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The US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan discussed today in an interview with CBS “Face the Nation” the evolving relationship between Washington and the Afghan Taliban. Three things emerge. 

First, Sullivan disclosed that “over-the-horizon strikes” against the ISIS-K from outside Afghanistan will continue but he ruled out any return to combat missions.

Second, Sullivan claimed that after the complete withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan on August 31st, “we will make sure there is safe passage for any American citizen, any legal permanent resident” as well as those Afghans who had served US interests. 

He said the Taliban “have both communicated privately and publicly that they will allow for safe passage” and Washington has the leverage to make sure that they “follow through on those commitments.” 

Third, most important, while the US embassy in Kabul remains closed, September 1, “we will have means and mechanisms of having diplomats on the ground there (in Kabul), be able to continue to process out these applicants, be able to facilitate the passage of other people who want to leave Afghanistan.” 

Thereupon, Sullivan added: 

“And over time, depending on what the Taliban does, how it follows through on its commitments with respect to safe passage, how it deals with the treatment of women, how it deals with its international commitments not to allow Afghanistan to become a base for terrorism in the rest of the world, we can make further determinations about both diplomatic presence and other issues as we go. But the onus will be on the Taliban to prove out its commitments and its willingness to abide by the obligations that- that it has undertaken and that are imposed upon it by international law.” 

In sum, the US appears to have negotiated a package deal with the Taliban where the logical conclusion in a conceivable future will be the reopening of the American embassy in Kabul. read more

A lengthy dispatch by the Voice of America today with Kabul / Islamabad dateline, based on briefing by a “senior Taliban leader … on condition of anonymity”, reported that the new Taliban government is “in the final stages” of being announced. It seems certain that the announcement could come as early as next week. 

The government is sure to include all the members of its current Rahbari Shura, or leadership council of the Taliban but the Cabinet could have more than 26 members all in all. 

Interestingly, the VOA reported, “In their internal consultations, the Taliban were also discussing the possibility of making either Sirajuddin Haqqani or Mullah Yaqoob (Mullah Omar’s son) the Raees ul Wazara, a position equivalent to a prime minister” — and, “if Haqqani becomes prime minister, Yaqoob could be defence minister, since he currently heads the military commission of Taliban.” read more 

The salience lies in the acceptance of the Taliban government as a compelling reality by Washington. Rhetoric aside, the US is already engaged with the Taliban in a constructive spirit. The US’ major allies Germany and France are also doing the same. 

Simply put, the ostracisation of the Taliban government is no longer an option — except in the highly unlikely event of the Taliban resiling from its commitments under the package deal. 

From the Taliban’s point of view, this is an eminently  satisfactory deal. The Taliban has a consistent record of keeping its commitments to the Americans. Even after the Doha Pact of February 2020 began unravelling, Taliban kept its word on the single most important assurance under the agreement — namely, that it would not attack the US forces. And it did keep its word even in the face of all those ferocious air strikes by the US in the recent months contrary to its assurance to the Taliban. 

Meanwhile, the winds of change are also blowing through the horseshoe table of the UN Security Council. Interestingly, the UN SC statement of August 27 condemning the terror attacks in Kabul delisted Taliban for the first time from the Afghan groups supporting terrorists, and merely said that “no Afghan group or individual should support terrorists operating on the territory of any other country”.

In fact, a day after the Taliban swept to power in the country, the UNSC had said on August 16:

“The members of the Security Council reaffirmed the importance of combating terrorism in Afghanistan to ensure the territory of Afghanistan should not be used to threaten or attack any country, and that neither the Taliban nor any other Afghan group or individual should support terrorists operating on the territory of any other country.” read more

Yet, just 11 days later, on last Friday, there is no more any reference to the Taliban as a terrorist group! Clearly, the US’ new thinking towards the Taliban as a constructive, cooperative interlocutor is rubbing on the UN SC. This is realism with capital “R”. The pathway has to open sooner rather than later to remove the UN sanctions against Taliban leaders. read more

All this must be a bitter pill for the Modi government to swallow, when India also happens to be holding the rotating UN SC presidency through this month. 

Presumably, to mollify India’s sense of humiliation and defeat in the entire Afghan saga, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken had a call with External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar on Saturday. 

The state department readout said the two ministers “discussed a broad range of shared priorities, including continued coordination on Afghanistan and in the United Nations… (and) agreed to remain closely coordinated on shared goals and priorities to deepen the US-India partnership.” 

Diplomatese aside, the Biden Administration expects the Modi government to continue to remain as its loyal camp-follower even as Washington continues to act in self-interests. Prime Minister Modi’s recent prophesy that Taliban has no future failed to make any impression on the Biden White House. 


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Americans have been shocked by videos of thousands of Afghans risking their lives to flee the Taliban’s return to power in their country – and then by an Islamic State suicide bombing and ensuing massacre by U.S. forces that together killed at least 170 people, including 13 U.S. troops. 

Even as UN agencies warn of an impending humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, the U.S. Treasury has frozen nearly all of the Afghan Central Bank’s $9.4 billion in foreign currency reserves, depriving the new government of funds that it will desperately need in the coming months to feed its people and provide basic services.

Under pressure from the Biden administration, the International Monetary Fund decided not to release $450 million in funds that were scheduled to be sent to Afghanistan to help the country cope with the coronavirus pandemic.

The U.S. and other Western countries have also halted humanitarian aid to Afghanistan. After chairing a G7 summit on Afghanistan on August 24, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that withholding aid and recognition gave them “very considerable leverage – economic, diplomatic and political” over the Taliban.

Western politicians couch this leverage in terms of human rights, but they are clearly trying to ensure that their Afghan allies retain some power in the new government, and that Western influence and interests in Afghanistan do not end with the Taliban’s return. This leverage is being exercised in dollars, pounds and euros, but it will be paid for in Afghan lives.

To read or listen to Western analysts, one would think that the United States and its allies’ 20-year war was a benign and beneficial effort to modernize the country, liberate Afghan women and provide healthcare, education and good jobs, and that this has all now been swept away by capitulation to the Taliban.

The reality is quite different, and not so hard to understand. The United States spent $2.26 trillion on its war in Afghanistan. Spending that kind of money in any country should have lifted most people out of poverty. But the vast bulk of those funds, about $1.5 trillion, went to absurd, stratospheric military spending to maintain the U.S. military occupation, drop over 80,000 bombs and missiles on Afghans, pay private contractors, and transport troops, weapons and military equipment back and forth around the world for 20 years.

Since the United States fought this war with borrowed money, it has also cost half a trillion dollars in interest payments alone, which will continue far into the future. Medical and disability costs for U.S. soldiers wounded in Afghanistan already amount to over $175 billion, and they will likewise keep mounting as the soldiers age. Medical and disability costs for the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could eventually top a trillion dollars.

So what about “rebuilding Afghanistan”? Congress appropriated $144 billion for reconstruction in Afghanistan since 2001, but $88 billion of that was spent to recruit, arm, train and pay the Afghan “security forces” that have now disintegrated, with soldiers returning to their villages or joining the Taliban. Another $15.5 billion spent between 2008 and 2017 was documented as “waste, fraud and abuse” by the U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction.

The crumbs left over, less than 2% of total U.S. spending on Afghanistan, amount to about $40 billion, which should have provided some benefit to the Afghan people in economic development, healthcare, education, infrastructure and humanitarian aid.

But, as in Iraq, the government the U.S. installed in Afghanistan was notoriously corrupt, and its corruption only became more entrenched and systemic over time. Transparency International (TI) has consistently ranked U.S.-occupied Afghanistan as among the most corrupt countries in the world.

Western readers may think that this corruption is a long-standing problem in Afghanistan, as opposed to a particular feature of the U.S. occupation, but this is not the case. TI notes that ”it is widely recognized that the scale of corruption in the post-2001 period has increased over previous levels.” A 2009 report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development warned that “corruption has soared to levels not seen in previous administrations.”

Those administrations would include the Taliban government that U.S. invasion forces removed from power in 2001, and the Soviet-allied socialist governments that were overthrown by the U.S.-deployed precursors of Al Qaeda and the Taliban in the 1980s, destroying the substantial progress they had made in education, healthcare and women’s rights.

A 2010 report by former Reagan Pentagon official Anthony H. Cordesman, entitled “How America Corrupted Afghanistan”, chastised the U.S. government for throwing gobs of money into that country with virtually no accountability.

The New York Times reported in 2013 that every month for a decade, the CIA had been dropping off suitcases, backpacks and even plastic shopping bags stuffed with U.S. dollars for the Afghan president to bribe warlords and politicians.

Corruption also undermined the very areas that Western politicians now hold up as the successes of the occupation, like education and healthcare. The education system has been riddled with schools, teachers, and students that exist only on paper. Afghan pharmacies are stocked with fake, expired or low quality medicines, many smuggled in from neighboring Pakistan. At the personal level, corruption was fueled by civil servants like teachers earning only one-tenth the salaries of better-connected Afghans working for foreign NGOs and contractors.

Rooting out corruption and improving Afghan lives has always been secondary to the primary U.S. goal of fighting the Taliban and maintaining or extending its puppet government’s control. As TI reported, “The U.S. has intentionally paid different armed groups and Afghan civil servants to ensure cooperation and/or information, and cooperated with governors regardless of how corrupt they were… Corruption has undermined the U.S. mission in Afghanistan by fuelling grievances against the Afghan government and channelling material support to the insurgency.”

The endless violence of the U.S. occupation and the corruption of the U.S.-backed government boosted popular support for the Taliban, especially in rural areas where three quarters of Afghans live. The intractable poverty of occupied Afghanistan also contributed to the Taliban victory, as people naturally questioned how their occupation by wealthy countries like the United States and its Western allies could leave them in such abject poverty.

Well before the current crisis, the number of Afghans reporting that they were struggling to live on their current income increased from 60% in 2008 to 90% by 2018. A 2018  Gallup poll found the lowest levels of self-reported “well-being” that Gallup has ever recorded anywhere in the world. Afghans not only reported record levels of misery but also unprecedented hopelessness about their future.

Despite some gains in education for girls, only a third of Afghan girls attended primary school in 2019 and only 37% of adolescent Afghan girls were literate. One reason that so few children go to school in Afghanistan is that more than two million children between the ages of 6 and 14 have to work to support their poverty-stricken families.

Yet instead of atoning for our role in keeping most Afghans mired in poverty, Western leaders are now cutting off desperately needed economic and humanitarian aid that was funding three quarters of Afghanistan’s public sector and made up 40% of its total GDP.

In effect, the United States and its allies are responding to losing the war by threatening the Taliban and the people of Afghanistan with a second, economic war. If the new Afghan government does not give in to their “leverage” and meet their demands, our leaders will starve their people and then blame the Taliban for the ensuing famine and humanitarian crisis, just as they demonize and blame other victims of U.S. economic warfare, from Cuba to Iran.

After pouring trillions of dollars into endless war in Afghanistan, America’s main duty now is to help the 40 million Afghans who have not fled their country, as they try to recover from the terrible wounds and trauma of the war America inflicted on them, as well as a massive drought that devastated 40% of their crops this year and a crippling third wave of covid-19.

The U.S. should release the $9.4 billion in Afghan funds held in U.S. banks. It should shift the $6 billion allocated for the now defunct Afghan armed forces to humanitarian aid, instead of diverting it to other forms of wasteful military spending. It should encourage European allies and the IMF not to withhold funds. Instead, they should fully fund the UN 2021 appeal for $1.3 billion in emergency aid, which as of late August was less than 40% funded.

Once upon a time, the United States helped its British and Soviet allies to defeat Germany and Japan, and then helped to rebuild them as healthy, peaceful and prosperous countries. For all America’s serious faults – its racism, its crimes against humanity in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and its neocolonial relations with poorer countries – America held up a promise of prosperity that people in many countries around the world were ready to follow.

If all the United States has to offer other countries today is the war, corruption and poverty it brought to Afghanistan, then the world is wise to be moving on and looking at new models to follow: new experiments in popular and social democracy; renewed emphasis on national sovereignty and international law; alternatives to the use of military force to resolve international problems; and more equitable ways of organizing internationally to tackle global crises like the Covid pandemic and the climate disaster.

The United States can either stumble on in its fruitless attempt to control the world through militarism and coercion, or it can use this opportunity to rethink its place in the world. Americans should be ready to turn the page on our fading role as global hegemon and see how we can make a meaningful, cooperative contribution to a future that we will never again be able to dominate, but which we must help to build.


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Medea Benjamin is cofounder of CODEPINK for Peace, and author of several books, including Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Nicolas J. S. Davies is an independent journalist, a researcher with CODEPINK and the author of Blood On Our Hands: the American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq.

Featured image: Millions of Afghans have been displaced by the war. Photo: MikrofonNews

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In this new and expanded edition of Michel Chossudovsky’s 2002 best seller, the author blows away the smokescreen put up by the mainstream media, that 9/11 was an attack on America by “Islamic terrorists”.  Through meticulous research, the author uncovers a military-intelligence ploy behind the September 11 attacks, and the cover-up and complicity of key members of the Bush Administration.

The expanded edition, which includes twelve new chapters focuses on the use of 9/11 as a pretext for the invasion and illegal occupation of Iraq, the militarisation of justice and law enforcement and the repeal of democracy.

According to Chossudovsky, the  “war on terrorism” is a complete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, Osama bin Laden, outwitted the $40 billion-a-year American intelligence apparatus. The “war on terrorism” is a war of conquest. Globalisation is the final march to the “New World Order”, dominated by Wall Street and the U.S. military-industrial complex.

September 11, 2001 provides a justification for waging a war without borders. Washington’s agenda consists in extending the frontiers of the American Empire to facilitate complete U.S. corporate control, while installing within America the institutions of the Homeland Security State.

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The aftermath of the Kabul Airport suicide attack is turning into chaos.

In the early hours of August 30th, at least 5 rockets targeted the Afghan capital’s airport. They were all reportedly intercepted by counter rocket, artillery and mortar (C-RAM) interception systems.

However, this underlines the vulnerable position that the US and those that wish to be rescued are in.

This is the second attack, following the bombing that claimed the lives of 170 civilians and US personnel on August 26th.

On August 28th, the first response that came was a US drone strike in the Nangarhar Province of Afghanistan along the Pakistani border. The area is thought to be a stronghold for ISIS-Khorasan, the Islamic State’s Afghanistan and Pakistan arm.

The Pentagon claimed that it had killed two high-profile terrorist planners, and had wounded another, refusing to unveil names or any other information on the targets.

The U.S. response, however, was not over. US air strikes hit Kabul on August 29th, as the US military was preparing its final withdrawal.

The air strikes, which took place on the afternoon of August 29, hit a vehicle in the PD-15 district of Kabul, a few kilometers north of the city’s airport.

US defense sources claimed that multiple suicide bombers of ISIS-K were in the targeted vehicle.

The terrorists were allegedly on their way to attack US troops at the Kabul airport.

Photographs of the munitions used in the air strike were released, and they bore the names and ranks of the US personnel killed in the recent terrorist attack. According to reports, however, the munitions were not used to kill just ISIS-K terrorists. Allegedly, among the victims, there were 4 children, and 2 men who had previously worked with the Afghan Armed Forces.

The U.S. response to ISIS attacks is likely to continue.

However, some revelations were later made in regard to the seconds and minutes following the August 26 suicide attack in Kabul.

US Forces reportedly killed scores of Afghan civilians in “panic shooting” following the attack.

Citing eyewitness and family members of some of the victims, media reported that a significant number of those killed in the attack were in fact shot dead by US forces in the panic after the blast. An aid worker, one of the first responders to the scene of the attack, said that many of the victims had been shot in the chest, suggesting that it was likely caused by US personnel, and not by an explosion or the other attackers.

Still, another attack is expected in Kabul, as the US forces near their withdrawal by sunset on August 31st. Tensions are high, every side is primed for chaos and one misstep in either direction could cause another major incident that leaves scores dead, similar to the ISIS-K attack on August 26th.

The political crisis that’s brewing in the United States following the failed orchestration of the withdrawal is just beginning, and Afghanistan’s political woes are also in their early stages.


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Brazil: On the Road to Dictatorship?

August 31st, 2021 by Frei Betto

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The military has published 13 manifestos in favor of Bolsonaro in the last two weeks.

Where there is smoke, there is fire, goes the popular saying. Most Brazilians and world public opinion know that Brazil is governed by a man of fascist convictions. Bolsonaro always praises the torturers of the military dictatorship implanted in Brazil in 1964 and regrets that “at least 30,000 subversives” were not shot.

Elected president on the wave of moralism triggered by the fraudulent Operation Lava Jato, Bolsonaro appointed to important civilian functions in the government more than 6. 000 military officers; unleashed the orchestrated dissemination of fake news; ignored the gravity of the pandemic, which he called a “small flu”; recommended drugs that lack scientific evidence; delayed the importation of vaccines and, despite the nearly 600 thousand deaths from Covid 19, the Ministry of Health has not yet adopted a protocol for national testing and immunization and, now, is investigated by the Senate, a den of corruption, for the purchase of vaccines at overprice, involving military officers.

Bolsonaro repeats: “only God can remove me from power”. All this despite the 15 million unemployed, the 30 million people in misery, the 19 million suffering from chronic hunger and inflation of more than 8% per year.

There will be presidential elections in 2022. All polls point to Lula as the voters’ preferred candidate. Although many of them regret having voted for Bolsonaro in 2018, and others still refuse to vote for the PT, the truth is that, so far, no alternative candidate to the Lula versus Bolsonaro polarization has been found. There are several names on the agenda, but none that gathers enough votes to threaten either candidate and represent an alternative between the left and the right.

Foreseeing that Lula could defeat him in 2022, as polls indicate, Bolsonaro began to defend the printed vote. For 25 years, Brazil has adopted electronic ballot boxes, and there has never been any suspicion of fraud. Brazil’s electoral past teaches that the paper ballot is vulnerable to fraud. Voters with low education and income are often pressured by “colonels” (militia, police, farmers, chiefs, pastors and priests) to give their vote to a certain candidate in exchange for money, favors or intimidation.

In electronic voting there is no way to verify the voter’s vote. But a paper ballot gives a receipt. There is a paper proof if the voter really voted for the indicated candidate. And this favors electoral fraud, the only recourse Bolsonaro has to try to avoid defeat next year.

For the return of the paper ballot, which would be added to the electronic one (a printer would be placed in the ballot box), a constitutional amendment approved by the National Congress is necessary. The issue should have been voted by the House of Representatives in the first half of July. When the bolsonarista deputies realized they would be defeated, they maneuvered to move the decision to August, after the parliamentary recess.

Brazilian democracy would not be threatened if it depended on the Supreme Federal Court (STF) and the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), which are against the printed vote. However, on July 9, the commander of the Air Force, Carlos Baptista Junior, declared to the newspaper “O Globo” that it is up to the Armed Forces to protect Brazilian democracy. In the same interview, he affirmed: “We will not give up on that”. And he pontificated: “Armed men do not threaten”.

I remember Brazil on the eve of the 1964 coup, which implemented 21 years of military dictatorship. The leaders of the left, in which I militated through the student movement, said that they did not fear a coup, that the democratic institutions were solid, that President Jango Goulart had a strong military backing against the violation of the Constitution.

Now I hear the same discourse of the solidity of democratic institutions and the lack of conjunctural conditions for a return to dictatorship, even from voices on the right. However, no active military officer dared to disagree with the coup threat of the Air Force commander. None has spoken out against Bolsonaro’s repeated coup bluster. And on July 8, the Minister of Defense, General Braga Netto, who commands all three arms, reportedly told the president of the Chamber of Deputies that “if there are no printed and auditable ballots in 2022, there will be no elections.” On the same day, Bolsonaro declared in public: “Either we make clean elections in Brazil or we don’t have elections”. He fears that the Parliament will reject the constitutional amendment to allow the printed ballot.

The civil authorities received the coup demonstrations as a “bluff”, in the opinion of a minister of the STF who did not want to be identified. But, I repeat, where there is smoke, there is fire. The deafening silence of the active military is worrisome. No one dares to disagree.

The Brazilian people have taken to the streets in massive demonstrations against the Bolsonaro government. This is the recourse we have to save democracy. However, the military will opt for a coup d’état, institutionalizing Bolsonaro as dictator.


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Translated by Internationalist 360.

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Canada: There Was No COVID-19 Pandemic: Dr. Denis Rancourt

August 31st, 2021 by Prof Denis Rancourt

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We analyzed all-cause mortality by week (ACM/w) for Canada, and for the Canadian provinces, and by age group and sex, from January 2010 through March 2021; in comparison with data for other countries and their regions or counties. 

We find that there is no extraordinary surge in yearly or seasonal mortality in Canada, which can be ascribed to a COVID-19 pandemic; and that several prominent features in the ACM/w in the COVID-19 period exhibit anomalous province-to-province heterogeneity that is irreconcilable with the known behaviour of epidemics of viral respiratory diseases (VRDs). We conclude that a pandemic did not occur.

In addition, our analysis of the ACM/w, by province, age and sex, allows us to highlight anomalies, occurring during the COVID-19 period, which provide strong evidence that:

  • Among the most elderly (85+ years), many died from the immediate response to the pandemic that was announced by the WHO on 11 March 2020.
  • Predominantly young males (0-44 years, and also 45-64 years) probably indirectly died from the sustained pandemic response, in the summer months of 2020, and into the fall and winter, starting in May 2020, especially in Alberta, significantly in Ontario and British Columbia, whereas not in Quebec.

Our study provides constraints on the mechanisms at play in VRD epidemics.



  1. Introduction
  2. Data
  3. Results / Interpretation

3.1 No detectable pandemic increase in the yearly and seasonal mortality

3.2 Inter-jurisdictional uniformity of pre-COVID-period features in all-cause mortality by time, 2010-2019

3.3 Inter-jurisdictional variations of COVID-period features in all-cause mortality by time

3.4 Analysis of ACM/w by age group and by sex

  1. Discussion

4.1 Regarding pandemics

4.2 Regarding the “C”-feature (“covid-peak”) in ACM by time

4.3 Regarding the summer-2020 level and the “2”-feature (“2nd wave”) in ACM by time

4.4 Regarding age group specifics in ACM by time

4.5 Regarding causes of response-induced deaths

4.6 Would there have been fewer deaths?

  1. Concluding comments: Missing self-evaluation


Appendix: ACM/w normalized by population, and comparisons

1. Introduction

A viral respiratory disease (VRD) pandemic has two defining characteristics (Doshi 2008, 2011):

  1. It occurs everywhere, irrespective of state or jurisdictional boundaries, presumably because there is no prior immunity.
  2. It causes excess mortality far greater than that due to non-pandemic (seasonal) VRD epidemics.

In 2008, Doshi (2008) put it this way:

One recent official US death toll projection(ref) suggested that the next pandemic will kill 6 to 56 times more Americans than the CDC currently estimates die in an average nonpandemic influenza season.(ref) The World Health Organization (WHO), in a “relatively conservative estimate,”(ref) predicted that the next influenza pandemic could claim 4 to 30 times more lives worldwide than a typical nonpandemic season.(ref)

One problem, in practice, is that VRD-classed mortality is difficult to quantify. The actual number of VRD-attributable deaths is always uncertain, especially when the deaths are counted in the context of a media-frenzy about “the pandemic”. This is as true today as it was when epidemiology was a nascent science; because a cause of death determination, with many co-factors, and in the absence of an analytical autopsy, is prone to human error, human bias, institutional bias, and even constructed bias as we have seen in the COVID period (Borger et al., 2021).

One solution is to avoid the problem altogether, by studying all-cause mortality (ACM) rather than VRD-classed mortality. A death is a death is a death.

In particular, if there is no discernable excess ACM during the presumed pandemic, above the trend in ACM, of the prior decade, say, then it is incorrect to conclude that a pandemic occurred.

The only alternatives are:

  1. to believe that a pandemic occurred but that an extraordinary medical response prevented the presumably new pathogen from killing many people, in just the right amount as to bring the yearly ACM back to the decadal trend value; or
  2. to believe that a pandemic occurred but that an extraordinary public-health response delayed the presumably new pathogen in its killing, in just the right amount as to bring the yearly ACM back to the decadal trend value, and then prevented future killing by an extraordinary mass vaccination campaign;

or some combination of the two, or their equivalents.

In science, there is a guiding principle regarding competing interpretations of the same data, called “Occam’s razor” (Gibbs, 1996):

The most useful statement of the principle for scientists is: “when you have two competing theories that make exactly the same predictions, the simpler one is the better.”

In this article, we ask whether a COVID-19 pandemic occurred in Canada, using the above criteria. Our application of Occam’s razor, in this context, is supported by a multitude of studies showing that public-health measures are ineffective against a VRD, which we have reviewed in several other articles.[1]


2. Data

Statistics Canada (StatCan) is the national statistical office of the country. The all-cause mortality (ACM) data used in this article was retrieved from this database and is given by week (ACM/w) and covers the 2010-2021 period (StatCan, 2021). At the date of access, data were available from week-1 of 2010 (beginning of January) through week-17 of 2021 (end of April). In this article we present the data until week-12 of 2021 (end of March) because for later weeks the data for Canada are not consolidated and have the artifact of anomalously small mortality values.

The StatCan data are provided by:

  • Provinces and territories
  • Age group
    • 0-44 years-old
    • 45-64 years-old
    • 65-84 years-old
    • 85 years-old and over
  • Sex
    • Males
    • Females

StatCan specifies that the ACM for 2020 and 2021 is provisional, and that the counts of deaths “have been rounded to a neighbouring multiple of 5 to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act”.

3. Results/Interpretation

3.1 No detectable pandemic increase in the yearly and seasonal mortality

The all-cause mortality by week (ACM/w) for Canada, from January 2010 through March 2021, is shown in Figure 1a:

Figure 1a: All-cause mortality by week in Canada from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. The y-scale is adjusted to show the region of interest. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

It is important to keep in mind that such graphs are represented using a region-of-interest y-scale. The same data on the full (starting at zero) y-scale is shown in Figure 1b:

Figure 1b: All-cause mortality by week in Canada from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. The y-scale is not adjusted to show only the region of interest; it starts from 0. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

In terms of the coarse-level main features (not intra-seasonal details), the usual seasonal pattern occurred in Canada since 2010 into March 2021, which is normally observed in all mid-latitude Northern hemisphere countries or jurisdictions, since 1900 or so where data has been collected.

The said usual seasonal pattern has these main features:

  • winter highs and summer lows (here, of deaths per week, ACM/w)
    • summer-low or trough values (deaths per week) that vary monotonically from summer to summer, typically linearly over the course of a decade (we refer to this monotonic variation as the “summer baseline trend”)
    • winter-high or maximum values (deaths per week) that vary erratically from winter season to winter season, in both magnitude and date (or week-number)
  • winter-burden deaths (integrated above the summer baseline trend, over a “cycle-year”, from mid-summer to mid-summer) typically (since the 1960s) corresponding to between 5% and 15% of yearly mortality

We have analysed such patterns in ACM by time (day, week, month) for several jurisdictions, including jurisdictions in Canada, in two prior articles (Rancourt, 2020) (Rancourt, Baudin, Mercier, 2020).

Figure 1 shows that there was no excess yearly or seasonal mortality, above the usual values of the last decade for Canada, in either the 2019-2020 winter or the 2020-2021 winter (up to and including March 2021). This is confirmed by calculating ACM per year. We calculated ACM by “cycle-year”, where we define a cycle-year as occurring from week-31 (around the beginning of August) of calendar year N through to week-30 (around the end of July) of calendar year N+1. As such, for example, nominal cycle-year 2018 is centered on the winter of 2018-2019. This definition of cycle-year takes one from mid-summer-trough to the next mid-summer-trough in ACM/w, such as to capture the intrinsic seasonal structure of ACM/w, having winter highs and summer lows. The result is plotted in Figure 2:

Figure 2: All-cause mortality by cycle-year for Canada, cycle-years 2011 to 2020, calculated as described above. The dashed line is a least-squares fitted straight line. The cycle‑year starts on week-31 of a calendar year (beginning of August) and ends on week-30 of the next calendar year (end of July). Data for the calculation were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

We conclude that there was no COVID-19 pandemic in Canada. It would be difficult to conclude otherwise. Either a pandemic causes a significant increase in deaths, or there was not a pandemic, barring the many unscientific false beliefs in effective public health interventions for VRDs.

Let us make this point further by showing the anomalous province-to-province intra-seasonal variations in ACM by time, which occur in the COVID or nominal-pandemic period (after 11 March 2020, the date the WHO proclaimed a pandemic).

3.2 Inter-jurisdictional uniformity of pre-COVID-period features in all-cause mortality by time, 2010-2019

The ACM/w 2010-2021 (through to March 2021) is plotted for several Canadian provinces, as follows.

Figure 3a: All-cause mortality by week from 2010 to 2021 for, top to bottom, Ontario (ON), Quebec (QC), British Columbia (BC), Alberta (AB) and Saskatchewan (SK). Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

Figure 3b: All-cause mortality by week from 2010 to 2021 for, top to bottom, British Columbia (BC), Alberta (AB), Manitoba (MB) and Newfoundland and Labrador (NL). Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.  

The seasonal cycles of ACM/w are extraordinarily regular and display essentially identical winter-season features from province to province for a given winter, up to and including 2019. In other words, up to and including 2019, the seasonal patterns and intra-seasonal shapes of ACM/w are synchronous copies of each other, from province to province, while being scaled in whole-pattern magnitude approximately by provincial population.  Plots of ACM/w, normalized by provincial population, are shown and compared in the Appendix.

We have observed such regularity, from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and including from continent to continent, in all ACM-by-time data that we have examined for many jurisdictions (countries, regions, provinces, counties) in North America and Europe, over the many decades of available data, for example (Rancourt, 2020) (Rancourt, Baudin, Mercier, 2020). Although there are small differences, the main first-level observation is the remarkable similarity in patterns, ratios of winter-to-winter magnitudes, and synchronicity, across all mid-latitude jurisdictions. We note that these robust data (ACM-by-time for North America and Europe, 20th and 21st centuries up to 2019) put into question two paradigms about VRDs (presumed to be the major cause of the seasonality of mortality in mid-latitude countries):

  • that a specific VRD-causing virus/variant originates at a localized source and “spreads” across countries or continents by person to person contact or personal proximity (“source-spread” paradigm)
  • that there are “pandemics” of VRDs, distinct from non-pandemic epidemics (“pandemic” paradigm)

Regarding the latter point, none of the 1957-1958 H2N2, 1968 H3N2, 2009 H1N1, or 2003 SARS pandemics are detected in ACM-by-time data, as meaningfully distinguished from non-pandemic seasonal epidemics. This is also the case if one analyses estimates of “influenza-classed mortality” rather than ACM (Doshi, 2008). The 1918 surges in ACM in both continents, by contrast, are very large, but constitute a special case involving mass bacterial infections, prior to the advent of antibiotics, killing solely young adults and infants, not the elderly, in societies and economies dramatically reorganized after the end of the First World War.

At the very least, ACM-by-time data imposes stringent real-world constraints on the theoretical or interpretational consequences of using these paradigms (source-spread, pandemic) to explain large-scale epidemiological observations.

Clearly for Canada, which is the size of a continent, Figures 3a & 3b (and see Appendix) show a remarkable regularity up to and including 2019: The provinces, East to West, have the same “fingerprints” of ACM/w. Detailed winter-season shapes, timing of features (synchronicity), and ratios of winter-to-winter magnitudes, are all essentially the same, province to province, 2010-2019, although the amplitudes of seasonal variation are smaller in the low-altitude (non-mountainous) maritime-climate provinces of the Canadian East coast (see below).

3.3 Inter-jurisdictional variations of COVID-period features in all-cause mortality by time

Although, as described above in section 3.1, “in terms of the coarse-level main features (not intra-seasonal details), the usual seasonal pattern occurred in Canada since 2010 into March 2021” (including the COVID-period), nonetheless there were significant anomalies in intra-seasonal features in the COVID-period, which we next examine, and which are relevant to whether a pandemic occurred.

As stated in the Introduction (section 1), a pandemic “occurs everywhere, irrespective of state or jurisdictional boundaries, presumably because there is no prior immunity”.

In particular:

  • The pathogen presumed to cause the pandemic — a highly contagious pathogen of the VRD kind — will not stop at provincial borders in Canada.
  • The presumed pathogen will not affect the similar populations in different provinces in dramatically different ways; such as killing young males in one province while killing only the elderly in another.
  • The presumed pathogen itself, acting at the same time in March-April-May 2020 in two neighbouring similar provinces, for instance Ontario and Quebec, cannot be 2-3 times more deadly (per inhabitant) in Quebec than in Ontario.

We examine these propositions in the following figures.

First, the ACM/w for Canada is represented in an expanded view, from 2019 through March 2021, in order to define key features that occurred in the COVID-period:

Figure 4: All-cause mortality by week in Canada from 2019 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2019 to March 2021. The dark-blue vertical line represents the week of March 11 2020, when WHO declared the pandemic. The three features are labelled as: C = “covid-peak”, S = summer 2020, 2 = 2020-2021 winter peak (“2nd wave”). Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

Here, the 11 March 2020 date of the WHO pronouncement of the pandemic is shown as the vertical line, “C” denotes the ACM-by-time feature that we have called the “covid-peak” (Rancourt, 2020) (Rancourt, Baudin, Mercier, 2020), “S” denotes the summer trough in mortality of 2020, and “2” denotes the 2020-2021 winter peak (usually referred to as “2nd wave”).

The Canada ACM/w features “C” and “S” (Figure 4) are anomalous in their own right, as follows.

We have already written extensively about “C”, which is our so-called “covid-peak”, observed in many jurisdictions in mid-latitude Northern hemisphere countries (Rancourt, 2020) (Rancourt, Baudin, Mercier, 2020). It is anomalous in that:

  • Everywhere that it occurs, it emerges synchronously immediately following the WHO’s 11 March 2020 pronouncement of the pandemic.
  • Its initial rise is exceedingly sharp, with a base to inflection-point time of approximately 3 weeks (2 weeks in ACM by day, ACM/d, data for France).
  • Such a large and sudden surge virtually never occurs so late in the seasonal cycle (after 11 March, in March, April, May), which is otherwise always a downslope from the mid-winter (January-February) highs.
  • It is extremely heterogeneous by jurisdiction in its magnitude, not being present or barely detected in 34 of the 52 USA states, 6 of the 13 regions of metropolitan France, 7 of the 10 provinces of Canada, 18 of the 21 counties of Sweden, and so on, while being disproportionately large in specific jurisdictions such as New York City in the USA, the Paris region in France, Stockholm county in Sweden, and the province of Quebec in Canada.
  • Where it occurs, the degree to which it extends late into the season (into May) is variable from jurisdiction to jurisdiction; ending in April 2020 in France, in May 2020 in Canada and the USA.

The Canada ACM/w feature “S” (Figure 4) is anomalous because its mean baseline magnitude (5.25K deaths/w) is anomalously larger than the summer‑2019 mean baseline value (5.05K deaths/w), and significantly larger than the magnitude predicted by the linear summer baseline trend values for the prior years, as can be ascertained from Figure 1.

This means that some net 200 excess deaths per week were occurring in Canada in the summer of 2020, in a season in which VRDs are not active. Below, we show that the main contributor to these excess summer deaths was deaths of young (0-44 years) males, an age where COVID-19 virtually does not cause deaths (Levin et al., 2020), occurring predominantly in Alberta, Ontario and British Columbia. Whereas, the opposite occurs in Canada for the 85+ years age group: The summer-2020 mean baseline magnitude (ACM/w) is significantly smaller than the 2010-2019 trend value for this age group (Figure 6a).

Figures 3a & 3b show the following points regarding the COVID-period:

  • Only ON, QC and BC have significant “C”-features (“covid-peaks”). The other seven provinces do not have statistically detectable “C”-features.
  • The “C”-feature in the QC data is very strong, intermediate in ON, and relatively weak in BC.
  • Whereas AB, MB and SK did not have “C”-features, they have anomalously large “2”-features, compared to their prior winter-season mortalities since 2010, especially AB.

These observations are easier to make in y-scale expanded views of each province:

Figure 5-ON: All-cause mortality by week in Ontario from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

Figure 5-QC: All-cause mortality by week in Quebec from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

Figure 5-BC: All-cause mortality by week in British Columbia from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

Figure 5-AB: All-cause mortality by week in Alberta from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

Figure 5-SK: All-cause mortality by week in Saskatchewan from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

Figure 5-NS: All-cause mortality by week in Nova Scotia from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

Figure 5-MB-NB-NL-PEI: All-cause mortality by week from 2010 to 2021 for, top to bottom, Manitoba (MB), New Brunswick (NB), Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) and Prince Edward Island (PEI). Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

Most notably:

  • The “C”-feature (“covid-peak”) for Quebec is exceptionally large among all provinces. Among other factors, Quebec care-home workers are known to have abandoned their locked-in patients en masse, presumably out of fear, even leading to criminal investigations.[2]
  • The “C”-feature (“covid-peak”) for Ontario is also unambiguously anomalous, as a large feature of this magnitude and shape this late in the winter-mortality season. There was also large-scale care-home negligence in Ontario, documented in investigative media articles and a military report.[3]
  • The “C”-feature (“covid-peak”) is present for British Columbia, indicating some measures-induced and treatment-induced deaths in care-homes and hospitals, but to a lesser degree than in Ontario and Quebec.
  • The “2”-feature (“2nd wave”) is massive in Alberta, which is exceptional among all provinces. The peak is twice as high as any other winter peak for Alberta in the decade 2010-2020. Alberta also has an exceptionally high summer-2020 mortality, relative to its prior-decade trend of summer-trough mean magnitudes.
  • Both Ontario and Saskatchewan also have high summer-2020 mortalities, relative to their respective prior-decade trends of summer-trough mean magnitudes, and unusually large “2”-features (“2nd waves”), but not to the degree observed for Alberta.
  • Most East coast provinces (NS, NL, PEI, not NB) have small-amplitude seasonal cycles of ACM; and none for which there are data (NS, NL, NB) have ACM/w that exhibits any evidence of a COVID-19 pandemic or disruption, none whatsoever (data is missing for PEI). 

3.4 Analysis of ACM/w by age group and by sex

The plots of ACM/w, from January 2010 through March 2021, for Canada, by age group (age at time of death), for the four age groups (0-44, 45-64, 65-84, 85+ years), are as follows.

Figure 6a: All-cause mortality by week in Canada for the 85+ years age group, from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. The linear trend-line is a least-squares fit to the summer troughs for summer-2013 through summer-2019, using the following summer trough weeks: 2013-weeks 24-37, 2014-weeks 28-33, 2015-weeks 25-38, 2016-weeks 24-34, 2017-weeks 24-33, 2018-weeks 27-35, 2019-weeks 26-38. The arrow indicates a feature discussed in the text. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

Figure 6b: All-cause mortality by week in Canada for the 65-84 years age group, from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

Figure 6c: All-cause mortality by week in Canada for the 45-64 years age group, from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

Figure 6d: All-cause mortality by week in Canada for the 0-44 years age group, from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

Several observations can be made about the ACM/w data shown in Figures 6a through 6d, as follows:

  • The amplitude (summer mean baseline value to winter maximum) of the seasonal variations in ACM/w, normalised by the summer mean baseline value, varies significantly with age, approximately as: near-zero for 0-44 years (no seasonal variation), 20% for 45-64 years, 30% for 65-84 years, and some 60% for 85+ years. The causes of increased winter deaths are more effective in the elderly, and all the more the older one gets.
  • The patterns (“fingerprints”) of ACM/w are essentially identical for the 85+ and 65-84 years age groups, prior to the COVID-period (prior to 11 March 2020). See plots of direct comparisons in the Appendix. This suggests that the causes for increased winter deaths, and their timing, are the same in the two age groups, normally, where only the magnitude for the age group is affected by increased generalized frailty in the most elderly. Stated differently: One age group does not die of different causes than the other, regarding the increased likelihood of death in the winter.
  • The latter point, regarding virtually identical intra-season time-structures, for each given season in the two age groups of the most elderly, including in the COVID-period, suggests that the driver of increased winter deaths is synchronized by the same cause(s) for the two age groups, which precludes vitamin deficiency, cancer, heart attacks and strokes, acting alone, but does not preclude weather, sudden societal or economic or institutional changes, sudden geological events, or sudden appearances of high-concentrations of pathogens in the living environments.
  • The “C”-feature (“covid-peak”) in the ACM/w of the 85+ years age group (Figure 6a) is anomalous, relative to known ACM by time data of the last many decades for European and North American jurisdictions. Its dramatic drop occurs in a mere 6 weeks (as does its rise), during the weeks of 2 May 2020 to 13 June 2020, to summer-2020 values that are significantly below the linear trend-line for mean summer-trough values for summers 2013 through 2019 (Figure 6a).
  • As such, the “S”-feature in the ACM/w of the 85+ years age group (Figure 6a) is equally anomalous. Why would 85+ year olds in Canada become relatively impervious to dying in the summer of 2020, in mid pandemic, between the presumed first and second waves of death? Our interpretation is: The deaths of many 85+ year olds were artificially accelerated, at a time when seasonal VRD transmission is low, so that their deaths were not spread out into the following summer and fall, as would normally be the case.
  • Another large anomaly, which should be considered a national public health catastrophe of historic proportion but is virtually absent from the media and government-official pronouncements, is shown in Figure 6d, for the 0-44 years age group. Here, we see a significant increase in deaths, from a pre-COVID-period plateau value of approximately 260 deaths/w to a summer-2020 value of approximately 320 death/w, lasting at least 28 weeks, into the start of December 2020. The peak corresponds to approximately 2,000 excess deaths in this 0-44 years age group in Canada, following the WHO pronouncement of a pandemic.
  • The latter deaths cannot be ascribed to COVID-19 because the presumed disease virtually does not kill in this age group, and there is little transmission of VRDs in summer months. A similar but lesser relative increase in summer-2020 deaths occurs in the 45-64 years age group (Figure 6c).

The COVID-period excess deaths in the younger age groups can be further explored by sex, and by province. Relevant plots of ACM/w are as follows, for the 0-44 years age group, first for Canada, then select provinces.

Figure 7a: All-cause mortality by week in Canada for males of the 0-44 years age group, from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

Figure 7b: All-cause mortality by week in Canada for females of the 0-44 years age group, from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

Figures 7a & 7b show that, generally in the last decade, young Canadian males are almost twice (approximately 1.7 times) as likely to die of any cause compared to young Canadian females (0-44 years age group).

These figures (Figures 7a & 7b) also show that the excess summer‑2020 deaths seen in this age group at the national level (Figure 6d) is almost entirely due to male deaths. This is also true for all the provinces that exhibit this feature in the 0-44 years age group. Virtually only males contribute to these excess deaths.

Next, we examine 0-44 years age group male deaths by province, as follows.

Figure 8-ON: All-cause mortality by week in Ontario for males of the 0-44 years age group, from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

Figure 8-QC: All-cause mortality by week in Quebec for males of the 0-44 years age group, from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

Figure 8-BC: All-cause mortality by week in British Columbia for males of the 0-44 years age group, from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

Figure 8-AB: All-cause mortality by week in Alberta for males of the 0-44 years age group, from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

Figure 8-SK: All-cause mortality by week in Saskatchewan for males of the 0-44 years age group, from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021), as described in section 2.

Thus we see that the phenomenon of excess 0-44 years age group male deaths is present in the large-population provinces, and in Saskatchewan and Manitoba (not shown), but exceptionally not present in Quebec.

Did the presumed SARS-CoV-2 virus decide not to act in this way in the province of Quebec, or is there another explanation? Our interpretation is that the excess deaths in males of the 0-44 years age group arise from the stress of the large-scale and continued societal and economic responses to the declared pandemic, and that the experienced stress in young men is lesser in Quebec because of significant cultural differences with Anglophone provinces, under conditions imposed by all provincial governments.

4. Discussion

4.1 Regarding pandemics

As noted above, the intra-seasonal and inter-seasonal time structures and the jurisdictional homogeneity in ACM by time, up to continental geographical scales for mid-latitudes, in unperturbed societies (unperturbed by sudden changes tied to world wars, or by sudden global “pandemic response” reorganizations), set constraints regarding the possible causes of the seasonal phenomenon having high winter death rates. Precluded causes are: vitamin deficiency, cancer, heart attacks and strokes, acting alone. Not precluded causes include: weather, sudden societal or economic or institutional changes, sudden geological events, sudden appearances of high-concentrations of pathogens in the living environments, or combinations thereof.

We would argue for “sudden appearances of high-concentrations of pathogens in the living environments”. The stability-in-air of aerosol particles is known to be controlled by absolute humidity in mid-latitudes (e.g., see Rancourt, 2020b, and references therein). We imagine summer background population mixing, and faster dry-season population mixing, of continually arising mutations of pathogens that transmit by suspended aerosols (i.e., the entire ecology of VRD viruses), followed by sudden low-absolute-humidity-induced winter-time increases of concentrations (in the built environment – individual homes to public spaces) of aerosols bearing all such pathogens.

The infections from the multitude of co-acting VRD viruses would be accompanied by an array of opportunistic bacterial co-infections, aided by the dry-air stress on respiratory tract tissues.

We believe that the genome-centered view of single unique viral mutations/variants explaining seasonal structures in ACM by time is too narrow and over-emphasized. The contributions from weather and from the large array of co-acting pathogens must be more relevant than the “particular-special-new-mutation/variant virologist’s view”, otherwise pandemics would be observed in ACM by time data, and they are not.

Simply put, the pandemic paradigm is a beautiful theory, which is greatly pleasing to the genome jockeys, but it is not supported by hard epidemiological data, and it has a great potential to cloud public health thinking by directing focus on a presumed pathogen-specific disease rather than identifying and addressing all the important aspects of a health crisis or chronic-disease circumstances.

In Canada at least, in the present article we have shown that no additional yearly or seasonal integrated mortality occurs in the COVID-period (Figures 1 & 2). There was no COVID-19 pandemic in Canada, which can be detected in ACM by time. It would be a fantasy to believe that Canada avoided the COVID-19 pandemic deaths by its hurried, differing and unproven pandemic response, such as to exactly bring the resulting net yearly and seasonal mortalities in line with the trend of the last decade (Figure 2).

4.2 Regarding the “C”-feature (“covid-peak”) in ACM by time

The occurrence of dramatic jurisdiction-to-jurisdiction differences (jurisdictional heterogeneity) in the magnitude (relative to summer baseline) of the “C”-feature (“covid-peak”) in ACM/w by province in Canada is diametrically opposite to all pre-COVID-period ACM by time data that we have examined for many jurisdictions (countries, regions, provinces, counties) in North America and Europe, over the many decades of available data.

Whereas pre-COVID-period integrated winter-burden mortalities (above linear summer baseline trends), normalized by mean summer baseline mortality or by jurisdictional population, are always relatively constant between jurisdictions, the “covid-peak” feature varies widely between jurisdictions in a given country, or between countries, often being undetectable or borderline detectable, versus extreme “hot spot” jurisdictions.

For France, we calculate that, on the basis of region-level jurisdictional divisions, the standard deviation of the “covid-peak” integrated magnitude normalized by population divided by the mean (s.d./mean) is 3-fold greater than the standard deviation for integrated winter-burden magnitude (integrated above the linear trend of summer-trough minimums) normalized by population divided by the mean (s.d./mean) (article in preparation).

We argue that such jurisdictional heterogeneity cannot be due to a VRD epidemic in an unperturbed society, because such a phenomenon has never previously occurred in the many decades since reliable data is available for many jurisdictions. Only an unusually large perturbation of the society can produce such a phenomenon.

We believe that it is not a coincidence that all the “covid-peaks” — in jurisdictions where they occur on both continents — started their sharp and sudden surges immediately (within 1 week or so) after the WHO’s 11 March 2020 pronouncement of a pandemic. We believe that viruses did not suddenly everywhere act on cue in response to the WHO memo, in those jurisdictions where the “covid-peak” feature occurs in ACM by time.

4.3 Regarding the summer-2020 level and the “2”-feature (“2nd wave”) in ACM by time

By-province heterogeneity is also present in the summer-2020 level and in the “2”‑feature (“2nd wave”) in the COVID-period of ACM/w in Canada (esp. for Alberta, Figure 5-AB).

It is unlikely that a same pandemic-causing virus acted alone to produce significant excess deaths in the summer-2020 period, relative to the linear trend of summer baseline values, irrespective of the magnitude of the preceding “covid-peak”: Ontario (Figure 5-ON), British Columbia (Figure 5-BC) and Alberta (Figure 5-AB), but not noticeably in Quebec (Figure 5-QC), for instance.

It is possible that the excess deaths in the summer-2020 period were induced by the societal disruption of the pandemic response (more below), without being associated with any VRD, except secondarily via the so-called “dry tinder” effect following a large “covid-peak”.

More strikingly, the “2”-feature (“2nd wave”) peak for Alberta is massive, compared to any other province, whereas no noticeable “covid-peak” occurs in this province (Figure 5-AB). A pandemic-causing virus cannot decide not to produce a “1st wave” but only a “2nd wave” in one province of a continuously connected country having similar provincial populations. Nothing like this has ever been observed, to our knowledge.

We argue that the “2”-feature (“2nd wave”) peak, occurring during a winter-season of expected increased mortality, has varying province-wise magnitudes because of the province to province differences in pandemic response, and province to province differences in population resilience against the stress of the imposed measures.

In short, like with the “covid-peak”, such jurisdictional heterogeneity cannot be the result of the genome of a particular viral pathogen. Such epidemiological heterogeneity of presumed VRD mortality has not previously been observed in North America or Europe in many decades of reliable ACM by time data. VRD viruses of any mutation or variety do not recognize jurisdictional boundaries and do not act so widely differently on similar populations on continuous territories. The large features of the ACM by time data for the COVID-period can only be explained by appealing to additional causal factors beyond the limited purview of virology. 

4.4 Regarding age group specifics in ACM by time

The ACM/w in Canada for the 85+ years age group (Figure 6a) allowed us to partly unravel the complex and unusual behaviour of mortality in the COVID-period. As mentioned above, the sharp drop in its “covid-peak” connects to a summer-2020 having anomalously small mortality for this age group (Figure 6a).

This is all the more surprising in that the summer-2020 mortality for all age groups is anomalously large (Figure 1). Cumulatively, all ages have an anomalously large summer-2020 mortality, whereas the 85+ years age group has an anomalously small summer-2020 mortality. Mortality of younger Canadians increased, in a season that does not normally carry many VRD infections, whereas less mortality occurred for the most aged Canadians.

In the ACM/w data for the 85+ years age group (Figure 6a), the “covid-peak” followed by an anomalously small summer-2020 mortality, may be a most compelling example of the so-called “dry tinder” effect, in which successive winter-season mortalities are argued to be anti-correlated because a harsh winter leaves fewer frail elderly to die in the following winter. Whereas this postulated winter-to-winter anti-correlation is not easily discerned, except in earlier times when mortalities were larger (see mid-1940s to mid-1950s for France, Figure 1 of Rancourt, Baudin, Mercier, 2020), here (Figure 6a) we demonstrate the effect, within an exceptional year, in current times.

Finally, there is the anomalous mass mortality of young males in Canada, especially in Alberta but not in Quebec, in summer-2020 and into the fall (Figure 7, all parts). This ignored and silent epidemic is most likely not due to any VRD, and merits an independent investigation in its own right.

4.5 Regarding causes of response-induced deaths

We seek to describe plausible mechanisms whereby sudden disruptions in society can induce deaths, or reduce deaths at later times, without necessarily significantly changing the yearly or seasonal death burden compared to a decadal trend, following (Rancourt, 2020) (Rancourt, Baudin, Mercier, 2020).

We propose that there are three large categories of such plausible mechanisms:

  • Medical response, treatment and palliative protocols, adopted at the onset of the proclaimed and media-hyped pandemic.
  • Pandemic response, public health measures, institutional protocols (esp. schools, care homes, and hospitals), economic upheaval, lockdowns, curfews, self-quarantine, etc.
  • Policies of denial of medical treatment, such as refusal to admit elderly persons into hospital care, or transfers of patients out of hospital care.

In France, for example, as in many other countries, starting in March 2020 there were tremendous social and medical disruptions, not planned or previously applied. The national lockdown in-effect was a “stay-at-home” order, including not visiting the family physician, and to call the emergency services only in cases of breathing difficulty, which was by itself a dangerous recommendation as people presenting those symptoms were usually already in a late stage of disease, often admitted to hospital directly into the intensive care unit. This reckless protocol directed by health authorities concerned not only COVID-19, but generally all medical conditions since people were asked to stay at home, to not visit their general practitioners, nor to show up at hospitals (to avoid an unmanageable institutional burden). Another statement from the health authorities was that no treatment exists for COVID-19: people were told to take Doliprane® (acetaminophen) in case of symptoms; and healthcare professionals were denied using or attempting any medical protocol. This caused abandonment of medical care by the general population and by healthcare professionals, following the official recommendations. The official recommendations thereby may have promoted excessive and dangerous self-medication with over-the-counter substances such as Doliprane® and analogous drugs. Signatures of the unprecedented perturbation in the healthcare system include changes in specific drug usage and consumption in 2020, such as significant drops in the use of antibiotics and significant increases in the use of psychoactive drugs (Chaillot, 2020) (and our article in preparation). One specific example is the Rivotril® drug (clonazepam) in its injectable form, which by decree[4] could exceptionally by used from 23 March to 15 April 2020 without marketing authorization to terminate patients affected or likely to be affected by SARS-CoV-2 if their health status justified it, and which showed an increase of more than 200% in April 2020 compared to the mean over January 2017 to February 2020 (Chaillot, 2020).

In the USA, the early over-use of mechanical ventilators is a well-studied aspect of deadly COVID‑19 medical responses (Richardson et al., 2020).

In addition, and in Canada, the unprecedented strict mass quarantine and isolation of both sick and healthy elderly people, together and separately, would have caused the deaths of many of them, and is probably a main cause of the “covid-peak” event in Canada, where a great majority of COVID-19-assigned deaths occurred in care homes for the elderly (Clarke, 2021):

During the first wave of the pandemic (March through August 2020), residents of nursing and seniors’ homes accounted for more than 80% of all reported COVID-19 deaths (ref). […] By mid-December (partway through the second wave that lasted from September 2020 through February 2021), there were about 44,000 cases and 9,200 deaths in nursing and seniors’ homes (ref). As of early March 2021, reports indicated that nursing and seniors’ homes continued to account for the greatest proportion of outbreak-related cases and deaths, representing about 7% of all cases and more than 50% of all deaths (refs).

By the said mass quarantine in care homes and establishments, Canadian provincial institutions isolated vulnerable elderly persons from their families, limited movements within establishments, often confining individuals to their rooms or beds for days and weeks if not months, reduced the staff and allowed staff to be absent, forced staff to adopt extreme measures such as masks, shields and gloves, which can induce a measure of fear or terror, created a general atmosphere of danger, and prevented air circulation by locking doors and windows, and by preventing ingoing and outgoing traffic except for essential services (Campbell, 2020; Comas-Herrera, Fernandez, et al., 2020; Wu, 2020).

This would have both: retained the pathogen-bearing aerosol particles suspended in the air without their evacuation (Morawska and Milton, 2020); and induced psychological stress in the residents.

Psychological stress is known:

  1. to be a major factor causing diseases, including immune response dysfunction, depression, cardiovascular disease and cancer (Cohen, Janicki-Deverts and Miller, 2007),
  2. to be a dominant factor in making an individual susceptible to viral respiratory diseases, in terms of intensity of the infection (Cohen, Tyrrell and Smith, 1991), and
  3. to have more deleterious effects in elderly persons than in younger persons (Prenderville et al., 2015).

Furthermore, social isolation itself, in addition to individual psychological stress, is known to have an added impact on the said susceptibility to viral respiratory disease (Cohen et al., 1997).

Furthermore, there is a longer term “abandonment of life” phenomenon that occurs with imposed extended isolations of elderly persons, the so-called “glissement” syndrome (or “slipping away syndrome” or “geriatric failure to thrive”), which is analogous to depression (Robertson and Montagnini, 2004; Clegg et al., 2013; Steptoe et al., 2013; Ong, Uchino and Wethington, 2016).

The suddenly applied national policy of forced quarantine and the psychological stress it generated on fragile elderly people would have been a contributor in the decrease of efficiency of immune system response to a viral respiratory disease (Comas-Herrera, Zalakaín, et al., 2020) and this is a probable explanation for much of the mortality in the “covid-peak” and in the “2nd wave”. The same mechanism would operate in any setting (facility, group home, home, hospital) where persons with health vulnerabilities are isolated and susceptible to psychological stress.

Whereas care homes are institutional environments that are extremely susceptible to epidemics, whereas VRD epidemics in care homes are common and this is well known (Utsumi et al., 2010), and whereas the best recommendation to prevent the spread of a VRD epidemic in a care home is vigilant and early diagnosis of cases of clinically ill infected individuals followed by rapid effective treatment and isolation/distancing of those individuals (Loeb et al., 2000) (Bowles et al., 2003), therefore it is important to note that the opposite was done in Canadian care homes: no surveillance for emergent clinical infections, no treatment or search for treatment, no targeted removal/distancing or isolation of the clinically ill infected individuals, and universal lockdown of all residents. Even antibiotic treatment of bacterial co-infections may have been in-effect denied, as appears to have been the case in France (as mentioned above).

Rancourt recently summarized the situation this way:[5]

The mechanism that made care homes and institutions for sick and elderly persons into killing fields includes the following elements (refs):

  • infection seeding by hospital transfers into the care homes
  • universal lockdowns of the care homes
  • denied specialized medical treatment to the residents of the care homes
  • reduced staffing and staff abandonment in the care homes, and negligence
  • collateral effects of the universal lockdown of the care homes: extreme social isolation, psychological stress, reduced aerosol-exhaust ventilation, lost oversight of the institutions by family-members

We can add the use of Rivotril® (in France), which would have terminated some elderly patients with breathing difficulties, and other changes in treatment practices (see above).

4.6 Would there have been fewer deaths?

Although we have shown that there was no pandemic, nonetheless, there are year to year variations in mortality in non-pandemic years, and a valid question remains: Would fewer immediate and later deaths have resulted in the absence of the pandemic response?

We conclude that the answer is “yes”. The “covid-peak” was palpably induced by the pandemic response, at a time in the long-term seasonal cycle when there is always a decline in ACM by time. It was followed by an anomalously small mortality for the 85+ years age group, showing that deaths were accelerated in this age group. Likewise, the mortality of young males (0-44 years) has a large increase in the summer-2020, and into the fall, a phenomenon never before seen, which cannot be due to a VRD pathogen.

5. Concluding comments: Missing self-evaluation

We proved that there was no pandemic in the COVID-period in Canada, if the concept of a pandemic means anything. We showed strong evidence that the pandemic response was so aggressive and ill-advised as to have large negative health consequences, identified in ACM by time.

Although there was no pandemic, our analysis of the ACM by time data suggests that the pandemic response in Canada was a reckless and deadly fiasco. Had there been a particularly virulent pathogen, this level of government and institutional negligence, based on the international trend in attitudes and on political motives, would not have been possible.

There is no concrete evidence that the provincial and federal governments have learned any lesson from what was a massive public health blunder. On the contrary, there is every sign that governments continue to have a siloed approach based entirely on vaccine programs and ineffective personal hygiene regulations, while ignoring the science relevant to what actually occurred in Canadian care homes, and while avoiding strategies to start to address what actually occurred, and is occurring.

A first and immediate step should be to trash the pandemic-response methods that were implemented after the WHO’s declaration of a pandemic, and to develop expertise-based national skepticism about such declarations and their accompanying recommendations.

We hope that our analysis will be useful to public health policy reviewers, and that the needed serious in-depth critical review of the government and medical responses will be undertaken, one way or another. We further hope that this will be done with transparency and accountability, and that it will include broad consultations.


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Prof. Denis Rancourt, Ontario Civil Liberties Association (, [email protected]

Marine Baudin and Jeremie Mercier, Mercier Production (


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[1] See: “COVID” section, Denis Rancourt’s website: on 5 August 2021).

[2] “Montreal police, coroner investigating owner of seniors’ residence where 31 died in less than 1 month” by Colin Harris · CBC News · Posted: Apr 12, 2020 12:56 PM ET | Last Updated: April 13, 2020 (accessed 6 August 2021).

[3] “Military report reveals what sector has long known: Ontario’s nursing homes are in trouble” by Adam Carter · CBC News · Posted: May 27, 2020 4:00 AM ET | Last Updated: May 27, 2020 (accessed 6 August 2021).

[4] Décret N° 2020-293 Du 23 Mars 2020 Prescrivant Les Mesures Générales Nécessaires Pour Faire Face à l’épidémie de Covid-19 Dans Le Cadre de l’état d’urgence Sanitaire.; 2020.

[5] “The Great VIRAL Debate: Dr Rancourt’s Closing Statement” by Denis Rancourt, Off-Guardian (10 November 2020) (Accessed on 6 August 2021).

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

Appendix: ACM/w normalized by population, and comparisons

In this appendix, we show various plots of ACM/w, normalized by population, and various plots comparing ACM/w data, by province, and by age group.

Statistics Canada (StatCan) is the national statistical office of the country. The all-cause mortality (ACM) and the population (pop) data used in this appendix were retrieved from the StatCan database. The following table shows the characteristics of the data:

*At the date of access, data were available from week-1 of 2010 (beginning of January) to week-17 of 2021 (end of April). In the following figures, we show the data until week-12 of 2021 (end of March), because the data are not consolidated in later weeks, which gives a large artifact (anomalous drop in mortality).

Moreover, data can be retrieved by sex (males/females) or by age group. For the population data, the age groups are year by year from 0 to 99 years-old, and the last group is 100 years-old and over. For the ACM data, the age groups are as follows:

  • 0-44 years-old
  • 45-64 years-old
  • 65-84 years-old
  • 85 years-old and over

The population is estimated on July 1st of each year. The ACM/w of one calendar year has been normalized by the population of that calendar year (ACM/pop/w). The only exception is the year 2021, as there are no population estimates for that year, the ACM/w has been normalized by the population estimates for 2020.


2021–StatCan : Statistics Canada (2021). Table 13-10-0768-01  Weekly death counts, by age group and sex (accessed 2 August 2021)

2020–StatCan : Statistics Canada (2020). Table 17-10-0005-01  Population estimates on July 1st, by age and sex (accessed 31 July 2021)

Appendix Figures

Figure A1: All-cause mortality by population by week in Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia and Alberta from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2020 and 2021).

Figure A2: All-cause mortality by population by week in Ontario and British Columbia from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2020 and 2021).

Figure A3: All-cause mortality by population by week in Ontario and Quebec from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2020 and 2021).

Figure A4: All-cause mortality by population by week in Ontario and Quebec from 2018 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2018 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2020 and 2021).

Figure A5: All-cause mortality by population by week in Ontario and Quebec for the 0-44 age group, both sexes, from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2020 and 2021).

Figure A6: All-cause mortality by population by week in Ontario and Quebec for the 45-64 age group, both sexes, from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2020 and 2021).

Figure A7: All-cause mortality by population by week in Ontario and Quebec for the 65-84 age group, both sexes, from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2020 and 2021).

Figure A8: All-cause mortality by population by week in Ontario and Quebec for the 85+ age group, both sexes, from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2020 and 2021).

Figure A9: All-cause mortality by week in Canada by age group, both sexes, from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021).

Figure A10: All-cause mortality by week in Canada for the 65-84 and 85+ age groups, both sexes, from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2021).

Figure A11: All-cause mortality by population by week in Canada for the 65-84 and 85+ age groups, both sexes, from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2020 and 2021).

Figure A12: All-cause mortality by population by week in Canada for the 65-84 age group, both sexes, from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2020 and 2021).

Figure A13: All-cause mortality by population by week in Canada for the 45-64 age group, both sexes, from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2020 and 2021).

Figure A14: All-cause mortality by population by week in Canada for the 0-44 age group, both sexes, from 2010 to 2021. Data are displayed from January 2010 to March 2021. Data were retrieved from StatCan (StatCan, 2020 and 2021).

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In 1626, “The New Atlantis: an unfinished work,” written by Sir Francis Bacon, was published posthumously. It described a utopian land of “generosity and enlightenment, dignity and splendor, piety and public spirit” with citizens of  “high moral character and honesty.” It is believed that The New Atlantis planted the seed for transforming a continental wilderness into a democratic republic that became the United States. 

Fast forward four hundred years and that same nation is hardly recognizable today as the American Empire disintegrates under the weight of one unfathomable crisis after another. Once a country whose origins were the result of divine providence, devoted to the concept of self rule and individual liberty, as it grew into the world’s most esteemed system of government and its people, extraordinary and honorable.

There is something surreal about the Afghanistan troop withdrawal scenario that does not fit the facts as they have emerged.   We are asked to believe that the pathetic, doddering Joe Biden should be held solely responsible for the gross failures committed by the US State Department and the military hierarchy including Joint Chief Mark Milley and Afghanistan Commander General Kenneth McKenzie.

Clearly, the Presidency is where the buck stops, but scratching beneath the surface reveals we are being spoon-fed that a massive bungling operation is simply a more than normal bureaucratic snafu not unexpected of the Federal government. It is undeniable that there are administration officials who view American lives as no more valuable than any other nationality as well as the distressing reality that there has been a government infiltration at the professional political class level that is more devoted to Klaus Schwab’s collapse of American society rather than the New Atlantis vision.

There is not one scintilla of humor about State Department bureaucrats being confused with the Apple Dumpling Gang on steroids as they inexplicably held the Taliban’s hand throughout each day, leaving any thinking person to consider the unthinkable: that the unmitigated failure of geopolitical consequences, a disaster of unimaginable negligence can have only been the result of a planned strategy and an intentional series of decisions to further destroy American sovereignty.

This is not to say that Biden, who may have less than half a functioning brain, is responsible enough to be held responsible via Amendment 25 but rather that he is the convenient scapegoat for a dark ops situation, the full awareness of which may lie beyond our comprehension.

The credibility of the entire withdrawal tragedy relies on the US government’s open door communications as well as trading messages with its newest best friends, the Taliban as if they are partners in some otherwise malodorous project that defies definition.

As of January 20th, the Biden forces made the conscious decision to reject Trump’s ‘conditions based withdrawal‘ plan as incoming Pentagon Chief Lloyd Austin issued a dramatic sixty day ‘stand down’ order to investigate ‘white supremacy’ within the ranks. Declaring it to be the nation’s number one national security risk, Austin told the Senate Armed Services Committee that

The job of the Department of Defense is to keep America safe from our enemies. But we can’t do that if some of those enemies lie within our own ranks.”

In an embarrassingly inadequate joint press conference, knowing that the Taliban offensive in Kandahar had begun a week earlier, Defense Secretary Austin and Joint Chief of Staff Mark Milley announced that the Kabul airport was secured by the US military. Austin added

There have been no hostile interactions with the Taliban. And our lines of communication with Taliban commanders remain open, as they should be.

Milley who was Joint Chief during the Trump administration and had attended weekly meetings on Trump’s withdrawal plan, feigned ignorance that “there was nothing that I or anyone else saw that indicated a collapse of this army and this government in 11 days” when he well knew the Trump team assessment was always 2-4 days for a Taliban takeover.

Milley repeated his best reassurance at least twice that the “State Department is currently working with the Taliban to facilitate safe transit to the Airport for American citizens. That’s the primary means; that’s the primary effort.”

It was all one big staged lie; the Biden Administration, Milley and Austin had the assessments at their fingertips and chose to reject it because it came from the Trump Administration.

Hours after the Abbey Gate attack that took the lives of 13 young Marines, General Kenneth McKenzie, Commander of US Central Command in Afghanistan held a press briefing exhibiting a cold-hearted lack of humanity as he announced:

“It was a failure by Taliban operates with varying degrees of competence; some are scrupulously good, some are not. The other thing we do is we share a version of this information with Talibans so they can actually do some searching out their forces and we believe some attacks have been thwarted by them.  We also use Taliban as a tool to protect us as much as possible.  We share a common purpose; as long as we keep that common purpose aligned, they have been useful to work with. They’ve cut some of our security concerns down.” McKenzie added that the intelligence sharing with the Taliban had been in effect since August 14 and included the biometric program.

Almost simultaneously Politico reported that “US officials gave Taliban a list of names of American citizens and allies to grant entry into the outer perimeter of the city’s airport.”

Some of the curiosities that defy explanation include what names were on ‘the list’ that McKenzie referred to as sharing with the Taliban and as reported by Politico? And for what purpose were Taliban recipients other than to enjoy a favored game of torture as their favorite sport? Are we naive enough to believe those names will be given a personal escort by the Taliban out of the country? Were any of the names on that list State Department whistleblowers who have been leaking information about a dark ops biochemical program being run by Dynaport Vaccine Company? How has Eric Prince, founder of Blackwater Services and less known for humanitarian impulses, offered rides out of Kabul to favored individuals?  What exactly were the circumstances of the Abbey Gate bombing and the whereabouts of our martyred thirteen Marines?

A logical question at this point might be why the US committed twenty years of war in Afghanistan since the Taliban was never known to be complicit with the 911 attack? After spending $4T in Afghanistan, with 800K US armed services, 2,448 fatalities, 20,722 wounded and 4,000 contractors, what government would justify a total walk-away from $80 Billion of military hardware including 70,000 vehicles, 600K American made weapons, hundreds of aircraft and some of the most sophisticated weaponry in the world?

Meanwhile, in no less an incomparable political crisis masquerading as a massive health pandemic, the utter chaos in Afghanistan has not stopped Big Pharma’s Covid campaign to wage a concurrent crisis against the no-vaxxers as the southern border continues to explode with thousands of illegals.


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Renee Parsons served on the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and as president of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official in Colorado, staff in the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender, an environmental lobbyist for Friends of the Earth and a staff member of the US House of Representatives in Washington DC. She can be found at [email protected]

She is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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In this new and expanded edition of Michel Chossudovsky’s 2002 best seller, the author blows away the smokescreen put up by the mainstream media, that 9/11 was an attack on America by “Islamic terrorists”.  Through meticulous research, the author uncovers a military-intelligence ploy behind the September 11 attacks, and the cover-up and complicity of key members of the Bush Administration.

The expanded edition, which includes twelve new chapters focuses on the use of 9/11 as a pretext for the invasion and illegal occupation of Iraq, the militarisation of justice and law enforcement and the repeal of democracy.

According to Chossudovsky, the  “war on terrorism” is a complete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, Osama bin Laden, outwitted the $40 billion-a-year American intelligence apparatus. The “war on terrorism” is a war of conquest. Globalisation is the final march to the “New World Order”, dominated by Wall Street and the U.S. military-industrial complex.

September 11, 2001 provides a justification for waging a war without borders. Washington’s agenda consists in extending the frontiers of the American Empire to facilitate complete U.S. corporate control, while installing within America the institutions of the Homeland Security State.

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People are dying from the mRNA Covid Vaccine.

There is a worldwide upward trend in vaccine deaths and injuries. 

The latest official figures (August 30, 2021) point to approximately: 

38,488 mRNA vaccine reported and registered deaths in the EU, UK and US (combined) and

6.3 million reported “adverse events”.

These are the official figures. Less than 10% of deaths and injuries are reported. For vaccine adverse events approximately one percent of the injuries are registered are reported.

The order of magnitude of vaccine related deaths is AT LEAST 380,000 for a combined population (EU, UK, US) of 830 Million.

In many countries, there was a significant shift in mortality following the introduction of the mRNA vaccine



What are the Causes? 

What is addressed in this article is the process of  “detection” and “estimation” of the so-called Covid-19 positive cases respectively among the vaccinated and unvaccinated as well as the routine  RT-PCR tests undertaken by the health authorities.

Amply documented, confirmed by the WHO, the RT-PCR test is Totally Invalid. It does not identify SARS-CoV-2, nor does it identify the “variants” of  the virus.

The numbers resulting from the PCR test are totally meaningless.

The pandemic is an illusion. These so-called Covid positive cases are nonetheless used by the governments and the media to sustain the 24/7 fear campaign. 

Vaccine Related Mortality and Morbidity

What the data indicates is that since the onset of the vaccination program, there has been an  increasing trend (Worldwide) in vaccine related deaths and adverse events, which is also accompanied by an increase in the number of vaccinated people who have sought medical attention in  hospitals  and clinics.

Vaccinated Spreading the Virus? 

First an introductory note: There are reports (yet to be fully corroborated) suggesting that the vaccinated “are spreading the virus”.  According to Nobel Prize Laureate Professor Luc Montagnier it is the vaccinated and not the unvaccinated who “are spreading the virus.”

 “…it is the vaccination that is creating the variants … There are antibodies, created by the vaccine…This is where the variants are created. …

According to Prof. Montagnier the variants  “are a production and result from the vaccination”. What is the evidence?

A Lancet report (preliminary, August 10, 2021) (funded by Wellcome) based on a clinical study of 69 health workers in Vietnam suggests that vaccinated  individuals carry  “unusually high viral loads” which then can be transmitted to both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated:

Viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020. Time from diagnosis to PCR negative was 8–33 days (median: 21). …

… Breakthrough Delta variant infections are associated with high viral loads, prolonged PCR positivity, and low levels of vaccine-induced neutralizing antibodies, explaining the transmission between the vaccinated [and unvaccinated] people.

The viral transmission from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated raised by Montagnier, Et al and the Lancet report quoted above, remains to be firmly corroborated by medical doctors and scientists. No reliable empirical data has been put forth.

Moreover, it should be understood that the detection of  “viral loads breakthrough of Delta variants infection cases” cannot be confirmed by the RT-PCR test, which has been declared totally invalid by the WHO.

More generally, all the estimates conducted using the PCR test since January 2020 are invalid and cannot be used as a basis for evaluating the spread of the alleged epidemic.

Hospitalizations and Medical Attention to the Vaccinated

What should be addressed at this juncture of the crisis is the following. Since the onset of the vaccination program, there has been:

  •  an  increasing trend in vaccine related deaths and adverse events, 
  • an increase in the number of vaccinated people who have been hospitalized and/or have received medical attention in  hospitals /clinics.  

In turn this tendency has led to an increase in the recorded number Covid positive cases among vaccinated persons.

While there are many factors contributing to the trend of so-called covid positives, the number of adverse events (injuries) affecting the vaccinated is likely to increase the numbers of PCR Covid positive cases.
A vaccinated individual who is suffering from serious “adverse events” will seek medical attention at a health clinic or at the hospital where he/she was vaccinated.  In most Western countries it is now routine:
A person who goes to a hospital or clinic for medical treatment will be subjected to a routine RT-PCR test as well as medical diagnosis.
The probability of a vaccinated individual suffering from adverse effects (seeking medical attention) being  subjected to a  PCR-test (in a clinic or a hospital) is consequently much higher than that pertaining to a healthy unvaccinated individual.

The vaccinated person when subjected to the flawed RT-PCR test is categorized as “positive”.  And the number of covid positive cases increases.

Moreover, there is rising trend in vaccine related deaths which the health authorities are anxious to obfuscate. Adverse events as well as mRNA vaccine related deaths are often attributed to Covid-19: No autopsy required. According to the CDC the “Underlying cause of death”  should be Covid-19 “More often than not”.

The CDC combines these two criteria. “Underlying cause of death”, More often than not.

Will COVID-19 be the underlying cause of death? 

“The underlying cause depends upon what and where conditions are reported on the death certificate. However, the rules for coding and selection of the underlying cause of death are expected to result in COVID- 19 being the underlying cause more often than not.”

The above directive is categorical. It precludes an autopsy. It falsifies the cause of death.


About the Author

Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, Editor of Global Research.

He has undertaken field research in Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa and the Pacific and has written extensively on the economies of developing countries with a focus on poverty and social inequality. He has also undertaken research in Health Economics (UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC),  UNFPA, CIDA, WHO, Government of Venezuela, John Hopkins International Journal of Health Services (1979, 1983)

He is the author of eleven books including The Globalization of Poverty and The New World Order (2003), America’s “War on Terrorism” (2005),  The Globalization of War, America’s Long War against Humanity (2015).

He is a contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica.  His writings have been published in more than twenty languages. In 2014, he was awarded the Gold Medal for Merit of the Republic of Serbia for his writings on NATO’s war of aggression against Yugoslavia. He can be reached at [email protected]

See Michel Chossudovsky, Biographical Note

Michel Chossudovsky’s Articles on Global Research


The RT-PCR Test 

This annex largely pertains to the flawed RT-PCR test which continues to be used as a means of estimating the spread of the virus.

These estimates are used to promote the fear campaign. They are routinely reported 24/7 by the governments, the media and the medical professionals are TOTALLY invalid.

In January 2021, the WHO issued a statement to the effect that the test as routinely conducted at an amplification threshold 35+ are TOTALLY INVALID. Moreover, the RT-PCR test DOES NOT IDENTIFY SARS-CoV-2, it identifies genetic fragments which cannot under any circumstances be assigned to SARS-CoV-2.

Moreover, cconfirmed by the WHO, the 2019 SARS-CoV-2 had not been “isolated”. And because an “isolate” was not available, the WHO adopted the 2003 SARS-CoV  as a point of reference (categorized as “similar” to the 2019 nCoV initially categorized as a novel virus).

It follows from the above that if the PCR test cannot identify the 2019 virus (SARS-CoV-2), it cannot be used to detect “variants” of the original 2019 virus.

For more details see:

The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis


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Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky was believed to be a reformer and a liberal when he took over the presidency from Petro Poroshenko. The billionaire former president is part of the corrupt oligarchy who from 2014 relied on neo-Nazis to fight and kill Russian-speaking Ukrainian citizens in Donbass (Eastern Ukraine). Zelensky, a comedian and actor before becoming president, promised to bring peace to Donbass when he won the 2019 presidential election. Due to Zelensky’s public detachment from the oligarchs, he was hailed in the West as someone that could bring Western liberalism to Ukraine.

However, as recently as August 5, the Ukrainian president demonstrated that he has not deviated from the reactionary and extremist ideology of his predecessor. Zelensky said on the Dom TV channel that “for the sake of your children and grandchildren,” those who identify as Russian in Donbass should “go find a place for yourself in the Russian Federation.” Effectively, he called for the ethnic cleansing of Russians in Donbass, irrespective of the fact that Donbass has been an integral part of the Russian homeland since the 1600’s. It cannot be overlooked that Zelensky’s call for Russians to be ethnically cleansed from Donbass is in violation of the European Convention on Human Rights and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. He received no condemnation from the EU or the UN.

As the war in Donbass is extremely unpopular, the Ukrainian ruling class uses the country’s Far-Right, including neo-Nazi forces who played a central role in the 2014 coup and the following war. Zelensky, despite being Jewish himself, understands this reality and has not hidden away from using the Far-Right in his antagonizations against not only Donbass, but also Crimea.

Former Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs, Arsen Avakov, even appealed to these forces on Facebook, describing them as “patriots” in his urgings for them to prepare for war against Russia to “protect the Motherland.” Although Avakov ultimately resigned in July, it was under him that Far-Right militias, including the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, came under the control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Andriy Biletsky, a founder of the Azov Battalion, is a close associate of Avakov. Biletsky also co-founded the neo-Nazi Social-National Assembly movement.

Denys Monastyrsky is now the Minister of Internal Affairs but is being labelled as “Avakov’s man” because of his known connections to those within his network. Effectively, Zelensky replaced Avakov – whose son Oleksandr participated in the 2014 Siege of Slaviansk, with one of his lackey’s who will continue to serve his personal interests.

However, government connections with Far-Right organizations and ideology are not only limited to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but is a consistent feature across the entire state apparatus and is being forced into Ukrainian consciousness.

Ultra-nationalism has reached such absurd levels in the country that Zelensky was photographed holding a Ukrainian national team jersey ahead of the Euros 2020 football tournament that had the message “Glory to our Heroes,” a rally cry during the 2014 Ukrainian military aggression against Donbass. UEFA, Europe’s top footballing body, found that the slogan on the jersey was “clearly political in nature” and forced its removal. Although a slogan on a jersey may at first appear to be a non-issue, it does signify the ideology of the Ukrainian state and their attempts to normalize it in society.

Although Zelensky was heralded as a potential liberal reformer in Ukraine, it appears that patience in the U.S. is running out. The CATO Institute, an influential libertarian think-tank founded by billionaire Charles Koch, even had to concede that “U.S. officials have long been fond of portraying Ukraine as a plucky democracy fending off the menace of aggression from an authoritarian Russia. […] Several actions that President Volodymyr Zelensky’s government has taken in recent months are alarmingly authoritarian” and “trying to portray Ukraine as a model democracy deserving U.S. protection on moral grounds is even more far‐​fetched.”

The irony is that Ukrainian ultra-nationalists believe that Zelensky is soft on Russia. However, the reality has shown that Zelensky should have remained as an entertainer and a comedian, and not a politician as he has proven himself to not be any better than Poroshenko. In fact, the CATO Institute argues that “as bad as the situation [in Ukraine] was under Poroshenko […], it has grown even worse under his successor, Zelensky.”

Zelensky’s first assistant, Sergey Shefir, already revealed that the president will return to show business within five years. This suggests that Zelensky acknowledges he is not a politician. Although he appears or is portrayed as a liberal, it has been proven beyond doubt that he is incapable or unwilling to break the Far-Right in Ukraine. Under his presidency, extremist ideology has not only been consolidated, but is now being pushed into the mainstream, just as the stunt with the Euros 2020 jerseys and the replacement of Avakov with one of his lackeys clearly demonstrates.


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FAIR (10/6/20, 6/28/21) has previously critiqued Western news media’s credulous coverage of evidence-free “lab leak” speculations. One key factor in spreading suspicion that the coronavirus might have escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) is media’s early and ongoing politicization of the World Health Organization’s investigation into the pandemic’s origins. Much of this politicization weaponizes Orientalist tropes about China being especially, perhaps genetically, untrustworthy—the sort of people who would unleash Covid-19 on the world.

While no new evidence has emerged suggesting that the virus emerged from the WIV, many more Americans now believe it did. A Politico/Harvard poll in July, following an increase of uncritical Western media coverage on the lab leak theory, found that 52% of US adults now believe Covid-19 leaked from a lab, up from 29% in March 2020. This is contrary to the assessment of most scientists, who believe, based on available evidence, that a natural origin for the virus is more likely.

At the center of the search for the virus’s origins is the WHO. Its initial investigation, which ended in February 2021, concluded that the lab leak hypothesis was “extremely unlikely.” Shortly afterwards, however, WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated that although the lab leak theory is the least likely cause of the pandemic, it nevertheless “requires further investigation,” and that “all hypotheses remain on the table” (BBC, 3/31/21). The WHO is now calling for WIV laboratory audits and access to raw data from China, with Tedros claiming that attempts to rule out the lab leak theory were “premature” (France24, 7/16/21, 7/16/21).

In a rejection of WHO requests for greater “transparency” and “access” in its proposed plan for the second phase of the origins investigation, the Chinese government reemphasized its preference that the second phase of the WHO investigation focus on further research around possible pre-Wuhan Covid cases globally.

Was China ‘stalling’ investigation?

Early news reports about potential WHO investigations into pandemic origins portrayed China as “stalling” an international probe, and failed to give context for Beijing’s initial rejection of requests for an investigation.

Under the headline “On the Ground in Wuhan, Signs of China Stalling Probe of Coronavirus Origins” (5/12/20), the Wall Street Journal reported that Beijing was “stalling international efforts to find the source of the virus.” It mentioned that this was occurring “amid an escalating US push to blame China for the pandemic”—”amid” rather than “because of,” as though this might be mere coincidence.

The Journal claimed that the “lack of transparency and international involvement in the search has left room for speculation and blame,” even though Chinese officials have repeatedly explained that the blame game and politicized speculation were why it resisted further transparency and international involvement. The Journal did note:

China isn’t the first country to resist an international investigation of a health crisis on its territory, and its early focus on controlling the virus is understandable, health experts said.

Bloomberg’s report “China Is Making It Harder to Solve the Mystery of How Covid Began” (12/30/20) presented China as a selfish country uninterested in tracing pandemic origins, attempting to silence and punish countries like Australia for merely calling for an independent investigation:

Where the pathogen first emerged and how it transmitted to humans is a stubborn mystery, one that’s becoming more elusive with each passing month. Before the initial cluster among stall-holders at a produce market in central China, the trail largely goes cold, and the country the novel coronavirus hit first — the place many blame for unleashing the disease on an under-prepared world — now has little incentive to help find the true origin of the greatest public health emergency in a century….

China has ignored appeals for an independent investigation into the virus’s origin, hammering Australia with trade restrictions after it called for one. It’s also stalled efforts by the World Health Organization to get top infectious diseases experts into Wuhan this year.

A Washington Post editorial, “We’re Still Missing the Origin Story of This Pandemic. China Is Sitting on the Answers” (2/5/21), laid out many of the frequent suspicions, questions and demands the US government, and much of US media, have towards China:

What is China trying to hide about the origins of the pandemic—and why?

If the WIV had no role in sparking the outbreak, it should be relatively straightforward for Dr. Shi [Zhengli] to safely open up the databases to scientists so they can properly understand the evolutionary origins of SARS-CoV-2. The institute should provide all records regarding bat samples, viruses and sequences, with verified information provenance, and eventually, it should be disclosed to all.

‘Weapons inspector’ powers

However, the innocent-sounding Australian request for an independent investigation was actually a startling call for giving the WHO, or another international body, “powers equivalent to those of a weapons inspector” to investigate the outbreak (Australia Broadcasting Corporation, 4/22/20, 5/20/20). By invoking such inflammatory rhetoric, Prime Minister Scott Morrison unavoidably brought to mind familiar stories like the invasion of Iraq, launched on the basis of false US/UK accusations that it possessed weapons of mass destruction, even after weapons inspectors found no evidence of any (Los Angeles Times, 10/23/02;, 3/19/07; Extra!, 4/06).

This was occurring as the Trump administration was hyping up its propaganda campaign to blame and punish China for the pandemic, in efforts to sue Beijing for damages and reparations (New York Times, 5/3/20). It’s no wonder the Chinese government viewed Morrison’s statements as a political accusation, rather than a good-faith scientific effort to trace the pandemic’s origins.

Australia’s ABC (5/20/20) noted that China declared that it was always willing to agree to a “scientific investigation.” This seems to be corroborated by China’s agreement on May 18, 2021, to an investigation at the World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva, as soon as the hostile rhetoric was toned down, and when certain compromises (such as not granting the WHO new “weapons inspector” powers) were made on the WHA’s motion. Some compromises included assurances that China won’t be expected to take blame for the pandemic, along with the investigation not operating under a presumption of guilt, and occurring after the pandemic is brought under control (Business Insider, 5/19/20).

WHO manipulation conspiracy theories

The WHO’s credibility has also been subject to both US government and media politicization. As part of its China-blaming propaganda, the Trump administration pushed a baseless conspiracy theory that the WHO was under the corrupting influence of Chinese money, simply because the organization delivered conclusions Trump disliked. Some US media outlets helped lend legitimacy to Trump’s claims, as he used them to justify suspending US support for the organization (, 6/21/20).

The New York Times report, “In Hunt for Virus Source, WHO Let China Take Charge” (11/2/20), continued that media habit even months later. As evidence, the paper pointed to the WHO praising China’s undeniably excellent pandemic response—as judged by multipleindependent science journals—while refusing to applaud the Trump administration’s objectively horrible performance:

The WHO’s staunchest defenders note that, by the nature of its constitution, it is beholden to the countries that finance it. And it is hardly the only international body bending to China’s might. But even many of its supporters have been frustrated by the organization’s secrecy, its public praise for China and its quiet concessions.

The Times insinuated that the WHO was being manipulated by Chinese money, even though the US is the organization’s largest donor, contributing more than 10 times ($893 million) as much as China ($86 million) before the Trump administration vindictively suspended funding last April. In fact, some scientists argue that WHO Director General Tedros has “capitulated” to the “enormous pressure” of the “barrage of political and media commentary,” and is unduly influenced by the US (Science, 7/17/21). Yet questions about the WHO’s credibility only seem to travel in one direction in US media, with suspicions being raised only when the organization distances itself from the lab leak theory.

The Times attributed China’s delay to some innate or exceptional Chinese preference for secrecy and authoritarianism, claiming China’s “authoritarian leaders want to constrain” the WHO, and have “impeded” the effort for an independent investigation because they’re “notoriously allergic to outside scrutiny.” The Times resorted to these thought-terminating stereotypes as explanations for the months-long delay—omitting any mention of Australia’s provocative call for new “weapons inspector” powers to investigate China, or of other countries who also sensibly prioritized containing the pandemic within their borders before investigating pandemic origins. The Times‘ insinuations survived the paper’s admission that the probe was delayed due to the Trump administration’s illegal withdrawal from the WHO:

No date has been set for a visit, though diplomats say China and the health organization appear eager to pause until after the American election. Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Democratic nominee, has said he will keep the US in the organization if he wins.

Sham investigation or sound science?

It’s true that the first phase of investigation into Covid’s origins wasn’t conducted with maximum possible transparency. The Wall Street Journal (2/12/21, 5/23/21) has reported that WHO investigators were denied raw data, or original safety logs and lab records, on the WIV’s extensive work with bat coronaviruses, or to a Wuhan blood bank to test samples from before December 2019 for Covid-19 antibodies. They were, however, provided extensive summaries and analyses of that data by Chinese scientists and officials.

But corporate media coverage of the investigation implied that the results were suspect, simply because its parameters were set by the Chinese government in cooperation with the WHO, or because WHO investigators didn’t receive unfettered access to all information they wanted in Wuhan.

A New York Post op-ed (2/10/21) by Miranda Devine argued:

WHO conducted a fake investigation from the start, with a team of experts vetted by Beijing and a pre-planned conclusion designed to take the heat off China.

Any report produced by them is a waste of time. It is Chinese Communist Party propaganda that only exposes how fatally compromised by China WHO has become.

A Wall Street Journal op-ed, “The World Needs a Real Investigation Into the Origins of Covid-19” (1/15/21), implied that the probe was a sham because it was not investigating the lab leak scenario seriously enough, instead focusing on a natural origin—as though not treating both with equal gravity was ridiculous rather than based on scientific rationale:

The world needs an inquiry that considers not just natural origins but the possibility that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, escaped from a laboratory. The WHO team, however, plans to build on reports by Chinese scientists rather than mount an independent investigation….

The WHO team includes experts who traced the origins of Ebola and MERS outbreaks, but critics are concerned that it doesn’t have the expertise for an investigation that would examine possible lab origins.

A peer-reviewed pre-proof by over 20 of the world’s eminent virologists noted that “all previous human coronaviruses have zoonotic origins, as have the vast majority of human viruses,” and that aside from the 1977 A/H1N1 influenza pandemic that likely originated from a large-scale vaccine trial, “No epidemic has been caused by the escape of a novel virus and there is no data to suggest that the WIV—or any other laboratory—was working on SARS-CoV-2, or any virus close enough to be the progenitor, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.” It also noted:

Known laboratory outbreaks have been traced to both workplace and family contacts of index cases and to the laboratory of origin. Despite extensive contact tracing of early cases during the Covid-19 pandemic, there have been no reported cases related to any laboratory staff at the WIV and all staff in the laboratory of Dr. Shi Zhengli were reported to be seronegative for SARS-CoV-2 when tested in March 2020.

Whose burden of proof?

The New York Times’ “A Top Virologist in China, at Center of a Pandemic Storm, Speaks Out” (6/14/21) made it clear that a major component of the lab leak speculations depends on rejecting the credibility of Chinese scientists at the WIV. They described Shi Zhengli as “the key to whether the world will ever learn if the virus behind the devastating Covid-19 pandemic escaped from a Chinese lab.” She finds herself, according to the Times, in the predicament of having to defend the “reputation of her lab and, by extension, that of her country.”

The Times blamed “China’s refusal to allow an independent investigation into her lab, or to share data on its research,” for making it “difficult to validate Dr. Shi’s claims,” which “has only fueled nagging suspicions about how the pandemic could have taken hold in the same city that hosts an institute known for its work on bat coronaviruses.” But the Times did not question whether lab leak proponents had provided enough evidence to justify such “nagging suspicions.”

The Times noted Shi’s frustration at the burden of proof being placed on her to prove a negative, rather than on WIV accusers to provide evidence of a lab leak:

“How on earth can I offer up evidence for something where there is no evidence?” she said, her voice rising in anger during the brief, unscheduled conversation. “I don’t know how the world has come to this, constantly pouring filth on an innocent scientist,” she wrote in a text message.

Yet when media outlets omit plausible rationales for China resisting further cooperation with an international investigation, it becomes easier for their audiences to leap to the conclusion that China must be hiding evidence of a lab leak.

Typical national security concerns

In fact, it’s doubtful that any country would grant unrestricted access to the data from one of its top biolabs on the basis of the coincidence that the lab was located near where a pathogen was first detected. Such proximity is actually not strong evidence at all, considering that virology labs tend to specialize in the viruses found naturally around them. It seems especially unlikely other nations would grant unfettered access to a facility with a BSL-4 laboratory, since such facilities operate with heightened secrecy due to the national security risks of the dangerous pathogens they research, as the Washington Post (6/22/21) reported:

The events have shined a light on a research niche that—in China, the United States and elsewhere — operates with heightened secrecy because of the national security risks of handling deadly pathogens….

The precautions don’t mean the lab has anything to do with the virus’s origin, or that there’s anything nefarious about its classified projects. The United States also conducts classified pathogen research, and requires employees of high-containment labs to pass background checks.

The Post‘s Eva Dou cited virologist Angela Rasmussen explaining:

If the pandemic had started in the DC area, you can count on the fact that the US government would not allow an unfettered “independent” investigation to occur for the exact same reasons: It is a major longer-term security risk that can’t be fully mitigated…. It does not indicate the need to cover anything up, beyond not letting potential adversarial powers have carte blanche access to secure government facilities.

The US is not alone in politicizing the pandemic; China is also guilty of irresponsibly spreadingconspiracy theories regarding the Fort Detrick laboratory in Maryland researching dangerous pathogens being the origin of the pandemic. Chinese media often cite the Maryland lab’s shutdown over safety concerns in the summer of 2019, and the coincidence of reports of a mysterious respiratory illness circulating in northern Virginia around the same time—before the coronavirus was first detected in Wuhan—as well as the US military’s presence in Wuhan during October 2019 for its military games (Global Times, 6/28/21).

The US response has been to reject any international investigation for the exact same reasonsChina gives for denying further WIV inspection. But when they come from the US, they are reported without any objections from outlets like the Journal:

Most scientists say they have seen nothing to corroborate the idea that the virus came from a US military lab, and the White House has said there are no credible reasons to investigate it.

Lack of incentive for access

This is why epidemiologists like Dr. David Heymann (Nature, 4/1/21) have said that the fact China would allow an investigation at all is unusual, and possibly a sign of greater transparency from China than other developed countries, since he is “not sure” whether “other highly industrialized countries” would do the same. Frank Hamill (Nature, 6/5/20)—who previously managed a BSL-4 lab in the US—stated that it would be a “bit hypocritical” to “ask the Wuhan institute to open up its files and let people starting poking around,” given that (as Nature put it) “US biosecurity laboratories are far from fully transparent about their own research.”

Dr. David Gorski, managing editor of Science-Based Medicine (5/31/21), asked:

What country would welcome investigators with open arms into one of their major research institutions to look for evidence that its scientists had screwed up and caused a major disaster? Even if a government were confident that no such error had occurred, it might not be too thrilled with such an investigation, particularly when it’s coupled with what can only be called accusations of wrongdoing and being instigated by people hostile to you. That the Chinese are testy and unenthusiastic about cooperating is not a strong argument in favor of a lab leak. Sure, it could be a sign of a coverup, but it could also just be a normal reaction to accusations.

Foreign Policy’s deputy editor James Palmer (6/9/21) offered yet another plausible reason:

Nor is there any domestic public demand to cooperate on an investigation. Consider how the accusations over a supposed lab leak look from the perspective of ordinary Chinese people. Doctors and scientists who worked on coronaviruses are being painted as co-conspirators in the outbreak. And a country that utterly botched its pandemic response and that often refuses to participate in international accountability itself is making accusations against one that succeeded—driven in part by the politicians involved in that failure.

Yet another reason why China wouldn’t agree to further investigation—even if they’re confident no lab leak occurred—is that an investigation is only politically worthwhile when exoneration is a realistic possibility, but many virologists admit that a lab leak “may be near impossible to falsify” anyway, due to the inherent difficulties of proving a negative.

Australian journalist Caitlin Johnstone (6/8/21) also argued that China has no incentive to open itself up to more opportunities for bad press when Western media would follow the US’s lead in taking every opening to produce their desired anti-China narrative:

Beijing would be absolutely insane to open its doors to such an investigation, because it would have no way of preventing the US and its lackeys from manipulating the results and producing a narrative which fully incriminates the Chinese government while leaving Washington innocent.

Are her remarks hyperbolic?

Distorting China’s cooperation

While it’s true China hasn’t shown maximal transparency in the way the US demands (and would itself never grant to others), it’s also true that Orientalist narratives of Chinese secrecy and duplicity seem to be predetermined and unfalsifiable narratives for Western media, as is typical of coverage on countries Washington declares to be its Official Enemies.

For instance, the New York Times’ report “On WHO Trip, China Refused to Hand Over Important Data” (2/12/21) was called out for distorting and misrepresenting quotes given by the WHO team members, like Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance and Danish epidemiologist Thea Kølsen Fischer (MintPress News, 2/15/21). The Times claimed that the scientists said that “China’s continued resistance to revealing information about the early days of the coronavirus outbreak” made it “difficult for them to uncover important clues that could help stop future outbreaks of such dangerous diseases.”

Daszak tweeted in response to the article:

This was NOT my experience on @WHO mission. As lead of animal/environment working group I found trust & openness w/ my China counterparts. We DID get access to critical new data throughout. We DID increase our understanding of likely spillover pathways.

Fischer also tweeted:

This was NOT my experience either on the epidemiological side. We DID build up a good relationship in the Chinese/international epidemiology team! Allowing for heated arguments reflects a deep level of engagement in the room. Our quotes are intendedly twisted, casting shadows over important scientific work.

The Times report is especially suspect for insisting on the narrative of Chinese uncooperativeness, as it came less than a week after an Associated Press (2/7/21) interview with Daszak in which he testified that the Chinese side “granted full access to all sites and personnel they requested—a level of openness that even he hadn’t expected.”

Rejecting Sinophobic premises

FAIR has documented how US media have politicized the pandemic from the beginning, prioritizing condemnation of China’s political system, scapegoating China for the US’s disastrous handling of the pandemic (3/24/20) and alleging Chinese dishonesty without evidence (4/2/20)—all of which has stoked a surge in anti-Asian racism (3/6/20).

Media constantly repeat the repeatedly debunked myth of China punishing “whistleblower doctors” like Dr. Li Wenliang, and other falsehoods like the Chinese government denying that there was any human-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV-2 before January 20, 2020, or needlessly delaying the release of the SARS-CoV-2 genome (, 10/14/20; CGTN, 4/23/20, 8/22/20).

I also pointed out (, 1/20/21) that Dr. Zhang Jixian, the first doctor to report SARS-CoV-2 to health authorities, was rewarded for coming forward. US corporate  media outlets, however, generally omit her contribution to the world’s discovery of the virus, which would greatly complicate the narrative of a Chinese “coverup.”

This China-vilifying pandemic coverage unsurprisingly extends to the search for the virus’s origins. Although the lab leak hypothesis is often presented by its proponents as a solely scientific inquiry that has been unfairly dismissed for political reasons, in a seemingly innocuous “just-asking-questions” fashion (Salon, 4/24/20; New York, 1/4/21, 6/3/21), this couldn’t be farther from the truth. The lab leak hypothesis is, in fact, a literal conspiracy theory that is gaining traction due to constant media innuendo.

WIV’s Shi Zhengli has testified that her laboratory never had SARS-CoV-2 prior to first receiving patient samples on December 30, 2019, after the virus was first reported by Dr. Zhang Jixian to health authorities on December 27, 2019 (Scientific American, 6/1/20). Early speculations led Shi to declare, “I swear with my life, [the virus] has nothing to do with the lab.”

Shi also affirmed that the WIV has only isolated and grown in culture three bat coronaviruses related to any that infect humans, and these are related to SARS-CoV, not SARS-CoV-2. She says she was never ordered to destroy any viruses after the outbreak surfaced, and that there had been “no pathogen leaks or personnel infection accidents” at the WIV to date (Science, 7/24/20). Shi insists that she would welcome “any kind of visit” to rule out the lab leak theory, claiming she has “nothing to fear,” because she’s confident that she “did nothing wrong.”

If Shi’s testimony is true, the Wuhan lab leak theory cannot be correct, since possessing SARS-CoV-2 in the laboratory prior to the outbreak is a necessary precondition for a lab leak. This is also why any version of the lab leak theory is literally alleging a conspiracy of Chinese scientists lying about their work—along with foreign scientists and officials familiar with their research—in concert with the Chinese government.

Of course, rejecting Sinophobic premises that Chinese people are exceptionally deceptive doesn’t imply the opposite conclusion that Chinese people are incredibly trustworthy; it simply means that the burden of proof is on those alleging Chinese deceit, as it should be for anyone else. Presuming without evidence that WIV scientists are guilty of lying is based on centuries-old Yellow Peril propaganda portraying China as inherently dishonest, coming from a country with a long history of hatred towards Chinese people.

Evidence of actual coverup

But perhaps the biggest irony is that there is evidence of lying by Chinese officials. It’s just that the lying points in the opposite direction of a laboratory origin for SARS-CoV-2.

Since the pandemic began, the Chinese government claimed that the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market vendors, once suspected to be at the origin of the outbreak, never sold any illegal wildlife. Yet it’s been proven that vendors at the markets linked to some of the earliest Covid-19 cases were illegally selling a range of wildlife in unsanitary conditions, from which the coronavirus may have spread (Bloomberg, 6/7/21). Perhaps the most interesting part of these revelations is that the evidence came from Chinese researchers, from the China West Normal University in Nanchong, who exposed their government’s lies (Nature, 6/7/21).

US corporate media initially used the Huanan Market origin theory to propagate misleading conflations between wildlife markets and “wet markets,” and perpetuated racist stereotypes of Chinese people’s eating habits being especially unsanitary, but the theory was abandonedbecause the earliest known cases weren’t linked to the market (, 5/7/20). However, recent evidence that illegal wildlife was being sold at the Huanan Market has caused some scientists to believe a zoonotic origin is even more likely than before, and to give the possibility of a Huanan Market origin a second look.

Evolutionary biologist Michael Worobey—who signed the open letter calling for a more serious investigation of the WIV—stated “transmission by another species, without a lab escape, is the most likely scenario by a long shot” (NPR, 7/19/21). Worobey even suspects the spillover began at the Huanan Market, though the WHO team concluded it was “more of an amplifying event, rather than necessarily a true ground zero.”

Scientists who mapped out the locations of the earliest Covid cases in Wuhan showed why believing the WIV to be the source of SARS-CoV-2, simply because the virus was first detected in Wuhan, is simplistic. They found that most of the earliest documented cases and excess pneumonia deaths were clustered around the Huanan Market—with “no epidemiological link to any other locality in Wuhan”—with SARS-CoV-2 detected in environmental samples “primarily in the western section that traded in wildlife and domestic animal products.”

Despite concerns about Daszak’s presence on the WHO team, due to his own organizationhaving worked closely with the WIV, he stated, “Don’t think for a minute” the Chinese government “is happy when we repeatedly state that this likely came out of industrial-scale wildlife farming employing 14 million people” (NPR, 3/15/21). Rasmussen, who was not on the WHO team, concurred with Daszak:

The Chinese government has a big incentive to keep this quiet. This is exactly how SARS spilled over. It looks very bad and draws a lot of negative attention to the wildlife trade that the same thing could have happened again.

Resisting bad faith investigations

Despite all the available scientific evidence pointing in favor of a zoonotic origin—and none for a laboratory origin—the Biden administration directed intelligence agencies (not public health experts) to hunt for incriminating documentary evidence showing that Chinese officials were aware of and lied about the virus leaking from the WIV. On August 24, the director of national intelligence presented what the New York Times (8/24/21) described as an “inconclusive initial report” to Biden. But employing the tools of intelligence rather than epidemiology to the questions indicates that the US is promoting lab leak speculations and demanding a political investigation in bad faith. This is especially troubling, considering that 83% of Americans support taking action against China if US intelligence agencies (not the WHO, or scientists capable of conducting a scientific investigation) “reveal” evidence SARS-CoV-2 leaked from the WIV.

It’s true that an apolitical scientific investigation independently checking Chinese claims about the WIV would be ideal, but we should focus on the available evidence, instead of letting the Biden administration falsely present the possibility of SARS-CoV-2 originating in the Wuhan Institute of Virology being “at least as credible as the possibility that it emerged naturally in the wild” (CNN, 7/16/21). A conspiracy to hide a lab leak is a logical possibility, but it’s a near certainty that an Orientalist media would use tropes of an untrustworthy China to turn lack of evidence for a lab leak into evidence of a coverup, with potential results somewhere between distracting and disastrous.


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Absolute Power Is No COVID Safety Net

August 30th, 2021 by James Bovard

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Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, lockdown champions have perennially invoked “science and data” to sanctify any mandate politicians impose. Hard facts have recently shown that neither vaccines nor face masks provide surefire protection against the virus. But no amount of evidence has yet shaken faith in the magic of absolute power.

Covid policies are increasingly degenerating to the equivalent of sacrificing virgins to appease angry viral gods. New Zealand on Tuesday imposed a nationwide lockdown in response to a single Covid case in the capital city. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern ordered her captive citizenry: “Do not congregate, don’t talk to your neighbors. Please keep to your bubble.” Arden asserted that “complying with these rules, making sure we do all we can to stamp it out, still remains the best strategy in the world right now.” Ardern did not deign to explain why almost no place else in the world, including places with vastly more Covid cases, sought to outlaw everyday conversations.

In Australia, the military is patrolling city streets to enforce the latest lockdown. Daniel Andrews, the Premier of the state of Victoria, recently decreed: “There will be no removal of masks to consume alcohol outdoors.” One Aussie lamented, “My business has been forcibly closed. Everyone has been sent home without pay. We are banned from leaving our homes except for the 5 reasons given by the Government.”

There is no “science” to justify prohibiting Australians from going more than 2 miles from their home. But New Zealand and Australia presume that no one will be safe unless government officials have jurisdiction over every breath that citizens take.

In the United States, many of the same pundits and activists who howled about the evils of “microaggressions” are now cheering for the government to forcibly inject everyone with a Covid vaccine. Biden publicly declared that he is checking to see if he has the power to force everyone to get injected.

Biden endorsed the vaccination passports that some cities have already imposed. Radio host Grant Stinchfield commented, in Los Angeles “you can [defecate] on the street, shoot drugs in crack tent on the sidewalk and even steal anything less then (sic) 900 bucks but now you have to show papers to get in a restaurant or gym!?!?” New York City’s passport regime effectively bans the majority of blacks from many activities of daily life, since they have a much lower vaccination rate than other groups.

Far greater restrictions may be on the horizon. The Associated Press reported that the Biden administration is considering “mandating vaccines for interstate travel” but is delaying any such decree until “Americans were ready for the strong-arming from the federal government.” A top former Homeland Security official has called for placing anyone who is not fully vaccinated on the No Fly list, thereby expanding the list to scores of millions of people and creating new havoc for air travel. Biden administration officials have offered no evidence that such restrictions would end the pandemic but it would permit the president to demonstrate the same machismo that President Nixon showed with his illegal invasion of Cambodia in 1970.

Politicians’ anti-Covid recommendations increasingly resemble frightened soldiers shooting at any noise they hear in the dark. NIH Director Francis Collins recently condemned the “epidemic of misinformation, disinformation, distrust that is tearing us apart.” But much of the misinformation has stemmed directly from the Biden administration’s flip-flops and fearmongering. On August 3, Collins announced during a CNN interview that “parents of unvaccinated kids should… wear masks” in their own homes. He conceded: “I know that’s uncomfortable, I know it seems weird, but it is the best way to protect your kids.” A few hours later, Collins recanted on Twitter, perhaps after other political appointees persuaded him to stop sounding like a blithering idiot.

Covid misinformation started at the top. In a CNN Town Hall last month, Biden declared, “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

Biden administration officials kept reciting the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” refrain long after it became clear that vaccines were rapidly failing to prevent the spread of Covid. On August 8, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky finally admitted: “What [COVID vaccines] can’t do any more is prevent transmission.” Helluva asterisk. Prior to that, the Biden administration even refused to disclose the number of “breakthrough” infections that had occurred among White House staff. Prof. Eric Topol complained that the CDC’s false statements on Covid risks was a “blatant failure putting millions of vaccinated Americans at unnecessary risk for breakthrough infections.”

On Thursday, a front page Washington Post article castigated the CDC for withholding Covid information from the public, noting that its “overly rosy assessments of the vaccines’ effectiveness against delta may have lulled Americans into a false sense of security.” Tom Frieden, former CDC director under Obama, suggested that the long delays in disclosure led some people to “wonder if the CDC is hiding results.” CDC Director Walensky responded to the debacle by promising “to develop a new forecasting and outbreak analytics center to analyze data in real time,” the Post reported. The CDC apparently did not previously consider it worthwhile to spend any of its $8 billion annual budget on such a project.

The Biden administration has sought to blame the resurgence of Covid on scofflaws who did not submit to every revised command. The Official Enemies List has expanded from those not wearing a mask to those resisting getting vaccinated, and it will soon include those who balk at getting a third (and fourth? fifth?) injection.

The biggest expansion of the Enemies List occurred on August 13, when the Department of Homeland Security issued a terrorist alert, warning law enforcement agencies that “anti-government/anti-authority violent extremists could exploit… potential re-establishment of public health restrictions across the United States as a rationale to conduct attacks.”

Anyone who loudly objects to being locked back under house arrest will be the moral equivalent of the Taliban, or maybe Hezbollah. Previous federal driftnets for potential troublemakers expanded far beyond individuals who threatened violence. The feds may already be compiling vast lists of Covid critics that could come in handy at some future point.

But at least government officials now recognize the real enemy. Covid Czar Tony Fauci recently declared, “I know people must like to have their individual freedom… but I think that we’re in such a serious situation now, that… mandates should be done.” Fauci predicts that once the FDA rushes its formal approval of the Covid vaccines, there will be far more mandates imposed on Americans.  The fact that the efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine has fallen to 42% is irrelevant. A vaccine isn’t a failure as long as the government can force everyone to get additional injections.

The primary “evidence” for most Covid policies is the job title of the government official issuing the decree. As University of California San Francisco professor of medicine Vinay Prasad wrote last month, “When it comes to non-pharmacologic interventions such as mandatory business closures, mask mandates, and countless other interventions, the shocking conclusion of the last 18 months is this: We have learned next to nothing.” Prasad slammed his colleagues for failing to do reliable research on key issues of the pandemic: “Anyone who considers themselves a scientist should be embarrassed by our collective failure to generate knowledge, and this failure is once again looming large.”

For bureaucrats and politicians, gaining power and compelling submission are victory enough, even when their policies fail to vanquish a virus. Citizens are obliged to assume “government knows best, even when it knows little or nothing.” People won’t get infected as long as they are groveling to federal commands, right? Unfortunately, the government has no liability for the injections it approves or the freedoms it destroys.

Faith in absolute power is not “science” – regardless of how many scientists pledge allegiance to Washington in return for federal funding. As historian John M. Barry, author of The Great Influenza, observed, “When you mix politics and science, you get politics.” There is no safety in submission to damn fools, regardless of their pompous titles.


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James Bovard is the author of ten books, including Public Policy Hooligan, Attention Deficit Democracy, The Bush Betrayal, and Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty. He has written for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Playboy, Washington Post, New Republic, Reader’s Digest, and many other publications. He is a member of the USA Today Board of Contributors, a frequent contributor to The Hill, and a contributing editor for American Conservative.

Featured image is from Mercola

1.6M Moderna Doses Withdrawn in Japan Over Contamination

August 30th, 2021 by Yumiko Urasaki

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About 1.6 million doses of Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine have been taken out of use in Japan because of contamination reported in some vials, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare said early Thursday.

Several vaccination centers have reported that vaccine vials contained foreign matter, according to an announcement from the ministry, which added it will seek to minimize the impact of the withdrawal on the country’s inoculation program.

The ministry said later in the day that the substance that had been mixed in may have been metal. “It’s a substance that reacts to magnets,” a ministry official said. “It could be metal.”

Takeda Pharmaceutical handles distribution of the U.S.-developed Moderna vaccine in Japan.

Nasdaq-listed Moderna confirmed receiving “several complaints of particulate matter” in vaccine vials distributed in Japan but said it had found “no safety or efficacy issues” related to these reports.

“The company is investigating the reports and remains committed to working transparently and expeditiously with its partner, Takeda, and regulators to address any potential concerns,” a Moderna spokesperson told Nikkei, saying the drugmaker believed a “manufacturing issue” at a plant in Spain was the cause.

The vaccine lot in question and two adjacent lots have been put on hold “out of an abundance of caution,” the spokesperson said.

The Japanese ministry has not halted the use of Moderna vaccines in other batches, deeming them safe.

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga told reporters on Thursday afternoon that he had instructed the ministry to look into the case with safety as the top priority, adding he had received reports that the withdrawal “won’t have a significant impact on the country’s vaccination campaign.”

The Moderna vaccine was granted emergency-use authorization in Japan in May.


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Natural immunity from previous COVID-19 infection may offer stronger protection against the Indian ‘Delta’ variant than immunity from full vaccination, a new study suggests.

Researchers compared people who had received two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to unvaccinated individuals who had recovered from the virus.

They found that participants with natural immunity were up to 13 times less likely to contract Covid than those who were given two jabs.

The team, from Maccabi Healthcare and Tel Aviv University note that their study – which has not yet been peer-reviewed –  has many limitations including the more highly transmissible Delta variant being dominant at the time and participants not being required to be tested.

The study looks at breakthrough infections and does not discourage vaccination with a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finding unvaccinated people still have five times as many COVID-19 infections and 29 times as many hospitalizations as those who’ve had their shots.

Participants who were double jabbed were 5.96 times more likely to be infected and 7.13 times more likely to experience symptoms, a new study found

Participants who were double jabbed were 5.96 times more likely to be infected and 7.13 times more likely to experience symptoms, a new study found

After three months, risk of infection was 13.06 times higher among immunized individuals and they were 27 times more likely to experience symptoms

After three months, risk of infection was 13.06 times higher among immunized individuals and they were 27 times more likely to experience symptoms

For the study, published on pre-print server, the team looked at more than 800,000 people split into three groups.

This included people who received both doses of the Pfizer vaccine and never had Covid, unvaccinated people who previously been infected, and people had the virus and has also received a single dose of the vaccine.

The study was conducted after the Delta variant became dominant in Israel, which has been shown to more easily evade vaccines than older strains.

Researchers found that fully vaccinated but people were much more likely to have a ‘breakthrough’ Covid infection than people with natural immunity for the disease.

Overall participants who were double jabbed were 5.96 times more likely to be infected and 7.13 times more likely to experience symptoms including cough, fever and shortness of breath.

They also looked at the likelihood of vaccination after three months.

Researchers found, in this instance, likelihood of infections at 13.06 times higher among immunized individuals and they were 27 times more likely to experience symptoms.

People who had recovered from the virus and had been vaccinated were even less likely to have a breakthrough infection.

The team notes that there are several limitations. Firstly, the study only examines protection offered by the Pfizer vaccines and does not address other approved vaccines or extra protection that a third dose provides.

Secondly, while the study controlled for factors such as age, sex, and region of residence, there might be differences in behaviors of the groups – such as social distancing and mask wearing – that weren’t accounted.

Dr Andrew Croxford, an immunologist from the UK, also points out that someone who previously tested positive for COVID-19 is not likely to get re-tested for reinfection.

‘If you’ve tested positive and isolated for weeks with significant disruption, how likely are you to get tested again as opposed to thinking “I’ve already had it so it’s surely something else”?’ he tweeted.

‘Are people who decline vaccination, or people with previous infection, less likely to get tested?’

However, if the findings are confirmed by peer review, it could have implications for

‘This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, ‘ the authors wrote.

‘Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.’


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We have sound and clear signals from Latin America that its people want progressive anti-imperialist governments that promote real democracy, sovereignty and well-being for all, and not only for a small minority of privileged oligarchs. They have realised that the US imposed capitalist-centred neoliberal model does not work. Peruvians have also joined recently in this left-wing movement, together with Mexicans, Argentinians, Cubans, Venezuelans, Bolivians, Nicaraguans, with the election of working class Pedro Castillo as president. If Washington was hoping to see a coup by the Keiko Fujimori faction taking place in Lima, like it happened in Bolivia in 2019 by the opponents of Evo Morales, the wait was in vain and likely disappointing.

At the end of July, Antony Blinken, Secretary of the US State Department, finally spoke to president-elect Pedro Castillo, not to congratulate him; instead he “expressed his hope that Peru would continue to play a constructive role in addressing the deteriorating situation in Cuba and Nicaragua”. This was a not so veiled threatening warning to Mr. Castillo to continue Lima’s alignment with US foreign policy in the region as his predecessor, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski had done before. The warning was followed by a promise of “continued U.S. support for pandemic recovery and … our donation of two million vaccine doses, as well as hospitals, ventilators, cold storage units, and protective equipment.” The US has typically used the global tragedy of the COVID-19 pandemic on other countries as leverage in exchange for their submission.

From the beginning the Castillo government, on the contrary, has taken a clear independent position in a series of statements in opposition to blockades and sanctions, in defense of the rights of marginalised people, for participation in the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), and even for withdrawing from the infamous Lima Group.

Washington must be on alert watching the loss of another chunk of its “backyard” and wondering how to cause a regime change in Peru, perhaps taking advantage of the small margin of votes by which Pedro Castillo was democratically elected over his contender, rightwing Keiko Fujimori.

Coincidentally (or maybe not), signs of social tensions with demonstrations by supporters of Fujimorismo are already showing in Peru. Some observers are alerting to a coup brewing in the country. The protesters claim to oppose Castillo’s leftist party Peru Libre, communism and terrorism. This is a broad net of typically rightwing “issues” taken from the regime change playbook of the US government.

In fact, the pressure on the Castillo government for a less progressive stand is playing out on the domestic and international fronts.

Domestically, the first casualty has being former foreign minister Hector Bejar who was forced to resign based on a statement that implicated elements of the Peruvian Navy in the 1970s, in collusion with the CIA, involved in terrorist actions allegedly leading to the formation of the guerrilla movement Shining Path in the 1980s. Bejar resigned only a few weeks after his appointment, under pressure from the military establishment. Perhaps the more compelling reason to force him out of government has been his conciliatory position (from the left) towards Venezuela in favor of a dialogue between the government and the opposition in that country and the elimination of sanctions.

Hector Bejar’s resignation is considered a great loss given his political experience and ability, even more so when he was replaced by the career diplomat Oscar Maurtua who has been less than clear about Peru’s position in Latin America simply suggesting “consultations” about the future of CELAC, UNASUR and the Lima Group.

The Peruvian rightwing continues digging in the past of other ministers of the Castillo administration, like Labor Minister Iber Maravi and prime minister Bellido, searching for leftist connections that might lead to other possible dismissals.

As we write, the Peruvian Congress, with majority opposition members, is reviewing the proposed list of ministers. If Congress does not give them a vote of confidence, president Castillo will have to appoint a new set of ministers for a second congressional review. If the second review fails then Castillo will call for the election of a new Congress. All accordingly to the Peruvian constitution.

All of this can only create insecurity in the country giving a dangerous advantage to those intent in a regime change.

Internationally, we have to consider the US involvement and the role of the large solidarity movement supporters.

The United States has shown a very low tolerance for any progressive government in Latin America and as of this century has increased its interventionist efforts. Peru will not be an exception if Washington perceives that president Castillo will move his social policies to the left.

If that is the case, we can be certain to see signs of increased actions by the opposition with the tacit assistance of the United States. We might see signs of a hybrid warfare against Peru that might include infowar in order to demonise the government or any of its members, increased violence, financial downturn aided by US sanctions to blame the poor economic administration, inciting the military to a revolt in support of the rightwing forces, or any other means from the hybrid warfare toolbox

The escalation of the US intervention will be in direct proportion to the resistance and determination of the government of Lima to pursue an independent and sovereign social project.

Many questions remain unanswered about the future of Peru. But the international community will respond and will not remain indifferent. A large solidarity movement is building up in Latin America that is increasingly becoming more vocal in support of Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua among others. We must now all be on alert to defend Peru and denounce any imperial intervention in that country.

No one is more prepared to answer questions about current events in Peru than former minister Hector Bejar given his recent experience and his long involvement in the political life of the country. He will be the main speaker at a webinar organized by several US and Canadian organizations on August 31, 2021. [Register here]


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Nino Pagliccia is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Are You a Seeker of Truth or a Believer in Lies?

August 30th, 2021 by Michael J. Talmo

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Truth, facts, and individual freedom don’t seem very important these days. As the COVID-19 scamdemic rages on our little blue planet is drowning in a sea of lies, oppression, and propaganda. Day after day, night after night, hour after hour adnauseam our weary brains are being saturated with case numbers, death totals, and supposedly overcrowded hospitals while governments and private businesses are coercing and bullying us into taking so called vaccines that are killing and permanently disabling who knows how many tens of thousands. We are told that we must bow to the voice of authority and give up our freedom lest we be accused of being selfish and murdering our fellow earthlings.

But are we being told the truth? Does truth even matter? Even more important, how do we know the difference between the truth and a lie?

Matthew 7: 13-14 issues this warning:

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

That passage applies to how we live and think.

The human mind is a complex and wonderful instrument. With it, we have soared to the heights of technical advancement, plumbed the psychic depths, and probed the mysteries of the universe. In fact, our journey has only just begun in those areas. There is so much more to know and do. But the mind can also be our tower of Babel and technology our prison. This is because the human brain is also a deeply flawed, imperfect instrument that is filled with biases and destructive thought patterns and impulses. It’s part of how we evolved, but it is also what we need to understand and overcome. In other words, we can often be our own worst enemy.

So, let’s clear out the mental cobwebs and understand a few things.

What you need to know.

First, let’s address what you don’t need to know which can be summed up in one word: everything. You don’t need to know everything. It’s impossible to know everything anyway.

In 1980 Astronomer Carl Sagan (1934-1996) did a 13 part PBS miniseries, Cosmos. In episode 11 Sagan entered the New York Public Library. I had been there many times and I can tell you, the place is  breathtakingly awesome. Sagan went to one of the upper levels and walked passed about 30 feet of six shelves of books. He explained that reading that amount of books would take an entire lifetime which is only a mere tenth of the some ten million books that are in there.

Sagan explained: “The trick is to know which books to read.” Or, to put it another way, what is essential knowledge? What do you really need to know?

Since we are all unique individuals, the answer to that question will greatly vary in a lot of ways. But just as we all have to eat and go to the bathroom, there are some areas of knowledge that apply to all of us.

In my humble opinion, the most important thing to know is yourself closely followed by those things that have the greatest impact on your life. COVID-19 certainly falls into the latter category as does  politics and history.

What is truth? 

There are two kinds of truth: inner truth and outer truth.

Inner truth is what is true for you as in what gives your life pleasure and meaning. For some that means being an artist, actor, or poet; for others it means being a physician or a scientist; for others it can mean owning a business like a restaurant or a construction company; for others it can mean being a teacher or a social reformer; for others it means being a laborer or a homemaker. It also has to do with whether it’s better to be married or remain single, to have or not have children, to be sexually monogamous or to have multiple lovers; it’s about what you like to do for fun and relaxation along with so much more.

In my experience addictions along with other forms of self-destructive behavior occur when you aren’t living truthfully. They are ways to numb and distract yourself from a life of quiet desperation. Unfortunately, too many people are living lives of quite desperation. They have acquired a conditioned self, a persona, an image. They are living the way their parents, or their spouse, or how society thinks they should live rather than how they ought to live. Such individuals are lonely, angry, and confused. They loathe themselves because they have lost their way. They have forgotten how to live truthfully.

Outer truth is the truth we all share. It is reality. For example, two people in an art gallery looking at a painting. One person thinks it’s a beautiful painting while the other person thinks it’s the stupidest looking thing they ever saw. Both are right because each has different taste. It’s a matter of opinion or inner truth. But if someone asserts that the Earth is flat that is not a matter of opinion because the Earth isn’t flat. The ancient Greeks figured that out 2,700 years ago without flight or space travel. It doesn’t matter that people thought the earth was flat at one time. It doesn’t matter that a small  percentage of the world’s population still think it’s flat mainly due to the influence of Samuel Rowbotham (1816-1884). It isn’t flat.

Simply stated: Inner truth is about being real and outer truth is about what is objectively real.

Sadly, a lot of people can’t tell the difference between inner and outer truth. For example, way back in 1985 I had a 22 year old girlfriend who believed in Santa Claus. I was 31. When I tried to explain to her why there couldn’t possibly be a Santa Claus she would just keep saying “It’s true for me.” She actually  believed that if she went to the North Pole she would find Santa in his workshop because he exists for her, but that I wouldn’t find Santa in his workshop if I went to the North Pole because he doesn’t exist for me. I tried to explain to her that reality is reality and that something either exists or it doesn’t regardless of what we choose to believe, but to no avail. Obviously, one of the dimmer bulbs on the Christmas Tree, but I was in love so what can I say.

Understand science 

The word scientist was invented in 1833 by William Whewell (1794-1866). Prior to that and even long after, into the 1890s, scientists were usually called natural philosophers. Whewell was a philosopher. Galileo (1564-1642), Copernicus (1473-1543), Newton (1642-1727), etc. never were called scientists because the word didn’t exist in their time. Even Charles Darwin (1809-1882) and other great scientists of the 19th Century continued to call  themselves natural philosophers. Rarely were they referred to as scientists. Most of today’s scientists are PhDs. A PhD is a doctor of philosophy. The world’s oldest scientific journal after over 350 years still calls itself “Philosophical Transactions.”

As Historian Dr. Richard Carrier, PhD  puts it:

“Science is just philosophy with better data.”

Philosophy was invented by the ancient Greeks. It comes from the Greek words Philo + Sophia which means the love of wisdom. But as Dr. Carrier explains in his 2016  lecture “Is Philosophy Stupid,” there is a lot more to this branch of knowledge than science.

Though it existed prior to his time, the father of modern philosophy is Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC). He also gave us the laws of thought or basic logic: The Law of Identity, The Law of Non-Contradiction, and The Law of the Excluded Middle. Inductive and deductive reasoning also comes from Aristotle. But not Abductive Reasoning. That was invented by Charles Sanders Pierce (1839-1914).

Aristotle, as Dr. Carrier explains in his lecture, formalized and structured philosophy into six areas that are essential to a sound epistemology.  Meaning, the way we gather knowledge and process information which results in the conclusions and judgments that we make. The six areas are: Epistemology, Physics, (meaning all science, not just one area as it does today), Metaphysics (means after the physics, or  science, the  conclusions you make from scientific data), Aesthetics, Ethics, and Politics.

Most modern philosophers only want to be concerned with the analysis of concepts and not facts  which Dr, Carrier points out is false. Philosophy is a conclusion about facts and data provided by science, relationships, and personal experience. It deals with factual questions that science and religion alone can’t answer. It teaches you to see the whole picture.

So, when pondering life’s big questions: Why am I here? What am I supposed to be? Should I marry this or that person? Is there life on other worlds? How did this universe come to be? Is Elvis still alive? Whether you call it religion, meditation, deep thought, or mental masturbation, you are doing philosophy. Learn to do it well.

Know history 

Most people are abysmally ignorant when it comes to history. I cringe when I hear them support wearing masks, mandatory vaccinations, and other oppressive measures.  They refuse to resist the hand that’s choking them to death, but will gladly wear the mask that’s suffocating them.

Most of the public doesn’t realize how utterly corrupt and dishonest government and medical science have become because they don’t know history. If you doubt me, read what the scientific literature has to say about it here, here, and here. And that’s only a small sample.

Former U.K. Prime Minister Winston Churchill (1874-1965) in a 1948 speech declared:

“Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.”

Also heed the words of Richard Carrier in his book “Proving History,”  Page 115: “…our bias against the supernatural is warranted, just as our bias against the honesty of politicians is warranted: we’ve caught them being dishonest so many times it would be foolish to implicitly trust anyone in politics.”

And that includes so-called public health officials like Anthony Fauci and CDC director Rochelle Walensky because they are also politicians.

It is important to understand that all history is probabilistic. We don’t have a time machine. We weren’t there. All historians can do is determine what happened in the past based on surviving archaeological and documentary evidence, and on how the world works through science. And on establishing prior probability—what normally happens in the case of what you are looking at. This also applies to modern times. History is history and the past is the past whether it happened ten minutes ago or ten thousand years ago.

In the case of COVID-19, the prior probability, that governments lie, makes it highly unlikely that we are being told the truth. Only strong solid evidence would reverse that prior probability. Instead, the evidence shows that what usually happens is happening–we are being lied to.

The word radical is defined as going to the root of the matter. So, let’s ignore all the rhetoric and the fear mongering and  look at two basic facts when it comes to testing and deaths.

The con job with the COVID-19 PCR test works like this: the test is run in cycles. The more cycles that are run the greater the chance of someone testing positive.

Page 35 of the PCR diagnostic panel on the FDA website instructs labs to run the test at 40 cycles. Yale New Haven Hospital on page 4 of their report also states that PCR tests are usually run at 40 cycles and that the cycle threshold used “is never included in the results sent to clinicians.” This fact was also reported in the New York Times. Yet, on a July 2020 program, “This Week In Virology,” Fauci explained that if you run the PCR test at 35 or more cycles it’s pretty much worthless because the chances of any active infectious virus being present are “miniscule.” He said that all you will get are “dead nucleotides.” POW! SOCK! WHAM! There you have it. Nothing more needs to be said. The PCR test isn’t accurate.

As for the number of COVID-19 deaths in this country, to get an accurate unbiased picture of what’s going on you have to look at all deaths from all causes in ratio to the population by the year. As the population goes up the number of deaths go up. But does the percentage of the population that dies in a given year go up? The figures below came from the 2021 World Almanac and from the CDC’s provisional deaths web page.

As you can see, while more people died in 2020 than in previous years, there was no statistically significant excess mortality. Other studies have shown that there was excess mortality in some states, the ones with the strictest lockdown measures—especially states like New York that transferred hospital patients into nursing homes. But not for the country as a whole.

Bottom line: Ignore the shock and awe tactics. It’s all empty rhetoric. Don’t let it distract you. The tests are worthless and there is no excess mortality. That’s the root of the matter. And that is all that matters.

Faith Isn’t a fact

If someone asserts to me that COVID-19 is a real pandemic I ask them the following: what scientific papers have you read that convinced you that COVID-19 and the virus that supposedly causes it are real? How do you know what you know about COVID-19? Did you look at the actual science as in  read the studies in the scientific literature–would you even know how to interpret them? Or are you just believing what some authority figure or media personality is telling you?

I then further explain to them that if they’re getting their information from the TV and other various  mainstream sources, their position on COVID-19 is a religious one. It is a faith-based opinion that naively assumes that government and medical science are honest and have their best interests at heart.

They are assuming on faith that the COVID narrative is true.

There is a wise old saying:

“never assume because when you assume you make an ass of you and me.”

Naturally, many people can’t handle being confronted with reality. They will either call me a conspiracy theorist or question my credibility because I’m not an M.D. or a PhD even though what I’m doing is reporting on what M.D.s and PhDs who haven’t been corrupted by globalists and corporations are saying. Or they will say it’s my opinion.

Nothing rubs my rhubarb the wrong way more than when someone tries to invalidate facts by calling them opinions. I understand why people do this: to shut down the conversation and avoid having to think. They don’t want to know that they have been lied to. They don’t want to know how irresponsible, stupid, and selfish they are being by allowing their freedom, their health, and their country to be destroyed. They don’t want to see the cruel totalitarian world they will be leaving to their children. They need to believe that they are virtuous and patriotic by following the rules.

Hebrews 11:1 declares:

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

But facts are the substance of what we already have and the evidence of things that are seen. Blind faith, on the other hand, has never been a path to knowledge—it has often been a path to destruction.

A strong moral lesson about misplaced faith can be found in I Kings chapter 18. It doesn’t matter if the story is a myth because that’s one of the purposes of myths: to teach you something. The prophet Elijah challenges 450 false prophets of Baal to prove that their god is God because the people of Israel have turned to worshiping Baal. So, Elijah challenges all 450 of them to meet him on Mt. Carmel where each will build a sacrificial alter. Each kills a bullock, or steer, and places it on the alter. Whichever side can cause fire to come down from heaven to burn the dead animal wins. The prophets of Baal accepted the challenge and they got to go first. For hours they cry out to Baal to nuke the alter. Finally, they get desperate and  even cut themselves so that their blood gushes onto the alter. But no response from Baal. Then, it’s Elijah’s turn. Naturally, God sends down the fire for his altar and Elijah gets to kill the false prophets of Baal.

The point here is that the prophets of Baal were sincere in their beliefs. They really thought Baal was god and freaked-out when they found out that he wasn’t. There were 450 of them and only one Elijah. They were the majority. But the majority was wrong. Their false belief cost them their lives.

So, if you feel strongly and passionately about something ask yourself if it’s faith based or fact based.

Recognize that no matter how strongly you feel about something, if you don’t know the facts, if you haven’t looked at the evidence, if there is no evidence at all, then you really don’t know what you think you know. Your position is weak, superficial, and could very well be blatantly wrong.

The mark of the beast 

A lot of conservative religious people believe that the COVID vaccination program is the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Chapter 13 in the Book of Revelation describes two beasts that serve the dragon  (Satan, the Devil, Rev. 12:9). Verses 16 and 17 talk about the second beast forcing everyone to get a mark in their right hand or forehead or they wouldn’t be allowed to buy or sell anything.

A big problem with this way of thinking is that it can make a lot of people complacent. They think that they don’t have to do anything because Jesus is coming back to rescue them. It’s the same with people who think that Donald Trump is going to get back in office and rescue them from the evil Democrats when both parties are in on the COVID scam.

But things aren’t always what they seem.

Example: for over 20 years I resided in Elizabeth, N.J. It’s a city and the county seat of Union  County. It had more furniture stores than you could shake a stick at. If you wanted good quality  furniture cheap Elizabeth was the place to go. One furniture store in particular made a lasting impression on me. It was on the city’s main road. The letters of its name were on large individual sheets of painted plywood. Those letters were P- I -T- U -S -A. My mind read that as Pit U.S.A. Nearly every day on my way to work for years I would pass that store and think Pit U.S.A.

Then, one day, I was driving by the store with a former girlfriend in the car. We weren’t getting along so to break the ice and make conversation I said, “Look, Pit U.S.A. Isn’t that an odd name for a store?” She looks at the sign and then she glares at me and shouts: “THAT’S PITUSA.” A noise went off in my head: BOING! And I thought “Oh yeah, wow, It is Pitusa.” And this in spite of the fact that they had another store in the neighboring city of Newark where the name was written out on a smaller sign. I still wasn’t able to see the obvious: Pit U.S.A. was really Pitusa until my ex snapped me out of it.

As what happened with me, some people get so caught up in a belief or a concept that their mind becomes locked. They can’t see things any other way but the way they see it. They don’t take into account that there could be another explanation and that their way of looking at things could be wrong.

In the case of Bible prophecy, 81% of the world’s population have access to a Bible in their language.  It’s the world’s best selling and most popular book.  Is it not possible that someone could read the prophecies and try to fulfill them in some way? Is it equally possible that someone out there has already done this? The answer is yes.

Example: Herbert W. Armstrong (1892-1986) head and founder of the Worldwide Church of God  claimed to have fulfilled a prophecy that Jesus made on the Mt. of Olives (Mat. 24:14). Jesus predicted that the end wouldn’t come until his gospel of the kingdom would “be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations.”

The gospel isn’t the stories about Jesus’ life that appear in the New Testament. The gospel is the message about the government of God replacing the governments of the world on Earth.

Mr. Armstrong traveled all over the world in his private jet, and met with various world leaders to give them the gospel message as well as through his radio and later television show The World Tomorrow. It was reported that he gave various world leaders expensive gifts in order to meet with them. Obviously, the supernatural isn’t required to do something like this. All you need is motivation, your own private jet, and lots of money.

Incidentally, it was Mr. Armstrong who inspired me to intensely study the Bible starting in 1980 when I came across his television show. This also led me to study theology and comparative religion. What I liked about Mr. Armstrong was that he never asked for money on the air like all of the other TV evangelists. His sermons were educational lectures and any church literature as well as a subscription to their magazine, “The Plain Truth,” was free. But if you joined his church you would get tithed up the wazoo. But I never joined his church so I never had to give them any money and was never asked to.

Another example of not jumping to conclusions and taking the time to look at things more deeply was something that happened to me a long time ago. I was always fascinated by UFOs and the high probability of life on other planets. I was envious of people who claimed to have had close encounters with extraterrestrials. I hoped that someday I would have such an experience.

In 1975 I got my wish.

It was the wee hours of the morning in Rutherford, N.J. and I was on my way home from a friend’s  house. The roads were deserted. I was all alone. I got on the exit ramp to the highway when I saw  strange colored lights in the sky. I stopped my car to look at them. As they got closer I got scared. Now I didn’t want to encounter a UFO. I thought to duck down in my car and hide. But I said to myself “No! I’m going to see what this is even if I get abducted or killed. I have to know.” So, I got out of my car stood tall and watched as the lights approached. It was flying low and suddenly I could see that the lights were attached to a huge black shape. But it wasn’t saucer shaped–it was cigar shaped. No matter, some UFOS were described as cigar shaped. The object wasn’t making a sound either. Then, letters started to run across the side of it and I thought, “It’s trying to communicate with me and in my language.” Soon, the entire message appeared before me:


Yep, it was the Goodyear Blimp. But if I had chickened out and hid in my car cowering in fear to this day I would have been convinced that I saw an honest-to-goodness genuine UFO.

So, consider the fact that just maybe the billionaire globalists that created the COVID death cult read the Book of Revelation and decided that they liked the devil’s style and are attempting to fulfill the prophecies on their own. There are some people out there who like being bad. And since they like to play God why not play Devil too?

Don’t worship science

When it comes to COVID-19 I’m especially disappointed in atheists. These are people who claim to place a high value on science. Yet they have fallen for the phony COVID narrative hook, line, and sinker. I’m not talking about all atheists only the ones that I call the mechanistic atheists who dominate the organizations.

I consider myself spiritual, but not religious. In spite of this, atheists consider me atheist because I don’t believe in God as a man in the sky with a personality who worries about what’s going on down here. I see God as the life force energy that flows within us and outside of us. All things come from that life energy and all things return to it. The essence of this life energy is love. I John 4:16 says that “God is love.” The Chinese call it Chi, the Japanese call it Ki, the Hindus call it prana, Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) called it orgone, and Semyon Kirlian (1898-1978) made it visible via  Kirlian Photography. As I see it, you’re spiritual to the degree that you can love yourself and others unconditionally.

Mechanistic atheists don’t follow science they worship it. Science has become their false god, their graven image. They wave science around like an evangelical waves a Bible around. It’s their badge of righteousness and superiority. They fail to understand that Fauci and his ilk are not following science—they are following the dictates of billionaire globalists and Big Pharma. Just as religious snake oil salesmen like Peter Popoff who has been exposed faking healings and Jimmy Swaggert who has been caught with prostitutes, claim to represent God, today’s public health officials are corporate shills who claim to represent science.

Scientists and the scientific method are meant to  serve humanity—not be worshiped by it. Science is not a cult—it is a tool by which we can learn about ourselves and the world. The scientific method works and was invented to counteract the cognitive bias inherent in our flawed thinking processes. But cults can be formed around the word science and can be used by governments and corporations to exploit people.

A blogger I recently came across said it best:

“Science is the word used to convince stupid people that something made up is fact.”

Don’t go quietly into the night 

Whether we choose to call someone president, king, fuhrer, emperor, high priest, reverend, grand high imperial mystic ruler, or just an average Joe schmoe,  in the unlimited vastness and eternity of the space time continuum, we’re all just mere blips on the radar screen of life. Mere hangnails on the fickle finger of fate. Mere specks of consciousness afloat in a universe without end or purpose. But just as a stone  thrown into a pond causes ripples to radiate out in all directions, what we do hear and now will ripple across time for generations to come.

How will future history judge us I wonder. More important, how will we judge ourselves? Global economies a shambles, billions of lives shattered, human liberty trampled into the dirt, and people walking around in face diapers in fear of the sniffles.

Face reality people, we can’t encase the world in a plastic bubble to accommodate the frail and the  immunocompromised any more than we can turn the planet into one big safe space to accommodate the easily offended.

Our liberties are not mere trinkets to be doled out or withheld at the pleasure of some bureaucrat,  employer, or pompous quack in a white lab coat. They are inalienable rights that cannot be taken from us. Ask yourselves this: is life without liberty better than no life at all? In my opinion neither are worth very much without the other. Guard your liberties jealously. Cherish them, Value them. For without them it is you and not the proverbial emperor who will be naked.

So, rise up, take a load off those knees. Lift your head up out of the muck, stop cowering in fear. and say enough is enough. Stop listening to these simpering bureaucratic jackasses. Peacefully resist, open your business. Coordinate with other businesses and defy them as a group. If you’re an employee organize a strike if they demand that you wear a mask or get vaccinated. If you’re a medical professional refuse to participate in any COVID vaccination programs. If you’re a parent take your kids out of school if they want to put masks on them. Show up at school board meetings and raise hell. If you’re a college student protest like they did in the 1960s. Support mass protests and demand that the architects of this COVID nightmare be brought to justice.

The politicians didn’t shut the economy down, put a mask on your face, or a needle in your arm—you did because you obeyed them. Stop Obeying them. Stop believing them. And stop believing in them.

Take back your country and your world.


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Michael J. Talmo has been a professional writer for over 40 years and is strongly committed to the protetion of civil liberties. He also did three music videos on COVID-19. The Masker Mash, COVID Vaccine Man, and The Corona Globalists. He can be reached at [email protected]

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A major study conducted by Israeli researchers into natural immunity has found that immunity acquired via infection from Covid-19 is superior to immunity from the Pfizer vaccine.

Researchers at Maccabi Healthcare and Tel Aviv University compared the outcomes of over 76,000 Israelis in three groups: the doubly vaccinated (with the Pfizer vaccine), the previously infected but unvaccinated, and the previously infected with only a single vaccine dose.

They found that fully vaccinated but uninfected people were significantly more likely to have a “breakthrough” Covid infection than people who had previously been infected and recovered from the disease.

“This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalisation caused by the Delta variant,” the authors conclude.

The study is only published as a preprint at this stage and has not been peer reviewed. Critics including British immunologist Andrew Croxford have pointed out potential limitations, but it has been described by infectious diseases expert Professor Francois Balloux as a “bombshell” development.

If the findings are confirmed, the implications for global Covid policy will be profound.

It would not undermine the importance of vaccination for more vulnerable groups in society. However it would weaken the case for vaccinating children, despite the programme being confirmed in the UK today, as they (and the people around them) would get superior future protection from contracting the disease. And it would pose a fundamental challenge to the singular emphasis on vaccine passports for travel and large events, if unvaccinated people who have already had Covid actually pose less of a risk.


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Macron Orchestrates Baghdad Summit Excluding Syria

August 30th, 2021 by Steven Sahiounie

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Iraq is back, and stands center stage in the Middle Eastern drama of blood and sand. In a regional summit, which is being called a turning point, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi co-hosts the Baghdad Conference on Cooperation and Partnership. Kadhimi’s co-host is French President Emmanuel Macron, who remained in Iraq two days for meetings with French Special Forces fighting ISIS, as well as a trip to Erbil in the North.  The meeting, dubbed the Iraq Neighborhood Summit, has not included Iraq’s neighbor to the west, Syria, but has brought key regional officials and leaders together, to discuss pressing issues.  The Syrian conflict next door, lasting 10 years, did not make the agenda, signaling a continuation of the stalemate in Idlib, and the Kurdish separatist’s region in the north east.

Egyptian President Fattah al-Sisi told Kuwaiti Prime Minister Sabah Al-Khalid Al-Sabah on the sidelines of the meeting, that “the security of the Gulf region is one of the main pillars of the Arab national security, and is closely linked to the Egyptian national security.”

Kadhimi wants to promote Iraq as a neutral mediator in the region’s crises and establish confidence in Iraq internationally after decades of conflict.  The past years of Al Qaeda, ISIS and the US military occupation have tarnished the image of Iraq.  In recent years, Iraq suffered from Turkish airstrikes in the north. Baghdad wants to build an image of a place where neighbors can peacefully discuss issues together.

Additionally, the conference seeks to promote economic development and capital investment to Iraq from among its neighbors and allies.

Iraq’s neighbor to the east, the Islamic Republic of Iran, announced its support for Iraq, and the need for the withdrawal of the US military occupation.  The Iraqi parliament voted to request the US military withdrawal after the defeat of ISIS.  However, the US has not complied with the democratic process of the Iraqi government.

France’s Macron has expressed his support for Iraq and the political process and democracy.

Iran’s new President Ebrahim Raisi signaled his support for Iraq through statements saying Iran considers foreign intervention in security arrangements in the region not constructive, and emphasized the importance of the regional people to be included in dialogues.  Iran’s statement included, “What we need now, and more than ever before, is sustainable regional security with the participation of countries of the region.”

Iraq and Iran are tied historically, geographically, and have been close partners in fighting terrorism.

Iraq had suffered from an image of unrest and danger amid the US invasion of Iraq, and later from the war on ISIS.  The international airport was frequently attacked by terrorists.

Issues on the meeting’s agenda are the regional water crisis, the war in Yemen and the severe economic and political crisis in Lebanon that has brought the country to the point of collapse.  The meeting could prove to be a step towards Saudi-Iranian rapprochement.

Invitations were sent to the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, as well as Iraq’s neighboring and regional countries, including some European countries, according to Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein.

No official mention was made as to why Iraq’s direct neighbor to the west, Syria, was not invited.

The participating countries are Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, Qatar, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and France, in addition to the Arab League, the Gulf Cooperation Council and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation,” said the head of the committee, spokesman for the Baghdad conference, Nizar Al-Khairallah.

Attendees were: Kuwaiti Prime Minister Sheikh Sabah Khalid Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council Nayef Al Hajraf, Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Ferhan al-Saud, Turkish foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, King Abdullah II of Jordan, and French President Emmanuel Macron.

President al-Sisi met with the Emir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani on Saturday morning on the sidelines of the conference, in a process of repairing relationships after the 2017 blockade on Qatar.

Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Bahrain have decided to end the blockade on Qatar, in the first important political development to have resulted from the Baghdad conference.

In June, on the first official visit by an Egyptian president to Iraq in 30 years, al-Sisi attended the trilateral summit with Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi and Jordanian King Abdullah II to strengthen economic cooperation between the three countries, which marked the fourth between the three leaders since March 2019.

During their summits, the three countries hammered out the details of a long list of cooperation agreements in the fields of energy, health, construction, reconstruction, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and food.

Saudi Arabia and Iran resumed direct talks in Iraq in April this year. Iranian officials have said they are focused on the outcome of talks in Vienna with Western powers over Iran’s nuclear program and international sanctions.

The US-Iran rivalry brought the Middle East to the brink of war after the United States under former US President Donald Trump killed Qassem Soleimani, in a drone strike at Baghdad airport in 2020.

Iraqi militias tied to the government have launched increasingly sophisticated drone and rocket attacks against US military bases. The Houthis in Yemen have also targeted Saudi oil installations through drone and missile attacks, especially the 2019 assault on Saudi oil plants that briefly knocked out half of Saudi oil production.

Gulf Arabs, which have long leaned on the United States for their security, are concerned about the chaotic end to Washington’s two-decade war in Afghanistan, with the hardline Islamist Taliban having regained power this month as foreign forces aim to complete their withdrawal by Aug. 31.

“The prospect of regional conflict, coupled with their perception of Washington as unreliable, have…prompted the Saudis and Emiratis to pursue a limited, tactical, bilateral de-escalation with Tehran,” the International Crisis Group think tank said in a report.

Saudi Arabia and Iran are aligned with rival forces fighting a war in Yemen and severed their relations in 2016.

Earlier this month, the Saudi foreign minister said an “emboldened” Iran was acting in a negative manner around the Middle East including in Yemen and Lebanon and in regional waters.

“We have always welcomed improving ties with regional countries such as Saudi Arabia”, and it is a priority of our President Raisi’s foreign policy according to an Iranian official.

The Arabs could not discuss bringing Syria in from the cold, because Macron was present, who would have scoffed at the idea, since former French President Nikolas Sarkozy was one of the chief architects of the 2011 attack on Syria for ‘regime change’.  The US and their allies, NATO and EU member states, refuse to admit they lost the war in Syria, and need to establish a new relationship with Damascus, for the sake of the suffering citizens.

The meeting demonstrated how US leadership in the region has diminished. America is leaving Afghanistan and many see the US as withdrawing from the region. Washington has left many facilities in Iraq in recent years as Iraqi militias target US forces. Turkey has been bombing US-backed Kurdish SDF fighters in Syria and the Kurds are concerned the US-led anti-ISIS coalition no longer cares about them. Gulf states fear they can no longer rely on Washington, while relationships within the region are strained chiefly by hostility between Iran on one side and the US and its Persian Gulf allies on the other. The US and Syria were both absent from the Baghdad meeting, but negotiations under the table among the attendees may be discussing how to bring Syria back into the brotherhood of Arabs and neighbors.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is an award-winning journalist. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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On August 12, the military contractor CACI International Inc. told its investors that the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan is hurting its profits. The same contractor is also funding a think tank that is concurrently arguing against the withdrawal. This case is worth examining both because it is routine, and because it highlights the venality of our ​expert”-military contractor feedback loop, in which private companies use think tanks to rally support for wars they’ll profit from.

The contractor is notorious to those who have followed the scandal of U.S.-led torture in Iraq. CACI International was sued by three Iraqis formerly detained in Abu Ghraib prison who charge that the company’s employees are responsible for directing their torture, including sexual assault and electric shocks. (The suit was brought in 2008 and the case is still ongoing.)

In 2019, CACI International was awarded a nearly $907 million, five-year contract to provide ​intelligence operations and analytic support” for the U.S. Army in Afghanistan.

During an August 12 earnings call, CACI International noted repeatedly that President Biden’s withdrawal from the 20-year Afghanistan War harmed the company’s profits. John Mengucci, president and CEO of CACI International, said, ​we have about a 2 percent headwind coming into FY 2022 because of Afghanistan.” A ​headwind” refers to negative impacts on profits.

Afghanistan was mentioned 16 times throughout the call — either in reference to the dent in profits, or to assure investors that other areas of growth were offsetting the losses. For example, Mengucci said, ​We’re seeing positive growth in technology and expect it to continue to outpace expertise growth, collectively offsetting the impact of the Afghanistan drawdown.”

Similar themes were repeated in an April 22 earnings call, where the company lamented the ​headwinds” posed by the Afghanistan withdrawal. (Industry and defense publications have picked up on this them, but framed it in the company’s terms, by emphasizing the offsets to its losses.)

Despite CACI International’s clear economic interest in continuing the war, on the August 12 call, company officials were careful not to editorialize about the Biden administration’s decision. The closest they came was a cautious statement from Mengucci: ​At least as of today we’ve watched the administration make the decision to completely exit Afghanistan by 9 – 11 and all I can say is they’re executing on that decision.”

But CACI International does not have to broadcast its positions on the war: Instead, it is funding a think tank that has been actively urging the Biden administration not to leave Afghanistan.

CACI International is listed as a ​corporate sponsor” of the Institute for Study of War, which describes itself as a ​non-partisan, non-profit, public policy research organization.” Dr. Warren Phillips, lead director of CACI International, is on the board of the think tank. (Other funders include General Dynamics and Microsoft.)

When it comes to the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, however, the think tank is extremely partisan. In an August 20 paper, the think tank argued that ​Russia, China, Iran, and Turkey are weighing how to take advantage of the United States’ hurried withdrawal.”

Jack Keane, a retired four star general and board member of the Institute for Study of War, meanwhile, has been on a cable news blitz arguing against the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, as reported by Ryan Grim, Sara Sirota, Lee Fang and Rose Adams for The Intercept. (The Intercept noted CACI’s International’s backing of the think tank.)

Kimberly Kagan, founder and president of the Institute for the Study of War, told Fox News on August 17 that the U.S. withdrawal could cause Afghanistan to become the ​second school of jihadism.” She warned, ​It is not clear that the Taliban, which seeks international recognition and legitimacy, is going to want to tolerate or encourage direct attacks on the U.S. from al Qaeda or other extremist groups based in Afghanistan.”

The think tank’s backing from a military contractor was not discussed in these media appearances.

The case of CACI International is not unique. The Intercept notes,

Among the other talking heads who took to cable news segments or op-ed pages without disclosing their defense industry ties were retired Gen. David Petraeus; Rebecca Grant, a former staffer for the Air Force secretary; Richard Haass, who worked as an adviser to then-Secretary of State Colin Powell; and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.”

This cacophony of voices matters because Biden is facing a media uproar over the withdrawal. Pundits and mainstream press outlets that have been ignoring civilian deaths for years are suddenly expressing moral outrage at their hardships now that the war is ending. While there are legitimate concerns about the fate of Afghans as the Taliban seizes control, the vast majority of the firestorm stems from a reflexively pro-war perspective, in favor of the indefinite extension of an occupation that has proven brutal and lethal for civilians. The overwhelming effect is to send the message to Biden, and any future presidents, that they should think twice before withdrawing from a war, lest they have a media revolt on their hands.

But this outcry didn’t materialize out of nowhere. Think tank ​experts,” whose organizations are financed by the very companies profiting from the war, play a key part. They are trotted out in front of cameras and quoted in major media outlets, presented as above-the-fray observers. They are well-financed, polished and groomed precisely for moments like these. And the companies financing them get to launder their own objectives through institutions that are seen as respectable, academic and rigorous. It’s a grotesque system that is functioning as it was designed.

In its August 12 call, CACI International simply acknowledged the company’s economic interests out loud.


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Sarah Lazare is web editor and reporter for In These Times. She tweets at @sarahlazare.

Featured image: U.S. jets bombing Afghanistan. These attacks will not end despite the formal U.S. withdrawal by September 11th. [Source:]

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When President Biden leaves billions of US military hardware in the hands of America-hating terrorists – after having seven months to “plan a withdrawal” – he doesn’t mess around.

According to a now-viral infographic from The Sunday Times, ongoing terror operations will benefit from the luxury of more than 22,000 Humvees, 42,000 pick-up trucks and SUVs, 16,000 night visions goggles and devices, 64,000 machine guns, and 358,000 assault rifles.

Indeed, while Biden wants to strip law-abiding Americans of their constitutional right to bear arms, he’s put over 400,000 of them in the hands of terrorists.

Needless to say, the vast trove of US military hardware handed to America’s enemies on a silver platter should, at minimum, make Raytheon – whose board Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin sat on until he joined the Biden admin – very happy.


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Featured image: Taliban fighters stand on a military vehicle in Kabul, capital of Afghanistan, August 16, 2021. /Xinhua

Afghanistan and the Sham of Democracy Promotion

August 30th, 2021 by James Bovard

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Americans finally recognize the military lies that pervaded the success claims of the 20-year war in Afghanistan.  But democracy promotion was an even bigger sham. Afghanistan was Exhibit A for the triumphal crusade to spread freedom and democracy.

After the U.S. invasion in 2001, the U.S. government spent more than $600 million to support elections and democratic procedures in Afghanistan (part of the $143 billion the U.S. spent there for relief and reconstruction). Washington bragging points were always more important than Afghan preferences. “In 2002 and 2003, when Afghan tribal councils gathered to write a new constitution, the U.S. government gave [bribes] to delegates who supported Washington’s preferred stance on human rights and women’s rights,” the Washington Post reported in 2019. President George W. Bush boasted in 2004: “Afghanistan has now got a constitution which talks about freedom of religion and talks about women’s rights…Democracy is flourishing.” Though Bush’s reelection campaign speeches were larded with such lines, women in many parts of Afghanistan continued to be oppressed even worse than characters in American country music songs. One international aid worker commented that during the Taliban era “if a woman went to market and showed an inch of flesh she would have been flogged—now she’s raped.”

Hamid Karzai, the slick operator who the Bush administration installed to rule Afghanistan after 9/11, won a rigged 2004 presidential election. Karzai approved a law that entitled a husband to starve his wife if she refused his sexual demands.

During his 2008 presidential campaign, Obama labeled the conflict in Afghanistan the “right war.” By the time Obama took office, the Taliban were vigorously reviving and Afghans were shunning the corrupt puppet regime the U.S. installed in 2002.

President Obama justified his 2009 troop surge in Afghanistan to bolster its democracy. When Obama spoke to the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in August 2009, he boasted that “our troops are helping to secure polling places for this week’s election so that Afghans can choose the future that they want.” In reality, Obama effectively sent American soldiers to serve as bodyguards for Karzai’s minions to steal the election. At first glance, Karzai won a narrow victory. But two weeks after the election, the New York Times reported that Karzai’s operatives set up as many as 800 fictitious polling sites “where no one voted but where hundreds of thousands of ballots were still recorded toward the president’s re-election.” In some Afghan provinces, pro-Karzai ballots outnumbered actual voters by tenfold. Peter Galbraith, a senior United Nations official in Afghanistan, was fired after he estimated that a third of Karzai’s votes were bogus. Galbraith wrote, “No amount of spin can obscure the fact that we spent upwards of $200 million on an election that has been a total fiasco” which “handed the Taliban its greatest strategic victory.”

Despite the shenanigans, the Obama administration praised Karzai as if he had won fair and square. The Obama administration told Congress that the decision to send far more U.S. troops to Afghanistan depended on the Afghan government’s “ability to hold credible elections,” among other tests. After the 2009 Afghan election turned into a sham, Obama decided it was “close enough for government work” to democracy. Thanks to Obama’s surge, 1,400 American soldiers died in part to propagate the mirage of Afghan democracy.

Afghan officials conspired for more than 15 years to both multiply and ignore election fraud. As early as 2009, U.S. Admiral Mike Mullen, then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, warned that the result was that the Afghan government’s legitimacy “is, at best, in question right now and, at worst, doesn’t exist.” An analysis by the U.S. Agency for International Development of the 2014 Afghan election noted that “several prominent election officials associated with fraud during past elections were promoted or given ministerial appointments.”

Behind closed door, D.C. poohbahs admitted their Afghan charade. At a confidential 2015 National Security Council meeting, President Obama admitted that the U.S. would never “transform Afghanistan into a semblance of a democracy able to defend itself,” the New York Times reported. But that didn’t deter Obama from publicly bragging the following year that U.S. troops and diplomats had helped Afghanistan “establish a democratic government.”

To buttress the new democracy, the U.S. government spent a billion dollars to promote the “rule of law” and justice reform in Afghanistan. But such programs were as wasteful as the rest of the U.S. dollar deluge on that nation. As the Christian Science Monitor noted in mid-2010, the Obama administration’s Agency for International Development “created an atmosphere of frantic urgency about the ‘burn rate’—a measure of how quickly money is spent. Emphasis gets put on spending fast to make room for the next batch from Congress.”

One American contractor received $35 million to promote the rule of law in Afghanistan in part by distributing kites and comic books to kids. The New York Times reported that the contractor “arranged an event to hand out kites and comic books to children. The kites were festooned with slogans about gender equality and rule of law that most of the attendees could not read. Police officers guarding the event stole many of the kites, beating some of the children, while fathers snatched kites from their girls to give to the boys.” A 2015 report by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) report found that the Afghan “rule of law” spending had been a dismal failure.

Afghan democracy was a bigger fraud than almost anyone wanted in D.C. would admit. One of the best demolitions can be found in a February 2021 report, “Elections: Lessons from the U.S. Experience in Afghanistan,” produced by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR). After more than 15 years of pro-democracy “assistance,” Afghanistan’s 2019 presidential election was “the most corrupt the country had ever held,” according to expert consulted by SIGAR.

U.S. tax dollars poured into the coffers of Afghanistan’s Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) to safeguard voting. Alas—that agency was a prime source of the most brazen vote stealing. ECC bosses were careful not to hire almost anyone with electoral experience since such folks might raise troubling questions. A former top ECC official told SIGAR that “one criterion for chief electoral officer applicants in 2018 was how well the candidates were dressed. He said this category was used as a pretext to reduce the scores of less pliable candidates.” It is unknown whether this villainy character test was inspired by Washington’s K Street lobbyists.

Afghan elections were institutionalized racketeering because the rules were always in flux. SIGAR noted, “Only one of the country’s election laws has ever been passed by parliament; the rest were presidential decrees that were never referred to the parliament for consideration.” The SIGAR report quoted election experts: “The likelihood of a credible election is inversely proportional to the degree to which the ruling regime directly controls the election management body.” Afghan voting records were a total mess, making it easy for politicians to fabricate claims about the “will of the people.” SIGAR concluded, “Afghanistan’s national voter registry and the voter registration process are exceptionally vulnerable to manipulation and mismanagement.”

It is tricky to build a viable democracy when elected officials receive a license to steal. After noting the hefty bribes that politicians pay to election officials, SIGAR explained: “One reason candidates may be willing to pay such high prices for seats in parliament is to protect ill-gotten fortunes…By becoming members of parliament, they can gain access to new sources of illicit revenue and immunity from prosecution.” That parliament was the last place on earth to seek support for honest elections.

Afghan experiences also offer lessons for Americans confounded by disputes regarding the 2020 U.S. election, including the controversies surrounding computer voting. As one election expert told SIGAR, “There is no difference between stuffing 100 ballots and pressing a button on an electronic voting machine 100 times.” Afghan President Ashraf Ghani decreed that the 2019 election must rely on electronic voting. But SIGAR noted that electronic voting “did not reduce fraud overall; it just displaced it to other parts of the electoral cycle.” Confidence in Afghan electronic voting was not assisted by the secrecy surrounding the software and equipment. After the 2019 presidential election, Afghanistan’s Independent Election Commission declared that it could not “share information” about how votes were being reconciled because “the contractor, Dermalog, controlled that process.” SIGAR quoted experts who warned that “because governments often control electoral commissions and the procurement of election technology, they are well placed to use it to commit fraud.” SIGAR ruefully noted, “The true purpose of adopting election technologies may not be to actually reduce fraud, but to create the illusion of doing so.”

Afghan debacles are a reminder that there is no “guardian angel of democracy.” Politicians permitting citizens to vote does not assure that election results will receive even a whiff of legitimacy. Once fraud or suspicions of fraud reach a certain level, any election winners will be suspected scoundrels. A U.S. Army colonel who deployed several times to Afghanistan told SIGAR that as early as 2006, the Afghan government had “self-organized into a kleptocracy.” Officials who were stealing everything else never hesitated to steal votes.

Biden, like Obama and George W. Bush, is seeking to make “democracy promotion” a redeeming theme for his presidency. But no Washington pundit, politician, or “expert” who vouched for Afghan democracy should ever be trusted again. The U.S. government will continue meddling in foreign elections as long as American politicians think they can gain influence—or perhaps contracts for their friends or family members. There is no reason to expect Biden’s “democracy promotion” to be any cleaner than his Ukraine policy during the Obama administration.

The collapse of the Afghan government settled any doubts about whether intellectuals are some of Washington’s biggest con artists. They profited mightily by pirouetting as experts with lavish government contracts that produced nothing except windfall profits for overpriced D.C. restaurants. Any think tank or research institute or Beltway Bandit that was honest about Afghanistan being a quagmire for democracy would have been banned from future contracting.

Americans also need to take lessons from the endless lies that Washington told about Afghan democracy. Are U.S. government officials more honest when they talk about American democracy than when they praise sham democracies abroad? Unfortunately, no one is talking of the peril of the “Afghanization” of American democracy.


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Military Doctor: “The COVID Vaccine Program Has Killed More Young Active Duty People than COVID Did”

By Brian Shilhavy, August 30, 2021

This is the not the first time the military has been implicated in killing active duty military with experimental vaccines. It happened also during the Gulf War with the experimental anthrax vaccine, which some estimates claim killed 35,000 military people with what was originally termed “Gulf War Syndrome.”

“Who Is Our Friend, Syria . . . or al-Qaeda?”, Retired Virginia State Senator Richard Black Asks

By Richard H. Black and Basma Qaddour, August 30, 2021

America would be wise to continue cutting its losses across the Middle East. It could start by normalizing relations with Syria, ending sanctions, and withdrawing U.S. troops from their sovereign territory.

Sen. Ron Johnson: 5 Questions for FDA About Pfizer Vaccine Approval

By Children’s Health Defense, August 30, 2021

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) on Thursday sent a letter to Dr. Janet Woodruff, acting commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), demanding answers to five questions pertaining to the FDA’s approval of the Pfizer Comirnaty COVID vaccine.

Chicago Judge Strips Mother of Parental Rights for Being Unvaccinated

By The Jewish Voice, August 30, 2021

A judge in Cook County Illinois (which includes Chicago and some of the surrounding area) has taken away the parental rights of a woman due to her refusal to get vaccinated, according to Fox in Illinois.

A Political Windfall for the Taliban. Supported by the US

By M. K. Bhadrakumar, August 30, 2021

The commander of CENTCOM Gen. Kenneth McKenzie disclosed to journalists on Thursday that  the US was already sharing information on terror threats in Afghanistan with Taliban. As he put it, “We share versions of this information with the Taliban so that they actually make searches… We think they’ve thwarted some.”

The Corruption of Science. The Hydroxychloroquine Lancet Study Scandal. Who Was Behind It? Anthony Fauci’s Intent To Block HCQ on Behalf of Big Pharma

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 29, 2021

The Guardian has revealed the scandal behind the hydroxychloroquine study which was intent on blocking HCQ as a cure for COVID-19. “Dozens of scientific papers co-authored by the chief executive of the US tech company behind the Lancet hydroxychloroquine study scandal are now being audited, including one that a scientific integrity expert claims contains images that appear to have been digitally manipulated.

Most Vaccinated Countries Have Most COVID Cases

By Rodney Atkinson, August 29, 2021

The most vaccinated countries have the most cases and deaths per million population and the least vaccinated countries have the fewest cases and deaths per million population.

If California Governor Is Replaced with Republican, Senate Could Swing to GOP

By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, August 29, 2021

If Gov. Gavin Newsom is recalled, the health, civil rights and future of Californians — and people across the country — will be profoundly threatened.

Legal Action in British Columbia Supreme Court, To Hold Multiple Parties Accountable for their Actions with respect to COVID-19 Measures

By Action4Canada, August 29, 2021

On August 16th, 2021, Action4Canada formally filed legal action in the BC Supreme Court, to hold multiple parties accountable for their actions with respect to COVID-19 measures.

Why Vaccine Passports Must be Rejected

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 29, 2021

Identity authentication on the Vax Verify portal is done using a one-time verification process through the financial credit score company Experian — a decision that suggests your medical history and finances might become interconnected in the future.

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Taliban Victory May Strengthen Pakistan in Dispute for Kashmir

August 30th, 2021 by Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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In this group interview facilitated by Dr. Sam Dubé, M.D., Ph.D., four physicians from across Canada – emergency physician Dr. Chris Milburn, rural family physician Dr. Charles Hoffe, general surgeon Dr. Francis Christian, and pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson – tell their stories of persecution at the hands of their governing bodies. Their only crime: practicing evidence-based medicine by questioning the safety of their patients and the public during the pandemic.

A legal representative for their cases, John Carpay, Esq., provides insights and legal commentary, invoking the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. These physicians, and others like them, are the living embodiment of the medical mantras of “do no harm” and “informed consent”.


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This is a DO NOT MISS video!

We are extremely excited to debut this video for you all.

We interviewed pioneer and ground-breaking researcher Dr. Hector Carvallo. He is the investigator and author of the IDEA Trial and IVERCAR Trial, two ground-breaking studies on Ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. He has done substantial work on Ivermectin, Iota Carrageenan, Bromhexine, and more for both prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19!

He was one of the first researchers to do significant work on treating and preventing COVID-19 with Ivermectin. He not only will help us in understanding the science and evidence behind these therapies, but will also give us a glimpse into the challenges they have faced in getting this cheap, broadly available therapeutic approved on a larger scale!

Do not miss this tremendously interesting discussion!

  • IDEA Trial – Ivermectin, Dexamethasone, Enoxaparin, Aspirin for COVID-19
  • IVERCAR Trial – Ivermectin and Iota Carrageenan Prophylaxis for COVID-19

The list of questions Dr. Carvallo will be answering/discussing:

  • Tell us a little bit about yourself.
  • What first peaked your interest in Ivermectin as a possible therapeutic for COVID-19?
  • Did you meet resistance when you first started using Ivermectin to treat COVID-19?
  • What has been your clinical experience using Ivermectin for COVID-19? What types of things have you observed that may not be easy to grasp by reading your research?
  • What do you think is preventing Ivermectin from becoming more heavily considered by the world as a therapeutic for COVID-19?
  • After the ICON Trial was published in Chest, more physicians seem to be publicly supporting the use of Ivermectin for COVID-19. What do you think it will take for the larger medical industry to start to pay attention to this potential therapeutic?
  • What do you want our viewers to know about COVID-19, your research, or your ground-breaking work on Ivermectin?
  • What is Iota Carrageenan and how did you first get interested in this compound?
  • What has been your clinical experience using this medication for COVID-19?
  • There seems to be mixed literature on whether Bromhexine is efficacious. What are your thoughts on it’s efficacy?
  • Do you think that we will find a single agent to treat COVID-19, or do you believe it will be a combination of different medications? What might that combination look like?
  • What are you looking at right now? Any interesting or impressive data that has yet to be published that you would like to share with our viewers?
  • Any other things you would like to discuss with our viewers?


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Member of America’s Frontline Doctors Dr. Ryan Cole provides a scientific clarification of what these injections do in the head and other organs of the vaccinated people.

Watch the video below.


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Dr. Lee Merritt completed an Orthopaedic Surgery Residency in the United States Navy and served 9 years as a Navy physician and surgeon where she also studied bioweapons before returning to Rochester, where she was the only woman to be appointed as the Louis A. Goldstein Fellow of Spinal Surgery.

Dr. Merritt has been in the private practice of Orthopaedic and Spinal Surgery since 1995, has served on the Board of the Arizona Medical Association, and is past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.

Dr. Merritt recently addressed the American Frontline Doctors and discussed how all through 2020 there were only 20 deaths among all active duty military personnel related to COVID. However, there are now many reports of tumors and over 80 cases of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart), which has a 5-year mortality rate of around 66%, following the COVID-19 shots given to the military.

With the vaccine program we’ve ostensibly killed more of our young active duty people than COVID did.

This is the not the first time the military has been implicated in killing active duty military with experimental vaccines. It happened also during the Gulf War with the experimental anthrax vaccine, which some estimates claim killed 35,000 military people with what was originally termed “Gulf War Syndrome.”

I have produced a video that includes an Army wife of an active duty soldier in South Korea explain how her previously healthy husband now has major heart problems after taking the COVID-19 vaccines, followed by a medic whistleblower who explains what lengths the military will go to to cover up deaths related to experimental vaccines.

Please watch this and share with everyone you know in the military, so we don’t see a repeat in history of what happened with the anthrax vaccine.

It is better to risk court martial and losing your military career than to give up your life for a vaccine, or become permanently disabled for what is now the largest public vaccine trial ever conducted upon humanity.

This is from our Rumble channel, and it should also be on our Bitchute channel shortly.

Also, here is the documentary: “Vaccine Syndrome: How the Experimental Anthrax Vaccine Killed 35,000 Military Men and Women” from our Bitchute channel.


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Canada will be, arguably already is, totalitarian, and most won’t notice.

The jab will kill and injure multitudes more and most won’t notice.

The Truth will continue to be rejected.

People will be plugged into cell phones and info streams and reality will continue to be disappeared.

Anti-social distancing and communication distruptors will continue and accelerate.

Screen-time will be increasingly normalized, digital education, digital health care, digital everything will prevail.

The human genome itself will be changed (transhumanism).

People will be increasingly controlled and programmed.

It will happen as it is happening, all in the name of combating an ever-changing “outside enemy”.

Previous freedoms, and inalienable rights will end “not with a bang but a whimper.”


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Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017. Visit the author’s website at where this article was originally published.

Featured image is from the author

Order Mark Taliano’s Book “Voices from Syria” directly from Global Research.

Mark Taliano combines years of research with on-the-ground observations to present an informed and well-documented analysis that refutes  the mainstream media narratives on Syria. 

Voices from Syria 

ISBN: 978-0-9879389-1-6

Author: Mark Taliano

Year: 2017

Pages: 128 (Expanded edition: 1 new chapter)

List Price: $17.95

Special Price: $9.95 

Click to order

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America would be wise to continue cutting its losses across the Middle East. It could start by normalizing relations with Syria, ending sanctions, and withdrawing U.S. troops from their sovereign territory. 

This is what the Retired Virginia state senator Richard Black has said in an interview with the Syria Times e-newspaper.

“Syria is helping us by battling the greatest army of al Qaeda terrorists on earth in Idlib Province. And since “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” it’s time we asked, just who is our friend, Syria . . . or al Qaeda?”, the retired senator added.

He asserted that the Obama-Biden administration bears heavy responsibility for institutionalizing never-ending wars and extending them into Libya, Syria, and Yemen.

Asked about the reperucussions of the Taliban’s capture of Afghanistan, the retired senator replied:

“The fall of Afghanistan is a damaging blow to the American deep state, which thrives on a continuous state of warfare. Before he ordered the withdrawal from Afghanistan, President Biden could do no wrong; the press suppressed negative news about him. But now, the media are lashing out with a vengeance, causing his popularity to plummet.”

He went on to say:

“War hawks have warned that al Qaeda may reemerge in Afghanistan. Their claim rings hollow, since the U.S. has been an unwavering supporter of al Qaeda in Syria throughout the Syrian War. Under CIA Project Timber Sycamore, the U.S. channeled vast quantities of anti-tank and anti-air missiles to al Qaeda affiliates there. To this day, the U.S. actively supports the largest concentration of al Qaeda fighters on earth in Syria’s Idlib Province. It is outrageous to suggest that the U.S. is genuinely concerned that al Qaeda might reconstitute in Afghanistan, when we are their principal sponsors in Syria.”

Read the full interview here.


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Sen. Ron Johnson: 5 Questions for FDA About Pfizer Vaccine Approval

August 30th, 2021 by Children’s Health Defense

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Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) on Thursday sent a letter to Dr. Janet Woodruff, acting commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), demanding answers to five questions pertaining to the FDA’s approval of the Pfizer Comirnaty COVID vaccine.

The FDA on Aug. 23 granted full approval to Pfizer’s vaccine, over the objections of some scientists who pointed out that full approval was based on only six months’ worth of data — despite clinical trials designed for two years — and that there was no public discussion of the data.

In his Aug. 26 letter, Johnson asked questions similar to those raised earlier this week by Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dr. Meryl Nass about the legal distinction between the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine being administered under Emergency Use Authorization, and Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine, which was granted full licensure.

In his letter, Johnson asks these five questions:

1. Why didn’t the FDA grant full licensure for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine that is in use and available in the U.S.?

2. How are the Comirnaty and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines “legally distinct” and what are the “certain differences”?

3. There is no doubt that the FDA’s action will lead to more vaccine mandates and increased pressure on those currently choosing not to get vaccinated. Your letter to Pfizer suggests that “there is not sufficient approved vaccine available for distribution.” Is there sufficient supply in the U.S. of the Comirnaty vaccine to ensure that those being vaccinated under mandates will be receiving the FDA-approved version? Or is it more likely (or certain) that they will be vaccinated using the vaccine administered under the reissued EUA?

4. If there is insufficient supply of Comirnaty vaccines for those succumbing to the coercion of mandates, isn’t the FDA de facto endorsing vaccine mandates utilizing EUA vaccines?

5. Will individuals who receive either vaccine be afforded the same legal protections if they are injured by the vaccine? If not, why not?

This isn’t the first time Johnson has written the FDA about COVID vaccines. On Aug. 22, he sent a letter to Woodcock; Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH); and Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, director of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, criticizing the FDA’s decision not to hold a formal advisory committee meeting to discuss Pfizer’s application for full approval of its vaccine.

In July, Johnson held a news conference with families injured by the vaccines, during which he said the medical community was “repeatedly ignoring” the vaccine-injured.


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A judge in Cook County Illinois (which includes Chicago and some of the surrounding area) has taken away the parental rights of a woman due to her refusal to get vaccinated, according to Fox in Illinois.

In what all parties agree is a very unusual and perhaps unprecedented step, a judge at Chicago’s Daley Center has stripped Rebecca Firlit of custody due to her refusal to get vaccinated.

That’s the day Firlit appeared in court via Zoom, accompanied by her ex-husband, for a child support hearing involving her 11-year-old son. The two have been divorced for seven years and share custody and parenting time. Out of the blue, Cook County Judge James Shapiro asked her whether she had been vaccinated. Firlit told Shapiro she didn’t get vaccinated because she has had bad reactions to vaccines in the past.

Watch the video here.

Shapiro then ordered that Firlit be prevented from spending parenting time with her son until she gets vaccinated. Over the past two weeks, Firlit has been able to talk to her son on the phone and through video calls, but has been unable to see him in person.

“I think that it’s wrong. I think that it’s dividing families. And I think it’s not in my son’s best interest to be away from his mother,” Firlit said.

Firlit is now appealing the court order, saying the judge has no authority to take away her parenting rights over her vaccination status.

“It had nothing to do with what we were talking about. He was placing his views on me. And taking my son away from me,” Firlit said.

Her attorney, Annette Fernholz, claimed the judge has overstepped his authority.

“In this case you have a judge, without any matter before him regarding the parenting time with the child deciding ‘Oh, you’re not vaccinated. You don’t get to see your child until you are vaccinated.’That kind of exceeds his jurisdiction,” Fernholz said.


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EPA: Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm Vast Majority of All Endangered Species

August 30th, 2021 by Center For Biological Diversity

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Three neonicotinoid insecticides likely harm all of the country’s 38 protected amphibians and roughly three fourths of all other endangered plants and animals, according to long-anticipated studies released today by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Neonicotinoids are the most popular insecticides used in the United States. Hundreds of studies have shown they play a major role in population-level declines of bees, birds, butterflies and freshwater invertebrates. Today’s draft biological evaluations represent the first time the EPA has evaluated the chemicals’ potential to harm the nation’s most imperiled plants and animals.

“Now the EPA can’t ignore the fact that these popular insecticides are wiping out our country’s most endangered plants and animals,” said Lori Ann Burd, environmental health director at the Center for Biological Diversity. “Neonicotinoids are used so widely, and in such large quantities, that even the EPA’s industry-friendly pesticide office had to conclude that few endangered species can escape their toxic effects.”

The EPA’s draft biological evaluations analyzed three neonicotinoids: clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam.

Nearly 80% of all endangered species — 1,445 different kinds of plants and animals — are likely to be “adversely affected” by imidacloprid, and the pesticide will adversely modify the designated critical habitats of 658 species. For thiamethoxam, 1,396 (77% of all) endangered species are likely to be adversely affected, and the pesticide will adversely modify the designated critical habitats of 644 species. About two thirds of all endangered species, 1,225, are likely to be adversely affected by clothianidin, and the pesticide will adversely modify the designated critical habitats of 644 species.

“The EPA doesn’t need any more proof. It should ban neonicotinoids right now,” said Burd. “We’re in a heartbreaking extinction crisis, and neonicotinoids are playing an outsized role in driving it. Pollinator populations are declining nationwide. The American bumblebee, once the most common bumblebee in the country, has declined by an estimated 89% in just the past 20 years. There are more Starbucks stores than monarch butterflies in California. What will it take for the EPA to act on this information and ban these deadly chemicals?”

Neonicotinoids are used on hundreds of millions of acres of U.S. agricultural land. They can be directly sprayed or injected and are very commonly used as coatings on seeds planted on hundreds of millions of acres each year. As systemic insecticides, they’re absorbed by plants, making the entire plant deadly, including its nectar, pollen and fruit. They can persist in soil for years.

Species found to be harmed by all three of the neonicotinoids include rusty patched bumblebees, whooping cranes, Chinook salmon, northern long-eared bats and orcas.

Imidacloprid is also one of the two active ingredients in Seresto flea collars, implicated in the deaths of more than 1,700 family pets and under consideration for cancelation following a petition from the Center.

Authors of a major scientific review of the catastrophic decline of insects have said that a “serious reduction in pesticide usage” is key to preventing the extinction of up to 41% of the world’s insects in the next few decades.

For decades the EPA has steadfastly refused to comply with its obligations under the Endangered Species Act. It was finally forced to do this evaluation under the terms of legal settlements with the Center for Food Safety and the Natural Resources Defense Council.


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Featured image: Rusty patched bumblebee. Photo: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

A Political Windfall for the Taliban. Supported by the US

August 30th, 2021 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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The horrific terrorist strikes in Kabul on Thursday which killed at least 12 US servicemen and dozens of civilians will lead to a higher level of cooperation between the US and the Taliban. 

The commander of CENTCOM Gen. Kenneth McKenzie disclosed to journalists on Thursday that  the US was already sharing information on terror threats in Afghanistan with Taliban. As he put it, “We share versions of this information with the Taliban so that they actually make searches… We think they’ve thwarted some.”

The US is finally coming round to the Russian view that the real terrorist threat in Afghanistan stems from the Islamic State and not the Taliban — and, more importantly, Taliban can be a useful partner in the fight against the ISIS. 

The Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday that a communications mechanism between Russia and the US on Afghanistan has been established, and contacts are likely to continue. This follows a phone conversation earlier this week between Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev and the US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan to discuss the situation in Afghanistan.

The Taliban’s victory march into Kabul stunned the Biden administration. The immediate task at hand was to launch the evacuation of American citizens and thousands of Afghan nationals out of Kabul airport. The daunting security operation necessitated a working relationship with the Taliban — even as, on a parallel track, the Biden Administration began turning the screws to punish the victorious insurgents by cutting off their access to funds. 

On its part, the Taliban has remained largely cooperative. With the comfort level rising, President Biden deputed the CIA director William Burns to travel to Kabul on Monday to meet the Taliban’s political chief Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar. In retrospect, Burns’ mission would have been partly at least to sensitise Baradar about intelligence reports regarding an imminent terrorist threat to Kabul.

Indeed, President Biden himself said more than once in the recent days that the Taliban is an inveterate enemy of the ISIS — and vice versa. Biden probably signalled to the Taliban about a limited convergence of interests in working together. 

Already, in remarks to the press in Washington on August 25, Secretary of State Antony Blinken admitted that when it came to dealing with the Taliban government, America’s self-interests came first. In Blinken’s words,

“Going forward, we will judge our engagement with any Taliban-led government in Afghanistan based on one simple proposition: our interests, and does it help us advance them or not.” 

Blinken added,

“As a practical matter, it advances our interests” to engage with the Taliban, saying that an Afghan government that keeps its commitments to renouncing terrorism, protecting human rights, and allowing people to leave is “a government we can work with.”

Thus, it is to be expected that the terrorist attacks in Kabul will prompt a major rethink in Washington’s approach to the Taliban. What direction it will take remains to be seen. But at any rate, a deeper engagement with the Taliban has become a necessity for Washington for the simple reason that they are the compelling reality in Kabul and they control almost the entire Afghanistan — and happen to be implacably opposed to the ISIS and sundry other terrorist groups. 

Biden’s message was loud and clear when he threatened the ISIS from the White House yesterday:

“We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will hunt you down and make you pay.”

It means that ostracisation of the Taliban government in Kabul is no longer a viable option for the Biden Administration. 

At issue will be the terms of engagement. To be sure, the US will need a strong intelligence presence in Kabul. Thus, the reopening of the US embassy in Kabul may become unavoidable sooner rather than later. 

The Taliban are pragmatic. They’ll be positive toward the US overtures for engagement, as it can open the pathway for recognition of their government, enhanced international legitimacy, and, most important, access to blocked funds, and resumption of assistance by the international financial institutions such as World Bank and IMF as well as the UN agencies. 

An enhanced level of relationship with the US will go a long way to help the Taliban to consolidate its government and focus on governance. Clearly, there isn’t going to be space for any anti-Taliban resistance movement within Afghanistan. The Panjshiris will be smart enough to sense this.  

Suffice to say, the paradox is that the horrific events in Kabul on Thursday may turn out to be a political windfall for the Taliban. Afghanistan will remain a frontline state for Washington for a foreseeable future in terms of the potential threats to the US national security from terrorist groups. 

And counterterrorism will be the leitmotif of the new relationship between the US and Taliban. Of course, the quality of that relationship will depend increasingly on how far the Taliban government is receptive to the US expectations and demands on the security front. 

The human rights issues will inevitably get relegated to the back burner. Already, there is grudging acceptance in the West that a democratic transformation of Afghanistan is not to be expected and that prescriptive western values have few takers in that country. 

The question henceforth will be not whether Taliban has changed from the 1990s but rather how much it is willing to change. Taliban’s strategic autonomy as a manifestation of political Islam will be bolstered. The best hope would be that as time passes, and Taliban gathers experience in statecraft, it may assume some characteristics of the Muslim Brotherhood with whose ideologues based in Doha it would have had chance encounters in the recent years.  

However, for Biden himself, the Afghan debacle has seen a dramatic decrease in his approval rating from voters. As of now, polls show that a majority of Americans would prefer Biden to sit out the 2024 White House run. Meanwhile, any serious reverse in the mid-term elections next year would mean loss of control over Congress, which could cripple the presidency.  

There is a serious political crisis at home that Biden has to grapple with. To be sure, the recent events in Afghanistan will seriously affect the Biden administration’s attention span and capability to counter the challenge from China and Russia on the global stage. In fact, the Iran nuclear issue looms large as a huge challenge in immediate terms.

America’s credentials to lead its transatlantic allies are already under questioning. The G7 Leaders meeting on Tuesday exposed the fault lines. Two days later, the limits to US power were on full display in Kabul. 


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Featured image: US President Biden enters Roosevelt Room in the White House to give a statement on US withdrawal from Afghanistan, Aug 24, 2021 (Source: Indian Punchline)

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Important study first published on June 2020.

The Guardian has revealed the scandal behind the hydroxychloroquine study which was intent on blocking HCQ as a cure for COVID-19. “Dozens of scientific papers co-authored by the chief executive of the US tech company behind the Lancet hydroxychloroquine study scandal are now being audited, including one that a scientific integrity expert claims contains images that appear to have been digitally manipulated. 

The audit follows a Guardian investigation that found the company, Surgisphere, used suspect data in major scientific studies that were published and then retracted by world-leading medical journals, including the Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine.  ….

According to The Lancet:

… several concerns were raised with respect to the veracity of the data and analyses conducted by Surgisphere Corporation and its founder and our co-author, Sapan Desai, in our publication. We launched an independent third-party peer review of Surgisphere …  As such, our reviewers were not able to conduct an independent and private peer review and therefore notified us of their withdrawal from the peer-review process

The study was allegedly based on data analysis of 96,032 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 between Dec 20, 2019, and April 14, 2020 from 671 hospitals Worldwide. The database, according to the Guardian could not be verified. It was false.

“I am truly Sorry”

Surgishpere CEO Dr. Sapan Desai was not in charge of the study. The lead author was Harvard Medical School professor Mandeep Mehra:

“I did not do enough to ensure that the data source was appropriate for this use. For that, and for all the disruptions – both directly and indirectly – I am truly sorry.”

CEO Dr. Sapan Desai took the blame. Who was behind him?

The Surgisphere Scientific Scam. Who was behind it?  Who “commissioned” this Report? 

Was the pharmaceutical industry and vaccine lobby group behind this initiative?  The Lancet acknowledges that the study received funding from the William Harvey Distinguished Chair in Advanced Cardiovascular Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital which is held by Dr. Mandeep Mehra. In this regard, it is worth noting that Brigham Health has a major contract with Big Pharma’s Gilead Sciences Inc, related to the development of the Remdesivir drug for the treatment of COVID-19. The Gilead-Brigham Health project was initiated in March 2020.

Was the Surgisphere study intended to provide a justification to block the use of HCQ, as recommended by Dr. Anthony Fauci, advisor to president Trump? Upon reading the study (prior to its retraction),  “Dr Fauci, … grinned as he told CNN that “the data shows hydroxychloroquine is not an effective treatment …”Referring to the Surgisphere report: “The scientific data is really quite evident now about the lack of efficacy for it [HCQ],” said Dr. Fauci. (quoted by CNN).

Here is the CNN’s authoritative assessment of Surgisphere’s  report (prior to The Lancet’s Retraction):

“Seriously ill Covid-19 patients who were treated with hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine were more likely to die or develop dangerous irregular heart rhythms, according to a large observational study [by Surgisphere] published Friday [May 22, 2020] in the medical journal The Lancet.

And Did CNN “retract” its earlier endorsement of  this “fake scientific study”? 

Dr. Anthony Fauci who is the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has from the very outset led the campaign against hydroxychloroquine (largely on behalf of Big Pharma) invoking similar “scientific arguments” against HCQ, saying categorically there was no cure to COVID-19, and the only solution was the vaccine.

According to the Spectator:

The campaign to destroy hydroxychloroquine has been waged relentlessly, both by competitor pharmaceutical companies and those who want to destroy the US economy to advance their political agenda. It is shocking that it has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and billions of taxpayer dollars. But although the corruption of science for political and/ or financial gain has become a defining characteristic of our age, it is not a new story.

The publication of the Surgisphere study had an immediate impact: According to the Guardian, “Surgisphere data led to global trials of hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19 being halted in May, because it appeared to show the drug increased deaths in Covid-19 patients”.

“Higher Risks of Death” if you take HCQ, according to the study. In the days following the fake Surgisphere Lancet report on May 22, several countries including Belgium, France, Italy, acted to halt the use of hydroxychloroquine. The study had concluded patients taking the anti-malaria drug had a higher risk of death than those who were not taking the medication

It is worth noting that prior to the conduct of the Surgisphere study, Dr. Fauci stated categorically that the use of HCQ had not been studied in relation to the coronavirus. “No proven drug”: “Not Enough Known”Nonsensical and false statements.

What Fauci failed to mention is that Chloroquine had been “studied” and tested fifteen years ago by the CDC as a drug to be used against coronavirus infections.  Chloroquine was used in 2002 and tested against SARS-1 coronavirus in a study under the auspices of the CDC published in 2005 in the peer reviewed Virology Journal. The main conclusion of the article was that:  Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread. It was used in the SARS-1 outbreak in 2002. It had the endorsement of the CDC.

The main author Dr. Martin J. Vincent together with several of his colleagues were affiliated with the Special Pathogens Branch of the Atlanta based CDC together with co-authors from a Montreal based partner research institution.  The main conclusions of this study are that Chloroquine is a tested drug and can be used for SARS-corona virus infections.

Dr. Anthony Fauci has not put forth a treatment which could be applied against COVID-19. What he is saying is that there is no treatment. And then he endorses the fake scientific study by Surgisphere which was subsequently retracted by The Lancet.

Dr. Anthony Fauci has been deliberately blocking a drug which was endorsed by the CDC 15 years ago for treatment of SARS-1 Coronavirus. More recently, it has been used extensively in a number of countries in relation to the Coronavirus or SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) outbreak. Whose interests is he serving?


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Most Vaccinated Countries Have Most COVID Cases

August 29th, 2021 by Rodney Atkinson

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Global Research Editor’s Note

Important and carefully research article by Rodney Atkinson revealing the data.

The causality remains to be fully ascertained.  There is another important factor which must be investigated.

Vaccinated persons suffering from injuries will seek medical attention at a health clinic or at the hospital where he/she was vaccinated. These  individuals will immediately be subjected to a medical diagnosis as well as to a routine RT-PCR test, which will contribute to pushing up the number of Covid positive cases.

It’s statistics 101. It pertains to “probabilities”. The probability of a vaccinated individual suffering from adverse effects (seeking medical attention) being subject to the PCR-test (in a clinic or a hospital) is much higher than that pertaining to a healthy unvaccinated individual.

Moreover, there is rising trend in vaccine deaths and injuries which the health authorities are anxious to obfuscate.

Ask yourself. What is the cause of  this trend among the vaccinated? The SARS-2 Delta Variant or the Killer Vaccine?

The vaccinated person subjected to the flawed RT-PCR test is categorized as “positive” or is diagnosed as a “probable” Covid-19 positive. And the numbers of covid positive cases assigned to the “vaccinated” go fly high.

In turn, in the US, the “certifiers” are instructed to indicate Covid-19 as “the underlying cause of death” “more often than not”. And no autopsy is allowed.

The deaths and injuries resulting from the mRNA vaccine are now being assigned to the “deadly” SARS-2 Delta Variant.
Michel Chossudovsky, August 28, 2021



The most vaccinated countries have the most cases and deaths per million population and the least vaccinated countries have the fewest cases and deaths per million population.

Devastating Israel figures show 80-90% of cases are vaccinated and an Oxford University study shows the vaccinated could be super spreaders. This was all predicted by leading authorities in the field but on both sides of the Atlantic Government vaccine lies continue.

As Dr Janci Lindsay, MD Toxicology & Molecular Biology, Technology Support Services LLC asserts:

“It is the vaccinated not the unvaccinated spreading the mutant variants” (thus confirming Nobel Prize Winner Professor Luc Montagnier’s theory – RA) This is what has happened with numerous other “leaky” (non neutralising) vaccines. The classic example is Marek’s Disease in chickens. I warned the CDC (the USA Centre for Disease Control) of this in April this year. Other scientists warned the CDC  as well“

I have compiled these tables below which set out the cases per million population and the deaths per million population of, firstly, the most vaccinated countries and secondly the least vaccinated countries. The final column in the first table is the date at which the country started vaccinations and after which the majority of all their cases and deaths occurred.Only in Saudi Arabia did the majority of cases occur before the vaccination start date but the cases did start to rise again after that.

I took the stats on the 12th August 2021. Average cases for the most vaccinated countries stood at 77,491 per million compared to only 19,672 in the least vaccinated. Average deaths in the most vaccinated countries were 1,647 per million compared to only 427 deaths in the least vaccinated.

To those who would counter that “naturally the worst affected countries would ensure the most vaccinations which is not the same as the vaccinations causing the cases” I would point to the majority of ALL their cases occurring AFTER they started vaccinating – the start date is in the third column.

Most Vaccinated Countries (More than 50%)

Least Vaccinated Countries (less than 23%)

After 8 months of frenetic vaccination activity there was a total for the EU/UK/USA of  34,052 Covid-19 injection related deaths and over 5.46 million injuries reported as at 1 August 2021. The above country figures are backed up by detailed evidence from Israel and the UK of vaccine induced deaths and/or the failure of vaccines to protect the vaccinated.

In the UK between 1st Feb 2021 and 2 Aug 2021 deaths within 28 days of positive specimen were 402 for the (double) vaccinated but only 253 for the unvaccinated. See this.

Vaccinated More Infectious

A groundbreaking preprint paper by the prestigious Oxford University Clinical Research Group, published Aug. 10 in The Lancet makes a complete mockery of the dangerous and ignorant corporations and governments who are seeking to punish the unvaccinated and promote the vaccinated. DELTA AIRLINES in the USA for instance is charging their unvaccinated employees a $200 a month “health insurance”.

But this study found vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated. Vaccinated individuals therefore carry unusually high viral loads without becoming ill making them into presymptomatic superspreaders. 

So DELTA should be charging the vaccinated – or indeed stopping them from coming to work as a danger to everyone else.

Israel’s Vaccine Disaster

Israel is one of the most highly vaccinated countries in the world and yet by far the greatest number of cases are in the vaccinated. If the vaccine had been effective of course the vast majority of the cases would be in the unvaccinated. But in the period 27th June to July 3rd 79% of the cases in the 20-29 age group were in vaccinated people ranging up to 100% in the 90+ age group.

This was a process over the period of vaccinations whereby between January 2021 and July 2021 the number of monthly cases in the unvaccinated fell by 99% (65,252 to 257)  while the cases in the vaccinated fell by only 58% (3,057 to 1271). and it was the vaccinated who happen to develop symptoms by a ratio of 5:1. It is the vaccinated who are more likely to be hospitalised and develop critical illness.

Takes a few months for vaccine dangers to show: see this.

What Is the Real Deaths from Vaccine Figure?

Public Health Scotland have revealed that 5,522 people have died within twenty-eight days of having a Covid-19 vaccine within the 6 months Dec 2020 to June 21) in Scotland alone. 

This equates to an average of 920 deaths occurring every month due to the Covid-19 vaccines in Scotland alone. A freedom of information request made on the 30th January asked the Scottish Government to reveal the total number of people who had died of Covid-19 since March 2020. To which the Scottish Government responded on the 11th March 2021 with –

“The answer to your question is 596 deaths involving COVID-19 has been registered where there was no pre-existing medical condition between March 2020 and January 2021” . That is 85 per month and less than one tenth of the vaccine deaths reported.

Considering that up to August 2021 there are supposed to be only 1550 deaths in the whole of the UK (Scotland, England, Wales and  Northern Ireland, this makes the UK Government reporting system look fraudulent in the extreme. Allowing for the far greater population in England suggests 57,000 deaths in the UK as a whole.

This should be no surprise since a 2009 Harvard study showed that only 1% of adverse reactions were being officially registered in the USA and a statistician whistleblower in the US (with access to Medicare and Medicaid reports) is on record as claiming that the deaths from the vaccine are probably 5 times the reported figure. Many in the UK have reported that deaths of which they knew were not registered on the system.

Vaccine Lies from the NHS and the USA’s FDA

The official NHS statement of side effects from the COVID vaccines is:

“Most side effects are mild and should not last longer than a week, such as:

  • a sore arm from the injection
  • feeling tired
  • a headache
  • feeling achy
  • feeling or being sick

You may also get a high temperature or feel hot or shivery 1 or 2 days after your vaccination” See this.

In the USA the FDA also lies about vaccine effects:

“The most commonly reported side effects by those clinical trial participants who received Comirnaty were pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, fatigue, headache, muscle or joint pain, chills, and fever.”

We know from the over 34,000 deaths and over a million serious side effects on both sides of the Atlantic that these statements are criminally negligent outright lies.

Does the British NHS not talk to Public Health England?

In the UK according to PHE the report between the 1st February 2021 and the 15th August 2021 there have been 390 deaths among the unvaccinated population and the fully vaccinated population has suffered a total of 679 deaths.

To be aware of these deaths, never mind the serious thrombosis and heart inflammation effects especially on young peopleand still consider vaccinating 12-15 years olds is criminal behaviour by any standards.

The sooner the “Nuremberg 2” trials begin the better. These State and medical elitists must be made accountable.


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Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

Cuba Confronting US-led Subversion

August 29th, 2021 by Arnold August

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There is abundant evidence of direct foreign influence on the July 11 demonstrations. Yet a month later there is still a healthy debate going on, including opposing views among Cuban revolutionaries and Communist Party of Cuba members about its significance and how to interpret these unprecedented demonstrators.  The controversy to be found in an online discussion in Cuban pro-government media has been building up since July 11 to now.

Anti-Cuban Government Cyber Warfare Originating in Spain, Argentina and the US

Expert cyber analyst in Spain Julián Macías Tovar points out that the operation made intensive use of bots and new accounts recently created for the occasion, intending to make a chorus for #SOSCuba. The bot is a software application that runs automated scripts over the Internet. Typically, bot tasks are simple and repetitive, much faster than a person could type text.  More than 1,500 of the accounts that participated in the operation with the hashtag #SOSCuba were created between July 10 and 11. The first account that used the hashtag #SOSCuba was one located in Spain. It posted more than a thousand tweets on July 10 and 11, with an automation of five retweets per second.

Tovar analyzed the more than two million tweets using the hashtag #SOSCuba that started asking for “humanitarian aid” given the increasing COVID-19 deaths. This campaign was spurred on by the participation of artists and thousands of newly created accounts and bots that produced mobilizations in the streets. Tovar points out that the campaign was carried out for artists to participate with the HT #SOSCuba.

There is a history of some artists in Cuba falling prey to hostile foreign appeals. Just in recent history last year, the San Isidro Movement (SIM) arose composed of “artists” and caught the attention of a foreign audience just as the July 11 events. It took place during the [US] election period era. The SIM used pro-Trump slogans such as Vote Trump! Invade Cuba!  It was not only financed by US democracy promotion programs, but it enjoyed the logistical support of the American Embassy in Havana who ferried some leaders to their encampment.

During the presidential elections last year, no one can forget Biden opposition to Trump’s foreign policy. However, Biden only stressed that Trump acted indecently, while Biden would bring decency back to the White House. Did this stop Biden from changing course on Cuba policy? We now know that the US Cuba policy is bipartisan. Thus, it should come as no surprise that on March 12, 2021, under Biden, Julie Chung, Acting Assistant Secretary of State, met with the SIM through an internet conference. She concluded: We enjoyed an open exchange of views on free expression, assembly, media and culture.  [I] heard about the San Isidro Movement. We salute Cuba’s brave champions of democracy and human rights.”

On July 11, the first demonstration in San Antonio de Los Baños, a small town west of Havana was publicized in the United States by the account of one named Yusnaby with thousands of retweets, As Tovar points out:

“Curiously Yusnaby (Latin American pronunciation of Navy which pronounces the “V” as a “B”) is the account that comes out by far the most in my threads because it is one of the patterns of automated fake accounts that spread hoaxes and hate campaigns.”

So, I investigated him on my own. His real name is Eduardo “Yusnaby” Perez. He was born in Cuba and emigrated to the US. Not long after arriving there, he procured a job as a journalist with Cuba Net (financed by the CIA through the National Endowment for Democracy), Univision as the most important outlet in Spanish based in Miami and broadcast for Latin American residents in Miami and the population in Latin America and others.

The Argentinean Agustín Antonetti is a leading member of the right-wing Fundación Libertad. He is very active in the current #SOSCuba campaign. He has #SOS Cuba as his Twitter banner. Antonetti has been an active participant in the campaigns of hoaxes and bots in social networks against left-wing governments in Latin America such as the very moderate Mexican President Manuel López Obrador (AMLO). To indicate how extremist Antonetti is, on July 24, 2021, he attacked AMLO for his public position in defence of Cuba. AMLO said:

“”We can agree or not with the Cuban Revolution and its government but having resisted 62 years without subjugation is quite a feat. … For their struggle in defence of the sovereignty of the country, I believe that the Cuban people deserve the prize of dignity. And the island should be considered the new Numantia [an ancient Iberian Peninsula city that clashed with Ancient Rome] for its example of resistance. And I think that it should be declared a World Heritage site for the same reason.”

So, we have sources in the US, Spain and Argentina pushing #SOSCuba. Thus, on July 11, protests broke out with hundreds of thousands of tweets and the participation of many artists’ accounts. #SOSCuba became a global trend in several countries including the US.

The international corporate media then stepped in to amplify and make visible the #SOSCuba in print and television.

The Debate in Cuba: But Where are the so-called “Critical Communist” Groups?

In a recent telephone conversation with a colleague in Cuba who specializes in cyber warfare, he reports that in Cuba, 54.3% of the population use smartphones, 54,3% use social media 55.5 % and 68,0% have internet access. In response to a devil’s advocate question on the possibility that the important increase in internet usage in Cuba acts as a double-edged sword. He responded: “It can be said that although internet access has increased, that this is very positive, it also has the negative effect of providing, for the counterrevolution, access to the population, especially to the young people.”

To shed more light on the participation of ordinary Cubans on July 11, that is those that support the government but are exasperated, it was imperative to consult the pro-government website Cuba Debate. It carries articles that are not necessarily published in the official outlets such as the Communist Party of Cuba’s Granma. An article by the very well respected and famous Communist Party of Cuba (CPC) member Fabián Escalante was just what we needed. He is a Major General (retired) and former head of the Cuban Intelligence services. He is the author of several books on the US intelligence services against Cuba and has investigated the assassination of John F. Kennedy from the Cuban prism. Cuba is facing not only the open onslaught of the Biden administration but also the so-called “left” in Cuba. Speaking in the name of “critical communist” groups, they spread false rumours that these groups are repressed by Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel. The principal message however is that within the CPC there is no debate, that opposing views are not tolerated. Based on experience since 1997 in Cuba, this author can state without any hesitation, that if there is a country that not only allows debate, but fosters it, it is Cuba, and this includes within the CPC. Thus, the “critical communists” are most harmful because they give credibility to the US narrative that Cuba is a dictatorship, but from the “left!” What a godsend for the US.

In Escalante’s article entitled “Reflections on Cuba’s Reality,” his very first sentence initiates with a controversial statement. “The social outburst of the past July 11 of this year was, without doubt, a shock to all of us and not precisely for the lack of evidence and signs.” The mainstream Cuban media do not refer to July 11 as a ‘social outburst,” as this appellation indicates that many Cubans who are not against the Cuban government did participate.

The author then goes on to indicate the difficult situation caused by the spike in Covid-19 and the blockade. Another critical comment: “We should also add the difficulties in the necessary food and medicine supplies that cause long lines to get products, a new kind of mob that operates a black market born as a direct result, and the mistakes caused by the delayed implementation of economic measures approved long-ago, including food production.” Thus, in this last phrase, he highlights the reality of avoidable delays in reforms.

This follows another startling sentence by Escalante, which coincides with this author’s own experience in Cuba. He writes:

“Due to our insufficient political and patriotic efforts, there is a depoliticized young group of the population that cannot understand the need to resist imperial policies. They long to have a better life and cannot find a quick way to achieve their goals.”

While saying that “the United States and its fascist government are the first culprits,” he also asserts that 

“It is essential to acknowledge that we are also responsible for the mistakes we made that demand a critical analysis, not only superficial allusion. We must deepen our knowledge of their reasons, their root causes, and how to solve them.”

How come the “critical communists” can not participate in this debate within the CPC and its own “critical communists” such as Escalante? After all, the “critical communists” also demand a “critical analysis”.  The only explanation is that the main grudge that they hold is not with the US, but rather with the CPC and its First Secretary Díaz-Canel. The “critical communist” appellation is just for window dressing.

Nonetheless, Escalante goes further in his critical analysis that “in November 2005, Fidel showed and warned us in a speech at the University of Havana that the Revolution itself could only destroy the Revolution.” He is referring to the speech whereby Fidel pointed out that the US on its own cannot defeat the revolution, it can only come to end by self-destruction from within as a result of Cuba’s own mistakes.

Thus, he continues:

“The call to the revolutionaries and communists must be to move into action, to the front line of combat: to fight the counterrevolutionaries inside and outside the country, to fight bureaucracy and apathy. To fight what is wrong, to fight disappointment and distrust.”

A lot is being said about “eyewitness” reports from Cuba. However, does this eyewitness report and analysis by Escalante not qualify? He writes:

“The combat and confrontation of ideas are taking place today at the base of society, in the block [street blocks of several streets organized by the Committees in Defense of the Revolution], in the neighbourhood in the community. It is there where the Party and the social and mass organizations must and have to battle, not to oppress, but to convince, to explain, and if necessary, to inform the leadership of the Communist Party and the government about the difficulties, misunderstandings, and shortages.”

The debate is ongoing and merits the attention of the supporters of the Cuban Revolution all over the world.


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Published on The Internationalist 11th Issue (India) (Paywall), August 2021

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There’s a good chance that California — a solidly blue state — will get a right-wing Republican governor as a result of the September 14 recall election. If Gov. Gavin Newsom is recalled, the health, civil rights and future of Californians — and people across the country — will be profoundly threatened. It is also possible that Newsom’s defeat could change the balance of power in the U.S. Senate, since the next California governor may be in a position to appoint a senator.

In defending his governorship, Newsom emphasizes that a GOP leader would likely roll back progressive reforms.

“The recall is an attempt by national Republican and Trump supporters to force an election and grab power in California,” Newsom’s ballot statement in the Official Voter Information Guide says. “The leaders of the Republican recall seek to repeal California’s clean air protections, roll back gun safety laws and take away health care from those who need it.”

Newsom cited his efforts to fight racism and police violence in an interview with the San Diego Union-Tribune:

California has fought systemic racism and fought to infuse our justice system with more safety and equality…. I’ve signed into law the nation’s strongest police use-of-force standard; outlawed private, for-profit prisons and immigration detention centers; banned all chokeholds in California; passed the nation’s first bill requiring independent investigations by the attorney general of all police shootings of unarmed individuals; and passed legislation to reform California’s juvenile justice system, break the school to prison pipeline, and phase out state-operated youth prisons.

Right-wing forces behind the recall were aided by the pandemic, gaining more time than usual to collect signatures to place the recall election, estimated to cost taxpayers $276 million, on the ballot. Newsom is also suffering from a self-inflicted wound stemming from the pandemic. Although he was the first governor to issue a mask mandate, which was popular with most Californians, he attended a dinner in November at the upscale French Laundry restaurant with no masks or social distancing, giving rise to charges of hypocrisy.

Even though Republicans make up just 24 percent of registered California voters, a CBS News poll released on August 15 indicated that Newsom has only a slim lead, within the margin of error, among likely voters. Republicans will probably vote at a greater rate than Democrats because California Democratic Party leaders didn’t initially take the recall seriously and dragged their feet while Republicans were mobilizing.

Right-Wing Republican Larry Elder Leads the GOP Pack to Replace Newsom

Trumpster radio talk-show host Republican Larry Elder is the front-runner among the 46 candidates vying to replace Newsom if the latter is recalled. Elder — who mentored Trump’s anti-immigrant adviser Stephen Miller — denies the existence of systemic racism, inaccurately describes Black people as crime-prone, and opposes sanctuary laws and citizenship for Dreamers. He is against vaccine and mask mandates and doesn’t take the climate crisis seriously. Elder opposes gun control, any minimum wage, paid family leave and has called Roe v. Wade “one of the worst decisions that the Supreme Court ever handed down.”

California is a national leader in moving away from fossil fuels, which drive global warming and exacerbate wildfires. But Elder said he would end the “war on oil and gas,” reduce regulation of fracking, and de-emphasize solar and wind power.

Meanwhile, if Elder is elected, “[t]he threat to immigrants in this state and racial justice for all would be catastrophic,” Jean Guerrero wrote in the Los Angeles Times.

Little-known Democrat Kevin Paffrath is running neck-in-neck with Elder. His “grab bag of ideas includes a few that appeal to Democrats (like marriage equality, higher teacher pay and promotion of solar and wind farms),” according to Norman Solomon. But Paffrath “features a lot of pseudo-populist notions that would do tremendous damage if implemented.” Indeed, Brooke Staggs writes that Paffrath wants “to make all coronavirus safety measures optional, to ditch income tax for anyone making less than $250,000, to use the National Guard to get all unhoused Californians off the streets and to give trained gun owners more rights.”

A GOP Governor Could Replace Senator Feinstein With a Republican

The Democrats have a razor-thin majority in the U.S. Senate. There are 50 Republicans, 48 Democrats and two Independents who caucus with the Democrats. If they are split 50-50 on a vote, Vice President Kamala Harris breaks the tie. A simple majority can confirm judicial nominations and enact funding legislation.

In the event that 88-year-old Sen. Dianne Feinstein dies or cannot continue to serve, the governor of California could replace her with an appointee of their choice for at least 14 months following the certification of the recall election. A new GOP governor could appoint a new senator from California, resulting in a Republican majority in the Senate. Solomon suggests that Feinstein resign to enable Governor Newsom to replace her with a Democrat, but admits that is “highly unlikely.”

California’s Recall System Is Unfair and Unconstitutional

California’s recall system is unfair and unconstitutional, as Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky and Berkeley law and economics professor Aaron S. Edlin explain in a New York Times op-ed on August 11. “Mr. Newsom can receive far more votes than any other candidate but still be removed from office,” they wrote. “Many focus on how unfair this structure is to the governor, but consider instead how unfair it is to the voters who support him.”

If Newsom doesn’t defeat the recall by a majority, he can be replaced by a candidate who receives only a plurality. For example, if 49 percent of voters vote against the recall, Newsom is out and a candidate such as Elder could win the governorship with just 20 percent of the vote or even less.

That’s because Article II, Section 15(c) of the California Constitution reads: “If the majority vote on the question is to recall, the officer is removed and, if there is a candidate, the candidate who receives a plurality is the successor. The officer may not be a candidate.”

“Based on virtually every opinion poll, Mr. Newsom seems likely to have more votes to keep him in office than any other candidate will receive to replace him,” Chemerinsky and Edlin noted. “But he may well lose the first question on the recall, effectively disenfranchising his supporters on the second question.”

They wrote, “Every voter should have an equal ability to influence the outcome of the election.” Chemerinsky and Edlin advocate the filing of a state or federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of California’s recall election. They propose, “The court could declare the recall election procedure unconstitutional and leave it to California to devise a constitutional alternative. Or it could simply add Mr. Newsom’s name on the ballot to the list of those running to replace him.”

Three days after the op-ed was published, on August 14, two California voters filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court, Central District of California challenging the constitutionality of the recall process. Plaintiffs R.J. Beaber and A.W. Clark are claiming that Article II, Section 15(c) violates the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the U.S. Constitution because it does not comply with the federal legal principle of “one person, one vote.”

The plaintiffs are asking the court to declare that Section 15(c) is unconstitutional. They also request a preliminary injunction to either stop the election entirely or suspend it until Newsom’s name is added to the list of candidates who seek to replace him.

“Undoing an unconstitutional election after the fact would be considerably messier than fixing the process beforehand,” according to Chemerinsky and Edlin.

In order to obtain a preliminary injunction, the plaintiffs must demonstrate that they are likely to succeed on the merits, that they will likely suffer irreparable harm without preliminary relief, and that the injunction would be in the public interest.

All three conditions are met in this case. The plaintiffs will likely prevail on the constitutional issues they raise; they would be deprived of their rights to have their votes count and be given equal weight with all of the votes that favor the recall and a candidate other than Newsom; and it is always in the public interest to have constitutional elections.

The federal court should declare California’s recall system unconstitutional and/or issue a preliminary injunction to stop the election unless and until Newsom is listed as a candidate in part two of the ballot.

On August 20, the Los Angeles Times published a separate op-ed by Chemerinsky and Edlin, in which they note that it would be better to file a case directly in the California Supreme Court than in federal court. They cite three reasons to bring the case in state court: 1.) California law makes it easier for plaintiffs to show they have standing, which is the right to bring a lawsuit in court; 2.) As recently as last year, the U.S. Supreme Court held that federal courts should not involve themselves in election processes shortly before the vote; and 3.) California needs a fast and definitive resolution, which is more likely to occur in the California Supreme Court than in a federal court.

In their new op-ed, Chemerinsky and Edlin write that “the easiest solution is for the California Supreme Court to allow the recall election to go forward but hold that if Newsom is recalled, the lieutenant governor will then become governor until the expiration of Newsom’s term in January 2023.”

Meanwhile, we must recognize what is at stake if a right-wing minority succeeds in recalling Newsom. He would likely be replaced by someone who would make Californians more vulnerable to the deadly pandemic, violate the rights of immigrants and people of color, and imperil the future of the planet by refusing to take action to combat climate change.


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Copyright Truthout. Reprinted with permission.

Marjorie Cohn is professor emerita at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, former president of the National Lawyers Guild, and a member of the bureau of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers and the advisory board of Veterans for Peace. Her books include Drones and Targeted Killing: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues.  

She is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Zero Hedge

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As the United States Pentagon and State Department make a rapid disastrous evacuation from the Central Asian state of Afghanistan, another war is underway in the resource-rich Southern African state of Mozambique.

This threat to the national security of Mozambique and the entire region of Southern Africa, has gained almost no coverage in the western corporate and government-controlled media outlets.

Led by the Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO) ruling party since 1975, this former Portuguese colony has undergone tumultuous historical conjunctures over the last five centuries. As a coastal state, Mozambique proved to be a valuable source of profit through labor, agricultural and hydro-electric exploitation of its resources.

The independence movement took up weaponry after appeals for a peaceful transition to majority rule were closed within the context of the Portuguese colonial and fascist system of governance. Mozambique was administered from Lisbon as an overseas territory of this backward and waning European power which was allied with the U.S. within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Since late 2017, a group calling itself “al-Shabaab”, ostensibly not affiliated within the rebel organization of the same name in Somalia, has waged war on the Mozambican government and people. Cabo Delgado province is the focus of the insurgency which is the center of a natural gas development project.

Mozambique, along with other neighboring and contiguous states along the eastern and southeastern coast of Africa, such as Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania and Uganda, have experienced tremendous discoveries of natural gas and petroleum resources inland and offshore. Africa as a whole has for centuries been a source of strategic minerals and energy resources which have been hoarded by the world capitalist system.

Member-states of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), a 16-member regional federation which often takes similar political and economic positions on a variety of continental and international questions, had expressed grave concerns about the increasing instability in Mozambique. Later the government of the East African state of Rwanda offered assistance to Maputo in fighting the al-Shabaab rebels.

The French-based Total Energies corporation has invested heavily in the development of the Indian Ocean coastal area near Palma. Reports indicate that the project to produce Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) is currently valued at $US20 billion.

As a result of the fighting in Cabo Delgado around Palma, Total halted the LNG development project due to security concerns. Some media outlets in Mozambique have reportedly suggested that France is financing the military operations by Rwanda and other states from SADC.

Whether this is true or not, the recapture of Mocimboa da Praia has prompted confidence in the future security status of Cabo Delgado. The President of the African Development Bank (AfDB), M. Akinwumi Adesina, said in a recent statement that the project could resume within 18 months.

A report published by Reuters press agency quoted Adesina as saying:

“The return of security in that place will give assurances to Total and others to return. In one year to 18 months, I expect it to be stabilized enough to get back on track. It gave us real concern when Total declared force majeure and they had to move out. But you can understand because of the insecurity situation. Without security, you can’t have investment and you can’t have development.”

A meeting held in Maputo on June 23 involved several governments within the SADC region including Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Eswatini, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. This gathering approved the dispatching of the SADC Standby Force to Mozambique specifically to combat what they described as the terrorist threat in Cabo Delgado. The announcement was made by the outgoing Executive Secretary of SADC Dr. Stergomena Lawrence Tax.

The Executive Secretary did not provide a timetable as it relates to the length of the deployment to Mozambique. A document discussed during the special summit said that up to 3,000 troops from the SADC Standby Force will be sent into the country.

SADC States Involved in the Mozambique Deployment

Several regional states have announced publicly that they are sending troops into Mozambique in line with the security mission. $12US million has been allocated by SADC to cover the costs of the deployment.

The countries that have announced participation in the operation include Botswana, Tanzania, Angola, Lesotho and South Africa. The military Commander of the SADC mission is South African Maj. Gen. Xolani Mankayi. They will join the already 1,000 soldiers from Rwanda which were deployed after a meeting between Mozambique President Felipe Nyusi and his counterpart Paul Kagame.

According to a statement issued by SADC on July 17:

“H.E. Dr. Tax presented the instruments of authority as mandated by the SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government to the Force Commander of the SADC Mission in Mozambique. The Force Commander will work closely with the Special Representative of the Chairperson of the Organ on Politics, Defense and Security Cooperation. In her remarks, Dr. Tax highlighted that SADC has high confidence in the capabilities and abilities of the leaders who have been appointed to lead the SADC Mission to lead men and women in uniform to achieve the desired objectives of attaining peace and security in Cabo Delgado and creating a conducive peaceful environment for the people of Mozambique, and of the region at large. The Executive Secretary expressed SADC’s commitment to support the Mission to fulfill its mandate and urged the Force Commander and his team to perform their duties with zeal and diligence for the preservation of peace and security in Mozambique and the SADC region.”

A small contingent of women naval personnel from the Rwandan Defense Forces (RDF) have been sent into Mozambique along with their male counterparts. Lt. Yvonne Umwiza, the leader of the speed boat unit, told the international press that the women are carrying out the same responsibilities as men.

Umwiza was quoted as saying:

“There are no specific challenges here in Cabo Delgado for us as female soldiers. We face the same problems as the men and we are very well trained to perform our duties.”

A report from the United Nations World Food Program indicates that approximately one million people living in northern Mozambique are in need of food assistance.

Pan-Africanism and Regional Security in Within SADC

The challenge of ending the Islamist insurgency in northern Mozambique will be pivotal in the overall aims of fostering development and regional integration in the sub-continent. There is enormous precedent for unity among the SADC member-states which date back to the period of the 1970s and 1980s during the struggle against the racist settler-colonial regimes in Rhodesia, the colonies of Portugal which included Mozambique, Angola, Sao Tome and Principe, as well as South Africa and Namibia.

In 1980, the Southern African Development Coordinating Conference (SADCC) was formed in an effort to foster greater cooperation in economic and political spheres. Twelve years later in 1992, the successor Southern African Development Community (SADC) was launched in the newly independent Republic of Namibia. Since 1992, the region has taken on the formidable tasks of reversing the dependency and underdevelopment built into the political economy from the legacies of enslavement and colonialism.

The anti-terrorism mission in Mozambique is being carried out with what appears to be limited involvement from the U.S. and the European Union imperialist states. There are reports of training being provided by a handful of Pentagon Special Forces and EU military operatives. One private military contractor, Dyck Advisory Group, had earlier supplied helicopter air support to Mozambique’s police. However, its contract ran out in April and was not renewed by the government in Maputo. Moreover, the political direction of the mission has been established by the SADC Secretariat utilizing the SADC Standby Force working in conjunction with the RDF.


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Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of Pan-African News Wire. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from the author

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Action4Canada and the Constitutional Rights Centre are very pleased to announce that the Statement of Claim for the BC/Federal legal action has been filed.

On August 16th, 2021, Action4Canada formally filed legal action in the BC Supreme Court, to hold multiple parties accountable for their actions with respect to COVID-19 measures. The defendants include: the Government of Canada, the Government of British Columbia, various public health officers, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and others. Action4Canada is committed to defending faith, family and freedom.

Statement of Claim

Select here for the full Statement of Claim (PDF)

Action4Canada and the Constitutional Rights Centre believe the government is infringing on human rights and have exceeded their authority causing irreparable harm. Their actions appear to constitute criminal negligence, breach of trust, incitement of hatred, crimes against humanity committed against our elderly, our children and society at large, by withholding life-saving treatments, causing extreme psychological trauma due to the ordering of isolation, lockdowns, masking, social distancing and, without making full, true and plain disclosure of the known risks thereof, mandating and promoting dangerous experimental medical injections which they know, or ought to know, cause adverse reactions and death.

The government’s dictatorial and unlawful measures and their out-of-control spending, in response to COVID-19 are further destroying our businesses, our communities, and our economy. Many small businesses have been forced to close. Furthermore, the escalating national debt is putting the future of our children and grandchildren at risk.

The measures are in violation of the Constitution and nearly every section of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Canadians have “guaranteed” rights. Such as Section 7 of the Charter and 1(a) of the Bill of Rights; “the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice”.

The government’s actions are putting our sovereignty, national security, and our democracy at risk.


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Why Vaccine Passports Must be Rejected

August 29th, 2021 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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Illinois has launched Vax Verify, an online COVID jab verification portal for residents. Anyone over the age of 18 can use the portal to check and download their shot records for events and businesses that require it

Identity authentication on the Vax Verify portal is done using a one-time verification process through the financial credit score company Experian — a decision that suggests the vaccine passport will be connected with financial information in the future

At the end of July 2021, Thales announced a digital biometric ID wallet, designed to help you “access government services from anywhere.” Thales admits vaccination passports “will act as a precursor to the rollout of mobile digital IDs”

The plan is to collect and join together as much personal information as possible, and there’s no reason to think this data won’t be shared for control, social engineering and profit. That’s what Google, Facebook and other platforms have done for years

The Great Reset ties you to its new social control system through an electronic ID linked to your bank account, health records and social credit system, so that it can then be used to dictate every facet of your life


August 12, 2021, NBC Chicago reported1 the launch of Vax Verify, an online COVID jab verification portal for residents of Illinois. Anyone over the age of 18 can use the portal to check and download their shot records for events and businesses that require it. Illinois Department of Public Health director Dr. Ngozi Ezike said in a statement:

“As more businesses, events, organizations, and others require proof of vaccination, Illinois residents will be able to confirm using Vax Verify that they have been vaccinated for COVID-19. With the current surge in cases, more people are making the decision to get a COVID-19 vaccine and this new tool will aid residents in confirming their vaccination where needed.”

Will Your Medical Status and Finances Be Tied Together?

Identity authentication on the Vax Verify portal is done using a one-time verification process through the financial credit score company Experian — a decision that suggests your medical history and finances might become interconnected in the future.

This is risky territory, considering we’re already hearing calls to exclude unvaccinated individuals from society in any number of ways. For example, politicians, government officials, health authorities, media personalities and common folk have suggested making life untenable for the unvaccinated by:2

The way we’re going, it’s not hard to imagine a near future in which unvaccinated people aren’t allowed to hold a job, get an education, travel or even have access to basic financial services. Taken at face value, the rhetoric thrown around right now indicates the plan is to basically destroy the life of anyone who refuses to consent to be a part of this medical experiment.

This is as coercive as it can possibly get, and coercing volunteers to participate in human medical trials is strictly forbidden by both national and international bioethics laws.3,4,5,6 Yet it’s happening at scale that is nothing short of mind-boggling, and with full support of the U.S. government.

It’s Not ‘Just a Vaccine Passport’

For years, Naomi Wolf, author of the book, “The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot,” has warned that the United States is on the path toward tyranny. In the book, she lays out 10 steps toward tyranny that have been followed by virtually all would-be tyrants, be they on the political left or right. They were followed in Italy in the ’20s, Germany in the ’30s, East Germany in the ’50s, Chile in the ’70s, China in the ’80s, and worldwide right now.

The 10 steps toward tyranny start with the invocation of a terrifying internal and/or external threat. It may be a real threat or an imagined one, but in all cases, it’s a hyped-up threat. From 2001 onward, that threat was terrorism, which was used as the justification for stripping us of our liberties.

The “war on terror” has now shifted from unknown terrorists to an even more elusive enemy: the virus. And unlike previous wars, enemies of the state now include a nation’s own citizens.

Punishable acts of terror have also shifted from blowing things up with explosives to simply disagreeing with our government about medical matters and opposing irrational health recommendations. “Opposition to COVID Measures” is now actually on the Department of Homeland Security’s list of potential terror threats.7

In a March 28, 2021, interview with Fox News’ Steve Hilton, Wolf explained how vaccine passports will ultimately be used to control you and erase human liberty and freedom altogether:8,9

“‘Vaccine passport’ sounds like a fine thing if you don’t understand what those platforms can do,” she said. “I’m CEO of a tech company, I understand what these platforms can do. It is not about the vaccine, it’s not about the virus, it’s about your data.

Once this rolls out, you don’t have a choice about being part of the system. What people have to understand is that any other functionality can be loaded onto that platform … It can be merged with your Paypal account, with your digital currency.

Microsoft is already talking about merging it with payment plans. Your network can be sucked up. It geolocates you everywhere you go. Your credit history can be included. All of your medical and health history can be included …

It is absolutely so much more than a vaccine pass … I cannot stress enough that it has the power to turn off your life, or to turn on your life, to let you engage in society or be marginalized.”

Digital ID Wallet Is Here

That the Great Reset is upon us is clear. At the end of July 2021, Thales announced10 a digital biometric ID wallet, designed to help you “access government services from anywhere.”

The article explains how the last 18 months have led to the necessity for digital equivalent of services we’d normally access in person. Here, Thales spells out what has so far been brushed off as a conspiracy theory:11

“So-called digital ‘vaccination passports’ will play a key role in enabling citizens to access all manner of services and will act as a precursor to the rollout of mobile digital IDs.”

Thales admits that this is the intention behind the rollout of vaccine passports in the European Union. Thales further explains that the digital IDs will:12

  • Enable you to authenticate your identity
  • Allow you to keep multiple documents in one place
  • Combine identity verification and payments
  • Manage digital signatures, thereby enabling the execution of contracts remotely

If you look at the list of suggested punishments for lack of COVID injection, you can see how this technology could make all those processes more or less automatic. The vaccine passport simply becomes a digital ID wallet, and without a digital ID wallet, you simply cannot do anything or go anywhere.

If you’re upset that PayPal and other digital transaction services are shutting down your account based on your personal views and the things you read,13 just wait until your entire life is tied to a digital ID and you miss your monthly mystery injection.

You might just find yourself a nonperson all of a sudden, with no access to food, money or services of any kind — and probably no real human being to complain or object to either.

Of course, this digital ID will undoubtedly be tied to a China-inspired social credit score as well, so you might become a persona non-grata — an unacceptable and unwelcome outcast — simply by crossing the street illegally or failing to pick up your dog’s poop. Video surveillance with facial recognition is everywhere, and you already carry a geolocation tracker (or two) on your person.

Legal Remedies for Privacy Violations Are Lacking

That vaccine passports will violate your privacy is virtually guaranteed. As noted by MSNBC columnist Tiffany Li in an article titled, “The Risks of COVID ‘Vaccine Passports’ Are Scarier Than You Might Think”:14

“The lack of a federal privacy law leaves digital vaccine passports vulnerable to privacy breaches, they don’t solve the glaring problem of vaccination inequality, and, perhaps most dangerously, they risk reinforcing a system of haves and have-nots when our poor and marginalized communities are already suffering disproportionately in the pandemic …

So while vaccine passports could help hasten the end of the pandemic, they also come with severe risks to privacy, equality and civil liberties. There are ways to design vaccine passport apps to preserve as much individual privacy as possible.

But the problem with any solution is that we lack legal remedies for privacy violations and technological discrimination … There are few legal limits to what data a vaccine passport app could collect, and things get complicated if people feel forced to use the apps to re-enter society.

Of course, there are ways to solve these privacy and security problems. Vaccine passport apps should collect as little information as possible — and only information that is strictly necessary to verify vaccinations.

States and companies would need to promise not to sell the information collected by the apps — or, at the very least, not to sell the health information or other sensitive private information.”

Forget Privacy — You’ll Have None

Unfortunately, that’s not the plan. On the contrary, the plan is clearly to collect and join together as much personal information as possible, and there’s no reason to think this data won’t be shared for someone else’s profit.

That’s what Google, Facebook and other platforms have done for years. Big Data is an industry all its own, and they’re hardly going to forgo the chance to profit from the unprecedented amount of personalized data they can obtain from tapping into digital IDs. That seems a given at this point. Add to that the facts that:

  • We have a Rockefeller Foundation white paper15 stating that privacy must necessarily be loosened if we are to conquer biological threats
  • Biological threats are the new never-to-actually-end war because it’s the highway to the Great Reset
  • The Great Reset and subsequent technocratic rule depends on social engineering, and
  • Effective social engineering depends on big data from mass surveillance, combined with artificial intelligence

We’re Headed Someplace Few Want to Go

As explained by independent journalist James Corbett,16 the Great Reset ties you to its control system through an electronic ID linked to your bank account, health records and social credit system, so that it can then be used to dictate every facet of your life. If this pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that wannabe dictators don’t give power back to the people once they have it.

Once you’ve given up even a modicum of freedom, you have to fight tooth and nail to get it back. We see this in states all across the U.S. right now, where governors are still holding on to temporary emergency powers after more than 18 months. Freedom is simply never handed out, and protecting your freedom is a lot easier than getting it back once it’s been taken from you.

Also, understand that all the hardware, software, surveillance technology and artificial intelligence the technocrats need to run and ruin your life already exists. All they have to do is link everything together and tie all the various data points to each individual person. Once that’s done, you either obey whatever decree comes out next, or you’ll find yourself unplugged from the matrix that is everyday life.

In a January 7, 2021, article titled “Technocrats Embrace a New COVID Policy: Vaccine Passports,”17Mitchell Nemeth noted that “For now, the concept of a vaccine passport is only an idea in the abstract.” Fast-forward a mere seven months, and we’re already in the thick of it, with state and national governments around the world rolling out health passports and mandates to match.

At the time, Nemeth pointed out that the Chinese Communist Party was embracing the idea and urged countries to “harmonize” their policies with that of China, where QR codes are used to designate who may or may not enter public spaces, based on their infection status — using a test now known to produce mostly false positives.

China’s surveillance system is such they can track to the minute an infected person’s journey through the city, automatically tagging each and every person they came within 6 feet of along the way, so they can then get a no-go QR code and have to quarantine at home.

CDC Misled Us About Outdoor Transmission Risk

While we’re on the topic of transmission, I hope you watch Tucker Carlson’s report at the top of this article. He covers quite a bit of ground in just 15 minutes, including the revelation that the CDC lied when it claimed outdoor transmission accounted for “less than 10% of COVID cases” — a statistic that led to the recommendation to wear a mask when walking or exercising outdoors.

As it turns out, the 10% statistic was “based partly on a misclassification of some COVID transmission that actually took place in enclosed spaces,” according to The New York Times, which broke the story in early May 2021.18

“Saying that less than 10% of COVID transmission occurs outdoors is akin to saying that sharks attack fewer than 20,000 swimmers a year. (The actual worldwide number is around 150.) It’s both true and deceiving,” The New York Times said.

What’s more, even indoors, the transmission rate is exceedingly low — likely below 1% and possibly as low as 0.1%, Carlson reports. So, even indoors, your risk of getting infected is low, with or without a mask. Certainly, you accomplish nothing good by wearing it outdoors, particularly if you’re exercising.

‘Passports Don’t Prove Immunity; Only Compliance’

Getting back to the passport issue, in a mid-August 2021 blog post,19 independent journalist Sharyl Attkisson pointed out what should be obvious to everyone yet for some reason still isn’t: “Vaccine passports don’t prove immunity; only compliance.”

The reason is simple. The COVID shots don’t prevent infection or transmission. This is admitted by all COVID shot developers, the CDC and real-world infection data. Since the shots cannot prevent infection or transmission, those who have gotten the jab are no less of a risk to other people than an unvaccinated person. So, what public health benefit, exactly, does the vaccine passport offer?

“The only sure thing a vaccine ‘passport’ or verification proves is that somebody complied with advice or mandates,” Attkisson writes. “It does not guarantee that the person has any level of immunity. The person could be infected with COVID-19, and could be spreading it to others.

Meantime, absent from much public discussion is the broader and longer lasting immunity scientists believe is enjoyed by the 120 million+ Americans who have recovered with COVID (or been infected without showing any symptoms).

This group, according to the bulk of scientific data, generally has better protection than the group of vaccinated patients, particularly among the vaccinated for whom the vaccines are no longer proving as effective as the early months after the shots. What do you think is behind the push to require vaccination and passports, and ignore natural immunity?”

Commenters on Attkisson’s blog overwhelmingly thought the intention behind vaccine passports is power grabbing, population control and increasing the Big Pharma revenue stream. What’s your take?

How Might Vaccine Passports Affect Our Economy?

In closing, a blog post by the Birch Gold Group, a precious metal IRA specialist, delves into how vaccine passports might affect the financial realm and reshape the economic landscape:20

“Yes, it’s an official concern now … A mandatory ‘vaccine passport’ … Should a mandatory vaccine passport system be implemented, life will never be normal again … Such a program would mean that around half the country could be put in the position of hearing they have no right to employment or possibly even general interaction in trade because they won’t take the experimental jab …

Second, we have to consider what the immediate economic and financial effects will be in light of this conflict. For example, look at the amount of relocation and migration that has happened in the U.S. in the past year alone … As has been well documented, blue states are much slower in recovering economically when compared to red states with less restrictions. Not only that, but money moves with people. This is a hard reality …

But let’s say for a moment that vaccine passports were somehow implemented everywhere in the country at the same exact time. What would happen then? Well, the amount of bureaucracy that would be added between the average consumer and everyday trade would be immense, and with red tape comes a slowdown in business.

Whole new wings of the government would have to be created to track and enforce vaccine passports rules … Regular inspections of businesses would have to be enacted, and new taxes would have to be created to pay for the system …

The end result would be the complete disintegration of the small business sector … and of course many millions of jobs would be lost in the process. Less competition means ever increasing prices and a lower quality of goods and services …

Then again … [w]hen governments restrict domestic trade and limit consumer participation based on frivolous requirements, people … find other ways to get the things they need more freely. This means black market trade or barter markets, alternative currencies and sometimes entire underground economies …

And this is where the government disguise of humanitarianism will really fall away and true tyranny will be revealed … By providing services for each other, common people would be ‘opening the door’ to survival outside of the system, and if survival is possible, then non-vaccination is possible. Therefore, the argument will be made by the establishment that alternative economies need to be eliminated ‘for the good of society as a whole.’

There is always an excuse for totalitarianism. With a large portion of the population seeking a means to live without oppression, alternative markets will thrive, and the government will make war on them. Which means the people will be forced to make war on the government. It’s inevitable under every scenario …

Straight barter will be useful, but so will precious metals (especially gold and silver) along with other hard commodities with intrinsic value and utility. What I see in the near future is economic disaster in the wake of any attempt at a vaccine passport system. Millions will lose their jobs or quit their jobs in protest.

Small businesses will disappear under the weight of bureaucracy and constant scrutiny. The quality of goods and services will suffer as competition shrivels. But I also see the birth of a whole new economic system outside of the mainstream control grid. I see true free markets returning, and eventually, I see full blown rebellion.

What I suggest is that people get ready for this eventuality. We need to become producers again, rather than mere consumers. In order to position ourselves for success in the new trade environment we have to be able to make necessities, repair necessities or teach necessary skills. Those that are able to do this will do very well within alternative markets.”

Reject Vaccine Passports

Like the author of that Birch Gold piece, I see nothing positive coming from mandatory COVID injections and vaccine passports, only the destruction of lives and livelihoods. And that’s not even taking into account the potential destruction of people’s health.

Already, roughly half of the American population has put themselves at risk for serious health problems in the future, the full extent of which remains to be seen. Can the health care system survive such an onslaught?

Will the medical system even survive in the long term if worst-case predictions come true and people realize they’ve been duped by people they’ve been brought up to trust with their lives? And who’s going to pay for the medical carnage — again, if worst-case suspicions do come true?

The way out of this nightmare, I believe, is to just say “No” now, while there’s still enough of us to turn this tide around. Yes, you might lose your job. Don’t quit. Let them fire you and get the cause (vaccine refusal) in writing. Yes, you might not be able to fly on certain airlines for the time being, or go on a cruise this summer. This is about the long game. Any freedom you’re willing to give up today, you won’t get back tomorrow.

Remember, the vaccine passport/digital ID wallet will only remain valid as long as you’re in compliance with the rules of the day. Right now, the price of admission to society is one or two COVID shots. In a couple of months, it’ll be another shot. And then another, and then something else.

Once you’re get on this compliance treadmill, you cannot get off. You have to keep complying, no matter what’s asked, or lose your “privileges” — which used to be everyday freedoms we’ve taken for granted our entire lives. Is that really the life you want for yourself and your children?

If not, you have to be brave. The good news is that in this war, we don’t have to dodge bullets. But we do have to exercise moral courage, and simply say “No, I won’t give up my freedom. Not for a virus. Not for anything.”


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1 NBC Chicago August 11, 2021

2 August 12, 2021

3 The Belmont Report

4 Nuremberg Code of 1947

5 UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

6 WMA Declaration of Helsinki

7 Todd Starnes/NBC News August 14, 2021

8 Real Clear Politics March 29, 2021

9 The Epoch Times March 29, 2021

10, 11, 12 Thales Group July 29, 2021

13 New York Post July 29, 2021

14 MSNBC April 23, 2021

15 The Rockefeller Foundation, National COVID-19 Testing Action Plan — Strategic Steps to Reopen Our Workplaces and Our Communities, April 21, 2020 (PDF)

16 Corbett Report October 16, 2020

17 Medium January 7, 2021

18 New York Times May 11, 2021, updated May 25, 2021

19 Sharyl Attkisson August 16, 2021

20 August 4, 2021

Featured image is from The Freedom Articles

When Do Noble Lies Just Become Blatant Lies? Anthony Fauci

August 29th, 2021 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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A noble lie is paternalistic, or those where the deceiver must make an assumption that lying serves the best interest. Fauci claims misinformation and lies he shared may have been to influence behavior

Fauci’s first comments were that masks are not effective in the community, after which he recommended people wear one or even two masks; he stated the spread of the virus was unlike anything he’s seen before, but the varying severity of the illness he quotes are much like flu virus

In a video from a Senate committee, Jim Jordan, D-Ohio, quickly illustrates the change in Fauci’s position over gain-of-function research in the last 18 months, from “it never happened” to “it would have been negligent not to fund the lab”

Fauci has consistently been nudging up the percentage of people required to be vaccinated to achieve what he calls herd immunity. He started at 60% and currently believes it may need to reach 85%. “But I’m not going to say 90%” — right now, he says


The past 18 months has provided Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and chief medical adviser to the president of the U.S., ample opportunity to truthfully share information about an ongoing health situation. However, as his statements have been tracked, it appears he has not taken the higher path of truth that would have helped American’s make smart decisions.

Instead, he has engaged in what the daily online magazine Slate labeled “noble lies.” The writer asks this question: “Do we want public health officials to report facts and uncertainties transparently? Or do we want them to shape information?”1

Although this is a question only you can answer for yourself, Fauci’s inaccurate representation of the truth likely has a deeper meaning than what philosophers define as a noble lie. It may be difficult to untangle the reason behind the lies, but there are several theories as to why Fauci believes he can determine what is true and what is not.

The lab leak theory was first publicly proposed by then-President Trump2 and vehemently denied by Fauci. Experts postulate the reason the media did not further explore the idea was the announcement politically polarized it, burying the possibility it might be fully and independently investigated.3

Yet, objective accurate news reporting may only be an illusion since, as TechStartUps reports,4 six corporations control 90% of what is published in America as of September 2020. And, Vanguard and Blackrock are the top investors in each of those six corporations, namely Comcast,5 Disney,6ViacomCBS,7 News Corp,8 and AT&T.9

As you may note, there are only five corporations listed above. That’s because TechStartUps listed Viacom and CBS separately as the merger between the companies had only recently closed.10 In other words, the five or six supposedly competitive corporations vying for 90% of the American public are really controlled by two investment firms, Vanguard and Blackrock. And, in an interesting twist of events, Vanguard is the top investor in Blackrock.11

Whether Fauci is politicizing the truth, or the news media is picking and choosing the truth they tell you to serve their own financial needs, it is highly likely that what you read in mainstream news media is exactly what serves the purposes of an elite class that controls “what we read, watch or listen to.”12

What Is a Noble Lie?

The origin of a “noble lie” is from Plato’s Republic,13 a book written in 380 B.C., which essentially is a discussion of the meaning and nature of justice.14 Without getting too embroiled in the philosophical argument over truth and lies, it’s important to note that Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) was a central figure in the development of modern philosophy.15

His position was that lying was never morally acceptable,16 something few contemporary philosophers agree with. Philosophically, there are two lies that are generally believed to be acceptable. The first prevents catastrophic events and the second are “white lies,” where the consequences are considered by the speaker to be insignificant.17

A noble lie falls under the category of paternalistic lies. The American Psychological Association18states this about lies with paternalistic motives: “Many lies that are intended to help others require the deceiver to make assumptions about whether lying serves others’ best interest.”

In other words, Fauci may be functioning under the delusion that he has the right and responsibility of making an assumption about whether the lies he tells are serving the best interest of those who have the full capacity and capability of understanding the science and making up their own mind.

One of the Lies Began With Masking

Although Fauci’s string of lies about the public health response and origins of COVID-19 are far-reaching, some of the first he told were about the effectiveness of wearing masks to reduce the spread of the virus.

In the short video below, Rep. Jim Jordan, D-Ohio, gives a scathing account of Fauci’s vacillating recommendations regarding masking in public. Fauci was appointed the director of the NIAID in 1984, which you would think would make him an expert by 2020 on infectious disease transmission. However, he hasn’t been able to make up his mind during the entire pandemic what his “expert” advise is on mask wearing.

Fauci explained his first recommendation not to wear masks during a March 2020 “60 Minutes” interview, saying using a mask in the community was unnecessary, and specifically:19

“The masks are important for someone who is infected to prevent them from infecting someone else. There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is.

And often, there are unintended consequences. People keep fiddling with the mask and people keep touching their face.”

In other words, based on his expert knowledge, wearing a mask in the community would not be effective. But just three months later in an interview on TheStreet, Fauci justified changing his expert advice as he talked about some of the characteristics of the illness:20

“It is a very unusual infection. I’ve quite frankly never seen anything like it, where a single, well characterized virus in an individual is going to have a range of manifestations that go from being completely asymptomatic, no symptoms at all, to having a few symptoms that don’t bother you much to having symptoms that are enough to keep you home, to have symptoms enough to keep you in bed really feeling poorly for a couple of weeks to having the symptoms and signs of having to go to a hospital to then possibly having to go to intensive care and then to dying.”

The only thing is, as the director of NIAID who focuses on infectious diseases, Fauci has to have been aware of studies demonstrating the asymptomatic nature of other respiratory viral illnesses such as influenza21 and statements on the CDC website that flu “can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death.”22

In other words, while we know that a SARS-CoV-2 infection can trigger symptoms like flu, it seems odd that Fauci’s characterization of COVID-19 spread is something “I’ve quite frankly never seen anything like.”

Fauci Claims We Can Crush COVID as Vaccinated People Get Sick

During the same interview he said the reason he recommended not wearing masks in the beginning was to avoid mass panic that might lead to a shortage of masks for health care workers.23 Fauci’s unique brand of justifying behavior, like his flip-flopping over mask wearing, has also slipped into his reasoning for the shot program. In an interview with MSNBC, he says:24

“The delta variant is the totally dominant variant now in this country. More than 80 or 85%, and in some areas 95%, but even more importantly it is clear now that when there are breakthrough infections, namely people who are vaccinated but still get infected with the delta variant, which happens because no vaccine is 100% effective.

We’ve learned clearly now, without a doubt, that people who are vaccinated get a breakthrough infection, actually have enough virus in their nasopharynx, that they can actually transmit it to other people and have documented transmission to other people.”

From here he advises that all people who have been vaccinated to wear a mask indoors to prevent the spread of the infection. His explanation is that the delta variant has “changed the entire landscape.” However, as we know from other viruses, the coronavirus will continue to mutate and change, which means, from Fauci’s explanation, people will always be wearing masks to prevent the spread of a continually mutating virus.

The interviewer points out that as the virus continues to change, it means we won’t be able to “turn the page on coronavirus, because there might be new variants …”25 to which Fauci responds, “It doesn’t have to be if the overwhelming majority of the people in this country get vaccinated. We could nail this down by just crushing it.”26

So, within the space of four minutes Fauci said that without a doubt, people can get infected after vaccination and carry enough virus to transmit the infection — BUT — if the overwhelming majority of people are vaccinated the virus would be crushed.

Fact Checkers Believe What’s Missing Is Context

The evidence about mask effectiveness does not change based on one virus among well over 200 different types27 that affect the respiratory system. February 5, 2020, Fauci wrote in an email: “The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through the material.”28

June 2, 2021, under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), BuzzFeed received 3,234 pages of Fauci’s emails.29 Some of these emails concerned the changing mask recommendations for the community. The writer of a fact-checking article in USA Today wrote that guidance on masks and other mitigating measures were updated as scientists learned more about the virus.

Ultimately, the writer defends the information released through the FOIA, claiming that the emails are missing context.30 In other words the supposedly most superior infectious disease expert in the U.S. only developed a greater understanding about the effectiveness of masks against viruses, which have been used and studied for decades,31 as the SARS-CoV-2 infection evolved over 2020.

Half-Truths About Gain-of-Function Research and Herd Immunity

Gain-of-function research can make a pathogen more infectious or more lethal. The moratorium on gain-of-function research that began in October 2014 was lifted in 2017 so federal money could once again be used for this purpose.32 In this short video, Jordan quickly illustrates the change in Fauci’s position over the past 18 months, saying:33

“He initially said the United States taxpayer money did not fund the Wuhan Institute of Virology. He later changed that to say, no we did fund it, but it was through a sub-grant.

Then he subsequently said, no we funded it but we did no gain-of-function research. And then just last Sunday he said, we funded it, there was gain-of-function research, but it was a sound scientific decision. And then he said this: It would have been negligent to not fund the lab in China.”

Jordan goes on to say, “Talk about being all over the board. I’ll tell you what’s negligent. Negligent is Dr. Fauci’s ever-changing statements to the American people regarding the subject matter that this committee should be looking into.”

In June 2021, The Nation pointed out that as he testified before the U.S. Senate in May, “Fauci was asked by Rand Paul, ‘Do you still support [National Institutes of Health] funding of the lab in Wuhan?’” to which Fauci replied “with all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect.”34However, this half-truth, told after his admission that it would have been negligent not to fund the lab in China, is not a noble lie as it doesn’t protect anyone except Fauci.

Later in his testimony, Fauci hedged: “Dr. Baric is not doing gain-of-function research, and if it is, it is according to the guidelines, and it is being conducted in North Carolina.”35 So, does this mean research is being done, or it isn’t?

Fauci’s lies include his definition of herd immunity. A New York Times36 article in December 2020 discussed Fauci’s perspective on herd immunity. The reporter noted that in the early months of 2020, Fauci cited a 60% to 70% estimate.

Later in the year he boosted this to 70% to 75% during television interviews. In an interview with CNBC news December 16, 2020, he said, “I would think that you would need somewhere between 70, 75, maybe 80%.”37

In a telephone interview with The New York Times the very next day, Fauci admitted that he had slowly been moving the goal posts, “partly based on new science and partly based on his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks.”38

Fauci claimed he had delayed raising the estimate because of vaccine hesitancy, saying, “We really don’t know what the real number is. I think the real range is somewhere between 70 to 90 percent. But, I’m not going to say 90 percent.”39

Can Fauci Predict the Future?

What is Fauci saying? In his own words, he was raising the estimate for the target range for herd immunity to promote more people taking the vaccine. However, infectious disease specialists are not necessarily social behavioral experts and cannot predict how people will react to information.

Fauci claims he downplayed the importance of wearing masks to avoid a shortage for health care professionals. However, does this mean he knew masks were not effective against viral transmission and were less likely to be effective in the community, or that he just didn’t care?

The question remains, do you want a public health official who reports the facts transparently, or one who manipulates your behavior to take specific actions?


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1 Slate, July 28, 2021

2 The Guardian, April 30, 2020

3 Nautilus, June 23, 2021, para 15

4, 12 TechStartUps, September 18, 2020

5 Yahoo! Finance, Comcast holders

6 Yahoo! Finance, Disney holders

7 Yahoo! Finance, ViacomCBS holders

8 Yahoo! Finance, News Corporation holders

9 Yahoo! Finance, AT&T

10 CNBC, August 13, 20219

11 Yahoo! Finance, Blackrock holders

13 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Plato’s Myths

14 HistoryHit TV, July 26, 2018

15 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, May 20, 2010

16, 17 Plato’s Noble Lie

18 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process, 146:31

19 YouTube, March 8, 2020, Minute 00:08 and 00:33

20 TheStreet, June 12, 2020, Video Min 1:30

21 Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, March 18, 2014

22 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Key Facts About Influenza

23 TheStreet, June 12, 2020

24 MSNBC, July 27, 2021, starting Min 1:06

25, 26 MSNBC, July 27, 2021, starting Min 5:00

27 Boundless Microbiology, Viral Diseases of the Respiratory System

28, 29 USA Today, June 3, 2021

30 USA Today, June, 3, 2021, top and last para

31 JAMA Surgery, 1960;80(6)

32 Nature, December 19, 2017

33 YouTube, July 28, 2021, Min 00:32

34, 35 The Nation, July 13, 2021

36, 38, 39 New York Times, December 24, 2020

37 CNBC, December 16, 2020

Featured image is from Mercola

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The Approved Pfizer Vaccine Is Not Yet Available

August 29th, 2021 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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The Covid Vaccine profiteers are claiming that now the vaccine is officially approved, it can be mandated.  This is false for two reasons.

One reason is that all medical procedures, which includes inoculation, require under law ‘“informed consent.”  Therefore, vaccination cannot be legally mandated.  US corporations are trying to get around the law by saying that they do not require anyone to be vaccinated, but if you choose to work for the corporation vaccination is a condition of employment.

The other reason is that the FDA did not give final approval to existing stocks of Pfizer’s vaccine.  This supply was authorized only under emergency use and remains under that authorization.  The FDA reauthorized or renewed the Emergence Use Authorization (EUA) of the existing stocks. 

The FDA differentiates between the EUA vaccine, which shields Pfizer from liability, and the approved vaccine, given the name Comirnaty.  The vaccines are the same, but the approved one has not been given immunity from liability, so there is a legal difference.  Pfizer is unlikely to market Comirnaty until it can obtain immunity from liability for the approved Comirnaty.  In the meantime, there is a supply of the EUA authorized vaccine to be used.

The bottom line is that the vaccine currently in use and produced under EUA authorization does not have final FDA approval. For the yet to be produced approved Comirnaty, Pfizer is liable for deaths and injuries. Therefore, doses of the approved new production are not available. The corrupt FDA and its Big Pharma owner are counting on the unvaccinated as well as doctors not to notice the distinction and go for the unapproved EUA vaccine thinking that it is finally approved and thereby safe.

The FDA’s 13-page letter to Pfizer is convoluted.  Not being familiar with the FDA’s parlance, it is possible I have misunderstood the letter.  Attached is a PDF of the letter if you want to try your hand at deciphering the meaning.


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Dr. Paul Craig Roberts writes on his blog site, PCR Institute for Political Economy, where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

FDA’s Approval of Pfizer COVID Vaccine Is Not Justified

August 29th, 2021 by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

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Surveys show a collapse in confidence of medical professionals in the FDA and CDC. See this.

It is completely obvious that the two corrupt government agencies sacrificed public health to pharmaceutical profits.  The approval granted Pfizer’s “vaccine” was given far in advance of the necessary studies, and the FDA’s pronouncement that the “vaccine” is effective and safe is totally disproved by the high percentage of vaccinated people who are Covid infected and by the unprecedented number of deaths and injuries associated with the “vaccine.”

We have a situation in which facts and scientific analysis are totally ignored by the FDA and CDC. Crimes of mass murder and injury have been committed by these two agencies.  Under the rule of law, they must be held accountable.  As Germany’s leading microbiologist says, they must face a tribunal.

The Covid Vaccine Is More Risky than Playing Russian Roulette

“What we are witnessing is one of the most fascinating experiments that could lead to massive autoimmune disease. When this will happen, God knows. And what this will lead to, God knows.” — Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, foremost German microbiologist 

“Gene-based vaccines are an absolute danger to mankind and their use at present violates the Nuremberg codex, such that everyone who is propagating their use should be put before a tribunal.” See this.

Covid Is the Orchestration of Fear in order to Sell a Dangerous “Vaccine”

See this.

The Associated Press Has Joined the Ranks of Mass Murderers

“The days of corporate media being able to smear people with impunity and conservatives do nothing, those days are over. I can tell you in Florida, we’re fighting back with the truth and we are going to hold you accountable when you are peddling false partisan narratives.” — Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

See this.


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Dr. Paul Craig Roberts writes on his blog site, PCR Institute for Political Economy, where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

Video: ‘Mask Up and Shut Up’

August 29th, 2021 by The Highwire

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Entering the ridiculous, public health officials are now asking people not to talk to stop the Covid virus.

Jefferey Jaxen dives into the science behind the latest Covid mitigation suggestion.


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Daraa Peace Plan Moves Terrorists to Turkish Occupied Syria

August 28th, 2021 by Steven Sahiounie

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Today, a bus load Syrian Arab Army (SAA) soldiers has come under attack on the road to the west of Daraa, with reports of one killed and eight injured. Tuesday, a Russian-backed deal went into force in Daraa, ending months-long tension between the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and local terrorists there.  In late July, clashes of artillery began between the two sides.  The city in the south of Syria, on the Jordanian border, had been in military conflict which held the civilian population in peril, resulting in residents fleeing the situation.

The Russian military police entered Daraa al-Balad neighborhood to evacuate terrorists who refused to lay down their arms and receive amnesty from the SAA.  Terrorists on Tuesday night boarded buses to take them to Afrin in the north of Syria, as part of the deal. Those armed fighters who have received amnesty, and laid down their weapons, will remain in the city.

Once the terrorists are removed, the SAA will enter the area, and life will return to normal for the residents who had become hostages.  Thousands of residents who had fled the fighting will be assisted by the SAA to return home, and government institutions such as medical care will be made available, and free public schools are set to resume in mid-September.

Daraa al-Balad neighborhood is home to about 40,000 people, and it had become a critical situation with extreme challenges getting access to food and power.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) placed the number of internally displaced people in Daraa al-Balad area and surrounding areas in province at 38,000, including almost 15,000 women and over 20,400 children.

History of Daraa

Violence broke out in March 2011 in Daraa, which began the 10-year conflict in Syria.  The SAA freed Daraa in 2018 in a Russian-brokered deal which saw terrorists and their families being evacuated to Idlib, and some remaining fighters worked out a deal with the SAA, by which they would peacefully man some checkpoints inside Daraa al-Balad, while the SAA would man other checkpoints.  However, the deal fell apart over time because the fighters repeatedly targeted the SAA using snipers on motorcycles. By July, open fighting between the two-sides began.

Afrin today

Turkey occupies Afrin, and uses their militia, Syrian National Army (SNA) to keep the local population in subjugation. The SNA, despite its name, is not Syrian administered, but is under the Turkish military control, and are mercenaries following Radical Islam.

Turkish charities operate in Afrin distributing food to Syrian Arabs who have been shipped in to displace the original population which was a mixture of Kurds, Christians and Arabs.

Turkey conducted Operation Olive Branch on Jan. 20, 2018, to clear Afrin from the militia known as YPG, who is part of the US-supported SDF militia who fought to defeat ISIS.  By March 18 Afrin had been ethnically cleansed by Turkey.

Since 2016, Turkey has launched a trio of invasion operations across its border in northern Syria: Euphrates Shield in 2016, Olive Branch in 2018 and Peace Spring in 2019. The goal is to create a Turkish administered border swath, which Turkey originally tried to sell to the West as a ‘safe-zone’, but is actually a Muslim Brotherhood safe haven.

Recently, the SNA abducted a number of civilians in Afrin. The battalions named, “al-Jabha al-Shamiya” and the “Sultan Murad Division” have imposed a crippling siege on the locals as they have raided the citizens’ houses and kidnapped more than 30 civilians and took them to an unknown destination.

The sources added that the abducted persons have been exposed to the worst forms of abuse, torture and insults since they have demanded to restore their properties which have been seized by the Turkish occupation mercenaries.

History of ethnic cleansing in Afrin

The National Initiative for Afrin in the German city of Bonn stressed the coordination and unification of efforts working for Afrin and its people, and confronting the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries, and the safe and dignified return of the forcibly displaced residents of Afrin. This initiative aims to expose Turkey’s violations against residents of Syria’s Afrin to international institutions and human rights organizations participating in the initiative.

After Turkey’s invasion of northern Syria, the fighters it sent across the border to carry out the mission have documented their own war crimes. Videos posted online by soldiers of the Turkish-backed SNA showing summary executions, mutilation of corpses, threats against Kurds and widespread looting have struck terror into the population.

The ethnic dimension to many of the crimes has resulted in a mass exodus of Kurds and religious minorities from these once diverse borderlands, and created a dramatic demographic change.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish president, claimed his invasion of Syria was aimed at removing the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a group Turkey classifies as a terror organization for its links to the PKK, and YPG. Turkey has supported the operation with airstrikes, drones and artillery.

Since the invasion began, the SNA has captured a swathe of territory that was home to a large population of Kurds, and smaller numbers of Assyrians, Yazidis and Turkmen. The same area faced massive upheaval when ISIS swept across northern Syria. Tal Abyad was occupied by the terror group for more than a year before being recaptured by the SDF.

Christian families have all been forced to leave their homes as the SNA made public threats to kill them, referring to them as pigs and heathens.  The SNA have uploaded their videos targeting Christians, and non-Sunni Muslims.

A widespread campaign of looting and confiscation of Kurdish property has made clear Turkey and their SNA militia want to keep Kurds out. Human Rights Watch said it had documented numerous examples of Kurdish homes being confiscated and their possessions looted.

A United Nations commission of inquiry found that “armed group members in Afrin committed the war crimes of hostage-taking, cruel treatment, torture, and pillage”.

More than 130,000 mostly Kurdish residents are still displaced from Afrin, living in camps in the SDF-held region of northeast Syria. Many of their homes are now occupied by Syrians from other parts of the country.

NATO has been criticized for allowing a member state, Turkey, to carry out large scale ethnic cleansing in Syria.  However, since the war in Syria beginning in 2011 was a US-NATO project for ‘regime change’, NATO is not complaining to Turkey, who was their partner in the 10-year war.

Idlib today

On Tuesday, an explosion killed eight Al Qaeda terrorists, and wounded 10 others, in Idlib.  The terrorists were meeting when the blast occurred.  Russia and Turkey have a ceasefire deal in Idlib, but it does not cover Al Qaeda. According to the UN, all nations must fight Al Qaeda, wherever they are.  However, Turkey occupies Idlib and supports the Al Qaeda branch there, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham.

Turkey currently hosts nearly 4 million Syrians; however, most of the Syrian refugees in Turkey today are Sunni Muslims. Erdogan plans to resettle the Syrian refugees in the border area under Turkish military occupation, and it will permanently alter the demographics. This area stretching from Idlib province to Afrin will become a safe haven for terrorists aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda.


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This article was originally published on Mideast Discourse.

Steven Sahiounie is an award-winning journalist. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from MD

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COVID vaccine side effects continue to show up as truly mysterious and unprecedented phenomena – that is, when these side effects are not death itself. I’ve previously reported on the weird COVID vaccine side effects that started cropping up months ago, including the vaccine’s effect on women’s menstrual cycles, its effect on the unvaccinated, its ability to make people magnetic and even its ability to made a person a node on the Smart Grid by making them into something that can be paired via wireless tech or bluetooth. The evidence continues to pour in confirming the bizarre, devastating and lethal effects of the COVID non-vaccine or the COVID fake-vaccine. Let’s take a look at few more examples here.

COVID Vaccine Side Effects: Light Bulbs that Get Lit Up and Fluorescent Glowing Arms

There are 2 videos of men who have taken the COVID fake-vaccine and then had bizarre aftereffects. In the first one, a man takes a normal light bulb, touches its base (where it would normally connect to a socket) to his injection site while still having a shirt sleeve covering his arm, and the bulb lights up! The light goes out once he moves it away from the injection site. This shows that for some COVID vaxxed, the effects not only manifest as magnetic but also as electrical (which is not surprising given that electricity and magnetism are 2 sides of the same coin).

In the second video, a man uses blacklight to identify 3 different places on his arm where his body eerily glows, one of which looks about 3-4 inches long and which the man describes as a vein. The glow appears to be coming from underneath his skin. Is this evidence of the luciferase enzyme many people have been warning about?

Clot Shot: Microscopy Evidence Shows Vax Causes Blood Cells to Stack up Like a Pile of Coins

Last year in the earlier stages of the pandemic we reported (in July 2020) on the research of Dr. Robert O. Young, who stated that COVID was not a viral disease, and was not associated with any virus, but rather was pathological blood coagulation due to toxicity. He clearly stated that some of this toxicity was directly from vaccines. He was saying all this just a few months after Operation Coronavirus was launched in the West (in March 2020). He was also saying this BEFORE there even was a COVID vaccine. Events have proved Young to be 100% correct. The COVID fake-vaccine – whether made by Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, AstraZeneca or any other Big Pharma company – has gone on to become notorious for its blood coagulation or blood clotting effects, so much so that the jab has been nicknamed the clot shot.

There are 2 recent videos (here and here) embedded below that show photos and videos of the blood cells of COVID vaccinated people. You can clearly see the stark difference between the free-flowing blood of the unvaccinated, where red blood cells move around freely without sticking to each other, and the stagnated blood of the vaccinated, where the red blood cells resemble stack of coins glued to each other.

For animals, blood is life. In Chinese Medicine, stagnation is the cause of all disease. These and other videos are clear evidence that the COVID non-vaccine is a life-inhibiting or life-destroying device which its literally stopping the free movement of blood on a cellular level. In other words, the fake-vaccine is obstructing and retarding the flow of life force energy within the individual who takes it. Recently, Dr. Charles Hoffe explained the exact mechanism by which the rough spike proteins of the fake-vaccine would damage capillaries and cause blood clotting:

” … these spike proteins will predictably cause blood clots because … they are in your blood vessels. Dr. Bhakdi then said to me the way to prove this is that we need to do a blood test called a D-dimer test … to find out of this is really happening … The clots I am talking about are microscopic. These are tiny … they are literally on a capillary level and they are scattered throughout your capillary network. They are not going to show on any scan … So the only way to find out for sure if this predictable mechanism of clotting was actually happening was to do this blood test called a D-dimer … so I have been now doing that on my patients … finding people who have recently had their COVID shot within the previous 7 days … I am still trying to accumulate more information. But on the ones I have so far, 62% of them have evidence of clotting.”

“So it therefore becomes part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium. Which means that these cells that line your blood vessels, which are supposed to be smooth so that blood flows smoothly, now have these little spikey bits sticking out. So it is absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form. Because your blood platelets circulate around in your blood vessels. And the purpose of blood platelets is to detect a damaged vessel and block that vessel to stop bleeding. So when the platelet comes through the capillary, it suddenly hits all these all these COVID spikes that are jutting into the inside of the vessel, it is absolutely inevitable that a blood clot will form to block that vessel. That’s how platelets work.”

COVID Vaccine Side Effects: Magnetism Spreading from Injection Site

The magnetic effect from the COVID vax is not just limited to the injection site. This video (embeded below) is one of many that shows how it can spread from the injection site to anywhere on the body.


Remember too that Dr. Jane Ruby is one of many who brought the concept of magnetofection to light in an interview on the Stew Peters show. Whatever is causing the non-vaccine to produce magnetism in its recipients was put there deliberately:

“We also know something else that’s really tragic and horrific: it was intentionally added to these injections. Why you’re asking me? Because it is a more aggressive delivery mechanism to get it into every cell in your body. It’s a process called magnetofection … they are using magnetic fields through different chemicals to actually concentrate the RNA, the mRNA, into people’s cells … by magnetizing these lipid nanoparticles with these chemicals you are creating a forced gene delivery system.”

The COVID agenda goes deep, so just like the NWO agenda in general, you can be sure that there are many reasons for the magnetofection, and it’s not just to augment the immune response of the non-vaccine, just like the NWO agenda cannot be explained by simply a lust for money. The deeper explanation has to do with transhumanism and the synthetic agenda of transforming the inner cellular landscape of humanity to make it more conducive to outside remote control.

Final Thoughts

As weird as these effects are, this is just the beginning. More and more COVID vaccine side effects will keep arising. We are in the midst of a giant worldwide medical experiment (in gross violation of the Nuremburg Code), and since this is an experiment, the fake-vaccines are necessarily experimental – and highly dangerous. It remains critical that those who have awakened to the fake-vaccine horror show continue to respect their bodily integrity and refuse to capitulate to the agenda to infiltrate our autonomy. Please share this information far and wide.


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This article was originally published on the author’s website, The Freedom Articles.

Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of the book Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at Makia is on Steemit and LBRY.


Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

First published by Global Research on July 14, 2021

There is a vast literature on the CIA-directed assassination of President John Kennedy.  Most Americans have long rejected the Warren Commission’s findings and have accepted that there was a conspiracy.  There is much less research on the assassination of JFK’s brother, Senator Robert Kennedy, and, if asked, far fewer people would say it was a conspiracy and a cover-up.  They may not even know the alleged assassin’s name.

But the assassination of Robert Kennedy did involve a conspiracy and a cover-up.  There is abundant evidence that the accused, Sirhan Sirhan, who was standing 1-3 feet in front of Kennedy when he was shot and who has been languishing in prison since June 5, 1968, did not kill RFK.  And there is overwhelming evidence that there was at least a second shooter who shot Kennedy from the rear. The autopsy concluded that Kennedy was shot four times from the rear exclusively (three entering his body) and that the fatal shot was fired upward at a 45 degree angle from 1-3 inches behind his right ear. Sirhan’s handgun held 8 bullets.  Visual and acoustical evidence shows that up to 13 shots were fired.   Thus Sirhan could not have been the killer.

A Reporter’s Investigation

The Polka Dot File by Fernando Faura is the latest in a small but growing number of books to make that case, and more. It is a powerful, fascinating, and down-to-earth chronicle – never before told – of an investigative reporter’s dogged search for the facts of the case from day one.

It is a very important book for understanding the assassination of RFK.

It reads like an Elmore Leonard detective story, albeit less literary, but more engrossing because of its profound importance.  For like the killing of JFK, Malcolm X and MLK, the killing of Robert Kennedy echoes down the years, and in many ways signified the end of progressive hope and the ascendency of the national-security-warfare state that reigns today.

Faura’s account of his step-by-step investigation is of vital importance in understanding the murder of RFK.  For unlike other works on the case, he was there from the start, pursuing and interviewing key witnesses and interacting, at first in good faith, with the LAPD and FBI, who were lying, stealing (his tape-recorded interview of a key witness, John Fahey), and intimidating witnesses.

In fact, those agencies were running steps behind Faura, and were afraid he would discover and reveal truths they wanted hidden.  Although he was a seasoned and skeptical reporter, this book is also the tale of his education into the mendacity of government agencies whose ostensible job is to solve crimes rather than cover-up their involvement in them.

He eventually discovers that “the FBI and the LAPD, as well as other investigating agencies involved with national security, had deliberately and methodically misled and defrauded the American populace at large.”

Faura, an old-school reporter nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for another series of articles, is a very reliable investigator who instills confidence with his thoroughness, logic, and use of documentary sources.  Reading his methodical and fair-minded account – including extensive verbatim interviews – I am surprised he could have waited so long to give us the full story.  Why he did, and what propelled him to finally write The Polka Dot File, is interesting in itself. It involves a fascinating and tantalizing theory on why RFK was killed, and by whom.  But that must be saved for last.

The Assassination

First the essentials: In 1968 Senator Robert Kennedy was running as an anti-war candidate for the Democratic nomination for President.  On June 4, 1968, two months to the day since Martin Luther King had been assassinated by a government conspiracy in Memphis, he won the California primary that all but assured him of the nomination. After addressing his followers in the Embassy Ballroom of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, at a few minutes past midnight he was proceeding to a press conference through the kitchen pantry when he was shot and killed.

Sirhan Sirhan, a young Arab-American, who was in the pantry in front of Kennedy, fired a pistol eight times and was subdued.  He was charged with the crime.  It seemed like an open-and-shut case, and was accepted as such by the mass media and the public.

But there were exceptions.  Fernando Faura was one of them. A reporter for the Hollywood Citizen News, he was immediately suspicious.  While working the night of June 4-5, he was driving with a young Kennedy campaign worker, Luke Perry, when they heard that RFK had been shot.  They immediately went to Good Samaritan Hospital where Kennedy had been taken, then to LA Police Headquarters, and Faura’s chase for the truth began.

“We shot him, we shot him!”

That pursuit centered on the search for a young woman in a white polka-dot dress who became a key person in solving RFK’s murder.  Faura writes, “Seconds after the shooting stopped, a young woman in a polka-dot dress ran out of the kitchen, past Sandra Serrano, a Kennedy campaign worker.  The woman shouted, ‘We shot him, we shot him.’ Asked who they shot, the woman replied, ‘Kennedy,’ and ran into the morning darkness and history, never to be found.”

This “Girl in the Polka-Dot Dress” – seen by many witnesses with Sirhan and other men before and after the assassination – becomes the object of Faura’s search and the hub of this book.  Quoting transcripts of his own tape recorded interviews with key witnesses, as well as police and FBI records, Faura systematically takes us through his investigation from start to finish.  Reading it carefully, one cannot but be deeply impressed by his thoroughness and attention to detail.  Nor can one not be chagrined by the ways his work was stymied by law enforcement and he was “followed, spied on, and harassed.”  It becomes evident that his pursuit of the truth was dangerous.

Early in his investigation Faura joined forces with Jordan Bonfante of Life magazine, but when Life eventually killed the investigation after a call from the White House that cited “national security reasons,” Faura abandoned his pursuit out of fear for his children and lack of adequate resources.

Much of what government forces had to hide involved the girl in the polka-dot dress.

 First News of the Girl in the Polka-Dot Dress

The public first heard of her shortly after the shooting, when Sandy Vanocur of NBC News interviewed Sandra Serrano live from the Ambassador Hotel at 1:30 AM on June 5, 1968.  Faura prints the transcript of that interview from a FBI report of June 10, 1968, File # Los Angeles 56-156, in which Vanocur asks her to recount exactly what she observed as she cooled off outside on  a rear metal emergency fire escape.

“Then this girl came running down the stairs and said, ‘we’ve shot him, we’ve shot him.’ Who did you shoot?  And she said ‘We’ve shot Senator Kennedy!’….And after that a boy came down with her, he was about 23 years old, and he was Mexican-American….She was not of Mexican-American descent.  She was not. She was Caucasian.  She had on a white dress with polka-dots, she was light-skinned ….she had a funny nose.”

An hour later Serrano is interviewed by the LAPD. She tells them that while she was sitting on the same steps 15-20 minutes prior to seeing the girl flee down the steps with one man, she saw the same woman, together with two men, ascend the stairs past her.

Later she tells the FBI the same thing, even adding that the woman said, “Excuse us” as they brushed past her. She identifies one of the men going up as Sirhan.

Serrano never retracted her story, although she was subjected to ruthless intimidation by the LAPD and the FBI.  “Serrano was not the first decent citizen to come forward with information, feeling it was her duty, and wind up on the receiving end.”  Faura presents the testimony of many others he interviewed that saw the girl in the polka-dot dress with Sirhan and other men in the pantry, fleeing the crime scene, in the hotel earlier in the day, etc.  They too were subjected to government intimidation to retract their stories.

Other Witnesses

There is Vincent DiPierro – the son of the Ambassador’s maître d’, a student at the University of California, and a hotel employee – who voluntarily testified to a grand jury that he saw, from a distance of five feet, the girl in the polka-dot dress with Sirhan in the pantry moments before the shooting.  He testified that they were together.  He told the grand jury, “They were both smiling.  In fact, the moment the first two shots were fired, he still had a very sick looking smile on his face.  That’s one thing – I can never forget.”

There is Jose Caraval, another employee, who after the shooting saw the girl run into a dead-end hall trying to escape, only to run back out frantically.

There is Greg Clayton, Mrs. Carlos Gallegos, Booker Griffin, Pamela Russo, Susan Locke, et al.  More than a dozen witnesses placed Sirhan with the girl and other men at the hotel that night. And yet, “the LAPD, less than a month after the ‘girl in the polka-dot dress’ had gone world-wide, denied her existence, this in spite of the numerous witnesses who had seen her.”

John Fahey: The Key Witness

While all these witnesses are crucial, the most important, whose story is at the core of Faura’s investigation, is John Fahey.

A week after the assassination, Fahey had read an article Faura had written about another witness.  He approached him to talk.  He told Faura that he hadn’t gone to the police because he was afraid and asked if Faura could give him protection.  Faura agreed to meet with him and tape-recorded his story, the transcript of which is printed verbatim as chapter ten.

As he writes, “The story the stranger told is one of the most important, fascinating and mystery-ridden of all those that would come to light.”

Following is a summary.

Fahey, a salesman for Cal-Tech, a chemical company, was at the Ambassador Hotel early on the morning of June 4, 1968 to meet another salesman.  By the time Fahey arrived late, the other salesman had left.  He meets “a pretty lady” whom he invites to breakfast and with whom he then spends the day.

She tells him she’s only been in town three days, that she came from New York City, and that she was from another country whose name he didn’t hear clearly – “something like Beirut or something like this – is there a Beirut?”

When he asks her what she’s doing there, she replies cryptically, “Well, I don’t want to get you involved.” And she repeats that she is not sure she can trust him. She is very nervous and jittery; her hands are sweating.

She tells him they are being watched and followed, which Fahey notices and confirms.  She invites him to accompany her later that night to the “‘winning reception’ and watch them get Mr. Kennedy.”  He asks her what she means, but she doesn’t say; just repeats, “I don’t want to get you involved.”

As they leave the hotel together via an unobtrusive stairwell that takes them up to the lobby, she tells him that she knows the hotel stair routes very well although she is not staying there and has been in town just a few days.  She says she has to be back at the Ambassador that night. They spend the day driving up the coast together and are followed by a man in another car. They stop and have dinner on the drive back.

Fahey describes her: “She looks Caucasian, but has an Arabic complexion, very light….very good English….a little accent when she wants to put it on….around 27,28….dirty blond hair ….very pretty….hooked nose.”  She gives different names; is obviously frightened; asks for Fahey’s assistance in helping her escape to Australia the next day so “the Chinese can’t get her there.”

He leaves the girl back at the Ambassador Hotel at 7 PM. Although no sex was involved, Fahey is nervous because he has picked up the girl and spent the day with her and doesn’t want his wife to find out.  But he is especially nervous because of the day’s strange experiences and the subsequent assassination of RFK.

Faura logically concludes that “Fahey’s lengthy and dramatic tale, if true, boiled down to a conspiracy.”  From Fahey’s description the girl sounded like the girl in the polka-dot dress described by others.  But Faura needed to confirm Fahey’s veracity.  So they retraced the route Fahey said he took with the girl.  Malibu, Santa Monica, the Trancas restaurant, the road to Ventura. All the details of the trip checked out. But what about the girl?  It was still only Fahey’s word.  Faura would need to find a witness that saw Fahey with the girl.

Sketch of the Girl Who Disappears

He has an artist do a sketch of the mystery girl based on witnesses’ descriptions.  All confirm that the sketch looks very much like the girl in the polka-dot dress they saw. Then he shows it to Fahey who says it looks like the girl he spent the day with.  Yet this still doesn’t prove he actually spent the day with the girl. Faura needs further confirmation.

He finds it together with Life magazine’s Jordan Bonafante when they travel to the Trancas restaurant and meet the owner at his mansion in “a scene out of the ‘Godfather’.”  The owner allows them to go through the receipts for June 4th when Fahey said he and the girl stopped to have dinner.  They find the receipt for exactly what Fahey said they ordered.  More important, they find the woman who waited on them, show her the sketch of the girl and she confirms the likeness. Finally, Faura has Fahey subjected to a rigorous lie detector test that he passes with flying colors.

So the witnesses confirm that the girl in the polka-dot dress they saw and the girl in the sketch look alike.  Fahey’s independent description of the girl also matches the sketch.  And Fahey tells Faura that the girl predicted the time and place of the assassination. A conspiratorial link is established.

Faura tells the authorities, but they refuse to follow up.  Instead, they badger witnesses to change their stories.  Faura realizes that the truth about this girl, her very existence, must be suppressed.

Faura, however, continues the search for the girl, always a few steps ahead of the FBI and LAPD, but he never finds her.  He eventually concludes that she was probably eliminated by the organizers of the conspiracy

 He discovers that the LAPD officer in charge of the investigation – Lt. Manny Pena – is CIA connected, having worked for U.S. AID and been recently brought back to control the investigation.  He documents the brutal interrogation techniques of Sgt. Hank Hernandez, CIA affiliated like Pena, to intimidate and break witnesses to change their stories.

Facts and Confirmations

There is much more that Faura discovers and details in his first-hand narrative.  A review can only suggest it all. He rarely speculates.  He sticks to giving us the record of his investigation as it happened – transcripts, documents, FBI and LAPD records, his day-to-day itineraries, his doubts, hunches, confirmations, etc. – all in the space of days, weeks, months of the assassination. Therein lies its great value.

A careful reader will note what he has to say about the strange case of the preacher Rev. Gerry Owens, Sirhan, Robert Weatherly, and the Shamel Ranch; about various attempts to kill or intimidate witnesses; about Sirhan’s and the girl in the polka-dot dress’s connection to the Rosicrucians and the practice of hypnosis; about various look-a-likes for Sirhan and the girl, etc.  While he does not solve the case, he emphatically proves through his focus on the girl in the polka-dot dress that there was a conspiracy and a cover-up.

When at the end he diverges from his personal experiences, it is to present facts confirmed by other respected investigators that confirm and fill out the conspiracy.  For example, he refers to the esteemed writer William Turner (The Assassination of Robert F.Kennedy, Review Mirror), a former FBI man, on the witness Jamie Scott Enyart.  Enyart was a high school student who was trailing Senator Kennedy, his hero, that night, taking photographs from slightly behind and to his left. When the shots rang out, he continued taking pictures rapidly.  They were shortly confiscated by the LAPD, allegedly to be used at the Sirhan trial, which they never were.  They were then sealed for twenty years.

Twenty years later Enyart asked for them back and was told they had been burned.  He sued and in 1996 was awarded $450,000.  But during the trial they told him the photos were discovered, misfiled in Sacramento.  The film that Enyart found had been tampered with, and most importantly there were no photos from within the pantry where Enyart had seen security guard Eugene Cesar get up from the floor behind RFK with his gun drawn.  Cesar, who had suspected CIA links, was in the exact position from which Kennedy was shot.  He is free to this day, and “there is no record that the LAPD gave Cesar a paraffin test to determine if he had fired the gun.”

Faura quotes Turner: “Thus disappeared the RFK version of the Zapruder Film, which might have shown who shot him from behind.”

A Few Questions

Faura’s work leaves this reader with some questions.

If, as he writes a few times (as if asking an implied question), RFK’s route through the pantry was “spontaneously changed by his staff at the last minute,” how could the killers have known where to lay in wait?  Was there an inside collaborator?

Who was the girl in the polka-dot dress?  He doesn’t say or speculate, but the excellent researcher Lisa Pease (see The Assassinations, pp. 591-7, 602) has presented a case that she may have been Shirin Khan, the daughter of Khaiber Khan, a very suspicious Iranian who had come from NYC to volunteer in Kennedy’s campaign office where he did very strange things and was seen with Sirhan a few days before the assassination. Khaiber Khan, even more suspiciously, had given a ride on the night of the assassination to Michael Wayne, a Sirhan look-a-like who was arrested running out of the pantry after the shots were fired.

Faura, however, does tell us how witness Greg Clayton had seen Sirhan earlier in the evening with the girl in the polka-dot dress and three other men; how after the shooting he helped tackle the one who looked like Sirhan as he ran out of the pantry, saying, “let me go, got to get out of here.  I am not answering any questions, I am not going to say anything in public.”  That man was Michael Wayne.

Was the girl in the polka-dot dress the same woman that New Orleans District Attorney, Jim Garrison, in his pursuit of the JFK case, had discovered being picked up by two Cuban anti-Castro revolutionaries that he was having followed at one of New York’s international airports three days before the RFK assassination?  She answered the description of the polka-dot girl.  Garrison was said to think they were the same woman.  Was she?

Did the polka-dot girl scream “We shot Senator Kennedy” intentionally as part of some sort of “limited hangout” in a most sophisticated conspiracy?  For why would a person involved in the conspiracy run away screaming such words, drawing attention to herself and her fleeing companion, unless it was a diversionary tactic?

[“Limited Hangout” according to Former Special Assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Victor Marchetti, is “spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals.  When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting – sometimes even volunteering – some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case.  The public, however, is so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further.”]

Foundational Agreements

Because of its richness of detail, The Polka-Dot File suggests many important questions and lines for further research.  But it also affirms certain fundamental key facts about the case.

In his chapter on the work of Dr. Daniel P. Brown, an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School, an international expert on hypnosis, he affirms the obvious: that Sirhan was hypno-programmed to shoot his pistol in response to a post hypnotic touch cue, most likely from the girl in the polka-dot dress.

Dr. Brown states that Sirhan “did not have the knowledge, or intention, to shoot a human being, let alone Senator Kennedy.” At the request of Sirhan’s defense team seeking a new trial and a parole for Sirhan (efforts led by the great lawyer William Peppers and the heroic Paul Schrade), Dr. Brown “conducted a forensic assessment in six different two-day sessions over a three year span spending over sixty hours interviewing and testing Sirhan at Corona Penitentiary and Pleasant Valley in California.”

In his declaration to the Parole Board Dr. Brown stated unequivocally that Sirhan was hypnotized and was therefore a “Manchurian Candidate” who did not kill RFk (see the CIA’s programs  ARTICHOKE and MLKULTRA).

Furthermore, Faura affirms the fact of a highly sophisticated conspiracy and cover-up that implicates the FBI, LAPD, and CIA.  He affirms the fact that far more than the eight bullets in Sirhan’s gun were fired (up to 13), as proven by physical and acoustical evidence.  He affirms the fact that, as Los Angeles County Medical Examiner Dr.Noguchi’s autopsy concluded, Kennedy was shot from behind by at least a second gunman with all four bullets entering from the rear, three entering his body. And he affirms the fact that none of the bullets from Sirhan’s gun hit RFK.

Buried in Memory: A Time Bomb

“For more than forty-five years,” Faura tells us, “my children have urged me to write a book chronicling my investigation.  At the time risks to my family were too high to bring the story public.  I was pursuing very powerful people who did not want me nosing around.”

But what induced him to publish his work now?

Here it gets very interesting. He always had, at the back of his mind, something strange that Fahey had told him. “Returning to the scene of his self-described harrowing experience refreshed Fahey’s memory.  He remembered that the girl had suggested that perhaps she could get passage on CAT or Flying Tiger Airlines.  Also that she had met a Mrs. Claire Chennault in New York.”

Faura realizes that those airlines are CIA proprietaries.

If what the girl said to Fahey was true, that “I haven’t been but three days here” (to this reviewer a vague statement), and had come from NYC, then that would mean she had met Chennault sometime before the assassination.

The only people who knew about this meeting were Faura, Fahey, and the girl. The FBI or LAPD didn’t know. No other researchers have known this.

This memory lay in Faura’s memory like an unexploded time bomb for many decades until he read a report by journalist Robert Parry about how Richard Nixon sabotaged the Paris Peace talks in 1968 in order to win the election.  It was a very solid, well-documented report.

It startled Faura because a prominent name at the heart of this treasonous activity that caused 20,000 more American and millions of Vietnamese deaths as the war went on for years was Mrs. Claire Chennault, aka Anna Chennault, aka “The Dragon Lady.” She was the Chinese wife of General Claire Chennault, the legendary founder of the Flying Tigers and Flying Tigers Airline, Civil Air Transport (CAT), “which later morphed into Air America, both of them CIA proprietaries.” (The girl had mentioned these airlines as possible escape routes.)

Anna Chennault became an important figure in the Republican Party and was a member of the Republican National Committee.  In 1968 she was candidate Nixon’s contact with the South Vietnamese government through the South Vietnamese Ambassador to Washington, Bui Diem.  President Johnson at the time “was adamant about ending the war” and wanted a peace settlement. It didn’t happen.

On “Nov. 2, 1968, an FBI intercept recorded Anna Chennault calling Ambassador Diem to relay a message from ‘the boss’ asking Diem to ‘hold on we are going to win’.”  Johnson discovered the treachery but was dissuaded by Secretary of State Dean Rusk, [National Security Adviser Walt] Rostow and Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford from making it public in the interest of “national security.”  Nixon won the election and the war went on.  Faura documents all this in an appendix that presents a memorandum to LBJ and the document, The Chennault Affair.

Was the polka-dot girl’s connection to Anna Chennault and Nixon the reason Life magazine had received a call from the White House that led to Life telling Faura’s colleague Bonfante that the investigation into the RFK murder had to be shut down?  Faura suggests as much.

He asks, “Lacking credible proof, how do you tell the American public of a link between the assassination of Senator Kennedy and the Nixon campaign?”

“All this was going on while Senator Kennedy was within sight of the White House in his campaign.  He was a clear threat to Nixon’s manipulations because of his declared opposition to the Vietnam War.  He was the only real obstacle between Richard Nixon and the White House.  Had he won the election, Richard Nixon and his cohorts might have been charged with treason.”

Faura ends The Polka Dot File with some excellent questions about the Chennault/girl in the polka-dot dress connection.  But he asserts this as well:

“Anna Chennault had suggested at one time that she ‘eliminated’ her opposition.  With the stakes so high, it is not beyond credibility that the ‘peace talks’ conspiracy was the genesis of the Kennedy killing.”  While she later admitted her part in the treasonous ‘peace talks’ conspiracy, she said she had been acting “under orders.”

We are left to wonder who might have given such orders, and who gave the orders to kill RFK?

But as Faura and others have proven, there was a conspiracy and a cover-up. That is a fact. It was intricate and well-executed conspiracy, just as the one in Dallas. Like Oswald, Sirhan was not the killer.

While fascinating and important in its detailed focus on the girl, The Polka Dot File suggests many intriguing connections between the JFK and RFK murders.  It is a significant book and essential reading for anyone interested in the murder of Senator Robert F. Kennedy.  That should include everyone.

Postscript:  Two weeks before publication of the book and not included in the first printing, Faura, together with Shane O’Sullivan (Who Killed Bobby? – Union Square Press), were granted an interview with Anna Chennault, now 91, at her Washington D.C. Watergate penthouse.

Faura showed her the drawing of the girl in the polka-dot dress. She said she didn’t recognize her; couldn’t remember anyone by the name Gilda Dean Oppenheimer, one of the names the girl gave to Fahey.  She said no one else in the Nixon administration knew of the efforts to scuttle the Paris Peace Talks.  She said she was talking directly with the President of South Vietnam.  But when asked if the CIA knew of the conspiracy, she very positively said, “Yes.”

N.B. President Johnson learned of the conspiracy from the NSA, not the CIA.)  Anna Chennault’s daughter, Prof. Cynthia Chennault, was present at the meeting and said her mother was in Colorado giving a speech on June 2, 1968.  O’Sullivan confirmed this through Anna Chennault’s calendar at the LBJ Library where copies for that period are kept.  Faura concludes that since the girl in the polka-dot dress said she came through NY and had only been in LA three days, the issue is unresolved.

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Selected Articles: COVID Vaccination vs Freedom and Liberty

August 28th, 2021 by Global Research News

In this weekend selection, Global Research brings to you our top articles on mRNA experimental vaccines — and the harm they do to our body, the stifling of dissenting opinions and censorship of courageous medical specialists, and the ongoing “segregation” of the unvaccinated from the vaccinated. 

Is the FDA approval of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine giving teeth to mandatory vaccination?


What Will Segregated Society Look Like for the Unvaxxed?

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, August 10, 2021

According to Forbes, high-profile restaurant chains like Shake Shack and Union Square Hospitality are leading the way, requiring all staff and indoor diners in New York City and Washington D.C. to prove they’ve received the required doses of COVID-19 injections, starting September 7, 2021.

Tyranny Comes to America: CDC Proposes Concentration Camps as a COVID Measure

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, August 10, 2021

The adverse effects, that is, the illnesses and deaths associated with the Covid vaccines, are showing up in large numbers before the Big Pharma medical establishment can vaccinate everyone.  Consequently, the medical establishment and the compliant presstitutes are ramping up the fear and pushing ahead faster to achieve their agendas before the dire consequences of the vaccine escape suppression.

From Shots to Clots: Science Shows COVID Vaccines Cause Blood Clots

By Joel S. Hirschhorn, August 10, 2021

Americans who have taken COVID vaccine shots and those who have refused to capitulate to the coercion and propaganda are ill-informed about blood clots.  This article provides summaries of key recently published research on two types of observed blood clots – microscopic and relatively large size – that merit serious attention and concern.

Video: Stop the Shot! International Leaders Disclose Medical Data on Vaccine Risks

By Life Site News, August 10, 2021

Breaking information will be shared by the lead attorney in U.S. suit against the Biden regime’s HHS regarding VAERS, adverse events, under-reporting deaths, and injuries. This presentation will also include an update on the CDC Whistleblower affidavit, which indicates more than 45,000 actual deaths have taken place following the COVID shot, versus the VAERS reports of only 11,000.

“Collective Narcissism” and the “Dark Triad”: Those Who Protest against the “Official” Covid-19 Narrative are Categorized as “Psychopaths”. Is It A Witch Hunt?

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 13, 2021

A diabolical process is underway which consists in “identifying” all those who are opposed to the governments’ management of the coronavirus pandemic. According to ongoing psychological studies, these opponents are categorized as anti-social psychopaths.

Fauci Claims Spread of Virus by Unvaxxed Will Lead to More Dangerous Variants, but Experts Say Opposite Is True

By Megan Redshaw, August 13, 2021

Dr. Anthony Fauci said the continued spread of COVID among the unvaccinated could lead to a more serious disease, but Dr. Robert Malone, Harvard-trained physician and inventor of mRNA vaccine technology told The Defender Fauci is wrong.

We’ve Never Seen Vaccine Injuries on this Scale — Why Are Regulatory Agencies Hiding COVID Vaccine Safety Signals?

By Children’s Health Defense, August 13, 2021

In under a year, more than 500,000 post-COVID vaccine injuries have been reported to VAERS — nearly a third of all reports accumulated over the system’s entire three-decade lifespan — yet regulatory agencies remain silent.

Vaccines: What You Need to Know for Informed Consent. Dr. Russell Blaylock

By Dr. Russell Blaylock, August 13, 2021

Prior to taking any unapproved drug, you have the right to receive a broad and complete spectrum of information about the potential effects of those drugs on your body, in order for you to give “informed consent” or to refuse. Dr. Blaylock wrote this especially for this purpose.

UK Vaccine Fatality Rate Higher than Virus, Official Lies, Money Corrupts Medicine

By Rodney Atkinson, August 13, 2021

The COVID vaccines offered (and now increasingly and illegally under international law) forced on people are experimental, did not go through complete animal testing, are not vaccines but gene therapy, have not been licensed and in the USA, the UK and Europe there have been over 25,000 deaths and millions of adverse reactions.

How the Covid-19 Crisis Affects Individual Rights and Freedoms. A New Crisis in International Law?

By Dr. Abbas Poorhashemi, August 14, 2021

Human rights are facing violations such as arbitrary detention, discrimination, censorship, and xenophobia. The fundamental rights that may be involved in this pandemic are, among others, the right to privacy, the right to free movement, the right to health, the right to employment, the right to non-discrimination, freedom of assembly and expression, the right to information and the right to health care.

COVID-19 Vaccines are Killing “Huge Numbers” of People: Government Scrubs Stats on Vaccine-Related Deaths

By Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Peter McCullough, August 14, 2021

According to Dr. Peter McCullough, vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and known for being one of the top five most-published medical researchers in the United States, COVID-19 vaccines are killing “huge numbers” of people and the government is simply ignoring it.

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“Holy cow, I was living like Scarface…I was paying out anywhere between $300-400,000 per week to $5 million per week at times. All in cash.” Matthew Hoh, U.S. Marine Corps Captain and former State Department official

The conflict in Afghanistan — for the U.S. at least — appears to be over. Essentially admitting defeat, American planes are beating a hasty and ignominious retreat from Kabul, with images of the withdrawal bearing a striking resemblance to those from the fall of Saigon 46 years previously.

As the Taliban complete their takeover, many Americans are wondering what it was all about. For what, and on what, did the United States spend more than $2 trillion? A newly published study from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) — a U.S. government body — lays bare the waste and corruption of the whole affair, drawing parallels with famous satires such as “Catch 22” and “M*A*S*H*.” Uncompromising in its frankness, the 124-page report outlines the incompetence, venality and dark absurdity of the whole endeavor.

“When you look at how much we spent and what we got for it, it’s mind boggling,” one senior Department of Defense administrator admitted to SIGAR in 2015.

Congress founded SIGAR in 2008 to provide neutral and objective oversight into the U.S.’ handling of Afghan reconstruction programs. The new report is the latest — and perhaps most critical — of 13 yearly offerings analyzing U.S. efforts in the country.

Bad metrics

At no point did the U.S. truly control all of Afghanistan. But officials in Washington wanted to see quantifiable results. In a region where American troops were barely able to leave their bases without being attacked, “cash spent” became one of the few concrete metrics commanders could report back with any accuracy. As the report concluded:

Perversely, because it was the easiest thing to monitor, the amount of money spent by a program often became the most important measure of success. A USAID official told SIGAR, ‘The Hill was always asking, ‘Did you spend the money?’…I didn’t hear many questions about what the effects were.

Program budgets were massively expanded, often over the objections of USAID and others on the ground, who argued that inundating the country with dollars was not truly winning hearts and minds, and was a wasteful and ineffective strategy.

There was no incentive to report on financial excesses, fraud or abuse, and barely any oversight over where the money was actually going. Contractors, NGOs and others who were aboard the seemingly endless gravy train also kept quiet as they stuffed their pockets with billions of dollars of public money.

MintPress spoke to a person who had been a central part of this bizarre story. Matthew Hoh was a captain in the U.S. Marine Corps and an official with both the Department of Defense and the State Department, spending almost 12 years in the U.S. military and government focusing on Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2009, he resigned from his position in the State Department in Zabul Province, Afghanistan, over U.S. policy in the country. “The way to prove that you were doing your job was by spending money,” Hoh told MintPress, continuing:

Money being spent on an institutional level was a metric of success. Somehow in the minds of the U.S. political leaders, in Iraq and Afghanistan, dollars spent equated to things being constructed and effective counterinsurgency [against the Taliban]…But the Taliban themselves were taking the money! The Taliban guys were doing the construction work. It was absolutely nuts!”

Funding the enemy

By this time, the U.S. had effectively lost control of Afghanistan. One officer told Hoh that he controlled only the area “as far as my machine guns reach and the Taliban control everything else.” If that was the case, why didn’t the Taliban overrun any of the network of small U.S. bases throughout the country? One reason was that they were afraid of U.S. airpower. But an equally important factor, Hoh claimed, was that NATO outposts were handing out millions of dollars in cash to local firms and groups as part of their mission — enormous sums in a country where the majority live on less than $2 per day.

“The Taliban were making a ton of money off these outposts,” Hoh exclaimed, “and everyone knew exactly where the money was going!”

While this might sound far-fetched to a lay person, the notion that the U.S. was directly paying off the Taliban has been an established fact for over a decade, the latest SIGAR report noting that Washington has been “buying” the insurgents’ cooperation, making the Taliban “unofficial subcontractors to the U.S. government.”

“We’re talking about a fountain of money that the Taliban were happy to take. Whether they took it directly or it was the Taliban commander’s cousin that was the contractor, it doesn’t matter. The absurdity of all this — and everyone knew it was going on!” Hoh exclaimed.

Flooding Afghanistan with cash

In an attempt to win hearts and minds, U.S. forces began spending vast sums of money on reconstruction and social projects. Yet the money spent was far more than Afghanistan could productively absorb and it continued to grow to the point where American agencies had no way of effectively disbursing and overseeing it. This cash-in-hand system also created widespread networks of corruption that sustained huge numbers of people, including many in Washington.

As the SIGAR study explained, the assumption underpinning the whole strategy was that ordinary Afghans were the source of the corruption and that increased spending would reduce the fraud over time. Only after years of this strategy did the U.S. realize it was the enormous cash injection itself that was causing the problems. But, “rather than revisit their assumptions when progress proved elusive, U.S. officials concluded that it would be better to power through the shortcut by adding even more money” — a decision that might lead some to question the officials’ motives.

Flooding the country with cash produced a myriad of unforeseen negative economic consequences, making some places resemble gold-rush towns. Such was the speed and ambition of reconstruction efforts in Helmand Province, for instance, that local teachers quit their jobs to become day laborers for better wages, leaving children in the lurch.

Hoh, who had been sent to Iraq to perform essentially the same function, had never seen anything like it. “Holy cow, I was living like Scarface… I was paying out anywhere between $300-400,000 per week to $5 million per week at times. All in cash,” he said.

I had $50 million in cash. The most I ever had at one point was $24 million on hand, in $100 bills, sitting in safes in my bedroom. And there was hardly any oversight whatsoever. Once we signed that money out of the vault in Baghdad, it was up to me how to document that money was spent and where the money went…I had no requirement. Literally. I am not joking. No guidance and no requirement to provide documentation about where that money went.”

No oversight

Because U.S. forces could not travel freely in Afghanistan, rarely venturing far beyond their bases, they were largely forced to take Afghan contractors at their word. This resulted in corner-cutting and shoddy workmanship becoming the norm, as Afghans had no incentive to produce quality work. SIGAR noted one particularly embarrassing instance where the U.S. paid $2.4 million for a new compound that it could never use, as it was built outside the security perimeter of the base for which it was commissioned.

Making money off American ignorance became a relatively sophisticated operation, with one Kandahar-based organization even providing contractors with doctored images of fake projects, replete with fraudulent geotags embedded in the digital photographs, helping local businesses swindle USAID. As former Ambassador to Afghanistan Ryan Crocker told SIGAR,

“The ultimate point of failure for our efforts wasn’t an insurgency. It was the weight of endemic corruption.”

Poppy fiasco

The heroin trade exploded under the U.S. watch. In 2001 — the year of the invasion — Afghanistan produced just 185 tons of the drug. However, that number ballooned to over 9,000 tons by 2017, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. The boom turned Afghanistan into the world’s first true narco-state, according to Professor Alfred McCoy, author of “The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade.”

The trade implicated almost everybody in power, including Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s brother Ahmed Wali, among the biggest and most notorious drug kingpins in the south of the country.

Attempts to crush opium production often backfired comically. Local farmers were given cash not to plant poppies. But frequently, they would simply take the money and plant the crop elsewhere, unbeknownst to the Americans. Thus, they were simultaneously getting paid to plant and paid not to plant.

U.S. Marines assigned to the female engagement team (FET) of I Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward) conduct a patrol alongside a poppy field while visiting Afghan settlements in Boldak, Afghanistan, April 5, 2010. (DoD photo by Cpl. Lindsay L. Sayres, U.S. Marine Corps/Released)

US Marines conduct a patrol alongside a poppy field in Boldak, Afghanistan on April 5, 2010. Photo | DoD

The U.S. also often paid huge sums of money to Afghan warlords to destroy poppy fields. However, local bosses — who grew the crop themselves — would simply destroy their rivals’ fields and collect the money, leaving themselves both enriched and in a dominant position to further control the trade in their area.

One notable example of this is local strongman Gul Agha Sherzai, who eradicated his competitors’ crops in Nangarhar Province (while quietly leaving his own in Kandahar Province untouched). But all the U.S. saw was a local politician seemingly committed to stamping out the illegal drug trade. They therefore showered him with money and other privileges.

“We literally gave the guy $10 million in cash for rubbing out his competition,” Hoh said. “If you were going to write a movie about this, they’d say ‘This is too far fetched. No one is going to believe this. Nothing is this insane or stupid.’ But that is the way it is.”

At war with the truth

Truth, the ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus noted, is always the first casualty in war. And Afghanistan is a prime example of this phenomenon. The release of the Afghanistan Papers in 2019 showed that there had been a years-long drive to deliberately deceive the public about the conflict, with officials consistently sharing over-optimistic figures and assessments they knew to be untrue, all in an effort to keep the occupation going.

The SIGAR report details how “[e]normous pressure to demonstrate progress to the Congress and the American and Afghan people distorted accountability systems into spin machines,” condemning the “utterly dishonest” handling of the war, and concluding that “[t]here was little appetite for honest assessments of what worked and what did not.” “The American people have been lied to,” concluded John Sopko, the special inspector general at SIGAR.

Has the U.S. made things better?

Images of desperate people fleeing the Taliban’s seemingly unstoppable advance have flooded Western TV networks and social media news feeds, with well-paid pundits hand-wringing about how such a retreat must never happen again, that we are abandoning our allies, and how all our good work across the country will quickly be undone.

However, it is important to soberly assess the condition Afghanistan is being left in. While things were far from fine before the U.S.-led invasion, polls conducted by American organizations show Afghanistan to be the saddest place on earth. Zero percent of respondents claimed that they are “thriving” as opposed to 85 percent who said they were “suffering,” when asked by Gallup in 2019. And while war has been good business for some, President Ashraf Ghani — who fled the country as soon as the American troops left — recently admitted that 90% of the population was living on less than $2 per day.

On the Afghanistan Papers, MintPress News contributor and founder of anti-war group CODEPINK Medea Benjamin wrote:

The debacle in Afghanistan is only one case in a fundamentally flawed U.S. policy with worldwide consequences. New quasi-governments installed by U.S. ‘regime change’ in country after country have proven more corrupt, less legitimate and less able to control their nation’s territory than the ones the U.S. has destroyed.

Before the rise of the Taliban (who, incidentally, derived much of their power from U.S. money and arms flowing to the anti-Soviet Mujahideen), half of Afghan university students were women, as were 40% of the country’s doctors, 70% of its teachers and 30% of its civil servants.

For all the talk of the advancement in women’s rights and education in the country, today, in half of Afghanistan’s provinces, fewer than 20% of teachers are female (and in many, that number is less than 10%). Only 37% of girls can even read (as opposed to 66% of boys), according to Human Rights Watch.

Fear of personal safety in the country has increased virtually every year in Afghanistan since 2005, reaching all-time highs today. Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their lives and 5.9 million people have fled their homes. In 2018 alone, Afghans submitted 1.17 million complaints to the International Criminal Court, detailing accounts of atrocities from all groups, including U.S. forces.

Killing and making a killing

Thus, it is painfully clear that there are many losers in this conflict. But there were also clear winners. Even losing wars make money, and much of that money went to private or semi-private companies that populate the suburbs of Washington, D.C.

Hoh stated that there was corruption and stealing among American officials as well as Afghan. Deals were not documented, often completed upon a handshake alone, and there is often no paper trail to explain where all this money went. “But a lot of this was just legal,” he said, noting that 40% of the “aid” money earmarked for Iraq and Afghanistan never even left the United States, going towards management and consultancy fees for the prime contractor.

One of these groups is Creative Associates International, a for-profit NGO that received $449 million worth of contracts in Afghanistan, including one to rebuild the country’s education system around a privatized model. Creative Associates redesigned the Afghan curriculum, purging any mention of the past few decades of the country’s history (including the Taliban) from textbooks. “You can’t buy that kind of thought control — unless you have a few hundred million,” wrote one American educator.

Weapons companies have also made a killing supplying the U.S. and its allies with the arms necessary to sustain a 20-year campaign. As Jon Schwarz of The Intercept noted, defense stocks have outperformed the market by 58% over the past two decades. A prime example of this is Lockheed Martin. $10,000 of that company’s stock bought in September 2001 would now be worth more than $133,000. Lockheed Martin itself today receives more in federal contracts than all weapons manufacturers put together did 20 years ago.

Hoh sardonically noted that “the one place that reconstruction was successful was in Northern Virginia.” The rest of America might be struggling, but Raytheon Acres is flourishing.

Why we fight

In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, the United States and its allies originally entered Afghanistan to capture Osama Bin Laden, for whom the Taliban were said to have previously provided sanctuary. Underreported at the time was that the Taliban offered to hand him over to a third country if the U.S. would provide evidence connecting him to the terrorist attacks.

The U.S.’ mission slowly changed from stamping out al-Qaeda to opposing the Taliban, to the point that, when Bin Laden was killed in 2011 (in Pakistan), there was little talk of pulling the U.S. out of Afghanistan. Highlighting the phenomenon of mission creep is the fact that in the first draft of the U.S.’ 2009 military strategy for Afghanistan document, there is no mention of al-Qaeda, because NATO believed the group was “no longer a problem.”

While President Joe Biden has been praised and condemned in equal measure for his decision to remove troops from the country, he was at pains to make clear that this was not a renunciation of violence, saying:

Today a terrorist threat has metastasized well beyond Afghanistan. Al-Shabab in Somalia, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, al-Nusra in Syria, ISIS attempting to create a caliphate in Syria and Iraq and establishing affiliates in multiple countries in Africa and Asia. These threats warrant our attention and our resources.”

“We’ve developed counterterrorism over-the-horizon capability that will allow us to keep our eyes firmly fixed on the direct threats to the United States in the region, and act quickly and decisively if needed,” he added.

Therefore, it is clear that the White House has not learned the lessons that anti-war activists hoped they had. With Washington also increasingly setting its sights on China and Russia, the exorbitant costs in Afghanistan might seem cheap in comparison to any future wars dwarfing this one in scale.


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Alan MacLeod is Senior Staff Writer for MintPress News. After completing his PhD in 2017 he published two books: Bad News From Venezuela: Twenty Years of Fake News and Misreporting and Propaganda in the Information Age: Still Manufacturing Consent, as well as a number of academic articles. He has also contributed to FAIR.orgThe GuardianSalonThe GrayzoneJacobin Magazine, and Common Dreams.

waronterrorism.jpgby Michel Chossudovsky
ISBN Number: 9780973714715
List Price: $24.95
click here to order

Special Price: $18.00

In this new and expanded edition of Michel Chossudovsky’s 2002 best seller, the author blows away the smokescreen put up by the mainstream media, that 9/11 was an attack on America by “Islamic terrorists”.  Through meticulous research, the author uncovers a military-intelligence ploy behind the September 11 attacks, and the cover-up and complicity of key members of the Bush Administration.

The expanded edition, which includes twelve new chapters focuses on the use of 9/11 as a pretext for the invasion and illegal occupation of Iraq, the militarisation of justice and law enforcement and the repeal of democracy.

According to Chossudovsky, the  “war on terrorism” is a complete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, Osama bin Laden, outwitted the $40 billion-a-year American intelligence apparatus. The “war on terrorism” is a war of conquest. Globalisation is the final march to the “New World Order”, dominated by Wall Street and the U.S. military-industrial complex.

September 11, 2001 provides a justification for waging a war without borders. Washington’s agenda consists in extending the frontiers of the American Empire to facilitate complete U.S. corporate control, while installing within America the institutions of the Homeland Security State.

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Aldous Huxley (26 July 1894 – 22 November 1963) was an English writer and philosopher. He wrote nearly fifty books both novels and non-fiction works—as well as wide-ranging essays, narratives, and poems. In his most famous novel Brave New World (1932) and his final novel Island (1962), he presented his vision of dystopia and utopia, respectively.

George Orwell, was an English novelist, essayist, journalist and critic. His work is characterised by lucid prose, biting social criticism, opposition to totalitarianism and mass surveillance. As a writer, Orwell produced literary criticism and poetry, fiction and polemical journalism; and is best known for the allegorical novella Animal Farm (1945) and the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949).

The profound animation from 12:30 to 15:45 of this video is from “IN-SHADOW – A Modern Odyssey – Animated Short Film” by Lubomir Arsov.


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Bombshell UK Data Destroys Entire Premise for Vaccine Push

August 27th, 2021 by Chris Waldburger

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This is an absolute game-changer.

The UK government just reported the following data, tucked away in their report on variants of concern:

Less than a third of delta variant deaths are in the unvaccinated.

Let me say that another way – two-thirds of Delta deaths in the UK are in the jabbed.

To be specific:

From the 1st of February to the 2nd of August, the UK recorded 742 Delta deaths (yes, the dreaded Delta has not taken that much life).

Out of the 742 deaths, 402 were fully vaccinated. 79 had received one shot. Only 253 were unvaccinated.

The report is here.

But this is the crucial page. Look at the bottom line.

Again, 402 deaths out of 47 008 cases in vaccinated; 253 deaths out of 151 054 cases in unvaccinated. If you get covid having been vaccinated, according to this data, you are much more likely to die than if you were not vaccinated!

Obviously some allowance must be made for more elderly people being vaccinated, but not enough to change the bottom line: this vaccine is not nearly as effective as advertised.

And with all its unknowns, and a much higher adverse reporting number than all other vaccines combined, a complete recalibration of global policy is the only moral option.

Countries around the world, as months pass since vaccinations, are experiencing a surge in vaccinated deaths and hospitalizations. 60% of hospitalizations in Israel are fully vaccinated patients. (Hence the mad rush for untested boosters.)

The powers that be will not admit there is something terribly wrong. They will not acknowledge the clear science that people with natural immunity, and the young and healthy, do not need to take the risks of these injections. Read this very important piece on natural immunity. Reliable studies showing the superiority of natural immunity are just ignored by our overlords.

Instead they will jab and jab and jab again. The vaccine passports will be renewable every six months. Countries are ordering up to 8 shots per citizen. The masks will not go away. Israel, the pre-eminent vaxxed nation, is in lockdown.

The report also made one other important admission:

In other words, getting vaccinated to protect others is not true!

This is NOT a sterilising vaccine that stops diseases like polio or hepatitis using live virus. This is for you alone. Which means, as experts like Martin Kulldorff, biostatistician, epidemiologist and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, and Jay Bhattacharya, professor of medicine at Stanford University and research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, have long said, it makes zero sense to vaccinate the young and healthy.

We are dealing with a world-historical error, and in fact a global assault on young bodies.

To be clear, I make no advice to anybody about taking the vaccine or not. I may well have decided to take it if I were in a risk category, or if I knew I did not have to wear a mask or get tested after taking a single shot. Your decision should be guided by consulting with a doctor, informed consent, and your own conscience.

And you should ask yourself why there is no explanation for the hundreds of thousands of women experiencing menstrual changes after the shot, or the way vaccines are being mandated at the same time they are under investigation for unknown risks.

What I will say categorically is that you will have to answer one day, in this life or the next, for where you stood on the issue of mandating medicine for the healthy without informed consent, on giving cover for governments to shove things down kids’ noses, and locking down all that makes life worthwhile. Where were you when kids’ freedoms were stolen from them? I doubt there will be much forgiveness from that generation.

Every time somebody posts a meme mocking vaccine hesitance, not only do they alienate the hesitant, and radicalize them, they implicitly endorse a new police state in which a liberal government like Australia feels empowered to pepper spray kids in the face for not wearing a mask that has not been conclusively shown to prevent viral transmission.

For crying out loud, this what even the World Health Organization admits about masks:

The vaccines will not end these measures, especially in countries with low vaccination rates. They cannot, unless these governments admit their massive errors. Their booster shot push makes this unlikely.

Finally, why does the media not even report on governmental data? Why am I reporting this stuff?

I have no idea, but it is truly sinister.

Ask yourself why the media will not even mention the fact that this 23-year-old Irish footballer below, in perfect health, received a vaccine three days before dropping dead:

Untimely indeed.

God have mercy.


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The deployment of clever linguistic tricks has created a hostile upside-down universe, where even the vaccine-injured are tarnished as “anti-vaxxers” or liars rather than acknowledged as ex-vaxxers who took risks that turned out to be life-changing.

Psychological and linguistic manipulation are, for those in power, proven tools for building, consolidating and maintaining dominance — a reality keenly depicted in George Orwell’s never-more-relevant novel, “1984.”

As phrased by master propagandist Edward Bernays, an approximate contemporary of Orwell’s, the mind of the people “is made up for it by the group leaders in whom it believes and by those persons who understand the manipulation of public opinion.”

Recent events surrounding COVID vaccines have shown that medicine and public health — with the help of a complicit media — are particularly skilled at “pull[ing] the wires which control the public mind.”

The clever bag of linguistic tricks deployed by the medical cartel includes seeding evocative terms such as “vaccine hesitancy” and “lockdowns” (which is prison terminology) into popular and scientific discourse, forging slippery new definitions of words with formerly fixed meanings (such as “pandemic,” “herd immunity” and “vaccine”), and circling failed products back around by giving them the positive spin of “boosters.”

Ominously, medicine’s and public health’s verbal assaults encourage shaming of, or violence against, those who ask questions, while upholding the disingenuous pretense that vaccine mandates are compatible with freedom.

In this hostile upside-down universe, even the vaccine-injured are tarnished as “anti-vaxxers” or liars rather than acknowledged as ex-vaxxers who took risks that turned out to be life-changing.

‘Much like other stressors’

One of the more insulting recent examples of linguistic weaponization involves a dubious psychiatric cover term, “functional neurological disorder” (FND), that is suddenly being trumpeted as an explanation for the tsunami of adverse events — especially severe neurological reactions — being reported all over the world in the aftermath of COVID vaccination.

Psychiatrists conveniently define FND — which they also refer to as a “psychogenic” (originating in the mind) or “conversion” disorder — as “real” nervous system symptoms that “cause significant distress or problems functioning” but are “incompatible with” or “can’t be explained by” recognized neurological diseases or other medical conditions.

Lest members of the public derive a “simplistic impression of potential links between the [COVID] vaccine and major neurological symptoms,” neurologists pushing the FND story have hastened to reassure people that the “close development of functional motor symptoms after the vaccine does not implicate the vaccine as the cause of those symptoms.”

One of these individuals is National Institutes of Health-funded neurologist Alberto Espay, who implausibly adds that COVID vaccination (which entails injection with high-risk substances and technologies) is just “a stressor or precipitant, much like any other stressor … such as a motor vehicle accident or sleep deprivation.”

Officials and the media are audaciously trotting out the FND narrative on both sides of the pond, as evidenced by a recent Daily Mail headline that read, “Videos of people ‘struggling to walk’ after getting their COVID vaccine are NOT result of jab itself but a condition triggered by stress or trauma.”

Helping with the spin, a member of the UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization straight-facedly attributed this “stress” to coercion, stating: “If people begin to feel they are being kind of forced against their will to do something, then in a sense that’s quite a damaging thing to do because it gives people the impression vaccination is something being imposed on them.”

Hammering home the point that “there is nothing to see here,” Kings College London physician Matthew Butler solemnly (and without evidence) agrees that FND — though “serious and debilitating” — “does not implicate any vaccine constituents and should not hamper ongoing vaccination efforts.”

Butler is the lead author of a May 2020 paper proposing FND patients’ “abnormal body-focussed attention” be treated with psychedelics such as LSD and psilocybin — never mind that psychedelics themselves, admit Butler and co-authors, “sometimes produce abnormal physical and motor effects,” including seizures.

An all-too-familiar game

To past victims of vaccine injury, the “it’s all in your mind” sleight-of-hand being summoned to dismiss COVID vaccine injuries is all too familiar.

Consider autism, which psychiatrists blamed, in its earliest days, on emotionally distant “refrigerator moms.”

In more recent decades, families affected by autism have experienced the double whammy of regulatory indifference to likely culprits (including not just neurotoxic vaccines but other probable environmental triggers) alongside brazen denial of autism’s escalating prevalence.

Young people injured by human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines tell similar stories of “denial and dismissal of reported harms and deaths.” Researchers who in 2017 reviewed the serious adverse events reported during two of the largest HPV vaccine clinical trials noted that “Practically, none of the serious adverse events occurring in any arm of both studies were judged [by the manufacturers] to have been vaccine-related.”

In the face of severe symptoms such as heart-attack-like chest pain, numbness and swelling of extremities, hair loss, whole-body aches and extreme fatigue, boys and girls injured by HPV vaccines have been repeatedly subjected to medical gaslightingtold they are “crazy” and just need to “slow down.”

In one incident in Australia, after “26 girls presented to the school’s sick bay with symptoms including dizziness, syncope [fainting] and neurological complaints” within two hours of receiving HPV vaccines at school, pharma-funded researchers had the chutzpah to dismiss the safety signal and characterize the episode as a “mass psychogenic event” — which they defined as “the collective occurrence of a constellation of symptoms suggestive of organic illness but without an identified cause in a group of people with shared beliefs about the cause.”

Recognize, question and reclaim

The medical-public health-pharma cartel, the “small cabal of wealthy countries, corporations and individuals” that support it, and their media mouthpieces are supremely confident in their ability to manage public perceptions through words and narratives, whether for the purpose of “mystifying” the public about key events, securing buy-in for oppressive policies or sowing discord to divide and conquer. (As journalists Caitlin Johnstone and Glenn Greenwald also remind us, many media personalities are intelligence agency veterans or assets, and the “sole owner of the Washington Post is a CIA contractor.”)

Thus, it pays to be attentive to how health authorities use language, for “the more you know about language, the more immune you become to its effects.”

Beyond noticing the manipulation, we must also stop ceding the linguistic terrain to our would-be manipulators — for example, by eschewing weaponized vocabulary such as the pejorative term “vaccine hesitancy.”

Catholic journalist Jane Stannus points out that the term “vaccine hesitant” portrays those who decline COVID (or other) vaccines as “‘trapped by irrational fears’ in a state of inaction or ignorantly opposed to science,” with the strong suggestion “that such backward and weak-minded persons are worthy of contempt, especially compared with the enlightened, confident people who signed up for the vaccine immediately.”

The unfortunate corollary of such language is the “witch hunt on the unvaccinated” that we are already witnessing, “an act of violence against the fabric of society,” says Stannus, that is “a greater evil … than the shared suffering of disease.”

We can and urgently need to see through these shenanigans and reclaim our humanity.

Fast-moving current events are proving those who have declined COVID injections are the wise ones, with science proving them correct in just about every way.

Whether we consider the many suspected dangers of products unleashed on the public less than a year ago, or the injuries and deaths occurring on a never-before-seen scale (including in teens who had their lives ahead of them), or the clear superiority of natural immunity, or the fact that the injections don’t even do the one thing the clinical trials alleged they could do (i.e., keep more severe illness at bay), it is clear that citizens who would rather think for themselves than swallow prefabricated lies are the ones who are going to come out ahead.


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An Australian TV reporter is suffering from one of the exceedingly rare (according to the CDC) side effects attributed to mRNA COVID jabs produced by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna. Denham Hitchcock, a reporter with Seven News, is suffering from a heart condition called pericarditis, which has been linked to the mRNA jabs – the FDA has even included a warning about the side effects with the Pfizer jab, which only just received full approval from the agency on Monday.

For those who aren’t familiar with it, pericarditis involves inflammation of a sac-like tissue that surrounds the heart and holds it in place and helps it function. Hitchcock claims the condition was caused by his first shot of the Pfizer vaccine, and called on the government to “keep your damn promise” on opening up the world.

But despite experiencing the severe side effect, the investigative journalist is still recommending that all Australians to get the vaccine so Australia can reopen its internal (and external) borders.

“I’ve battled over whether to send this post from hospital or not. But decided after 27 years of being a journalist who’s primary goal is to discover the truth – it would be hypocritical not to,” he wrote on Instagram. I’m NOT anti-vax. But I’m really not pro-vax either. I’m pro-choice – and pro-information to make that choice. Probably a little late to hospital – but here I am – diagnosed with pericarditis – or inflammation of the heart due to the Pfizer vaccine.”

Hitchcock made the post from his hospital bed in Gold Coast University Hospital on Thursday morning, roughly 25 days after he received his first shot.

He said at first he was experiencing a racing heart, pins and needles, and dizziness, but continued on thinking they were normal side effects.

Even after three weeks, he is still suffering from severe symptoms, including sharp chest pain, chills, and the dizziness, which have become extreme. Hitchcock  said in a post that this condition hasn’t gotten enough attention.

“‘Since being here I’ve contacted health professionals I know in Sydney and while It’s rare – it’s certainly not isolated,” he said. “One hospital has had well over a dozen cases like me.”

Pericarditis and myocarditis have been observed in an extremely small number of people after they receiving mRNA vaccines, of which Pfizer is one, according to data from the CDC that we have shared in the past.

After experiencing “acute chest pain” a group of soldiers were found to have exhibited the reaction, which we first reported on weeks ago.


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I’ve just been informed via someone senior in the vaccination authorities that they will begin VACCINATING ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN AGED 12 – 15 years old STARTING SEPTEMBER 6th 2021.


Children are at no measurable risk from SARS-CoV-2 & no previously healthy child has died in U.K. after infection. Not one.

The vaccines are NOT SAFE. The USA reporting system VAERS is showing around 13,000 deaths in days to a few weeks after administration. A high % occur in the first 3 days. Around 70% of serious adverse events are thromboembolic in nature (blood clotting- or bleeding-related).

We know why this is: all of the gene-based vaccines cause our bodies to manufacture the virus spike protein & that spike protein triggers blood coagulation.

The next most common type of adverse events are neurological.

Death rates per million vaccinations are running everywhere at around 60X more than any previous vaccine.

Worse, thromboembolic events such as pulmonary embolisms, appear at over 400X the typical low rate after vaccination.

These events are serious, occur at a hideously elevated level & are at least as common in young people as in elderly people. The tendency is that younger people are having MORE SEVERE adverse events than older people.

There is literally no benefit whatsoever from this intervention. As stated, the children are unquestionably NOT AT RISK & vaccinating them WILL ONLY RESULT IN PAIN, SUFFERING, LASTING INJURIES AND DEATH.

Children rarely even become symptomatic & are very poor transmitters of the virus. This isn’t theory. It’s been studied & it pretty much doesn’t happen that children bring the virus into the home. In a large study, on not one occasion was a child the ‘index case’ – the first infected person in a household.

So if you’re told “it’s to protect vulnerable family members”, THAT IS A LIE.

The information emerging over time from U.K. & Israel is now showing clearly that the vaccines DO NOT EVEN WORK WELL. If there’s any benefit, it wanes.

Finally, the vaccines ARE NOT EVEN NECESSARY. There are good, safe & effective treatments.


And for no possible benefit.

KNOWING WHAT I KNOW FROM 40 years TRAINING & PRACTISE IN TOXICOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY & PHARMACOLOGY, to participate in this extraordinary abuse of innocent children in our care can be classified in no other way than MURDER.

It’s up to you. If I had a secondary school age child in U.K., I would not be returning them to school next month, no matter what.

The state is going to vaccinate everyone. The gloves are off. This has never been about a virus or public health. It’s wholly about control, totalitarian & irreversible control at that, and they’re nearly there.


With somber best wishes,

Dr Mike Yeadon


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Quad Meets the “Saigon Moment”

August 27th, 2021 by M. K. Bhadrakumar

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The political future of both US President Joe Biden and the leaders of the Taliban depends on what happens to the people of Afghanistan. Biden did not take their welfare into consideration when he implemented Donald Trump’s bad deal for a precipitate US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. The Taliban’s senior leadership which was based outside the country did not make even general plans for governance because they did not expect their fighters to take over the country as quickly as they did.

As far as Biden is concerned, the rapid pull-out of the last 2,500 US troops was a disaster as he both gave the Taliban the victory they craved and humiliated the US military, the mightiest (allegedly) and most expensive in the world. Biden’s handling of the withdrawal has been exposed as horrendous by satellite television by the chaotic crush of foreigners and frightened Afghans outside the airport in Kabul. Biden’s hope of declaring “mission accomplished” has been dashed. The world will wait to see what happens next to the hard-pressed Afghan people who have been returned to Taliban rule after 20 years of governance by a corrupt leadership.  Despite mis-management, the US-backed regime improved living conditions for Afghans living in towns and cities but neglected the rural areas where the Taliban rebuilt its base of support after being driven into exile by the US in 2001.

A comprehensive CBS/YouGov opinion poll conducted between August 18-21 shows that while 67 per cent of US respondents approves of withdrawing from Afghanistan, 43 per cent is critical of Biden’s handling of the process of removal.  Forty-four per cent says he has handled it very badly, 30 per cent somewhat badly, 21 per cent somewhat well, and 5 per cent well. Seventy-four per cent says the way the US pulled out its troops has gone badly.

Only 33 per cent believes Biden has a clear plan for evacuating US citizens while 67 per cent says he does not. Fifty-nine per cent holds the US was not doing enough to help Afghans to leave,  27 per cent says the US was doing the right amount, and 14 per cent doing too much. It is significant that 81 per cent of respondents holds that Afghan translators evacuated from Afghanistan should be allowed to enter the US while 19 per cent says no. Sixty per cent believes Taliban control means an increased threat to the US of terrorism while only four per cent believes this decreased and 36 per cent thinks the threat remained the same.

Biden’s overall approval rating fell from 62 per cent in March to 58 per cent in July and 50 per cent now.  Forty-nine per cent considered him competent as compared to 56 per cent April.

The remainder of his presidency can be expected to be tainted by his chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan and what happens to the Afghan people now that the Taliban is back in power. Until the Taliban surged into the country’s provincial capitals this month, Biden apparently thought he would get away with a politically painless pull-out on the domestic front and ignored the Afghan people. He received his comeuppance on August 15th when the Taliban moved effortlessly into Kabul.

It is ironic that Biden’s standing will be determined by the Taliban. If the movement attempts to revert to the repressive rule imposed between 1996-2001, slaying opponents and members of ethnic minorities and imprisoning women in their homes, Biden will be blamed. If, however, the Taliban leadership shows itself to be more moderate by honouring pledges to grant an amnesty to Afghans who joined the US-backed army and government, served in foreign embassies, and allow women freedom to study and work both the deeply distrusted Taliban and wounded Biden could gain a certain amount of credibility. Credibility among Afghans and in the international community is sorely needed.

At present, many Afghans are hiding from the Taliban or refusing to return to their jobs although the Taliban has called on them to do so. This means banks, the administration and commercial establishments are not working while the already weak economy plunges downward accelerated by the interruption of the flow of foreign funds into the country.

The US froze $9-10 billion in Afghan central bank deposits in New York and halted shipments of cash and the delivery of around $1 billion in humanitarian aid allocated for 2021. The International Monetary Fund has suspended a payment of $460 million due last month. The Afghan currency has lost 90 per cent of its value. As foreign grants have financed 75 per cent of public spending, the country does not have the funds to operate normally at a time 90 per cent of Afghans lives on $1.90 a day. If the Taliban does not get its act together and attract humanitarian aid, the World Food Programme warns the poorest Afghans could face starvation.

Meanwhile, Taliban leaders, unmoved by the urgency of the emergency they face, debate forms of government they could adopt. A week ago, they announced they might form a “leadership council” similar to the model chosen by the Islamic Republic of Iran. According to Afghanistan’s Tolo news service head Sharif Amiri, cited by Informed Comment, the Taliban’s spiritual leader Hibatullah Akhundzada might be appointed supreme religious leader and ultimate political adjudicator while an appointed president or prime minister and ministers would actually run the country. Democracy would not be an option.


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Global Research Editor’s Note

We bring to the attention of our readers, Carla Stea‘s incisive review of the latest report of The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Acknowledged by the IPCC, extreme weather conditions in 2021 have affected the entire planet. Massive floods in China, Russia, Germany and Turkey.  Forest fires and extreme heat waves in British Columbia. Severe droughts in California which threaten agriculture. Snowstorms in Brazil. 

The causes must be carefully investigated. 

What the IPCC has failed to analyze in its latest and previous reports are the military dimensions of climate change. In this regard, it is worth noting that an international Convention was ratified by the UN General Assembly in 1977 which banned ‘military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects.’ 

There is a vast literature on weather modification for military use, which must be addressed. 

See the December 1995 US Air Force document entitled: “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025


Screen Shot from the Report submitted to Air Force 2025

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 27, 2021


The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued a report last week confirming the ominous trajectory of the alarming fires spreading through California, Greece, Siberia, and elsewhere throughout the world, along with floods in China and Germany never before seen, stating that these terrifying climate events are both “unprecedented and many are irreversible.  United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres stated:

“If we combine forces now, we can avert climate catastrophe.  But as today’s report makes clear, there is no time for delay and no room for excuses.  I count on government leaders, and all stakeholders to ensure COP 26 (November’s Climate Summit in Glasgow) is a success.”

According to the report, “Human influence is ‘very likely” (90%) the main driver of the global retreat of glaciers since the 1990’s and the decrease in Arctic sea-ice. The warming has made irreversible changes to our planetary support systems. According to Professor Ed Hawkins, one of the authors of the report, “For many of these consequences, there’s no going back.”

Perhaps many of these human activity induced and deadly climate changes began with the industrial revolution, which escalated the lucrative and profitable activities that led to our global  economic inequality, and grossly accelerated the concentration of profits generated by capitalism into the exclusive control of an obscenely tiny number of mega-billionaires, the 00001%.

And in the process of the expansion of Western Europe, the slaughter of the indigenous peoples (who inhabited the land pilfered by the Europeans) who had cherished the earth, and treated its abundance with reverence,  destroyed the experience and wisdom of indigenous tribes which had existed for thousands of years in harmony with the planet. The “White Man’s Burden” may prove, ultimately, to be the White Man’s Armageddon, as the infantile cult of instant gratification, which led to the gluttonous practices of the uber-capitalists,  now spending billions of dollars on failed space flight, while billions of fellow human beings starve, may lead to kharmic disaster in which all, including the innocent majority, perish, in a final cataclysm. This is no longer simply doomsday thinking.

Although UN Secretary-General Guterres optimistically allows for drastically altered human behavior by 2040 to avert the worst outcome, the refusal to reverse course, and eschew the use of fossil fuels and other substances and practices contributing to this deadly climate warming, it is almost categorically unlikely that the deadly dynamic of capitalism will permit the .00001% to accept the life-saving transformation of thinking and priorities which are imperative for the survival of the planet.  The pathological narcissism of the .00001% will almost inevitably doom us all, and especially those in the developing world who bear no responsibility for this destruction of our planet.

One of the most criminal contributors to this drastic acceleration in global warming is Brazil’s President Bolsonaro, who authorized more destruction of the Amazon forest, which causing the formerly great Amazon, “the lungs of the planet” to lose its capacity to absorb CO2, and the stumps of its destroyed trees, cut down for “profit,” are transformed into emitters of CO2.

On July 13, 2021, The New York Times published a headline:

“As Frozen Land Burns, Siberia Trembles….For the third year in a row, residents of northeastern Siberia are reeling from the worst wildfires they can remember, and many are left feeling helpless, angry and alone…..Last year, wildfires scorched more than 60,000 square miles of forest and tundra, an area the size of Florida.  That is more than four times the area that burned in the United States during its devastating 2020 fire season….Scientists say that the huge fires have been made possible by the extraordinary summer heat in recent years in northern Siberia .. Now Yakutia—a region four time the size of Texas, with its own culture and Turkic language—is burning again. On some days, thick smoke hung over the capital, Yakutsk, the coldest city in the world, making residents’ eyes water and scraping their throats. …”If we don’t have the forest, we don’t have life,”  said Maria Nogovitsina, a retired kindergarten director…..”Nature is angry at us,” she said”….

In an effort to avert catastrophe, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin signed into law this month requiring businesses to report their greenhouse gas emissions, paving the way toward carbon regulation in Russia.

The NY Times article ends quoting Semyon Solomonov, one of the volunteer Siberian firefighters:

“Any victory over the ravages of the changing climate would be temporary. ‘This is not a phase, this is not a cycle—this is the approach of the end of the world,’ Mr. Solomonov said. “Mankind will die out, and the era of the dinosaurs will come.’”


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Carla Stea is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and Global Research’s Correspondent at UN headquarters, New York. 

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Ukraine is ‘almost a member of the EU’ and ‘almost a member of NATO’ President Zelensky proudly declared of late.  The word ‘almost’ is pertinent here, because seven years after the Maidan revolution, Ukraine is still a substandard democracy, and far from reaching the basic democratic standards required for entry to either of these blocs.

Indeed Ukraine is ‘almost’ in so many senses of the word. The President himself ‘almost’ speaks Ukrainian (Russian is his native tongue). Ukraine is ‘almost’ a reliable geopolitical partner for Europe and the US. Most importantly, the country is ‘almost’ a democracy but sadly lacking the freedom of speech and language rights which a liberatarian state would possess.

In fact, since the 2014 Maidan revolution, the western-backed coup which saw the Yanukovych government toppled, Ukraine has fallen under a dark cloud. Far from the bright, positive European future promised by proponents of Maidan, Ukraine has been drenched in ethnic conflict as the authorities have attempted to de-Russify the country and erase any sign of Russianness.

Those opposed to the Maidan revolution of 2013 predicted this would happen. Rumours began to spread at the time that Ukrainian nationalists would threaten the rights of ethnic Russians and in particular their right to speak in their native tongue, but these fears were not acknowledged by the West, and went unreported in the western media. Instead, reports of neo-Nazis in Ukraine and extreme nationalism were dismissed as Russian propaganda. But facts cannot be ignored and the fact remains that a law was passed in 2019 to force all Ukrainian citizens to speak Ukrainian, despite a third of Ukranians stating that Russian is their native language.

This crackdown on speakers of Russian language is exactly the type of ethnocultural cleansing that provoked the people of Crimea and East Ukraine to rise up against the Ukrainian authorities, leading to the reunification of Crimea with Russia and the formation of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. Not that this is recognised at all in the West, which has insisted and continues to insist that only Russia is to blame for the ethnic and territorial divisions which have occurred since the coup. The oldest strategy in the book – the  ‘divide and rule’ tactic – has been very effective in Ukraine, and as usual with western foreign policy interventions, it is the ordinary people of these occupied nations that suffer from the geopolitical games being directed from those seated in Washington.

And yet, despite all the grand ideas for Ukraine promised by western politicians over the years, the country continues to crumble and fall into an abyss of economic recession and social turmoil. Instead of receiving robust support from the US and EU, it has become increasingly isolated, particularly since the successful Putin-Biden summit. The military buildup in East Ukraine in May earlier this year which provoked Russia to gather its forces along the border, was a real test of just how far Washington was prepared to go to defend Ukraine: not far at all.

This change in attitude was further emphasised by the US’ changed rhetoric on Nord Stream 2, and more recently by Angela Merkel’s visit to Moscow and Kiev. Lambasted by the Ukrainian media, Angela Merkel has now become something of a bête noire for Zelensky as she, as usual, pursues Germany’s national interest with the completion of Nord Stream 2. Many in the anti-Russian commentariat have criticised Merkel’s positive meeting with Putin with some pointing out that not only did she visit Russia before Ukraine, but also has no plans to accept Kiev’s invitations to Ukrainian Independence Day celebrations or attend the Crimean Platform event which took place on Monday (a gathering aimed at reuniting Crimea with Ukraine).

If Kiev had any doubts about the nature of Washington’s commitment to Ukraine, all it has to do is look at the way it has abandoned Afghanistan in recent days. When it no longer becomes viable, the US, like any corporate giant, shuts up shop. Even after 20 years of fighting and fine words of turning Afghanistan into a flourishing democracy, when it no longer suited them, the Americans abruptly turned their back on the country and the many citizens who collaborated with them. It doesn’t bode well for Ukraine as a vassal state of the US.

Ukraine’s current position is untenable. A prosperous, optimistic, free, democratic country cannot be built on ethnic division, russophobia, fascism, and the slogan ‘death to the enemy’. The purging of pro-Russian politicians, the shutting down of opposition media, the interrogation of artists by the security services, are all signs that the country is locked in an authoritarian regime, and one which the US supports. And yet, just like that, Ukraine could also be abandoned in a flash, like Afghanistan, left buried under the pile of rubble the US helped to create. It will take time, but Ukraine’s only hope is to accept its shared cultural heritage with Russia, and recognise the rights of its Russian-speaking citizens in order to resolve the civil war. It can reject its historical ties with Russia, but a nation which denies its past has no future.


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Johanna Ross is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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The Taliban are finally beginning to consolidate power in Afghanistan.

The group is appointing government ministers as it attempts to form a functional apparatus.

The first appointment was an open mockery to the United States – Mullah Abdul Qayyum Zakir as a Defense Minister.

Zakir is a former Guantanamo Bay prisoner between 2001 and 2007.

He was deputy to the Taliban’s commander-in-chief, Mullah Yaqoob, and was among the first top Taliban commanders to enter Kabul, after the US withdrawal.

The Taliban has also reportedly appointed a Finance Minister, Gul Agha Sherzai. He previously served as a Minister of Borders and Tribal Affairs of Afghanistan.

Other than that, Ibrahim Sadr should become acting Interior Minister. Mullah Shirin should become the governor of Kabul Province, and Hamdullah Nomani will serve as a mayor of the capital.

The head of intelligence was also appointed, but his name was kept secret.

Meanwhile, the Taliban is also working on taking control over the Panjshir Valley. On August 25th, a delegation of 40 officials of the group met with the leaders of the Afghan resistance.

On August 24th, the Taliban attempted to enter Panjshir through a pass in the nearby province of Badakhshan. The attack was repelled and the Taliban sustained serious losses, according to Maj. Wazir Akbar, an Afghan army commando who joined the Panjshir resistance.

Afghan Vice President Amrullah Saleh, who declared himself as the acting President of the country after the fall of Kabul and joined hands with resistance forces, said only meaningful negotiations will be accepted.

Despite engaging in talks with the Taliban, resistance forces in Panjshir continue to prepare for the worse. More than 6,000 fighters are reportedly taking a stand in the valley. Initially, the resistance took three districts, which the Taliban later recaptured.

The situation in the Panjshir Valley is likely to last a while, as it appears deadlock and with no simple solution in sight. Reportedly, resistance forces set up machine gun nests, mortars and surveillance posts fortified with sandbags in anticipation of another Taliban assault on the Panjshir Valley.

A crushing defeat could likely be dealt to the resistance, no questions asked, but the Taliban claim that they are “building the future” and that all Afghans should feel that they are safe in the “Islamic Emirate”.

The Taliban’s capabilities were significantly boosted once they captured large amounts of equipment and hardware left behind by the US and its allies, as well as from the Afghan Armed Forces arsenal.


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It is tempting to castigate most of the public as stupid, victims of a massive and effective propaganda war to coerce COVID vaccinations.  But that, sadly, is the present situation.  The forces of evil intimidation and authoritarian government have prevailed.  Despite the many voices of courageous truth-telling physicians and medical researchers warning of the harmful health impacts of the vaccines, much of society is supporting the FDA Pfizer vaccine approval (with more approvals to come).  No stopping mandates now.

Despite incredible evidence since early 2020 that we have safe, effective and cheap generic medicines to treat and prevent COVID, the drug industry has succeeding in getting the corrupt government and public health system to hand it a global trillion-dollar business.  There is no end in sight as booster and yearly shots will become as mandated as the initial shots.  Stay stupid.  That is the choice Americans face.

Death Data

Though data has been ineffective in compelling government agencies to stop the vaccine effort, consider these data points on deaths attributed to just the Pfizer vaccine.  The CDC VAERS data system shows 9,027 deaths.  The British Yellow Card reporting system reports 501 deaths.  EudraVigilance, the European Union database reports 10,616 deaths.  Not counting non-EU European countries and many other nations that comes to a total of 20,144 deaths.  And add in some 2,644,488 adverse reactions following Pfizer’s injections.

As to other nations, recent data reported by official media sources in Brazil admit that over 32,000 people have died following COVID-19 shots, and one of the approved shots in Brazil is the Pfizer/BioNTech shot. What about Israel?

No data on deaths, but in early July, the Israeli Health Ministry reported a decrease in the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine in preventing infections and symptomatic illness, to 64% from a high of 95% reported in May.

Also, reported this month, Israel has the world’s highest levels of vaccination for COVID-19, with 78% of those 12 and older fully vaccinated, the vast majority with the Pfizer vaccine.  But the country now has one of the world’s highest infection rates, with nearly 650 new cases daily per million people.  More than half are in fully vaccinated people, reportedly 60 percent.

And from Korea came this May report: “Since the vaccination program began on Feb. 26, a total of 153 cases of death after inoculation had been reported…according to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA).  Pfizer accounted for 93 cases and AstraZeneca 60.”

Experienced epidemiologists you can trust would tell you that no vaccine with these levels of harmful effects would ever have been approved in the past.

But to hell with data.  Take your shots and gamble that you will not be yet another victim of a vaccine that was never sufficiently tested to reveal all the short- and long-term negative health impacts.  Trust the FDA when it officially proclaims the Pfizer vaccine safe.

Take your shot and shut up.  Don’t think about blood clots or a brain bleed or stroke.  Don’t go to 1000 Covid Stories and watch all the videos of victims who have suffered or died from shots.  Be compliant.  Stay stupid.  And take your shots.

FDA letter to Pfizer

Here is some very concerning information from the FDA letter to Pfizer relative to its approval of their COVID vaccine.

“We did not refer your application to the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee because our review of information submitted in your BLA [biologics license application], including the clinical study design and trial results, did not raise concerns or controversial issues that would have benefited from an advisory committee discussion.”

This is sheer nonsense, an awful short circuiting of past normal procedure for vaccine approval.

The letter then continues to outline deadlines for the submission of a list of outstanding items, some of which might be considered controversial.  Here are a few that should be of great concern to some people:

  • A study to evaluate whether the vaccine can safely and effectively be administered in a lower dose to individuals 12 to 29 years of age, due in 2023.
  • A study to evaluate the safety of vaccine in pregnancy, including possible birth defects, due in 2025.
  • Various studies to assess myocarditis and pericarditis after administration of vaccine, due between 2022 and 2026.
  • A study to assess the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine in children 12-15 years of age (spring 2023), 6 months to <12 years of age (fall 2023), and children <6 months of age (summer 2024).

Many people would conclude that FDA should have waited before granting vaccine approval at this time.

Survey of medical professionals

Trust in the CDC and FDA has decreased dramatically during the COVID-19 pandemic among health care professionals, according to a June WebMD/Medscape poll.

Out of nearly 2,000 U.S. nurses surveyed between May 25 and June 3, 77% said their trust in the CDC has decreased since the start of the pandemic, and 51% said their trust in the FDA has decreased.  Similarly, out of nearly 450 U.S. doctors surveyed in the same time period, 77% said their trust in the CDC has decreased and 48% said their trust in the FDA has decreased.

In addition to a lack of trust, many health care professionals said they disagreed with the CDC’s and FDA’s actions on COVID-19.  About half of both doctors and nurses said they disagreed with the FDA’s overall decision-making during the pandemic, compared to 36% of WebMD readers.  Nearly 60% of doctors and 65% of nurses said they disagreed with the CDC’s overall pandemic guidance, while 39% of WebMD readers did.

In other words, the professionals had more negative views than the public.

Why pay attention to what the professionals think?  To stop being a victim.  Or stay stupid.  Keep trusting the CDC and FDA are not using political values and commitments instead of sound science and data.  Put your life in their hands.

Forbes article

A very new article is titled “How the FDA’s Lack of Transparency Undermines Public Trust.”  A former FDA official had this to say:

As Americans, we understand that a certain level of secrecy is required for particular aspects of the federal government such as the military, national security and related areas.  However, this sort of secrecy should not include decisions of public health, FDA decisions and other health sciences.  Unfortunately, our FDA sees it differently.  Anyone wanting to get documents from the FDA must go through a lengthy wait and the government rigamarole of FOIA requests to obtain them.  But the better question is:  Why doesn’t the FDA just share everything public-health related proactively?  Even more problematically, when one does go through FOIA, FDA records are often absurdly redacted to the point of hilarity.  In the same vein as its lack of document transparency, there has been a disturbing increasing pattern of the United States FDA refusing to honestly discuss its scientific and clinical public health decisions.

Who should you trust?  Not the FDA.  Not the safety of COVID vaccines.  Follow the real science and facts.

Rasmussen survey

This July poll found a significant fraction of Americans have lost their trust in public health officials.  The survey conducted on 1,000 Americans between June 30 and July 1, 2021, found that one in three respondents doubted the vaccines for COVID-19 were as safe as described by the government.

Asked if they think “public health officials are lying about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines,” 32% of the respondents agreed and 20% remained uncertain.

Among those who do not trust the level of safety advertised by authorities, 21% of them were vaccinated people, and half of them were unvaccinated.  Meanwhile, those who intended to keep rejecting vaccination made up 60%.

Unsurprisingly, confidence in authorities was highest among Democrats, with only 23% of them saying they did not trust the safety of the vaccines.  The rate of unconvinced Republicans in contrast was 44% and for the unaffiliated it was 32%.  Trusting authorities is a sure sign of stupidity or sheer mental laziness.

Nearly two-thirds of respondents (62%) confirmed they were fully vaccinated, while 32% had not received the doses.

Reflecting the level of trust in authorities about how safe the vaccines are, the immunized and planning to get immunized were higher among Democrats (77% and 62%) compared to Republicans with respectively 55% and 36%.  Being consistently stupid is no virtue.

Draw your own conclusions on which groups were the best informed by sources outside of government like the website you are reading this on.

Survey of medical specialists

A July survey sought views on FDA.  A survey of 252 specialists in dermatology, gastroenterology, nephrology, neurology, and rheumatology, revealed confidence in the FDA is swiftly dwindling.  Only 36% express a high level of assurance in the agency, with nearly one-half reporting that their confidence with the FDA has eroded in the past year.  The professionals know more truth than many citizens.

Sentiment is most negative as it relates to being unbiased/apolitical, the speed of New Drug Application (NDA) reviews, and transparency with the medical community.  The dissatisfaction seems to stem from unpredictable and unexpected moves from the agency, which differ by specialty.

Earlier survey

A May survey found that only 52% of Americans have a great deal of trust in CDC.  Other health agencies were even lower — only 37% of Americans said they had a lot of trust in the National Institutes of Health or the FDA.

The poll found that trust isn’t just a problem for federal health agencies. State health departments have the trust of 41% of Americans, and local health departments only did slightly better at 44%.  Another reality check worthy of respect.

Senator Susan Collins from Maine said: “I used to have the utmost respect for the guidance from the CDC,” she told CDC Director Rochelle Walensky at a congressional hearing: “I always considered the CDC to be the gold standard.  I don’t anymore.”

Understand that theFDA would not have fully approved the Pfizer vaccine unless the CDC agreed.


The FDA is leading the way for many thousands of Americans and other people worldwide to suffer and die from the Pfizer vaccine and its competitors that will also surely get approved.  Many will die from breakthrough infections after taking that vaccine.

Keep in mind that the above data on COVID vaccine deaths totally overshadow the few hundred annual deaths from flu vaccines.  Also, consider that the 1976 pandemic swine flu mass vaccination campaign was canceled after just 53 people died.

I urge you to read my recent article on the dire views of two of the most prominent virologists on the planet.  Or even reread it to fully comprehend what the future dystopian world looks like.

Every one of us has the responsibility to vigorously pursue the incredible amount of solid science data and information that is available, or take the easy path and trust FDA and other government and public health agencies.  Never have so many trusted so many untrustworthy experts and agencies.  Keep trusting them with your life.

Americans have the freedom to be stupid, even as they live in a time when their medical freedom has been savaged.  Every day it seems clearer that we are living in a world where insanity is on steroids.


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This article was originally published on NOQ Report.

Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn, author of Pandemic Blunder and many articles on the pandemic, worked on health issues for decades.  As a full professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, he directed a medical research program between the colleges of engineering and medicine. 

As a senior official at the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment and the National Governors Association, he directed major studies on health-related subjects; he testified at over 50 U.S. Senate and House hearings and authored hundreds of articles and op-ed articles in major newspapers.  He has served as an executive volunteer at a major hospital for more than 10 years.  He is a member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and America’s Frontline Doctors.  

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research 

Featured image is from NOQ Report