados no livro “Quem pagou a conta? A CIA na guerra fria da cultura”, de Frances Stonor Saunders.

O site venezuelano Misión Verdad recorda que a atual CEO do Carter, Paige Alexander, trabalhou oito anos na USAID, e também na Open Society e na Fundação Rússia Livre, dedicada a promover uma mudança de regime contra Vladimir Putin.

Transparencia Electoral America Latina

Seu fundador não esconde suas opiniões políticas. As publicações do argentino Leandro Querido nas redes sociais evidenciam seu apoio a Jair Bolsonaro, à prisão ilegal do presidente Lula, ao golpe de Estado de 2019 na Bolívia, à tentativa fracassada de revolução colorida em 2021 em Cuba, à perseguição judicial contra a ex-presidenta Cristina Kirchner na Argentina, pedido de fechamento contra partidos de esquerda, apoio ao genocídio de Israel contra os palestinos de Gaza, ataques ao papa Francisco, além de ser um propagandista dos EUA.

Obviamente, ele tem feito ampla campanha contra o resultado das eleições na Venezuela, acusando Maduro de “usurpador” e chamando o grupo de negociação formado por Lula, Gustavo Petro e López Obrador para solucionar a questão venezuelana de “enviesado”, pois todos são aliados do governo venezuelano.

Embora ele mesmo seja um observador eleitoral que expressa publicamente suas opiniões claramente reacionárias, criticou os “falsos observadores eleitorais” na Venezuela por terem posições políticas. Em outra postagem no X, afirmou:

“entre os falsos observadores eleitorais nas eleições da Venezuela se destacam membros do partido das ex-FARC, partidos comunistas do Brasil e da Argentina e outros países, um grupo de palestinos que podem ter vínculo com o Hamas e muitos espanhois de esquerda.”

A Transparencia Electoral utiliza sua própria conta no X mais como um mural de propaganda contra Cuba e Venezuela do que como um órgão eleitoral. A bio da conta marca outras contas. Uma delas é a do World Movement for Democracy, cujo “Secretariado está sediado no Fundo Nacional para a Democracia (NED) em Washington, DC”, segundo o próprio site da organização – nada mais precisa ser dito sobre essa entidade. Outra é a Global Network of Domestic Election Monitors, que agradece, em seu site, “o apoio providenciado pelo Fundo Nacional para a Democracia (NED)”. E a terceira é a Forum 2000, que tem como um dos seus principais parceiros… o NED – além da OTAN e da embaixada dos EUA na República Tcheca.

De acordo com o perfil de Querido no LinkedIn, ele também tem passagem pela Latin American and Caribbean Network for Democracy como diretor. A instituição tem alianças com o próprio World Movement for Democracy, com a Civicus – ONG parceira da USAID –, a Community of Democracies – fundada por Madeleine Albright [foto à direita], ex-secretária de Estado dos EUA –, a Global Democracy Coalition (coordenada pelo International IDEA, relatado abaixo, e o Counterpart International, que é financiado pelo governo dos EUA). A rede também é aliada da Organização dos Estados Americanos (OEA).

International IDEA

Sediado na Suécia, o Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) executa uma série de projetos para supostamente promover a democracia e o sistema eleitoral pelo mundo.

Um deles é o projeto contra a manipulação da informação e a interferência estrangeira em eleições. O programa se desenvolverá entre 2024 e 2027 em quatro países, sendo um deles a Moldávia e, os outros, nações francófonas não reveladas.

“Especificamente, o projeto vai colaborar com organizações da sociedade civil (OSCs) para fortalecer suas habilidades analíticas, incluindo análises sensíveis ao gênero, e sua capacidade para influenciar o comportamento e as práticas de outras partes interessadas”, diz a organização.

O que chama mais a atenção é que esse projeto para “conter a manipulação da informação e a interferência estrangeira durante os períodos eleitorais” não é financiado pelo governo da Moldávia ou dos outros países onde será aplicado, mas sim pelo governo do Canadá.

“A seleção dos países para a implementação do projeto é guiada pelo compromisso multinacional do governo canadense de apoiar os países da Francofonia”, segundo o IDEA. O valor desembolsado pelo Ministério do Exterior do Canadá é de 2,5 milhões de dólares canadenses.

Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference project. Photo by David Gomes, Pexels

“Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference project”. Photo for David Gomes, Pexels

Um projeto que será finalizado este ano é o Fortalecimento da Inclusão das Mulheres na Participação Política (MPP) na África, embora não seja financiado por nenhum país africano onde ele está sendo implementado, mas sim pelo governo da Suécia, na quantia de 75.000 coroas suecas. “A igualdade de gênero e o empoderamento feminino é um objetivo chave da política externa da Suécia, e uma iniciativa chave sob a estratégia de financiamento da Suécia para a África Subsaariana”, de acordo com o projeto.

Assim como o Ifes com Reino Unido e França, o International IDEA admite que seus projetos estão a serviço da política externa do Canadá e da Suécia. Entre os muitos projetos, estão também dois desenvolvidos no Peru e cujo financiamento, feito pela USAID, beira os 10 milhões de dólares. O Carter Center e a Community of Democracies também estão entre os parceiros do International IDEA.

Os governos que mais contribuem com o financiamento da organização são Suécia (3,8 milhões de euros), Noruega (2,6 milhões), Holanda (2 milhões), Suíça (857 mil), Alemanha (400 mil) e Finlândia (295 mil), conforme os prognósticos do IDEA para 2024. A Fundação Ford e a Open Society também estão entre os seus doadores.

Red Mundial de Justicia Electoral (RMJE)

Essa instituição foi criada apenas em 2017, por iniciativa do Tribunal Eleitoral do Poder Judiciário da Federação (TEPJF) do México. É um órgão vinculado ao governo mexicano, mas que tem entre os seus fundadores o Ifes, o International IDEA e a OEA, que também pertencem ao Conselho Consultivo da RMJE.

A RMJE tem três observatórios. Um deles é o Observatório de Igualdade de Gênero, cujo conselho diretivo inclui um membro do International IDEA e dois da OEA. Outro é o Observatório de Redes Sociais, integrado por cinco membros, incluindo Peter Wolf, responsável pelos serviços técnicos para os processos eleitorais e os programas de construção de constituições. Ele é membro do International IDEA. Também fazem parte do mesmo conselho dois membros do National Democratic Institute (NDI): Julia Brothers, assessora superior de eleições, e Mario Mitre, diretor do programa de eleições e processos eleitorais.

Talvez seja importante aprofundar um pouco mais na história do NED para entender o papel do NDI. Conforme a própria página oficial sobre a história do NED, o NDI é um dos “quatro institutos principais do NED”, juntamente com o International Republican Institute (IRI), o Center for International Private Enterprise e o Solidarity Center. “O NED faz doações aos seus quatro institutos principais e à sociedade civil e mídia independentes para [fazer] avançar a democracia no exterior”, continua a página oficial.

“Graças ao Congresso dos EUA, o NED tem crescido como uma instituição nos anos recentes”, agradece o fundo que financia o NDI. Apesar disso, o NDI insiste que é uma “organização sem fins lucrativos, apartidária e não-governamental”. O NDI participa das missões de mudança de regime do NED desde o começo: Nicarágua, em 1989; Ucrânia, em 2004; e Venezuela, entre 2013 e 2015.

Organização dos Estados Americanos

A OEA nunca foi um organismo independente e imparcial. Sua fundação ocorreu por iniciativa do governo dos Estados Unidos no início da “guerra fria”, a fim de estabelecer um controle definitivo sobre o seu “quintal” com a desculpa de conter o avanço do comunismo.

Em 1954, os Estados Unidos utilizaram a CIA e governos da América Central e do Caribe para derrubar o governo de Jacobo Arbenz na Guatemala. Isso foi facilitado por orquestrações durante a Conferência de Caracas da OEA, realizada apenas três meses antes do golpe – os EUA conseguiram aprovar uma resolução “contra a intervenção do comunismo internacional” no continente, vista como uma medida anti-Guatemala, cujo governo era acusado de ser comunista. Quando o golpe já estava ocorrendo, os EUA conseguiram bloquear a ONU para que a Comissão de Paz Interamericana da OEA investigasse a situação. Claro que essa investigação nunca ocorreu, como relata o historiador do establishment Arthur L. Link (História moderna dos Estados Unidos, Volume 3, p. 1399).

O golpe foi bem-sucedido e a OEA ignorou seus próprios documentos fundacionais, que pregavam a preservação da democracia no continente. Seguiu-se um período de ditadura militar que durou mais de 30 anos, sem que isso incomodasse minimamente a organização.

O comportamento da OEA foi bem distinto quando ocorreu a revolução cubana, poucos anos depois. Após a invasão da Baía dos Porcos promovida pela CIA em 1961, Cuba e EUA romperam relações e a ilha teve de recorrer a acordos comerciais com a União Soviética. Em resposta, a OEA afirmou que “o alinhamento desse governo com o bloco comunista quebra a unidade e a solidariedade do Hemisfério”, em resolução da Cúpula de Punta del Este de janeiro de 1962. Afirmou também “que o atual governo de Cuba, que oficialmente se identificou como um governo marxista-leninista, é incompatível com os princípios e propósitos do Sistema Interamericano”. Então aquela conferência decidiu expulsar Cuba da OEA.

Em seguida vieram dezenas de golpes militares na América Latina, incluindo no Brasil (1964), no Chile (1973) e na Argentina (1976). A OEA não considerou nenhuma dessas ditaduras assassinas “incompatível com os princípios e propósitos da organização”, que manteve relações normais com todos eles. Também ocorreram invasões dos Estados Unidos em Granada (1983) e no Panamá (1989) para depor seus presidentes, todas contra as normas da OEA, porém sem nenhum impedimento por parte da organização.

O caso mais bizarro foi a invasão britânica em território americano quando da Guerra das Malvinas contra a Argentina (1982). O Tratado Interamericano de Assistência Recíproca (TIAR), vinculado à OEA, prevê que, se um país membro for atacado por uma força externa, todos os seus signatários devem agir militarmente para protegê-lo. Mas ocorreu justamente o oposto: o TIAR não apenas não foi ativado, como a influência dos EUA fez com que a OEA lavasse suas mãos diante da agressão evidente contra um Estado membro. Mais do que isso: os EUA enviaram armamentos e prestaram assessoria às forças britânicas, ajuda que foi estimada em mais de 60 milhões de dólares e que foi essencial para a derrota da Argentina, segundo a imprensa da época.

A própria sede da OEA, onde trabalham seus funcionários, fica a menos de um quilômetro da Casa Branca e 60% do seu orçamento é pago pelos EUA (100%, em alguns órgãos), como lembrou um ex-ministro das Relações Exteriores do Equador. Cai como uma luva a caracterização de “ministério das colônias dos EUA” feita por Guillermo Toriello, chanceler de Jacobo Arbenz.

Luis Almagro contra Nicolás Maduro en la OEA

Luis Almagro [Secretario Geral  da OEA] Contra Nicolás Maduro En La OEA (Eduardo Díaz/Sdp)

A OEA, no entanto, voltou a se incomodar com supostos ataques à democracia, tal como cinquenta anos antes em Cuba, quando iniciou uma campanha diplomática agressiva contra a Venezuela de Nicolás Maduro. Em resposta, seguindo o exemplo cubano, Maduro retirou a Venezuela da OEA. E a vida da organização seguiu normal, possibilitando o golpe de Estado de 2019 na Bolívia quando seus observadores acusaram Evo Morales de fraudar as eleições.

“As manipulações e irregularidades indicadas não permitem certeza sobre a margem de vitória do candidato Evo Morales sobre o candidato Carlos Mesa. Pelo contrário, com base nas evidências contundentes encontradas, o que se pode afirmar é que houve uma série de operações maliciosas destinadas a alterar a vontade expressa nas pesquisas”, afirmou o relatóriodos observadores da OEA.

Mais tarde a OEA foi desmascarada por um estudo do Center for Economic and Policy Research, de Washington, que analisou sua auditoria da eleição boliviana e concluiu que a conduta da OEA foi “desonesta, parcial e pouco profissional”. Os autores afirmaram que a atuação da OEA afetou profundamente a credibilidade da instituição para conferir as eleições realizadas no continente (atuação que já havia sido irregular nas eleições de 2010 no Haiti, prejudicando o partido do ex-presidente Jean Bertrand Aristide, que já havia sido derrubado por golpes patrocinados pelos EUA em 1991 e 2004). Outra análise, de pesquisadores do MIT, também publicada em 2020, corroborou as conclusões de que a OEA manipulou o relatório, que serviu de base para a oposição dar um golpe de Estado contra Morales.

Apesar disso, Leandro Querido, da Transparencia Electoral, continua acusando Morales de fraude. “Voa daqui, narco[traficante] e ladrão de eleições”, respondeu Querido a uma publicação do ex-presidente boliviano no X em novembro do ano passado. Essa não é a postura que se espera de um observador eleitoral pretensamente imparcial.

Tentei entrar em contato com ele pelo X para pedir uma entrevista. Me apresentei como jornalista que estava produzindo um material sobre a Transparencia Electoral e também pedi informações sobre a atuação e o financiamento da organização. Querido não respondeu à minha mensagem e me bloqueou. Também não consegui contato com ele e a Transparencia Electoral pelo Instagram.

Essas são as organizações às quais é dada autoridade para fiscalizar as eleições no Brasil.

Eduardo Vasco


Eduardo Vasco é jornalista especializado em política internacional, correspondente de guerra e autor dos livros-reportagem “O povo esquecido: uma história de genocídio e resistência no Donbass” e “Bloqueio: a guerra silenciosa contra Cuba”.

[This article was originally published in March 2022.]

It has been one of the most enduring Covid conspiracy theories: that the ‘gold standard’ PCR tests used to diagnose the virus were picking up people who weren’t actually infected.

Some even suggested the swabs, which have been carried out more than 200 million times in the UK alone, may mistake common colds and flu for corona.

If either, or both, were true, it would mean many of these cases should never have been counted in the daily tally – that the ominous and all-too-familiar figure, which was used to inform decisions on lockdowns and other pandemic measures, was an over-count.

And many of those who were ‘pinged’ and forced to isolate as a contact of someone who tested positive – causing a huge strain on the economy – did so unnecessarily.

Such statements, it must be said, have been roundly dismissed by top experts. And those scientists willing to give credence such concerns have been shouted down on social media, accused of being ‘Covid-deniers’, and even sidelined by colleagues.

But could they have been right all along?

Today, in the first part of a major new series, The Mail on Sunday investigates whether ‘the science’ that The Government so often said they were following during the pandemic was flawed, at least in some respects.

In the coming weeks we will examine if Britain’s stark Covid death figure was overblown. We will also ask if lockdowns did more harm than good.

Click here to read the full article on Daily Mail Online.


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The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Sarah B. Kotler (“J.D.”) acting as Director, Division of Freedom of Information, US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officially confirmed that the people running the FDA have no records authored by anyone, anywhere regarding the monkeypox virus. 





1. that scientifically prove/provide evidence of the existence of any alleged monkeypox virus“, or

2. that even describes the purification of particles that are alleged to be “monkeypox virus” directly from bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of so-called “hosts”, or

3. that describe the purported “genome” of any alleged “monkeypox virus” being found intact in the bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of a so-called “host” (as opposed to fabricated in silico, aka a computer model), or

4. that scientifically demonstrate contagion of the illness / symptoms that are allegedly caused by purported “monkeypox viruses” [see pg 6].

“…we have no responsive records.



Sadly, it looks like logic still isn’t Sarah’s thing, because in her  email she wrote (not for the 1st time) (pg 6):

“The FDA does not regulate or treat viruses. The FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices; and by ensuring the safety of our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation. Therefore, we have no responsive records.” (emphasis added)

This, despite the fact that “experts” at the FDA approved a quackcine to “prevent monkeypox disease”, are complicit in “Emergency Use Authorizations” of “in vitro diagnostics… related to monkeypox” and provide “Information for Monkeypox Test Developers”, etc.

But hey, who needs scientific evidence when a declaration from Xavier Becerra that “circumstances exist” is so much more convincing and legit… and everyone can just go along with that?

(I’ve asked Sarah to put her response into a signed letter, minus the irrelevant references to “avian influenza”.)

Many more failed FOI responses relating to the fake/false/fraudulent “monkeypox virus” narrative can be found here.

(Note: this information has been sent to ~200 people who work for “the state”, lamestream media, etc. at Canada, Isle of Man, England and the U.S., so that they can’t claim later that they didn’t know.)


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary

This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Christine Massey’s “germ” FOI Newsletter.

In the late 19th and 20th centuries, a Russian word made it into Yiddish and gained currency.

It was coined to spite imperial Russia as anti-Jewish. Tsarist Russia clampdown on Jewish migrants drove the swelling Jewish population into confinement outside the borders of Moscow, as in Russia.

Jewish Communities in Tsarist Russia

Following the assassination of Tsar Aleksandr II, extensive anti-Jewish riots swept the southern and western provinces of the Russian Empire in 1881-1884. It was organised locally, sometimes with the connivance of the government and of the police.

In England and across western Europe, Jewish communities were targeted in 1189 and 1190 during the Crusades and the Black Death of 1348-1350. At the time, towns like Aragon, Basel, Erfurt, Flanders, Strasbourg and Toulon became no-go areas for Jews.

In all 510 Jewish communities were destroyed at the time, extending to Brussels in the massacre of 1370. In the autumn of 1812, King Edward I of England expelled the entire population of Jews, after two centuries of coexistence. Most fled to the USA, with pockets ending up in other places in Eastern Europe.

Prior to these above enumerated encounters in 38 CE, early Jewish communities in Alexandria suffered similar fate of atrocities, often accused of one form of organised crime or another.

And for 1,800 years, Jews sojourned the entire face of the earth working as slaves in Africa, America, Asia and Europe. Little mention of early Jewish presence in Oceania, although in 1788, about eight Jewish convicts were among the First Fleet.

Image: Golda Meir (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

Although preceded by Jews from Babylon and Yemen, some of the early settlers of modern-day Israel came from Ukraine. One of them is Golda Meir. She was born in Ukraine.

And she became the fourth Prime Minister of Israel. Hasidism and Zionism also started from Ukraine. Ukraine was the nursery that blossomed the transformed nation of a modern-day Israel.


The current leader of Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky of Russian-Jewish descent, is the face of the current generation of local Ukrainian Jews who survived the pogroms and nazi Germans, during World War II.

Born in the city of Kryvyi Rih in 1978, Volodymyr Zelensky was raised in the area that was once known as the Pale of Settlement, the only region in the Russian Empire where most Jews were permitted to live.

While Zelensky gained fame in Ukraine as an actor and comedian, he took to politics in 2019.

He successfully ran for Ukraine’s presidency. He’s the current President of Ukraine.

But under his leadership since the fall of the Berlin Wall and subsequent disintegration of the Soviet Union, he took a risk none of his predecessor ever dared.

The Break Up of the Soviet Union 

After the degeneration of the Soviet Union, many former Soviet Republics became independent. In some, the transitions went smoothly, although they came with incidences in relationship with Russia. But in other cases, this relationship took adversarial turns at some noted points.

Notable among these were peculiar cases involving Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, out of all 14 former Soviet republics, taking Russia as the reference point.

It started with little resistance from Russia, when the pre-baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania made transition into independence. Although questions of rights of ethnic Russians in these countries became thorny and remained barely ironed out till date. These countries have since gone ahead, joined the European Union and become NATO members, further cementing severance from the Commonwealth of Independent States, formed immediately after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine signed the Belovesha Accords on December 8, 1991. It declared the cessation of the Soviet Union. It then proclaimed the coming into effect of theCommonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in replacement. On December 21, 1991, the Alma-Ata Protocol was signed without participation of Estonia, Latvia  and Lithuania. Georgia  withdrew its membership in 2008, following a war with Russia.

CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States. UPSC International Relations Notes. GS2

Formally, Ukraine chose to end participation in CIS statutory bodies in 2018, although it stopped participating in the organization from 2014, after the Russian annexation of Crimea.

Following the February 24, 2022 Russian denazification and demilitarisation special operations in Ukraine, Moldova also opted a progressive withdrawal from the CIS institutional framework.

Currently, only eight out of the nine CIS member states participate in the CIS Free Trade Area. Three organizations emerged from the CIS – namely, the Collective Security Treaty Organisation, the Eurasian Economic Union with subdivisions – the Eurasian Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Space – and the Union State. The first and the second of these, are military and economic alliances. But the third aims eventually to reach a merger with Belarus, the only surviving member since ratification.

Another peculiarity with particular interest to these evolutionary complexities, are those surrounding historical Russian ties with Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, which resolve has never been thorough as in the true sense of independence as took place with the three pre-baltic states.

Traditionally, the history of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine are tied in a peculiar way to their independence would mean a malfunctioning of the rest, due to the structure of their economic and political ties. On that premise, Belarus under Aleksandr Lukashenko has been careful never to stir a hornets nest, since the collapse of the Soviet Union, although an independent country today. It has maintained a strong economic and political ties with Russia.

Kazakhstan under Nursultan Nazarbayev, was equally sensitive in handling it’s independence by keeping it at half throttle, all the time; even though Nursultan Nazarbayev has since left office with another President in charge of the country today – Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.

Then comes in the peculiarity of Russian history, economic and political ties with Ukraine. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukrainian leader after leader since independence, avoided the dicey question of full throttle independence and total severance as in the instances of the pre-baltic states or the rest.

Starting with Leonid Kravchuk, who was immediately followed by Kuchma, Russia under President Boris Yeltsin worked smoothly with Ukraine with occasional confrontations on issues over transitional gas pipeline charges, tariffs and payments of supplies.

Of course, blurred lines resulting from improper border demarcations due to historical inaccuracies from tsarist Russia era until 1917, which could not take shape even after 1922, disputes over border demarcations re-emerged after 1991, further exacerbating immigration issues between Russia and Ukraine.

The back and forth on immigrants from Ukraine into Russia and vice versa traversed all Russian and Ukrainian regimes and persisted, until Volodymyr Zelensky came onto the scene. All this while, the golden period of Russian-Ukrainian diplomacy was under President Viktor Yanukovych.

The Maidan Square demonstrations in 2014 degenerated and washed it all down the drain, leading to an attack on the Presidential Palace led by Ukrainian ultra nationalist group called the Azov Brigade.



State flag of Ukraine behind a wall of anonymous protesters in Kyiv, Ukraine. Events of February 18, 2014 (Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0)

Instead, the Zelensky government kept a blind eye to an extent the hostilities increased in intensity and became provocative. Speaking and teaching Russian in Ukraine was banned. It was also not allowed to broadcast or publish Russian in Ukraine.

Russia raised concerns. Further, it resorted to the use of diplomacy in what came to be known as Minsk I & II Protocols. Essentially, the Minsk Protocols talked about Kiev granting its ethnic Russian citizens of Eastern Ukraine a level of autonomous regime.

This agreement establishes a 12-point roadmap as follows:

  • ensure an immediate bilateral ceasefire;
  • carry out decentralisation of power,
  • allowing temporary local self-government in areas of Donetsk and Luhansk in eastern Ukraine under a “special status” law;
  • immediately free all hostages and illegally detained persons;
  • ensure monitoring on the Ukrainian-Russian border and a security zone; ensure the holding of snap local elections in Donetsk and Luhansk;
  • remove illegal armed groups, military hardware, and all fighters and mercenaries from Ukrainian territory;
  • pass a law against the prosecution and punishment of people over certain events in Donetsk and Luhansk region.

On the other hand, The Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation, and Partnership between Ukraine and the Russian Federation was an agreement between Ukraine and Russia, signed in 1997, which fixed the principle of strategic partnership, the recognition of the inviolability of existing borders, and respect for territorial integrity and mutual commitment not to use its territory to harm the security of each other. The treaty prevents Ukraine and Russia from invading one another’s country respectively, and declaring war.

Also, on January 28, 2003, during the visit of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to Kyiv, the Treaty on the state border between the two countries was signed, which fixed its land part. Ukraine ratified the Treaty on April 20, 2004, and the Russian Federation on April 22, 2004.

In conclusion, making deductions and inferences from the above historical, political and economic analysis of the region under study, it is accurate to say, imperial Russia wanted to avoid a situation as it presents itself through President Volodymyr Zelensky. His predecessor indigenous Ukrainian leaders never contemplated any of the manifestations seen under Zelensky.

It is a bad precedence to the integration processes for foreigners to gain full acceptance into Slavian or Rus origins ancestry societies.

Rus as in Kievsky Rus, Founder of Kiev, the capital town of Ukraine.

Also, Rus is the root word formed in Russia or as in Belarus, translated as White Rus, where Bela means white.

In the fluid situation of intentions to replace President Volodymyr Zelensky with the current Interior Minister, Ihor Volodymyrovych Klymenko, it is thought the situation will create a mellowed atmosphere of friendly tolerance and lead the way forward for a peaceful negotiations to end the war. In Russian, he’d be called Igor Volodimirovich Klimenko.

Born on October 25, 1972, he was a Senior Police Officer who took office to become the Minister of Internal Affairs, since February 7, 2023, initially serving in an acting capacity from January 2023.


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

Shmuel Ja’Mba Abm has extensive scholarly publications that establish him as a leading academic expert in regional geopolitical dynamics and diplomatic relations in Africa. Author of e-monographs on geopolitics, ethnic conflicts, and political philosophy. Ja’Mba Abm contributes to Global Research.

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This week Swedish researcher Jacob Nordangard explains what the United Nations and its partners, donors and stakeholders have prepared for the September 2024 UN General Assembly meeting: A Pact for the Future.

Three documents are being proposed to the assembled diplomats. They are replete with ambiguity and flowery language while they are notably devoid of specifics. They are not treaties. They are non-binding.

However, their intention is to create the impression that all the world’s nations are begging for change, and that the UN should be at the center of these changes.

In particular, a new financial structure is called for. But we don’t know what that will look like.

The UN Secretary-General seeks the power to declare regional or planetary emergencies, without any process or consultation.  This declaration would then allow the Secretary-General to manage each emergency. This could be any type of emergency, including a climate emergency or a “black swan event.”

We do not know how this is going to play out. But conceivably there could be a major transfer of local, state and national authority over emergency management to the UN, which has no experience or expertise in this area. Emergencies could be called at will, and the remedies instituted could affect us all.

If so, leaving the UN may be our best, and perhaps only, option.

Find out the details from Jacob, while I will be reporting on the UN meetings as they happen in September.

—Meryl Nass, MD, Door to Freedom

The important text of Jacob Nordangård was published by Global Research on August 06, 2024.

Click the link below to access his timely analysis.


The Ultimate Goal of the Pact for the Future: A Planetary Technocracy to Manage Global Crises on Behalf of the Global Corporatocracy

By Jacob Nordangard, August 06, 2024 



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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

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Anthony Blinken left Doha on August 20 empty-handed. He had been pushing Israel and Hamas to come to a ceasefire agreement, but the negotiations appear to have once again failed to find peace for the people in Gaza, who have suffered over 40,000 deaths and hundreds of thousands of injuries since the October 7 attack on Israel by Hamas.  The US supported Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his revenge attack on Gaza, which has been termed genocide by the UN.  However, the US President Joe Biden administration has forcefully demanded that Netanyahu stop the war to allow Israeli hostages out of Gaza, and prevent further Palestinian deaths.  Most of the dead have been women and children in Gaza.

Biden was assured by Netanyahu that he would sign a ceasefire, but at the last moment Netanyahu broke his promise to Biden, and this prompted Biden to end his re-election campaign.  Biden was counting on a Gaza ceasefire to win the votes to put him in the White House for a second term, but had to admit defeat. It appears that Netanyahu is determined to wage a full-scale war against Hezbollah, the Lebanese resistance organization.  Experts agree that the military capability of Israel and Hezbollah are on parity.  The war could be avoided if Netanyahu would stop the war on Gaza, but he is looking for a military victory in both Gaza and Lebanon.

To understand the crucial issues at play as the world faces a major war in the Middle East, which may likely expand into a regional war, Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscourse interviewed Abbas Zalzali, news anchor, media instructor, talk show host and writer.

Steven Sahiounie (SS):  On July 30, Israel assassinated Hezbollah leader Fouad Shukr in the Lebanese capital Beirut. In your opinion, did Israel take this action to provoke Hezbollah into a full scale war?

Abbas Zalzali (AZ):  It was clear that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took the green light for an escalation during his visit to Washington and his speech before the US Congress. The assassination of Hezbollah leader Fouad Shukr in the Lebanese capital Beirut is a translation of this escalation and an attempt to drag Hezbollah into a large-scale war because the Israeli leadership, since the first days of Operation Flood of Al-Aqsa on October 7, has wanted to launch a military campaign on Lebanon and has been trying since that time to separate the fronts to isolate Hamas in Gaza.

SS:  The tension between Israel and Hezbollah is on the highest level, especially with reports that a full scale war between the two sides might erupt any day. In your opinion, is war inevitable, and what role will the Lebanese Army play?

AZ:  All indications show that war is inevitable between Israel and Hezbollah. Israel, which received a heavy blow on October 7, wants to restore its prestige as an invincible state. Hezbollah’s growing military capabilities, especially what was recently revealed, and here I mean the video of the underground military facility Imad 4, makes Hezbollah an existential threat to Israel and the Israelis. If a comprehensive war does not break out this time, it will inevitably break out in the near future. Speaking of the role of the Lebanese army in the event of a war, the matter is clear: it will confront Israeli attacks in defense of the homeland because it is the homeland’s army, despite its modest capabilities and lack of the capabilities ready for such a war. Here we will open the door to questions about whose interest it has not allowed the Lebanese army to be strong throughout these years.

SS:  Lebanon is going through one of the worst economic crisis in their history. In your opinion, will the political and military pressure that Lebanon is going through force Lebanon to accept the conditions of the World Bank?

AZ:  Lebanon is going through one of the worst economic crises in history, not because it is a poor country, but because the corruption of its officials and the sectarian system did not build a country or an economy, but rather invested state funds in strengthening their own interests and political goals.

Lebanon has no solution except to reform the sectarian system, end the quota system, and reform the administration to rise.

Again, any talk other than that is a waste of time, even if the International Monetary Fund gave $100 billion as a grant and not a loan, because the stolen money amounts to hundreds of billions of dollars.

As for the conditions of the International Monetary Fund, of course, they are to bear obligations or abandon non-economic issues that may be related to sovereignty over Lebanese territory or to the settlement of Palestinian refugees and displaced Syrians, and here I do not think that Lebanon will accept this.

SS:  Historically, Druze leader Walid Jumblatt has followed the American directives and wishes handed out from the US Embassy in Lebanon. However, he gave an interview to the UK media, SkyNews, in which he said he supports the resistance against the occupation of Lebanon and Palestine by Israel, and he supports Hezbollah. He later attended the condolences held for Fuad Shukr.  In your opinion, what is the significance of this position and demonstration by Jumblatt?

AZ:  If we must talk about the history of the Druze leader Walid Jumblatt or even the history of his late father Kamal Jumblatt, we must admit that the general orientation was Arab and Palestine was a fundamental issue for them. Let me add here that even in internal affairs and political disputes, Walid Jumblatt has always distinguished himself by separating any internal political dispute from the country’s supreme interest.

As for his recent position after the Majdal Shams massacre and the accusation that Hezbollah was committed by Israel, Jumblatt’s position was very advanced and national par excellence, blocking the road to a Druze-Shiite strife after the Al-Aqsa Flood operation blocked the road to a Sunni-Shiite strife that had been planned for years.

To conclude in this context: Walid Jumblatt is a statesman and statesmen do not deviate from the interest of the country at all times.

SS:  US President Biden has failed in stopping Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the genocide in Gaza. Biden is no longer seeking re-election and the Oval Office effectively is ‘flying on auto-pilot’. This has given the green light to Netanyahu and made him reckless in his decisions. Experts believe Netanyahu wants to take this unique opportunity in US politics to attack Hezbollah with the intention of destroying the military capability of the resistance organization.  In your opinion, will Netanyahu use the retaliatory reply of Hezbollah, if it occurs, to initiate a large attack on Lebanon?

AZ:   It is a dangerous thing that they are supported by the West and also by the local Israeli community. After the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and Fouad Shukr in the Lebanese capital Beirut, he tried to restore the image of a superhero in the Israeli community and succeeded in this matter, and all statistics confirm the increase in the percentage of his supporters, knowing that assassinations are not considered strategic or military achievements.

As for Hezbollah’s response to the assassination of “Hajj Mohsen”, it is inevitable, as stated by its Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah. As for its nature and timing, the matter is subject to several details that cannot be predicted, but stopping the war on Gaza may change something in this equation.

As for Netanyahu exploiting this response when it happens to launch a large-scale war on Lebanon, it cannot be confirmed or denied because opening the northern front means a regional war. Here we ask him about the American role and American desire because everything that is happening is with American approval and participation, and whoever says otherwise is naïve. If the United States wanted to stop the war, it would have stopped it within an hour.


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from MD

In about a week, it’ll be a full month since the latest hypersonic test by the US military and we’re yet to see any reports about the results. Immediately after the test, there was either silence or pointless bureaucratic mumbo jumbo about the US military learning “valuable lessons” during testing. At the time, a US defense official told The War Zone that “this test was an essential benchmark in the development of operational hypersonic technology” and that “vital data on the performance of the hardware and software was collected that will inform the continued progress toward fielding hypersonic weapons”. In other words, the chances that the launch was successful are quite slim. Considering the long history of American failures in this field, there’s strong empirical evidence that casts serious doubt on the “success” of last month’s test and that’s precisely what I argued in my previous analysis about the launch and the general state of US hypersonic weapons programs.

The latest reports only reinforce this notion. Namely, Under Secretary of the Army Gabe Camarillo informed the media that the Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW), a joint venture with the US Navy’s Conventional Prompt Strike (CPS), was supposedly “scheduled for fielding”. According to Janes, at the Emerging Technologies Institute conference of the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) on August 8, Camarillo said that “we look forward to its eventual fielding”, as it’s a “critical part of us fielding our multidomain task forces in the future”. The very fact that the high-ranking US official went from “scheduled” to “eventual” fielding is very telling. There have been numerous “scheduled fielding” dates in the last several years, none of which turned out to be true. This clearly implies there will be more delays and also indicates that the latest test was not “unclear”, but simply yet another failure.

Right around the time of the launch, the Government Accountability Office (GAO), a key US Congress (GAO) watchdog accountability report, stressing just how unhappy it is with the snail pace of US hypersonic weapons programs, pointing out key technological gaps in the US Army’s LRHW (better known as the “Dark Eagle”). (click below to access full report)

The Department of Defense is working to quickly develop hypersonic weapons, which are capable of moving at least 5 times the speed of sound and have unpredictable flight paths that could give the military a tactical advantage.

Most of DOD’s efforts to develop hypersonic weapons aren’t using modern digital engineering tools, such as virtual representations of physical products. By not following this leading practice, they won’t benefit from the tools’ advantages, such as speeding up the schedules for prototypes and making it easier to incorporate changes based on user feedback.

We recommended addressing this and applying other leading practices.”

Since this project aims to save costs by using the Common-Hypersonic Glide Body (C-HGB) for both the US Army’s LRHW and US Navy’s CPS, it can be argued this is a warning to both branches of the US military, particularly as failures continue to pile up. Although the US Army is still talking about “nearing completion of its final testing”, GAO suggests it won’t be that easy and that the entire US military (all branches included) could “gain from industry’s best practices”. In simpler terms, GAO thinks the Pentagon is still lagging far behind and that it could (or more precisely should) do a lot better.

According to GAO, digital engineering is not commonly used by the Pentagon, causing delays and cost overruns. And yet, the US Army is also actively refusing to use the latest methods. The branch even told the GAO that it doesn’t intend to employ digital twin technologies (virtual representation of a product that is yet to be physically manufactured). Four of the six current weapons programs that were reviewed by GAO don’t fully utilize modern and advanced technical methodologies.

“Years of effort and billions of dollars spent on hypersonic weapon development have yielded considerable progress, but DoD [Department of Defense] has yet to field its first operational hypersonic weapon system. Yet even fielding these prototypes will not ensure an effective or affordable capability,” GAO stated.

The watchdog report also stressed the importance of communication between the Pentagon and the Military Industrial Complex (MIC), as well as between various service branches. GAO thinks that the lack of feedback from the end users is also contributing to delays and cost overruns. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg of America’s growing inferiority in hypersonic weapons, as it’s still using coping mechanisms and continues to live in an illusion that there’s an ongoing hypersonic race it can still win.

Namely, approximately half a decade ago, I argued that Washington DC is lagging decades behind Moscow, the top player in hypersonic weapons. Namely, Russia is still the only military superpower on the planet with hypersonic weapons on a tactical, operational, strategic and doctrinal level. Its military has approximately two dozen types of various hypersonic weapons in service or about to be inducted. This stands in stark contrast to the entire political West, which fields exactly zero hypersonic weapons, despite running dozens of programs simultaneously. In addition, the Kremlin keeps upgrading these weapons, resulting in a continuously widening gap between the Russian and American military when it comes to hypersonic strike capabilities. In addition, other multipolar superpowers, such as China and India, are also ahead of the US, as well as strong regional players such as North Korea and Iran.

On the other hand, the US is not only unable to match its rivals in terms of capabilities, but it simply cannot field a working weapon. Worse yet, despite (ab)using the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict to sell more weapons to its numerous vassals and satellite states, America’s MIC is increasingly incapable of producing even basic ICBMs and other critically important weapon systems. These continually sinking capabilities might be the reason why the US wants to start a global conflict as soon as possible. Perhaps Washington DC thinks it could be “too late” a decade from now.


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Hypersonic missile concept art. Photo: Raytheon

An Orwellian disconnect haunts the 2024 Democratic National Convention. In the isolation of the convention hall, shielded from the outside world behind thousands of armed police, few of the delegates seem to realize that their country is on the brink of direct involvement in major wars with Russia and Iran, either of which could escalate into World War III.

Inside the hall, the mass slaughter in the Middle East and Ukraine are treated only as troublesome “issues,” which “the greatest military in the history of the world” can surely deal with. Delegates who unfurled a banner that read “Stop Arming Israel” during Biden’s speech on Monday night were quickly accosted by DNC officials, who instructed other delegates to use “We ❤️ Joe” signs to hide the banner from view.

In the real world, the most explosive flashpoint right now is the Middle East, where U.S. weapons and Israeli troops are slaughtering tens of thousands of Palestinians, mostly children and families, at the bidding of Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu. And yet, in July, Democrats and Republicans leapt to their feet in 23 standing ovations to applaud Netanyahu’s warmongering speech to a joint session of Congress.

In the week before the DNC started, the Biden administration announced its approval for the sale of $20 billion in weapons to Israel, which would lock the US into a relationship with the Israeli military for years to come.

Netanyahu’s determination to keep killing without restraint in Gaza, and Biden and Congress’s willingness to keep supplying him with weapons to do so, always risked exploding into a wider war, but the crisis has reached a new climax. Since Israel has failed to kill or expel the Palestinians from Gaza, it is now trying to draw the United States into a war with Iran, a war to degrade Israel’s enemies and restore the illusion of military superiority that it has squandered in Gaza.

To achieve its goal of triggering a wider war, Israel assassinated Fuad Shukr, a Hezbollah commander, in Beirut, and Hamas’s political leader and chief ceasefire negotiator, Ismail Haniyeh, in Tehran. Iran has vowed to respond militarily to the assassinations, but Iran’s leaders are in a difficult position. They do not want a war with Israel and the United States, and they have acted with restraint throughout the massacre in Gaza. But failing to respond strongly to these assassinations would encourage Israel to conduct further attacks on Iran and its allies.

The assassinations in Beirut and Tehran were clearly designed to elicit a response from Iran and Hezbollah that would draw the U.S. into the war. Could Iran find a way to strike Israel that would not provoke a U.S. response? Or, if Iran’s leaders believe that is impossible, will they decide that this is the moment to actually fight a seemingly unavoidable war with the U.S. and Israel?

Image: CIA Director William J. Burns official portrait (From the Public Domain)

This is an incredibly dangerous moment, but a ceasefire in Gaza would resolve the crisis. The U.S. has dispatched CIA Director William Burns, the only professional diplomat in Biden’s cabinet, to the Middle East for renewed ceasefire talks, and Iran is waiting to see the result of the talks before responding to the assassinations.

Burns is working with Qatari and Egyptian officials to come up with a revised ceasefire proposal that Israel and Hamas can both agree to. But Israel has always rejected any proposal for more than a temporary pause in its assault on Gaza, while Hamas will only agree to a real, permanent ceasefire. Could Biden have sent Burns just to stall, so that a new war wouldn’t spoil the Dems’ party in Chicago?

The United States has always had the option of halting weapons shipments to Israel to force it to agree to a permanent ceasefire. But it has refused to use that leverage, except for the suspension of a single shipment of 2,000 lb bombs in May, after it had already sent Israel 14,000 of those horrific weapons, which it uses to systematically smash living children and families into unidentifiable pieces of flesh and bone.

Meanwhile the war with Russia has also taken a new and dangerous turn, with Ukraine invading Russia’s Kursk region. Some analysts believe this is only a diversion before an even riskier Ukrainian assault on the Russian-held Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Ukraine’s leaders see the writing on the wall, and are increasingly ready to take any risk to improve their negotiating position before they are forced to sue for peace.

But Ukraine’s recent incursion into Russia, while applauded by much of the west, has actually made negotiations less likely. In fact, talks between Russia and Ukraine on energy issues were supposed to start in the coming weeks. The idea was that each side would agree not to target the other’s energy infrastructure, with the hope that this could lead to more comprehensive talks. But after Ukraine’s invasion toward Kursk, the Russians pulled out of what would have been the first direct talks since the early weeks of the Russian invasion.

President Zelenskyy remains in power three months after his term of office expired, and he is a great admirer of Israel. Will he take a page from Netanyahu’s playbook and do something so provocative that it will draw U.S. and NATO forces into the potentially nuclear war with Russia that Biden has promised to avoid?

Image source

A 2023 U.S. Army War College study found that even a non-nuclear war with Russia could result in as many U.S. casualties every two weeks as the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq did in two decades, and it concluded that such a war would require a return to conscription in the United States.

While Gaza and Eastern Ukraine burn in firestorms of American and Russian bombs and missiles, and the war in Sudan rages on unchecked, the whole planet is rocketing toward catastrophic temperature increases, ecosystem breakdown and mass extinctions. But the delegates in Chicago are in la-la land about U.S. responsibility for that crisis too.

Under the slick climate plan Obama sold to the world in Copenhagen and Paris, Americans’ per capita CO2 emissions are still double those of our Chinese, British and European neighbors, while U.S. oil and gas production have soared to all-time record highs.

The combined dangers of nuclear war and climate catastrophe have pushed the hands of the Doomsday Clock all the way to 90 seconds to midnight. But the leaders of the Republican and Democratic parties are in the pockets of the fossil fuel industry and the military-industrial complex. Behind the election-year focus on what the two parties disagree about, the corrupt policies they both agree on are the most dangerous of all.

President Biden recently claimed that he is “running the world.” No oligarchic American politician will confess to “running the world” to the brink of nuclear war and mass extinction, but tens of thousands of Americans marching in the streets of Chicago and millions more Americans who support them understand that that is what Biden, Trump and their cronies are doing.

The people inside the convention hall should shake themselves out of their complacency and start listening to the people in the streets. Therein lies the real hope, maybe the only hope, for America’s future.


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Medea Benjamin is the cofounder of CODEPINK for Peace, and the author of several books, including Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Nicolas J. S. Davies is an independent journalist, a researcher for CODEPINK and the author of Blood on Our Hands: The American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq.

Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies are the authors of War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict, published by OR Books in November 2022. They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Featured image: DNC delegates unfurl banner during Biden’s speech at the DNC. Photo credit: Esam Boraey

President Emmerson Mnangagwa of the Republic of Zimbabwe has emerged as the regional chairperson of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) 44th Annual Summit which was held in Harare on August 17.

SADC is a 16-member regional organization composed of states and their affiliates extending from the Republic of South Africa to the Seychelles and as far north as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Since 1980 when its predecessor organization, the Southern African Development Coordination Conference (SADCC), was founded in Lusaka, Zambia which later transitioning towards SADC in Windhoek, Republic of Namibia in 1992 to the present era, the mission of the grouping is to foster economic cooperation, peacekeeping operations and solidarity with other oppressed and exploited people in Africa and around the globe.

On its website the organization states:

“The main objectives of SADC are to achieve development, peace and security, and economic growth, to alleviate poverty, enhance the standard and quality of life of the peoples of Southern Africa, and support the socially disadvantaged through regional integration, built on democratic principles and equitable and sustainable development.” 

Nonetheless, after decades of struggles for the total liberation of Southern Africa and efforts to realize progress towards its “Vision 2050”, obstacles to regional and continental integration remain intertwined with international divisions of economic power and relations of production. With the 44th Annual SADC Summit being held in the capital of Zimbabwe where the western imperialist states such as the United States and the United Kingdom are continuing to impose draconian sanctions on the host country, illustrated the dimensions of 21st century neo-colonialism. (See this)

Among its resolutions embodied in the final declaration calls for the lifting of sanctions against Zimbabwe, a call that has been echoed throughout the years among SADC countries along with the entire 55-member states of the African Union (AU). As a key regional and continental player in the affairs of Africa, the Zimbabwe African National Union- Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) continues to attract the attention of peoples throughout the continent and the world.

Having sustained the people and maintained social stability, this has been an ongoing challenge in Zimbabwe as well as other regional states. The Republic of South Africa has been subjected to numerous destabilization efforts over the last three years.

SADC map of region (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

The Republic of Mozambique along with SADC stabilization troops have fought rebel forces seeking to disrupt the Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) project in the northern province of Cabo Delgado. Of course, the conflict within the resource-rich eastern Democratic of Republic of Congo (DRC) has been the most disruptive and deadly.

These are just a few of the most prominent factors that test the operational capacity of SADC and its representative governments. Other issues including the negative impacts of climate change, economic development and integration as well as foreign policy were addressed in Harare on August 17.

Severe Drought and Flooding

In several key sub-regions of SADC, there are recurrent problems of inconsistent rainfall prompting severe drought and flooding. Cyclones have also struck Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe. Development projects are frequently setback with the consequent environmental destruction, human displacement, injuries and loss of life.

As early as 2011, a SADC document was published discussing the necessity of water management within the region saying:

The Strategy notes the current situation in Southern Africa, in which climate change is already intensifying threats to the region’s water stability. To ease this stress, the Strategy advocates the region adopt water governance, infrastructure development, and water management measures. These measures intend to institute the necessary political, economic, administrative, and infrastructure systems necessary for the region to deal with the uncertainty caused by climate change. As well, the Strategy sets out an implementation plan and a system for monitoring and evaluating projects to ensure that adaptation measures remain effective.” 

These outcomes from the impact of climate change must be addressed on a regional and continental level. However, any methods aimed at improving the conditions for the majority of working people, farmers and youth are contingent upon the restructuring of the world economic system which continues to be dominated by the imperialist centers of Washington, Wall Street, London, Paris, Frankfurt and Brussels, among others.

Regional Economic Development and Integration

A major point of discussion at all SADC Annual Summits is the imperatives of economic and structural integration. As an economic unit, the 16-member states encompass a diverse source of agricultural, minerals and water resources along with an enormous productive labor force dominated by youth.

SADC Summit in Zimbabwe 2024 (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

These attributes are assets which if unleashed could result in rapid qualitative growth enhancing the quality of life of the masses of the people throughout the SADC region. As with the challenges of climate change, the economic development and integration of the regional states are being impeded by the imperialists through not only their sanctions as is the case in Zimbabwe other states as well are subject to the external influence within their internal affairs.

Zambia is undergoing a process of neoliberal reforms guided by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) due to its financial debt service obligations to the banks. South Africa has been threatened with a downgrading of relations with the U.S. after being accused of siding with Moscow in its Special Military Operation in neighboring Ukraine. The government of President Cyril Ramaphosa has filed a lawsuit with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against the State of Israel charging violations of the Genocide Convention in the Gaza Strip of Occupied Palestine. The White House declared that the lawsuit brought before the highest legal organ of the United Nations has “no merit.”

All of these variables impact the ability of implementing development projects and plans aimed at joint economic planning. To overcome these imperialist policies there must be unity and the willingness to break with the western capitalist system.

The Need for an Independent Foreign Policy

The Republic of Namibia has supported the efforts by South Africa within the international arena to assist the Palestinian people in their struggle to end the occupation and genocide while seeking to achieve an independent and united homeland. In a summation of its resolutions and statements, the SADC website said of the 44th Annual Summit in regard to Palestine:

“The 44th Ordinary Summit of the Southern African Community (SADC) Heads of State and Government has noted with concern, the ongoing attacks on civilians in Palestine. The Summit noted with concern the relentless attacks on civilians in Palestine (Gaza) which has resulted in the loss of lives, destruction of property, and deteriorating humanitarian conditions and called for an immediate cease-fire, the release of all hostages, and the commencement of talks to bring a lasting solution to the conflict.” 

Five years ago, SADC convened an international conference in South Africa in solidarity with the people of the Western Sahara, also known as the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) which remains under the colonial domination of the Kingdom of Morocco with the approval and facilitation of the U.S., France and the former imperialist power of Spain. In recent years there have been numerous initiatives to undermine the question of independence for the SADR which is a member of the AU.

In the closing resolution of the 2019 solidarity conference, it notes:

“In support of the right to self-determination of the Saharawi people, consistent with the United Nations (UN) Charter and the Constitutive Act of the African Union (AU), the Southern African Development Community (SADC) held a Solidarity Conference with Western Sahara on 25 and 26 March 2019, in Pretoria, Republic of South Africa. Participants at the Conference included Heads of State and Government of SADC Member States, and invited Heads of State and Government from the African Continent, Latin America, Europe and Asia, and Former Heads of State and Government; Leaders of former Liberation Movements and Governing Parties in the SADC Region; and Civil Society Organizations.” 

At the 44th Annual Summit the recent declaration by the World Health Organization (WHO) of a mpox global threat directly impacts the DRC where there have been thousands of cases reported. SADC and other regional groupings are concerned that the western imperialist states will handle this public health crisis in similar ways as what transpired during the COVID-19 pandemic beginning in the early months of 2020 where vaccines and other treatments were horded in favor of their own populations.

In regard to Mpox, the resolution read:

“Summit extended solidarity and support to Member States affected by Mpox and further requested the World Health Organization, Africa CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and other Partners to avail resources towards the Mpox response in the region. Summit directed the Secretariat to convene an urgent meeting of the Ministers of Health to assess the impact of Mpox and facilitate coordinated regional response to control the spread of the disease.” 

Much attention within the western media and its allied news agencies was focused on the assertions of suppression of opposition forces in Zimbabwe. However, these opposition parties and civil society organizations funded by the imperialist states have continued to advocate for the maintenance of sanctions against Harare and the removal of the ZANU-PF government.

Despite these efforts, the summit was considered a success by the participants and demonstrated the determination to further unify the SADC region. All of the member-states expressed their commitments to move forward towards the overall objectives of the organization.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.  

Featured image: SADC group photo of heads of state at 44th summit in Harare (Source: Abayomi Azikiwe)

Putin has proven to have the patience of a saint by refusing to escalate in response to the slew of provocations that have been carried out against his country since the special operation began.

Russia’s foreign spy agency SVR revealed that

“the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ operation in the Kursk region was prepared with the participation of the special services of the USA, Great Britain and Poland. The units involved in it underwent combat coordination in training centers in Great Britain and Germany. Military advisers from NATO countries provide assistance in managing the UAF units that have invaded Russian territory and in the use of Western types of weapons and military equipment by Ukrainians.”

They ended their statement to popular newspaper Izvestia by adding that

“The alliance countries also provide the Ukrainian military with satellite intelligence data on the deployment of Russian troops in the area of ​​the operation.”

This coincided with the Russian Foreign Ministry summoning the US charges d’affaires to protest American journalists’ illegal crossing of their border for propaganda purposes in support of this invasion as well as the military role therein played by at least one American PMC.

Commander of the Akhmat Special Forces from Russia’s Chechen Republic Apty Alaudinov accused the invaders of carrying out a spree of war crimes as part of Zelensky’s stated goals of carving out a “buffer zone” and bolstering Ukraine’s “exchange fund” for future prisoner swaps. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko had earlier warned in an interview with leading Russian media that Ukraine might actually want Russia to use nuclear weapons, the possible rationale of which was explained here.

What all of these details show is that what’s happening in Kursk is a real NATO-backed Ukrainian invasion of universally recognized Russian territory, not some “5D chess master plan” by Russia to encircle the Ukrainians in a “cauldron” like some in the Alt-Media Community (AMC) have speculated. The US can play dumb about this all it wants, but Russia is convinced that it orchestrated this unprecedented provocation, thus raising questions about how it’ll respond.

A lot of AMC folks on social media demand something radical like Russia striking targets in NATO and/or having Wagner carry out cross-border incursions against its frontline members from Belarus, but neither are likely to materialize. Regardless of whatever one’s personal opinion might be about his approach, Putin has proven to have the patience of a saint by refusing to escalate in response to the slew of provocations that have been carried out against his country since the special operation began.

Image: Darya Dugina (By 1RNK, licensed under CC BY 3.0)

This includes Ukraine’s bombings of the Crimean Bridge, its destruction of the Kakhovka Dam which risks turning Crimea into a desert, the assassination of journalists like Darya Dugina, incessant attacks against civilians in Russia’s new regions, the bombing of its strategic airbases and early warning systems, involvement in the Crocus terrorist attack, and even attacking the Kremlin. All of these provocations and more were carried out with American assistance, yet Russia hasn’t radically responded to any of them.  

The most that it’s done is carry out strikes against Ukraine’s energy infrastructure in an attempt to impede its military operations as well as recently carve out a tiny buffer zone in Kharkov Region, but it won’t bomb bridges across the Dnieper nor political targets like the Rada. Time and again, Russia consistently refuses to escalate, only doing the bare minimum of what its most zealous supporters in the AMC demand when it finally decides to do something out of the ordinary.

The reason for this (some would say too) cautious approach is Putin’s fear of inadvertently triggering World War III, which he’s afraid might become inevitable if Russia radically responds to its foes’ provocations due to the fast-moving sequence of events that it could lead to. To be clear, Russia has the right to respond in such a way, but it’s voluntarily eschewing that right for the aforementioned reasons that it considers to be for the “greater global good”.

Accordingly, it’s highly unlikely that Putin will finally throw his characteristic caution to the wind by deliberately risking World War III (or at least that’s how he’d see everything as being) by opting for a radical response to his government’s conclusion that the US is involved in Ukraine’s invasion of Kursk.  The only plausible scenarios in which he’d change his calculations would be if there was a nuclear provocation, a high-level assassination, or a terrorist attack even worse than the recent Crocus one.

Recalling what was written earlier about how Lukashenko warned that Ukraine might actually want Russia to use nukes, none of these scenarios and whatever other ones might cross Putin’s non-negotiable red lines (which the previously enumerated provocations didn’t do) can be ruled out. They’d also likely be used in the far-fetched event of a Russian military collapse along its western border, or Belarus’ collapse along its own with NATO or Ukraine, and subsequent large-scale invasion.

From Russia’s perspective, Ukraine’s invasion of Kursk remains manageable despite the US’ involvement in this unprecedented provocation, thus meaning that Putin probably won’t resort to the radical response that many in the AMC have been fantasizing about. If he finally decided to let loose, however, then he might only ramp up the intensity of the special operation in Ukraine instead of attacking NATO and thus risking the outbreak of World War III that he’s worked so hard to avoid thus far.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is a screenshot from VOA via Andrew Korybko

The Political Matrix Sustains the Illusion of Freedom

August 21st, 2024 by John W. Whitehead

“When a population becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is redefined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of baby-talk, when, in short, a people become an audience, and their public business a vaudeville act, then a nation finds itself at risk; culture-death is a clear possibility.” — Neil Postman

What you smell is the stench of a dying republic.

Our dying republic.

We are trapped in a political matrix intended to sustain the illusion that we are citizens of a constitutional republic.

In reality, we are caught somewhere between a kleptocracy (a government ruled by thieves) and a kakistocracy (a government run by unprincipled career politicians, corporations and thieves that panders to the worst vices in our nature and has little regard for the rights of American citizens).

For years now, the government has been playing a cat-and-mouse game with the American people, letting us enjoy just enough freedom to think we are free but not enough to actually allow us to live as a free people.

In other words, we’re allowed to bask in the illusion of freedom while we’re being stripped of the very rights intended to ensure that we can hold the government accountable to abiding by the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution.

We’re in trouble, folks.

This is no longer America, land of the free, where the government is of the people, by the people and for the people.

Rather, this is Amerika, where fascism, totalitarianism and militarism go hand in hand.

Freedom no longer means what it once did.

This holds true whether you’re talking about the right to criticize the government in word or deed, the right to be free from government surveillance, the right to not have your person or your property subjected to warrantless searches by government agents, the right to due process, the right to be safe from militarized police invading your home, the right to be innocent until proven guilty and every other right that once reinforced the founders’ commitment to the American experiment in freedom.

Not only do we no longer have dominion over our bodies, our families, our property and our lives, but the government continues to chip away at what few rights we still have to speak freely and think for ourselves.

My friends, we’re being played for fools.

On paper, we may be technically free.

In reality, however, we are only as free as a government official may allow.

We only think we live in a constitutional republic, governed by just laws created for our benefit.

Truth be told, we live in a dictatorship disguised as a democracy where all that we own, all that we earn, all that we say and do—our very lives—depends on the benevolence of government agents and corporate shareholders for whom profit and power will always trump principle. And now the government is litigating and legislating its way into a new framework where the dictates of petty bureaucrats carry greater weight than the inalienable rights of the citizenry.

With every court ruling that allows the government to operate above the rule of law, every piece of legislation that limits our freedoms, and every act of government wrongdoing that goes unpunished, we’re slowly being conditioned to a society in which we have little real control over our lives.

As Rod Serling, creator of the Twilight Zone and an insightful commentator on human nature, once observed, “We’re developing a new citizenry. One that will be very selective about cereals and automobiles, but won’t be able to think.”

Indeed, not only are we developing a new citizenry incapable of thinking for themselves, but we’re also instilling in them a complete and utter reliance on the government and its corporate partners to do everything for them—tell them what to eat, what to wear, how to think, what to believe, how long to sleep, who to vote for, whom to associate with, and on and on.

In this way, we have created a welfare state, a nanny state, a police state, a surveillance state, an electronic concentration camp—call it what you will, the meaning is the same: in our quest for less personal responsibility, a greater sense of security, and no burdensome obligations to each other or to future generations, we have created a society in which we have no true freedom.

Government surveillance, police abuse, SWAT team raids, economic instability, asset forfeiture schemes, pork barrel legislation, militarized police, drones, endless wars, private prisons, involuntary detentions, biometrics databases, free speech zones, etc.: these are mile markers on the road to a fascist state where citizens are treated like cattle, to be branded and eventually led to the slaughterhouse.

Freedom, or what’s left of it, is being threatened from every direction.

The threats are of many kinds: political, cultural, educational, media, and psychological. However, as history shows us, freedom is not, on the whole, wrested from a citizenry. It is all too often given over voluntarily and for such a cheap price: safety, security, bread, and circuses.

This is part and parcel of the propaganda churned out by the government machine.

That said, what we face today—mind manipulation and systemic violence—is not new. What is different are the techniques used and the large-scale control of mass humanity, coercive police tactics and pervasive surveillance.

We are overdue for a systemic check on the government’s overreaches and power grabs.

By “government,” I’m not referring to the highly partisan, two-party bureaucracy of the Republicans and Democrats. Rather, I’m referring to “government” with a capital “G,” the entrenched Deep State that is unaffected by elections, unaltered by populist movements, and has set itself beyond the reach of the law.

For years now, we have suffered the injustices, cruelties, corruption and abuse of an entrenched government bureaucracy that has no regard for the Constitution or the rights of the citizenry.

We have lingered too long in this strange twilight zone where ego trumps justice, propaganda perverts truth, and imperial presidents—empowered to indulge their authoritarian tendencies by legalistic courts, corrupt legislatures and a disinterested, distracted populace—rule by fiat rather than by the rule of law.

Where we find ourselves now is in the unenviable position of needing to rein in all three branches of government—the Executive, the Judicial, and the Legislative—that have exceeded their authority and grown drunk on power.

We are the unwitting victims of a system so corrupt that those who stand up for the rule of law and aspire to transparency in government are in the minority. This corruption is so vast it spans all branches of government.

The predators of the police state are wreaking havoc on our freedoms, our communities, and our lives. The government doesn’t listen to the citizenry, it refuses to abide by the Constitution, which is our rule of law, and it treats the citizenry as a source of funding and little else.

The American kleptocracy has sucked the American people down a rabbit hole into a parallel universe in which the Constitution is meaningless, the government is all-powerful, and the citizenry is powerless to defend itself against government agents who steal, spy, lie, plunder, kill, abuse and generally inflict mayhem and sow madness on everyone and everything in their sphere.

This dissolution of that sacred covenant between the citizenry and the government—establishing “we the people” as the masters and the government as the servant—didn’t happen overnight. It didn’t happen because of one particular incident or one particular president. It is a process, one that began long ago and continues in the present day, aided and abetted by politicians who have mastered the polarizing art of how to “divide and conquer.”

Unfortunately, there is no magic spell to transport us back to a place and time where “we the people” weren’t merely fodder for a corporate gristmill, operated by government hired hands, whose priorities are money and power.

Our freedoms have become casualties in an all-out war on the American people.

Through every fault of our own—our apathy, our ignorance, our intolerance, our disinclination to do the hard work of holding government leaders accountable to the rule of law, our inclination to let politics trump longstanding constitutional principles—we have been reduced to this sorry state in which we are little more than shackled inmates in a prison operated for the profit of a corporate elite.

If we continue down this road, there can be no surprise about what awaits us at the end.

For there to be any hope of real change, we must change how we think about ourselves, our fellow human beings, freedom, society, and the government.

The following principles may help any budding freedom fighters in the struggle to liberate themselves and our society.

First, we must come to grips with the reality that the present system does not foster freedom. The government’s primary purpose is maintaining power and control. It’s an oligarchy composed of corporate giants wedded to government officials who benefit from the relationship. In other words, it is motivated by greed and exists to perpetuate itself.

Second, voting is no guarantee of liberty. Voting is a way to keep the citizenry pacified. That’s why the government places so much emphasis on the reassurance ritual of voting. It provides the illusion of participation while maintaining the status quo. As Jordan Michael Smith, writing for the Boston Globe, concludes about the American government, “There’s the one we elect, and then there’s the one behind it, steering huge swaths of policy almost unchecked. Elected officials end up serving as mere cover for the real decisions made by the bureaucracy.”

Third, question everything. Don’t assume anything the government does is for the good of the citizenry. As James Madison warned, “All men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree.” Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Fourth, there is little hope for any true resistance if you are mindlessly connected to the electronic concentration camp. Remember, what you’re being electronically fed by those in power is meant to pacify, distract, and control you.

Fifth, be wise and realize that there is power in numbers. Networks, coalitions, and movements can accomplish much—especially if their objectives are focused, practical and nonviolent—and they are very much feared by government authorities.

Sixth, as always, change must start with “we the people.” I’ve always advised people to think nationally, but act locally. Yet it can be hard to make a difference locally when the local government is as deaf, dumb and blind to the needs of its constituents as the national government.

Seventh, local towns, cities and states can nullify or say “no” to federal laws that violate the rights and freedoms of the citizenry. When and if you see such federal laws passed, gather your coalition of citizens and demand that your local town council nullify such laws. If enough towns and cities across the country would speak truth to power in this way, we might see some positive movement from the federal governmental machine.

Clearly, it’s time to clean house at all levels of government.

We have been saddled with the wreckage of a government at all levels that no longer represents the citizenry, serves the citizenry, or is accountable to the citizenry.

“We the people” are not the masters anymore.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re talking about the federal government, state governments, or local governing bodies: at all ends of the spectrum and every point in between, a shift has taken place.

“We the people” are not being seen, heard or valued.

We no longer count for much of anything beyond an occasional electoral vote and as a source of income for the government’s ever-burgeoning financial needs.

Everything happening at the national level is playing out at the local level, as well: the violence, the militarization, the intolerance, the lopsided governance, and an uneasy awareness that the citizenry have no say in how their communities are being governed.

So, what’s the answer?

For starters, stop tolerating corruption, graft, intolerance, greed, incompetence, ineptitude, militarism, lawlessness, ignorance, brutality, deceit, collusion, corpulence, bureaucracy, immorality, depravity, censorship, cruelty, violence, mediocrity, and tyranny. These are the hallmarks of an institution that is rotten through and through.

Stop holding your nose in order to block out the stench of a rotting institution.

Stop letting the government and its agents treat you like a servant or a slave.

You’ve got rights. We’ve all got rights. This is our country. This is our government. No one can take it away from us unless we make it easy for them.

You’ve got a better chance of making your displeasure seen and felt and heard within your own community. But it will take perseverance and unity and a commitment to finding common ground with your fellow citizens.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, we’re making it way too easy for the police state to take over.

So, stop being an accessory to the murder of the American republic.


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

Violating the Sherman Act: Google’s Illegal Monopoly

August 21st, 2024 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

The occasion sparked much in the way of visionary language and speculative musings.  This month, one of the world’s most conspicuous and dominant behemoths of Silicon Valley was found to be operating an illegal monopoly in internet search and advertising markets, thereby breaching the Sherman Act which renders monopolisation, attempted monopolisation and conspiracy to monopolise unlawful.

In a Memorandum Opinion ruling running into 286 pages, Judge Amit P. Mehta of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia found that Google acted as a monopoly in its “general search” and “general search text advertising” markets and had breached Section 2 of the Sherman Act by making exclusive dealing agreements with various vendors (Apple, Samsung, Verizon and so forth).

In doing so, Google’s search engine was given exclusive default status on various platforms and devices, notably web browsers, wireless carriers and smartphone manufacturers.  “These partners agree to install Google as the search engine that is delivered to the user right out of the box at key search access points.”  Through its “revenue share” operation, involving the payment of billions of dollars to its partners, “Google not only receives default placement at the key search access points, but its partners also agree not to preload any other general search engine on the device.”  Such a distribution system had forced Google’s competitors to seek other means of reaching users.

The decision offers a chronology of how such monopoly developed.  Initially, Google most likely reached the high summit of market supremacy through legal means, making its search product enviably singular.  The problem here was Google’s conduct in seeking to maintain that supremacy in the market, thereby foreclosing it to competitors.

The memorandum ruling is also valuable for revealing the tactical and strategic approach of the company in preserving its dominance, not to mention showing full self-awareness of that fact.  Were such partners as Apple to develop their own search engine as the default in Safari, for instance, a fortune would be at stake.

The company also showed a sketchy practice to preserving evidence, indulgently destructive in the practice of deleting chat messages after 24 hours, unless the default setting was turned to “history on”.  According to arguments of the DOJ and the regulators, doing so revealed knowledge that Google’s practices “were likely in violation of the antitrust laws and wanted to make proving that impossible.”  In Judge Mehta’s words, “Any company that puts the onus on its employees to identify and preserve relevant evidence does so at its own peril.  Google avoided sanctions in this case.  It may not be so lucky with the next one.”

Other practices included an extensive, overly indulgent misuse of attorney-client privilege by filling email communications with gratuitous references to the company’s in-house legal team.  Directions were also issued to employees to avoid using “certain antitrust buzzwords in their communications.”  A March 2011 presentation, “Antitrust Basics for Search Team,” was blatant in instructing employees to avoid any reference to “markets”, “market share” or “dominance,” not to mention “scale” and “network effects”.  Best also avoid, according to the presentation, any “metaphors to wars or sports, winning or losing.”

The exclusionary conduct engineered through Google’s agreements was found by the Court to have had “three primary anticompetitive effects”: market foreclosure, preventing rivals from achieving scale and diminishing the incentives of any rivals, including nascent challengers, to invest and innovate in general search.

Causation of such harm could be “inferred” in this case if the anticompetitive conduct in question reasonably appeared “capable of making a significant contribution to … maintaining monopoly power”.  There was no need for “but-for proof,” something that made the task of the US Department of Justice that much easier.  It followed that the company’s “distribution agreements are exclusionary contracts that violate Section 2 because they ensure that half of all GSE [general search engine] users in the United States will receive Google as the preload default on all Apple and Android devices, as well as cause anticompetitive harm.”

The saga is set to become even lengthier, given that no remedies have yet been identified.  These, as Robert Milne and Edward Thrasher of White & Case explain, can vary in terms of severity and effect, ranging from prohibiting Google from entering into the exclusive agreements to privilege the default status of its search engine, to requiring the company to share data and relevant code with other competitors in the search market, to the more drastic breaking up of the company.

Google has announced that it will appeal the decision, and the commentary about how it could do so is already mushrooming.  Geoffrey A. Manne, president of the International Center for Law and Economics, is one, offering a detailed overview about where Judge Mehta is said to have misread or misunderstood such concepts as proof of anticompetitive conduct.

Invariably, scribblers in the tech industry have seized the opportunity to wonder what the alternatives to a post-Google world – or one where the company is stripped of its monopolistic ascendancy – might look like.  Natasha Lomas in Techcrunch writes dreamily that a web lacking Google’s acquisitive, data-pinching domination, let alone existence, “is absolutely bigger than mere utility.”  This presented a chance “for different models of service delivery – ones that prioritize the interests of web users and the public infosphere – to achieve scale and thrive.”

Broadly speaking, the Google decision can be said to nest in a range of recent efforts and undertakings by government regulators to conserve competition in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and digital markets, a point made by the July 23, 2024 “Joint Statement on Competition in Generative AI Foundation Models and AI Products” from the US Department of Justice, the US Federal Trade Commission, the European Commission, and the United Kingdom’s Competition and Markets Authority.

The regulators are mindful of potential attempts by firms “to restrict key inputs for the development of AI technologies,” entrench or extend existing market power in digital markets “in adjacent AI markets or across ecosystems, taking advantage of feedback and network effects to increase barriers to entry and harm competition,” create instances of monopsony power and develop and wield AI “in ways that harm consumers, entrepreneurs, or other market participants.”

Such talk is hardly novel.  It peppers and haunts the incipient stages of the web’s existence: misty visions of the informed cybersphere; communities of engaged digital citizens rowdily if respectfully engaged in civil discourse.  All of this done in defiance of policing measures and the suspicious eye of the authoritarian State.  Eventually, techno utopianism is as faulty as any other variant of the unrealised idyll.  The honey, milk and fruit always seem better on that side of the river, till the journey is made.


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University.  He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected]

The number of business failures in the European Union rose by 3.1% in the second quarter of the year after having increased by 4.5% in the previous quarter. Yet, despite the collective European Union economy being ruined, the bloc insists on self-destructive policies, such as the imposition of anti-Russia sanctions, which has only boomeranged instead of bringing down the Russian economy as was hoped.

According to Eurostat data, in terms of countries, Greece led the increase in business bankruptcies with a rise of 133%, followed by Lithuania (16.7%) and Slovakia (7.6%). At the same time, Italy’s public debt has reached a new all-time high, exceeding €2.9 trillion in June 2024. According to the Bank of Italy, the country’s debt increased by €30.3 billion compared to the previous month, reaching €2.94 trillion.

Evoking the famous phrase from former US President Bill Clinton’s campaign, ‘It’s the economy, stupid,’ a similar logic applies to the EU’s struggling economy: ‘It’s the sanctions, stupid.’ As of August 2, the EU had added up to 19,500 individual and sectoral sanctions on Russia, even though it is beyond doubt that such sanctions had a boomerang effect.

Ukraine’s incursion into Russia’s Kursk Oblast and the tightening of sanctions against the Russian gas industry, coupled with the gas shortage in the EU, have led to a record increase in the price of energy, which has only accelerated the deterioration of the bloc’s economy.

In this context, Finland’s rejection of Russian timber due to European sanctions led to a sharp decline in the production of wood products, the closure of factories and an increase in prices. For its part, Russia found alternative buyers and significantly expanded its exports of this product.

Meanwhile, Sweden is considering offering migrants, refugees, and even its own citizens money to leave the country. This “voluntary” policy guarantees payments of just $950 per adult from the government to cover the costs of leaving.

Effectively, it is a vicious cycle that is getting out of control, and sooner or later, the whole sanctions regime will need to be dismantled since it is neither for the individual interests of European citizens nor European industry. The EU is becoming the biggest failure of the neoliberal model. Although it will unlikely collapse the bloc, it has exposed that the EU is no longer the economic powerhouse it once was.

Moscow is not under any illusions about Europe waking up from its inertia, with Russian foreign ministry official Dmitry Birichevsky expressing his belief that Russia will need to navigate through “decades” of economic sanctions from the West.

“This is a story for decades to come. Whatever the developments and results of a peaceful settlement in Ukraine, it is, in fact, only a pretext,” he said on August 16, adding that Russia is working with other long-sanctioned countries like Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela to form an “anti-sanction” coalition.

“The sanctions were first introduced much earlier. Their ultimate goal is unfair competition,” Birichevsky continued.

Despite the sanctions, Russia’s economy continues to grow at an impressive rate. GDP growth was 4% in the second quarter and 4.7% in the first half of 2024. This is astronomically higher than the 0.2% recorded by Germany, Europe’s supposed economic powerhouse, in the first quarter and 0.1% in the second quarter. France’s GDP expanded by only 1.10% in the second quarter, while Spain and Italy recorded only 0.80% and 0.20%, respectively. This highlights how much the EU’s economies struggle when Russia continues to boom despite the sanctions.

Even more alarmingly, the Ukrainian invasion of the Kursk Oblast, where the Russian gas transmission station to Europe is located, is the most direct cause of the recent rise in liquefied natural gas prices in the EU. Europe is experiencing delays in LNG deliveries from the Arctic LNG 2 project of the Russian company Novatek due to the tightening of US sanctions on the project. In addition, the growing demand for LNG in China and the Asia-Pacific region is also driving up prices.

The consequences of this price increase will only accelerate the deterioration of the economic situation in the EU. In fact, the ensuing situation will benefit any natural gas producer that can meet demand, including Russia, as long as Ukrainian forces do not destroy the gas transit point in the Kursk region and if Novatek can supply some LNG soon.

In effect, as the EU’s economy continues to struggle, more businesses will close their doors as their political leaders continue masochistic anti-Russia sanctions that have not only boomeranged but also forced Russia to restructure its economy to be more self-sufficient and open to non-Western countries.


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from InfoBrics

Israel is forcing our civilization to lose its humanity. It has already forced ICJ to lose its authority.

It has stilled the dreams of democracy. It has smothered the mission of countless journalists. It has punished and intimidated university presidents and forced the dismal of principled staff. It has quelled the moral consciousness of young people who believed universities were not only sources of truth, but places where truth could be tested. It upended the very idea that prisoners might have any rights. It has intimidated and bought the politicians. Finally, but not finally, its actions in Gaza these months have made the impact, the very notion, not to mention the illegality, of genocide irrelevant.

All these insults to civilization have been underway as year-by-year Israel has crushed Gaza and expanded its domination not only by land confiscations and home demolitions, but morally, diplomatically and through cunning trade treaties. While military and embargo atrocities inside Gaza have consumed the world and precipitated unprecedented legal action and public opprobrium, Israel has been at this for decades, threatening, intimidating, coercing, imprisoning, destroying, expelling, maiming and killing: all while step-by-step acquiring diplomatic credits and while building a weapons and security industry that finds a growing global market for its high-tech spying and killing machines. 

Last week, because the ‘officially’ recognized death toll of Gazans reached a snug round figure– although some analysts estimate Gazans killed are at least five times this conservative figure –  American mainstream media offered a token recognition of the human suffering resulting from Israel’s ongoing war there. Otherwise, the daily – yes, it is essentially a regular ‘event’ – the slaughter is barely recorded. Not to mention the unmeasurable toll of those wounded earlier, the traumatized, the abandoned, those ill from normal disease and disabilities, and the growing numbers attacked by new diseases caused by weakness and lack of hygiene and clean water.

‘Before it’s too late’ had become a common theme uttered months ago by UN and other humanitarian officials. Announcements of ‘catastrophic conditions’, ‘hospital patients’ ‘ives hanging by a thread’, ‘war crimes’, ‘staggering loses’ are being repeated again and again. Then silence. Is that because relief arrived, because the slaughter ended, because some divine intervention occurred? It seems not. When does ‘before it’s too late’ become as irrelevant as ‘genocide’?

I feel a sense of guilt as I daily search for news beyond the fleeing headlines on Gaza – that is, of Gazan people – beyond the death toll, beyond another unbearable account of a lost family. One more journalist manages to fashion a catchy lede, or find a horrific testimonial to hold our attention on the slaughter underway. Reports compare how many Gazan youths, under-fives, women, disabled perished in the past 315 days to those lost in longer wars. (That’s news?) Nothing by suffering. Yet, should I abandon seeking out even those agonizing reports?

In my desperate search there’s the underlying suspicion that I have to work harder to learn the reality because the voices of those still heroically struggling to inform us are, one-by-one, being snuffed out.

The Cradle, an outstanding reliable source, though little known, has been banned by Meta/Facebook.

Richard Medhurst, an outspoken critic of Israel, was arrested recently in London.

Another vociferous Israel critic, the experienced military analyst Scott Ritter, had his passport confiscated; next his home in upstate NY was raided by the FBI who seized all his documents and electronic devices.

Image: Former South Africa Minister Naledi Pandor (Source: Barbara Nimri Aziz)

Then there are the ousted politicians who insisted the genocide end: Clare Daly, Irish MEP and George Galloway in the UK both lost their seats in recent elections. In the US, congress members Cori Bush and Jamaal Bowman were ousted in recent primaries because of their unwavering call for a Gaza ceasefire. Former South African Minister Naledi Pandor, who led the call for her country to bring Israeli crimes to the ICJ, lost her government seat two months ago.

Attempts by American organizations to take Israel to court have been stymied. Following campus demonstrations in the spring, many lost their jobs and student status while other students are still fighting legal attempts to oust them as well as silence any future dissent at colleges.

Yes, the news is bleak and dissent seems to have waned. But the fight is unstoppable. The inimitable octogenarian-activist Roger Waters was joined by other musicians at a recent Gaza-support concert in the UK. And at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago activists calling for a ceasefire in Gaza made themselves seen and heard.

I realized: this is exactly what I am searching for – signs of leadership and moral strength. It aroused millions before. It can do it again.


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

Barbara Nimri Aziz whose anthropological research has focused on the peoples of the Himalayas is the author of the newly published “Yogmaya and Durga Devi: Rebel Women of Nepal”, available on Amazon

She is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Workers World Party delegation at Democratic National Convention, Aug. 19, 2024. WW Photo

We can add Richard Medhurst to Tulsi Gabbard, Scott Ritter, Amb. Craig Murray, Julian Assange, and many others who are harassed, arrested, imprisoned by police state authorities in the US, UK, EU, and Canada for practicing the disappearing profession of journalism. When Richard Medhurst can be arrested in a London airport for “expressing an opinion or belief that is supportive of a proscribed organization,” we know freedom is dead and journalism no longer exists. All that Western journalists are permitted to do today is to support the official lies in the official narratives that are used to construct the false reality in which we live.

We no longer have the BBC, the New York Times, the London Times, ABC, NBC, CBS to hold government accountable. What we have are propaganda ministries that support official narratives. The job of the Western media is to lie to the people in behalf of the establishment that rules them.

As the growing intimidation of alternative media makes clear, the ability to express truth is rapidly disappearing in the Western world. Soon we will be locked into The Matrix, only there will be no superhuman opposition.

It has been years since we could believe one word that we hear from the New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, CNN, Fox News, ABC, CBS, NBC, the London Times, Telegraph, The Guardian, or the main European media sources.

The notion that the West is free is a joke. When there is no free expression there is only tyranny. And that is what the Western world is. A tyranny.

The reason the Western governments have no difficulty supporting the Nazi governments in Ukraine and Israel is that they are Nazis themselves.

Medhurst describes his arrest. It reminds me of Franz Kafka’s book, The Trial, a story of a man who is arrested by an unaccountable authority who prosecutes him without ever revealing the crime for which he is being punished. This is what happened to Julian Assange who lost a decade of his life to pure tyranny, tyranny supported by American conservatives who are so utterly stupid that they were convinced by official narratives that he was a Russian spy against America. How does a people this stupid survive. They don’t. The police state that they fell for is now closing around them.

Here is Richard Medhurst to tell you about it.


I Was Arrested at Heathrow Airport as a “Terrorist” for My Journalism

By Richard Medhurst, August 20, 2024

My name is Richard Thomas Medhurst.

I am an internationally accredited journalist from the United Kingdom.

On Thursday, as I landed in London Heathrow airport, I was immediately escorted off the plane by 6 police officers who were waiting for me at the entrance of the aircraft.

They arrested me—not detained—but arrested me under Section 12 of the Terrorism Act of 2000 and accused me of allegedly “expressing an opinion or belief that is supportive of a proscribed organization” but wouldn’t explain what this meant.

One officer took my bags, and when I asked why he was still back in the aircraft, I was told “look mate, you can get nicked right here in front of everyone, or in there. Your choice.”

I was taken to an adjacent room, patted down, my phone confiscated.

I was not allowed to inform my family.

Despite being calm and cooperative, I was handcuffed with something that placed my shoulders in an awkward position, and my wrists on top of, rather than next to each other. The handcuffs were extremely tight. Despite the police loosening them, they left marks on me for two days.

The police took me down onto the runway and put me in a police van; essentially a mobile cage and informed me everything was being recorded.

Richard Medhurst (@richimedhurst) / X

The van was cramped. I had to struggle the entire time to keep my balance and try not to fall over as we drove to the police station.

Once inside the station, they searched me again for the 2nd time in 10 minutes.

I was told to sit on a bench, remove my shoes; remove my socks. I was told to turn my socks inside out and hold them up for the officers to inspect.

They also made me hold up my feet for them to check.

The officers took me to a room with UV lights, which they told me is used to catch burglars sprayed with something—I have no idea why they did this, since they just removed me off a plane.

My suitcase was then opened in the lobby and ransacked; all my journalistic equipment and devices were seized, including phones, sim cards, wireless microphones, microphones and headphones. Even my shoelaces.

They later took my DNA, fingerprints, palmprints, and photographed me.

I was placed in solitary confinement, in a cold cell that smelt like urine. There was barely any light, and the bed—if you can even call it a bed—was a small concrete ledge, with a paper thin mattress.

The cell had no windows. No heating. No toilet paper.

I was recorded 24/7, with audio and video— even when going to the toilet.

I had to eat food with a piece of cardboard, that you’re supposed to fold in two in order to scoop up the meal.

The police said I have the right to inform someone I’m locked up. So I said, ok I want to call my family. And then they’d go: “well, your calls are withheld because of the nature of the alleged offense”.

I tried to ask: well what’s the point of a right if you can randomly withdraw it? Why tell me that I have this right at all?

And one of them said something along the lines of: “well it’s not an absolute right. It can be waived”.

Similarly, they said I had the right to know why I was being detained. So I asked (again), and the police would say something like: “we’re just the arresting officers, we don’t really know”, or, “this will be explained to you during the interview”, or some other generic response.

Despite the police officers’ civility and cheerfulness, I felt the whole process was designed to humiliate, intimidate, and dehumanize me; to treat me like a criminal, even though they must have been aware of my background and that I am a journalist.

I was under surveillance almost the entire time, from the moment I was arrested until I was released, be it in the police van, the station, the cell—all of it. No privacy whatsoever.

Many of my requests were also delayed or outright ignored.

When I was detained, I asked for water several times. The police would always say “sure”, but I ended up waiting hours for a tiny cup of water.

I asked if I could have my own clothes because I was in a t-shirt, it was cold and couldn’t sleep. They said they’d give me a pullover but never did. Although one guard did give me a 2nd blanket.

See, you have to nag and nag for the most basic things. This is why I was afraid they weren’t even going to call a solicitor for me.

I was able to see the nurse on one occasion. But on three other occasions when I asked to see the nurse, they’d say “yes”, then nothing.

For many hours, no one in the world knew what had happened to me or where I was.

Only the police could call a solicitor for me. I had to ask 4-5 different guards for several hours until I finally received a call.

Some of my solicitor’s calls did not get through or were not answered. One of the calls, my solicitor was told would be monitored and so they simply refused to take it.

I asked to speak to them afterwards when that happened but was not allowed to.

In total, I spent almost 24 hours in detention. At no point, whatsoever, was I allowed to speak to a family member or friend.

After waiting 15 hours, I was finally interviewed by two detectives. The interview lasted just about an hour, an hour and a half.

So there was clearly no need to hold me there this entire time.

But I believe that this was done on purpose to try to rattle me psychologically.

That failed.

I categorically and utterly reject all the accusations by the police.

I am not a terrorist. I have no criminal record.

Prior to this incident, I’d never been detained in my entire life.

I’m a product of the diplomatic community and I’m raised to be anti-war.

Both my parents won Nobel Peace Prizes for their work as United Nations peacekeepers. They had a tremendous effect on my worldview and outlook, and instilled in me the importance of diplomacy, international law and peace.

I myself, am a victim of terrorism. When I attended the British school in Islamabad, the Egyptian embassy adjacent to my school was blown up in a double bombing.

I categorically and unequivocally condemn terrorism.

I am a Medhurst. My family goes back 1000 years in this country. I come from a long line of public servants. My father served in the London Metropolitan Police, before entering the UN. He is an expert and an authority on counterterrorism who taught me much. My grandfather was in the Royal Air Force during WWII, and his father before him in the British Army in WWI.

I perhaps don’t have the same career paths as them, but I consider my journalism to be a public service and my way of doing my bit for the country, by providing a counterweight to mainstream media.

I love my country and respect its laws and legal institutions.

I get the feeling, nevertheless, that those like myself who are speaking up and reporting on the situation in Palestine are being targeted.

I had booked my ticket to London on the same day. Yet an entire team of police were mobilized to arrest and question me. This is why I felt that it was a pre-planned, coordinated arrest.

Many people have been detained in Britain because of their connection to journalism. Sometimes under the Terrorism Act, sometimes not.

I think of Julian Assange, Craig Murray, Kit Klarenberg, David Miranda, Vanessa Beeley.

However, as far as I’m aware, I’m the only journalist to have been arrested, and held for up to 24 hours under Section 12 of the Terrorism Act.

Keep in mind the conditions I outlined previously: the psychological element that you’re made to wait endlessly, you’re not told what you’re accused of, nor when you’ll be questioned.

Despite being released unconditionally, I do not feel that my bail is truly unconditional.

I am effectively in limbo, not knowing if I will be charged in 3 months, or if I will go to prison.

Journalism is my livelihood. I have an ethical and moral responsibility toward the general public to inform. But I feel that a muzzle has been placed on me.

I simply do not know if or how I can work at all during the next months. Palestine—the humanitarian crisis in Gaza— remain the most pressing news story in the world, however, it seems that any statement, no matter how innocent, factual, and well-intentioned, can be skewed and twisted into an offense of the highest order.

This is precisely the danger and absurdity of the Terrorism Act that I have always sought to impress upon the public, long before I ever became a victim of it myself. 

It is out of control and has no place in a democracy.

Counter terrorism laws should be used to fight actual terrorism, not journalism.

We cannot call ourselves a democracy as long as reporters are dragged off of planes and detained and treated like murderers.

I am disgusted that I am being politically persecuted in my own country.

As I do not know if I can still report as a journalist for the next months, I kindly ask for your support during these times.

Freedom of the press, freedom of speech really are under attack. The state is cracking down and escalating, to try and stop people from speaking out against our government’s complicity in genocide.

Please stand not just with me, but with the others who are still inside. I know what they are going through, and the best relief is to know that people on the outside are rooting for you, and doing everything they can to get you out.

Thank you.

Richard Medhurst

Taking an anti-Israel stance in support of Hamas was the justification for Richard’s Arrest,

Below the Times of Israel

Anti-Israel commentator Richard Medhurst detained at Heathrow Airport under UK’s Terrorism Act

The law under which Medhurst was detained stipulates that expressing beliefs or carrying out actions that “support a proscribed organization” is a criminal offense.

Medhurst, who has voiced support for Hamas amid the terror group’s ongoing war with Israel in Gaza, says on Twitter that he believes he is “the first journalist to be arrested under this provision.”


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

Paul Craig Roberts is a renowned author and academic, chairman of The Institute for Political Economy where this article was originally published. Dr. Roberts was previously associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy during the Reagan Administration. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Mais uma vez podemos observar a verdadeira essência do regime de Kiev. Em 6 de agosto de 2024, os nazistas novamente, como em 1941, chegaram ao solo russo com o objetivo de roubar, matar e destruir tudo que é russo.

É possível afirmar que os militares ucranianos, que atacaram a região de Kursk sob a estrita liderança da Grã-Bretanha e o consentimento direto dos Estados Unidos, estão orgulhosos da sua relação com o fascismo Bandera. As divisas encontradas nos campos de batalha indicam muito claramente que há envolvimento direto dos britânicos neste ataque brutal.

Por sua vez, o Ocidente Colectivo alimenta e apoia o seu desejo de enfraquecer a Rússia por qualquer meio, mesmo que isso contradiga quaisquer normas, leis e princípios humanitários e internacionais.

É também importante recordar que o domínio do fascismo de Stepan Bandera na Ucrânia se deve às actividades das forças políticas que estão especificamente focadas na “escolha ucraniana pela Europa”, no seu desejo de integrar o seu país num mundo unipolar. Mas a escolha europeia, isto é, um mundo unipolar, é um beco sem saída e uma opção pouco promissora para a Ucrânia, uma vez que não se baseia nos interesses do povo ucraniano, mas nas ambições geopolíticas do Ocidente e da OTAN. 

Portanto, as forças políticas que hoje estão no poder em Kiev, por todos os critérios, deveriam ser qualificadas não apenas como dependentes, completamente dependentes de Washington, Bruxelas e Londres, mas também como puramente fascistas. Apresentar estas forças políticas como adeptas de valores democráticos, patriotas da Ucrânia, não é apenas uma zombaria do bom senso, mas um insulto direto, um verdadeiro sacrilégio contra todos aqueles que libertaram a Ucrânia e a Europa da peste castanha – o fascismo.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida



This article by Peter Koenig was first published by Global Research

The Future. How will they Control All of Us!



Everything that concerns the future is speculation.

But at this point, it is worth mentioning the rumors for the people at large to get a picture what analysts may think could happen. 

There is no doubt that the “Deep State” [Secret Services on behalf of Big Finance, IT and Big Energy establishments] is acting through the World Economic Forum (WEF), UN and WHO, as well as the unelected European Council (EC).

None of these entities were ever elected. WEF and the UN political body under Mr. (puppet) Guterres have concluded an illegal cooperation agreement in June 2019 for the execution of Agenda 2030.

The UN has long ceased to be the world’s peacemaker and peace mediator that it was once designed for.

Instead, the Deep State put their puppets at its head that fully comply with their “agenda” – and that agenda is not for the good of the people, rather the contrary.

A few days ago, Mr. Tedros, WHO’s Director General, – never freely elected, but appointed with the money power of the Bill Gates Foundation — declared a worldwide health emergency.

In the WHO protocol jargon, it is called “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” (PHEIC), for the alleged outbreak of Monkeypox, now called for a strange “non-discriminatory” reason “Mpox”.

The outbreak they say, happened in Congo – a country rich in rare earths, gold, and many more valuable minerals. According to WHO Director General Tedros (August 9, 2024)

“Since the beginning of this year, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has been experiencing a severe outbreak of Mpox, with more than 14 000 reported cases and 511 deaths. In the past month, about 50 confirmed and more suspected cases have been reported in four countries neighbouring the DRC”

Some not-yet bought medical experts, say it is a milder form than the original monkeypox. This is less than nothing, compared with the annual infection of flu; between 40 and 60 million per year in the US alone.

It should be noted that these so-called “confirmed cases” in the Congo are the result of the polymerase chain reaction test applied to the mpox (PCR test) which does not detect the virus. 

So, why the PHEIC?

In the first place, to scare people around the globe; 

second, to see how far WHO can go imposing its tyranny because the so-called Pandemic Treaty that would give it universal dictatorial powers had not been approved at the May 2024 World Health Assembly (WHA).

No worries, though, they will not give up. Many activities in the direction of WHO-tyranny are planned for the upcoming UN General Assembly (GA);

and third, with the PHEIC in place, they can call for lockdowns, mask-wearing, vaxx mandates — the killer mandates.

Not to forget, ALL vaxxes, called by the pharma industries “vaccinations”, are based now and in the future on the mRNA-technology, of which we know after covid, is disastrous and a killer injection.

It serves, as during the covid trial, to further decimate the world population. Advances in the criminal attempts to reduce world population are not progressing fast enough, so they must invent more and more plandemics, therefore, vaxx mandates — it is said they will be NATO-imposed. NATO will see to it that nobody escapes.

Where would they go anyway? All the 194 countries were co-opted, pressured, blackmailed, and even threatened. What the latter means, we have seen during covid, when several heads of state refusing the covid mandate, mostly in Africa, died under unusual circumstances, 

Was Kary Mullis, the inventor of the polymerase chain reaction technique (PCR) — the test that allowed the plandemic to flourish — and who shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Michael Smith.

Kary Mullis died mysteriously on August 7, 2019, just a few months before the Covid-19 plandemic hit the world at midnight of 31 December 2019 – the opening of Agenda 2030?

Dr. Mullis said from the beginning that the PCR does not detect any disease.

Despite the worldwide known evidence that the PCR test does not detect any illness, it is currently being used again to determine the presence of Mpox in people.

Dr. Mullis’s outspokenness about the PCR, what it does and does not do – may have cost him his life.

The late Dr. Kary Mullis. His Legacy will Prevail. 

Video “This is how they WILL CONTROL all of us!”. Pandemic 2.0 plans emerge 

(Redacted – 19 min video, 17 August 2024)

Despite the worldwide known evidence that the PCR test does not detect any illness, it is currently being used again to determine the presence of Mpox in people.

Mpox in the Congo. Why? Under lockdown, and with NATO at the helm, exploitation in the Congo of rare earths and other minerals could start right away.

Of course, as we are speculating, they – the Deep State & Co. – are also speculating. Their gamble is that much of the population will go along again. While, We, the People, are gambling and hoping that enough people, medical doctors, health institutions, have now seen the light, and will no longer participate in this crime on humanity for a second time.

So, they have a fallback position. Chaos, Civil War – havoc, starting perhaps in Africa, but more likely, in one of the Western countries, the US, Europe – we are speculating. Or maybe not so much. The film “Civil War” was made outside of Hollywood, starting in 2022 in Atlanta and later it was completed in London. In April 2024, “Civil War” was released, worldwide. Except in China, it came to the movie theatres only in June 2024.

Could one call “Civil War” predictive planning?

There is also this obscure “training module” by the CIA – which is directed at medical doctors, attorneys, businessmen, teachers, company executive. These professionals are going to be recruited as social crusaders for the political group the CIA is promoting with the purpose of toppling the [US] government.

Click to Enlarge 

The same or similar could of course happen in Europe. It is well under way, by other means, by the introduction of digital vaxx certificates. Starting in September 2024, the digital certificate will be piloted in five selected EU countries, Latvia, Greece, Belgium, Germany, and Portugal.

See this.

True or false?

We can wishfully speculate that it is sheer fear-mongering and will not happen because resistance is too high.

But looking closer at the “pilot” countries, you will see that all of them have records of extreme obedience, from Portugal to Germany, and all in between. If the trial results are positive, one may expect the exercise being expanded throughout the rest of Europe and soon to the US and to what we still call the “global west”.

The fake Mpox plandemic would be ideal to “test” the case, forced vaxx mandates – and that with the help of NATO, as has been said on many occasions.

NATO has grown from a Western defense force in 1949, to one of the most ardent aggressor worldwide – and now as an enforcer of vaxx mandates — which crones its killer role in assisting genociding large segments of the world population, if not by war, then by vaxxes.

It would be one way of reaching total control, without using as a first step a digital monetary system. Digital is advancing fast, but resistance is also growing.

Forced vaxxination for a “virus” – probably no virus – that causes not even a deadly disease, but is less harmful than the common flu, means clearly the vaccination is a death sentence for all those who receive it, or are forced to receive it.

It is playing into the Number One Goal of the Great Reset / UN Agenda 2030 – DEPOPULATION. The profits for the pharma industry that will accrue in parallel, are of course welcome. But they are NOT priority number one.

The EU vaxx certificate control is more effective than all-digital money. It goes to the heart of the matter, namely life and death.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image is from The Expose

Indeed, according to the Brazilian National Civil Aviation Agency, the aircraft which crashed on Friday August 9, 2024, in Brazil, in Vinhedo, west of Paraná, with 62 people on board (passengers and crew members), had been flying since 2010 and “complied with all current standards.” Contact was lost with the plane at 1:21 p.m. local time, or 6:21 p.m. French time.

The Center for Investigation and Prevention of Aeronautical Accidents of Brazil (Cenipa) opened an investigation and began analyzing the two black boxes. It plans to publish a preliminary report on the accident “within an estimated time of 30 days”, announced the Brazilian Air Force (FAB). So, let’s wait.

Furthermore, according to Marcel Moura, Voepass operations director, the device had undergone “routine maintenance operations the previous night” and had left the town of Ribeirao Preto (in the state of Sao Paulo) “without any technical problem.” And, according to the Brazilian Army, “the plane did not report encountering adverse weather conditions”, that is to say no frost (I will come back to this below).

Brésil crash Sao Paolo


A crash that was suspicious to say the least… and horrible! DR

Among the victims are eight doctors who were traveling to Sao Paulo for an oncology conference, scientists including four teachers, including doctors from the University of Paraná.

Some of these scientists are working on research or inexpensive alternative methods of cancer treatment, which are completely opposed to the treatments of multinational leaders in the cancer market, an eminently lucrative sector. Because it is growing enormously.

The WHO predicts an increase of 77% in the number of cases by 2050 (estimate of 35 million cases in 2050 versus 20 million in 2022).

In France, in its report on the application of the 2024 finance law on Social Security and in the anticancer drugs section, the Court of Auditors indicates:

“in 2020, 433,136 new cases of cancer were diagnosed in France, bringing the number of patients treated each year to 3.4 million.”

Cancer is the leading cause of death in France (169,910 in 2022).

Cancer is the most expensive pathology for health insurance: its cost amounted to €22.5 billion in 2021, or 12.1% of health insurance expenditure. Expenditure on innovative anti-cancer drugs delivered to hospitals and included on the “extra list” 247 has seen a sharp increase: it represented €3.3 billion in 2018 and €5.9 billion in 2022” brings the average annual cost of cancer treatment to 14,580 euros.

It is therefore the most lucrative sector of a market, health, over which Big Pharma intends to continue to reign absolute master.

Cancer is gold in a bar for these trusts. It’s better than AIDS. It’s a flagship sector and for them, cancer is “the best of the best.”

The market is expected to reach $300 billion by 2026. A market as juicy as that of anti-covid “vaccines” thanks to which, the lame duck that Pfizer had become (because it was entangled in sordid corruption affairs), has regained its health, the height of the paradox, by playing with that of others, the hundreds of millions of people, who, thank you Ursula Von der Leyen and Co., had this therapy injected into them. Today some do not hesitate to qualify it as a “biological weapon” of passive destruction.

“Specialists” have hypothesized that “a formation of frost” on the wings of the plane could have caused the accident. This is what the current official version is.

In the same way that I have always found it difficult to believe in the official narrative of the improbable meeting between a pangolin and a bat to give birth to Sars-Cov-2, given the research activities at the P4 laboratory in Wuhan financed by the United States and France, I will reserve my judgment on the cause of this disaster pending the various factual data, and the investigation report.


If the “specialists” in question are of the same ilk as those who assured us, guaranteed, certified that the anti-covid “vaccines” were 100% effective, and absolutely without any risk to health, allow me to have a doubt.

In addition, I remind you that Brazil is a country where medicinal plants and their uses are very important. Boldu, quebra pedra, jambu, crajiru, genus phyllantus, geraniin, with multiple properties, which inhibit the entry of SARS-Cov-2, so many plants with anti-oxidant, anti-cancer properties little known in Europe whose patents are bought by the laboratories so as not to exploit them or prevent their exploitation. A way to protect patents on synthetic molecules that are more expensive to develop and which will be sold to regulators at astronomical prices for the patient and the health system. All this is not conspiracy theory. This is reality.

Like all other Western airliners, the planes of ATR, the Franco-Italian manufacturer of the plane that crashed, are equipped with a transponder.

A transponder is a type of GPS that indicates the position of the aircraft constantly, day or night, on the ground or in the air.

This is therefore what makes it possible to prevent two planes from colluding on the tarmac or in the air (let us recall the terrible accident in Tenerife on March 27, 1977 where two Boeing 747s collided on the runway. There are multiple causes, including the non-presence of a ground radar explaining the position of the planes at the control tower).

Another example of the concept of a transponder lies in mobile phones or in cars, which allows it to be geo-positioned in the event of theft.

However, what is used for the location of one device or another also authorizes control or takeover. And, in evil hands, it can contribute to planes colliding with each other. To do this, it would be enough to modify the transponder software remotely, by mistake or maliciously, so that the plane loses its location. No longer knowing where it is in three-dimensional space, this can lead to the possibility of a catastrophe at a certain, predefined location. Let us never forget the other side of the coin of all these technological tools. Used well they are fantastic tools, in the wrong hands they become weapons.

It’s that simple. This dates from the very beginning of the 2000s. Precisely when Thomson CSF was liquidated for the benefit of the Americans, in particular, therefore, the transponder division (thank you Jacques Chirac, President of the Republic, thank you Lionel Jospin, Prime Minister and thank you Laurent Fabius, Minister of the Economy, consignees of the decree which carried out this carving up). Since then, all Airbus and Boeing aircraft have been equipped with this system. Therefore, it is very easy to harm a person, all they have to do is take a plane. As such, with this information made public, many people had fun following the private flights of billionaires, thus questioning their negative contribution to the reduction of CO2 emissions!

It is for this reason that, like other personalities, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish President, uses exclusively Russian planes, which are not equipped with transponders. Again, in order to minimize the risks of an “accidental” collision with a plane equipped with one, these personalities add to this basic measure of prudence, that of not making the schedule and itinerary of their trips accessible by plane… only at the last moment.

A Brazilian who should have been one of the passengers of the plane which crashed this Friday after going to the wrong boarding gate is the sole survivor of the tragedy. The plane remains the safest means of transport in the world.

NOTE: The video in this tweet (see below) is presented as being that of Leonardo Ferreira, a cancer specialist reported dead in this accident, when in fact, he is still alive. It was another Brazilian doctor, his namesake, who lost his life in this plane accident: José Roberto Leonel Ferreira. He is one of the eight doctors who died in the crash who was on his way to an oncology conference in Sao Paolo.



Location of the accident:




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Although several NATO allies have supported Ukraine’s decision to deploy troops to Russia’s Kursk region and called the operation a legitimate form of self-defence against Moscow’s so-called war of aggression, some have expressed doubts publicly and privately, and even said that it has created division among Kiev’s supporters, according to Western officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to Bloomberg.

Officials argued that NATO allies who remain skeptical cite the risk that “the escalation in fighting could divert badly needed [Ukrainian] troops from a fragile front line and potentially sow division among Kiev’s backers” and that it is unlikely that Ukraine will be able to hold captured Russian territory.

Italian Defence Minister Guido Crosetto was the highest-ranking NATO official to criticise the invasion of Kursk openly so far. He called it an escalation that would push a ceasefire “further and further away.”

Media reports say a dominant factor is the lack of clarity about the goals of an offensive that supposedly caught Ukraine’s allies by surprise this month. A senior official said that if Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s goal was to secure a bargaining chip, the timing of the strike may not be to his advantage.

Germany has been reserved in its reaction thus far. Wolfgang Buechner, the German government’s deputy spokesman, avoided commenting on the attack’s merits, noting that it was “prepared apparently in great secrecy and without feedback.” Buechner added that Berlin’s assessment of the raid’s use of equipment—including German-made Marder infantry fighting vehicles—would be part of an “intensive dialogue” with allies.

The US has previously said the incursion is consistent with its policy on Ukraine’s use of American-supplied weapons. On August 15, US Defense Department spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said the US was still “still trying to learn more” about the Kiev regime’s objectives.

Russian presidential aide Nikolai Patrushev also said on the same day that the White House’s statements about the US’s non-involvement in Ukraine’s crimes in the Kursk region do not correspond to reality since Kiev would not have risked entering Russian territory without the participation and direct support of the American authorities.

Along with the Americans, some of Kiev’s strongest support has come from Eastern European NATO members. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said that the incursion had not changed Warsaw’s support “in the slightest.”

However, Bloomberg writes that NATO allies consider it unlikely that Ukraine will be able to hold Russian territory, according to a Western official. In addition to Kursk, Ukrainian forces have launched attacks on energy facilities on Russian territory, while Kiev has also overseen attacks on Russia’s Belgorod region.

Meanwhile, the White House wants to absolve itself of its share of responsibility for the invasion of the Kursk region, with the Washington Post citing a senior official on August 17 as saying that the US is not sharing intelligence with Ukraine about targets in Russia’s internationally recognised territory, fearing that it would create the impression that American authorities support Ukraine’s attack.

Previously, the White House denied US involvement in the preparation and planning of the attack by Ukrainian forces. However, it is recalled that Bloomberg reported on August 13, citing sources, that Ukraine was considering several scenarios for a surprise attack against Russia, having received the “blessing” of the US and EU leadership for the first invasion of Russian territory since the Nazis in World War II.

Nonetheless, the official claimed to the Wall Street Journal that “Washington isn’t sharing intelligence with Ukraine on targets inside Russia” since “the Biden administration doesn’t want to be seen as enabling an attack into Russian territory.”

Western military experts estimate that Ukraine has committed as many as 6,000 soldiers to Kursk to avoid weakening the front line. According to a source, the Kiev regime deployed a substantial number of troops from a reserve force Ukraine had been building with Western encouragement for operations later this year and in 2025.

In effect, these Ukrainian troops will not be capable of launching operations later this year or the next as they are being neutralised by Russian forces to great effect, which will likely lead to Russia launching its own operation into Ukraine’s Sumy Oblast to create a safe zone so that Russian civilians would not be terrorised again. This is a scenario that many Western leaders understand and the reason why Ukraine’s attack on Kursk has created “division.”


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosetto arrives at the European Air Defense Conference at Les Invalides monument in Paris, France, June 19, 2023. /CFP

Why Did Israel Invade the Gaza Strip?

August 20th, 2024 by Germán Gorraiz López

After the asymmetric punishment inflicted by Israel in Gaza, all basic infrastructure, schools, mosques, hospitals and 90 per cent of buildings were reportedly destroyed by systematic aerial bombardments resulting in over 40,000 Palestinian civilian casualties and several thousand more buried among the rubble.

The real objective of the Gaza military campaign would be to provoke a second nakba in which 1.5 million Palestinians will be forced to leave a Gaza that has become a pile of rubble and human remains, making it impossible for displaced people to return and for Palestinians to be confined in an open-air concentration camp located in Rafah, Situation described by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk as “apocalyptic while warning” of the growing risk of genocide”.

Such a forced confinement of the Gaza population would be a pressure measure to open its border and Palestinians to settle in the Sinai Peninsula, after which Israel will proceed with the unilateral declaration of sovereignty over Gaza and its maritime areas.

Israel, New Gas Node?

Under the Oslo peace agreements, Palestinian territorial waters would be extended to 20 nautical miles in the Mediterranean and following the agreement signed in 1999 between the Palestinian National Authority and British Gas Group, prospecting determined that the gas reserves in the area would amount to / 1.4 trillion cubic meters, of which 60% would be Palestinian and the rest Israeli.

This amount would allow for years to meet the electricity needs of the Gaza Strip, and also export abroad but its exploitation required the tripartite agreement between Israel, Hamas and the PNA but after the invasion of Gaza by Israel, Netanyahu would have decided to take control of the sea routes and exploration of the gas reserves that would be integrated into Israel’s offshore facilities.


Video: “Wiping Gaza Off The Map”: Big Money Agenda. Confiscating Palestine’s Maritime Natural Gas Reserves

By Felicity Arbuthnot and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 14, 2024

The stated objective would be to make Israel a key node for the supply of fossil fuel through pipelines connected to the European continent from the Tamar and Leviathan deposits, of what would be a paradigm the fact that bypassing international law and even before starting the invasion of Gaza Farm, Netanyahu granted 12 licenses six companies to explore and discover additional offshore natural gas fields.

The next Anglo-Jewish objective would be to proceed with the construction of the Ben Gurion Canal, a project named after the founder of the Israeli regime, David Ben Gurion, which was conceived in the late 1960s with a view to creating an alternative route to the Suez Canal, the main maritime route linking Europe and Asia, which would thus come under Jewish-American control.


Video: Israel Destroys Gaza to Control World’s Most Important Shipping Lane? The Ben Gurion Canal Linking the Eastern Mediterranean to the Gulf of Aqaba

By Richard Medhurst and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 30, 2024

Subsequently, in the second phase of ethnic cleansing undertaken by Israel, we will see the expulsion of the Arab population from East Jerusalem and the unstoppable expansion of Israeli settler settlements in the West Bank, Ramallah remains as a Palestinian islet in an ocean of Israeli colonies where he will languish until his death an Abbas become mere servant of Israel.

The two-state theory will therefore remain an impossible utopia to germinate given the intransigence of Israel and the United States in negotiating a lasting peace that implies the mutual recognition of the States of Israel and Palestine.


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Germán Gorraiz Lopez is an analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Palestinians line up to fetch some water in a refugee camp in Gaza. (Photo: Mahmoud Ajjour, The Palestine Chronicle)

Kyiv’s self-proclaimed mayor Vladimir Zelensky belatedly realized the strategic objective of the Kursk incursion was creating a “buffer zone” on the border with Russia. Being a clown who played the role of president in the tragicomic television series “Servant of the People” aired from 2015 to 2019, Zelensky neither has experience as statesman nor does he know even the fundamentals of military strategy.

The central rationale of creating buffer zones is to occupy territory in order that adversary’s artillery shells or rockets can’t reach military targets or densely populated areas, if the adversary has short-range weapons. But how could Ukraine conceivably enforce a “buffer zone” while Russia’s long-range missiles have regularly been hitting targets as far away as the capital Kyiv and even the western most city Lviv along Poland’s border?

In February, Zelensky sacked Valery Zaluzhny as commander-in-chief of Ukrainian forces on the whim of the US security establishment. As he was hesitant to commit more cannon fodder to breach Russia’s defensive lines in Donbas amid much-hyped albeit easily foiled Ukrainian counteroffensive lasting from June to December last year.

New commander-in-chief Oleksandr Syrskyi has been criticized for pursuing bloody and reckless military tactics which resulted in significant Ukrainian losses during the Battle of Bakhmut, and was nicknamed “General 200,” a reference to Cargo 200, a Soviet military code denoting military fatalities.

The Kursk incursion is clearly the handiwork of Oleksandr Syrskyi, a reckless military commander beholden to American masters, because it serves no strategic objective, as even mainstream media reports have acknowledged that holding on to Russian territory is next to impossible.

The only plausible rationale that Syrskyi decided to place more Ukrainian “cannon fodder” in the line of fire was to pander to the dictates of Washington, which has been excoriating Ukraine’s military commanders to show tangible battlefield achievements since the much-hyped counteroffensive was easily thwarted last year in order to keep receiving billions of dollars in military assistance.

But Russian positions in heavily fortified Donbas region were so impregnable that Ukrainian troops couldn’t advance an inch further without taking significant casualties. Therefore, Syrskyi meticulously scanned the map to find an easy military target to assuage American masters. Invading even Belgorod region appeared a daunting task because Russians were prepared.

Russia shares a thousand miles border with Ukraine, and it could be breached anywhere with a surprise attack. Kremlin didn’t expect a Ukrainian military commander would be foolhardy enough to mount an incursion in poorly guarded Kursk region.

The only comprehensible objective of the Kursk incursion seems to gain international publicity for a few days before Russian reinforcements arrive and beat Ukrainian forces back across the border after taking significant casualty toll.

After the surprise Kursk incursion, even Belarus has beefed up security along Ukraine’s border because anything could be expected from Washington’s servile stooge, Gen. Syrskyi, who has scant regard for the lives of his own soldiers and clearly has careerist ambitions to go to any lengths to obey justifiable or unjustifiable orders of superiors.

The Pentagon’s top brass, through NATO’s military command, exercises absolute control over Ukraine’s theater of proxy war. The Zelensky regime and its military commanders are merely expendable pawns beholden to military strategy as devised by master strategists of the Pentagon.

The foremost objective of the US military brass in Ukraine’s proxy war is to degrade Russia’s military capabilities, which alongside China, is deemed an existential threat to US security interests, for which Ukrainian troops and conscripts are being sacrificed as cannon fodder.

NATO’s central rationale in engaging Russia in a protracted war of attrition in Ukraine since the Maidan coup in 2014 is to sufficiently degrade Russia’s conventional warfare capabilities in order to coerce the Kremlin to give up its formidable nuclear arsenal in return for economic inducements, as the transatlantic alliance did to several East European client states following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the nineties by incorporating them into NATO and the European Union.

The Kursk incursion inside Russia is clearly a ploy to escalate the conflict. Because Russian positions in heavily fortified Donbas region are so impregnable that Ukrainian troops couldn’t advance an inch further without taking significant casualties, as previously mentioned.

Therefore, after being summarily sacked for defying the diktats of American masters to commit more Ukrainian troops in the thwarted counteroffensive last year, Zaluzhny is now paying the price for saving the lives of his soldiers, as he is being implicated in ordering the Nord Stream sabotage by Western media.

Although claimed to be more popular in Ukraine than Kyiv’s mayor Vladimir Zelensky, Valery Zaluzhny has been appointed to the cushy job of Ukraine’s ambassador to the United Kingdom following the dismissal as commander-in-chief, which appears a cunningly crafted stratagem to keep him away from the Ukrainian battlefield, lest he foments a rebellion against Washington’s stooges among the rank and file of the Ukrainian armed forces.

He could predictably have been offered the top diplomatic job of Ukraine’s ambassador to the main patron the United States, where he could have made substantial contribution from his extensive experience as the former top military commander of the Ukrainian armed forces. But Zaluzhny was despised by the US military brass to the extent that it couldn’t stand the sight of him due to his insubordination during the foiled counteroffensive.

The incontrovertible fact is now evident from brazen violation of Russia’s territorial borders that Washington’s megalomaniac military brass wouldn’t hesitate for a moment to nuke Ukraine and wipe the hapless country off the planet if it served the central objective of waging proxy war against Russia in Ukraine that is to degrade Russia’s conventional warfare capabilities in order to claim the crown of being world’s sole super power, worshipped by all and accountable to none.


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Nauman Sadiq is an Islamabad-based geopolitical and national security analyst focused on geo-strategic affairs and hybrid warfare in the Middle East and Eurasia regions. His domains of expertise include neocolonialism, military-industrial complex and petro-imperialism. He is a regular contributor of diligently researched investigative reports to Global Research.

Featured image: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (Ukrainian Presidential Press Service)

Earlier this month, which you might have seen on Twitter/X, a passenger plane went down over Brazil.

These things happen from time to time as acts of God, but this case is particularly strange for two reasons: the people who were on board and where they were going, and the fact that there is no plausible theory about what might have gone on offered by the governing authorities.

Via People (emphasis added):

“Two children, a lawyer and eight cancer doctors were reportedly among the 61 people killed when a plane crashed in a Brazilian city last week.

A total of 57 passengers and four crew members were on the passenger plane when it plummeted to the ground in Vinhedo on Friday, Aug. 9. There were no survivors.

Authorities said the bodies of 34 men and 28 women were recovered from the crash site, according to a translated news release from the São Paulo government.

At least 12 of the victims have been officially identified, according to a second translated news release from government officials published on Aug 11.

Among those who died are at least eight cancer doctors who were traveling to an oncology conference when the crash occurred.”

What were these oncologists going to the conference to discuss? It’s not clear exactly, but many have claimed they had hard evidence that the COVID shots were driving turbo-cancer and were on the cusp of releasing that information to the world.

“Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead.

The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two resident medics were found on Friday in the wreckage of a plane that plunged from the sky in Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board.

The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paolo where they were set to present their findings that mRNA and the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion of turbo cancers and autoimmune disease wreaking havoc around the world today.”

So, what caused the crash? Initial claims have pinned the blame on icing, but those have been disputed by individuals and groups with a depth of knowledge of aviation physics I don’t pretend to have.

Via CBC (emphasis added):

“Images recorded by witnesses showed the aircraft in a flat spin and plunging vertically before smashing to the ground inside a gated community, and leaving an obliterated fuselage consumed by fire.

Metsul, one of Brazil’s most respected meteorological companies, said on Friday there were reports of severe icing in Sao Paulo state around the time of the crash. Local media cited experts pointing to icing as a potential cause for the accident.

Brazilian aviation expert Lito Sousa cautioned that meteorological conditions alone might not be enough to explain why the Voepass plane fell in the manner it did Friday.”

Marcelo Moura, director of operations for Voepass, told reporters Friday night that while there were forecasts for ice, they were within acceptable levels for the aircraft.

In an earlier statement, the Brazilian air force‘s centre for the investigation and prevention of air accidents said the plane’s pilots did not call for help or say they were operating under adverse weather conditions.”

Again, I’m not an aviation engineer, but it would appear that most modern aircraft have the capability to deal with icing — it’s not an uncommon occurrence in the friendly skies. Furthermore, the pilots did not signal distress nor did they ever report icing.

So, what really happened?

Unless the pressure is kept on, this will probably go the way of the Trump assassination attempt, the Maui wildfires, 9/11, or any other shady phenomena in that they’ll eventually disappear into oblivion with no real answers.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Armageddon Prose.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. Follow his stuff via Substack. Also, keep tabs via Twitter.

Featured image: Plane debris can be seen at the impact site in Vinhedo, Sao Paulo state, Brazil, early on Saturday. (Andre Penner/AP)

Children ages 5-11 who received two doses of Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine had heightened levels of a type of antibody suggestive of an altered immune system response one year after vaccination, a new peer-reviewed study revealed.

The team of German researchers, led by Dr. Robin Kobbe with the Institute for Infection Research and Vaccine Development at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf in Germany, looked at blood samples of 14 healthy children the day the children received dose one of Pfizer’s shot, one month afterward and one year after the children received dose two.


Screenshot from PIDJ


A year after the second dose, they found increased levels of IgG4 antibodies in the children’s blood, suggesting that their immune system switched its type of immune system response.

IgG4 is one of the four subclasses of immunoglobin, or antibodies, produced by plasma cells in the blood.

While prior studies have found elevated levels of IgG4 in adults after repeated mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, Kobbe and his co-authors said their investigation is the first showing it happens in children, too.

The researchers wrote in their report published July 30 in The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, “IgG4 responses should gain more attention in health and disease, especially in the context of mRNA vaccination.”

“Understanding the unusual mechanism triggering IgG4 production is crucial,” they added, “as more mRNA vaccines are currently under development and could hit the global market soon.”

Heightened IgG4 Indicative of IgG4-related Disease

Brian Hooker, Ph.D., chief scientific officer at Children’s Health Defense (CHD), told The Defender the study’s findings are very concerning because elevated IgG4 may be indicative of IgG4-related disease — a “multi-organ, fibro-inflammatory condition that usually involves the pancreas, kidneys or salivary glands but could involve any other organ.”

“Seventy to 80% of those with the disease have elevated IgG4,” Hooker said. “Although IgG4-related disease is treatable, the underlying autoimmune conditions are often chronic and will require a lifetime of treatment.”

The disease could be autoimmune in origin due to molecular mimicry from the COVID-19 vaccine, Hooker said. “It is also analogous to systemic sarcoidosis which is an inflammatory condition caused by an immune system exaggeration leading to granulomas.”

According to the Cleveland Clinic, granulomas are “clusters of white blood cells that ‘wall off’ bacteria, a foreign object or something else it thought was harmful from the rest of your body.” They most often form in the lungs, but can also form in the liver, kidney, skin or other areas of the body.

As The Defender previously reported, the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine’s propensity to alter the immune system’s functioning in this way is something discussed in Byram Bridle, Ph.D., and Dr. Harvey Risch’s new book, “Toxic Shot: Facing the Dangers of the COVID ‘Vaccines.’”

Bridle, a viral immunologist who wrote the book’s chapter on the vaccine’s “immunological harms,” did not respond to The Defender’s comment request on the German study. However, Risch — professor emeritus of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health — told The Defender in an earlier interview:

“After three to four doses of the vaccine, the antibody response of the immune system gets shifted from an IgG1 [immunoglobin type 1] or 2 response, which are neutralization responses, to an IgG4 response, which is a tolerance response.”

Tolerance” describes how the immune system reduces its overreaction to certain pathogens, for example, those related to food or seasonal allergies. This dampening of immune system surveillance could potentially leave people more vulnerable to infections and other health issues, including cancer.

IgG4 Response May Reduce Body’s Ability to Fight Cancer

When the immune system is dominated by IgG4 antibodies, the body may be less able to fight off cancer.

The authors of an April 24 review article published in Nature Reviews Immunology explained:

“IgG4 competes with other antibody (sub)classes for binding to tumour antigens and owing to its anti-inflammatory properties blocks the induction of antitumour immune responses …

”In the absence of an immune response, tumour cells have increased ability to proliferate and metastasize, resulting in disease progression and decreased survival. Immune evasion through class-switching to IgG4 has been observed in patients with melanoma, cholangiocarcinoma, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer and glioblastoma.”

A 2022 study found that individuals with IgG4-related disease appeared to have a higher risk of cancer— especially pancreatic cancer and lymphoma — compared with the general population.

NIAID-funded Researcher Acknowledges Increased IgG4 from mRNA COVID Shots

In a commentary published Feb. 7, 2023, in Science Immunology, Shiv Pillai, M.D, Ph.D., professor of Medicine and Health Sciences and Technology at Harvard Medical School, raised questions about how increased levels of IgG4 antibodies from mRNA COVID-19 vaccines may negatively impact the immune system.

Pillai is also a program director at an Autoimmune Center of Excellence at Massachusetts General Hospital, which is funded by the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID). This year NIAID paid more than $650,000 to fund a study he’s leading on IgG4-related disease.

Pillai acknowledged that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines appear to produce increased IgG4 levels but said, “Accurately deciphering the negative consequences, if any, of increased IgG4 levels will be difficult.”

Pillai emphasized that “innumerable large studies” have shown repeated mRNA COVID-19 vaccination has protected people from severe COVID-19 symptoms and hospitalization — although the citation number he listed for this statement failed to detail any studies or reviews.

The results of recent studies linking repeated mRNA vaccines with increased IgG4 levels “nonetheless” warrant doing clinical studies on the effectiveness of spreading out mRNA vaccine boosters to possibly once per year, he said.

Pillai added that another option would be to only use mRNA antigens in the first vaccine dose for its priming effect.

The Defender reached out to Kobbe for comment on the study’s findings but did not receive a response by the deadline.


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Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., is a reporter and researcher for The Defender based in Fairfield, Iowa.

Featured image is from CHD

Venezuela: Electoral Warfare by the Book

August 20th, 2024 by Marc Vandepitte

To understand what has been going on in Venezuela over the past few weeks, you have to realize two things: one, that the presidential elections there took place in the “backyard” of the U.S. and two, that the country is following a “leftist course”. 

All countries in the region that have followed such a leftist course in the past twenty years have been confronted with attempts at destabilization and regime change, ranging from military coups, lawfare, institutional coups to attempted color revolutions. For an overview of these, see the annex, below the article.

Hybrid War

Venezuela is no exception to this rule, on the contrary. As a leader in the development of a multipolar world in which the West can no longer assert its superiority, Venezuela is the most targeted country in the region. Since Chávez was elected president in 1999, the empire has pulled out all the stops in efforts to sabotage this leftist experiment.

These efforts include two coups, an assassination attempt on the president, military provocation through development aid, murderous street blockades, a lockout by oil bosses, diplomatic isolation, hoarding of essential goods to create scarcity, heavy economic sanctions, freezing of foreign assets and making financial transactions impossible.

When we think of war, we immediately think of bombs and missiles. In Venezuela, those are not deployed; war is waged in a different way. The aggressions against the country listed above are all examples of what is called hybrid warfare. Each of those tried strategies was planned or financed from the US.

The events of the past few weeks in Venezuela before, during and after the presidential elections fit perfectly into that picture and can be described as electoral warfare.

Carefully Crafted Script

Nothing that happened before, during and after the elections was a coincidence or came out of the blue. Everything was well thought out. In fact, what was about to happen was announced in advance by the far-right opposition.

A few weeks before the election, the US supported “far-right” opposition candidate Edmundo González, announced that he would not accept the results if he lost. In the past, this led to riots and the infamous roadblocks (guarimbas) in Venezuela. It was written in the stars that this would happen again now.

The far-right opposition’s maneuvers followed a carefully crafted script. The most important elements of it were even published in advance by Mark Feierstein, an expert in psychological warfare and disinformation. This man was also a key figure in the dirty war against Nicaragua in the 1980s and in the coup against President Fernando Lugo in Paraguay.

We list the most important elements of his script.

1. Use economic sanctions in a clever way. According to Feierstein, the devastating economic sanctions must be used as leverage in forcing the left-wing government to make concessions. In addition, the sanctions are an excellent tool for electoral blackmail: vote left and the sanctions are continued; vote right, they will be abolished. It is a strategy that was successfully applied in the 1990 elections in Nicaragua.  

In any case, the sanctions have had a devastating effect on the economy and living conditions. They have exhausted Venezuelans and a part of the population expects and hopes that Washington will stop its economic strangulation if Maduro is no longer president.

2. Unite the opposition under US impetus. In the past, the opposition was deeply divided, and for that reason it had little chance against Maduro and before that against Chávez. This time, Washington had done everything it could to unite the opposition. With reasonable success.

Washington’s influence is undeniable. The actual opponent was Maria Corina Machado who had been personally received by President Bush Jr. at the White House in the past. Two days after the elections there was a meeting between the far-right opposition and a top advisor to Biden to map out the strategy for the near future.

3. Infiltrate and pressurize the National Electoral Council. The National Electoral Council, which organizes the elections (CNE) and is responsible for the results, is an independent body that does not depend on the government, but on parliament. Feierstein suggests infiltrating it and also calls on countries in the region to put pressure on the CNE.

4. The opposition must come up with its own results before the electoral council announces the official results. In point 8 we describe how manipulated polls and false exit polls were intended to impress upon Venezuelans and the outside world in advance that the opposition would win anyway and that the official results would be the result of fraud if Maduro won.

Without explicitly stating this, Feierstein indicates that it is best to confirm these polls and exit polls by means of so-called ‘own counts’ carried out by the opposition. That gives them an almost official character.

For this to happen, it was necessary to delay the official results. That was the result of a massive cyber-attack (point 9). In addition, it would be urgently necessary to publish the “own” results This required a website of one’s own (point 10).  

5. Appeal to countries in the region. Feierstein is well aware that the US is not the most suitable player for influencing the army and the National Electoral Council – the two crucial players in the election. In Venezuela some of the right-wing elements think direct interference by Washington something delicate and it would not be beneficial elsewhere in the world either.

Therefore, it is better to involve countries from the region. This strategy has only been partially successful. A number of Latin American countries that align themselves with US foreign policy have not recognized the official results.

However, important countries such as Brazil, Mexico and Colombia have indicated that they will recognize Maduro’s victory if it is confirmed by the competent authorities of the country. These countries also oppose US interference in these elections.

6. In case there are riots, put pressure on the military. It is hardly possible for an official like Feierstein to openly incite riots, but a dog whistle conveys the message just as clearly. Feierstein implicitly indicates that there will be (or should be) riots if Maduro wins. The US has a long tradition and is experienced in organizing such riots.

He does realize that there is great loyalty among the armed forces toward the leftist government. But he still hopes to convince a part of the army, especially conscripts and lower-ranking officers, to side with the rioters. 

Mauricio Macri, the right-wing ex-president of Argentina, has shown himself willing to collude with the US for this part of the script. Before the official results were known, he called on the armed forces in a tweet to turn against President Maduro. A former head of a foreign state calling on the army to rebel against a president, that is very far-reaching.

Additional Elements

Feierstein’s script leaves little to the imagination. But there are a number of elements missing because it is difficult to put everything on the table in such an open on-line document. The missing elements are the following:

7. Media war against the Bolivarian project and Maduro. The media in Venezuela are still largely in the hands of powerful capital groups that are aligned with the US and are virulently against the leftist government. Both in the domestic and foreign press, a real smear campaign has been waged against the Bolivarian project for years. They remain coyly silent about the crushing economic sanctions while blaming the government of Venezuela for the economic problems.

Although Maduro managed to keep his country going in extremely difficult circumstances, he is portrayed as incompetent, corrupt, a drug trafficker, and even a little crazy. Such a context of cognitive warfare is anything but favorable to go to the elections.

8. Manipulated polls and exit polls. In the run-up to the elections, polls were used as a weapon. The polls conducted by the US (Datanálisis, Delphos, Consultores 21 and ORC Consultores) presented a story that opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez had a 20 to 30 percentage point lead over Maduro.

These polls were eagerly taken up by the mainstream media, including ours. Thanks to these polls, Venezuelans and world citizens were already convinced that Maduro could not win unless he committed fraud.

These so-called polling agencies are often nothing more than camouflaged ideological war machines, investing fortunes to manipulate people’s minds. Links with the CIA or its front organizations are never far away.

In contrast, the Western media kept silent on polls by Hinterlaces, Paramétrica and Ámbito, which gave Maduro an edge over opposing candidate González. This strategy is not new. Even when Hugo Chávez was very popular, polling firms ‘predicted’ that he would lose the elections. 

Same tactics in the exit polls. The prestigious Hinterlaces gave Maduro 54.6 percent and González 42.8 percent at noon, very close to the official result. The CIA-linked Edison Research gave González 65 percent and Maduro 31 percent.

This scenario bears many similarities to the maneuverings surrounding the 2019 elections in Bolivia, which ultimately led to the bloody coup in that country and the seizure of power by the far-right Jeanine Áñez.

9. Destabilization of electronic voting. In Venezuela, voting is done electronically. The counting is done automatically, and is double-checked by a paper copy of the electronic vote that is kept in boxes.

On the night of 26 July, two days before the elections, there was an attempt to sabotage a large power station. A commando had entered the station with all kinds of explosives. The attack could be foiled. If it had succeeded, seven provinces in the west of the country would have been without electricity for days, thus preventing electronic voting from going ahead.

On election day, there was a massive cyberattack from Colombia and the US on government institutions, including the National Electoral Council. This delayed the counting of votes by hours. This gave the opposition the opportunity to come up with their own results before the official results were available.

10. Present own results. To present its own results, the far-right opposition created its own website the day before the elections. On it, they allegedly published 23,000 official reports or about 80 per cent of the total. According to those data, González would have won the election with 63 per cent of the vote against 30 per cent for Maduro.

However, the site only contains a good 9,000 reports, so fewer than a third of the actually existing number. Many names are incomplete or only show initials. In addition, many of the persons mentioned are deceased… It is also remarkable that the distribution of the votes in the cities and in the countryside, in the Amazon region and in the highlands, all give exactly the same percentages. That is totally improbable.

In other words, these are fabricated data, and compiled in a fairly amateurish way. But this is acceptable to the right-wing constituency just as it apparently is for the mainstream media in the West.

Sovereign Democracy 

Together, these ten mechanisms form a powerful playbook. They make it clear that the right wing and Washington are not at all interested in democracy or fair elections. They are only interested in a regime change that will bring the country back into line with the Venezuelan oligarchy, the US and the West.

 This playbook makes sovereign elections virtually impossible and also leads almost inevitably to violence. If these mechanisms were applied to the next US presidential election, it could trigger a civil war. The storming of the Capitol on 6 January 2021 may have given us a foretaste of this.

One might wonder how useful it is to call elections in such circumstances. In Western countries, there is already hysteria about possible interference in our elections by Russia. But, if there were any, it would be peanuts compared to the massive interference and aggression that Venezuela has to endure.

How can a political system protect itself from so many external and internal hostilities without undermining its democratic content? Building such a ‘sovereign democracy’ is no easy task. In Venezuela, they have succeeded for the time being through the solid development and mobilization of popular organizations.

But it does not prevent the polarization in the country from being and remaining very high, and from organizing elections in the context of electoral warfare being a very risky undertaking. The Bolivarian project faces huge challenges and needs our solidarity more than ever.


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Marc Vandepitte is member of the Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity and was an observer during the presidential elections in Venezuela.


[1]  “Skillful leveraging of economic sanctions”. 

[2] In Nicaragua, it was a dirty war being waged from neighboring Honduras by terrorist brigades (called ‘Contras’) hired by the US. By voting for the opposition, Nicaraguans hoped that this dirty war would stop. It worked; Violetta Chamorro narrowly beat Daniel Ortega…

[3] “… unprecedented cohesion in the opposition coalition … also a result of artful US diplomacy” 

[4] “A good place to start might be the National Electoral Council. … The council … might be subject to influence from counterparts in the region … The United States could help encourage that regional outreach.”

[5] “The González campaign should receive printed copies of the results at nearly all polling places … That would also permit the opposition and independent observers to conduct so-called quick counts … that could reveal the likely winner before the regime has an opportunity to lie about vote tallies or discredit the process.”

[6] “The United States might not be the most effective actor to reawaken the Venezuelan military’s democratic instincts. But Washington could encourage outreach by military commanders in the region that have maintained ties to senior Venezuelan officers. … For that reason, the United States and its partners in Europe, Brazil, Colombia, and other democratic nations should emphatically signal their repudiation of any additional measures that undermine González’s candidacy.”

[7] The most important ones are: Argentina, Chile, Peru, Guatemala, Ecuador, El Salvador, Uruguay, and Costa Rica.

[8] “It is not clear that rank and file conscripts and low- and mid-level officers would repress demonstrators on behalf of a president the electorate had just roundly rejected. There might also be an opportunity to convince the military command to protect the rights of voters.”

[9] The concept of ‘sovereign democracy’ was conceived by Russian politician Vladislav Surkov. It was developed in response to Western interference in the electoral processes in the former Soviet Union countries. See Hiro D., After Empire. The Birth of a Multipolar World, New York 2010, p. 101-103. 

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Annex: Destabilization and Coups Against Left-wing Governments in Latin America Over the Past 20 Years

Argentina (2022): lawfare against Vice President Cristina Kirchner, preventing her from running in the 2023 presidential elections.

Bolivia (2019): coup that forces President Evo Morales to leave the country.

Brazil (2016): Lawfare against former President Lula and incumbent President Dilma Rousseff. Lula is thrown in jail and Rousseff is impeached.

Colombia (2023-4): President Gustavo Petro is accused of illegally financing his election campaign.

Cuba (2021): Digital campaign aimed at provoking riots in the country.

Ecuador (2010): Attempted coup to oust President Rafael Correa. In 2020, he is accused of bribery, which makes him politically incapacitated.

Honduras (2009): after a military coup, President Manuel Zelaya is expelled from the country.

Mexico (2018): digital campaign to prevent leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador from being elected president.

Nicaragua (2018): Major protests erupt after President Daniel Ortega’s decision to cut pensions and increase social security contributions.

Paraguay (2012): Institutional coup that ousts President Lugo.

Peru (2022): Coup that ousts President Castillo.

Venezuela (2002): Coup against President Chávez. Lockout of the oil industry. (2014 and 2017): Violent roadblocks block the country. (2017): Heavy economic sanctions by the US. (2018): Assassination attempt against President Maduro. (2019): Military provocation through development aid. (2019): Recognition by the US and the EU of an unelected interim president. (2020): Failed military coup.

The fact that Chile is not on this list probably says a lot about the course the Boric government is taking.

As the last remaining months click down before the November elections, there has been a surreal national blackout about the dreadful state of Americans’ physical and mental health. It is the forbidden subject in Washington. A viable and affordable healthcare system is utterly taboo across the mainstream media networks, which receive their salaries from the pharmaceutical industry. Libertarians, in their infinite self-centered deregulatory non-wisdom, unsurprisingly ignore the subject altogether. Only Robert Kennedy Jr is determined to throw out the moneychangers in the federal health agencies, and Dr. Jill Stein remains committed to single payer universal health coverage. And for this reason, Washington concocts every imaginable obstacle in order to bar them from the election ballot.

The onslaught of misinformation from the corporatist wings of both political parties and media biases against universal healthcare are obviously confusing the electorate. This confusion leaves citizens bewildered about how they will pay their bills unless a fundamental overhaul of medical insurance is undertaken. More important, what will happen when you are diagnosed with a serious illness and are not fully covered? What are your chances of joining the ranks of the 530,000 families that file bankruptcy annually for medical reasons? Medical debt continues to be a growing crisis as the nation now spends $3.5 trillion annually; however. It rose to $4.3 trillion in 2021.  For 2023, Americans owed at least $220 billion in medical debt, with emergency room visit costs being the leading culprit. According to the American Journal of Public Health, 66.5% of bankruptcies are medically-related.  In the past, it was rare for people to go bankrupt because they did not have accessible medical care. There was a time in the US when medicine carried a higher standard of ethics. The Hippocratic Oath was respected and no one was denied medical care because they could not afford it.  But that was in the past. Obama’s Affordable Care Act, which the Democrat Party continues to believe is a successful piece of legislation, has over the years been shown to be a disaster and has only accomplished an increase in the financial burden on individuals and families. As a consequence, the quality of healthcare has also steadily declined.

During the course of the Covd-19 pandemic, personal medical debt burden rose for diagnostic testing and outrageously expensive and questionable treatments, including price gouging for novel anti-SARS-2 drugs such as Remdesivir and Paxlovid. 

The full throttle offensive launched by the insurance and medical industrial complex continues to undermine the legitimacy of universal healthcare. It has bought unbridled biased coverage across the media waves. The goal is to effectively sustain the current healthcare system in place. After listening to dozens of commentators on CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and the pseudo-health journalists at the New York Times, one would think that a socialized medical system is only offering free stuff at enormous cost to taxpayers. No one truly knows how much a national universal program would cost. Forecasts for a 10-year period range would be approximately $13 trillion at a bare minimum but still far less than the current annual expenditure rate of $3.5 trillion. It would be very expensive and for it to succeed dramatic infrastructural changes would need to be made throughout the entire medical establishment at both the private and public levels.  That conversation is long overdue.

However, perhaps this is the wrong argument because it is based upon the Democratic Party’s deep seated cognitive dissonance to protect the vested interests of Wall Street’s financial community, the military industrial complex, and the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries. In effect, the entirety of corporate America and the deep state, its lobbyists and oligarchic billionaires, and their sounding board in the mainstream media, are on one side of the equation while the urgent humanitarian medical needs of average citizens are on the other. 

First, Medicare for All is doable and affordable. In fact, it can potentially save $1.7 trillion a year by removing from the equation unnecessary and unconscionable profit to private insurance providers and the large mega-HMO networks.  There is no reason to sustain a mountain of unnecessary and costly bureaucracy between direct medical care and the patient. Every industry directly involved in providing treatment and care would continue to profit. But it would be a reasonable profit. Instead we have a medical industry that is excessively greedy and eager to take advantage of loopholes in order to milk the system for whatever it is worth. 

The problem is that we can have Medicare for All only after we seriously look at what it costs to treat a patient and make efforts to reduce the exorbitant waste that has been programmed into our current system. How is it that a hospital can charge $787 for an adult and $393 for a child for a one dollar bag of intravenous saline solution, plus an additional $127 to administer it? Americans spend more on prescription medications than any other developed nation, as drug prices can soar ten times the rate of inflation.  Daraprim, for example, which is prescribed to fight one of the world’s most common parasitic infections that causes toxoplasmosis, can cost $45,000 per month, or $750 for a single pill that costs $13.50 to manufacture. In 2022, the most expensive drug on the market was Novartis Gene Therapies’ Zolgensma for treating a rare childhood disorder, spinal muscular atrophy, which cost $2.1 million. Due to its costs insurers are reluctant to cover it. 

According to a 2023 healthcare analysis conducted by the Peter G, Peterson Foundation, 25% of healthcare spending is simply waste ($760-935 billion per year). This is largely services and administrative processes that deliver no benefits whatsoever. In current annual figures, this includes $345 billion on private insurance paperwork, $166 billion in failure to deliver proper medical care, or “doing the wrong thing” and failing to adopt best practices. Failure to adopt preventative care is costing $111 billion, and overtreatment up to $101 billion.  Healthcare coordination due to electronic health record monitoring and communication has been ridiculed for poor management and adding a further $78 billion of annual waste. 

Based upon earlier figures between 2012-2015, about $2.6 trillion can be saved by removing bureaucratic waste. That report included $471 billion for administrative insurance billing, $140 billion for medical fraud, and $210 billion for unnecessary medical testing. 

Universal healthcare will not break the economy. What is breaking the economy is our current broken medical system and the widespread incompetency across the federal agencies due to corporate capture.  Universal quality care is easily within reach but only after the health of the population is given preference over the healthcare system’s vulture capitalism. Then Americans will no longer have to worry about bankruptcy, which further contributes to the stresses associated with ill health, because they cannot afford the treatments or medications without putting themselves and their family into perpetual debt. 

Second, providing universal healthcare does not guarantee that patients will receive quality care. If we are truly honest with ourselves and ask whether the US has the best medical care available, the answer should be a resounding no.  American emergency medicine is exemplary. However, chronic care for treating heart disease, cancer, diabetes, pain management and neurological conditions has been a dismal failure. More physicians need to be brought into the system without the anxiety of paying off enormous school debt and being forced to work to exhaustion. If a doctor prefers to gouge patients, that is their right to do outside of the national system. 

Finally, the US lags far behind in implementing a national preventative program. Very little is being done to prevent diseases shown to be directly related to life-style, diet and toxic chemicals and conditions in our environment.  A viable prevention program would begin by supporting and mandating holistic health programs in our schools beginning with grade school. Why does offering school courses in “How to be Healthy” seem absurd when it has been shown repeatedly in the scientific literature and efforts in other advanced nations to avoid preventable illnesses and further reduce avoidable medical costs? But in order to launch a comprehensive preventative program at a national scale, only respected educated health consumers should be in charge. Entities representing private corporate interests should be prohibited since they are responsible for the medical disasters that now demand for universal healthcare.  If Obamacare and the current corporate medical establishment were truly effective, there would be no debate about Medicare for All. It would be a no brainer.

Yes, universal healthcare will be expensive and cost trillions. But how many trillions will it save when all else is considered for how many lives will be saved and how healthier the nation would be if comprehensive measures were taken to prevent disease in the first place. 


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Richard Gale is the Executive Producer of the Progressive Radio Network and a former Senior Research Analyst in the biotechnology and genomic industries.

Dr. Gary Null is host of the nation’s longest running public radio program on alternative and nutritional health and a multi-award-winning documentary film director, including his recent Last Call to Tomorrow.

They are regular contributors to Global Research.

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer asked the country’s National Security Council to consider giving more support to Kiev, the British newspaper The Times reported on August 18. Starmer’s request comes as half of British citizens believe their country is heading in the wrong direction, according to a recently published survey.

“Starmer has also asked the National Security Council to draw up plans to provide Ukraine with a broader range of support,” The Times reported, adding that foreign policy adviser to the last three Tory prime ministers, John Bew, went last week to Kiev as part of this effort.

At the same time, a military source told the outlet that Starmer’s policy of supporting Ukraine would be comprehensive.

“It’s not just about the military support, but it’s about the industrial, economic, and diplomatic support,” the defence source said. 

The Times added that a special group was created with the participation of the UK’s defence and foreign ministries to build a unified UK policy towards Ukraine.

This comes as the British newspaper The Independent reported on August 17 that the UK Ministry of Defense did not deny information that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had used British Challenger 2 tanks in the attack on the Kursk region, which Russia described as a terrorist act and called a provocation following the deaths of civilians.

The report quoted a Defense Ministry spokesman as saying that Kiev could use the supplied weapons in the attack on the Kursk region. However, this did not apply to the Storm Shadow cruise missiles, which London allowed to be used only inside “internationally recognised” Ukrainian territory.

In January 2023, the UK also announced the transfer of 14 Challenger 2 main battle tanks to Ukraine. At least two of them were destroyed by Russian troops in Kursk. It can be expected that Starmer’s new military package to Ukraine will face the same fate as the Challenger 2 battle tank – Russian forces destroying them.

Yet, despite British military equipment sent to Ukraine being destroyed effortlessly by Russian troops, in addition to the impossibility of Ukraine winning the war, Britain insists on maintaining a policy of trying to prolong the war despite massive domestic issues.

According to a survey by Ipsos published on August 19, 52% of citizens interviewed expressed a negative opinion about the direction the United Kingdom is taking, more than double the number who see the situation improving.

“22% said that they think things in Great Britain are heading in the right direction (-3 from Jul ’24), 52% wrong direction (+3), and 19% neither (N/C). This gives a net right direction of the country rating of -30, which is down from -24 last month,” Ipsos said of the survey results.

The poll found that the number of Britons with a favourable view of Keir Starmer has fallen to 38%, the same proportion as those without sympathy. Although Britons now view him with greater affinity, the article stresses that this is only the “honeymoon” period for the British leader.

Former Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak only garnered the support of 20% of those interviewed, behind Nigel Farage, leader of the right-wing Reform UK party (25%), and Ed Davey, leader of the Liberal Democrats (22%). Respondents also ranked the Labour Party first, with 40% giving it a positive rating and 37% a negative rating. The Conservatives received 21% support, the Liberal Democrats 24%, and Reform UK 23%.

Britain’s economy has performed lacklustrely over the past decade. High living costs, elevated interest rates, and faltering productivity gains have particularly affected citizens, causing the British economy to enter recession in the second half of 2023 as households cut back on spending. Although the Bank of England earlier this month raised its growth forecast from 0.5% to 1.25% for 2024, it warned of a weaker medium-term outlook as high interest rates hit activity.

As Simon Pittaway, a senior economist at the Resolution Foundation, explained: “Britain’s medium-term record is far less impressive, and has been driven by a growing population rather than rising productivity. Without a return to productivity growth, living standards will continue to stagnate and Britain will continue to fall behind its peers.”

Yet, despite the grim economic situation, with most citizens believing the country is heading in the wrong direction and Starmer very far from enjoying popular support, the British prime minister has instead prioritised figuring out how to continue assisting Ukraine despite already providing support to the tune of £12 billion, rather than serving the interests of Britons and alleviating the growing poverty in the country.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Ahmed Adel is a Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Up until the end of the 1990s, Monsanto was mainly a company focussed on producing and selling chemical pesticides. These kill bugs quickly and indiscriminately, ideal for large, monoculture farms and routine spraying, albeit devastating for biodiversity and human health. Monsanto didn’t care at all about non-chemical pesticides like those made with the soil microbe Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). So-called biopesticides, are slower acting and suited to smaller-scale production, with farmers monitoring the crops closely and spraying only when necessary. Though less harmful, biopesticides make much less money for companies, as they usually fall outside the patent industry’s grasp.

Monsanto’s interest in Bt piqued with the advent of genetic engineering. The company realised it could insert genes from Bt into plants, enabling them to produce the toxin non-stop throughout the plant. This could, in effect, turn the biopesticide into something more akin to a chemical pesticide— well suited to industrial monocropping. And, on top of it, Monsanto could patent this genetically engineered Bt and integrate it into its broader strategy of dominating the seed industry.

Organic farmers, who’d used Bt carefully for generations so as not to encourage insect resistance, knew that if Monsanto moved ahead with its plans, insect resistance would inevitably develop. Two decades later, with multiple species of insects resistant to Bt crops, we know that they were right.[1]

Ironically, Monsanto, bought by Bayer in 2018, is now one of several pesticide companies aggressively trying to take over the global market for biopesticides. From just a handful of companies engaged in the sector a couple of decades ago, there are an estimated 1,200 companies today. Most of these are startups and medium sized companies, but all of the top agrochemical corporations are involved, such as Bayer, BASF, Corteva, FMC, The Mosaic Group, Syngenta, UPL and Yara.[2] They are moving aggressively into the sector in their typical fashion– through buy-ups, licensing agreements and mergers (see Table 1).


Data compiled by GRAIN from company and media sources.


Growing Corporate Interest

Farmers around the world have always invented and used blends of different natural products to protect their crops from insects or to help with the fertility of their soils. It is a practice as old as agriculture itself and the formulas for these “bioinputs” have been passed down through generations. Today, most farmers, especially in the global South, still use bioinputs they produce on their own farms.[3]

It is only in recent years that agrochemical corporations have started to take interest in bioinputs, or, as they call them, “biologicals”. As the interest of agrochemical corporations in the sector has grown, so has the global market. In 2021, commercial bioinputs’ sales amounted about US$10 billion, which accounts for around 4% of the global agricultural input market. Analysts expect sales to double or even triple by 2028.[4]

A good chunk of the global bioinput market is in fact already in the hands of the top pesticide companies. In 2022, Bayer sold US$214 million worth of bioinputs and it expects sales to reach US$1.6 billion by 2035.[5] Corteva says it sold US$420 million worth in 2023 and the Syngenta Group says it sold US$400 million.[6]

These corporations and their competitors are mainly focussed on biopesticides, which are the biggest sellers, estimated to account for half of the global bioinputs market. The remainder of the market is made up of biofertilisers, which provide nutrients to plants, and biostimulants, which boost the plant’s ability to absorb nutrients.[7] The companies are also fixated on just a few microbes. Bt-based products account for 90% of the global biopesticide market, while 60% of biofungicides contain Trichoderma spp.[8] When it comes to biofertilisers, Cyanobacteria, a blue-green algae with the ability to fix nitrogen and produce growth-promoting vitamins and enzymes, gets most of the attention.[9]

The largest regional market for bioinputs is the US/Canada, followed by Asia-Pacific, Europe and Latin America. Brazil is one of the fastest growing markets, and a major focus of agrochemical companies. By June 2024, 1,273 agricultural bioinputs were registered for sale in the country, half of them for biopesticides and half for biofertilisers, and the vast majority for use on Brazil’s top monoculture crops– soybeans, maize and wheat.[10] Of these products, 82% were made by foreign companies, with Bayer alone accounting for 12%.[11] According to the Brazilian Ministry of agriculture, biofertilisers are currently applied on nearly 40 million hectares, and biopesticides are used on 10 million hectares.[12]

What are bioinputs?

Bioinputs include principally biopesticides, biofertilisers and biostimulants. It is generally agreed that they are all derived from two main sources: biochemical substances and living organisms (microbes and macroorganisms). The most common in the market are microbial bioinputs (using bacteria, fungi and viruses).[13] Subspecies and strains of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) are the most widely used, having been commercialised for decades.[14]Another microbe, the Rhizobacteria, has been used in biofertilisers since the nineteenth century.[15] However, there is no standard definition for bioinputs. In Brazil, the legislation defines it loosely as a product, process or technology of plant, animal or microbial origin for use in the production, storage and processing of agricultural products, aquatic production systems or planted forests.[16]

A Toxic Agenda

What’s behind this newfound interest in bioinputs among the agrochemical giants? In the case of biopesticides, a main factor is that they are cheaper and faster to bring to market than chemical pesticides. In the US, the development of a new biopesticide costs between US$3 to US$7 million and can be commercialised in four years, while a chemical pesticide takes three times as long to develop, and can cost more than US$280 million. Increasing bans on toxic pesticides and lawsuits (such as the one over Roundup) are another reason, along with costs along the supply chain that can be lower for biopesticides than for fossil-fuel based agrochemicals. In addition, biological resistance to chemical pesticides is increasing as a result of their massive use in monocultures.[17]

The agrochemical corporations are also interested in integrating bioinputs into their digital platforms, which are increasingly connected with “regenerative agriculture” and “carbon farming” programmes that they offer to farmers and downstream food companies. Bayer, for example, sells biopesticides and biostimulants, but is also moving into the field of fertilisers by investing in engineered nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Bioinputs are integrated in its strategy for regenerative agriculture, carbon farming, gene editing and digital platforms. The “farm of the future” package it plans to sell includes a system where a farmer supposed to do regenerative agriculture uses Bayer’s gene edited maize and soybean. Then, through their digital platform the farmer gets “tailored” recommendations from Microsoft Azure based on historic data. The farmer is supposed to harvest cover crops as low carbon biofuel and to sell carbon credits via the corporations’ carbon programme.[18] The Indian fertiliser company UPL has similar plans through their “” digital platform.[19]

But we should not confuse the interest agrochemical corporations now have in bioinputs with any turn away from their toxic chemicals. While farmers have traditionally used bioinputs as an additional strategy to manage pests and diseases, using them sparingly to avoid the development of resistance and the destruction of biodiversity, agrochemical companies want farmers to use their biopesticides in the same manner that they use their chemical pesticides– applying heavy doses in a routine manner as the means of killing any and all bugs. Indeed, for companies like Bayer, bioinputs are complementary to its agrochemical package.[20] In 2016, it developed a ‘toolbox’ that includes both chemical pesticides and biopesticides in a digital platform designed to assess how the products should be combined. Part of the package for farmers participating in the programme are drip irrigation systems, designed by the Israeli company Netafim. It was first marketed in Mexico, where a partnership with PepsiCo was signed, and then expanded to the Mediterranean region, Australia, South Africa, Brazil and Chile, and more recently China and Vietnam.[21]

FMC Corp, one of the largest US-based agrochemical companies, says it will sell bioinputs “in concert” with agrochemicals, and has even developed a Bt biopesticide (Ethos Elite LFR) which includes synthetic insecticide and fungicide.[22]

The same logic applies to biofertilisers. For example, in 2023, Yara launched a biostimulant “to complement” its fertiliser portfolio, and Novonesis recommends the “co-application” of biofertilisers and chemical fertilisers.[23]

And there is another important factor driving agrochemical corporations into the bioinputs market. Advances in gene editing, synthetic biology and data science make it easier for corporations to identify microbes of interest, develop bioinputs from them, and, perhaps most importantly, secure monopoly control through patents (See Box: Monopoly games).[24] The corporations are betting that they will be able to bring these genetically modified products onto market without any regulatory obstacles.

Monopoly games

Between 2000 and 2023, more than 44,000 patent applications for bioinputs have been registered worldwide. Biofertilisers appear to account for two-thirds of the applications, but this figure needs to be nuanced as there is overlap with biopesticides in a significant number of cases. China has led the way by a wide margin, accounting for 80% of all applications. But 97% of the applications in China were exclusively presented at the domestic level, and mostly made by Chinese universities.[25]

The number of patent applications filed in more than one country is a good indicator of the main markets for corporate players. The principal countries where patents are sought for bioinputs are the US, the European Union, China, Australia, Canada, Brazil, Japan, India, Mexico, South Korea, Spain, Argentina, South Africa, Russia and Germany. Bayer is far and away the leader in terms of applications in more than one country. It is followed by a handful of agribusiness giants and a mix of lesser-known agri-tech companies: BASF, Novonesis (former Novozymes), Pivot Bio, Newleaf Symbiotic, Marrone Bio, Valent Biosciences, Locus Agriculture IP Company, Danstar ferment, Syngenta, FMC, Idemitsu Kosan, Spogen Biotech and Sumitomo Chemical.[26]

The corporate rush into the bioinput market could trigger a new wave of life form privatisation, many of which have been used by peasant communities. Patents on processes and genetic sequences of microorganisms will create a corporate-led bioinput market, granting monopoly rights to patent holders. This means that those who wish to use products containing certain patented products or processes must obtain authorisation or pay for their use. This can result in farmers being heavily fined and even imprisoned.[27]

Playing the Sorcerer’s Apprentice with Microbes

The involvement of agrochemical corporations in genetically modifying microbes for bioinputs goes back at least a decade. The Japanese giant Sumitomo Chemical acquired Valent BioSciences, a developer of genetically modified (GM) Bt biopesticides in 2013.[28] Bayer, for its part, has a joint venture with Ginkgo Bioworks, called Joyn Bio, that is developing a nitrogen-producting GM microbe for maize, rice and wheat.[29]

“We can go look at the genome of the microbe of the soy, read the DNA code, find the part of it that says ‘Hey, here’s how you produce fertiliser’, go on the computer, redesign it, hit print, and then install that code into microbes that live on the roots of corn. That’s the project we’ve been working on with Bayer”, explains Jason Kelly, Ginkgo Bioworks’ CEO.[30]

Bayer is also supporting Eduardo Blumwald’s Laboratory at the University of California, Davis, to develop GM biostimulants for rice plants using the CRISPR gene editing technique.[31]

Another example lies in US startup Agbiome, which develops GM microbe-based bioinputs. Monsanto Growth Ventures were among its early investors.[32] More recently, Agbiome has signed partnerships with Mosaic, BASF and Genective (a joint venture between Limagrain and KWS), and Ginkgo Bioworks just announced its intention of acquiring the company.[33]

Some of these agrochemical corporation partnerships have already brought GM bioinputs to market, although because of a lack of transparency by both companies and regulators, it is not easy to identify those that have been commercialised or that are in the process of being approved.[34]


Brazil’s MST (Landless Workers Movement) giving their own bioinput training.


Friends of the Earth recently identified two such products that have been commercialised in the US. One is a GM bacteria-based biofertiliser called Proven that is produced by Pivot Bio, a US company backed by Monsanto Growth Ventures. Proven was the first genetically engineered (GE) microbe to be widely commercialised, back in 2019. The US authorities are meant to oversee new biotechnology products, to ensure they are safe for the environment and human and animal health.[35] But they decided not to regulate Proven, arguing that the wild form of the bacteria was not a pathogen and it was not engineered with foreign DNA. The other is a GM Bt seed treatment produced by BASF, as Poncho/VOTiVO. Although it is sold in a mixture with a highly problematic neonicotinoid insecticide that is toxic to beneficial insects, BASF succeeded in having it registered as a biostimulant, thereby avoiding the more stringent oversight that exists for biopesticides.[36]

As Friends of the Earth points out, the mass introduction of such GM microbes without meaningful regulatory oversight is of grave concern. These GM microbes are living organisms that can reproduce and interact with other species (for example by spreading to other microbes via horizontal gene transfer) in unpredictable ways. And the scale of the risk is even greater than for GM crops. Whereas three trillion GM maize plants are grown each year in the US, an application of GM bacteria can release the same number of GM organisms on just two hectares. The inability to contain the GM microbes also raises important environmental concerns, as well as risks for farmers who could wind up being sued by companies if patented GM microbes trespass onto their fields, as has happened with GM crops.[37]Added to this are the risks of resistance developing to conventional biopesticides or the health and environmental risks of the non-active ingredients used in the formulations of bioinputs, which are amplified when used in high volumes and across large areas.[38]

Surfing on Different Regulations

Beyond bioinputs, at the legal level, corporate lobbies are doing everything they can to prevent genetically engineered products from being considered GM. But this distinction is absurd because genetic manipulation poses the same risks in both cases.[39] Consequently, international legislation requires that any product developed through genome modification using modern biotechnology, even if the end product does not contain a foreign gene, must undergo health and environmental risk assessment and, if commercialised, labelling and monitoring.[40]

It is hardly surprising that the bioinput market is expanding most rapidly in countries like the United States, Brazil and Japan, where GM bioinputs can be commercialised without any assessment of their potential impact on the environment and health, and worse, without any means of identifying them.[41]

“It’s amazing the number of products that they [the Brazilian authorities] have been able to register in a short period of time [due to] policies that have been implemented to enable that to happen,” said recently Terry Stone of Corteva Agriscience, referring to bioinputs.[42]

Brazil’s market has doubled since 2020, when a National Bioinputs Programme was introduced.[43]Bioinputs, including those produced through genetic modification, can move through the regulatory process and be registered in less than 10 months in some cases.[44] Not only are there no obstacles for using GM microorganisms in bioinputs production, but an increasing number of GM products entering the country are not being defined as transgenic by the authorities because they are produced by genetic editing techniques that do not involve the insertion of genetic material from foreign organisms.[45] Over the past few years, 9 of the 65 genetically modified products classified by Brazil’s National Technical Biosafety Commission (CTNBio) as non-transgenic were bioinputs.[46]

Most of the biopesticides registered in the country are toxicologically classified as unlikely to cause harm and of low risk to the environment. Many have been approved for use in organic agriculture, which strictly prohibits the use of genetically modified organisms, including those produced through gene editing. Although Brazilian legislation requires a technical-scientific report before a new bioinput can be registered, this analysis only looks at agricultural viability and efficiency and not at its biosafety. Therefore, under the current regulation, it is impossible to know whether bioinputs are the result of genetic engineering, nor to know the scientific basis for this classification as it relates to health and environmental risks.

In the US, the Environmental Protection Agency regulates biopesticides under the same framework as chemical pesticides, but through a faster and cheaper registration process that can take less than a year. There are also no regulations that consider the specific properties of GM microbes and the same standards are used for chemical pesticides and microbes (GE or non-GM). In 2021, with the introduction of the “Sustainable, ecological, consistent, uniform, responsible, efficient” (SECURE) rule covering plant biotechnology regulations, a number of exemptions were made for the regulation of GM microbes, giving companies the right to judge for themselves if their product should be exempt from GM regulations and to sell microbes without oversight. Once GM microbes are released into the environment, there is no system to monitor their impact.[47]

Until recently, regulation was more stringent in the EU. Biostimulants are included in the fertiliser regulation, which limits the concentration of contaminants such as mercury, nickel, copper and zinc. It also restricts the development of biostimulants to four types of microorganisms, and they are not allowed to undergo any treatment other than drying or freeze-drying.[48] For biopesticides, they must still meet the authorisation criteria of the pesticides legislation, but a simplified authorisation procedure for microbial products has been approved for 2022.[49] Nevertheless, in the near future bioinputs may be affected by the GMO lobbying of large chemical and seed companies (See Box: European deregulation of new GMOs).

Things are also shifting in China, where biopesticides must still undergo environmental and health risk assessments to be registered, including field studies and assessments of maximum residue limits in food. But Chinese universities and companies, among them Syngenta, are world leaders in patents for agricultural bioinputs, and the Chinese government now encourages companies to develop and use biopesticides, offering ‘fast-track’ registration with less data requirements and reduced testing time. Overall, China is loosening its regulations on GM crops and, in 2017, the first biopesticide based on a genetically modified microbe (Bt G033A) was approved, although not for organic farming. Since 2022, genetically modified plants and products not considered transgenic can be registered for production and marketing without evaluation, just like conventional products.[50]

Worldwide, the debate on regulating bioinputs is complex and should draw on lessons learned from the fight against GMOs. There is a real risk that regulating the use, registration, transport and commercialisation of bioinputs could lead to the criminalisation of traditional farming practices. Strict regulation can make processes more expensive and strengthen corporate monopoly control. On the other hand, lax regulation can result in inadequate testing and increased risks of contamination or genetic modification. In any case, it’s crucial to preserve the free use of bioinputs produced by peasant and indigenous farmers.

A progressive legislative initiative is currently under discussion in Bolivia, promoted by Probioma, an association engaged in social mobilisation against GM crop expansion and in favour of agroecological practices. Probioma has been producing biofertilisers and biopesticides for thirty years, eschewing the corporate approach by not registering any patents. The proposed law on bioinputs aims to promote research and development of bioinputs to strengthen agroecological production and guarantee food sovereignty and security. However, the law includes elements that need to be carefully assessed due to potential risks of biopiracy and restrictions on farmers’ free use of products. It proposes creating a national certification system for bioinputs, with a differentiated register for those produced by peasant and indigenous agriculture. Registration for this sector would be voluntary and free of charge, except when the products are intended for commercialisation. Proponents of the law emphasise that it is grounded in a rejection of GMOs and seeks to prevent the authorisation of genetic engineering in the production of bioinputs.[51]

European deregulation of new GMOs

Last year, the European Commission proposed effectively deregulating “new genomic techniques” (NGT), which would exclude these genetically edited or modified organisms from existing GMO legislation. Currently, GMOs require authorisation to ensure risk assessment for human health and the environment, as well as adherence to labelling and traceability requirements. Despite opposition from NGO’s, scientists, and some farmers’ organisations, the European Parliament voted in favour of deregulating GMOs produced with NTGs.[52] While the Parliament supported labelling and detection -seen as a small victory for civil society- these measures rely on declarations from the industry. There is no obligation to publish the methods for detecting and identifying these products.[53] New genomic techniques remain prohibited in organic production. The debate continues, as the Council of Agriculture Ministers has failed to reach an agreement on this deregulation plan, largely due to concerns about patents on NGTs raised by farmers’ organisations.[54]

Agroecology Is Once Again the Answer

Industrial agriculture drives the climate crisis and numerous other global issues.[55] These problems won’t be solved by merely reducing pesticides and chemical fertilisers. They stem from the model and scale of industrial agriculture, which is embedded in a predatory and unjust global food system controlled by a few corporations.

If these same corporations take over bioputs, they will simply create a new business niche that won’t eliminate toxic agrochemicals but, on the contrary, extend their complementary use. Worse, corporate bioinputs are part of the false solutions to the climate crisis, wrapped in the new “green” packages of regenerative agriculture and agriculture digitalisation.[56]

What is needed is a shift to agroecology, grounded on farmer knowledge, collective innovation and food sovereignty. We must reject expensive, patented corporate techno-fixes that only perpetuate industrial agriculture and its devastating consequences.


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[1] Eva Sirinathsinghji, “Bt crops past their sell-by date: a failing technology searching for new markets?”, TWN Biotechnology & Biosafety Series, 2022,

[2] The Mixing Bowl, “2023 Ag Biologicals Landscape”, 2023,

[3] FAO, “Bioinsumos. Oportunidades de inversión en América Latina”, 2023,

[4] See: FAO, “Bioinsumos. Oportunidades de inversión en América Latina”, 2023,; Fortune Business Insights, “Agricultural Biologicals Market, 2022-2029”, 2023,; MarketResearch Biz, “Agricultural Biologicals Market”, 2023,

[5] See: Bayer, “Bayer to deliver ten blockbusters in ten years”, 17 June 2024,; Bayer, “2023 Annual report”, 2024,; Horti Daily, “Biologicals are part of the solution to secure global food supply”, 30 October 2015,

[6] See: Corteva Agriscience, “2023 Annual report”, 2024,; Syngenta Group, “Syngenta Group reports $32.2 billion sales and $4.6 billion EBITDA in 2023”, 29 March 2024,

[7] See: Fortune Business Insights, “Agricultural Biologicals Market, 2022-2029”, 2023,; MarketResearch Biz, “Agricultural Biologicals Market”, 2023,

[8] FAO, “Bioinsumos. Oportunidades de inversión en América Latina”, 2023,

[9] Research and Markets, “Global biofertilizer market report by type, crop, microorganism, mode of application, and region 2024-2032”, April 2024,

[10] National Bioinputs Catalogue application with information on biopesticides and biofertilisers/inoculants registered with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, developed in partnership with Embrapa Digital Agriculture to implement the National Bioinputs Programme provided for in Decree 10.375/2020.

[11] Instituto Nacional da Propiedade Industrial (INPI), “Radar tecnológico. Bioinsumos na agricultura: inoculantes”, 2023,

[12] Embrapa, “Bioinsumos: Tendência de crescimento no Brasil”, 8 December 2023,

[13] See: Friends of the Earth, “Genetically engineered soil microbes: risks and concerns”, August 2023,; AgFunder, “Biological progress or bathtub brews? The state of US crop biologicals in 2024”, 21 March 2024,; The Mixing Bowl, “2023 Ag Biologicals Landscape”, 2023,

[14] See: EPA, “What are biopesticides?”, n/d,; Friends of the Earth, “Genetically engineered soil microbes: risks and concerns”, August 2023,

[15] ETC Group, “Food barons 2022. Crisis profiteering, digitalization and shifting power”, 2022,

[16] For a more detailed definition, see: Ministerio da Agricultura e Pecuária, “Bioinsumos”, n/d,

[17] Friends of the Earth, “Genetically engineered soil microbes: risks and concerns”, August 2023,

[18] Bayer, “Bayer crop science sustainability progress report”, October 2023,

[19] See:

[20] See: Bayer, “Innovation inspired by nature”, n/d,; AgFunder, “Q&A w/ Bayer: ‘It would be detrimental to take chemical crop protection out of the toolbox’”, 5 july 2023,

[21] See: Bayer, “Looking below ground level with Root2Success: Managing root health in horticulture crops in a sustainable manner”, n/d,; AgNews, “Bayer launches its first biofungicide Serenade to Chinese market”, 3 March 2020,—34380.htm; Bayer, “The Bayer’s newly launched bio-fungicide product amplifies crop yield and quality, offering an effective, safe and environment-friendly crop protection solution for Vietnamese farmers”, 31 October 2023,

[22] Eric Sfiligoj, “Biologicals in row crops: building towards a brighter future”, CropLife, 23 April 2024,

[23] See:; Muhammad Arsalan, “Integration of biofertilizers with chemical fertilizers: an environmental friendly approach towards sustainable agriculture”, LinkedIn, 11 May 2023,

[24] ETC Group, “Food barons 2022. Crisis profiteering, digitalization and shifting power”, 2022,

[25] Instituto Nacional da Propiedade Industrial (INPI), “Radar tecnológico. Bioinsumos na agricultura: inoculantes”, 2023,

[26] Instituto Nacional da Propiedade Industrial (INPI), “Radar tecnológico. Bioinsumos na agricultura: inoculantes”, 2023,

[27] La Via Campesina and GRAIN, “Seed laws that criminalise farmers: resistance and fightback”, 8 April 2015,

[28] See: Antonina Sorokan, et. al. “Genetic engineering approach for next-generation of Bt-based agents”, 6 December 2023,; NON GMO Project, “ New GMO Alert: gene-edited microbes introduce a new twist in GMO agriculture”, n/d,

[29] See: Bayer, “Bayer and Ginkgo Bioworks close deal creating Agricultural Biologicals Powerhouse”, 18 October 2022,; Matt Blois, “Can microbes replace synthetic fertilizer?”, Chemical & Engineering News, 31 July 2023,; Elie Dolgin, “Bioengineers aim to break Big Ag’s addiction to fertilizers”, IEEE Spectrum, 31 May 2018,

[30] Bayer, “Bayer biologics: innovation through partnership”, 2023,

[31] Eduardo Blumwald’s Laboratory, “Projects”, n/d,

[32] Louisa Burwood-Taylor, “Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation makes first agtech investment in AgBiome’s $34.5m series B”, AgFunder, 20 August 2015,

[33] See: ETC Group, “Food barons 2022. Crisis profiteering, digitalization and shifting power”, 2022,; Jennifer Marston, “The Week in AgriFoodTech: Windfall Bio scoops up $28m, TerraClear bags $15m, Ginkgo buys AgBiome assets”, 11 April 2024,

[34] Friends of the Earth, “Genetically engineered soil microbes: risks and concerns”, August 2023,

[35] USDA, “Regulation of biotech plants”, n/d,

[36] Friends of the Earth, “Genetically engineered soil microbes: risks and concerns”, August 2023,

[37] Friends of the Earth, “Genetically engineered soil microbes: risks and concerns”, August 2023,

[38] For more information on the risks of GM microorganisms, see: “Les Micro-organismes Génétiquement Modifiés, avec Christophe Noisette”, Le Goût du Rêve, 26 July 2024,

[39] Corporate Europe Observatory, “Biotech lobby’s push for new GMOs to escape regulation”, 2 February 2016,

[40] The Cartagena Protocol on biosafety defines as living modified organism “any living organism that possesses
a novel combination of genetic material obtained through the use of modern biotechnology” (see:

[41] 2BMonthly, “Is the EU regulatory framework providing a benefit yet for biological companies?”, AgriBusiness Global, 13 February 2024,

[42] Jennifer Marston, “‘The pressure is on’ as ag biologicals evolve past ‘the peak of inflated expectations’”, AgFunder, 2 July 2024,

[43] Embrapa, “Bioinputs: Growth trend in Brazil”, 8 December 2023,

[44] Rick Melnick, “Brazil’s strong showing”, AgriBusiness Global, n/d,

[45] National Technical Biosafety Commission (CTNBio), “Liberações Comerciais. Micro-organismos geneticamente modificados e seus derivados aprovados comercialmente para uso comercial no brasil”,

[46] National Technical Biosafety Commission (CTNBio), “Tecnologias inovadoras de melhoramento genético (RN16)”,

[47] Friends of the Earth, “Genetically engineered soil microbes: risks and concerns”, August 2023,

[48] See:

[49] See:; and

[50] See: Reach24h, “China biological pesticides: compliance suggestions and market analysis”, 13 April 2022,; CIRS Agrochemicals, “China microbial pesticide registration”, n/d,; Chemlinked, “China MoARA drafts active ingredient list to facilitate biopesticide registration”, 20 March 2020,

[51] Sources: Personal communication by Miguel Ángel Crespo, member of the board, Probioma; Probioma, “Presentan proyecto de ley para la fabricación y uso de bioinsumos agroecológicos”, 10 May 2023,

[52] See:

[53] See: Eurovia, “Press release – European Parliament votes on GMOs/NGTs and seeds: Repeated violations of peasants’ rights”, 25 April 2024, ; Corporate Europe Observatory, “Take action! New GMOs need to stay checked for safety and labelled”, 15 January 2024,; Demeter, “New GMOs: old claims and false promises. Briefing paper – proposal on new genomic techniques”, 22 August 2023,

[54] Sources: Personal communication by European Coordination Via Campesina and the Corporate Europe Observatory; Greenpeace, “EU food safety watchdog backs controversial Commission plan on new GMO plants”, 11 July 2024,

[55] GRAIN, “New poster on food and the climate crisis”, 2024,

[56] See: GRAIN, “Regenerative agriculture was a good idea, until corporations got hold of it”, 1 December 2023,; GRAIN, “An agribusiness greenwashing glossary”, 7 September 2022,

Featured image: Introduction of Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) corn in Kenya (2003).Creative commons

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By Philip Giraldi, August 18, 2024

Does anyone really think that Iran threatens the United States? It’s only plausible if you can be convinced by a congenital liar and war criminal like Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or by a buffoon like Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

From Agrarianism to Transhumanism: The Long March to Dystopia

By Colin Todhunter, August 18, 2024

We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain. The big data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose their model of food and agriculture on the world.

What’s Behind Regime Change in Bangladesh

August 20th, 2024 by Brian Berletic

It would be a mistake for Russia to ignore this large agglomeration of forces since some of them might soon be redeployed to the Donbass and/or Kursk fronts.

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko told leading Russian media in a recent interview that Ukraine has deployed a whopping 120,000 troops along the border, which adds context to Belarus’ earlier reported buildup there that was analyzed here last week. This number is surprising since it suggests that Ukraine isn’t anywhere near running out of troops like some in the Alt-Media Community have speculated over the past two years might soon happen.

While it’s true that resistance to Ukraine’s forcible conscription policy has increased since the age of conscription was dropped to 25 from 28 this spring, and some forces were diverted from Donbass to Kursk, this large number shows that there are still plenty of troops available that haven’t yet begun to fight. It’s also worth noting that this is twelve times the number that participated in Ukraine’s sneak attack against Russia’s Kursk Region according to the Wall Street Journal.

Battles of been raging inside of Russia’s borders for two weeks already as part of Zelensky’s newly declared goal of carving out Ukraine’s own “buffer zone” along the lines of what Russia has sought to do in Ukraine’s Kharkov Region since early May. It’s therefore frightening to imagine what the Ukrainian force on Belarus’ southern border could hypothetically achieve if they crossed the frontier. Lukashenko reassured his interlocutor that it’s heavily mined though so perhaps a repeat of Kursk isn’t possible.

Nevertheless, it’s extremely unlikely that Ukraine will keep that many troops in reserve indefinitely, especially as Russia continues gaining ground in Donbass. They could also be redeployed to Kursk to fortify Ukraine’s gains there or even as part of another sneak attack against a different Russian region like Bryansk or Belgorod. The reason why they’ve yet to be sent to any of those fronts is due to Ukraine’s fear of a joint Russian-Belarusian invasion from the latter’s Gomel Region.

Lukashenko said that this was the reason that Ukraine shared for its military buildup along their frontier, which he blamed on the US maliciously feeding them false intelligence about his side’s intentions. If Ukraine has no secret plans to invade Belarus and is confident in what Italy’s La Repubblica newspaper reported earlier this year about how NATO would conventionally intervene in Ukraine’s support if Belarus invades, then it might soon begin redeploying some of these troops to those other fronts.

That can’t be taken for granted though, but in any case, the point is that Ukraine still has a whopping 120,000 troops that haven’t yet begun to fight. This means that Russia mustn’t let its guard down in Bryansk or Belgorod Regions, nor must it assume that a breakthrough in Donbass and Kursk is inevitable due to Ukraine’s supposedly imminent military collapse there. It should also remain prepared for the possibility of a Ukrainian sneak attack against Belarus.

To be clear, no such sneak attacks or reinforcements might materialize, or they might also not make a difference if they do. That said, it would be a mistake for Russia to ignore this large agglomeration of forces since that could greatly raise the chances that they’d indeed be effective if deployed to battle. It remains to be seen what their future role will be, but observers should closely monitor all movements along that front for signs that some of them might finally be about to enter the fight.


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

Kamala Refuses to Hire Unvaxxed for Campaign

August 19th, 2024 by Ben Bartee

Kamala, great respecter of The Science™ and pharmaceutical industry cash, has decreed the unvaxxed unhireable in recent campaign staff position postings.

One such posting, located here, for a “National Booker” — tasked with “managing day-to-day relationships with media bookers,  and developing strategies to increase the visibility of campaign spokespeople and surrogates across TV networks, radio, digital streaming programs, podcasts, and more” — reads (emphasis added):

Harris for President requires all employees to be “up to date” on COVID-19 vaccination status as prescribed by the CDC as a condition of employment, unless otherwise prohibited by applicable law. If you seek a reasonable accommodation in relation to the campaign’s COVID-19 policy, you should speak to the HR Department*prior to reporting to an office location.”

Via Snopes:

“As Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign gathered momentum in August 2024, a video of the U.S. vice president in which she purportedly claimed 220 million people in the U.S. had died from COVID-19 began to circulate on TikTok:..

Her full quote read (emphasis ours): 

We’re looking at over 220 million people who just over the last several months, died. You know, it breaks your heart. Many people who without their loved ones, because of the nature of the virus, without somebody to be there with them in the hospital and hold their hand, in their last days on Earth, were by themselves. We’re looking at over 8 million people in our country who have contracted the virus with untold long-term impact. We’re looking at over 30 million people that because of the economic impact of this virus, have had to file for unemployment.”

Look, you can’t really blame her: she only has ten fingers to count on. Once you get into the tens, much less the thousands or millions, everything gets a little fuzzy.


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Armageddon Prose.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. Follow his stuff via Substack. Also, keep tabs via Twitter.

The August heat is becoming far more dangerous than we usually expect, with “outside temperatures” reaching a boiling point much faster than we’re accustomed to. Unfortunately, this isn’t a simple metaphor and things are bound to get a lot worse if nothing changes anytime soon.

Namely, we all know about the Kursk oblast (region) incursion that the NATO-backed Neo-Nazi junta has been conducting for around two weeks now. Somewhat surprisingly, the mainstream propaganda machine has been ambivalent about the Kiev regime’s latest adventure, with many media outlets showing concern that their favorite puppets are wasting precious resources, while others adopted a more cheerleading approach and are intentionally inflating the “successes” of the Neo-Nazi junta forces, presenting this as a “major victory” when it’s actually a minor nuisance aimed at diverting attention away from the Kiev regime’s collapsing defenses in the Donbass.

However, this doesn’t change the fact that the Kursk oblast incursion, no matter how strategically insignificant, is being conducted in a way that’s far too well coordinated for the Neo-Nazi junta to be able to do it all alone. As per usual, the “plausibly deniable” (and yet, very visible) hand of the United States and NATO is slowly being uncovered in the tiny area that the Kiev regime has occupied.

Obviously, this was to be expected after the political West participated in organizing not only terrorist attacks on hundreds of Russian civilians, but also the direct attack on beachgoers in Sevastopol. The targeting of regular Russian troops has been going on for around two and a half years now, with the US and NATO providing ample ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) support, including through advanced AI systems. All this is proof that the political West is determined to provoke a violent Russian response.

To better understand just how dangerous all this is, days before the Kursk oblast incursion, US/NATO and the Neo-Nazi junta tried to assassinate President Vladimir Putin and Russian Defense Minister Andrei Belousov. The Kremlin gave a very clear warning to the political West – it’ll be getting an immediate thermonuclear war in case it ever tries anything like it. However, the Kursk oblast incursion soon followed, putting additional pressure on Moscow. It’s clear that the attack was planned very carefully, months in advance, meaning that it’s very possible the real goal was to assassinate Putin and/or Belousov and then launch the incursion, possibly to cause a breakdown in Moscow’s leadership and perhaps even a Maidan-style revolution that would effectively defeat Russia. Since the Eurasian giant is seen as the spearhead of multipolarity, destroying at least its sovereignty (and eventually its statehood) is critically important for the political West.

Russia is certainly aware of such plans and has already conducted nuclear drills to demonstrate the readiness of its strategic forces. However, it seems this is simply not enough. When dealing with lunatics, it’s very difficult to successfully employ logic as a viable counterargument. Thus, even some in the political West have suggested that Putin should be “a little crazier” to avoid nuclear war. This clearly implies that many Western analysts are perfectly aware of the fact that warmongers and war criminals who are running their countries are completely detached from reality and that they desperately need to get “punched in the face” in order to realize they’ll also suffer the consequences of the escalation they’re trying to cause in Europe and around the world. Moscow’s intelligence apparatus is already certain that the US and NATO are directly involved, but Russian leadership keeps trying to avoid getting the entire world blown up.

President Putin’s top aide and former Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev recently stated that the US is lying about supposedly “not knowing” that the Kursk oblast incursion was to take place, insisting that “without their participation and direct support, Kiev would not have ventured into Russian territory”. He also added there’s evidence that NATO intelligence services are providing direct support to the Neo-Nazi junta forces. Considering that Patrushev headed the FSB for nearly a decade and that he’s one of Putin’s closest associates, it’s a given he’s privy to such information. And yet, Washington DC is still trying to maintain “plausible deniability”. No doubt that this is not only yet another attempt by the US to deny its responsibility, but also a way to further enrage Moscow in order to create the illusion that NATO is a “defensive alliance protecting Europe from aggressive Russia”. And it’s working for the most part.

Despite massive issues, the US Military Industrial Complex is making a killing selling American hardware to various European countries that are preparing for war with the Kremlin. By prolonging the war in Ukraine, Washington DC is also giving its vassals and satellite states in Europe the illusion they can “win” a direct confrontation with Russia. This is why maintaining the PR segments of the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict is so important for the US. After the failed assassination attempt on Putin and Belousov, the Kursk oblast incursion turned into precisely that, a ludicrous “PR victory” while the Kiev regime’s lines in the Donbass are collapsing. This entirely avoidable NATO-orchestrated war started in the Donbass and that’s precisely where it will end, as the main strategic military assets of the Neo-Nazi junta are in that area. Russia will continue grinding down the Kiev regime forces and the political West can only stop it with a world-ending escalation.


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is a screenshot from Hindustan Times c/o InfoBrics

Important video

A meeting was held at the Milken Institute including Dr. Anthony Fauci, HHS officials and Senior Vice President of the Rockefeller Foundation Dr. Rick Bright,

It happened in October 2019, before the Pandemic.

“Why do we not blow the system up”, disrupting the bureaucratic process, establishing “an entity of excitement”.

Dr. Rick Bright intimated that a new virus from China could be used to enforce a universal vaccine.  “We could use the RNA sequence from that”.

The Milken Institute is generously funded by the Rockefellers and Wall Street.

Although the panel discussion centered on Influenza, the OAN report suggests is that the planning of the Covid-19 pandemic and the mRNA “vaccine” was well underway BEFORE THE PANDEMIC.

The statement of the VP of the Rockefeller Foundation Rick Bright, concerning RNA sequencing of a new virus from China is revealing. Nonetheless, this was a public event broadcast live by C-Span on October 30th, 2019.

Also, less than two weeks earlier, a Table Top Simulation of a new corona virus pandemic was carried out under auspices of the  John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health, Centre for Heath Security (an event sponsored by the Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum).(Event 201)

In a (February 1, 2020)  interview, Richard Hatchett, CEO of  the (Gates Foundation Supported) Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) intimated that the project to develop a mRNA vaccine commenced in early 2019“We did that in the last year or so [early 2019]. … ”


Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, October 31 2021



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  • Comments Off on Video: Fauci, HHS Officials and the Rockefellers Discuss How a “New Virus from China” Could be Used to Enforce A Universal Vaccine: IT HAPPENED IN 2019 BEFORE THE PANDEMIC

Algeria has just recalled its Ambassador from Paris in response to France’s support of the Moroccan autonomy plan for the disputed Western Sahara region. Moreover, amid the escalation of tensions, Algeria has started to block deportations of its citizens from the European country, by refusing to take back those given deportation orders by the French authorities. Such a new migration spat could be just the beginning. Paris in fact also risks facing gas export sanctions from the North African country.

On July 30, Macron sent a note to Moroccan King Mohammed VI, supporting his majesty’s claims over Western Sahara. This development, albeit subtle, has been described as a pivotal strategic move by some analysts, marking a shift in French foreign policy for West Africa. As we know, the European power’s influence in that continent has been declining, as seen in the disasters (from a France’s perspective) in Niger, Mali, and Chad.

I wrote on the roots of the Western Sahara conflict elsewhere. The Moroccan authorities in Rabat today control most of that region, largely populated by the Sawari people (an ethnic group composed of several mixed tribes of Arab, Berber, and Black African elements), while the Algeria-backed Polisario Front and its guerrilla control the border region. The self-proclaimed Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), founded by the aforementioned Front, remains a full member of the African Union, and the United Nations maintains that the Polisario Front is a legitimate representative of the Sahrawi people. On the other hand, Morocco’s claims to Western Sahara have been supported by both the Arab League and the Arab Maghreb Union.

One may recall that former US President Donald Trump’s 2020 recognition of the Moroccan claims was a kind of “quid pro quo” after the Moroccan authorities in Rabat normalized its relations with the state of Israel. The Western Sahara question was a divisive issue back then and remains so (just as the normalization deals with Israel were and are) and at the time I wrote that the American move could enhance pre-existent tensions beyond the Maghreb region, affecting the geopolitics of Africa. Such has been precisely the case. According to Joseph Huddleston (associate professor in the School of Diplomacy and International Relations at Seton Hall University), “through its involvement in the Western Sahara-Morocco case, the United States has undermined international norms once again. US policy towards MINURSO (The United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara) has damaged UN functions. In 2020, the United States undermined the UN’s position by recognizing Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara.”

The situation in the disputed region has persistently kept the contours of a frozen conflict amid a five-decade proxy war between Rabat and Algiers. The pressing issue today could be summarized thus: why is French President Emmanuel Macron following Trump’s steps?

As I wrote in April, Macron has been clearly trying to “show strength”, as exemplified by his rather sudden new “tougher” and hawkish stance on Russia. This has to do with displaying greater autonomy from Washington, albeit always within NATO’s frameworks, and with “flexing muscle” in preparation for a new Trump presidency scenario. The French leader has been thus pushing daring shifts in foreign policy but faces plenty of domestic challenges amid a political crisis that may not have come to an end yet.

According to Salih Kaya (an editor at TRT Haber, and a Ph.D. candidate at Galatasaray University), since the 2011 Libyan war Morocco has become increasingly critical in such a way that “West African countries are obliged to pass through the infrastructure Morocco offers”, thereby replacing the role of a gateway country that Libya once had (before NATO destroyed it). It also has “invested heavily in its soft power in sub-Saharan Africa for many years”, as Kaya describes it. Unlike most of its neighbors, Rabat adopts a Westernist or Western-oriented approach and discourse, and Paris has thus “seen a window of opportunity for its national interest” there, says Kaya. For Macron, supporting Rabat’s territorial claims on the issue of Western Sahara is a kind of bargaining chip that is part of a potentially larger partnership. According to Kaya, in doing so, “France can regain influence through Morocco’s soft power, while Morocco gains legitimacy for its claims over Western Sahara.”

That is a lot at stake, both from European and North African perspectives. Algeria itself has become the EU’s third largest gas supplier since the Russian-Ukrainian conflict started in 2022, and France has been seeking to increase its own supply of Algerian gas. Gas is of course tremendously important for post-Nord Stream Europe, being used for household heating (over 30% of the EU households depend on it), power generation, and industrial processes. In the context of Western support for Ukraine, the European bloc has been trying to replace Russian gas, but it still remains very much dependent on it.

One may recall that Moscow used to provide about 40% of Europe’s natural gas, as recently as 2022, before Nord Stream was blown up in a terrorist attack carried out (according to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh) by the United States. In this context, Algiers aspires to become a key energy provider to Western Europe, however, as I wrote in January 2023, its tensions with neighboring Morocco are a problem, with the specter of a war always haunting the region. It therefore remains unrealistic, for a number of reasons, to expect any robust energy supply from North Africa pipelines to the EU – the latter still facing economic, energy and industry problems.

The ongoing crisis today in the Red Sea involving the Houthi rebels as well as the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza (which impacts the whole Middle East) are direct results of questionable American policies, as I’ve argued. Even today, US-brokered Moroccan-Israeli military ties fuel tensions with Algeria and other states. A new crisis is now unfolding in North Africa and this one once again has Washington’s fingerprints all over it.

Now France is also potentially contributing to further destabilize the region. It remains to be seen whether this foreign policy move will show itself to be rewarding even from a French national interest perspective or whether its outcomes will prove the whole shift to have been simply not worth it, with undesirable consequences for both Europe and Africa.


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This article was originally published on InfoBrics.

Uriel Araujo, PhD, is an anthropology researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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High-profile talks have been continuing for some time for a peace agreement on Gaza, involving diplomats of the USA, Qatar and Egypt. It is strange that the two main parties are not directly involved in these. Anyway, as peace must get all possible chances, the world is again waiting anxiously to see if a genuine justice based agreement can still be clinched by the diplomats and negotiators of the three countries against all the heavy odds.

Those who have been devoted to peace with justice from the outset should also come out with their own versions of justice based peace agreements now so as to provide base documents against which what finally emerges from the ongoing negotiations can be evaluated.

First and foremost, the peace agreement should provide for permanent ceasefire, not for a temporary one of six or eight weeks. There is hardly any peace achievement if all the horrible attacks are resumed again after a few weeks. Israeli armed forces should go away from Gaza. All aggression of Israeli settlers in West Bank should stop.

Secondly, all the remaining Israeli hostages should be returned and at the same time a significant number of Palestinian prisoners and detainees should be released. In the case of those remaining, there should be clear and firm assurance of no torture or mistreatment, as well as medical care for any harm already suffered by them.

Once peace in Gaza is secured, a very large-scale community-based relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction effort in Gaza should start.

Decisions relating to reconstruction work should be taken by communities and not by big construction companies. Apart from the existing funds available with UN and other agencies, these should be increased with additional funds donated voluntarily and generously by all countries and organizations that can afford to do so, with special emphasis on oil-rich neighboring countries.

However those who provided the weapons for the enormous destruction of Gaza, particularly the USA and Germany, should compulsorily provide almost an equal amount (equal to the money value of the weapons they provided during the war), or a very substantial share of this, for community-based relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction work, on the basis of the principle that those who provide the means of destruction must, at the very least, also provide the means of reconstruction. About one tenth of this compulsory payment should be kept aside for the Israeli victims of the Hamas assault of October 7. About one-tenth should be kept aside for the temporarily displaced people on both sides of the Israel-Lebanon border. The remaining eight-tenths should be dedicated to relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction effort in Gaza, although a small share of this can be shared with other Palestinians who have also suffered harm during the war.

Thus if at least a total of about 20 billion dollars or so is contributed by the weapon suppliers then 16 billion dollars can become available for Palestinians (mainly the people of Gaza), while at the same time two billion dollars becomes available for the Israeli victims of October 7 attack and two billion dollars can also become available for the displaced people on both sides of the Israel-Lebanon border, with the Israeli and Lebanese people getting equal help.

To utilize this fund properly while minimizing the possibilities of corruption and maladministration, special arrangements can be agreed upon. 

Once a satisfactory peace deal is secured, then Iran and Hezbollah should make separate announcements openly that now that peace in Gaza in achieved, in the wider interests of peace they are taking a decision not to launch their retaliatory attacks on Israel. This decision will be widely appreciated by all peace loving people of the world and will contribute to the moral strength of those who announce this decision, much more than any revengeful action taken by them may have contributed. Hezbollah and Israel should announce that their routine exchange of fire which causes so many problems for people living on the border of both sides will also stop and rehabilitation of people on both sides of the border will get priority attention.

Similarly Houthi rebels in Yemen should announce that now that peace in Gaza is secured, they will not be mounting any other attacks on ships or on other Israeli targets, or those of their allies.


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

Bharat Dogra is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save Earth Now. His recent books include Protecting Earth for Children, Planet in Peril, A Day in 2071 and Man over Machine. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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When the Springer Nature CUREUS Journal of Biomedical Sciences retracted one of the most comprehensive and valid risk-benefit analyses of the COVID-19 vaccines, they probably had no idea the message would be greatly amplified and now fully published in a pair of papers in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.

This manuscript evaluated all of the published data and has completely overturned a false narrative held by government agencies and the American College of Cardiology who erroneously assert that SARS-CoV-2 infection poses a greater risk of heart damage than vaccination. Mead et al importantly conclude the vaccines cause actual adjudicated and oftentimes fatal myocarditis while the infection remains a theoretical risk without adjudicated, autopsy proven cases.


COVID-19 Modified mRNA “Vaccines”: Lessons Learned from Clinical Trials, Mass Vaccination, and the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, Part 2. (2024). International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research , 3(2), 1246-1315.

The paper goes into great depth to enumerate harms from the shot along the lines of six domains where observed adverse events greatly outweigh claimed, theoretical benefits:

“We then categorize the principal adverse events associated with the modmRNA products with a brief systems-based synopsis of each of the six domains of potential harms: (1) cardiovascular, (2) neurological, (3) hematologic; (4) immunological, (5) oncological, and (6) reproductive. We conclude with a discussion of the primary public health and regulatory issues arising from this evidence-informed synthesis of the literature and reiterate the urgency of imposing a global moratorium on the modmRNA-LNP-based platform.”

The final call is clear, the COVID-19 mass, indiscriminate vaccination campaign should come to an end and with it, the four-year long false “safe and effective” narrative from the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex.


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Featured image is by Kateryna Kon/Shutterstock

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Why Might Ukraine Want Russia to Use Nuclear Weapons?

August 19th, 2024 by Andrew Korybko

This could lead to immense pressure upon Russia’s Global South partners to distance themselves from it and might also result in American retaliation against Russian forces inside of Ukrainian-claimed territory, both of which could reshape the conflict’s dynamics in Kiev’s favor and stave off its defeat.

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko warned on Sunday in an interview with leading Russian media that

“Such escalation on the part of Ukraine (by invading Kursk) is an attempt to push Russia to asymmetric actions. Well, let’s say to use nuclear weapons. I know for sure that Ukraine would be very happy if Russia or we used tactical nuclear weapons there. They will applaud it. Then, probably, we would hardly have allies left. In general, there would be no even sympathetic countries left.”

That sounds absurd on the surface, but it actually makes a lot of sense if one thinks more deeply about it. The use of nuclear weapons is taboo because of the physical and environmental damage that they cause. There are also credible fears that they’d lead to one’s nuclear-armed adversaries retaliating in a tit-for-tat fashion, thus rapidly climbing the escalation ladder to the brink of World War III. Nevertheless, several states still retain nuclear weapons for deterrence purposes in line with their respective doctrines.

As regards Russia’s, they can be employed in the event of a large-scale conventional attack that threatens the existence of the state, among other conditions. That hasn’t yet happened in the Kursk context, but the hypothetical scenario of that region or another being completely captured by Ukraine might be deemed by some decision-makers as meeting the criterion depending on how rapidly the front lines collapse. To be clear, there’s no credible indication that anything of the sort will unfold.

Nevertheless, Ukraine might capitalize upon its attack there by striking the nearby nuclear power plant. A top Russian military journalist had earlier warned that “[Ukraine] plan[s] to strike the storage sites of spent nuclear fuel of a nuclear power plant” in either Kursk or Zaporozhye. This then prompted the Russian Defense Ministry to officially declare that “tough military and military-technical countermeasures will be taken immediately” in that event.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that such strikes against those targets “could result in a large-scale technogenic catastrophe in Europe”, not to mention in the Russian heartland if the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant melts down in the aftermath. These combined conventional (invasion) and unconventional (de facto dirty bomb) attacks could push Russian decisionmakers closer to seriously considering the use of tactical nuclear weapons in response as a last resort out of self-defense.

Whether dropped inside of Russia’s own borders or Ukraine’s, they’d send a political shockwave across the world due to breaking the previously mentioned taboo, which could indeed lead to there being “no even sympathetic countries left” in support of Russia barring a few like North Korea. China and India would be under immense pressure to distance themselves from Russia, not just by the West, but also for appearance’s sake since they wouldn’t want to legitimize the use of nuclear weapons by their rivals.

Reports have also swirled that the US might conventionally retaliate against Russian forces inside of Ukrainian-claimed territory if nuclear weapons are used there, thus placing their proxy war on a direct path to World War III if that happens. Ukraine is still losing to Russia despite its sneak attack in Kursk so its leadership might have calculated, however “irrationally” it seems to objective observers, to provoke Russia into raising the stakes to that level.

It’s this escalation sequence that Lukashenko likely had in mind when warning that Ukraine wants Russia to use nuclear weapons, which could hypothetically occur if it completely captures a Russian region and/or is responsible for a nuclear catastrophe through its attacks against Russian nuclear power plants.  The first probably won’t happen since their offensive appears to have been halted, while the second is entirely in Ukraine’s hands, so it’s incumbent on the West to do its utmost to stop them from doing this.


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

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Alberta children have been dying for undetermined reasons since the start of the COVID-19 crisis — and the numbers are shocking, according to Canadian doctors speaking out on the matter.

From 2020 to 2022 the ‘number of unexplained deaths’ among children and adolescents in the province rose by more than 3,000%,” according to data from Alberta Health Services (AHS), the doctors said.  


Unexplained deaths in Alberta children

Unexplained deaths in Alberta children (An Injection of Truth)


Dr. Mark Trozzi, emergency medicine expert and practicing physician of 25 years, noted “the actual numbers are still small, but the percentage increase is extremely high.” 


Unexplained deaths in Alberta children

Unexplained deaths in Alberta children (An Injection of Truth)

The issue arose when doctors presented their findings at the United Conservative Party-endorsed An Injection of Truth event in June, and asserted the significant uptick in unexplained child deaths could be traced back to the mandatory mRNA injections and the impacts of lockdowns on children’s health.   

Speaking at a press conference at a later date, Calgary-Lougheed UCP Constituency Association President Darrell Komick, who led a panel of five Canadian doctors who had presented at the An Injection of Truth event, said it’s “highly unusual for children in our society to die at all; and it is extremely unusual for them to die and for us to not know why.” 

Worse, as Dr. William Makis told the conference, the office of Chief Medical Officer Deena Hinshaw started removing data on immune system damage in the double-vaccinated until the entire category of vaccine outcomes was deleted by summer 2022.   

Makis later shared screenshots of the deleted data with the Western Standard, organized by the date each section was deleted.


Vaccine outcome data

Vaccine outcome data (Dr. William Makis)

AHS spokesman James Wood told the Western Standard the questions regarding unexplained deaths “would be for Alberta Health (Ministry of Health)” and not AHS. He did not elaborate on the figures sent in the request for comment. 


Vaccine outcome data

Vaccine outcome data (Dr. William Makis)

Alberta Health Minister Adriana LaGrange’s office told the Western Standard the phenomenon could be explained by coding processes in partnership with StatsCan. In Alberta, “when deaths are initially registered, the cause of death is not coded at that time,” wrote spokesperson Andrea Smith. 

The minister’s office said Statistics Canada later inputs the cause of death. “Once the cause of death is identified, it is reclassified in vital statistics data. This means that more recent deaths are frequently coded as ‘unexplained’ until they are reclassified,” wrote Smith. 

LaGrange’s office mentioned Premier Danielle Smith’s UCP government’s recently established COVID-19 pandemic Response Task Force, created “through the Health Quality Council of Alberta to review pandemic-related data and to inform future decision making.”

“We will be reviewing their recommendations when presented,” wrote Smith. No acknowledgement of the sudden spike in child deaths was made. 

However, despite AHS’s side-stepping and Alberta Health’s explanation, Canadian doctors say there’s more to the story.

Dr. Chris Shoemaker, a comprehensive physician from Toronto, and member of the College of Family Physicians of Canada, at the An Injection of Truth event told the 550-strong crowd and a further 18,000 viewers watching the live stream he and his colleagues had received “enormous pushback,” including some of them losing their medical licence, but hoped what he called a “conciliation tour” would let Canadians know they wanted to inform the public on what they say is the truth about the experimental injections

The tour’s stated goal is to open up discussion and offer the public a different perspective on the impacts of the mRNA jabs on children. Doctors who still maintain the vaccine is “safe and effective” were repeatedly welcomed to speak, with a standing invitation open until the event kicked off. None responded to the call. 

Trozzi speaking at the press conference theorized that the increase in unexplained deaths in children in 2020 could be related to pandemic-era “lockdowns, closing schools, closing the parks, shutting down exercise and sports and keeping kids from getting sunshine.” 

These things, he said, amounted to “a violation of their immune systems.” His colleagues elaborated the window from zero to six years in a child’s life is critical for developing a healthy immune system. 

“If children are not properly exposed to microbial environments during that time frame, it can impact their immune system and render them much more susceptible to things like autoimmune diseases, allergies, and other diseases that have a dysregulated immune system,” said Dr. Byram Bridle, a viral immunology professor at the University of Guelph. On top of that, vaccines were rolled out, “which were not needed in these children. There was no rationale,” he said. 

Makis, an immunologist, oncologist and radiologist said that in 2022, he started seeing in the data “children were dying suddenly.” That was after the rollout of the first two doses of COVID-19 mRNA injections for children five to 11 years old, which he called for an immediate halt of in March 2022, and boosters for adolescents 12 to 19 years old.

“They didn’t need booster shots. But we have this massive rollout, hundreds of thousands of children (injected) in early 2022. And by the end of 2022, we had the deadliest flu season with the most pediatric deaths we have ever had in Canada,” said Makis. 

This phenomenon is called “negative vaccine efficacy,” which means the person is more likely to get COVID-19 a few months after the injection than an unvaccinated person. 

Makis seconded Trozzi’s assertion “children’s immune systems have gone through multiple assaults” after years of lockdowns and masking, but took it one step further — “we compounded that assault with the COVID-19 vaccines. Not just the first two doses, but the continued issuance of booster shots for children that didn’t need them. We know that there’s a complete change in the immune system” and it “completely screws up their immune systems by the third shot,” he said.

“And yet we have this continued push by AHS and other health institutions on these injections that are damaging children’s immune systems. We had healthy children dying of influenza, strep, of sepsis, of meningitis, at numbers we had never seen before.”

Dr. David Speicher, a microbiologist and virologist who personally examined 30 different vaccine vials, discussed in detail the toxicity of the lipid nanoparticles and the spike protein found in the shots. He pointed out early in the rollout, scientists insisted the injections stay localized in the arm, but that quickly became clear that wasn’t the case. That was the first warning sign for Speicher. 

He said he learned not only did “the lipid nanoparticles spread throughout the body,” injecting “high amounts of modified mRNA” into each cell, but the spike proteins “contain high amounts of DNA, up to 187 billion copies per dose.” The DNA contains the cancer-causing SV40 enhancer — a critical detail Pfizer did not disclose to Health Canada. SV-40 makes DNA hybrids and moves the fragment into the nucleus, altering genomes. 

The American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in March acknowledged COVID-19 was less dangerous than the flu, as did the BC Centre for Disease Control through a Freedom of Information request. The BC institute found in their own analysis the COVID-19 mRNA shots to be 16 times more dangerous than flu shots, said Bridle.

The next failure was inability to “contain this virus,” followed by “the way we responded, and treated our children.” He said the products developed were “so far from meeting Canada’s definition of an ideal vaccine, that it’s very difficult to still keep them under that umbrella term a vaccine.”

Bridle further noted Canada had a national pandemic response plan “that was thrown out when the COVID-19 pandemic was declared,” in favour of policies put forward by the World Health Organization (WHO). 

Shoemaker lamented the losses the nation took by listening to the WHO and rejecting pre-established pandemic national guidelines set out by Canadian experts. 

“We had a ‘Made in Canada’ program…15 years (prior to) COVID, outlining what is the correct thing to do if there’s a viral kind of pandemic. And the things that should have been done, weren’t. We rejected our scientifically made in Canada program as to how to legitimately handle a viral pandemic,” he said.

Canada “accepted an unacceptable way of doing it,” as dictated by the WHO: “wait for a vaccine and use a vaccine while the pandemic is going on,” said Shoemaker adding that practice is unheard of.

“You don’t give a vaccine for something when it’s still raging in society, you have to let it go over a year and a half. Vaccination programs only occur when things are quiet,” he said.

“That’s when vaccines are legitimate. That’s when safe vaccines are legitimate.”


COVID-10 mRNA vaccines to-date

COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to-date (Government of Canada)


“There was another dark side to this, which is the influence from the WHO, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and others,” said Trozzi.

“We know that the World Economic Forum is heavily embedded in Canadian governments and institutions. There’s a huge global power grab, because on the basis of a cold, or manmade cold, they suspended human rights.”

Doctors, scientists and nurses who questioned the mRNA shots, for example the ingredients, were punished, while those who were in favour of it were published and rewarded, he said. Trozzi himself had his medical license revoked in January after allegations he was spreading “misinformation” about the jabs. 

Trozzi, when asked about the long-term consequences on young people affected by the vaccine and if immune systems can be restored, told the Western Standard there are ways for people to detox, but a weakened immune system can lead to a variety of serious health challenges, like microvascular hardening resulting in stroke, pulmonary embolism, myocarditis, kidney failure, diabetes, tissue toxicity and autoimmune health issues.

“We can expect that to be a wave that moves forward, we’re already seeing that rise in all autoimmune conditions. Remember, in Canada, if a doctor recognizes (it’s the injections) that’s causing this, and says that,  they lose their licence.” 

“So you can get diagnosed with myocarditis, but you can’t get diagnosed with myocarditis due to spike protein. You can get diagnosed with lupus, but you can’t get diagnosed with lupus actually triggered by these injections.” 

“Now you can anticipate people being aged prematurely,” he added, explaining whereas diseases like dementia didn’t set in until someone was in their 80s or 90s, “now we can anticipate that at 50 or 60.”

Trozzi did have some good news on how a person can recover from a damaged immune system, which can be reversed through nutrition, exercise, intermittent fasting, detox, supplements, fresh air, rest and vitamin D.

Makis during the An Injection of Truth event announced he had just received word that the definitive medical journal Lancet had accepted a peer-reviewed vaccine-injury paper for publication, detailing the “largest autopsy series in the world,” the work of himself, with several Canadian colleagues. Initially submitted in 2023, the work appeared briefly on the Lancet website before being removed.

“Within 24 hours there was so much pressure from the pharmaceutical industry that the Lancet took it down,” Makis said at the event. But, not before hundreds of thousands of copies had been downloaded.

“We did a rigorous review of these autopsies and found about 74% of the cases of sudden death were caused by or attributed to the vaccine. People who took COVID-19 vaccines and then died suddenly, a few hours, a few days, a few weeks after,” said Makis.

“There is more evidence coming every single day. And it’s not a little bit of evidence. It’s not a case report that they’re going to dismiss. Or a paper that the Lancet is going to take down and bury so it never sees the light of day,” said Dr. Makis.  

“There’s going to be a tsunami of evidence of the harm of these COVID-19 vaccines,” whether it’s harming children, pregnant women, or adults.”

[This article is from Western Standard.]


Commentary by Dr. William Makis

Excellent work by Jen Hodgson at the Western Standard, giving proper coverage to what was a historic and first-of-its-kind event, examining sudden & unexplained deaths of Alberta Children and COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines on the childhood vaccine schedule.

I was so deflated when I saw the Ministry of Health representatives come out publicly in support of child sex abusers and child sex traffickers who had been arrested by RCMP, claiming that what RCMP reported was “not true”.

That these pedophiles and child molesters should be treated nicely, and that the Ministry of Health stood in solidarity with child sex abusers and against child victims of sexual abuse. NDP could have fatally wounded UCP as a party – if they had done one simple thing – announced they stood with the children.

NDP, protectors of Alberta’s children. At least they could have pretended.

That the Alberta Ministry of Health would publicly defend highly politically connected child sex abusers, is something I thought I would never see in my lifetime. And for the first time, I could no longer see myself raising my children in Alberta, I could no longer see a future for my family in Alberta, and I certainly could not see growing old in Alberta.

Even Communists didn’t defend child rapists.

We are in deep, deep trouble here in Alberta.

[This is from COVID Intel.]


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

Dr. William Makis is a Canadian physician with expertise in Radiology, Oncology and Immunology. Governor General’s Medal, University of Toronto Scholar. Author of 100+ peer-reviewed medical publications.  

Featured image is from Western Standard

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

In the world of vaccines research Dr. Stanley Plotkin is regarded as such a senior name as to be almost regarded as godfather of vaccines research. In a recent paper he co-authored and published in the New England Journal of Medicine titled ‘Post-authorization Vaccine-Safety Science’ he has questioned important aspects of the existing safety system. (Although several studies quoted in this review are in the context of the USA, these obviously have a wider relevance for safety everywhere).

This paper says,

“Post-authorization studies are needed to fully characterize the safety profile of a new vaccine, since pre-licensure clinical trials have limited sample sizes, follow up durations, and population heterogeneity. It is critical to examine adverse events following immunization (AEFIs) that have not been detected in clinical trials to ascertain whether they are casually or coincidentally related to vaccination.”


Screenshot from NEJM

Further this paper states,

“Although the ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) acknowledges the need, there are currently no resources earmarked for post-authorization safety studies beyond annual appropriations, which must be approved by Congress each year.”

This paper admits that progress in vaccine safety science has been slow.

Further this paper states,

“In 234 reviews of various vaccines and health outcomes conducted from 1991 to 2012, the IOM (Institute of Medicine) found inadequate evidence to prove or disprove causation in 179 (76%) of the relationships explored, illustrating the need for more rigorous science.” 

In another important revelation a top official of the USA who was involved with the decisions of the crucial early days of COVID-19 has stated that COVID-19 vaccines were in violation of safety norms.

Robert Redfield was the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the USA during 2018-2021, including during the crucial early stage of COVID-19.

He was speaking recently in July 2024 at a hearing of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs on government oversight of taxpayer-funded high risk virus research. He admitted that the spike protein produced by mRNA vaccines is “toxic to the body” and triggers “a very strong pro-inflammatory response.” He admitted that in his own medical practice he doesn’t administer mRNA vaccine.

He added,

“I do think one of the greatest mistakes that we made, of course, was mandating these vaccines. They should have never been mandated. It should have been open to personal choice.”

He admitted that there was not “appropriate transparency from the beginning about the potential side-effects of these vaccines.” 

He expressed disappointment in the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) handling of vaccine safety information. He stated, “The FDA should release all of the safety data they have. I was very disappointed to hear that they were planning to hold on to that until 2026. That really creates a sense of total lack of trust in our public health agencies towards vaccination.”

At the same hearing, Senator Ron Johnson highlighted worrying data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), presenting figures showing over 37,000 deaths following COVID-19 vaccinations, with 24% occurring within two days of injection.

Harvey Risch, Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health has recently co-authored a book ‘Toxic Shot: Facing the Dangers of the COVID Vaccine’ in which he has called these vaccines ‘a global catastrophe’ and that “they fail to qualify as real vaccines by any measure.”

His co-author Byram Bridle Ph.D. has written chapters explaining why COVID mRNA shots are not real vaccines, the suppression of information relating to vaccine injuries and the likely mechanisms of immune system harm.

The authors of this book have explored the link between the vaccines and 600,000 unexplained excess deaths, a range of serious side effects including impaired fertility and over 2 million newly disabled people in the USA. 

This book has also examined the revolving door relationship between the big pharmaceutical companies and the FDA.

The authors find it monstrous that the COVID vaccinations were ordered to the child vaccines schedules and attendance requirements of many colleges.

A Canada based organization Corelation Research in the Public interest has published a 521 page study this year based on the data of 125 countries which says that the major cause of excess deaths during the pandemic was related to the establishment’s COVID response in the form of lockouts, harmful medical interventions and vaccines.

During this year there have been several US Senate round-table discussions on ‘Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel’. In one such discussion Brian Hooker, Ph.D., chief scientific officer for Children’s Health Defense, stated, regarding the situation in the USA, stated

“In 1962 children received five vaccine doses. In 1986 the schedule expanded to 25 doses of five different vaccine formulations. Shortly after the passage of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, the laws amended to erect a liability shield protecting vaccine manufacturers—and the schedule expanded dramatically: By 2023, 73 doses of 16 different vaccine formulations were given to children up to age 18.”

He added that the FDA approved these formulations with minimal and inadequate safety testing and neglect of the cumulative effect of the vaccine schedule on childhood health outcomes. He added that for every one child that is saved from death from COVID-19, there are 30 child deaths associated with COVID-19 vaccines, so that the risk to benefit ratio in terms of mortality is 30 to 1.

Del Bigtree, CEO of Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) stated,

“None of the 14 routine vaccines in the CDC’s recommended schedule—was ever put through long-term double-blind placebo based safety trials prior to licensure. Since this type of trial is really the only way to establish a pharmaceutical product is safe, it is misinformation to state that the vaccines are safe.”

“In the 1980s when we were giving 11 doses of about 3 vaccines, the chronic illness rate, which includes neurological and autoimmune disease was 12.8%. Once we passed the 1986 Act and we had the gold rush of vaccines explode…the chronic illness rate, neurological and autoimmune disease skyrocketed to 54%.”

(This data may be even worse today, and apart from vaccines a number of other hazards may have contributed to this increase.)

Bigtree called this the greatest decline of public health. He gave a specific example of Hepatitis B Vaccine. He said,

“The warning lists 50 potential side effects, many of them serious, and that is just the first vaccine given to a baby on their first day of life. The safety study for that Hepatitis B vaccine was only four days long and we had no placebo comprador. That’s not science, that’s insanity.”


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

Bharat Dogra is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save the Earth Now. His recent books include Planet in Peril, Protecting Earth for Children, A Day in 2071 and Man over Machine. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from NaturalNews

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

Price: $11.50 FREE COPY! Click here (docsend) and download.

You may also access the online version of the e-Book by clicking here.

We encourage you to support the eBook project by making a donation through Global Research’s DonorBox “Worldwide Corona Crisis” Campaign Page

Every Place in Gaza, Including Schools, Is a Target

August 19th, 2024 by Prof. Vijay Prashad

It is almost as if the Israeli army is trying to gather as many Palestinians as possible in one place and then kill them all. Ahmed Abed and his family fled the Dalal al-Maghribi school in early August after an Israeli airstrike displaced them. That airstrike killed 15 Palestinians, who had taken refuge there after Israel had bombed their homes in the Shujaiyah neighbourhood of Gaza City. The family arrived in the al-Taba’een school, a private school with an attached mosque, that sheltered 2,500 people. Since the Israelis began their most recent bombardment of Gaza in October 2023, Palestinians have taken refuge in private schools and in schools run by the United Nations (UN). The UN reports that in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli attacks have damaged 190 of their facilities, most of them schools. There are few sanctuaries left in Gaza. These schools – whether private or UN – are the only places that were seen as relatively safe.

At 4.30am on August 10, Israeli jet fighters flew over Gaza City and dropped US-made GBU-39 250-pound bombs on the al-Taba’een school and mosque. During that time, many of the inhabitants had lined up at the mosque to go for the Fajr or dawn prayer. The bombs hit the people near the mosque, killing at least 100 Palestinians. It is a grotesque massacre that took place just when the United States decided to rearm Israel with these kinds of weapons. Sarah Leah Whitson, former Middle East director for Human Rights Watch, wrote that the arms sales to Israel by the US on the day of this bombardment demonstrated a ‘Pavlovian conditioning for a feral army’.

The United States, despite occasional statements about withholding weapons, has consistently armed Israel during this genocidal war. Since 1948, the United States has provided 130 billion dollars worth of weapons to Israel. Between 2018 and 2022, 79 per cent of all weapons sold to Israel came from the United States (the next was Germany, which supplied 20 per cent of Israel’s arms imports). These arms sales have come in deliberately small bunches of under 25 million dollars per sale so that they do not require the scrutiny of the US Congress, and therefore public debate. Till March, the US approved a hundred of these small sales since October 2023, which amount to over 1 billion dollars in weapons sales, including the GBU-39. It is important to know that the bomb, created in the United States, was likely loaded onto an Israeli fighter jet by a US technician seconded to the Israeli bases.

A Pattern of Targeting Schools

Mahmoud Basal, the spokesperson for Gaza’s civil defence unit, said that the medics who got to the scene at al-Taba’een school, many of them already veterans of this kind of violence, were confounded by what they found. ‘The school area is strewn with dead bodies and body parts’, he said. ‘It is very difficult for paramedics to identify a whole dead body. There’s an arm here, a leg there. Bodies are ripped to pieces. Medical teams stand helpless before this horrific scene’. At least 40,000 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli bombings since last October, and two million Palestinians have been displaced from their homes.

In the lead-up to the attack on al-Taba’een school, the Israeli forces have been escalating their bombings of schools in Gaza that serve as shelters. In July, the Israeli military struck seventeen schools in Gaza, killing at least 163 Palestinians. In the week before August 10, Israel hit the Khadija and Ahmad al-Kurd schools in Deir al-Balah killing 30 Palestinians (July 27), the Dalal Moghrabi school in Shujaiyah killing 15 Palestinians (August 1), the Hamama and Huda schools in Sheikh Radwan killing 16 Palestinians (August 3), the Hassan Salame and Nasser schools in an-Nassr killing 25 Palestinians (August 4), and the al-Zahraa and Abdul Fattah Hamouda schools killing 17 Palestinians (August 8).

This sequence of attacks on schools came before the August 10 bombing, which shows that there is a pattern of targeting civilians who are seeking shelter in schools. The massacre at al-Taba’een is the 21st attack by Israel against a school that is serving as a shelter since July 4. Ahmed Abed lost his brother-in-law Abdullah al-Arair in the massacre at al-Taba’een. ‘There is nowhere else to go’, he said. ‘Every place in Gaza is a target’.

Israeli Denials

Israel accepted that it has bombed these schools but denies that it killed civilians. In fact, Israel no longer names these places such as al-Taba’een and Dalal Moghrabi as schools; it calls them ‘military facilities’. The Israeli military said that it had killed at least 20 ‘terror operatives’ since it claims to have hit an ‘active Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad command room embedded within a mosque’. The Israeli authorities released names of at least 19 people who they claimed were senior operatives of Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, an independent organisation based in Switzerland, studied the claims made by Israel’s military and found them to be factually wanting. The Monitor’s staff went to the school, did a survey of the survivors, and reviewed the Israeli-controlled civil registry for the names. The team’s ‘preliminary investigation found that the Israeli army used names of Palestinians killed in Israeli raid – some of whom were killed in earlier raids – in its list’. The three people killed earlier, but whose names appeared in the Israeli lists, include Ahmed Ihab al-Jaabari (killed on December 5, 2023), Youssef al-Wadiyya (killed on August 8, 2024), and Montaser Daher (killed on August 9, 2024). The Israeli list also had three elderly civilians who have no connection to any militant group, including Abdul Aziz Misbah al-Kafarna (a school principal) and Yousef Kahlout (an Arabic language teacher and deputy mayor of Beit Hanoun). The list also includes six civilians, ‘some of whom were even Hamas opponents’.

It is remarkable that even in their own statements the Israeli officials seem unsure about their own claims. Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari of the Israeli military said that ‘various intelligence indications’ show that there was a ‘high probability’ that Ashraf Juda, a commander of the Islamic Jihad’s Central Camps Brigade, was in al-Taba’een school. But the Israelis could not confirm it. So, the Israelis killed a hundred civilians even though they were not certain if their target was in the facility at that time.

The Israeli army has set up a pattern for its genocidal campaign. It first bombs civilian neighbourhoods, sending terrified people into shelters such as schools and hospitals. Then, it announces blanket evacuation orders from an entire area, forcing people in these shelters to live in fear since many of them do not have the wherewithal to leave them for other places (indeed, ‘there is nowhere else to go’, said Ahmed Abed). Having made these evacuation orders, Israel then bombs the protected shelters, including hospitals and schools, with the argument that these are military targets. This formula was enacted in Gaza City, and in other parts of Gaza.

Now, Israel has announced forced evacuation orders for people in Khan Younis, the city in central Gaza. Alongside these orders, Israeli forces have begun aerial and artillery attacks at the eastern edge of Khan Younis. We will now see these kinds of attacks on schools and hospitals that are shelters for desperate people in the centre of Gaza, every building seen by the Israelis as a legitimate target.


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

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Wellness as Tyranny: The Cult of Toxic Happiness

August 19th, 2024 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

Be happy.  Think of your wellness.  Across organisations, private and public entities, government bodies and social clubs, the cult of contrived happiness abounds with ritualistic, clotting repetition.  In such cases, the forced grin, the pressured smile, the affected giggle, have become part of a project of puppeteering, manipulation and manufacture.  Critics of such approaches are ostracised, treated as leprous reminders of reality.

The cult of orchestrated happiness is intended to veil, covering the moonscape scars and lingering mutilations of life.  The forced smile, as it has so often been, repels reality.  It is also intended as a transferral of responsibility for problems one complains about to the complainant.  To be happy by design is to excuse defects and injustice, casually skipping over larger imperfections. 

“Toxic positivity,” writes Mita Mallick, “is the idea that no matter how bad or stressful a situation, no matter how difficult the circumstances are, you can change your outcome simply by being positive and thinking positively.”

Mallick goes on to suggest that when toxic positivity, as a practice, makes its unwelcome appearance, “we put the responsibility on individuals to endure and persevere in toxic, dysfunctional and broken structures and systems.”  Negative views are shunned, seen as unhelpful and disruptive.  Their holders, in turn, are encouraged to feel shame, guilt and cherish immaturity.

The nature of such forced happiness has become industrialised and marketed.  Rina Raphael, who has studied the wellness industry, notes its effects on certain groups as well.  Women, she argues, are being sedated “with consumerist self-care”.  Stress can be banished as an act of faith and salvation, dispelled through yoga classes or taking soothing bubble baths.  The actual culprit – the issue of overwork, for instance – can be ignored.  Even more critically, forget the collective dimension at play, which the wellness market reduces to a matter of individual action and choice.

Tim Lott also reminds us that this has roots in a specific understanding of economic organisation.  He takes the prod to capitalism, where happiness is aim and object, involving shopping, playing, exercising, granting funds to charity and such.  Companies ensure that workplaces include gimmicks, distractions, and treats in the name of building the resilience of their worker bees: the workplace, for instance, modelled on a nightclub, with open bars and zones of mandatory tranquillity.  The workplace, monitored by such creepily absurd commissars as the “funsultants”, have become a domain for the wellness police, agents of what the late Barbara Ehrenreich called the “epidemic of wellness”.

Ehrenreich, in her snappy book Natural Causes, offered a mischievous critique of such an epidemic in the context of postponing death.  “You can think of death bitterly or with resignation … and take every possible measure to postpone it.”  On the other hand, “you can think of life as an interruption of an eternity of personal nonexistence, and seize it as a brief opportunity to observe and interact with the living, ever-surprising world around us.”  Sober words of philosophical sting which, sadly, have done little to arrest the growth of the wellness industry.

Toxic happiness, the cult of happiness, has become an imperative of iron clad worth.  Carl Cederström and André Spicer note in The Wellness Syndrome that even the most mundane tasks of the day must be seen as acts of improvement and wellness.  “When we engage in boring activities, such as washing up at home, we should think of them as improving our mindfulness.  Even baking a loaf of bread is now recast as a way of nurturing our wellbeing.”

The cult of forced happiness acts as a conscious program to defang and dilute opposition, maligning critics who refuse to join the fascists of the grin, the authoritarians of the forced smiled.  It stiffens the sinews of groupthink and discourages naysayers who wish to challenge organisational behaviour or correct errors.  Whistleblowers worried about reporting corporate malfeasance or criminality in government organisations find themselves hounded and scolded for not being loyal in patriotic silence.  They should have tasted wellness and its therapeutic properties.  To be unhappy, it follows, is to be critical and dangerously free.

Wellness as a principle of organisational behaviour has also become a rigid legal component.  Employers remind their employees that they must take time off, rush off on annual leave and ensure that the organisation does not labour under “liabilities” that will cut into budgets and raise questions about the quality of the workplace.  Most cringingly of all, many employers insist that the public holiday becomes the perfect point at which to take that leave.

Unhappiness has become the hunted enemy, and stomped upon.  The time has come for a constructive sense of informed unhappiness to take over, the sulky, the gravely sullen and the profoundly introspective to have their time in necessary bleakness.  Wellness industry, begone!


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University.  He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected] 

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Author, journalist, former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter, correctly advised the world that Iraq did not have Weapons of Mass Destruction prior to Washington’s criminal invasion of Iraq in 2003 “for humanitarian reasons”.

The war continues to take a toll on multitudes with Washington’s siege of Mass Destruction having killed about 600,000 children under five, its use of depleted uranium still destroying lives, and the death toll from on-going combat and destabilization still growing.(1)

More recently, Ritter has been decimating Establishment narratives about Russia and Ukraine with a view to promoting peace.

What are some of these inconvenient though well-documented truths?

First, as admitted by NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, the war started in 2014.(2) In 2014, Washington and its allies orchestrated a coup, using Neo-nazis and genocidal ethnic nationalist groups, groomed since the end of WW2 by Western Intelligence agencies, to mass-murder civilians at Odessa, to send the elected President fleeing, and to install a nazi-infested coup government.


Currently, these same NATO and nazi-infested troops are occupying areas in Kursk, Russia, in an ill-fated surge hauntingly similar to Operation Barbarossa 80 years earlier.



Second, Ritter has deflated the war propaganda that Russia has never sought peace, even as draft agreements at Istanbul were signed in March/April 2022, only to be scuttled by the West (3), even as former German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Petro Poroshenko, former President of Ukraine, have admitted that they used the MINSK Accords not for peace but to buy time to upgrade Ukraine’s military to NATO standards. (4)

All of the aforementioned facts are well-documented though heavily censored, and  Ritter, who has a large social media presence, is now being persecuted by U.S authorities. FBI recently raided his house in an investigation into Ritter’s possible violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). (5)

Those amongst us who are seeking truth and peace and justice are increasingly being persecuted by our own nazi-supporting, terrorist-supporting governments.

Who will be next?


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

Research Assistance by Basma Qaddour

Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017. He writes on his website where this article was originally published.


(1) James A. Lucas, “US Has Killed More Than 20 Million In 37 Nations Since WWII.”, 27 November, 2015. (FBI raids home of Scott Ritter over allegations he is an unregistered foreign agent – World Socialist Web Site ( Accessed 14 August, 2024.

(2) Mark Taliano, “Russian President Vladimir Putin Bursts the Bubble of Western ‘Perception Managers’.” Global Research, 19 Fenruary, 2024. (Russian President Vladimir Putin Bursts the Bubble of Western “Perception Managers” – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization) Accessed 14 August, 2024.

(3) Ted Snider, ” According to Ukrainian Officials, There Could Have Been Peace.” the American Conservative, 22 January, 2024. (According to Ukrainian Officials, There Could Have Been Peace – The American Conservative) Accessed 14 August, 2024.

(4) Mark Taliano, “The West Seeks War Not Peace.” Global Research, 30 November, 2022. (The West Seeks War, Not Peace – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization) Accessed 14 August, 2024.

(5) Kevin Reed, “FBI raids home of Scott Ritter over allegations he is an unregistered foreign agent.” World Socialist Web Site, 9 AUgust, 2024. (FBI raids home of Scott Ritter over allegations he is an unregistered foreign agent – World Socialist Web Site ( Accessed 14 August, 2024.

Featured image is from Mark Taliano

Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria” directly from Global Research.

**Voices from Syria**

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ISBN Number: 978-0-9737147-9-1

Year: 2017

Product Type: PDF File

List Price: $6.50

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Click to order.

This following link provides access to the updated version of  the Worldwide Monkeypox Pandemic  published by Global Research on August 17, 2024.


“The PCR is a process. It does not tell you that you are sick.”  

Dr. Kary Mullis, (feature image left ) Nobel Laureate and Inventor of the RT-PCR, passed away in August 2019,  a few months prior to the onslaught of the Covid Crisis. See video below. His legacy will prevail. 

“…All or a substantial part of these positives could be due to what’s called false positives tests.”

Dr. Michael Yeadon, distinguished scientist, former Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer

“This misuse of the RT-PCR technique is applied as a relentless and intentional strategy by some governments to justify excessive measures such as the violation of a large number of constitutional rights, … under the pretext of a pandemic based on a number of positive RT-PCR tests, and not on a real number of patients.”

Dr.Pascal Sacré, Belgian physician specialized in critical care and renowned public health analyst.





On July 23, 2022, the WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus  went against the majority vote of the WHO expert committee (9 against 6 in favor): The committee was  AGAINST the calling of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

“We have an outbreak that has spread around the world rapidly through new modes of transmission,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during a press briefing in Geneva on Saturday (July 23, 2022).

“I have decided that the global monkeypox outbreak represents a public health emergency of international concern.”  

With Bill Gates in the background, the evidence was scanty, the motivation was “Moneypox”. The unspoken objective was to sustain the fear campaign. 

According to Bloomberg,

“The declaration from Tedros … underscores divisions within the organization over the severity of the threat. The pathogen typically causes flu-like symptoms, followed by a rash that often starts on the face and spreads down the belly.  (Bloomberg)

On JuIy 23, 2022, Dr. Tedros was visibly in conflict of interest, going against a committee of medical doctors and scientists. The WHO is funded by the Gates Foundation. And Bill Gates is centrefold. He has been pushing for the monkeypox scenario since 2017.

What Bloomberg failed to mention was Dr. Tedros’s bombshell statement: 

“An outbreak that is concentrated among men who have sex with men”:

“Although I [Tedros] am declaring a public health emergency of international concern, for the moment this is an outbreak that is concentrated among men who have sex with men, especially those with multiple sexual partners.

That means that this is an outbreak that can be stopped with the right strategies in the right groups.

It’s therefore essential that all countries work closely with communities of men who have sex with men, to design and deliver effective information and services, and to adopt measures that protect the health, human rights and dignity of affected communities.

Stigma and discrimination can be as dangerous as any virus.

In addition to our recommendations to countries, I am also calling on civil society organizations, including those with experience in working with people living with HIV, to work with us on fighting stigma and discrimination. (Emphasis added)


2022 PHEIC: Is the WHO Going Woke? 

My question to Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: Where is the science? Where is the data? 

There is a long history of viral transmission pertaining to the monkeypox pathogen going back to the 1950s. The man-to-man transmission (MSM) is not corroborated by peer-reviewed reports published prior to the ALLEGED May 2022 MSM outbreak announced by Tedros on July 23, 2022.  

As outlined in the Appendix (scroll down).

Representatives of Spain, Canada, the UK, the US, and Nigeria to the WHO meeting reported: on the epidemiological situation in their countries and their current response efforts”.

“While a few cases have occurred in children and a pregnant woman, 99% are related to male-to-male sexual contact.”

I should mention that these 99% MSM statements were not backed up by statistical data. With the exception of Nigeria, they constitute political endorsements by the representatives of Spain, Canada, UK, US of Tedros’s 99% MSM statement, which has served to promote a Public Health Emergency (PHEIC) on behalf of the LGBT community. 


Bill Gates Monkeypox Analysis 

Did Dr. Tedros consult his mentor Bill Gates prior to making this decisive 99% MSM statement?

Below is a summary of Bill Gates’s statements and initiatives going back to the 2017 Munich Conference, which have contributed to the fear campaign. 

Bill Gates has been involved in monkeypox issues for several years. At the 2017 Munich Security Conference, he predicted that: 

“The next epidemic could originate on the computer screen of a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the smallpox virus … or a super contagious and deadly strain of the flu.” (Munich Security Conference, February 2017, emphasis added)


And then in December 2020, sponsored by Bill Gates et al, a simulation of a monkeypox pandemic was envisaged by the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), a nonprofit organization founded by former U.S. Sen. Sam Nunn and philanthropist Ted Turner. 

And then a few months later, a Table Top Simulation of a: “fictional exercise scenario” of a global pandemic “involving an unusual strain of monkeypox virus” was presented  by the NTI at the March 2021 Munich Security Conference.



In November 2021, in a TV interview with Jeremy Hunt, Bill Gates warned  governments to prepare for simultaneous smallpox terror attacks in 10 airports:

“You say, OK, what if a bioterrorist brought smallpox to 10 airports? You know, how would the world respond to that?  (emphasis added)



Flash Forward to 2024

August 14, 2024: Monkeypox Global Public Health Emergency (PHEIC)

Strategic framework for enhancing prevention and control of mpox- 2024-2027Dr. Tedros “is at it again”.

On August 14, 2024, the WHO Director General called once more for a monkeypox global public health emergency (PHEIC). The justification is an alleged “major outbreak” in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which according to the WHO has spread to neighbouring countries.

In a press conference preceding the August 14 official announcement, WHO Director General Tedros (August 9, 2024) described the monkeypox crisis as follows:

“Since the beginning of this year, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has been experiencing a severe outbreak of Mpox, with more than 14 000 reported cases and 511 deaths. 

In the past month, about 50 confirmed and more suspected cases have been reported in four countries neighbouring the DRC that have not reported before: Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda.

Mpox outbreaks are caused by different viruses called clades. Clade 1 has been circulating in the DRC for years, while clade 2 was responsible for the global outbreak which began in 2022.

WHO has developed a regional response plan, requiring US$ 15 million to support surveillance, preparedness and response activities.

We have released US$ 1 million from the WHO Contingency Fund for Emergencies to support scale-up of the response, and we plan to release more in the coming days.

There are two vaccines for mpox that have been approved by WHO-listed national regulatory authorities, and which are recommended by WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization, or SAGE.” (emphasis added)

While Dr. Tedros refers to surveillance, what he fails to mention is “detection”.

What is being applied to detect mpox is the defunct polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test which was applied starting in January 2020 to “detect” Covid-19 (namely SARS-CoV-2). That same PCR test is now being used to detect the monkeypox virus.

The Real Time PCR test does not identify the virus, it detects genetic sequences.

The July 2021 CDC advisory pertaining to the failures of the RT-PCR test reads as follows:

“CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.”

“CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza”.

Effective December 31, 2021, the CDC has withdrawn the request of the FDA pertaining to the detection of SARS-CoV-2.

The inventor of the PCR test, the late Nobel Prize Laureate Dr. Kary Mullis, confirms the features of the PCR test:

““The PCR is a process. It does not tell you that you are sick.”  

The PCR “Test” cannot detect the identity of the virus, nor can it detect its variants and sub-variants.


The late Dr. Kary Mullis. His legacy will prevail. 


Detection of the Monkeypox Virus

And now the CDC reviewed a procedure “used for the detection of Monkeypox virus DNA in clinical specimens by real-time PCR”:

“This [RT-PCR] assay detects DNA at varying concentrations, providing a qualitative result of either positive, negative, or inconclusive in the identification of Monkeypox virus infections.” (CDC)

It is worth noting that despite the fact that both the CDC and the WHO have questioned the validity of the PCR test, it is now being used to “detect the monkeypox pathogen”.

If you test RT-PCR positive for monkeypox it may be “mistakenly” tabulated as a Covid confirmed case “positive” and vice versa.

Versatility of the RT-PCR test! Anything goes.

“Factual Chaos” at the WHO? Dr. Tedros: Monkeypox Outbreak Is “Among Men Who Have Sex with Men”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky,

Pandemic Actors in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Cepheid, a Big Pharma company supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has played a central role in the “detection” of the monkeypox virus using  the same polymerase chain reaction test (PCR) as in the case of Covid-19.

Cepheid’s GeneExpert System was applied in 2021 to processing the PCR test for Covid 19 “confirmed cases” in 133 countries, categorized under Respiratory”.

“The GeneXpert test is basically an automated version of standard real-time PCR (polymerase chain reaction) amplification and detection”

Cepheid is now applying the GeneExpert System technology in the DRC to process the PCR test for detection of confirmed cases of the alleged monkeypox virus, under the category:

TB. Virology and Emerging Infectious Diseases. The mpox PCR test is said to be specific with regard to the swabs: skin lesion material is the recommended specimen.



Big Money Behind “Fake Science”

The parent company of Cepheid is Donaher Corp. The major investors in Donaher are the portfolio companies (BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, Wellington Management Group).

Bill Gates as an investor plays an important role in Donaher. (Gates Foundation Holdings)

In Dr. Tedros’s presentation (August 14, 2024), the WHO confirms that it has assigned $ 15 million “to support surveillance, preparedness and response activities”, which will largely be conducted by Cepheid (PCR GeneExpert Technology).

“According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “people with mpox often get a rash that may be located on [the] hands, feet, chest, face, or mouth or near the genitals”.

The rash can go through different stages and may look like pimples or blisters, the CDC said.

Other symptoms can include fever, headache, chills, physical weakness, lymph node swelling, muscle or back pain and/or respiratory symptoms, according to European and US health authorities.

A WHO situation report from earlier this week said the most commonly reported symptom is a rash, followed by a fever and a systemic or genital rash.

The virus can spread by direct contact with infected wild animals or through close contact with an infected person, including sexual contact, which is the most commonly reported form of transmission globally.” (EuroNews, emphasis added)

The contradictions in the data for the DRC, not to mention the use of the PCR Test under the auspices of Cepheid applied to Monkeypox TB. Virology and Emerging Infectious Diseases indelibly lead to results which are incomprehensible. 

It could be mpox cases or “something else” including influenza or corona A, B; not to mention SARS-CoV-2.

In the absence of a medical diagnostic by a health professional, these mpox “confirmed cases” are invalid.  

According to a recent report by EuroNews, the spread of the clade II virus: 

“was driven by sexual contact primarily among men who have sex with men, while clade I was first documented as spreading sexually last”

Yet an examination of the official data of the DRC refutes the MSM narrative. It indicates that most of the so-called PCR “positive cases” (MPXV) are children (data for 2024). See table 1 below.

  • Children continue to represent the most affected age group (Table 1); of the 7,851 reported mpox cases, 39% were reported in children aged under 5 years (n=3 090),
  • the percentage of children under 15 is 67 percent.
  • For all age groups (Figure 3 below), males 59%, females 41%


Table 1. Age distribution of reported mpox cases and deaths in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1 January to 26 May 2024 (n=7 851).  


The age-sex composition from official national sources; (m 852). 505 males, 347 female.

Figure 3. Age and sex distribution of confirmed mpox cases, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 1 January to 26 May 2024 (n=852*) 


*142 confirmed cases had missing age and sex data


The Questionable 99% “Estimate”.

The Emergency Committee Meeting, July 21, 2022 in Geneva



There is a long history of viral transmission pertaining to the monkeypox pathogen going back to the 1950s. The man-to-man transmission (MSM) is not corroborated by peer-reviewed reports published prior to the ALLEGED May 2022 outbreak. 

Below is a review of the published report of “The Second Meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) Emergency Committee” regarding the alleged multi-country outbreak of monkeypox.

This meeting was held two days prior to Dr. Tedros’s Press Conference.The report provides details on the thrust of the WHO Director-General’s decision to launch a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), focussing on the incidence of the monkeypox virus on “bisexual, gay and men who have sex with men”.

Of significance, the members of this Committee (21 July 2022) turned down Dr. Tedros’s proposal to launch the PHEIC.

Below are selected and summarized quotations of a rather long WHO document.

Read carefully (the meeting in Geneva lasted for five hours):

“The majority of reported cases of monkeypox currently are in males, and most of these cases occur among males who identified themselves as gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM), [where is the evidence, the data] in urban areas, and are clustered in social and sexual networks.There has also been a significant rise in the number of cases in countries in West and Central Africa, with an apparent difference in the demographic profile maintained than that observed in Europe and the Americas, with more women and children amongst the cases. The genome sequence of the virus obtained in several countries shows some divergence from the West African clade.  

Representatives of Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Nigeria updated the Committee (in this order) on the epidemiological situation in their countries and their current response efforts.

With the exception of Nigeria, the remaining four countries reported that 99% of cases were occurring in MSM [Men who have Sex with Men], and mainly among those with multiple partners.  [where is the data, 4 members of the committee say 99%]

The vaccine strategy is targeted and aims to interrupt transmission through post-exposure prophylaxis and pre-exposure prophylaxis among MSM at highest risk. In the United States, cases of monkeypox are widely distributed across the country, although most cases are concentrated in three large cities.

While a few cases have occurred in children and a pregnant woman, 99% are related to male-to-male sexual contact.

In Canada, 99% of cases have occurred among MSM, and the country is taking a broad approach to pre-exposure prophylaxis, given the challenges with contact tracing; and is strongly focused on engagement with community-led organizations supporting key affected populations groups.

Nigeria recorded a little over 800 cases of monkeypox between September 2017 and 10 July 2022 and has seen at 3% case fatality ratio among confirmed cases.

Cases are predominantly in men aged 31 to 40 years; there was no evidence of sexual transmission presented.”

The highest number of annually reported MSM cases since 2017 has been observed in 2022.”

What is the meaning of this last sentence? 

[Members of the Committee underscored the following]:

“The moral duty to deploy all means and tools available to respond to the event, as highlighted by leaders of the LGBTI+ communities from several countries, bearing in mind that the community currently most affected outside Africa is the same initially reported to be affected in the early stages of HIV/AIDS pandemic;The vast majority of cases are observed among MSM with multiple partners, and, despite the operational challenges, there is the opportunity to stop ongoing transmission with interventions targeted to this segment of the population. Cases observed beyond this population group, including among health workers are, to date, limited; …”(emphasis added)


The WHO Report: Invalid Results Derived from Biased Sample?

My comments:

Were random sample surveys undertaken which corroborate “man-to-man” (MSM) transmission as outlined by Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in his Press Conference on July 23, 2022? Were women and children included in a random sample procedure?

How is it that MSM male-to-male sexual transmission is “99% of the cases” in the US, UK, Spain and Canada, while in Nigeria among 800 cases recorded over a five-year period, there was not a single case of MSM sexual transmission?

The answer is obvious: the Nigerian data was recorded based on a medical diagnosis of patients over a five-year period, whereas the figures pertaining to the US, UK, Canada, Spain were based on four members of the committee who acknowledged the 99% consensus.

Confirmed in the report: “The 99% of the confirmed cases” were based on statements by the representatives of those four countries at the IHR Emergency Committee Meeting. Dr. Demetre Daskalakis of the CDC (US) and Dr. Theresa Tam of Health Canada (both advisors to the IHR Committee) were present (see list of members).

Similarly, the report admits that in West and Central Africa there were “more women and children amongst the cases”, whereas as in Europe and North America, the confirmed cases were almost exclusively MSM men.

The report also refers to a monkeypox vaccine specifically for “men who have sex with men, especially those with multiple sexual partners.”

Were these 99% MSM confirmed cases the object of a medical diagnosis, i.e. flu-like symptoms, rashes on the face and the body? Or was it just a PCR test and a biased sample?

The statements in this report are not corroborated. The WHO does not outline its methodology.

From a scientific and statistical standpoint, it does not make sense. Ask Dr. Tedros!

Quoted from: 

Felicity Arbuthnot’s Incisive Analysis. Dropping the Bomb on Hiroshima, first published in 2016

When Paul Tibbets was thirteen years old he flew a bi-plane over Florida’s Miami Beach dropping a promotional cargo of Babe Ruth Candy Bars directly on to the promotional target area, in an advertising stunt. It was his first solo flight and: “From that moment he became hooked on flying.”

He became a test pilot and: “one of the first Americans to fly in world War Two.” Seventeen years later he had graduated from dropping Candy Bars to dropping the world’s first atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

Thirty years later, the now retired Brigadier-General Paul Warfield Tibbets Junior (image right) told authors Gordon Thomas and Max Morgan-Witts, for their minutely detailed and definitive book (1) on one of the world’s greatest crimes, of the background to the venture.  Most would surely conclude it was a criminal project from the start, on every level.

Tibbets told the authors:

“I got called on this bomb job … I was told I was going to destroy one city with one bomb. That was quite a thought … We had, working in my organization, a murderer, three men guilty of manslaughter and several felons; all of them had escaped from prison.

“The murderer was serving life; the manslaughter guys were doing ten to fifteen years; the felons three to five. After escaping they had enlisted under false names. They were all skilled technicians … They were all good, real good at their jobs and we needed ‘em. We told them that if they gave us no trouble, they would have no trouble from us.

“After it was over, we called each of them in and handed them their dossiers and a box of matches and said ‘Go burn ‘em.’ You see, I was not running a police department, I was running an outfit that was unique.”

The crime which the “oufit” committed was also unique, making the odd murder, manslaughter or felony on home soil pale in to insignificance in comparison.

In Hiroshima, a millisecond after 8.16 a.m., on 6th August 1945, the temperature at the core of the hundreds of feet wide fireball reached 50,000,000 degrees. Flesh burned two miles distant from it’s outer parameters.

80,000 people were killed or mortally injured instantly. The main area targeted was “the city’s principal residential, commercial and military quarters.”

The entrance to the Shima Clinic was flanked by great stone columns – “They were rammed straight down in to the ground.” The building was destroyed: “The occupants were vapourised.”

Just three of the city’s fifty five hospitals remained usable, one hundred and eighty of Hiroshima’s two hundred doctors were dead or injured and 1,654 of 1,780 nurses.

Sixty two thousand buildings were destroyed as all utilities and transportation systems. Just sixteen fire fighting vehicles remained workable.

People standing, walking, the schoolgirls manning the communications centre in Hiroshima Castle and ninety percent of the castle’s occupants, including American prisoners of war, were also vapourised. Gives a whole new meaning to the US military’s much vaunted “No soldier left behind.”

“The radiant heat set alight Radio Hiroshima, burnt out the tramcars, trucks, railway rolling stock.

“Stone walls, steel doors and asphalt pavement glowed red hot.” Clothing fused to skin. “More than a mile from the epicenter” mens’ caps fused to their scalps, womens’ kimonos to their bodies and childrens’ socks to their legs. All the above decimations happened in the time a crew member of the US bomber, “Enola Gay”, took to blink from the flash behind his goggles. What he saw when he opened them and looked down was, he said : “a peep in to hell.”

At home base, as Hiroshima was incinerated, a party was being prepared to welcome the arsonists. ”The biggest blow out” with free beer, all star soft ball game, a jitter bug contest, prizes, star attractions, a movie and the cooks working overtime to prepare a sumptuous fare.

Hiroshima’s destruction had a uranium-based detonation. Three days later on 9th August, Nagasaki was destroyed by a plutonium-based detonation to ascertain which would be the most “effective” in the new nuclear age warfare.

Not even a nod or thought had been given to the Hague Convention which had very specific legal guidelines to protection of civilians in war. One might speculate that Hiroshima also vapourised any pretention of such considerations for all time, in spite the subsequent Geneva Convention and it’s additional protocols.

In May this year, President Obama visited Hiroshima, he said (2): “Seventy-one years ago, on a bright cloudless morning, death fell from the sky and the world was changed. A flash of light and a wall of fire destroyed a city and demonstrated that mankind possessed the means to destroy itself.

“Why do we come to this place, to Hiroshima? We come to ponder a terrible force unleashed in a not-so-distant past. We come to mourn the dead, including over 100,000 Japanese men, women and children, thousands of Koreans, a dozen Americans held prisoner.

“Their souls speak to us. They ask us to look inward, to take stock of who we are and what we might become.”

Obama ended his Hiroshima address with: “Those who died, they are like us. Ordinary people understand this, I think. They do not want more war. They would rather that the wonders of science be focused on improving life and not eliminating it. When the choices made by nations, when the choices made by leaders, reflect this simple wisdom, then the lesson of Hiroshima is done.”

For a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and a constitutional law expert, his words are especially cheap. The man who began his Presidency with a public commitment to build a nuclear weapons free world (speech in Czech Republic, 5th April 2009) has, mind bendingly, committed to a thirty year, one Trillion $ nuclear arsenal upgrade. (3)

The epitaph at Hiroshima was written by Tadayoshi Saika, Professor of English Literature at Hiroshima University. He also provided the English translation, “Let all the souls here rest in peace for we shall not repeat the evil.”

On November 3, 1983, an explanation plaque in English was added in order to convey Professor Saika’s intent that “we” refers to “all humanity”, not specifically the Japanese or Americans, and that the “error” is the “evil of war”:

“The inscription on the front panel offers a prayer for the peaceful repose of the victims and a pledge on behalf of all humanity never to repeat the evil of war. It expresses the spirit of Hiroshima – enduring grief, transcending hatred, pursuing harmony … and yearning for genuine, lasting world peace.” (Wikipedia.)

Did President Obama have a twinge of conscience as he read it? Or did he even bother? He is surely amongst the most unworthy of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates. And will the rest of the world heed the words, the pledge and the spirit, before it is too late?


  1. Ruin From The Air, The Atomic Mission to Hiroshima: ISBN 0-586-06705-1
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Russia could have advanced its long-term diplomatic interests without curtailing its campaign in Donbass if they succeeded, while Ukraine could have kept Russia’s guard down during this process for facilitating its unprecedentedly risky gamble in Kursk aimed at staving off seemingly inevitable defeat.

The Washington Post (WaPo) reported on Saturday that Qatar was secretly mediating a partial Russian-Ukrainian ceasefire before Kiev’s sneak attack against Kursk, which would have seen both sides agree not to target each other’s energy infrastructure. The Kremlin hadn’t commented by the time of that article’s publication nor this present one so it’s unclear how truthful it is. In any case, it’s worthwhile taking a look at what WaPo’s sources said, which might help discern whether or not this is believable.


The first tidbit is that “Some involved in the negotiations hoped they could lead to a more comprehensive agreement to end the war, according to the officials”.

This was followed by the claim that “Russia ‘didn’t call off the talks (after Kursk), they said give us time,’ the diplomat said.” The Ukrainian “presidential office” then alleged that talks in Doha were indeed scheduled but were postponed until 22 August “due to the situation in the Middle East” and will now “take place in a video conference format”.

WaPo went on to cite “senior officials in Kyiv” who “had mixed expectations about whether the negotiations could succeed, with some putting the odds at 20 percent and others anticipating even worse prospects” even before Kursk. They still explored the reportedly Qatari-mediated partial ceasefire with Russia though because “’We have one chance to get through this winter, and that’s if the Russians won’t launch any new attacks on the grid,’ a Ukrainian official who was briefed on the talks said.”

“’Everything has to be weighed — our potential and the possible damage to our economy versus how much more damage could we cause them and their economy,’ the Ukrainian official briefed on the planned Qatar summit said. ‘But energy is definitely critical for us. We sometimes forget about the economy here, but we’re facing free fall if there’s no light and heat in the winter.’” According to them, the partial ceasefire would be modeled off of the now-defunct grain deal, but Kursk changed all of that.

It’s at this point that two interconnected questions come to mind: 1) why would Russia consider agreeing not to target the energy infrastructure upon which Ukraine’s entire war effort depends, thus preventing its foes’ complete collapse and possibly perpetuating the conflict into another year?; and 2) why would Ukraine launch its sneak attack knowing that it ended any chance, at least for the time being, that Russia might give them such a reprieve that could then allow them to keep fighting into next year?

As regards the first question, if there’s any truth to WaPo’s report (the veracity of which will be assessed later), then Russia might have thought that this could soften its image ahead of the possible resumption of peace talks and create the conditions for Ukraine to comply with more of its terms. Trump’s potential return to power and his promise to swiftly end the conflict could have hung heavy over policymakers’ heads and influenced them to consider abiding by this moratorium until after the elections at least.

If such negotiations were indeed being mediated by Qatar, then that could also explain why Russia left its border with Ukraine largely undefended and might have even shrugged off reports of a buildup there since policymakers could have considered it “irrational” for Kiev to carry out any such sneak attack. RT’s Sergey Poletaev also speculated that a ‘gentlemen’s agreement’ was in place between Russia and the US over the defense of the former’s border from the latter’s Ukrainian proxy this entire time.

Taken together and assuming for the sake of this thought exercise that WaPo’s report is accurate, then it might have been that Russia was lured by the aforesaid speculative ‘gentlemen’s agreement’ with the US and the then-ongoing Qatari-mediated partial ceasefire talks with Ukraine into keeping its guard down. The purpose all along could have been for them to get Russia to leave large swathes of its border undefended in order to facilitate a Ukrainian sneak attack as part of an unprecedentedly risky gamble.

This hypothesis segues into answering the second question about why Ukraine would throw away any chance, at least for now, of Russia giving them a reprieve from attacks against their energy infrastructure that could then allow them to keep fighting into next year if they make it through the upcoming winter. Kiev and its US patron might have concluded that the pace of Russia’s on-the-ground gains in Donbass will inevitably lead to their defeat unless something drastic is done to change the conflict’s dynamics.

Freezing attacks on one another’s energy infrastructure wouldn’t halt Russia’s advance, not to mention if Moscow pulls out of the deal after the elections. Despite the odds of success being low, one possible way to prevent Russia’s seemingly inevitable victory would be to seize, hold, and then swap some of its pre-2014 land in exchange for Russia withdrawing from some Ukrainian-claimed land. This plan’s obvious flaw is that Russia might achieve a breakthrough in Donbass that leads to Ukraine’s collapse before then.

It can’t be ruled out though that NATO might conventionally intervene in Ukraine if that happens in order to force a Cuban-like brinksmanship crisis aimed at saving its proxy from full-blown defeat. This could take the form of creating a NATO-Russian DMZ inside the disputed territories, but it’s unclear whether members have the political will to risk World War III over this. Ukraine knows that its sneak attack against Kursk leaves Donbass vulnerable so it might be hoping that this will happen if need be.  

If that’s their leadership’s thought process, then the endgame might be to seize and hold some of Russia’s pre-2014 land through the winter, possibly aided by a conventional NATO intervention in its defensive support if Russia breaks through in Donbass, in order to swap it back next year. This plan assumes that Ukraine could survive until then even if its electricity sector is destroyed, which is dubious but could still happen if the abovementioned sequence of events leads to a NATO-Russian DMZ.

It also takes for granted that World War III wouldn’t break out if NATO conventionally intervenes in Ukraine to force the creation of that DMZ and then the threat thereof would remain manageable even if Russian-Ukrainian hostilities continue raging in Kursk. Another related assumption is that Russia would either allow NATO to also set up a DMZ on its pre-2014 border with Ukraine or NATO would willingly leave that frontier open and thus risk Russia launching offensives against those Ukrainian border regions.  

The preceding calculations are “irrational”, but they might have still influenced the Ukrainian leadership’s thought process when deciding to launch their sneak attack against Kursk in spite of knowing that it would end any chance of a Qatari-mediated partial ceasefire with Russia, at least for now. From Russia’s perspective, such a deal wouldn’t have adversely affected the pace of its on-the-ground gains in Donbass, might have given it diplomatic leverage in new peace talks, and could always be abandoned.  

It therefore appears that there might be some truth to WaPo’s report about Qatar secretly mediating a partial Russian-Ukrainian ceasefire before Kursk since both sides would have gained from those talks. Russia could have advanced its long-term diplomatic interests without curtailing its campaign in Donbass if they succeeded, while Ukraine could have kept Russia’s guard down during this process for facilitating its unprecedentedly risky gamble in Kursk aimed at staving off seemingly inevitable defeat.


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary

This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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Ultimately, BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) has established itself as an informal association pursuing a comprehensive and multi-dimensional cooperation. It has also, in the course of its operations, created the platform for discussing important topics relating to economic growth, developing trade and economic exchanges, ensuring security as well as promoting education and culture. According to several previous summit reports, the economic power is shifting from the West to the Global South. One of the landmarked achievements was the ascension of three African countries: Ethiopia and Egypt (Jan. 2024) and South Africa (2010). Russia is chairing the association this year. The main event of 2024 for BRICS will be the summit, which will be held in Kazan in October.

Under Russia’s chairmanship, integrating more new members into BRICS has been suspended, although the ‘strategic expansion’ was considered as an explicit testament to the association’s remarkable growing attraction and its commitment to reshaping the global economic landscape.

While the geopolitics intensifies, BRICS has prioritized economic dimension of its operations, desirous to design the necessary instruments for substituting those of the multinational organizations such International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. Closely related to this are the loans for investment projects and the financial payment systems. The analysis here, thus focuses on the economic architecture of Ethiopia, Egypt and South Africa – African members of BRICS.


Image: New Development Bank in Shanghai (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

Regarding the broader historical significance of this association, the founding members consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, and China held the first summit in Yekaterinburg in 2009, with South Africa joining it a year later, discussed creating the BRICS bank as geopolitical ‘alternative’ to IMF and the World Bank. The summit documents contained an explanatory reasons as ‘operating financial activities mainly based on non-interference, equality, and mutual benefit’ among members and other developing countries. They planned to set up this New Development Bank by 2014, but was later established in 2015. 

The financial architecture of BRICS is made of the New Development Bank (NDB) and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA). These components were signed into a treaty in 2014 and became active in 2015. (See its report April 2024). New Development Bank, sometimes referred to as the BRICS Development Bank, by definition is ‘a multilateral development bank’ operated by the five BRICS states. In 2021, Bangladesh, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Uruguay joined the NDB. The bank’s primary focus of lending is infrastructure projects  with authorized lending of up to $34 billion annually. As of 2023, it had 53 projects worth around $15 billion. Its plan on giving out $15 billion to member states to help their struggling economies never materialized.

Financial Commitments

The core question was the initial financial shareholding. In July 2014, during the sixth BRICS summit in Fortaleza, the BRICS signed the document to create the $100 billion as the startup capital and the currency pool for the bank. China committed $41 billion towards the pool; Brazil, India, and Russia $18 billion each; and South Africa $5 billion. China, which held the world’s largest foreign exchange reserves and contributed the bulk of the currency pool, wanted a more significant managing role. China also wanted to be the location of the reserve, thus made the bank to be headquartered in Shanghai, China. Until 2024, it has a skeleton office in Moscow, Russia, and in Johannesburg, South Africa, as compared to many representative offices and normal-size staff of IMF and World Bank across Africa.

BRICS Payment System

At the 2015 BRICS summit in Russia, ministers from the BRICS states initiated consultations for a payment system that would be an alternative to the SWIFT system. The stated goal was to initially move to settlements in national currencies. The Central Bank of Russia highlighted the main benefits as backup and redundancy in case there were disruptions to the SWIFT system. China also launched its alternative to SWIFT: the Cross-Border Interbank Payment System, which enables financial institutions worldwide to send and receive information about financial transactions. India also has its alternative Structured Financial Messaging System (SFMS), as do Russia SPFS and Brazil Pix, (according to BRICS report July 2024).

Ethiopia, Egypt and South Africa’s Demography

Ethiopia: With Ethiopia and Egypt taking full membership with effect on 1 January 2024, joining South Africa illustrated BRICS expansion from Maghreb through East African down to Southern Africa. South Africa and Egypt being the economic power houses, while Ethiopia ranks 8th position in the continent. Angola and Nigeria rank above Ethiopia. With about 126.5 million people (2023), Ethiopia is the second most populous nation in Africa after Nigeria (June 2024 stands at 229.6), and one of the fastest-growing economies in the region. Ethiopia aims to reach lower-middle-income status by 2025. Ethiopia holds the headquarter of the AU.

Egypt: Located in the topmost north Africa along the Mediterranean Sea, Egypt considers itself as part of the Arab world. The permanent headquarters of the Arab League are located in Cairo and the body’s secretary general has traditionally been an Egyptian. At approximately 100 million inhabitants, Egypt is the 14th-most populated country in the world, and the third-most populated in Africa. Egypt’s economy depends mainly on agriculture, petroleum exports, natural gas, and tourism. There are also more than three million Egyptians working abroad, mainly in Libya, Saudi Arabia, the Persian Gulf and Europe. Egypt is a member of the Association of Arab States and the African Union (AU).

South Africa: South Africa is the southernmost country on the African continent. Its remoteness—it lies thousands of miles distant from major African cities such as Lagos and Cairo and more than 6,000 miles (10,000 km) away from most of Europe, North America, and eastern Asia, where its major trading partners are located. According to the 2023 census, the population of South Africa was about 62 million people of diverse origins, cultures, languages, and religions. South Africa has a mixed economy, emerging market, and upper-middle-income economy, one of only eight such countries in Africa. the country has a comparative advantage in the production of agriculture, mining and manufacturing products relating to these sectors. Several reports indicate that, in principle, its principal international trading partners—besides other African countries—include Germany, the United States, China, Japan, the United Kingdom, Bangladesh and Spain. Over the last few decades, South Africa has also established itself as a popular tourist destination. Further that, it is among the G20, and is the only African country that is a permanent member of the G20 group, and as a member of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the African Union (AU).

Development Challenges

1. Ethiopia’s relations with neighbours is very complicated, and also it suffers from natural disasters. Russia tended to make a greater impact when it offered sympathy and support with humanitarian aid of grains to the affected and impoverished communities in Ethiopia. In November and December 2023, Russia delivered these grains, as humanitarian aid, to Ethiopia alongside to Zimbabwe, Kenya, Burkina Faso and Mali. More are still vulnerable to natural and conflict disasters at the present stage. 

According to World Bank report (2023), Ethiopia seeks to chart a  development path that is sustainable and inclusive in order to accelerate poverty reduction and boost shared prosperity. Achieving these objectives will require addressing key challenges including the following: 

(i) addressing macroeconomic private sector development, structural transformation, and generation of jobs, 

(ii) reducing the incidence of conflict that has been having a substantial impact on lives, livelihoods, and infrastructure. Overcoming the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. 

(iii) addressing food insecurity, which is growing due to adverse weather events, locust invasion, conflict, and global conditions leading to high inflation of food prices. 

(iv) improving human capital which is far lower than the average for the Sub-Saharan Africa region. 

(v) generating good jobs. The country’s growing workforce (with roughly 2 million persons reaching working age per year) puts pressure on the absorption capacity of the labor market, necessitates improving current jobs, while creating sufficient new jobs.

2. Despite its profound geopolitical and multifaceted relations with key external powers, its membership in G20 and BRICS, South Africa’s greatest challenge is huge energy deficits. After years of sub-standard maintenance and the South African government’s inability to manage strategic resources, the state-owned power supplier Eskom has been experiencing deficiency in capacity to supply sufficient power nation-wide. Industrial production is, to a large extent, and negatively affected by these energy setbacks.

3. In the case of Egypt as a member of BRICS, it has external players such as the United States, China, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates. Since taken over political power, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi has been strengthening the military and limiting the political opposition. Under El-Sisi, Egypt, the Egyptian economy entered an ongoing crisis, the Egyptian pound was one of the worst performing currencies, inflation reached nearly 40% in March 2024. It has received United States foreign aid over the past few years (an average of $2.2 billion per year) and is the third-largest recipient of such funds from the United States.

In its annual report (2024), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has rated Egypt as one of the top countries in Africa undertaking economic reforms. But a lot more economic lapses have still engulfed the economy, and greater part of the population lives below the average subsistence level. An estimated 2.7 million Egyptians abroad contribute actively to the development of their country through remittances ($7.8 billion in 2021), as well as circulation of human and social capital and investment. Remittances, money earned by Egyptians living abroad and sent home, reached a record $21 billion in 2023, according to the World Bank.

Brazilian Dilma Rousseff and BRICS Bank

Image source

During the latest meeting held on June 6, 2024, President Vladimir Putin and President of the BRICS New Development Bank, Dilma Rousseff, agreed on some important issues. These include the fact that the bank becomes more sustainable and operational, and moreover operate within developing multipolar economic architecture and strengthening its economic base. In 2024, Russia presides over BRICS, Russia and Brazil are co-founders of this bank, now headed by Dilma Rousseff. In the new emerging multipolar world, BRICS members and other developing countries, especially those in the Global South have consistently criticized the IMF and the World Bank, and further called for reforms. Nevertheless, Putin and Rousseff have taken common position that the BRICS bank has an essential role to play in the multipolar economy. Of course, the multipolar world is also reflected in national currencies, which is another obligation of the bank: to attract and carry out settlements in national currencies. This is very important for developing countries that do not have their own strong currencies and suffer greatly from exchange rate volatility. (See Kremlin report – June 6, 2024).

Obviously, the BRICS bank claims to be working independently without any political strings. In the current conditions, it is not easy to do so, given the developments in global finance and the use of the dollar as a political weapon. Now the world is indeed going through many challenges. There are crisis trends and inflation in the advanced countries, and in the developing world, nations are facing debt problems. Of course, the countries in the developing world are now primarily in serious condition. According to Rousseff remarks: “The bank should play a major role in the development of a multipolar, polycentric world. Russia is a very important partner in BRICS and the New Development Bank, and is really fulfilling all of its commitments. And, indeed, the bank is facing a number of problems, primarily concerning liquidity.” (See Kremlin report – July 26, 2023)

The Kremlin website quoted Putin as follows: “Our development strategy for the 2022–2026 period aims to draw about 30 percent of our funds from domestic markets. It is also very important to attract funds in different currencies, not just dollars or euros. We are well aware of the difficulties encountered by the developing nations in their bid to attract investment. They need resources to finance infrastructure projects, develop digital and social logistics, and, of course, to reach their goals in environmental protection. Everyone is focused on their debt, ignoring their need for resources. It seems unacceptable to impose certain terms and requirements on them in exchange for funding like multilateral international organisations are doing now.” (See Kremlin report – July 26, 2023).

On November 14, 2019, Putin and other BRICS leaders met with members of the BRICS Business Council and the management of the New Development Bank. An approval was given for internal procedures to launch a technical support foundation aimed at helping entrepreneurs draft high-quality design documents when applying for a bank loan. That year (2019) saw an increase the number of regional branches of the bank. The African Regional Centre in Johannesburg. A bank’s branch in Latin America was launched in Brazil. And the necessary procedures for the opening of the bank’s Moscow office in the first half of 2020.

It was acknowledged that the bank, as a key international financial institution, be efficient in investment and lending, expand its investment project portfolio which rose up, exceeded $12 billion, with seven of 44 approved projects being implemented in Russia. The bank also supported the ‘Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership’ until 2025, which was adopted at its summit in Russia in 2015. (See BRICS report – November 2019).

BRICS Bank and Other Multinationals (IMF and World Bank)

The basic question currently asked is what place does BRICS bank hold in the global economy, and how comparable to other multinational financial institutions? Overcoming the impact of the global crisis, BRICS bank has to follow the same path of comprehensive renovation. It has made its key tasks including investing in the economy through concessional loans, to achieve alleviating poverty and hardships to sustainable economic growth. The bank’s documents show interest in engaging in traditional sectors such as alternative energy, information, telecommunications and new medical technologies, processing of mineral resources and working towards agricultural production growth. Many of such advantageous sectors have attracted some forms of loans from the BRICS bank since its establishment and have also recorded some successes and achievements.

For the purpose this article, the traditional comparisons are necessary to deepen the understanding of the theme under discussion and analysis. Historically the IMF and the World Bank, in their functional pursuits, have been extremely active with their targeted operations in various geographical regions. Despite the current criticisms and demands for reforms and review of their approach, the IMF and the World Bank have introduced a new system of global economic governance in their operations. Thanks to a common approach which is noticeable until today that the IMF and the World Bank are consistently in favour of financing operations in emerging and developing economies. At the Pittsburgh G-20 summit held in 2009, both financial institutions pledged forms of support for economic growth in developing countries. (See IMF and World report, June 2009)

Ethiopia, Egypt and South Africa (BRICS members) constitute part of developing countries, and distinctively are located in Africa. Today these three countries are reputable members of the BRICS informal association, but at the same time entangled in the financial network of the IMF and the World Bank. An official summarized report indicated that the IMF, in June 2023, concluded the Article IV consultation with South Africa. South Africa’s economy is facing mounting economic and social challenges. The pathway out to contain the economic shortfall and, as it was an election period, was to swiftly address economic complexity as the last resort was to aproach the World and IMF for another packet of loans. Prior to that, $4.3 billion loan, at about 1.1% interest, was granted for South Africa to manage the immediate consequences of the fallout from coronavirus pandemic which broke out 2019. The practical benefit is that the IMF loan played the supportive role to stabilize South Africa’s situation. South Africa is still facing multiple economic bottlenecks, deteriorating situation, and worse, it will struggle to pay back its debts to foreign financial institutions. South Africa’s external debt reached over $170 billion in 2021, which is the highest stock of foreign debt in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Egypt’s current situation is not different from South Africa and Ethiopia. The north African country has been addressing its economic development capitalizing on the contradictions in the global system. In 2021, Egypt’s total external debt reached around $143 billion. The latest development, in July 2024, the IMF and Egypt reached a preliminary agreement that should help unlock the next disbursement of $8 billion loan. 

As part of the Ethiopia’s macroeconomic reform program endorsement, the latest IMF update released in August 2024, foreign creditors have granted financing assurances to Ethiopia enabling the government to fast-track approval of new loans by the IMF and the World Bank. An official creditor committee offered firm assurances to restructure loans and outstanding debts. Reports explicitly show that Italy, Japan, India, and Saudi Arabia are among other members of the committee. Ethiopia aims to restructure billions of dollars in external debt using the Group of 20’s Common Framework mechanism, which seeks to coordinate talks between official, commercial and private creditors. Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed told parliament in July 2024 that expected talks with the Washington-based IMF and World Bank could unlock more than $10 billion in financing in the coming years.

Further analysing several reports, Egypt and South Africa, being BRICS members in addition to Ethiopia, have contracted loans for developing their economy. The most difficult tasks including their demands for financial reforms, restructuring existing debts and at same time contracting new loans from these western multinational financial institutions. These are the realistic scenarios with Ethiopia, Egypt and South Africa, primarily due to the incapacity and tardiness by the New Development Bank established by BRICS. With its own particular bilateral interest, aspirations and perspectives, China’s Export-Import Bank, as one of the policy instruments, over the past two decades, has supported several development initiatives across Africa. At least, China has illustrated its financial strength, ensuring and reshaping Africa’s economic future. Imperatively, China’s position is that developing the economy, engaging in economic sectors as an important aspect of improving the lives of the impoverished, is partly the surest way to ensure peace and order in Africa.

Notwithstanding all the distinctive points discussed above, BRICS bank considers Ethiopia, Egypt and South Africa, and other partners with their support for multipolar world, beginning to create a solid foundation for dialogue, to actively cooperate and collaborate in the economic sphere. The bank operators, however, declared confidence that cooperation, as frequently put “reliable and mutually beneficial partnership relations” would benefit the developing countries and its peoples, – and among BRICS members has a great future. Against this backdrop, the BRICS New Development Bank has to re-prioritize its high-impact operations that are connected to the development objectives of its members and consistent commitments under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In addition, it has to facilitate a deeper understanding and forge partnerships focusing on mobilising resources for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in its member countries, and to strengthen South-South cooperation.

Some experts further say BRICS ‘strategic expansion’ will raise significantly its status and could amplify association’s declared ambitions to become a champion of the Global South. According to historical records, the first meeting of the association began in St. Petersburg in 2005. It was called RIC, which stood for Russia, India and China.  Then, the BRIC group was formed by four of the world’s fastest-growing economies – Brazil, Russia, India, and China. In December 2010, South Africa joined the BRIC association, and now referred to as BRICS, ‘an informal association’ of five countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

Professor Maurice Okoli is a fellow at the Institute for African Studies and the Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences. He is also a fellow at the North-Eastern Federal University of Russia. He is an expert at the Roscongress Foundation and the Valdai Discussion Club. As an academic researcher and economist with a keen interest in current geopolitical changes and the emerging world order, Maurice Okoli frequently contributes articles for publication in reputable media portals on different aspects of the interconnection between developing and developed countries, particularly in Asia, Africa and Europe. With comments and suggestions, he can be reached via email: [email protected].

The Distasteful Nonsense of Olympism

August 18th, 2024 by Dr. Binoy Kampmark

Ekecheiria, also known as the “Olympic Truce,” is a quaint notion dating to Ancient Greece, when three kings prone to warring against each other – Iphitos of Elis, Cleosthenes of Pisa and Lycurgus of Sparta – concluded a treaty permitting the safe passage of all athletes and spectators from the relevant city-states for the duration of the Olympic Games.  The truce had a certain logic to it, given that many of those granted safe passage would have been serving soldiers or soldiers in waiting.

In 1894, the founder of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Pierre de Coubertin, fantasised about the Games as a peace promoting endeavour which, when read closely, suggests the sublimation of humanity’s warring instincts.  Instead of killing each other, humans could compete in stadia and on the sporting tracks, adoring and admiring physical prowess. 

“Wars break out because nations misunderstand each other.  We shall have no peace until the prejudices which now separate the different races shall have been outlived.  To attain this end, what better means than to bring the youth of all countries periodically together for amicable trials of muscular strength and agility.”


Image: Pierre de Coubertin (Licensed under CC0)

Panting over torsos, sinews and muscles, de Coubertin gushingly wrote his “Ode to Sport” in 1912.  Sport was peace, forging “happy bonds between the peoples by drawing them together in reverence for strength which is controlled, organised and self-disciplined.”  It was through the young that respect would be learned for “one another,” thereby ensuring that “the diversity of national traits becomes a source of generous and peaceful emulation.”  Sport was also other things: justice, daring, honour, joy and, in the true spirit of eugenic inspiration, the means to achieve “a more perfect race, blasting the seeds of sickness”.  Athletes would, accordingly, “wish to see growing about him brisk and sturdy sons to follow him in the arena and [in] turn bear off joyous laurels.”

The Olympic Charter also states that Olympism’s central goal “is to place at the service of the harmonious development of humankind, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity.”

In the 1990s, the IOC thought it prudent to revive the concept of such a truce.  As the organisation explains, this was done “with a view to protecting, as far as possible, the interests of the athletes and sport in general, and to harness the power of sport to promote peace, dialogue and reconciliation more broadly.”  In 2000, the IOC founded the International Olympic Truce Foundation, adopting the dove as a signature symbol of the Games.  By the London Olympics of 2012, the 193 nations present had signed onto an Olympic Truce.

From such lofty summits, hypocrisy and inconsistency will follow.  The IOC, hardly the finest practitioner of fine principle, has been prone to injudicious standards, rampant corruption and tyrannical stupidity.  The IOC recommendation to ban Russian athletes took all but four days after the attack on Ukraine in February 2022 on the premise that Russia had breached the sacred compact of sporting peace.  In the mix, Belarus, designated as arch collaborator with Russian war aims, was also added.

During the 11th Olympic Summit held on December 9, 2022, the IOC Executive Board noted that the Olympic Games would not “address all the political and social challenges in the world.  This is the realm of politics.”  Having advocated that platitudinous, false distinction, the Executive Board could still claim that the Games “can set an example for a world where everyone respects the same rules as one another.”

The IOC did make one grudging concession: Russian and Belarusian athletes could compete as Individual Neutral Athletes (AINs) subject to meeting eligibility requirements determined by the Individual Neutral Athlete Eligibility Review Panel.  Each athlete’s participation was subject to respecting the Olympic Charter, with special reference to “the peace mission of the Olympic Movement”.

These statements and qualifications, intentionally or otherwise, are resoundingly delusional.  The Games are events of pompous political significance, with athletes often being administrative and symbolic extensions of the nation stage they represent.  Authoritarian regimes have gloatingly celebrated hosting them. They have been staging grounds for violence, notably in the killing of 12 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Games by the Palestinian terrorist group Black September.

They have also been boycotted for very political reasons.  The United States did so in 1980 for the Moscow Games, along with 64 other nations, in response to the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan in 1979.  The Soviet Union returned the favour at the Los Angeles Olympics held in 1984, giving President Ronald Reagan a chance, in an election year, to speak of the “winning” American ideal and “a new patriotism spreading across our country.”

In keeping with the erratic nature of such a spirit, it was appropriately hypocritical and distasteful of IOC practice to permit the Israeli athletic contingent numbering 88 athletes to compete at the Paris Games. All this, as slaughter and starvation continued to take place in Gaza (at the time, the Palestinian death toll lay somewhere in the order of 39,000).

Permitting Israel’s participation prompted Jules Boykoff, an academic of keen interest in the Games, to suggest that “the situation is more and more resembling the situation that led the IOC forcing Russia to participate as neutral athletes.”  The body’s “approach to ignore the situation places its selective morality on full display and throws into question the group’s commitment to the high-minded ideals it claims to abide.”

These ideals remain just that, a cover that otherwise permits political realities to flourish.  Predictably, the Paris spectacle, both before and after, was always going to feature the tang and sting of resentment.  Far from being apolitical exponents of their craft, various members of the Israeli Olympic team have been more than forthcoming in defending the warring cause.  Judokas Timna Nelson-Levy and Maya Goshen have been vocal in their defence of the Israeli Defense Forces.

Palestinian participants have also done their bit.  During the opening ceremony, boxer Wasim Abusal wore a shirt showing children being bombed, telling Agence France-Presse that these were “children who are martyred and die under the rubble, children whose parents are martyred and are left alone without food and water.”  Such views are not permitted for Russian or Belarusian athletes, who must compete under the deceptive flag of neutrality.

The organisers of the Paris Games also found it difficult to keep a lid on an occasion supposedly free of political attributes. The Israel-Paraguay football march was marked by scornful boos as the Israeli national anthem was performed.  Reports also note that at least one banner featured “GENOCIDE OLYMPICS”.  Three Israeli athletes also received death threats, according to a statement from the Paris prosecutor’s office.

It’s such instances of political oddities that permit the following suggestion: make all athletes truly amateurish by abolishing their associations with countries.  Most nation states, soldered and cemented compacts of hatred, based upon territory often pinched from previous occupants, are such a nuisance in this regard.  If Olympism is to make sense, and if the ravings of the physique obsessed de Coubertin are to be given shape, why not get rid of the State altogether, thereby making all participants neutral, if only for a few weeks?


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Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge.  He currently lectures at RMIT University.  He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). Email: [email protected] 

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America’s Search for New Enemies

August 18th, 2024 by Philip Giraldi

Does anyone really think that Iran threatens the United States? It’s only plausible if you can be convinced by a congenital liar and war criminal like Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or by a buffoon like Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. My head was still throbbing recently due to the damage done while watching Netanyahu’s 56 standing ovations from a bought and paid for Congress when I came across among my old books a volume bearing a title that summed up what I have been thinking about. It was called “In Search of Enemies: A CIA Story” and was written by a former Agency colleague named John Stockwell back in 1978.

Stockwell spent part of his high school years with his Presbyterian missionary father in the Belgian Congo. He then graduated from the University of Texas followed by three years in the United States Marine Corps. He joined the CIA in 1964 and earned respect as an experienced “Africa Hand,” as the expression was commonly used, during his twelve years in the Agency’s Operations Deputy Directorate that ended when he resigned in 1976. Stockwell served as a case officer through three wars: the Congo Crisis, as chief of the Agency “task force” in the Angolan War of Independence, and Vietnam. Six of Stockwell’s years were in Africa, as Chief of Base in Katanga, then Chief of Station in Bujumbura, Burundi in 1970, before being transferred to Vietnam to oversee intelligence operations in Tay Ninh province where he received the CIA Intelligence Medal of Merit for keeping his post operating until just before the fall of Saigon to the communists in 1975.

In his resignation letter, Stockwell cited deep concerns over the methods and results of CIA paramilitary operations in Third World countries and he subsequently testified to that effect before Congressional committees. Two years later, he wrote In Search of Enemies, about that experience and its broader implications. He claimed that the CIA was damaging national security, and that its “secret wars” provided no benefit for the United States. The CIA, he stated, had singled out the People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) to be an enemy in Angola despite the fact that the MPLA wanted good relations with the United States and had not threatened the US in any way. In 1978 he appeared on the American television program 60 Minutes to discuss his book, inter alia claiming that CIA Director William Colby and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger had systematically lied to Congress and the public about the CIA’s operations in Africa and elsewhere. In Search of Enemies: A CIA Story: 9780393009262: John Stockwell: Books

Stockwell played a major role in a war that America later chose to forget. It was a conflict full of lessons about the tyranny of bureaucracy run amok and the force of habit driving a bloody process that had no end game. Indeed, the top secret presidential finding authorizing the covert war in Angola explicitly directed the CIA to avoid victory — the goal was instead “to hemorrhage Russian coffers and bleed Angolan bodies, all to keep Russia ‘on its toes’” after the US abandonment of Vietnam the year before. Though no American troops were on the ground in Angola, only “advisors,” many millions of dollars were spent, many thousands died, and many lies were told to the American people in waging a war without any relationship to American vital interests and without hope of victory. In many ways it was makes one think of the tragedies involving US foreign and national security policies that are playing out today. If it sounds a lot like the aftermath of the disengagement from Afghanistan more recently, it should. One needs an enemy to justify a bloated defense establishment and if there is no enemy available one will be invented just as Senator Lindsey Graham has already introduced Senate Bill SJ106, which authorizes in advance war with Iran even if Iran does nothing to provoke it. It is a declaration of war in advance against an “enemy” that will be convenient when needed!

Graham is at the tail end of a process of American the warmongering that has been developing ever since the Second World War and which has intensified over the past thirty years. America’s real power and relevance as measured by its economy and leadership has declined, often due to bad decisions made by the country’s government that have turned competitors into truly motivated adversaries. Once upon a time developing countries like China have pursued successful export driven programs. China’s has now made it the largest economy in the world, but the US increasingly sees Beijing’s success as a “threat,” creating a crisis situation where one does not really exist. The US, trying to mask its decline and increase its relevance by boosting its military spending on costly obsolete weapon systems like aircraft carriers, has only made the matter worse by running up huge unsustainable deficits that will before too long come home to roost!

And once you have all that expensive military hardware sitting around, it behooves one to use it, tempting weak politicians to adopt aggressive postures in parts of the world where the US had no real interests to support. Washington’s 900 military bases around the world serve no conceivable defense purposes but the bullying-effect produced by their presence elicits an inevitable reaction with developing and even some advanced countries figuring out that dollar dominance is at the heart of the problem. These countries have begun to join together to resist “Yankee imperialism” and negotiate agreements to create new economic and political alignments like BRICS, which will only serve to accelerate American decline.

Image: Madeleine Albright (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

So what is the solution perceived by Democrat and Republican leaders alike? More sanctions are the easy route as long as the US is able to manage much of world trade through the dominance of the dollar as the reserve currency. Currently one third of the nations in the world are under US sanctions for one reason or another and the Treasury Department’s sanctions document that lists those affected by name runs to 2669 pages. And there have been many more military interventions, coupled with special operations arranged with NATO and the dwindling group of friendly nations, which in turn drives the other nations into tight embraces with those who no longer are willing to accept what the clueless American Secretary of State Madeleine Albright boasted about:

“If we have to use force, it is because we are America. We are the indispensable nation. We stand tall. We see further into the future.”

American thinking at the top level is clearly driven by what the country’s leadership will sell to the public, namely fear of alleged threats emanating from other countries, currently most particularly from China, Russia, North Korea, Venezuela and Iran. It is always good to have an enemy that you can blame everything on but it comes at a price, which is that the “enemies” will figure out what is going on and will band together and cooperate to resist US aggression. That is what we are seeing now with the US on many countries’ own enemies list and opinion polls suggesting how disliked Washington now is!

The sad truth is that it is the United States government that finds it expedient to begin the process of creating enemies for consumption in hopes of justifying non-beneficial alliances and other foreign arrangements and defense alignments that make no sense overseas. Say what one will about Russian President Vladimir Putin, but the moves made by Russian diplomats over the past twenty years were intended to create an accommodation with the west. Key to that improved relationship was Washington’s adherence to the post-Soviet Union break-up commitment to not expand NATO into Eastern Europe, which Moscow saw as a red line. The White House subsequently ignored that agreement almost immediately.

But it was Washington’s overthrow of an elected government in Ukraine that was friendly to Moscow in 2014 that set the stage for a deterioration in the multilateral relationship between Russia and NATO after Putin realized that there was little point in trying to establish an acceptable modus vivendi with the West. As we have learned recently from former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Minsk Agreement which would have established a non-aligned Ukraine was all a fraud, with NATO intended to arm and extend membership to Kiev in spite of pledges not to do so. Even as late as April 2022, shortly after Russia intervened in Ukraine to protect the ethnic Russian minority in Donbas and Crimea in February 2022, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson traveled unexpectedly to Ukraine to warn Prime Minister Volodymyr Zelensky that any peace talks with Moscow would not be acceptable to the US, UK and NATO. It was a demand that Ukraine should be prepared to continue the war.

Likewise with the deliberate poisoning of relations with other potential and actual enemies. One recalls how in 1972 the US and China established a modus vivendi that would allow the two countries to live in peace, or at least in a way that would preclude armed conflict. It was called the “One China” policy and it recognized that an independent Taiwan, surviving under an American military umbrella, was a part of greater China. But, at the same time, China agreed not to try to acquire it by force and the US maintained what has been referred to as “strategic ambiguity” over the issue. Now, however, the United States has made a major issue of possible malevolent Chinese intentions and Beijing is increasingly being seen by both major parties in Washington as the over the horizon enemy. There is considerable talk in Washington about having to “deal with” China and the Chinese leadership is fully aware of what is being mooted. China will now do whatever is necessary to alleviate the threat and will act completely in its own interests, another huge failure of American diplomacy.

Image source

So the United States missteps have turned two major military and economic powers – Russia and China – into enemies and those two countries are responded as they see appropriately by creating relationships to strike back if necessary against the US. As Israel is about to launch a regional war with a focus on crippling Iran and Washington has pledged to defend the Jewish state even if it starts the conflict, which it has already done de facto, Russia, in particular, may have already come to the aid of Tehran, reportedly supplying it with sophisticated S-400 air defense systems that are capable of shooting down US and Israeli warplanes. Iran is reciprocating by selling Moscow armed drones in large numbers for use against Ukraine. The inevitable escalation between two nuclear armed major powers and a reckless nuclear armed Israel in the middle begins at that point and the sad thing is that the growing conflict never had to start in the first place if the White House had used its influence to restrain the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza and its assassinations in Lebanon and Iran itself.

In the “enemies ranking” after China and Russia certainly comes Iran itself, largely due to insistence that that must be so by the Israelis, who largely control aspects of foreign policy in Washington. Israel asserts that Iran is a threat to the US as well as to Israel because it is developing a nuclear weapon. This view was most recently reiterated in front of the US Congress by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and it is a complete fabrication. Even Israeli intelligence concedes that Iran has no nuclear weapon program and is far from having such a device. Indeed, the fact is that Iran has never threatened the United States and has no interest in doing so. Israel, which has a secret nuclear arsenal, is more of a threat to the US than is Iran due to its embrace of the “Samson Option” in which it would use its nukes to strike friendly countries under certain circumstances.

So there you have it. Witness the frantic search for new enemies as needed by the lunatics in charge in Washington, even when reality does not support the narrative. That is what the Stockwell book was all about and it was as true in 1964 as it is today. The United States and Europeans claim to be fearful of Russia providing top level weapons systems to Iran to help that country defend itself so it can develop a nuclear weapon, which it has in fact no intention of doing. And the record shows something quite different, i.e. that Iran has been on the receiving end of attacks from both Israelis and Americans as well as assassination of its senior officials including Donald Trump’s killing of Revolutionary Guard commander Qassim Soleimani in Baghdad in January 2020. So who are really the bad guys here? I think the answer is clear.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is [email protected].

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Turkey and Syria Both Want the US Military Out of Syria

August 18th, 2024 by Steven Sahiounie

On August 13, US troops in Syria came under attack, according to local media sources, but no details on possible injuries. On August 9, eight US military troops were wounded in a drone attack at Rumaylan base in North East Syria. This was the second major attack in recent days against US forces who are occupying Syrian territory illegally. This incident is the latest in a long line of similar attacks by groups who seek to oust the 900 US troops from their occupation of Syria, and the 2,500 US troops from Iraq. All these attacks come amid soaring tensions in the Middle East because of Israel’s refusal to agree to a ceasefire in Gaza, which the UN has labeled genocide.

Some US personnel at Rumaylan had minor injuries including smoke inhalation, and examinations were being conducted for possible traumatic brain injuries, while some were transported for further evaluation.

Rumaylan holds the greatest concentration of oil and gas wells in Syria, which in the past provided the complete domestic supply for Syria, and created full electricity for the national grid by converting oil and gas to electricity via power stations.  The average home in Syria today receives about 1 ½ hour of electricity in a 24 hour period due to the US occupation and confiscation of the oil resources produced in the north east.

ISIS had been well funded by selling stolen oil taken from oil fields across northern Iraq and Syria. Trump ordered the US troops in Syria to leave following the defeat of ISIS, but the ‘deep state’ refused Trump, and the US troops remained in Syria to confiscate the Syrian oil and deprive the Syrian people from their own energy resources.

On August 5, a rocket strike by a military unit within the Iraqi national army, the Popular Mobilization Forces, wounded five US personnel at Ain al-Asad airbase in western Iraq. The Popular Mobilization Forces were part of the Iraqi military coalition which defeated ISIS.

The Iraqi government requested the US military back to help them fight ISIS in 2014. After the defeat of ISIS, the Iraqi parliament and central government in Baghdad have both requested the US military to leave Iraq, but the US remains belligerently occupying several bases in Iraq.

The US has conducted several military attacks on Iraqi soil, including the US assassination of Iranian commander Qaseem Soleimani, and the assassination of a top military commander, Abu Baqir al-Saadi. Iraq sees the evacuation of the US troops from Iraqi soil as a matter of national security.

Turkish President Recip Tayyip Erdogan had been a close personal friend of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, to the extent of addressing him as ‘brother’ publically; however, that changed in 2011 after the Obama war on Syria began. Erdogan was a US ally, and fellow NATO member, with the largest army in NATO. Erdogan played his role in the script written in the Obama Oval Office. The drama ended in a tragedy for Syria and in a farce for Turkey and the EU as they continue to pay the price of hosting millions of Syrian refugees driven from their homes in search of peace and income.

Erdogan felt betrayed by the US.  He had played their game in Syria, paid the price of hosting international Radical Islamic terrorists, and 3 million Syrian refugees. Erdogan had also hosted the Syrian opposition in Istanbul, the Syrian National Coalition (SNC). Now, the US were playing with fire on the border with Turkey, while supporting the SDF, who are directly linked with the PKK, who have killed over 30,000 people in Turkey over 3 decades of terrorism. Repeatedly, Erdogan asked Washington to stop supporting a Kurdish communist semi-autonomous government in north east Syria, but the State Department’s design to remain in Syria forever was more important than their relationship with Turkey.

Erdogan wants to repair his relationship with Assad.  He seeks reconciliation with Damascus, and Syria has responded positively, but has demanded that Turkey remove all Turkish military from Syrian soil along the northern border first.

Experts have rumored a deal between Turkey and Syria is in the works. The deal on the table is rather simple: Turkey must get the US troops to withdraw completely from Syria, and in return the Syrian Arab Army will disarm the SDF and assure the security of the Turkish border.

Removing foreign troops from occupation can be done peacefully through diplomatic negotiations in which each side benefits.  Or, it can be achieved through violent attacks on the occupation forces in order to make them decide to leave on their own.

Turkey’s largest export market prior to 2011 was Syria.  Since then, Turkey has plunged into an economic crisis.  Turkish citizens have come to resent the 3 million Syrian refugees living among them and seek their repatriation. Erdogan views the Turkish-Syrian border as a national security priority.

Without the US military presence in Syria, the Kurds will be forced to realign with Damascus, and in the process millions of Syrians can return to their homes and the oil and gas wells can once again be an energy source for all the Syrian people, instead of the sole benefit of a minority community of Kurdish communists.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is a two-time award-winning journalist. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

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Industrial cheese production has compromised the quality of cheese. Most cheese is now made using synthetic, lab-produced rennet that alters the nutritional profile

Traditionally made cheese with animal rennet is a superfood, providing benefits like lactoferrin, beneficial saturated fats, vitamin K2, tyrosine and probiotic bacteria

Cheese made from A2/A2 milk from grass fed cows, and using traditional cheesemaking techniques is more nutritious and easier to digest than industrial cheese

Expanding access to traditionally made cheese can help shift consumer preferences toward healthier, more sustainable dairy options


Cheese has been a staple in human diets for millennia. However, the advent of industrial cheese production has dramatically altered its quality, making real, traditional cheese increasingly hard to find in the U.S. Instead, the market is now flooded with cheese made using synthetic, lab-produced rennet, which alters its nutritional profile and fails to match the quality and benefits of traditionally made cheese.

Fortunately, exciting developments are underway to make high-quality cheese more accessible to a broader audience. This initiative is spearheaded by Ashley Armstrong, cofounder of Angel Acres Egg Co., which specializes in low-PUFA (polyunsaturated fat) eggs, and the Nourish Cooperative, which provides some of the healthiest food in the United States. Ashley is also an expert on the late Dr. Ray Peat’s principles of bioenergetic medicine.

In our interview above, Ashley and I discuss the crucial differences between traditionally made cheese and its industrial counterparts, and how their efforts to expand the production and distribution of high-quality, artisanal cheese can allow more people to get access to this superfood and help shift consumer preferences toward healthier, more sustainable options.

The Emergence of Synthetic Cheese Rennet

Cheese is often said to be as good as the milk it’s made from, but an equally important factor is the rennet used in its production. Rennet is an enzyme complex responsible for coagulating milk. It comes in four types — animal rennet, vegetable rennet, microbial rennet and fermentation-produced chymosin (FPC), a rennet made from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that is often misleadingly labeled as “plant-based” for greenwashing purposes. Ashley explains:

“In the early 1990s, Pfizer generated FPC … It is produced in a lab from a genetically modified enzyme, so it’s not natural. They take a gene out of an animal cell’s DNA string and insert it into a bacteria, commonly a yeast or a mold.

They take that DNA, put it into the yeast or mold DNA string, and then that will initiate the production of the chymosin enzyme, [which is] what coagulates the milk. That is what’s naturally occurring inside the stomach chamber of a cow. The host culture is then cultivated and fermented.”

In a previous article, Ashley detailed how cheese was traditionally made with animal rennet, which is found naturally in the stomach lining of ruminant animals and is known to produce superior flavor. True vegetable rennet, on the other hand, often compromises the flavor of cheese. This is why most cheeses labeled as “vegetable rennet” today are not made with real vegetable rennet.

There’s no regulation on the terms used for rennet in cheese labeling, so most are actually made with either microbial rennet made from mold or FPC. Nowadays, manufacturers primarily use FPC because it’s cheaper, more stable, and meets the growing demand for vegetarian-friendly cheese. In fact, 90% of cheese produced in the U.S. uses synthetic rennet.1

How GMO Rennet Can Impact Your Health

While “plant-based” GMO rennet may sound like a good option, it can actually compromise your health. Ashley asserts:

“The biggest problem here is that this is made in a lab. Trace amounts of mold and fungus have been found in these enzymes, which are then used to make the cheese. [For] people who are allergic to mold or fungus, it can cause toxicity or allergenic responses …

It’s also been shown to disrupt gut health, likely because you’re inserting strange microbial populations into your gut. So, there are toxicity, allergenic and gut health concerns about FPC.”

Despite the safety of GMO rennet being evaluated only by a 90-day trial in rats,2 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved its use in food. It was also given Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status, exempting Pfizer from the stringent pre-approval requirements for new food additives.

However, Ashley clarifies that its GRAS status is essentially meaningless, as it simply places all the responsibility on the producer to evaluate its effectiveness. This means we don’t really know the long-term repercussions of consuming GMO rennet.

Even when you start with the finest raw milk to make cheese, the use of GMO rennet can compromise the final product’s quality and nutritional value. In fact, I believe that most of the cheese consumed in this country should be avoided because it contains this ingredient, which is what makes most cheeses today so hard to digest.

How Dairy Misconceptions Contribute to Calcium-to-Phosphorus Imbalance

Ashley emphasizes that one of the key benefits of consuming cheese is its rich calcium content:

“Eating adequate calcium is going to be important for bone health and dental health, but there’s so many other benefits. One of the main things is maintaining that proper cell structure, which can lead to improved energy production, improved metabolism and make it easier to lose weight.

[Eating adequate calcium is] also going to lead to better blood pressure regulation, since low dietary calcium has been shown to increase blood pressure. It’s also going to lower oxalate absorption … [T]he more calcium consume, the less oxalates you absorb through your intestines, so it helps reduce the chances of oxalate toxicity.”

Unfortunately, the vilification of dairy products by the mainstream media has led many to avoid cheese, or to choose plant-based alternatives. This shift, driven by misconceptions that dairy causes digestive problems and calcification, leads to a cascade of health issues. As Ashley explains:

“When your calcium intake is low, it causes the parathyroid hormone (PTH) to rise, and that leads to an influx of calcium into the cells. Meanwhile, phosphorus, which is more readily available in our diet, remains in abundance, creating an imbalance in the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio …

The biggest thing that PTH does is it’s one of the main bone regulators, so when PTH is elevated, that causes an increase in bone resorption and a decrease in bone formation. It’s increasing the body’s requirements to go mine for calcium in your bones because you’re not consuming enough dietarily.”

Ashley also reveals that manufacturers add phosphate to commercial cheese as a preservative and to improve melting capabilities, which further exacerbates the imbalance between calcium and phosphorus.

“It’s becoming increasingly challenging to get [adequate] calcium intake,” Ashley notes. “We want our calcium-to-phosphorus ratio to be as close to 1-1 as possible.” This underscores the need to incorporate traditionally made cheeses into your diet, not just as a “guilty pleasure” but as a staple, health-supporting food choice.

Traditionally Made Cheese Is a Superfood

In addition to having impressive calcium content, high-quality artisanal cheese is also a good source of the following nutrients:

  • Lactoferrin — Lactoferrin is an iron-binding glycoprotein with a range of pharmacological benefits for both infants and adults, including immunomodulatory, antioxidant, antitumor and antimicrobial properties.3

It also plays a role in enhancing iron absorption and regulating cellular functions such as activation, differentiation and proliferation.4 Lactoferrin is significantly reduced during pasteurization,5 hence the importance of choosing raw milk cheese.

  • Saturated fats — One of the standout components in cheese is the odd-chain fat C15:0 (pentadecanoic acid). This essential fat, which is more abundant in milk from grass fed cows, has been associated with an array of health benefits, including improved metabolic health.

According to a 2023 study published in the journal Nutrients,6 low levels of C15:0 are linked to an increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and certain cancers.

The authors concluded there’s strong evidence that this essential nutrient supports healthy aging and longevity in humans, with cell-based activities that are as good as, or better than, leading longevity-enhancing prescription therapeutics.7

  • Vitamin K2 — This form of vitamin K plays a role in calcium metabolism, helping direct calcium to the bones where it’s needed. By doing so, it helps support both bone and cardiovascular health.8
  • Tyrosine — An amino acid that’s found in higher amounts in raw milk cheese than heavily processed ones,9 tyrosine influences your body’s production of important neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine, which are vital for mood regulation, cognitive function and stress response.10 Tyrosine also contributes to thyroid hormone production, which is essential for regulating your metabolism.11
  • Beneficial bacteria — Raw milk cheeses contain live lactic acid bacteria that can act as probiotics. The consumption of raw cheese has been documented to improve microbiome balance due to these beneficial bacteria, which are typically killed in pasteurized cheeses.12According to a study published in the journal Foods:13

“Current scientific evidence suggests that LAB [lactic acid bacteria], mainly Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, are beneficial to the host in correcting imbalances in the intestinal microbiota, and consequently in maintaining and regulating health. These bacteria are traditionally associated with fermented foods and are the most studied probiotic organisms.

Probiotic organisms can protect the host from intestinal disease by inhibiting toxin production, producing antibacterial compounds, blocking pathogen adhesion sites, competing for nutrients and stimulating immunity.

In addition to pathogen exclusion, probiotics may offer other beneficial properties to the host’s health, including nutrient synthesis (certain vitamins), reduction in lactose intolerance and production of bioactive compounds such as CLA [conjugated linoleic acid], SCFA [short-chain fatty acids] and EPS [exopolysaccharides].”

The Characteristics of a High-Quality Cheese

High-quality, traditionally made cheese, like the one Ashley aims to provide, is characterized by several key factors:

  • Made from A2/A2 milk — Raw milk (not pasteurized) with the A2/A2 beta-casein protein can be easier to digest if you’re experiencing digestive issues with conventional A1 milk.
  • Sourced from 100% grass fed cows — Cheese made from the milk of vaccine-free cows that are exclusively grass fed on diverse pastures contains higher levels of beneficial nutrients compared to conventionally made cheese, which typically comes from cows fed genetically modified feeds and raised in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs).
  • Animal rennet — Traditional animal rennet is used instead of synthetic or microbial alternatives, which can lead to better taste, texture and digestibility.
  • Handcrafted using traditional techniques — The cheese is made in small batches using traditional techniques by skilled cheesemakers to avoid compromising the quality.

Artisanal Cheese Boxes Now More Accessible

Ashley and I also discussed her exciting plans to address the increasing demand for high-quality, traditionally made cheese. She reveals that as of today, they are offering delicious cheese boxes sourced from small-scale Amish farmers, now exclusively available to the Mercola audience. You can order here.

These cheeses are made according to the standards mentioned above, preserving the traditional cheesemaking techniques that ensure beneficial enzymes and nutrients remain intact. This approach contrasts sharply with industrial cheese production, which often sacrifices quality and nutritional value for mass production.

While the initial supply is limited to between 1,000 to 1,500 boxes per month, Ashley shares they have plans to gradually increase production. However, she emphasizes that this expansion will not compromise quality. Instead of pushing farms to become industrial complexes, the goal is to increase the number of small-scale producers involved in the project.

Eggshell Powder — An Alternative Source of Calcium

In our interview, Ashley also highlighted another good source of calcium for those who cannot consume dairy products — eggshell powder. Eggshells are primarily composed of calcium carbonate and also contain a variety of trace minerals,14 making them a nutrient-dense supplement. This often-discarded part of the egg can easily be repurposed into a valuable nutritional resource. Ashley explains:

“[I]t’s so easy to make yourself. Save your eggshells in a bag, put it in the freezer. When you have enough of it, you can either boil or lightly bake to sterilize or get rid of any impurities. Grind them in a little coffee grinder, and then you’ve got your eggshell powder.”

This powder can be added to various foods or used as a natural toothpaste when mixed with coconut or MCT oil. It’s been shown to have remineralizing effects on teeth. I personally take a teaspoon of eggshell powder twice a day.

For those raising chickens, Ashley points out that feeding crushed eggshells back to the hens can help ensure they have enough calcium to produce strong eggshells, creating a sustainable cycle that adheres with the principles of regenerative agriculture.

About Angel Acres Egg Co. and the Nourish Cooperative

What your food eats, matters — as pigs and chickens are vehicles for health-harming polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs). If their diet is high in PUFAs, the final product will contain more PUFAs. With the current agriculture system, knowing where your food comes from is vital. Angel Acres Egg Co. specializes in low-PUFA eggs. We discussed the importance of low-PUFA eggs in a previous interview, embedded above for your convenience.

Angel Acres Egg Co. ships low-PUFA eggs to all 50 states — but there is currently a waiting list as she slowly increases the number of chickens within the network to fulfill the demand. Join the waitlist for low-PUFA egg boxes here.

Armstrong also cofounded Nourish Cooperative, which ships the best low-PUFA pork, beef, cheese and A2 dairy, and traditional sourdough to all 50 states. They are also close to accepting new members to the farm cooperative — join the waitlist here:

In the video segment above, Ashley reflects on the timeline of her decision to invest her free time into regenerative farming, considering how just a few years ago, her health was far from ideal. She struggled with mitochondrial energy production and her body was in a low thyroid state. Your body prioritizes energy for essential tasks, and decision-making requires significant energy.

Your brain consumes about 20% of your body’s energy despite being only 2% of its weight. Ashley simply would not have had enough cellular energy to supply her brain to make a decision like she did unless she improved her health. Factors like excess linoleic acid, estrogen and endotoxins were depleting her cellular energy, which is crucial for making energy-intensive decisions.

Her transformation underscores the power of nurturing your health to gain the energy necessary for making significant life changes. Avoiding dietary pitfalls like seed oils played a key role in this journey, enabling her to tap into a newfound capacity for brave decisions — a testament to the profound impact of regaining cellular energy on her ability to navigate life’s choices.

It is my sincere desire and hope that you consider her journey to inspire and empower you to make similar choices in your own life and reclaim the Joy that you deserve. Imagine experiencing the nearly limitless Joy that Ashley has with her 1,000 chickens and four livestock guard dogs below.



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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary


1 Trends in Food Science & Technology January 2022; 119: 467-475

2 EFSA August 3, 2022

3, 4 Pharmaceutics 2023, 15(6), 1569

5 Animals 2023, 13(10), 1610

6, 7 Nutrients 2023, 15(21), 4607

8 Foods 2024, 13(11), 1646

9 Food Chemistry Volume 460, Part 2, 1 December 2024, 140622

10 Bulletin of Problems in Biology and Medicine, 2023, Issue 3 (170)

11 Mount Sinai, Tyrosine

12, 13 Foods. 2022 Aug; 11(15): 2276

14 J R Soc Interface. 2021 Sep; 18(182): 20210502

Featured image is from Mercola

As investigações ocidentais sobre o que “realmente” aconteceu na explosão do Nord Stream parecem ter sido concluídas. Em vez de uma complexa operação de inteligência usando equipamento naval apropriado e táticas sofisticadas de sabotagem, acredita-se que tudo foi apenas o resultado de uma “noite de bebedeira” quando os oficiais ucranianos simplesmente decidiram destruir a “fonte de financiamento” do Kremlin através de um navio alugado. A ridícula narrativa ocidental sobre o assunto mostra como a grande mídia perdeu o respeito pelo seu próprio público, tratando o público como completos idiotas.

De acordo com um artigo recente publicado pelo Wall Street Journal, a operação de sabotagem do Nord Stream é de inteira responsabilidade da Ucrânia. O ato foi alegadamente o resultado de um plano mal pensado por oficiais ucranianos bêbados durante uma celebração do progresso das tropas de Kiev no campo de batalha – após a retirada estratégica russa de 2022, que os meios de comunicação social relataram como uma “vitória ucraniana”. De acordo com o WSJ, militares ucranianos bêbados decidiram lançar uma operação ousada para prejudicar economicamente a Rússia, visando os gasodutos.

O jornal diz que a operação não custou mais de 300 mil dólares e exigiu apenas os sabotadores e um iate alugado. O WSJ, citando alegadas fontes que “participaram” na operação, afirma que o esquema era ousado, mas simples e fácil de implementar, não necessitando de conhecimentos técnicos avançados ou de grande apoio de agências governamentais.

“Em maio de 2022, um punhado de altos oficiais militares e empresários ucranianos reuniram-se para brindar ao notável sucesso do seu país em travar a invasão russa. Estimulados pelo álcool e pelo fervor patriótico, alguém sugeriu um próximo passo radical: destruir o Nord Stream. os gasodutos gêmeos de gás natural que transportavam o gás russo para a Europa estavam a fornecer milhares de milhões à máquina de guerra do Kremlin. Qual a melhor maneira de fazer Vladimir Putin pagar pela sua agressão? A operação ucraniana custou cerca de $300 mil, segundo pessoas que dela participaram. Envolvia um pequeno iate alugado com uma tripulação de seis pessoas, inclusive treinada por mergulhadores civis”, diz o artigo.

Na prática, é possível dizer que a matéria publicada pelo WSJ tenta minimizar a natureza do ataque ao Nord Stream, descrevendo-o como uma operação simples que teria sido realizada por uma pequena equipe de sabotadores e com baixa qualidade de equipamento. Isto contradiz completamente a opinião de analistas militares experientes, que afirmam que a explosão dos gasodutos não foi uma operação simples e que não poderia ter sido realizada por agentes comuns, mas na realidade exigiu uma elevada capacidade técnica militar.

Em 2022, Douglas McGregor, ex-assessor do secretário de Defesa dos EUA durante o governo de Donald Trump, afirmou que no mundo inteiro apenas as marinhas dos EUA e do Reino Unido teriam capacidade para realizar este tipo de ataque. Na altura, a principal narrativa da comunicação social ocidental era que os russos tinham sabotado a sua própria infraestrutura numa operação de bandeira falsa. Macgregor criticou este argumento, afirmando que os EUA e o Reino Unido são os únicos países cujas marinhas possuem este tipo de capacidade operacional.

“É preciso ver quem são os atores estatais que têm capacidade para fazer isto. E isso significa a Marinha Real [do Reino Unido] e a Marinha dos Estados Unidos <…> Acho que isso está bastante claro”, disse Macgregor na altura.

Isso parece ser típico da prática ocidental desde o início do conflito. Quando um crime é cometido, a primeira ação da imprensa ocidental é culpar a Rússia. Se a narrativa não prevalecer, são realizadas “investigações” longas e obscuras. E então o último mecanismo utilizado é culpar a Ucrânia, excluindo a responsabilidade ocidental. Isto também foi feito em casos de crimes contra indivíduos russos. Por exemplo, quando a jornalista Daria Dugina foi assassinada, a primeira ação ocidental foi afirmar que Moscou a tinha eliminado numa operação de bandeira falsa. Meses mais tarde, o New York Times publicou um artigo afirmando que Kiev tinha levado a cabo o ataque sozinho, sem a participação ocidental.

Tudo o que a imprensa ocidental quer é libertar a OTAN da responsabilidade pelos crimes cometidos na guerra contra a Rússia. O regime neonazista é um mero proxy, não agindo sozinho em nenhuma situação. Todo crime cometido por Kiev tem autorização prévia do Ocidente. Nos EUA e na Europa, os cidadãos comuns começam a compreender esta relação entre a OTAN e a Ucrânia, uma vez que, ao contrário do que pensam os principais jornalistas, a opinião pública não é composta por pessoas ingênuas ou estúpidas, mas por cidadãos pensantes e críticos que duvidam do absurdo dos meios de comunicação social. Assim, tal como as pessoas comuns não acreditavam no passado que os russos tinham destruído os gasodutos, também não acreditarão agora que a Ucrânia realizou esta operação sozinha.

Parece claro para qualquer analista sério que o que aconteceu com o Nord Stream foi resultado de um plano muito bem pensado e executado, e não apenas de uma conversa de bêbados. Certamente, a operação foi planejada durante meses e executada envolvendo os serviços de inteligência e forças armadas de vários países ao mesmo tempo. No mesmo sentido, é absolutamente inútil pensar que o objetivo era prejudicar economicamente a Rússia, uma vez que na altura a Alemanha já sancionava Moscou e as relações entre os dois países estavam gradualmente a diminuir.

O objetivo da sabotagem do Nord Stream era prejudicar a própria Europa. Dada a inevitabilidade de uma vitória russa, os EUA queriam garantir que a Alemanha nunca restabelecesse os laços com Moscou no futuro. Berlim foi condenada pelos EUA à desindustrialização e ao declínio econômico ao ver a sua cooperação com a Rússia sabotada. O alvo não era Moscou, que continua a vender facilmente gás a outros países através de rotas alternativas, mas a própria Alemanha – e toda a Europa.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida



Artigo em inglês :Western media tries to blame Ukraine for Nord Stream sabotagen, InfoBrics, 16 de Agosto de 2024.

Imagem InfoBrics


Lucas Leiroz, membro da Associação de Jornalistas do BRICS, pesquisador do Centro de Estudos Geoestratégicos, especialista militar.

Você pode seguir Lucas Leiroz em: e

We are still awaiting Iran’s retaliation on Israel for the killing of Hamas’ top political leader Haniyeh in Tehran.

Before taking Iran into further far-reaching hostilities, Iran found it wise first to get prepared. To get over the wasteful talks with US Secretary of State Blinken.

Then present the case for the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC), and finally conclude a top-visit by Russia’s Shoigu in Tehran. The latter, Shoigu’s visit, is extremely important, as it contains huge supplies of advanced weapons to Tehran as well as a possible strategic defense agreement between Iran and Russia.

Now that these items are crossed on Iran’s shopping list, Iran can finally get into business.

Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian has assured Khalil al-Hayya, the deputy head of the Hamas political bureau in Gaza, that nothing other than a decisive action could be considered a retaliation for the heartrending target killing of Ismail Haniyeh.

He added that Iran’s Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf has also underlined during meetings with Hamas officials over the past few days that Iran’s response will be definite, decisive and different in kind and manner.

The representative of Hamas in Tehran says Iran’s response to Israel’s assassination of the head of political bureau of the Palestinian resistance group will be “definite and decisive” and will be carried out at “a substantial level.”

Khaled Qaddoumi made the remarks in an exclusive interview with the Arabic service of Tasnim news agency on Monday, stressing that Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian has assured Khalil al-Hayya, the deputy head of the Hamas political bureau in Gaza, that nothing other than a decisive action could be considered a retaliation for the heartrending target killing of Ismail Haniyeh.

He added that Iran’s Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf has also underlined during meetings with Hamas officials over the past few days that Iran’s response will be definite, decisive and different in kind and manner.

“Experience has proven that the Zionist regime will press ahead with its crimes in case it does not receive an answer… The most important reason why a criminal like [Israeli prime minister Benjamin] Netanyahu is forging ahead with its genocide is the absence of diplomatic pressures from the United States. He does not feel such strains,” Qaddoumi said.

The senior Hamas official emphasized that Iran will definitely respond to the Israeli assassination of Haniyeh at a substantial level, and expressed regret that the occupying Tel Aviv regime is not under pressure from any other party, either in West Asia or anywhere else.

PressTV, August 13, 2024

As Israel prepares to be attacked, Israel vows to strike back at Iran no matter the size or result of Iran’s expected retaliation against Israel. See this.

It won’t help Iran to give in for US efforts “restrain” its retaliation against Israel – the result will anyway be a circle of retaliations, likely a full-scale regional war

Escalation is guaranteed.


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary

Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

This scenario carries with it very serious potential consequences.

The report late last month that Ukraine finally received some of its long-awaited F-16s, at least one of which was then spotted flying over Odessa, was followed earlier this week by two related developments. Senator Lindsey Graham revealed during a press conference in Kiev that Zelensky wants to hire retired Western pilots to fly the F-16s until his country trains enough of its own, shortly after which Russia summoned the Moldovan charge d’affaires amidst reports that they’ll be based in his country.

If this comes to pass, then Westerners will soon pilot Ukrainian F-16s out of Moldova for sorties against Russia, including nearby Crimea but also possibly parts of its pre-2014 territory like Kursk Region. This scenario carries with it very serious potential consequences. For starters, while those mercenary pilots wouldn’t officially represent their countries, their participation in the conflict would almost certainly be seen by Russia as further proof of the West escalating everything in the direction of direct involvement.

Flying out of Moldova would be less provocative than flying out of NATO countries like Poland or Romania, though that could still possibly happen if some of Ukraine’s F-16s are stored there. Nevertheless, it’s still not without any risks either since Russia could retaliate against Moldova if any planes from there carry out strikes against its territory, including former Ukrainian lands. That might in turn lead to Moldova invading its breakaway region of Transnistria where Russia troops are still based.

A rekindling of that frozen conflict could involve Ukraine and/or neighboring Romania between whom Moldova is sandwiched. Kiev is looking for another quick morale boost while Bucharest could see an opportunity to forcibly reincorporate its historic region that only became an independent state by chance due to the USSR’s dissolution. Russia’s estimated 1,100 troops there could easily be outmatched if that happens, but the legacy of its modern-day Thermopylae might be long-lasting.

It’s difficult to imagine Russia declining to declare war against Moldova in that scenario since public pressure might become impossible to withstand, in which case Moldova could be destroyed in revenge if Russia finally stops fighting with one hand tied behind its back for political reasons like it presently is. Regardless of whatever happens to all or part of Ukraine in that scenario, there’d still be the risk of a hot war breaking out with NATO if any of its forces inside of Moldova are killed during Russia’s retaliation.

Considering the enormity of what’s at stake, which could include forcible reincorporation into Romania despite the majority of society’s wishes per a reliable poll from August 2023 as well as the risk of World War III being sparked by miscalculation as explained, Moldovans might protest against hosting the F-16s. “Putin Implied The Possibility Of Forthcoming Anti-Elite Protests In Moldova” last fall so his forecast might soon come to pass if it’s confirmed that Moldova will indeed serve as an anti-Russian airbase.  

At the same time, there’s always the possibility that Russia restrains itself for the “greater good” like it’s thus far done in spite of so many other perceived red lines having already been crossed. The rationale might be that it’s not worth turning Transnistria into a modern-day Thermopylae, let alone risking a hot war with NATO, especially if Russia is able to defend itself from this new threat. While some might breathe a sigh of relief, others will worry that this could embolden the West to cross even more red lines.


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary

This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Andrew Korybko’s Newsletter.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

– Prossegue a execução de um sistema de controle digital mundial
– A vigilância em massa sob o pretexto sanitário
– Conivência ativa da União Europeia

O EVC, o Cartão Europeu de Vacinação, será lançado em setembro de 2024 em 5 países-piloto. Não só consolidará todos os dados de vacinação num único local, como também fornecerá “metadados” descarregáveis que podem ser partilhados utilizando um código QR.

O projeto faz parte de um programa mais vasto denominado EUVABECO, que visa monitorizar e aumentar a vacinação na UE. Como parte do sistema global de certificação digital da OMS, o EVC acompanhará a introdução da identidade digital europeia e da moeda digital na Europa.

O cartão deverá estar em circulação em todos os Estados-Membros da UE a partir de 2026.

Os cidadãos estão a reagir à ameaça de um maior controlo social. Como é que lidamos com esta nova tendência para um governo global através da saúde?


Lançado em janeiro de 2024 pela Comissão Europeia, o projeto EUVABECO (European Vaccination Beyond Covid-19) reúne instituições e universidades de 14 países para desenvolver e testar 12 projectos-piloto para a introdução de ferramentas “inovadoras” destinadas a preparar e prevenir pandemias e a estimular a vacinação na UE.

É coordenado pela Universidade de Creta, na Grécia, e dispõe de um orçamento de 8,44 milhões de euros, dos quais 6,75 milhões de euros provêm do programa EU4Health e 1,69 milhões de euros de “parceiros” não especificados.

Estão atualmente a ser estudadas cinco ferramentas:

  1. O Sistema de Decisão Clínica (CDS), uma ferramenta médica concebida para fornecer argumentos e recomendações para a vacinação. O CDS basear-se-á nas práticas em França e no Luxemburgo.
  2. A orientação da população (SCR), uma ferramenta social que consiste em selecionar, identificar e convidar categorias e indivíduos específicos a serem vacinados. Este sistema inspirar-se-á no exemplo belga durante a Covid.
  3. O folheto eletrónico de informação sobre vacinas (ePIL), uma ferramenta industrial para facilitar a transferência de vacinas de um país para outro.
  4. Modelação e Previsão (FOR), uma ferramenta de saúde pública concebida para prever a produção e as encomendas de vacinas com base em dados epidemiológicos. Esta componente basear-se-á no simulador desenvolvido pela Universidade de Saarland, na Alemanha.
  5. O Cartão Europeu de Vacinação (CVE), uma ferramenta (de controlo) “que assegura a continuidade dos cuidados”. Será testado por cinco países-piloto com base no cartão de saúde Covid.


O cartão europeu de vacinação

Durante a pandemia de Covid, a Grécia foi o primeiro país a desenvolver um passe sanitário e a solicitar a introdução de um equivalente europeu. O país fez tudo o que estava ao seu alcance para incentivar a população a vacinar-se, chegando mesmo a tomar medidas extremas, como tornar a vacinação obrigatória para as pessoas com mais de 60 anos, com uma multa de 100 euros por mês para quem não cumprisse a obrigação. Graças a esta experiência, a Grécia é atualmente um dos países mais envolvidos nos projectos EUVABECO. Os outros países que irão introduzir o CVE a partir de setembro são a Alemanha, a Bélgica, a Letónia e Portugal.


Para já, trata-se de uma iniciativa voluntária por parte dos doentes. Na prática, o cartão de vacinação estará disponível em vários suportes e poderá ser obtido nos pontos de vacinação (estabelecimentos de saúde), por correio ou descarregado digitalmente para um smartphone. Este cartão conterá todos os pormenores do historial de vacinação, incluindo notas pormenorizadas, um código QR e “metadados” descarregáveis. Cada vacinação será igualmente registada na base de dados de um organismo de saúde aprovado pelo sistema.

O código QR dará acesso aos “metadados” para que os profissionais de saúde possam ler, completar e confirmar as entradas de vacinação no seu sistema de registo médico eletrónico.

O “canivete suíço” da saúde digital?

Em que consistem estes misteriosos “metadados”? Poderá ser informação relacionada com o controlo social e o comportamento do doente. Por exemplo, “o paciente recusa a 5ª dose, porque acha que já tomou o suficiente com a 4ª” ou “ela concordou em ser vacinada para proteger o seu bebé”, etc.

Mas é evidente que a interoperabilidade do CVE se destina a alargar o seu âmbito de aplicação para além da vacinação e que se trata sobretudo de criar a base de uma carteira digital que reunirá uma multiplicidade de dados pessoais.

A T-Systems, filial da Deutsche Telekom, que é a principal arquiteta desta plataforma, declarou igualmente que o passe funciona como um verdadeiro “canivete suíço” ao qual podem ser constantemente acrescentadas novas aplicações.

Durante a Covid, centralizou os certificados de vacinação, os resultados dos testes PCR e os certificados de cura da Covid. Mas já poderíamos ter acrescentado aplicações de alerta e de rastreio. Especialmente porque foi também a T-Systems que concebeu o European Federation Gateway Service, o portão de entrada que permitiu que estas funções de localização e seguimento funcionassem nos vários Estados-Membros.

Atualmente, a empresa tem muitas aplicações adicionais em cuidados hospitalares, seguros de saúde e recolha de dados para estudos científicos, para não mencionar outras áreas como os transportes públicos, a administração e os veículos motorizados. Daí a reunir tudo numa única “mega-aplicação” vai um curto passo.

Acima da Europa, a OMS

Por trás destes “metadados” está toda a agenda da saúde digital em que a OMS está a investir tanto esforço. Sabemos que o passe global de vacinas é um dos elementos-chave do “Tratado”, ou melhor, dos “Acordos” da OMS sobre pandemias, que ainda estão a ser negociados. E mesmo que este instrumento não seja adotado, isso não impede os países de se submeterem unilateralmente ao controlo da OMS.

Um exemplo é a Bélgica, que planeou prolongar a validade do passaporte sanitário (o Covid safe ticket) por acordo governamental em fevereiro de 2024. Esta decisão tem efeitos retroactivos a 30 de junho de 2023, data em que o passaporte sanitário europeu chegou ao fim. Acima de tudo, transfere o poder para a OMS, entregando as chaves para a verificação do OCS, que passa a atuar de facto como um organismo de controlo supranacional.

O Cartão Europeu de Vacinação foi, portanto, concebido para integrar a rede mundial de certificação digital em matéria de saúde da OMS, que já utiliza a mesma plataforma. É evidente que esta iniciativa está prevista há muito tempo, uma vez que os registos europeus de vacinação e a ideia de passes de saúde já foram mencionados em dezembro de 2018 nas recomendações do Conselho da Europa para uma cooperação reforçada em matéria de políticas de vacinação.

Por seu lado, a OMS lançou o desenvolvimento de um passe de vacinação global em fevereiro de 2022, assinando umacordo com a T-systems. Por conseguinte, não é surpreendente que, no final de junho de 2023, no dia seguinte ao termo do acordo, a Comissão tenha transferido o cartão europeu de saúde para a T-systems, através de um simples “acordo técnico” assinado por Stella Kyriakides (Diretora da DG Saúde) e Tedros Ghebreyesus.

Cruzamento de dados

Passaporte vacinal europeu.

Outro dos principais projectos da EUVABECO é o cruzamento de dados de saúde para identificar grupos-alvo. A Bélgica tem sido pioneira neste domínio. Durante a pandemia de Covid-19, diferentes bases de dados foram ligadas a nível individual para identificar com precisão os grupos prioritários para vacinação.

O projeto LINK-VACC, liderado pelo Instituto Nacional de Saúde Pública Scienciano, relacionou dados de doentes extraídos de registos de saúde, plataformas de rastreio de doenças e outras instituições públicas e privadas, como registos de seguros e registos médicos de médicos de clínica geral.

O seu objetivo era medir a eficácia da vacinacontra infecções sintomáticas e hospitalizações, monitorizar a cobertura da vacina em diferentes grupos demográficos e socioeconómicos e contribuir para a farmacovigilância.

Estas análises levaram à identificação de grupos prioritários, não só os trabalhadores do sector da saúde e os idosos, mas também as pessoas que sofrem de doenças específicas (por exemplo, diabetes), num total de quase 1,7 milhões de pessoas durante o período da Covid.

O objetivo é obter o maior número possível de dados precisos sobre cada indivíduo, em tempo real. A Bélgica já está bastante avançada neste domínio, com registos médicos já ligados ao bilhete de identidade eletrónico. As receitas em papel pertencem ao passado e tudo pode agora ser feito com o bilhete de identidade: registos médicos, receitas, regimes de medicação e reembolsos do seguro de saúde.

Seleção de alvos para vacinação personalizada

Outra ferramenta desenvolvida pela EUVABECO irá gerar conselhos para decisões clínicas de vacinação, com base no EVC, registos médicos e electrónicos, recomendações locais e reacções dos doentes a vários questionários.

Em seguida, será efectuada uma avaliação exaustiva com base em factores como a demografia, as condições de vida, a situação profissional, o historial médico e de vacinação, acontecimentos familiares como a chegada de um recém-nascido, doenças crónicas e resultados de testes serológicos, assegurando que o CDS oferece aconselhamento preciso e personalizado.

Os doentes e o pessoal de saúde poderão assim tomar decisões informadas.

Vendido como um instrumento de “soberania”

Embora o objetivo continue a ser o mesmo – vacinar toda a gente, em todo o lado, ao longo da vida – como foi sublinhado numa cimeira entre a OMS e a Comissão Europeia, o discurso institucional mudou: a retórica do medo deu lugar à do ganho pessoal.

É de supor que os estudos comportamentais tenham fornecido o seu néctar. No sítio Web da EUVABECO, são envidados todos os esforços para apresentar o Cartão Europeu de Vacinação como uma ferramenta que dá poder ao doente, e há o cuidado de o distanciar dos constrangimentos do passado:

Embora seja semelhante ao certificado digital Covid da UE, na medida em que constitui um registo de vacinação portátil, o EVC tem um objetivo diferente. Ao contrário do cartão de saúde, que era frequentemente uma resposta a obrigações legais, o CVE foi especificamente concebido para permitir que os indivíduos controlem as informações relativas às suas vacinas. Este controlo é essencial para assegurar a continuidade dos cuidados de saúde para as pessoas que atravessam as fronteiras ou que passam de um sistema de saúde para outro.

Reacções à ameaça de um colete de forças digital

Nem todas as pessoas têm memória curta, especialmente aquelas que recusaram as injeções de Covid. Obrigações e suspensões para os prestadores de cuidados, discriminação, multas punitivas, perseguição, isolamento, exclusão de direitos e serviços, linchamento mediático – tudo isto é suscetível de regressar num instante.

Em declarações a The Defender. o Dr. David Bell, médico de saúde pública, consultor de biotecnologia e antigo diretor de tecnologia de saúde global do Intellectual Ventures Global Good Fund, afirmou

O mapa de vacinação proposto reflecte um esforço crescente para utilizar os instrumentos de saúde pública como meio de concentrar a riqueza e controlar as populações. Faz lembrar fortemente as abordagens adoptadas em partes da Europa antes da Segunda Guerra Mundial e serve essencialmente um objetivo semelhante: excluir da sociedade os indivíduos que não seguem as instruções do governo.

O ensaio na Europa é o próximo passo óbvio após a recente expansão da vigilância ao abrigo das alterações ao RSI (Regulamento Sanitário Internacional), que aumentam consideravelmente a probabilidade de encerramentos recorrentes para permitir a vacinação obrigatória como forma de forçar a utilização em massa de vacinas e lucrar com elas.

Na Bélgica, Notre Bon Droit, uma das poucas organizações na Europa que conseguiu uma vitória sobre o passe sanitário durante a crise da Covid, alerta os seus leitores para redobrarem os seus esforços. Não só rejeitando este tipo de documentos, mas também intensificando os esforços para expor os efeitos secundários da vacinação.

Ajudar a validar os efeitos secundários da vacinação é outra opção sólida a considerar. Atualmente, o mito da vacinação “segura, inofensiva e eficaz” é utilizado para justificar o desejo de tornar as vacinas obrigatórias.

Só reconhecendo e documentando os potenciais efeitos secundários das vacinas é que poderemos travar este movimento.

Recusar pedir ou autorizar a criação deste passaporte vacinal é já um primeiro passo. Mas requer não só uma compreensão das questões envolvidas, mas também a capacidade de resistir à pressão dos estabelecimentos e do pessoal de saúde. É o caso, nomeadamente, quando as coisas são apresentadas numa linguagem enganadora que sugere que a vacinação é obrigatória, quando não o é.

Outros praticam uma “discriminação virtuosa”, favorecendo os estabelecimentos que deram provas de abertura durante o período da Covid. Deveriam eles ser rotulados como defensores das liberdades?

Na sua página, Florian Philippot lamenta que ninguém fale do regresso do famoso passe, numa altura em que os Jogos Olímpicos fazem renascer os tormentos do controlo social através da tecnologia digital. Como organizar a rejeição total desta ditadura? Tudo o que ele consegue pensar agora é na solução Frexit: sair da União Europeia e da agenda globalista.

Senta Depuydt


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 Senta Depuydt é jornalista.

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The ostensible purpose of the Stat News essay below is to promote transparency from the government and pharmaceutical industry regarding the risks and drawbacks of whatever injection they have on deck next.

Via Stat News (emphasis added):

In February 2021, I received my second Covid-19 shot — the newly developed vaccine that would eventually save millions of lives worldwide — with great anticipation. It proved to be a life-changing event: Two hours later as I was driving home, the shock of a sudden loud and high-pitched whistling nearly caused me to veer off the road. It was as if an audible dog whistle began blaring right next to me. But it wasn’t a dog whistle. It was the acute onset of tinnitus, a ringing in the ear with no external source.

For several years I had lived with minimal, intermittent tinnitus, but never anything like this, so loud and unrelenting.

Could the Covid-19 vaccine have amplified my tinnitus, or was this just a coincidence? I was suspicious, but at that time no data had demonstrated any relationship between the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines and tinnitus.

When I got my third dose in November 2021, the sound became even louder and more bothersome. This new noise level has continued to this day, nonstop, often keeping me from sleep and sometimes bringing me to tears.”

Yet it segues, bizarrely, as most articles in mainstream media on the topic of COVID shots do, with a meandering caveat about how great they are — even while the author concedes that they caused him personally life-altering effects due to a massive orchestrated cover-up campaign in the media and by Public Health™ authorities, which is, again, the entire ostensible point of the exercise.


“As someone who has studied vaccines for 40 years, I know that the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines, and other vaccines, have saved millions upon millions of lives. For the vast majority of people, the benefits of getting vaccinated far exceed the risks…

Although the Covid-19 vaccines were a huge public health success, politicization and opposition to them became weaponized through disinformation for political gain. Whether or not to receive a Covid-19 vaccine became an expression of opinion, rather than an informed health decision, and this has had a trickle-down effect to other vaccines.”

The link between tinnitus and the shots is well-established; the corporate state media, for whatever reason, has even deigned to cover it.

Via NBC News (emphasis added):

Thousands of people say they’ve developed tinnitus after they were vaccinated against Covid

Shaowen Bao, an associate professor in the physiology department of the College of Medicine at the University of Arizona, Tucson, believes that ongoing inflammation, especially in the brain or spinal cord, may be to blame.

Bao, a longtime tinnitus sufferer and a representative of the American Tinnitus Association’s scientific advisory board, has studied tinniuts for more than a decade.

A Facebook group of people who developed tinnitus after getting a Covid vaccine convinced Bao to look into the possible link. He ultimately surveyed 398 of the group’s participants.

The cases tended to be severe. One man told Bao that he couldn’t hear the car radio over the noise in his head while driving.

Along with ringing in their ears, participants reported a range of other symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, vertigo, ear pain, anxiety and depression. Significantly more people first developed tinnitus after the first dose of the vaccine, compared with the second.

This suggests “that the vaccine is interacting with pre-existing risk factors for tinnitus. If you have the risk factor, you will probably get it from the first dose,” Bao said.”

So, the point being: the above admission of COVID shot-induced tinnitus jives with the author’s experience.

Severe tinnitus from an experimental gene therapy pushed through emergency use authorization based on fraud: grounds for a lawsuit, at least, if not summary executions.

But not for the good doctor; he’s more of a masochist, and he loves his Pfizer leather-daddy something fierce. He makes Pfizer Daddy hit him with all of his constant crying. If he would just shut the fuck up and do the dishes, marital harmony might be restored and he wouldn’t have to tell the emergency room staff he fell down the stairs again.


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Armageddon Prose.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. Follow his stuff via Substack. Also, keep tabs via Twitter.

Featured image is from Dr. Rath Health Foundation

The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’Etat Against Humanity

by Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky reviews in detail how this insidious project “destroys people’s lives”. He provides a comprehensive analysis of everything you need to know about the “pandemic” — from the medical dimensions to the economic and social repercussions, political underpinnings, and mental and psychological impacts.

“My objective as an author is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the “deadly” COVID-19 “vaccine”. This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people. We stand in solidarity with our fellow human beings and our children worldwide. Truth is a powerful instrument.”


This is an in-depth resource of great interest if it is the wider perspective you are motivated to understand a little better, the author is very knowledgeable about geopolitics and this comes out in the way Covid is contextualized. —Dr. Mike Yeadon

In this war against humanity in which we find ourselves, in this singular, irregular and massive assault against liberty and the goodness of people, Chossudovsky’s book is a rock upon which to sustain our fight. –Dr. Emanuel Garcia

In fifteen concise science-based chapters, Michel traces the false covid pandemic, explaining how a PCR test, producing up to 97% proven false positives, combined with a relentless 24/7 fear campaign, was able to create a worldwide panic-laden “plandemic”; that this plandemic would never have been possible without the infamous DNA-modifying Polymerase Chain Reaction test – which to this day is being pushed on a majority of innocent people who have no clue. His conclusions are evidenced by renown scientists. —Peter Koenig 

Professor Chossudovsky exposes the truth that “there is no causal relationship between the virus and economic variables.” In other words, it was not COVID-19 but, rather, the deliberate implementation of the illogical, scientifically baseless lockdowns that caused the shutdown of the global economy. –David Skripac

A reading of  Chossudovsky’s book provides a comprehensive lesson in how there is a global coup d’état under way called “The Great Reset” that if not resisted and defeated by freedom loving people everywhere will result in a dystopian future not yet imagined. Pass on this free gift from Professor Chossudovsky before it’s too late.  You will not find so much valuable information and analysis in one place. –Edward Curtin

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0,  Year: 2022,  PDF Ebook,  Pages: 164, 15 Chapters

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First Published on June 9, 2024

Colonialism is not satisfied merely with holding a people in its grip and emptying the native’s brain of all form and content. By a kind of perverted logic, it turns to the past of the oppressed people, and distorts, disfigures and destroys it(Frantz Fanon)[1]

Uncomfortable Truths

In October 2003, late New York University professor and internationally renowned historian Tony Judt wrote an essay in The New York Review of Books (NYRB) entitled “Israel: The Alternative” [2]

The reaction to this outstanding article was swift and vicious and, in the case of the American response, verged on hysteria.

In effect, within a week of its publication, the editor of NYRB had received several thousand letters on Judt’s essay – more than on any in its history – and the Jewish Professor, who, up to then, had been widely respected for his core commitment to justice and intellectual honesty and loudly acclaimed for his lucid studies of 19th and 20th century social history, in particular his panoramic study[3] of Europe after World War II, became, almost overnight, the object of great furor, defamation and ostracism. 

Readers, among whom numerous renowned scholars and heads of Jewish organizations, accused him of belonging to the “Nazi Left”, of hating Jews, of denying Israel’s right to exist; distinguished professors at American universities canceled their NYRB subscriptions;

Andrea Levin, executive director of the “Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America” accused him of “pandering to genocide” and being “party to preparations for a final solution”; Alan Dershowitz of Harvard made the analogy with Adolf Hitler’s “one-state solution for all of Europe”, and David Jeffrey Frum, a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, charged him with advocating “genocidal liberalism”.  

Judt’s essay opened with the sentence:

“The Middle East peace process is finished. It did not die: it was killed”, followed by the notion that “The president of the United States of America has been reduced to a ventriloquist’s dummy, pitifully reciting the Israeli cabinet line”. 

He went on to contend that Israel “has imported a characteristically late-nineteenth-century separatist project into a world that has moved on, a world of individual rights, open frontiers, and international law. The very idea of a ‘Jewish state’, a state in which Jews and the Jewish religion have exclusive privileges from which non-Jewish citizens are forever excluded is rooted in another time and place. Israel, in short, is an anachronism”; that it

“remains distinctive among democratic states in its resort to ethnoreligious criteria with which to denominate and rank its citizens. It is an oddity among modern nations, not as its more paranoid supporters assert because it is a Jewish state and no one wants the Jews to have a state; but because it is a Jewish state in which one community, Jews, is set above others, in an age when that sort of state has no place”;

and that

“In a world where nations and peoples increasingly intermingle and intermarry at will; where cultural and national impediments to communication have all but collapsed; where more and more of us have multiple elective identities and would feel falsely constrained if we had to answer to just one of them; in such a world Israel is truly an anachronism. And not just an anachronism but a dysfunctional one”.

He also cited the prominent Labor politician Avraham Burg who wrote:

“After two thousand years of struggle for survival, the reality of Israel is a colonial state, run by a corrupt clique which scorns and mocks law and civic morality’[4]. Unless something changes, Judt declared, “Israel in half a decade will be neither Jewish nor democratic”. He then uttered the “anathema” that “the time has come to think the unthinkable”, that is “the bringing to an end of Israel as a Jewish state, and the establishment in its place of a binational state of Israelis and Palestinians”.

In his essay, Prof. Judt explained that, in one vital attribute, Israel is quite different from previous insecure, defensive microstates born of imperial collapse in so far as it is a democracy, hence its present dilemma due to its occupation of the lands conquered in 1967. Israel, he said, faces the following three “unattractive choices”:

  • It can dismantle the Jewish settlements in the Occupied Territories, return to the 1967 state borders within which Jews constitute a clear majority, and thus remain both a Jewish state and a democracy, albeit one with a constitutionally anomalous community of second-class Arab citizens;
  • It can continue to occupy “Samaria”, “Judea” and Gaza, whose Arab population added to that of present-day Israel will become the demographic majority, in which case Israel will be either a Jewish state (with an ever-larger majority of unenfranchised non-Jews) or it will be a democracy. But logically it cannot be both;
  • It can keep control of the Occupied Territories but get rid of the overwhelming majority of the Arab population, either by forcible expulsion or else by starving them of land and livelihood, leaving them no option but to go into exile. In this way Israel could indeed remain both Jewish and at least formally democratic, but at the cost of becoming the first modern democracy to conduct full-scale ethnic cleansing as a state project, something which would condemn Israel forever to the status of an outlaw state, an international pariah.

As Judt put it, the historian’s task is precisely

“to tell what is almost always an uncomfortable story and explain why the discomfort is part of the truth we need to live well and live properly. A well-organized society is one in which we know the truth about ourselves collectively, not one in which we tell pleasant lies about ourselves”.

Driven by such a principled position, he reacted to the flood of criticism of his contradictors by reiterating his conviction that the solution to the crisis in the Middle East lies in Washington. On this, he said, “there is widespread agreement. For that reason, and because the American response to the Israel-Palestine conflict is shaped in large measure by domestic considerations, my essay was directed in the first instance to an American audience, in an effort to pry open a closed topic.

Many readers have castigated me for heedlessly engaging so volatile a subject without due regard for the sensitivities affected. I respect those feelings. But, like Yael Dayan, I am very worried about the direction in which the American Jewish community is moving; reaction to the essay suggests that this anxiety is well founded”.

He added that

“Actually, Zionism has always been at war and its very identity is a function of conflict, struggle, and mutually exclusive claims on history. From the outset, and long before the Holocaust could be invoked in mitigation, the leaders of the Zionist project regarded the indigenous Arab population of Palestine as their enemy. More than a century ago, the Zionist writer Ahad Ha’Am[5] observed that the settlers ‘treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, trespass unjustly on their territories, beat them shamelessly for no sufficient reason, and boast at having done so’. To the extent that little has changed, it is understandable that many readers would dismiss my reflections on a binational state as a crazy fantasy”. 

Until his death in 2010, Judt remained faithful to his principles. For him,

“an injustice was committed: How should we acknowledge this and move forward? Indeed, even the very existence of Palestinians was once hotly disputed. In the later 1960s, at a public meeting in London, I was tartly informed by Golda Meir, Israel’s future prime minister, that I could not speak of ‘Palestinians’ since they did not exist”.  

In the aftermath of Judt’s death, Mark Levine wrote an article[6] in which he expressed his sorrow for the scope of the loss, not just of the man, but of the type of scholarship, of the way Professor Judt taught those willing to learn about how to approach and utilize history. He pointed out that the historian’s willingness to tell “uncomfortable stories” was not embraced by US government, and informed that few politicians paid much attention to Judt or invited his counsel; no evidence is found of his ever having been called to testify before the US congress, and the White House made no mention of his passing, even though Barack Obama, the US president, has during his tenure invited well-known historians to the White House to help provide him with historical perspective on the numerous crises he faced. Levine concluded his piece by saying that Judt’s writings can inspire a new generation of scholars and activists in other cultures, including in the many societies of the global south:

“It is there, in Latin America, Africa, and the Muslim world, where the legacy of Judt’s call for a critically reflective social democratic political discourse might well be found. If American militarism, European myopia, corporate greed and the militant ideologies of numerous stripes do not doom them first”.

The Settler Colonialist and Ethno-Nationalist Roots of Zionism

An extensive examination of Theodor Herzl’s wittings and movement shows clearly that from its very beginnings to the politics and policies of the state of Israel today, Zionism thought has permanently and resolutely embraced the dominant European discourses of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, including anti-Semitism.

In his 1896 Der Judenstaat – “state ‘for’, or ‘of’ Jews” would be a literal and more accurate English translation – Theodor Herzl articulated his vision and blueprint for a future “Jewish state” in Palestine by highlighting his scheme as a venture beneficial to both the “current sovereign authority” – then embodied by the Ottoman sultan – and the European colonial powers “under whose protectorate” the new state would come into being and continue to exist: “If His Majesty the Sultan were to give us Palestine” he wrote, “we could offer to resolve Turkey’s finances. For Europe, we would form part of a bulwark against Asia there, we would serve as the advance post of civilization against barbarism”.

As recalled by Nora Scholtes in her thoughtful and thoroughly-researched study submitted for the Degree of Ph.D. in Postcolonial Studies[7], French Marxist historian and sociologist Maxime Rodinson is commonly said to be the first contemporary “Western” scholar to have re-placed Zionism/Israel within its colonial, and more specifically settler colonial, context. Rodinson recognized in Herzl’s propositions a clear manifestation of Zionism as a “colonialist phenomenon”:

“It would have been difficult to place Zionism any more clearly within the framework of European imperialist policies (…) The [Zionist] perspective was inevitably placed within the framework of the European assault on the Ottoman Empire, this ‘sick man’ whose complete dismemberment was postponed by the rivalries of the great powers but who, in the meantime, was subjected to all kinds of interference, pressures, and threats. An imperialist setting if there ever was one (…) The Europeanism of the Zionists made it possible for them to present their plan as part of the same movement of European expansion that each power was developing on its own behalf”.

Image: Statue of the founder of Zionism Theodor Herzl, unveiled in 2012 at the Mikveh Israel synagogue in Tel Aviv. It is called “Herzl meets Emperor Wilhelm II”

In effect, throughout his writings and speeches, Herzl never missed an opportunity to present the Zionist idea as a quintessentially colonial project, one that would also serve the interests of the Europeans, and more broadly the whole of the “civilized” world. In his Der Judenstaat he wrote:

“The world will be liberated by our freedom, enriched by our wealth, magnified by our greatness”, and in a speech he delivered in London in 1891, he declared: “We want to carry culture to the East. And once again, Europe will in turn profit from this work of ours. We will create new trade routes − and none will be more interested in this than England with its Asiatic possessions. The shortest route to India lies through Palestine (…) What could I, poor barbarian from the Continent, tell the inhabitants of England about these things [progress and industry]. They are our superiors in all technical achievements, just as their great politicians were the first to see the necessity for colonial expansion. That is why the flag of Greater-Britain waves over every sea (…) And so I should think that here in England, the Zionist idea, which is a colonial one, should be easily and quickly understood in England, and this in its most modern form”[8].

For Desmond Stewart, there is no doubt that “Herzl’s stencil for obtaining a territory and then clearing it for settlement was cut after the Rhodesian model”[9]. Mark Levene equally argues that Herzl “had an agenda that closely followed and sought to emulate the essential contours of European empire-building in Africa”[10]. 

It was thus within the context of Western colonialism in Africa that the idea of acquiring a territorial basis for the establishment of a “Jewish entity” was most contemplated, more precisely in the Uasi Ngishu plateau, near Nairobi, Kenya, and not in Uganda as is commonly reported. 

Nevertheless, although Herzl did not exclude the option that “The Society”[11] would “take what it will be given under a charter” in what he called a “neutral land” in order to materialize his colonial-Zionist project – since Argentina was another country envisioned for a possible mass settlement for the Jews – he was convinced that Palestine would be the most powerful asset in attracting a Jewish mass following. As the Jews’ “ever-memorable historic home”, he writes in Der Judenstaat, “that name alone would be a tremendously stirring rallying cry for our people”. Furthermore, it is reported that when it was known that Herzl was wavering on the option of Palestine as a Jewish homeland in favor of East Africa or South America, he received a Bible from William Blackstone, an American Christian Zionist, in which every reference to “Israel” or “Zion” had been underlined in red, together with a letter urging him to insist Zionists settle only in Palestine[12].

Ultimately, the East-Africa scheme proposed by the British, which was indeed hotly debated during the 6th Zionist Congress held in Basel on 23 August 1903, was rejected, both because of a lack of support by the critical mass of Russian Jews and because the British government faced a strong local opposition on the part of British settlers in its African territories to the idea of a Jewish colony in the area. 

And so, by the time of Herzl’s death the following year, the East-Africa and Argentina options had all but vanished from the agenda of the Zionist leadership. In a 1914 article of German newspaper Die Welt, a special issue on the tenth anniversary of Herzl’s death, Herzl’s East-Africa proposal is described by Bernstein as a “historical derailment”, a desperate and well-intentioned, but ultimately misguided attempt at providing emergency help to Eastern Europe’s persecuted Jews. Herzl, he indicated, “grasped the Uganda-straw immediately after the pogrom in Kishinev (…) He impatiently searched for a quick rescue (…) even if only in the form of a ‘night shelter’. It was the greatest sacrifice that Herzl has made for his people. He sacrificed, even if only for a moment, his life’s ideal”[13].

From that point onwards, the new leadership concentrated all its efforts on the implementation of the most preferred solution, that is the creation of a purely Jewish state in Palestine, mainly by way of ethnic cleansing. The terminology of “ethnic cleansing” only in recent times entered popular vocabulary. The concept used by Zionist thinkers was “transfer”, and Herzl’s true plans with regard to Palestine’s non-Jewish population are well-documented in his diary, where as early as 1895 he put forward this idea, writing: “We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our own country”.

The same can be said about David Ben-Gurion, the primary national founder of the State of Israel as well as its first prime minister. Indeed, in a letter[14] dated 5 October 1937 he sent to his son Amos – who appeared to be critical of his father’s decision to support a partition plan put forward by the Peel Commission – Ben-Gurion describes how he sees partition of Palestine and expulsion of Palestinians fitting into the Zionist movement’s long term goals:

“My assumption (which is why I am a fervent proponent of a state, even though it is now linked to partition) is that a Jewish state on only part of the land is not the end but the beginning (…) The establishment of a state, even if only on a portion of the land, is the maximal reinforcement of our strength at the present time and a powerful boost to our historical endeavors to liberate the entire country (…) We shall organize an advanced defense force – a superior army which I have no doubt will be one of the best  armies in the world. At that point I am confident that we would not fail in settling in the remaining parts of the country, through agreement and understanding with our Arab neighbors, or through some other means (…) We must expel Arabs and take their place (…) But if we are compelled to use force (…) in order to guarantee our right to settle there, our force will enable us to do so (…) Because of all the above, I feel no conflict between my mind and emotions. Both declare to me: A Jewish state must be established immediately, even if it is only in part of the country. The rest will follow in the course of time. A Jewish state will come”.

Maxime Rodinson asserts that the root cause of all of Zionism’s future failings is consubstantial with its very colonial founding vision:

“Once the premises were laid down, the inexorable logic of history determined the consequences. Wanting to create a purely Jewish, or predominantly Jewish, state in an Arab Palestine in the twentieth century could not help but lead to a colonial-type situation and to the development (completely normal, sociologically speaking) of a racist state of mind, and in the final analysis to a military confrontation between the two ethnic groups”. Gabriel Piterberg agrees with Rodinson’s early analysis: “From the moment Zionism’s goal became the resettlement of European Jews in a land controlled by a colonial European power, in order to create a sovereign political entity, it could no longer be understood just as a central or east European nationalism; it was also, inevitably, a white-settler colonialism”[15].

The unavoidable consequence of such a vision is what Ahad Ha’am warned against back in 1891 already:

“if the time comes when the life of our people in Eretz Israel develops to the point of encroaching upon the native population, they will not easily yield their place”[16]. A decade before Ha’am made his prescient comment, Palestine’s population was some 460,000. Of these, around 400,000 were Muslim Arabs; about 40,000 were Christian, mostly Greek Orthodox; and the remainder, Jews. 

How challenging these figures are to the falsehood of one of Zionism’s most cherished founding myths – that of “a land without people for a people without land”– and how shockingly ill-intentioned was Herzl’s omission of any reference to “Arabs” or “Palestinians” in his 30,000-word pamphlet!

Assuredly, Herzl’s dream of a national home for the Jews that would end both their own age-old insecurity within the diaspora and Gentiles’ anti-Semitism has inexorably transformed into a nightmare both for Jews and Palestinians and for the world which is still held hostage to their struggle, with no apparent solution in a completely transformed and blood-soaked “Holy Land”.

Nightmare is precisely the key word in the title of the brilliant book[17] Peter Rodgers, a former Australian journalist and ambassador to Israel, devoted to the tragic drama caused by the pursuit of Herzl’s dream by his Zionist followers, to the present day.

Whatever their historical or emotional attachment to the land they came to rule, Rodgers asserts, the Jews of Israel had supplanted another people, a people who would not forget. The making of one nationalist dream has indeed involved the unmaking of another. But for how long and for what price? 

The Aussie ambassador’s very well-researched study tells a story of sorrow and anger in a balanced manner – insofar as this is possible – which, obviously entails the risk of drawing fire from both Jews and Palestinians, but this, he says, is sadly part of the twisted logic of the conflict. The story told shows how little the dynamics of the conflict between Jew and Palestinian have changed; how eerily reminiscent today’s antagonisms and falsehoods are of yesteryear’s; how “modern” leadership is anything but; and how much today’s self-righteous intransigence owes to what went before. Furthermore, it poses the vital question: “have the nationalist dreams of both peoples been doomed by the determined refusal of Jew and Palestinian to contemplate what life must be like for the other?”

To epitomize the opposing views of the protagonists, Rodgers, in his concluding remarks, quotes Yasser Arafat as saying that “the womb of the Arab woman” is one of the Palestinians’ most potent weapons, and Shimon Peres, who, writing of a deepening chasm between Israelis and Palestinians, commented typically: “We are sorry but not desperate”. Rodgers reacted to these last words by saying: “He might perhaps have added wisely, not yet”.


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Amir Nour is an Algerian researcher in international relations, author of the books “L’Orient et l’Occident à l’heure d’un nouveau Sykes-Picot” (The Orient and the Occident in Time of a New Sykes-Picot) Editions Alem El Afkar, Algiers, 2014 and “L’Islam et l’ordre du monde” (Islam and the Order of the World),  Editions Alem El Afkar, Algiers, 2021. 


[1] Frantz Fanon,“The Wretched of the Earth” (Original French version:“Les Damnés de la Terre”), François Maspero,1961. To read the book:

[2] To read the full essay:

[3] Tony Judt, “Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945”, Penguin Press, London, 2005.

[4] Avraham Burg is a former head of the Jewish Agency and Speaker of the Knesset, Israel’s Parliament, between 1999 and 2003. His essay first appeared in the Israeli daily Yediot Aharonot; it has been widely republished, notably in the Forward of 29 August: “A Failed Israeli Society Collapses While Its Leaders Remain Silent” (, the London Guardian of 15 September 2003: “The end of Zionism” (, and in French newspaper Le Monde of 11 September 2003: “La révolution sioniste est morte” (

[5] Ahad Ha’am, “Emet M’Eretz Yisrael” (Truth from Eretz Israel), originally published in 1891 in the Hebrew daily newspaper Hamelitz (St. Petersburg), and translated by A. Dowty, Israel Studies, 2000. 

[6] Mark Levine, “Tony Judt: An intellectual hero”,, 14 August 2010.

[7] Nora Scholtes, “Bulwark Against Asia: Zionist Exclusivism and Palestinian Responses”, University of Kent School of English, 2015.

[8] Quoted in Nora Scholtes, Op cit.

[9] Desmond Stewart, “Herzl: Artist and Politician”, Hamish Hamilton, London, 1974.

[10] Mark Levene, “Herzl, the Scramble, and a Meeting That Never Happened: Revisiting the Notion of an African Zion”, in: Bar-Yosef, E., Valman, N. (eds) “‘The Jew’ in Late-Victorian and Edwardian Culture: Between the East End and East Africa”, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2009.

[11] In Der Judenstaat Herzl writes: “The plan, simple in design, but complicated in execution, will be carried out by two agencies: The Society of Jews and the Jewish Company. The Society of Jews will do the preparatory work in the domains of science and politics, which the Jewish Company will afterwards apply practically. The Jewish Company will be the liquidating agent of the business interests of departing Jews, and will organize commerce and trade in the new country”.

[12] Donald Wagner, “Dying in the Land of Promise”, Melisende, London, 2000.

[13] Bernstein, S., “Theodor Herzl im Lichte des Ostjudentums” (Theodor Herzl in the Light of Eastern Jewry), Die Welt, 3 July 1914:, cited by Nora Scholtes, op cit.

[14] This letter was first referred to by Ilan Pappé in his article entitled “The 1948 Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine”, Journal of Palestine Studies, issue 141, Fall 2006. It was later translated from Hebrew into English by the Institute of Palestine Studies, Beirut, Lebanon. To read the full translated letter:

[15] Gabriel Piterberg, “Settlers and their States”, New Left Review, No. 62, March-April 2010:

[16] Ahad Ha’am, “Truth from Eretz Israel”, op cit.

[17] Peter Rodgers, “Herzl’s Nightmare: One Land, Two Peoples”, Constable, London, 2005.