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Beijing’s top envoy in Washington has pushed back against US assertions that China should obey “traffic rules” set by the White House and accused the United States of trying to erect another “Berlin Wall” to contain China.

In his first remarks since US President Joe Biden’s meeting with President Xi Jinping, Qin Gang, China’s ambassador to the US, questioned the US’ mandate to assert those rules.

“The US says that its China policy is for defending the ‘rules-based international order’ and ensuring the implementation of ‘rules of the road’,” Qin said at a Brookings Institution event on Thursday, according to a transcript released by the Chinese embassy in Friday.

“But what are the rules? Who made these rules? Who are the traffic police? The US has not made itself clear on these questions.”

Observers said the Qin’s remarks underlined Beijing’s deep discontent with the Biden administration and cast doubt on prospects of a temporary detente, despite the conciliatory tone the two leaders struck on Tuesday.

On Saturday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi also urged Washington to honour its summit commitments on Taiwan and avoid a new cold war with Beijing.

Wang also denounced Washington’s alliance-based approach to counter China, which he said would “create barriers and divisions [and] provoke conflicts and confrontations”.

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The implications of the Baghuz Massacre should deeply underscore the integrity, morality, and vital importance of WikiLeaks and its heroic publisher and political prisoner Julian Assange. The Baghuz Massacre was a failed cover-up by the United States. WikiLeaks is the journalistic enterprise that shines a spotlight on the egregious crimes of states.

Assange is imprisoned under tortuous conditions because he exposed how the US governmental-corporate-military machine operates. WikiLeaks published the video “Collateral Murder” wherein a US Apache helicopter crew gunned dead 12 civilians walking in a New Baghdad street.

The Baghuz massacre points to how the criminal state operates, by covering up its crimes. WikiLeaks threw light on the crimes in support of the public’s right to know what their country is up to.

Baghuz is part of a long line of murderous military actions. It begins with several extermination campaigns against the Original Peoples of Turtle Island, among them the Gnadenhutten Massacre, to the Wounded Knee Massacre, and the Trail of Tears. The massacres spread overseas to subjugate and colonize the Philippines; at the tail end of WWII there was the Tokyo firebombing and the obliteration of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by nuclear bombs. Then it was on to the Korean peninsula which was cut in two by the US. Among the gruesome US exploits were the No Gun Ri massacre in South Korea and the Sinchon Massacre in North Korea. North Korea was devastated by a massive scorched earth campaign. Next up was the My Lai Massacre in Viet Nam. In Iraq, among the war crimes were the Amiriyah shelter bombing and Haditha massacre. In Afghanistan there have been wedding parties bombed, the infamous Bagram torture facility, the Kandahar massacre, etc. The US has continued its murderous swath through Haiti, Honduras, Libya, and on to Syria. None of these countries had attacked the US. (Even 9-11 is purportedly carried out by Saudis according to American authorities.)

In Syria, the US intelligence has either been duped or complicit in blaming president Bashar al Assad for chemical weapon attacks to launch missile attacks, to support the ISIS terrorists, and to loot Syrian oil. Along the way, the deeply concealed Baghuz Massacre that killed dozens of Syrian civilians in a 2019 bombing has bubbled to public awareness.

The US is not alone in the war crimes extravaganza. Much of the western world is participating in the criminal militarism or otherwise colluding with the US. Sweden stands out as a neutral country that set the trap to ensnare Assange, so that Britain might hold him for extradition to the US. It is no wonder that the western-state apparatus that conspires to bury exposure of its war crimes has carried out a merciless campaign to eliminate Assange who exposes the crimes for the public.

The Baghuz Massacre is just another ripple in the ocean of massacres that would require a voluminous manuscript to chronicle. Assange and WikiLeaks are the exposing tonic needed to halt the war machine.

The Baghuz Massacre adds fuel to the calls for Assange to be released forthwith so that WikiLeaks and its publisher may, if Assange is up to it after the psychological trauma he has endured, shed a spotlight on war crimes. Awareness of the crimes of state can point the way for peoples of the world to renounce forever violence and warring — leading instead to peaceful co-existence.


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Kim Petersen is a former co-editor of the Dissident Voice newsletter. He can be emailed at: kimohp@gmail. Twitter: @kimpetersen. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: The SDF besieging al-Baghuz Fawqani, 12 February 2019 (Source: Public Domain)

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“Americans are scared to death…. People are walking off the job, not because they want to lose their jobs, but they don’t want to die from the vaccine! … They say, ‘Listen, I don’t want to die. That’s the reason I’m not taking the vaccine.’ It’s that clear.” Dr. Peter McCullough

A report in the U.K. Telegraph explains how the Covid-19 vaccine has led to a sharp rise in excess deaths. Here’s an excerpt from the article:

“Nearly 10,000 more people than usual have died in the past four months from non-Covid reasons, as experts called for an urgent government inquiry into whether the deaths were preventable….

Latest figures from the Office for National Statistics showed that England and Wales registered 20,823 more deaths than the five-year average in the past 18 weeks. Only 11,531 deaths involved Covid.” (“Alarm grows as mortuaries fill with thousands of extra non-Covid deaths“, UK Telegraph)

Mortality is rising because more people are dying. And more people are dying because more people have been vaccinated. There’s a link between rising mortality and the Covid-19 vaccine. Naturally, the media wants to shift responsibility for the fatalities to “delayed treatments” and “the lack of preventable care”. But this is just a diversion. The primary cause of death is the injection of a toxic pathogen into the bloodstreams of roughly 70% of the population. That’s what’s causing the clotting, the bleeding, the pulmonary embolisms, the heart attacks, the strokes, and the premature deaths. It’s the vaccine. Here’s more

“Weekly figures for the week ending November 5 showed that there were 1,659 more deaths than would normally be expected at this time of year. Of those, 700 were not caused by Covid.

The excess is likely to grow as more deaths are registered in the coming weeks.

Data from the UK Health Security Agency show there have been thousands more deaths than the five-year average in heart failure, heart disease, circulatory conditions and diabetes since the summer.

The number of deaths in private homes is also 40.9 per cent above the five-year average, with 964 excess deaths recorded in the most recent week, which runs up to November 5.” (“Alarm grows as mortuaries fill with thousands of extra non-Covid deaths“, UK Telegraph)

The sudden surge in mortality is not a meaningless blip on the radar. It’s a red flag indicating a significant break in the five-year trend. Something has gone terribly wrong. Mass vaccination was supposed to reduce the number of cases, hospitalizations and deaths. Instead, the fatalities continue to rise.


The answer to that question can be found in the data itself. As the author admits, there has been a sharp uptick in heart failure, heart disease, circulatory conditions and strokes. (Diabetes is the outlier) These are precisely the ailments one would expect to see if one had just injected millions of people with a clot-generating biologic that triggers a violent immune response that attacks the inner lining of the blood vessels inflicting severe damage to the body’s critical infrastructure. So, yes, all-cause mortality is up, and it is certain to climb even higher as more people are vaccinated and gradually succumb to the (frequently) delayed effects of a hybrid concoction that is the cornerstone of a malign plan to dramatically reduce global population. Check out this chart followed by a brief comment by diagnostic pathologist, Dr Claire Craig:

Dr Clare Craig @ClareCraigPath

“Since summer there have been twice as many covid deaths, but seven times as many excess deaths as last year.” (Twitter)

And here’s another blurb from Craig:

“If you start at week 22 and add up all the deaths since for each year, then something very abnormal is happening this year among 15-19 yr old males.”

So, not only are more people dying, but the demographic has shifted downwards as younger and younger people are drawn into the vaccine vortex. Simply put, the number of young people dying from vaccine-inflicted cardiac arrest and myocarditis continues to increase with no end in sight.

Not surprisingly, all-cause mortality is higher among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated which, again, makes it easier to trace the problem back to its root, a cytotoxic “poison-death shot” that suppresses the innate immune system, damages vital organs and shaves years off the lives of normal, healthy people.

Perhaps, you’ve seen one of the many short videos of fit, young athletes who suddenly have dropped dead on the field of play or been rushed to hospital shortly after getting injected. If not, here’s a link to two of them. (Athletes collapse following vaccination: See here and here)

According to Israeli Real-Time News, there has been a “500% increase in deaths of players in 2021… Since December, 183 professional athletes and coaches have suddenly collapsed! 108 of them died!”

“500% increase in the deaths” of athletes?!? What are we to make of this?

For starters; the Covid-19 vaccine is not a medication. It is the essential component in the elitist plan for industrial-scale extermination. It is designed to inflict severe physical injury on the people who take it. It’s shocking that people are so deep in denial that can’t see what’s going on right before their eyes. (Please, watch the video clips of the athletes. These are the fittest people on the planet and, yet, they are being struck down by the mystery substance in the vaccine.) Here’s how South African doctor Shankara Chetty summed it up in a recent video posted on Bitchute:

“The pathogen that is causing all the deaths from the illness is the spike protein. And the spike protein is what the vaccine is supposed to make in your body. …Spike protein is one of the most contrived poisons that man has ever made. And, the aim of this toxin, is to kill billions of people without anyone noticing it. So it is a poison with an agenda.” (“South African Physician Dr. Shankara Chetty Talks about “The Bigger Plan”, Bitchute)

There it is in a nutshell. And Chetty is not alone in linking the vaccine to the agenda of the globalist elites who plan to use the cover of a pandemic to implement their “population management” scheme. Former Pfizer vice president, Mike Yeadon, offered a similar view just days ago on his website. He said:

“We are in the midst of the biggest depopulation program the world has ever seen, where most of humanity are acting as useful idiots to it and to their own demise.”

Indeed, and we have tried to provide as much information as possible on the biologic agent that is being used to pursue this malign agenda, the spike protein. In early reports we passed along the research of Dr. Patrick Whelan who grasped the danger of the spike protein before anyone else. Here’s a brief recap of his analysis from a letter he submitted to the FDA on December 8, 2020:

“I am concerned about the possibility that the new vaccines aimed at creating immunity against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein have the potential to cause microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver, and kidneys in a way that does not currently appear to be assessed in safety trials of these potential drugs.

… Meinhardt et al…. show that the spike protein in brain endothelial cells is associated with formation of microthrombi (clots)… In other words, viral proteins appear to cause tissue damage without actively replicating virus…. The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine (BNT162b2) is composed of an mRNA that produces a membrane-anchored full-length spike protein. The mouse studies suggest that an untruncated form of the S1 protein like this may cause a microvasculopathy in tissues that express much ACE2 receptor.

…it appears that the viral spike protein… is also one of the key agents causing the damage to distant organs that may include the brain, heart, lung, and kidney. Before any of these vaccines are approved for widespread use in humans, it is important to assess in vaccinated subjects the effects of vaccination on the heart…. As important as it is to quickly arrest the spread of the virus by immunizing the population, it would be vastly worse if hundreds of millions of people were to suffer long-lasting or even permanent damage to their brain or heart microvasculature as a result of failing to appreciate in the short-term an unintended effect of full-length spike protein-based vaccines on these other organs. (“FDA shrugs off dire warning about lethal spike protein“, Truth in the Age of Covid)

From the very beginning, government regulators and their allies in public health establishment have ignored (or censored) the warnings of capable physicians and researchers. They also waved-off career immunologist and vaccinologist, Dr Byram Bridle who was the first in his profession to identify the spike protein as “a specific causative agent of disease”; aka–“a pathogen”. Here’s Bridle:

“‘We have known for a long time that the spike protein is pathogenic…. It is a toxin. It can cause damage in our body if it’s in circulation. Now, we have clear-cut evidence that . . . the vaccine itself, plus the protein, gets into blood circulation.’”

Once that happens, the spike protein can combine with receptors on blood platelets and with cells that line our blood vessels. This is why, paradoxically, it can cause both blood clotting and bleeding. ‘And of course the heart is involved, as part of the cardiovascular system… That’s why we’re seeing heart problems. The protein can also cross the blood-brain barrier and cause neurological damage.…

‘In short,… we made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now. We didn’t realize that by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.”… (“Vaccine scientist: ‘We’ve made a big mistake’“, Conservative Woman)

Here again, we have a highly-regarded immunologist, with more than 3 decades of experience under his belt, who offered his informed and evidence-based research on an issue that should have been of great interest to the regulators that were making decisions about the long-term safety of the experimental drug they were foisting on millions of people across the country. But there was no interest at all. Despite the fact that the science supported his conclusions, Bridle was viciously attacked, censored, dragged through the mud, and forced to leave his place of employment.


Because he drew the same conclusions as Dr. Patrick Whelan. There’s really no substantive difference between the two except that Bridle’s comments attracted more attention in the media which made him a greater threat to the “universal vaccination” strategy. That was his real crime; he discovered the truth and made his findings available to the public, basically alerting them to the dangers of the “poison-death shot”. For that he was crushed.

Bridle has since made other claims that should concern anyone whose cancer might be in remission. Here’s what he said in a recent interview:

“What I’ve seen way too much of is people who had cancers that were in remission, or that were being well controlled; their cancers have gone completely out of control after getting this vaccine. And we know the vaccine causes a drop in T-cell numbers, and those T-cells are part of our immune system and they are part of the critical weapons our immune system has to fight off cancer cells; so there’s a potential mechanism there. All I can say, is I’ve had way too many people contact me with these reports for me to feel comfortable. I would say that is my newest major safety concern, and it’s also the one that’s going to be the most under-reported in the adverse data base, because if someone has had cancer before the vaccine, there’s no way public health officials will ever link it to the vaccine.” (“Dr Byram Bridle speaks”, Bitchute, :55 second-mark)

So, the vaccine suppresses the immune system?

Yes, it does, and author Alex Berenson provided evidence of this just recently in an article he posted on Substack. Here’s an excerpt:

“… the British government…. admitted today, in its newest vaccine surveillance report, that:

“N antibody levels appear to be lower in people who acquire infection following two doses of vaccination.” (Page 23)

What’s this mean?…

What the British are saying is they are now finding the vaccine interferes with your body’s innate ability after infection to produce antibodies against not just the spike protein but other pieces of the virus….

This means vaccinated people will be far more vulnerable to mutations in the spike protein EVEN AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN INFECTED AND RECOVERED ONCE

… it probably is still more evidence the vaccines may interfere with the development of robust long-term immunity post-infection.” (“URGENT: Covid vaccines will keep you from acquiring full immunity EVEN IF YOU ARE INFECTED AND RECOVER”, Alex Berenson, Substack)

Berenson’s observations square with research that was compiled earlier in the year by scientists in The Netherlands and Germany who:

….warned that the … (COVID-19) vaccine induces complex reprogramming of innate immune responses that should be considered in the development and use of mRNA-based vaccines… the research team from Radboud University Medical Center and Erasmus MC in the Netherlands… showed that the vaccine altered the production of inflammatory cytokines by innate immune cells following stimulation with both specific (SARS-CoV-2) and non-specific stimuli.

Following vaccination, innate immune cells had a reduced response to toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), TLR7 and TLR8 – all ligands that play an important role in the immune response to viral infection…. an unexplored area is whether BNT162b2 vaccination has long-term effects on innate immune responses

This could be very relevant in COVID-19, in which dysregulated inflammation plays an important role in the pathogenesis and severity of the disease,” writes the team. “Multiple studies have shown that long-term innate immune responses can be either increased (trained immunity) or down-regulated (innate immune tolerance) after certain vaccines or infections.” (Research suggests Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine reprograms innate immune responses, new-medical-net)

Berenson’s finding also align with with cutting-edge research showing that the spike protein greatly “impedes adaptive immunity” by preventing DNA from repairing damaged cells. The paper suggests that the spike protein does in fact “impact on the nucleus of the cell, where we store our DNA, our core genetic material.” Here’s more from Berenson’s breakdown of the paper:

“…. our cells have mechanisms to repair their own DNA.

But – at least in the experiments these two scientists ran – the spike protein appeared to interfere with our own DNA repair proteins: “Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site.”

To be clear, the scientists did NOT prove the spike protein was causing these problems in people, or even animals… Nonetheless, at a time when advanced countries that have high mRNA (and DNA/AAV) vaccination rates are seeing unusually full hospitals and higher-than-normal death rates, they are yet more cause for concern. As the authors explained:

“Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines.” (“URGENT: Worrisome paper about the spike protein’s impact on DNA and DNA repair”, Alex Berenson, Substack)

Bottom line: If the vaccine does in fact inhibit the body’s innate immune response, then people are going to get alot sicker from seasonal infections that routinely spread through the population. Their path to recovery will also be alot more difficult.

But rather that belabor the immunity angle, let’s move on to the research of Dr Charles Hoffe who was the first physician to provide hard evidence that the vaccines generate blood clots by triggering an immune response in which the body attacks the thin layer of cells lining the walls of the blood vessels. Hoffe found that 62% of his patients that had been vaccinated tested positive for blood clots on a D-dimer test. Naturally, he was alarmed by what he found, particularly since the vaccine “was causing serious neurological events, and even death.When he raised his concerns with the BC College of Physicians, they immediately implemented a gag order, and reprimanded him in an attempt to intimidate, and silence him.”

Hoffe has been interviewed a number of times and always provides a detailed and riveting account of his findings. In a recent interview, he predicted that some vaccinees suffering from clot-related issues would likely die in just three years. Here’s what he said:

“… once you block off a significant number of blood vessels to your lungs, your heart must pump at a much greater resistance to get the blood through your lungs. That causes a condition called pulmonary artery hypertension, which is high blood pressure in your lungs because so many of the blood vessels in your lungs are blocked. And the terrifying thing about this is that people with pulmonary artery hypertension usually die of right-sided heart failure in three years… And not only is the long-term outlook very grim, but with each successive shot, the damage will add and add and add. It’s going to be cumulative because you are getting more and more damaged capillaries.” (“Shock: Doctor Warns That Majority Of Vaccinated Patients Could HavePermanent Heart Damage, Some May Die Within Three Years”Permanent Heart Damage, Some May Die Within Three Years”, Infowars; Minute 6:10)

Once again, there is no discrepancy between the analysis of Whelan, Bridle and Hoffe. And while the focus of their attention might vary slightly, their conclusions are the same. These experimental injections pose serious risks for anyone who allows himself to be inoculated.

Now check out how similar Hoffe’s analysis is to Dr. Rochagne Kilian who was an Emergency Room physician at the GBHS hospital until she resigned in protest. This is a particularly important video as it describes the “oddball” symptoms and exceedingly rare conditions that are now presenting in emergency rooms everywhere following the mass vaccination of millions of people with the “poison-death shot”. (I transcribed the video myself, so there could be errors.)

Dr Rochagné Kilian – Blows the Whistle on Covid-19 Vaccines and D-Dimer Levels

“What I was seeing in my ER department especially in the last 8 to 9 months is related to the D-Dimer levels. We use D-Dimers specifically related to pulmonary embolisms as well as Deep Vein Thrombosis. D-Dimer detects any thrombosis (clots) in the body but it doesn’t give you a diagnosis it gives you a basis for going further and doing an ultrasound and CT scan to either confirm or deny the presence of a pulmonary embolism or Deep Vein Thrombosis.

The first part of 2020 was probably the slowest ever in the emergency department, but when we went into 2021 and the vaccination rollout started, we ended up seeing an increase in stroke, transient ischemic attacks and stroke like presentations. (There were) definitely significant larger numbers of those people coming in. I ended up doing D-dimer tests on these people and never before in my clinical experience had I seen D-dimers and the amount of people with positive D-dimers higher than 2,000, higher than 3,000 and higher than 5,000. My clinical experience told me a needed to go look for a large clot either in their legs or their lungs. And I ended up doing a CT scan on these people. Most of them, and I will say almost all of them, had negative scans which started making me think that if there was not a significant clot in their lungs, but my D-dimer was so much higher than what I was usually seeing, it might not be concentrated in one clot. But that it is multiple micro-thrombi extended throughout the body, and that is so easy to miss because the CT scan is not going to pick it up.

“These people coming into the ER were all people anywhere from about a week to four months after receiving their 2nd injections. There are certain factors that can influence a D-dimer test that can give you a sense of a higher level than would be expected in the body. That said, the patients I was doing D-Dimer tests on did not have a level of maybe a positive 500 or 400 reading. It was more than 3500, more than 5000 ng/ml. So those are significantly positive without any proof of having a pulmonary embolism. If I was seeing high levels of D-dimer without a definite diagnosis, I needed to ask more questions.

One study said, never ignore extremely elevated D-dimer levels. They are specific for serious illness, including venous thrombosis, sepsis, and/or cancer. Even if sharply elevated D-dimer are a seemingly solitary finding, clinical suspicion of severe underlying disease should be maintained.

There were two conditions that stood out and the first one was disseminated intravascular coagulation also known as DIC. The second one is antiphosphlipid syndrome. Both of these conditions are related to an abnormality in either the initiation or the feedback of the coagulation pathway as well as thrombosis or the thrombosis cycle where clots are being broken down. DIC is a serious sometimes life threatening situation in which the proteins in the blood involved in blood clotting become overactive. It’s a cascade that’s difficult to stop once it’s reached a certain level. There are certain conditions that trigger DIC; significant sepsis, underlying viruses, trauma, major surgery, pregnancy and childbirth. And less common causes toxic drug reaction, blood transfusion reaction, and organ transplants. So there was a connection with intravascular products and a possible DIC.

Most cases of DIC are diagnosed rapidly and suddenly which is the acute presentation. But there are cases where it develops gradually, occurring over a longer period of time. This is known as a chronic form of DIC and I would go as far to say a subacute form of DIC that is very easy to miss. Simultaneous clotting and bleeding can occur with chronic DIC. The bleeding part comes in blood in the urine, headaches and other symptoms associated with brain bleeds, bruising, inflammation of red, small dots on the limbs, bleeding at sites of wounds and mucosal bleeding. which means bleeding out of the gums and nose. I definitely saw an increase in nose bleeds and bleeding from previous wound sites. ulcers, as well as rashes that couldn’t be explained. Blood clotting symptoms and signs were symptoms like chest pains, heart attacks, strokes, TIAs, and headaches either related to bleeding or not. As well as symptoms related to kidney failure, because of the clotting of those smaller blood vessels that go to the kidneys. Antiphosphlipid syndrome is a very similar type of condition. But the basis of the antiphosphlipid syndrome is an autoimmune disorder meaning that the body’s immune system makes proteins–known as antibodies–that mistakenly attacks its own body or tissues. That gives the skin the cascading effect of clotting disorder but it is linked to an autoimmune trigger. Basically, it presented in exactly the same way; high blood pressure which I was seeing alot of; first diagnosis of high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, TIAs, heart valve problems, repeated headaches or migraines, vision loss, balance and mobility problems, difficulty concentrating or thinking clearly,

The astute listener would start forming a picture of what we’ve been told about Covid-19, and there are research papers connecting Covid 19 with an underlying vascular disease. One of these was a study called “Covid 19; unraveling the clinical progression of Nature’s Virtually perfect Biological weapon.”

“SARS-Cov-2, presenting as Covid-19 syndrome, was not a respiratory basis, but an underlying vascular basis. which had certain phases of incubation, pulmonary phase, pro inflammatory phase, (which once again comes into a cytotoxic inflammation process) then moves into a protothrombic phase . Covid-19 is a thrombotic disease. implications for prevention, antithrombotic therapy and follow up…..

This picture shows us certain risk factors, Homeostatic Abnormalities, as well as clinical outcomes. It indicates increased D-dimer levels. It also mentions Venous Thromboembolism, Myocardial Infarction, and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation that is connected to postulated mechanisms of coagulathopy as well as parthenogenesis of thrombosis in Covid-19…

I started asking the question, if we are able to detect certain connections between vascular abnormalities and Covid-19, and we based our proposed treatment on the spike protein, which includes the Pfizer and Moderna injections, shouldn’t we be looking for similar side effects or complications from that same injection?

If we are mandating certain treatments, we do need to do the due diligence to make sure what the side effects and complications especially in a time where there has not been long term studies.”And that’s what led me to focusing on D-dimers.” (“Dr Rochagné Kilian – Blows the Whistle on Covid-19 Vaccines and D-Dimer Levels“, Bitchute)

Kilian’s statement should be read over and over again. It is the most detailed description we have of the mysterious and deeply sinister machinations of a laboratory-engineered bioweapon that, in effect, turns the vascular and immune systems against the person who was vaccinated. Disseminated intravascular coagulation and antiphosphlipid syndrome are names that are entirely unknown to the American people, and yet, these freakish conditions are now responsible for a growing number of patients that are experiencing bleeding, clotting, headaches, rashes, bruising, high blood pressure, and inflammation . And– in more extreme cases– chest pains, heart attacks, strokes, heart-valve problems, and brain bleeds. One can only guess how the media will try to cover-up these extraordinarily-rare and potentially life-threatening conditions??

When Kilian asks:

“If we are able to detect certain connections between vascular abnormalities and Covid-19… shouldn’t we be looking for similar side effects or complications from that same injection?”

Bingo! If the spike protein produced by the vaccines, inflicts the same internal damage as Covid-19, then shouldn’t doctors expect to see the same symptoms?

Yes, they should. And if the symptoms are the same, then there’s a good chance that vaccine-induced injuries are being misdiagnosed as Covid-19.

Think about that for a minute. That would be the perfect scenario for the pandemic managers and their billionaire backers who’d love to see the impending mountain of carnage blamed on the waning virus instead of on their own poison-death shot.

And that is the evil-genius of the globalist strategy; to remove the fingerprints from the smoking gun before the investigators even arrive at the scene of the crime.

The amount of planning that must have gone into this scam, is simply breathtaking.


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This article was originally published on The Unz Review.

Michael Whitney, renowned geopolitical and social analyst based in Washington State. He initiated his career as an independent citizen-journalist in 2002 with a commitment to honest journalism, social justice and World peace.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

Featured image is from The Unz Review


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I wanted to turn your attention to a side-by-side comparison map comparing the COVID pandemic of last year to this year. It is a true “photo is worth a million words”:

The symmetry is indeed amazing. And the conclusion, after over 600 days of COVID mania, could not be more clear.

Not a single “public health expert”-hailed mitigation or suppression measure, including the COVID shots, has done anything significant to solve the reality that lots of people get sick during their area’s annual respiratory season. This global war on a virus is going about as well as the War on Afghanistan went when it came to eliminating the Taliban.

The lockdowns failed to stop a virus.

The universal masking regime failed to stop a virus.

The millions and millions of societal restrictions and business closures failed to stop a virus.

And now it’s become pretty clear that the highly-touted “miracle”  mRNA shots are failing to stop a virus.

Instead of accepting this reality, world governments are doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down on the madness. Despite incredibly high compliance rates, with an estimated 7.5+ billion COVID shots delivered in arms, the mRNA “cure” has not lived up to its admittedly impossible to achieve standards.

In the span of 6 months, we went from:

“You’re not gonna get COVID if you have these vaccinations”


Vaccinated people don’t get the virus and don’t get sick”


“All three vaccines are 100 percent effective against hospitalization and death:”

To our current reality of another season of lockdowns, restrictions, and the usual, nonsensical “public health measures.”

7.5+ billion shots later, those of us who’ve followed the data closely have found out that all of the aforementioned statements, endorsed by the most renowned Government Health officials in the world, were complete nonsense. Weapons-grade nonsense. They were nowhere near remotely close to even representing a scintilla of truth.

Today we know that the shots serve as something akin to a potential 6-9 month prophylactic with unknown long-term side effects. The expiring efficacy, which was best observed through first-mover nations like Israel and Ireland, brought about the booster shot regime, but no recognition from world governments that the shots seem to be expiring. The boosters have been sold under this weird idea that you can get “extra protection,” even though you’ve been told you were already “fully vaccinated.”

Government Health officials and major pharmaceutical companies have leveraged these half-truths, as part of a CYA campaign for elected officials, and a money grab for Pfizer, Moderna, and those interested in injecting 5-year-olds with expiring experimental shots.

And the booster, which is the exact same formulation as the original shots, unsurprisingly seems to have the same lack of virus-killing power as the first two shots. In Gibraltar, the most vaccinated place on Earth, 100% of the population is vaccinated and 40% with booster, but:

But you and I, we’re not the majority here, sadly. Those of us who are thinking clearly about this issue are a growing coalition, but we still face an uphill battle.

World governments, with the assistance of Big Tech, have convinced the masses, without any legitimate evidence, that it’s the “unvaccinated” who are responsible for our continuing COVID problem.

Check out the logic used by the leader of Austria, the first Western country to mandate COVID shots on the entire population.

Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg, who has imposed a nationwide lockdown on his country, told the media this weekend:

“Increasing the vaccination rate — and I think we’re all in agreement on this — is our only way to break out of this vicious cycle of viral waves and lockdown discussions for good. We don’t want a fifth wave, we don’t want a sixth and seventh wave.”

Austrian police randomly check the vaccination status of shoppers after lockdown of unvaccinated:

Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said:

“It hurts that such measures still have to be taken.”

Schallenberg is lying and he knows it. The shots will not prevent another wave of sickness. These “waves” are simply the reality of a seasonal respiratory effect that happens every single year. The global ruling class has been lying to the masses for a long time. They’d rather not admit to all of these sunk costs, so the political elite will continue to uphold the myth that the COVID shots are still some kind of magic bullet that they are not.

Those who did not comply from the beginning of COVID Mania serve to pose the biggest threat to the power of these maniacal politicians. That’s why they’re attacking us so ferociously. The political elite pretends as if they care about COVID, but it’s not the virus that is keeping them up at night. It’s those pesky individuals who refuse to bend the knee – those are the ones in the crosshairs. The control group is the biggest threat to the people in power. They simply can’t survive the political ramifications of a control group outperforming the citizens living under the weight of destructive COVID Mania mandates and societal edicts.


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This PDF is a Notice of Liability to: Prime Minister of Canada, Justin TrudeauDr Theresa Tam Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, Attorney General for Canada David Lametti and Superintendent Brenda Lucki, Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

“This letter constitutes a request on behalf of Canadian parents of 5 to 11 year old children that a criminal investigation be immediately opened with regard to fraudulent submission of Pfizer Corp. regarding the provision of the Pfizer Vaccine to children 5 through 11 years of age.”

(Submitted by Jeffrey Rath, L.L.B. of Rath&Company, Barristers&Solicitors, Foothills, Alberta, Canada)

Here is also an open letter and Notice of Liability from Doctors and Scientists to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the members of the European Parliament regarding Covid-19 vaccination.

Also here is an International Tribunal Order to Cease and Desist to:  Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister, Dr Theresa Tam, Canada Chief Health Officer and Dr Supriva Sharma, Chief Medical advisor for Health Canada.

and finally …

A PDF “Vaccine” Notice of Liability for parents to fill out and serve accordingly.

Ironically, on November 6, 2021, leading physicians from all over the world gathered to talk about their recent Physicians’ Declaration update, which includes their commitment to fighting authoritarian public health measures, such as:

  1. Forced child vaccination,
  2. Mandatory vaccination of the COVID recovered, and
  3. Questionable interference with physician practices, such as early intervention.

Hosted by Florida physician Dr. John Littell, speakers and panelists included Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Heather Gessling, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Brian Tyson, Dr. Richard Urso, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, Dr. Mollie James, Dr. Paul E. Alexander and Dr. Peter McCullough.

This summit emphasized that under no circumstances should children be vaccinated with these new experimental gene therapies.

Dr Peter McCullough directly and indirectly, brought forth at this Summit a reminder to all Politicians, Public Servants, Public Health Officials, Doctors and Hospitals, Employers and anyone else including a biased and censored Media in his talk entitled:

Dr Peter McCullough – Our Public Health Agencies Are Getting In The Way Of Saving Lives, watch the video here.

at 00:18:00:

“I have been following my patients carefully – 70% of my patients took the vaccine in December, January, February and like a good doctor I didn’t encourage them or discourage them.

Remember the vaccines are all research, they’re all research!

If I told a patient in one of my research studies (and I have a lot of them) that you have to be in my research study in order for me to see you in my office … you have to be in my research study … do you know what … I would be called on the carpet by the Institutional Review Board. I would probably be put up for FDA review. I would probably be incredibly penalized for that improper conduct.

There is a code of conduct it’s called the Nuremberg Code and that means under no conditions will a doctor ever, ever put any pressure, coercion or threat of reprisal for someone to either participate or not participate in research.

So every single doctor, every single medical society, every single employer that has stepped over that line and told somebody that they should be involved in vaccine research or suffer some consequence has trampled over a fundamental bioethics.”

If you forward this e-mail or International Tribunal Order to Cease and Desist and/or initiate your own Notice of Liability:

Please keep a record of all the individuals, politicians, government officials, public and private agencies including public health, workplaces, schools and school boards, etc. you send this out to so when litigation explodes in a post covid world – these leaders and public/private officials will not use the excuses:

1) we were not aware (there is a plethora of ignored valid research that demands an immediate STOP to this ‘vaccine’ insanity)

2) we were only following orders (for a politician their excuse would be – Health Canada, Dr Tam, WHO, Bill Gates etc.)

Unfortunately we do not have a Prime Minister or a Provincial Premier that is as independent thinking and competent as Governor Desantis of Florida.

It’s up to We The People to say: I no longer consent to medical and political tyranny!

It’s time to draw that red line in the sand!

It’s time to protect our children!


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The “feel-good” from Tuesday’s  virtual meeting between President Joe Biden and President Xi Jinping leaps out of the US-Russian summit in Geneva in June. 

Biden’s talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin apparently sought to create a “stable and predictable” relationship with Russia but there is talk of war today. 

On Tuesday, Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security adviser, said during a briefing about the summit that the US and like-minded partners would write the “rules to advance their interests and values” and push back on China. 

On Thursday, Biden revealed that he is considering a diplomatic boycott of the Winter Olympics in Beijing. 

On Friday, the US state department announced that a US-Taiwan Economic Prosperity Partnership Dialogue will be held today to strengthen commercial and economic cooperation, highlighting that Taiwan will remain a serious flashpoint in the US-China relationship and the Biden Administration will step up military and technology cooperation with Taipei. 

On Saturday, the head of the US Indo-Pacific Command Admiral John Aquilino reaffirmed America’s commitment to achieving a free and open Indo-Pacific region and stressed to the allies the urgency to address rising tensions with China and its military actions. 

Senior White House officials have since urged Beijing to abide by “the rule of the road”, or “traffic rules” alternately.

On Friday, China hit back. Qin Gang, ambassador to the US, bluntly questioned the US’ mandate to assert that Beijing should obey “traffic rules” set by the White House and accused the US of trying to erect another “Berlin Wall” to contain China. read more

In comparison, the Biden-Putin summit at Geneva has had more shelf-life. Yet, the US is now warning allies that Russia appears to be heading toward war in Ukraine. 

Fundamentally, on the diplomatic plane, the Biden administration’s objective is to set up “guardrails” to avoid bilateral tensions escalating into conflict with either China or Russia. In reality, though, these “guardrails” would act as a unilateral constraint on China and Russia’s part vis-à-vis the US’ interests. 

It’s a recipe for distrust and antagonism. Sourabh Gupta, senior fellow at the Institute for China-America Studies in Washington, aptly framed the paradigm as “a la carte transactionalism” that sidesteps genuine cooperation.

Clearly, neither China nor Russia will settle for such a messy, managed coexistence, since Taiwan and Ukraine are existential issues. They will call the US bluff at some point. The current tensions over Ukraine are emblematic of it. 

The US is adopting the salami tactic, which is incrementally provocative and puts Beijing and Moscow to stress tests. It relentlessly keeps poking their “red lines” to create new facts on the ground. 

A leading Russian pundit Professor Glenn Diesen wrote last week,

“Red lines are about deterrence. The purpose of drawing them in the first place is to communicate crucial security interests and the severe consequences that would ensue if they were undermined. In essence, Moscow’s ultimatums are intended to stop the West from making a dangerous miscalculation.” 

He explained:

“Deterrence rests on the three Cs: capability, credibility, and communication. Russia has the military capability to act if its red lines are crossed, it’s demonstrated credibility in terms of its preparedness to act on threats, and it knows the specifics must be communicated clearly to avoid the West making any mis-steps that would necessitate a forceful response. However, the weakness in its red lines is the current lack of detail as to what would happen if another nation took a step too far.” 

Prof. Diesen was writing in Kremlin-funded RT soon after President Vladimir Putin’s forceful remarks in Moscow on November 18, regarding the “red lines” in Ukraine. read more

What the US is doing in Taiwan is almost ditto the same as in Ukraine. In both Taiwan and Ukraine, the US has put “trip wires” in the form of deployment of special forces, obfuscating the “red line”. And in both cases, the US resorting to the slow creep of salami tactics — “conquest via the cutting off of thin slices. No one action is so outrageous it forms the pretext for war, but, one day, you turn around and realise how much ground you’ve lost,” as Prof. Diesen wrote. read more

Moscow’s patience is wearing thin. Quintessentially, Moscow cannot and will not accept anymore

  • the US’ support to Kiev’s abandonment of the Minsk Agreements;
  • the West’s encouragement of revanchist sentiments in Ukraine;
  • the West’s road map to transform Ukraine as an “anti-Russian” state; 
  • the intensification of military backing for Ukraine; 
  • deployment of US forces in Ukraine and the Black Sea; and 
  • NATO’s active engagement with Ukraine and presence in the Black Sea. 

Putin had hoped that Biden would sense Russia’s concerns, but there has been no course correction and the old approach is being vigorously advanced. From the Russian viewpoint, the US policy is making it impossible for Moscow to have normal ties with Kiev and is inexorably leading to creation of an anti-Russian state right on its western border. 

Interestingly, Putin had also brought into his remarks the centrality of Sino-Russian quasi-alliance. Putin said, “Some of our Western partners are openly trying to drive a wedge between Moscow and Beijing. We are well aware of this. Together with our Chinese friends, we will continue responding to such attempts by expanding our political, economic and other cooperation, and coordinating steps in the world arena.” The Chinese Foreign Ministry hailed Putin’s remarks.

On November 19, China and Russia conducted a joint strategic aerial patrol in the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea. Two nuclear-capable bombers each from the Russian and Chinese sides took part in the patrol that lasted over ten hours. Tass highlighted that Putin was kept informed of it.

The joint press release stated, inter alia, that the patrol aimed to “upgrade the level of strategic coordination and joint operational capabilities of the two sides, and jointly protect global strategic stability.” read more 

For China and Russia, Taiwan and Ukraine are existential issues. Beijing cannot afford Taiwan’s metastasis as component of a US-led cordon sanitaire. Moscow too cannot afford a similar eventuality along its western and southern border. (Last week, NATO secretary-general openly spoke about the deployment of nuclear weapons in Eastern Europe.) 

Suffice to say, Russia will not take the current trends stoically. What happens then? The Kremlin has warned of the gravity of the developing situation

Indeed, no one is talking here about any Sino-Russian “collusion”. Nor is it the case that for either Moscow or Beijing, the issue is simply a question of going to war or not. Both China and Russia could still take a proactive approach to further their aims.

Beijing would conceivably have measures to deal with provocations by the Taiwan independence forces. For Moscow too, there are options short of an invasion of Ukraine. Suffice to say, both countries have options in their toolbox that haven’t been used yet. 

However, it is an entirely new scenario if a simultaneity appears in the “action-reaction” syndrome in the Far East and Eastern Europe. There are variables in play but a scenario of simultaneity cannot have favourable outcome for the US geopolitically in the western Pacific and globally. In fact, the world may wear an altogether different look. 

If Beijing were to watch passively as Russia “loses” in Ukraine, the US will only get emboldened, and China’s capacity to push back at US hegemony gets weakened. Again, if the US emerges triumphant in the Far East, Washington will impose on Russia a reset of global strategic stability on its terms, no matter what it takes. 

Taiwan and Ukraine are indeed joined at the hips and the stakes couldn’t be any higher for Russia and China. 


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Featured image: US has whipped up war hysteria over satellite image of Russian military camp in Yelnya, over 500 kms from Ukraine border, to allege Moscow’s invasion plans and to justify NATO involvement (Source: Indian Punchline)

Appeal for an Anti-Globalist Alliance: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

November 23rd, 2021 by His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò

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For two years now we have been witnessing a global coup d’état, in which a financial and ideological elite has succeeded in seizing control of part of national governments, public and private institutions, the media, the judiciary, politicians and religious leaders.

All of these, without distinction, have become enslaved to these new masters who ensure power, money and social affirmation to their accomplices.

Fundamental rights, which up until yesterday were presented as inviolable, have been trampled underfoot in the name of an emergency: today a health emergency, tomorrow an ecological emergency, and after that an internet emergency.

This global coup d’état deprives citizens of any possibility of defence, since the legislative, executive, and judicial powers are complicit in the violation of law, justice, and the purpose for which they exist.

It is a global coup d’état because this criminal attack against citizens extends to the whole world, with very rare exceptions.

It is a world war, where the enemies are all of us, even those who unwittingly have not yet understood the significance of what is happening.

It is a war fought not with weapons but with illegitimate rules, wicked economic policies, and intolerable limitations of natural rights.

Supranational organisations, financed in large measure by the conspirators of this coup d’état, are interfering in the government of individual nations and in the lives, relationships, and health of billions of people.

They are doing it for money, certainly, but even more so in order to centralise power so as to establish a planetary dictatorship.

It is the Great Reset of the World Economic Forum, the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations.

It is the plan of the New World Order, in which a Universal Republic enslaves everyone and a Religion of Humanity cancels Faith in Christ.

In the face of this global coup d’état, it is necessary to form an international Anti-Globalist Alliance, which gathers all those who want to oppose the dictatorship, who have no intention of becoming slaves to a faceless power, who are not willing to cancel their own identity, their own individuality, their own religious faith.

If the attack is global, the defence must also be global.

I call upon rulers, political and religious leaders, intellectuals and all people of good will, inviting them to unite in an Alliance that launches an anti-globalist manifesto, refuting point-by-point the errors and deviations of the dystopia of the New World Order and proposing concrete alternatives for a political program inspired by the common good, the moral principles of Christianity, traditional values, the protection of life and the natural family, the protection of business and work, the promotion of education and research, and respect for Creation.

This Anti-Globalist Alliance will have to bring together the Nations that intend to escape the infernal yoke of tyranny and affirm their own sovereignty, forming agreements of mutual collaboration with Nations and peoples who share their principles and the common yearning for freedom, justice, and goodness.

It will have to denounce the crimes of the elite, identify those responsible, denounce them to international tribunals, and limit their excessive power and harmful influence.

It will have to prevent the action of the lobbies, above all by fighting against the corruption of state officials and those who work in the information industry, and by freezing the capital used to destabilise the social order.

In Nations where governments are subservient to the elite, they will be able to establish popular resistance movements and committees of national liberation, including representatives of all sectors of society who propose a radical reform of politics, inspired by the common good and firmly opposed to the neo-malthusian project of the globalist agenda.

I invite all those who want to defend traditional Christian society to meet together in an international forum, to be held as soon as possible, in which representatives of various nations come together to present a serious, concrete, and clear proposal.

My appeal is made to political leaders and to rulers who care about the good of their citizens, leaving aside the old systems of political parties and the logic imposed by a system enslaved to power and money.

I call the Christian nations together, from east to west, inviting Heads of State and the healthy forces of institutions, the economy, labour, universities, health care and information to join a common project, disrupting the old systems and putting aside the hostilities that are desired by the enemies of humanity in the name of divide et impera.

We do not accept our adversary’s rules, because they are made precisely to prevent us from reacting and organising an effective and incisive opposition.

I call upon Nations and their citizens to ally themselves under the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the only King and Saviour, the Prince of Peace. In hoc signo vinces.

Let us found this Anti-Globalist Alliance, let us give it a simple and clear program, and let us free humanity from a totalitarian regime that brings together in itself the horrors of the worst dictatorships of all time.

If we continue to delay, if we do not understand the threat that looms over us all, if we do not react by organising ourselves into a firm and courageous resistance, this infernal regime that is establishing itself everywhere will not be able to be stopped.

And may Almighty God assist us and protect us.

 Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop,

Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America, 16 November 2021


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In the second half of August 1941, the German strategic plan in their invasion of the USSR was drastically altered. Most of Army Group Center’s armor was dispatched southward to the Ukraine, with the Wehrmacht’s advance on Moscow postponed temporarily.

By now, the Nazi Security Service was reporting on a “certain unease” and a “decline in the hopeful mood” of the German population. The quick triumph in the east they were assured of by Joseph Goebbels‘ propaganda had not arrived. The anxiety afflicting the German public was increased by letters sent home from Wehrmacht troops, many of which confirmed that the attack on the Soviet Union was not progressing as planned. There were also rising numbers of death notices of German soldiers in the newspapers.

Well-known German author Victor Klemperer, who was Jewish, wrote from Dresden with far-sighted accuracy on 2 September 1941,

“The general question is whether things will be decided in Russia before the wet season in the autumn. It does not look like it… One is counting how many people in the shops say ‘Heil Hitler’ and how many ‘Good day’. ‘Good day’ is apparently increasing”.

Hitler himself “realized that his plans for a Blitzkrieg campaign in the east had failed” by early August 1941, German historian Volker Ullrich wrote in the second part of his biography on Hitler. Two weeks later on 18 August, Hitler said outright to Propaganda Minister Goebbels that he and the German generals had “completely underestimated the might and especially the equipment of the Soviet armies”.

Russian tank numbers, for example, were more than twice greater than Nazi intelligence had originally estimated, and the Red Army itself was much larger than predicted. Seven weeks into the invasion, on 11 August 1941 General Franz Halder, Chief-of-Staff of the German Army High Command (OKH), stated in his diary, “At the start of the war, we anticipated around 200 enemy divisions. But we have already counted 360”.

Yet, as September 1941 began, it seemed quite possible that Hitler was pulling off another telling victory to silence his commanders’ doubts. In dry weather with clear skies overhead Panzer Group 2, led by General Heinz Guderian, captured the northern Ukrainian city of Chernigov on 9 September 1941, just 80 miles north of the capital, Kiev. Guderian’s panzers drove east, thereafter, to take the long Desna Bridge at Novgorod Severskiy.

Colonel-General Ewald von Kleist’s four panzer divisions, belonging to Army Group South, rolled northwards to link up with Guderian’s armor. It was becoming obvious to Soviet military men that the Germans were implementing a gigantic pincers movement, which was aimed at cutting off all of the Russian armies within the Dnieper Bend and, in doing so, surrounding Kiev. The 58-year-old Marshal Semyon Budyonny, leading the Soviet Southwestern and Southern Fronts, could see this clearly. He pleaded in vain with Joseph Stalin to let him retreat to the Donets River.

From early on Stalin had refused to allow Kiev to be abandoned. His prominent commander Georgy Zhukov warned him, as early as 29 July 1941, that the exposed Ukrainian capital should be forsaken for strategic purposes. An angry Stalin replied to Zhukov “How could you hit upon the idea of surrendering Kiev to the enemy?” Zhukov said throughout August that he “continued to urge Stalin to advise such a withdrawal”. On 18 August, Stalin and the Soviet Supreme High Command (Stavka) issued a directive ordering that Kiev must not be surrendered. Stalin could not bear to give up the Soviet Union’s third largest city without a fight.

At the end of August 1941, the Wehrmacht had forced the Red Army back to a defensive line at the Dnieper River. Kiev lay vulnerable at the end of a long salient. Stalin then compounded his original strategic mistake, by reinforcing the area around Kiev with more Red Army divisions.

On 13 September 1941 Major-General Vasily Tupikov, in the Kiev sector, compiled a report outlining how “complete catastrophe was only a couple of days away”. Stalin responded, “Major-General Tupikov sent a panic-ridden dispatch… The situation, on the contrary, requires that commanders at all levels maintain an exceptionally clear head and restraint. No one must give way to panic”.

The following day, 14 September, von Kleist and Guderian’s panzers met at the Ukrainian city of Lokhvytsia, 120 miles east of Kiev. The trap was sealed. Budyonny’s troops fought frantically to extricate themselves but these efforts failed. As also did the Russian attacks coming from further east, which were attempts to rescue the doomed 50 Soviet divisions encircled in the Dnieper Bend.

Kiev fell to the Germans on 19 September 1941, and by the time the fighting died down on 26 September, 665,000 Soviet troops surrendered, the better part of five armies. This was the largest surrender of forces in the field in military history. The Soviets further lost 900 tanks and 3,500 guns. Total Red Army personnel losses in the Kiev area, including casualties, came to 750,000 men. Among the dead was Tupikov who, as mentioned, had tried to warn the Soviet General Staff about the calamity that was set to unfold.

English scholar Geoffrey Roberts wrote, “On 17 September Stavka finally authorized a withdrawal from Kiev, to the eastern bank of the Dnepr. It was too little, too late; the pincers of the German encirclement east of Kiev had already closed”.

After the loss of Kiev, Stalin was “in a trance” according to Zhukov and it understandably took him some days to recover. At this point three months into the Nazi-Soviet war the Red Army had, altogether, lost at least 2,050,000 men, while the Germans had suffered casualties of less than 10% of that number, 185,000 men, the British historian Evan Mawdsley noted. The 185,000 figure still amounted to a higher number of casualties inflicted on the German Army (156,000) in the Battle of France, and the fighting on the Eastern front was of course far from over.

On 23 September 1941 Goebbels visited Hitler at the latter’s military headquarters, the Wolf’s Lair, located near the East Prussian town of Rastenburg. With Kiev having just fallen, Goebbels observed that Hitler looked “healthy” while he was “in an excellent mood and sees the current situation extremely optimistically”.

Hitler took personal credit for taking Kiev, in which he had previously ignored the German commanders’ protests, as they were adamant the advance on Moscow should resume. Hitler told Goebbels that Army Group South would continue marching, in order to capture the USSR’s fourth largest metropolis, Kharkov, in eastern Ukraine, over 250 miles further east of Kiev; and after that they should move on to take Stalingrad, another 385 miles further east again. One of these two goals was reached, with Kharkov falling to the German 6th Army on 24 October 1941. Northwards, Hitler also wanted Leningrad to be utterly subdued, Soviet Russia’s second biggest city.

In his memoirs Marshal Zhukov wrote, “Before the war, Leningrad had a population of 3,103,000 and 3,385,000 counting the suburbs”.

On 8 September 1941 Army Group North had penetrated these suburbs, with the German panzers just 10 miles from the city. So officially began the terrible Siege of Leningrad. During 10 September, Hitler informed lunch guests of his intentions regarding Leningrad, “An example should be made here and the city will disappear from the face of the earth”.

Already on 8 September, the Germans captured the town of Shlisselburg on the south shore of Lake Ladoga. A week later Slutsk (Pavlovsk) fell in Leningrad’s outer suburbs, as too did Strelna, close by to the south-west of Leningrad. To the north, the Finnish Army advanced to within a few miles of Leningrad’s northernmost suburbs and the city was now surrounded.

The German Armed Forces High Command (OKW), with Hitler’s agreement, ordered that Leningrad was not to be taken by storm; but would be bombarded from the air by the Luftwaffe, while the city’s residents were to be starved to death through military blockade. On 12 September 1941 the largest food warehouse in Leningrad, the Badajevski General Store, was blown up by a Nazi bomber aircraft.

Moreover, heavy German weaponry and artillery was ominously lined up on the ground, across Leningrad’s outskirts. The German guns had sufficient range to strike every street and district of the city, meaning that virtually no house or apartment block in Leningrad was safe, a constant terror for its inhabitants.

Following Hitler’s Directive No. 35 of 6 September 1941, Colonel-General Erich Hoepner’s Panzer Group 4 was moved away from the Leningrad region on 15 September. It was transferred to the central front for the renewed march towards Moscow. The halting of the German advance on Leningrad, at a time when it appeared on the cusp of success, meant in the end that the city was not captured at all. The 41st Panzer Corps commander, Georg-Hans Reinhardt, had been confident that Leningrad would be taken. Reinhardt was sketching various routes on a map of Leningrad for the advance into the city, when he was ordered to cease his approach.

Nor was Leningrad fully encircled in wintertime when the water froze on Lake Ladoga, by far Europe’s largest lake. The Russians were soon able to traverse Lake Ladoga with vehicles carrying food and supplies, though they were regularly assaulted by the Luftwaffe. Fortunately, a large proportion of Leningrad’s inhabitants escaped from the city. Zhukov wrote, “As many as 1,743,129, including 414,148 children, were evacuated by decision of the Council of People’s Commissars between June 29, 1941 and March 31, 1943”.

The Germans were never able to regain the momentum in their initial march towards Leningrad. In November 1941 an offensive to join forces with the Finns east of Lake Ladoga failed. Through December the Germans were forced to retreat to the Volkhov River, about 75 miles south of Leningrad. All efforts to destroy the Soviet bridgehead at Oranienbaum, near to the west of Leningrad, were unsuccessful.

Leningrad was helped in its defense by the city’s geographical position, between the Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga. In comparison to Kiev or Moscow, Leningrad was considerably easier for the Red Army to defend. Leningrad’s western approaches were guarded by the Gulf of Finland, its northern part by the narrow strip of land called the Karelian Isthmus, its south-eastern section by the upper Neva River; while much of the area bordering the city to the south comprised of marshy terrain, which the Germans could not wade through.

Stalin placed even more importance in Leningrad’s survival than Kiev. In a telegram of 29 August 1941 sent to his Foreign Affairs Minister Vyacheslav Molotov, an anxious Stalin wrote, “I fear that Leningrad will be lost by foolish madness and that Leningrad’s divisions risk being taken prisoner”. If the city was captured by Hitler’s forces, it would enable the enemy to make a flanking attack northward on Moscow. The loss of the city that bore Lenin’s name, the founder of Soviet Russia, could only constitute a serious blow to Russian morale and a great triumph for the Nazis. The Soviet Union would be deprived of an important center of arms production were Leningrad taken.

On 10 September 1941, Stalin ordered Stavka to appoint Zhukov as commander of the new Leningrad Front. Zhukov, who possessed great ability and energy, helped to stiffen the defenses around Leningrad, forbidding Soviet officers to sanction retreats without written orders from the military command. By late September 1941, the Leningrad front had stabilized.

More than a million Soviet troops would be killed in the Leningrad region, over the next two and a half years. During that time 640,000 of Leningrad’s inhabitants died of starvation, and another 400,000 lost their lives due to either illnesses, German shelling and air raids, added to those who perished in the course of evacuations, etc.

The Siege of Leningrad was endured mainly by its female residents. Most of Leningrad’s male populace were fighting in the Soviet Army or had joined the People’s Militia, divisions of irregular troops. Leningrad’s heroic resistance helped to tie down a third of the Wehrmacht’s forces in 1941, which assisted in Moscow being saved from German occupation.


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Marshal of Victory: The Autobiography of General Georgy Zhukov (Pen & Sword Military, 3 Feb. 2020)

Volker Ullrich, Hitler: Volume II: Downfall 1939-45 (Vintage, 1st edition, 4 Feb. 2021)

Geoffrey Roberts, Stalin’s General: The Life of Georgy Zhukov (Icon Books, 2 May 2013)

Clive N. Trueman, The Siege of Leningrad, The History Learning Site, 15 May 2015

Geoffrey Roberts, Stalin’s Wars: From World War to Cold War, 1939-1953 (Yale University Press; 1st Edition, 14 Nov. 2006)

Evan Mawdsley, Thunder in the East: The Nazi-Soviet War, 1941-1945 (Hodder Arnold, 23 Feb. 2007)

Donald J. Goodspeed, The German Wars (Random House Value Publishing, 2nd edition, 3 April 1985)

Weapons and Warfare, Heavy Artillery at Leningrad

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The carnage of deaths to unborn babies following COVID-19 shots into pregnant women just gets worse the more we investigate it.

While we reported on Saturday that the latest data dump into the government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) showed 2,620 fetal deaths, which are more fetal deaths than are reported following ALL vaccines for the past 30 years in VAERS, one “symptom” that is tracked in VAERS that I did not account for, is an ectopic pregnancy which also results in a fetal death.

WebMD defines “ectopic pregnancy”:

Ectopic pregnancy, also called extrauterine pregnancy, is when a fertilized egg grows outside a woman’s uterus, somewhere else in their belly. It can cause life-threatening bleeding and needs medical care right away.

In more than 90% of cases, the egg implants in a fallopian tube. This is called a tubal pregnancy.

Because a fertilized egg can’t survive outside a uterus, your doctor will need to take it out so you don’t have serious health problems. They’ll use one of two methods: medication or surgery. (Source.)

I performed a search in VAERS for ectopic pregnancies following COVID-19 shots for the past 11 months, and there have been 52 cases where a pregnant mother received a COVID-19 shot and then was found to have an ectopic pregnancy. (Source.)

Next, I performed the exact same search but excluded COVID-19 “vaccines” and it returned a result of 30 cases where a pregnant mother received an FDA-approved vaccine and then reported an ectopic pregnancy following ALL vaccines for the past 30+ years, which is about 1 per year. (Source.)

That means that following COVID-19 injections into pregnant women for the past 11 months has seen a 50 X increase in ectopic pregnancies compared to pregnant women receiving vaccines for the past 30+ years.

And if I and anyone else with Internet access can perform these searches in the government-owned data in VAERS, you can be certain that the FDA and CDC can too, and that they are aware of these risks.

This is criminal. This is nothing more than barbaric forced sterilization, which was once legal in the U.S., but was later outlawed as part of the eugenics movement that valued certain human beings over others, and is part of Nazism.

We are seeing many examples of these fetal deaths being reported, and we have published a lot of those, but here are some more as these reports continue to flood in.

Vancouver Hospital Has 13 Stillborn Deaths in 24 Hours

Recently two medical doctors and some protesters in Canada gathered at Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver, as they asked the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to press charges against health officials in British Columbia after it was reported that there were 13 stillborn deaths within 24 hours. has a video of this protest here.

November 11th, 1:00 – 3:00 Lions Gate Hospital Emergency Entrance, North Vancouver

Rally with Dr. Mel Bruchet and Dr. Daniel Nagase. They spoke to the RCMP and then headed over to the emergency entrance. The Doctor will appreciate our support in standing with him to raise the awareness of the dangers of this experimental injection.

On average they would see 1 stillborn death a month. 3 dulas have reported that there were 13 stillborn deaths in a 24 hour period of women who had taken the experimental injection. The media is not reporting this. Big pharma looks after the media and the media is silent. (Source.)

Last night, November 21, 2021 a woman posted on Social Media that her daughter who was 8.5 months pregnant and took a COVID-19 shot one month ago had her grandson stillborn at a Vancouver hospital.

Another woman on Social Media who had already received two COVID-19 shots, mocked “anti-vaxxers,” but then went and got her “booster shot” while pregnant, and soon after had a miscarriage.

Here is a post from Social Media from someone in Australia who creates “Angel Babies” for families who have stillborn babies, and the recent increase in their business.

Here is a Funeral Director whistleblower in the UK explaining the increase in dead newborn babies they are now seeing. This is on our Bitchute channel.

Here is a video report we made last month with some very unfortunate gruesome examples of what these shots are doing to unborn babies.


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Biden’s Numbers Tank…as US Rattles Sabers at Russia

November 23rd, 2021 by Rep. Ron Paul

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President Biden’s approval numbers are dropping like lead. According to a Quinnipiac University poll released last week, only 36 percent of Americans approve of Biden’s performance as president. From Covid, to the economy, to foreign policy, Biden’s numbers are in the tank. Three out of four Americans are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the country today.

Inflation is sky high, gasoline prices are higher than they’ve been since Obama was president, and the store shelves are empty just in time for Christmas. And the president’s illegal and immoral vaccine mandate may result in millions leaving their jobs rather than accept the experimental covid shots. That should do wonders for the “supply chain” problems in the US.

Biden’s ability to drag the economy back from the brink is very limited and the Democrat brand is looking more and more like poison as the US moves into mid-term election season.

That can be dangerous.

When presidents make war they find that political opposition dries up and the media rolls over in gratitude. Is Biden eyeing foreign action to bolster his sagging support back home?

Traditionally, progressives have been wary of aggressive US foreign policy, but four years of phony “Russiagate” lies has left a good deal of the political Left enamored with the CIA, FBI, and warmongering “woke” military officers like Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley. Many of them will likely cheer a military conflict.

When it comes to foreign policy, the Biden White House continues some of the worst policies of the previous Administration. The US continues to sail warships through the South China Sea and when such saber rattling provokes Chinese concern the Chinese are condemned as the aggressors.

Similarly, the US just sent warships into Russia’s backyard in the Black Sea to perform military maneuvers. Imagine Russian wargames off the Texas coast in the Gulf of Mexico! And then the US Administration attacked Russia for “massing troops”… inside Russia!

The US media is, as usual, complicit in propagandizing the US population. Thus, Russia is said to be “massing troops near Ukraine” without the explanation that “near Ukraine” is actually within Russia. So Russia is threatening war by holding military exercises within its own borders, but the US is entirely peaceful when it sends warships thousands of miles away up to the Russian border.

On Friday the Russian military intercepted US warplanes reportedly just 12.5 miles from the Russian border. The US and NATO continue to deliver lethal weapons to the government in Kiev, which only embolden Ukrainian President Zelensky to ratchet up the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

The US foreign policy and military establishment exist in an echo chamber. They believe their rhetoric that the rest of the world is eagerly awaiting its orders from Washington and that the US has the moral right – and the ability – to tell the rest of the world what to do. This sets the stage for a potentially catastrophic miscalculation in the US Administration. Already Russian President Putin complained last week that the US takes its “red lines” too lightly, no doubt referring to Ukraine.

Biden may be calculating that he needs a nice little war to boost back his numbers and rally Americans to his support. Like most everything else in this first year of the Biden Administration, it would be a terrible mistake.


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NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg met President Draghi on November 17 in Rome to address “the current security challenges” arising from “Russia’s military build-up in and around Ukraine”. Stoltenberg thanked Italy because it “contributes to our presence in the Baltic Region with the air policing and troops”. The Italian Air Force – specifies the Ministry of Defense – has deployed at Ämari airport in Estonia F-35A fighters from the 32nd Wing of Amendola and Eurofighter Typhoon fighters from the 4th Wing of Grosseto, 36th Wing of Gioia del Colle, 37th Wing of Trapani and 51st Wing of Istrana (Treviso). When Russian planes fly into the international airspace over the Baltic, usually heading for the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, the Italian fighters receive an immediate take-off order from the NATO command on alert and within minutes they intercept them. Official purpose of this operation is “to preserve allied airspace”. The real purpose is to make Russia appear as a threatening power preparing to attack Europe.

This is fuelling a growing climate of tension: the F-35A and Eurofighter Typhoon fighters deployed within minutes of Russian territory are dual-capable fighters with conventional and nuclear capabilities. What would happen if similar Russian fighter jets were deployed on the border with the United States?

The “air policing” on Russia’s borders is part of the frenzied U.S.-NATO military escalation in Europe against an invented enemy, Russia, in an increasingly dangerous grand strategic game. It was initiated in 2014 with the US/NATO-directed coup in Ukraine, supported by the EU, in order to provoke a new cold war in Europe to isolate Russia and strengthen US influence and presence in Europe. Russia has been accused of forcibly annexing Crimea, ignoring that it was the Crimean Russians who decided in a referendum to secede from Ukraine and rejoin Russia to avoid being attacked, like the Russians in Donbass, by Kiev neo-Nazi battalions. Those used in 2014 as a strike force in the Maidan Square putsch, triggered by Georgian snipers who fired on demonstrators and policemen, and in subsequent actions: villages put to fire and sword, activists burned alive in the Odessa Chamber of Labor, unarmed civilians massacred in Mariupol, bombed with white phosphorus in Donetsk and Lugansk.

Stoltenberg and Draghi also addressed the issue of the “crisis on the border of Belarus with Poland, Latvia and Lithuania”. NATO accuses Belarus of using, with Russia’s support, “vulnerable migrants as tools of hybrid tactics against other countries, putting their lives at risk.” Defending the migrants, expressing fear for their lives, are the same US and NATO leaders, including the Italian rulers, who in the last thirty years have led the first war against Iraq, the war against Yugoslavia, the war in Afghanistan, the second war against Iraq, the war against Libya, the war against Syria. Wars that have demolished entire states and broken up entire societies, causing millions of victims, forcing millions of people to forced emigration.

The day after the meeting with Draghi, Stoltenberg attended the 70th anniversary of the NATO Defense College, to which about 15,000 military and civilian personnel from 80 member and partner countries of the Alliance have graduated in Rome since 1951. After being educated in every aspect of “international security,” they went on to “hold the highest civilian and military positions,” that is, positions of responsibility in the governments and armed forces of NATO member and partner countries. In this university of war, where the most sophisticated strategies are taught, the most important sector is dedicated to Russia. It will now be joined by another. In his celebratory speech, the NATO Secretary General in fact stressed, “Russia and China are leading an authoritarian push-back against the rules-based international order.” Stoltenberg has however forgotten to specify that “the international order must be based on our rules”.


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Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.

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Convencido que o Brasil estava na “iminência de um retorno ao passado”, conforme afirma ao final de seu artigo intitulado “1937”, vejamos nesta última parte do ensaio como Caio Prado interpreta o processo do Estado Novo e as décadas posteriores à Segunda Guerra, período em que o capitalismo global passa por este processo que ele chama de “fascistização” – enquanto o Brasil vive a farsa do “milagre econômico”.

Segunda Guerra e a fascistização do capitalismo global

Em março de 1938, o marxista brasileiro, então já bastante crítico da estratégia pecebista, com seus esquemas “abstratos” –o etapismo e o consequente aliancismo, sempre aos moldes europeus–, aponta em seus Diários Políticos (manuscrito de março de 1938) que o PCB estava cindido em dois blocos: um, que se aproxima indiretamente do governo, contrário a “agitações que favoreceriam o integralismo e a fascistização completa do governo Getúlio”; outro, dissidente, “mais radical, que procura articular contra o governo atual uma frente única popular”. 

Dois meses depois, os integralistas, ludibriados por Getúlio, tentariam dar um golpe no golpe. Caio escreve o texto “Golpe integralista no Rio de Janeiro – ataque ao palácio Guanabara” (D.P., maio de 1938) – destacando que “há indícios de participação da Alemanha no golpe fracassado”. No ano seguinte, às vésperas da Segunda Guerra, Caio Prado regressa do exílio na Europa.

Em 1942, já em plena guerra, ele passa a ensaiar uma reflexão sobre os movimentos do Brasil no tabuleiro bélico interno e internacional: 

A fascistização do Brasil segue sua marcha. O Estado Novo é elevado às nuvens. […] Getúlio é senhor absoluto. […] O país está apático; as classes conservadoras temem o comunismo (temor explorado pela situação); o povo está sob o terror policial. […] A DIP [Departamento de Imprensa e Propaganda] exerce uma ditadura incontestável sobre o pensamento do país. (D.P., 1942)

Quanto às relações internacionais, diz Caio no mesmo apontamento: o “governo é contraditório” – o Ministério do Exterior força aproximação com os EUA, mas o Ministério da Guerra se inclina para o lado da “Alemanha e o fascismo”. E neste embate conservador, completa: “a esquerda está adormecida”. 

Como menciona muitas vezes em seus Diários Políticos, ele sente falta de um projeto comunista propriamente nacional, que não se guiasse dogmaticamente por moldes exteriores – de uma leitura marxista que apreendesse as especificidades socioeconômicas e culturais da nação.

No entanto, um ano depois, mais otimista, passa a ver na mobilização popular uma pitada de esperança. Diante do choque entre estudantes da USP e policiais em praça pública, em que “corre o primeiro sangue” pela democratização do país, Caio afirma: “O Brasil acorda de sua letargia” –e complementa– “a guerra europeia foi o primeiro sinal de novos tempos”. De início as “simpatias gerais da situação [getulismo] iam francamente para a Alemanha”; os “fascio-integralistas e simpatizantes de todos os matizes” arrastavam o país. Porém, em virtude dos “compromissos pan-americanos”, a agressão aos Estados Unidos obrigou o Brasil a romper com o Eixo. De todo modo, ele conclui que por aqui “a guerra está sendo levada burocraticamente, sem participação popular” – ao que propõe a seguinte (e tão atual) reflexão: 

A “democracia” é ainda no Brasil uma fachada para justificar-se perante seus aliados anglo-americanos. Aliás, há tendências fascistas nestes últimos, de forma que a posição dúbia da situação econômica brasileira se encaixa muito bem na ordem[…] do momento. O que fez pender a balança para o lado da democracia são as vitórias soviéticas.  (D.P., novembro de 1943)

Observe-se que em sua interpretação de que as “tendências fascistas” de então, no Brasil como nos Estados Unidos convergem e, assim, alinham-se, ele parece profetizar o devir da política estadunidense fascistizada no pós-guerra – bem como de seus aliados no capitalismo global. Graças a sua análise político-econômica acurada, em um notável momento de genialidade ele efetivamente prenuncia o movimento histórico que se conformaria na segunda metade do século, a saber: a fascistização acentuada dos EUA e potências vassalas (OTAN) – impulsionada pela ânsia de expansão dos mercados (primórdios da globalização liberal). 

Um recorte do jornal Hoje (16/07/1946), destacado em seus Diários Políticos quase 3 anos depois, chega à mesma conclusão: a ideia do fascismo “continua viva”, estimulada pelos capitais inglês e estadunidense que avançam e necessitam de mercados consumidores. 

Por outro lado, Caio Prado Jr. pondera que, dada as vitórias da União Soviética, o governo se viu obrigado a “permitir certa campanha pela democracia e contra o fascismo”: “Os resultados não se fizeram esperar” – os movimentos pela democracia começavam a se espalhar por todo o país  (D.P., novembro de 1943). 

Ainda nesta linha confiante, um ano depois – em correspondência a editor – escreve: 

O ano de 1944 tem a seu favor, no que diz respeito ao Brasil, um grande ativo: é a participação das nossas tropas em favor da grande causa dos dias que correm, o esmagamento do fascismo[…], [mas] infelizmente a situação doméstica não nos traz igual satisfação[…], [dada a] dificuldade em satisfazer as mais elementares necessidades e a situação aflitiva da maior parte da população. (D.P., “Carta a Octavio Thyrso”, diretor do “Sombra”, de 08/11/1944)

As causas deste problema, afirma ainda na carta, são “mais profundas, e vêm já de muitos anos anteriores à guerra, que não fez mais que pôr à mostra os vícios de um sistema”. Termina por demais esperançoso, dizendo acreditar que os brasileiros estão agora mais “esclarecidos”, e que no próximo ano (1945) deve vir o “fim da guerra” e o “colapso de todos os fascismos”: “O mundo de amanhã não será de ditadores, e a humanidade entrará numa nova fase”, na qual os brasileiros terão “sua parte” se souberem manter viva a “chama da liberdade e da democracia” – que ora encetaram nos campos de batalha. 


Fim da Guerra e do Estado Novo

Em fins de 1945, recém-terminada a guerra, acaba também o Estado Novo. No entanto, no PCB, a nova orientação em defesa da “união nacional” –linha da Comissão Nacional de Organização Provisória (CNOP), em apoio a Vargas– faz com que muitos militantes deixem o partido. Caio discorda desta corrente, mas comunista orgânico, acata a decisão. 

Em novembro deste ano, comenta (D.P., 1945) que o integralismo busca se rearticular –sob o nome de Partido de Representação Popular– e critica a postura de Prestes, quem ele considera verborrágico e sem forças para promover uma “renovação” do comunismo no Brasil. Entende que a “atitude e a política de Prestes dão margem para ataques que podem prejudicar grandemente o movimento revolucionário brasileiro”. 

Por este período, Caio e diversos intelectuais assinam um manifesto anti-integralista: “[esta] grave ameaça a todos os brasileiros” – fruto de “manobras dos inimigos da democracia e do progresso” (D.P., janeiro-fevereiro de 1946). 

Meses depois, na “Carta ao companheiro Evaldo da Silva Garcia” (D.P., 11/05/1946), afirma esperançoso que com a Segunda Guerra o Brasil deu um “grande passo”, pois que: “formou-se uma consciência popular como nunca tivemos no passado” – e “existem hoje as condições fundamentais para o início da grande transformação que nos levará, seja embora num futuro que não podemos ainda prever, para uma nova ordem bem diferente da atual”. 

Geopolítica do pós-Guerra e o falso milagre econômico

A “nova ordem”, que Caio Prado prevê para o Brasil – ideia defendida em muitas de suas obras –, deveria ser construída com a superação da orientação externa de nossa economia, criando-se um mercado interno forte. 

Não obstante, décadas mais tarde, ele constataria decepcionado que embora a Segunda Guerra tenha trazido grandes modificações na “marcha dos povos”, essencialmente ela não alterou o “sentido da evolução brasileira”. Houve um esforço por se reestruturar, com renovadas feições, o mesmo sistema em “crise” – mas sem se comprometer sua “essência colonial”. Como resultado, agravam-se as contradições no plano social e político. 

Por um lado, com a diminuição das importações –devido à conjuntura produtiva europeia fragilizada pela Guerra–, crescem e se diversificam as atividades econômicas nacionais, em especial as da indústria (substituição de importações); contudo, as características arcaicas da economia brasileira se mantêm, de modo que dada a demanda internacional assiste-se a um revigoramento do “tradicional sistema do passado” – a exportação de alimentos e de matéria-prima. Assim que, de outro lado, no plano social e político, acentuam-se os “desequilíbrios e desajustamentos” – escreve no artigo “A crise em marcha”, de 1962, capítulo acrescentado a edições posteriores de História Econômica do Brasil (as citações a seguir são deste texto).

Num primeiro momento, diz ele, este cenário fez decair as contradições crônicas de nosso sistema econômico, sanando provisoriamente a balança de pagamentos exteriores. Porém, é mister ressaltar que, se por estes tempos ocorre um “nítido progresso”, há também o encarecimento do custo de vida –pois que os preços são pressionados pela oferta interna insuficiente, efeito do aumento da demanda externa–, sem que haja em contrapartida aumento de salários (arrochados com autoritarismo). O resultado disto foi um forte “acréscimo da exploração da força de trabalho” – analisa Caio –, e um “sobrelucro” apreciável, que provoca “intensa acumulação capitalista”, enriquecendo consideravelmente setores das classes dominantes. 

Trata-se portanto de um período instável de “equilíbrio” e de “artificial prosperidade” – que começariam a declinar tão logo desaparecessem as “circunstâncias extraordinárias” que os causaram. 

Como se pode prever, em breve viria um novo período de crise. Em 1947, o valor dos produtos importados ultrapassa os exportados; nos anos seguintes, o balanço comercial melhora ligeiramente, deixando saldos positivos que, no entanto, são insuficientes para pagar compromissos financeiros (usura da dívida externa, etc) – sendo tais défices cobertos com mais empréstimos estrangeiros, num ciclo vicioso.

Em 1951, de volta ao poder, Getúlio Vargas, baseado em momentânea conjuntura internacional favorável (dada a alta do café), lança programa de fomento à indústria. Entretanto, tal política peca por ser imediatista e carece de planejamento conjunto –de visão da economia como todo–, de maneira que acaba por favorecer apenas interesses financeiros privados. Desta experiência, ficaria a lição –“infelizmente não bem assimilada”– de que o desenvolvimento industrial do país exige medidas mais profundas e muito mais amplas: mudanças estruturais.


Já no plano das relações internacionais, Caio Prado expõe que, no imediato pós-Guerra, a economia capitalista (em especial a estadunidense) conhece intenso crescimento, impulsionado pela “folgada situação financeira” dos EUA – resultante da restrição de consumo durante o conflito, do financiamento da guerra, e dos posteriores negócios de reconstrução da Europa (Plano Marshall). Tal impulso, e o consequente fortalecimento dos Estados Unidos, se prolongarão pela política de reorganização financeira mundial imposta por esta potência – baseada no acordo de “Bretton Woods”. Além deste país, outras potências capitalistas se beneficiariam fortemente dessa conjuntura de crescente monopolização do capital, especialmente a Alemanha e o Japão, que derrotados nas armas, vencem economicamente – fato que poderia parecer contraditório, não fora o nazifascismo uma solução (e forma) do próprio capitalismo (conforme “Post Scriptum”, de 1976, acrescentado à obra “História Econômica do Brasil” – as citações a seguir se referem a este texto).

O Brasil não ficaria à margem da ofensiva dos monopólios –este “rebento do capitalismo desenvolvido”–, que encontraria por aqui generosa acolhida, dada a orientação política exterior (voltada para fora), que sempre foi adotada por nossas classes dirigentes. 

Tal surto da economia nacional e internacional, alavancada pelo afluxo de capitais e tecnologia dos grandes centros às periferias do sistema, foi por aqui conhecido como o “milagre econômico brasileiro” – fenômeno fundado em precários fundamentos financeiros que por três decênios logrou disfarçar “artificialmente” (apenas com suaves recessões) a “tendência estrutural do sistema capitalista à estagnação”.

Contudo, essa ampla farsa político-econômica internacional forjada no pós-Guerra não poderia perdurar por muito mais tempo. A falha “estrutural” do capitalismo se revelaria com nitidez no início dos anos 1970, com o intenso e generalizado processo inflacionário e desemprego, acompanhado da ociosidade do aparato produtivo (notadamente nos países mais industrializados) – abalo que demonstrava os limites da expansão capitalista. Paralelo a isso, dá-se a súbita elevação dos preços do petróleo – o que afeta duramente as subpotências europeias e japonesa, não produtoras do ouro negro.

Em suma, conclui Caio Prado, o suposto “milagre brasileiro” não passou de um breve surto artificial, motivado pela excepcional e instável conjuntura internacional do período que sucedeu a Segunda Guerra. Não houve nenhum sinal significativo de mudança essencial das “arcaicas estruturas herdadas de nosso passado colonial”. Nossa indústria continuou débil, com pouca infraestrutura e dependente do mercado exterior. E o que é mais grave: sem sequer vislumbrar as necessidades básicas da população brasileira. Passado o surto, pondera o autor, a nação retornou então a sua “medíocre normalidade amarrada ao passado”. 

Considerações finais: fascismo como tática capitalista em tempos de crise

Como se pôde observar ao longo desta exposição, Caio Prado Jr., mediante análise fundada na concepção dialética da história, mostra que o fascismo, cujo ápice se dá na barbárie da Segunda Guerra Mundial, longe de poder ser comparado com qualquer tipo de autoritarismo das pioneiras tentativas de construção socialista (como tentam vender “intelectuais” do mercado), foi desde sempre uma força histórica de sentido contrário ao comunismo. Ou, de outro modo, o nazifascismo não passou de uma face renovada, de uma face brutal do capitalismo. 

Tal definição foi mais tarde aprofundada por Hobsbawm (Era dos extremos, 1994), que vê o fascismo como uma moderna extrema-direita, o modus operandi capitalista adaptado para tempos mais difíceis de serem controlados – e portanto a solução para seus cíclicos períodos de crise, ou como se diz, para os momentos em que é necessário “socializar-se o prejuízo”. 

Note-se que com o fascismo e a subsequente Segunda Guerra abriu-se límpido o caminho para a ascensão geopolítica estadunidense que, após a queda soviética (diante das pressões econômico-bélicas da superpotência e de seus aliados menores, os europeus ocidentais), culminaria com a inédita unipolaridade verificada nas relações internacionais contemporâneas dos anos 1990 (a década “neoliberal”, que para o Brasil foi a segunda década consecutivamente “perdida”). 

Doutro prisma, a mensagem de Caio Prado é a de que não devemos pautar nossas ações por regras dogmáticas e eurocêntricas que colocam a evolução histórica europeia como padrão para o mundo. Para o marxista brasileiro, urge que o Brasil, à revelia de modelos prontos, construa seu próprio projeto democrático-comunista nacional, segundo uma leitura marxista própria que apreenda a idiossincrasia histórica brasileira: suas peculiaridades socioeconômicas e culturais.

Entretanto, dado o refluxo do comunismo após a derrota da URSS na Guerra Fria e a dispersão das esquerdas no cenário atual, parece saudável ressaltar que Caio Prado, quando se posta contrário ao aliancismo, refere-se às alianças com a burguesia ou parcela dela que comprometam a autonomia do movimento socialista – como se deu outrora (com Vargas, etc), e mesmo em tempos presentes (caso de certos acordos temerários –e traídos– do período denominado lulismo). 

O pensador brasileiro contudo não hesita em se colocar favorável a possíveis acordos pontuais interclassistas em prol de projetos comuns, de reformas mínimas de urgência que possam reduzir a extrema miséria. 

Aliás este é também o pensamento de Lênin, Gramsci e Mariátegui, dentre tantos outros marxistas que, ao entenderem a luta pela conquista de direitos básicos como fundamento para a Revolução, corroboraram a ideia do próprio Marx – quem n’A ideologia alemã (1845-46) já escrevera: “o primeiro pressuposto de toda a existência humana e, portanto, de toda a história, é que os homens devem estar em condições de viver para poder ‘fazer a história’”; entretanto, “para viver, é preciso antes de tudo comer, beber, ter habitação, vestir-se”; “este é um ato histórico, uma condição fundamental de toda a história”. 

Deste modo, compreende-se com Caio Prado que defender reformas emergenciais, de cunho humanitário, que solucionem ainda que provisoriamente as necessidades vitais humanas, embora gesto político arriscado, não significa desviar-se do sentido revolucionário, mas pelo contrário, trata-se de ter a sensibilidade de perceber que sem isto –sem a mínima humanização das relações sociais– será ainda mais difícil fazer-se o caminho. 

Yuri Martins-Fontes

Um marxista da América para o mundo: Mariátegui vivo a 90 anos de sua morte (I)


Um marxista da América ao mundo: Mariátegui vivo a 90 anos de sua morte (II)


Caio Prado e o fascismo como estratégia do capitalismo em crise (Parte III)


Bibliografia de Referência

FAUSTO, Boris. História do Brasil. São Paulo: EDUSP, 1995.

HOBSBAWM, Eric. A era dos extremos. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2000 [1994].

MARTINS-FONTES, Yuri. Marx na América: a práxis de Caio Prado e Mariátegui. São Paulo: Alameda/ FAPESP, 2018.

__________. “Caio Prado: reforma agrária ampliada e luta armada”. Revista Mouro: Núcleo de Estudos d’O Capital, São Paulo, ano 6, n.9, jan. 2015.

MARX. Karl; ENGELS, Friedrich. A Ideologia Alemã. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2007 [1845-1846].

NOVAIS, Fernando. “Caio Prado Jr. historiador”. Novos Estudos, n.2, São Paulo, jul. 1983.

PRADO JÚNIOR, Caio. Evolução política do Brasil. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1980 [1933].

_________. URSS: um novo mundo. São Paulo: Cia. Editora Nacional, 1935 [1934].

_________. Formação do Brasil contemporâneo. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 2000 [1942].

_________. História econômica do Brasil. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1965 [1945].

_________. “Cuadernos y Correspondencia [manuscritos inéditos]”. Em: MARTINS-FONTES, Yuri (org.). Caio Prado: Historia y Filosofía. Rosário (Argentina): Editorial Último Recurso/ Ed. Núcleo Práxis-USP, 2020.

_________. “Fundo Caio Prado Júnior”. Em: Arquivo do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros da USP. 

SECCO, Lincoln. Caio Prado Júnior: o sentido da revolução. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2008.

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All’armi, il nemico è alle porte

November 23rd, 2021 by Manlio Dinucci

Il segretario generale della Nato Stoltenberg ha incontrato il presidente Draghi, il 17 novembre a Roma, per affrontare «le attuali sfide alla sicurezza», provenienti dal «rafforzamento militare della Russia in Ucraina e attorno ad essa». Stoltenberg ha ringraziato l’Italia perché «contribuisce alla nostra presenza nella Regione Baltica con il pattugliamento aereo e sue truppe».

L’Aeronautica militare italiana – specifica il Ministero della Difesa – ha schierato nell’aeroporto di Ämari in Estonia caccia F-35A del 32° Stormo di Amendola e caccia Eurofighter Typhoon del 4° Stormo di Grosseto, 36° Stormo di Gioia del Colle, 37° Stormo di Trapani e 51° Stormo di Istrana (Treviso).

Quando aerei russi volano nello spazio aereo internazionale sul Baltico, in genere diretti all’exclave russa di Kaliningrad, i caccia italiani ricevono dal comando Nato l’ordine di decollo immediato su allarme e in pochi minuti li intercettano. Scopo ufficiale di tale operazione è «preservare lo spazio aereo alleato». Scopo reale è far apparire la Russia come una potenza minacciosa che si prepara ad attaccare l’Europa. Si alimenta così un crescente clima di tensione: gli F-35A e gli Eurofighter Typhoon, schierati a pochi minuti di volo dal territorio russo, sono caccia a duplice capacità convenzionale e nucleare.

Che cosa avverrebbe se analoghi caccia russi fossero schierati ai confini con gli Stati uniti?

Il «pattugliamento aereo» ai confini con la Russia rientra nella frenetica escalation militare Usa-Nato in Europa contro un nemico inventato, la Russia, in un grande gioco strategico sempre più pericoloso. Esso è stato avviato nel 2014 con il colpo di stato in Ucraina sotto regia Usa/Nato, sostenuto dalla Ue, al fine di provocare in Europa una nuova guerra fredda per isolare la Russia e rafforzare l’influenza e presenza degli Stati uniti in Europa.

La Russia è stata accusata di aver annesso con la forza la Crimea, ignorando che sono stati i russi di Crimea a decidere con un referendum di staccarsi dall’Ucraina e rientrare nella Russia per evitare di essere attaccati, come i russi del Donbass, dai battaglioni neonazisti di Kiev. Quelli usati nel 2014 quale forza d’assalto nel putsch di piazza Maidan, innescato da cecchini georgiani che sparavano sui dimostranti e sui poliziotti, e nelle azioni successive: villaggi messi a ferro e fuoco, attivisti bruciati vivi nella Camera del Lavoro di Odessa, inermi civili massacrati a Mariupol, bombardati col fosforo bianco a Donetsk e Lugansk.

Jens Stoltenberg e Mario Draghi, foto Palazzo Chigi

Stoltenberg e Draghi hanno affrontato anche il tema della «crisi al confine della Bielorussia con Polonia, Lettonia e Lituania». La Nato accusa la Bielorussia di usare, con il sostegno della Russia, «migranti vulnerabili come strumenti di tattica ibrida contro altri paesi, mettendo a rischio la loro vita». A difendere i migranti, a esprimere timore per la loro vita, sono gli stessi responsabili Usa e Nato, compresi i governanti italiani, che negli ultimi trent’anni hanno condotto la prima guerra contro l’Iraq, la guerra contro la Jugoslavia, la guerra in Afghanistan, la seconda guerra contro l’Iraq, la guerra contro la Libia, la guerra contro la Siria. Guerre che hanno demolito interi Stati e disgregato intere società, provocando milioni di vittime, costringendo milioni di persone all’emigrazione forzata.

Il giorno dopo l’incontro con Draghi, Stoltenberg ha presenziato al 70° anniversario del Nato Defense College, al quale si sono laureati a Roma dal 1951 circa 15.000 militari e civili di 80 paesi membri e partner dell’Alleanza. Dopo essere stati istruiti su ogni aspetto della «sicurezza internazionale», essi sono andati a «ricoprire le più alte cariche civili e militari», ossia posti di responsabilità nei governi e nelle forze armate dei paesi membri e partner della Nato.

In questa università della guerra, in cui si insegnano le strategie più sofisticate, il più importante settore è dedicato alla Russia. Ora sarà affiancato da un altro. Nel discorso celebrativo, il Segretario generale della Nato ha infatti sottolineato: «La Russia e la Cina stanno guidando una spinta autoritaria contro l’ordine internazionale basato sulle regole». Stoltenberg ha però dimenticato di precisare «sulle nostre regole».

Manlio Dinucci

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On October 13th, Venezuela’s representative to the UN Samuel Moncada denounced plotting by the United States and Colombia against Venezuela’s democratically elected government at the UN Security Council.

In an eight-page letter to Security Council President Martin Kimani, Moncada detailed “bellicose” statements by Colombian President Iván Duque and by U.S. Navy Admiral Craig S. Faller, who praised the U.S.’s “maximum pressure” campaign against Venezuela.

These latter comments suggested that U.S. policy has not changed from the Trump era, despite the arrival of a Democrat to the White House.

The Threat of a Good Example

Joe Emersberger and Justin Podur’s new book, Extraordinary Threat: The U.S. Empire, the Media, and Twenty Years of Coup Attempts in Venezuela (New York: Monthly Review, 2021) details over twenty years of U.S. subversion efforts directed against Venezuela.

According to the authors, U.S. hostility to Venezuela’s government stems from the threat of a good example.

While Venezuela possesses massive oil reserves, the Venezuelan government never denied the U.S. access to its country’s oil and, as late as 2017, Venezuela remained the U.S. economy’s third-largest foreign supplier of energy.

The true fear of U.S. officials is that a country with significant resources and poor communities (a.k.a. Ranchos) has tremendous potential to develop an independent path and succeed in raising the standard of living for all its citizens, not to mention help out other countries in the region.

A secret cable published by WikiLeaks revealed that, in 2007, U.S. officials were demanding more (and more flexible) resources and tools to counter [Venezuelan President Hugo] Chávez’s [1999-2013] effort to assume greater dominion over Latin America at the expense of U.S. leadership and interests.[1]

Bolivarian Revolution: Brief History and Successes

Throughout much of the 20th century, Venezuela was ruled by an oligarchy which monopolized the country’s oil wealth.

In February 1989, in what became known as the Caracazo, Venezuelan security forces killed hundreds and possibly thousands of poor people who had risen up in revolt against an International Monetary Fund (IMF)-imposed structural adjustment program that had resulted in a rise in fuel prices and bus fares.

The program was imposed by President Carlos Andrés Pérez (1974-1979; 1989-1993), who had campaigned saying that IMF programs were like a “neutron bomb that killed people but left buildings standing.”

During the 1980s, Hugo Chávez had been secretly building a leftist movement within the Venezuelan military, which gained recruits and intensity after the Caracazo.

When Chávez was elected president in 1998, after a failed coup attempt six years earlier, he had the support of poor people in Venezuela’s cities who organized into self-help organizations and popular militias.[2]

The goal of the revolution was to restore Venezuela’s economic sovereignty, empower the poor and Indigenous people, and revitalize the legacy of Latin America’s great liberator, Simón Bolívar.

Venezuela's late President Hugo Chavez unveils a photograph-like portrait of Venezuela's independence hero Simon Bolivar on the 229th anniversary of Bolivar's birth at Miraflores Presidential Palace in Caracas, Venezuela, Tuesday, July 24, 2012.

Venezuela’s late President Hugo Chávez unveils a photograph-like portrait of Venezuela’s independence hero Simón Bolívar on the 229th anniversary of Bolívar’s birth at Miraflores Presidential Palace in Caracas, Venezuela, on Tuesday, July 24, 2012. [Source:]

Once in power Chávez—unlike Pérez—followed through on his promises to change Venezuela’s political-economic system.

Despite efforts to destabilize the country, the Chavez and Maduro administrations have made advances including building affordable housing projects known as Gran Mision Vividendas. [Source:]

By 2013, when Chávez died of cancer, poverty and inequality had been reduced substantially, literacy had increased, and Venezuela’s UN Human Development Index, a composite measure of national income (GDP), access to education, and child mortality—rose from seventh in the region to fourth.[3]

Child Malnutrition in Venezuela

Malnutrition in children under five was one of several social indicators that improved dramatically in Venezuela following the election of Hugo Chávez in 1999. [Source:]

Chávez’s successor Nicolás Maduro continued many of the same policies that had benefited Venezuela’s poor, though fell victim to a collapse in world oil prices and crushing U.S. sanctions that resulted in a major economic crisis.

Despite mistakes and some internal corruption typical to countries in both North and South America—including the legalized bribery that corrupts U.S. politics through the lobbying system, as the standard bearer of Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution, Maduro sustained popular support, winning the 2018 election with 6.2 million votes (67.7%) compared to challenger Henri Falcón’s 1.9 million (21%).[4]

First Two Coup Attempts and U.S. Support

On April 11, 2002, the George W. Bush administration supported a coup led by Pedro Carmona—the head of Venezuela’s largest business federation. The coup was put down after Venezuelans took to the streets at great personal risk to rally behind Chávez. The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (embedded video below) is well worth watching as it is an excellent documentary on the coup; the Irish film crew that produced the documentary just happened to be in Miraflores, the presidential palace, at the time of the coup.

A decree that Carmona issued dissolved the National Assembly, fired all Supreme Court judges, and disassociated Venezuela from the legacy of Simón Bolívar.

In July 2002, the U.S. State Department’s Office of the Inspector General published a report titled “A Review of U.S. Policy Toward Venezuela November 2001-April 2002” detailing how the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Pentagon and other U.S. assistance programs provided training, institution building, and other support to individuals and organizations understood to be actively involved in the coup.

Journalists Jeremy Bigwood and Eva Golinger later uncovered how prominent coup plotters such as Leopoldo López and María Corina Machado had received U.S. funds.[5]

Scott Wilson reported in The Washington Post that the U.S. government hosted people involved in the coup before it happened.

Wilson wrote that “there was involvement of U.S.-sponsored NGOs in training people that were involved in the coup. And in the immediate aftermath of the coup, the United States government said that it was a resignation, not a coup, effectively recognizing the government that took office very briefly until President Chávez returned.”[6]

Six months after Carmona’s coup was put down, the opposition to Chávez led by Leopoldo López—the mayor of the Chacao Municipality of Caracas—organized a one-day national strike among oil workers with the aim of bringing down the government.

The coup failed but it contributed to a contraction of Venezuela’s GDP. Chávez later pardoned the coup plotters—belying claims of his supposedly authoritarian nature.

Emersberger and Podur write that “any foreign government linked to a political movement that inflicted [huge] economic damage on the United States would suffer horrific retaliation. U.S. politicians and media outlets that supported the sabotage would be declared treasonous and never be heard from again.”[7] Such was not the case for Venezuela.

More Subversion

In 2010, Wikileaks published a U.S. embassy cable from four years prior in which the American ambassador William Brownfield outlined a five-point cloak-and-dagger strategy for “penetrating Chavez’ political base,” “dividing Chavismo,” “protecting vital U.S. businesses,” and “isolating Chavez internationally.

USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI), which provides fast flexible, short term assistance designed to foster political transition—ie. regime change—was central to these efforts, which continued after Chavez’ death.[8]

When Maduro won a snap election in April 2013, the defeated candidate Henrique Capriles—a participant in the 2002 coup and a mob siege of the Cuban Embassy—cried fraud and called his supporters into the streets, with backing from the Obama administration.

A year earlier, Jimmy Carter had called the technical aspects of Venezuela’s electoral system “the best in the world.”[9]

Sanctions of Mass Destruction

In March 2015, Obama followed his backing of Capriles’s bogus election fraud charges by imposing economic sanctions on Venezuela, which Obama ridiculously called “an extraordinary threat to the national security of the United States.”[10]

A picture containing diagram Description automatically generated


The goal of the sanctions—which were indefensible under the UN Charter, OAS Charter, and U.S. law—was to starve the Venezuelan government of the hard currency it needed to import food, medicine, and the parts required to maintain basic infrastructure such as Venezuela’s electrical grid.[11]

The intensification of Obama’s sanctions by the Trump administration in August 2017 resulted in the loss of $6 billion in oil revenue over the next 12 months.

By 2018, Venezuela could only import $140 million worth of medicines, down from around $2 billion in 2013-2014. Food imports in the same period declined from $11.2 billion in 2013 to $2.46 billion in 2018.[12]

In 2019, the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) published a study by U.S. economists Mark Weisbrot and Jeffrey Sachs estimating that Trump’s sanctions may have killed about 40,000 Venezuelans in the 2017-2018 period alone.[13]

U.S. sanctions against Venezuela have already killed 40,000 people between 2017 and 2018, according to a report by Mark Weisbrot and Columbia University's Jeffrey Sachs. (Photo: Courtesy of the authors) – Massachusetts Peace Action

Venezuelan Embassy [Source:]

Trump Presidency and Sixth Coup Attempt

Under Trump, U.S. officials began openly encouraging the Venezuelan military to oust Maduro. National Security Adviser John Bolton joked about having Maduro sent to Guantánamo Bay.[14]

When opposition leader Juan Guaidó—who aimed to privatize Venezuela’s the oil industry—declared himself interim president in January 2019, President Trump immediately recognized him.

However, Guaidó’s case for president was based on the lie that Maduro had been elected illegitimately in May 2018.

Emersberger and Podur present the entire Guaidó era as a sixth very long coup attempt. (See CAM’s coverage at the time: “Yet Another U.S. Coup Attempt to Eradicate the Bolivarian Revolution” and “Operation GIDEON: New Details Emerge Linking U.S. to Latest Coup Attempt in Venezuela.“)

Its defining feature has been crippling economic warfare, combined with false allegations against Maduro that were designed to give the Venezuelan military a humanitarian pretext for turning on him.

Useless Democratic Opposition

Democrats in Congress were useless as an opposition to Trump’s hardline policies. In his memoir, John Bolton cited Trump Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin as the most serious in trying to stifle him on Venezuela—not any Democrat.

Bernie Sanders (D-VT) characterized Maduro (and Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega) as a dictator in January 2020 and repeated the lie that Maduro had refused humanitarian aid. Sanders further condemned Maduro for using violence against protesters—though the protesters were the ones sowing much greater violence.[15]

On March 8, 2020, Ro Khanna (D-CA) told The Real News that he opposed sanctions because they were giving “Maduro an excuse to blame the United States, as opposed to taking responsibility for his own failed economic policies [my emphasis] and his own cronyism.”[16]

Khanna subsequently characterized Maduro in The Washington Post as an “authoritarian leader who has presided over unfair elections”[17]—a claim contradicted by the Carter Center that fits the standard U.S. propaganda narrative.

Manufacturing Consent

Mainstream corporate media helped manufacture consent with U.S. subversion efforts in Venezuela through a relentless demonization campaign, which falsely claimed that Venezuela was a prosperous democracy until Chávez and Maduro came along and ruined everything.

Alan MacLeod found the media far more favorable toward Saudi King Abdullah after his death in 2015 than Chávez after his death in 2013, even though King Abdullah was “an absolute monarch boasting one of the worst human rights records in history.”[18]

London Guardian correspondent Rory Carroll meanwhile wrote a well-received book about Venezuela which a) provided an almost total whitewash of the U.S. role in efforts to overthrow Chávez; b) omitted discussion of the amnesty that Chávez granted to coup plotters Henrique Capriles and Leopoldo López; and c) never said a word about hundreds of Chavista peasants who were assassinated, most likely by wealthy landowners opposed to land reform.[19]

Carroll’s bias was in part related to his privileged lifestyle. According to a guest, he was put up by The Guardian in a “lavish apartment with the feel of a penthouse” in Altamira, an upper-class neighborhood and opposition stronghold in East Caracas.[20]

Human Rights Fraud

The U.S. empire’s human rights group, Human Rights Watch (HRW), predictably followed the media in aggressively attacking Chavismo.

Within hours of Chávez’s death, HRW put out a statement entitled “Chávez’s Authoritarian Legacy,” which said nothing positive about him and grouped him with supposedly rogue dictators in Libya, Iran, Cuba and Syria—all countries targeted for regime change by the U.S.


The United States’s unremitting hostility to Venezuela’s socialist government reflects the pathologies of the capitalist system, which cannot tolerate any rival competitor.

United States double standards are apparent in its alliance with oppressive governments in Colombia and Honduras that have committed egregious human rights violations and have been responsible for flooding the U.S. with cocaine.

And yet somehow Venezuela is the bad guy.

Despite the years of U.S.-backed subversion, Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution has endured, as the majority of the country’s people remain committed to its principles of anti-imperialism, economic sovereignty and social justice.

Though the Biden administration may be intent on sustaining a cruel economic war and fomenting regime change, the prospect of success is limited as the principles of the Bolivarian revolution remain strong.


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Jeremy Kuzmarov is Managing Editor of CovertAction Magazine. He is the author of four books on U.S. foreign policy, including Obama’s Unending Wars (Clarity Press, 2019) and The Russians Are Coming, Again, with John Marciano (Monthly Review Press, 2018). He can be reached at: [email protected].


  1. Joe Emersberger and Justin Podur, Extraordinary Threat: The U.S. Empire, the Media, and Twenty Years of Coup Attempts in Venezuela (New York: Monthly Review, 2021), 22. 
  2. Emersberger and Podur, Extraordinary Threat, 65, 66. 
  3. Emersberger and Podur, Extraordinary Threat, 186. 
  4. Emersberger and Podur, Extraordinary Threat, 26. 
  5. Emersberger and Podur, Extraordinary Threat, 87.
  6. Emersberger and Podur, Extraordinary Threat, 87.
  7. Emersberger and Podur, Extraordinary Threat, 105. 
  8. In 2013, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) provided at least $300,000 to opposition candidates and supported efforts on social media to undermine Venezuela’s socialist government. 
  9. Emersberger and Podur, Extraordinary Threat, 112. 
  10. Emersberger and Podur, Extraordinary Threat, 10. 
  11. Emersberger and Podur, Extraordinary Threat, 10.
  12. Emersberger and Podur, Extraordinary Threat, 18.
  13. Emersberger and Podur, Extraordinary Threat, 18.
  14. Emersberger and Podur, Extraordinary Threat, 18, 42. 
  15. Emersberger and Podur, Extraordinary Threat, 46, 47. 
  16. Emersberger and Podur, Extraordinary Threat, 18, 42. 
  17. Khanna had similarly called Syrian President Bashar al-Assad a war criminal while claiming to oppose regime-change designs in Syria, and said that U.S. concerns about Russian interference in U.S. elections was legitimate—when it was not. 
  18. Emersberger and Podur, Extraordinary Threat, 184, 185. 
  19. Emersberger and Podur, Extraordinary Threat, 199, 201. 
  20. Emersberger and Podur, Extraordinary Threat, 191. The Guardian was supposedly a left-wing newspaper. 

Featured image: Rally in rejection of the U.S. destabilizing plan against Venezuela, 2019. | Photo: Twitter/ @codepink

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Upon watching the news of the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict on CNN with my family in Amman, Jordan, where I am visiting, I cringed and felt a sense of shame, as the American among them, helpless to frame it for them in a way that would redeem (for both of us) the illusory promise of change in a deeply-flawed US system.

Just back from Madrid, Spain, where I participated in Masar Badil, the Alternative Palestinian Revolutionary Path conference, I could only think of an article written by Adam Littlestone-Luria a few days ago (Nov 15) in NewYorkUniversityLawReview titled The Illusion of Permanence: Post-Trump America, Rome, and the Challenges of Restoration, in which he says:

Well-functioning political systems depend not simply on a sense of legitimacy, rightness, or fairness, but also on a widespread illusion of permanence. People comply with the basic structure of institutions and norms in large part because they think that the system is not going anywhere. They translate dissatisfaction into reform, rather than revolution, because their imagination is restricted by the sense that the basic structure will inevitably endure. Long-lasting republics — from the U.S. to Ancient Rome — have relied on this constrained imagination. Rome’s example shows that, when the illusion of permanence breaks, democracy may be in danger.

It is clear to me that it takes radical action and ideology from either the left or the right to sway a “democratic” system one way or another. Just as there is no “reforming” Israel’s colonial existence as a Jewish state in Palestine without radical action, there is no reforming ingrained issues of supremacy and racism in the US without radical action.

Rittenhouse Acquittal: Hundreds March Through Brooklyn, Block Traffic On Brooklyn Bridge To Protest Verdict (Capture from CBS video clip)

Same goes for France, as the other piece of news that has people buzzing in Amman shows. It has to do with the permanence of France’s colonial arrogance, its reckoning with its colonial past. Even though Macron has “gone further than any of his predecessors in recognizing the scale of abuses by France in the North African country … [and] acknowledged that France had instigated a system that facilitated torture during the 1954–1962 Algerian war, which ended 132 years of French rule,” France is a country where the colonization of Algeria continues to be viewed as benign and the French electorate by and large is still opposed to the idea of repentance.

And that is why, as Al-Jazeera reported in October: “Macron hosted summit as part of efforts to reshape France’s ties with ex-colonies, but analysts believe French president’s focus is on symbolic [rather] than structural moves.“

By declaring in the 2017 French presidential elections that the colonization of Algeria was a crime against humanity, Macron caused a “sensation.”

Likewise, when it comes to US foreign policy towards Israel, the US electoral system has severe limitations. Democrats are finding ways to pay allegiance to Israel and its lobby while trying simultaneously “to soften criticism from a party base which is becoming ever more supportive of Palestinian rights,” as Ali Abunimah blogged in April 2021 (J Street brings together progressives, Israeli war criminals).

It takes strong language and action such as that in the recent statement by The Democratic Socialists of America BDS and Palestine Solidarity Group (DSA BDS) on “progressive” Congressman Jamaal Bowman’s meeting with Naftali Bennet, ”a war criminal and former head of the Yesha Council, the political organization representing illegal Israeli settlements,” in Jerusalem, during J Street’s Propaganda Trip recently.

Congressman Bowman is a DSA member!

The statement calls on the National Political Committee (NPC) to expel Bowman if he does not immediately agree to three demands.

The DSA BDS and Palestine Solidarity Working Group (BDS WG) condemns these actions [Bowman’s visit and photo op with Naftali] in the harshest terms and, in line with local chapters across the nation, demands that the National Political Committee (NPC) hold Bowman accountable to DSA’s principles, policies, and resolutions, including on Palestine and BDS. We also specifically denounce J Street alongside all other Zionist propaganda organizations.

In keeping with the radical spirit demonstrated by the DSA above and by Masar Badil, writer and activist Khaled Barakat asks in an op-ed in Al-Akhbar titled Palestine: Big People… Diminutive Leadership (my translation):

… How then can the Palestinian people accept a diminutive leadership such as the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah? The same question is also true of every people who accept their illegitimate political system. How do the great Egyptian people accept the Sisi regime? How do the Lebanese people accept the sectarian and quota system?

The above question is not directed at the people, and it reflects a great deal of cleverness and superficiality, as the Palestinian Authority is an integral part of the Zionist colonial project and a tool of liquidation and expungement. It is a question directed to the political forces that present themselves as the currents of resistance and liberation, and opposition movements that are different from the PA and its project. In the ideological programs [of these movements] they want to defeat the Zionist project and liberate Palestine from the river to the sea. Then [paradoxically], they respond to the first call — or summons — issued by the president of the corrupt Authority and run to the so-called “bilateral meetings” and the false “reconciliation rounds!”

My question to Bowman and his ilk and to the jury in the Kenosha case is the same as that posed by Khaled Barakat above: How can you?


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Rima Najjar is a Palestinian whose father’s side of the family comes from the forcibly depopulated village of Lifta on the western outskirts of Jerusalem and whose mother’s side of the family is from Ijzim, south of Haifa. She is an activist, researcher and retired professor of English literature, Al-Quds University, occupied West Bank. 

She is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Several hundred people march on Flatbush Ave. in Brooklyn on Friday to protest the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse by a Wisconsin jury. (Gardiner Anderson/for New York Daily News)

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Independent small and medium sized farms have been handed a death sentence by Klaus Schwab head of The World Economic Forum. Schwab, and fellow architects of top-down control, have officially let it be known that under the policy known as ‘Green Deal’ traditional family farms are no longer wanted and the foods they produce are to be replaced by laboratory and genetically engineered synthetic lookalikes. This policy is spelled-out in the pages of Klaus Schwab’s book ‘The Great Reset’ which is part of the envisaged ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’.

The British government and the European Commission are committed to adopting this insane agenda in which working farmers are to be replaced by digitalised precision robots, as part of a so called Global Warming mitigation crusade. When properly analysed, this is revealed as a totalitarian programme for complete corporate and banking control of the food chain. A programme that is designed to eliminate the independent farmer.

What Are We Going to Do About It?

There is a very straight forward answer to this question. We are going come together at the local level and launch a mutually supportive initiative which will guarantee both the farmer and the purchaser of the farmer’s food a fair and mutually beneficial exchange.

How does it work?

Very simple. The purchaser (consumer) approaches his or her local responsible farmer and asks to buy some fresh produce. The farmer considers this proposition. Some may decline, but this will be because it has not occurred to them that the future of their current  dependency on a corporate controlled marketing regime is completely untenable under the programme proposed by Mr Schwab.

Any good farmer will not turn down an opportunity to do business with near neighbours who are in search of positive and value-for-money farm-raised foods. Especially once the farming community realises that their future income will depend more and more upon establishing a market place amongst those in the immediate vicinity of his/her farm. Those who do not wish – or cannot any longer – purchase their staple food requirements from corporate owned super and hyper market food chains.

The Savvy Farmer

The savvy farmer can see the writing on the wall. Can see that slavery to a system of national and global manipulation – totally out of his/her hands – is a recipe for disaster. Such a farmer will be on the look-out for a secure local market; one where purchasers want to buy direct from the farm with no middle-man taking a cut. This must be the way forward if a secure future on the land is the desired outcome. Any intelligent farmer will recognise this and will take seriously a bona fide request to supply farm-raised produce to those eager to buy it.

The Savvy Consumer 

The savvy consumer will be looking for fresh, healthy, flavourful good quality foods upon which to raise their family, or simply to feed themselves. They will recognise that the chance to acquire such food ‘direct from the farm’ represents the best possible outcome. A bond built-up with a local farmer, via regular purchasing of their farm raised products provides a powerful ally for times ahead when the commercial food chain is subjected to the brutal intervention of the architects of global control and shortages become the norm. Such times are no longer speculative. They are on our doorstep.

The Savvy Farmer and the Savvy Consumer – getting together

Either the consumer or the farmer can can take the initiative of bringing both parties together.


By calling a ‘round table’ meeting in the local village/town hall or simply in your home. Invite one or two farmers to sit round that table with some individuals eager to obtain food direct from the farm. Some might even be ready to discuss contracting a farmer to grow the staple foods they require. Good quality food grown without recourse to chemical pesticides.

Farmers need a secure income and the buyers a secure local source of nutritious food. Fair prices for both parties and delivery or ‘pick-up from the farm’ can be negotiated in a friendly and informal manner. This is not purely ‘business’ in the old sense of the term; it is forming a common bond in a time when such bonds have been tragically neglected and supermarket convenience cultures have destroyed the links that hold communities together.

A new trading, bartering and sharing practice will be built around the adoption of this ‘proximity principle’. This is the one sure way of effectively resisting the Klaus Schwab farm killer and the New World Order plan for global domination of the food chain. 

Other ways of supporting local trading include: farm shops, farmers markets, box schemes, food cooperatives. Get onto the front foot and regenerate your community – from the ground up!

For further details of the Proximity Principle and community regeneration see ‘Creative Solutions to a World in Crisis’ by Julian Rose.


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Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, writer, international activist, entrepreneur and holistic teacher. Julian is co-founder of HARE The Hardwick Alliance for Real Ecology see acclaimed book ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind – Why Humanity Must Come Through’ is particularly recommended reading for this time: see

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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Dr Paul Marik, one of the world’s most published intensive care specialists, has filed a lawsuit against Sentara Norfolk Hospital to overturn its prohibition on him using FDA approved repurposed medicines in the ICU he oversees. The hospital recently issued a directive banning Dr. Marik from using the medicines in the MATH+ protocol which have reduced covid mortality rates in the ICU by over 50%. The result of the ban has been a sharp increase in mortality amongst patients suffering from Covid-19.

Epidemiologist Dr. Juan Chamie has commented on his Telegram channel:

“In my opinion, banning Dr. Marik from using effective treatments is all about money.  You could bet that the low average ICU days of Dr. Marik’s COVID patients is affecting the hospital  revenue’’.

The MATH+ protocol is made up of several repurposed medicines that are FDA approved, ultra safe and very cheap. The core elements of the protocol are ivermectin, heparin, methylprednisolone, thiamine and high-dose intravenous vitamin C. 

The ban on Dr Marik and other doctors using safe and effective repurposed medicines has to be put in context of developments over the last year. Over the twelve months public health bodies in the United States and across the world, which have shown themselves to be completely beholden to the interests of big Pharma, have waged war against cheap, ultrasafe, repurposed medicines for the treatment of Covid-19.

The result of the ban on the medicines in the MATH+ protocol has been a sharp increase in mortality amongst patients suffering from Covid-19. This as prompted Dr Marik to file a lawsuit against Sentara Norfolk hospital to overturn this ban. The lawsuit notes that the hospital is   “preventing terminally ill COVID patients from exercising their right to choose and to receive safe, potentially life-saving treatment determined to be appropriate for them by their attending physician.”

Dr Marik’s lawsuit cites numerous legal cases that under Virginia law establish the right of patients to receive treatment deemed appropriate by the doctor attending them and which they have given voluntary consent to. 

The lawsuit states that the hospitals ban on the safe and effective medicines that Dr Marik has been using is motivated by several competing priorities which include profitability and the desire to conform to “safe harbour’’ standards of care espoused by Government agencies that are not sensitive to the needs of the individual patient. 

The opposition papers filed by Sentara Norfolk hospital do not even mention the issue of patient welfare. They claim that Dr Marik lacks standing to challenge a hospital prohibition hat denies patients, under his care, the opportunity to receive life-saving medicines which have a long track record of proving to be ultrasafe and efficacious for the treatment of Covid-19. 

Professor Joseph Varon, has declared that the MATH+ protocol has led to a 50% reduction in deaths of Covid patients in the two hospitals where is Chief of Staff. 

Dr Pierre Kory who is president of the Frontline Coivd-19 Critical Care Alliance of which Dr Marik is a co-founder, has declared that:

“The Sentara Healthcare System’s prohibition of the MATH+ protocol is a threat to every doctor and every patient in the U.S.  We know the protocol is effective. Patients who could have been saved by MATH+ are dying because of the hospital’s baseless restriction. We will continue to see more deaths that could have been prevented until the court takes action and orders the hospital to reverse course.” 

Last Thursday Dr Marik testified in court where he is applying for an injunction to overturn the hospitals ban on medicines which he has been using for over a year to save the lives of Covid-19 patients. During his testimony Dr. Marik called the hospital’s ban on the MATH+ protocol as “unprecedented’’ and said “This is not normal. It’s cruel and unusual punishment.’’

The judge presiding over the case said will issue his decision in due course. 

Meanwhile, ordinary people who believe hospitalized patients have every right to determine their course of treatment with their attending doctor and that patients should have access to the full array of safe and proven treatments for COVID-19, including those that are part of the MATH+ protocol can take various actions to support Dr. Marik. 

The ban on Dr. Marik’s use of cheap, ultra safe repurposed drugs is part of the wider attempt by public health authorities in the US to promote the agenda of big pharma. Nothing is to be allowed to get in the way of the mass vaccination campaigns or the licensing of new expensive anti virals developed by Merck and Pfizer which are not as effective as repurposed medicines such as ivermectin. My advice to anyone wanting to understand the war on doctors using repurposed drugs to save lives is simple: follow the money. 

The big pharma approach to medicine versus repurposed drugs such as ivermectin

Over the course of the pandemic governments and public health agencies have shown no interest in taking action to promote the immune health of ordinary people. Such actions could include promoting a healthy diet, exercise, plenty of sleep and rest as well as vitally important supplements such as vitamins D and C.

Another possible course of action for governments could be the mass distribution of cheap, ultra safe repurposed drugs such as ivermectin. In the Indian state of Utter Pradesh, population 241 million, the mass distribution of Ivermectin has virtually eliminated covid cases.


Instead we have complete reliance on draconian lock downs, punitive actions against the unvaccinated, mass vaccination campaigns and reliance upon expensive toxic drugs that don’t actually work such as Remdesivir.


Meanwhile, governments across the world are warning of lock downs this winter to contain the spread of a disease that is eminently treatable and preventable.

In some countries, such as Austria, they are pursuing the tyrannical measure of locking down the unvaccinated. This is completely unscientific as it now a well known that the vaccinated can both catch the virus and transmit it just as much as the unvaccinated. Of course, governments across the world are using the pandemic as an excuse to pit ordinary people against each other at a time of a global economic crisis and increase their powers over the entire population.

It would appear that governments and public health bodies are at best negligent, at worst they are consciously failing to do all they could to promote public health. Could it be their actions are working in the interest of corporations that are making tens of billions of profit from vaccines and other novel medications? God forbid we use repurposed drugs such as Ivermectin that costs cents to make and is incredibly efficacious (64 medical trials and counting) both as a prophylactic and treatment for Covid-19.

Dr. Marik is making a stand for putting patients first

Dr. Marik is standing up to the big pharma approach to medicine which is killing people in his hospital. If his lawsuit is victorious it will encourage doctors everywhere to put patients first and follow the science instead of the profits of rapacious drug companies whose only objective is to maximise profit at the expense of human life.



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Pushing for Regime Change in Ethiopia

November 23rd, 2021 by Andrew Korybko

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The author warned at the start of the month to “Expect An Intensification Of Information Warfare Against Ethiopia”, which is exactly what ended up happening. After that country’s democratically elected and internationally recognized government refused to capitulate to the US’ demand to treat the terrorist-designated Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) as its political equal,

Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa Jeffrey Feltman spent a full hour implying a list of threats against Ethiopia. This was then followed by the US calling upon its citizens to evacuate from the country, which was actually nothing more than a pro-TPLF plot to provoke panic.

The latest developments in this fearmongering campaign are even more sinister. State Department spokesman Ned Price provocatively compared the conflict in that country to the recent one in Afghanistan, explicitly telling Americans during a press conference not to expect a similar military evacuation from Ethiopia in the worst-case scenario. He was immediately challenged by Associated Press reporter Matt Lee who confronted him about this provocative comparison, to which Price played dumb and claimed that he only wanted to prevent a “misperception” among the Americans who are still there. In reality, he was just trying to stoke the information warfare flames.

Everything got even more ominous when the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) advisory fearmongered that the TPLF – which it claimed “likely possess a variety of anti-aircraft capable weapons, including rocket-propelled grenades, anti-tank weapons, low-calibre anti-aircraft artillery, and man-portable air-defence systems” – could pose a threat to aircraft near the capital. This was meant to reinforce the factually debunked narrative earlier this month that those terrorists had supposedly already surrounded Addis Ababa and were imminently about to enter despite being 300km away. Taken together, these latest information warfare developments reveal a lot about the US’ strategic intentions.

Most Americans in Addis Ababa as well as the absolute vast majority of their fellow foreign peers haven’t evacuated from the capital despite the US’ fearmongering, nor have foreign businesses closed down shop either. This has proven hugely embarrassing for Washington, which arrogantly overestimated its information warfare capabilities. The US’ perception managers assumed that their earlier fearmongering would result in a large-scale exodus that would provoke panic in that city, facilitate fifth column TPLF terrorist attacks, and generate immense anti-government sentiment. None of that happened, though, at all. The US’ plans have thus far totally failed.

Instead of scaling back its information warfare operations and hoping that everyone forgets about its earlier fearmongering after being distracted by everything else that’s going on across the world right now during these unprecedentedly uncertain times, the US doubled down on its campaign through Price’s and the FAA’s statements. The former counterfactually implied a comparison with Afghanistan despite not being prompted by anyone in the media during that press conference while the latter wanted foreigners to think that they risked being shot down if they evacuated from Addis Ababa too late. There are both facts and falsehoods in these narratives that will now be explained.

Starting with Price’s provocative comparison, the US has indeed abandoned its Ethiopian ally to the TPLF exactly as it abandoned Afghanistan to the Taliban, but that doesn’t mean that the Horn of Africa country’s fate will in any way resemble the Central-South Asian country’s. As for the FAA, it might very well be the case that the TPLF somehow or another obtained “anti-aircraft capable weapons”, but they thus far pose no threat to the capital. Pairing these examples together, a very disturbing conclusion becomes apparent: the US government politically supports the same terrorist group that its own authorities just warned might pose a threat to civilian aircraft in the worst-case scenario.

In other words, the American Hybrid War on Ethiopia has surreally gotten to the point where Washington is now warning its compatriots there that the same terrorists who the US supports might soon shoot down their aircraft if they don’t escape that country right now. These are the intentions of its latest fearmongering campaign that the world must pay attention to. The US government knows that its political allies might kill American citizens but doesn’t care. In fact, it’s implying that they’d be blamed for their own murders if that happens for not evacuating from the country earlier. It goes without saying that the US would also blame the Ethiopian government if such a terrorist attack ended up happening.

There is no way that any objective observer can interpret the US’ latest information warfare provocations in any other way. They’re dishonestly being presented as a form of pressure upon Addis Ababa even though they actually expose how immoral the American Hybrid War on Ethiopia has become. To be clear, there’s no credible chance as of now that this fearmongering scenario will unfold, but it’s enough to point out that the US is basically telling its own people that their government’s local terrorist allies might shoot them out of the sky if they don’t evacuate right away to realize how out of control this regime change campaign is getting. The US must be condemned for its terrorizing intentions.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare.

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from OneWorld

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Fascism has made its way back into Europe as Austria has become one of the first countries in the world to declare war on the unvaccinated as they recently announced that a lockdown will be in place for those who refuse the experimental injections, but they also decided to do the same for the vaccinated resulting in another lockdown of the country. What is concerning is the fact that the Austrian government first targeted the unvaccinated which brings us back to the days of the Nazi Germany targeting specific people who did not fit the criteria of being a German citizen.  The Associated Press published ‘Austria orders lockdown for unvaccinated people as COVID cases soar’ reported that “the Austrian government has ordered a nationwide lockdown for unvaccinated people starting at midnight Sunday to combat rising coronavirus infections and deaths.”  

What would a lockdown mean for the Austrian people who remain unvaccinated?

“The move prohibits unvaccinated people 12 and older from leaving their homes except for basic activities such as working, grocery shopping, going for a walk – or getting vaccinated.”

In other words, Austria is in a 1984 Orwellian scenario that’s close to the breaking point of total tyranny. 

Austrian authorities are “concerned about rising infections and deaths and that soon hospital staff will no longer be able to handle the growing influx of COVID-19 patients” continued “It’s our job as the government of Austria to protect the people,” Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg told reporters in Vienna on Sunday. “Therefore we decided that starting Monday … there will be a lockdown for the unvaccinated.” 

At this point, it should not surprise anyone. We saw this coming.  Now there are protests taking place not only in Austria but in other countries as well including the Netherlands, Croatia and Italy against government lockdowns and vaccine passports.  The point is that the unvaccinated are being targeted.  There are even celebrities who are calling the unvaccinated “the enemy” such as former KISS icon Gene Simmons, who in my opinion has no talent. According to Simmons was recently interviewed on Talkshoplive’s Rock ‘N’ Roll Channel said that “the far left and the far right, they are both evil. They both spread all kinds of nonsense. Politics are the enemy” and that “if you’re willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are an enemy.” 

This is just the beginning, but it’s not just about lockdowns or celebrities calling those unvaccinated the enemy, doctors who sold out to Big Pharma and obey government orders are also declaring war on the unvaccinated by denying people healthcare services. published an article written by Dr. R.M. Huffman titled ‘As a doctor, here’s my message to anyone who thinks it’s OK to deny medical treatment to those unvaccinated against Covid’ said that “some doctors are openly discussing refusal to treat patients who decline, for whatever reason, to get the jab. This would set a dangerous precedent and shatter fundamental tenets of medical practice” and that “An insidious sentiment has begun metastasizing throughout the United States and Britain, expressed by politicians, pundits, and – most disturbingly – by physicians themselves: that the unvaccinated who contract Covid-19 should be denied medical care.”  This is clearly a declaration of war on the unvaccinated where doctors themselves are allowing patients to get sick or even die if they are not vaccinated. Huffman sounded the alarm on this disturbing trend in the healthcare industry:

It gets worse. A former US senator from Missouri, Claire McCaskill, also wants the unvaccinated to have their insurance rates raised.  Piers Morgan, the British TV personality, demands to his nearly 8 million Twitter followers that the NHS must refuse them hosital beds.  An emergency medical physician in Arizona responds to a video clip of people unmasked in a grocery store with a message, “Let ‘em die”. A liver surgeon at Massachusetts General suggests that declining a Covid vaccine should be treated by doctors as a functional Do Not Intubate/Do Not Resuscitate order. These are neither private thoughts nor quiet conversations with overworked colleagues: these are calls to action, shared on social media, intended for public consumption. This should terrify you

They are already denying people medical care because they did not get vaccinated. According to news channel who published ‘Organ transplant surgery canceled due to new Cleveland Clinic policy requiring COVID-19 vaccination’ reported that a man named Mike Ganim was about to receive a life-saving kidney transplant surgery, but his wife Debi said she was notified that the surgery was canceled due to the donor not being vaccinated:

Debi Ganim said they were informed on October 8 that Cleveland Clinic implemented a new safety policy that required both living donors and organ recipients to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Mike is fully vaccinated, but the donor is not

Yet, those who are vaccinated are witnessing breakthrough cases all around the world. Back on July 18th , 2021, the Scottish-based news website The Expose posted an article ‘5,522 people have died within 28 days of having a Covid-19 Vaccine in Scotland according to Public Health Scotland’ showing what Public Health Scotland (PHS) released under the freedom of information request called the Covid-19 Statistical Report admitted the following:

Between 8 December 2020 and 11 June 2021, a total of 5,522 people died within 28 days of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine in Scotland (number of days between vaccine and death is 0-27, where 0 is the day of vaccination, all age groups). A breakdown of these deaths by day and vaccine type is available in the spreadsheet provided along with this report

On August 16th, 2021, published an article on the breakthrough cases coming out of Israel ‘A grim warning from Israel: Vaccination blunts, but does not defeat Delta: with early vaccination and outstanding data, country is the world’s real-life COVID-19 lab’ stated what the reality is for the Israelis who received “the shot”:

What is clear is that “breakthrough” cases are not the rare events the term implies. As of 15 August, 514 Israelis were hospitalized with severe or critical COVID-19, a 31% increase from just 4 days earlier. Of the 514, 59% were fully vaccinated. Of the vaccinated, 87% were 60 or older.

“There are so many breakthrough infections that they dominate and most of the hospitalized patients are actually vaccinated,” says Uri Shalit, a bioinformatician at the Israel Institute of Technology (Technion) who has consulted on COVID-19 for the government. “One of the big stories from Israel [is]: ‘Vaccines work, but not well enough

On November 12th, Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted on The New York Times‘ podcast The Daily on the current data coming in from Israel on the steady rise of “breakthrough infections”:

They are seeing a waning of immunity not only against infection but against hospitalization and to some extent death, which is starting to now involve all age groups. It isn’t just the elderly,” Fauci said. “It’s waning to the point that you’re seeing more and more people getting breakthrough infections, and more and more of those people who are getting breakthrough infections are winding up in the hospital

For those in the United States who are vaccinated also have some bad news heading their way as the Associated Press (AP) has admitted that the vaccinated are the real problem in an article titled ’COVID-19 hot spots offer sign of what could be ahead for US’ reported on the increase of Covid-19 infection rates among the vaccinated:

New Mexico is running out of intensive care beds despite the state’s above-average vaccination rate. Waning immunity may be playing a role. People who were vaccinated early and have not yet received booster shots may be driving up infection numbers, even if they still have some protection from the most dire consequences of the virus

With a 100% vaccination rate, Gibraltar is considered one of the most vaccinated countries on earth has also witnessed an increase of “47 cases per day in the last seven days” as reported by inarticle titled Gibraltar cancels Christmas celebrations amid Covid spikestated the following:

While the government has called upon the public to “exercise their own judgement”, they have “strongly” advised against any social events for at least the next four weeks, discouraging people from holding private Christmas events. Gibraltar has seen a steady increase in active cases of COVID-19 throughout October and November, which has gained pace over the past few days

Now the medical establishment is pushing for never-ending booster shots to give you supposedly added protections. Big Pharma, the World Health Organization (WHO) and various governments who mandated vaccine requirements for federal, state, and local government employees and private businesses are pushing their agenda through the mainstream media with the narrative suggesting that the unvaccinated is becoming a problem. But that is a lie, it’s clearly the vaccinated who are getting sick, many are even dying. In the US today, terrorists are now gun owners, anti-war activists, real journalist organizations such as Wikileaks and other anti-establishment organizations and individuals, soon it will be the unvaccinated.  A new enemy has been added to the list and they are called the anti-Vaxxers. It is certain that governments and Big Pharma will launch a fascistic crusade against the unvaccinated. Public television channel published a video by the Atlantic Council who interviewed Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla who claimed that his corporation is “getting briefings from the CIA and FBI” on the “spread of misinformation” by what he called “criminals” because “they literally cost millions of lives.” The war on the unvaccinated by fascistic governments and multinational corporations such as Big Pharma has already begun.

How far would they go to get people to roll up their sleeves and take the shot? They are already denying people healthcare and are locking down the unvaccinated in Europe, so what’s next? Will governments start banning people who are unvaccinated from buying food? As they say, you give them the finger then they take your arm. The good news is that there is a resistance against this medical tyranny with people from all walks of life and it will keep growing because many see it as the only way to stop a broader agenda by those who want total control over the world’s healthcare system with Big Pharma moving up on the pyramid of global power.  I am optimistic that we will win this battle, I can say with confidence, it’s inevitable.


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Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from The Daily Sceptic

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A provocative map of the Turkic-speaking world was given to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan last week by his coalition partner and leader of the Far-Right Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), Devlet Bahçeli. The map presented by Bahçeli and enthusiastically accepted by Erdoğan includes not only Turkey, but also large areas of southern Russia and eastern Siberia, parts of Greece and other areas of the Balkans, Central Asia, China’s Xinjiang province, Mongolia and Iran – a depiction of a so-called “Greater Turan”.

It is noted that the map was given to Erdoğan only a few days after the eighth summit of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States, more commonly known as the Turkic Council, was held. The Istanbul-held summit was attended by the presidents of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey and Uzbekistan. Turkmenistan’s president and Hungary’s prime minister attended as observers. At the summit, Erdoğan strongly advocated for pan-Turkic unity by calling on other member states to officially recognize the illegal but de facto “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus” and apply pressure for a transportation corridor to cut through Armenian territory to connect Turkey with Azerbaijan and Central Asia.

Turkic Turan (Source: InfoBrics)

In this particular summit, with the Turkish lira crashing to new lows against the US dollar every few days and inflation now out of control, pan-Turkist and Turkic nationalist rhetoric was utilized in an attempt to distract Turkish citizens with grandeur illusions of territorial expansionism based on the false mythology of common Turkic heritage and culture.

The uncomfortable truth is that even claims of common heritage and ancestry among the pan-Turkic World is false. Take for example Mustapha Kemal Atatürk, the founding father of the Republic of Turkey. He himself was an Islamified Albanian Jew that strongly adopted a Turkish identity after being expelled from his homeland of Macedonia following the First Balkan War (1912-13) and created a “Turkey for the Turks” after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire.

A “Turkey for the Turks” meant the forced Turkification and Islamification of all citizens regardless if they were Kurdish, Greek, Armenian or any other ethnicity. The by-product of this forced Turkification is felt today. Consider Bahçeli, the Far-Right Turkish ultranationalist that denies the Armenian Genocide despite himself being a Turkified Armenian. In another example, Erdoğan has ancestry from one of the few remaining villages in rural Turkey where Greek is still the mother tongue despite the 1913-1923 genocide and all residents today identifying as Turkish Muslims. Erdoğan still calls his ancestral village by its former Greek name of Potamya (River Village) instead of the Turkish name Güneysu. Erdoğan even lamented in an interview how his father questioned his Turkishness to his grandfather, with his grandfather responding “when we die and go to heaven, they will ask us what God you believe, who your prophet is and what your religion is. They will not ask us of our ethnic origins.”

Atatürk feared that Anatolia would be carved up by Greece, Armenia, the Kurds and the Western Powers, but consolidated unity amongst the millions of Muslims in the region by instilling a common Turkish identity and either exterminating Christians or forcing Turkification and Islamification on survivors, usually women and children. The Turkic warlords that invaded Anatolia during the Medieval period and later became the Ottomans, were a male warrior elite that numbered only in their tens of thousands but ruled over millions of subjects, many who through force or by their own choice adopted Islam and eventually the Turkish language. None-the-less, the modern Republic of Turkey was built on the foundations of ultra-nationalist fever, something that continues 98 years later and is becoming increasingly hyper as Turkey’s economy plummets, along with Erdoğan’s popularity.

The heartland of the Turkic-world in Central Asia and Siberia is not as consumed by ultra-nationalist tendencies because of the secularizing and moderating effect of Russian and Soviet rule. However, Ankara is working extremely hard to shape its regional order by attempting to coerce Central Asian states into hyper-nationalism by claiming a supposed shared culture and ancestry, rather than just a simple linguistic connection that is the result of colonialism that is no different to why several African and Latin American countries have Spanish, French, English and Portuguese as official languages today.

A Turkish bureaucrat familiar with the Turkic Council told Al-Monitor that the bloc “emerged on the basis of common culture and the prospect of a common future. By institutionalizing the Turkic Council, the Turkic states could attain the potential to realize common interests,” which he says, among other things, includes “political cohesion.” It is clear that Ankara has ambitions for a kind of Turkey stretching from the Great Wall of China to the Adriatic Sea.

Turkey believed that after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 it could easily dominate Central Asia culturally, economically and politically. Turkey finds it difficult though to break Russian and even Chinese influence in the region. For this reason, Ankara played a major role in the conflicts between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh, and even once had hostile relations with China over alleged human rights abuses in Xinjiang, the home of the Turkic Uighur people. Turkey believes that by engaging in this ultra-nationalistic way, it can break Russian and Chinese influence in Central Asia and allow it to emerge as the preeminent power of the region.

It remains to be seen whether Central Asian states will go down the path of Ankara-sponsored ultra-nationalism or just view the Turkic Council as a linguistic bloc that has economic and cultural benefits.


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Paul Antonopoulos is an independent geopolitical analyst.

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The extraordinary measures we are witnessing in Austria and Europe and the news report that Australia is moving Covid patients and contacts into quarantine camps comprise proof that the Covid measures are unrelated to public health.

Both HCQ and Ivermectin are known Covid cures and preventatives. The evidence is overwhelming. In India’s largest province, Uttar Pradesh, with a dense population three times larger than the combined population of Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, Covid was contained by the use of Ivermectin. See this.

In no country has Covid vaccination had success, much less success like Ivermectin in India.

Fake “fact check” sites funded by Big Pharma have tried to bury the news of India’s success with Ivermectin by covering it up with disinformation in order to protect Big Pharma profits.

In Uttar Pradesh, Ivermectin was used as a preventative as well as a cure. A pill a week keeps the virus away. Moreover, it is thoroughly established that Covid’s mortality is essentially limited to people with serious illnesses who are not treated with HCQ or Ivermectin when they catch Covid, but are left to get well on their own and when they don’t are killed in hospitals with ventilators or remdesivir, two proven highly unsuccessful “treatments.”

The Austrian lockdown makes no sense for a variety of reasons. The most obvious is that Austria’s lockdown does not apply to people who go to work. So a large percentage of Austrians will be free to move about. What is the point of allowing people to go to work but not to a restaurant? It is too silly for words and must have some other purpose.

In Law, Legislation, and Liberty, Friedrich A. Hayek wrote that emergencies are the pretexts that governments use to erode civil liberties and that the erosions remain after the emergency passes or the pretend emergency is exposed. In the past 20 years we have seen the demise of civil liberty because of the “war on terror” and now again on the basis of a faked “Covid pandemic.” President George W. Bush used 9/11, an obvious false flag attack, to set aside the Constitutional protection of habeas corpus and detain people indefinitely without presentation of evidence to a court. President Obama used the fake war on terror to execute citizens on suspicion alone without due process of law. Now people are losing their jobs, businesses, and freedom based on an occasionally lethal virus, the prevention and cure of which is blocked by Big Pharma and Big Medicine’s Covid protocol.

When the Soviet Union collapsed and China abandoned communism, people expected a reign of freedom to result. Instead, the Western World has seen an assault on civil liberty. In America today and throughout the so-called “free West” people are punished for exercising First Amendment rights. The Constitution and human rights laws do not protect them. Journalist Julian Assange has been held in violation of Anglo-American habeas corpus for a decade, and no court has done anything about it. There are no protests from law schools, bar associations, or journalists. An obvious conclusion is that the members of institutions designed to support civil liberty no longer believe in civil liberty.

As the belief in freedom has weakened in the West, unless we join together and revive it by refusing to accept lockdowns and “vaccine” mandates, we won’t much longer be free.


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Dr. Paul Craig Roberts writes on his blog site, PCR Institute for Political Economy, where this article was originally published. He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Children’s Health Defense

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“Man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe.” – President Kennedy, 1961 Inaugural Address

Where China and Russia are currently leading a new paradigm of cooperation and development, it is too easily forgotten that America itself had once embodied this anti-colonial spirit under the foreign policy vision of John F. Kennedy. Even though the young leader died in office before the full effect of his grand vision could take hold, it is worth revisiting his fight and stated intention for a post-colonial world governed by win-win cooperation.

FDR’s Death and the Emergence of the New Rome

America didn’t become an imperial “dumb giant” after WWII without a major fight.

With FDR’s death, the USA began acting more and more like an empire abroad and a racist police state under McCarthyism within its own borders. During this time, those allies of FDR who were committed to Roosevelt’s anti colonial post war vision, rallied around former Vice President Henry Wallace’s 1948 Presidential bid with the Progressive Party of America. When this effort failed, an outright police state took over and those same fascists who had sponsored WWII took control of the reins of power.

These “economic royalists” enjoyed full control as puppet President Harry S. Truman giggled as he dropped bombs on a defeated Japan and happily and supported America’s new role as the re-conquistador of nations who sought independence after WWII. While it can’t be argued that the politically naïve President Eisenhower had some redeeming qualities, for the most part, his eight year administration was run by the Dulles brothers and Wall Street, and it was only on January 17, 1961 that he made any serious effort to speak openly about the military industrial complex that had grown like a cancer under his watch.

A New Hope Emerges in 1961

It was no secret who the outgoing President was warning. Three days after his address, a young John F. Kennedy was inaugurated 35th president of the United States to the great hope of many anti-fascists in America and abroad.

It is too often overlooked today, but Kennedy’s anti-colonial position was not a secret during his decade as a Senator and Congressman. Even though his family pedigree was stained with mafia and JP Morgan ties to his father “Papa Joe”, John Kennedy was made of sturdier stuff.

Touring Asia and the Middle East in the 1950s, a young Senator Kennedy expressed his sensitivity to the plight of the Arab world and problem of US imperialism when he said:

“Our intervention in behalf of England’s oil investments in Iran, directed more at the preservation of interests outside Iran than at Iran’s own development…. Our failure to deal effectively after three years with the terrible human tragedy of the more than 700,000 Arab refugees [Palestinians], these are things that have failed to sit well with Arab desires and make empty the promises of the Voice of America….”

Later, speaking in a 1960 speech regarding ending colonialism in Africa, JFK expressed his understanding of Africa’s demand for genuine independence saying:

“Call it nationalism, call it anti-colonialism, Africa is going through a revolution…. Africans want a higher standard of living. Seventy-five percent of the population now lives by subsistence agriculture. They want an opportunity to manage and benefit directly from the resources in, on, and under their land…. The African peoples believe that the science, technology, and education available in the modern world can overcome their struggle for existence, that their poverty, squalor, ignorance, and disease can be conquered…. [The] balance of power is shifting … into the hands of the two-thirds of the world’s people who want to share what the one-third has already taken for granted….”

JFK Battles the Deep State

Wall Street’s Dulles Brothers who together ran the CIA and the State Department had made several major efforts to sabotage Kennedy’s “new frontiers” initiative that gripped the imaginations of young and old alike. Kennedy’s program was driven by large scale infrastructure at home and advanced scientific and technological progress in the Developing sector abroad. Attempting to break that trajectory, Allen Dulles had prepared the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba months before Kennedy entered the scene which was a near disaster for the world. Just days before Kennedy’s inauguration, Allan Dulles ensured that a pro-Kennedy ally who had just recently gained power in the Congo named Patrice Lumumba was assassinated in cold blood knowing that JFK would be blamed, and every effort was made to back up the French fascists trying to stop the Algerian independence movement behind JFK’s back. Both the Cuban invasion and the assassination of Lumumba have been blamed on Kennedy to this day.

In response to this treachery, JFK made the bold move of firing CIA director Allan Dulles, and two Wall Street-connected CIA directors on November 29, 1961 saying that he would soon “splinter the C.I.A. in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.”

Recognizing the insanity of the zero sum Cold Warriors who could only look at the world through the perversity of a Hobbesian lens of “each against all”, JFK not only stood alone against the entire array of war-hungry Joint Chiefs calling for war with Russia during the infamous “13 day showdown”, but also took the advice of Generals MacArthur, and Charles de Gaulle who warned him to avoid all entrapments of a “land war in Vietnam”. On this point, Kennedy introduced NSAM 263 in October 1963 to begin a full withdrawal from Southeast Asia.

JFK’s June 10, 1963 speech What Kind of Peace Do We Seek? Showcased his resistance to the imperialists in America.

What was especially intolerable was that JFK began challenging closed rules of the Zero-Sum Cold War game itself when he announced a new mission outside of the closed parameters of geopolitics when he announced the mission to put a man on the moon “within the decade”. This would have been tolerable if the effort was kept within a geopolitical ideology of “competition against the evil commies”. But Kennedy knew better and called for a US-Russia partnership to jointly develop advanced technologies together making the space program a project for human peace. Chapter 21 will take up this story more fully.

Kennedy’s efforts to build bridges with Russia were of vital importance as his efforts resulted in the passage of the test ban treaty on August 5, 1963, and hopes were awoken for an early end to the Cold War though the mutual development of the poorest parts of the world. This was “International New Deal” strategy which patriots like Henry Wallace and Paul Robeson had fought for from 1946-1959.

Across Africa, Asia and other former colonies, JFK had worked hard to build relationships with Pan African leaders Kwame Nkrumah, Patrice Lumumba, as well as Egypt’s Gamal Nasser, India’s Jawaharlal Nehru and South Vietnamese President Diem to provide American assistance for the construction of great infrastructure projects like the Akosombo Dam in Ghana, nuclear power in Egypt and Vietnam and steel industries in India. Today the Akosombo Dam stands with a plaque dedicated to the “martyred John F. Kennedy”. As historian Anton Chaitkin proves in his incredible 2013 opus “JFK vs the Empire”[1], this didn’t happen without a major fight with the JP Morgan controlled steel barons who artificially raised the price of steel in order to make these projects financially impossible.

Charles DeGaulle as a Factor in the Great Game

JFK was not alone in this struggle at this time and worked closely with the great anti-fascist general Charles de Gaulle.

Charles de Gaulle was among a network of leaders who fought valiantly against the cancerous deep state that was re-asserting control across the trans-Atlantic nations after WWII.

While Franklin Roosevelt had to do battle with such pro-fascist organizations such as the Liberty League and Council on Foreign Relations from 1933-1945, President De Gaulle had to contend with the pro-Nazi Petain government whose agents immediately took over controls of France in the wake of WWII, and didn’t go away upon the General’s ascension to the Presidency during the near collapse of the 5th republic in 1959.

De Gaulle strategically fought tooth and nail against the pro-NATO fascists led by General Challe who attempted two coup attempts against De Gaulle in 1960 and 1961[2] and later worked with MI6 and the CIA using private contractors like Permindex to arrange over 30 assassination attempts from 1960-1969[3].

JFK and de Gaulle at the Champs Elysee in 1961 [Source: John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library, Boston]

De Gaulle was not only successful at taking France out of the NATO cage in 1966[4], but he had organized to ensure Algeria’s independence against the will of the entire deep state of France who often worked with Dulles’ State Department to preserve France’s colonial possessions. De Gaulle also recognized the importance of breaking the bipolar rules of the Cold War by reaching out to Russia calling for a renewed Europe “from the Atlantic to the Urals”. He also sought an alliance with China with the intent of resolving the fires lit by western arsonists in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam whose independence he was committed to guaranteeing. De Gaulle wrote of his plan in his Memoires:

“My aim, then, was to disengage France, not from the Atlantic Alliance, which I intended to maintain by way of ultimate precaution, but from the integration carried out by NATO under American command; to establish relations with each of the states of the East bloc, first and foremost Russia, with the object of bringing about a détente, followed by understanding and cooperation; to do likewise, when the time was ripe, with China”

After arranging a treaty with China’s Prime Minister Zhou Enlai, India’s Prime Minster Nehru and the leadership of Cambodia in 1963 to create a China-led block to resolve the crisis in Southeast Asia with France’s help, De Gaulle became the first western head of state to recognize China and establish diplomatic relations with the Mainland on January 31, 1964. He saw that China’s growth would become a driving force of world development and believed that friendship based on scientific and technological progress to be a source of France’s renewal.

Attacking the false dichotomy of “Free liberal capitalism” vs “totalitarian communism”, De Gaulle expressed the Colbertist traditions of “dirigisme” which have historically driven France’s progress since the 17th century when he said:

 “We are not going to commit ourselves to the empire of liberal capitalism, and nobody can believe that we are ever going to submit to the crushing totalitarianism of communism.”

The De Gaulle-Kennedy Alliance

De Gaulle had great hopes to find like-minded anti-colonialist leaders and collaborators who were fighting against the deep state in other countries. In America he was inspired by the fresh leadership of the young John F. Kennedy whom he first met in Paris in May 1961. Of Kennedy he wrote

“The new President was determined to devote himself to the cause of freedom, justice, and progress. It is true that, persuaded that it was the duty of the United States and himself to redress wrongs, he would be drawn into ill-advised interventions. But the experience of the statesman would no doubt have gradually restrained the impulsiveness of the idealist. John Kennedy had the ability, and had it not been for the crime which killed him, might have had the time to leave his mark on our age.”

De Gaulle’s advice to Kennedy was instrumental in the young President’s decision to stay out of a land war in Vietnam and led to Kennedy’s National Security Action Memorandum 263 to begin a phase out of American military from Vietnam on October 2, 1963. Kenney and De Gaulle both shared the view (alongside Italian industrialist Enrico Mattei with whom both collaborated) that Africa, Asia and South America needed advanced scientific and technological progress, energy sovereignty and sanitation in order to be fully liberated by the colonial structures of Europe. All three fought openly for this vision and all three fell in the line of battle (one to a plane crash in 1961, another to several shooters in Dallas in 1963 and the last to a staged “colour revolution” in 1969.)

If De Gaulle, Kennedy and Mattei were alive today, it is guaranteed they would recognize in the Belt and Road Initiative and broader Eurasian alliance, the only viable pathway to a future worth living in and the only means to save the souls of their own nations.

The Plot to Kill Kennedy

New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison famously played by Kevin Costner in Oliver Stone’s 1992 film, did more than many people today realize in exposing the networks that ran Kennedy’s murder and subsequent cover-up.

Without going into detail of the multiple bullets that killed Kennedy from several directions (especially the lethal head shot which obviously struck him FROM THE FRONT as showcased in the Zapruder film), let us look at some lesser-known evidence discovered by Garrison.

In his 1991 book On the Trail of the Assassins[5], Garrison wrote of an international assassination bureau named Permindex and the World Trade Organization on whose boards sat CIA asset Clay Shaw. Garrison wrote:

“The CIA- which apparently had been conducting its own foreign policy for some time- had begun a project in Italy as far back as the early 1950s. The organization, named the Centro Mondiale Commerciale had initially been formed in Montreal, then moved to Rome in 1961. Among the members of its board of directors, we learned, was one Clay Shaw from New Orleans”.

Garrison cited French researcher Paris Flammonde when he described it as “a shell of superficiality… composed of channels through which money flowed back and forth without anyone knowing the sources or the destination of these liquid assets.”

Garrison pointed out that Permindex had been kicked out of Italy, Switzerland and France for good reasons:

“As for Permindex… it had, among other things, secretly financed the opposition of the French Secret Army Organization (OAS) to President de Gaulle’s support for independence for Algeria, including its reputed assassination attempts on de Gaulle.”

After naming the other pro-fascist members- many of whom were connected to European royal families and banks, Garrison then pointed to the World Trade Center owner “One of the major stockholders of the Centro was a Major Louis M. Bloomfield, a Montreal resident… and former agent with the Office of Strategic Services, out of which the United States had formed the CIA.”

Bloomfield as Minion of the Oligarchy

Since both the World Trade Center and Permindex were owned by Bloomfield, his role in this story cannot be overlooked and takes us straight to the heart of the agenda to kill Kennedy.

Not only did Bloomfield play a key role working alongside Rhodes Scholars in Canada such as Justice Minister Davie Fulton in order to stop continental water projects advocated by JFK[6] and Canadian pro-development leaders like John Diefenbaker, Premier Daniel Johnson and BC Premier WAC Bennett, but he also played a leading role as a founding member of the 1001 Trust alongside other upper level managers of the oligarchy like Maurice Strong, Peter Munk (of Barrick Gold), and media Mogul Conrad Black[7].

For those who may not be aware, the 1001 Trust was a special organization set up under Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and Prince Philip Mountbatten to finance the new ecology movement then blossoming under their guiding hand. Rather than preserving nature, this new movement was driven by a perverse new form of global imperialism today being pushed under the framework of COP 26 and a ‘Great Reset’.

Philp and Bernhard were not only co-founders of the World Wildlife Fund in 1961, but were supporters of the anti-technological growth Morges Manifesto which the WWF credits as the start of the modern green movement[8]. Louis Mortimer Bloomfield served as Vice President of the World Wildlife Fund while Prince Philip was President, and later gave the baton over to Maurice Strong.

The Morges Manifesto was the first attempt to place the blame for humanity’s ills on the yearning for scientific and technological progress itself rather than the imperial traditions of inbred oligarchs.

A co-author of the Morges Manifesto and co-founder of the WWF was Sir Julian Huxley. Huxley was a leading eugenicist who laid out the intention for the new imperial movement that JFK rebelled valiantly against in his 1946 UNESCO founding manifesto[9] when he said “even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.” 

The fact that dark skinned people are the most ruthlessly affected by de-carbonization schemes and “appropriate technologies” like expensively inefficient windmills and solar panels today is not a coincidence.

Open vs. Closed System Paradigms

So WHY would those founders of the ecology movement, which is today pushing a global green one world government, have wished to see President Kennedy murdered?

If I said it was because they want depopulation or world government, it would be too simple.

It were better said that Kennedy was self-consciously unleashing the innate powers of creative reason as a governing principle of political economy. He believed in an anti-oligarchical view of humanity as made in the living image of God and said as much repeatedly. He believed that the human mind could conquer all challenges that both nature, vice and ignorance can throw at us. Kennedy didn’t see the world through a zero sum lens, nor did he believe in the Malthusian “limits to growth” paradigm which his killers promulgated after his death. In fact JFK argued against Malthusianism by name[10].

Today, those Green New Dealing technocratic zombies pervasive across the western deep state are horrified to witness the reawakening of JFK’s spirit in the leadership of powerful leaders like China’s Xi Jinping and Russia’s Vladimir Putin who have created a new paradigm of cooperation, war avoidance, and infrastructure projects under the growing New Silk Road as well as ambitious space projects which are quickly bringing the Moon, Mars and other celestial bodies into the sphere of our economic activity.

Kennedy’s revenge can best be achieved if the American people do everything possible to support the fight against this Malthusian cancer and push for America’s participation in that new paradigm before an economic meltdown throws America into a new Dark Age.


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Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation .

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.


[1] John F. Kennedy vs. the Empire by Anton Chaitkin, EIR, Aug. 20, 2013

[2] THE GENERALS’ PUTSCH: 21 APRIL 1961- When the Stay-Behind wanted to replace de Gaulle by Thierry Meyssan, Réseau Voltaire, 27 August 2001

[3] How Charles de Gaulle Survived Over Thirty Assassination Attempts, by Alex Ledsom, published in Culture Trip, June 26 2018

[4] When France Pulled the Plug on a Crucial Part of NATO by Erin Blakemore, History Channel, 2018

[5] On the Trail of the Assassins, by Jim Garrison, New York Warner Books, 1991

[6] The battle to halt the development of continental water management projects throughout the 1950s-1960s is outlined in volume 3 of the Untold History of Canada: Canada’s Forgotten Struggle for Progress, by this author, 2019.

[7] The 1001 Club: Bankers and Raw Materials Executives Striving for a Sustainable Future by Joel van der Reijden, Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics, August 14, 2004


[9] UNESCO: Its Purpose and Philosophy, by Julian Huxley, UNESCO, 1946

[10] Speaking to the National Academy of Science on October 22, 1963, JFK said: “Malthus argued a century and a half ago that man, by using up all his available resources, would forever press on the limits of subsistence, thus condemning humanity to an indefinite future of misery and poverty. We can now begin to hope and, I believe, know that Malthus was expressing not a law of nature, but merely the limitation then of scientific and social wisdom.”

Blinken’s Africa Visit Failed to Turn Countries Against China

November 23rd, 2021 by Paul Antonopoulos

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Nigerian Foreign Minister Geoffrey Onyeama said during a joint press conference with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken last week that there is no problem with his country depending on loans from China, especially as his country’s debt is quite “sustainable.” Onyeama added that cooperation with China offers Nigeria excellent infrastructure development opportunities.

Blinken admitted during the press conference held in the Nigerian capital of Abuja that Chinese investments in Africa and African trade with China is huge. However, he also made the predictable Western argument about China’s debt trap against African countries. The US Secretary of State insisted that African countries should not be left with a huge debt that cannot be paid off.

For his part, Onyeama responded to criticism of the Nigerian government regarding its supposed dependence on money and loans from China. The minister said Nigeria is trying to be very cautious on the debt issue. In fact, he claimed that the debt-to-GDP ratio is very good. Onyeama also stressed that this is a stable debt that the government closely monitors. He emphasized that Nigeria needs infrastructure for industrialization and that cooperation with China offers great opportunities to fill the country’s huge deficit.

At the press conference, Fox News and the Wall Street Journal questioned Chinese-Nigerian economic relations. However, the attempt to stir up hype around Nigeria’s alleged dependence on Chinese loans was unsuccessful.

It is because of China that Africa is gradually overcoming poverty, building necessary transportation infrastructure and achieving industrialization. China takes long-term programs, industry and agricultural development seriously and exploits natural resources for the benefit of not only its own country, but also local economies. Under these conditions, the US begrudgingly acknowledges that they are no longer the preeminent power of the world and must accept the importance of China in relation to Africa.

As for the debt trap theory, Blinken was forced to speak out, especially as the US has adopted a policy of confronting China at any opportunity given. It is especially hypocritical though as the US portrays Chinese projects as debt traps, but the US economy itself is also only growing because of its huge accumulation of debt. Nigeria’s debt to China gives the country an opportunity to solve its social problems, develop its infrastructure like roads, railways and energy pipelines. At the same time, according to the Nigerian Public Debt Authority, the country’s debt to China is $3.121 billion, or 3.94% of the total public debt as of March 2020.

The US artificially exaggerates the scale of China’s so-called debt trap to Africa. Blinken’s first visit to Africa as Secretary of State was clearly intended to mark the US’ presence in Africa after the previous Trump administration ignored the continent.

Another purpose of Blinken’s trip to Africa is compete with China for influence, a task that is seemingly impossible. It is quite symbolic that upon arrival in Abuja, Blinken’s motorcade drove by the China Chamber of Commerce in Nigeria – an immensely grand building. Then on his trip to Kenya after Nigeria, his convoy passed a Chinese-funded highway that is under construction and where Chinese characters can be seen on tractors and other heavy equipment. The US Secretary of State also held his press conference in a hotel where the Kenya-China Chamber of Commerce office is located. Blinken’s trip to Africa was filled with such reminders of Beijing’s growing influence on the continent and Washington’s waning clout.

It would also be on Blinken’s mind that this reality in Africa was by Washington’s own choice. With the emergence of the unipolar world system following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Washington prioritized shaping its global vision through military means, especially when considering its wars against Yugoslavia, Iraq and Afghanistan. This had not only disillusioned many countries from the US-led world order, but also meant that Africa was ignored and only seen as a place of aid dependency.

“Too many times, the countries of Africa have been treated as junior partners — or worse — rather than equal ones,” Blinken said in Abuja. The US “firmly believes that it’s time to stop treating Africa as a subject of geopolitics — and start treating it as the major geopolitical player it has become.”

Blinken however omitted that Africa has only become a “major geopolitical player” off the back of Chinese investments and attention. As Africa continues its path towards development it is unlikely that it will downgrade its relations with China for the sake of the US that has traditionally seen the continent as a place with little chance of development but cheap natural resources.

Although Blinken has to acknowledge China’s significant role in Africa, he still attempts to turn African countries towards the US on the back of promises that have already been heard for many decades. When considering the traditional role played by Washington and Beijing in Africa, it is easy to see why African countries are unwilling to turn away investments and opportunities from China for the sake of pleasing the US. In this way, it is impossible for the US to replace China as Africa’s main source of investment and development.


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Global Organization Attempts to End Free Speech Worldwide

November 23rd, 2021 by Dr. Joseph Mercola

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The International Grand Committee on Disinformation (IGCD) consists of “an international array of legislators, policy advisers, and other experts” who work together “to forge international alliances that bring shared, effective strategies into the battle against online disinformation”

The founders of the IGCD are four members of the British and Canadian Parliaments, including British MP Damian Collins, who is also on the board of the Centers for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH). The CCDH fabricates reports that are then used to strip people of their freedom of speech rights

Logistics for the IGCD are provided by the Reset Initiative (a not-so-subtle reminder that censorship is a requirement for The Great Reset), which is part of The Omidyar Group of philanthropies

Omidyar funds Whistleblower Aid, the legal counsel for the fake Facebook “whistleblower” Frances Haugen, who has testified before U.S., French, British and European Union lawmakers, calling for more censorship

CCDH chairman Simon Clark also has ties to Arabella Advisors, the most powerful dark money lobbying group in the U.S.


If you suspected censorship was being coordinated on a global scale, you’d be right. The International Grand Committee on Disinformation1 (IGCD) consists of “an international array of legislators, policy advisers, and other experts” who work together “to forge international alliances that bring shared, effective strategies into the battle against online disinformation.” What could possibly go wrong?

The idea behind the IGCD came from four members of the British and Canadian Parliaments: Damian Collins and Ian Lucas from the U.K., and Bob Zimmer and Nathaniel Erskine-Smith from Canada. The first session of the IGCD took place at the end of November 2018, so they’ve been quietly working in the background for some time already.

Since then, they’ve held meetings in Canada and the U.K. and hosted seminars in the U.S., attended by spiritual leaders, journalists, technology executives, “subject matter experts” and parliamentary leaders from 21 countries (Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Mexico, Morocco, Singapore, St. Lucia, Sweden, the U.K. and the U.S.)

According to the IGCD, the organization functions as a “forum for information sharing, collaboration and harmonization of policies to … achieve common goals among democratic states. Never mind the fact that democracy cannot exist without freedom of speech.”

Logistics for the group are provided by an initiative called “Reset,”2 which feels like a not-so-subtle reminder that censorship is a requirement for The Great Reset. They know people would never go along with the Great Reset plan if allowed to freely discuss the ramifications.

‘Online Safety Bill’ Seeks to Shut Down Counternarratives

The IGCD helps shed light on the technocracy front group known as the Centers for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH),3 seeing how one of the CCDH’s board members, Damian Collins MP, is also one of the founders of the IGCD. Both groups were formed in 2018 and clearly have the same goals and agenda.

One of those goals is to eliminate free speech online, which is what the U.K.’s proposed “Online Safety Bill” would achieve. Not surprisingly, Collins is part of the Online Safety Bill Committee, charged with examining the Bill “line by line to make sure it is fit for purpose.”4

In an August 11, 2021, blog post, Collins asked for the public’s help to track down counternarratives, taking screenshots of the offending material and emailing it to him. “Unless harmful content is reported, whether it is terrible images of self-harm, violent or extremist content or anti-vaccine conspiracy theories, it can otherwise be unknowable to regulators and governments,” he said.

It’s impossible to miss the fact that Collins is lumping “anti-vaccine” content in with violent and extremist content that must be censored and, in reality, that’s probably one of the top categories of information this bill seeks to control.

As reported by iNews,5 “The Prime Minister [Boris Johnson] has repeatedly insisted the powers contained within the legislation would help crack down on … anti-vaccine disinformation.”

Online Safety Bill Is ‘Catastrophic for Free Speech’

While some might think it’s a good idea to spoon feed people “correct” information about vaccines, it’s important to realize that while vaccines are the issue of today, tomorrow another topic that is near and dear to your heart could be deemed out of bounds for public discussion. So, supporting censorship of any kind is a slippery slope that is bound to come back to bite you when you least expect it.

As reported by BBC News,6 the “Legal to Say. Legal to Type” campaign warns that if the Online Safety Bill becomes law, Big Tech firms will be in a position of extraordinary power:

“While the group supports the bill’s aim of ensuring online platforms remove images of child sexual abuse, terrorist material and content which incites racial hatred and violence, it fears other provisions will adversely affect free speech …

Under the bill, Ofcom [the British Office of Communications] will be given the power to block access to sites and fine companies which do not protect users from harmful content up to £18m, or 10% of annual global turnover, whichever is the greater.

Campaigners claim this gives tech firms an incentive to ‘over-censor,’ and ‘effectively outsources internet policing from the police, courts and Parliament to Silicon Valley’ …

Mr. [MP David] Davis described the bill as a ‘censor’s charter.’ He added: ‘Lobby groups will be able to push social networks to take down content they view as not politically correct, even though the content is legal’ …

Campaigners are also concerned that technology companies may use artificial intelligence to identify harmful content. That, they say, may introduce racial biases and will wrongly censor language, ‘especially when it comes to irony-loving Brits.’”

US Democrats Attack Free Speech

Meanwhile, in the U.S., the Health Misinformation Act, introduced by Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., and Sen. Ben Ray Luján, D-N.M., would suspend Communications Decency Act Section 230 protections in instances where social media networks are found to boost “anti-vaccine conspiracies,” and hold them liable for such content. In a July 22, 2021, article, Tech Crunch reported:7

“The bill would specifically alter Section 230’s language to revoke liability protections in the case of ‘health misinformation that is created or developed through the interactive computer service’ if that misinformation is amplified through an algorithm.

The proposed exception would only kick in during a declared national public health crisis, like the advent of COVID-19, and wouldn’t apply in normal times. The bill would task the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) with defining health misinformation.”

As with the British Online Safety Bill, the Health Misinformation Act is an open portal for abuses. Ironically, the Act actually relies on misinformation to make its case. It specifically mentions the CCDH’s “Disinformation Dozen” report,8 which falsely claims a dozen individuals, myself included, are responsible for a majority of the “anti-vax misinformation” being shared on social media platforms.

‘Disinformation Dozen’ Have Negligible Reach

Meanwhile, in an August 18, 2021, statement,9,10 Facebook’s vice president of content policy, Monika Bickert, stated there’s no evidence to support the CCDH’s claims, and that the people named by the CCDH as being responsible for the vast majority of vaccine misinformation on social media were in fact only responsible for a tiny fraction — 0.05% — of all vaccine content on Facebook. Here’s an excerpt from Bickert’s statement:11

“In recent weeks, there has been a debate about whether the global problem of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation can be solved simply by removing 12 people from social media platforms. People who have advanced this narrative contend that these 12 people are responsible for 73% of online vaccine misinformation on Facebook. There isn’t any evidence to support this claim …

In fact, these 12 people are responsible for about just 0.05% of all views of vaccine-related content on Facebook. This includes all vaccine-related posts they’ve shared, whether true or false, as well as URLs associated with these people.

The report12 upon which the faulty narrative is based analyzed only a narrow set of 483 pieces of content over six weeks from only 30 groups, some of which are as small as 2,500 users. They are in no way representative of the hundreds of millions of posts that people have shared about COVID-19 vaccines in the past months on Facebook.

Further, there is no explanation for how the organization behind the report identified the content they describe as ‘anti-vax’ or how they chose the 30 groups they included in their analysis. There is no justification for their claim that their data constitute a ‘representative sample’ of the content shared across our apps.”

It’s quite clear that the CCDH exists to fabricate “evidence” that is then used to destroy the opposition in order to control the information. As such, it’s really nothing more than a front group for the much larger, global IGCD, which aims to shut down free speech across the world.

The ‘Whistleblower’ That Isn’t

One of the dirty tricks used to shut down free speech is to employ fake whistleblowers. Frances Haugen, the former Facebook employee turned “whistleblower” who testified before Congress October 5, 2021, accusing her former employer of aiding evildoers, is not an actual whistleblower.

She is being legally represented by a firm called Whistleblower Aid, founded by a national security lawyer, Mark Zaid, who is known for betraying his clients and siding with prosecutors.13

Whistleblower Aid is funded by tech billionaire and eBay founder Pierre Omidyar, and the Reset Initiative, which provides logistics for the IGCD, is part of The Omidyar Group of philanthropies.14That tells you everything you need to know about the intended purpose behind Haugen’s testimony. As reported by The Gray Zone:15

“Haugen emphasized in her testimony that she ‘doesn’t want to break up’ Facebook; she was merely looking for increased ‘content moderation’ to root out ‘extremism’ and ‘(mis/dis)information’ … Haugen appears to be little more than a tool in a far-reaching plan to increase the U.S. national security state’s control over one of the world’s most popular social media platforms.”

In short order, Haugen managed what has been impossible for other whistleblowers. She secured audiences with lawmakers in France, the U.K. and the European Union to discuss the need for more censorship.

Dark Money

Over the past year, the CCDH’s fabricated “Disinformation Dozen” report has been repeatedly used as the foundation for calls to strip American citizens of their First Amendment free speech rights. It’s been used by attorneys general and elected politicians, and it’s been cited in all the Big Tech hearings.16

Aside from being directly tied to the global IGCD (remember, Collins is on the board of both the IGCD and the CCDH), the CCDH is also connected to Arabella Advisors — the most powerful dark money lobbying group in the U.S.17 — by way of CCDH chairman Simon Clark.18 (“Dark money” is a term that means the identities of those funding the organization are kept secret.)

Clark is a senior fellow with the Center for American Progress,19 where he specializes in “right-wing domestic terrorism” (are we to believe there’s no such thing as left-wing terrorism?), which is funded by a liberal Swiss billionaire named Hansjörg Wyss.20,21

Wyss also funds Arabella Advisors, which runs a large number of temporary front groups that pop in and out of existence as needed for any given campaign.22 Reporter Hayden Ludwig has described the inner workings of Arabella Advisors and the influence of the “dark money” flowing through it:23

“Arabella’s nonprofits act as the left’s premier pass-through funders for professional activists. Big foundations — including the Gates, Buffett, and Ford Foundations — have laundered billions of dollars through this network, washing their identities from the dollars that go to push radical policies on America.

But the real juice from these nonprofits comes from the vast array of ‘pop-up groups’ they run — called so because they consist almost solely of slick websites that may pop into existence one day and pop out the next, usually once the campaign is through.

We’ve counted over 350 such front groups pushing everything from federal funding of abortion to overhauling Obamacare to packing the Supreme Court. Arabella is as dark as ‘dark money’ gets. It’s also the prime example of liberal hypocrisy over anonymous political spending, operating in nearly total obscurity …

As more of this massive web of groups — responsible for churning out nearly $2.5 billion since its creation — has come into focus, one thing’s become clear: When a special interest donor goes to Arabella, they’re expecting a political payoff.”

You can learn more about Arabella Advisors and its hidden influence over U.S. politics through pop-up front groups in the Capital Research Center series, “Arabella’s Long War Against Trump’s Department of the Interior.”24

An Open War on the Public

We’re now in a situation where asking valid questions about public health measures are equated to acts of domestic terrorism. It’s unbelievable, yet here we are.

Over the past two years, the rhetoric used against those who question the sanity of using unscientific pandemic countermeasures, such as face masks and lockdowns, or share data showing that COVID-19 gene therapies are really bad public health policy, has become increasingly violent.

Dr. Peter Hotez has publicly called for cyberwarfare assaults on American citizens who disagree with official COVID narratives, and this vile rhetoric was published in the prestigious science journal Nature, of all places.25 His article should have set off alarm bells at the CCDH, were the CCDH actually about protecting us from online hate.

But the CCDH is not about protecting the public from hate. In classic Orwellian Doublespeak, it actually exists to foster and create it. Incidentally, the journal Nature also published an article by CCDH founder Imran Ahmed, in which he discusses the need to destroy the “anti-vaxx industry.” How he, who has no medical credentials, managed to meet publication requirements is a mystery, and just goes to show we cannot even trust some of our most esteemed medical journals.

In his article, Ahmed flat out lied, saying he “attended and recorded a private, three-day meeting of the world’s most prominent anti-vaxxers.” Far from being “private,” the meeting in question was actually a public online conference, open to anyone and everyone around the world, with access to the recorded lectures part of the sign-up fee.

The fact that Ahmed lied about such an easily verifiable point tells you everything you need to know about the CCDH — and by extension the IGCD, which it clearly is working with. In the end, lies cannot stand up to the truth, which is precisely why the CCDH and IGCD are working overtime to “harmonize” laws across the democratic world to censor any and all counternarratives.

Like I said before, right now, it’s primarily about silencing questions and inconvenient truths about the COVID shots, but in the future, these laws will allow them to silence discussion on any topic that threatens undemocratic rule by globalists.

To avoid such a fate, we must be relentless in our pursuit and sharing of the truth, and we must relentlessly demand our elected representatives stand up for freedom of speech and other Constitutional rights.


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1, 2, 14


4 August 11, 2021

5 iNews August 15, 2021

6 BBC June 23, 2021

7 Tech Crunch July 22, 2021

8, 12 CCDH, The Disinformation Dozen

9, 11 Facebook August 18, 2021

10 New York Post August 18, 2021

13, 15 The Gray Zone October 21, 2021

16 PR Newswire April 27, 2021

17 The Atlantic, Democrats Have Made Their Peace With Dark Money (Archived)

18 Simon Clark Bio

19 Center for American Progress Simon Clark

20 New York Times May 3, 2021 (Archived)

21 Capital Research May 3, 2021

22, 23 The American Conservative May 12, 2021

24 Capital Research Arabella’s Long War Against Trump’s Department of the Interior Series

25 Nature April 27, 2021

Featured image is from Mercola

The High Stakes of the US-Russia Confrontation over Ukraine

November 23rd, 2021 by Medea Benjamin

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A report in Covert Action Magazine from the self-declared Donetsk People’s Republic in Eastern Ukraine describes grave fears of a new offensive by Ukrainian government forces, after increased shelling, a drone strike by a Turkish-built drone and an attack on Staromaryevka, a village inside the buffer zone established by the 2014-15 Minsk Accords.

The People’s Republics of  Donetsk (DPR) and Luhansk (LPR), which declared independence in response to the U.S.-backed coup in Ukraine in 2014, have once again become flashpoints in the intensifying Cold War between the United States and Russia. The U.S. and NATO appear to be fully supporting a new government offensive against these Russian-backed enclaves, which could quickly escalate into a full-blown international military conflict.

The last time this area became an international tinderbox was in April, when the anti-Russian government of Ukraine threatened an offensive against Donetsk and Luhansk, and Russia assembled thousands of troops along Ukraine’s eastern border.

On that occasion, Ukraine and NATO blinked and called off the offensive. This time around, Russia has again assembled an estimated 90,000 troops near its border with Ukraine. Will Russia once more deter an escalation of the war, or are Ukraine, the United States and NATO seriously preparing to press ahead at the risk of war with Russia?

Since April, the U.S. and its allies have been stepping up their military support for Ukraine. After a March announcement of $125 million in military aid, including armed coastal patrol boats and radar equipment, the U.S. then gave Ukraine another $150 million package in June. This included radar, communications and electronic warfare equipment for the Ukrainian Air Force, bringing total military aid to Ukraine since the U.S.-backed coup in 2014 to $2.5 billion. This latest package appears to include deploying U.S. training personnel to Ukrainian air bases.

Turkey is supplying Ukraine with the same drones it provided to Azerbaijan for its war with Armenia over the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh in 2020. That war killed at least 6,000 people and has recently flared up again, one year after a Russian-brokered ceasefire. Turkish drones wreaked havoc on Armenian troops and civilians alike in Nagorno-Karabakh, and their use in Ukraine would be a horrific escalation of violence against the people of Donetsk and Luhansk.

The ratcheting up of U.S. and NATO support for government forces in Ukraine’s civil war is having ever-worsening diplomatic consequences. At the beginning of October, NATO expelled eight Russian liaison officers from NATO Headquarters in Brussels, accusing them of spying. Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland, the manager of the 2014 coup in Ukraine, was dispatched to Moscow in October, ostensibly to calm tensions. Nuland failed so spectacularly that, only a week later, Russia ended 30 years of engagement with NATO, and ordered NATO’s office in Moscow closed.

Nuland reportedly tried to reassure Moscow that the United States and NATO were still committed to the 2014 and 2015 Minsk Accords on Ukraine, which include a ban on offensive military operations and a promise of greater autonomy for Donetsk and Luhansk within Ukraine. But her assurances were belied by Defense Secretary Austin when he met with Ukraine’s President Zelensky in Kiev on October 18, reiterating U.S. support for Ukraine’s future membership in NATO, promising further military support and blaming Russia for “perpetuating the war in Eastern Ukraine.”

More extraordinary, but hopefully more successful, was CIA Director William Burns’s visit to Moscow on November 2nd and 3rd, during which he met with senior Russian military and intelligence officials and spoke by phone with President Putin.

A mission like this is not usually part of the CIA Director’s duties. But after Biden promised a new era of American diplomacy, his foreign policy team is now widely acknowledged to have instead brought U.S. relations with Russia and China to all-time lows.

Judging from the March meeting of Secretary of State Blinken and National Security Advisor Sullivan with Chinese officials in Alaska, Biden’s meeting with Putin in Vienna in June, and Undersecretary Nuland’s recent visit to Moscow, U.S. officials have reduced their encounters with Russian and Chinese officials to mutual recriminations designed for domestic consumption instead of seriously trying to resolve policy differences. In Nuland’s case, she also misled the Russians about the U.S. commitment, or lack of it, to the Minsk Accords. So who could Biden send to Moscow for a serious diplomatic dialogue with the Russians about Ukraine?

In 2002, as Undersecretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, William Burns wrote a prescient but unheeded 10-page memo to Secretary of State Powell, warning him of the many ways that a U.S. invasion of Iraq could “unravel” and create a “perfect storm” for American interests. Burns is a career diplomat and a former U.S. ambassador to Moscow, and may be the only member of this administration with the diplomatic skills and experience to actually listen to the Russians and engage seriously with them.

The Russians presumably told Burns what they have said in public: that U.S. policy is in danger of crossing “red lines” that would trigger decisive and irrevocable Russian responses. Russia has long warned that one red line would be NATO membership for Ukraine and/or Georgia.

The border between post-coup Ukraine and the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics, based on the Minsk Agreements. Map credit: Wikipedia

But there are clearly other red lines in the creeping U.S. and NATO military presence in and around Ukraine and in the increasing U.S. military support for the Ukrainian government forces assaulting Donetsk and Luhansk. Putin has warned against the build-up of NATO’s military infrastructure in Ukraine and has accused both Ukraine and NATO of destabilizing actions, including in the Black Sea.

With Russian troops amassed at Ukraine’s border for a second time this year, a new Ukrainian offensive that threatens the existence of the DPR and LPR would surely cross another red line, while increasing U.S. and NATO military support for Ukraine may be dangerously close to crossing yet another one.

So did Burns come back from Moscow with a clearer picture of exactly what Russia’s red lines are? We had better hope so. Even U.S. military websites acknowledge that U.S. policy in Ukraine is “backfiring.” 

Russia expert Andrew Weiss, who worked under William Burns at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, acknowledged to Michael Crowley of The New York Times that Russia has “escalation dominance” in Ukraine and that, if push comes to shove, Ukraine is simply more important to Russia than to the United States. It therefore makes no sense for the United States to risk triggering World War III over Ukraine, unless it actually wants to trigger World War III.

During the Cold War, both sides developed clear understandings of each other’s “red lines.” Along with a large helping of dumb luck, we can thank those understandings for our continued existence. What makes today’s world even more dangerous than the world of the 1950s or the 1980s is that recent U.S. leaders have cavalierly jettisoned the bilateral nuclear treaties and vital diplomatic relationships that their grandparents forged to stop the Cold War from turning into a hot one.

Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy, with the help of Under Secretary of State Averell Harriman and others, conducted negotiations that spanned two administrations, between 1958 and 1963, to achieve a partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty that was the first of a series of bilateral arms control treaties. By contrast, the only continuity between Trump, Biden and Under Secretary Victoria Nuland seems to be a startling lack of imagination that blinds them to any possible future beyond a zero-sum, non-negotiable, and yet still unattainable “U.S. Uber Alles” global hegemony.

But Americans should beware of romanticizing the “old” Cold War as a time of peace, simply because we somehow managed to dodge a world-ending nuclear holocaust. U.S. Korean and Vietnam War veterans know better, as do the people in countries across the global South that became bloody battlefields in the ideological struggle between the United States and the U.S.S.R.

Three decades after declaring victory in the Cold War, and after the self-inflicted chaos of the U.S. “Global War on Terror,” U.S. military planners have settled on a new Cold War as the most persuasive pretext to perpetuate their trillion dollar war machine and their unattainable ambition to dominate the entire planet. Instead of asking the U.S. military to adapt to more new challenges it is clearly not up for, U.S. leaders decided to revert to their old conflict with Russia and China to justify the existence and ridiculous expense of their ineffective but profitable war machine.

But the very nature of a Cold War is that it involves the threat and use of force, overt and covert, to contest the political allegiances and economic structures of countries across the world. In our relief at the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, which both Trump and Biden have used to symbolize the “end of endless war,” we should have no illusions that either of them is offering us a new age of peace.

Quite the contrary. What we are watching in Ukraine, Syria, Taiwan and the South China Sea are the opening salvos of an age of more ideological wars that may well be just as futile, deadly and self-defeating as the “war on terror,” and much more dangerous to the United States.

A war with Russia or China would risk escalating into World War III. As Andrew Weiss told the Times on Ukraine, Russia and China would have conventional “escalation dominance,” as well as simply more at stake in wars on their own borders than the United States does.

So what would the United States do if it were losing a major war with Russia or China? U.S. nuclear weapons policy has always kept a “first strike” option open in case of precisely this scenario.

The current U.S. $1.7 trillion plan for a whole range of new nuclear weapons therefore seems to be a response to the reality that the United States cannot expect to defeat Russia and China in conventional wars on their own borders.

But the paradox of nuclear weapons is that the most powerful weapons ever created have no practical value as actual weapons of war, since there can be no winner in a war that kills everybody. Any use of nuclear weapons would quickly trigger a massive use of them by one side or the other, and the war would soon be over for all of us. The only winners would be a few species of radiation-resistant insects and other very small creatures.

Neither Obama, Trump nor Biden has dared to present their reasons for risking World War III over Ukraine or Taiwan to the American public, because there is no good reason. Risking a nuclear holocaust to appease the military-industrial complex is as insane as destroying the climate and the natural world to appease the fossil fuel industry.

So we had better hope that CIA DIrector Burns not only came back from Moscow with a clear picture of Russia’s “red lines,” but that President Biden and his colleagues understand what Burns told them and what is at stake in Ukraine. They must step back from the brink of a U.S.-Russia war, and then from the larger Cold War with China and Russia that they have so blindly and foolishly stumbled into.


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Medea Benjamin is cofounder of CODEPINK for Peace, and author of several books, including Inside Iran: The Real History and Politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Nicolas J. S. Davies is an independent journalist, a researcher with CODEPINK and the author of Blood on Our Hands: The American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq.

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Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has become known around the world as a moderate leftist leader who, internally, pushed social changes in favor of the poor population and, in foreign policy, strengthened Brazil’s position as a non-aligned country, close to the BRICS and emerging powers. However, it appears that many of these positions will be reviewed by Lula, who plans to run in presidential elections next year. On a recent visit to Europe, the former Brazilian president met with several European leaders and promised a position of subservience on the part of Brazil, including on extremely sensitive and strategic topics, such as the conservation of the Amazon Forest. It is possible that to return to power Lula is willing to do anything, including maintaining a foreign policy of automatic alignment with the EU – which will bring great social harm to the Brazilian people.

On November 11, Lula started a tour of the European continent, visiting Germany, Belgium, France, and Spain. In these countries, the former Brazilian president met with several politicians and entrepreneurs, fulfilling an extensive diplomatic agenda by establishing strategic dialogues with possible supporters for his candidacy in the 2022 Brazilian presidential elections. The topics debated during the meetings were extremely important and demonstrated a great similarity of opinion between Lula and his European interlocutors.

In Germany, Lula met with Olaf Scholz and extensively discussed strategic issues of great importance, such as the conservation of the Amazon Forest. In a very problematic posture, Lula literally invited Scholz to “protect” the Amazon, which is something quite complicated to understand. Apparently, the former Brazilian president wants the German government to actively participate in a Brazilian environmental policy to protect the Amazon. It remains to be seen what the limits for German action in this possible environmental administration scheme would be. Indeed, this possible environmental policy seems more like an advance to the project of internationalization of the Amazon.

Previously, during the G20 meeting, Jair Bolsonaro had treated Scholz with extreme rudeness. The German politician approached the Brazilian president, but apparently Bolsonaro did not know who Scholz was and did not greet him. The episode did not go unnoticed by the press, which released the news pointing to an even more deteriorated state for Brazil-Germany bilateral relations. In fact, such relations have been getting more complicated since 2019, precisely due to the dismantling of the Brazilian environmental policy, which was strongly condemned by the Merkel Administration. By acting rudely, Bolsonaro further intensified the crisis, while Lula, in turn, acted with political expertise by choosing Scholz as his first partner on the European tour – and by mentioning the Amazon issue during the conversation.

In Belgium, Lula was invited to speak during a conference of the European Parliament. In his communication, the former president pointed out conditions for the long-awaited EU-Mercosur trade agreement and promised to advance in all the agendas defended by the European bloc, focusing on issues such as the environment, social inclusion, job creation and the reconstruction of the post-COVID-19 world. Lula was enthusiastically applauded by politicians present at the conference and his speech was widely publicized in the European media as a form of “hope” for Brazil.

In Paris, Lula met with Macron, by whom he was received with honors of head of state – which is a symbolic and very significant act, since, considering that this ceremony is applied only in meetings with heads of state, Macron practically claimed to recognize Lula as the true president of Brazil. The same issues discussed at the other meetings were talked and both leaders outlined joint strategies to improve bilateral relations. On the occasion, Lula also met with several other French politicians, including the mayor of Paris.

Lula ended the trip after arriving in Spain. The former Brazilian president met with the prime minister of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, at the Moncloa Palace, in Madrid. Both strengthened bonds of cordiality by presenting common points of view on the discussed issues, especially on topics such as the environment, strengthening of democracy and social progress. Sánchez openly declared support for Lula’s candidacy.

In all the countries he visited, Lula not only met with politicians, but he also spoke with businessmen, journalists, union leaders, activists, and supporters. In all cases, the former president managed to gain support for his candidacy, establish contracts for investments in Brazil and outline conditions for future bilateral partnerships. In fact, Lula’s political intelligence is notorious. The choice of Europe as a campaign route, precisely at a time of decline in relations between Europe and Brazil, was of great strategic value. Certainly, his candidacy will have the financial support of European politicians and businessmen, while Bolsonaro is increasingly losing allies in Brazil and abroad.

However, some points need to be criticized. The position that Lula placed Brazil in his negotiations with Europe were extremely subservient. Basically, the former president took a trip to tell the Europeans that, if he wins the elections, Brasília will be willing to accept all the conditions imposed by the EU for economic partnerships to be established. Lula acted against Brazilian interests by inviting the future German chancellor to participate in the administration of the Amazon – which seems absurd, as it seriously violates Brazilian sovereignty. In other words, Lula is doing to Europeans what Bolsonaro did to Washington during the 2018 elections: promising a policy of automatic alignment, in exchange for political and economic support.

Lula, during his previous terms, stood out for a reasonably consistent foreign policy, prioritizing Brazilian strategic interests. He has strengthened ties with the BRICS, negotiated agreements with Iran, met with leaders of non-aligned emerging nations, and mediated the dialogue between north and south of global geopolitics. This could be the same posture at the current time, for example. Lula could try to improve Brazil’s relations with China and Russia, which were also harmed by Bolsonaro’s alignment with Washington, but instead he chose to substitute the US for Europe, which, unlike Moscow and Beijing, demands abusive conditions to establish partnerships.

In fact, Lula is currently occupying an important role as a “de facto chancellor”, establishing dialogues and partnerships in an unofficial way, while the government remains silent, inert, and increasingly isolated on the international arena. But this parallel diplomacy is also acting against Brazilian interests. The most likely scenario is that, if elected, Lula will import all European agendas, including health passport, mandatory vaccines (with a boycott against non-Western vaccines), carbon market, among others, and advance even further in the project to establish a transnational administration of the Amazon. In exchange, Brazil will have “European investments”, which will not be able to solve the social problems that affect the country.


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Lucas Leiroz is a research fellow in international law at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

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“All we are saying is give peace a chance.”—John Lennon

How do you give thanks for freedoms that are constantly being eroded?

How do you express gratitude for one’s safety when the perils posed by the American police state grow more treacherous by the day?

How do you come together as a nation in thanksgiving when the powers-that-be continue to polarize and divide us into warring factions?

Every year finds us struggling to reconcile our hope for a better, freer, more just world with the soul-sucking reality of a world in which greed, meanness and war continue to triumph.

Fifty years ago, John Lennon released “Imagine” and exhorted us to “Imagine all the people livin’ life in peace.” That same year, Lennon released “Happy Xmas (War Is Over)” as part of a major anti-war campaign. Lennon—a musical genius, anti-war activist, and a high-profile example of the lengths to which the Deep State will go to persecute those who dare to challenge its authority—made clear that the only way to achieve an end to hunger, violence, war, and tyranny is to want it badly enough and work towards it.

Fifty years later, we clearly don’t want those things badly enough.

Peace remains out of reach. Activists and whistleblowers continue to be prosecuted for challenging the government’s authority. Militarism is on the rise, all the while the governmental war machine continues to wreak havoc on innocent lives.

For those of us who joined with John Lennon to imagine a world of peace, it’s getting harder to reconcile that dream with the reality of the American police state. And those who do dare to speak up about government corruption (such as Julian Assange) are labeled dissidents, troublemakers, terrorists, lunatics, or mentally ill and tagged for surveillance, censorship or, worse, involuntary detention.

All the while, people still keep looking to the government to “fix” what’s wrong with this country. You’d think we’d have learned—after 20 years of heavy-handed government authoritarianism that started with the 9/11 attacks and has continued through to the present-day COVID-19 tyranny—that the only thing the government can be trusted to do is make things worse.

Now we find ourselves approaching that time of year when, as George Washington and Abraham Lincoln proclaimed, we’re supposed to give thanks as a nation and as individuals for our safety and our freedoms.

It’s not an easy undertaking.

Thinking good thoughts, being grateful, counting your blessings and adopting a glass-half-full mindset are fine and good, but that’s not enough. This world requires doers, men and women (and children) who will put those good thoughts into action.

Remember, evil prevails when good men and women do nothing.

Here’s what I suggest: this year, do yourselves a favor and turn off the talking heads, shut down the screen devices, tune out the politicians, take a deep breath, then do something to pay your blessings forward.

Refuse to remain silent. Take a stand. Speak up. Speak out. Recognize injustice. Don’t turn away from suffering.

Find something to be thankful for about the things and people in your community for which you might have the least tolerance or appreciation. Instead of just rattling off a list of things you’re thankful for that sound good, dig a little deeper and acknowledge the good in those you may have underappreciated or feared.

When it comes time to giving thanks for your good fortune, put your gratitude into action: pay your blessings forward with deeds that spread a little kindness, lighten someone’s burden, and brighten some dark corner.

Engage in acts of kindness. Smile more. Fight less. Build bridges. Refuse to let toxic politics define your relationships. Focus on the things that unite instead of that which divides.

Do your part to push back against the meanness of our culture with conscious compassion and humanity. Moods are contagious, the good and the bad. They can be passed from person to person. So can the actions associated with those moods, the good and the bad.

Be a hero, whether or not anyone ever notices.

Acts of benevolence, no matter how inconsequential they might seem, can spark a movement.

All it takes is one person to start a chain reaction.

For instance, a few years ago in Florida, a family of six—four adults and two young boys—were swept out to sea by a powerful rip current in Panama City Beach. There was no lifeguard on duty. The police were standing by, waiting for a rescue boat. And the few people who had tried to help ended up stranded, as well.

Those on shore grouped together and formed a human chain. What started with five volunteers grew to 15, then 80 people, some of whom couldn’t swim.

One by one, they linked hands and stretched as far as their chain would go. The strongest of the volunteers swam out beyond the chain and began passing the stranded victims of the rip current down the chain.

One by one, they rescued those in trouble and pulled each other in.

There’s a moral here for what needs to happen in this country if we only can band together and prevail against the riptides that threaten to overwhelm us.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, there may not be much we can do to avoid the dismal reality of the police state in the long term—not so long as the powers-that-be continue to call the shots and allow profit margins to take precedence over the needs of people—but in the short term, there are things we can all do right now to make this world (or at least our small corners of it) a little bit kinder, a lot less hostile and more just.

It’s never too late to start making things right in the world.

John Lennon tried to imagine a world in which we all lived in peace. He was a beautiful dreamer whose life ended with an assassin’s bullet on December 8, 1980.

Still, that doesn’t mean the dream has to die, too.

There’s something to be said for working to make that dream a reality. As Lennon reminded his listeners, “War is over, if you want it.”

The choice is ours, if we want it.


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This article was originally published on The Rutherford Institute.

Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president The Rutherford Institute. His books Battlefield America: The War on the American People and A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State are available at He can be contacted at [email protected].

Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

Featured image is from Rise Up Times

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Attempts are on-going to stir the pot in Eastern Ukraine, once again.

The US intelligence community is reportedly setting the stage, warning its European allies that Russia is planning an incursion into Ukraine, and the chance of that happening is increased with the coming of colder weather.

NATO’s mouthpiece, the Atlantic Council, warned that Russian President Vladimir Putin is “quietly moving ahead with the slow-motion annexation of east Ukraine.”

This relates to a presidential decree that removes barriers in trade between Russian and the self-proclaimed republics in East Ukraine.

The US and its Western allies deem this “just as much of a threat to Ukraine’s future territorial integrity” as the alleged purposeful presence of Russian “elite tank troops” along the border.

However, the reality of the matter seems a bit different. Around mid-November, domestic political pressure on the President of Ukraine intensified. Local oligarchs launched an information campaign accusing Zelensky of ineffective government management.

It is not far-fetched to consider that this is highly likely a scenario orchestrated by Washington, in an attempt to force the Kiev government into an escalation in order to create a diversion from its internal issues.

This rings even more true when it is considered that on November 21 and the early hours of November 22, Gorlovka and the surrounding areas were shelled by artillery.

A similar situation is in the area of the settlement Yasinovataya. In the LPR, Ukrainian forces fired from large-caliber artillery at the village of Kalinovo-Borshchevatoe.

President Volodymyr Zelensky congratulated Ukrainians on the “day of dignity and Freedom”, which is celebrated in the country on November 21, and shelling the homes of those living in the DPR and LPR is likely part of the festivities.

The Ukrainian president called for a change in the thinking of the Ukrainian people – to get rid of the psychology of the victim and become smart and brave. One way of doing that is evidently focusing outward, towards Donetsk and Lugansk and attempting to start a war.

Notably, the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the first time used the American Javelin anti-tank missile system during the fighting in Eastern Ukraine. The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Kirill Budanov announced that the Javelin had been used with pride.

If this course continues further hostilities are unavoidable in Eastern Ukraine, and it is likely that Kiev may find itself biting more than it can chew under Washington’s guidance.


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Five Reasons the Left Won in Venezuela

November 23rd, 2021 by Leonardo Flores

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For the first time in four years, every major opposition party in Venezuela participated in elections. For the fifth time in four years, the left won in a landslide. Voters elected 23 governors, 335 mayors, 253 state legislators and 2,471 municipal councilors. The governing United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) won at least 19 of 23 governorships (one race remains too close to call) and the Caracas mayoralty in the November 21 “mega-elections.” Of the 335 mayoral races, the vote count has been completed in 322 of them, with PSUV and its coalition taking 205, opposition coalitions 96 and other parties 21. Over 70,000 candidates ran for these 3,082 offices, and 90% of the vote was counted and verified within hours of polls closing. Turnout was 42.2%, eleven points higher than last year’s parliamentary elections. 

Here’s why chavismo, the movement behind the Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution, won:

1. Good governance in health, housing and food. Venezuela’s health policies in response to Covid-19 have been exemplary. The expectation in the U.S. was that the coronavirus would overwhelm Venezuela’s healthcare system, which has been devastated by years of sanctions. And yet, per million population, Venezuela registered 15,000 cases and 180 deaths. For the sake of comparison, the figures in the U.S. are 146,000 cases/million and 2,378 deaths/million, Brazil’s are 103,000 and 2854, and Colombia’s are 98,000 and 2,481. Unlike images we saw in Ecuador or Bolivia, there were no bodies of victims left on the streets, nor were there overflowing morgues like in New York.

In terms of housing, the Venezuelan government has built 3.7 million homes for working class families over the past ten years, the majority of which were built and delivered by the Maduro administration while under sanctions.

As deadly as the sanctions have been, things would be significantly worse were it not for Venezuela’s most important social program in the past five years: the CLAPs. These consist of boxes of food and other necessities, some of which are produced locally, which are packaged and distributed by communities themselves. Seven million Venezuelans families receive CLAP boxes every month, out of a country of 30 million people. Not only has this program been instrumental in keeping people fed, it has invigorated the base of chavismo and reconnected the government with grassroots after the PSUV’s defeat in the 2015 legislative elections.

2. The economic situation is improving. According to an August 2021 survey by opposition pollster Datanálisis, 50% of Venezuelans consider that their lives have improved compared to the previous year or two. Despite sanctions that have caused a 99% drop in government income, the Venezuelan economy is stabilizing. Inflation is down to single digits for the first time in four years. Credit Suisse projected 5.5% growth in 2021 and 4.5% growth in 2022. Oil production hit an 18-month high in October, helped by a trade deal with Iran.

3. The left is united (mostly). The PSUV didn’t win the elections alone, they were united with 8 other left parties in a coalition known as the GPP (Great Patriotic Pole). The PSUV itself held internal primaries in August, the only party to do so. Over half the GPP candidates were women, 52%, while another 43% were youth. Overall, 90% of the candidates hadn’t held office before, suggesting a renewal of the party from the grassroots. However, this marked the second election in a row in which the left wasn’t completely united. A coalition that included Venezuela’s Communist Party ran its own ticket. These parties got less than 3% of the vote in the 2020 parliamentary elections and their decision to run separately appears to have had no impact on the gubernatorial races.

4. The opposition is divided. Never known for their unity, the Venezuelan opposition suffered a major split as a result of some parties opting for boycotting elections and attempting to overthrow the government, while others preferred a democratic path. Despite all the major parties participating in these elections, the opposition was split into two main coalitions, the MUD (Democratic Unity Roundtable) and the Democratic Alliance. The vast majority of the 70,000 candidates are in the opposition and they were running candidates against each other in almost every race. Of the 23 gubernatorial races, six were won by PSUV candidates with less than 50% of the vote and by less than six points – more unity between the MUD and Democratic Alliance could have made the difference.

A count of the votes in the gubernatorial and Caracas mayoral races show the PSUV coalition taking 46% of the total vote, with the rest split between the various oppositions. A united opposition could win in Venezuela, but “united opposition” is an oxymoron.

5. The opposition is deeply unpopular. While much is made about the alleged lack of support for President Maduro (the millions of votes his party got will never be acknowledged by the U.S.), it’s less known that the opposition is deeply unpopular. Here are the disapproval ratings for some of the opposition’s key figures: Juan Guaidó, 83% disapproval; Julio Borges (Guaidó’s “Foreign Minister), 81%; Leopoldo López (Guaidó’s mentor and mastermind of coup attempts), 80%; Henry Ramos Allup (longtime opposition leader), 79%; Henrique Capriles (2012 & 2013 presidential election loser), 77%; and Henri Falcón (2018 presidential election loser), 66%. All of these but Falcón are part of the MUD.

The MUD coalition spent years claiming they represented a majority, a claim which couldn’t be verified by their strategy of electoral boycotts. However, their return to the electoral process only marked a ten point increase in voter turnout compared to 2020. Moreover, the MUD placed below other opposition parties in 9 of 23 states and in Caracas. The MUD only won one of the three governorships taken by the opposition. This might be due in part to widespread rejection of U.S. sanctions. The MUD has repeatedly endorsed deadly sanctions despite the fact that 76% of Venezuelans reject them.

The MUD enjoys the political, financial and logistical support of the United States and the EU, while members of other opposition parties have been denounced and sanctioned by the U.S. for negotiating with the Maduro administration. These elections should put the Biden administration on notice that continuing to support the MUD, and in particular, the fiction of Guaidó as “interim president”, is a failed policy.


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Leonardo Flores is Latin American policy expert and campaigner with CODEPINK.

Featured image is from Council on Hemispheric Affairs

Selected Articles: The Imposition of Tyranny, Austria Sets the Stage

November 23rd, 2021 by Global Research News

Fake Science, Invalid Data: There is No Such Thing as a “Confirmed Covid-19 Case”. There is No Pandemic

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 23, 2021

National governments have announced a Fifth Wave, focussing on the deadly variants of SARS-CoV-2, including the Delta variant. The variant is a scam. How do they identify the “variants”. The PCR test neither detects the virus nor the variants of the virus.

mRNA COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: A Warning

By Steven R Gundry, November 22, 2021

We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.

The Imposition of Tyranny, Austria Sets the Stage: First Western Country to “Legally” Impose “Vaccination” on Her Population.

By Peter Koenig, November 22, 2021

These repeated senseless testing even on small children, with a predominantly false positive test method, obviously increases the “case” numbers. But they are totally meaningless, because nobody is sick.

The Higher the Vaccination Rate, the Higher the Excess Mortality

By Prof. Dr. Rolf Steyer and Dr. Gregor Kappler, November 22, 2021

The correlation between the excess mortality in the federal states and their vaccination rate when weighted with the relative number of inhabitants of the federal state is 0.31. This number is surprisingly high and would be negative if vaccination were to reduce mortality.

String of Pearls: Yemen Could be the Arab Hub of the Maritime Silk Road

By Pepe Escobar, November 22, 2021

The usual suspects tried everything against Yemen. First, coercing it into ‘structural reform.’ When that didn’t work, they instrumentalized takfiri mercenaries. They infiltrated and manipulated the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), ISIS. They used US drones and occasional marines.

NIH Director Calls for COVID Conspiracists to be “Brought to Justice”

By Paul Joseph Watson, November 22, 2021

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins has angrily called for anyone who spreads “misinformation” about COVID-19 online to be “brought to justice.” “Conspiracies are winning here. Truth is losing. That’s a really serious indictment of the way in which our society seems to be traveling,” Collins told the Washington Post.

Reap What You Sow? Doctors Dropping in Deaths Described as “Died Unexpectedly” and “Died Suddenly” Since Mid-October

By, November 22, 2021

The American Medical Association reported that 96% of U.S. doctors were vaccinated in June. Even with a 20-point error margin, accounting for saline/placebo shots and exemptions, a vast majority of doctors have received the shots. It’s only fair since doctors peddle the injections to their unwitting, credulous fanatics who worship the white coats.

President John F. Kennedy: His Life and Public Assassination

By Edward Curtin, November 22, 2021

From the day he was sworn in as President on January 20, 1961, John F. Kennedy was relentlessly pressured by the Pentagon, the Central Intelligence Agency, and by many of his own advisers to wage war – clandestine, conventional, and nuclear. To understand why and by whom he was assassinated on November 22, 1963, one needs to apprehend this pressure and the reasons why President Kennedy consistently resisted it, as well as the consequences of that resistance.

“We’ll Never Give Up” – Protests Erupt Across World over Government COVID Tyranny

By Zero Hedge, November 22, 2021

Demonstrations against new virus restrictions were observed in Austria, Croatia, Italy, Northern Ireland, the UK, France, Germany, and the Netherlands. Outside of Europe, protesters were seen in several cities across Canada, Australia, Japan, and even the US. Some marked Saturday as part of a “Worldwide Freedom” rally to protest COVID-19 restrictions and vaccine mandates.

Canadian Doctors Say Government Data Point to Spike in COVID Cases after Jab, Suppressed Immune System

By Anthony Murdoch, November 22, 2021

Physicians from the Canadian province of Alberta claim their government’s data show COVID jabs cause short-term jumps in cases counts, deaths, and hospitalizations possibly because the “vaccine is causing immunosuppression.”

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“We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.”



Our group has been using the PLUS Cardiac Test (GD Biosciences, Inc, Irvine, CA) a clinically validated measurement of multiple protein biomarkers which generates a score predicting the 5 yr risk (percentage chance) of a new Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS). The score is based on changes from the norm of multiple protein biomarkers including IL-16, a proinflammatory cytokine, soluble Fas, an inducer of apoptosis, and Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF)which serves as a marker for chemotaxis of T-cells into epithelium and cardiac tissue, among other markers. Elevation above the norm increases the PULS score, while decreases below the norm lowers the PULS score.

The score has been measured every 3-6 months in our patient population for 8 years.

Recently, with the advent of the mRNA COVID 19 vaccines (vac) by Moderna and Pfizer, dramatic changes in the PULS score became apparent in most patients.

This report summarizes those results. A total of 566 pts, aged 28 to 97, M:F ratio 1:1 seen in a preventive cardiology practice had a new PULS test drawn from 2 to 10 weeks following the 2nd COVID shot and was compared to the previous PULS score drawn 3 to 5 months previously pre- shot. Baseline IL-16 increased from 35=/-20 above the norm to 82 =/- 75 above the norm post-vac; sFas increased from 22+/- 15 above the norm to 46=/-24 above the norm post-vac; HGF increased from 42+/-12 above the norm to 86+/-31 above the norm post-vac. These changes resulted in an increase of the PULS score from 11% 5 yr ACS risk to 25% 5 yr ACS risk. At the time of this report, these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose of vac.

We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.


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Featured image: A hand holding an mRNA vaccine vial. (Spencer Davis / Unsplash)

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The Higher the Vaccination Rate, the Higher the Excess Mortality

November 22nd, 2021 by Prof. Dr. Rolf Steyer

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Important study conducted by German Scientists



The correlation between the excess mortality in the federal states and their vaccination rate when weighted with the relative number of inhabitants of the federal state is 0.31. This number is surprisingly high and would be negative if vaccination were to reduce mortality. For the period under consideration (week 36 to week 40, 2021), the following applies: The higher the vaccination rate, the higher the excess mortality. In view of the forthcoming policy measures aimed at reducing the virus, this figure is worrying and needs to be explained if further policy measures are to be taken with the aim of increasing the vaccination rate. 

To get started 

1. The overall overview of the current excess mortality in Germany as a whole can be found here. 

2. And also here, whereby the deviation from the median of the years 2016 -2020 can be read directly here. 

These two graphics are interactive, i.e. the numbers are displayed directly as soon as you move the mouse pointer over them. Looking at weeks 36 to 43, the comparison between 2021 and the median 2016 to 2020 shows the excess mortality in these COGs directly in absolute figures. In some of these weeks, there are actually about 2000 deaths more than the median from 2016 to 2020. 

Mortality rates and vaccination rates are recorded particularly reliably. Whether someone is vaccinated twice is as indisputable as the question of whether someone has died. If you look at more complex variables such as the cause of death, this is not the case: the determination of causes of death such as “died of Covid-19 infection” depends relatively strongly on interpretations. A positive test is by no means proof of this cause of death. Death rates and vaccination rates, on the other hand, are based only to a small extent on interpretations. 

Our data sources 

The data we use are taken from 

1. STatist Federal Office (see this) 

2. Robert Koch Institute (see this) 

(The link in question, where you can download the relevant numbers as an Excel file, is given in parentheses.) 

What did we do? 

1. Calculation of excess mortality 

For each of the 16 federal states, we have added up the number of deaths in the KWn 36 to 40 for each year 2016 to 2021. (Newer ones are not yet available for the individual federal states to date, Nov. 16, 2021.) This results in the number of deaths for each federal state and year in the period from week 36 to week 40. For a comparative value of the number of deaths in weeks 36 to week 40 in 2021, we have averaged the death rates in week 36 to week 40 for the years 2016 to 2020. For each federal state, these average values of recent years are the basis for comparisons with 2021. For the comparison, we formed the ratio of the number of deaths in 2021 in the period from week 36 to week 40 by the averaging values just mentioned and then multiplied it by 100. The ratio 100 therefore means that there is neither excess nor under-mortality, the ratio 110 states that in the period under consideration 2021 exactly 10% more people died than in the average of the previous 5 years. The actual figures vary among the 16 states between 102.2 (Saxony) and 115.7 (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania). The greater the deviation (from 100) upwards, the greater the excess mortality in the respective federal state. 

2. Vaccination rate 

We were able to find the vaccination rate directly from the table mentioned under Data Sources (point 2). The quota of twice vaccinated people has been chosen. 

3. Calculation of the correlation between vaccination rate and excess mortality 

The 16 countries have very different populations. The Hanseatic city of Bremen has only about 0.68 million inhabitants, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, on the other hand, about 17.92 million. (These figures can also be found at the Federal Statistical Office.) When calculating the correlation between vaccination rate and excess mortality, we used relative population size as weights (as well as means and variances). In this way, distortions in favour of the situation in the small countries are avoided. 

The following figure shows a scatter plot of the 16 data points (of the federal states). The vaccination rate is on the horizontal axis and the ratio is removed on the vertical axis, where the size of the area of the points represents the relative population. 

According to this figure, Saxony (SN) and Thuringia (TH) perform best in terms of current excess mortality. They also have the lowest vaccination rates. 

4. Interpretation of the result 

The correlation is + 0.31, is amazingly high and especially in an unexpected direction. Actually, it should be negative, so that one could say: The higher the vaccination rate, the lower the excess mortality. However, the opposite is the case and this urgently needs to be clarified. Excess mortality can be observed in all 16 countries. The number of Covid deaths reported by the RKI in the period under consideration consistently represents only a relatively small part of mortality and, above all, cannot explain the critical facts: 

The higher the vaccination rate, the higher the excess mortality. 

The most direct explanation is: 

1. Complete vaccination increases the likelihood of death. 

Of course, more indirect explanations are possible: 

2. The higher the proportion of the elderly, the higher the vaccination rate and excess mortality. Therefore, vaccination rates and excess mortality also correlate. (However, this explanation is not veryplausible, as the proportion of old people would then have changed significantly between 2016-2020 on the one hand and 2021 on the other.) 

3. Higher vaccination rates are achieved by increased stress and anxiety in the country concerned and the latter lead to increased numbers of deaths. 

Further explanations are by no means excluded. Some of these may also be supported by figures and should be further investigated. We are very grateful for suggestions of this kind. 


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The US, Bahrain, the UAE and Israel launched a joint drill in the Red Sea November 11. The Jewish state has conducted drills with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) before, but it is the first time the Israel’s navy takes part in any kind of public military cooperation with Bahrain. Emirati authorities in Abu Dhabi had been advancing a covert anti-Iranian military alliance with Tel Aviv for decades, but such has only come to surface after the Abraham Accords. Earlier last month, UAE authorities attended air exercises in Israel – the US, Germany and France also took part.

This joint naval drill took place just over a year after UAE and Bahrain normalized ties with Israel, in the context of the aforementioned agreements. Morocco and Sudan both recognized Israel the same year, too, in exchange for political favors: the former got ex-president Donald Trump’s support for its claim over Western Sahara, while the latter was removed from the US list of States Sponsors of Terror. Trump in fact gave the Abraham Accords agreement a central place in its foreign policy, something which Joe Biden has inherited.

Since February, Israel and Iran have been engaging in what some analysts describe as a kind of “shadow war”, with vessels being under attack. This drill is thus meant to send a message to Tehran. There is a new oil diplomacy and there are new oil wars today. The Iran-backed Houthi rebels from Yemen, for example, have also been targeting oil shipments. At this time tensions in general are on the rise in the Red Sea and also in North Africa in general.

The Red Sea is of course a conduit for a large part of the world’s oil trade, and both the UAE and Bahrain take part in the conflict against the Houthi rebels. So, the location choice for the joint naval exercise in early November is quite significant in itself.

Vice Adm. Brad Cooper, commander of the US 5th Fleet – which led the drill – stated that “Maritime collaboration helps safeguard freedom of navigation and the free flow of trade, which are essential to regional security and stability”. He also stated: “We have an interest in Bab el-Mandab, which affects the freedom of movement of the State of Israel, and we need to push back Iran’s presence, and there are other countries that are also partners to this threat”, referring to the strait that connects the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden.

From an Israeli perspective, however, there are also other issues besides Iran. At the beginning of the month, a deal was signed between Israel’s state-owned Europe-Asia Pipeline Company – EAPC – (formerly the Eilat Ashkelon Pipeline Company – EAPC)  and MED-RED Land Bridge, a company with Israeli and Emirati owners. The agreement would allow huge amounts of Gulf oil to be shipped through a pipeline running from the southern Israeli port city of Eilat, located on the Red Sea, to Ashkelon, on the Israeli Mediterranean coast.

However, the Environmental Protection Ministry of Israel notified the EAPC that it would not grant permits for the plan over concerns about increasing the amount of oil being transported in the aging pipeline – which was already responsible for a great oil spill in 2011 (into the Evrona reserve, in the Arava Desert), a disaster whose damage is still felt today.

If environmental concerns are overcome, such Eilat-Ashkelon development would allow Israel to become a kind of a “vessel” for Arab oil, thereby diminishing the Turkish role in this regard, according to an anonymous source in the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as published in a September 2020 piece by the Asia Times. Such a plan would provide an overland route to ship Gulf oil to Europe, and could even provide an alternative route to Egypt’s Suez Canal, Israeli authorities hope, even though its capacity is no match for the former.

Open negotiations started October 2020, after the normalization agreement in August. A month earlier, Chevron had become the first major energy enterprise to enter Israel’s market, after years of Israeli isolation pertaining to the international gas and oil markets. The Eilat-Ashkelon pipeline was built by Tel Aviv and Tehran in the 1960s, but after the 1979 Iranian Revolution, when the two nations became enemies, it was nationalized by Israel.

Israel in fact aspires to become a petroleum transportation and storage superpower, even though environmental, geopolitical and even infra-structure issues pose challenges – the condition of the EAPC pipeline, for instance, has been described by environmental groups as “old and corroding”. In January 2020, then Israeli Prime-Minister Benjamin Netanyahu signed an agreement with his Cypriot and Greek counterparts for an EastMed pipeline to ship gas from the three countries to Europe via the Greek island of Crete. This deal goes to counter some regional Turkish interests and plans in the context of an increasingly aggressive Ankara – in the same way the very Israeli-Emirati normalization deal was a blow to Turkey’s aspirations, too.

Another Tel Avivi’s ambitious project involves constructing, together with Abu Dhabi,  a land pipeline connecting Israel itself with Saudi Arabia to transport oil and distillates onto Europe using the Eilat Ashkelon Pipeline structure, thus bypassing the Suez Canal. There were high level meetings on this regard in September 2020 but the issue seems to have not advanced ever since. It remains to be seen how the possible Saudi Arabian-Iran rapprochement could impact Israeli-Saudi bilateral relations, including such plans.

To sum it up, Israel has major geostrategic oil and gas interests pertaining to connecting the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, as part of its regional competition with Turkey – and they depend on some level of stability on the Red Sea. The recent joint naval exercise on the region must be seen under this light, too. This is a topic that concerns both Tehran and Ankara, and certainly hampers Qatar’s recent efforts to mediate between Gulf countries and, on the other side, Iran as well as Turkey.


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Uriel Araujo is a researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts.

Featured image: Navy & Air Force Co-op in Red Sea (Source: Israel Defense Forces/IDF Spokesperson’s Unit/Flickr)

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The brown line represents weekly deaths from all causes of vaccinated people aged 10-59, per 100,000 people.

The blue line represents weekly deaths from all causes of unvaccinated people per 100,000 in the same age range.

I have checked the underlying dataset myself and this graph is correct. Vaccinated people under 60 are twice as likely to die as unvaccinated people. And overall deaths in Britain are running well above normal.

I don’t know how to explain this other than vaccine-caused mortality.

The basic data is available here, download the Excel file and see table 4.


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The usual suspects tried everything against Yemen.

First, coercing it into ‘structural reform.’ When that didn’t work, they instrumentalized takfiri mercenaries. They infiltrated and manipulated the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), ISIS. They used US drones and occasional marines.

And then, in 2015, they went Total Warfare: a UN-backed rogue coalition started bombing and starving Yemenis into submission – with barely a peep from the denizens of the ‘rules-based international order.’

The coalition – House of Saud, Qatar, UAE, US, UK – for all practical purposes, embarked on a final solution for Yemen.

Sovereignty and unity were never part of the deal. Yet soon the project stalled. Saudis and Emiratis were fighting each other for primacy in southern and eastern Yemen using mercenaries. In April 2017, Qatar clashed with both Saudis and Emiratis. The coalition started to unravel.

Now we reach a crucial inflexion point. Yemeni Armed Forces and allied fighters from Popular Committees, backed by a coalition of tribes, including the very powerful Murad, are on the verge of liberating strategic, oil and natural gas-rich Marib – the last stronghold of the House of Saud-backed mercenary army.

Tribal leaders are in the capital Sanaa talking to the quite popular Ansarallah movement to organize a peaceful takeover of Marib. So this process is in effect the result of a wide-ranging national interest deal between the Houthis and the Murad tribe.

The House of Saud, for its part, is allied with the collapsing forces behind former president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, as well as political parties such as Al-Islah, Yemen’s Muslim Brotherhood. They have been incapable of resisting Ansarallah.

A repeat scenario is now playing in the western coastal port of Hodeidah, where takfiri mercenaries have vanished from the province’s southern and eastern districts.

Yemen’s Defense Minister Mohammad al-Atefi, talking to Lebanon’s al-Akhbar newspaper, stressed that, “according to strategic and military implications…we declare to the whole world that the international aggression against Yemen has already been defeated.”

It’s not a done deal yet – but we’re getting there.

Hezbollah, via its Executive Council Chairman Hashim Safieddine, adds to the context, stressing how the current diplomatic crisis between Lebanon and Saudi Arabia is directly linked to Mohammad bin Salman’s (MbS) fear and impotence when confronted with the liberation of strategic Marib and Hezbollah’s unwavering support for Yemen throughout the war.

A fabricated ‘civil war’

So how did we get here?

Venturing beyond the excellent analysis by Karim Shami here on The Cradle, some geoeconomic background is essential to understanding what’s really going on in Yemen.

For at least half a millennium before the Europeans started to show up, the ruling classes in southern Arabia built the area into a prime hub of intellectual and commercial exchange. Yemen became the prized destination of Prophet Muhammad’s descendants; by the 11th century they had woven solid spiritual and intellectual links with the wider world.

By the end of the 19th century, as noted in Isa Blumi’s outstanding Destroying Yemen (University of California Press, 2018), a “remarkable infrastructure that harnessed seasonal rains to produce a seemingly endless amount of wealth attracted no longer just disciples and descendants of prophets, but aggressive agents of capital seeking profits.”

Soon we had Dutch traders venturing on terraced hills covered in coffee beans clashing with Ottoman Janissaries from Crimea, claiming them for the Sultan in Istanbul.

By the post-modern era, those “aggressive agents of capital seeking profits” had reduced Yemen to one of the advanced battlegrounds of the toxic mix between neoliberalism and Wahhabism.

The Anglo-American axis, since the Afghan jihad in the 1980s, promoted, financed and instrumentalized an essentialist, ahistorical version of ‘Islam’ that was simplistically reduced to Wahhabism: a deeply reactionary social engineering movement led by an antisocial front based in Arabia.

That operation shaped a shallow version of Islam sold to western public opinion as antithetical to universal – as in ‘rules-based international order’ – values. Hence, essentially anti-progressive. Yemen was at the frontline of this cultural and historical perversion.

Yet the promoters of the war unleashed in 2015 – a gloomy celebration of humanitarian imperialism, complete with carpet bombing, embargoes, and widespread forced starvation – did not factor in the role of the Yemeni Resistance. Much as it happened with the Taliban in Afghanistan.

The war was a perverse manipulation by US, UK, French, Israeli and minions Saudi, Emirati and Qatari intel agencies. It was never a ‘civil war’ – as the hegemonic narrative goes – but an engineered project to reverse the gains of Yemen’s own ‘Arab Spring.’

The target was to return Yemen back to a mere satellite in Saudi Arabia’s backyard. And to ensure that Yemenis never dare to even dream of regaining their historic role as the economic, spiritual, cultural and political reference for a great deal of the Indian Ocean universe.

Add to the narrative the simplistic trope of blaming Shia Iran for supporting the Houthis. When it was clear that coalition mercenaries would fail to stop the Yemeni Resistance, a new narrative was birthed: the war was important to provide ‘security’ for the Saudi hacienda facing an ‘Iran-backed’ enemy.

That’s how Ansarallah became cast as Shia Houthis fighting Saudis and local ‘Sunni’ proxies. Context was thrown to the dogs, as in the vast, complex differences between Muslims in Yemen – Sufis of various orders, Zaydis (Houthis, the backbone of the Ansarallah movement, are Zaydis), Ismailis, and Shafii Sunnis – and the wider Islamic world.

Yemen goes BRI

So the whole Yemen story, once again, is essentially a tragic chapter of Empire attempting to plunder Third World/Global South wealth.

The House of Saud played the role of vassals seeking rewards. They do need it, as the House of Saud is in desperate financial straits that include subsidizing the US economy via mega-contracts and purchasing US debt.

The bottom line: the House of Saud won’t survive unless it dominates Yemen. The future of MBS is totally leveraged on winning his war, not least to pay his bills for western weapons and technical assistance already used. There are no definitive figures, but according to a western intel source close to the House of Saud, that bill amounted to at least $500 billion by 2017.

The stark reality made plain by the alliance between Ansarallah and major tribes is that Yemen refuses to surrender its national wealth to subsidize the Empire’s desperate need of liquidity, collateral for new infusions of cash, and thirst for commodities. Stark reality has absolutely nothing to do with the imperial narrative of Yemen as ‘pre-modern tribal traditions’ averse to change, thus susceptible to violence and mired in endless ‘civil war.’

And that brings us to the enticing ‘another world is possible’ angle when the Yemeni Resistance finally extricates the nation from the grip of the hawkish, crumbling neoliberal/Wahhabi coalition.

As the Chinese very well know, Yemen is rich not only in the so far unexplored oil and gas reserves, but also in gold, silver, zinc, copper and nickel.

Beijing also knows all there is to know about the ultra-strategic Bab al Mandab between Yemen’s southwestern coast and the Horn of Africa. Moreover, Yemen boasts a series of strategically located Indian Ocean ports and Red Sea ports on the way to the Mediterranean, such as Hodeidah.

Photo Credit: The Cradle

These waterways practically scream Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and especially the Maritime Silk Road – with Yemeni ports complementing China’s only overseas naval base in Djibouti, where roads and railways connect to Ethiopia.

The Ansarallah–tribal alliance may even, in the medium to long term, exercise full control for access to the Suez Canal.

One very possible scenario is Yemen joining the ‘string of pearls’ – ports linked by the BRI across the Indian Ocean. There will, of course, be major pushback by proponents of the ‘Indo-Pacific’ agenda. That’s where the Iranian connection enters the picture.

BRI in the near future will feature the progressive interconnection between the China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) – with a special role for the port of Gwadar – and the emerging China–Iran corridor that will traverse Afghanistan. The port of Chabahar in Iran, only 80 km away from Gwadar, will also bloom, whether by definitive commitments by India or a possible future takeover by China.

Warm links between Iran and Yemen will translate into renewed Indian Ocean trade, without Sanaa depending on Tehran, as it is essentially self-sufficient in energy and already manufactures its own weapons. Unlike the Saudi vassals of Empire, Iran will certainly invest in the Yemeni economy.

The Empire will not take any of this lightly. There are plenty of similarities with the Afghan scenario. Afghanistan is now set to be integrated into the New Silk Roads – a commitment shared by the SCO. Now it’s not so far-fetched to picture Yemen as a SCO observer, integrated to BRI and profiting from Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) packages. Stranger things have happened in the ongoing Eurasia saga.


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This article was originally published on The Cradle.

Pepe Escobar, born in Brazil, is a correspondent and editor-at-large at Asia Times and columnist for Consortium News and Strategic Culture in Moscow. Since the mid-1980s he’s lived and worked as a foreign correspondent in London, Paris, Milan, Los Angeles, Singapore, Bangkok. He has extensively covered Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia to China, Iran, Iraq and the wider Middle East. Pepe is the author of Globalistan – How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War; Red Zone Blues: A Snapshot of Baghdad during the Surge. He was contributing editor to The Empire and The Crescent and Tutto in Vendita in Italy. His last two books are Empire of Chaos and 2030. Pepe is also associated with the Paris-based European Academy of Geopolitics. When not on the road he lives between Paris and Bangkok.

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: If Ansarallah and the Yemeni army win this war, Yemen could emerge as the region’s main Arab maritime hub Photo Credit: The Cradle

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Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that the West isn’t taking his country’s “red lines” seriously and the US and its allies could be about to sleepwalk into a dangerous conflict with the world’s largest nuclear power.

Red lines are about deterrence. The purpose of drawing them in the first place is to communicate crucial security interests and the severe consequences that would ensue if they were undermined. In essence, Moscow’s ultimatums are intended to stop the West from making a dangerous miscalculation.

Deterrence rests on the three Cs: capability, credibility, and communication. Russia has the military capability to act if its red lines are crossed, it’s demonstrated credibility in terms of its preparedness to act on threats, and it knows the specifics must be communicated clearly to avoid the West making any mis-steps that would necessitate a forceful response. However, the weakness in its red lines is the current lack of detail as to what would happen if another nation took a step too far.

Fighting NATO’s ‘salami tactics’

Red lines must be specific, as they are a countermove against the slow creep of Western foreign policy, which deploys ‘salami tactics.’ These, as the name suggests, entail conquest via the cutting off of thin slices. No one action is so outrageous it forms the pretext for war, but, one day, you turn around and realize how much ground you’ve lost.

Salami tactics are an appealing option for expansionist actors like NATO, which pursues limited and repetitive expansions to gradually create new realities on the ground. Such tactics avoid rapid escalation and mute opposition from adversaries and allies alike, as complaints can be ridiculed and the response from opponents denounced as disproportionate.

NATO is a master of salami tactics. Initially, the bloc promised it would not expand one inch to the east. Thereafter, its Partnership for Peace was established and sold to the Russians as an alternative to expansion, although it ultimately became a stepping stone to expansion by aligning the armed forces in Central and Eastern European states with NATO standards.

The bloc expanded in 1999 as Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic joined, although it was suggested that this alone would not drastically change the balance of power. Furthermore, the West attempted to mitigate Russia’s apprehensions by establishing the NATO-Russia Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation, and Security, which guaranteed there would be no “permanent stationing of substantial combat forces” in the new member states. Fast-forward a few years and 11 more countries had joined the bloc, there were no pretenses about honoring the Founding Act because military bases and missiles were being developed in Poland and Romania, and NATO had its eyes set on Ukraine.

NATO’s illegal invasion of Yugoslavia also followed the usual salami tactics. After the invasion, it gained some legal cover and implicit Russian consent by obtaining a UN mandate in June 1999 for the occupation of Kosovo under the specific condition of upholding Yugoslavia’s territorial integrity. The occupation was instead used to change realities on the ground, and, in 2008, the majority of member states recognized the independence of Kosovo in violation of international law.

NATO’s missile defense system was, similarly, a prime example of salami tactics. In 2007, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice mocked Russian concerns about the basing of 10 interceptive missiles in Eastern Europe as “purely ludicrous, and everybody knows it.” However, within a few years, the number of planned interceptive missiles had risen to several hundred. NATO proposals for cooperating with Russia to alleviate Moscow’s concerns were aimed at scaling back opposition while cutting another slice. Former US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates confirmed in his memoirs that the US was “just kicking the can down the road on missile defense, playing for time. The Russians recognized that they were being presented with a fait accompli.”

Red lines counter salami tactics by clearly communicating that even a minor step past a point will trigger a major response. Yet red lines often struggle to garner credibility precisely because they appear disproportionate – for example, would either NATO or Russia really risk nuclear war over Eastern Ukraine? However, as Putin stated in his Crimean re-unification speech in March 2014: “Russia found itself in a position it could not retreat from. If you compress the spring all the way to its limit, it will snap back hard. You must always remember this.”

Red lines in Ukraine

NATO and Russia certainly now appear to be heading towards war in Ukraine. Every meeting, phone call, and summit result in a commitment to the statement that there is “no alternative to the Minsk Agreement.” The Minsk Agreement identifies two conflicting parties, Kiev and Donbass, and the first action to be taken was identified as immediately establishing a dialogue between them to work out the constitutional changes that would grant autonomy to Donbass. Yet Kiev has stated in no uncertain terms that it will not talk to Donbass and thus not implement the agreement, and the NATO powers have demonstrated that they do not intend to push it into abiding by it. If the agreement is rejected and no alternative is established, then war becomes the only possible outcome.

With no real intention of implementing the agreement, NATO instead pushed to change realities on the ground. Over the past seven years, Western nations have imposed sanctions on Russia and provided aid and weapons to Ukraine. In March and April, Ukraine began to mobilize its troops on one side of Donbass in preparation for a military solution, which was deterred by a Russian military build-up on the other side of Donbass. War was avoided because Biden contacted Putin and called for a de-escalation, proclaiming Washington’s usual empty commitment to the agreement.

As always, the incremental expansion continues. NATO countries are not asking Kiev to establish dialogue with Donbass in accordance with the Minsk Agreement, but instead insist now that this is merely a conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Meanwhile, the US has announced that the door is open for Ukraine’s NATO membership. Member states are either ignoring or supporting Kiev’s drone strikes and other attacks on Donbass. Western warships and warplanes are patrolling ever closer along Russia’s Black Sea borders, and Western soldiers are sent to Ukraine on training missions that could be used as ‘trip wires’ that could drag the entire bloc into a war if Russia intervenes. At the center of all of this is Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who is becoming increasingly emboldened to attack Donbass with the expectation of NATO support.

Russia has laid down red lines against further NATO salami tactics. However, as these red lines continue not to be respected, it would appear that war is becoming increasingly unavoidable.


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Glenn Diesen, Professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway and an editor at the Russia in Global Affairs journal. Follow him on Twitter @glenn_diesen.

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Using more sensitive and predictive biomarkers of heart function, cardiologists have produced startling data which suggests all Covid-19 vaccination should come to a halt.

Steven Gundry MD, renowned cardiac surgeon, known more by the public for his dietary advice to avoid toxic lectins in foods and his book entitled THE PLANT PARADOX, has issued a precautionary red flag for Covid-19-vaccinated patients and those still considering vaccination, given that a sophisticated prognostic test used by his medical group indicates Covid-19 RNA vaccines increase the 5-year risk of the most feared type of acute heart attack from 11% to 25%!  The report is published in a recent edition of CIRCULATION, a publication of the American Heart Association.

The data

Dr. Gundry reports his medical group has conducted the highly predictive PULS biomarker test on 566 patients.  The PULS test generates a score predicting the 5-year risk (percentage of chance) of a new Acute Coronary Syndrome, defined as a range of conditions that are associated with sudden, reduced blood flow to the heart most often caused by a plaque rupture or clot formation in the heart’s arteries.

The PULS cardiac test assesses parameters such as inflammation (interleukin-16 or IL-16), cell death (Fas cell apoptosis), HGF (Hepatocyte Growth Factor or HGF that gauges the movement of T-cells—a type of white blood cells generated by the thymus gland). This score is usually assessed every 3-6 months among at-risk patients.  This data may explain the observed heart problems following Covid-19 vaccination.

PULS TEST: Increase in cardiac risks with RNA Covid—19 Vaccination

  • Inflammation (IL-16): rose from 35 to 82
  • Cell death (apoptosis Fas): rose from 22 to 46
  • HGF (T-cell movement): rose from 42 to 86

The overall PULS score rose from 11% five-year risk to 25% five-year risk!

Dr. Gundry indicates an ominous change in these PULS scores was first noted with the advent of RNA Covid-19 vaccines.  These changes were seen in most vaccinated subjects, his report notes.

The biomarkers

The PULS test (Global Discovery Biosciences, Irvine, CA) is widely used by cardiologists.

The PULS test actually measures nine different parameters, in particular the immune response which is activated in response to coronary artery injury.

Unstable cardiac lesions are reported to cause 75% of all heart attacks.  A rupture is the most common cause of acute heart attacks.  These unstable lesions in a coronary artery may also lead to heart failure and blood clotting (thrombosis) and may account for these very same problems noted among vaccinated individuals.

Denials by public health authorities

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) concedes inflammation (myocarditis) of the heart muscle and inflammation of the lining that surrounds the heart (pericarditis) occur after Covid-19 vaccination.  According to the CDC these adverse events occur more often after the 2nd dose and within a week of vaccination.  Chest pain, shortness of breath and feeling the heart is beating overly fast are symptoms.  The CDC maintains the known risks of Covid-19 illness “far outweigh” the potential risk of having a “rare adverse reaction” like myocarditis/pericarditis.

According to a review of 2.5 million mRNA vaccinated subjects age 16 and older in Israel, 54 cases of myocarditis (2.13 cases per 100,000 vaccinated persons) were reported.  Reviewers claim most cases of carditis are mild and rare, and “benefits of Covid-19 vaccine greatly outweigh the risks.”  The Myocarditis Foundation also brushes off cases of myocarditis following vaccination, classifying them as “rare.”

These denials were issued prior to publication of Dr. Gundry’s report.

Contrary data; why vaccinate at all?

Contrary data reveals 99% of Covid-19 infected individuals developed antibodies on their own without the need for vaccination.  According to a report published at, health authorities continue to ignore natural Covid-19 immunity as 90-99% of people who recover from Covid-19 infection “astonishingly have a low frequency or repeat infection, disease or death.”

Covid-19 is not the mutated virus that public health authorities said humans have no immunity towards.  School-age children (over age 5) have received so many immunizations that they have developed what is called trained immunity and exhibit no or few symptoms upon infection with Covid-19.

Vaccine mandates are threatened and Americans coerced by employers to vaccinate when an authoritative study published in Science magazine concludes: “the majority of people infected with the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 will produce robust protective antibodies, which will likely protect from reinfection.”

The CDC does not collect data on natural immunity.

The director of the National Institute of Infectious Disease concedes, upon direct questioning, that the Covid-19 RNA vaccine do not reliably protect their recipients from serious Covid or death (“seeing a waning of immunity not only against infection but against hospitalization and some extent death which is starting to now involve all age groups.”)

Even vaccinated doctors are reported to be dying, not just having relapses.

What to do

Given that millions of Americans have been vaccinated for Covid-19 who are not likely to go to a cardiologist for the PULS test, or have no access to the test in their geographical area, and many vaccinated individuals may not even have a cardiologist; and considering 200 million vaccinated Americans may over-run the offices of the nation’s 33,000 cardiologists, which would amount to ~6000 patients per cardiologist which would backlog their office appointment books by over a year, other preventive measures may need to be taken.

Given that vaccinated patients may not desire or may not be able to undergo the PULS test, this journalist calls attention to the work of Dr. Linus Pauling and Dr. Matthias Rath, who showed vitamin C is required to heal coronary arteries that feed the heart with oxygenated blood, and that a deficiency of vitamin C allows a blood protein known as lipoprotein(a) to serve as a sticky bandage for damaged coronary arteries.  However, lipoprotein(a) may then induce blood clots due to its stickiness and may close off oxygenated blood altogether (the so-called widow-maker heart attack).

Elevated lipoprotein(a) blood levels are found among patients with acute coronary syndrome, which the PULS test assesses.

Dr. Matthias Rath went a step further and showed animals that produce vitamin C internally do not develop these rupture-type heart attacks.  Dr. Rath authored a book WHY ANIMALS DON’T GET HEART ATTACKS BUT PEOPLE DO.

Despite a new drug to lower lipoprotein(a) now being available, it is futile to attempt to lower lipoprotein(a) levels.  Maintaining vitamin C blood levels is the most efficacious way to prevent lipoprotein(a) induced heart attacks.

Dr. Steve Hickey of Manchester England and author of the book THE VITAMIN CURE FOR HEART DISEASE, suggests 500 milligrams of vitamin C taken 5 times throughout the day, given that vitamin C is rapidly excreted in urine.

Another novel way to maintain vitamin C levels is to restore internal synthesis in the liver which the human species lost many centuries ago.  A gene mutation blocks production of an enzyme that converts blood sugar to vitamin C.  A novel dietary supplement has been demonstrated to correct this problem and doubles 24-hour vitamin C levels without vitamin C itself.

A second-level preventive would be to inhibit blood clots from forming.  Both fibrin and platelet clots are formed following vaccination.  A blood test called D-dimer indicates whether fresh blood clots are forming following vaccination.  Covid-19 vaccinated patients may want to ask their doctor about this test.

Until a cardiologist can assess risk, natural blood thinners may be employed, such as the long-acting enzyme nattokinase, available at health shops.  More information is also available.

The red wine molecule resveratrol is a natural blood thinner and lower D-dimer levels.

A third tier of protection is to utilize resveratrol to produce what is called cardiac preconditioning.  Resveratrol has been demonstrated to avert heart muscle damage following a heart attack (blockage of oxygenated blood to the heart) by pre-activating internal enzymatic antioxidants.  The result is the heart can withstand periods of low or no oxygenation without sustaining damage.  Even one brand of resveratrol in a matrix of other natural molecules has demonstrated this pre-heart attack protection in an animal study, protecting the heart in a superior manner to resveratrol alone.  The proper dosage is critical to produce the protective effect.

Resveratrol naturally lowers lipoprotein(a) levelsResveratrol also blocks all manner of Covid-19 pathology.


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Bill Sardi, writing from La Verne, California.

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National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins has angrily called for anyone who spreads “misinformation” about COVID-19 online to be “brought to justice.”

“Conspiracies are winning here. Truth is losing. That’s a really serious indictment of the way in which our society seems to be traveling,” Collins told the Washington Post.

Citing an onslaught of angry messages directed at Dr. Anthony Fauci, who Collins appears to believe is above criticism, the bureaucrat demanded that those responsible for such behavior should be identified and “brought to justice.”

The article cited one such example of “misinformation” being Fauci’s involvement in barbaric experiments conducted on dogs by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), despite the fact that such cruelty factually occurred under Fauci’s leadership.

While Collins didn’t specify precisely what he meant by “brought to justice,” Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla previously asserted that individuals who spread false information about COVID vaccines are “criminals” who “have literally cost millions of lives.”

That’s an interesting benchmark given that it was once considered false to claim that COVID vaccines didn’t stop the vaccinated spreading COVID, which is now an all too obvious fact.

Quite what constitutes “misinformation” about COVID-19 is anyone’s guess given that several things that turned out to be plausible or true, such as the origin of the virus behind the Wuhan lab, were once deemed to be “misinformation.”

It seems likely that whatever the National Institutes of Health, Anthony Fauci or Pfizer deem to be “misinformation” will become the standard.

As we previously highlighted, efforts to brand those who question the safety and efficacy of products manufactured by pharmaceutical corporations that have been plagued by a myriad of historical scandals are also underway in the UK.

The Online Safety Bill, described as “the flagship legislation to combat abuse and hatred on the internet,” will apparently include a provision that jails “antivaxers spreading false information that they know to be untrue” for a period of two years.


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The American Medical Association reported that 96% of U.S. doctors were vaccinated in June. Even with a 20-point error margin, accounting for saline/placebo shots and exemptions, a vast majority of doctors have received the shots. It’s only fair since doctors peddle the injections to their unwitting, credulous fanatics who worship the white coats.

Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences. We all know that. But you can literally search keywords like “died suddenly” and “died unexpectedly” in Yahoo, Bing, DuckDuckGo, etc. and find endless stories like the following. Booster shots commenced on September 22. That could also be a coincidence. But all of the following doctors died on October 13 or later.

We could literally include 100 doctors in this story if time permitted. All of these happened in the last four weeks. The youngest is 32. The oldest is 59.

Dr. Kevin Walsh – Roanoke, Virginia

WDBJ 7 in Roanoke reported that Dr. William Kevin Walsh passed away “suddenly” and “unexpectedly”on October 29 at the age of 51. He was an OB-GYN with a private practice. Dr. Walsh was also affiliated with LewisGale Medical Center.  He is survived by his wife and five children.

Dr. Walsh advocated for “vaccines” and equated COVID-19 to polio on Facebook just six weeks before his death.

Dr. Justin Nasser – Benowa, Queensland (Australia)

It’s not just happening in the United States. Dr. Justin Nasser “died unexpectedly of a heart attack” on November 14, according to the Gold Coast Bulletin. He was 52 years old. The Bulletin also described his death as “sudden.” Dr. Nasser was an OB-GYN at Gold Coast University Hospital and medical director of Swell Women’s Ultrasound. He is survived by his wife and three children.

Queensland, and all other Australian states, require mRNA or viral vector DNA injections for all healthcare workers. Only 4% of Gold Coast University Hospital staff failed to comply as of November 2, according to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC).

Dr. Stephanie Bosch – Waldport, Oregon

Dr. Stephanie Allison Bosch died “suddenly and unexpectedly” of a pulmonary embolism on October 13, according to Yachats News. She was just 32 years old. Dr. Bosch finished her residency just three years ago. She was a general practitioner at Samaritan Waldport Clinic since 2018. Dr. Bosch is survived by both parents and several siblings.

Pulmonary embolisms are known and common adverse effects from the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. All Oregon healthcare workers were required to be “fully vaccinated” by October 18. Oregon is also the only state that we know of with an outdoor mask mandate.

Dr. Craig Shannon – Poughkeepsie, New York

Dr. Craig Michael Shannon passed away at his home on October 29. He was 42. Dr. Shannon was a neurosurgeon at Vassar Brothers Medical Center in Poughkeepsie. He was apparently well-liked by his patients, as you cannot find one negative thing about him online.

The U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the New York vaccine mandate for healthcare workers on November 4. The Court denied the Petitioner’s motion for preliminary injunction. The two original cases are remanded back to their respective lower courts to litigate the cases’ merits. All New York healthcare workers were required to be “fully vaccinated” by October 7.

Two different obituaries imply that Dr. Shannon died from non-Hodgkin lymphoma. But he died in his home. If he had advanced, aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma, he would have died in a hospital or in hospice, not at home. Dr. Shannon is survived by his wife and both parents.

Dr. Elliott Gagnon – Wasilla, Alaska

Dr. Elliott Gagnon “passed away unexpectedly at his home” on October 14, according to the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman. He was 48. Dr. Gagnon was a plastic surgeon with his own private practice. He was also affiliated with Mat-Su Regional Medical Center.

A Facebook post on his private practice page says Dr. Gagnon “passed away suddenly.”

Alaska is one of several states involved in lawsuits to halt the Joe Biden so-called vaccine mandate. Alaska healthcare workers are not required to receive the injections at this time. Gagnon Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery required masks to enter the establishment. There was no vaccine mandate for entry. But the practice appeared to promote injections for kids.

Dr. Gagnon is survived by his wife, Janel, and two kids. Janel, who was also the office manager at the private practice, is in the process of closing it down. She received one of her injections in May.

Dr. Daniel McBride – West Hatfield, Massachusetts

Dr. Daniel Gene McBride died of a heart attack after a 16-mile bike ride on October 20, according to his obituary. He was a general orthopedic surgeon at Cooley Dickinson Hospital. Dr. McBride, 59, is survived by his wife and son.

His obituary says he was an “avid bicyclist” who participated in competitive events. Dr. McBride was also a runner and skier. He was healthy. We’ve covered several stories of people dying after exercising in this COVID vaccine era. Mass General Brigham, the parent company of Cooley Dickinson, requires all healthcare workers to receive the injections. The company reported 97% compliance on October 15.

Dr. Janak Patel – Marietta, Ohio

Dr. Janak R. Patel “suffered sudden death” on October 28, according to WTAP News. He was 55. Dr. Patel was doing his normal routine as an emergency room doctor at Memorial Marietta Hospital when he was “found down and unable to be resuscitated.” He is survived by his wife and three children.

All Memorial Marietta healthcare workers are required to have at least one dose of the injections by December 5, according to Becker’s Hospital Review. Protesters gathered in front of the hospital last Friday, expressing their displeasure with the mandates.

Future of healthcare

The powers-that-be know that vaccine mandates for healthcare workers lead to mass shortages of qualified personnel due to injuries and deaths. Many healthcare workers are quitting to avoid the injections, leading to even more shortages. There’s also the influx of vaxx-injured patients. Even NPR admitted that hospitals are overrun with seriously ill people who do not have COVID-19. It’s shaping up to be a situation with millions of sick people and nobody to help them (not that doctors are helping vaxx-injured people now anyway).

Healthcare will mostly be digitized by 2030. Transhumans and “GMO humans” will be the majority in Western countries. Birthrates will grind to a halt due to mass infertility, a common trait for GMO-humans. Medicine will be impersonal and mechanical. Direct human interaction will be minimal or nonexistent.’

Military personnel and equipment will inevitably start filling healthcare positions in civilian settings, likely sooner rather than later. Critical thinkers should have already been preparing for this. Avoid doctors at all costs. Keep your weight down and Vitamin D and C levels up. Exercise your heart, get adequate sleep and even meditate 2-3 times a week. Avoiding doctors is a matter of life and death in 2021. Death by doctor is disgraceful. It’s best to die with dignity when the time comes.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.


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Fetal deaths following COVID-19 shots injected into pregnant women continue to increase, as there are now 2,620 fetal deaths reported in VAERS (the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System).

When we run the exact same search in VAERS and exclude the COVID-19 shots, we find 2,225 fetal deaths following ALL vaccines injected into pregnant women for the past 30+ years. (Source.)

We are currently on pace to see a yearly total of 2,838 recorded fetal deaths following COVID-19 shots, while the yearly average of recorded fetal deaths following the vaccination of pregnant women for the past 30 years has been an average of 74 fetal deaths per year.

Last month (October, 2021) the New England Journal of Medicine admitted that the original study used to justify the CDC and the FDA in recommending the shots to pregnant women was flawed. (Source.)

Since then, researchers in New Zealand have conducted a new study on the original data, and concluded:

A re-analysis of these figures indicates a cumulative incidence of spontaneous abortion ranging from 82% (104/127) to 91% (104/114), 7–8 times higher than the original authors’ results. (Source.)

The CDC and FDA recommended the shots for pregnant women, even though a correct analysis on the original data shows that 82% to 91% of pregnant women will suffer miscarriages if their unborn child is less than 20 weeks old. (Source.)

And yet the CDC and FDA continue to recommend the COVID-19 shots, which now also include booster shots from Pfizer and Moderna meaning a pregnant woman can now be injected with 3 COVID-19 shots during her pregnancy (if it lasts long enough).

Of the 2,620 fetal deaths in VAERS following COVID-19 shots, 2,015 of these fetal deaths follow Pfizer injections, and 689 of them follow the Moderna injections. (Source.)

VAERS is a passive system that is severely under reported. The CDC and FDA have never conducted a study to determine what this under-reported factor is, but independent scientists have, and we have previously published the analysis conducted by Dr. Jessica Rose, who has determined that a conservative under-reported factor would be X41. See: STUDY: Government’s Own Data Reveals that at Least 150,000 Probably DEAD in U.S. Following COVID-19 Vaccines

This means that there have probably been at least 107,420 fetal deaths following COVID-19 injections so far. And how many of these women will be able to get pregnant again?

How is this not headline news?? Even in the Alternative Media, as far as I know I am the only one digging out these fetal deaths contained in the government’s own data following COVID-19 injections and publishing them.

And now it is being reported in Scotland that they are recognizing this spike in deaths in newborn babies, and they have launched an investigation to try to figure out why so many newborn babies are dying.

The Hearld in Scotland reports:

An investigation has been launched into a spike in deaths among newborn babies in Scotland.

Control and warning limits are designed to flag up to public health teams when neonatal, stillbirth or other infant deaths are occurring at unexpectedly high or low levels which may not be due to chance.

Although the rate fluctuates month to month, the figure for September – at 4.9 per 1000 live births – is on a par with levels that were last typically seen in the late 1980s.

Public Health Scotland (PHS), which is one of the bodies currently investigating the spike, said the fact that the upper control limit has been exceeded “indicates there is a higher likelihood that there are factors beyond random variation that may have contributed to the number of deaths that occurred.” (Full article.)

Do you think these public health officials in the UK will look at the COVID-19 shots being injected into pregnant women as a potential cause?

I seriously doubt it, but the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA shots are also being used in the UK, along with the AstraZeneca shot, and it is pure insanity not to consider these experimental injections as being linked to these infant deaths, and this should have happened months ago!

Here is a Funeral Director whistleblower in the UK explaining the increase in dead newborn babies they are now seeing. This is on our Bitchute channel.

Here is a video report we made last month with some very unfortunate gruesome examples of what these shots are doing to unborn babies.


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A Rock and a Hard Place in India

November 22nd, 2021 by Colin Todhunter

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Prior to the COVID-related restrictions and lockdowns, I had spent a substantial part of every year in India since 1995 (25 consecutive years). Much has happened in that time and I have been observing, analysing and commentating extensively on developments there, especially the devastating agrarian crisis.

While veteran rural affairs reporter P Sainath has described rural India as arguably the most fascinating place on the planet, urban India should not be overlooked. An urban landscape that continues to feed off the lifeblood of the rural. But it too has more than its fair share of beauty, happiness, misery and contradictions.

A full-force smack in the face. It’s the wall of heat that hits on exiting Chennai Central Station. Turn left then left again and it is not long before the road narrows and things get even hotter. A stone’s throw from the station and it’s off the train and into the sweltering world of Mint Street.

This isn’t the sanitised world of AC shopping-mall India that’s much celebrated by the media. It’s the earthy Sowcarpet area of north Chennai. This isn’t the place of latest fashion trends, burger dens or cool cola hang outs. It’s a world of wholesale markets, cycle rickshaws and tightly packed buildings.

This is a place of congested streets, narrow lanes and wandering cattle. The main pavement-less thoroughfare, Mint Street, is a relentless offering of temples, hardware stores, eateries and shops.

It’s a hard rock affair on Mint Street, where concrete turns to rubble and burst drains turn rubble to mud. It’s a heavy metal kitchenware delight, where at the start of the street a hundred shops and stores offer gleaming pots, pans, stoves, bowls and shiny steel utensils. A thousand meals yet to be prepared throughout the kitchens of Chennai with equipment bought on this street. A million bellies yet to be filled with idli, dosa and sambar, the holy trinity of Tamil culinary delight.

Guarded by temple priests and touched by believers, an eternal flame rages in front of Shiva’s metal trident outside a Hindu temple. It’s dusk and Mawari moneylenders’ daughters blaze into the night and possibly into your heart. Beauty exists not only inside a Hindu temple but also on the backseat of a Hero Honda.

Just another Indian street where cows compete with vegetable stalls, where people jostle with vehicles, where men haul heavy loads for quenching the insatiable needs of the masses? Not really. Mint Street may well be a hot and bothered affair and might fray the nerves, but it’s Chennai’s special street. It’s the world in one place.

Busy street in Old Delhi - India | A calm respite from the s… | Flickr

Source: Erik Törner, Sweden ([email protected])

Maybe it is more apt to state that it’s where different parts of India have come together to produce a uniquely Tamilian cocktail with intriguing Gujarati and Rajasthani aftertastes.

The area around Mint Street is Rajasthan by the sea, Gujarat on the Coromandel Coast, where Mawaris (an ethnic group from those two states), mostly moneylenders and businessmen, migrated to during the 20th century and even before. Where the yellow veil of the desert state still covers faces, still hangs head to toe on slender figures that glide at dusk.

Down on Mint Street, you can hear the call of Gujarat and feel the heat of Rajasthan.

Appearing out of the early morning dust, slender women with faces fully veiled and wearing lehenga choli float past in groups with babies perched on hips.

Out of Tamil Nadu and into the heart of what could be the most tradition-bound neighbourhoods of Jodphur or Bhuj within just a few minutes’ walk of Chennai’s main rail station. Even many of the store signs and name boards are in Hindi or Gujarati scripts.

Body swerve one way and then the other. There are one hundred accidents waiting to happen down these narrow lanes. Lanes without pavements, lanes without end, lanes without respite from activity and chaos.

Within a centimetre of your body and possibly an inch of your life, brightly painted trucks with ‘Blow horn at night’ painted on the rear and hand drawn pictures of frightening demons and reassuring gods growl past. Cyclists, cycle rickshaws, overloaded cycle carts packed high with boxes and men with huge, heavy sacks also rush by. They all have right of way.

Boxes containing metal pressure valves, fluorescent light tubes, surgical appliances, herbal medicines and TVs. Sacks containing flour, rice, spices and produce. Tubing made of plastic or metal. Tubing for underground cables, electrical machinery and all manner of components and parts for ships, factories and houses.

Think of anything that humanity could and does use. Then open your eyes and see, hear, feel, taste or smell it. Sacks of garlic or apples lifted on the back from trucks or cycle carts and slammed down.  Shree Grinders, Laksmi buildings, Ganesh Traders. The names of gods or symbols denoting greatness adorn the signage in this area.

An area of thousands of one-room workshops and trading offices and wholesale merchants, milling, grinding, beating, buying, selling, importing and exporting. Sheets of plastic rolled around tubes. Whole families clung around seats of mopeds.

A stray dog wanders through the jungle of legs. Its teats almost touch the floor. Another mongrel with an ear half missing munches on what must be a delectable piece of garbage.

Plastic bags containing fabrics from ‘Fancy Saree Fashion House’ dangle from arms. Bejewelled princesses glide through mud while talking on cell phones down the narrow alleys off Mint Street.

Neighbourhood centres, marriage halls and Jain and Hindu temples. Apartment blocks, back lane schools and small hospitals. Sowcarpet is not just an area of commerce and hard labour, it’s also an area of community… many communities from different regions of India, of different faiths of different appearances, of different wealth brackets.

This is an area of migrants. Migrants who originally rented rooms from local Tamil people. Many of the locals eventually sold up and moved out completely to reside elsewhere.

In what is possibly the most overcrowded part of Chennai, the buildings sprawled sideways and upwards to accommodate migrants from North India, many of whom had larger families than the original Tamil inhabitants of the area. The fact that their neighbours from towns and villages up in Gujarat, Rajasthan and elsewhere often followed has not helped.

Sowcarpet loosely translates as moneylender or pawnbroker. Moneylenders (or pawnbrokers) do not tend to remain poor. Neither do wholesale traders or the many jewellers who set up shop here. The quality of some of the apartment blocks, the facades at least, indicate a certain degree of wealth remains in the area. The well-off continue to reside in these types of areas throughout India because they rely on the local community, its ‘social capital’ and the associated networks, to do business and keep ahead of the game.

Back in the 1700s, Telegu speaking people migrated to Mint Street. People from Gujarat, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and other states eventually came too. This eclectic mix has helped make Sowcarpet what it is today, not least in terms of heart, soul and vibrancy.

Gold jewellery shimmers in brightly lit shop windows and drips on the skin of women who sit in groups on shop floors, where men wheel out cloth from endless rolls for customers’ inspection. Rolls of material destined to be draped around bodies then hung over a thousand Sowcarpet balconies above the streets while drying in the sun.

Men stand sipping at stalls, viewing the world from over the rim of a plastic cup of scalding chai or coffee. A poor cycle rickshaw man transports a young woman of north Indian ancestry with mobile phone pressed against her veil-secluded head.

Dogs take a break between naps in search of a spare bit of rice. Cows munch on vegetation strewn across the street. People stop at stalls of apples, mangoes, aubergines and oranges, all meticulously laid out for public perusal. It’s abundance overload on Mint Street.

Perfumes, paper, plates, plastic tubing and intricate henna hand painting done on the street. ‘Shree Ganesh Steel’, ‘Bharat Steel House’ and ‘Gents Beauty Parlour’. The mundane practicalities of everyday living next to alluring adornments designed to beautify and attract.

An innings already played out, an old man sits and waits on the step of a six storey apartment block to die another day. A hundred different architectural styles, each narrow building separately designed yet attached to one another. Functional concrete boxes stripped of any beauty or appeal stand next to shiny marbled buildings in which each metal railed balcony, window ledge and carefully designed recess were thought out down to the finest detail.

The claustrophobic lanes hemmed in by a never ending wall of four to seven storey buildings winding their way into the distance. Ugliness and beauty, paradox and jumble.

Mint Street itself derived its name from having housed the East India Company’s mint. These days, many people visit the area to sample the tasty bites on offer, which hail from all over India. Snack on chaat or crispy jalebis. Try out different flavours of kulfis and sample pyaz kachori. How about paani puris or a ‘murukku ‘ sandwich? Take some idlis, novelty pau bhaaji, aloo sabzi, bhindi, raita, shahi panner or Kolkata paan. But these are not the only Indian ‘reality bites’ around here.

Being both residential and commercial, a journey through the wider Georgetown area (the city’s original port district) means stumbling into the back streets and tumbling into an India of grinding hard work. Dozens of dirty dhabas with workers frenetically boiling, frying, stirring from dawn till dusk. Offering carbohydrate, oil-laden fuel for the labouring classes whose high-calorie endeavours keep India on the move.

An India that never sleeps. An India of straw covered streets and bullock carts, of constant deliveries and heavy loading, of sacks of produce delivered on the sun-beaten, bare-backs of the young and not so young.

This is here and now in the 21st century. ‘Modern’ India. Not the India of cyber parks, social media ‘apps’ or Twitter accounts. The India of unimaginable long hours, energy-sapping labour and tough, sinewy men who have never had it so bad, who have never experienced life any better and most certainly never will.

And on the corner, by the cracked concrete entrances to the subway that run beneath another main thoroughfare to get to the busy Rajiv Gandhi government hospital, a bunch of cycle carts parked up.

And a series of street stalls beckon. Frying, cooking, heating in the roasting climate. A quick bite of dosa held in hand, a mouthful of rice shovelled with fingers. Street food served on the street, fast food eaten fast.

The India of roadside stoves, pots and pans. It’s the neighbourhood India of the common man, for the common man. It’s community.

The promised land?

The type of small-scale enterprise that many a politician would readily wrench from neighbourhoods in return for a pocket full of Walmart gold. India’s education system, healthcare system, infrastructure and welfare system have already been sacrificed for many a burgeoning Swiss bank account.

It is called accumulation by dispossession. It is called stolen wealth. And the process has accelerated since the ‘opening up’ of the economy in the 1990s, which seems to be coming to a head in 2021 with new farm laws (repealed but no doubt still on the table) and e-commerce FDI that could sound the death knell for tens of millions of small, independent farmers and traders.

A cheap con-trick sold to the masses on the road to some bogus notion of the ‘promised land’, some idiotic secular theology of neo-liberal fast track ‘development’.

A promised land of fortune, mansions and lavish living that the tricksters attained years ago – by cartels, force and duplicity, more recently masquerading as ‘neo-liberalism’, masquerading as the ‘free’ market. A global market rigged, bought and paid for courtesy of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Cargill billionaires and various other mega-rich fraudsters.

This trend is not unique to India. It’s global. Like some of the genetically engineered crops in the fields or the protruding bellies of the malnourished, it’s not genuine economic growth that has been reported on until quite recently but abnormal swelling.

Shopping and consumerism have become the concerns and priorities of India’s misinformed and misled creamy layer. Misinformed by news outlets that pass off infotainment as news. Misinformed by successive governments that cosy up to western multi-nationals with secretive ‘memorandums of understanding’ and then proceed to target some of the poorest people in the country who resist as ‘the enemy within’.

A few streets away, deafening firecrackers explode, set off by a gathering of men at the head of a funeral procession. Stray dogs flinch, onlookers cower, store shutters hastily pulled down. The raucous entourage makes its way along the street.

Cheap alcohol swilled from small glass bottles. Hardship etched in the men’s faces while they dance and accompany the vehicle carrying a flower-adorned body to commemorate a life lived, a passing over. A celebration of living and dying in a country drenched in religion, obsessed with ritual and defined by rigid social hierarchy.

The booze-fuelled dancing of the men is imbued with a certain desperation. The poor always celebrate with a harder edge. They act as if they control the street, as if they rule the world for the day. They don’t. And they never will.

Young children cling to their mothers’ shoulders, perched side saddle on saree-covered hips. The choking stench of animal waste and urine. Cows munch on the stinking garbage overflowing from the large plastic bins.

This is also ‘modern’ India. Not the one often celebrated by the media, an India of steel and glass cyber parks, Mumbai skyscrapers and the affluent who also act as if they control the world. But they actually do. And their type possibly always will.

Their India is inhabited by a minority. A privileged minority, whose reservation quota is never questioned, is barely acknowledged. By accident of birth, whether through class or caste, or a combination of both, its members were always in prime position to take advantage of the privileges afforded by background in the brave new world of economic banditry.

That’s the lie of meritocracy for you in a heavily stratified society skewed either in your favour or against you long before you ever leave the womb. A hard lesson that those dusty, crying kids who cling to their mothers will soon learn. Their tears come fast and furious in the heat and will probably do so throughout life. It’s a tough lesson that the hardened men at the front of the funeral procession learned long ago.

Two sections of India that are worlds apart but inhabit the same land mass, with one living off the cheap labour of the other.

From the building sites to the farms, the scrawny bodies of the disadvantaged and exploited provide the sweated labour for today’s affluent India that wallows in high rise AC penthouses, obesity and other ‘rich man’s’ nutrition-related diseases – living off the fat of the land.

After the procession had made its way through the area, the dogs and cows once again meander freely and women begin were they had left off by shopping for vegetables. And you can bet your bottom rupee that it is prices and costs that dominate their thinking. Making ends meet is what counts around here.

Other concerns prevail about ten minutes’ walk away in the latest shopping mall to have sprung up, where the price of designer jeans or sportswear are the burning priority. Less than a kilometre from the stifling, vegetation-strewn locality, the international brands have arrived, adorning the large glass frontages of the latest temple of consumerism. This is not a world of lunghis, steaming chai and steaming filth or of undernourished parents with their hungry kids.

This is the world of Lacoste, Nike and Baristo, where a cup of coffee can cost the best part of a daily wage for most in this country. A world of air-conditioned acquisitive materialism, conspicuous consumption and four-wheel drive vehicles.

It is the modern India lying next door to the other modern India whose inhabitants will never visit or step foot inside, unless to collect plastic bottles in a sack carried on back or to wipe clean the hallowed floors dirtied by the designer boots of the privileged.

Poor women worked each day till they dropped in order to help build this mall and hundreds like it. Their babies played in the dirt nearby. They built it for millionaire real estate speculators and investors and  well-nourished women whose servants will mind their kids as they adhere to the ‘shop till you drop’ dogma of modern advertising.

Back on Mint Street, another day begins. Women with hand-held brushes bend over and sweep dirt into the air. Back-street dairy owners release cows into the streets. And people wait. The destitute wait for alms outside the many temples. Men squat and wait for a frenzied day of shifting and loading to begin.

Others wait too: artisans whose tools – trowels, hammers, chisels and various other implements – are displayed on the ground in front of them. Skills for hire. The dignity of labour.

Bells chime and semi-naked, soft-bodied temple priests brush past proud-looking men honed from granite. They have already started their day’s toil of lifting and carrying bricks. A tough day ahead.

Approaching a one room shop with counter facing directly onto the street, I need to replenish –

“Vanakam. Thums Up? Glass bottle,” I say. (Thums Up is a soft, fizzy drink.)

Vanakam (greeting) being one word of Tamil that I know. At one point, my Tamilian vocabulary was up to about 40 words!

Moving back towards the fridge in the dark recesses of his dimly lit shop, the vendor obliges with faint smile.

A flash of blue and yellow breezes out from a dark alleyway a few metres down. A resident of one of the many apartments that make up the compact four-storey block to which this ‘mom and pop’ shop belongs.

The blue and yellow figure stops at the shop and, in Tamil, orders some washing powder. She must be no more than 26. Her huge, dark, watery cow eyes glisten. The only part of her body exposed is her pale skinned face and a slightly hairy braceleted arm protruding from her tightly wrapped around saree.

A woman under wraps. A housewife. A mother. A washer of clothes, a doer of household chores. She leaves with packet in hand. She glides and jingle jangles thanks to her bangles and ankle bracelet. Breezing back into an alleyway of untold secrets, mystery and seclusion, she will faithfully clean whiter than white for the rest of her life because her type do. Her type have to.

Nearby, a garish billboard advertising the latest blockbuster. The moustachioed handsome hero of the Tamil movie variety towers tall above the traffic. The hero, who dishes out and is sometimes the recipient of a form of slapstick violence that never really bruises, never really cuts and never really hurts. In make-believe movie-land, the pain is always dulled.

And around another corner, another story. Boys in pristine, white uniforms play. A fee-paying Christian ‘Don Bosco’ school for parents with money. A whitewashed school building and spacious yard. Neatness abounds.

Directly opposite, outside on the street, a jumbled mess of one room hutments. Corrugated metal and hardboard partitions thrown together for walls. Plastic sheeting for roofs tied with rope onto railings. Dusty kids with matted hair. Cow shit and flies. Dog piss and stench. And black sludge dredged up from underground sewers by bare-chested municipal workers with their rods.

Young, hutment-dwelling women yell at their squealing kids. Coarse, hoarse voices. Earthy women with the grit of the land, the soil of the village engrained in their pores. Sitting outside their dwellings packed with bedding, checking friends’ hair for lice, watching the pots and pans boil. Daily rituals. Checking and yelling. Cooking and washing. And threading flowers for sale to adorn hair or garland Hindu effigies.

A hundred plastic pots of water secured from street stanchions for washing clothes and cooking. Open stoves at the roadside lit with wood. Boiling and stirring. Metal pots and pans. Rice, sambar, veg.

A small, grubby local chai shop across the way looks out onto giant but fading hand-painted wall pictures of Hindu gods, whose faces watch over the neighbourhood. Murals with metaphors.

And not too far away, the imperious domes of Victorian-era Madras High Court cast long shadows over the neighbourhood.

Daylight fades. A mother and her two kids already fast asleep, lying on the solid wooden planks of a bicycle cart surrounded by rubble.

Between a rock and a hard place in India.


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Renowned author Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal.

Featured image is from UK India Business Council

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Marib, the ancient capital of Sheba, referred to in both the Bible and the Holy Quran as a wealthy and wise kingdom, once ruled across the entire southern Arabian peninsula.

Today, Marib has risen again, this time as the final stronghold of Yemen’s latest invaders, now in panicked retreat after a six-year battle that has depleted their coffers and exhausted their forces.

This war was announced from Washington on 26 March 2015 and led by Saudi Arabia in support of the overthrown government of Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, a regime that had already lost the capital city of Sanaa to Yemen’s Ansarallah (Houthis) movement a few months prior.

A coalition of 10 countries, including pack leaders Saudi Arabia and the UAE, was formed to force the return of his highly unpopular government. The name Operation Decisive Storm was chosen and the air strikes began.

Ansarallah were assessed as being weak and the operation was expected to last no more than a few weeks or months, at the most.

Instead, Ansarallah prevailed, forcing its Saudi and Emirati foes to insert ground troops into the expanding quagmire and divide their roles in Yemen.

Today, the UAE is present mainly in the country’s south controlling its strategic ports and islands, while the Saudis remain in the north, along their extensive northern border with Yemen, in the east, where the province of Marib and its rich oil and gas fields are located, and in the west, in the coastal city of Hodeidah.

For Yemenis, the importance of Marib is not limited to its oil and gas fields, but also for its ancient culture, its inclusion in the holy Quran, and its significant historical sites and water engineering feats, such as the ancient Marib dam built around the 8th century BC. A new dam, the country’s largest, was later built near the cherished ruins of the old one.

Saudi Arabia acknowledged Marib’s importance by making it the stronghold for its war operations, building military bases and bribing local tribes to fight alongside the coalition. Most of Riyadh’s military and intelligence operations – excluding air strikes – were launched from Marib against the northern Houthi-controlled Sanaa city and province.

Ansarallah endured these onslaughts for three years, then flipped the war on its adversaries in 2018 by going on the offensive. Since then, the group has expanded its territorial gains significantly, destabilized Saudi Arabia’s own borders, and exponentially advanced its military tactics and capabilities in drone and missile technology.

These startling gains forced the coalition to the negotiating table in 2018 to sign the Hodeidah Agreement. The agreement was a boon for Ansarallah from a military perspective, first and foremost. Hodeidah and its Red Sea port are west of Sanaa, and the negotiated ceasefire would help Ansarallah turn its focus on only two fronts now, the east (Marib) and the south.

But the agreement also had humanitarian benefits for a country besieged by land, sea, and air by coalition forces since the war’s onset. With goods now entering the port, fresh access to medicine, fuel and food reduced the crisis in territories controlled by Ansarallah.

In 2019, Ansarallah marched eastward, increasing their defence operations inside Saudi Arabia, and targeting the capital city of Riyadh, airports, and Aramco facilities in retaliation for Saudi airstrikes. The UAE was also threatened when drone activity caused a brief closure of Dubai airport.

The UAE’s very existence depends on the security of Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Understanding that they were one ballistic missile away from an existential disaster, the Emiratis withdrew from Marib leaving the Saudis to their own devices, and headed south. The ten-nation coalition had now dwindled to two, neither of whom were fighting alongside the other.

For Sanaa, access to oil is a higher priority than access to ports, hence Ansarallah’s decision to first push eastward, where Marib lies. Although the reverse would have been easier – at 17,000 km², Marib requires a huge military presence, while Hodeidah port and its surrounding areas are less than 1,000 km² – the Yemeni rebels chose the harder, more dangerous fight first.

Today, the complete liberation of Marib is imminent. Of its 14 districts, 13 are now back in Yemeni hands, with only Marib city and the oil fields remaining, alongside one major Saudi military base (Sahen Jin).

Marib’s liberation will be an unprecedented victory for Ansarallah that will place Sanaa back firmly on the world map. Aside from the huge morale boost for the Houthi rebels, Ansarallah will gain control of Yemen’s vital water and oil resources and bring relief for the capital’s civilians. Despite the fact that areas controlled by the group enjoy more financial stability ($1 = 600 Yemeni Rials versus 1,480 Rials in areas outside their control) the war has impoverished Sanaa.

Marib’s liberation will also mean that Ansarallah will govern around 80 percent of the Yemeni population of 30 million, secure its eastern front, and make a move on Hodeidah where remaining coalition forces are based.

After the liberation of Hodeidah and Marib, Saudi Arabia will lose its boots on the ground in Yemen, but will it retreat and accept defeat?

Will Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman – also his country’s minister of defense – who spearheaded the war against Yemen, accept this fait accompli? Will Saudi Arabia continue bombing Yemen for another six years?

With so many unexpected victories under its belt, Ansarallah is now in a position to direct these Saudi decisions. Already this year, the Yemeni rebels have bombed Aramco and Saudi airports in retaliation for airstrikes in Sanaa. Riyadh clearly understands the correlation – bombing Sanaa means Aramco will get hit – and so although the war is still fiercely being played out, important deterrences have been established.

In September, during the approach toward Marib, Ansarallah leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi said: “We will liberate the entirety of our country and recover all regions occupied by the Saudi-led aggression.”

After the fall of Marib, Saudi Arabia will never be the same. Having expended all its chips and a vast fortune on bringing the Houthis to heel, Riyadh’s influence in the Arab and Muslim world are set to decline.

Through proxies and large financial donations, the Saudis have historically managed Muslim communities and dictated the policies of entire states. But in an actual direct war, led by one of the world’s wealthiest nations against one of its poorest, the Saudis lost resoundingly.

After the fall of Marib, the UAE’s position is less clear, but it will ultimately face one of two choices: either surrender to Ansarallah’s demands or face reprisals inside Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Yemen has vast mineral reserves of zinc, silver, nickel, gold, copper and cobalt as well as oil and gas fields, resources that the Saudis have not allowedsuccessive Yemeni rulers to exploit, develop or monetize since 1934.

Yemen was then (arguably still is) considered a Saudi backwater, and Riyadh’s policy toward its southern neighbor was entirely driven by the kingdom’s founder, Abdul Aziz Al Saud, who declared in an infamous quote: “the honor of Saudis is in the humiliation of Yemen, and their (Saudi) humiliation is in the glory of Yemen.”

These words had monumental significance: the guiding principle for all future Saudi monarchs would be to subjugate Yemen at all cost, or the price would be existential.

With Ansarallah in charge, reverberations will be felt across West Asia – not least because Yemenis still consider the Saudi provinces of Jizan and Najran to be part of Yemen.

Yemen is often referred to as the ‘birthplace of Arabs,’ with numerous tribes stretching across the Arabian peninsula to Iraq tracing their origins back to Yemen.

At the other end of the Arabian peninsula, Ansarallah will also be controlling the strait of Bab al Mandab which leads directly to the straits of Suez. This gives them geopolitical and geoeconomic clout over Egypt, historically the ‘mother’ of the Arab world, and a country which itself has launched a failed war against Yemen.

Ansarallah controlling access to the Suez Canal will be a nightmare for the Israelis – Tel Aviv and Zionism are the mortal enemy of the Houthis, and no ship heading for Israel will be allowed to cross this strait.

China and Iran will be big winners in the ensuing geopolitical shuffle. Iran will gain its first diehard ally in the Arabian Peninsula – one that has oil, produces its own weapons, and can defend itself without costing Tehran money, manpower or resources.

Yemen’s geography is of strategic importance to China too: its southwestern part faces the east coast of Africa, and with the Bab al Mandab strait, Yemen has more than 10 major ports on the Indian ocean, and through the Red Sea to the Mediterranean.

It is the closest West Asian nation to the Horn of Africa, where China has its only overseas military base in Djibouti, and where it has built roads and railways connecting the latter to Ethiopia.

With the US, UK and western countries in general having supported the aggression against the Yemeni people, Ansarallah is more likely to choose to align with China, Iran, and other unaligned nations.

Reports indicate that Saudi Arabia spent well over $300 billion on its war on Yemen. Six years later, it is on the verge of being soundly defeated, with only Marib blocking that path. Marib is the city that will soon dictate the terms that end this war, and perhaps the end of Saudi power projection as we know it.


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Featured image: A Houthi fighter in front of the ancient throne of the Queen of Sheba, located in Marib, Yemen. Photo Credit: The Cradle

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AP News calls them “far-right,” but tens of thousands of freedom-loving people marched against new tyrannical public health measures, such as partial and full lockdowns and health passports and mandatory vaccinations, across Europe. 

Demonstrations against new virus restrictions were observed in Austria, Croatia, Italy, Northern Ireland, the UK, France, Germany, and the Netherlands. Outside of Europe, protesters were seen in several cities across Canada, Australia, Japan, and even the US. Some marked Saturday as part of a “Worldwide Freedom” rally to protest COVID-19 restrictions and vaccine mandates.

Some of the most intense rallies, which turned into riots, were in the port city of Rotterdam. Clashes between protesters and police began Friday and continued through Saturday night.

About 30 minutes away, protests transformed into riots in Hague.

Protesters across many European cities shared commonalities as they marched to preserve their lives and liberty. Governments are attempting to plunder that via increased COVID restrictions, mandatory health passports, and forced vaccinations.

The worst of restrictions, or rather the government’s plundering of liberties, was in Austria, where full lockdowns begin Monday. Nationwide lockdowns are expected for at least ten days but can be extended to more than two weeks. Then by Feb. 1, the government will make vaccinations mandatory (only 66% of Austria’s 8.9 million people are fully vaccinated). Good luck with that one.

Saturday’s march in Vienna’s massive Heldenplatz square had many chanting “My Body, My Choice,” “We’re Standing Up for Our Kids!,” and “Resistance!”

One of the biggest protests might have been in Zagreb, Croatia’s northwestern capital, where Citizen Free Press reports as many as 100,000 flooded streets to protest the government’s health passports and new COVID measures.

In Rome, thousands of demonstrators gathered in the capital’s Circus Maximus to protest against “Green Pass” certificates required at workplaces, restaurants, cinemas, theaters, sports venues, and gyms, as well as for public transportation.

“People like us never give up,” read a protester’s sign.

The pushback against totalitarianism is spreading across Europe. Usually, “Europeans generally are more compliant than Americans when it comes to government orders. But even there, citizens are protesting governments seizing power in the name of public health,” said American Thinker’s Thomas Lifson.

People of the world are awakening to government tyranny plundering their life and liberties as the Davos Man, the world’s elites, and their political puppet officials are becoming more unfavorable than ever. The increasing discontent among citizens and their respective governments is dangerous – this is how revolutions begin.


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The Identity of the Virus: Health/ Science Institutions Worldwide “Have No Record” of SARS-COV-2 Isolation/Purification.

By Christine Massey, November 20, 2021

We now have 127 institutions in over 25 countries on record – all failed to provide or cite even 1 record describing purification of the alleged covid virus from any patient sample on the planet, by anyone.  All the documents are publicly available.

Ten Things You Need to Know about the Experimental COVID mRNA Vaccines

By Makia Freeman, November 20, 2021

These new COVID vaccines are even worse than your plain old regular toxic, carcinogenic and mutogenic vaccines, because some of them (the mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna) are a dangerously new exotic creature: tools that actively hijack your genes and reprogram them.

World War III: The Global War on Health and Freedom

By Stephen Lendman, November 20, 2021

Doctors for Covid Ethics includes hundreds of physicians and scientists from scores of countries worldwide. Along with America’s Frontline Doctors for medicine as it should be practiced, they’re on the front lines of opposing health-destroying hazards posed by toxic flu/covid kill shots. They oppose all things flu/covid that breach medical ethics and what’s affirmed by international law.

COVID-19: Moderna Gets Its Miracle

By Whitney Webb, November 20, 2021

COVID-19 erased the regulatory and trial-related hurdles that Moderna could never surmount before. Yet, how did Moderna know that COVID-19 would create those conditions months before anyone else, and why did they later claim that their vaccine being tested in NIH trials was different than their commercial candidate?

Video: The 2020-2021 Economic Crisis. Global Poverty, Unemployment and Despair

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 21, 2021

This video was first produced in June 2020 in the immediate wake of the March 11, 2020 lockdown. Michel Chossudovsky describes the economic and social consequences of the corona crisis. This is the most serious global debt crisis in World History.

The Final Solution. Full Digitization. “The QR Codification of the World”

By Peter Koenig, November 20, 2021

Imagine humanity would one day – very soon – decide to stop wearing masks. In unison. Not in the streets, not in restaurants, not in shops, not in sports events – simply nowhere. Against all orders of a good portion of the 193 UN member governments, or at least the western governments.

Video: The “Vaccine” and “The Great Reset”: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Points to Crimes against Humanity

By His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò, November 19, 2021

The Catholic Church has the duty before God and all of humanity to denounce this tremendous and horrible crime with the utmost firmness, giving clear directions and taking a stand against those who, in the name of a pseudo-science subservient to the interests of the pharmaceutical companies and the globalist elite, have only intentions of death.

The Collapse of America: What History Teaches Us About the Rise and Fall of Empires. Prof. Alfred McCoy

By Michael Welch and Prof Alfred McCoy, November 20, 2021

As thousands of civilian contractors and hundreds of soldiers hustled to get out of Afghanistan by August 31 of this year, and as the formerly defeated Taliban began to re-establish their toe hold in the locations they once inhabited, there is one inescapable conclusion one could come to.

America’s “Long War” against the Korean Nation

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 21, 2021

Fire and Fury” was not invented by Donald Trump. It is a concept deeply embedded in US military doctrine. It has characterized US military interventions since the end of World War II. What distinguishes Trump from his predecessors in the White House is his political narrative at the 2017 United Nations  General Assembly.

COVID-19 and the Shadowy “Trusted News Initiative”

By Elizabeth Woodworth, November 20, 2021

What do the inventor of mRNA technology; the lead author of the most downloaded paper on Covid-19 in the American Journal of Medicine; a former editor of the American Journal of Epidemiology; renowned epidemiologists at Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford; and France’s leading microbiologist – have in common? They have all been censored by a repressive media network that most people have never heard of. This network has outrageously conceived and conveyed a “monopoly of legitimate information.”

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Belarus appears to be attempting to ease tensions along its border with Poland.

According to the Minsk officials about 7000 refugees are currently strained in Belarus waiting for their chance to enter Europe.

On November 18th, Belarus reportedly moved a big part of refugees away from the main camps near the Polish border.

The State Border Committee of Belarus reported that the main part of asylum seekers had moved into a heated warehouse not far from the border, emptying out their camps. All refugees from a makeshift camp at the Bruzgi checkpoint on the border with Poland voluntarily moved to a logistics center equipped by the authorities to accommodate migrants.

The Polish border guard said the camps on the frontier in western Belarus were now completely empty. Still, Polish security forces arrested around a hundred migrants overnight as they tried to break across the border.

Belarus also released a video from its State Border Committee, alleging it showed Lithuanian border guards with dogs pushing migrants away from the Belarus-Lithuania frontier Tuesday night.

Lithuania denied the claim, releasing its own video of the incident. It blamed Belarusian officials for pushing the group of 13 migrants toward the Lithuanian side and preventing them from returning to Belarus after being stopped by the Lithuanian guards.

The move comes after a flurry of diplomatic activity.  Earlier this week, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke by telephone twice to Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. Russian President Vladimir Putin also called on Lukashenko to start a dialogue with his opponents.

The European Commission and Germany rejected a proposal by Belarus that European Union countries take in some of the asylum seekers currently in its territory. Minsk reportedly requested from the EU to house 2,000 migrants and ease the strain.

In its turn, Belarus is ready to take care of the other 5,000 refugees in its territory, and assist them to return home.

A flight to Iraq had already taken off from Minsk to repatriate about 400 refugees.

Minsk also opened an opportunity to naturalize and employ those willing to stay in Belarus.

Shortly before the plan was announced, the European Commission had said there could be no negotiation with Belarus over the plight of the migrants.

In what could be considered a jab at Warsaw, Belarus restricted oil flows to Europe for unscheduled maintenance.

Poland’s pipeline operator PERN Group said Russia’s Transneft pipeline monopoly had informed it that “oil deliveries to Poland and Germany will be slightly reduced.”

It is possible that the situation has partially eased, but it is likely just a phase, as parties are not near close to agreement.

Belarus also continues to strengthen its border air defense. New batch S-300 air defense systems were spotted moving towards the Polish border.

In any case, this refugee crisis has demonstrated that in practice European liberal democracies have moved away from the principles of tolerance and unconditional commitment to respect for fundamental human rights that they used to promote worldwide. In its turn, the so-called dictatorial regime of Lukashenko has taken all possible measures to alleviate the plight of refugees.


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Premiere whistleblower lawyer Harrison talks about his David vs. Goliath career representing whistleblowers against government and corporations and his unprecedented work as Litigation Director for the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, a non-profit organization investigating 9/11 crimes that the U.S. government has ignored and submitting their findings to courts and Congress for justice and accountability.

Harrison talks about how dangerous uncaught perpetrators are still out there and could strike again at any time.


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Statistics appear to ‘show us that vaccines are contributing to a rise in cases, hospitalizations and deaths,’ and a specialist added that ‘other diseases and illnesses that have been in remission come back.’

Physicians from the Canadian province of Alberta claim their government’s data show COVID jabs cause short-term jumps in cases counts, deaths, and hospitalizations possibly because the “vaccine is causing immunosuppression.”

Dr. Christy Reich, who works as a family doctor, said she shared graphs compiled from Alberta Health Services (AHS) information with a group of doctors who are concerned with jab mandates and safety.

Together, they determined the graphs “were showing an initial spike in COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths within the first two to three weeks of receiving the first dose of the (COVID-19) vaccination.”

“After the second dose, you see a small initial increase in cases but then an elevation in cases again in two to six months,” said Reich, according to a Western Standard report.

Reich said all members of the doctors’ group came to the “same conclusion” after comparing notes regarding the graphs, which can be viewed on the Alberta government’s COVID statistics page.

Graphs that the doctors discussed were titled “Number of days between first immunization date and COVID-19 diagnosis.”

There was one each for “Total Cases,” “Total Hospitalizations,” and “Total Deaths.” The doctors say all three appear to show a large spike in cases, hospitalizations, and deaths between one to 30 days after a person’s COVID injection dates.

According to the Western Standard, a specialist from the doctors’ group whose name was withheld said directly that the government’s data seem to “show us that vaccines are contributing to a rise in cases, hospitalizations and deaths.”

The specialist added that they are also seeing “other diseases and illnesses that have been in remission come back.”

The specialist said it’s as if the “vaccine is causing immunosuppression.”

According to Reich, it is hard to “say why we are seeing this from the graph” adding it could be that the “vaccine is decreasing people’s immune function and making them more predisposed to catching illnesses or fighting off conditions currently in remission.”

“Or it could be possible that people aren’t being as careful once vaccinated,” Reich said.

The same Western Standard report also said that Lisa Glover, who works for AHS, told them the doctors’ claims are not “supported by scientific research or the global experience of COVID-19.”

However, other Alberta doctors have spoken out regarding the ill effects they have witnessed from the COVID jabs.

Just recently, Alberta physicial Dr. Chris Gordillo talked about the ill effects he has witnessed from the injections.

“I’ve seen strokes, I’ve seen Bell’s palsy, I’ve seen a heart attack, blood clots, I’ve seen breathing disorders where people just cannot breathe after they’ve had these vaccines,” Gordillo said at a recent rally in Edmonton.

Also, British Columbia doctor Dr. Daniel Nagase, who has worked in Alberta hospitals, was recently blacklisted by AHS for treating his COVID patients with ivermectin while working at a rural hospital.

Nagase called out potential future cancer cases in kids who might now or in the future be jabbed.

“Kids get all sorts of viruses, I know what to do, in fact, most parents know what to do,” Nagase said at a rally in Edmonton.

“It takes 20 years to find out whether some new injection causes cancer or not. I’m just an emergency doctor. I know what to do about a virus, I don’t know what to do about cancer.”

AHS has extended to November 30 a deadline for workers be fully vaccinated with the COVID jabs.  This mandate once it takes effect will impact thousands of nurses and other healthcare workers.

The COVID jab trials have never produced evidence that vaccines stop infection or transmission. They do not even claim to reduce hospitalization, but the measurement of success is in preventing severe symptoms of COVID-19.

Dr. Peter McCullough said that those who develop COVID have “complete and durable immunity. And (that’s) a very important principle: complete and durable. You can’t beat natural immunity.”

All of the COVID jabs are still experimental, with clinical trials not being completed until 2023.

Also, there have been reports of thousands of people who have developed tumors after getting their COVID shots.

The COVID-19 injections approved for emergency use in Canada, including the Pfizer jab for ages 12 and up, all have connections to cells derived from aborted babies.

All four have also been associated with severe side effects such as blood clots, rashes, miscarriages, and even heart attacks in young, healthy men.


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COVID-19: Moderna Gets Its Miracle

November 20th, 2021 by Whitney Webb

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COVID-19 erased the regulatory and trial-related hurdles that Moderna could never surmount before. Yet, how did Moderna know that COVID-19 would create those conditions months before anyone else, and why did they later claim that their vaccine being tested in NIH trials was different than their commercial candidate?

In late 2019, the biopharmaceutical company Moderna was facing a series of challenges that not only threatened its ability to ever take a product to market, and thus turn a profit, but its very existence as a company. There were multiple warning signs that Moderna was essentially another Theranos-style fraud, with many of these signs growing in frequency and severity as the decade drew to a close. Part I of this three-part series explored the disastrous circumstances in which Moderna found itself at that time, with the company’s salvation hinging on the hope of a divine miracle, a “Hail Mary” save of sorts, as stated by one former Moderna employee.

While the COVID-19 crisis that emerged in the first part of 2020 can hardly be described as an act of benevolent divine intervention for most, it certainly can be seen that way from Moderna’s perspective. Key issues for the company, including seemingly insurmountable regulatory hurdles and its inability to advance beyond animal trials with its most promising—and profitable—products, were conveniently wiped away, and not a moment too soon. Since January 2020, the value of Moderna’s stock—which had embarked on a steady decline since its IPO—grew from $18.89 per share to its current value of $339.57 per share, thanks to the success of its COVID-19 vaccine.

Yet, how exactly was Moderna’s “Hail Mary” moment realized, and what were the forces and events that ensured it would make it through the FDA’s emergency use authorization (EUA) process?

In examining that question, it becomes quickly apparent that Moderna’s journey of saving grace involved much more than just cutting corners in animal and human trials and federal regulations. Indeed, if we are to believe Moderna executives, it involved supplying formulations for some trial studies that were not the same as their COVID-19 vaccine commercial candidate, despite the data resulting from the former being used to sell Moderna’s vaccine to the public and federal health authorities. Such data was also selectively released at times to align with preplanned stock trades by Moderna executives, turning many of Moderna’s highest-ranking employees into millionaires, and even billionaires, while the COVID-19 crisis meant economic calamity for most Americans.

Not only that, but—as Part II of this three-part series will show, Moderna and a handful of its collaborators at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) seemed to know that Moderna’s miracle had arrived—well before anyone else knew or could have known. Was it really a coincidental mix of “foresight” and “serendipity” that led Moderna and the NIH to plan to develop a COVID-19 vaccine days before the viral sequence was even published and months before a vaccine was even considered necessary for a still unknown disease? If so, why would Moderna—a company clearly on the brink—throw everything into and gamble the entire company on a vaccine project that had no demonstrated need at the time?

The Serendipitous Origins of Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine

When early January 2020 brought news of a novel coronavirus outbreak originating in Wuhan, China, Moderna’s CEO Stéphane Bancel immediately emailed Barney Graham, deputy director of the Vaccine Research Center at the National Institutes of Health, and asked to be sent the genetic sequence for what would become known as SAR-CoV-2, allegedly because media reports on the outbreak “troubled” him. The date of that email varies according to different media reports, though most place it as having been sent on either January 6th or 7th.

A few weeks before Bancel’s email to Graham, Moderna was quickly approaching the end of the line, their desperately needed “Hail Mary” still not having materialized. “We were freaked out about money,” Stephen Hoge would later remember of Moderna’s late 2019 circumstances. Not only were executives “cutting back on research and other expenditures” like never before, but – as STAT News would later report – “cash from investors had stopped pouring in and partnerships with some drug makers had been discontinued. In meetings at Moderna, Bancel emphasized the need to stretch every dollar and employees were told to reduce travel and other expenses, a frugality there were advised would last several years.”

At the tail end of 2019, Graham was in a very different mood than Bancel, having emailed the leader of the coronavirus team at his NIH lab saying, “Get ready for 2020,” apparently viewing the news out of Wuhan in late 2019 as a harbinger of something significant. He went on, in the days before he was contacted by Bancel, to “run a drill he had been turning over in his mind for years” and called his long-time colleague Jason McLellan “to talk about the game plan” for getting a head start on producing a vaccine the world did not yet know it needed. When Bancel called Graham soon afterward and asked about this new virus, Graham responded that he didn’t know yet but that “they were ready if it turned out to be a coronavirus.” The Washington Post claimed that Graham’s apparent foreknowledge that a coronavirus vaccine would be needed before anyone officially knew what type of disease was circulating in Wuhan was a fortunate mix of “serendipity and foresight.”

Dr. Barney Graham and Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett, VRC coronavirus vaccine lead, discuss COVID-19 research with U.S. legislators Sen. Chris Van Hollen, Sen. Benjamin Cardin and Rep. Jamie Raskin, March 6, 2020; Source: NIH

A report in Boston magazine offers a slightly different account than that reported by the Washington Post. Per that article, Graham had told Bancel, “If [the virus] is a coronavirus, we know what to do and have proven mRNA is effective.” Per that report, this assertion of efficacy from Graham referred to Moderna’s early stage human-trial data published in September 2019 regarding its chikungunya vaccine candidate, which was funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), as well as its cytomegalovirus (CMV) vaccine candidate.

As mentioned in Part I of this series, the chikungunya vaccine study data released at that time included the participation of just four subjects, three of whom developed significant side effects that led Moderna to state that they would reformulate the vaccine in question and would pause trials on that vaccine candidate. In the case of the CMV vaccine candidate, the data was largely positive, but it was widely noted that the vaccine still needed to pass through larger and longer clinical trials before its efficacy was in fact “proven,” as Graham later claimed. In addition, Graham implied that this early stage trial of Moderna’s CMV vaccine candidate was somehow proof that an mRNA vaccine would be effective against coronaviruses, which makes little sense since CMV is not a coronavirus but instead hails from the family of viruses that includes chickenpox, herpes, and shingles.

Bancel apparently had reached out to Graham because Graham and his team at the NIH had been working in direct partnership with Moderna on vaccines since 2017, soon after Moderna had delayed its Crigler-Najjar and related therapies in favor of vaccines. According to Boston magazine, Moderna had been working closely with Graham specifically “on [Moderna’s] quest to bring a whole new class of vaccines to market” and Graham had personally visited Moderna’s facilities in November 2019. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the NIH’s infectious-disease division NIAID, has called his unit’s collaboration with Moderna, in the years prior to and also during the COVID-19 crisis, “most extraordinary.”

The year 2017, besides being the year when Moderna made its pivot to vaccines (due to its inability to produce safe multidose therapies, see Part I), was also a big year for Graham. That year he and his lab filed a patent for the “2P mutation” technique whereby recombinant coronavirus spike proteins can be stabilized in a prefusion state and used as more effective immunogens. If a coronavirus vaccine were to be produced using this patent, Graham’s team would financially benefit, though federal law caps their annual royalties. Nonetheless, it would still yield a considerable sum for the named researchers, including Graham.

However, due to the well-known difficulties with coronavirus vaccine development, including antibody dependent enhancement risk, it seemed that commercial use of Graham’s patent was a pipe dream. Yet, today, the 2P mutation patent, also known as the ’070 patent, is not just in use in Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, but also in the COVID-19 vaccines produced by Johnson & Johnson, Novavax, Pfizer/BioNTech, and CureVac. Experts at New York University School of Law have noted that the 2P mutation patent first filed in 2016 “sounds remarkably prescient” in light of the COVID crisis that emerged a few years later while later publications from the NIH (still pre-COVID) revealed that the NIH’s view on “the breadth and importance of the ’070 patent” as well as its potential commercial applications was also quite prescient, given that there was little justification at the time to hold such a view.

On January 10, three days after the reported initial conversation between Bancel and Graham on the novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China, Graham met with Hamilton Bennett, the program leader for Moderna’s vaccine portfolio. Graham asked Bennett “if Moderna would be interested in using the new [novel coronavirus] to test the company’s accelerated vaccine-making capabilities.” According to Boston, Graham then mused, “That way . . . if ever there came a day when a new virus emerged that threatened global public health, Moderna and the NIH could know how long it would take them to respond.”

Graham’s “musings” to Bennett are interesting considering his earlier statements made to others, such as “Get ready for 2020” and his team, in collaboration with Moderna, would be “ready if [the virus then circulating in Wuhan, China] turned out to be a coronavirus.” Is this merely “serendipity” and “foresight”, as the Washington Post suggested, or was it something else? It is worth noting that the above accounts are those that have been given by Bancel and Graham themselves, as the actual contents of these critical January 2020 emails have not been publicly released.

When the genetic sequence of SARS-CoV-2 was published on January 11, NIH scientists and Moderna researchers got to work determining which targeted genetic sequence would be used in their vaccine candidate. Later reports, however, claimed that this initial work toward a COVID-19 vaccine was merely intended to be a “demonstration project.”

Other odd features of the Moderna-NIH COVID-19 vaccine-development story emerged with Bancel’s account of the role the World Economic Forum played in shaping his “foresight” when it came to the development of a COVID-19 vaccine back in January 2020. On January 21, 2020, Bancel reportedly began to hear about “a far darker version of the future” at the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, where he spent time with “two [anonymous] prominent infectious-disease experts from Europe” who shared with him data from “their contacts on the ground in China, including Wuhan.” That data, per Bancel, showed a dire situation that left his mind “reeling” and led him to conclude, that very day, that “this isn’t going to be SARS. It’s going to be the 1918 flu pandemic.”

Stéphane Bancel speaks at the Breakthroughs in Cancer Care session at WEF annual meeting, January 24, 2020; Source: WEF

This realization is allegedly what led Bancel to contact Moderna cofounder and chairman, as well as a WEF technology pioneer, Noubar Afeyan. Bancel reportedly interrupted Afeyan’s celebration of his daughter’s birthday to tell him “what he’d learned about the virus” and to suggest that “Moderna begin to build the vaccine—for real.” The next day, Moderna held an executive meeting, which Bancel attended remotely, and there was considerable internal debate about whether a vaccine for the novel coronavirus would be needed. To Bancel, the “sheer act of debating” pursuing a vaccine for the virus was “absurd” given that he was now convinced, after a single day at Davos, that “a global pandemic was about to descend like a biblical plague, and whatever distractions the vaccine caused internally at Moderna were irrelevant.”

Bancel spent the rest of his time at the Davos annual meeting “building partnerships, generating excitement, and securing funding,” which led to the Moderna collaboration agreement with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) —a project largely funded by Bill Gates. (Bancel and Moderna’s cozy relationship with the WEF, dating back to 2013, was discussed in Part I as were the Forum’s efforts, beginning well before COVID-19, to promote mRNA-based therapies as essential to the remaking of the health-care sector in the age of the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution). At the 2020 annual meeting attended by Bancel and others it was noted that a major barrier to the widespread adoption of these and other related “health-care” technologies was “public distrust.” The panel where that issue was specifically discussed was entitled “When Humankind Overrides Evolution.”

As also noted in Part I of this series, a few months earlier, in October 2019, major players in what would become the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, particularly Rick Bright and Anthony Fauci, had discussed during a Milken Institute panel on vaccines how a “disruptive” event would be needed to push the public to accept “nontraditional” vaccines such as mRNA vaccines; to convince the public that flu-like illnesses are scarier than traditionally believed; and to remove existing bureaucratic safeguards in the vaccine development-and-approval processes.

That panel took place less than two weeks after the Event 201 simulation, jointly hosted by the World Economic Forum, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.

Event 201 simulated “an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus” that was “modeled largely on SARS but . . . more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.” The recommendations of the simulation panel were to considerably increase investment in new vaccine technologies and industrial approaches, favoring rapid vaccine development and manufacturing. As mentioned in Part I, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security had also conducted the June 2001 Dark Winter simulation that briefly preceded and predicted major aspects of the 2001 anthrax attacks, and some of its participants had apparent foreknowledge of those attacks. Other Dark Winter participants later worked to sabotage the FBI investigation into those attacks after their origin was traced back to a US military source.

It is hard to imagine that Bancel, whose company had long been closely partnered with the World Economic Forum and the Gates Foundation, was unaware of the exercise and surprised by the closely analogous event that transpired within three months. Given the accounts given by Bancel, Graham, and others, it seems likely there is more to the story regarding the origins of Moderna’s early and “serendipitous” push to develop a COVID-19 vaccine. In addition, given that Moderna was in dire financial circumstances at the time, it seems odd that the company would gamble everything on a vaccine project that was opposed by the few investors that were still willing to fund Moderna in January/February 2020. Why would they divert their scant resources towards a project born only out of Barney Graham’s “musings” that Moderna could try to test the speed of its vaccine development capabilities and Bancel’s doomsday view that a “biblical plague” was imminent, especially when their investors opposed the idea?

Moderna Gets to Bypass Its Long-Standing Issues with R & D

Moderna produced the first batch of its COVID-19 vaccine candidate on February 7, one month after Bancel and Graham’s initial conversation. After a sterility test and other mandatory tests, the first batch of its vaccine candidate, called mRNA-1273, shipped to the NIH on February 24. For the first time in a long time, Moderna’s stock price surged. NIH researchers administered the first dose of the candidate into a human volunteer less than a month later, on March 16.

Controversially, in order to begin its human trial on March 16, regulatory agencies had to allow Moderna to bypass major aspects of traditional animal trials, which many experts and commentators noted was highly unusual but was now deemed necessary due to the urgency of the crisis. Instead of developing the vaccine in distinct sequential stages, as is the custom, Moderna “decided to do all of the steps [relating to animal trials] simultaneously.” In other words, confirming that the candidate is working before manufacturing an animal-grade vaccine, conducting animal trials, analyzing the animal-trial data, manufacturing a vaccine for use in human trials, and beginning human trials were all conducted simultaneously by Moderna. Thus, the design of human trials for the Moderna vaccine candidate was not informed by animal-trial data.

Lt. Javier Lopez Coronado and Hospitalman Francisco Velasco inspect a box of COVID-19 vaccine vials at the Naval Health Clinic in Corpus Christi, TX, December 2020; Source: Wikimedia

This should have been a major red flag, given Moderna’s persistent difficulties in getting its products past animal trials. As noted in Part I, up until the COVID-19 crisis, most of Moderna’s experiments and products had only been tested in animals, with only a handful able to make it to human trials. In the case of the Crigler-Najjar therapy that it was forced to indefinitely delay, toxicity concerns related to the mRNA delivery system being used had emerged in the animal trials, which Moderna was now greenlighted to largely skip. Given that Moderna had subsequently been forced to abandon all multidose products because of poor results in animal trials, being allowed to skip this formerly insurmountable obstacle was likely seen as a boon to some at the company. It is also astounding that, given Moderna’s history with problematic animal trials, more scrutiny was not devoted to the regulatory decision to allow Moderna to essentially skip such trials.

Animal studies conducted on Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine did identify problems that should have informed human trials, but this did not happen because of the regulatory decision. For example, animal reproductive toxicity studies on the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine that are cited by the European Medicines Agency found that there was reduced fertility in rats that received the vaccine (e. g., overall pregnancy index of 84.1% in vaccinated rats versus 93.2% in the unvaccinated) as well as an increased proportion of aberrant bone development in their fetuses. That study has been criticized for failing to report on the accumulation of vaccine in the placenta as well as failing to investigate the effect of vaccine doses administered during key pregnancy milestones, such as embryonic organogenesis. In addition, the number of animals tested is unstated, making the statistical power of the study unknown. At the very least, the 9 percent drop in the fertility index among vaccinated rats should have prompted expanded animal trials to investigate concerns of reproductive toxicity before testing in humans.

Yet, Moderna declined to further investigate reproductive toxicity in animal trials and entirely excluded reproductive toxicity studies from its simultaneous human trials, as pregnant women were excluded from participation in the clinical trials of its vaccine. Despite this, pregnant women were labeled a priority group for receiving the vaccine after Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) was granted for the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines. Per the New England Journal of Medicine, this meant that “pregnant women and their clinicians were left to weigh the documented risks of Covid-19 infection against the unknown safety risks of vaccination in deciding whether to receive the vaccine.”

Moderna only began recruiting for an “observational pregnancy outcome study” of its COVID-19 vaccine in humans in mid-July 2021, and that study is projected to conclude in early 2024. Nevertheless, the Centers for Disease Control recommends the use of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine in “people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or might become pregnant in the future.” This recommendation is largely based on the CDC’s publication of preliminary data on mRNA COVID-19 vaccine safety in pregnant women in June 2021, which is based on passive reporting systems in use within the United States (i. e., VAERS and v-safe).

Even in the limited scope of this study, 115 of the 827 women who had a completed pregnancy during the study lost the baby, 104 of which were spontaneous abortions before 20 weeks of gestation. Of these 827 pregnant women, only 127 had received a mRNA vaccine before the 3rd trimester. This appears to suggest an increased risk among those women who took the vaccine before the 3rd trimester, but the selective nature of the data makes it difficult to draw any definitive conclusions. Despite claims from the New England Journal of Medicine that the study’s data was “reassuring”, the study’s authors ultimately stated that their study, which mainly looked at women who began vaccination in the third trimester, was unable to draw “conclusions about spontaneous abortions, congenital anomalies, and other potential rare neonatal outcomes.” This is just one example of the problems caused by “cutting corners” with respect to Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine trials in humans and animals, including those conducted by the NIH.

Meanwhile, throughout February, March and April, Bancel was “begging for money” as Moderna reportedly lacked “enough money to buy essential ingredients for the shots” and “needed hundreds of millions of dollars, perhaps even more than a billion dollars” to manufacture its vaccine, which had only recently begun trials. Bancel, whose tenure at Moderna had long been marked by his ability to charm investors, kept coming up empty-handed.

Then, in mid-April 2020, Moderna’s long-time cooperation with the US government again paid off when Health and Human Services Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) awarded the company $483 million to “accelerate the development of its vaccine candidate for the novel coronavirus.” A year later, the amount invested in Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine by the US government had grown to about $6 billion dollars, just $1.5 billion short of the company’s entire value at the time of its pre-COVID IPO.

BARDA, throughout 2020, was directly overseen by the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), led by the extremely corrupt Robert Kadlec, who had spent roughly the last two decades designing BARDA and helping shape legislation that concentrated many of the emergency powers of HHS under the Office of the ASPR. Conveniently, Kadlec occupied the powerful role of ASPR that he had spent years sculpting at the exact moment when the pandemic, which he had simulated the previous year via Crimson Contagion, took place. As mentioned in Part I, he was also a key participant in the June 2001 Dark Winter exercise. In his capacity as ASPR during 2020, Kadlec oversaw nearly all major aspects of the HHS COVID-19 response and had a key role in BARDA’s funding decisions during that period, as well as in the affairs of the NIH and the Food and Drug Administration as they related to COVID-19 medical countermeasures, including vaccines.

On May 1, 2020, Moderna announced a ten-year manufacturing agreement with the Lonza Group, a multinational chemical and biotech company based in Switzerland. Per the agreement, Lonza would build out vaccine production sites for Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, first in the US and Switzerland, before expanding to Lonza’s facilities in other countries. The scale of production discussed in the agreement was to produce 1 billion doses of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine annually. It was claimed that the ten-year agreement would also focus on other products, even though it was well known at the time that other Moderna products were “nowhere close to being ready for the market.” Moderna executives would later state that they were still scrambling for the cash to manufacture doses at the time the agreement with Lonza was made.

The decision to forge a partnership to produce that quantity of doses annually suggests marvelous foresight on the part of Moderna and Lonza that the COVID-19 vaccine would become an annual or semiannual affair, given that current claims of waning immunity could not have been known back then because initial trials of the Moderna vaccine had begun less than two months earlier and there was still no published data on its efficacy or safety. However, as will be discussed Part III of this series, Moderna needs to sell “pandemic level” quantities of its COVID-19 vaccine every year in order to avoid a return of the existential crises it faced before COVID-19 (for more on those crises, see Part I). The implications of this, given Moderna’s previous inability to produce a safe product for multidosing and lack of evidence that past issues were addressed in the development of its COVID-19 vaccine, will also be discussed in Part III of this series.

It is also noteworthy that, like Moderna, Lonza as a company and its leaders are closely affiliated with the World Economic Forum. In addition, at the time the agreement was reached in May 2020, Moncef Slaoui, the former GlaxoSmithKline executive, served on the boards of both Moderna and Lonza. Slaoui withdrew from the boards of both companies two weeks after the agreement was reached to become the head of the US-led vaccination-development drive Operation Warp Speed. Moderna praised Slaoui’s appointment to head the vaccination project.

By mid-May, Moderna’s stock price—whose steady decline before COVID-19 was detailed in Part I —had tripled since late February 2020, all on high hopes for its COVID-19 vaccine. Since Moderna’s stock had begun to surge in February, media reports noted that “nearly every progress update—or media appearance by Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel—has been gobbled up by investors, who seem to have an insatiable appetite for the stock.” Bancel’s tried-and-tested method of keeping Moderna afloat on pure hype, though it was faltering before COVID-19, was again paying off for the company thanks to the global crisis and related panic.

Some critics did emerge, however, calling Moderna’s now $23 billion valuation “insane,” especially considering that the company had posted a net loss of $514 million the previous year and had yet to produce a safe or effective medicine since its founding a decade earlier. In January 2020, Moderna had been worth a mere $5 billion, $2 billion less than its valuation at its December 2018 IPO. If it hadn’t been for the onset of the COVID crisis and a fresh injection of hype, it seems that Moderna’s valuation would have continued to shrink. Yet, thankfully for Moderna, investors were valuing Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine even before the release of any clinical data. Market analysts at the time were forecasting Moderna’s 2022 revenue at about $1 billion, a figure based almost entirely on coronavirus vaccine sales, since all other Moderna products were years away from a market debut. Yet, even with this forecasted revenue, Moderna’s stock value in mid-May 2020 was trading at twenty-three times its projected sales, a phenomenon unique to Moderna among biotech stocks at the time. For comparison, the other highest multiples in biotech at the time were Vertex Pharmaceutical and Seattle Genetics, which were then trading at nine and twelve times their projected revenue, respectively. Now, with the implementation of booster shot policies around the world, revenue forecasts for Moderna now predict the company will make a staggering $35 billion in COVID-19 vaccine sales through next year.

Moderna’s surging stock price went into overdrive when, on May 18, 2020, the company published “positive” interim data for a phase 1 trial of its COVID-19 vaccine. The results generated great press, public enthusiasm, and a 20 percent boost in Moderna’s stock price. Just hours after the press release, Moderna announced a new effort to raise $1.3 billion by selling more stock. It has since been revealed that that Moderna had hired Morgan Stanley to manage that stock sale on May 15.

However, left largely unmentioned by the press or Moderna itself was that the ostensibly “scientific study” only provided data from 8 of the 45 volunteers—4 volunteers each from the 15- and 100-microgram dose cohorts—regarding the development of neutralizing antibodies. The age of these mysteriously selected 8 volunteers was also not published, and other key data was missing, making it “impossible to know whether mRNA-1273 [Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine] was ineffective [in the remaining 37 volunteers whose antibody data was not disclosed], or whether the results were not available at this point.” Meanwhile, in the highest-dose cohort, in which volunteers received 250 micrograms, 21 percent of volunteers experienced a grade 3 adverse event, which is defined by the FDA as “preventing daily activity and requiring medical intervention.”

STAT published a report the next day that was skeptical of Moderna’s press release and seemed to imply the data release was aimed at boosting the company’s stock valuation, which hit $29 billion after the news. STAT reporter Helen Branswell called this jump in valuation “an astonishing feat for a company that currently sells zero products.” Branswell’s report noted several things, including that several vaccine experts had noted that “based on the information made available [by Moderna], there’s really no way to know how impressive—or not—the vaccine may be.” Moderna later defended its withholding of key data in the press release, claiming that it was done to respect “federal securities laws and the rules of scientific journals” and to prevent a potential leak of the data from insiders at the NIH. Moderna executives have more recently claimed that the “timely” release of these selective data had been linked to their “desperate” fundraising efforts at the time and ultimately prevented them from “losing” the COVID-19 vaccine race.

The STAT report also noted that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which was running the trial referenced by Moderna in the press release, was completely silent on the matter, declining to put out a press release that day and declining to comment on Moderna’s announcement. This was described as uncharacteristic for NIAID, especially considering they were the part of the NIH co-developing the vaccine with Moderna and running the trial. STAT noted that, normally, “NIAID doesn’t hide its light under a bushel. The institute generally trumpets its findings.” In this case, however, they declined to do so. It emerged in early June 2020 that Dr. Anthony Fauci, who leads NIAID, had been displeased with Moderna’s decision to publish incomplete data on the trial, telling STAT that he would have preferred “to wait until we had the data from the entire Phase 1 . . . and publish it in a reputable journal and show all the data.”

Tal Zaks, Chief Scientific Officer at Moderna; Source: The Forward

It subsequently emerged that Moderna’s top executives, including chief financial officer Lorence Kim and chief scientific officer Tal Zaks, had used their insider knowledge of the coming press release to trade company stock that netted them several million each following the jump in Moderna’s stock that resulted from the press release’s positive buzz. A little over a week after the press release had been published, STAT reported that the top five Moderna executives had cashed out $89 million in shares since the company’s stock price had begun to soar earlier in the year. Per that report, the amount of trades by these five executives alone between January and May 2020 was “nearly three times as many stock transactions than in all of 2019.” By September 2020, the amount of stock shed by Moderna executives amounted to $236 million. Less criticized or even mentioned by the press was Moderna’s move, less than a month later, to create a tax haven in Europe for its European COVID-19 vaccine sales.

Though the trades were deemed slimy but legal, mainstream media reports essentially confirmed that the early release of the interim data was planned to “raise the share price of Moderna’s stock so that executives could cash in during the period of euphoria” that followed. Some watchdog groups called on the SEC to investigate Moderna executives for manipulating the stock market. The critical reporting on executive stock trades and Moderna’s release of incomplete data led the company’s stock to temporarily trend downward throughout the rest of May. As previously mentioned, Moderna has repeatedly attempted to explain away the timing of this particular press release, offering new explanations as recently as this week.

Moderna’s Shocking Claim about Its Vaccine Candidate

In mid-June 2020, researchers at the NIH and Moderna published a manuscript preprint of preclinical data for Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine. This preprint described the vaccine as employing a delivery system covered in a patent owned by the company Arbutus Biopharma and described the results of that vaccine in tests on mice. As discussed in Part I, Moderna has long been locked in a bitter legal dispute with Arbutus, which has threatened Moderna’s ability to ever turn a profit on any product that relies on Arbutus-patented technology regarding lipid nanoparticle (LNP) delivery systems for its mRNA products. Moderna has claimed for years it was no longer using the Arbutus-derived system on which it once entirely relied, with Bancel even going so far as to publicly call it “not very good.” However, Moderna has provided no real evidence that it no longer relies on the technology covered in the Arbutus patents. The June 2020 manuscript preprint from the NIH and Moderna provided evidence indicating that the same Arbutus-derived technology that had caused major toxicity issues in multidose products Moderna had previously attempted to develop was also being used in Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine candidate.

Yet, when Moderna’s chief corporate affairs officer, Ray Jordan, was challenged on this point by Forbes, Jordan asserted that the preprint’s data had been generated using a formulation of a COVID-19 vaccine that is not the same as the vaccine itself, stating, “While the authors of the preprint used the term ‘mRNA-1273’ for convenience of the reader, the preprint does not describe the cGMP process by which we make our messenger RNA and LNP or the final drug product composition in our commercial candidate (mRNA-1273).” When Forbes asked Jordan if he could provide any specifics, including the LNP molar ratio of the new LNP technology to prove that the LNPs in use in the COVID-19 vaccine were in fact different from those covered by the Arbutus patent, Jordan flat out refused.

Arbutus Biopharma’s office in Warminster, Pennsylvania; Source: Philadelphia Business Journal

Despite Jordan’s claims, a Moderna preclinical study regarding its COVID-19 vaccine was published a month later, and that July study noted that the Moderna vaccine used LNPs as described in a 2019 paper, which in turn reveals that the LNPs in question were the same as those used in the June study. This paper included the results from the study originally promoted by Moderna in May that led to a jump in Moderna’s stock price. Now published in full, the study generated lots of positive press, including a statement from the NIAID’s Fauci that “no matter how you slice this, this is good news.” A jump in US government funding of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine also shortly followed the study’s publication. At the time, CBS News remarked that Moderna’s stock price, which had been sliding since its late 2018 IPO, had been essentially rescued by the COVID-19 crisis, as “shares of Moderna—which has never brought a product to market over its ten-year existence—have soared as much as 380 percent since the start of the year as news emerged [in January] of its promising potential for producing a vaccine. [Moderna’s] stock price was less than $20 in early January and around $95 on Friday [July 17, 2020].” Today, by comparison, Moderna has consistently been trading above $300 a share.

Yet, if we take Ray Jordan at his word with respect to the preprint published in June, Moderna appears to have been engaged in rather slimy behavior. If Jordan was telling the truth, it appears that this July study, which appears to use the vaccine candidate containing the same LNPs as those described in the June 2020 preprint, also used a formulation not consistent with the company’s commercial vaccine candidate. If so, given that the July study was the same study referenced by Moderna’s controversial May press release tied to insider stock trades, Moderna appears to have used “positive” data generated by a vaccine candidate other than its commercial vaccine candidate to boost stock prices and ameliorate the company’s financial situation while also generating millions for executives. This, of course, says nothing about the separate but critically important issue that the vaccine candidate used in these studies, including the NIH study, is not necessarily the same as the commercial candidate used in clinical trials.

It seems that the only reason that Moderna would make such an outrageous claim toForbes would be to distance its COVID-19 vaccine from its past controversies that largely have their root in Moderna’s LNP-related problems, which it had claimed to have already resolved. It is not clear if the motive behind such a gambit is principally related to the legal dispute with Arbutus or the past safety issues Moderna encountered with multidose therapies.

Adding to the confusion about the LNPs in use in Moderna’s products is that, a few days earlier in July, Moderna had published results on a separate vaccine candidate, this one for HIV, that appeared to use the exact same LNP technology that is covered by the Arbutus patent. The LNPs described in that study included the same components as those described in the Arbutus patent and the same molar ratio. Moderna appeared to be referencing this issue in their August 6, 2020, SEC filing, which states: “There are many issued and pending third-party patents that claim aspects of oligonucleotide delivery technologies that we may need for our mRNA therapeutic and vaccine candidates or marketed products, including mRNA-1273, if approved.”

By the end of 2020, Moderna claimed in a December filing with the SEC that, while it had “initially used LNP formulations that were based on known lipid systems,” that is, the Arbutus LNPs, it had “invested heavily in delivery science and ha[s] developed LNP technologies, as well as alternative nanoparticle approaches.” Despite the claims it made in this filing, however, it remained unclear as to whether the company’s COVID-19 vaccine was using Arbutus technology or the technology it purported to have developed on its own without infringing on Arbutus’s intellectual property.

Moderna’s claims that it now uses a different LNP system than the one that caused such major issues is based on the company’s development and implementation of a lipid structure now known as SM-102. This lipid structure was first revealed by Moderna in a 2019 publication under the name Lipid H, and, in that paper and since, Moderna has claimed that its LNP system is now superior to that which it previously used because it is using SM-102 instead of the original Arbutus lipids. However, it is critical to note that Moderna’s use of SM-102 does not necessarily mean the company is not violating the Arbutus patents, which cover the use of LNPs that combine cationic and PEGylated lipids in specific proportions.

Despite claims from Moderna that SM-102 resolved both the company’s patent-related and toxicity issues with its LNP system (as discussed in Part I), Moderna has declined to disclose SM-102’s exact structure or whether it carries a net positive charge at physiological pH, the latter of which could lead to proof of continued infringement on the Arbutus patent. In addition, there are no studies on the distribution, degradation, and/or elimination of SM-102 from the body, meaning that the accumulation of the lipids or their capacity to damage organs is not documented. The obvious lack of study of SM-102’s properties and effects on the human body was largely circumvented by public health authorities during the emergency approval process by using the same criteria for the Moderna vaccine candidate that is used for traditional vaccines that do not utilize the novel mRNA approach. These “traditional” criteria therefore do not include any requirements for data on LNP safety.

Overall, the evidence seems to point toward Moderna’s claims that its COVID-19 vaccine doesn’t use Arbutus-derived LNPs as being false. The other possibility is that Moderna attempted to modify the LNP system but only slightly so that potential identifiers, such as the molar ratio, remained the same. In this case, Arbutus could still claim that the LNPs currently in use by Moderna and in its COVID-19 vaccine infringe on their patent. It is also thus likely that the safety issues Moderna had acknowledged with this LNP system were largely unaffected if the potential modifications were indeed minor. Yet, if either of these scenarios is correct, the question becomes – Why wouldn’t Arbutus challenge Moderna once again to obtain royalty payments stemming from its COVID-19 vaccine?

The answer seems to lie mostly in optics and public relations. As STAT wrote last July, were Arbutus to sue Moderna over patent infringement in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, “that would mean taking the substantial risk that it would be perceived as a company holding up a desperately needed medicine out of concern for its bottom line.” This also seemed to be part of the motive behind Moderna’s altruistically framed promise not to enforce its own COVID-19–related patents until the pandemic is declared over. Observers have noted that this move by Moderna was not only a public relations boon for the company but also “set a disarming tone in the space that may serve to deter others in the space [e. g., Arbutus] from acting too defensively or aggressively,” largely due to “fear of the potential public relations backlash.”

While July 2020 brought a surge in valuation and positive press for Moderna and its COVID-19 vaccine candidate, it also brought an unfavorable ruling for Moderna in its long-running dispute with Arbutus, one that opened the door for Arbutus to file an injunction against Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, if they chose, to force the negotiation of a license with Moderna. The news led to Moderna’s stock price falling by 10 percent, wiping out $3 billion in value. However, most likely for the reasons outlined above, Arbutus ultimately declined to jump on the decision to block Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine from advancing in the hopes of securing royalties. Yet, they reserve the ability to do so, if and when the perceived urgency of the COVID-19 crisis fades.

Moderna has asserted that the decision would not affect its COVID-19 vaccine as the company was “not aware of any significant intellectual property impediments for any products we intend to commercialize.” Thus, Ray Jordan’s assertions and the lack of “clear and convincing” evidence that Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine relies on Arbutus-patented technology appears to have been sufficient for Moderna to make this claim. This seems to be due to a lack of interest by the mainstream media or federal agencies/regulators in demanding concrete evidence that Moderna’s LNP system used in its COVID-19 vaccine does not rely on Arbutus-patented technology.

Despite the issues raised above in relation to the vaccine study data published in June and July, the positive press attention—particularly after the July publication—translated just a month later into the US government entering into a significant supply agreement with Moderna on August 11, 2020. Per that agreement, the government would pay $1.525 billion for 100 million doses with the option to purchase an additional 400 million doses in the future, all of which it has since purchased. Per Moderna’s press release, the agreement meant that the US government had, by that point, paid $2.48 billion for “early access” to Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine.

Roughly a month later, it was revealed that the US government had been paying for much more. On September 10, 2020, BARDA joined long-time Moderna funder and “strategic ally” DARPA in scrutinizing contracts that had been awarded to the company due to Moderna’s failure to disclose the role government support had played in its numerous patent applications. The announcement came after Knowledge Ecology International (KEI), which advocates for protecting taxpayer investments in patents, found that none of the patents or applications assigned to Moderna in the company’s entire history had disclosed the considerable US government funding it had received at the time those patents were filed, which is required by the 1980 Bayh-Doyle Act and by the regulations of the Patent and Trademark Office. Per KEI, this translates into the US government owning certain rights over the patents, and thus US taxpayers may have an ownership stake in vaccines made and sold by Moderna.

Despite the clear evidence that Moderna failed to disclose the considerable amount of US government funding prior to and during the COVID crisis in its patent applications, Moderna responded to KEI and the BARDA/DARPA “scrutiny” by stating that it was “aware of and consults with our agency collaborators regarding our contractual obligations under each of these agreements, including those with respect to IP [intellectual property], and believe we comply with those obligations.” As of the writing of this article, BARDA and DARPA have taken no action against Moderna for their illegal omission about having received substantial government funding in their patent applications and filings. Instead, a month after DARPA claimed to be “scrutinizing” Moderna’s patent applications, it awarded the company up to $56 million to develop small-scale mobile means of manufacturing its products—namely, its COVID-19 vaccine and its personalized cancer vaccine.

Moderna: “Just Trust Us” 

What quickly stands out about Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine candidate over the course of its rapid development in 2020 was the willingness of federal agencies like NIH, BARDA, and others, as well as the mainstream press, to take Moderna at its word concerning critical aspects of its vaccine and its development, even when the evidence appeared to contradict its claims. This is particularly evident in Moderna claiming that it resolved its LNP issues, both in terms of toxicity and patent infringement, and those claims—despite the company’s refusal to release clear supporting evidence—being taken at face value. This is even more striking when one considers the multiple factors that Moderna was facing before COVID-19 and how the company faced collapse without the success of its COVID-19 vaccine, as this means Moderna was under considerable pressure to have its vaccine succeed.

While the controversial simultaneous conducting of animal and human trials was publicly justified in the name of the urgency of the COVID-19 crisis, can the other examples explored in this article be similarly justified in the name of urgency? Instead, several issues explored above appear to have been driven by conflicts of interest and corruption.

Adding to the ridiculousness is that Moderna got away with claiming that the NIH was conducting safety tests on a COVID-19 vaccine product different from their commercial candidate, without causing a major backlash in either the mainstream media or from the NIH itself. This is particularly telling as the May 2020 press release and suspiciously timed stock trading by Moderna executives and insiders did garner negative press attention. However, the subsequent revelation, per Moderna, that its press release was based on the study of a vaccine candidate that was not “necessarily the same” as their commercial COVID-19 vaccine candidate received essentially no coverage, despite raising the unsettling possibility that Moderna could have used another product to essentially rig preliminary data to be positive in order to advance their product to market and make millions through insider stock sales. How can the claims made by such a company be trusted at face value without independent verification? Furthermore, how can NIH studies of Moderna be trusted when Moderna has claimed that some of the studies that were ultimately factors in the vaccine’s emergency use authorization approval by the FDA utilized a different product than that which Moderna later successfully commercialized?

Moderna and the NIH were, nevertheless, taken at their word in November 2020 when they said that their COVID-19 vaccine candidate was 94.5 percent effective. At the time, the main promoters of this claim were Moderna’s Bancel and NIAID’s Fauci. The claim came shortly after Pfizer’s press release claiming its COVID-19 vaccine candidate was 90 percent effective. Not to be outdone by Moderna, Pfizer revised the reported efficacy of its vaccine just two days after Moderna’s November press release, stating that their vaccine was actually 95% effective to Moderna’s 94.5%. In the case of these claims, it was indicative of the now-established yet troubling practice of “science by press release” when it comes to touting the benefit of certain COVID-19 vaccines currently on the market. Since then, real-world data has shattered the efficacy claims that were used to secure emergency use authorization, for which Moderna applied at the end of November 2020 and received only a few weeks later in mid-December of that year.

As Part III of this series will explore, the EUA for the Moderna vaccine got around the issues raised in this article by treating the entire Moderna formulation as a traditional vaccine, which it is not, as traditional vaccines do not utilize mRNA for inducing immunity, and their safety and efficacy depend on several criteria that are entirely different from those of the more novel mRNA. Thus, the LNP issue, a perpetually sticky one for Moderna that it struggled to circumvent before the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, was largely evaded when it came down to, not just research and development, but receiving EUA. It appears that this sleight-of-hand by federal regulators was necessary for Moderna, after ten years, to finally get its first product on the market. As noted in Part I, were it not for the COVID-19 crisis and its fortuitous timing, Moderna might not have survived the severe challenges that threatened its entire existence as a company.

Part III will also examine how Moderna’s “Hail Mary” moment in the COVID-19 crisis was only the beginning of its miraculous rescue from a Theranos-like fate, as the company has not only expanded its partnership with the government but now with a CIA-linked firm. This shows that Moderna and key power players in Big Pharma and the US national-security state envision Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine being sold in massive quantities for several years to come. As previously noted, without annual or semiannual sales of booster doses, Moderna’s pre-COVID crisis will inevitably return. The push for Moderna booster-dose approval has advanced despite real-world data not supporting Moderna’s past claims of safety and efficacy for its COVID-19 vaccine, the recent decision of several European governments to halt the vaccine’s use, and the FDA’s own infighting and recent admissions that the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is one of the more dangerous currently in use, particularly in terms of adverse effects on the cardiovascular system. The obvious question here then becomes – How costly will Moderna’s “Hail Mary” save ultimately be, not just in terms of the $6 billion US taxpayer money already spent on it, but also in terms of public health?


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Whitney Webb has been a professional writer, researcher and journalist since 2016. She has written for several websites and, from 2017 to 2020, was a staff writer and senior investigative reporter for Mint Press News. She currently writes for The Last American Vagabond.

Featured image is from Unlimited Hangout

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In letzter Zeit berichten freie Medien von immer mehr beispielhaften Aktivitäten zivilen Ungehorsams. „Ziviler Ungehorsam“ ist „gewaltfreie Notwehr“ und eine Form des politischen Kampfes im Sinne Mahatma Gandhis und Martin Luther Kings. Unter den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern keimt dadurch Hoffnung auf, die schlimmste Krise der modernen Geschichte zu überleben. Mit seinem Sinnspruch „Dum spiro spero“ bringt Cicero (106 bis 43 v.u.Z.) diese Hoffnung und die bange Frage vieler Bürger nach „Sein oder Nicht-Sein“ prägnant und prosaisch zum Ausdruck.

Die täglichen Horrormeldungen über staatliche Terrormaßnahmen und der bereits eingeschlagene Weg in einen neuen Faschismus hinterlassen bei Jung und Alt tiefe Spuren von Verzweiflung und Hoffnungslosigkeit. Wer glaubt da noch an einen Gesundheitsschutz der Bevölkerung? Durch die Beispiele des zivilen Ungehorsams wird dieser allgegenwärtige Schrecken jedoch etwas abgemildert. Der vollständige Text von Ciceros Lebensweisheit kann die aufkeimende Hoffnung noch beflügeln. Im ursprünglichen Brief an seinen Freund Atticus schreibt er: „Dum spiro spero; dum spero amo; dum amo vivo.“ Das heißt: „Solange ich atme, hoffe ich; solange ich hoffe, liebe ich; solange ich liebe, lebe ich.“

Wie ein 80-Millionen-Volk ins Unglück gestürzt wurde 

Da jeder wache Bürger die neuen Gewalt- und Terrormaßnahmen am eigenen Leib spürt, möchte ich sie hier nicht wiederholen. Stattdessen werde ich als „Nachgeborener“ das wiedergeben, was mir meine beiden Elternteile – Jahrgang 1913 und 1923 – als Zeitzeugen des Deutschen Faschismus erzählten und was ich darüber in der Nachkriegsliteratur gelesen habe. Beides hat sich unauslöschlich in mein Gedächtnis „eingebrannt“. Die Parallelen zur heutigen Entwicklung sind frappierend.

Meine Eltern erzählten mir, wie es zum “Dritten Reich“ gekommen ist: Sie haben mir von den Straßenschlachten erzählt und sprachen darüber, wie die „Blockwarts“ installiert worden sind, wie die Meinungsfreiheit unterdrückt, die Polizei instrumentalisiert und eine „SA“ und „SS“ geschaffen wurden. Gleichzeitig wurden die Menschen mit Falschinformationen überschwemmt. Dies war sehr perfide, weil nicht gelogen und auch nicht die Wahrheit gesagt wurde – es waren Halbwahrheiten. Wenn Menschen mit solchen Halbwahrheiten überschüttet werden, meinten meine Eltern, dann können sie nicht mehr unterscheiden, was Lüge und was Wahrheit ist. Und durch diese Agitation und Propaganda des „Dritten Reichs“ sei ein Hitler an die Macht gekommen und ein 80-Millionen-Volk ins Unglück gestürzt worden.

In diesem Zusammenhang möchte ich auch zwei Romane erwähnen, die mir großen Eindruck machten und das bestätigten, was meine Eltern erzählten: Oskar Maria Grafs beklemmende Darstellung des aufkommenden Faschismus in der deutschen Provinz im Roman „Unruhe um einen Friedfertigen“ und Lions Feuchtwangers Buch „Erfolg“ aus der Romantrilogie „Der Wartesaal“. Diese drei Werke der deutschen Exilliteratur beschäftigen sich inhaltlich mit den Ereignissen zwischen den Kriegen von 1914 und 1939 und berichten vom „Wiedereinbruch der Barbarei in Deutschland und ihren zeitweiligen Sieg über die Vernunft“ (Feuchtwanger).

Meldungen über Aktionen zivilen Ungehorsams lassen Hoffnung aufkommen

Auch in einem zweiten „Nürnberger Prozess“ werden sich korrupte Politiker wegen begangener Verbrechen gegen die Menschheit nicht auf den Gehorsam gegenüber sogenannten „Führern“ berufen können. Sie haben mit ihrem Verhalten die gegenwärtige Politik gefördert und mit realisiert. Nach Auffassung von Hannah Arendt ist das Wort „Gehorsam“ in der Politik Erwachsener nur ein anderes Wort für „Zustimmung“ und „Unterstützung“.

Die Antwort auf politische Entscheidungen, die das individuelle und gesellschaftliche Leben der Bürger immer mehr einschränken, die Liebe zur Freiheit aus den menschlichen Herzen ausrottet und die Menschen mit Gewalt in ein eisernes Band des Terrors schließt, sodass der Raum des Handelns verschwindet, ist nicht Gehorsam, sondern ziviler Ungehorsam. Während die Zivilcourage unter den demokratischen Tugenden an der Spitze rangiert, steht die Bereitschaft, zivilen Ungehorsam zu leisten, im Verdacht, den Rechtsfrieden zu stören und die Fundamente der freiheitlichen Demokratie zu untergraben.

Da die „stille“ Diktatur der Demokratie aber in vielen Staaten in eine „offene“ Diktatur „umgewandelt“ wurde, ist ziviler Ungehorsam das Gebot der Stunde. Und in der Tat berichten die freien Medien über immer eindrucksvollere Beispiele zivilen Ungehorsams weltweit, obwohl Vorgesetzte wie auch Arbeitnehmer aus allen Berufsgruppen durch ihr Handeln vorübergehende soziale und finanzielle Einbußen hinnehmen müssen.

So verabschiedeten vor kurzem beide Kammern des Parlaments von Florida ein Gesetz, das auch die Impfpflicht verbietet. Sie setzen damit wie die Mehrheit der US-Bundesstaaten auf Vernunft und Einhaltung von Freiheits- und Grundrechten. Damit handeln sie eindeutig gegen die Administration des US-amerikanischen Präsidenten.

Persönlichkeiten des öffentlichen Lebens nehmen ihre mediale „Hinrichtung“ in Kauf und beharren auf ihrem Recht der körperlichen Unversehrtheit. Immer mehr Ärzte verweigern wegen der viele unkalkulierbaren Nebenwirkungen mutig die Covid-19-Impfung ihrer Patienten und bekommen Berufsverbot. Ehemals verantwortliche Direktoren großer Pharmaunternehmen verlassen aus ethischen Gründen die Firma und klären seitdem die Bevölkerung auf.

Mutige Bürger aus aller Herren Länder lassen sich durch angekündigte Repressionen von Regierungen und Arbeitgebern nicht beeindrucken, nehmen ihr Recht auf gewaltfreie Notwehr in Anspruch und gehen auf die Straße. Diese Liste von Beispielen zivilen Ungehorsams ließe sich noch lange fortsetzen. Bitte, lieber Bürgerinnen und Bürger, machen sie sich in den freien Medien kundig. Jedes einzelne Beispiel macht Hoffnung und wird Nachahmer finden.

Schlussendlich darf man gespannt sein, welche Seite sich in diesem unerklärten Krieg gegen die Zivilgesellschaften und diesem ungleichen Kampf durchsetzen wird – geht es doch um die existentielle Frage: „Sein oder Nichtsein“.


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Dr. Rudolf Hänsel ist Rektor a. D., Erziehungswissenschaftler und Diplom-Psychologe.

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World War III: The Global War on Health and Freedom

November 20th, 2021 by Stephen Lendman

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Doctors for Covid Ethics includes hundreds of physicians and scientists from scores of countries worldwide.

Along with America’s Frontline Doctors for medicine as it should be practiced, they’re on the front lines of opposing health-destroying hazards posed by toxic flu/covid kill shots.

They oppose all things flu/covid that breach medical ethics and what’s affirmed by international law.

The organization commented on November 12 and 13 rallies and remarks by noted medical and other experts in Switzerland and Italy against US/Western war on public health and freedom with obliterating both in mind.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said the two-day event was all about promoting “what it means to be free and how the current situation has proved to be a global coup d’etat” — unjustifiably justified by a nonexistent pandemic, except for the jabbed.

Growing opposition to all things flu/covid — especially kill shots designed to destroy health — represents a “war between the spirit of independence of citizens and the claim to power of the actors of a new world order such as the World Economic Forum in Davos, the World Health Organization, the GAVI alliance in Geneva, and ‘bank of banks,’ the Bank for International Settlements in Basel.”

They’re waging war to eliminate what ordinary people worldwide hold most dear.

So-called misinformation about toxic jabs is code language for whatever diverges from the fabricated official narrative.

Who are the censors? They include US/Western hardliners, monsters Gates, Zukerberg, Fauci, Walensky, Murthy, Big Tech, Pharma, MSM and other co-conspirators.

They “engineered not only the destruction of democracy and civil rights, they engineered the biggest shift of wealth in human history — $3.8 trillion (and counting) from working people to (a) handful of billionaires, many from Silicon Valley,” said Kennedy, adding:

The fake “pandemic impoverished the world and created 500 new billionaires.”

“Is it a coincidence that these (monsters) are the same people who are censoring criticism of government policies that are bringing them trillions of dollars?”

“The people who are benefiting are the people who are squeezing away our constitutional rights and engineering the destruction of (public health and freedom) worldwide.”

Dr. Thomas Binder explained (US/Western) manufactured myths with the worst of diabolical aims in mind.

They include jabs designed to destroy health, not protect it, masks that risk respiratory harm and don’t protect, fake PCR test results, freedom-destroying lockdowns and related draconian actions.

Only since mass-jabbing with kill shots began has ICU occupancy been strained beyond its capacity to operate in heavily jabbed nations.

Catherine Austin Fitts explained that health passports have nothing to do with protection.

They’re “part of a financial transaction control grid that will absolutely end human liberty in the West” and wherever else used.

“This is not about democracy versus fascism. This is about freedom versus slavery.”

Everything instituted since last year way exceeds the most demonic health and freedom-destroying aims ever conceived by history’s most ruthless despots.

Headquartered in Washington with branch offices in European capitals and Israel, what’s going on is undeclared WW III with bioweapons and other draconian actions against millions and billions of unwanted people worldwide — with extermination them and abolishing freedom in mind.

Virtually everything reported by official sources and MSM co-conspirators reflects their diabolical aims crucial to resist against, “splinter into a thousand pieces and scatter into the wind.”

As president before killed by CIA assassins, Jack Kennedy said the above about a diabolical agency he detested and wanted eliminated.

Today the monster system is far more powerful and demonic than when he was a US senator, then president.

There’s no ambiguity about the only viable option.

Slay the monster before it destroys us.


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Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

VISIT MY WEBSITE: (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at [email protected].

My two Wall Street books are timely reading:

“How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion, and Class War”

“Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity”

Featured image is from  Inga –

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Argentina ‘Dirty War’ Accusations Haunt Pope Francis

November 20th, 2021 by Vladimir Hernandez

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This article originally published by the BBC in 2013 is of relevance to Pope Francis’ endorsement of the Vaccine Passport as well his posture on the violation of fundamental human rights.


“I see a lot of joy and celebration for Pope Francis, but I’m living his election with a lot of pain.”

These are the words of Graciela Yorio, the sister of Orlando Yorio – a priest who was kidnapped in May 1976 and tortured for five months during Argentina’s last military government.

Ms Yorio accuses the then-Father Jorge Mario Bergoglio of effectively delivering her brother and fellow priest Francisco Jalics into the hands of the military authorities by declining to endorse publicly their social work in the slums of Buenos Aires, which infuriated the junta at the time.

Their kidnapping took place during a period of massive state repression of left-wing activists, union leaders and social activists which became known as the “Dirty War”.

Orlando Yorio has since died. But, in a statement, Fr Jalics said on Friday he was “reconciled with the events and, for my part, consider them finished”.

The Vatican has strenuously denied Pope Francis was guilty of any wrongdoing.

“There has never been a credible, concrete accusation against him,” its spokesman, Fr Federico Lombardi, told reporters in Rome.

‘Stolen babies’

For Estela de la Cuadra, the election of Cardinal Bergoglio as Pope, was “awful, a barbarity”.

Her sister Elena was “disappeared” by the military in 1978 when five-months pregnant. Their father asked Fr Bergoglio for help in finding her.

“He gave my dad a handwritten note with the name of a bishop who could give us information on our missing relatives,” Ms de la Cuadra says.

“When my father met the bishop, he was informed that his granddaughter was ‘now with a good family’,” she adds.

In 2010, then-Cardinal Bergoglio was asked to testify in the trial over the “stolen babies” – children born to the regime’s opponents who were taken and handed over to be raised in suitable military families after their mothers were killed.

The cardinal said he had only known about that practice after democracy returned to Argentina in 1983.

Ms de la Cuadra believes the handwritten note contradicts this account, and testified under oath on the subject in May 2011.

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A big peg was thrown in the Saudi-led coalition’s plans in the past several days.

Saudi-backed forces carried out a surprise withdrawal from dozens of positions in the southern and eastern outskirts of the western Yemeni city of al-Hudaydah, beginning on November 11th.

November 18th dawned with Houthis in partial control of the port in the city’s south. The city was predominantly under Ansar Allah control, but this abrupt withdrawal allowed for the group to regain even more positions.

The Saudi-led coalition spokesman General Turki al-Malki, in the first clarification on the abrupt withdrawal from around Hodeidah, said the redeployment was ordered to support other fronts and in line with the coalition’s “future plans”.

Still, on November 17, the coalition announced that its warplanes had carried out six airstrikes on Houthi (Ansar Allah) forces along the western Yemeni coast.

The spokesman highlighted the Houthis’ repeated violations of the UN-brokered ceasefire and the group’s control over several Red Sea ports, including that of al-Hudaydah, as the main reasons behind the withdrawal decision.

The Houthis have retaken all the positions which were abandoned by Saudi-backed coalition. Clashes are now taking place near the administrative border between al-Hudaydah and the southwestern province of Taiz. This is an invaluable chance for Ansar Allah.

The push for Ma’rib is going quite well for the Houthis, currently, and it is likely that most, if not all, Saudi forces will have to fight on the frontlines there. If Ma’rib falls, that spells bad times for Riyadh, as its most significant central Yemen stronghold is gone.

This allows for more Ansar Allah operations to target the interior of the Kingdom, and push it even further back along the contact lines.

In line with that, on November 17th, a ballistic missile targeted the southern outskirts of the central Yemeni city of Ma’rib. Allegations from pro-Saudi sources claimed a refugee camp had been struck. In response, pro-Houthi activists rejected them saying that the attack targeted reinforcements of Saudi-backed forces which were recently deployed in the engineer’s military camp near al-Himmah.

Several days ago, the Saudi-led coalition foiled an attack by the Houthis on the Bulq mountain, the last geographical obstacle before the southern outskirts of Ma’rib city.

With Saudi Arabia redeploying its troops, and the Houthis inching ever closer towards the strategic city, a no holds barred fight is on the horizon. A significant shift in the tide of the war will be observed for whichever side comes out on top.


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Is Biden Looking to Reignite a Dirty War in Ukraine?

November 19th, 2021 by Russell Bentley

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On October 18th, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin III met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to affirm U.S. support for Ukraine’s war against its eastern provinces.

Since the beginning of the conflict in 2014, the United States has provided more than $2.5 billion in security assistance to Ukraine, including $275 million in military aid that has been announced in the last ten months under President Joe Biden, a staunch champion of the war from its inception.

In early November, President Biden dispatched CIA Director William F. Burns to Moscow to warn the Kremlin about its troop buildup on the Ukraine border and to try and force it to back off. Secretary of State Antony Blinken followed up this past week by threatening Russia further in a joint press conference in Washington with the Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.

Minsk Protocol - Wikipedia


Ukraine, however, started the war following the February 2014 U.S. backed coup and carried out sustained war crimes.

These crimes include: a) the recent kidnapping and torture of a Russian ceasefire monitor in Lugansk; b) a recent attack on Staromaryevka, a settlement of 180 civilians in the de-militarized “Grey Zone,” which included the kidnapping of eight more unarmed civilians (who were also Russian citizens) by neo-Nazi terrorists; and c) the use of a Turkish Bayraktar attack drone against Donbass defense forces.

All this is in addition to the repeated shelling of civilian areas and infrastructure along with a hardening of war rhetoric by the Kyiv regime—with U.S. backing.

Readying for War

The main hope for a diplomatic solution to the conflict in Ukraine lies with the Minsk peace accords—which includes a provision that would allow for considerable autonomy for the eastern provinces. Predictably, the U.S. and Ukraine have shown little interest in adhering to the Minsk accords.

Collage: Euromaidan Press

Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka, Russian President Vladimir Putin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, after the signing of Minsk-2 in 2015. [Source:]

A no-fly zone is currently being enforced by Russia in the airspace over the Donbass Republic. Russia cannot recognize the Donetsk Republic because it would invite further U.S. sanctions and efforts at political isolation; the Donetsk Republic is considered to be a renegade and the U.S. wants Russia to stay out of the war.

All military units of the DPR are currently on full combat alert. News reports and videos have appeared with Russian armor, including “hundreds” of heavy combat vehicles, and 80,000 to 90,000 troops, moving toward the Ukrainian border from the Bryansk, Voronezh and Rostov military districts. They are stationed at Novy Yerkovich—a four-hour (250 km) drive to Kyiv—and along the border near Kharkov, which lies a scant 30 kilometers from Russia’s border.

Satellite imagery shows armored units and support equipment.

Satellite imagery pointing to Russian troop buildup on Ukrainian border. [Source:]

The troop buildup indicates that Russia is prepared to defend the Donbass region, which consists of almost a million Russian citizens, and to potentially go further and liberate the part of Ukraine populated primarily by ethnic and Russian-speaking Russians.

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy visits positions of armed forces near the frontline with Russian-backed separatists during his working trip in Donbass region, Ukraine April 8, 2021.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky visits positions of armed forces near the front line with Russian-backed separatists during his working trip in Donbass region, Ukraine, April 8, 2021. [Source:]

The U.S./EU/NATO and Ukraine have all been pretending since 2014 that “Russia invaded Ukraine”—which it never did, though Ukrainian provocations make it more likely that it soon will.

The war in Ukraine is not a Ukrainian civil war, nor is it a war between Russians and Ukrainians.

It is a war by resurgent international neo-Nazism, led by the USA against a people fighting for their autonomy backed by a reinvigorated Great Power, Russia, which wants to expand its regional influence and counteract a legitimate security threat on its border.

World Flash Point

The fight in Donbass is one of the major world’s flash points alongside Syria and Taiwan—where U.S. provocations threaten a major war with China.

If the West forces a military confrontation with Russia in Ukraine, it can be sure it will face one with China over Taiwan simultaneously, neither of which it has any chance of winning. The Russians and Chinese have forged a partnership against Western, primarily U.S. aggression in the political, economic, and military spheres.

In Syria, the Turks (a NATO member) have in recent days directly threatened Russian military installations and troops; Should they actually carry out attacks on Russians in Syria, Russia has made clear it will fire back. Turkish troops are now also on the ground in Ukraine, involved in combat operations against Donbass Defense Forces. This too, is a major and recent escalation.

Ukraine signs memorandum on training and maintenance centres for Turkish drones

Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky signs a memorandum in September with Turkish Minister to establish joint training and maintenance centers for Turkish armed drones. [Source:]

Russia Prepares Its Saddle

But it is in Donbass that the situation is the most incendiary. In response to recent Ukrainian provocations and acts of terrorism, Russia is again sending a military task force to its border with Ukraine, as it did in the spring of this year, which stopped the planned U.S./Ukrainian offensive in its tracks.

After the offensive was scrubbed and the situation de-escalated, the Russian troops withdrew from the border, but now again have returned. This time, indications are that the Russian formations are preparing to, at minimum, come into Donbass as peacekeepers, and perhaps go as far as Kharkov and Odessa as Liberators. Maybe even to Kyiv.

As the recent words of Putin, Lavrov, Medvedev and others have made clear, the Russians have now decided that the time for talking is over. There is an old saying about Russians that applies perfectly well to the current situation—”The Russians are slow to saddle their horses, but when they do, they ride very, very fast.”

Those horses have now been saddled.

Responsibility to Protect (R2P)

If the Russians were to deepen their involvement in the Ukraine, they would not be doing anything the U.S. and NATO have not done themselves on more than one occasion.

Russia not only has the right to protect its citizens, it has the responsibility to do so, under international law.

The “R2P” or “Responsibility to Protect” concept is based on three “pillars” –

Pillar I—Each individual state has the responsibility to protect its population from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity.

Pillar II“States pledge to assist each other in their protection responsibilities.”

Pillar IIIIf any state is “manifestly failing” in its protection responsibilities, then states should take collective action to protect the population” in a “timely and decisive response.”

The UN Security Council has recognized and reaffirmed its commitment to the R2P in more than 80 resolutions. R2P as such has the force of international law.

Responsibility to protect (R2P or RtoP): Is it a disguised Blessing or Oppression to the humanity? - NILS Bangladesh


The flip side of R2P is that it has been used as an excuse by the most powerful countries for international war crimes and has resulted in the trampling of state sovereignty.

One of the requirements of R2P is a UN Security Council resolution approving its implementation. Though this will never happen in the case of Ukraine, there can be no doubt that Ukraine is, in fact, guilty of all the crimes that R2P was created to prevent, including a) war crimes, b) ethnic cleansing, and c) crimes against humanity, all of which have been, and continue to be, committed by the Kyiv regime and its military on a daily basis.

Russian intervention as such could be justified under the R2P doctrine–though it is unlikely any NATO countries would acknowledge this.

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Ukraine Army terrorist in Starmaryevka on October 26, 2021, wearing patch of SS Nazi Galicia Battalion in TV interview. [Photo Courtesy of Russel Bentley]

Who Will Stop the Crimes Against Humanity?

The list of Kyiv’s war crimes under international law include: a) denial of water to almost 2.5 million civilians in Crimea, b) the intentional targeting of civilians, journalists and medical personnel by artillery and snipers, c) random terror attacks on civilian areas, d) kidnapping, e) rape, f) torture and g) murder.

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Civilians caught in crossfire in War in Eastern Ukraine. [Source:]

The Russians have over 2,000 specific war crimes cases open against the Kyiv regime and its proxies, and more are being opened daily. Even the USA has opened war crimes investigations into at least seven U.S. citizens who fought on the Kyiv side in the war.

These investigations into kidnapping, torture, rape, and murder are based on eyewitness, and video and forensic evidence. It will be the first time the U.S. has prosecuted anyone under the War Crimes Act since its passage into law in 1996, a quarter century ago.

The Ukrainian military has as of this writing massacred at least 10,000 ethnic Russian civilians. Some were killed in house-to-house searches of civilian homes by paramilitary units wearing Nazi insignia on their uniforms. The Gestapo-like forces were searching for DPR and Russian passports and kidnapped those who had them.

The Russians cannot just stand by and allow this to happen. And neither should Americans.

Western intellectuals have been quick to invoke R2P to support the bombing of Libya and Syria and a host of other Middle East countries as a cover for U.S. aggression. But how many will invoke the same doctrine when it can be applied to actually save people from large-scale ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity—if Russia is the one doing the saving? Likely none.

Part 2: Three Options for Russia

The way I see it, Russia currently has three main options:

1) The Donbass Plan—The Russian Army can roll into Donbass as peacekeepers, along the current contact line from North of Lugansk to Mariupol, after publicly announcing it to the world a few hours ahead of time, in order to warn the Ukrainian military against resistance, and to explain and justify its humanitarian intervention to the “international community.” They would announce that they come in peace to stop the war crimes and the war, but that any military resistance from any source will be instantly eliminated, with the warning, “If you shoot at us, you die.”

This ultimatum would be non-negotiable and backed up by Russia’s full military power, including air and missile forces, and applied not only to Ukrainian military units, but to U.S. and NATO troops in Ukraine and U.S. and NATO ships in the Black Sea, as well as anywhere else. It can and should also include a reminder of Putin’s previous quote that “Russia will respond to any attack by the destruction not only of the source of the attack, but also the source of the orders for the attack.” 

A group of people sitting on a tank Description automatically generated with medium confidence

DPR soldiers welcome greater Russian support in the war. [Source:]

This option would stop all terrorist attacks against Donbass, permanently and completely, and would hopefully give time for a diplomatic solution based on new political realities to be found. It would also not entail the taking of any territory under Ukraine control, only that which has long been alleged under “Russian occupation”.

Once it is seen that the Russians really are coming, and they really do mean business, it is unlikely that the Americans, NATO, or the Ukrainians will fire a shot. This is the least confrontational and least risky approach, as it could be accomplished in a matter of 24 hours, with minimal bloodshed.

This may seem to be a pragmatic solution, but it has the least chance of finding a political compromise or permanent solution, in either the short or long terms. And while it would stop war crimes and protect Russian citizens, it would fail to resolve the overriding geopolitical problems Russia faces in Ukraine—belligerent war criminals on Russia’s borders, the critical Crimean water security issue, foreign enemies in control of a neighboring state, etc. One advantage to this plan, however, is that could be used as a first phase of the Novorussia Plan.

2) The second option is The Novorussia Plan. Under this plan, the Russians can liberate the area known as Novorussia, about one third of current Ukraine, with majority ethnic Russian populations, running along a line from Kharkov to Odessa (inclusive). This not only protects the vast majority of ethnic Russians (not just those in Donbass) from Ukrainian depredations, it solves the critical humanitarian water crisis in Crimea, and cuts Ukraine completely off from the Black Sea. This will also eviscerate all that is left of the Ukrainian economy and begin the process of the dismantling of Ukraine along ethnic lines while eliminating it as a state and as a threat to Russia once and for all.


It will also serve as an example to the world of the new political reality that Russia reserves the right to defend itself, unilaterally, if need be, and that the nation with the most powerful military in the world also has the political will to use it, if it has no other choice and if it is forced to defend itself. This scenario has the best hope of long-term stability for the region, and even the possibility of a future re-integration of some parts of central Ukraine with Novorussia.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of war criminals would probably escape to the West, at least for a while.

3) The third plan, the Kyiv Plan, would be to go to Kyiv, which may or may not involve engaging in a major war. In the best case scenario for Russia, the U.S. and NATO would desert Ukraine in the face of a real fight and leave them on their own. Even if Ukraine did not capitulate in the first few hours, any actual conflict could be finished in a few days, and the process of de-Nazification and war crime trials could begin. In an alternative scenario, the U.S. and NATO would launch air strikes and the war could devolve into a quagmire for Russia, with the risk of nuclear war intensifying.

My belief is that the outcome of the open combat phase of the war would be along the lines of the First Iraq War, (with 80% – 90% of Ukrainian soldiers surrendering without firing a shot) but the subsequent “occupation” would actually be a real liberation. With the removal of neo-Nazis and corrupt oligarchs from positions of power, and the improvement of life quality and life chances for a vast majority of the population, most Ukrainians (with the exception of the rabid fascists in Galicia or Poland) will see the Russian Army as their grandparents saw the Red Army, as heroes and liberators from foreign occupation—which is exactly what they would be.

A war memorial at Savur-Mohyla Height marking the liberation of the Donbass region from Nazi invaders in the Second World War (Valentin Sprinchak/TASS via Getty Images)

A war memorial at Savur-Mohyla Height marking the liberation of the Donbass region from Nazi invaders in the Second World War. The Russians would be viewed similarly to the Red Army liberators of yesteryear. [Source:]

This may be the least viable and least attractive of the three scenarios, but it is an option, and it would have the required effect of stopping the war crimes against Russian citizens and eliminating Ukraine as an existential threat right on Russia’s doorstep. It would also have the benefit of the capture a large percentage of war criminals (Ukrainian and otherwise) as well as documents and evidence that might be of great interest to history, Russia and the world—an option worthy of serious consideration.

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Liberation parade in Ukraine in 2004 celebrating the liberation of the country from fascist rule by the Red Army at the end of World War II. [Source:]

Of all three of these plans, the second, the Novorussia Plan has the most benefit at the least cost. Only going to the contact line in Donbass is not sufficient to resolve the festering Ukrainian problem, and going all the way to Kyiv may well cost more than it is worth. The Novorussia Plan resolves all critical issues at an acceptable cost, and can be implemented, if need be, as a second phase of the Donbass Plan.

With the Voronezh troops coming in through (or around) Kharkov, Airborne and amphibious troops landing in (or around) Odessa, the Rostov Army coming up through Donbass, and the Crimean Army and Black Sea Fleet working along the coast, along with the Bryansk Army waiting in reserve and ready to take Kyiv if required, the 700 Km Front, running from Kharkov to Odessa could be formed and held in a matter of days.

Once Russian fuel and human aid start to flow to liberated Novorussia, grateful citizens will not only not oppose Russian “occupation,” they will support it as genuine liberation, and even be ready to defend it themselves from the cold and hungry Ukrainians who will be begging to be allowed to immigrate to Novorussia.

Incorrigible Nazis and war criminals will be rounded up, tried, and sentenced to work battalions in Donbass, to repair every single thing destroyed or damaged in the war, including the monument at Saur Mogila and all monuments to the Red Army Liberators in the newly liberated lands of Novorussia. The majority of Russian soldiers will quickly be free to return to Russia, and leave the administration and protection of the newly liberated lands to their inhabitants.

Vladimir Putin has more than once recounted a lesson that he learned as a youth on the tough streets of Leningrad. “If the fight is inevitable, it is best to strike first.”

If war indeed breaks out, the main responsibility would rest with the U.S. which triggered the current mess through its sponsorship of the February 2014 coup in Ukraine and gave a green-light for Ukraine to attack its Eastern provinces.


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Russell Bentley is a former Texan who holds passports from Russia, the USA and the Donetsk People’s Republic. Russell came to Donbass in 2014 and served in the VOSTOK Battalion and XAH Spetsnaz Battalion through 2015. He then transitioned into the Information War, as a writer and video reporter, countering Western propaganda about the situation in Ukraine and Donbass.

He currently works as an accredited war correspondent in the DPR, is married and lives in a small house with a big garden, 5 Km from the frontline in the ongoing Donbass War. Russell can be reached at: [email protected].

Featured image: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, left, shakes hands with U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin during their meeting in Kyiv, Ukraine, Tuesday, October 19, 2021. [Source:]

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When I initially read “The Politics of Genocide” [2010] by Edward S. Herman and David Peterson I was easily able to assimilate their critique of the brazen misapplication of the term “genocide” to events in Bosnia (Srebrenica) and Kosovo, since I was familiar with those issues and had worked at the Hague Tribunal, the place where the propaganda was ultimately reformatted to resemble authoritative, quasi-judicial court verdicts.

But like most members of the general public, I thought that those authors’ deconstruction of the Rwandan conflict was exaggerated and tendentious because I knew practically nothing about it, aside from the steady stream of horror stories that were fed to news consumers in the 1990s (the authors fittingly called it “enduring lies” in a related volume). To paraphrase Neville Chamberlain, Rwanda was literally a “quarrel in a far-away country, between people of whom we know nothing,” and that made it quite easy to fool all of us. In retrospect, the Rwandan pattern should have raised red flags for adhering too closely to the Bosnian script. But viewed in a factual vacuum and without any particular local expertise, the torrent of Rwandan genocidal allegations appeared largely credible and indisputable. Exactly as the “Srebrenica genocide” narrative must appear to most superficially informed members of the public.

It is only with the publication of Herman and Peterson’s meticulously researched and persuasively argued book that critical questions about Rwanda began to arise.

The authors argued that the label “genocide,” far from being merely descriptive or following the legal criteria set by the UN convention, was in fact highly politicised and generally used by governments, journalists, and academics to brand as evil those nations and political movements that in one way or another interfered with the imperial designs of the global West. Two sets of rules govern the application of the term “genocide.” It is seldom used when the perpetrators are U.S. allies (or even the United States itself), while it is applied almost indiscriminately when murders are committed or are alleged to have been committed by enemies of the global West and its business or political interests. After removing media blinkers to study more closely the factual background of the Rwandan affair and applying Herman and Peterson’s analytical framework, events there came into focus and the received narrative about Rwanda was no longer making sense.

A recent reminiscence by Phil Taylor and John Philpot on Global Research about the judicial lynching of Rwandan Colonel Théoneste Bagasora, who recently passed away in prison after enduring many years of incarceration for his alleged role in genocidal killings, recalled not just the sordid impact of propaganda in misshaping public perceptions of important contemporary political issues.

More importantly, it highlighted the squalid part played by “gekaufte  Justiz,” as Udo Ulfkotte would undoubtedly have called it if he were alive to write a book on this subject today, in seemingly confirming and reinforcing propaganda’s toxic lies.

Taylor and Philpot demonstrate that Bagasora was railroaded by the ICTR, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, which sits in Arusha, Tanzania, where he and scores of other Rwandan officials were tried. ICTR is the somewhat lesser-known but equally pernicious mirror image of the more infamous ICTY, or the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.

Attorney Christopher Black, with hands-on experience in both the Hague and Arusha, is unequivocal: “Bagasora was framed up. Not guilty of anything, but this is true of every one of the accused at the Rwanda Tribunal. They were all framed up.”

Black describes the technology of judicial lynching: “The prosecution targeted selected people to try to paint a picture of a government, so a few officers, politicians, party people, administrators, any Hutu intellectuals, etc. were indicted. They concocted stories and charges, all in the name of propaganda to justify the war the West conducted against Rwanda to overthrow its government.

“In 2007 thirty-seven of the [Rwanda] accused sent a letter to the UN declaring that they were political prisoners of the UN. Just think of that, the UN holding political prisoners. And it is a fact that they were.”

Black continues:

“At the time I tried to get some of the accused at the ICTY [the Hague Tribunal] to join this action, but received no replies from anyone. The lawyers at the ICTY were sweetheart lawyers for the most part, except in the case of Milosevic.”

Referring to the structure of the pseudo-judicial twins, ICTR and ICTY, Black says that they are “identical in the way they chose people to target, the way they concocted evidence and arranged witnesses, in the way they tried to ensure that only weak lawyers were allowed to defend the accused (a constant battle at the ICTR), and in their control by NATO personnel at every level and in every department.

They had the same prosecutor in charge of both [Carla Del Ponte], judges that went back and forth between the two, the same appeal chamber, etc. etc. Hans Köchler’s book about the two tribunals, “Global Justice or Global Revenge”, describes it best. He showed how the judges were all finally approved by the US.” Hence, one supposes, the indicative note in the blurb toKöchler’s book, that “the author’s main intention is to reflect upon the legal and philosophical foundations of international criminal law in the context of politics.”

“The two ad hoc tribunals were (and still are in the “Mechanism”) entirely show tribunals created to run show trials to frame up scapegoats for the crimes of the NATO countries involved,” Black concludes with understandable bitterness in his private communication with this author.

Going back to the Herman and Peterson analysis, both “tribunals” have been essential tools in perpetuating crude propaganda fabrications, that otherwise would probably have remained ephemeral, about the Bosnia and Rwanda conflicts by repackaging them in deceptive judicial wrapping.

These sorry excuses for “international courts” are not merely a disservice to jurisprudence, to which they have inflicted incalculable damage, whose full scope will become apparent only with the passage of time. Inexcusably, they are guilty also of an appalling distortion of the historical record, arguably an even more grievous offence that may take much longer to rectify.


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Stephen Karganovic is president of “Srebrenica Historical Project,” an NGO registered in the Netherlands to investigate the factual matrix and background of events that took place in Srebrenica in July of 1995.

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research

Featured image: Building of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in Scheveningen, The Hague. (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

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Next Monday, the day on which Parliament reconvenes, the Hamilton Coalition to Stop The War will organize an informational picket of the constituency office of Filomena Tassi, the new federal Minister of Procurement.

The picket is part of a cross-Canada week of protest to demand that the Trudeau government scrap its plans for these largest procurements in Canadian history, namely, $19 billion for new fighter jets and $82 billion for new warships. But these are only the sticker prices for these proposed new weapons. The lifetime costs of these war machines are actually estimated to be $77 billion and $286 billion respectively.

These procurements effectively mean that Canada won’t be able to afford the costs to transform to a green economy or adequately fund social programs such as medicare. In addition, these weapons are NOT designed to protect the territory of Canada, but rather to carry out Canada’s commitment under NATO to wage aggressive wars on other countries. Finally, the purchase of the war machines will preclude Canada from meeting its climate commitments as the jets alone will burn an estimated 4 trillion litres of jet fuel during their projected thirty-year lifespan.

The in-person, masked, and socially-distant event will take place for one hour outside of the Minister’s office at 1686 Main Street West, Hamilton at 11 am on Monday, November 22, 2021.


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Featured image is from Ken Stone

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Upon admission to a once-trusted hospital, American patients with COVID-19 become virtual prisoners, subjected to a rigid treatment protocol with roots in Ezekiel Emanuel’s “Complete Lives System” for rationing medical care in those over age 50. They have a shockingly high mortality rate. How and why is this happening, and what can be done about it?

As exposed in audio recordings, hospital executives in Arizona admitted meeting several times a week to lower standards of care, with coordinated restrictions on visitation rights. Most COVID-19 patients’ families are deliberately kept in the dark about what is really being done to their loved ones.

The combination that enables this tragic and avoidable loss of hundreds of thousands of lives includes (1) The CARES Act, which provides hospitals with bonus incentive payments for all things related to COVID-19 (testing, diagnosing, admitting to hospital, use of remdesivir and ventilators, reporting COVID-19 deaths, and vaccinations) and (2) waivers of customary and long-standing patient rights by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

In 2020, the Texas Hospital Association submitted requests for waivers to  CMS. According to Texas attorney Jerri Ward, “CMS has granted ‘waivers’ of federal law regarding patient rights. Specifically, CMS purports to allow hospitals to violate the rights of patients or their surrogates with regard to medical record access, to have patient visitation, and to be free from seclusion.” She notes that “rights do not come from the hospital or CMS and cannot be waived, as that is the antithesis of a ‘right.’ The purported waivers are meant to isolate and gain total control over the patient and to deny patient and patient’s decision-maker the ability to exercise informed consent.”

Creating a “National Pandemic Emergency” provided justification for such sweeping actions that override individual physician medical decision-making and patients’ rights. The CARES Act provides incentives for hospitals to use treatments dictated solely by the federal government under the auspices of the NIH. These “bounties” must paid back if not “earned” by making the COVID-19 diagnosis and following the COVID-19 protocol.

The hospital payments include:

  • A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with government-paid fee to hospital.
  • Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.
  • Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.
  • A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.
  • Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.
  • More money to the hospital if cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if patient did not die directly of COVID-19.
  • A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.

CMS implemented “value-based” payment programs that track data such as how many workers at a healthcare facility receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Now we see why many hospitals implemented COVID-19 vaccine mandates. They are paid more.

Outside hospitals, physician MIPS quality metrics link doctors’ income to performance-based pay for treating patients with COVID-19 EUA drugs. Failure to report information to CMS can cost the physician 4% of reimbursement.

Because of obfuscation with medical coding and legal jargon, we cannot be certain of the actual amount each hospital receives per COVID-19 patient. But Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS whistleblowers have calculated a total payment of at least $100,000 per patient.

What does this mean for your health and safety as a patient in the hospital?

There are deaths from the government-directed COVID treatments. For remdesivir, studies show that 71–75 percent of patients suffer an adverse effect, and the drug often had to be stopped after five to ten days because of these effects, such as kidney and liver damage, and death. Remdesivir trials during the 2018 West African Ebola outbreak had to be discontinued because death rate exceeded 50%. Yet, in 2020, Anthony Fauci directed that remdesivir was to be the drug hospitals use to treat COVID-19, even when the COVID clinical trials of remdesivir showed similar adverse effects.

In ventilated patients, the death toll is staggering. A National Library of Medicine January 2021 report of 69 studies involving more than 57,000 patients concluded that fatality rates were 45 percent in COVID-19 patients receiving invasive mechanical ventilation, increasing to 84 percent in older patients. Renz announced at a Truth for Health Foundation Press Conference that CMS data showed that in Texas hospitals, 84.9% percent of all patients died after more than 96 hours on a ventilator.

Then there are deaths from restrictions on effective treatments for hospitalized patients. Renz and a team of data analysts have estimated that more than 800,000 deaths in America’s hospitals, in COVID-19 and other patients, have been caused by approaches restricting fluids, nutrition, antibiotics, effective antivirals, anti-inflammatories, and therapeutic doses of anti-coagulants.

We now see government-dictated medical care at its worst in our history since the federal government mandated these ineffective and dangerous treatments for COVID-19, and then created financial incentives for hospitals and doctors to use only those “approved” (and paid for) approaches.

Our formerly trusted medical community of hospitals and hospital-employed medical staff have effectively become “bounty hunters” for your life. Patients need to now take unprecedented steps to avoid going into the hospital for COVID-19.

Patients need to take active steps to plan before getting sick to use early home-based treatment of COVID-19 that can help you save your life.


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In response to a Freedom of Information Act request, the Centers for Disease and Control said it has no record of an individual previously infected with COVID becoming reinfected or transmitting the virus to others — because the agency doesn’t collect that data.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, said it has no record of an individual previously infected with COVID becoming reinfected and transmitting the virus to others.

The FOIA request, submitted Sept. 2 by attorney Aaron Siri of the Siri & Glimstad law firm on behalf of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), sought the following information:

“Documents reflecting any documented case of an individual who: (1) never received a COVID vaccine; (2) was infected with COVID once, recovered, and then later became infected again; and (3) transmitted SARS-CoV-2 to another person when reinfected.”

The CDC responded Nov. 5, stating:

“A search of our records failed to reveal any documents pertaining to your request. The CDC Emergency Operations Center (EOC) conveyed that this information is not collected.”

According to Siri, the revelation that the CDC does not collect data on people who have acquired natural immunity to the virus raises questions about vaccine mandates, specifically how the the government, or employers can mandate vaccines for people who may not need them and who could be at a greater-than-average risk of experiencing an adverse reaction to the shots.

In a blog post, Siri wrote:

“… yet the CDC is actively crushing the rights of millions of naturally immune individuals in this country if they do not get the vaccine on the assumption they can transmit the virus. But despite clear proof the vaccinated spread the virus, the CDC lifts restrictions on the vaccinated?! That is dystopian.”

Siri added:

“Every single peer reviewed study has found that the naturally immune have far greater than 99% protection from having COVID, and this immunity does not wane. In contrast, the COVID vaccine provides, at best, 95% protection and this immunity wanes rapidly. I am no mathematician, but a constant 99% seems preferable to a 95% that quickly drops.”

The response from the CDC came as part of a broader exchange between the agency and Siri’s law firm, dating back to this past summer, in which ICAN and Siri’s law firm submitted a citizen’s petition to the CDC calling for restrictions on those individuals with natural immunity to be lifted.

What do the data show?

As far back as last year, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, argued, “there is no evidence for lasting protective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following natural infection.”

Yet data collected from numerous studies show just the opposite of what the CDC and public health authorities claim in their far-reaching vaccination campaign. In fact, many studies show individuals who have acquired natural immunity demonstrate a stronger and longer-lasting level of immunity and a decreased likelihood to transmit COVID to others.

The Brownstone Institute, founded in May 2021 in response to “the global crisis created by policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020,” documented 81 peer-reviewed scientific studies which all come to the same conclusion: Natural immunity confers more effective and longer-lasting protection against COVID than vaccine-induced immunity.

The same institute previously documented 30 peer-reviewed scientific studies on natural immunity in relation to COVID infection.

Further examples abound. For instance, the Cleveland Clinic in June published a preprint study showing individuals previously infected with COVID were less likely to be reinfected than fully vaccinated individuals who never contracted the virus.

The authors of the Cleveland Clinic study concluded vaccination provides no additional benefit to those who already have acquired natural immunity.

In another recent preprint study, conducted by Israeli researchers, individuals fully vaccinated with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine were found to be 6 to 13 times more likely to be infected with the Delta variant as compared to those with natural immunity.

The FOIA request filed Siri’s law firm on behalf of ICAN and provided data from numerous other global studies, supported by a group of expert witnesses, including:

  • Research conducted by the National Institutes of Health examined the likelihood of reinfection in people carrying antibodies against COVID, collecting data from more than 3.2 million people who had undergone antibody testing. Researchers found those individuals with antibodies became less likely to test positive for COVID as time went on.

The authors of the study wrote: “The data from this study suggest that people who have a positive result from a commercial antibody test appear to have substantial immunity to SARS-CoV-2, which means they may be at lower risk for future infection.”

  • Official UK government data show a probable reinfection rate of 0.025%, but a vaccine breakthrough rate of 23% for Delta variant infections.
  • An Irish review of 11 cohort studies involving more than 600,000 individuals who recovered from COVID found, in all studies, reinfection was “an uncommon event,” adding that there was “no study reporting an increase in the risk of reinfection over time.”
  • Israel is one of the global leaders in overall vaccination against COVID. Nevertheless, research by the Israeli Health Ministry found vaccinated individuals had 6.72 times the rate of infection as compared to those that had previously contracted COVID.
  • Another Israeli study found the naturally immune had a higher rate of protection against infection, hospitalization and severe illness as compared to those who were vaccinated.
  • In Barnstable County, Massachusetts, despite a 69% vaccination coverage rate among its eligible residents at the time of the study, the CDC found 74% of those infected in a COVID outbreak were fully vaccinated for COVID, and the vaccinated had, on average, a higher presence of the virus in their nasal cavity than the unvaccinated who were infected.
  • Following a COVID outbreak among employees of a gold mine in French Guiana, findings showed no employees with a previous history of infection were reinfected, while 63.2% of employees with no previous history of infection ended up contracting the virus.
  • Findings from researchers at the NYU School of Medicine showed “[i]n COVID patients, immune responses were characterized by a highly augmented interferon response which was largely absent in vaccine recipients.”
  • Researchers at Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark studied the immune response following COVID infections, finding the overwhelming majority of individuals who had recovered from infection had detectable, functional SARS-CoV2 spike-specific adaptive immune responses, making vaccination for any of them redundant.
  • Yale University researchers determined that “plasma from previously infected vaccinated individuals displayed overall better neutralization capacity when compared to plasma from uninfected individuals that also received two vaccine doses.”
  • University of California researchers concluded “[n]atural infection induced expansion of larger CD8 T cell clones occupied distinct clusters, likely due to the recognition of a broader set of viral epitopes presented by the virus not seen in the mRNA vaccine.”
  • A study conducted by the CDC and the Wisconsin’s Department of Health Services evaluated the shedding of infectious COVID and observed high viral load in 68% of fully vaccinated individuals and in 63% of unvaccinated individuals. This demonstrates that those who are vaccinated will not only shed virus, but also will do so at the same rate as the unvaccinated. Most notably, this study did not identify anyone with prior natural infection that had any viral load.
  • Researchers at Osaka University found “the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant is poised to acquire complete resistance to wild-type spike vaccines.”
  • Washington University School of Medicine researchers determined “[p]eople who recover [even] from mild COVID have bone-marrow cells that can churn out antibodies for decades.”

And in a damning revelation coming directly from three Pfizer scientists and officials, leaked and released by Project Veritas as part of its ongoing investigative series on COVID vaccines, Pfizer scientists admitted natural immunity is better than the immunity provided via vaccination. One of the scientists who was exposed making such admissions, Nick Karl, is directly involved in the production of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine. Specifically, he said the following:

“When somebody is naturally immune — like they got COVID — they probably have more antibodies against the virus … When you actually get the virus, you’re going to start producing antibodies against multiple pieces of the virus … So, your antibodies are probably better at that point than the [COVID] vaccination.”

Scientific findings ignored

Despite the mounting evidence that natural immunity is superior to vaccine immunity, and that vaccine immunity wanes faster than originally thought, the CDC continues to recommend everyone over age 5 get the vaccine, and is pushing third and even fourth shots for some people.

In October, the CDC released its own study which the agency said showed vaccination confers superior immunity against COVID, as compared to natural immunity.

Dr. Marty Makary, of Johns Hopkins University, characterized the CDC study as a “highly flawed” study that “flies in the face of science.”

Makary pointed to an analysis by Martin Kulldorff, Ph.D., comparing the CDC study to a preprint study out of Israel which contradicted the CDC’s findings.

Kulldorff, an epidemiologist and biostatistician specializing in infectious disease outbreaks and vaccine safety, and senior scientific director of Brownstone Institute, wrote:

“I have worked on vaccine epidemiology since I joined the Harvard faculty almost two decades ago as a biostatistician. I have never before seen such a large discrepancy between studies that are supposed to answer the same question.

Kulldorff concluded that based on “the solid evidence from the Israeli study,” the COVID-recovered have stronger and longer-lasting immunity against Covid disease than the vaccinated. Hence, there is no reason to prevent them from activities that are permitted to the vaccinated. In fact, it is discriminatory.

Following the CDC’s response to its FOIA request, ICAN, along with Siri & Gilmstad, have threatened to file a lawsuit against the CDC “to redress your actions which are crushing the civil and individual rights of those with natural immunity.”


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Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., is an independent journalist and researcher based in Athens, Greece.

Featured image is from CHD

South Korean Seongnamgate: Will There be a Sequel?

November 19th, 2021 by Dr. Konstantin Asmolov

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The Food and Drug Administration is asking a federal court to allow it to take nearly 55 years to release data on Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine to the public.

The agency said in a court filing Monday that in order to complete a Freedom of Information Act request for data and information on the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, it will need to process 329,000 pages of documents and can only do so at a rate of 500 pages per month. At that rate, the information requested will not be fully released until the year 2076.

The FOIA request was submitted to the FDA in August by Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, a group of more than 30 international public health professionals, medical professionals, scientists, and journalists that “exist solely to obtain and disseminate the data relied upon by the FDA to license COVID-19 vaccines.” The group includes academics and medical experts from Yale, Harvard Medical School, and UCLA; alumni from the Trump administration; and prominent health experts from around the world.

PHMPT is being represented by Siri & Glimstad, a New York-based law firm that has performed millions of dollars of legal work on behalf of groups opposed to vaccine mandates.

The medical transparency group had requested “all data and information for the Pfizer vaccine” including safety and effectiveness data; a protocol for a test or study; adverse reaction reports, product experience reports, consumer complaints, and other similar data and information; a list of all active ingredients and any inactive ingredients; an assay method or other analytical method; all correspondence and written summaries of oral discussions relating to the vaccine; all records showing Pfizer and BioNTech’s testing of a particular lot; and all records showing the testing of and action on a particular lot by the FDA.

PHMPT also made a request for expedited processing of its FOIA submission, arguing there is a “compelling need” for the FDA to speedily release Pfizer vaccine data “because a lack of transparency erodes the confidence the medical and scientific community and the public have in the conclusions reached by the FDA.”

“During a time when COVID-19 vaccine mandates are being implemented over the objection of those that have questions about the data and information supporting the safety and efficacy of the Pfizer Vaccine, and individuals with these questions are being expelled from employment, school, transportation, and the military, the public has an urgent and immediate need to have access to this data,” PHMPT said in its FOIA request.

The group filed a lawsuit in September after the FDA denied their request to expedite the release of its records. In Monday’s court filing, the plaintiff and the defendant are seeking a decision from a judge to resolve a dispute over the disclosure schedule for the requested documents.

“The FDA’s promise of transparency is, to put it mildly, a pile of illusions,” attorney Aaron Siri wrote Wednesday in a blog post about the case.

“It took the FDA precisely 108 days from when Pfizer started producing the records for licensure (on May 7, 2021) to when the FDA licensed the Pfizer vaccine (on August 23, 2021). Taking the FDA at its word, it conducted an intense, robust, thorough, and complete review and analysis of those documents in order to assure that the Pfizer vaccine was safe and effective for licensure,” he wrote.

“While it can conduct that intense review of Pfizer’s documents in 108 days, it now asks for over 20,000 days to make these documents available to the public.”

The FDA argued in the court filing that to comply with federal law it must redact certain information that is exempt from the records request filed by the plaintiff. Information about Pfizer-BioNTech’s confidential business and trade secrets and personal privacy data on patients who participated in clinical trials are examples of documents the FDA is prohibited by law from releasing.

“Reviewing and redacting records for exempt information is a time-consuming process that often requires government information specialists to review each page line-by-line,” the FDA told the court. “When a party requests a large amount of records, like Plaintiff did here, courts typically set a schedule whereby the processing and production of the non-exempt portions of records is made on a rolling basis.”

The FDA said that court precedent has determined a rate of 500 pages per month to be an efficient response to a large request like the one filed by PHMPT. The agency also said it’s FOIA response office does not have enough funding or staff to answer the request at a quicker pace and that if the plaintiff wishes to hurry the process along, the group can do so by narrowing the scope of their document request.

The plaintiff argues the FDA should complete the FOIA request no later than March 3, 2022. “This 108-day period is the same amount of time it took the FDA to review the responsive documents for the far more intricate task of licensing Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine,” the plaintiff told the court.

“The ability of a majority of Americans to participate in civil society, and even exercise basic liberty rights, are now contingent on receiving this product,” PHMPT’s lawyers wrote, noting that President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates have made vaccination a condition of employment for millions of Americans.

“There are few whose livelihood, education, service, and participation in civil society are not contingent on a government requirement to receive this product. On this basis alone, basic liberty and government transparency demand that the documents and data submitted by Pfizer to license this product be made available to Plaintiff and the public forthwith, precisely as contemplated by federal regulations,” the plaintiff said.

“The entire purpose of the FOIA is to assure government transparency,” the plaintiff told the judge. “It is difficult to imagine a greater need for transparency than immediate disclosure of the documents relied upon by the FDA to license a product that is now being mandated to over 100 million Americans under penalty of losing their careers, their income, their military service status, and far worse.”

The FDA granted full approval for Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine on August 23, 2021, under the label Comirnaty.

Earlier this month, a now-former employee of Ventavia Research Group, one of the companies contracted with Pfizer to run its Phase III vaccine clinical trials, made allegations that raised questions about the data submitted before Comirnaty received FDA approval.

Brook Jackson, a former regional director for Ventavia, told the British Medical Journal that her company “falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III trial.”

After Jackson notified Ventavia of these issues, she emailed a complaint to the FDA and was fired within hours.

According to investigative reporter Paul Thacker, the FDA did not inspect Ventavia’s trial sites even though it was alerted to the issues.

Ventavia has since said it is investigating the allegations.

In a statement to the Epoch Times, the FDA declined to comment on the Ventavia matter but said it “has full confidence in the data that were used to support the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine authorization and the Comirnaty approval.”

As of Nov. 17, more than 258,642,454 doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in the United States.


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